Bulletin Daily Paper 10/11/12

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Serving Central Oregon since 1903 75g

THURSDAY October 11,2012

e r.a ore c unin season All aboutsugar SPORTS• D1



e enera ion: C. Oregon schools get mixed gl acies

from state By Ben Botkin

iscomin o en,

OMC OSUMS Se 0 5 I'cIIA COU By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Banks are moving hundreds of local foreclosures into the Deschutes County Circuit Court, in a shift poised to stretch the court's resources amid shrinking state funding and employee furloughs. And more trials on contested fore­ closures could mean less time for the circuit court's seven judges to hear other cases, court officials said.

"We have definitely seen a change The circuit court scheduled 323 initial foreclosure hearings between on a d a ily b asis," said Deschutes January a n d S e p tember, a ccord­ County Circuit Court Presiding Judge ing to figures from the trial court Alta Brady. "We have many more (foreclosure) administrator. That's more than double the 158 cases we' re dealing with judicially. If hearings scheduled for all of 2011. there are more contested trials, then It's up more than sixfold from the those are trials that will take place on 50 hearings scheduled in 2010, when our docket. There could be an increase more than 3,700 notices of default in the overall volume of trial work for us, were filed in Deschutes County. but we have to handle whatever cases

come our way." That increase has played out just in the last few months, Brady said. In a double blow, the state's new foreclosure mediation law, coupled with an Oregon Court of Appeals rul­ ing against lenders that use an elec­ tronic database to record mortgage transfers,have changed the industry's foreclosuregame plan. See Hearings/A5

The Bulletin

The Oregon Department of Education released its school report cards today, and work will start in the months ahead to re­ shape the re­ • How p ort ca r d sys­

State says l(night lied about continuing education

did your t ern that gives child's school rate? Find out, A6

the public a sna p s hot of how schools ar e f a ring. The report cards rate schools based on a vari­ ety of factors like student achievement in reading and math tests, student gains in achievement, and graduation and attendance rates. Under the system, each school gets a rating of out­ standing, satisfactory or in need of improvement. But this is the last year for the currentreport card system, which faces an overhaul in preparation for next year. The state is redesigning the report cards as required by Oregon's flexibility waiver under the federal No Child Left Behind Act. "Part of having strong, vibrant and successful

By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

The owner and devel­ oper of the expanded wing of Deschutes Brew­ ery's Public House could lose his professional engineer li­ cense for al­

' re

legedly tell­ ing a state board that Knig h t he took con­ tinuing education classes that the board claims he did not. Doug Knight, a can­ didate for Bend City Council, touts his techni­ cal expertise as a civil engineer as one of the reasons voters should choose him. On Wednesday, Knight said the Oregon State Board of Examiners for

schools is having engaged and informed families and communities," said ODE Deputy Superin­ tendent Rob Saxton in a statement. Central Oregon's suc­ cess varies compared to the overall state average, depending on which rating is examined. For example, a higher percentageofCentral Or­

Engineering and Land Surveying had allowed him to "retroactively" ac­ cumulate the continuing education hours neces­ sary to renew his profes­ sional engineer's license and the board changed the rules without inform­

egon schools got the high­ est rating. Thirty-one percent of the state's schools in Oregon got an outstanding rank­ ing, 364 out of 1, 155. See Report card /A6

Rob Kerr / The Bulletin

BendFilm volunteer Katey Kelley sets up a merchandise display in the Liberty Theater in downtown Bend Wednesday in prepara­ tion of the film festival's opening day. The space, deemed the "Hub" for festival goers, will house the box office, merchandise and general information. The hours will be today, noon to 8 p.m.; Friday and Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.; and Sunday, 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. To learn more about BendFilm, including an electronic guide to the festival and a schedule of film screenings, go to www.bendfilm.org.

State Dept. rejected requests for additional securi in Libya Tribune Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — Senior State Department officials acknowledged to Congress on Wednesday that they had turned down requests to send more U.S. military personnel to guard diplomatic facilities in Lib­ ya shortly before the Sept. 11 attack that killed the U.S. ambassador and threeother Americans. But Charlene Lamb, deputy as­ sistant secretary in charge of dip­ lomatic security, argued that secu­

rity at the U.S. mission in Benghazi was appropriate for known threats related to t h e 1 1th a n niversary of the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks in America. "We hadthe correct number of as­ sets in Benghazi at the time of 9/11," Lamb testified. She said the consulate had five diplomatic security agents, plus sev­ eral U.S.-trained Libyan guards and members of a local militia on stand­ by, when the attack occurred. The testimony came during a politically charged four-hour hear­

OP We userecycled newsprint


88267 02329


campaign. Eric Nordstrom, the former re­ gional security officer in Libya, tes­ tified that a few more armed Ameri­ cans would not have repelled the or­ ganized nightlong assault by dozens of heavily armed extremists. See Libya /A5


An Independent

ae T esct i ons

ing of the Republican-led House Oversight and Government Reform Committee that focused on whether warnings were ignored beforethe attack, an issue that has put the Obama administration on the de­ fensive in the heat of a presidential


Calendar 83 Crosswords B5,G2 LocalNews C1-6 Stocks E2-3 Classified G1-4 Editorials C 4 O u ting 81- 6 T V & Movies 82

See Knight /A5

Health caredirection awaits verdict of presidential election Inside

By Abby Goodnough and Robert Pear New York Times News Service

By Ken Dilanian and Kathleen Hennessey

ing him.

Joyce Beck, who runs a small hos­ pital and network of medical clinics in rural Nebraska, is reluctant to plan for the future until voters decide be­ tween President Barack Obama and Mitt Romney. The candidates' sharply divergent proposals for M edicare, Medicaid and coverage of the uninsured have created too much uncertainty, she explained. "We are all on hold, waiting to see what the election brings," said Beck, chief executive of T h ayer County Health Services, based in


• Vice President Joe Biden andRep.Paul Ryan prepare for tonight's debate, A2 • The vice presidential debate will be televised beginning at 6 p.m. on ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, CSpan, CNN, Fox News and MSNBC. Hebron. When Americans go to the polls next month, they will cast a vote not just for president but for one of two profoundly different visions for the future of the country's health care system. See Election/A6

TQp NE~S ARMSTRONG: Dopingagencysays

Page G6

CyCliStWaSkey Player in SCheme, A3



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Discoveries, brealzthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you needto fanow to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.




at i en, annee to By Richard S. Dunham



VX'X I 8 , .'1X >' BIDE N 4



information." 3. Pay attention to details. Ryan tripped up recently when Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace tried to pin him down on details of the Rom­ ney-Ryan tax cut plan. He has said, in various venues, that the issue is too complicated to discuss on radio or television.

Hearst Newspapers

His­ WASHINGTON ­ torically, "vice presidential debates have not mattered," said Emory University debate coach Bill Newnam. But all t h a t c h anged in the aftermath o f P r esident Obama's disastrous perfor­ mance in the first presidential debate last week, helping Re­ publican Mitt Romney erase the Democratic incumbent's yearlong lead in the polls. "The stakes in (tonight's) de­ bate are astronomical for both candidates," said University of Michigan debate director Aaron Kali. Here's what Vice President Joe Bidenand Republican vice presidential n o m inee P a ul Ryan need to do tonight dur­ ing their encounter at Centre College in Danville, Ky.

It's Thursday, Oct. 11, the 285th day of 2012. There are 81 days left in the year.

That excuse won't fly during

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a' Bruce Schreiner /The Associated Press

A sign in a business windowtouts the vice presidential debate at Centre College in downtown Danville, Ky. The debate is scheduled for tonight.

a 90-minute vice presidential debate. "Ryan is going to be on the defensive," said Newnam. "He's going to try to explain how things add up." How can you cut everybody's tax rates by 20 percent, cut business taxes and end up with a rev­ enue-neutral tax plan'? Ryan needs a concise, Romney-like answer to the all-but-certain question.

4. Fight to a draw(or win) on

Biden needs to convince av­ erage Americans that Ryan's past support for cuts in mid­ joe Biden dle-class entitlements such as 1. Stop the bleeding. college financial aid and Medi­ Before the first debate, the care could hurt them person­ Obama-Biden ticket was lead­ ally. "Biden wants to remind ing in th e RealClearPolitics people of the Ryan budget and poll index by an average of the impact on their lives," said 4 percentage points. Tues­ American University politi­ day, for the first time in 2012, cal communication professor Romney and Ryan took the Dotty Lynch, "especially if lead. "Obama didn't just hurt Medicare is changed and gov­ himself, he hurt the brand," ernment programs like Medic­ said independent pollster John aid and student loans are cut." Zogby. "There's a lot of pres­ 4. Look like the only grown­ sure on Biden. He has to get up on the stage on international them back on track because issues. they' re bleeding now." Joe Biden has been a player 2. Attack, attack, attack! (But on foreign policy issues since in a systematic way.) Paul Ryan was, well, 3 years Obama found himself on old.The vice president needs the defensive from the first to use his knowledge and re­ moments of the first debate. cord, as senator and vice presi­ His running mate must seize dent, to his advantage. "He will the offensive and relentlessly challenge Ryan on his lack of critique Ryan's record as experience and also criticize chairman of the House Budget Romney," said Jim Granato, Committee, as well as Team director of the Hobby Center Romney's economic and for­ for Public Affairs at the Uni­ eign policy proposals. "It's the versity of Houston. vice presidential candidate's 5. Don'tbeabully. It's fine to be Fightin' Joe, role to go out and attack the otherside,"said Sherri Green­ champion of the middle class. berg, director of the Center for It's not OK to be Mr. McNasty Politics and Governance at the or Mr. McDirty. Americans University of Texas' Lyndon B. don't mind some tough, sub­ Johnson School of Public Af­ stantive exchanges. But per­ fairs. One cautionary note: It' s sonal attacks o r r e l entless possible to be too aggressive. negativism could backfire and (Examples: Al Gore invading make Ryan a more sympa­ George W. Bush's space at thetic figure. their first debate in 2000. Or 6. Don't commit amajor gaffe Jimmy Carter's serial attacks that will dominate the headlines on Ronald Reagan in 1980, whatever else happens in the ending with Reagan's retort, debate. "There you go again.") R epublicans are quick to 3. Win the budget/tax battle. note that Joe Biden is a hu­

man gaffe machine. He can terrify his handlers by saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. A whopper during to­ night's big showdown would definitely be the wrong time. "Joe Biden must be 'gaffe-free' and aggressive," said Steven Schier, a political science pro­ fessor at C a rleton College. "His job is to reveal the short­ comings of the Romney-Ryan approach far m o r e c l early than the president did in his first debate."

Medicare and Social Security. Biden is sure to attack Ryan

forproposing to replaceMedi­

care with a voucher program for Americansborn after1957. And for s upporting former President George W. Bush's plan to partially privatize So­ cial Security. Over-65 voters could well decide the results in Florida, Ohio and Iowa. And baby boomers are anxious about any possible changes in their government retirement plans. Ryan doesn't have to win the argument with Biden. Paul Ryan But he has to avoid a clear 1. Keep the momentumdefeat. 5. Sound competent on for­ going. A win or a tie is fine for eign policy. the Wisconsin lawmaker. He Ryan is an undisputed ex­ just wants to make sure that pert on budget matters, but he he doesn't do anything that has not been a major player reverses the gains created by on international issues. He Romney's aggressive, self-as­ needs to show a nuanced un­ sured performance in the first derstanding o f g e o political debate. "The task for the Rom­ matters. And he must avoid ney campaign is to maintain any misstatements on foreign the momentum generated by policy. " Ryan will h ave t o the first presidential debate," demonstrate he can articulate said Schier. "That means Paul — and is informed on — for­ Ryan cannot afford to lose the eign policy, given Biden's large debate." advantage in foreign policy 2. Avoid wonkishness. experience," said Granato. Like P r esident O b a ma, 6. Look like he could be a Ryan can be professorial and president. wonkish. He needs to ditch The gravitas thing. D an the green eyeshades and talk Q uayle f l u nked t h i s t e s t about budget and tax choices against Lloyd Bentsen in 1988 ("you' re no Jack Kennedy" ) in a way that resonate with average Americans. "Con­ and then against Al Gore in

gressman Ryan's specialty is

1992. (Of course, Quayle and

giving power-point presenta­ tions that involve a lot of data and visual aids," said Kali. "He will be without those aids dur­ ing the debate and must find a way to verbally integrate this

George Bush were elected in '88 anyway) Ryan is no Dan Quayle, but he does have ques­ tions to answer. "He's only 42," said Zogby. "He's got to show that he belongs there."

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

POWERBALL The numbers drawn Wednesday night are:

29Q Q fs Q 26Q 35 Q 43 9 The estimated jackpot is now $60 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Wednesday night are

44 OsO»040sO»0 The estimated jackpot is now $8.8 million.

with San Francisco at Cincinnati and Detroit at Oakland in decisive fifth games

of those series. St. Louis can close out its series by beating Washington and New York

can do the samewith a win at home over Baltimore.O1, O4

IN HISTORY Highlights: In 1811, the first

steam-powered ferryboat, the Juliana (built by John

Stevens), was put into operation between New York City and Hoboken, N.J. In 1962, Pope John XXIII

convened the first session of the Roman Catholic Church's

Second Vatican Council, also known as "Vatican 2." In 1992, in the first of three presidential debates, three

candidates faced off against each other in St. Louis, Mo. — President George H.W.

Bush, Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton and businessman Ross Perot.

Ten years ago:Former President Jimmy Carter won the Nobel Peace Prize. A man was shot to death at a gas station near Fredericksburg, Va., in the latest slaying by the Washington-area sniper.

A chain reaction crash on a foggy interstate nearCedar Grove, Wis., killed 10 people and injured 40 others.

Five years ago:The Bush administration reported that the federal budget deficit had fallen to $162.8 billion in the

just-completed budget year, the lowest amount of red ink in

five years. One year ago:U.S.officials accused agents of the Iranian government of plotting to assassinate the Saudi ambassador to the U.S.

BIRTHDAYS Author Elmore Leonard is 87.

Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., is 62. Pro Football Hall of Famer Steve Young is 51. Actress

Joan Cusack is 50. Rock musician Scott Johnson (Gin

Blossoms) is 50. Actor Sean Patrick Flanery is 47.Actor singer-songwriter ToddSnider is 46. Actor-comedian Artie

Home deliveryandE-Edition:

One month: $14.50 By mail outsideDeschutes County:Onemonth: $1 8 E-Edition only:Onemonth: $8

divisional playoffs continue

Luke Perry is 46. Country

TO SUBSCRIBE One month: $11 (Print only:$10.50) By mail in Deschutes County:

• Major League Baseball's

Lange is 45. Actress Jane Krakowski is 44. Rapper U­

Jill Bidensteps upinvolvement in campaign By Krissah Thompson

not campaigning."

The Washington Post

The O b am a c a m paign, There's the scripted world which refers to th e second of national politics and then lady as Dr. Biden in a nod to there's Jill Biden. her 2007 doctorate in educa­ The vice president's wife will tion from the University of take her spot in the front row at Delaware, has set up Biden, 61, her husband's debate tonight in as itseverywoman. Since her Kentucky but only after a full steady performance introduc­ day of teaching at Northern ing her husband at the Demo­ Virginia Community College. cratic N ational C o nvention This week is midterms. last month, the campaign has Politics is Joe's thing, Biden sent Jill Biden to about 20 sec­ has said. Teaching is hers. ond-tier and suburban markets Yet, in recent weeks, she has in Pennsylvania, M ichigan, been doing more and more of New Hampshire and Minne­ his thing, becoming an integral sota, where it is trying to reach part of her husband and Presi­ women and rally supporters. dent Barack Obama's reelec­ At the same time, Biden has tion campaign. Unlike Joe, Jill rarely makes the kind of verbal missteps that have become a part of the vice president's political narrative. Republicans seem always at the readyto pounce on the next possible gaffe of the loquacious ad-libber. Jill, who has been married to Joe for35 years,ha sa different approach. Behind a lectern, she can seem stiff and studious, like the instructor she is. Even after 13 campaigns for her hus­ band and son Beau, who serves as Delaware's attorney general, she is still not quite comfortable speaking to crowds. Some say that this slight awkwardness and the absence of campaign­ R R D slick tactics are assets. D D LF' "She could be your mother, play smart your friend,your sister, your neighbor. It's that feeling you get with her," said Stephanie Cutter, deputy manager of the I • • I' . • Obama campaign. "The sign of a good campaigner is to make people think that you' re

carved outa rare place in the annals of p olitical spouses. Each Tuesday and Thursday, she spends a full day at North­ ern Virginia Community Col­ lege, where she teaches en­ try-level English. The grand­ mother of five also makes time to babysit, as she did in Wilm­ ington, Del., last w eekend. She and Joe have three grown children, daughter Ashley and sons Beau and Hunter, whom Jill adopted when she married Joe, a young widower who had recently been elected to the U.S. Senate. "She just makes it work," Beau Biden said of his mom's

God (Wu-TangClan) is 42.

full schedule. "She's just tough, and when she dives into some­ thing — like she has — she is going to find the time to make it work."

Actress Emily Deschanel is 36. Actor Matt Bomer is 35. Actor

Trevor Donovan is 34.Actress Michelle Trachtenberg is 27. Golfer Michelle Wie is 23. — From wire reports

V " tk )

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ustices By Adam Liptak

ot si es' a ers doping evidence

little benefit?" he asked. Justice Sonia S otomayor WASHINGTON — The Su­ summarized thecentral ques­ preme Court on Wednesday tion in t h e c ase. "At what heard arguments in a major point — when — do we stop affirmative action case, with deferring to the university's the justices debating the na­ judgment that race is still nec­ ture and value of diversity in essary?" she asked. "That's the higher education and the role leged backgrounds. bottom line of this case." "What you' re saying," Ken­ of the courts in policing how The last time the Supreme much weight admissions offi­ nedy said, "is that what counts Court heard a major affirma­ cers may assign to race. is race above all." tive action case about admis­ T he questioning was b y He asked a lawyer for Abi­ sion to public universities, in turns c austic, e x asperated gail Fisher, a white woman April 2003, Justice Sandra and despairing, and it brought who was denied admission D ay O' Connor was a t t h e into sharp relief how much to the university, whether the court's ideological center. And has changed since the court modest racial preferences it was she who wrote the ma­ last addressed these issues in used bythe university crossed jority opinion in the court's 2003. The member of the court a constitutional line. Then he 5-4 ruling allowing race to be who now probably holds the p roposed an answer to h i s considered in admission de­ decisive vote, Justice Anthony own question. cisions, as one factor among "Are you saying that you Kennedy, tipped his hand only many. She attended Wednes­ day's argument. a little, asking a few questions shouldn't impose this hurt or that indicated discomfort with this injury, generally, for so It seemed tolerably clear New York Times News Service

at leastsome race-conscious admissions programs. He told a lawyer for the University of Texas at Austin, which was challenged over its policies, that he wa s u ncomfortable with its efforts to attract mi­ nority students from p r ivi­

t he four

m e mbers o f t h e

court's conservative wing were ready to act to revise the Grutter decision. Chief Justice John Roberts asked whether someone who was "one-eighth Hispanic" count­ ed as Hispanic, suggesting that the exercise of sorting people by r ace and ethnic background was unworkable if not absurd. He appeared to grow frus­ trated when h e r e peatedly asked the university's lawyer, Gregory Garre,how the court would know when a "critical mass" of m inority students had been achieved. Garre gave only a general answer. The court's more l i beral members said there was no reason to abandon the earlier framework.

overwhelming By Mason Levinson Bloomberg News

N EW YORK — L a n c e A rmstrong an d t h e U . S . Postal Service cycling team conducted "the most sophis­ ticated, professionalized and

successful doping program that sport has ever seen," the U.S. Anti-Doping A gency sard. T he agency said i n a n emailed statement by Travis Tygart, its chief executive of­ ficer, that it had compiled more than 1,000 pages of evidence against Armstrong and the team, which was sent Wednesday to the Inter­ national Cycling Union, the World Anti-Doping Agency and the W o rl d T r i athlon



Pakistanis outraged by shooting of girl ISLAMABAD — Schools shut their doors in protest, and Pakistanis across the country held vigils Wednes­ day to pray for a 14-year-old girl who was shot by a Tal­ iban gunman after daring to advocate education for girls and criticize the mili­ tant group. The shooting of Malala Yousufzai on Tuesday in the town of Mingora in the volatile Swat Valley hor­ rified P a kistanis a c ross the religious, political and ethnic spectrum. Many in the country hoped the at­ tack and the outrage it has sparked will be a turning point in P a kistan's long­ running battle against the Taliban, which still enjoys considerable public support for fighting U.S. forces in neighboring Afghanistan. Top U.S. officials con­ demned the attack and of­ fered to help the girl. Malala appeared to be out of immediate danger af­ ter doctors operated on her early Wednesday to remove a bullet lodged in her neck. But she remained in inten­ sive care at a hospital in the northwestern city of Pesha­ war, and Pakistan's interior minister said the next 48 hours would be crucial.

China officials toskip meeting inTokyo TOKYO — Two top Chi­ nese officials will not at­ tend international financial m eetings i n T o ky o t h i s week, in an apparent snub aimed at showing China's displeasure with J a pan's handling of a dispute over i slands claimed by b o t h Asian nations. The last-minute cancel­ lation, confirmed by Japa­ nese officials on Wednes­ day, came as a Japanese news agency reported that Tokyo may try to defuse the standoff by officially acknowledging f o r th e first time that China also claims t h e u n i n h abited islands in the East China Sea, known as the Sen­ kaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.

Free-fall record try set for Sunday LOS ANGELES — After two postponed attempts, daredevil Felix Baumgart­ ner will try again to break the world's free-fall record at 23 miles above Roswell, N .M., andbecome the first skydiver t o s u r pass t h e speed of sound. The next attempt at the jump from 120,000 feet is now set for Sunday. Baumgartner, 43, is seek­ ing to shatter a record set by Air Force test pilot Joe Kittinger in 1960. The world record stands at 102,800 feet, more than 19 miles. Baumgartner's m i ssion was first set for Monday then again Tuesday, but both attempts were can­ celed due to high winds. — From wire reports

+ ~a x


Burhan Ozbilici /The Associated press

People gather atop the aircraft steps of a Syrian airliner that was forced by Turkish jets to land Wednesday at Esenboga Airport in Ankara, Turkey. Turkish officials suspected the airliner of carryingheavy weapons from Moscow to Damascus.

Turkey intercepts airliner as top general warnsSyria From wire reports ANKARA, Turkey — Turk­ ish state-run TV station TRT reportsthat Turkey has forced a Syrian passenger plane to land at an Ankara airport. TRT says the Airbus A320 coming from Moscow was in­ tercepted by F-16 jets Wednes­ day as i t e n t ered Turkish airspace and escortedto the capital's Esenboga Airport. The station reported that the plane was suspected of carrying heavy weapons to

Damascus. A Turkish Foreign Ministry official confirmed that a Syr­ ian plane was forced to land in Ankara, and that authorities were "inspecting the plane" but would not provide further information.

Meanwhile, T urkey's top

general warned of a tougher response if Syrian shells con­ tinue to land on Turkish soil following six days of retalia­ tory barrages by his forces against President Bashar al­

Assad's army. General Necdet Ozel, chief of the Turkish general staff, made the comments Wednes­ day as he inspected troops in Akcakale as well as the bor­ der town of Suruc in Sanliurfa province, CNN-Turk television said. "If it continues, we will make a stronger response," the NTV television website quoted Ozel as saying about the shelling. "We retaliated immediately, we also inflicted losses."

Court upholds S.Carolina voter IDlaw, but delaysenforcementtill after election By Suzanne Gamboa The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — A three­ judge panel has upheld South Carolina's law requiring voters to show photo identification but has delayed enforcement until next year — adding to the list of states that have had to post­ pone or drop strict ID or voting laws they wanted in place for the Nov. 6 elections. The f Wednes­ day found that the law was not discriminatory because of the safeguards in it, but would re­ quire more time to put those protections against discrimina­ tion in place. The move follows a string of re­ cent voter law decisions. In Penn­ sylvania, a judge blocked the state from enforcing its voter ID law next month, saying voters would have trouble getting IDs before elections. A federal appeals court forced Ohio to reinstate three early voting days leading up to elections. And in Mississippi last week, state officials announced they could not enforce photo ID requirements for this year's elec­ tions after the Juslice Department asked for more details on the law. Courts also have blocked voter ID laws in Texas and Wisconsin. In several states, though, photo ID laws are in effect­ such as in Indiana, Georgia and Tennessee.


The files contains "direct documentary evidence in­ cluding financial payments, emails, scientific data and laboratory test results that further prove the use, pos­ session and distribution of performance-enhancing drugs by Lance Armstrong and confirm the disappoint­ ing truth about the decep­ tive activities of the USPS Team, a team that received tens of millions of American taxpayer dollars in funding," Tygart said. It also i n cludes sworn testimony from 26 people, i ncluding 1 5 r i d ers w i t h knowledge of the U.S. Post­ al team's doping activities, Tygart said. Among the rid­ ers U S AD A in t e rviewed was George Hincapie, Arm­ strong's teammate for each of his record seven Tour de France victories from 1999 to 2005, as well as teammates Frankie A n dreu, M i chael Barry, Tom Danielson, Tyler Hamilton, Floyd Landis, Levi Leipheimer, Stephen Swart, Christian Vande Velde, Jon­ athan Vaughters, and David Zabriskie. Tygart said any active cy­ clist in the group had been suspended and disqualified "appropriately in line with the rules." Armstrong ha s c o nsis­ tently denied using perfor­ mance- enhancing drugs or otherwise violating anti-dop­ ing rules. Timothy Herman, a lawyer for Armstrong, said Wednesday in an emailed statement that the USADA file "will b e a o n e -sided hatchet job" and labeled the

process "a government-fund­ ed witch hunt." Hincapie posted a state­ ment on his website Wednes­ day saying he used perfor­ m ance-enhancing dr ug s prior to r i ding "clean" for the last six years. He never had been publicly l i nked with the use of performance enhancers. "Because of my love for the sport, the contributions I feel I have made to it, and the amount the sport of cycling has given to me over the years, it is extremely difficult today to acknowledge that during a partof my career I used banned substances," Hincapie said in the state­ ment. "Early in my profes­ sional career, it became clear to me that, given the wide­ spread use of performance enhancing drugs by cyclists at the top of the profession, it was not possible to compete at the highest level without them. I deeply regret that choice and sincerely apolo­ gize to my family, teammates and fans." T he cycling u nion, t h e federation that oversees the sport and goes by the French acronym of UCI, the World Anti-Doping Agency, known as WADA, and the triathlon corporation, or WTC, have the right to appeal USADA's findings to the Court of Ar­ bitration for Sport, the top court for athletic disputes. Armstrong switched to tri­ athlon after retiring f r om

cycling. A rmstrong, 4 1 , was banned for life from com­ petitive cycling and all oth­ er Olympic-related sports and stripped of his Tour de France titles on Aug. 23 after opting not to fight USADA's

drug allegations. Pat McQuaid, the presi­ dent of UCI, has questioned USADA's delay in sending its files in the Armstrong case, saying at a news conference on Sept. 22 that "they' ve al­ ready made a decision based on it and therefore it's dif­ ficult to understand why it hasn't arrived yet." Armstrong, three doctors and two officials from his former U.S. PostalService cycling team were notified by USADA in June that they had been accused of using and trafficking i n p e rfor­ mance-enhancing drugs.

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.:.-+:." Such laws became priority is- o r a bridging the right to vote sues in mostly Republican legisla­ based on race or color, according 222 SF Reedktarket Road 3BB-0022 tutes and for governors after the t o the decision. 2008 elect ions. Opponents have d~ them as responses to the tecord turnouts of minorities and other Democntic-leaning con­ slituencies that helped put Barack Obama, the first African-Ameri­ can ptesident, in the White House. Debate over the laws inten­ sified in part because of the tight presidential race between We would like to announce that Obama and Republicanchal­ Dr. Eric Shreve lenger Mitt Romney. Support­ has joined our team. ers havepitched these laws as necessaryto deter voterfraud, even if very few cases of voter Dr Shreve grew Up in Cincinnati. After completing i mpersonation h a v e be e n his undergraduate degree at W a bash College found. Dr. Eric Shreve "Would I have loved for it to in Indiana, he completed his Medical Degree at happen in 2012? Absolutely. University of cincinnati. He performed a general But do not lose sight that this surgery internship at University of Louisville and was a powerful fight that we re­ then finished his Urology Residency at University ally had to scratch and kick to get done," said South Carolina of Cincinnati. Gov. Nikki Haley. The judges said in their unani­ While at the University of Iowa, he trained in a m ous decision there was no dis­ criminatory intent behind the fellowship program f o r r e c onstructive urologic law, ruling that it would not di­ surgery. He has specialized training in DaVinci robotic minish African-Americans' vot­ surgery as well as prosthetics and incontinence. ing rights because people who face a "reasonable impediment" to getting an acceptable photo ID For appointments call 541-382-6447 can still vote if they sign an affi­ Dr Shreve is currently seeing patients in Bend and Redmond. davit. Without that provision, the law may have run into problems under Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act, which bars denying

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Libya Continued from A1 He called the attack unprec­ edented in its "ferocity and intensity." But Nordstrom, who l eft Libya in July, sharply criti­ cized his State Department supervisors for ignoring his concerns about the growing risk of armed militias and ex­ tremist groups in Benghazi. N ordstrom said h e w a s frustrated by "a complete and total absence of planning" to improve security. "When I requested assets, I was criti­ cized.. It was a hope that ev­ erything would get better." Lt. CoL Andrew Wood, who headed a 16-member U.S. mil­ itary team assigned to protect the embassy in Tripoli, said decision makers in Washing­ ton did not appreciate how security had deteriorated in Benghazi. Wood noted that the British Consulate was closed after as­ sailants fired rocket-propelled grenades at the British ambas­ sador's car in June. The United

Hearings Continued from A1 More cases could h e ad the court's way in the next few months, court staffers, mortgage industry officials and attorneys said. A long­ term fix is unlikely until the O regon L e g i slature c o n ­ v enes in February, at t h e earliest. "Could y o u ex t r a polate that more judicial time is be­ ing taken on t h ese cases? Yes," said Jeff Hall, Deschutes County Circuit Court's trial court administrator. "The numbers are there. I think it would be fair to say that we are expecting that more foreclosures will contin­ ue to be pursued through the judicial process." That couldhave a huge im­ pact for the court. Court staff must take 10 to 15 furlough days between July 1, 2011, and June 30, 2013, due to a 30 percent drop in state funding for circuit courts. The mediation law, Senate Bill 1552, took effect July 11. It gives homeowners at risk of n o njudicial f o r eclosure the right to request a media­ tion session with their lend­ .



ers, in hopes of finding an alternative. The nonjudicial track has l ong been th e m e thod o f choicefor lenders to foreclose o n homeowners who m i s s loan payments in Oregon. T he process starts w i t h a lender n otifying a b o r ­ rower of a default on his or her mortgage. The l e nder can foreclose out of court if the borrower doesn't pay up within 90 days. Just a week after the medi­ ation law took effect, the Ore­ gon Court of Appeals ruled in favor of Rhododendron resi­ dent Rebecca Niday against Mortgage Electronic Regis­ tration Systems, or M E RS, saying the electronic registry company did not properly re­ cord each transfer in Niday's mortgage before moving to foreclose.

States was the last Western nation to operate a diplomatic mission in the restive city that helped lead the uprising that toppled and killed Libyan ruler Moammar Gadhafi last year. "I almost expected the at­ tack to come," said Wood, a member of the Utah National Guard. "We were the last flag flying. It was a matter of time." Wood's team left Libya in August after Lamb had re­ fused to approve extending their assignment for a second time. She said the State De­ partment planned to turn over most basic protective duties to a Libyan guard force, part of a decade-long shift away from using U.S. Marines to protect embassies. Lamb said the mix of State Department officers, Libyan guards and militiamen "could do the same function" as the U.S. military. Republicans on th e com­ mittee repeatedly criticized the Obama administration for initially describing the attack as a spontaneous outbreak of mob violence following an

anti-American protest of an Internet video lampooning the Prophet Muhammad. "This was never about a vid­ eo," yelled Rep. Trey Gowdy, R-S.C. "This was never spon­ taneous, this was terror, and we have to ask why we were lied to." Speaking to reporters later W ednesday, W h it e H o u se spokesman Jay Carney said that administration officials, including U.N. A mbassador Susan Rice, had relied on pre­ l iminary i n f ormation f r o m U.S. i n telligence a g encies when they gave their initial assessments. " From the beginning w e have provided i n formation based on the facts that we knew as they became avail­ able and based on assessments by the intelligence community — not opinions — assessments by the intelligence communi­ ty," Carney said. "And we have been clear all along that this was an ongoing investigation, that as more facts became available, we would make you aware of them as appropriate,

and we' ve done that." Carney would not comment directly on allegations that the administration had denied re­ quests to improve security at the consulate in Benghazi. "There is no question that when four American person­ nel are killed in an attack on a diplomatic facility, that the se­ curity there was not adequate to prevent that from happen­ ing," he said. "It is not an ac­ ceptable outcome, obviously." Republican p re s i dential nominee Mitt Romney's cam­ paign used the testimony to hammer the Obama White H ouse for w h a t i t ca l l ed "incomplete a n d in d i r ect

responses." "There are many questions about whether or not the ad­ ministration properly heeded warnings, provided adequate security or told the American people the whole truth in the aftermath of the attack," Lan­ hee Chen, Romney's policy di­ rector, said in a statement. "On an issue of this importance, nothing short of full and com­ plete candor is acceptable."

an ex t raordinary a m o unt — the m o nthly r e scission average in 2011 was 149 — it Notices of default — the first step in an out-of-court stands out when compared foreclosure proceeding — have practically disappeared since with the three new default a foreclosure mediation law and an Oregon Supreme Court notices filed in September, ruling changed the state's foreclosure landscape in July. the lowest monthly total in • NOTICES OF DEFAULT • RESCISSIONS years. Last month, one of Burgess' 1 31 132 1 2 6 clients had a default notice 121 rescinded the same day the 120 116 117 house was to be sold. It's unclear how many of the 95 90 rescinded default notices will 82 80 76 lead to judicial foreclosures in 67 the coming months, and how 60 many will be postponed for 45 longer as banks interpret the 36 30 new rules, she said. Of the 214 rescissions filed since Sept. 1 with the Des­ chutes County Clerk's office, Jan. Fed. March April May June July* Aug. Sept. 73 of them have come from *Foreclosure mediation law took effect July 11. ReconTrust Co., a subsidiary Oregon Supreme Court ruling in Niday v. GMAC issued July 18. of Bank of America. Sixty-one have come from Northwest Source: Deschutes County Clerk's Office Greg Cross / The Bulletin TrusteeServices, of Be llevue, Wash. That has caused banks to Christiansen, g o v e rnment Messages and emails left nearly halt foreclosing non­ affairs director with the Ore­ with officials at N o rthwest j udicially, while t hey w o r k gon Bankers Association. For Trustee Services weren't im­ to prove that changes in title lenders moving to foreclose mediately returned. "The combination of (the ownership were properly re­ in Oregon today, he said, lo­ corded eachtime a mortgage cal courts "are probably the court's ruling in) Niday and was transferred. route you are going to have SB 1552 has m ade m a ny Amid the frenzy by lenders to take." lenders rethink t h eir p o si­ to bundle and sell mortgage Banks were unwilling to tions," said David Ambrose, debt to investors in the late comment on the issue. Bank an attorney specializing in 1990s and 2000s, big banks of America and Wells Fargo foreclosure law in the Bend found after the housing crash officials declined requests for and Portland areas. "They' re that provingproper transfers comment from The Bulletin. opting for j u dicial f oreclo­ was, in some cases, nearly Messages left with Citigroup, sures,even though it'smore impossible. J PMorgan Chase and A l l y expensive." Notices of default, the first Financial officials weren't im­ T here also seems to b e step in nonjudicial foreclo­ mediately returned. agreement that the drop in sures, have al l b u t d i sap­ For hundreds of Deschutes defaultsisn't because of a de­ peared in Deschutes County, County homeowners, as well cline in foreclosure activity. clerk'soffice records show. as forlenders, "the whole pro­ Banks have simply pressed Just three notices of default cess has started over," said pause on the whole process, were f i le d i n Se p t ember, Megan Burgess, an attorney said Kenneth Sherman Jr., a down from a monthly aver­ specializing in foreclosure is­ partner with the Salem-based age of 119.5 through the first sues and homeowner rights law firm Sherman, Sherman, six months of this year, and with Peterkin and Associates Johnnie and Hoyt, who has a monthly average of 197 last in Bend. been tracking the impact of year. Caution is dominating the SB 1552 on the foreclosure Of the 323 scheduled judi­ process, Burgess said. process. "I'm not aware of any real cial foreclosure hearings this Lenders rescinded 121 no­ year, 133 of them — or 42 per­ tices of default in September, evidence that would say we' re cent — were filed after July 1. e ssentially c a n celing t h e over the difficult period in the The mediation law and the nonjudicial foreclosure pro­ housing industry," Sherman court ruling have turned Or­ cess theystarted, Deschutes said. egon into "a de facto judicial C ounty Clerk's O f f ice r e ­ — Reporter: 541-61 7-7820 foreclosure state," said Kevin cords show. While that's not egluchlichCbendbulletin.corn

Notices of default


sNertainment I MAGAZBIE

his professional engineer li­ cense in Oregon in 1997, said the state board also audited his professional development in 2008. When he could not prove that he completed pro­ fessionaldevelopment as he had certified on his renewal form, the state allowed him to take theclasses necessary to maintain his license, Knight sa>d. "Back in 2008, they created the perception and the prec­ edent, and quite honestly the understanding with me, where I'd be able to accumulate those hours retroactively," Knight said. "They changed their rules and they' re making an example of me.... I didn't un­ derstand the paperwork. This is something I'd never seen before." After the state audit, Knight said he took one of the two classes that he had listed on his renewal form in a good f aith effort t o c omply w i th state rules. Knight said that for the most part, the professional develop­ ment that the state requires does not pertain to the work of engineers. Joy Pariante, social and communications media specialist for the state Board of Examiners for Engineering and Land Surveying, said the state regulates engineers to ensure public safety. "One of the ways we help ensure that safety is by mak­ ing sure all of our registrants have a high rate of proficiency in their fields, and they contin­ ue to maintain and grow that proficiency," Pariante s aid. Continuing education makes sure engineers know about advancements in their field, "so they can do the best pos­ sible job protecting the public," Pariante said.

for Engineering and Land Surveying said the board has taken no formal dis­ ciplinary a c tion a g ainst Knight. "He has requested a hearing, so it's still an active case," McCartt said Wednesday. Every six m onths, the board of examiners audits 3 percentof the profession­ als to whom it has issued licenses. T h a t in c l udes professional engineers, land surveyors and photo­ grammetrists, who use aer­ ial photographs and other data to create maps. Knight is one o f a p proximately 12,000 licensed profession­ al engineersin Oregon, Mc­ Cartt said. For this group, McCartt said "the chance of you getting audited more than once is pretty slim." They must renew their li­ censes everytwoyears. To do so, engineers must participate in 30 hours of professional d evelopment — such as online classes, conferences or s e minars — and turn in a form to the state detailing what they did. K night turned in a r e ­ newal form m May 2011 on which he listed specific on­ line classes he took to fulfill the requirement, according to a case summary prepared by the state board. After K night's r enewal f o r m s were selected randomly for an audit in January, an investigator for the board determined that Knight had not taken the classes. Knight's case is the first the state board has inves­ tigated since the reporting rules changed in 2011. Pre­

— Reporter: 541-61 7-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.corn

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viously,engineers were only required to sign a form to cer­ tify that they participated in required professional develop­ ment. They weren't required to provide proof unless they were audited, according to his case summary. Beginning in 2011, the state required engi­ neers to fill out a detailed form listing the classes or events t hey attended to m eet t h e requirement. Knight, who first obtained

Continued from A1 "This is an u nsubstan­ tiated claim, as far as me making false statements, that has to g o b efore a hearings officer," Knight said Wednesday. It is not a health and safety issue, Knight said, and "I was in the throes of constructing one of the most important commercial projects in our community, the Deschutes pub expansion, and quite honestly, it had fallen off the radar." No hearing ha s b e en scheduled, and Knight, who has hired a lawyer, said the hearing could be up to a year away. I nvestigator A l len M c ­ Cartt w i t h t h e O r e gon State Board of Examiners

Mexico:Drug lord takendown by accident The Associated Press MEXICO C IT Y — The Mexican navy says a team of marines had no idea that they had killed the leader of the country's most-feared drug cartel in a gunfight that erupt­ ed when theytried to search a group of suspicious men out­ side a baseball stadium. In radio and television inter­ views Wednesday, Rear Adm. Jose Luis Vergara, chief navy spokesman, said H e r iberto Lazcano's body was left at a funeral home after Sunday's gunfight because marines be­ lieved he was just a common criminal and didn't suspect that had just taken down the leader of the Zetas cartel. Vergara s ai d a u t horities only realized they had killed a significant figure when armed men stole the body from the funeral h o me . F i n gerprint testing confirmed the dead man was Lazcano. . I





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Report card Continued from A1 A mong t h e 58 pub l i c schools in six Central Oregon school districts, the rate was higher: 37.9 percent, or 22 schools. On the flip side, about 10 percent of the state's schools were rated "In need of im­ provement." But in C entral O regon's schools, i t wa s slightly higher: 13.79 percent, or eight of 58 schools. Meanwhile 48.27 percent, or 28, o f C e ntral O regon schools were ranked "Satis­ factory." For the state, the av­ erage was 59 percent. Among individual school districts, performance varies. For example, just two of Bend-La Pine Schools' 27 schools were listed as need­ ing improvement: La P i ne High School and an alterna­ tive school, Marshall High School. Meanwhile, 1 6 s c h o ols were outstanding, or 59 per­ cent of the district's schools. "We' vemade a really con­ certed effort at continuous im­ provement," Superintendent Ron Wilkinson said. "We try to improve some each year." Although La Pine High's overall ranking is listed as needing improvement, stu­ dents still m ade academic gains in math and reading, Wilkinson said. In Redmond School Dis­ trict, all schools were rated satisfactory or o utstanding. Two s chools, T er rebonne Community School and a charter school, Redmond Pro­ ficiency Academy, received an outstanding rating. Nine others received a satisfactory ranking. In a statement, Redmond Superintendent Mike McIn­ tosh said, "Redmond School District staff, in partnership with students, parents and community members contin­ ue to build strong schools that place high value on student performance." In Culver School District, Culver Elementary School and Culver Middle School were s a tisfactory. C u l ver High School was listed as in need of improvement. At the rural high school, two students out of 40 missing a required stateassessment kept the school from a satis­ factory ranking, said Stefanie Garber, superintendent and principal of the elementary school. That school will put plans in place to better reach chron­ ically absent students, she said. In Jefferson County School District, Buf f I n t ermediate School, Madras High School and Warm Springs Elemen­ tary School were listed as needing improvement. Superintendent Rick Moli­ tor said the high school grad­ uation rate is keeping it in the lowest category. "We still continue to look at our core academic standards in math and language arts," Molitor said w h e n a s k ed about the district's biggest needs.

Next steps I n redesigning th e n e w report card, the state will gather feedback this fall and winter about what should be included in the report cards. A steering committee, follow­ ing input from educators, par­ ents, administrators and stu­ dents, will give a recommen­ dation to ODE in February. S axton encouraged t h e public to participate and give feedback. One anticipated benefit of the new report cards is hav­ ing a system that measures student growth, said Linda Seeberg, executive director

of academic programs for Redmond School District.


a dizzying flurry o f n u m ­ bers, bold claims and coun­ Continued from A1 terclaims. But the outlines of With an O bama victory what might happen under a Nov. 6, the president's sig­ Romney administration or a nature health care law — in­ second Obama administra­ cluding the contentious re­ tion go something like this: quirement that most Ameri­ cans obtain health insurance IfRomney wins or pay a tax penalty — will Even though h e h e lped almost certainly come into develop the landmark 2006 full force, becoming the larg­ law that required most Mas­ est expansion of the safety sachusetts residents to have net since Lyndon Johnson health insurance — a model pushed through his Great So­ for the Obama law — Rom­ ciety programs almost half a ney has said repeatedly that century ago. If Romney wins he believes that r equiring and Republicans capture the Americans to buy health in­ Senate, much of the law could surance as national policy is be repealed — or its financ­ the wrong approach. The fo­ ing cut back — and the presi­ cus should not be on increas­ dent's goal of achieving near­ ing the number of insured universal c overage c o uld Americans, his advisers say, take a back seat to Romney's so much as on controlling top priority, controlling medi­ health costs by fixing the dys­ cal costs. functional insurance market. Given the starkness of the Romney has b een l e ss choice, historians and policy­ specific about what he will makers believe this election put in place if the law is re­ could be the most significant pealed. But most of his ideas referendum on apiece of so­ are aimed at bolstering mar­ cial legislation since 1936, ket forces. One of the biggest w hen th e R epublican A l f problems, he says, is that peo­ Landon ran against Frank­ ple who get health insurance lin D. Roosevelt and his New through their employers re­ Deal programs. ceive a tax break — the value For Medicare and Medic­ of employer contributions to aid, the government health their premiums is not count­ programs forolder Ameri­ ed as income — while people cans, low-income people and who buy coverage in the indi­ the disabled, the candidates vidual insurance market gen­ h ave sharply d i fferent v i ­ erally get none. Romney says sions as well. Romney's pro­ he would level the playing posals call for fundamental field by creating tax breaks changes in the structure of for people who buy insurance the programs, placing more on their own — a measure emphasis on p r ivate-sector that might encourage even competition and much less on those with the option of em­ government regulation. ployer-sponsored coverage to Obama w o ul d e x p a nd buy their own plans instead. Medicaid to cover millions Romney believes that if more more people; Romney would people buy coverage on their effectively shrink it, giving own, insurers will compete each state a fixed amount of harder for their business, thus federal money to cover its dis­ presumably lowering costs. advantaged population with And if insurance is separated more control over eligibility from employment, the Rom­ and benefits. Romney would ney campaign says, people will eventually give each Medicare be able to keep their coverage if beneficiary a fixed amount of they lose or change jobs. federal money to pay premi­ Paul Fronstin, an econo­ ums for either the traditional mist at the Employee Benefit Medicare program or private Research Institute, a nonpar­ insurance. Obama would pre­ tisan organization, said the serve the structure of Medi­ proposal would work only if care but try to rein in costs, in Romney made additional ef­ part by trimming payments forts to bring down the cost to health care providers. of health care. In the past, he As seen in last week's pres­ said, advocates of such pro­ idential debate, the health posals typically offered tax care discussion has become credits ranging from about

2011-12district report cards The Oregon Department of Education has released the yearly

report cards for individual Oregon schools. Below are the ratings for Central Oregon schools. Theschools' ODEreport card ratings measure several areas of performance. Schools are given arating of outstanding, satisfactory or in need of improvement. : Rating School Amity Creek Elementary School

: Outstanding

Bear Creek Elementary School


Bend Senior High School


Buckingham Elementary School




Elk MeadowElementary School


Ensworth Elementary School


High Desert Middle School


High Lakes Elementary School


Highland School (At Kenwoodj Juniper Elementary School


LaPine Elementary School


LaPine Middle School



. :'In need ofimprovement

LaPine Senior High School Lava Ridge Elementary School

Satisfactory . :'Inneed ofimprovement

Marshall High School Mountain View Senior High School


Pilot Butte Middle School


Pine Ridge Elementary


Ponderosa Elementary


R E Jewell Elementary School


REALMS MiddleSchool


Rosland Elementary


Sky View Middle School


Summit High School


Three Rivers Elementary School


Westside Village Magnet School


William E Miller Elementary 'll



: Outstanding I

: :Satisfactory .:'In need of improvement

Cecil Sly Elementary School Crook County High School Crook County Middle School


Crooked River Elementary School


Ochoco Elementary School


Paulina School

Outstanding . :'In need of improvement Pioneer Secondary Alternative High Powell Butte Community Charter



Culver High School

: :Satisfactory .:'In need of improvement

Culver Middle School

: Satisfactory

Big Muddy Elementary

: :Not rated

Buff Intermediate School

.:'In need of improvement

Jefferson County Middle School Madras High School

Satisfactory . :'In need of improvement

Madras Primary School

. :'Not rated

Culver Elementary School

Metolius Elementary School


Warm Springs Elementary School

In need of improvement








Elton Gregory Middle School

: :Satisfactory

John TuckElementary School


M A Lynch Elementary School


Obsidian Middle School


Redmond High School


Redmond Profi ciency Academy


Sage Elementary School


Terrebonne Community School


Tom McCall Elementary School


Tumalo Community School





$1,500 to $2,500 a year for an individual — not necessar­ ily enough to make coverage affordable. "Will other things bring d own premiums t o m a k e those tax credits more mean­ ingful?" F r o nstin a s k e d. "That's an open question."

If Obama wins If Obama is re-elected, he would step up efforts to carry out the health care law. Given the controversyover the law and the logistical challenge of setting up state insurance "ex­

changes," where people can shop forcoverage, the transi­ tion will probably be rocky. But many doctors, hospitals and insurance companies are determined to make it work. On Jan. 1, 2014, the require­ ment that most Americans have medicalcoverage takes effect. Private health plans will start enrolling people in October 2013. The result, ac­ cording to the Congressional Budget Office, is that 30 mil­ lion uninsured people will eventually gain coverage. To help them afford it, the federal government would subsidize privateinsurance premiums for people with incomes up to four times the federal poverty level (up to $92,000 for a fam­ ily of four). And it would ex­ pand Medicaidto cover more

poor people, including many adults without children. Obama and Democrats in Congress have beaten back efforts to change the law be­ fore its major provisions take effect. But after the election, Congress will be under in­ tense pressure to rein in defi­ cits and debt, and lawmak­ ers will focus anew on the costs of Medicare, Medicaid and the new health care law, which togetherare expected to account for one-third of all federal spending in 2022. Paul Ginsburg, president of the nonpartisan Center for Studying Health System Change, said that a willing­ ness to compromise might help Obama persuade Re­ publicans to accept the health care law if he wins a second term. For example, Ginsburg said, the president and con­ gressional Democrats might agree to delay the biggest, most expensive parts of the law for a year.



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Nov. 22nd, Thanksgiving Day, the most-rend paper of the yenv!


Vern Patrick Elementary School

: Satisfactory

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Sisters Elementary School

: :Outstanding

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Outstanding : Outstanding

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Note: "Not rated" or "n/a" typically means a school is less than 2 years old or is too small to be rated. Source: Oregon Department of Education

S howing the growth w i l l ment can be on an upward give a fuller picture of where path o f a c ademic g r owth, a school is heading instead while a high-achieving school of looking only at whether a may have declining growth, school has crossed a thresh­ she said. old, Seeberg said. For exam­ — Reporter: 541-977-7185, ple, a school with low achieve­ bbotlzin@bendbulletin.corn

in cl u d ing full colo<".

ONLY 18 SPOTS WILL BE AVAILABLE! Deadline for ad. spaceand. copy: Thursday, November 15, 2012 Publishes on Thursday, November 22nd •

American chemistswin Nobel Prize By Kenneth Chang

Kobilka, 57, a professor at the Stanford University School of Two Americans shared this Medicine in California, will year's Nobel Prize in Chemis­ split $1.2 million. try for deciphering the com­ L efkowitz a n d Kob i l k a munication system that the filled in a major gap in the un­ human body uses to sense the derstanding of how cells work outside world and send mes­ and respond to outside signals. "It's a great tribute to human sages to cells — for example, speeding the heart when dan­ ingenuity and helping us learn ger approaches. The under­ intricate details of what goes standing is aiding the develop­ on in our bodies," said Bassam ment of new drugs. Shakhashiri, president of the The winners, Dr. Robert American Chemical Society. Lefkowitz, 69, a professor at Lefkowitz said although the the Duke University Medical notion of cell receptors goes Center in Durham, N.C., and a back more than a century ago, Howard Hughes Medical Insti­ "when I kind of started my tute researcher, and Dr. Brian work in the area in the early New York Times News Service

'70s, there was still a lot of skepticism as to whether there really was such a thing." By attaching radioactive io­ dine to a hormone, Lefkowitz was able to track the move­ ment of t h e h o rmone and explore the behavior of these receptors. Over the years, he was able to pull out the recep­ tor proteins and show they were specific molecules. K obilka, wh o m o ved t o Stanford, set out to determine the 3D structureof the recep­ tor, which requires building a crystal out of the proteins and then deducing the structure by bouncing X-rays off it.



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TRAIL UPDATE Trails in need of precipitation The news on the trails is old news: It



is "dry... very, very, very dry out there,"

said Chris Sabo, U.S. Forest Service trails

specialist. But the good news is a forecast for pos­ sible precipitation

coming in over the weekend — "andwe are dearly hoping for it to arrive ... and keep


the dust down and the fires," said Sabo.


The Forest Service has received areport of a possibly escaped campfire near Three Fingered Jack.

"We are asking folks to keep their fire small if they do decide

to have one in alegal location and besure, be sure, be sureto extinguish it before

leaving the campsite (for any purpose). We don't need anymore of these wilderness fires. That's the bot­ tom line," said Sabo.

Trail closures around the Pole Creek Fire will continue until

further notice. Some ski and snowmobile trails in the upper

Three CreekLakearea are expected to remain closed throughoutthe winter due to severe damage from the fire. The Tumalo Falls trailhead is also closed at least until a court decision on the city of Bend pipeline project

is reached, said Sabo. Other than the dust and extreme fire risk, the trails that are open

are in great condition, and the warm, mild weather continues

(for a few moredays anyway) to provide

David Jasper /The Bulletin

The mysterious Map Guy pondersa rock formation along the Metolius-Windigo Trail.

opportunity for sum­ mer hiking. Keep in mind though that with the

change ofseasons,


the weather can

change unexpectedly, warned Sabo. "(Trail users) can end upin a snowstorm before the end of the day... Be sure to take the important 10 essential

systems gear with you and watch that weath­

er forecast," especially with the rain expected this weekend. Winter trail prepa­ ration is expected to start over the next weeks, when the fire

• Bike ride on the Metolius-Windigo Trail from MountBachelorto LavaLakeis aroller coaster

danger decreases.

SeeTrails /B6

Three Sisters Wilderness

By David jasper

Devils Lake Lake


Lake :""/.y"'



+ Cascade Lakes Start: Mt. Bachelor X HighvvaY Nordic Center 46 Mt


Bachelor Lake


Free skin cancer screenings

Bachelor to Lava Lake mountain dike ride

Free skin cancer screenings will be avail­

able by appointment in Bend on Nov.3. The screening ap­

Finish: LavaLake 46

Lit t le Lava Lake

pointments will be avail­

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

able from 8 a.m. to noon

dic Center and picked up the path a little ways from the trailhead. An even easier option is tak­ ou have to admit, when it comes ing the left-curving road as you enter West Vil­ to riding bikes — the kind powered lage parking area and parking on the dirt road by your legs — the phrase "80 per­ on the right-hand side, where you' ll also find the cent downhill" has a pretty great trailhead. ring to it. Still another option: Parking across the high­ That's how the i nimitable Map way at the Dutchman Flat parking area at the Guy talked me into postponing a planned canoe base of Tumalo Mountain, then carefully cross­ paddle and instead loading our mountain bikes ing the highway and picking up the trail from that and heading toward the hills for a loooong ride dirt road. that Map Guy assured me would be "80 percent As we unloaded, Map Guy began expressing downhill." concern over whether or not I'd brought a helmet, The plan, such as it was: We'd caravan up in given some of the steep and rocky terrain we'd en­ our two vehicles, park his truck at Lava Lake, counter. I had, but told him with a flippant shrug then shuttle ourselves and our bikes in my van that I hadn' t. Sometimes it's more fun letting the 17-or-so miles back uphill and park near people twist in the wind than to level with them. Mount Bachelor, where we'd climb on our bikes After letting him scold me for a minute or two, I and ride a sliver of singletrack through the forest unhooked my helmet from my bike's handlebars to the Metolius-Windigo Trail. and clipped it on. We parked on the shoulder close to the Nor­ SeeOuting/B6 The Bulletin

q Todd

at the St. Charles Cancer Center in Bend.

The event is being put on by the St. Charles

Cancer Center, Bend Dermatology Clinic and Deschutes Dermatol­

ogy Center. It's open to people with and without health insurance. The event is part of

Ifthesun isagolfball,w hatisthesize ofthe Earth? By Bill Logan

a national campaignto promote early detection

of skin canceranden­ courage prevention. More than 3.5 million skin

cancers arediagnosed annually in theU.S. Appointments can be made at 541-410-9386. — From staff reports

to the sun would equal about 15 feet. The student representing the Our solar system, which sports Earth would have to hold a BB­ a sun at the center with nine orbit­ room holding a golf ball suspended sized Earth and stand about 15 feet ing planets, is very large, but in on a string to represent the sun. away. Actually the BB is far too the s cale of the entire Milky Way Other students standing nearby large to represent Earth with this Galaxy, we are very small and represent the planets. scale. Rather than speak millions probably not visible from other If the 1.68-inch-diameter golf of miles, solar system distances galaxies. ball represents the sun's diameter can be much easier to understand The scale of the solar system can of 864 thousand miles, then the 93 if we convert distance to "astro­ be scaled down to feet. When talk­ million-mile distance from Earth nomical units" or AUs. The aver­ For The Bulletin



ing to schoolchildren, I have stu­ dents volunteer to represent the sun and planets. A student stands in the

age distance from Earth to the sun is considered to be one AU. The planet Mercury has an aver­ age distance of 0.387 AU from the sun; Venus = 0.722 AU; Earth = I; Mars = 1.52 AU; Jupiter = 5.2 AU; Saturn = 9.58 AU; Uranus = 19.2 AU; Neptune = 30.1 AU and Pluto's averagedistance from the sun is an astounding 39.5 AU. SeeSky watch/B6



a M O V I ES

How Always Sunn stays fresh, funny "It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia" 10 tonight, FX

ways Sunny," which returns tonight with "Pop-Pop: The Fi­ nal Solution," an episode about

Dee (Olson) and Dennis (How­ By Ellen Gray Philadelp hia Dail yNews LA CA N A D A FL IN­ TRIDGE, Calif. — The fore­ cast for July 3 1 c alled for "mostly" sunny, but as the cast Ty 5po and crew of "It' s Always Sunny in Philadelphia" began a day of shooting on Season 8, above at least one neighborhood in this small, affluent city north of Los Angeles, the sky was a clear, uncompromising blue. And on the ground below, there was trash everywhere. Inside, a brown van parked in the driveway of a home that could double for a Chestnut Hill mansion, "Sunny" stars Rob McElhenney, Danny DeVito, Kaitlin Olson, Glenn Hower­ ton and Charlie Day filmed a scene as crew members rocked the van from outside. D own th e s t reet, a t u r ­ quoise trash truck awaited its close-up. And the attention of one well-connected toddler. "Axel's obsessed with trash trucks," explained McElhen­ ney of his and Olson's oldest son, who turned 2 on Sept. l. And so his father came up with an episode about a Philly garbage strike so Axel could see a trash truck? "Specifically so w e c ould have a trash truck on set and he could spend at least three or four hours with it," said McEl­ henney, who created the show about friends who run a bar in South Philly. He and fellow executive producers Day and Howerton continue to w r ite for it. Willful stupidity remains at the hilarious heart of "It's Al­

erton) and their dying, Nazi grandfather that demonstrates once again that its characters, as McElhenney likes to put it, are "never learning any­ thing or growing or

changing." There's more at work in "The Gang Recycle s Their Trash," the episode for which the "Sunny" crew had temporarilytrashed a lovely neighborhood, than a treat for his son. "We come into t h e f i r st scene and we' re talking about a plan to make money that sounds very (familiar) to us and we realize it's something we' ve already done, it's some­ thing we' ve already tried," McElhenney said. "And w e r e a l iz e t h at' s very common in the eighth season of a television show, also. And so instead of pre­ tending that just doesn't ex­ ist, we wrote to it and had the characters realize, well, just because we' ve done it before, doesn't mean it doesn't work. In fact, if we just make better decisions all the way through it, then maybe it' ll work this time," he said. "The original plan (from Season 4's "The Gang Solves the Gas Crisis" ) was to sell gasoline door to door, which kind of makes sense. So you never have to go to a gas sta­ tion.... The problem is that the characters aren't smart enough to fully execute it," he said. "So we have a parallel story where there's a trash strike in Philly," and the characters have a plan to capitalize on it, one that is, as usual, less than politically correct.


BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347


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Regal Old Mill

Christian Bale stars as Bat­ man in "The Dark Knight Rises," playing at McMenamins Old St. Fran­ cis School in Bend. Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures wa Mcclatcby-Trittune News Service


at Regal Old Mill Stadium 168 /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-O

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700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

THE DARKKNIGHT RISES(PG-13) 5:30 SAFETY NOTGUARANTEED(R) 9:30 After 7p.m., shoyirsare21 and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m.if accompaniedby alegalguardian.

Tin Pan Theater 869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271

REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535S.W.Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777


Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800


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MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505

END OFWATCH(R) 4:50, 7:20 FRANKENWEENIE 3-D (PG) 4:35, 6:50 HOUSE AT THE ENDOFTHESTREET (PG-13) 5:20, 7:30 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 5, 7:10 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG­ 13) 4:40, 7

PRINE VILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineviile, 541-416-1014

HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(LIPSTAIRS — PG) 4:15, 6:30 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 4, 7 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.

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• Movie times are subject to change after press time.





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t RRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEHt EHK~RDiRH t 1RK tRRRX~RKHK~RKR& Vice Presidential Debate AtCentre College in Danvile, Ky. (N)'PG' Last Resort Eight Bells (N)'PG' P aid Program Greatest Pillow! Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune KATU News S chool Blitz

KTvz 0 0 0 0 KBNZ 0 K OHD Q 0 0 0 KFXO iDr IEI IEI IEI

Koae O B O B KGW 0 KTVZDT2IEI 0 B lH OPBPL 175 173

Vice Presidential Debate AtCentre College in Danvile, Ky. (N)'PG' Vice Presidential Debate AtCentre College in Danvile, Ky. (N)'PG' Vice Presidential Debate AtCentre College in Danvile, Ky. (N)'PG'

Vice Presidential Debate(N) n (Live) 'PG' Big Bang Vice Presidential Debate AtCentre College in Danvile, Ky. (N)'PG' Vice Presidential Debate AtCentre College in Danvile, Ky. (N)'PG' KingofQueens KingofQueens Engagement Engagement Time Goes By My Family Fin ding Your Roots

30Rock(N)'14' UPAIINight(N) Jeopardy!'G' WheelFortune DatelineNBCn'PG'« News Jay Leno Big Bang Two /Half Men Person of Interest Bad Code'14' How I Met 30 Rock n '14' News Letterman Last Resort Eight Bells (N)'PG' E ntertainment Inside Edition KEZI 9 News (N) « KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightline The X Factor (N) n '14' cc T wo/Hail Men Big Bang New s TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpeons Family Guy 'PG' OregonArtseet FieldGuide D o c Martinn'PG'« The MemoirsofSherlockHolmes OregonExperience 30 Rock (N) '14' Up All Night (N) Paid Program Inside Edition Dateline NBC n 'PG' cc Newsohannel 8 Jay Leno The Vampire Diaries (N) n '14' B e auty and the Beast Pilot 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' Testing Milton Friedman n 'G' V i ce Presidential Debate Centre At College in Danvile, Ky. (N) 'PG' PBS NewsHour n rw

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A mother andson (4:00) ** "Silver Bullet" (1985, Hor­ *AMC 102 40 39 ror) GaryBusey,CoreyHaim. rebuilds ademonicauto in StephenKing'stale. « begins wastingawayunderaGypsy'scurse.« are terrorized by arabid Saint Bernard. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc Fatal Attractions Chimps n '14' C a ll-Wildman Call.Wildman Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Call of Wildman Call of Wiidman Call of Wildman BRAVO1 37 4 4 The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami What Happens Housewives *** "Pure Country" (1992,Drama)GeorgeStrait, Lesiey AnnWarren, rt « CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' «Reba 'PG' « Broken Bndges CNBC 54 36 40 52 Your Money,Your Vote (N) Vic e Presidential Debate (N) (Live)'PG' Money, Vote Mad Money Ultimate Fighting: Fistful American Greed9/11 Fraud Qui t Your Job! Hair Restoration CNN 55 38 35 48 (4:00) DebateNight in America V ice Presidential Debate (N) n (Live) 'PG' Debate Night Debate Night in America cc Vice Presidential Debate AtCentre College in Danvile, Ky. n 'PG' Debate Night in America cc COM 135 53 135 47(4:59) Futurama Always Sunny South Park '14' Tosh.0 '14' Co l bert Report Daily Show C h appelle Show Stand-Up Rev. Jeff Dunham: Minding Stand-UPRev. Tosh.0'14' Dai ly Show Co l bertReport COTY 11 Dept. /Trans. City Edition P a id Program Morning Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The YogaShow Morning Oregon City Edition Call-In for DebateReaction (N) V i ce Presidential Debate 'PG' Call-In for DebateReaction (N)(Live) CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) DebatePreview (N) (Live) Vice Presidential Debate (N) (Live)'PG' Capitol Hill *DIS 87 43 14 39 Jessie 'G' rw Jeseie 'G' cc J eseie 'G' cc G ood-Charlie Shake it Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' cc J eesie 'G' cc ** "Return to Halloweenlown" (2006) n 'PG' Gravity Falls n Phineae, Ferb A.N.T. Farm 'G' My Babysitter *DISC 156 21 16 37 Texas CarWars n '14' « Texas CarWars n '14' « Fast N' Loud n '14' « Fast N Loudn 14 « Fast N' Loud n '14' « Texas CarWars (N) n '14' « Fas t N' Loud n '14' « *E! 1 36 2 5 Keeping UpWith the Kardaehiens Keeping Up With the Kardaehiane The E! True Hollywood Story n Th e Soup '14' Jones Kardashien K a rdaehian T a ke Miami K a rdaehian C h elsea Lately Kardashian ESPN 21 23 22 23 College Football Live (N) « Coll ege Football Arizona State at Colorado(N) (Live) Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « sportscenter (N)(Live) « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 NASCARRacing WNBA Basketball Indiana Feverat Connecticut Sun(N)(Live) cc Sportsoenter Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc NFL Live (N) (Live) cc Baseball Ton. 30 for 30 ESPNC 23 25 123 25 White ShadowWannaBet « Frid ay Night Lights n '14' « Frid ay Night Lights n '14' « Car A uctions C a r Auctions B o xing From May 17,2002. « Col l ege Football from Oct. 2, 2010. « ESPNN 24 63 124203Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc Sporteoenter (N)(Live) cc Sporteoenter H.Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. R e b a 'PG' « *** "RemembertheTilans" (2000, Drama) Denzel Washington, Will Patton. * "Gone inSixtySeconds" (2000, Action) NicolasCage,Angelina Joiie. FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba 'PG' « The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc Vice Presidential Debate(N) (Live)'PG' Post Debate Hannity FromDanvile, Ky. (N) O n Record, Greta VanSusteren Vice Presidential Debate 'PG' Post Debate *FOOD 177 62 98 44 BestDishes Paula's Cooking ChoppedOnei naHundred 'G' Chopped inaPinch HalloweenWarsEvil Clowns'G ' Chopped No Kidding! ChoppedChoponThrough 'G ' C h opped Chard 8 True'G' FX 131 How I Met Ho w I Met How I Met How I Met Two /Half Men Two/Half Men ** * "Easy A" (2010) EmmaStone, PennBadgiey. Premiere. Always Sunny The League (N) BrandX With Totally Biased HGTV 176 49 33 43 House Hunters House Hunters Selling NY Se l ling NY Hu n ters int'I H o use Hunters Buying and Selling 'G' « ExtremeHomes 'G'« House Hunters Hunters Int'I L i v ing Abroad Hunters int'I *HIST 155 42 41 36 (4:00) Journey to10,000 BC 'PG' History of the World in Two Hours 'PG' « Pawn Stare 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' How the Earth MadeMan(N) cc America's Book of Secrets 'PG' Abby's Ultimate Dance LIFE 138 39 20 31 WifeSwap Jones/Marti nson'G' To Be Announced To Be Announced Project Runway 'PG' « Prelect RunwayFinale, Part i (N) 'PG' « Prank MyMom MSNBC 59 59 128 51 MSNBC Special Coverage(N) V i ce Presidential Debate (N) (Live)'PG' MSNBCSpecial CoverageDebateAnalysis (N) (Live) Vice Presidential Debate 'PG' Spcl Coverage MTV 192 22 38 57 Made Go-Go Dancer: Shambre(N) Teen Mom 'PG' Teen Mom'PG' True Life n Jersey Shore Thegangreturns to theshore. n '14' « Jersey ShoreSnookimovesout. (N) n '14' « NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob Spongesob SpongeBob Drake & Josh Drake &Josh Teenage Mut. You GottaSee Full House'G' Full House 'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn '14' (11:33) Friends OWN 161 103 31 103interrogations Interrogations Interrogations Interrogations Interrogations interrogations 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 UFC Countdown World PokerTour: Season 10 H i gh School Football Rogers atBethel (N)(Live) Seahawke Se ahawks The Dan Patrick Show Jail '14' « Jail ' 14' « Jail ' 14' « Jail ' 14' « Jail (N) n '14' i MPACT Wrestling (N) n '14' « SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Jail '14' « ink Master n '14' « Ink Master SemiNude911'14' ** "ShutterIsland" (2010)LeonardoDioaprio. A1950slawmanhunts anescapedmurderess, cc ** TheSkeleton Key (2005) SYFY 133 35 133 45My BloodyVal ** "Hannibal" (2001, Suspense)AnthonyHopkins, JuiianneMoore,GaryOldman. Live-Holy Land The Evidence Grant Jeffrey Creflo Dollar P r aise the Lord TBNClassics TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Joel Osteen J o seph Prince Hillsong TV P r aise the Lord (Live). *TBS 16 27 11 28 (4:30) MLBBaseball BaltimoreOrioies at NewYorkYankees (N) (Live) Inside MLB(N) To Be Announced COnan '14' rw Conan '14' *** "TheFlight ofthe Phoenix" (1965,Adventure) JamesStewart, RichardAttenborough, Peter *** "What Ever Happenedlo BabyJane?" (1962,Horror) Bette Davis, JoanCrawford, Victor ** "The Legendof LylahClare" (1968) KimNovak. Adirector puts anactress TCM 101 44 101 29 Finch. Premiere.Crashsurvivors build a planefromthewreckage. Buono. Hollywoodhas-beentormentsfamoussister in wheelchair. « in the role of hisdeadmovie-queenwife. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 My Big Fat GypsyWedding « M y Big Fat Gypsy Wedding 'PG' My Big Fat Gypsy Wedding « S a y Yee: ATL Say Yes: ATL Four Weddings (N) 0 'PG' « Litt l e Shop of Gypsies (N) 'PG' F our Weddings rt 'PG' « *TNT 17 26 15 27 The Mentalist Ball of Fire n '14' T h e Mentalist n '14' c~ The Mentalist n '14' « The Mentalist n '14' re TBA MLB Baseball Detroit Tigers atOaklandAthletics (N) (Live)re 'TOON 84 MAD 'PG' Re g ular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Annoying MA D (N) 'PG' Regular Show King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: NoReservations Biz a rre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Men v. Food 'G' Mysteries at the Museum'PG' M ysteries at the Museum 'PG' M y steries at the Museum 'PG' T he Dead Files 'PG' c~ *A*S*H M*A'S*H 'PG' CoebyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:11) BonanzaBenwants jailed doctorfreed. 'PG' (6:22) M N e l s Ducky is kidnapped. n 'PG' Nels Witness n~c 'PG' NCIS Caught onTape 'PG' c~ NC I S Enemies Foreign '14' cc NC I S Enemies Domestic '14' BurnNoticeShockW ave'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Doppelganger n 'PG' cc Cou p les Therapy rt '14' Couples TherapyOpening Up'14' Basketball Wives LA rt '14' Basketball Wives LA rt '14' T.l. andTiny Chrissy & Jones Chrissy8 Jones Chriesy&Jones VH1 191 48 37 54 Rehab With Dr. Drew rt '14' *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 '14' «

Titanic: Blood andSteel (N)'14' ENGR 106401 306401(4:00) *** "The Mask of Zorro" 1998 'PG-13' (6:20) *** "Men inBlack" 1997 rt 'PG-13' « (8:57) Titanic: Blood andSteel (N) (9:50) *** "Bram Stoker's Dracula" 1992GaryOldman. 'R' « FXM Presents * "12 Rounds" 2009,Action JohnCene, AidanGilien. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents ***"Fre quency"2000,FantasyDennisQuaid.'PG-13'« FMC 104204104120* "12Rounds" 2009,Action JohnCene, Aidan Gilien. 'PG-13' « UFC Tonight UFC Insider B e st of PRIDE Fighting UFC Unleashed Answers UFC Tonight T h e Ultimate Fighter n '14' UFC Tonight UFC Insider B e et of PRIDE Fighting FUEL 34 LPGA TourGolf SimeDarby LPGAMalaysia, First Round(N) PGA TourGolf Frys.cornOpen,First RoundFromSanMartin, Calif. Golf Central (N) GOLF 28 301 27 301PGA Tour Golf Little House onthe Prairie 'PG' L i ttle House on thePrairie 'PG' L i ttle House on the Prairie 'PG' L i ttle House on the Prairie 'PG' Frasier n 'G' F rasier 'PG' F r asier 'PG' F r aeier n 'PG' HALL 66 33175 33 The Waltone 'G' cc *** "Harry Poller and theDeath/y Hallows: Part 2" 2011 DanielRadcliffe. (9:15) * "RedRidingHood" 2011AmandaSeyfried. A womansuspects Katie Morgan's Katie Morgan' s HBO 25501 425501(4:30) *** "Harry Pollerand theDeathly Hallo ws:Part 1" 2010, Fantasy Daniel Radciiffe, Rupert Grint. n 'PG-13' cc Harry mayhaveto makethe ultimate sacrifice. 'PG-13' someoneclose toher is a werewolf. n 'PG-13' cc Sex Quiz 'MA' Porn 101 'MA' I FC 105 1 0 5 ** "Reindeer Games"2000 BenAffleek, Gary Sinise. Premiere. 'R' (7:15) *** "FullMetal Jacket" 1987,War MatthewModine, AdamBaldwin. 'R' (9:45) *** "Full MetalJacket" 1987, WarMatthew Modine, AdamBaldwin. 'R' ngpin"1996,ComedyWoodyHarrelson.Awashed-upbowlertakeson (4:00) ** "The Art of War"2000Wes- *** "TheMatrix Reloaded" 2003,Science Fiction KeanuReeves, Laurence Fishburne, Carrie- (8:20) ** utnacondas: TheHunt forthe BloodOrchid" ** "Ki M AX 00508 5 0 8iey Snipes. 0 'R' « Anne Moss.Freedomfighters revolt against machines. rt 'R' « 2004 JohnnyMessner. rt 'PG-13' cc an Amishfarmeras a protege n 'PG-13' cc America's MoneyVault (N) 'PG' Secret Service Files '14' Top Secret 'PG' Secret Service Files '14' Top Secret 'PG' America's MoneyVault 'PG' On B oard Air Force One 'PG' N GC 157 1 5 7 S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. A v atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Odd Parents Odd Parents P lanet Sheen Planet Sheen Monsuno 'Y7' Monsuno 'Y7' Odd Parents Odd Parents S pongesob in Pursuit With Realtree RealTree's Bo w Madness Ult. Adventures The Season W i ld Outdoors Bushman Show The Crush Wi l d Outdoors Steve's Outdoor Fear No Evil O u tdoors TV OUTD 37 307 43 307Hunt Bette (815) That Guy... WhoWaein That Thing Sixteenactors (7 35) * "TheTroubleWithBliss" 2011,RomanceCom- (915) "Detachment" 2011,DramaAdrien Brody, MarciaGayHarden. Asub- Gigolos (N) rt Polyamory: Mar. 5 0 0 (410) ** "Beaches" 1988 'MA' « Midler. n 'PG-13' « struggle to forgecareers in Hollywood.'14' edy Michael C.Hall. Premiere. n 'PG-13' « stitute teacherstruggles to maintain his sanity. 'NR' ried & Dating SPEED 35 303125303Car Warriors Corvette '14' Wrecked '14' Wrecked 'PG' Herd Parte Ha r d Parte Ca r Warriors Corvette '14' Wrecked '14' Wrecked 'PG' Formula One Racing Korean GrandPrix, Practice H a r d Parts ** "BringingDownthe House" 2003Steve Martin. n 'PG-13' « STARZ 00408 00408(4:40) *"TheSonof NoOne" Star z Studios ** " When a Stranger Calls" 2006Camiia Belle. (9:50) **"TheGreenHornet" 2011Seth Rogen. n 'PG-13' « *** "Tabloid"2010 Liveaction/animated. A formerMiss ** "Comic Book Vilains" 2002, ComedyDonal Logue, (11:05) *** "B/ackthorn" 2011,West. (4:50)"Color ofJustice" 1997Bruce Davison. A murder (6:25) ** "Prey of theJaguar" 1996, Action Maxwell TMC 2 5 25 trial becomes medi a a circus. rt « Caulfield, Linda Blair, StacyKeach. rt 'R' « Wyomingkidnaps a Mormonmissionary. Cary Eiwes.Premiere. rt 'R' em SamShepard. 'R' * "The Fan"(1996,Suspense) Robert DeNiro, WesleySnipes, EllenBarkin. NFL Turning Point 'PG' DreamOn:Journey Game On! NBCSN 27 58 30 209(4:30) *"The Fan"(1996) Robert DeNiro, WesleySnipes. *WE 143 41 174118Tamar & VinceNurseRatchet T a mar & Vince (N) Tamar & Vince Tamar & VinceNurseRatchet T a mer 8 Vince Ghost Whieperer rt 'PG' « Mary Mary OhBaby! S HO 00




Repeatoffenderreadyto try new pathto good job TODAY



Please email event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Dear Abby: My life has al­ ways been scary. My parents divorced when I was 3. Dad always seemed to cause trou­ ble for Mom, who struggled to provide for me and my older sister. She always struggled with alcohol and drugs. I have spent a portion of my life i n carcerated, start­ ing when I was a teenager. I'm now 22 and doing time for sell ing drugs. I have never been able to find a decent job, although Ihave my GED and tried to attend a school for nursing, but I screwed it up. Selling drugs seemed to be the only way to make enough to support myself. I'd like to find a decent job with opportunity, and be able to pay my bills and save a lit­ tle. I'm tired of my crazy life­ style and want to settle down. How can I go about finding a job? Keep in mind, I don't have a resume and although I have had many jobs, I never stayed very long, and I have a crimi­ nal record. — Serving Time in Pennsylvania


keep a job. Preregistration is recommended, and the phone number is 215-564-6005, ext. 117. Call Mondays through Fridays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Dear Abby: I had my first boyfriend when I was 16. The relationship lasted 13 years, and we had a child together. Now that it's over I don't know what to do. It has been nine months and it seems like my heartache is getting worse. I can't breathe. It feels like my heart has been ripped out of my chest and stepped on.Ithurts even more because he started dating im­ mediately after the breakup. I can't even talk to another man. I feel lost and have never been on a date with anyone but my ex. I feel like I deprived myself of my youth. I cry every day. I can barely watch or see cou­ ples without getting depressed Dear Serving Time: I ad­ and breaking down. I need to mire that you have decided see some type of light. Do you to change your life and walk have any advice? — Deprived of My Youth the "straight an d n a r row" from now on. A place to start Dear Deprived:Nine months would be to talk to the prison is a long time to cry every day. chaplain. Some religious de­ You have been hit with what I nominations have programs call a "double-whammy." You in place to help inmates and are grieving for your lost rela­ former inmates successfully tionship, and because this was transition back into society. your first and only one, you The oldest prison/re-entry never learned how to handle a group in the country is the broken romance. Pennsylvania P r ison S o ci­ A counselor can help you ety. Its website is at prison through your grieving process s ociety.org. I f th a t gr o u p and, in addition, help you to doesn't serve the commu­ build the social skills you will n ity into which you will be need to move forward. Please released, it will know an orga­ don't put it off. Do this not only nization that does. Its re-entry for yourself but also for your program helps former pris­ child so you can be the most oners attain self-sufficiency effective parent you can be. — Write Dear Abby at through a four-day job readi­ ness workshop, which teaches www.DearAbby.corn or P.O. Box the skills necessary to find and 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Thursday,Oct. 11,2012 VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) By Jacqueline Bigar ** * Listen before acting on a This year you often areeasygoing decision. More information might and fortunate; however, at times you come in. Given time, your conclusion could be fussy anddifficult when it comes to dealing with certain people. could change. Uncertainty prevails in the evening, even though you havea Others who relate to you might not know which voice is really yours. The lot of energy and want to get moving. Do only what you are100percent answer is: both! Dealing with you sure about. Tonight: Finally, others could be challenging, especially as follow your lead. you have developed ashort fuse. If LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) you are single, you aredesirable, but ** * How you feel in themorning often, people backaway asthey get might be very different from your confused by your mixed signals. It mood in the evening. Clarify important will take a diverse andunderstanding person to relate successfully with you. details, and follow through onwhat you feel counts. Interpersonal The Stars Show the Kind of DayYou'l relationships will be highlighted. Your Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3­ ability to create andimagine remains Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult high. Tap into that energy later today. ARIES (March21-April19) Tonight: Make it exclusive. ** * You hit a wall of confusion. SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Step back, and allow the situation ** * * You might feel as if you are to unravel naturally. Focus onwork — whatever that may look like for you always behind the podium directing. An undefined swing of events or a — and worry less about gathering change in energy finds you on the information. You' ll discover a hands­ lead horse. As aresult, success off approach that will help clarity seemsguaranteed.Youm ightbe develop. Tonight:Remember,you stunned by the difference between need to take abreak sometimes. reality and your perceptions. Tonight: TAURUS(April 20-May 20) Where people are. ** * * You have difficulty grasping SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) a long-term desire. Frustration ** * * R each outfor more emerges, yet you areable to get to the information. A long-distancecontact bottom of a problem. If you needto, could be involved.Youmight be unsure choose an easystressbuster in order ofwhichwaytohead,asyoujuggle to relax; take awalk around the block, your home life with different, andnearly for example. Your creativity soars, opposing, interests. Givetime achance and answers appear.Tonight: Time to work its magic, andyou will like the for some fun. results. Tonight: Into theweehours. GEMINI (May 21-June20) CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan.19) ** * * Complete tasksthe in ** * * Your imagination blazes morning. In theafternoon, agentle in a discussion, and what emerges haze movesin. Before you realize it, is a willingness to break past self­ you could bewalking in afog. It's not imposed mental boundaries. The justyou — others feelsimilarly. Forcing ability to conceptualize andexpress clarity will only compoundthe situation. some of your thoughts could be You might become frustrated, but on difficult later. Just wait a dayor the other hand,you also might find time two, and try not to worry so much. to do something youhavebeenputting Tonight: Let your mind lead theway. off. Tonight: At home. AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) CANCER(June21-July 22) ** * * A partner or friend is relieved. ** * * A llow openness in financial Finally, you make time for him or discussions. You might be unusually her. Your recent popularity has been resourceful, but others cannot hear overwhelming, and this person has your suggestions. Communication powerful feedback for you, if you are allows greater give-and-take, but willing to listen. Confusion surrounds don't make anydecisions just yet. money. Becareful when dealing with Use care around machinery and all an associate who expresses his or her electronic items, as your mind easily anger. Pull back some.Tonight: Gofor drifts to yonder lands. Tonight: Share something cozy. a dream. PISCES (Fed. 19-March 20) LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * Your understanding could be ** * * Get an early start on the day. distinctly altered by the rose-colored Listen to your instincts regarding shades you' rewearing. You could your assets, which could involve find yourself feeling disappointed, an innate talent. You might decide but realize that the cause isyour distorted reality. Much can besaid not to let a conversation drag you down; however, ignoring it might not about positive thinking. Forget losing be the best idea, either. Frustration your temper. Tonight: Go with a suggestion. fuels anger. Tonight: Choose a stressbuster. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate

PUMPKIN PATCH: Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www .deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. TUMALO FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-6 p.m.; Tumalo Garden Market, off of U.S. Highway 20 and Cook Avenue; 541-728-0088, earthsart©gmail.corn or http: // tumalogardenmarket.corn. "B'AKTUN":A showing of the bilingual play about the end of the Mayan calendar; free; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-382-4366 or www.milagro.org. BAKESTARRBENEFIT CONCERT:Featuring a performance by Five Pint Mary; ages 21 and older; proceeds benefiBAKESTARR; t $5;6 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-598-4483 or www.bakestarr.org. BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8, IMAX, Cascades Theatrical Company and the Oxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 at the door; 6-10:15 p.m.; 541-388-3378, info@bendfilm.org or www .bendfilm.org. FROM CHETO CASTRO: A discussion about building bridges with 21st-century Cuba; free; 6:30-8 p.m.; Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 S.E. Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541-633-7354. JERRY JOSEPHANDWALTER SALAS-HUMARA: Two roots­ rockers play acoustic sets; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or www.astroloungebend.corn.

Expo Center, Hooker Creek Event Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond;503-350-6029,elisa@ theheartcampaign.corn or www .iheartcentraloregon.corn. "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreet theater.corn. HILLSTOMP: The Portland-based punk-blues duo performs, with Avery James & The Hillandales and Grit & Grizzle; $7 in advance, $9 at the door; 8 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; www .oldstonechurchbend.corn. SASSPARILLA:The Portland-based blues band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.corn/venue/ thehornedhand.

SUNDAY PUMPKINPATCH:Freeadm ission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne; 541­ 548-1432 or www.ddranch.net.

New York Times News Service file photo

The Library Book Club will readand discuss "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot at noon today at the Downtown Bend Public Library. This is a photo of Henrietta and David Lacks around 1945. Opening night of 2nd Street Theater's performance of the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.corn. JONATHANWARREN&THEBILLY GOATS:The roots-rock band performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www .reverbnation.corn/venue/the hornedhand. KEATON COLLECTIVE: Theblues band performs, with All you All; $5; 8:30p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999. ANDY HACKBARTH: The Denver­ based folk-pop artist performs; $3; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www .silvermoonbrewing.corn. FRIDAYNIGHTFEVERDANCE PARTY:Featuring DJ Bryan Swett, with cocktails and food carts; part of the BendFilm Festival; $10; 9:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.bendfilm.org.

Mariusz Kwiecien and Ambrogio Maestri in a presentation of Donizetti's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. BOOK FAIR: Mt. Bachelor Quilters Guild hosts a book fair featuring a children's hands-on quilt project to take home; aportion of proceeds benefits the Guild's outreach programs; free admission; 10 a.m.­ 4 p.m.; Barnes & Noble Booksellers, 2690 E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend;541­ 318-7242 or www.quiltsqq.corn. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6­ FRIDAY 11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m.­ 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin BENDFILM:The ninth annual Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., independent film festival features Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www films at McMenamins Old St. .pumpkinco.org. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin PanTheater, Regal "LEAPSANDBOUNDS": The Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Affording Hope Project presents a CascadesTheatricalCompany one-woman performance by Tevyn and the Oxford Hotel; $200 full East about the interconnection festival pass, $125 full film pass, of faith, ecology and the global individual tickets $11 in advance, economy; registration requested; $12 at the door; 9 a.m.-10 p.m.; donations accepted;2-4 p.m .; 541-388-3378, info@bendfilm United Methodist Church, 680 N.W. .org or www.bendfilm.org. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-4895, tlarson©bendbroadband.corn or PUMPKINPATCH:Free www.emorgan.org/events.php. admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company,1250 LIFTINGHEARTS:A Harmony N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 4 Women benefit concert for SATURDAY 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkin Grandma's House, Saving Grace, the co.corn. Women's Resource Center of Central SKYLINERSWINTER SPORTS Oregon and Bella Acappella Harmony FROM CHETO CASTRO: A SWAP:Event features deals on new Chorus; $10 in advance, $12 at the discussion about building and used athletic gear, including door; 3 p.m.; Bend High School, bridges with 21st-century Cuba; ski equipment, winter clothing, ice free; 1:30-3 p.m.; Central Oregon skates and more; a percentage of the 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-383-3142 or www.harmony4women.corn. Community College, Hitchcock proceeds benefits the Mt. Bachelor Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Sports Education Foundation; $3, HOE-DOWN ANDPIGROAST: Way, Bend; 541-633-7354. $6 per family; 8 a.m.-5 p.m.; 149 Featuring a buffet dinner, live "FINDINGFREMONT INOREGON, S.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-388-0002 music, dancing, contests and or www.mbsef.org. 1843":A presentation and more; proceeds benefit the Local Commerce Alliance; $25, $5 children screening of the documentary BENDFILM:The ninth annual 12 and younger; 5 p.m.; Stamper by Shirley Morris about the 20th independent film festival features Ranch, 65325 73rd St., Bend; century cowgirl; free; 3-5 p.m.; films at McMenamins Old St. 541-633-0674 or www.central Touchmark at Mt. Bachelor Francis School, the Tower Theatre, oregonlocavore.corn. Village, 19800 S.W.Touchmark Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, Cascades Way, Bend; 541-383-1414 or SPAGHETTI DINNER:Proceeds www.touchmarkbend.corn. Theatrical Company and the Oxford benefit local veterans; $8, $7 senors Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages and children ages 6 and younger; full film pass, individual tickets $11 5-7 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 3-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin in advance, $12 at the door; Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. Company,1250N.E.W ilcox Ave., 9 a.m.-11 p.m.; 541-388-3378, info@ KIWANISOKTOBERFEST AUCTION: bendfilm.org or www.bendfilm.org. Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or Featuring a meal of beer and brats, www.pumpkinco.org. PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; with an auction; ages 21 and older; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. proceeds benefit the Boys & Girls AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Teresa Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541­ Irish and Linda Irish Larsen ClubofRedmond; $25;5:30 p.m .; 548-1432 or www.ddranch.net. St. Thomas Academy, 1720 N.W. present their book, "A Thousand Letters Home:OneWWII Soldier' s THE GREATPUMPKIN RACE:5K 19th St., Redmond; 541-980-2040 costume race to benefit Elk Meadow or www.redmondkiwanis.org. Story of War, Loveand Life"; Elementary, with a one-mile kids free; 5-8 p.m.; Barnes & Noble VFW OCTOBERFEST: An authentic Booksellers, 2690 E.U.S.Highway run; races begin and end at the German dinner, with live music plaza; followed by a family fun fair 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 or www and dancing; reservations and costume contest; registration .athousandlettershome.corn. recommended; proceeds benefit requested; $20, $5 kids run, free for the VFW food pantry for veterans LITERARYHARVEST:Featuring spectators; 5K race starts at readings by winners of the and families; $10, $3 dancing only; Literary Harvest writing contest; 10 a.m.; Brookswood Meadow 5:30p.m.dinner,6:30 p.m.dancing; Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, VFW Hall, 1836 S.W.Veterans Way, $10, $5 for Central Oregon Bend; 541-279-1875 or www.great Writers Guild members; 6:30­ Redmond; 541-548-4108. 8:30 p.m.; Comfort Suites, 2243 raceofbend.corn. BEND GAME NIGHT: Play available S.W. Yew Ave., Redmond; 541­ USED GEARAND TOOL SALE: Held board games or bring your own; 408-6306 or www.central on the baseball field, with a silent free; 6 p.m.-midnight; East Bend oregonwritersguild.corn. auction; proceeds benefit Heart of Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Oregon Corps; free admission; 9 a.m.; Road; 541-31 8-8459. "THE ARTIST":A screening of Marshall High School, 1291 N.E. the PG-13-rated 2011 film; free; IHEART CENTRAL OREGON Fifth St., Bend; 541-633-7834 or 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County CELEBRATION: Celebrate the day of www.heartoforegon.org. Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 service with inspirational speaker S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475­ "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: Nick Vujicic and a performance 3351 or www.jcld.org. L'ELISIR D'AMORE": Starring by Elliot; free ticket required; 6:30 Anna Netrebko, Matthew Polenzani, p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL":

CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504­ 1414 or www.pumpkinco.org. PUMPKINPATCH:Freeadm ission; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504­ 1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. BENDFILM:The ninth annual independent film festival features films at McMenamins Old St. Francis School, the Tower Theatre, Tin Pan Theater, Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, Cascades Theatrical Company and the Oxford Hotel; $200 full festival pass, $125 full film pass, individual tickets $11 in advance, $12 at the door; 10:30 a.m.-8p.m.;541-388-3378,info© bendfilm.org or www.bendfilm.org. OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle music and dancing; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFWHall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. MEISSNEREQUIPMENT FUNDRAISER: A fall party with dinner, drinks, a raffle and live music; proceeds go toward a new snowmobile and groomer for Meissner ski trails; $10 admission; 3-6p.m.;Aspen Hall,18920 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-385­ 9902 or www.meissnernordic.org. "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 4 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreet theater.corn. THE SPEAKEASY:Anopen mic storytelling event; stories must be no longer than seven minutes, and should be scary stories; followed by a screening of the Roger Gorman film "The Pit and the Pendulum"; $5; 6 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-241-2271 or brad©innovationtw.org. TAARKADUO:The gypsy-jazz act performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388­ 8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing. corn.

MONDAY MANIMAL HOUSE: The Portland­ based funk-soul act performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www .silvermoonbrewing.corn.

TUESDAY "THE DAUGHTERS OFTHE AMERICANREVOLUTION": Bend Genealogical Society presents a program by Alice Miles; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-317­ 9553 or www.orgenweb.org/ deschutes/bend-gs. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB:Read and discuss "Stitches" by David Small; free; noon; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3764 or www .deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. "THE JUNGLEERS INBATTLE": A screening of the documentary film about the World War II 41st Infantry Division; $10 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org.






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Never say never

lvtDTlohl ALLY.

A r e cognized a uthority o n c e advised his pupils never to lead from a king. I' ve always thought he should spend the next life holding endless hands with all four kings — and always being the opening leader. " Always" a n d " never" a r e dangerous words. Not even the most gullible player would believe that "never" always applies, but against today's four hearts, West led the ace of clubs, saw dummy and shifted ... to the queen of trumps. South gratefully ( an d p e rhaps incredulously) took the A-K, cashed the K-Q of clubs to discard diamonds and made an overtrick.




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North-Southcould have made 3NT or four spades, but four hearts would fail i f W est w eren't t errified of leading from a king. South's bidding suggested 10 major-suit cards, so for West to shift to a diamond at Trick Two couldn't lose. If South had the ace, he could discard his low diamond on a high club in dummy anyway. But if East had the ace, East-West needed their diamond tricks before it was too late.


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player at your right passes. What do you say? ANSWER: I f yo u we r e n't a passed hand, you could temporize with a response of two clubs, but now a new-suitresponse isn'tforcing, and partner might pass it. Though you have only three-card heart support, your most practical action (lacking a conventional method) is a jump to three hearts, inviting game. North dealer Both sides vulnerable

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THE &ill HAVS1'o

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce NicholsLewis




0 201 2 byKing Features Syndicate, Inc. World nghts reserved


E-mail. bholbrookt gmail.corn



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Rl GHT NOW! 0 2012A GI W

ACROSS 1 Breakfast brand 6 Omega, to an electrician 9 Stage 14 Hippodrome,


15 Yellow ride 16 Come again? 17 Pound 20 Ocean flatfish 21 Half a dance 22 Beginnings 23 Church title: Abbr. 24 Ship destroyer in Sinbad's fifth

voyage 25 Pound 34 Dilemma for Jonah

Sy 0 e


35 Eggs


36 Coastal raptor 37 Astrological Ram 38 Econ. yardstick 39 ZZ Top and Cream 40 Campus military


6 Common choir music book size 7 Chemistry Nobelist Otto 8 CEO's degree 9 Ride proudly 10 Haws' partner 11 Top 12 Cooking fat 13 Overthrows, maybe 18 Coffee, tea or milk option 19 Fuss 23 Whiskey orders 24 Invitation initials 25 Group in a hive 26 Severe pang 27 Eastern yogurt condiment 28 Smart guys? 29 "Great"

Muppet daredevil 3 0 "Vive I " 31 Camera-to­







Unscramblethese four Jumbles, one letter to eachsquare, to form four ordinary words.


by David L.HoytandJeffKnurek here are I t h ink we' re your blo c king traffic ' I coufdh't X find them. VLvii'w

we run


across or walk?

58 Pound 61 Capital on the Aar 62 Holiday 63 Church

©Zet 2 TribuneMediaservices, Inc.a AO RightsReserved.







Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as sug gested bythe abovecartoon.

Ans: 10-11

© LaughingStockInternational Inc, Dist uy Universal ucllck for UFS,2012

"Oh, no! Wedidn't get our wake-up call."

41 Hat with a tassel adapter 4 2 Ci t y , 32 Methuselah's Oklahoma father 43 Pound 1 2 3 4 5 47 Homer's 14 neighbor 48 Chaired, say 17 49 Degenerate 53 Rte. provider 20 54 Astrological

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: OZONE FROWN LITANY DISMAY Answer: The television screenhadbecomeso dirty that it had — AFiLM ONiT

33 Posed again

51 Camper's cooker

38 Opposite of hawed 39 Adorned in a prankish way 41 Lets go 44 Let go, as a prisoner 45 Show off 46 Fray, e.g. 49 Abates 50 Worry

52 Europe's highest active volcano



concern 54 Basic organic unit 55 Golden rule woi'd 56 Healing sign 57 Flammable pile 59 Trendy 60 Joplin piece






LA Z A E G I T V A N T E E R G Y V L I R A G L A L I R B O R E B E L U S I S O T A T U A E R O RA P A R T P S R A E S S S Y S 10/1 1/1 2 10



















23 25

53 Promgoer's



34 37



centerpiece 64 Place 65 One may have a sitter 66 Small world?









49 5 0 51 52 53 DOWN 1 Bar obligations 58 59 2 Longtime Hydrox 61 62 competitor 3 Freshwater duck 64 65 4 Chip in a new By Jeff Crattdall pot 5 Principle (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


54 5 5 60 63

10/1 1/1 2



OMMUNITY DATEBOOK communitylife@bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www. bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351.


TODAY AMERICANLEGION MEMBERSHIP MEETING:7 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. BINGO:6 p.m.; Elks Lodge, Bend; 541-382-1371. BINGO:7 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. COMMUNICATORSPLUS TOASTMASTERS: 6:30-7:45 p.m.; IHOP, Bend; 541-593-1656 or 541-480-0222.



BEND KNIT-UP: $2; 10 a.m.-noon; Rosie Bareis Community Campus, Bend; 541-728-0050. BINGO:6 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752.

BINGO:12:30 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688.


BINGO:Noon; Bend's Community Center; 541-323-3344. DAR BEND CHAPTER: 1 p.m.; THE GOLDEN AGECLUB: Pinochle; East Bend Public Library, Bend; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-322-6996. 541-389- I 752. INTERCAMBIO SPANISH/ENGLISH WRITE NOW:Creative writing CONVERSATIONGROUP: 9:30­ group; Noon; Sunriver Area Public 11:30 a.m.; Green Plow Coffee Library; 541-312-1055 Roasters, Redmond; 541-279-7298.

Outing Continued from B1

Once again, Map Guy's name proved ironicas we set out in search of the trail. We headed down the hill to the right of t h e N o rdic Center building, on the wide, mulchy dirt road that serves as en­ try into the complex, and I was struck by how ugly and chewed up the ground here is when not covered in snow. In just a few minutes' time, Map Guy spotted the trail we want­ ed, singletrack branching off toward the right, close to Cen­ tury Drive. This is the Bachelor Tie, which we took mostly down­ hill about two m iles to the Metolius-Windigo Trail where the two connect near Todd Creek Horse Camp (another parking option in summer, but the gate to the camp is already closed,according to Deschutes National Forest). We bore left on the Metolius­ Windigo toward Sparks Lake, pausing here and there for stunning, up-close views of Mount Bachelor's west-facing side. The Deschutes National Forest here ranges from dense to not-so-dense. F rom th e H o smer L a k e area, we continued another five miles south to Lava Lake,

THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-5 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752.

MONDAY CASCADE CAMERACLUB:7 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; www.cascade cameraclub.org or 541-312-4364. CENTRAL OREGONRETIRED EDUCATORSASSOCIATION: 11:30 a.m.; Zion Lutheran Church, Redmond; 541-382-7044. CRIBBAGECLUB:6 p.m .;Bend Elks Lodge; 541-317-9022

Continued from B1 If the student holding the BB-sized Earth is 15 feet from

our golf ball-sized sun (I AU), then how far must a student stand with a half grain of rice to representMercury? Solving a simple ratio problem, the dis­ tance is 5.8 feet. Since Venus is almost the size of Earth, let' s place a student holding an­ other BB to represent Venus at 10.8 feet. Another student would hold a small peppercorn or something smaller than a BB representing Mars at 22.8 feet. The student represent­ ing Jupiter would hold a very small marble or ball bearing at a distance of 78 feet. Saturn would be almost 144 feet — we might be in the middle of the

playground by now. Uranus

Community Center; 541-323-3344. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Canasta and cribbage; 9:45 a.m.-2 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752.

Barnes 8 Noble Booksellers, Bend; 541-728-0050.

HIGH DESERTRUG HOOKERS: 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; 541-382-5337.

THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752.

HIGHNOONERSTOASTMASTER CLUB:Noon-1 p.m.; New Hope Church, Classroom D, Bend; 541­ 390-5373 or 541-317-5052.

NEWCOMERS CLUBOF BEND: Hospitality coffee; RSVP required; 10 a.m.-noon; 541-647-1013 or www.newcomersclubofbend.corn.

LA PINE CHAMBER TOASTMASTERS: 8-9a.m .;Gordy's Truck Stop, La Pine; 541-536-9771.

TUESDAY BELLAACAPPELLAHARMONY: 6 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; 541-388-5038. BINGO:6 p.m.; Eagles Lodge & Club, Prineville; 541-447-7659.. GAME DAY:11:45 a.m.; Bend's

WEDNESDAY BEND CHAMBER TOASTMASTERS: Noon-1 p.m.; The Environmental Center, Bend; 541-610-2308. BEND KNITUP:5:30-8 p.m.;


If yougo


BINGO:6 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688.

KIWANISCLUB OF REDMOND: Noon-1 p.m.; Juniper Golf and Country Club, Redmond; 541-548­ 5935 or www.redmondkiwanis.org. PRIMETIME TOASTMASTERS: 12:05-1 p.m.; Home Federal Bank, Prineville; 541-416-6549. REDMOND AREATOASTMASTERS: Noon-1 p.m.; Ray's Food Place, Redmond; 541-410-1758.






Getting there:TakeCentury Drive west to Mount Bachelor. Trailhead is off dirt road just inside entrance to West Village Lodge. There

/ iu

are several parking options for this ride (seestory),

-I 6",: ',."

including Dutchman Flat. For a shorter ride, departing from Sparks Lake is yet

another option. Difficulty: Difficult

Cost:Free Contact:541-383-5300 of loose sand that will firm up once a little rainfall or, gulp, snow sets in. S omewhere bet we e n Sparks and H osmer l akes, though, something clicked for me: I realized that, much like Map Guy's, my bike would also roll right over a lot of the rocky sections I'd been going around or stepping over. F or shaving a lot of t i me off our ride, this was a great development. I began letting up on the brakes and zoom­ David Jasper/The Bulletin ing down some of the hills, Lava Lakeas seen from the even shifting gears and pedal­ trail on the east side of its ing down some of them. Map shores.

Guy called me "grasshopper" and complimented me a few times, which, trust me, never happens. Map Guy and I have a very antagonistic friendship, so I felt something like a ne­

"just" a 10-mile ride one way enjoying riding by a meadow to Lava Lake. You could then here, a lava flow there. Anyone ride back on the trail, or take who uses the Metolius-Windi­ the shoulder of the highway. go trail should give thanks and glected toddler being hugged As it was, according to my credit to the equestrian groups for the first time. trusty Garmin watch's GPS — its primary users, accord­ But there are drawbacks to gizmo, we pedaled (and coast­ ing t o D e schutes National newfound overconfidence, es­ ed!) about 14 miles, maybe Forest Trails Specialist Chris pecially pedaling over loose a little farther because I oc­ Sabo — who take fantastic sand. After t r u ndling over casionally forgot to restart it care of the trail. The only time some rocks, I began picking a few times after I stopped to we encountered a tree across up speed through a flat section snap photos. the trail was along the eastern when, as I was heading into a Map Guy remarked some­ shore of Lava Lake. turn, sand grabbed my wheel thing along the lines of the ride Truth be told I' m m ostly and took it one way, while my being just long enough that, by a pavement-pushing bicycle upper body went another. the time you get to Lava Lake, commuter, so pity poor Map Fortunately, I was in loose you' re pretty much sick of it. Guy, who insisted on riding be­ gravel and no trees or lava However, for those to whom hind me. I tend to barge up the rock were around to break my such words are heresy, Sabo hills, but, at first, took it pretty fall or my face. Sometimes, the says that for m ore punish­ gingerly around the techni­ measure of a good outing is ment, you can also catch the cal sections, which means I what you' ve lost: In this case, roughly 10-mile Edison-Lava slammed on my brakes and I lost my fear of riding over Trail to Edison Sno-park. w ould try to w alk m y b i k e obstacles, but also the sun­ Sabo also urges mountain over or around them. glasses I'd hooked on my shirt. bike riders to be aware of, Map Guy, onthe other hand, Further into the ride I noticed and courteousto,equestrians, is a trooper who rolls bravely they'd disappeared, probably whose horses won't necessar­ over any and all lava rocks when I took a spill. Map Guy ily recognize the sometimes and roots. This means I'd re­ also did a face plant when he strangely d r essed c y c lists peatedly get ahead of him on tried to ride, starting from a sharing the trail with them. a hill — to be sure, that "80 standstill, off a rocky one-foot Talking to the riders can help percent downhill" estimate is drop. The only thing hurt was put their horses at ease. "It really can spook some generous; I'd put it more at 70 his ego. percent — and then he'd catch For those wanting a similar horses if they don't hear a up to me whenever I came to a but shorter ride than what we biker coming, or if they' re not rock larger than a grapefruit. took, another option is park­ well-trail-trained," he said. It's early in the season yet, ing at Sparks Lake off Forest — Reporter: 541-383-0349, and we encountered sections Road 400, which makes for djasper@bendbulletin. corn

Sky watch

ORDER OF THE EASTERNSTAR: 7:30 p.m.; Masonic Lodge, Redmond; 541-504-0444. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-5 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. SWEETADELINES:6:30 p.m.; Redmond Senior Center; 541-447-4756. SCOTTISHCOUNTRYDANCE: 7-9 p.m.; Sons of Norway Hall, Bend; 541-549-7311 or 541-848-7523.

is at 288 feet, or almost the length of a football field. Nep­ tune would be 150 yards away. And finally, Pluto in our small scale of the solar system would be almost200 yards from the golf ball and would be repre­

sented by a poppy seed. We could change the scale so that an AU represents an inch to fit a classroom, but the sun and planets would be so small that the students wouldn't have room to stand next to each other. If this is the scale of our little solar system living in the sub­ urbs of our Milky Way, imagine the scale of the entire universe. — Bill Logan is an expert solar observer and a volunteer amateur astronomer with University of Oregon's Pine Mountain Observatory. He livesin Bend. Contact: blogan0821@gmail. corn.

Trails Continued from B1 Those interested in help­ ing out with trail mainte­ nance or stocking shelters should contact their favor­ ite local ski, snowshoe or snowmobile club for more information or contact the Deschutes National Forest office at 541-383-5300. Trail activity to be aware of includes the possibility of hunting traffic and also some restoration work on the Metolius River trails. Access to Newberry Cra­ ter, the Cascade Lakes High­ way and Forest Road 370 to the Broken Top trailhead will remain open until the snow starts falling, said Sabo.

— Lydia Hoff man, The Bulletin







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Bray rape victim


appearson'Today' Jennifer Bennett, the

victim of recently con­ victed rapist Thomas

sides try to settle

Bray, who in September

was sentenced to 25 years in prison, ap­ peared Wednesday on national television

to discuss the case. Bennett first broke her


anonymity Oct. 1 in a story in TheOregonian. Bennett, along with her civil attorney Jennifer


Coughlin, appeared live on the NBC-TV "Today"

program, discussing her refusal to turn over her computer and search­ engine records at Bray's attorneys' requests.

By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

"I drew my line in the


sand," she said in apre­ taped segment onthe


morning show. "I said, this is where I'm going

to stick up for myself. I was not the criminal, so

investigating meandmy life, it just didn't seem right, it didn't seem just." Deschutes County District Attorney Patrick Flaherty and Bray's at­

torney, Steven Houze, also appeared onthe segment. Bennett and

Coughlin also appeared live, speaking with "Today" host Savannah Guthrie about the trial.

In February 2011Bray and Bennett met through Match.corn, and after having a drink at a down­ town restaurant the pair returned to his apart­ ment in Franklin Cross­ ing, where he repeatedly

raped her,according to

testimony. Bray is cur­ rently housed in Coffee Creek Intake Center.

Bend house destroyed in fire A man and his dog escaped injury when their northeast Bend

home burnedWednes­ day morning, according to the Bend Fire Depart­

ment. Firefighters were

called to 63385Orner Drive at 8:37 a.m. They were able to knock down the fire quickly, but the structure and its contents were de­ stroyed, an estimated loss of $160,000. Investigators are at­ tempting to determine the cause of the fire.

Photos byRyan Brennecke / The Bulletin

Valeri Jones, 60, left, and Terry Anderson, 75, laugh as they participate in an upper arm exercise during the Strength, Tone & Mightier Bone class Wednesday at the Bend Senior Center.

aF OaF Won'



"We are disappointed by the district's refusal to meet and discuss a possible com­ promise," Buchanan said in an email Wednesday to The Bulletin. "The cost of litigation is significant for both sides, and USCB was hoping to avoid that expense."

By Mac McLean The Bulletin

The Bend Park 8t Recre­ ation District says it wants to hear how it can meet the needs of a senior citizens group with whom it's been publicly at odds for two months over operation of the Bend Senior Center. A lawyer for the park district offered the United Senior Citizens of Bend a meeting with the district board ofdirectors in order to hear the seniors' complaint that the center no longer addresses their needs. But the district will not discuss the seniors' claim that the district owes USCB almost $1 million, according to a letter Tuesday from John Berge,attorney forthe park district, to USCB attorney Bill Buchanan. "The district is very con­ cerned about servicing the seniors in our community

... (and) is always willing to discuss issues related to pro­

c aim


Seniors' complaint

Shirley Rey, 86, of Bend, works on an arm exercisewith a partner at the Bend Senior Center on Wednesday. vidingthose services,"Berge wrote. The USCB claims it helped raise money to build the seniorcenter more than a decade ago and got nothing out of the deal. Bu­ chanan, in turn, suggested the park district mediate the dispute outside of court and

include Bend's Community Center, a financially failing nonprofit that works closely with the seniors group. Bu­ chanan alsooffered to direct the money USCB claims it' s owed by the park district to the community center to keep it afloat. The park dis­ trict declined to mediate.

For more than 20 years, USCB and its partner or­ ganizations ran a series of programs that served low­ income seniors out of an old church building it owned at the corner of Northeast Fifth Street and Kearney Avenue. But when the region's popu­ lation skyrocketed in the late 1990s, the seniors group realized it had outgrown the building and teamed up with the park district and the city government to build the Bend Senior Center on Southeast Reed Market Road. See Seniors /C2

More briefing, C2

FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central

and Eastern Oregon. For

Woman suescity of Bendover bike crashinjury

the latest information, visit www.nwccweb

By Hillary Borrud

.us/information/ firemap.aspx.

A Bend woman is suing the city of Bend for $154,000, claiming a poorly constructed water-line cover caused her injuries when she wrecked her bicycle in 2010. Tamara Lynn Houston con­ tends the city was negligent in placing a steel cover over a water line access point on Northeast Ninth Street. Hous­ ton wrecked her bike, tore the cartilage in her knee and

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The Bulletin

sustained other injuries that led to significant medical bills, according to a complaint filed Sept. 6 in Deschutes County Circuit Court. There areapproximately 15,000 of these water line ac­ cess fixtures, which the city calls "valve cans," all over the city, said Public Works Director Paul Rheault. Asphalt shifts as the ground freezes and thaws, and the valve cans sometimes need to be readjusted. "It's a constant job for us to go around

the city and fix them," Rheault said. The evening of Sept. 13, 2010, Houston was northbound on Northeast Ninth Street at Hawthorne Avenue, according to her suit. Houston struck a manhole cover situated below the street grade and wrecked her bicycle, according to the complaint. According to Hous­ ton, the city was negligent becausecity workers did not install material, such as a col­ lar, to raise the manhole cover

"to areasonably safe leve lfor bicycle traffic to pass over it safely and without obstruction orinterference." Houston's injuries included tom cartilage in her left knee, an impinged nerve, injuries to her right shoulder and a sprained thumb, according to the complaint. Houston's medical bills already total at least $22,000, and she expects to incur at least $12,000 in ad­ ditional medical expenses. See Injury /C2

Bend officials and op­ ponents of the $20.1 million city water project will be in Eugene today to try to work out their differences in a settlement conference. Construction was sched­ uled to begin Wednesday on a new pipeline and other facilities to bring drinking waterfrom the Cascades foothills to Bend. But op­ ponents of the project filed a request last week for a preliminary injunction to halt the project. In U.S. District Court in Eugene Wednesday, Chief District Judge Ann Aiken heard the motion for a prelimi­ nary injunction filed by the nonprofit Central Or­ egon LandWatch. Aiken asked the city and Central Oregon LandWatch to participate in a settlement conference today, said city spokesman Justin Finestone. City Engineer and Assis­ tant Public Works Director Tom Hickmann said con­ struction is on hold for now. "At this point, we have told the contractor basically to stand down until at least Monday,"Hickmann said. "We don't know, we might reach something tomorrow and we' ll be able to call them back up.... We' ll see where we' re at on Monday." Paul Dewey, executive director of Central Oregon LandWatch, could not be reachedforcomment Wednesday evening. The nonprofit sought the injunc­ tion after filing a lawsuit against the U.S. Forest Service in U.S. District Court last month. The wa­ ter project passes through federal lands, and Central Oregon LandWatch claims the Forest Service failed to adequately study what ef­ fects the project will have on fish and wetlands. A preliminary injunction would force the city to delay construction until Aiken is­ sues a final decision on the case. City Attorney Mary Winters has said it will likely take months for the judge to decide whether the Forest Service adequately reviewed environmental impacts of the project be­ fore it issued a permit. The new water intake facility at Bridge Creek and a 10-mile-long pipeline to Bend that the city plans to build are part of a larger city surface water project that could ultimately cost $68.2 million. — Reporter: 54b617-7829, hborrud@bendbulletin.corn

1. Pole Creek Fire • Acres: 26,795 • Containment: 90% investigation

Legislature examinesautonomy for universities


By Lauren Dake

• Cause: Under

In an Associated Press story headlined "Tillamook to end tsu­

nami siren program," which appearedTuesday, Oct. 9, on Page C5, the

AP erroneously quoted RockawayBeachresi­ dent Ocie Johnson. The

story should havesaid Johnson contends the

county has done apoor job of notifying residents about the change. The Bulletin regrets

the error.

The Bulletin

SALEM — The University of Oregon and Portland State University could be granted more autonomy from the state's higher education board if draft legislation, adopted by a legislative panel Oct. 4, becomes law. Former UO President Richard Lariviere, who was ousted last year, pushed for an independent governing board, saying the university would be better funded if it could set its own tuition. Currently, universities de­

pend on state funding, which has continually decreased over the years. I• Publ ic univer­ sity officials from across the nation have pushed for more flexibility.


IN Bot h U of 0 and 5ALEM PSU have ex­

pressed interest in setting their own tuition and keeping excess revenue, rather than watching it be put back in state coffers. Gov. John Kitzhaber has said he supports the idea to grant universities more

independence. The draft legislation was crafted by the Special Com­ mittee on University Gover­ nance panel. If it becomes law, the two universities would have authority, with certain guidelines, to set tuition and issue revenue bonds. The independent boards, which would be appointed by the governor, would also have the power to choose and fire the university's president. The state Board of Higher Education currently over­ sees all of the state's seven universities.

"This legislation paves the way for these two great universities to reach their highest potential." — Sen. Mark Hass, 0-Beaverton "This legislation paves the way for these two great uni­ versities to reach their highest potential," said Sen. Mark Hass, D-Beaverton, co-chair­ man of the committee, in a statement. "It also preserves the integrity of the statewide higher education system." Lariviere's plan was an iteration of a plan first pro­

posed by UO Pres>dent David Frohnmayer and would have created a separate board to oversee the university. The draft legislation will create the framework for a bill, which will be up to lawmakers in the 2013 legislative session to approve. — Reporter: 541-554-1162, fdahe@bendbulletin.corn



Seniors LOCAL BRIEFING Continued from Cf

Motorcycle crash injures 1 man A Scappoose man suffered serious injuries Wednesday morning when his motorcycle collided with a car on U.S. Highway 97 about two miles north of

Redmond, according to Oregon State Police.

Gregory T. Forsythe,

57, was northbound around 11:46 a.m. when a northbound Subaru

Legacy turned leftin front of him. Forsythe struck the right rear of

the Subaru andejected from his motorcycle. An off-duty doctor

stopped and tendedto Forsythe until medics arrived and transported him to St. Charles Redmond. The driver of the

Subaru, Denise A.Boy­ er, 57, of Terrebonne, was not injured. She

was cited for making a dangerous left turn.

Prescribed burns planned today Wildland firefight­ ers plan to light two prescribed fires today in

Central Oregon. The Cow Meadow prescribed fire will cover 142 acres next to Crane Prairie Reservoir, about12 miles west of La Pine, and the Cyrus prescribed fire will be on 200 acres, a half mile south of the Cyrus

Horse Camp onthe Crooked River National

Grassland, said Lauren Miller, fire and fuels specialist for the Des­ chutes National Forest. Both will burn through

grassland. In all, firefighters plan this fall and winter to burn about1,800 acres in the Deschutes, 250 acres in the Prineville District of the Bureau of Land Management and 5,700 in the Crooked River National Grass­ land. The two fires today are the first. Smoke from the Cow

Meadow prescribed

Continued from C1 USCB moved it s o f f ices and programs to the new fa­ cility in late 2001 and gave the city title to its old church

building. The city in 2003 sold this building to Bend's Commu­ nity Center, a nonprofit that servesthe homeless and other low-income Central Oregon residents, for $325,000. The seniors group contin­ ued running it s p r o grams out of Southeast Reed Mar­ ket Road until i t e nded its occupancy agreement with the park district and moved into the community center on Fifth Street in summer 2011. One year later, in August, USCB representatives and Bu­ chanan told park district of­ ficials at a public meeting that they believed the senior center strayed from its original mis­ sion to provide services to low-income seniors, and that they wanted backthe money that they had helped raise to build the new senior center. The seniors group claims an implied partnership with the city and the park district w hen the district built t h e senior center 12 years ago. As a result, USCB claims it' s entitled to collect a fair share of the p artnership's assets. In this case, that's $925,000, a share of the assessed value of the Bend Senior Center on Reed Market Road. T he par k di str i c t disagrees. "We see no good faith basis in law or fact for the demands you have chosen to make," wrote Neil Bryant, attorney for the park district, in a re­ sponse Sept. 10 to Buchanan's claims. Bryant also invited Buchanan to make his claims in court. B uchanan's w r i t te n r e ­ sponse Sept. 19 detailed the USCB partnership claim, an­ nounced its intention to end the arrangement and invited the park district board to join

"There is no nexus between the USCB's demand for near­ ly $1 million and the plight of the BCC," Berge wrote Oct. 9. "Thus, if the district, or any other public organization or entity, chose to assist the BCC, we see no reason why funds would have to flow through USCB for that effort." Berge reiterated Bryant's statement that the park dis­ trict saw no legal basis for Bu­ chanan's partnership claim and as a result would not be willing to join him in media­ tion or any other settlement negotiations. He did, howev­ er, say the park district board would like to meet with USCB representatives so they could discuss their problems with the senior center without their lawyers being involved. "The district would like an opportunity to start these dis­ cussions where they started," B erge wrote, h i nting t h a t sometimes lawyers can get in the way. "As you are aware, as soon as attorneys become i nvolved, the nature of t h e conversation changes." In his email to The Bulle­ tin, Buchanan said he didn' t see how having a board-to­ The response b oard meeting would h u rt I n hi s r e sponse t o B u ­ either group as long as they chanan, Berge said he did not b oth followed a s e r ies o f see mediation as a "win" if it ground rules. He also said he meant giving USCB almost did not know whether USCB $1 million. If BCC board mem­ would agree to the park dis­ bers beli eve a public agency trict request to meet with the like the park district can help district's board. them out, they should ask for — Reporter: 541-617-7816, the money and not USCB. mmcfean@bendbulletin.corn to shut its doors for good. BC C B o ar d Ch a i r m an Bruce Abernethy said Sept. 24 the organization will tr y to keep its essential programs running on a temporary basis as it tries to come up with a way it can pay down its debts, shrink its services and get its books back into the black. Buchanan said USCB wor­ ried about th e c o mmunity center's tenuous state because USCB operated out of an of­ fice in BCC's Northeast Fifth Street building and worked with it on several projects. In his letter to Tiktin, Buchanan said the park district could p ay BCC's debts wit h t h e money it owed his client and suggested a BCC representa­ tive be allowed to join the me­ diation session as a possible benefactor of whatever settle­ ment they might yield. "There's a real opportunity here for a win-win," Buchan­ an said. "There's certainly an opportunity here (for the park district) to do something good for the community in­ stead of throwing money at the courthouse and litigating this matter out."

Breakdown of thecontroversy The Bend Park 8 Recreation District and United Senior Citizens of Bend differ sharply on three issues at the center of

their ongoing dispute concerning the BendSenior Center, a Southeast Reed Market Road facility they built together nearly

12 years ago. THE SENIORCENTER USCB:Under park district management, the senior center strayed from its original mission, to provide services to older, low-income

seniors. USCB claims the center now operates as a recreational facility that caters to wealthy, younger seniors. BPRD:The senior center continues to offer many of the activities

available whenthe facility first opened in late 2001. Evenso, park district officials are willing to discuss USCB concerns in a meeting without attorneys.

THE PARTNERSHIP USCB:The seniors group, the city and the park district formed an implied partnership when they built the senior center 12 years

ago. USCB can dissolve this arrangement whenever it wants and is entitled to collect its fair share of the partnership's assets when it does. BPRD:Under Oregon law, this type of an arrangement can only exist between two or more entities that work together on a for­ profit venture.

THE MONEY USCB:Because the seniors group contributed 49 percent of the

money needed to build the senior center, including $325,000 the city made when it sold USCB's old building to Bend's Community Center, it is entitled to collect 49 percent of the building's worth,

or $925,000. BPRD: An August 2000 cooperative construction agreement bars the seniors group from counting any moneymadefrom the building sale or a loan from the county government toward

its fundraising goal. Park district officials claim USCBonly contributed $280,000 toward the effort. him in a m ediation session and work out a cash settle­ ment without going to court. " Neither party w i l l b e n ­ efit from a protracted (legal) d ispute," Buchanan w r o t e Sept. 21 to Deschutes County Circuit Court Judge Stephen Tiktin, one of t hree judges h e suggested mediate t h e USCB claim against the park district. B uchanan, who h a s n o t filed a lawsuit against the dis­ trict, said settling out of court means the park district would avoid a long, public legal bat­ tle involving seniors at a time it's urging voters to approve a $29 million bond measure to upgrade many of its facili­ ties. USCB would also benefit

from a quick settlement; it could use the money to help

Bend's Community Center get back on its feet after a se­ ries of financial setbacks left it more than $110,000 in debt.

Struggling nonprofit

Weekly Arts Sr Entertainment In

As th e d i spute between USCB and the park district simmered in the background, the BCC board of directors took a long, hard look at its books and realized it could no longer operate the orga­ nization in its financial state. The board on Sept. 7 fired BCC Executive Director Taffy Gleason, who worked closely with USCB in its dispute with t he park d i strict, an d a n ­ nounced it saw no choice but

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cover "should not have been allowed to be so far below the Continued from C1 level of the pavement. There Houston is also asking the are products that are sold to court to award her $120,000 raise these covers up." for pain and suffering as a re­ Public w o rk s e m ployees sult of the bicycle wreck. have been checking w ater Raymond Thomas, a Port­ valves for approximately three land l a w ye r r e p r esenting years, and during this routine Houston, said the m anhole maintenance they also check

whether the valve can is flush with the street, Rheault said. Rheault said the city only re­ ceives a couple of complaints each yearabout streetfeatures that create problems for bicy­ clists. "I wouldn't say we get a whole lot of them," he said.

HAVEN HOME STYLE 'Furnifure and Seri n


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— Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrudC<bendbufletin.corn

fire may be visible from

Cascade LakesHigh­ way, but likely not from Bend, Sunriver or La

Pine, said SamPearcy,


a fuels technician for the Deschutes. The fire is planned to start at noon and should put off smoke for two to three

For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletirLcom/off icials.



Geothermal test delayed again

U.S. Senate

A geothermal experi­ ment deep in Newberry Volcano south of Bend won't start until next week, not this week, as

was planned. AltaRock Energy of Seattle intended to start cracking hot rock thou­ sands of feet within the volcano this week, but the project is delayed while the company waits

for a replacement part for temperature sensing equipment, company spokesman DaveStowe said Wednesday. The experiment northeast of La Pine on the Des­ chutes National Forest is now set to start early next week.

The company intends to open up tiny cracks within the volcanic rock

by pumping cold water down a10,000-foot well, possibly creating

a geothermal source, company officials have


Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.: 107 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http: I/merkley.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR 97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 Sen. RonWyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 W eb: http:I/wyden.senate.gov


Sen. TedFerrioli, R-District 30 (includesJefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state. or.us/ferrioli Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District 27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.christelfer@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state. or.us/telfer

reader PhotOS • Can you work a camera, and capture a great picture? Andcan you tell us a bit about it? Email your color or black and white photos

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If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with Irritable Bowel Syndrome, there is now an opportunity to join a new research study.

Rep. Mike McLane, R-District 55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state. or.us/mclane

from a nearby ground­

Well shot!

Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman©state. or.us Web: www.leg.state. or.us/huffman

ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: • Must be between 1B and 80 years old • Have diarrhea predominant irritable bowel syndrome

Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District 53 (portion of Deschutes County) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Bend office: Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District 28 Email: rep.genewhisnant©state.or.us 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 107 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutes) Web: www.leg.state. or.us/whisnant Bend, OR 97701 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Phone: 541-330-9142 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state.or.us U.S. House of Representatives Web: www.leg.state. or.us/whitsett Rep. GregWalden, R-Hood River 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building House Washington, D.C.20515 Phone: 202-225-6730 Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 W eb: http://walden.house.govl (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Bend office: Salem, OR97301 1051 N.W. Bond St., Suite 400 Phone: 503-986-1454 Bend, OR 97701 Email: rep.jasonconger@state.or.us Phone: 541-389-4408 Web: www.leg.state. or.us/conger If you have conditions Fax: 541-389-4452

said. Water will come water well. — From staff reports

NEws OF REcoRD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department DUII —Carlos Arturo Mendiola­ Ramirez, 33, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:54 a.m. Sept. 30, in the 800 block of

Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Prinevi lie Police Department

Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at11:14 a.m. Oct. 9, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Oregon State Police

Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 8:51 a.m. Oct. 9, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 14.

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ria e ins in awsLiita ainst

so iersex ose totoxinin ra By Nigel Duara The Associated Press

PORTLAND — A war con­ tractor knew a critical southern Iraq oilfield plant was riddled with a well-known toxin but ignored the risk t o s oldiers while hurrying t h e p r oject along, firing a whistleblower and covering up the presence of the chemical when faced with exposure, the soldiers' attor­

ney said in opening arguments Wednesday in a federal civil suit. An attorney for th e con­ tractor, Kellogg, Brown and Root, fired back in his opening salvo of a trial expected to last weeks that the soldiers' injuries weren't a result of their expo­ sure to the toxin, called sodium dichromate. Geoffrey Harrison argued that the company had no knowledge of the chemical's presence at the plant and when they found it, they promptly and repeatedly warned the military of the danger. A jury of six men and six women will decide whether the company is culpable for 12 Oregon National Guardsmen's exposure to the toxin, a known carcinogen, and whether that exposure led to their ongoing respiratory illnesses. The sol­ diers will also try to show that the fear of future illnesses is causing them to suffer emotion­ al distress. The irony, said the soldiers' attorney, Mike Doyle, "is that every singleone of these men had a chemical hazard suit they would have put on instantly if they had known." KBR tried to warn the U.S. Army about the dangers of sodium dichromate, Harrison said, but didn't go to the sol­ diers themselves because that wasn't the proper channel of communication.

Don Ryan/The Associated Press

Attorney David Sugerman, right, and an unidentified plaintiff walk into federal court Wednesday in Portland for opening arguments in a lawsuit against defense contractor Kellogg, Brown and Root. The federal civil suit against KBR alleges that Oregon National Guard soldiers were sickened by a chemical at an Iraqi water treatment plant. "That w a s a p p r opriate," U.S. over environmental and Harrison said. "That was not health concerns. concealment." What the Guardsmen found The suit dates to prewar Iraq, in late March or early April when the U.S. Army feared 2003 was a r undown plant, then-Iraqi president Saddam H arrison said, l o oted a n d Hussein would react to an inva­ stripped of copper wire. The sion by setting his own oil fields ground, the soldiers allege, was ablaze, as he had done in Ku­ contaminated with sodium di­ wait after the Gulf War. chromate. When they asked Seeking to head off Hussein, about the risks, the soldiers in late 2002 the army contract­ contend they were rebuffed or ed KBR and tasked them with placated, and safety equipment assessing and repairing Iraqi wasn't ordered until they had oilfield installations. One of the been on site for months. most central — and critical to a The soldiers returned to the continued supply of oil from the U.S. suffering from myriad re­ Gulf — was called Qarmat Ali. spiratory problems, migraines Qarmat Ali operated as a and lung issues. They sued water treatment plant, inject­ KBR in June 2009. The Oregon ing heavier, treated water into soldiers were joined by Guards­ the ground to force oil to rise men from Indiana and West through wells to the surface. Virginia, some of whom are One of th e chemicals Iraqi also involved in suits against workers had been using was KBR. s odium dichromate, a s u b­ Harrison pointed to a U.S. stance long restricted in the Army medical evaluation of the

soldiers from October 2003 that found that the soldiers' medi­ cal issues were likely a result of the conditions — dry desert air, other chemicals — or pre­ existing conditions, along with consumption of protein-heavy supplementsand the presence of sodium dichromate. "At best, there's some possi­ bility that some of their on-site symptoms could be related (to sodium dichromate exposure), but most likely, were not," Har­ rison said. Doyle said an attempt by a KBR employee in August or September 2003 to blow the whistle on the company's role in the alleged deception of the soldiers was met with the man's dismissal from the plant. Doyle said the company was seeking an incentive from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to finish the work quickly and would brook n o c o mplaint from employees about safety concerns. Harrison dismissed the whis­ tleblower as a "disruptive force" at meetings who didn't know that KBR and the U.S. Army were already in talks about the toxin. In depositions taken of senior KBR officials, Doyle points to memory "black holes" that the officials say they suffer when trying t o r e member events from post-invasion Iraq. "Photographs also went into a black hole," Doyle said. "E­ mails went into a black hole." Harrison told the jury that Doyle's assertions about the memories of KBR executives were "little sound bites that he hopes stick with you." "Some 200 people were de­ posed," Harrison said. "To get one person who doesn't re­

member everything from 8 (or) 9 years ago is not evidence."

Man gets 33years for attack on boy in restaurant The Associated Press ­ PORTLAND A predatory s e x of f e nder who stabbed and s exu­ ally abused a 10-year-old boy in the bathroom of a Wendy's restaurant plead­ ed guilty Wednesday and was sentenced to 33 years in prison. Adam Lee Brown a c­ cepted a dealfrom prose­ cutors in which he pleaded guilty to k i dnapping, at­ tempted aggravated mur­ der, assault, sexual abuse, strangulation and sodomy. The sentence means the 50­ year-old Brown, who tested positive for HIV i n 1989, will be 83 at the end of his prison term. The attack occurred on a Sunday in July, after the boy's family returned from a camping trip with a flat tire. The boy had to go to the bathroom, and went to the fast-food restaurant next to a northeast Port­ land tire store. B rown f o l l owed t h e boy into the restroom and locked the door, police said. He pulled out a knife and ordered the boy to take off his clothes. The boy fought when Brown started touch­ ing him, but the naked child was stabbed six times be­ fore he could escape. Cus­ tomers then shut the door, trapping Brown, until the police arrived. Brown was arrested after a two-hour standoff. The boy and his parents did not attend the hearing. "They didn't want to see the face of Adam Brown again," s ai d p r o secutor Donald Rees, according to The Oregonian.

However, a statement from the father was read in court. "The real justice comes

when you are judged by God to burn in hell," the statement read in part. "I hope when that time comes, you remember our son and all of the past vic­ tims you' ve wounded mentally a nd physically. An d k n o w this, their wounds are healing, yours will not." When given a chance to make a statement, Brown said: "I listened to the statement, and it was a heartfelt statement." In 1993, Brown was sen­ tenced to 16 years in prison afterbeing accused of trying to infect as many as nine chil­ dren in the logging town of Roseburg with HIV. No chil­ dren are known to have been infected. He served 12 years, and was placed on post-prison supervi­ sion. He moved to the Portland area in 2010. According to a c r i m i nal complaint from the Roseburg case,the children said Brown told them not to tell and threat­ ened them with knives, scis­ sors and matches. One child said Brown once burned a Bi­ ble, warning that Satan would come if they didn't do what he wanted.

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Booming grapeharvest pleases winemakers inUmpquaValley By Ryan Imondi

tute at Umpqua Community

The (Roseburg) News-Review


ROSEBURG — The Umpqua Valley wine grape harvest has been busy, noisy and produc­ tive — far different from last year's low output. "Last year was a practical disaster, " said Greg Cramer, owner of MarshAnne Land­ ing outside Oakland. "I'm very pleased with the fruit that came in this year. We' re about three weeks ahead of last year." In a long dry spell, no rain has fallen in central Douglas County since July 20, and sun­ ny days have allowed grapes to

looks like it's going to be one of them." Henry said the winery is ex­ periencing aproblem, a good one. "We' re having to pick them faster than normal," he said. Terri Delfino of Delfino Vine­ yards said the color and size of the grapes look prime for pro­ ducing quality wine. "It's going to be a great year," she said last week. "The fruit is ripening all at once. We had a great pick yesterday." The past two years, the har­ vest was delayed forseveral weeks to give grapes more time to grow, she said. She said doing so cost the winery thousands of dollars to keep birds at bay until the fruit could be picked. "Prayer is the only answer," she said. "There's not much we could have done. You' re really at the mercy of the weather." Southern Oregon University climatologist Greg Jones said grape growers should expect poor growing seasons at least once every 10 years. Jones at­ tributed consecutive poor years to bad luck rather than a long­ term cooling trend in the valley. "You are going to have some yearsthatare cooler and some years that are warmer," he said. Lake said occasional bad years shouldn't put a winery out of business. "You have to think like a farmer,"he said. "There could be one in 10 years where you get nothing. If you can't sustain that, you shouldn't be growing

Lake said sun-soaked grapes grow rich in sugars, which fer­ ments into alcohol. Coolertemperatures can do the reverse, stunting growth and diminishing flavor. Rain can further dilute the taste, he sa>d. Growers endured back-to­ back below-average yields in 2010 and 2011, which had two of the cooler summers in the past half century. Temperatures were 5 to 6 degrees below aver­ age, Oregon State Extension Service horticulturist Steve ripen. Renquist said. Clear skies also have meant To compensate for a lack of the risk o f a n e a rly f r ost, sun, winery owners trimmed prompting wineries to fire up vines to concentrate the plants' commercial fans to keep the l imited e n ergy o n fe w e r fruit from freezing at night. grapes. T he p r edawn s o un d h a s The Umpqua Valley typically drawn numerous noise com­ yields 2.7 to 2.9 tons of grapes a plaints to the Douglas County year. Renquist said 2010 and Sheriff's Office. When the sun 2011 yields were 1.2 tons and rises,temperatures have held 1.5 tons, respectively. firm in the 70s throughout the Renquist predicted yields month. this year should be back to typi­ Sheriff's Lt. Chris Merrifield cal numbers and could possibly said neighbors will have to live reach 3 tons. "This year, we' ve had quite with the noise until harvesting is over. Because most of the the inverse," he said. "We' ve county's wineries are outside had a lovely growing season." city limits, there is not a noise Henry Estate Winery found­ ordinancetoenforce,he said. er Scott Henry said Tuesday his Wineries started plucking winery was already halfway grapes in early October, and through its harvest. Grapes at the picking likely will continue the 40-year-old Umpqua win­ through the end of the month. ery are maturingquickly and "The best part about this look great, he said. "I'd say this is going to be harvest season is that we' ve had this nice, warm weather," one of our better years," he said Chris Lake, director of the said. "We have a super year ev­ Southern Oregon Wine Insti­ ery seven to 10 years, and this grapes."

Oregon getting yetanother data center The Associated Press PORTLAND — Oregon is becoming the quite the hub for data centers. The O regonian r e ported Wednesday that Atlanta-based

T5 Data Centers has announced planstobuild a 200,000-square­ foot server farm in Hillsboro. The state already has six data centers of that size or larger, including Facebook's in

Prineville. Most have opened within the past two years. R elatively c h eap p o w er rates make the Pacific North­ west attractive to data center companies.

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oters should return Mike McCabe to his position as Crook County judge. McCabe has plenty to offer the county in which he grew up. He served 16 years

0 alA

on the county commission and is completing his first term as


judge, the county's top administrator. He understands the issues


facing the county and has worked actively to overcome them. Walt Wagner, McCabe's opponent, has management experience with the Oregon State Police. His key charge against McCabe is that county government is too secre­ tive. He cites the ongoing federal legislative effort to move a "wild and scenic river" designation from thecenterofBowmanDamdown­ stream and change the allocation of water. Wagner said the issue was that Pubhc officials didn't bring in the Public earlier in the

ployment rate in the state for too long, and that's not likely to change q uickly. But imagine how bad things woukl be if it weren't for the hun­ dreds of jobs currently linked to the constructions of the new pace­ book data center. True, most o them are not permanent, but for the short term they' re putting bad­ ly needed money into local poc ets. It took the efforts of the county and the city of prineville to bring first Pacebook and then Apple to He wasn't specific, and it's not t h e region. at all clear that's a fair criticism of Now McCabe hopesto continue working to improve the county's McCabe, meanwhile, heads a a i r port by adding a weather station county that is on sound financial t o it. Thestationwouldallowprivate footing. His firstyearinoffic,2009, j ets and the like to land there. In the county trimmed its budget by a ddition, the move to combine the about a third. Doing so wasn't easy county's building and environmen­ — county employees have received tal health departments serves to neither raises nor cost-of-living in- m ake Crook County more business creases since then — but as other f r iendly. timber-dePendent counties f ind McCabe's grasp of the county, its themselves m a world of financial p otential and its problem, is hard hurt, Crook County does not. to beat, and, in fact, his opponent That's not to say Crook County d oes not do so. Knowing that, vot­ doesn't have problems; it does. It has ers would be wise to return him to been cursed with the highest unem- office.

n 'r

M Nickel's Worth Give Sisters a visit

the PERS board couldn't care less. I have a suggestion for Bend May­ Do you wantto have a "feel-good" or Jeff Eager. Refuse to make the day? Do what we did with some payment. I'm sure there would be a friends recently — drive up to Sis­ storm of legal activity, but someone ters, have a meal, and spend a few has to have the political courage to bucks on Christmas presents or gro­ draw the line. Ronald Reagan said, ceries or whatever. It was absolutely " Mr. Gorbachev, tear down t h i s beautiful up there, the merchants wall," and the wall came down. Did were extremely grateful to have the thattake courage? We need leaders business as most of them have tak­ with similar courage to "tear down" en a mortal blow from the fire, and the burdens of unsustainable PERS we came home having had agreat benefits. lunch, visiting some fine galleries, If Obama is re-elected, the stock making a few purchases, and feel­ market will crash again, then what ing that we had done a good thing will happen to pension funds? Will for some folks who have just been PERS blame that on George Bush? through a few very tough weeks. The PERS board will come crying Visit Sisters. Spend a few bucks. to the taxpayers for more contribu­ Show them your support. It was a tions. The well will soon run dry. great way to spend the day, and it The blame lies with the PER S board, felt pretty darn good, too. and if it has any regard for the pub­ Dick Plattenberger lic at large it will address and cor­ Bend rect the problem.

Choose Volpert for Oregon

Court of Appealsjudge n the race for a seat on the Or­ egon Court of Appeals, attorney Tim Volpert has the most rel­ evant experienceand isbest pre­ pared for the job. Volpert is a partner at Davis Wright Tremaine i n P o r tland, where he has focused on appellate law for more than 20 years. After graduating from Willamette Uni­ versity College of Law in 1981, he was a judicial clerk on the Court of Appeals and later a trial lawyer for an insurance defense firm. The Court of Appeals handles nearly all appeals from Oregon's tri­ al courts and administrative agen­ cies, totaling 3,000 to 4,000 per year. Volpert said serg as an ap­ peals court judge has long been an aspiration, and he now feels pre­ paredforits challenges because he has hadexperience in so many of the types of cases the court handles. Appellate work requires a different focus from trial judging, he said, making his background particu­ larly relevant.


In th e c o mmunity, Volp crt helpedfound a program at Grant High School where he and other lawyers have taught law and his­ tory for 12 years. His volunteer work has also included the Senior Law Project of Legal Aid Services of Oregon. His opponent, Linn C ounty Circuit Court Judge James Egan, has been on the trial bench since his appointment by then-Gov. Ted Kulongoski in July 2010. He gradu­ ated from University of Oregon School of Law in 1985 and says he has spent most of his career representing ordinary people in desperate situations. That included personal injury, workers' compen­ sation and Social Security disabil­ ity as well as service with the U.S. Army Reserve in Kuwait. Egan's commitment to h elp­ ing ordinary people is important, but we believe Volpert's variety of experiencebefore the appeals court makes him better-prepared for a seat on the Oregon Coiut of Appeals.


in PERS to save our state'? Those we

are depending on to change it, leg­ islators and judges, are receiving PERS themselves. We have the wolf guarding the henhouse! Lauri Kelly Bend

Support King for Redmond Council

I had the privilege of working with Camden King as a former member of two city of Redmond commis­ sions (DURAC and RCAPP) and as the former executive director of the Redmond Downtown Partnership when he was president of that board of directors. I know this guy pretty well, yet am no longer associated with him professionally. King is one of the most honest, hard-working a n d e v e n-handed people I have ever had the honor of Jack Cook working with. He truly cares about Don't pay for PERS Bend Redmond and how the city is evolv­ ing into a prosperous future. King is Can'tkeep blaming Bush an astute businessman with an open The lead headline in The Bulletin Sept. 29, regarding PERS contribu­ mind and level head. He has dedicat­ tion rates to increase, is no surprise. In response to Brent Yonkovich's ed much of his free time to making The only word in the PERS board letter, "Tired of Obama bashing," in Redmond a much better place to live, vocabulary is "more." It has no re­ The Bulletin Sept. 29: work and play. He has spearheaded gard for any financial stress its ac­ It would seem that you and the the revitalization of the downtown tions cause to the many areas of person in the White House cannot district, supported businesses large Oregon's economic structure. When grow past the blame game you lib­ and small, and looks at what can be, there is an epidemic of county and eralsare so famous for. not what has always been done. c ity bankruptcies, will i t b l a me After four years of incompetence I no longer live in Redmond, yet George Bush? by this fool you both are still blam­ want only the best for and well be­ Our city is faced with an estimat­ ing W. ing of the community. I know from ed $7.2 million pension contribution William Weatherman experience that King is a great city for the 2013-14 budget year. What Bend councilor. Stay on the right track, cuts in other services will have to be Redmond, and re-elect King city made in order to meet this payment? Wolfguarding henhouse councilor. It is obvious these cuts will impact Susan V. Nobles the quality of life for all citizens, but How can we hope for any change Bend

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Candidates' lies and distortions make elections a farce By Bill Bodden s we enter the homestretch of another quadrennial march of folly to elect a president,i our democracy continues to submit to assaultson acts created for the ben­ efit of people: Social Security, Medi­ care, Glass-Steagall, U.N. Charter, Declaration of Human Rights, the Geneva Conventions, habeas corpus, voter IDs and the U.S. Constitution, to name just a few. Our so-called Justice Department maintains its long tradi­ tion of being an arbitrary enforcer of the law. Our Supreme Court is su­ preme only in authority. Electing the greater evil in November could mean the coupde grace to our great experi­ ment in democracy while the lesser evil may only defer the fatal blow temporarily. The choice appears to worsen with each cycle. Our democracy hasdeclined ever since President Eisenhower warned

IN MY VIEW an unheeding nation of the rise of the military-industrial complex during his farewell address. Since then this jug­ gernaut has expanded to become the military-industrial-security-media complex. Our military has amassed incomprehensible destructive power and the prospect of arresting citizens indefinitely without charge while the competence ofits commanders ap­ pears to have declined inversely. They were unable to defeat lighter armed but more guileful leaders in Vietnam and Iraq. Afghanistan looms as a third strike. And, we have villains promot­ ing another bout of madness in Iran while other far-sighted lunatics see China as a likely opponent after we stagger out of the Persian Gulf. The repeal of Glass-Steagall under the co-presidency of Bill Clinton and

Robert Rubin returned Wall Street to its ascendant control of the economy and arrangement of the inevitable crash in 2008. Nevertheless, Clinton is a hero in what Gore Vidal described as our United States of Amnesia. Sim­ ilarly, Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice and others who helped lead us into a multi-trillion dollar catastrophe in Iraq remain respected celebrities in popular culture. Mitch Daniels, who estimated a $60 billion bill for that war, was an early choice among Re­ publicans for president. The campaigns for both m ajor parties appear to have concluded that trolling with lies and distortions among the gullible and ill-informed is the way to a majority of votes. At the same time, we have the biennial charade of re-electing rep­ resentatives and senators to Con­ gress despite their voting for major blunders in the past and the distinct

probability they will perpetrate more follies in the future. Then there is that effective mi­ nority of voters calling for smaller government who have given little, if any, rational thought to this proposi­ tion. First of all, how small is small' ? Second, is small appropriate for a big country? The odds are highly likely a small government will be weak, and where there is a power vacuum it will almost certainly be filled by unelected authoritarians in league with the plutocrats who already have controlling interests in ou r t h r ee branches of government. Advocates of this nonsense would do well to observe countries with weak or non­ existent governance. Somalia is one example. It is a chaotic land run by warlords with one or more having a franchise for piracy along that be­ nighted nation's coast. Then there are the tragic banana republics of

Central America from whose miser­ ies people flee north in droves. An opinion in The Bulletin pro­ posed (Sept. 21) that we switch to a parliamentary system without appar­ ently recognizing that the system is not what counts. The key factors are the peopleand whether they conduct themselves as intelligent and respon­ sible citizens. Britain, despite or be­ cause of its parliament, has a long his­ tory of similar problems and defects that we have. We, as Americans, have a credo to live by in the words and spirit of the Declaration of Independence and the Pledge of Allegiance: All people are created equal with a right to life, lib­ erty, the pursuit of happiness, and jus­ tice. Unfortunately, it appears that for too many people, and all but a few poli­ ticians, those words and their inherent concept are completely meaningless. — Bill Boddenlives in Redmond.


BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Daniel Allen Loomis, of Prineville Feb. 14, 1949 - Oct. 7, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals­ Redmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A family get-together will be held at a later date.

John Kevin lrick, of Redmond July 30, 1962 - Oct. 4, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals­ Redmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: 7:00pm, Thurs., Oct. 11, Praise 8 Worship Memorial Service; Word of Victory, 645 SE Salmon Avenue, Redmond.

Marian Patricia Parker, of Bend Mar. 24, 1928 - Oct. 7, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-31 8-0842 www.autumnfunerals.corn Services: A Memorial Service will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, Oregon 97702 www. partnersbend.org

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but

specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or

funeral homes.Theymay be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information

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Email: obits©bendbulletin.corn Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

Nona Lorene Cork Frogge Jan. 18, 191 9 - Oct. 9, 201 2 Born January 18, 1919, at Lexington, OR, to G eorge W . and D o r a H u x C o r k . Nona grew up in Kimberly, O R, a n d sh e att e n d ed schools in b ot h K i m b erly and Monument, OR. Nona a nd her f a m il y m o ved t o Central Oregon in 1935. S he m a r r i e d Ric h a r d F rog ge on N o v e m ber 8 , 1938. They had two daugh­ t ers, Lois Crow an d S h i r ­ ley Orrick. She leaves one d aughter, L oi s o f D a l l a s, OR, six grandchildren, five great-grandchildren an d one gr eat - g r eat-grand­ daughter. N ona w a s p r e c eded i n d eath b y h er hu s b a n d ; mother; f ather; and broth­ e rs, D a l e a nd N or m a n C ork; sister, Eileen Cork ; a nd daughter, Shirley Or ­ rick. Funeral services are b e­ ing held on F r i d ay, Octo­ ber 14, 2012, at 1 :00 p.m., at Deschutes M a u soleum Chapel with p r i v ate inter­ ment at Deschutes Memo­ rial Gardens. To leave o n l in e c o n d o­ l ences p l ea se vi si t www.deschutesmemorial­ chapel.corn


Football's I(arras found 2nd career as an actor By Bruce Weber New York Times News Service

Alex Karras, a fierce and relentless All-Pro lineman for the Detroit Lions whose ir­ repressible character placed him frequently at odds with football's authorities but led to a second career as an actor on television and in the movies, died Wednesday at his home in Los Angeles. He was 77. Karras had kidney disease, heart disease and stomach cancer, his fam­ ily s ai d i n a s tatement a n ­ n ouncing hi s d eath, as w e l l as dementia. He Karras was among the more than 3,500 former players who are su­ ing the NFL in relation to the long-term damage caused by concussionsand repeated hits to the head. To those younger than 50, Karras may be best known as an actor. He made his film de­ but in 1968, playing himself in "Paper Lion," an adaptation of George Plimpton's book about his experienceas an amateur playing quarterback for the Li­ ons, which starred Alan Alda as Plimpton. His r endering of his own roguish personal­ ity led to several appearances on "The Tonight Show With Johnny Carson," and in the 1970s he played numerous guest roles on series televi­ sion, on shows like "McMillan and Wife," "Love, American Style," "M'A*S*H" and "The Odd Couple," in which he played a comically threaten­ ing man-mountain, the jealous husband of a woman who has become friendly w it h Felix

(Tony Randall). Perhaps most memorably,he played Mongo,

a hulking sublite rate out­ law who delivers a knockout punch to a horse, in the Mel Brooks western spoof "Blaz­ ing Saddles." In 1975 he played George Zaharias, the husband of the champion track star and golf­ er Babe Didrickson Zaharias, in the television movie "Babe." The title role was played by Susan Clark, who became his wife, and from 1983 to 1989, they starred together in the gentle sitcom "Webster," about a retired football player who takes in a black boy (Emmanu­ el Lewis), the orphaned young son of a former teammate. But Karras first earned fame as a f e rocious tackle for the Lions, anchoring the defensive line for 12 seasons over 13 years, 1958-70. It was a n era when the NFL w a s rife with talent at the position — Karras'contemporaries in­ cluded the Hall of Famers Bob Lilly and Merlin Olsen — but he was an especially versatile pass rusher, known around the league for his combination of strength, speed and cagi­ ness. His f u rious approach — Plimpton described it as a "savage, bustling style of at­ tack" — earned him the nick­ name the Mad Duck. "Most d e fensive t a ckles have onemove, they bullhead­ on," Doug Van Horn, a New York Giants offensive lineman who had to block Karras, said in 1969. "Not Alex. There is no other tackle like him. He has inside and outside moves, a bull move where he puts his head down and runs over you, or he' ll just stutter-step you like a ballet dancer."

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Paddy Roy Bates, 91: Self­ proclaimed p r i nce o f t he Principality of Sealand, the a bandoned wartime fort i n t he North Sea that h e d e­

clared sovereign with its own passports, flag, anthem and stamps; it now makes money by selling aristocratic titles and hosting Internet servers. Died Tuesday in England. — From wire reports




Couple offers to adopt boy with mom ondeath row


The Associated Press EUGENE — A third-grade boy whose mother is on death row is on track to be adopted. The boy has been a ward of the state since Decem­ ber 2009, when paramedics found his half-sister, 15-year­ old Jeanette Maples, starved and battered to death. A j u r y c o n v icted A n ­

Tuesday that their clients sup­ port adoption, The Register­ Guard newspaper reported. Caseworker Linda Cline told Henry the potential adop­ tive parents live in a different part of Oregon. Cline said she read home studies for 50 potential adop­ tive families all over the coun­ try beforerecommending the gela McAnulty of a ggra­ couple. Cline said she chose vated murder and gave her Oregon parents, in part, so the death penalty. Richard the boy could stay in touch McAnulty, the boy's father, with another half-sister, now pleaded guilty to murder by 15, who is in a p ermanent abuse for failing to protect his placement with different fos­ stepdaughter. He is serving a ter parents. "It is really important for sentence of 25 years to life. Both parents have relin­ him to be seen by his peers as quished their rights to their just a kid and to not paint him son. Attorneys for each told with that (family) history," Lane County Juvenile Court Cline told Henry. J udge Eveleen Henry o n The boy's attorney, Da­

vid Phillips, said it will take time for his client to make the transition to his new life, and urged the state to provide therapy to help the child deal with past family dynamics. Phillips described the boy as "bubbly, very smart and very perceptive," but said any child "who endured what he endured and who has seen what he's seen" will under­ standably have problems. The child's current foster mother told the judge that the boy's potential adoptive fami­ ly includes"experienced par­ ents" with older children who have demonstrated their abil­ ity to provide structure and boundaries. She said the fam­ ily also is "faith-based," and that the boy has talked about wanting to go to church.

KLAMATH FALLS — A jet fighter had a problem landing at the Oregon Air N ational Guard base i n Klamath Falls. Master Sgt. Jennifer Shi­ rar says the pilot was unhurt afterarresting cables were used to help stop the F-15C when it came in for a land­ ing Tuesday afternoon after a routine training flight. She says a board of inves­ tigating officers is looking into the incident. Details of the damage to the aircraft or the cause of the incident have not been released. Shirar says they are not yet releasing whether the pilot was regular Air Force or Air National Guard. Kingsley Field is home base to the Oregon Air Na­ tional Guard's 173rd Fight­ er Wing, which trains jet fighter pilots.

Former state rep. to fill Senate spot


rot ersna Iattesna es ora ivin in aioInia By Hudson Saugree The Sacramento Bee

SACRAMENTO, Ca­ lif. — Just above the tract homes of Empire Ranch, on a Folsom, Calif., hillside cov­ ered in boulders and brown grass,Bruce Ramirez plies his trade: keeping the sub­ urbs safe from rattlesnakes. Greenbelts a nd gol f courses ar e p a r t i cularly hazardous, he said. In the past week or so, he and his brother Len pulled about 50 rattlesnakes from a r ound Northern California homes. In the f o othills, where suburbia and prime snake habitat intersect, homebuild­ ing is picking up again after a long hiatus. That's dis­ turbing more rattlers. And with summer temperatures lingering into f a ll, y oung snakes, whose bite can be the most dangerous, are nu­ merous and active. "It's beautiful c ountry," Ramirez said. "People want to live here, too. I guess we have something in common with snakes." It's not an easy coexistence. The slithering of rattlers onto suburban lots — biting pets, frightening children — creates demand for snake catchers such as Ramirez Rattlesnake Removal. The brothers' c l i ents i n c lude homeowners, schools, high-tech companies and hospitals. The R a mirez b r o thers have removed snakes tucked behind toilets, coiled in bed­ rooms and lurking under TVs. More times than they would like, they' ve come face to face with rattlers in the narrow spaces under houses while crawling on their bellies. " The babies are out i n high numbers right now," Bruce Ramirez said. In Empire Ranch, a new development in Folsom, Ca­ lif., homeowners routinely call Bruce Ramirez to ri d their yards of snakes. He has traced the creatures to their hillside dens and cap­ tured dozens. On a recent Wednesday, he handed his card to Elisa and Manuel Cordero in the driveway of t h eir F olsom home and suggested some preventive measures, such as sealing garage doors and keeping landscaping clean and open. The Corderos have lived in Folsom fo r s i x y e ars, during which time they' ve had a number of snake en­ counters. Once, Elisa Cor­ dero killed a rattler with a shovel. Another time, her h usband shot one w it h a BB gun after their 6-year­ old granddaughter heard its rattle while playing in the

F-15 has trouble landing at base

SALEM — Former state Rep. Betsy Close has been appointed to replace a retir­ ing senator. Linn and Benton county commissioners s e l ected Close on Wednesday. She will replace former Sen. Frank Morse of A l bany, who shocked colleagues last month when he an­ nounced he would resign before the end of his term. Both Close and Morse are Republicans. Close servedfour terms in the state House begin­ ning in 1999. She previous­ ly was a teacher in Albany and in Washington state.

Salem school bus involved in crash

Lezlie Sterling/The Sacramento Bee

Len Ramirez holds a 3-foot rattlesnake that he caught in a housing development in Sacramento, Calif., and will release back into the wild in another area.

The couple moved from C itrus Heights, Calif , a n d were surprised by the num­ ber of snakes. They didn' t hear about the rattlers from sales agents. A prospective neighbor told them, "There' s critters," and left it at that, they said. Northern Pacific r attle­ s nakes ar e c o m mo n i n growing suburbs such as Lincoln, Folsom and Granite Bay. The upscale commu­ nity of El Dorado Hills is the epicenter of snake sightings, Len Ramirez said. "We call it 'Snake-orado,'" he said. Bruce Ramirez told the story of a call to a home in Serrano, a gated community in El Dorado Hills. The fam­ ily dog had been bitten over­ night and refused to come inside. When Ramirez got there, he realized that's be­ cause the snake was indoors with the family, including a 3-year-old child. "The dog knew better than to go back in the house," he sard. As of Wednesday, the 50 snakes recently r e moved by the Ramirez brothers were stored in holding tanks at Len R a mirez' A uburn home. He planned to take them into th e m o untains and release them, as he does with almost all the snakes he catches. Patrick Foy, a spokesman for the state Department backyard. of Fish and Game, said the One day, they said, their department has an i n f or­ 9-year-old grandson pound­ m al agreement wit h L e n ed on the front door after Ramirez that allows him to school, yelling and f r ight­ distribute rattlesnakes on ened. Elisa opened the door public wild lands. and saw a big rattler coiled Foy said state law gives in th e c o r ner, a n a r m ' s residents "carte blanche" length from the boy. t o do what they will w i t h

rattlesnakes — k il l t h e m , catch them — with no permit required. Th e s n akes, na­ tive to this area, are not pro­ tected as either threatened or


SALEM — A u thorities say a bus carrying 48 stu­ dents to a Salem elemen­ tary school struck the back of a Honda. Marion County sheriff's spokesman Don Thomson says nobody on the bus was hurt in Wednesday's crash and the Honda driver also escaped injury. Thomson says theprelim­ inary investigation shows the vehicles were traveling in the same direction when the Honda slowed behind another school bus that was turning left. The driver of the second bus told the investigating of­ ficer he saw the Honda slow in front of him, but couldn' t stop before hitting it. T hompson s ay s s k i d marks show the bus driver did apply the brakes. Both vehicles sustained


Assisted living CEO to pay no civil fines SALEM —

Despite the law's treatment of rattlesnakes as pests, the Ramirez brothers said they respect their quarry — in part for the vital role snakes play in controlling the state's ro­ dent population. "We move onto their prop­ erty, but we really need them," Bruce Ramirez said. On that r ecent Wednes­ day, Len Ramirez pulled out a bucket of s m all r a ttlers, youngsters that were born in late summer or early autumn. They look a l most harm­ less, and they are much hard­ er to spot than older snakes, he said. But their bite can be the most dangerous, because they have yet to make a kill and cleanse t h ei r v e n om ducts. "They can discharge more venom," Len Ramirez said. Children and dogs are es­ pecially in danger from the small rattlers, which they tend to approach with less caution. "You wake up in the morn­ ing and your dog's head is the size ofa melon," he said.

A fe d eral

judge in Eugene denied a request from regulators to collect millions of dollars in civil penalties from Jon Harder, the former chief executive officer of Sun­ west Management. Judge Michael Hogan's decision, made public Tues­ day, came just two weeks after Harder was arraigned on criminal fraud charges. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Com m i ssion wanted to hit Harder with at least $180 million in civil penalties. H ogan wrote that t h e court does not minimize the violations that occurred, but acknowledges Harder's "miraculous" effort to mini­ mize investor losses According to the judge' s order, many investors will get back about 60 percent of the money they invested in the Salem company that — before its collapse — was known for its chain of as­ sisted living centers. — From wi re reports

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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.


• •

I I 4


• u

Today: Last

Tonight:A few clouds through the night, stay­ ing mild.

day of dry and warm conditions

for a few days.

CHANNE Kxvz.cow








Seasidev 6i/5i • CannonPeach




Lmcoln City

•~ Government


7 /39

Ma u pin zn4o


alii ' 72/44


Florence• 5 7/46 ~

Camp 5herman 67/35

Eugene •

6 8/35

Coos Bay

Baker City 71/33

v Mit c heg 71/40

• John Day


70/ 3 7






• Chr i stmas valley silver 71/37 Lake




Port Orfor





rants ~ Pass 75/44

• Brookings 56/45


• Kla math




• 70/42

FallS moz


• 22


• Lakeview




• Calgary

(in the 48 contiguous states):


• 96'


• 1.61 w







Chicano ; 65/f4

Denver 72/43

Albuquerque 76/SB




Kansas City 71/47 L



64'4' vv v


( :o lumbus ~ . 62 / 43


• Louisville 64/51



Charlotte 68/4S

Little Rock



New Orleans

Houston g



• •

Q 5S/31 59/46 .• Buffalo x i +g • 49/37 \ I 6 0/41 «) ~Q 5 9 / 4 4, ew York 60/48 Moines­ Cheyenne Sgs ' Des66/35 iladelphia

&IRapid City

,t++ ++ WM

Tijuaha 68/58




1 jas78/49 p


Thunder Bay . C s ssss x 41/22 9

t+ ~ ~ x.'

65/59 p

HonoluluwH, 86/71


apS38/26 •


Vegas +++ v v t. 71/58 s'Aftgefeae

laodo 6/67


• Miami 83/75


Anchorage 46/34


a Paz 93/71 Juneau 45/35







a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Crane Prairie..... . . . . . . . 33,776...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 106,260..... 200,000 Crescent Lake ...... . . . . . 70,921 ...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir ....... . 1 7,31 3 .... 47,000 Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 84,369..... 153,777 R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 313 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 705 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 26 Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 206 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 117 Deschutes RiverAt 6enham Falls ..... . . . . 1,480 Crooked RiverAbove Prinevige Res.. ... . . . . . . 8 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 152 Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 15.8 Crooked RiverNear Terreboone ..... . . . . . . 206 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 or go to www.wrd.state. or.us




.++++ '



* * * * * * * ***+*

46 3 0x h

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......68/55/0 00... 83/65/c.. 82/68/c GrandRapids....46/41/0 21... 60/36/c. 53/37/pc RapidCity....... 72/24/000... 49/37/c . 68/48/pc Savannah.......76/56/0.00...77/55/s. 79/59/pc Akron..........54/42/0.01 ...57/43/s. 53/36/pc Green Bay.......49/33/0.00...55/31/c .. 50/39/5 Rene...........75/49/0.00... 73/44/t .. 68/44/c Seattle..........54/48/0.00... 62/50/s...56/52/r Albany..........57/50/0.08 ..57/39/pc. 54/30/sh Greensboro......71/48/0.00 ... 66/44/s . 73/42/pc Richmond.......71/50/0.00... 64/44/s. 69/44/pc SiouxFalls.......62/26/0.00 .. 51/23/pc. 57/49/sh Albuquerque.....77/51/0 00... 76/58/t ...74/46/t H a 68/43/s .. 67/46/s rus burg .. ....66/53/0 01... 59/41/s .61/34/pc Rochester,NY....57/39/0.00.. 59/44/pc. 50/33/sh Spokane........70/41/0.00... Anchorage ......51/41/0 00... 46/34/5 . 41/31/pc Hartford, CT.....64/50/0 24 ... 59/42/s . 60/33/pc Sacramento......78/49/0.00 ..73/55/pc. 74/54/pc Springfield, MO ..60/36/0.00... 70/58/t...72/60/t Atlanta .........73/51/0.00 ... 72/54/s . 78/58/pc Helena..........67/29/0.00... 58/37/s.. 72/41/s St. Louis.........59/40/0.02... 64/47/c .68757/pc Tampa..........87/71/0.00... 88/68/s .. 87/69/s Atlantic City .....68/56/0.21 ... 62/47/s.. 62/43/s Honolulu ........89/73/0.00... 86/71/s.. 86/72/s Salt Lake City ....78/47/0 00.. 78/49/pc. 66/45/sh Tucson..........90/61/0 00 .. 86/59/pc.. 75/53/s Austin ..........89/65/0.0086/69/pc .. . 87/71/pc Houston........90/65/0.00.. 86771/pc. 86/72/pc SanAntonio .....88/72/000... 86/72/c. 86/72/pc Tulsa...........69/42/0.00... 81/63/t...81/64/t Baltimore .......69/55/0 00... 61/43/s.. 62/42/s Huntsville.......73/47/000... 70/48/s.. 7I55/c SanDiego.......73/67/0.00 ... 67/61/t . 70/61/pc Washington,DC..71/57/000...61/44/s .. 64/42/s 6illings.........71/42/000.. 50/36/pc.. 73/44/s Indianapolis.....54/43/000.. 60/43/pc .. 60/45/s SanFrancisco....67/56/0 00.. 62/53/pc. 64/54/pc Wichita.........68/37/0.00 ..83/57/pc...71/62/t Birmiugham.....77/49/000...73/52/s.79/58/pc Jackson,MS.... 80/58/000. 81/59/s 85/62/pc San Jose ........70/53/000..67/51/pc 69/52/pc Yakima.........78/34/0.00 .. 71/36/s. 70/41/pc Bismarck........67/26/000 ..44/27/pc.. 59/38/s Jacksonvile......80/55/000... 80/60/s. 82/60/pc SantaFe........74/41/0 00 ..71750/pc 69/38/t Yuma . . . . .92/72/0.00 ..81/58/pc.. 80/60/5 Boise...........74/46/000...70/39/s ..73/40/s Juoeau..........54738/0.00...45/35/c...42/35/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........63/52/014... 59/46/s. 58/37/pc Kansas City......64/32/0 00... 71/47/c .. 64/61/c Budgepoit CT....68/52/022...59/47/s.. 61/39/s Lausing.........46/40/018...60/35/c. 52/36/pc Amsterdam...... 57/43/0 00 59/48/pc 55/44/sh Mecca.........1 02/84/000 .101/79/s 102/79/pc Buffalo.........54/46/064..59/44/pc. 51/35/sh Lasyegas...... 84/70/trace... 71/58/t. 70/62/sh Athens..........71/64/025.. 77/62/pc.. 75/65/c Mexico City .....73/55/000... 72/54/t .. 72/52/t BurlingtonVT....57/50/016... 54/43/c. 48/28/sh Lexington.......59/46/0 00..63/48/pc. 63/47/pc Auckland........63/48/0.00... 63/52/s.69/50/sh Montreal........57/46/0.00 .. 50/38/pc. 46/29/pc Caribou,ME.....52/30/004..47/33/pc. 45/28/sh Lincoln..........65/23/000.69736/pc.. 64756/c Baghdad........99/68/0.00 ..103/72/s .. 98/68/s Moscow........45/36/0.0048/40/sh .. . 45/37/pc Charleston, SC...76/48/000...76/52/s. 78/60/pc Little Rock.......70/56/000 ..75/60/pc...79/61/t Bangkok........91/77/0.00... 94/77/t...93/79/t Nairobi .........77/63/0.00 ... 77/60/t...78/62/t Charlotte........73/46/000...68/45/s.74/St/pc Los Angeles......71/61/0.00... 65/59/t. 67/58/pc Beiling..........72/45/000... 74/44/s .. 77/49/s Nassau.........90/81/0.00.. 87/77/pc. 86/75/pc Chattanooga.....71/46/000...71/47/s. 74/53/pcLouisvige........60/48/0.00..64/51/pc. 64/49/pc Beirut..........82/73/0.00...84/74/t .. 82/73/s New Delhi.......91/68/0.00 ... 95/70/s.. 95/72/s Cheyenne.......65/27/000.. 57/37/pc. 62/40/pc MadisonWC....51/34/000... 60/30/c .. 54/45/s Berlin...........48/36/000 ..57/36/pc.59739/pc Osaka ..........79/59/0.00 75/58/pc .. .. 71/55/s Chicago.........52/37/000...65/44/c .. 54/48/s Memphis....... 68/59/0.00.73/61/pc.. 79/62/c Bogota .........70/39/0.00 ..69/48/sh.66/51/sh Oslo............50/28/0.00...47/32/s.. 47/29/s Cincinnati.... 59/43/000 .63/43/pc. 59/43/s Miami . . . . 88/77/046 83/75/s .. 83/76/s Budapest........59/43/0 00.. 59/37/pc.. 62/46/c Ottawa.........57/45/0.00... 49/34/c .. 47/28/s Cleveland.......53/46/0.07...58/47/c. 51/43/pc Milwaukee......49/37/0.00...61/38/c .. 49/46/s Buenos Aires..... 59/45/0 00.. 62/51/pc .. 67/51/s Paris............59/52/0.006675 .. 5/sh. 59/48/sh ColoradoSpnugs .62/39/000... 72/40/s...62/41/t Minueapolis.....52/32/000.. 49/29/pc.. 52/45/s Ca beSa n Lucas ..90/68/0 00.. 91/73/pc.92/73/pc Rio deJaneiro....99/70/0.00... 89/68/t. 74/66/sh Columbia,MO...59/36/0.00...65/46/c...67/58/t Nashvige........66/51/0.00..67/50/pc.. 69/56/c Cairo...........88/70/0 00.. 87/70/5 .. 87/72/s Rome...........75/59/0.00..72/58/pc.73/60/sh Columbia,SC....77/44/0.00... 73/46/s. 77/56/pc New Orleans.....84/64/0.00... 84/65/s .. 85/67/s Calgary.........55/30/0 00 .. 44/41/pc. 55/44/pc Santiago ........79/45/0.00... 69/53/s. 68/49/pc Columbus, GA....80/55/0 00... 78/54/s. 82/59/pc New York.......66/53/025... 60/48/s.. 65/42/s Caucuo.........88/73/0.00... 86/77/t. 87/78/pc SaoPaulo.......90/68/0.00 .. 71/56/sh...62/53/r Columbus OH....57/45/001..62/43/pc. 56/41/pc Newark Nl......68/53/030...59/46/s. 65/42/pc Dublin.......... 57/41/0.00... 56/38/r51/37/pc . Sapporo ........61/61/0.00 ... 61/45/r. 64/45/sh Concord,NH.....55/46/020 ..59/39/pc. 54/31/sh Norfolk VA......70/59/000... 65/45/s. 69/53/pc Edinburgh.......54/28/0.00... 55/38/r. 50/37/sh Seoul...........70/52/0.00 ... 64/46/s .. 70/51/s Corpus Christi....94/73/000 ..85/77/pc. 86/75/pc Oklahoma City...68/50/0.00... 83/65/t...83/66/t Geneva.........68/55/0.00 69/56/pc...60/48/r .. Shanghai........79/63/0.00...71/59/s.. 74/61/s DallasFtWorrh...72/61/000... 84/68/c.. 84/69/c Omaha.........64/33/0 00... 67/35/c .. 62/55/c Ha ra re..........88/63/0 00... 88/59/s .85/58/pc Singapore .......90/77/0 00.. 91/80/pc...90/78/t Dayton .........55/44/0 00.. 62/42/pc. 57/42/pc Orlando.........85/69/000... 86/67/s.. 87/6is Hong Kong......86/79/0 00..86/73/pc. 84773/pc Stockholm.......45/36/0 00 .. 48/34/pc. 47/33/pc Denver..........60/33/0.00...72/43/s...68/45/t PalmSprings.... 86/62/0.00. 7561/pc.79/61/pc Istanbul......... 73/55/0.00 .. 69/60/sh. 74/64/pc Sydney..........75/52/000 6475 .. 0/sh. 64/51/sh Des Moines......60/31/000...66/35/c. 61/53/pc Peoria..........55/34/0.00...65/40/c .. 60/51/s lerusalem.......81/63/0.00... 82/64/s .. 80/63/s Taipei...........81/73/0.007576 .. 8/sh. 79/69/pc Detroit..........54/43/0.08... 60/41/c. 53/42/pc Philadelphia.....69/57/0.00... 62/45/s .. 61/44/s Johannesburg....75/59/0.00... 75/5$t.66/53/sh TelAviv.........84/68/0.00.. 87/72/pc.. 81/71/s Duluth..........45/30/000 ..45/27/pc. 48/36/pc Phoeuix.........94/71/000...88/66/t .. 78/59/s Lima...........64/59/0.00... 67/60/s .. 68/60/s Tokyo...........70/63/0.00 .. 76/64/sh.. 73/59/s El Paso..........85/53/000... 86/62/c. 86/55/pc Pittsburgh.......54/41/001... 57/43/s .. 56/35/s Lisbon..........75/6470 00.. 72/57lsh 69/50/pc Toronto .........54/45/0 00 ... 54/42/c . 50/33/pc Fairbanks........41/30/000...33/14/s. 24/15/pc Portland,ME.....59/45/OA4...59/45/s. 58/33/sh London.........59/46/0 00... 61/47/r. 56/41/pc Vaucouver.......54/45/0.00 ... 61/49/s. 54/48/sh Fargo...........52/26/0.01 ..46/27/pc. 54/41/pc Providence......64/51/0.34...59/45/s. 60/37/pc Madrid .........81/59/0.00 .. 74/49/pc.69/39/pc Vie008..........55/43/0.00..59/44/pc. 64/46/pc Flagstaff........67/35/000... 63/40/t. 51/28/sh Raleigh.........72/54/0.00...67/43/s. 73/44/pc Manila..........88/79/0.00... 85/78/t...88/75/t Warsaw.........50/43/0.00 ... 51/34/c .. 52/40/s


Scientist: Kennewick Man live on coast, not valley The Associated Press ELLENSBURG — Not only was the ancient human known as Kennewick Man not Native American, he was not even from the Columbia River valley where his bones were found, according to the scientist who led the court battle to study his remains. The more than 9,300-year­ old skeleton is at the center of a yearslong rift between sci­ entists who want to examine it and tribes who claim it and are seeking to have it reburied. On Tuesday, Columbia Pla­ teau tribal representatives in­ vited Doug Owsley, a physical anthropologist at the Smith­ sonian Institution's National Museum of Natural History, to meet with them and discuss his findings. Owsley said isotopes in the bones indicate Kenne­ wick Man was a hunter of ma­ rine mammals, such as seals. " They are not w hat y o u would expect for someone from the Columbia Valley," he said at the gathering hosted by Central Washington University. "This is a man from the coast, not a man from here." While Owsley has n oted before that Kennewick Man was not of Native American descent, this was the first time he's said the man was not even from this area, The Seattle Times reported Wednesday. Owsley said the skull is most similar to a n A s ian coastal people whose characteristics are shared with people, later, of Polynesian descent. "There is not any clear ge­ netic relationship to N a tive American peoples. I do not look at him as Native American," he said, adding there is still much more to learn from the bones. "I can't see any kind of continuity. He is a representative of a very different people." Kennewick Man was found in 1996 and represents one of the oldest and most complete sets of bones in North America. The 300 bones are held at the Burke Museum in Seattle. After nine years of l egal battles, a federal appeals court ruled in 2004 that the bones


Astoria ....... .60/43/0.00..... 59/47/s . ...60/50/sh Mod. = Moderate; Ext. = Extreme Baker City..... .73/26/0.00..... 71/33/s . .... 73/35/s To report a wildfire, call 911 Brookings..... .53/48/0.00.... 56/45/pc . ...57/49/sh 6urns......... .73/27/0.00.....74/34/s . ...74/34/pc Eugene .73/36/0.00..... 71/44/s . ...65/49/sh Klamath Falls .. 74/33/0 00 ,,, 72/32/s ...66/39/pc The higher the UV Index number, the greater Lakeview...... .75/48/0.00 ...70/34/pc . ...65/40/pc La Pine....... .76/22/0.00.....69/34/s . ...64/29/sh the need for eye and skin protection. Index is Medford .79/41/0.00..... 79/42/s . ...72/52/pc for solar at noo Newport .55/37/0.00..... 57/46/s . ...57/50/sh LOW M HIGH North Bend.... .57/48/0.00..... 59/48/s . ...60/52/sh Ontario....... .74/33/0.00..... 71/39/s . ....74/42/s 0 2 4 6 8 10 Pendleton..... .76/44/0.00.....72/39/s . ....73/44/s Portland .66/45/0.00..... 71/49/s . 62/52/r Prinevige . 74/34/0. 00.....69/39/s . ...67/38/sh Redmond . 76/24/0.00 .....72/32/s . ...67/41/pc Roseburg .75/41/0.00.... 71/44/p< ....63/48/sh Updated daily. Source: pollen.corn Salem 72/39/0 00 ....72/44/s ...65/49/sh ~~


Sao Francisco + 6 Salt Lake 60/52 v v v City

Belmar, N.J.

Uranus..... 5:51 p.m...... 6:12 a.m.



• 14' West Yellowstone Mont.

Saturn......8:11 a.m...... 7;00p.m.

I egendtf/ weather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,hhaze, shshowers,r raiu,t thunderstormssf snowflurries, snsnow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace

7O 'Boise 50/36

McAllen, Texas

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 73/39 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 88m1934 Month to date.......... 0.00" Record low......... 11 in 1985 Average month todate... 0.1 3" Average high.............. 65 Year to date............ 6.74" Average low ..............34 A verageyearto date..... 7.31" 6arometric pressureat 4 p.m29.91 Record 24 hours ...0.29 in1955 *Melted liquid equivalent


The Dages...... 79/41/0.00.....74/43/s.....71/47/pc

o www m Vancouver • 61/4g


Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:12 a.m...... 7:04 p.m. Venus......3:54 a.m...... 5:05 p.m. Mars......11:13 a.m...... 8:17 p.m. Jupiter......9 02 p m..... 1214 pm.

Sisters......... 76/26/0.00.....70/37/s.....66/35/sh YLOW

La Pine



Yesterday' s extremes



• 79'





Yesterday' s state extremes

Jordan Valley


63 43



• Burn

63 44


Yesterday Thursday Friday Bend,westofHwy97......Exi Si sters...............................Ext The following was compiled by the Central City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Bend,eastof Hwy.97.......Exi. La Pine................................Ext Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as Pre cipitationvaluesare24-hourtotals through4 pm. Redmond/Madras.......High Prineville...........................Ext


Sunsettoday.... 6 27 p.m New First F u ll Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:1 a.m 7 Sunset tomorrow... 6:25 p.m Moonrise today .... 2:53 a.m Mooosettoday .... 4:13 p.m Oct. 15 Oct. 21 Oct. 29 Nov. 6




• Brothers 69/34

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 716 a m Moon phases


EAST Mostly sunny and pleasant today.


61 43

More rainfall, widespread showers through the

pleasant today.





HamPton • • La Pine 69D4 — 67/35 Crescentv Riley Crescent • Fort Rock 7066 Lake

59/46 •




Oa k ridge


6 8 / 35


RedmOnd • paul in6s/3s a



71/39 Unio~

Prinevill 69/33

Sunriver Bend

71/4 4

osep 71/37

• 5 „

M d 73/41 j

CENTRAL Mostly sunny and

7 0 /33


Warm Springs •~ 75/43


La Grande

Condon Willowdale



• 69/43



W allowa • PendletOn 5 6034 • Enterprise 72/39 • Meacham 68/35


oWasco 3

• Hermiston " ' " 72/37

Arlington ,

Camp 64/44

S~l~m Sa em


• 70/48



D a l les70/4r

HjgsboroPOrtland 71/49 C "'44• ' • S nad y





WEST Early clouds, then becoming mostly sunny today.


A bit dry, still a few showers may fall.



As t oria


Some rainfall is possible off and on through much of the

66 42


Cooler with mostly cloudy skies and a few late-day showers.


S. I(areaeasesbanon Northwest spuds By Rachel La Corte

defect can make the pota­ toes undesirable. G regoire, talking t o r e ­ porters by phone from her trade mission in South Ko­ rea on Wednesday, said the ban on potatoes grown in Washington state, Oregon and Idaho was l i fted this week. South Korea put the ban in place in August. M att H a r r is, w i t h t h e W ashington Potato C o m ­ mission, said that as part of the agreement, Washington state will apply a sprout in­ hibitor and will also cut into a set amount of t ubers to look for signs of the pest.

The Associated Press

OLYMPIA, W a sh. South Korea has lifted a ban against Pacific Northwest­ g rown p otatoes used f o r things like potato chips, but a ban on other fresh potatoes still remains because of a fear over a bacterium known as zebra chip, state officials announced Wednesday dur­ ing aphone conference from Gov. Chris Gregoire's trade mission. The potato disease is not harmful to humans, but it causes flecking in potatoes' f lesh, and when they a r e fried, the chip darkens. The



x •



He said that there was an estimated 20,000 metric tons that were contracted to be sent to South Korea. "We' re thankful that the Korean government and U.S. government were able to sit down and talk about mitiga­ tion tools to make sure trade stays fluid," Harris said. H e said the m arket o n fresh potatoes is still closed, but there are continuing ef­ forts to find a solution. Gregoire is leaving South Korea Wednesday after a 10-day trade mission that included stops in India. She will be back in Washington state today.

' •

Associated Press file photo

A plastic casting of the skullfrom the bones known as Kenne­ wick Man is seen in Richland, Wash.

"I don't disagree that the scientists want to do their job, but there should be a time limit. The only concern we have as tribal leaders is he needs to return to Mother Earth." — Ruth Jim, Yakama Tribal Council cultural committee

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were not protected by the Na­ tive American GravesProtec­ tion and Repatriation Act be­ cause they were so old that it was impossible to link them to moderrf-day tribes. The tribal members who lis­ tened to Owsley stuck to their conviction t ha t K e n newick Man is a part of their people' s past and needs to be reburied. They' re hoping Congress will change the law. "Today just adds to getting the Kennewick Man back," Ar­ mand Minthorn of the Umatilla Board of Trustees told Owsley. "That is our goal, and that is go­ ing to be our effort. It would be great if you could help." Ruth Jim, head of the Yaka­

ma Tribal Council's cultural committee, said it is frustrating that Kennewick Man is still out of the ground. ul don't disagree that the scientists want to do their job, but there should be a time limit," she said. "The only concern we have as tribal leaders is he needs to return to Mother Earth." Jaqueline Cook, repatriation specialist for the Confederated Tribes of the Colville Reserva­ tion, said scientists' finding that the skeleton had been purpose­ fully buried was significant. "It says a lot that somebody took care of him," Cook said. uTO me, that says community. And that he is part of the land. And our land."

• '

x •

I x







FELB ' h, 1




Scoreboard, D2 College football, D3 MLB, D4


Prep sports, D5 Hunting & fishing, D6

© www.bendbulletin.corn/sports




Blazers top Lakers in preseason play ONTARIO, Calif. Damian Lillard had 14 ­

points and sevenassists in his first NBA action, and the Portland Trail Blazers capitalized on

the absences of Kobe Bryant and Dwight How­ ard for a 93-75 victory

over the LosAngeles Lakers in a preseason game Wednesday night. LaMarcus Aldridge added 14 points and eight rebounds for the Blazers in their pre­

a ras as or ri- a e By Beau Eastes

ea oni t

tion four years ago, you would have thought I was (crazy).... Our football • A look at other football games involving program hasstartedto arrive." teams from Central Oregon,D5 After yearsof down seasons — the school's last winning record was in 2004, andfrom 2007 to 2010 Madras who has the Buffs eyeing their first went just 6-31 — the White Buffaloes state postseason appearance since are now in the hunt for a spot in the 2005. "We have the opportunity to state playoffs. With an offense that is control what happens to us. If I would averaging almost 400 yards per game, have told you we were in this posi­ Madras has posted an overall record


The Bulletin

Win or lose tonight against La Salle, Madras football coach Rick Wells has the White Buffaloes exactly where he wants them to be. "For us to be in a position where we play one of the best teams in the state for sole possession of first place (in the Tri-Valley Conference), that's special," said Wells, Madras' second-year coach

of 3-3 this year and is 2-0 in league play. A victory over reigning Class 4A state champion La Salle (2-0 TVC, 4-2 overall) would put the Buffs alone atop the Tri-Valley Conference standings. "We always knew we were a good football team," said W ells, whose squad has battled back from a three­ g ame l osing s t r eak e a r lier t h i s season. SeeFootball /D5

season opener under new coach Terry Stotts.

Steve Nashscored 13


points and Metta World Peace added 12 as the Lakers lost their second


%P ©J

straight preseasongame



by double digits. Portland surged to a 13-point lead in the third quarter while the Lakers' three healthy starters


were still playing. The Lakers visited their avid Inland Empire

fans an houreast of


Los Angeles with just 60 percent of their pro­ jected starting lineup. Bryant sat out to rest a strained right shoulder,



and Howard isn't play­ ing during his deliberate

return from offseason back surgery. Lillard, the sixth overall pick in last June's draft from Weber State, looked sharp in 24 minutes as Portland's point guard, adding five rebounds and two three­

pointers. Meyers Leon­ ard,the 11th overall pick out of illinois, had 10 points and five rebounds off the bench. Nicolas Batum had 12 points in his first

game since returning to Portland with a four-year deal worth more than $45 million. —TheAssociated Press


Los Angeles' Metta World Peace,left, and Portland's Ronnie Price battle for the ball.

e S



• • e

e •


• e




't f

\ ..

~ (iY~ '

ttrtaf j~,:Aft~

By Mark Morfcal • The Bulletin er "~

talking game in extremely dry conditions, deer hunters in Central Oregon over <,-. ttr' s'

the past two weeksgnduredggme of the lowe'st success'rates iii yearj; -'.= '-::-"-'j;~ ' ', Elk hunters are hoping for a significant change in weather, in time forthe '­ ­




start of the general Cascade bull elk season this Saturday. The season runs through' Oct. 19 and includes the Metolius, Upper Deschutes and western Fort Rock units in



Central Oregon. "Rain or snow would help tre­ mendously," said Steven George, a Bend-based wildlife biologist for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. Precipitation would help quiet the noise that hunters make as they walk through the woods, reducing the chance of spooking the elk. G eorge said l ast w ee k t h a t elk populations are stable in the Metolius, Upper Deschutes and western Fort Rock units, and that the animals are scattered through­ out the Cascade Range. " Generally speaking, it l o o k s like it could be an OK season, but again, it will be really weather de­ pendent," George said.

Hunters who participate in the Cascade bull elk season can hunt in any or all of the 10 units. George said the Cascade units with the highest populations of elk are in southwestern Oregon and include the Rogue, Dixon and Indigo units. Those Central Oregon elk hunt­ ers who prefer tostay closer to home should consider hunting the western portion of th e M etolius Unit on the eastern slope of the Cascades, George noted. "If they do want to stay local, there's more elk in the Metolius than in t h e U p per D eschutes," George said. "In the Upper Des­ chutes unit, the better areas are the south portion of the unit, and

the west side of the Fort Rock unit — the Mount Bachelor area south." According to ODFW statistics, 2,554 hunters took part in the Gen­ eral Cascade Bull Elk season in the Upper Deschutes, Metolius and west Fort Rock units in 2011, and about 6 percent ofthose hunters killed a bull. The Paulina and east Fort Rock units offer controlled rifle hunting for bull elk Oct. 24-28 and Nov. 3­ 11. But according to George, elk are scarce inthose areas southeast of Bend. "The success rate there has been really poor the l ast few y ears," George said. "I don't expect that to change. There's just not a lot of elk

there." F ew tags are offered for t h e controlled bull elk hunting in the Ochoco District, which includes the Ochoco, Grizzly and Maury units. According to the ODFW, only 855 hunters took part in the 2011 con­ trolled bull elk rifle seasons in the Ochoco District, and 29 percent of those hunters bagged a bull. This year, the bull elk seasons for that district are Oct. 24-28 and Nov. 3-11. Elk p o pulations ar e h o l ding steady in the Ochoco District, ac­ cording to Prineville-based wildlife biologist Steve Niemela. But again, weather could be a factor. See Elk/D5

NHL Sides still at odds in labor talks




hours of talks in two sessions between the NHL and the players' association did little to move the sides closer to

a deal in the nearly one­ month lockout. The NHL's top two

executives — Commis­ sioner Gary Bettman and Deputy Commis­ sioner Bill Daly — met with the NHLPA's main negotiators — executive director Donald Fehr and

special counsel Steve Fehr — for nearly an

hour Wednesdaymorn­ ing to assess wherethe sides were onDay25 of the NHL lockout, but

there were noconcrete discussions on the troublesome coreeco­ nomic issues preventing a deal. A four-hour session that stretched into eve­

ning centered onplayer health and safety issues

along with other miscel­ laneous legal topics. The sides will meet

again today —which should have been NHL

opening day —but there are still no plans to delve into splitting up hockey­ related revenue that was

in excess of $3 billion last season. — The Associated Press

YankeeS, IbaneZ take ALDSlead

Set ta Start Club

• The NewYorkslugger hits hamers inthe ninth and 12th innings tostun Baltimore

sports program

-I llg7"

By Zack Hall The Bulletin

By Howle Rumberg The Associated Press

NEW YORK — The highest-paid player in baseball could only sit and watch when Raul Ibanez pinch hit for him and tied the game with a bottom-of-the-ninth home run. Alex Rodriguez had another good view from the dugout three innings later when Ibanez hom­ ered to win it. Saved by manager Joe Girardi's gutsy move — and Ibanez's big swings — the New York Yankees rallied for a stunning 3-2 win in the 12th over the Baltimore Orioles on Wednesday night for a 2-1 lead in their best-of-five AL divi­ sion series. "You' re going to be asked a lot of questions if it doesn't work," Girardi said. The slumping Rodriguez, among the greatest power hitters in history, offered no complaint, telling Girardi: "Joe, you gotta do exactly what you gotta do." "Maybe 10 years ago I would have reacted in a much different way," A-Rod said. Ibanez then stepped up and hit a tying, solo shot with one out in the ninth off major league saves leader Jim Johnson to make it 2-all. Yankees fans had been howling this week for Girardi to drop Rodriguez out of the No. 3 spot in the batting order. SeeYankees /D4

Kathy Willens /The Associated Press

New York Yankees' Raul Ibanez(27) runs past Baltimore Orioles pitcher Brian Matusz after hitting the game-winning home run during the 12th inning of Game 3 of the American League Division Series Wednesday night in New York.

Al DivisionSeries

NL Division Series

yankees Orioles • Yankees leadseries, 2-1; Game 4 today,4;37p.m.,TBS

3 C ardinals 2 N ationals • Cardinals leadseries, 2-1; Game 4 today,1:07 p.m.,TBS

A's Tigers • Series tied, 2-2; Game 5today,6:37p.m.,TNT

4 G iants 3 R eds • Series tied, 2-2; Game 5 today, 10:07 a.m., TBS

• More playoff coverage,04

The first intercollegiate sports programs un­ der the Oregon State University-Cascades ban­ ner will begin competing this winter. OSU-Cascades, a branch campus of OSU that is moving toward becoming a four-year cam­ pus, announced Wednesday that it will be start­ ing club sports in mountain biking, cyclocross, and alpine and nordic skiing. Scheduled to start this winter and compet­ ing against club teams from other universities from around the Northwest and beyond, the club teams will be the first athletic teams ever to represent the Bend campus. SeeClub sports/D5

Now playing Clud sports offered atOSU-Cascades: Mountain biking, cyclocross, and alpine and nordic skiing Eligibility:Full-time OSU-Cascades students or full-time dually enrolled COCCstudents Scheduled events:Alpine and Nordic Collegiate Races at Mt. Bachelor, Jan. 26-27

For more information:www.osucascades. edu/sports, www.uscsa.corn, www. nwcollegiatecycling.org/




Football: La Salle at Madras, 7 p.m.; Sisters at Elmira, 7p.m.; LaPineatSweet Home, 7p.m. Volleyball: Burns at Ridgeview,6:30 p.m. Boys soccer: Summit at Ridgeview,4:30 p.m.; Crook Countyat BendJV,4:30 p.m.; Mountain ViewatRedmond,4:30 p.m. Girls soccer: Summiat t Ridgeview,3 p.mz Crook County at Bend, 3 p.m.; Mountain View at Redmond,3p.m.

Wednesday,Oct. 10 NewYork3, Baltimore 2, 12 innings Today,Dct. 11: Baltimore(Saunders 9-13) at New York (Hughes16-13), 437p.m. (TBS) x-Friday,Oct. 12:Baltimoreat NewYork,2 07or 4:07

IN THE BLEACHERS In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucrick www.gocomics.corn/i nthebreachers

p.m. (TBS )


National League Cincinnati 2, SanFrancisco2 Saturday,Oct.6:Cincinnati 5, SanFrancisco2 Sunday,Dct.7: Cincinnati 9,SanFrancisco0 Tuesday,Oct. 9: SanFrancisco 2, Cincinnati 1, 10 innings Wednesday, Oct. 10:SanFrancisco 8, Cincinnati 3 Today,Oct. 11:SanFrancisco (Cain 16-6)at Cincin­ nati (Latos14-4), 10:07a.m. (TBS) St. Louis 2, Washington 1 Sunday,Dct.7:Washington 3, St. Louis2 Monday,Oct.8. St. Louis12,Washington 4 Wednesday, Oct.10 St. Louis8, Washington 0 Today,Oct.11: St.Louis(Lohse16-3) atWashington (Detwiler10-8),1:07(TBS) x-Friday,Oct.12: St.Louisat Washington, 5.37p.m.




Friday Football: Bendat Redmond,7 p.m.; MountainView at Summit, 7p.m.; CrookCounty at Ridgeview,7 p.m.; Gilchrist atNorthLake,2p.m. Volleyball: Gilchrist atNorthLake,5p.m.; Triadat Trinity Lutheran, 5 p.m. Saturday Cross-country: Bend, Mountain View, Crook County, Redmond,Sisters at the Concordia/ Adidas XC Classic in Portland, 2 p.m.; Madras, Ridgeview at the Rock n River Invitational in

(TBS) Wednesday'sBoxscores

PleasantHill, TBA

Boys soccer: Riverside atCulver, 1 p.m.; North Clackamas Christian atCentral Christian,1 p.m. Volleyball: Summit, Bend, Mountain View, Redmond,CrookCounty at theClearwater Clas­ sic in Bend, 8a.m.; MadrasatSeasidetourney, 10 a.m.; Butte Falls atGilchrist, noon;Trinity Lutheran at Hosanna Christian, 3:30p.m.


Giants 8, Reds3




ConferenceFinals (Best-of-3) Eastern Conference Connecticut1, Indiana1 Friday,Oct.5: Connecticut 76, Indiana64 Monday, Oct.8: Indiana78, Connecticut 76 Today,Oct.11 Indianaat Connecticut, 530 p.m. Western Conference Minnesot a 2,LosAngeles8 Thursday,Oct4: Minnesota94,LosAngeles77 SundayO,ct.7:Minnesota80,LosAngeles79

PreseasonSchedule AH TimesPDT

W 3 3 2 2

Philadelphia N.Y.Giants Dallas Washington Atlanta

TampaBay Carolina NewOrleans Minnesota Chicago

GreenBay Detroit

Today's Games Miamivs. LA. Clippers atBeijing, China,4 30a.m. NewYorkatWashington, 4p.m. PhiladelphiaatOrlando, 4p.m. New Or cansat Charlotte, 4:30p.m. Friday's Games Detroit atToronto,4p.m. MinnesotaatIndiana,4p.m. Clevelandvs. ChicagoatChampaign, IL,5 p.m. NewOrleansat Houston, 5 p.m. DenveratSanAntonio,5:30 p.m. Oklahoma City atUtah,6 p.m. PortlandatPhoenix, 7 p.m. Wednesday's boxscore

Blazers 93, Lakers 75 PORTLAND (93)

Batum5-120-0 12, Hickson3-6 0-06, Aldridge 4 12 6 7 14,Lillard 6 11 0014, Matthews4 80 0 10, Price1-2 0-02, Pavlovic1-50-0 3, Leonard4-4 2-3 10, Freeland1-4 0-0 2, Smith1-6 0-0 3, Mor­ rison 4-60-09, Babbitt 1-51-1 3 Jeffries I-I 0-02, Claver1-31-1 3.Totals 37-8518-1293. L.A. LAKERS (75) World Peace 6-10 0-0 12, Gasol 3-12 2-2 8, Secre2-5 4-4 8, Nash6-9 1-1 13, Meeks1-7 4-4 6, Jamison2-7 0-04, Blake0-10-0 0, Ebanks3-8 3 410, DouglasRoberts2 52 2 7, Clark0-10 0 0, Duhon0-30-00, Somogyi0-00-00, Morris1-1 3-4 5, Goudelock1-2 0-0 2, Aguilar 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-7119-21 75. Portland 25 19 29 20 — 93 L.A. Lakers 21 23 18 13 — 75 3-Point Goal— s Portland 9-24 (Batum2-3, Mat­ thews2-3, Lillard2-5, Morrison1-2,Smith1-2, Pav­ lovic1-3, Freeland 0-1, Claver0-2, Babbitt 0-3),L.A. Lakers2-16(Douglas-Roberts1-2,Ebanks1-2, Duhon

0-1, Goudelock 0-1, Blake0-1, Nash0-2, Jamison0­ 2,Meeks0-2,WorldPeace0-3).FouledOut— None. Rebounds —Portland 53(Aldridge 8), L.A. Lakers43 (Jamison7). Assists—Portland 23 (Lilard 7), L.A. Lakers19(Nash,Gasol 4).Total Fouls—Port and21, L.A. Lakers19.Technicals—L.A. Lakers defensive threesecond.A—10,500 (11,000).


N ew England 3 N.Y.Jets Miami Buffalo

W 2 2 2 2

East L 3 3 3

T 0 0 0 0


P c t PF PA .6 0 0165 113 .40 0 98 132 . 4 00103 103 . 4 00118 176

W L T P c t PF PA Houston 5 0 0 1 .000149 73 Indianapolis 2 2 0 .5 0 0 91 110 Jacksonville I 4 0 .2 0 0 65 138 Tennessee 1 4 0 . 2 00 88 181 North W L T P c t PF PA Baltimore 4 1 0 . 8 00130 89 Cincinnati 3 2 0 . 6 00125 129 Pittsburgh 2 2 0 . 5 00 93 89 Cleveland 0 5 0 . 0 00100 139 West W L T P c t PF PA S an Diego 3 2 0 .60 0 124 102 Denver 2 3 0 . 4 00135 114 Oakland 1 3 0 .25 0 67 125 KansasCity 1 4 0 200 94 145 NATIONALCONFERENCE East

Pencerf H.Sanchez c G.BlancoIf B.Crawfordss Lincecump S.Casilla p Zito p Kontosp Mijaresp Arias ss Totals

AB R H BIBB SO Avg. 3 2 2 2 2 0 .200 4 1 1 I 0 0 .125 4 1 3 3 0 0 .294 4 0 0 0 1 0 .200 0 0 0 0 0 0 .111 4 0 1 0 0 1 .125 2 1 1 0 2 1 .500 4 1 1 2 0 2 .300 2 0 0 0 0 0 .000 2 0 0 0 0 1 .000 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 .000 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 3 2 2 0 0 .500 33 8 11 8 5 6


A BR H B l BB SO Avg.

Belt 1b

B .Phillips 2b 4


Detroit101,Toronto99 Houston107,OklahomaCity105 Minnesota84,Indiana70 San Antonio101,Atlanta99 Sacramento 102, Phoenix96 Portland93, L.A.Lakers75

NfR cfgvI™ ~



~g CI-lt pg29

San Francisco Pagancf Scutaro2b Sandoval3b Posey1b

T 0 0 0 0

P c t PF PA . 6 00 80 99 . 6 00152 111 . 5 00 65 88 .4 0 0 140 147

W L T 5 0 0 1 3 0 1 4 0 1 4 0 North W L T 4 I 0 4 1 0 2 3 0 1 3 0

P c t PF PA 1 .000148 93 .2 5 0 82 91 . 2 00 92 125 .2 0 0 141 154

W Arizona 4 San Francisco 4 St. Louis 3 Seattle 3

L 2 2 2 3


West L 1 1 2 2

T 0 0 0 0

P c t PF PA .8 0 0120 79 . 8 00149 71 . 4 00112 111 . 2 50100 114 P c t PF PA . 8 00 94 78 . 8 00149 68 . 6 00 96 94 . 6 00 86 70

Today's Game PittsburghatTennessee,5:20p.m. Sunday's Games OaklandatAtlanta, 10a.m. KansasCityatTampaBay, 10a.m. Indianapolis atN.Y.Jets, 10a.m. Cincinnati atCleveland,10a.m. St. Louis atMiami, 10a.m. Dallas atBaltimore,10a.m. Buffalo atArizona,105 p.m. NewEnglandatSeatle, 1:05p.m. N.Y.Giantsat SanFrancisco, 1:25p.m. MinnesotaatWashington, 1:25p.m. Green BayatHouston,5:20 p.m. Open:Carolina,Chicago,Jacksonvile, NewOrleans Monday, Oct. 15 Denverat SanDiego,5:30 p.m.

College Pac-12 AH TimesPOT

Oregon OregonState Stanford Washington California WashingtonState ArizonaState USC Colorado UCLA Utah Arizona


Conf. 3-0 3-0

Overall 6-0

2-1 1-1 1-2 0-2




2-0 2-1 1-1 1-2 0-2




3-2 2-4 2-3

0-3 Today's Game


4-1 1-4

4-2 2-3 3-3

ArizonaStateatColorado,6 p.m. Saturday's Games Utah atUCLA,noon x-Stanfordat NotreDame, 12:30 p.m. x OregonStateatBYU,12:30p.m. USC atWashington, 4 p.m. California atWashington State,7:30 p.m. x =nonconference

Top 25Schedule AH TimesPOT Saturday No. I Alabama at Missouri, 12:30p.m. No. 3SouthCarolinaat No.9 LSU,5p.m. No. 4 FloridaatVanderbilt, 3 p.m. No. 5WestVirginia atTexasTech, 12:30p.m. No 6 Kansas State atiowaState, 9a.m. No 7 NotreDamevs. No 17Stanford, 12:30p.m. No. 8OhioStateat Indiana, 5p.m. No. 10OregonState atBYU, 12:30p.m. No. 11SouthernCalatWashington, 4p.m. No. 12FloridaStatevs. Boston Colege, 2:30p.m. No 13 Oklahoma vs. No.15Texas, 9a.m. No 18 Louisvi leat Pittsburgh, 9am. No. 19Mississippi Statevs. Tennessee,6p.m. No. 20Rutgersvs. Syracuse,9a.m. No. 21Cincinnati vs.Fordham,4p.m. No. 22TexasA8M at No. 23 Louisiana Tech, 6:15 p.m. No 24 BoiseSt. vs FresnoState,12:30 pm. No. 25Michiganvs. Illinois, 12:30p.m.

Betting line NFL

(Home teamsin Caps)


3 3 3.5 8.5 4 6 3.5 4 4.5 NL 6 4

1 3 4 9 35 4 3.5 3.5 4.5 NL 6 3.5




Monday College Today

ArizonaSt TULSA WKentucky

Underdog Cozartss

Votto1b TITANS L udwick If



22 23 16 16 . 5 2.5 1.5 Friday CMICHIGAN 1.5 1. 5

d-Oklahoma 3

Detroit atPhil adelphia,10a.m.


Opening Current Today




5 5 4 3 3

0 0 1 1 0 0

1 2 2 1 0 0

1 0 0 1 0 I

0 0 0 1 1 I

2 0 2 1 1 2

.36 8 .2 3 5 .3 5 7 .30 8 .26 7 .000

Frazier 3b D .Navarro c 3 0 1 0 1 2 .33 3 S tubbs cf 4 1 1 0 0 1 .18 8 Leakep 2 0 1 0 0 1 .50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Cowboys LeCurep 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Lions a -Cairo ph 1 Arredondo p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rams Hoover p 0 0 0 0 0 0 SEAHA WKS ph 1 0 0 0 0 1 .00 0 Bills b -Heisey 0 0 0 0 0 0 Vikings Simonp 35 3 9 3 4 13 Giants Totals Packers San Francisco 120 820 300 — 8 111 Cincinnati 101 801 800 — 3 9 0 a-groundedoutfor LeCureinthe 6th. b-struck out Broncos for Hooverin the8th. BROWN S Colts Chiefs Raiders

E—Lincecum(1). LOB—SanFrancisco5, Cincin­ nati 10. 28 —Pagan (1), Scutaro(1), Sandoval (2), COLORA DO Arias 2 (2),Stubbs(1). HR—Pagan (1), off Leake Utep G.Blanco(1), off Leaks;Sandoval(1), offArredondo, TROY Ludwick(2), offZito. DP — Cincinnati 2 Navy San Francisco IP H R ERBB SO NPERA 2 2-3 4 2 2 4 4 76 6.75 Texas Zito 2-3 2 0 0 0 1 9 0.00 iowa Kontos 1-3 0 0 0 0 I 5 81.00 MIAMI-FLA M ijares W,1-0 4 1-3 2 1 1 0 6 55 1.42 Miami-Ohio Lincecum S.Casilla 1 1 0 0 0 1 25 3.00 ARMY H R ERBB SO NPERA Akron Cincinnati I P

3 MICHIGAN ST 10 10 NCarolina 6 7.5 BOWLINGGREEN 7.5 7 .5 K ent St 1(A ) 2 OHIO 20 20.5 Toledo 13 13.5 EMICHIGAN VIRGINIA 3 2 Maryland VIRGINIA TECH 9.5 1 0 Duke PURDUE I 2.5 Wisconsin Northwestern 3.5 35 MINNESO TA RUTGERS 7 7 Syracuse FLORIDA ST 28 28 BostonCollege C ONNEC TICUT 4.5 5.5 Temple L ouisville 2 3 PITTSBU RGH E CAROL INA 18.5 I8 Memphis Florida 7 8.5 VANDERIB LT Air Force 3 2.5 WYOMING BALL ST 2 3 WMichigan NILLINOIS 1 4 12.5 Buffalo TEXAS ST 1. 5 2.5 Idaho KansasSt 7 6.5 IOWAST MISSISSIPPI 4.5 6 Auburn HOUSTON 13.5 14 Uab MICHIGAN 2 1 23.5 illinois BOISE ST 7 7 FresnoSt Usc 13 12.5 WASHINGTON BYU 2.5 6 Oregon St Alabama 21 22 MISSOUR I NOTRE DAME 9.5 8 Stanford SANJOSEST 2 3 UtahSt ARKANSAS 17 5 17 Kentucky MISSISSIPPI ST 25 3 Tennessee LSU 3 2.5 SCarolina California 7 7.5WASHINGTON ST WVirginia 4 . 5 3.5 TEXAS TECH BAYLOR 7 8.5 Tcu CFLORIDA 1 6 17 SMississippi Ok ahoma St 22 24 KANSAS Ohio St I 75. I7 INDIANA Smu 19 16 TULANE RICE 4 3 Tex-San Antonio Nevada 10 10 UNLV S AN DIEGOST 20 21 ColoradoSt UCLA 6.5 8 Utah NewMexico 2.5 3.5 HAWAII TexasA8 M 7 7.5 LOUISIANA TECH UL-MONROE 23 24 FloridaAtlantic ARKANSAS ST 19 21 SAlabama Mid Tenn St 3 3 FLORIDA INT'L d-Dallas



PostseasonGlance AH Times POT


(Best-of-5; x-if necessary) American League Detroit 2, Oakland 2 Saturday,Dct.6: Detroit 3, Oakland1 Sunday,Oct.7. Detroit 5, Oakland4 Tuesday, Oct. 9:Oakland2, Detroit 0 Wednesday, Oct.10:Oakland4, Detroit 3 Today,Oct. 11 Detroit (Verlander17-8) at Oakland (Parker13-9), 637p.m.(TNT) New York 2, Baltimore 1 Sunday,Oct.7. NewYork 7,Baltimore 2 Monday,Oct.8:Baltimore3, New York2

Leake L, 0-1 4 1-3 6 5 5 LeCure 1 2-3 1 0 0 A rredondo 1 3 3 3 3 Hoover 12-30 0 0 Simon I 100 T—3:35.A—44,375(42,319).

2 I 71 10.38 0 3 20 0.00 1 0 19 20.25 1 1 15 0.00 1 1 22 0.00

Cardinals 8, Nationais 0 St. Louis AB Jay cl 4 B eltran rf 4 H olliday If 5 1-S.Robinson pr-II 0 Craig 1b 3 Y.Mo ina c 3 Freese 3b 5 J.Kelly p 0 Descalso 2b 4 Kozmass 5 C.Carpenter p 3 Rosenthal p 0 c-Schumaker ph I Salasp 0 M Carpenter 3b 0 Totals 37

R H Bl BB SO Avg. 2 2 0 0 0 .3 3 3 1 2 0 1 0 .4 1 7 I 3 2 0 0 .2 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 1 0 I 1 0 1 2 0 0 2

.33 3 .20 0 .4 1 7

1 1 1 0 2 I 1 3 0 2 0 2 0 0 1

.30 0 .2 0 0 .66 7

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 8

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 14 8

0 0 0 0 4

0 0 .0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 9

Washington AB R H Bl BBSO Avg. Werthrl 3 0 1 0 2 0 .2 5 0 H arper cf 5 0 0 0 0 0 .06 7 Zimmerman 3b 4 0 2 0 0 I .385 L a Roche 1b 3 0 0 0 1 0 .09 1 Morself 4 0 0 0 0 1 .2 5 0 D esmond ss 4 0 3 0 0 0 .58 3 E spinosa 2b 3 0 0 0 0 2 .11 1 K .Suzuki c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .09 1 E .Jackson p 1 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 a -Bernadina ph I 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 Stammenp 0 0 0 0 0 0 b -Lombardozzi ph 1 0 1 0 0 0 .5 0 0 C.Garcia p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mattheusp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Storenp 0 0 0 0 0 0 d-Tracyph 1 0 0 0 0 0 000 Totals 34 0 7 8 3 5 St. Louis 130 801 120 — 8 14 1 Washington BBO BBOBBO — 8 7 0 a-flied outfor E.Jacksoninthe 5th. b-singed for Stammen in the6th. c-groundedoutfor Rosenthal in the 8th.d-groundedoutfor Storenin the9th. 1-ran forHolliday inthe8th

E—Freese (1). LOB—St. Louis 9, Washington11.

28 —Beltran (1), Craig (2), Freese2 (3), C.Carpenter

(1), Desm ond(1). HR—Kozm a (1),off E.Jackson. DP — Washington 2.

St. Louis IP HRER BB SO NPERA Carpenter W,1-0 52-3 7 00 2 2 106 0 00 R osenthal 1 1 - 3 0 00 0 1 21 0.00 Salas I 0 00 0 1 15 0.00 J.Kelly 1 0 00 1 1 18 0.00 Washington IP HRER BB SO NPERA E.JacksonL,O-I 5 8 44 1 4 68 7.20 Stammen 1 1 11 0 2 20 11.57 C.Garcia 1 2 11 2 2 30 338 Mattheus I 3 22 I 0 28 6.00 Storen I 0 00 0 1 11 0.00 T— 332.A—45,017(41,487).

FC Dallasat Seattle FC,6p.m

Yankees 3, Orioles 2 (12 innings) Baltimore McLouthlf Hardyss C.Davisrl En.Chavez rf Ad.Jones cf Wietersc Thomedh Mar Reynolds1b Flaherty2b Andino2b Machado3b Totals

AB R 5 0 5 0 2 0 I 0 5 0 5 0 5 0 4 0 3 1 2 0 3 I 402

H BI 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 1 I 7 2

TENNIS BB SO Avg. 0 0 . 308 0 2 . 083 1 0 . 400 0 0 0 0 0

1 1 0 I 1

0 0

. 0 00 . 1 54 . 077 . 0 00 . 2 73

. 250

0 0 . 4 29 0 1 . 1 00 1 7

Professional Shanghai Masters Wednesday At QizhongTennisCenter Shanghai, China Purse: $5.25 million (Masters 1088) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles SecondRound FelicianoLopez,Spain, def. PhilippKohlschreiber (16), Germ any, 6-3,6-4. TomasBerdych(4), CzechRepublic, def.Andreas Seppi, Italy,6-3, 6-3. Sam Querrey,UnitedStates, def. Kei Nishikori (14), Japan, 2-6, 6-1, 6-4. Marcos Baghdatis, Cyprus,def. MiosRaonic(12), Canada, 7-6(4), 6-7 (5), 7-6(3). StanislasWawrinka (13), Switzerland, def Denis Istomin,Uzbekistan,6-4,4-6, 6-4. NovakDjokovic (2), Serbia,def.Grigor Dimitrov, Bulgaria,6-3,6-2. Jo WilfriedTsonga(5), France,def. Benoit Paire, France, 7-6(7), 7-5. AlexandrDolgopolov,Ukraine, def. Giles Simon (I 5), France, 6-3, 6-4. AndyMurray(3), Britain,del. FlorianMayer, Ger­ many,walkover. RadekStepanek,Czech Republic,def.Richard Gasquet(11), France,6-4,6-4. TommyHaas, Germany, del. TommyRobredo,

New York A B R H B l BB SO Avg. Jeter ss 4 0 2 I 0 2 .46 2 J.Nix ss 1 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 I .Suzuki If 5 0 0 0 0 0 .20 0 A .Rodriguez dh 3 0 0 0 0 2 .0 8 3 a -Ibanez ph-dh 2 2 2 2 0 0 .6 0 0 Cano2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .1 6 7 S wisher rf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .20 0 T eixeira I b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .33 3 G randerson cf 4 0 0 0 0 3 .09 1 R .Martin c 4 1 2 0 0 0 .30 0 E r.Chavez 3b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .00 0 Totals 39 3 7 3 0 11 Baltimore 801810 Bgg Bgg — 2 7 0 New York 001805 801 801 — 3 7 0 No outs whenwinning run scored. LDB —Baltimore 6, NewYork3. 28—R.Martin 6-3,6-3. (1). 38 Jeter (1). HR —Flaherty (1), off Kuroda; Spain, RogerFederer(1), Switzerland, def. Yen-hsun Lu, Machado (1), off Kuroda;Ibanez(1), off Ji.Johnson; Taiwan, 6-3, 7-5. Ibanez(2), off Matusz.SB—McLouth (I). JankoTipsarevic(6), Serbia,def. ViktorTroicki, DP — Baltimore1; NewYork1. Serbia, 6 2,7-6(3). B altimore I P HRER BB SO NPERA JapanOpen Mig.Gon zalez 7 5 11 0 8 99 1 29 Wednesday O'Day H,2 1 0 00 0 1 12 0.00 At UtsboTennis Center JohnsonBS,1 2 2 1 1 1 0 1 22 13.50 Osaka, Japan Matusz L0-1 1 I 1 1 0 1 12 270 Purse: $220,080 (Intl.) N ew York I P HRER BB SO NPERA Surface: Hard-Outdoor Kuroda 81-3 5 2 2 1 3 105 2.16 Singles 1-3 0 00 0 1 6 0.00 Logan SecondRound R .Soriano I 1 - I3 0 0 0 I 13 000 Jamie Hampton, United States, def. Tamarine RobertsonW,1-0 2 1 00 0 2 24 0.00 Tanasugam, Thailand, 7-5,7-5. T—3:31. A—50,497(50,291). ChangKai-chen,Taiwan,def. CaseyDellacqua, Australia,7-6,(4), 6-3. Athletics 4, Tigers 3 SamStosur(1), Australia, def. VirginieRazano, France,1-6, 6-2,6-4. Detroit AB R H BI BB SO Avg. Misaki Doi, Japan,def. GigaPuchkova, Russia, A.Jackson cf 3 0 1 1 0 0 . 200 6-3, 6-2. Berry f 3 0 0 0 0 0 . 286 a-A.Garciaph-rf I 0 I I 0 0 . 1 43 Generali Ladies Linz Mi. Cabrera 3b 4 0 1 0 0 0 . 313 Wednesday Fielder1b 4 1 2 1 0 0 . 1 88 At Intersport Arena Linz D.Young dh 4 0 1 0 0 0 . 231 Linz, Austria Dirks rf-If 4 0 2 0 0 0 . 308 Purse: $220,080 (Intl.) JhiPeraltass 4 0 0 0 0 0 . 308 Surface: Hard-Indoor 4 1 1 0 0 1 , 3 75 Avila c Singles Infante2b 2 I I 0 0 I . 2 86 First Round Totals 33 3 18 3 0 2 Victoria Azarenka(1), Belarus,def. ArantxaRus, Netherlands,6-0,6-2. Oakland A B R H Bl BB SOAvg. Patricia Mayr-Achleitner,Austria, def. SabineLis­ Crisp cl 5 1 1 I 0 0 .22 2 icki (8),Germ any, 6-1, 6-3. Drewss 4 0 2 1 0 1 .26 7 Ana Ivanovic(2), Serbia,def. MonicaNiculescu, C espedes If 3 0 1 0 1 1 .33 3 Romania7-5, , 6-3. Moss lb 3 0 0 0 1 2 .07 7 SecondRound R eddick rf 4 1 1 0 0 2 .14 3 Julia Goerges(5), Germany,def. RominaOprandi, D onaldson 3b 4 1 1 0 0 1 .2 8 6 Switzerland,6-3,6-3. S .Smith dh 3 1 1 2 1 2 .18 2 Sofia Arvidsson,Sweden, def. LucieHradecka, D.Norris c 3 0 I 0 0 I .100 Czech Republic, 6-4,7-6(4). b -Kottaras ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 P ennington 2b 4 0 0 0 0 2 .27 3 Totals 34 4 8 4 3 12 DEALS Detroit 881 180 810 — 3 10 1 Oakland Bgg 801 803 — 4 8 0 Transactions Twooutswhenwinning runscored BASEBALL a-sing edfor Berry ln the 8th. b-foued out for American League D.Norris inthe9th. CHICAGO WHITESOX—Assigned INFRay Olm­ E—Fielder (1). LOB Detroit 5,Oakland7. 28­ Dirks (1),Avia(1), Drew(2), Donadson(1), S.Smith edo outright toCharlotte. Olmedochoseto becomea minor-league freeagent. (I). HR —Fielder (I), off Griffin. KANSAS CITY ROYALS — Named Doug Henry DP — Oakland2. bullpencoach. TORONTOBLUEJAYS — Reinstated RHP Jesse Detroit IP H R E R BB SONP ERA S cherzer 51- 3 3 1 0 1 8 91 000 Litsch fromthe60-day DL,who refusedoutright as­ signment andelectedto becomeafreeagent. D otelH,1 1-3 0 0 0 1 1 11 000 National League C oke H,1 1 - 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0.00 CINCINNATIREDS Deactivated RHPJohnny A burquerqueH,11 0 0 0 0 1 16 000 BenoitH,2 1 1 0 0 1 1 21 6.00 Cueto.ActivatedRHPMike Leake. BASKETBALL ValverdeL 0-1 2-3 4 3 3 0 1 141620 National Basketball Association Oakland IP H R ER BB SO NPERA CLEVELANDCAVALIERS — Wai vedG Kevin An­ Griffin 5 7 2 2 0 I 85 3.60 Blevins 2 0 0 0 0 0 11 0.00 dersonandG/FJustin Holiday. PHILADELP HIA 76ERS — Wai ved F/C Mikki D oolittle 2-3 3 1 1 0 0 14 3.38 andGXavier Silas. R.Cook W,1-0 11-30 0 0 0 1 16 2.70 Moore Chinese Basketball Association Griffin pitchedto1 batter inthe 6th. T—3:21. A—36,385(35,067). OINGDAODOUBLESTAR EAGLES — Signed G TracyMcGrady. FOOTBALL SOCCER National Football League CI.EVELAND BROWNS Released DLMarcus Benardfrom injuredreserve. ReleasedLBBenjamin MLS Jacobs from thepractice squad. SignedWRRod MAJOR LEAGUESOCCER Windsor tothepracticesquad. AU TimesPOT GREEN BAYPACKERS Placed RBCedric Ben­ son oninjuredreserve. Eastern Conference HOUSTONTEXANS — Released KRTrindonHol­ W L T Pts GF GA liday. Signed LBBarrett Rudd. x-SportingKansasCity 17 7 8 59 40 26 KANSAS CITYCHIEFS— ReleasedCB Neiko x-Chicago 17 10 5 56 45 39 Thorpe.SignedCBryanMatison. D.C. 16 10 6 54 49 40 MIAMIDOLPHINS—SignedLBJoshKaddufrom NewYork 15 9 8 53 54 46 the practicesquad.SignedDELouis Nzegwuto the Houston 13 8 11 50 45 38 practicesquad. Columbus 14 11 7 49 40 40 NEWYOR KJETS— PlacedLBJosh Maugaon Montreal 12 15 5 41 45 50 injuredreserve.SignedDLDaniel Muir. Phiadephia 10 15 6 36 35 37 WASHINGTON REDSKINS — Signed LB Mario NewEngland 7 17 8 29 37 44 Addisonfromthepractice squad. Toronto FC 5 20 7 22 35 60 OLYMPICSPORTS WesternConference USA LUGE — Named Tony Benshoof and Fred W L T Pts GF GA Z imny j u nior nati onalteamcoaches. x-SanJose 19 6 7 64 69 40 COLLEGE x -RealSaltLake 1 7 1 1 4 55 46 35 OKLAHOM A—AnnouncedtheNCAAhasdeclared x-Seattle 14 7 10 52 48 31 x -Los Ange es 1 5 1 2 5 50 56 45 WR JalenSaunderseligible to playfor effective Sat­ urday,Oct. 13. Vancouver 11 12 9 42 35 40 FC Dallas 9 12 11 38 39 42 Colorado 9 19 4 31 40 50 FISH COUNT Portland 7 16 9 30 32 55 ChivesUSA 7 17 8 29 22 54 Upstream daiiy movementof adult chinook,jack NOTE:Threepoints lor victory, onepoint for tie. chinook, steelheadandwild steelheadat selected x- clinched playoff berth ColumbiaRivei damslast updatedon Tuesday. Chnk Jchnk Stlbd Wstlhd Bonneville 1,520 86 6 614 176 Wednesday, Oct. 17 The Dages 980 9 9 0 838 192 Real Sat Lake at Seattle FC,Bp m. John Day 768 422 728 224 Saturday, Oct. 20 M cNary 1,021 4 4 6 894 231 Montreal atToronto FC,10:30 a.m. SportingKansasCity at NewYork, 4 p.m. Upstream year-to-datemovement ofadult chinook, Chicagoat NewEng and, 4:30 p m. jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected Philadelphia atHouston,4:30p.m. ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonTuesday. Columbusat DiC. United,4:30p.m. Chnk Jcbnk Stlhd Wstlhd ColoradoatChivas USA,7:30 p.m. Bonneville 582,575 139,067228,792 83,243 Sunday, Oct. 21 The Dages 404,238 119,843189,438 66,545 Los AngelesatSanJose,4 p.m. John Day 329,076 103,434143,420 53,524 Portland atVancouver,4 p.m. McNary 331,119 57,821 131,340 44,073


Football • Browns LBslams commis­ sioner:Brovvns linebacker Scott Fujjta accused Roger Goodell of

abusing his power ascommis­ sjolTer for hjs handling of the New

Orleans Saints' bounty case.Fujjta also criticized the NFL's recent record on player safety. Fujjta,

vvho had hjs three-gamesuspen­ sion reduced to one onTuesday by Goodell, released a statement Wednesday jn which he expressed

being most angeredwith a letter he received from Goodell after hjs

suspension vvasreduced. Before

diSaPPOinted by the faCt that you,

a former defensive captain and a passionate advocate for player safety, ignored such aprogram

and permitted jt to continue..... If

you had spokenUp,perhaps other players would haverefused to par­ tjcjpate and the consequences with which vve are now dealing could

havebeenavoided."A member of the NFL PlayersAssociation's ex­

Wednesday, surrounded byfamily. Karras had beensuffering from

NO SymPtamS Of a COnCuSSiOn:no

thought, still around, obviously. I

dizziness or (feeljng) off-balance.

have bodyguards every time I play

dementia. He was among the more

I feel right today. We' ll see what

than 3,500 NFLplayers suing the league regarding the treatment of head injuries (seeobituary, C5).

happens comeSunday."


a match on a center court, which js normal. Once the match started, got underway, I never thought about jt again."

• After death threats, Federer wins: Roger Federer ignored re­


• Griffin ttt returns to Red­

sktns' practice:There vvasa ma­ jor sigh of relief at Redskjns park Wednesdaywhen Washington

cent death threats from a Chinese

• Rain forcespostponement of

blogger andvvonhjs opening match at the Shanghai Masters

World Golf Finals: The anticipated

any unexpected setbacks between

On WedneSday, beating qualj­ fjer LU Yen-Hsun 6-3, 7-5 jn the

and Tiger Woods at the World Golf FinalSOn WedneSday Vyas PuShed

novv and Sunday, Griffin will start against the visiting Minnesota

second round. Federer said he

back a daybecause of thunder­

was aware that the blog ger had

storms at the Sultan course jn Turkey. Torrential rain began lash­

rookie quarterback Robert Griffin

ecutjve board, Fujjta, vvho met with Goodell on Sept. 28 jn New York, vvas most bothered that Goodell's "condescendingtone used jn hjs redetermjnatjon letter vvas neither

III practiced and showed no effects from a mild concussion. Barring

accurate nor productive." • FormerNFLlineman Karras dies:Alex Karras, vvhogained

Vikings. "It's a serious issue, but

recently issued art apology. The 17-time GrandSlamchampion has had heavysecurity surround­

showdown betweenRory Mcllroy

ing Antalya Golf Club shortly after

participated jn the Saints' pay-for­ hits program, but djd not like the content of the letter. Goodell wrote

I felt fine when I left the locker room" after being injured jn Sun­ day's game against Atlanta, Griffin )fig him at all times since arriving fame jn the NFL as a fearsome defensive linemanand later asan said. "Iwenthome, watched some jn Shanghai. "I felt fine," Federer actor, has died. He was 77. Craig TV and kjnda just relaxed. I haven' t said. "There vvasmaybeone quick Mjtnjck, Karras' attorney, said Kar­ had any symptoms at all. Practice thought. I SayyOne Ofthe bady­

to Fujita that hevvas"surprised and

ras died at home inLosAngeles on

afterward. Woods recorded his

practicing Wednesday, Fujjta said jn the statement that he's pleased

Goodell acknowledgedhenever

went good. I felt sharp. I felt good.

guards outside of the court. I

the morning matches jn the eight­

player event werecompleted, forcing organizers to postpone the four afternoon matches to today with the semjfjnals staged

first victory at the exhibition tour­ nament With a 67 to defeat Matt KUchar by five strokes. Woods fell to Charl Schvvartyel by one shot on Tuesday. Thetop-ranked Mcll­ roy has Tto chance of advancing jn

the $5.2 million event after losing by sjx shots to Kuchar on Tuesday and by one stroke to Schvvartzel jn the medal match-play format.

Skiing • Miller skippingWorld Cup opener: Bode Miller js skipping the opening race of the World

Cup season to rest hjs surgically repaired left knee. Miller's equip­ ment supplier says the skier, vvho had knee surgery eight months ago, will travel to Soelden, Austria, for training but won't compete jn

the race onOct. 28. — From wire reports




Penn Statecoach O' Brienengineering amazin turnaround


6a.m.:EuropeanTour, Portugal Masters, first round, Golf Channel.

1 p.m.:PGATour, Frys.corn Open, first round, Golf Channel.

4:30 p.m.:Web.corn Tour, MiccosukeeChampionship, first round, Golf Channel 6:30 p.m.:LPGA Tour, LPGA Malaysia, first round, Golf Channel. BASEBALL


10:07a.m.:MLB playoffs,NL Division Series, SanFrancisco Giants at Cincinnati Reds, TBS. 1:07 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL

Division Series, St. LouisCardinals at Washington Nationals, TBS. 4:37p.m.:M LB Playoffs,AL Division Series, Baltimore Orioles at New York Yankees, TBS. 6:37p.m.:M LB Playoffs,AL Division Series, Detroit Tigers at Oakland Athletics, TNT. MOTOR SPORTS 11 a.m.:NASCAR, Nationwide

Lynnesladky /TheA ssociated press

Louisville, behind quarterback Teddy Bridgewater,left, is the Big East Conference's top ranked team in the Associated Press Top 25 poll, at No. 18.


Series, Dollar General 300, practice, ESPN2. 12:30 p.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Bank of America 500, practice, ESPN2. 3 p.m.: NASCAR, Nationw ide Series, Dollar General 300, final practice, ESPN2. 4 p.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Bank of America 500, qualifying, ESPN2. FOOTBALL 5 p.m.:College, Wayne State at Saginaw Valley, CBS Sports Network. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, Pittsburgh Steelers at Tennessee Titans, NFL Network.

6 p.m.:College, Arizona State at Colorado, ESPN.

7 p.m.:High school, Rogers at Bethel, Root Sports. BASKETBALL 5:30 p.m.:WNBA Playoffs, Indiana Fever at Connecticut Sun, ESPN2. SOCCER

7 p.m.:Women's college, Stanford at Arizona, Pac-12 Network.

Friday GOLF

6a.m.:EuropeanTour, Portugal Masters, second round, Golf Channel. 10:30 a.m.:Champions Tour,

Greater Hickory Classic, first round, Golf Channel. 1 p.m.:PGATour, Frys.corn Open, second round, Golf Channel.

4:30 p.m.:Web.corn Tour, Miccosukee Championship, second round, Golf Channel 6:30 p.m.:LPGA Tour, LPGA

Malaysia, second round, Golf Channel. SOCCER 8:55 a.m.:World Cup, qualifying, Russia vs. Portugal, ESPN2.

1 p.m.:Women's college, Oregon at Utah, Pac-12 Network.

3 p.m.:Men's college, Calat Washington, Pac-12Network. MOTOR SPORTS 1 p.m.:NASCAR, Nationwide Series, Dollar General 300, qualifying, ESPN2. 2:30 p.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Bank of America 500, final practice, ESPN2. 4:30 p.m.:NASCAR, Nationwide

Series, Dollar General 300, ESPN. FOOTBALL 1 p .m.:College, UTEP at Tulsa

(taped), Root Sports. 5 p.m.:College, Navyat Central Michigan, ESPN2. 6:50 p.m.:High school, Crook County at Ridgeview, COTV. BASEBALL 2:07 or 4:07 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Division Series, Baltimore

Orioles at NewYork Yankees(if necessary), TBS. 5:37p.m.:M LB Playoffs,NL

Division Series, St. LouisCardinals at Washington Nationals (if necessary), TBS. VOLLEYBALL 6 p.m.:College, Washington State at Oregon, Pac-12 Network 8 p.m.:College, USC at Cal, Pac­ 12 Network. BASKETBALL 7 p.m.:NBA, preseason, Portland Trail Blazers vs. Phoenix Suns, Comcast SportsNet Northwest.

RADIO Today FOOTBALL 7 p.m.:High school, La Salle at Madras, KWSO-FM 91.9.


7 p.m.: Highschool,Bendat Redmond, KBND-AM 1110.



re e u n ea ens

By John Kekis The Associated Press

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Excuse Big East commissioner Mike Aresco if he's feeling a bit giddy this week. When the dust settled after weekend play, he still had three unde­ feated teams ranked in the AP Top 25. While nine ranked teams lost, No. 18 Lou­ isville, No. 20 Rutgers and No. 21 Cincinnati boosted their combined record to 14-0 and remained among the 14 undefeated teams in major college football. The best news for Aresco is that all three are staying put as he continues to rebuild the much-maligned conference. "Louisville, Cincinnati and Rutgers are some of ourcore programs, and they have strong football," Aresco said. "What it shows also is that, going forward, we will have even stronger football. It's only going to get better. This is early evidence of it." Boise State (4-1), currently No. 24, joins the conference next year. That should more than make up for the departure of Pittsburgh and Syracuse after this season as they make the jump to the Atlantic Coast Conference. If only West Virginia — 5-0 and ranked No. 5 — hadn't bolted for the Big 12. "When we bring in the new schools, we' re going to have a powerful football conference top to bottom," Aresco said. "It's going to be very competiti ve,very rugged." It already is. Just ask Virginia Tech's Frank Beamer, whose Hokies used to play in the Big East. After Pittsburgh started the season under first-year coach Paul Chryst with a stunning two-touchdown loss to Youngstown State, which plays at Division I's second level, and followed that with a loss at Cincinnati, Pitt upset then-No. 13 Virginia Tech, 35-17, forc­ ing the Hokies into four first-half turnovers. Tech hasn't been the same since,also los­ ing to Cincinnati and North Carolina. So, for the record, the Hokies, another former league member,are 0-2 vs.the Big East.

"(The Big East is) having a good year, that's for sure," Beamer said. "Cincinnati was for real, and the day we played Pitts­ burgh ... they were good, so I have nothing

but respect for them." Since 2006, the Big East is 215-89 (70.7

winning percentage) in nonconference play, behind only the SEC (304-70, 81.3 percent) and the Big 12 (259-86, 75.1 percent). And since 1998, the Big East has the best postsea­ son record (43-27) of any Bowl Subdivision conference during the Bowl Championship Series era. So, why is the conference always an afterthought'? "Because we beat each other up," Lou­ isville offensive guard Jake Smith said. "There aren'ttoo many unbeaten teams that come out of the conference. It's tough. I won't say we' ll have the national champion every year, but I think there are really good teams in the Big East." It's just that nobody seems to notice. Such is life in a league with no dominant teams, even if players such as Baltimore Ravens tailback Ray Rice (Rutgers) or New England Patriots rookie defensive end Chandler Jones (Syracuse) quickly become household names as pros. "This conference is really underrated, honestly," Smith said. "There are a lot of really good players that come out of the Big East. You don't have to look far to find great talent. "It's kind of offensive when you see some­ body just bashing the conference that you' re in. Last year, when West Virginia was in the conference, they came and blew out Clem­ son (70-33 in the Orange Bowl), and then they moved toanother conference and have become a top-10 team — and that's the team we beat last year. I think it's the perception nationally. I don't think that's how it should


Aresco already knows he won't have three unbeaten teams at season's end, and he's OK with that. "It's always been a conference that has been able to reinvent itself and get even stronger," Aresco said."We' re doing it now. It's not surprising to me that we' ve got teams that are in the Top 25. It's nice to have un­ defeated teams, but they' ve got to play each other."

Passdefenselikely keyin SECtitle race By Steve Megargee

teams in pass efficiency defense was the Cam Newton-led 2010 Auburn squad that Pass defense quietly has played a major ranked ninth in the SEC and 76th nationally role in who wins the national title. in that category. During the Southeastern Conference's That trend is unlikely to change this year. run of six consecutive championships, five Alabama topped the nation in pass effi­ of those champions ranked among the top ciency defense while winning the national two teams in the conference and the top title last year and leads that category again four teams nationwide in pass efficiency this season. Just behind Alabama are Flor­ defense. ida and LSU. Last year, the SEC had the The run-first SEC isn't known for throw­ nation's top four teams in pass efficiency de­ ing the ball all over the field, though that is fense: Alabama, South Carolina, LSU and changing. But SEC quarterbacks are effec­ Georgia. tive when they do throw. Part of the reason for that dominance is South Carolina's Connor Shaw and Al­ because the SEC annually features some of abama's A.J. McCarron are two of the na­ the nation's top pass rushers. Even the SEC's tion's most efficient passers, and they could own defensive backs are quick to credit their end up meeting in the SEC championship linemen. "They do a great job of pressuring the game. Who wins the matchup — or even the passer, which m a kes t h e q u a rterback chances of such a matchup occurring ­ make quicker decisions than he wants to likely depends on how well their respective (and) maybe throws a bad ball every once teams defendthe pass. in a while," LSU safety Eric Reid said. "I' ve "I' ve always said I t h ought the thing caught a couple picks that seemed like punt that's different about this league was the returns just because of the quarterback try­ pass rushers and the cover guys," Alabama ing to get the ball off funder duress). So a lot coach Nick Saban said. "The combination of the credit — most of it — can probably go of those things was a little better than other to the d-line." places. Everybody's got good receivers. Ev­ But the SEC also has produced plenty of erybody's got good runners. There are lots NFL defensive backs during this dynasty. of good quarterbacks. But I thought those The SEC had each of the past three winners two things were something that was a little of the Jim Thorpe Award given annually to better in this league." the nation's top defensive back: Tennessee's There's no doubt SEC quarterback play Eric Berry in 2009, LSU's Patrick Peterson has improved this year. in 2010 and LSU's Morris Claiborne in 2011. McCarron, Texas A&M's Johnny Man­ Eight defensive backs from the SEC — the ziel and Georgia's Aaron Murray all rank most of any conference — have been drafted among the nation's top 16 quarterbacks in in the first round over the past three years. "Everybody in the SEC has athletes — es­ passing efficiency. Shaw would rank second nationally in that category, but he's one pass pecially in the secondary," Mississippi State attempt shy of qualifying. cornerback Johnthan Banks said. "All the Even so, the conference race often comes teams are so athletic on offense, you' ve got down to which team has the best pass de­ to have guys who can match up, guys who fense. Of the last six national champions can play anywhere on the field. That's what that all came from the SEC, the only one you' ve got to have in this league so you can that didn't finish among the nation's top four be ready for anything." The Associated Press

e nn State coach B i l l O ' Brien settled in b e ­ hind a microphone early in the afternoon for what was, by far, the second most-an­ ticipated talk of the day in and around State College, Pa. What followed was stan­ dard coach's fare. "It helps to have a great s taff," O' Brien said at o n e point. "You can't be up-and-down in this business," he said at another. The reporters on the other end of the teleconference call wanted more, specifics about h ow O' Brien engineered a turnaround that drove Penn State to four straight wins and cast him as the early favorite for national coach of the year honors. But he wasn't biting. "There's a lot of great coach­ es in this country," he said. "I' ve only coached six games my whole career.That's the farthest thing from my mind." A few hours earlier in a courtroom in Bellefonte, some 10 miles to the north, former Penn State defensive coor­ dinator Jerry Sandusky was sentenced to30 to 60 years in prison after delivering a ram­ bling, 15-minute speech that sounded at times like a pre­

game pep talk. He portrayed himself as a victim, instead of the perpetrator, in the child sex abuse scandal that dis­ graced the universitywhere he worked for 30 years and the coach who didn't do enough to stop him. With his w ife, Dottie, sitting in the gallery, Sandusky said, "Hopefully we can get better as a result of our hardship and suffer­ ing, that somehow, some way, something good will come out of this." Something already has. O' Brien took a job that few coaches wanted, and against all odds made the product on the field matter again. The program he inherited from Joe Paterno was undercut by the defections of the team's best running back, top receiver and its kicker — more than a dozen players in all — and the Nit­ tany Lions will be hamstrung until 2020 by the wide-ranging sanctions the NCAA imposed over the summer. While the debate still s immered over whether they should even be playing, the N i ttany L i ons opened the season with two disheartening losses. "I knew a lot of people were arguing, a lot of them didn' t agree with me being the head coach," O' Brien said over the phone afterpractice Tuesday evening. "But I never really sat back and thought, 'How do you go about replacing a coaching legend?' I knew no one was ever going to replace Joe Paterno. So the only thing I tried to be was myself." Most of those people who worried whether any coach could maintain perspective in the midst of that maelstrom had no idea who the 42-year­ old O' Brien was. They knew him only as the offensive coor­ dinator under Bill Belichick in New England the past seven years, not as the father of a 10-year-old son named Jack, who suffers seizures when he awakes every morning and has limited motor skills because of a rare genetic brain malforma­ tion known as lissencephaly. O' Brien and his wife, Colleen,

shared that part of the family' s story with a New York Times reporter just before the season began — not to prove that his priorities were in order, but in the hope that it might provide comfort to others. "Millions o f families go t hrough this," h e t ol d t h e

newspaper. "Hopefully by do­ ing stuff like this, we can help other families feel better about their situation. I don't want people to think we' re the only family going t h rough t h i s. We' re not saying, 'Woe is us.'" O' Brien brought that same attitude to work every day and by dint of hard work, patient­ ly turned the Nittany Lions' weaknesses into strengths. In­ stead of an attack that relied on running back Silas Redd, who lit out for USC in the wake of the NCAA sanctions, O' Brien drew on his experience at New England and turned former w alk-on q u arterback M a t t McGloin into a budding Tom Brady. After kicker Sam Fick­ en missed four field goals, in­ cluding a potential game-win­ ner in the final seconds of a 17­ 16 loss to Virginia — the previ­ ous starter, Anthony Fera, lit out for Texas in the wake of those same NCAA sanctions — O' Brien refused to blame the inexperiencedbackup. In­ stead, he had the Nittany Lions try to convert fourth downs in a variety of unlikely situations — 20 times this season so far, including five of six success­ ful conversions in a comeback win l ast S aturday against Northwestern. "We' re fortunate to have the kids and the staff that we do. They committed to us in tough times. Matt McGloin is a very bright kid, he had plenty of ex­

perience playing in big games before I ever got here, so you have to give him a lot of credit. To this point, he and everyone else has done everything we asked," O' Brien said. "What I try to do in return is be decisive, whether it's a meeting or a game-time deci­ sion. They may be the wrong decisions," he laughed, "but there's no hemming and haw­ ing, we just go and make the best of things. I' ve learned that's half the battle." Penn State has a bye week, then resumes Big Ten con­ ference play Oct. 20 against Iowa, the start of what O' Brien calls the "meat of our sched­ ule." He's stayed in touch with Belichick throughout, less for advice about X's and 0's than for guidance on how a rookie head coach should conduct himself. "He's a competitor through and through," Belichick said in an emaiL "Penn State hired a great person and a solid foot­ ball man. I'm not surprised in the least at any success he' s had." O' Brien, though, isn't tak­ ing anything for granted. He punctuates every other sen­ tence about the Nittany Lions' success with the words "to this point." "When the Penn State job opened up, I weighed the posi­ tives and negatives. It offers a great education, great football, a great stadium — those are all things I believe in," he said. "And even though some tough times had just occurred and there are bound to be tough times ahead, I knew that down the road this could be a special

place again." Jim Lithe is a national sports columnist for The Associated Press. Write to him atjlitheC ap.org and follow him at 74itter. comlJimLitlze.

Gene J. Puskar/The Associated Press

Penn State head coach Bill O'Brien, left, celebrates with stu­ dents after the Nittany Lions beat Northwestern on Saturday.





Lincecum,Giantstop Reds 8-3, forceGame5 By joe Kay The Associated Press

CINCINNATI — A n g e l P a gan connects on the second pitch of the game. A Giants team that finished last in homers goes on to hit three. Tim Lincecum pitches like a two­ time Cy Young winner — this time, out of the bullpen. So many unusual things moved San Francisco to the verge of an un­ precedented comeback. Pagan hit the first leadoff homer in Giants postseason history, and Gregor Blanco and Pablo Sandoval connected later for an 8-3 victory over the Cincinnati Reds on Wednes­ day that evened their NL division se­ ries at 2-all. No team has recovered from a 2-0 deficit in a best-of-five series by win­ ning three on the road, according to STATS LLC. This one can do it with a victory today at Great American Ball Park. "Thanks to the win today, there will be a t o morrow," Pagan said. "And we are ready for that." Matt Cain, who lost the series opener and has yet to beat the Reds in three tries this season, will start Game 5 against Mat Latos. Facing elimination, the G iants' slumping hitters came out swinging and extended Cincinnati's playoff misery. The Reds haven't won a post­ season game at home in 17 years. One thing in the Reds' favor ­ they haven't dropped three straight at home all season. "I'd like to think that we still have the advantage," Reds outfielder Jay Bruce said."We' re at home. Iexpect Mat to come up with a big game. I'm looking forward to it." So are the Giants, who were down after losing the first two games at home while getting outscored 14-2. They were barely able to get a hit, let alone a win. The pressure pulledthem closer. Hunter Pence gathered them for in­ spirational speeches before the two

games in Cincinnati, challenging them to play like champions.

"We feel good," NL batting cham­ pion Buster Posey said. "When you' re down 0-2 you see what you' re made of. We' re not done." It wasn't all about the offense. San Francisco's overlooked Cy Y oung winner played a starring role, too. Lincecum was relegated to the bullpen for the playoff series because of his dreary season — 15 losses, 17 wild pitches. He entered in the fourth inning, pitched out of a threat that kept the Giants up 3-2, and kept go­ ing. The right-hander struck out six while allowing just one run in 4 '/s innings. "I knew he would play a huge role in this," manager Bruce Bochy said. "And I know of other situations where startershave been in the 'pen and really done a great job to help their team win. We knew Timmy would play a critical role in the series like he did tonight." The Reds were hoping to start ace Johnny Cueto, but had to drop him off the roster a few hours be­ fore Wednesday'sfirstpitch because he was still bothered by a strained muscle in his right side. He won't be available if Cincinnati wins Game 5 and reaches the NL Championship Series. The way the Giants have started hitting, that's now in doubt. T hey broke ou t a g ainst M i k e Leake, who replaced Cueto and had a rough time. Leake threw his first career completegame in San Fran­ cisco on June 29 and was 3-0 career against the Giants. Pagan homered to start it off for the Giants. Blanco hit a two-run shot in the second. The Giants had anoth­ er breakthrough in the fifth, when back-to-back doubles by J o aquin Arias and Pagan ended a zero-for-14 slump with runners in scoring posi­ tion during the series. Sandoval's two-run shot in the sev­ enth made it 8-3, matched the Giants' season high for homers and drew loud boos from the crowd of 44,375 — the third-largest at Great Ameri­ can Ball Park.


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'J Michael Keating /The Associated Press

San Francisco Giants' Pablo Sandovalis congratulated by third base coach Tim Flannery (1) after hitting a two-run home run against the Cincinnati Reds in the seventh inning of Game 4 of the National League Division Series on Wednesday in Cincinnati.

Carpenter pitchesCards past Nats for 2-1series lead mond — three for four on Wednes­ day, seven for 12 in the series — the WASHINGTON — Set aside the Nationals' h itters ar e s t r uggling high-pressure task of postseason mightily. They' ve scored a total of pitching that Chris Carpenter rou­ seven runs in the playoffs and went tinely masters for the St. Louis Car­ zero for eight with runners in scor­ dinals and think about this: ing position and left 11 men on base Even the take-it-for-granted act of in Game 3. breathing feels odd on occasion now Rookie phenom Bryce Harper' s that he's missing a rib and two neck woes, in particular, stand out: He muscles. went zero for five, dropping to one T aking the mound for only t he for 15. He went to the plate with an fourth time in 2012 after complicat­ ash bat and no gloves in the first in­ ed surgery to cure numbness on his ning, tried wearing anti-glare tinted right side, the 37-year-old Carpen­ contact lenses on a sun-splashed af­ ter spoiled the return of postseason ternoon — nothing helped. "Nothing I can do," the 19-year-old baseball to Washington by throwing scoreless ball into the sixth inning, Harper said. "I just missed a couple." and the defending champion Cardi­ All in all, quite a damper on the nals beat the Nationals 8-0 Wednes­ day for a N a t i onals Park-record day to take a 2-1 lead in their NL di­ 45,017 r ed-wearing, t o w el-twirl­ vision series. ing fans witnessing the first major "To go from not being able to com­ league postseason game in the na­ pete, and not only compete but help tion's capital in 79 years. They didn' t your team, to be able to be in this sit­ have much to enjoy, in part because uation," Carpenter said, "it's pretty of the problems created by Nationals cool." starter Edwin Jackson, who was on Rookie Pete K o zma d e livered the Cardinals' championship team a a three-run homer, and a t ri o o f year ago. " I didn't feel like I w a s out of relievers f i n i shed t h e shu t o ut f or the C ardinals, who ca n e n d rhythm. I didn't feel like I couldn' t the best-of-five series i n t o d ay' s throw strikes. I just missed across G ame 4 at Was h i ngton. K y l e the plate with a couple of balls and it Lohse will start for St. Louis. Ross cost me," Jackson said. Detwiler pitches for W ashington, He gave up four consecutive hits which is sticking to its long-stated in the second, the biggest being plan of keeping Stephen Strasburg Kozma's first-pitch homer into the on the sideline the rest of the way. first row in left off a 94 mph fastball "We' re not out of this, by a long to make it4-0. Kozma took over as shot," Nationals manager D avey the Cardinals' everyday shortstop Johnson said. "Shoot, I' ve had my in September, replacing injured All­ back to worse walls than this." Star Rafael Furcal, and only had 72 With the exception of Ian Des­ at-bats during the regular season. By Howard Fendrich The A s so ci a ted Press


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Eric Risberg/rhe Associated Press

Oakland Athletics left fielder Coco Crisp(4) celebrates after he hit a single to score Seth Smith and win the game 4-3 in the ninth inning of Game 4 of an American League Division Series against the Detroit Tigers in Oakland, Calif., on Wednesday night.

's ra ast i ersinnint to set u eci in arne By josh Dabow

That set off a raucous celebration near first base as the A's poured out OAKLAND, Calif. — After a of the dugout to mob Crisp, who was season filled with dramatic come­ the recipient of a whipped cream pie backs and memorable endings, the thatbecame a regular occurrence in Oakland Athletics now expect the this remarkable season in Oakland. unexpected. This marked the second time the A' s Two runs down and three outs erased a two-run deficit in the ninth away from their season ending, the inning to win a postseason game, the A's staged their most magical finish other coming in Game 5 of the 1929 yet. World Series. "It's amazing," Crisp said. "The Seth Smith hit a game-tying two­ run double off closer Jose Valverde guys in front of me obviously did a in the ninth inning and Coco Crisp fantastic job of getting on base.... capped Oakland's rally with a two­ This club, we' ve been battling the out RBI single as the A's staved off whole year, giving 100 percent, and elimination for a second straight these walkoffs have been our MO night with a 4-3 victory over the De­ this year." troit Tigers in Game 4 Wednesday Ryan Cook retired four batters for night. the win. "We' ve heard a lot of people say The A' s, who have the lowest pay­ we' re not smart enough to know roll in baseball, need just one more when to lose a game like most people surprising result to win their second do," said Josh Reddick, who started postseasonseriessince 1990. Rookie the rally with a single. "We' ve been Jarrod Parker will take the mound in battling till the 27th out all year and Game 5 tonight against Verlander, we' re not going to stop now." the reigning AL Cy Young winner The A's rode a major league-lead­ and MVP. "That's why this is the greatest ing 14 walkoff wins in the regular season to an improbable AL West ti­ game of all," Tigers manager Jim tle. Those paled in comparison to No. Leyland said. "It looked like we were 15, which set up a win-or-go-home going to get it. We didn't do it. We Game 5 against Justin Verlander and didn't quite get the 27 outs, that's part the Tigers. of the game. You get tested all the Reddick led off the ninth with a time in this game. And this is a good single just under the glove of diving test." second baseman Omar Infante. Josh The Tigers looked to be in prime Donaldson followed with a double position to advance to their second off the wall in left-center and both straight ALCS and have a rested runners scored on Smith's double. Verlander for Game I w hen they "There's a confidence," manager took a 3-1 lead into the ninth behind Bob Melvin said. "We' ve done it so a strong startfrom Max Scherzer many times so there's always going and a homer from Prince Fielder. to be that confidence until we make Now the A's are one win away that last out." from repeating last week's three­ Two outs later, Crisp lined a single game sweep of Texas that gave them and Smith scored easily when right the AL West title on the final day of fielder Avisail Garcia couldn't handle the regular season. After losing the the ball. first two games in Detroit, the A' s The Associated Press


won 2-0 inGame 3 and are looking to become the eighth team to rally from two games down to win a best­ of-five series. The San Francisco Giants will have a shot to do it as well earlier today when they face Cincinnati in Game 5 of their NL division series. Scherzer, who was dealing with shoulder, deltoid and ankle injuries late in the season, looked in top form against the A' s. He allowed just one baserunner in the first four innings and struck out seven of the first 15 batters before running into his first trouble in the fifth. Smith worked a two-out walk and went to third on Derek Norris' oppo­ site-field blooper down the right-field line.But Scherzer responded by get­ ting Cliff Pennington to chase an off­ speed pitch in the dirt for his eighth strikeout. The A's finally got to Scherzer for an unearned run in the sixth. Crisp reached when Fielder misplayed a hard grounder to first base into a two-base error. Crisp advanced on a wild pitch and scored on Stephen Drew's double to right-center. But the A's ran themselves out of a potential big inning when third-base coach Mike Gallego waved Drew around to third, where he was easily caught on the relay for the first out. Octavio Dotel and Phil Coke both retired a batter to get out of the sixth and Al Alburquerque pitched a per­ fect seventh in his first appearance s ince his memorable kiss of t h e baseballon a comebacker by Yoenis Cespedes in Game 2. Joaquin Benoit escaped a first-and-second jam in the eighth by striking out Brandon Moss, but Valverde couldn't close it. "This is the toughest moment in my whole career," Valverde said. "I had everything. These guys hit it. There's nothing I can do."

peared poised to move within a win of their first trip to the AL champi­ Continued from D1 onship series since 1997 before the sf B ut Girardi was r e luctant t o Yankees' comeback. move his fading slugger down in the Ibanez hit a 1-0 pitch into the seats lineup. in the ninth, setting off a raucous cel­ Until he took him all the way out. ebrationin what had been a demor­ "You have to make some deci­ alized Yankee Stadium crowd. sions sometimes that are tough de­ After their 10-game July lead cisions. I just had a gut feeling," Gi­ was cut to zero in early September, rardi said. the Yankees repelledevery Orioles Rodriguez has 647 career home charge. The teams were tied 10 times 'Alit runs — he's chasing the all-time re­ in the final month but New York cord of 762 by Barry Bonds — and ended up atop the division. is making $29 million this year. But New York won the opener in Bal­ was just one for 12 with no RBIs and timore scoring five runs in the ninth seven strikeouts in this series when off Johnson. The Orioles won Game Girardi pulled him. Kathy Willens /The Associated Press 2 and rode Miguel Gonzalez's pretty "It kind of caught me off-guard, New York Yankees' Alex Rodriguez performance to a 2-1 lead in the hitting for a guy who's half-a-billion­ walks away after striking out during ninth. aire," Orioles center fielder Adam the sixth inning of Game 3 of the But the Yankees limited Baltimore Jones said. American League Division Series to one hit after 20-year-old Manny It was the first time Rodriguez had against the Baltimore Orioles on Machado homered in the fifth. Ryan ever been pinch-hit for in a postsea­ Wednesday night in New York. F laherty homered earlier for t he son game, according to STATS LLC. Orioles. And it worked. Robert Andino was doubled off Rodriguez immediately turned to homer twice in a postseason game second after leading off the Balti­ injured Yankees closer Mariano Ri­ in which he didn't start, STATS more ninth with a single and ad­ vera, raised one arm, then both arms said. vancing on a sacrifice. and traded high-fives with his star Phil Hughes will try to clinch it for Boone Logan got one out in relief teammate. When Ibanez returned the Yankees tonight in Game 4. Joe of Hiroki Kuroda, who gave up two to the bench, Rodriguez was the first Saunders will start for Baltimore. solo homers in 8 t/s innings. Closer player to greet him. Baltimore had won 16 straight ex­ Rafael Soriano pitched I /s innings "He said great job. A-Rod is a tra-inning games, and had been 76-0 and David Robertson went two, great teammate and great team w hen leadingafterseven, before the finishing off his outing by bumping player," Ibanez said. "He's the first Yankees stung them. into and tagging Andino to end the "Itwas a great experience. We do top ofthe 12th. one on the top step congratulating you. It's about winning. It's about the it as a team. We stay after it," Ibanez Derek Jeter tied the score with an Yankees and continuing." said. "I'm blessed to come up and RBI triple in the third for the Yan­ Ibanez remained in the game and have the opportunity like that. We kees. Jeter, limping after fouling a connected on the first pitch from do it together. It's about a team and ball off his foot, came out after eight Brian Matusz in the 12th. about wtnn>ng." innings. He says we will be able to Ibanez became the first player to The brash, young Orioles ap­ play today.




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By Chase Stuart New Yor/t Times News Service

hen the Houston Tex­ ans joined the NFL in 2002, the league realigned, with four divisions of four teams each per confer­ ence. Since then, the AFC has often been dominant, in part because of the durable success of teams like New England, Indianapolis and Pittsburgh. From 2002-10, the AFC won 56 percent of games against the NFC, with a n a v erage score of 23.0 to 20.2. The per­ centage in favor of the AFC from 2004-10 was 57, an edge that is equivalent to what one would expect for a home team in a g a m e a g ainst evenly matched squads. The dominance of the AFC was also obvious when exam­ ining the elite teams. Accord­ ing to Pro-Football-Reference. corn's Simple Rating System, the top six teams in the AFC in each year from 2002-10 had an average rating of plus 7.7, indi­ cating that they were 7.7 points above average. The top NFC teams were only 4.6 points better than average. This dif­ ference became particularl y glaring in the Super Bowl; the AFC champion has been the favorite in nine of the 10 Super Bowls since realignment. But things have changed. Last year was the first since 2002 that the NFC won the interconference battle, albeit by the razor-thin margin of 33-31. That was just the appe­ tizer. Entering last weekend, the NFC was 10-4 against the AFC. Then, inseven interconfer­ ence games in Week 5, the NFC won five more games. The Minnesota Vikings beat t he Tennessee Titans, t h e New York Giants handled the Cleveland Browns, the Chi­ cago Bears overpowered the Jacksonville Jaguars, the New Orleans Saints defeated the San Diego Chargers, and the San Francisco 49ers crushed the Buffalo Bills. If not for last­ minute comeback wins by the Pittsburgh Steelers and the In­ dianapolis Colts, it would have been a horrificweekend for the AFC. The NFC's record this year

Ben Margoti The Associated Press

Quarterback Alex Smith, left, and the San Francisco 49ersare part of the reason why the NFC may have passed the AFC in dominance on the football field. is now a sparkling 15-6 in in­ terconference games, with the average game margin being more than 10 points. The NFC has also won the past three Super Bowls, al­ though the Saints and the Gi­ ants were underdogs entering Super Bowls XLIV and XLVI. So why has the balance of power shifted? The league's most impor­ tant position provides a clue. In the East, North and South divisions, all 12 NFC teams have found their answers at quarterback, or at least are no longer searching for their quarterback of the future. Last year, Detroit's Mat­ thew Stafford was the third player to throw 40 touchdown passes and amass 5,000 yards in a season, and he was not selected to fill one of the con­ ference's three Pro Bowl quar­ terbackslots.He was not even chosen asan alternate,the re­ sult of great seasons by Aaron Rodgers, Drew Brees, Eli Man­ ning and Cam Newton. And while the NFC West is short on talented quarterbacks (Alex Smith excluded, as he leads the league in passer rat­ ing and is second in adjusted net yards per attempt), it is long on great defense, and it is 4-0 against the AFC this year. In the AFC, the Bills, the

Club sports

looking for sports that would help drive enrollment, build Continued from 01 campus spirit ,and createcom­ Club sports could also be the munity enthusiasm. "As we expand to a four-year first step in building an athlet­ ic program at OSU-Cascades. university,sports programs "This is definitely a starting will be an important part of point," said Bruce Petersen, attracting students and will coordinator o f in t e rnships, add to a rich experience for employment and alumni rela­ the student community," said tions for OSU-Cascades, who Becky Johnson, vice president also leads the school's sports of OSU-Cascades. task force. "We want to be OSU-Cascades looked at very good at the club level. more than 30 sports before And we feel like over time we deciding on the four, Petersen will attract students at the club sard. level." The foursports selected are Club teams compete against probably no surprise at a uni­ club teams from other colleges versity located in a communi­ and universities. But unlike ty that is crazy about outdoor NCAA- or N A I A-sanctioned sports. "Skiing went way to the top, sports, the athletes are not recruited. Instead, rosters are as did cycling — especially filled from within the student mountain bi king," Petersen body. said. "And when you look at Petersensaidthe school was sports, there are always facili­

New York Jets, the M iami Dolphins, the Browns, the Ti­ tans, the Jaguars, the Oakland Raiders and the Kansas City Chiefs have question marks at quarterback. Uncertainty at the position is a sure way to shift the balance of power. In 2009, the five worst teams in the NFC were the St. Louis Rams, the Lions, the Seattle Seahawks, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and the Washing­ ton Redskins. After years of poor play, St. Louis is headed in the right direction since the hiring of Jeff Fisher. De­ troit has finally capitalized on years of excellent draft posi­ tion, notably by picking Staf­ ford and Calvin Johnson, and the hiring of Jim Schwartz as the coach has helped, even if 2012 looks to be a step back for the Lions. Seattle was not universally praised for hiring Pete Car­ roll from Southern California, but he has built one of the best young defenses in the league. And in Washington, quarter­ b ack Robert Griffin II I h a s made the Redskins a threat to win in every game. If we look more closely at the coaching changes in the NFC since 2009, they seem pretty favorable. Leslie Frazier has done a good job of r eplacing Brad

Childress in Minnesota, and Fisher, Carroll, Jim Harbaugh and Mik e S h anahan have been improvementsover Steve Spagnuolo, Jim Mora Jr., Mike Singletary and Jim Zorn. The recentdrafts show the continued success of the NFC. In 2009,perhaps the best three players were t h e P a ckers' Clay Matthews, the Vikings' Percy Harvin and the Eagles' LeSean McCoy. In 2010, the rich got richer in the AFC, with Rob Gronkows­ ki and Aaron Hernandez go­ ing to New England and Maur­ kice Pouncey and A n tonio Brown to Pittsburgh, but San Francisco's NaVorro Bowman, New Orleans' Jimmy Graham, Seattle's Earl Thomas, the Gi­ ants' Jason Pierre-Paul and

ties involved. And, gosh, we have the facilities (for cycling and skiing) covered. " These ar e j u s t na t u ­ r al sports for u s o ver t h e long-term." OSU-Cascades has also en­ tered into an agreement with the Mt. Bachelor Sports Edu­ cation Foundation to provide coaching an d c o ordination servicesforthe teams. MBSEF's expertise should give the club teams an early competitive advantage, Pe­ tersen said. The club sportsteams are expected to begin competing later this fall. Full-time stu­ dents at OSU-Cascades or du­ ally enrolled Central Oregon Community College students in good academic standing are eligible to participate. The club ski teams will com­ pete in the Northwest Confer­

ence of the United States Col­ legiate Ski and Snowboard Association, the sports federa­ tion that oversees collegiate team ski racing and snow­ boarding. Cycling sports will compete in the Northwest Col­ legiate Cycling Conference, for which USA Cycling is the sanctioning organization. For OSU-Cascades, these four sports represent a start. Whether a larger athletic pro­ gram is in the school's future is yet to be decided. "It is something that we will be evaluating throughout the development of the campus here," Petersen said. "This is a natural place to start. Club sports are a wonderful way to engage the student body. "We' ll just see where this takes us down the road."

Detroit's Ndamukong Suh have had a big impact. Last year's top 10 picks fea­ tured seven clear successes, but five — Patrick Peterson, Newton, Julio Jones, Aldon Smith and Tyron Smith — are NFC players. So far in 2012, Washing­ ton's Griffin and Alfred Mor­ ris have been the star rookies. That continues a trend that is solidifying and that is far from m ysterious, not w h e n o n e conference has better quar­ terbacks,better coaching and superior drafting.

— Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall@bendbulletin.corn

Bulletin staff report MADRAS — Riding dou­ ble-digit kills from Alexis Ur­ bach and Shelby Mauritson, Madras swept Gladstone on Wednesday to earn a Class 4A T r i-Valley C onference volleyball win, 25-21, 25-16, 25-20. Urbach finished with 12 kills and two blocks, while Mauritson recorded 10 kills and eight assists. Cheyenne Duncan collected two aces, and the White Buffaloes im­ proved to 6-1 in league play to maintain a tie for the top spot in the conference. "We hoped we'd be in this position and thought we had t he potential to be in t h i s position," Madras coach Ja­ mie Smith said of his team's league standing. "We defi­ nitely expected to be here." Madras competes in the S easide T ournament o n Saturday. Also on Wednesday: VOLLEYBALL Junction City .... 25-25-22-25 La Pine...... . . . . 21-16-25-21 LA PINE — D e spite a strong third game to avoid a sweep, the Hawks saw their late rally come up short, as they fell to the Tigers in a Class 4A Sky-Em League matchup. Holly Jackson did a little bit of everything for La Pine, posting 15 kills, 18 digs, four blocks and one service ace. Kelley Terrell added 28 assists and two aces for the Hawks. La Pine (0-7 Sky­

Em) visits Cottage Grove on Tuesday. Culver...... . . . . . . . . 25-26-25 Kennedy....... . . . . . 23-24-23 CULVER — O n S e nior Night, Culver seniors Jahnie Cleveland and C a ssandra Fulton went out i n s t y le. Cleveland's 23 assists and Fulton's eight kills and four blocks helped the Bulldogs put Kennedy of Mt. Angel away to pick up a Class 2A Tri-River Conference win. S healene Little t allied 19 k ills, seven digs and t w o aces, while Gabrielle Alley racked up seven kills and seven digs against the Tro­ jans, who entered Wednes­ day night's match undefeated

in league play. Culver (11-1 TRC) travels to Halsey on Tuesday to face Central Linn and Waldport. BOYS SOCCER Culver...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Mountain View JV...... . . . . 3 A trio of goals from Ger­ son Gonzalez, including one in the second half to stave off a Cougar rally, earned the Bulldogs a n o nconference win at Mountain View High. Jairo Portillo c ollected a goal and an assist for Culver, while Isaias Gutierrez deliv­ ered two assists. Edgar Villa­ real finished with a goal, and Ruben Jimenez wascredited with an assist. Culver (2-5-3) returns to Class 3A/2A/IA S pecial District 4 a c t i on on Saturday, when it hosts Riverside.


great body balance and can jump. But more than any­ Continued from 01 thing, he wants the ball." "We had a t ough three Madras' offense has run games. But we feel now peo­ through s e n io r q u a r ter­ ple are getting to see a lot back Steele Haugen, who more of who we are." enters tonight's game with L eading t h e w a y for 1,560 yards passing and 14 Madras this season has been touchdowns against seven 6-foot-2-inch, 185-pound re­ interceptions. Haugen has ceiver Devin Ceciliani. An c ompleted 61 p e rcent o f all-league selection a year his passes and has thrown ago, Ceciliani has emerged for 120 yards or better in as one of the most explosive each of the Buffs' past three offensive players in 4A this games. "He's a great leader, he' s season, averaging 128 yards receiving and 5 0 . 8 yards smart, and I think he can rushing per g ame. The play small college football White Buffalo senior play­ as a quarterback someday," maker has 17 touchdowns Wells said about Haugen. in Madras' first six games "He's a good athlete, but — 10 receiving, five rushing more than anything the kids and two on kickoff returns. respect the hell out of him. "We figure out ways to They know everything's go­ get him the ball," Wells said ing to be OK because he's in about Ceciliani, who has an the huddle.... He's really the eye-popping 14.7 yards-per­ straw that stirs the drink for touch average on offense us right now." this season. "He's flat-out — Reporter: 541-383-0305, fast and strong. And he's got beastes@bendbulletin.corn.

Prep football at aglance Other football games today and Friday involving Central

Oregon teams: TODAY Sisters (1-1 Sky-Em,3-3 overall) at Elmira (0-2 Sky-Em,1-5 overall), 7 p.m.:The Outlaws, who are tied for third in the

Sky-Emeague, L need a win to stay in contention for one of

the league's three postseason berths. Sisters running back Ethan Luloff is corii n off a career game,having rushed for 355 yards and five touchdowns in the Outlaws' 52-42 victory over Junction City. The Falcons limp into today's game having

allowed 106 total points in their past two games, both losses. La Pine (0-2 Sky-Em,2-4 overall) at Sweet Home(2-0 Sky­ Em, 4-2 overall), 7 p.m.:The Hawks look to snap afour-game losing skid when they face the Huskies tonight. Sweet Home

Elk Continued from 01 "The weather hasn't really been our friend," Niemela said. "The deer-hunter success was around 5 percent in the Ocho­ co District on opening week­ end. That's a historic low." While deer populations are down in the Ochoco District — which includes the Ochoco, G rizzly and Maury units ­ elk populations remain stable with good bull-to-cow ratios. The problem, Niemela said, is that the elk are showing up in greaternumbers on private property and in fewer num­ bers in the Ochoco National Forest. "That m a ke s m a n aging them a little bit tricky," Nieme­ la said. "In general, we have kind of a growing elk popula­ tion, but a lot of them are on private property. We do, how­ ever, have some pretty good bull ratios going into the hunt.

Last year, during our composi­ tion surveys, we found a lot of bulls in the Ochoco and Griz­

zly (units). The population is doing fine, it's just more of a distribution issue." Hunters must receive land­ owner p e r m ission b e f ore hunting on private lands. "The problem is that there isn't necessarily a lot of land­ owners looking to offer that up," Niemela said. "So it gets a little challenging. It's a little bit problematic." Fire danger remains ex­ treme, and campfires are still not allowed in Oregon. Per­ haps by late October and early November, snow and rain will arrive in Central Oregon, im­ proving conditions for those elk hunters in the controlled Ochoco District. "I sure hope so,"Niemela said. "We should have some

(rain) by then." — Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmoricalCbendbulletin.corn

has won four in a rowandscored at least 60 points in each of its past two games. FRIDAY Bend (1-0 IMC, 2-4 overall) at Redmond (1-0 IMC, 6-0 overall), 7 p.m.:Lava Bearrunning back Duke DeGaetano is


Central Oregon ilN f anageme t nits National Forest


aupin ' Warm Springs Indian

', Condon .


Shaniko, • Fossil Clarno~ Spray elope ~ 'Kimberly

Warm Springs • Madras

etolius /g ' Camp Sher n Sisters

qrrebonne ,' Prin eville

4 Red n Powetteutte





Pa itta

Maliry amtttott­



and three touchdowns against the Buckaroos last week. The





Fort Rock

p.m.:The Cowboys and the Ravens, the only two teams in Class 4A Special District1, battle for league supremacy. More importantly, the winner of Friday's matchup will likely move Up in the Oregon School Activities Association rankings­ Ridgeview is currently 12th and Crook County is 13th — the

three games, with their most recent victory a 55-14 defeat over Pendleton on Friday. Kyler Ayers rushed for 289 yards



and Cam Peters each went for more than 150 yards last week in the Panthers' 54-22 win against Crook County. Bend is

only way the two schools can qualify for the postseason. Mountain View(0-0 IMC, 3-3 overall) at Summit(0-2 IMC, 2-4 overall), 7 p.m.:TheCougars havewon two of their past


Upper • S nriver DeSChlltIS

eachofthepasttwoweeks.Redmond backsTrevorHindman coming off a 51-14victory against Summit. Crook County (4-2 overall) at Ridgeview (4-2 overall), 7


G riizTy

averaging 125.2 rushing yards per game this season, but the Panthers have totaled more than 400 yards on the ground in



C istmas Valley

Greg Cross /The Bulletin

Storm have lost their past two games, giving Up 50 points or

more in eachdefeat. Gilchrist (1-4 SD2) atNorthLake(1-3 SD2,1-4 overall), 2 p.m.:The Grizzlies hope to break out of a two-game losing streak against their Class 1A Special District 1 rivals, the Cowboys. Both teams gave up more than 70 points last week in defeat.




& F I SH I N G


FISHING REPORT Here is the weekly fishing report for selected areas in and around Central Oregon, pro­

salmon and brook trout popula­

vided by fisheries biologists for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife:

ing with barbless hooks. LAKE BILLYCHINOOK:Fish­


has picked up as the fish are staging in the Metolius arm prior to entering the Metolius

ANTELOPE FLAT RESER­ VOIR: Fishing has been slow, but anglers are still reporting 18- to 20-inch trout. Fishing should begin to pick up with the cooling weather. BEND PINE NURSERYPOND: Trout fishing should pick up

Hosmer is restricted to fly fish­ ing for smallmouth bass has been good. Fishing for kokanee

LOST LAKE:Lost Lake has been stocked with legal and trophy-sized rainbow trout,

trout from 2011, newly stocked rainbow trout, and naturally


produced brown trout makes Lost Lake a great place to take the family fishing.

METOLIUS RIVER:Trout do well warm water fishing in fishing has been good. Insect nearby Columbia River back­ hatches should offer lots of water areas. The pond will be opportunities for good dry-fly stocked with trophy rainbow fishing. the week of Oct. 8, if water tem­ NORTHTWIN: Norecent re­ peratures cool. ports, but earlier angler reports CLEAR LAKERESERVOIR: indicated better than average Water level in the reservoir is fishing. at low levels due to irrigation OCHOCO RESERVOIR:No

demand. Anglers typically find good fall success, but should

recent reports. With the warm water temperature, the best

be reminded the boat ramp may be difficult to access due to low water levels. CRANE PRAIRIERESERVOIR:

fishing will be for the bass, crappie and bullhead. Trout may still be caught but it will be more difficult than in the spring

Trout fishing should pick up

and fall. The low water may

with cooling temperatures. CRESCENTLAKE:Kokanee

make launching a boat difficult. ODELL LAKE:Kokaneefishing

fishing has beengood.

good on the lake's west end.

trout has been good. DAVIS LAKE:Water is much higher than normal, and all boat

ramps are accessible. Please note this is a fly-fishing only lake. Please check your synop­ sis for the regulations for this water body. DESCHUTESRIVER(mouth


good. ODFWrecently complet­ ed chub trapping operations. The chub trapping program is designed to reduce competition with game species and increase the size of trout. PINE HOLLOW RESERVOIR: Pine Hollow was recently stocked with trophy-sized rain­

bow and should provide good to the Pelton Regulating Dam): success. Fall fishing in Pine Summer steelhead fishing on Hollow can be productive, as the lower Deschutes remains

goodinOctober.Good numbers

water temperatures cool. PRINEVILLERESERVOIR:

of fish are being found by an­

Fishing for bass, crappie and

glers from the mouth upstream

bullhead catfish should be

to the South Junction areal.

Good numbers of fish are now

good. Anglers are reporting more bass and larger small­

passing Sherars Falls, and fish­ ing will be improving upstream

years. Anglers have reported

of Maupin. Good numbers of large B-run steelhead have been observed in recent creel samples. Good numbers of Fall

mouth bass than in recent catching larger trout than in

recent years. Anglers should

have been reported from the Sherars Falls area.

consult the 2012 Sport Fish­ ing Regulations for maximum length requirements and bag limits for both largemouth and smallmouth bass. PRINEVILLE YOUTHFISHING POND:Fishing will be best in the


cooler times of the day, espe­

chinook are now in the river, offering excellent opportunity. Limits of bright fall chinook

Billy Chinook toBend): No recent reports, but there should

be good fishing for rainbow and brown trout. Rainbow trout average 10 to 16 inches, while brown trout up to 26 inches are available. Anglers will find

better access downstream of Lower Bridge. EAST LAKE:Chub removal has resulted in larger trout and fewer incidental catches of

chubs. Anglers have reported good fishing. FALL RIVER:Fishing is good.

cially the morning. ROCK CREEKRESERVOIR: Very low water levels will limit


very time I opened my

box, I saw this spinner. It was a No. 4 French­ bladed homemade job I built a few years ago. When frustrat­ ed by steelhead that would not bite, I considered adding more "strike triggers." I built it with a red Daiichi treble hook, a g low accent bead, chartreuse accent tape and two blades on a single clevis. My rationale was that a hard-fished steelhead might react to the extra "clack" of - ~ m m R­ two whirling blades. Over the years, I let it sit Photo courtesy Fred Alexander there in the box, and the twin Gary Lewis, Phil Swaggart and Mikayla Lewisfish the McKenzie River below Leaburg Dam on a blades tarnished as I fished September evening. other spinners. We met up with "Fish On" Phil Swaggart at the Leaburg In our family, steelhead fish­ Mikayla and I worked our At the splash, I dropped the Fish Hatchery on a late Sep­ ing is a rite of passage. My way downstream to a bend in rod and began a slow crank, tember day when the water daughter Mikayla has caught the river where a spawned-out felt the thump of the blade in was low and clear. In a hold­ salmon, sturgeon and small­ chinook moldered in morbid the tip. A fish pummeled the ing tank, we saw our quarry, mouth, but sh e ha d n ever pastels. Our feet planted in the spinner then charged down­ steelhead that had returned to fished for steelhead. Armed river, we watched, fascinated s tream and i nto t h e m a i n the hatchery after two years with a box of spinners and a while a live chinook swam up current then r eversed and at sea. They ranged in size spinning rod, she waded in, to our legs then turned away, streaked toward me. When from five to 10 pounds and cast upstream and cranked back to the green water. the rod went limp, I thought wore the rainbow stripes that back slow like she was told. Back upstream we worked. I'd lost it, but then I saw the defined them as ocean-going Out there on the rocky bot­ Mikayla saw a f i s h s plash l ine k n if e u p stream. M o ­ rainbows. tom we snagged on snarls of on the far side of the river. A ments later, I saw him when Downstream from Leaburg fishing line, reeled in old tackle steelhead, I guessed. he charged into the shallow "These are the fish of a water at my feet then streaked Dam, the McKenzie River wid­ and lost our own gear. Each ens and shallows out through time I opened my box, I looked thousand casts," I told Mikay­ away again. a series of rapids. The water at that double-bladed spinner la. "How many casts have you I was 9 or 10 years old when is dark, the rocks round and but chose something else. I tied made now?" She figured she I first saw a steelhead up close, slick, and the current runs on and lost a blue Blue Fox, a was somewhere up around a bright 7 pound buck my dad about the speed of a fast walk. Mack's Lure Promise Keeper 110 casts, maybe 130, about 13 landed on the North Fork of It is classic summer steelhead and various homemade cre­ percent of the way to 1,000. the Lewis River. We still have water, but there has not always ations of tarnished brass and I lost another spinner and a picture of me, my dad and been a run of summer fish on copper. selected my t w o-blade cre­ my sister next to dad's '55 this river. Downstream, Mikayla fired ation. What could it hurt to Chevy. In 1972, the Oregon De­ casts to mid-stream and reeled give it a try? Now Mikayla had seen Up partment of Fish and Wildlife back. When she tired of a spot, Across the river, I saw a fish close the power and fury of established a summer run of she moved on or sampled the clear the water and crash back this summer run fish, an 8­ steelhead w it h S k a m ania­freshblackberries on the bank. down. My first cast fell short. I pound buck. We figure she strain hatchery smolts. Swag­ To the west, the sun dropped to imagined its tumble, the clack has 850 more casts to make. gart said he caught his first the horizon, and the tree line of the blades on boulders, the Rites of p a ssage shouldn' t M cKenzie run when those fish shadow marched across the flash of the chartreuse and come easy. came back in 1974. river. brass. I fired again, getting — Gary Lewis is the host "The fish here like to move the distance now. of "Adventure Journal" and We stepped into the water and Swaggart started with a about six o' clock," Phil an­ I stepped forward and felt author of "John Nosier — Going jig and float. Fred Alexander nounced. "When the shadows the rhythm and balance of Ballistic," "Black Bear Hunting," "Hunting Oregon" and other tied on a spinner and I strung hit the water, sometimes you the rod, the line and lure as I a rod for Mikayla and tied on a seethese summer fish porpoise swung. Like a bullet, the lure titles. Contact Lewis at wow. No. 4 Blue Fox. out there along the riffle." sailed, almost to the far bank. GaryLewisOutdoors.corn.

success. SHEVLIN YOUTHFISH­ ING POND:Shevlin has been stocked and is fishing well. SOUTH TWIN LAKE:Fishing Is good. SUTTLE LAKE:Recent fish sampling showed excellent tro­ phy brown trout opportunity. TAYLORLAKE: Fishing for

large largemouth bass should be excellent. Trophy rainbow

HOOD RIVER:A few summer steelhead are available in the Hood River. Anglers should be

trout will be stocked the week of Oct. 8, if water temperatures

aware that warm temperatures will cause water quality issues,

WALTONLAKE: Fishing has been good with the best fish­


ing occurring during the cooler success during periods of warm times of the day and near the summer weather. Hood River is springs. as glacial turbidity will hinder

closed for chinook fishing. HOSMER LAKE:Open to fishing and annual population sampling indicates that Atlantic


during the heat of the summer.

The combination of carry-over


c enzie iver

and offers great opportunity

BIGLAVA LAKE: No recent reports, but fishing should be BIKINI POND:Warm tem­

cas son e


River to spawn.

with cooler temperatures.

peratures have slowed rainbow trout fishing, but anglers might

e is oa

tions are healthy. Fishing on


water will spread out kokanee this fall, but there is opportunity

for large kokanee.


~kXE v

HUNTING 8z FIsHING CALENDAR Pleaseemail Hunting & Fishing event information to sports@ bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at bendbulletin,corn. 1tems are published on a space­ availability basis, and should be submitted at least 10days before the event.

HUNTING WOMEN'SONLY BIG BUCK CONTEST HOSTED BYCOWGIRL CASH: Two­ week-long contest launched by the western vintage shop in Bendto promote female sportsmanship; Sept. 29 through Oct. 14; open to all women who hunt; Cowgirl Cash located at 924 N.W.Brooks Street in Bend, open Monday through Saturday, 11 a.m. to 6 p.m., and Sundayfrom noonto4 p.m.;stop by the store with the head of the buck and it will be measured; contact Rebecca Charlton, the owner of Cowgirl Cash, at 541-678-5162 or visit cowgirlcashbend.corn. LEARN THE ART OFTRACKING ANIMALS: Guided walks and workshops with a certified professional tracker; learn to identify and interpret tracks, sign and scat of the animals in Central Oregon; two or more walks per month all year; $35;

ongoing, 8 a.m. to noon; 541-633­ 7045; dave©wildernesstracking. corn; wildernesstracking.corn. THE REDMONDCHAPTER OFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the third Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Redmond VFW Hall.

FISHING BEND CASTINGCLUB: The Bend Casting Club is a group of local fly anglers from around Central Oregon who are trying to improve their casting technique; club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Orvis Casting Course in Bend's Old Mill District; 541-306-4509 or bendcastingclub© gmail.corn. THE SUNRIVERANGLERSCLUB: Meets on the third Thursday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation



Here is theweekly hunting BLM offices for the latest access report for selected areas inand and camping information. around Central Oregon, provided BEAR:Cubs and sows with by wildlife biologists for the Oregon cubs are illegal to take, so if in Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Depth Charge Rufus Black UV,courtesy Sunriver Fly Shop.

In deep, leaf-stained water, where big trout lurk in the dark­ ened depths, try a searching pattern. The Depth Charge Rufus Black UV is tied to provoke grabs from big-toothed predators. Fish it with a start-stop retrieve. It swims like a leech, but with its heavy bead head, it can dart like a minnow or a dragonfly

nymph. Tied for stillwater trout, it is also agood choice for river rainbows, silvers and steelhead in low, clear streams. Tie this Rufus pattern with black thread on a No. 8 extra

long streamer hook. Slide ared tungsten bead up tothe eye. For the tail, use black marabou. Build the body with UV mylar sparkle. Finish with a black marabou underwing tied at the throat. — Gary Lewis

Department of Fish and Wildlife:


doubt use caution. See regulations for details. ANTLERLESS ELK: Early hunts

are ongoing in portions of the see regs), cougar, bear, forest Maury, Ochoco andGrizzly units. grouse, upland bird, waterfowl. Be These hunts are primarily on pri­ sure to check for any fire restric­ vate agricultural and range lands tions before you go afield. The where hunters needpermission OPEN:Cascade elk (Oct. 13-19

Oregon Department of Forestry

from the landowner. Typically

has a list of fire restrictions and closures online and lnciWebhas

elk move into these hunt areas in

information about current fires­ or check with USFS, BLM or the


Fire danger remains aconcern and recreational users should check with Ochocoand Prineville

greater numbers during the late summer to take advantage of the

irrigated pastures andhay fields. COUGAR:Are present through­ out the Maury, Ochoco and Grizzly units but are more likely near deer and elk herds. The Maury and

Ochocounitsarerecommended because of their greater amounts of accessible public land.

Center (SHARCj; contact www. sunriveranglers.org. THE CENTRALOREGON FLYFISHERSCLUB:Meets on the third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the BendSenior Center, 1600 SE ReedMarket Road; contact: www.coflyfishers.org.

contact numbers; club is open to all members of the community and offers many training programs.

p~» „sar saba 5 ~c~gy el'>'

SHOOTING REDMONDROD8 GUNCLUB: Three miles east of Redmond on the north side of state Highway126; archery, pistol, rifle, skeet, sporting clays and trap; visit www.rrandgc.corn for further information, open hours and "


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v NASDAQ cHANGE 1324 43%

V DOWjONE S CHANGE-128.56-.95% V S&P 500 cHANGE-8.92-.620/,

IN BRIEF EDCO picksnew county manager A former elected official who also has ex­

perience in the nonprofit sector has beenselect­ ed as the newJefferson County managerfor EconomicDevelopment

for Central Oregon. Janet Brown, former Jefferson County com­ missioner and Madras city councilor and current policy director forthe Partnership to End Poverty, will direct efforts to attract new

businesses andhelp existing companies in Jefferson County and its communities, EDCO

announced Wednesday in a news release.

V BONDS T~e":-~ cHANGE-1.25%


I reca am ers ootacome ac • 7.43 million vehicleare s being recalled to fix a windowswitch than cancausefires By Tom Krisher and Yurt Kageyama The Associated Press

DETROIT — The largest recall in Toyota's 75-year history could undermine the carmaker's comeback from natural disasters and embar­ rassing safety problems. The company on Wednes­ day recalled 7.43 million cars, trucks and SUVs worldwide to fix faulty power window switches that can cause fires. The recall affects more than a dozen models produced from 2005 through 2010

around the world including the Camry, the top-selling car in the U.S. It's bigger than the 7 million vehicles recalled two years ago for floor mats that can trap accelerator ped­ als and cause unintended acceleration. The problem centers on the power window switch, which is inside the driver's door and controls when a window is opened or closed. Toyota said grease wasn't applied evenly to the switch during produc­ tion, causing friction and sometimes smoke and fire.

The flaw raises questions about whether Toyota Mo­ tor Corp. has solved quality and safety issues that em­ barrassed the company in 2009 and 2010. It also could jeopardize Toyota's impres­ siverebound from lastyear's earthquake and tsunami in Japan. Those disasters hob­ bled factories and left dealers short of models to sell. The Toyota recall "takes some of the sheen off its recovering brand image and should have a financial impact," Standard & Poor's analyst Efraim Levy wrote in a note to investors. Toyota's U.S. shares fell $1.60, or 2.1 percent, to $74.46 Wednesday

afternoon. Toyota said initially the window switch problem hasn't caused any crashes or injuries. But documents filed by U.S. safety regulators show customers have reported 161 fires and nine injuries. No deaths have occurred. The U.S. National Highway Traffic Safety Administration began looking into window switch problems with two Toyota models in February after noticing a higher than normal number of complaints. Most fires caused by the window switch were minor, although a Camry was de­ stroyed in one case. See Recall /E3

Brown fills the posi­ tion left vacant last month by Wayne Pear­ son. Brown officially

begins her newjob Oct. 29, according to the

news release.

Forest sector work highlighted Forest-related jobs account for more than 6 percent of Central

Oregon's employment base, and 11.5 percent of its total economic activity, according to a statewide study re­


ing and wood product jobs on the state' s

economy. The study states that one in 20 Oregon jobs — 76,000 in total — centers around forest

management andwood product manufacturing. Another 37,000 jobs support the industry through sales of forest


ToddHeisler i New York Times News Service

The collapse of the

housing industry has dented forest sector

James Greco, right, the chief of Sbarro, and Anthony Missano, the company's president, watch as a pizza is pulled from an oven at one of the chain's restaurants in New York. Sbarro is banking on a new pizza recipe and fresher ingredients to transform itself into a "fast casual" restaurant chain like Panera Bread and Qdoba.

work in Central Oregon and across the state, according to the report,

which goes on toad­ vocate for the federal government to review

its forest management policies on public lands.

Report predicts decline in PCsales A new report predicts worldwide sales of

personal computers are bound for their first an­ nual decline in11 years. The forecast issued

Wednesday by the research firm IHS iSup­

pli projects that nearly 349 million PCs will be shipped this year. That would be a1 percent de­

crease from nearly 353 million PC shipments

last year. Although small, the anticipated decline would be the first time that annual PC sales haven' t grown since 2001. — Staffand wire reports

Retail sales for September THOMSON REUTERS RETAIL COMPOSITE INDEX Year-to-year changebased on monthly sales at stores open at least ayear. +10%



• Sbarro and other chainshopeto elevate peoples' perceptionsbyoffering a better product By Stephanfe Strom New York Times News Service

The pizza wars may be just beginning. Executives at Sbarro, the chain ubiqui­ tous at shopping mails and airports, hope to elevate their restaurants in consumers' minds with a better quality of pizza. Aided by some technological changes, the company will return to making to­ m ato sauce fresh and shredding cheese in each restaurant, instead of using prepack­ aged ingredients. The reformulated pizza is intended to help transform Sbarro into a "fast casual" restaurant chain like Panera Bread andQdoba, said James Greco, who became chief executive at the beginning of the year.

Such restaurants offer customers better food quality and specialization without full table service, thus falling somewhere between fast food, or what the industry calls quick service, and casual dining restaurants. Customers often can select the ingredients for, say, a basic item like a pizza or a sandwich, which is made in a few minutes and handed over a counter for a meal costing $8 to $15. Several pizza chains that have empha­ sized quick service are making the transi­ tion to the fast-casual category, said Dar­ ren Tristano, executive vice president of Technomic, an industry consulting firm. Pizza Inn, which has 300 restaurants, re­ cently started Pie Five Pizza, a fast-casual


'12 Sources:company reports; Thomson Reuters © 2012 McClatchy-Tribune NewsService

network in Bend By Tlm Doran The Bulletin

Verizon Wireless plans to launch its high-speed mobile network in Bend next week, apparently the first major cellular phone carrier to offer 4G LTE ser­ vice in the region. The company an­ nounced Tuesday that Bend would be among the 21 cities nationwide to get the service Oct. 18. With the additional areas, Veri­ zon will have 4G LTE — or fourth generation, long­ term evolution — service in 417 cities total in the U.S., far more than any other major carrier. Other carriers have been rapidly upgrading their networks to 4G LTE, and BendBroadband upgraded its wireless Internet to 4G LTE last year, according to The Bulletin's archives. Deciphering network

chain that bakes 9-inch pizzas "designed" by customers in five minutes. Naked Piz­ za ofNew Orleans and 800 Degree Pizza out ofLos Angeles are other examples. "Sbarro fits into the quick service cate­ gory becauseofits price pointand service format, where nothing is made to order," Tristano said. "In mails and food courts, they' ve struggled during the recession, and in their stores in urban and suburban locations, they' re really up against much larger chains in the delivery space." A 56-year-old pizza chain founded in Brooklyn, Sbarro staggered into bank­ ruptcy in April 2011 with more than $400 million of debt. SeePizza/E4

of alphabet soup, with vari­ ous carriers offering 3G, 4G, 4G LTE, 4G HSPA and more. Much of the nation's more populated areas have 3G, or third generation, cov­ erage, which allows faster Web surfing, video confer­ encing, local mapping and otherdata-rich services for those with smartphones. ATffcT, T-Mobile, Sprint and others have some type of 4G, according to their websites or annual and quarterly reports. But smartphones capa­ ble of accessing LTE using LTE-enabled networks are expectedtohandle commu­ nications over the Internet like calls from hard-wired computers using Voice over Internet Protocol and the new applications expected in the next wave of con­ sumer devices, according to Consumer Reports. The iPhone 5, released last month, is the first iPhone with LTE capability, according to Apple. Carriers have been racing to deploy 4G LTE networks. Almost daily AT8r T an­ nounces a new city to have 4G LTE. So far about 75 cities nationwide, including Portland, have it. AT8tT also has regular 4G service available in many areas. T-Mobile also has 4G service in many areas, with plans to start adding LTE next year. U.S. Cellular, a regional carrier that serves Central Oregon, has 4G LTE ser­ vice in 16 cities nationwide with plans to add about a dozen more, including Med­ ford, by the end of the year, according to its website. — Reporter:541-383-0360, tdoran@bendbulletin.corn

Ensuring thecare of afamily memberwith special needs By Ron Lieber

care wascovered by Medicaid in 2009, according to a Henry Kaiser Family With each passing election season, F o undation estimate using the most re­ the conversations about the cost of c e n t numbers available. And an esti­ government-provided h e alth mated 6.9 million nonelderly New York Times News Service

care and Social Security get PER50NA L more urgent.



types can become a game

leased Wednesday. The study, compiled by the Oregon Forest Resources Institute, highlighted the impact of strategic forest clear­

Verizon to launch

d i sabled people receive Social

e curl y paymen s un er e But debates about the deserv­ FINANCE Supplemental Security Income ing and the undeserving and program, according to federal the proper level of budgets and taxes g o vernment figures. tend togloss over the issue of disabled For every one ofthose people, many people — many of whom must hope o f w hom draw from multiple sources that the programs they rely on are not o f g o v ernment aid, there are often cut, because they have no way to make s e veral family members helping to up the difference. sort out the financial details of that There were 5.5 million nonelderly r e l ative'scare. adults with disabilities whose health See Finance/E3

Jerry Rutten­ berg, a financ­ iall planner, has encoun­ tered difficult financial situations concerning his brain­ injured son, Seth, who lives at an assisted liv­ ing facility. Ryan Collerd New York Times




John Hanson said. Toyota dealers will inspect Continued from E1 the switches and apply a spe­ Several owners r eported cial grease to them. In some that they were afraid to drive cases the switches and circuit their vehicles because of the boards could b e r e p laced, threat of fires. NHTSA said Han son said. Some r epair Wednesday that the investiga­ shops might have used off-the­ tion remains open pending a shelf greases to fix the prob­ review of recall documents. lem, but those eventually will Toyota said Wednesday it make it worse, he said. has received more than 200 The recall includes 2.5 mil­ complaints about the switches lion vehicles in the U.S., where in the U.S., and more from it covers about half the mod­ other countries including 39 in els sold under the Toyota and Japan. Most of the complaints Scion brands. were about a sticky feel to the Recalled U.S. models in­ switches while pushing the clude the 2007 to 2009 Camry, button to move the window up T undra pickup a n d R A V 4 or down, but there also were small SUV; the 2007 and 2008 c omplaints of t h e s mell o f Yaris subcompact;the 2008 smoke, company spokesman and 2009 Sequoia large SUV

and Scion xD and xA small cars; the 2 008 H i ghlander SUV; and the 2009 Corolla and Matrix compacts. Hanson said he was not sure if the recall will hurt Toy­ ota's sales, which have come roaring back in the U.S. after productionrecovered from the earthquake. Through September, Toyota sales were up nearly 32 per­ cent compared with a y e ar earlier, more than double the growth of the U.S. industry. Toyota also reclaimed the title of the world's top-selling auto­ maker during the first half of this year, wresting the crown from General Motors Co. Toy­ ota sold 4.97 million vehicles globally in the first half, beat­


ily member next to you. ing the Academy of Special Walther, who has a brother Needs Planners and the Spe­ Continued from E1 with A s syndrome cial Needs Alliance, with di­ They navigate a confound­ who lives with their parents, rectoriesof members who can ing thicket of tasks and rules. said hesometimes saw parents help with some of the tasks. On one side, there is the bu­ who had spent hundreds of Your best source of advice reaucracy that government thousands of dollars on thera­ and referrals to local experts program administrators may pies for their child and arrived may well be your fellow trav­ erect at any moment. On the in his office with no retirement elers, so be sure to seek out other, there are specialized savings at the age of 50. other families with relatives in "That's a loving thing," he trust accounts and estate plan­ similar situations as yours to ning issuesto consider. Even said. "But now you have an­ see who has helped them with sophisticated investors and other problem. There is noth­ their planning. ace budgeters find themselves ing for you. That special needs lost when encountering all of kid is dependent on you guys, The trust this for the first time. and now you can't support One of the first tasks that There are few well-marked yourself." many proactive families tack­ road maps for any of these le is often to set up a special people,as there are for those The team needs trust, which holds assets trying to invest their 401(k) Once you know what chal­ that can help pay for a disabled money or refinance a mort­ lenges family members face person's care and expenses gage. But there are a growing — and it can sometimes take without disqualifying them for number of financial advisers years t o u n d erstand w h at certain government benefits and other professionals who limitations they may have and that are means-tested. themselveshave specialneeds what kind of financial support Some families feel an ur­ children or siblings. Because they will need — it's probably gency to do t his for estate they' ve been there, they know wise to resist the urge to hun­ planning purposes, since they the practical steps that most ker down and sort it all out can direct proceeds of a life families need to take. yourself. insurance policy to the trust. "Life is totally rearranged," They may leave the trust emp­ What follows is a p r imer from those practitioners on said Mary Anne Ehlert, a fi­ ty until that point. the basics that families should nancial planner in L i ncoln­ Others start filling it from consider when helping some­ shire, III. Her late sister had Day I, as they would a col­ one with special needs. cerebral palsy, and Ehlert also lege savings plan, because runs a service called Protected they worry about the future of You first Tomorrows that advises fami­ government benefits given the When Michael Walther II lies on the life planning tasks amount of government debt. "We' re in a hole, and I don' t talks to families for the first beyond the financial issues. time in his work as a financial She hopes to one day have know how long it will take to planner in Deerfield, Ill., he of­ a large team of affiliated fi­ climb back out of the hole," ten parrots the standard flight nancial planners around the said Matt Syverson, a finan­ attendant announcement at country who are all experts on cial planner in Overland Park, the beginning of each trip: Put serving special needs families. Kan., whose 5-year old daugh­ your oxygen mask on first be­ In the meantime, there are ter has Down syndrome. "I fore worrying about the fam­ networks of lawyers, includ­ don't know if the benefits will


ing GM by about300,000. Analysts said it's too early to tell whether such a large recall will hurt Toyota's sales. S&P's Levy, who downgrad­ ed Toyota stock from "Buy" to "Hold," wrote that he hasn' t quantified t he fi na n c ial impact. If Toyota makes its custom­ ers feel like they are being cared for properly as the re­ pairs are done, there probably won't be much of an impact, said Mike Jackson, director of North American production forecasting for IHS Automo­ tive, an industry consulting firm. " There's a tremendous amount of loyalty to the Toy­ ota brand," he said. "Certainly

it's not going to be the primary point of consideration for most consumers out there." The window switch recall also highlights one of the risks of globalized car production: Automakers install the same parts on multiple models in different c o u nties, s a ving money but exposing their line­ ups to big recalls if a part is flawed. Toyota said it quickly iden­ tified all the models using the problem switches and took ac­ tion. "We want to make sure that we addressed this issue quickly and effectively, and I think we are doing that with this recall," Hanson said. The recall covers only the master power window switch

on thedriver's side,w hich con­ trols all four windows. Switch­ es insidethe other doors are different, Toyota said. Before the safety r ecalls two years ago, Toyota had a reputation for pristine quality, centeredaround its super-lean production methods that em­ powered workers to hone in on quality control. Toyota execu­ tives have acknowledged the escalating recalls were partly caused by the company's over­ ly ambitious growth goals. Toyota is also suffering from a sales plunge in China where car buyers are shunning Japa­ nese brands because of a ter­ ritorial dispute over islands claimed by Japan,China and Taiwan.

be there or not. It would be nice if they were. I just can' t count on it."

"A dead person can't un­ wind a mistake," he said. "Part of doing planning is letting family members know what is

Walther counts his parents in this camp, since they came of age at a time when Medic­

going on."

"They felt that we shouldn' t take that money out of other people'spockets," he said.O ne drawback, however, is t h at many government programs, like art classes or outreach services, may b e a v ailable only to people who are eligible for Medicaid.

The estate plan Any trust account may in­ volve other people who can act as administrators, so you' ll need to have frank conversa­ tions with them about what it would mean to either be responsible for your f a mily member's careor responsible for that person's money (or

If you have family members with special needs, your estate plan needs a care plan, too. "We call i t ' S ean's Care Guide,'" Walther said of the plan for his brother. "It can include foods. Caloric intake. That he likes to watch golf. Is the light on or off at bedtime? both). Here are their best friends and Others will want to help in how to reach them. These are any number of ways, but their the kids that pick on him. Here help may be counterproduc­ are themedications, and here tive. Jerry Ruttenberg, who are the doctors who have not helps clients with life insur­ been successful in interacting ance and other financial plan­ with someone or don't want ning at F i r strust Financial to. This kind of stuff won't be Resources i n P h i l adelphia, anywhere else, and you have faced this situation when his to update it every now and late father left $10,000 to his then." grandson Seth, who is brain­ injured and receives govern­ The benefits ment benefits that help pay A fair bit of the financial for hisexpenses in the group planning for adults with spe­ home where he lives. cial needs tends to revolve R uttenberg s pent m a n y around qualifying for and months going back and forth then preserving government with v a r i ou s g o v ernment benefits. But some families agencies before someone was with r easonably h igh-func­ able to help him keep the in­ tioning family members may heritance from disqualifying not want to tap those benefits his son from continued gov­ at all or even make sure they ernment assistance. are eligible.

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YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg


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FLIRsys HewlettP HmFedlD Intel

Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes

Mentorsr Microsoft


cial needs and has a develop­ mentally disabled adult son, put it more bluntly. "I' ve never felt like I was tak­ ing advantage of anything," he said. "It's my adult son. I' ve never really felt that people who have adult children like my son should have a burden that other people don't have."



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Ruttenberg has no such qualms about the fact that Medicaid covers his son, Seth. He likened the theoretical pos­ sibility of having to pay out of pocket for the expenses that the government covers to pay­ ing college tuition each year for the rest of his life. "Eventually, it would bank­ rupt me," he said. James Hayes, a lawyer in Binghamton, N.Y., who spe­ cializes in estate and other

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.28 13 19.59 -.10 -21.9 Sherwin .53 5 1 4.18 -.19 -45.0StancrpFn .24f ... 11.34 +10 +9.0 Starbucks .90 9 2 1.76 -.14 -10.3 TriQuint .20 9 8. 5 9 -.02 +0.7 Umpqua .60f 22 23.30 -.24 -3.8 US Bancrp 9 3 .53 -.06 -40.6 WashFed 13.50 +.26 +67.3 WellsFargo .67 19 21.82 . . . +1.7 WstCstBcp 14 15.62 +.05 +15.2 Weyerhsr .92f 14 28.98 —.30 +0.6

Precious metals

Market recap

YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg 1.44 20 1.08 18 1.827 22 .08 16 .80 12

94.22 -.26 -z2 55.27 -.84 +0.2 50.40 +.03 +5.2 7.43 -.02 +63.7 39.98 -.91 +6.7 1.29 -.01 -32.5 42.31 -.13 +15.7 161.0 -1.09 -2.2 16.29 +.04 -22.6 27.22 -.84 -35.6 150.43 +.55 +68.5

1.68 39 .12 18 .70 9 .75 12 1.56 30 .89I 10 3z06 -.22 -1 z8 .68 26 46.95 -.40 +zo 5.04 -.08 +3.5 .36 15 12.63 +.10 +1.9 .78 13 34.60 -.08 +27.9 .32 14 16.85 +.08 +20.4 .88 12 35.23 +.13 +27.8 .20 14 22.78 +.09 +46.0 .60 40 26.21 -.10 +40.4






NY HSBC BankUs NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver

$1 763.50 $1 763.20 $34.073

$1 765.00 $1 763.00 $33.951

Last Previousday Aweekago

3.25 3.25 3.25


Most Active (sc or more) Most Actfve (ss or more) Most Actfve (st or more) Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg S&P500ETF u33102 14328 -.92 Vringo 1 0 7964 4.67 +.22 SiriusXM 2223593 2.75 +.12 BkofAm 1064707 9 21 Goldstrg 40768 197 +.07 Microsoft 460854 28 98 -.30 SPDR Fncl 597140 15.94 -.01 CheniereEn 22573 15.78 -.18 Intel 458 930 2t76 -.14 SpnntNex 519u8 5.04 +.09 Rentech 22320 z55 +.02 Pwshs QQQ 434994 66.92 -.34 -.49 i eh EM kts 478751 41.02 -.25 NovaGld g 20917 5.05 +.06 Cisco 41 5915 18.31 GainerS (S2 or more) GellleIs (S2 or more) Gainers IS2 or more) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg AuRicog 7 .74 +1.32 +20.6 KeeganR g 3.62 +.50 +16.0 TrueRelig 25.71 +4.70 +22.4 BarcShtr, 15.73 i1.63 +11.6 MeetMe 3 .42 +.16 +4.9 FstUtdCp 7.00 i.67 +i0.6 BarnesNob 14.94 i1.13 +8.2 Vrimgo 4. 6 7 + .22 +4.9Affymax 26.12 +2.36 +9.9 YumBrnds 70.99 i5.29 +8.1 AmDGEn 2.58 +.u + 4.5 HMN Fn 3 . 5 4 i . 3 2 +9.9 McClatchy zt2 +.16 +6.3GreenHntr 2.34 +.10 +4.4 DonegalB 18.89 +t37 +7.8 LOSerS (S2 or more) Losers (S2 or more) Losers (S2 or more) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg

Accuride 3.17 -1.39 -30.5 ContMatls 0.20 -1.75 -13.5 HelenTroy 28.14 -3.81 -u.g Ferro 2.75 -.88 -24.2 ImpacMtg 9.88 -1.12 -10.2 ChiMobG n 9.01 -.99 -9.9 Navistr piD 7.50 -1.00 -11.8 PowrREIT 7.38 -.70 -8.7 Tranzyme 4.27 -.47 -9.9 BkA DJ5-15 1186 -1.53 -114 FABUniv 4 42 -.28 -6 0 SecNtl If 4 71 -.48 -9 2 PimstPls 18.70 -z04 -9.8 Orbital 2.65 -.15 -5.4 Optibase rs 4.55 -.45 -9.0

P r i me rate





Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues NewHighs NewLows

Diary 11 45 Advanced 1,882 Declined 109 Unchanged 3136 Total issues 46 New Highs 34 New Laws

Diary 148 277 38 463 6 9

Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Laws

1,108 1,327 146 2,581 36 53

52.Week High Lo w

Net Last Chg

N ame

13,661.72 11,104.56 Dow Jones Industrials

5,390.u 4,365.98 DowJonesTransportation 499.82 42z90 DowJonesUtilities 8,515.60 6,844.16 NYSE Composite 2,509.57 2,094.30 AmexIndex 3196.93 2,44t48 Nasdaq Composite

1,474.51 1,158.15 S&P 500 15,432.5412,085.12 Wilshire5000 868.50 664.58 Russell2000

World markets

13,344.97 -I28.56 5,006.09 +6.53 478.33 -1.25 8,229.17 -49.93 2,421.79 -10.14 3,051.78 -13.24 1,43z56 -8.92 14,953.56 -84.13 -1.17 826.75

YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % Chg -.95 +9.23 +.1 3 -.27

+1 5.85 +8.40 +9.96 +1 3.29 +1 3.22 +1 7.1 6 +i 8.66 +1807 +1 8.04

-.26 +z94 -.60 +1 0.06 -.42 +6.30 -.43 +1 7.14 -.62 +1 3.91

-.56 +1 3.37 -.14 +11.58


Here is how key internationalstock markets Key currencyexchangerates Wednesday compared with lateTuesday inNewYork. performed Wednesday. Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x change Rate Pvs Day Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich

326.80 2,363.23 3,365.87 5,776.71 7,205.23 20,91 9.60 41,470.54 15,440.63 3,888.14 8,596.23 1,948.22 3,033.81 4,511.90 6,0 4.41

-.28 t -1.00 -.50 -.58 -.41 t -.08 -.68 -.41 t -.51 t -1.98 -t56 t -t05 -.32 -.36 t

AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar

Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar

1.0237 1.6008 1.0195 .002102 .1589 1.2897 .1290 .012790 .077279 .0321 .000897 J 495 1.0656 .0341

1.0211 1.6004 1.0229 .002109 .1590 1.2880 .1290 .012785 .077801 .0321 .000899 J 493 1.0634 .0341

Selected mutual funds YTD Equityov 20.13 -0.13 i11.8 GblMacAbR 9.97 -0.01 +4.6 Name NAY Chg %Bet GlbAlloc r 19.60 -0.05 +8.3 FMI Funds: Cohen &Steers: LgCap p 17.36 -0.09 +13.8 Amer CentumInV: Eqlnc 7 .96 -0.03 t11.5 RltyShrs 6771 +033 +13.0 FPA Funds: Newlnco 10 63 +0.01 +2 1 Gro|Nthl 28.14 -0.1 5 1 +4.5 ColumbiaClassZ: Ultra 26.32 -0.1 5 +i4.8 Acorn Z 30.68 -0.18+i2.7 FPACres 28 67 -0 13 +8.0 AcomlntZ 39.65 -0.14 +16.2 Fairholme 31 35 -0 03 +354 American FundsA: Federated Insll: AmcpAp 21.19-0.12 i13.0 Credit SuisseComm: 01 +6.0 AMutlAp 28.32-0.1 8+11.4 ComRett 8.47 -0.04 +3.5 TotRetBd 11 63 +0 DFA Funds: StrValDvlS 5 14 -0 02 +9.0 BalA p 20 20-0.1 1 +'2.6 I BondA p 12 96+0.01 +54 IntlCorEq 994 -004 +99 Fidelity Advisor A: 1222 -007 +148 Nwlnsghp2300 -006+16.6 CaplBAp 5291417 +105 USCorEq1 +85 CapWGAp35 95 -019 +143 USCorEq21206 -006 +15.1 S trlnA 12 73 Fidelity Advisor I: CapWAp 21.54+0.01 +7.0 Davis FundsA: EupacA p 39.48 -0.19 t12.3 NYVen A 36.28 -0.12 +11.6 Nwlnsgtl 2333 -006 +169 Fidelity Freedom: FdlnvAp 39.93-0.28 t13.9 Davis FundsY: GovtA p 14.59 +2.1 NYVenY 3672 412 +11.9 FF2010 14.30 -0.04 +9.5 A: FF2010K 13.10 -0.04 +96 GwthA p 33.58-0.19 +16.9 Delaware Invest Hl TrA p 11 22-0.01 +'I'l.3 Diverlnc p 9.45 +0.01 +6.1 FF2015 11.96 -0.03 +9.7 Dimensional Fds: FF2015K 13.17 -0.03 +98 IncoA p 17 97409 +'I03 18.92 -0.08 +11.2 FF2020 14.48 -0.04 +10.7 IntBdAp 1379 +26 EmMCrEq ICAA p 30 49 -021 +140 EmMktV 28.20 -0.13 +9.9 FF2020K 13.59 -0.05 +10.7 NEcoA p 28.26-0.11 +18.8 IntsmVa 1487 410 +113 FF2025 12.06 -0.04 +11.8 NPerAp 30.20-0.15 +15.4 LargeC0 1131 407+158 FF2025K 13.75 -0.05 +11.9 NwWrldA 52.13-0.13 +13.0 USLgVa 2240 -017 +185 FF2030 14.36 -0.06 +12.1 SmCpAp 39.09-0.13 +17.8 US Small 2320 -003 +138 FF2030IC 13.89 -0.06 +12.3 TxExA p 13.14 +7.9 USSmVa 2681 -005 +16.3 FF2035 11.89 -0.06 +12.9 WshA p 31 29-0.26 +'I 2.0 IntlsmCO15.06 -0.10 +i0.7 FF2035K 13.98 -0.06 +13.1 F ixd x 10.35 +0. 9 FF2040 8.30 -0.04 +13.0 Arlisan Funds: Intl 23 . 40-0.07 +18.0 IntVa 15.46 -0.06 +7.7 FF2040K 14.02 -0.06 +13.1 + 4 . 4Fidelity Invest: IntlVal r 28 66 414 +'l42 G lb5Fxlnc 11.27 +0. 9 AIISectEq 12.98 -0.07 +15.6 MidCap 37 79430 +148 2 YGIFxd 10.13 AMgr50 16.32 -0.03 +10.0 MidCapVal21.01 -019 +6.6 Dodge&Cox: Baron Funds: Balanced 7622 422 +14.5 AMgr20r 13.36 -0.01 +6.2 Growth 57 024.11 t11.8 Income 1386+002 +7.1 Balanc 20.21 -0.07 +12.0 Bernstein Fds: intlStk 3236 -0.14 +107 BalancedK20.22 -0.06 +i 2.2 IntDur 14.23 +0.02 +4.9 Stock 118.19 -0.50 +1 7.9 BlueChGr49.64 -0.32 +17.0 CapAp 29.59 -0.11 +20.2 avMu 14.92 +3.0 DoubleLine Funds: TRBd I 11.40 NA Cplncr 937 -0.01 +129 BlackROckA: Eqtyav 20.07-0.13 t11.6 TRBd N p 11.40+0.01 NA Contra 78.95 -0.21 +17.0 GIAIA r 1 9.50-0.05 i8.1 Dreyfus: ContraK 78.97 -0.21 +17.1 BlackRockB&C: Aprec 4495 430 +12.2 DisEq 24.54 -0.23 +14.1 GIAIC t 1 8.1 3-0.05 +7.4 EatonVanceI: Divlntl 28.86 -0.13 +13.1 BlackRockInsll: FltgRt 9.0 9 +6. 9 DivrslntKr2885 -013 +132

DivGth 29.93 -0.17 +16.5 Eq Inc 47.08 -0.29 +16.3 EQII 1 9.68 -0.14 +15.0 Fidel 3608 -0.20 +16.5 FltRateHir 995 +58 GNMA 1184 +001 +31 Go|Nnc 1063+001 +26 GroC0 9660 -059 +194 Grolnc 21.19 -0.12 +17.8 GrowCoF 96.63 -0.59 +19.6 Grow(hCO K96.61 -0.59 +19.6 Highlnc r 9.29 -0.01 +12.4 I ntBd 1'l.15 +4. 5 IntmMU 10.67 -0.01 +4.4 IntlDisc 31 66 -012 +147 InvGrBd 1206+001 +52 I nvGB 8.00 +5 8 LgCapVal 11.43 -0.08 +13.5 LowP r 38.87 -0.18 +13.9 LowPnK r38.85 -0.18 +14.0 Magelln 74.30 -0.42 +18.2 MidCap 2986 -0.14 +14.3 M unilnc 13 56 + 70 NwMktr 1164+001 +158 OTC 6029 -032 +102 100lndex 1035 -007 +173 Puntn 1986 -007+133 PuntanK 19.86 -0.07 +13.4 SAIISecEqF13.00 -0.07 +15.8 SCmdtystN9.32 -0.05 +4.0 SCmdtyStrF9.35 -0.05 +4.2 SrslntGrw 11.54 -0.04 +14.1 SrslntVal 903 -003+118 SrlnvGrdF 1206+001 +52 STBF 8 6 0 +2 2 S tratlnc 11.40 +8 8 TatalBd 1131 +001 +60 USBI 12.02 +0.02 +4.0 Value 73.73 -0.52 +16.2 Fidelily Sparlan: 500ldxlnv 50.78 -0.32 +15.8 500ldx I 50.79 -0.31 +15.9 Fidelily Sparl Adv: ExMktAd3989 r -0.15 +13.8

500ldxAdv 50.78 -0.32 +i 5.8 Intl r 5 8.32 -0.37 +11.2 Lord Abbelt A: GblStrlncA 4.31 NA PionFdA p 41.86 0.31 +9.3 TotMktAdr41.59 -024 +15.5 Harlford FdsA: AffilA p 11.93 -0.09 +14.5 IntBdA p 6.54 NA Price Funds: USBond I 12.02 +0.02 +4.1 CpAppAp 3272 413 +135 BdoebAp 807 -001 +10.8 MnStFdA 37.52 -0.16 +16.7 BICh>p 45.42 -0.16 +17.5 First Eagle: Harfford HLSIA: ShourlncA p465 + 5 .7 R<s>n gavA17.34 -0.09 +11.7 CapApp 23.23-0.07 +12.7 GlblA 49 15 -0.29 +8 9 CapApp 42.11 -0.23 +1 3.3 Lord Abbelt C: S&MdCpVI3096 -0.16 +45 EmMktS 32.03-0.16 +12.3 OverseasA 22.16 -0.12 +8.8 IVA Funds: ShourlncCt4.67 -0.01 +4.9 OppenheimerB: Eqlnc 26.17 -0.18 +15.3 Wldwider1610 I -0.11 +48 Lord Abbelt F: Forum Funds: RisingoivB1568 -0.08 +10.8 Eqlndex 38.62-0.24 +15.6 Absstrlr 11.27 -0.01 +2.0 InvescoFundsA: S htDurlnco 4 64 + 5 . 6S&MdCpVI26.16 -0.14 +38 Growth 37.63-0.10 +18.2 Frank/Temp Frnk k Chart p 17.81 -0.11 +11.0 MFS FundsA: OppenheimerC&M: HlthSci 43.54 -0.23 +33.6 FedTFAp 12.73 +79 CmstkA 17.52 -0.10 i16.5 TotRA 15.20 -0.06 +10.3 R>s> ngovCp15.61-0.09 +11.0 HiYield 6.90 -0.01 +12.2 GrwlhAp 49.62 -0.30 +11.2 EqlncA 9.25 -0.03 +12.7 ValueA 25.53 -0.19 i15.4 oppenheimerRoch: InstlCpG 18.66-0.1 1 +1 5.8 H YTFA p 10.92 + 9 . 9GrlntAp 2113 4.11+149 MFS FundsI: RcNtMuA 755 +001 +161 IntlBond 10.17+0.01 +6.3 IncomAp 2.22 -0.01 +11.5 H YMuA 1008 +1 2 1 Valuel 25 65 -0 19 +15.7 oppenheimerY: Intl G&l 12.46-0.03 +8.2 R>sovAp 37.47 -0.35 +7.7 Ivy Funds: MainStayFundsA: DevMktY 33.60 -0.12 +160 IntlStk 13.75 -0.07 +11.9 Stratlnc p 10.66 -0.01 +98 AssetSC t 24.19 -0.09 +11.8 H iYldBA 6.09 +1 0 7 IntlBdY 6.54 NA MidCap 57.92-0.38 +9.8 U SGovAp 685 +1 6 AssetstA p25.03 -0.10 +12.4 ManagessFunds: IntGrowY 29.19 -0.20 +144 MCapVal 25.10-0.07 +17.3 Frank/TmpFrnkAdv: AssetStrl r 25.29 -0.09 +12.7 Yacklmanp19.13 -0.16 +106 PIMCOAdmin PIMS: N Asia l615 -010 +16.1 GlbBdAdv13.34 -0.03 +11.8 JPMorgan AClass: YacktFOC2054 -017 +100 TotRIAd 11 58 -0.01 +9.0 New Era 43 62 -041 +3.7 IncmeAd 2.21 -0.01 +12.2 CoreBdA 1213+002 +45 ManningSNapierFds: PIMCOInstl PIMS: N Horiz 3559 -0.15 +14.7 Frank/TempFrnk C: JP MorganInstl: WldoppA 7.38 -0.03 +11.4 AIAsetAutr'I'l.19 -0.01 +14.2 N lnc 9 9 6 +0.01 +5.4 I ncomCt 2.25 +1 1 4 MdCpVal 27.91 -0.10 +17.5 MergerFd 15.96 -0.01 +2.4 AIIAsset 12.66 -0.02 +12.2 OverS SF 814 -003 +n.2 JPMorgan RCl: Metro Wesl Fds: Frank/Temp Mll A&B: ComodRR7.10 -0.04 +11.1 R2010 'I6 62 -004 +10.7 SharesA 22.30 -0.10 +13.3 CoreBond1213 +002 +49 TotRetBd 1105+001 +9.9 Divlnc 12.19 -0.01 +12.1 R2015 12 93 -004 +117 Frank/TempTempk JPMorganSelCls: TotRtBdl 11.04 + 10.0 EmgMkCur1049 + 70 R2020 17 91-006 +126 GIBdAp 1338 -003 +115 CoreBd 12.12 +0.02 +4.7 MorganStanley Inst EmMkBd 12.32 + 1 3.4R2025 13.11 -005 +132 GrwthAp 18.60 -0.12 +142 HighYld 8.11 -0.01 +11.7 MCapGrl 34.49 -0.16 +4.8 avid 9 5 4 -0.01 +11.4 R2030 18 83 -007 +138 WorldAp 1550 -009+128 S htourBd 11 02 + 1 6 Mutual Series: InvGrCp 1130 +0.01 +129 R2035 13 31 -006 +142 Frank/TempTmpB&C: USLCCrPls2306 417 +168 GblDiscA 29 10 -018 +11.1 Lowou 1065 +55 R2040 18 94 -008 +143 GIBdC p 13.41 -0.02 +11.3 Janus TShrs: GlbDiscZ 30.14 -0.18 +11.4 RealRtnl 1264 -001 +8.9 SMBd 4.86 +26 GE Elfun S&S: PrkMCVal T21.95 -0.13 i8.7 SharesZ 22.51 -0.10 +i3.6 ShortT 9 89 -0.01 +3.0 SmCpStk 35.71-010 +143 'I'I 58 -0.01 +9.2 US Eqty 4497 -027 +161 John HancockCI1: Neuberger&BermFds: TotRt SmCapVal 3873 +001 +123 GMO Trusl III: LSBalanc 1347 404 +116 Geneslnst 4966 -019 +7.0 PIMCOFundsA: Specln 1299 -001 +88 Quahty 23.63 -0.16 +13.3 LSGrwth 1340 405 +'l25 NorthernFunds: RealRtAp 12.64 -0.01 +8.6 Value 26 32 -019 +168 GMO Trusl IV: Lazard Instl: HiYFxlnc 7.46 -0.01 +12.0 TotRtA 11.58 -0.01 +8.9 Principal Inv: IntllntrVI 1991 -008 +65 EmgMktl 19.14 -006 +139 Oakmark Fundsl: PIMCOFundsC: LgCGlln 1023 006 +152 GMO Trusl Vl: Longleaf Partner: Eqtylncr 2907 -013 +7.5 TotRtC t 11 58 -0 01 +8.2 Putnam FundsA EmgMktsr11.22 -0.04 +88 Partners 30 40 -0.07 +14.1 Intl I r 1884 -009 +13.8 PIMCOFunds 0: GrlnAp 1451 008 +154 Quahty 23.64 -0.16 +13.4 Loomis Sayles: Oakmark 48 99 -0 21 +i7.5 TRtn p 11.58 -0.01 +9.0 RoyceFunds: GoldmanSachsInsl: LSBondl 15.02 -0.01 +11.9 Old Weslbury Fds: PIMCOFunds P: PennMul 11.63 r 0.04 +81 H >Yield 73 4 +12 . 5 Strlnc C 15.38 -0.03 +9.6 Globopp 7.49 -0.01 +11.4 AstAIIAuthP11.18 -0.01 +14.1 Premierl r 19.43 0.10 +49 Harbor Funds: LSBondR 1496 -0.01 +11.7 GlbSMdCap1 4.59 -0.11 +10.3 TotRtnP 1158 -0.01 +91 SchwabFunds: B ond 13.01 +84 StrlncA 1530 402 +103 OppenheimerA. Perm Part Funds: 1000lnv r 40.74 0.25 +15.2 CapAplnst42.68 -0.18 +15.7 Loomis Sayles Inv: DvMktA p33.91 -0.13 +157 Permannt 4930 -0.06 +7.0 S&P Sel 22.66 0.14 +15.8 Intllnvt 57.64 -0.37 +10.8 InvGrBdY 12.76+0.01 i10.6 GlobAp 60.62 -0.38 w12.2 Pioneer FundsA: Scout Funds:

Intl 31 .26 -0.16 +12.6 TStkAdm 35.64-0.21 +15.5 Sequoia 162.82 -0.89 +11.9 WellslAdm 59.29 -0.1 3 +9.3 TCW Funds: WelltnAdm 59 12 -024 +'I'l.6 TotRetBdl 10.27 + 11.7 Windsor 4941442 +'l59 Templelon Inslit: WdsrllAd 5233431 +157 ForEqs 18.72 -0.11 +10.0 VanguardFds: Thornburg Fds: Cap0pp 33 09-023 +121 IntValAp 26.00 -0.07 +9.2 avdGra 16 89-012 +108 IncBuildC p18.87 -0.06 +9.3 Energy 60.74-0.72 +3.0 IntValue I 26.57 -0.08 +9.6 Eqlnc 24.27 -0.20 +13.2 Tweedy Browne: Explr 78.46 -0.49 +9.8 GblValue 24.84 -0.08 +13.7 GNMA 11.05+0.01 +2.2 VanguardAdmiral: HYCorp 6 04 -001 +'I'l.5 BalAdml 23.78 -0.07 +1 0.9 HtthCre 14877-1.23 +'l57 C AITAdm 11.76 +6 . 1 InflaPro 14 94-002 +68 CpopAdl 76.47 -0.52 +12.2 IntlGr 18 29 -009 +11.9 EMAdmr 34.39 r -0.17 +10.0 IntlVal 29.34 -0.1 5 +10.2 Energy 114.08 -1.34 +3.1 ITIGrade 10.48+0.01 +8.5 EqlnAdmn5088 -042 +13.3 LifeCon 17.22-0.03 +7.9 ExtdAdm 44.76 -0.18 +13.8 LifeGro 23.43-0.10 +11.9 500Adml132.18 -0.81 +15.8 LifeMod 20 88-006 +9.9 GNMA Ad 11.05 +0.01 +2.3 LTIGrade 1101+006 +'I'I 3 GrwAdm 36.83 -0.19 +16.9 Morg 20 02 413 t146 HlthCr 62.79 -0.52 +1 5.7 Mulnt 14 42 t5.3 HiYldCp 6.04 -0.01 +11.6 PrmcpCor14.98 -0.10 +11.0 InfProAd 29.34 -0.03 +69 Prmcp r 69.16-0.35 +12.0 ITBdAdml 1219 +0.01 +6 5 SelValu r 20.91-0.13 +12.5 I TsryAdml 11.80 + 2 . 6STAR 20.60 -0.05 +10.9 IntGrAdm 58.24 -0.27 +120 STIGrade 1088 A1 I TAdml 14.42 +53 StratEq 20 83-0.1 3 t'I 3.6 ITGrAdm 1048+0.01 +85 TgtRetlnc 12 22-0.01 +7 4 L tdTrAd 11.20 +19 TgRe20102440 405 +88 LTGrAdml 11.01 +0.06 +114 TgtRe20151349 -003 +9.7 L T Admi 11 80 +7. 3 TgRe202023.94 -0.07 +10.4 MCpAdml 9985 -0.65 +120 tgtRe202513.63 -0.05 +11.1 MuHYAdm1127 +83 TgRe2030 23.40 -0.09 +11.9 PrmCap r 71.79 -0.37 +12.1 TgtRe2035 14.08 -0.06 +12.5 ReitAdmr 92.23+0.41 +15.0 TgtRe204023.13-0.1 1 +'I2.8 S TsyAdml 10.79 +0 . 6 TgtRe20451452 -0.07 +128 S TBdAdml10.67 +1 . 8 USGro 21 00406 +163 S htTrAd 15.94 +1. 0 Wellsly 24 48-005 +9.3 S TIGrAd 10.88 +4 . 2 Welltn 34.23 -0.14 +11.5 SmCAdm38.00 -0.10 +13.8 Wndsr 14.64 -0.13 +15.7 TtlBAdml 11.18 +0.01 +3.9 Wndsll 29.48-0.18 +15.6

Vanguard IdxFds: ExtMktl 11049 -043 +13.8 M>dCplstPI108.80-0.71 +12.0 Tati ntAdmr2365 -0.10 +10.1 Totlntllnst r94.59 -0.41 +10.2

TotlntllP r 94.61 -0.41 +i0.2 500 1 3218 -081 +15.7 TotBnd 11.18 i0.01 +3.8 Totllntl 1414 -006 +10.1 Totstk 35.63 -0.21 +15.4

VanguardInsll Fds: Ballnst 2378 -007 +10.9 DevMklnst 9.27 -0.04 i10.1 Extln 4476 -018 +13.8 Grwthlst 36.83 -0.18 +169 InfProlnst 1195 -001 +6.9 Instldx 131.3




TODAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541­ 610-9125. N.W.GREEN BUILDING INDUSTRY SUMMIT: Topics will include Home Performance and Cost Prioritizing, Living Building Challenge update, Ground Source Heating, Cash Incentives for Upgrades, Solar Systems, Heating with Common Cents and more; register before Oct. 10; $50 preregister, $65 at the door; 7:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m.;W estside Church, 2051 Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-382-7504. ADVICE AT SCHWAB:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541­ 318-1 794. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480- I 765. GO SOLAR!CENTRAL OREGON FREE WORKSHOP:Free; 5:30-6:30 p.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-323­ 9722 or www.gosolarcentraloregon

54 I-420-7377. VISITBEND BOARD MEETING: Open to the public but please email Valerie©visitbend.corn to reserve a seat; 8 a.m.; Bend Visitor Center, 750 N.W. Lava Road; 541-382-8048. BUSINESS AFTER HOURS:4:30­ 5:30 p.m.; Comfort Suites, 2243 S.W. Yew Ave., Redmond. CROOKEDRIVER RANCH­ TERREBONNECHAMBEROF COMMERCE NETWORKING SOCIAL:Free; 5:30 p.m.; Desert Meadows Clubhouse, 520 N.E. Shoshone Ave., Redmond; 541-923­ 2679 or www.crrchamber.corn . SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free one­ on-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www.scorecentral oregon.org.

Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 54 I-480-1 765. WHO WILL MAKEDECISIONS FOR YOU?:Whether due to a brief hospitalization or long-term incapacity, many of us will have a time in our lives when we won' t be able to make our own financial or medical decisions; estate planning and elder law attorneys Ryan Correa and Linda Ratcliffe will discuss the many planning options available and the potential consequences of failing to plan ahead; registration required; free; 6 p.m.; Hurley Re, 747 S.W. Mill View Way, Bend; 541-317-5505.


TUESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20;

THURSDAY Oct. 18 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541­ 610-9125. EXPLORETHEBENEFITS OF WORKING WITHSCHWAB: Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 54 I-318-1 794. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:

City of Bend

YelasDevelopments Inc.,2689 N.W. Nordeen, $260,815 Building Partners for Affordable Housing,20068 S.E. Calvin, $191,354 James Schaeffer, 2448 N.W . Sacagawea, $250,845 Broeksweod Bend LLC, 19737 S.W. Aspen Meadows, $197,716 Mark Hall,3136 N.W. Starview, $649,294 BP&B Investments LLC,777 S.W . Mill View, $205,000

Administrative School Dist. No. 1, 2755 N.E. 27th, $125,000 Wood Hill Enterprises LLC,19727 S.W. Dartmouth, $178,689 City of Redmond

Oregon JayLLC, 183 S.W. 33rd Drive, $168,885 Oregon JnyLLC, 223 S.W. 33rd Drive, $168,885 Hayden HomesLLC, 1945 N.W. Quince Tree Court, $269,883 Central OregonCommunity College,2158 S.E. College Loop, $700,000 Deschutes County Lesley A. Judson,70652

By Natasha Singer

to the potential detriment of chief executive of the Direct consumers. Marketing A s sociation, a "An ever-increasing per­ trade group, called the sena­ The mul t i b illion-dollar data brokerage industry, a centage of their lives will be tor's investigation "a baseless growing force in online mar­ available for download, and fishing expedition." "I hope Senator Rockefeller keting, is drawing intensified the digital footprint they will government scrutiny. inevitably leave behind will understands what he's tam­ On Wednesday, Sen. Jay become more specificand pering with," she said in an Rockefeller, D-WVa., opened potentially damaging, if used emailed statement. an extensive investigation improperly," R o c kefeller, The Senate investigation of nine leading information who is the chairman of the represents the second con­ brokers. B ecause A m e ri­ Senate Committee on Com­ gressional inquiry into the cans now conduct much of merce, Science and Trans­ industry's practices this year. their daily business online, portation, wrote in letters to In July, Rep. Edward Markey, the senator said he was con­ the data brokers. "It is criti­ D-Mass., and Rep. Joe Bar­ cerned that " a n u n p rece­ cal that we understand what ton, R-Texas, co-chairmen of dented amount" of personal, information companies like the Bipartisan Congressio­ medical and financial infor­ yours are already collecting nal Privacy Caucus, began a mation about people could and selling." House inquiry into data com­ be collected, mined and sold, Linda Woolley, the acting pilers, which is ongoing. New York Times News Service


are beginning a national tour, starting in New York and Los Continued from E1 Angeles and working their I ts sales, like t h ose of way around t h e c o untry, many other restaurants, had handing out free slices. slid during the recession as Since June, Sbarro h as customers ate out less and been testing a f a st-casual pricesrose for commodities format at 10 locations across like flour. It e x ited bank­ the country. The updated res­ ruptcy eight months later, taurants offer pastas made aftershedding 28 stores and to order in front of custom­ securing a $35 million line of ers in 45 seconds in saute credit. pans on induction stovetops Now Apollo Global Man­ or in fast boilers sunk into agement and more than two countertops. dozen other i nvestors are But the test has shown that banking on Greco to achieve pizza still d r ives Sbarro's the same kind of turnaround sales. Pizza accounted for al­ at Sbarro that he did in his most half of sales in the test last post, at Bruegger's, the sites, according to Nation's bagel chain. A private com­ Restaurant News, while pas­ pany, Sbarro said it had $650 ta generated just 6 percent. million in worldwide sales in For advice, Greco turned 2011, $420 million of which to a local pizza restaurant in was in the United States. New Haven, Conn., where "We have to change peo­ he lives — though he would ple's perception of us," Greco not divulge the name of the said over one of the compa­ shop or its owner. The goal ny's new cheese pizzas at its was to come up with a ba­ store north of Times Square. sic, Neapolitan-style pizza "We feel there's no better that could stand up to the lo­ way to do that than to get this cal pizzawherever there is a pizza into as many mouths as Sbarro store. "Why can't we possibleas fastas we can." do that?" Greco asked. Thus, two vintage trucks Along with changing in­

gredients, the chain is adding open-flame ovensto increase the "theater" of the experi­ ence as well as cut the time it takes to cook a pizza and reheat a slice. To ensure consistency, the

company long ago began making its tomato sauce and shredding its cheese in cen­ tral locations and shipping it to restaurants. Every pizza was the same — but every pizza did not taste as good as it could, said Anthony Missano, president of business development at Sbarro. The company is now ship­ ping whole peeled San Mar­ zano tomatoes, which are put through a food mill as need­ ed and made into a sauce with minimal ingredients at the restaurants. Cheese is shipped in blocks and shredded on-site as well. "People are much smarter about what they' re eating," Missano said. "They have higher expectations of what they' re going to get when they go to a restaurant, and we' re going to give it to them with this new pizza."


CO LUM BIARIVERClmltjlT NOVEMBER 2 - 3 , 2 012 • R E D M O ND , OR



BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. KEEPINGYOUR EMPLOYEES ENGAGED:Registration required; includes lunch; $25 for Chamber members and $45 for non­ members; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-7437 or www.bendchamber.org.

2012 RAM 3500 CREW CAB4X4 LARAMIE CUMMINS DIESEL Smolich Discount....$6,750 Rebate.....................$3,250 StIRFDT12274, VIN: 246831




Senate investigating data brokers

Oct. 19

BALLOT MEASURES 2012: Town hall forum; $30 for members, $40 fornonmembers;7:30 a.m.;Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 WEDNESDAY Country Club Drive; 541-382-7437 or www.bendchamber.org. PROJECT MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS:Online COFFEE CLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; instruction begins Oct. 17; complete Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. two online lessons each week for six Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. weeks and meet in the classroom BOOKKEEPINGFOR BUSINESS: Nov. 7 and Dec. 5; $159; Central Eight-week class meets on Friday Oregon Community College, 2600 mornings and will help you N.W.CollegeWay, Bend;541-383­ understand and apply entry-level 7270. accounting conceptsto keepbooks BUSINESSNETWORK electronically using QuickBooks .Oig. INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER Pro; for those with little or no WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are bookkeeping experience who are welcome and first two visits are looking to add employable skills FRIDAY free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, or small-business owners; class 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541­ continues through Dec. 14; $229 COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 749-0789. plus textbook; 9 a.m.-noon; Central a.m.; Therapeutic Associates in Oregon Community College, 2600 Redmond, 413 N.W. Larch Ave., RISK MANAGEMENT — VISION, N.W.College Way, Bend;541-383­ Suite 102; 541-923-7494. STRATEGY &EXECUTION: A 7270. panel of regional bank CEOsshare SURVIVING"THE BUSINESS": their perspectives and outlooks; CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE Panel featuring filmmakers; 10:30 INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.-noon; The Nature of Words, $30 for individuals and $350 for a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 a corporate table of 8; 7:30 a.m.; 224 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541­ Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 647-2233. Seventh Mountain Resort, 18575 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-382­ or bobbleile©windermere.corn. CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE 3221 or http: I/bendchamber.orgl KNOW COMPUTERS FOR INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 chamber-events/risk-management­ BEGINNERS:Free;1 p.m.; Redmond a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 association/. Ave.; 541-31 2-1 050. MS PROJECTBASICS:Manage or bobbleile©windermere.corn. tasks, timelines and resources FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return CENTRAL OREGON BUSINESS and work with tracking and reviews; schedule an appointment at EDUCATIONNETWORK OCTOBER reporting features to accurately 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. MEETING:Join Kelly Walker, prepare professional estimates and corn; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 creative director for Intrepid monitor your projects; bring a flash S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; Marketing, as he shares strategies drive; cost includes workbook and 541-385-9666. and tips for effective use of your CEUs; class continues Oct. 19 and KNOW EMAILFOR BEGINNERS: social media channels; registration Oct. 26; $199; 8 a.m.-noon; Central Free; 3 p.m.; Redmond Public requested; $5; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Oregon Community College, 2600 Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 N.W.College Way, Bend;541-383­ 541-312-1 050. Dean Swift Road; 503-805-6524, 7270. Lynn©ALJ-LLC.corn or www.meet OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER up.corn/COBEN12. PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the MASTERINGYOUR FESTIVAL RUN: SATURDAY minimum requirements by the Panel featuring filmmakers; 1-2:30 p.m.; The Nature of Words, 224 N.W. Oregon Liquor Control Commission Oct. 20 to obtain an alcohol server permit; Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-647-2233. FORKLIFTOPERATION AND registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; KNOW EXCELBUDGETS: Learn SAFETY:Upon satisfactory Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third to create a monthly budget completion, forklift operator St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or spreadsheet; free;1 p.m.; Redmond certification cards will be mailed; www.happyhourtraining.corn. Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes must bring valid ID to class and be FINANCIALPLANNING AND 18 years old; $69; 8a.m.-1 p.m.; Ave.; 541-312-1050. MONEY MANAGEMENT:Call541­ Central Oregon Community College, FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 318-7506, ext. 309 to reserve a seat; Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-383­ 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, .corn; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541­ 7270. S.W.Simpson Ave.,Suite100,Bend; 548-2380. LAUNCHYOURBUSINESS: 541-385-9666. Designed to help business owners MONDAY get off to a good beginning Oct. 22 and develop a working plan; SATURDAY preregistration is required; the CORC LUNCHEON:CAICORC GO SOLAR!CENTRAL OREGON course combines four one-hour presents discussions about FREE WORKSHOP:Free; 9:30-10:30 daytime coaching sessions that social media and how it affects a.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 start Oct. 8, with three Wednesday homeowner associations; N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-323­ evening classes on Oct. 17, Oct. 31 registration required before noon on 9722 or www.gosolarcentraloregon and Nov. 14; $79; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oct.18; $20 for CAI-CORCmembers .OI'g. Oregon Community College, 2600 and $25 for nonmembers; 11:30 N.W.CollegeWay, Bend;541-383­ a.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. 7290. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382­ MONDAY 8436 or www.caioregon.org. FORECLOSURE PREVENTION CLASS:Learn about Neighborlmpact's Housing Center tools and services, which can assist individualsstruggling to pay their mortgages; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541-318-7506, ext. 309, karenb@neighborimpact.org or www.homeownershipcenter.org.

If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email business@bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Pleaseallow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication.

QFF M$gP Sale Price.........$49,020

201 2 RAM 1500 CREWGAB4X4

Ponderosa, Black Butte, $150,000 Julia and ThomasClarke, 16849 Ponderosa Cascade Drive, Bend, $197,478.32 David E. Staub,50880 U.S. Highway 97, La Pine, $432,803 Thomas J. Siis, 54974 Mallard Drive, Bend, $109,368 Henry F. andKristan P. Phillips, 70680 Ponderosa, Black Butte, $250,000 Michael R. Williams,16260 Alpine Drive, La Pine, $206,074.32 Stephen S. Williams andLisa Westbreek, 8790 N.W.TeaterAve., Terrebonne, $335,032.75




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Health Events, F2

People, F2 Money, F2

M e d icine, F3 Nutrition, F4-5 Fitness, F6


O www.bendbulletin.corn/health

e ussis CBSBS I'ISB By Anne Anrand The Bulletin

Pertussis, or whooping cough, is hitting Or­ egon hard this year. So far, it appears Central Oregon has been spared from similar,excep­ tional rates of the disease. Pertussis is a serious and


hi g h ly contagious respiratory

diseasecaused by a bacterium called Bordetella pertussis. The disease is marked by uncontrollable, vio­ lent coughing and difficulty breathing. Often, it generates deep gasping breaths that make a "whooping" sound, hence the name. Pertussis mostly affects infants and young children. It can be fatal, especially in babies. In Oregon this year, 23 infants have been hospitalized with the disease. The Oregon Health Authority reported 742 statewide pertussis cases as of Oct. I, compared with 258 cases during the same period in 2011, and 320 cases for all last year. "This is the highest number of cases since 1959,n said Oregon Public Health spokeswom­ an Susan Wickstrom. See Pertussis /F3

'i rs

Oregonpertussiscases 800 600 illustration by Jennifer Montgomery/The Bulletin





2012 (Year to date

as of Oct.1)

Pertussis cases inCentral Oregon •

2 011 • 2 0 1 2


D e schutes Jefferson


C o unty Co u nty 4



0 Source: Oregon Public Health

• It's a popular target for manymaladies, but researchshowssugar isn't all bad By Anne Anrand

as a whole," wrote a trio of health and obesityresearchers from the Americans are wallowing in obe­ University of California, San Fran­ sity and chronic disease and they who say it can be safely enjoyed in cisco, in an editorial in February want a simple answer to pinpoint moderation, within the limits of a in Nature, an international science the problem. healthy diet. journal. They said sugar consump­ "We' ve seen fats vilified before. tion is linked to disease, is harm­ Not so sweet on sugar Carbs have been vilifi ed. These ful to bodies in ways similar to the things come in cycles," said Kris Sugar is a popular bad guy these consumption of alcohol and should Sollid, a registered dietitian with days. be reduced through taxes and sales "If international bodies are truly the International Food Information limitations. Council in Washington, D.C. "Now concerned about public health, they New York City policymakers fol­ that spotlight is on sugar." must consider limiting f r uctose, lowed this line of thinking when Sugar gets blamed for many and its main delivery vehicles, the they voted recently to ban the sale health maladies. But that accusation added sugars (high fructose corn of certain sweetened drinks in con­ needs to be put into context, accord­ syrup) and sucrose, which pose dan­ tainers larger than 16 ounces. ing to researchers and dietitians gers to individuals and to society SeeSugar /F4 The Bulletin


Definingsugar Sugars occur naturally in a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, milk and dairy products. They are also

produced commercially andaddedto foods. The term "sugar" most often refers to sucrose, but also includes other forms such ashigh­ fructose corn syrup, fructose andglucose. The term "added sugar" refers to sugars that are added to foods during processing or at the table.

"Naturally occurring" sugars arethosefound naturally in foods, such as fructose in fruit, or

lactose in milk. Different forms of sugar we find in our foods include:

MONOSACCHARIDES,OR SIMPLE SUGARS Glucose:Foundnaturally in corn. Glucose is the primary source ofenergyfor the body andthe only fuel used by brain cells. Digesting starches

(cereals, grains, pastasl yields glucose. Fructose:Foundin fruits, honey and root vegetables. When it occurs naturally, it's found

Greg Cross/The Bulletin

Gymnasti cscan reat for kids, butknow the risks

beg By NancyChemin

The Dallas Morning News

DALLAS — Abigail Moriearty was 5 when she watched Nastia Liukin wi n a l l-around Olympic gold in 2008 and decided that's what she had to do, too. Now 9 and the winner of a gold, silver and fifth-place f i nish i n n a t i onal

FITNE$$ with other sugars such asglucose. Purefructose is also a sweeteneraddedto foods and beverages. Galactose:Unique to milk anddairy. Boundto glucose, it forms lactose. DISACCHARIDES Sucrose:Knownas table sugar, it's composed of one glucose unit andonefructose unit. It's found naturally in sugar beetsandsugar cane. Lactose:Found naturally in milk, and sometimes

called milk sugar, it's composed ofonegalactose unit and oneglucose unit. Maltose:Twoglucose units. Found in molasses and used in fermentation. POLYOLS,OR SUGAR ALCOHOLS Include sorbitol, xylitol, mannitol, maltitol, lactitol,

erythritol, isomalt, and others. Theyhavea different chemical structure, are generally not as

sweet as sucrose. Sugaralcohols are slowly and incompletely absorbed from theintestine into the bloodstream. They have little impact on blood

ch a mpionships, Abigail, of Allen, Texas, is more driven than ever.

sugar and can therefore be beneficial to diabetics.

"I feel like I'm flying," she says

They havefewer calories, and arefound in sugarfreecandies,chewinggum, bakedgoods, chocolates, andalso oral health products suchas cough syrups andmouthwash. Sugar alcohols occur naturally in somefruits as

after an impressive gymnastic flip at World Olympic Gymnastics Academy in Piano, Texas, where Liukin once trained under the watchful eyes of her father, Valeri Liukin, the facility's owner. Abigail likes to linger on the sidewalk outside the building after practice and look up at the large posters of Liukin and fellow champion Carly Patterson that don the entrance doors. "That will be me up there," she says softly on a warm September afternoon, grasping her wooden practice blocks as she extends into a handstand before returning to earth and wrap­ ping her arms tightly around the blocks as she heads to her car. Gymnastics can help inspire a child to stay fit. It's great exercise, as long as parents under­ stand the risks, according to experts at Stop Sports Injuries, a Rosemont, Ill.-based cam­ paign launched by the American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine and other medical organizations in 2010. SeeGymnastics/F6

well as mushrooms and fermentation-derived

foods such aswine, soysauce andcheese. OTHER PRODUCTS Corn syrup:Contains either glucose or combinations of glucoseandfructose. It can refer to any ofseveral corn-derived products. Corn syrup found in the baking section of the

supermarket is most often100 percent glucose. High fructosecornsyrup:A mixture of glucose and fructose derived from corn. Themost common form is 55 percent fructose and 52

percent glucose, andit's most often used commercially. Source' The International Food Information Council

HEALTH HIGHLIGHTS MONEY:Watch out for scammers posing as FDAagents, F2

MEDICINE:Kindergartners are meeting vaccination targets,F3

NUTRITION:A tomato-rich diet

may reduce the risk of a stroke,F4

FITNESSBiggest Loser' contestant inspires others,F6





27; Safeway Center, 660 N.E. 3rd St., Suite 5, Bend; 541-318-1186 or www.yogaofbend.corn. LIVING WELL WITH CHRONIC CONDITIONS(SPANISH): Learn how to achieve a healthier way of living and overcome symptoms of chronic conditions, conducted in CLASSES Spanish; registration required; $5 for six classes; 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m. DEPRESSIONSCREENING: Saturdays, Oct. 13-Nov. 17; Mosaic Licensed therapists provide free Medical, 375 N.W. Beaver St., Suite and anonymous screenings for 100, Prineville; 541-383-6357 or depression and other mental www.livingwellco.org. conditons; registration required; SLEEP WELLWORKSHOP: Learn free; Thursday from 9 a.m.-6 p.m.; CascadeView Counseling,390 S.W . three sleep system techniques, presented by Healing Bridge Columbia, Bend; 215-917-0032 or Physical Therapy; registration www.stephaniecostello.corn. requested; $36: 5:30-7 p.m. LIVING WELL WITH CHRONIC Oct.15-29;BendSenior CONDITIONS (SPANISH): Learn how Mondays, Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket to achieve a healthier way of living and overcome symptoms of chronic Road, Bend; www.bendparksandrec. org or 541-318-7041. conditions, conducted in Spanish; registration required; $5 for six BEGINNER'S YOGA: Learnthe classes; 2-4:30 p.m. Thursdays, practice of yoga; $75 for six Oct. 11-Nov. 15; Mosaic Medical, sessions; 7:15-8:15 p.m. Tuesdays 910 S.W. Highway 97, Suite 101, and Thursdays, Oct. 16-Nov. 2; Madras; 541-475-4456 or www. Mandala Yoga Community, 55 N.W. livingwellco.org. MinnesotaSt.,Bend;206-295-8814 or shanankelley@gmail.corn. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS SCREENINGS: Freehealth screenings INVERSIONIMMERSION: Learn for ages 0-5; Friday; Prineville; call for how to do a handstand; registration location, 541-383-6357. required; $20; 1:30-3:30 p.m. Oct. INTRO TOIYENGARYOGA: Learn 20;MandalaYogaCommunity,55 the practice of lyengar yoga; free; N.W. Minnesota St., Bend; 541-771­ 10-11:15 a.m. Saturdays, Oct. 13­ 9242 or kbenrath@gmail.corn. Editor's note:Ongoing support groups now appear online only. See www.bendbulletin. corn/supportgroups. To submit an entry for either list, see instructions below.


Buying medications online?Beware bogus FDAagents A recent Food and Drug Administration

consumer update is warning those who purchase medication online to bewary of bogus FDAagents. Online consumers face anincreased risk of purchasing unsafe or ineffective drugs from websites operating outside

of the law, andcanalso compromise the privacy of their personal data, according to the FDA alert. Criminals may acquire

and sell personal information from transactions with consumers, including names,addresses,telephonenumbers, Social Security numbers, dates of birth,

By Lauran Neergaard The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Free birth control led t o d r a­ matically lower r ates of abortions and teen births, a large study concluded last week, offering strong evidence for how a bitterly contested Obama adminis­ tration policy could benefit women's health. The project tracked more than 9,000 women in St. Louis, many of them poor or uninsured. They were given their choice of a range of contraceptive methods at no cost — from birth control pills to goof-proof options like the IUD or a matchstick-sized implant. When price wasn't an issue, women flocked to the most effective contra­ ceptives — the implanted options, which t y p ically cost hundreds of dollars up­ front to insert. These wom­ en experienced far fewer unintended pregnancies as a result,reported Dr. Jef­ frey Peipert of Washington University in St. Louis in a study published last week. The effect on teen preg­ nancy was striking: There were 6.3 births per 1,000 teenagers in t h e s t u dy. Compare that to a national rate of 34 births per 1,000 teens in 2010. There also were substan­ tially lower rates of abor­ tion, when compared with women in the metro area and nationally: 4.4 to 7.5 abortions per 1,000 women in the study, compared with 13.4 to 17 abortions per

Health Events:Email event information to healthevents©

bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bend bulletin.corn. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing class listings must be updated monthly and

will appear at www.bendbulletin.corn/healthclasses. Contact: 541-383-0358.

People:Email information about local people involved in health issues to healthevents©bendbulletin.corn. Contact: 541-383-0358.

PEOPLE School of Physical Therapy. He specializes in myofascial release techniques, postural correction and neuromuscular re-education exercises. Zeyla Brandt,a physical ther­ apist at Healing Brige Physical Therapy, attended a course titled "Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy, Cervical and Thoracic Spine," presented by the McKenzie Institute. The class addressed evaluation and treatment techniques for cervicothoracic problems.

DISPATCHES St. Charles Bendhas received the American College of Car­ diology Foundation's ACTION Registry-GWTG Platinum Per­ formance Achievement Award

for 2012. The award recognizes St. Charles' commitment to suc­ cess in implementing a higher standard of care and protocols for heart attack patients.

Americansmakingfewer visits to doctor By Blythe Bernhard St. Louis Post-Dispatch

Americans aren't going to the doctor as often, but that doesn't mean they' re getting healthier. The average adult makes about four visits a year to a doctor, nurse or other medical provider, down from five visits in 2001, according to a report released this week by the U.S. Census Bureau.

"On the face of it you'd say we' re going in the right direc­ tion," said Thomas McAuliffe, h ealth policy a n alyst w i t h the Missouri Foundation for Health. "Then you start think­ ing of the economy." People who are uninsured generally avoid medical care as long as possible. Just 12 per­ cent ofuninsured Americans received routine check-ups in 2010, according to the report.

Here's what you should do: Hang up the

numbers. Here's how the current scamworks:

phone. As for actual physical danger, no known victim has everbeenapproached in

Someone will call you and identify him or herself as an FDA agent or another kind

person, according to the scam alert. Most

of law enforcement official. You' ll betold

fraudulent callers are basedoverseas. Alert your credit card companyand

that purchasing drugs over the Internet or telephone is illegal and be threatened with

make sure that your account is up to date,

to $250,000 is paid, often through a wire

Report the experience to FDA at www

andthatnosuspiciouschargeshavebeen prosecution unless a fine or fee from $100 made against your credit card. transfer. If you refuse to payup,the caller .fda.gov/ICECI/Criminallnvestigations/ will threaten to search your properties, default.htm by clicking on "Report Sus­ arrest or deport you, put you in jail or even pected Cnm>nalAct>vasty." — Anne Aurand, TheBulletin physically harm you.

Free irt contro owersa ortionrates

How to submit

Karen Decker has received the 2012 Award o f E x cel­ lence for Hospice Dream T eam Nurse, given by t h e Oregon Hospice Association. Decker is a nurse at Hospice of Redmond, where she also serves as th e p atient care coordinator. Mitch Rost has joined the staff of The Center for Integra­ tive Medicine in Redmond as a physical therapist. Rost is a graduate of Pacific Luther­ an University and Montana

purchase histories and credit card account

Some findings confirm com­ monly held beliefs — women are more likely than men to visit the doctor and the num­ ber of medical visits and hos­ pital stays increases with age. The report also uncovered lesser-known statistics. His­ panics make the fewest trips to the doctor of any ethnic group. And more than half of the pop­ ulation did not take any pre­ scription drugs in the last year.


mandate may ultimately cause more u n planned p r egnan­ cies since it mandates that all healthplans cover contracep­ tives, including those that the study's authors claim are less — Dr. James Breeden, president, American College effective," Monahan said. of Obstetricians and Gynecologists Here's why this is a pub­ lic health issue: Nearly half of the nation's 6 million-plus 1,000 women overall in the St. The law requires that Food p regnancies each year a r e Louis region, Peipert calcu­ and D r u g A d m i nistration­ unintended. An estimated 43 lated. That's lower than the na­ approved contraceptives be percent of them end in abor­ tional rate, too, which is almost available for free for women tion. Low-income women are 20 abortions per 1,000 women. enrolled in m ost w orkplace far more likely to have an un­ In fact, if the program were insurance plans, a change that planned pregnancy than their expanded, one abortion could many will see as new plan wealthier counterparts. "We shouldn't have, in my be prevented for every 79 to years begin on Jan. l. 137 women given a free con­ The policy is among the view, a tiered system where traceptive choice, Peip crt's law's most contentious pro­ the women with money can team reported in the journal visions because it e xempts get family planning and the Obstetrics 8 Gynecology. churches that oppose contra­ women without cannot," said The findings come as mil­ ception but requires religious­ Peipert, noting that 39 percent lions of U.S. women are begin­ affiliated organizations, such of the women in his study had ning to get access to contra­ as colleges or hospitals, to trouble paying basic expenses. ception without copays under providethe coverage for their About half o f u n planned President Barack O b ama's workers. The U.S. Conference pregnancies occur in women health care l aw . W o men' s of Catholic Bishops and many who use no contraception. As health specialists said the re­ conservative groups say that for the other half, condoms search foreshadows that poli­ violates religious freedom, and can fail and so can birth con­ cy's potential impact. Republican presidential nomi­ trol pills or other shorter-act­ "As a society, we want to re­ nee Mitt Romney has voiced ing methods if the woman for­ duce unintended pregnancies similar criticism. gets to use them or can't afford and abortion rates. This study Last week, a federal judge in a refill. has demonstrated that having St. Louis dismissed a lawsuit In contrast, you can forget access to no-cost contracep­ challenging the contraception a bout pregnancy fo r t h r ee tion helps us get to that goal," mandate; nearly three dozen years with Implanon, the im­ said Alina Salganicoff, direc­ similar suits have been filed plant inserted under the skin tor of women's health policy at around the country. of the arm. An IUD, a tiny T­ the Kaiser Family Foundation. The study didn't sway the shaped device inserted into the "It's just an amazing im­ critics. uterus, can last for five to 10 p rovement," D r . Jam e s J eanne Monahan o f t h e years, depending on the brand. Breeden, president of the conservativeFamily Research Change your mind, and the American College of Obstetri­ Councilsuggested contracep­ doctor removes either device cians and Gynecologists, said tiveuse can encourage riskier before it wears out. of the results. "I would think sexual behavior. Only about 5 percent of U.S. "Additionally, one m ight if you were against abortions, women use long-acting con­ you would be 100 percent for conclude that the Obama ad­ traceptives, far fewer than in contraception access." ministration's c o ntraception other developed countries.

"It's just an amazing improvement. I would think if you were against abortions, you would be 100 percent for contraception access."






Community Education - Special Edition Flu Shot Clinics


At the Redmond Senior Center during the Health Expo 325 NW Dogwood Ave, Redmond Tuesday, October 17 - 11:00 am to 3:00 pm


For a lifetime of healthy eyes, BMC offers the most comprehensive range of eye care services in the region. We have a highly trained team of b o ard-certified op hthalmologists, optometrists, and retinal, oculoplastic ancj LASIIC specialists. Total eye care for you and your family — all under one roof. To make an appointment, ca I I 541-382-4900.

At the La Pine Senior Center,16450 Victory Way, La Pine Monday, October22 —9:00 am to 12:00 pm 18 and older. Will bill Medicare and PacificSource directly (please bring your insurance cards with you). For all others there is a $30 charge for the flu shot.

Foot Care Clinics LaPine - October 15, at the La Pine Senior Center Sisters - October 16, at the Sisters Community Church / Senior Center Bend - October 17 (and every Wednesday) at the Bend Senior Center Redmond Foot Clinic - October 22, Redmond Senior Center Please call Dawn at Partners In Care, 382-5882 for directions, details and an appointment. •

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MEDICINE Kindergartners getting vaccinated Most kindergartners in the United States are now up to date on their

vaccines, according to findings from the Morbidity and Mortality

Weekly Report. The report compiled

kindergarten vaccination assessments provided by 47 states and the Dis­ trict of Columbia. Data

showed that vaccinations for diphtheria and teta­ nus toxoids and acellular

pertussis, poliovirus and hepatitis B were all at or above the Healthy People

2020 target of 95percent or greater. Vaccination

coverage for measles, mumps, andrubella (MMR) andvaricella were lower, with a me­

dian 94.8 percent cover­ age for MMR and 93.2

percent for varicella. Vaccination coverage among school children is

a vital step in preventing outbreaks of disease, according to the report. And while the overall

coverage rateswere high, aggregatednum­ bers have the potential to

maskpocketsoflow cov­ erage at the local level.

The averagenon­ medical exception level, for instance, was 1.2

percent. But Oregonwas the highest reported state in exemption, at 5.8

percent. — BreannaHostbj or, The Bulletin

Study links BPA, obesity in kids Much of the con­

troversy surrounding bisphenol A hasfocused on studies linking the

chemical to breast can­ cer, testicular cancer, reproductive deformi­

ties and neurological defects, but a new study

points to an association between the chemical and obesity in children. Writing in the Journal

of the American Medical Association, doctors from New York Univer­ sity report that a study of 2,838 youths, age 6 to19, found that higher

levels of BPA inurine was "significantly asso­ ciated" with obesity. Authors of the study said children with the highest levels of BPA in

their urine also hadthe highest rates of obesity,

a prevalence of 22.3 percent. By comparison, children with the lowest levels of BPA had an

obesity prevalence of only 10.3 percent

"To our knowledge," the authors write, "this is the first report of

an association of an environmental chemical exposure with childhood obesity in a nationally

representative sample." However, as the re­

searchers acknowledge, thestudydoesnotcome close to establishing that BPA causes obesity. In fact, the research may show something very different. "For all we know, it could be the obesity that

makes (the children)

have higher BPA levels,"

says Ellen Connor, an associate professor of pediatric endocrinology at the University of Wis­

consin-Madison. Connor explained that previous research has established that fat stores BPA. It is possi­ ble, therefore, that hav­

ing more fat maycause a person to retain more BPA in their system. "The most important thing about this study is that it is an association. It does not show causal­

ity," says PraveenGo­ day, director of clinical nutrition at Children' s Hospital of Wisconsin

and an associate profes­ sor at the Medical Col­

lege of Wisconsin. — Mark Johnson, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel

- ea care ec onso er mericans By Jane E. Brody

"Seniors need to get on the technological bandwagon and become an integral part of their own health care and health care delivery. Many older adults don't see the relevance of having access to the Internet, but more and more medical services are becoming available online."

New York Times News Service

Are you among the 47 per­ cent ofolder Americans who have not yet entered the digital age? If so, you' re likely to be missing out on a lot of e-health opportunities available to help you live well despite chronic ailments an d e n c roaching physical limitations. Americans over 65, whose health stands to benefit the most from m o dern d i gital technology, are the least able and least likely to use it. As of April, according to the Pew Research Center's I n ternet and AmericanLifeProject, 53 percent of Americans 65 and older were using the Internet or email, but after age 75, use dropped significantly, to 34 percent. By contrast,nearly 90 percent ofyounger adults are digitally connected. The challenges of getting more ofthe elderly connected to e-health, a catchall term for digital practices related to health care, are many: lack of awareness; fear of computers and smartphones; problems with vision, hearing, cognition or manual dexterity; limited finances or learning options; and concerns about privacy. But these limitations are being addressed by experts who specialize in digital com­ munication for older people — government agencies like the National Institute on Ag­ ing and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine; or­ ganizations l i k e li b r a ries, senior centers and residences, YMCA's and AARP; and a small but growing number of upstart companies that pro­ vide services in places like as­ sisted living facilities. "Seniors need to get on the technological band w agon and become an integral part of their own health care and health care d elivery," said Sara Czaja, scientific direc­ tor of the Center on Aging at the Miller School of Medicine at the University of M i ami. "Many older adults don't see the relevanceof having access to the Internet, but more and more medicalservices are be­ coming available online."

Pertussis Continued from F1 Deschutes County has re­ ported four cases so far in 2012, Jefferson County just one, and Crook County none. The b e s t amm u n ition against the disease is vacci­ nation, said Dr. Paul Cieslak, communicable disease man­ ager with the Oregon Health Authority. (See "Recommend­ ed vaccination schedule.") There's no definitive answer as to why there's an increase this year, but generally speak­ ing, it's something that comes in cycles, Cieslak said. Every three to five years there's a substantial upswing in cases, he said. "We speculate that the dis­ ease sweeps through the popu­ lation and a critical number (of

people) get exposed, develop some immunity and the dis­ ease recedes again," he said. "Then after a few years of low case rates, immunity wanes." The otherfactorthatappears linked to this resurgence is a limited duration of protection from the version of the vac­ cine that's been used since the late 1990s. Since then, children have been immunized with a vaccine that is now showing to be less effective than its pre­ decessor over time. The newer version, called DTaP (diphthe­ ria, tetanus, a-cellular pertus­ sis), has fewer side effects, but after 10 years of its use, it has become evident that it wears offinan undetermined amount of time in some people. With the previous vaccine, the whole bacterium cell was injected into a p erson. The body made antibodies to every protein that the bacterium had. But scientists believed that only a few proteins were key to building immunity, so they pu­ rified just a few proteins from the pertussis bacterium and designed an a-cellular vaccine — meaning without the whole cell, Cieslak said. It was safer, Cieslak said. It created fewer side effects

— Sara Czaja, scientific director, Center on Aging at the Miller School of Medicine at the University of Miami

oftenare embarrassed by their lack of familiarity with com­ puters and the Internet, and they try to hide their discom­ fort. But there are many places where seniors can overcome their technological disparities and get free training on the use of computers." In a 2006 report, the federal Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion noted that "8 in 10 of today's seniors who have not yet used the In­ ternet do not think they ever will." But a Pew Center study last year concluded that "80 is the new 60" — more and more older adults now use comput­ ers and the Internet, and two­ thirds of seniors using the In­ ternet have looked for health information online.

Centers offer basic and ad­ vanced computer classes and a re managed primarily b y older volunteers. Ask some­ one to find a center near you by v i siting w w w .seniornet

.org/php/lclist.php. You' ll want to avoid having an impatient computer-savvy

person — young or older — as

your teacher. As you learn, write down the steps in full sentences, if possible, and keep the crib sheet handy until your use ofthe device becomes sec­ ond nature. Illustration by Yvetta Fedorova I New YorkTimes News Service Of course, if you have a han­ dy friend or relative to teach A host of benefits based home visit by sending you, someone who does not Getting more seniors digi­ vital information, like blood assume digital familiarity, that tally connected, either person­ pressure, heart rate and oxy­ will work, too. Even though I've been using computers for ally or through caregivers, is g en saturation, digitally t o expected to greatlyenhance your doctor. decades, the technology keeps opportunities to protect the • Find and facilitate access changing, and I often get stuck Time to start learning health and well-being of older to medical specialists. not knowing what to do next people and, at the same time, • Identify the best Medicare If you have still not caught or how to get out of a digital reduce both individual and na­ options for your needs. on to e-health's advantages, jam. That's when I call on my it's time to think again. Web­ sons, grandsons and younger tional health care costs. •Order prescriptions and How can e-health help you? groceries online. sites and tools are increasingly friends for help. Current and future possibili­ • Develop an a t-home fit­ being designed with the spe­ It helps, my sons keep telling ties listed by Czaja and others ness program tailored to your cial needs and challenges of me, not to be afraid of the ma­ include: needs and limitations. the elderly in mind. chine. Early in the life of per­ • Learn more about your • Find recipes and menus For example, e-health sites sonal computersthere was a health problems and how best suited to your tastes, avail­ developed by the National In­ constantrisk of "crashes" and to managethem. ability and nutr i t i onal stitute on Aging use cleaner lost material, but you would •Become an informed and requirements. sans serif fonts in easily ad­ have to work very hard to lose active participant in decisions As more b aby b o omers justable point sizes and con­ entries on today's sophisticat­ about your health. who used digital devices dur­ trast, and clear backgrounds ed machines. (Note how eas­ •Remain independent and ing their younger years reach uncluttered b y a d v ertising. ily forensic specialists retrieve in your own home longer. Medicare age, the proportion Dense blocks of type, com­ computerized i nf o r m ation • Maintain a n el e c tronic of the over-65 population that plex phrasing and m edical that people thought they had personal medical record with is e-savvy is expected to in­ jargon ar e a v oided. L i nks deleted for eternity.) everything in one place for crease dramatically. But that are easy to identify and fol­ Finally, if you can possibly easy access. will still leave a significant l ow. Check i t o u t a t N I H afford it, or if someone who • Enhance emotional health portion of the aging popula­ SeniorHealth.gov. loves you is willing to under­ and longevity by staying so­ tion in the Dark Ages of the Contact a p u blic l i brary, write it, invest in broadband, cially connected to friends and typewriter. senior center or other local which will provide far better relatives. Michelle Eberle, a consumer organization and ask whether e-health access than dial-up. • Communicate d i re c t l y health information coordina­ it offers computer training for Contact your phone service with your doctors by email or tor for the National Network of older adults. provider and ask about dis­ Skype. Libraries of Medicine in New Locally or regionally spon­ counted bundling of available • Have a t e c h nologically England, said: "Older adults sored SeniorNet L e arning services.

Recommended vaccination schedule Children should get five doses of the DTaP

(diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis) vaccine, one dose ateach of the following ages: • 2 months • 4 months • 6 months • 15-18 months

• 4-6 years (DTaP may begiven at the same time as other

vaccines.) A Tdap booster is

recommended for those between11 and 18 years of age, for children between 7 and 10 who did not complete the series, and

pared to 427 reported cases in 2011 during the same period, according to the CDC. Cieslak estimates that for every one case that gets re­ ported, about 10 more go undi­ agnosed. Some cases are just milder, and some people just put up with it, so they' re never diagnosed by a doctor. There are a few symptomat­ ic differences between pertus­ sis and croup, another respira­ tory ailment characterized by a barking cough from swollen vocal cords. Croup is u su­ ally caused by parainfluenza viruses,but in serious cases there can also be bacterial in­ fections in the airway, accord­ ing to the National Library of Medicine. Pertussis lasts two weeks to six weeks. Croup is worse at night and usually lasts less

than a week. Pertussis tends to be most prevalent i n t he su m m er months, Cieslak said. Croup is most c o mmon b etween October and March, accord­ ing to the National Library of Medicine. — Reporter: 541-383-0304, aaurand@bendbutleti n.corn

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for pregnant women. (Tdap is slightly different than

DTaP.Tdaphas areduced dose of the diphtheria and

pertussis vaccines.)

Source Centersfor Disease Control and Prevention

— less arm soreness, less fe­ ver, less crying. The prior vac­ cinecame with rare reports of encephalitis. There have always been high rates of pertussis in ba­ bies because they h a ven' t been completely immunized yet, Cieslak said. But since the mid-2000s, pertussis rates among childrenbetween 7 and 10 years of age have increased, according to the CDC. In 2005, scientists also developed a booster, known as Tdap, to pick up where the new vaccine

An Endless Lap Swimming Pool 4 Hydrotherapy Exercise Machine in one.

wears off. Most pertussis cases in Or­ egon are clustered around the northwestern parts of the state. Whether that can be blamed on the recent pertussis epidem­ ic in Washington is hard to say, Cieslak said. Through Sept. 22, Washington had reported 4,190 cases statewide, com­

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RESEARCH Tomatoes may reduce stroke risk Eating a diet rich in tomatoes and tomato­

based foods is associ­ ated with a lower risk

of stroke, according to research published in the Oct. 9 issue of Neurology, the medical

journal of the American Academy of Neurology. Tomatoes are high in the antioxidant lyco­

pene. Thestudy found people with the highest

amounts of lycopene in their blood were 55 per­ cent less likely to have a

stroke than people with the lowest amounts of lycopene in their blood.

Researchers tested the blood of1,031 men in Finland between the

ages of 46 and 65and followed them for an av­

erage of12 years. Dur­ ing that time, 67 men had a stroke. Among 258 men with the lowest

levels of lycopene, 25 had a stroke. Among 259 men with the high­

est levels of lycopene, 11 had a stroke.

When researchers looked at strokes en­ tirely due to blood clots, the results were even

stronger. Thosewith the highest levels of

lycopene were 59per­ cent less likely to havea clot-caused stroke than those with the lowest

levels. The study also looked

at alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, alpha-to­ copherol and retinol, but

found no association

between the blood lev­ els of those antioxidants and risk of stroke. — Anne Aurand, The Bulletin

Mediterranean dieters fared well Moderately obese peoplewho atethe M ed­ iterranean diet lost more

weight than groups of people who followed either a low-fat or a

low-carbohydrate diet, researchers reported in the New England Jour­

nal of Medicine. The Mediterranean

group weighed almost seven poundsless than they weighed six years earlier. In the low-carb

group, the total was 3.7 pounds, and the low-fat

group was 1.3 pounds. The Mediterranean diet is one based onthe eating habits of people who live in that part of the world — high in

produce, and including olive oil and fish. The researchers collected data from a

Continued from F1 For many y ears, studies have exploredthe connections between sugar and various health ailments. The problem is, studies often contradict each other. "New studies get headlines, but it takes time for experts to examine them and consider, 'Does this change the way we t hink?'" said Sollid, who i s also the manager of nutrients for the International Food In­ formation Council. To separate fact from fic­ tion, the I FIC, a n o nprofit public education foundation, produced a four-part series on "The Science of Sugars," for publication in the journal Nu­ trition Today. The first of the series ran in the May/June is­ sue andthe final one is sched­ uled for the November/Decem­ ber issue. The articles analyze a decade of research to help consumers put new or sensa­ tional headlines into a broader context. Much of the report's conclusions contradict some common presumptions about the ills of sugar. While acknowledging that sugar does contribute to den­ tal cavities, the report basi­ cally releases the sweetener from blame when it comes to obesity, Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Considerthecalories Some of what we think we know about sugar isn't true. For example, research suggests eating sugar doesn't cause diabetes and isn' t

responsible for the obesity epidemic. But obesity can increase one's risk for Type 2 diabetes. Many things, including sugar, contribute unnecessary calories that can create obesity. Experts suggest monitoring caloric intake, enjoying some sugar in moderation, and mostly consuming naturally-occurring sugar from nutrient-dense foods.

Here are some examples of common foods, their calories and sugar content: 55g sugar

(537 calories) 39g sugar

(250 calories) 24g sugar

Randomized Controlled Trial. They randomly as­ signed 322 moderately

obese people, most of them men, to the three diet categories. The

participants were given education assistance about the diets.

After two years, the average weight loss was 6.4 pounds in the

low-fat group, almost10 pounds in the Mediter­

ranean group and10.3 in the low-carb group.

At that point, 259 people remained in the study.

After six years, 67 percent had continued with their original diet, 11 percent had switched to another diet, and 22

percent were not diet­ ing.

0 0


0 0 0


1 slice of chocolate cake

12 oun c e s 1 cup reduced-fat cola chocolate milk, sugar-sweetened

— Mary MacVean, Los Angeles Times

Previous theories and plenty

link to diabetes examine total sugar intake while others dif­ ferentiatetypes of or sources of sugar in the diet. Evidence has indicated that the fructose form of sugar reacts with pro­ tein molecules in our bodies in a way that may accelerate the aging process and contribute to Type 2 diabetes. Sugar alco­ hols such as sorbitol and xyli­ tol, on the other hand, may be a better choice for diabetics because their chemical struc­ tures don't require insulin for absorption, and don't produce spikes in blood sugar. The bottom line, according to the report: "The preponder­ ance of evidence shows that total sugar intake is not relat­ ed to diabetes risk."

Cardiovascular health Eating carbohydrates, such as sugars, is not considered an independent risk factor for cardiovascular disease, ac­ cording to the IFIC report. However, replacing dietary fats with carbohydrates may increase triglycerides, a type of fat in the bloodstream that can lead to narrowing or hard­ ening of the arteries. Some short-term studies show that high-carbohydrate diets, par­ ticularly those high in sugars, increase triglycerides and de­

crease HDL (good) cholester­ ol. But again, there are other factorsto consider. Increased physical activity and weight reduction can minimize the tendency for h i g h-carbohy­ drate diets to boost triglycer­ ide levels, the report said. There's still much uncer­ tainty about ho w d i f f erent types ofsugar affect cardio­ v ascular health, and m o r e research iscalled for. Some research points specifically at the fructose form, noting that Americans are consum­ i ng p r o portionately m o r e fructose than other forms of sugars than they used to, and fructose may adversely affect heart health. Fructose is me­ tabolized in the liver, in a met­ abolic pathway that can lead to an increase in triglycerides, according to the report. One study compared the ef­ fects ofglucose and fructose sweetened beverages on 17

cumstances that may include,

of parents have suggested that eating sugar creates hyperac­

among other factors, sugary foods. "Sometimes kids aren' t

tivity in children.

But they' re wrong, accord­ ing to the last of a four-part series called "The Science of Sugars," produced by the International Food informa­

going to feel good when they just eat a bunch of sugary stuff and are not getting what

(healthy food) they need," Brizee said. When a kid' s blood sugar bounces up and

tion Council and scheduled for publication this winter in the

down, they might feel tired and

act crabby.

journal Nutrition Today. Researchers who have analyzed more than a hun­ dred studies on this subject

Or, take Halloween or a birthday party for example.

Yes, kids are probably eating a lot of sugar. They' re also wear­ Candy isn't the culprit when it comes to kids' hyperactiv­ ing costumes, staying up late, ior or cognitive performance in ity on Halloween, research feeling excited about a party children. atmosphere. "Kids are hyper," suggests. Other factors While parents may argue under that entire set of circum­ such as staying up late, the contrary, it's well-proven stances, Brizee said. wearing a costume or a that sugar consumption is But when researchers con­ party atmosphere may be Thinkstock

concluded that sugar intake doesn't deteriorate the behav­

dietitian Lori Brizee. Many double-blind studies have tried to tie the two together and

c u p raisin bran cereal

1 medium banana

Greg Cross / The Bulletin

Sugarandhyperactivity in children

not linked to hyperactivity in

1 cup grapes 1

Source: USDA nutrient database

diet for those calories? A lot of the concern with sugars is not necessarily about the consumption, it's about over consumption," Sollid said. If you' re physically active and Obesity can balance calories burned Evidence linking sugar con­ with calories consumed, a sumption to obesity is incon­ soda on occasion is fine. sistent and controversial. Studies clearly show that In fact, some studies showed for each additional soft drink that people who consumed consumed, both body mass more sucrose had lower body and weight increase. But even weight or fat mass. studies that a ssociate soft Under l aboratory c o ndi­ drinks with obesity usually in­ tions, one study found that clude a caveat that obesity is a sucrose consumption contrib­ multi-faceted problem. There uted to satisfaction and full­ could be other factors at play, ness, which reduced subse­ such as television viewing and quent food intake. That study less participation in sports, did not address high fructose which studies have associated corn syrup, which is a differ­ with being overweight. ent form of sugar (See "De­ fining sugar"), but the study's Diabetes authors said they believed the Diabetes has been on the effects would be similar. r ise. The Centers for D i s ­ But other theories suggest ease Control an d P r even­ that it's high f r uctose corn tion reports that 11.3 percent syrup in sugar-sweetened bev­ of adults over age 20 have erages that is linked to obe­ diabetes. sity. Studies haven't been able Contrary to popular belief, to prove a c ause-and-effect scientists generally agree that relationship. The A m erican sugar is not to blame for Type Medical Association issued a 2 diabetes, according to the re­ policy statement that said high port. Obesity, genetics, ethnic­ fructose corn syrup doesn' t ity and inactivity are among appear to contribute more to risk factors for the disease. "Eating sugar doesn't cause obesity than any other caloric sweeteners. diabetes. But being obese can The problem with sugar­ increase your risk for that dis­ sweetened sodas — as well ease. Many things, including as foods laden with added sugar, contribute c alories," sugars — is not just the sugar. said Sollid. It's the calories and the fact Some studies have linked that Americans consume too sugar-sweetened b everages much. with obesity and therefore in­ There's an assumption that directly with increased risk of Americans are eating more diabetes. In the Nurses Health sugar than ever, but that's not Study, which is among the the case, Sollid said. We' re just largest and longest-running eating more calories. investigations o n w o m en' s In 2009, Americans con­ health issues, women who sumed about 440 calories per increased their consumption day from caloricsweeteners, of such drinks gained more including sucrose and high weight and had more inci­ fructosecorn syrup. That's not dence of diabetes than those a big stretch from 1989, when who drank less soda. Howev­ the per capita consumption er, women who consumed the was 433 calories. However, most sugar-sweetened bever­ during that 20-year period, the ages were generally less phys­ average daily calorie intake ically active, smoked more, jumped from 2,388to 2,594. had a higher daily caloric in­ A 12-ounce soda has about take and lower daily protein 150 calories, for example. A intake, putting into question piece of frosted chocolate cake whether sugar is solely re­ has 537. sponsible for the disease. "Do you have room in your Some studies that look for a

children, said Bend registered

14g sugar

(105 calories)

two-year work-based program called the Dietary Intervention

23g sugar

(195 calories) — (104 calories)~9 g s ugar (190 calories)

to blame.

trol for all the extra factors,

in children's behavior.

their behavior, they don't find that hyperactive behavior

obese men and women, find­ ing that t r i glyceride levels increased in all cases, but the fructose-sweetened beverages resulted in 200 percent higher levels of triglycerides than the glucose-sweetened ones. The problem with various studies on f r u ctose, Sollid said, is that they look at fruc­ tose in isolation, which doesn' t accurately represent how peo­ ple eat, Sollid said. Plus, most study fructose in exception­ ally high amounts. "Fructose doesn't appear in isolation in nature. When you have f r u ctose, you' re also finding glucose," he said. (Both sucrose and high fruc­ tose corn syrup are about half glucose, half fructose.) "Fruc­ tose wouldn't be the only (sug­ ar) in most products. Fructose can be added to some foods in isolation, like agave syrup, or agave nectar, which would have morefructose content."

Sugar's benefits Sugars contribute to food preservation in products like jams and cured ham. They

create volume in ice cream and baked goods. They en­ hance the texture of m any foods. Most notably, sugars can improve the flavor of i nnu­ merable food items. Sugar itself is devoid of vi­ tamins or minerals, but add­ ing it to nutritious foods can make them more palatable, and therefore increase con­ sumption of certain healthy foods. "It's a l esser-talked-about benefit," said Sollid. "While

(added sugars are) not a source of nutrients or v ita­ mins themselves, they can increase the enjoyment of consumption of good foods, like dairy products, oatmeal, yogurt, whole-grain cereals. These are significant sources of nutrients. Sugar enhances their consumption. When sug­ ars are added, certain foods are more palatable." M any r e searchers h a v e speculated whether adding sugar to products dilutes the nutritional value of the food.

Continued next page

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feed kids sugar and observe

But sure, she said, kids may results from just sugar con­ found no increased aggression behave unpleasantly under cir­ sumption.

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Stealth smoothies put more nutrients into kids' breakfasts

a vs. oo:aconsan sru By Matt Richtel New York Times News Service

They sit t here, five l ittle pasta shells, nestled in a shal­ low bath o f m e lted butter and Parmesan: the remains of dinner for my toddler son and daughter. I cannot help myself. I reach over, grab the pink plastic bowl and scoop a bite into my mouth. At that mo­ ment, I realize something has gone terribly wrong. A decade ago, my cholesterol hit two-alarm levels, and sev­ eraldoctors encouraged me to adopt a healthier diet. I purged the salami and hot dogs from the fridge and learned to love egg whites and low-fat cheese. Still, my cholesterol edged up. I redoubled my discipline. But now there are two small people whose tastes skew the dinner and snack menus: but­ tery cheese and fatty salami, pasta, salty hot dogs, French fries, Goldfish crackers. None are daily staples, but they are hardly strangers. It's in the middle of shoving the rest of the pasta shells into my mouth that I realize how

far I' ve backslid. I play garbage

pail at dinner (proudly, hate to waste that extra bite), and when I'm making a good-night snack for one of my kids, I usu­ ally make one more for myself. A few days ago, I considered eating a piece of mozzarella my daughter had d r opped. Onto the pavement. At the zoo. Sure, a lot of guys can gain weight once they' re married, and then when their wives are pregnant (no woman should drink a milkshake alone). But I discovered there is scant re­ search about what happens to parental diets and weight when children come on the scene, though one nearly de­ cade-old D u k e Un i v ersity study found that a father's risk of obesity rises 4 percent with each child (and a mother's ris­ es 7 percent). Truls Ostbye, a professor of family medicine at Duke who led the research, said the rise in men's weight was more sur­ prising; women have hormonal changes. But the study didn' t reach conclusions about the reasons for the phenomenon. He said he could only specu­ late why fathers gain weight: time forexercise drops, more snacks around the house, less time to prepare food. But there is certainly more going on, I thought. As I hunt­ ed for answers, I reached out to dads who blog about food and cooking, and n utrition experts. They offered some s uggestions for g etting m y diet back on track, and shared some theories about why fa­ therhood can lead to dietary backsliding. "It fits me to a T," moaned Mike Vrobel, father of three in Copley, Ohio, and the author of DadCooksDinner, a blog chronicling his nightly efforts cooking things l ike T-bone steak with olive oil, garlic and rosemary marinade; foil-pouch green beans; and footlong hot

dogs. And he makes carbs, lots and lots of carbs. Not that he

By Heidi Stevens Chicago Tribune

We' re normally all for in­ volving kids in food prep, but we' re going to ask that you go ahead and bar the kitchen door for this one. Del Sroufe, the man be­ hind "Forks Over K n ives

— The Cookbook," is going

Richard Perry /New York Times News Service

John Donohue, right, a food writer, eats dinnerwith his family at their home in New York. For dads, adopting a healthy diet can be hard with children whose tastes skew the dinner and snack menus. From left: Donohue's daughters Aurora, 7, Isis, 5, and his wife, Sarah Schenck. likes it that way, but his three children love them, especially his oldest, Ben, 11. "He's a very p i cky eater across a bunch of cultures," said Vrobel, 44. "Tortillas with nothing on it, white rice with nothing on it, bread with noth­ ing on it." Not long after Ben was born, Vrobel, who is 6 feet 3 inches, dropped to 180 pounds from a high of 260 after rigid power­ dieting, portion control, death to carbs. Then "my weight started to drift back up," he said. "I'm now at 225, or 230. Maybe 235." When a crime is commit­ ted, prosecutors theorize about motive and opportunity. As Vrobel and I talked, we real­ ized the "opportunity" that had emerged to change our diet: Our refrigeratorsand dinner tables had begun to bend to the palates of our children. As to motive, why lick the pasta bowl clean? We agreed that we both felt a desire to not leave uneaten food, to be the garbage paiL Any of us might do it as we clear the table, but I find it an oddly manly feeling, like drinking that last shot to prove something. Maybe it' s something inherited. So what to do? Here are a handful of solutions from fa­ ther-bl d n u trition experts.

og gersan

The ladle-free dinner table Want to avoid being the

mop-up guy at dinner? "Portion the food out on the stove, before you start eating," said Anthony Fabricatore, 37, the seniordirector of research for Nutrisystem and a former obesity researcher at the Uni­ versity of Pennsylvania. "Add a little distance and effort to

When portions are big, our appetites can follow. "Do the

Labels are useful, to a point

Once I became aware how prepackaging for yourself," much my children were dictat­ she said. ing my diet, I started reading nutrition labels, especially the Realitycheckfor cholesterol information. It's a rationalizations bad idea to obsess about labels, Wing said people make up said Adam Drewnowski, di­ all kinds of excuses to keep rector for the Center for Public eating. And she laughed know­ Health Nutrition at the Univer­ ingly when I talked about the sity of Washington. idea that I, and other dads I Also, he said, recognize that talked to, feel as if we don' t your children are simultane­ want to waste food. ously growing and moving all " Your eating food i s n o t the time. They crave energy­ helping anyone else who is dense foods that you may not starving," she pointed out. need. So don't try to purge your house of those foods. Divide and conquer Now that some of the fatty John Donohue, 43, who ed­ foods are going to stay in the ited "Man With a Pan," a book house, here's a look at my op­ about fathers who cook family tions for living with them. dinners, offers a way to please O ne: become I an ascetic, a children without having to get monk, taking deep cleansing the waistline of his pants let breaths before I open the fridge out: He makes a single meal to freemyself ofthe desire for thateveryone can customize. leftover chicken fingers. Not For instance, he might roast going to happen. a chicken with t h yme, red Two: I indulge my taste buds, peppers, onion, garlic and red my paternal machismo and my potatoes. Then he divides the aversion to wasting any food meal into d i fferent serving slathered in butter, arteries be plates: chicken on one, pota­ damned. Good plan, except toes on another and a salad. that will just speed my transi­ Donohue's two daughters, ages tion to a balanced diet of anti­ 5 and 7, can choose what they cholesterol meds. want with their chicken, and Three: Muster some of the he can mix to his own specs. very same discipline I'm trying "I can have more salad, and to teach my children. We don' t they can have more potatoes," let them gorge on television, said Donohue, whose blog is and they generally go to bed at Stay at Stove Dad. He uses the bedtime. same strategy when making, I can pick my spots, too. I say, a big salad so the girls can can scrape some uneaten kid pick the things they like and food into the actual garbage he can mix all the vegetables pail. And hey there, half-eaten together to make something plate of creamy pasta shells, filling. "It keeps the healthy don't sit there staring at me. I'm the man of the house. option on the table," he said.

to get your kids to start their day with kale. They just can't know it. S roufe, lik e t h e d o c u­ mentary his cookbook ac­ companies, touts the ben­ efits of a whole-foods, plant­ based diet. His mean green smoothie is a nutrient-rich, fiber-filled, anti o x idant­ packed dream. But Jamba Juice it ain' t. How do you t ur n y o ur child's morning s moothie — a relatively healthy option — into a breakfast power­ house'? You sneak stuff in. Sroufe's recommendations, with tips for making them palatable:

Chris Walker / Chicago Tribune

Kids might actually likethis fruit-and-kale smoothie.

Mean green smoothie Prep: 10 minutes Makes: 1 drink

1 cup unsweetened almond milk Kale 1 cup frozen berries If i t' s no t t h e w o r ld' s 1 banana, peeled h ealthiest food, it's at t h e 2 cups coarsely chopped top of the list. Cancer-risk kale (ribs removed) lowering, packed with 45 fla­ 'h cup pitted, coarsely vonoids and rich in calcium, chopped dates magnesium and v i t amins B6, A, C and K, kale is a wise Combine all ingredients in a addition to all of our diets. blender; process until smooth Worth breaking out the sur­ and creamy. reptitious moves, in o ther words. Nutrition information: "You really don't notice the Per serving: 483 calories, 4 g taste," he swears. "The thing fat, 0 g saturated fat, 0 mg cho­ is, you see it." lesterol, 119 g carbohydrates, 8 So prepare it behind their g protein, 181 mg sodium, 15 g backs and serve it in a stain­ fiber. less steel container with a tight-fitting lid and a colored straw. Oh, the actual prep: rage, celebratedfor omega­ Remove the ribs of the raw 3s, omega-6s,calcium, pro­ leaves, chop it finely and toss tein and I I grams of fiber per it in the blender. (This works ounce. "You' ve got to grind them equally well with spinach.) really well," Sroufe says. Dates "With kids, especially, it's all Almost al l o f S r o u fe's about texture." s moothie recipes call f o r He recommends using a Medjool dates. (Medjool are good-quality spice mill or, if you' re flush with cash, a the larger, sweeter variety.) "They' re a fiber-adding Vitamix. sweetener with a bunch of vi­ tamins and minerals, versus Coconut water sugar, which is just empty Proponents push this stuff calories," he says. for its electrolytes, potassi­ Swap out your smoothie's um and magnesium. It's also sugary yogurts and juices low in sugar, which makes for u n sweetened a l mond it a good substitute for fruit milk and '/'2 cup of pitted, juice. coarsely chopped dates or 2 Sroufe pairs it with other tablespoons date syrup. tropical flavors like p ine­ apple and mango. One cup Chia seeds will provide plenty of liquid These little guys are all the to juice up your smoothie.

Meet our latest commitment to ' your health.

get a second helping." And try portioning the food in the fridge, like cutting the block of Cheddar into small containers. That's the advice of

Rena Wing, professor of psy­ chiatric behavior at the Alp­ ert Medical School at Brown University, where she studies weight loss tactics. Her point:

From previous page

of Americans' diets. The World Health Organiza­ tion says added sugars should not exceed 10 percent of one' s total calories, although the or­ ganization acknowledges that the recommendation may not be basedentirely on science. The Institute of Medicine Di­ etary Reference Intakes offers no specific guidelines for add­ ed sugars, but recommends that Americans get 45 to 65 percent of their calories from carbohydrates. (People need a minimum of 130 grams of car­ bohydrates per day for proper brain function.) While sugar is a carbohydrate, Sollid said that's not a license to get half of one'scalories from sugar. How much istoo much? Most people don't get enough There's no true consensus fiber and nutrients. Fruits and on an upper limit for sugar vegetables are nutrient-dense intake. carbohydrates which also pro­ Policymakers have consid­ vide ample sugar for the body ered thequestion based on the to function. idea that sugars can contribute The Academy of Nutrition to excess calories and that they and Dietetics issued a position may dilute the nutritional den­ paper recently that said con­ sity of a food. But the commit­ sumers can safely enjoy sug­ tee that regularly updates and ars so long as they' re within revises the Dietary Guidelines national recommendations for for Americans has merely said nutrition needs and calories. "A preferenceforsweet taste that solid fats and added sug­ ars combined should comprise is innateand sweeteners can no more than 5 to 15 percent of increase the pleasure of eat­ a person's daily calories. Solid ing," the paper said. fats and added sugars current­ — Reporter: 541-383-0304, ly compriseabout 35 percent aaurand@bendbulletin.corn One study found that people who consumed more than 18 percent of their total calories from added sugar didn't meet t he recommended daily a l ­ lowance for many nutrients. But another study found a different kind of finding: For children a n d ad o l escents, added sugars in a diet indi­ cated lower consumption of dairy and fruits, but higher in­ take of grains, vitamin C and and iron. The consumption of sweetened dairyproducts, such as flavored milk, and sweetened cereals, increases the consumption of calcium, iron and folate.


Rebecca Sherer,MD St. Charles Infectious Disease St. Charles Health System welcomes Dr. Rebecca Sherer to our team of physicians, Dr, Sherer attended medical school at Tulane University and trained at Tripler and Walter ReedArmy Medical Centers. Her broad academic and military training, including a deployment as a staff combat physician in Iraq, enable her to tackle the toughest of infections in her patients. Dr. Sherer frequently collaborates with her husband, pulmonologist Kevin Sherer, to treat patients with the most severe and life threatening infections. When not at work, Dr, Sherer enjoys horseback riding along Oregon trails and spending time with her husband and two children.

St. Charles INFECTIOUS DISEASE 541-706-4878

StCharlesHealthCare.org QB


FITNESS Abigal Moriearty, 9, is tossed in the air by partner Raquel Mejia­ Trujillo, 12, during prac­ tice for their acrobatic gymnastics routine in Piano, Texas, last month. Katte Cnrrtd

Dallas Morning News

'BiggestLoser'contestant's success motivates others By Cassandra Spratling

Ann Ander­ son, shown on a morning run in Ann Arbor, Mich., was inspired by a former contestant on "The Big­ gest Loser" television show and has lost more than 50 pounds with methods learned from his classes.


Detroit Free Press

DETROIT — She doubted she could lose a lot of weight, so Ann A n derson set her sights low. Twenty pounds. That was her goal when she signed up for Pete Thomas' "Lose It Fast/Lose It Forever"



"I'd tried in the past," An­ derson says. " I'd lose 10 p ounds and gain it — a n d more — back." But that was two years and

60 pounds ago.

Gymnastics Continued from F1 More than 4 25,000 ki ds a ges 6-17 were hurt w h i l e participating i n g y m nastics from 1990 to 2005, with 67,810 in 2011, according to the U.S. Consumer P r oduct S a f ety Commission. The average age of those injured was 11, and 82 percent of the injured were

girls. Even so, for children, gym­ nastics ranks well behind bi­ cycling, basketball, football, baseball and soccer among the leading causes of sports injuries, according to the Na­ tional Safe Kids Campaign and the American Academy of Pediatrics. Abigail's doctor, Richard Rhodes, orthopedic and sports medicine doctor fo r T e x as

Health Ben Hogan Sports Medicine, says he sees inter­ est in gymnastics peak in his patients around the Olympics and expects sign-ups to be particularly strong with a new team of American gymnasts winning the gold. "Any time th e A m erican teams do well, it gets a lot of youngsters excited," he says. Some experts worry about t raumatic injuries, such a s head and spinal damage. Dr. Sabatino Bianco, a neurosur­ geon at Texas Health Arling­ ton Memorial Hospital, says he's treated athletes who have attempted unfortunate flips and somersaults, particularly on trampolines. (The Consum­ er Product Safety Commission lists trampolines as seventh among the top activities that send kids to emergency rooms, behind basketball, bicycling, football, soccer, baseball and

skateboarding.) Many injuries can be pre­ vented with careful condition­ ing, training and safety mea­ sures, including those trained as spotters to catch athletes beforethey fall,expertssay. Some injuries, however, are hard to prevent even with the best care, Rhodes notes. Abigail sprained a wrist on a bad landing in June that took more than three months to heal. Olympic champion McK­ ayla Maroney fractured her left tibia Sept. 9 when she fell on her uneven bars dismount during the second stop of the Kellogg's Tour of Gymnastic


Safety advice Here's more safety advice from slow reflexes and make them Abigail's doctor, mother, coach

and Abigail herself. Dr. Richard Rhodes, Abigail's


tired. Moriearty gives Abigail

an apple andwater before practice. • Make the dreamers sleep. Abigail goes to bed by 7:30 except for the nights that

• Pick your facility with care. You want the highest

possible ratio of experienced spotters to students who

are knowledgeable about preventing injury. • Prepare. Improve your core strength before you try new moves— yourabdominals, lower back muscles andhip muscles as well as overall conditioning. • When in doubt, check it out.

Small overuse stress injuries can become fractures or

practice ends at 8:30; shegoes to bed right after practice on those nights.

Brandi Wren, Abigail's coach: • Show up. Kids get injured when they don't keep up with their conditioning and are not

at classes consistently enough to learn the techniques.

• Practice makes perfect. Never do a move on the floor that you haven't done at least100 times

successfully with a spotter.

• Listen. I always tell them, "If properly evaluated, treated and at first you don't succeed, then do what Coachsays." rested right away. Abigail: Alice Mnriearty, Abigail's sources of chronic pain if not

rnm: • Observe. When youhave a

child who won't tell you when she's in pain, look for subtle

signs of injury, such asbeing extra quiet or holding a penor pencil, fork or spoon strangely or transferring things into the

other hand. • Put your best food forward. Kids should limit sweets and

carbohydrates, as theycan

• Be disciplined. Keepyour body tight and not loosey­ goosey.

• Bond with teammates. You

have to trust your base —your partner who is catching you. • Listen to your coach. Coach says, "If at first you don't succeed, then do what Coach says," but I say, "Just do what

Coach says andyou' ll succeed the first time."

GYM SAFETY Dr. Grant L. Jones and Dr. Brian R. Wolf of Stop Sports Injuries

(stopsportsinjuries.orgj say parents should makesure that coaches: • Have gymnasts wear safety gear, including wrist guards, hand grips, footwear, ankle or elbow braces, andpads. • Make first aid available at competitions and practices. • Inspect equipment to ensure it's in good condition, including

padded floors, secured mats underevery apparatus andsafety harnesses for learning difficult moves. • Insist on spotters when learning new skills.

A bigail p r a ctices t h r e e times a week, which is about as much as kids should do, Rhodes and B ianco agree. Overuse and simple stress leave gymnasts v u lnerable to injuries in the ankles, feet, lower back, knees, wrists and hands, they say. These injuries are rarely severe at the out­ set, but if untreated they can lead tochronic pain and bone fractures. They can be of particular concern for growing children who run the risk of damaging

growth plates with prolonged exercise that requires lifting or impact in the critical years before puberty when bones mature, Bianco says. Engaging in multiple sports is not only better for the body in preventing overuse, but can generate additional pathways in the brain that lead to a more complete cerebellum, Bianco says. Abigail follows that advice; her mother was driving her to her other passion, ballet, after


Anderson lost that weight and became more active thanks to Thomas, a walking­ talking testimony to the ability to lose weight, keep it off and become fitter and healthier in the process. Thomas, 44, of Ann Arbor, Mich., once tipped the scales at 401 pounds. He began dropping weight after becom­ ing a contestant on the hit NBC reality show, "The Big­ gest Loser." Three months in, in May 2005, he was voted off the show. But he t ook w h a t h e' d learned there, plus what he learned on his own, to become the show's most successful at­ home weight-loss contestant. He lost 83 pounds on "The Biggest Loser" and another 102 after leaving the show. He has — literally — become half the man he used to be. Thomas was s o e x cited about what he had accom­ p lished and w hat h e h a d learned that he started teach­ ing others through seminars, boot camps and corporate wellness programs, coaching and coaxing numerous others to shed weight and become fitter. Anderson, 46, of Pinckney, Mich., had tried to lose weight many ways. She knew she was in for something different the first day of Thomas' 10­ week program. "I' ll never forget it," she said. nHe said, 'We need to make a decision to commit now or quit.' That really struck me because that told me this guy is not in it for money or fame. We had paid for the class and he was telling us 'I'd rather

Regina H. Boone Detroit Free Press

She has kept it off for about eight months now. What made the difference for Anderson, a hair stylist who'd been overweight all her adult life? She says she learned how to eat smarter and exercise more in ways that made it stick, and it became so rou­ tine she doesn't think about it anymore. "Every week he focused on a specific topic and gave us homework assignments," she recalls. nIt wasn't just coming to class and sitting and listen­ ing. He had challenges every week, and hemade them fun and interesting." For example, one day the classwent to a grocery store and participants competed to find the lowest- and highest­ calorie food items. "Some of the foods I thought were low­ calorie weren' t," Anderson says. Getting active also made a huge differencefor Anderson and others. nI remember the first time he told us to run on a treadmill for 15 minutes," she says. "I thought, 'Oh my God! He's crazy."' But then h e t a lked her through it. nHe said, "Run two minutes, walk one min­ ute.' Well, you sort of feel like you can do anything for two minutes." The two minutes turned into 15, and five months later, give you your money back be­ in October 2010, she ran her cause we want serious people first half-marathon. This Oc­ here.' tober, she' ll run her fifth. "Then, when you see that "I think about how crazy I life-size poster of him when thought he was when he told he was that 400-pound person us to run 15 minutes, and now and you see what he looks like I' ve been running two hours now, it's inspiring." every Monday for the past Anderson ended up losing two years," she says. 27 pounds during the class, U nlike A n d erson, A n n and eventually shed 33 more. Guttman, 46, of Ann Arbor

was physically active. She biked and she played soccer and field hockey, but over time she packed 20 extra pounds onto her 4-foot-8 frame. S he didn't think i t w a s possible because she was so active. But one of the most im­ portant things Thomas told her: "You can't outrun your mouth." Guttman realized she was

engaging in s elf-defeating behavior. "I'd go on a 40-mile bike ride and eat a huge plate of food at the Coney Island afterward," she says. "I'm little, but I can pack away the

groceries." Guttman st a r te d the p rogram in F ebruary a n d dropped 20 pounds before the class ended in April. She did it by increasing the amount of

exercising she does, adding strength training to her regi­ men and choosing lower-calo­ rie options when she goes to restaurants. Not only did Guttman lose weight, but painful symptoms of arthritis disappeared, she

says. She and others say team spirit built into the program — which Thomas calls the se­ cretsauce of success— is also extremely encouraging,both in person in th e seminars and boot camps and online through a private Facebook page where members post successes and c h a llenges and connect with w orkout buddies. "You can post that you' re looking for someone to walk or run at a particular park and a particular time and you' re bound to get at least two or three people respond­ ing that they' ll join you,n Gutt­ man says.

­ ' •




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From Bins, $0.65/Ib­ WANTED: RAZORS, For More Ads w/case 8 3 cartridges, www.getcowgirlcash.corn MUST include spe­ GoldenDelicious, Red Double or single­ $450. 541-420-9599 The Bulletin Kittens/cats avail. thru Hay, Grain & Feed cies and cost per Delicious, Cameo, edged, straight Custom made female rescue group. Tame, Wanted: Collector cord to better serve Granny Smith. razors, shaving Antiques & black-powder wool Dachshund AKC minis shots, altered, ID chip, seeks high quality Wanted: Irrigated farm our customers. BRING CONTAINERS brushes, mugs 8 wheaton, red, choc, dpi Collectibles squaw dress & leggings, more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call fishing items. ground, under pivot ir­ Closed Tue, Wed, open scuttles, strops, unadorned, with acces­ parents here, vet check re: other days. 65480 Call 541-678-5753, or riqation, i n C e n tral Thur.-Mon. 10-4 pm shaving accessories www.bendweenies.corn sories. $150 obo. 78th St., Bend , The Bulletin reserves 503-351-2746 eerereg Central Oregon stoke 1903 OR. 541-419-2713 Visit us on Facebook & memorabilia. 541-280-0112 or $375-425 541-508-4558 5 41-389-8420; 598 ­ the right to publish all for updates Fair prices paid. Wanted Ruger 10/22 541-536-2412 5488; photos, etc. at ads from The Bulletin Wheat Straw: Certified 8 Call 541-390-7029 R ifle, p l ease c a l l Dry Juniper Firewood Beddinq Straw & Garden Also we are at the Bend www.craftcats.org newspaper onto The DO YOU HAVE Farmer's at between 10 am-3 pm. 541-771-5648. Moving Sale - Snow tires $200 per cord, split. Straw; ompost.546-6171 Drake Park Markets Internet web­ SOMETHING TO & St. Charles Lab Puppies, yellows 8 Bulletin w/rims, 5-hole pattern, 1/2 cords available. SELL 253 b lacks, males 8 f e ­ site. Aurora 215x70x15, used Immediate delivery! FOR $500 OR Items for Free males, $200 ea., no season. Poker table, 541-408-6193 TV, Stereo 8 Video LESS? papers, 541-771-5511 Serving Ceotret Oregon since l903 good cond. Coffee table Non-commercial FREE Llama Manure 34' Sony Trinitron '05 8 2 end tables. Recum­ Labradoodles - Mini & advertisers may Shovel ready, you haul! bant bike. Newer roll-top Gardening Supplies med size, several colors place an ad with desk. 541-815-6826 Call 541-389-7329 Coins & Stamps 541-4 8 0-5950 541-504-2662 • & E q uipment oui' www.alpen-ridge.corn "QUICK CASH Northwest Pickers Private collector buying e Call a Pro SPECIAL & Vendors. Pets & Supplies Labrador AKC p u ps, o stage stamp a l ­ For newspaper In The Bulletin's print and 1 week 3 lines 12 Sale Saturday's start­ choc/blk/yellow, males ums & c ollections, Whether you need a delivery, call the ot e~eeke cot ing Oct. 13th - March Cock-a-Poo pups, small 8 females, exlnt hunters/ world-wide and U.S. fence fixed, hedges Circulation Dept. at online Classifieds. Ad must include male $250; female $300, at Mason's Hall, 1036 familydogs. $500-$600 573-286-4343 (local, 541 -385-5800 trimmed or a house CASH 541-546-7909 price of single item NE 8th St., Bend. each. 1st shots 8 dew­ cell ¹) To place an ad, call built, you' ll find of $500 or less, or ormed. In Lebanon, OR, Behind 7-11 on 8th St. <QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES!e 541-385-5809 multiple items 1-707-775-5809 or The Bulletin recom­ professional help in Wanted- paying cash or email Modern amenitiesandall thequiet, whose total does www.facebook.corn/ claeetfted@bendbk II atn.corn Ski Equipment • mends extra caution The Bulletin's "Call a for Hi-fi audio & stu­ amandito.casteen ,'you will need. Room to grow in,' when purc h as­ not exceed $500. dio equip. Mclntosh, Service Professional" ing products or ser­ Set eg CentralOregon t ote tette ,'your own little paradise! Call now.,' Labradors AKC: black 8 Ski Helmet w/glasses, 2 Call Classifieds at J BL, Marantz, D y ­ e vices from out of the sets ski Poles, 2 pairs Directory choc; dewciaws, athletic 541-385-5809 naco, Heathkit, San­ area. Sending cash, skis, Pair of ski boots, parentsfern $450 male 541-385-5809 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. SUPER TOP SOIL checks, or credit in­ www.bendbulletin.corn $75 all, 541-388-9270 $400 541 4'10 g0'00 www.hershe sotlandbark.corn Call 541-261-1808 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, f ormation may b e Screened, soil & com­ Pioneer Digital Receiver We are three adorable, loving subjected to fraud. English Bulldog eminia­ Labradors, quality! AKC, high wattage,$70 Firm post m i x ed , no WHEN YOU SEE THIS ture" puppies. $800 2 black 2 choc 1 white For more i nforma­ Golf Equipment • rocks/clods. High hu­ Jim 541 382 1627. puppies looking for acaring home. fern., $500. Suitable for tion about an adver­ obo. 2 Male, 2 Fe­ mus level, exc. f or ~Oo dogs. 541-536-5385 Cobra Z L a d j ustable Please call right away.$500. 255 tiser, you may call male 2 brindle, 2 tan. svc flower beds, lawns, hiip //www welcomelabs.corn the O r egon State 541-233-8096 d river, 1 0 .5 , $ 9 5 . Computers gardens, straight On a classified ad Attorney General' s POODLEpups, AKC toy 541-923-8271 s creened to p s o il. FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck English Bulldog Office Co n s umer go to POM-A-POO pups, toy. T HE B U LLETIN r e ­ Bark. Clean fill. De­ Puppies www.bendbulletin.corn Protection hotline at can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, So cute! 541-475-3889 liver/you haul. quires computer ad­ AKC registered, 1st 1-877-877-9392. to view additional Guns, Hunting 541-548-3949. vertisers with multiple and a tough V8 engine will get shots 8 microchipped. photos of the item. ad schedules or those Poodle (Toy) Pup­ & Fishing Ready to go! the job done 00 the ranch! selling multiple sys­ pies 2 little black Serving Central Oregon since 1903 $2000. 541 416-0375 261 • Lo s t 8 Found g irls l e ft . H o m e 300 H&8/98 Mauser, w/ tems/ software, to dis­ Foster homes needed for raised 8 s p o iled. 3x9 Tasco s cope, close the name of the Medical Equipment AUSSIES, MI N I/TOY too s m all t o $250 ea. SENIOR range finder, spotting business or the term Found Cat, really plain AKC, all colors, must ka ittens lter/adopt. Res c ue Adult Walker s cope, 2 boxe s "dealer" in their ads. tabby, NW Bend. Call see, parents on site. roup provides cage, discount. with seat, $50. For an addifional a mmo, $1200 , Private party advertis­ to I.D., 541-382-0094 541-771-0522 541-598-5314/788-7799 ood, supplies, vet care; Call 541-388-4624 541-490-5440 ers are d efined as '2.00 per defy Found: Toy Horses in 541-475-3697. Call The Bulletin At you provide a safe, car­ those who sell one ing short- term home. Queensland Heelers Orig. Boxes, etc., Hwy computer. 541-385-5809 541 389 8420 or 598 standard 8 mini,$150 & Bend local pays CASH!! W. Of B'end, '10/5, Snow Removal Equipment 20 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 5488, www.craftcats.org up. 541-280-1537 http: I/ for Guns, Knives & 256 541-382-2682. Ammo. 541-526-0617 At: www.bendbulletin.corn nghtwayranch.wordpress.corn Photography German Shorthair AKC MTD 22" 2-stage Yard Look at: Barn/shop cats FREE, Pups, FC Tonelli's Ris­ Yorkie male puppies (2), CASH!! Machine snowblower, Bendhomes.corn To place your ad, visit www.bendbulletin.corn Photo Printer, Epson some tame, some not. ing Sun bred, 4 females, 8 weeks, vet checked & For Guns, Ammo 8 179cceOHV, $125. for Complete Listings of or call 385-5809 We deliver! Fixed, shots. 3 males, $600 ea. shots, c a n del i ver, Reloading Supplies. Stylus Pro 4000,per­ MTD 21 single stage, 541-389-8420 541-598-6988 541-408-6900. Area Real Estate for Sale $600. 541-792-0375 fect, $500, 504-8316 $125. 541-923-8271 A1 Washers & Dryers

C Z 55 0

S a fari, 4 1 6 Rig by, $1,050, call

$150 ea. Full war­ ranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355

Rc Bzksc



Ii i i i




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541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.corn


Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Didn't wait to make the decision

6 Be a couch potato, say 9 Bawls out 14 Brings on 15 "My life is 17 Hoffman who co-founded the Yippies 18 Culturally ahead

35 Home security measure 36 It was created by two volcanoes 38 Italian city associated with the real-life Saint Nicholas 39 Tumbler locale 40 "The Commandments" (1958 hit) 41 "I agree 100%" 42 Fire 43 " q u e?" 44 Uses a powder

of the times 19 Italian hangout 21 What a raised hand may signify puff on, say 46 Facetious words 22 There's one between the ulna of enlightenment and the radius 47 Sources of some 23 Free tweets 26 Tennis's Sanchez 48 Hardly an Vicario instance of modesty 27 Minor hits? 52 Finally cracks 28 Goons 54 Blink of an eye 29 Succeeds 54 Nitpicked 31 Long-distance call? 56 Print producer 32 Creator of 58 Town in a Hersey U.P.C.'s novel

60 Composer


Camille Saint­

61 Cap site 62 Is l and, Fla. 63 College application need 64 Wilfred Owen's

"Dulce et Decorum 65 Pentium source




8 E I G E P A I N T



8 I E 8 E R F EV E R









Down character who says "I now prophesy that I will dismember my dismemberer" 2 Domestic relationship 3 Protection for a mechanic, say 4 Opposite of morn 5 What Ariz. and Hawaii are the only two states not to have












Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Sate


Tuesday • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Mone Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Tuese













46 48 4 9





45 47








30 As it might be

51 Editor Brown

38 Hotties

said 43 Pursue some 52 lmpales e-mail chicanery 32 2001 Sean Penn 53 Dawn fil m 45 Sacked out 33 Splinter 46 Like craft shops, 55 Jean Renoir's typically field 33 Routine with

a one-handed freeze, say 34 Diner giveaways 37 Houston ice hockey pro

48 Actual, after "in" 49 Info on college applications 50 Some stadi um cries

57 Some winter wear 58 " wrong?" 59 Writer Brown

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.corn/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past

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Schools & Training



f Ji)TJ IJJ~

LWatt Way, Bend. Q




standard 16 Poet who made radio broadcasts in support of Mussolini 20 Actor Lew 22 Setup for a surprise party 24 Six-footer? 25 Performed pitifully 27 "Twilight" girl 28 Queens's Stadium

this week. 1099 NE 1




476 0

6 15

Can be found on these pages :

EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools andTraining 454- Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-HomePositions 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 486 - Independent Positions



6 Clouds, e.g. 7 Choice 8 Suburb of Cairo 9 Indian nobles

JZI: ~ M &







1 Fictional

10 Jet 11 Somewhat I D L E 12 Flirt hi g h P U M A 13







Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

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Remember.... Sales A dd your we b a d ­ Telephone prospecting dress to your ad and position for important I professional services. readers on The pote n tial Bulletin' s web site Income will be able to click $50,000. (average in­ through automatically come 30k-35k) op­ l portunity f o r ad­ to your site. vancement. Base & l Commission, Health l Advertise your car! and Dental Benefits. Add A Picture! Will train the right per­ Reach thousands of readers! son. Fax resume to: Call 541-385-5809 l The Bulletin Classlfieds 541-848-6408.

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Loans 8 Mortgages WARNING

The Bulletin recom­

problem, good equity is all you need. Call now. Oregon Land Mortgage 388-4200. LOCAL MONEYtWe buy secured trust deeds & note, some hard money loans. Call Pat Kelley 541-382-3099 ext.13.

mends you use cau­ Reverse Mortgages tion when you pro­ by local expert Mike vide personal LeRoux NMLs57716 information to compa­ Call to learn more. nies offering loans or 541-350-7839 credit, especially Security1 Lending those asking for ad­ NMLS98161 vance loan fees or companies from out of Good classified ads tell state. If you have the essential facts in an concerns or ques­ interesting Manner. Write tions, we suggest you from the readers view - not consult your attorney the seller' s. Convert the or call CONSUMER facts into benefits. Show HOTLINE, the reader how the item will 1-877-877-9392. help them in someway.

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For Equal Opportunity L aws: Oregon B u ­ reau of Labor & In­ ESTATE SALE: 1605 YA R D / MOVING SALE 1st EVER EASTMONT Garage Sale, Fri-Sat, Clawfoot tub, G set, 0 dustry, C i vil Rights 8-1, 61879 Avonlea Cir. track, HO mags, books, Division, 55th St., (from Hwy 126 60 years' worth! Fri-Sat., SCHOOL RUMM AG E Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. take Helmholz north 1.5 9 - 5 . 1424 NW Albany. SALE! Furniture, toys, Baby/kid items, furni­ t ools RV , T V Di s h , 971-673-0764 MuSt have reliable, inSured VehiCle. miles, left on Maple, L o t s of tools, household, tools, sporting goods, ture, office & more! fountains, collectible sml antiques, more! cars, (4) P215/75R15 on If you have any ques­ right on 55th) Redmond, decor, clothes, home­ Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 Oak dining set, 2 oak school supplies, etc. HUGE Moving Sale!! alum whls, air hockey, tions, concerns or bedroom sets, other fur­ Just bought a new boat? Sat 10/13 7:30am-3pm Everything must go!!! foosball table, more! 9-4 comments, contact: during business hours Fri-Sat, SW Quail, CRR niture. Antiques, kitch­ Sell your old one in the 21010 Wilderness Way. 62425 Eagle Rd, Bend Classified Department apply via email at online©bendbulletjn.corn enware, computers, air classitieds! Ask about our Fri., Sat. & Sun., 9-5. (Terrebonne) Call 541­ The Bulletin Super Seller rates! 460-3854. compressor, garage 8 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 shop items, other misc 290 ** FREE ** Everything must go! Fur­ Fri-Sat, 9am-4pm. Sales Redmond Area niture, camping equip, The Bulletin Garage Sale Kit gardening, tools, house­ house Estate Sales. Sales Southwest Bend Place an ad in The Bulletin for your ga­ ESTATE/MOVING hold goods. Thurs-Fri­ Check out the Sat, 8-4,12420 SW Wah­ rage sale and re­ SALE Woodworkers Paradise! ceive classifieds online a Garage Sale 2800 sq . f t . v i n tage kiakum, Powell Butte. Estate of an avid crafts­ www.bendbulletin.corn man, includes: Oewait, Kit FREE! home full, i mmacu­ HUGE Yard Sale! Updated daily Bosc h , D e lta, Porter­ late newer items, oak Fri-Sat, 9-4 — Furniture, KIT INCLUDES: items include armoire, tools, toys, everything! 't' '" " " ' tk ' t h r s • 4 Garage Sale Signs ESTATE SALE Oct 12 dinning set , c h i na 6080 SW Cougar Rd, in tk13, 9-2Pm. furniture, tools. A'Iso have books a • $2.00 Off Coupon To cabinet, roll top desk, Crooked River Ranch. Tvs, ' housewares, 'photography equip. Fri­ Use Toward Your mission ent. center, 2 LARGE Garage Sale­ guns, art, collectibles Sat 10/12-13, gam-2pm, Next Ad desks, queen & twin Sports equipment, tools, and m o re . 6 0 67 3 6 0g41 Piatinum Prive. • 10 Tips For "Garage beds, loveseat, rock­ clothing, home decor, Sale Success!" Teton Ct. Bend e rs, r e cliner, t w i n something for everyone! ' 26 Dorothy Stenkamp sleeper, side tables, 9-4 Fri-Sat. 7605 Joshua "t' PICK UP YOUR rugs, kitchen, freezer, Ct., in Powell Butte MOVING SALE GARAGE SALE KIT at mini fridge, BBQ, pa­ 123 NW Vicksburg, Bend 1777 SW Chandler tio set, electronics, of­ Sale: Ave., Bend, OR 97702 fice items, tools 8 ga­ Multi-Family Fri. & Sat. • Oct.12 &13 • gt o 5 ONLY! Sat/Sun 9-5; 319 E. rage items, lots of Crowd control admittance numbers Helen' s, Sisters; The Bulletin outdoor, antique desk, St. at 8:00 a.m. Friday sen na ceneal 0 egon5mce 1903 Furn., A r t, dresser, trunk, glass­ Tools, Bike, Kayak, Dirt Bike (Take Portland Avenue to Awbrey Street, turn ware & china, jewelry Helmets 8 Bo o ts; right and follow up the hill to Vicksburg. Check Fri. & Sat., Oct. 1 2th­ & more! E lectronics; m i s c . map in phone book) Fri-Sat 9 a.m.-4 p.m. 13th, 9 -3 , 2057 9 hsehld & much more! HOME ON THE HILL FOR SALE!!! Unique sale Shaniko Ln, off Boyd 151 NW Canyon Dr., has lots of small collectibles and other items. Acres, Halloween & Redmond Antique Kitchen cabinet with flour and sugar C hristmas dec o r , control numbers Terrebonne - Parking bins; Antique hall tree; 4 gallon Red Wing crock; women's clothes, bed­ CrowdFri. Lot Sale!! Sat. Only, at 8 a.m. Barley twist leg table w/ painted grain; Lots of sheets, books, table 8-3, 8222 N Hwy 97. Attic Estates 8 tins and bottles; Antique Embossed tin dome top top rollup desk, plastic Furniture, tools, com­ Appraisals trunk; Packard Bell table model radio; Cast medical bench, www.atticestatesan­ plete hous e hold metal loud speaker; Pottery and glassware; Lots transfer items. Don't Miss!! dappraisals.corn of clothes and shoes; Washer and Dryer; Re­ 8 lots of misc. items. 541-350-6822 frigerator; Nice wicker day bed; Wicker chair NOTICE Yard Sale, and ottoman; More baskets than I can count; Multi-Family Fri-Sat, 8-4, 2116 & People Look for Information Remember to remove Linens;More books than we've seen lately;and 2108 NE Monterey Ave. your Garage Sale signs About Products and more CDs and Vinyl records that we can sell; If you' re working hard just to make ends meet and have one or more children Computer, furniture. (nails, staples, etc.) Services Every Day through Computer, Desk chairs; Jewelry; Candles; Lots Jewelry: silver, pearls, after your Sale event of Christmas items; Sofa; electric snow blower; The Bulletin Classirteds living with you, you may qualify for the EITC. Think of it as a reward for doing opaque gemstones. is over! THANKS! Vacuum; chairs; Garden tools; Older TVs; En­ omen's clothes,coats, From The Bulletin tertainment center; Two bookcase units; Pic­ Wurses, one of life's most beautiful, most important and most loving jobs. Visit our shoes. Electrical Fundraiser Sale! S at. and your local utility tures; Prints; Patio Table and chairs and out­ ousewares. 10/1 3, Bam-3pm, 436 Yard misc. companies. door furniture; Set of Royal Doulton" Grantham" Web site or ask your tax preparer if you qualify. SW Antler. Proceeds china; Lionel train, about 45 years old; Antique benefit Girls ASA Soft­ The Bulletin 288 ice cream maker, sad shape; Lots and lots of serena Central Oregonsece 803 ball. Clothes, furniture, Because when it comes to getting more for your family, consider it done. magazines; Small electrical appliances; Sterling Sales Southeast Bend sports equipment, more! www.bendbulletin.corn silver spoons and jewelry. Please be consider­ A message from the Internal Revenue Service. ate of the neighbors - Parking is awkward!!!!! Estate Sale: Sat-Sun 8-4, Help! We' re overloaded! The Internal Handled by... Find exactly what (Sun 1/2 price), 61328 Books 8 little of every­ Deedy's Estate Sales Co. Yakwahtin Ct, furniture, thing else, incl ' 73 Chev you are looking for in the www.lrs.gov/eltc g~/ ] Revenue Service 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves appl,housewares, books, Pickup! Fri-Sat 9-4, CLASSIFIEDS www.deedysestatesales.corn washer/dryer, etc. 1686 C Ave., Terrebonne Estate Sales

Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Southeast Bend

Sales Other Areas

* Prineville *

The Bulletin

The Earned Income Tax Credit. You may have earned it. Why not claim it?






I •


RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space

f • •


682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719- Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730- New Listings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 -Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land

Commercial for Rent/Lease Spectrum professional building, 2 5 0 '-500', $1.00 per ft. total. No N NN. C a l l An d y ,



o0ll (




• 8 •

BOATS & RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RV's for Rent

I •

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles

Sea Kayaks - His & Hers, Eddyline Wind fiberglass Motorcycles & Accessories Dancers,17', boats, all equip incl., paddies, personal flo­ Harley Davidson Soft­ tation devices,dry bags, Tail De l u xe 2 0 0 7 , spray skirts, roof rack w/ white/cobalt, w / pas­ towers & cradles — Just senger kit, Vance & add water, $1250/boat Hines muffler system Firm. 541-504-8557. & kit, 1045 mi., exc. 880 c ond, $19,9 9 9 , 541-389-91 88. Motorhomes 745 Harley Heritage Homes for Sale Softail, 2003 $5,000+ in extras, Travel Trailers Fifth Wheels 0 BANK OWNED HOMES! $2000 paint job, . mE9 FREE List w/Pics! 30K mi. 1 owner, www.BendRepos.corn For more information bend and beyond real estate 20967 yeoman, bend or please call 541-385-8090 Country Coach Intrigue or 209-605-5537 2002, 40' Tag axle. NOTICE 400hp Cummins Die­ All real estate adver­ sel. tw o s l ide-outs.Pioneer Spirit 1 8CK, Fleetwood Wilderness tised here in is sub­ HD FAT BOY 4 1,000 m iles, n e w 2007, used only 4x, AC, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, ject to t h e F e deral 908 1996 tires & batteries. Most electric tongue j ack, rear bdrm, fireplace, F air H o using A c t , Completely rebuilt/ Aircraft, Parts options. $95,000 OBO $8995. 541-389-7669 AC, W/D hkup beau­ which makes it illegal customized, low 541-678-5712 & Service tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. to advertise any pref­ miles. Accepting of­ 541-815-2380 erence, limitation or fers. 541-548-4807 discrimination based on race, color, reli­ HD Screaming Eagle gion, sex, handicap, Electra Glide 2005, familial status or na­ 103" motor, two tone tional origin, or inten­ candy teal, new tires, Springdale 2005 27', 4' tion to make any such 23K miles, CD player, Econoline RV 19 8 9, s lide in dining/living area,K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 1/3 interest in Colum­ 642 642 preferences, l i mita­ fully loaded, exc. cond, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 slide, AC, TV, awning. bia 400, located at hydraulic clutch, ex­ 35K orig. mi., $19,750. obo. 541-408-3811 Apt./Multiplex Redmond Apt./Multiplex Redmond tions or discrimination. NEW: tires, converter, cellent condition. Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. We will not knowingly Call 541-546-6133. batteries. Hardly used. Call 541-647-3718 Highest offer takes it. 2 Bdrm 1 bath, larqe unit, Duplex 3 bdrm, 2 bath, accept any advertis­ 541-480-8080. Want to impress the $15,500. 541-923-2595 no smkg/pets. WI'S/G & 1260 sq.ft., 1 story, ga­ ing for r eal e state 1/3 interest i n w e l l­ Say "goodbuy" relatives? Remodel as paid; $550/mo. 358 rage w/opener, fenced which is in violation of Honda Elite 80 2 001, equipped IFR Beech your home with the to that unused W 17th St. Call Gael, ard, RV/Boat parking, this law. All persons 1400 mi., absolutely B onanza A 36 , l o ­ 541-350-2095 help of a professional ridge, dishwasher, mi­ are hereby informed like new., comes w/ cated KBDN. $55,000. item by placing it in cro, walk-in laundry, that all dwellings ad­ carrying rack for 2" from The Bulletin's 541-419-9510 Just bought a new boat? W/S/G paid, front gard­ vertised are available receiver, ideal for use The Bulletin Classifieds "Call A Service Sell your old one in the ner paid, $775+dep., on an equal opportu­ w/motorhome, $995, Hangar Professional" Directory MONTANA 3585 2008, Executive 605 classifieds! Ask about our 541-604-0338 541-546-6920 nity basis. The Bulle­ at Bend Airport 541 -385-5809 Super Seller rates! exc. cond., 3 slides, tin Classified (KBDN) Roommate Wanted king bed, Irg LR, Arc­ 60' wide x 50' deep, 541-385-5809 652 Softail DeluXe tic insulation, all op­ 750 w/55' wide x 17' high Housemate wanted to Houses for Rent CAN'T BEAT THIS! 2010, 805 miles, PUBLISHER' S tions $37,500. bi-fold door. Natural share home w/owner, Redmond Homes L ook before y o u NW Bend Black Chameleon. 541-420-3250 NOTICE gas heat, office, bath­ own bath, storage & buy, below market $17,000 garage, $350/mo+1/2 All real estate adver­ Kayaker Special! 2 Bdrm Redmond Worry Free value! Size & mile­ Nuyya 29 7LK Hi t c h­ room. Parking for 6 tising in this newspa­ Call Don @ utils, 541-420-5546 Certified Home $149,000 age DOES matter! Springdale 29' 2 0 07, Hiker 2007, 3 slides, c ars. A d jacent t o per is subject to the quiet near river, econ. Huge Landscaped Lot 541-410-3823 Class A 32' Hurri­ touring coach, left Frontage Rd; g reat F air H o using A c t heat. $775+ last+dep. slide, Bunkhouse style, 32' Move in Ready! cane by Four Winds, kitchen, rear lounge, visibility for a viation 630 which makes it illegal lease. No pets. Local 800-451-5808 sleeps 7-8, excellent ext 819 2007. 12,500 mi, all extras, beautiful bus. tjetjock©q.corn 870 Rooms for Rent to a d v ertise "any refs. 1977 NW 2nd. condition, $16,900, many amenities, Ford V10, c ond. inside & o u t , 541-948-2126 preference, limitation Boats & Accessories 541-390-2504 Ithr, cherry, slides, $34,499 OBO, Prinev­ 656 NE Bend, private bath & or disc r imination Garage Sales like new! New low ille. 541-447-5502 days entrance, fenced pa­ based on race, color, Houses for Rent 73' Smokercraft price, $54,900. & 541-447-1641 eves. tio,new carpet & paint, religion, sex, handi­ Garage Sales 541-548-5216 SW Bend 1985, good cond., $495. 541-317-1879 cap, familial status, 15HP gas Evinrude marital status or na­ Clean 3 (could be 4) Garage Sales Sce n i c + Minakota 44 elec. G ulfsfream tional origin, or an in­ bedroom, on nearly 1 Studios 8 Kitchenettes Find them motor, fish finder, 2 Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP Furnished room, TV w/ tention to make any acre, $1200 mo., 330 hp die­ Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 pre f e rence, year lease required, extra seats, trailer, Cummins SHARE LEFT! cable, micro 8 fridge. such in sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 29', weatherized, like Economical flying in Utils & linens. New limitation or discrimi­ 541-390-4213 extra equip. $3500 in. kitchen slide out, The Bulletin n ew, f u rnished & Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th your ow n C e s sna owners. $145-$165/wk nation." Familial sta­ obo. 541-386-9270 new tires, under cover, ready to go, incl Wine­ wheel, 1 s lide, AC, 541-382-1885 172/180 HP for only tus includes children Classifieds 658 hwy. miles only,4 door ard S a tellite dish, TV,full awning, excel­ $ 10 000i B ased a t under the age of 18 17' 1984 Chris Craft f ridge/freezer ice ­ 26,995. 541-420-9964 Houses for Rent 541-385-5809 lent shape, $23,900. living with parents or BDN. Call Gabe a f Scorpion, 140 HP 634 maker, W/D combo, Redmond 541-350-8629 Professional Air! legal cus t o dians, inboard/outboard, 2 Interbath t ub 8 G A L L W Apt./Multiplex NE Bend pregnant women, and ~ 5 4 1-388-0019 depth finders, troll­ shower, 50 amp pro­ TODAY% people securing cus­ 1600 sq ft 3 bdrm + den, Looking for your next * ing motor, full cover, pane gen 8 m o re! $299 1st mo. rent!! Viking Tent t railer 1.75 bath, gas fireplace, emp/oyee? tody of children under EZ - L oad t railer, $55,000. GET THEM BEFORE 2 008, c lean, s e l f 18. This newspaper 2-car garage, fenced Place a Bulletin help Trucks & $3500 OBO. 541-948-2310 THEY ARE GONE! contained, sleeps 5, will not knowingly ac­ backyard, great neigh­ wanted ad today and 541-382-3728. Heavy Equipment 2 bdrm, 1 bath easy to tow, great cept any advertising borhood, close to shop­ reach over 60,000 $530 8 $540 cond. $5200, obo. readers each week. for real estate which is ping &schools.$895/mo Pilgrim In t e rnational Carports & A/C included! in violation of the law. + dep. Pets nego, avail 541-383-71 50. Your classified ad 17' Seaswirl 1988 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Fox Hollow Apts. 10/1/1 2. 541-504-4624, will also appear on Hunter's Delight! Pack­ O ur r e aders ar e or 541-419-0137 open bow, r ebuilt Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 (541) 383-3152 bendbulletin.corn hereby informed that age deal! 1988 Win­ Chevy V6 engine, Fall price $ 2 1,865. Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co which currently re­ nebago Super Chief, all dwellings adver­ new uph o lstery, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t 541-312-4466 *Upstairs only with lease 660 ceives over tised in this newspa­ $4500 or best offer. Houses for Rent 1.5 million page shape; 1988 Bronco II per are available on D iamond Reo D u m 707-688-4523 Have an item to views every month an equal opportunity 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K La Pine Truck 19 7 4, 1 2 -14 • • I t at no extra cost. mostly towed miles, Weekend Warrior Toy basis. To complain of sell quick? yard box, runs good, Bulletin Classifieds nice rig! $15,000 both. Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, discrimination cal l La Pine - Nice 3 Bd, 2.5 $6900, 541-548-6812 If it's under Get Results! 541-382-3964, leave fuel station, exc cond. HUD t o l l -free at Ba, in Crescent Creek Call 385-5809 or sleeps 8, black/gray To the bicyclist who I 1-800-877-0246. The msg. '500 you can place it in subdivision. Gas appli­ i nterior, u se d 3X , invertantly cut off at toll f ree t e lephone ances & fireplace, dbl place your ad on-line The Bulletin at the Mill Mall round­ $24,999. number for the hear­ garage, fitness center, itasca Spirit Class C 541-389-9188 bendbulletin.corn Classifieds for: about last Saturday, ing im p a ired is park. $800 mo; $900 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 2007, 20K miles, front my apologies. 1-800-927-9275. deposit. 541-815-5494 Volvo Penta, 270HP, entertainment center, '10 - 3 lines, 7 days E conoline Looking for your 762 low hrs., must see, all bells 8 whistles, trai l e r next employee? '16 - 3 lines, 14 days $15,000, 541-330-3939 extremely good con­ 16- Ton 29 ' B ed, Homes with Acreage dition, 2 s l ides, 2 Place a Bulletin help w/fold up ramps, elec. II II lt \I tl HDTV's, $48,500 wanted ad today and (Private Party ads only) brakes, P i n tlehitch, 5 Acres, 2 irrigated, E. =q= OBO. 541-447-5484 reach over 60,000 $4700, 541-548-6812 side of Bend, 4 bdrm, readers each week. 2.5 bath, small shed, 20.5' 2004 Bayliner Your classified ad must be pre-qualified, 205 Run About, 220 will also appear on G RE A T Call54I 3855809topromoteyourservice Advertisefar 28 daysstarting at'lf0 Il7rir rpearrrporkag ssarovarrableonaurwebrire $350,000, 541-389-7481 HP, V8, open bow, bendbulletin.corn exc. cond., very fast which currently re­ 773 w/very low hours, ceives over 1.5 mil­ Hyster H25E, runs Acreages lots of extras incl. Prowler AX6 Ex­ lion page views ev­ Regal well, 2982 Hours, tower, Bimini & treme Edition 38' '05, ery month at no Jayco Seneca 2 007, $3500, call 139716 Dorothy Lane, 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all custom trailer, 541-749-0724 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy extra cost. Bulletin NOTICE: Oregon state Nelson Landscape Crescent Lake, O re. maple cabs, king bed/ $19,500. 5500 d i e sel, to y Classifieds Get Re­ law req u ires any­ Charming cottage with 541-389-1413 bdrm separated w/slide Maintenance hauler $130 , 000. sults! Call 385-5809 one who co n t racts ZOryN'd glass dr,loaded, always 150 feet of Crescent Serving 541-389-2636. or place your ad for construction work garaged, lived in only 3 Creek frontage. Per­ Central Oregon on-line at to be licensed with the Zaurr ger e r',a. mo,brand new $54,000, fect vacation home Residential bendbulletin.corn C onstruction Con ­ still like new, $28,500, with covered deck for & Commercial tractors Board (CCB). More Than Service will deliver,see rvt.corn, e ntertaining, wo o d 20.5' Seaswirl Spy­ Reserving spots An active lic e n se Peace Of Mind ad¹4957646 for pics. Peterbilt 359 p o table stove, 2 bed/ 1 bath. for sprinkler der 1989 H.O. 302, means the contractor Gory, 541-580-7334 An RV garage and water t ruck, 1 9 90, Fifth Wheels 285 hrs., exc. cond., winterization i s bonded an d i n ­ lots of upgrades on 3200 gal. tank, 5hp stored indoors for s ured. Ver if y t h e Fall Clean Up & snow removal pump, 4-3" h oses, this one acre. Close life $11,900 OBO. SPRINTER36' 2005, Bighorn 2008 3400RL Don't track it in an Winter Immaculate! contractor's CCB • Sprinkler Repair camlocks, $ 2 5,000. to the Ski Pass, trails 37' fireplace, 3 slides, $10,500 obo. Two • Leaves 541-379-3530 Beaver Coach Marquis c ense through t h e • Back Flow Testing 541-820-3724 and lakes. $275,000 slides, sleeps 5, • Cones king bed, upgrades 40' 1987. New cover, CCB Cons u mer Lof Clearing MLS¹ 201 2 0 7074. • Needles queen air mattress, $30,000 new paint (2004), new Website Ads published in the • Fall Clean up • Pruning Call Ker r y at small sgl. bed, couch 541-815-7220 www.hirealicensedcontractor. "Boats" classification inverter (2007). Onan • Debris Hauling •Weekly Mowing 541-81 5-6363 folds out. 1.5 baths, Utility Trailers corn 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, include: Speed, fish­ 541-382-0865, •Bark, Rock, Etc. Cascade Realty or call 503-378-4621. parked covered $35 000 ing, drift, canoe, leave message! •Senior Discounts The Bulletin recom­ 541-419-9859 or Gutter house and sail boats. obo. Bonded & Insured mends checking with For all other types of 541-280-2014 Cleaning CHECK YOUR AD the CCB prior to con­ 541-815-4458 please see Big Tex Landscap­ Please check your ad watercraft, LC B¹8759 tracting with anyone. Class 875. ing/ ATV Trailer, on the first day it runs Tick, Tock Some other t rades Compost 541-385-5809 Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 dual axle flatbed, to make sure it is cor­ Need to get an also req u ire addi­ Applications by Carriage, 4 slide­ 7'x16', 7000 lb. Tick, Tock... rect. Sometimes in­ tional licenses a nd Use Less Water ad in ASAP? outs, inverter, satel­ GVW, all steel, Taurus 27.5' 1988 s tructions over t h e certifications. ...don't let time get lite sys, fireplace, 2 $$$ SAVE $$$ You can place it Everything works, $1400. phone are misunder­ GENERATE SOME ex­ Improve Soil flat screen TVs. 541-382-4115, or away. Hire a $1750/partial trade for stood and a n e r ror citement in your neig­ online at: Debris Removal $60,000. 541-280-7024. car. 541-460-9127 can occur in your ad. borhood. Plan a ga­ professional out www.bendbulletin.corn 541-480-3923 2012 Maintenance If this happens to your JUNK BE GONE rage sale and don' t of The Bulletin's Package Available ad, please contact us forget to advertise in I Haul Away FREE weekly, monthly 541-385-5B09 the first day your ad classified! 385-5809. "Call A Service For Salvage. Also and appears and we will regon Professional" Cleanups 8 Cleanouts YoUR ADwILL REcEIYEcLosE To 2,0e8000 one time service be happy to fix it as M el, 541-389-8107 Classified Directory today! EXPOSURESFORONLY $2SO ! s oon as w e c a n . serving central oregon smce1903 Deadlines are: Week­ EXPERIENCED Advertising oego t classrfielddve I sr aatwo r rra <enrce%he origo t avvape where'er Assocralon Handyman days 11:00 noon for Used out-drive Commercial Network WeekofOctober 8,2012 next day, Sat. 11:00 Discounts available parts - Mercury & Residential ERIC REEVE HANDY a.m. for Sunday and Call Cutting Edge OMC rebuilt ma­ SERVICES. Home 8 Monday. Lawnworks: Free Estimates rine motors: 151 Commercial Repairs, 541-385-5809 541-815-4097 • Senior Discounts $1595; 3.0 $1895; Carpentry-Painting, Thank you! LCB ¹8451 Pressure-washing, 541-390-1466 4.3 (1993), $1995. Monaco Dynasty 2004, The Bulletin Classified 541-3S5-5809 loaded, 3 slides, die­ Honey Do' s. On-time Same Day Response Call The Yard Doctor 541-389-0435 sel, Reduced now promise. Senior for yard maintenance, OREGON Discount. Work guar­ N OTICE: $119,000, 5 4 1 -923­ 775 thatching, sod, sprin­ Contrac­ Take care of anteed. 541-389-3361 Landscape 8572 or 541-749-0037 kler blowouts, water DIVORCE $135. Complete preparation. Includes children, custody, tors Law (ORS 671) Manufactured/ or 541-771-4463 features, more! your investments r equires a l l bu s i ­ support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced Mobile Homes Bonded & Insured nesses that advertise Allen 541-536-1294 with the help from ®II f t in 1-5 weeks possible. 503-772-5295. www.paralegalalternatives. CCB¹t 81595 LCB 5012 to p e r form L a n d­ FACTORY SPECIAL +y The Bulletin's corn, divorcetNusa.corn. scape C o n struction I DO THAT! New Home, 3 bdrm, which incl u des: BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Home/Rental repairs "Call A Service $47i500 finished Small jobs to remodels p lanting, deck s , Search the area's most on your site,541.548.5511 Professional" Directory Southwind 35.5' Triton, fences, arbors, comprehensive listing of Honest, guaranteed www.JandMHomes.corn DRIVERS: Tired of Being Gone? We get you HOME! Call HANEY­ classified advertising... 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du­ work. CCB¹151573 w ater-features, a n d 875 pont UV coat, 7500 mi. installation, repair of real estate to automotive, Dennis 541-317-9768 TRUCK LINE one of best NW heavy haul carriers. Great pay/benefit Just too many Bought new at irrigation systems to merchandise to sporting Watercraft package. 1-888-414-4667/ www. GOHANEY corn $132,913; collectibles? be licensed with the goods. Bulletin Classifieds Home Improvement asking $93,500. Landscape Contrac­ appear every day in the DRIVERS: $0.01 increase per mile after 6 months. Choose your home­ Call 541-419-4212 2007 SeaDoo t ors B o a rd . Th i s print or on line. Kelly Kerfoot Const. Sell them in time: Weekly, 7/ON-7/OFF, 14/ON-7/OFF. Requires 3 months recent 2004 Waverunner, 4-digit number is to be 28 yrs exp in Central OR! Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds excellent condition, experience. 800-414-9569 www.driveknight.corn. Quality 8 honesty, from included in all adver­ www.bendbulletin.corn LOW hours. Double carpentry 8 handyman tisements which indi­ trailer, lots of extras. jobs, to expert wall cov­ cate the business has The Bulletin 541-385-5809 l l rr f $10,000 ering install / removal. a bond, insurance and workers c ompensa­ Aeration/Fall Clean-up 541-719-8444 Franchise Opportunity Inside Major Retailer. Call for Details: Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 M i R d ~ Licensed/bonded/insured tion for their employ­ Winnebago Class C 27' $19,900 2 bdrm, 2 bath 866-622-4591. Or email: franchiseopportunity©hotmail.corn BOOK NOW! 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 ees. For your protec­ Weekly/one-time service $23,900 2 bdrm, 1 bath Ads published in "Wa­ 1992, Ford 460 V8,64K tion call 503-378-5909 avail. Bonded, insured, $38,900 3 bdrm, 2 bath tercraft" include: Kay­ mi., good cond., $7000 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! or use our website: free estimates! $39,999 3 bdrm, 2 bath aks, rafts and motor­ OBO 541-678-5575 www.lcb.state. or.us to COLLINS Lawn Maint. 541-548-5511 ized personal 881 NEED EXPERIENCED ASSISTANT MANAGER FOR FOOD PRO­ Door-to-door selling with check license status Ca// 541-480-9714 www.JandMHomes.corn watercrafts. For co n t racting fast results! It's the easiest before " boats" please s e e Travel Trailers CESSING FACILITY,RESPONSIBLE FOR CREW, MAINTAINING with th e b u s iness. Bend Landscaping Movers! $7,999 2 bdrm, Class 870. way in the world to sell. AND OPERATING MACHINERY, PRODUCTION FLOW, SANITA­ Persons doing land­ 1 bath, $19,999 Office/ Sprinkler Blowouts, Casita 16-ft 2005 Spirit scape maintenance Studio, $32,900 3 bdrm, 541-385-5809 TION, QUALITY OF PRODUCTION. CONTACT:BAUSCHPOTATO­ and Winterization Deluxe, awning, AC, The Bulletin Classified do not require a LCB 541-382-1655 2 bath, 541-548-5511 heater. Excellent cond. INC© IN-TCH.COM WHITEHALL, MONTANA 541-385-5809 license. LCB¹ 7990 www.JandMHomes.corn serv<nscentral oregon since lsra $11,000. 541-383-3886 860





R U T %

Q ua dr'


be~ dyer!

The Bulletin

Sprinkler Blowouts

The Bulletin

The Bulletin

The Bulletin




Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories

Antique & Classic Autos

4 s tudded 2 05/70x15 tires, used 1 s eason, $200 obo. 541-408-1389 Snow tires,16" studded, on 2007 Volvo wheels, $650, 54 1 -382-4029 or 541-408-2331, Winter is coming!! We have 4 Hankook 225/70R16 studded

DON'7MISS THIS VW Karman Ghia 1970, good cond., new upholstery and convertible top. $10,000. 541-389-2636

snow tires mounted on spare rims. The tires are 2 seasons old and in great con­ dition. Fits Toyota VW Thing 1974, good Highlander or like cond. Extremely Rare! vehicle. Asking $180 Only built in 1973 & (541) 480-4440 1974. $8,000. 541-389-2636


Antique 8 Classic Autos



Sport Utility Vehicles

Automobiles •

2005, 4WD, diesel, exc. cond., $18,900, call 541-923-0231.



Mitsubishi Gaiant 2011, Auto, very

Cadillac Seville STS 2003 - just finished $4900 engine work by Certified GM me­ chanic. Has every­ thing but navigation. Too many bells and whistles t o l i s t. bought a new one. $6900 firm. 541-420-1283

I%%.7M Ford Excu r sion

clean. Vin ¹022864

Only $13,995


What are you looking for? You' ll find it in The Bulletin Classifieds

QF on no

541-647-2822 HertzBend.corn





Chevy Aveo 2007, Auto, A/C. Vin ¹055383. $8,175.

Ford Expedition 4WD, 2000, 137K, new tires,


On a classified ad go to rggb SUBARU. Porsche 911 1974, low SUBARUOPBEND COM www.bendbulletin.corn mi., complete motor/ to view additional 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend trans. rebuild t uned 877-266-3821 photos of the item. suspension, int. & ext. Dlr ¹0354 refurb., oi l c o oling, shows new in 8 out, Chevy Cobalt 2010, Auto, great fuel saver. perf. mech. c o nd. Much more! Vin ¹224786 $28,000 541-420-2715 Only $13,995

GMC Denali 2003


Legal Notices •

HeftZ CarSalas

$5500. 541-419-1317

6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $5500.


Buicksi 1996 Regal, Hyundai Elantra 2012, T oyota Camry X L E 87k; 1997 LeSabre, Leather, moonroof, 1994 V6, 4 dr, leather 112k; and others! Nav., Blue tooth. interior, AM/FM radio You' ll not find nicer Vin ¹217938. $21,995. CD/Tape player, sun­ Buicks $3500 8 up. roof, auto., p s/pb, Only $12,255 One look's worth a . SUBAR U. c ruise, A / C , ver y SUBARUOPBEND COM thousand words. Call 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend clean, great condition, oF oeuc Bob, 541-318-9999. $3150. 541-593-2134 877-266-3821 for an appt. and take a 541-647-2822 • Dlr ¹0354 drive in a 30 mpg. car HertzBend.corn Toyotas: 1999 Avalon DLR4821 254k; 1996 Camry, Cadillac CTS S edan Lexus LS400 S edan loaded leather, 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of 2007, 29K, auto, exc. 1999, Chevy Tahoe 1500 LS moonroof, p r emium miles left in these 2 004, a u t o , 4X 4 , cond, loaded, $17,900 wheels, lo w m i l es, cars. Price? You tell OBO, 541-549-8828 Vin ¹216330. $9,999. very c l e an . Vin me! I'd guess Cadillac El Dor a do ¹145798. $10,998. $2000-$4000. 4j@SUBARU. SUBARUOPSEND COM 1994, T otal c r e a m Your servant, Bob at S UBA R U . 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend puff, body, paint, trunk 541-318-9999, no 877-266-3821 as showroom, blue 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend charge for looking. Dlr ¹0354 leather, $1700 wheels 877-266-3821 tires although Dlr ¹0354 Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 w/snow Volvo V50 WGN 2006 4x4. 120K mi, Power car has not been wet M itsubishi 3 00 0 G T 6-spd, T6 AWD, black in 8 years. On trip to $ 1 2 ,500 seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., 1999, auto., p e arl 90K m i . , 541-382-4675 row seating, e xtra w hite, very low m i . $5400, 541-593-4016. tires, CD, pnvacy tint­ $9500. 541-788-8218.

Chev Corvair Monza con­ vertible,1964, new top 8 1999 Ford F250 XLT tranny, runs great, exlnt Super Duty S u per cruising car! $5500 obo. Cab. V10, 6.8L, auto, 541-420-5205 4x4, 90k miles, AC, winch, grille, many ex­ tras, 2 extra tailgates and 5th wheel set-up.

Ford 250 XLT 1990,


QoP oo

2005, SUV, Auto, completely loaded. Vin ¹104880A

541-408-2393 for info or to view vehicle.

Chevy C-20 Pickup 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; auto 4-spd, 396, model CST /all options, orig. owner, $24,000, 541-923-6049


Cadillac Escalade

ing, upgraded rims. Fantastic cond. $7995 Contact Timm at

$9900 541-317-0554.


loaded with options. Exc. cond., snow tires and rims in­ cluded. 130k hwy miles. $9,500 obo. 541-419-4890.



Ford F250 XLT 4x4


Lariat, 1990, r e d, 541-647-2822 80K original miles, HertzBend.corn 4" lift with 39's, well MC Yukon XL S L T DLR4821 maintained, $4000 G2004, loaded w/fac­ obo. 541-419-5495 tory dvd, 3rd s eat, $1699. 541-678-3249 $8900. 541-280-6947 S ubaru Outba c k W agon 2 0 07 , 2. 5 People Look for Information manual, alloy wheels, About Products and AWD. Vin ¹ 3 3 5770. Services Every Daythrough ChryslerSebring 2006 $16,999. Chevy Wagon 1957, The Bulletin Classifieds Fully loaded, exc.cond, 4-dr., complete, S UBA R U . very low miles (38k), $15,000 OBO, trades, Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, Hummer H2 2003, auto, always garaged, 7 1K, X- c ab , X L T, 4X4, premium wheels, please call 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend transferable warranty 541-420-5453. auto, 4 . 0L, $ 8 4 00 3rd seat, leather, grill 877-266-3821 incl $8600 OBO. 541-388-0232 guard, lots of extras. Dlr ¹0354 541-330-4087 Need help fixing stuff? Vin ¹113566. ==egg Call A Service Professional $17,988. Ford Focus 2008, SES, Toyota Camry's­ find the help you need. ~ ~ S U B AR U auto, cruise, pw/pdl. 1984, $ 12 0 0 www.bendbulletin.corn Vin ¹247127. $11,995. obo;1985 SOLD; 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 877-266-3821 1986 parts c ar, S UB A R U . 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, Ford Super Duty F-250 Dlr ¹0354 $500; call for de­ auto. trans, ps, air, 2001, 4X4,$7900 OBO 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend tails, J eep L i berty 2 0 0 7 , frame on rebuild, re­ 877-266-3821 trades considered. 541-548-6592 Nav., 4x4, l e ather, painted original blue, Dlr ¹0354 541-815-9939 loaded. Moonroof. original blue interior, Vin ¹646827. $13,988. original hub caps, exc. chrome, asking $9000 S UB A R U . or ma k e offe r . I nternational Fla t 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-385-9350. Bed Pickup 1963, 1 877-266-3821 ton dually, 4 s pd. Dlr ¹0354 trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood Chrysler SD 4-Door hauler, runs great, 1930, CD S R oyal new brakes, $1950. Standard, 8-cylinder, 541-419-5480. body is good, needs some r e s toration, Jeep Willys 1947,custom, runs, taking bids, small block Chevy, PS, 541-383-3888, OD, mags+ trailer. Swap 541-81 5-331 8 I nternational Fla t for backhoe. No am calls Bed Pickup 1963, 1 please. 541-389-6990 ton dually, 4 s p d. N issan Armada S E trans., great MPG, 2 007, 4 W D , a u t o , could be exc. wood l eather, D VD , C D . hauler, runs great, Vin¹700432. $14,788. new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480. FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, S UB ARU. SUBAltUOPSEND COM door panels w/flowers 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 8 hummingbirds, Nissan Titan LE 877-266-3821 white soft top & hard 2006, Crew-cab, 4x4, Dlr ¹0354 top. Just reduced to auto, navigation, $3,750. 541-317-9319 leather, low miles. or 541-647-8483 Vin ¹530803 1980 Chevy C30, 16K original miles, 400 cu in, auto, 4WD, winch. $7000 obo. 541-389-2600


be sold, for cash to the highest bidder, o n 10/19/12. T h e sale will be held at 10:00 am by Pro­ LISS, Deceased, by fessional Auto Body the C i rcuit C o u rt, 2405 Hwy 20 Bend, State of Oregon, Des­ OR. 2003 Ford Es­ chutes County, under c ape, Plate: 1 5 0 Case Number FCS, VIN: 1 2PB0095. All p e r ­ 1FMCU93103KB44 sons having a claim 629. Amount due on against th e e s t ate lien: $4627.00. Re­ m ust p r esent t h e puted ow n er(s): c laim w i t hi n fo u r Vince Reyes, Bobbi months of t h e f i r st Krousp, United Fi­ publication date of this nance. notice t o He n drix, Brinich & B e r talan, CLASSIFIEDS! LLP, at 716 NW Har­ USE THE riman Street, Bend, Oregon 97701, ATTN: Door-to-door sellingwith Lisa N. Bertalan, or easiest they may be barred. fast results! It's the Additional information way in the worl d to sell. may be obtained from the court records, the Co-Personal Repre­ The Bulletin Classified sentatives or the fol­ 541-385-5809 lowing-named attor­ have been appointed Co-Personal Repre­ sentatives of the ES­ T ATE O F MAR Y S HAMIS CHA M B ­


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«L416598............$12,995 '11 Suzuki SX-4 33 MPG!

«302264 ............. 13 P259 '11 Kia Rio AT,GreatFuelEconomy

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democracy is based isthat information about government activities must beaccessible in order for the electorate to makewell-informed decisions. Public notices provide this sort of accessibility to citizens who want to know more about government activities.


«558355 ................$7 P559 '05 Cadillac Escalade SUV AT, AWD,Loaded «104880A ... . $12,255 '09 Nissan Versa AT, LowMiles, Save$0 the pumps

'09 Subaru Legacy Sedan

An important premise upon which the principle of

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ney for he Co-Personal Repre­ s entatives. Date o f first publication: Octo­ '00 Toyota Sienna ber 4, 2 0 12. H EN­ AT, Loaded

D RIX B R I NICH 8 BERTALAN, LLP, 716 NW HARR I MAN, BEND, O R 9 7 7 0 1, Le g al Notices 541-382-4980. LEGAL NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO INTER­ PURSUANT TO ORS ESTED P E RSONS. CHAPTER 87 DONNA K. Notice i s h e r eby NOFZIGER and given that the fol­ LANA M. BENRATH lowing vehicle will

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Roller (no engine), lowered, full roll cage, 5-pt harnesses, rac­ ing seats, 911 dash & instruments, d e cent shape, v e r y c o ol!

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isfrafionprocessingfeeof $1gg.Vine's posted at dealership. SeeHerli Car Sales ofBendfor details. Dealerg4gtf

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HertZ CarSales OF OEMC

541-647-2822 HertzBend.corn

Porsche Cayenne 2004, 86k, immac, dealer maint'd, loaded, now $17000. 503-459-1580

DLR4821 Ford Galaxie 500 1963, 2 dr. hardtop, fastback, 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 radio (orig),541-419-4989 Ford Mustang Coupe Toyota 4Runner 1966, original owner, 4WO 1986, auto, V8, automatic, great RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L shape, $9000 OBO. 2 dr., needs work hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, 530-51 5-81 99 $995, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. 541-923-7384 541-420-3634 /390-1285 Ford Ranchero Subaru Baj a T u r bo 1979 Pickup 2006, manual, with 351 Cleveland Vans AWD, leather, pre­ • modified engine. mium wheels, moon­ Body is in roof, tonneau cover. excellent condition, Astro Vin ¹103218. Chevy $2500 obo. Cargo Van 2001, $14,788. 541-420-4677 pw, pdl, great cond., ) SU B A R U . business car, well 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend m aint, regular o i l Ford T-Bird 1966 changes, $4 5 0 0, 877-266-3821 390 engine, power please call Dlr ¹0354 everything, new 541-633-5149 paint, 54K original 935 miles, runs great, excellent cond. in & Sport Utility Vehicles Chevy G-20 c u stom conversion travel van out. Asking $8,500. 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear 541-480-3179 BMW X5 2007 4x4, elect. bed, 75% tires. a 66k miles. ¹Z37964 real beauty in 8 out! $32,995 Travel in economy and style and under $4000.






Oregon AudoSogarce

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Automobiles 541-598-3750 • GMC Yaton 1971, Only $19,700! Original low aaaoregonautosource.corn Audi S4 Cabriolet 2005 mile, exceptional, 3rd 49K mi, red w/charcoal owner. 951-699-7171 interior, 2 sets tires, •


exc. cond., $19,950 firm. 541-350-5373.

MW 5 2 8 iT a 19 9 9 Mercury M o n terreyBuick Enclave 2008 CXL BSport Wagon - Fully 1965, Exc. All original, AWD, V-6, black, clean, loaded. Call for de­ 4-dr. sedan, in stor­ m echanicall y sound, 82k tails, 5 1 0 -909-8085 age last 15 yrs., 390 miles. $23,500.. cell (live i n B end). High C o m pression Call 541-815-1216 $4,000 or best offer. engine, new tires & li­ c ense, reduced t o $2850, 541-410-3425. SOLD IN 30 DAYS!!

"Please discontinue this l ad as the vehicle has beensold.Iam pleased l to tell you that Ibad postedif on Craig's List Plymouth B a r racuda on 6 different locations 1966, original car! 300 buf/f was the Bulletin ad 6'L'A wo 2004 75k hp, 360 V8, center­ that sold it!" all-weather tires, tow lines, (Original 273 Lee, G. pkg, gold metallic, beige leather int., eng & wheels incl.)



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PROJECT CARS: Chevy 2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy Coupe 1950 - rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, com­ plete car, $1949; Ca­ dillac Series 61 1950, 2 dr. hard top, complete w/spare front c l ip., $3950, 541-382-7391






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