Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $
TUESDAY March12,2013
Choosingproduce SPORTS• C1
La Pine
After the meltdown —To coax banks to settlements, the
FDIC keepsdeals quiet. C6
Mummy arteries —Anew discovery raises the possibility that we may know less than
we think about cardiovascular disease.A3
tra ic
Courtesy The Wolverine Foundation
ln 2011, a wolverine was captured on camera in the Wallowas for the first time in
decades. By Dylan J. Darling •The Bulletin
The combination of ready-to-eat deer meat and motion-activated cameras has lured any number of interesting animals into view in the Central Oregon Cascades, as researchers trying to find a Home appliances —Keep them running in tip-top form. 01
By Lauren Dake The Bulletin
wolverine there had hoped. It just hasn't yet attracted a wolverine. Checks of 19 out of the 20 cameras spread around the Three Sisters, Mount Jefferson and Mount Washington wilderness areas have produced more than 5,000 photos, including snapshots of a
Health insurance —with
variety of animals, according to an Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife progress report on
exchanges set to open this fall, signs point to sticker shock for
the study. They range from flying squirrels to martens to bears — but no wolverines. The reclusive
many citizens.A6
carnivorehasn'tbeen seen here formore than 40 years. A condo in Boca —The condominiumsmay bein retirement communities, but
at rock-bottom prices, many boomers are jumping, retirement age or no.A4
Wherethey'rewatchingfor wolverines
What'stakingthe dait instead
Researchers with the OregonDepartment of Fish andWildlife have
From last October to February, camerascaptured images of a
set up 20 bait-and-camera stations around wilderness areas in the
menagerie of animals — but no wolverines as of yet. Of the 20
Central OregonCascades, with the hope of capturing an imageof awolverine.ThecamerashavebeenupsinceOctoberand have made more than 5,000 images, but none of the wolverine. The
ln national news —New
map shows the location of the 20cameras.
York City's pioneering crackdown on sugary drinks falls afoul of a judge.A2
And a Web exclusiveThe nation's first national park begins to feel the pinch of recent budget cuts.
', Mt,Jefferson Wilfierness Area
bait-and-camera stations, researchers havechecked19, and these species havebeendetected at the following number of sites:
American marten..............15 Birds .............9 Northern flying squirrel.......3 Black bear.............................2 2 Bobcat Redfox. Coyote
• 'f+ I
ton Wilderness rea-..
' •
' -
New pope to inherit
demystified office By Anthony Faiola The Washington Post
VATICAN CITY — Papal conclaves historically created mystical figures, men transformed by divine authority into heirs of Saint Peter. But as 115 cardinals begin deliberations today to pick the next pope, observers say any successor to Benedict XVI is set to step into an office demystified by scandal and early retirement. For the most devout, the
figure of the pope spoke with a nearly preternatural voice, vesting him with a transcending influence when, for instance, John Paul II called for the end of communism in the former Eastern bloc. But more than at any other point in recent history, Vatican watchers
Defense firms turn to women
Ol /e
Three Sisters Wilderness Area
SALEM — Mike McLane testified Monday before the House Transportation and Economic Development Committee, seeking a $200,000 appropriation for the first stoplight on U.S. Highway 97 in La Pine. Give the project the goahead, quipped McLane, R-Powell Butte, and, "We're prepared to name that light" after Chairman Tobias Read, D-Beaverton, or Vice Chairman Rep. Cliff Bentz, R-Ontario. Both McLane, the House Republican leader, and Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-Sunriver, the bill sponsors, urged la t/tnnakers to let Deschutes County tap into a fund to build a stoplight at the U.S. Highway 97 and First Street intersection in La Pine. The $200,000 is in an industrial development fund. The Oregon Department of Transportation would match county funds toward the project. SeeStoplight/A6
I •
By Marjorie Censer Source: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
AndyZeigert/The Bulletin
Photos courtesy Jamie E. McFadden-Hiller /Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife
and Jim Tankersley The Washington Post
The study by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife aims to discover whether wolverines live in the mountains near Bend and Sisters. Halfway through the first of two planned field seasons, researchers aren't discouraged that they haven't found a wolverine, said Tim Hiller, ODFW carnivore-furbearer program coordinator in Salem. "If there is one, I'm pretty confident we'll find it," he said. Hiller and his wife, Jamie McFadden, who works for the Portland-based Oregon Wildlife Heritage Foundation, are leading the study in the Cascades. The foundation has funded wildlife projects in the state since 1981, according to its website. Wolverines were thought to be gone from Oregon until just a couple of years ago. Having studied wolverines in Alaska, Audrey Magoun, a wildlife biologist and expert on the animal, was convinced there must be wolverines in the Wallowa Mountains in the state's northeast corner. SeeWildlife/A5
At a time of national debate about women's struggle to land top corporate jobs, an unlikely industry is leading the change in the executive suite: defense contractors, where three of the biggest firms are now led by women. General Dynamics, BAE Systems and Lockheed Martin have defied a long history of male-dominated culture and appointed female chief executives. But thatnew crop of leaders arrives as the industry faces destabilizing change. All three executives must reshape their firms to deal with military procurement cuts, including those recently triggered by the sequester. SeeDefense/A4
say the papacy has been brought back down to earth by Benedict's unprecedented decision to step down and revelations of financial corruption and clergy sexual misconduct. All of this could lead to a possible transformation for both the office of pope and the Roman Catholic church he leads. In the modern era, papal adoration reached new heights with Pope Pius XII, who was the first pontiff to go global through television and, in devout Catholic households of the 1940s and 1950s, came to be viewed as something akin to a living saint. SeePope/A5
A search yieldsyoungscientists — and Nobel winners By Ethan Hauser New York Times News Service
OSSINING, N.Y.— During lunch hour, the hallways of Ossining High School have a kind of barely contained chaos. Whistles bleed from the gym,students squeeze every last minute of freedom be-
TODAY'S WEATHER A few clouds High 60, Low 34
Page B6
forethey'redue back in class. Even the library, where Dan McQuaid sat with two of his science teachers two weeks ago, buzzes and hums. None of this hubbub drew even the tiniest acknowledgment from these three. Instead they were there to talk about
McQuaid's cancer research. A 17-year-old senior, McQuaid is one of 40 finalists in the nationwide Intel Science Talent Search. The winner will be announced tonight in Washington, and when a reporter asked MCQuaid about the pressure, one of his teach-
ers, Angelo Piccirillo, stepped in protectively. McQuaid, he said, has already earned distinction enough: He is the first student from Ossining High ever to reach the finals. "It's all gravy from now on," Piccirillo added with a smile.
That kind of gentle encouragement undoubtedly helped McQuaid advance to where he is. Yet this has hardly been a stress-free week for the Intel finalists, shortlisted from a group of 300 semfffnahsts. SeeIntel/A4
The Bulletin
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tally in error in how he interThe Associated Press preted the law and we are conN EW YORK — A j u d g e fident we will win on appeal," struck down New York City's Bloomberg said. He a dded, pioneering ban on big sugary "One of the cases we will make drinks Monday just hours be- is that people are dying every fore it was supposed to take day. This is not a joke. Five effect, handing a d efeat to thousand people die of obesity health-minded Mayor Michael every day in America." Bloomberg and creating conFor now, though, the ruling fusion for restaurants that had means the ax won't fall today already ordered smallercups on supersized sodas, sweetand changed their menus. ened teas and other high-sugar State Supreme Court Justice beveragesin restaurants, movMilton Tingling said the 16ie theaters, corner delis and ounce limit on sodas and other sports arenas. "The court ruling provides sweet drinks arbitrarily applies to only some sugary beverages a sigh of relief to New Yorkers and some places that sell them. and thousands of small busi"The loopholes in this rule nesses in New York City that effectively defeat the stated would have been harmed by purpose of this rule," Tingling this arbitrary and unpopular wrote in a victory for the bev- ban," the American Beverage erage industry, r estaurants Association and other oppoand other business groups nents said, adding that the orthat called the rule unfair and ganization is open to other "sowrong-headed. lutions that will have a meanIn addition, the judge said the ingful and lasting impact." Bloomberg-appointed Board of The city expressed confiHealth intruded on City Coun- d ence that it would win on cil's authority when it imposed appeal. "This measure is part of the the rule. The city vowed to appeal city's multi-pronged effort to the ruling, issued by New York combat the growing obesity state's trial-level court. epidemic, which takes the lives "We believe the judge is to- of more than 5,000 New York-
ers every year, and we believe the Board of Health has the legal authority — and responsibility — to tackle its leading causes," said Michael Cardozo, the city's corporation counsel. The first of its kind in the country, the restriction has s parked reaction from c i ty streets to late-night talk shows, celebrated by some as a bold attempt to improve people's health and derided by others as another "nanny state" law from Bloomberg during his 11 yearsinoffice. On his watch, the city has compelled chain restaurants to post caloriecounts,barred artificial trans fats in restaurant food and prodded food manufacturers to use less salt. The city has successfully defended some of those initiatives in court. Because of the limits of city authority a n d ex e m ptions made for other reasons, the ban on supersized beverages doesn't cover alcoholic drinks or many lattes and other milkb ased concoctions, an d i t doesn't apply at supermarkets or many convenience stores — including 7-Eleven, home of the Big Gulp.
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and news or ad illustrations. Theymaynot
be reproducedwithout explicit pnor approval.
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn
Monday night are:
0201102304004704s The estimated jackpot is now $11.9 million.
AfghBII d88thS —An Afghan policeman gunneddown two U.S. special forces on Monday inWardak province, less than 24hours after President Hamid Karzai's deadline expired for them to leave the area where residents have grown increasingly hostile toward the
Americans. Despite Karzai's orders, the American special operations forces remain in the province wheredozens of villagers accuse them and their Afghan partners of intimidation through unprovoked beat-
ings, mass arrests and forced detentions. SOIISItlV8 I'8COI'dS —Authorities and celebrities were grappling
Monday with how to respond to awebsite that posted what appears to be private financial information about top government officials and stars such as Jay-Z and Mel Gibson. Los Angeles police and the FBI
said they wereaware of the pagesbut declined to confirm they were investigating the site, which posted purported Social Security numbers and credit reports of the leaders of both agencies.
India raPe —Whether he waskilled or committed suicide, the jailhouse death Monday of a man on trial for the gang rape and fatal
beating of a woman on aNewDelhi bus hastriggered shock at the enormous security failure at one of India's best-known prisons. Authorities said Ram Singh, who was accused of driving the bus during
the Decemberattack, was in acell with three other inmates at Tihar Jail when he hanged himself either with his own clothes or a bedsheet about 5:30 a.m. His family and lawyer alleged foul play.
SllBOghBI PigS —More than 3,300 deadpigs have beenfound in a major river that flows through Shanghai, igniting fears among city
of Shanghai. DetrOit trial —Jurors in a city buffeted by financial crisis convicted former Detroit Mayor KwameKilpatrick on corruption charges
ties gave fewdetails on wherethe group of friends had beenand why theywereoutarounddaybreakSunday,speedingdown atwo-lane had asked to use the vehicle. Islands voters have backed keeping their government just the way it is: a British Overseas Territory. Of the1,517 valid votes cast, only
3 islanders voted "no" to the question: "Do youwish the Falkland Islands to retain their current political status as an Overseas Territory of the United Kingdom?" One vote was somehow lost, officials said
Monday. Syria COnfliCt —Russian news reports say a Ukrainian journalist who was kidnapped byrebels in Syria five months ago is nowfree. Rodrigo Abd /The Associated Press
Anhar Kochneva was working as an interpreter for a Russian TV crew
A man shouts slogans Monday during a rally in Caracas, Venezuela, in support of acting President
television station critical of Venezuela's government
when she waskidnapped in western Syria on Oct. 9 by members of the Free Syrian Army, according to the Ukrainian government. Her
Nicolas Maduro, who registered his candidacy for an upcoming presidential election.
owner who is apparently friendly with the ruling socialists, following an unrelenting campaign to financially
kidnappers reportedly threatened to kill her unless a ransom was paid. The state news agency RIA Novosti reported that it had spoken
A massivecrowdthronged Maduro, Hugo Chavez's hand-picked successor, and blocked oppo-
strangle the broadcaster through regulatory pressure.
to KochnevabytelephoneonMonday,and shesaidshehadescaped her captors.
sition candidate Henrique Capriles from registering
for the April14 vote by the 2 p.m. deadline.
called a crushing blow to press freedom, comes a month ahead of crucial elections as the opposition
The Capriles campaign told The Associated Press that an aide registered for the candidate at the elec-
accuses the late president's political heirs of employing multiple violations of the constitution to gain an
tion commission later Monday afternoon.
unfair advantage.
The announcement, which civil liberties advocates
Also Monday, the owners of the last remaining
— The Associated Press
— From wire reports
Where Buyers And Sellers Meet 1000's Of Ads Every Day
Ovarian cancer study finds Find Your widespread flaws in treatment Dream Home
of them, the impact would be much greater than that of Most women w it h o v a r- any new chemotherapy drug ian cancerreceive inadequate or biological agent," said Dr. care and miss out on treatRobert Bristow, the director ments that could add a year of gynecologic oncology at or more to their lives, a new the University of California, study has found. Irvine, and lead author of the The results highlight what new study presented on Monm any experts say is a n e - day at a meeting of the Sociglectedproblem: widespread, ety of Gynecologic Oncology persistent flaws in the care in Los Angeles. of women with this disease, Dr. Barbara Goff, a profesw hich k i ll s 15,000 a y e ar sor of gynecologic oncology at in the United States. About the University of Washington, 22,000 new cases are diag- in Seattle, who was not part of nosed annually, most of them Bristow's study, said the probdiscovered at a n a d vanced lem with ovarian cancer care stage and needing aggressive was clear: "We're not making treatment. Worldwide, there the most use of things that we are about 200,000 new cases know work well." a year. What works best is meticuCancer specialists around lous, extensive surgery and the country say the main rea- aggressive ch e m otherapy. son for the poor care is that Ovarian cancer spreads inmost women are treated by side the abdomen, and studdoctors and hospitals that see ies have shown that survival few cases ofthe disease and improves if women have surlack expertise in the complex gery called debulking, to resurgery an d c h emotherapy move all visible traces of the that can prolong life. disease. "If we could just make sure The operations should be that women get to the people done by gynecologic oncolowho are trained to take care gists, said Dr. Deborah ArmNew York Times News Service
As listed at
corporations and somegovernment agencies.
Falkland vate —An overwhelming 99.8 percent of Falkland
By Denise Grady
Oregon Lottery results
after its foreign minister, Yang Jiechi, rejected a growing body of evidence that his country's military was involved in cyberattacks on U.S.
car report; police said none of the teenswere related to the owner or
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confrontation with China over cyberespionageandcametwo days
road. On Monday, the SUV's owner met with police and filed a stolen-
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Obama's national security adviser, Tom Donilon, was the first public
eight teenagers crammed into an allegedly stolen SUV were up to before the vehicle flipped over into a pond, killing six of them. Authori-
drop box atCity Hall.Check paymentsmay be converted to anelectronic funds transfer. The Bulletin, USPS ¹552-520, is published daily by WesternCommunications Inc.,
computer networks andagree to "acceptable norms of behavior in cyberspace. "Thedemand,madeinaspeechby PresidentBarack
SIIV crash —Investigators Monday tried to piece together what
China haCking —The White House demandedMondaythat the
than10 years in prison for two dozen convictions.
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the armistice. Seoul has responded with tough talk of its own and has placed its troops on high alert.
and people andveered toward insolvency. Kilpatrick could face more
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later in the day, however, that North Koreacannot unilaterally dissolve
Monday, capping a five-month trial that exposed a brazen pay-to-play culture during his years in office while the distressed city lost jobs
Classified...........................54f-365-5809 Advertising fax ..................54f -385-5602 Other information.............541-382-f Bf 1
the1953 armistice that ended the Korean War, following days of increased tensions over its latest nuclear test. A U.N. spokesman said
early today. Officials were trying to determine who had dumped the carcasses into the river, the Huangpu, which slices through the heart
One month: $14.50 By mail outsideDeschutes County:Onemonth: $18 E-Edition only:Onemonth: $13
Monday the communist country had carried out a threat to cancel
residents of contaminated tap water, according to official reports
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One manth: $17 (Printonly:$f6) By mail in Deschutes County:
KOI'88 t8IISIOll — A state-run newspaper in North Korea said
Chinese government stop the widespread theft of data from U.S. By Jennifer Peltz
strong of Johns Hopkins University, who is not a surgeon. But many women, she said, are operated on by general
surgeons and gynecologists. "If this was breast cancer, a nd two-thirds o f w o m en were not g etting g uideline care that improves survival, you know what kind of hue and cry there would be," said Armstrong, who was not involved in the study. But in ovarian cancer, she said: "There's not as big an advocacy community. The women ar e a l i t t l e o l der, sicker and less prone to be activists."
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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Tuesday, March12, the 71st day of 2013. There are 294 days left in the year.
Human braincells boost mousememory
VBtlCBll —The conclave to
elect a popebegins. A1 POlltlCS —President Barack Obama tries to jump-start budget talks as he kicks off a series of meetings with con-
By Moheb Costandi
gressional lawmakers. PhOne —AT&Twill begin taking consumers' orders for BlackBerry's new flagship Z10
HISTORY Highlight:In1933, President Franklin D. Roosevelt delivered the first of his 30 radio ad-
dresses thatcametobeknown as "fireside chats," telling
Americans whatwasbeing done to deal with the nation's
economic crisis. In1664, England's King Charles II granted an area of land in
present-day North America known as New Netherland to his brother James, the Duke of York. In 1863, Italian writer, poet and
politician GabrieleD'Annunzio was born in Pescara. In 1864, Ulysses S. Grant was promoted to the rank of general-in-chief of the Union armies in the Civil War by President Abraham Lincoln. In1912, the Girl Scouts of the USA had its beginnings as Ju-
liette GordonLowof Savannah, Ga., founded the first American troop of the Girl Guides. In1923, inventor Lee DeForest publicly demonstrated his sound-on-movie-film system, called "Phonofilm," in New York. In 1938, the Anschluss merging Austria with Nazi Germany took
place asGermanforces crossed the border between the two
countries. In 1943, Aaron Copland's "Fan-
fare for theCommonMan" had its world premiere with Eugene
Goossens conductingtheCincinnati Symphomy. In 1951, "Dennis the Menace,"
created bycartoonist Hank Ketcham, made its syndicated
debut in16 newspapers. In1968, President Lyndon B.
Johnson wontheNewHampshire Democratic primary, but Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Min-
nesota placed astrong second. The African island of Mauritius became independent of British rule. (On this date in1992, Mau-
ritius becamea republic.) In1980,a Chicagojury found
John Wayne Gacy Jr. guilty of the murders of 33 men and
boys. (Thenext day,Gacywas sentenced to death; he was
executed in May1994.) In1993, Janet Reno was sworn in as the first female U.S. at-
torney general. Athree-day blizzard that came to be known
as "The Storm of theCentury" began inundating theeastern third ofthe U.S.
Ten yearsago:Elizabeth Smart, the15-year-old girl
who'd vanished from her
bedroom nine months earlier, was found alive in a Salt Lake City suburb with two drifters, Brian David Mitchell and Wanda
Barzee, whoare serving prison terms for kidnapping her. Five yearsago:NewYork Gov. Eliot Spitzer resigned two days after reports had surfaced that
he was aclient of a prostitution ring. One yearago:A dayafter the weekend massacre ofAfghan civilians allegedly carried out
by a U.S.soldier, President Barack Obama called the
episode "absolutely tragic and heartbreaking," while Secretary of State Hillary Clinton called it
BIRTHDAYS Playwright Edward Albee is 85. Actress-singer Liza Minnelli
is 67. Former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is 66.
Singer-songwriter James Taylor is 65. Author Carl Hiaasen is 60. Singer Marlon
Jackson (The JacksonFive) is 56. Former MLBAll-Star Darryl Strawberry is 51. Actor Aaron Eckhart is 45. Actor Tyler
Patrick Jones is19. Actress Kendall Applegate is 14. — From wire reports
improved the strengthening of connections between neuMice transplanted with rons in the hippocampus, a a once-discounted class of process thought to be critical human brain cells have bet- for learning and memory. ter memories and learning These human astrocytes abilities than normal coun- apparently did so, the scienterparts, according to a new tists suggest, by secreting a study. Far from a way to en- protein called tumor necrogineer smarter rodents, the sis factor-a, which mouse work suggests that human astrocytesproduce at much brain evolution involved a lower levels. This increased major upgrade to cells called the number ofreceptors for astrocytes. the neurotransmitter glutaAstrocytes are one of sev- mate in the membranes of eral types of glia, the other mouse neurons, making the cells found alongside neu- signaling between them far rons in the nervous system. more efficient than mouse Although long thought to astrocytes alone. merely provide support and Those differences transnourishment for neurons, it's lated i n t o i m p r ovements now clear that astrocytes are on behavioral tests. Mice vital for proper brain func- with human astrocytes pertion. They are produced dur- formed better on memory ing development from stem experiments than those that cells called glial progenitors. had received mouse cell In 2009,Steven Goldman grafts, the team r eported of the University of Roches- Thursday in Cell Stem Cell. ter Medical Center in New The human a strocyte-enYork an d h i s c o l leagues dowed rodents learned to reported that human astro- fear a particular sound or cytes are bigger, and have part of t h eir environment about 10 t i mes a s m a ny after associating them just fingerlike projections that once with an electric shock. contact other brain cells and This learning persisted for blood vessels, than t hose 3 days, during which time of mice. To further investi- typical mice did not learn gate these differences, they at all, despite being treated have more recently grafted in exactly the same way. fluorescently labeled human The mice with transplanted g lial progenitors into t h e human cells also learned brains of newborn mice and to find their way through a examined the animals when maze in about half the time they reached adulthood. and were better able to recMost of the grafted cells ognize familiar objects in remained as progenitors, new locations. but some matured into typiThe results support the cal human-looking astro- v iew t h a t h u m a n b r a i n cytes. They connected to evolution involved cellular their m ouse c ounterparts specializations, i n c l uding to form astrocyte networks the elaboration of astrocyte that transmitted electrical structure and a boost in their signals. Furthermore, they ability to regulate communipropagated internal signals cation between neurons at about three times faster than synapses, the r esearchers the mouse astrocytes and say. ScienceNOW
The findings — culled from the study of four groups of people with different diets and ways of life — cast doubt on how much we understand aboutthe risk factorsforcardiovascular disease. By David Brown The Washington Post
It turns out that our ancestors — meat-eating or tuberloving, Mediterranean or Arctic, roaming or sedentary — all could have used some Lipitor. Maybe. A new study of 137 mummified bodies, some as old as 3,500 years, found a high prevalence of hardening of the arteries, which often presages heart attack or stroke. The condition was common
in four groups — ancient Egyptians, pre-Columbian people in Peru and Utah, and 19th-century Alaska natives — with different diets and ways of life. "It kind of casts doubt on — makes us pause and think about — whether we understand risk factors (for cardiovascular disease) as well as we thought we did," said Randall Thompson, a physician at the University of M i ssouri who headed a research team of 19 cardiologists, radiologists and anthropologists. "Probable or definite" atherosclerosis was evident in 34 percent of the mummies. Only 4 percent, however, had atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries, where it can cause heart attacks. The condition was more common in people who died in middle and old age, but was also seen frequently in those dying in their 30s. The prevalence of diseased arteries in the mummies is not very different from that seen today,leading the researchers to conclude that cardiovascular disease"is an inherent component of human aging and not characteristic of any specific diet or lifestyle." Thompson, who is a pract icing cardiologist, said h e was especially surprised by how common a t herosclerosis was in people whose diets are viewed in some quarters as especially healthful and disease-preventing. The 51 ancient Peruvians, who in life presumably ate a lot of beans and complex carbohydratessuch as sweet potatoes and manioc,had atherosclerosis in 25 percent of their mummies. Three of the five Aleutian hunter-gatherers, who ate a "paleo diet" high in meat and devoid of sweets and grains, showed atherosclerosis.One woman who died in her late 40s had "thekind ofdisease we see in people with bypass surgery," he said. "I think we'll have a debate about just how important diet is and what we ought to be communicating to patients," he added. "A healthy diet and lifestyle may lead to less disease, but it doesn't prevent disease altogether." Many previous studies have sought to d i agnose disease in ancient preserved human remains. One study published two yearsago found atherosclerosis common in Egyptian mummies. Whether that represented what was happening elsewhere in the ancient world, or was only an occupational hazard of butter-slurping layabout priests and pharaohs, was unknown. The new study, presented Sunday at the American College of Cardiology meeting in San Francisco and published online by the Lancet, appears to be the first to compare findings from many different mummy populations. Heart disease epidemiologists were quick to say the study shouldn't undermine evidence from thousands of studies suggesting that atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease is mostly a
Dc Michael Miyamoto/The Associated Press
Egyptologists prepare the mummy Hatiay for CT scanning in Cairo. The scan later demonstrated evidence of extensive vascular disease. 20th-century problem. "It's great fun, and will be a classic after the fragmentary articlesover the years," Henry Blackburn of the University of Minnesota said of the paper. "Of course, it ignores all the evidence that heart attack and stroke are modern plagues that have increased and then steadilydecreased over modern times." Blackburn, now retired, was one of the investigators of the long-running "Seven Countries Study," which documented wildly varying rates of heart attack in different countries with different diets. Atherosclerosis is a process in which the wall of an artery fills with f at, fibrous tissue and, in later stages, grains of calcium. If the "plaque" gets large enough, it limits the flow of blood. When that happens and tissue downstream from the blockage dies, the result is a heart attack or stroke. The researchers used CT scanners to detect calcium in arteries. They looked in the aorta, which is the body's main arterial trunk; the coronary arteries of the heart; the carotid arteries of the neck; and the arteries of the thigh and the lower
leg. When calcium was present, they concluded the person had atherosclerosis — a diagnosis supported by studies of living patients.
their 40s, however, had at least one calcified artery. For the few mummies older than 50, the prevalence was lower — about 40 percent. Studies of present-day populations have found a similar increase in calcium with age as well as atherosclerosis in young adults. A review of 3,832 autopsies done on troops who died in combat or of unintentional injuries in the Iraq and Afghanistan warsfound that 9 percent had atherosclerosis in the coronaries. That's a dramatic drop from the prevalence found in autopsies of casualties of the Korean (77 percent) and Vietnam (45 percent) wars. Bruno Frohlich, a physical anthropologist recently retired from the Smithsonian Institution and a co-author of the study, said the team plans to examine moreremains. Next up are naturally mummified bodies from Mongolia and "bog people" preserved in peat deposits in Britain and Scandinavia.
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Varying ages andstations Of the 137 mummies, 76 were Egyptian, with the oldest from about 1800 B.C.; 51 Peruvian, from 900 B.C. to A.D. 1500; five Puebloan from the American West, from 1500 B.C. to A.D. 1500; and five Aleutian natives from the 18th, 19th and early 20th centuries. Atherosclerosis was present in 38 percent of the Egyptians, 25 percent of the Peruvians, 40 percent of the Puebloans and 60 percent of the Alaska natives (although the number of mummies of the latter two groups is so small that the percentages are statistically
meaningless). Whether any of the mummified people died of atherosclerotic disease could not be determined. Only the Egyptian bodies were intentionally preserved. The others w ere n aturally mummified by the cold and dry conditions of the places where the people died. As a consequence, they may not be representative snapshots of their populations. Nevertheless, a few generalities stand out. One of them is that atherosclerosis increases with age. Those with no sign of the condition had an average estimated age at death of 32 years. Slightly more than half the mummies in
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oo oun oreire, u ese eascan' wai By Howard Goodman and Michael Winerip New York Times News Service
BOCA RATON, Fla. — Susan Shapira, who is 58,recently moved into a condominium in Century Village, a gated retirement community here where most residents are almost as old as the name. In the nine months she has livedhere,sheha slearned some of the drawbacks of being a baby boomer among the very old. "Idon'tseeanyoneafterdark," she said. There is zero night life. Thebus is often delayed — walkers slow people getting on and off. And her building's resident representativehad been hard to find after going into rehab for a
back injury. But Shapira says she has no regrets. She bought her two-bedroom condo for cash — $26,900. "It's like a car," she said. Sometimes it is priced like a used car. Last year a condo here sold for $7,000, according to the real
condominium prices in many cases are lower than they were when the units were new. According to Palm Beach 7 County property assessment records, Shapira's condo originally sold for $40,800 in 1980. In 1990 it resold for $65,000. And that is not an anomaly. In 2012, the average price of ,h .I a condo in Century Village of Boca Raton was $35,436. For Kings Point in Delray Beach, it was $24,436. In 2006, at the height of the realestate boom here,the averAngel Valentin / New York Times News Service age Century Village of Boca RaSusan Shaplra, 58, bought a condominium last year at Century ton condo sold for $114,000, acVillage of Boca Raton, Fla., paying $26,900, cash. cording to multiple listings data. Shapira, who was recently laid off from her job in the credit estate industry's Multiple List- fact, they are mostly well kept. card industry, believes that over ing Service. One in Kings Point, But they hold little appeal time she will look smart for hava similar gated retirement com- to most baby boomers, who ing bought early on. "It's a nice munity in nearby Delray Beach, never imagined hanging out in standard of living," she said. sold for $3,000, according to the the same sprawling retirement "That's how I look at it." listings. complexes that attracted their She raised her son as a single The prices in these large re- parents to come here. mother, and this is the first time tirement communities are not With that World War II gen- she has owned a home. low becausethe properties have eration dying off and the colHer annual property taxes deteriorated since they were lapse of the Florida real estate are just $632. built in the 1970s and '80s. In market during the recession, Barry Fogel, who seIIs real '•
iW c'
vice, which allows her to connect her laptop with Kraken, a supercomputer atthe University of Tennessee that can run millions of simulations. Working at the lab at Stony Brook University, under the mentorship of Carlos Simmerling, a chemistry professor, Sridhar looked at a p rotein that plays an important role in tumor suppression. She found that the mutation of a single amino acid causes enough structural changes in the p53 protein that it can no l onger bind to DNA — a n d hence cannot act as a tumor
Or if they are Dan McQuaid, with "Identification of PostContinued from A1 Translational Regulation Sites They have been in Washon the KLF6 Tumor Suppresington since Wednesday and sor as Novel Targets for Cancer Thursday to present their projTherapies." ects to a judging panel and the Like Stuyvesant, Ossining public. The top 10 finalists will has a dedicated research proreceive prizes of $20,000 to gram, which students enter in $100,000; the other 30 will rethe 10th grade. That program ceive $7,500. has produced 45 Intel semifinalAnd that may just be the beists since 2001; its total of eight ginning. If history is any indiin 2010 was the highest of any cation, several of these young school that year. None of them men and women will go on made it to the finals. "Dan's a to greater fame: Since the scisort of Neil Armstrong," said ence competition's inception in his adviser Piccirillo. "We've 1942, as the Westinghouse Scineverbeen to the moon before." ence Talent Search, seven of its suppressor. Through sophisThe program, said Valerie alumni have won Nobel Prizes ticated computer m o deling H olmes, one ofits teachers, enand ll have received MacAr- she discovered that it wasn't courages students to find a subthur "genius" awards. "energy constraints" that were ject with which they have a perThe 40 finalists were culled preventing the protein from sonal connection. For McQuaid, from more t ha n 1,700 ap- doing its job but basic struc- that was medical research: He plications, which are due in tural changes that meant these lost a cousin to metastatic lung November. two shapes could no longer cancer during his freshman The competition is run by fit together as puzzle pieces year. the Society for Science and should. KLF6, a protein, acts as a tuthe Public and is financed by mor suppressor in a lot of canthe Intel Corp., through its In- Microscopic view cers, he said, yet "there's so littel Foundation. When WestFor many years, there were tle of it." Wanting to know why, inghouse ceased sponsorship always two New York City he joined a lab at Mount Sinai 15 years ago, Intel took over, schools di s p r oportionately Hospital in Manhattan, where primarily "to change the con- represented among Intel Sci- graduate students and faculty versation about young scien- ence Talent Search winners: members were working on tists in the U.S.," said Wendy Stuyvesant and Bronx High identifying the factors behind Hawkins, the foundation's ex- School of Science. That domi- the protein's degradation. Part ecutive director. nance came both from their of what the research program One of Intel's first changes science-focused curriculums teaches students, Holmes said, was to significantly increase and from well-established pro- is tenacity; McQuaid and his the prize money. "Money does grams that groomed students advisers approached 30 to 40 attract attention," H awkins from an early age for competi- potential mentors before findsaid. "We want students like tions like Intel. ing one who would take him these to be just as celebrated as Jonathan Gastel, a science on. are the star athletes and enter- teacher and the research coorMaking An Impad tainers in their schools." dinator at Stuyvesant, thinks In Washington, finalists are the benefits of such programs Many Intel finalists log long judged by scientists from uni- are much bigger than accru- hours in sophisticated labs atversities across the country, ing prizes. Students might not tached to universities and rewhose knowledge outside their see science as a viable career searchcenterswhere they must fields is sometimes outstripped path, he said: "They might wade gingerly so as not to upset by many of the finalists. think a scientist is someone fragile experiments (and egos). What the judges are looking in a lab with frizzy hair. They Others, like Catherine Wong, for, however, is not limited to a might be misled about what a 17, of Morristown, N.J., spend a project itself. scientist is, which is a person lot of time in their schools' mod"Our goal is to find future determined to solve an impor- est classrooms and at home, leaders in science," said the tant problem in the world." where she "got to break a lot panel's chairman, David MarkHis zeal helped persuade of stuff." From those missteps er,a professor of mathematics, Jamie Lee Solimano, 17, to emerged aprototype fora w irestatistics and computer science find one of those problems to lessdevice that can produce a at the University of Illinois at unravel. Unlike many of her digitized e l ectrocardiograph Chicago. fellow finalists, she had never and transmit the results from In fou r 1 5 -minute i nter- entered a science competition remote locations to doctors via views with groups of t hree before. The daughter of an cellphone. artist, Solimano was raised Wong, who goes to Morjudges, finalists are not only asked about their projects but in Manhattan. For her Intel ristown High School, became are also tested on basic sci- project, she examined cellular interested in telemedicine after ence knowledge. For example, signaling. viewing the exhibit "Design Marker said, they might be At a lab at Columbia, she for the Other 90 Percent" at asked to "diagram a plant cell was able to look at what hap- the Cooper-Hewitt museum in and explain the functions of pens when a cell's primary cil- Manhattan, which highlighted some of the organelles." ium — a hairlike organelle that devices aimed at helping people And then there are the ques- projects from the cell surface in the developing world. There tions that no one can prepare — is disrupted by a foreign are far more cell phones than for: "One of my favorites from agent. (She treated cell lines toilets in third-world countries, a former judge was 'Tell me with lithium, which caused the she points out. about the universe,'" Marker cilia to grow longer) From thereshe taught herself said. The idea is to get "some She discoveredthat foreign cellphone software coding and indication of how they think." molecules can alter how pro- electrical engineering t echTonight's an n o uncement teins are organized in the cilia, niques, using "breadboards" will close this particular chap- which can impair signaling and a soldering iron. "Engiter of these students' lives, but function. Her research, pos- neering is the field that worthis is a story with much to sible only through the use of a ships impact," she said of her come. Here are four of the fi- super-resolution microscope, choice to enter it, "and to have nalists and their projects. has implications for diagnos- the greatest impact, it has to be ing and preventing birth dein the developing world." Car keys and secure keys fects and genetic defects. Wong is something of an In many ways Mayuri Sridoutlier among this year's Inhar is like any other 17-year- Over the moon tel semifinalists and finalists: old. One morning in late FebPerched on a hill in West- 82 percentof the engineering ruary, with patches of snow chester County, Ossining High projects were submitted by from the recent storm still dot- School is a commanding build- boys. (Conversely, plant science ting her hometown of Kings ing with a view of a sliver of the skews overwhelmingly female Park, N.Y., on Long Island, she Hudson River to the west. Not — 80 percent.) was fretting over her driving that its students spend hours The larger picture is good test. "I'm worried about paral- getting lost in the languorous news for anyone worried about lel parking," she said. scenery — they are too busy gender equality in the sciences. But in other ways, she could with homework and sports, In eight of the last 10 years, 40 hardlybe more different. Inher with navigating social cliques percent to 50 percent of finalists bag, she carries a SecurID de- and worrying about college. were girls.
Defense Continued from A1 In her first two months at the helm o f G e neral Dynamics, for i n stance, Phebe Novakovic declared the company had lost its way, halted a years-long string of new acquisitions and eliminated executive positions. "I think i t' s a c h ance for all of u s ... to make an imprint on an i n dustry," said Linda Hudson, the chief executive of the American branch of BAE Systems, who became the first woman to lead a top U.S. d efense c o mpany when she assumed the job in 2009. She and her c ounterparts — including Marillyn Hewson at Lockheed — must prove themselves in companies that remain far more male-dominated t han the economy as a whole. The defense industry has been slow to promote women to its highest levels, in part because of its close connections to the military. Many retired officers eventually become executives at contracting firms, and only r ecently h ave women been p r o moted to the top military posts. The executive compensation data firm E quilar analyzed financial filings for almost 20 of the largest publicly t raded government contractors, at the request of The Washington Post. The analysis found that one i n e i ght executives (at any l evel) at those firms is a woman. In the economy at large, two of every five managers is a woman, and one in four c hief executives is, according to the Labor Department. " There is a d earth o f f emale CEOs a t th e s e c ompanies" i n t h e d e fense industry, said Aaron Boyd, Equilar's d i rector of research. "It's certainly trending. We're seeing more females. But we're certainly not at the point where anyone would say there's not a gender gap." The release of Facebook executive Sheryl S a n dberg's new book, w hich bemoans the lack of women leading companies, and the debate over Marissa Mayer's t e l ecommuting ban at Yahoo have focused attention once again on female executives. In the broad economy, female managers earn about 71 cents for every dollar their male counterparts make. That's a 10cent larger gap than exists across all occupations. F emale executives i n the contracting industry appear to earn about the s ame at th e m edian as male executives do, according to E q u ilar. But that's probably b ecause the female executives are concentrated in the largest firms in the industry, which tend to pay more. The typical female executive in defense works at a
estate in Kings Point, says that business has picked up and that manybuyers are older boomers, intheir late 50s to mid-60s. "A lot of them are not thrilled about it, to be honest, but they have no choice," Fogel said. "It's all they can afford." The vacancy rate among the 7,200 units, he says, is under 2 percent. A nd there aresignsthatasdemand picks up, prices will start to climb. In the last few months, sellers in Century Village have raisedthe average asking price to $50,000, up about $10,000 from last year. Ben Schachter, the president of the on-site real estate company that handles South Florida's six largest 55-and-older communities, said the units were not going to speculators. "These are being bought by people who expect to live in them," Schachter said. "They're mostly buying for cash. It relievesthem ofhavingamortgage payment as they get by on Social Security and fixed incomes." The communities offer a
warm-weather routine of golf, shuffleboard, swimming, nightly shows, lectures, pottery classes and exercise groups. Ronny Solomon, 61, is an insurance agent from Toronto. For m ore than 30 years, his father, Morris, 88, has lived in Century Village in Deerfield Beachfirst part time and now full time. About a year ago, Ronny Solomon asked his father to scout properties, and last spring he bought a two-bedroom, twobath unit in the same building. Ronny Solomon is not ready to retire. But a strong Canadian dollar made the deal too good to resist. "You can have a property there and not worry about how
you're going to spend your retirement," he said from Toronto. Solomon and his wife, Susan, a salon executive, plan to spend "Yom Kippurthrough Passover" at their Florida condo. "Eight or 10 years ago, I said I could never live there," he said. "But you see it changing in the people on the sidewalks, on bikes, in the swimming pool — it's in transition."
firm with revenue that is 50 percent higher than the firm where the typical male executive works, Equilar found.
In her first earnings call, Novakovic reported to investors that the company was writing down the value of its information systems unit by $2 Extensive experience billion. She said that the firm's A ll t h r e e w o m e n w h o acquisition process is "somelead big defense contractors what broken" and that certain w orked their way up in t h e buys the company has made industry for at least a decade, would not have happened unwatching firsthand as federal der her leadership. Later, she spending swelled i n dustry shuffled corporate positions profits after the attacks of and accepted the retirement of Sept. 11, 2001. the head of the IT unit. "We are not going to chase Hudson took a job out of college as a research and de- revenue. We're going to stick v elopment engineer for t h e to our knitting and do what we military communications firm know how to do," she told anaHarris. She worked for several lysts in January. "It's our job to defense giants before joining right-size our businesses, drive BAE as head of its land and costs out and perform for our armaments unit in 2007. At customers and our shareholdthe time, business was boom- ers and our people." ingforarmored vehicles. Hewson, a 30-year LockBy the time she took over heed veteran, started as chief as chief executive in 2009, the executive the same day as market was starting to sour. Novakovic. She arrived under Hudson began integrating and very different circumstances: streamlining th e c o mpany, After the last chief announced which was an amalgamation h e would depart, she w as of about two dozen businesses originally picked to be chief cobbled togetherthrough ac- operating officer. But she was quisitions. At the same time, quickly promoted when the Hudson has made it a priority chief executive-to-be was disto get BAE national recogni- missed for an improper relation for its work environment tionship with a subordinate. — a move the company casts Hewson has not promised as adeparture from the restof far-reaching departures from the industry. the existing strategy. Her imA former operations of- mediate predecessor,Robert ficer at the CIA, Novakovic Stevens, has stayed on as a was a top aide to the defense strategic adviser and continsecretary and deputy defense ues to draw a salary larger secretary from 1997 to 2001, than hers. Still, she has made managing budget and policy changes, including restructurdecisions.She came to Gener- ing the corporate office and al Dynamics in 2002 and was cutting its staff by about 50 in steadily promoted, to senior her first month. vice president of planning and development, then to chief of PRESEASON SAVINGS! the company's marine systems unit and then to president and Save10% now on chief operating officer. She retractable awnings, took over the chief executive exterior solar screens, job in January. shade structures (thru 4/2/13)
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One's boss isPresident Obama; the other's could bethe pope .'s'~: O' V ~
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By Jason Horowitz The Washington Post
VATICAN CITY — Shortly after arriving in Rome with his boss, dark horse papal contender Cardinal Sean O'Malley, Terrence Donilon received an email. It was from his brother Tom, the national security adviser to President Barack
Emilio Morenatti/The Associated Press
People walk in St. Peter's Square on Monday at the Vatican, where cardinals gathered for their final day of talks before the conclave to elect the next pope.
Pope Continued from A1 Over the next 50 years, a se-
ries of popes began cautiously curbing the cult of the papacy, eschewing showy coronations and the bejeweled papal tiara that seemed to fuel their exaltation as something more than a man. In December, Benedict even began to tweet. Yet the rich, almost theatrical traditions surrounding the office largely remained. The sacred politicking to pick the nextpope enters its final phase today, when a shout in Latin "extra omnes" — everyone else, out! — will lead to the cardinals being barred inside the Sistine Chapel for the start of the highly secretive conclave. Though days of preliminary deliberations have been officially kept under wraps, the chatter around the Holy See suggests a tug of war between the Roman Curia — the Vatican administration — looking to safeguard the status quo and reformers who want a strong hand capable of shak-
ing things up.
Benedict's resignation No matter who wins, however,the nature of the papacy may have already changed. The hierarchyisreeling from scandal. Just as important, the numinous aura of the office has been altered by the decision of Benedict to step down, appearing to dispel the otherworldly quality of popes as divinely picked to serve for life. For a church that in the 21st century is still declaring miracles, the earthly grounding of
The answer: astonishingly well. and spiritual leader of the Anglican Communion, recently told Vatican Radio. "The pope is not like a sort of god-king who goes on to the very end. The ministry of service that the bishop of Rome exercises is just that, a ministry of service, and it's therefore reasonable to ask if there is a moment when somebody else should take that baton in hand." Some of the leading contenders tosucceed Benedict have already proven themselves adept a t d e l ivering
messagesby lesslofty m eans. F ilipino Cardinal Luis A n tonio Tagle tools around the streets of Manila on a bike, while Brazilian hopeful Cardinal Odilio Scherer is a diehard social media fanatic who rides Sao Paulo's subways and pops up on late-night talk shows. If the next pope is more willing to play to the fast-moving age of the 24-hour news cyclepapal press conferences, anyone? — he may only reaffirm the status of modern popes as anything but mystical. That could b e h e a lthy, church offi cials say, because it would refocus the faithful not ona man but on an office in the service of God. Many in the church are deeply uncomfortable with the notion that popes are nearly divine, noting that their powers of infallibility are limited to specific issues of religious doctrine and are very rarely exercised.
"The pope stepping down
has taken some of the magical thinking away," said one senior Vatican official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the sensitivity of popes could pose a challenge the issue. "The day before he to its ministry in parts of the stepped down it was still unworld where pontiffs are still fathomable, but three hours viewed with adoring rever- after, people were already ence. To restore a sense of per- talking about it as reasonable manence to the office, some in and sensible. If his goal was the church are calling for the to bring reasonable, sensible next pontiff to make one of his thinking into the institution, first acts a public declaration he did." to serve until death. Yet the same official conStill, the precedent set by a ceded a measure of concern papal resignation could open in Vatican City about the longthe door to something here- term impact of a papal restofore seen as an oxymoron: ignation on the office. Some a modern papacy, with the wonder whether future popes Holy Father as chief executive might see the office as a temunder constant pressure to porary job and eventually enperform or step down. Some ter asortoflame-duck period argue the next pope will be after a few good years. "People are worried that more beholden to the board (his global prelates) and the part of the smoke-and-mirshareholders (the 1.2 billion rors effect is lost," the official faithful) of Catholics Inc. than said. "It creates serious theoever before. logicalproblems and reduces Benedict's retirement "does the magic. If it becomes norsomething to, as you might put mal, do you have the danit, demystify the papacy," the ger of a sort of second-term Rev. Rowan Williams, the for- presidency?" mer archbishop of Canterbury Benedict's decision to re-
Obama. "How's it going?" the top White House official asked.
main in Vatican City with the title pope emeritus could further undermine the office. The church has long taught of a singular authority in the Vatican. Now it will need to sell the notion of two popes — one reigning and one retired, both wearing papal whites — in Sunday schools and services. "Americans tend to want to pray directly to God, but in some places, like Latin America, like Italy, you have a kind of padrone culture where someone intercedes for you because you're almost afraid to go to the top directly — in this case, God," said the Rev. Thomas Reese, an analyst in Rome for the National Catholic Reporter. "So they pray to the pope because the Holy Father is seen as having an inside channel to God." Benedict's decision to stick around is "a terrible mistake," Reese said. "I think this is just
going to be too confusing for some people."
A throwback? Others say the papacy may simplybe returning — as it has in various points in the millennial history of the church — to a time when power was less concentrated in the hands of one man. Before the year 1,000, most Catholics were hard-pressed to even name the sitting pope. One side effect of a more down-to-earth papacy could be greater decentralization, with bishops enjoying more power to conduct church business in their countries as they see fit. Benedict, some say, had already been moving to demystify t h e o f f ice b efore his shocking retirement announcement. Upon winning the papacy, instead of being crowned, he opted for a conferral of the pallium, a humbler vestment made of wool that is a reference to Christ the good shepherd, who carried sheep on his shoulders. Benedict also wasn't a big fan of the rock-star-like stadium masses that came to define the papacy of his predecessor, John Paul II. "And maybe that's a good thing," said Richard Gaillardetz,the Joseph Professor of Catholic Systematic Theology at Boston College. "This idea of mystification of popes is a pretty modern phenomenon, going back only about 130 to 150 years. It's OK when it's symbolic, but it becomes unhealthy when we attribute to the pope far more authority and reverencethan is really warranted by our tradition."
In the days leading up to today's conclave, O'Malley has built up momentum. The archbishop of Boston, a baritonevoiced Capuchin Franciscan who prefersthe order's humble brown cassock, O'Malley has earned increasing attention from Vatican reporters, and, in the estimation of many experts, bypassed New Y o rk Archbishop Timothy D o lan as the prelate with the best, if still distant, shot of becoming the first American leader of the Roman Catholic Church. That unexpected buzz has also raised a remarkable possibility for Terry Donilon, O'Malley's communications director and cabinet member. One Donilon brother "working for the most powerful man on the planet and the other one could work for the most powerful religious leader on the planet?" mused Terry on Saturday, dressed in blue baseball cap and polo shirt in a cafe by the Vatican. "Yeah that's kind of an interesting storyline." For O'Malley, 68, it could also be a c omplicated one. The church has traditionally excluded Americans from papal considerationfor fear of allotting too much influence and might to the world's super-
argued thatrecent concessions were inadequate. "The way the administration handled that was poor," Donilon said, adding, "My brothers have their life and their careers, and I've had my life and my careers and if they intersect attimes because ofissues,so be
of the radio show's guests was Providence Mayor Joe Paolino, an old high school pal of Tom's. The elder Donilon had already gone on to distinguish himself as a White House staffer and one ofthe Democratic Party's sharpestpoliticalminds."Come see me," Paolino told him. Donilon went to work for Paolino in the mayor's office and then on his unsuccessful campaign for governor. Then he worked in the office of Gov. B ruce Sundlun and o n h i s unsuccessfulreelection campaign. He subsequently worked for Robert Weygand, a member of Congress who lost his bid for a Senate seat. "My candidates kept losing," Terry, 52, said. He became press director for a supermarket chain. In 2005, the Boston archdiocese, with the help of a group close to Biden, the patron saint of Donilon family careers, began a search for a new communications director. Donilon said there was no favoritism, and that his interview with O'Malley was going terribly because his beeper kept buzzing and his cellphone kept ringing due to a meat recall by the supermarket chain. L uckily for Donilon, the conversation turned to a mutual acquaintance, former Providence mayor Buddy Cianci (who served jail time and once assaulted his wife's alleged lover with a lit cigarette, ashtray and fireplace log). That broke the ice. "I called Tom when I got offeredthe job," Terry said, adding that his brother told him, "Don't be hobnobbing around Boston because you work for an archbishop."
The Donilon children grew up in a solidly Irish section of Providence, R.I., where St. Michael's Parish acted as a center of gravity. Faith, Terry said, was the "fabric of who we were." He and hisbrothers served as altar boys, and the family lived in a Dutch Colonial home where they all learned instruments: Donna and Tom the piano; Mike the guitar. Terry, a singer, proved the most musical and later sang with the Gregorian Concert Choir in St. Peter's and at the funeral of Tom's motherin-law, where he noticed Biden mouthing the Latin words of the Panis A ngelicus hymn along with him. "He's a much more public person than Michael and I," Tom, 57, said. The other tie that has bound the entire Donilon family is politics. Their father, a member of the school board, was involved in local races, and their mother power. Changes in geopolitics — a "little tiny Irish lady" and and the demands of the church "poor lady's Rose Kennedy"had "no problem speaking her have softened that unofficial ban, but it's unclear what it will mind to the priest," Terry said. "Coming out of Vatican II, mean for a potential symbol of world peace to have a close as- my mother was deeply insociate who is also the brother volved in the parish," added of an architect of Obama's for- Tom, referring to the reforms eign policy. that have for decades divided And w h ile r eports h ave the church's progressives and emerged that Tom Donilon is conservatives. expected to step down this year Terry didn't seem likely to be ("I'm still fully engaged," he on the front lines of that debate. said), there is also a third Don- He studied theater education ilon brother, Mike. A longtime at Emerson College and then A?STX''JtrÃg ,oi s political aide to Vice President worked in radio, where an exIBv27s a~IO, e t cr s t r e e t r f es t y fes Joe Biden, he would probably ecutive tried to convince him play a major role in a Biden to change his name to Sandy Retire with us Today! 2016 presidential bid. (Perhaps Beach. In the mid-l980s, one 541-312-9690 more conveniently, the brothers also have a sister, Donna, a nurse whoiswidely considered a saint.) R ED m O A D "This is an extraordinary cirP R OFt c l E l l c 9 cumstance, not one that we've ever thought about," Tom said. In the unlikely event that any of the cardinal electors are consss gp cerned by the Donilon family ties, it is also worth noting that EDUC A T ION AS UNIQUE AS YOU ARE Terry Donilon, 52, has already shown his willingness to stand I nformati onal Night s up to the Obama administraWednesday,March 6,2013 I 6:30 p.m. tion. Donilon attacked proviMiddle School - West Campus at 2105 West Antler Avenue sions in the administration's High School - Downtown Campus at 657 SW Glacier Avenue Affordable Care Act that reand quired health insurance plans Wednesday,March 13,2013 @ 6:30 p.m. to offercontraceptives and acMiddle School - West Campus at 2105 West Antler Avenue cess to other procedures anathHigh School - Downtown Campus at 657 SW Glacier Avenue ema to the Catholic Church. He i
e 4 academ
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The camera stations are in high country, from 3,326 feet to 7,340 feet, in wilderness areas away from where people typically roam. This snowy, rugged terrain is where Hiller said a wolverine would likely
said. The O D FW, O r egon up for three months before I Wildlife Heritage Foundation, got the wolverine on them," Serving all Central Oregon students in grades 6-12 Continued from A1 the U.S. Fish and W i l dlife she said. She and her husbandbought Service, the U.S. Forest Ser— Reporter: 541-617-7812, Visit a house near the mountains, vice, the Wolverine 2013-14 Open registration March 1st — March 15th in Flora, about five years ago tion and the Oregon Zoo are and spent part of th e year among the funding contributhere and part in Fairbanks, be living. tors for the project. Alaska. The Wallowas looked The photos so fa r s h ow The U.S. Fish and Wildlife just like where she'd found there are many martens in the Service announced in early wolverines in Alaska. Central Oregon CascadesFebruary that it's considering So she set out to find them. they've been photographed at listing wolverines as threatUsing deer meat as bait she 15 of the stations so far — and ened throughout the Lower planned to l ure w olverines there are likely montane red 4 8 states. Hiller said if t h e onto a platform where their foxes here, a rare species of agency does list the wolvermovement triggered a cam- mountain-dwelling fox. Hiller ine, he would only have to era and clips plucked tufts of said he plans to soon put out a apply for a new permit to go their fur for later DNA analy- half-dozen extracamera sta- with those he already has for sis. In a study for the Wolver- tions with a different design, the fieldwork. / t I > t ine Foundation, an interna- lower to the ground, to collect Although the camera staI tional nonprofit advocating fox fur. Next field season as tions in the Central Oregon for the animal, Magoun set many as 18 fox stations may Cascades have so far captured u p 16 stations around t h e be erected, along with the 20 no wolverine images, Hiller Wallowas. for wolverines. and McFadden shouldn't give I tt l • She found them i n 2 011, The firstfield season start- up hope, Magoun advised. She's maintained s t ations three wolverines in all. ed in October and ends in Hiller and McFadden are May, according to the report. in the Wallowas in the field using the same setup, built The next field season will go seasons since her big find to around a 15 - t o 2 0 -pound f rom October 20D t o M a y see where the wolverines frehunk o f ro a d -killed d e er 2014. quent. She said she doesn't meat, in their Central Oregon T he s t ud y i s cos t i n g usually capture photos of the "The Variable Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is the floor rate of 399% as of 2/20/13. Prime is the NationalPrime Rate printed in the Wall Street Journal. The rate for your line of credit will range from a variable APR of Prime (currently 3.25SS) with a floor of 3.99SS APR to Prime plus a Cascades study. The last wol- $100,000 for th e f i rst f i eld animals until spring, when 300% margin (currently625%), not to exceed 1800%. Minimum credit limit is 510000. Credit limit is based on loan to value ratio and credit qualification. Owner-occupied 1-4unit single family residence only. An annual fee of 5100 is charged on the anniversary date of the line of verine known to be in Central season and will l i kely cost young males are looking for credit (waived for the first year). An early termination fee of 5500 will be charged tf closed within the first 36 months. Property insurance is Member Oregon was killed by a hunter about $75,000 for the second, new territory. required. Flood insurance maybe required. No closing costs required. Consult your tax advisor about the deducttbiltty of interest. Rates and offer subject to change. Limited time offer. FDIC "Last year I had cameras in 1969 near Broken Top. supportersof the project have
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i ions o consumersma acesic ers oc By Jim Doyle St. Louis Post-Dispatch
ST. LOUIS — President Barack Obama's ambitious goal that all Americans have access to health care will take a huge step forward this fall with the opening of federal and state insurance exchanges. But it is too soon to tell whether these bold creations of the Affordable Care Act will actually bring "affordable" care to consumers. Some observers say that escalating health care costs will still find ways to tap and drain the bank accounts of small businesses, individuals and families. W ith l e s s th a n se v e n of many households will be months until h e alth i n sur- too high to qualify for subsiance exchanges begin open dies. This will be even more enrollment in m a n y s t ates, of a problem in states such as regulators are scrambling to Missouri that refuse to expand implement the new law's most Medicaid, leaving many worksweeping — and most expen- ing poor unable to qualify for sive — changes. help. Health exchanges are a key New policy rates have not part of the president's plan to yet been made public, but there make health insurance cover- will surely be winners and losage available to tens of millions ers as insurance companies of Americanswho are current- redistribute the costs of these ly uninsured. And his overhaul benefits as well as begin payof the U.S. health care system ing a new tax on health covalso is certain to impact the erage. And pricing for many lives and checkbooks of many Americans could ru n e v en Americans who already have higher if many of the young health insurance. and healthy decide to "opt out" Among the 2,500-page law's of the law's individual mandate myriad provisions, individuals — choosing to pay fines rather with pre-existing conditions than buy costly insurance. who have been unable to purFederal officials are forechase health insurance no lon- casting that an expanded and ger will be excluded for chronic highly competitive individual illness or a history of medical and small group health insurclaims. Insurers won't be able ance market will help slow the to drop coverage when some- growth of health care spendone gets sick. Plans will have to ing in the long run. Yet fewer offer more generous benefits, consumers willtake advantage such as capping out-of-pocket of the new market if insurance expenses and providing free prices are high at the start. "You need broad participreventive care. Premiums for older consumers cannot be pation from the young and more than three times the cost healthy as well as everyone for younger consumers. else to make health insurance Federal and state exchanges affordable and for the health were designed to create a ro- e xchanges to w o r k , " s a i d bust, competitive market for Robert Zirkelbach, a spokesprivate insurers to provide af- man for A m e rica's Health fordable coverage to individu- Insurance Plans, a Washingals and small businesses. And ton-based trade group whose the Obama administration is members includemajor insurgambling that enough small ers. "The million-dollar quesemployers and young and tion is whether there will be healthy Americans will pur- enough participation." chase health insurance to enEven giventhe best scenario sure the affordability of health for full-fledged participation premiums for all. on the health exchanges, ex"Maximizing par t i c ipa- perts say, insurance premiums tion in the exchanges is abso- are likely to rise in 2014. lutely critical to the success of the law, which was all about Virtual marketplaces expanding c overage," s aid The U.S. Department of Sarah Dash,a project director Health and Human Services at Georgetown U n iversity's has churned out thousands of Center on Health Insurance pages of regulations to impleReforms. "But I think success ment the Affordable Care Act. is going to be in the eye of the The law was upheld with cerbeholder, and the success of it tain modifications as constiwill play out over a few years. tutional last year by the U.S. From a consumer's perspec- Supreme Court. tive, what matters most: Did A linchpin of the Obama people get coverage'? Is the administration's health overcoverage affordableto them? haul is the establishment of InAnd does it ultimately connect ternet-based health insurance people to the care they need'?" exchanges. These virtual marGovernment subsidies in the ketplaces are slated to begin form of tax credits will help operating on Oct. 1 — offering lessen the impact of more cost- an "open enrollment" period ly premiums on low-income before the start of 2014. Americans, but the incomes In this restructured mar-
participation in the exchanges: • A n ew f e d eral tax o n health insurance beginning next year will add to the cost of coverage for individuals, families and small employers. • Federal tax credits may be insufficient for many small e mployers, individuals a n d families to purchase health insurance on the exchanges. • The law's new "age rating" r estrictions will m a k e health insurance more costly for young adults than in previous years. And many healthy young adults in their late 20s and 30s might choose to ignore the law's "individual mandate" that anyone without insurance must purchase it. • New r u l es f o r he a l t h plans such asfree preventive care may cause some small business owners to drop out of the market, deciding it's too expensive to offer health insurance toemployees, even with th e a i d o f s u b sidies. Firms with fewer than 50 em-
insurance. According to the CBO, the average premium subsidy for 2014 on an individual policy will be $5,510. But the office also found that 43 percent of people in the individual health insurance market today will not be eligible for subsidies.And for those people who are eligible for a subsidy, the tax credit's dollar amount declines significantly as a person's income rises.
Smaller companies
Millions of consumers and small businesses are l ikely Under the Affordable Care Act, states may set up new private health to face higher costs for new insurance markets called "exchanges," let the federal government run health insurance policies in them or create state-federal partnerships. 2014, regardless of whether those policies are bought on Where the states stand now: the exchanges or the traditional marketplace, according • State-run exchange Federal exchange to insurance industry insiders 8 Federal-state partnership Decision pending and analysts. Individual premiums are expected to rise significantly for young adults and also could increase for many small and it — R.l. • medium-size companies. Conn.• ployees are encouraged yet A recent article in the trade > — Del. 6 not required by the law to of- j ournal C o n tingencies b y ~ D.C .• fer insurance. actuaries at Oliver Wyman, Next year, insurance car- the New York management riers will begin paying a new consulting group, found that federal tax on health cover- premiums are likely to rise for age. Critics say it will cost $8 working single adults up to age billion in 2014 and be largely 44 — even after accounting for Note: Alaska and Hawaii are not to scale passed through to consumers the aid of tax credits. "A lot of the smaller employand employers in the form of Source: St. Louis Post-Dispatch, AP © 2013 MCT higher premiums. In the next ers are preparing for sticker 10 years, this tax — whose shock. We feel it's going to be a ket, consumers will be able to eral officials say, and increase funds will help pay for imple- huge blow to small employers," make informed choices from over time. mentation of the A ffordable said Doug Simms, an indepenclearly defined policies with In a report last month, the Care Act — w il l t otal $100 dent health insurance broker no fine print — using the ex- Congressional Budget Office billion. with offices i n C r estwood. "An average family of four "We think the rates are going changes tocompare certified estimated that 7 million people health plans with four differ- nationwide, including self-em- is going to pay $300 more for to skyrocket." ent levels of coverage (certified ployed individuals and those health insurance next year Robin Gladwill, a regional as Bronze, Silver, Gold and who do not currently receive because of th e t a x a l one," manager for Nurses to Go, Platinum), based on price and health i n s urance t h r ough Zirkelbach said. " And t h e which is based in Town and quality. work, will obtain coverage in benefit package is going to be Country, has been advised Individuals an d f a m i lies 2014 through the exchanges. more comprehensivebut more by her brokerthat the cost of buying health insurance will The budget office estimates expensive than what m any health coverage for her 110 be guaranteed coverage for that number will r ise to 13 peoplehave today. The impact full-time employees could inpre-existing conditions, and million people in 2015, and 24 that it will have on a person's crease by 20 percent to 30 perthe cost cannot vary based on million in 2016 as "individual premium will depend on the cent this year. "How can I make thedecia person's gender and medical mandate" penalties rise. type and the amount of coverhistory. But smokers can be But according t o h e alth age they have today." sion to grow the number of emcharged more for individual industry o bservers, several Millions of consumers will ployees when I'm continuing insurance policiesbecause of factors could drive up health be aided by new federal tax to look at the mandated health their heightened risk of cancer insurance costs and decrease credits to help pay for health insurance demands?" she said. and other chronic diseases. f The plans also must include "essential benefits" such as hospital, emergency and maternity care, prescription drugs and mental health coverage, as well as certain preventive services such as mammograms C and colonoscopies, without March 15 8e 16, R013 cost-sharing. There are prohibitions on lifetime and annual limits on coverage. For small businesses, the exchange is a way to pool employees from many firms in the same geographic area to give them a better choice of plans and insurers at a lower cost. S imilarly, the h ealth e x changes will place individuals in larger pools to increase their buying power and give them new choices of private insurance plans that have to compete for their business based Example: on cost and quality. That could help,for example, lower rates MSRP ................... S50,385 for some adults who have not l c lnt................... s5,150 yet turned 65 and enrolled in Medicare. Hebate......................S4,250 Eighteen states and the DisViMCG29I966 Sala Pric e 8 40,365 trict of Columbia are establishing their own i nsurance exchanges; seven states are creating exchanges in partnership with the federal government; and 25 states plan to rely on exchanges run by federal officials. Example:
Health exchanges by state
St. Patrick's Day Festival of Redmonl
r no t o r s
.IEW R012 RAI 3800'I
810,00 0OFE/MSRP!
egfP r
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NEW 2012RAM2800's 89,000OF FMSRP!
Factors may drive up cost RobertCohen/St Louis Post-Dispatch
Nurses to Go regional manager Robln Gladwlll, left, has been advised by her broker that the cost of health coverage for her 110 full-time employees could Increase by 20 to 30 percent thls
6,000 cars pass through the intersection on a daily basis, Contlnued from A1 according to ODOT. In 2010, The money i s r e stricted four crashes occurred at the under statute, and the county intersection. And in a 10-year needs legislation to use the period, there have been 25 remoney for a stoplight. ported crashes. "La Pine is Oregon's newest In all, those crashes injured city," McLane told the commit- 28 people. ODOT figures did tee. "It's growing, and this fix not indicate any fatalities. "This i s v e r y i m p o rtant could put in a device in there to make it safer." to south county," Whisnant In addition, McLane said, said. "One of the greatest benefits In 2006, La Pine went from would be the access to the in- an unincorporated area to an dustrial lands." official city. "It's exciting," said La Pine Right now, interested businesses cannot locate to the M ayor Ken M u l enex, w ho nearbyindustrialparkbecause has lived in La Pine for 17 of the added traffic congestion years. "I mean you start out, they would likely cause. About and I'll use the analogy of a
While exchanges hold the promise of greater accessibility to health insurance coverage, the realities could prove different. Participation in the exchanges will start slow, fed-
family. A couple gets married, they have children, they both work, they buy their first house." Not unlike, Mulenex said, his beloved city, population 1,750. "The city gets its first mayor, a city council is elected, you start managing your streets, plowing snow ... establishing ordinances," he said. And before you know it, you need another stoplight. The committee did not vote on House Bill 3130. Committee members will likely hold a public hearing next to move the bill forward. — Reporter: 541-554-1162,
MSRP ................... S41,9&0 Discount...................S4,150 Rebate......................S4,2M Ssle Pric e $ 32,1&0
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Call us at 541-389-1177 1865 NE Hwy 20 • Bend *
While supplieslast, offerexpires3/31/13
Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5
Weather, B6
Prineville couple faces charges A Prineville manand woman were arrested last week onsuspicion of car theft.
Angela JuneHalsey, 25, and Kevin Michael
McDaniel, 22, were arrested Friday on suspicion of unauthorized
use of a motor vehicle, unauthorized entry into
a motor vehicle, possession of stolen property and third-degree crimi-
nal mischief, according to the Prineville Police Department.
ei o rs wan er sa In roa consru ion By Hillary Borrud
Butte that they were not given an opportunity to weigh in on the plan to build a loop road at the college. Some COCC neighbors appealed the city's approval of the road to the Oregon Land Use Board
The Bulletin
A proposal by Central Oregon Community College to give the public more say in campus road construction has met with opposition from neighbors, who said at a recent City Council meeting the plan does not go far enough. The college and city planners devel-
code, to make it clear they do have to go through a process, a roadway review, and then establishing what the standards areforthat review, so that we can give a public process to these roadway developments," Bend planning manager Colin Stephens said Monday. Private roadway connections are not currently required to undergo city review, Stephens said. SeeRoad/B5
of Appeals.
The college put the plan on h old, and the land use board never issued a decision. "What the college is now proposing is oped the proposed language in response to complaints by neighbors on Awbrey to come in and revise that section of the
Halsey was booked at the Crook County Jail and then released.
McDaniel was released Mondayafter all charges aside from the unauthorized entry
into a motor vehicle were dismissed, said a deputy at the Crook County Jail.
Police seekhelp in findingman Police are looking fora La Pine manwho
went missing Mondayin Redmond. Robert S. Hoblitzell, 81, was last seen
t ts
around 3 p.m.walking his dog, aJack Russell
mix, on Southwest17th
Street, according to the Redmond Police Depart-
ment. He hadaccompanied his wife to amedical appointment and likely left in the couple's white
2008 Hyundai Entourage minivan. The license plate number is 922EHX.
Hoblitzell reportedly
has dementiaand is not familiar with Redmond,
Roh Kerr/The Bulletin
A flock of wild turkeys crosses Camp Polk Road near Sisters on Monday as a passing motorist yields the right of way.
according to the police. He is 5 feet, 7 inches tall,
weighs170 poundsand has white hair, glasses and a scruffy beard. Anyone with information about Hoblitzell's
possible whereabouts should call 541-6936911. — Bulletin staff report
Following up on Central Oregon's most interesting stories, even if they've been out of the headlines for a while. Email ideas to O To follow the series, visit
0 0
oas acemore ess
Famiy I(itc en reopens a ter ire Bulletin staff report Family Kitchen, closed in the wake of a fire that damaged two neighboring buildings, one a church, is scheduled to reopen today. The kitchen, a nonprofit organization, feeds as many as 150 people at lunch or dinner every day. The space it leases from Trinity Episcopal Church at 231 N.W. Idaho Ave. is connected by a breezeway to a former Lutheran church damaged early Wednesday morning in a suspected arson fire. The neighboring Trinity church, 469 Wall St., was damaged beyond use. Pat Roden, Family Kitchen trustees president, said in an announcement Monday that Bend city departments cleared the kitchen to open for use. Roden said the kitchen will resume service with its regular 5 p.m. dinner today. The kitchenserves meals to the homeless and other disadvantaged clients, but, in truth, said Randy Heise, the organization's director of development and marketing, a meal is available to "whoever walks through the door." "We do not discriminate; we do not preach," Heise said Monday. "We figure people are walking through the door because they need a nutritious meal." The building in which the kitchen is located experienced only smoke damage froma fire that was set, according to authorities, in the adjacent building. The complex, St. Helens Hall, is used by several groups, from Alcoholics Anonymous to Community Counseling to Civil Air Patrol. See Kitchen/B5
By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin
Salem Eugene Grants Pass
coos Bay
• Coos Bay:A California company will be going it alone building a coal portatCoos Bay,ifit gets built at all. • Salem:The state Senate passed a bill aimed at helping
veterans convicted of crimes. • Eugene:Thelargest Latino civil rights
organization has decided to set up bigger operations in Oregon. • Grants Pass:The Josephine County Fairgrounds aren't what they used to be. Why is another story. Sfories on B3, B6
Have astoryIdea or sudmission? Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond........541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine ........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver ......... 541-383-0348
Deschutes ......541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184 Salem..............541-554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456
Business ........541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831
Robot boats are set to sail this summer on Malheur Lake. But the high-tech tools won't be used right away to find the non-native carp infesting the lake, as refuge managers had hoped. The summertime study will be more about field testing the boats than searching for the fish, said Peter Sorensen, a professor at the University of Minnesota. The experimental, 6-foot-long robotic crafts that resemble toy boats are being tested in smaller lakes around M i nnesota. Before t h ey launch the craft on Malheur Lake, Sorensen said researchers are perfecting the design in the $2.2 million study funded by the National Science Foundation. "Malheur is kind of our dream," he said. "It's like sending a rocket to the moon." At the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge near Burns, Linda Beck, a fish biologist, dreams of a solution for the million-plus carp crowding the lake. Last year she hoped the University of Minnesota robot boat project would make carp removal a reality, by providing an efficient and effective method of finding where the fish congregate in the lake. Either landowners or the govern-
South county plan on slate for meeting By ShelbyR. King The Bulletin
Courtesy Volkan Ieler/University of Minnesota
Pratap Tokekar and Josh Vander Hook, robotics students at the University of Minnesota, test a pair of robot boats last summer at Staring Lake in Eden Prairie, Minn. The boats may be tested this summer on Malheur Lake. ment introduced carp to the Silvies River in the 1920s in an effort to control vegetation in the river. The carp didn't eat the targeted plants and eventually infested Malheur Lake. The Silvies River merges with the lake in high water years, about once every seven years. Poisoning the lake has not proved
a lasting solution for the carp situation, Beck said. Since 1955, refuge managers have poisoned the lake five times with rotenone, only to have the fish return. "We are probably not going to try that again because it didn't work," Beck said. SeeBoats /B5
About thecommon carp Scientific name:Cyprinus carpioro Characteristics:Native to Europe and Asia, the fish are bronze-gold or a golden yellow on the sides. Belly is t yicall p y ayellowishwhite. Adults range from1 to m@. 2 feet in length. Carp in Malheur Lake average 8 pounds each and weigh up to15 pounds. Breeding:Spawning starts in late April and goes into June. Females lay between100,000 and 500,000 eggs among plants found in water 1 to 4 feet deep. Habitat:Lakes, ponds and slow-moving sections of rivers. Food:Sift through mud in search of plants and insects along lake and river bottoms. Sources: U S Fish and Wildlife Service, U S Geological Survey; Ohio Department of Natural Resources
To Ontario
To Bend itt s
Malhettr Lake Harney
"C Malheur
New Princ
Deschutes County planners will take public comments tonight on the proposed longterm comprehensive plan for the southern Deschutes County area residents call "Newberry Country". "Testimony in both oral and written form is encouraged," principal planner Peter Gutowsky said. "This process has been vetted to robust community involvement and we're at a place where comments are overwhelmingly in support of adopting the plan and its formal structure." The public meeting begins at 6 p.m. at the Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic and Recreation Center, Dillon Hall, 57250 Overlook Road, Sunriver. The area-specific plan, "Newberry Country: A Plan for Southern Deschutes County," is a 75-page document laying out a 20-year plan for the south county. See Meeting/B5
If yougo What: Public meeting
for area-specific plan, "Newberry Country: A Plan
National Wildlife Refuge
for Southern Deschutes
County" When:6 p.m. today Frettchglett Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Homeowners Aquatic and Recreation Center, Dillon Hall, 57250 Overlook Road, Sunriver
NATURAL HISTORYPUB: A presentation by Cristina Eisenberg on the relationship between WOMAN OF INSPIRATION humans and wolves in a lecture LUNCHEON: Presented by the titled "The Mark of the Wolf's Tooth: Women's Resource Center of Ecological Effects on Wolves in Central Oregon; registration Oregon"; registration requested; requested; $30; noon-1 p.m.; St. free; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Charles Bend, Center for Health 8 Learning, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541- McMenamins Old St. Francis 385-0750, info© or www. School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.highdesert Wl'CCO.OI'g. EVENINGWITH THE AUTHOR: Author Rick Yancey will speak about his writing and getting published; WEDNESDAY registration recommended; free; 6:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public AN EVENINGWITH JARED PAUL: Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. The performance poet, hip-hop Wall St.; 541-617-7040. artist and activist performs; DOWN NORTH:The Seattle-based followed by an open mic; $5 funk act performs; free; 7 p.m.; suggesteddonation;7 p.m .;The GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W. Nature of Words, 224 N.W. Oregon Century Drive, Bend; 541-728-0749. Ave., Bend; 541-647-2233, info@ or ENERGY:THE DELUSION OF ENDLESSGROWTH: Author CODY BEEBE & THE CROOKS: The and ecologist George Wuerthner discusses energy from fossil fuel Seattle-based roots-rock group as the foundation of our society, performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins and the promise of renewable Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or energy; hosted by the Sierra Club; free; 7 p.m., 6:30 p.m. gathering; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. PALEYFEST: "THE BIGBANG Kansas Ave.,Bend;541-389-0785. THEORY": A live broadcast of a ESTERLYN: The Idaho-based gospel Q&A with stars and producers from act performs; donations accepted; 7 the television comedy, "The Big Bang Theory"; $15; 7 p.m.; Regal p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or Old Mill Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 www.thesoundgardenstudi S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
382-6347orwww.fathomevents. com. "THE SHADOWBOX": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the drama about the lives of three terminally ill people; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical. OI'g.
KORY QUINN: The Portland-based Americana act performs, with Left Coast Country; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.
THURSDAY THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "Stitches" by David Small; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7084 or www. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121055 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. HISTORY PUB: Local rock climber and author Alan Watts presents an illustrated talk on the history of rock climbing at Smith Rock State Park;
hosted by the Jefferson County Historical Society; free; 5-7 p.m.; Great Earth Natural Foods, 46 S.W. D St., Madras; 541-475-1813. BROWN EDITION: TheWashingtonbased jazz and funk act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. WONDERWOMEN: THE UNTOLD STORY OFAMERICAN SUPERHEROINES:BendFilm presents the 2012 festival winner for best documentary, followed by a Skype Q&A with director Kristy Guevara-Flanagan; $12 plus fees;7 p.m.,doorsopenat6 p.m .; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. "OKLAHOMA!": The Mountain View High School music and drama departments present the story of two cowboys in 20th Century Oklahoma Territory seeking the hearts of the women they love; $8, $6 MVHS students, seniors and children ages 6 and younger; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:45 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-383-6360 or "THE SHADOWBOX": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the drama about the lives of three terminally ill people; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;
"Cycling Sojourner: A Guide to the Best Multi-Day Tours in Oregon"; with a slide show; $5; 6 p.m.; Paulina SpringsBooks,422 S.W . Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. "OKLAHOMA!": The Mountain View High School music and drama departments present the story of two cowboys in 20th Century Oklahoma Territory seeking the hearts of the women they love; $8 $6 MVHS students seniors and children ages 6 and younger 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:45 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-383-6360 or "THE KING OFNAPA VALLEY": Thoroughly Modern Productions andJames Lee presentthe play about the world of California winemaking and the families involved; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. champagne reception; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or "THE SHADOWBOX": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the drama about the lives of three terminally ill people; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical.
Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical. Ol'g.
JAZZ CONCERT: The Central Oregon Community College Big Band Jazz performs under the direction of Andy Warr; $5 suggested minimum donation; 7:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Campus Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-280-9371. ROLLER RUMBLERACESERIES: Competitors race a sprint on bikes attached to fork-mounted rollers, with music and raffles; $5 to race, $3 spectat ors;7 p.m.,6:30 p.m. sign-up; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-382-2453. TODD CLOUSER'S ALOVE ELECTRIC: The rock act performs, with Mark Ransom; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. SMASHELTOOTH:The electronic act performs, with The Pirate, Lyfe and Thumbprint Collective; free; 9 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or
FRIDAY AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Ellee Thalheimer talks about her book,
NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.
BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Burglary — A burglary was reported at 2:14 a.m. March 6, in the 100 block of Northwest Greenwood Avenue. Burglary — A burglary was reported and an arrest made at 3:41 a.m. March 7, in the 200 block of Northeast Irving Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at 4:09 p.m. March 7, in the 600 block of Southwest Powerhouse Drive. Theft — A theft was reported at 5:47p.m.March 7,inthe 200 block of Northeast Sixth Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 6:06 p.m. March 7, in the100 block of Northwest Florida Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:41 p.m. March 7, in the 300 block of Southwest Columbia Street. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at10:40 p.m. March 7, in the 21100 block of Southeast Reed Market Road. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at10:51 a.m. March 8, in the area of Northeast Wells Acres Road and Northeast Shepard Road. DUII — Jacqueline Lynette Kemry, 40, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:07 a.m. March 7, in area of Southeast Second Street and Southeast RooseveltAvenue. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made at11:01 a.m. March 7, in the1000 block of Northwest Wall Street. Burglary — A burglary was reported at 3:49 p.m. March 8, in the 20200 block of Powers Road. Theft — A theft was reported at 5:26 p.m. March 8, in the 61300 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:25p.m.March 8,in the 800 block of Northwest Columbia Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 10:53 p.m. March 8, in the 61300 block of South U.S. Highway 97. DUII — Kimberly Kay Patterson, 44, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:18 p.m. March 8, in the area of Northwest12th Street and Northwest Summit Drive. DUII — Martin Charles Deck, 40, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:14 a.m. March 9, in the 700 block of Northeast Savannah Drive. DUII — Kyle Robert Dunnahoo, 25, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:28 a.m. March 9, in the area of Northeast Windy Knolls Drive and Northeast U.S. Highway 20. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:22 a.m. March 9, in the 1700 block of Southeast Tempest Drive. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at10:19 a.m. March 9, in the 61100 block of Chuckanut Drive. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at12:30 p.m.
March 9, in the 100 block of Northwest Oregon Avenue. Theft — Atheft was reported at 2:06 p.m. March 6, in the 1000 block of Northwest15th Street.
Theft — A theft was reported at9:44a.m. March 8, inthe 4500 block of Southwest Elkhorn Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at10:45a.m. March 8, in the 4500 block of Southwest REDMOND POLICE Elkhorn Avenue. DEPARTMENT Theft — A theft was reported at10:46a.m. March 8, in the Criminal mischief — An act 4500 block of Southwest of criminal mischief was Elkhorn Avenue. reported at 8:08 a.m. March 4, in the 4500 block of Theft — A theft was reported at Southwest Elkhorn Avenue. 11:23 a.m. March 8, in the 100 Burglary — A burglary was reported blockofSoutheastLake Road. at 8:21 a.m. March 4, in the 1300 Theft — A theft was reported at block of Southwest15th Street. 11:36 a.m. March 8, in the 900 block of Southwest First Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 8:28a.m.March 4,in the2000 Theft — A theft was reported block of South U.S. Highway 97. and an arrest made at11:58 a.m. March 8, in the 2900 block of Criminal mischief — An act of Southwest Canal Boulevard. criminal mischief was reported at8:47a.m. March 4, in the1300 Vehicle crash — An accident block of Southwest Kalama Avenue. was reported at12:07 p.m. March 8, in the 700 block of Criminal mischief — An act of Southwest Deschutes Avenue. criminal mischief was reported at9:38a.m. March 4, inthe100 Theft — A theft was reported at block of Southeast Jackson Street. 3:19 p.m. March 8, in the100 block of Southwest 26th Street. Vehicle crash — An accident DUU — SeanPaul Sheridan, was reported at1:49 p.m. March 4, in the 2400 block 22, was arrested on suspicion of South U.S. Highway 97. of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 1:40 a.m. Criminal mischief — An act of March 9, in the 900 block of criminal mischief was reported Southwest Veterans Way. at 2:35 p.m. March 4, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported Burglary — A burglary was at 9:54 a.m. March 9, in the 400 reported at 10:07 a.m. March block of Northwest Sixth Street. 5, in the 2300 block of Vehicle crash — An accident was Southwest Timber Avenue. reported at11:35 a.m. March 9, in Unlawful entry — A vehicle the area of Southwest 31st Street was reported entered at11:56 and Southwest lndian Place. a.m. March 5, in the 800 block Vehicle crash — An accident of Southwest11th Street. was reported at12:56 p.m. Criminal mischief — An act of March 9, in the 3600 block of criminal mischief was reported Southwest Volcano Court. at 2:17 p.m. March 5, in the1400 block of Southwest15th Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 3:37p.m.March 9,inthe 3400 Vehicle crash — An accident block of Southwest Quartz Place. was reported at 3:21 p.m. Vehicle crash — An accident March 5, in the area of was reported at 4:42 p.m. Southwest Canal Boulevard and March 9, in the area of Southwest Veterans Way. Southwest Seventh Street and Criminal mischief — An act of Southwest Glacier Avenue. criminal mischief was reported Theft — A theft was reported at at 4:12 p.m. March 5, in the 1400 6:02p.m.March 9,inthe 2300 block of Southwest15th Street. block of South U.S. Highway 97. Vehicle crash — An accident was Theft — A theft was reported at reported at11:13 a.m. March 7, 7:06 a.m. March10, in the 600 in the area of Northeast Larch block of Northwest Cedar Avenue. Avenue and U.S. Highway 97. Criminal mischief — An act of Theft — Atheft was reported at criminal mischief was reported at 11:37a.m. March 7, inthe900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. 10:59 a.m. March 10, in the 500 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Vehicle crash — An accident was Criminal mischief — An act reported at11:54 a.m. March 7, of criminal mischief was in the area of Northeast Larch reported at1:08 p.m. March Avenue and U.S. Highway 97. 10, in the 3300 block of Vehicle crash — An accident Southwest Metolius Avenue. was reported at1:22 p.m. Theft — A theft was reported at March 7, in the 600 block of 1:12 p.m. March 10, in the 1700 Southwest Rimrock Way. block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft — A theft was reported Theft — A theft was reported at 2:43 p.m. March 7, in the and an arrest made at1:48 p.m. 2500 block of Southwest March10, in the 3100 block Reindeer Avenue. of South U.S. Highway 97. Vehicle crash — An accident Theft — A theft was reported at was reported at 3:03 p.m. 7:19 p.m. March10, in the 2200 March 7, in the area of block of Southwest 21st Street. Southwest Seventh Street and Southwest Highland Avenue. JEFFERSON Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 3:46 p.m. March 7, in COUNTY SHERIFF'S the area of Northwest10th Street OFFICE and Northwest Redwood Avenue. Theft — Atheft was reported at Burglary — A burglary was 6:20 p.m. March 7, in the 1700 reported at7a.m. March 4, in the block of South U.S. Highway 97. 13800 block of Southwest Canyon Drive in Crooked River Ranch. Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 7:27 a.m. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was March 8, in the area of reported entered and items stolen Southwest Helmholtz Way and at1 a.m. March 6, in the 500 block Southwest Wickiup Avenue. of Seventh Street in Metolius. Unauthorizeduse — A vehicle Vehicle crash — An accident was was reported stolen at 8:16 a.m. reported at 9:30 a.m. March March 8, in the 2100 block of 8, in the area of Southwest Northwest Kilnwood Court. Culver Highway and Southwest
Ford Lane in Culver. Burglary — A burglary and a theft were reported at 3:15 a.m. March 10, in the1300 block of Northeast Meadowlark Lane in Madras.
DUII — Nicholas Frederick Brown, 24, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 3:38 a.m. March 10, in the area of Southeast Wilson Avenue and Southwest Third Street. DUII — Katelyn Ann Clark, 29, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at2:09a.m. March11, inthe area of Northeast Revere Avenue and Northeast Eighth Street. DUII — Rene L. Heath, 29, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:17 a.m. March 9, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost168.
OREGON STATE POLICE Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at1:15 p.m. March 6, in the area of U.S. Highway 26 near milepost116. Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 9:40 a.m. March 8, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 82. DUII — James Arlo Olson, 37, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 6:04 p.m. March 8, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost12.
burning, 547 N.E. Kearney Ave. 14 — Medical aid calls. Saturday 7:16a.m.— Building fire, 18890 Shoshone Road. 11:15a.m.— Authorized controlled burning, 60450 Woodside Road. 7:47 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 18985 Couch Market Road. 8:05p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 60655 River Bend Drive. 8:54p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 23229 Butterfield Trail. 15 — Medical aid calls. Sunday — Grass fire, 12:59 p.m. 22837 Buckskin Court. 21 — Medical aid calls.
BEND FIRE RUNS Friday 9:53 a.m.— Unauthorized
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May19.2012 • lond. Oregon
----zps PublishingDate: Monday, May 13
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3&th Annual
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U.S. BANK POLE PEDAL PADDLE THEGUIDETOTHELARGEST SINGLE SPORTINGEVENTIN CENTRAL OREGON. The Pole Pedal Paddle is a tradition in Bend that serves as a fundraiser for Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF). MBSEF is the leading nonprofit sports training organization dedicated to promoting positive core values to the Central Oregon youth community. The guide includes the schedule of events, descriptions of the race legs, course maps, and highlights of this signature event.
CASCADE CYCLING CLASSIC THEGUIDETOTHESTAGESAND COURSESOFTHELONGEST STANDING CYCLINGSTAGERACEIN AMERICA . The Cascade Cycling Classic is a six-day event with a long list of American cycling stars among its past winners. Staged in Bend,The Cascade Cycling Classic serves as a fundraiser for the Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF). This guide provides information on race stages and locations.
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+ ~>>I CiTotal care"
PublishingDate: Wednesday, Saturday, July 13
Investors drop out of plan to develop Coos Baycoal port the huge trains hauling coal The Associated Press are bad for the health and lifeGRANTS PASS — A Cali- style of communities along the fornia marine terminal man- route. "They are going to have a lot agement company has until the end of the month to decide of difficulty moving forward, if it still wants to try to de- because of the infrastructure velop the Port of Coos Bay to upgrades necessary both to ship coal mined in Montana the rail lines and the bridges and Wyoming to Asia, now and overpasses they are askthat two of its partners have ing the partner investors to dropped out. foot the bill on," Sierra Club A document posted on the spokeswoman Krista Collard International Port of Coos Bay sald. website Monday says Mitsui Port of Coos Bay spokes& Co., the U.S. subsidiary of woman Elise Hamner said the a Japanese trading company, project is still conceptual, and and Korean Electric Power at the end of the month Metro Corp., the potential buyer of Ports could decide to drop conthe coal, are no longer part of sideration of Coos Bay, move the project. forward, or ask for more time The development was first for research. reported by O r egon Public A 2012 feasibility study for Broadcasting. the project estimates that coal Metropolitan Stevedore Co. exports through Coos Bay of Wilmington, Calif., known could go from 3 million metas Metro Ports, on March 5 ric tons annually in the first signed a renewal of its exclu- year to 10 million metric tons sive negotiating a greement in the fifth year. Construction with the port, which is good of a bulk marine terminal is through March 31. The com- estimated at $250 million and pany did not return a call for upgrades to the Coos Bay Rail comment. Link between Coos Bay and C oos Bay is on e o f f i v e Eugene are estimated at $182 Northwest ports interested in million. Construction would exporting coal mined in Mon- generate 895 direct jobs. Port tana and Wyoming to markets operations would sustain 82 in Asia. jobs in the first year and 165 E nvironmentalists h av e jobs in the fifth. mounted a campaign to stop Other ports pursuing coal the shipments, arguing that exports are Cherry Point and burning coal in Asia is bad for Longview i n Wa s h i ngton, global warming and acidifi- and St. Helens and Morrow in cation of the oceans, and that Oregon.
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Fake POliCe Car —Police in Oregon say aWashingtonman wove through interstate traffic at 80 mph with phony police lights flashing.
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In his passenger seat washis12-year-old son. Marion County deputies didn't recognize the 2009 Nissan Maxima as one of their own unmarked vehicles. And when the driver passed a marked police car,
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the lights went off. JamesWinfrey a 27-year-old from Vancouver,
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Wash., told police he was only using the lights to help him catch up to friends. Deputies say they found no evidence that Winfrey was
attempting to pull over cars andfalsely represent himself as a police officer. Winfrey was cited for disorderly conduct, reckless endangerment and traffic violations.
By Jeff Barnard
'1)jg r K:
MuSSSI SSBSOn —Oregon agricultural and wildlife officials have lifted a five-month ban on mussel harvesting in Southern Oregon.
The Salem StatesmanJournal reports officials with the Oregon
Department of Agriculture and the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife decided the levels of paralytic shellfish toxins are below
"alert" levels. Thebanwas in effect from CapeArago, 14 miles south
of Coos Bay, to the California border. It went into effect Oct.18.
Body found —A body found by a hiker at the bottom of a ravine in the Columbia Gorge has been identified as that of a man
suspected of smashing into a motel room and dragging his wife toward a car before a witness intervened. A hiker found a vehicle with the body of Aaron Bryce-Dolve Griffin at about 5 p.m. Saturday at the bottom of an embankment off the Historic Columbia
River Highway. KGW-TVreports Griffin was sought in the assault on his wife in December, when witnesses told police that Griffin used a crowbar to break into the motel room. Once inside, he alleg-
edly dragged her into the parking lot and toward a DodgeDurango.
A witness intervened and Griffin's wife escaped. She suffered deep
cuts and bruises.
Portland homicide —A Southwest Portland man whose body was found on Saturday died of blunt force trauma to his head. Police
have identified the man as25-year-old Charles Anthony Weber. The man's body was foundearly Saturday inside ahomeafter officers responded to a report of a disturbance andassault. Autopsy results were releasedSunday. 1
Gresham shooting —Police are investigating a fatal shooting in Gresham. Officers responded to areport of shots fired about 6:30 p.m. Sundayand found the body of a man. Police are looking for an unknownnumberofsuspectswhofled.
, P~ k.
Mom listens as son is shot —The mother of a manfatally wounded by police in Portland said she was on the phone with her
son when it happened.Antoinette Cisneros told KING-TV in Seattle Elaine Thompson /TheAssociated Press
A coal train leaves Seattle for British Columbia. A California marine terminal management company has until the end of the month to decide if it still wants to try to develop the Port of Coos Bay in Oregon to ship coal mined in Montana and Wyoming to Asia, now that two of its partners have dropped out.
that her son spoke his final words to her and then she heard gunfire. "I heard everything until the time he was killed," Cisneros said. Police
said Santiago Cisneros III, 32, had ashotgun and fired at them when they encountered him on a parking lot roof in northeast Portland on the night of March 4. Officers said they returned fire. Cisneros died at
a Portland hospital. No officers were injured. — From wire reports A Free Public Service
0 p< Orerron Newspaper
State SenateOICsbil to help convicted vets By Lauren Gambino The Associated Press
SALEM — Courts would be required to consider veterans' military backgrounds during cr iminal s entencing hearings under a bill passed unanimously Monday by the Oregon Senate. The measure, which now moves to the H ouse, gives j udges the authority to i m pose more lenientsentences on veterans, especially those sufferingfrom combat-related mental illnesses such as posttraumatic stress disorder or traumatic brain injury. "This would establish being a service member as a mitigating factor, " said Jesse Barton, an attorney in Salem and a member of the Oregon State Bar's military and veterans section that spearheaded the legislation. "It's about putting them in a place wherethey can be treated as citizens who served their country, rather than just as av-
eragecriminals,"he added. Barton said Senate Bill 124 would help judges determine the appropriate sentence for a person who may be having a difficult time adjusting to civilian life. He said the bill would not put a service member above the law. "This isn't s pecial t r eatment," he said. "Unless you call special treatment a guy who's done five tours in Iraq and is suffering from PTSD." The bill is a follow-up to a 2010 law allowing district attorneys to tell the court about a defendant's military status. Barton said it is unclear under current law if judges are allowed toconsider a person's military background when determining a sentence. This bill would require that judges be made aware of a defendant's service in the armed forces, and allow them to be more lenient. D efense a t t orneys s t i l l would be responsible for ex-
plaining the link between a veteran'scombat experiences and the criminal behavior he or she is on trial for, Barton said. V iolent crimes would b e excluded from special consideration, and courts could not impose sentences that are less than the mandated minimum sentence. Also, veterans who have been dishonorably discharged would not be able to benefit from the measure. The bill's sponsor, Sen. Brian Boquist, R-Dallas, said the intention is to identify service men and women who need help recovering from the trauma of war and combat. "It's one of the many efforts we are trying to make to start the transition for some of these individuals back into society," he said. Brig. Gen. Mike Caldwell, deputy director of the Oregon Military Department, said the bill would highlight a person's military status as a possible
factor behind his or her criminal behavior. "We w ant t o g e t t h e m h ealthy again r a ther t h a n locking them up and throwing away the key," he said.
Over 80 Oregon Newspapers, from 36 Counties,
The Associated Press EUGENE — A n o r g a nization that bills itself as the nation's largest Latino civil rights and advocacy group is establishing a base in Oregon. The League of United Latin American Citizens says it has received calls to establish an
LULAC regional vice president Mickie Solorio Luna said the group wants to "ensure a place for people in civic engagement and secure inclusion and participation of people at all levels in the community and public service." "We will be building upon Oregon base from young peo- the voting power and collabople who stand to benefit from rate with groups across the the federal Dream Act, which board." would provide conditional perThe group also hopes to manent residency to certain unify other Latino groups in illegal immigrants who gradu- Lane County. ate from U.S. high schools. The national organization, "We're excited about the his- createdin 1929, made an early torical step of (LULAC) com- splash with th e 1930's Suing to Oregon," said Juan Car- preme Court ruling in Del Rio los Valle, who made a failed v. Salvatierra, in which LUbid for the city council last LAC sued a Texas school disyear. "It takes a lot of people trict for segregating Mexican (to get a council started), and Americans, 24 years before I'm humbled by the opportu- the Supreme Court's Brown nity to start the process and v. Board of Education ruling bring everyone together." declared segregated schools LULAC approved its Lane unconstitutional. County council l ast w e ek, Learning about L U LAC's The Eugene Register-Guard historic role in such cases, reported. chapter s ecretary S i l verio
Mogart said he wanted to get involved with LULAC but was disappointed to learn t here was no local council, or any council in the state of Oregon. Now that Lane County has a council of its own, Mogart said he is honored to be part of it. "It's going to be a great opportunity for everybody to be more aware of what's going on in the Latino community," Mogart said. "We'll be more able to work t ogether with other members of the community to have a strong Latino voice." One idea Valle hopes to pursue is a symposium featuring LULAC members and other local civil r i ghts advocates from all backgrounds, community members, and government and private industry representatives. "In the end, struggle is struggle, and opportunity is opportunity," Valle said. "We want to come up with ways to work together."
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Latino civil rights group to establish base inOregon
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The Bulletin
The Bulletin
inimum wa e increasesare no e es sou ion
BETsY McCooc
Goaaott BEAEE
Fditur in-Clrirf Editor ofE !R!orials
en. Jeff Merkley, D-ore., has added himself to the line of people who want to increase the minimum wage.
He should, instead, start a line to increase the earned income tax credit. President Obama has called for an increase in the federal minim um of about $2 to $9 an hour.Oregon's Service Employees International Union asked the state earlier this year to increase the minimum annual salary paid by the state to $30,000 from $23,000. And Merkley is co-sponsoring the Fair Minimum Wage Act of 2013. It would increase the federal minimum to $10.10 an hour. The charm of pushing up the minimum wage is clear. It is tough for any family to get by on $8 an hour. "There is no better program of any kind than a good, livingwage job as a foundation for a successful family," Merkley said. But raising minimums has a sequel — an unhappy sequel. It doesn't just have positive effects. It has negative effects, too. It goes on to make it harder for workers to find jobs. It also punishes employers. People earning minimum wage tend tohave less experience and less training than other workers. A majority of the people earning minimum wage are between the ages of 16 and 24, according to Bu-
reau of Labor Statistics data from 2011. Raising the minimum is not going to make it easier for them to be hired. Yes, some poor families will benefit by raising the minimums. Other poor families will lose. A better strategy to help the poor and employed isto expand the earned income tax credit. First of all, it is directly targeted to help the poor.Second, it doesn't make it harder for employers to hire people. Third, it also provides an incentive to work. Congress created the credit in 1975 to offset Social Security taxes for the poor. It benefits people with low and moderate incomes. It puts money in their pocket by reducing the taxthey own and may generate a refund. Jamal Raad, Merkley's press secretary told us he was not aware of any proposals to expand the earned income tax credit. That could be because the minimum wage is easy to explain. Voters get it. The earned income tax credit is more complicated. But when it's a better solution, Congress should push it.
State shouldnot try to control parenting regon lawmakers are working on at least two bills that would take decision-making out of parents' hands and put it in the state's lap. Both are well intentioned, but good intentions are not enoughtomake good law. House Bill 2896, which was approved bymembers of the Oregon House by a 38-18 margin last week, would make it illegal to allow children under the age of 18 to use a tanning bed unless ordered to do so by a doctor. There are no penalties associated with the measure. No one, we suspect, would argue that allowing a child to toast in a tanning bed is good practice. The beds exposeusers to an especially dangerous form of ultraviolet light and risk of melanoma — the deadliest skin cancer. A second measure, Senate Bill 444, would make it illegal to smoke in a vehicle if a child under the age of 18 also were in the vehicle.
While police would not be able to pull someone over for smoking with kids in the car, a person could be cited if he had been stopped for another reason. Again, it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that secondhand smoke is bad for kids. It increases the likelihood of ear infections, asthma and sudden infant death syndrome,among otherthings,according to the Centers for Disease Control. Meanwhile, exposure is concentrated inside the confines of a closed car. Yet as bad as tanning and secondhand smoke are for children, it really isn't the state's job to prohibit the practices. It could, reasonably, set limits on teen tanners by requiring them to get a parent's permission. As for the smoking ban, it's pretty much unenforceable. A better way to reduce the problem is to ensure that parents and others understand the dangers of the practice.
M IVickel's Worth Tuition equity is good for Oregon
ers and registered voters. And that will be good for our state and our country. Barbara Fontafne Powell Butte
I want to thank the members of the Oregon House of Representatives who supported House Bill 2787, the tuition equity bill. The bill would grant in-state tuition for undocumented students who have attended school in the country for at least five years, studied at an Oregon high school for at least three years, graduated and show intention of becoming a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident. These are tougher rules than those required for citizen residents of Oregon. For undocumented students it is tougheryet because there are fewer opportunities for work and tuition funding. Citizen students pay instate tuition in the various universities that exist in their home states. If you grew up in Oregon, you have access to institutions of higher education here at the in-state tuition rate. The same is true if you are a resident of another state; you have access to universities and in-state tuition there. It makes sense to allow undocumented students the opportunity to attend college in the state that they grow up in and call home. Every young person with the academic potential who can also overcome the obstacles should have the opportunity of getting a higher education. I am happy to support their effort with my tax dollars. In time, they will become engineers, American citizens, taxpay-
Walden is wrong on the budget The impact of sequestration on Oregon this year alone will result in a loss of more than $10 million in funding for our primary and secondary schools, loss of funds for the education of children with disabilities, less aid for work-study jobs that help students to finance the costs of college and a loss of funding for protections for clean air and water. Also, furloughs for Department of Defense employees,less funding for Oregon Army base operations, loss of Justice Assistance grants, loss of funding for job-search assistance and reduced funding for child vaccines. Furthermore, a loss of funds to help prevent and treat substance abuse, fewer HIV tests, loss of funds to provide services to victims of domestic violence and a loss of funds for providing meals for seniors. And then there will be the years to come! It gets worse. What are our representatives arguing about? It's simple. The administration wants spending cuts (other than from Medicare and Social Security) and wants to increase revenue by closing tax loopholes that favor corporate America, a position supported by a majority of Americans.
Rep. Walden and his party want spending cuts only, including to Medicare and Social Security. What do we want? Is Rep. Walden
representing you and Oregon by doing what is best for our state, its residents, or is this all about politics? Carolyn Hill Bend
Tyranny by the left In a l e tter p ublished Feb. 2, Alistair McBain stated that "tyranny is not going to happen in seconds" so assault weapons need to be locked up. I contend that tyranny is alive and well in Washington. The far left has established a government that's professed mission is to remove wealth from a segment of our society that earned it through hard work and sacrifice and to give that wealth to another segment which has done nothing todeserve the transfer.The farleftuses force and the threat of force to accomplish their goals. That is tyranny.
Gary Montgomery Bend
Michelle Obama and the Oscars Recently in The Bulletin there was an article about Michelle Obama's appearance by video on the Oscars. She said, "I had to stay up a bit later — but it was worth it. n I doubt she would have said that it was a flop. Marven Petersen Bend
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Orthodox Jews see themselves as ensuring the future t
n M idwood, Brooklyn, t here's a luxury k osher grocery store called Pomegranate serving the modern Orthodox and Hasidic communities. It looks like a really nice Whole Foods. There's a wide selection of kosher cheeses from Italy and France, wasabi herring, gluten-free ritual foods and nicely toned wood
flooring. The snack section is impressive. There's a long aisle bursting with little bags of chips and pretzels, suitable for putting into school lunchboxes. That's important because Orthodox Jews spend a lot of time packing school lunches. Nationwide, only 21 percent of non-Orthodox Jews between the ages of 18 and 29 are married. But an astounding 71 percent of Orthodox Jews are married at that age. And they are having four and five kids per couple. In the New York City area, for example, the Orthodox make up 32 percent of Jews overall. But the Orthodox make up 61 percent of Jewish children. Because the Orthodox are so fertile, in a few years, they will be the dominant group in New York Jewry.
Another really impressive thing about the store is not found in one section but i s p ervasive throughout. That's the specialty products designed around this or that aspect of Jewish law. There are the dairyfree cheese puffs in case you want to have some cheesepuffs with a meat dish. There arethe precut disposable tablecloths so you don't have to use scissors on the Sabbath. There are thespecially designed sponges, which don't retain water, so you don't have to do the work of squeezing out water on Shabbat. Pomegranate looks like any island of upscale consumerism, but deep down it is based on a countercultural understanding of how l i f e should work. Those of us in secular America live in a culture that takes the supremacy of individual autonomy as a given. Life is a journey. You choose your own path. You can live in the city or the suburbs, be a Wiccan or a biker. For the people who shop at Pomegranate, the collective covenant with God is the primary reality and obedience to the laws is the primary obligation. They go shopping like the rest
of us, but their shopping is minutely governed by an external moral order. The laws, in this view, make for a decent society. They give structure to everyday life. They infuse everyday acts with spiritual significance. They build community. They regulate desires. They moderate religious zeal, making religion an everyday practical reality. The laws are gradually internalized through a system of lifelong study, argument and practice. The external laws may seem, at first, like an imposition, but then they become welcome and finally seem like a person's natural way of being. Meir Soloveichik, my tour guide during this trip through Brooklyn, borrows a musical metaphor from the Catholic theologian George Weigel. At first, piano practice seems like drudgery, like self-limitation, but mastering the technique gives you the freedom to play well and create
new songs. Life is less a journey than it is mastering a discipline or craft. Much of the delight in life comes f rom arguing about the law a n d different interpretations of G o d 's command. Soloveichik laughingly describes his debates over which blessing to say over Crispix cereal, which is part corn but also part rice. Jonathan Sacks, the chief rabbi of the British Commonwealth who is on a tour through New York, notes that Jews are constitutional lawyers: "The Torah is an anthology of argument with a shared vocabulary of common restraint." But there are still obligations that precede choice. For example, a young person in mainstream America can choose to marry or not. In Orthodox society, young adults have an obligation to marry and perpetuate the covenant, and it is a source of deep sadness when they cannot. "Marriage is about love, but it is not first and foremost about love," Soloveichik says. "First and foremost, marriage is about continuity and transmission." The modern Orthodox are rooted in that deeper sense of collective pur-
pose.They are like the grocery store Pomegranate, superficially a comfortable part of mainstream American culture but built upon a moral code that is deeply countercultural. This sort of life involves a fascinating series of judgment calls about what aspects of secularism can safely be included in a covenantal life. For example, Soloveichik's wife, Layaliza, was admitted into Harvard, but she went to a religious college, Yeshiva, instead. Then she went to a secularprofessional school, Yale Law, and now works as an assistant All of us navigate certain tensions, between community and mobility, autonomy and moral order. Mainstream Americans have gravitated toward one set of s olutions. The families stuffing their groceries into their Honda Odyssey minivans in the Pomegranate parking lot represent a challenging counterculture. Mostly, I notice how incredibly selfconfident they are. Once dismissed as relics, they now feel that they are the future. — David Brooks is a columnist for The New York Times.
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Mary Elizabeth Rasrnusse, of Redmond Oct. 3, 1920 - Mar. 9, 2013 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel 541-548-3219 please sign our online guestbook Services: A memorial service is pending.
Paul "Loran" Levings, of La Pine April 25, 1929 - Mar. 6, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 Services: A Memorial Service will be held at the La Pine Moose Lodge; service details to be announced at a later date. Contributions may be made to:
Heart 'n Home Newberry Hospice, P.O. Box1888, La Pine, OR 97739; (541) 536-7399.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Micky Moore, 98: A one-time child actor in silent movies who later became a highly regarded second-unit director.Moore directed scenes in more than 200 films and was well-known for his action sequences. He directed action scenes in such films as r Patton," "Butch Casside and the Sundance Kid," and the first three "Indiana Jones" movies. Died March 4 in Malibu, Calif. John Byrne Jr., 80: Chairman and chief executive of Geico who was credited with leading the insurance giant from near-bankruptcy to profitability in the late 1970s — an achievement that remains one of the celebrated turnarounds in modern business history. Byrne was also an executive at Travelers Insurance and Fireman's Fund. Died Thursday in Etna, N.H. — From wire reports
Mildred Manningwaslast survivor of WWII'Angels' By Richard Goldstein
her fellow nurses subsisted New York Times News Service on one or two bowls of rice a Mildred Dalton M anning day in the last stages of their grew up poor on a Georgia imprisonment. She lost all her farm. Her mother made all teeth to lack of nutrition. "I have been asked many the family clothes on an old sewing machine. Hoping to times if we were mistreated escape a life of poverty, she or tortured," she wrote in a reattended nursing school dur- membrance forher files,made ing the Depression and be- available on Saturday by her came a nurse at a hospital in son, James, who announced Atlanta. her death. "Physically, no. A She enlisted in the Army few people might get their face Nurse Corps in 1939. "I joined slapped if they failed to bow the Army to see the world," to a Japanese guard. Humilishe told The Courier News ated, yes. We would be awakof Bridgewater, N.J., some 60 ened at 2 in the morning for years later. "And what I saw head count or searched for was a prison camp." contraband." "From time to t i m e t hey Manning was among the Army and N avy n u rses of would round up a n u mber World War II known collec- of men and take them out of tively as the Angels of Bataan camp and they were never a nd Corregidor. When t h e heard from again," she conJapanese were overrunning tinued. "Our internment was the Philippines in early 1942, n othing c ompared t o th e the nurses treated wounded, Bataan Death March and imdying and disease-ridden sol- prisonment our soldiers went diers under heavy enemy fire, through. They were tortured in one of the darkest chapters and starved." of U.S. military history. Mildred Jeannette Dalton A total of 66 Army nurses was born on July 11, 1914, were taken into captivity by near Winder, Ga. She graduthe Japanese after the Ameri- ated from the Grady Memorial cans' final outpost, on the is- Hospital School of Nursing in land of Corregidor, fell in May Atlanta, then was head nurse 1942. They spent most of the at Grady before entering miliwar under guard at Japan's tary service. Santo Tomas internment camp She was stationed at Clark for foreign nationals in Ma- Field, north of Manila, when nila, where they faced near- the Japanese attacked Pearl starvation and were ravaged Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941, and by disease and malnutrition bombedthe Philippines (where while treating nearly 4,000 it was Dec. 8, across the intermen, women andchildren. national date line). When Manning died FriAfter her liberation, Dalton day in Hopewell, N.J., at 98, was sent by the Army to proshe was the last survivor of mote war bond sales in her the Army and Navy nurses final months of military serwho had been captured by the vice. She met Arthur BrewsJapanese in the Philippines, ter Manning, an editor at The said Elizabeth Norman, who Atlanta Constitution, at a rally told their stories in "We Band and married him on her 31st of Angels." Norman's book birthday. was first published in 1999 as She later worked as a nurse a Random House hardcover, in Jacksonville, Fla., while but she said she had contin- raising a family. In her later ued to keep track over the years she moved to Trenton years. to be near her son. In addition "I'm certain she was the to him, she is survived by a l ast one," Norman said o f daughter, March Price, as well Manning. as five grandchildren and a Manning — L t . M i l d r ed great-grandson. Her husband Dalton during the war — and died in 1994.
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Continued from B1 The non-native fish have thrown off th e b alance of the Malheur Lake ecosystem. The refuge once bustled with birds, but no longer. The carp muddle along the lake bottom, searching for plants and insects to eat. As they do so, they cloud the water with mud, blocking out light from reaching aquatic plants and d ecreasing the a mount o f food once available for birds. There are likely about 1.2 million carp in the lake, Beck has estimated, about three dozen of which are carrying radio transmitters. While refuge w orkers are trying to use those to determine where the fish congregate, the fieldwork is time- consuming and tedious. That's where th e r o b ot boats, as well a s w h eeled models designed to roll over frozen lakes, may eventually prove usefulatthe refuge.The robots would be programmed to systematically cover the lake and find the carp carrying radio transmitters. Once refuge workers know where the carp gather, they would be able to catch and remove the fish. Building a robot boat that can find fish is proving to be a challenge. The receiver used
Courtesy U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Nate Banet and Kris Crowley, aquatic health technicians with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, track the movement of carp under the lce last month at Malheur Lake near Burns. to track transmitter-bearing fish is designed to be used by people, and computers thus far have been unable to differentiate the tones as well as a h uman, said Volkan Isler, another professor at the University of Minnesota, in an email. The motors on the boats haven't helped, causing interference that disrupts the sound quality. Researchers from Johns Hopkins University and Central State Univer-
sity in Ohio are also involved in the project. The robot boats were originally going to be on Malheur Lake this spring, Beck said, but a graduate student quit t he project, adding to t h e boat-design delay. Beck is still excited about the possibility of robot boats someday helping clear carp from the lake, but for now she's developing a management plan for the lake that
legalexpenses. Stephens said the city declined to pay the
Continued from B1 However, COCC asked the city to review its plan for a road extension in 2011 anyway. It was under these rules that the city approved a COCC application for a 700-foot loop road, to connect sections of existing college roads. Bend city councilors said the COCC plan for p ublic involvement is a step in the r ight d i rection, but s o m e c ouncilors a ls o s a i d t h e college should be subject to stricterroad standards. The City Council voted 6-0 on March 6 to continue the discussion at its next meeting. Mayor Pro Tem Jodie Barram had been excused earlier from the meeting. Meanwhile, some neighbors of the college have asked the city to reimburse them for legal bills they incurred when they appealed the city approval of the COCC loop road to the land use board. In a Feb. 19 letter to the city, neighbor John Harper asked the city to reimburse neighbors for more than $7,000 in
neighbors' legal bills.
"Nothing i s s a i d a b out noise, c ongestion, t r a f fic density, curve radius, safety and environmental issues or community involvement in the review process, outside the limited scope of the (pro-
The pr o p o se d cod e a mendment currently b e fore the City Council would require the city to mail notices of COCC private road applications t o n e i ghbors within 250 feet of the project, allow a n o p portunity for public comment and the option for people to appeal city decisions on the roads. A COCC road application would not automatically go to a public hearing under the proposed amendment, but planners would have the ability to send controversial applications t o h e a r i n gs officers. The college has not applied again to build the loop road, Stephens said. City rules already require t hat an y d e velopment at the college be at least 100 feet from a l l n e ighboring properties. At the M arch 6 c ouncil m eeting, opponents of t h e COCC proposal to amend city code calledfor more rules on new campus roads.
posed) application process," said Agnese Wojdak. The City Council also received emails from Awbrey Butte residents who support the COCC proposal. Lawyer M y les C o nway, who represents the college, said, "What we're trying to
do is give a public process that does not exist today." The city does not require other property owners who b uild roads on t h eir o w n land to consider the impact to neighbors, so it would be unfairto impose such standards only on COCC, Conway said. Plus, single-family home lots in the area are typically a minimum half-acre and the existing 100-foot buffer between college development and neighbors "is one of the largest buffers anywhere in the city," Conway said. — Reporter: 541-617-7829,
could include other options. Those include establishing a commercial fishery for carp at the lake and working with privatelandowners to screen off canals in the Silvies River system to keep carp from swimming into the lake. "We are looking for innovative ways to rid the carp without harming the other fish," she said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812,
Council looks at regulating 'forage' fish The Associated Press V ANCOUVER, W a s h . — A draft of an ecological plan that applies to West Coast fis heries has emphasized the need for management of so-called forage fish to improve salmon runs. The P a c ifi c F i s hery Management Council will consider adopting the draft fisheryecosystem plan on April 9 in Portland. The goal is better fish runs on the Columbia River and other Northwest waterways, The Columbian reported. Tim Roth, a deputy project leader for the federal Columbia River Fisheries Program in Vancouver, said the plan may lead to more conservative management of West Coast fisheries, at least initially. But that could
change as managers learn
Kitchen Continued from B1 In all, someone set seven separatefires early Wednesday around 2 a.m. in the area around St. Helens Place and Jefferson Place: two buildings, two vehicles, two garages and a woodpile. Police, joined by the Oregon State Fir e M a r shal, Oregon State Police, FBI and U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, investigated the fire scenes. Damage to t h e E p iscopal church is estimated at $250,000,according to police. A $10,000 reward is available for information leading to the arrest and conviction of those
Meeting Continued from B1 Gutowsky said county planners spent the last year asking residents of the area what types of growth and development they'd like to see. The affected area encompasses 125 square miles stretching south from Lava Butte on either side of U.S. Highway 97 to the Deschutes-Klamath County border, excluding the incorporated areas of La Pine and Sunriver. The planners identified seven categories inwhich residents and stakeholders would like to see improvements implemented: community involvement, land use, public facilities, transportation, natural hazards, natural resources and recreation. Gutowsky said recognizing the potential population growth of the south county led planners to identify the
You canhelp Interested in volunteering to assist at the Family Kitchen? Call 541-6106511.
responsible. Family Kitchen, an arm of the church with its own directors and funding sources, lost a quantity of food, mostly perishable items such as dairy products and produce, when refrigeratorsand freezers in the building lost power after the fire, Roden said. A cleaning crew took care of the smoke damage. The kitchen serves a hot lunch at 11 a.m. each Mon-
day, Wednesday and Friday and noon Saturday; dinner is served 5 p.m. every Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. To the Friday dinner come
many young families whose budgets don't stretch those last few days of the week or month, Heise said. Diners at Family Kitchen are asked only to leave with full stomachs, he said. "We treat them just as they would be treated at any restaurant in Bend." Family K i t chen s e r ves a bout 5 , 00 0 m e a l s p e r m onth — 5 3 ,255 total i n 2012. It also provides bag lunches for distribution by Central O r egon V eterans Outreach to area homeless camps.
more about the interactions of interdependent marine species, he added. "It might m ean l ower catches in the near term until we better understand these relationships," Roth sa>d. Forage fish are the small schooling species like sardines, saury a n d s m elt that provide a crucial protein source for larger fish and other animals in the Pacific. Some of t hose forage s pecies are l a rgely u n managed, leaving them vulnerable to unregulated
fishing. A dvocates h av e w e l c omed the plan an d i t s broad approach to Northwest ecosystems. The Pew Charitable Trusts' environmental arm has recently pushed to raise awareness of forage fish and t heir importance to the marine food web.
need foran area-specific re- fiscal year, beginning July 1. source-use plan. — Reporter: 541-383-0378, Some of the proposed provementsarethe construction of a 2 4-hour medical care facility, the addition of a public dock on the Little Deschutes River, introduction of community greenhouses or gardens, diversification of 63875 N. HIGHWAY97 ' BEND the local employment base and expansion o f p u b l ic S41.382. S S92 transportation options. "Thenextstepisbeginningto implement the plan," Gutowsky said. "The planning division Deschutes Memorial now displays will decide over the next few obituaries on our website. Please go to months where it should tize its time, on a multitude of to leave condolence messages for the issues, with limited resources." family and to learn about funeral/ The D eschutes C ounty Commission will hold a pubmemorial services. lic meeting at 5:30 p.m. March 28 atthe Deschutes Services Building, 1300 NW. Wall St., Bend, to take public comment on how county funds should be allocated for the upcoming
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Yesterday's state extremes
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Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:34 a.m...... 5:42 p.m. Venus......7:21 a.m...... 6:46 p.m. Mars.......7:43 a.m...... 7:47 p.m. Jupiter.....10:37 a.m...... 1 43 a.m. Satum.....l1;02 p.m...... 9:30 a.m. Uranus.....7:56 a.m...... 8:19 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 54/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 74 m 2007 Month to date.......... 0.1 2" Recordlow.......... 8in1956 Average monthtodate... 0.28" Average high.............. 50 Year to date............ 1.92" Average low .............. 27 Average year to date..... 2.90" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.25 Record 24 hours ...0.48 in1928 *Melted liquid equivalent
W e d. The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
Yesterday Tuesday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W
for solar at noon.
Astoria ........49/44/0.16.....52/48/r.....54/47/sh Baker City......49/37/0.05.....58/34/c......63/39/c Brookings.... MM/MM/NA....57/42/pc......59/46/c Burns..........55/27/0.00.....58/32/c......64/35/c Eugene........64/48/0.00.....60/43/c.....60/44/pc Klamath Falls .. 61/24/0 00 .62/31/pc ...68/36/pc Lakeview.......57/23/0.00 ...63/32/pc.....68/39/pc La Pine........56/34/0.00.....60/30/c.....59/32/pc Medford.......69/33/0.00....67/38/pc.....70/41/pc Newport....... 50/46/0.02..... 53/45/r.....54/46/sh North Bend......55/46/NA.....57/43/c......59/45/c Ontario........60/38/0.00.....64/38/c.....69/43/pc Pendleton......54/42/0.00.....62/40/c.....71/45/pc Portland ....... 52/44/0.00..... 59/46/r...... 60/47/r Prineville.......54/34/0.00.....60/35/c.....66/39/pc Redmond.......57/32/0.00.....63/33/c.....66/40/pc Roseburg....... 67/44/0.00.....67/42/c.....69/44/ pc Salem ....... 58/45/000 ....60/45/r ... 61/46/c Sisters.........59/33/0.00.....61/33/c.....62/35/pc The Dages......57/48/0.00.....65/42/c.....69/44/pc
Snow accumulation in inches
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 78 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . . 82 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .78-118 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . .117-126 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . 109 Mt. HoodSkiBowl...........0.0......65-72 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . . 147
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .38-95 Aspen, Colorado..... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . .42-48 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0....100-200 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .56-71 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . .30-110
Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-57 Hwy. 58 at Wigamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .70 82 Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 45 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. Yesterday Tuesday Wed. City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......70/27/0 00...75/41/s.. 76/46/s Grandiapids....52/37/0 07..37/25/sn. 33/19/sn RapidCity.......50/22/000..42/31/pc. 58/38/pc Savannah.......70/51/0.00... 71/43/t .. 66/39/s Akron ..........58/48/028...40/25/c.. 35/20/c GreenBay.......35/33/001...30/I6/c. 32/15/pc Reno...........67/30/0.00...69/37/s.. 73/41/s Seattle..........52/43/0.00... 54/47/r...57/47/r Albany..........50/36/000..49/33/sh..42/26/rs Greensboro......66/41/0.00..61/35/pc.. 51/28/s Richmond.......68/38/0.00 ..66/38/sh.56/30/pc SiouxFalls.......31/I3/0.00... 33/14/c. 34/23/pc Albuquerque.....63/32/000...63/37/s.. 66/41/s Harusburg.......60/37/000..54/37/sh.48/32/pc Rochester, NY....57/51/000 ..44/30/sh. 36/20/sn Spokane........49/30/0.00 54/42/sh. .. 59/44/sh Anchorage......34/21/000...31/16/s. 28/I5/pc Hartford,CT.....52/37/0 00.. 52/36/sh. 49/28/sh Sacramento......71/41/0.00... 77/47/s .. 80/50/s Springfield, MO ..42/27/0.00.. 51/27/pc. 49/33/pc Atlanta.........71/55/000...60/37/5.. 57/32/s Helena..........43/33/000 ..49/35/sh .. 60/36/c St.Louis.........46/34/0.01..49/29/pc.. 48/33/s Tampa..........77/61/000... 75/53/t ..72/47/s Atlantic City.....54/28/000... 58/37/t.53/31/pc Honolulu........77/62/0 00 ..78/65/sh. 78/64/pc Salt Lake City....56/34/0 00 .. 55/35/pc.61l38/pc Tucson..........74/41/0.00...81 /47/s.. 84/50/s Austin..........68/39/0.00... 74/44/s .. 73/48/s Houston ........62/46/0.00... 70/44/s .. 71/46ls San Antonio.....72/38/000...74/44/s .. 73/49/i Tulsa...........53/27/0.00 .. 59/32/pc. 63/42/pc Baltimore .......57/43/000 ..62/37/sh. 53/31/pc Huntsville.......66/45/1.32..54/34/pc .. 53/32/5 SanDiego.......68/51/0.00... 73/56/s.. 75/59/s Washington, 0C..62/41/0 00.. 62/39/sh. 54/32/pc Billings.........46/33/000...45/35/c. 62/37/pc Indianapolis.....56/35/0.09...42/28/c. 38/28/pcSanFrancisco....64/43/0.00... 61/46/s.. 66/49/s Wichita.........49/23/0.00 ..52/29/pc. 59/38/pc Birmingham .. 64/46/099 ..58/36/pc. 56/31/s Jackson, MS.....57/44/068 63/38/s .. 66/39/s SanJose........70/40/000.. 74/47/5 80/49/s Yakima.........60/37/000 64/40/c.68/43/pc Bismarck........39/16/000...26/8/pc. 38/25/pc Jacksonvile......77/49/0.00... 74/44/t .. 70/39/sSantaFe........58/22/0.00.. 55/31/pc.. 62/36/s Yuma...........82/50/0.00... 86/56/s .. 92/59/s Boise...........57/36/0.00...63/42/c.69/45/pc Juneau..........36/33/0.26...36/18/c .. 26/15/c INTERNATIONAL Boston..........50/35/000 ..55/39/sh. 49/32/sh Kansas Citr......36/25/000..44/26/pc. 46/33/pc Budgeport,CT....49/37/000 ..51/37/sh. 47/29/pc Lansing.........54/39/0.39..37/24/sn.. 33/17/c Amsterdam......30/28/000.. 35/23/5 35/27/rs Mecca..........99/70/000 97/73/s95/75/5 .. Buffalo.........63/51/000 ..40/30/sh. 35/20/sn LasVegas.......72/46/000...77/57/s .. 81/60/s Athens..........71/46/0 00 .. 65/49/pc. 65/54/pc MexicoCity .....79/39/000... 76/49/c .. 65/43/c Burlington,VT....50/41/000..48/29/sh..43/25/rs Lexington.......63/43/073..47/29/pc. 39/25/pc Auckland........79/57/0.00.. 70/59/sh.72/59/pc Montreal........45/39/000... 45/28/r. 45/23/pc Caribou,ME.....43/30/0.00..47/39/sh. 41/28/sh Lincoln..........31/140.00..39/21/pc. 44/31/pc Baghdad........73/50/0.00... 83/62/s. 90/66/pc Moscow.........23/0/000..21/13/pc. 23/20/sn Charleston, SC...73/47/0.00...71/45/t.. 65/38/s Little Rock.......54/35/0.00..62/35/pc. 61/39/pc Bangkok........97/81/0.00... 99/80/s. 101/79/s Nairobi.........86/64/001 ..81/61/pc.. 81/58/s Charlotte........70/45/000 ..64/37/pc.. 54/29/s LosAngeles......67/49/000...71/55/s .. 74/55/s Beiling..........54/28/0.0048/37/sh. .. 44/29/pc Nassau.........77/64/0.00 ..74/69/pc. 74/64/sh Chattanooga.....62/51/088..57/34/pc.. 55/29/s Louisville........57/41/1.07..48/29/pc.44/29/pc Beirut..........72/57/0.00... 79/70/c.78/65/pc New 0elhi.......88/63/000 ..89/63/pc. 90/66/pc Cheyenne.......45/27/011...46/29/c. 57/34/pc Madison VYI.....34/32/002...34/19/c. 34/18/pc Berlin...........27/21/0.00...32/18/c.31/21/pc Osaka..........54/36/0.00 59/40/pc. .. 65/34/sh Chicago.........48/34/007...37/27/c. 38/27/pc Memphis....... 48/39/0 00 58/37/pc.55/36/pc Bogota .........72/41/0.00... 68/52/t...80/50/t Oslo.............36/1/0.00 ..32/18/pc.. 20/3/pc Cincinnati.......54/43/0.59 ..45/30/pc. 40/26/pc Miami..........79/69/0.00...83/66/c .. 79/5ms Budapest........57/36/000 ..49/42/sh.52/41/sh Ottawa.........46/39/0.00 ..43/25/sh.. 37/10/c Cleveland.......61/48/082...39/27/c .. 34/21/c Milwaukee......39/34/0 07...34/23/c. 34/23/pc Buenos Aires.....79/48/0.00... 72/53/s .. 68/48/c Paris............37/32/0.00 ..34/23/sn. 36/25/pc ColoradoSpnngs.59/25/000..50/28/pc. 59/31/pc Miuneapolis.....31/27/0.00...32/16/c. 31/20/pc CaboSanLucas ..82/48/000 ..81/59/pc. 81/59/pc Rio de Janeiro....95/77/0 00.. 87/76/pc...90/77/t Columbia,MO...36/29/000 ..47/27/pc.. 43/31/s Nashville........61/42/0 84 ..55/32/pc .. 51/30/s Cairo...........86/64/000... 92/68/c .. 88/68/s Rome...........61 l48/0.00 .. 58/49/sh. 56/48/sh Columbia,SC....75/46/0.00..69/40/pc.. 63/32/s New Orleans.....67/46/0.64...63/46/s .. 67/47/s Calgary.........30/27/0.00..41/34/pc.. 52/28/s Santiago........82/52/0.00 .. 78/62/pc.. 80/61/s Columbus GA....76/57/000... 63/40/s .. 60/34/s New York.......54/40/0 00..56/39/sh. 50/30/pc Cancun.........82/75/1.05... 77/69/t ..75/67/c SaoPaulo.......86/70/0.00... 85/71/t...83/69/t Columbus OH....62/48/052 ..43/29/pc. 38/25/sn Newark Nl......53/39/000 ..55/38/sh. 52/29/pc Dublin..........36/27/001 ..40/27/pc .. 45/31/c Sapporo ........28/25/0.15 .. 34/15/rs .. 31/14/c Concord,NH.....48/30/000..49/33/sh.46/27/sh NorfolkVA......67/39/000..66/41/sh.56/33/pc Edinburgh.......34/23/0.00... 36/25/c.36/26/pc Seoul...........50/25/0 00 .. 50/36/sh. 51/36/sh Corpus Christi....76/49/000...73/52/s.. 73/55/s Oklahoma City...55/28/000 ..64/38/pc. 65/40/pc Geneva.........57/39/028 ..46/34/sh. 36/24/sh Shanghai........50/43/0.00 ..61/35/pc...52/36/t DallasFtWorth...61/35/000 ..69/42/pc. 71/45/pc Omaha.........31/22/000..37/19/pc. 40/29/pc Harare..........72/61/2 44... 73/53/t...75/56/t Singapore.......88/79/0.11...89/77/c.89/75/pc Dayton .........54/42/0.89..43/28/pc.. 38/25/c Orlando.........80/54/0.00... 79/52/t.. 74/46/5 Hong Kong......77/66/000..76/65/pc. 79/66/pc Stockholm........30/5/0.00.. 32/19/sf... 22/4/c Denver..........51/30/000 ..53/30/pc. 62/37/pc Palm Springs.... 85/50/0.00. 88/59/s .. 92/59/s Istanbul.........63/52/0.00... 59/50/s ..63/53/c Sydney..........81/70/000..81l66/sh. 84/68/pc pas Moines......32/27/004...36/I9/c. 33/25/pc Peoria..........48/32/002...40/24/c. 41/27/pc lerusalem.......70/48/000...81/64/c.81/64/pc Taipei...........70/63/0.00...75/58/s. 78/59/pc Detroit..........56/46/0.28 ..40/26/sn.. 36/23/c Philadelphia.....60/37/0.00..59/38/sh. 52/32/pc Johannesburg....74/56/0.00...72/56/t...76/55/t TelAviv.........82/52/0.00...90/66/c. 88/67/pc Duluth..........28/22/000...31/I5/c. 30/18/pc Phoaaix.........76/48/000... 84/56/s .. 89/60/s Lima ...........84/70/0.00...78/72/t. 79/71/pc Tokyo...........52/39/0.00..63/50/pc.68/45/pc El Paso..........66/34/000... 72/42/s .. 75/46/s Pittsburgh.......64/50/000...45/27/c. 36/21/sn Lisbon..........57/50/0 00..56/43/sh 54/40/pc Toronto.........48/43/009.. 43/28/rs..34/18/sf Fairbanks........ 22/7/000 .. 24/15/s.l3/24/pc Portland,ME.....43/34/0 00..4I37/sh. 45/31/sh London .........34/28/000..38/28/pc..42/25/rs Vancouver.......50/41/0.00...50/46/r...52/48/r Fargo............22/1/000....27/6/c. 25/I8/pc Providence......49/37/0 00 ..55/37/sh. 49/30/sh Madrid .........55/43/0.00..55/31/pc.46/28/pc Vienna..........52/36/0.00..43/31/sh.. 45/31/c Flagstaff........55/10/000...57/25/s.. 61/29/s Raleigh.........70/39/000..64/37/sh .. 52/28ls Manila..........91/81/0.00..93/75/pc. 93/74/pc Warsaw.........27/23/003... 2ml7/c.. 28/I4/c
o www m r." ; Y .d":'::. :i',,„...!
Wlnnlpe4 •
4 o5eartlh xx
(in the 48 contiguous states):
A few extra
Yesterday's extremes
• Brothers 60/30 58/31
• cr'escent
• Brookings
58 32
Partly to mostly cloudy skies.
60 37
d~ rr
58/43 • 4 4 4 4 Jdd
•John Day
d d d d 4 4 4 5 8/51
I 4 4 4"4 4
63 35
Moonsettoday .... 8:34 p.m
Partly to mostly cloudy skies.
More mild and nice weather, partly
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE WEST Sunrisetoday...... 7:22 a.m Moon phases Cloudy with a Sunsettoday...... 7 08 p.m chance of rain. F irst Ful l La s t Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:21 a.m Snow levels will be Sunset tomorrow... 7:09 p.m near 8,000 feet. Moonrise today.... 7:29 a.m Mar 19 Mar 27 April 2 April 10 CENTRAL
Joseph s a /35
A mostly sunny and nice day.
-6+++ ++++ +tt
* * * o
< 4 4 4 '* * * * *
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms
+ax+x t+ Rain F l urries Snow 4
JosephineCountyfairgrounds face tough times,deepdeficit By Jeff Duewel
money on horse racing. When I first got there, we had to turn GRANTS PASS — Steve away horses." Swearingen and Al Westhoff Then, in 1992, came the can look back fondly to the Oregon Lottery's video poker 1980s and early 1990s, when machines and Seven Feathers the Josephine County Fair- Casino in Canyonville. grounds still brought home By 1996, horse racing had a "handle" (total wagers) of the bacon. In 1988, the year before about $60,000 a day, and in Westhoff began a 1 7 -year- 2012 it had shriveled to $30,000 stintas fair manager, a record per race day. 96,000 people attended the Horse racing and the fivefive-day fair, lured by Monster day fair are the top two monTrucks and Johnny Cash. eymakers for the 41-acre propIn 1987, bettors laid down erty, so when both faltered last a record $125,000 per day at year, it was devastating. horse racesatthe fairgrounds In October, the deficit soared from Memorial Day weekend to Q00,000, and new Manager to July 4. Mary Groves cut the 2013 fair Those were the good old from five days to four. She will days. stage this year's fair on a budLast year's f ive-day f air get of $175,000 to $200,000, innetted a profit of just $5,000, stead of the normal $275,000. a tiny fraction of its typical The county, which quit prohaul. Horse racing, on life sup- viding general fund support port for more than a decade, seven years ago, has pledged lost more than $20,000 for the $25,000 for repairs and will second straight year. Deterio- take ov e r mai n t enance, rating infrastructure, the bad Groves said. A pet fair has economy, sub-par entertain- been planned for May 18 to ment acts and bad manage- raise money, and other fundment have all been blamed raisers are in the works. for the fairgrounds' current Downward trend $300,000 deficit. "I look at it with some frusThe trend has pointed down tration because I invested a lot for more than 20 years, and of time over the years," said the fairgrounds faced closure Swearingen, member of the in 2007 before making up a fairboard from 1980 to 2000 $100,000 deficit. More recentand again in2006. "When Al ly, the fairgrounds have been was here, a lot of repairs got in the red for 30 of the last 38 done. He was busy getting months. The deficithit$200,000 grants to put new roofs on, in 2011 for the first time, before hustling corporations to redo growing worse in 2012. "It's been piling on for 25 things. We had some money from the city." years," s a i d Sw e a r ingen. "You've got a p u b lic f acilCompetition appears ity that was never built to be a Westhoff said that, under profit center. That's not what his guidance, the annual fair the fairgrounds was about always made a profit of at least when that place was built. "Some of the buildings are $100,000. Jackie McBee, manager from 2006 through 2010, 75, 80 years old." "There's been a lot of talk said profits during her tenure were always at least $140,000. among fair folks about how Prior to the 2012 debacle, did we get to minus-$300,000," the 2011 fair made a profit of said Arthur O'Hare, Josephine $102,000, in spite of poor at- County controller. uWe'vebeen tendance that year. uour fair going negative for years." always made big money," "This is the worst," he said. said Westhoff, now manager "It's not just a Wes Brown pheof the Yamhill County Fair in nomenon It's been occurring McMinnville. "We never lost over time." The Daily Courier
Brown was fair m anager in 2011 and 2 012, following McBee. Groves replaced Brown. During Brown's two years, the f a i r grounds e n d ured some turmoil. McBee said she can't fathom the fair costing $ 275,000 last year with t h e huge cut in the entertainment
budget. Brown was criticized for
charging entrance fees for exhibitors, ending shuttle bus service, switching horse racing from 1 to 4 p.m. and several other unpopular moves. " People I k now w h o e x hibited for 50 years said they weren't coming to the fair," Swearingen said. McBee said that when county officials tightened scrutiny and control of the fairgrounds in 2006, they hurt the bottom line. "I got all of our Internet service donatedthrough Charter so we didn't have an IT fee, and we might have spent $200 a year for c omputers," she said. uWe didn't pay IT, we didn't pay building and maintenance, the treasurer, and now they're paying all that."
o os
t •
Increased costs McBee said she h ired a landscaping person and two maintenance people through a temp service, before the county forced her to hire them through the county. "It cost more, big time," she said. Westhoff said when he was in Grants Pass for horse racing legend Do n J a ckson's f uneral in th e f all, he w a s shocked at the condition of the fairgrounds. "Ten days before the fair, I got up every morning and hosed down every building," Westhoff said. "I knew exactly what needed to be painted, what needed to be fixed." The main sign ottt front has been broken for much of the last two years and still doesn't work, Groves said. The county is still in litigation with Pepsi, which supplied the sign, over repair costs.
ong •t
6 9
• •
IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 NHL, C3 Sports in brief, C2 N F L, C3 College basketball, C3 Prep sports, C4 NBA, C3
Locals fare well in San Felipe 250 SAN FELIPE, Mexico — Several local off-
road motorcycle racers placed high in the San Felipe 250, an off-road event staged this past weekend in the northern part of Baja California. Robert Oborne and Bill Cragger, both of
Bend, were part of a three-man team that finished first in the
Pro Motorcycles Class 60 (riders age 60and older), riding a KTM 450XCW. Their time on the 253-mile desert
course was 8hours, 28 minutes, 49 seconds. Oborne andCragger each rode 84 miles.
Storm openseason with win over Hawks Bulletin staff report Varsity experience and leadership often lift teams to victory. But on Monday, it was a freshman who propelled Summit. On the first day of the spring prep season,the Storm received a three-run double from freshman Cal Waterman to cap a four-run first inning, and four pitchers combined to allow visiting La Pine just one run in Summit's 6-1 nonconference baseball win. "It was definitely a f irst-game-ofthe-season game for both of us, but it was a sharp game," Summit coach C.J. Colt said. "There was great energy out there. The pitchers were in the zone.
g e. ~
PREP BASEBALL For me, it's good to get the first win." The Storm escaped a jam in the top half of the first, when La Pine had runners on second and third with one out but failed to score. In the bottom of the first, following a walk to load the bases with two outs, Waterman stepped upand delivered a bases-clearing double. "Obviously, that was huge," said Colt. "First high school at-bat with two outs, and he clears the bases with a threeRBI double. It opened up the game a little bit in the first inning." SeeStorm/C4
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Summit's Dillon Randall (6) slides into third base breaking up the throw to La Pine's Casey Schneider (34) during the second inning of Monday's game in Bend.
In the Sportsman Motorcycle division
(450cc or less), Kurt Vanderpool, Shawn
Hohman and Chris Sanden, all of Bend, placed fifth out of12 finishers in a Honda CRF450X. Their finishing time was 6:06:33 on a 215-mile
Boston U.
pays back love of a
course, each riding approximately 72 miles. The race, which started and finished in San Felipe, included 250 starters and176 finishers. Competitors represented 23 U.S. states and 12 countries. The San Felipe 250
is one of three races
By Hillel Kuttler
on this year's SCORE International Off-Road Racing Series. Other
New York Times News Service
BOSTON — In Section 111, Row Q, Seat I, above a corner of the Agganis
races in the series include the Baja 500 in
Arena ice, a gray-haired
Ensenada, Mexico, May 31-June 2, and the Baja
1000, also in Ensenada,
tC 'n ',p
Nov. 14-17.
ts t
For more information,
visit score-international.
com. — t3ultetin staff report
UO coachgets Pac-12 honor University of Oregon
Photos by Mitchell Gunn / ESPA
Bend's Laurenne Ross races down the course competing in the Audi FIS Ski World Cup super-G race early in March in Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany.
m en's basketballcoach
Dana Altman hasbeen named JohnWooden Coach of the year in the
Pac-12 Conference. The 2012-13 all-
conference selections, based on avote of Pac-12 coaches, were announced Monday. Altman guided the
Ducks (23-8 overall, 12-6 conference) to a tie for second place
• Bend skier Laurenne Rossheads into World CupFinalsafter posting a career-best finish By Mark Morical
in the Pac-12 stand-
The Bulletin
ings after Oregon was
Five of her teammates on the women's U.S. Alpine Ski Team had already this season
picked to finish seventh
in a preseason media poll. Altman, in his third season with the Ducks, is the third UO coach to receive the confer-
appeared on a World Cup po-
senior, Arsalan Kazemi, received honorable mention and also was named to the all-defen-
dium with a top-three finish, and Bend's Laurenne Ross was feeling left behind. After a disappointing 26thplace finish in the super-G at the world championships on Feb. 5, Ross, 24, finally realized she was putting too much pressure on herself. "I didn't want to feel sad or mad or bad about skiing anymore, I just wanted to go have fun, and almost just not care," Ross said in an interview via Skype last week from Solden, Austria, the European training base of the U.S. team. "Just kind of go down the course as fast as I could and the result doesn't matter as
sive team. And Oregon
long as you feel that you gave
ence coach-of-the-year honor, joining Dick Harter (1977) and Ernie
Kent (2002). Also from Oregon, senior forward E.J. Sin-
gler was named to the 10-member all-conference first team, which is
led by conference player of the year Allen Crabbe, a junior guard from California. Another Duck
guard DamyeanDotson was selected to the allfreshman team.
Two Oregon State players were recognized in the all-conference
selections, including junior guard Roberto Nelson, who received honorable mention. Another Beaver, sophomore forward Eric Moreland, received
honorable mention on the all-defensive team. Complete Pac-12 all-
conference listings in Scoreboard,C2. — From wire reports
it your all." That approach certainly worked on March 2, when Ross finished an unexpected second in a World Cup downhill race in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, for the first World Cup podium of her career. "When Icame through the finish I certainly didn't expect to be in second," Ross said. "It was quite the surprise." Ross, who was raised in Klamath Falls and grew up skiing for the Bend-based Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation,moved to Bend two years ago.
rRLH tt
NAttrRtkurt tilt Put „,
Laurenne Ross celebrates afterfinishing second in the Audi FIS Ski World Cup downhill race onMarch 1 in Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany. She recalled during the interview that she was com-
ing offasolid offseason of training — after finishing last season ranked a career-best 22nd in the world in downhill — and came into this season expecting to reach her first podium. But she struggled early on, until her change in race mentality after the world
championships. Relaxing and easingthe pressure off
herself led to faster skiing and less "freezing up," she explained. "I would get on the course and then it was almost like I blacked out," Ross said. "I would go through the finish and I would have no idea how I skied. I would have no clue what happened. I was just losing my focus. That was something that I hadn't really dealt with because I was sort
of in denial about it. I think realizing that was really my first step to becoming a better racer." Fresh off her second-place downhill finish, Ross this week is headed into the World Cup Finals in Lenzerheide, Switzerland, coming off some of the best racing of her career. She isexpected to compete in the World Cup Finals downhill this Wednesday and in the super-G on Thursday. Ross is going into the finals with a newfound confidence from her podium performance in Garmisch. "I just gained so much trust in myself that I actually can put myself out there, put it all on the line, and still ski really well and push myself at the same time," she said. "I hadn't really gotten that feeling over the past couple months. I think that's going to help a lot, just that little bit of confidence." Ross is an integral part of a U.S. women's alpine team that is coming into its own with the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, less than a year
away. The Bend resident is the fourth U.S. woman to land her first World Cup podium this season, joining teammates Stacey Cook (Mammoth Mountain, Calif.), Leanne Smith (North Conway, N.H.) and Alice McKennis (Glen-
wood Springs, Colo.). SeeRoss/C4
man observed the action. Wearing a scarlet team jacket and a white Friends of Boston University Hockey cap pulled over enormous eyeglasses with brown frames, he was easy to miss. A trumpeter's brief toot from the opposite end of the rink projected greater sound than the man's enthusiastic clapping after each Terriers goal in a victory against Merrimack. When the game ended, the man, Elliot Driben, left his aisle seat and struggled up a few steps. Cerebral palsy has presented him with challenges throughout his life, and, at 68, he has grown progressively less mobile. SeeCaretaker /C4
there be madness in March this year? By Rachel Cohen
The Associated Press
NEW YORK — College basketball fans with fond memories of the wild 2011 NCAA tournament may have forgotten this fact: A mostly tranquil regular season led up to it, with the four top seeds combining for just 13 loses. Back in 2007, by contrast, the No. 1 seeds had 18 defeats among them. Then the tournament started, and the familiar upsets of March were almost nowhere to be found. College basketball analyst Clark Kellogg would love to be calling three weeks full of stunners this year. But he knows it's hardly inevitable — despite a season when the topranked team never seemed safe. SeeMadness /C4
BASKETBALL 9 a.m.:Men's college, Big Los Angeles Angels at Cleveland East tourney, Providencevs. Cincinnati, ESPN. (taped), MLBNetwork. 3 a.m.:World Baseball Classic, 11:30 a.m.:Men's college, Big second round, Netherlands vs. East tourney, Syracusevs. Seton Midnight:MLB, spring training,
Hall/South Florida winner, ESPN.
Cuba, MLB Network. 10 a.m.:World Baseball
Noon:Men's college, Pac-12
Classic, second round, Italy vs. Dominican Republic, MLB
tourney, Stanford vs. Arizona State, Pac-12 Network.
Network. 1 p.m.:MLB, spring training, Detroit at Philadelphia, MLB Network. 5 p.m.:World Baseball Classic,
Noon:Men's college, Mountain
second round, Puerto Rico vs.
State, Pac-12 Network.
United States, MLB Network. 9 p.m.:MLB, spring training,
2:30 p.m.:Men's college,
San Diego atSanFrancisco (taped), MLBNetwork. SOCCER Noon:UEFAChampions League, round of16, FC Schalke vs.
Galatasary A.S., Root Sports. 7 p.m.:UEFA Champions League, round of16, FC
Barcelona vs. ACMilan (sameday tape), Root Sports. BASKETBALL 12:30p.m.:Women'scollege, Summit Leaguetourney, final, SouthDakotavs.South Dakota State, ESPNU.
4 p.m.: Women'scollege,Big East tourney, Connecticut vs. Notre Dame,ESPN. 4 p.m.:Men's college, NEC tourney, final, Mount St. Mary's vs. LIU-Brooklyn, ESPN2. 4 p.m.: Men's college, Big East tourney, first round, Seton Hall vs. South Florida, ESPNU.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Horizon League tourney, final, Wright State vs. Valpariso, ESPN. 6 p.m.:Men's college, Summit League tourney, final, North Dakota State vs. South Dakota State, ESPN2.
6 p.m.: Men's college, Big East tourney, first round, Rutgers vs. DePaul, ESPNU. 7 p.m.:NBA, Memphis at
Portland, Blazer Network (Ch. 39). HOCKEY 4:30 p.m.:NHL, Boston at Pittsburgh, NBCSN.
West tourney, UNLV vs. Air Force, CBSSN.
2:30 p.m.:Men's college, Pac12 tourney, Colorado vs. Oregon Mountain West tourney, Colorado State vs. Fresno State, CBSSN.
4 p.m.:Men's college, Big East tourney, Villanova vs. St. John's, ESPN2. 5 p.m.: NBA, Utah at Oklahoma City, ESPN.
6 p.m.: Men'scollege,Pac-12 tourney, Southern Cal vs. Utah, Pac-12 Network.
6:30 p.m.:Men's college, Big East tourney, Rutgers vs. DePaul, ESPN2.
6:30 p.m.:Men's college, Mountain West tourney, New
Mexicovs.Wyoming/Nevada winner, CBSSN. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, New York at Denver, ESPN.
Softball: Summiat t Madras,4p.m. Girls golf: Bend, MountainView,Summit, Crook County ,Redmond,Ridgeview,Madras atCrooked RiverRanch,noon Track: Sisters,Ridgeview,Mountain View, LaPine, Gilchrist at MV Icebreaker, 3:15p.m.
9 p.m.:Men's college, Mountain West tourney, San Diego State vs. Boise State, CBSSN.
SOCCER 12:30 p.m.:UEFAChampions League, round of16, MalagaCF vs. FC Porto, Root Sports. 7 p.m.: UEFA Champions
League, round of16, FCBayern Munich vs. Arsenal FC(sameday tape), Root Sports. 1 p.m.: MLB, spring training,
Los Angeles Angels at San Diego, MLBNetwork. 8 p.m.:MLB, spring training, Milwaukee atArizona (taped), MLB Network.
WEDNESDAY BASEBALL 5:30 p.m.: College, San
Francisco at Oregon State, KICE- Francisco at OregonState, KICEAM 690. AM 690.
BASKETBALL 7 p.m.:NBA, Memphis at Portland, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690. Listings are the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes madeby Tllor radio stations.
Oregon MiddleSchool Basketball Association 2013 State Championships March 9-10 in Bend,Redmond BOYS
Fifth GradeGold ChampionshipGrant : Bugdogs48,OregonCity 39 Third placeBarowBruins 61, St.AnthonyHawks40 Sixlh GradeGold Championship: WilsonvigeWildcats 44, Westview Wildcats31 Third place.WestLinn Lions 48, TualatinTimberwolves42 Sixth GradeSilver ChampionshipCrater : Comets 57,Brookings Harbor Bruins55 Third place. Westview Wildcats (Silver) Seventh GradeGold ChampionshipWest : LinnLions 50,OregonCity 45 Third place:SouthMedford Blue56,WilametteWolverines40 Seventh GradeSilver Championship.SouthMedfordWhite 52, BendLava Bears46 Third place:ClevelandWarriors 46, WestLinn Lions 34 Eighth GradeGold ChampionshipTi : gardTigers61,Summit Storm53 Third place:SunsetApollos 69,SheldonIrish 64 Eighth GradeSilver ChampionshipMountainViewCougars61, Estacada Rangers 50 Third pace:SalemAcademy Crusaders 53, Tigard Tigers43 GIRLS Fifth GradeGold Championship:McMinnvigeGrizzlies44, Shockwave
CYCLING Nibali takes lead, Horner
collided with Raptors rookie forward JonasValanciunas. The Cavs have19 games left this
Sixth —Defending champion
season, so it's possible lrving
Vincenzo Nibali hastaken the overall lead from Chris Froome
will not play again. Irving has
in the Tirreno-Adriatico race in Porto Sant'elpidio, Italy. Peter Sagan won the next-to-last
already missed14 gamesthis season with a broken index finger and hyperextended knee.
stage of the event on Monday. Bend's Chris Horner finished sixth for team RadioShack.
Nibali attacked on adangerous downhill section during the rainy 130-mile ride that started and
finished in Porto Sant'Elpidio. The Italian was joined by Sagan and Joachin Rodriguez for the
BASKETBALL USC suspendsplayers — Southern California starting
center DewayneDedmon and backupbig manJames Blasczyk have beensuspended indefinitely following allegations the
final section and Saganwonthe
pair was involved in amelee in
three-man sprint.
Spokane, Wash., overthe weekend. Interim coach Bob Cantu
saidMonday thesuspensions
BASKETBALL Seattle offers waitlist
— The prospective owner of the Sacramento Kings is calling on fans in Seattle to sign up for a "priority ticket waitlist" as a way to show the NBA how much
interest there is in bringing pro basketball back to the area. Chris
were the result of violating an
unspecified team rule. Spokane police are investigating a series of fights in the downtown area
early Sunday morning.
WINTER SPORTS Mushers dattle at
Hansenmade theannouncement Idltarod —Alaska's famous on his website 1,000-mile Iditarod Trail Sled on Monday. It was his first state- Dog Race hascomedown to mentsincetheannouncement a furiously contested match of the sale of the Kings from the among veterans, with one seaMaloof family to Hansen and Microsoft Chief Executive Steve
soned musher grabbing the lead back from another throughout
Ballmer on Jan.21.
the day Monday. Sled position-
GaVS'IrVing out — Cava-
ing trackers showed 2004 Iditarod winner Mitch Seavey12
liers All-Star guard Kyrie lrving
miles ahead of four-time cham-
could miss the next month with
pion Jeff King and last year's
a sprained left shoulder. Irving, who has dealt with injuries during his brief NBA career,
sprained his shoulder Sunday night in a loss to Toronto. He
runner-up Aliy Zirkle by evening as they headed to the checkpoint at Elim, 123 miles from the finish line in Nome. — From wire reports
Monday's Games East lona 60,Manhahan57 Tournament Colonial Athletic Association Championship JamesMadison70,Northeastem 57 Mid-American Conference First Round Buffalo74, Cent.Michigan72,OT E. Michigan 45, N.Illinois 44
Miami(Ohio)63, Bowling Green52 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference First Round MorganSt. 61,SCState52 Savannah St. 59,Md.-Eastern Shore 44 Southern Conference Championship Davidson74,Coll. of Charleston55 SummitLeague Semifinals N. Dakota St. 55,W.Illinois 43 S. DakotaSt.72, IPFW56
Sun Belt Conference Championship
W. Kentucky 65,FIU63
West CoastConference Championship Gonzaga 65,Saint Mary's (Cal) 51 Pacific-12 ConferenceTournament At MGM GrandGarden Arena Las Vegas First Round Wednesday, March13 Stanfordvs.ArizonaState, 12:06pm. Coloradovs. OregonState, 2:36 p.m. SouthernCalvs. Utah,6:06 p.m. Washingtonvs.Washington State, 8:36p.m. Quarterfinals Thursday, March14 UCLAvs. Stanford-ArizonaStatewinner,12:06 p.m. Arizona vs. Colorado-OregonState winner, 2:36 p.m. Californiavs.SouthernCal-Utahwinner, 6:06 p.m. Oregonvs. Washington-Washington Statewinner, 8:36 p.m. Semifinals Friday, March15 UCLA —Stanford-Arizona Statewinner vs. ArizonaColorado-Oregon State winner, 6:06p.m. California—Southern Cal-Utah winner vs. OregonWashington-Wsahington Statewinner, 8:38p.m. Championship Saturday, March16 Semifinalwinners,8:02 p.m. Polls AP Top 25 The top25teamsinTheAssociated Press'college basketball poll, with first-place votes in parentheses, recordsthroughMarch10,total points basedon25 points for a first-placevotethrough onepoint for a 25th-place voteandlastweek's ranking: Record Pts Prv 1.Gonzaga(54 ) 30 2 1, 6 1 1 1 2 7-4 1,559 3 2. Duke (11) 2 6-5 1,491 2 3.lndiana 4. Louisville 2 6-5 1,421 8 2 4-5 1,344 5 5. Georgetown 6. Michigan 2 5-6 1,230 7 7.Kansas 2 6-5 1,224 4 2 4-7 1,184 1 0 8. Michigan St. 2 4-6 1,082 6 9. Miami I 0. OhioSt. 2 3-7 1,073 1 4 11. Kansas St. 25-6 9 3 2 9 12. Marquette 23-7 9 2 1 15 13. Florida 24-6 8 3 8 11 23-7 8 0 5 13 14. OklahomaSt.
26 21 2 3 45 85 58 HoustonatFCDallas,10 a.m. 2 612 9 5 29 68 66 ChivasUSAat LosAngeles, 2p.m. 25 13 10 2 28 76 77 25 10 9 6 26 54 61 TENNIS 26 1012 4 24 61 72 Northwest Dimsion Professional GP W L OTPts GF GA Minnesota 2 4139 2 28 58 59 BNP ParibasOpen Vancouver 24 11 7 6 28 66 67 Monday Colorado 24 10 10 4 24 62 69 At The IndianWells Tennis Garden Edmonton 25 911 5 23 60 76 Indian Wells, Calif. Calgary 24 9 11 4 22 64 82 Purse: Men:$6.05 million (Masters1000); Pacific Division Women: 6.02million (Premier) GP W L OTPts GF GA Surface: Hard-Outdoor Anaheim 24 18 3 3 39 85 62 Singles L os Angele s 2 4 1 4 8 2 30 71 60 Men SanJose 24 11 7 6 28 56 57 Third Round Phoenix 25 12 10 3 27 72 72 KevinAnderson,SouthAfrica, def. JarkkoNieminDallas 24 12 10 2 26 67 67 en, Finland,6-3,6-1. NOTE:Twopoints tor a win, onepoint for overtime RafaelNada(5), Spain,def. LeonardoMayer, Arloss. gentinawalkover
Detroit St. Louis Nashville Columbus
Monday's Games
ErnestsGulbis, Latvia, def.AndreasSeppi (20),
Boston 3,Ottawa2, SO Los Angele3, s Calgary1 Today's Games N.Y.Rangersat Bufalo, 4p.m. CarolinaatWashington, 4p.m. Vancouverat Columbus, 4p.m. BostonatPittsburgh,4.30 p.m. Tampa Bayat Florida, 4:30 p.m. TorontoatWinnipeg,5p.m. SanJoseatSt.Louis,5p.m. Anaheim at Minnesota, 5p.m. Nashville atDallas,5:30p.m. EdmontonatColorado, 6p.m. LosAngelesatPhoenix,7p.m.
Italy, 5-7,6-3, 6-4.
TomasBerdych(6), CzechRepublic, def. Florian Mayer (27), Germany,6-1, 6-1 RichardGasquet (10), France,def. JerzyJanowicz (24), Poland,6-1,6-4. RogerFederer(2), Switzerland, def. IvanDodig, Croatia,6-3,6-1. Women Third Round AngeliqueKerber(4), Germany, def. YaninaWickmayer(30), Belgium,6-1, 7-6(4). NadiaPetrova(10), Russia, def.Julia Goerges(21), Germany, 6-1, 6 2. Garbrn eMuguruza,Spain,def.MagdalenaRybarikova,Slovakia,6-4, 6-0. SamStosur(7), Australia, def. PengShuai (32), China,6-3, 3-6,6-2. CarolineWozniacki (8), Denm ark, def. ElenaVesnina (29),Russia,6-2,6-1.
Spring Training
Monday's Games
N.Y. Mets11,Detroit 0 Miami 8,Boston7 Pittsburgh 4,Baltimore3 Atlanta 7,Washington2 N.Y.Yankees4, St. Louis0 ChicagoWhiteSox3, Colorado1
American League BALTIMORE ORIOLE S— Optioned RHP Zach Clark, LHPMike Belfiore and OFXavier Averyto
Milwaukee 3, L.A. Dodgers2 San Francisco2, Texas1 Cleveland 0, L.A. Angels0,tie Pac-12 Conference San Diego 10, Oakland0 2012-13 All-ConferenceTeam Chicago Cubs 7,Arizona 5 First Team Minnesota6, TampaBay4, 10 innings Jahii Carson, fr., guard, Arizona State; Alen Crabbe, jr., guard, Califomia; SpencerDinwiddie, so., guard,Colorado,Larry DrewII, sr., guard,UCLA, WBC SolomonHill, sr., forward,Arizona;Mark Lyons,sr., World Baseball Classic Glance guard, Arrzona;ShabazzMuhammad, fr., guardfforAll Times PDT ward, UCLA;Dwight Poweg,jr., forward, Stanford; SECONDROUND Andrew Roberson, jr., forward,Colorado;E.J. Singler, GROUPONE sr., forward,Oregon. At Tokyo SecondTeam Today, March 11 Kyle Anderson,fr., guard,IJCLA;Justin Cobbs,jr., Netherl a nds 7, Cuba 6 guard,California;CarrickFelix, sr., G/F,ArizonaState; Today, March12 Brock Motum,sr., forward, WashingtonState; C.J Game5winner vs. Japan,3a.m. Wilcox, jr.,guard,Washington. GROUP TWO Honorable Mention At Miami Jio Fontan,sr., guard,USC,Arsalan Kazemi, sr., Today, March12 forward,Dregon;Roberto Nelson,jr., guard, Oregon Italy vs.DominicanRepublic, 10 a.m. State;JasonWashburn, sr., center,Utah;EricWise,sr., PuertoRicovs. UnitedStates,5 p.m. forward,USC. Wednesday, March13 All-FreshmanTeam Kyle Anderson,guard, UCLA; Jahii Carson,guard, Game1loservs. Game2 loser,4 p.m. Thursday, March14 Arizona State; DamyeanDotson, guard, Oregon; winnervs. Game2winner,4p.m. ShabazzMuhammad, guard/forward, UCLA;Josh Game1 Friday, March15 Scott, forward,Colorado. Game3winner vs Gam e4 loser,4 pm. All-FreshmanHonorable Mention Saturday, March16 Jordan Adams,guard, UCLA,KalebTarczewski, Game5winner vs. Game4winner, 10a.m. center,Arizona. AH-DefensiveTeam JordanBachynski,jr., center,ArizonaState; Carrick College Felix, sr., guard/forwardArizonaState; Josh Huestis, Baseball America Top25 jr., forward,Stanford;ArsalanKazemi, sr., forward, OrDURHAM, N.c. —Thetop25teamsin the Baseegon;AndreRoberson,jr., forward,Colorado. All-Defensive Honorable Mention ball Americapoll withrecordsthroughMarch10 and Nick Johnson,so., guard,Arizona;EricMoreland, ranking(votingbythestaff ofBaseball America): Record Pvs so, forward,OregonState. 1. NorthCarolina 14-0 1
Women's college
39 (DT)
Third place:Summit 41, NativeStorm35 Sixth GradeSilver Championship:KeizerLadyCelts 36, SherwoodLady Bowmen 32 Third place: AmityWarriors 38, Sheldon34 Seventh GradeGold ChampionshipCl : ackamasCavaliers 35, Pendeton Broncs27 Eighth GradeGold Championship.SilvertonSilver Foxes60, Stayton Storm53 Third place:Sunset69, Sheldon64 Eighth GradeSilver ChampionshipJAM : Girls(Molaga)52,North Eugene Highlanders 45 Third place.MilwaukieMustangs36, Liberty Falcons 33
Men's college
26-5 7 7 1 12 15. NewMexico 24-6 5 5 7 16 16. SaintLouis 24-7 5 5 1 20 I7. Pittsburgh 24-6 5 2 3 18 18.Arizona 23-8 36 2 17 19. Syracuse 27-4 3 1 6 25 20. Memphis 23-8 2 4 5 23 21. UCLA 2 1-10 19 1 2 2 22. Wisconsin 23. Creighton 27 7 190 23-8 1 7 1 24 24.NotreDame 24-7 1 5 7 21 25.VCU Othersreceivingvotes:Saint Mary's(Cal) 117,Butler 105,NorthCarolina49, ColoradoSt. 48, Temple 20, Belmont13,UNLV7, Wichita St. 6, Kentucky5, Oregon4,Valparaiso1, Viganova1.
USA TodayTop26 Poll The top 25teamsin the USAToday men's college basketball poll, with first-placevotes in parentheses, recordsthroughMarch10, pointsbasedon25points Thursday fora hrst-place votethrough onepoint fora25th-place Baseball: CulveratSherman,4:30p.m. vote and last week's ranking: Softball: MountainViewatSprague,TBD Record Pts Pvs Track: Culver,Madrasat CrookCountyIcebreaker, 1.Gonzaga(29 ) 30-2 772 1 3:30p m 27-4 73 6 4 Boys tennis: Ridgeviewat Madras, 4 p.m.; Crook 2. Duke(2) 3.lndiana 26-5 69 9 2 County atSisters, 4 p.m. 26-5 68 9 6 Girls tennis: Sisters at Crook County, 4 p.m., 4. Louisville 5. Georgetown 24-5 6 1 1 5 MadrasatRidgeview,4 p.m. 6.Kansas 26-5 6 0 1 3 7. MichiganState 24-7 5 5 7 12 Friday 25-6 5 4 2 8 Baseball: LaPineatRidgeview,4 p.mzMcLoughin 8. Michigan 9 OhioState 23-7 5 3 3 13 at Madras,4p.m.; Summit at Sisters, 4p.m. 10. Miami 24-6 5 0 2 7 Softball: La Pine atRidgeview,4 p.m.; Madrasat 24-6 4 7 2 9 Redmond, 4 p.mcSummit at Sisters, 4 p.m., 11. Florida 12. KansasState 25-6 4 1 0 10 Culver atBurns(DH),1p.m. 13. Marquette 23-7 4 0 0 1 7 Boys tennis: Summiat t SaxonInvite in Salem,7 14. NewMexico 26-5 34 5 11 a.m. 15. Oklahoma State 2 3 - 7 331 14 16. SaintLouis 24-6 2 8 7 15 Saturday 27-4 26 9 20 Baseball: Bend atTheDagesWahtonka(DH),noon, 17. Memphis 24-6 2 5 2 18 SpragueatMountain View(DH), 2p.m.; West Sa- 18. Arizona 24-7 2 3 8 22 lem atRedmond,11 a.m.; RoseburgatRedmond, 19. Pittsburgh 23-8 1 7 1 16 3 p.m. 20. Syracuse 27-5 13 6 23 Softball: WestSalemat Redmond (DH), noon; The 21. SaintMary's 24-7 1 1 2 19 DallesWahtonka/Dufurat Bend(DH), noon;West 22. VCU 21-10 106 21 Linn atMountainView(DH), 2 p.m.; Estacadaat 23. Wisconsin 27-7 94 CrookCounty,1 p.mcLakeview at LaPine (DH), 24. Creighton 2 3-8 7 2 noon. 25. UCLA Track: Summiatt AlohaPreview(frosh/soph), TBD Others receivingvotes: NotreDame46, North Boys tennis: Madras at MountainView,noon Carolina30, Butler24, ColoradoState13, Belmont9, Girls tennis: MountainViewatMadras, noon MiddleTenne ssee5, Missouri 4, SanDiegoState2, California1, Kentucky1, StephenF. Austin 1, UNLV 1, WichitaState1.
Pac-12 tourney, Washington
vs. Washington State, Pac-12
ON THE AIR:RADIO BASEBALL 5:30 p.m.:College, San
Today Baseball: MadrasatSisters, 4.30 p.m. Softball: Madras at Sisters, 4:30 p.mcBurnsat CrookCounty,4p.m. Boys tennis: TheDalles Wahtonkaat Ridgeview, 4 p.m JRedmondatSisters, 4p.m. Girls tennis: Ridgeview at TheDagesWahtonka, 4
8:30 p.m.:Men's college,
4:30 p.m.:NHL, Philadelphia at New Jersey, NBCSN.
Monday's Games
East Holy Cross59, Colgate38 Navy60,Buckneg48 Tournament Big 12 Conference Baylor75,lowaSt.47 Big East Conference Semifinals NotreDame83, Louisvige 59 Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference Semifinals Marist 72, lona48 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference First Round CoppinSt.44, NCCentral 41 MorganSt 56,Md.-EastemShore49 SC State50,SavannahSt 35 Southern Conference Championship Chattanooga64,Dawdson63 SummitLeague Semifinals S. DakotaSt 86, IPFW59 SouthDakota82, IUPUI72 Sun Belt Conference Championship MiddleTennessee53,UALR48 West CoastConference Championship Gonzaga62,SanDiego50 Poll AP Women's Top25 The top 25 teamsin theTheAssociated Press'
women'scollegebasketball pol, with first-placevotes in parentheses,recordsthrough March10, total points basedon25 points for afirst-place votethrough one point for a25th-placevoteandlast week's ranking: Record Pts P rv 3 1-1 1,000 1 1. Baylor(40) 29-1 95 9 2 2. NotreDame 28-3 90 9 3 3. Uconn 31-2 88 4 4 30-2 84 6 6 28-3 777 5 27-5 73 8 7 25-5 6 5 9 8 24-9 6 4 6 19 24 7 645 9 25-7 5 8 2 14 24-7 5 7 4 10 28 - 6 467 15 25-6 4 6 1 12 27-3 4 0 5 16 24-7 3 9 7 13 24 - 7 334 17 27-2 3 2 5 11 25-6 2 7 9 18 20. Green Bay 26-2 2 3 0 20 21. Purdue 24 8 193 22. Syracuse 24-6 1 6 0 24 23. IowaSt. 2 3-7 1 2 8 24. Nebraska 23-8 86 21 25. FloridaSt 22-9 82 23 Othersreceivingvotes:Toledo78,LSLI59 Michigan St.36,Gonzaga24, OklahomaSt. 17, SanDiego 4. Stanford 5. Duke 6. California 7. Kentucky 8.PennSt. 9. Texas A8M 10. Tennesse e 11. UCLA 12. Maryland 13. NorthCarolina 14. Georgia 15. Delaware 16. Louisville 17. SouthCarolina 18 Dayton 19. Colorado
2. Vanderbilt 3. Oregon State 4. Louisville 5. SouthCarolina
6. Mississippi 7. Louisiana State 8. CalStateFugerton 9. GeorgiaTech 10. Kentucky
11. UCLA 12. FloridaState 13. MississippiState 14. ArizonaState 15 Arkansas
16. Oregon 17. NotreDame 18. NorthCarolinaSt. 19. Rice 20. Arizona 21. Nevada-Las Vegas 22. Virginia 23. Oklahoma 24.lndiana 25. FloridaGulf Coast
Eastern Conference Atlantic Division Pittsburgh
GP W L OTPts GF GA 2 6188 0 36 97 76
NewJersey 2 6129 5 29 65 75 N.Y.Rangers 2 413 9 2 28 63 58 N.Y. Islanders 26 11 12 3 25 77 88 Philadelphia 27 12 14 1 25 75 82 Northeast Division GP W L OTPts GF GA Montreal 26 17 5 4 38 84 66 Boston 23 17 3 3 37 70 50 Ottawa 26 13 8 5 31 61 54 Toronto 26 15 10 1 31 79 70 Buftalo 26 9 14 3 21 67 83 Southeast Division GP W L OTPts GF GA Carolina 24 14 9 1 29 75 69 Winnipeg 25 12 11 2 26 63 74 Tampa Bay 25 10 14 1 21 85 79 Washington 24 10 13 1 21 69 72 Florida 26 7 13 6 20 64 98 Western Conference Central Division GP W L OTPts GF GA
8 7 6 5 4 2
10 14 11 12
18 3 23 16 15 22 9 19 20 NR 25 17 NR NR
Collegiate Baseball Pol TUCSDN,Ariz. — The CollegiateBaseball poI with recordsthrough March10, points and previous rank Voting isdonebycoaches sportswritersand sports informationdirectors: Record Pts Pvs 14-0 497 1. NorthCarolina 1 2. Oregon St. 15-0 494 3. Louisiana St. 15-1 492 6 2 4 3 4. Vanderbilt 5. SouthCarolina
15-2 13-2 6. Mississippi 16-1 7. FloridaSt. 15-0 8. MississippiSt. 17-2 9. Kentucky 13-2 10. UCLA 11-3 11. GeorgiaTech 14-2 12. Virginia 14-1 I 3. Cal StFugerton 1 3 - 3 14. Louisville 12-2 10-2-1 15. ArizonaSt. 16. Oregon 11-5 17. N.C.State 12-4 18. Stanford 10-5 19. Oklahom a 12-4 20. CalPoly 13-2 21. NotreDame 10-3 22. Arkansas 11-5 23. Florida Gulf Coast 13-3 24. Arizona 13-5
25. Nevada -LasVegas 9-3 26. Clemson 9-5 27.OklahomaSt. 12-3 28. U.C.Irvine 12-4 13-4 29. MiamiFl , a. 30. Central Arkansas 14-2
491 489 486 482 480 479 476 474 473 467 465 462 458 456 453 451 448 445 443 442 440 439 437 436 433 430 427
11 15 7 5 13 16 17 12 19 20 14 8 9 10 22 25 29 23 18 26 22
St.13, Oklahoma 5, Chattanooga1, Quinnipiac1.
15-2 15-0 12-2 13-2 16-1 15-1 13-3 14-2 13-2 11-3 15-0 17-2 10-2 11-5 11-5 10-3 12-4 9-7 13-5 13-3 14-1 12-4 8-3 13-3
Eastern Conference Montreal Columbus SportingKansasCity 1 Philadelphia Houston TorontoFC NewEngland D.C NewYork Chicago
W 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 I 0 0
L T Pts GF GA 0 0 6 1 0 3 0 3 1 0 3 0 0 3 1 0 3 0 0 3 I 0 3 1 1 1 2 0 0
Western Conference
L T PtsGF GA 0 0 6 3 0 0 3 1 0 3 32 I 0 3 4 1 0 3 SanJose 1 0 3 Portand 1 1 1 40 1 Seattle I 0 0 2 Colorado 2 0 0 NOTE: Threepoints for victory, onepointfo r tie.
Vancouver Los Angeles ChivasUSA RealSaltLake FC Dallas
W 2 1 1 I 1 1 0 0 0
Saturday's Games
D.C. Unitedat NewYork, 9:30a.m.
ChicagoatSporting KansasCity, noon Toronto FC atMontreal,1 p.m. NewEnglandat Philadelphia,2 p.m. San Jose at Columbus, 2:30p.m. ColoradoatRealSalt Lake,3 p.m. Portland atSeattle FC,5p.m
Sunday's Games
Norfolk(IL). CHICAGOWHITESDX— Dptioned RHP Simon Castro andLHPSantos Rodriguez to Charlotte (IL) and RHPNestor Molina to Birmingham(SL). ReassignedOFStefanGartreg, Ri-IPErik Johnson, INFSeth Loman,INFMarcusSemien, LHPScott Snodgress, OF Trayce ThompsonandOFKeenyn Walker to their minor-leaguecamp. CLEVELAND INDIANS—Selected the contract of
LHPRichHil fromColumbus(IL). PlacedRH PBlake Wood onthe 60-day DL.Optioned OFTim Fedroff, RHPTreyHaley, LHPTJ House, RHPChen-Chang Lee andRHPDanny Salazarto Columbus.Reassigned INFMatt LaPorta, RHPFernando Nieve and CRobertoPerezto their minor-leaguecamp.Granted the unconditionalreleaseofOFBenFrancisco.Signed LHPScott Barnes,OFEzequiel Carrera,INFJuanDiaz, C/INFYanGomes, LHPNick Hagadone,RHP Frank Herrmann,LHPDavid Huff, INFJason Kipnis, RHP Chen-Chang Lee,INFMike McDade, INFCord Phelps and RHP JoshTomlin to one-year contracts. Renewed the contractsof RHPCarlos Carrasco andRHPVinnie Pestano. DETROIT TIGERS—Optioned C Ramon Cabrera and INFDixonMachadoto Erie (EL)andRHPMelvin Mercedes to Lakeland(FSL). AssignedINFEugenio SuarezandOFDaniel Fields to their minor-league camp. MINNES OTATWINS—OptionedCChris Herrmann to Rochester(IL) andRHPB.J. Hermsen, RH PTrevor May, RHP Michael Tonkin, CJosmil PintoandINF DannySantanatoNewBritain (EL) NEWYOR KYANKEES—Agree to terms with OF Ben Francisco on aminor leaguecontract. Optioned LHP FranciscoRondon,RHPDegin Betances, RHP Brett Marshall, and CAustin Romineto Scranton/ Wilkes-Barre(IL) andLHPMannyBanuelos, LHPNik Turley,RHPJose Ramirez andOFRamon Flores to Trenton(EL).ReassignedRHPChaseWhitley, CJ.R. MurphyandINFLukeMurton to their minor-league
Leon to Sacramento(PCI.). TAMPABAY RAYS— OptionedRHP AlexColome, LHPMikeMontgomeryandLHPFrankDeLosSantos to Durham (IL); LHPEnnyRomero to Montgomery (SL) and LHPFelipe Rivero to Charlotte (FSL).ReassignedRHPMarquis Fleming,RH PMatt Buschmann and LHP AdamLiberatore to their minor-league camp. National League CHICAGO CUBS OptionedRHPAlberto Cabrera, RHPTreyMcNutt, I.HPBrooks Raley and INFl.ogan Watkins tolowa(PCL)andRHPRobert Whitenackto Tennessee(SL). AssignedRHPNick Struckto their minor-league camp. COLOR ADO ROCKIES—Optioned INF Cristhian Adamesand Rafae Ortegato their minor-leaguecamp. ReassignedRHPChadBettis, RHPParkerFrazier, RHP DanHouston,LHPTylerAnderson, LHPErickThreets, CLarsDavis andOFKyleParkertotheir minor-league
LOS ANGELESDODGERS— Optioned RHP Matt MagigandRHPSteveAmes to Albuquerque (PCL). ReassignedRHPMatt Palmerto their minor-league
MIAMI MARLINS— OptionedRHPEvanReed,RHP Alex Sanabia,LHPBradHandandOFKyleJensento NewOrleans(PCL)andRl-IPSamDyson, LHPEdgar OlmosandOFMarcel OzunatoJacksonville (SL).ReassignedRHPJordanSmith and CWilfredo Gimenez to theirminorleaguecamp. ST.LOUIS CARDINALS— Optioned RHP Jorge Rondonto Memphis (PCL)
FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONA CARDINALS ReleasedRBBeanieWells and RBFozzyWhittaker. BUFFALO BILLS—Signed CBLeodis McKelvin to acontractextension. DALLAS COWBOYS—ReleasedLBDanConnor. DENVER BRONCOS—Re-signedSDavid Brutonto a three-yearcontract ReleasedLBD.J. Wiliams and QB CaebHanie. HOUSTON TEXANS—Signed TE Philip Supernaw. NEWYOR KGIANTS—Tendered a contract off to WR VictorCruz.SignedDTCullen Jenkins. NEWYORKSJETS—Signed QBDavid Garrard. TENNES SEETITANS—Tendered a contract off to C/GFernandoVelasco. SAN FRANCI SCO 49ERS—Signed NT lan Williams to atwo-yearcontract extension.AcquiredWR AnquanBoidinfromBaltimore fora2013sixth-round draft pick. WASHINGTONREDSKINS— Released CB DeAngelo Hall. HOCKEY
National HockeyLeague
ANAHEIMDUCK S—Recalled F Patrick Maroon and FDevanteSmith-Pegy fromNorfolk (AHL). COLUMBUS BLUEJACKETS—Assigned DCody GoloubeftoSpringfield (AHL). DALLASSTARS— RecalledF TomasVincourfrom Texas(AHL). AssignedFMatt FrasertoTexas. NASHVILLEPREDATORS— Recalled F Matt HalischukfromMilwaukee(AHL). Activated RWBrandon Yip frominjuredreserve.PlacedF Patric Hornqvist andFColin Wilsononinjured reserve. NEW YORKISLANDERS— Returned F David Ugstrom toBridgeport (AHL). PHOENIXCOYOTES— Signed FHenrik Samuelsson to athree-year entry-level contract. SANJOSESHARKS—ReassignedRWMatt Pelech to Worcester (AHL). ReassignedFTommyGrant toSan Francisco (ECHL)fromtheWorcester. TAMPA BAY LIGHTNING— Reassigned D Brendan Mikkelsonto Syracuse(AHL). Recalled DRadko GudasfromSyracuse. Acquired FDanSexton from AnaheimforF KyleWi
No.1 Gonza a wins WCC tournament MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL
By John Marshall
The Associated Press
LAS VEGAS — Not long after top-ranked Gonzaga received the West Coast Conference tournament trophy, an arena full of Zags fans started a chant of No. 1! Big, deep, athletic, tough-minded, not to mention dominating and willing to play defense — it'd be hard to argue against them. Kelly Olynyk had 21 points and 12 rebounds, and Gonzaga bolsteredits case for a No. 1 seed in the NCAA tournament by routing Saint Mary's 65-51 in the West Coast Conference final Monday night. "It was acomplete game," Gonzaga coach Mark Few said. "We really played a complete
game." The Zags have had plenty of those this season. Already headed to the NCAA tournament for the 15th straight season, Gonzaga (31-2) sure had the look of a No. 1 seed against the West Coast rivals, dominating at both ends. The deep Zags shot 52 percent, dominated inside and teamed up to hound Gaels leading scorer Matthew Dellavedova everywhere he went. Elias Harris added 19 points and Gonzaga had a 42-18 advantage in the paint to win its 14th straight game. But instead of hopping up and down at their accomplishment, the Zags gave a few high-fives
and hugs amid the streamers falling from the ceiling, a subdued celebration for a team that
has eyes on a bigger prize.
"You've got to enjoy your successes, but you have to be short-minded in the sense that it's not the end of the year for us and we still want to come out and make some noise in the tournament," Olynyk said. Saint Mary's (27-6) labored against Gonzaga's attacking defense and size inside, particularly after point guard Jorden Page injured his right knee midway through the first half. Dellavedova struggled for the second straight game, scoring two points on one-of-eight shooting, and the Gaels went seven for 27 from 3point range while shooting 35 percent overall.
Oklahoma City's Kendrick Perkins (5) hits San Antonio Spurs' Tim Duncan during the second half of Monday night's game in San Antonio. San Antonio won 105-93.
Bruins beat Senators in shootout The Associated Press O TTAWA, Ontar i o — David K r ejci's shootout goal won t h e g ame for the Bruins. It was the attempt by Ottawa's Kaspars Daugavins that had everyone talking after the
game. The Senators' forward carried the puck straight toward goalie Tuuka Rask by pinning it with the toe of his stick, then tried a 360spin move before failing to jam the puck between the post and the skate of Boston's netminder. Krejci scored on the foll owing attempt an d t h e Bruins defeated the Senators 3-2 Monday night for their 10th straight win in Ottawa. " The (skate b lade o f
Rask) got my puck and usually I just push it in," Daugavins said. "It (stinks) n ot to score that. If t h e blade doesn't touch I can
just (push it) because his pad is pretty weak against the stick. I had room to put it under, but then I just took the safe way. It's a little unlucky. "Now I look like a fool." It wasn't the first time Daugavins had tried the move. He was successful with it early this season during an American Hockey league game with the Binghamton Senators. "My initial r e a ction when the stick went down was 'buckle up,' " Senators coach Paul MacLean said of Daugavins' attempt. "It was very entertain-
ing. I hadn't seen it (before), but apparently there is a history there and there's a history of success." MacLean was asked if he thought a move like that was more suited to an allstar game type setting. "He had an opportunity to score didn't he'? My only question is was it legal, but apparently it is. He's trying to do what he can to score a goal," MacLean said. Rask made 30 saves in regulation a n d s t o pped three of four Senators in the s hootout, i n c luding t he bizarre a t tempt b y Daugavins. Also on Monday: Kings 3, Flames 1: LOS ANGELES Captain Dustin Brown scored two g oals, J onathan Q u i c k made 23 saves and surging Los Angeles beat Calgary for its second win over the Flames in three days.
The Associated Press S AN A N TONIO — T h e San Antonio Spurs rebounded from their worst loss of the season with a balanced performance against one of the NBA's best teams. This was on e s atisfying victory. Tiago Splitter had 21 points and 10 rebounds, and San Antonio snapped Oklahoma C ity's f i v e-game w i n n i ng streak with a 105-93 victory on Monday night. "I think everybody played well," Splitter said. "I was one of them. You play well and you feel better. You want to play well against these kinds of teams, these playoff teams. Of course, we've got to stay humble. It's one more game." Kawhi Leonard scored 17 points, Danny Green had 16 and Ti m D u n can f i n ished with 13 as San Antonio (49-15) maintained the Western Conference's top record. Manu Ginobili had 12 points and Boris Diaw added 11 as the Spurs' reserves outscored their counterparts 34-16.
Antonio. Oklahoma City had o n ly "We had a lot of great play two baskets in the opening 10 from the bench," Duncan said. minutes of the fourth, but was "That second squad came in 11 for 12 on free throws. there and kind of changed the Also on Monday: tempo and took control of the 76ers 106, Nets 97: PHILAgame." DELPHIA — Spencer Hawes Kevin Durant had 26 points had 24 points and 10 rebounds, and Russell Westbrook added Jrue Holiday added 15 points 25 for the T hunder (47-17), and 11 assists and Philadelwho have lost six straight in phia beat Brooklyn. San Antonio. Serge Ibaka was Jazz 103, Pistons 90: SALT the only other player in double LAKE CITY — Mo Williams figures, adding 13 points and scored 20points,Al Jefferson 16 rebounds. had 16 and Utah snapped a San Antonio's defense was four-game losing streak with a t he difference, turning a n victory over Detroit. Warriors 92, K nicks 63: evenly matched battle into its third victory in f our games OAKLAND, C alif. — Stewithout Tony Parker. The All- phen Curry scored 26 points, David Lee had 21 and Golden Star point guard is going to miss another three weeks with S tate routed New York f o r a sprained left ankle. its most lopsided win of the The Spurs lost 136-106 to season. N uggets 108, S uns 9 3 : Portland o n F r i day n i g ht, with the Trail Blazers setting PHOENIX — K osta Koufos a record for most points by an scored a career high 22 points opponent at the ATkT Center on 10-of-11 shooting, mostly and handing the Spurs their from point-blank range, and second-worst home loss ever. Denver ran its winning streak A couple days later, it was a to nine games with a victory much different story for San over Phoenix.
Juhe Jacobson/The Associated Press
Gonzaga's Kelly Olynyk, left, tries to strip the ball from Saint Mary's Matt Hodgson during the first half of the WCC tournament championship Monday in Las Vegas.
Boldin, Harvin traded
as freeagencynears The Associated Press On the eve of NFL free agency, trades involving top receivers A n quan B o l din and Percy Harvin grabbed the headlines. In an odd twist Monday, Boldin went from the Ravens to the San Francisco 49ers, the team he helped Baltimore beat 34-31 in last month's Super Bowl. Harvin, wh o e x pressed his discontent in Minnesota, was sent to Seattle, where he will join former Vikings teammate Sidney Rice. San Francisco acquired the 32-year-old Boldin for a sixth-round draft pick. Boldin, a star in Baltimore's run to the Super Bowl title last season, must pass a physical to complete the deal. "Anquan was a great receiver for myself and for our football team," said quarterback Joe Flacco, who signed a six-year, $120.6 million deal with the Ravens last week. "It's sad to see a guy like that go, but at the same time, you want what's best for him and you just wish him the best of luck. "Anquan was a big part of this football team, a big part of this offense. He's one of the main reasons we won the Super Bowl this year." Boldin had six catches for 104 yards and a touchdown in the Super Bowl victory. He had saidhe'd consider retirement rather than leave Baltimore. But going to the NFC champions might change his mind. "It's a business, man. Those things are going to happen," Ravens wide receiver Jacoby Jones said. "I wish Q the best. He's always a Raven with me, and we got something they can't take from us." The 24-year-old Harvin, M innesota's m o ody a n d multi-talented receiver, will j oin the Seahawks for a package of draft picks that includes Seattle's first-round selection next month, No. 25 overall. He also must pass a
EasternConference x-Miami d-NewYork d-Indiaita
Brooklyn Chicago Boston
Atlanta Milwaukee Toronto Philadelphia Detroit
LA. Lakers Dallas Portland Minnesota Phoenix NewOreans Sacramen to
tN L 47 14 38 23 39 24 37 27 35 2B 34 28 34 28 32 29 25 39 24 39 23 43 21 42 20 41 18 46 13 50
d-SanAntonio d-Oklahoma City d-LA. Clippers Memphis Denver GoldenState Houston
d-dIvisionleader x-clinchedplayoff spot
Pct GB 770 623 9 619 9 578 31'/t 556 13 548 13'/t 548 t3'/t 525 15 391 23t/t
38t 24 348 26'/t
333 27 328 27 281 30'/z 206 35
MemphisatPortland,7 p.m. WedtIesday'sGames Miami atPhiladelphia,4p.m. Minnesotaat Indiana,4 p.m. Milwaukee atWashington, 4p.m. TorontoatBoston,4 30p.m L.A. LakersatAtlanta, 4:30p.m. Phoeni xatHouston,5p.m. Utah aiOklahomaCity, 5 p.m. Chicago at Sacramento, 7 p.m. Detroit atGoldenState, 7:30p.m. MemphisatL.A.Clippers, 7:30p.m. NewYorkatDenver, 7:30p.m.
Jazz103, Pistons 90
DETROIT (90) Pct GB Singler 1-6 3-4 5,Jerebko5-144-4 15, Monroe 766 7-151-1 15,Calderon6-81-1 14, Knight0-2 0-00, 734 2 Kravtsov0-00-2 0, Stuckey6-102-2 15, Middleton 692 4 t/t 4-70-012, Villanueva1-70-02,Bynum4-0 4-41z 689 5'/t Totals 34-8015-1890. 662 6'/t UTAH (103) 554 13'it Carroll 2-6 1-1 5,Favors2-5 2-26, Jefferson7531 15 152-216, M.Wiliams9-141-1 20,Foye1-50-02, 516 16 Burks2-70-05, Hayward4-83-413, MaWiliams 5516 16 8 2-2 14,Kanter7-90-0 14,Evans3-4 2-3 8. Totals 468 19 42-81 13-15 103. 468 19 Detroit 19 18 33 20 — 90 350 26 Utah 20 31 25 27 — 103 344 27
22 42
344 27 338 27'/t
22 43
Utah 103,Detroit 90 Denver108,Phoenix93 GoldenState92,NewYork63
Today'sGames WashingtonatCleveland,4 p.m. BostonatCharlotte, 4p.m. LA takersat0rlarIdo,4p.m. NewOrleansat Brooklyn,4:30 p.m. Atlanta aiMiami, 4:30p.m. SanAntonioat Minnesota,5p.m. Dallas atMilwaukee,5p.m.
76ers106, Nets97 BROOKLY N(97) Wallace2-8 0-0 4, Evans4-9 1-29, Lopez8-13
3-319, Williams10-195-727,Johnson8-0 1-2 20, Bogans1-3 0-0 3, Teletovic2-7 0-0 4, Watson1-3 0-0 2, Blatche 4-71-2 9, Brooks0-10-0 0. Totals 40-81 11-1697. PHILADELPHIA (106) Turner 6-183-4 16,TYoung6-9 4-8 16,Hawes 10-15 4-624,Holiday4-8 6-815 Wilkins5-81-1 13, Motiltrie1-30-02, Jenkins0-20-00, Al en1-2 0-0 2, Wright6-100-015, Ivey1-1 0-0 3.Totals40-76 18-27 106. Brooklyn 28 18 29 22 — 97
24 2 9 29 24 — 106
tN L 49 15 47 17 45 20 42 19 43 22 36 29 34 30 33 31 33 31 29 33 29 33 21 39 22 42
Monday's Games Philadelphia106,Brooklyn97 SanAntonio105,OklahomaCity 93 Fred Chartrand /The Associated Press
Spurs overcometough loss with victory over Thunder
Cleveland Washington Orlando Charlotte
Ottawa Senators' Eric Gryba (62) checks Boston Bruins' Daniel Paille (20) as Senators goaltender Robin Lehner watches during Monday night's game in Ottawa, Ontario.
Darren Abate/The Associated Press
Spurs105, Thunder93 OKLAHOMA CITY(93) Durant7-1311-1126, Ibaka4 85-613, Perkins 3-50-06, Westbrook11-272-325,Setoloshai-52-2 7, Martin 380 09,Collison2-40 04, RJackson1-4 0-0 2, Fisher0-31-21, Thabeet0-0 0-0 0. Totals 33-7721-24 93. SANANTO NIO(105) LeonardB-t 70-017, Duncan6-141-1 13, Splitter 9-11 3-5 21,Joseph2-2 0-0 4, Green6-9 0-0 16, Ginobili 4-It 3-4 12, Diaw4-5 2-2 11, Neal
3-70-0 7, Blair 0-2 0-0 0, S.Jacksott 1 3 2 2 4, De Colo0-0 0-0 0, Mills 0-1 0-0 0. Totals 43-82 11-14 105.
Oklahoma City Satt Antonio
Warriors 92, Knicks 63 NEWYORK(63) Anthony4-156-914, White0-1 0-0 0, Chandler 1-2 2-2 4, Felton3-6 4-5 10,Shumpert 3-9 0-28, Smith 3-113-4 9, Martin1-41-4 3, Kidd0-30-00, K.Thomas 0-10-0 0,Novak 0 6 0-0 0,Prigioni0 4 0-0 0, Copeland5-112-2 15. Totals 20-73 18-28 63. GOLDEN STATE(92) Barnes2-51-2 5, Lee7-15 7-B21, Bogut 1-4 2-2 4, Curry9-18 2-2 26,Thompson9-181-2 23, Jack 2-7 0-0 4 Ezeli 0-2 2-4 2,Landry0-10-0 0, Green 0-1 1-2 1, Jefferson0-2 0-0 0, M.Thomas 0-11-21, Bazemore 2-40-05 Totals 32-781724 92. New York 23 12 19 9 — 63 GoldenState 2 6 24 2 5 17 — 92
Nuggets108, Suns93 DENVER (108)
Gallinari 1-83-3 5,Faried4-92-210, Koufos100 2-3 22, Lawson 8-13 2-419, Iguodala2-62-36, Brewer7-164-6 20, Chandler5-71-2 11, A.MileI 3-71-1 7, McGee 4-9 0-1 8 Totals 44-86 17-25 108.
PHOENIX (93) Marc. Morris 6-133-6 16, Mark.Morris 2-70-04, Scola2-75-6 9, Dragic3-91-1 8, Johnson9-170-0
18, Haddadi4-75-513, Dudley4-91-212, Marshall 1-30-03,Tucker0-20-00, Beasley3-72-28, Brown 1-3 0-0 2.Totals 35-8417-22 93. Denver 25 28 27 28 — 108 Phoenix 26 24 24 19 — 93
Minnesota will also get Seattle's seventh-round pick this year and third-round selection in 2014. League MVP Adrian Peterson was not thrilled over the news. "The best all around player Iever seen or you'llever see! Goes to Seattle! I feel like I just got kicked in the stomach. Several times!!!" Peterson posted on Twitter. Harvin was producing at an All-Pro level until badly spraining his left ankle last Nov. 4 in a game at Seattle. He was placed on injured reserve a month later. He led the NFL in total yards at the time of his injury. Harvin, who also has suffered from migraines, will enter the fifth and final season of his rookie deal with a $2.9 million salary that's well under m a rket v a lue — unless the Seahawks rework it. Also Monday: • The New York Giants are allowing Victor Cruz to enterrestricted free agency, placing a first-round tender on the wide receiver. • Cornerback DeAngelo Hall was cut by Washington, a casualty of the team's NFLimposed salary cap penalty. Washington is over the cap because of an $18 million sanction for the way it structured contracts during the
Goodellhopesfor lighterhelmets NEW YORK — NFL
Commissioner Roger Goodell imagines aday in the not-too-distant
future when players could be checked to determine whether their genetic
makeupleavesthem more likely to develop
brain disease. They then might be told to switch to a less
dangerous position — or give up football entirely. "In talking to the medical
experts over several years, I think there's a predisposition to most injuries, particularly to
the brain, orto brain disease," Goodell said in an interview with
The Associated Press on Monday. "So wedo want to know what those
biomarkers are." Goodell also envisions players being required — with the union's OK,
of course — to wear helmets containing sensors to detect hits
that cause concussions. Those helmets might be lighter and "less of a
weapon" than today's, he said.
Those are the kinds ofadvancesthe NFL and General Electric
are hoping to produce in a partnership that
could funnel up to $60 million over four years to research on head injuries and possible improvements to helmets. "Imaging of the brain, studying the brain, is still pretty far behind the study of cancer, heart disease, things like that," GE Chairman and CEO Jeff Immelt said. "I look at this as a catalyst in terms of where the
technology will go.... I would say you're going to start seeing really strong activities almost immediately."
Goodell, who spoke to the AP after a news
conference at a GE office building, agreed about
the importance of quick progress. — The Associated Press
2010 uncapped season. • Denver released nineyear veteran linebacker D.J. Williams, freeing up his $6 million salary in 20D for other needs. Williams missed nine games while serving a pair of NFL-mandated suspensions last season and was deemed expendable after Wesley Woodyard had a breakout season at weakside linebacker. • T he New Y ork Jet s signed quarterback David Garrard to back up — and p rovide a challenge to starterMark Sanchez. Garrard has not played in the NFL since 2010. He started 76 games in nine seasons with Jacksonville and played in the 2009 Pro Bowl. • Arizona released running back Beanie Wells after
four injury-plagued seasons. A first-round pick in 2009, Wells showed flashes of the brilliance he had at O h io State, but has only played one full season — his rookie
injured and was scheduled to participate in t o day's Continued from C1 training run and WednesThe up -a n d-coming day's race. skiers are picking up the Ross — who designs helslack since Lindsey Vonn mets for Shred Optics and (Vail, Colo.), one of the enjoys drawing as well as best female skiers of all playing the guitar, violin time, suffered a season- and piano — said she feels e nding knee injury i n a c onfident she wil l m a k e crash at last month's world the U.S. Olympic team next championships. season. But it i s difficult "It was tough and it was for a ski racer to look that sad," Ross said of Vonn's far ahead because circuminjury. "It's always really stances can change quickly in alpine ski racing. hard to see one of your teammates go down like Ross said a skier could that. It was difficult for all win World Cup races one of us. But that's something season, then not even make that you have to look past the Olympic team the next ... that happens all the time. season. Like most U.S. Ski That's just ski racing." Team members, Ross wishS lovenia's Tin a M a z e es the U.S. fans and media won the downhill race in focused the same amount Garmisch in w hich Ross of attention on World Cup finished second. That victo- skiing as they do on the ry allowed Maze to eclipse Olympics. " It's p r etty t o ug h t o Austrian Hermann Maier's single-season World Cup only have th e a t tention point record and become every four years (during just the third woman in the Olympics)," Ross said. "There's always the chance World Cup history to win in all five disciplines in the you'll get injured or you won't ski as well. Not very same season. "She's skiing on a whole many Americans pay atother level," Ross said of tention to World Cup ski Maze. "Nobody can sur- racing, and I think that's a pass her technically. She's little bit of a bummer, esjust so solid and so consis- pecially because over here tent. It's really admirable it's so huge. All the Europeto see someone pushing ans are just obsessed with the sport like that. I feel ski racing, and it's cool to honored to have come so see that and to have all the close to her. It makes me fans. That's something that feel good about my skiing. I miss back home." I'm insanely impressed by However, because Garher." misch is home to a U.S. Like Maze, Ross likes to Army base, many Americompete in multiple alpine cans were on hand to cheer disciplines, and she raced for Ross as she stood on the t his past Saturday i n a podium last week proudly World Cup giant slalom in sporting a M t . B a chelor Ofterschwang, Germany, cap. "There was a little piece but she did not qualify for of home, h aving t h o se the second run. Ross crashed during a Americans at the finish," d ownhill training run i n Ross said. "That was someLenzerheide on Monday, thing special." — Reporter: 541-383-0318, but according to a U.S. Ski Team official, she was
C~ Og
A> r~
Continued from C1 "I've already told a number of people I hope it plays out the way it did during the regular season, but there are no guarantees," Kellogg said Monday. A chaotic season can turn into a tame tournament for many reasons. Matchups are always part of the mystery. Some years, the top seeds find themselves
++II~+~++ 0~.++
up against a string of opponents they stack up favorably against. Other seasons, they run into a team in an early round whose strengths seem perfectly targeted for whatever their weakness. Kellogg sounded another note of caution about why the regular season instability may not be a predictor of true March Madness: Tournament games areon neutral courts. "Much of the tumult you see during the regular season happens in conference play on the home court of the un-
derdog," he said. Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin
Summit's Austin Peters connects with a pitch for a base hit as fans watch during Monday's game against La Pine in Bend. The Storm beat the Hawks 6-1.
evidenced by his struggle in
and Austin Peters drove in one run apiece for
Continued from C1 Senior pitcher D.J. Wilson lasted three innings on the mound for the Storm, allowing no runs and just two hits while striking out four Hawks before Jake Munsell, Josh Cherry and Duncan MacDougall combined to limit La Pine to one run on one hit over the last four innings. Cherry also hit a triple, while Blake Garrison
"For me, I'm kind of a purist in baseball," Colt said. "I like to see a good, clean game. I don't need to see a huge blowout or a 9-8 game with a bunch of hits (on) both sides. Those games are fun, but sometimes, it's fun to just see a clean game too." La Pine (0-1) tallied its lone run in the fifth inning on a Summit error.
Summit (1-0).
Lava Bears ta e secon at Marsh iel Invitational Bulletin staff report BANDON — Dense fog and a sore throat were not what Ryan Crownover had in mind for his 18th birthday celebration. But the Bend High senior made the best of a bad situation. Overcoming the elements on the Pacific Dunes course at Bandon Dunes Golf Resort and battling an illness that his coach said nearly scratched him from the competition, Crownover shot a 5-over-par 76 on Monday to lead Bend to a second-place finish at the Marshfield Invitational. "Being sick and still shooting a 76 on a day like today, on a course he had never seen before, that's a pretty good effort," said Lava Bears coach Rusty Clemons. Crownover shot matching nine-hole scores of 38 to finish tied for third place in the individual standings. Ryan DeCastilhos shot an 80 to finishsecond for Bend, whose totalof327 strokes in the play-four-count-four tournament was good for second place among 12 teams in the field. Westview posted a 309 for first place. O ther scores forthe Lava Bears were an 82 by Jaired Rodmaker and an 89 by Sam Nielson. In other Monday action:
SOFTBALL Irrigon sweeps Culver:CULVER — The host Bulldogs stayed close in a 6-4 loss in the opener of the nonconference doubleheader, but it was all Irrigon in the second game as the Knights rolled to a 20-0 victory. Highlights in the first game for Culver included the pitching of sophomore Sarah McKinney, who struck out 10 batters over six innings of three-hit relief. Alysha Fritz hit a two-run double for the Bulldogs in their four-run third inning. In the second game, Irrigon scored 11 runs in the second inning en route to the five-inning win. BASEBALL Culver splits twin bill: CULVER — The Bulldogs scored a run in each of the third and fourth innings, which was enough to put away visiting Irrigon 3-2 in the first game of a doubleheader, but the Knights used a four-run sixth inning to come out with a 4-2 victory in the second contest. Joe Daugherty and Wyatt Rufner collected two hits apiece for Culver. Daugherty, Gerson Gonzalezand Clay Gibson each drove in a run. In the second game, the Bulldogs were limited to just three hits, with Daugherty's single in the fifth accounting for the lone RBI.
Marco Trovati /The Associated Press
Bend's Leurenne Ross celebrates at the finish area of an elpine ski, women's World Cup downhill, in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany in early March.
Caretaker Continued from C1 He retrievedhis walker and pushed it toward a room where season-ticket holderswere gathering for postgame dessert. Few fans passing him would know that the university in May dedicated the Elliot Driben Lobby in a sports arena across the street; that whenever he is on campus, seemingly every athlete and coach recognizes him and vice versa; that he often attends multiple competitions in a day and travels on team buses; that for a decade, he donated about a third of his salary to the athletic department and spread it to every team, and has continued that pattern through 12 years of retirement; and that the university's extended family would do anything for him. The women's soccer coach, Nancy Feldman, takes Driben to a kosher
butcher shop and helps prepare his apartment for Passover. The women's hockey coach, Brian Durocher, drives him to supermarkets and takes him for monthly haircuts. New York Rangers defenseman Matt Gilroy, soon after turning professional, bought him a new walker. Jack Parker, who has known Driben throughout four decades of coaching men's hockey, calls him BU's greatest fan. To others, he is the mayor of Terrier Nation. Those are reasonable
La Pme Summit
Monday's results Nonconference 000001 0 — 1 3 1 401 010 x — 6 4 2
Class 2A First game
0 20 000 0 — 2 6
pronouncements because Driben has attended about 5,000 university sporting events. "He loves BU more than anyone I know, and BU athletes love him back," said Gilroy, who played on the university's 2009 NCAA championship team. Driben dedicated copy machines in the press box in the men's and women's hockey arenas in memory of his parents, Milton and Janet. And when the lobby at Case Center, home to the women's hockeyteam and the men's and women's basketball teams, was named in his honor, he made sure that explanatory text was presented on a wall in braille because his sister Joyce, who lives in Pennsylvania, is blind. His other sister, Sandi, lives in Florida. Both came to Boston for the event. Asked what makes Driben special, people at Boston University emphasize three points. The first is his omnipresence; he is as likely to attend softball games, swim meets or women's rowing events as he is to attend hockey games, his favorite. The second is his courage inperforming routine tasks that most people take for granted. The third is his concern for BU athletes. Driben makes three inquiries of each new athlete he meets: name, major, and plans. "He's a t everything," said J i l l Cardella, a captain on the women's hockey team. "He doesn't discriminate between men's and women's,
Irrigon Cu ver
101 100 x — 3 7 0
000 004 0 — 4 8 001 010 0 — 2 3
Softball 0
high-profile or low-profile sport. It's the time he spends. We feel we should give backto him — and how can you not?" For Driben, giving time and money to BU — more than $200,000since 1991 and an unknown amount preceding that, dating to a $25 contribution in 1973 — is a token of his gratitude forseven years of speech therapy with a university professor, Albert Murphy, beginning in 1955, when Driben was 11. In the late 1960s, he met goaltender Tim Regan. That drew Driben to hockey, and then to other teams. Many view Driben's dedication as extraordinary. He does not. "I do what I do because I love to do it," he said as the Terriers played Merrimack. "BU has been good to me — I mean, really good to me. "People who don't know me feel sorry for me. They don't know what I do for BU." As for the athletes, he said, "I care about what they do in school." And they reciprocate. "I feel at home here," Driben said, "because if I need some help, they'll be here for me." That has become more vital as Driben's speaking and walking have become more strenuous. He moves around more slowly; his daily 2.9-mile walkhome from John Hancock, where he worked in the printing department, is a thing of the past. Heading to the Merrimack game, Driben nearly fell
0 0
Irr igon Cu l ver
Irrigon Cu ver
Class 2A Nonconference First game
5 10 000 0 — 6 6 0 04 000 0 — 4 4
Still, Kellogg is expecting a t opsy-turvy t o u rnament,
2 3
Secondgame (5 innings) 5(11)0 04 — 20 9 NA 0 00 0 0 — 0 3 NA
but was grabbed by Durocher, who happened tobe going that way. D riben's largess is l a rgely u n known. Each fall, he meets with athletic director Mike Lynch to review his annual donation: usually $6,000 to $8,000,earmarked for each of the 24 teams. This spring, he will give a pizzaparty forthe band, cheerleaders and dance team. "He's like the grandfather of BU athletics: He wants the best for you, he loves you, but he's not afraid to call you on the carpet," Lynch said. When athletic schedules are released, Lynch said, Driben is liable to critique them
for overlapping games that might affect attendance, including his. Sometimes, Lynch said, adjustments are made. The tributes continue. Last year Driben received an honorary Scarlet Key, which the dean of students traditionally presents to outstanding seniors who serve the university. And with the
rowing season approaching, a new boat is being added to the lightweight team. It will be named for Driben "because we love him," coach Stacey Rippetoe said. She added, "We were thinking of someone who's really been behind the team, who's representative of BU, and we thought of Elliot." Sitting a c ross f r o m R i p p etoe, Driben pondered a question about his feelings on the recent honors. "I always think, Why me?" he said.
picking the Final Four. He suggests that two of the top teams will make it to Atlanta, joined by a school from a power conference that had an
unremarkable regular season, with perhaps a George Mason-esque squad to round out the field. Kellogg bases that as much on the muddle in the middle of the bracketsas on the vulnerabilities of the highest-ranked teams. He thinks the selection committee will s t r uggle to differentiate programs for the fifth through 14th seeds. "Because of that, you're going to have some matchups that will create high drama," he said. "And teams that come out of 8-9 games against certain Is may be better positioned to move on." With m o s t con f erence tourneys yet to start, the four No. I seeds will total at least 16 losses when this season's NCAA t o u r nament o p e ns next week. The contenders for those spots certainly seem very beatable, but perhaps t hey wil l r o l l t h r ough t h e tourney. Maybe Indiana will dominate once it escapes the brutal Big Ten. Maybe Duke is a powerhouse again with Ryan Kelly healthy. Maybe
Gonzaga really is as good as its record despite playing outside a power conference. The 2007 and 2011 NCAA tournaments — the two ext remes of p r edictability i n recent memory — prove that we're all just guessing. Six years ago, Florida returned n early everybody f ro m i t s national championship team, yet hardly dominated during the regular season, losing five
games. The No. I ranking was held by five different schools. Yet this led to an NCAA tournament when perhaps the most surprising development was the lack of surprises. Not counting 8-9 games, there were just tw o u psets in the first round. The worst seed in the round of 16 was a No. 7 — not exactly Cinderella. Seven of the final eight teams were top-two seeds, with the lone exception a No. 3. And Florida repeated as champion. Four years later came the Butler-VCU national semifinal. That season, Duke, Ohio State, Pittsburgh and Kansas were the top four teams in the fourth poll, and none strayed very far from there on the way to the No. I seeds. They didn't stick around very long i n t h e t o u rney, though. One lost in its second game; two others were knocked out in the round of 16. Four double-digit seeds made the round of 16, and no top-two seeds reached the Final Four. For all the talk about the opportunity for teams from outside the p o wer c o nferences to make a run this year, many of th e schools being mentioned for top seeds are established winners: Duke, Indiana, Georgetown, Louisville, Kansas. And while the executives at CBS and Turner who televise the tournament love t hose b uzzer-beaters that s p r i ng major upsets, they wouldn't mind a few big names hanging around, too. "Brands do matter," Turner Sports chief David Levy said. "It always good to have powerhouse brands that are in the tournament and that get themselves deep into the tournament."
C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.
S&P 500
NASDAO ~ 3,252.87
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
10 DA Y S
1,600 1,550
$0.90( 25
Vol. (in mil.) 2,993 1,600 Pvs. Volume 3,561 1,581 Advanced 1631 1247 Declined 1399 1187 New Highs 3 33 2 1 5 New Lows 14 14
DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000
Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co
Bon-Ton Stores will release its fourth-quarter and fiscal 2012 results today. In February, the department store chain adjusted its guidance for its full fiscal year to a loss per share in the range of $1.35 to 60 cents. Despite a rising stock market, the retailer's stock is down 2 percent this year.
0 0 0
0 0
o 0
o 0
o 0
UM P Q 11.17 ~ 1 USB 2 8.58 ~ W A F D 14.30 ~ WF C 2 9.80 — o WCBD 17,84 — o WY 1 8 .60
— o
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dFops oll
HIGH LOW CLOSE 14448.06 14373.32 14447.29 6160.44 6133.24 6151.12 490.16 487.71 490.15 9084.17 9033.56 9082.24 3252.87 3233.67 3252.87 1556.27 1547.36 1556.22 1132.27 1127.32 1132.26 16443.68 16357.48 16443.60 942.62 942.51 939.12
This fund has outperformed about 90 percent of its large-cap value stock peers over the latest 5- and Most Active 10-year periods. Morningstar anaVOL (Dgs) LAST CHG lysts give the fund a silver-medal 1035061 12.15 +.08 rating.
S&P500ETF Citigroup FordM SPDR Fncl BariPVix rs MicronT Intel
918743 880469 676454 509362 482012 481539 427634 421280 410329
14.90 +1.84 3.93 + . 36 Columbia DivlncA m LBSAX 156.03 + . 59 47.60 +.92 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH 13.34 +.36 18.38 e . 14 cC 0 20.73 —.90 00 9.35 + . 14 0e $L 21.69 + . 11 $L
Gainers NAME ChiAutL rs BDS Ltd rs
S&W wtA ParametSd Entravisn Dex One CombiM rs TCF Fn wt
ParagSh rs
LAST 5.21 3.85 5.30 3.50 15.74 2.69 2.49 3.76 2.42 4.28
cC 00
CHG %CHG +2.45 +1.19 +1.29 e.75 +2.76 +.46 +.39 +.58 +.37 +.64
NAME LAST GMX Rs pfB 5.00 A Etern grs 2 . 0 3 B iP GCrb 4.6 6 C dnSolar 3.1 5 Spherix rs 1 2.30
+ 8 8 .8 + 4 4.6 «C + 3 2.2 00 + 2 7 .3 «C + 2 1 .3 470 + 2 0.6 Morningstar OwnershipZone™ + 1 8.6 + 1 8 .2 O e Fund target represents weighted + 1 8 .0 average of stock holdings + 1 7 .6 • Represents 75% offund'sstock holdings
Losers CHG %CHG -1.60 -24.2 —.59 -22.5 —.86 -15.6 -.58 -15.5 -1.61 -11.6
CHG. +50.22 +7.64 +1.67 +27.79 +8.50 +5.04 +1.01 +45.62 +0.01
%CHG. wK Mo OTR YTD +0.35% L L +10.25% +0.1 2% L L +15.91% +0.34% +8.18% +0.31% +7.56% +0.26% L +7.73% +0.32% +9.12% +0.09% +10.96% +0.28% +9.66% +10.97%
62.00 7.26 3.88 35.46 18.42 36.62 24,13 31.74
41 . 84 + 1.80 +2.4 L 5 8. 6 1 -.06 - 0.1 W 4.72 -.03 -0.6 w 1 3. 0 4 +.07 +0.5 L 3 4. 4 1 +.18 +0.5 L
17 . 53
Close:$45.11 V-5.49 or -10.8% The sporting goods retailer said that its fourth-quarter net income rose 17 percent, but the results still missed expectations. $55 50
w L L
18 -1.0 w v
37 .13 +.63 +1.7 L L 23 .86 -.06 -0.3 W 30 .51 +.27 +0.9 L L
L +3 2 5 + 6 7 5 5 9 1 1 3 L +9 5 +9 4 178 20 1 22 f L + 4.7 +50 . 210350647 0 . 0 4 L + 29. 6 + 1 73.8 8 4 26 0.52 +10.1 +12.0 5049 16 1 . 94f w -03 + 60 3 dd + 0.6 +24.9 57 14 1. 4 0 + 5.7 +17.3 1 4 5 1 9 0 . 8 8 +3.8 +25.9 2090 25 1 .10a e5.7 e13.0 18 53 +18.7 + 4 .4 9 4 4 18 0.2 8 L +47. 6 -12.7 14655 dd 0 .53 w -2.1 +2 6.4 1 0 94 0. 2 4a +5.2 -16.3 41033 10 0 .90 L +17.7 +26 .7 13782 11 0 . 2 0 L +18 9 +30 , 2 4 7 25 1 2 0, 6 0 L +19.8 -24.4 4 6 1 d d L +14.8 + 1 66.7 1545 c c L +17.0 +14 .8 62 5 0.69 L +1.2 +13. 3 50 6 15 0.1 8 L +4 . 3 -9.8 33548 15 0 .92 L + 5.7 +2.6 33 4 4 2 3 0. 8 4 L +1.4 +4.0 14 5 1 1 5 1 . 20f . .. + 0 4 1 0 4 2 0 1 8 2 L + 23. 8 + 1 41.1 1105 3 0.08 +12.5 +15.0 1624 16 0.80a +58 7 - 2 9 21 5 d d L +1 2 6 +2 7 8 944 40 1 68 L + 0.6 +11 .2 4 6 6 2 1 0. 1 2 L +28 9 +1 2 8 7 3 50 1 0 0 7 0 W -2.3 - 28.5 359 4 4 0 . 75 L +9,0 +58, 9 53 4 2 6 2, 0 0f L +14.1 +5.8 184 13 0. 9 3 f L +9.3 +18 . 0 4 7 97 3 2 0. 8 4 w -2.3 -23.0 1323 d(I L +10.6 +10 .2 2 7 4 1 4 0. 3 6 L +7.7 +20. 1 8 4 39 1 2 0. 7 8
+11 .0 2 6 8 1 3 0. 3 2
+8.6 +7.7 +9.7
+19. 5 1 8652 11 1 . 00f +41. 6 5 9 21 0.20 +47. 0 2 9 49 4 2 0. 6 8
Financial analysts Cplnpany estimates, and the retailer expected a better outlook SIJOtiight pr o vided first-quarter and from Dick's Sporting Goods. full year earnings forecasts The company said it foresees below Wall Street's expectations. 2013 earnings of about $2.84 to For the period ended Feb. 2, $2.86 per share, but Wall Street the P i ttsburgh company earned was anticipating $2.93. The stock $1 2 9.7 million, or $1.03 per share. fell 11 percent Monday following Tha t ' s up from $111.1 million, or the news. 88 cents per shares, a year earlier The retailer said Monday that its A nalysts forecast earnings of fourth-quarter net income rose 17 $1 . 0 6 per share, according to a percent, helped by an extra week Fac t Set survey. The current and strong online sales. But the quar t er's results include about 3 performance missed analysts' cents per share for the extra week
Barnes Group
Close:$28.88L1.05 or 3.8% A KeyBanc analyst upgraded his rating for the aerospace parts maker to a "Buy," due to its decision to sell one of its businesses. $30 25
J F M 52-week range $44.06 ~ $54.24
J F 52-week range
$19.71 ~
Close:$10.50 %0.66 or 6.7% A Barron's article predicted that the insurer and mortgage backer's shares will get a boost from a rebound in the housing industry. $12 10
Walt Disney
DIS Close:$57.66 %0.27 or 0.5% The media company's film, "Oz the Great and the Powerful," debuted this weekend and earned $80.3 million at the U.S. box office.
$60 55 50
J F M D J F M 52-week range 52-week range $4.06~ $10.74 $40.88 $57.75 Vol.:30.9m (2.8x avg.) PE: 1 9 .5 Vol.:7.1m (0.8x avg.) P E: 18 . 4 Mkt. Cap: $5.17 b Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$104.1 b Yiel d : 1. 3%
Research ln Motion
Close:$14.90 %1.84 or 14.1% The BlackBerry-maker said that it will launch its new touchscreen smartphone in the U.S. with wireless carrier AT&T on March 22. $20
Canadian Solar CS IQ Close:$3.15 V-0.58 or -15.5% The solar company said that its fiscal fourth-quarter loss widened versus a year ago as solar module shipments fell and costs rose. $6
J F M 52-week range $6.22~ $16.92
Vol.:92.3m (1.4x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$7.81 b
P E: 2 . 7 Yield: ...
Close:$3.93 %0.36 or 10.1% A Wunderlich analyst said that Internetcompany Yahoo should consider buying the maker of games for Facebook and smartphones. $4
RATING™ * ** * y r ASSETS $2,231 million
EXP RATIO 1.08% MANAGER David King SINCE 2011-03-30 RETURNS3-MD +8.8 Foreign Markets YTD +9.7 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +15.0 Paris -3.88 -.10 3,836.27 3-YR ANNL +12.6 London 6,503.63 + 20.05 + . 31 5-YR-ANNL +6.4 Frankfurt -2.18 —.03 7,984.29 Hong Kong 23,090.82 -1.13 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT Mexico -.70 Verizon Communications Inc 44,012.44 -310.07 3.16 Milan 16,091.98 -112.05 —.69 3.1 Tokyo + 65.43 + . 5 3 Philip Morris International, Inc. 12,349.05 2.83 Stockholm 1,218.08 + 2.94 + . 2 4 Pfizer Inc Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1spaid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, oi redemption Sydney + 22.60 + . 4 4 International Business Machines Corp 2.74 fee. f - front load (saies charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 5,160.05 Zurich 7,758.65 + 13.81 + . 18 Exxon Mobil Corporation 2.71 redemption fee. Source: Morn1ngstar.
52-week range $1.96 ~
Vol.:2.5m (3.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$136.31 m
P E: .. . Yield : ...
Denny's DENN Close:$5.78 V-0.03 or -0.5% The restaurant operator said that it has canceled plans with a franchise partner to develop 50 restaurants in southern China. $6.0 5.5 5.0-
J F M 52-week range $2.09~ $14.46
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 2.06 percent Monday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.
P E: . . Yield: ..
J F M 52-week range $9.79 ~ $6.66
Vol.:329.6k (0.6x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$541.84 m
P E: 5.3 Yield :... AP
. 08
6-month T-bill
. 1 1 .11
5 2-wk T-bill
-0.01 ... w ... V
2-year T-note . 26 .25 +0 . 01 L 5-year T-note . 90 .89 +0 . 0 1 L 10-year T-note 2.06 2.04 + 0.02 L 30-year T-bond 3.26 3.25 +0.01 L
Commodities Prices for agricultural commodities rose, with corn, wheat and soybeans all higher. Prices for natural gas and crude also rose, while wholesale gasoline declined.
Foreign Exchange The dollar rose against the yen and is near its highest level against the Japanese currency since 2009. The dollar fell against the euro and was nearly flat against the British pound.
h5N4 QG
.32 .90 2.03 3.18
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 21.71 +.06 +6.4 +13.8 +11.4 +6.4 A A A BondA m 12.8 3 +.81 -0.5 +3.6 +5.6 + 43 D D E CaplncBuA m 54.85 +.12 +3.9 +11.4 +9.0 + 35 A 8 C CpWldGrlA m 39.43 +.88 +6.0 +15.1 +8.2 + 21 8 C C EurPacGrA m 42.97 +.10 e4.2 +11.4 +5.8 +1.2 C C A FnlnvA m 44.2 8 + .14 +8.6 +16.1 +11.5 + 44 8 C C GrthAmA m 37. 11 +.88 +8.0 +16.2 +10.6 + 43 A C D IncAmerA m 19 . 03 +.85 e5.4 +13.2 e11.1 + 59 A A 8 InvCoAmA m 32 .47 +.87 +7.7 +14.1 +10.0 + 43 D D C NewPerspA m 33.47 +.11 +7.1 +16.2 +10.0 + 43 A 8 8 WAMutlnvA m 33.94 +.15 e8.7 +15.7 e13.2 + 52 C A 8 Dodge &Cox Inc o me 1 3.86 .. . 0.0 +4 . 9 + 6.0 +7.0 C C 8 IntlStk 36.73 +.12 + 6 .0 + 15.5 +6.5 +1.4 A 8 A Stock 135.11 +.50 + 10.8 +22.2 +12.1 +4.2 A 8 C Fidelity Contra 83.17 +.23 + 8 .2 + 12.9 +12.6 +6.0 8 8 8 GrowCo 108.9 2 +.22 + 8 .3 + 9 . 8 +14.0 +8.5 C A A LowPriStk d 42 . 57 +.13 + 7 .8 + 13.8 +13.0 +8.1 D C 8 Fidelity Spartan 50 0ldxAdvtg 55 . 33 +.18 +9 .6 +16.1 +12.9 +5.7 B A B FrankTemp-Frankliln ncome A m 2.31 +.01+4.7 +13.8+10.5 +6.5 A A A Oppenheimer RisDivA m 18.9 9 +.85 +9 .1 + 12.7 +11.7 +4.8 D C C RisDivB m 17.1 9 +.85 + 8 .9 + 11.6 +10.7 +3.9 E C D RisDivC m 17.1 1 +.85 + 9 .0 + 11.8 +10.9 +4.0 E C D SmMidValA m 36.69 +.15 +13.2 +15.2 +9.6 +2.5 D E E SmMidValB m 38.94 +.13 + 13.0 +14.2 +8.7 +1.7 D E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.1 9 . .. -0.1 + 6 .6 + 6 .4 +7.5 A 8 A T Rowe Price Eqt y l nc 29.03 . . . +9. 8 + 1 9.0 +12.6 +5.8 GrowStk 48.62 . .. +7. 5 + 1 1.9 +13.5 +7.2 HealthSci 46.9 1 . .. +13.8 +32.1 +22.2+15.7 Vanguard 500Adml 143.97 +.47 +9.6 +16.1 +12.9 +5.7 8 A 8 500lnv 143.94 +.47 +9.6 +16.0 +12.8 +5.6 8 A 8 CapDp 38.24 +.15 e13.7 +23.6 +10.3 +7.1 A D 8 Eqlnc 26.57 +.87 +10.0 +18.0 +15.7 +7.0 8 A A GNMAAdml 18.81 -0.5 +1.6 +4.8 +5.8 C A A 18.82 STGradeAd +0.3 e3.3 +3.5 +3.9 8 8 8 StratgcEq 24.08 +.83 e12.3 +17.9 +15.6 +7.1 8 A C Tgtet2025 14.34 +.83 e5.5 +11.0 +9.5 e5.1 8 8 A TotBdAdml 18.96 +.81 -0.7 e2.7 +5.3 +5.6 D D D Totlntl 15.58 +.85 +4.0 e9.9 +5.2 -0.4 D C C TotStlAdm 39.19 +.11 e9.9 +16.2 +13.2 +6.4 8 A A TotStldx 39.17 +.11 e9.9 +16.1 +13.1 +6.3 8 A A USGro 23.23 +.86 e9.3 +12.3 e12.1 e7.1 8 8 8 Welltn 36.08 +.12 +6.4 +12.9 +10.5 +6.5 A A A WelltnAdm 62.17 +.19 +6.4 +12.9 +10.6 +6.6 A A A FAMILY
Vol.:13.9m (8.2x avg.) PE: 20.9 Vol.:489.5k (1.5x avg.) PE: 1 6 .7 Mkt. Cap:$4.41 b Yiel d : 1. 1 % Mkt. Cap:$1.57 b Yiel d : 1 .4%
Genworth Financial
57.56 57.11 -.39 -0.7 L 28.05 26.39 07 -03 V L 12.44 12.15 +.88 +0.7 L 49.54 49.35 +.57 +1.2 L L 81.95 82.94 +1.71 e2.1 7.18 6.24 +.05 +0.8 v 65.45 64.66 81 ... ~ w 58.63 56.38 +.51 e0.9 105.97 102.44 -.68 -0.6 8.92 6.85 +.14 e2.1 27.16 26.50 -.42 -1.6 w 25.40 21.03 + 16 +0 8 L L 1400 1 2 1 7 -.18 -08 w L 29.27 21 .69 + . 1 1 +0.5 L L 10.03 9.9 1 +.8 5 + 0.5 L L 31 20 38 .95 -.22 -0 7 w L 6.60 4.78 ... ... L 22,13 22 .18 + . 1 2 +0,5 L L 24.86 24 .85 + . 8 4 +0.2 L L 17.91 1 7. 2 3 -.01 -0.1 V V 32.95 2 7.8 7 -.13 -0.5 w ~ 57.41 5 4.5 3 -.16 - 0.3 V V 5 8.44 5 4.2 7 -.45 -0.8 w w 50 80 442 0 + 0 7 +0 2 L V 14.92 12 .88 -.01 -0.1 w L 50.46 50 .87 + . 4 1 +0.8 2.60 2.2 7 +.2 3 e11.3 49.79 49 .94 + . 76 +1.5 L 194.95 198.64 +. 85 L 25.14 23 .31 -.29 -1.2 W L 44.21 29.6 4 +.1 3 +0 .4 L W 16 7 ,50167.73 +1.85 +1,1 L L
' ))
Dick's Sporting Gds. '
Barclays Long T-Bdldx 2.98 2.97 +0.01 L L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.12 4.12 . . . L L $44 ~ ~ ~ ~ $54 Barclays USAggregate 1.96 1.93 +0.03 L L Price-earnings ratio (Based on past12 months' results):20 PRIME FED B arclays US High Yield 5.63 5.62 +0.01 w w 5-Y R* :14% 10 -Y R*:24% D i v idend:$0.50 Di v . yield:1.1% Totalreturnthisyear:-1% 3 -YR *:24% RATE FUNDS Moodys AAACorp Idx 4.02 3.96 e0.06 L L *annuallzed AP Total returns through March 11 SOURCE: FactSet YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.18 1.16 +0.02 L L 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2 . 8 4 2.81 +0.03 L L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13 FundFocus SelectedMutualFunds
Marketsummary NAME BkofAm RschMotn
Change: 50.22 (0.3%) 1 0 DAY S
1 2 5 0 0 ..S. . i' O ' ' " ' N '
DiCk'S SpOrting GOOdS (DKS) Monday's close:$45.11
7 ,"1
DividendFootnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, ttut are not included. tt - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amount declared or paid in last t2 months. f - Current Vol.:90.2m (2.8x avg.) annual rate, whuh was mcreased bymost recent dividend announcement. i - Sum ot dividends pau after stock split, no regular rate. I - Sum of dividends ttaid this year. Most recent Mkt. Cap:$2.35 b dividend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - imtiai dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r - Declared or paid in precedmg t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approtemate cash SOURCE: Sungard value on ex-distrittution date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months
forecast •Z
The Dow Jones industrial average rose for a seventh straight day Monday, and the Standard & Poor's 500 index inched closer to its record high. Stock indexes were lower in morning trading, but an afternoon recovery lifted the market to modest gains. Stocks in the financial and health care industries led the market higher. The S8 P 500 is within 1 percent of its record high, which was set in October 2007 before the Great Recession. The Dow is already in record territory, after bursting above its prior peak last week. The Dow is on its longest winning streak since it rose for seven consecutive days in March 2012.
Umpqua Holdings US Bancorp W ashington Fedl WellsFargo& Co West CoastBcpOR Weyerhaeuser
Still shopping?
F' 'M
ALK 31.29 AVA 22.78 BAC 6 . 72 — Source. Facteet BBSI 18.40 — BA 66. 8 2 — CascadeBancorp CACB 4.23 CascadeCp CASC 42.86 Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45.37 Industry gathering Costco Wholesale COST 81.98 Recent headlines about cruise Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 vacations haven't been positive. FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 — There will be plenty to discuss when Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 industry leaders gather for Cruise Home Federal BncpID HOME 8.67 Shipping Miami 2013. Intel Corp INTC 19.23 Executives from several cruise Keycorp K EY 6 . 80 — lines, including Carnival (CCL), Kroger Co KR 2 0 98 — Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCLH), Lattice Semi LSCC 3 .17 ~ and Royal Caribbean (RCL) LA Pacific L PX 7 , 81 — MDU 19.59 — participate in a state of the industry MDU Resources Mentor Graphics MENT 12.85 ~ panel. Microsoft Corp M SFT 26.26 ~ The conference runs through Nike Inc 8 NKE 4 2.55 ~ the 14th. Nordstrom Inc JWN 46.27 ~ Nwst Nat Gas N WN 41 01 ~ OfficeMax Inc DMX 4.10 PaccarInc PCAR 35,21 — 49 Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 Plum Creek PCL 35.43 — Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 — Safeway Inc SWY 14.73 Schnitzer Steel SCHN 2 2 .78 ~ SherwinWms SHW 105,58 — Stancorp Fncl SFG 28.74 — StarbucksCp SBUX 43.04 ~ Triquint Semi TQNT 4.30 ~
Dividend: $1.10 Div. Yield: 1.1%
, C lose: 14,447.29
based on past 12 months' results
2Q '12 2 Q '13 Price-earnings ratio:
100 90
14,120 "-
Change: 5.04 (0.3%) 1 ,480
Dow Jones industrials
Close: 1,556.22
Consumers have generally been cutting back on spending this year as they adjust to higher gas prices and Social Security taxes. Costco, the big-box retailer, reports fiscal second-quarter results today. Its results should offer insight on just how value oriented shoppers have become in this economy.
GOLD $1,577.80
S&P 500
Costco earns
10 YR T NOTE 2.06% ~
5 04
L L L w L L L
2.71 4.61 2.15 7.1 9 3.91 1.12 3.34
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 92.06 91.95 + 0.12 + 0 . 3 Ethanol (gal) 2.54 2.52 -0.04 + 16.1 Heating Dil (gal) 2.97 2.97 -0.19 -2.5 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.65 3.63 + 0.55 + 8 . 9 Unleaded Gas(gal) 3.15 3.20 -1.60 + 12.1 FUELS
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)
CLOSE PVS. 1577.80 1576.60 28.81 28.91 1601.20 1603.90 3.50 3.49 777.10 780.65
%CH. %YTD -5.8 +0.08 -0.34 -4.5 - 0.17 + 4 . 1 -3.9 +0.24 -0.45 +10.6
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -1.4 1.28 1.28 +0.45 1.43 1.43 -0.21 -0.5 7.35 Corn (bu) 7.25 + 1.28 + 5 . 2 Cotton (Ib) 0.87 0.87 -0.18 +15.4 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 386.50 390.00 - 0.90 + 3 . 4 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.36 1.37 +2.27 + 17.4 Soybeans (bu) 15.15 15.09 + 0.41 + 6 . 8 Wheat(bu) 6.94 6.90 +0.58 -10.8 AGRICULTURE
Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)
1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.4929 —.0007 —.05% 1.5673 C anadian Dollar 1.0 2 64 —.0023 —.22% .9899 USD per Euro 1.3038 +.0033 +.25% 1 . 3116 Japanese Yen 9 6.27 + . 4 5 + . 47 % 82 . 5 2 Mexican Peso 12. 5 250 —.0996 —.80% 12.6509 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.6773 —.0084 —.23% 3.7932 Norwegian Krone 5.7212 —.0020 —.03% 5.7051 South African Rand 9.1040 +.0240 +.26% 7.5454 6.3902 —.0093 —.15% 6.8069 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9478 —.0033 —.35% .9194 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9737 -.0030 -.31% . 9 454 Chinese Yuan 6.2205 +.0010 +.02% 6 .3103 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7573 +.0007 +.01% 7 .7571 Indian Rupee 54.420 +.065 +.12% 4 9.805 Singapore Dollar 1.2482 +.0008 +.06% 1 .2543 South Korean Won 1099.25 e5.59 e.51% 1117.23 -.05 -.17% 2 9 .41 Taiwan Dollar 29.69
Medical device set for trials St. Charles Health System has given Bend startup JettStream Inc.
approval to conduct
What: LivGivLocal
What it does: Raises money for charities through local retail promotions Peter Lowes, Al Weidinger,
Kelly Johnson andAmy Thompson
according to a news release issued Monday.
Employees: Eight
the company canbegin small-scale manufac-
»- •
Pictured, from left: Co-founders
clinical trials of its asthma-delivery device, With the approval,
Illinois settles SEC
Where: Bend
Email: Website:
turing of the JettPak,
By Mary Williams Walsh
an asthma nebulizer
New York Times News Service
accessory that delivers the medicine to children
while they sleep, according to co-founder
Elon Gluckrch /The Bulletin
and lead engineer Matt
Smith. He andSarah Cota, JettStream co-
founder and president, created the JettPak last
year. The in-home trials
. Whydid
u n
• you create LivGivLocal?
. Kelly John• snn: We wanted to create
are expected to begin in May and last three
months, according to the news release. JettStream is accept-
ing applications for the trial. For more informa-
tion go to, www.jett
More than 25 percent
of Americansare dipping into 401(k) retirement
accounts to payfor bills, according to arecent report. U.S. workers
are tapping into nearly a quarter of the$293 billion placed into their
retirementsavings each year to payfor mortgages, credit cards and other
debts, according to a report from financial ad-
visory firm HelloWallet. — Staffand wire reports
DEEDS Deschutes County • Donald W. andShari J. Noldge to Christopher E. Perrel, Township16, Range12, Section 29, $495,000 • Daniel L. Collins, trustee for Mary AnnCollins Living Trust, and 4951 Eight Mile Rd LLC toCarol J. Woodard-Kozimore, trustee for Revocable Living Trust Agreement of Carol J. WoodardKozimore, and AnnT. Woodard-Johnson, trustee for Ann ThereseWoodardJohnson Trust, West Dean, Lots 11-14, $399,900 • PWD Associates LLC to Harry S. McGeeIII and Anne C. McGee,Points West, Lots13 and14, $510,000 • Michael A. and Tina M. Ficher to Gregory and Diane W.Yamamoto, Pine Canyon, Phase 5, Lot79, $390,000 • Kevin D. Bennet to Mike Knoell, Ponderous Pines, Lot 12, $150,000 • Bradley D. and Kristy L. Lehuquet to Seth E.and Marla T. O.Silberfein, Township17, Range12, Section 15, $349,000 • Franklin A. and Joanne Cleland, trustee for Cleland Revocable Trust, and Joanne andToddCleland, trustees for Franklin A. Cleland Family Trust, to Stewart D. andSusie S. Allen, Awbrey Butte Homesites, Phase12, Lot 36, Block 5, $1,000,000 • Hayden HomesLLCto Tom F. andTricia Stutheit, Aspen Rim, Lot 87, $182,090 • Elda F. Shryock to Timothy J. and Bridget Allen, Lazy River South, Lot 53, Block 3, $290,000 • Shannon R. Martinez to West Coast Bank, Northpointe, Phases 4and 5, Lot173, $227,340 • Marshall Investments LLC to VentureCatalyst LLC, Partition Plat 200259, Parcel 2, $1,500,000 • Patrick and Kimberly McClain to Frederick and Nicole Stilson, Shevlin Ridge, Phase 5, Lot110, $200,000 • Federal National Mortgage Association to Russell P. andMichelle L. White, Tillicum Village Second Addition, Lot 5, Block 81, $191,900 •KeithandJeannie Legum to Jennifer J. Briggs, Mill Addition to Bend, Lol6, Block 5, $203,000
hit hard in the re-
cession. It was an idea to help them get back on their feet, and stimulate
By Elon Glucklich• The Bulletin
More Americans dip into 401(k)s
an opportunity for some of our local charities, groups
the local economy.
A group of Bend businesspeople wants to give new
. the organi-
meaning to shopping local. In addition to supporting local merchants, the group sees an opportunity to bring merchants and customers together by donating to local charities and nonprofits through a new website, LivGivLocal. Founded by local real estate brokers Peter Lowes and Kelly Johnson, accountant Al Weidinger, nurse Amy Thompson, physician assistant Scott Brennan and Oregon State University-Cascades Campus professor Julie Ann Elston, LivGivLocal offers discount promotions at Central Oregon stores, often 50 percent off the regularprice ofa product. But 10 percent of each purchase goes to a local cause of the buyer's choosing, from a list of regional groups, like Big Brothers Big Sisters of Central Oregon, Sparrow Clubs, Partners in Care, Healthy Beginnings and Oregon Adaptive Sports. LivGivLocal is part of a growing trend that has seen several local groups launch online donation efforts. Lowes said his group members' diverse business backgrounds
• Where is
will help them reach out to clients. The group launched the website in January after talking last year about the trouble some nonprofits have had raising funds during the recession, Lowes said. It started reaching out to businesses and charities, and building a website that would let customers buy coupon deals online. The project is still in its early stages, with only a few dollars raised and a few local businesses having signed on. But Central Oregon residents should soon be able to sign up for discounts from a variety of businesses and pick the group to give part of the sales to, Lowes said. Besides the six founding members, two salespeople are working to bring onmore businesses forthe LivGivLocal operation. "We wanted to make sure the infrastructure of our website was working before we really started reaching out to people," Lowes said. "Now we're looking for merchants."
zation going from here? . Peter
• Lowes: The grand plan is to eventually take this to a larger
scale with the help of some venture capital, hopefully.
We see this as something that could be replicated
in other communities. We'd like to
reach more local businesses,then perhaps expand it to other cities
in Oregon and throughoutthe Northwest.
For the second time in history, federalregulators accused a U.S. state of securities fraud Monday, ordering Illinois to stop misleading investors about the condition of its public pension system. In announcing a settlement with the state, the Securities and Exchange Commission said Illinois had passed a law in 1994 allowing itself to put less than the required amount into its pension system each year. For the next 15 years, the state issued annual reports showing that it was on track with its lawful schedule, even as it fell further behind the realworld amount needed to pay all public retirees their benefits. In 2005,the state passed another law giving itself a holiday from even the inadequate amounts on the schedule. From 2005 to 2009, Illinois issued $2.2 billion worth of municipal bonds, which the SEC saidwere marketed under false pretenses. There was a growing hole in the pension system, putting increasing pressure on the state's finances every year. That raised the risk that at some point retirees and bond buyers would be competing for the same limited money. The risk grew greater every year, the SEC said, but investors could not see it by looking at Illinois' disclosures. In effect, that meant investors overpaid for bonds of a lower quality than they were made out to have, although the SEC did not measure any loss.
Consumers taking tax hike in stride
— Reporter: 541-617-7820, egluckfichC<
FDIC keeps settlements quiet
By Shobhana Chandra and Rich Miller Bloomberg News
By E. Scott Reckard Los Angeles Times
Since the mortgage meltdown, the agency has opted to strike deals with banks rather than sue — and promised not to tell. Three years ago, the FederalDeposit Insurance Corp. collected $54 million from Deutsche Bank in a settlement over unsound loans that contributed to a spectacular California bank failure. The dealmight have made big headlines, given that the bad loans contributed to the largest payout in FDIC history, $13 billion. But the government cut a deal with the bank's lawyers to keep it quiet: a "nopress release"clause that required the FDIC never to mention the deal "except in response to a specific inquiry." The FDIC has handled
• Federal National Mortgage Association to Thomas H.and Julie A. Wright, ShadowGlen Estates, Phase1, Lol2, $230,100 • Deneice Kappos to Debuki Properties LLC, Mountain High, Lot 4, Block 4, $310,000 • Wells Fargo BankN.A. to Daniel and Danielle Sullivan, Woodside Ranch, Phase1, Lot5, Block5, $240,000 • Pahlisch Homes lnc. lo Lynne M. Sherry, Awbrey Court, Lot 8, $469,500 • Floyd C. Antonsen and Elizabeth Aguilar-Antonsen to Michael B. Sheeleyand Patricia D. Moran,27th
scores of settlements the same way since the mortgage meltdown, a major policy shift from previouscrises,w hen the FDIC trumpeted punitive actions against banks as a deterrent to others. Since 2007, 471 U.S. banks have failed, nearly depleting the FDIC deposit-insurance fund with $92.5 billion in losses. Rather than sue, the
agency has typically preferred to settle for a fraction of the losses while helping the banks avoid bad press. Under the Freedom of Information Act, the Los Angeles Times obtained more than 1,600 pages of FDIC settlements, made from 2007 through this year with former bank insiders and others accused of wrongdoing. The agreements constitute a catalog of fraud and negligence:
Street Crossing, Lot1, $237,500 •Michael J.Tennantand Jim Sl. Johnlo David E. and Brenda M.Kelley, Cottages at NorthWest Crossing, Lot 24, $259,900 • Vergent LLC to Rodney D. and Viola M.Collins, Boones Borough No. 2, Lot 4, Block 2, $331,000 • Francis Sengerto Hummingbird Fund LLC, Park Addition, Lots 5 and 6, Block 27, $175,000 • Stephen C. Jaquato John H. Nagel,Township 15, Range10, Section 4, $185,000 • Secretary of Housing and Urban Development
to Caldera Capital LLC, Brightenwood Estates 2, Lot19, Block 6, $160,107 • Laura K. Wilke, who acquired title as Laura K. Waldrop. to Terri L. and Ernest R. Edwards, Bend Cascade ViewEstates Tract2, Unit2, Lot19, $275,350 • Brandon T. and TegeM. Sauer to John R.and Alice B. Knulson, Park Addition to Bend, Lot24, Block13, $380,000 • David and Ginger E. Nielsen to Rory and Molly Howatt, Aspen Heights, Phase4, Lot8, Block3, $194,900 • Wells Fargo BankN.A., successor by merger
recklessloans to homeowners and builders; falsified documents; inflated appraisals; lender refusals to buy back bad loans. Defendants benefit by settling because they can avoid admitting guilt and limit the damages they might face in court. The FDIC benefits by collecting money without the hassle and expense of litigation. The no-press-release arrangements help close those deals. FDIC spokesman David Barr said the agency always tries to settle failed-bank cases before filing lawsuits and that it announces settlements only whendamage payments are large and media interest intense. He declined to discuss the legal strategy behind the Deutsche Bank deal and other no-press-release agreements.
to Wachovia Mortgage FSB, fka World Savings Bank FSB, to Kristopher D. Price, Deschutes River Woods, Lot 24, $182,300 • David R. and Caroline S. Lincoln to Charlene D. Carter andJennifer I. Hector, Quelah Condominiums, Unit 92, $235,000 • Roger E. and Molly A. Bjorklund to Robert and Marian Griffiths, Fairway Point Village1, Lot 28, Block 2, $353,000 • Eric K. and Jessica D. Millerto J. P. DodgeJr., trustee for trust between National Equity Inc. and N. P. Dodge Jr., Redside, Lot 11, $184,900
WASHINGTON — Consumers and businesses are treating higher payroll taxes and federal spending cuts as just a speed bump for a U.S. economy poisedto accelerate later this year. Americans are saving less
and spending more for purchases such as new automobiles, as household net worth climbs with rising home values and stock indexes surging to record highs. Companies
are ramping up hiring, adding 246,000 to private payrolls in February. They're also expanding investment and rebuilding inventories as they put profits accumulated during the recovery to work. "A lot of things are going the right way," said Brian Jones, a senior U.S. economist at Societe Generale in New York.
Crook County • Maple TownhomesLLC, which acquired title as Maple TownhomesLLC, to David andDeborah LaFollette, Partition Plat1991-12, Parcel 2, $200,000 • John and Barbara Sleinbrecherto Scott T. Essex andGibson M. Reid, Prineville Ranch Subdivision Lot10 $589,000 • Joe and Cindy L. Ramos to Robert N. andGreta L. Wright, Chuckwagon Acres Subdivision, Lot1, $150,000 • Bank of the Cascades lo LeeLynn lnc., Saddle Ridge RanchP.U.D., Lots
1-48, Partition Plat199215, Parcels1 and 2 • Alan L.Irvin to Travis G. and Belinda Helligso, Township14, Range15, Section 2, $365,000 • Barbara Newman, trustee of the Barbara Newman Revocable Trust, to Marcus P.and Emily Breuer, BrasadaRanch2, Lot 275, $373,450 • Chris Seber to Fredric A. Liebl, Partition Plat199645, Parcel 3, Township 15, Range15, Section 29, $410,000 • Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation to Michael A. andShanon Shallo, Puckett Estates Unit1, Lot 3, $160,000
Yahoo speculation gives Zynga doost Zynga Inc., thebiggest maker of online social
games, climbedMonday to the highest pricesince July on speculation that
Yahoo Inc.might consider buying thecompany. Yahoo mayconsider buyingZyngaasCEOMarissa Mayer seeks acquisitions to bolster the company's
mobile andsocial capabilities, BlakeHarper, an analyst at Wunderlich Securities Inc., wrote in a
research report Monday. — From wire reports
• What's Brewing? The presentand future of Prineville's wood products industry; Casey Jackson, vice president of manufacturing, and Keith Eager, humanresources manager, Contact Industries; 7-8 a.m., Meadow Lakes Restaurant, 300 S.W. MeadowLakes Drive, Prineville. • De-slress While Leading: Wendy Duncan will teach techniques for managing individuals, teams or departments while maintaining a healthy balance; stress management; reservations encouraged; free; 7:30 a.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; • Business slarlup workshops: For people contemplating business ownership; registration required; $15; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290. THURSDAY • The Central Oregon Area Commission on Transportation: 3-5 p.m.; City of Redmond Public Works Training Room, 243 East Antler Avenue. FRIDAY • How will you vote in May?: Townhall forum; registration required; $30 for members, $40for nonmembers; 7:30a.m.; Bend Golf andCountry Club, 61045 Country ClubDrive; SATURDAY • Networking Nuggels — Catch and KeepYour Listener's Attention: Ten different Networking Nuggets and storytelling techniques; practice speaking andget immediate feedback; registration requested; $47; 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Cascade School ofMusic,200 N.W. Pacific Park Lane,Bend; 541-617-0340, diane@ or www.eloquenlexpression. com. • Neil Kelly Remodeling Workshops: Trends inbath and kitchen remodeling; continental breakfast included; free; 9:30-11:30 a.m.; BendGolfand Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-7580. • Oregon Addy Award Show: Viewing of entries begins at 5 p.m.; registration required; $75; students $50; 7 p.m.; The Riverhouse Hotel 8 Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-389-3111. 70 find freeincome tax preparation help, visit the Events Calendarat www. ttendbulletin.comlevents. For the completecalendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visit bendbutletincom7bizcal.
• James S. andDebra L. Rowto Michael and Winnifred Woodley, Partition Plat 2006-41, Parcel 1, $775,000 • Michael L. Dean, successor trustee of the Dean Family Trust, to Ray L Collins and DonnaM Wolfkill, The Highlands Subdivision, Lot 28, Block 3, $169,900 • Brasada Ranch Development LLC toStone Bridge Homes NWLLC, Brasada Ranch 4,Lots 382, 394, 395 and 409, $150,000 •StoneBridgeHomesNW LLC to Charles L. O'Neal Jr. and Lonna M.O'Neal, Brasada Ranch 4,Lot 388, $459,900
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Food, Recipes, D2-3 Home, Garden, D4 Martha Stewart, D4 THE BULLETIN • TUESDAY, MARCH 12, 2013
• •
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• A guide to picking perfect produce r."
By Alison Highberger • For The Bulletin ome fruits and vegetables are easy to buy. With a quick glance and two-second touch, you know they're good to go: firm apples, fresh-looking lettuce and hard, bright orange carrots, to name a few. Other produce is tricky to pick out. Is that mango or papaya ripe? Is this pineapple sweet, juicy and ready to eat'? What's the best way to pick out a perfect garlic bulb, eggplant or artichoke'? We asked three produce experts to advise us about how to pick out tricky produce. It turns out that fruits are harder to figure out than vegetables. Jesse Kamphuis, the produce team leader at Whole Foods Market in Bend, told us that pineapple tops his list of produce that's most difficult to choose, and shared tips for finding a winner. Kamphuis told us he always hopes shoppers won't be shy about asking questions about any items; he and his staff are eager to help. "That's what we're here for, to let you know which varieties are good. We love educating our guests about what's good, how to pick it, and we want to give them a sample," Kamphuis said. MichaelPeters,the produce assistant manager atNewport Avenue Market in Bend, told us he gets the most questions about avocados and mangos. Peters shared his tips for both, along with a clever way to open a pomegranate without getting red juice stains everywhere. See Produce/D2
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Photos by Ryan Brennect(e/The Bulletin
I(eep yourappliances Forcingbudsmay running in tip-top form yield early blooms By Liz Douville
By Alison Highberger For The Bulletin
Most of us take our big appliancesfor granted. We rely on our refrigerators, washing machines, dryers and dishwashers, and they work well — until they don't. Then it's time to start shelling out cash for repairs or worse, a new machine. Last year, the average cost of an appliance service call in the United States was $75 to $125, according to www. New appliances can easily cost $1,000 or more. There are quite a few things you can do regularly at home to help avoid those pricey repair calls and delay
the need for replacements. We consulted with John Stockton, owner of Accurate Appliance Service in Bend (541-420-7277). He has 30
years of experience fixing appliances all over Central
Oregon. "I fix all makes, all models, and nothingscares me after 30 years. I used to worry on the way to a call that I wouldn't know what to do. Now I look at the birds and the sun. I even know how to fix it better than the factory made it. It's second nature. There are things that aren't in the owner's manuals that you should do," Stockton sa>d. See Appliances/D4
For The Bulletin
On one of those warm days in February, I did a walk-about through my property looking for a sign of breaking buds. I was tired of winter; with the days being longer and the sun warmer, I was sure I would see what I wanted to see: bushes and trees that were starting to come alive. Obviously Mother Nature has a different timeline than I do. I may have been ready for some action, but she was not. The action I was looking for was the trees and shrubs that have met their winter dormancy and were ready to break out in swollen growth
When I find what I'm looking for, at the time Mother Nature thinks best, I'll take pruners in hand and carefully clip out some branches for the process called indoor forcing. Early spring flowering trees and shrubs form their flower buds in the fall before the plants go dormant. Look for branches with a large number of flower buds. These are often on younger branches and are usually larger and rounder than leaf buds. Choose branches from crowded areas of the plant when possible, since you will be removing some of the spring bloom. See Forcing /D4
Kimchi RadishPickle: Spicy and zingy, this dish marks a
nice change from asteady diet of winter roots,D2
Braised TurkeyLegs:A budget-conscioushome-cookedmeal with plenty of leftover options,D3
More budget recipes:Sherley's Parmesan Puffs, Beggar's Soup, BakedClamsWith Rosemary, White Beansand Tomatoes, Smoky-Sweet GlazedCarrots, D3 Recipe Finder:Roll a sponge cakewith just a little practice, D2
Next week: Takecornbread for a spin
Produce Continued from D1 We also checked in with Aliza (A-LEE-zuh) Green, a Philadelphia-based chef and the author of many a ward-winning coo k books, including the helpful "Field Guide t o P r oduce: How to Identify, Select, and Prepare Virtually Every Fruit and Vegetable at the Market" (Quirk Books, 2004). It's just the right size (4/2 by 6 inches) to fit in a purse or reusable grocery bag, so it can go to the store with you for handy reference. G reen shared h e r v a s t knowledge about produce, including how to pick out a great kiwifruit or mango. So let's explore the tricky fruits and vegetables and learn a few tricksof the trade from thepros.
Not happy? Take itback Both of our local produce experts said that if you get a fresh fruit or vegetable home and it doesn't taste
good, or is disappointing in any way, don't hesitate to bring it back, or just bring in the receipt the next time you're in the store. Photos by Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin
of ripeness," Green said. " Most mangos ar e h a r d when you buythem and must be fully ripened before eating. Leave at cool room temperature until the flesh is yielding, but not mushy," Green writes in her "Field Guide to Produce." "I like to see a little blush color to them," Peters said.
"Tell me, andwe'll replace it," said Michael Peters, the
produce assistant manager a stalk, it'll break off where the woodiness starts," said Kamphuis.
that's bad. Check all around and make sure there's been no openings or cracks in it," said Peters.
Pick by t ouch and color. "You've got to use a delicate touch to test an avocado. Push very gently, close to the stem. For a ripe one, you want it to feel semi-soft, and you don't Artichoke want to feel air pockets. "A ripe Hass avocado will Look fo r t i g htly p a cked leaves, without splitting, which have dark,matte purple-black indicates they're getting old. skin," Green writes. Some artichokesare labeled Cantaloupe "frost kissed" at this time of Test for ripeness. "I push year,which causes their leaves to brown andfl ake. "They don't down with my thumbs on the look all that attractive, but they opposite of the stem side to see eat very well. Once they're ifIcan feelsome softness,and cooked, all that disappears, and I sniff on the stem end for some they have great flavor," Peters aroma," said Peters. "Don't sald. shake it. That won't tell you "Many consider artichokes anything," he said. "In a ripe cantaloupe, the to be the tenderest and most intensely flavored after a frost," stem end will be very fragrant," Green writes in her"Field Guide said Kamphuis. "Check the stem end of a to Produce." cantaloupe for a clean, smooth Asparagus indentation known as a 'full Pick by tight buds, wheth- slip.' If the edge is jagged, the er you go for skinny or fat cantaloupe was picked before varieties. maturity. Choose cantaloupes "I've been educated that a that are heavy for their size, wider stalk is a younger and with a fruity aroma and thick, m ore tender stalk. A lo t o f well-raised netting over strawpeople prefer the skinny as- colored rind," writes Green. paragus. You don't have to peel the stalk, but you do want Coconut to break the tough bottom part Pick a good one by shaking off. Cut it off, or do the bend- it vigorously. "You want to hear ing trick. W hen yo u b end the water inside. If it dries out,
Pick by color and feeL "It should be consistently firm, purple all around, with no brown spots or soft spots," said Peters. "It's one of the most perishable vegetables. It gets bitter and leathery and shriveled quickly with brown spots on the skin. As soon as that happens, it's already getting that bitter taste. Try to cook it within a day of purchase. If I'm not using it right away, I dice it androastit," Green told us in a phone interview.
at Newport Avenue Market in Bend. "You're100 percent sat-
isfaction guaranteed," said Jesse Kamphuis, the pro-
duce team leader at Whole Foods Market in Bend. The same policy is true in the vast majority of grocery
Pick it by color and feel, not smell. "A ripe papaya will be a little softer than a mango or an avocado. You want a nice
stores. "Select beans that are clean, tender,crisp, wel l-shaped and smooth," Green writes. "You want a green bean to be firm; you want it to snap pretty easily. I love for guests to snap them while they're shopping, and taste one, too," Kamphuis sard.
Really good, fresh garlic is pearly and juicy inside. If it's green inside, that's the shoot, and it's bitter. It's sprouting and starting a new plant. Maybe it was in a warm, moist environment that was encouraging sprouting," Green said. "Check the tips of the garlic. You can generally see if it's sprouting. The garlicbulb should be tight and firm and kind of heavy for its size. You want it to feel solid," Kamphuis said.
Greenbeans Pick by color, shape, feel.
Mango Look for skin color and feel. "Remember that fruit, in general, will have shiny, taut skin when it's unripe and hard. As it ripens, the skin will get more dull or matte looking and a little looser. Look for that with a mango, and when you can easily detach the end of the stem from the fruit, that's a good sign
Starfruit or carambola
Pickby color. "Starfruit come in green, then when they get golden in color, that's the time to use them. The broader the ribs, the sweeter the fruit. You can buy them green and ripen them at r oom t emperature. They can be refrigerated for up to one week," Peters said.
Tomatillo Pear Pick by feel. "Press gently with thumbs by the stem, you just want a little give by the stem. If it's soft all over, it's overripe. With pears, you want that firmness," Peters said. "Pears are tricky because they ripen from the inside out. Other fruit like peaches, apricots and nectarines all ripen from the outside," he added.
Pineapple Pick by fragrance and color. Our experts said that the trick of pulling out a leaf to test for ripeness isn't foolproof (if it comes out easily, the pineapple
is supposed to be ready to eat). "My first indication of ripeness is that sweet smell. Turn it around; it should be turning
Pick by t ouch and l o ok. "You want the papery husk of the tomatillo to be intact, not browning. It'll be kind of dry, but as long as the color of the tomatillo is a pretty bright green and feels firm, it's ready to use. Don't wait for them to soften," Kamphuis said.
Watermelon Pick by feel and sound. "Watermelons are different from cantaloupe an d h o n eydew melons. You want them firm, and you want to pound for that 'thrump' sound. I choose a ripe one by firmness and hearing. I'll pick up a few and am happy to show you how you can hear the difference. It's an acquired sound," Peters said. — Reporter: ahighberger@mac. Com.
Roll a cakewithout fear
By Julie Rothman
The Baltimore Sun •
Kiwifruit Pick it by feel. "It should not be mushy. Kiwifruit can get overripe and mushy, like blueberries. A kiwi doesn't have a lot of flavor, but the color and texture are really pleasing, and a fresh one needs to have that little bit of acidity to make it interesting. It should be firm, but you don't want it hard as a rock," Green said.
Pick by color and firmness. "I like to see them deep red, golden yellow color. Use a gen- solid all around, not concavtle touch; you want a consistent ing. A great way to open them softness," Peters said. up is to do it under running "Avoid hard o r s h r iveled water in a colander, or in a papayas or fruit that is overly bowl of water. Score it, break soft or has a fermented aroma," it open, and take apart the Green writes. membranes. The pomegranate seeds will fall into the water or colander. No mess, no stains," Peters said. st
Pick by feel. "It's got to be hard. If it's shriveled and papery or dry on the outside, it's older, and as the garlic shrinks, it comes away from the skin.
golden, but should still have some green," Peters said. "Turn it upside down and sniff its rear end. There must be another way of putting it," Green said with a laugh. "You should be able to come into the room where the pineapple is, and the whole room smells like pineapple," Green said. Whole Foods carries its own brand of Whole Trade organic pineapples from Costa Rica. Kamphuis told us they don't necessarily have a s t r ong, sweet aroma, nor do they turn all yellow when they're ripe. "They'll yellow a little bit from the bottom up, so I look for a little of that golden hue," Kamphuis said.
jf you're like me, now more than ever, is the time to create your own inner circle of professionals that you fully trust to help ensure you are prepared for the changes cominginthe economy. You and up to one guest are warmly invited to attend a complimentary group consultation to provide information and education about different ways you can achieve your retirement goals.
Topics to be covered: • Creating a recovery strategy for your portfolio • How to create a family pension for retirement income • How to retire in this market and where to roll your
Patricia O'Neill from GrangLooking for a er, Ind., was seeking a recipe hard-to-find recipe for making rolled sponge cake or can answera filled w i t h s t r a wberry-flarequest? Write to Julie vored whipped cream. Rothman, Recipe Finder, I located a delicious and relaThe Baltimore Sun, 501 tively easy recipe for a strawN. Calvert St., Baltimore, berries-and-cream sponge cake MD 21278, or email roll on baltsunrecipefinder© While some novice cooks Namesmust might consider a rolled sponge accompany recipesfor cake a tricky thing to make, it them to be published. just takes a little practice to get it right. The real key is to not overbeat the egg whites and to take care when combining the it in the 1950s and '60s. whites with the yolks. Maria Brennanfrom Glen Arm, Md., is looking for a Requests recipe for Greek shrimp Brenda Cox from Raleigh, that used to be served at the N.C., is looking for a baked spa- Forty Phantoms restaurant ghetti recipe that uses tomato on Park Avenue in downsoup. Her mother used to make town Balt>more.
40 I k Or other retirement accounts Strawberries and Cream Sponge Cake Roll
limited seating. Reservations required.
Please call (54 I ) '728-032 I. Tuesda~, March I9'" or T hursdag, March 2I " a t 6 P M
~ OSSI N g S : C~
Makes10-12 servings. 5 egg yolks 1 tsp vanilla 5 egg whites /2 tsp cream of tartar t/4 tsp salt s/4 C sifted powdered sugar t/2 C flour
1 qt strawberries, sliced 2 TBS sugar 2 C whipping/heavy cream '/2 tspvanilla 2-3 TBS powdered sugar Whole strawberries for garnish
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Line a 15-by-10-inch jel-
pete Mendell and Dirk wali of(er rnvestment advisory services through Global rinanoal pnvate capital, trc, a src registered lnvestment Advisor. This e an educational program oniy. There e no cost or obiigation, and nothing wiil be sold. Entoy a compiimentary dinner after the presentation.
Crunchy end to winter Making a spicy, zingy pickle can alleviate the root vegetable doldrums. — New York Times News Service
Kimchi Radish Pickle Makes 1 quart. 1/~ Ibs radishes (a mix of different types, if possible) 1 /2 TBS coarse kosher salt 2 TBS Korean chili flakes (not
powder) 1 inch-long piece of fresh ginger root, peeled and grated 1 Ig garlic clove, minced or grated 3 anchovy fillets (optional) /s tsp sugar
Scrub radishes well with a vegetable brush undercool running water. If using thick-skinned radishes,
peel awayany hairy or brown spots. If using small table radishes(usually red, purple, pink orwhite), trim away roots and most of the greenstems, leaving % inch on top. Halve or quarter smaller radishes; cut larger rad-
ishes into bite-sizewedges. Place radishes in a bowl and toss with salt. Let rest for 20 minutes.
Drain radishes in a colander set over a bowl, reserving brined juices.
lyroll pan (or cookie sheet with sides) with wax paper and spray with cooking spray (cooking spray with flour in it for baking works great).
Rinse radishes quickly, then shake to
Beat egg yolks until light and lemon colored. Stir in vanilla. In a separate bowl, beat egg whites until foamy. Add cream of tartar and
Prepare the chili paste: In a large bowl, stir togethert/~ cup water with
salt, beating until stiff. Fold in '/~ cup powdered sugar. Gently fold in
chili flakes, ginger, garlic, anchovies (if using) andsugar. Adddrained rad-
egg yolk mixture. Fold in flour. Spread batter in pan. Bake for 10-12
minutes (do not let cakebrown). Using a fine mesh strainer, sift a small amount of powdered sugar on a linen towel. Turn hot cake out onto towel. Carefully peel off waxed
Hosted by Cathy Mendell, RFA, a successful financial strategist, lecturer, consultant, author, and radio personality.
New York Times News Service
Try for a mix of radishes.
paper. Roll up cake inthe towel. Cool on awire rack. Combine strawberries and 2 tablespoons sugar; let sit for 5 minutes. Beat whipping cream until foamy. Add 2-3 tablespoons powdered sugar and t/~tsp vanilla, beating until soft peaks form. Unroll
remove excesswater.
ishes and mix well to coat with paste.
Pack into a 1-quart jar (or 2 smaller jars), then pour the reserved brine into the bowl with the chili paste resi-
due, swish it around to capture leftover seasonings,andpour brine into jar. (The liquid will not cover the rad-
cake. Spreadcakewith berries, then half of the whipped cream. Reroll
ishes.) Cover and let stand at room
cake. Place on a serving plate. Frost with remaining whipped cream. Garnish with whole strawberries. Chill until serving time.
temperature overnight. Refrigerate and eat within1 week.
By Bonnie S. Benwick sThe Washington Post
Making good food that costs less: Most of us can get behind such an effort. Here are recipes that will help you get there. Although these dishes might set you back more than the touted "pennies per serving," they compensate by saving you time, using leftovers or small amounts of ingredients you have on hand.
Sherley's Parmesan Puffs cost pennies to make.
Sherley's Parmesan Puffs Makes12 to 24 hors d'oeuvres. The original recipe appeared in "The New Elegant But Easy Cookbook" by
Marian Burros and Lois Levine (Simon andSchuster, 1997). The version in the more recent "101 Classic Cookbooks" did not provide ingredient amounts, and now that we've eaten our share of these retro bites, we un-
derstand why. You could exert great self-control and make afew, or you could make alot. They areaddictive — and, as the original recipe touted, "they disappear like soapbubbles." 4 to 6 slices soft white bread 1 or 2 tsp finely minced sweet onion, such as Vidalia
/4 C regular or low-fat mayonnaise (do not use
nonfat) /4 C freshly grated ParmigianoReggiano cheese
Position an oven rack 4 to 6 inches from the broiling element; preheat the broiler. Have a large baking sheet at hand. Cut off the bread crusts, reserving them for another use if desired. Use
a 1- or 2-inch round cookie cutter to cut rounds of the bread (3 or 4 per slice), arranging them on the baking sheet spaced an inch or so apart. Place a little of the onion at the center of each one.
Stir together the mayonnaise and Parmigiano-Reggiano in a medium bowl. Completely cover each round of bread and onion with the mayo mixture. Broil for about 3 minutes, until puffed and browned. Serve right
away. — As reprintedin "101 Classic Cookbooks: 501 Classic Recipes,"editedby Marvin J. Taylor and Clark Wolf (Rizzoli,2012)
Photos by Deb Lindsey/ For The Washington Post
Braising turkey legs this way doesn't take a lot of time or money, yet it yields a homey meal and plenty of leftover options.
Braised lbrkey Legs Makes 6 to 8 servings.
Make ahead:Thebraised turkey meat, sauce andvegetables taste even better after a day's refrigeration; the sauced meat freezeswell. Olive oil 4 Ibs skin-on turkey legs and thighs Kosher salt
Freshly ground black pepper 1 C finely chopped yellow onion
1 C finely chopped celery (from
2 or 3 large ribs) 1 to 2 C water, plus more as needed (may sub no-saltadded turkey or chicken broth, or dry white wine, or a mix)
Potatoes, peeled and quartered
(optional) Turnips or rutabagas, peeled and quartered (optional) 1 tsp cornstarch
Ground cayenne pepper (may substitute hot pepper sauce) Fresh lemon juice (optional) /4 C chopped parsley, for garnish
Coat the bottom of a large Dutch oven with oil and heat over medium-high heat until the oil shimmers.
A little bit of meat is used to flavor Beggar's Soup.
Season the turkey pieces all over with salt and pepper. Add to the pot and cook just long enough to brown the pieces on both sides. Transfer to a plate and add the onion and celery to the pot. Cook for 5 minutes or until softened, then return the turkey pieces to the pot, arranging them on top of the vegetables.
Add water to adepth of1 inch. Once it begins to bubble at theedges, reducethe heat to medium or medium-low, cover andcook for1/2 hours or until
Beggar's Soup Makes 4/2 to 5 cups (4servings).
the meat is tender and falls easily away from the bone. Transfer the turkey to a cutting board and discard the skin and bones, leaving the dark meat in The Persian tradition behind this dish, a type of porridgelike stew known
chunks and shreds asyou seefit. At this point, you can usethe liquid remaining in the pot to cook the optional vegetables. Seasonthe vegetables with salt and pepper to taste. Cover
to Iranians as "ash," is that long ago, someone in need would leave an empty soup pot by the road. Passersby would toss in coins so the pot's
and cook over medium heat for about 20 minutes or until the vegetables are easily pierced with a fork. Transfer them to a bowl, then increase the heat owner could buy ingredients. Here, a little bit of meat is used for flavorto medium-high and reduce the remaining liquid in the pan to intensify its flavor. ing a rich, spiced mixture of budget-conscious beans, legumesand rice.
Whisk the cornstarch into /2 cup of water to form a slurry. Reduce the heat to medium and gradually add the slurry to the pot, stirring until slightly
Chuck roast is an inexpensive cut; next time you buy it, get one that
thickened. Season with the cayenne and the lemon juice, if using; taste, and add salt and pepper as needed. Return the turkey meat and cooked veg- weighs an extra quarter-pound andusethe excess to makethis soup. etables, if using, to the pan and stir to coat and heat through. Remove from the heat and add the parsley. Serve right away; or cool completely, transfer to a container and refrigerate for up to 3days or freezefor up to 6 months. 6 tsp extra-virgin olive oil 2 TBS dried mung beans — Adapted from 3 Ig cloves garlic, crushed (optional) 4 oz boneless chuck roast 2 TBS raw long-grain white or 1 Ig onion, chopped brown rice '/4 C chopped spinach leaves /2 tsp ground turmeric Baked Clams with Rosemary, White Beans 1 tspsalt 2 TBS finely chopped flat-leaf and Tomatoes Freshly ground black pepper parsley Makes 2 or 3servings. 6 C water 2 TBS finely chopped fresh dill The price of clams has risen in recent years, but this recipe makes eco- t/4 C dried brown lentils 2 TBS chopped scallions, white nomical use of them. Less-expensive mussels can be substituted. It's a 3 TBS dried red kidney beans and light-green parts good way to use up a bit of leftover wine; or open a bottle of beer or cider, 2 TBS dried chickpeas then drink the rest with dinner. Serve with bread for dunking.
Heat 2 teaspoons of the oil in a mediumDutch oven over medium-high
These glazed carrots call for several pantry ingredients.
14 oz fresh littleneck clams 2 cloves garlic, thinly sliced Pinch of crushed red pepper flakes /2 C canned no-salt-added cannellini or Great Northern beans, drained and rinsed
12 cherry tomatoes, each cut inhalf Sprig of rosemary Extra-virgin olive oil, for drizzling /2 C dry white wine, beer or hard cider
Makes 4 or 5 servings
beef has lost its raw look, stir in the turmeric, salt and the pepper to taste, then add the water, lentils, red kidney beans, chickpeas and the mung beans, if using. Reduce the heat to medium-low; cover and cook for 1
Preheat the oven to400 degrees. Have arimmed baking sheet at hand.
hour, stirring once or twice.
Place the clams in a colander; rinse under cool running water, then
Add the rice, then cover and cook for 20 minutes. Add the spinach, parsley, dill and1 tablespoon of the scallions. Cover and cook for 40 minutes; the soup should be quite thick. Taste to make sure everything is cooked through; if it isn't, cover
shake dry. Lay a large doubled piece ofaluminum foil or parchment paper over the baking sheet; it should be big enough to fold over the clam mixture.
Smoky-Sweet Glazed Carrots
heat. Add the garlic and cook, stirring, for about1 minute, until the garlic is golden but not burned. Transfer the garlic to small plate; use a fork to separate it into bits. Add the remaining 4 teaspoons of oil; once it's hot, add the boneless chuck and the onion, stirring to coat. Cook for about 5 minutes; once the
Combine the clams, garlic, crushed redpepper flakes, beans, tomatoes and rosemary in a heap onone half of the foil or parchment. Drizzle with
and cook as needed.
the oil and pour the wine, beer or cider evenly over the heap. Fold over
Divide among individual bowls. If your pantry contains Spanish smoked paprika, maple syrup and either to create a loose packet, sealing the edges and making sure you leave Garnish with some of the reserved
g y~g ~ ~
hloem c an e
broth or a bouillon cube, this savory side dish will set you back only the enough headspacefor the clams to open as they roast. garlic and the remaining tablecost of a bag of carrots. Roast (on the baking sheet) for about 12 minutes; the mixture should spoon of scallions. Serve hot. be wonderfully fragrant. Carefully open the packet, allowing steam to 1 Ib carrots (not baby-cut) 1 TBS unsalted butter 1 TBS extra-virgin olive oil 2 TBS vegetable broth (may substitute chicken broth)
2 tsp sweet or hot Spanish smoked paprika (pimenton; may substitute1 tsp dark chili powder) Koshersalt
2 TBS pure maple syrup Trim the carrots, then cut them crosswise into 2tls-inch pieces. Cut each of those pieces lengthwise into /t-inch sticks.
Heat the butter and oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add thecar-
escape. Discard the rosemary sprig, along with any clams that have not opened.
tender and lightly browned and the liquid has reduced to a glaze. Season with salt to taste; serve hot. — Adapted from "TheCleanPlates Cookbook Sustainable, Delicious, and I I Healthier Eating for Every Body,"by Jared Koch with Jill SitvermanKoch pROMp T D ELIVERY (Running Press,2013)
BarkTurISOd.COm 54q 389 9
Divide between wide, shallow bowls, including any juices. Serve right
away. — Adapted from "Full of Flavour," by Maria Elia (Kyle,2013)
F R I 6 I DXI R E Compact Refrigerator
rots and stir to coat; cook for 2 minutes, reducing the heat as needed to keep the carrots from burning. Add the broth, syrup and smoked paprika;
cook for about10 minutes, tossing the carrots a few times, until they are
— Adapted from "One-Pot Wonders," by Clifford A. Wright (Wiley and Sons, 2013)
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use for cleaning the inside of the dishwasher is the detergent you are using in the appliance to clean your dishes. Use a sponge to clean out the inside of the machine and then run it once with just water to wash it out. If you use any other kind of soap, you'll create a buildup of unwanted suds that may clog your machine. Make sure that the baskets by the drain, which are at the bottom of the unit, are keptclear and freeofdebris." Another technique to rid a dishwasher of soap residue and odors comes from the book "Vinegar," by Vicki L ansky. "Pour one cup of vinegar into the dishwasher and run the empty machine (no dishes, no detergent) through a whole cycle each month." Check the cleaning supply department of g r ocery and home i m provement s t ores for appliance cleaning products. "Affresh®" is a t a blet from the Whirlpool Corporation that's designed to be used once a month like the vinegar treatment.
Continued from 01 We'll also share some tips from Stephen Fanuka and Edward Lewine's book, "What's a Homeowner To Do'? 442 Things You Should Know" (from Artisan, a division of Workman Publishing Inc., 201 1). Fanuka is the "Million Dollar Contractor" on the DIY Network. Vern Schmidt, a longtime
appliance repairman and self-
The Associated Press file photo
published author of "Appliance Handbook for Women: Simple Enough Even a Man Can Understand," has a website and tips for appliance maintenance
To help out your dishwasher, don't use too much detergent, load dishes so they lean inward and run the hot water in your sink before using.
( that you may find helpful, too. You don't have to be handy to take better care of your bigticket appliances. A little knowledge, TLC and elbow grease are all that's required. Oh, and you'll need to find your owner's manuals for your machines, too, to get the best DIY results. They've got your appliances' model n u mbers and manufacturers' customer service phone numbers. (The model numbers and800 numbers arealso written on your appliances, but they're often hard to find.)
What should I do to help • my d i s hwasher w o r k well? • Stockton: "Run the hot • water at your sink right before you start your dishwasher. It fills off the hot water right under the sink, and if you have a water heater on the other side of the house, it takes a while to get hot watertothe dishwasher. The new Frigidaire, for example, only fills with about two gallons of water. If you don't start with hot water, you won't get a good hot water wash."
What kind of detergent Q . .should I use? • Stockton: " Check t h e • owner's manual, or call the 800 number at the manufacturer and ask for customer serviceforspecificbrands or types of soap (liquid, powder, tablets or gels?). Ask them if you need
Next week: In the kitchen with ... Real Food Street Bistro's Michael McCann
a rinse agent. "Also, know that less detergent is better than more, for both dishwashers and clothes washers. Most people use way too much soap. The amount recommended in the instruction manual is often too much. "In Central Oregon, our water is so good and clear, so we don't have worries about mineral buildup. If you pre-rinse your dishes, as you should, the soap doesn't have much to work on. Use too much soap and it'll start to etch the dishes. I recommend that you use very little, like a quarter of the cup in both detergent cups, and work your way up if you find your dishes aren't getting clean."
Do I need to clean out filQ •• ters and the inside of the dishwasher? • From "What's a Home• owner To D o?": "Most people neglect to clean the inside of their dishwashers, but it's an important thing to do. Give the interior a w ashing once a month, or at least a few times a year. The best soap to
place for 180 items with Sure-2-Fit®
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• What should I do if, all of • a sudden, my clothes are taking too long to dry? • Stockton: "It's our most • common complaint,and the dryer either isn't heating, or it has a blocked airflow. "To test what's wrong, disconnect your vent hose from the house, leave it attached to your dryer, put a nylon stocking over the end, and turn it on for one ortwo dryer cycles.If everything dries normally, your dryer is fine. You need to check your vent. "Everybody should turn on their dryer and go out outside to see where it vents, so you don't stack wood against it, or crush it with the lawnmower. Sometimes it's so low to the ground that it'll fill with bark in a rainstorm. Make sure it's clear. There should be an animal screen on it, and that sometimes gets blocked with lint. If your dryer is running, and you don't feel any air coming out, the vent might be broken or have a blockage. I've seen hoses that were packed with lint, and I've been amazed the house didn't burn down. Vacuum out the vent hose if you can, or have it done professionally."
Clean your oven with virtually no
'Atter $475 mail-inrebate. Rebate is anAmerican Express' Reward Card. Actual selling price is $4474. Seesales associate for quahfying model numbers, details andrebate form. Refer to rebate form for terms andconditions. Visit americanexpress com/Reward forcomplete terms. Card issued byAmerican ExpressPrepaid CardManagement Corporation. American Express is not asponsorof this promotion. LimitoneAmerican Express RewardCard per household. At participating retailers. 'Fresh Clean™not available on Gas Range.
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it a good scrubbing. Opening up
There's a perfect
the line should be self-explanatory. Depending on the model, you would either unscrew it or pop it out. If you have a longer vent line, you will need to attach the brush to a length of electrical fish tape, which is the wire that electricians use to snake electrical wires through houses. This will allow you to feed the brush through the length of the vent," they write.
X I,, Ruth Fremson/New YorkTimes News Service
When deciding between granite and other countertop materiais, first consider your budget.
Which coLintertop?
"Ignorethe capful suggestion, and try two tablespoons of detergent per wash," Schmidt says. Headds that fabric softener residue can clog up washer and dryer parts and vents and recommends diluting l i quid fabric softener with three parts water to one part softener.
machine empty at least once a month with the same detergent and bleach you use for clothes. Stockton: The new washers give you a "clean out" cycle that involves hot water and bleach. Schmidtechoes the observation that most people use too much detergent. Schmidt says in a video on his website, www., that we u se 10 to 20 times more soap than needed to clean our clothes, which can cause mildew in the machine and soap buildup in our clothes and linens.
• The authors of "What's • a Homeowner To Do?"
. Are there any tricks to . loading a dishwasher so it cleans better? . Stockton: "Dishes need . to lean inward toward the spray arm. Think of it like a church; they need to face in; the dirty side of the dishes should stare at the spray arm!"
A suggest running a washing
How can I eliminate the . musty, mildew smell my Should I c l ean under front load washer gets'? • the refrigerator to help it . Stockton: " Call y o u r work better? . manufacturer'scustomer • Stockton: "Yes, most con- service line for their recom• denser coils are acces- mendations. Various products, sible from the front, although like Smelly Washer Cleaner, for some GE models you have are supposed to work, but as reto pull the back panel off. You pairmen, we're skeptical about can buy long "appliance brush- these.Use your machine's 'clean es" (that look like giant bottle out' cycle, as recommended. brushes) to dust off the coils, Scrub the boot that's in the front and thenvacuum them, too. Do of your machine. Leave the the best you can. It doesn't have door open to allow the washing to be perfect. Your cleaning will machine to air out." help it run cooler and more efficiently. You won't save a lot • What can I do to prolong of money on electricity, but it's • the life of m y c l o thes good for the refrigeratorto keep dryer'? u it clean." • The authors of "What's From "What's a Homeowner . a Homeowner To Do"n To Do?": "You should clean the recommend "cleaning the lint coils at least once a year, al- screen carefully after every though every six months would single load. You should also be ideal. In most models, the clean your vent line, the tube or coils are located at the bottom duct that sends the air from the of the unit with a plastic grille dryer to outside your house, in front of them. Remove the at least twice a year. This is grille, which will usually be important because if lint gets screwed in, and gently vacuum trapped in the line, it can cause the coils or use a feather duster a fire." onthem." For a short vent line, they recommend a long-handled dryer duct cleaning brush, which you'll find at a hardware or home improvement store. "Just open up the line andgive
should I doto mainQ •• What tain my clothes washer?
• Stockton: "Wipe with the • grain, not against it, and it should shine up well. You can usually use a mild soap and water solution to keep most of it clean, or get one of the stainlesssteelsprays,and,asalways, when in doubt, call that 800 number or go online to see the company's r e commendation for cleaning and maintaining
your appliance." — Reporter: ahighbergerlmac. Com.
even when sealed, so mainte-
. MARTHA nance is high. STEWART Wood
shopping for a kitchQ ••I'm en counter.W hatarethe main diff erences between the materials? . To narrow the options, . firstconsideryourspending plan. Low-cost materials
— in the range of $2 to $10per
Pros: you can cut right on it; easy to install, sand and repair.
Cons: needs sealing frequently; easily damaged by heat, cuts and impact.
Corian Pros: available in different thicknesses; stands up to heat and impact. Cons: scratches easily; can become discolored when exposed to prolonged heat.
square foot — include ceramic or porcelaintiles and laminate. Corian, engineered quartz and butcher-block wood are all midrange options that can cost$40 to $75 persquarefoot. Granite The most expensive materiPros: very strong; comes in als are granite, stainless steel lots of colors and variations. and concrete, which typically Cons: needs to be sealed ancost $50 to $150 per square nually; full slabs can look diffoot. While stainless steel and ferent from the store samples. concrete have the biggest price tags,there are disadvantages Stainless steel to each. Pros: stands up to heat and resists stains; waterproof. Laminate Cons: dents and scratches Pros: inexpensive; easy to easily; shows fingerprints. clean and install; available in Concrete many colors and patterns. C ons: water c a n s e ep Pros: tints and textures ofthrough seams; scratches and fer a custom counter;stone nicks easily. shards can be incorporated. Cons: scratches easily; susTile ceptible to hairline cracks. Pros: tiles resist staining; — Questions of general interest many colors and patterns; incan be emaiIed to mslletters® expensive; relatively easy to marthaStet/irart.Com. FOr mOre replace damaged tiles. information onthis column, visit Cons: the grout can stain t/rrWMtmarthaSteWart.COm.
Forcing Continued from 01 Cut about t/4 inch above a side bud or branch so that no stub is left behind. In other words, don't cut in the middle of a branch. Cut the branches 6 to 18 inches long; longer branches are easiest to use in floral arrangements. Cut during the warmest part of the day, when buds have the most sap. Bring the cut b r anches indoors, placing the stem ends immediately in water. If branches are in a bucket, m ist them f r equently t h e first few days. If possible, submerge the whole stems in water, such as in a bathtub, overnight. This allows buds and stems to quickly absorb water and begin to break dormancy. The old recommendation was to smashthe stem ends with a hammer to improve water uptake by the stems. Sometimes this works, but it may have the opposite effect if stems are mashed too hard, according to a University of Vermont publication. The mashed ends may make the water dirtier, which will decrease water uptake. The best method is to make a slit or two in the bottom of the stem before placing in the water, such as in a cross or star pattern as viewed from the bottom. Keep branches in a bucket of water, approximately 3 inches deep in a cool area
Preservative recipes Mix and allow to stand for 20 to 30 minutes before adding to container. 2 C lemon-lime
carbonatedbeverage 2 C water /2 tsp household chlorine bleach
Or... 2 TBS fresh lemon juice 1 TBS sugar ~/2 tsp household
chlorine dleach 1 qt water Or... 2 TBS white vinegar
2TBS sugar ~/2 tsp household
chlorine dleach 1 pt water Source: Purdue University, Department of Horticulture
to a cool location at night will help them last longer. R ooting may o c cur o n the branches of some species; willow roots easily. If the rootedbranch is desired for a new plant, remove the branch from the water when the roots are up to 3.8 inches long. The branches should be trimmed to approximately 6 to 8 inches. Then pot individually, and keep moist, until permanent rootsare formed. Whenwarmweather arrives, (60 to 65 degrees). Warmer the new plant can be planted temperatures cause them to outdoors with protection or develop too rapidly and not potted to a larger container open properly. Low humid- and held over for a year. ity, common in our homes, The most popular branchalso may cause buds to fall es to force are the willow for off. Try to remember to keep the fuzzy pussy willow buds them misted. Direct sunlight and forsythia for their bright also may cause buds to fall, yellow flowers. I have seen so keep in bright or indirect lists that include Japanese light. maple, birch, serviceberry, Once the flower buds show redbud,quince,honeysuckle, color,thebranches canbeused apple and crabapple, spirea, in arrangements. A flower mock orange, pear, cherry or preservative will help prolong plum, and lilac. All may not the vase life of the branches come forth with a flower, but (see recipe for homemade even at this time of year, a preservative recipes from the bright green leaf mixed in a Purdue University Depart- market bouquet is a harbinment of Horticulture). Keep ger of spring. stems in bright but indirect — Reporter: douvt1le@ light. Moving arrangements
ana ean isn' arai TV SPOTLIGHT
"I try not to take anything too seriously, just keep it in perspective," says Dana Delany. "I think it was something I was born with. And I remember
By Luaine Lee McClatchy-Tribune News Service
P ASADENA, C a l i f . When Dana Delany began a cting she tended to b e a perfectionist. Now she says, " There's no such t h ing a s perfection. I ' v e c o n nected w ith a l o t o f y o u n g g i r l s through Twitter and my message is: 'Have faith in your imperfections.'" She's spent most of her career faithful to her imperfections, making her a r a rity among actresses. She can take the lumps without
bruising. Still tough on herself, she says, "I think everybody is too hard on themselves. So I think my practice these days is to catch that thought before it happens." She was determined to be perfect when she auditioned for her very first Broadway role and had to assume an Irish accent. "I was 24 an d I ' d n ever even HEARD an Irish accent before," she recalls. "This is back when there were records, and I went to an Irish bookstore and got a recording of Siobhan McKenna reading Molly Bloom's speech from 'Ulysses.' And I just kept putting the needle up and down on it over and over again and listened to her until I got the rhythm," she says in a d a rkened lounge
on a murky winter afternoon here. "Then Iremember I had to stay in the voice all the way to the theater. And I'm on this huge Broadway stage and I did my reading in this madeup Irish accent, by myself, and remember the director saying to me — he was Eng'Where did you get lish y our accent from?' I c o m pletely lied and said, 'Oh, my grandfather's from I r eland and he's been living with us for years.' And I got the job,"
she laughs. T hat kind o f m o xi e h a s stayed with Delany through
0 es c are
volved in several romantic relationships,she never married. "I'm not in a relationship now," she nods. "I'd rather be by myself than not have that true connection." Her parents' divorce when she was 16 had a profound effect on her. "It definitely changed me, itchanged my p erspective o n th i n gs . I t made me feel like marriage wasn't that important. It took people accusing me the pressure off." of not caring She loves to travel and her next goal is to indulge that wasn't that passion. "I'd like to t ake a I didn't care says. year off and just be a vagaenough, I just Even when she ha s h er bond and go from place to knew it didn't doubts, Delany faces them place without any set itinermatter." head-on. ary — just kind of go where I "I like a challenge and try feel," she says. "Once ' Body o f Pr o o f ' Richard Foreman / to look at the bigger picture ABC / MCT and know that this is a moe nds, that's m y p l an . I ' v e ment in time that will pass. been working steadily for six And just try it. You've nothyears so I could use a break. I memorable performances in ing to lose. Even as a kid — I like to get out of my comfort shows like " China Beach," wasn't always successful at it zone and break the routine. "Desperate Housewives" and — but I knew there was a big- B ecause I t h ink r o utine i s ABC's "Body of Proof." ger picture," she says. death, and we all fall into it, "Once I got that job I was "I try not to take anything so travelsort ofchanges your terrified, I had no idea what too seriously, just keep it in perspective." I was doing. Now you have p erspective. I t h in k i t w a s The veteran of nine primeto do it! I still get scared and something I was born with. time TV series says she's not I like to get scared. Otherwise And I remember people ac- worried about the longevity I wouldn't do it. I like being c using m e o f n o t c a r i n g of "Body of Proof." "I'm so OK scared. When I'm scared I just enough. It wasn't that I didn't either way. I love the chartranslate it into excitement, care enough, I just knew it acter, and I love the people I they're the same thing." didn't matter." work with, but if i t d oesn't O ften intimidated by t h e What really matters, she happen, that's fine too." task, she says, "I definitely felt says, is "true connection with Pausing, she adds, "I think that with 'China Beach.' I'd people, real, sincere, innocent t he hardest things are t h e drive to work every day and connection — that's all I want internal things, that internal now." think, 'I don't know if I can switch of knowing you're fine do this.' Then I'd drive home T hough s he's b ee n i n - no matter where you are."
Dear Abby: My husband and I read the letter you ran on Dec. 21 from "Dateless in Dayton." We have a few thoughts on the matter we'd like to share with him and anyone else who is having bad luck getting responses on dating websites. We ar e m i d dleaged and have been DEAR together f o r two ABBY years. Even though we deactivated our memberships in the dating sites we were part of, we still get emails daily that "'So-and-So' sentyou a message." Itappears these sites still show our profiles as active, allowing people to try to contact us. So it's entirely possible that the women "Dateless" has contacted were inactiveor expired members who were neverableto see hism essages. We would like to reassure "Dateless" that the problem may not be him. We would also like to encourage him not to give up on finding a mate. He needs to get out there and do the things he loves because he may end up meeting someone that way. If he covers all his bases and is himself, he'll do OK.
less" is experiencing could be more about the idiosyncratic subscription rules on some dating websites than about the writer or the women he is contacting. Other experienced users shared their stories: Dear Abby: I cantell "Dateless" why he's not getting "thanks, but no thanks" notes from the women he contacts on the online dating service: Those women are most likely overwhelmed withresponses. Before I met my husband 10 years ago, I signed up on a dating site, then leftthe house to run some errands. When I came back a couple of hours later, I had 75 responses! I tried to answer all of them, but I kept getting more and more, so I finally gave
— Hoping to Be Helpful, Huntsville,Ala.
sends a message saying you are not
Dear Helpful: Many readers wrote to point out that the problem "Date-
interested. It appears people are simply taking the easy way out without
— Pam in Phoenix — Write to Dear Abby at or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069
any concern for others. And unfortunately, this doesn't happen only in online dating. — David in St. Louis
Dear Abby: I'd like to suggest that "Dateless" consider that many people don't check their dating site often — or ever. I signed up on a site in August and stopped looking at it in October. Then I forgot my password and could never look again. — Overlt in Tampa
responses women get today with online dating even more popular.
Dear Abby: Sadly for "Dateless," many of us women who are also attempting online dating have learned the hard way that any response can quickly encourage a stalker who emails us or sends instant messages relentlessly. I consider myself to be a courteous person with Midwestern values, and I tried (initially) to politely respond to everyone one way or the other. It became exhaustingbecause many of the men I sent a polite "no, thank
— Settled Down in1liinois
you" tobegan demanding explana-
Dear Abby: How long does one have to wait before determining the person isn't interested or just hasn't had the chance to respond? Many sites offer a simple button push that
tions, taking my reply as a "maybe" or insulting me for being stuck-up. So please tell "Dateless" that it's nothing personal — we're just trying to avoid drama.
up. Ican only imagine how many
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)
YOUR HOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar
Tonight: The more people there are around you, the happier you will be.
CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * * Y o u might want to workwith a boss or superior, but this person could become more demanding.Justremember who is in charge, and you will be OK. Sometimes the end result, as opposed to the immediate outcome, is more important. Tonight: A must appearance.
LEO (July 23-Aug. 22)
** * * A n unexpected call triggers your imagination. Your mind seems resistant to any discipline or focus. You could start ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * * M ars enters your sign, which experiencing life from a newvantage point, where you visualize a different invigorates you even more. Harness result. A certain individual might play a this vitality. You might want to try a new role in this. Tonight: Catch up on emails. exercise routine or take up anew hobby. Understand that few can handle your VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) strength and high energy at this point. ** * * A close associate or a loved Tonight: Do not stand on ceremony. one might change his or her tune when you least expect it. This person will push TAURUS (April 20-May20) and push in order to get what he or she ** * Your irritation with a particular situation might be building, and a sudden desires. You practically will have to vanish event could trigger stronger feelings. Stop to get this person off your case. Tonight: Dinner with a good friend. investing energy in suppressing your emotional state. Clear your mind, and try a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) different approach. You'll be much happier ** * * S o meone is hot on your heels as a result. Tonight: Let mystery in. and wants to at least have a conversation with you, if not an agreement. If you GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * * * Y ou know that you are heading try to change this person's mind or do something differently, you will still get in the right direction. A meeting could a hard bottom line. Wait a day to have be unpredictable. You don't mind the a formal chat. Tonight: Go with the additional excitement; you work well with moment. high energy and determined associates.
** * * M anage your exuberance. You might not even realize what a strong reaction others are having to it. Stay direct when dealing with someone, even if he or she generally is unsupportive. Lighten up, and you might be able to turn this situation around. Tonight: Choose a stressbuster.
9p.m. onHE), "The Taste" — From superlative sandwiches and cozy comfort foods to wild wine-food pairings, the contestants on this freshman cooking competition wentall out to impress their mentors with their tastiest creations. Tonight, those remaining will learn who gets the big prize in "The Taste Finale: Triple Threat." Anthony Bourdain, Nigella Lawson, Brian Malarkey and Ludo Lefebvre make that decision. 9 p.m. onH, "Go On" — Ryan (Matthew Perry) becomes a big brother figure to Owen (Tyler James Williams), who desperately needs one. Yolanda (Suzy Nakamura) decides it's time to graduate from the support group. Steven (John Cho) makes a hiring decision in the new episode "Videogame, Set, Match." Laura Benanti, Julie White and Brett Gelman also star. 9p.m. onE3,"NCIS: Los Angeles" — The body of a recently retired Marine turns up at a bomb-making facility in Afghanistan after a drone strike. TheNCIS team attempts to determine what he was doing there and which side he was on. Chris O'Donnell, LL Cool J, Linda Hunt and Daniela Ruah star in "Recruit." Glenn Morshower guest stars. 10 p.m. onH Rl, "Body of Proof"— Megan,Tommy and Adam (Dana Delany, Mark Valley, Elyes Gabel) are shot at while investigating the shooting death of a mob boss'sson.W hen the victim's father threatens to kill whoever's responsible for his son's murder, Megan and the team realize they have to act fast in the new episode "Mob Mentality." Jeri Ryan also stars.
MOVIE TIMESTDDAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movietimes are subject to change after press time. I
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 tl IMAX,680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • 21 AND OVER (R) 1:45, 4:40, 7:50, IO:20 • DARK SKIES (PG-l3) 12:55, 4:50, 7:45, 10:15 • DEAD MAN DOWN (R) 12:25, 3:20, 6:45, 9:40 • ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH(PG) 3:15, 9:25 • ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH3-D (PG) 12:35, 7:05 • A GOOD DAY TODIE HARD(R) I: IO,4:05, 6:30 • IDENTITY THIEF (R) I:40, 4:45, 7:25, 10:15 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG- l3) 1:25, 7:10 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER3-0 (PG- I3) 12:05, 3:10, 4:15, 6, 9:20, 9:55 • THE LAST EXORCISM PART II (PG-13) 1:15, 4: IO,6:35, 9:50 • LIFEOFPI(PG) Noon • LIFEOFPI3-0 (PG) 3,610,9: IO • 01 THEGREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)12:15,1:30,3:30, 4:35,7,7:40,9:15, IO:05 • OZ THEGREAT AND POWERFUL 3-0(PG)12:30,3:45, 7:15, IO:10 • OZTHEGREATAND POWERFULIMAX(PG) I2 :45,4, 7:30, 10:25 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 1, 3:50, 6:50, 9:45 • SNITCH (PG-13)12:40, 7:55 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) IO:35 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. •
10 p.m. onH D, "Smash" — Karen and Derek (Katharine McPhee, Jack Davenport) reach a crossroads, and one of them has a tough choice to make. The first performance of "Hit List" at the Fringe Festival hits a snag. Jerry and Eileen's (Michael Cristofer, Anjelica Huston) partnership encounters difficulty. Ivy (Megan Hilly) makes a last-ditch effort to save her show, with surprising results, in the new episode "The Fringe." Debra Messing and Sean Hayes also star. ©Zap2it
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E U.S.Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ARGO (R)12:30, 3, 6 • DJANGO UNCHAINED (R) Noon, 4 • EMPEROR (PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 6:45 • QUARTET (PG-13) 1, 3: l5, 7 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 3:45, 6:15 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) 12:45, 3:30, 6:30 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 12:15 I
make money just to turn around and spend it right away. You call the shots in your life, so onlyyou can change this pattern. The unexpected plays a role in your decisions and actions more Stars show the kind than in past years. of day you'll have You will have many ** * * * D ynamic choices — be ** * * P ositive op en to them. If ** * A verage youare single, ** So-so avoid making * Difficult any impulsive commitments. If you are attached, the two of you might be eyeing a property investment. Home really is where your heart is. Count on ARIES being blunt.
7:30 p.m. on GOLF, "In Play With Jimmy Roberts" — This new series looks at compelling, real-life stories about golf and the people involved with the gameat all levels. Host Jimmy Roberts scours the globe in search of golf stories from celebrities and everyday people.
at night, and say, 'Wow, OK, I did it. I got through today and now there's tomorrow." She was h esitant a bout "Body of Proof," in which she plays medical examiner, Dr. M egan Hunt, because it i s a procedural — a show that concentrates on the process of crime solving. "I'dnever done that before and there's a certain structure to a procedural that doesn't allow for a lot of human emotions. So I was wary of that. But I think I brought my little spin to the procedural," she
ea er a vice or on ine aters
MARCH 12, 2013: This yearyou could
•THE HOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)5:30 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 9:30 • After 7 p.m., shows are 2f and older only. Younger than 2f mayatt endscreeningsbefore 7pm.ifaccompaniedbya legalguardian.
CAPRICORN (Oec.22-Jan. 19) ** * Get past a hassle involving a domestic matter. You might have errands to run and calls to make, but completing them could be close to impossible. Tap into your creativity. Remember that lists and schedules can be changed when necessary. Tonight: Go with the flow.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed. 18) ** * * * S peak your mind, but take a moment before you express your thoughts. Choosing the right words could make all the difference in the receiver's response. Be aware that you could be too m uch in yourmind,which makesyou accident-prone. Tonight: Return calls.
PISCES (Fed. 19-March20) ** * Know what is going on with your finances. A costly mistake could impact your cash flow, and that could cause a lot of disruption. Stay on top of your funds, and be sure to stick to your budget. Weigh the pros and cons before purchasing a major item. Tonight: Go with a suggestion. © 2013 by King Features Syndicate
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777
• 21 AND OVER (R) 5:15, 7:15 •JACK THE GIANT SLAYER (PG-I3)4:15,6:45 • OZ THEGREAT AND POWERFUL (PG-13)4,6:45 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 4, 6:30 Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • IDENTITY THIEF (R) 6:15 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG- l3) 6:15 • OZ THEGREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)6 • QUARTET (PG-13) 6:30 it
Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • ESCAPE FROM PLANET EARTH(PG) 5:05, 7:10 • A GOOD DAY TO DIEHARD (R)4:30 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG-13) 4:05, 6:30 • OZTHE GREATAND POWERFUL3-0 (PG)4:10,7 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 4:20, 6:50 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 6:40 •
Bend Redmond
John Day Burns Lakeview
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • SOUND CITY (no MPAA rating) 8:30 I
i dU a~ B~
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Oec.21)
** * * * Y ou can't hold yourself back from using your imagination, nor would you want to. You are asolution finder. You exude a quality of excitement wherever you go, and others respond in kind. The unexpected gives you quite a surprise. Tonight: Let the fun begin.
g ttre &orf.6/" o.
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562
•) I
IN l
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable Beds
MM'TRESS G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084 DOUBLE SAVINGS NOW! $25-50 rebates on select Hunter Douglas products, and matching instant dealer rebates (thru 4/2/1 3)
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Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 6:15 • OZTHE GREATAND POWERFUL(PG) 6 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibi/ity.
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ON PAGES 3&4.COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin
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Q. V V . C h a n d I e r
9 g 7 ~
Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing
Misc. Items
Fuel & Wood
Sales Northeast Bend
Hay, Grain & Feed
$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355
S &W
$1500; Browning Citori 28" $650; 7.62x39 1600 rounds, $650.
Buying Diamonds /Gotd for Cash Saxon's Fine Jewelers
WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud,
** FREE ** Garage Sale Kit
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results!
264-Snow RemovalEquipment 541-389-6655 Place an ad in The 265 - Building Materials Bulletin for your gaThe Bulletin BUYING 266- Heating and Stoves 541-350-1 875. rage sale and rerecommends payLionel/American Flyer ceive a Garage Sale 267- Fuel and Wood ment for Firewood trains, accessories. Frigidaire, side x side, Bend local pays CASH!! Kit FREE! only upon delivery 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers for all firearms & 541-408-2191. white, like new, $395. and inspection. ammo. 541-526-0617 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment 559-355-0966 KIT INCLUDES: BUYING & SEL L ING • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 270 - Lost and Found Bushmaster MOE Dis- All • 4 Garage Sale Signs 4' x 4' x 8' gold jewelry, silver sipator AR-15; NIB; • $2.00 Off Coupon To GARAGESALES gold coins, bars, • Receipts should model 90829, $1,725 and Use Toward Your 275 - Auction Sales rounds, wedding sets, include name, Next Ad with 2 30 rnd Magpul class rings, sterling sil- phone, price and Ditflg n 280 - Estate Sales • 10 Tips For "Garage mags. 541-410-8288. ver, coin collect, vinkind of wood purVisit our HUGE Sale Success!" 281 - Fundraiser Sales CASH!! tage watches, dental chased. home decor 282- Sales Northwest Bend For Guns, Ammo & gold. Bill Fl e ming, • Firewood ads consignment store. 284- Sales Southwest Bend Reloading Supplies. 541-382-9419. MUST include speNew items PICK UP YOUR 541-408-6900. 286- Sales Northeast Bend cies and cost per GARAGE SALE KIT at arrive daily! People Look for Information cord to better serve 1777 SW Chandler 288- Sales Southeast Bend 930 SE Textron, DON'T MISS THIS About Products and our customers. Ave., Bend, OR 97702 290- Sales RedmondArea Bend 541-318-1501 Services Every Day through 292- Sales Other Areas The Bulletin Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classifieds The Bulletin FARM MARKET DO YOU HAVE GENERATE SOME exor place your ad 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery SOMETHING TO Wanted- paying cash citement i n your 290 on-line at SELL 316 - Irrigation Equipment for Hi-fi audio 8 stu- 1 cord dry, split Juniper, neighborhood! Plan a FOR $500 OR $190/cord. Multi-cord Sales Redmond Area dio equip. Mclntosh, 325- Hay, Grain and Feed garage sale and don't LESS? J BL, M a rantz, D y - discounts, & Y2 cords 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies forget to advertise in Non-commercial available. Immediate MOVING! Stowmaster Call The Bulletin At naco, Heathkit, Sanclassified! 341 - Horses and Equipment delivery! 541-408-6193 tow system, garage advertisers may sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 541-385-5809 541-385-5809. 345-Livestockand Equipment place an ad cabinets 8 s helving, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Call 541-261-1808 AH Year Dependable with our 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals garden & shop tools, Washer/dryer Irg cap. Firewood: Seasoned lamps, vanity 8 misc. At: "QUICK CASH 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers WHEN YOU SEE THIS Amana, white, n ew, Lodgepole, Split, Del. Sat. Only, 9-3, 3743 SPECIAL" $500obo. 541-848-9180 358- Farmer's Column Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 SW Xero Ave. 1 week 3 lines 12 Oo ~ for $335. Cash, Check 375- Meat and Animal Processing Horses & Equipment i or or Credit Card OK. 383 - Produce andFood The Bulletin M ore P ixa t B e n d b u l e ti n , c o m 2 k 2 0i ~
recommends extra
I ca i • 208
Pets 8 Supplies 0
0 r e g o n
Furniture & Appliances A1 Washers&Dryers
ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free Items 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 - Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health and Beauty Items 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools
A v e . ,• B e n d
i e. p.
chasing products or • services from out of I the area. Sending y
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Ad must include price of ii i $50 0 or less, or multiple items whose total does not exceed $500.
On a classified ad go to to view additional photos of the item.
541-420-3484. 269
Gardening Supplies & Equipment
Horse Boarding in NW Redmond. M o n thly rates starting at $195 per horse. Paddocks, stalls with t u rnouts avail., indoor/outdoor riding arenas, trainer
Adopt a nice CRAFT cat DO YOU HAVE 264 or kitten from Tumalo For newspaper on site. 541-504-4282 SOMETHING TO sanctuary, Pet Smart, or Snow Removal Equipment delivery, call the SELL Petco! Fixed, shots, ID Call Classifieds at Circulation Dept. at FOR $500 OR chip, t e sted, m o r e! 541-385-5809 ARIENS Sno-Tek 24" 541-385-5800 Farmers Column LESS? 541-389-8420. Open Sat/ 5 spds fwd, 2 reverse, To place an ad, call Farm Equipment • I call t h e Ore g onI Sun 1-5pm 65480 78th St Non-commercial Electric & Pull Starter, 541-385-5809 & Machinery • ' State Att or n ey ' 10X20 STORAGE advertisers may Photos 8 info at used twice $300 obo. 9mm Mod 17, or email BUILDINGS place an ad with l General's O f f ice GLOCK Call 541-647-1380 like new, 2 mags, $575. I Want to Buy or Rent Twinstar 2027 hay rake for protecting hay, 8 like us on Facebook. our Consumer Protec- • 541-815-4901 field ready $13,900. "QUICK CASH t ion ho t l in e at I firewood, livestock 265 Servtg CentralOregon t nte 19IB I f you h ave a n u n - Alaskan Malamute AKC 1987 Freightliner COE MEC9000 shotshell 12 etc. $1496 Installed. SPECIAL" l 1-877-877-9392. wanted 2nd car, local pups, 2 gray & white Building Materials Cummins engine with 541-617-1133. ga. reloader, RCBS 1 week 3 lines 12 family is in desperate males, ready to go. SUPER TOP SOIL 10 s peed., $ 6 500. model scale, $400. CCB ¹t 73684. ~ 2 k t ti www.hershe need of a v e h icle. 1st shots, dewormed. REDMOND Habitat 541-419-2713 541-389-8563 or Ad must include Screened, soil & comP lease c a l l 541 - $700. 541-410-7563. RESTORE price of single item 6 39-2856 o r 541 post mi x ed , no Building Supply Resale of $500 or less, or Just bought a new boat? 815-0470. rocks/clods. High huAlaskan Malamutepup, Quality at Hay, Grain & Feedg Meat & Animal Processingi multiple items Sell your old one in the mus level, exc. for 1 male, $400 LOW PRICES classifieds! Ask about our whose total does Wanted: $Cash paid for flower beds, lawns, 541-771-9255. 1242 S. Hwy 97 1st quality grass hay, All Natural g r ain-fed Super Seller rates! not exceed $500. vintage costume jew541-548-1406 gardens, straight 70- Ib bales, barn stored, beef $2.88/lb. hang541-385-5809 elry. Top dollar paid for Dachshund AKC minias creened to p s o i l . The Bulletin reserves Open to the public. $250/ ton. Also big bales! ing wt, half or whole Call Classifieds at Gold/Silver.l buy by the ture, b l ac k & tan Bark. Clean fill. DePatterson Ranch, the right to publish all OREGON'S LARGEST to be pro c essed 541-385-5809 Estate, Honest Artist long-hair male, $325. GUN & KNIFE SHOW liver/you haul. Sisters, 541-549-3831 ads from The Bulletin 266 mid-march. $500 dep. Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Info/pix, 541-420-6044 March 16&17 541-548-3949. newspaper onto The Half Hog Sale, $190 inHeating & Stoves Check out the Sat. 9-6 • Sun. 9-4 Bulletin Internet webcludes cutting wrapWANTED: Tobacco classifieds online ADM: $10.00 Find exactly what pipes - Briars and ping and cure. NOTICE TO b e n dweenies com Ge™an Shepherds, AKC site. Portland Expo Center smokino accessories. ~ $350 WHILE THEY LAST! you are looking for in the ADVERTISER 541 508 4558 1-5 Exit 306B WANTED: RAZORS541-281-6829 Updated daily 541-573-2677 Since September 29, tervtnt Cent at 0 egot t tt e l 9 03 For Info: 503-363-9564 CLASSIFIEDS Gillette, Gem, Schick, Dachshund male, red, www.wesknodelgun1991, advertising for etc. Shaving mugs Lab Pups AKC, black approx 2~/~-3 yrs, to lovused woodstoves has and accessories. yellow, Mas t e r ing, suitable home only, & Ski Equipment • Remington700 - 7mag, been limited to modFair prices paid. Hunter sired, perforLost & Found $50. 541-934-2233 which have been Call 541-390-7029 mance pedigree, OFA 3 x9 s c ope, 3 0 0 + els c ertified by the O r Atlas Snow s hoes, between 10 am-3 pm. cert hips 8 e l bows, rounds ammo. $600 egon Department of Found earring, square, Call 541-771-2330 m odel ¹ 1 025, a n d obo. 541-419-5060 on Pilot Butte road. Call WANT TO RENT OR Black Diamond poles. R emington 700 S P S Environmental Qual- to identify, 541-610-2558 ity (DEQ) and the fedBUY: Garage size U sed t w ice. P a i d Tactical .308. 4-16x50 eral E n v ironmentalLost set of keys, with In The Bulletin's print and space for my woodLabradoodles - Mini & $200. Asking $140. scope, bipod, sling, Protection A g e ncy blue band, a r o und turning shop, need med size, several colors 541-279-1930 online Classifieds. e xtras. 12 0 m a t c h (EPA) as having met Bend, sometime last 541-504-2662 220. 541-389-3992 Dachshund Mini AKC rounds and 100 bulwww.a!pen-r! smoke emission stanweek. 541-815-9924. Choc. long-haired F. lets. $ 9 7 5 obo . dards. A cer t ified $600. 20% off if w i ll EMEMBER: If you Guns, Hunting 541-419-6862 Labrador, AKC b lack w oodstove may b e Rhave Items for Free spay. 541-598-7417 lost an animal, & Fishing identified by its certifipuppies, family raised, S&W Model 910 9mm, don't forget to check parents on sIte. $300 Bagged leaves for gar- Doberman AKC pups each. 1 5-rnd, l i k e ne w , cation label, which is Humane Society 541-508-0429 150 rds of .40 S&W permanently attached inThe den/compost.You haul. champion lines, black $575. 541-815-4901 Bend 541-382-3537 185gr HP $120. to the stove. The Bul& rust, 1 male red, 6 Free! 541-548-5667 Redmond, Labrador Pups, AKC 541-647-8931 Wanted: Collector letin will no t k n owwks now ready 3/24. Chocolate/Yellow/White 541-923-0882 seeks high quality Horse Manure, large $2000F, $1800M. ingly accept advertisPrineville, 200 rds of 45acp fishing items. ing for the sale of loads, perfect for gar- Hips OFA guaranteed. 541-447-7178; HP 230gr, $180. $300-$400. Call 541-678-5753, or d ening, w i l l lo a d , 541-659-9058 uncertified 541-647-8931 OR Craft Cats, 1-541-954-1727 503-351-2746 woodstoves. FREE. 541-390-6570. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, 541-389-8420. Donate deposit bottles/ 247 200 rds of 45acp We are three adorable, loving cans to local all volun- Poodle pups AKC toys. HP 230gr, $180. Sporting Goods teer, non-profit rescue, to Loving, cuddly companCommercial Industrial Auctioneers Pets 8 Supplies puppies looking for acaring home. 541-647-8931 help w/cat spay/neuter ions. 541-475-3889 - Misc. Please call right away. 3500. vet bills. Cans for Cats .223 factory ammo, The Bulletin recom- trailer at Grocery Outlet, Queensland Heelers Used Wave6 Olympian 55gr. FMJ, 260 rds, Add mends extra caution SE 3rd/Wilson, thru 3/19. standard & mini,$150 & catalytic heater, $50. $200. 541-647-8931 up. 541-260-1537 when purc h as- Donate M-F O S m ith 541-548-4667 Sat., Mar. 16, 2013 10 a.m. www.rightwayranch.wor ing products or ser- Signs, 1515 N E 2 n d; (5) Tapco AR-15 15338 NW O'Neil Highway 255 vices from out of the C RAFT, Tumalo a n y 30-Rnd P-mags, NIB, For an additional Redmond, OR 97756 time. 541-389-8420; area. Sending cash, $200. 541-647-8931 Computers Rodent control experts s15 per week * checks, or credit in(barn cats) seek work Preview: Friday, March 15, 9 a.m.4 p.m. 9mm ammo, 147gr, f ormation may b e T HE B U LLETIN r e in exchange for safe '40 for 4 weeks* HP, 100 rds, $80. subjected to fraud. quires computer adshelter, basic c are. Auction Highlights: Cat D4 Dozer, John Deere 541-647-8931 For more i nformavertisers with multiple ('Spec/aiprivateparty rates apply to merchandise Fixed, shots. Will de410D Excavator, Fram Tractors, Implements, tion about an adverad schedules or those liver! 541-389-8420. Weekend Warr!or Toy Hauler, Allegro 31' MotorAK47 Magazines 40 cndautomotive categories.) tiser, you may call selling multiple syshome, Recreational Vehicles, P!ckups, Collector rnds $45; 30 rnds the O r egon State tems/ software, to disCars & More. Seniors 8 Veterans! $35. 541-233-9899 Attorney General's Doxie pups! Adorable Adopt close the name of the acompanion cat Office C o n sumer 12-wk.-old short hair. from Tumalo rescue, fee AR-15 LOADED WITH business or the term Moreinformation and photos available online Protection hotline at A few reds and wild at waived! Tame, fixed, EXTRAS. Olympic Arms "dealer" in their ads. 1-877-877-9392. boar/red & choc. mix. shots, ID chip, tested, AR-15 in great cond. Private party advertisTo place your ad, visit $300. 5 41-508-2167 more! 389-8420. Photos TOO MANY EXTRAS TO ers are defined as Commercial Industrial Auctioneers or call 385-5809 Only 3 left! To good etc: LIST. $2500 obo. Call for those who sell one 503-760-0499• homes only! Like us on Facebook. details, 541-419-6054 computer.
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Small studio close to library, all util. pd. $550, $525 dep. No pets/ smoking. 541-3309769 or 541-480-7870 RENTALS
Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5500 pm Fri •
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DOWN? Private party will loan on real estate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call now. Oregon Land Mortgage 388-4200. LOCAL MONEY:Webuy secured trustdeeds 8 note,some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.13. Business Opportunities
is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702
Gallery looking to relocate to Bend, 8 train new artner. Call "Cha for the inest," 866-972-9701
& d j'JIJTJ I JJ~
Can be found on these pages :
EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools and Training 454- Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 476 - Employment Opportunities 486 - Independent Positions
FINANCEANO BUSINESS 507- Real Estate Contracts 514 - Insurance 528- Loans and Mortgages 543- Stocks and Bonds 558- Business Investments 573- Business Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
r.=.-"-,.— .v
Vacation Rentals & Exchanges
l credit i n f o rmationl l may be subjected to
per night, 2 night MIN. 208-342-6999 630
Rooms for Rent Studios & Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV wl cable, micro 8 fridge. Utils 8 l i nens. New owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885
682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land
Homes for Sale
Southeast Bend Homes
//' Ij Ij
products or I :) ocean front house, I chasing services from out of ' beach walk from town, l the area. Sendingl 2 bdrm /2 bath, TV, Fireplace, BBQ, $85 c ash, c hecks, o r
Employment Opportunities
FRAUD. l more i nformaI For tion about an adver- l l tiser, you may call l the Oregon State l Attorney General'sl C o n sumer x I Office Protection hotline at I I 1-877-877-9392. I
20688 White Cliff Circle. NOTICE All real estate adver- 4 Bdrm, 2 bath home FSBO, . 46 a c r e, tised here in is subject to t h e F e deral single level, wl office, F air H o using A c t , laundry room, paved which makes it illegal driveway, hardwood to advertise any pref- f loors, w h ite v i n y l 1-800-877-0246. The fence. $260 , 000. toll f ree t e lephone erence, limitation or OBO. 541-317-5012. number for the hear- discrimination based ing im p aired is on race, color, reli750 gion, sex, handicap, 1-800-927-9275. familial status or naRedmond Homes tional origin, or intention to make any such preferences, l i m ita- Looking for your next emp/oyee? tions or discrimination. We will not knowingly Place a Bulletin help accept any advertis- wanted ad today and ing for r ea l e state reach over 60,000 readers each week. which is in violation of Your classified ad this law. All persons will also appear on are hereby informed that all dwellings ad745 which currently revertised are available Homes for Sale ceives over on an equal opportu1.5 million page nity basis. The BulleBANK OWNED HOMES! tin Classified views every month FREE List w/Pics! at no extra cost. 748 Bulletin Classifieds bend and beyond real estate Get Results! Northeast Bend Homes 20967 yeoman, bend or Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line NE Sycamore Ct. Garage Sales 2751 at Bend/3 bdrm, 1 bath, bendbuffeti Updated home on Garage Sales large $149,900 541-388-0882, Garage Sales USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Where can you find a Find them Door-to-door selling with helping hand? in fast results! It's the easiest From contractors to The Bulletin way in the world to sell. yard care, it's an here in The Bunetin's Classifieds The Bulletin Classified
PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately ii a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies oi these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday.
JZI: ~ M
for real estate which is in violation of the law. O ur r e a ders ar e hereby informed that all dwellings advertised in this newspaper are available on an equal opportunity basis. To complain of discrimination cal l HUD t o l l -free at
The Bulletin
603- Rental Alternatives 648 604 - Storage Rentals Houses for 605 - RoommateWanted Rent General 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges PUBLISHER'S 630- Rooms for Rent NOTICE All real estate adver- 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent tising in this newspa- 632 - Apt./Multiplex General per is subject to the 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend F air H o using A c t 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend which makes it illegal 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend to a d v ertise "any preference, limitation 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend or disc r imination 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond based on race, color, 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished religion, sex, handi- 648- Houses for RentGeneral cap, familial status, 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend marital status or naBend tional origin, or an in- 652- Houses for Rent NW tention to make any 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend such pre f erence, 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend limitation or discrimi- 658- Houses for Rent Redmond nation." Familial sta- 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver tus includes children under the age of 18 660- Houses for Rent La Pine living with parents or 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville legal cust o dians, 662- Houses for Rent Sisters pregnant women, and 663- Houses for Rent Madras people securing cus- 664- Houses for Rent Furnished tody of children under 18. This newspaper 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent will not knowingly ac- 675- RV Parking cept any advertising 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space
Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N oon Wed. mends you use caution when you provide personal Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. information to companies offering loans or credit, especially Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • • • 11:00 am Fri • those asking for advance loan fees or Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . 3 : 0 0 pm Fri. companies from out of state. If you have concerns or ques• • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • tions, we suggest Sunday. • • • • you PRIVATE PARTY RATES
Apt./Multiplex NW Bend
. Pjl~
Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes ins tructions over t h e phone are misunderstood and an e rror can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as
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Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
FACTORY SPECiAL New Home, 3 bdrm, $46,500 finished on your site. J and M Homes 541-548-5511
Establishment of Employment List for Firefighter/Paramedic TURNTHEPAGE Crook County Fire and LTlae Bulletin Rescue is establishing an 634 For MoreAds employment list for Fire476 Apt./Multiplex NE Bend ground hosts to oc- fighter/Paramedic. Indi"Call A Service The Bulletin Employment c upy f e e ca m p - viduals who meet the Looking for your next 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 Professional" Directory grounds, p r o vide minimum qualifications e GREATwINTER 8 Opportunities employee? information to visi- are invited to apply and Place a Bulletin help DEAL! tors and c omplete take the examination for wanted ad today and 2 bdrm, 1 bath, minor maintenance Firefighter/Paramedic. A CAUTION READERS: reach over 60,000 $530 8 $540 w/lease. a • work for the sum- complete job description readers each week. Carports included! Ads published in "Em- mer season. Please for Firefighter/Paramedic Your classified ad FOX HOLLOW APTS. ployment Opportuni- contact the office at is posted on the district's will also appear on (541) 383-3152 sa l a ry t ies" i n c lude e m - 541-416-6500 if you website. Th e Cascade Rental range is from $4,248Call 54I-385-5809 to promote your service Advertise for 28 doys starting dt ' I40(This speaal packagersnoravailable aaoar websnet are interested. ployee and which currently Management. Co. $5,002 per month. Applii ndependent po s i receives over 1.5 cations will be accepted tions. Ads for posimillion page views Call for Specials! until Monday, March 25, tions that require a fee DO YOU NEED every month at Limited numbers avail. Building/Contracting L a ndscapingNard Care LandscapingNard Care LandscapingNard Carej 2013. Contact: or upfront investment A GREAT no extra cost. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Crook County must be stated. With EMPLOYEE Bulletin Classifieds W/D hookups, patios NOTICE: Oregon state Fire & Rescue N OTICE: OREGON any independent job Get Results! Nelson RIGHT NOW? or decks. 500 NE Belknap Street law req u ires anyLandscape Contracopportunity, p l e ase Call The Bulletin Call 385-5809 MOUNTAIN GLEN, Landscaping fh Prineville, OR one who c o n tracts tors Law (ORS 671) investigate thoror place before 11 a.m. and 541-383-9313 97754-1932 ZooN z gua/ip Maintenance for construction work r equires a l l bu s i oughly. get an ad in to pubyour ad on-line at Professionally Serving Central Oregon (541) 447-5011 to be licensed with the nesses that advertise Za~<ga eZ,. lish the next day! managed by Norris & Since 2003 www.crookcount C onstruction Con - More Than Service to p e r form L a n dUse extra caution when 541-385-5809. Stevens, Inc. Residental/Commercial tractors Board (CCB). scape C o nstruction applying for jobs onPeace Of Mind VIEW the A n active lice n se which includes. line and never proJanitor Supervisor Classifieds at: Need to get an The Bulletin's ~Landsca in means the contractor Spring Clean Up p lanting, decks , • Landscape vide personal infor- Reliable, construction mot i vated, "Call A Service ad in ASAP? i s bonded and i n fences, arbors, mation to any source detail oriented, good • Water feature •Leaves Professional" Directory s ured. Ver if y t h e w ater-features, a n d You can place it you may not have reinstallation/maint. c ommunication a n d •Cones contractor's CCB installation, repair of •Pavers searched and deemed is all about meeting administrative s kills. online at: •Needles TICk, TOCk c ense t hrough t h e irrigation systems to to be reputable. Use •Renovations Flex schedule, able to yourneeds. •Debris Hauling CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the •Irrigations installation extreme caution when travel locally. TiCk, TOCk... Website Landscape ContracCall on one of the r esponding to A N Y 800-352-4353 ext 30 Weed free Bark www.hirealicensedcontractor. ...don't let time get t ors B o a rd . Th i s 541-385-5809 profes s ionals today! online e m p loyment S prinkler & flower beds com Remember.... 4-digit number is to be Activation/Repair ad from out-of-state. away. Hire a or call 503-378-4621. A dd your we b a d included in all adverBack Flow Testing professional out The Bulletin recom- Lawn Renovation dress to your ad and Independent Contractor tisements which indiWe suggest you call mends checking with Aeration - Dethatching of The Bunetin's readers on The cate the business has the State of Oregon Maintenance Overseed the CCB prior to con"Call A Service a bond, insurance and • Thatch & Aerate Bulletin' s web site Consumer Hotline at tracting with anyone. Compost workers c ompensa- • Spring Clean up will be able to click 1-503-378-4320 * Supplement Your Income* Professional" Top Dressing Some other t r ades tion for their employ- •Weekly Mowing through automatically also req u ire addiDirectory today! ees. For your protec- & Edging to your site. For Equal Opportunity tional licenses and Landscape tion call 503-378-5909 •Bi-Monthly 8 Monthly L aws: Oregon B ucertifications. Maintenance or use our website: reau of Labor 8 InMaintenance Features News Assistant Full or Partial Service to •Bark, Rock, Etc. dustry, C i vil Rights Debris Removal • Mowing «Edging check license status Division, The Bulletin is l o o king for a r e s ourceful, • Pruning ~Weedtng before con t racting Senior Discounts 971-673-0764 self-motivated person to work in the features JUNK BE GONE Sprinkler Adjustments with th e b u s iness. Bonded & Insured department as the news assistant. I Haul Away FREE Persons doing landIf you have any ques541-815-4458 For Salvage. Also Fertilizer included scape m aintenance tions, concerns or LCB¹8759 Organization, flexibility, excellent writing and Cleanups 8 Cleanouts with monthly program do not require a LCB comments, contact: basic computer skills are key. Attention to deMel, 541-389-8107 license. Classified Department SPRING CLEAN-UP! tail is essential. Must enjoy working with the Weekly, monthly The Bulletin Aeration/Dethatching public and understand the importance of accuHandyman or one time service. 541-385-5809 Weekly/one-time service racy and thoroughness in all duties. avail. Bonded, insured. We are looking for independent conI DO THAT! Get your Free Estimates! EXPERIENCED This position is full-time and will assist with Home/Rental repairs tractors to service home delivery COLLINS Lawn Maint. Commercial serv>ng central oregonstnce r903 various newsroom functions, mostly clerical in Small jobs to remodels business routes in: Ca/i 541-480-9714 & Residential nature. Honest, guaranteed work. CCB¹151573 Free Estimates Call a Pro BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Specific job duties include: Dennis 541-317-9768 Senior Discounts Must be available 7 days a week, early mornSearch the area's most Whether you need a Managing the Community Calendar, CommuERIC REEVE HANDY 541-390-1466 comprehensive listing of nity Datebook, Gallery Exhibits and Talks, ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. fence fixed, hedges SERVICES. Home & Same Day Response classified advertising... Handlinga heavy telephone load and, once trimmed or a house Commercial Repairs, With an ad in real estate to automotive, settled into the job, an opportunity to contribPlease call 541.385.5800 or Carpentry-Painting, merchandise to sporting built, you'll find ute to the features sections Take care of 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or Pressure-washing, The Bulletin's goods. Bulletin Classifieds professional help in apply via email at Honey Do's. On-time your investments appear every day in the To apply, submit a resume and letter of inter The Bulletin's "Call a promise. Senior online O est to Marielle Gallagher by March 15: with the help from "Call A Servfce print or on line. Discount. Work guarService Professional" Call 541-385-5809 The Bulletin's anteed. 541-389-3361 Professional" Directory or 541-771-4463 "Call A Service All hiring is contingent on passing a drug test 541-385-5809 Bonded 8 Insured EOE Directory Professional" Directory CCB¹181595 servtng central0 egon5 nce r903
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T uesday,March 12,2013
ACROSS a Moorehead of "Bewitched" 5Do a Bernie Madoff job on aoHyperbola part aa Pants part t4 The "kid e of "Here's looking at you, kid" asTime-lapse photography phenomenon as Hefty honcho? aoWant ad letters 2oTrade barrier 22 In the thick of 24 Beethoven's Third 25 " , the Tattooed Lady" (old tune) 25 "Don't let them hear us!" 32Actresses Stone and Watson 33 Criticize cattily
A play of note By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
"Were you a musician?" I asked Cy t h e C y n ic , w h os e f o r mer occupation, if any, is a big mystery. "I was never so denoted," Cy replied. Cy says that life is like playing a violin i n p u blic — but y o u ' r e learning the instrument as you go along. Such is bridge; you encounter problems requiring improvisation and imagination. Today's West leads a spade against 3NT: seven, nine, jack. South has eight tricks: a spade, two hearts, two diamonds and three clubs. If he sets up a long card in a red suit, the defensecan also take four spades.
left, opens one club. Your partner doubles, an d t h e n e x t pl a y er redoubles. What do you say? ANSWER: Bid one spade. Your partner must not assume your bid shows any strength; you're only suggesting a safe place to p lay. Actually, if the vulnerability were favorable and I had a partner I trusted, I would jump to two spades. After the redouble, partner should treat that bid as preemptive. South dealer N-S vulnerable
T o m ak e 3 N T , S o u t h m u s t improvise like a Paganini or Perlman. He returns a spade to East's ace at the second trick. If the defenders run the spades, East will have to unguard one of the other suits. If instead East shifts to hearts at Trick Three, South wins and leads a third spade. If West wins and cashes e ven one m or e s p ade, East i s squeezed; if West does anything else, South can safely set up his ninth trick in a red suit.
DAILY QUESTION Youhold: 4 Q 1 0 8 3 2 Q 874 IEa6 5 4. The dealer, at your 0 I 5
WEST 4 Q 10 8 3 2 9 87 4 0 J5 4 654
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SOUTH 4t J65 9 AK 96 C A 864 AA2 S outh 1 NT
Wes t Pas s
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Ea s t A II P ass
3 NT
Opening lead — 4 3
(C) 20)3 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO
15 18
DOWN 21 22 23 24 25 2 6 27 2 Recourse after a guilty verdict 28 29 30 31 32 2 Dark and 33 34 35 36 depressed vinegar," e.g. 3 Sea nymph 37 38 39 45 "Cautionary 4 Exhortation Tales for after saying 40 41 Children" writer grace 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 sa Entrapped s Letters on a Cardinals cap s2 Per routine 50 51 5 Thailand, once 49 ss Legal matter 7 Sam's 53 54 55 52 56 s7 Successful 5 "The Thin Man" 57 58 59 dieter's award? 6 0 6 1 dog 5 Skier Phil 52 Marmalade 62 63 64 ingredient aoFrazier foe 66 67 aa Same old same 65 53 The nEnin old Q.E.D. 22 Shout PUZZLE BY ROBERT A. DOLL 54 Bottle feature as Russell Myers as General on a ss Resort near 35 ePay ye ss What a nod 43 Middling comic strip Chinese menu 46 Spanish shout Snowbird attention!" may mean t7 Even so s7 Encouraging 37 Richard of ofjoy ts Villain ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE "American word 47 White22 Home of the Gigolo" whiskered sort ss Go in haste S LA P CA L C R E C U R California as Emphatic type: 59 "Star Trek" Screamin' roller 48 Ford flops L I MA O N E A O B A M A Abbr. extra: Abbr. coaster EB B S N OAM C A R A T 50 Like 125, to 5 35 Course of 23 Spilled the so Bath tissue EY E S I N T H E S K Y 51 Cunning action feature beans P A R M O E R O N C B S 53 Blood fluids 4o Consumer sa Arctic explorer S P R I A N E E Y R E 2sApple product Bator John 25 eSee if I protection org. 54 TH R E E S IM I B R I E HE A D I N T H E C L O U D S 27 Make a request For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit
NORTH 4K7 Q 532 CI K 97 3 4 KQ7 3
37Add just a dash se Richard Henry of pepper? , author of "Two 67-Across 4o no i r e Before the Mast" 41 1964 ¹ 1 Four Seasons hit 57 See 66-Across 42 Hee-haws
No. 0205
44 Former M&M's color 4s "Honey catches more flies than
T 25 Jack who ate P R E S S
no fat ao Hagar the Horrible's wife aa "Surprise Symphony" composer 34 Suffix with cash
card, 1-800-814-5554.
Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT8T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles One letter to eaCh Square,
Would yon take this watch> It should cover whst I owe you. Ialreedy have e wetch.
to fOrm faur Ordinary WOrdS.
02013 Tnbune Media Services, Iec. „ All Rights Reserved.
BYZPS tttIO7Q • l
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to farm the SurPriSe anSWer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
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el Laughingstock Inleeneeonel Inc. Dist ey Universal Uceck for UFS. 2013
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"Perfect! I'll take 'em."
4 4
J umbles: BLOCK I V O R Y DE G R E E SH O U L D Answer: The carpenter had8GOOO BUILD
ACROSS 1 Zion National Park's state 5 "Liquid diet" drinkers 9 Low-prestige position 14 Actress Rogers 15 Front of the boat 16 River in Lyons 17 Prime hours for television broadcasters 20 Snorkeling spot 21 Quaint "before" 22 Scissors sound 23 Down in the dumPS 27 Scrape together,
3 Liqueur sometimesused in amandine
sauce 4 Backpackers'
outings 5 All gussied up 6 Forty-niner's pay dlrt 7 Beach bringalong 8 Marble cake pattern 9 Flavor-enhancing additive 10 Maine Coon and Manx 11 Signed up for 12 Ready for
40 Little music
49 Predatory hatchling 41 Not decent, so to 50 Surrealist Joan speak 54 Less than 44 Still in the 55 Bete 56 "Star Trek" package 45 Government co-star of o fficial working Shatn e r overseas 58 Radiate 46 Inspire, as 62 Anger curiosity 63 Tailor's fastener 47 Former NBAer 64 T o on collectible Dennis 65 Talk and talk
S H A S K S N E G A I L O F A H U R R With nOut" recording W B A L K 28 Googler's 13 Alerted, in a way success DY E S C 18 Legislative 29 Skinny Olive turndown O H P R E T T Y W O 30 Transferred, as 19 Must HU R O N A V I property 23 III. metropolis S T E P M A H A L 32 Small amount 24 Laugh-a-minute 34 GM navigation O T C L E N O type system US E I T O R L 25 Wahine's greeting 37 "Greetings, 26 In the vicinity C A R T O N O A Paddy!" 31 Coastal divers S U S A N C N B C 42 List of corrections 33 Mimic P RO M I S S O R Y 43 Created, as a web 35 Hoops dangler 45 Jim Df "Liar, Liar" 36 Shrewd A A R P K I L O 48 Dreamer's N ES S I S A Y 38 City near Provo acronym 39 Beta-test 51 Dedicated lines? 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 52 Conquistador's treasure 15 16 53 Moonshine, or a 14 soda named for it 18 19 57 Connecting point 17 59 Game with Skip 20 21 22 and Reverse cards 23 24 25 26 60 Show one's pearly whites 28 30 31 61 Conduct observed during 32 33 34 3 5 36 international 37 38 39 negotiations 66 Delta rival, as it 42 used to be called 67 Southernmost 45 4 6 47 48 4 9 50 Great Lake 68 Top draft status 52 53 54 55 56 69 Debussy's "slow" 70 Studio payment 57 58 59 60 71 More-caloric egg part 61 62 DOWN 1 "Steee-rike!n caller 2 Accessory with a Windsor knot
By Bruce Venzke and Gail Grabowski (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
03/1 2/1 3 11
41 44
03/1 2/1 3
Boats & Accessories
Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please see Class 875. 541-385-5809
oQ00 Snowmobiles
The Bulletin
2007 Ski-Doo Renegade 600 w/513 mi, like new, now reduced to $4500.
Motor h o mes
You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV
Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
Fifth Wheels
You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV
Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254
Antique & Classic Autos
Antique & Classic Autos
PROJECT CARS: Chevy 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) 8 Chevy Coupe 1950 rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, complete car, $ 1949; Chevy Wagon 1957, Cadillac Series 61 1950, 4-dr., complete, 2 dr. hard top, complete $7,000 OBO, trades. w /spare f r on t cl i p ., Please call $3950, 541-382-7391 541-389-6998
RV space for rent Tu- Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe Call 541-221-5221 malo. 30 amp + water 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, ~ YOUR BOAT ... ~ & sewer. Gravel lot. auto. trans, ps, air, (2) 2000 A rctic C at with o u r spec i al Avail. now. $350 mo. frame on rebuild, reZ L580's EFI with n e w rates for selling your I 541-41 9-5060 painted original blue, covers, electric start w/ ~ boat or watercraft! original blue interior, reverse, low miles, both 885 Southwind 35.5' Triton, original hub caps, exc. excellent; with new 2009 f Place an ad in The 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du- Canopies & Campers Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, B ulletin w it h ou r chrome, asking $9000 UV coat, 7500 mi. drive off/on w/double tilt, f 3-month p ackage pont Bought or make offer. Canopies: 1 fits LWB, new at lots of accys. Selling due 541-385-9350 $50obo; small pkup SB, $132,913; ( which includes: to m edical r e asons. $50 obo. 541-408-1389 asking $91,000. $8000 all. 541-536-8130 *4 lines of text and Call 503-982-4745 Need help fixing stuff? • Yamaha 750 1999 a photo or up to 10 Call A Service Professional Chrysler SD 4-Door Mountain Max, $1400 [ lines with no photo. find the help you need. • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 *Free online ad at 1930, CD S Royal Standard, 8-cylinder, EXT, $1000. I • Zieman 4-place body is good, needs *Free pick up into some r e s toration, trailer, SOLD! ~ The Central Oregon ~ Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' All in good condition. f Nickel ads. runs, taking bids, 2004, on1y 34K, loaded, 541-383-3888, Located in La Pine. 0 0 , 4 too much to list, ext'd 541-815-3318 Call 541-408-6149. I Rates start at $46. I warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Call for details! Dennis, 541-589-3243 860 541-385-5809 Motorcycles & Accessories
Pickups Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 1971 new trans, 2 new t i r es , ne w brakes, 2nd owner, r uns/drives g o o d . Make good w o od truck. $1995 OBO
f f
B MW K100 L T
1 987
Ford 250 XLT 1990, 6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $4500. 541-410-9997
gThc BLtllcting
52k miles, b r onze, extra windshield, GENERATE SOME extrailer hitch, battery citement in your neigcharger, full luggage borhood. Plan a gahard bags, manuals rage sale and don't and paperwork. Al- forget to advertise in ways garaged. $3200. classified! 385-5809. Don, 541-504-5989 Harley Davidson HeriServing Central Oregon srnce 1903 tage Softail C l assic, 2006. Black cherry pearl/ Used out-drive b lack p e a rl , ex t r a parts - Mercury chrome, stage one tune, OMC rebuilt maVance 8 Hines pipes. rine motors: 151 excellent cond„always g araged, never l a i d $1595; 3.0 $1895; down. 4100 mi, $11,900. 4.3 (1993), $1995. Home, 541-548-2258; 541-389-0435 Cell, 503-970-3328
BOATS & RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent Vans
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
ReiAQM 96 Ford Windstar 8 2000 Nissan Quest, both 7-passenger vans, 160K miles, low prices, $1200 8 $2900, and worth every cent! 541-318-9999
oQo~ Ford Taurus wagon 2004, very nice, pwr everything, 120K, FWD, good tires, $4900 obo. 541-815-9939
Chevy Astro Cargo Van 2001, pw, pdl, great cond., business car, well maint'd, regular oil changes, $4500. Please call
Hyundai Sonata 2007 I nternational Fla t GLS, 64,700 mi, excelBed Pickup 1963, 1 lent cond, good tires, 541-633-5149 t on dually, 4 s p d. non-smoker, new tags, trans., great MPG, $9500. 541-280-7352 could be exc. wood Chevy Lumina 1 995 hauler, runs great, 7 -pass. v a n wit h new brakes, $1950. p ower c h a i r lif t , 541-419-5480. $1500; 1989 Dodge Turbo Van 7 - pass. has new motor and t rans., $1500. I f i n terested c a l l Jay Nissan Sentra 2012 Full warranty, 35mpg, 503-269-1057. 520 per tank all power
FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, door panels w/flowers & hummingbirds, white soft top & hard top. Just reduced to
Aircraft, Parts & Service
If you have any interest i n t h e s e i zed property d e s c ribed Keystone Cougar 243RKS below, you must claim $3,750. 541-317-9319 2008, excellent cond, althat interest or you will or 541-647-8483 ways stored inside, used automatically lose that twice, extended service interest. If you do not contract to 6/15. $17,500. file a c laim for t he 541-420-8707 1/3 interest in Columbia property, the property 400, $150,000 located may be forfeited even Protector toy hauler travel I S u nriver. H o u rly $13,500. 541-788-0427 if you are not contlr cover fits 26-29' NIB rental rate (based upon victed of any crime. $199. 541-325-6147 approval) $775. Also: Ford Galaxie 500 1963, RAM 2500 HD '03 hemi, Automobiles To claim an interest, S21 hangar avail. for 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 2WD, 135K, auto, CC, Toyota Camryst you must file a written RV CONSIGNMENTS sale, o r le a s e @ 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 am/fm/cd. $7000 obro. 1984, SOLD; claim with the forfeiWANTED $15/day or $ 325/mo. radio (orig),541-419-4989 541-680-9965 /390-1285 ture counsel named 1985 SOLD; We Do The Work ... 541-948-2963 below, Th e w r i tten 875 You Keep The Cash! 1986 parts car Ford Mustang Coupe Harley Davidson Softclaim must be signed On-site credit igRIK RNUCN~ only one left! $500 Tail D e l uxe 2 0 0 7 , Watercraft 1966, original owner, by you, sworn to unapproval team, - ~ A a aa V8, automatic, great Toyota 4x 4 white/cobalt, w / pasCall for details, Pi c kup,BMW 740 IL 1998 orig. der penalty of perjury web site presence. shape, $9000 OBO. senger kit, Vance & Ads published in "Wa541-548-6592 1983, 8000-Ib Warn o wner, e xc . c o n d . before a notary public, We Take Trade-Ins! 530-515-8199 Hines muffler system tercraft" include: Kaywinch, 2 sets of tire 101k miles, new tires, and state: (a) Your Free Advertising. aks, rafts and motor8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. chains, canopy, 22R loaded, sunroof. true name; (b) The BIG COUNTRY RV c ond, $16,9 9 9 , ~zed personal 1 /3 interest i n w e l l- Ford Ranchero motor, 5-spd t rans- $8,300. 541-706-1897 Toyota Corolla 2004, address at which you Bend: 541-330-2495 auto., loaded, 204k 541-389-9188. watercrafts. For equipped IFR Beech Bomission, $1795 obo. 1979 miles. orig. owner, non will a c cept f u t u re " boats" please s e e Redmond: 541-548-5254 nanza A36, new 10-550/ ~ Oo 541-350-2859 with 351 Cleveland Harley Heritage smoker, exc. c o nd. m ailings f ro m th e Class 870. prop, located KBDN. M ore P ixa t B e n d b u lle t i n co m modified engine. Softail, 2003 $6500 Prin e ville court and f o rfeiture $65,000. 541-419-9510 541-385-5809 935 Body is in c ounsel; and (3) A $5,000+ in extras, 503-358-8241 Buick LeSabre 1996 excellent condition, Sport Utility Vehicles s tatement that y o u $2000 paint job, $2500 obo. Good condition, have an interest in the 30K mi. 1 owner, WHEN YOU SEE THIS 541-420-4677 121,000 miles. For more information INFINITI QX 56 2006 seized property. Your 880 Non-smoker deadline for filing the please call ¹805852 • $21,995 ~ Oo Springdale 2005 27', 4' 541-385-8090 $2600 OBO. claim document with Motorhomes slide in dining/living area, or 209-605-5537 541-954-51 93. M Ore P i X a t B e n d b t i ll e ti n C O rn forfeiture cou n sel sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 On a classified ad Oregon n amed below is 2 1 1/5th interest in 1973 obo. 541-408-3811 AutoSnurce go to days from the last day Cessna 150 LLC FIND IT) 541-598-3750 of publication of this 150hp conversion, low BUY IT! to view additional notice. Where to file Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 time on air frame and I photos of the item. M I -5 I I , SELL IT! a claim and for more engine, power everyengine, hangared in . Il~ L i nformation: Da i n a thing, new paint, 54K The Bulletin Classifieds Bend. Excellent peroriginal m i les, runs Vitolins, Crook County Harley Limited 103 2011, 2003 Fleetwood Disformance 8 affordLooking for your District Attorney Ofgreat, excellent condimany extras, stage 1 & air covery 40' diesel mo- Weekend Warrior Toy able flying! $6,500. Buick LeSabre 2004, next employee? tion in & out. Asking fice, 300 N E T h i rd w/all Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, cushion seat. 18,123 mi, torhome 541-382-6752 30 mpg, 75k, heated Place a Bulletin help $8,500. 541-480-3179 Street, Prineville, OR options-3 slide outs, fuel station, exc cond. $21,990. 541-306-0289 seats, nice wheels, wanted ad today and Executive Hangar 97754. satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, sleeps 8, black/gray Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, auto, white, leather, reach over 60,000 Notice of reasons for e tc.32,000 mile s . i nterior, u se d 3X , at Bend Airport (KBDN) most options, new tires, Almost like n e w!! readers each week. 60' wide x 50' d eep, Forfeiture: The propWintered i n h e a ted $19,999 firm. 159K miles, $3750. Call Bring $6000 and it's w/55' wide x 17' high biYour classified ad erty described below shop. $89,900 O.B.O. 541-389-9188 541-233-8944 yours. 541-318-9999 will also appear on w~1. fold dr. Natural gas heat, was seized for forfei541-447-8664 or 541-508-9133. offc, bathroom. Adjacent ture because it: (1) Look at: to Frontage Rd; great which currently reConstitutes the p roGMC V~ton 1971, Only HD Fat Boy 1996 visibility for aviation busi- $19,700l Original low ceives over 1.5 milceeds of the violation Completely customized ness. Financing availlion page views for Complete Listings of of, solicitation to vioMust see and hear to able. 541-948-2126 or mile, exceptional, 3rd every month at late, attempt to vioArea Real Estate for Sale owner. 951-699-7171 email tjetjock© appreciate. 2012 no extra cost. Bullelate, or conspiracy to Award Winner. 17,000 tin Classifieds Wind River 250 RLSW Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, violates, the criminal Honda CRV 2004, obo. 541-548-4807 Get Results! Call 2011 (subsidiary of $9,995. laws of the State of based in Madras, al385-5809 or place Arctic Fox Mfg) 4-seaCall 541-610-6150 or see Chrysler Sebring 2004 Oregon regarding the ways hangared since HD Screaming Eagle son pkg, dual pane your ad on-line at 84k, beautiful dark gray/ manufacture, distribunew. New annual, auto Electra Glide 2005, windows, large picture /cto/3617273265.html brown, tan leather int., tion, or possession of 103" motor, two tone 32' Fleetwood Fiesta '03, pilot, IFR, one piece window in rear, super $5995 541-350-5373 controlled substances windshield. Fastest Ar- Jeep Comanche, 1990, candy teal, new tires, no slide-out, Triton eng, slide, 26" LCD TV. (ORS Chapter 475); cher around. 1750 to- original owner, 167K, 23K miles, CD player, all amenities, 1 owner, Garaqed. $25,900. and/or (2) Was used tal t i me . $ 6 8 ,500.4WD, 5-spd, tags good I The Bulletin recoml hydraulic clutch, ex- perfect, only 17K miles, • gog till 9/2015, $3900 obo. 541-475-6947, ask for mends extra caution I or intended for use in cellent condition. $21,500. 541-504-3253 More Pixat B 541-633-7761 Rob Berg. when p u r chasing ~committing or f aciliHighest offer takes it. 541-408-2111 541-480-8080. f products or servicesf tating the violation of, solicitation to violate, from out of the area. Honda CRV 2010, like Trucks & Looking for your cas h , attempt to violate, or new condition, very low "My Little Red Corvette" f Sending conspiracy to violate checks, or credit innext employee? Heavy Equipment miles, well-maintained, I ATVs the criminal laws of 1996 coupe. 132K, Place a Bulletin help formation may be I AC, 6-CD player, sun26-34 mpg. 350 auto. / subject to FRAUD. the State of Oregon wanted ad today and roof. $21,900 Country Coach lntrigue regarding the manu$12,500 541-923-1781 reach over 60,000 541-647-2058 For more informaPlymouth B a r racuda 2002, 40' Tag axle. facture, distribution or readers each week. f tion about an adver1966, original car! 300 400hp Cummins DieF ord F reestyle S E L possession of c o nYour classified ad tiser, you may call hp, 360 V8, center- Toyota sel. two slide-outs. 4Ru n n er 2006, V6, AWD, AT, AC, I the Oregon State f trolled sub s tances will also appear on lines, (Original 273 41,000 miles, new front & side airbags, 25 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , (ORS Chapter 475). Attorney General's t eng 8 wheels incl.) 8 batteries. Most 4WD, V6, 5 speed, mpg, 3rd row seating, Office THE MATTER OF: which currently reDiamond Reo Dump I IN Yamaha Banshee 2001 tires C o nsumer 541-593-2597 options.$85,000 OBO t ow pkg., plus 4 pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, f Protection hotline at U.S. Currency in the custom built 350 motor ceives over 1.5 milTruck 19 7 4, 1 2 -14 541-678-5712 traction control, new tires studs tires on rims, amount of $3,747.00, race-ready, lots of extras lion page views evThe Bulletin 1-877-877-9392. yard box, runs good, r uns great. W a s 8 brks, maintained exCase No . 1 3 - 0225 $4999/obo 541-647-8931 ery month at no $6900, 541-548-6812 To Subscribe call t remely well, runs 8 $ 5500, now o n l y Four Winds Class seized 2/1 1/13 from extra cost. Bulletin 541-385-5800 or go to drives exlnt,148K hwy mi, Serv>ng Central Oregon since 1903 A 3 2 ' Hu r r icane $4000.541-659-1416 Shannon Smith and Classifieds Get ReG K E AT $6700. 541-604-4166 2007. CAN'T BEAT Melissa Becerra. sults! Call 385-5809 Boats & Accessories THIS! Look before or place your ad y ou b u y , b e l o w on-line at Hyster H25E, runs market value! Size 8 m i leage D OES well, 2982 Hours, matter! 12,500 mi, $3500 call all amenities, Ford 541-749-0724 V10, Ithr, c h erry, slides, like new! New • , ( 16' SeaSwirl 1980 low price, $54,900. 1990 4-Stroke 45hp 541-548-5216 Honda Outboard, $3000. Text Gulfstream Scenic 541-639-2479 Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Peterbilt 359 p o table Cummins 330 hp diewater t r uck, 1 9 9 0, 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 Laredo 2009 30' with 2 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 in. kitchen slide out, slides, TV, A/C, table pump, 4-3" h o ses, hp Bowrider w/depth new tires,under cover, 8 c h a irs, s a t ellite, camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. finder, radio/CD player, hwy. miles only,4 door Arctic pkg., p o wer 541-820-3724 rod holders, full canfridge/freezer iceawning, Exc. cond! vas, EZ Loader trailer, maker, W/D combo, $28,000. 541-419-3301 exclnt cond, $13,000. Interbath tub & 707-484-3518 (Bend) shower, 50 amp propane gen 8 more! tl l t t t l t l $45,000. 541-948-2310
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini 8 custom trailer, $19,500. 541-389-1413
20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530
MONTANA 3585 2008,
exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $35,000.
1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored & Runs $9000. 541-389-8963
Monaco Dynasty 2004, 541-420-3250 loaded, 3 slides, diesel, Reduced - now Nuyya 29 7LK Hi t ch$119,000, 5 4 1 -923- Hiker 2007, 3 slides, 8572 or 541-749-0037 32' touring coach, left kitchen, rear lounge, many extras, beautiful c ond. inside & o u t , $32,900 OBO, Prinev- 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, ille. 541-447-5502 days too many extras to list, 8 541-447-1641 eves. $8500 obo. Serious buyers only. 541-536-0123
932 •
21' Crownline 215 hp in/outboard e n g i ne 310 hrs, Cuddy Cabin sleeps 2/ 3 p e ople, portable toilet, exc. cond. Asking $8,000. OBO. 541-388-8339
Find Your Future Home Here!
Clissifieds 22' Custom Weld Jet, 2002, 350 Vortec, 210
hrs, garaged, loaded. 541-923-0854.
Thousands ofads daily in print and online. •
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Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th Chevy C-20 Pickup wheel, 1 s lide, AC, 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; TV,full awning, excel- auto 4-spd, 396, model lent shape, $23,900. CST /all options, orig. 541-350-8629 owner, $22,000, 541-923-6049 '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn PROJECT car, 3 50 small block w/Weiand
dual quad tunnel ram with 450 Holleys. T-10 In t e rnational 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Weld Prostar wheels, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 extra rolling chassis + Fall price $ 2 1,865. extras. $6000 for all. 541-312-4466 541-389-7669.
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U MAG A Z I N E CENTRAL OREGON'S WOMEN'S MAGAZINE They raise families, focus on their careers andstill manage to find time to Inake a difference in their communities. •
•• I
They are the women ofCentral Oregon.
A bright, intelligent and inspiring magazine for your mind, body and self,
this unique publication features topics of interest to today's women. •
Covering subjects from health, style and professional success to
personal goals and relationships, U Magazine offers its readers I
content to educate, empower and inspire. Each edition highlights women and the positive impact they have on Central Oregon and their communities.
l e •
W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishing six editions a year
N NE ~
Saturday, February 16 Saturday, April 6 Saturday, June 1 Saturday, July 13 Saturday, September 7 Saturday, October 19
NN •
Ptumoting thevalues ofcompetition
ON • 1
• 1 ~
' •
AGELESS WELCOMETO CENTRAL OREGON'S SENIOR PUBLICATION Featuring locally written content that is engaging and informative. This publication has beendeveloped specifically for our senior and boomerpopulation.
1 1
I 1 \ '
The Central Oregon Council On Aging and The Bulletin have partnered to produce Ageless — a dynamic publication with content developed specifically for the largest and fastest growing segment of
our community — those over 40 years of age. With topics to inspire, engage and promote health and vitality, The stories published in Ageless reminds us to live our lives to the fullest — regardless of our age. This publication is inserted into The Bulletin and can be found in
select local businesses.
W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishing six editions a year
O •
•• e
Thursday, January 31 Z"
Saturday, March 16 Saturday, May 18 Saturday, July 27 Gioe it Ntlyt
Saturday, September 21 Saturday, November 16
('I ITE(to(TIA(l I I('ltlc a Tlle.: Ilol I nlal.l(T I II (NTEI II
CENTRAL OREGON'S ORIGINAL HOME 8 LIVING MAGAZINE Look to Central OregonLiving for locally written features about our unique lifestyles. One of The Bulletin's premier publications, this award-winning magazine features what's new and unique to the home building industry in Central Oregon and the lifestyle we enjoy. Featuring innovative
products, interior designs, gardening in the high desert, local expert columnists and more, this publication celebrates individuality and appreciation for the natural surroundings that inspire us,
W HEN TOLOOK FOR IT: publishingfour editions ayear Saturday, March 2 Saturday, June 29
Saturday, October 5 Saturday, December 7
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