Bulletin Daily Paper 12-11-12

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• Asmarter startto the nation andworld coverage,

By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin

beginning belowwith

WASHINGTON — Unhappy over an apparent formatting glitch that cost a Bend shelter for homeless teens a chance at a muchneeded federal grant, members of Oregon's congressional delegation wrote the Obama administration Monday, urging a fix to the online application protocol. Earlier this year, the Administration for Children and Families, a branch of the Department of Health and Hum an Services, rejected a grant application from the Bend-based Cascade Youth and Family Center for funding for its Living Options for Teens, or LOFT, shelter. The application was uploaded on the government website grants.gov. Government officials originally said it did not include a detailed, line-item budget for the upcoming year. But LOFT shelter manager Pat Gundy insisted the application included the necessary budget information. According to the letter written by Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, and Democratic Sens. Jeff Merkley and Ron Wyden, the federal agency later admitted a formatting glitch made the application exceed the length requirements. SeeLOFT/A6

our new Readerboard and Editor's Choice story

selections, andcontinuing through the A section with news of the day and other

stories, photos andgraphics that might interestyou. • Event Calendarhas moved into Local,B2

By Lauren Dake

• Comics 8 Puzzlesare

SALEM — State lawmakers told Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber's chief education officer on Monday they're concerned the governor's education agenda is full of ideas but short on specifics. Rep. Sara Gelser, DCorvallis, co-chair of the House Education Committee, said that when school district superintendents, education advocates and parents ask her what legislation they should expect from the executive branch in the 2012 session, she doesn't know what to tell them. "The broad strokes are there," Gelsersaid."A nd I'm wondering when legislators can see specifics, so we can partner with you and fully vet these ideas and move them through the process." Gelser, who co-chairs the committee, told Rudy Crew it's important to "have a robust public process with hearings" and she urged him to have specifics nailed down soon in the form ofbills or legislative concepts soon. See Education /A6

now in Classifieds,E3-4

• Business &Markets provides a fresher, more newsyapproach to stock market coverage,CS • Your Business puts the focus on local business,C6 • Television coverage, including someelements revived from our TV

magazine, is packaged with other regular features: Dear Abby, Horoscope, MovieTimes, D6

Coming Wednestlay •Outdoorsmakesthe most of Central Oregon's recreation andscenic potential by combining the

sports columns ofGary

Lewis and Mark Morical with the popular Outing

feature. Inside thenew section, Well shot! takes on

an outdoors focus.

Coming Monday


The governor'soutline 10-YEARGOAL:"Every Oregonian has the knowledge, skills, and credentials to succeed in life." STRATEGIES:

"Use earlyscreening to identify "Align "Create and help students funding, outthe longitudiwho need it comes, andeducation nal data systemthat p most." strategies acrossthe cate successsupports assessment entire continuum of achild's ful programsand strategic investdevelopment — from birth practices beingused to K-12 to postsecondtop schools to help schools families ary education and "Create and community partners training." ~ an alignedset ensure that all children are "pro~ of l earning stanreading atgradelevel vide students ~ dards, assessment "Proto educatorsto by third grade." -particularly under- t o ols, and support mote Science, increaseeducator efserved students and their s y stems for all Technology, Enfectiveness anddiversity families- with monitoring and students." gineering, Artsand through bettertraining, "Make support to ensurethey're onMath (STEAM) mentorship, andprotrack for highschool graducollege more programs." fessional develoPation and therealization of "promote affordable andacment. their postsecondary cessible for all lowparent andfamaspirations." "Revamp and middle-income ily involvement in students." their children's workforce trainsuccess." ing to better align with employer needs." line early childhood servicesand invest in Oregonkids from an earlyagesothey are set up tosucceed before theyenterkindergarten."

SUGGESS METRIGS: Howto measure progress "All 3rd graders are reading at grade level."

"Every child enters kindergarten ready

"Achieve '40-40-20' bythe year 2025."

"40% of adults will have earned abachelor's degreeor higher."

"40% of adults will have earnedan associate degree or postsecondary credential."

"20% ofadults will have earned a high school diploma orthe equivalent."

Source: Governor's office

InSide Kitzhaber calls a special Nike session, B1

• Looking for TheBulletin's communitysports coverage? That moves to the new

Sports Mondaysection,


which also previews the

week ahead inlocal sports.


While manyCentral Oregonians werebundled up onMonday, Shea Babich and his pals sawthe clear skies, dressed for summer and called apickup game of beachvolleyball at Bend's

Read Editor-in-Chief

John Costa's Sunday

column explaining the

Old Mill District. They managed to work up a sweat on top, but

changes atdendbulletin. com/newspaper

did admit to sometoe-freezing sand. For a complete forecast, seeWeather, B6

If you're another who's thinking summer in wintertime, you might be interested in this clump of


palms decorated for Christmas. It's one of a variety of alt trees intoday'sAtHome,D1

Self-cure for cancer?After being treated with genetically altered versions of their

< For more on the local

own cells, several leukemia

bendbeachvolleyball.com/ contact-us

beach volleyball scene, visit

patients are cancer-free.A3

For traditional, artistic and outright W wild Christmas trees that have


Bats and AIDS — strange finding, potential treatment.A3


never seen achain saw,visit www.treetopia.com

t )

Submitted photo

Rob Kerr i The Bulletin

Bull's-eye onBigBeef — A three-part investigation

finds the industry's processing exposes Americans to a higher risk of E. coli than untenderized meat does.A4-5

in national newsThe Army is dismissing more overweight soldiers.A2

And a Web exclusive101979, prosecutors put notorious killer Jeffrey MacDonald in prison for life. Then came the

harder part: keeping him there. bendbulletin.com/extras

A primer on the 'fiscal diff' deal that is takingshape The Washington Post The contours of a deal to avert the year-end "fiscal cliff" are becoming increasingly clear. But progress has been slow, and time is running out forleaders to sealan agreement and sell it to restless law-

TODAY'S WEATHER Isolated showers High 42, Low 25

Page B6

EDITOR'5CHOICE makers who so far have been given little information. With hope still alive for a resolution by Christmas, President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boeh-

ner met Sunday at the White House, their first face-to-face meeting in nearly a month and their first one-on-one session since July 2011, when they last tried to forge a farreaching compromise to tame the national debt.

COming thiS Week.The impact on Oregonif we fall off the "fiscal cliff" Neither side would provide details, but White House spokeswoman Amy Brundage and Boehner spokesman Michael Steel released identical statements saying that "the

lines of communication remain open." Lawmakers say action this week is vital if Obama and Boehner hope to win approval by the end of the year. See Cliff /A6


The Bulletin

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Vol. 109, No. 346, 30 pages,

AnIndependent Newspaper

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By Ernesto Londono

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WASHINGTON — U n der i ntense pressure to trim i t s budget, the Army is dismissing a rising number of soldiers who do not meet its fitness s tandards, drawing f rom a

growing pool of troops grappling with obesity. Obesity is now the leading cause of ineligibility for people who want to join the Army, according to military officials, who see expanding waistlines in the warrior corps as a national security concern. Between 1998 and 2010, the number of active duty military personnel deemed obese more than tripled. In 2010, 86,183 troops, or 5.3 percent of the force, received at least one clinical diagnosis of obesity, accordingto the Armed Forces

Health Surveillance Center in Silver Spring, Md. The trend ha s p r ompted the military to re-examine its training programs and is driving commanders to weed out soldiers who are deemed unfit to fight. "A healthy and fit force is essential to n a t ional security," Cmdr. Leslie Hull-Ryde, a Pentagon spokeswoman, said. "Our service members must be physically prepared to deploy on a moment's notice anywhere on the globe to extremely austere and demanding conditions." During the first 10 months of this year, the Army kicked out 1,625 soldiers for being out of shape, nearly 16 times the number eased out for that reason in 2007, the peak of wartime deployment cycles.

Egppt'S mllltarp mOVeS In —Egypt's military assumed responsibility Monday for protecting state institutions and maintaining security ahead of a Saturday constitutional referendum, as the country

braced for another round of massdemonstrations by the supporters of the country's Islamist president and the liberal opposition over the disputed charter. The referendum on a contentious new constitution lies at the heart of a bitter political battle that has deeply polarized

Egyptbetween backersand opponentsofPresidentMohammed Morsi. The opposition was still trying to decide late Monday whether to boycott the referendum or rally Egyptians to vote "no" on the draft

constitution, and hoping that a massive turnout for a rally today

Under a mandate to wean down the force by t ens of thousands in coming years, the Army has instructed commanders to make few exceptions when it comes to fitness, a strategy it also employed during the period after the 1991 Gulf War. "During a war period, when we were ramping up, the physical standards didn't have a lot of teeth because we needed bodies to go overseas, to fill platoons and brigades," said Stew Smith, a former Navy SEAL and fitness expert who has designed workout routines for service members and law enforcement personnelstruggling to meet workplace fitness standards. "During a period of drawdown, everything starts getting teeth and that's kind of where we are again."

would force the president to cancel the balloting.

Strauss-Kahn settlement —FormerInternational Monetary Fund leader Dominique Strauss-Kahn and a hotel maid settled her lawsuit Monday over sexual assault allegations that sank his political

career and spurred scrutiny of his dealings with women ontwo continents. The housekeeper, Nafissatou Diallo, looked composed and

resolute as NewYork state Supreme Court Justice Douglas McKeon announced the confidential deal. Strauss-Kahn stayed in Paris and was mum when asked about the settlement, which came after pros-

ecutors abandoned a related criminal case becausethey said Diallo had credibility problems. Elme SCandal —Another man on Mondaysuedthe former Elmo puppeteer who resignedamid sexabuse allegations, claiming the voice actor befriended him in Miami and promised to be a father figure before flying the teen to New York to have sex with him. The

alleged victim is now the fourth to accuseKevinClash, who resigned from "Sesame Street" last month after 28 years. The three legal

actions filed so far havebeencivil cases seeking financial compensation.

COIOradO pnt —Marijuana for recreational use becamelegal in Colorado Monday, whenthe governor took a purposely low-key procedural step of declaring the voter-approved change part of the state constitution. Colorado became the second state after Washington

Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337

to allow pot use without a doctor's recommendation. Both states prohibit public use of the drug, and commercial sales in Colorado and Washington won't be permitted until after regulations are written


next year.


China tO grab eCOnOmiC lead —A new intelligence assessment of global trends projects that China will outstrip the

Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 Circulation andOperations Keith Foutz .........................541-385-5805 FinanceHolly West...........54f -383-032f

United States as the leading economic power before 2030, but that America will remain an indispensable world leader, bolstered in

part by an era of energy independence. The product of four years of intelligence-gathering and analysis, the study, by the National lntel-

HumanResources Traci Donaca......................54f -383-0327

ligence Council, presents grounds for optimism and pessimism in nearly equal measure. Russia's clout will wane, as will the economic


strength of other countries reliant on oil for revenues, the assess-

Business ............................ 541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 Community Life, Health Julie Johnson.....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe......541-383-0353 Family, AtHome Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 GD! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News EditorJan Jordan....541-383-0315 PhotosDeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SporlsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359

ment says. Chavez in Cuda —President Hugo Chavezof Venezuela arrived in Cuba early Monday to havesurgery for what appears to be anaggressive form of cancer, leaving behind anation hanging on the outcome of his treatment. He was greeted by Cuban President Raul Castro at

Mailing address....Po. Box 788 Redmond, OR97756 .................................541-504-2336 .................................54f -548-3203

CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0358.


Afghan killing —The acting head of women's affairs in Laghman



REDMOND BUREAU Street addreSS.......226N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR97756

the airport in Havana, newsagencies reported.


province in eastern Afghanistan was shot to death in broad daylight


Monday as shewastraveling to work. Two assailants on a motorcycle



gunned down Najia Sediqi as she was getting into a rickshaw in Mehtar Lam, the provincial capital, according to an official. It was the

second time in less than six months that the person holding that post has beenassassinated.

Jorge Saenz/The Assoaated Press

Activists hold up flowers in front of police of-

Ki-moon said in his message for the day. Minorities speaking out for themselves during

ficers Monday in Asuncion, Paraguay, during a demonstration marking International Human Rights protests included anti-war activists in Kabul, AfghaniDay. stan; exiled Tibetans in New Delhi and Rajasthan, The United Nations marked Human Rights Day on India; and activists in Myanmar opposing a recent Monday by declaring that everyone has the right to be police crackdown ondemonstrators there. heard and to shape the decisions that affect their lives and communities.

"International law is clear: Nomatter who you are, or where you live, your voice counts," U.N. chief Ban

Korea rocket delay —North Korea said Monday that a glitch had been found in the rocket it had planned to launch as early as this week to put a satellite in orbit, but that it still planned to try


In Argentina, President Cristina Fernandez oversaw

for the Korean Committee of Space Technology said scientists had found "a technical deficiency in the first-stage control engine

a fireworks display on Sunday, aday ahead of time, during a rally celebrating the 29th anniversary of the


nation's return to democracy.

ROyal prank —Tearful and contrite, two Australian radio hosts Monday described themselves asheartbroken over the apparent sui-

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Monday night are:

QSQ24Q 30Q 35 Q 39Q41 The estimated jackpot is now $5.6 million.


cide of the nurse in England who took their prank call seeking information about Kate Middleton, the Duchess of Cambridge. Mel Greig

Do you haveaquestion about nation or world news?

•News stories say most Submit it to Cox News . CEOs supported M i t t Service editors in Atlanta Romney in t h e p r esidential at q8 aoajc.com. Include election. Which CEOs supportname, phoneandcity. ed President Barack Obama? •Warren Buffett ( B e rk•s hire H a t haway), B i l l Gates (Microsoft), Jeffrey Kat2009: 4.43 million federal zenberg (DreamWorks Aniemployees (including 2.77 milmation), Marc Benioff (Sales- lion in the executive branch force.com), Marissa Mayer and 1.59 million uniformed (Yahoo!) and Kenneth Cole military personnel) (Kenneth Cole) are among 2010: 4.44 million federal the CEOs who contributed to employees (including 2.77 milObama's campaign, according lion in the executive branch to published reports. and 1.6 m i llion u n iformed B enioff, who i s a l so t h e military personnel). The 2010 chairman ofthe tech company figures also include tempohe founded,helped raise more rary employeesfor the decenthan $500,000 for Obama's nial census.


• Could you please give a •brief bio of Thomas Peterffy,who sponsored those a nti-socialism TV spo t s ? What is his political business background'? •Peterffy was born in Bu•dapest, Hungary, in 1944 and couldn't speak English when he arrived in the United States in 1965. He began designing commodities trading • Is there any data on the software, according to Forbes, . total number of federal a nd bought a s eat o n t h e government employees at the American Stock Exchange in end of each fiscal year from 1977. Peterffy traded options 2008 through 2012? until 1993, when he started •The U.S.O ffice ofPerson- Interactive Brokers G r oup, •nel Management provides which has helped him become official information about the a billionaire. Forbes reported federal workforce.The data Peterffy was worth $4.6 bilcover total end-of-year civillion as of September. ian employment of full-time Peterffy paid for the politipermanent, temporary, partcal ads in which he states: "I time and intermittent employ- grew up in a socialist country ees, according to opm.gov. Its and I have seen what that does total federal government em- to people. There is no hope, no ployment data, only available freedom, no pride in achievethrough 2010, show: ment. The nation became 2008: 4.2 m illion f e deral poorer and poorer. And that's employees (including 2.69 mil- what I see happening here." lion in the executive branch, Peterffy said he would vote which includes the U.S. Postal Republicanin November elecService, and 1.45 million uni- tion and made contributions to formed military personnel) the Republican National Com-

and Prince Charles was a silly stunt that they never expected to succeed, let alone play a potential role in the death of Jacintha Saldhana,

who worked at the hospital where Prince William's wife was being treated for acute morning sickness. — From wire reports


When was the last year . that the penny was predominantly copper'? •The U.S. one cent coin, .commonly referred to as the penny, was 95 percent copper and 5 percentzinc from 1962-82, when it was changed. Current one cent coins are 97.5 percent zinc and 2.5 percent copper, according the U . S. Mint's website (www.usmint. gov). One penny cost 2.4 cents to make in 2011, according to CNNMoney.








n w zz m g /i



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— CoxNewspapers

campaign by hosting a fundraiser that w a s $ 35,800 a plate. Benioff also contributed $10,000 to Paul Ryan's political action committee, according to CNN.com. "My approach to politics is that I'm not a Democrat or a Republican," Benioff said. "I'm an American, and I a lways support candidates I think are great for the country."

and Michael Christian said their impersonation of QueenElizabeth II

mittee, Mitt Romney and Republican Congressional campaigns, according to The Wall Street Journal.

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Tuesday, Dec. 11, the 346th day of 2012. There are 20 days left in the year.


Study of strickenbats may help fight vs.AIDS

MIChl98ll —The state Legislature reconvenes for what could be final votes on rightto-work bills that have inspired

fierce protests from unions

By Darryl Fears

and their Democratic allies.

The Washington Post

Banking —Authorities announce a record $1.9 billion settlement with British banking giant HSBC.C6

Syria —The Obamaadministration formally announces that the Nusra Front, a militant group at the forefront of the

Syrian rebel movement, is just another name for al-Qaida in


HISTORY Highlight:In1972, Apollo 17's lunar module landed on the

moon with astronauts Eugene Cernan andHarrison Schmitt aboard; during three extravehicular activities (EVAs), they

became the last two mento date to step onto the lunar

surface. In1792, France's King Louis XVI went before the Conven-

tion to face charges of treason. (Louis was convicted, andexecuted the following month.) In1816, Indiana became the 19th state. In1928, police in Buenos Aires announced they had thwarted an attempt on the life of President-elect Herbert Hoover. In1936, Britain's King Edward VIII abdicated the throne so he

could marry American divorcee Wallis Warfield Simpson;

his brother, Prince Albert, became KingGeorgeVI. In 1941, Germany and Italy declared war on the United States; the U.S. responded in kind. In1946, the United Nations International Children's Emer-

gency Fund (UNICEF)was established. In1961, a U.S. aircraft carrier

carrying Army helicopters arrived in Saigon — the first direct American military support for South Vietnam's battle against Communist guerrillas. In1981, the El Mozote massacre in El Salvador claimed the

lives of hundreds of civilians at the hands of army troops. The

U.N. Security Council chose Javier Perez deCuellar of Peru to be the fifth secretarygeneral. Muhammad Ali, 39,

fought his final fight, losing by unanimous decision to Trevor Berbick in Nassau, Bahamas. In1997, more than150

countries agreed at aglobal warming conference in Kyoto, Japan, to control the Earth's

greenhouse gases. In 2008, Bernie Madoff was

arrested, accused of running a multibillion-dollar Ponzi

scheme. (Madoff is serving a 150-year federal prison sentence.) Ten years ago:A congressional report found that intelli-

gence agencies that were supposed to protect Americans from the Sept. 11 hijackers

failed to do so becausethey were poorly organized, poorly equipped andslow to pursue clues that might have prevented the attacks.

Five years ago: Two car bombs in Algeria, including

one targeting the U.N. refugee agency's offices, killed 37 people, 17 of them U.N. em-

ployees; Al-Qaida's self-styled North African branch claimed responsibility.

One year ago:Former military strongman Manuel Antonio

Noriega was flown from France to Panama to face additional punishment in his home coun-

try after spending more than 20 years in U.S. and French prisons for drug trafficking and

money laundering.

BIRTHDAYS Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., is 69. Singer JermaineJackson is 58. Rock musician Nikki Sixx (Motley Cruej is 54. Rock

musician Darryl Jones (The Rolling Stones) is 51.Rapperactor Mos Def is 39. Actress

Hailee Steinfeld ("True Grit") is16. — From wire reports

A new technique has achieved a long-sought goal — giving a patient's own immune system the lasting ability to fight cancer. While the leader of the research team does not use the "cure" word, the new treatment provides hope for patients with leukemia and, down the road, perhaps other forms of cancer. Bulletin wire reports Emma Whitehead has been bounding around the house lately, practicing somersaults and rugby-style tumbles that make her parents wince. It is hard to believe, but last spring Emma, then 6, was near death from leukemia. She had relapsed twice after chemotherapy, and doctors had run out of options. Desperate to save her, her parents sought an experimental treatment at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, one that had never before been tried in a child or in anyone with the t yp e o f l e ukemia Emma had. The experiment, in April, used a disabled form of the virus that causes AIDS to reprogram Emma's immune system genetically to kill cancer cells. T he tr e a tment nea r l y killed her. But she emerged from itcancer-free and seven months later is still in complete remission. She is one of nine leukemia patientswho are cancer-free after being treated with genetically-altered versions of their own immune cells, giving strength to a promising new approach for treating the blood cancer. The trial includes 12 patients in t otal an d b olsters findings from 2011. Then, scientists from the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia reported that two of the first three patients treated showed no traces of the malignancy after getting the therapy. Today's results were presented at the American Society of Hematology's annual meeting in Atlanta. For Walter Keller, 59, who had failed every other treatment for his chronic lymphocytic leukemia diagnosed in 1996, the regimen meant he's been in remission since his treatment in April. Before the therapy, "I thought I had a year to live," he said. "I feel better than I have in a long, long time," said Keller, of Upland, Calif., in a telephone interview. "I'm excited because I think this will help a lot of

people." The scientists, led by Carl June, a professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at the Abramson Cancer Center at the University of Pennsylvania and a study author, used genetic engineering to manipulate white blood cells extracted f rom the p atients. The r esearchers reprogrammed the cells to specifically target the leukemia cells and reinjected them into the patients. Similar approaches are being tried at other centers, including the National Cancer Institute and Memorial SloanKettering Cancer Center in New York. "Our goal is to have a cure, but we can't say that word," said June, who leads the research team at the University of Pennsylvania. He h opes the new treatment will eventually replace bone-marrow transplantation, an even more arduous, risky and expensive procedure that is now the last hope when other treatments fail in leukemia and related diseases. CLL is a slow-growing cancer that starts from white blood cells in the bone marrow and interferes with the production of healthy blood cells. The condition leads to complications such as immune deficiencies and swollen lymph nodes. The disease strikes about 16,000



Jeff Swensen / New York Times News Service

Emma Whitehead, 7, has been in full remission from leukemia for months after scientists used a disabled form of the AIDS virus to genetically reprogram her immune system to kill cancer cells. adults each year and 4,600 die from it, according to the American Cancer Society. The disease is treated with chemotherapy. Another ap proach is bone marrow transplant in which chemotherapy is first given to kill diseased c ells t he n r e p laced w i t h healthy ones from bone marrow extracted from the patient or a donor. Keller underwent chemotherapy and then a stem cell transplant in 1998 and 1999. He was in remission for 5 and a halfyears. He then underwent a different chemotherapy regimen and got a second stem cell transplant.The cancer came back again in 2010, and he had no options left. He was one of 10 adult patients treated so far. "No patientwho had complete remission has lost it," said Keller's doctor, David Porter, director of blood and marrow transplantation at the University of Pennsylvania's Abramson C a ncer C e nter. "It's unusual to have a treatment that can work to t h is magnitude and until now, this duration." Three adults with chronic leukemia treated at the University of Pennsylvania have also had complete remissions, with no signs of disease; two of them have been well for more than two years, said Dr. David Porter. Four adults improved but did not have full remissions, and one was treated too recently to evaluate. A child improved and then relapsed. In two adults, the treatment did not work at all. The Pennsylvania researchers were presenting their results Sunday and Monday in Atlanta at a meeting of the American Society of Hematology. Despite the mixed results, cancer experts not involved with the research say it has tremendous promise,because even in this early phase of testing it has worked in seemingly hopeless cases. "I think this is a m ajor breakthrough," said Dr. Ivan Borrello, a cancer expert and associateprofessor of medicine at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. Dr. John Wagner, director of pediatric blood and marrow transplantation at the University of Minnesota, called the Pennsylvania r esults "phenomenal" and said they were "what we've all been working and hoping for but not seeing to this extent."

the research "fantastic" and said it had the potential — if the early results hold up — to revolutionize th e t r eatment of leukemia and related blood cancers. Researchers say the

same approach, reprogramming the patient's immune system, may also b e u s ed eventually against tumors like breast and prostate cancer.

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A major drug company, Novartis, is betting on the Pennsylvania team and has committed $20 million to building a research center on the university's campus to bring the treatment to market. Herve Hoppenot, president of Novartis Oncology, called

W ASHINGTON — I n a government lab where scientists slice open dead animals to study the exotic diseases that killed them, Carol Meteyer peered through a microscope at hundreds of little bats and started to notice something very weird. The bats had managed to survive the white-nose fungus that had killed millions of other bats hibernating in caves, mostly in the Northeast. But theyhad succumbed to something else that had left their tiny corpses in tatters, their wings scorched and pocked with holes. Meteyer finally r ealized what had happened: In the struggle to fight off the fungus that causes white-nose syndrome, the b ats w e re killed by their own hyperaggressive immune systems. Meteyer, a s cientist for the U.S. Geological Survey, had stumbled upon a phenomenon never before seen in mammals in the wild. A similar finding had been observed only once before — in people with AIDS. N ow s c i e ntists ho p e studying th e i m m unology of bats might help in the development of treatments for AIDS. The devastating immunesystem attack, called IRIS for immune reconstitution inflammatory syn d r ome, plays out differently in humans and bats, according to an article by Meteyer and two colleagues that recently appeared i n t h e j o u r n al

Virulence. When bats hibernate in winter, their heart rates slow and their immune systems all but shut down, making them vulnerable to the cavedwelling f u n gus G e omyces destructansthat causes white-nose and eats away skin, connective tissue and muscle. When bats wake up in late March, their immune systems react like startled homeowners who realize prowlers are inside the house. They launch a wild searchand-destroy mission that annihilates the disease, but also healthy cells and tissue. "It's not natural. It's cellular suicide. It comes out in a huge wave, going out to those areas of infection and kills everything," said M eteyer, who was a veterinary pathologist for the USGS in Madison, Wis., at the time of her discovery but now is the deputy coordinator for contaminant biology for the agency in Reston. For AID S p atients, the immune-system syndrome plays out differently. After antiretroviral treatment improves patients' health, their restored immune systems can launch an exaggerated attack against any p r eviously acquired opportunistic infection the treatment didn't catch, c ausing e x t ensive damage. S cientists now h ope t o study the i m munology of bats to try and uncover findings that can assist the development of treatments for AIDS.

Michael k. Denise Underwood

• •





Editor's note: The Kansas City Star, in a wide-ranging 12-month investigation, examined Big Beef and its processes, the health implications of those processes and its effort to counter or silence its critics. This is part one of athree-part series.Re ad the rest online at Q» bendbulletin.com!extras.

From calf to kitchen: Thejourney of a beef cow The demand for beef and

A calf is born on a

Six months later, the calf is

the increased automation of packing plants has

ranch in eastern Kansas; calf will usually spend the first six months of

weaned and moved to a pen; the now 600-pound calf will spend the next couple of months learning to eat from a trough and tasting corn; this step is called backgrounding.

accelerated the life of a

Issue: Growth hormones Growth hormones, antibiotics and a diet of corn or other

grains quickly fatten cattle for

typical beef cow. Today, a But that's just one of the key market. The Kansas City Star its life in a pasture, findings from The Star's invescow typically is SIOUX CITY, Iowa — Mar- t i g ation, which examined Big slaughtered at about 14 eating grass. Today, it garet Lamkin doesn't visit her B e ef's processing methods, the months ofage,butsome takes as little as 12 grandchildren much anymore. u s e of drugs in cattle and the cattle are slaughtered at 20 or 14 months to She never flies. She avoids h a z ards they can pose for hu- months or older. grow a beef cow to wearing dresses. And she wor- m a n health. slaughter weight. ries about infections and odors. The S tar examined the largThree yearsago, at age 87, est beef packers, including the Lamkin was forced to wear a b i g four — Tyson Foods of ArIssue: Manure colostomybagfor the rest ofher k a n sas, Cargill Meat Solutions Cows are transitioned to a At the feedlot, the At a year old, the cow is Huge cattle feedlots, scattered life after a virulent meat-borne o f Wichita, Kan., National Beef daily diet of mostly corn, cow joins moved from the mostly in the middle of the pathogen destroyed her large o f K a nsas City, Mo., and JBS alfalfa and silage, a t thousands of 4@ backgrounding pen to a @ others in enclosed colon and nearly killed her. USA B e ef of Greeley, Colo. — as country, produce city-sized fermented, moist feed feedlot; cow is loaded waste issues; cow manure What made her so sick? A w e l l as the network of feedlots, made from field crops; pens. onto a cattle hauler. is collected in lagoons medium-rare steak she ate nine p r ocessing plants, animal drug they are often treated with and spread on days earlier at a national chain c o mpanies and lobbyists who hormones and antibiotics agricultural restaurant. make up thebehemoth known at this stage. fields. Lamkin, like most consum- a s Big Beef. ers today, didn't know she had W hat T h e StarfoundisaninQe Qe Qo' o rdered a steak that had , ; cr e asingly concentrated in du s try that mass-probeen run through a me- ,- " g > " The cow Next, a chanical tenderizer. In ducesbeef athighspeeds Cattle are herded The cow, now Issue: More moves shackler a lawsuit, Lamkin said in mega-factories that through a serpentine dead, makes tha n just meat down the attaches a her steak came from dot the Midwest, where chute toward the contact with p arts of the cow are chain around rail to a National Steak ProcesKansas City serves as knocking box; worker an electrical used in a variety of sticker who sorslnc.,whichclaimed M a rgaret the "b u ckle" of the beef using a pneumatic the cow's products, such as The cowhas grown to gun shoots a steel cuts the itgotthecontaminated L a mki n belt. I t 's a factory food backleg and imProve animal feed, soap, 1,200-1,400 pounds neck, m eat from a U.S. plant h a s h adt o pro c ess churning o ut bolt into the skull, hoists it up to tenderness. clothing, cosmetics and is ready for draining the runby Brazilian-based u s e colosc h e aper, and some say a conveyor rendering the animal and pharmaceuticals. slaughter cattle are JBS — thebiggestbeef t o m y bags to u ghercutsofmeatthat rail. blood. unconscious taken to a packing packerintheworld. ever since c a n l ead to illness and "You trust p eople, a restaudea t h . The Star's other plant, where they are Conveyor rail trust that nothing i s ra n t steak ke yf indings: herded into holding Knocker going to happen," said g ave her L arge b e e f p l a nts, pens designed to Shackler Sticker Lamkin, w h o fe e l s a ni nfecbas e d on volume alone, keepthem calm. lucky to be alive at 90, t i on that cont r i b ut e d i s p roporElectrical " but they (beef compa- c ost her tion a t ely t o t h e i n c i stimulation nies) are mass-produc- p art of her d e n c e o f m e a t-borne ing this and shoveling it i n testines. p a t h ogens. intous." Big Beef and other Hide-pulling De-hiding process During a critical step, High-pressure Issue: Fecal The Kansas City Star inves- p r ocessors are commingling machine helps a worker removes begins; feet and head washerrinses contamination tigated what the industry calls g r o und beef from many differskin the animal; are removed; worker the animal's bung* , ~ the carcass "bladed" or "needled" beef, e n t cattle, some from outside Experts agree that E. coli carcass moves cuts the hide along attempting to avoid of dirt, generally originates at larger and found the process exposes the United States, adding to the down the line. the belly. spreading manure. slaughter plants, where Americans to a higher risk of E. d i f ficulty for health officials to contamination. pathogen-laden manure can coli poisoning than cuts of meat t r ack contaminated products be a big problem thathavenotbeentenderized. to t h eir sources. The industry *Before The processhas been around also has resisted labeling some removal, the bung for decades, but while exact fig- p r oducts, including mechani(rectum)is ures are difficult to come by, c a lly tenderized meat, to warn plugged at its open end USDAsurveys showthatmore c o n sumers and restaurants to andtied off on >n the than 90 percent of beef produc- c ook it thoroughly. 14slcls ers are now using it. Big Beef is injecting billions Mechanically ten d erized o f d ollars of growth hormones meat is i n creasingly found a n d a n t i biotics i nt o c a ttle, Issue: Diverse in grocery stores, and a vast p a r tly to fatten them quickly A large saw is used ~ Meanwhile, beef Jus t1 5 ground beef amount is sold to family-style f o r market. But many experts to split the carcass minutes after trim from other Hamburger is ground at restaurants, hotels and group b e l ieve that years of overuse A USDA inspector through the center cows are carcasses is packing plants and other homes. and misuse of such drugs conexamines the of the backbone; stunned, the prepared for processors; in order to reach The American M eat I n - tr i b utes to antibiotic-resistant carcass, looking for tail and spinal cord split carcasses ground beef just the right fat content, stitute, an industry lobbying p a t hogens in humans, mean- signs of pathogens are removed. are washed and production. meat from different cattle, group, has defended the prod- i n g illnesses once treated with a and BSE (bovine left to dry. and sometimes from foreign uct as safe, but institute offi- r e g imenofantibioticsaremuch spongiform countries, is mixed together. cials recently said they can't h a r d ertocontrol. encephalopathy or commentfurtheruntiltheysee Big B e ef is using its politimad cow disease); if the results of a pending risk c a l p ull, public relations camcontamination is assessment by the meat safety p a i gns and the supportive scifound, the carcass division of the U.S. Department e nce it sponsors to influence is cleaned or of Agriculture. federal dietary guidelines and Although blading and in r e c ast steaks and burgers as removed. jecting marinades into meat h e a lth foods people can eat evadd value for the beef industry, e r y day. It even persuaded the that also can drive pathogens A m e ricanHeartAssociationto Whether it's ribs, Finally, the carcasses are 4t Carcasses are sentto a larger Issue: Cooking caution — including the E. coli 0157:H7 certify beef as "heart healthy." steaks or burgers, broken into primal cuts, cooler room, where they are USDA advises consumers that destroyed Lamkin's colon Big Be e f , i n dustry c r itics the beefis ready including steaks and typically aged for two days; to cook all steaks to an — deeper into the meat. contend, has grown too big for for your barbeque. roasts; fresh beef is carcasses from cattle 20 internal temperature If it isn't cooked sufficiently, B i g Government to lasso. vacuum-packed, or boxed months old or younger are of at least145 degrees peoplecangetsick. Ordie. Indeed, the U.S. beef indusfor sale to wholesalers, marked for export to Japan; Fahrenheit. There have been several t r y i s twice as concentrated as retailers, hotels and older cattle are more prone to USDA recalls of the product i t w a s when President Teddy restaurants in the U.S. BSE problems, which is a since at least 2000, and a Cana- Roosevelt took on and beat the and around the world. concern in Japan. dian recall in October included o l d Armour, Swift, Cudahy and mechanicallytenderizedsteaks M o r ris beef trust in the early imported into the United States, 1900s. "Roosevelt," but it's not clear how many peoremarked ple were sickened. Montana rancher Dan T ei© 2012 MCT In a 2010 letter to the USDA, g en, "would be spinning in his Source:Industry and union officials the American Meat Institute s a ddle." Graphic: Dave Eames, Mike McGraw, The KansasCity Star noted eight recalls from 2000 to 2009 that identified mechani- Big business cally tenderized and marinadThanks in large part to the ed steaks as the culprit. Those Midwest's grassy plains and large share of those jobs in the Where Buyers recalls sickened at least 100 ample row crops, the United Midwest. people. States produces 26 b i l lion As a result, despite recent And Sellers Meet But food safety advocates pounds of beef a year from 34 price hikes, beef costs less in the 1000's Of Ads Every Day suspect the incidence of illness million cattle — more than any United States than anywhere in Cl™aS''Ij'Ie,dS S is much higher. other country. the world. It has become AmeriAn estimate bythe Center for Four of the seven largest beef ca's crude oil — in high demand Science in the Public Interest, slaughterhouses — each capa- worldwide, including faraway an advocacy group, suggests ble of killing 6,000 head a day lands where a newly minted >•» that mechanically tenderized — are in Kansas, which leads middle class is acquiring a taste .ti beef could have been the source the nation in meat processing. for more expensive protein. of as many as 100 outbreaks of The bi g s l a ughterhouses But some independent ranchs • E. coli and other illnesses in the are among the last vestiges of ers, members of Congress and 0 0 United States in recent years. old-line American manufac- food safety advocates ques', I I Those cases affected more than turing, except that they take tion the wisdom of processing 3,100 people who ate contami- things apart instead of putting so much beef at such speeds, If you are 55 or bener, sign up for our free slot nated meat at wedding recep- them together. Meat slaugh- arguing that "factory food" is tournament! Sessions are il )hl, l2PM and I PM, tions, churches, banquet facili- ter and processing employs more likely to trigger pathogen with the Championship round at 2 PM. ties, restaurants and schools, 260,000 people, and Big Beef's outbreaks. First Place: 5200 • Second Place: 5100 the center said. highly efficient plants supply a Continued on next page By Mike McGraw












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Tenderizing meat: apotential hazard Mechanical tenderizers use blades or needles to help tenderize steaks and roasts. As much as 90 percent of those cuts are sold to hotels, family-style chain restaurants and institutions, such as hospitals and group homes. The process exposes consumers to a higher risk of E. coli poisoning compared with meat that has not been mechanically tenderized.

How a typical mechanical tenderizer works Dozens of needles or blades pierce the beef and sometimes inject it with marinade.

How E. coli goes fromthe machine to the mouth coli bacteria, a common 8 0 E.pathogen carried by cow manure, can end up on the surface of the meat; normal cooking destroys it.

Conveyor moves chunks of meat along the line. Plates press down on the meat while the blades penetrate.

Source: U.S. Department of Agriculture, food safety advocates and industry sources Graphic: Dave Eames, Mike McGraw, The Kansas City Star

The tenderizing process, however, can force contamination deep into the interior of the meat; cooking those cuts to a rare or medium-rare temperature allows the pathogens to survive.


A USDA study shows that some E. coli can survive in cold spots even when steaks appear to be fully cooked.

Tenderizing dlade

Bacteria on the surface

From previous page Their reasoning: When processingspeedandvolumes rise, so do the chances for contamination to be introduced and spread widely from its source to other meat inside the plant and at other plants that process it further. In fact, most of the lawsuits that Seattle attorney Bill Marler has filed against the meat industry — winning a total of $250 million in judgments on behalf of children who suffered kidney failure by eating bad hamburger — were against big p acking plants, where he said "the problem



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Danger in tender More and more, the beef industry is u s ing m achines with automated, double-edged blades to cut through muscle fibers and connective tissue to penetrate tougher cuts of meat. Hollow needles are sometimes used to inject flavorings, or what the industry calls "digestive agents." Marinades also may be added tomeat, which can add to contamination risks. Surveys of beef producers by the USDA found that most use mechanical tenderization to improve quality. A l a rge percentage of m e chanically




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Keith Myers/ Kansas City Star gl


begins." E. coli 0157:H7 is a potentially deadly bacterium that can causebloodydiarrhea, dehydrationand,in severe cases,kidney failure. The very young, seniors and people with weak immune systems are most at risk. A recent lawsuit against National Steak and JBS noted that there are an estimated 73,480 illnesses linked to E. coli 0157:H7 infections each year in the United States, leading to 2,168 hospitalizations and 61 deaths. USDA data analyzed by The Star showthat large plants have had higher rates of positive E. coli tests than smaller plants. Federal meat safety officials said the latest data show those differencesare disappearing. But they acknowledged that the volume of meat a plant produces is a key issue. A USDA s tudy published i n Ma r c h showed that from 2007 through 2011, E. coli positives at very small plants resulted in only 465,000 pounds of contaminated beef. A slightly lower rate of positive tests at large plants, however, produced more than 51 million pounds of contaminated beef. Regardless, USDA officials and other expertsagree that most E. coli generally originates at larger slaughter plants, where pathogen-laden manure is a biggerproblem because that's where cattle are coming in from the feedlots. Federal inspectionrecords obtained by The Star under the federal Freedom of Information Act include hundreds of referencesto fecal contamination problems at four of the largest beef slaughter plants in Kansas, Nebraska and Colorado. For example, at Tyson's Dakota City, Neb., beef plant, inspectors noted: "massive fecal contamination; multiple carcasseswith varying degrees of fecal contamination; periods of very significant fecal, ingesta and abscess contamination." Another f e deral i n s pector at Tyson found "a piece of trimmed f a t a p p roximately 14 inches long with feces the length of it," and another noted, "fecal contamination ... was so great... couldn't keep up." But Tyson offlcials said such reports only provide a "snapshot of beef production." The company said it has added two full-time safety technicians at the plant, as well as additional workers, to assess carcasses and make sure fecal contamination is eliminated. USDA and beef industry officials point out that E. coli illnesses have dropped dramatically in recent years, although the Food Safety and Inspection Service cautioned that no "consistent trend" has emerged in recalls of contaminated beef.

© 2012 MCT

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Keith Myers / Kansas City Star

As the largest beef plant ln the world, the Tyson Fresh Meats operation In Dakota Clty, Neb., employs some 4,000 workers. The

massive operation covers 33 acres under one roof. tenderized meat — the industry produces at least 50 million pounds a month — winds up in family-style restaurants, hotels, hospitals and group homes. For Big Beef, mechanically tenderized meat is all about

ever, point out that most consumers, restaurants and grocery stores don't know they're buying bladed meat and therefore don't know it should be cooked more thoroughly. The Safe Food Coalition "strongly bigger profits, according to food believes" such products pose "a safetyadvocates.However, the serious and unnecessary threat beef industry doesn't widely to public health." publicizetheprocess,and some Problems with contaminated food safety advocates say the mechanically tenderized beef reason is such labeling can lead are growingand becoming into sales declines. ternational in scale. The American Meat InstiJust this fall, an estimated 2.5 tute, citing a 2008 USDA study, million pounds of E. coli-conhas maintained that the risk of taminated meat, including meillness from E. coli 0157:H7 in chanically tenderized cuts quisuch products "is not signifietly crossed the Canadian borcantly higher." der into the United States before But a more recent study pub- being caught by inspectors. lished last year in the Journal The bad meat came from XL of Food Protection found that Foods Inc. and triggered the bladed and marinated steaks largest meat recall in Canadian were two to four times riskier history. than those that had not been As of late October, according mechanically tenderized. to the Canadian Food InspecSome experts say Big Beef tionAgency, 17people became is relying on the process more sick in that country, including and more becausebeef is get- at least five who ate mechaniting tougher. cally tenderized steaks. The Changes in animal feeding Canadian recall came too late practices are causing cattle to in the United States. Some of come to market sooner, said the meat already had been disDavid Theno, a beef industry tributed in at least 30 states to consultant and leading food retailers such as Wal-Mart and safety expert. Those animals Sam's Club. often "have less marbling and By now, the contaminated may be less tender than animeat has likely been eaten, fromals that spend more time in zen or thrown away, and so far feedlots," he explained. no illnesses connected with the Theno, who helped the Jack outbreak have been documentin the Box restaurant chain re- ed in the United States. The form its practices after an E. coli Centers for Disease Control and 0157:H7 outbreak in the 1990s, Prevention is still investigating. said problems with mechanically tenderized meat can arise Outbreaks tough to trace because many consumers don't E. colioutbreaks, for mewant their steaks overcooked. chanically tenderized steaks But failing to heat them suffiand ground beef, are difficult ciently can allow pathogens to to trace to their source because survive. the beef production system is USDA research also discov- complex and the food safety enered an ominous phenomenon forcement system is broken, acin mechanicallytenderized and cording to food safety advocates marinated meat. The 2011 Jour- and members of Congress. nal of Food Protection article The Star found that Robert warned that cooking highly Danell, a 62-year-old man with contaminated bladed steaks Down syndrome, died after he on a gas grill — even at 160 de- and one other at a group home grees like hamburger — might in Sauk Rapids, Minn., fell ill as not kill all E. coli bacteria. part of the same E. coli outbreak T hose r e maining l i v i n g involving the steak that made pathogens, ironically c alled Lamkin sick. "fortuitous survivors" by sciIn the end, victims such as entists, survive because of cold Lamkin often must go to court spots in the meat. to find out why they became ill. The American Meat Institute Early last year, Lamkin sued has said that blade-tenderized Oklahoma-based Nat i o nal steaks are just as safe as other Steak Processors, the company steaks if "the meat is prop- that allegedly mechanically tenerly cooked." The institute also derized the beef that Lamkin found that if researchers had ate at the chain. The company allowed the steaks to "rest" and declined to comment. continue cooking for an adLamkin's steak was claimed ditional three minutes before to be part of a USDA recall antaking their samples, those re- nounced on C hristmas Eve maining "fortuitous survivors" 2009. It involved 248,000pounds may have been killed. of meat from National Steak. Food-safety advocates, how- Those steaks, and additional

Costco says lt does more E. coll testing ln ltslab than the USDA does at all other beef plants combined. These beef samples are prepared for testing In Costco's Tracy, Calif., plant. Costco also Is among stores that label beef that has been mechanically tenderized or "bladed" (see graphic). contaminated ground b e ef, sickened 25 people in 17 states, according to the Minnesota Department of Health. Health department records show that 14 of the 25 known victims reported eating steak, some of which were mechanically tenderized, at one of several family-style restaurants. Health officials believe, and lawsuits alleged, that the original source of the contaminated steaks was a JBS plant. Those records indicate JBS' Colorado plant may have provided contaminated meat that was mixed into ground beef in Kansas and distributed in Minnesota and elsewhere. But the USDAtold Minnesota health officials that "the trace back investigation was not considered sufficiently strong to conclusively implicate that com-

pany (JBS)." After Lamkin sued National Steak Processors, the company then sued JBS, alleging that JBS had provided them with the E. coli-contaminated steaks in the first place. JBS denied the allegation in court, but when Lamkin's lawsuit was settled in August, JBS and National Steak both contributed to her settlement. The details of that settlement, which did not assign blame, are not partofthe courtrecord. JBS told The Star that the settlement is not an acknowledgement that they sold the contaminated meat blamed for Lamkin's illness. Instead, spokesman Cameron Bruett insisted, it is an acknowledgement of the "potential costs and the uncertainty in any litigation daim like this. I think both us and National felt it was in the best interest of the consumerto...sharethecostsof this settlement."

Labeling controversy Lamkin's and Danell's illnesses, and those of two dozen others, shouldn't have come as a surprise to federal regulators and the beef industry. For years, the USDA has urged the industryto voluntarily label such products, but found in 2008 that few beef plants were doing so. Costco is among stores thatdolabel suchproducts asbeing bladed. Those labels advise consumers that "for your safety USDA recommends cooking to


a minimum temperature of 160 degl ees. Not labeling mechanically tenderized beef jeopardizes consumers and puts health officials at a disadvantage if there's an outbreak of E. coli, experts said. "The meat associations do not want labeling on their products because they believe that it will causeconfusion and reluctance to buy the product," said Buck of the Center for Foodborne Illness. Pleas to the USDA to force the labeling of mechanically tenderized meat went unheeded for

years. Even one food industry group complained that r estaurants can't tell the difference between a regular steak and a mechanically tenderized steak. The Conference for Food Protection asked the USDA in 2010 to require labels for it. "Without clear labeling ... food retailers including restaurants and retail stores, and consumers do not have the necessary information to safelypreparetheseproducts,"the confer-

ence said. The recent Canadian E. coli outbreak prompted health officials there to consider labeling mechanically tenderized steaks and theCanadian government advised food preparers to cook them to 160 degrees. In the United States there has been no such public advisory and there still are no special labeling requirements. For now, the USDA recommends cooking allbeef steaks — mechanically tenderized of not — to a minimum internal temperature of 145 degrees, then lettingthem sit for 3 minutes. While slow to respond, however, the USDA has begun a complex and lengthy process that could eventually require more specific labels for mechanically tenderized beef steaks. As part of that process the beef industry, the public and consumer groups will have an opportunity to comment on the proposal, which could be changed, or even dropped. The USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service declined to discussspecifics of the proposal, including its risk assessment, because it's under review. Read the rest of the series at


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CIIff Continued from A1 The hope of the powers that be is for complex, bipartisan legislation that would r aise taxes, push down social-safet y-net spending and lift t h e federal debt limit. "We're getting down to as late as it's physically possible

to actually turn a framework into enactable legislation and then actually get it passed," said Sen. Chris Coons, D-Del., who is anticipating a complicated bill with "many real consequences for average Americans' lives." He added: "For senators to responsibly vote on a big,bold framework or package, we need time to review,

debate and discuss this. And we are rapidly running out of running room." In recent days, Boehner has called repeatedly on Obama to respond to an offer the GOP laid out last week. By Friday, a frustratedBoehner was complaining that, while the two sides continued to talk, there was "no progress to report."

The 'fiscalcliff'. Whatchangedafter Sunday's meeting? That's not immediately clear. But with written proposals from both sides now on thetable, senior aides say the elements of a dealare coming into focus:

FreSh tax revenue —As Obamawants it, this would be generated in part by raising rates on the wealthy and in part by limiting their deductions, as Republicans prefer. The top rate could be held below 39.6 percent, or the definition of the wealthy could be shifted to include those making more than

$375,000or$500,000,ratherthan$250,000asObama hasproposed. Obama wants $1.6 trillion over the next decade, but many Democrats privately say they would settle for $1.2 trillion. Boehner has offered $800 billion, and Republicans are eager to keep the final tax figure

under $1 trillion, noting that a measure to raise taxes onthe rich passed by the Senatethis summer would have generated only $831 billion.

Bipartisangroup talks defensecuts WASHINGTON — Substantial reductions in military spending should be part of any budget deal that President Barack Obama negotiates with Congress to avert the so-called "fiscal cliff" of automatic tax hikes and

spending cuts, a group of House Republicans and Democratssaid Monday. With just three weeks to the double economic hit, 22 lawmakers endorsed further cuts in projected military spending to address the nation's debt, arguing that long-term, strategic

reductions were possible with the end of the war in Iraq and the drawdown in Afghanistan. "As we transition from

wartime to peacetime, and as we confront our SaVingS frOm health and retirement PrOgramS —That's a concession from Democrats necessary to sell tax hikes to GOP lawmakers. Obama has proposed $350 billion in health savings over the next decade. Boehner has suggested $600 billion from health programs and an additional $200 billion from using a stingier measure of inflation, reducing cost-of-living adjustments for Social Security


AElditlOIlBI SBViilgs —This would be an amount sufficient to postpone roughly $100 billion in across-the-board agency cuts set to hit in 2013, known as the sequester, and to match a debt-limit

increase. Thesequester, perhaps paired with an automatic tax hike, could then serve as anew deadline, probably sometime next fall, for wringing additional revenue from the tax code and more savings from entitlement programs.

nation's fiscal challenges, future defense budgets should reflect the conclusion of these wars and acknowledge that our modern military is able to approach conflicts utilizing fewer but more

advanced resources," the lawmakers wrote in a letter to Obama and con-

gressional leaders. The lawmakers said "substantial defense sav-

ings" could be achieved without undermining

What'snext:legislativesausage-making If Obama and Boehner can agree on substance, Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, D-Mont., and House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dave Camp, R-Mich., are already at work on a legislative structure. "We're trying to get ahead of the curve here ... to answer a lot of these technical questions about frameworks, guidelines — for both tax and entitlements," Baucus said. Policy aides say both sides want to avoid the constraints of the budget reconciliation process and are instead focused on drafting two relatively simple bills. One would instruct the tax-writing committees to undertake an overhaul of the tax code and the other would order up legislation to improve the solvency of Medicare and Social Security.

care initiative, analysts say, and the second would affect programs well beyond Social Security. "Would a reduction in the COLA apply to disabled veterans'"benefits,D urbin asked skeptically. "Ready for t h at vote on the floor?" Durbin s a i d De m ocrats would prefer raising Medicare costs or reducing benefits for better-offseniors. After a presidential campaign focused on attacking Democrats for cutting Medicare to pay for "Obamacare," Republicans, too, might find that approach more palatable. "My little sister, who makes (an average income), shouldn't be paying for Warren Buffett's Medicare. So there are different ways to skin this cat," said Rep. Patrick Tiberi, R-Ohio, a senior Ways and Means Committee member. Some Republicans have also suggested scalingbackthe new health care subsidies, which are scheduled to begin in 2014 for people making as much as 400 percent of the federal poverty level, about $92,000 for a family of four. And there's interest in setting per capita caps on payments to state governments for Medicaid, the health program for the poor.

that would maintain current tax rates for 98 percent of taxpayers and let rates rise for the top 2 percent. That measure would leave a huge mess in January: It contains no extension of emergency unemployment benefits, no payroll tax cut and no protection for doctors from a looming 30 percent cut in Medicare reimbursements. Most pr o b lematic for Obama, the measure would not lift the $16.4 trillion debt ceiling. With the debt already nudging up against that cap, Republicans would have leverage to resume the fight over

spending early next year.

" We don't have a l o t o f cards as it relates to the tax issue before year's end," Sen. Bob Corker, R-Tenn., said on "Fox News Sunday." "So a lot of people are putting forth a theory, and I think it has merLacking in specifics? it, where you go ahead and Those measures are likely give the president ... the rate to contain little more than savincrease onthe top 2 percent, ings targets and some prinand all of a sudden the shift ciples to guide work next year, goes back to entitlements." aides said. Trying to get too P ushing th e S enate b i l l specific would not only take through the House is easier time but also could kill any said tha n d o ne, h o wever. chance of passage. Even if every Democrat supEven settling on a health ported it, Boehner would need care number could prove probaround 30 Republicans to sign on — an unappetizing proslematic. Democrats argue that anything over $400 billion in pecteven formoderates. "It fixes the political probsavings over 10 years implies Under pressure u nacceptable b enefit c u t s . While Democrats are anx- lem for Republicans, but it And Republicans are certain i ous about s h r edding t h e doesn't fix the problems" of to demand at least one spe- safety net, Republicans are the nation, said Rep. Steven cific policy that permanently anxious a b out e v e rything LaTourette, R-Ohio, a close changes the soaring trajectory — and under heavy pressure Boehner ally. "I'm willing to of entitlement costs, a tough to act. A W ashington Post- stand up against the tax rates concessionforDemocrats. Pew Research Center poll last unless there's something on "They want something to week found that a majority of the entitlement side." put on the wall, to say, 'OK, Americans would blame the So far, House leaders have we gave on taxes. They gave GOP if talks between Obama rejected that approach. But on (entitlements),'" said Sen. and Boehner fail to avert more whatever course Boehner ulRichard Durbin, D-Ill., the No. than $500 billion in automatic timately chooses, lawmakers 2 Democrat in the Senate. "I tax hikes and spending cuts say the sales job must begin hope we don't go that route, set to hit in January, potential- soon. "I support th e s p eaker's (but) we may end up facing it ly sparking a new recession. as the only way out of this." I f th e e lusive deal w i t h e fforts" t o n e g otiate w i t h Durbin argued against two Obama fails to m aterialize, Obama, said Rep. Jeb Hensarideas Obama tentatively en- some senior Republicans are ling, R-Texas, an influential dorsed in 2011 — raising the counseling Boehner to cut his conservative. But "like every Medicare eligibility age from losses and shift pressure onto other member of the House 65 to 67 and changing the the Democratic Senate by giv- Republican conference,I reinflation measure. The first ing Obama exactly what he serve the right to see whatever would shift costs onto employ- keeps asking for: House pas- is negotiated before I decide ers and Obama's new health sage of a Senate-passed bill how to vote."

national security, and they urged Obama, House SpeakerJohn Boehner, R-Ohio,and othercon-

gressional leaders to include such savings in any agreement. Signing the letter were

Reps. Barney Frank, D-Mass., and Mick Mul-

vaney, R-S.C., who earlier this year led a coalition of liberal Democrats and

conservative Republicans in persuading the House


teens. Some of that can be made up with funds from Continued from A1 overlapping programs, such Because the application as the street outreach proran long, the budget was not gram that allows teens to considered, which effective- drop in to the shelter and ly doomed the application, take a shower or use a comeven though LOFT employ- puter, she said. ees insist their submission But the LOFT program, met thegovernment's space which is licensed for 12 fullrequirements, according to time residents and t h r ee the letter. temporary beds, still faces "An answer of that nature about a $150,000 shortfall is very frustrating, and un- this year, and will run out helpful," the letter to Health of money sometime around and Human Services Sec- March, she said. retary K a t hleen Sebelius In the meantime, it is trystates. "While we certainly ing to raise funds through understand that s oftware private donations — LOFT p roblems can o c cur, w e recently r e ceived $ 2 ,000 do not believe that a glitch from one generous individprovides sufficient c ause ual, she said — and applyto deny an o r ganization's ing for other grants. "What do we tell kids who grant request — p a r ticularly one that has done all are waiting to see if they will in their power to fully com- have a place to stay?" she ply with the government's said. "We have kids right requirements." now who have no parents A n A d m i nistration f o r who are coming home from C hildren a nd Fam i l i e s college and staying at the spokesman did not respond LOFT, because they have no to a request for comment on home. I can't imagine us not Monday. being there for those kids." Without the grant, LOFT Alvstad held out hope that i s left scrambling to f i n d the delegation could reverse e nough funding t o k e e p the grant decision, but the the shelter open until it can letter conceded that grants reapply for the grant again have already been awarded, next year, said Stephanie and reviewing them after Alvstad, executive director the fact is problematic. But of J Bar J Youth Services, the letter urged the federal another Cascades program a gency to m ak e s ure i t s that helps administer the application system w orks LOFT program. p roperly, and t o pu t i n t o "If we had written a bad place a way to warn appligrant, I would understand," cants if there is an outstandshe said. The organization ing issue with the uploaded offered to mail in a printout documentation. "If th e L OF T p r o gram of its application, only to be told that everything had to had been aware that its budbe submitted through the get documents had been cut g overnment's online p o r - off in the uploading process, tal, and the deadline had it would have taken steps to passed. make sure those documents "There's no money, and h ad been i n cluded," t h e there's no appeals process," letter states. "Instead, the she said. LOFT program had no opThe grant provided about portunity to correct a situa$200,000 to run the shelter tion that it believes was not program that offers over- of its making." — Reporter: 202-662-7456, night accommodations for homeless a n d r un a w ay aclevengerC<bendbulletin.com

to cut $1.1 billion from a $608 billion defense bill. It

was the clearest signal yet that defense dollars would

no longer be spared from budget cuts in a time of astronomical deficits. — The Associated Press

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cation-related bills that made major changes to the state Continued from A1 education system. That legisCrew said lawmakers could lation touched on everything expect legislation in the "Feb- from allowing online charter ruary or March time frame." schools to expand to creating Gelser said it will be "very dif- one board overseeing all levels ficult to move things with ad- of education, the Oregon Eduequate public process" at that cation Investment Board. Rep. John Huffman, R-The point, and noted it's important to have "buy-in for transfor- Dalles, who with Gelser comational change." chairs the House Education Kitzhaber's education agen- Committee, noted a lot of "fanda states several goals, includ- fare" came withthe passage ing the creation of "an aligned of those 14 bills, but not "propset of l e a rning s t andards, er vetting" of them. "It's not something I want a ssessment tools an d s u pport systems for all students," to be part of again," Huffman "revamp workforce training sa>d. to better align with employer Crew took note of Huffman needs" and "promote parent and Gelser's comments. "I'm so advised," he said. and family i n volvement in their children's success." Crew gave lawmakers an Toward the end of the 2011 outline of areas where policy legislative session, lawmak- will likely focus. He told the ers passed a flurry of 14 edu- education committee to expect

The Bulletin bendbulletin.com a push to invest in math and scienceeducation and a focus on "historically underrepresented groups." When it comes to literacy, the administration will continue to focus on young readers and particularly on those whose first language is not English. The state will strive to improve teachertraining and recruitment, again focusing on minorities andteacherswho are not native English speakers. Crew al s o men t i oned strengthening teacher support and deve l o pment opportunities. Lawmakers convene Friday for a special legislative session, return in January and b egin meeting daily at t h e start of February. — Reporter: 541-554-1162, Idake@bendbulletin.com

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Cougar spotted in backyard A woman living in Deschutes RiverWoods spotted a cougarMonday morning in herbackyard. The animalwas apparently feeding ona small bird behindthe home in the19000 block of ShoshoneRoadin the subdivision south of Bend, saidDeschutes County Sheriff's Lt. Kevin Dizney. The animalwalked away after seeingpeople. "I think the cougar

i e esas ecia session pared to make a serious investment, if the state "can give them certainty on the investment climate during that time." The 2013 legislative session begins Jan. 14, but Kitzhaber said there was a "sense of urgency" because the company based in Washington County is being wooed by other states. SeeLegislature/B3

• Gov. Kitzhaber lays out education agenda,A1

The Bttuetin

SALEM — Gov. John Kitzhaber called lawmakers into a special session this Friday with the hope of paving the way for sportswear giant Nike to expand its operations in Oregon. The deal: Nike invests at least $150 million and creates a minimum of 500 good-

paying jobs over a five-year period and Oregon won't alter its tax code after the investment is made. The governor called it "a huge win" for the state. The company, Kitzhaber said, is pre-

for alleged assault on woman The Bulletin

( 4



~ L"

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Josh Hart smiles while talking about the families Operation Elf Box has helped during its last three years of operation.

Prineville fire displaces family A Prineville family of six will temporarily beout of its homewhile damage from a weekendfire is repaired. After seeingsmoke coming from thehouse in the 400 block ofElm Street, a neighbor reported the fire at 6:10a.m. Saturday, CaseyKump, fire marshal for Crook County Fireand Rescue said Monday. The family — ahusband, wife andfour children — wereawayfrom town over theweekend and returned to find the smoke-damagedhome. Crook County Fireand Rescue didnot release the name ofthe family. Overloadedelectrical wiring under thehouse started the fire, Kump said, which burned inthe garage andlaundry room and sent smokethrough the home. The family's dogand rabbit wereoutside and survived the fire, which killed a bird inside the house. Kump didn't havean exact damageestimate. "It's going to be inthe tens of thousands ofdollars for sure," hesaid.

Man to enter plea

By Sheila G. Miller

took the bird with it when

it left," he said. The womanreported the sighting to the Sheriff's Office around 9:45 a.m. Deputies searched for the cougar for about a half-hour but did not locate the animal, Dizneysaid. Deputies found tracks that indicated therewas one cougar.Because the cougar didn't show an interest in people, deputies won't be looking for it again, although the Sheriff's Office is alerting Deschutes River Woods residents that a cougar may be intheir neighborhood. As deer move to lower elevations close to town for winter, cougars will likely follow them, said Steven George, district wildlife biologist for the Oregon Department of Fish andWildlife in Bend. "Where youseedeer is where youhavea high chance of seeingwhat eats them," hesaid.


By Lauren Dake


• As the founderof Operation ElfBox,JoshHalt's mission ismaking kids' spirits bright By Megan Kehoee The Bulletin

Over the years, Bend resident Josh Hart has held many titles. Motorcycle salesman. Wholesale mortgage salesman. Musician. But none of those titles were nearly as meaningful or gratifying as the one he holds now: Elf. "We've watched as so many nonprofits these days go under and be unable to continue their mission," Hart said. "We're just trying to change things one toy at a time. It's simple. We just want to make a brighter Christmas for less fortunate kids." Local toy drive Operation Elf Box has grown from a fledgling idea two years ago to help a few local kids around Christmastime to a program that's in more than 128 businesses and counting in Central Oregon and Salem. Hart, the founder of Elf Box, designed the toy drive to be unlike many others. Any family in need of toys

during the holidays can contact the organization and make an appointment to visit the store located in the St. Clair Place building in downtown Bend. From there, parents can go shopping at the "elf store," choosing which toys best suit their children. "Before all this, I had no idea how empowering it was for a mother to make choices for her children," Hart said. "She's able to make choices at a time when there are few choices she could make." Hart says the shopping appointments, in particular, are a key part of the program.

"Every family gets their own appointment," Hart said. "Because you feel important when you have an appointment. You think 'They're expecting me. I'm on the list.'" In the 2010 holiday season, Hart met with 153 families who got a chance to shop for their children's presents at the elf store. Last year, he and a group of volunteerswere overwhelmed by 405 appointments. The program has even expanded to Salem this year with an elf store that gives toys to local families there. Another location will also be opening soon in Redmond. See Elf/B3

You canhelp To volunteer or donate to Operation Elf Box, call 541-419-4159 or go online to http://operationelfbox.com/for a list of locations to drop off toys. Those in need and interested in scheduling a shopping appointment with the toy drive should call 573-353-3126 or go

to http://operationelfbox.com/contact/.

A 53-year-old man accused of sexually assaulting a 20-year-old woman with autism is expected to enter a plea next month. Jay Allen Palmer was arrested Nov. 13 and indicted Nov. 20 on four counts of fir st-degree sexual abuse and one count of first-degree unlawful sexual penetration. The charges are Palm e r aggravated because the woman involved has a mental disability, and is described as a "vulnerable victim." Palmer is being held in the Deschutes County Jail in lieu of $155,000 bail. According to a search warrant, on Oct. 6 members of the county Sheriff's Office responded to a reportofa mi ssing 20year-old autistic woman in Deschutes River Woods. The woman had been missing for three hours, and was described as having a mental capacity similar to someone between the ages of 7 and 15. She is not being identified because she is the alleged victim of sexual abuse. While deputies were headed to the family's home, the woman's mother called to report her daughter had returned. When a deputy arrived and spoke with the young woman, he reported it was clear she was developmentally delayed. "She said she went next door to give the neighbors some root beer, and then walked around the neighborhood," the search warrant states. The deputy told the woman to make sure she let her parents know before she left the house. As the deputy prepared to leave, the woman told the deputy she'd met a man while walking and had sex with him in some bushes. She identified the man as having a beard, but did not know the man's name and had not previously met him. A neighbor told police she had seen the woman earlier in the day, walking with an older white man with a beard. The man, she said, had his arm around the woman. The 20-year-old's parents told deputies she was not capable of caring for herself and needed help with basic daily tasks. See Plea/B3

— From staff reports

Have astoryidea or submission? Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine........... 541-383-0348 Sunriyer ......... 541-383-0348 Deschutes ......541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184

Salem..............541-554-1162 D.c..................202-662-7456 Business ........ 541-383-0360 Edttcatiott .......541-977-7185

Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831

Following up on Central Oregon's most interesting stories, eveni j they've been out of the headlines for a while. Email ideas to news@bendbulletirLcom


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Madras' youngestmayorstill hasfond memories • Now living in the Seattle area,JasonHalesays his brief mayoraltermwasavaluable experience By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

Former Madras Mayor Jason Hale drew local and international attention when he began his political career in 2007 as the city's

youngest mayor. Hale won election at age 26 and,

because ofhisKorean heritage on his mother's side of the family, the story of Madras' youngest

mayor soon appeared on a major TV outlet in South Korea and Hale received congratulations from the mayor of a district of Seoul. At the time, he was a small-business

owner, operating Ahern's Grocery & Deli and the Backstreet Pub. Just two years later, Hale sold the Hale businesses, resigned from the City Council and moved to Washington to study heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration. ~

Although some people con-


nectedwith Hale on Facebook, he acknowledged he lost touch with many of the people he knew in Madras. Now 32, Hale lives Lynnwood, Wash., a suburb of Seattle, and works for the aerospace company Boeing. He recalls his time in Madras fondly, and said that serving as mayor was a valuable experience. See Hale/B6




Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541-389-1813 or www.deschuteshistory.org. CASCADEHORIZONBAND: The OPERATIONELFBASH: A holiday senior band performs their annual party with food, live music, a DJ Christmas concert with popular and a raffle and a toy drive; new, holiday music; free; 11:30 a.m.; unwrapped toy donations benefit Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Operation Elf Box; $15 in advance, Reed Market Road; 541-639-7734, $20 at the door; 5-10 p.m.; Century cascadehorizonband©aol.com or Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, www.cascadehorizonband.org. Bend; 541-383-3300 or ADVENT LECTURE: Apresentation www.bendradiogroup.com. by author, scholar and theologian AUTHOR PRESENTATION: John Marcus Borg, titled "The Birth Schwechten recites a selection of Stories - What Are They About?"; his poetry, followed by a Q&A; free; free; 7 p.m.; St. Helens Hall, Trinity 6 p.m.; The Nature of Words, 224 Episcopal Church, 231 N.W. Idaho N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-647Ave., Bend; 541-382-5542. 2233, info©thenatureofwords.org HISTORY PUB: A presentation by or www.thenatureofwords.org. Dr. David James on the declining KNOW HEROES:William Akin monarch butterfly populations discusses, "From 4-Color to 3D: A in California and the Pacific History of the American Superhero"; Northwest; free; 7 p.m., doors free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public open at 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312St.FrancisSchool,700 N.W. Bond 1034 or www.deschuteslibrary. St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. org/calendar. mcmenamins.com. STORIESFROM TERRA MADRE AND POTLUCK: Hear stories from delegates who recently returned WEDNESDAY from Italy, with a potluck; free; 6:30 GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A p.m.; Cascade Culinary Institute, 2555 N.W. Campus Village Way, display of lighted and mechanical Bend; 541-279-0841. Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; MATT THEELECTRICIAN: The Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 S. roots-pop artist performs; $10; 7 Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., or grimes©crestviewcable.com. Sisters; 541-815-9122 or AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Kimberly www.belfryevents.com. Jensen talks about her book RAINBOW GIRLS: TheCalifornia"Oregon's Doctor to the World: based folk act performs; free; Esther Pohl Lovejoy and a Life in 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Activism"; free; 3 p.m.; Des Chutes Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond

Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at vrrvrrvrr.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Location, Location, Location"; registration requested; free; 5:307:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-322-3152 or www. mcmenamins.com. KNOW HEROES:PeterAmes Carlin, the author of the biography, "Bruce," gives a lecture about the rock icon titled, "Bruce Springsteen: An American Musical Hero"; free; 6:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-3503537 or http://j.mp/brucereading. "IT'S A WONDERFULLIFE": The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beat tickets.org. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Michael Stevens talks about his book, "Being an Ordinary Buddha: Practicing the Natural Mind"; with an art sale benefiting the Ten Friends Relief Center and the Natural Dharma Center; free; 7-9 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-388-3352 or www.naturalmind dharma.org. POETRYREADING:Creative writing students from Kilns College share their poetry, with an openmic; free; 7-9 p.m.; Crow's FeetCommons, 875 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-728-0066. CURRENTSWELL: The Canadian roots-rock act peforms; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879


Roh Kerr /The Bulletin

Bend Experimental Art Theatre's production of "It's a Wonderful Life" continues Thursday through Sunday at the 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend. Showtimes are 7 p.m. Thursday through Saturday and 2 p.m. on Dec. 16. Tickets are $15 for adults, $10 for students ages 5-18. To learn more, call 541-419-5558 or go to www.beattickets.org. St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. DEANA CARTER:The country artist performs, with Aaron Benward and Brian McComas; with a toy drive; $20, $15 with an unwrapped toy, plus fees; 8 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www.maverickscountrybar.com.

THURSDAY GRADUATIONAUCTION: Silent auction to benefit Summit High

PUBLIC OFFICIALS For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.com/officials.

CONGRESS U.S. Senate • Sert. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-3753 Web: http://merkley.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298 • Sen. Ron Wydett, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 W eb: http://wyden.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-330-9142

U.S. House ef Representatives • Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River 2182 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone:202-225-6730 W eb: http://walden.house.gov Bend office: 1051 N.W.Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452

CITY OF BEND 710 N.W. Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-388-5505 Web: www.ci.bend.or.us

• City Manager Eric Klng Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: citymanager@ci.bend.or.us

City Council • Tom Greene Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: tgreene@ci.bend.or.us • Jeff Eager Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: jeager©ci.bend.or.us • Sally Russell Contactinfo to be determined • Jim Clinton Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: Iclinton@ci.bend.or.us • Mark Capell Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: mcapell@ci.bend.or.us • Jodie Barram Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: ibarram@ci.bend.or.us • Scott Ramsay Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: sramsay@ci.bend.or.us

CITY OF REDMON D 716 S.W.EvergreenAve. Redmond, OR97756 Phone: 541-923-7710 Fax: 541-548-0706

City Council

Phone:503-913-7342 Email: dasson@ci.sisters.or.us • Wendy Holzman Phone:541-549-8558 wholzman©ci.sisters.or.us • Lon Kellstrom Phone: 541-480-9975 Email: Ikellstrom©ci.sisters.or.us • PatThompson Phone:541-610-3780 Email: pthompson©ci.sisters.or.us • Sharlene Weed Phone: 541-549-1193 Email: sweed©ci.sisters.or.us

CITY OF LA PINE P.O. Box 3055 16345 Sixth St. La Pine, OR97739 Phone: 541-536-1432 Fax: 541-536-1462

City Council • Kathy Agan Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: kagan©ci.la-pine.or.us • Ken Mulenex Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: kmulenex©ci.la-pine.or.us • Don Greiner Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: dgreiner©ci.la-pine.or.us • Dan Varcoe Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: dvarcoe©ci.la-pine.or.us • Stu Martinez Phone: 541-536-1432 Email: smartinez@ci.la-pine.or.us

CITY OF PRINEVILLE 387 N.E. Third St. Prineville, OR 97754 Phone: 541-447-5627 Fax: 541-447-5628 Email: cityhall@cityofprineville.com Web: www.cityofprineville.com

City Council • Betty Roppe Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: broppe©cityofprineville.com • Jack Seley Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: jseley@cityofprineville.com • Stephen Uffelman Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: suffelman©cityofprineville.com • Dean Noyes Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: dnoyes@cityofprineville.com • Gordon Gillespie Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: ggillespie©cityofprineville. com •Jim MacDonald Phone: 541-447-5627 Email: jmacdonald©cityofprineville. com

CITY OF MADRAS 71 S.E. D Street Madras, OR97741 Phone:541-475-2344 Fax:541-475-7061

• Mayor George Ettdicott Phone: 541-948-3219 Email: George.Endicott©ci.redmond City Council .Qt.us • Mayor Melanie Widmer • Jay Patrick Phone: 541-475-2344 Phone: 541-508-8408 Email: mwidmer@ci.madras.or.us Email: Jay.Patrick©ci.redmond. • Tom Brown or.us Phone: 541-475-2344 • Ed Boero Email: thbrown©ci.madras.or.us Phone: 541-604-5399 • Royce Embanks Jr. Email: Ed.Boero@ci.redmond.or.us Phone: 541-475-2344 • Margie Dawson Email: rembanks©ci.madras.or.us Phone: 541-604-5400 • Jennifer Flowers Email: Margie.Dawson©ci.redmond Phone: 541-475-2344 .or.us Email: jflowersC!ci.madras.or.us • Shirlee Evans • Richard Ladeby Phone: 541-604-5401 Phone: 541-475-2344 Email: Shirlee.Evans@ci.redmond Email: rladeby@ci.madras.or.us .Qr.us • Jon Young • Camden King Phone: 541-475-2344 Phone: 541-604-5402 Email: jyoung©ci.madras.or.us Email: Camden.King©ci.redmond • Kevin O'Meara .Qt.us Phone: 541-475-2344 • Ed Onimtts Email: komeara©ci.madras.or.us Phone: 541-604-5403 Email: Ed.0nimus@ci.redmond.or.us CITY OF CULVER

CITY OF SISTERS 520 E. CascadeAvenue P.O. Box 39 Sisters, OR 97759 Phone: 541-549-6022 Fax: 541-549-0561

City Council • Davld Asson

200 w. First st. Culver, OR97734 Phone:541-546-6494 Fax:541-546-3624

City Council • Nancy Diaz, Laura Dudley, Amy Mccully, WayneJohnson, J.B. Schumacher, ShannonPoole Phone:541-546-6494

School's graduation party; free admission; 8 a.m.-8 p.m.; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Drive; 541-408-0344 or www.summitstormboosters.com. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-6 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes@crestviewcable.com. SCIENCEPUB: Melissa Cheyney talks about maternal health in "The Politics and Science of Being Born:

or www.reverbnation.com/venue/ thehornedhand.

FRIDAY LUNCH ANDLECTURE: Learn about how the Pole Creek Fire in Sisters will encourage a healthy ecosystem; bring a sack lunch; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; noon-1 p.m.; HighDesertMuseum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. GRIMES'CHRISTMAS SCENE:A display of lighted and mechanical Christmas decorations; open through Dec. 24; free; 2-7 p.m.; Crook County Fairgrounds,1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5006 or grimes@crestviewcable.com. DIRKSENDERBYKICKOFF PARTY: Featuring live music, an art auction, a raffle and more; proceeds benefit Tyler Eklund; $5 suggested donation; 6-11 p.m.; Century Center, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-480-1414. "BELLS & BELLOWS": AChristmas concert featuring organist Mark Oglesby and the Bells of Sunriver; free; 7 p.m.; St. Francis of Assisi Catholic Church & School, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-382-3631. "IT'S A WONDERFULLIFE": The Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the classic holiday tale about George Bailey and his guardian angel; $15, $10 students ages 5-18; 7 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beat tickets.org.


POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Theft — Atheft was reported and an arrest made at 6:44 p.m. Sept. 24, in the 300 block of Northeast Second Street. Theft — Atheft was reported and an arrest made at2:58 p.m. Nov. 25, in the 63400 block of North U.S. Highway 97. Burglary — A burglary was reported at9:23a.m. Nov. 26, in the1500 block of Northeast Fourth Street. DUII — Michael DeaneShumaker, 34, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 4:17 p.m. Dec. 5, in the areaof Northwest14th Streetand Northwest Elgin Avenue. Theft — Atheft was reported and an arrest made at5:56 p.m. Dec. 6, in the 100 block of Northeast BendRiver Mall Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief and a theft were reported and anarrest made at9:38 p.m. Dec. 6, in the 800 block of Northeast Greenwood Avenue. DUII — William Beard Bruder Jr., 35, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 12:43 a.m. Dec. 7, in the1000 block of Northwest Galveston Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at 4:13 p.m. Sept. 20, in the 3300 block of Northeast Palmer Drive. Theft — Atheft was reported at12:16 p.m. Nov. 30, in the 2100block of Northeast Third Street. DUII — Travis Tyler Henderson, 23, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 7:57 p.m. Dec. 2, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 andNortheast Revere Avenue. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 9:08 a.m. Dec. 2, in the 61100 block of LaderaRoad. Theft — A theft was reported at 5:54 p.m. Dec. 3, in the 63400 block of North U.S. Highway 97. Burglary — A burglary was reported at10:15 a.m. Dec. 4, in the 200 block of Northwest Linster Place. Unauthorized use — Avehicle was reported stolen at 3:16 p.m.Dec.5, in the 3000 block of Northeast Byers Court. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 4:54 p.m. Dec. 5, in thearea of North U.S. Highway 97and Empire Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:48 a.m. Dec. 6, in the area of Northeast Second Street andNortheast Olney Avenue. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at1:03 p.m. Dec.6, in the 2200 block of Northeast U.S. Highway 20. DUII — Robert Frank Burch, 56, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at10:15 p.m. Dec. 7, in the area of Northwest 15th Street and Northwest Galveston Avenue. DUII — Christopher BachBarnes, 49, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:35 a.m. Dec. 8, in the area of Northwest Fourth Street and Northwest Newport Avenue. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 3:35 p.m. Dec.8, in the 20200 block of Ellie Lane. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 5:51 p.m.Dec.8, in the19100 block of Kiowa Road. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 8:42 a.m. Dec. 9, in the1200 block of Northwest Ithaca Avenue. Theft — Atheft was reported at11:18

a.m. Dec. 9, in the19800 block of Southwest Villano Place. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 11:24 a.m. Dec. 9, in the1400 block of Northwest Ithaca Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at1:05 p.m. Oct. 26, in the 2000 block of Northeast Linnea Drive. DUII — Daniel Anthony Toledo, 21, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 6:55p.m. Dec.2,inthe2200blockof Northeast U.S. Highway 20.

were reported stolen Dec. 4, in the 14100 block of Southwest Ridge Place in Crooked River Ranch. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made Dec. 5, in the area of PanoramaCircle and Southwest Peninsula Drive in Crooked River Ranch. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 7:42 p.m. Dec. 6, in the area of U.S. Highway 26near milepost 112. Burglary — A burglary and theft were reported Dec. 7, inthe area of Metolius. Theft — A theft and anact of criminal mischief were reported Dec. 7,in the 2400 block of Southwest Culver Highway. Burglary — A burglary, theft and an act of criminal mischief were reported Dec. 8, in the 5400 block of Southwest Feather Drive in Culver. Unauthorized use — Avehicle was reported stolen at 2:32 a.m.Dec.9, in the100 block of Northwest Cedar Street in Madras. Oregon State Police DUII — Brandi A. Mitchell, 24, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9:26 p.m. Dec. 7, in thearea of U.S. Highway 97 nearmilepost146. DUII — Charles RyanMazzola, 27, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 10:35 p.m. Dec. 7, inthe area of U.S. Highway 97 nearmilepost139. DUII — Clayton J. Douglas,23, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:34 a.m. Dec. 8, in the area ofGalenBaker Road in Bend.

Prineville Police Department Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported

at6:50a.m. Dec. 7, in thearea of Southeast Lynn Boulevard. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported at 10:50 a.m. Dec. 7, inthe area of Northeast Rosemont Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 3:04 p.m. Dec. 7, in thearea of Northwest Sixth Street. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 6:14 p.m. Dec. 7, in the area of state Highway126. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at12:18 a.m. Dec. 9, in the area ofSoutheast Lynn Boulevard. Theft — A theft was reported at 8:05 a.m. Dec. 9, in thearea of Northeast Third Street. Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief was reported Dec. 3, in the 200 block of First Avenue in Culver. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported Dec. 3, in the area of South Adams Drive andCodyLane in Madras. Criminal mischief — Damage to a vehicle was reported Dec. 3, in the 600 block of Northeast Susan Street in Madras. Theft — Prescription medications

DUII — Vicky RayBehrend,50, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:42 a.m. Dec. 8, in thearea ofU.S. Highway97and Cooley Road inBend. DUII — Jory Smith, 30, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:10 p.m. Dec. 8, in the area ofLI.S. Highway97 near milepost 159. Vehicle crash — Anaccident was reported at 2:40 p.m. Dec. 9, in the area of Third Street andEmpire Avenuein Bend. DUII — Nicholas S. Klampe,33, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:17a.m. Dec. 10, in the area of Brookswood and Pinebrook boulevards in Bend.

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REGON $330,000 HOUSE

Rnbbai' hltS Shlln Inn —The Washington County sheriff's office says a clerk was tied upbut unharmed by arobber Monday morning at the Beaverton Shilo Inn. The sheriff's office says a man wearing a black ski mask entered the lobby shortly after 4 a.m. and pointed a

ICIB S I'0 ewe BFe FBLl The Associated Press

ments to multiple addresses PORTLAND — O f f i cials t o a s i ngle client and n o t are trying to figure out how a have that r a ise questions? state agency allowed a couple We've got to figure out what to collect Oregon welfare ben- happened here," said Gene efits while living in a $330,000 E vans, a s p o k esman f o r house in a gated neighborhood the Department of H u m an in Las Vegas. Services. D onte and L a k isha M u He said it appears that suhammed are accused of col- pervisors did not always aplecting $219,000 in O regon prove the payments or may benefits for housing, welfare, not have known what they food stamps and other pur- were approving, and part poses at multiple addresses of the problem may lie with before they w er e i n d icted the agency's multiple comi n C lackamas County o n puter systems that don't cocharges of racketeering, theft ordinate services a client is and fraud, The Oregonian re- receiving. ported. They are to be tried in The agency is in an upgrade February. that will put all the data into The M u hammads l i sted one network. 10 addresses in Oregon and Court documents say Donte Nevada since 2007 but lived Muhammed was paid by Orat just three, according to a egon to be his wife's full-time state Department of Justice caregiver at the same time he timeline. earned nearly $75,000 last In mid-2011, the Muham- year working for a company mads were living in Nevada that stages convention events, but collecting benefits at ad- and Lakisha Muhammad coldresses in Hillsboro, Happy lected $18,000 in mileage exValley and Troutdale, it said. penses fortravel between Las "How can you make pay- Vegas and the Portland area

for treatment. It was the travel reimbursement requests that raised suspicion on the part of a new worker i n t h e C l a ckamas County office, Evans said. Lakisha Muhammad, 35, has attended her court appearances in a wheelchair. She became disabled after she suffered an electric shock from a washing mac hine, according t o c o u r t testimony. She suffers from i n somnia, severe depression and a chronic pain condition, said a Las Vegas clinic that recommended she move to a warmer climate. Her attorney, Lawrence Taylor, said she "denies all charges and expects to be vindicated at trial." Taylor said he has not seen the state's list of home addresses for Lakisha Muhammad but said his client provided accurate information about where she lived. Donte Muhammad, 37, is not represented by an attor-

"It's not even about the money or the gifts. It's about people loving people, lifting up others when they're pulled down in things around them. It's about elf magic." — Josh Hart, founder, Operation Elf Box

gun at the clerk. The robber got awaywith somecash.

Plea Continued from B1 They described her mental capacity as that of an 8or 10-year old, and said she often went for walks around the neighborhood but had never stayed away so long. The woman told p olice she had met the man in the trailer park, and he led her to a house in the park. She told

police the man kept hugging her in the house, and then eventually they went outside to the bushes and conducted sexual acts, which she described in detail. The woman could not remember the

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Operation Elf Box is a grassroots effort in Bend to help make Christmas brighter for disadvantaged children in the community. It's grown from just six locations in local businesses to over 128 throughout Central Oregon.

Elf Continued from B1 Despite the enormous spike in needy families, Operation Elf Box has yet to turn away any family that has asked for

help. Toy boxes for the drive are located at TJ M a xx , BendBroadband and every Central Oregon McDonald's — along with local stores like Leapin' Lizards, Thump Coffee and Cuppa Yo, to name a few. Initially, Hart distributed the boxes at just six local business locations. Since then, Lowe's has gotten involved, and has donated the St. Clair Building space to the toy drive. "It's grown very organically," Hart said. Suzy Reininger, the owner of Leapin' Lizards, has been involved with t h e p r ogram since Hart walked into her store two years ago asking if he could leave an Elf Box there. The store now offers a 20 percent discount to anyone who purchases toys to be do-

nated to the drive. "What I liked about it was the fact that parents can go (to the Elf store) and pick out the items themselves for their kids," Reininger said. "It's just a more personal touch, and it's something that really r i ngs true." One big difference between two years ago and today is the fact that Hart isn't alone in his ambition to help underprivileged kids. Several steady volunteers participate in the

program, helping with the appointments, toy d i stribution and volunteer organization. All together, there were 50 volunteers last year. Resident elf Jenn Snyder joined the cause last year after finding herself unemployed in December. Though she now has a job at Broken Top Bottle Shop, she remains a crucial part of the drive, working with families and volunteers. "I really believe in it," Snyder,who issometimes referred around the Elf Box office as "Angel Elf," said. "I think that

StOlen dng reCOvered —Police have recovered a dogthat was stolen from outside aPortland restaurant and bar. Police saythe

n ey. Numbers listed in h i s name in Nevada and Oregon went unanswered Monday or were not working. T he M u h a mmads s u r rendered in the summer and have testified that their home is in foreclosure, their cars are being repossessed, and they're broke. Lakisha Muhammad and the couple's three children receive about $1,500 a month in Social Security benefits. In October, Lakisha Muh ammad wa s a c cused i n W ashington County o f f i l ing a false police report of a home burglary, claiming seven f l a t s c r een t e l evisions that didn't exist were stolen, and last month both were charged with perjury and m a k in g f a l s e s t a t ements about their assets to qualify for c ourt-appointed attorneys. The Muhammads told a judge they were truthful and blamed the errors on court workers who h elped them with paperwork.

SiberianHusky named Tuesday had been leftataVancouverhome by a family member. When the residents learned from media cover-

age that the dogwasstolen they called police. Police reunited the dog with its owner Sunday and arrested the 47-year-old man who is suspected of taking it Friday afternoon.

Teen deStrOyS SCienCe eXperiment —Officers from the Portland police bomb squad were investigating a small blast scene

Sunday outside Sitton Elementary School when awoman told them what happened. She said her16-year-old son blew uphis science experiment with fireworks. It left a small divot in the grass. Officers

talked to the teenand determined there was nointent to damage property and nodanger, so hewas not charged. Crab season delayed —The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife has delayed the state's ocean commercial Dungeness crab

season again, this time through Dec.30. Theseason is being delayed to allow the crabs to fill with more meat. Theseason onthe Oregon Coast typically opens Dec. 1 but can be delayed to ensure better quality and avoid wasting crab. The department says coast-wide

quality testing showedsomeareasdidn't meet minimum preseason criteria. Oregon Fish and Wildlife said Monday that recreational crab

harvesting in the oceanand in Oregon's bays will remain open. Call her 'Lily' —online voters have picked "Lily" as the nameof Oregon's newest elephant calf. Thevote wasn't close. Lily outpaced the other four suggestions by zookeepers with more than30,000 of the total 50,000 votes. Also being considered were the names Jaidee, Sirikit, Rakhi and Siddhi. The calf was born at nearly 300 pounds

on Nov. 30toanotherOregonZooelephant,Rose-Tu. — From wire reports

names of genitalia and used motions to describe what had taken place. She also told officers she'd said no to the man more than one time, but couldn't describe the context in which she said it. The woman also led the deputy to the location of the incident, in th e Deschutes Mobile Home Park. According to the search warrant, deputies searched a manufactured home on Cheyenne Road in the Deschutes Mobile Home Park, where they collected DNA swabs and confiscated clothing from Palmer. Nurses at S t . C h a rles

lifting up others when they're pulled down in things around them. It's about elf magic." — Reporter: 541-383-0354, mlzehoeC<bendbulletin.com

— Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletin.com

Featuring Cascade Chorale of COCC & Lindy Gravelle

if you put out a lot of positive energy, it'll spread out like a virus. It's huge to be able to make Christmas happen for the kiddos." Hart, who moved back to his hometown of Bend about three years ago, c u rrently works full time for the Bend Radio Group. He's also a musician, though these days he has little time to jam. He dedicates almost every free moment to the Elf Box drive. When he started it, he didn't have a fulltime job and was sleeping on a couch in his parents' house. Hart, along with the other elves, will work right up through Christmas Eve this year, trying to ensure that every child in Central Oregon wakes up Christmas morning to presents under the tree. "It's not even about the money or the gifts." Hart said. "It's

about people loving people,

Bend conducted a p a r t i al sexual assault exam on the young woman, an d f o u nd bruising on the back of her thigh. The nurse could not c heck for fu rther injury t o the 20-year-old because she "would not tolerate" a closer examination. According to Palmer's indictment, he allegedly penetratedthe woman, described in the document as having a mental defect, with his finger and touched various parts of t he woman's body with h i s hands, mouth and penis. Palmeris dueincourt Jan. 14.

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Legislature Continued from B1 The governor hopes lawmakers will pass legislation F riday that a l lows hi m t o strike a deal with Nike and any other company that proposes similar expansion. Kitzhaber is calling it the "Economic Impact Investment Act" and noted it will not impact state revenue. Kitzhaber said he w o uld evaluate the deal based on the current capital i n vestment, the expected investment and

any otherfactors he believes economically important. An analysis of Nike by a global professional services firm that Kitzhaber noted in his speech estimates the economic impact of a potential expansion could be more than $2 billion a year and more than 12,000 jobs by2020. Rep. Gene Whisnant, RSunriver, pointed out that Phil Knight, who co-founded the company, owns property in Central Oregon. The governor said he did not know where the company

planned to expand. "Maybe they will come to Central Oregon," W h isnant

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quipped. Thecompany'sheadquartered in Beaverton. Even if the expansion isn't planned for this region, Whisnant said, it's good news. "It's great to help existing companies," Whisnant said, "We tend to focus on new companies. We have to help business expand in Oregon, the ones who have stuck with us in good times and bad." — Reporter: 541-554-1162, Idake@bendbulletin.com

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The Bulletin



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Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials

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mong the changes Gov. John Kitzhaber would like to make to Oregon's education system is this one: He would like to allow some young men and women to pay in-state tuition to attend college in Oregon even though they are in this country illegally. It's a worthy idea. There's a good case to be made for the proposed change. Federal law already requires that states provide a free K-12 public education to all comers of school age, and those providing that education may not inquire about a student's immigration status. As a nation, we clearly believe the most basic of education is so valuable that all children living here should be allowed to take part. Kitzhaber's suggestion simply acknowledges that an education's value doesn't end with high school graduation. And, unlike K-12 education, the cost of college would not be borne by the state, but by the young men and women going to school. No legal immigrant or American citizen would have to give up his seat in class so an illegal could sit there free. As with most proposed changes to the law, however, the value of this one will lie in the details. Kitzhaber has said he believes students should be required to

have attended an Oregon high school for at least three years to qualify for the program. We'd make the standard somewhat tougher by adding that eligible students would have to have arrived in the United States when they were still too young to have made the tripacross the border by themselves. We would also like assurances that eligible students have had no brushes with the law while here. Kitzhaber's proposal, meanwhile, isn't a case of a liberal governor getting into the immigration reform act through a side door. Immigration policy is a matter for Congress and the president to decide — although theyhave been mighty reluctant to do so in recent years. That's where the bigger problem must be solved. But Kitzhaber recognizes that Oregon benefits when its young people, here legally or not, are well educated. His proposal is simply a way to help ensure that happens.

Why foist Anna Wintour on a close ally? By Lane Filler


On foredosures, avoid unintended consequences he idea behind 2012's Senate Bill 1552 was appealing: Allow homeowners facing foreclosure to talk with their lenders and a mediator to seek ways to avoid losing their homes. The reality is a handful of mediations and a frozen foreclosure system that's slowing the housing industry's recovery. As the Legislature goes back to the drawing board in 2013, it needs to ferret out such potential unintended consequences in the new proposals it considers. The effects of SB 1552 were complicated by an Oregon Court of Appeals ruling about the legal recording of mortgage ownership. That ruling forced many foreclosures into the courts, where the mediation r e quirement d i d n't


apply The courts are now flooded, foreclosures are stalled, and the recovery of the state's economy is threatened. Is the goal to keep homeowners in their homes'? If possible, certainly. But it must also be about settling conflicts so the homeowner can move on and the housing industry

can clear the inventory of properties and start to recover. Players at the table have different goals. Bankers hope the Legislature will resolve the uncertainty created by the law and the court ruling. Homeowners need protecti on from lenders who were talking with them about refinancing while foreclosing behind their backs. County governments have an interest in filing fees they didn't collect on mortgage transfers. And newspapers, including The Bulletin, have an interest in the legalnotice fees lenders pay when foreclosures proceed. Finally, th e a l r eady o v erwhelmed court system needs relief from this new load of cases. Most important, all of us have an interest in seeing economic recovery, which depends largely — though certainly not exclusively — on the housing industry. The stakes are high, the risks are many, and legislators should be well aware — as they may not have been earlier this year — of the need to anticipate the unexpected.

less. No dessert? Box wine'? Granting p o s t s ba s e d on t's been 200 years since the Unit- fundraising is neither a new fooled States kicked off a shooting ishness or a Democrat-specific one: war with Great Britain, but that President Richard Nixon famously nation may be wondering if we're said, "Anybody who wants to be looking to start another scrap. What an ambassador must at least give else could be signified by rumors $250,000," and that's when $250,000 that Vogue editor Anna Wintour meant something. could be our next ambassador to the But the idea that you can buy a Court of St. James's? taxpayer-funded job, an awesome One can only imagine befuddled, title and use of a mansion is abhormonocled British public servants on rent. To be fair, rich people are also the phone with the White House: selectedbecause they're expected to "Dear Lord, is i t s omething we spend some of their own money ensaid?" tertaining, but still. It's been agreed that this needs The primary q u alification for many a m bassadorships the to stop, and a law went into effect ones in countries we rarely take is- in 1980 demanding ambassadors sue with — is raising and donating be picked based on skills and exwheelbarrows full o f m o ney f or perience. Now, we can celebrate 32 winning p residential candidates. years of that law being ignored. Presidents would probably also like Patronage works if you pick canto give jobs to folks who raise mon- didates who are suitedto the position ey for their opponents, if they could and are big contributors. Our curonly make them take the assign- rent ambassador to Paris, Charles ments: "We really hope you'll enjoy Rivkin, got the job by co-chairing your time in Somalia, Ambassador Obama's California financing efRove. If you run into any trouble just forts. But he ran two large compacall Ambassador Adelson in Ice- nies, has deep roots in France and land. He's always so helpful." politics, was brought up in a family But no, the gigs go only to the involved in the diplomatic corps and money herders of the successful, is garneringrave reviews from exlike Wintour. Born in Great Britain perts here and in Paris. but now a U.S. citizen, she co-hosted But when you pick grubbers of a $40,000-per-head fundraiser for money unsuited to th e p osition, President Barack Obama in June, watch out. Cynthia Stroum, an inthen did another in A u gust for vestor in startup companies who $35,800 a plate. I wonder why the bundled for Obama like nobody's meal atthe second event was $4,200 business, was forced to resign as Newsday

ambassador to L uxembourg last year after she was described as aggressive, bullying, hostile and intimidating. She dedicated pretty much all the resources of the embassy to her own comfort. Reports saidshe forced employees to spend days seeking the perfect umbrella for her patio. Which type is W i ntour? She's most famous for a fictional film depiction of her life, "The Devil Wears Prada," in which she was ... the devil. She insists on sitting separately from other journalists at fashion shows. She cannot bear to be at parties for more than 20 minutes. It's said her employees are not allowed to ride elevators with her, or start conversations. As for tact, Wintour once said of Minneapolis, she could "only kindly describe most of the people I saw as little houses." She shared this not with a friend, but on "60 Minutes." I hope Londoners are getting plenty of exercise and laying off the bangers and mash. If these jobs matter so little that they can be handed to whoever can corral the most cash for a campaign, they don't need to exist. And they definitely shouldn't go t o p eople famous for an inability to play well with others. If you can enrage Minnesotans, we don't need you representing the United States on the world stage. — Lane Filler is a member of the Newtsday editorial board.

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Love to read, kids? Get ready for the Age of the Manual By Alexandra Petri The Washington Post

orget "The Catcher in the Rye." New Common Core standards (which affect 46 states, including Oregon, and the District of Columbia) will require that, by 2014, 70 percent of high school seniors' reading assignments be nonfiction. Some suggested texts include "FedViews" by the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, the EPA's "Recommended Levels of Insulation" and "Invasive Plant Inventory" by California's Invasive Plant Council. F orget "Huckleberry Finn" a n d "Moby-Dick." Bring out the wood-

chipping manuals! I like reading. I love reading. I always have. I read recreationally stilL I read onbuses, in planes,while crossing streets. My entire apartment is covered in books. And now, through some strange concatenation of circumstances, I write for a living. And it's all because, as a child, my

parents tookthe time to read me "Recommended Levels of Insulation." Oh, "Recommended Levels of Insulation." That was always my favorite, although "Invasive Plant Inventory" was a close second. (What phrases in literature or life will ever top the rich resonance of its opening line? "The I nventory categorizes plants as High, Moderate, or Limited, reflecting the level of each species' negative ecological impact in California. Other factors, such as economic impact or difficulty of management, are not included in this assessment." "Call me Ishmael" has nothing on it!) H It is important to note that even Limited species are invasive and should be of concern to land managers," I frequently tell myself in moments of crisis. "Although the impact of each plant varies regionally, its rating represents cumulative impacts statewide." How true that is, even today.

My dog-eared copy of HRecommended Levels of Insulation" still sits on my desk. That was where I first learned the magic of literature. "Insulation levels are specified by R-Value. R-Value is a measure of insulation's ability to resist heat traveling through it." What authority in that sentence! And then came the table of insulation values. I shudder every time that table appears. It is one of the great villains in the history of the English language. Uriah Heep and Captain Ahab can't hold a candle to it. In fact, I do not know who these people are. I have never read about them. I do remember curling up w ith "Recommended Levels of Insulation" and reading it over and over again. It was this that drove me to pursue writing asa career — the hope one day of crafting a sentence that sang the way "Drill holes in the sheathing and blow insulation into the empty wall cavity before installing the new

siding" sings. Look, I wa s a n E nglish major, so I may be biased. But life is full of enough instruction manuals. The best way to understand what words can do is to see them in their natural habitat, not constrained in the dull straitjackets of legalese and regulationish and manualect. It's like saying the proper way of encountering puppies is in puppy mills. Words in regulations and manuals have been mangled and tortured and bent into unnatural positions, and the later you haveto discover such cruelty,the better. The people behind the core have sought to defend it, saying that this change is not meant to supplant literature. This increased emphasis on nonfiction would not be a concern if the core worked the way it was supposed to, with teachers in other disciplines, like math and science, assigning the hard technical texts that went along with their subjects.

But teachers worry that this will not happen. Principals seem to be having trouble comprehending the requirement themselves. Besides, the other teachers are too busy, well, teaching their subjects, to inflict technical manuals on t h e ir students, and they may expect the English department to pick up the slack.Hence the feared great Purge of Literature. The core has good intentions, but it will be vital to make sure the execution is as good, or we will head down the road usually paved with good intentions. There, in the ninth circle, students who would otherwise have been tearing through Milton and Shakespeare with great excitement are forced to come home lugging manuals of Exotic Plants. All in all, this is a great way to make the kids who like reading hate reading. — Alexandra Petri is a member of the Washington Post's editorial staff.





Fredric 'Fred' Lee

Tri e re aresto u By Tracie Cone

4.,. s

The Associated Press

Dec. 4,1933- Dec. 6, 2912

P ORTERVILLE, Cal i f . G ravediggers work t h e old-fashioned way on the Tule River I n dian R e servation, chipping away at the hard pan by hand with pickaxes and shoveling the dirt aside. They say it's a sign of respect not to use machinery, but never has the crew had to dig so many graves at one time. On Monday, the brothers who run thereservation cemetery were preparing to dig a grave for Alyssa Celaya, 8, who died Sunday following a rampage the previous day that also took the lives of her grandmother and the grandmother's two brothers. It will be the first of five they'll dig this week. The killings have shaken this peace-preaching t r ibe because it goes against their teachings that love for family exists above all. Authorities said the killer was Alyssa's father, Hector Celaya, 31, who died Sunday after a shootout with sheriff's deputies. Investigators were still searching for a motive. A long w it h k i l l in g h i s daughter, mother and uncles, Celaya wounded his 5-yearold daughter and 6-year-old son, whose injuries are lifethreatening, authorities said. "The community i s a peaceful one, and the tribe tries to teach children to be nonviolent," said Tribal Council Secretary Rhoda Hunter. "We teach our children to not even kill insects. The battle b etween good and evil i s there. Bad is always going to be there. I tell my grandkids that. I tell them to work for

its ea




Fredric (Fred) Lee Hall of Redmond, Oregon, passed Nov. 20, 1931 - Dec. 6, 2012 away in his sleep at home Arrangements: on December 6 , 2 0 12, at 6t Niswonger-Reynolds t he age o f 7 9 . F r e d w a s i Funeral Home, b orn on 541-382-2471 Decemwww.niswonger-reynolds.com b er 4, Services: 1 933, i n Memorial service to be - * rs Meeker, held at the Bend VFW Oklahall Sunday December h oma, t o 16, 2012 at 2 pm. Andrew Contributions may be made a nd Dor a to: (Gilbreth) Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall. or Partners in Care Fred Hall In 1935 , Hospice. F red a n d Randy D. Schuman, of h is family m o v e d t o O r egon. Fred attended school Bend i n Central O r e gon ; fi n Aug. 10, 1952 - Nov. 14, 2012 ishing his school years in Tracie Cone/The Associated Press Arrangements: P rineville. F r e d pl a y e d The Tule River Indian Reservation's "lower" cemetery, one of two, will be where 8-year-old Alyssa Autumn Funerals - Bend, f ootball an d r a n t r a c k i n 541-318-0842, Celaya will be buried today. Authorities are piecing together what led a man to kill his mother and h igh school. H e w a s s e www.autumnfunerals.net two uncles, and shoot his three children before being killed in a shootout with police Saturday. l ected a s A ll A m e r i c a n Services: Football player, he was on Family service will be t he Sh ri n e r s Foot b a l l held at a later date. T eam a nd w a s St ate more treesare awash in yel- of his children accusing him his mother and two uncles. C hampion in T r ack i n t h e low and orange. On grassy of driving while intoxicated He left behind his seriously Wallace "Wally" J. 100 and 400. hillsides herds of paint horses with the children in the car. wounded 6-year-old son, AnHunter, of Black Butte H e served i n t h e U. S . graze alongside the occasion- Blain said t h e a c cusation drew. He took with him AlysRanch Army and was stationed in al steer. was unfounded and part of a sa, whose name was tattooed July 11, 1922 - Dec. 9, 2012 Korea until h i s d i s charge Murder is unheard of, said "child custody dispute." on his right leg, and his other Arrangements: in 1955. Mike Blain, chief of the resH e referred the case to the daughter, 5-year-old Linea. Baird Funeral Home O n J a n u ar y 12 , 1 9 57, ervation's 4-year-old police tribe's version of Child ProSheriff's spo k eswoman Fred married Sharlene Fae (541) 382-0903 department that's housed in tective Services. What hap- Chris Douglass said it was www.bairdmortuaries.com Nelson, in R e no, N evada. They l i ve d i n P r i n e v ille, a double-wide modular home. pened from there is private. unclear when Celaya shot his Services: O regon, u n ti l 1 9 63, t h e n "It is a tragic event for all He was at a loss to know what daughters. Per Wally's request, no M adras, Or e g on , un ti l services will be held. prompted the violence. involved and will take a lot Tribal members said the 1975, when they relocated Contributions may be made "We needed to go b ack of healing," Blain, a retired former custodian at the resto: to Redmond. and find what brought us to Porterville P olice D e part- ervation's Eagle M ountain Partners In Care F red o w ne d a n d o p e r this. Did we miss something? ment lieutenant, said of the casino had a troubled past. 2075 NE Wyatt Court a ted Hal l E l e ctric, w o r k Did the community or family slayings. "We need to look at Hunter said Celaya's mothi ng as a n e l e ctrical c o n Bend, Oregon 97701 miss something" he said from what brought us to this point er was a friend of hers. The www.partnersbend.org t ractor an d w o r k i n g s i d e his office. "Going forward we and how to prevent it in the Tulare County Sheriff's Deb y side his sons until h i s passing. need to identify what hapfuture. Our goal is not to ar- partment, which is investigatHe was a past member of pened, so we can identify it in rest people but to get them to ing the case, identified her as the Elks Lodge and a curthe future." resolve their differences." 60-year-old Irene Celaya. r ent m em b e r of th e "She was always a positive The Tulare County SherNov. 20, 1931 - Dec. 6, 2012 Oregon H u n ters A s sociaiff's Department investigates Hostile reaction person," Hunter said. "Every tion. H e e nj oyed hunting, G eorge Joh n C o ok , 8 1 , f ishing, w o r k i n g o n th e good. serious crimes on the reserNow, however, nerves are time I saw here she gave me long-time B e n d r e s i dent, f arm, g o i n g t o au c t i o n s vation, and Blain's four sworn raw. A tribal council mem- a big hug. She was a positive Usually peaceful passed away D ecember 6 officers deal w i t h c r i m es ber reacted angrily when a person no matter what situaand loved watching sports with his family at his side. and spending time with his The Tule reservation is on committed against the tribe reporter with The Associated tion she was in." He is surfamily. 56,000 acresabout 20 miles such as poaching and timPress showed up Monday to Authorities said the bodv ived b y F red is s u r v ived b y h i s east of Porterville in Califorber theft. He said his officers talk with Hunter. He shouted ies of Irene Celaya and her his wife of w ife, Sh arlene H a ll ; t w o nia's Central Valley and rises work on c r im e p revention that no media are allowed on 61-year-old br other, F r an57 y e a r s, sons, Clayton (Heidi) Hall to an elevation of 7,500 feet in in the tight-knit community tribal lands "by orders of the cisco Moreno, were found in M ina a n d a nd Clinton ( P atty) H a l l ; the Sierra Nevada. The steep where members recognize family." A tribal police officer the trailer. The body of their daughters; three grandchildren, Cory, Faith, son- Raina an d A s h l ey ; tw o and winding r o ads m ake when a stranger is in town politely escorted the reporter 53-year-old brother, Bernard in-law, travel slow. and usually call to report it. off the property. Franco, was in a shed that n ieces, Mel o d y B ig g s , Scott; Modular homes and trailT he d epartment's o n l y Police say Celaya opened was a makeshift bedroom. M ary Gustafson; and o n e Sheryl, ers are built onto hillsides serious dealing with Hector fire in a travel trailer on the Hunter said Irene took care n ephew, Andy Martin. H e J oy, a n d was preceded in death by that overlook the Tule River Celaya was a call in A p r il reservation of about 800 peo- of her brothers and extended George f ook Susan; his parents and his sister, canyon, whose thick syca- that came from the mother ple on Saturday night, killing family. e ight g r a n d-children a n d Ruth Martin. one g r eat g r a ndson; and A private gr aveside wi l l s pecial l o n g -tim e f a m i l y b e h e l d D ec e m be r 11 , friend, Sharon Baker. 2012, at Redmond M emoG eorge g r aduated f r o m rial Cemetery. Oregon S t at e U n i v e r sity FEATURED OBITUARY In lieu of flowers, memowith a degree in civil engir ial contributions may b e neering. A f ter g r a duation made to A m e r i can H e art he worked for the US ForA ssociation or Or eg o n est Servicefor a number of H unter s A sso ci a t i o n , y ears, f i n all y s e t t l in g i n Redmond Chapter. B end i n 1 9 60, w h er e h e P lease sig n o u r on l i n e By Emily Langer R ivera was born July 2 , was sentenced to 31 years to eventually opened his own g uestbook a t w w w . r e d - The Washington Post 1969, in Long Beach. She said life in p r ison for m olesting business " George C o o k mondmemorial.com. E ngineering". H i s c a r e er Jenni Rivera, a d aughter that, as a child, she would his daughter and sister-in-law highlights include the surof Mexican immigrants who rise as early as 5 a.m. to help m ore than a decade earlier. veying for the f irst ski l i ft became one of the most sucher father set up his cassette Rivera said her h usband DEATHS o n Mt. B a chelor. H e a l so cessful Latina singers on both stand at the flea market where physically abused her and that worked with John Grey to sides of the border with her he first became a figure in the he opposed her desire to go to ELSEWHERE d esign Su nriver ( y es , h e soulful, straight-talking ballocal music scene. college. She nonetheless rewas responsible for the lads of hard-living, hard-parHe later founded an influ- ceived abusiness degree from r oundabouts). H e w a s a tying and female empowerential record label that pro- Long Beach State University. l ife-time m e m be r o f t h e Deaths of note from around the world: ment, died Sunday in a plane moted the traditional Mexican She sustained herself and Professional Land Surveyors A s s o ciation a n d a Charles Rosen, 85: Piacrash in N o r thern M exico. genres Rivera would domi- her children with the help of member of the State Board nist, polymath and author She was 43. nate yearslater.Her brothers, welfare, lived in a garage and n of Engineering Examiners. w hose N a t i onal Bo o k The small jet carrying Rimost prominently the singer w orked as a realestate agentbeHe was a ls o a v o l u n teer A ward-winning vol u m e vera and six other passenLupillo Rivera, also worked in forelaunching her music career. fireman with the Bend fire "The Classical Style," pubgers crashed about 3:30 a.m. the music industry. department for 17 years. lished in 1971, illuminated in mountainous terrain outRivera gave birth to her first G eorge "retired" at 50 t o side Monterrey,according to child as a sophomore in high become a r an c h er . H e the enduring l anguage o f H aydn, M o zart a n d the National Transportation school. She married the baby's loved to spend long hours Safety Board. There were no father, Trinidad Marin, and had on the far m r a i sing Beef- Beethoven. Died Sunday of 541-548-2066 master cattle. He loved to cancer in New York City. survivors. two more children with him beAdjustable hunt, fish, travel and spend Marty Reisman,82: A wizRivera was en route from LynneSladky/The Associated Press foredivorcing. In 2007, Marin file photo l ots of t im e w it h h i s c h i l - ard at table tennis, the sport a concert in Monterrey to the dren a n d g r a n d c hildren. in which he captured nacity of Toluca, where she was Jenni Rivera performs at the He will be missed. tional championships, won scheduled to appear as a judge Latin Billboard Awards in April In lieu of f l o w ers, donaon "La Voz" (the Mexican ver- in Coral Gables, Fla. Rivera was and lost fortunes on waHIGH DESERT BANK t ions may be m ade to t h e gers and moved crowds to sion of the TV vocal competi- killed Sunday, along with six V eterans of Foreign W a r s tion "The Voice"). Authorities other people, in a plane crash o r Partners I n C ar e H o s - laughter — sometimes usG allery- B e n d ing a frying pan as a paddle have not d etermined what near Monterrey, Mexico. pice. M emorial s e rvice t o b e — as an opening act for the caused the crash. I II • • i • o 541-330-5084 h eld a t t h e Be n d V F W Harlem Globetrotters. ReR ivera s t r addled m a n y Hall, S u n d ay , D e c ember isman won 22 major table w orlds in her g rou n d - was "Las Mismas Costum16, 2012, at 2:00 p.m. tennis championships. Died b reaking career, which i n bres," or "Familiar Habits." P lease sig n o u r o n l i n e Friday in New York City. cluded sales of more than 15 Other titles included "No g uest b oo k a t ww w . n i s g /17/l 4 /'A V " — From wire reports million records, three nomiVas a Jugar," often translated wonger-reynolds.com nations for the Latin Grammy as "Don't Even Think About Bend: 61555 Parrell Road, S4I-318-0842 Awards an d h e r g r o w i ng Playing Me," and "Ni Tu EsRedmond: 485 NW Larch Ave., S41-S04-948S fame on Spanish and English posa, Ni Tu Amante, Ni Tu www.autumnfunerals.com television. Amiga," translated as "Not She grew up in Long Beach, Your Wife, Not Your Lover, Death Notices are free and will Deadlines:Death Notices Calif., where her father, Pedro Not Even Your Friend." BURIAL R. CREMATIQN sERvlcEs be run for one day, but specific are accepted Until noon Rivera, was a patriarch of banIn recent years, Rivera was guidelines must be followed. Monday through Friday for Services at the Most Aff ordable Prices da, a traditional genre of Mex- the executive producer of next-day publication and by Local obituaries are paid ican music heavy on horns three reality television proadvertisements submitted by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and polka-like rhythms. grams on Telemundo's mun2 families or funeral homes. and Monday publication. They maybesubmitted by phone, Obituaries must be received For g e nerations, b a n da television network. They inmail, email or fax. by 5 p.m. MondaythroUgh Caring, professional people serving all was dominated by men. Ricluded"JenniRivera Presents: The Bulletin reserves the right Thursday for publication on the vera broke into the industry Chiquis & Raq-C" (featuring Central Oregon Communities including: to edit all submissions. Please second day after submission, in the mid-1990s with h i ts her daughter), "I Love Jenni" include contact information by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or such as "Las Malandrinas," (in which she struggles to Bend, Redmond, Sisters, La Pine, in all correspondence. Monday publication, and by an anthem for party girls. She balance hercareer while raisFor information on any of these 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday Fort Rock, Gilchrist, Terrebonne, Tumalo became a conspicuous femi- ing children) and "Chiquis 'n' services or about the obituary publication. Deadlines for nine presence on stage with Control" (also featuring her and Christmas Valley policy, contact 541-617-7825. display ads vary; please call her rhinestones and leather daughter). for details. bustiers. When Rivera died, she was A mother of five, she devel- reported to be developing an FUNERALS ~ BURIALS( CREMATION oped a repertoire that spoke to English-language sitcom with Phone: 541-617-7825 Mail:Obituaries the women who made up the ABC about a strong, single Email: obits@bendbulletin.com P.O. Box 6020 LocALLY FAMILY OwNKD &. OpERATED core of her fan base. Another Latina mother. It was a sign of Fax: 541-322-7254 Bend, OR 97708 We honor all pre-arranged plans including Neptune Society. of her most popular numbers her ever-growing audience.

George John Cook

Music superstarRiverahada budding TVcareer

. /jf


IM l

WILSONSof Redmond


Obituary policy






W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.


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Today:A few isolated

Tonight: Rain turning

showers, late in the

to snow overnight.




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Wallowa • PendletOn 36/27 • Enterprisq 45/33 • Meacham • 37/26










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Mostly cloudy with rain and higher elevation snow developing today.


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• 3 5/25

Che3<enne 32/22 i «.

• Salt Lave


Omaha ~ 38/22 ~



S 24/12



La Paz 75/54

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• 81/62

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43/24 •

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San Francisco 57/49

Gainesville, Fla.

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qk <,

Late day flurries return.


Light to moderate

<' qy@ snow f all is +4'qh@@C> a possibility.







35 20

31 23

35 21

32 25

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:31 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday...... 4 27 p.m N ew First F ull Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:31 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:27 p.m Moonrise today.... 5:30 a.m Moonsettoday .... 3:12 p.m Dec. 13 Dec. 19 Dec. 28


Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:54 a.m...... 3:25 p.m. Venus......5:21 a.m...... 3:04 p.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 52/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 62 m 1975 Month to date.......... 0.40" Recordlow........ -24 in 1972 Average month todate... 0.73"

Mars.......9:38 a.m...... 6:30 p.m. Jupiter......3 39 p m...... 6 44 a.m. Satum......3:48 a.m...... 2;18 p.m.

Pi •

Uranus....12:48 p.m......1:05 a.m.

Average high.............. 39 Year to date............ 8.09" Average low .............. 23 Average year to date..... 9.89" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.25 Record24 hours ...1.33 in1929 *Melted liquid equivalent


OREGON CITIES Yesterday Tuesday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W


City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.


W e d. The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:

for solar at noon.

Astoria ........49/42/0.01 .....49/41/r.....48/37/sh Baker City......34720/0.05.....40/29/c..... 40/23/rs Brookings... MM/MM/0.00....53/43/sh.....50/41/sh Burns..........52/30/0.00....46/24/sh..... 38/18/rs Eugene........52/46/0.00.....49/39/r.....45/35/sh Klamath Falls .. 44/21/0 00 ....46/28/c ...38/22/sn Lakeview.......45/18/0.00 ...46/29/pc.....37/22/sn La Pine........ 52/32/0.00.... 42/1 7/rs.....33/20/sn Medford.......51/34/0.00.....46/39/r.....44/36/sh Newport.......50/41/0.01 .....50/42/r.....48/39/sh North Bend...... 54/45/NA..... 50/43/r.....49/39/sh Dntario........42/27/0.00....42/33/pc.....44/26/sh Pendleton...... 51/35/0.00.....45/33/c..... 40/27/rs Portland .......52/46/0.00.....46/40/r.....47/37/sh Prineville.......49/30/0.00....42/22/sh.....39/20/sn Redmond....... 54/32/0.00.....46/26/c.....39/1 9/sn Roseburg.......51/44/0.00....48/39/sh.....44/35/sh Salem ....... 51/45/0 00 . .48/39/r ...46/35/sh Sisters......... 53/34/0.00....43/20/sh.....35/1 8/sn The Dages...... 55/49/0.00.....46/34/c.....41/28/sh


Snow accumulation in inches








ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 35 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 -0 . . . . . . . . 28 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .23-46 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .45-65 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 43 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . . 54

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Willamette Pass ....... . . . . . . 0.0...no report

Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0-0. . . . . . . . 24 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . . .60-70 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . . 25 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . . .0-59 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .11-51 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, NewMexico....... . . . . . 0.0...no report Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season V ail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . . . . 1 8 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html www.tripcheck.com or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,cclouds, h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires



Yesterday's extremes

Drier, partly cloudy to mostly cloudy skies





A few snow flurries in the early morning.




63/43 •

<f ios


.o+ o4 * * .++++ . 4 4 4 " , * * * .++++ < 3 4 4 4 '* * * * * ++ <4 > *

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain


F l urries Snow


Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......41/26/0 00...51/26/5.. 63/35/s GrandRapids....36/32/0 02..36/28/sn. 39/30/pc RapidCity........37/0/000...35/25/c. 44/24/pc Savannah .......80/62/0 00..70/50/sh. 59/43/sh Akron ..........57/36/053..37/26/pc. 40/27/pc Green Bay.......32/19/0 01...27/I7/c. 32/26/pc Reno...........51/25/0.00...55/32/s..46/26/rs Seattle..........45/41/0.06...45/38/r. 44/34/sh Albany..........51/37/0.43..38/21/pc.. 38/26/s Greensboro......65/57/0.00..51/39/pc.. 49/25/c Richmond.......72/51/000 ..54/38/pc.. 49/34/c SiouxFalls.......17/7/000... 25/14/c. 35/I5/pc Albuquerque.....39/17/000...42/22/s.. 49/26/s Harusburg.......49/41/007..47/30/pc.44/27/pc Rochester, NY....53/39/010..33/26/pc. 41/30/pc Spokane........31/28/002...35/29/c. 33/25/sn Anchorage ......29/27/0 09..24/I2/pc. 28/20/sn Hartford,CT.....56/39/0 I9..45/26/pc.. 40/26/5 Sacramento......62/38/000... 63/44/s. 54/38/sh Springfield, MO ..32/21/000...44/23/5 .. 48/28/s Atlanta .........68/59/085..52/38/pc.. 54/36/c Helena..........34/25/000...41/27/c. 36/19/sn St. Louis.........32/27/0.00..46/23/pc .. 49/32/s Tampa..........77/61/0.01... 78/66/t...74/57/t Atlantic City.....61/53/042..52/33/pc.. 47/36/s Honolulu........83/73/000..82/71/sh. 82/72/sh Salt Lake City....33/22/002 ..39/27/pc.. 44/32/c Tucson..........62/38/000...66/35/s .. 71/43/s Austin..........56/36/0.00...55/27/s.. 60/35/s Houston ........60/45/0.24...53/34/s.. 61/39/5SanAntonio.....57/42/000... 56/32/s .. 61/37/s Tulsa...........36/21/000 ..46/22/pc.. 54/32/s Baltimore .......61/45/000 ..50/32/pc.. 47/31/s Huntsville.......69/44/1.28 ..44/27/pc. 50/29/pc SanDiego.......68/51/0.00... 68/53/s .. 63/57/c Washington,DC..63/48/0.01 .. 52/36/pc. 47/33/Pc Billings.........34/22/000...39/26/c. 40/22/sn Indianapolis.....44/30/000..37/24/pc. 43/28/pc SanFrancisco....6656/000... 58/48/s. 54/44/sh Wichita.........34/12/000..47/25/pc.. 53/35/s Birmingham.....67/46/1.19 ..48/30/pc. 52/32/pc Jackson,MS.... 70/41/105 49/30/pc 55/30/s SanJose........68/45/000.. 63/45/s 56/40/sh Yakima.........46/23/000 40/28/c. 37/25/pc Bismarck........ 26/6/000... 25/18/c .. 33/16/c Jacksonvile......81/61/005.. 73/55/sh. 64/45/sh SantaFe........ 30/3/000 ..34/I9/pc .. 44/22/s Yuma...........70/53/000... 72/47/s. 72/52/pc Boise.......... 44/32/002...47/34/c ..44/26/rs Juneau..........38/34/0 22 ..34/15/sn. 30/29/sn INTERNATIONAL Boston..........61/43/057 ..48/28/pc.. 38/29/s Kansas City......30/18/000 ..43/24/pc.. 52/33/s BudgeportCT....54/44/028 ..49/30/pc.. 43/31/s Lansing.........37/30/001 ..35/26/pc. 38/27/pc Amsterdam......43/32/012 39/32/sl 35/27/rs Mecca..........91/75/000 90/71/s .. 92/72/s Buffalo.........54/38/029 ..32/28/pc. 39/30/pc LasVegas.......56/37/000...61/40/s. 64/42/pc Athens..........53/37/0.00.. 63/48/sh. 52/41/sh MexicoCity......77/46/0.00.. 73/42/pc. 71/44/pc BurlingtonVT....51/30/033 ..29/I5/pc. 34/25/pc Lexington.......57/33/0 91...40/26/s .. 45/26/5 Auckland........68/52/000..69/56/pc. 69/54/pc Montreal........37/23/082..27/19/pc. 31/22/pc Caribou,ME.....27/14/036...3078lpc. 28/12/pc Lincoln...........31/5/0.00..40/22/pc.. 50/27/s Baghdad........66/48/000 ..66/50/pc. 65/48/pc Moscow........34/16/000 .. 23/14/pc. 21/I4/pc Charleston, SC...75/59/000 ..69/52/sh. 59/43/sh Little Rock.......51/36/0.00...45/25/s .. 52/30/5 Bangkok........90/79/1.77..92/78/pc. 93/77/pc Nairobi.........81/59/000...78/57/s. 74/56/sh Charlotte........69/56/010 ..58/44/pc..50/30/c LosAngeles......67/50/000...71/51/s. 63/54/sh Beiyng..........30/14/000 ..31/25/pc. 32/27/pc Nassau.........82/72/000 ..84/72/pc. 82/71/pc Chattanooga.....64/46/060 ..45/30/pc. 52/30/pc Louisvile........58/34/0.13...40/28/5.. 46/27/s Beirut..........70/57/000 .. 63/55/sh.. 65/58/c New Delh<.......79/55/000 .. 76/51/pc. 71/49/pc Cheyenne........33/8/000...37/22/c.48/24/pc MadisonVYI.... 34/28/0 05...31/21/c. 37/24/pc Berlin...........34/25/000 ..31/27/sn.. 28/14/c Osaka..........43/30/000 ..42/32/pc.. 43/31/s Chicago.........37/30/000 ..38/27/pc.42/34/pc Memphis....... 58/35/024 44/28/s .. 51/31/s Bogota.........68/417000..70/49lsh.68/50/sh Oslo............21/12/000..17/13/pc..15/10/c Cincinnati.......56/34/0.10...40/26/s.. 44/27/s Miami..........82/73/0.00... 83/72/t...82/68/t Budapest........28/18/000...28/15/c.23711/pc Ottawa.........34/23/041 .. 24/14/pc. 31/22/pc Cleveland.......56/36/021 ..38/28/pc. 39/32/pc Milwaukee......36/30/000..34/25/pc. 39/34/pc BuenosAires.....90/63/051... 82/60/s .. 88/62/s Paris............43/36/022..40/29/pc.. 32/24/c Colorado Spnngs.37/3/000 ..41/21/pc.. 51/26/s Miuneapol<s......20/3/0 00.... 22/8/c .. 33/21/c CaboSan Lucas ..79/61/000...78/56/s .. 78/57/s RiodeJaneiro....84/73/000 ..93/7ipc...88/75lt Columbia,MO...30/22/000 ..43/22/pc. 49/30/pc Nashville........63/36/0.95...44/26/s .. 48/2B/s Cairo...........68/54/000 ..65/50/pc. 66/49/pc Rome...........55/28/000... 49/32/s .. 48/32/s ColumbiaSC....74/56/000...64/48/c. 55/37/sh New Orleans.....76/54/032... 52/40/c .. 56/41/s Calgary.........30/21/000...31/17/c...18/5/sf Santiago........81/54/000...66/54/s .. 68/59/s Columbus, GA....73/61/0.55..54/41/pc. 58/37/pc New York.......59/45/0.03 ..49734/pc.. 46/35/s Cancun.........84/75/0.00... 84/72/t...83/73/t Sao Paulo.......90/68/0.00..87/71/pc...78/68/t Columbus, OH....57/35/014..39/27/pc.. 42/26/s Newark, NJ......58/45/004..49733/pc.46/33/pc Dublin..........43/27/000 ..41/35/pc.44/42/sh Sapporo........27/26/000 .. 30/23/si. 30/21/pc Concord,NH.....38/33/029 ..40/17/pc.. 38/20/s Norfolk VA......72/61/000.57742/pc.. 50738/c Edinburgh.......41/25/000 ..36/27/pc..33/33/rs Seoul............21/3/000... 25/I6/s .. 24/16/s Corpus Christi....73/51/0.00...57/36/s.. 62/50/s OklahomaCity...36/20/0.00 ..49/24/pc .. 56/35/s Geneva.........39/30/000... 30/20/c. 25/19/pc Shangha<........45/32/000 ..49/39/pc. 51/42/pc DallasFtWorth.. 44/30/000...48/26/5 .. 59/33/s Omaha..........285/0 00..3I22/pc. 48/27/pc Harare..........al/63/0.00...72/577t...62/55/i Singapore.......88/75/0.38... 88/78/t...88/77/t Dayton .........55/32/001 ..38/25/pc.. 42/27/s Orlando.........82/64/001...83/65/t...76/58/t HongKong......70/64/000..70/63/pc..71/69/c Stockholm.......28/19/000..27/25/sl.. 29/26/c Denver..........39/13/000..42/21/pc. 49/26/s Palmsprings.....71/47/000...71/47/s. 70/50/pc Istanbul.........52/43/0.36 54/43/sh .. .. 45/41/c Sydney..........68/61/0.00 .. 73/63/pc. 75/62/pc DasMoines......28/15/0.00...35/23/c. 45/30/pc Peoria..........31/24/0.00..38/23/pc.. 42/29/s leiusalem.......60/44/000..54/46/sh. 62748/pc Taipei...........63/59/000 ..63/60/sh. 67/62/sh Detroit..........42/33/000 ..37/29/pc. 38/31/pc Philadelphia.....61/45/0.05..49/33/pc.. 45/32/s Johannesburg....75/57/1.06... 67/54/t. 72/56/sh Tel Aviv.........68/55/0.00 ..61/50/sh. 68/55/pc Duluth...........18/7/000.... 21/9/c .. 29/20/c Phoeaix.........65/45/000... 69/45/s .. 72/49/s Lima...........73/66/000... 73/64/c. 76/66/pc Tokyo...........50/34/000...47/34/s .. 47/33/s El Paso..........49/31/000... 52/27/s .. 59/34/s Pittsburgh.......57/38/0 77 ..37/24/pc .. 41/26/s Lisbon..........57/43/000 52/39/s 59/51/c Toronto.........41/34/025 30/25/pc .. 36/30/s Faiibanks..........9/4/000....-1/9/c... 5/3/sn Portland,ME.....45/34/0 23..42/20/pc .. 37/23/s London.........43/34/000..41/31/pc.. 38/29/c Vancouver.......43/39/008... 46/36/r. 43/34/pc Fargo...........11/8/001....17/8/c..31/14/c Providence......63/42/096..49727/pc..41/28/s Madrid .........45/27/0.00...53/33/s .. 51/34/c Vienna..........36/27/0.07...33/25/c. 26/13/pc Flagstaff.........45/8/000...47/I7/s .. 48/22/s Raleigh.........72/63/0 01 ..55/42/sh. 49/30/sh Manila..........88/77/000 ..89/76/pc. 89/75/pc Warsaw.........21/18/000... 24/18/c ..24/17/sf


pastor's daughter, Kandace Lim, at church, a relationship Continued from B1 blossomed. Hale and Lim were "The mayoral experience married in April 2010. I got really helps with my job After Hale completed his right now, along with my col- studies, one of the job offers lege degree," Hale said. he received was to work as a A lthough H al e w a s t h e contractor in Iraq. While he youngest Madras mayor, the was traveling to Houston to city has a history of electing sign paperwork for that job, young city councilors. Former Boeing called and offered him mayor Rick Allen was first a position as a fuel-cell technielected to City Council at age cian. Boeing trained Hale as a 25 and was elected mayor at mechanic and he worked on age 29. Current Mayor Mela- fuel cells inside the wings of nie Widmer, 39, was originally 787 Dreamliners. "I was a really, really specific elected to the City C ouncil when she was 26 years old. mechanic that worked in conMayors are elected for two- fined space and worked mth hazardous, explosive stuff," year, unpaid terms. H ale s erved a s ma y o r Hale said. Earlier this month, from 2007 through 2008,said Boeing offered Hale a job in huMadras City R ecorder and man resources. As an employee Elections Official Karen Cole- development specialist, Hale man. Hale won election to City said he now helps other employCouncil in 2008, but resigned ees increase their eNciency and after less than a month in of- productivity. fice on Jan. 27, 2009. Widmer, the current Madras "In 2008, I sold my business- mayor, said she has followed es in Madras and I was look- Hale's evolving career and ing for something else to do,u was not surprised that he tried Hale said. something completely new. "From what I know of Jason, A hern's Grocery & D e l i and the Backstreet Pub were he likes to try a lot of different profitable every month Hale things and he's been involved owned them, he said. How- in wildly diverse businesses ever, he invested in real estate and education up to the point I and those investments did not know him," Widmer said. uSO I'm not surprised he's doing fare well. "The economy was starting something different. Good for to decline, so in 2009 I decided him." to go back to school," Hale Widmer said she was imsaid. He had already earned a pressed by H a l e's p ositive bachelor's degree, and decided attitude. "I thought the biggest thing to study at Bates Technical College to obtain certificates in he brought was his optimism, heating, ventilation, air condi- the sensethat someone could tioning and refrigeration. come in with no experience Hale said he lost touch with and do a really good job,u Widmany people in Madras after mer said. he left, in part due to events in As for a possible return to his personal life. politics and e l ected office, "In 2011, my father passed Hale said he is not sure whethaway and that was really, re- er that is in his future. "That's going to be a tough ally hard for my whole family," Hale said. "I really went into a one," Hale said. "I'm so busy mode where I didn't talk to a with work. I d o l ove public lot of people. I was really de- service, and I l i k e p l aying pressed, as was my mother." a role in how a community Meanwhile, Hale started at- develops." tending church services at New Hale is more enthusiastic Life Presbyterian Church in about the idea of returning to Tacoma, Wash., where he soon Madras. "If God permits, I would love met pastor KYLT Lim. It turned out that Lim had already heard to go back to Madras and live a bout Hale's former job a s there," Hale said. "It was defiMadras mayor. nitely a wonderful time in my "The first time we met, he life where I really felt like I bewas so impressed,"Hale said. longed and I had a lot of close "He knew me from newspa- friends that you can't make in pers. And he was like 'Oh, you a big city." have to meet my daughter.'" —Reporter: 541-617-7829, When Hale later met the hborrudcmbendbulietin.com









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PatrIots rout Texans, 42-14 FOXBOROUGH,

Mass.— Tom Brady can't stop smiling these


torm set to e en state tit es Summit girls

days. Or winning.

By Beau Eastes

Five days after becoming a father for a third time — something that brings the biggest grin of all to his face — Brady threw four

The Bulletin

touchdown passes, leading the Patriots to a 42-14 rout of the Hous-

ton Texans. If the gamewas a measuring stick in the AFC, New England and its star quarterback aced the test with a seventh

consecutive victory. Houston failed it. "It's a Monday night

game," Brady said. "We have played in a lot of

biggames inDecember." A matchup of the top two scoring teams in the

leaguewasamismatch from the outset. It took

New England (10-3) only one possession to start its scoring barrageas


take player, coach of year

Last season Summit swimming pulled off a rare double, winning both boys and girls team state

championships. Tommy Brewer led the Storm boys at state with victories in the 50- and 100-yard freestyle races, while Madi Brewer and Mackenzie Halligan combined for four topthree individual finishes for the Summit girls. Unfortunately for the rest of the state, all three of those Summit standouts are back this season for the Storm. "For the girls, it'll take the perfect meet for us (to win state again)," Summit coach Amy Halligan says. "But for the guys, we kind of expect it." The Storm boys are looking for their eighth state title in 11 years. In addition to Tommy Brewer, the Summit boys return seniors Aidan

• Defender Sydney Parchman and coachJamie Brock lead the local state awardwinners

Matthew Aimonetti / For The Bulletin

Summit's Tommy Brewer, right, leads the Storm boys team as it seeks its eighth title in11 years. Soles (fourth in the 500 free last year and fourth in the 100 breaststroke) and Connor Brenda (third 100 backstroke, fourth 200 individ-

the Patriots surpassed their average of 35.8

ual medley) and sophomore John Hartmeier (fifth 100 back, sixth 200 free), among others. See Swimming /C3

Bulletin staff report Central Oregon high schools this fall produced four state soccer quarterfinalists, three semifinalists, two f i n alists and o n e s t ate champion. On Monday, 14 local players received all-state honors — including six named to the all-state first team in their respective classifications. In Class 5A, Summit senior Sydney Parchman was named girls player of the year after anchoring a defense that allowed just six goals, fewest in 5A, en route to the Storm's second state title in three years. See Soccer /C3


points per game.

"It needs to come together now, this is the perfect time for it,"

'I~ .BWI

said Brady, whosewife,


il'- /

Gisele, gave birth to Vivian Lake last Wednes-

day. "She is doing very well," Brady said. "It's

been a greatweek,a

great way to end it." So look out. That familiar sight is the Patriots, who already own the AFC East title, romping through December, looking like a Super Bowl team. "We can't predict the





F /SChEe ' ,


t'IT ~ i". .-.





score but we knowwe candominategames," said Devin McCourty, who had a first-quarter

interception. They often dominate late in the season; this was their 21st straight victory in the second half of the schedule. :jp

Wes Welker's 31-yard


punt return and 25-yard reception — the 107th

straight gamehe's had a catch — led to Aaron

Hernandez's 7-yard score to start the on-

Andy Tullie / The Bulletin

Sunnyside Sports co-owner Gary Bonacker, center, enjoys the 40th anniversary celebration of his ski and bike shop with friends during a party at Sunnyside Sports in Bend on Friday evening. Bonacker, 59, has worked at the store for almost all of its existence.

slaught as New England led 21-0 at halftime. The

first score gaveBrady 45 consecutive games with a TD pass, the third

longest streak in NFL history. — The Associated Press


Three Beavers suspended CORVALLIS — Three

Oregon State players arrested following a fightata Corvallis bar

overthe weekendhave been suspendedfrom the team.

Senior defensive

• Bend's Sunnyside Sports celebrates40 yearsof serving the nordic skiing and cycling communities in Bend ortyyears ago, the Central Oregon sporting landscape looked much different from how it looks now. For example, the popular Phil's Trail mountain bike complex did not exist — in fact, mountain bikes had not been invented yet. Virginia Meissner Snopark, thatnordic skiers' paradise, was not around yet either. Back then, the population of Deschutes County was only about 35,000 residents, a far cry from the roughly 160,000 who inhabit

AMANDA MILES the county today. And Sunnyside Sports was just opening its doors to cycling and ski enthusiasts in Bend. This past Friday evening, a 40th anniversary celebration was staged at the

cycling and cross-country skiing re-

Editor's note

tailer to celebrate the milestone. With the salesracks moved aside, dozens of guests crammed into the shop, located on Northwest Newport Avenue, and mingled, listened to live music, sampled hors d'oeuvres and drank beer. In attendancewere a number oflocals who have witnessed Bend's evolution from mill town to the sporting and recreational haven that it is today. See Sunnyside/C3

Community Sports will no longer publish on Tuesdays inThe Bulletin. Instead, look for it as a

featured part of our newSports Monday section beginning next week. The Community Sports

calendar, which will appear in Monday's Bulletin, is also now available online at www.


end Rudolf Fifita, junior defensive tackle Mana

Rosa and junior linebacker Dyllon Kalena


Mafi were arraigned on Monday. All face two counts of fourth-degree assault

and one count of second-degree disorderly conduct. Mafi faces an additional charge for misrepresenting his age. The players are due back in court on Jan. 10. Among the players, Fifita saw the most action this season with 25 tackles and 2/2 sacks

in all12 games. Rosa also played in12 games while Mafi played in two. The No. 15 Beavers

(9-3) will play Texasin the Alamo Bowl on Dec. 29. It is unlikely any of the three will play in the

bowl game. — The Associated Press

Local bareback riders shine Bulletin staff report LAS VEGAS — All three bareback riders with Central Oregon ties earned money in the fifth go-round of the National Finals Rodeo on Monday night at the Thomas & Mack Center. Culver's Bobby Mote led the way with a second-place finish as the 10-round NFR hit its halfway point. Mote placed second in the round with a ride of 86.5 points, earning him a check of $14,429.09. Casey Colletti, of Pueblo, Colo., won the round with a score of 88.5 points.

With the ride, Mote, the four-time bareback world champion, moved up to fourth in the projected world standings with five rounds to go, according to the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association website. Culver's Brian Pain posted a ride of 85 points to take third place and a check worth $10,895.43. Redmond's Steven Peebles finished the round in a tie for sixth place with an 83-point ride, earning him $1,47235. In team roping on Monday night, Terrebonne's Russell

Cardoza and partner Colby Lovell of Madisonville, Texas, finished in 10th with atime of 9.3 seconds. Prineville's Charly Crawford and teammate Jim Ross Cooper, of Monument, N.M., did not post a qualifying time. Two teams tied for first with times of 3.7 seconds. In barrel racing, Terrebonne's Brenda Mays finished in seventh place with a time of 14.08 seconds. Kaley Bass, of Kissimmee, Fla., won the round in 13.68 seconds. For results from Monday night, see Scoreboard, C2.

~4 Wra ll 00n


t J

S VE Bob Click/ For The Bulletin

Culver's Bobby Mote scores 86.5 points on a horse called Night Bells to place second in the fifth go-round round of bareback riding at the National Finals Rodeo in Las Vegas on Monday night.








2 p.m.:UEFA Champions League,Manchester United vs.

5 p.m.:NBA, Dallas Mavericks at Boston Celtics, ESPN.

CFR Cluj (taped), Root Sports. BASKETBALL

6 p.m.:Men's college, DePaulat

4 p.m.:NBA, New York Knicks at Brooklyn Nets, ESPN.

6 p.m.:Women's college, Colorado at Denver (same-day tape), Root Sports. 6:30 p.m.:NBA,LosAngeles

Arizona State, Pac-12 Network. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, San Antonio Spursat Utah Jazz, ESPN.

7:30 p.m.:Men's college, Oregon State at Portland State, Comcast SportsNet Northwest.

ON DECK Today Boys basketball: Bend at South Medford, 6 p.m.; Burns at CrookCounty, 6:30p.m.;Ridgeviewat La Plne, 7p.m.; Madrasat Slsters, 7 p.m.;Trinity Lutheran at Mitchell, 6 p.m. Girls basketball: SistersatMadras, 7p.m.; LaPine at Ridgeview, 7 p.m.; Trinity Lutheranat Mitchell, 4:30 p.m.; Summit atRedmond, 7p.m. Wrestling: Summiat t Redmond, 7p.m. Wednesday Wrestling: Gilchrist at Crook CountyNovice, 5


Clippers at Chicago Bulls, ESPN. 7 p.m.: M en'scollege,UNLV at

Girls basketball: Redm ondatRidgeview,7p.m. Boys basketball: Ridgeview atRedmond,7p m.

Cal (taped), Pac-12Network.

Thursday Girls basketball: CrookCountyvs.Junction Cityat JunctionCity/CottageGroveHoliday Tournament, 6:30 p.m.; Wrestling: CrookCountyatBend,7p.m. Swimming: Henley,Mazamaand Klamath Unionat Madras,4:45p.m.

ON THE AIR:RADIO WEDNESDAY BASKETBALL 7:30p.m.:Men's college, Oregon State at Portland State, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible forlate changesmadeby TVor radio stations.

SPORTS IN BRIEF FOOTBALL RG3 haS Sprain —WashingtonRedskinscoachMikeShan-

Lattimore to NFL — Injured South Carolina running back Marcus Lattimore will enter the

NFL draft, said people familiar

ahan said Monday that Robert Griffin III has a mild sprain of a

with the decision. One person said Monday that Lattimore is

ligament in the right kneeand


hasn't been ruled out for the up-

sion later this week. The running back suffered a horrific injury to

coming gameagainst the Cleveland Browns. Shanahansaid the injury is a Grade1 sprain of the lateral collateral ligament on

his right kneeagainst Tennessee on Oct. 27. Doctors say Lat-

the outside of the knee,caused

timore had successful surgery to repair several ligaments on

when the rookie quarterback was hit at the end of a scramble

Nov. 2. He is South Carolina's career leader in both overall

late in regulation in the Redskins' touchdowns with 41 andrushing 31-28 overtime win Sunday over the Baltimore Ravens.

Colorado hires coach — Mike Maclntyre turned

scores with 38.


around the SanJose State foot-

No. 15 Hoyas win —Otto

ball program in short order and will be asked to do the same at

Porter scored a career-high 22

the University of Colorado. On Monday, Maclntyre signed a five-year deal to coach the Buf-

faloes. He will make $2million a season. His hiring ends a two-

RODEO Professional

of No. 15 Georgetown's 89-53 win over Longwood on Monday

choice, Butch Jones. Maclntyre inherits a program that's had

thanthe Hoyas managed in two of their past three wins. They

seven straight losing seasons,

beat Tennessee37-36 andTow-

including a1-11 record this year under Jon Embree that was the

son 46-40 around a 64-41 win

point total was much bigger

over Texas.

worst in the123-year history of the program. The Spartans


27 Military Bowl in Washington,

Hall Of famerS —Arturo

D.C., to face Bowling Green(84), two years after a1-12 show-

"Thunder" Gatti didn't live to see his finest day. Gatti, who won world championships in two different weight classes, heads the class of 2013 to be inducted into the lnternational Boxing Hall of Fame. The honor, an-

Petrino is a Hiiitopper — Bobby Petrino has arrived

atWesternKentuckyandsays he and his wife Becky"consider

nounced Monday, comesthree

this coming home." Petrino was introducedMonday as the new

years after his untimely death. A native of Calabria, Italy, who

Hilltoppers' football coach. The

was raised in Montreal, Gatti

51-year-old Petrino replaces Willie Taggart, who left WKU last

retired in 2007 with a record of 40-9 with 31 knockouts and

week to becomeSouth Florida's

was selected in his first year of

coach. Petrino had a 34-17 record at Arkansas and is 75-26

eligibility. Gatti died three years ago in Brazil at age 37 under

overall as a college headcoach.

mysterious circumstances. Also

Petrino was fired by Arkansas in April for a "pattern of mislead-

selected was Virgil "Quicksilver" Hill, a five-time world champion

ing" behavior following a mo-

who won a silver medal at the

torcycle accident. Petrino had an affair with former Razorback

1984 Olympics and defended his light heavyweight title 20 times,

volleyball player Jessica Dorrell,

among others honored.

who he later hired as a football

assist anthadgave$20,000 in gifts.

Ravens fire O.C.— Cam

HOCKEY NHL cancelsmoregames

two straight and arestill striving

— The NHLeliminated16 more days from the regular-season schedule Monday,andifadeal with the players' association

for consistency in the running

isn't reached soon the whole

and passing game.Cameron ran the Baltimore offense since

seasoncould belost.Theleague wiped out all gamesthrough

the start of the 2008 season for

Dec. 30 in its latest round of cancellations. Already, 422 regular-

Cameron was fired Mondayas offensive coordinator of the Baltimore Ravens, who have lost

coach John Harbaugh. Since that time, the Ravens' attack has repeatedly taken a back seat to the team's defense, and

this year the offense ranks18th with 344.4 yards per game. Jim Caldwell, who was hired as

season gameshadbeen called off through Dec. 14 because of the lockout, and the latest cuts on Day 86 of the NHL shutdown claimed 104 more. The New Year's Day Winter Classic and

quarterbacks coach before the season, willassumeCameron's duties. Caldwell was headcoach of the Indianapolis Colts from

the All-Star gamewerecanceled


scheduled to begin Oct.11.

earlier. In all, the 526 lost games

account for nearly 43 percent of the regular season that was

Suspended 49er —TheSan Francisco 49ers havesuspended running back BrandonJacobs for the final three gamesfollowing a series of posts on social

GOLF PGA axes Disney —The PGA Tour's event in Mexico will

media sites addressing his lack

anchor a six-tournament sched-

of playing time, including one

ule next fall that will not include Disney for the first time in more

during the weekend saying he

was "on this team rotting away." The 49ers said Monday,about

than 40years. Disney hasbeen part of the PGA Tour landscape

two hours after coach Jim Har-

since Jack Nicklaus won the inaugural event in 1971. — From wire reports

baugh's news conference, that Jacobshad beendisciplined.


Girls basketball: Mountain View at Skyview (Wash.), 2 p.m.;; Burns at Redm nd, o 4 p.m.; Crook County at Junctlon Clty/CottageGrove Holiday Tournam ent, TBD;Paisley at Gilchrist, 2:30 p.m.;Central Christian atNixyaawii, 2 p.m.; Hosanna Christian at Trinity Lutheran,5:30p.m., Sisters atGladstoneHoliday Classic, TBD;Summit atAshlandRotary HoopsClassic, TBD;Culver at CulverTourname nt, TBD;Paisley at Gilchrist, 2:30 p.m. Wrestling: Crook County,Bend, Mountain View, Redmond, Summit, Ridgeview,Madras, Gilchrist at AdrianIrwinTournament atRidgeview,TBD; Culver at CentralLinnTourneinHalsey„TBD Swimming: SummitatCVCInvitationa at KrocCenter in Salem, 1p.m. Nordic skiing: OHSNO classic race at Meissner Sno-park,11a.m.

after taking an apparent hit to the head during the second half night in Washington, D.C. The

ing in Mclntyre's first season.

Saturday Boys basketball: Redmond atBurns,2 p.m.;Gladstone atCrookCounty,1 p.mzPaisley atGilchrist, 4p.mc CentralChristianat Nixyaawii, 3:30p.m.; Summivs. t GrantsPassat AshlandRotary Hoops Classlc, noon;Douglasat Sisters, 5 p.m.; Culver at CulverTournam ent, TBD;Paisley at Gilchrist, 4 p.m.; Hosanna Christian at Trinity Lutheran,4

points, added sevenassists and four rebounds and returned

week search byColorado that included a rejection by its first

(10-2) are rankedNo. 25 in the BCS andare heading to the Dec.

Friday Boys basketball: Bend at SouthAlbany,7 p.mcLa Pine atRedmond,7p.m; DouglasatCrookCounty, 7 p.m.; Pendetonat MountainVlew,7:15 p.m.; Summivs. t AshlandatAshland RotaryHoopsClassic, 7 p.mzGladstoneatSisters, 7p.m.; Culvervs. Crane atCulver Tournament,6:30 p.mzGilchrist at North Lake, 8:30 p.m.; Trinity Lutheranat Triad, 7 p.mz Gilchrist atNorthLake,8:30p.m.; Sherman at CentralChristlan,7:30p.m. Girls basketball: Bendat Pendleton, 7p.m.; Mountain View atColumbiaRiver(Wash.), 7p.m.; Crook County at JunctionCity/CottageGroveHoliday Tournament,TBD;Gilchrist at NorthLake,7 p.m.; Sherman at Central Christian, 6p.m.;Trinity Lutheran atTriad, 4 p.m.; Sisters vs. Gladstoneat GladstoneHoliday Classic, 7:30 p.m.;; Summit vs. Ashland atAshlandRotary HoopsClassic,5:30 pm.; Redm ondat LaPine,7 pm4Culvervs. Crane at CulverTournam ent, 5 p.m.;Gilchrist at North Lake, 7p.m. Swimming: Bend,Redmond, Ridgeview,Mountain View at BendInvite at Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center, 4p.m. Wrestling: CrookCounty, Bend,Mountain View, Redmond,Summ it, Ridgeview,Sisters at Adrian Irwin Toum ament at Ridgeview,3:45 p.m.

National Finals Rodeo Monday At Thomas &Mack Center Las Vegas Fifth Round BarebackRiding 1. CaseyColletti, Pueblo, Colo., 88.5points on ClassicProRodeo'sScarlet's Web,$18,257;2. Bobby Mote, Stephenvile, Texas,865, $14,429; 3. Brian Bain, Culver,Ore.,85,$10,895;4 (tie), J.R.Vezain, Cowley,Wyo., andWinnRatliff, Leesvile, La., 84.5, $6,184each;6 (tie), Will Lowe,Canyon,Texas, and StevenPeebles,Redmond, Ore.,83,$1,472 each; 8.KayceeFeild,Payson,Utah,82.5;9.Jessy Davis, Power, Mont., 81.5; 10. Justin McDaniel, Porum, Okla. ,80.5;11.WesStevenson,Lubbock,Texas,74, 12. CalebBennett, Morgan,Utah,665;13(tie), Steven Dent,Mullen,Neb; MattBright, Azle,Texas, andJared Keylon,Uniontown,Kan., NS. Steer Wrestling 1. TrevorKnowles,MountVernon, Ore.,3.3 seconds, $18,257, 2. LukeBranquinho, LosAlamos, Calif., 3.9,$14,429;3(tie), LesShepperson, Midwest, Wyo; Billy BugenigFem , dale, Calif., andTomLewis, Lehi, Utah,4.1,$7,754each; 6(tie), EthenThouvenel, Napa,Calil.,and Gabe Ledoux, Kaplan, La., 4.4, $1 472each;8. ToddSuhn, Hermosa, S.D., 4.5; 9. DeanGorsuch,Gering, Neb., 4.6; 10.Wade Sumpter, Fowler,Colo.,4.9;11. BrayArmes, Gruver,Texas, 5.2; 12. CaseyMartin, Sulphur, La., 5.5; 13 BeauClark, Be grade,Mont., 6.2; 14.K.C.Jones,Decatur, Texas, 7.0;15. MattReeves,Cross Plains, Texas, NT. Team Roping 1 (tie), BrockHanson,CasaGrande, Ariz./Ryan Motes, Weatherford,Texas,and SpencerMitchell, Colusa, Calif./DakotaKirchenschlager, Stephenvige, Texas,3.7seconds,$16,343each; 3. TrevorBrazile, Decatur, Texas/Patrick Smith, Lipan, Texas, 4.3, $10,895; 4.KalebDriggers, Albany,Ga./Jade Corkig, Fallon,Nev.,4.6, $7,656,5(tie), ChadMasters, Cedar Hill, Tenn./ClayO'Brien Cooper,Gardnervige, Nev., and Erich Rogers,RoundRock, Ariz./Kory Koontz, Sudan, Texas,4.9,$3,828;7.KevenDaniel,Franklin, Tenn./ChaseTryan, Helena, Mont., 5.4; 8. Derrick Begay,SebaDalkai, Ariz./Cesarde la Cruz, Tucson, Ariz., 8.7; 9. TurtlePowell, Stephenvige,Texas/Dugan Kelly,PasoRobles, Calil., 9.1; 10.ColbyLoveg, Madisonville, Texas/Russell Cardoza, Terrebonne, Ore., 9.3;11.Travis Tryan,Bil ings, Mont./JakeLong, Coffeyville,Kan.,33.6; 12(tie), LukeBrown,Stephenville, Texas/MartinLucero, Stephenvile, Texas;Clay Tryan,Bilings, Mont./TravisGraves,Jay,Okla.; Dustin Bird, CutBank,Mont./Paul Eaves, Milsap, Texas, and Charly Crawford,Prineville, Dre./Jim RossCooper, Monument,N.M.,NT. Saddle BroncRiding 1. Cole Elshere,Faith, S.D., 83points on Burch Rodeo' sLunaticFringe,$18,257;2.CodyDeMoss, Heflin, La.,78,$14,429;3. JacobsCrawley, College Station,Texas,75.5, $10,895; 4(tie), JesseWright, Millord, Utah;WadeSundell, Boxholm, lowa;Taos Muncy, Corona,N.M.; CodyWright, Millord, Utah; ChadFerley,Oelrichs, S.DJCodyTaton,Corona,N.M.; JakeWright,Milord, Utah;Sterling Crawley,College Station,Texas;Cort Scheer,Elsmere, Neb.; Bradley Harter,Weatherford, Texas; IsaacDiaz, Desdemona, Texas,andTyrel Smith,Cascade, Mont., NS. Tie-DownRoping 1.MattShiozawa,Chubbuck,Idaho,7.2seconds, $18,257; 2(tie), Clint Robinson,Spanish Fork, Utah, and BradleBy y num,Sterling City,Texas, 7.5, $12,662 each; 4.Justin Maass,Giddings,Texas,79,$7,656; 5 (tie), CodyOhl, Hico,Texas, andClif Cooper,Decatur,Texas,8.0, $3,828each; 7. TulCooper,Decatur, Texas,8.4;8.ShaneHanchey,Sulphur, La.,8.5; 9(tie), CorySolomon,Prairie View,Texas, andMonty Lewis, Hereford,Texas, 8.6each;11. FredWhitfield, Hockley, Texas,8.9; 12.AdamGray, Seymour, Texas, 9.3; 13 RyanJarrett, Comanche,Okla., 17.9;14(tie), Hunter Herrin, Apache,Okla., andHoustonHutto, Tombag, Texas. Barrel Racing 1. KaleyBass,Kissimmee, Fla., 13.68seconds, $18,257; 2. TrulaChurchill, Valentine,Neb.,13.69, $14,429; 3. Sherry Cervi, Marana, Ariz., 13.76, $10,895 ;4.MaryWalker,Ennis,Texas,13.89,$7,656; 5. Brittany Pozzi, Victoria, Texas,14.01, $4,712; 6. Lisa Lockhart,Oelrichs, S.D., 14.05,$2,945; 7. BrendaMays,Terrebonne,Ore., 14.08; 8. Lindsay Sears,Nanton,Alberta, 14.21; 9 Nikki Steffes,Vale, S.D., 14.31;10. ChristinaRichman, Glendora,Calif., 14.90; 11.CarleePierce, Stephenvige,Texas, 18.73; 12. Kelli Tolbert, Hooper,Utah, 18.93;13. Benette Barrington-Little, Ardmore,Okla., 19.18;14.Christy Loflin, Franktown,Colo., 19.57; 15.LeeAnn Rust, Stephenvige, Texas,24.04. Bull Riding 1.Set h Glause,Cheyenne,Wyo.,87.5 pointson GrowneyBros. Rodeo'sCanadian Tuxedo, $(8,257; 2. TrevorKastner,Ardmore, Okla., 865, $14,429;3. Brett Stall, DetroitLakes,Minn., 83,$10,895; 4.JW. Harris, Mullin, Texas,82.5, $7,656; 5 (tie), Cody Teel, Kountze,Texas; TreyBenton III, Rock Island, Texas;Ardie Maier, TimberLake, S.D.; TateStratton, Kegyville, Okla.;CodySamora, Cortez, Colo.; Beau Schroeder,China,Texas, CodyWhitney, Sayre, Okla., ShaneProctor,GrandCoulee, Wash.; ClaytonSavage, Casper,Wyo.; KaninAsay,Powel, Wyo.,andTagEl-

IN THE BLEACHERS In the Bleachers O 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Umversal Ucrick www.gocomics.comhnthebleachers

13. Minnesota 10-1 71 4 14 14 Gonzaga 9-1 6 9 9 10 15. Georgetown 7-1 5 7 7 15 16. Creighton 9-1 5 2 5 16 10-0 51 2 18 17. New Mexico 7 -1 4 9 1 17 18. SanDiegoSt. 19. MichiganSt. 8-2 3 2 8 19 20. UNLV 7-1 3 0 5 21 21. NorthCarolina 7-2 2 9 8 20 22. NotreDame 8-1 2 8 3 22 9-0 2 8 0 24 23. WichitaSt. 7-1 2 5 1 23 24.OklahomaSt. 25. NCState 62 2 1 3 25 Dthers receiving votes:Oregon177, Pittsburgh 177, Kentucky 44,Wyoming15, Uconn10,Marquete 8, VCU 6, Butler 5, Maryland5, MurraySt.4, Alabama 3, Miami3, VirginiaTech3, LSU1.

USAToday/ESPNTop25 Poll The top 25teamsin the USAToday-ESPNmen's collegebasketball poll, wlthhrst-placevotesin parentheses,recordsthroughDec.9, pointsbasedon 25 points for a first-place vote throughone point lor a 25th-placevoteandlast week's ranking: Record Pts Pvs 1. Indiana (25) 9-0 769 1 2. Duke(6) 9-0 749 2 9-0 705 3 3. Michigan 10-0 66 3 4 4.Syracuse 7 -0 644 5 5. Florida 6. Louisville 8-1 609 6 7. OhioState 6-1 586 7 8.Arizona 7-0 568 8 9.Kansas 7-1 537 9 10-0 46 5 14 10. Illinois 8-1 4 5 0 11 11. Missouri 12. Cincinnati 9-0 4 4 7 12 13. Creighton 9-1 3 3 8 13 14. Gonza ga 9-1 3 2 5 10 15. SanDiegoState 7-1 292 15 10-1 22 5 21 16. Minnesota "You can't judge a player based on size alone. 7 -1 2 2 4 18 17. UNLV 7 -2 2 2 2 16 18 North Carol i n a You've also got to consider things like wingspan." 19. Michigan State 8-2 2 1 3 17 20. NewMexico 10-0 20 7 20 21. Georgetown 7-1 1 6 3 23 6-3 1 2 5 19 22. Kentucky 7-1 1 1 6 22 23. Oklahoma State 24. NotreDame 8-1 1 1 0 25 25. N.C.State 6-2 93 24 liott, Thatcher,Utah,NS. Thursday Dthersreceiwngvotes:Wichita State88,Pittsburgh Bengals 3 3 EAGLES 74, Oregon 32, Uconn10, MurrayState10, Wyoming Sunday 8, Butler 4,Mississippi 2,VCU2. Packers 25 3 BEARS FOOTBALL FALCONS 1 1.5 Giants Wom en's college SAINTS 3 3 Bucs NFL RAMS 3 3 Vikings Monday's Games NATIONALFOOTBALL LEAGUE BROWNS NL NL Redskins EAST All Times PST DOLPHINS 7 7 Jaguars BostonU.68, Harvard61 OT Broncos 2 2. 5 RAVENS Bryant44, Maine40 AMERICANCDNFERENCE TEXANS NL NL Colts Fordham 56, SouthernU 44 East CHARG ERS 3 3 Panthers Loyola(Md.)53, Army47 W L T Pct PF PA t-Seahawks 4 4. 5 BILLS Niagara63,Binghamton 57 y-NewEngland 1 0 3 0 769 472 274 Lions 6 6 CARDS SOUTH N.y. Jets 6 7 0 462 245 306 COWBO YS 1 PK Steelers Louisiana-Lafayette 68,JacksonSt.57 Buffalo 5 8 0 385 289 352 RAIDERS 25 3 Chiefs Savannah St.49, North Florida40 Miami 5 8 0 385 240 276 PATRIOTS NL NL 49ers MIDWEST South Monday Wlsconsin82,FAU73,DT W L T Pct PF PA TITANS I I Jets FAR WEST x-Houston 1 1 2 0 846 365 263 San Francisco93,Notre DamedeNamur 43 Indianapolis 9 4 0 692 292 329 College Tennessee 4 9 0 308 271 386 Saturday Polls Jacksonvile 2 11 0 154 216 359 New MexicoBowl TheWomen'sTopTwentyFive North Arizona 75 95 The top 25 teams ln theTheAssoclated Press' W L T Pct PF PA FamousIdaho Potato Bo women'scollegebasketball poll, withfirst-placevotes 9 4 0 692 331 273 8 10 in parentheses,recordsthrough Dec.9, total points 7 6 0 538 278 264 Thursday,Dec.20 basedon25 points lor alirst-place votethroughone 7 6 0 538 321 280 Poinsettia Bowl point for a 25th-placevoteandlast week's ranking 5 8 0 385 259 272 25 2 . 5 Sa n Diego St Record Pts Prv West Friday, Dec.21 1. Stanford (22) 8-0 978 1 W L T Pct PF PA Beet 0 Brady'sBowl 2. Uconn(16) 8-0 968 2 y-Denver 1 0 3 0 .769 375 257 7 7 Ball St 3. Baylo(2) 7-1 930 3 r San Diego 5 8 0 .385 292 281 Saturday, Dec.22 4. Duke 8-0 884 4 Oakland 3 10 0 .231 248 402 New OrleansBowl 5. NotreDam e 6-1 806 5 KansasCity 2 11 0 154 195 352 UL-Lafayette 4 5 6 6. Georgia 10-0 79 0 6 NATIONALCONFERENCE Las VegasBowl 7. Kentucky 8-1 783 7 East Boise St 6.5 55 9 -1 7 1 3 8 8. Louisville W L T Pct PF PA Monday, Dec.24 7-1 6 1 4 11 9. California N.y. Giants 8 5 0 615 373 270 Hawaii Bowl 10. Maryland 6-2 610 9 Washington 7 6 0 538 343 329 Fresno St 1 1 . 5 1 1 .5 Smu 11 PennSt. 7-2 5 6 4 10 Dallas 7 6 0 538 300 314 Wednesday,Dec.26 12. Oklahom a 8-1 5 1 4 13 Philadelphia 4 9 0 308 240 341 Little CaesarsPizzaBowl 13. Tenne ssee 6-1 5 1 2 14 South W. Kentucky 6 6 C. Mic higan 14. UCLA 5-1 4 8 5 17 W L T Pct PF PA Thursday,Dec.27 9-1 4 5 0 15 15. Purdue y-Atlanta 11 2 0 846 337 259 Military Bowl 16. Oklahoma St. 6-0 3 9 2 16 TampaBay 6 7 0 462 354 308 SanJoseSt 7.5 75 Bowling Green 17. Dayton 10-0 33 4 19 NewOrleans 5 8 0 385 348 379 Belk Bowl 18 Texas 6-1 3 2 6 12 Carolina 4 9 0 308 265 312 1 05 7 Duke 19. NorthCarolina 8-1 2 3 0 21 North Holiday Bowl 20. OhioSt. 6-2 2 2 3 20 W L T Pct PF PA 1(B) I Baylor 21. Miami 7-1 2 1 1 23 GreenBay 9 4 0 692 323 279 Friday, Dec.28 22. Kansas 8-1 1 8 0 17 Chicago 8 5 0 615 308 219 IndependenceBowl 23. Texas A8M 5 -3 8 3 Minnesota 7 6 0 538 283 286 UL-Monroe 6 7 24. SouthCarolina 1 0-0 7 5 Detroit 4 9 0 308 320 342 Russell Athletic Bowl 25. WestVirginla 6 -2 7 3 West Virginia Tech I 2.5 Othersreceivingvotes: FloridaSt.64,Arkansas58, W L T Pct PF PA MeinkeCarCareBowl Nebraska 55,lowaSt. 53 Delaware15, Chatanooga 6, SanFrancisco 9 3 1 731 316 184 TexasTech 1 3 13 St.John's6,Duquesne4,Syracuse4,lowa3,MichiSeattle 8 5 0 615 300 202 Saturday,Dec.29 gan St. 2,Colorado1, Gonzaga1. St. Louis 6 6 1 500 236 279 Armed ForcesBowl Arizona 4 9 0 308 186 292 Air Force 1 ( R) x-clinchedplayolf spot DEALS Fight HungerBowl y-clincheddivision A rizona St I 4 . 5 1 4 .5 Pinstripe Bowl Transactions Monday'sGame W.Virginia 4 4 BASEBALL NewEngland42, Houston14 Alamo Bowl AmericanLeague Thursday's Game OregonSt 1 2 B OSTON RE D SO X— ClaimedRHP SandyRosario Cincinnati atPhiladelphia,5:20p.m. Buffalo Wild WingsBow off waiversfromOakland. Sunday's Games Tcu 2 25 CHICAGO WHITESOX—Agreed totermswith INF GreenBayat Chicago,10a m. Monday, Dec.31 Jeff Keppinger onathree-year contract. Tampa Bayat New Orleans,10a.m. Music City Bowl D ETROI T IGERS—Agreed totermswith CBrayan MinnesotaatSt Louis,10 am Vanderbilt 6 65 Pena on aone-year contract. DesignatedLHPMat IndianapolisatHouston, 10a.m. Sun Bowl for assignment. N.y. GiantsatAtlanta,10 a.m. Usc 10 1 0 Ge orgia TechHoffman MINNES OTATWINS—NamedMarty Mason pitchWashingtonatCleveland,10 a.m. Liberly Bowl ing coach, TimDoherty hitting coachandLarry BenJacksonville atMiami,10 a.m. Tulsa 2 .5 P K nesetrainerof Rochester (IL); ChadAllen hitting coach Denverat Baltimore,10am. Chick-Fil-A Bowl CarolinaatSanDiego,1:05 p.m. 4 4 Clemson and ChrisJohnsontrainer of NewBritain (EL); Doug Mientkiewiczmanager, Ivan Arteagapitching coach Detroit atArizona,I:05 p.m. Tuesday,Jan.1 and AlanRail trainerof Fort Myers(FSL); RyanHedSeattlevs.BuffaloatToronto,1:05 p.m. Heart of Dallas Bowl wall trainerof CedarRapids (MWL); Curtis Simondet KansasCity atOakland,1:25 p.m. OklahomaSt 18 17 trainer of Elizabethton(Appalachian); ChadJackson Pittsburghat Dallas,1:25p.m. Gator Bowl trainerand rehabcoordinator; ErikBeiser SanFranciscoatNew England,5:20pm. Mississippi St 2 2 Nort hwestern minor league minor league strength andconditioning coordinator; Monday,Dec.17 OutbackBowl TORONTOBLUEJAYS NamedPatHentgenbullN.y. Jetsat Tennessee,5:30 p.m. S. Carolina 4 5 4.5 Michigan pen coach. Capital OneBowl National League Monday's Summary Georgia 9 10 Nebraska C INCINNATI REDS—Agreedto termswith OFRyan Rose Bowl onatwo-yearcontract. Stanford 6 6. 5 Wisconsin Ludwick Patriots 42, Texans14 LOSANG ELES DODGERS—Agreedto terms with OrangeBowl RHP Zack Greinkeonasix yearcontract. 14 13. 5 N. Illinois Houston 0 0 7 7 — 1 4 Florida St PITTSBU R GH PIRATES—Agreed to terms with Wednesday,Jan. 2 N ewEngland 14 7 7 14 — 4 2 RHP JasonGril> onatwo-yearcontract. SugarBowl First Quarter FOOTBALL Florida 14 5 14 5 NE — Hernandez 7 pass from Brady(Gostkowski National Football League Thursday,Jan. 3 kick), 9:27. ARIZONA C A R D IN ALS—PlacedCRichOhrnberger Fiesta Bowl NE — Lloyd37passfromBrady(Gostkowski kick), injuredreserve.ClaimedQBBrian Hoyer ofl waiv8 8. 5 KansasSt on 2:49. ers fromPittsburgh. Cotton Bowl SecondQuarter BALTIMOR ERAVENS—Flred oflensive coordinaTexasA8M 3 .5 4 . 5 Oklahoma NE — Hernandez 4 pass from Brady(Gostkowski torCam Cameron.Announced quarterbacks coach Saturday, Jan. 5 kick), 11:01. Jim Caldwelwill l assumetheduties of offensivecoCompassBowl Third Quarter Mississippi 2 3 Pittsb urgh ordinator. NE — Stallworth 63 passfrom Brady(Gostkowski C LEVELAND BROWNS Signe d TEBradSmelley Sunday,Jan. 6 kick), 9:49. from thepracticesquad.ReeasedDl. RonnieCamGo Daddy.com Bowl Hou—Foster 1run (SGrahamkick), 612. ArkansasSt 2 45 Kent St eron. Fourth Quarter MIAMIDOLPHINS—ClaimedWRArmonBinnsoff Monday,Jan. 7 NE — Lloyd fumble recoveryin endzone(GostwaiversfromCincinnati. ReleasedCBMichael Coe. BCSChampionship kowskikick),14:15. OTAVIKINGS—SignedTELaMark Brown Alabama 8 5 9 . 5 N otre Dame MINNES NE — Ridley14 run(Gostkowski kick), 7:23. to thepracticesquad. Hou yates1 run(S.Grahamkick), 200. NEWENGI.ANDPATRIOTS—Activated RBBranA—68,756. don Boldenfromthesuspended ist. BASKETBALL NEWYORKJETS—Signed LB Joseph Dickson Hou NE and WR Titus Ryanto thepracticesquad. Released DT Men's college First downs 19 27 Matt Hardison andWREddieMcGeefromthepractice TotalNetyards 3 23 41 9 squad. Monday'sGames Rushes-yards 27-100 33-130 DAKLAND RAIDERS—Reinstated LBRolandoMcEAST Passing 223 289 Clain from thereserve/suspendedbyclub list. Slgned Georgetown 89,Longwood53 PuntReturns 2 -1 4 - 5 0 Navy69, Bryant59 CB ChimdiChekwafromthepracticesquad.Released KickoffReturns 2-39 1-7 CB Ron Ba rteg andFBOwenSchmitt. SOUTH 1 -1 1- 1 9 Louisiana-Monroe InterceptionsRet. SAN FRA NCISCO49ERS—Suspended RBBran68,SELouisiana61, OT Comp-Att-Int 21-36-1 21-36-1 don Jacobsfor theremainderol theregularseason SouthernU. 77,WiliamCarey50 Sacked-YardsLost 2-24 1-7 fol owing aseries of posts onsocial mediasites adVirginiaTech70,MVSU49 Punts 7-49.3 5-48 0 dressinghislackof payingtime. MIDWEST Fumbles-Lost 1-0 2-0 HOCKEY Detroit 81,AlabamaSt. 68 Penalties-Yards 7 -70 6 - 56 National HockeyLeague FAR WEST Time ofPossession 29:11 30:49 COLUMBUS BLUEJACKETS— Reassigned G Seattle75,E.Washington 69 Allen york from Evansville (ECHL) to Springfield INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Polls (AHL). RUSHING —Houston: Foster 15-46, Tate8-46, SOCCER The TopTwentyFive Forsett3-7, yates1-1. NewEngland: Ridley18-72, Major LeagueSoccer The top25teamsinTheAssociated Press'college Vereen8-40,Bolden2-11, Brady1-6, Woodhead1-4, FC DALLAS — Signed MPeter Luccin. basketballpoll, with lirst-placevotesin parentheses, Mallett 3-(minus3). COLLEGE records throughDec. 9, total points basedon 25 PASSING—Houston: Schaub 19-32-1-232, points for a first-placevotethrough onepoint for a COLORADONamed Mike Maclntyre football Yates 2 4 015. NewEngland: Brady21-35-0-296, 25th-placevoteandlast week's ranking: coachandsigned himtoafive-year contract. Mallett 0-1-1-0 DHIOSTATE—Announced junior DT Johnathan R ecord Pts P rv RECEIVING — Houston:Johnson8-95,Foster4- 1. Indiana Hankinswill enterthe NFLdraft. (44) 9 -0 1 ,580 1 39, Jean 2-31, Daniels2-24 Casey1-30,Posey1-19, 2. Duke OREGO N STATE—Suspended senior DE Rudolf (20) 9 -0 1,551 2 Forsett 1-14,Tate1-(minus1), Martin1-(minus4). 3. Michigan Fifita, junior DTManaRosa andjunior LN Dyllon 9 -0 1,444 3 New England:Hernandez8-58, Lloyd7-89, Welker 4. Syracuse Kalena Mafi fromthefootball teamfollowing their ar8 -0 1 ,378 4 3-52, Woodhead 2 34, Stalworth1-63. rest after a fight at abarovertheweekend. 5. Florida 7 -0 1,319 6 MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None TEXAS TECH—Named offenslve inecoachChrls 6. Louisville 8 -1 1,303 5 7. OhioSt. 6 -1 1,211 7 Thomseninterim tootball coach.Announcedthe resi g nation of offensive coordinator NealBrownto take 8. Arizona 7 -0 1,178 8 Betting line position at Kentucky. 9.Kansas 71 1 0 8 7 9 the same NFL UTEP Named Sean Kuglerfootball coach. 10. Illinois 10-0 99 1 13 (Hometeamsin Caps) WESTERNKENTUCKY— Named Bobby Petrino 11. Cincinnati 9-0 9 4 4 11 Favorite O p e n Current Underdog12. Missouri football coach. 8-1 8 7 7 12




Trail Blazerscruise past Raptors, 92-74 The Associated Press PORTLAND — I njuries, an ejection and a dubious record. The Portland Trail Blazers' 92-74 victory over the Toronto Raptors on M o nday night had a little bit of everything. Both sides were beset by injuries, with Portland missing starters Wesley M atthews and Nicolas Batum, and Toronto losing starters Andrea Bargnani and Kyle Lowry during the game. T hen T o r onto's A m i r J ohnson p u n ctuated h i s ejection from the game by throwing his mouthpiece at the official who tossed him. And finally, the Blazers went zero for 20 from 3point range, a new NBA record for futility. "I don't w ant t o b r e ak r ecords l i k e t h a t, " s a i d Portland star LaMarcus Aldridge, who had 30 points and 12 rebounds. J .J. Hickson added 1 6 points and 11 boards for the Blazers, who led by as m any as 18 points in t h e second half. DeMar DeRozan had 20 points for the Raptors, who have dropped eight straight games against Portland. But the game was more about who didn't play — or had to leave. Batum was shelved bec ause of b ack p ai n t h a t hampered him in Portland's 99-80 home loss to Sacramento on Saturday, while Matthews was out because he strained his left hip in the fourth quarter against the Kings. Matthews tried to drive to the basket during warmups and limped off to the locker room, wincing. Matthews missed a game for the first time in his fouryear NBA career. He had

played in 250 straight games, second-most among active players behind Oklahoma City's Russell Westbrook. To replace Matthews and Batum, the Blazers started Sasha Pavlovic and rookie Victor Claver. "It felt great to know we could be d ow n a c o u ple of players and still get the win," H i ckson said. "We knew we were going to have to play extra hard because we were short-handed, but

guys stepped up and we got the win." Also on Monday: Heat.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 Hawks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 MIAMI — LeBron James scored 27 points, Dwyane Wade had 26 and M i ami pulled away in the second half to beat Atlanta.

Spurs....... . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Rockets ... . . . . . . . . . . . . 126 HOUSTON — Gary Neal hit seven 3 -pointers and scored 29 points, and Tony Parker had a triple-double with 27 points, 12 rebounds and 12 assists to lead San Antonio over Houston. Warriors... . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Bobcats .... . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Stephen Curry put on a show for his hometown fans, finishing w it h 2 7 p o i nts, seven assists and seven rebounds to lead Golden State over Charlotte. Mavericks.... . . . . . . . . . . 119 Kings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 DALLAS — O .J. M ayo scored 19 points and Dallas took control with a 31-3 run in the first half to beat Sacramento. 76ers... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Pistons... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97 PHILADELPHIA — Evan Turner had 18 points and 11 rebounds, and Jrue Holiday scored 25 points to lead Philadelphia past Detroit.


ConferenceGlance AllTimesPST EASTER NCONFERE NCE W t Pct GB d-Newrork 15 5 750 d-Miami 14 5 737 I/2 Atlanta 12 6 667 2 d-chicago 11 8 579 3 1/2 Brooklyn 0 8 579 31/2 Philadelphia 12 9 571 3'/z Boston 0 9 550 4 Milwaukee 10 9 526 4 i/z Indiana 10 11 476 5'/z Orlando 8 1 2 400 7 Charlotte 7 1 3 350 8 Detroit 7 1 6 304 91/2

Cleveland Toronto Washington


1 7 190 11'/2

4 1 8 182 12 2 1 5 11 8 11'/~ WESTE Rn CONFER ENCE W t Pct GB d-San Antonio 18 4 818 d-Oklahoma City 17 4 810 'Iz Memphis 14 4 778 2 d-LA. Clippers 14 6 700 3 GoldenState 14 7 667 3i/2 uiah 12 10 545 6 Dallas 11 10 524 6'/z Minnesota 9 9 500 7 Denver 10 0 476 7'/z Houston 9 1 1 450 8 Portland 9 1 2 429 8'/z L.A. Lakers 9 1 2 429 8'Iz 7 1 3 350 10 Sacramento Phoenix 7 1 5 318 11 5 1 4 263 11'/~ NewOrleans d-d<visionleader


GoldenState104, Charlotte96 Philadelphia104,Detroit 97 Miami 101, Atlanta92 SanAntonio134, Houston126,OT Dallas119,Sacramento96 Portland92,Toronto 74

Today's Games

L.A. LakersatCleveland, 4 p.m. NewYorkat Brooklyn,4 p.m. DenveratDetroit, 4:30pm. Washington at NewOrleans, 5p.m. L.A. Clippersat Chicago,630p.m. Wednesday'sGames BrooklynatToronto, 4p.m. Clevelandat Indiana,4p.m. AtlantaatOrlando,4p.m. LA Clippersat Charlotte, 4.30p.m. Chicagoat Philadelphia,4:30p.m. GoldenStateatMiami,4:30p.m. WashingtonatHouston, 5p.m. Denverat Minnesota,5p.m. NewOrleansat OklahomaCity, 5p.m. SacramentoatMilwaukee,5p.m. Dallasat Boston,5 p.m. Memph>s atPhoenix,6p.m. SanAntonioatUtah,7:30p.m.

Summaries Monday'sGames

Blazers 92, Raptors74 TORONTO (74) Pietrus3-132-4 9, Bargnani1-3 0-02, Valanaunas 4-60-08, Lwrr0-51-1 1,DeR ozan 7-16 6-6 20, Davis3-78-814, calderon4-72-212, Johnson 2-6 0-04,Ross 1-50-02,l.ucas0-40-0 0, Gray1-20-0 2.Totals 26-74 19-21 74. PORTLAND (92) c aver2-120-04, Aldridge11-198-830,H>ckson 7-7 2-316, Lillard 2-145-5 9,PavloviC5-12 0-1 10,Barton0-10-00, Jeffries1-20-02, Babbitt 2-9 0-lj 4, Smith4-103-311, Leonard2-32-2 6. Totals 36-89 20-2292. Toronto 19 21 19 15 — 74 Portland 18 2 6 2 0 28 — 92 3-point Goal— s Toronto 3-21 (caderon 2-4, Pietrus1-7, Lowrr 0-1, Ross 0-1, Bargnani0-2, DeRozan0-2, Lucas0-4), Portland 0-20 (Smith 0-1, Leonard0-1, claver 0-3, Lillard 0-5, pavlovic 0-5, Babbitt 0-5). FouledOut—Davis. Rebounds —Toronto 50 (Valanciunas10), Portland 55 (Aldridge 12). Assists—Toronto 13(calderon 6), Portland 16(Lillard 6) Total Fouls Toronto 20, portland 1a Technical— s Johnson, portland

defensivethree second. Ejected—Johnson. A16,86309,980).

Mavericks119, Kings 96 SACRAMENTO (96) salmons2-4 0-0 5, Thompson5-8 1-4 0, Cousins10-175-6 25, Brooks3-8 1-2 9, Garcia 9-16 c-025,Thornton3 62-210, Fredette1-3113, Hayes1-40-02,0utlaw0-00-00, Robinson 0-40-00, Thomas2-90-04,Johnson1-50-1 z Totals 37-84 10-1696. DALLAS (119) Da.Jones3-65-811, Wright4-90-0 8, Kaman 9-130-018, Fisher3-64-411, Mayo6-94-519, collison 7-90-015, Carter3-100-0 7,Brand4-8 0-1 a Crowder5-9 0-011, Beaubois 2-41-15, Cunnin gham 2-32-2 6,James0-10-0 0.Totals 48-87 16-21 119. S acramento 29 14 27 26 — 96 Dallas 36 29 23 31 — 119

Spurs 134, Rockets 126 SAN ANTONIO (134) Green6-14 0-0 14, Duncan1-9 8 8 10, Blair 4-61-1 9, Parker9-188-9 27,Neal 11-180-0 29, Ginobili 7-125-622, Diaw3-62-28,Splitter5-6

0-010, Decoio 2-30-0 5, Bonner0-00-0 0, Anderson0-0 0-00, Mills 0-0 0-0 0 Totals 48-92 24-26 134.


Parsons 7-18 2 5 20, Patterson4-10 0-0 8, Asik 5-0 11-1421, Lin 11-2112-123a Delfino 2-120-1 5,Douglas6-110-017, Smith2-6004, Morris 4-63-413, Cook0-2 0-00, Aldrich 0-00-0 0. Totals 41-97 28-36126. San Antonio 23 41 27 29 14 — 134 Houston 27 36 30 27 6 — 126

Heal101, Hawks92 ATLANTA (92)

Stevenson4-11 0-0 12, Smith 7-18 4-5 22, Horford8-144-420, Teague3-10 4-411, D.Harris 2-70-04, Williams a-85-511,Pachulia0-00-00, Morrow3-40-06, Jenkins1-2 0-0 2,Petr01-1 00 2, Tolliver0-02-22. Totals 32-7519-20 92.

MIAMI (101)

James10-16 6 727, Lewis1 30-0 3, Bosh6 0 2-6 14, Chalmers1-32-2 4, Wade11-13 3-6 26, Battier 3 50 09, Anthony1-1 002, Allen1-8 1-1 3, Cole4-40-010, Miller1-30-03. Totals 39-67 14-22 101. Atlanta 26 28 20 18 — 92 Miami 28 28 26 19 — 101

76ers104, Pistons97 DETROIT (97)

Prince6-124-416, Maxiel 1-100-02, Monroe 7-138-1022,Knight8-184-622,singler2-40-0 5, Stuckey 5-149-919, Maggette0 23 43, Drummond0-1 000, VilarIueva3-7008 Totals 3281 28-3397. PHILADELPHIA (104) Turner 8 131 218, TYoung9 1326 20,Allen 2-5 0-04, Holiday11-202-425, Richardson4-11 3-4 13, N.Young1-2 1-2 3, Hawes7-14 1-2 15, Wright 1-21-2 3, Moultrie0-0 0-0 0,Wayns 1-2 1-1 3. TofaIs44-82 12-23104. Detroit 21 28 26 22 — 97 Philadelphia 25 21 30 28 — 104

Warriors104, Bobcats 96 GOLDEN STATE(104) Barnes2-7 1-2 6, Lee10-145-5 25, Ezeli 12 0-0 2, Curry10-223-4 27,Thompson4-7 0-0 10, Biedrins0-0 0-0 0,Jack3-11 5-612, Landry 5-9 6-6 16,Jenkins3-4 0-0 6, Green0-8 0-0 0 Bazemore 0-00-0 0, Tyler0-0 0-0 0. Totals 3884 20-23 104. GHARLQTTE (96l Kidd-Gilchrist 6-10 5-6 17,Mullens6-14 0-0 13, Biyombo241-2 5, Walker616 912 24,Taylor 1-8 2-3 4,Henderson2-7 3-47, sessions3-8 4-412, Gordon5-111-1 14,Hayw ood 0-30-00, Diop0-00-00, Williams0-20-00. Totals 31-83 25-32 96. Golden State 38 20 3511 — 104 C harlotte 23 17 34 22 — 96

Continued from C1 "To be in the situation we are with Tommy, John, Mar-

shall (Allen), Connor, Blake (Kaufman), if we're not able to (repeat), it'll be a real upset,"

Amy Halligan says. Despite being the reigning state freestyle champion at both 50 and 100 yards, Tommy Brewer this season will likely compete in the 200 IM and 100 breast, the latter being an event in which he could potentially set a national high school record. Less than two weeks ago at the Husky Invitational in Seattle, an all-age club meet, Brewer turned in a 100 breast time of 54.52 seconds. The national high school record is 53.66 seconds. " It's realistic," Amy H a l ligan s ay s a b ou t B r e w er breaking the national record. " That's really got to be hi s goal this year. Even though he won the 50 and 100 freestyle last year, he's so much stronger in the 200 IM an d 100 breast." For the girls, Madi Brewer, Tommy's sister, and M ackenzie Halligan, the coach's daughter, hope to build off last year's title, the Storm's first girls swimming state championship. Summit won the 200 medley and 400 freestyle state relay races last winter and expects to contend in those events again this season. Halligan and Brewer both swam on the 400 relay squad, and Brewer, Sydney G o odman and Abby Sorlie are all back from the 200 medley team. Mackenzie Halligan figures to be the favorite in the 500 freestyle this season after taking second at state last winter to a graduating senior. "The 500 is her strongest event," Amy H a l ligan says about her daughter. "Her goal this year is to hit All-America standard (set by the National I nterscholastic Sw i m m i n g Coaches Association). That's moving pretty fast."


everyone is guaranteed a second swim." M ountain V i e w j un i o r A look at Central Oregonteams competing in swimming this Brandon Deckard could help season: the Cougars contend for a trophy at state this season. CLASS 5A CLASS 4A Deckard was second at the Bend Madras 2012 state meet in both the Coach:Elizabeth Meskill (sixth Coach:Bobby DeRoest(fourth 200 IM and the 500 freestyle. season) season) As a freshman in 2011, Deck2011-12 finish:Girls, third at 2011-12 finish:Girls, third ard won state titles in the 200 5A state meet; boys, eighth at at 4A/3A/2A/1A state meet; IM and the 100 back. 5A state meet boys, sixth at 4A/3A/2A/1A At the 4A/3A/2A/1A level, state meet Class 5A Special District1 M adras hopes to build o f f meet:Feb. 8 and 9at Bend's Class 4A/3A/2A/1ASpecial the successfrom lastseason, Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center District2meet: Feb. 8 and 9 when the W h ite Buffaloes' at Veterans Memorial Pool in girls team captured the thirdMountain View La Grande place trophy at state in just Coach:Kory Bright (third the program's third year. At Ridgeview season) state last season, not a single Coach:Jeff Vallie (first Madras point was scored by a 2011-12 finish:Girls, 13th at season) senior. 5A state meet; boys, sixth at "The girls swam amaz2011-12 finish:First year of 5A state meet ing last year and they return program Class 5A Special District1 everyone from that squad," meet:Feb. 8 and 9 at Bend's Class 4A/3A/2A/1ASpecial White Buffs swim coach BobJuniper Swim 8 Fitness Center District3meet: Feb. 8 and 9 by DeRoest says. "They want at the Albany Community Pool to get another trophy." Redmond Senior Elizabeth Armitage Sisters Coach:Cynthia Larkin (first took second in the 100 free season) Coach:Brittany Baldessari and third in the 50 free last (first season) 2011-12 finish:Girls, 27th at season, and sophomore So2011-12 finish: Girls, 11th at 6A state meet; boys, tied for phie Gemelas was runner-up 17th at 6A state meet 4A/3A/2A/1A state meet; boys in the 100 breast. did not place at state Class 5A Special District1 The White Buffalo boys, meet:Feb. 8 and 9 at Bend's Class 4A/3A/2A/1A Special who placed sixth at state, also Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center District3meet: Feb. 8 and 9 welcome back most of their top at the Albany Community Pool swimmers from last season, Summit including junior Ian Goodwin, Coach:AmyHalligan (ninth who took second at state in Note:TheClass6A,5Aand season) the 500 free.DeRoest says his 4A/3A/2A/1A state swim 2011-12 finish:Girls and boys boys team, which finished just meets are scheduled for won 5A state meet nine points away from taking Feb. 15 and 16 at Mt. Hood fourth and bringing home a Community College in Class 5A Special District1 trophy at the 2012 state meet, Gresham. meet:Feb. 8 and 9 at Bend's have thechance for a special Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center season. " They have r e ally h i g h hopes," DeRoest says about Across town, Bend High ing of Ridgeview, Amy Hal- his boys squad. "Of all the sophomore Jennifer Robeson ligan predicts the 2012 Class ( 4A/3A/2A/IA) t e a ms, w e seems poised for a standout 5 A Special District I m e et return the most amount of season aftera breakout fresh- will be more competitive than points (from state). And we man campaign. Last season, in the past. have some strong freshmen "Districts should a pretty Robeson took fifth at state in coming in as well. "We're r eaching fo r t h e the 200and 500 freestyle rac- tight r ac e w i t h R e d mond es in addition to swimming on coming in," she says. "Before, stars," DeRoest adds. "The the Lava Bears'200 freestyle when we only had four teams boys have worked really hard and 400 relay teams, which at districts, every person en- the last four, five years, and p laced second a n d t h i r d , tered in an event got a second they've set the goal to win it respectively. swim (by making the A or B all this season." With Redmond High now a finals and scored points). Now — Reporter: 541-383-0305, 5A school following the open- with Redmond in the mix, not beastes@bendbulletin.com.

Prep swimming,ata glance


For the boys, Summit senior Jacob Fritz was named to the Continued from C1 first team after receiving the Juniors H adlie P l ummer Intermountain C o nference's and Shannon Patterson joined player of t h e y ea r a w ard. their Summit teammate on Summit j u n i o r Ca m e r on the 5A first team. Bend High Weaver and two players from s enior A l y ssa P ease a n d Mountain View, senior Bryce Mountain View senior Maddy Tipton and f reshman Zach Booster earned second-team Emerson earned second-team accolades, and Summit coach h onors. W o odburn j u n i or J amie Brock, who l e d t h e Michael Hobson was named Storm to a 15-0-2 overall re- player of the year, and Carlo cord, was named 5A coach of Horcos was tabbed as coach of the year. the year after guiding Wood-

burn to its third straight state


a popular technique among fitness skiers, and the rise of mountain biking. " It just h appened to b e the time (the early 1980s) when mountain bikes took off, (cross-country) skating became popular," Leet said. "And mountain biking (and) Bend is a perfect match." Over the years, Sunnyside has seen the decline in popularity of bike brands such as Schwinn, Peugeotand Motobecane and the rise of brands like Trek and Cervelo. And the race that Leet and others helped start, the Cascade Cycling Classic, has continued to remain relevant, bringing in riders such as Eric Heiden (the Olympic speedskaterextraordinaire), 1984 Olympic cycling gold medalist Alexi Grewal, and Lance Armstrong, who would go on to win — and then be stripped of — seven Tour de France titles. Miles upon miles of mountain biking trails were built — and construction of even more trails has continued on the abundant government land in the region. And for cross-country skiing in Leet's eyes Meissner for which donations are accepted but no fees are charged, has opened up skiing to the masses. "We like the idea that this isn't just a sport for the elite," Leet said. "It's become a sport for anybody, and M eissner

the area now known as the Old Mill District, rather than Continued from C1 the home of a shopping cenBack in 1972, Gary Fowles, ter and numerous high-level along w i t h J i m De S m et, cyclocross events — includopened what was then called ing, most recently, this past Sunnyside Touring on North- weekend's U.S. Gran Prix of west Irving Avenue in down- Cyclocross Deschutes Brewtown Bend. ery Cup — was the site of the "We just had a little tiny already defunct and mostly space and we sold wooden demolished S h e v lin-Hixon cross-country skis,"recalled mill and the still operating F owles, who i s no w 6 2 , a Brooks-Scanlon mill, on oprealtor and still living in Bend. posite banks of the Deschutes "The bicycle business ... you River. know, in 1972, Bend was a Though the players have mill town still, and so there changed, one constant over weren't very m any c yclists the years is that many elite around. It's hard to believe, cyclists an d n o r dic s k iers but there weren't very many have come to train in Central people who rode bikes." Oregon, and some have even A few months after the shop made it their home. opened, the f i rst e mployee Bruce Ronning, 65, a longthe two co-owners hired was t ime B en d r e s ident w h o a teenager named Gary Bo- briefly worked for Sunnyside nacker — who has worked at back in the late 1980s, recalled the shop ever since and even- that Bill Koch, a 1976 crosstually became a co-owner country skiing Olympic silver himself. medalist, trained here in the "In the early '70s, I remem- early '80s, as did Dan Simober, we put a sign up t h at neau, a two-time Olympian. would say, 'Gone skiing, back (Simoneau is now the nordic at 2.' Can you imagine doing program director for the Mt. that now?" Bonacker laughed. Bachelor Sports E ducation " You couldn't do it . O r . . . Foundation.) That elite pipe'Gone for a bike ride. Back at line continued w it h s k i ers noon.'" such as Olympic gold medalist The recollections of both Beckie Scott and exists to this Fowles and Bonacker might day with cyclists like two-time seem incredible to those rela- cyclocross national champion tively new to Central Oregon, Ryan Trebon and 2008 mounwhere cyclists an d c r o ss- tain bike O l ympian A d am country skiers now abound. Craig. The annual Cascade CyLeet cited t w o d e velopcling Classic, which bills itself ments that were transpiring as the longest-running elite at about the same time he was stage race in the United States taking ownership of the Sunand for which current Sun- nyside that would influence nyside co-owner Don L e et his business: the emergence served as race director for 10 of skate skiing, which is now years,had yet to be created in 1972 when Sunnyside opened SelfReferrals Welcome its doors. A run of national c hampionships in r oa d c y cling, mountain biking and cyclocross hosted in Central Oregon in recent years were not even on the radar. And

the 4A girls player of the year, and the 4A girls coach of the In 4A , S i sters i s r e pre- year went to Gladstone's Steve sented on the girls first team Thomas. La Salle senior Daby sophomore Liz Stewart, vid Lillie earned player of the while among the boys junior year honors for the boys, and Jake McAllister was named McLoughlin's Jose Garcia was to the first team for the second named 4A coach of the year. consecutive season. Seniors The 6A, 5A and 4A all-state Carlos Garcia (Madras) and soccer teams were voted on by Alonzo Lopez (Crook County) coaches and compiled by The and junior Evan Rickards (Sis- Oregonian newspaper. ters) were voted to the 4A boys The state's small-school allsecond team.Gladstone senior state teams have not yet been Amber Jensen was tabbed as released.


has really added to that. And I think having Meissner and

(Mt.) Bachelor (ski area), it's a real positive thing for this town, because we have two places that people can ski." Forty years is a long time, especially to r e main w orking at one business. But for Bonacker, who founded the annual Tour des Chutes cycling tour in 2005 after being diagnosed with a brain tumor,

providing "goods for people to have fun on" has not gotten stale. "Then you see them out on the trail, you see them out on the road or you see them out on the ski trails," Bonacker said about h i s c u stomers. "They're r eally using ( t h e

gear), and they're smiling. Then, it's all really worth getting excited about and it's all worth doing.... That's why I do it." — Reporter: 541-383-0393, amiles@bendbufletin.com.


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O M M U N IT Y BASEBALL BEND ELKSCAMPS: Third of eight winter camps (mostly one-day camps) is Thursday-Saturday; Bend Fieldhouse, Bend; for players18 and younger; with Bend Elkshead coach Joe Dominiack and others; instruction in pitching, hitting, defense, fielding and catching available ;$50-$200, depending on which camp offerings over the three days are selected; bendelks.com/Fieldhouse/ Upcoming+Camps/defaul t.aspx.

CLIMBING BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY DEVELOPMENTTEAM: Mondays and Wednesdays,4 p.m .-6 p.m.,through Jan. 30, 2013; ages10-18; for the climber looking to develop a solid foundation of movement and technical climbing skills; mike©bendenduranceacademy.org; BendEnduranceAcademy.org.


or have studs installed; 541-317-3568; footzonebend.com. SNOWSHOE RUNNINGGROUP: Saturday mornings, Dec. 15-March 16; all running paces welcome; focus on fun and fitness; different trail/ destination every week; free; facebook. com/groups/SnowshoeWithLaura; SnowshoeWithLaura@gmail.com. FOAM ROLLERCLINIC:Sunday;9:45 a.m.;FootZone,downtown Bend;taught by Ashleigh Mitchell, CPT; learn basic myofacial release with a foam roller; bring yoga mat and foam roller if you own them; foam rollers available for purchase; limited to 15 participants; $5; register at FootZone; footzonebend.com. FREEZEYOUR FANNY(FREEZIN' FOR THE KIDS): Saturday, Dec. 29; 10 a.m.; Madras Aquatic Center, Madras; 5K run/walk and 500-yard swim options; donationto Juniper Junction Relief Nursery; Bud Beamer, 541-948-3321.



SKI WAX CLINICS: Tuesdays, Dec. 11, Jan.1and15, Feb. 5and19, and March DESCHUTES MATCLUB WRESTLING: All youths in grades one through eight 5 and19; 7:30 p.m.; Pine Mountain welcome; through Saturday, Feb. 2; Sports, Bend; clinics will cover the basics on tuning and waxing skis; participants age divisions for kids in grades one through three and four through eight; do not need to bring own equipment; free; call 541-385-8080 to sign up (required). $115-$165 for season; registration is ongoing throughout the season; online BEND SKI CLUB: Wednesday; 7 p.m.; registration and more information Pappy's Pizzeria, next to Bend Fred available at bendwrestling.com. Meyer; guest speaker and white elephant YOUTH WRESTLING: For kids in party; Joseph Bentley, 541-419-9189.. grades three through eight; Tuesdays, BEGIN TO SKIN CLINIC: Thursday; 7 Thursdays and Fridays through Jan. 29; p.m.; Pine Mountain Sports, Bend; 5:30-7:30p.m.;Bend High School;$99 for for backcountry beginners; will cover park district residents, $134 otherwise; equipment basics, how to use climbing Bend Park & Recreation District, 541skins; appropriate clothing, packing 389-7275, bendparksandrec.org. gear and backcountry safety; free; space limited; call 541-385-8080 to register; pinemountainsports.com. RUNNING DIRKSEN DERBYKICKOFFPARTY: SCREW YOUR SHOES WORKSHOP: Friday; 6 p.m.-11 p.m.; Century Center, Thursday; 6 p.m.-7 p.m.; FootZone, Bend; Bend; fundraiser for Bend snowboarder with local ultrarunner Jeff Browning; Tyler Eklund and kickoff to sixth annual "winterize" a pair of running shoes with Dirksen Derby Snowboard Rally Race some studs, which won't hurt the shoes at Mt. Bachelor ski area; music, broken and are removable; learn to do ityourself snowboard art auction, raffle, food and



beer; $5 suggested donation; suitable for all ages; 541-480-1414; heleosband. com/TylerEklund. RAD CAMPS: For kids ages 7-17; trips for night skiing and snowboarding at Hoodoo Ski Area; Saturdays and Sundays, Dec.14March 30; depart at 3:45 p.m., return at10 p.m.; trips leave from Harmon Park, Bend; $40, includes transportation, lift ticket and pizza; radcamps©gmail.com. MBSEF CLASSIC: Sunday; 10 a.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski area; 5K, 10K and 20K distances; classic technique mass start race; wooden ski class; $10-$25; mbsef. org/NordicRaces. BABES INSNOWLAND: Ages 4-5; Sundays, Dec. 16-Fed. 24; 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski area; introduces kids to nordic skiing in a fun, safe environment; $175; 541-382-1709, ext. 2211; mtbachelor.com. K'S FOR KIDS: Ages 6-8; Sundays, Dec. 16-Feb. 24; 10:15 a.m.-11:15 a.m.; Mt. Bachelor ski area; skiers should be able to cover 5K in one hour; learn the Mt. Bachelor trail system and track distances covered; $125-$175; 541-382-1709, ext. 2211; mtbachelor.com. MT. BACHELORSPORTS EDUCATION FOUNDATIONNORDIC WINTER CAMP: W ednesday, Dec. 26-Friday,Dec.28;Mt. Bachelor ski area; 541-388-0002; mbsef. org. FULL MOON XCSKI:Saturday,Dec.29; 5:45 p.m.; carpool from store at 6 p.m. for Swampy Lakes Sno-park or Virginia Meissner Sno-park and return at 8;30 p.m.; dress warmly, and take food, water, a headlamp and a few dollars for grooming donation box; demo skis available on first-come, first-served basis (must provide credit card and drivers license); free; call 541-385-8080 to register; pinemountainsports.com. TUESDAY NIGHTSKATE SKI:Depending on snow conditions; 6 p.m.; meet at Pine Mountain Sports in Bend and carpool to Virginia Meissner Sno-park; outings of 6090 minutes; all abilities welcome; bring a headlamp and a few dollars for the donation box at the sno-park; skate ski demos available on a first-come, first-serve basis (come 30 minutes early and show a credit

I l.

Email events at least 10days before publication to sports@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com.

card and drivers licence); free; sign up required, call 541-385-8080. MT BACHELORSPORTS EDUCATION FOUNDATIONALPINE SKIING PROGRAMS: Now accepting enrollments for alpine winter term (up to four days per week) and full-time (five days per week) programs; age13 and older; alpine nordic crossover program, in which alpine skiers can learn to nordic ski, begins Dec. 27541-388-0002; mbsef@mbsef.org; mbsef.org. MT. BACHELORSPORTS EDUCATION FOUNDATIONNORDICSKIING PROGRAMS: Now accepting enrollments for Stevenson Youth Program, ages 7-11 (one or two days per week); 10-week and 17-week middle school programs, ages1114 (up to four days per week); winter term (up to four days per week) and full-time (five days per week) programs, age14 and older; 541-388-0002; mbsef©mbsef.org; mbsef.org. MT. BACHELORSPORTS EDUCATION FOUNDATIONFREERIDE SKIAND SNOWBOARD PROGRAMS: Now accepting enrollments for12-week freeride ski and freeride snowboard development programs (both one or two days per week), ages 8-14; freeride ski and freeride snowboard competition programs (both up to four days per week), age 10 and older; fulltime freeride ski and freeride snowboard programs, age13 and older (five days per week); freeride nordic cross-over program, in which freeride skiers and snowboarders can learn to nordic ski, begins Dec. 27; call 541-388-0002; mbsef©mbsef.org; mbsef. org. NORDIC MASTERS:For adults; Tuesday, Thursday or Sunday morning enrollment options; skate technique; through Feb.17; join a lively, social group to improve skiing efficiency through successful technique progressions; bendenduranceacademy.org. NORDIC YOUTHCLUB: Ages 7-11; Saturdays and/or Sundays through Fed. 24; includes a camp during winter break; introduces basic skate and classic techniques through games and adventures; transportation provided; bendenduranceacademy.org. MIDDLE SCHOOLNORDIC DEVELOPMENT TEAM: For middle schoolers ages 11-14;

Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays through March10; participants to ski in small groups based on abilityand improve classic and skate techniques in a fun, friendly atmosphere; includes camps during winter break; transportation provided; bendenduranceacademy.org. HIGH SCHOOLNORDIC DEVELOPMENT TEAM: For high schoolers ages14-18; weekday or weekend enrollment options through March10; improve skiing efficiency by working with coaches and teammates in small group; participants are encouraged to fully participate in their high school nordic teams; includes camps during winter break; transportation provided; bendenduranceacademy.org. INTROS TO SKATESKIING/CLASSIC SKIING: Four-week programs start at the beginning of each month; for beginning nordic skiers; Mt. Bachelor ski area; $120$160; 541-382-1709, ext. 2211; mtbachelor. com. SKI CONDITIONINGCLASS: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 a.m.; WillPower Training Studio, Bend; work on core strength, anaerobic conditioning, leg strength and more; 12 hour-long classes, $80; 541-350-3938. NORDICCOMPETITION PROGRAM: Ages 14-23; Tuesdays through Sundays through May1; times vary; instruction in varying activities to improve strength, technique, coordination, agility and aerobic and anaerobic capacities with the goal to apply these skills to skiracing environments; transportation provided; ben©bendenduranceacademy. org or 541-678-3864; enroll online at bendenduranceacademy.org.

SOCCER OREGON RUSHSPRING SOCCER: For grades five through eight; development, for beginning and intermediate players; two practices per weekand league games on weekends, all played in Central Oregon; teams may register as one group or participants may request to be placed on a team with other players (same gender); register online at oregonrush.com; online registration closes Jan. 1.


Walker Davis (second, maleyouth B)and

years 2002-2003). Strang completed the

cross-country skiing, snowboarding and snowshoeing). Regional competitions in all three sports are scheduled for early

38th of 73 skiers in the men's skate-ski volunteer coaches for its leagues for boys sprint, won by Emil Joensson. Zoe Roy and girls in grades three through five. The finished 58th in the women's skate-ski time commitment for the program, which sprint, in which American Kikkan Randall starts Jan. 7 and concludes March 9, is prevailed. Roy grew up inBendbut is a

Abby Black (third, female youth A) added top-three finishes. In all, nine of the 13 BEA

3-kilometer course in 11 minutes, 38.32 seconds. Also competing for CORK, Olivia

March. To participate, medical and registration forms must be received by Jan.

about five hours per week.Teamswill practice twice per week in the evenings

Cup event staged this past Friday and Sat-

urday in QuebecCity, Quebec. BendresiYOuth COaCheS needed — The Bend dentDakotaBlackhorse-vonJessplaced Park 8 Recreation District is seeking

with an11th-place finish among 204 runners in the bantam boys division (birth

participants recorded top-sevenfinishes to

Brooks was 30th of 236 participants in the 3.FormscanbesenttoP.O.Box6772,

advance to next month's divisional championships in Tigard. Other BEA divisional

youth girls race (birth years1998-1999, 4K, 15:37.13). Other CORK participants

Canadian citizen andcurrently resides in

qualifiers were LeahPfeiffer (fifth, female

were KelseyWashenberger, 119th of 263

Canmore, Alberta.

youth C), Kyle Anderson (fifth, male youth

runners in the midget girls division (birth years 2000-2001, 3K, 12:30.17); Sarah

and play games onSaturdays. Coaches may choose practice days, times and

A), lris Flattery (sixth, femaleyouth C)and Brady Pfeiffer (seventh, maleyouth D).

locations. Applicants must have a clean criminal history and an understand-


ing of basketball. Coaching experience

LOCalSPlaCe SeCOnd —The Bend EnduranceAcademyclimbing team earned

preferred. Training is provided. For more information, contact park district sports coordinator Rich Ekman at 541-706-6126.

youth B) and Tristan Helmich (male youth A) won their respective divisions, while

Other BEA participants were Riley Joyce, Jack Groh, Logan Danekand Ethan Flattery.

a second-place finish in the USA Climbing

Western RegionBouldering Championships, staged this past weekend in Bozeman, Mont. The BEA participants were


Reeves (youth girls, 133rd, 16:53.00); and


Emma Brooks, 153rd among midget girls

(12:50.04). Complete results areavailable at usatf.org.

LOCal SetSreCOrd — Tom Landis, of Camp Sherman,set aUSASwimming Northwest Zone record on Saturday in the fourth annual All-Around Challenge Meet

RUNNING Bend youths at national meet


— Five youths representing the Central

Registration for winter sports


competing against climbers from Oregon,

Oregon Running Klub (CORK)competed

— Registration for winter 2013 sports for

in the USATrack & Field National Junior

Central OregORiaRS at WOrld CDP

Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, North Dakota and South Dakota. In addition to the team

the Special Olympics Oregon High Desert program is taking place through the mail.

— Two residents with Central Oregon ties win, BEAclimbers Lukas Strauss-Wise competed in the FIS Cross Country World (male youth C),Olivia Brumwell (female

Bend, DR 97708. For more information, for registration forms or to update contact information, call 541-749-6517 or email

Olympic Cross Country Championships, staged Saturday in Albuquerque, N.M. Jack Strang led the Central Oregon group

Winter 2013 sports are basketball, pow-

in Bend. Representing the Central Oregon Masters Aquatics club, Sherman swam a time of 3 minutes. 0.67 seconds in the

200 individual medley (short-course meters). For results of COMA swimmers at

the meet, seeCommunity Sports Scoreboard on this page. — Bulletin staff reports

erlifting and snow sports (alpine skiing,

COMMUNITY SPORTS SCOREBOARD Basketball Bend Park &Recreation District Adult leaguestandingsandscores Week5 Men's A

standings — 1,rumalostore, 5-0. 2, Fumish/

Redmond 18, Madras46, crook co. 29,summit60, Ridgeview38; crookco. 42,Lapine 20; Mtn. view 63, Ridgeview53. Grade 8 standings — 1,Mtn. view,2-0. 2,summit, 2-0. 3, Bend,2-0. 4, Summit(B),1-1. 5, Sisters, 1-1.6, Redmond, 0-2.7,Ridgeview,0-2.8,Crook County,

Zenith Auto, 4-1. 3, Knightryderz, 3-2. 4, Bradley 0-2. HaynesTeam, 2-3. 5, rs Deli, 1-4. 6, MoneyGang, Scores —Mtn.View44, Ridgeviewztj;Bend 61 0-5. Redmond19;Summit (B)55, Ridgeview50;Bend74,

scores — rs Del64, i MoneyGang54; Furnish/

Zenith Auto89,Knightryderz78; Tumalo Store 113, Brad eyHaynesTeam89. Men's B standings — 1, 541Threads, 4-1. 2, Athletic Club ofBend,4-1. 3,Jim'sRats,4-1. 4, WidgiCreek, 4-1. 5, Bendbroadband Bus, 3-2 6, N theZone,3Z 7, BlueCollar Ballers, 2-3 8, OneEyed Shooting Mafia, 23. 9,PeoplesInsurance,23. 10,Rigobertos, 2-3. 11,Ravens,0-5. 12,Scientific, 0-5. Scores — BendbroadbandBus81, OneEyed shootingMatia43; Athletic club of Bend71, scientitic 42; widgi creek97, Ravens 57; Rigobertos61, Blue CollarBallers58;Jim's Rats100, PeoplesInsurance69; 541Threads79, Nthe Zone55. High schoolleague

standings andscores Week1 standings — 1,Huskies,1 0 2, Broncos,1-0 3, Spartans,1-0. 4,Bruins,1-0. 5, BlueDevils. 0-1. 6, Ducks,0-1. 7, Beavers, 0-1. 8,RedRaiders, 0-1. Scores — Huskies57, Ducks33; Broncos45, Beavers33; spartans45, RedRaiders32; Bruins37, Blue Devils34.

crook co.36;sisters43,summit (B)42;summit (A) 72, crookco. 23;Mtn.view54, sisters 29;summit (A) 56 Redm ond16

Bowling League highscores Lava Lanes,Bend Nov.26-Dec.2 casino Fun— HiLows;Josiahohlde,228/665; EdieRoebuck,181/506. His and Hers —Dina'sDemons; Rick Widlund, 267/699 Marystratjon, 224/555. Guys andGals — RUKiddingMe?;SteveViallet, 225/632;MelissaRiverman,209/580. Rejects —LastChance;GaryGrittman, 253/592;

Grizzly Mountain Men's — OregonVision Center,1,019;KBWEngineering, 2,860;Chris Horn, 277; Merril Cummings, 691.

Cross-country skiing Par Fore theCourse( Saturday, Mt. Bachelorski area Girls 3 kilometers — t, sarah Kilroy, n:40.1. 2, Gemma Munck, 12:29.6. 3, Olivia colton, 12:36.4. 4, sadieAnnGorman,12.43.1. 5, MichaelaGorman, 13n5.1. Women 5kilometers —1,Emily Hyde,14:26.4. 2, Carolyn Daubeny,15na5. 3, Marywellington, 15:31.6. 4, Becky Bjork, 15:48.5. 5, vivian Hawkinson, 15:489. 6, Kirasmiley, 16:37.5. 7,TayeNakamuraKoyama,16:53.1.8,Julie Downing,17:285. 9, Emma Malmquist, 17:50 4.10, AnnieJarvis,1815.4. n, AngelinaSalerno,18:17.4 12,CynthiaEngel, 18:39.4. 13, DagmarEriksson, 18:50.9. 14, Karen Kenlan,19:10.6.15, SallyRussell, zrjn1.5 16, Erika Miller,,JannaBednorz,20.41.3. 18,Becky smallwood,20:44.3. 19,JenniferTurk, 21:16.8.20, SarahSall, 25:37.7.

29:27.1. 17, JamesWarburton, 29:45.2. 18, Brian Dumais, 29:59.0. 19,TomBlust, 30:33.3. 20, Bert Hinkley,30:46.3. 21, ScottSmallwood,30:56.4. 22, JohnHowcroft, 31:20.0. 23, Will Griffiths, 3u24.3. 24, TomRodhouse,31:51.7.25, Karl Findling, 31:57.0.26, Sierra

Foster,32:25.a 2t, SteveKresl, 32:34.9.28, Aaron Tarnow, 32:55.0.29,AlexanderWilson,33:22.a 30, MichaelSchubert, 34:16.8 31, Chris Clemow,3409.1. 32, AmoryCheney,

34:56.1. 33, Patrick Miller, 34:56.3. 34, Michael coe, 35:03.0.35,Tom Wimberly,35:10.8.36,David sarmiento,36:11.1. 37,Rick Christen,36:15.9. 38, RaymondTien,36:54.5.39,Joe Heiserman,37:11.4.

40, EinarTraa,se 59.2 41, Oriol Sole-Costa, 40:31.2 42, Dan Pilver, 44:41.2.43,JimWells, 48:27.1.

Swimming All-AroundChallenge Meet Saturday, Bend central oregonMastersApuaucsresults Short-course meters Women 30-34

21, cody Bymes,25:50.0. 22, carolyn Davio, Amy Johnson —200back,2:53.65(1st); 200 25:50.1. 23, SusanWarnick, 26 16.0. 24, Miranda fly, 2:54.49Dst); 400IM,5:5992 (1st); 1,500 free, Harris Hamlin, 27:05.9. 25, Christine Jameson, 20d 3.70(1st). 32:23.5. 26,Alice Drobna,36:15.0. Elizabeth Thompson — 50free, 3804 (tst), Boys 100 free,t:21.45(1st); 200tree,25529 gst);1,500 Tea Timers — Split Ends; SandyWea ver, 3 kilometers — 1, Sam Biskup, 9502. 2, tree, 25:11 34 (znd). 170/491. Kimbert schlichting, 956.3. 3, R.Minamcravens, 35-39 Latecomers — No Threat; Jane Supnet 10:37.0. 4, JonathanWimberly, 10:39.9. 5, Nate Elizabeth strausbaugh — 200 tly, 3:26.77 19|v485 Henson,11:26.2.6, Elin Schlichting, n:33.1. 7, Har- (tst); 400 IM, 6.35.05 (tst); 1,500 free,22:26.17 central oregonBasketdauorganization TNT —OldGuysRule, Rommel sundita,300/724, rison Glickman,11:50.4. 8,AidenWhitelaw, 12:042. (tst). standings andscores Tami Bonneru,174/432. 9, MorganTien,12:06.2. 10, samuelschoderbek, 40-44 Week1 Progressive — Bend Garbage; Jim Lani e r, 12n 9.0 Gillian sauon —200tly, 3:12.94(1st); 400IM, Boys 233/648 11, Josephl.ukens, 12:21.3 12, JesseSelman, 6 35 05(1st); 1,500free, 21:58.260st). Grade 5 Free Breathers — Pin Heads; John Scott, 12:50.2. 13, Trevor Allison, tz:51.1. 14, Tyndall cheryl Morgen — 100fly, ut8.92 (tst); 100 standings — 1,Madras,2-0. 2, Mvwhite, 2-0 245/676; SandyWeaver,218/530. Wells, 13:06.4.15,CalvinKeane,13:23.1. 16,Mar- free, 1:11.19(1stl; 400IM, 6:30.96(znd). 3, SummiWhi t te,2-0.4, Summit Green,1- I. 5, Bend, T.G.I.F.— Man On; A n d y s o l b e r g , 3 0 0 / 7 6 8 , shall Bailey,1324.1. 17,DamonIraggi, 13:34.9. 45-49 1-1. 6,Redmond,1-1. 7,MvRed, 1-1. 8,sisters, t-2 ShariHamel,225/579. 5kilometers — 1,LeoLukens,13:23.4. 2 Scott susan Gorman—100free, u19.42 (1stl; 100 9, Ridgeview,0-2. 10,CrookCounty, 0-2. Have-A-Ball — Team1;LouisMcCoy,194/541, Allen,21:30.2. breast, u4541 gst); 50 fly, 4350 (1st); 200 IM, scores — Madras55, crook county 20; Mv Brianna Marler,178/474. Men 3:27.63(1st). White 59,Sisters3, Summit (Wht) 47,Crook County Draft — Pin Crushers;RyanWaddell, 237/643; 10 kilometers — t, LarsElletson,22:42.6. 2, 50-54 10; Mv Red36, Redmond20, MvWhite42 Summit Kimberlysoto,194/463. Matt Briggs,23:30.9. 3, Marshall Greene,23:42.4. 4, Kris Denney — 200iree, 2:35.69(1st, COM A (Grn) 31;Summit (Wht)42, Ridgeview27; Redmond Reitler Hodgert,23:57.5.5,RyanSt. Clair, 24:22.6. 6, record); 1,500free, 21:31.14(1stl; 200 fly, 3:25.71 30, Bend,28;summit(Grn)41,Mv Red28; Madras Rimrock Lanes,Prineville JasonAdams,24:42.6. 7, Skyler Kenna,24.47.0. 8, (1st, COMA record). 49, Ridgeview26;Bend29,Sisters 13. (Teamscratchgame;teamscratch series; Max Millslagle, 24:53 B 9,AlecWiltz, 25:04.6. 10, 60-64 Grade e men's scratchgame;men's scratchseries; Jack Widmer,25:45.5. Janet Geuung —100fly,1:3781 (1st, COM A standings — 1,Mtn.view, 2-0.2, summit, 2-0. women's scratchgame;women' sscratch 11, CaseyShannon,26:34.8. 12, DanPackman, record); 50breast,44.25(tst); 400IM, 7:38.03 (1st, 3, Bend(A), 1n. 4, Madras,1-1. 5, sisters, 1-1. 6, series) 26392.13, Brad st. Clair 2648 0.14, Damon Kluck, COMArecord). Ridgeview,0-1. 7, crook county, 0-2. 8, Bend(e), Week 8 27:25.3.15,Andrewsargent, 28:27.9.16, ByronRoe, 65-69 0-2. F riday Ni g ht specials — sassy D og s,773; Th e Scores — Mtn.View40, Sisters (eth) 35;Bend GrayMayers,2,220;Buck Buck,256;Ryan Waddel, 65, sisters(7th) 13; Mtn.view30, crook co. 21, 707; ChrisGray,205;Ari Mayers,584. YEAR ENDINVENTORYCLEARANCE Bend(A)56, Bend (B)18; summit27, Crookc0.17; Week13 Madras34, Bend(B)30; Summit 42, Ridgeview17 ALL MATTRESSSETS& FURNITURE Rimrock — OregonVision Center, 974; The Sisters(6th)36, Madras17. Gray-Mayers,2,827 RickyMayers,225; GeneMcKGrade 7 enzie,638;SylviaAkers, 221;Chris Gray,579. standings — 1,Bend,2-0. 2, Mtn.View,2-0. 3, Week14 summit,2-0. 4, Madras,1-1.5, crookcounty, 1-1.6, 50+or- —RustyRelics,637;FireBaer's,1,935; Warehouse Pr i ces Ridgeview,0-2,7, Redmond, 0-2. 8, LaPine, 0-2. Mike Koivisto,191;RickMayers, 56h stella oja, 161; Scores — Bend51, LaPine15; Min. View93, LauraHawes,467. Redmond26; Bend52, Madras 44; summit 71, Sue Snedden,178/462 Lava Lanes Classic — Team 6; RianHilier, 25|v702;DebbieSmith,186/533. Wednesday Inc —Jake's Diner; RobertTeboe, 300/745;TedBiggs, 269/742.


Peggy Whiter — 200free,4:01.06(1st); 1,500 free,32:49.87(1st,COM Arecord;800split, 17:33.26, COMA record); 100back, 216.16(znd). Men 35-39 Brian Hemphill — 200 fly, 2:48.64(tst); 400 IM, 6:08.93gu); 1,500free,22:24.02 (1st). 40-44 Eric Kropp — 50 free,3292 (znd); 100free, 1;11 79 (1u); 200IM,3'09.63 (1st). 45-49 John Gessner —200free, 2:16.45 (1st, COMA record); 50 fly 30.72(tst). Scott Miller — 100fly,1:15.88(1stl; 100back, r16 tj9 (1st); 100breast,1:30.30 (znd); 100free, 1;06 63(1st); 200IM,2;50.24 (1st), Steve Wursta —200tly (3:2897 (1st); 400IM, 6:28.72 (1 st); 1,500free, 22:24.22 (1st). 50-54 Kris Calvin — 200breast,3:04.21 (1st); 200 tly, 2:45.670st); 400 IM,5:43.09(1st); 1,500 free, 20:00 49 gst), Jim Ivelich — 50 fly, 3212gst); 50 back,37 04 (tstl; 50 breast,36.07(1st); 50free,26.42 (1st); 100 IM, 1:14.17(1st).

Jan voeller — 50 fly, 4r.ez (4th); 50back,

40.97 (3rd); 50breast,45.08 (3rd); 50free, 3382 (3rd);100IM,u3316 (3rd). 55-59

Mark Lane — 100back, 2:24.23 (znd); 100 breast,2.26.42(znd), 100free, u3827 (znd); 100

IM, 2:t6.63(3rd).

Mike Tennant — 100 fly, u1B.79(1st); 100 back, 1.23.69(1st); 100 breast, t:27.67 (1st); 100 kee, u04.23 gst); 200IM,2:52.47 Dst). Kermit Yensen — 200tly, 3:23.89 (1st); 200 back, 3:II4.99 (1st); 200breast, 3:29.33 (tst); 200 free, 234B6 (1st); 40QIM,63318 gst). 60-64 Mike carew — 50free, 3997 (znd); 100free, u26.83 (znd); 200 tree,3:0452 (tst); 50 breast,


Matt Henderson — 100 free, 1.22.00 (1stl; 1500free,25:22.830st); 50 breast,51.13(3rd). steve Mann — 50 fly, 31.93(1st), 50 back, 34.87 (1st); 50 breast,36.84 (1st); 50 free,27.79 (1st); 100IM,u13.18(1st) 65-69

Bren Hirschberg — 100 free, 1:19.49(1stl, 50 back,44.81(tst); 50 breast,47.39(1st), 100fly, u29 12(1st); 200IM,3:26.14 0st). Roger Rudolph — 50 fly, 46.82(1st); 50 back, 51.07 (znd); 50free, 40.91(tst); 100 IM, u55.99


7e-74 Brent Lake — 50 free,5a75 (tst); 200 free, 400nz (1st);1,500free,31:3485(1st); 50fly,51.07 gst); 200back,4 06.30(1st) Tom Landis — 50 fly, 35.26(1st, COMArecord); 200 IM,3:00.67(1st, NWZonerecord). 75-79 George Thayer —200back, 3:55.81(tst); 50 breast,51 57(1st);10tj IM, u52B6(1st).


Men's 20tj-239 free relay — SteveWursta, Eric Kropp,MattHenderson Janvoeller 2:2007. Mixed 160-0199 400 medley relay — Gillian Salton,JimIvelich, JohnGessner, Kris Denney, 5:09J7 (CQMA record). Men's 200-239 free relay — MikeTennant, Steve Mann,Kermit Yensen,Kris Calvin, 10:05.33

(COMA record). Mixed 280-319 200 medley relay — Brent Lake,GeorgeThayer, Janet Ge tling, PeggyWhiter, 3'16 27

Men's 280-319 400 free relay — Roger Rudolph,BrenHirschberg, Brent Lake,TomLandis, 6:12.64(COM Arecord).

Volleyball RedmondVolleyball Association standings as ofFriday Women's — 1, Hit List, 51-5-0. 2, JustLucky, 36-182. 3,PurpleBandAid,36-22-0.4 Muffin Tops, 29-27-0 5, VolleyGirls, 29-27-a 6, Setting Ducks, 26-31-1 7, Chatter Boxes,25-31-2. 8, The Other Guys, 0-46-1. 9,snapcrackle pop, 9-47-2. Tuesday coed — 1,Penguins,56-8-0. 2, Hot chilis, 53-n-0. 3, chetsElectric, 51-13-0. 4, Acers, 45-18-1. 5, Dysfunctionals,25-37-2. 6,ToeGoods, 20-45-1 7, DrywalSpeci l alties,17-44-3. 8, All Stars, 17-46-1 9, Bros 8Hoes,0-64-0. Thursday coed —1,0 1stW3Tryd, 46-4-0. 2, Net Results,41-9-0.3,PeakPerformance,35-12-1. 4, Hot Chilis, 28-20-0. 5,NumberOne,28-23-1. 6, Call A Code,15-37-0. 7, SuperAwesomes, 12-39-3. 8, LeagueOfLegends,10-38-2.9,The Beans,7-40-1.

Providing unparalled service across a variety of industries since 1983.

541-389-1505 400 SW Bluff Dr Ste 200 Bend, OR 97702




70 sw century Dr, suxe145 Bend, QR 97702 t' 541 322 1337



C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com/business. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.





Tuesday, December 11, 2012

10-YR T-NOTE 1.62%


NASDAO ~ 2,986.96



i 44o



Close: 1,418.88

12 960

Wall Street expects another round of strong quarterly results from Dollar General today. The discount retailer's sales have been growing, driven by demand for candy, snacks and

perishable foods, as well as seasonal products. The company, due to report its third-quarter results, increased its full-year earnings forecast in September. Will its latest results prompt Dollar General to raise its estimate again? $60 50



Change: 0.48 (flat) 1,360 '


14,000 .






12,800 .



StocksRecap NYSE NASD


J •





Operating EPS

Vol. (in mil.) 2,923 1,499 Pvs. Volume 3,041 1,579 Advanced 1673 1408 Declined 1351 1050 New Highs 91 55 New Lows 27 35

DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000


Fed meeting The Federal Reserve's latest Beige Book report found economic growth was up in most parts of the L.S. in October and November. The report, a snapshot of business conditions in each of the Fed's 12 regional districts, credited the gains to solid consumer spendingand steady home sales. Even so, economists are anticipating that the Fed's monetary policymaking body will probably decide to provide more support for the economy during a two-day meeting that kicks off today.

Pantry's struggles Declining fuel sales and higher wholesale fuel costs have hurt The Pantry's profitability this year.

The company, which runs convenience stores and Kangaroo Express gas stations in the Southeast, has made up for that with improved merchandise sales and by slashing costs. Wall Street is expecting that the company's fiscal fourth-quarter earnings, due out today, will fall short of its results in the same period last year.




12 ''12 7

Operating EPS


est. 5Q Q'3

4Q '11 4 Q '12 Price-earnings ratio:


based on past 12 months' results Source. Factset

ALK 31.29 — 0 AVA 22.78 BAC 4.92 — 0 BBSI 1568 — 0 BA 66.82 CascadeBancorp CACB 3.68 CascadeCp CASC 42.86 o Columbia Sporlswear COLM 43.26 ~ CostcoWholesale COST 78.81 ~ Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 ~ FLIR Systems FLIR 17 99 ~ Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 ~ Home Federal BucpID HOME 8.67 ~ Intel Corp INTC 19,23 0 — Keycorp KEY 6 .80 ~ Kroger Co KR 2 0 98 — 0 Lattice Semi LSCC 3. 17 ~ LA Pacific L PX 7 , 09 — 0 MDU Resources M DU 19 . 59 ~ Mentor Graphics ME N T 12.21 $$Microsoft Corp M SFT 25.29 ~ Nike Iuc 8 NKE 85.10 ~ NordstromIuc JWN 46.27 ~ Nwst NatGas NWN 41.01 ~ OfficeMax Iuc DMX 4. 10 ~ PaccarIuc PCAR 35.21 ~ Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 o — Plum Creek PCL 34.50 ~ Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 — o Safeway Iuc S WY 14.73 ~ Schuitzer Steel SCHN 2 2 .78 ~ SherwinWms SHW 82.35 ~ Staucorp Fucl S FG 28.74 ~ StarbucksCp SBUX 42.67 ~ Triquiut Semi TQNT 4.28 ~

Umpqua Holdings US Baucorp Washington Fedl WellsFargo& Co West Coast Bcp OR Weyerhaeuser

UM P Q 11.17 ~ 1 USB 25.43 ~ W A FD 12.87 ~ WF C 2 5.18 ~ 3 WCBD 15.25 ~ 2 W Y 1 6.26




CHG. +14.75 +55.30

-0.13 +8.39 +8.92 +0.48 +4.91 t15.22



43.07 42 .55 +.05 +0.1 28.05 23 .98 +.02 +0.1 10.68 10 .57 -.07 -0.6 w L 34.67 34 .85 +.44 t1 .3 L L 77.83 75 .53 +.89 $.1.2 L L 6.30 4 .9 9 -.01 - 0.2 V V 65.45 6 4. 9 2 -.03 58.47 54. 7 0 - 1 .80 -3.2 V 1 05.9 7 98.95 +. 39 +0.4 8.92 6.32 +.06 +1.0 v 27 06 20.35 +.39 +2.0 30.00 14.16 +. 35 $ -2.5 L 11.97 11.61 +.23 $.2.0 2 9,2 7 20.08 -.08 -0.4 91 .2 8 .15 +.0 5 + 0 .6 L w 27 11 26 .65 -.16 -0 6 w L 7.12 4.08 +.19 $. 4.9 L L 17,84 17 .59 + . 3 5 +2,0 L L 23.21 21. 3 8 +. 6 2 +3.0 L L 17 . 3 7 1 6 .08 + .12 +0.7 L L 32.95 26.9 4 +.4 9 +1 .8 L W 114.8 1 98. 0 8 -.51 - 0.5 V L 5 8.44 5 2.2 6 -.54 -1.0 w w 50.80 43. 9 9 +. 5 5 +1.3 L L 1 0.62 9.53 -.17 -1.8 w L 48.22 44 . 5 1 + . 6 7 +1.5 L L 26 .0 1.25 +.0 6 +5 .0 L L 44.99 4 2. 7 5 -.45 - 1.0 V L 18 4 .86184.66 +1.11 +0.6 L L 23.16 17.9 8 +. 0 4 +0 .2 L L 4 7.45 29.2 8 +.3 2 +1 .1 L L 159. 8 0 14 9.78 + . 84 +0.6 L L 41.99 35.0 5 +.3 7 +1 .1 L L 62.00 5 2. 9 6 -.68 -1.3 v L 7.26 4.92 -.03 -0.5 W L




' 37




Close:$26.77%3.25 or 13.8% Canadian regulators approve the $15.1 billion takeover bid for Canadianoiland gas company by China's state-owned CNOOC. $28


%CHG. WK MO OTR YTD +0.11% L T +7.79% +1.08% L L +3.26% -0.03% L T -2.40% +0.10% L L +11.31% +0.30% T +14.66% +0.03% T +12.80% +0.49% L L +14.61% +0.10% L T +12.76% +0.49% L T ti 1L52%


+74.6 $.3.0


$603 4 million


26 24



0 N D 52-week range $26.98



0 N D 52-week range $9.83

Vol.:77.1m (8.3x avg.) P E: . . . Vol.:17.9m (28.6x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$14.19 b Yie l d : 0.8% Mkt. Cap:$593.15 m


+ 13.3 +21.3 5 2 8 1 0 -6.9 - 1.0 29 9 1 6 1 . 16 +90.1 +8 1 . 2143195 28 0 . 0 4


Close:$9.83%1.85 or 23.2% Honeywell is buying the maker of barcode printers and radio frequency identification products for about

AIG Close:$33.36 V-0.77 or -2.3% A UBS analyst slashed his 2012 earnings estimate for the insurer because it's booking $1.3 billion in losses related to Superstorm Sandy. $40

t 83. 5 49 31 0.5 2 f +8.2 5 2 9 9 1 4 1. 7 6


+13 . 9 +9 6. 6 dd + 37.6 +39.8 48 14 1. 4 0 L +1 7 5 +8 7 203 19 0 8 8 w +18.8 +2 1.9 2283 25 1 .10a w + 50 -2 6 9 49 -18.8 - 22.8 69 2 1 4 0 . 2 8 V -45.0 -49.2 50955 dd 0 .53 +11.6 + 7 . 9 28 58 0 . 24a V -17.2 - 18.1 26511 9 0 . 9 0 w +6.0 + 11 . 8 13929 9 0.2 0 L +10 0 +15 , 3 3 6 03 2 2 0 , 60f L -31.3 -44.4 1379 15 L +118 , 0 + 121,9 1619 d d W -0.4 + 2 . 4 1 317 3 3 0 .69f L +18. 6 +2 4 .6 85 3 13 W +3.8 +6.6 4 5512 15 0 . 9 2 L +1.8 +4.2 17 8 3 2 1 1 . 68f w +5.1 +14 . 3 2 342 16 1 . 0 8 v -8.2 -3.5 11 8 1 9 1 .82f L + 109 .9 + 8 9.9 9 2 6 2 0.08 L + 18. 8 +1 4 .0 1 471 13 0 .80a W -34.6 -40.2 9 dd V + 16. 9 +2 3 .2 6 4 9 3 8 1. 6 8 L +12.1 +12 .6 3 9 1 2 0 0 .1 2 L -14.5 - 10.1 3236 9 0. 7 0 L -30.7 - 38.5 174 3 0 0 . 75 L +67.8 +74 .5 68 5 2 7 1. 5 6 L -4.6 -3.9 18 7 1 1 0 .93f L +15. 1 +2 3 .9 7 278 30 0 .84f W +1.0 -0.5 1156 dd 3.88 11. 8 4 + . 0 7 +0.6 L L v -4.4 - 5.3 47 4 1 4 0 . 36 35.46 3 1. 9 0 -.12 -0.4 w w w +17. 9 +2 3 .9 8 646 11 0 . 7 8 18.42 1 6. 0 0 -.18 -1.1 V W V +14. 4 +2 3 .4 3 5 9 1 2 0. 3 2 6.6 0 33.05 -.18 -0.5 W L W +19. 9 +26 . 1 17387 10 0 . 8 8 3.0 0 21.80 +.04 +0.2 L L v +3 9.7 +33.3 64 13 0.20 28.82 27.4 5 +. 2 4 +0 .9 L L L + 47.0 +61 .2 2 9 69 4 7 0 . 68f

P E: . . . Yield :...

GrafTech Int'I GTI Close:$8.84 Y-0.79 or -8.2% A Jefferies analyst downgraded the industrial company, saying he sees evidence that demand for important products has weakened. $12 10



0 N D 52-week range $22.18~ $87 87 Vol.:21.2m (1.0x avg.) P E: 2 . 2 Mkt. Cap:$49.25 b Yield: ...

0 N D 52-week range $8.48 ~ $17.69 Vol.:8.1m (5.8x avg.) PE: 8.7 Mkt. Cap:$1.19 b Yield: ...



PCLN Close:$625.96 V-33.14 or -5.0% A Deutsche Bank analyst downgraded the travel website, citing increasing competition, particularly for

customers using mobile devices. $700


ZGNX Close:$1.16 V-1.20 or -50.8% Government health experts overwhelmingly vote against a stronger version of hydrocodone, Zohydro, which was developed by Zogenix.


650 8OO


0 N 52-week range







Vol.:1.2m (1.4x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$31.21 b

P E: 23 .6 Vol.:15.3m (12.8x avg.) Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$116.77 m

Diamond Foods

DMND Close:$13.31 V-1.50 or -10.1% The snack maker posts a loss in its most recent quarter on costs tied to

an accounting probe and a plant closing. $25 20


52-week range $ 1.11 ~


P E: . . . Yield :...

Geron GERN Close: $1.22%0.16 or 15.1% The drug developer reports positive results from an early clinical trial for its treatment for a blood platelet disorder. $2.0 1.5



0 N D S 0 N D 52-week range 52-week range $8.81 ~ $2.88 $12.88~ $40.71 Vol.:2.1m (4.1x avg.) P E: .. . Vol.:6.0m (5.0x avg.) P E: .. . Mkt. Cap:$293.99 m Yi eld: 1.4% Mkt. Cap:$159.52 m Yield :...

DividendFootnotes: 8 -Extra dividends werepaid, ttot are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. 8 - Amountdeclared or paid in iast t2 months. f - Current annual rate, wttutt was mcreased bymost recent dividend announcement. i - Sum ot dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate. j - Sum of uvidends pau tttis year. Most recent uvidend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or paid this year, 8 cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - imtiai dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r - Declared or paid in precedmg t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash SOURCE: Sungard value on ex-distrittution date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is 8 closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months

Mcoonald's Novembersales rise A limited-time offering of a Cheddar Bacon O nion sandwich helped McDonald's sales climb in November. The increase follows a decline in October, the first drop in M cDonald's key monthly sales gauge in nearly a decade. The company, based in Oak Brook, III., said that its global sales at restaurants open at least thirteen months rose 2.4 percent for the month ended Nov. 30. The figure is a key metric


by popular of breakfast options, its value menu and limited-time Cheddar Bacon Onion sandwiches. The figure rose 1.4 percent in Europe, where McDonald's gets 40 percent of its business, as strength in the U.K., Russia and other markets were offset by weakness in Germany.


NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 5 2-wk T-bill

Company because it strips out the impact of newly opened closed locations. Spotlight andSales rose 2.5 percent in the L.S., boosted

MCDonald'S (MCD) M onday's close:$89.41

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note held steady at 1.62 percent Monday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.

. 07 .08 . 1 3 .13 .16 .16

2 -year T-note . 24 .24 5 -year T-note . 6 2 .62 1 0-year T-itote 1.62 1 .6 2

30-year T-bond 2.80 2.81


-0.01 w w ...



PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 20.37 +.01 +13.5 +13.9 +10.1 + 33 A A A BoitdA m 1 2.99 +.01 +6.1 +6.8 +6.4 + 42 D C E CaplitcBuA m 53.36+.07 +11.5 +13.2 +7.8 + 07 A 8 C NAME CpWldGrlA m 36.95+.06 +17.5 +17.4 +5.7 - 15 A D C BkofAm EurPacGrA m 41.15+.09 +17.0 +15.1 +3.7 - 24 8 C A S&P500ETF 828285 142.47 + . 06 FitlnvA m 4 0.63 +.02 +15.9 +16.2 +9.6 + 04 A C C NokiaCp 664798 3.69 -.16 Oppeuheimer MaiuStrA m M S I GX GrthAmA m 34. 1 9 +.03 +19.0 +17.7 +9.0 + 03 A D C Cisco 621989 19.79 + . 46 IitcAmerA m 18 . 1 6 t11.4 +13.4 +9.9 + 28 A A 8 Nexeo g 584554 26.77 +3.25 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH IttvCoAmA m 30 .68+.04 +14.7 +15.1 +8.1 + 02 8 D C HewlettP 509549 14.16 +.35 NewPerspA m 31.13 +.03 +19.0 +17.2 +7.9 + 07 A 8 A Facebook n 493548 27.84 + . 36 4$ o $2 iShEMkts 487619 43.03 + . 25 WAMutlnvA m 31.32 -.01 +12.1 +13.5 $.11.0 + 09 D A 8 SPDR Fncl 472358 15.99 —.04 oo $L Dodge 8 Cox Inco me 13.96 +.01 + 7 .9 + 8 . 9 + 6 .6 +7.1 8 C 8 Microsoft 455123 26.94 + . 49 ItttlStk 34.09 -.03 + 16.6 +14.0 +4.1 -3.3 8 8 8 Stock 120.67 +.21 + 20.4 +20.8 +9.8 -1.3 A 8 D cC o Gainers $$ Fidelity Contra 77.77 +.03 + 15.3 +13.7 +11.4 +1.4 8 8 8 oo NAME LAST CHG %CHG GrowCo 95.19 +.19 + 17.7 +14.7 +13.9 +3.2 8 A A LowPriStk d 39 . 70 +.14+ 16.3 +15.5 +13.1 +4.0 8 8 A AcuraPhm 2.45 +1.02 + 7 1 .3 FraukTemp-Fraukliulncome A m 2.2 2 +.01+12.7 +14.3 +10.1 +3.9 A A 8 U niPixel 15.07 +5.32 + 5 4.5 «C E-House 3.98 +.92 + 3 0.1 $2 RisDivA m 17.3 6 +.01 +12.1 +11.4 +9.5 +0.6 D C 8 Oppeuheimer CelldexTh 6.93 +1.41 + 2 5 .5 «8 RisDivB m 15.7 1 . . . + 1 1 .1 + 10.4 +8.5 -0.3 E D C Itttermec 9.83 +1.85 + 2 3 .2 RisDivC m 15.6 4 . . . + 1 1 .3 +10.6 +8.7 -0.1 E D C oo InfinityPh 27.35 +4.83 + 2 1.4 SmMidValA m 32.09 +.12 +8.3 +8.3 +7.6 -3.4 E E E Mornittgstar Ownership Zone™ CombiM rs 10.35 +1.75 + 2 0.3 SmMidValB m 27.09 +.10 +7.5 +7.5 +6.7 -4.2 E E E Molycorp 10.70 +1.76 + 1 9 .7 O e Fund target represents weighted PIMCO TotRetA m 11.6 5 +.01 + 10.0 +11.2 +7.2 +8.2 A 8 A ParametSd 6.08 +.97 + 1 9 .0 average of stock holdings MeruNetw 2.59 t .34 +1 5 . 2 • Represents 75% of Iuttd's stock holdings T Rowe Price Eq t ylnc 26.35 +.04 + 16.1 +17.3 +10.5 +0.8 A 8 8 GrowStk 37.28 - . 0 8 + 1 7.1 +15.4 +11.7 +1.8 A A 8 Losers CATEGORY Large Blend HealthSci 43.1 4 + .45 +32.3 +35.6 +20.7 +9.6 A A A NAME L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR Vanguard 500Adml 131.44 +.05 t15.2 +15.6 +11.1 +0.9 8 A 8 RATING™ *** y ryr 500lnv 131.41 +.05 t15.1 +15.4 +10.9 +0.8 8 8 8 -.85 -19.9 CashStr g 3.42 GoodTme 2.23 —.51 -18.6 ASSETS $4,307 million CapDp 34.66 +.24 $.17.5 +17.1 +8.3 +1.4 A D 8 -1.99 -18.1 USMD it 9.00 Eqlnc 24.35 +.01 +13.6 +16.1 $.13.4 t2.5 8 A A EXP RATIO 0.99% Medgen wt 2.46 -.54 -18.0 GNMAAdml 11.01 -.01 t2.4 t2.7 +5.4 +6.2 D A A MANAGER Benjamin Ram -.77 -13.8 TechComm 4.83 MulntAdml 14.58 -.01 +7.0 +8.0 +6.2 +5.8 8 8 8 SINCE 2009-05-19 STGradeAd 10.88 $4.5 +4.8 +3.9 +4.2 8 8 8 RETURNS3-MD -0.2 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 21.43 +.08 +16.8 +16.4 +14.4 +1.4 8 A C YTD +15.8 Tgtet2025 13.77 +.02 +12.2 +12.1 +8.7 +1.6 C 8 8 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1- YR +16.7 TotBdAdml 11.19 +4.4 +5.3 +5.8 +6.2 D D C Paris + 6.49 + . 1 8 3,612.10 3-YR ANNL +10.6 Totlntl 14.73 +.02 t14.7 +12.3 +3.2 -4.4 D C 8 London 5,921.63 $ 7.23 $.1 2 5-YR-ANNL +0.5 TotStlAdm 35.60 +.04 t15.4 +15.6 t11.7 +1.5 8 A A Frankfurt + 13.12 + . 1 7 7,530.92 TotStldx 35.58 +.04 t15.2 +15.4 t11.5 t1.4 8 A A Hong Kong 22,276.72 t 85.55 t .3 9 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT Mexico USGro 21.14 t17.1 +15.3 +9.9 t1.3 8 C 8 43,133.95 + 336.28 + . 7 9 Apple Iitc 7.27 Milan 15,354.01 -345.21 -2.20 Welltn 34.50 +.03 $.12.4 +13.5 +9.1 t3.9 A 8 A Philip Morris International, Inc. 4.53 Tokyo 9,533.75 + 6.36 + . 0 7 WelltnAdm 59.59 +.06 t12.5 +13.5 +9.2 +4.0 A A A 4.5 Stockholm 1,105.95 + 7.33 + . 6 7 Citigroup Inc Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs ls paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, oi redemption Sydney + 6.52 + . 1 4 International Business Machines Corp 4.3 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee andeither 8 sales or 4,562.37 Zurich 6,943.90 + 18.65 + . 2 7 JPMorgao Chase & Co 3.95 redemption fee. Source: Morwngstar. FAMILY


Commodities Worries about weaker demand dragged down prices for energy commodities. Crude oil fell for a fifth straight day, and natural gas fell to its lowest price since October.

Exchange The euro rose modestly against the dollar. Traders expect the Federal Reserve to announce more stimulus at its meeting this week, a move that can hurt the value of the dollar.

h5N4 QG

.03 .08



... V ... V ... -0.01 -


T .23 T .89 W 2.06 W 3. 1 1


Barclays Long T-Bdldx 2.40 2.40 . ..

w w w


W 4.97

W 2.29 8.54 L 3.95 w 1.0 7 W 3.77

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 85.56 85.93 -0.43 -13.4 Ethanol (gal) 2.35 2.38 - 0.13 + 6 . 7 Heating Dil (gal) 2.90 2.92 -0.66 -1.3 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.46 3.55 -2.56 + 15.8 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.60 2.60 +0.03 -3.3 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz) AGRICULTURE

CLOSE PVS. 1713.00 1704.00 33.30 33.05 1623.30 1607.00 3.69 3.65 703.25 696.50

%CH. %YTD + 0.53 + 9 . 4 +0.75 +19.5 +1.01 +16.0 + 1.18 + 7 . 6 + 0.97 + 7 . 3

CLOSE 1.26 1.38

PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.26 - 0.21 + 2 . 2 1.42 -2.81 -39.1 7.27 Corn (bu) 7.33 -0.82 +12.4 Cotton (Ib) 0.73 0.75 +0.12 -20.0 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 344.00 343.20 +0.23 +39.2 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.25 1.25 +0.64 -25.8 Soybeans (bu) 14.75 14.72 +0.17 +23.1 Wheat(bu) 8.44 -1.36 +27.6 8.33

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)




Bond Buyer Muni Idx 3.90 3.89 +0.01 L ~ ~ ~ 1Q2 Barclays USAggregate 1.72 1.70 +0.02 L L Price-earnings ratio (Based on past12 months' results):17 $83 ~ PRIME FED Barcl ays US High Yield 6.23 6.25 -0.02 w w w 5-Y R *: 11% 10 - YR *: 19% Divi d end: $3.08 D iv . yield: 3.5% Total return this year: -9% 3- YR*: 16% RATE FUNDS Moodys AAACorp Idx 3.60 3.55 $0.05 L L *Annualized AP Total returns through Nov. 7 SOURCES: Mornlngstar; FactSet YEST 3.25 .13 B arclays CompT-Bdldx .91 .91 . . . w w 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2 . 6 9 2.66 +0.03 L L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13 FundFocus SelectedMutualFunds

This fund has put up impressive numbers since new managers took over in mid-2009. The fund Most Active beat a majority of large-cap blend VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG peers in 2010 and 2011, and it's 1431951 10.57 —.07 poised to repeat this year.





Alaska Air Group Price-earnings ratio: 18 Avista Corp based on past 12 months' results Bank of America Source: Fectset Barrett Business Boeing Co




3Q '11 3 Q '12


Change: 14.75 (0.1%)


HIGH LOW CLOSE 13195.35 13139.08 13169.88 5186.52 5123.97 5183.36 454.27 452.36 453.51 8330.51 8306.33 8322.68 2997.64 2971.56 2986.96 1421.64 1415.64 1418.55 1008.48 1002.01 1007.62 14900.20 14835.83 14872.66 826.28 822.74 826.26


Stock indexes inched higher Monday as investors continue to wait on budget negotiations in Washington. The top concern for investors since November has been whether politicians will reach a deal to avert the fiscal cliff. That's what economists call the collection of tax increases and spending cuts that are scheduled to take effect automatically in 2013. Astrong sales report from McDonald's helped to lift stocks. The burger chain said that a key sales figure rebounded in November on strong demand for items on its breakfast and value menus. Strong economic reports from China also helped. They calmed worries about the world's second-largest economy.


12 400


Close. 13169 88

, ,

12,720 . "

1 0 DA Y S



pow Jones industrials


Dollar's surging sales


GOLD $1,713.00 ~

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6071 +.0035 +.22% 1 .5662 Canadian Dollar .9871 —.0028 —.28% 1.0186 USD per Euro 1.2938 +.0012 +.09% 1 . 3370 —.07 —.09% 77.54 Japanese Yen 82.33 Mexican Peso 12. 8 113 —.0283 —.22% 13.5906 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.8265 —.0055 —.14% 3.7592 Norwegian Krone 5.6734 —.0025 —.04% 5.7466 South African Rand 8.6686 +.0106 +.12% 8.1039 6.6958 +.0233 +.35% 6.7355 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9333 —.0014 —.15% .9241 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9537 + .0001 +.01% .9 7 89 Chinese Yuan 6.2345 +.0091 +.15% 6 .3481 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7502 +.0001 +.00% 7 .7819 Indian Rupee 54.375 -.100 -.18% 51.885 Singapore Dollar 1.2217 +.0011 +.09% 1 .2914 South Korean Won 1077.30 -5.05 -.47% 1146.75 Taiwan Dollar 29.11 + .04 +.14% 30 . 22

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



State economy grows, slowly Oregon's economy improved slightly in October, although it's

still growing at aslower pace than during previous periods of economic recovery, according to a report releasedMonday. Initial claims for un-

employment dropped,



What: Invizi-Lock LLC What it does:Builds and sells


ri ge<

remote-control locking systems for trailers Pictured:Milt Hultberg, inventor and co-owner of Invizi-Lock Where:Powell Butte

i win

Employees:Six Phone:541-447-5532

or U..


according to the Univer-

sity of Oregon Indexof Economic Indicators,

By Ben Protess and Jessica Silver-Greenberg

and residential building

permits increased. However, concern overthe

New York Times News Service

nation's fiscal policies combined with weak

Andy Tuiiis/The Bulletin

overseas economies has softened demand

for capital purchasesat the end of the year,according to the report.

Too few turnout for Facebookvote

Q •. prompted What

1 1 1

you to turn this idea into a busi-

ness? • Hultberg:

It's not only A just for horse trail-

The Facebookpolls have closedand,even though the social net-

ers. It's also for contractor trail-

work had its biggest turnout ever, too few

users cast ballots to have a say inthe company's proposedpolicy changes. Nearly 9 in10 of those

who voted wereagainst the proposedchanges, but only about 668,000

people cast ballots. Facebook requires that 30 percent of Facebook users participate for a vote to count. — Staffand wire reports

DEEDS DeschutesCounty Sheila M. Fitzgerald and John C.Menefeeto Howard W. Pifer III and Ellen NL Macke, Ridgeat Broken TopReplat, Lot 5R, $960,000 William D. Welch and Jennifer C. Lewis-Welch to Donna andRexHarris, Skyline Ridge, Lot21, Block 5, $175,500 Max Mills to Opportunity Foundation of Central Oregon, Township 15, Range13, Sections 28 and 29, Lots 5and 6, $1,200,000 Brandon J. Kearney and Jodi NL Kearneyaka Jodi M. Fisher to William L. Wiprud, Timber Ridge, Lots1and 2, Block5, $165,600 Pacwest II LLC to John R. and Victoria D. Gasiorowski and Shiela K. Roach, Madison Park, Lot 9, $189,947 Dawn A. Snyderto Gerald J. and Lloydene L. Jansen, Shadow GlenEstates, Phase 2, Lot 6, $230,000 Hal L. and Bonnie D. Callantine to Michael and Sara Kaderlik, Boons Borough 2, Lot 7, Block 4, $327,000 Debbie Roe trustee for Harry Family Revocable Trust to Thomas A.and Laura C. Poole trustees for Thomas A.andLaura C. Poole Revocable Trust, Harry Ranch Estates, Lot 8, $156,000 Walter J. Reuber, Michael R. and Cynthia R. King, Corinne Clarke andBruce and JayneeBeckto Steven S. and April J. White, Otter Run, Lot 22, $389,000 Hayden HomesLLC to Kelly and Bonnie M. Herrington, McKenzie Rim Estates, Lot13, $213,765 Federal HomeLoan Mortgage Corporation to Brian J. Lash, Canyon Rim Village, Phase 4, Lot 87, $320,000 PNC BankN.A. successor by merger to National City Bank successor by merger to Commonwealth United Mortgage Co. a division of National City Bank of lndiana to Federal National Mortgage Association, ShadowGlen Estates, Phase1, Lot 2, $253,240.27 Bank of NewYork Mellon fka Bank of New Yorkto lris E. Mayer, Deschutes River Woods, Lot 48, $172,200 William D. andSusan F. Johnson to Marilyn A. Hinckley, Mountain View Park, Phase1, Lot 28, $155,000 Stephen B. Kirby and Lucida L. Siebenthall to Carlton L. Densmore trustee for Carlton L. Densmore Revocable

ers, snowmobile trailers ... It will fit on most every trailer and we're

By Rachael Rees ~The Bulletin

coming out with a new model for the

When Milt Hultberg's wife, Carolyn, and daughter,

drop-down doors.

Randi Garthweigt, compete in rodeos, they carry about $24,000 worth of equipment in their horse trailer. After the theft of several halters — the headgear worn by horses — Hultberg decided to protect their investment by inventing a new locking system: Invizi-Lock. "It's like a safe because there's no accessfrom the outside," said Hultberg, a 74-year-old Powell Butte resident who owns Pro Steel Fab 8r Consulting. The device is mounted to the inside of a trailer door right above the latch, said Matt Dickerhoof, co-owner of Invizi-Lock. When the lock-button on the keyless remote ispushed, he said,a threequarter-inch rod extends into the framework ofthe trailer.When unlocked, the rod retracts. "There's nothing to cut," Dickerhoof said, comparing the system to a padlock. "It's basically a remote-control deadbolt-locking system for your trailer." Hultberg invented the product in 2007, and in 2010, he and Dickerhoof modified Invizi-Lock, giving it two backup features: a

battery backup in case the trailer

power goes out and a physical key that allows access if the remote gets lost or broken. The patent is pending, said Dickerhoof, who also works as a generalcontractor and commercial developer for Dickerhoof Properties. Over the past year, about a dozen ofthe devices have been sold for $595 each, plus installation, which rangesfrom $150 to $200, depending on the trailer, he said. "We didn't push it really hard because we wanted to take time to test it," Dickerhoof said, referring to slowly putting the product on the market. But now that the product has proven itself, the duo has big plans. "Our goal is to get the trailer manufacturers to install them at the factory or dealership as an option," Dickerhoof said.

. Wheredo

• you see your business in five years? ~ . Hultberg:I~

• I have a I ~


lot of different

locking systems for trailers and vehicles out there that haven't hit the

market yet. We're getting this going, and then we will

start marketing the other products. We're look-

ing at hiring local people as soonas the product takes

off. I imagine it will take 30 to 40

people to assemble the product, which will be done in Powell Butte

and the Redmond area.

— Reporter: 541-61 7-781 8, rrees@bendbulletin.com

Mobile apps for children seeretly collect and share data, FTCsays By Jessica Guynn Los Angeles Times

SAN FRANCISCO — A study from the Federal Trade Commission has found that most mobile apps for kids are secretly collecting information from children — including device IDs, phone numbers, locations and other private information — without their parents' knowledge or consent. Nearly 60 percent of the mobile apps the FTC reviewed from the Google Play and Apple App stores transmitted the device ID. They also often shared that ID with an advertising network, analytics com-

Trust, Copperstone, Phase 1, Lot 4, $300,000 Gcorgeann T.Kirk to Jason Herzog, Nottingham Square, Lots4and5, Block 4, $154,000 Norman E.and Kathryn V. Eade to Kathleen K. and Thomas W.Riopelle, Tanglewood, Phase 7,Lot 13, $281,000 Greg A. Wheatfill to Karen A. Welsh, AspenRimNo. 2, Lot174, $265,000 City of Redmond to Redmond Fire andRescue, Sothmans Addition to Redmond, Lots 43-45, $1,411,693.39 J 8 K Partners LLCaka J & K Holdings LLCto John F. Perry III, Firehall Condominiums, units 402 and P1, $339,100 Larry A. and Jill Bell to Mark W. Munger, Ridge

pany or another third party. Of those 235 mobile apps, 14 also transmitted the location of the device and the phone number, the FTC found. More than half of the apps also contained interactive features, such as in-app purchases and advertising that were not disclosed to parents. Because a large number of the apps sent information to a small number of third parties, those third parties could potentially develop detailed profiles of kids based on their behavior in the different apps, the study found. Yet only 20 percent of the

at Eagle Crest 57,Lot196, $173,000 Northwest Trustee Services Inc. to Federal National Mortgage Association, SunDance, Phase1, Lot4, Block1, $207,930.77 William T. andGail A. Anderson trustees for Anderson Family Trust to Scott D. and Julie A. Thomas, Pines at Pilot Butte, Phases1 and 2, Lot 13, $189,500 Stephen C. Jaquato Belfry Events LLC, Sisters, Lots 1-4, Block 4, $410,000 Robert W. and Ellen I. Barnett to Jerrylee C.and Kathleen J. Parenteau, Westerly Subdivision, Lot 11, $263,400 Salvesen HomesLLC to John A. and Marie K. Sabol, NorthWest

Crossing, Phase16, Lot 721, $384,900 Pahlisch Homes lnc. to Margaret B. Wodehouse, Fawnview, Lot9, Block1, $411,390 Ann D. Morrow personal representative forthe estate of Lorraine V.Ries to Kip W. andSarah Lohr, Boulevard Addition to Bend, Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, $315,000 Fannie MaeakaFederal National Mortgage Association to Katrina Kirby, Elkhorn Ridge, Phases 3 and 4,Lot 65, $209,000 Donald A. Mahin affiant and heir and Jeffrey M. and Colin P.Mahin heirs for the estate of Robert Alton Mahin to Gregory J. and Sharon Small, Starwood, Lot12, Block2, $164,000

Federal and state authorities plan to announce a record $1.9 billion settlement with HSBC today, a major victory in the government's broad crackdown on money laundering at banks. The settlement with HSBC stems from accusations that the British banking giant transferred billions of dollars on behalf of sanctioned nations like Iran and enabled Mexican drug cartels to launder money through the U.S. financial system, according to officials briefed on the matter. The deal, which will force the bank to forfeit more than $1.2 billion and pay additional penalties, is the largest to emerge from an investigation that has spanned several years and involved multiple government agencies. The settlement is expected to include a deal with the Manhattan district attorney's office and a deferred prosecution agreement with the Justice Department, according the officials. The Treasury Department is also expected to join the settlement.

apps disclosed any information about their privacy practices. "While we think most companies have the best intentions when it comes protecting kids' privacy, we haven't seen any progress when it comes to making sure parents have the information they need to make informed choices about apps for their kids. In fact, our study shows that kids' apps siphon an alarming amount of information from mobile devices without disclosing this fact to parents," FTC Chairman Jon Leibowitz said in a written statement.

Fidelity National Title Insurance Companyto Deutsche BankNational Trust Company,Township 17, Range13, Section 31,$527,000 Partners H LLC to Jordan Schell and Jonathan Diefendorf, Paulina Peaks, Phase 2, Lot 42, $185,000 Harry F. and Linda L. Barnett to Gregory W. Thorpe, EagleRidge, Lot 12, Block 3, $305,000 Janet C. Stevens trustee for the Janet C.Stevens Revocable Trust to RickA. Kobbe, Ellis, Lots 6 and7, Block1, $304,000 JackR.and DonnaB.Mills to Jeffrey A. Hudspeth, Oregon Water Wonderland Unit 2, Lot10, Block 23, $215,000 Ryan A. andSarah M. Sperring to David A.and

Google sent cash to Bermuda By Jesse Drucker Btoomberg News

ROME — Google avoided about $2 billion in worldwide income taxes in 2011 by shifting $9.8 billion in revenues into a Bermuda shell company, almost double the total from three years before, filings show.

By legally funneling profits from overseas subsidiaries into Bermuda, which doesn't have a corporate income tax, Google cut its overall tax rate almost in half. The amount moved to Bermuda is equivalent to about 80 percent of Google's total pretax profit in 2011. The increase in Google's revenues routed to Bermuda, disclosed in a Nov. 21 filing by a subsidiary in the Netherlands, could fuel the outrage spreading across Europe and in the United States over corporate tax dodging. Governments in France, Britain, Italy and Australia are investigating Google's tax avoidance as they seek to boost revenue during economic doldrums. Google said it complies with all tax rules, and its investment in various European countries helps their economies.

Leah B. Naftalin, Partition Plat 1993-48, Parcel 1, $359,000 Ronald F.andDeanneL. Deadyto Clark W.and NancyA.Simon,Mountain High, Lots 3 and 4, Block 2, $389,000 Somerset Development LLC to Gary and Michael Schwartz, South Briar, Lot 32, $178,953 Donnel V.andVickie L. Borneto Steven Hauser, Fifth Addition to West Hills, Lots 6 and 7,Block 7, $415,000 BEF Properties LLC who acquired title as BEF Properties LLPto Staffenson Resources LLC, Ellingers Addition, Lots 9 and 10, Block 9, $225,000 Bruce R.and Rebecca J. Kelleran to EdwardT.

Costa Sr. andDebra M. Costa, Forest Park II, Lot 6, Block14, $265,000 Columbia State Bankto Andre and SusanneS. Dibiagio, Mountain River Estates, Lot 4, $220,000 Wight Development LLC to Dennis and LisaWolf, Altufta, Lot 5, $224,500 Columbia State Bankto Kalm Properties LLC, Township17, Range12, Section 9, $350,000 Michael B. and Anita F. Ploghoft to Ronald T.and Ginnia L. Brown trustees for the Ronald T. Brown and Ginnia LeeBrown Revocable Living Trust, Ridge at EagleCrest, Lot 10, $218,000 Judy Jorgcnsen to Vincent F. and Kathryn E. Scalesse, Fairway Point Village1, Lot 7, Block4, $310,000


Breweries to teamup To celebrate their 25th anniversaries, Deschutes Brewery and four

other breweries around the state and nation

plan to collaborate on a selection of commemorative beers. All the breweries

involved were founded in1988, according to

a news release from Deschutes Brewery. The others are North Coast

Brewing Co., Fort Bragg, Calif.; RogueAles, Newport; Goose Island Beer Co., Chicago; andGreat Lakes Brewing Co., Cleveland.

Each participating brewery will makeits own version of abeer from a collaborative

recipe, sharing thesame heritage and ingredients,

according to thenewsrelease. Thebreweries expect to release the beers throughout next year. — From staff reports


• Small business counseling: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free one-on-one small business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 60 I N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www. scorecentraloregon.org. WEDNESDAY

• Occupational fraud — is your business at risk?: An in-depth look at identifying and preventing employeefraud; presented by Opportunity Knocks; registration required; $20 includes lunch; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Phoenix lrm Suites Bend, 300 N.W. Franklin Avc 4 http:// opportunityknocks2012. eventbrite com THURSDAY • Hot market, seller's market: An overview

of selling your homein Central Oregon's real estate market, with speaker Peggi Schoning RSVP requested; two cans of food per person; 6-7 p.m.; Deschutes County Title Co., 397 Upper Terrace Drive, Bend; 541-788-4100. FRIDAY

• Business hop: Business showcase andnetworking event; Chamberbusinesses will have tabletop space to display their products and services, andenjoy the opportunity to make new Central Oregon business contacts; free; 8-10 a.m.; Juniper Golf Course, 1938S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541-923-5191 or www. visitredmondoregon.com. • Technology and collaboration — the best of both worlds: COBEN December meeting with A. Lynn Jesus presenting; lunch provided; registration requested; $5; 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 503-8056524, Lynn@ALJ-LLC. com or www.meetup. com/COBEN12. For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendtru//et/n.comlbizcal

Carlos N. andLaurie A. Garciatrustees for the 1995 Carlos N. Garcia and Laurie A. Garcia Revocable Trust to Donald F.Meyer Jr. and Laurie Meyer, Indian Ford Meadows, Lot 8, Block 5, $445,000 Kirk L. and SusanM. Boettcher to Fred J.and Janet B. Baxter, Bridge Creek Village at Broken Top, Lot 36, $326,100 Darren L. andTammieC. Reeves to Albert T. and Susan E.Hanson, Crest Ridge Estates, Lot 12, Block 3, $300,000 Michael and Marcy Kroll to Timothy D. andTracey D. Pope, SunMountain Ranches, First Addition, Lot 3, Block1, $343,000 Louis G. andEleanor J. Pelletier to Michael D.and Jennifer A. Mishler, Poplar Park, Lot 21, $310,000

IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Food, Recipes, D2-3 Home, Garden, D4 Martha Stewart, D5 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 2012

O» www.bendbulletin.com/athome

/ ' h/ I'


/ "


By Alison Highberger For The Bulletin

or many people, it's not Christmas without a tree in the house. U.S. households purchased approximately 21.6 million real trees and 12.9 million artificial trees in 2011, according to a Nielsen Research survey last year.

< For people looking for a different artificial option, www.treefopia .com offers a pre-lit clump of palm trees.

A lot of people decorate their homes with both. "Many people are decorating their homes with more than one tree. People often put a traditional green tree in their formal living room and have some fun with a colored tree in their great room or den," said Meredith Bradford, spokeswoman for the website www.treetopia.com, which is known for its wide selection of traditional, artistic and, frankly, wild artificial trees. Christmas tree options have multiplied since America adopted this rather odd but

charming tradition in the early to mid-1800s. Greenery hasbeen a part ofw inter festivals around the globe since ancient times, and may be a precursor to our modern Christmas tree, explains Bruce David Forbes in his fascinating book, "Christmas: A Candid History" (University of California Press, 2007). SeeTrees /D4

., att/I Submitted photo

< The website www.treetopia.com offers its candy cane Christmas tree for $98 to $198, depending on size. Submitted photo

Corrections In a story headlined "Settling down in the right town," which ap-

peared on Page Fl on Tuesday, Dec. 4, Dee McBrien-Lee's name was misspelled. In a story headlined "Top Cookies," which appeared on Page Fl on Tuesday, Dec. 4, information in the recipe for Barcelona Cookies was incorrect. In the ingredients list, the recipe calls for '/4 cup of coffee beans, not heavy cream as the recipe stated. The corrected

recipe appears on Page D2. The Bulletin regrets the errors.

Ideas for what to give gardeners By Liz Douville For The Bulletin

Can you believe there are only 14 days until Christmas? The panic button is undoubtedlybeingpushed in many homes with names still on the family gift list. Hopefully some are gardeners, maybe new gardeners or potential (with a little encouragement) gardeners. Relax; we're

blade that is serrated on one side, it can dig as well as cut. The tool comes with a sheath that can be easy to shop for. We don't need the attached to a belt. bling; just give us a good-quality Quality gardening tools are imtool or gardening accessory and portant to gardeners on all levels. we are happy. When properly cared for at the end My favorite an d m o st-used of the season, quality tools can be hand tool is a Japanese Hori-Hori. passed on to the next generation. With its 6-inch-long stainless steel See Gifts/D4


For kitchengifts, think homemadeandinjars



C hristmas Eve at Pr o n gh or n w il l f e a t ur e p r i m e r i b a nd Yorkshire p u d d i n g with al l o f t h e t r a d i t i o n a l a ccompa n i m e n t s . B r i n g o u t t h e e n t i r e f a m i l y a n d l e t

By Alison Highberger For The Bulletin

Giving gifts of food and drink to friends and neighbors at holiday time is a fond tradition for many of us. It's the kind of present that says, "Eat, drink and be merry!" It's fun to share a plate of favoritehomemade cookies, candy

FOOD and quick bread, or a bottle of wine with the special people in our lives. Another way to celebrate is to assemble food gifts in jars that friends can use when they choose. These are gifts from the kitch-

en and the heart, like a hot cocoa mix with real chocolate and sugar that can warm up a cold winter day, or a nine-bean soup mix that cooks up into a delicious supper. It's easy to put together a cookie mix, layered attractively in a jar, that promises a delicious batch of homemade cookies in a snap. SeeJars/D2

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Next week: Quick-fix quesadillas

'Gypsy' cakecombines spice andchocolate By Julie Rothman


The Baltimore Sun

Alice Rohart, of Baltimore, was looking for a recipe for a cake that her mom used to make when she was growing up that she called a Gypsy Round Layer Cake. She said her mom baked a lot and she fondly remembers this cake as being a lovely combination of spice and chocolate with chopped nuts topped with a delicious buttercream frosting. I located a recipe for a Gypsy Round Cake in the American Profile magazine Hometown Cookbook that likely is the one Rohart was searching for. Octavia Fleck, of Morehead, Ky., sent in the recipe for the Gypsy Round Layer Cake. She said that she has been bringing this special cake to holiday gather-

Looking for a hard-to-find recipe or can answer a

Jars Continued from Dl Your recipient just has to add an egg, some butter and a little vanilla. We gathered a variety of easy recipesfor food presents that you can package up, tie with a bow and give to friends and family this year: mixes for cookies, hot chocolate, soup,

toppers forcereal or yogurt, spice rubs and mulled cider sachets. A food gift i n a j a r i s a thoughtful offering that nurtures friends and family in a special, homey way. And don't forget to make a jar or two of whatever you're assembling for yourself. — Reporter: ahighberger CImac.com

request? Write to Julie

Rothman, RecipeFinder, The Baltimore Sun, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, or email baltsunrecipefinder@

Cider Mulling Sachets Makes 1 sachet. t/4 tsp cloves 2 six-inch rounds of cheesecloth Kitchen twine

/2 cinnamon stick 1 star anise

2 pods cardamom 4 black peppercorns Place all ingredients in the cen-

ter of the two rounds of cheesecloth and tie with twine. Put several in a tin box and tie with a bow. Attach a note with the following directions: Place one sachet in a mug, fill with hot cider and steep for 3 to 5 minutes.

Andy Tulhs/The Bulletin

— www.marthastewart.coml266822/mulling-sachets

gmail.com. Namesmust accompany recipes for them to be published.

Super-Chunk Oatmeal Cookie Mix Makes about 30 cookies. For a special extra, add alayer of /~ cup chopped peanuts, raisins or dried cranberries to the mix. Layer all of the cookie mix ingredients in a glass

ly Rohart will be reminded of her childhood when she tastes it again.

jar; cover with a lid. Store at room temperature until ready to bake.


COOKIE MIX: 1 Csugar 1 C flour 1 C quick-cooking oats 1 tsp ground cinnamon /2 tsp baking soda '/4 tsp salt

V iola B r own , o f L a Pointe, Ind., would like to

ings for years.

have good and easy recipes

My family enjoyed this rich mocha spicecake and hopeful-

for making Polish Cabbage and Tomato Basil Soup.

6 squares BAKER'S SemiSweet Chocolate, coarsely

chopped TO BAKE COOKIES: '/4 C butter, softened

1 egg 1 tsp vanilla

Gypsy Round Layer Cake

To bakecookies: Heatoven to 375 degrees.Beatbutter,egg and vanilla in a large bowl until well blended. Add the cookie mix; beat or stir until well blended. Drop heaping tablespoonfuls of dough, 2 inches apart, onto

Makes 12-14 servings. FOR THE CAKE: '/4 C shortening 1t/a C sugar 3 eggs, beaten 2 C cake flour /2 tsp baking powder /2 tsp baking soda t/a tsp salt s/4tsp nutmeg 2 TBS cocoa powder 1 C buttermilk 1 tsp vanilla

1 tsp lemon extract /2 C chopped nuts

baking sheets. Bake for 12 to 13 minutes or until golden brown. Cool on

FOR THE MOCHA ICING: 6 TBS soft butter

additional ingredients neededandthe mixing and baking directions.

baking sheets for1 minute, then remove to wire racks to cool completely. For gift giving, include a tag with the jar of cookie mix listing both the — www.kraf trecipes.com/recipes/super-chunk-oatmeal-cookie-mix-55690.

1 egg yolk


3 C confectioners' sugar 1t/a TBS cocoa powder 1 tsp cinnamon 1 /2 TBS hot coffee Whipped cream for garnish, optional

All-Purpose Spice Rub Makes1'/4cups, enough to season 5 to10 pounds of meat, poultry or seafood. Karl Juengel / Courtesy of Martha Stewart Living

To make the cake, preheat oven to 350 degrees. Grease and flour two

8-inch round cakepans. Cream shortening in a medium-sized mixing bowl. Add sugar and

Use this combination of honey, nuts and dried fruit to top a variety of breakfast foods such as yogurt and oatmeal.

/3 C coarse salt '/4 C packed light brown sugar t/4 C paprika 2 TBS ground black pepper

2 TBS dried oregano 2 TBS dried thyme leaves

1 TBS cayenne pepper (optional)

cream until fluffy. Blend in eggs. In a separate bowl, sift together flour, bak-

ingpowder,bakingsoda,salt,nutmeg,cinnamon andcocoapowder.Add to creamed mixture alternately with the buttermilk. Stir in vanilla, lemon extract and nuts. Divide batter evenly between the 2 pans and bake for 30 minutes until tester comes out clean. Cool on wire racks before frosting.

For the icing, creamtogether butter, egg, sugar, cocoa powder, cinnamon and coffee until smooth and fluffy. Add another tablespoon of coffee

or more sugar to balancetexture if necessary. Frost top of each layer of cakewhen cooledandthenassemble.Garnishcakewithwhippedcream and a sprinkling of cocoapowder or cinnamon. Note: Double the icing recipe if you want to frost the sides as well as the top and the middle of the cake.

In a small bowl, combine all the ingredients, using your hands to break up the sugar. Put the mix in aglass jar and add alabel.

Honey, Walnut and Dried-Ruit Topping

— www.marthastewart.coml313807lall-purpose-spice-rub

Makes one 6-ounce jar. /2 C walnut halves, toasted and cooled t/4 C dried cranberries

'/4 C dried apricots, cut intot/ainch pieces /2 C good-quality honey

Homemade Hot Chocolate Makes 5s/4 cups dry mix, or 92 eight-ounce servings.

Stir together the nuts and fruit; transfer to a 6-ounce jar. Top with honey. Topping canbe refrigerated in the jar for up to1 month; to serve, bring

to room temperature. Serve with yogurt, oatmeal or toast.

3t/a C sugar 2t/4 C unsweetened cocoa

1 TBS table salt Whole milk for serving

— www maithastewart.coml356011lhoney-walnut-and-dried-fruit-topping

In a large bowl, combine sugar, cocoaand salt, and whisk to combine. Store the mixture in anairtight container. For individual servings, pour 1 cup of whole milk into a microwavesafe mug and microwave on high just until hot. Add 2 tablespoons of co-

Nine-Bean Soup Mix


Makes 10 two-cup packages.

Makes approximately3dozen.

1 Ib barley pearls 1 Ib dried black beans 1 Ib dried red beans 1 Ib dried pinto beans 1 Ib dried navy beans

Barcelona Cookies COOKIE: 3 oz butter

4 oz powdered sugar 3 oz egg white 3t/a oz cake flour /2 tsp cayenne

GANACHE FILLING: 7t/4 oz dark chocolate 3t/a oz cream t/4 C coffee beans 1 tsp cinnamon

coa mix, and stir to dissolve. For alarger batch of cocoa, warm the milk in 1 Ib dried green Northern beans 1 Ib dried lentils 1 Ib dried split peas 1 Ib dried black-eyed peas

a saucepan over medium-low heat, taking care not to let the milk boil; as it warms, stir in 2 tablespoons of mix for each cup of milk. — wwwmarthastewart.coml353007lhomemade-hot-chocolate

Ranger Cookies in a Jar

Combine all beans. Divide into10 (2-cup) packages for gift giving, and Makes about 24 cookies. present with the following recipe for Nine-BeanSoup. /2 C white sugar /2 C brown sugar 1 C rolled oats /2 C Rice Krispies cereal 1 C all-purpose flour

Nine-Bean Soup Makes 8 cups.

Ganache: Crush coffee beans just enough to release the flavor.

Place cream, cinnamon andcoffee beans in a pot and bring to a boil. Cover and allow to steep for 10 minutes. Strain through cheesecloth and return to a boil. Pour hot cream over chopped chocolate, stir to melt and cover with plastic until cool.

Cookie:Beat butter until creamy, then add powdered sugar and mix well. Add egg whites and mix well. Add flour and cayenne. Mix until smooth.

2 C nine-bean soup mix 2 quarts water (8 C) 1 Ib ham, diced

/2 to '/4 tsp salt 1 (16 oz) can chopped tomatoes, undrained

1 Ig onion, chopped

1 (10 oz) can tomatoes and

1 clove garlic, minced

/2 tsp baking soda /2 tsp baking powder t/a tsp salt t/4 C coconut /2 C chocolate chips

Start with a clean, quart-size canning jar, lid and ring.

Layer the following ingredients in the jar in the above order, spooning them in carefully so as tonot disrupt the previous layer. Slightly pack each

green chiles, undrained

sheet and bake at 350 for 5 to 10 minutes or until golden. While still hot, roll cookie using a chopstick or small dowel. Allow to cool and

layer, so there is a definite line of demarcation for each. The top layer may need to be decreased or increased slightly so it comes all the way to the ter 2 inches above the beansand soak overnight. Drain the beans, add 2 top where the lid will fit directly on top. quarts water, ham, onion, garlic and salt. Cover and bring to a boil; reduce After the jar is sealed with a lid, cut a 6-inch circle of decorative fabric, heat and simmer for 1fle hours or until the beans are tender. Add the re- place it over the top, and screw on the ring.

pipe chocolate into cookie.

maining ingredients and simmer for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Using a stencil, spread batter thinly on a Silpat or parchment-lined

Sort and wash 2 cups bean mix. Place in a Dutch oven. Cover with wa-

— Heather Abendroth

— www cooks.comRecipeSearch

Make an instruction sheet as follows, punch a hole in the top left corner, and attach it to the jar top with a ribbon: Ranger Cookies:You'll need /2 cup margarine, 1 egg and1 teaspoon

vanilla. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In a medium bowl, cream together the margarine, egg, and vanilla. Add the entire contents of the jar, and mix

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until combined. Drop by heaping teaspoon on anungreased cookie sheet, and flatten with a fork. Bakefor10-12 minutes, until lightly golden brown. — www.backwoodshome.com, from BackwoodsHomeMagazine, lnc., Issue 72 November/December 2001, bySharonPalmer, R.O.


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By Jane Touzalin


Ciji Wagner's Fruitcake

The Washington Post

Makes one10-inch loaf or Bundt cake(20 servings).

No holiday food is more ridiculed than the fruitcake. Y ouTube is p acked w i t h videos of people destroying fruitcakes in creative ways. A town in Colorado has a yearly fruitcake flinging event. What I consider my fruit-

Rum and brandy flavor this traditional fruitcake from chef Ciji Wagner at Drafting Table in Washington, D.C. Make ahead:The cake is at its peak after 3 weeks, but it can be stored for up to 6 weeks. 1/2 C dried currants 1 C dried cranberries /2 C dried cherries /2 C coarsely chopped dried apricots /4 C coarsely chopped dried

cake awakening happened years ago, when I clipped a

1 C golden or dark rum, plus golden rum or brandy for brushing the cake '/4 C sugar 12 TBS (1/2 sticks) unsalted butter /2 C unsweetened apple juice or brandy /4 tsp ground cloves /2 tsp ground nutmeg


recipe for Arkansas Fig Fruitcake from a newspaper and baked a few a s C h ristmas presents. No chewy nuggets, no cheesy colors. Just dried fruit and nuts. The grateful recipients — at least they said they were — praised the rich, fruity flavor and the moistness achieved without so much as a drop of brandy. I made the cake for a few years, then forgot about it. Until this year, when it was time to start thinking about

/2 C chopped candied ginger Zest and juice of 2 oranges (3 TBS zest, /3to1 C juice)

1/2 tsp ground cinnamon /2 tsp ground ginger 2 Ig eggs 13/4 C flour 1/2 tsp salt 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp baking powder /4 C pecan pieces, toasted (see note)

Combine the currants, cranberries, cherries, apricots, pineapple, ginger and orangezest in a medium bowl. Stir in the rum and let the mixture macerate overnight or up to 2 days, stirring occasionally.

Preheat the oven to 325degrees. Spray a10-inch loaf pan or Bundt panwith nonstick oil-and-flour spray. Transfer the fruit and its macerating liquid to a large pot and add the sugar, butter, orange juice, apple juice or brandy and the spices. Bring the mixture to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring frequently. Reduce the heat to low and cook, with the liquid barely bubbling, until the mixture has thickened,10 to15 minutes. Remove the pot from the heat and cool to room temperature. Add the eggs one at a time, mixing until completely incorporated. Combine the flour, salt, baking soda and

baking powder in a medium bowl and sift it into the fruit mixture. Stir to combine. Fold in the pecans, making sure not to overmix the batter. Transfer the batter to the prepared pan and bake for 1 hour or until a toothpick inserted in the middle of the cake comes out clean. While the cake is still hot, lightly brush the top with brandy or

holiday gift baking. The fig

rum. Let the cakecool completely in the pan, then remove it from the panandtransfer to an airtight container.

fruitcake came to mind, and I wondered whether I could find other worthy recipes that didn't rely on sugar-injected fruit and buckets of booze. It turns out I could.

Check the cake every other day. If it seems dry, lightly brush more brandy or rum on top. Continue checking and soaking the cake until you serve it or give it away.



Note:To toast the pecans, spread them on abaking sheet and place in a 350-degree oven, shaking the sheet occasionally, for 8 to10 minutes. Watch carefully; nuts burn quickly.

Arkansas Fig Fruitcake

Guinness Fruit Cake

Makes one 93/4-inch cake (20 servings). You'll need your hands to mix the very heavy dough. Don't be tempted to buy commercially made fig preserves as a shortcut to making the fig puree; they will cause the recipe to fail.

Makes one 9-inch cake (20 servings). Rum and brandy are frequently featured in holiday fruitcakes, but

3 C (about14 oz) dried figs, stemmed andcoarsely chopped 2 C plus 6 TBS sugar 2/ C water, plus more as needed

here's a cake for people with a taste for beer. Despite the name, any stout will work.

2 C finely diced, peeled apple One15-oz box raisins 2 C pecans or black walnuts, in halves or pieces 4C flour

1 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp ground cloves 1 tsp salt 4 tsp baking soda

3'/2 C self-rising flour

2 tsp ground cinnamon 1 tsp freshly grated nutmeg PhOtOSby Deb Lindsey/ FOr The WaShingtan POSt 1 tsp ground ginger Fruitcakes don't have to be awash in booze. This White Fruitcake, 16 TBS (2 sticks) unsalted for instance, has none. butter, in small chunks /3 C dried currants /3 C golden raisins White Fruitcake '/3 C good-quality candied citrus peel Makes two 4/2-by-8/2-inch loaves (32 servings). Finely grated zest of 1 lemon 1 C plus 2 TBS packed light 2/2C golden raisins 1 TBS vanilla extract brown sugar 1 C dried apricots, cut into 1 tsp almond extract /4C plus1 TBS Guinnessor quarters (about 7 oz) 1 tsp lemon extract another stout, plus more for 1 C chopped crystallized ginger 1 tsp baking powder '/2 tsp salt serving (optional) 2/4 C all-purpose or cake flour 4 Ig eggs 16 TBS (2 sticks) unsalted 2 tsp finely grated orange zest Confectioners' sugar (optional) butter, at room temperature 2 tsp finely grated lemon zest Unsweetened whipped cream 1 Csugar 2 C chopped pecans, toasted or salted butter (optional) 5 Ig eggs and cooled (see note)

Combine the figs, 6 tablespoons of the sugar and 2 cups of the water in a medium saucepan over medium heat. Bring just to a boil, then reduce the heat to medium-low and cook until the figs are tender, 45 minutes to 1 hour.

Removethe saucepanfrom the heatandletthe mixture restfor10 minutes, thenuseanimmersion (stick) blenderon low speed to process the figs to a coarse puree, adding water as needed. Let cool. The yield is slightly more than 2 cups. Preheat the oven to 300 degrees. Use nonstick oil-and-flour spray to grease a 9/4-inch tube pan, preferably one

with a removablebottom, or two standard loaf pans. Measure 2cupsof the fig pureeandtransfer to a very large mixing bowl along with the apple, raisins and nuts. Stir to mix well. Whisk together the flour, the remaining 2 cups of sugar, the cinnamon, cloves and salt in a separate large bowl

until combined. Combine the baking sodaandthe remaining /2cup of water in asmall bowl, stirring until the baking soda has dissolved. Stir this into the fruit mixture. Add the dry ingredients to the fruit mixture and mix well. The batter will be extremely thick and heavy, so at this

point it's easiest to mix it with your hands.You might needto adda couple of tablespoons of water to moisten all the ingredients. Transfer the batter to the prepared pan(s) and use a flexible spatula to smooth the top. Bake for1/4 to 2 hours or until a tester inserted near the middle of the cake comes out clean.

Cool for 30 minutes, then removefrom the pan to cool completely. (If using a tube panwith a removable base, keep the cake on the base as it cools.) Wrap tightly and store at room temperature for up to 2 weeks.

Position a rack in the middle of the oven and preheat the oven to 250

Preheat the oven to 325 de-

grees. (If you have a convection degrees. Spray two 4/2-by-8/2-inch loaf pans with nonstick oil-andoven, turn off the fan.) flour spray. Line with 2 pieces of parchment or wax paper, one cut to Use nonstick cooking oil spray the width of the pan and the other to the length of the pan plus 4 inches to grease a 9-inch round cakepan of overhang to use as handles to lift the loaf from the pan. with high sides and a removable Toss the raisins, apricots and ginger in /4 cup of flour until evenly bottom. Line the bottom and sides coated. of the pan with parchment paper Cut the butter into 1-inch pieces, add them to the bowl of a stand and grease it with the spray. mixer or hand-held electric mixer and beat on low speed until soft, Sift the flour with the spices about 3 minutes. Increase the speed to medium and beat for 1 or 2 into a big bowl. Use a fork to minutes, until the mixture looks like lightly whipped cream. Reduce quickly rub the butter chunks into the speed to low and add the sugar 1 tablespoon at a time, gradually the flour mixture until it looks like increasing the speed and beating until well whipped, 5 or 6 minutes. coarse bread crumbs. Add the Combine the eggs and extracts in a small bowl, then add to the butter currants, raisins, candied peel, mixture in four additions, beating for 1 minute on medium-low speed lemon zest and brown sugar, and after each addition. The mixture might look curdled, but all will be mix well. well. Beat the Guinness into the eggs Sift the remaining 2'/2 cups of flour with the baking powder and salt


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and trickle the resulting mixture onto a piece of wax paper. With the mixer on low speed, add half of

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into the flour mixture, stirring until the flour mixture to the batter, beat well, then add the remaining flour combined. Pour into the prepared mixture and beat.

Once the flour is incorporated, use a flexible spatula to fold in the

cakepan and smooththetop. Bake for 1 hour. Lower the

grated zests, then the nuts and dried fruit. Divide the batter evenly be-

oven temperature to just under tween the prepared pans. Tap each pan once against the counter to 300 degrees and loosely cover remove any air bubbles, and smooth the tops.

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Let the cake cool on a rack. To



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the cake with aluminum foil. Bake Bake for 1 hour and 15 minutes to 1~/2 hours or until a toothpick infor another hour, until a toothpick serted in the middle comes out clean. (The cakes will be white and




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Transfer the pans to a wire rack to cool for 10 minutes. Carefully

serve, sift confectioners' sugar run a knife around the inside of the pans to loosen the cakes. Lise


over the top, if desired, or prick the parchment paper handles to remove the cakes from the pans and some holes in the top of the cake transfer them to the wire rack. Remove the parchment or wax paper


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and drizzle a little Guinness over and cool the cakes thoroughly. it. Serve with whipped cream or salted butter. — Adapted from "HomeMade Nlinter," by Yvette vanBoven (Stewart, Tabori 8 Chang,2012)

Note: To toast the pecans, spread them on a baking sheet and place in a 350-degree oven, shaking the sheet occasionally, for 8 to 10 min-


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utes. Watch carefully; nuts burn quickly. — Adapted from "Mastering the Art of SouthernCooking," by Nathalie Oupreeand Cynthia Graubarf (Gibbs Smith,2012)


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Next week: DIY — home energy audit

Trees Continued from D1 "Riga, in Latvia, claims to have been the site of the first Christmas tree in 1510, and France also exhibits early evidence," Forbes writes. The German nobility popularized Christmas trees i n the 1800s, and, as the custom spread throughout the region, it eventually took hold in Eng-

land during the reign of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. From there, Forbes writes, the influence of the Christmas tree made its way to the United States. By the early 1900s, most American homes had Christmas trees, an d P r e sident Theodore Roosevelt worried about the consequences for our national forests. "He temporarily d i scontinued the custom of a White House Christmas tree, but he eventually relented because the tree was so important to his childrenand because his main forestry adviser argued that cutting small trees could provide a healthy thinning of the forests," Forbes writes. Next came Christmas tree farms, an d t h e n a r t i f icial trees. The first fakes came f rom G ermany a n d w e r e

Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Locally handcrafted bird feeders designed by Katie McClain are displayed at Moonfire and Sun Garden Center in Bend.

Gifts Continued from D1 Usually they are at a price point that exceeds what we would spend on ourselves, and that is what makes their purchase such an excellent gift choice. I did some prowling around recently and found that the Earthbox Gardening System continues to be a popular gardening item. The system consists of a 29-by-14-by-11-inch lightweight box on casters for easy mobility. The system has the capacity to hold 2 cubic feet of potting soil with a 3gallon water reservoir and a mulch cover. The system also comes with an optional staking system for taller plants. It is an easy and productive sys-

made of green-dyed goose feathers, reports Forbes. A rtificial t re e s have evolved a long way from feathers. We've gathered a gallery of unusual ones for your enjoyment.


Artificial tree trends "White and pink trees continue to be very popular again this year," said Bradford of www.treetopia.com. "People who choose colored trees are willing to try something fun. We hear about them putting their kids' ornaments on them, or they'll go monochromatic. Some people do a w h ol e s ports-themed tree. The white and pink trees look good with red and green ornaments. Some customers have decorated with all silver, all gold or all red. These trees are versatile, and the decorating style can be modern or classic," Bradford said. S kinny t r ees a r e g r e at for small spaces, and www. treetopia.com also sells "My Better Half Christmas Tree," which has one flat side to fit against a wall in a small room to save space. A pre-lit clump o f p a l m trees appeals to people who love the tropics, Florida or just something different.


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Consider bonsai plants as a gift sure to please.

tem forgrowing veggies,espeSubmitted photo

Other nontraditional plastic Christmas tree options, including different colors and shapes (like upside-down).

cially tomatoes. Novelty Mfg. Co., a 90-yearold company in Pennsylvania,

has gone from molding kiddy "Peoplebuythe palm trees for theme parties, and then decorate with them anytime of the year, including Christmas," Bradford said. An advantage to an artificial tree is that it can be used

Christmascosts: real vs.artificial

again and again, of course.

according to a Nielsen survey of nearly 30,000

The average cost of a real tree was $46, while

the average cost of an artificial tree was $78,

Bradford told us Treetopia's trees would last about 10

homes in 2011.


Source: Amencan Christmas Tree Association, www. christmastreeassociation.org

Live trees For some people, going green means a live tree inside the house, or outside, to decorate a deck. Cindy J effers, n u rsery manager of L a n dsystems Nursery in Bend, told us it's a good idea to plant a live Christmas tree assoon as possible after the holidays. "It shouldn't be inside for more than 10 days or two weeks. You don't want the tree to come out of dormancy and start growing. "Acclimate it before you bring it inside: Leave it in the garage for a day or two, and water i t t h o r oughly, then place it i n side away from heater vents, wood stoves and windows. Water it while it's inside, and then acclimate it coming outside again. Put it on a porch or in the garage for a couple of days. Then, if you can, plant it on the north side of the house; it's not as windy

there,"Jeffers said.

Most unusual of all: go treeless A radical alternative is to go completely treeless at Christmas. In "Green C h r i stmas: How to Have a Joyous, EcoFriendly Holiday Season," by Jennifer Basye Sander and Peter Sander (Adams Media, 2008), the authors suggest that instead of buying any kind of Christmas tree, decorate an indoor ficus tree or other plant that you already have, or hang ornaments on an evergreen swag on the mantel. Whether you choose a live tree, a cut tree, an artificial one or no Christmas tree at all, we wish you a merry decorating season!

sheriff's badges t o c o o k ie cutters, then metal cemetery vases and metal flower boxes. Currently the company has become known for it s selfwatering, weathered-looking "Artstone" indoor and outdoor containers. The l i ghtweight products are made from recyclable polymers and alloys. The appearance of a handrubbed finish adds to the classic-style look. One product I heartily reco mmend i s S w eeney's A l l Season Weatherproof Deer Repellent stakes. I l e arned about them through members of the Sisters Garden Club several years ago. Members used them to protect their featured landscapesfor their annual garden tour. I bought the packet of six stakes, and they work. The active ingredient is a dried blood repellent that is safe around children and pets. The stakesare used from 4 to 8 feetapart and can either be placed in the ground or hung in the landscape. Don't forget the young potential gardeners. Great watering cans in the shape of animals and tools to fit preschoolers hands may not have an immediate use but can act as an exciting inspiration for seasons to come. For immediate gratification, a few nature

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tertops and backsplash in our kitchen. We are noticing that if we place a wet object on the countertop, the granite is stained in that area. Most of the time it fades in a few days, but lately, we are noticing the dark stains staying longer. Is there any way to remove these or to prevent them in the first place? • We have granitecounter• tops and don't have this problem, so I can only tell you what other readers tell me. Most water stains are only a


Quantities of theseincredibly priced systems are limited!


deners. books could accompany the tools. I did find a preschoolersized snow shovel that could use up some of little ones' winter energy. I love handcrafted items, and our local nurseries do support these talented people. On my w i n dow-shopping trip, I found beautiful locally handcrafted bird feeders incorporating glass and metal designed by Katie McClain in addition to a selection of her watercolors. Locally made wrought iron g arden trellises and h a n d carved walking sticks also

caught my eye. I added to my wish list a h andheld m i c roscope t h at can be illuminated. The super-bright LED bulbs will help identify pests and leaf diseases — a fun and helpful gift for the bug lovers among us. The list could go on and on. Sun catchers,wall vases, heat mats for seed propagation, soil thermometers, a spring ac-

tion pop-up garden-tidy, solar driveway markers and hardto-find Oregon-grown conifer and evergreenbonsai are gifts that are sure to please. And remember thatevery garden nursery offers gift certificates. In November,the OSUExtension Service graduated 20 new OSU Master Gardeners coming from Bend, Redmond, Prineville, Crooked River Ranch and Madras. They will be giving a gift back to the communities by volunteering for plant clinics, community gardens and educational seminars. Perhaps becoming an OSU Master Gardener has been on your wish list for a long time. The 2013 registration is under way for classes that begin in January. Call the OSU Deschutes County Extension Office at 541-548-6088 for more information. A gift of a paid tuition is truly a gift that lasts a lifetime. — Reporter: douville@ bendbroadband.com.

When waterstainsgranite counters

Where Buyers And Sellers Meet

s s s s

Animal-shaped watering cans may inspire young potential gar-

— Reporter: ahtghberger Omac.com.


* Net priceafter cashincentives and tax credits.




ite may darken or lighten in color when the water is absorbed into the stone. However, once the water evaporates, the color should return to normal. You need to seal the surface regularly with a high-quality sealant, which prevents water absorption. I do it once a year.

If you have hard water making the stains, they can be removed with vinegar. years ago, we had Q •• Two a four-inch plastic corrugated drain pipe installed under theedges of the basement floor, about one foot from the bottom of the foundation, with rock surrounding it and weep holes in the bottom of the walls so groundwater that drained down through the wall would leak into the pipe area and drain to the sump. About two months after the pipe was installed, we started seeing little black drain flies — not too many, but somewhat noticeable in the basement. The company that installed the pipe said that shouldn't happen, and came over and poured a gallon of something called Mediquat down the pipe. It smelled good, and seemed to clean everything out f or about three to four days. Then the smell returned and we saw

the flies again. Can we solve the problem permanently? • You have the same setup • that I have in my basement. While I assume there must be some dampness all the time, I don't think uncontaminated water will cause flies. What I've seen online is that the breeding typically occurs when there is bacteria present. I run the dehumidifier into the sump from March to October, and, during wetter seasons, there is water in it as well. But we don't have flies. There is something other than just water facilitating the breeding of the flies — a sew-

age leak, perhaps, or backflow problems if your sump pumps water into the sewer system. You need to find out what it is, have the source of the leak repaired and the area cleaned. You can also buy a cover for

your sump. — Questions? E-mat1 aheavensC< phillynewrS.Com


nimas a ive ac







a fou r -

legged pal can be the ultimate gift. Here's what animal therapy entails, and how your furry best friend can help.


If you've ever snuggled


Photos by Ryann Ford / New York Times News Service

Determined to have a house without wasted space, Greg Kelly, Laura Herring and their two sons downsized from a house of more than 3,000 square feet to one half that size, cutting their property taxes in half lowering and their utility bills.

The big shrink: Raleigh, N.C., family finds that less ismore

with acat or dogwhenyou're sick or just a little down, you know how much better it can make you feel. Animal therapy is just that: tapping into the healing power that pets innately possess. After undergoing special training for an animal and its owner, therapy "teams" visit a variety of settings, where they offer comfort and love to someone in need.

What therapy animals do Whileserviceanimalsperform tasks that people with disabilities cannot (think

New York Times News Service

The urge to downsize is not limited to empty nesters and retirees. It can hit anyone at any time. And sometimes it's the family dog that helps you realize you have more space than you need. This is how it was for Greg Kelly, a 50-year-old business appraiser in R a leigh, N.C., and his wife, Laura Herring, a 45-year-old pediatrician, who have two teenage sons, Troy and John. Earlier this year, they downsized from a house of morethan 3,000 square feet to one that is half that size, cutting their property taxes in half and their aggravation even more. Looking back on the unused space they once had, Kelly laughs. "It was a five-bedroom house, one bedroom used for a playroom, one for an office, with a separate dining room and a bathroom upstairs that literally we only used to wash the dog," he says. "We had a dining room and a formal living room — that was where the dog lay on the couch, that was his room." So if the dog, a collie named Toby, was in the living room, where did the family hang out? "The eat-in kitchen and the family room in the back of the house," Kelly says. "If we looked at where we lived as a family, it was the back of the house. When I thought about it, I realized we never spent any time i n t h e b edrooms, except to sleep. The boys did their homework in the kitchen. The house was a waste. My wife and I don't pay to have houses cleaned, we're justnot w ired that way, and it w a s killer to vacuum and clean a 3,200-square-foot house. It's a breeze now. We were heating and cooling this huge house, it took a lot of physical and emotional energy to maintain it, and we were not living in that space." The couple began by figuring out how much space they actually used — about 1,300 square feet. Then they started looking around. They wanted to stay in the same neighborhood, so Troy, who is now 17, and John, now 13, would not have to change schools. Lastyear, they found what they were looking for: a 1954 ranch house, just around the corner, that was 1,215 square feet, with three s mall bedrooms, a d i n i n g room that was partly open to the living room, a separate kitchen, a small screened-in porch and a classic peaked roof. The Kellys sold their old home for $675,000 and paid $245,000 for the new one. From left: Laura Herring, Greg Kelly and their two sons, John and Troy, at their home in Raleigh, N.C. The move to a smaller house was triggered by the realization that the family dog had the living room to himself in the family's old house.




The old drafting table stools at the kitchen counter were $5 each at a surplus sale at North Carolina State University.

months, your dog will acquire specialized skills (such as how to approach a w h eelchair). Therapy Dogs International and Delta Society are the largest associations, but smaller ones can be found nationwide.

Carolina, a therapy dog helps kids aged 6 to 14 who have recently lost a loved one (foursea-

sonscfl.org). Kgs for Warriors:This Florida charity finds and trains service dogs for veterans coping with

physical and psychological

Find a facility that fits

wounds. The veteran-canine team then trains together at the K9s facility until the partnership is deemed a success — all at no cost to the soldier (k9sfor-

animals serve by merely being present. The most common facilities where teams work are nursing homes, hospitals, hospices, schools and libraries. The therapeutic benefits these certified animals impart range from entertaining sick children to soothing veterans suffering from the effects of post-traumatic stress disorder.

According to Rachel Wright, Delta Society's Pet Partners program manager, one of the most vital steps is pairing the right dog to the right type of service. Evaluations help determine the program or setting that best complements the team's strength. A pet's personality and maturity also dictate where it works: A young, energetic pooch probably isn't a great fit for seniors but might be a perfect match for teens.

ls your pet a candidate?

Canine-minded groups

"Volunteers r e c ognize a healing quality in their dogs," says Rachel McPherson, author of "Every Dog Has a Gift" and founder of the Good Dog Foundation in New York City. All dogs are eligible, provided the dog has a friendly temperament and can handle curve balls (strangers, new environments, clumsy petting).

To enroll i n c e r tification training, v i sit t h e rapydogs. com, deltasociety.org or the-

guide dogs), many therapy By Joyce Wadler

Bryan Gardner/ New York Times News Service

If a child is struggling with learning to read, it can be stressful. Reading to a therapy dog like Kerry from the Good Dog Foundation can help a child relax and build confidence.

warriors.org). Prison Pe t Pa r tnership: Housed on the grounds of a Washington state w o men's prison, in Gig Harbor, this outfit rescues and trains shelter dogs tobe service animals for disabled persons. Inmates gain additional vocational skills by operating an adjoining board-

ing and grooming facility (prisonpetpartnership.org). — Questions of general interest can be emailed to msiletters® marthastewart.com. For more information on this column, visit www.marthastewart.com.

g ooddogfoundation.org f o r more information. If you have a rambunctious barker at the end of that leash, then consider donating to one of these worthy organizations instead. Camp Heart Songs: At this bereavement camp run by Four Seasons hospice care in North

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The living room ceiling rises to nearly13 feet and wall of windows opens onto a large deck, which extends the living space. The renovation cost a little more than $300,000.Working with Richard Hall D esigns, a local firm, the Kellys kept the house's original footprint and left the bedrooms where they were. But they knocked down the walls separating the kitchen and the dining and living rooms, and extended the roofline from the carport, creating a great room with ceilings that rise to 13 feet. And at one end of the house, they installed a wall of glass, with NanaWall glass doors that open onto a 15-by-45-foot deck. That glass wall, the deck and a privacy fence represented a big part of the renovation costs, about $35,000. But to Kelly, it was worth it. "It's a big deck, but it's a lot cheaper to have that," he says, than an enclosed room you have to heat and cool. And "the doors open up 20 feet wide with no obstructions. It looks visually big with them closed, but with them open, it's amazing." Another big-ticket item was the built-in storage. Made by Bo Taylor Custom Woodworking, a local company, it cost the Kellys $52,000. But it includes

an entrance closetwhere the boys can drop their book bags, and cabinetry throughout the house. It's so extensive, in fact, that none of th e bedrooms have a dresser. "Our bedroom in our old

glli l h«tfU t

house was probably as big as all three bedrooms in our new house, but we never used the space," Kelly says. "There was a chair in the corner, but all that we ever put there was my wife's clothes. We never sat in it. Our bedroom now has no furniture, just a floating bed, so it feels really large." This new a w a reness of s pace has made th e f a m ily more selective about what they keep and where they keep it. In t heir old home, boxes of the boys' old drawings and schoolwork w ere stored inthe 900-square-foot attic. In the new house, Kelly says, each member of the family has one box for keepsakes. A few prized photos are displayed in th e e ntry hall; other photos and papers are scanned and kept as electronic files. Kelly is j ust a s r u t hless about his home office, where he scans much of his work, then disposesof the paper using a shredder installed in a cabinet — a strategy that has enabled him to get rid of three large file cabinets, he says. The family's gas and electric bills have dropped from $300 a month to $100, and their annual propertytaxes from $7,262 to 33,672, saving them nearly

$6,000 a year. And although their new house is half the size of the old one, it feels larger, Kelly says, because they have less furniture and so much outdoor living space. There has been one sad downside to the downsizing, though. The new house, the Kellys realized, was too small for a dog the size of Toby. So he has gone to live with a family that has a bigger house, as well as another collie to keep him company.

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star. "I don't want it to stop." At an Italian lunch in the By Dave Itzkoff West Village with the other New York Times News Service men of "Jersey Shore," GuaE AST H A N OVER, N . J . dagnino said MTV had been Relaxing in a p e d icure vowing to cancel the show chair one October morning almost from its first season, here at a favorite nail salon, possibly to see how the houseNicole Polizzi, the diminutive mates would react. "We always troublemaker and reality-TV think they're bluffing," he said. star known as Snooki on "JerChris Linn, MTV's executive sey Shore," was explaining vice president for programthat she would wait until her ming, said bytelephonethat the infant son, Lorenzo, was 15 or decision to end "Jersey Shore" — for real — came down to its 16 before sharing with him her cast "moving on to the next goofy, boozy escapades from that MTV series. Richard Perry/ New York Times News Serwce stages of adulthood." "That's when kids start to go From left: Samantha Giancola, Deena Nicole Cortese and Jenni FarW ith milestones like t h e out and have their first drink, ley, cast members of "Jersey Shore," at a club in New York. After birth of Polizzi's son and Farley's engagement, Linn said,the go to parties and things," said six seasons, "Jersey Shore" is coming to an end, and its showPolizzi, 25, who had recently boating cast contemplates life beyond the reality-TV camera. series "was moving away from returnedfrom a tanning-prodthe original conceit, and rather ucts convention in Nashville, than drive it into the ground Tenn. "I'm going to say: rYou episode of"Jersey Shore," its F arley (JWoww) an d P a ul or milk it to the very, very end, know what'? Mommy was just documentary-style account of DelVecchio (Pauly D), mak- we wanted to give it a dignified 21 years old, doing what every- four muscle-bound guys and ing them the envy of unem- send-off." (In a current season body else does. She just had a four impossibly orange women ployed milliennials, the scorn more about personal reflection camera following her.'" partying down and hooking up of Italian-American advocacy than gratification, the show Polizzi seemed to know ex- in Seaside Heights, N.J. groups and unlikely ambassa- has alsoseen its numbers ebb actly what she'd be doing in Over six rapid-fire seasons, dors oftheir hurricane-devas- to less than 4 million viewers some far-off future, when she including excursions to Miami tated coastal escape. an episode, though it remains is laying down the rules rather and Florence, Italy, "Jersey But now these improbable strong among the younger authan flouting them. But when it Shore" became one of MTV's celebrities are bracing them- dience MTV covets.) came to the nearer term — ba- biggest hits e ver, d r awing selvesfor a diff erent kind of When that final day of tapsically, any time after Dec. 20, nearly 9 million viewers an reality, when the parties and ing "Jersey Shore" occurred when MTV will broadcast the episode at its peak and intro- press tours — and the corner- in the summer, and its housefinalepisode of "Jersey Shore" ducing terms like "smooshing" stone TV show that supported mates were allowed for the first — she expressed an uncer- and the gym-tanning-laundry them — go away, leaving view- time to interact directly with tainty shared by her soon-to-be shortcut "GTL" (among less sa- ers to take stock of why they crew members and onlookers, "I had a nervous breakdown ex-housemates. vory acronyms) to the Ameri- tuned in, and its subjects to "Because 'Jersey Shore' can lexicon. wonder if their fame could fade in the middle of the street, crying," Farley said. "It was so bitmade us," she said, "so it's like, The serieshas also elevated as rapidly as it arrived. "We were regular people a tersweet. That's the house that what now?" its distinctively monikered cast Incredibly, it was only three members like Michael Sorren- couple years ago," said Vinny changed my life." years ago that MTV ran its first tino (aka The Situation), Jenni Guadagnino, a "Jersey Shore" Sorrentino, who is gentler

A Ls an 's airpiece etsnotice Dear Abby:My husband wears a vows. Wesleep separately. hairpiece. Unfortunately, it doesn't Recently, myhusband has become look very real. Nearly every time we sullen and passive-aggressive.He are in public, I notice somebody star- tries to push the issue, to the point of ing or laughing at it. I have talked to making unwanted physical contact. him about it only a couple of times, He knew going in that I am extremebut each time he tells ly uncomfortable with 4Mme how attached he this form of intimacy is to it and how good and that my v i ews DEAR it feels on his head. I would not change. want him to be hapWe love each other, but his behavior is py, but I do not want him to b e p ublicly starting to take a toll ridiculed. Should I throw it away? on me, and the stress is straining — Wife of a Man With a"Secret" our relationship. Please help. — Asexual in Love Dear Wife: Absolutely not. If you want to help your husband, start Dear Asexual:You and your hustalking w it h s o m e h a i rstylists. band are obviously not on the same There may bea product on the mar- page as far as what your expectaket that is more convincing than tions are about your marriage. How what your husband is wearing. (De- uncomfortable foryou and howfruspending upon how much hair he tratingfor him. He mayhavethought has on the back of his head, a trans- that after your wedding, with time, plant of some follicles may also be he could change your mind — or he possible.) This isn't just about him may regard your lack of interest in having something on his head that sex as personal rejection. "feels good." If it was only that, he'd For the kind of marriage you enbe wearing a hat. visioned, BOTH parties must feel Dear Abby: I am recently marthe same way about sex. Because ried, and my husband and I have he agreed to something he can't live not consummated our marriage. I with, it might be better for both of made it very clear that this would you if you separated. not be a part of our life together, and Dear Abby:Would you please sethe agreed long before we took our tle a disagreement I'm having with



HAPPY BIRTHDAY FORTUESDAY, DEC. 11, 2012:This yearyour intensity has an impact, especially on those you know. Be sure to showyour compassion when making strong statements. At times you could come off as being stern. Tryto center yourself on Stars showthe kind a regular basis. of day you'll have Si gn up for a yoga ** * * * D ynamic class or a similar ** * * P ositive a c t ivity. If you are ** * A verage sin g le, take the ** S o-so time to get to know * Difficult a suitor well before making any serious decisions. Someone could project to be something different from what he or she really is. If you are attached, the two of you will benefit from downtime together. Take several special weekends away together. SCORPIOsees right through you. ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * C onfusion surrounds a key person and his or her fiscal dealings. You might not be able to get the answer you seek. Clearly, many people have different ideas. Hold back any judgments for the moment. Tonight: Feed your mind. Dive into a good book.

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

my mother's boyfriend? The three of us go out to eat together often. Most times we "go Dutch" and pay for our own meals. The problem arises when he pays for my meal. He'll request the senior pricefor all of us because he's

paying. I believe the senior discount should apply to the seniors in the group only, and mine should be the regular price. I don't think it's wrong to ask for the senior discount for theirs when I'm paying, but do not feel right claiming it for mine. (I'm more than 20 years away from

qualifying.) Itembarrasses me when he does it. I'd much rather pay the full adult price. Even if it's only 50 cents, I still feel like it's cheating. — Kim in Iowa City Dear Kim:Senior discounts are intended toaccommodate people who are presumably retired and living on a fixed income. That said, various restaurants make their own rules. If they are willing to comply when your mother's boyfriend asks that everyone be included in the discount, it's no reflection on you if he's the one — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069

by some of their ideas. Tonight: Stay level in your dealings with others.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)

a change in opinion quite quickly. Tonight: Sort through your many suggestions and invitations. Get together with pals over munchies.

CANCER (June21-July 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21)

** * * A l low creativity to flourish and open up a situation. You might see thepath,butsomeone elsecould see a different one. You both are right; learn to respect the differences in your thought processes. Friendly vibes and offers head in your direction. Tonight: Errand time!

** * * Focus on completing a project in the morning. Try to get enough done sothat you can switch gears quickly and allow the socialite in you to bust out. Whatever you can add to a situation or a conversation will be more than enough. Tonight: At home.

LEO (July23-Aug.22)

** * * Use the daytime hours to push a major interest to the forefront. You might have a piece of work that needs to be completed. Successand execution walk hand in hand in the morning. Make the most of this, and dive right in. Tonight: Where your friends are.

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22)

house in my mid-20s, making more money than my dad,but they were making my lunch

and putting gas in my car."

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subjectto changeafter press time. t




Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • CLOUDATLAS(R)I2:30,4:15,8 • THE COLLECTION (R) I:45, 4:45, 7:55, 10:10 • ENDOF WATCH (R)12:50,3:55,7:IO,9:50 • FLIGHT (R) 12:35, 3:45, 6:55, 10:05 • KILLING THEM SOFTLY(R) 1:35, 4:35, 7:15, 9:40 • LIFEOF Pl(PG)1:25,7:25 • LIFE OF Pl3-D (PG) 12:10, 3:10, 4:30, 6:10, 9:25, 10:20 • LINCOLN (PG-13) Noon, 1, 3:20, 4:20, 6:40, 7:45, 10 • PLAYINGFOR KEEPS (PG-13)f05,3:50,6:30,9:15 • RED DAWN(PG-13)I:50,4:50,7:35, IO: I5 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)12:25, 3, 6 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS 3-D (PG)9 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) 12:05, 3:15, 6:25, 9:35 • SKYFALL IMAX (PG-13) 12:15, 3:30, 6:45, 9:55 • THETWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 (PG13) 1:15, 4:05, 7, 9:45 • WRECK-ITRALPH(PG) 12:45, 3:35, 6:15, 9:10 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ANNA KARENINA (R) I2:30, 3:45, 7 • ARGO(R) I, 4:15, 7:15 • LINCOLN (PG-13) Noon, 3:15, 6:30 • THE SESSIONS (R) 1:15, 4, 6:I5 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) 12:15, 3:30, 6:45 • SMASHED (R) 12:45, 3, 6

4 p.m. on ESPN,"NBA Basketdall" — The New York Knicks take a trip across the East River to visit the Brooklyn Nets at the Barclays Center tonight in the first game of an ESPNdoubleheader. Carmelo Anthony and the Atlantic Division-leading Knicks hope to fend off challenges from Deron Williams and the new-and-improved Nets. The second game has Chris Paul and the Los Angeles Clippers visiting Luol Deng and the Chicago Bulls. 8 p.m. on l3, "Raising Hope" — Virginia (Martha Plimpton) is convinced that the world will end on Dec. 21, so she uses her extreme couponing skills to stock up on supplies and forces the family to train for the apocalypse Jimmy (Lucas Neff) is determined to give Hopethe best Chnstmas he can, since it likely will be the first one she remembers, and Maw Maw(Cloris Leachman) tries to knock a few more items off her bucket list before the world ends in the new episode "Last Christmas." Bp.m. on(CW), "Hart of Dixie" —Desperate to avoid spending time with her mother during the holidays, Zoe (Rachel Bilson) throws herself into work but risks ruining everyone else's Christmas. She tries to fix things by seeking help from Wade's (Wilson Bethel) father (Christopher Curry), which upsets Wade. Lavon (Cress Williams) tries to give Ruby (Golden Brooks) a special week, while George (Scott Porter) seeks the perfect gift for Tansy (Mircea Monroe) in the new episode "Blue Christmas." gp.m. onl3, "New Girl" — When the gang attempts to juggle multiple holiday parties in one night,Jess (Zooey Deschanel) tries to avoid a remorseful Sam (guest star David Walton), Nick (Jake Johnson) tries to keep up with a sexually adventurous Angie (guest star Olivia Munn), and Winston (Lamorne Morris) panics when he gets a cranberry stuck in his ear in the new episode "Santa."

gp.m. on(CW),"A Muppets Christmas: Letters to Santa" —When Kermit and company accidentally intercept three children's letters to St. Nick, they vow to hand-deliver them to the North Pole themselves with a little help from their friends. Whoopi Goldberg, Tony Sirico and Madison Pettis ("Cory in the House") are among their human co-stars in this special. 9 p.m. on DISC,"Chopper Live: The Revenge" —Last year, Paul Jr. beat out his dad as well as Jesse James to take the title of ultimate bike builder. This year they're all back with the additional challenge of "Fast N' Loud" stars Richard Rawlings and Aaron Kaufman. Last night's "American Chopper" episode saw all four crews at work and kicked off the voting. Tonight on "Chopper Live: The Revenge," you'll see who takes the crown, and Southern rock band Lynyrd Skynyrd takes the stage. ©Zap2it

doing the asking and paying.

** * * T hink through a decision involving a relationship or a risk. You might not be reading the situation clearly. Askfor more feedback. Youwill see the other side of the issue soon enough. Tonight: Timeto play the role of Santa's helper. Goshopping.

** * * H ow you see what is going on opposed to what actually occurs could be quite different. Understand why there is a schism here. Sometimes it might be a relief not to be realistic; however, be aware of the potential consequences. Tonight: Fun with friends.

and more humble since a stint he did in a substance-abuse rehab program this year, agreed, in his own way, that "Jersey Shore" had not always allowed its ensemble members to display their full range of emotions and abilities. "We're all very dense human beings with lots of different facets," he said. "And I think you only get to see that one side — the party side." Perhaps more than t h eir constant falling down, their drunken fistfights and shouting matches, it was the cast m embers' rare aptitude forexpressing themselves, candidly and without varnish, that won them acknowledgment from President Barack Obama and fans like Leonardo DiCaprio. Maybe it was the way they reaffirmed v i ewers' u n derstanding of a certain middleclass vacation culture, or introduced it to audiences who found it completely alien. Or maybe, as the "Jersey Shore" executiveproducer SallyAnn Salsanoargues,the series took the place of coming-of-age dramas like "Beverly Hills 90210" or the John Hughes movies from her youth. "For all of their faults they're actually really good kids," said Salsano, who is 38 and spent many summers in Jersey Shore share houses. "I did the same thing. I lived in my parents'


CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19)

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed.18)

** * * N o one can say anything bad ** * * You might be able to better abouthavingyouasafriend.You havea communicate what is on your mind great way of interacting with others. Your earlier in the day. Whether fatigue or softer side emerges when dealing with TAURUS (April 20-May20) other concerns take over, you will pull those who are older or younger than you. ** * * O t hers seem to get in your face. more. Cocoonand do some heavy Listen to what is being shared. Tonight: You might not be getting the full scope of within thinking. Try to sort through what you With friends. whatis going on.You could beconfused know. Tonight: Snuggle in at home. as to where others are coming from. PISCES (Fed.19-March20) LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * R each out to someone at a Listen carefully in order to gain clarity. ** * * R emain sure of yourself and your distance. You will gain a new perspective, A partner finally decides to reveal more. choices. Your sensitivity emerges. Your even if you do not have the intention Tonight: Visit over dinner. creativity keeps popping up in daily life, of discussing or seeing certain issues GEMINI (May 21-June20) differently. Open up to a different type of ** * * O thers come forward with their which adds vibrancyto your wild flights of fancy. If you can, share more often with thinking. Tonight: A force to be dealt with. ideas and/or suggestions. Meanwhile, stay focused on your plans. You will note those around you. You might be surprised © 2012 by King Features Syndicate

McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562

• LOOPER (R) 9 • THEPERKS OF BEING AW ALLFLOWER (PG-13)6 • After 7 p.m., shows are 2f and olderonly. Youngerthan2f may attend screenings before 7pm. if accompanied by a legal guardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • As of press time, no films are scheduledto screentoday.

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• RED DAWN (PG-13) 5:15, 7: I5 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)4:45,7 • SKYFALL(PG-I3) 3:45, 7 • THETWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 (PG13) 4, 6:45 Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • FLIGHT(R)6:15 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 6 • PLAYINGFOR KEEPS (PG-13)6:45 • SKYFALL (PG-I3) 6:15

Madras Cinema 5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • PLAYINGFORKEEPS(PG-13) 7 • RED DAWN (PG-13) 7:20 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS3-D (PG) 7:10 • THETWILIGHT SAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 (PG13) 7 • WRECK-ITRALPH(PG) 6:50 Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014

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Looking to buy, or 541-382-9419. NRA, Police Firearms. $250. 541-389-0268. Call The Bulletin Clasconsign of good used today and have Instructor, Mike Kidwell. Gardening Supplies Holiday Bazaar Kitten needs f o rever sifieds quality equipment. this attention getter in Fri., Dec. 14 6:30 p.m. home. O l der black Deschutes Valley 8 Equipment • & Craft Shows your classified ad. $40. Call Kevin at 0 Adult companion cats male short haired kitEquipment 541-385-5809. Cent-Wise, for reservaFREE to seniors, dis- ten is ready for you. 541-548-8385 Call The Bulletin ClasFor newspaper abled 8 vet e rans! All sho t s , etc . Chair, Newly u p hol- tions, 541-548-4422 325 sifieds today and have Tame, altered, shots, 541-647-4280 delivery, call the stered, colorful. $35. this attention getter in ID chip, more. Will al- Kittens/cats avail. thru 541-383-4231 Circulation Dept. at Hay, Grain & Feed ways take back if cir- rescue group. Tame, your classified ad. 541-385-5800 Largest 3 Day cumstances change. shots, altered, ID chip, GENERATE SOME ex541-385-5809. Saturday Market To place an ad, call Wanted: Irrigated farm GUN dk KNIFE 389-8420. Visit S at/ citement i n your 541-385-5809 ground, under pivot irFeaturing c r a ftsmen, more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call Wanted- paying cash SHOW rigation, i n C e n tral artisans & a ntiques. Sun 1-5. Photos, info: re: other days. Will hold neighborhood! Plan a or email for Hi-fi audio & stugarage sale and don't Dec. 14-15-16 classifiedo bendbullexn.com OR. 541-419-2713 Every Sat. 9-4 at the www.craftcats.org. / Want to Buy or Rent till Christmas if it's a gift dio equip. Mclntosh, Mason's Bldg, 1036 People Look for Information from Santa. 6 5480 forget to advertise in Portland Expo J BL, Marantz, D y The Bulletin BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Center Sem ng Central Qn gon srnce l9tH Wanted: $Cash paid for NE 8th St., Bend. 78th, Bend. classified! About Products and naco, Heathkit, San541-385-5809. Search the area's most 1-5 exit ¹306B vintage costume jew- $25 gift certificate drawn Services Every Daythrough 541-389-8420 or sui, Carver, NAD, etc. comprehensive listing of every Saturday! Admission $9 elry. Top dollar paid for 541-598-5488; info at Queen bookcase headSUPER TOP SOIL Call 541-261-1808 The Bulletin Classifleds classified advertising... Gold/Silver.l buy by the Fri. 12-6, Sat. 9-5, www.craftcats.org. www.hershe souandbark.com board. Dark w o od, Sun.10-4 Estate, Honest Artist WHEN YOU SEE THIS Screened, soil 8 com- real estate to automotive, Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, Lab Pups AKC, black mirror, very nice. $40 204 Elizabeth,541-633-7006 post m i x ed , no merchandise to sporting all colors, starting at 8 , yellow, Mas t e r OBO. 541-475-3889 I 1 - 800-659-3440 I Santa's Gift Basket OO rocks/clods. High hu- goods. Bulletin Classifieds i CollectorsWest.com~ ~ $250. Parents on site. Hunter sired, perforWANTED: RAZORS, chair level, exc. f or appear every day in the 541-598-5314, mance pedigree, OFA Recliner-massage PixatBendbuletin,crjm mus print or on line. Double or singleGreat Christmas Gift! Call leather gd cond. Ruger Bisley Vaquero More flower beds, lawns, cert hips & e lbows, black On a classified ad edged, straight Orig. full size Donkey 541-788-7799 $1 95. 541-548-3042. gardens, straight Call 541-385-5809 Call 541-771-2330 .357, excellent cond, razors, shaving go to Kong J r . ar c a deBarn/shop cats FREE, www.kinnamanretnevers.com s creened to p s o i l . www.bendbulletin.com $600. 503-347-7562 212 www.bendbulletin.com brushes, mugs 8 ame, works g reat some tame, some not. Bark. Clean fill. Descuttles, strops, to view additional 1000. 541-504-5321 We d eliver! F ixed, Antiques & The Bulletin Ruger LC9 (9mm) laser. liver/you haul. Serving CentralOmgon since 1903 shaving accessories photos of the item. shots. 541-389-8420 Purchased new two 541-548-3949. Collectibles & memorabilia. months ago, n ever Wheat Straw: Certified 8 Border Collie/New Zeal261 Fair prices paid. 205 shot. Box of ammo. Bedding Straw & Garden and Huntaways, male Labradoodles - Mini & Call 541-390-7029 Medical Equipment Items for Free $400. 541-404-2826. Lost & Found • Straw;Compost.546-6171 pup. Wonderful dog, med size, several colors between 10 am-3 pm. working parents, $250. 541-504-2662 Ruger Vaquero 44 mag, Golden Compass SportFound a garden tool on Wheat Straw in shed, KitchenAid, 541-546-6171 ngrltZn Just bought a new boat? Dishwasher www.alpen-ridge.com stainless, 7~/~" brl, new. power wh e elchair, S walley R d. , 1 2 / 7 $2 bale. After 6 p.m. black front. You-haul. Sell your old one in the Visit our HUGE 541-546-9821 Culver. bright red, used only 3 $495. 541-815-4901. 541-593-1382. LABRADORS: beauclassifieds! Ask about our home decor months, like b r and 541-389-9377 Super Seller rates! t iful p uppies, b o rn consignment store. W ANTED: . 2 2 ri f l e , new. $3200 new, sac- FOUND female Husky 9/11, ready for loving 541-385-5809 New items Farmers Column 208 p ump action for a r ifice at $200 0 . -mix with purple collar. families. Shots curarrive daily! young hunter for a 541-848-7755, NW Redmond Pets & Supplies WANT TO BUY: Trager rent, vet checked. 2 930 SE Textron, 10X20 STORAGE Christmas p r e sent. 541-948-7073 smoker/ BBQ made in ales, $ 10 0 an d Bend 541-318-1501 Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, m 541-480-7298 BUILDINGS $200. 541-610-2270 Mt. An g el , OR. The Bulletin recom- 1st shots, very social www.redeuxbend.com for protecting hay, • Building Materials FOUND gold wedding 541-536-1572. bank in North Wanted: Collector Maremma Guard Dog firewood, livestock mends extra caution $700. 541-325-3376 seeks high quality Albertson's p a r king etc. $1496 Installed. pups, purebred, great The Bulletin reserves when purc h asBend Habitat Cairn Terrier Stud fishing items. lot. C a l l to ID 541-617-1133. dogs, $300 e a ch, the right to publish all RESTORE ing products or serwanted for Cairn-Poo 541-678-5753, or 541-546-6171. Holiday Bazaar CCB ¹173684. ads from The Bulletin Call 503-351-2746 vices from out of the Building Supply Resale 541-693-4063. litter in Bend. $100 or newspaper onto The Quality at LOW & Craft Shows area. Sending cash, pick of the litter. Must be Newfoundland PupFOUND on river trail kfjbuilders@ykwc.net Bulletin Internet webchecks, or credit inavailable between PRICES camera memory card. Wanted: Irrigated farm 249 pies, purebred black & 12/7-12/12. Nicole740 NE 1st HOLIDAY FAIRE f ormation may b e I'd like to return your ground, under pivot irLandseer puppies ready site. Art, Jewelry 541-312-6709 subjected to fraud. 541.788.3894 New items arriving daily! memories. rigation, i n C e n tral to go home in Feb. Born The Bulletin Now thru Dec. 16, & Furs Open to the public. For more i nforma541-382-4773 Nov 29th, $900-$1100. OR. 541-419-2713 Serving Central Oregon since l903 Mon-Fri 10-2; Sat-Sun, tion about an adverCall Jill to comegick out 10-5-445 W. Hwy 20 2ct Euro-cut diamond tiser, you may call your puppy. $ 0 0 d e241 (3 Wind Shopping Plaza by men's ring, serious only, the O r egon State posit. 541-279-6344 Bimart), in Sisters. Bicycles 8 $12,000 obo. Attorney General's Unique hand-crafted gifts: Norwich Terriers rare Accessories 541-788-5343 i l l I ' l ' I ! I Office Co n s umer i I i i i l l i Wooden toys, bowls, AKC, 2 females left, Protection hotline at Cavalier/Cocker Spaniel, $2000 each. E mail cabinets, clocks, jewelry, 253 1-877-877-9392. tutus, Duck/Beaver items mini. Will be under 10 sharonm Opeak.org & much more! TV, Stereo & Video lbs. $500. Ready now; or 541-487-4511 The Bulletin will hold with deposit. All profits to fund Three Serving Central Oregon sinCe 19tB Pomeranian - Happy, Sisters Lions Club 541-241-4914. Sony Wega 42" HDTV Make your ad healthy, out g oing, charities. l ike n ew $140 . Chihuahua pup p ies smart pup, $300. Call 541-526-5477 stand out and $200 & $300, or text a f ter 9 a m, Women's 3-spd bike, 26" BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! whitewalls, new chrome 541-977-4454 e m ail Becca, 541-279-4838 255 The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are fenders, gel seat, basket, Iet greater Ch ; »,„„„,„ sagetreeacres82oya Cadigac CTS still over 2,000 folks in our community without Computers POODLE PUPS, AKC like new! $200 OBO. hoo.com permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift response! toys. Small, friendly, & 541-549-1157 camps, getting by as best they can. T HE B U LLETIN r e Ready l p p res! loving! 541-475-3889 uto exc. y orthe HoliThe following items are badly needed to 246 quires computer addaysl F/rst shpfs dition, Queensland Heeler help them get through the winter: vertisers with multiple 0BO, Guns, Hunting s 900 $250/ea. puppies 6 wks, 1st ' 000000ad schedules or those @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ & Fishing shots, wormed. $200 pppp 000-000-0000. selling multiple sysNew or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. ea. Just in time for tems/ software, to disS WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. Chihuahuas, multi-col22LR revolver, 4" bbl, Christmas! close the name of the S/S, Charter Arms, 541-639-7282 ors, 1st shots/dewormed, PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT business or the term NIB, $375. $250. 541-977-4686 THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER "dealer" in their ads. Queensland Heelers 541-788-6365 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. Dachshunds Choc. Private party advertisstandard 8 mini,$150 8 Call The Bulletin ClaSSlfleli DBParlment at up. 541-280-1537 or For Special pick up please call mini long-haired pup.357 mag Rossi, lever ers are defined as Ken @ 541-389-3296 pies. AKC. M$500, F http://rightwayranch. action rifle, 20" bbl, NIB, those who sell one 541-385-5809 or541-382-1811for rates today! PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKEA DIFFERENCE. $600. 541-598-7417. wordpress.com computer. $449. 541-788-6365 DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO

r — ...— „- „,,—a

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541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.com


. Pjl~


j KOrj0~ NOIOr

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Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •Noon Mona Wednesday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Tuess a

Starting at 3 lines

Place a photoin your private party ad for only $15.00 per week.

"UNDER '500in total merchandise

OVER '500in total merchandise

7 days .................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Special

4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days..................................

(call for commercial line ad rates)

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CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m.

*Must state prices in ed


Roommate Wanted

WARNING The Bulletin recommends you use caution when you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have

Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • No on Wed. Fri d a y . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate • •• • • •• • • • • 11:00 am Fri • Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . 3:0 0 pm Fri. • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Sunday. • • • • PRIVATE PARTY RATES


Loans & Mortgages

Sharecozy mobile home in Terrebonne, $275+ t/a utils. 503-679-7496 630

Rooms for Rent Furnished, quiet room near downtown. No smoking or drugs. $350 incl. util. + $100 dep. 541-815-9938

concerns or questions, we suggest you Studios & Kitchenettes room, TV w/ consult your attorney Furnished cable, micro & fridge. or call CONSUMER Utils & l inens. New HOTLINE, owners. $145-$165/wk 1-877-877-9392. 541-382-1885

Where can you find a helping hand? From contractors to yard care, it's all here in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory BANK TURNED YOU

DOWN? Private party will loan on real estate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call now. Oregon Land Mortgage 388-4200.


AptJMultiplex NE Bend 2210 NE Holliday,3bdrm, 2 bath, gas heat, frplc, quiet; nosmkg. $760/mo; $300 off 1st month. Avail 12/17. 541-317-0867 e GREAT WINTER rX

$530 & $540 w/lease. Carports included! FOX HOLLOW APTS.


682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land

RENTALS 603- Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 660- Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662- Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675- RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space


2 bdrm, 1 bath,







Houses for Rent NE Bend

Redmond Homes

Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Looking for your next 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, new carFACTORY SPECIAL emp/oyee? pet/vinyl/deck & fixtures, New Home, 3 bdrm, Cascade Rental Place a Bulletin help beautifully landscaped. $46,900 finished Management. Co. wanted ad today and is located at: Dishwasher 8 W/D incl; on you site,541.548.5511 LOCAL MONEY:Webuy reach over 60,000 water pd. No smoking, no readers each week. www.JandMHomes.com 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. secured trustdeeds 8 Call for Specials! note,some hard money Limited numbers avail. dogs. $900/mo. $1100 Bend, Oregon 97702 Your classified ad NEW HOME BUILT loans. Call Pat Kellev deposit. 541-617-1101 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. will also appear on $87,450! 541-382-3099 ext.13. W/D hookups, patios Look at: Includes, garage, founbendbulletin.com or decks. PLEASE NOTE: Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is which currently redation, a p p liances, Bendhomes.com 573 MOUNTAIN GLEN, needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or central heating, heat ceives over for Complete Listings of Business Opportunities 541-383-9313 reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher 1.5 million page pump ready. call toArea Real Estate for Sale Professionally shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days day to schedule your views every month managed by Norris 8 will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. at no extra cost. personal appointment. 658 Looking for your Stevens, Inc. 541-548-5511, Bulletin Classifieds next employee? Houses for Rent Get Results! 541-350-1782 476 Place a Bulletin help 636 Redmond www.JandMHomes.com Call 385-5809 or wanted ad today and Employment Apt./Multiplex NW Bend ad on-line Own your own home for reach over 60,000 Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe place your Opportunities at readers each week. less t ha n r e n ting. home, 3/3, gas fireRIVER FALLS APTS. place, 7500' lot, fenced bendbulletin.com Can be found on these pages : Your classified ad Centrally located in LIVE ON THE RIVER will also appear on Madras. In- h ouse yard, 1655 SW SaraMental Health WALK DOWNTOWN bendbulletin.com financing opt i o ns soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. EMPLOYMENT FINANCEANO BUSINESS Therapist 1 bdrm. apt. fully furwhich currently re541-350-2206 available. Call now at 773 410 - Private Instruction 507- Real Estate Contracts Symmetry Care Inc. nished in fine 50s style. ceives over 1.5 mil541-475-2291 is seeking a full time 421 - Schools and Training 514 - Insurance Acreages 1546 NW 1st St., $800+ lion page views Call a Pro M ental Healt h 454- Looking for Employment 528- Loans and Mortgages $700 dep. Nice pets every month at Therapist. ResponGet your welcomed. Whether you need a BY OWNER 20.6 acres 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 543- Stocks and Bonds no extra cost. sibilities inc l u de on river in Redmond, 541-382-0117 business Bulletin Classifieds 476 - Employment Opportunities fencefixed hedges 558- Business Investments working with clients on 83rd St. owner will Get Results! Call 486 - Independent Positions 573- Business Opportunities w ho h av e e m o trimmed or a house Small studio close to lifinance. $595,000. 385-5809 or place tional or psychologibrary, all util. pd. $550, 541-421-3222. built, you'll find G ROW I N G your ad on-line at 476 476 cal difficulties. Expe$525 dep. No pets/ bendbuHetin.com professional help in r ience w it h d u a l smoking. 541-330Employment Employment with an ad in 0 0 9769 or 541-480-7870 The Bulletin's "Call a diagnosis treatment Opportunities Opportunities a plus. Will serve as The Bulletin's CHECK YOUR AD Service Professional" CAUTION READERS: primary clinician for Just too many Please check your ad "Call A Service Directory adults, adolescents Automotive on the first day it runs DO YOU NEED collectibles? Professional" Ads published in "Em541-385-5809 a nd c h ildren. A to make sure it is corA GREAT Servlce & Parts master's degree in a ployment OpportuniDirectory rect. Sometimes inEMPLOYEE advisor needed Sell them in t ies" i n c lude e m b ehavioral field i s 687 s tructions over t h e RIGHT NOW? required. Licensure ployee and The Bulletin Classifieds Rent /Own phone are misunderWe are looking for Call The Bulletin Commercial for i ndependent po s i 421 or ability to receive stood and an e rror 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes an energetic, exbefore 11 a.m. and Rent/Lease l icensure i s pr e tions. Ads for posican occur in your ad. $2500 down, $750 mo. Schools & Training get an ad in to pubperienced parts & tions that require a fee 541-385-5809 OAC. 541-548-5511, ferred. Salary range this happens to your lish the next day! Spectrum professional If service advisor. 541-350-1782 begins at $41,000 or upfront investment ad, please contact us TRUCK SCHOOL 541-385-5809. building, 3 5 0 ' -500', the first day your ad www.jandmhomes.com Versality and exmust be stated. With a nnually an d in 648 www.llTR.net VIEW the $1.00 per ft. total. No cludes an excellent any independent job cellent customer and we will Houses for Redmond Campus Classifieds at: N NN. C a l l An d y , appears • I benefit pa c k age. opportunity, p l ease be happy to fix it as service skills are a t Student Loans/Job www.bendbuiietin.com Rent General 541-385-6732. Send resume and investigate thors oon a s w e ca n . must! Waiting Toll Free oughly. letter of interest to Deadlines are: Week1-888-387-9252 PUBLISHER'S Executive Director Cathy Stau f fer, Send resume to days 11:00 noon for 74 year old widow NOTICE www.lakecountyUse extra caution when PO Box 6676 S ymmetry Ca r e , next day, Sat. 11:00 would like to meet Need to get an All real estate adverc hamber.org S e n d 3 48 W . Ad a m s, applying for jobs onBend OR 97708 a.m. for Sunday and widower b e tween ad in ASAP? cover letter & resume Burns, OR 97702. line and never pro- tising in this newspaMonday. the ages of 60 and to: chorn@coic.org Ph ¹ 541-573-8376. vide personal infor- per is subject to the You can place it 541-385-5809 7 0. I en j o y t h e F air H o using A c t No phone or in person Position open until mation to any source Call The Bulletin At Thank you! online at: nudist lifestyle and inquiries please. sal- filled. you may not have re- which makes it illegal The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809 live in Sacramento. www.bendbulletin.com ary DOE searched and deemed to a d v ertise "any Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 91 6-822-4630. to be reputable. Use preference, limitation Remember.... At: www.bendbulletin.com disc r imination TURN THE PAGE A dd your we b a d - extreme caution when or 541-385-5809 745 on race, color, dress to your ad and r esponding to A N Y based For More Ads religion, sex, handiHomes for Sale online e m p loyment readers on The The Bulletin Press Supervisor cap, familial status, Bulletin' s web site ad from out-of-state. The Bulletin is seeking a night time press sumarital status or na- BANK OWNED HOMES! will be able to click pervisor. We are part of Western CommunicaFREE List w/Pics! We suggest you call tional origin, or an inthrough automatically The Bulletin tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group tention to make any www.BendRepos.com the State of Oregon to your site. consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon I Recommends extra such pre f erence,bend and beyond real estate Consumer Hotline at caution when pur- SALES 20967 yeoman, bend or and two in California. Our ideal candidate will limitation or discrimiC a/I 54 /-385-580 9 1-503-378-4320 chasing products or I manage a small crew of three and must be able nation." Familial staGrowing dealership seekto r o m ot e o u r service NOTICE services from out of ' ing salespeople looking For Equal Opportunity tus includes children to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A real estate adverhands-on style is a requirement for our 3 t/a l the area. Sending for a performance-based L aws: Oregon B uunder the age of 18 All here in is sub- Building/Contracting Home Improvement I tower KBA press. Prior management/leaderc ash, c hecks, o r pay p l an, p o tential reau of Labor & Inliving with parents or tised ject to t h e F e deral ship experience preferred. In addition to our l credit i n f ormation commissions of up to legal cust o dians, dustry, C i vil Rights F air H o using A c t , NOTICE: Oregon state Kelly Kerfoot Const. 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous l may be subjected to 35% equaling $100,000 Division, pregnant women, and which makes it illegal law any- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! commercial print clients as well. In addition to a FRAUD. plus, Retirement Plan, 971-673-0764 people securing cus- to advertise any pref- one whoreq ucires o n tractsQuality & honesty, from competitive wage and benefit program, we also For more i nformaPaid Vacation, and a tody of children under erence, limitation or for construction work carpentry & handyman provide potential opportunity for advancement. tion about an adver- competitive med i cal If you have any ques18. This newspaper discrimination based If you provide dependability combined with a l tiser, you may call to be licensed with the jobs, to expert wall covbenefit package. Lookwill not knowingly ac- on race, color, relitions, concerns or C onstruction Con - ering install / removal. positive attitude, are able to manage people and ing for a team player the Oregon State cept any advertising comments, contact: schedules and are a team player, we would like l Attorney General's with a positive attitude, sex, handicap, tractors Board (CCB). Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 for real estate which is gion, Classified Department to hear from you. If you seek a stable work enfamilial status or naA n active lice n se Licensed/bonded/insured Office C o n sumer x to operate with energy in violation of the law. tional origin, or intenThe Bulletin vironment that provides a great place to live and means the contractor 541-389-1413/ 410-2422 Protection hotline at I and to be customer serO ur r e aders a r e 541-385-5809 raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact ei- I 1-877-877-9392. vice oriented. Will prohereby informed that tion to make any such i s bonded an d i n ther; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & Opvide training. preferences, l i mita- s ured. Ver if y t h e Autumnridge Const. all dwellings adver- tions erations Director at kfoutzOwescompapers.com LT}se Bullctira g Send resume' to: or discrimination. contractor's CCB Quality custom home tised in this newspaor anelsonOwescompapers.com with your bcrvhire@ mail.com will not knowingly c ense through t h e improvements. No lob per are available on We complete resume, references and s a lary any advertis- CCB Cons u m er too big or small.Vet & Sr. an equal opportunity accept history/requirements. Prior press room experiing for r eal e state Independent Contractor Website Discounts! CCB¹198284 basis. To complain of which is in violation of www.hireaticensedcontractor. ence required. No phone calls please. Drug Call 541-300-0042 discrimination cal l this law. All persons com test is required prior to employment. EOE HUD t o l l-free at are hereby informed or call 503-378-4621. 1-800-877-0246. The The Bulletin recom- LandscapingNard Care all dwellings adtoll f re e t e l ephone that mends checking with vertised are available number for the hear- on an equal opportu- the CCB prior to coning im p aired is nity basis. The Bulle- tracting with anyone. N OTICE: O R E G O N Landscape Contrac1-800-927-9275. Some other t r ades tors Sales tin Classified Law (ORS 671) also req u ire addi- r equires al l bu s i tional licenses and nesses that advertise Independent Contractor Sales certifications. t o p e r form L a n dWe are seeking dynamic individuals. Property Management, Inc. scape C o nstruction Debris Removal • 541-382-0053 which includes: DOES THIS SOUND LIKE YOU? • OUTGOING & COMPETITIVE p lanting, dec ks , JUNK BE GONE • PERSONABLE & ENTHUSIASTIC fences, arbors, AVAILABLE BEND AREA RENTALS I Haul Away FREE w ater-features, a n d • CONSISTENT 8 MOTIVATED For Salvage. Also • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath Apt. - Cheerful upper unit installation, repair of Cleanups & Cleanouts irrigation systems to w/balcony. Close to downtown & Pioneer Park. Our winning team of sales & promotion Mel, 541-389-8107 Laundry on site. Off-street parking. No pets. be licensed with the professionals are making an average of Landscape Contrac$500.00 WST $400 - $800 per week doing special Handyman •2 Bdrm/1 Bath Apt. Near Hospital - Private t ors B o a rd . Th i s events, trade shows, retail & grocery We are looking for independent contractors to 4-digit number is to be setting. On site laundry. New carpet. Lots of ERIC REEVE HANDY store promotions while representing service home delivery routes in: included in all adverstorage. No Pets. $575.00 WST SERVICES. Home & THE BULLETIN newspaper tisements which indi•Furnished 1 Bdrm/1 Bath Condo - Mt. Commercial Repairs, cate the business has as an independent contractor Bachelor Village. Murphy bed, too! Great place Carpentry-Painting, a bond, insurance and to transition or relax. Access to pool & Jacuzzi. Pressure-washing, workers c ompensaWE OFFER: Free Wi-Fi. No pets. $675.00 WST Honey Do's. On-time tion for their employ•Solid Income Opportunity * •Nice 3 Bdrm/2 Bath off OB Riley Rd. - Extra promise. Senior Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. ees. For your protec*Complete Training Program* room for RV behind fenced area. Large back Discount. Work guar- tion call 503-378-5909 deck. Open spacious great room feeling. 1674 *No Selling Door to Door * Must have reliable, insured vehicle. anteed. 541-389-3361 or use our website: sq. ft., dbl. garage. $1050.00 *No Telemarketing Involved* or 541-771-4463 www.lcb.state.or.us to •Open cheerful 3 Bdrm/2 Bath SW Home on *Great Advancement Opportunity* Bonded 8 Insured Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 check license status huge corner lot. Fenced back yard. Patio. * CCB¹181595 * Full and Part Time Hours during business hours before con t racting Large laundry room. Gas FP. Dbl. garage. with t h e b u s iness. apply via email at online©bendbulletin.com I DO THAT! GFA. A/C. Pets? $1150.00 month Persons doing landFOR THE CHANCE OF A Home/Rental repairs *** Small jobs to remodels scape maintenance LIFETIME, FOR ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES *** do not require a LCB Honest, guaranteed Call Adam Johnson CALL 541-382-0053 &/or Stop By the Office license. work. CCB¹151573 541-410-5521, TODAY! at 587 NE Greenwood, Bend Dennis 541-317-9768

The Bulletin bendbulletin.com

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Tu esrtay,necem ber11,2o12


t With 74-Across, voting system that affords

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services

It wasn't raining when Noah built this hand. Do you agree or would you the ark. Planning ahead as declarer is open one diamond? mandatory, especially to cope with ANSWER: Experts contend on problems keeping trump control. the proper opening with minimum Today's North could have done values and 2-3-4-4 or 3-2-4-4 pattern. well at 3NT, but South wanted his Cogent arguments exist for each 150 honors and bid four spades. He opening. Some players use their ruffed the second heart and drew judgment, depending on suit quality. trumps, leaving him with none. I usually open one club to leave room South next took the ace, king and for a response of one diamond, but I queen of d i amonds. When East have no strong feelings. discarded a heart, South tried the club North dealer N-S vulnerable finesse, but when East took the king, it started to rain heart tricks. South lost three hearts and a club; down NORTH one. 4o93

9 Q83

WINNERS WEST 472 9 1 097 6 0 J985 4532

EAST 48654 6 AK J42 O 104 4K7 SOUTH 4AKQ J10 95 O Q62 4Q1064

N orth

DAILY QUESTION Youhold: 41 9 3 9 Q 8 3 0 A K 7 3 ze A o J 9 8. North in today's deal opened one club with

Eas t



1 NT

Pas s

S outh 1 4o 4 4o

W e st Pas s All P a ss

Opening lead — tvi 10 (C) 20)2 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO











20 23


31 37











25 32













35 40


53 59 66













O A K7 3 AAJ9 8

South has several ways to succeed but must focus on trump control. He can finesse in clubs at Trick Three. When East wins and leads a heart, South discards instead of ruffing. If East leads a fourth heart, South can ruff in dummy, preserving the trumps in his hand, draw trumps and take his winners to make the contract. Incidentally, I'd suggest that you stay in shape: You never know what you might be asked to do w hen you're 600 years old.

36 How a director of campaign advertising works 41 Sought-after

zx Like no stone, for the meticulous n Grand Island anonymity... rock 73 Nuisance or the theme of 43 Rap's Dr. that keeps this puzzle? returning, in 7 Game in which 43 However, briefly metaphor 44 Turnthe orange host is named 4s Exactly ...like 74 See 1-Across ue, not Clyde a conservative's plan to lower DOWN xs "Seinfeld" taxes? xGenesis maker woman 49 Possible cause 3 Alter altar cs Heated of brain freeze plans, maybe disputes so It's seen off 3Space 17Song sung la cote de la 4 Tease by a patriotic France s Blowup: Abbr. politician st Subject of s Cheesed (off) many a political 7 James Stewart 39Jungle swinger scandal zo F.D.R. or L.B.J.: title character sz Rooms in una Abbr. who goes to casa Washington zt Vice president s 4 Mah a l s N aN a Gore and ss College org. 9 Mountain cat others with a Color xo"Does that ring 33 And others, for Guard o short se The Cowboys, tx Event in which zs Stridex target, on scoreboards ou may drive a informally st React with ard bargain? extreme disgust 23 Hosp. test 37 Blue stone u "This Week" 31 Singer Damone 63 Louis XIV, e.g. ss Religious belief airer 33 P art y of eight U.S. 34 Intelligence org. ss Old Italian coin presidents as " who?!" 23 Bird: Prefix ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 34 Fancy chocolatier P I T T A D V I L S 0 A R zs Choppers A C H E M A I N E A H M E zs Assign, as R E E L A R S O N N EO N blame B L Y N K E N A N D N O D ze Memorable 2011 hurricane A M I O D E E A R N S so Mouthing off L A R R Y A N D C U R L Y sz PC insert A UD I O R A N D 34 Hearth residue W I S P A WA R E S S T S 36 London mayor EX AM C A C H E Johnson D E W E Y A N D L O U I E 37 Writer Jong S T E N O O U I L S D ss German philosopher C R A C K L E A N D P O P who wrote "T he true is the R ED 0 0 C T A L U T A H whole" EV E R S H A M E S O H O ss Fundamental WI N E T O B E Y T R I 0 belief

Planning the play

No. 1106



54 60







63 69





58 64


Puzzle by Erik Agard

4o One on the way ss Vogue Up competitor, for short 4s "Fore!" Loretta who 47 "Julius Caesar," sosang "Coal for one Miner's 4s Kitchen brand Daughter" ss Buffalo player ez Pop's Brothers ss Pickle holder 44 " my wit's sz What a plea end"

bargain obwates

ss Darts venue

ss Biol. class topic sy Tarmac fig.

ss Number of years between censuses

se Like some baseball teams zo Senators' org.

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.


SUDOKU Complete the grid so that


every row, column and


3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.


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out candles



15 Actress Olin 16 1976 Olympics star Comaneci 17 Eponymous son


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Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter io each square, 10 form four ordinary words.

WI5Hikrr WS12-

THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Kuurek Come on, ladies> Get those shelters built. * we ve oot s 5-mue trail run before lunch.

SILBS 02012 Tzbune Media Services, Ik z „ All Rights Reserved.




WAS —Now arrange the circled letters io form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

"Will you do both of us for $5?"

DOWN 1 G y m duds 2 S n ippet of

35 Dench of Bond movies 36 Words before gOSSIP stake or risk 3 P r e suppose 37 Precious stones 4 Game with virtual 39 Train alternative subu r banites 40 Throb 5 Munchkin kin 43 Facetiously 6 Cat's complaint 44 Pale lager beer 7 Makes really 45 "No problem with angry that" 8 Half a diameter 47 " Miserablesu 9 Co n nect, as chain

of auto pioneer Henry

part s

Print your answer here: (Anowero tomorrow) Jumbles: WAFER O B ES E M O N KE Y G U T T ER Answer: Barry Manilow didn't want io forget hio idea for 8new song, 80 he — WROTE A NOTE

48 Daughter of Muhammad 50 "Sesame 51 Like a Slinky 52 Skin transplants 55 Patriotic women's Drg. 57 Handling the job 59 Turkish bigwig 60 Electric swimmer 61 Poli 63 USN rank


10 Capital of Wales 11 Altar oath Y O G I M I A T A A 19 Easy gaits 20 Overexercise,as 1 2 "Picked" A V O N O C C U R W a privilege complaint M O O D S A N T O E 21 Like a right not 13 Nitrogen Dr D O N T L E T M E D exercised helium A LC O A UA L 23 It's everything,so 1 8 Sportscaster W O R R Y W A R T L O they say Berman LA Y I N E N I N 25 Kind of warfareor 22 Geese flight B E M Y G U E S T fighter formation C H E A P I M A 29 Leaf part 24 Aussie greeting 30 Truck stop 26 Roman moon BO O E R H A P P Y H deity purchase O R B L A A E E 32 Catalog biggie 27 Ponce de B O B B Y M C F E R R I 34 Otherwise 28 Voice below C L I O O K A P I S 35 Lively Irish dance sop rano A LT O R E M I T T 38 Legislative assent 31 Wrath T A S K E R E C T S 39 Prohibit 33 Gave more xwordeditorteaol.com 41 Year, in Spain freedom to 42 " directed": 1 2 3 4 6 10 11 medication 14 15 16 warning 44 Hockey disks 17 18 19 46 Colorful coral reef dweller 20 21 22 49 Shoreline 23 24 26 protection gp. 53 Handshake words 30 st 54 Magazine bigwig 29 56 In exactly this way 32 33 34 58 Open-air lobbies 59 Ancient storyteller 35 3 6 37 38 39 40 41 62 True nature, and, 44 45 literally, what can 42 be found in 17-, 47 48 49 5 0 30- and 46Across 53 54 55 64 Insurance

spokeslizard THB

0 LzugungOtock International Inz, Dist Oy unversal UCluk for UFS. Zorr

4 'b 4 "b4'

65 Lo : n oodle dish 66 Run into 67 Not from around here 68 Performing 69 ORD postings

56 59 6 0


57 62

58 63







By Steven J. St. John (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.







12/1 1/1 2 12






Boats & Accessories


oQ00 Snowmobiles

Boats & Accessories

13' Smokercraff '85, GENERATE SOME excitement in your neiggood cond., 15HP borhood. Plan a gagas Evinrude + rage sale and don't Minnkota 44 elec. forget to advertise in motor, fish finder, 2 classified! 385-5809. extra seats, trailer, Bulletin extra equip. $2900. The Seretng Central Oregon since l903 541-388-9270 Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 54 I -389-0435

n Say agoodbuy

to that unused item by placing it in The Bulletin Classifieds

Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 Firecats: EFI Snowpro & EFI EXT, exlnt cond, $3700 ea; $7000 both. 541-410-2186

5 41 -385-580 9

Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales

17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, trolling motor, full cover, EZ - L oad t railer, $3500 OBO. 541-382-3728.

Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds


Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 541-480-8009

18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta, 270HP,

low hrs., must see, $15,000, 541-330-3939 t t

2 043 mi , 1t/~n track,

$1500. 541-419-2268

Motorcycles & Accessories


Serving Central Oregons nce t9tg

HD Screaming Eagle Electra Glide 2005, 103 n motor, two tone candy teal, new tires, 23K miles, CD player hydraulic clutch, excellent condition. Highest offer takes it. 541-480-8080.

Softail Deluxe 2010, 805 miles,

Black Chameleon.

$17,000 CallDon I 541-410-3823


Travel Trailers

• ii

20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO.


L ook before y o u buy, below market value! Size & mileage DOES matter! Class A 32' Hurricane by Four Winds, 2007. 12,500 mi, all amenities, Ford V10, Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low price, $54,900.

Monaco Dynasty 2004, Springdale 29' 2 0 07, loaded, 3 slides, die- slide,Bunkhouse style, sel, Reduced - now sleeps 7-8, excellent $119,000, 5 4 1-923- condition, $1 6 ,900, 8572 or 541-749-0037



II'he Bulletin



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Econoline RV 19 8 9 , fully loaded, exc. cond, 35K m i. , R e d uced $16,950. 541-546-6133


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Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE ADOPT-Abundance of love to offer a child in stable, secure & nu r turing home. Contact Jen (800) 571-4136. LEGAL NOTICE IN









Rick D. Hanna and Connie L . Ha n n a. NOTICE TO DEFENDANT: READ THESE

P APERS CARE FULLY! A lawsuit has been started against you in the above-entitled Court by Wells F argo B a nk , NA , Plaintiff. Pla i ntiff's claim is stated in the written Complaint, a copy of which is on file at the Deschutes County Courthouse. You must "appear" in this case or the other side will win automati-

cally. To "appear" you must file with the court

a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or nanswer" must be given to the court clerk or administrator w i t hin 30 days along with the required filing fee. It must be i n p r o per form and have proof o f service o n t h e plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have a n at t orney,

Legal Notices proof of service on the plaintiff. The object of t he complaint is t o foreclose a deed of trust dated November 8, 2006 and recorded a s I n strument N o . 2006-75861 given by R ick D. H anna o n property c o mmonly known as 53915 4th Street, La Pine, OR 97739 and legally des cribed as: Lot 1 i n B lock 9 8 o f De s chutes River Recreation Homesites, Unit 8, Part II, Deschutes County, Oregon. The c omplaint seeks t o foreclose and termin ate all i n terest of Rick D. Hanna and Connie L. Hanna and all other interests in t he p r operty. T h e "motion" or "answer" (or "reply") must be given to t h e c o u rt clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication specified herein a long with t h e r e quired filing fee. The date of first publication of the summons is December 4, 2012. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an a t torney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Referral Service onl i n e at www.oregonstatebar. org or by calling (503) 684-3763 ( in t h e Portland metropolitan area) or toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. Attorneys for P laintiff, SHAPIRO & S UTHE RLAND, LLC, / s / . Kelly D. Sutherland. Kelly D. S utherland ¹87357

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles


The Bulletin

iThe Bulletin



*Free online ad at I bendbulletin.com *Free pick up into i The Central Oregon i Nickel ads.

Gulfsfream S cen i c Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Cummins 330 hp diesel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 Southwind 35.5' Triton, Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 in. kitchen slide out, 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du29', weatherized, like Watercraft new tires, under cover, pont UV coat, 7500 mi. n ew, f u rnished 8 Bought new at hwy. miles only,4 door Fifth Wheels Fifth Wheels Fifth Wheels ready to go, incl Wine$132,913; fridge/freezer ice ard S a tellite dish, 2007 SeaDoo asking $93,500. maker, W/D combo, 26,995. 541-420-9964 Call 541-419-4212 2004 Waverunner, Interbath t ub & excellent condition, shower, 50 amp proThe Bulletin LOW hours. Double pane gen 8 m o r e! trailer, lots of extras. To Subscribe call - I =c $55,000. $10,000 541-948-2310 541-385-5800 or go to f 541-719-8444 Fleetwood Wilderness MONTANA 3585 2008 P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h www.bendbulletin.com w heel 1 s l ide A C Weekend Warrior Toy 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, exc. cond., 3 slides, nWaHauler 28' 2007, Gen, rear bdrm, fireplace, king bed, Irg LR, Arc TV,full awning, excelAds published in tic insulation, all oplent shape, $23,900. fuel station, exc cond. AC, W/D hkup beautercraft" include: Kay- Hunter's Delight! Pack541-350-8629 sleeps 8, black/gray tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. tions $37 500 ks, rafts and motor- age deal! 1988 Win541-420-3250 i nterior, u se d 3X , 541-815-2380 Ized personal nebago Super Chief, $24,999. watercrafts. For 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t n 541-389-9188 5'boats please see shape; 1988 Bronco II Winnebago Suncruiser34' NuWa 297LK H i t chClass 870. '.I 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K 2004, only 34K, loaded, Hiker 2007, 3 slides, • 541-385-5809 too much to list, ext'd Looking for your mostly towed miles, warr. thru 2014, $54,900 32' touring coach, left next employee? nice rig! $15,000 both. Dennis, 541-589-3243 kitchen, rear lounge, Place a Bulletin help Komfort 25' 2 0 06, 541-382-3964, leave many extras, beautiful Pilgrim In t e rnational wanted ad today and msg. slide AC T V a wning c ond. inside 8 o u t , 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, 881 reach over 60,000 $32,900 OBO, PnnevNEW: tires, converter, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Ille. 541-447-5502 days Travel Trailers readers each week. Motorhomes Need help fixing stuff? batteries. Hardly used Fall price $ 2 1,865. & 541-447-1641 eves. Your classified ad Call A Service Professional $15,500. 541-923-2595 541-312-4466 will also appear on find the help you need. COACHMAN 1979 2005 W i n nebago, www.bendbulletin.com bendbulletin.com • 9 ' 9 +f ' • t e A 23' trailer one owner, no acciwhich currently redents, gas, sleeps 3, Fully equipped. ceives over 1.5 millike new, alarm sys$2000. lion page views evtem, $7,800. C all ery month at no 541-312-8879 541-593-8632 or extra cost. Bulletin or 541-350-4622. email Classifieds Get ReI adamblack4490O g sults! Call 385-5809 mail.com or place your ad Jayco Seneca 2007, Oo' on-line at 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy x bendbulletin.com 5500 d i e sel , toy Want to impress the ff hauler $130 , 000. relatives? Remodel 541-389-2636. 882 your home with the Fifth Wheels Pioneer Spirit 1 8CK, help of a professional 2007, used only 4x, AC, from The Bulletin's electric tongue j ack, "Call A Service $8995. 541-389-7669 Professional" Directory Call theBulletin ClassifiedDept.

Ads published in the Beaver Coach Marquis Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 "Boats" classification 40' 1987. New cover, by Carriage, 4 slideinclude: Speed, fishnew paint (2004), new outs, inverter, sateling, drift, canoe, inverter (2007). Onan lite sys, fireplace, 2 house and sail boats. 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, Springdale 2005 27', 4' flat screen TVs. For all other types of Country Coach Intrigue parked covered $35,000 slide In dining/living area, $60,000. watercraft, please see 2002, 40' Tag axle. obo. 541-419-9859 or sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811 541-480-3923 400hp Cummins Die- 541-280-2014 Class 875. 541-385-5809 sel. two slide-outs. 41,000 miles, new tires 8 batteries. Most options.$95,000 OBO

i *5 lines of text and a photo or up to 10 i lines with no photo.

BOATS & RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycies And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent



B ulletin w i t h



Harley Davidson SoftTail D e l uxe 2 0 0 7 , white/cobalt, w / passenger kit, Vance & Hines muffler system 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. c ond, $19,9 9 9 , 541-389-9188. Harley Heritage Softail, 2003 $5,000+ in extras, $2000 paint job, 30K mi. 1 owner, For more information please call 541-385-8090 or 209-605-5537

The Bulletin

t t



advertising tip brought to you by

t t

w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & custom trailer, $19,500.

$800. 541-382-3409 YAMAHA 500 V M AX,


t t

20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast

Snowmobile trailer fits t wo s leds o r tw o 4-wheelers, has new bearings, tires, hitch, and complete re-wire.

Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view - not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader how the item will help them in someway.

t t







lggl I (



e 3

i l I I & I = I Vm f I I 3 • s I

e I

e 3

r r e •


t I I rna V~V~I







public hearing for the purpose o f ta k i ng comments on the draft f indings for a n e x e mption f ro m th e competitive b i d ding r equirement will b e held on the 18th day of December 2012 at 5 30 p m . in t he C onference Ro o m 116 of the Campus C enter, 2 60 0 N W College Way, Bend, O regon. Th e p rop osed bidding e x emption i s for a CM/GC (Construction Manager/General Contractor) contracti ng method for t h e C entral Orego n Community C o llege Residence Hall building currently in design.


This is a public meet-

ing and any person may appear and discuss th e p r oposed findings with College officials at that time. Copies of the findings are available in advance of the meeting by contacting Pat Nelson at 541-330-4363

or by emailing pnelsonOcocc.edu

258 • •

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Looking for your new eng., brakes & Advertise your car! Chrysler 300 C o upe uch more! next employee? tires good. $2995 firm. Add A Picture! 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, $28,000 541-420-2715 Place a Bulletin help 541-504-3833 DON'T MI S S THI S Reach thousands of readers! auto. trans, ps, air, wanted ad today and PORSCHE 914 1974, Call 541-385-5809 frame on rebuild, rereach over 60,000 Toyota 4-Runner Limited, Ford Crown V i ctoria Roller (no engine), readers The Bulletin Classifieds painted original blue, each week. 2011, V6, shoreline blue, lowered, full roll cage, B a r racuda 1/3 interest in Columoriginal blue interior, Plymouth 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., 5-pt harnesses, racYour classified ad excellent cond., never bia 400, located at original hub caps, exc. 1966, original car! 300 I nternational VS, o r ig . ow n e r, will also appear on Fla t off-road, very low miles, ing seats, 911 dash & Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. chrome, asking $9000 hp, 360 VS, center- Bed Pickup 1963, 1 fully loaded! $36,900. 70,300 mi., studs on, bendbulletin.com lines, (Original 273 Call 541-647-3718 or make offer. reat condition. instruments, d e cent which currently reton dually, 4 s p d. eng & wheels incl.) trans., great MPG, Gloria, 541-610-7277 541-385-9350 3000. 541-549-0058. shape, v e r y c o ol! ceives over 1.5 mil541-593-2597 $1699. 541-678-3249 FIND IT! 940 lion page views could be exc. wood Peterbilt 35 9 p o table H onda A ccord E X every month at BUY ITI Vans water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, PROJECT CARS:Chevy hauler, runs great, 2009 2.4 l i tre e ng., no extra cost. BulleToyota Camryst SELL ITI 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480. loaded, 52k, $12,500. tin Classifieds 1984, $1200 obo; The Bulletin Classifieds pump, 4-3" h o ses, Chrysler SD 4-Door Chevy Coupe 1950 541-408-3114. Get Results! Call camlocks, $ 2 5,000. 1930, CD S R oyal rolling chassis's $1750 1985 SOLD; 385-5809 or place 541-820-3724 Standard, S-cylinder, ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, 1986 parts car, your ad on-line at complete car, $ 1949; body is good, needs Honda Civic LX $500. 925 bendbulletin.com some r e s toration, Cadillac Series 61 1950, Call for details, 2008, like new, 2 dr. hard top, complete Utility Trailers runs, taking bids, always garaged, Chevrolet G20 Sports541-548-6592 w/spare f r ont cl i p ., 541-383-3888, man, 1993, exlnt cond, loaded. 27k mi., $3950, 541-382-7391 541-815-3318 RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L $4750. 541-362-5559 or one owner. 1/3 interest i n w e l lNeed to get an ad Toyota Corolla 2004, VS, hd, auto, cruise, 541-663-6046 DON'TMISSTHIS hemi equipped IFR Beech Bo$13,500. auto., loaded, 204k am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. in ASAP? nanza A36, new 10-550/ Big Tex Landscap541-550-0994. miles. orig. owner, non prop, located KBDN. ing/ ATV Trailer, VW Karman Ghia 541-420-3634 /390-1285 Chevy Astro smoker, exc. c o nd. $65,000. 541-419-9510 dual axle flatbed, 1970, good cond., $6500 Prin e ville Fax it to 541-322-7253 935 Cargo Van 2001, 7'x16', 7000 lb. new upholstery and pw, pdl, great cond., M itsubishi 300 0 G T 503-358-8241 Sport Utility Vehicles Executive Hangar GVW, all steel, 1999, auto., p e arl convertible top. business car, well The Bulletin Classifieds Toyota Yaris 2007 $1400. at Bend Airport $10,000. w hite, very low m i . maint'd, regular oil FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, en 541-382-4115, or 4 door, 88k mi., (KBDN) 541-389-2636 $9500. 541-788-8218. g i e j changes, $4500. door panels w/flowers ¹097157 • $9,995 60' wide x 50' deep, 541-280-7024. Please call & hummingbirds, w/55' wide x 17' high 541-633-5149 white soft top & hard I The Bulletin recom-1 bi-fold door. Natural 931 top. Just reduced to mends extra caution I gas heat, office, bathOregon $3,750. 541-317-9319 Chev 1994 G20 c uswhen p u r chasing ~ Automotive Parts, room. Parking for 6 AutoSource or 541-647-8483 Buick Enclave 2008 CXL tomized van, 1 2 8k, f products or services c ars. A d jacent t o Service & Accessories AWD, V-6, black, clean, 3 50 motor, HD t o w 541-598-3750 from out of the area. Frontage Rd; g reat m echanicall y sound, 82k e quipped, seats 7 , aaaoregonautosource.com J S ending c ash , visibility for a viation NEED HOLIDAY $$$? VW Thing 1974, good miles. $20,995. sleeps 2. comfort, util- "MyLittle Red Corvette" checks, or credit inbus. 1jetjock@q.com We pay CASH for cond. Extremely Rare! Call 541-815-1216 ity road ready, nice VW Beetle, 2002 1996 coupe. 132K, formation may be I 541-948-2126 Junk Cars & Trucks! Only built in 1973 & Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 cond. $4000?Trade for 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. 5-spd, silver-gray, black J subject to FRAUD. Also buying batteries 8 1 974. $8,000 . leather, moonroof, CD, mini van. Call Bob, $12,500 541-923-1781 4x4. 120K mi, Power For more informacatalytic converters. 541-389-2636 541-318-9999 loaded, 115K miles, seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd f tion about an adverFord Galaxie500 1963, Serving all of C.O.! well-maintained row seating, e xtra tiser, you may call 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, Lumina 1 9 95 Call 541-408-1090 (have records) tires, CD, pnvacy tint- Chevy Find It in I the Oregon State I 390 vS,auto, pwr. steer 8 7 -pass. v a n wit h extremely clean, radio (orig),541-419-4989 The Bulletin Classifiedsl ing, upgraded rims. p ower c h a i r lif t , Attorney General's I .\ 932 $4850 obo. Fantast!c cond. $7995 $1500; 1989 Dodge Office C o n sumer 541-385-5809 541-546-6920 Antique & Ford Mustang Coupe Contact Timm at f Protection hotline at ONLY 1 OI!VNERSHIP Turbo Va n 7 pass. 1966, original owner, 541-408-2393 for info Classic Autos has new motor and Nissan Sentra, 2012- People Look for Information 1-877-877-9392. SHARE LEFT! or to view vehicle. VS, automatic, great t rans., $1500. I f i n - 12,610 mi, full warranty, Economical flying in About Products and shape, $9000 OBO. Pickups terested c a l l Ja y PS, PB, AC, & more! sewing centrar oregons>nce19ra your ow n C e s sna Services Every Daythrough 530-515-8199 Ford Explorer 4x4, 503-269-1057. 172/180 HP for only $16,000. 541-788-0427 The Bulletin Classlfieds 1991 - 154K miles, $ 10,000! Based a t What are you rare 5-speed tranny 1921 Model T 975 BDN. Call Gabe a t & manual hubs, Delivery Truck e e Professional Air! looking for? Automobiles • • • clean, straight, evRestored & Runs 541-388-0019 • eryday driver. Bring You'll find it in $9000. 2200 dollar bills! on your General Merchandise 541-389-8963 The Bulletin Classifieds Ford 250 XLT 1990, Bob, 541-318-9999 6 yd. dump bed, Trucks & classified ad. 139k, Auto, $5500. '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn Heavy Equipment 541-385-5809 541-410-9997 PROJECT car, 350 Place an ad in the small block w/Weiand BMW Z4 Roadster Bulletin Classifieds and dual quad tunnel rim Ford Explorer XLT Ford Ranchero 2005, 62K miles, exwith 450 Holleys. T-10 2004, red, 51k miles, cellent cond. $14,000 for only $2.00 more 1979 4-speed, 12 volt posi, Ford F250 XLT 4x4 4WD, new tires, orig. 541-604-9064 with 351 Cleveland Weld Prostar whls, ex L ariat, 1990, r e d, owner, like new. ll yOur aci Can rLin in the modified engine. tra rolling chassis + Buick Lucerne CXL SOK original miles, $8900. Body is in I 2009, $12,500, low Diamond Reo Dump extras. $6000 for all. 4" lift with 39's, well 541-504-6420. excellent condition, low miles; 2000 Buick Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 541-389-7669. maintained, $ 4 000 New Today • $2500 obo. Century $2900. You'll obo. 541-419-5495 yard box, runs good, 541-420-4677 Classification not find nicer Buicks $6900, 541-548-6812 One look's worth a thousand words. Call Calltodayand speakvvith ~ g The Buttetg Bob, 541-318-9999. G K E AT ourclassified team to for an appt. and take a ::~'.-.:~; M;;:. ~ i ' =-':-l. Ford T-Bird 1966 drive in a 30 mpg car! www.bendbultetin.com Chevy C-20 Pickup 390 engine, power GMC Envoy 2002 4WD place your ad Hyster H25E, runs everything, new paint, Private art a d s onl 1969, all orig. Turbo 44 $6,450. Loaded, Just bought a new boat? well, 2982 Hours, 54K original miles, auto 4-spd, 396, model Ford F350 2008 Crew Leather, Heated Sell your old one in the •5• $3500,call CST /all options, orig. runs great, excellent Cab, diesel, 55K miles, seats, Bose sound classifieds! Ask about our 541-749-0724 owner, $22,000, cond. in 8 out. Asking fully loaded, $32,000. Super Seller rates! system. Ext. roof rack 541-923-6049 541-480-0027 $8,500. 541-480-3179 541-385-5809 (218) 478-4469




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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.