Serving Central Oregon since1903 $1.50
SUNDAY January13,2013
rave: ea e'so es nei or oo
Today's self-driving car — We may not be there yet,
but many computerized systems already offer assistance to human drivers.A3
LleS IOA: I Ill, Of
t •
No Death Star in 2016"This isn't the petition response you're looking for," the White House tells 34,000"Star Wars" industry will bite?A3
ex an?
Geithner's tenure-
By Hillary Borrud
He arguably will be oneof
The Bulletin
fans. Maybethe private space
the most important Treasury secretaries in history, but his
analysis of spending habits
The new Bend City Council that takes office Wednesday could revisit the question of how the city should develop in the future, and whether that plan will include more infill development. City Manager Eric King plans to ask city councilors as early as February whether they want to change the city's approach to expanding the urban growth boundary. That could lead to higherdensity development within the city limits or a more incrementalexpansion process, King said. "We have to look at this a little differently moving forward," King said Wednesday. The urban growth boundary, or UGB, is the line around a city beyond which urban development is not allowed. For example, Oregon land use law generally prohibits new residential subdivisions and sewer systems outside of cities and requires cities to prove the need for more land. SeeUGB/A4
this Portland startup?E1
What thecity proposed
legacy may beamixedone.A5
Citizenship issues-
The secret, lucrative world of birth tourism, and the politics
of "anchor babies."Al
MLK Day —Locally, volunteer opportunities abound for next
week's day of service.C1
Simplified bankingFree checking anddata-rich — what more could youaskof
In 20f0, state officials rejected Bend's proposed urban •
growth boundary expansion, shown below. Bend
And in othernews-
continues to fix problems that the state identified. City Manager Eric King says he will ask the City Council
Anniversaries of the Haiti quake
and Costa Concordia cruise ship disaster. Plus, the trillion-
soon whether to pursue denser development or a more incremental expansion plan.
dollar coin idea is kiboshed.A2
~ B end city limits (current UGB) ~ P roposed UGB
Juniper Ridge
Howtrue believers remadethe gun lobby
Buter Mrket d. ~mire e.
4n'Q 4';
XS/rev/jrf p
Be r CreekRd. StevensRd. O
Rickard Rd.
By Joel Achenbach, Scott Higham and Sari Horwitz
Knott Rd MILE
The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — In gun lore it's known as the Revolt at Cincinnati. On May 21, 1977, and into the morning of May 22, a rump caucus of gun rights radicals took over the annual meeting of the National Rifle Association. The rebels wore orangeblaze hunting caps. They spoke on walkie-talkies as they worked the floor of the sweltering convention hall. They suspected that the NRA leaders had turned off the air-conditioning in hopes that the rabble-rousers would lose enthusiasm. The old guard was caught by surprise. The NRA officers sat up front, on a dais, observing their demise. The organization, about a century old already, was thoroughly mainstream and bipartisan, focusing on hunting, conservation and marksmanship. It taught Boy Scouts how to shoot safely. But the world had changed, and everything was more political now. The rebels saw the NRA leaders as elites who lacked the heart and conviction to fight against gun control legislation. SeeNRA/A6
Greg Cross / The Bulletin
Source: City of Bend John Lok/The Seattle Times
Seahawks kicker Ryan Longwell practices with his new team in Renton, Wash., on Wednesday, days before Seattle's divisional playoff game against Atlanta. A veteran kicker, Longwell returns to the NFL today with his favorite childhood team — which is two wins away from the Super Bowl.
By Bill Bigelowe The Bulletin
Obama topushfull immigration reform
It was early this past Tuesday morning, and Ryan Longwell was checking in at Swedish Medical Center in Seattle. He couldn't help but marvel at where fate had led him. "It's the hospital I was born in," Longwell recalled last week. And there he was again — this time for a physical exam. He was about to try out as a kicker for his old hometown football team, the team he had dreamed of playing for as a kid: the Seattle Seahawks. "I couldn't help but feel really blessed," said Longwell, 38. "Like I had come full circle."
It has been a wild and wonderful week for Longwell, a 1992 graduate of Bend High, where as a senior he was an all-state kicker for the Lava Bears. It started last Sunday with a surprise phone call. It concludes today in Atlanta, where Longwell will be kicking for the Seahawks in their NFC divisional playoff game against the Falcons. SeeLongwell /A4
On PageD1:Gamepreview • On TVtoday: Watch the game, 10a.m. on Fox
TODAY'S WEATHER Clear and cold High 26, Low 5
Page B6
INDEX Business/Stocks Ef-6 CommunityLife Cf-8 Milestones C2 Pu zzles c6 D1-6 Calendar B2 Crossvvords C6, G2 Obituaries B4 Sp o rts Classified G -f 6 L ocal 8 State Bt-5 Opinion/Books Ff -6 TV/Movies CB
By Julia Preston New Yorje Times News Service
WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama plans to push Congress to move quickly in the coming months on an ambitious overhaul of the immigration system that would include a path to citizenship for most of the 11 million illegal immigrants in the country. Senior officials and lawmakers said last week that Obama and Senate Democrats will propose the changes in one comprehensive bill, resisting efforts by some Republicans to break the overhaul into smaller pieces — separately addressing young illegal immigrants, migrant farmworkers or highly skilled foreigners — that might be easier for reluctant members of their party to accept. And Democrats will oppose measures that do not allow immigrants who gain legal status to become U.S. citizens one day, the officials said. SeeImmigration/A6
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Vol. 110,No. 13, 7 sections
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no 'uS or an
No $1 'tl'IIIIOII Cohl —The Treasury Department said Saturday it will not mint a trillion-dollar platinum coin to headoff an imminent battle with Congress over raising the government's borrowing limit. The Obama administration has indicated that the only way for the country
to avoid a cash-management crisis as soon asnext month is for ConThe Associated Press WASHINGTON — Conservatives and watchdog groups are mounting a n o t-so-fast campaign against a $50.7 billion Superstorm Sandy aid package that N o r theastern governors an d l a w m akers h ope to p ush t h rough t h e House this week. Their complaint is that lots of the money that lawmakers are considering will actually go toward recovery efforts for past disasters and other projects unrelated to the late-October storm. A S enate-passed version from the end of the last Congress included $150 million for what the Commerce Department described as fisheries disasters in A l aska, Mississippi and the Northeast, and $50 million in subsidies for replanting trees on private land
damaged by wildfires.
Critics are taking the sharpest aim at $12.1 billion in the amendment for Department of Housing and Urban Development emergency block grants. Any state struck by a federally declared major disaster in 2011, 2012 or this year would qualify for the grants, and that's just about all the states, said Stephen Ellis, vice president of Taxpayers for Common Sense,
T he objections have l e d senior House Republicans to assemble their own $17 billion proposal, that when combined with already approved money for flood insurance claims, is less than half what President Barack Obama sought and the Senate passed in December That $17 billion package will be brought to the floor by the House Appropriations Committee, an d N o r t heast lawmakers will have a chance to add $33.7 billion more. House Speaker John Boehner intends to let the House vote on both measures. He's responding both to conservatives who are opposed to more deficit spending, and to Govs. Andrew Cuomo, D-N.Y., and Chris Christie, R-N.J., who are irate that the House hasn't acted sooner.
gress to raise the debt ceiling. By virtue of an obscure law meant to
apply to commemorative coins, theTreasury secretary could order the production of a high-denomination platinum coin anddeposit it at the Federal Reserve, where it would count as a government asset and give the country more breathing room under its debt ceiling.
Battle to retake Mali —The fighting to drive out al-Qaidalinked groups controlling northern Mali began Saturday, after
hundreds of French forces deployed to the country and beganaerial bombardments to drive back the Islamic extremists. Nations in West Africa authorized the immediate deployment of troops, fast-forwarding a military intervention that was not due until September. Militants seized half of Mali nine months ago and were pushing farther south.
a budget watchdog group. Before getting to th e a id measures, the House on Monday planned to consider legislation intended to streamline
Cruise ship wreckage —One yearafter the luxury liner Costa Concordia ran aground off the Tuscan coast, taking 32 lives, its wreck still lies there. On Saturday, salvage companies announced that the
Federal Emergency Manage-
shipcoul d beremovedbysummer'send,afew monthsbehindsched-
ment Agency regulations that critics blame for slowing down r ecovery efforts. T hat b i l l would let FEMA make limited repairsinstead of lease payments to provide housing that might be less expensive than traditional agency trailers.
ule. The island of Giglio is preparing to commemorate the disaster today, the first anniversary of the wreck, with a Mass for families of
victims and survivors. Theship wascarrying 4,229 passengers and crew members on a Mediterranean cruise when it went aground.
Chief of staff pick —President Barack Obamais settling on Denis McDonough, currently a deputy national security adviser, to be his next chief of staff, succeeding Jack Lew. The chief of staff serves
as the president's gatekeeper, making the position one of themost powerful in the White House. Lew has been nominated for Treasury secretary. McDonough, 43, would be Obama's fifth chief of staff.
Afghall draWdotIIII —President BarackObamaon Saturday confirmed plans for an accelerated drawdown of U.S. forces in Afghanistan,
saying that Afghantroops will soon takethe lead in battling Taliban rebels. "Our core objective — the reason we went to war in the first
e dddciidrdd d
place — isnowwithin reach: ensuring that al-Qaidacan never againuse Afghanistan to launchattacks against America," hesaid in his weekly radio address. U.S forces have been mired in the Central Asian nation since shortly after the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, in what has
become thelongest war in U.S. history. Roughly half a million soldiers
Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541 -383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337
have served there over that period, with more than 2,000 dead.
NOrthern Ireland prOteSt —At least 29 police were injured Saturday as protesters clashed in the Northern lreland capital of Belfast in an ongoing dispute about the province's ties to Britain. About1,000 British
loyalists demonstrated peacefully at first until they ran into agroup of
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Irish nationalists, sparking renewed fighting. A summit to find a peaceful solution to the decades-old conflict is set for this week.
r' '
AOStralia fireS —Fires continued to rageacross southeast Australia on Saturday as a heat wavedrove temperatures to new highs. The afternoon temperature hit121 degrees inMoomba, aremote town
Human Resources Traci Donaca ......................
in the outback — the hottest yet in the two-week stretch of the heat
wave. More than100 bushfires were being fought across the state of New SouthWaleswhile others, many out of control, burned in parts of
TALK TO AN EDITOR Business ...................,........ 541 -383-0360 City Desk Joseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 Community Life, Health JulieJohnson.....................541-383-0308 Editorials Richard Coe......541-383-0353 Family, At Home Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860
GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News Editor Jan Jordan....541-383-031 5 Photos DeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SporlsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359
REDMOND BUREAU Street address.......226 N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR97756 Mailing address....Po. Box 788 Redmond, OR97756 .................................541 -504-2336 .................................541 -548-3203
Tasmania, Victoria and Queensland. So far, around 865,000 acres have
been scorched. 7,
lives, to President Michel Martelly remembered the Jan. 12, 2010, earthquake that ravaged the country.
wouldhavemade moreheadway bynow,butprogress has beenstymied by political paralysis, the scale
ished granite mausoleum to the relics of saints on display in Orthodox
au-Prince, urged his countrymen to recall the tens of thousands of people who lost their lives. He was
of devastation and a trickle of aid. The anniversary this year has been used by Haiti
ditional values." The remarks come alongside other proposals to revive symbolic elements of the old Soviet system, including bringing back a
joined by former LI.S. president Bill Clinton, now the
observers to criticize the reconstruction process and
workers' medalawarded to particularly industrious laborers. Lenin's
U.N. special envoy to Haiti, later for a similarly quiet wreath-laying commemoration.
by foreign aid groups to promote their work and raise
tenancy in Red Square has been questioned since the arrival of the reformist political movement called perestroika in the mid-1980s.
has gone," Martelly said.
people still living in camps, as well as victims of a
800 hullt for plfthollS —An armedmobset out into the Florida
Martelly announced agovernment contest seeking designs for a monument to honor those whodied
subsequent cholera epidemic andthose affected by Hurricane Sandy late lastyear.
Everglades on Saturday to flush out a scaly invader. It sounds like the
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
POWERBALL The numbers drawn Saturday night are:
D 10Q 14Q 21Q 23Q47 Q The estimated jackpot is now $90 million.
MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Saturday night are:
Q7Q10Q 13Q 15 Q 21 Q24 The estimated jackpot is now $8.4 million.
monasteries. "Wemust return to our historic roots," he said, with "tra-
money. TheEuropeanUnion announced Saturday it was giving Haiti 30.5 million euros for displaced
"Haitian people, hand in hand, weremember what
The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0358.
One manth: $17 (Printonly:$f6) By mail in Deschutes County:
Vladimir, Putin, hasmadeclear that Lenin's tomb isn't going anywhere else. Thecurrent Russian president recently compared Lenin's pol-
Many people had hoped the reconstruction effort
Martelly, in a simple ceremony in the capital Port-
in the quake. He also said the government had just
been on display in Red Square since1924; now another influential
quakehassincebeencartedaway,butmorethan 350,000 people still live in grim displacement camps.
Home delivery and E-Editien:
Lenin tOmd tO Stay put —Vladimir Lenin's embalmedbody has
Dieu Nalio Chery/The Associated Press
Haitians from the man sweeping the earthquake-
second act of asci-fi horror flick, but really it's pretty much Florida's
Jan. 12 was observed as a national holiday the last
plan for dealing with an infestation of Burmese pythons that are eating
released anewconstruction code aimed at ensuring new buildings are seismically resistant in hopes of
two years to remember the quake.This year, the government said the daywould no longer be aholiday but
their way through afragile ecosystem. Nearly 800 people signed upfor the monthlong "Python Challenge" that started Saturdayafternoon.
preventing the same kind of catastrophic damage in
called for the Haitian flag to be flown at half-staff and for nightclubs and "similar establishments" to close.
The vast majority — 749 — are members of the general public who lackthe permits usually required to harvest pythons on public lands.
any future earthquake. Haiti's previous presidential administration said
But for someHaitians, it was just another day. "We
The Washington Post A federaladvisory panel released a massive draft report Friday detailing the extent to which climate change is already transforming the nation's landscape and Americans' way of life, warning that these impacts will intensify in the coming decades, given the current rate of global carbon emissions. The draft of the third National Climate Assessment — more than 1,000 pages compiled by m ore than 300 experts over the course ofthe past three years — sums up what has become i ncreasingly apparent: T h e country is hotter than it used to be, rainfall is becoming both m ore intense and erratic,and risingseas and storm surges threaten U.S. coasts. The overview tackles subjects r anging f r o m o c ean acidification to w a ter scarcity, attributing many of these changes to greenhouse gas emissions released through human activities that burn fossil fuels. The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy oversaw the report. The draft will be subject to public comment starting Monday. It is scheduled to be finalized in March 2014.
thon and whoever bags the most pythons by the time the competition ends at midnight Feb. 10. — From wirereports
Louis, a 56-year-old teacher anddevout church-goer, Bible in hand. "It's passed already."
a million others. Most of the rubble created by the
Report details effect sofa hotter climate
The state is offering cashprizes to whoever brings in the longest py-
can't remain focused on January12th," said Asaie St.
316,000 people were killed, but no one really knows how many died. The disaster displaced more than
tc a
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I .
TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Sunday, Jan. 13, the 13th day of 2013. There are 352 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS jljFL pjayOffS —The Atlanta Falcons host the Seattle Seahawks. A1
Golden Glodes — Tina Fey and Amy Poehler host the
pre-Oscars Hollywood awards show. TV details onC8
o a 's se —rivin
While cars that drive themselves are still in the experimental phase, many computerized systems currently available offer assistance to drivers with parking, Lucasfilm/The Associated Press
FranCe —Paris mobilizes for a massive demonstration against gay marriage, expected
adaptive cruise control and even keeping an eye out for pedestrians. Jesse Levinson, a researcher at Stanford's Center for Automotive Research, is working on a VWthat watches for pedestrians and cyclists, and automatically slows down or stops to avoid hitting them.
to be the biggest street protest
in a decade, two daysbefore the government introduces a law to legalize such unions.
I Pe~h
HISTORY Highlight:In 2012, the Italian luxury liner Costa Concordia
ran aground off the Tuscanisland of Giglio and flipped on its side; 32 people were killed.A2 In1733, James Oglethorpe and some 120 English colonists arrived at Charleston, S.C., while en route to settle in
New York Times News Service
present-day Georgia. In 1794, President George
Washington approvedameasure adding two stars and two stripes to the American flag, following the admission of
Vermont and Kentucky to the Union. (The number of stripes was later reduced to the origi-
nal13.) In1864,composer Stephen Foster died in a New York hos-
pital at age 37.(In his pocket: a note which read, "Dear friends
and gentle hearts.") In1945, during World War II,
Soviet forces began ahuge, successful offensive against the Germans inEastern Europe. In 1962, comedian Ernie Kovacs died in acar crash in L.A.10 days before his 43rd birthday. In1966, Robert Weaver was
named Secretary of Housing and Urban Development by President Lyndon B. Johnson; Weaver became the first black
Cabinet member. In1978, former Vice President Hubert Humphrey died in Waverly, Minn., at 66. In 1982, an Air Florida 737
crashed into Washington, D.C.'s14th Street Bridge and fell into the Potomac River after taking off during a snowstorm, killing a total of 78
people; four passengers anda flight attendant survived. In1987, West German police arrested Mohammed Ali Hamadi, a suspect in the1985 hijacking of a TWA jetliner.
(Although convicted andsentenced to life, Hamadi was
paroled by Germany in 2005; he is on the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list.)
In1990,L. Douglas Wilder of Virginia became the nation's first elected black governor as he took the oath of office.
In1992,Japan apologized for forcing tens of thousands of
Korean women toserve assex slaves for its soldiers during World War II, citing newly uncovered documents that
showed the Japanesearmy had had a role in abducting the
so-called "comfort women." Ten yearsago:Connecticut Sen.JosephLieberman jumped into the 2004 racefor president. Five yearsago:President George W. Bush, visiting the United Arab Emirates, gently
urged authoritarian Arab allies to satisfy frustrated desires for democracy in the Mideast.
One year ago:A Peruvian court sentenced Joran vander Sloot to 28 years in prison for murdering Stephany Flores,
ayoungwoman he'dmetata Lima casino.
BIRTHDAYS Actress Frances Sternhagen is 83. TV personality Nick Clooney
is 79. ComedianRip Taylor is 79. Actor Billy Gray is 75. Rock musician Trevor Rabin is 59.
Rhythm-and-blues musician Fred White is 58. Actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus is 52. Country
singer TraceAdkins is 51. Actress Penelope Ann Miller is 49. Actor Patrick Dempsey
is 47. Actress Traci Bingham is 45. Actor Keith Coogan is 43. Actress Nicole Eggert is
41. Actor Orlando Bloom is36. Actor Julian Morris is 30. — From wire reports
By John Markoff
this year they will offer models that will come with sensors and New Yorh Times News Service softwareto allowthe car to drive PALO ALTO, Calif. — Driv- itself in heavy traffic at speeds ing around a college campus of up to 37 mph. The systems, can be treacherous. Bikes and known as Traffic Jam Assist, scooterszip out of nowhere, will follow the car ahead and distracted students wander automatically slow down and into traffic, and stopped cars speed up as needed, handling and speed bumps suddenly bothbrakingandsteering. appear. At faster speeds, Cadillac's Jesse Levinson does not Super Cruise system is intendworry much about this when ed to automate freeway drivhe drives his prototype Volks- ing by keeping the car within wagen Touareg around the a lane and adjusting speed to Stanford University campus other traffic. here. A computer vision sysAlready, actions like steertem he helped design keeps an ing, braking and accelerating unblinking eye out for pedes- are increasingly handled by trians and cyclists, and auto- software rather than the driver. matically slows and stops the "People don't realize that when car when they enter his path. you step on antilock brakes it's Someday soon, few drivers simply a suggestion for the car will have to worry about crash- to stop," said Clifford Nass, a es, whether on congested roads director at the Center for Auor on empty highways, technol- tomotive Research at Stanford. ogy companies and car manu- How and when the car stops is facturers are betting. But even left to the system. now, drivers are b enefiting The automobile industry has from a suite of safety systems, been motivated to innovate by and many more are in develop- growing evidence that existing ment to transform driving from technologies like antilocking a manual task to something braking systemsand electronmore akin to that of a conduc- ic stability control have saved tor overseeing an orchestra. tens of thousands of lives. An array of optical and radar In November, the National sensors monitorthe surroundHighway Traffic Safety Adminings of a g r o wing number istration recommended that all of cars traveling the nation's new cars be equipped with colhighways and, in some cases, lision avoidance technologies, even track the driver's physi- including adaptive cruise concal state. Pedestrian detec- trol and automatic braking. Two tion systems, like the one that states — California and Nevada Levinson, a research scientist — have passed laws making it at Stanford's Center for Auto- legalto operate self-driving cars motive Research,has helped as long as a human being is indesign, are already available in side, able to take over. luxury cars and are being built Innovation and deployment into some midrange models. of crash-resisance t technoloThe systems offer auditory, gies accelerated after 2010, with visual and mechanical warn- news that Google had a secret ings if a collision is imminent program to design self-driv— and increasingly, if needed, ing cars. Google has not said take evasive actions automati- whether it intends to sell its vecally. By the middle of this de- hicles. However, the search encade, under certain conditions, gine company has actively lobthey will take over the task of bied for laws in several states driving at both high and low legalizing autonomous autospeeds. mobiles. Ten automakers have But the new systems are advanced research laboratories poised to fundamentally refash- based in Silicon Valley. ion the nature of driving long Also playing a role in the before autonomous vehicles speedwithwhichsafetychanges arrive. "This is really a bridge," are beingmade are component said Ragunathan Rajkumar, a suppliers like Bosch and Mocomputer science professorwho bileye, an Israeli company that is leading a Carnegie Mellon specializes in cameras mounted University automated driving to look forward from the car's researchprojectpartlyfinanced rearview mirror, and elsewhere by General Motors. "The driver on advanced vehicles. is still in control. But if the driver The actions of drivers, too, is not doing the right thing, the are beingrethought. When drivtechnology takes over." ers are no longer required to Although drivers — at least maintain a constant vigil on the for now — remain responsible road ahead, it will still be necesfor their vehicles, various le- sary to reclaim their attention in gal and insurance issues have emergencies. Nass is establishalready arisen, and research- ing an automotive industry coners are opening a line of study sortium to develop computerabout how humans interact ized systems that make it safer with the automatic systems. to switch back and forth from What the changes will mean human to computer controL to the century-old U.S. roRajkumar said he suspected mance with the car remains to that most Americans were not be seen. But the safety systems, quite ready for a fully autonothe result of rapid advances in mous car. But, he said, "In time, computer algorithms and the as societybecomes more comdrastically falling cost of sen- fortable and legal concerns are sors are a practical reaction to ironed out, full autonomy will the modern reality of drivers become practical, inevitable who would rather talk on the and necessary." phone and send text messages He, for one, would welcome than concentrate on the road. an automated car for his 30Four manufacturers — Volvo, minute commute home. If the BMW, Audi and Mercedescar could drive itself, he said, have announced that as soon as he would happily take a nap.
and Somini Sengupta
Changinghowwedrive Already insomecars: • Antilock brakes • Electronic stability control
• Lane keeping, lane departure warning • Pedestrian detection • Driver fatigue/distraction alert
• Cruise control/adaptive cruise control • Forward collision avoidance • Automatic braking
• Automated parking • Adaptive headlights • Traffic sign detection
Comingsoon: • Traffic jam assistance
• Super cruise control • Night assistance thermal imaging
• Seeing around corners • Intersection assistance Source: New YorkTimes News Service
A petition calling for U.S. construction of a Death Star to begin by 2016 garnered 34,000 signatures. It was officially rejected Saturday. (Sorry, "Star Wars" fans.)
Death Star hopes are dashed,but... Bulletin wire reports The Obama administration will not be building a Death Star ... but it is saying that various space projects the White House has launched are at least as cool as a Death Star. (Debatable.) Responding to a petition on the White House website, science and technology adviser Paul Shawcross tells disappointed "Star Wars" fans, "This Isn't the Petition Response You're Looking For." Shawcross explained that at $850 quadrillion, the cost was simply too high in a time of tight budgets. Moreover "the administration does not support blowing up planets." And anyway, "Why would we spend countless taxpayer dollars on a Death Star with a fundamental flaw that can be exploited by a one-man starship?" He instead pointed to American involvement in the International Space Station program ("we do have floating robot assistants on the space station"), moon missions and extrasystem spacecraft. How about those petitions'? Anyone can post one on the "We the People" site, launched by the White House. If a petition gets 25,000 signatures, the administration will respond. Administration officials have answered demands that the government recognize extraterrestrial life, allow online poker, legalize marijuana, remove "under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance and ban Rush Limbaugh from Armed Forces Network radio. But many petitioners complain the administration has issued boilerplate responses with little opportunity for follow-up. In the Death Star case, at least, the White House clearly gave an important issue the time and attention it deserved.
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Cuda's migration policy changes
ForCu ans,a ravenewwor o trave The Miami Herald A look into the future: Summer vacations by Cuban families in Miami, Cuban doctors and athletes who left t heir posts or teams while on official trips abroad returning to Cuba for visits and everyday Cubans permitted to leave the island for up to two years at a time. They are all possible, starting Monday, when C uba's broad new migration and trav-
el policy takes effect. Cuba, which has long been criticized for keeping families apart and p u nishing those who try to leave the island illegally, has removed nearly all restrictions on travel by its citizens, a move that could cause ripples well beyond this island of 11 million people. Now Cubans simply need a valid passport to travel — as long as they can get a visa from
the country they intend to visit and a ticket for travel. Cuban authorities say they have set up 195 locations around the country where citizens may apply for their passports. Presumably many Cubans will seek visas to travel to the U.S. — and now even minor children will be allowed to travel as long as they have the authorization of legal guardians. "The United States wel-
Longwell Continued from A1 Last Sunday night, the 15year National Football League veteran — who had not played at all this season — received a call at his home in Windermere, Fla. ,near Orlando. It was his agent on the phone, asking if Longwell would be interested in going to Seattle to try out for the Seahawks, whose regular kicker, Steven Hauschka, had strained a calf muscle in Seattle's 24-14 playoff win over the Washington Redskins earlier that same day. Would L on g w el l be interested'? "I said 'yes' and told him to get backto me with the details," Longwell recounted. "Then I said to my wife: 'Sarah, you're not gonna believe this.'" •
Longwell spent nine successful seasons with Green Bay — he is still the Packers' all-time scoring leader — and six more with Minnesota before the Vikings released him last May. W hile he h a d h o ped t o hook on with another team,
UGB Continued from A1 State officials rejected a city plan toexpand the Bend UGB in 2010. The construction slowdown lessened the sense of urgency behind that plan. City
• Lived in Bend during his three years at Bend High School. All-state kicker for the
Lava Bears as a senior in 1991. • Parents, Paul and Linda Longwell, still live in Bend, as do his sister, Carly McKelvy, and her family.
NFL career •NineseasonswithGreenBayPackers (1997-2005); six seasonswith Minnesota
Longwell made the best of his season at home, spending more time than in any previous autumn with his children, 11-year-old son Reece and 10year-old daughter Shaye. He stayed in shape too. As CEO of 6 Levels, a Floridabased digital fitness company, Longwell has made a second career of physical conditioning. And until last weekend, he and Sarahhad been training to
goal and three PATs in the Packers' 31-24
loss to Denver Broncos.
Bend's population trends The city's population grew steadily through 2009, according to yearly estimates released byPortland State University's Population Research Center. But the 2010 census revealed that population numbers declined drastically in 2010. 100K
planners have been chipping away at fixing the list of problems with the original proposal, but Community Development Director Mel Oberst said Wednesday the city may need a couple of years to present the public with a new plan. If the council were to pursue higher-density development, it would be a significant change from the positions of previous councils. "Direction from the council in the mid-2000s was get as much land as you can, make it as big as you can," Oberst said. S tate l a w makers m i g h t consider changing the UGB expansion process during this legislative session, King said, so it makes sense for the city to proceed slowly until it is clear whether this will happen. King and Andy High, vice president for government affairs at the Central Oregon Builders Association, said th e e x isting process today includes significant problems. In November 2010, the Oregon Land Conservation and Development Commission issued the city a final remand order, which laid out changes the city must make to its proposal to expand its UGB in order to meet state land use laws. City officials wanted t o e x pand the boundary by about 8,500 acres. The commission said the city did not prove it needed that much more land. For example, the city did not provide enough evidence that redevelopment and infill used up the city's existing land supply inside the UGB. The city also did not prove it had done enough to increase the density of development inside the current UGB, according to the remand order. "In other words, the City is projecting that much infill and redevelopment will occur at relatively low densities — an average of about three units per acre," the commission wrote. "Without a dditional explanation, the Commission finds that this assumption is not justified, either in terms of what has happened in the City in the past, or in terms of what is likely to occur within the UGB in the future." Pam Hardy, staff attorney for 1000 Friends of Oregon, said she hopes city councilors, some of whom are being sworn into office Wednesday, will consider options to en-
Super Bowl XXXII; kicked a27-yard field
run in the Walt Disney World Marathon — which will take place today in Orlando without the Longwells, as Sarah and the kids plan to be at the Georgia Dome in Atlanta to watch Ryan's return to pro footbalL "And I've still been kicking, every 10 days or so," Longwell said, "just to keep my rhythm." It all paid off Tuesday, as he outperformed three other kickers in the tryout and was
82 28p 63,900
60K 40K 20K
Source: Portland State University, Population Research Center
Andy zeigen / The Bulletin
courage redevelopment inthe downtown area. The group has said the city's original expansion proposal was too
large. "I think there's a possibility that the different councilors will take it in a different direction," Hardy said Thursday. An element in the original UGB proposal, called the central area plan, calls for mixeduse redevelopment ofthe area between U.S. Highway 97 and Third Street, Hardy said. "I think it would be a solution for housing in the near-term," Hardy said. "It would take some of the immediate pressure for subdivisions off." Hardy added, "There's a lot of research now saying millennials and baby boomers don't want to live in the farflung suburbs." Oberst wrote in an email that the city has not yet adopted the central area plan by ordinance, so it cannot be implemented. High does not favor higherd ensity development in t h e city. "A lot of people moved to Central Oregon to not have density," High said. "Obviously I hope the city continues to push for the UGB (expansion).
needs in other ways: by expanding the city footprint or requiring d e nser d e velopment within the current city limits. "That's where we want (the) council to give us a little more direction on that," King said. "As we're retooling our infrastructure inside the UGB, are there things they want us to do to allow greater density and infill that maybe weren't included in the previous proposal? That would definitely change the UGB expansion. We already know theremand
• Allow Cubans who have emigrated to visit the island for a period of up to 90 days — 60 more than currently allowed.
• Allow those who were previously barred from returning, such as those who left for humanitarian reasons, rafters, and athletes who left their teams while on official trips abroad, to return. • Allow those who left Cuba illegally after the1994 migration accord with the United States to return as long as eight years have
passed since their departures.
would kick a Nerf football in the backyard of his family's Seattle-area home in Puyallup, where a hammock strung between two trees served as his goal post. "I pretended I was Norm Johnson," he said, recalling the Seahawks' kicker of the 1980s. "I could hit 15 or 20 in a row back then."
signed by the Seahawks. A day later, the team placed Hauschka on injured reserve, and the place-kicking job — kickoffs, field goals and extra points — was all Longwell's. "Needless to say, I was pretty excited," he said. "I grew up a Seahawks fan. Jim Zorn, Steve Largent ... this was my team!" He remembered going to Seahawks games at the Kingdome, and how as a kid he
order we received from the state will p r oduce a m u ch smaller expansion area." The process to expand city boundaries in Oregon takes too long, a decade or more, King said. "It should, in my opinion, take a year, maybe two," King said. Since state lawmakers could amend land use laws this year, it makes sense for the city to take a slow or incremental approach, King said. High, with the Central Oregon Builders Association, also said the state process for cities to expand takes too long. Oberst said the city has time to update the UGB expansion proposal, although develop-
Accuracy always has been Longwell's strength, from his Bend High days to his four years as a scholarship kicker at Cal-Berkeley, and during a long NFL career (83.2 percent on field-goal attempts) — a career that, quite unexpectedly, has been extended by at least
allygood team — a young
team, a hungry team. And the coach, Pete Carroll ... he's a real breath of fresh air. "I've been given an incredible opportunity in a pressure time of year," he continued. "I just want to help this team get one game. to where they've fought (all Whether the o pportunity season) to get to." with Seattle revives his caReflecting on the past week, reer and helps him land a job L ongwell talked about h i s somewhere inthe league next strong faith. "I've always known that I've season is not Longwell's primary concern. His goal right been blessed," he said. "Startnow, he said, is to do what he ing with that call on Sunday ... can to help the Seahawks beat you know, you can't make this Atlanta. After that would be stuff up. "A higher power is definitely the NFC championship game next week, where a win would looking over me." put Seattle in the Super Bowl. — Reporter: 541-383-0359, Longwell played in a Super
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new homes in 2'/~ to four years. In that case, home prices could skyrocket asthey did in 2005 and 2006, he said. High said city officials should lobby the state to amend land-use laws to allow cities to quickly expand their boundaries. "The state bureaucratic process is taking too long to allow cities the opportunity to grow,"
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High said. — Reporter: 541-617-7829,
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"I think the city's OK for a while without any expansion," Oberst said. "As we went into the recession, there were a lot of subdivisions in the process, and so they went ahead and completed theirprocess and platted a lot of lots. And so we have a fairly large inventory of vacant residential lots in town." High said the city urgently needs to expand. At the current pace o f c o n struction, Bend could add another 3,000
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... Bigger is always going to be the way to go for land needs." A 20-year population projection adopted in 2004 is the basis of the UGB expansion proposal. "I think, on average, we're still on course to come close to our projection in
the 20-year planning period," Oberst said. "We're going like gangbusters right now. We're issuing a lot of permits." The city is on course to issue 700-800 permits to build single-family homes this fiscal year. Oberst said a sustainable long-term rate would be 600-
700 single-family home permits per year. "That's kind of what the population projection was based on," he said. However, the city can meet housing and other building
Bowl once before — in 1998, at the end of his rookie year with the Packers. Green Bay lost that game to John Elway's Denver Broncos, 31-24. Longwell would like nothing more than to get back to the big game. "Getting a chance to come back here (Seattle) and put on a hometown uniform is pretty exciting," said Longwell, who will be wearing No. 7 for the Seahawks. "And this is a re-
notarized authorization of their parents or legal representatives.
Vikings (2006-2011j. Career scoring total of 1,687 points ranks13th on all-time NFL list. • Played with Green Bay as a rookie in
"Getting a chance to come back here (Seattle) and put on a hometown uniform is pretty exciting," Ryan Longwell told The Bulletin. "... I've been given an incredible opportunity in a pressure time of year."
they have an entry visa from the country they intend to visit and a ticket; eliminate the need for an exit visa and letter of invitation. • Raise the time Cubans may stay outside the country from11 months to 24 months without losing their status as Cuban residents. • Allow those younger than 18 years to leave the country with the
comes any reforms that allow Cubans to depart from and return to their country freely," said Will Ostick, spokesman for the U.S. State Department. But it's unlikely the U.S. Interests Section in Havana will be handing out significantly more non-migrant visas than it does now. That could spur Cubans intent on reaching the U.S. to seek indirect routes through nearby countries.
Longwell's local connection
Ted S. Warren /The Associated Press
• Allow Cubans who obtain their passports to travel as long as
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el nereaves amixe e a asa crisis By Neil Irwin
and which would not. The government would, essentially, use the regulatory process to figure out which banks needed more capital and which were fine. Those stress tests, the results of which were announced in May 2009, were a major step in rebuilding confidence in the U.S. banking system. It turned out that the low point for markets was right around the time of the AIG outcry in March of thatyear.An economic expansion began in July.
purse is, of course, the major job of a Treasury secretary, With the nomination of his though ironically it is an arena successor Thursday, Timothy in which he has little direct Geithner is presumably eyepower. Congress and the ading the exits at the Treasury ministration set tax and spendbuilding even more eagerly ing policies, and within the than he has for the last couple administration it is the Office of years, which was already of Management and Budget, pretty eagerly. which has direct primacy over So it is time to start reckonthe president's fiscal policy. ing with his record. But Geithner has been one He was not a highly visible of the president's closest adpolitician or statesman like visers on all things economic, p revious s ecretaries J o h n including fiscal policy, so he Connally and James Baker shares responsibility for balShaping policy (Connally, who served under looning debt. The IMF estiNixon, was viewed as a future Geithner is, in his bones, a mates net U.S. government president, and Baker, under crisis fighter, and his greatest debt at 65.9 percent of GDP in Reagan, would go on to serve New York Times News Service file photo legacy isfor conquering the 2009, when Obama and Geithas secretary of state). Presid- "There is a basic lesson on financial crises," Timothy Geithner, pictured in 2012, said earlier in his biggest one of them all. ner took office, and a projecting over the dismal aftermath tenure at the Treasury, "that governments tend to wait too long, underestimate the risks, want to do He then p i voted t oward ed 86.7 percent in 2013. of a h o r rendous economic too little. And it ultimately gets away from them, and they end up spending more money, causing much passing financial regulatory In the short run, the rise in downturn, Geithner did not more damagetotheeconomy." reform to try to prevent a cri- debt levels is mainly attributwin the adulatory magazine sis like that from happening able to the weak economy, but covers of a Bob Rubin. Profiles again. There is plenty to criti- it is also true that Obama and of Geithner inevitably seem to bleeding. Geithner was, funcizeabout what would become Geithner have not been able to Timothy Geithner, the secretary of the Treasury, in the past served make much of his youthful damentally, a crisis fighter, a t he Dodd-Frank Act. But it find a path toward longer-term as president and chief executive of the Federal ReserveBankof looks, though when he took man who has spent a lifetime carries the unquestionable im- balance. Legislative dealmakNew York, which put him at the heart of the global economic crisis the job in 2009 he was older wrestling with how to address print of Geithner. He insisted ing has never been Geithner's as it unfolded in 2008. Geithner, who faced early trouble before than were either Larry Sum- a financial system in the midst thatthe Federal Reserve have specialty (though he did play his Senate confirmation over embarrassing tax issues, is the last mers or Alexander Hamilton. of collapse. It is what he did as broader powers over compa- a lead negotiating role in the remaining member of President Barack Obama's initial economic But make no mistake about a young Treasury attache in nies that endanger the finan- recent deal to avert the fiscal team and has been the most influential. Geithner has made it clear it: Geithner has been among Japan in the early 1990s, as a cial system and that there be a cliff), and there has been an abfor some time hewants to move on, if only to return to NewYork the most important Treasury more seniorTreasury official new council of regulators to be sence of it on the fiscal front. He with his family. Last week, Obama nominated Jacob Lew, the secretaries in history. Even if dealing with emerging marled by the Treasury secretary. was also the first Treasury secWhite House chief of staff, to replace Geithner. he never holds another public kets crises later that decade, It may as well be called the retary to preside over a downSources: New YorkTimes News Service, pohsco Dodd-Frank-Geithner Act. grade of the U.S. credit rating, job, he has secured a place at the International Monetary among the most consequential Fund in the early Bush years, He also took on a major role by Standard 8t Poor's in Aushapers of economic policy of and at the New York Fed in in trying to guide European gust 2011, after last-ditch negothe 21st century. the six years before joining but didn't give much of a sense Obama's problem. authorities toward solutions tiations to raise the debt ceiling Geithner took office at an the Obama administration. of how that and other aspects But the $1 trillion emergency for the debt crisis that explod- in which House Republicans extraordinary time, with an of the plan would work. Disap- lending plan in Geithner's Feb- ed in 2010 and threatened the threatened to allow a default. extraordinary ass i gnment. A rough start pointed by the lack of detail, ruary 2009 financial rescue world economy. Often workIt has been said that the TreaIn the fourth quarter of 2008, For all that background, it's markets sold off, down anoth- blueprint never rose to any- ing the phones, Geithner used sury secretary is, at the end of when Geithner was tapped for easy to forget now what a dier 5 percent that day. where nearthat size. Another his longstanding connections the day, a bond salesman, repTreasury, the U.S. economy saster his first few months as Things got even rougher for aspect of the plan, less noted among global finance minis- resenting to global investors was contracting at an 8.9 per- Treasury secretary were. Geithner from there. A month at the time, was to make ma- ters, central bankers and at the credibility of U.S. Treasury cent annual rate, the steepAfter a career as a behind- later, it was disclosed that AIG, jor banks take a "stress test" the IMF to encourage the Eu- bonds. Bythat measure, Geithest decline since the Great the-scenes operator, Geith- the giant insurer that Geithner — having regulators scrutinize ropeans toward more concert- ner is a success; 10-year bonds Depression; the c ontraction ner seemed unprepared to be had bailed out as president of their ability to withstand even ed action, on a scale commen- yielded 1.89 percent on Thurswould continue at a 53 percent the front man, uneasy on the the New York Fed, would be a very deep economic downsurate with their challenge. day, near historic lows. rate in the first quarter, when grand stage. For all his tech- paying millions in bonuses to turn, and to force those that That's not to say they always It has been a remarkable President Barack Obama was nical skill, he seemed deaf to its employees. For the young needed more capital to raise listened, and at times the as- four years, and the U.S. econinaugurated and Geithner took how the vague plans would O bama a d m inistration, i t it either from private markets sertiveness of the Americans omy and financial system will office at 1500 Pennsylvania Av- come across. On Feb. 10, 2009, w as a reminderofthe costsof or thegovernment. Geithner's may have even been counter- never bethe same. Geithner's enue. On Jan. 26, 2009, the day he unveiled the administra- bringing one of the architects insight was that a big chunk productive. But on b a lance vacation in Cape Cod was inGeithner took office, the Stan- tion's financial rescue planof the response to the finan- of the problem in the finanEuropean officials have de- terrupted by the first ripple of dard 8 Poor's 500 index closed or rather, its rough outlines. It cial crisis into the administra- cial system was not merely scribed Geithner's i nvolve- what would become the global at 836.59, which was down 47 threw out some big numbers, tion; AIG had been bailed out that banks were sitting on big ment as helpful in clarifying financial crisis on Aug. 9,2007, percent from its 2007 high. such as expanding a j o i nt under George W. Bush, but losses but that there was no issues and forcing action. and he has barely taken a day O bama hired hi m f o r a Treasury-Fed emergency lend- with Geithner as T r easury confidence in markets over Then there's fiscal policy. off since. He may have since very specific task: to stop the ing program to up to $1 trillion, secretary,it was very much which banks would survive Watching out for the federal earned another vacation. The Washington Post
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By Eric Lichtblau
to destroy violent games. (The event was canceled.) Biden, WASHINGTON — With the graphic videogamesstill a nascent technology, manufacturers faced meeting with some of the industry'sbiggestmanufacturers and Newtown, Conn., massacre similar threats of a crackdown over violent games. Even Captain spurringconcern over violent Kangaroo lobbied for stricter oversight. Theindustry, heading off retailers, withheld judgment video games, makers of popugovernment action, responded at that time by creating the ratings on whethergraphic games fuel lar games like "Call of Duty" labels, similar to movie ratings, thatare ubiquitous on store shelves violence. But he added: "You all and "Mortal Kombat" are raltoday. This time,with amoreformidable presence in Washington, know the judgment other peolying congressional support to the industry is not so willing to discuss voluntary concessions. ple have made." try to fend off their biggest regGame makers have spent more than $20 million since 2008 on fedThe industry is steeling for ulatory threat in two decades. eral lobbying, andmillions more oncampaign donations. battle, and they have strong The $60 billion industry is supportfrom Congress as well facing intense political pressure as from the courts. Industry from an unlikely alliance of we're going to do something." The authorities in Connecticut representatives have spoken critics who say violent imagery Gun laws have been the have not established a direct with more than a dozen lawin video games has contributed Obama administration's cen- link between the attack and makers since the shootings, to a culture of violence. Vice tral focus in considering re- the shooter's interest in games. urgingthemto resist threatened President Joe Biden met with sponses to the shootings. But a Science aside, public rheto- regulations. They say games industry executives Friday to violent media culture is being ric has clearly shifted since are a harmless, legally protectdiscuss the concerns, highlight- scrutinized too, alongside men- the shootings, with politicians ed diversion well regulated by ing the issue's prominence. tal health laws and policies. and even the National Rifle the industry itself through rat"The stool has three legs, Association — normally a fan ings that restrict some games to No clear link has emerged between the Connecticut ram- and this is one of them," Wolf of shooting games — quick to "mature" audiences. page and the gunman Adam said of violent video games. blame video games and movies With game makers on the L anza's i nterest i n vi deo Studies onthe impactof gam- for inuring children to violence. defensive, they have begun "I don't let games like 'Call pulling together scientific regames. Even so, the industry's ing violence offer conflicting detractors want to see a federal evidence. Some researchers of Duty' in my house," New search, legal opinions and study on the impact of violent have found that games bring Jersey Gov. Chris C h ristie m arketing studies to m a k e gaming, as well as cigarette- out real-life aggression, mak- said last week on M SNBC. their case to federal officials. "This has been litigated all style warning labels and other ing players less empathetic. "You cannot tell me that a kid measures tocurb the games' But other studies say the link- sitting in a basement for hours the way to the Supreme Court," graphic imagery. age is exaggerated and that ... and killing people over and Michael Gallagher, CEO of the "Connecticut has changed game-playing does not predict over and over again does not industry's main lobbying arm, things," Rep. Frank Wolf, R- bullying or delinquency. desensitize that child to the said in an interview, referring Va., a frequent critic of what The authorities have linked real-life effects of violence." to a 2011 ruling that rejected a he terms the shocking violence some past attacks, directly or Residents in S o uthington, California ban on selling vioof games, said. "I don't know indirectly, to the gunman's fas- Conn., 30 miles from Newtown, lent games to minors on First what we're going to do, but cination with violent games. went so far as to organize a rally Amendment grounds. New York Times News Service
NRA Continued from A1 And these leaders were about to cut and run: They had plans to relocate the headquarters from Washington to Colorado. "Before Cincinnati, you had a bunch ofpeople who wanted to turn the NRA into a sports publishing organization and get rid of guns," recalls one of the rebels, John Aquilino, speaking by phone from the border city of Brownsville, Texas. What unfolded that hot night in Cincinnati forever reoriented the NRA. And this was an event with broader national reverberations. The NRA didn't get swept up in the culture wars of the last century so much as it helped invent them — and kept inflaming them. In the process, the NRA overcame tremendous internal tumult and existential crises,developed an astonishing grass-roots operation and became closely aligned with the Republican Party. Today it i s a r guably the most powerful lobbying organization in the nation's capital and certainly one of the most feared.There is no single secret to its success, but what liberals loathe about the NRA is a key part of its power. These are the people who say no. They are absolutist in their interpretation of the Second Amendment. The NRA learned that controversy isn't a problem but rather, in many cases, a solution, a motivator, a recruitment tool, an inspiration.
4 million and counting Gun control legislation is the NRA's best friend: The organization claims an influx of 100,000new members inrecent weeks in the wake of the elementary school massacre in Newtown, Conn. The NRA, already with about 4 million members, hopes that the new p ush by D emocrats in t h e White House and Congress to curb gun violence will bring the membership to 5 million. The group has learned the virtues of being a single-issue organization with a very simple take on that issue. The NRA keeps closetrack of friends and enemies, takes names and makes lists. In the halls of power, it works quietly behind the scenes. It uses fear when necessary to motivate supporters. The ultimate goal of gun control advocates, the NRA claims, is confiscation and then total disarmament, leading to government tyranny. "We must declare that there are no shades of gray in American freedom. It's black and white, all or nothing," Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre said at an NRA annual meeting in 2002, a message that the organization has reiterated at almost every opportunity since. "You're with us or against us." The National Rifle Association was founded in 1871 by National Guard and retired Army officers in New York who vowed to "promote rifle practice" and improve marksmanship. The first president, Civil War general Ambrose Burnside, had seen too many Union soldiers who couldn't
A history of violent video games —Twentyyearsago,with
"We must declare that there are no shades of gray in American freedom. It's black and white, all or nothing. You're with us or against us."
over iiie sai immisranon in many states. But both sup-
Even while Obama ha s
c o n d itions are significantly
gotiations and gun control, overhauling i mm i g r ation remains a priority for him this year; top White House officials have been quietly working on a broad proposal. Obama and lawmakers from both parties believe the early months of his second term offer the best prospects for passing substantial legislation on the issue.
In th e N ovember election, Latinos, the nation's fastestgrowing electorate, turned out in record numbers and cast 71 percent of their ballots for Obama. Many Latinos said they were put off by Republicans' harsh language and policies against illegal immigrants. After the election, a host of Republicans, starting with Speaker John Boehner, said it was time for the party to find a more positive, practical approach to immigration.
White House proposals Obama is expected to lay out his plan in the coming weeks, perhaps in his State of the Union address early next month, administration officials said. The White House will argue that its solution for illegal immigrants is not an amnesty, as many critics insist, because it would include fines, the payment of back taxes and other hurdles for illegal immigrants who would obtain legal status. Aside from providing a path to citizenship, the president's plan would also: • Impose nationwide verification of legal status for all newly hired workers. • Add v i s as t o r e l i eve backlogs and allow highly skilled immigrants to stay. • C reate some form o f g uest-worker p r ogram t o
bring in low-wage immigrants in the future. A bipartisan group of senators has also been meeting to write a comprehensive bill, with the goal of introducing legislation as early as March and holding a vote in the Senate before August. As a sign of the keen interest in starting action on immigration, White House officials and Democratic leaders in the Senate have been negotiating over which of them will first introduce a bill, Senate aides said. "This is so important now to both parties that neither the fiscal cliff nor guns will get in the way," said Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., and a leader of the bipartisan discussions. A similar attempt at bipartisan legislation early in Obama's first term collapsed amid political divisions fueled by surging public wrath
The players P arallel t o t h e Whi t e House effort, Schumer and Sen. Lindsey Graham, RS.C., have been meeting with a group of at least four other colleagues to write a bill. Republicans who have participated include John McCain, who has supported comprehensive legislation in the past; Jeff Flake, newly elected to the Senate from Arizona; and Utah's Mike Lee. Florida's Marco Rubio participated in one meeting last month. Democrats in the meetings include Illinois's Dick Durbin, the No. 2 Senate Democrat; New Jersey's Robert Menendez and Colorado's Michael Bennet. Basic tenets for the bill, Schumer said, were that it would be comprehensive and would offer eventual citizen-
ship for illegal immigrants
And Carter made clear in a who follow a prolonged proWashington Post interviewthat cesstocorrecttheirstatus. "This is a b ottom line," the NRA wouldn't be relocating to Colorado: "This is where the Schumer said Thursday. In t h e GO P -controlled — Wayne LaPierre, a senior officer at the NRA, in 2002 action is," Carter said. Over the next few years, House, the future of a compreNRA m e mbership t r i pled. hensive bill remains unclear. shoot straight. For generations The moderates felt rejected With the presidential election Rep. Phil Gingrey, R-Ga., who thereafter, the NRA focused by both the NRA hard-liners of Reagan, the energized acfollows immigration issues, on shooting, hunting and con- and the Washington elite. tivists went on the offensive, said he remained opposed to "Because of the political di- hoping to roll back the 1968 "amnesty of any kind." servation, and no one thought of it as a gun lobby. rection the NRA was taking, gun control laws and, in the But groups backing the The turmoil of the 1960sthey weren't being invited to process, abolish the ATF. overhaul say they are bigger assassinations, street violence, parties andtheir wives were not Aquilino, who became the and better organized now. happy," says Jeff Knox, Neal's top NRA spokesman, rememriots — spurred Congress to Last month, the labor movepass the Gun Control Act of son and director of the Fire- bers those days as great fun: ment, including the AFL-CIO 1968, the first major piece of arms Coalition, which fights "We were a bunch of 25-yearand other sometimes-warring gun legislation since the New for the Second Amendment olds, and we created the whole factions, affirmed a common Deal. Supporters of gun con- and against any laws restrict- grass-roots lobbying concept." strategy. Last week, the U.S. trol originally included Cali- ing guns or ammunition. "Dad Chamber of Commerce said it fornia Gov. Ronald Reagan, was on the phone constantly would work with labor, Latino Read the next installment who worried about the heavily with various people around and church organizations to of this story online at armed Black Panthers. the country. He had his copy of pass the overhaul this year. The NRA didn't like the 1968 the NRA bylaws and Robert's law, viewing it as overly reRules, highlighted and marked. strictive, but also didn't see it as My father and a lot of local club ' I I I I' a slide toward tyranny. The top leaders and state association I I • NRA officer, Franklin Orth, guys organized their troops." wrote in the association's publiTheirs was a g r ass-roots I cation American Rifleman that movement within the NRA . "the measure as a whole ap- The solution was to use the pears to be one that the sports- membership to make changes. men of America can live with." The bylaws of the NRA gave I a I' a I The key word: "sportsmen." members power on the conven' al I I a I tion floor to vote for changes in Changing attitudes al the NRA governing structure. "We were fighting the fedIn 1972, a new federal agenI a I I a I I I a I I I I cy charged with enforcing the eral government on one hand I ' 'I I a gun laws came into being: the and internal NRA on the other II I Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco hand," Aquilino says. / and Firearms. L a wmakers II I I The coup raged against the terror of / / c heap handguns known as In Cincinnati, Knox read the Saturday night specials. group's demands, 15 of them, It wa s i n t h a t e n v iron- including one that would give ment that Neal Knox rose to the members of the NRA the prominence. right to pick the executive vice Clifford Neal Knox — born president, rather than letting Prga in Oklahoma, raised in Texas, the NRA's board decide. The tnl drrv llarl ar r I a graduate of Abilene Chris- coup took hours to accomplish. WaIkIhrAaara L tian College — started out as a Joe Tartaro,a rebel, rememnewspaper reporter and editor bers the evening as "electric." before founding, at the age of The hall's vending machine 30, Gun Week magazine. ran out of sodas. He wanted to roll back gun By 3:30 in the morning, the laws, even the ones that reNRA had a whole new look. stricted the sale of machine Gone were the old guard offiguns. He believed that gun cers, including Maxwell Rich, rreaaatraratlllerelllll Four times a year, Redmond Magazine aannnaoleeahe ra control laws threatened basic the ousted executive vice presis published to highlight the A mericanfreedoms, that there ident. The members replaced businesses and individuals were malign forces that sought him with an ideological soul vvho work to build a strong nothing less than total disar- mate of Knox's named Harlon community. The publication mament. There would come a Carter. point when Knox would sugC arter, a l o ngtime N R A features a calendar W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: gest that the assassinations of board member, had arrived in of community events, the 1960s and other horrors Washington in 1975 as foundpudlishing four editions ayear personality features might have been part of a gun i ng director of a new N RA Wednesdays: April 17, June 19, and insight into "hidden control plot: "Is it possible that lobbying unit, the Institute for treasures" around Redmond. some of those incidents could Legislative Action. His pugnaAugust 28, November 13 have been created for the pur- cious approach, which rankled pose of disarming the people of the old guard, was captured in the free world? With drugs and a letter he wrote to the entire evil intent, it's possible. Ram- NRA membership to discuss pant paranoia on my p a rt? the fight in Congress over gun Maybe. But there have been control: "We can win it on a far too many coincidences to simple concept — No comproignore." (Shotgun News, 1994) mise. No gun legislation." WELCOMETOTHECENTRAL OREGON In the second half of the He had a shaved head ("bulTOWN OFSISTERS 1970s, the NRA faced a cross- let-headed" was one descriproads. Would it remain an es- tion) and vaguely resembled tablishment institution, part- Nikita Khrushchev. A former nering with such mainstream U.S. Border Patrol agent and entities as the Ford Founda- chief, Carter was an outstandSisters Magazine is the area's foremost tion and focusing on shooting ing marksman who r acked . ~/J' competitions? Or would it roll up scores of national shooting resource for events, activities, artists and alrTaaaemnaaaraa avaaaa aeamaaalnraaraa up its sleeves and fight ham- records. (Four years into his businessesthat make up the backbone avaaae earaamaa '~p alaazaaavamrrmaara mer and tongs against the gun tenure, he would acknowledge of this small mountain town. In the comcontrol advocates? Or flee to that, as a 17-year-old, he'd shot ing year, each edition will highlig ht Sisters' the Mountain West? The latter and killed anotheryouth, claimevents that draw thousands to the area. W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: was appealing, and the NRA ing self-defense. He was conleadership decided to move victed of murder, but the verdict pudlishing four editions ayear the headquarters to Colorado was overturned on appeal.) and also spend $30 million to Within months, thanks to Fridays. March 29 (My OwnTwo Hands), May 24 (Sisters Rodeo), June 28 (Sisters Outdoor build a recreational facility in Carter, Knox was working in Quilt Show), August 23 (September in Sisters), November 15 (A Cowboy Christmas) New Mexico called the Na- the NRA headquarters, runtional Outdoor Center. ning Carter's old lobbying unit. •
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By Cindy Chang• Los Angeles Times
USA Baby Care's website makes no attempt to hide why the company's clients travel to Southern
The 'anchordady' issue Tucked into the politics of immigration reform is disagreement
California from China and Taiwan. It's to give birth to an American baby.
over, of all things, a1868 constitutional amendment that had nothing to do with immigration.
" Congratulations! Arr i ving in the U.S. means you've already given your child a surefire ticket for winning the race," the site says in Chinese. "We guaranteethateach baby can obtain a U.S. passport and related documents." That passport is just the beginning of a journey that will lead some of the children back to the United States to take advantage of free public schools and low-interest student loans, as the w ebsite notes. The whole family may eventually get in on the act, since parents
granted automatic citizenship. Arguing for an end to the policy, which is rooted in the14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, im-
Babies born onAmerican soil, even to illegal immigrants, are migration hard-liners describe awaveof migrants, mostly stepping across the U.S.-Mexico border, in theadvancedstages of pregnancy to havewhat are dismissively called "anchor babies." The reality is more complex, with hospitals reporting some immigrants arriving to give birth in the United States but many of them frequent border crossers with valid visas who have crossed
the Supreme Court's1857 Dred Scott ruling, that people of Afri-
can descent could never beAmerican citizens. The amendment said citizenship applied to "all persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof." In1898, the justices interpreted the citizenship provision as applying to a child
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may be ableto piggyback on the child's citizenship and apply for a green card when the child turns 21. USA Baby Care is one of scores, possibly hundreds, of companies operating so-called maternity hotels tucked away in residential neighborhoods in the San Gabriel Valley, Orange County and other Southern California suburbs. Pregnant women from Chinesespeaking countries fork over as much as$20,000 to stay in the facilities during the final months of p r egnancy, then spend an additional month recuperating and awaiting the new baby's U.S. passport. Many of the hotels operate in violation of zoning laws, their locations known mainly to neighbors who observe the expectant mothers'frequent
the border legally to takeadvantage of better medical care. THE 14THAMENDMENT Adopted in1868, the14th Amendment was arepudiation of
born in the United States to aChinese immigrant couple.
Still, some conservatives contend that the issue is unsettled,
and some of the nation's tougher laws aimed at illegal immigration try to tackle this very issue —eventhough, despite being Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times
Zhang Huiting, 35, of Beijing, displays outfits for his future son inside a California apartment where he and his wife are staying. The apartments serve as a birthing center for Chinese women seeking U.S. citizenship for their babies. By being born here, Zhang's baby will automatically receive a U.S. passport and eligibility for public U.S. education. USA Baby Care was located on a Hacienda Heights cul-desac, in a large two-story house with a swimming pool. Now, it operates out of a hotel in Rowland Heights. "We really want to make this industry legal," Wang said. "There's a demand for these birthing centers, so we should find a way to make them legaL Not a single one of us wants to operate by sneaking around."
just to be safe. "When you geton the plane, please wear appropriate clothing to get through customs," the website says in Chinese.
baby allegedly died after being dropped by a caretaker. T hough Deng t a kes o n some of the cases, he is not a fan of birth tourism. In cases where the parents continue A relative bargain to work in China while sendBirth tourism is a lucrative ing a child to American public outlet for hospitals and local schools, the family is getting a doctors, all of whom typically free ride, in Deng's opinion. "The kids are growing up to take cash payments from the foreign m others. Shopping be American citizens, and the malls and tourist attractions family is not paying the taxes l ike D i sneyland also b e n- for their education. In the fuLegal but secretive efit from Chinese visitors who ture, it's not right that our taxcomings and goings. The road to giving birth in have time to kill while waiting payer money is paying for it," Such was the case in Chino the U.S. begins with an in-per- to give birth. said Deng, an immigrant from Hills, where residents recently son interview at an American A month's stay at Chico, China whose practice deals protested an alleged maternity consulate in the woman's home which advertises "five stand- mostly with Chinese clients. hotel operating in a hilltop man- country. Neither pregnancy nor alone villas of different styles," At a large multi-story house sion. City officials have sued the intent to give birth in the ranges from about $2,500 to in a Monterey Park cul-de-sac, the property owner, claiming U.S. are disqualifying factors. $4,200 for a pregnant woman, a woman who answered the that the seven-bedroom house The primary concern is making and as much as $6,300 after door confirmed that Chico On was illegally subdivided with 17 sure the applicant will not re- giving birth. The average stay The Child Care was located bedrooms and 17 bathrooms, main in the country indefinitely, at Chico can easilytop $15,000, there. Boxes of m a i l-order with at least 10 mothers and the State Department said. not including medical bills. diapers were stacked in the babies living there. San Gabriel Likewise, U.S. Customs and Even so, a few months in a entryway. officials shut down a similar Border Patrol officers do not maternity hotel is a bargain City officials are aware of facility in 2011, and Chino Hills refuse entry because a woman compared with other means the maternity hotels, but they officials hope their lawsuit will is coming to give birth. of obtaining U.S. citizenship, have placed a bigger enforce"Obviously, the only reason such as the EB-5 visa, which ment priority on illegal boardresult in a similar outcome. Critics also cite safety con- it happens at all is because we requires an immigrant to in- ing houses crammed with imcerns surroundingthe largely permit it," said Mark Kriko- vest inan American business. migrant restaurant workers, "When you compare it to unregulated industry. A local rian, executive director of the said Monterey Park City Manattorney says he is represent- Center for Immigration Stud- investor immigrants who need ager Paul Talbot. "The birthing homes are eiing a maternity hotel in a case ies, which advocates reduced $500,000 to $1 million, this is where a baby was dropped immigration. "They're not do- pretty cheap," says USA Baby ther pretty low-profile or the and died. The California De- ing anything illegal. The ques- Care's site. neighbors are not complainpartment of Public Health also tion for policymakers is, 'Is As the maternity hotel busi- ing," Talbot said. is investigating a case that this a good idea?'" ness boomed in the last few In Chino Hills, the discovery may involve maternity hotels, Maternity hotels nonethe- years, R osemead a t torney of the alleged 17-room matersaid a spokesman who could less counsel their clients to be Daniel Deng began receiving nity hotel has led to a grassnot provide further details. discreet. Women should arrive phone calls hinting atproblems roots effort to stamp out the inF ederal i m migration a u in the U.S. about six months with the facilities. Some wom- dustry. Other San Gabriel Valthorities say no law prevents into their pregnancies, advises en complain about arriving ley residents have coexisted pregnant women from enter- the website of a Monterey Park in California only to find that peaceably with the facilities. ing the country. The women facility, Chico On The Child their accommodations were John Witherspoon lives on typically travel on tourist visas Care. For petite women who far humbler than the mansions a Hacienda Heights cul-de-sac and return home with their show their pregnancy more pictured in advertisements. next to the house where USA newborns, who will have the easily, four months is recomDeng is representing wom- Baby Care was located from option of coming to the U.S. for mended. In the winter, when en who say they were tricked 2003 until recently. "I don't like that they're able schooling, sometimes whilethe heavier clothing is the norm, by maternity hotel operators parents remain in Asia. Amer- the arrival timing can be ex- into applying for state assis- to have anchor babies, but ican citizenship is also consid- tended to seven months. tance for new mothers and are they're real good neighbors," It's considered best for the now facing fraud allegations. Witherspoon s a id. "When ered a hedge against corruption and political instability in women to conceal their preg- He is also representing the Ha- we're gone, they keep an eye the children's home countries. nancies asmuch as possible, cienda Heights hotel where the on the house." For some, giving birth in the U.S. staves off hefty fines under China's one-child policy.
called "anchor" babies, the children of illegal immigrants born in the U.S. cannot actually prevent deportation of their parents. It is
not until they reach 21that the children are able to file paperwork to sponsor their parents, otherwise vulnerable, for legal status. Source: New YorkTimes News Service
In Rowland Heights, the Pheasant Ridge apartments on Colima Road is the home of at least one maternity hotel. The company, Mother of American, displays on its website an image of an expectant woman draped in an American flag. In the parking lot, pregnant women heading to and from the nearby Puente Hills Mall are a common sight.
A father's point of view Zhang Huiting, of Beijing, is staying at Pheasant Ridge with his wife, who is due to give birth to a son in this month. He rented the apartment on his own and is not using a maternity hotel's services, he said. But the Zhangs' hopes echo those of many hotel clients: They want their child to have access to an American education, which is considered to encourage creativity and be less of a pressure cooker than China's rigorous, exam-based system. They will return home soon after he is born, and he will spend his early years in China. Unlike his older brother, who was born in China, he will
be able to enroll in American schools without a student visa, although the Zhangs have not decided whether their n ew baby will take that path. For now, they want to keep that option open. Americans should welcome birth tourism as an economic boost, said Zhang, a former television host who now owns a media company. "The Chinese who are coming here to have kids are spending money on formula, nurses, hospitals, food, doctors, airline tickets," Zhang said. "The Chinese people who come here are middle class or above. They will
give back and spend money."
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Seeking legitimacy Maternity hotels have proliferated in the last decade as mainland China's new middle class tries to give its offspring every advantage. But b i r th tourism is not limited to Chinese and Taiwanese nationals. South Korean and Turkish mothers arealso reported to pay thousands of dollars for package deals that include hotel rooms and assistance with the visa process. S ince the p u blicity s u r rounding the Chino Hills case, Los Angeles County officials have received at least two dozen complaints, mostly regarding sites in Rowland Heights and Hacienda Heights. Curt Hagman, a R epublican assemblyman from Chino Hills, is looking into whether state government can play a role in addressing the issue. Because of the i ncreased scrutiny, some maternity tourism businesses are setting up shop in standard hotels, booking long-term stays for clients, a ccording t o S c ot t W a n g , manager of China operations for USA Baby Care. Others are opting for apartment complexes, where zoning codes are more flexible and rents are cheap enough to serve a larger number of clients. Until a f e w m o nths ago,
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rom o scuri to r a , ane ucationcee ri ivi es By Lyndsey Layton In camera-ready red, Michelle Rhee started the week on the set of MSNBC's "Morning Joe." The next night, she was the subject of an hourlong documentary on "Frontline." In several weeks, she'll tour the country to promote her new memoir, "Radical." In the two years since her short and stormy tenure as chancellor o f W a s hington's publicschools, Rhee has transformed herselfinto an education celebrity, the likes of which the countryhasn'tseen before. "There is no one else in this space who can command attention like she can," said Andrew Rotherham, a f o rmer Clinton administration official who now runs Bellwether Education, a nonprofit that works to improve education for lowincome students."She has star power. Peoplein the business call it a Q score.... For an issue like education, definitely a second-tier issue, that's no small thing." Rhee has created a political organization, S t udentsFirst, that gives her a national platform. In just six years, she has rocketed from obscurity to the kind of fame that turns heads at the airport. "Michelle has accomplished becoming a c elebrity," said Randi Weingarten, president of the American Federation of Teachers and Rhee's frequent nemesis. "She spends a lot of time trying to show that she's very important." And the division she inspired in the District of Columbia — where she was condemned by some, lionized by others — has followed her to the national stage.
Rhee's philosophy Rhee embodies one extreme in the debate over public education. She believes that every childcan achieve, regardless of conditions such as poverty, broken homes, underfunded schools. In her view, the main obstacles are weak teachers, bloated bureaucracies, union contracts. She is driven by data, convinced that learning and teaching can be measured with as much certainty as a dieter tracks progress on a bathroom scale. Her agenda has provoked
aggressive pushback from teachers unions and many progressives, who say that social factors have a profound impact on children and that Rhee's
policies unfairly scapegoat teachers. They say the worship of test data has created a "drill and kill" culture that has narrowed curriculum,sucked the joy out of the classroom and, in extreme cases, resulted in test scandals in Atlanta, Washington and elsewhere. The AFT maintains a website, RheeFirst, that carries an image of Rhee wearing a cartoon crown. A "Where is Rhee'?" map tracks her appearances across the country, and a "RheeTweet" section scrolls 140-characterblasts of snark from Rhee-haters across the Web. Conservative groups and many l eading R epublicans adore Rhee. She frequently appears with tea-party-backed g overnors, schmoozes b i l lionaire donors, and collects awards f r o m r i g h t-leaning think tanks and organizations dedicated to shifting tax dollars to private schools. Some high-profile Democrats also embrace her. "Michelle is a fearless advocate, f ully determined to put t h e focus back where itbelongs — on kids," said Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, a onetime organizer for the teachers union who now says the union is an obstacle to better education in his state. Rhee, 43, aims to spread the kind of change she promoted in District of Columbia: closing failing schools, evaluating teachers based in part on how well their students perform, firing weak teachers and paying bonuses to successful ones. She also supports private-school vouchers for low-income children and says parents should be able to shut down weak schools through "parent trigger" laws. In Rhee's worldview, if a student isn't learning, adults — in the form of bureaucracy — are to blame. "There's no shortage of highly effective educators, of innovators," Rhee said in an interview with The Washing-
issued its first "Report Cards" that graded states according to whether they embrace the cies of StudentsFirst. The group, Byrd said, has staff in 17 states jority were Republicans. and is aiming to pass laws and Rhee, who calls herself a lib- run candidates in 2016. eral Democrat,says StudentsMeanwhile, new questions First is bipartisan. "The unions were raised by the "Frontline" want to frame us up as right- documentary about Washingwing Republicans. The reality ton students' test score gains is the landscape is shifting now, during Rhee's three years as the Democratic Party is shift- chancellor and whether teaching. The policies on our agenda ers — offered hefty bonuses — the vast majority are things by Rhee for academic gains that ( E ducation S ecretary) — changed scores. Although Arne Duncan and President Washington public s chools Obama have made priorities. officials have said that the alWe're not right-wing crazies." legations were i n vestigated Indeed, when Rhee left the thoroughly and that there was District of Columbia, Duncan no evidence of w i despread saluted her as "a pivotal leader tampering, the claims have in the school-reform move- lingered, casting a s hadow ment" and predicted that she over Rhee's tenure. would be a "force for change Still, Rhee navigates the nawherever she goes." tional debate over the best way As state legislatures recon- to educate children, seemingly vene, StudentsFirst last week unfazed.
On the Wed
The Washington Post
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The Associated Press file photo
Michelle Rhee, pictured in 2010 during her tenure as chancellor of Washington, D.C.'s struggling public schools, presided over rising test scores and stabilizing enrollment. But her clashes with the teachers union made her a polarizing symbol in a nationwide debate over education reform. ton Post on Wednesday. "The problem is that the kids and educators have to operate in an insane bureaucracy."
A political force After her boss, Washington Mayor Adrian Fenty, a Democrat, lost his bid for re-election in 2010 — due in part to political fallout from Rhee's teacher firings and school closures — Rhee mapped out her next move. Convinced that Fenty's defeat came at the hands of the teachersunion, Rhee believed the nation needed a political counterweight to the unions in debates over education that were taking place nationwide. With help from her husband, Kevin Johnson, a former NBA player who is the Democratic mayor of Sacramento, Rhee created StudentsFirst to push her agenda in state capitals, where most education policy is set. "There hasn't been a national group advocating on behalf of kids," Rhee said. "The unions have a 30-year start on us. But we're creating that balance.Putting pressure on legislatures to make decisions in the best interest of kids." She communicates that idea in ways that grab attention — by wielding a broom on the cover of Time magazine as if she is sweeping out bad teach-
ers or by unflinchingly firing a
salary of $61,000, according to federal tax filings. But she can make almost as much as that through a single
speakingengagement. According to Creative Artists Agency, Rhee E nterprises c h arged
$50,000 per speech in 2011. In the 2012 general election, StudentsFirst contributed to 105 candidates in eight states. Most of those candidatesmore than 80 percent — won their races. And the vast ma-
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"She's got a v er y s imple message that is highly seductive because it appears to give an answer to our difficult education problems," said Richard Kahlenberg, a senior fellow at the Century Foundation, a liberal-leaning research group. It would be great if her ideas translated into good results for kids, Kahlenberg said. "But, in fact, we've got two grand experiments of her theory," he said. "The first is the American South, where teachers unions are weak and the schools are not lighting the world on fire. The other is charter schools, which are 88 percent non-unionized. In charters, you can do everything that Michelle Rhee wants to do — fire bad teachers, pay good teachers more. And yet, the most comprehensive studies looking at charter schools nationally find mediocre results." So Rhee's premise is faulty, he said. "But it's a simple idea, and in the media, it's powerful to have heroes and villains," Kahlenberg said. "The fact thatevidence doesn'tback her up doesn'tseem to prevent her from getting wide notoriety." Rhee notes that her brand o f education reform i s i n creasingly gaining t r action. The idea of using student test scorestoevaluate teachers,for example, began in the District of Columbia in 2009 under Rhee. Today, 38 states have implemented similar systems or plan to do so. "Things that five years ago people never would have said were possible are happening at a large-scale level nationally," she said. Rhee announcedthe creation of StudentsFirst two years ago from the best perch possible: Oprah Winfrey'scouch. She declared the birth of a national movement, pledged to raise $1 billion in five years and got a hug from the TV host. But StudentsFirst has a long wayto go. From its founding in October 2010 through July 2011, the organization raised $7.6 million, the most recent federal tax filings show. Kahlil Byrd, who became presidentof the group in November, said donors have
pledged $150 million by 2016. Rhee, as the chief executive of StudentsFirst, which employs 124 and is based in Sacramento, earns an annual
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A Pre e ace eaves essons
By Sheila G. Miller
Public health and guns t
n a nation where opinions about guns are deeply polarized, middle ground can be harder to find than an Oregon truffle. In responseto recent mass shootings, politicians and lobbyists on both sides of the gun debate are crafting new plans and jockeying for support. Gun control advocates want a ban on assault weapons and highcapacity magazines. The National Rifle Association wants more citizens armed and ready to shoot down
The Bulletin
At first glance, it seemed like a great idea: opening a few charterschools to better accommodate students and perhaps attract home-school students to createmore revenue forthe Sisters School District. Students from all walks of life could take classes and the school district would get revenue and be on the cutting edge of online education. But as the school district learned when its board discovered
funding discrepancies and its charter schools unexpectedly shut down months before the end of the 200910 school year, the plan came at a price. And when the Oregon Department of Justice filed a claim against the Sisters charters' umbrella company, founder and president last week, it showed the state learned a few hard lessons about the challenges of regulating charter schools as well. The complaint, filed Jan. 3, accuses Tim King
and Norm Donohoe of racketeering, money laundering and misusing state funds through their charter school company EdChoices. Reached on his cellphone, Donohoe declined to comment. King did not return calls and emails requesting comment. EdChoices attorney Starla Goff did not return a call for comment. In Oregon, the state Department of Education provides money to charter schools based on enrollment expectations. The
money goes to the sponsoring district first, which usually takes a cut of the funds. The charter then receivesthe rest.In Sisters, the district collected up to 15 percent of funding for each student enrolled at Sisters Charter Academy of Fine Arts, Sisters Web and Early College Academy and Sisters AllPrep Academy. Charter schools can also receivegrant money from the state to pay for specific costs and expenses. SeeAIIPrep/B3
• Portland:Man's lawsuit challenges nofly list.
• Salem:Oregon's chief justice wants to
end furloughs, boost spending on courts. • Springfield:Couple adopts disabled Bulgarian girl. Stories on B3-4
reader photos • We want to see your best photos capturing peaks in winter for another special version
For me, guns evoke conflicting emotions. I'm a new mother who shudders to imagine weapons in my son's future school. I'm also a hunter who sees social value in responsible gun ownership. Last week, an unlikely group of experts weighed in: doctors. They managed to side-step some of the controversy to offer commonsense ideas for reducing gun violence without slashing gun ownership. In the Journal of the American Medical Association, three doctors from the Harvard School of Public Health published an article that accurately defined gun violence as a public health issue. Each day, they pointed out, 85 Americans are killed by guns. That figure — which includes suicides, homicides and accidents — is more than three times the death toll in the Dec. 14 shooting in Newtown, Conn.
of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors
section. Submit your best work at www.
wellshot/winterpeaks, and we'll pick the best for publication. Submission requirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — ae well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
Have astory idea or sudmission? Contactus!
And it's appallingly high, to gun col-
— Lily Raff McCaulou isa columnist for The Bulletin. 541-617-7836,
Portland Salem
Well shot!
lectors and pacifists alike. "Gun violence arises from sociocultural, educational, behavioral and product safety issues that transcend gun ownership alone," the authors wrote. For solutions, they turned to major public health initiatives that have succeeded in curbing tobacco use, reducing unintentional poisonings and improving motor vehicle safety. In eachofthose efforts,the researchers identified strategies that worked, then figured out how to apply them to reduce gun violence. For example, they noted that cigarette smoking among U.S. adults dropped from 43 percent in 1966 to 19 percent in 2010. One tactic that helped was comprehensive patient education and counseling, so individuals who wanted to stop smoking could find resources to help them quit. Similarly, the researchers said, primary care physicians could be trained to educate patients in gun safety and violence prevention. Simple actions such as asking whether a patient is storing guns safely could make a difference. And just as childproof packaging on medications helped reduce accidental poisonings, technology such askey or security code locking devices on guns themselves could help keep firearms out of the wrong hands. These recommendations are not without controversy. One reason smoking has declined so drastically is that steep taxes have been levied on tobacco products, making their use cost-prohibitive for many. The authors remarked that the taxes already imposed ongun and ammunition sales "are neither comprehensive nor representative of the true external costs of gun ownership," and suggestedhigher fees.As with any new tax, that proposal won't be popular. The researchers admitted that there are significant differences between, say, tobacco and guns. For example, they acknowledged that while there is no safe dose of tobacco, guns, on the other hand, can be used safely. Indeed, given the vast number of firearms in the U.S.— 300 million, or nearlyone forevery man, woman and child in the country — most guns are stored and handled safely. To be clear, implementing the suggestions in this paper would not suddenly eliminate gun deaths. But the approach itself is refreshing. It shows that perhaps there is a rational, evidence-based, lifesaving compromise waiting to be unearthed.
The Bulletin Call a reporter: Photos by Scott Hammers /The Bulletin
ason Tedrow, above, one of a few dozen of Central Oregon's fastest skiers who braved a frigid morning at Mt. Bachelor Saturday for the Pata,h
gonia Pursuit, switches skis at the
Bend ................ 541-617-7829 Redmond........541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 La Pine ........... 541-383-0348 Sunriver.........541-383-0348 Deschtttes ...... 541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184
Salem..............541-554-1162 D.c..................202-662-7456
Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831
"skiathalon" featuring both the classic and skate styles of cross-
country skiing.
Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358,
Racersstarted as a group in the classic style, then switched — or handed off to a relay partner — to skate skiing at the halfway mark. Racers 16 and older skied two 5 km legs, while younger skiers did two 2.5 km legs. At left, Mary Wellington leads Scott Yount and Hilary Garret during the classic ski portion. See results in Sports.
MetoliLIS being deVelOPedfOr reCreatiOn in '38 Compiled by Don Hoiness from archivedcopies ofThe Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.
100 YEARS AGO For the week ending Jan. 12, 1913
Priscillas have fun The Priscilla Club met with Miss Arrie Black Monday evening. Miss Alice Black and Miss Lucy Bridges being guests. At the New Year's banquet a prophecy telling what
YESTERDAY each member wouldbe ten years hence was read, and Monday the various young ladies took the parts which that prophecy bequeathed them, 19 participating in the entertainment. That many kinds of futures lies before these Bend girls was indicated by the diversity of their roles, which included a prima donna, a missionary, a botanist, a lecturer, a circusperformer, a lawyer, a countess, and others. In
the course of the evening refreshments were served, The Priscillas will give some special singing and dancing at the Star Theatre on Saturday night. While their exact program is being kept a secret, it is known that they all will appear dressed as old maids.
Oregonmetal production For several years there has been a decline in the metallic output of the state of Oregon, more especially in its gold and silver. The grade of ore in the
deep mines has been much lower than formerly, although more of it is treated, The lowering of the average tonnage value is due to the large quantities of old tailings handled, their average yield being taken with that of the new ore in making up the totals and average values. The largest producer of gold in Oregon is Baker county, as has been the case for some years. In silver yield Baker county also holds first rank. SeeYesterday/B2
• Letters and opinions:
• Civic Calendar notices: Email event information to news©, with "Civic Calendar" in the subject, and include acontact name andphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354
• School news andnotes: Email news items and notices of general interest to news© Email announcementsof teens' academicachievements to Email collegenotes, military graduations andreunion info to bulletin© Contact: 541-383-0358
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• Births, engagements, marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: Details: TheMilestones page publishes Sundayin Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0358
E VENT TODAY MUSIC INPUBLIC PLACES: Featuring a performance by Central Oregon symphony musicians; free; 1 p.m.; Touchmarkat Mt. Bachelor Village, 19800 S.W.Touchmark Way, Bend; 541-317-3941 or www. SECONDSUNDAY:John Daniel reads from a selection of his work, followed by an open mic; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-3121032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. MUSIC INPUBLIC PLACES: Featuring a performance by Central Oregon symphony musicians; free; 4 p.m.; Whispering Winds, 2920 Conners Ave., Bend; 541-317-3941 or LA LUNAFOLKLORICDANCE: Young artists perform folkloric and traditional dances from Mexico and El Salvador; proceeds benefit the dance troupe; $5, $3 students, free ages five and younger; 7 p.m.; Madras High School, 390 S.E. 10th St.; 541-475-7265.
TUESDAY "A CORNISHFAMILY IN GEORGETOWN, COLORADO,18751912":Bend Genealogical Society presents a program by Marilyn Burwell on research methods and townspeople; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-317-9553 or www. LUNCH ANDLECTURE:Learn about forest ecology, conditions and
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
management, bringa sack lunch; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; noon-1 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. LOUDONWAINWRIGHT III: The folk artist performs, with Dar Williams; $35-$45 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.
WEDNESDAY "BAG IT":A screening of the 2010 documentary film about plastic bag consumption; donations benefit the Plastic Bag Ban Movement; free; 6 p.m.; The Environmental Center,16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-9146676. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: AIDA":Starring Liudmyla Monastyrska, Olga Borodina and Roberto Alagna in an encore performance of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. GIRAFFE DODGERS:The Portlandbased folk and bluegrass act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or
THURSDAY "ANNIE JR.":Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the musical about Little Orphan Annie, set in 1930s New York City; $15, $10 ages18 and younger and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E.
from the east. Haney was a visitor in Bend Continued from B1 yesterday. He came here to Neither the southwestern protest recommendations of nor the northwestern counties the Deschutes Sportsmen's of Oregon are producing as association that the closure of muchgold as a few years ago, the Metolius River be extendalthough the estimated fig- ed to include waters bordering ures for 1912 show that some some of theresortareas. little advancement is in progOn the Lake Creek lodge ress. The state badly needs grounds, all the old ca bins the advent of capital to open are being razed and will be and develop its deep-mining replaced by modern cabins. properties, many of which are Extensive improvements of lying idle for want of means the Lake Creek grounds was to place them on a productive started last spring and much standing. work, including the construction of a big central lodge, has already been completed. 75 YEARS AGO At Suttle Lake, James E. For the week ending Rentschlar, of Bend, has a half Jan.12,1938 interest in the resort, operated by George Sherman. Metolius recreation area Resort owners along t h e being developed s cenic Metolius R iver a r e Development of the Metolius confident that t h e co m pleriver country into one of the tion of the Santiam highways finest recreation areas in the will result in a g reat influx Pacific Northwest is reported of visitors, especially f r o m under way this winter as vari- west side cities. Anticipating ous resort owners prepare for a greatlyincreased use of the the 1938 vacation season.Im- area, the forest service priprovements include the com- marily through CCC wo rk, plete renovation of the Heis- has engaged in extensive iming resort, now under new provements in recent years. management; new cabins on Camping facilities have been the recently improved Lake increased and at Suttle Lake a Creek lodge grounds, formerly new swimming dock has been known as the Hanson resort, completed. and the addition of several The h i g h wa y be t w een modern, three-room cabins to Bend and the Metolius River the Suttle Lake grounds. area is now paved, and before In addition to the resort im- long, pavement will e xtend provements, th e D e schutes over the Cascades from the National Forest is continuing heavily populated west side its work of developing the rec- communities. reation area. Extensive development of 50 YEARS AGO the old Heising resort, now owned by J .A . Z ehntbauer For the week ending of Portland, is u nder w ay, Jan. 12, 1963 according to information reNo measurable snow here ceived here today. The resort yet, by Phil F.Brogan is under lease by Zehntbauer, owner of a summer home on Bright sunshine flooded int he Metolius River, to W i l terior Oregon again today as liam Haney. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Bend moved well into its so-far Heising,former operators of snowless winter of 1962-63. the resort,are now residents No measurable snow has of Bend and own a rooming been recorded this season in Bend — and, old timers point house on Portland Avenue. Work now in progress on out, it is a season which in earthe Heising resort includes lier years frequently yielded the complete renovation of the deep snow, including the fourcentral building to be finished foot deep drifts of December, with knotty pine, and the re- 1919. That was the winter of construction of t h e c a bins. the "blue snow" in the upper The barn and corrals are to be Deschutes country. removed and tennis courts and F requently t h r ough t h e badminton courts constructed years, Bend seasonally meaon the grounds. It is planned to s ured its heaviest snow i n have all work completed prior December. to the 1938 vacation season. Although this has been a The Heising resort over- snowless winter in the Bend looks a p i c turesque mead- area, and in most other parts ow that slopes down to the of the interior plateau counMetolius River, a m eander- try below the 4,000 foot level, ing stream at that point. The moisture, mostly as rain, has Zehntbauer home, one of the been above normal. "Fifty-four years, and I have finest of its kind in the Pacific Northwest, faces the resort never seen anything like it."
r I/ l u , !
!grt I!j!' l'ttti t It
Submitted photo
Liudmyla Monastyrska and Olga Borodina perform in The Metropolitan Opera's "Aida," playing Wednesday at the Regal Old Mill theater. Sixth St.; 541-419-5558 or www. "HOW DO WEBECOMESMART?": Dr. Forest Towne presents a lecture on adolescence and IQ; free; 7 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-517-3916. BROWN EDITION:The Washingtonbased jazz and funk act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. "COUPLEDATING": Preview night of the play by Cricket Daniel, directed by Sue Benson; $10 at the door; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater,
220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com. "LIFE CYCLES":A screening of the unrated 2010 mountain bike film; $5; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-385-8080 or www.
Leroy Fox, who has been in Bend half a century plus four years, made this c omment today when referring to the area's "winterless winter" of 1962-63. In his long residence here, Fox, former Bend fire chief, has enjoyed some mild fallwinter seasons,but nothing to equal that of the present.
eas: engine repair, automatic transmissions and transaxles, manual drive train and axles,suspension and steering, brakes, electrical sy s tems, heating and air conditioning and engine performance. NATEF certified COCC in all eight categories. The honor
Castro's popularity tarnished (editorial) A re Cast r o' s days numbered? That is the opinion of Sen.
Hubert Humphrey (D-Minn.), who returned home Dec. 19 from a Central American tour. And it is obvious that things aren't going too well for the bearded dictator. Four years ago observers in Cuba guessed that 95 percent of the population supported Castro. But this is no longer so, notes a Turkish newspaper man, Goksin Sipahioglu, who spent from mid-October to early December inside Castro's Cuba. "I am sure at least 90 percent of the Cuban people — probably more — are against the communists and against Castro too," writes the free-lance reporter from Istanbul. There are those who say Fidel Castro faces 1963 with his picture cards all played. The days of Castro may well be numbered. But that alone will not lessenthe threat from this C o m munist-dominated police state. Nor will it lessen the plight of the Cuban people.
• •
FRIENDS OFWILLIAM STAFFORD READING:A celebration of the life and work of poet William
has already begun paying for itself, according to Moody, The instructors received letters of congratulations from Chrysler and Ford Motor Co., and Ford
also sent two engines as a direct result of the certification. The honor also means that the prestigious ASE logo (Automotive Service Excellence) can be included on the diplomas of program graduates, M oody and Eh l p o int o u t, giving students a competitive edge with e mployers. They predict that the NATEF certification also will have a beneficial effect on enrollment. COCC's two-year program,
SATURDAY "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: MARIA STUARDA":Starring Joyce DiDonato, Elza van denHeever and Matthew Polenzani in a presentation of Donizetti's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old MillStadium16& IMAX,680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3826347.
which offers graduates an associate'sof science degree in automotive technology, averages 20to 25 students.The two instructors boast 100 percent job placement for last year's program graduates. They add that even in Central Oregon, where wages are admittedly depressed, auto technicians can make an annual salary of up to $40,000. mNot too shabby", Moody
shom off your little bundle of joy for all the ceorld to see in our special edition of...
Do you know a beautiful baby born between
January 1, 2012tSt. December 31, 2012? Send us a ph o to t o i n c lude in o u r
Baby Book, which will be published Wednesday, February 6, 2 0 1 3 i n The Bulletin. Just bring in o r m a i l y o u r b a b y ' s photo along with t he i n f ormation
requested below and a $20, $30 or $40 fee to cover the cost of the baby photo size you c hoose
by We dnesday, January 2 3 r d . Photos will be r e t urned only i f accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.
For the week ending Jan.12,1988
COCCautomotive program toots horn Instructors in Central Oregon Community College's automotive technology department have something to toot their horns about. The automotive curriculum recently received top accreditation from the National Automotive Technicians Education Foundation (NATEF), making COCC the only school in Oregon and Washington certified in all eight program areas tested. Don Moody and AllenEhi, who share the duties of instruction and administration of the automotive program, say the honor provides tandem benefits — i n creasing student employability and promoting donations of vehicles and parts from automobile manufacturers. Hinging o n t h e re v i ew was certification in eight ar-
Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate •
Stafford, with poetry readings and a presentation by his daughter; free; 6:30p.m.;PaulinaSprings Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-5490866 or SCOTT BROCKETT: The Portlandbased pop-rockartist performs; $9; 6:30 p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-6336804 or "ANNIE JR.":Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the musical about Little Orphan Annie, set in1930s New York City; $15, $10ages18and younger and seniors; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541419-5558 or
"COUPLEDATING": SueBenson directs the play by Cricket Daniel; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or "BURN AFTERREADING": A screening of the 2008 R-rated spy thriller by the CoenBrothers, starring John Malkovich and Brad Pitt; $10 plus fees; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring a performance by vocalist Karrin Allyson; $49 plus fees in advance; 8 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-3828436 or WINTER WILDLANDSALLIANCE BACKCOUNTRY FILMFESTIVAL: A screening of short films about backcountry experiences; proceeds benefit Bend Backcountry Alliance; $10; 9 p.m., doors open 8:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-3825174 or ACOUSTIC MINDS:The Portlandbased pop-soul duo performs; $5; 9:30 p.m., doors open at 8:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave.,Bend;541-388-8331 or www.
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Chief justice seeksend to furloughs
ICy CraSh killS 2 —A two-vehicle collision on an icy Southern
The Associated Press
dead. The crash late Friday night also injured two passengers in the
SALEM — O r egon's Supreme Court chief justice said he'd like to see an end to mandatory unpaid furloughs for employees, restoration of circuit-court staff positions and funding for a new electronic records system that will r eplace one that is frustratingly out of date. Chief Justice Thomas Balmer said he will make the requests in the Judicial Department's budget request, which goes to lawmakers. "Delivering justice is a noble goal," Balmer said at his first stateofthe courts address. "As a state, we need to give our institutions the tools they need to work toward equal justice for all." Speaking to a group of Mar-
"We can improve our productivity if we can add back some of the staff we have cut. We can help judges work more efficiently." — Thomas Balmer, Oregon chief justice ion County lawyers, Balmer says Oregon courts are "sturdy" but need financial help to keep them working. Budget cuts have hit courts hard, with some operating just four days a week. "We can improve our productivity if we can add back some of the staff we have cut," Balmer said. "We can help judges work more efficiently." Balmer oversees the caseload of the state's highest court and is responsible for the twoyear budget for 1,600 employ-
ees inOregon's 36 counties,divided into 27 judicial districts. Among Balmer's goals is to ensure continued funding for a new electronicrecords system known as eCourt, now used in the appellate courts and in four counties, to replace a system based on 1980s
technology. Eleven more counties, including Marion County, are scheduledto make the conversion in the next two-year bud-
get cycle. Balmer also seeks to save 10
AROUND THE STATE Oregon highway east of White City left two Klamath Falls women
counties' drug courts, which were rescued by a one-time federal grant. Gov. John Kit-
women's vehicle and a father and son in another vehicle. Larisa Bailey, a 25-year-old from Klamath Falls, died at the scene. Her driver,
34-year old Kristi Duncan, died at alocal hospital. Neither was wearing a seat belt. Jacob Layerand his 8-year-old son, Joel, suffered
zhaber's budget proposes $9 million for these courts, which requiredrug offenders to undergo treatment and complete other steps. Balmer is also seeking pay increasesfor nearly 200 elect-
nonlife-threatening injuries.
Ashland hazing suspects may face sanctions — Three high school football players who have been charged with attempted
sex assault and hazingafter a summertraining camp incident will face
ed judges, who last saw a pay
school sanctions if found guilty. Results of the six-month-long investigation were made public Thursday against the players, all minors. The
increase five years ago. He also wants money to renovate or repair courthouses and the Supreme Court Building, whose exterior is crumbling. Balmer likened the state of Oregon's courts to the condition of th e century-old Supreme Court building. "They are sturdy," he said, "but they are showing cracks that need to be repaired."
Medford Mail Tribune reports the school suspendedits own inquiry when Ashland police were alerted July 9 to the incidents. Police allege
underclassmenteammates werecoerced andthreatened into committing "embarrassing anddegrading" acts in dorm rooms during a football training camp held in June at Linfield College in McMinnville.
Police say therealsowerefour attempts on three boys to sexually penetrate themwith a finger. A17-year-old whowas never enrolled in Ashland High School and who no longer lives in Ashland was arrested on four counts of first-degree attempted sexual penetration with a fin-
ger and five counts of coercion, all felony charges. The three football players were charged with five counts of coercion. Two of the players were charged with conspiracy to attempt to commit unlawful sexual
penetration in the first degree. OffiCialS Say fiu SeaSOn mOderate —Oregon health officials say the flu season sofar in the state remains moderate, although
Man files federalsuit overinclusion onno-fly list The Associated Press PORTLAND — A n Oregon man stranded for weeks when he tried to fly home after a humanitarian mission to his native Libya has filed a federal lawsuit challenging his inclusion on the government's no-fly list. Jamal T a r hun i a c c uses
U.S. government officials of violating his civil rights. He is a naturalized U.S. citizen. The O r egonian r e p orts that the complaint Tarhuni filed Friday names FBI Director Robert Mueller, Attorney General Eric Holder and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, among others. Tarhuni
seeks $1 million. Tarhuni says he was barred from boarding a f l i ght out of Tunisia on Jan. 17, 2012. When he went to th e U.S. Consulate, he says he was questioned by the FBI about his religious beliefs and his mosque. He was finally able to fly
home with his lawyer in midFebruary 2012. In an email, FBI spokeswoman Beth Anne Steele declined comment on the lawsuit. She did say that "upholding every American's rights under the U.S. Constitution is a fundamental value" for FBI
October 2009,the Web academy was renamed Sisters AllPrep Academy, although the schools appeared to continue operating as three separate entities commingling f unds with other A l l Prep schools around the state. Theboardbegantheprocess of terminating the district's relationship with the charter schools in February 2010, with plans to shutter them at the end of the school year. School board minutes show board members w er e c o n cerned about the fine arts charter's commingling of funds with its AllPrep counterpart. In March 2010, the Sisters Charter Academy of Fine Arts closed after falling $8,100 behind on rent and being evicted from its building. The Web and early college academies followed suit shortly thereafter. The Sisters closures were a sign of things to come for the Allprep charter schools around Oregon and Washington and the 1,400 students who attended them. U l t i mately, all but four of those charter schools shut down. As the schools closed, King resigned a n d EdC h oices, which h andled a dministrative duties for the schools, was evicted from it s Clackamas facility in March 2010, leaving student records locked away and the Oregon Department of Education fighting for months to recover them. Reached in California, former Sisters superintendent E laine Drakulich said s h e had not read the complaint and knew nothing about the allegations against King and Donohoe. "I have no comment about that," she said of potential misuse of funds. D rakulich w o r ke d w i t h King in t h e N o rth C lackamas School District, and introduced King to the Sisters School District. Audits obtained by The Bulletin in August 2010 showed how the company handled its finances. The schools had a practice of giving one another cash a dvances, transferring t h e money through E dChoices, which every A11Prep school contracted with to handle administrative functions. Where the money went and how it was used are not explained in the complaint. Audits for Baker A l lPrep Academy and Estacada AllPrep A c ademy, c o nducted in the 2008-09 school year, showed th e t h r e e S i sters schools owed about $400,000 to other schools under the A llPrep umbrella. The a u dits also showed that by the end of the 2009 school year, Baker A11Prep Academy had just$20,000 in assets and was owed about $50,000 by other AllPrep schools. Sisters All-
Prep Academy and S isters Charter Academy of Fine Arts owed the Baker charter school a total of $19,790. The audits also showed that after June 30, 2009, Baker AllPrep Academy advanced EdChoices more than $180,000 for the Sisters charter schools. That s t il l w a s n' t e n o ugh to keep the Sisters schools afloat, and they shuttered in mid-2010. Estacada AllPrep Academy lost about $650,000 when EdChoices collapsed in spring of 2010. The Sisters charter schools, as of June 2009, also owed E stacada about $190,000, according to t h at school's audit.
lot of scrutiny and there was some anger thatwe were terminating our relationship with this charter and giving up a lot of money that was coming to us. And this sort of shows we were right." Ultimately, Jones said, she's not surprised to hear of the state's complaint against King, Donohoe and EdChoices. "There w er e i n d ications from people high up in the Department of Justice that this was probably going to go a
Continued from B1 Between 2006 and 2010, King and Donohoe operated at least 12 charter schoolsincluding the Sisters schools — in six school districts under the auspices of a company called AllPrep; they also handled AllPrep's administrative duties and online education programs run through the Fossil and Paisley school districts through their company EdChoices, based in Clackamas. King served a s d i r ector of EdChoices, Donohoe as president and chief financial officer. According t o t h e s t ate's complaint, the pair c reated bank accounts for each of the charters, then c o mmingled funds. The charters also each had contracts with EdChoices, requiringthe schools pay 2025 percent of all state enrollment dollars to EdChoices. Starting in 2007, the complaint a l l eges, E d C hoices started billing the school districts for its share of the state enrollment dollars, estimating how many students were enrolled in each of the schools. The complaint also alleges King and D onohoe created documents justifying the use of state grant funds and asking the state for more money for each ofthe specific charter schools. But, according to the complaint, the documents were misleading and false. All told, between 2007 and 2010, the Oregon Department of Education handed out more than $16.9 million to 11 schools operated by King and Donohoe. Of that, the three Sisters charter schools received almost $3 million. King and Donohoe submitted claims they knew were false, omitted documentation that would have helped the state verify the claims, submitted proof of expenses not allowed under the grants and improperly commingled the funds, the complaint states. "The Defendants regularly concealed this money through a pattern of diverting and commingling the money in various bank accounts throughout the Enterprise." The state's suit asks that the pair repay the $16.97 million, as well as $2.7 million for breach of contract.
Commingling Sisters Sisters School District was among the first to raise alarm bells about EdChoices and AllPrep back in 2010. The Sisters Academy of Fine Arts opened i n S eptember 2007 and originally operated independently of AllPrep; the Sisters Web and Early College
Academy opened one year later, and at some point the fine arts charter moved under the EdChoices umbrella. In
Wage claims According to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries, 11 employees who w o rked for A11Prep and EdChoices schools filed wage claims. Of those, nine were paid out of BOLI's wage security fund, which allows the bureau to
pay employees up to $4,000 of their final wages due from employers who went out of business. In total, the state agency paid out nearly $42,000 in
back wages. Christine Jones was Sisters' board chairwoman during the charter schools' tenure in the district. "We certainly knew something was fishy," Jones said. "But I'd had questions ever since the approval had come down, based on their enrollment calculations." Glen Lasken also served on the Sisters School Board during the A11Prep scandal. "We became suspiciousof the way they were handling the finances. We agreed to sponsor them as a charter, and they hadseveralother schools up and running around the state. They seemed like a legitimate and good program," he said. "But as a sponsor we had a duty to look at the financial records, and they wouldn't give the records to us." When the students were abruptly transferred out of Sisters Allprep Academy, Lasken said, the board c hallenged whether King had properly received parental permission. "That was simply not possible," Lasken said. "So because of what looked like questionable dealings that they were d oing, w e t e r minated o u r charter." Lasken said t h e S i sters School Board w a s c a l l ed to testify in Salem before a committee looking into King, Donohoe and EdChoices. "Sisters was essentially one of the whistleblowers on this," he said. "We were sort of in the lead in trying to get people to wake up.... In large part, seeing the State of Oregon pursue (these)charges, it's sort of a vindication. We were under a
the rate of state residents reporting flu-like symptoms such as fever, cough or sore throat is rising. So far there have been 65 hospitalizations attributed to flu in the tri-county Portland metropolitan area since Oct.1. Officials say there have been no child deaths attributed to the flu so far this season in Oregon. The Oregon Health Authority doesn't usually track adult flu deaths. Six lab-confirmed flu deaths have been reported in Washington, including one child.
MaSSive Sewage Spill —About 2,000 gallons of untreated sewage spilled into a storm drain in the Salem area, sending cleanup crews scurrying to disinfect the area. The Salem Statesman Journal
reports a private contractor broke asanitary sewer main on Thursday. Public works crews worked through the night to contain the spill. — From wire reports
PUBLIc OFFIGIALs For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit
LEGISLATURE Senate • Sen. Ted Ferrioli, R-District 30 (includesJefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-9ee-1950 Email: Web: • Sen. Tim Knopp, R-District 27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: To bedetermined Email: To bedetermined Web: To bedetermined • Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District 28 (includes Crook portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-9ee-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state.
long way," she said. Lasken said he hopes the case leads to better oversight of charter schools, but said charter schools shouldn't get a bad rap. "Abuses can happen, and they clearly did in this case," he said. The AllPrep debacle has thus far resulted in one change to how schools are overseen. A law passed in the 2011 legislative session ensures that the Education Department or a sponsoring district is able to accessstudent records ifa school is evicted. The law requires schools to tell landlords that student records are kept in a building. If an eviction takes place, the landlord must alert ODE or the sponsoring district. Under previous law, those records were locked up like any other piece of property in eviction cases. "With the right idea and the right people running it, a charter school can be a good thing," Lasken said. "I think people underestimate how difficult it is to administer a charter." — Reporter: 541-617-783l, smiIlerC<
Web: whitsett
Web: • Rep. Mike McLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane© Web: • Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District53 (portion of DeschutesCounty) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-9ee-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant© Web:
DESCHUTES COUNTY 1300 N.W.Wall St., Bend, OR97701 Web: Phone:541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692
County Commission • Tammy Baney, R-Bend Phone: 541-388-6567 Email: Tammy Baney@co.deschutes • Alan Unger, 0-Redmond
phone: 541-3ee-6569
House • Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasonconger@state.
Email: Alan UngerOco.deschutes • Tony Deaone, R-La Pine Phone: 541-388-6568 Email: Tony DeBone©co.deschutes .OI'.US
Web: • Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-9ee-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman©state.
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K e nneth C. Young
March18, 1979- Jan. 3, 2013
Donald "Donnle" K. Hovey, of Mitchell Feb. 13, 1940 - Jan. 5, 2013 Arrangements: Whispering Pines Funeral Home, 541-4169733 Services: A service will be held at a later date and he will be laid to rest at West Branch Cemetery in Mitchell, Oregon.
Gary G. Call, of La Pine Aug. 21,1953- Jan. 8,2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 Services: No Services are planned at this time. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701, 541-382-5882.
Howard Ben Middlesworth, of Terrebonne Dec. 19, 1923- Jan. 1,2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond, 541-504-9485 Services: A service will be held at a later date.
John "Jack" William Eberhard, of Bend Dec. 15, 1933 - Jan. 11, 2013 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel, 541-548-3219 Please sign our online guestbook at Services: Memorial Service 2:00 p.m. Saturday, January 19, 2013 at First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE 9th St., Bend, OR Contributions may be made to:
Partners in Care 2075 NE Wyatt Ct. Bend, OR 97701
Larry D. Goff, of Silver Lake June 2, 1958 - Dec. 29, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 Services: No Services are planned at this time.
Mary Lee Tenneson of Redmond July 18, 1936 - Jan. 10, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond, 541-504-9485 Services: A ceremony will be held in Helena, Montana in the spring.
Nlchole RichardsonMilhous, of La Pine Oct. 25, 1976 - Dec. 20, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 Services: A Celebration of Life will be held on Sunday, January 20, 2013, at 2:00 p.m., at the La Pine High School Theater, located at 51633 Coach Road in La Pine. Contributions may be made to:
Any branch of South Valley Bank and Trust in the name of Nichole Richardson-Milhous Memorial Fund.
"The meaning of life is to find your gift, the purpose of life is to g ive it a w ay ." This quote embodied how J ohanna l i v e d h e r l i fe . Johanna loved to share her n assion fo r r u n n i n g a n d life. Sh e connected w ith, a n d / inspired, many p eople i n h er r o l e s as coach, |iI teacher, friend, Johanna Olson a nd m e n tor. Johanna O l so n w a s a r unner a nd a fi g ht e r , b attling b r ai n c a n cer f o r o ver 15 y e ars b efore h e r f ight e n d e d J a n u ar y 3 , 2013, at the age of 33. Johanna had all the best q ualities d e s i re d i n a friend, s i s t er , t e a m m ate a nd d a u ghter. S h e w a s v ibrant, sm a r t , cour a geous, encouraging, positive, f u n n y , to u g h and inspiring. Johanna g r e w up i n W adena, M N , w i t h h er parents, Jane Bagstad and T erry O l s o n a n d si s t e r , M arney. A t a n e a r l y a g e J ohanna s t a rted r u n n i n g a nd n e ve r l o o k e d b a c k . Prior t o b e i n g d i a g nosed w ith a b r a i n t u m o r a s a college f r e s h m an , Jo hanna was already an acc omplished r u n n er . S h e won the Division III c r oss c ountry c h a m pionship i n 2 000, three y e ar s t o t h e d ay after her i n i t ial b r ain surgery. A s even-time allAmerican, Johanna qualified to run the Olympic trials marathon in 2 004 and 2008. Johanna graduated from L uther C o l l ege i n 20 0 1 , a nd e a r ne d a m as t e r ' s degree from Oregon State. J ohanna went on t o w o r k as an e x e r cise p h y siolog ist a t Cen t r a l Or e g o n Community Co l l e g e i n Bend. J ohanna wa s a n a m a z ing runner, but one of her roudest moments w a sn't er fastest t i m e . I t w a s crossing the f i nish l in e at the Twin C i t ies M arathon i n O c t o be r 20 1 2 , w i t h " Team Joh a" desp i t e u ndergoing t r e atment f o r the recurrence of her brain tumor. Her dedication and p erseverance c a n no t b e matched. J ohanna loved he r f a m ily and f r i ends, living out W est, r u n n i n g i n th e m ountains, a n d h el p i n g o thers a c c o mplish t h e i r d reams. J o h a nn a co u l d light up a room faster than s he could li ght u p a r u n ning race — and that's fast! J ohanna l ef t m a n y f o o t p rints a l ong t h e r u n n i n g t rails, bu t e v e n m o r e o n the lives of those she met. S he w il l b e mi s s e d b u t never forgotten. A Celebration of Life will b e held January 19, f r om 1:00 — 5:00 p.m., with a 2:00 p .m. service a t Ha m l i n e University's K l a s C e n t er, 1537 Taylor Ave., St. Paul, MN. A Bend memorial will be held at a future date. In lieu of flowers, memor ials are p r eferred t o t h e Johanna Ol s o n Fu n d , OnPoint Credit Union, 950 N W B on d S t . , B e nd, O R 97701-2706 or Partners In C are H o s pice, 2 07 5 N E W yatt Cour t, Ben d , Oregon 97701. Where Buyers And Sellers Meet
Patricia Naoml Schwep, of Redmond June 29, 1946 - Jan. 10, 2013 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel 541-548-3219 please sign our online guestbook
Services: No services will be held at her request. Contributions may be made
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May18, 1924- Nov. 20, 2012 K enneth C . Y o u n g , 8 8 , died in Yuma, Arizona, on N ovember 2 0 , 2 0 12 . H e was born in A m sville, OR, at home on May 18, 1924. His parents were Calvin a nd Amy Y o u ng. H e w a s the first of seven children, all deceased. He i s s u r v i ve d b y hi s w ife, E v e l y n of t h r ee years. Ken also leaves his daughter, Jennie Meier, of Crooked River Ranch, OR; s on, Brent an d h i s w i f e , M ary of V a n couver, W A . He also leaves five grandc hildren a n d 10 gr e a t grandchildren. K en was h o norably d i sc harged from the Navy i n 1 946. He then w o rked f o r the US Postal Service until retiring as post master of Coos Bay, OR, in 1979. He and hts wife, Opal, of 60 y e a r s , mov e d to C rooked R i ver R a nc h i n 2001. After Opal's death in 2008, he remarried Evelyn in 2009. Ken loved people, travel, f ishing, Hhis g a r den a n d making wine. A private memorial w a s held in Yuma, Arizona.
Lucille Antonia Kokel Pitman Nov. 5, 1920 - Jan. 5, 2013 L ucille K ok e l Pi tm a n passed away on January 5, a t A s h le y M a n o r Car e C enter i n R e d m ond. S h e was 92. Lucille was born November 5, 1920, in Scotts Mills, OR. She made her home in S ilverton a n d m o v e d t o Redmond in 1998. Lucille spent many years w orking fo r t h e S t at e o f Oregon in Salem. She enj oyed sewing, c r a fts, t h e O ld T i m e F i d d l er s a n d dancing at the Elks Lodge w ith D a r c y . Fi r s t an d foremost she was a wife, mother , gr an dm o t h er , great-grandmother an d great-great-grandmother. Lucille is survived by her h usband, D a r c y P i t m a n ; son, Leonard Kokel (Coos Bay), 17 grandchildren, 11 great-grandchildren an d one gr eat - g r eat-grandchild. She was preceded in death by her first husband, J oe K o k el ; s o n , A u l d e n Kokel, a n d gr e a t -grandson, Brigham Lee Kokel. Memorial services will be h eld in Silverton in A p r i l . Family and friends will be notified of d etails. Contrib utions in L u ci l l e ' s m emory may b e m a d e t o the Southwestern Chapter, A merican C ouncil o f t h e Blind of Oregon, P.O. Box 1658, Coos B ay , O r e g on 97420. T he family w ould l ik e to t hank t h e c a r e g ivers a t A shley M a nor C ar e C e nt er an d H o s pice o f R e d mond fo r t h e i r e x c e llent c are and c o m passion f o r Lucille.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Margaret Brewer, 82: Retired brigadier general who was the first woman to hold the rank of general in the Marine Corps. Died Jan. 2 in Springfield, Va. Richard McWilliam, 59: Innovative leader of the trading card company Upper Deck who helped make it an industry powerhouse at a time when baseball an d o t her s p orts cards were increasingly coveted by adult collectors. Died Jan. 5 in Carlsbad, Calif. Gordon Chavunduka, 82: Author, sociologist and politician whose research bridged the gap between Western medicine and African tribal healers, sometimes called witch doctors. Died Friday in Harare, Zimbabwe. — From wire reports
St. Vincent De Paul
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits© Fax: 541-322-7254
Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m.FridayforSundayand Monday publication. Obituaries must be receivedby 5 p.m .M ondaythrough Thursday for publication on the second dayaftersubmission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details.
Family findslovewith adoption of disabledBulgarianorphan By Kelly Ardis The Register-Guard
a playroom at an orphanage in Bulgaria last August, Lauren and Don Horton were eager to meet the little girl they hoped to one day adopt — a t hen-3-year-old with D o wn syndrome named Melina. They were happy to finally see the girl, but what they saw — prepared for it as they thought they were — shocked them. Hearing a bout M e l ina's 10'/2-pound weight, and then seeing her skeletal frame in person, confirmed to them that all the adoption paperwork and expenses they were encountering would be worth it. Today, less t h a n e i g ht weeks after being brought home, the little girl with a new name — Sophia Grace — sits comfortably on her m om's lap, obviously at ease with the affection and attention now
coming her way. At not quite 15 pounds, Sophia is still tiny, but her slightly fuller limbs and fractionally plumper belly and face promise hope for the family's newest addition. Her hair is darker and healthier, and she looks around the room with curious, bright eyes. As miraculousas her turnaround might seem, it's no mystery to her new parents: "A little love, a little nutrition, a lot of faith," Lauren Horton says. "Very simple." After first seeing Melina on the Reece's Rainbow Adoption Ministry w ebsite last February, the Hortons embarked on the 9-month journey to bring the girl home to Springfield. Once there, she joined the other Hortons, a
large family consisting of Lauren and Don's three adult biological children, four more adopted children, and one foster child. The Hortons — who have
PaulCarter/The Register-Guard
Lauren Horton tends to her adopted daughter, 4-year-old Sophia Grace, at her home in Springfield. Horton and her husband adopted Sophia at only 10'/2 pounds from Bulgaria in November. been married for 31 yearsdecided to rename their newest family member Sophia, an ode to her home country's capital of Sofia, while changing the spelling to "have her be our own, too," said Lauren Horton, 55. Sophia's dismal condition at the orphanage in Bulgaria was the product of a negative cultural attitude held by many in Eastern European countries toward people with disabilities, Lauren Horton said. Disabled babies often are given to orphanages, she said, where they stay in their cribs with little attention until they are transferred to a mental institution a few years later. Once there, the life expectancy is short. "We talked about adopting a child who probably wouldn't make it without us," Lauren Horton said. It was hard for them to leave Sophia i n Au g u st, knowing the condition she was in. But a few months later they returned to the orphanage to complete the required paperwork, and their newest daughter was soon home. In some ways, thetiming for a new beginning was perfect: Sophia became a naturalized
U.S. citizen when she landed in Washington, D.C., on Nov. 17. They made it home in time to celebrate Thanksgiving, Christmas and her Dec. 18 birthday with her new family. Now, with a new year upon them, the Hortons can take comfort knowing this will be the year everything changes for Sophia. "We spent last year anticipating this, and the new year we'll spend getting to know her and love her and show her she's wanted and that she has brothersand sisters who love her," Lauren Horton said. "It's a really good feeling going into 2013, and knowing she's never going back. She will never ever be left in a crib again or starved again. She will always be loved." Although the process of bringing such a child home can be complicated, the couple believes that raising an adopted and disabled child is actually not so difficult. "Once they're there (with you) for a while, it's your child. It's not an adoption anymore," said Don Horton, 61. "You don't even look at them as disabled, just as an individual child with strengths and challenges."
Swartz was activist, Web programmer Lena G. Myers' panies and organizations, and family would like to New Yorlz Times News Service becoming a fellow at Harvard thank everyone for ali their Aaron Swartz, a wizardly University's Edmond J. Safra support and love during a programmer who as a teenager Center for Ethics. time of great loss. helped develop code that delivHe formed a company that ered ever-changing Web con- merged with Reddit, the popuWe would like to tent to users and who later be- lar news and information site. especially thank Brenda came a stead- He also co-founded Demand Grigsby and Brian Yarbrough FEATURED fast crusader Progress, a group that proof MoonLight Business ogiTUARy to make that motes online campaigns on soProcess Outsourcing for information cial justice issues — including their professional printing freely a v ail- a successful effort, with other services when they were able, was found dead on Friday groups, to oppose a Hollywoodneeded the most. in his New York apartment. He backed Internet piracy bill. was 26. An uncle, Michael Wolf, said that Swartz had apparently hanged himself, and that a friend of Swartz's had discovJ UNE 20 , 1 918 — DECEMBER 21, 20 12 ered the body. At 14, Swartz helped create ! Jess eCarl Vance passed away from natural RSS, the nearly ubiquitous tool c auses in P r ineville o n D e cember 2 1 , that allows users to subscribe 2012. He was born June 20, 1918 to Rev. to online information. He later Raymond O. and Sally Vance in Proctor, 4's became an Internet folk hero, North Carolina. In 1939 he married Janet pushing to make many Web Queen in Sylva, N.C. He served honorably in the U.S. Navy during files free and open to the public. World War II in the Asiatic-Pacific Theater as a Chief Petty Officer But in July2011, he was indicted By John Schwartz
Jesse Carl Vance
on federal charges of gaining illegal access to JSTOR, a subscription-only service for distributing scientific and literary journals, and downloading 4.8 million articles and documents, nearly the entire library. Charges in the case, including wire fraud and computer fraud, were pending at the time of Swartz's death, carrying potential penalties of up to 35 years in prison and $1 million in fines. "Aaron built surprising new things that changed the flow of information around the world," said Susan Crawford, a professor at the Cardozo School of Law in New York who served in the Obama administration as a technology adviser. She called Swartz "a complicated pl odlgy. Wolf said he would remember his nephew as a young man who "looked at the world, and had a certain logic in his brain, and the world didn't necessarily fit in with that logic, and that was sometimes difficult." Swartz led an often itinerant life that included dropping out of Stanford, forming com-
stationed at Mine Assembly Base Navy ¹128 in H awaii. After discharge in 1946 he settled in Sedro Woolley, Washington where he worked as an electrician. He moved to Prineville, Oregon in 1953 where he owned and operated a service station for several years before becoming a millwright tor a plywood plant in Redmond.
He was one of the original founders in 1958 of what is now known as The Arc of Central Oregon. In 2008 they honored him for 50 years of service. He was also the Treasurer from 1984 to 2010. He may be best remembered for his tireless efforts to the Opportunity Center in Redmond. From the time it first opened, if something was needed and he could get it or do it, he did. He organized and helped put on their social events for years including picnics, BBQ's and dances. Failing health made him unable to attend any of these events for the first time in 2011, Carl was a devout spiritual man. He was a skilled plumber and electrician having certification in both trades. He was always available not only to his family but to others as well to lend his expertise when needed. He loved the outdoors. He was an avid camper, hunter and fisherman. He was a true family man in every senseof the word. Always quick with a smile. He will be missed by his family and friends.
He was preceded in death by his wife Janet; children Larry and Ianna; and daughter-inqaw Lilian. He is survived by his son, Dick; daughter, Connie Hickman and son-in-law Curt Hickman; fbur grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. A memorial service will be held at 1:00 pm on January 19 at the Prineville Funeral Home. In lieu of flowers please make a donation to either the Arc of Central Oregon or the Opportunity Foundation of Central Oregon. A private internment has already been held.
By Jonathan Martin The Seattle Times
DENVER — Inside the industrial-scale marijuana grow farms that dot Denver's lowrise warehouse districts, it is perpetualsummer — 78 degrees, moderate humidity and fields of shoulder-high plants with fat, sticky buds swaying in the breeze. These unmarked THC factories are easy to miss from the street, except for the casinostyle security cameras perched on each corner.But inside the world's only fully regulated, for-profit marijuana market, there are few secrets. Colorado has approved 739 of these indoor grow farms over the past two-plus years after vetting their owners' finances and requiring the buds be tracked on high-definition video and bar-coded every moment from seed to sale. Local building inspectors have signed off, and cops — city, state and federal — can drop in at any time. This out-in-the-open marijuana is the best glimpse of the strange new reality coming soon to Washington state. If Washington, as expected, follows Colorado's experiment, its state regulators will be investigating entrepreneurs' finances for links to organized crime an d k e eping steady watch over leakage to the black market — even as they allow warehouses of weed. The challenges are immense. Washington's new marijuana law, approved by voters in November, createsa market for social use — vastly bigger than the medical marijuana market regulated in Colorado. There is nothing like it anywhere. In Colorado, regulators had to broker ashotgun marriage between law enforcementand marijuana dealers. Anxious state regulators wrote more rulesthan they could enforce. The state is now thinning its thick rule book, even as drug cops say Colorado-regulated
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This plant was seeded without soil, in pulverized rock, to spur faster growth. Colorado's medical-marijuana industry is increasingly sophisticated at producing high-quality crops indoors.
Washington's marijuanalaw
Photos byAlan Berner/Seattle Times
The Pink House medical-marijuana dispensary in Denver has the look of an upscale boutique. Here, Rachel Schaefer puts out product recently before the shop opens for business. Lily Bella, her dog, accompanies Schaefer to work.
accessible to enforcement officers via the Internet; bar codes on each plant; criminal background checks; and hard-copy manifests faxed to Cook's staff each time a pound of pot was moved. "The process works," said Cook, who retired and is now a consultant to the medical marijuana industry. "It sort of set the example for the rest of the nation. This commodity won't go away. And it can be regulated." Washingtonlawmakers tried to replicate the system in 2011, but Gov. Chris Gregoire vetoed the bill, citing the remote risk that state employees could be charged with violating federal law. Colorado skipped right over that. Colorado's 2.9 percent state sales tax last year generated $5.3 million from medical marijuana sales. Cities, which can impose huge licensing fees and extra sales taxes, have reaped marijuana has popped up far more. Dispensary owners across the Midwest. say they pay federal income Capitalism unleashed, medi- tax, often at high rates because cal marijuana suddenly be- their businesses do not qualify came a $200 million industry, for many deductions. with retail prices — averaging With all the marijuana and about $7.50 a gram — among money out in the open, theothe cheapest in the country. ries abound about why federal The f ederal g o vernment authorities haven't intervened. — despite its ban on marijuana Most cite Colorado's role as a — has largely been hands-off. swing state in presidential elecNot a single big grow operation tions and the fact its own reguhas been raided. It's not clear lators— not federal drug cops how the Justice Department — are called to handle problem will react to the massive, voter- dispensaries. "All of the arguments used, approved expansion of socialuse markets in W ashington to do a half-assed regulatory and Colorado. system,are based on the fearof Colorado Gov. John Hick- the feds," said Romer. "I underenlooper, the grandson of a stand that. But the greater risk bootlegger, said r egulations here is a use by younger users need toaddress teen use while because (of) a lack of controls." acknowledging co n sumers' Denver Relief's grow site, "huge appetite" for an increas- in a nondescript warehouse in ingly potent drug. northeast Denver, is a midsized "This is not your father's operation by local standards, marijuana," he said. but would be the Taj Mahal by Colorado's one-of-a-kind sys- Seattle standards: 2,000 plants, tem arose through necessity. 13,000 square feet, 62,000 watts In 2000, it joined Washing- of power and 2,000 gallons of ton in allowing medical mari- filtered water a day. Build-out juana, but it wasn't until 2009 costswere $500,000, including that Denver, like Seattle, began the site's own transformer. seeing wildcat marijuana disUp close, flowering maripensaries popping up across juana plants look like Frankenthe city. flowers, genetically filtered into Then-state Sen. Chris Romer, strains such as Romulan or Red son of a former governor, in Headed Stranger to produce 2010 pushed through medical plum-sized buds dangling from marijuana regulations envi- spindly stalks. The dispensary sioned to be "as strict, if not was one of the first amid the twice as strict, as alcohol." Colorado medical marijuana Five-figure licensing and ap- land rush of 2010. More than plication fees — plus security 1,800 budding entrepreneurs, and requirements that dispen- some pushing shopping carts saries grow most of their own full of documents, lined up at product — addedup to $500,000 Cook's office, dreaming of getor more. That was intentional, ting a state license to grow or Romer said. sellpot. "If you raise the bar high To get one, applicants had enough, they won't risk their to waive their Fourth Amend$500,000 or million-dollar in- ment right to l imitations on vestment to sell to youngsters," search and seizure: regardless Romer said. of state law, the business is ilWith a new law in place, a legal under federal law. They retired liquor regulator and also had todisclose years of onetime drug cop, Matt Cook, bank statements. "I think a lot of the info they was brought in to broker a fivemonth negotiation that "had required weeded out a lot of drug dealers on one side, law people who would have been enforcement on the other, and bad for the industry," said Kaymy staff in the middle," he said. van Khalatbari, co-owner of Cook had one primary goal: Denver Relief. no "diversion" of m arijuana It is a t i ghtly competitive spilling from regulated grows market, with more than 520 disonto street corners. pensaries and 150 processors The result was a blizzard of of cannabis-infused food staterules: 24-7 video surveillance in wide. The industry leases an grow farms and dispensaries estimated I million square feet
in the Denver area, with some grow sites having as many as 10,000 plants. S till, al l t h i s w o ul d b e dwarfed by Washington's new marijuana market. The state predicts 363,000 consumers will g o t h r ough 187,000 pounds of dry marijuana a year in Washington. But that estimate may be way low — it fails to include production needs for m arijuana-infused food and drinks; in Colorado, about half of the marijuana produced goestoward so-called "medibles." By Khalatbari's calculations, Washington wouldneed about 1,000 grow sites the size of Denver Relief. "Wow, that's a lot of marijuana," he said. In theory, Colorado's Medical Marijuana Enforcement Division was to have dozens
of regulators so vigilant that every plant could be tracked, in person and on camera, from seed to sale. But that ambition gave way to financial reality. The agency overspent, then had to cut staff; now there are 10 regulators for a $200 million industry. Shipping manifests, spit from a state fax machine, have gone unread, and more than 860 license applications still need to be vetted. "Sometimes it feels like the division bit off more than it could chew, truly looking over the shoulder of the licensee at every step of the way," said Laura Harris, who took over the enforcement division a year
ago. Her agency is now simplifying rules with input from industry leaders such as Norton Ar-
Possession:Eliminates state criminal penalties for possession of 1 ounce of marijuana (or1 pound in cannabis-infused food, or 72 ounces of cannabis-infused drink). Public use canmeana fine. Retail stores:It will be illegal to sell marijuana for recreational use anywhere except state-licensed marijuana stores; those stores won't open until at least December 2013.
belaez, an attorney who runs River Rock, one of the largest dispensaries in the state. He said his company pays $1 million in t a xes, with t op-end growers earning $100,000. "The free market has done a good thing," said Arbelaez. "Isn't that better than operating in the shadows? ... Isn't it better for the city of Denver that revenue from medical marijuana funds the parks?" Colorado, like Washington, is just starting work on the social use market. Both states plan to open retail stores in about a
year. Rick Garza, deputy director of the Washington State Liquor Control Board, said his agency first needs some basic numbers: How many customers will there be? Is it 363,000, as the state once estimated'? Or
will more people dabble, now that it's legal under state law? And how much will they consume? About a half-pound, on average, as the state predicted? Or double that, as Colorado's medical marijuana patients do? "Once you get a feel for what that market looks like, it drives everything else," Garza said. Both states ar e p l owing ahead, but also awaiting a response from the U.S. Justice Department to letters and personal appeals from Hicken-
looper and Gregoire seeking clarity. In an interview with ABC in December, President Barack Obama indicated the Justice Department would not arrest recreational users, but did not say how it would deal with large grow farms and heavily taxed sales.
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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013.
gs Today:1 Clear and cold.
Tonight: Mostly clear.
26 I,
WEST Patchy fog and freezing fog early otherwise, partly cloudy.
As t ori 39/32
~4 38/28
Lmcoln C/ty 42/33
• I 33/1 • 9 oWa sco
28/1 5
31/i 8
Baker Ci
• Madras
Sh i»
si„„,l •
• •
' '
. • Paulina 19/2
Valee 25/4
• 38/26
Coos Bay
45/36 •
• Ham ton
La Pine23/1
23/2 "
Yesterday's state extremes
16/ 5
21/ 1
Jordan Valley
Chn s tmas Valley
Chem emult
l Port Orford Gold
25/ i
Grants Pass 41/22
• 45'
16/ 4
• -24'
• 4ZiZ0•
Brookings 9 ~
,'„," ~
• Lakeview
avt » ~
o www m w tx xt xt ; C~
•Cal ar 16/8 8~
•Seatt •5 n le 39/30
(in the 48 contiguous states):
Rapid City 6/ "2 16/7
• -32'
Alamosa, Colo.
• 4.48 w
I ~
Los Angeles, 61/40 t
o CD
Kansas City
3/7 t ~
• 33/6
Chihuahua 48/28
La Paz 64/53
Juneau 39/37
ew York
Washi n , D C.
-.;. +++ t t t Atlanta
Houstoo,,75/5 53/41a
3 3u f falo i
lando 4/61
• Miami 79/70
Anchorage ~
lxttM Rock
44/27 L 6
1Os s
Loujselllb3 4 -Nashvale3 4
Tijuana S2/37
„,xt~ Ir.„i 44/25
JDes Moines.
rrSalt Lake
Russegville, Ark.
Nhcc 39/3 .sv
18/3 • Boise
Kingsville, Texas
• 86'
45 18
46 19
60s Mazatlan • 73/59
Monterrey 65/41
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:38 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday...... 4 51 p.m F irst Ful l La s t Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:37 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:52 p.m Moonrise today.... 8:33 a.m Moonsettoday .... 7:43 p.m Jan.18 Jan. 26 reb. 3 •
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:41 a.m...... 4:32 p.m. Venus......6:32 a.m...... 3:25 p.m. Mars.......8:48 a.m...... 6:35 p.m. Jupiter......1:17 p m...... 419 a.m. Satum......1:51 a.m.....12:16 p.m. Uranus....10:39 a.m.....10:54 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low............... 25/I 2 4 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 62 m 1983 Month to date.......... 0.70" Recordlow........ -15 in1963 Average month todate... 069" Average high.............. 41 Year to date............ 0.70" Average low .............. 24 Average year to date..... 0.69" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.18 Record 24 hours ...1.45 in1980 *Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday Sunday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W
M onday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
for solar at noon.
Astoria ........40/28/0.00....39/32/pc.....43/34/pc Baker City...... 17/-5/0.00.....22/1/pc......25/7/pc Brookings......45/34/0.00....48/35/pc.....52/41/pc Burns......... 15/-13/0.00....19/-3/pc......24/6/pc Eugene........ 36/19/0.00....38725/pc.....40/30/pc Klamath Falls .. 37/-5/000 ....27/6/pc ... 29/13/s Lakeview....... 7/-24/0.00 ....17/2/pc.......22/5/s La Pine........ 28/ 9/000.....23/1/pc.....31/I2/pc Medford....... 35/25/0.01 ....42/20/pc...... 42/27/f Newport.......43/32/0.00....43/37/pc.....45/37/pc North Bend......45/34/NA....46/35/pc.....52/37/pc Ontario........ 22/-1/0.00.....24/5/pc......22/9/pc Pendleton...... 30/1 9/0.00.....29/1 6/c.....33/26/pc Portland .......34/26/0.00....37/28/pc.....40/32/pc Prinevige........27/3/0.00.....23/6/pc.....33/20/pc Redmond........28/3/0.00.....29/9/pc.....35/20/pc
Snow accumulation in inches
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . . . 58 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .68-70
Mt. Ashland....... . . . . . . . . . . o-o.. . ..77-112
Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .89-115 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 90 Mt. HoodSki Bowl...... . . . . . . 1 . . . . . . 54-55 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . 109
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0-0......26-36 Wigamette Pass ....... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .40-84
Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .20-23 Mammoth Mtn., California...... 1 .. . .101-192 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . 52 SquawVagey, California..... .. . 1 . . 6 8-130 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-55 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Roseburg....... 39/29/0.00....43/26/pc...... 48/30/f Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . . 3 . . . . . .33 45 Salem ....... 31/20/0 00 ...39/26/pc ...41/30/pc Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 4 . . . . . . . . 22 Sisters..........27/5/0.00.....24/4/pc.....35/13/pc For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: The Dages...... 37/I 9/0.00....33/I 9/pc.....35/24/pc or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
Y esterday's extremes
41 15
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
.;, +4
• Mitchell zsn
33 21
Partly cloudy skies wil be the rule Ontario today.
Skies will be partly cloudy today.
Warm Spr'»gs•
Eugene •
25/11 Union
La Grande•
Albany NeWPOrt 39/25• 43/37 COrValhS
Wallowa • PendletOn 19/6 • Enterprisq u 29/i 6 • Meacham • 22/8
• Hermiston30/19
Governmentx CamP 26/38h
• Tfe B Biggs /ggs ~ . D all e s 30/ic & thrlington
/ 22
HillsboroPOrt and ~~ 8 36'22 • 3 7/2 • Sa n dy 37/25
Seasidee 43/37 •ecannon Beach Tigamook•
Mostly clear.
• ++tp .9+++
* *
* * *
* *
xt + +
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......60/38/0 00...42I20/s.. 42/21ls GrandRapids....57/43/0.03..30/20/pc. 27/20/sn RapidCity........11/6/002....16/2/c .. 19/11/c Savannah.......81/59/000 ..79/59/pc.. 77/56/s Akron ..........60/49/000...58/27/r..34/24/c Green Bay.......45/28/0 00..23/1I/pc.20/10/pc Reno............27/6/000..28/10/pc. 32/14/pc Seattle..........37/25/000...39/30/c. 41/34/pc Albany..........43/36/000...52/41/c. 45/26/pc Greensboro......64/46/000...74/56/c. 63/44/sh Richmoud.......54/48/0.00...74/57/c. 61/41/sh SiouxFags........l7/6/0.00....15/4/c..18/6/pc Albuquerque.....32/13/000...33/6/pc.. 31/7/pc Harusburg.......49/39/000...60/47/c..49/33/rs RochesterNY....58/43/000..57/35/sh .. 35/26/s Spokane....... 44/11/trace...23/13/c.. 27/19/c Anchorage......34/26/000 ..47/37/sh...40/25/r Hartford CT.....43/35/0 05... 50/43/c. 53/30/sh Sacramento......48/30/0.00... 51/29/s .. 53/32/s Springfield, MO ..55/30/0.48.. 30/13/pc. 32/17/pc Atlanta.........76/61/000...72/53/c...60/51/r Helena........... 6/8/0 00...15/2/sn. 20/15/sn St. Louis.........58/39/008..30/16/pc.. 30/18/s Tampa..........83/67/000...81/62/s.. 82/61/s Atlantic City.....50/45/0.00...55/51/c. 56/38/sh Honolulu........80/68/0.00...80/67/s...78/65/r Salt Lake City.....20/8/006...16/3/sn .. 15/5/pc Tucson..........47/25/000 ..45/25/pc.. 44/26/s Austin..........75/66/002 ..47/30/pc.43/29/pc Houston ........75/64/0 01 ..53/41/sh. 48/36/pc SanAntonio.....74/67/000 ..51/32/pc. 47/31lpc Tulsa...........61/29/031...35/I5/s .. 35/18/s Baltimore .......57/42/0.0061/51/dr. .. 54/40/sh Huntsville.......72/65/0.01... 65/38/t. 48/37/sh SanDiego.......56/42/0.00... 56/34/s.. 56/39/s Washington,DC.51/43/0.00 .. 67/53/dr. 53/40/sh Bigings..........13/4/0.02....18/3/c. 21/11/sn Indianapolis.....64/46/0.39 .. 38/21/is .. 31/20/s SanFrancisco....4908/000... 51/36/s.. 50/40/s Wichita.........41/26/000 .. 32/12/pc.33/18/pc Birmingham.....73/66/0.03... 68/43/t. 48/39/sh Jackson, MS.... 78/68/0.02. 63/38/t. 42/33/sh SanJose........50I32/000... 51/30/s .. 52/34/s Yakima.........36/17/000... 26/15/c. 30/21/pc Bismarck..........6/2/001 .. 6/12/pc...5/ 5/pc Jacksonvile......81/56/0 00... 80/60/s.. 78I5is SantaFe.........27/2/0.00... 22I7/pc.. 23/5/pc Yuma...........56/37/0.00... 53/34/s.. 53/36/s Boise............23/5/000.... 22/4/c .. 24/9/pc Juneau..........33/30/0 03 ..39/37lsh...44/38/r INTERNATIONAL Boston......... 44/37/001 ...53/47/c.55/35/sh KansasC/ty......54/24/0.00..29/14/pc. 32/17/pc Budgeport,CT....47/41/0.10...51/46/c. 52/34/sh Lansing.........58/49/0.00 .. 34/20/rs..28/19/sf Amsterdam......37/28/000 29/22/pc 29I25/sf Mecra..........84/64/000 81/68/pc.. 88I72/c Buffalo.........59/45/000 ..57/31/sh .. 31/26/s Las Vegas.......42/28/0 00..41/27/pc. 42I29/pc Athens..........62/56/0.00.. 54/46/pc.58/50/pc MexicoCity......75/48/0.00.. 74/45/pc.. 73/46/s Burliagton,VT....45/39/000..50/37/sh.. 41/24/s Lexington.......63/55/026...60/31/r..39/27/rs Auckland........79/66/000 ..74/60/pc. 73/59/sh Montreal........41/27/002... 47/45/r..37/19/sf Caribou,ME.....32/25/000 ..41/35/sh. 37/15/sh Lincoln..........26/16/000...24/7/pc. 29/14/pc Baghdad........50/32/0.00 .. 56/41/pc.. 58/43/s Moscow.........12/0/0.01...14/9/pc .. 21/10/c Charleston SC...81/57/000 ..77/58/pc. 76/57/pc Little Rock.......74/57/1 34...46/26lt. 40/26/pc Bangkok........93/77/001 ..93/68/pc. 92/72/pc Nairobi.........79/61/000... 77/56/s .. 77/57/s Charlotte........73/48/000...73/58/c...68/50/r LosAngeles......57/44/0 00...61l40ls .. 62/42/s Beiyng...........30/9/000 ..37/I8/pc .. 41/21/c Nassau.........77/70/001 ..76/67/pc. 75/69/pc Chattanooga.....72/62/012...70/41/r. 51/38/pc Louisville........68/59/000... 56/29/r .. 38/26/s Beirut..........63/50/000...57/52/s .. 58/52/s New Delh/.......75/45/000... 77/56/s .. 74/54/s Cheyenne........ 7/2/000... I2/4/0 .. 18/3/pc Madison Wl.....48/26/000...22/9/pc. 23/11/pc Berlin...........32/25/000 ..27/22/pc .. 28/24/c Osaka..........48/30/000 ..49737/sh.45/36/sh Chicago.........53/34/000 ..28/20/pc. 29/22/pc Memphis....... 73/64/0 26 46/27/t. 40/28/pc Bogota.........66/43/0.00... 64/54/t...66/54lt Oslo.............16/0/0.00...17/I 1ls .. 18/1/pc Cincinnati.......66/39/0.00... 59/27/r .. 37/26/s Miami..........82/72/0.00... 79/70/s .. 80I70/s Budapest........32/23/001 ..26/25/sn.33/29/sn Ottawa.........45/20/007...47/36/r.31/16/pc Cleveland.......61/50/000... 55/29/r.. 33/27/s Milwaukee......52/32/001 ..24/15/pc. 24/18/pc BuenosAires.....86/73/000 ..93/70/pc. 91/70/pc Paris............43/36/002...3I26/c.32/28/pc ColoradoSpnngs ..18/6/0.00....19/I/c... 23/6/c Mruneapol/s......40/8/0.00...11/7/pc... 13/7lc CaboSanLucas ..70/59/0.00... 70/50/s .. 72/59/s Rio deJaneiro....81/72/0.00... 85/71/t...90/71/t Columbia,MO...57/30/008... 26/12/s. 29/17/pc Nashvige........70/64/0.93... 59/34/r. 44/31/pc Cairo...........66I52/0.00 .. 66/50/s .. 68/50/s Rome...........55/34/0.00... 56/53/r. 53/46/sh Columbia,SC....82/57/000...77/59/c...76/55/r NewOrleans.....78/68/000... 75/53/t. 59/44/sh Calgaiy..........19/3/0.00...16/8/pc. 32/30/sn Santiago........82/63/0.00... 83/63/s .. 84/63/5 Columbus, GA...77/58/000...73/58/c...65/52/r New York.......47/42/0 00...54/48lc. 54/36/shCancun.........82/73/000 ..83/75/pc. 83/74/sh SaoPaulo.......68/61/000... 75/64/t...77/63/t ColumbusOH....64/49/000...59728/r..35/27lc Newark,Nl......49/43/003...54/47/c. 54/35/sh Dublin..........4504/003 .. 37/35/sh.41/34/sh Sapporo ........28/28/000 .. 25/13/sf .. 24/12/c Concord,NH.....39/32/003...49738lc. 50/25/sh Norfolk VA......58/46/000..73/55/pc. 62/44/sh Edinburgh.......39/28/000 ..35/31/pc. 35/32/pc Seoul...........39/19/000... 33/17/c. 33/20/pc CorpusChristi....81/71/000..59/42/sh.49/39/pc OklahomaCity...56/30/000...35/19/s. 37/19/pc Geneva.........41/27/000 ..35/27/pc..28/I7/sf Shangha/........52/32/000 .. 44/35/sh. 47/37/pc DallasFtWorth...66/39/009...44/27/s .. 44/23/s Omaha.........30/18/0 00...23/7/pc. 29/15/pc Harare..........79/64/059... 75/62/t...73/61/t Singapore.......88/79/003... 88/78/t...85/77/t Dayton .........63/51/0.00...56/24/r. 34/25/pc Orlando.........83/57/0.00...84/61/s.. 82/62/s HongKong......64/57/0.00...67/52/s. 68/57/pc Stockholm.......25/21/0.00..21/16/pc. 22/15/pc Denver.........10/12/000....19/2/c... 22/0/c PalmSprings.....55/37/000...50/33/s .. 48I36/s Istanbul.........52/39/096...42/36/c ..50/45/c Sydney..........88/70/000... 84/63/t. 75/63/pc Des Moines......53/21/000..22/10/pc. 27/14/pc Peoria..........52/31/0 00 ..26/I3/pc .. 27/I 5/s Jerusalem.......47/37/000...48/43/5 .. 52/44/s Taipei...........66/63/000 ..70754/sh. 57/52/sh Detroit..........59/40/0.00.. 44/25/rs.. 30/23/s Philadelphia.....53/43/0.00...59/50/c. 56/37/shJohannesburg....74/56/0.00... 77/60/t...82/62/t Tel Aviv.........61/41/0.00... 63/50/s .. 65/50/s Duluth..........39/11/002...12/1/pc .. 11/2/pc Phoeuix.........53/31/0 00 ..48/30/pc .. 48/30/s Lima...........81/70/000 .. 78/66/pc. 79/66/pc Tokyo...........48/34/000..50/36/sh. 44/36/sh El Paso..........53/28/000 ..41/28/pc. 43/24/pc Pittsburgh.......61/48/000... 62/35/r. 35/29/pc Lisbon..........59/48/000 58/48/sh 56/46/pc Toronto.........57/41/002... 48/32/r. 28/17/pc Fairbanks.........20/7/000 ..21/10/sn .. 32/4/sn Portland, ME.....42/33/002... 50/40/c. 49/29/sh London.........41I34/013...37/31/c. 34/27/sn Vancouver.......36/25/000...35/29/c.. 34/30/c Fargo............11/2/001 .. 3/12/pc..2/10/pc Providence......45/39/005...52/44/c. 53/29/sh Madrid .........54/39/000..45/33/sh.. 44/31/c Vienna..........32/21/007..32/27/sn. 33/28/sn Flagstaff........ 21/9/000...21/2/pc .. 20/4/pc Raleigh.........71/49/000...76/57/c...67/46/r Manila..........81/75/1.87..86/73/pc...86/73/t Warsaw.........28/18/007...24/14/c.. 23I20/c
Washington Federal. invested here.
I II I I I I , S
"Together, we create opportunities that strengthen
neighborhoods and the lives of those we serve." Roy Whitehead Chairman, President K CEO, Washington Federal
Helping our neighbors. Thank you for the patronage you've given to South Valley Bank & Trust, now a division of Washington Federal. We're pleased to announce Washington Federal is making an investment of $250 million in Oregon communities over the next five years. For nearl y a century,w e've taken a common-sense approach to banking that helps neighborhoods flourish. We believe in mutual gain, where our success leads to the community's success. We're pleased to announce the following gifts in Klamath Falls, Medford,Crants Pass and Bend to kick off2013: • $2,500 to RotaryFirst Harvest
• $2,500 to Family Resource Center
• $5,000 to Klamath Falls Gospel Mission
• $2,500 to Habitat for Humanity
• $5,000 to Volunteers in Medicine
• $5,000 to Access Food Bank
• $5,000 to Food Bank of Josephine County
A division of
Washington Federal. invested here.
®FDIC southvall
Travel, C3-7 Puzzles, C6
Get to knowebooks, e-readers
= sax astatlilcat
the free weeklyevents,
For The Bulletin x
SEATTLE — Pioneer Square, the oldest neighborhood in the Northwest's largest city, is a quirky place, which perhaps is why it's so suited to the D J subculture. Young men and women,
„, gf4'I'
learn how to usetheir .x
e-books andaudiobooks offered bythelibrary.
Bellatazza is located at 869 N.W. Wall St.,
who by day may be com-
ttitt (
Ghamber tohost annual '50s gala The Crooked River
Ranch-Terrebonne Chamber of Commerce
will host a "Back to the '50su gala at 6 p.m. on Jan. 26. The annual event will be held at the Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall in Redmond, and will
Ax+ '
include a buffet dinner,
1950s attire to take part in the costume contests. Prizes also will be
By John Gottberg Anderson
allowing attendees to experiment with the
dancing, '50s music and live entertainment. Guests are encouraged to dress up in
catul ulggg
ac sg a7c't d"
eBooks.u A variety of e-readers will be on hand at each of
a silent auction, a raffle,
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"Know Coffee, Know
Contact: www.
erdag i ~
in downtown Bend for
ci arw u snsagut u"
'i 4' x,
on hand at Bellatazza
devices to download
ri =g
Each Wednesday
bring along their own tablets and e-readers to
, x',
between1:30 and 2:30 p.m., a librarian from Bend Public Library is
devices. Peoplecanalso
'. e1
A subterranean sign marks the location of the old Northern Hotel, where an Underground Tour guide said a charlatan couple once ran a scam to cure mildly poisoned patrons after first making them ill. Seattle was rebuilt on top of its original downtown after a great 1889 fire.
puter specialists or office assistants, at night are at home behind the turntables in the lounges and nightclubs that thrive in this downtown district. From Trinity to Contour and over to the Last Supper Club, you can expect to see them any night of the week, half-hidden beneath headphones as they lay down progressive-trance mixes and ambient-house tracks for a mostly twenty-something crowd looking for good electronicdance music. At all of these clubs, there is a sense of the past despite the newness of the techno melodies playing within. Trinity, for instance, faces Yesler Way, Seattle's original "Skid Road," and stands next door to the Merchants
Next week: Oregon bed-and-breakfast inns Cafe, Seattle's oldest continually operating restaurant, in business since 1890. Indeed, this is a neighborhood where the very new overlays the historic. The Last Supper Club and Contour are within a few blocks in opposite directions, but both sit atop a labyrinthine network of underground passageways that have played a significant role in Seattle lore almost since the city was founded. This is not forgotten history. Although Seattle may be best known for such 20th-century entrepreneurships as Boeing aircraft, Microsoft software, Starbucks coffee and Amazon. com — not to mention its iconic Space Needle — the city is keenly cognizant of its sometimes seedy past. What's more, it is not shy about sharing many of those stories with visitors. See Pioneer /C4
awarded for twist, limbo
A likeness of Chief Sealth, after whom the city of Seattle was named, stands in Pioneer Place flanked by signs written in his native Suquamish language. Sealth was respected by settlers for his warmth and wisdom, having welcomed the Caucasian arrivals to this site in 1852.
~P ' ePla
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Puget Sound
Pioneer Spoare
Ferry Terminals
es rWa
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Centur Link Field I
9 Pertlan OREGON
Royal Brougha W
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
j . 'i,l
and hula hoop contests. Tickets are $25 and
must be purchased by Thursday.
Contact: www. or 541923-2679.
Free tax help is available
The United Way of
Central Oregonand the Partnership to End Poverty are offering free
tax preparation services to low- and moderateincome arearesidents from Feb. 2 to April15 as part of their Take Credit Volunteer Income Tax
Assistance program. Tax preparation services are being offered
i ~I,, rl (~
.i I.
by VITA and the AARP's
TaxAide program at the following places and
times atarting Feb. 2:
• Bend (downtown): Wednesdays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.and weekends from noon to 5 p.m. at the Downtown Bend Public Library. Call 541-389-6507 to schedule an appointment.
• Bend (east side): Mondays through Fridays from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Bend Senior Center. Call 541-7066234 to schedule an
appointment. • La Pine:Mondays and Thursdays from 9a.m. to 4 p.m. at the
Pentecostal Church of God. Call 541-536-6237
to schedule anappointment. • Prineville:Saturdays from 9 a.m. to 4
p.m. at the Central Oregon Intergovernmental Council's office. Call 541-447-3260 to schedule an appointment.
• Redmond:Mondays and Wednesdays from 4to 7p.m. at Lynch Elementary School. Call 541-389-6507 to schedule an appointment.
• Warm Springs: Thursdays andFridays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Family Resource Center. Call 541-5533148 to schedule an
appointment. For more information about the tax preparation services, visit www. — From staff reports
Photos hy John Gottherg Andersoni For The Bulletin
Richardsonian Romanesque was the style of architecture preferred when Seattle rebuilt following a devastating 1889 fire. That style is reflected in buildings at the southwest corner of First Avenue and Yesler Way, on the strip acknowledged as the original "Skid Row."
"Martin Luther King Jr. believed that when you give back to the community, you strengthen it." — Natasha Smith, Americorps/VISTA intern who is running the Day of Service project
Volunteer opportunities abound for day of service By Mac McLean The Bulletin
More than a dozen opportunities await Central Oregon residents who want to
spend an upcoming day off giving back to their commu-
nity by helping local organizations with a variety of projects as part of Volunteer Connect's fourth annual Martin Luther King Jr. Day of Service on Jan. 21. "Martin Luther King Jr. believed that when you give back to the community, you strengthen it," said Natasha Smith, an Americorpsl VISTA intern who is run-
ning the Day of Service project for Volunteer Connect. Volunteer groups across the country are hosting similar events, she added. Smith said about 300 people showed up to Volunteer Connect's lastday ofservice and she expects a similar crowd for this year's event. Volunteers will work on their projects from 9 a.m. to noon then gather for a luncheon held in the city — Bend, La Pine, Madras, Prineville or Sisters — where they work that will feature a reflective look at Martin Luther King Jr., his legacy and the value
of doingservice to one's community.
"Hopefully some people
will come back and continue to volunteer throughout the year," Smith said. The projects, some of which have age restrictions, available for the Day of Service event include: • Clearing the clutter: Volunteers ln Action Of Central
Vaientin e's Day becomes an enti re weekend at
Pronghorn. Join us for a Pri x F ixe d i n n e r i n C hanterelle, available February ?4-t 7 , and make it extra special by staying overnight. Extended stays and Romance Packages are available.
Oregon is hoping to send teams of volunteers who are willing to spend an hour helping senior citizens and disabled adults clean their homes. See Service/C3
P RO N G H O R N A n A ub erge R esort
GSGoo Pronghorn Club Dr.
I 5 4 , t- 6 93-5300 I ww
Reservations Required. Please call 54t —693 — 5$00.
FormsforengagementweddinganniversaryorbirthdayannouncementsareavaiiabieatThesugetin iyyys w c h a ndterAve.,send orby emailing Forms andphotos must be submitted within one month of the celebration. Contact: 541-383-0358.
Traveling with kids: Small-town charm perfect for families
Malnes —Haynes Chelsea Malnes, of Meridian, Idaho, and David Haynes, o f K e n n ewick, Wash., plan to marry July 13 at T r i n it y L u t heran Church in Bend. The future bride is the daughter of Dave and Lori Malnes, of Meridian. She is a 2009 graduate of Idaho Virtual Academy and a 2012 graduate of Concordia University in Portland, where she studied psychology. She is currently study-
By Lynn O'Rourke Hayes The Dallas Morning News
Small towns offer charm, history and an opportunity for adventure.Here are five communities that offer special experiences of interest to families. 1. Princeton, N.J. This college town is home to more prize-winners than any other community — as in Pulitzers,Nobels and Medals of Honor. The leafy enclave offers miles of bike paths, canals for paddling and festivals for
ing nursing. The future groom is the son of Chuck and Danna Haynes, of Bend. He is a2008 graduate of Summit High School and a 2012 graduate of Concordia University, where he studied secondary
Martha (Jennings) and Tom Lewis
Lewis Tom and Martha (Jennings) Lewis, of Redmond, celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary Jan. 12. The couple were married
Jan. 12, 1968, in Centralia, Mo. They have two children, one is deceased; and one grandchild. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis both retired in May, 2010. They have lived in Central
education with a math endorsement. He is a middle school teacher at Bethlehem Lutheran School in Kennewick.
Oregon for 22 years.
KadieDuncan,aboy,QuintynEvan James Duncan, 5 pounds, 6 ounces, Dec.1. Benjamin and Rebecca Steeley, twins, girls, Madison AlexaSteeley, 4 pounds, 14 ounces, andHannahAriel Steeley, 6 pounds, Dec.24. Garrett Faulhaber andShantel Bies, a girl, Paisley Marie Faulhaber, 6 pounds, 8 ounces, Dec.26. Thomas Hamilton and Melissa Sulli van,aboy,TannerThomas Hamilton, 7 pounds,15 ounces,Dec. 30. Brad and Kindra Hakala, a girl, Magnoli aEmeHakala,7 pounds,13 ounces, Dec. 30. Michael and Michella Borden, aboy, Travis Dean Borden, 7 pounds, 2 ounces, Dec. 25. Garrett Wales andSamantha Groves, a girl, Austin JeanWales, 6 pounds, 11 ounces, Dec. 27.
Aaron and AmyGasiorowski, a boy, David Aaron Gasiorowski, 7 pounds, 15 ounces, Dec. 18. Glenn Whiz Jr, and Lucille Polk, a boy, Glenn MaxWhiz III, 3 pounds, 8 ounces, Dec. 28. Owen Allbritton and Deedra Springer, a girl, Kamryn Elizabeth Allbritton, 7 pounds, 11 ounces, Dec. 28. Caleb and Ellie Anderson, a boy, John Kevin Anderson, 8 pounds, 9 ounces, Dec. 26. JohnandElizabethSimak,aboy, William Davis Simak, 7 pounds,15 ounces, Dec. 25. Delivered
Broadway pro-
Square and visit t he f r e e E i n stein M u s eum
Morgans —O'Neal W hitney M o rgans a n d Robert O'Neal, both of Bend, plan to marry June 22 in Sisters. T he future bride is t h e daughter ofTom and Marie Morgans, of Bend. She is a 2007 graduate of Mountain V iew High School and i s studying medical adminis-
at St. Charles Redmond
Roberland GoldenCannon, agirl, Lilly Maxine Cannon, 6 pounds, 6 ounces, Dec. 27. Tyler Wright and Trista Williams, a boy, Brodie MasonWright, 8 pounds, 15 ounces, Dec. 21.
bre" — my man. (Pronunciation: deep and forceful, with rolled r, as in a Western.) "My daughter goes to a Spanishimmersion school," Cordeiro explained. "When she started kindergarten, I started asking the Spanish-speaking parents how to introduce Seb. Everybody kept saying, 'mi esposo, mi esposo.' I kept saying that was wrong and started saying, 'mi hombre,' and it stuck." Anne Tierney, 32, a bodyworker in West Palm Beach, F la., went f o r "fusband," which, she explains, is a catchall for "fake husband, future husband." (Tierney's fusband,
For many POSSLQs,being
Brendan Bannon New / York Times News Seryice
Joan Linder, right, and Paul Vanouse, have been together for seven years and have two children together, but choose to remain unmarried. Ozzy, calls Tierney "wifey.") Technically the two are engaged, but Tierney said: "The word fiance makes me cringe. What am I, in France'?" The engagement process, a ccording t o T i e rney, w as also a bit of a debacle: "I was sitting on the ground. Ozzy was standing up. Little Ozzy" — their baby, now a toddler
"was crying." Big Ozzy
gave Tierney a necklace. She said she thought, "Why is this
cue." The CBS commentator Charles Osgood had his way with the acronym, publishing a poem riffing John Donne's "The Bait." You live with me, and I with you, And yo u wi l l b e my
POSSLQ. I'll be your friend and so much more; That's what a POSSLQ is
How, at the dawn of 2013, can the POSSLQ remain a Then he gave her a diamond form of love that has a hard ring that, because they had time speaking its name'? Fornot planned on marrying, she ty-four percent of American assumed was fake. (It wasn't.) adults are unmarried. Seven The two have not set a wed- million Americans live with a ding date and probably never paramour who is not a spouse. wilL Tierney said: "If I ever get The median age of those marthe urge, maybe I'll drag him to rying for the first time is risa wedding shop and we'll take ing. The percentage of chila few pictures. If he could just dren born out of wedlock (an come and stare at me lovingly, atrocious term itself) is rising thatwould make me happy." as well. Demographers, tasked with In his book "The Marriagecounting the hombres, "mu- Go-Round," Andrew Cherlin, jeres" and their relationships a professor of sociology and to one another, are not doing public policy at Johns Hopkins much better than f u sband. University, details the dizzyUntil the 1970s, the American ing, perhaps even nauseating, faux spouse was too rare and American way of m arriage. taboo to even try to track. In We marry, unmarry and re1980, the U.S. Census Bureau marry again m ore q uickly made its first attempt at nam- than the citizens of any other ing these creatures in order to W estern nation. What t h i s count them. It really outdid it- means, Cherlin wrote, "is that self lexicographically: "person family life in the United States of opposite sex sharing living involves more transitions than quarters," abbreviated to POS- anywhere else." Transitions SLQ and pronounced "possle are the hard part. Little won-
guy giving me a necklace?"
unmarried is as much a psychological state as a legal one. Joan Linder, 42, an artist and associate professor of visual studies at the University at Buffalo, lives with the man she winkingly calls her baby daddy. They have been together for seven years, share a house and a mortgage, and have two kids. uWe behave a lot like a nuclear family," Linder said. But her baby daddy — Paul Vanouse, 45, also an artist and professor inher department — is definitely not her husband, nor does she want him to be. Being unmarried makes her feel good. Linder said, "It's the last stage of connection to rebellion, punk rock, countercultural — all those pieces of my youth." Vanouse feels the same. "If I'm trying to seem less weird, I'll call Joan my wife," he said. But he does not like the implication: that their relationship is sanctionedby the church or the state. "I would just as soon the state didn't know I existed," he said. "I feel the same about the heads of every religious organization." Recently Linder and Vanouse's older son — age 5 — came home and said, "Papa, you should call her wife!" "He seemed to know that w as k in d o f fu n n y," V a nouse said. "The way he said the word 'wife,' sounded so medieval." Sonja Lyubomirsky, profes-
the town's bright lights.
tration at University of Phoenix. She works as a medical assistant at Cascade Foot Clinic. The future groom is the son of Robert and K athy O'Neal, of Bend. He is a 2005 graduate of Mountain View High School. He is a corporal in the United States Marine Corps, where he specializes in security forces.
der many people want to stop the marriagecarousel and get off.
R esort of f e r s 2 ,400 acres o f natural wonderland for hiking rock c l i m bing, c ro s s - c o u n t ry sknng a n d snowshoeing. C ontact: g o; trapp
to learn more B ee c h e l ' about another of $ t p yye Ci.a fted
Whitney Morgans and Robert O'Neal
New York Times News Service
that partner sounds awful — too anodyne, empty,cold. Lover may be worse — too sexualized, graphic, one-dimensional. Boyfriend sounds too young. Significant other sounds too '80s. Special friend or just friend (both favored by the 65-and-older crowd) are just too ridiculous. Faced with such weak English-language options, Janna Cordeiro, 43, a nonprofit and public health consultant in San Francisco, settled on calling Sebastian Toomey, her mate of 23 years, "mi hom-
ily Lodge and
a walking tour, h l S f shop in Palmer S e a SCaPe S
By Elizabeth Weil
are good. Everyone agrees
p aj n t e d
d uctions. T a k e
co n t a c t : visitPrinceton. com; p r inceton t ourcom p a n y .
C abi n i n tpWn
fam i ly com
Each yea
com 2. AnnaPolis,
OLI tdppl' AI'ts
Md. Work up an appetite for the
thle cl'eat
5. Brunswick, Maine. Visit this smaII fishing vi lage where artists and writers h ave found i n spiration for de-
v i b e w i t h liVe
cade s. Winslow
the Bl'unSWiCk FeS ti Va/ StpkeS
region's famous crabs by kayaking, windsurfing
attoca anunmarrie s ouse? Now that we've come to some consensus on same-sex marriage, let's move on to the next puzzle: what to call two people who act as if they are married but are not. "I went through a phase of just calling him Eric, even to people who didn't know who that was," said th e m aster wordsmith Ann Kjellberg, 50, editor of the journal Little Star and the literary executor of the poet Joseph Brodsky. Eric Zerof spent 15 years as her livein not-spouse and is the father of Kjellberg's child. "I kept thinking, 'This should not be this hard! ' I was very unhappy about the situation. I could never find a word I liked." O ne might i m a gine w e would be l ess t ongue-tied. The faux spouse is a pretty ho-hum cultural specimen for such a gaping verbal lacuna. But none of the word choices
spending the day on a pris-
tine 16-mile stretch of protected beach. Contact: 252-928-6711; 4. Stowe, Vt. Phish Food or Chunky M o nkey? Dec ide during a taste test at Ben every s eason. Pjsjt thjs Sma// and Jerry's Ice The university's f j s h j n g Cream Factory e xtraord i n a r y in t h i s s c enic c ultural of f e r Whel e ar tlStS New E n g l and ings include an and Wnte t own. T ak e a a rt muse u m s led dog t o u r , best known for h aV e f p u find out how apits Chinese col- InSPII'atl0 n ple cider is made lection and an fp y de C ades or s t r ol l the impressive thefive-mile Stowe a ter known t o Recreation path. showcase pre- Hpmel' The Trapp Fam-
David Haynes and Chelsea Malnes
BIRTHS Delivered at St. Charles Bend
es, art galleries and colorful eateries before heading out for a kayak tour on the waters where buccaneers once battled. Feed the local herd of ponies, likely descendants of Spanish mustangs, before
Homer Painted his famous seaor sailing on the scapes nearby, Chesapeake Bay. a nd H ar r i e t History-rich AnBeecher Stowe napolis is home c rafted Un c l e to the U.S. Naval Academy Tom's Cabin in town. Each and offers charming res- year, the Brunswick Outtaurants, shops, museums, door Arts Festival stokes the lighthouses and the oppor- creative vibe with live thetunity to watch seaworthy ater,music and crafts. vessels slip out to the ocean. Enjoy riverside views from Contact: 1-888-302-2852; the paved Androscoggin cycle and Pedestrian Path 3. Ocracoke, N.C. Revel in en route to the 150-year-old the old-world charm of this Topsham Fair, where famsmall coastal village. You ily fun includes animal-pull can walk in the footsteps of events, crafts and harness Blackbeard the pirate, an racing. early resident of the area. Contact: 1-888-624-6345; Amble along c obblestone; to p s ham streets, past clapboard hous-
theateI; m us jC
Find It All Online TheBullelin Food, Home 8 Garden In
• < The151etin
Self Referrals Welcome
on Bend's t4feStSide.
Hear Center
sor of psychology at the University of California, Riverside, and author of "The Myths of Happiness," suspects couples like Linder and Vanouse are onto something. Adapting to a situation tends to decrease happiness, she said, and bucking social norms tends to slow the adaptation process. "This is just a speculation based on research," she told me, "but when you get married, there's less novelty and more conforming" — quicker adapting. "When you remain unmarried you keep a little bit of surprise."
QfPI Benll: February 16 cn euN ~
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By Ondine Cohane New York Times News Service
After four hours of strenuous hiking, we had only just reached the bottom of the Torres del Paine. You can see the three granite monoliths from seemingly a h u ndred miles away (and on just about every postcard of Patagonia), but the full magnitude of their facades was revealed only after the last turn on the mountainous trail. We sat down, panting, and looked across a glassy, marble-green lake at the summits, reaching more than 9,000 feet into the sky. Despite their size, being so near to them felt strangely intimate. Patagonia, t h e r ou g h ly 490,000-square-mile area at the southern end o f S outh America s h a red b e t w een Chile and Argentina, had been on my wish list for more than 20 years. Encompassing the southern reach of the Andes a nd stretching toward t h e Pacific and Atlantic Oceans, it contains windswept countryside, spectacular g l acial lakes and mountain ranges. I had first learned of it through Bruce Chatwin's "In Patagonia" (1977) in high school. His description of the "rags of silver cloudspinning across the
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Photos by Victor Ruiz Caballero/ New York Times News Service
The Singular Patagonia hotel in Puerto Natales is in a former meatpacking plant dating from1915. Shown here is the restaurant. Santiago. Then there's a fourhour flight to Punta Arenas
least27,000 acres of parkland. When we got there in early (unless you can splurge on a F ebruary, the park had r eprivate plane to Puerto Naopened, albeit with miles and tales), and then a four-hour miles of blackened scars. drive into Torres del Paine NaWe didn't go immediately tional Park until you get to the to the park. Our first stop was sky, and the sea of grey-green start of the trails. the Singular Patagonia hotel, thornscrub lying off in sweeps But the length of the jourabout an hour from the park's and rising in terraces and the ney actually f elt r o mantic. entrance, in a former meatwhite dust streaming off the Along the flat, straight road p acking plant d ating f r o m salt pans" drew me both to the from Punta Arenas we would 1915. The building sits next place and in no small way to go an hour w i thout seeing to the town of Puerto Natales, the profession of travel writing anything but sheep up to their and floor-to-ceiling windows itself. bellies in y e llow g r ass, or look out onto the Fjord of Last Then recently, the news that maybe a lone farmhouse or a Hope. A 10-year restoration Chile was trying to put togeth- single gaucho followed by a project brought f r ee-stander one of the most impressive pack of dogs. ing tubs and king-size beds and f ar-reaching n etworks Since Bruce Chatwin's days, to a building that still feels of private and public parks in the world has gotten much s omewhat stark, w it h l o n g the world made it even more smaller and m ore f amiliar, corridors that wind past masappealing. And last year two and yet Patagonia retains an sive iron relics of the indusluxury resorts opened on the anachronistic feeling of being trial age. Adding to the feelChilean side o f P a tagonia, truly far away. ing of end-of-the-worldness, a something that hadn't hapOf course, development has near-constant wind seems to pened in a decade. I knew the crept in, and the impact of whistle through the rooms as time had come. more visit ors than ever before waves crash along a wooden Patagonia is at the end of is evident, especially on the dock. the earth, and it feels like it more popular trails. It was in The pioneer settlers who — especially with a 2-year-old this park, just over a year ago, came here with their flocks in tow. First, we took an over- that a hiker started a devas- in the late 19th century faced night flight from Houston to tating wildfire that burned at winters that would cut them
off from the rest of the world for months at a time, and even now, despite heated floors and excellent food, the weather still rules. A birder had been blown off his feet that morning (luckily he wasn't hurt), and the high waves had prevented boats from taking tour groups to see the glacier. So we chose a horseback ride, a bracing and exhilarating expedition along the hills next to Lake Sofia, where the clouds seemed to chase the sun across the sky. Closer to the park entrance itself, the new Tierra Patagonia is one of the most arc hitecturally i n spiring a n d beautifully positioned resorts I have seen. The long, slender structure hugs the plain like a huge wing of timber and soaring glass. Beyond it, Lake S armiento shimmers in t h e distance with the looming Torres del Paine behind.
The lodge was designed so that all the windows look out onto a n e v er-changing vista; the light, cloud cover
and hues of the land appear different at every m oment. Through a great expanse of glass, the sun bathes the interior in natural light. At night a large fire roars in a fireplace at the center of the open public
the Rings" movies, this would have been a natural pick. The grazing areas were filled with herds of guanaco (llama-like
creatures), raging waterfalls
cascaded from cliffs and mountain ranges rose in the area. Sheepskin rugs and rug- distance. ged armchairsgive the place Our little group made its a slightly gaucho feel, and a way upward through the difhuge map with drawings of ferent microclimates. Mostly fjords and animals provides we were silent, concentrating a reference guide to the next on our steps, but occasionday's activities. ally we would chat. The fire One of the excursions we was on Felipe's mind. The decided on was not negotiable: fact that the hiker had not folthe climb to the base of Torres lowed park rulesseemed to del Paine. We left our son with irk him most. Invaluable real one of the friendly staff mem- estate had been blackened and bers (though seeing a woman charred, and although growth practically sprint up the same will return, the fire's effects trail with her own 2-year-old will continue for decades. strapped to her front would After the daylong hike, from later make me feel like a light- Tierra Patagonia's indoor pool weight). Then we set out with I watched the sun set behind Felipe, our local guide, along the three peaks that we had with two handsome brothers justseen up close. Rarely have from Texas. Ibeen in a place where nature On the drive to the hike's seemed so unspoiled.Despite starting point, I thought that the recent fire, I still felt that if New Zealand hadn't been there were few places on the the setting for "The Lord of planet so truly pristine.
4 71 2 5 8 6 3 9
6 89 3 7 4 5 1 2 5 32 9 6 1 7 4 8
7 436 2 9 8 5 1 I
NOTION S H R IMP TO P P LE F ONDLY B O R RO W C H ERUB He didn't order the lobster bisque becauseit was-
2 56 8 1 3 4 9 7 ! 1 9 8 7 4 5 3 2 6 :' , 8 25 1 3 7 9 6 4 I
9 6 4 5 8 2 1 7 3
3 17 4 9 6 2 8 5 !
F L O P A S K E E D T R E E S A L R S S 0 O P S F LO O T A L C T F B E N l C I T T E N A E A T A R M E D M A P L E N G E E L S A S I S S O E U U V C O W E D R E N A S N I E R A P E O PE T S A T O U L E D P L A O Z E S A L P H I S H R Y E
Tourists visit the Torres del Paine National Park, in the Chilean portion of Patagonia. The region offers national parks with hiking trails, glaciers and wildlife, and the local hotels offer the option to package lodging, food and expeditions.
Service Continued from C1 St. Vincent de Paul needs help cleaning the refrigerators and other equipment at its food bank and social services facility in Redmond; the Cen-
paint their facilities in La Pine and Bend. • Quilts and crafts: Volunteers with The Bloom Project can spend the morning collect-
ing, processing and arrang-
ing flowers into bouquets the organization gives to hospice tral Oregon Veterans Organiza- patients; After School Buddies tion is taking winter clothing needs help making quilts for donations for homeless veter- children at the KIDS Center of ans; the Prineville Habitat for Bend; the Bend Habitat for HuHumanity Restore is planning manity Restore needs creative a reorganization event that types to help it make home will feature making racks for decor piecesof out "cheap, old sinks; the administrators of stuff." Bend's KIDS Centerneed help • Spreading the word: The recycling their 2012 medical Environmental Centerof Bend charts so they can be ready for needs volunteers to hang postthe coming year. ers advertising its "Rethink • Building a n d pai n t i ng: Waste Project"; Healthy BeginSaving Grace, a group help- nings needs people in Bend, ing those who have suffered La Pine, Madras, Prineville, from family violence or sexual Redmond, Sisters, and Sunassault, is looking for some river to hand out f liers adpeople to help it tear down a vertising its children's health storage shed in Madras and screenings. donate its materials; Bend Area • Other opportunities: Bend' Habitat For Humanity needs Westside Village Middle School help building a house for one and the Brightside Animal Cenof its clients; the La Pine Com- ter in Redmond are both offermunity Kitchenand Grandma's ing arange ofvolunteer opporHouse need volunteersto help tunities they say are diverse
enough so that every person can find something to do that meets their ability levels. To learn more about these projects or sign up t o t a ke part in on e v i sit Volunteer
NM f
C onnect's website at w w w . or call their Bend office at 541-385-8977. — Reporter: 541-617-7816,
tral Oregen
January Educational Meeting SUICIDE PREVENTION: QPR Presenters: Deschutes County Suicide Prevention Task Force Members & Cheryl Emerson R Lisa Golden, QPR Specialists When: 7-9 PM, January 15, 2013 (3rd Tues) Where: St. Charles Medical Center-Bend 2500 Neff Rd. Conference Rm: "A" Suicide prevention is an important public health issue for ourcommunity. Please come and learn to recognize warning signs, how to offer hope and know how to get help.
Meeting is free and open to the public
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The dramatic Seattle Fallen Firefighters Memorial honors 37 individuals who have died while fighting fires in the city. Its lifesize bronze figures, which stand in Occidental Square facing Main Street, were created in 1998 by China-born, Seattle-educated sculptor Hai Ying Wu.
i I'I
Photos by John Gottberg Anderson / For The Bulletin
Figure totems of Tsonqua, the Chinook tribes' "wild woman of the woods," and fierce Bear confront each other at the north end of Occidental Square. The pedestrian plaza between Washington and Main streets is a popular public gathering place on sunny summer days.
Pioneer Continued from C1 Indeed, th e b e s t-known popular history o f S e attle, published in 1951 and still in print, was titled "Skid Road." Its author, the late Murray Morgan, said the name came from a road of wooden planks down w h ic h b u s inessman H enry Y esler w o ul d s l i de felled timber f ro m a creage atop First Hill to his sawmill beside Seattle's harbor. Skid Roadbecame the dividing line between those parts of Seattle where "respectable" families lived and the coarser n eighborhood of b a r s a n d brothels. The name evolved into "skid row" and came into common use nationally to describe urban districts that are home to men and women who may be down on their luck.
Pioneer Place Seattle's Skid Road today is Yesler Way, named in honor of that pioneer sawmill owner. It cuts right through the heart of the Pioneer Square neighborhood, i n t e rsecting James Street and crossing First Avenue just a couple of blocks east of Elliott Bay and the Washington State Ferries terminal. It was at about this place in April 1852 that a group of settlers, led by Arthur Denny, established a community after having w i ntered across the bay. Here they met Chief Sealth, leader of t h e l o cal Suquamish tribe, and a man whose warmth and wisdom they sorespected,they named their settlement in his honor. A bronze likeness of Sealth stands today in the center of Pioneer Place, a t r iangular, brick-cobbled plaza that is the main focal point of the Pioneer Square neighborhood. Nearby is a Tlingit Indian totem pole,
Expenses Gas, Bend to Seattle (round-
trip), 630 miles © $3.25/ gallon:$81.90
its orca whale fin rising above a thunderbird beak. An ornate Victorian p e rgola, e r ected in 1909 as a streetcar stop, restored in 1972 after it was damaged in a traffic accident, provides lavish shelter beneath wrought-iron ornamentation. The Pioneer Square neighborhood is much larger than Pioneer Place. It covers about 30 square blocks, mainly to the south. It embraces such Seattle landmarks as 35-story Smith Tower, which was the tallest building outside of New York when it was built in 1914; King Street Station, at which trains arrive from all over the country; an d C e n turyLink Field, home of the Seattle Seahawks football team. West are the commercial piers along Elliott Bay. North is the city's financial quarter. East is the International District, Seattle's Chinatown. South is SoDo, a warehouse district. On sunny days — granted, these are fewer i n S eattle than they are in Bend — pedestrians may congregate in Occidental Square, between Washington and Main streets south of Yesler Way. The ivycloaked Grand Central Build-
ing (1889), on the west side of the plaza, features a casual indoor mall with shops, galleries and r e staurants. On the south side of the plaza, an information kiosk has maps offering directions to Pioneer Square attractions. At the north end of OccidentalSquare are four totems carved b y C h i n ook a r t i st Duane Pasco for the 1974 Spokane world's fair, and subsequently relocated here. "Sun and Raven" and adjacent"Killer Whale" are traditional narrative poles, the former relating a Native American legend of Raven bringing light to the world. Nearby, figure poles of
Pioneer SquareHotel: $294.12 Lunch, J8 M Cafe:$20
Dinner, Marcela's:$29.25
Admission, Underground Tour: $16
Lodging (2 nights with breakfast), Best Western
Dinner, F.X. McRory's:$59.94 Total:$501.21
Tsonqua, the "wild woman of the woods," and Bear confront each other from opposite sides of a planting bed. No doubt the most dramatic piece of public art i n O ccidental Square is the Fallen Firefighters Memorial, facing Main Street. Created in 1998 by China-born, Seattle-educated sculptor Hai Ying Wu, its life-size bronze f igures honor 37 Seattle firefighters who died in the line of duty.
where the most open-minded of Seattle's founding fathers, David S. "Doc" Maynard, once had a store and pharmacythat I began my exploration of the city's underground. Seattle in 1890, you see, was built literally on top of the remains of the original downtown. The rooms and hallways, even the early sidewalks, were well-known to Prohibition-era b o o tleggers and black-market r etailers. But they had been largely forSeattle's underground gotten by 1964, when Seattle The Seattle Fire Depart- Times columnist Bill Speidel ment was founded in 1889. receiveda letter from a reader The timing was not coinciden- asking what he know about tal. On June 6 of that year, the the "underground." city of 31,000 was leveled by Speidel published the letter, a great fire. It started when a promised toresearch the subcabinet maker knocked over ject and get back to the reader. his glue pot, and it r o ared Soon thereafter, he invited her through 29 city blocks, turning the wooden, frontier-style business district, every railroad depot and all but four wharves to ashes. But Seattle rebuilt with astonishing speed, f o llowing new building codes that requiredthe use of brick, stone and iron rather than wood. Scores of new buildings lent a unity of appearance throughout the district, as more than 50 of t hem w ere designed and built by architect Elmer Fisher in the Richardsonian Romanesque style popular in the 1870s and 1880s. The huge number of new construction r jobs helped the city's population grow to more than 40,000 •
people by 1890. One of the best examples of the new architecture was Fisher's P i oneer B u i l ding, voted the "finest building west of Chicago" by the American Institute of Architects in 1892. And it was here — on the site
A discarded sign from a mission for the homeless is one of many "sights" on the Seattle Underground Tour. The rooms and corridors, well-known to Prohibition-era bootleggers and black-market retailers, were rescued by preservationists but remain largely in a state of disrepair. to meet him in Pioneer Square to join him on a subterranean tour. Not only did she show up; 500 other readers were there as well. Speidel collected $1 from each, and set out on the first tour of the Seattle Underground. This came at atime when Pioneer Square was largely in a
state of disrepair, its buildings threatened with being demolished and, hopefully, rebuilt. H aving d iscovered a n e w world underground, Speidel used hisinfluence as a newspaper columnist to mobilize public support for preserving the district's history.
Continued next page
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'Fares basedonPromo(s) RHtt ttt thirdlfourlh offer basedonsharing astateroom with1st and 2nd guests, arevalid on select sslngs, andare basedonPromoZ3. Govemment Fees&Taxes applytoall srdl4th offers Alaska Cruise tt CNiseTourfree hotel offer based onPromo HT(Yt Ys Dt Ds DS Ds) double occupancyandapptcable onlyto verandah suites PSSSon msAmsterdam ms Statendam msZaandamand ms Volendam.PSSY onmsCosterdam and msZederdam Canada &NewEngland free hotel offer basedon PromoHT double cccupancy andapptcable onlyto verandahsutes PS SCon msVeendam Reduced hotel offer e for selectAsia, South Amencaand Transatlants crunes andapplicable lo all stateroomcategores GovemmentFeestt Taxesare included n all hoteloffers.All offers aresuhect to avatabttycapaoty controlled, andmaybemodified or withdrawnwithout prer notice. Other restnctens mayapply. HollandAmencsLinereserves the rightto reinstate the fuelsupplementforall guests at Upto $9per personperday should the price of light sweetcrudeoil according tothe NYMEX(NewYork Mercantile Exchange Index) increase aboveS70per barrelOÃ13 Holland America LineShips' Registry The NetherlanCk
• The Alliance for Pioneer Square. 310 First Ave. S., Suite 238, Seattle; 206-667-0687,
• F X. McRory's. 419 Occidental Ave. S., Seattle; 206-6234800, Lunch and dinner. Moderate to • Seattle's Convention and Visitors Bureau. 701 Pike St., Suite 800, Seattle; 206-4615800,
LODGING • Alexis Hotel. 1007 First Ave., Seattle; 206-6244844, 866-356-8894, www. Rates from $245 • Best Western Plus Pioneer Square Hotel. 77 Yesler Way, Seattle; 206-3401234, 800-800-5514, www. Rates from $129 • Hotel 1000. 1000 First Ave., Seattle; 206-9571000, 877-315-1088, www. Rates
from $229 • Silver Cloud Hotel Stadium. 1046 First Ave. S., Seattle; 206-204-9800, seattlestadium. Rates from
expensive • J&M Cafe and Cardroom. 201 First Ave. S., Seattle; 206467-2666, www.jmcafeseattle. com. Lunch and dinner. Budget
• Marcela's Creole Cookery. 106 James St., Seattle; 206-223-0042, www. Lunch and dinner. Moderate • Merchants Cafe and Saloon. 109 Yesler Way, Seattle. 206-467-5070, www.
merchantsc ATTRACTIONS • Bill Speidel's Underground
y mo.
for two years.
Tour. 608 First Aveu Seattle; 206-682-4646, www.
Cir • Klondike Gold Rush National
Historical Park. 319Second Ave. S., Seattle; 206-2204240, • Smith Tower. 506 Second Ave., Seattle; 206-622-3131. Observation deck open to public on 35th floor. : .541.312.7219
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Goo reasons to visit Pa m S rin s ri t now By George Hobica
u. I
Photos by John Gottberg Anderson/ For The Bulletin
Waterfall Garden Park is an urban oasis, built on the original 1907 site of the company which later became United Parcel Service. Located at Second Avenue South and Main Street, its thundering manmade waterfall drowns out the noises of traffic and street shouts.
From previous page Dozens of the original buildings have now been restored. And B il l S p eidel's Underground Tour, now offered several times a day year-round, has become one of Seattle's most popular tourist attractions. Although Speidel died in 1988, his daughter, Julie Spiedel, a noted sculptor, continues to be involved in the tour company as a part-owner.
Resorts for every taste shkir cl
14 Ae As
Scandalous past I have previously enjoyed the 75-minute daytime tour. On my most recent trip to Seattle, I plunged beneath the city streets after dark on what promoters call their Underworld Tour: "Lust! Sin! Sex! Debauchery! A historic guided tour of Seattle's infamous old red-light district." A group of about 30 of us gathered in Doc M aynard's in the Pioneer Building. This was appropriate, as Speidel,
More sophisticated than V egas, more l a i d b a c k than Los Angeles — and in winter, more r eliably sunny and warm than either one — Palm Springs is one of those places that looks awfully good to an awful lot of people at this time of year. Not that the weather is its only calling card. This vintage resort town has been sashaying its way back into the spotlight of late, with a new generation of entrepreneurs and vacationers rediscovering th e i c onic town. The industry is paying attention, too: Virgin America launched a weekly flight from New York, on Saturdays through next spring — and perhaps beyond. Here's why to go now — and what to do, once you getthere.
A tourist studies an interpretive sign at the visitor center of Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, housed in an1890 hotel building. Seattle cashed in on the1897 gold rush — as a supply center for 30,000 miners headed north to Canada's Yukon Territory.
and frock-coat set to indulge in good drink, lively politiin a biography, dubbed May- cal discussions and, upstairs, nard "the man who invented ribald pleasures — all free to Seattle." government representatives, " Maynard had arrived in Se- S peidel wrote i n h i s b o ok attle in 1852, at the age of 44, "Sons of the Profits." and — unlike the conservative "More city b usiness was t eetotaler Arthur D enny transacted at Lou's than at understood that the commu- City Hall," Speidel wrote. The nity had a "bachelor problem." building today is the WashAs a result, he notonly served ington Court Building at 221 as the town's physician and S. Washington St. justice of the peace; he helped Rod described major probto establish a proper brothel, lems with sewage and rats believing sexual favors to be that beset the Seattle Underessential to the success of a ground before it s c l eanup. frontier town. There was no evidence of eiOur evening guide, who ther on our walk. But while went by the name of Rod, was some areas had been restored well-versed in t h e s u bject, forstorage or event use, most and his descriptive language had fallen rocks, beams of might have offended gentler wood and abandoned toilets. sensibilities than those of tour Subterranean Seattle is not participants. He led us up and a place to explore without a down several staircases — be- flashlight and a guide. neath the M erchants Cafe, beneath the nearly-as-dated Klondike gold J8M Cardroom and Central One more major 19th-cenTavern, two other circa-1890 tury event contributed to the bars — and past the original growth of downtown Seattle: entrances to erstwhile busi- the Klondike gold rush. nesses, such as the Northern In July 1897, the steamer Hotel, where he said a charla- "Portland" arrived in Seattle tan couple once ran a scam to carrying 68 miners who had cure mildly poisoned patrons made their fortune in g old after first making them ill. — two tons of gold from Can"This was an open zone, a ada's Yukon Territory. For a place where, truly, anything n ation recovering from a n goes," Rod said. "But one of economic depression that had our most important early citi- begun in 1893, this was excitzens was the owner of a parlor ing news. Seattle became the house — that is, a high-class supply center and jumping-off brothel." point for 30,000 miners who The madame was named traveled by sea from Seattle Lou Graham, he said. By the to Skagway, then by land over time she arrived in Seattle in steep Chilkoot Pass or White 1888, Maynard had passed Pass to the gold fields. away, although hi s w i d ow Klondike Gold Rush Nawas a leading local citizen. tional Historical Park today With public support, Graham recalls that rough-and-ready established a house at Third era with exhibits on two floors Avenue South and Washing- of the restored 1890 Cadillac ton Street, "a discreet estab- Hotel building, about halfway lishment for the silk top-hat between Pioneer Place and
CenturyLink Field. The displays made clear the cost and difficulty of the journey. As in most gold rushes, few participants actually succeeded in earning fortunes. But some made out very well. An example was 26-yearold John Nordstrom, a Swedish immigrant who had settled in Seattle. He invested in a claim, sold it for the substantial sum of $13,000, then returned to Seattle and went into the shoe business with a partner. The original Wallin 8 Nordstrom shop, opened in 1901, evolved into the Nordstrom retail empire that is now well-known nationwide. O ne block n orth o f t h e Klondike visitor center, Waterfall Garden Park (Second and Main streets) is a surprising oasis in the heart of the busy urban environment. Built on the original 1907 site of the American Messenger Co., which later became United Parcel Service (UPS), its thundering manmade waterfall drowns out the noises of traffic and street shouts I can imagine that Pioneer Square's DJs occasionally escape to the resonance of the waterfall when they need a break from the techno beats reverberating through their headsets. For all the history here, there's nothing like a little nature to bring you back to center.
I magine the l obby o f New York's hipper-thanyou Ace Hotel on any given evening, except that you're by a pool, in the sunshine and the crowd i s b etter looking. That sums up the scene-and-a-half a t the Palm Springs Ace Hotel 8r Swim Club, breathing new life into a defunct Howard Johnson's. The vibe may be all fun, but it's also plenty
grown up: There's yoga by the pool, good food at the King's Highway — the nicely updated motor lodge coffee shop space — and a small spa. The only thing you can't count on here, at least on busy weekends, is a
ton of sleep ( But if you'd like something more restful, and m u ch more luxurious, I vote for the historic Willows Inn, f ormerly the home of a well-connected millionaire. Stay where Einstein and Clark Gable were guests. The eight rooms are all different, and the abundant breakfast a n d ev e n ing snacks, included in your room rate, might be all you need to keep fed during your stay. Palm Springs has long been a retreat for gay men, and the classy Hacienda resort(free breakfast and lunch, a pillow menu,
lands,their25,000-square-foot Mid-Mod palace, tucked inside 200 private acres over in Rancho Mirage. Nixon? Check. Reagan? Check. Gorby? You bet. Who wasn't here, reallyto the point that Sunnylands became known as the Camp David of the West Coast. This year, the house and its intensely pretty gardens opened to the public for tours, which cost $35 and should be booked in advance. Learn more at sunny
House caII Philanthropists of note Walter and Leonore Annenberg used to welcome a Who's Who of Very Important People up to Sunny-
A Mid-Century wonderland
Palm Springs and Mid-Century Modernism fit together like a glove — a fitted, very fashionable v i ntage g l ove, purchased from a h i gh-end consignment shop. Each February (this year, it's the 14th through the 24th), the city celebrates its style with Palm Springs Modernism W eek, which means house tours, walking tours, parties, exhibYes way, Jose its, lectures — did we menWhen the Iron Chef-win- tion parties? Check it out at ning Jose Garces — Philadel- If phians will be endlessly famil- you're not visiting during this iar with his work — landed in event, take a fascinating tour Palm Springs this past winter, of the city's midcentury treawe, like all of Palm Springs, sures with PSModernTours (ps definitely sat up and paid at- A 150-mintention, watching as the local ute exploration costs $75 per culinary scene got quite the person and for many is a highjumpstart. Opening not one, light of their trip. Be sure to but two restaurants at the new reservewell in advance. In adSaguaro hotel, Garces is bring- dition, the Palm Springs Hising both Spanish (at Tinto) and torical Society offers weekly Mexican (El Jefe) small plates walking t o urs ( p shistorical to a crowd starved for more of downtown. sophisticated dining options. El Jefe's fun Taco Tuesdays• I I i $2 tacos,$5 margaritas — are a hit with locals and visitors I t . t t
alike (
Hiking From a multi-day adventure on the terrific and challenging Cactus to Clouds trail, to the relative walk-in-the-park vibe at pretty Palm Canyons Preserve, Palm Springs is an outdoor enthusiast's dream during th e c o oler m onths. Cheats can ride the famed Palm Springs Aerial Tramway, which ascends two and a half miles up Mt. San Jacinto, stopping at 8,516 feet above sea level to give visitors some time to get intimate with the sometimes heavy snows that cover the peak at this time
of year ( A short drive away, the Joshua Tree National Park offers other scenic hiking possibilities,
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THA T SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jelf Knurah
Unscramble these six Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form six ordinary words.
so that every row, column and3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
You need a eelad. Your doctol told ycu to
The bisque 4ouitda Sooii, but$24 is way too much.
02013 TnbuneMedia Senices, Ino As Ri hts Reserved
watch youl
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Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
Courtesy Georgia Department of Economic Development
A three-dimensional panorama realistically depicts the 1864 Battle of Atlanta with life-sized characters, music, narration, and paintings at the Atlanta Cyclorama and Museum.
Louie's darkest hour By FRANK STEWART Tribune MediaServices OJ
his K-5 at Trick 12, South finessed with his nine and won the 13th trick with the ace.
Unlucky Louie came into the club
lounge from his penny game with his eyes glazed. "I just missed tying an all-time record," Louie croaked to me. "Look at this hand I held." Louie grabbed a napkin and wrote down today's North hand. "Look at that. My pip total was 47. The worst possible hand has 41." "That's a bad hand, even for you," I nodded. t Did your opponents bid and make a slam, or was it darkest before dawn?" Louie's partner opened one spade and bid clubs next. Since East's 1NT had promised some values, West promptly doubled tw o c l ubs, and when L o ui e t o o k a tw o - s pade preference,East hammered that. West led the king of hearts, and Louie put down his dummy looking like one of C uster's lieutenants at Little Bi g H o r n . E ast an d W e st greeted dummy w i t h h i l arity, but when West continued with a second heart (not best), South ruffed and led the king of clubs to West's ace. South won West's diamond shift with the
"Making three," Louie said. "We were plus 870."
By Mary Ann Anderson McCfatchy-Tribune News Service
" I d o n' t k no w w h a t y o u w e r e worried about," I said. "You should h ave given thanks for your six of
South dealer Both sides vulnerable
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last club. W h e n W es t f o l l o wed, dummy threw another diamond. West shifted to his eight of trumps: deuce,ten,queen. South then ruffed a diamond, ruffed a heart and ruffed a diamond. East overruffed with t he
1 4b 24 AII Pass
jack, but when he led a trump from
(C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Opening lead — (MiK
LOS ANGELESTIMES SUNDAY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris nad Joyce Nichols LeWIS "EDrroRIAUZATGitr' 93 Increase By GAIL 94 Lettersseen GRABOWSKI near an 8 ACROSS I Primary
5 Laysanegg 10 Paiiofapot 14 On the level 19 Start of an afterthought
20 out of whack 21 Agreement 22 Hoi 23 Snow-laden spltlce?
25 Nobleinaheman contest? 27 Throw with effort
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HAZLEHURST, Ga. — Atlanta. June 1936. A few patches of the horse-and-buggy Old South remained as the once slow-moving city first named Terminus and then Maithasville began emerging into the glass-towered mega-metropolis that it is today. But during that summer, a big book titled "Gone With the Wind" was published by a little lady named Margaret Mitchell — she stood just under 5 feet tall — and perhaps for one of the first times the Civil War was told from a woman's perspective. Three years later in 1939, the silver-screen version of the book heated up movie theaters with scenes such as the burning of A tlanta and the smooching between Scarlett O'Hara and her rascally beau, Rhett Butler. Even today, plenty of Southerners have never really considered the book or the movie as fiction. Some would even call it, in the Southern lexicon, the gospel truth. But no matter if it's partly fact or mostly fiction, today you can follow the recently d esignated Gone W it h t h e Wind Trail through Georgia on a voyage to discover the
Courtesy of Georgia Department of Economic Development
Oakland Cemetery, Margaret Mitchell's final resting place since her untimely death in1949, is as much garden as it is graveyard with elaborate funerary art and architecture. More than 70,000 are buried here on almost 50 acres.
Ifyou go For detailed information about the Gone With the Wind Trail, visit www. or call 404-814-4032.
Near Marietta is Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park that pays homage to the tumultuous 1864 battle where the Rebelstemporarilystopped the Yankees' advancement toward Atlanta. The park is a history, legacy, and legend peaceful place for a hike and behind the Pulitzer Prize-win- is most beautiful in the spring ning novel and complex life of and fall. Leave your metal deits author. tector at home, though, as relic From Kennesaw and Marihunting is strictly forbidden. etta north of Atlanta and then The trail follows on to Atto the heart of the city and lanta, where th e M a rgaret finally south t o J o nesboro, Mitchell House 8 Museum is home of the fictional Tara, the cocooned by the towering skytrail identifies an established line of the city. Mitchell lived route of key sites connected to here, at the time the Crescent "Gone With the Wind." A partments, with he r h u s"The lure of Southern belles, band, John Marsh, while she dashing gentlemen, and anwrote the novel. She named tebellum architecture act as a the tiny apartment that they magnet to countless numbers called home "the dump," but of national and international today it is listed the National tourists each year," says The- Register of Historic Places and resa Jenkins, executive direc- operated by the Atlanta Histor of th e M arietta Visitors tory Center. Bureau. She describes the Also downtown is the AtGone With the Wind Trail as a lanta-Fulton County P u blic "unique tourism asset" exclu- Library, which has one of the sive to Georgia. most e xtensive c o llections The Gone With the Wind of M i t chell's p h otographs, Museum in Marietta is a per- books and personal items in sonal favorite stop on the trail. existence, in total about 1,500 Located inan 1875 former cot- pieces, including her 1937 Puton warehouse, the museum litzer Prize andthe Remington is a veritable circus of memo- typewriter she used to pound rabilia from the private collec- out the book. tion of Dr. Christopher SulliNot far away is Oakland van of Akron, Ohio. Cemetery, Mitchell's final restAmong the items, the piece ing place. As much a garden as d'resistance is th e o r i ginal it is graveyard with elaborate Bengaline honeymoon gown funerary art and architecture, worn by Vivian Leigh and one more than 70,000 also rest of only eight original costumes here alongside her and golf still known to exist. It is, says legend Bobby Jones, Atlanta's Connie Sutherland, director of first black mayor M aynard the museum, "the most talked- Jackson, and about 3,000 Conabout item" in the collection. federate dead in u n marked
Other in-town stops are the Atlanta History Center, which has one of the largest Civil War exhibitions in the nation, and the Atlanta Cyclorama and Museum. From personal experience, 1 must say the Cyclorama is jaw-dropping with its three-dimensional panorama that realistically depicts the 1864 Battle of Atlanta with life-sized characters, music, narration, and painting that by itself weighs more than five tons. As much as everyone wants to believe that Tara, the O'Hara p lantation that f i g ured s o prominently in the storyline, was real, the grand home existed only Mitchell's imagination. But you can visit Stately Oaks Plantation in Jonesboro to get a sense of what living in the antebellum South was all about. Built in 1839, the home is open for tours with costumed docents. Also vi s i t Jon e sboro's Road to Tara Museum, which also has an e xtensive and quite impressive collection of memorabilia. Although all the attractions are open year 'round, frankly, my dear, one of the best times to hit the trail is spring, when all of Georgia is awash in pink, fuchsia, and lavender blossoms of azaleas, wisteria, dogwoods, magnolias, and
peaches. Whether you consider yourself a MWindie w — a dyed-inthe-wool, always faithful fan of anything "Gone With the Wind" — or if y ou've only once seen the movie or read the book, you'll appreciate the efforts to keep the memory of Georgia's most beloved story alive. Don't expect to see the trail all in one day, though. Take your time. Because as Scarlett O'Hara herself reminds us, "After all, tomorrow is another
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The Margaret Mitchell House & Museum, where Mitchell wrote "Gone With the Wind" and which she called "the dump," is shadowed by downtown Atlanta's sky-
scrapers. 125
©2013 Tribune Media Services, inc.
Courtesy Georgia Department of Economic Development
aineso eso ere owroom, uie By Bill Pennington
If yougo
New York Times News Service
It was the quiet that was WHERE TOSTAY alarming, a stillness that alAlmost every resort has most bred unease. The ride up nearby lodging, and the the lift had been an exercise major areas like Sunday in solitude, and now, skiing River and Sugarloaf have my way down the mountain, the largest slopeside I came to a stop, enveloped by hotels. Sunday River has noiselessness. a busier, more centrally loH ad I w a ndered off t h e cated Grand Summit Hotel designated trail? Was I out of and a quieter more distant bounds'? Where then to turn one, the Jordan GrandHonext? tel (207-824-3000; My friends who ski sively in the Western mounLodging0ptions.html). tains of North America like There are also hundreds of to regale me with stories of condominiumstochoose off-piste backcountry experifrom with Sunday River ences during which they lose winter vacation packages track of time and place. The that include room, lift tickaccounts always end with a ets and lessons, ranging boast that there is nowhere in from $89 to $185 per the Eastern part of the contiperson. nent where such isolation and Sugarloaf has similar serenity can be found. offerings, if fewer total And yet here I was. Not, rooms than Sunday River, in fact, out of bounds or lost, with package prices that just alone on a distant patch range from $69 to $159per o f Sugarloaf M o untain i n person. northern Maine, knee-deep in If being on the mountain snow with a hundred choices is not essential, there are through the trees to consider. Photos by Michael Appletch / New York Times NewsService usually less expensive The silence was a surprise Sugarloaf Mountain in Carrabassett Valley, Maine, is underpopulated and overlooked, which is a draw for some skiers. choices in the nearby vilI happily got used to. It was lages, like the charming the subdued, inaudible callCountry Club Inn (207-864ing card of Maine's vast, uner general manager, said. "Go 3831; countryclubinn spoiled w i nter p l ayground. there and walk around, in the lake Was this a rare,once-in-aact with the locals. They'll entown of Rangeley about lifetime experience'? Hardly. tertain you." 10 miles from Saddleback. I've been skiing in Maine for First tracks Winter rates for two that innearly four decades. It is one clude a full breakfast start of the best-kept secrets in Here is one last example at $143. snow country. I of how skiing in Maine is difQL t It is hard to explain why ferent from maybe anywhere WHERE TOEAT I 'I. Maine is not more crowded else in the East, or across the Near Sunday River, in with skiers and snowboardcountry, for that matter. At the village of Bethel, Cho ers in the winter. The state has resorts nationwide, getting Sun (207-824-7370; some of the biggest mountains access to the mountain just not L and most r eliable snowfall after dawn before anyone has only has fresh sushi aswell in New England. Sugarloaf cruised through the powder or as Japaneseand Korean is the largest ski area in the the freshly groomed snow is a entrees priced from $18 eastern United States and has skier's dream. It is called first to $25, its dining room is »'. the East's only Western-style, tracks, and at many ski areas filled with authentic Korean above-the-tree-line snowfield it is a privilege for which skiand Asian antiques and skiing. ers or riders pay extra. artwork. Another M a i n e r e s o r t, At Saddleback, the people Also in Bethel village is Sunday River, has eight interwho run it instead decided to the Sudbury lnn (207-824connected peaks with eight make first tracks an oppor2174;, d istinct terrain p a rk s a n d tunity to ski with the resort's which serves fine dining trail systems, creating a three- Skiers make their way up and down the mountain at Sugarloaf, the largest ski area in the eastern U.S. m anagement o n Su n d a y in an upstairs restaurant mile-long network of choices mornings. It is open to anyand has aseparate menu that make it the East's third one with a regular lift ticket. in the popular bar downlargest ski area. (Killington in Bode Miller. The trails here, shire, Canada and the Atlantic see other places, other states. "People ask questions or just stairs. Entrees are$18-$25 Vermont is second.) some left natural and fluffy Ocean. To the right was Sun- And I had fun elsewhere, but enjoy the scene," said Chris upstairs (lobster is market And yet, except for devot- while others are steep and day River's Oz Peak, a delight- I found myself coming back Farmer, the Saddleback genpriced), while in the downed in-state residents — and manicured,serve as a training ful choice for expert skiers here. It's less crowded and eral manager. stairs Suds Pub there are some wandering Bostonians ground for the U.S. ski team. because ofits steep, narrow more about the skiing. I like On a powder day — in 2010 $9 burgers and awealth of — Maine's ski areas are unWith a recent655-acre ex- double-black-diamond trails: that it's not about bright lights there were two storms that other choices up to a$21 derpopulated and overlooked. pansion of backcountry-style Tin Woodsman, Emerald City and distractions. The focus is each hung over Saddleback fully loaded pizza. Sugarloaf, for example, has 154 g lades, Sugarloaf ha s s u r- and Ruby Palace. on the mountain." for four days and dumped sevNear Sugarloaf, the Rack trails and draws about 350,000 passed Killington in size. It It was just after a restful Remoteness may be a call- eral feet of snow — there will BBQ (207-237-2211, skiers and snowboarders a does not, however, have Killlunch, and I wasn't feeling like ing card for the M aine ski be 100 people awaiting is afavoryear. Sunday River, with 132 ington's mile-long access road the Wizard of Oz just yet. So I scene but it does not necessar- er forthe 7:30 first tracks deite gathering spot just off the trails, draws about 525,000. filled with bars and clubs. The headed instead to the left, tak- ily mean primitive. At Sunday parture. Most days, it is more mountain. Entrees top out Killington, meanwhile, with lodge is not stylish, and the ing in the long, wide Excalibur River, for instance, there are like 30 people. at about $24. The featured 140 trails, ha s h i storically choices at the cafeteria are trail. two major on-mountain hoBut there is always a hardy choice is in-house, roasted drawn around 750,000. limited. It was a perfect warm-up to tels, about 700 condominiums crew regardless. What would ribs. A half rack is $18.99. Part o f t h e e x p l anation None of which vexes Sug- the afternoon, an intermedi- for lodging and an expanding you expect at a mountain with for this is stubborn tradition. arloaf's fanatically indepen- ate blue-square cruiser that set of dining choices in the 2,000 feet of vertical drop and New Yorkers and those from dent following, proudly called started gently and picked up lodges, including a K o rean 12 top-to-bottom, black and New Jersey routinely flock L oafers. They k n o w t h e i r the pace with tightly spaced and Japanese restaurant with double-black diamond trails, Find Your Dream Home to Vermont, with a few thou- place is not fo r everybody. m ounds that gave the t r i p a sushi and noodle bar, Cho part of the famed Casablanca sand peeling off to the AdThat is exactly what keeps down the feel of a roller coast- Sun. glades and chutes? " One Sunday morning it irondack M ountains. L o ng them coming back. er.That raised the blood presBut there is not an abun"There is a sense that our Islanders go to the Berkshire sure a bit. Especially when I dant, boisterous night l i f e. was 15 below zero at 7:30," TheButtetin Mountains in Massachusetts. mountain is both th e most skied it again at greater speed, There won't be anywhere to Farmer said. "I wondered how Those in southern New Eng- popular place and the most t urning t h e m o u nd s i n t o go for a 3 a.m. dessert. Aspen that might affect the t urnland, including a large swath unknown," said John Diller, jumps. it is not. What does set Maine out. I showed up at the lift, » t> of the Boston market, also Sugarloaf's general m anAfter a quick ride up the lift, winter resorts apart is their and there were still 15 people head to Vermont, or to New ager. "I know that might not the broad glade of Blind Am- general lack of traditional ski there. That's Maine skiing. Hampshire. make sense at first, but what bition beckoned next. At the base villages. As big as Sun- They didn't care." But Maine? Despite the fact it means is that we're never resort's westernmost edge, it day River is, it has not built an that seacoast-seeking tourists as crowded as the places in is perhaps 40 yards across all-inclusive village at its core. turn Route I into a parking lot southern Vermont. And peo- with comfortably spaced trees Instead, the resort encourfrom Camden to Kennebunk- ple love that." and saplings. You had to be ages people to wander into the port in the summer, the state In other words, Sugarloaf is alert and turn q uickly, but neighboring classic New Engis apparently deemed just too popular because it is not that with the right rhythm it was land village of Bethel. "It isn't all about skiing," far for skiers. popular. an entertaining tri p d o w n. HOME INTERIORS Maine has 17 Alpine areas Around the state there is a And then finally it was time Dana Bullen, the Sunday Riv70 SW Century Dc Suite145 Bend, OR 97702 t' 541 322 1337 and 18 Nordic ones spread similar dual — or duelingfor one of those pride-punishwww.ccmplementshome.ccm across a land mass that is sensibility: Come visit for all ing runs beneath the chairlift, more than three times the size we've got; come because few a trail aptly named iCaramba of any other New England know what we've got. — bumped up, testing and a state. And most notable, at bit hard underfoot, especially every turn there is an intrinsic Sunday River if you lost even a little edge Benefit for Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Oregon come-as-you-are vibe. On a visit to Sunday River grip. As C h ri s F a r mer, g e n- late last March — a mountain I All the while, there was the eral manager of Saddleback made regular tours of as a col- freedom to go or stop at my Featured Speaker Mountain, a large yet hidden lege student — I rode the Jor- own pace, alone and in unison Former NBA Laker gem in Maine's lakes region, dan Bowl quad at the resort's with the mountain. 8 Oregon State said: cOur trademark is that isolated west end by myself. Few distractions n obody will n o tice i f y o u r There was not another perBasketball Player "I started coming here when gear or your clothes are 20 son on the lift whom I could A.C. GREEN years old. Who cares'? It's not see. The trails beneath me ap- I was akid," said Doug Wilson, a fashion show up here." peared all but deserted. who makes the trip to Sunday At the top it was possible to River from his home in Acton, Authentic and unfussy take a panoramic,unhurried Mass., about 10 times a year. 5:30pm Cocktails Bc Silent Auction ) 7pm Five-Course Gourmet Dinner "As I got older, I wanted to Late last winter, knowing look across at New HampMaine still had snow in an Food and beverages donated by The Riverhouse with help otherwise dismal snow year from the Central Oregon Visitors Association for the East, I decided to reacquaint myself with the state's 100% of ticket price benefits Boys and Girls Clubs of Central Oregon winter gifts. I could not get to every one of the 17 Alpine areas, but I certainly wanted Tickets are limited! Contact Boys and Girls Clubs at 541.617.2877 to see the biggest mountains, and also to explore some of the lesser-known ones. Vke TT~ r (WL) I started with S ugarloaf, MaybelleClarkMacdon»l~d / deep in the Carrabassett ValHORIZON BROADCASTING GROUP
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in Real Estate
Monday, January 21, 2013
ley. Sugarloaf has managed to
Central Oregon
remain authentic and unfussy despite helping to groom the
inaugural Olympic gold medal winner in snowboard cross, Seth Wescott, as well as the Alpine Olympic gold medalist
; ; Bullwinkle's is an on-mountain restaurant at Sugarloaf.
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i mme esinviea er o s o s TV SPOTLIGHT
Kimmel off to strong start in new time slot
By Carla Rivera
LOS ANGELES — Jimmy Kimmel got off to a fine start in his new11:35 p.m. time slot on Tuesday. But it still wasn't good
Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES — Proving that academics at the highest level can have a sense of humor, campus leaders at Humboldt State have invited Jimmy Kimmel to speak at this year's commencement after a monologue in which the comedian skewered a campus center devoted to studying marijuana. During a "Jimmy Kimmel Live" episode that aired on Nov. 27, Kimmel joked about the Humboldt I nstitute for Interdisciplinary M a r i juana Research, saying that to get into the school "you have to fail a lot of very rigorous drug tests." The institute, Kimmel deadpans, plans lectures and research on how marijuana relates to economics, geography,
politics, psychology and sociology, but "they'll probably just end up playing Ultimate Frisbee." The three-minute segment also includes a mock promot ional video i n w h ich p r ospective students are invited to prepare themselvesfor a "low-pressure career in such exciting fields" as dog walking, snow board rental, pizza delivery, dressing up as Chewbacca, and "living in a van and selling f r iendship b r acelets and patchouli oil." The broadcast created a buzz that went viral on You-
enough to take thetop spot. Thatwent as usualto Jay Leno ofNBC's "TonightShow,"a diminished but still potent figure in the late-night wars who drew 3.3 million total viewers compared with 3.1 million for the11:35 premiere of ABC's "Jimmy Kimmel Live." In the past, "Kimmel" had aired at12:05 a.m., which put it at a competitive disadvantage with Leno and CBS' "Late Show With David Letterman." — Los Angeles Times
The Associated Press file photo
Jimmy Kimmel hosts the 64th Primetime Emmy Awards in September. Humboldt State University in California has invited Kimmel to deliver the school's commencement address after he joked about its marijuana research program. Tube and on social media sites. Humboldt County is known f or i t s ma r i j uana f a r m s that proliferate in the rural, densely-forested North Coast
region. Campus leaders took note and not to be outdone, invited Kimmel to address students at commencement c eremonies scheduled for May 18 or if his schedule doesn't permit, to visit the Arcata campus next fall for alecture or performance. "We thought some of your lines were actually pretty funny, as did many on campus," wrote college President Rollin C. Richmond and student government President Ellyn
Henderson, in a Dec. 17 letter to Kimmel. "However, like many students and alumni we also felt you shortchanged Humboldt State U n iversity, portraying all of our students as pot-obsessed slackers. That is not fair and this invitation offers you a chance to grow a little and make up for it." "Besides," the letter continues, "we figure you owe us. Humboldt State provided you with just over 3 minutes of pretty good material." The college has yet to receive a reply from the late night t alk-show host, said spokesman Jarad Petroske. "We figured we'd turn up
the fire by putting it out there this week not only to the campus but to local media to see if could get viral action going on a response," Petroske said. Petroske acknowledged that despite topics such as regulatory reform,Dutch drug policies and the impact of marijuana toxicants on forest wildlife, reaction to the institute has been less than sober. But the goal i s r i g orous scholarship and improving the
forlawmakers, health professionals, business and media. It began a speaker's series this falland conducts research on such issues as the impact of marijuana production on the local economy and the longterm effects on fetuses in utero or children early in life who are exposed to marijuana. K immel c o ul d n o t be reached for comment. A show spokeswoman said the comedian had just returned from dialogue of the public policy hiatus and may not have seen debate. the Humboldt State invite. "The important thing is that Kimmel has been outspothe institute continues to do ken in his views on marijuana, important work ... in all facets including remarks at a 2012 of ways marijuana is impact- White H o u s e C o r r esponing society," he said. "It may dents Dinner at which he told provide low-hanging fruit for President Barack Obama that comedians but this is serious "marijuana is something that work that needs to be done." real people care about." The institute, which began He is featured on the latest operation in April, doesn't of- cover of Rolling Stone under fer classes, training programs the headline, "Here's Jimmy! A or advocacy but acts as an Very Stoned Encounter With information cl e a r inghouse Late Night's New Contender."
te mot er ruins time wit a Dear Abby: My husband and I just got back from visiting my dad and stepmother in another state. We are the only ones in the family who don't live in close proximity, and we get to see him only once a year. Dad is elderly, and I know my time with him is limited. DEAR Apparently, h is marriage is in shambles and they are on the verge of divorce. He comes home only to sleep. The rest of the time he finds places to get away from her and her constant arguments. The time we were there was tense, unpleasant and, frankly, a waste of time and money. I wasn't able to spend more than five minutes with Daddy without my stepmother trying to pick a fight with him. My husband and I d ecided it was best to make excuses and fly home early. Now I don't know how I can see my father without my stepmother. Because he didn't tell me his marriage was on the rocks
spend time together without all the drama. My husband thinks it may cause more problems with his wife, but I don't know how else to avoid being in a war zone. Have you any suggestions or advice? I just want to spend time with him in the time he has left. — Daddy's Girl Down South Dear Daddy's Girl: Now that you have been in the "war zone," the cat is out of the bag. Because your stepmother was such a distraction you had no quality time with your father, consider staying elsewhere and having him spend time with you away from the house. Alternatively, if he's able to travel, offer to send him a ticket to visit you and your husband for a few days or a week without her. That's cheaper than plane fare for you and your husband to visit him. Dear Abby: My fiancee, "Tara," has a problem with social boundaries. She was home-schooled most of her education and missed out on a social life. Recently, a male friend of mine quit talking to both of us because of herbehavior. When Italked with
(I was told by my siblings), I'm not sure how to broach the subject of making alternate arrangements to meet him so we can talk and
HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORSUNDAY, JAN. 13, 2013:This yearyoufocus
on your financial, emotional and creative By Jacqueline Bigar assets. You might opt to pursue an innate talent and develop another moneymaking resource. Often, when you get upset, movies and relax. Let your mind wander. you will note Tonight: Your imagination takes the lead. Stars showthe kind a tendency to CANCER(JUNE21-JULY 22) of day you'll have ov erspend. Be ** * * * D ynamic careful. If you ** * D o notfeelso pressuredto respond instantly to the many people in your life. ** * * P ositive a r e single, you ** * A verage do n ot need to You coul d beexhausted byrecentevents ** S o-so impress a potential and need some time off. A loved one might try to energize you, which could result in a * Difficult significant other. Tonight:Make peace. This person needs spat. to knowthe real you in order for him or LEO (JULY23-AUG. 22) her to genuinely care about you. If you ** * * You could be overwhelmed by are attached, your significant other might everything that is going on with a partner. wishyouwould spend less.Makean You can't fight this person's battles, but effort to make this request a possibility. you can give him or her some supportive AQUARIUS tends to distract you. feedback. How you handle a personal ARIES (March 21-April 19) matter could change as a result of this ** * * Af r iendship could be in jeopardy. interaction. Tonight: Out for dinner. Stoppushing so hard whenyou and this VIRGO(AUG.23-SEPT.22) person are on different sides of an issue. a Get together with like-minded friends right ** * * Let yourself concede tokey person, whether it's when you're making now. Tonight: Where the crowds are. plans or working together to clear up a TAURUS (APRIL20-MAY 20) problem. Though you might not agreewith ** * You can deal with a difficult this person's ideas, you discover that there associate for only so long. You need to be is validity here. Tonight: A relaxing pastime. ableto state whenyou have had enough. LIBRA (SEPT.23-OCT. 22) Sometimes, by pulling back and saying ** * * * E mphasize having a fun time little, you can communicate your bottom line effectively. Tonight: Make a call to an with a loved one. Don't be surprised if this person gets giddy with excitement. older friend. Let your inner child out. Tonight: Avoid GEMINI (MAY 21-JUNE20) competitions. ** * * You can do only so much. SCORPIO (OCT.23-NOV. 21) Tend to an important matter involving a foreigner or a friend at a distance. A future ** * You might not be as upbeat as you have been in the past. Honor your trip could be in the works. Go off to the
him about it, he said Tara makes him uncomfortable. She doesn't understand where friendly joking stops and serious flirting starts. She gave him the impression she wanted to start an affair, so he walked away. Tara has been open and up front about everything. She doesn't lie. It's like she doesn't know any other way to interact with the opposite sex, and it's spooking me before our wedding. I don't want to have to be my fiancee's constant social monitor. What can I do to help her with this? Are there social classes for late bloomers? — Freaked-out Fiance fn Ohio Dear Freaked-out Fiance: I don't blame you for being "freaked out" because Tara's behavior must have been blatant for your f r iend to avoid both of you. My advice is to put your wedding on hold until you, a female relative (or two) whom Tara respects and will listen to, or acounselor is able to make her understand the boundaries of socially appropriate behavior. If you proceed as things are, the next letter I receive from you may be from "Freaked-Out Husband." — Write toDearAbbyatdearabbycom or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069
instincts, and follow through on what you deem important. A partner or roommate might not see eye to eye with you. Avoid an argument and respect your differences. Tonight: Stay close to home. SAGITTARIUS (NOV. 22-DEC. 21) ** * * * M ake a call. If someone is hostile, you might want to back off for now; on the other hand, ifyou knowthis person well, he or she might need to be pushed into making plans. Use caution. Tonight: Talk is cheap. CAPRICORN (DEC. 22- JAN. 19) ** * * You might decide not to worry so much about a recent expenditure. You simply are in the mood to indulge someone,and that"someone" easily could be you! Remain positive, even if you find yourself in a situation where you have little control. Tonight: Order in or go out for dinner. AQUARIUS (JAN. 20-FEB. 18) ** * * * Y ou beam under today's lunar rays. You could be a little too energized for some people, which will make them feel uncomfortable. Slow down enough to tune in to others' needs. Letyour generous and caring spirit emerge. Tonight: Take care of last-minute errands. PISCES (FEB. 19-MARCH 20) ** * * You could be a bit overindulgent as of late. You might feel some anger brewing within. If you do, center yourself and process it. Just becauseyou feel angry at someone, does not meanyou must tell this person. It is possible that you have a fragility that he or she hastriggered. Tonight: Get some extra R andR. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. l
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 II IMAX,680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • CIRQUEDU SOLEIL:WORLDS AWAY 3-0 (PG)11:40a.m. • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 10:50 a.m., 2:30, 6:35, 10:10 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) 1: I5, 4:20, 7:25, 10:10 • THE GUILTTRIP (PG-13) 1:05, 3:30, 6:15 • A HAUNTED HOUSE(R) 11:10a.m., 1:55, 4:40, 7:35, 10:10 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)2,6, 9:40 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY IMAX (PG-13) 10:45 a.m., 2:25, 6:25, 10:05 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) Noon,3:05, 6:25, 9:30 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 11:45 a.m.,1:45, 3:10, 6:20, 9:50 • LIFEOFPI(PG) I2:45 • LIFE OF Pl3-0 (PG)3:55, 6:55, 9:55 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:55 a.m., 3:20, 6:40, 9:55 • MONSTERS, INC. 3-0(Gj 11 a.m.,1:25 • NOT FADE AWAY(R) 9:20 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 12:55, 3:25, 6:05, 9:15 • SKYFALL (PG- I3) 3:40, 6:50, 10:05 • TEXAS CHAINSAW 3-0 (R) 1:35, 4:30, 7:15, 10:20 • THIS IS 40(R) 12:35, 3:45, 7:05, 10:15 • ZERODARK THIRTY (Rj10:55a.m.,2:20,6:35,7:45,10 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. '
TV TODAY t, "NFL Football" 10 a.m. on iD — Two more divisional round games goofftoday,the winners of which advance to the ConferenceChampionshipgames next weekend. In this early game, Russell Wilson and the surprising Seattle Seahawks pay avisit to Matt Ryan and NFC South champion Atlanta Falcons. Immediately following on CBS,Matt Schaub leads theAFC South champion Houston Texans into Foxboro, Mass., where TomBrady and the East winners, the NewEngland Patriots, await them.
3:30 p.m. onESPN2,"2013 Anstralian Open Tennis" — Thefirst Grand Slam event of the tennis year takes place at Melbourne Park as the world's best players vie in the Australian Open. On themen's side,NovakDjokovic looks for his third straight title, with Rafael Nadal, Roger Federer, Andy Murray and others trying to unseat him. On the women's side, Victoria Azarenka won her first slam in last year's Open. She'll tryto hold off top challengers including Maria Sharapova, Agnieszka Radwanska, Li Naand Petra Kvitova.
Sp.m.onH E3,"Tho70th AnnualGoldenGloboAwards" — "Saturday Night Live" alumnae Tina FeyandAmy Poehler host this year's gala, in which the Hollywood Foreign Press Association names its favorites in film and television. In the former category, "Lincoln" leads the pack with seven nominations, followed by "Argo" and "Django Unchained" with five each. Top television nominees include the HBO movie "GameChange" with five nods and the cable drama "Homeland" with four. 9 p.m. on E3, "TheGoodWife" — Carrie Preston returns as quirky lawyer Elsbeth Tascioni in this new episode. When Elsbeth is arrested, putting the case she was working on in jeopardy, Alicia, Will and Diane (Julianna Margulies, Josh Charles, Christine Baranskil come to her aid. 9 p.m. onHBO,"Girls" — Returning for its highly anticipated secondseason,the hitcomedy series continues to follow aspiring 20-something writer Hannah Horvath (Lena Dunhaml and her complicated web of NewYork friends and ex-friends. In Season 2, Hannah forges ahead in her career and begins seeing someone new, but her enthusiasm is tempered by the responsibility she feels for her now-ex, Adam(Adam Driver), convalescing after his accident in the Season1 finale. ©Zap2it
4' b m e
Bend Memorial Clinic i~
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E U.S.Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ARGO (R) 12:15, 3, 6 • HYDE PARK ONHUDSON(R) 1, 3:45, 6:15 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 12:45, 4 • PROMISEDLAND(R) 1: l5, 4:15, 7 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) Noon, 3:15, 6:45 I
for appointments
McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond Sl., 54I-330-8562 • ALEX CROSS (PG-I3) 6 • KILLING THEMSOFTLY(Rj 9 • WRECK-IT RALPH (PG)Noon, 3 • After 7 p.m., shows are 2f and older only. Younger than 2f may at tendscreeningsbefore 7pm.ifaccompanied bya legal guardian. l
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • CHASING ICE(PG-13) 4 • SAMSARA (PG-13) 8:30 I
I •
• •
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6:15, 9:30 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) 11:15a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • THE HOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTEDJOURNEY(PG-13) 11 a.m., 2:30, 6:05, 9:30 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 12:15, 3:15,6:I5, 9:15
Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) 1:15, 3:45, 6:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 1:45, 5:15 • LIFE OF PI(PG)2:15, 5:15 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 2, 5:30 rl
Madras Cinema 5,1101 S.W.U.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505
• GANGSTERSQUAD (R)2:IO,4:35,7 • THE GUILT TRIP (PG-13) 1:05, 3:10, 5:15, 7:20 • A HAUNTED HOUSE(R) 1:20, 3:15, 5:10, 7: IO • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-0 (PG-13) 12:50, 4:30, 8:10 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 1:50, 6:50 • PROMISED LAND(R) 4:30 •
Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) Noon, 3:20, 7 • LIFE OF PI(UPSTAIRS —PG) 1,4, 7: I5 • The upstairs screeninroom g haslimited accessibility.
Willq Willy is o wonderful boV looking For o home thnt mill Inst n liretirw. He is about 10 months old crnd is o Pit Bull Terrier mix. Sndly Willy wcrs brovght to HSCO os a stroy crnd wcrs never reclnimed. Willy is verV treot motivoted ond needs rurther trctining. Willy is verV plctyful with other dogs as well os respectrul of Felines he meets. If Vou hove o space in Vour heart ond Vour home For Willy, corwndopt him todoV!
HUMRNC SOCIETVOF CENTRRL OREGON/SPCR 61170 S.C.27th St. o HEND s ~H (541) 382-3537 Sponsored by:
Julie Pnlmer
Scoreboard, D2 Tennis, D2 Sports in brief, D3 College basketball, D3
Golf, D3 NFL, D4
Prep sports, D4, D5 NBA, D6
American wins downhill race ST. ANTON, Austria — Alice McKennis of the United States earned her first World Cup vic-
tory by winning a downhill Saturday. Bend's Laurenne Rosswas fifth, just ahead of fellow
American LindseyVonn, who was sixth after
returning from a nearly monthlong break. McKennis had never finished in the top three
Seahawks try to continue Falcons'playoff woes On TV 10 a.m.: NFC
divisional playoff, Seattle Seahawks at Atlanta Falcons, Fox. 1:30 p.m.:AFC divisional playoff,
Houston Texans at New England Patriots, CBS.
before coming down the Karl Schranz course in1 minute, 14.62 sec-
onds to beat Daniela Merighetti of Italy by 0.07.
"I am overwhelmed, extremely happy and
Inside • Ravens stun Broncos in overtime; 49ers knock off Packers,04
By Charles Odum
The Associated Press
ATLANTA — It's 2010 all over again for the Atlanta Falcons. Just like two seasons back, the Falcons finished 13-3 in the regular season. Once again, they have the top seed and home-field advantage in the NFC playoffs. This time, they vow they're mature enough to make the most of the opportunity. The Falcons will try to end their recent trend of f i rst-game postseason exits today when they play the streaking Seattle Seahawks in the divisional playoffs. The Falcons had a first-round bye last week while rookie quarterback Russell Wilson led Seattle to a 24-14 comeback win at the Washington Redskins.
The Seahawks (12-5) bring a six-game winning streak to Atlanta. Atlantahad never managed baCkto-back winning seasons before a new era began in 2008 with general manager Thomas Dimitroff, coach Mike Smith and quarterback Matt Ryan. The Falcons have five straight winning records and four playoff seasons, including three straight. So far, all the regular-season success has led only to postseason disappointment. Smith and Ryan are 0-3 in the postseason, including a home loss to Green Bay in 2010 and an ugly 24-2 loss at the Giants last year. See Seahawks/D4
Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson . ~
',I 5 'P ,
John Lok/The seattle Times viaTheAssociatedPress
.,i'l, .
, -" g
I /~
excited," McKennis said.
"It's definitely a dream come true." Anna Fenninger of
Austria was third, and overall World Cup leader
Tina Maze ofSlovenia finished fourth. Wearing bib No. 4, McKennis used the
advantage of anearly start on a course that
was softened by fresh snow during the past two days. "I felt pretty good and I felt I had nailed it, but it's hard running so ear-
ly as you don't know," McKennis said. "It was pretty nerve-racking waiting for the next
hour. I was just freaking
Bend's Brooke Kelley skis down the course on the Cliffhanger run at Mt. Bachelor during the Oregon School Ski Association giant slalom raceon Saturday. Kelley was the top girls' finisher in the race.
Panthers take tite at Bend
pt,. Joe Kline / The Bulletin
out the whole time." Vonn, the defending
overall champion who returned to the circuit
Bulletin staff report Seven Redmond High wrestlers finished atop their respective weight classes and Chance Lindquist was named the outstanding wrestler between 106 and 145 pounds as the Panthers wrapped up a first-place finish at the 13-team Bend High Invitational with 395'/t points Saturday night. Brandon Short (126
after recovering from an intestinal illness, was 0.34 behind, while her
American teammate Ross was fifth, 0.32 off the lead.
"I am extremely happy for our whole team, Alice winning today, and
Laurenne," Vonnsaid. "The strength of our whole team has been fun to watch. It makes
me happyto be partof such a great group of girls. The successwe're having this year is pretty
pounds), Ty George (132), John Hickey (D8), Lindquist (145), Sarek Shields (152), Sumner
Saulsbury (220) and
A women's super-G on the samecourse is
Jacob Breitling (285) all
scheduled for today. — The Associated Press
• The LavaBears' boysand girls start their state title defenseswith wins at Mt. Bachelor Bulletin staff report MOUNT BACHELOR — Showing little drop-off from last year's state championBend's Laurenne Ross finished in fifth place in Saturday's World Cup race.
and Kiki Nakamura-Koyama (2:05.41) day for the Redmond High girls.
went 1-2-3 in the girls giant slalom combined standings to lead Bend to a domiships, Bend High's boys and girls each nating team victory over runner-up Sumwon the first Oregon School Ski Associa- mit and third-place Lakeview. The Lava tion alpine qualifying races of the season Bear girls posted a team time of 6:11.40, Saturday on Mt. Bachelor ski area's Cliff- easily besting the Storm (6:56.81) and the hanger run. Honkers (7:13.07). Jojo Bond paced SumLava Bear skiers Brooke Kelley (2 min- mit with a sixth-place finish and Jesse utes, 1.8 seconds), Elinor Wilson (2:04.19) Stevens finished seventh to highlight the
"The girls have that competitive camaraderie," Bend coach Greg Timm said about his team. "It's a positive.... It makes your teammate better and it makes you better." Shelby Cutter (2:09.67) and Lucia Charlton (2:10.02) added fourth- and fifth-place finishes for the Bears. See Skiing/D5
won their brackets to help Redmond edge out runner-up Mountain View, which finished with 342 points. Stayton placed third with 207 points, Burns was fourth with 203 points, and the host Lava Bears rounded out the top five with 165 points. Zach Howe and J.T. Ayers registered Mountain View's victories, taking the 106- and 113-pound brackets, respectively, while Bend was paced by Justin Vinton's second-place showing at 145
pounds. SeeWrestling/D5
Lockout officially over, campsopen MEN'S COLLEGE BASKETBALL
NEW YORK — NHL hockey is finally back, and this time it's official.
Nearly one weekafter a tentative labor deal
was agreed to by the league and its players, the sides agreed to a required memorandum of understanding (MOU) on Saturday night that truly makes the lockout a thing of the past. Training camps will
open today, and a48game regular season will begin next Saturday. The signing of the MOU
also paved thewayfor the NHL to release the long-awaited revised
schedule. Twenty-six of the 30 teams will play next Saturday. All games will be intraconference this
season. No preseason games will be played in the
seven days before the regular season gets under way. — The Associated Press
For Ducksand Devils, freshman Lakers' Bryant now
guards are onpoint this season dea s with mediocrity By Bob Clark
The Register-Guard
It is supposed to be a
struggle for freshmen playing point guard in the Pac-12. The performances of Oregon's Dominic Artis and Arizona State's Jahii Carson would argue differently. The two freshmen will be matched up tonight at Matthew Knight Arena as
the Ducks (13-2, 2-0) and the Sun Devils (14-2, 3-0) attempt to carry on with their early success. Is there any doubt that Artis and Carson have been major factors in that success? Artis is averaging 10.1 points and 3.6 assists for Oregon, playing an aver-
By Benjamin Hoffman
New York Times News Service
Arizona State at Oregon • When:Today, 6 p.m. • TV:Pac-12 Network
Inside • Oregon State falls to No. 4 Arizona, 80-70,03
age of 27 minutes. Carson has more of a role for the Sun Devils, leading them in scoring at 16.9 points and averaging 5.3 assists while playing 36.1 minutes per game, the highest total in the Pac-12 and the third-highest total among the nation's freshmen. SeeDucks /D6
Chns Pietsch / The Assoaated Press
Oregon's Dominic Artis drives to the hoop during Thursday's victory over No. 4 Arizona. Artis, a freshman, is averaging 10 points per game for the Ducks.
Ibert Camus once u wrote, "There is carcely any passion without struggle." Anyone who has watched Kobe Bryant play basketball might beg to differ. A success at every level, Bryant has had little experience with struggling on the court, but he has always had passion to spare. This season he is experiencing something new: losing despite giving his best effort. Any basketball career that includes time in the NBA could be considered charmed, but Bryant's has stood out as blessed. The Charles Barkleys of the
world struggled their entire careers to get an NBA championship ring, but Bryant secured one in his fourth season. Whtle others struggled with learning to exploit NBA defenses and finding a system that suited them, Bryant scored 30,000 points at a younger age than anyone else. Bryant's on-court success was immediate. As a 15-year-old freshman on the varsity basketball team at Lower Merion High School in suburban Philadelphia, he got an early look at a winning team, with the Aces finishing the year at 20-5
(.800 winning percentage). SeeLakers/D6
TODAY BOXING 3 a.m.:Johan Perez vs. Steve Forbes (taped), Root Sports. GOLF 4 a.m.:European Tour/ Sunshine Tour, Volvo Golf
Champions, final round, Golf Channel.
4 p.m.:PGATour, Sony Open, final round, Golf Channel.
BASKETBALL 8:30a.m.:W omen'scollege, Tennessee at Florida, ESPNU.
ON DECK Tuesday Boys bask etball: Redmond at Bend,7 p.m.; Ridgeview at CrookCounty, 7 p.m.; NorthMarion at Madras, 7p.m.; Sistersat SweetHome, 5:45 p.m.;CottageGroveat LaPine,5:45p.mzCulverat WesternMennonite, 6:30p.m.; Summit at Mountain View,7p.m. Girls basketball: Bendat Redmond, 7p.m.; Mountain View at Summit, 7 p.m.; CrookCounty at Ridgeview,7 p.m.; NorthMarion at Madras,5:30 p.m.; CulveratWesternMennonite, 5p.mzSisters at SweetHome,7:15 p.m.; CottageGroveat La Pine, 7:15 p.m. Wednesday Wrestling: Gilchrist, Sisters at LaPineNovice, 5
Oklahoma State at Texas, Root Sports.
Thursday Boys basketball: Centra Christian atC.S.Lewis Academy,6p.m. Girls basketball: Central Christian atC.S.Lewis Academy,4:30p.m. Wrestling: Cleveland at MountainView, 7 Crater,Ontario,ThurstonatCrookCounty, 5p.m.; Ridgeviewat Summit, 7 p.m.; Estacadaat Madras, 6 p.m.;ClevelandJVvs. Sistersat Mountain View,
10:30 a.m.:Men's college,
Swimming: MadrasatParkrose, TBA
9 a.m.:Women's college, Lafayette at Navy, CBSSN.
9:30a.m.:W omen'scollege,
Michigan at Ohio State, CBS.
10:30 a.m.:Women's college, Kentucky at Missouri, ESPNU.
11 a.m.: Women's college, Nebraska at Penn State, ESPN2. 11 a.m.:Women's college, Fordham at Charlotte, CBSSN. 11:30 a.m.:Women's college, Baylor at Kansas, Root
Sports. Noon:Women's college, Oregon State at Arizona State, Pac-12 Network.
12:30 p.m.:Women's college, Rutgers at Notre Dame, ESPNU.
1 p.m.:Women's college, Cal at Stanford, ESPN2.
1 p.m.:Women's college, San Diego State at Colorado State, CBSSN.
1:30p.m.: Women's college, Southern Miss at Memphis,
Root Sports. 2 p.m.:Women's college, Colorado at Utah, Pac-12
Friday Boys basketball: Bendat MountainView,7 Crook County at Summit, 7 p.m.; Madrasat Molalla, 7p.m.;JunctionCityatSisters, 5:45p.m.; La Pineat Elmira,5:45 p.m.; EastLinnChristian at Culver,6:30p.m.; Gilchrist at HosannaChristian, 8:30 pmz North Lakeat Trinity Lutheran, 5:30 p.mzRidgeviewatRedmond,7p.m. Girls basketball: MountainViewat Bend,7 Summit at Crook County, 7 Molalla at Madras, 7p.mzJunction Cityat Sisters, La Pine atElmira,7:15p.m.; East Linn Christian at Culver, 5p.m.;Gilchrist at HosannaChristian, 7 p.m.; North Lakeat Trinity Lutheran, 4 p.m.; RedmondatRidgeview, 7p.m. Wrestling: CrookCounty,Bend, Redmond, Madras, Culver atOregonClassicat DeschutesCounty Fair 8 Expo,10a.m. Saturday Boys basketball: SouthWasco Countyat Central Christian, 3:30 p.mzTrinity l.utheranat Rogue ValleyAdventist,7:30p.m.; Gilchrist atButteFalls,
5:30 p.m. Girls basketball: Gichrist at ButteFalls, 4 SouthWascoCounty at Central Christian, 2p.m.; Trinity Lutheran atRogueValley Adventist, 6 p.m. Swimming: Bend,Summit, Sisters,MountainView, Ridgeviewat WhiteBuffalo ClassicInvitational, 8
Alpine skiing: OSSA at Mt. Bachelor, Saom, Ed's Garden,TBD Nordic skiing: OISRA classic andrelay racesatHoodoo, 1130a.m. Wrestling: CrookCounty,Bend,Redmond,Culver at OregonClassic at DeschutesCounty Fair 8,Expo, 10 a.m.;Gilchrist at 1AToumament in Lowel, 10
2:30 p.m.:Men's college, lowa at Northwestern, ESPNU.
5 p.m.:Men's college, Maryland at Miami, ESPNU.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Arizona State at Oregon, Pac-12 Network. 6 p.m.: NBA, Oklahoma City Thunder at Portland Trail
Blazers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest.
FOOTBALL 10a.m.: NFL, NFC divisional
playoff, Seattle Seahawks at Atlanta Falcons, Fox. 1:30 p.m.:NFL, AFC divisional playoff, Houston Texans at New England Patriots, CBS.
Patagonia Pursuit Saturday At Mt. Bachelorski area 10 kilometers I, Matt Briggs,30:21.2.2,Oliver Burruss,31:17.9. 3,MarshallGreene,33:53.7.4,JasonAdams,34:56.4. 5, LeoLukens,34:57.8 6, JasonTedrow, 35572. 7, DanPackman,37:030.8,ColinMahood,38:46.6.9, MaryWellington,, SeanRogers, 40:01.3. 11, Scott Yount, 40:03.0. 12, JamesWiliams, 41:29.2. 13,KarenOppenheimer, 41:41.6. 14, Carolyn Daubney,42:06.5. 15, Larry Katz,42.43.2. 16, Alyce Pearce,42:540. 17, Randy Scott, 44:23.0. 18, Jonathan Nash,45:32.3.19, SierraFoster,46:01.8. 20, Chris Clemow, 47:30.9. 21, Cynthia Engel, 48:36.5 22, Hilary Garrett, 49:27.6. 23, DagmarEriksson, 51:29.8. 24, Karen Kenlan,53.53.9. 5 kilometers 1, KimbertSchlichting, 21:43.9.2, TrevorAllison, 28.09.6. 3,AidanWhitelaw, 31:15.9.
5-kilometer relay 1,Jesse SelmanandJoeLukens,25:16.9.2,Stella HydeandElin Schlichting, 26:34.6. 3,Isabel Maxand FionaMax,28487. 4, Olivia ColtonandNatalie Hil, 29:17.4. 10-kilometerrelay 1, TinaPavelicandStevenRotti, 51 18.3. 2, Kathi AntolakandRick Christen, 52:47.7.
WINTER SPORTS 11:30 a.m.:Snowboarding,
Copper Mountain, Colo.,
(taped), NBCSN. 1 p.m.:Snowboarding,
Copper Mountain, Colo. (taped), NBC. TENNIS 3:30 p.m.:Australian Open, first round, ESPN2. 11:30 p.m.:Australian Open, first round, ESPN2.
Playoff Glance Divisional Playoffs Saturday Baltimore38,Denver35,20T SanFrancisco45,Green Bay31 Sunday Seattle atAtlanta,10a m.(Fox) Houstonat NewEngand, I:30p.m. (CBS) ConferenceChampionships Sunday,Jen.20 SanFranciscovs.Seatle-Atlanta winner,noon(Fox) Baltimorevs. Houston-NewEngland winner, 3:30p.m.
(CBS) Saturday's Summaries
Ravens 38Broncos35(2 OT) SOGGER 2 p.m.:English Premier
League, Arsenal FC vs. Manchester City FC(taped), Root Sports. BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, Louisville at Connecticut, ESPN.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Baylor at Kansas, ESPN. TENNIS 6 p.m.:Australian Open, first round, ESPN2.
Baltimore Denver
14 7 7 7 0 3 — 38 14 7 7 7 0 0 — 35 First Quarter
Den—Holliday90puntreturn (Praterkick), 12.14. Bal — TSmith 59 passfrom Flacco(Tucker kick), 10;31.
Bal — Graham39 interception return(Tucker kick),
Den—Stokley15 passirom Manning (Prater kick),
SecondGuarter Den—Moreno14passfromManning(Prater kick),
Bal — TSmith 32 passfrom Flacco(Tucker kick), :36
Third Quarler Den—Holiday 104kickoff return (Prater kick),
Bal — Rice1run (Tuckerkick),:20. Fourth Guarter Den—D.Thomas 17 pass from Manning (Prater kick), 7:11.
Bal — J.Jones70 passirom Flacco(Tucker kick),
falo. Punter —ThomasMorstead,NewOrleans.
IdahoSt. 54,S.Utah53 LongBeachSt. 76,Hawaii 72 SecondOvertime Montana 85, N.Colorado77 Bal — FGTucker 47,13:18. NewMexico72, FresnoSt.45 Betting line A—76,732. NewMexicoSt. 71,Idaho70 Paciiic 77,CalPoly55 NFL B al Den Portland68,LoyolaMarymount64 (Hometeamsin Caps) Frrst downs 21 30 Favorite O p e n Current UnderdogPortlandSt.79, N.Arizona74 Total Net Yards 4 79 39 8 Sacramento St. 60,E.Washington 53 Today Rushes-yards 39-155 41 125 s ) 78,SanFrancisco 72 FALCON S 2 25. Sea hawks Saint Mary'(Cal Passing 3 24 27 3 PATRIO 62, Pepperdine 50 TS 9.5 9 5 Texans San Diego PuntReturns 3 -22 3 - 90 San Diego St.79, ColoradoSt. 72,OT KickoffReturns 4-64 4 - 171 SouthernCal76,Utah59 BASKETBALL InterceptionsRet. 2-39 0-0 UC Irvine79 CSNorthridge 69 Comp-Att-Int 18-34-0 28-43-2 UC Santa Barbara66, UCDavis 59 1 -7 3-1 7 Sacked-Yards Lost Men's college UCLA78, Colorado75 Punts 8-48 3 5-48.8 UNLV76,Air Force71, OT Saturday's Games 1-1 2-1 Fumbles-Lost UtahValley83, Houston Baptist 62 EAST Penaties-Yards 8-58 1 0-87 Washington 65, Stanford60 Albany(NY)76, Marne63 Time ofPossession 36.36 40:06 Wyoming59, Nevada48 AmericanU.72,Colgate63 Boston U.83, Binghamton 59 Saturday'sSummary INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Brown71,Daniel Webster 34 RUSHING —Baltimore: Rice 30-131, Pierce Bryant69,CCSU62 5-14, Fiacco 2 7,Leach1-3, TSmith 1 0 Denver: No. 4 Arizona80, OregonSl. 70 Hillman22-83, Moreno10-32, Hester8-11, Manning Bucknell76,Army55 Charlotte58,RhodeIsland50 1-(minus1). ARIZONA(15-1) Cincinnati68,Rutgers58 PASSING —Baltimore: F acco 18-34-0-331 Ashley 6-8 0-012, Hill 5-10 1-2 16,Tarczewski Comel 103,OldWestbury 84 Denver: Mannin28-43-2-290. g 1-3 3-3 5, Lyons 6-14 4-616,Johnson4-9 5-714, RECEIVING —Baltimore: Boldin 6-71, TSmith FairleighDickinson79, St.Francis (Pa.) 69,OT Parrom2-80-0 6, Mayes1-2 1-33, Chol0-0 0-00, 67,St.John's 51 3-98, Prtta3-55, Dickson3-29,J.Jones2-77, Leach Georgetown Jerrett 3-50-08 Totals 28-6914-21 80. 1-1. Denver: Decker6-84, Dreessen6-46, Tamme Harvard75, Dartmouth65 OREGON ST. (10-6) 3-44, D.Thomas 3-37,Stokley 3-27,Hillman 3-20, Hofstra70,Wiliam8 Mary59 Reid 0-40-2 0,Collier 5-133-713, Burton6-83-4 KansasSt.65,West Virginia 64 Moreno 2-21, Hester1-7, Wilis1-4. 15, Starks6-173-318, Nelson4-116-815, Barton LIU Brookl y n 86, Mount St. Mary' s 72 MISSED FIELDGOALS—Denver: Prater 52 0-2 0-0 0,Morris-Walker1-2 0-02, Schaftenaar2-4 La Salle71, Richmond59 (SH). 2-2 7. Totals 24-61 17-2670. Lafayette64, Navy47 Halftime—Arizona43-35. 3-Point Goals—Arizona Lehigh79,Holy Cross47 10-25(Hill 5-8, Jerrett2-4,Parrom2-5, Johnson1-3, Marquette74,Pittsburgh67, OT Mayes0-1, Lyons0-4), OregonSt. 5-15(Starks3-9, 49ers 45, Packers 31 Miami(Ohio)58, Buffalo57 Nelson1-2,Schaftenaar1-2, Morris-Walker0-1, BarNJIT83, Chicago St.78,30T ton 0-1).FouledOut Barton. Rebounds Arizona 43 Green Bay 1 4 7 3 7 — 3 1 Northeastern70,Towson59 (Ash ey7), OregonSt.37 (Collier15). Assists—AriSan Francisco 7 17 7 1 4 — 4 5 Princeton65,Penn53 zona14(Johnson,Lyons5), OregonSt. 14(Burton 4). First Ouerter RobertMorris70, Monmouth(NJ) 55 Total Fouls—Arizona22,OregonSt.16. A—7,224. GB — Shields 52interception return(Crosbykick), SacredHeart 80,Quinnipiac 74 12:48. Saint Joseph's74, Duquesne66 :31.
SF — Kaepernick 20run(Akerskick), 9:01. GB — Harris18 run(Crosbykick),:29. SecondQuarter SF — Crabtree 12 passfrom Kaepernrck (Akers kick), 10.59. SF Crabtree 20 passfrom Kaepernick(Akers kick), 5:26 G8—JJones20passirom Rodgers(Crosbykick), 2'33.
SF—FG Akers36,:00. Third Quarler GB — FGCrosby31,8:25. SF — Kaepernick 56run(Akerskick), 7:07. Fourth Quarter SF — Gore2run(Akerskick), 14:57. SF — Dixon2 run(Akerskick), 3:34. GB GJennings 3 passfrom Rodgers (Crosby kick),:57. A—69,732. GB SF First downs 20 29 Total Net Yards 352 579 16-104 43-323 Rushes-yards Passing 2 48 25 6 2-0 1-0 PuntReturns 4 -71 2 - 23 KickoffReturns 1 -52 1 - 39 InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int 26-39-1 17-31-1 1-9 1-7 Sacked-YardsLost 4-47.0 3-44.3 Punts 3-1 1-0 Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards 5 -26 8 - 86 Time ofPossession 21:59 38:01 INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Green Bay: Harris11-53,Rodgers 3-28, Cobb 2-23. Sen Francisco: Kaepernick16181, Gore 23-119, James3-21, Dixon1-2. PASSING —Green Bey: Rodgers26-39-1-257. San Francisco: Kaepernick17-31-1-263. RECEIVING —Green Bay: G.Jennings 6-54, Nelson5-46, Cobb5-24, J.Jones4-87, Finley4-35, Harris 2-11.SenFrancisco: Crabtree9-119, Gore 2-48, Moss2-25,V.Davis1-44, Walker1-17, James 1-7, GinnJr. 1-3. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.
2012 AH-ProTeem NEWYOR K— TheAssociated Press2012 NFL
All-Proteamselectedbyanational panel oi 50media members: Offense Quarterback —PeytonManning, Denver. RunningBacks—Adrian Peterson, Mrnnesota; Marshawn Lynch,Seatle. Fullback—Vonta Leach, Baltimore. Tight End —TonyGonzalez,Atlanta. Wide Receivers —Calvin Johnson, Detroit; Brandon Marshall,Chicago. Tackles—Duane Brown, Houston; RyanClady,Denver. Guards —Mike lupati, San Francisco; Jahri Evans, NewOrleans. Center —Max Unger, Seattle. Pacekicker —Blair Walsh, Minnesota. Kick Returner —JacobyJones, Baltimore. Defense Ends —J.J. Watt, Houston; CameronWake, Mrami. Tackles —GenoAtkins, Cincinnati;VinceWilfork, New England. Outside Linebackers—VonMiler, Denver; Aldon Smith,SanFrancisco. Inside Linebacker Patrick Willis, San Francisco; NaVorro Bowman, SanFrancisco. Cornerbacks —Richard Sherman, Seattle; CharlesTilman,Chicago. Safeties—Earl Thomas, Seattle; DashonGoldson, San Francisco. Punter—Andy Lee,SanFrancisco.
SecondTeam Offense Quarterback —AaronRodgers, GreenBay. RunningBacks Alfred Morris, Washington;Jamaal Charles,KansasCity. Fullback —JeromeFelton, Minnesota. Tight End Jason Witten, Dallas. WideReceivers—A.J. Green, Cincinnati; AndreJohnson, Houston. Tackl es— Joe Thomas,Cleveand;JoeStaley,San Francisco. Guards —Marshal Yanda,Baltimore; LoganMankins, NewEngland Center —MaurkicePouncey, Pittsburgh. Placekicker —Phil Dawson, Cleveland. Kick Returner —David Wilson, NewYork Giants. Defense Ends Justin Smith,SanFrancisco; Julius Peppers, Chicago. Tackles—Justin Smith, SanFrancisco; Ndamukong Suh, Detroit,andHaloti Ngata,Baltimore. Outside Linebackers —Chad Greenway, Minnesota; AhmadBrooks, SanFrancisco, Clay Matthews, Green Bay,andDeMarcusWare, Dallas. InsideLinebackers—Daryl Washington, Arizona; London Fletcher, Washington. Comerbacks —Champ Bailey, Denver; TimJennings, Chicago. Safeties—EricWe ddle, SanDiego; JairusByrd, Bui-
St. Francis(NY)71,Wagner 52 StonyBrook73,Hartford 59 Syracuse72,Vilanova61 Temple64, SaintLouis 54 VCU72,St. Bonaventure 65 Vermont68, UMBC53 Yale104,Oberlin39 SOUTH Alabama 68,Tennessee65 Alabama ABM64, AlabamaSt. 57
Alcorn Si.72,MVSU67 AppalachianSt.80, Elon70 Auburn74,SouthCarolina71 Belmont90, UT -Martin 53 Bethune-Cookman72,NCABT 60 Campbel62, l Presbyterian46 CharlestonSouthern75,l.ongwood62 Clemson 59, Virginia44
Coll. ofCharleston86, Chatanooga59 Davidson81 Furman73 Delaware86,Georgia St.83 E. Kentucky59, MoreheadSt. 52 ETSU85, FloridaGulf Coast75 EastCarolina88,UCF85, OT FAU65,WKentucky 62 Florida74, LSU52 Hampton51,Howard49 High Poin70, t Gardner-Webb64 Jacksonville49,Mercer47
JamesMadison51, Drexel 43 Liberty64,Coasta Carolina56 Louisiana-Laiayette61, ArkansasSt. 56 Louisville 64,SouthFlorida 38 Memphis69 UAB53 Middl Tennessee66,Louisiana-Monroe57 Mississippi64,Missouri 49 Mississippi St72,Georgia61 MorganSt.76, SCState60 MurraySt.71,Austin Peay68 NC Central85,FloridaA&M62 NC State84, Duke76 NorfolkSt.63, Md.-EasternShore58 NorthCarolina77,Florida St.72 North Florida81,KennesawSt. 72 SE Louisiana 70, NichoIsSt. 65 SamHoustonSt.72, McNeeseSt.57 Samford69, TheCitadel 65 Savannah St 56, CoppinSt. 48 SouthernMiss.73, Houston54 SouthernU.84,Ark.-Pine Bluif 50 Stetson66, SC-Upstate64 Tennessee St. 81,SEMissouri 69 TexasA8M83,Kentucky 71 UNCAsheville 79,Radiord 61 UNCWilmington82, George Mason74 VMI 72,Winthrop54 VirginiaTech70, GeorgiaTech65,OT
W. Carolina62, UNCGreensboro59 WakeForest75,Boston College72 Wofford71, Georgia Southem53
MIDWEST Akron68,N. Illinois 53 BowlingGreen46,E.Michigan 44 Butler 79,Dayton73 ClevelandSt.74,Detroit 62 Drake82, llinois St. 77 GreenBay53, Ill.-chicago 47 Indiana88,Mrnnesota 81 lowaSt.82, Texas62 JacksonviileSt.61, E.Illinois 55 Kent St.61,Ball St.47 N. DakotaSt.73, Oakland65 N. Iowa84, Bradley53 North Dakota 86, MontanaSt. 73 Ohio 61,W.Michigan59 S. DakotaSt.83, IPFW57 S. Illinois 76,IndianaSt. 71 SIU-Ed wardsville58,TennesseeTech54 Toledo76, Cent. Michigan72,OT Uconn65,NotreDame58 UMKC90, SouthDakota86 Valparaiso76,Milwaukee52 W. Illinois89,Nebraska-Omaha 74 Wisconsin74,llinois 51 Xavier71,GeorgeWashrngton56 SOUTHWE ST Arkansas56,Vanderbilt 33 Baylor51,TCU40 Kansas60,TexasTech46 LouisianaTech73,UTSA71 NorthTexas66,SouthAlabama 56 NorthwesternSt.100,Cent.Arkansas88 Dklahoma 77,OklahomaSt. 68 PrairieView60,Grambling St 44 SMU59,Tulane53 StephenF.Austin 61,Oral Roberts 50 TexasA8M-CC62,Lamar 56 TexasSouthem84,JacksonSt.57 Texas-Arlington91,TexasSt. 74 Texas-Pan American95,Fisher 49 Tulsa64, Rice51 UALR88, FIU76 UTEP74, Marshall 63 FAR WEST Arizona80, OregonSt. 70 BYU82,SantaClara64 Cal St.-Fullerton71, UCRiverside 69 Caliiornia67,Washington St.54 Denver64,Seatle 51
Pacific-12 Conference AH TimesPST Conference
UCLA ArizonaSt. Washington
Oregon Arizona California SouthernCal Colorado Stanford Oregon St. Washington St. uiai
W 4 3 3 2 3 2 2 1
L 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 3
0 0 0
3 3 4
Overall W 14 14 11 13 15 10 7 11 10 10 9 8
Saturday's Games
UCLA78 Colorado 75 Cal 67,WashingtonState 54 USC76,Utah59 Arizona80,OregonState70 Washington 65, Stanford60
Today's Game ArizonaStateatOregon,6p.m.
Women's college Saturday'sGames EAST
Albany(NY)71, Maine39 AmericanU.54, Colgate45 Army68,Bucknell 60 Boston U.57,Binghamton52 CCSU 59, Bryant50 Canisius62, St. Peter's52 Fairfield61,Niagara54 Hartford59,Stony Brook43 Harvard88 Dartmouth66 La Salle72,RhodeIsland46 Lehigh67, HolyCross65 Louisville 70,Providence62 Monmouth (NJ)58, Robert Morris47 MountSt.Mary's66,I.IUBrooklyn41 NJIT60,Texas-PanAmerican 55 Princeton77, Penn47 Saint Joseph's82Richmond62 St. Francis(NY)72, Wagner 66 St. Francis(Pa) 68,Fairleigh Dickinson50 St. John's72,SetonHall 46 Syracuse 86, Georgetown56 UMass62,GeorgeWashington58 Vermont63,UMBC60 Villanova68,Pittsburgh52 SOUTH Alabama St.69,AlabamaABM 67,OT AppalachiaSt. n 77,W.Carolina 46
Arkansas St.48, Louisiana-Lafayette39 Belmont58, UT-Martin 56 Bethune-Cookman 69, NCA&T64 Campbel79, l HighPoint76 Chattanooga 75,Georgia Southern 43 CoppinSt. 57,SavannahSt. 53 Davidson58,Woford 45 E. Kentucky62,MoreheadSt. 52 Florida AB M52, NCCentral35 FloridaGulfCoast97, ETSU60
Furman 67, UNC-Greensboro 48 Hampton52, Howard 50 HoustonBaptist60, NewOrleans45 Liberty76,Coastal Carolina48 Longwood 67, Charleston Southern52 MVSU65,Alcorn St.61 McNeese St.62,SamHoustonSt. 58 Md.-Eastem Shore 86,Norfolk St. 80,OT Mercer72,Jacksonville 68 Middle Tennessee66,Louisiana-Monroe48 MurraySt.77, AustinPeay72 N. Kentucky 66, Lipscomb33 Nicholls St.71,SELouisiana65 North Florida52, KennesawSt. 49 Radford49, Presbyterian31 SC State 83, MorganSt. 74 Samford56,Coll. of Charleston47 SouthernU.67, Ark-PineBluff 44 Stetson84,SC-Upstate 66 UTSA51,LouisianaTech50 W.Kentucky86, FAU68 Winthrop60 Gardner-Webb55 MIDWEST Brad ey80,Missouri St. 79 Cleveland St.77, Detroit 66 Dayton82,Butler39 DePaul91,SouthFlorida 75 E. Illinois76,Jacksonville St 53 Green Bay71,Wright St.44 Ill.-chicago73, LoyolaofChicago62 lowa St.68,TCU52 N. DakotaSt.60,Oakland 59 S. DakotaSt. 66,IPFW64 Saint Louis60,VCU46 Tennes seeTech66,SIU-Edwardsville56
Uconn85,Marquette 51 UMKC60,South Dakota56 Valparaiso 67,YoungstownSt.59 W.II inois71, Nebraska-Omaha44 WestVirginia66,KansasSt. 52
WichitaSt.60, N.Iowa57 SOUTHWES T Cent.Arkansas60, Northwestern St.44
L 3 2 5 2 1 6 10 5 7 6 7 8
FIU 55,UALR53 Lamar44,TexasABM CC37 NorthTexas67, SouthAlabama47 Oklahoma65,TexasTech55 Oral Roberts 63, StephenF.Austin 56 Prairie View 78,Grambling St.59 TexasSouthern73, JacksonSt.66 TexasSt 63, Texas-Arlington 57 FAR WEST Air Force81,UNLV69 BYU68,Pepperdine42 CS Northrrdge59, UCIrwne 48 Cal Poly96, Pacific 95,3OT Cal St.-Fullerton54, UCRiverside 49 FresnoSt.69, NewMexico 65 Idaho57, NewMexico St.51 Montana 56, N.Colorado42 Montana St.64, North Dakota49 Portland St. 60,N.Arizona59 S. Utah74,Weber St. 61 SacramentoSt.85, E.Washington 70 San Diego88,LoyolaMarymount78 OT
SanFrancisco88, Portland 81 San JoseSt.103, UtahSt.80 UC Santa Barbara 58,UCDavis 43 UtahValley71,ChicagoSt.38 Wyoming92,Nevada41
GOLF PGA Tou Sony Open Saturday Atweialee Country Club
Honolulu Purse: $5.6 million Yardage:7,044; Par: 70 Third Round RussellHeney 63-63-67—193 Scott Langley 62-66-65—193 Tim Clark 64-66-66—196 68-64-65 197 Scott Gardiner CharlesHowell gl 66-64-67—197 Matt Jones 66-68-64—198 DannyLee 66-66-66—198 68-63-67—198 Pat Perez 68-62-68—198 Chris Kirk 67-68-64—199 Marc Leishman DickyPride 68-67-64—199 BrianStuard 66-68-65—199 66 63-70—199 Matt Kuchar 66-69-65—200 TommyGainey 65-68-67—200 Jeff Overton 66-66-68—200 Tim Herron 69-69-62—200 HarrrsEnglrsh 64-64-72—200 Scott Piercy 69-67-65 —201 ShaneBertsch 69-66-66—201 John Senden 70-65-66—201 RickyBarnes 69-66-66—201 DavidMathis 69-68-64—201 Justin Hrcks 68-68-66—202 RussCochran 67-68-67—202 Erik Compton 71-63-68 202 John Huh 68-66-68—202 Alistair Presnell 67-67-68—202 Vijay Singh 65-67-70—202 StephenAmes 68-68-67—203 PeterTomasulo 66-70-67 203 MorganHoffmann 71-66-66—203 DougLaBele 8 67-70-66—203 DavidHearn Keegan Bradley 68-69-66—203 David Lingmerth 69-68-66—203 WebbSimpson 66-69-68—203 70-68-65—203 JoshTeater 69-68-67—204 NicholasThompson HidetoTanihara 70-65-69—204 BradFritsch 67-70-67 204 RorySabbatini 69-65-70—204 BrianGay 70-68-66—204 John Rollins 68-66-70—204 KevinStreelman 71-67 66—204 CharlieWi 67-69-69—205 ChadCampbell 69-68-68—205 BenKohles 67-70-68—205 HenrikNorlander 70-64-71—205 Justin Leonard 70-68-67—205 Jeff Maggert 71-67-67—205 Billy Horschel 66-70-70—206 SteveMarino 69-67-70—206 LeeWiliams 69-66-71 206 DeanWison 69-68-69—206 Brendon deJonge 69-68-69—206 Bart Bryant 68-67-71—206 JimmyWalker 69-69-68—206 Sang-MoonBae 72-66-68—206 Kyle Stanley 73-65-68—206 Y.E.Yang 70-68-68—206
CameronPercy D.H. Lee ShawnStefani Carl Pettersson MarkAnderson GeorgeMcNeil StevenBowditch RyanPalmer DerekErnst FabianGomez JasonKokrak JamesHahn
71-67-68—206 68 68-71 207 68-67-72—207 68-69-70—207 73-64-70—207 70-68-69—207 67-69-72—208 67-68-73—208 71-67-70—208 69-69-71—209 69-69-73 211 70-67-75—212 67-71-77—215 70-68-79—217
RobertStreb John Daly
TENNIS Professional Apia International Saturday At Olympic PerkTennis Centre Sydney, Australia Purse: Men,$486,000(WT250);Women,
$681,000(Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men Championship BernardTomic,Australia, def. Kevin Anderson, SouthAfrica,6-3, 6-7(2), 6-3.
American League CLEVELANDINDI ANS— Released OF Thomas Neal. FOOTBALL
National Football League INDIANAP OLIS COLTS—Announced special teamscoordinator MarwanMaalouf will not return nextseason. HOCKEY NationalHockeyLeague The National HockeyLeagueand the National Hockey LeaguePlayers'Associationtodaysigneda Memorandum ofUnderstanding reflectingthetermsof anew,10-yearCollectiveBargaining Agreement. COLLEGE GEOR GETOWN—Suspended sophomore basketball FGregWhittingtonior a violation of teamrules.
A slight opening at the top at the Australian Open
New York Times News Service
10 a.m.:NFL, NFC divisional playoff, Seattle Seahawks at Atlanta Falcons, KRCO-AM 690, KRCO-FM 96.9, KBNWFM 96.5. 1:30 p.m.:NFL, AFC divisional playoff, Houston Texansat New England Patriots, KRCOAM 690, KRCO-FM 96.9.
BASKETBALL 6 p.m.: NBA, Oklahoma City Thunder at Portland Trail Blazers, KBND-AM 1110. Listings are themostaccurate available. The Bulletinis not responsible for latechanges made by TV orradio stations.
By Christopher Clarey MELBOURNE, Australia — With another Australian Open about to begin Monday, the addition and subtraction continue at the top of the men's
game. Though Andy Murray appeared to transform the lead pack into a true Big Four last year by winning the Olympics and the U.S. Open, the pack is back to being a Big Three with Rafael Nadal's layoff from competition well into its seventh month. "It's like missing one of the lead singers of a band," said Brad Gilbert, a coach and analyst. "And it's not like he's 32 years old. He's in the prime of his career,and there's great dynamic with the other players, and it just kind of takes it away.
TENNIS "Obviously, it gives an opportunity for more other guys, but I just miss seeing Nadal compete." Murray, often thwarted by Nadal in the late stages of major events, was a beneficiary of Nadal's absence in London and New York. Seeded third, Murray landed in Roger Federer'shalf ofthe draw here Friday, leaving the defending champion, Novak Djokovic, with David Ferrer, the fourth seed, in his half and Tomas Berdych in his quarter. The question is whether the absence of Nadal, 26, makes it easier for an outsider to win, with Djokovic, Federer and Murray in the mix. "I still think you're going to have to
beat two of those guys at least to win a major, so the equation is still the same," said Roger Rasheed, the veteran Australian coach now working with a leading outsider, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga. "Does Rafa being out help anyone think, 'Well, nowis my chance?' I guess it depends a bit on the work you've done. We're in a climate now where you just can't fluke any results." Nor is it easy, with Serena Williams, 31, fresh off her latest bravura performance inBrisbane, to see any outsider staging a meaningful uprising in the women's tournament here. "I think you can only go by what we saw last season, and I think 'motivated' is the key word for Serena," Chris Evert, an ESPN analyst and 18-time Grand Slam singles champion, said in an interview. "If Serena's motivated,
she's going to be fit and going to train harder and going to be focused. So the motivation factor is the one factor that has kind of gone up and down with her duringher career,because quite frankly, she has such a zest for life that she had otherinterests,and she hasn't been as tunnel-visioned as probably champions are. But now, I think, she realizes. "She realizesshe's older and doesn't have a lot of time. So I think she's eyeing the number of Grand Slams and eyeing history, and I think she has in her mind that she has two or three vintage years left in her." Williams is ranked No. 3 in the world, behind No. 1 Victoria Azarenka, the defending Australian Open champion, and No. 2 Sharapova. Williams will be in Azarenka's half of the draw at the Australian Open.
N.C. State upsets No. 1 Duke, 84-76
Kelly returning to Irish — Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly will be back for a fourth season
after leading the Fighting lrish to the national title game this past
season. Kelly issued astatement Saturday that after interviewing with the Philadelphia Eagles, he will remain as coach of the lrish.
The Associated Press
Kelly said he hashadthoughts
over Missouri. N o.11 Florida ...... . . . . . . . . 74 L SU ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 BATON RO U GE , L a. — Kenny Boynton scored 20 points and Florida used a 31-6 run acrossthe halves to rout LSU. Wisconsin..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 N o.12 Illinois...... . . . . . . . . . 5 1 MADISON, Wis. — Jared Berggren scored 15 p oints and grabbed a season-high 12 rebounds, and Traevon Jackson added a career-best 14 points to lead Wisconsin over Illinois. N o. 14 Butler..... . . . . . . . . . . 79 D ayton ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 DAYTON, Ohio — Roosevelt Jones scored 16 points and Butler extended its best start in four years by beating Dayton for its 11th straight body's going to give us any- victory despite losing its top thing and we've got to take it," scorer to injury. Howell said. "That's the mind- No. 16 San Diego State......79 set we came out with. We've C olorado State...... . . . . . . . 72 got to take everything ... and SAN DIEGO — Chase Tapthat's what we did." ley scored 12 of his 19 points N.C. State was picked for i n overtime, including tw o the first time in nearly four 3-pointers and a layup off a decades to win th e l eague, steal, and San Diego State held though t w o ea r l y lo s ses off Colorado State. drained some buzz. C onneticut...... . . . . . . . . . . . 65 No longer. Any lowered ex- No. 17 Notre Dame...... . . . . 58 pectations are gone along with SOUTH BEN D , Ind . Duke's perfect record. — Shabazz Napier scored 19 "I thought our guys, they points, Tyler Olander scored accepted t h e ch a l l enge," 12 of his career-high 16 points Gottfried said. "It's one of in the second half and Conthose (games) where it comes necticut ended the game with to a p oint w h ere mentally a 7-0 run to beat Notre Dame, you say, 'I'm going to get it ending a 12-game winning done' and they're not going streak by the Fighting Irish. to go away.... They're not go- No.18 Kansas State ...... . .65 ing to lay down for us. Our W est Virginia...... . . . . . . . . . 64 guys mentally showed a lot of M ORGANTOWN, WV a . toughness." Shane Southwell made It was N.C. State's first win two free throws with 21 secagainst the No. I-ranked team onds left, then blocked Gary since beating Duke here in Browne's layup attempt with February 2004 and its sixth a second leftto preserve Kanoverall. sas State's win o ver W est Also on Saturday: Virginia. N o. 3 Louisville...... . . . . . . . 64 No. 19 Georgetown..... . . . . 67 S outh Florida..... . . . . . . . . . 3 8 St. John's...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 51 LOUISVILLE, Ky. — Peyton NEW YORK — Otto Porter Siva scored 17 points and Lou- had 19 points and a seasonisville held South Florida to a high 14 rebounds and Georgeseason-low 27 percent shoot- town broke out of its scoring ing for an easy victory. funk with a victory over St. John's. N o. 5 Indiana...... . . . . . . . . . 88 N o. 8 Minnesota..... . . . . . . . 8 1 No. 21 Cincinnati ...... . . . . . 68 INDIANAPOLIS — Victor R utgers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Oladipo had 20 points and six PISCATAWAY, N.J. rebounds and Jordan Hulls — Cashmere Wright scored knocked down four 3-point- 23 points a n d C i n c innati ers, helping Indiana hold off snapped a two-game losing Minnesota's late charge. streak and stayed unbeaten N o. 6 Kansas...... . . . . . . . . . 6 0 on the road with a v i ctory T exas Tech...... . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 over Rutgers. LUBBOCK, Texas — Kevin N o. 24 UNLV ...... . . . . . . . . . 76 Young scored 14 points and A ir Force ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 Kansas beat Texas Tech for LAS VEGAS — Bryce Dethe Jayhawks' 13th straight jean-Jones made a go-ahead win. jumper with 12 seconds reNo. 7 Syracuse.......... . ..72 m aining i n o v e r time, a n d V illanova ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 U NLV held on t o b eat A i r SYRACUSE, N.Y. — C.J. Force in its Mountain West Fair had 22 p oints, Trevor Conference home opener. Cooney hit a pair of 3-pointers No. 25 New Mexico ...... . . . 72 to punctuate a late surge and F resno State..... . . . . . . . . . . 45 Syracuse beat Villanova. A LBUQUERQUE, N.M . Mississippi .......... . . . . ..64 — Alex Kirk had 19 points and N o. 10 Missouri...... . . . . . . . 49 a career-high 14 rebounds and OXFORD, Miss. — Murphy New Mexico played without Holloway scored 22 points, leading scorer Kendall WilJarvis Summers added 12 and liams for disciplinary reasons Mississippi cruised to a victory in a rout over Fresno State.
RALEIGH, N.C.— C.J. Leslie and Richard Howell wanted this moment, the chance to help No. 20 North Carolina State make a big step forward after a bumpy start to a season filled with potential. Now, after a rousing performance to take down No. I Duke, the duo has put the Wolfpack back on everyone's radar. Leslie scored 25 points, including six straight during a key second-half run, to help N.C. State beat the Blue Devils 84-76 on Saturday. Howell added 16 points and 18 rebounds in a r elentless performance for the Wolfpack (14-2, 3-0 Atlantic Coast Conference) in a matchup of the teams predicted to finish 1-2 in the league. "Coach (Mark G o t tfried) said in the locker room: No-
about coaching in the NFL, but
after much reflection and conversations with those closest to him he decided to stay with the Irish. Kelly led the Irish to a 12-1
record this past season andhas an overall record of 28-11 in three
seasons with Notre Dame.
No NFLissues with RG3NFL Commissioner RogerGoodell says he doesn't have aproblem with the way the Washington Redskins medical staff handled Robert
Griffin III's knee injury. Nevertheless, he's anticipating changes in the way injuries not affecting
the head areevaluated onthe sideline. Goodell was in Denver for
Saturday's Ravens-Broncos playoff game. Griffin had reconstruc-
tive ACL surgery Wednesday after reinjuring his right knee in last
Sunday's playoff loss to Seattle. He also strained a ligament in the knee last month against Baltimore. That
raised questions whether Redskins coach Mike Shanahan should have left Griffin in either game after it
was clear the quarterback was hurt. Goodell said it was a "medical decision" and noted Griffin had no problem with it, either.
CYCLING Lance to answer 'honestly' — Lance Armstrong said he
Don Ryan /The Associated Press
Arizona guard Mark Lyons, left, competes for a loose ball with Oregon State center Joe Burton during the second half of Saturday night's game in Corvallis. Lyons scored16 points as Arizona won 80-70.
eavs can' ee WI 0. ca s
will answer questions "directly,
honestly and candidly" during an interview with OprahWinfrey next week. Hewill also apologize and make a limited confession to using performance-enhancing drugs, according to a person with knowledge of the situation. Armstrong
spentmorethanadecadedenying that he doped to win the Tour de France seven times. Without say-
ing whether hewould confess or apologize during the taping, Armstrong told The Associated Press
in a text messageearly Saturday, "I told her (Winfreyj to go wherever she wants and I'll answer the
questions directly, honestly and candidly. That's all I can say."
SKIING i.igety wins GS — TedLigety won a duel with Marcel Hirscher in a World Cup giant slalom Saturday
in Adelboden, Switzerland, for his fourth victory of the season in his
specialist event. The28-year-old American skied cleanly in thefastfading light to take the victory after first-run leader Hirscher made a
mistake on thedark slope. Ligety was second after the first run, but got his fourth win in five GS
races this season byfinishing 1.15 seconds ahead of runner-up Fritz Dopfer of Germany, in acombined time of 2 minutes 28.67 seconds. Hirscher dropped to16th but retained his lead in the overall World
Cup standings. Ligety, whogot his 15th career World Cup victory, is third overall. Bend's Tommy Ford did not finish the first run.
TENNIS Tomic winsfirst ATPtitle
— Bernard Tomic ofAustralia won
The Associated Press CORVALLIS — One loss in Oregon was enough for fourth-ranked Arizona. After falling to the Ducks on Thursday night, the Wildcats bounced back with an 80-70victory over the Oregon State Beavers on Saturday. "As a team, we didn't let that (loss) affect us," guard Mark Lyons said. "One loss isn't going to hurt us, unless it's in March." Solomon Hill had 16 points, including five 3-pointers for the Wildcats, who stepped up their defense to keep the Beavers winless in conference play. Lyons added 16 points and freshman Grant Jerrett had six blocks, a season high for the team. Arizona (15-1, 3-1 Pac-12) was coming off a 70-66 defeat Thursday night just down the road against Oregon. While the Wildcats had pulled off several close victories, their luck ran out against the Ducks. "They were storming the court, that's hard to go through," Jerrett said. "You just have to let it go." There was no nail-biting finish against the Beavers (10-6, 0-3), who trailed by as many as 17 points in their third straight loss. Ahmad Starks led Oregon State with 18 points. "The focus is just not there," said Devon Collier, who had 13 points and 15 rebounds for the Beavers. The Wildcats pulled ahead D-6 early on Jerrett's 3-pointer, but Oregon State did its best to keep up and pulled to 17-16 on Starks' 3-pointer with 12:18 to go in the first half. The Beavers closed to 24-23 on another 3 from Starks, but Hill answered with a 3pointer for the Wildcats. Lyons hit a layup that put Arizona up 3227, but Langston Morris-Walker hit on a long jumper and Collier dunked on a fast break to keep OregonStateclose. Trailing 34-33, the Beavers had a chance to go ahead, but Jamal Reid missed a pair of free throws. The Wildcats finished out with a 9-2 run to lead 43-34 at the break. Brandon Ashley's layup early in the second half pushed Arizona's lead to double digits before Kevin Parrom's 3-pointer made
PAC-12 ROUNDUP it 60-45 and Hill's 3 extended the lead to 6750 midway through the half. The Wildcats cruised the rest of the way. Hill's five 3-pointers were a career high. "He is a great example of how you have to stay with it — and if you're talented good things will come," Arizona coach Sean Miller said about his 6-foot-7 senior forward who is averaging more than 13 points a game. Oregon State played for t h e s econd straight game without sophomore forward Eric Moreland, who had started Oregon State's first 14 games before he was suspended indefinitely for violating team rules along with teammate Victor Robbins. Coach Craig Robinson would not say why the pair was suspended. Robbins was expected to return next Saturday at USC. Robinson said he would decide on Monday when Moreland would return. In other games on Saturday: U CLA ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 Colorado..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 BOULDER, Colo. — Travis Wear scored 14 of his career-high 23 points in the second half and Jordan Adams' two free throws with 7 seconds left sealed UCLA's ninth straight victory. California..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 Washington State ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 BERKELEY, Calif. — Tyrone Wallace scored a season-high 16 points, Justin Cobbs made six free throws in the final two minutes and California overcame a sloppy offensive performance to beat Washington State. USC...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Utah...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 SALT LAKE CITY — J.T. Terrell scored 14 points and Southern California defeated Utah to snap a string of 14 straight road losses. Washington...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Stanford..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 STANFORD, Calif. — C.J. Wilcox scored 27 points and made a pair of crucial 3-pointers as Washington held off Stanford.
his first ATP title on Saturday, beating South Africa's Kevin Anderson
6-3, 6-7 (2), 6-3 in theSydney
International final in Australia. The win was the 20-year-old Tomic's
eighth straightand completed a remarkable Australian Openpreparation. In addition to his win over
Henley, Langleytied for Sony Open lead heading to final round
Cup, he later beat Tommy Haas
and AndreasSeppi in Perth before victories against higher-ranked players Marinko Matosevic (47), Florian Mayer (26j, AndreasSeppi and Anderson (36) in Sydney.
SOCCER Wamdach toN.Y.teamFIFA Women'sWorld Player of the Year AbbyWambachhas beenassigned to her hometownWestern New York Flash of thenewNational Women's Soccer League along with gold medal-winning American
teammate Carli Lloyd. TheU.S. Soccer Federation announced Friday the allocation of 55 national
team players to eight clubs in the league, which starts play this
spring. Canadianstar Christine Sinclair, who starred at theUniversity of Portland, was assigned to the Portland Thorns along with
fellow CanadianKarina LeBlanc and Americans Alex Morgan, Tobin Heath and Rachel Buehler. — From wire reports
The Associated Press HONOLULU — PGA Tour rookies Russell Henley and Scott Langley get to play one more round together at the Sony Open, this time with a lot more on the line. Henley two-putted from 30 feet for birdie on the last hole Saturday for a 3-under 67, allowing him to catch up to Langley, who had to settle for a par and a 65. They broke the tournament scoring record through 54holes at 17-under 193. Better yet, they had a three-shot lead over Tim Clark. At stake today is a trophy, the customary lei draped around the neck and an invitation to the Masters. If the third round was any indication, Clark and everyone willhave to chase them down. The 23year-old rookies never flinched on a warm afternoon with only a mild breeze on a Waialae Country Club that was ripe for low scores. Langley made seven birdies to offset a pair of bogeys. Henley has been steadier, and he carries a streak of 43 holes without a bogey into the final round. They each have a chance to become the first rookies to win in their PGA Tour debut since Garrett Willis in the 2001 Tucson Open. "The Vegas odds on me winning were probably not very good," said Langley, not a betting man him-
wtt" Q~i t
Marco Garcia/The Associated Press
Russell Henley, left, and Scott Langley share a moment before putting on the18th green during the third round of the Sony Open Saturday in Honolulu. Henley and Langley are tied for first place.
self. "I hope somebody bet on me and I make him a lot of money." Henley looked relaxed when he finished his round and still feels as though he's playing with house money. After all, it's his first tournament of the year
and he already has a chance to win. "It'salready been a successful week," he said. "Win or lose, I'm not too stressed about it." The rookies have ruled along the shores of Oahu, and if not for Clark, it would have been even more pronounced. Clark made a birdie on the last hole that put him into the final group. Otherwise, that spot would have been occupied by Scott Gardiner of Australia, who had a 64 and was four shots behind. Charles Howell III, twice a runner-up at the Sony Open, had a 67 and also was four behind. Seven players were within five shots of the lead, which included Monday qualifier Danny Lee and Pat Perez, whose goal to have a more positive attitude was severely tested on the final hole when he missed a 40-inch birdie putt. Perez still had a 67 and was at 12-under 198. Also on Saturday:
Jamieson leads by 5after 3 rounds in South Africa DURBAN, South Africa — Scott Jamieson of Scotland took a five-shot lead in the Volvo Champions while Louis Oosthuizen's challenge faded in the third round at Durban Country Club. Jamieson began the day a stroke behind the former British Open champion, but his 4-under 68 moved him to a 15-under total and five shots ahead of Oosthuizen (74), Thongchai Jaidee of Thailand (73) and Julien
Quesne of France (67).
Patriots, Texans
hungry to keep title hopesalive By Howard Ulman The Associated Press
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — Vince Wilfork was a champion as a rookie with the New England Patriots. So, he wondered, how hard could it be to win the Super Bowl every year'? After the past seven seasons without another title, he has his answer.
"Winning one early in my career, you kind of get the sense that it happens like this all the time, but it doesn't," the defensive tackle said. "It's very, very hard to win at this level, at any level." His college teammate at Miami, Andre Johnson, never reached the playoffs in his first eight seasons with the Houston Texans. He finally got there last year. Today, he faces Wilfork and the Patriots in a divisional-round game. "It means a lot," the wide receiver said. "It makes you appreciate all the tough times you went through to get to this point." The Patriots (12-4) have a rich tradition of three titles in four years before the current championship drought. They won nine of their past 10 games, are coming off a bye and are heavily favored, having routed Houston 42-14 on Dec. 10. The Texans (13-4) have a poor history with just two postseason wins in 11 years of existence. They lost three of their past four regular-season games, then edged the Cincinnati Bengals 19-13 last Saturday in the wild-card round. Those differencesaside,both teams are hungry to keep the season going — all the way to a Super Bowl triumph. New England nearly won it last season, falling to the New York Giants 21-17 on a last-minute touchdown. That was a huge disappointment for special teams captain Matthew Slater, a rookie in 2008 who wasn't part of any of the championships. He didn't even win a playoff game in his first three seasons. "To be able to come as close as we did last year and have past failures in my previous seasons here, it just drives you and motivates you more," he said. "We don't feel like we've accomplished anything. We don't feel like we've arrived at all because it's all for naught unless you do something in the postseason. We're very driven, very motivated, very focused." Focused on the future. The past — that 28-point romp last month — has no bearing on the rematch, coaches and players from both teams insist. "I think it's a bunch of garbage," Patriots coach Bill Belichick said. "The game will have its own elements and it will write its own story." Texans defensive end J.J. Watt is tired of all the talk about that beating his team took. "Obviously, we didn't play good last time we were up there," he said. "I don't think we need to keep rehashing it. I think we just need to play our style of football." That style depends on Arian Foster running the ball. Do that well and the Texans can maintain possession and keep Tom Brady and the Patriots' league-best offense on the sideline. It worked last Saturday against much weaker competition. The Texans outgained the Bengals 420 yards to 198 and held the ball for 38:49 compared to 21:11 for Cincinnati. Foster ran 32 times and caught eight passes, a total of 40
plays. The Bengals had just 48 plays all game. And Foster's 140 yards rushing made him the only player with at least 100 in each of his first three playoff games. "There's nothing he can't do," Texans offensive coordinator Rick Dennison said. "He catches the ball extremely well. He blocks very well. The little things, as far as seeing somebody, it's almost like a chess move. He knows
a couple moves ahead when a guy is coming so he doesn't take a solid shot." The weak link could be quarterback Matt Schaub. Hethrew for more than 4,000 yards for the third time in four years, but in his past five games has just one touchdown pass and four interceptions. His passer rating against the Patriots of 68.8 was his third lowest of the season. But now that he's gotten past the first postseason game ofhis career, he expects a much better performance. "We go up with a lot of confidence," Schaub said. "If you want to move on, you've got to bring a sense of nastiness and attitude with you to go out and dominate your opponent on
every play."
Texansat Patriots Time:1:30 p.m., CBS. Line:Patriots by 9/2. Adout the Texans:Seeking first road playoff win in franchise history ... Were 6-2 on the
road this season ... Adrian Foster hasaveraged 170 yards from scrimmage in his first three postseason games and is first in history to rush for100-plus yards in all three ... Defense ranked fifth with 44 sacks, including leaguehigh20~/~by end J.J.W att. About the Patriots:Routed Texans, 42-14, in Week14, also at Foxborough ... Tom Brady shares QB playoff record of16 wins with Joe
Montana andhas16-6 postseason record ... The Pats averaged a league-best 34.8 points this season.... They held Foster to 47 yards on
14 carries in first meeting. Prediction:Patriots, 31-17. Hard to imagine the script playing out much different than a month ago, particularly with the time Belichick
and Brady havehad to prepare. — McClatchy-Tribune NewsService
avenss un roncosin By Eddie Peiis
The Associated Press
DENVER — Welcome to NFL immortality, Joe Flacco. Somewhere up there in the allt ime playoff archives near t h e "Hail Mary" by Staubach and the "Immaculate Reception" by Franco now lives the "Flacco Fling" by the Baltimore Ravens quarterback. One big throw down the sideline, 70 make-or-break yards on a
wing and a prayer — a high, arcing touchdown pass that soared through the icy air, flew over two defenders, landed in the hands of Jacoby Jones, saved the game for Baltimore and kept Ray Lewis' 17year careergoing atleastone more week. The record wil l s how Justin Tucker kicked a 47-yard field goal I:42 into the second overtime SatJoe Mahoney/TheAssociatedPress urday to give the Ravens a 38-35 Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker (9) reacts after hitting the winning victory over Peyton Manning and field goal against the Denver Broncos in overtime of an AFC divisional playthe Denver Broncos. The highlight'? offgame on Saturday in Denver.Th e Ravens won 38-35. That would be Flacco's game-tying touchdown to Jones on third-and-3 from the 30 with 31 seconds left in regulation and no timeouts. "At that point," Flacco said, "you have to start taking shots. You have to get a little lucky." And while Flacco gets to celebrate that throw, Manning will The Associated Press have a long offseason to think this team." about a really bad one. SAN FRANCISCO — Colin And what a p l ayoff debut On Denver's second possession Kaepernick did the passing and it was by the second-year pro running, and Aaron Rodgers making just his eighth NFL of overtime, he stopped and threw across his body to the middle of just couldn't keep up. start. No doubting Jim H arthe field and into the arms of Rabaugh's big midseason gamble K aepernick o utplayed t h e reigning NFL MVP and former switching quarterbacks now. vens cornerback Corey Graham at Denver's 45. Baltimore (12-6) ran Super Bowl champion in one Rodgers never got in sync five plays and gained 16 yards besensational, record-setting play- for the Packers (12-6), finishing off debut and led San Francisco 26 of39 for 257 yards with two fore Tucker sailed his winning kick down the middle. right back to the NFC champi- touchdowns. The Manning throw, intended onship game with a 45-31 win Kaepernick ran fo r s cores over the Green Bay Packers in of 20 and 56 yards on the way for Brandon Stokley, was one that quarterbacks from junior high to an NFC divisional game Satur- to topping the rushing mark of day night. 119 yards set by Michael Vick in the pros are advised not to make. It's a throw that unraveled all the K aepernick r u shed f o r a 2005 against St. Louis. Crabtree good Manning has accomplished quarterback playoff record 181 caught TD passes of 12 and 20 during this, his comeback season yards and two touchdowns and yards in the second quarter and from neck surgery during which threw two scoring passes to Mi- wound up with nine receptions he threw for 37 touchdowns and chael Crabtree. Next up for the and 119 yards for the Niners Niners: a game on Jan. 20 for a (12-4-1) in the NFC divisional led the Broncos (13-4) to top seeding in the AFC. spot in the Super Bowl, against matchup. San Francisco had "Yeah, bad t h row," M anning the winner of today's game be- 579 total yards with 323 on the said. "Probably the decision wasn't tween the Seattle Seahawks ground, scoring its third-most and Falcons at Atlanta. great either. I thought I had an points in the franchise's storied "It feels good. We're one step playoff history. opening, and I didn't get enough The Packers tied the game at on it, and I was trying to make a closer to where we want to be," 24-24 midway through the third play and certainly a throw I'd like Kaepernick said. "I feel like I to have back." had a lot to prove. A lot of peo- quarter before the 49ers scored Lewis, who led the Ravens with ple doubted my ability to lead 21 unanswered points. 17 tackles over this nearly 77-minute game in 13-degree weather, kneeled down to the ground and one made by Dallas quarterback tried to leap and knock down the put his helmet on the rock-solid Roger Staubach, who f amously balL Flacco, who throws the high, turf when it was over. brought the term "Hail Mary" to deep ball as well as anyone, got it "I'venever been a part ofa game football after his game-winning over Moore's head and into Jones' so crazy in my life," he said. toss to Drew Pearson beat Minne- hands. After he thaws out, the Ravens, sota in the 1975 playoffs. Jones caught it and pranced into 9'/2-point underdogs for this one, Staubach was n ear m i d field the end zone, blowing kisses towill get ready for a game at either when he threw his. ward the crowd. " I was kissing to God. I w a s New England or H ouston, who Flacco, who finished with 331 meet today for the other spot in the yards and three scores, was stand- thanking the lord," Jones said. "I AFC title game. ing around the 20 for his throw, don't disbelieve in myself. I've been This game, the longest since the buying time in the pocket when he b elieving in myself since I w a s Browns beat the New York Jets saw Jones sprinting down the right born. Never no disbelief." 23-20 in 1987, was an all-timer sideline into double coverage. The game was close the entire — up there with San Diego's 41-38 Defensive back T ony C a rter way. The teams were tied at 14 afdouble-overtime victory over Mislowed up and let Jones streak by terthe first quarter,21 at halftime, ami for drama. But Flacco's throw him. Instead of staying step for step 28 after three quarters and at 35-35 might best be bookended next to with Jones, safety Rahim Moore after regulation.
Kaepernick delivers, 49ers beat Packers45-31
Seahawks Continued from 01 T he Falcons say t he y h a v e learned from the playoff defeats and arebetterprepared thisyear. "We've beenhere in the past before andnow we're more mature," said safety Thomas DeCoud. "We know what we can and cannot do. "It'sa sense of pride, more of an internal sense of pressure rather than anything external. As professional athletes we all want to go out there and perform well and get this monkey off our backs, so to speak." The Falcons can only marvel at Wilson's ability to pull off a road win in his first playoff game. Wilson completed 15 of 26 passes for 187 yards and ran for 67 yards in last week's win. Seattle overcame a 14-0 deficit to beat the Redskins. Wilson, a third-round pick, has outlasted Andrew Luck and Robert Griffin III in the playoffs. "My expectations are veryhigh," Wilson said. "That's allowed me to be where I am today. If I listen to everybody who said I can't do it, there's no way I could play in the National Football League, there's no way I'd be starting in the National Football League. There's no way I'd be here today." C enter Todd McClure, in h i s 13th season, is the only holdover from the last Atlanta team to win a playoff game, in 2004. "I feel like this is the best team I've been on since I've been here," McClure said. "I'm not just saying that. I feel like this is the best opportunity I've had and we've had to make arun. We have to go out on Sunday and execute. We have
Seahawks at Falcons Time:10 a.m., Fox. Line:Falcons by 2~/~. About the Seahawks:First
postseason meeting against Atlanta, but Seahawks lead all-time series 8-5 ... Have won eight of past nine, outscoring opponents 217-74 ... Ended
eight-game playoff losing streak with 24-14 wild-card win over Redskins last week ... Russell
Wilson's 27TD passes (including playoffsj is a rookie record.... Defense led NFL in fewest points
allowed (15.3 average)andTDs allowed (25j. About the Falcons:Have been
one-and-donein pastfour playoff appearances, including 0-3 under coach Mike Smith ...
Matt Ryan passedfor franchiserecord 4,719 yards and 32TDs and has 33-6 record at home ...
Roddy White (1,351 yards) and Julio Jones (1,198) arethe first Falcons teammates with 1,000-
yard receiving seasons since 1998. White has 585 catches since 2007, the most in NFC ...Defense tied for fifth in NFL with 31 takeaways. Prediction:Falcons, 21-17. Sooner or later the real Falcons have to show up in the playoffs.
It says here it's sooner. — McCiatchy-Tribune NewsService
to play our best football to win this game and I think we're ready for it." The Falcons' offense has evolved in the five seasons under Smith,
whose earlyteams featured running back Michael Turner's runs. First-year offensive coordinator Dirk Koetter made this a pass-first offense with more screens and more big plays for tight end Tony Gonzalez and r eceivers Roddy White and Julio Jones. With Ryan orchestrating the no-huddle attack, t h e F a lcons have the ability for quick-strike big plays. It's a contrast to the Seahawks, who prefer to control the ball with powerful running back Marshawn Lynch, who set a careerhigh and ranked third in the NFL with 1,590 yards rushing. "If we can hold the football, it's frustrating to an offense who wants to go f ast," said Seattle coach Pete Carroll. "We're not trying to sit on the clock at all, but we're certainly committed to the running game. There is nothing better that we can do than to be making first downs and handling the football to keep them from being on the field. The best thing we could do is to keep them on the sideline, and the best way we can do that is to convert, and running gives us a great chance." The Seahawks, only 3-5 on the road in the regular season, must make their second cross-country trip in as many weeks. According to STATS LLC, the only NFL West Coast team to win two games at East Coast sites in the same postseason was the 1989 Los Angeles Rams, who won at Philadelphia and the New York Giants. Seattle lost sacks leader Chris Clemons to a k n e e i njury l a st w eek. Rookie Bruce Irvin w i l l start for Clemons, who had 11'/~ sacks, at defensive end.
Local volleyball playersget all-America honors Bulletin staff report The rest of the country is taking notice of Central Oregon volleyball. Crook C ounty s e nior M akayla L i n dburg a n d Culver sophomore Shealene Little, both of w hom led their respective teams to state titles this past fall, have been awarded various all-America honors by the high school sports website, MaxPreps. Lindburg, who has committed to play at the University of P ortland after graduation, wa s n a m ed to the MaxPreps Medium School All-American first team. Little received MaxPreps Small School thirdteam honors and was also selected for the MaxPreps Sophomore All-American team. The two volleyball standouts were instrumental in their teams' championship runs. Lindburg, who also was named Oregon Amateur Athletic Union (AAU) a thlete of t h e y ea r ( a l l sports) for 2012, recorded 477 kills, 276 digs and 93 blocks while leading the Cowgirls to their seventh consecutive state title. Little was equally i m pressive, ending the 2012 season with 502 kills, 102 service aces and 212 digs. Former Lava Bear named coach at Alaska Fairbanks Mallory Larranaga, a former Bend High volleyball standout who also coached at Mountain View High, has been named the head vol-
leyball coach at her college alma mater, the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Larranaga, whose maiden name i s B e rgstrom, starred for the NCAA Division II Nanooks from 2001 to 2004, ending her career as the s chool's all-time leader in kills and second in digs. In 2010 she was selected as the first volleyball player to be inducted into the Nanook Hall of Fame. An assistant coach for UAF for the past two years, Larranaga spent the 2008 to 2010 volleyball seasons at Bend's Mountain View High School. She led the Cougars to the state playoffs all three years, including a state runner-up finish in 2008. "It's unbelievable and r eally h asn't s un k i n , " Larranaga said at a press conference o n Mo n d ay in Fairbanks. "This is my dream job. I'm not going to tell anyone anything different. It gives me a lot of pride to come back, be an alum and understand what it takes to have excellence here at UAF and then also in athletics." Ex-Summit baseball player to receive national award Kevin Hamann, who last spring as a senior led Summit High baseball to the Class 5A state final, will receive an American Baseball Coaches Association All-American award this weekend at the Northwest Baseball Coaches Convention in Portland. Hamann, who went 16-1 as a pitcher last season for the Storm, was selected to the ABCA/ Rawlings A l l - A merican third team last summer.
Sisters High schedules bingo benefit Sisters High has sched-
uled a bingo fundraising event for Feb. 4. For $15, participants at the "Outlaws Together Bingo Winter Edition" will be entitled to 11 bingo games, which will reward winners with cash prizes. The event will include an auction and a bake sale; pizza, drinks and candy will be available. The school hopes to stage several other bingo nights throughout the year. For more information, contact Sisters High athletic director Tim Roth at 541549-4050 or at tim.roth@
Girls basketball
• tee
Saturday's results
OregonInterscholastic Ski RacingAssociation Jimmy John's 5K freestyle race At DiamondLake
Class1A Mountain Valley League
TRINITY LUTHERAN (32) — Megan Clift 9, Spencer7 Murphy5, Sample4, Carpenter 3,Cowan2, Eidler 2,Martin. Totals13 4-12 32. PROSPECT (42) — AleePinkerton 13 Bailey8, H. Hedgpeth7, Lass6, M. Hedgpeth6, VanWormer 2, Raines,Sizemore. Totals1118-3542. T rinity Lutheran 6 5 9 12 — 3 2 Prospect 17 6 7 1 2 — 42 Three-pointgoals Trinity Lutheran:Clit, Spencer; Prospect:Pinkerton.
about Cutter, a senior, whose runner-up effort was hishighest career finish. "The boys have a little bit of that (competitive camaraderie) Continued from D1 The boys standings were closer, but Bend too. Mitchell is chasing Keenan, and my No. 3, (5:59.47 seconds) held off Summit (6:06.74) 4 and 5 boys are chasing Mitchell." and Redmond (6:45.22) for the team title. Lava Jeffrey Bierman led the Panther boys by Bear junior Keenan Seidel edged out team- taking 14th overalL OSSA's next alpine event is scheduled for mate Mitchell Cutter for the top spot in the individual standings, turning in a combined Saturday at Mt. Bachelor. "These first qualifying runs, you start to figtime of 1:55.99. Cutter was second in 2:01.01, and Summit's Will Mayer was third in com- ure out your team, who you can depend on," bined time in 2:01.44 (although Summit's Jared Timm said. "And any time you can give yourSchiemer finished third in combined points). self a little bit of padding in the overall team "Mitchell was pretty excited," Timm said standings it's nice."
Summit wins nordic races place finishes by Emily Hyde on the girls side and Skylar Kenna for the boys, Summit cruised to team wins in both the girls and boys races at the Oregon High School Nordic Organization's Hoodoo skate race on Saturday afternoon. The Storm girls, which finished atop the six-team field, saw Olivia Moehl (third) and Emma Su (fourth) also place in the top five. Kira Smiley led Bend High, which took third as a team behind St. Mary's Academy o f Portland, with a f i f t h place finish, while Redmond High's Samantha Scholz took
eighth. For the boys, Alec Wiltz and Casey Shannon joined Kenna in the top three to help the Storm edge Bend High in the six-team overall standings. Jack Widmer and Peter Schwarz anchored the Lava Bears with fourth- and fifthplace showings, respectively. In other Saturday action: NORDIC SKIING
Rogue Valley Adventist ....28 N orth Lake..... . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5 SILVER LAKE — Karrah Davidson scored 11 points and Kelli Brown r ecorded four points and 13 rebounds for the Cowgirls, but Rogue Valley Adventist hit 15 free throws to hand North Lake its f i ft h M o u ntain V a lley League defeatof the season. The Cowgirls (1-5 MVL, 3-7 overall) are at Trinity Lutheran of Bend on Friday. BOYS BASKETBALL P rospect..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 6 T rinity Lutheran ..... . . . . . . 20 PROSPECT — The Saints fell into a 14-2 hole at the end of the first quarter be-
fore dropping their Class 1A Mountain Valley League contest to the Cougars. Nate Carpenter logged the f i rst triple-double in the Saints' young history, finishing with 11 points, 14 rebounds and 10 blocks. Trinity Lutheran (0-6 MVL, 1-12 overall) entertains North Lake in a conference clash on Friday. T riad ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 8 G ilchrist... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 7 GILCHRIST — The Grizzlies sawtheir two-game winning streak come to an end after falling to the Timberwolves from Klamath Falls in a Class 1A Mountain Valley League matchup. No statistics were reported. Gilchrist
had three wrestlers place individually in its last competition before next week's Oregon Wrestling Classic. The Bulldogs opened the tournament with a 37-36 win over Class 5A Eagle Point, getting a late pin by Mitch Adams at 195 pounds to clinch the victory. Culver lost matches t o Eugene's Churchill H i gh
(48-18) and Illinois Valley (36-31) before ending dual competition with a 36-31 win over a "renegade" team made up of wrestlers from various schools. Individuals wrestled for top honors after the dual meet. Jared Kasch took second at 120 pounds and Chan-
dler Honeywell (113 pounds) and Adams (195) each placed third. Culver is off until the first day of the Oregon Wrestling Classic in Redmond on Friday. SWIMMING
Brewer paces Storm
at Rumbaugh CORVALLIS — Summit's Tommy Brewer won two individual events and anchored a relay to victory in the 33rd A nnual R u mbaugh H i g h Cougars sweep boys, girls DIAMOND L A K E School Invitational at the OsSummit's Alex Martin and borne Aquatic Center. Brewer finished first in the 100-yard Micaela Martin t ook i n d ividual wins in the girls and breaststrokeandthe 200 freeboys races, but it was Mounstyle. He teamed with John tain View using three top-10 Hartmeier, Jeremy Moon and individual finishes that swept Michael Hartmeier to takethe t he team standings at t h e 400 free relay event, knocking off Sheldon of Eugene by Oregon Interscholastic Ski Racing Association Jimmy five one-hundredths of a secJohn's freestyle race. Sage (4-2 MVL, 7-5 overall) heads ond. The Storm boys finished in fourth place in the 12-team Hassell was the high finisher to Klamath Falls on Friday for the Mountain View girls, for a conference showdown field. M ackenzie H a lligan finishing fourth, while Imran against Hosanna Christian. paced the Summit girls team Wolfenden took second to D ufur..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 with two wins of her own, lead the boys. The Cougars C entral Christian ..... . . . . . 10 picking up first-place finishes also won the boys and girls REDMOND — The Tigers in the 200 free and 500 free. relay races. Teammate Madi Brewer was were held scoreless in the first quarter, as the Rangers second in the 200 free and GIRLS BASKETBALL Prospect.......... . . . . . . ..42 jumped out to a 19-point lead 100 backstroke, and HalliT rinity Lutheran ..... . . . . . . 32 before taking the Class 1A Big gan and Brewer, along with PROSPECT — Megan Clift Sky League contest. Bryson Ali Epple and Merritt Allen, finished with a t e am-high Eells scored four points to were second in the 200 free nine points, eight rebounds lead Central Christian (0-7 relay and 400 free relay races. a nd four a ssists, but t h e BSL, 1-10 overall), which vis- The Summit girls were third Saints could not overcome its C.S. Lewis Academy in overall out of 12 squads. Bella a 17-6 first-quarter deficit en Newberg on Thursday for a Wiener led the Bend girls' route to a Class 1A Mountain nonconference matchup. fifth-place effort with a runner-up finish in the 50 free. Valley League loss, snapping WRESTLING a two-game winning streak. The Lava Bear boys were Madras sixth at Seaside Rachel Spencer scored seven L ed b y SEASIDE seventh behind Ben Brockpoints for Trinity Lutheran c hampionship runs f r om man's second-place finish in (2-4 MVL, 6-7 overall), which Jared Dupont at 120 pounds the 100 butterfly. Ridgeview's hosts North Lake on Friday. and Miguel Vasquez at 132, Conor McCreary was eighth T riad ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 M adras placed sixt h o u t in the 50 free, and the Raven G ilchrist... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 of 19 teams at the two-day boys were 12th in the team GILCHRIST — The GrizSeaside Tournament. Lane standings. Casee Lantz was zles were handed their sec- McDonald (120 pounds) and 11th in the 100 breast for the ond straight Class 1A Moun- Bryce Vincent (113) added Ridgeview girls, who were tain Valley League defeat, a pair of runner-up finishes also 12th. this one at the hands of the and Trevor Parsons (120) Cougars post invite wins Timbervvolves. No statistics and Ethan Short (170) both HOOD RIVER — Kris Sagwere reported. Gilchrist (2-4 finished fourth in their reers and Justine Hanway won MVL, 4-7 overall) continues spective weight classes. "The an individual event each and league play on Friday with boys stepped up," White Buf- also posted third-place fina matchup against Hosanna faloes coach Ron Oliver said. ishes to lead Mountain View "We didn't wrestle real well Christian in Klamath Falls. in the 10-team The Dalles InD ufur..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 1 at Pendleton (at the end of vitational, which was staged Central Christian ..... . . . . . 29 December), but we wrestled in Hood River. Sagers took REDMOND — Despite 17 good at Riddle and we wres- top honors in the boys 100points from Desi Duke, the tled good here." Miguel Se- yard butterfly and third in the Tigers were dealt their third villa also placed for Madras, 200 individual medley, while s traight Class lA B i g S k y taking sixth at 285. The Buffs Hanway won the girls 100 League loss to drop to 0-6 host Molalla and Estacada on freestyle and finished third in conference play and 2-10 Thursday. in the 500 free. Phoebe Weedoverall. Central C h r istian Bulldogs go 2-2 at Crater man added a second-place C ENTRAL P O I N T travels to Newberg on Thursresult in the 200 free and a day for a nonleague matchup Culver went 2-2 at the Crater fourth-place effort in the 100 against C.S. Lewis Academy. dual-meet tournament and fly for the Cougar girls.
Swimming Saturday's results 33rd AnnualRumbaughHigh School Invitational At CorvaUis Winners andtopeight Central Oregonfinishers Girls Teamscores—West Salem312.5, CrescentValley 243,Summit 237,Newberg 229, Bend185, Marshfield 182,McMinnvile 162.5, Canby158, Roseburg 137, Corvallis129,Sheldon86,Ridgeview6.
200 medley relay — 1,New berg (Sarah Simkins, AlyshaBush,CathenneMays,CassieBeecher), 1:54.24. 7, Summit(Jennifer Lyon,GiannaBelza,Kaylin Ivy, KenziVi encent),2:1084. 200 freestyle — 1,Mackenzie Hagigan, Summit, 1:55.88.2, MadiBrewer,Summit,1:56.65. 200 individual medley —1, Mackenzie Rumriff,
Boys Team scores — MountainView17, SouthEugene33,Sheldon 62,Summit64,Ashand 78,Crook County100. Top 10 — 1, Alex Martin, S, 13:50. 2, Imran WestSalem,2:07.61. 3,Ali Epple,Summit, 2:16.43. Wolfenden,MV,14.06. 3, Trevor Meffifield, SE,14:08. 50 freestyle — 1, CassieBeecher, Newberg, 4, Sam Klng,MV,1419.5, DylanGigespie, MV1507. 24.742,BellaWiener,Bend,2629. 6, AdiWolienden,MV,15:14. 7, DakotaThornton, MV, 100 butterfly — 1, Carrie Kralovec,Canby, 15:33. 8,GabeWyffie MV, 16:29. 9,DakotaLindsay, MV, 1:01.66.3, BrookeMiler, Bend,1:02.05. 16:33.10,AlbertKolodziejczk,MV,16:44 100 freestyle — 1,AlyshaBush, Newberg, 51.70. 6 Beff aWiener,Bend,58.80. 500 freestyle — 1,Mackenzie Hagigan,Summit, Alpine skiing 5:07.48. 3,JenniferRobeson, Bend, 5:20.51. 8 Alex Boys basketball Saturday's results Winslow,Bend,6:02.40. 200 freestyle relay — 1,Newberg(AlyshaBush, Saturday's results OregonSchool SkiAssociation MekalaGassner, Cassie Beecher, Catherine Mays), Giant slalom 1:40.61. 2, Summi(Madi t Brewer,Ali Epple,Merritt Class1A At Mt. Bachelor ski area's Cliffhanger Al en,Mackenzie Haffigan), 1:45.62.4, Bend(Jennifer Mountain Valley League RobesonBrookeMiler, Madeleine Busby, Bela WieBoys ner), I:48.08. TRINITY LUTHERAN(20) — Nate Carpenter Top 10 combined times — 1,Kee nanSeidel, 100 backstroke — 1, Macken zie Rumrig, West 11, Dunn4, Law3,Akiyama2, Atnip, Kruger,Nihei, C. Bend, 1.55.99. 2, Mi t chell Cuffer, Bend, 2:01:01. 3, Salem,57.37. 2,MadiBrewer, Summit,59.61. 6,Brooke Knauss DKnauss,Dlano Totals84-1020. William Mayer, Summ i t , 2:01:44 4, Thomas Wi m Miller, Bend,1:05.00. PROSPECT (46) — ScottyKennedy 18,Munsell 100 breaststroke — I,ShaylynBrownell, Marsh10, Ehlers8, Reynolds 6, Baker 4, Bliss, Crytes,May, berly, Summit,2:01:49. 5, JaredSchiemer, Summit, 2:01.76 6,MatthewScheaier, Bend,2:02.47. 7, Charlie field,10992 3,AliEpple,Summit,11459. Roe,Rader,Jermain. Totals 222-646. Stuermer, Sum m i t , 2:03.54. 8, Kevi n Pan t o n, Su m m it , 400 freestyle relay — 1,WestSalem, (Maria Trinity Lutheran 2 6 6 6 — 20 2:05.25 9, SamueNelson,Bend, 2:05.57. 10,Javier WetzelAbi , Diaz,AffieRasmussen,MackenzieRumriff), Prospect 14 10 16 6 — 46 Colton,Bend2.06.77. 3:46.38. 2, Summi(Madi t Brewer,Ali Epple,Merritt Three-poingoal t s— None. Girls Alen, MackenzieHagigan),3:47.70 4,Bend(Chyna T op 10 combi n ed times — 1, Brooke Ke g ey , Fish, JenniferRobeson, BrookeMiler, BeffaWiener), Big SkyLeague Bend,2:01.80.2, EhnorWilson, Bend,2:04.19. 3, Kiki 3;57.35. ama, Bend, 2:05.41. 4, ShelbyCutter, Boys DUFUR(60) Nick Little17, Parke13,Newman Nakamura-Koy Bend,2 :09.67.5,LuciaCharlton,Bend,2:10.02.6,Jolo Team scores — Corvagis313,Sheldon302, 8, Morris 5,Tibbets5, Caldwel4, Bravos2,Kotge2,DlBond,Summit, 2:15.00.7, JesseStevens, Redmond, McMinnviffe259, Summit 246.5, Newberg 197,West son 2,Buntin2, Hammer,J. Little. Totals 264-6 60. CENTRALCHRISTIAN (10) — BrysonEelis 4, 2:17.73. 8,KierstenRowles, Bend,2:17.82. 9, Keylee Salem188.5,Bend165,CrescentVagey140, Roseburg Floyd, Summ it, 2:18.34.10, Natalie Merrill, Summit, 137, Canby 59, Marshfield 44, Ridgeview17 Bryant 3Koo2,Roberts1, Sibley,Poole,Kruse,Davis. 2;18.38. 200 medley relay — 1, Corvagis(Brandon Totals 4 2-8 10. Shreeve,Joe Cihak, lan Campbell, Joe Serewis), Dufur 19 20 10 11 — 60 1:40.38. 3,Summit(JohnHartmeier, Tomm y Brewer, Central Christian 0 3 4 3 — 10 Wrestling MarshalAl l len,AdrlenCalmels), I:41.64. 8,Bend(Paul Three-polntgoals — Dufur: Newm an, Parke, N. Saturday's results Rogers,Garrett Ross,Justin Gilette,JordanSheller), Little, Morris;CentralChristian:None. 1;55.04. Bend Invitational 200 freestyle — 1, TommyBrewer, Summit, Nordic skiing At BendHighSchool I:42.61. 5,BenBrockman, Bend, I:52.37. 200 individual medley — 1, CurtisHubbard, Saturday's results Team scores —Redmond395.5, Mountain View Sheldon, I58.73.4,JohnHartmeier, Summit, 2:03.55. 50 freestyle — 1,TristanVersteeg, McMinnviffe, 342,Stayton207,Bums 203,Bend 165,LaPine 122, OregonHighSchoolNordic Organization Ridgeview109,Wilameffe100.5, Summit88.5, Ash- 22.68. 8,ConorMcCreary, Ridgeview,24.51. HoodooSkate l a nd 84, Si s ters 47, Su t h erl i n 31. 100 butterfly — 1,TristanVersteeg McMinnviffe, at Hoodoo 106 — 1,ZachHowe,MV.2,Thorin Wilson, LP.T3, 52.67. 2,BenBrockman,Bend,55.20.3,MarshallAllen, AustinReed,W.T3,ChanceSchwebel, R.113 —1,J.T Summit56.10. , Girls 100 freestyle — 1, JacobPorter, McMinnviffe, Teamscores — Summit8,St.Mary'sAcademy Ayers,MV.2,Cooper Goguen,Stay.3,HunterRychener, Sis. 120 — 1, J.R. Pa scua, W. 2, Austi n Ryst e dt, R 49.37. 20, Bend26,HoodRiverValey 40,CrescentValey 64, 3 Wyatt Slaght,MV.126— 1, BrandonShort, R.2, 500 freestyle — 1, BrandonShreeve, CorvalCorvaffis92. KalebWinebarger,MV3, KaseyBeuschlein, Bend132 lis, 4:49.44.4,PaulRogers,Bend,5:0826.5,Jeremy Top 10 — 1,EmilyHyde,Sum,17.4530. 2, Viv—1, TyGeorge,R.2,TracyPitcher, MV.3,Nico Spring, Moon,Summ it, 5:0851. ian Hawkinson,SSal, 18:10.50. 3, OliviaMoehl, Sum, Bend 138 — 1, John Hi c key, R. 2, Kri s Ki r kpatri c k, 200 freestyle relay — 1,Corvallis (JoeCihak, 19:07. 4, Emma Su,Sum, 19:07.20. 5, KiraSmiley, lan Campb ell, JoeSerewis, BrandonShreeve),1:3086. Bend,19 :5350.6,AnneJarvis,Sum,20:07.7,Emma MV.T3,KylerAyers,MV.T3, HenryBlades, Stay.145 — 1, ChanceLindquist, R. 2, Justin Vinton, Bend 6, Summi(Adri Malmrtuist,Sum,20:19.30. 8, SamanthaScholz, Red, t enCalmels, MichaelHartmeier,Jeremy 20:2890.9, TayaNakamura, Sum,20:35.50 10, Petra 3, RyanBlythe,Stay. 152— 1, SarekShields, R.2, Moon,Marshall Alen),1:37.98. 8, Bend(BenBrockKnapp,HRV,2139. BrennanBailey, BumsT3,Garrett Blackburn,Bums man, ColeMoore,JordanSheller, NathanBrown), Boys T3, Toby Arndt, MV.160— 1, SethNonnenmacher, 1;39.88. Teamscores — Summit6,Bend16, HoodRiver Burns. 2, ClayWaffen, Stay. 3, BrandonKater, Sum 100 backstroke —1,JoeCihak, Corvaffis,54.80. Valley33,Corvalis 49, CrescentValey 67,Cleveland 170 — 1 MatsonGah ley, Bums.2, Codi Branch, 2 (tie), JohnHanmeier,Summit, 54.86.5, Marshall Al86. Stay.T3,BeauBlackburn, Burns. T3,BrennanYates, R. len, Summit,1:00.38.8,PaulRogers, Bend,1:02.71. Top 10 —1, Skylar Kenna,Sum,15:10.40. 2, 182 — 1,Boomer Fleming, RV2, Gunnar Sigado, R. 100 breaststroke — 1,Tomm yBrewer,Summit, Alec Wiltz,Sum,15:55.10 3, CaseyShannon, Sum, 3, Andrew Bright, MV.195 —I, MasonMontgomery, 58.69 16:09.60. 4, JackWidmer, Bend, 16:16.50. 5, Peter A. 2,TrevorRoberts, MV.3, CaseyGates, R.220—1, 400 freestyle relay — 1,Summit (JohnHartmeiSchwarz,Bend,16:26.30.6,SamWiley, HRV,1639.10. SumnerSausbury,R.2, CodyElsenberg, A.T3,Jordon er, JeremyMoon, Michael Hartmeier, Tommy Brewer), 3:23.72. 8, Bend(Paul Rogers, NathanBrown, Cole 7, Teddy Widmer, Bend, 16:51.10. 8, Zebediah Daugherty,Burns.T3,TeddyGodtrey,R.285 —1,JaMiffslagle,Sum,16:52.60. 9,StevenDougherty, Bend, cob Breitling, R.2,ZakaryJullian, W.T3, Darrln Dugey, Moore,BenBrockman), 3:47.31. DUFUR(51) —Alexis Anderson13,Taylor Darden 13, Ghram m12,Macias6,Elis 5, Miler 2,Pullen,Harris. Totals1715-2351. CENTRALCHRISTIAN(29) — Desi Duke17, McAfee6,Hannay4, S.Brunoe2, Stealey,Allen.Totals 13 3-13 29. Dufur 10 11 18 12 — 51 C entral Christian 5 4 7 13 — 2 9 Three-pointgoals — Dufur: Anderson,Ghramm; CentralChristian None.
Joe Kline/The Bulletin
Girls Team scores —MountainView26, SouthEugene 38,Ashland 56,North Eugene 62,Summit69,Crook County113,Phoenix115. Top 10 — 1, MlcaelaMartin, S, 15minutes, 55 seconds.2, HelenCuting, NE,1704. 3, Phaceila Cramer,SE,17:06.4, SageHasseff, MV,17:48.5, Sophie Smith, PleasantHill, 18.28. 6, Claire Honsinger,A, 18:48. 7,Rae annMoreffi, MV,18:48. 8, AnneRamey, SE,19:01. 9,BriannaOM ' alley, S,19.02.10, TiaHatton, MV,19:22.
Big SkyLeague
Bend's Keenan Seidel skis down the Cliffhanger run at Mt. Bachelor ski area during the Oregon School Ski Association giant slalom race on Saturday. Seidel was the top boys finisher.
Bulletin staff report HOODOO — With f i r st-
Wrestling Continued from D1 La Pine, which finished sixth with 122 points, saw Thorin Wilson take second at 106 after dropping the championship match 6-4 to Howe of Moun-
tain View. The Hawks' Darrin Dulley tied for third at 285 with Chad Bach of Mountain View. Ridgeview junior Boomer Fleming, who was named the outstanding wrestler between 152 and 285 pounds, won the 182-pound bracket to p a ce
the Ravens, which totaled 109 points for seventh place. Summit took ninth with 88'/s points and was led by Brandon Katter's third-place showing at 160. Hunter Rychener highlighted the day for 11th-place Sisters by taking third at 113.
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SEND YOUR Q U E S T IONS FOR THESE TAX PRO F E SSION ALS TO: The Bulletin, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708 or email: nclose@bendbt) My question is:
Magic eat Clippers, en ski
d-Miami d-NewYork d-Iodiaoa Brooklyn Atlanta Chicago Boston Milwaukee Phi adelphia Toronto Detroit Orlando Charlotte Cleveland Washington
L OS ANGELES — T w o streaking teams going in opposite directions. The Clippers, co-owners of the NBA's best record and on a roll at
home.The Magic,playing op-
Mark J. Terriu/The Associated Press
Orlando Magic guard Ish Smith, right, dunks as he is fouled by Los Angeles Clippers guard Jamai Crawford during the first half of Saturday's game in Los Angeles. "We got muffled a little, so we tried to make the best out of the situation," he said. The Clippers were six of six from the free throw line, and Orlando was 15 of 19. "That's unheard of," Paul said. "Blake (Griffin) takes 22 shots and no free throws. That's not typical for us." Redick added 21 points, and Vucevic had 18 points and 15 rebounds for the injury-riddled Magic, who also stopped a four-game road losing streak. They completed a sweep of the L.A. teams, having beaten the Lakers 1D-103 at Staples Center on Dec. 2, when Afflalo also scored 30 points. "Too bad we c an't play here all year," said Afflalo, who starred at UCLA before Vucevic played across town at Southern California. "I was the sour grape at the end letting guys know this only counts as one game." Also on Saturday: Heat..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
T haddeus Young h a d 1 8 points and 12 rebounds and Philadelphia snapped a fivegame losing streak. J azz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 0 P istons.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 AUBURN HILLS, Mich. A l Jefferson scored 10 of his 20 points in the third quarter, and Utah rallied for the win. -
Pacers.......... . . . . . . . . ..96
B obcats ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 8 INDIANAPOLIS — George Hill scored 19 points, D.J. Augustin added a season-high 18 and Indiana earned its fourth straight win. S uns ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 7 B ulls ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 1 CHICAGO — Luis Scola scored 22points to help Phoenix snap a five-game losing streak. Michael Beasley added 20 points for Phoenix. Mavericks..... . . . . . . . . . . . 104 G rizzlies.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 (Barnes) over there," CrawDALLAS — Shawn Marford said. "I thought I made the ion scored a season-high 20 right decision, but J.J. Redick points, Dirk Nowitzki added guessed right. I thought he 17 and Dallas won consecuwas going to rotate, so I faced tive games for the first time it. When I put the ball down he Kings......... . . . . . . . . . . in a month. stayed there, so lucky guess." SACRAMENTO, Calif. W izards ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 Josh M c Roberts f o u nd Mario Chalmers had career H awks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 N ikola Vucevic open under the highs with 10 3-pointers and WASHINGTON — J o hn basket, and Vucevic dunked to 34 points to lead Miami to a Wall gave his teammates a extend Orlando's lead to 104- victory over Sacramento. lift with 14 points and four 101 with 8 seconds left. 76ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 assists in his first game of After a timeout, Crawford Rockets ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 100 the season, and worst-in-themissed a 3-pointer as time PHILADELPHIA — Jrue NBA Washington has its first expired. Holiday scored 30 p o ints, winning streak. -
The Ducks will also play USC and UCLA only once this Continued from 01 play if you're going to play the season, next week in Los An"We're asking him to do a position. geles. That odd bit of schedullot of different things and he's "You seta tone ...for those ing means Oregon will have off to a terrific start," Arizona other four guys. They're fol- completed its scheduled games lowing you. If you're setting a against four Pac-12 teams beState coach Herb Sendek said. Carson's freshman season good tone with your energy, fore even playing once against was delayed when the NCAA the team generally follows." six other conference teams. Last new visitor: Arizona did not grant him immediate Sun Devils swats: Arizona eligibility a year ago, but he State will be the final Pac-12 State opponents have attemptwas able to practice with the team to play at Matthew Knight ed 985 shots this season and Arena for the first time when it the Sun Devils have blocked Sun Devils. "Having him a r ound last takes the court for tonight's 6 124 of them. That means ASU year definitely helped with the o'clock contest. The Sun Devils blocks one of every 7.9 shots transition into t his season," were Oregon's last opponent at taken by an opponent. McArthur Court, handing the Jordan Bachynski, a 7-footSendek said. Oregon coach Dana Altman Ducks a 60-55 loss in the fare- 2 junior, has 73 blocked shots, well game on Jan. I, 2011. Two and his average of 4.6 entering is equally pleased with the w eeks later, O regon opened its the weekend ranked him third progress of Artis. "I'd like to see him be a little new facility. in the nation. The conference bit more energetic, but he's ASU, along with Arizona, record for blocked shots is 115 did not play at Matthew Knight by ASLPs Mario Bennett in the done a great job, working in the team concept and doing the Arena last season because the 1994-95 season. "He's always in the back of things I'm asking him to do," 18-game conference schedule Altman said. "It's not an easy for 12 teams means each miss- your head, that somebody is job, and he's done a really good es two foes either at home or on going to come get your shot," job of trying to pick everything the road. Oregon will not go to Oregon's Johnathan Loyd said. up. the desert this season to play "It seems like he's moving a lot Altman said that while "D.A. either the Wildcats or the Sun better and covering a lot more thinks I'm on him about every- Devils. area than last year."
ConferenceGlance AH TimesPST
Watson0-32-2 2,Favors3-51-4 7, Hayward2-82-3 6, Bulks5-70-012, Kaoter2-20-04. Totals36-71 13-18 90. DETROIT (87) Princ e 3-8 2-2 8,Maxieg 2-5 3-4 7,Monroe6-9 0-012, Knight 7160-016, Siogler2-20-04, Stuckey 2-6 3-4 9,Drumm ond4-5 1-49, yiganueva1-5 1-3 GB 4, Daye1-32-25, Byoum6-61-213. Totals 34-65 13-2187. I Hz Utah 13 26 25 26 — 90 2 Detroit 26 24 11 26 — 87
EAS TERNCONFERENCE W L Pc t 24 11 686 23 1 3 .639 23 14 .622 21 1 5 ,583 3i/z 21 15 .583 3 Hz 20 1 5 .571 4 19 17 .528 5 '/z 18 17 514 6 16 22 .421 9 Hz 14 22 .389 10'/z 14 24 .368 11'/z 13 23 361 11Hz 27 .250 15Hz 6 29 .237 16'/z 9
The Associated Press
ponents close only to fall short while piling up the franchise's longest skid since the 2003-04 season. Something had to give, and this time, it was the Clippers. J.J. Redick gave Orlando its first lead of the game on a 3-pointer with 42 seconds left, Arron Afflalo tied his season high with 30 points, and the Magic won 104-101 on Saturday to snap a 10-game skid. "It wasn't a letdown by us. Don't try t o t ake anything away from them," Clippers guard Chris Paul said. "They made tough shot after tough shot. J.J. Reddick had a hand in his face half the time." The loss ended the Clippers' franchise-record, 13game home-winning streak and provided them with a scare when All-Star Paul went down holding his right knee with 54 seconds to go. "It was real scary," Paul said. "I was looking up, trying to run down the ball, and J.J. Redick and I bumped knees." Paul returned after a timeout and hit a 15-footer to draw his team within one with 33 seconds left. But the Clippers turned the ball over on Jamal Crawford's offensive foul, with Redick drawing the charge. "I got the ball in t r ansition and I thought I saw Matt
thing, I'm really not. There's a certain way you've got to
with the addition of Dwight Howard and Steve Nash, he Continued from 01 is on a team that has a star at Over his four years at the every position. But by losing to school, the team's combined Oklahoma City on Friday, the record was 93-19 (.830) and Lakers fell to 15-21 (.417), putincluded a state championship ting them five games behind in Bryant's senior season. He the Portland Trail Blazers, who scored more points in h i gh currently hold the final playoff school than W il t C hamber- spot in the Western Conferlain, and he took the R8cB star ence, and 13 games behind the Brandy to prom. No. I Thunder. The success followed him to So far the team's ownership the NBA where, as an 18-year- has not panicked. old rookie, he played limited "This team is built to win," minutes for a team that went Jim Buss, the team's executive 56-26 (.683). From his arrival vicepresident and the owner's until this season, the Lakers' son, said on a radio show last r egular-season record w a s week. "It's a very, very solid 833-431 (.659) and the team team. In my mind, we would won five championships, a run not consider a temporary fix or that few other than Bill Rus- blow it up. Why blow up somesell's Boston Celtics could top. thing we have a future with?" The one glaring exception was While the notion that the 2004-05 when a pouting Bry- team has a bright future is ant, surrounded by a subpar questionable considering the supporting cast, finished 34-48 age and health of Bryant and (.415) and missed the playoffs. Nash, there is no reason for the Currently the Lakers are in team to overreact to its record. line to repeat that feat, but they This season's Lakers are do not have a similar excuse outperforming last season's to 2004-05 when the starting squad that went 41-25 in terms lineup included Chris Mihm of points per 100 possessions and Chucky Atkins. Instead, (108.3 vs. 106.0) despite hav-
76ers107, Rockets100
HOUSTON (100) Parsons9-18 4-423, Morris 2-6 0-24, Asik6-7 4-416, Lio2-133-47,Hardeo10-197-829,Douglas 1-6 0-0 2,Patterson1-40-0 3, Delfioo 6-110-016, Smith 0-00-00.TotaIs 37-84 18-22100. PHILADELPHIA (107) Turner6-100-012, TYouog8-142-418, Ageo1-6 28 176 17Hz 1-2 3, Holiday11-227-730,Richardson 7-150-016, WES TERNCONFERENCE Hawes 5-90-010, Wright3-60-0 8 Wilkins1-3 5-6 W L Pc t GB 7, Ivey1-20-03.Totals 43-8715-19107. d-Oklahoma City 28 8 .778 Houston 25 25 26 24 — 100 d-L A.Clippers 28 9 7 5 7 I/2 Philadelphia 29 2 9 27 22 — 107 d-SaoAntonio 28 11 .71 8 I Hz Memphis 24 11 .686 3 '/z GoldenState 23 1 2 ,657 4i/z Denver 22 16 .579 7 Pacers 96, Bobcats 88 Portland 20 1 6 .556 8 Houston 21 17 .553 8 CHARLOTTE (88) Utah 20 19 51 3 9 Hz Kidd-Gilchrist 2-70-0 4,Wauick 5-133-513, BiMinnesota 16 17 .485 10Hz yombo4-40-08, Walker 5-95-516, Henderson 6-12 L.A. Lakers 15 2 1 .41 7 1 3 0-012, Gordon 9-14 2-3 21 Sessions2-113-3 7, Dallas 15 2 3 .395 1 4 Taylor1-20-03,Addeo0-20-00, Haywood 2-40-0 Sacramento 13 24 351 15Hz 4. Totals 36-7813-16 88. Phoenix 13 26 .333 16Hz INDIANA(96) NewOrleans 11 2 5 .306 1 7 McGuire0-3 0-20, West7-150-014, Hibbert4d-divisiooleader 9 1-2 9, Hill 7-17 2-219, Stephensoo8-13 0-017, Green3-12 0-08, T.Haosbzough 1-3 1-13,Johnson Saturday's Games 1-30-03, Mahiomi2-51-1 5, Augustin5-94-418. Odaodo104,L.A. Clippers101 Totals 38-89 9-1296. Indiana96,Charotte88 Charlotte 24 21 20 23 — 88 Washington93,Atlanta 83 Indiana 23 20 26 27 — 96 Utah 90,Detroit 87 Philadelphia107,Houstoo100 Phoenix97, Chicago81 Dallas104,Memphis83 Wizards 93, Hawks 83 Miami128,Sacramento99 Today'sGames ATLANTA (83) NewOrleansat NewYork, oooo Korvez2-60-05, Smith4132-611, Horford8-16 Milwaukee atToronto, 10a.m. 0-016, Teague 6-106-719, Harris3-61-28, Pachulia 2-41-25,Wiliams3-120-0 8,Johnson 0-66-8 6, IndianaatBrooklyn 3 p.m. MinnesotaatSaoAntonio,4 p.m. Jeokios 2-4 0-05, Stevenson0-1 0-0 0 Totals 30GoldenStateatDenver, 5p.m. 78 16-25 83. OklahomaCity atPortland, 6 p.m. WASHINGTON (93) Cleve landatL.A Lakers,6:30pm Webster6-102-615, Neoe3-5 2-28, Okatoz3-8 Mouday's Games 4 610, Price6-124 416, Beal6 163-416, Seraphio OrlandoatWashington, 4 p.m. 4-100-08, Wall5-114-514, Vesely0-10-00, Ariza Charlotteat Boston, 4:30p.m. 1-20-02, Booker1-10-02, Temple1-30-02. Totals AtlantaatChicago,5p.m. 36-79 19-27 93. L.A. Clippersat Memphis, 5p.m. Atlanta 17 33 16 17 — 83 MinnesotaatDalas, 5.30 p.m. Washington 27 24 22 20 — 93 Oklahoma City atPhoenix, 6p.m. Miami atUtah,6p.m. Clevelandat Sacramento, 7p.m.
Summaries SURS97, BUIIS 81 PHOENIX (97) Tucker1-60-02,Scola9-154-422,Godat3-42-4 8, Dragic2-82-47, Brown4-6 2-411, O'Neal 1-52-2 4, Johnson14 0 03, Telfair 2 6 7 713, Beasley10140 020,Morris 350-07, Zeger0-00-00, Marshall 0-0 0-0 0.Totals 36-73 19-25 97. CHICAGO (81) Deog5-162-2 13 Boozer6-14 3-315, Noah413 2-4 10, Hiodch0-3 1-2 I, Hamilton6-9 0-0 12, Robinson2-82-2 7,Gibson1-20-02, Belioegi 3-12 2-38,Mohammed0-2 0-2 0,Butler5-7 3-313,Cook 0-2 0-0 0,Teague0-0 0-00, Radmaoovic 0-00-00. Totals 32-8815-21 81. Phoenix 20 29 28 20 — 97 Chicago 21 21 21 18 — 81
Jazz 90, Pistons87 UTAH (90)
Carroll 2-5 1-1 5,Migsap6-135-6 17, Jefferson 10-18 0-020,Tiosley0-1 0-0 0, Foye6-9 2-2 17,
4-11 3-3 11,Thomas13-22 2-3 34, Garcia1-4 0-0 3,Evans2-94-68,Thornton2-80-0 5,Johosoo5-8 1-3 11, Fredette3-7 2-2 9,Hayes1-1 0-0 2, Robinsoo4-8 2-2 10,Hooeycutt2-30-0 4.Totals 38-87 14-19 99. Miami 28 38 37 25 — 128 Sacramento 17 27 28 27 — 99
Mavericks 104, Grizzlies 83 MEMPHIS(83) Gay 5-111-212, Randolph3-7 0-06, Ga sol 3-8 2-2 8, Cooley2-5 2-2 7, Allen4-9 1-2 9, Speights 3-7 1-2 7,Bayless2-44 5 9,Arthur 5-13 1-4 11, Elliogton 1-90-0 2, Haddadi1-50-0 2,Selby3-6 4-7 10. Totals 32-8416-26 83. DALLAS(104) Marion 9-130-0 20, Nowitzki 5-84-717, Kamao 7 13 0 0 14,Cogisoo4-81-1 10 Mayo 4-71-1 11, Carter2-6 2-2 8 Beaubois1-40-0 2, Brand4-62-2 10, Crowder1-32-45, Da.Jones1-2 3-45, M.James 0-30-00, 8James0-30-00,Wright1-40-02.TotaIs 39-80 15-21 104. Memphis 18 21 23 21 — 83 Dallas 25 29 34 16 — 104
Leaders ThroughSaturday'sGame Individual statistics Scoring
HowardLAL Randolph,MEM Asik, HOU yucevic,ORL Hicksoo,POR Chandler,NYK Lee,GOL Noah,CHI Faried,DEN Cousins,SAC
Team Statistics TeamOffense G PT S AVG Oklahoma City 36 3 805 105.7 Magic104, Clippers101 38 4 0 07 105.4 Houston 39 4 0 86 104.8 SaoAntonio ORLANDO (104) L.A. Lakers 36 3 7 13 103.1 Jones0-2 0-00, Nicholson4-80-0 8, Vucevic 7- Miami 35 3 5 90 102.6 94 618, Nelson4141-1 11, Afflalo1019 7 830, Denver 38 3 8 77 102.0 Redick8-141-1 21,McRoberts 2-82-27, Smith3-6 L.A. Cl i p pers 37 3 767 101.8 0-1 7, Hazklesst-t 0-02,0'Quioog-00-00. Totals NewYork 36 3 655 101.5 39-81 15-19 104. GoldenState 35 3 5 35 101.0 L.A. CLIPPERS (101) Dallas 38 3 7 64 991 Butler 3-70-0 8,Griffin 15-220-030, Jordan5-6 Utah 39 3 833 98.3 0-0 10,Paul4-111-1 10, Green4-7 0-0 10,Baroes 36 3 4 97 97.1 4-10 0-010, Bledsoe 1-40-0 2, Crawford4-123-3 Portland to 37 3 588 97.0 13, Odom 3-5 0-06, Turiaf0-1 0-00, Hill 0-3 2-22. Sacramen Toronto 36 3 4 77 96.6 Totals 43-88 6-6101. Atlanta 36 3 4 73 96.5 Orlando 26 23 26 29 — 104 36 3 465 96.3 L.A. Clippers 31 2 6 26 18 — 101 Brooklyn Milwaukee 35 3 3 68 96.2 Phoenix 39 3 7 26 95.5 Charlotte 36 3 438 95.5 Minnesota 33 3 1 48 95.4 Heat128, Kings 99 Boston 36 3 434 95.4 MIAMI (128) Orlando 36 3 4 21 95.0 James 7-106-7 20, Haslem1-3 3-45, Bosh6-11 Detroit 38 3 6 11 95.0 4-4 16, Chalmers12-16 0-0 34, Wade3-5 5-6 11, Memphis 35 3 3 11 94.6 Allen 4-91-1 10,Aothooy1-3 2-2 4,Miller 4 80-0 Cleveland 38 3 590 94.5 12, Cole3-60-06, Lewis3-50-08 Jones0-20-0 Chicago 35 3 2 72 93.5 0, Vazoado 1-1 0-0 2, Harrellsoo0-1 0-0 0. Totals Philadelphia 38 3 5 19 92.6 45-80 21-24 128. NewOrleans 36 3 3 12 92.0 SACRAMENTO (99) Indiana 37 3 3 70 91.1 Salmons 0-30-00,Thompson1-30-02,Cousins Washington 34 3 0 38 89.4
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I I I t I 9 gg n
ing little chance to jell. Bryant is the only player to start all 36 games, and what was projected as the starting lineup at the start of the season has played together for 117 min-
mostly because of injuries. Defensivelythey have underperformed, butdefense requires a continuity Los Angeles has not had. Through it all, Bryant has shown more maturity, at least on the court, than he did in his only other losing season. He is leading the league in scoring at 30 points a game and has ratingsince 2006-07. Ifhe w ere to be joined in reasonable production by even three of the playerswho were projected to start, the season would probably turn around. Should that fail to happen, Bryant would experience his second losing season, but this time with a stronger supporting cast. Seeing how he reacts would probably reveal more about his character than any of the accomplishments he has come to be known for.
00 DOINfif
utes (fewer than three games),
his highest player efficiency
G FG FT PTS AVG 36 375 254 1081 300 29 292 186 851 29.3 36 337 288 1026 285 37 296 316 981 265 35 346 167 905 25.9 36 274 188 789 21.9 31 235 148 631 20.4 35 247 108 708 20.2 34 277 132 686 20.2 35 289 116 694 198 36 237 161 707 196 37 284 133 721 19.5 35 248 136 661 18 9 34 254 89 635 18.7 36 237 110 667 185 35 237 103 647 185 38 246 116 692 182 34 233 139 612 18.0 Rebouuds G OFF DEFTOT AVG 33 122 288 410 124 34 146 253 399 11.7 38 113 309 422 11.1 36 120 276 396 11.0 35 139 245 384 110 36 166 224 390 108 35 101 278 379 108 34 129 227 356 10.5 38 154 233 387 10.2 32 111 213 324 10.1
Bryant,LAL Anthony,NYK Duraot,DKC Harden,HDU James,MIA Westbzook,DKC Wade,MIA Curry,GOL Aldridge,POR Lee,GO L Pierce,BO S Parker,SAN Ellis, MIL Holiday,PHL Ligald, PDR Jennings,MIL Mayo DAL Bosh,MIA
' • •
• ©2012 Volvo Cars of North America, LLC. The Iron Mark is a registered trademark of Volvo.
Expires t/at/t 3
Market Recap, E4-5 Sunday Driver, E6
Fed up
"We are (essentially) living in a throwaway society. We buy things, use them and throw them away. That's really a problem for us as a culture. We're doing our darnedest to change that."
— Kyle Wiens, co-founder of iFixit
banks? • Portland startup companyaimsto simplify banking je
By Jenna Wortham New York Times News Service
Like many people, Josh Reich got fed up with his bank after it charged him overdraft fees and he endured painful customer service calls to fight them. But unlike most people, Reich, a software engineer from Australia, decided to come up with a better way to bank. Reich and a co-founder, Shamir Karkal, created Simple, an online banking startup company based in Portland, which offers its customers free checking accounts and data-rich analyses of their transactions and spending habits. Few entrepreneurs dare to set their sights on industries as large and entrenched as banking and expect to flourish. But Reich, 34, a professed data nerd who has built computers and tinkered with the innards of sophisticated cameras,holds a master's degree in business and has a robust background in financial data analysis. He is confident that Simple's minimalist approach — it promises not to charge any fees for any services — will draw fans and customers. "Banks make money by keeping customers confused," Reich said. "There's no incentives to make the experience better." Of course, inviting people to trust a startup with their money is a lot to ask. The company, which be-
Photos by Al Seib/Los Angeles Times
Co-founders of iFixit, Kyle Wiens, CEO and Mountain View High School graduate, left, and Luke Soules, CXO, right, look at the replacement parts for electronic devices at their San Luis Obispo, Calif., office Nov. 20. iFixit posts repair manuals and sells tools, parts and upgrades for many electronic devices and most Apple products.
• Bend native andco-founder of thecompanyiFixit putsthe powerof repair inyourhands By Rachael Rees9 The Bulletin s a child growing up in Bend,
gan signing up customers
Kyle Wiens and his grandfather spent time tearing apart VCRs and tape players to learn how they worked. That passion led the 28-year-old Mountain View High School graduate to start a company called iFixit, which today is a multimillion-dollar k business that provides consumers the tools to repair their own electronic devices. " When a t o a ster, bik e o r V C R breaks, what do you do'?n Wiens said. "You rely on experts, or in some cases, there is no expert and you have to throw it away." Wiens' success doesn't surprise one of his former bosses, Bill Briggs. Even as a high school student, Wiens possessed the knowledge and skills to work Michael Degnan, left, managing video director at iFixit, shoots video of writer/host at Briggs' Bend company, Net Worth Melissa Jenna Godey at the company's office. Strategies, which has a Web-based application for stock-option analysis. The incident that led to iFixit ocset out to fix the damage, a loose power a service manual, but couldn't find one, curred in2003 during Wiens' freshman cord. But once he pried it open, using which I thought was kind of weird," he year at California Polytechnic State some general purpose tools his grand- said. "If you buy an item, you should University, in San Luis Obispo. father had given him, he was stuck. have a manual to go with it." M After dropping his Apple iBook, he I got online and started looking for See iFixit/E5
late last year in a deliberately slow fashion, now has 20,000 and has processed transactions worth more than $200 million. See Banking /E2
S fe-D-S end No emneI In
Noodles & Co
Courtesy IFExit
15.88 snppl ee
The manifesto for iFixit, a
company co-founded by
Vinnies At The Ford
Bend native Kyle Wiens.
Regal Cinemas Lloyd Mall 8 21.00
On theWeb For more information about Kyle Wiens'
Mo ee
New Seasons Market
Handoutvia New YorkTimes News Service
companies visit, or
Simple offers its customers free checking accounts and analysis of their and spending habits, which can be seen via Android app.
e crow un in crow is anxious By Amy Cortese
New York Times News Service
Ryan Caldbeck was stumped. A director at a private equity firm, he was taking part in a panel discussion at a consumer goods conferencelastsummer in New York when an entrepreneur raised his hand with a question: Where could a young company with just a few million dollars in sales go for money to grow? Caldbeck and his peers on the panel fumbled for a response. The fact is, most private equity investors and venture capitalists w on't touch a consumer products company until it has sur- C a l dbeck passed $10 million in sales — anything else is too small to bother with. The best advice the panel could offer was for the entrepreneur to tap his credit cards. "The purpose of the panel was to help entrepreneurs raise money, but we had no answers," Caldbeck remembers. "That's when I knewthat there is abig issue here."
Rivera Wealth Management Group
0 I 00 FOOtIS
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Klein, chief executive of SoMoLend. In starting her crowdfunding site, she sought out institutional investors that don't face the same limits that individual investors do.
as toa
Joshua Bright New York Times News Service
Integrity, Experience, Research and Results That big issue caused Caldbeck to leave his job to start CircleUp, a company that aims to connect up-and-coming consumer products companies with investors. Right now, the people allowed to invest through CircleUp must be accredited, meaning they have a high net worth. CircleUp hopes that soon not just the
wealthy few, but t h e g eneral public whether friends, family members, customers, Facebook friends, oreven t otal strangers — will b e able to i n vest in deserving companies through a hot new area of finance known as crowdfunding. See Crowdfunding /E3
To learn more call Peggy Foutz Registered Client Service Associate 541-322-6130
CLLIBS 2012 All rights reserved. LIBS Financial Services lnc is a subsidiary of LIBS AG Member SIPC. IDD ODQ058 5 IY1226 KIKE
Email events at least10 daysbefore publication date tobusiness© or click on "Submit anEvent" at Contact: 541-383-0323. Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: 3-4:30 p.m .; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www St.; 541-536-0515. CITYCLUB OFCENTRAL TUESDAY OREGON'SJANUARY FORUM: KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: 10:30 a.m.; Featuring a Bend2030/Accelerate Bend update; buffet lunch included; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 early registration closes Jan. 15; N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. $20 for members and first-time KNOW WORD FORBEGINNERS: guests, $35 for nonmembers; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; Center for Health & Learning, 2500 541-617-7080. N.E. Neff Road; 541-633-7163 or OPEN COMPUTERLAB:3-4:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. KNOW DIGITAL BOOKS: 2-3:30 p.m.; Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760. SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2-3:30 p.m .; available every Tuesday for free one- Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 on-one small business counseling; N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. no appointment necessary; free; BUSINESSNETWORK 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; CHAPTER WEEKL YMEETING: Visitors 541-617-7080 or www.scorecentral are welcomeandfirst two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; BendHonda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway20; 541-480-1765.
BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789. KNOWDIGITALBOOKS:9:30-11 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-3 I2-1070. KNOW COFFEE,KNOW EBOOKS: Learn about eReaders and how to download eBooks and audiobooks from Deschutes Public Library; eReaders are available or bring your own; free; 1:30-2:30 p.m.; Bellatazza Coffee, 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7083. BUILDA BUSINESS WEBSITE, START TO FINISH:Registration required; Five Thursday eveningclasses starting Jan. 16; $129; 6-9 p.m.;Central Oregon Community College,2600 N.W.College Way, Bend;541-383-7700. HOW TO STARTA BUSINESS: Registration required; $15, free for Veterans; 6-8 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290 or
Continued from E1 It also has th e b acking of prominent venture capital firms i n cluding Shasta Ventures, SV Angel and IA Ventures an d h a s r a i sed more t h a n $ 1 3 mi l l i on. Simple has few, if any, direct competitors, although some services like SmartyPig and Mint offer analyses of bank accounts and financial transactions. Simple is actually not a bank. It has deals with CBW Bank and Bancorp, federally insured banks, to hold its customers' money. And it has built slick apps for the Web and mobile devices to give customers an overview of t heir accounts and transactions. But it encourages customers to treat it as a bank, closing their more traditional accounts and only
Chelsea Hoffer, Erik Wasik and Kelly Behm, of the online banking startup Simple, work at
the company's offices in Portland. Steve Dykes New York Times News Service
using Simple. The company's biggest
KNOW INTERNETFOR BEGINNERS: 10:30a.m.-noon;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or KNOW WORD FORBEGINNERS: 2-3:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050.
SATURDAY MAKING ASPLASH INTHE BATH: Bath remodeling; 9:30 a.m.; Neil Kelly, 190 N.E. Irving Ave., Bend; 541-382-7580. KITCHENDESIGN,BEAUTIFUL AND FUNCTIONAL:Kitchen design workshop; 10:15 a.m.; Neil Kelly, 190 N.E. Irving Ave., Bend; 541-382-7580. KNOW MONEY,THE THRIFTY TRAVELER:Learn tips for traveling cheaply and well; 11 a.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. OPEN COMPUTERLAB:3-4:30p.m .; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050.
Michael T. andDeannaG. Cunningham to Timothy C. and RhondaM.Foster,Old Deschutes West, Lot11, $495,000 • Linda Thorgeirsson and Michael W. Seidel to Roger A. andLaura S. Everett, Riverstone, Lot17, $240,000 • Kali Jackson and Matthew Dobry to Ronald T.and Laura E.Bailey, River Canyon Estates No. 4, Lot 310, $230,000 • Bernard W. andDarlene J. Hill to Gregory S. Nelson, Mountain Village East 5, Lot 5, Block 33, $249,900 • Bruce H. Miller and Patricia A. Dilworth to Gregory D.andDorsey C. Rueck, Eaglewood at Sunriver, Lot 24, $225,000 • Nancy K. Cary to Federal HomeLoan Mortgage Corporation, Mountain Village East 2, Lot 5, Block12, $197,000 • Northwest Trustee Services Inc. to Federal National Mortgage Association FNMA,Stonebrook, Phase 3, Lot 3, $43719714 • Erica L. and Patrick J. Mulcahyto Steven C.andHeather Anderson, Highland Addition, Lot1, Block 26, $232,500 • Marilynn J. Adams,trustee for Marilynn J. AdamsLivingTrust, to Joseph W.and Katherine J.Teplicky, Fairway Island, Lot 2,Block 7,$360,000 • Timothy and Sheerin Haydento Justin R. FuellemanandKaren L. Katzbeck, trustees for Justin R. Fuelleman Jr. and Karen L. Katzbeck Revocable Living Trust, Alpine Village 2 at Mountain High, Lot 5, $349,000 • Anita T. Marty, trustee for Trust of Anita Telle Marty, to Jennifer J. and Luke A. Atkins, Fairway Crest Village 2, Lot 3, Block 7, $445,000 • William Brimacombe, trustee for J. William BrimacombeRevocable Living Trust, to Audrey Patchett, Awbrey Butte Homesites, Phase12, Lot 2, Block13, Township17, Range12, Section19, $610,000 • HSBC BankUSAN.A. to Brett S. and Laura L. Pemble, Lazy River South, Lot 64, Block 3, $190,000 • Fred A. Gehlert, trustee for Fred Gehlert Trust, to Rogert E. Vlach, Rimrock West Phase 3, Lot 2, Block 9, $575,000 • Glenn W. Trueblood to Nicholas M. Pastore, Tanglewood, Phase 3, Lot 2, $253,500 • U.S. Bank N.A. to Jason A. Curry, Courtyard Acres, Lot11, $240,100 • John E. and Stacey R. Lydato JamesS.andWandaJ.Barkema,East MeadowHomesite,Lot43,$150,000 • Edward L. and Patricia M. Shelton, trustee for Shelton Trust, to DeWitt K. MacDonald, trustee for MacDonald Trust, Meadow Village, Lot 4, Block15, $150,000 • Robert G. and Mary P.Haack, trustee for Haack RevocableFamily Trust, to Robert W. andSuzanne C.Townes, Starwood, Lot16, Block 6, $207,750 • PMC Funding Group lnc. to Linda Wilkins, Fairhaven, Phase10, Lot23, $175,000
rience with." At this stage, those who want a Simple account have to request an invitation on its site, though these are handed out fairly liberally to those who meet the minimal qualifications of Simple and its bank partners. Customers receive a plain white card that can be used like a debit card. The company offers most traditional banking features, like direct deposit and money transfers.
challenge, banking analysts say, will be to persuade people to give it a try. "It is extremely difficult to get consumers to change and leave their banks," said Jacob Jegher, an analyst at Celent, a research and consulting firm. "Plus, although they are not a bank, they still operate like a financial institution, and they will face challenges that big banks have decades of expe-
DEEDS Deschutes County • Cessna Aircraft Co. to Aircraft Manufacturers Re LLC,Township17, Range13, Section 20, $3,100,000 • Capital One N.A. and ING Bank FSB to NathanandNichole Becker, Woodside Ranch, Phase 2, Lot16, Block 6, $705,100 •DavidL.andDiannaL.Flanigan to Robert W. andJudy L. Powell, Cascade West, Lot 9, $182,500 •Leslie L.and RebeccaA.Caudleto Glenn W.andKimberly J. Trueblood, Rivers EdgeVillage, Phase10, Lot 103, $470,000 • Teddy and Arianna Hainesto Terrie L. and Dieryel L. Wade, Riverrim P.U.D., Phase1, Lot 87, $320,000 • Tracy L. and Joel J. Clark to Terry E. and Michele M. Zink, Skyliner Summit at Broken Top,Phase10, Lot196, $395,000 • Shawn Kessel to Donna K. and John C. Phillips, West Hills, Lot15, Block 7, $288,000 • Joseph L. and Robin K. Bowman to Jason R. andKatie L. Williams, Skylandia, Lot1, Block1, $325,000 • Monica C. Houckto Brett W. and Sally I. Dixon, River Village1, Lot 7, Block 2, $340,000 • Brady W. Clarkto Double J Land and Cattle LLC, Highlands at BrokenTop, Phase 3, Lot45, $523,761 • Katherine Callanan to Inez Martin, Cottages at NorthWest Crossing, Phase 2, Lot 2, $165,000 • Douglas L. and Karen A. Bish to Richard L. and Rose M.Young, Township18, Range13, Section12, $575,000 • Pahlish Homes lnc. to RyanD. and Andrea R.Malpass, Bridges at Shadow Glen, Phase1, Lot 61, $206,200 • INNspired LLC to Worldmark the Club, The lnn at theSeventh Mountain Phase 1, 2A, 2B, 2C,2D, 2E,3A, 3B, 3C, 3D, 3Eand 4, Units 61-740 and Housekeepin gBuilding and Common Elements, $5,200,000 • INNspired LLCto Wyndham Resort Development Corporation, The Innat the Seventh Mountain, Phase1, 2A, 2B, 2C, 2D,2E, 3A, 3B,3C, 3D, 3Eand 4, Units 61-740 andHousekeeping Building andCommonElements, $250,000 • Carl R. and Gloria L. Kent, trustee for Carl R. andGloria L. Kenty Family Trust, to Shirly C. Kantrud, trustee for Tony A. Kantrud andShirley C. Kantrud Family Trust, AspenRimNo. 2, Lot157, $265,000 • Brooks Resources Corporation to Diana L.Tague,trustee for Diana Lynn TagueLiving Trust, and Angel R. Dominguez, trustee for Angel R. Dominguez Living Trust, North Rim on Awbrey Butte, Phase 5, Lot 99, $205,000 •DebraM.andJasonJ.Golonkato Brett Crandall, River Terrace, Lots19 and 20, Block 5, $255,000 • Joe V. andConnie R. Sneddon to Evelyn J. Berglund, EagleCrest, Lot4, Block 6, $407,000
But there is plenty it does not offer, like joint or business checking accounts, or paper checkbooks, which may be a deal killer for some. The startup does not have physical bank branches or automated teller machines, n or does it p la n t o b u i l d any. As a result, Simple customers cannot make cash deposits and must rely on the Internet and phone for service. Simple tries to make up for what it does not have with modern software design and data analysis. Each Simple transaction is tagged with detailed information that allows customers to search their accounts with plain E n g lish c o m mands like "Show me how much I spent on meals over $30 last month," or "Show me how much money I spent on gifts in December."
when performing advanced medical procedures. y,
University (CCLCMj. He assisted in the development of the robotic and laparoscopic surgical curriculum at The Cleveland Clinic in addition to publishing numerous articles and book chapters on the subject. He is a leader in academic urology and comes from the U.S. News' ranking as ¹I Urology Program in the country.
Family Practice in Bend."Mypatients can be sure that they will receive superior care from Dr. Simmons, and he will be a wonderful addition to our medical community." P rostate cancer t reatment i n C entral Oregon c o ntinues t o progress, and with the addition of Dr. Simmons to the Urology Specialists of Oregon, men can stay close Io home and still receive Prostate cancer cells: A slow growing For men i n C e n tral O regon world-class treatment. cancer may spread fo other parts of the body. facing prostate cancer, Urology Dr. Simmons will be available for Specialists of Oregon and Dr. Mat- consultations at Urology SpecialA p r ostate c ancer d i agnosis :' thew N.Simmons, MD can provide ists of Oregon starting early January can leave a man with fear and ;: uncertainty. Complex answers to questions add to the confusion of.,: how Io treat this disease. Urology Specialists of O regon.,: 'r offers its patients a wide range .,' of treatment options including:; robotic-assisted prostatectomy.
J oining Dr.
A ndrew Neeb i n : '
J anuary 20 13, D r . M a tthew N .
Simmons, MD specializes in this :' revolutionary surgical option. Dr. Simmons is a u rologic oncoloH ©2013 Intuitive Surgical, Inc gist and surgeon who served as,.: Dr. Matthew N. Simmons is a leading surgical specialist that provides confidence and Assistant Professor of Surgery for:: reassurance in treating cancer, from ifs early stages fo advanced treatments. Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of:: reassurance they are receiving the: 2 0 13. Contact us at 541-322-5753 Medicine of Case Western Reserve.: best treatment possible for their,:. Ioscheduleyourappointment. stage of cancer. From treatment for early-stage tumors including active surveillance of small and -j slow-growing tumors and h o r—Csl mone therapy to more aggressive treatments i ncluding r a diation therapy, and surgical options, men have a multitude of options from which to choose. .,'
©2013 Intuitive Surgical, Inc.
New technology allows for statc-Df-thc-art robofic surgery techniques that are less invasive and offer better long-term results.
"As a primary care physician, I need to have the utmost confidence in the quality of the specialists to whom I refer," said Lisa Uri, MD, of High Lakes Healthcare
Introducing Dr. Matthew N. Simmons
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FINANCE Crowdfunding Continued from E1 To its a dvocates, crowdfunding is a way for capitalstarved entrepreneurs to receive financing that neither big investors nor lenders are willing or able to provide. To others, it represents a potential minefield that could help b ad businesses get off t h e ground before they eventually fail, and in some cases could even ensnare unsophisticated investors in outright fraud. Those fears are partly why the Securities and Exchange Commission h a s de l a yed rules allowing crowdfunding that were supposed to take effect this month as part of the JOBS Act (Jump-start Our Business Startups), signed by President Barack Obama last April. The SEC is wary of loosening investor protections that have been in place since the 1930s. Despite the uncertainty, the outlines of a new industry are emerging as a few crowdfunding startups have found ways to raise money within current rules. They include companies like CircleUp and SoMoLend, which lends money to small businesses that ty pically wouldn't interest private investors. By themselves, of course, a few startups can't completely democratize finance. But they begin to illuminate what the future of crowdfunding could look like, as the debate continues over a vast widening of the private investor pool. Caldbeck formed CircleUp last fall along with Rory Eakin, aformer business school classmate who was working for a p hilanthropic foundation. Through their startup, the two men seek to finance
food, personal care, apparel and pet-related companies, often with an environmental or social bent. CircleUp considers applications from companies with $1 million to $10 million in revenue. Companies whose applications a r e ac c epted make their pitches to investors behind a firewall on the CircleUp w ebsite, o f fering equity stakes in r eturn f or capital. CircleUp, which helps companies raise up to $3 million, takes a small cut of the money. Under current federal regulations, CircleUp wouldn't be able to arrange such deals on its own. But it struck a partnership with W.R. Hambrecht,a registered broker-dealer that can handle investments from accredited, or high-networth, individuals whom the SEC considers sophisticated enough to invest in p r ivate companies. "Living h er e i n Si l i c on Valley, a lot of people don't understand the need," Caldbeck says. "If you're a tech company with a good idea, you can raise money. But it's a different story for f o od, a griculture, retail and o ther consumeroriented businesses."
Caldbeck sees a big opportunity. Consumer goods companies account for a sizable portion of the nation's businesses, yet very little capital — from private equity funds or from accredited investors — flows to them, he says. What's more, only a t i ny p ercentage o f t h o s e w h o qualify as accredited investors actually invest in private companies, he says. (These are people with a net worth of at least $1 million, not including their primary residence, or who have earned more than $200,000 — $300,000 for couples — in each of the last two
years.) CircleUp is aiming to simplify the process so that more accredited investors take the plunge and more startups can get financing. And it wants to expand its business to unaccredited investors when the rules for crowdfunding are completed.
Bringing more thanmoney So far, CircleUp has helped seven companies raise money on its site. They include Episencial, a c h i ldren's organic skin-care line based in Los Angeles; Laloo's, a maker of goat milk ice cream in Petaluma, Calif.; and Little Duck Organics, a children's snack producer in Brooklyn, N.Y. Z ak Normandin, 26, t h e t ousled-haired f o u nder o f Little Duck Organics, got the
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Tom Uhlman / New York Times News Service
Stacey Shiring is owner of Creative Invites and Events, a Cincinnati shop that creates custom stationery and invitations from local artists' designs. A sign on Candace Klein's office emphasizes her unconventional approach. "We think this is literally going to change the banking system," she said.
a $15,000 loan, at 6 percent interest, from Key Bank through SoMoLend. She used the loan to develop software that will allow customers to d e sign stationery online; she plans to license the software to other stationers. As she began building a history of loan repayment on SoMoLend, she was ee® SoMoLend Lihrado Romero/ New York Times News Serwce Joshua Bnght able to secure a $50,000 line of New York Times News Zak Normandin expanded his Little Duck Organics food company credit from her bank. Service with financing found through CircleUp. Shiring says her business is profitable, and she now employs five full-time and two money to start his business to be disruptive," Christensen says Britt Scearce, a business Candice Peters, who raised part-time employees. "It's hard the way many small business- says, by openingup financingto development officer at Emery. $9,000 from three lenders to to open a small business, and es do: By maxing out credit companies that have tradition- ln addition, local governments help wit h w o r k ing c apital SoMoLend has made it a little cards. He ran the company out ally struggled to raise capital like the City of Cincinnati and for her 2-year-old Hyde Park easier for us," she says. of his basement and distriband to investors who have been St. Louis County, Mo., have Body Boutique, a w o r kout C rowdfunding s ites l i k e uted products himself to local excluded from the market. signed on,seeing the service studio in the Hyde Park sec- SoMoLend aim to act as a stores before winning his first SoMoLend, a crowdfunding as a way to spur economic tion of Cincinnati. She now kind o f fi n a ncial l a unch"Crowdfunding big client: Whole Foods. startup based in Cincinnati development. employs six instructors and ing p a d. Two years later, he and nine with offices in New York City, Since SoMoLend started says she hopes to open a sec- can get companies started employees operate out of ofis focused on a more modest, about a year ago, it has eased ond studio in another part of to the point where they can fices in a brick warehouse in but ultimately larger, market: the way for $3.4 million in town. get bank financing down the the Greenpoint area of Brook- the millions of small business- loans to 8 9 s m all-business And there's Stacey Shiring, road," says Scearce of Emery lyn. His goal has been to cre- es that dot the nation's Main borrowers, typically retailers, owner of Creative Invites and Credit Union. "We're excited atehealthy snacks and cereals Streets. restaurants,salons and other Events, a Cincinnati shop that about what this can do for the that he would serve to his own T hese b u sinesses u s u - concerns that have inventory creates custom stationery and economy — it can get a lot of three children. ally rely on financing from and equipment that can be invitations from designs by lo- companies up and running. "There's no healthy fun alf riends an d f a m i ly, h o m e used as collateral. cal artists. And we're excited to be in on ternative for kids," Norman- equity l oans, credit c a r ds Borrowers have included Shiring, who is 34, obtained the ground floor." din says. a nd bank loans. Yet all of The company's first product those financing sources suf— Tiny Fruits, a line of nofered greatly during the fis ugar-added o r ganic f r u i t nancial crisis and in m any snacks — can be found in cases have not yet recovered. • 6,000 retail outlets, including While o v erall c o m mercial a • a Whole Foods and Stop & Shop lending has rebounded, bank stores and on lending to small businesses is Mighty Oats, a new c ereal still down significantly from line packaged in compostable 2008. containers, will hit stores this Much of t h e c r owdfundmonth. There are juices, fruit ing focus has been on equity purees and other products in — selling shares in startupsthe works, he says. but SoMoLend is betting that All of that takes capitalloans to expanding small busilots of it. Yet fundraising takes nesses are a bigger opportunivaluable time away from run- ty. Equity crowdfunding will be "minuscule compared to ning the business. CircleUp has given entre- the impact crowdfunding will • ' I' preneurs l i k e No r m andin have on debt financing," says a streamlined way to r aise Candace Klein, SoMoLend's r• • money while providing inves- founder and chiefexecutive. • I • • • "We think this is literally gotors with opportunities they 2850 NW Rippling River Ct. may not otherwise hear about. ing to change the banking In seven weeks, Little Duck system." Bend, Oregon 97701 raised nearly$900,000 from Citing a recent Federal Reabout a dozen investors on the serve report, Klein says that site. nearly a third of small busi"Pre-CircleUp, 80 percent nesses don't apply for bank s • t • , • of my time during fundraising loans forfear of rejection. Of was spent w it h i n vestors," those that do apply, two-thirds Normandin says. are turned down, leaving them A nd the Ci rcl e U p in need of capital. f undraising b r ought m o r e That is t h e m a rket t h at than money. A few investors SoMoLend — short for Social with experience in building Mobile Local Lending — was and m a r keting c o n sumer created to serve. Klein's expebrands have become informal rience with her first startup, advisers to Normandin. "To a Cincinnati-based firm that have that kind of experience to mentors and makes microleverage has been extremely loans to entrepreneurial womhelpful," he says. en, made her clearly aware Registration: A nother d r a w i s tha t of the need, she said. But Now through Jan. 30:$100 CircleUp has partnered with how to serve that market as • I corporations l i k e G e n eral crowdfunding worked its way Late registration:$125day of event Mills, which get an early look through the legislative — and • s• Group package:$800table for10 persons at new brands they might want nowthe regulatory — process? to acquire down the road. Klein had an idea: instead of Register online: CircleUp itself has attracted raising money from a group $1.5 million from b ig-name of individual investors, she investors including Howard would seek out institutions to Please contact Christin Hunter at541.306.0479 Schultz, the Starbucks chair- serve as lenders. or centraloregoncerf© formore man, through hi s M averon Her first partner was Keyinformation venture fund. Bank, a regional bank based Another supporter is Clay- in Cleveland, which helpedtest ton Christensen, the Harvard the site and develop an underBusiness School p r ofessor writing algorithm. Today, Soknown for his work on what MoLend counts more than 40 is called disruptive innova- institutions among its lenders, tion; he invested in CircleUp including Fifth Third Bank, through his Rose Park Advi- the Emery F ederal C r edit sors investment firm. (Chris- Union, the Bank of Kentucky tensen says that seemingly and Justine Petersen, a nonZO 1 0 m edia simple innovations can disprofit microlender. heseen getheard. rupt and displace mainstays Klein says she offers an efSupported by: in a market the way the per- ficient way for lenders to find sonal c o mputer d i s rupted loan candidates and to team Bend Premier Real Estate Hunter Properties, LLC the mainframe market and up so they can reduce their Central Oregon Truck Company OSU Cascades smartphones are now disrupt- risk. Directors Mortgage The Oxford Hotel ing PCs.) With SoMoLend, "we can First American Title Plus Property Management LLC query and filter the types of Fowler Telfer, LLC Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center Focusing on the little guy businesses we're interested Hickman Williams Engineers Westbury Enterprises CircleUp, and crowdfunding in" and "only take on the risk Home Federal Bank in general, have "the potential that we are comfortable with," •
January 31, 2013 7:00am-11:30am Riverhouse Convention Center
' Education ' Business ' Central Oregon Economic Outlook
The Bulletin
iFixit Continued from E1 This provoked a question: Why in the world aren't these service manuals available? Using skills h e l e a rned while working for Net Worth Strategies and another Bend company, he was able to put the device back together. However, he said, it didn't work as well as it did before he took it apart. Wiens, now the CEO and co-founder o f i F i x it , r e a lized he wasn't the only one who needed a manual to fix his Apple devices. He joined with college dormmate Luke Soules, a Coos Bay native who had worked in an Apple repair shop, to create step-by-step print manuals with pictures showing how to, for example, replace a hard drive or fix a computer screen. They sold about 30, earn-
"l had no doubts he would be tremendously successful. Ionly wish he'd come back to Bend
and gone to work for us." — Bill Briggs, CEO of Net Worth Strategies and Wiens' former boss
unlocking their repair secrets and posting t h e m o n l i ne, sometimes flying around the world to do so. Wiens said iFixit has more than 6,000 repair manuals online, for products ranging from station wagons, to Starbucks espresso machines, to iPhones. B orrowing a m o v e f r o m Wikipedia, iFixit allows anyone to contribute or edit content. Although the company has no brick-and-mortar store, Wiens said it generates revenue by selling a few thousand parts and tools a year though its website.
"We are (essentially) liv-
ing a profit of $3 apiece, Wiens ing in a throwaway society," said. But that didn't stop them. They decided to put the manuals online for free, and over the first weekend received about 10,000 hits. By the time they graduated, the duo was raking in more than $1 million i n r evenue from selling parts and tool kits to fix the devices, in addition to sharing the free online manuals. "We were doing something nobody else was doing, not just in the Apple realm, but anywhere in the repair world," he said. The company, headquartered in Sa n L u i s O b ispo, became successful, recently making the 2012's 5000 list of the fastest-growing businesses. It has 35 employees and a three-year growth rate of 146 percent. In 2011, the company brought in n early $6 million i n r e venue, according to th e p ublication's website. In addition, iFixit employees have gained a reputation for being among the first to get their hands on new devices,
Wiens said. "We buy things, use them and t h row t h em away. That's really a problem for usas a culture. We're doing our darnedest to change that." Wiens said he's also started a software company called Dozuki, which allows manufacturers to put manuals, like the ones on iFixit, online. "Our perspective is we'd love to partner with the manufacturers," he said."Providing service information is something e v er y m a n u facturer should be doing." Wiens would not be operating iFixit, he said, without the skills he gained by competing on Mountain View's robotics team, which he started and led to a national competition, from a computer science class at Central Oregon Community College and his work at Bend tech companies. Briggs, chairman and CEO of Net Worth Strategies, said Wiens performed vital product tests and was one of the best the he's ever seen. At that time, Briggs said, Net Worth
Strategies was a startup company, and Wiens wanted to l earn everything h e c o u ld about starting a business. "I had no doubts he would be tremendously successful," Briggs said. "I only wish he'd come back to Bend and gone to work for us." Wiens said he would have stayed in B e nd, bu t t h ere wasn't the educational infrastructure he needed. Peter Casey, a p r ofessor who's beenteaching computer science at COCC for about 28 years, stumbled across the iFixit website about a y ear ago and was shocked to learn a former student started the
Win and use it for: TREK 8 Santa Cruz bikes
skis, clothing, shoes, sunglasses, outerwear, snowshoes 8 more!
One Winter Winner One Spring Winner One Summer Winner
"He was pretty geeky at the time, but in my programming classes I often get geeky students," Casey said. While COCC didn't have the classes Wiens needed, Casey said Oregon State UniversityCascades Campus plans on starting a mobile application software development degree program in the fall that could k eep f uture s t udents l i k e Wiens in Central Oregon. "Kyle might h ave stayed in Bend if they had that back then," he said. Casey said Wiens' success story reinforces everything he tells his students. "It's a nice demonstration on how if someone is motivated enough or passionate, they can do anything," he said. Wiens echoed his former professor's opinion, g i v i ng this piece of advice to any high school or college student sitting in a classroom with big dreams: "Don't be afraid of failure and just try things."
One Fall Winner Giftcard will be activated at the beginning of its season. The winter gift card will be activated on January 31, 2013.
/ FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO SUBSCRIBE, CRL THE BULLETIN AT 541-385-5800 Additional entryforms are available m newspapers for sale throughout Central Oregon and in the lobby of The Bulletin. Last dayto enter is noon, January18, 2013. All four wmners will be drawn andannounced at noon on January 31, 2013 at PmeMountain Sports
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Weekly Stock Winners and Losers TICKER
Celgene lnc racebookInc Deutsche BankAG
96. 3 0
14.2 1
1 73
3 1.72
2 96
18 3
71. 4 7 6.36
4 92 0 44
74 74
99 12 2
9.9 13.9
Hewlett Packard
16.f 6
67 .
Seagate Tech STX Avago Technologies AVGO Life Technologies LIFE Conti Resources CLR CNH Global NV CNH Allergan Inc A GN Turquoise Hill Res TRQ
3.3 8
6 .1
34.3 4
1. 8 4
5. 7
f 0 . 3 11.4
2.9 1
57 .
f 2.3
103 . 1 9
54 .
12 6
53 .
f 8.3
9 .38
Sthwstn Energy
32.5 1
-2.1 2
- 0.1
39.89 50.58
Regions Fncl
Perrigo Co
PRGO 1 0 3.85
Anglogold Ashanti
346. 2 3
11.6 3
48.1 0
The gold producer's chief executive officer, Mark Cutifani, said he was resigning and would take over as CEO of rival miner Anglo American.
N D 52-week range
Friday close: S29.1S
so 0
i.s seeei ~
N D 52-week range
Wk. vol.: 9.3m (1.2x avg.) PE :... 22.1 Mkt. Cap: $11.19 b Yield :0.8%
,.;,".;..:,"...';",."'A bevyof bank earnings
$CHG %CHG 1 WK 1 W K
Peregrine Pharma
0 .75
122. 9
NewLead Hldgs Ltd Unwired Planet Inc
1.10 1.87
0.38 0 .58
53. 0 45.0
2 05. 6 47.2
306.5 -24.3
China Natural Rescs
BioTime Inc
Cytokinetics Inc
F lamel Technologies
13 8
3 4.7
P erion Network Ltd
2 9.8
Pac Biosci Calif
-f 4.3
Wstn Copper & Gold W RN
27 1
VOXX Intl Corp
2 6.5
A casti Pharma Inc
4Z 9 -0.1
0.0 -15.0
Neptune Tech 8 Biors NEPT
Z 35
V alueyisn Media A VVT V C onsu Portfolio Svcs C PS S
Z27 65 7
0.44 1.26
24.0 22.9
37.6 14.2
Bazaarvoice Inc Bv ITT Educ Svcs ESI Sequenom Inc SQNM Quinstreet lnc QNST Cascade Bancorp CACB Central European CEDC ArQule Inc ARQL MagicJack VocalTec CALL PericomSemicond P SE M
6.65 14.49
Faro Technologies
S&P 500 f,472.05
RUSSELL2000 ~ 880.77 ~
1-week change+ $0.38or 53.0%
e company said an unidentined party invested $236.4 million in the form of industrial metals in exchange for a 37 percent stake in the company. Friday close: $1.10
88.5 -12.2 43.2
542. 1
0 ~
N D 52-week range
Wk. vol.: 4.em(5.7x avg.)
$8.00 PE :2.0
Mkt. Cap:$21.92 m
Yield: ...
Central Euro.
1-week change W $0.38 or -15.9%
The Nasdaq is pushing to delist the stock of the vodka producer because it did not hold an annual shareholder meeting in 2012. Friday close: $2.01 $3.0
-0.48 -2.63
-8.2 -9.2
-52.1 3.6
1.5 0
N D 52-week range
$1.4e ~
Wk. vol.:4.2m (1.1x avg.) Mku Cap:$158.31 m Yield : ...
Note: Stocks classified by market capitalization, the product of the current stock price and total shares outstanding. Ranges are $100 million to $1 billion (small); $1 billion to $8 billion (mid); greater than $8 billion (large).
InvestorCalendar Retail sales Dec. est. 0.2%• Nov. 0.3% Consumer Price Index Dec. est. flat Nov. -0.3%
Look for banks and other financial stocks to banks'revenue. report some of the biggest earnings growth this Wells Fargo on Friday reported stronger reporting season. It just may not be for the most fourth-quarter earnings and revenue than analysts encouraging reasons. expected, but its stock fell on worries that its Financial analysts are calling for 11 percent mortgage business could be slowing. growth in fourth-quarter Banks are also still dealing Estimated 4Q EPS growth for earnings for financial with legal and regulatory S&P 500 industries companies in the Standard issues. Several of the 8 Poor's 500 index, biggest mortgage lenders Consumer discretionary according to S&P Capital IQ. Financials last week agreed to an $8.5 That's more than triple the 8 billion settlement related to growth expected from the claims that they improperly Consumer staples 6 index overall. foreclosed on homeowners. Energy But much of the gain Goldman Sachs and Utilitres 2 -2 may be due to cost cutting. Technology JPMorgan Chase will report - aN H e alth care The modest economic their fourth-quarter results on recovery, tighter regulaWednesday,with Bank of Overall S&P 500 3 tions and subdued trading American and Citigroup activity are all pressuring source s&p capital IQ f o l lowing on Thursday.
-48 8 1-week change W $1.32 or -4.3%
39 . 6 0
16.4 AngloGold Ashanti
Autozone Inc Bank of America Cabot Oil & Gas
8.6 Wk. vol.: 413.5m (1.2x avg.PE: 73.8 Mkt. Cap:$34.SSb Yield: ...
Garmin Ltd
sirss ~
FirstEnergy Corp Phillips 66
Friday close: $31.72-r
;ek change ~ $2.96or 10.3%
ifidence is rising that it can make money from users on mo35.9 bile devices. Speculation also 0.0 built about what it will unveil at 42.7 an event on Tuesday.
Citrix Systems Boston Scientific Coach Inc
Facebook % C H G %RTN
(e Black Diamond (in stock only, cannot comhine discounts) Offer goodthrough January 17,20' t3
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n l ine
Goldman Sachsearnings 4Q est. $3.61• Year ago $1.84 JPMorgan Chase earnings 4Q est. $1.20• Year ago $0.90 Bank of America earnings 4Q est. $0.02 • Year ago $0.15 Cltlgroup earnings 4Q est. $0.98 Year ago $0.39 UnitedHealth Group earnings 4Q est. $1.20• Year ago $1.17 General Electric earnings 4Q est. $0.43 • Year ago $0.39 Morgan Stanley earnings 4Q est. $0.28• Year ago -$0.14
INDEX SB p 500 Frankfurt DAX London FTSE100
Hong Kong HangSeng paris CAC-40 Tokyo Nikkei 225
SOUTHAMERICA/CANADA Buenos Aires Merval Mexico City Bolsa
Sao Paolo Bovespa Toronto S&p/TSX
LAST FRI. CHG 147ZO5 -0.07 7715.53 +7.06 6121.58 +20.07 -90.24 23264.07 3706.02 +2.90 1 0801.57 +1 48.93
3107.66 44885.90 61497.43 12602.18
-6.54 +26.10 -180.88 +2.44
350.13 2496.80 880.56
-0.56 -8.47
+1 .40%
YTD +3.22% +1.35% +3.79% +2.68% +1.78% +3.91%
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71 88.22 1750Z39 40281.14 1132.28
+5.39 +44.49 +51.32
-18.45 +5.41
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1996.67 321 6.50 4733.77 7819.15 2243.00
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Mai uasoi c oice orcommute Hotwheelsignofproblem By Brad Bergholdt
van employs disc brakes on the front axle. Single piston • I've got a 2005 Town calipers squeeze brake pads • 8 C o untry m i n ivan. against the brake rotors as While we were out viewing h ydraulic pressure is a p some holiday displays, I no- plied by the master cylinder. ticed the right front wheel When pressure is released, got very hot. So hot I couldn't a square cut seal surroundtouch the wheel. It smelled ing the caliper piston twists of burning, similar to elec- back to its relaxed position, trical smoldering. The left drawing th e p i ston e v er front was warm, but not hot. so slightly rearward. This We had only been driving action, along with a slight around for about an hour, amount of k noc k b ack but there were some hills in- from rotor run-out, allows volved. I had the brake pads required b r ak e p a d/rotor and rotorsreplaced less than clearance. The brake calia month ago.The van didn't per floats on pins, allowpull to the right or feel like ing the caliper's single-side there was a brake issue. I clamping force to be equalhad the mechanics (at least ized to both sides of the rothree) examine the brakes, tor and relax to an unloaded and they could not find any position. evidence of overheating. CalYour comment about the iper was working freely. So, brakes being recently r eno partswere replaced after newed means the caliper the incident. pistons now reside deeply What else could cause within the caliper bore, in this? They said they also an area previously exposed checked the w h eel b ear- to possible corrosion and ings. This i s f r o nt-wheel gunk. Brake fluid attracts drive. I specifically asked if moisture, and without pethey would let their mother riodic replacement it's posdrive it, and they said yes, sible to encounter problems it was safe. Should I be con- such as pitting of the caliper cerned? Get another opin- bore and/or sticky antilock ion? My brother, a retired brake solenoid valves. Conmechanic, says there is still taminated brake fluid is also s omething wrong. I t j u s t a possible culprit. Should a means we haven't found it petroleum based fluid be acyet. How would you handle cidentally added to the fluid this? reservoir, swelling r ubber . It sure sounds as if seals can lead to a variety . the right front brake of problems. I wonder also caliper piston failed to prop- if the caliper mounting pins erly retract or binding of the and bores w er e c l eaned caliper's sliding pins caused and lubricated at the time of continuing clamping of the brake service. If not, it's posbrake pads. A faulty wheel sible for them to bind. bearing can generate considThere's a r eas o nable erable heat also, but would chance this c o ul d o c cur have additional identifiable again. After double checksymptoms such aslooseness ing freedom of caliper moveand/or noise. Good job iden- ment, I'd consider renewing tifying the excessive heat both front calipers, just to was localized to one wheel, play it safe. as that rules out a multitude — Bergholdt teaches automotive of other possibilities! technology. Email questions to Your Town 8 r C o untry under-the-hoodC<
By Lawrence Ulrich
McClatchy-Tribune News Service
New York Times News Service
My, my, late for the morning commute. Just a quick slurp of coffee; don't spill it on the tie again, and darn it, where did I leave those car keys? actually have an office to go to. But with a 2013 Chevrolet Malibu w a iting at the curb — Detroit's gray-flannel, workaday answer to t h e T oyota Camry — you'll forgive me for overlook-
REgj EW i n g that fact.
General Motors via The New York Times
T he rede signed M a l i bu faces a daunting traffic jam, with multiple midsize rivals already on the streets, shined up and ready for water-cooler warfare. Three new hotshots are already jostling for promotions: the f o rmidably r e designed 2013 Honda Accord, Ford Fusion and Nissan Altima. They join fresh upstarts like the Hyundai Sonata, the Kia Optima and an American-made Volkswagen Passat. The Camry sits quietly in its beige cubicle, never rocking the boat, yet outselling the rest year after year. And a new headhunting Mazda 6 is now patrolling the margins forsporty rebels and outliers who wouldn't be seen in a Camry. Into that scrum comes this eager new Malibu, waving its resume and offering its usual pleasantries, but not making the strongest impression. Sure, the Malibu i s softspoken and well mannered, and it p erformed any t ask I asked of it with little comp laint. Chevrolet says t h e Malibu is the quietest car it's ever made, and the cabin does soothethe ears in the manner of an entry-priced luxury car. And yet, especially for a class underdog, I e x pected
The 2013 Malibu, which Chevrolet says is the quietest car it has made, joins multiple midsize rivals already on the streets.
2013 Chevrolet Malibu
cues from its macho Camaro sibling, always so smooth with the ladies, the Malibu mimics that sporty car's winking rectangular taillights and puffedout haunches. A coffin-lidded trunk and grooved hood seem inspired by BMW. Yet the scent of a General Motors committee meeting wafts over the exterior styling. It's as though three different design teams put ideas on the table, which the bosses then blended into a compromise that avoided screaming matches but l ef t e v eryone
Base price: $23,150 As tested:$34,145
Type:Midsize sedan Engine:2.5-liter 4-cylinder with 197 horsepower and 191 pound-feet of torque;
Turbo 2.4-liter 4-cylinder with 259 horsepower and 260 pound-feet of torque
Mileage: 22 mpg city, 34 mpg highway; Turbo: 24
mpg ci ty,30 mpghighway; Eco model ($26,095): 25 mpg tci y,37 mpghighway this revamped Chevy to bring something more to the office party, some claim to specialness — in styling, fuel economy, technology, anything. Instead, the Malibu does only what's expected, and it loses points on rear-seat comfort. The sedan lands smack in the middle of its class — hello, Camryville — with a muffled thud. Charmingly or not, depending on your view, the Malibu has tried to improve its formerly staid wardrobe. Taking
j j j j j j
urious touch. A side from th e base L S model, all M a l ibus feature Chevy's new MyLink radio. These infotainment units feature aseven-inch color touch screen that's easier to use than Ford's stubborn MyFord Touch units, but are also less functional. MyLink uses a Bluetooth smartphone connection to control external portable devices with commands from the screen, the steering wheel or voicerecognition.The system includes Pandora and Stitcher Internet radio apps. grumbling. The radio also pivots outward The interior, with its dis- to reveal a hidden, illuminated tinctivetwo-tiered dashboard, storage cubby, perhaps the is more focused and thereby car's most distinctive feature. more successful.From the But in one oversight, you shotgun seat, New Yorkers can't get an embedded, screenwho rode in my test car were based navigation system at any impressed by the cabin's lay- price — or even the Bluetoothout and materials. The avail- based Bringo navigation app able two-tone interior adds that's available in the much visual interest, though get- less expensive Chevy Spark ting black and brown to work and Sonic. The fallback is an together is tricky, especially OnStar subscription — free for in plastic rather than natural six months on the Turbo test materials. I h ave n o a r gu- car — which uses a live operament, however, with the op- tor to send turn-by-turn directional ambient blue lighting tions, including voice prompts, that spills from the dash and into the car via a small display door panels, a genuinely lux- in front of the driver.
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Beware stubby glasses f you want to deter crime, it seems that you'd want to lengthen prison sentences so that criminals would face steeper costs. In fact, a mountain of research shows that increasesin prison terms have done nothing to deter crime. Criminals, like the rest of us, aren't much influenced by things they might have to experience far in the future. If a police officer witnesses the death of his partner, you'd want to quickly send in a grief counselor. In fact, immediate counseling freezes and fortifies memories, making the aftershocks more damaging. If you want to get people to vote more, you'd want to tell them what a problem low turnout is. In fact, if you want people to vote, tell them everybody else is already voting and they should join the club. Voting is mostly about social membership. These are three examples of policiesand practices that are based on bad psychology. The list of examples could go on and fill this page. That's because we spend trillions of dollars putting policies and practices into place, but most of these efforts are based onthe crudest possiblepsychological guesswork. Fortunately, people in the behavioral sciences are putting policies to the test. One of the things we know is that seemingly trivial changes can have big effects. People who are presented with a wide variety of choices of, say, yogurt, will eat more than people who are presented with a smallarray of choices or no choice. People who were randomly given a short, wide 22-ounce glass, poured 88 percent more juice or soda into it than people who were offered a tall, narrow 22-ounce glass, but they believed they only poured in half as much as they actually did. Sometimes the behavioral researchleadsus to completely change how we think about an issue. For example, many of our anti-discrimination policies focus on finding the bad apples who are explicitly prejudiced. In fact, the serious discrimination is implicit, subtle and nearly universal. Both blacks and whites subtly try to get a white partner when asked to team up to do an intellectually difficult task. In computer shooting simulations, both black and white participants were more likely to think black figures were armed. In emergency rooms, whites are pervasively given stronger painkillers than blacks or Hispanics. Clearly, we should spend more effort rigging situations to reduce universal, unconscious racism. The research is also leading to new policy approaches. The most famous involve default settings. Roughly 98 percent of people take part in organ donor programs in European countries where you have to check a box to opt out. Only 10 percent or 20 percent take part in neighboring countries where you have to check a box to opt in. In oneclever program, dieters were told to phone in their weight to a nurse daily. Every day they called, they got an encouraging text and a lottery ticket, with a chance of winning a small amount. These dieters lost three times more weight than people who didn't get tickets. My problem with these efforts is that they are still so modest. What about the big problems? How do we get people to restrain government now so that debt down the road won't be so ruinous? How do we calculate the multiplier effects of tax cuts or spending increases among different subgroups, or under different emotional conditions? How do we rig budget negotiations so participants can actually come to a deal? These are the big questions, and most of our policies rely on crude folk psychology from a few politicians.But there'shope. As Brian Wansink notes in Eldar Shafir's "The Behavioral Foundations of Public Policy," the 20th century saw great gains in sanitation and public health. The 2lst century could be a great period for behavior change.
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— David Brooks is a columnist for The New York Times. John Costa's column will return.
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• Recent narrative thatAfrica is growing economically maynot bebasedonthe right data By Rick Rowden +Foreign Policy
ecent high growth rates and increased foreign investment in Africa have given rise to the popular idea that the continent may well be on track to become the next global economic powerhouse. This "Africa Rising" narrative has been most prominently presented in recent cover stories by Time Magazine and The Economist. Yet both publications are wrong in their analysis of Africa's developmental prospects — and the reasons they're wrong speak volumes about the problematic way national economic development has come to be understood in the age of globalization. Both articles use unhelpful indicators to gauge Africa's development. They looked to Africa's recent high GDP growth rates, rising per capita incomes and
omist pointed to the growth in the number of African billionaires and the increase in Africa's trade with the rest of the world. But these indicators only t he explosive growth of mobile ('P M M E give a partial picture of how phones and mobile phone bankwell development is going — at ing as evidence that Africa is least as the term has been un"developing." Time referred to the growth derstood over the last few centuries. From in sectors such as tourism, retail and bank- late 15th century England all the way up ing, and also cited countries with new dis- to the East Asian Tigers of recent renown, coveriesof oiland gas reserves.The Econdevelopment has generally been taken as
a synonym for "industrialization." Rich countries figured out long ago, if economies are not moving out of dead-end activities that only provide diminishing returns over time (primary agriculture and extractive activities such as mining, logging, and fisheries), and into activities that provide increasing returns over time (manufacturing and services), then you can't really say they are developing. SeeAfrica/F6
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vaccina ions arents who refuse to immunize their children may soon be required to receive instruction about the
importance of vaccines. It's an important step in the right direction, although it may not go far enough. The idea of a "vaccine safety education module" is included in proposed legislation (LC 982) before the 2013 Oregon Legislature. Oregon law now allows parents to simply sign a statement asserting a religious objection to vaccines if they want their unimmunized children to attend Oregon schools. They needn't cite any specific religion, and it's become a way out for those who truly oppose the vaccines, as well as those who'd rather not bother. One result is that Oregon now has many unvaccinated students, who are a threat to their classmates and teachers. In some schools, the rate of immunization is below the level needed to provide so-called herd immunity, leaving other students and staff at risk. It's especially a problem for those who have medical conditions that prevent them from receiving the vaccines themselves. It's not just a theoretical threat, as shown by t h e outbreak of whooping cough last year in Washington and several other states. If the 2013 Legislature approves LC 982, the religious reference will be removedand the education component added. Parents will be able to exempt their children from vaccines, but only after completing an interactive online lesson approved by the Oregon Health Authority. As an alternative, they can get the sig-
nature of a health care practitioner. Sen. Laurie Monnes Anderson, chair of the Oregon Senate Health Care, Human Services and Rural Health Policy Committee, said the goal is to be sure parents fully understand the ramifications of their choices. Why not go further'? Why not simply ban kids from school until theyget their shots, unless theyhave a medical reason why they can't? Lake Oswego pediatrician Jay Rosenbloom is chair of Oregonians for Healthy Children — Immunization Education Campaign, which worked on the proposal. A ban couldbe seen as restricting civil liberties, he said, possibly leading to an initiative challenge. Some parents won't vaccinate their children no matter what the science says, he added, while others are basing the decision on misinformation. T his approach has a g o od chance in the Legislature, according to Rosenbloom, and a good chance at educating the community. That keeps the focus on the goal of improving vaccination rates and protecting kids. It's a thoughtful approach and a significant improvement over current law. If it doesn't make a major dent in the numbers of unvaccinated children at school, though, Oregon should study the examples of other states and consider a firmer position.
Support servicesfor strays tray cats in Jefferson County face an unhappier future today than just a month ago. The Humane Society of Jefferson County and its handful of volunteers have given up their effort to care for the county's abandoned and feral cats. Lack of money and an inadequate number of volunteers made going forward impossible, Glennis Fellas told The Bulletin. Nor can county government step in to help. With limited resources, Jefferson County commissioners do pay Jefferson County Kennels to take in stray dogs, though there's no room for cats. That sounds harsh, but it does make sense. Stray cats may be an annoyance, and they may be tough on wild birds, but they pose relatively little threat either to humans or to livestock, as dogs can do. For the cats, loss of the humane society means a couple of things.
More strays are likely to die from disease, predation or accidents than happens now, and the life expectancy of cats on their own is only two years. And, unless their former owners neutered them, more cats will produce feral offspring, increasing the number of strays dramatically. According to the American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals, an unspayed femalecat and her offspring can produce more than 90 million cats in just seven years. Numbers like that are troublesome, but they can be mitigated. People can get their own cats neutered and, if they must leave the kitties behind in a move, turn them over to a shelter or organization equipped to care for them. Perhaps equally important, they can support organizations like CRAFT, SNIP and Deschutes County's two animal shelters, which provide a variety of services that help to reduce the number of strays.
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M Nickel's Worth Rates too low to cover risk The Bulletin's Jan. 6 commentary section included a piece by E. Thomas M c Clanahan, "Feeding the housing bubble after the fact." McClanahan quotes a recent study about the Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) that concludes "... adherence to the act led to riskier lending by banks." So far, so good. Unfortunately, McClanahan then makes the very common mistake of confusing CRA lending with subprime lending. He then asserts that this proves that CRA "helped push mortgage lending into excess." The research piece that he quotes makes no such connection. The vast majority of subprime lending abuse had nothing to do with affordable housing. Most subprime loans were loans to risky borrowers with income levels above, often far above, those that meet CRA limits. The story is much simpler than most people want to believe. Greedy senior executives at commercial, investment and mortgage banks lent other people's money at rates too low to cover the risk. The lenders then convinced rating agencies that securities backed by these loans could be low risk. They then sold these loans, mostly via securities, to greedy investors (including Fannie and Freddie, but these were not the only victims) who deluded themselvesperhaps and others certainly that these too-good-to-be-true loans were smart investments. As we all know, house prices turned down and finger-pointing soon followed. People aren't perfect, and neither are markets. Blaming government policy for human greed wastes time
that could be better spent fixing this problem. Steve Phillips Bend
Work past our stereotypes
I read John Thompson's In My View with interest, having been a product of the '50s. I did not, howBridge plans changed ever, fit the image of Ozzie and Harriet. I received degrees in ecoWe have been closely following nomics and finance and applied for the plan by the Bend Park 8 Recre- a trainee position at a major bank. I ation District to build a bridge over was told that successful trainees bethe First Street Rapids. Recently we came branch managers, but where reviewed the district's construction would they place a woman? I went plan that went out for bid, and we be- to another bank that gave me every lieve it is a significant departure from opportunity and spent 25 years in what the district presented in July the profession. and what the Planning Commission I was not i n t h e f r ee-speech conditionally approved in August. movement, the peace movement, The updated plan includes a much the feminist movement, the sexual longer bridge, with an added "bridge revolution or the drug culture. I just to thebridge,"four massive concrete wanted to pursue my dream job the abutments to support the 10-foot- same as a white male would. wide "walking bridge," and a comMaybe for Thompson the effect of plicated crane deployment scheme the civil rights movement was shortthat will permanently scar the land- lived. For those of us who needed laws scape on both sides of the river. to allow us to get credit in our own The Planning Commission's ap- name, for example, the civil rights proval was based on the plans sub- momentum is still at work today. mitted and states, "Any substantial alWhen more than 200 children age teration of the approved plans ... will 6 and under were killed by guns last require a new application." Clearly, year, ifstatistics from prior years the commission should require a new hold, none of those in schools, and application for the bridge project. few if any by assault-style weapons, Better yet, given that the district we are looking in the wrong place is asking the community to donate for a solution to our ills. It requires a 33.5 million in addition to the voter- much more multipronged and extenapproved $29 million bond, we sug- sive response than we are hearing gest the district board pull the plug either from the nban some/all guns" on the First Street Rapids bridge and or narm all schools" contingents. As redirectthe $500,000 earmarked for long as those are the only voices we this white elephant toward the com- are hearing, we are no closerto real munity fund to complete the other progress. Let's try to work past our stereoprojects. Friends of First Street Rapids types of others, and work together Bill Marlett, chair, and Tom for real solutions. Comerford, vice chair Adele Pelletier Bend Powell Butte
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Tell your lawmakers: No licenses for illegal immigrants L By Richard F. LaMountain ast May Day, Gov. John Kitzhaber informed demonstrators at the state Capitol he'd work to change Oregon law and restore driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. When the Legislature convenes in early February, he and his allies will seek to deliver. Lawmakers should have no part of it. If they do, our state will become a hub for identity fraud, a magnet for illegal immigrants competing for work wit h O r egon's unemployed, and a virtually unimpeded conduit for Mexican drugs. Let's review some recent history. Before 2008, Oregon issued licenses to applicants who had neither verifiable Social Security numbers nor passports. But early that year, the Legislature and then-Gov. Ted Kulongoski enacted a law (Senate Bill 1080) that required each applicant to prove
legal U.S. presence. What drove their decision'? "It appears," wrote Kulongoski, "that criminal organizations both inside and outside Oregon are using Oregon's permissivestandards in order to assist persons to illegally obtain driver licenses and identification cards" and other "documents for which they are not eligible either inthis state or in the state in which they actually reside." Anexample: Earlyinthelastdecade, a ring in Hillsboro helped thousands of illegal immigrants, many from other states, to fraudulently obtain Oregon licenses. Some of its operatives, The Oregonianreported, "admittingselling envelopes with fake Portland-area addressesas proof of Oregon residency or falsifying driver's test applications for illegal immigrants." lf lawmakers negate Oregon's legal-presence requirement for licenses, such enterprises likely will flour-
his way to using the false identity to facilitate a variety of crimes, from money ish here again. And what can illegal laundering to check fraud." Cases of immigrants do with the licenses these this kind involving illegal immigrants enterprises would help them get? have occurred recently in, among other Plenty. For i l l egal i m m igrants states, Utah, Tennessee and Arkansas. seeking jobs, notes the NumbersUSA And consider drugs. "Mexican Education and Research Founda- criminal groups are th e p r imary tion, licenses "are accepted as proof drug traffickers who utilize the state's of identity on the I-9 form employers highway system to transport and disare required to complete to estab- tribute large wholesale quantities of lish that new employees are legally illicit drugs," maintained the Oregon eligible to work in the United States." Department of Justice in a recent reWith licenses, then, illegal immi- port. Illegal immigrants comprise a grants could better compete, however large percentage of the traffickers' fraudulently, for the jobs federal law retail operatives. And if, in the future, trooper stops someone transreserves for U.S. citizens and legal "a state residents— of whom some 160,000 porting illicit drugs and the driver remain unemployed in Oregon. presentsa driver's license issued by A license can serve as a "breeder the state," notes Jim Ludwick, comdocument" for other wrongdoing as munications director of Oregonians w ell. "Once in possession of a driver's for Immigration Reform, "the trooper license," notes the Federal Bureau of may lack probable cause to search Investigation, "a criminal is well on the car for contraband." Illegal immi-
grants' access to licenses, then, would enable traffickers to ply their tradeand addict our youth — more easily. In November,the Oregon corrections system contained 1,240 foreign nationals being held fo r t r ansfer to federal immigration authorities. Their yearly cost: some $38 million. If illegal immigrants regained access to Oregon licenses, more of them, many with criminal intent, would be drawn to our state. Some of these, doubtless, would be apprehended and imprisoned. This would drive the number of foreign inmates — and their cost to Oregon taxpayers — even higher. Oregonians should tell their legislators: In this year's session, reject Kitzhaber's effort to restore driver's licenses to illegal immigrants. — LEIMountain, aformer assistant editor of Conservative Digest magazine, serves EIsvice president o f Oregoniclns for JmmiJrratian RefOrm (OregonirOrg).
en s a senator and presidential candidate, Barack Obama said that he detested budget deficits. In 2006, when the aggregate national debt was almost $8 trillion less than today, he blasted George W. Bush's chronic borrowing and refused to vote for upping the debt ceiling: "Increasing America's debt weakens us domestically and internationally. Leadership means that 'the buck stops here.'" In 2008, Obama further blasted Bush's continued Keynesian borrowing: "The problem is, is that the way Bush has done it over the last eight years is to take out a credit card from the Bank of China in the name of our children ... so that we now have over $9 trillion of debt that we are going to have to pay back — $30,000 for every man, woman and child. That's irresponsible. It's unpatriotic." Strong words. But so worried was Obama about the debt that just two weeks after he took office, he promised still more: "And that's why today I'm pledging to cut the deficit we inherited by half by the end of my first term in office.... I refuse to leave our children with a debt that they cannot repay." In his first term, Obama has added more than $5 trillion to the national debt, borrowing more in four years than the "irresponsible" and "unpatriotic" Bush did in eight. In fact,
e icits ecame o o VICTOR DAVIS HANSON Obama is on schedule to add more total debt by the end of his two terms than all prior presidents combined. What happened to worries about leaving our children with a "debt they cannot repay"? And where did all borrowed money go, given that the war in Iraq has been over for more than a year, and we are winding down in Afghanistan'? The recession that ended in 2009 cut revenues, and the population continues to get older and draw more on federal entitlements. But all that said, we have spent record trillions of dollars during the last four years expanding the size of government. A vast 2009 stimulus plan; new Obamacare; new federal employees; vast new expansions in food stamps, disability and unemployment insurance; and spiraling Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security payments all increased government spending in each year of the Obama presidency to a higher percentage of the gross domestic product than at any time since 1946. Obama, for all his overblown rhetoric in 2006, was once right about the deficits. But the antidote for the profligacy of the Bush administra-
tion was not to increase the borrowing even more. What, then, explains the vast gulf between the prior Obama rhetoric and hiscurrent record on deficits? Either one of two things occurred. The first possibility is that Obama and his advisers really believed that record deficit spending, near-zero interest rates and expansions in federal entitlements would jump-start the economy into prosperity. In fact, the opposite occurred. Economic growth continued to hover around or below 2 percent of GDP. Unemployment has never dipped below 7.8 percentduring Obama's entire presidency. The massive borrowing made things worse, not better. A second explanation for Obama's "irresponsible" an d " u n patriotic" behavior is that, at some point, he began to see political advantages to massive borrowing when combined with near-zero interest rates. The growth of entitlements is popular with many voters, especially given that 47 percent pay no federal income taxes. Politically, it proved wiser to provide free birth control pills than to be demagogued as wanting to throw granny over a cliff. Who wants to run on giving fewer things to voters and making everyone pay more for what they receive? Perhaps the Reagan-era notion of lower taxation could only be ended through a sense of impending ca-
lamity. As f o rmer W h ite H ouse Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel once put it, "You never let a serious crisis go to waste. And what I mean by that it's an opportunity to do things you think you could not do before." Reagan once advocated a "starve the beast" philosophy — lower taxes resultedin lessmoney forout-of-control government. Obama flipped that sequence to a "gorge the beast" paradigm of an out-of-control government demanding far more in taxes. Higher taxes, w eighted heavily toward the affluent, spread the wealth and correct the inequities of market-based compensation. They punish the culpable 1 percent. And they remind some that they did not build their businesses on their own. Deficits force income redistribution through changes in the tax code that in any other political climate would have proven impossible. But beware of what you w i sh for. Obama has already gotten his dream of a vastly increased government, federalized health care, nearzero interestrates and record debt to force higher taxes. The problem now is that there are not enough millionaires and billionaires to make up for the shortfalL And if interest rates rise just a bit, the debt will bury us all — fat cats and thin cats alike. — Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution,
Stanford University.
Time to fix Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac By Charles Lane
market will remain too uncertain for the kind of private-sector comknow that Congress and t he mitments upon which housing's full Obama administration have their recovery depends. hands full with the debt ceiling, In recent years the GSEs have the threat of budget "sequester" and been a bone of partisan contention. the related battle over how much Democrats generally supported to raise taxes and cut entitlement them as a positive legacy of the New spending. Even so, I have to ask: Are Deal and Great Society that helped they ever going to get around to fix- promote homeownership and build ing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? the middle class. Republicans deThe ultimate fate of these two gi- criedthem as corporate welfare for ant government-sponsored enter- the housing industry. prises (GSEs), which back or guarNeither side was free of self-interantee most home mortgages in the est: Democrats milked the GSEs to United States, might be as impor- fund projects backed by their varitant to the economy as the federal ous constituencies; the GOP critique debt. echoed that of Wall Street, which Yet their future has been unset- was encroaching on t h e G S Es' tled since September 2008, when mortgage-securitization business. their regulator, the Federal HousNor should one exaggerate the ing Finance Agency, seized control partisan divide. At various times, of them and declared them unable politicians from both parties ento withstand the housing market g aged in b o osterism about t h e "American dream" and used the crash without an infusion of taxpayer funds. And that infusion has GSEs to advance it. Both respondbeen massive: $187.5 billion. ed to real estate agents, mortgage A s i ntended, th e b a i lout, o r bankers and other hometown in"conservatorship," as it's formally terests. As the saying goes, there's known, prevented a collapse that housing i n e v er y c o n gressional could have reverberated around the district. world, where investors — including Still, experience mostly v i ndithe central banks of China, Japan cates the GSEs' critics. Profit-motiand other major nations — hold vated private investors owned stock hundreds of b i l l ions o f d o l lars' in the GSEs; managers pursued worth of GSE securities. shareholder profits with a funding But even though it has lasted 52 advantage based on the implicit, months — and counting — FHFA's but real, taxpayer guarantee. This conservatorship was never meant encouraged Fannie and F r eddie to be permanent. As long as they're to take on excessive risk, with diin limbo, the GSEs can't truly plan a sastrous results — not only the distrategy, and their employee morale rect cost of the bailout but also the will suffer. Above all, the housing broader indirect costs of over-inThe Washington Post
/I.'.! Igi ' i
not push for any of them. (Republicans have floated plans with equal futility.) Meanwhile, the a d ministration pressured FHFA to manipulate GSE finances in favor of underwater homeowners — ostensibly to free up cash for consumer spending and short-term economic growth. Edward E DeMarco, acting director of the FHFA, justifiably resisted using the GSEs yet again as an off-budget cash cow. His reward was extravagant vilification from p rogressives, who l a unched a n election-year I n ternet c a mpaign blaming him for the sour economy
vestment in single-family housing. I never quite grasped the liberal love affair with these giant, politically connected financial corporations and their highly paid executives. Yes, benefits trickled down, in the form of higher homeownership rates. But after a point, these gains were unsustainable,as the crash proved. To its credit, the Obama administration has identified the GSEs' "structural design flaws, combined with failures in management," as "the primary cause of their collapse" — as a Treasury Department report put it in 2011. The administration argued that reform should avoid re-creating the GSEs' publicprivate conflict. Yet while the administration outlined several reform options, it did
Kotkin an d S t einberg weren't the only ones to misread the longight years ago, after former term ethnic significance of AntoCalifornia Assembly Speaker nio Villaraigosa's election in 2005. Bob Hertzberg was knocked Four years earlier,labor leader out of the L.A. mayor's race in the Miguel Contreras had suggested p rimary, urban c r i tic J oel K o t - out loud what so many other civic kin and political consultant Arnie observersjust assumed: that James Steinberg bravely predicted that the Hahn, who was elected in 2001, chances of a Jew ever being elected would be the last white mayor of to the mayoralty had been greatly Los Angeles. diminished. There's no doubt that VillaraigoThey agreed that the demographic sa's victory in 2005 was a historic writing was on the wall. The "grow- milestone. His election signaled that ing dominance of Los Angeles by La- Latinos at last had a seat at the table tino politicians and public employee politically and were becoming more unions" and the diminishing Jewish socially integrated. It marked a new percentage of the Los Angeles elec- era, as L.A.'s Mexican-Americans torate were "limiting the options for got to experience the political comJewish politicians." ing-of-age that so many other ethnic Even the briefest glance at the ma- groups achieved in a variety of U.S. jor 2013 mayoral candidates should cities before them. convince you of how deeply wrong But somewhere in all the hoopla those gentlemen were. Right now, I'd we mistook the milestone for the put the chances that the next mayor end of the road. We wrongly thought of Los Angeles will be intimately that the political emergence of Latied to Jewishness or Judaism by tinos was a juggernaut that would blood, conversion or marriage at eclipse all other comers in a zeroabout, um, 100 percent.Eric Gar- sum game. cetti is Mexican Italian Jewish. Jan We should have known better Perry is an African-American who than to think that demography was converted to Judaism 30 years ago. destiny. After all, blacks never made Wendy Gruel ismarried to a Jew- up a large percentage of Angelenos, ish man and is raising her son in her and we had an African-American husband's faith. mayor, Tom Bradley, for 20 years Los Angeles Times
(and two black police chiefs). Likewise, since the 1970s Jewish politicians have played a role in the city's civic life that has belied their numbers in the population. In the 1990s, L.A. had half a dozen Jewish state Assembly members. In 2010, Southern California elected seven Jewish politicians to Congress. The election of a Mexican-American mayor in L.A. didn't so much signal the end of the process of fully including Latinos in the city's establishment as its beginning. And the more important issue may be what happens outside City Hall. Constant demographic change requires ongoing efforts to integrate the new with the long established. A healthy society is an inclusive one, a placewhere a broad cross-section of stakeholders feels represented at the highest levels. Politics is certainly one means of inclusion. But it's not the only one. Look around, and except in the Catholic Archdiocese, there are too few local Latinos at the helm and even the mid-level of the city's major institutions. One head of a philanthropic foundation. No heads of museums or universities. No Latino surnames on the current masthead of the Los Angeles Times. And never a Mexican-American police chief.
— and what
is reality LOS ANGELEShe 30th president of the United States, who was not such a bad guy, sometimes seems to be remembered only for a single quote: "The business of America is business." If Calvin Coolidge, of Vermont, were alive and awake now — he was noted for t a k ing l ong n aps — he might want to change that to, "The business of America is show business." After all, if he read the news last Monday, he would see that both the Los Angeles Times and The New York Times had major stories analyzing the impact of two new films moving, or trying to move, the national debate on critical issues. I mean, who would havethought that the top of the front page of the Los Angeles paper would be: "Movie Renews Pressure on CIA. "The agency faces fresh questions about torture sparked by 'Zero Dark Thirty.'" T hat fi lm , w h ich o p ened t h is weekend in local theaters, is a Page One topic because some critics believe it is trying to send the message that the United States fights terrorism with torture. "Torture works" is a motto denied by many with less reach than the cinema. What r estarted this
dialogue (some of it bogus) are
L.A.'s civic elites bemoan the city's embarrassingly low rates of engagement and p o litical p articipation. But other than fretting about what the region's ongoing demographic change will mean for their hold on power, it's not clear what they are doing to make the broadest crosssection of Los Angeles feel like part of the city's civic life. Villaraigosa's mayoralty has been a significant moment in the history of modern Los Angeles. But it can't be a substitute for a concerted effort to integrate the city's social and cultural life. Remember that word "integration"'? So, no matter what the next mayor's background turns out to be, the need to bring the many disparate parts of the city together remains the same. Making Los Angeles' institutions look like L.A. is not just about symbolism, politics or the mayoralty. We'll never be a great city if native-born members of the emerging majority can't imagine themselves growing uptoone day become — not just a breakthrough mayor — but its everyday, year-in-year-out movers and shakers. — Gregory Rodriguez is executive director of the Center for Social Cohesion at Arizona State University and a columnist for the Los Angeles Times.
— Richard Reeves, senior lecturer at the Annenberg School for Communication at the University of Southern California, is an author and syndicated columnist.
The GSEs are shrinking gradually, as well as stabilizing. With administration support, they raised fees to securitize loans, and DeMarco recently agreed with Treasury on modifications to the bailout that will help slim the GSEs even faster. The time is ripe for a conclusive fix. Is that too much to hope for'? Despite the partisan wrangling and i nterest-group lobbying — not t o mention legitimate policy disagreements — basic principles of a new mortgage finance system are widely agreed upon. There should be no more confusion of public mission and private profit; government support, if any, should be transparent and limited to the truly needy. The American dream of h omeownership is a good thing. Alas, we've been trying to have too much of it. — CharlesLaneis a member ofThe Washington Post's editorial board.
Demographics isn't destiny in Los Angeles By Gregory Rodriguez
What is real
the opening scenes of "Zero Dark Thirty," showing American soldiers torturing Afghans and Pakistanis. The film then goes on to tell, in semi-documentary style, the story of our Central Intelligence Agency tracking down and killing Osama bin Laden, master of t h e S audi Arabians who k i l led some 3,000 innocent Americans in three plane crashes on Sept. 11, 2001. T he s econd f i l m , "Promised Land," which opened last weekend, was featured by The New York Times under the headline: "Drilling Far From Imminent, but Debate Roils a Region." The story there is the still relatively subdued controversy over energy companies wanting to use a technique called "fracking" to pump water and chemicals deep into the earth to fracture rock formations and release natural gas to the surface. The drillers argue that f r acking will not only solve many of the country's energy p r o blems, but also will bring great prosperity to much of the American landscape. Opponents, environmentalists both national and home-grown, say the process will, like strip-mining, destroy the landscape. In other news, NBC executives are issuing statement after statement cautioning against implying that there is even the remotest connection between their bloodier-andguttier schedule and actual (copycat?) violence in places like schools and theaters. Perish the thought! Ben Affleck made a movie mocking Iranians and now people want him to run for the U.S. Senate. Oh, this just in: CBS and Yahoo! are putting together a 24/7 entertainment "news" channel. Pretty girls, talking airheads, rumors and promos. Good idea. Sure worked for ESPN — sports is an entertainment, after all. All of this broke on a single day in the naked media city as entertainment becomes a bigger if less nutritious part of the news diets of our time. That is not to say all this is new. Politics has always been low-class show business. Torchlight parades and the Lincoln-Douglas debates were spectaclesdesigned to attract crowds looking for cheers and laughs. Perhaps the most politically significant entertainment of all time was "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Creeping entertainment instead of real information is simply overwhelming old standards of f a ct, t ransparency, accountability a n d reality. Of course the definition of "reality" is changing as producers and p rogrammers discover it i s a l o t cheaper to hire weirdos following weird scripts than it is to hire real actors and writers. "Saturday Night Live," Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert are real, but what they say so well may or may not be. Not all of us can tell what is real and what is fantasy.
and demanding his firing. Thinkstock
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Howard's latest lacks
For author, 'home' isastateo min
that touch
"Searching for Zion"
of humor "Shadow Woman" by Linda Howard (Ballantine Books, 319 pgs., $27) By Leziie Patterson McCtatchy-Tribune News Service
L inda H o w ar d j us t doesn't write books l i ke she used to. Some may appreciate her new edgier,out-of-a-comfort-zone style d isplayed once again in her latest story, "Shadow Woman." But many miss the inc redible w a y How a r d b lended humor w it h i n triguing suspense in books like "Mr. P erfect" a n d "Open Season." Like all of the veteran writer's books, "Shadow Woman" i s w e l l -written with an intriguing plot and captivating characters. It captures your interest immediately. Unfortunately, it then drags considerably for most of the next 240 pages. Kind of like a really long car chase scene in an action movie; it's exciting, tense and dramatic, but not terrible interesting. Speaking of action movies, the plot may remind you of one. (Think former governor o f C a l i fornia.) Here's a brief synopsis with some vague spoilers that won't ruin any surprises: Lizzy wakes up one morning and realizes she doesn't recognize her r e f lection in the mirror. She realizes she can't remember two years ofher life,and feels like she's two people. Xavier, and some are-
they-good-guys-or-badguys types have been monitoring Lizzy — as in r eally invading her p r i vacy. Why? That takes a while to figure out and is really quite intriguing, and is what keeps you turning
the pages. It's not until around page 244 that Xavier and Lizzy actually r e unite. B efore that, they were working alone. The only "romance" was some rather erotic dreams Lizzy had. For the last 80 p ages or so, t h ere's r omance. But first you have to get through t h a t 24 4 -page "chase"scene.
BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks thebestsellers for week ending Jan.5. Hardcover fiction
1. "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn (Crownj 2."Empireand Honor" by W. E.B. Griffin (Putnam) 3. "The Racketeer" by John Grisham (Doubleday) 4. "Threat Vector" by TomClancy (Putnamj 5."Cross Roads" by William Paul Young (FaithWords) 6."The Forgotten" by David Baldacci (GrandCentral) 7. "ShadowWoman" by Linda Howard (Ballantitte) 8."Notorious Nineteen" by Janet Evanovich (Bantamj 9."The Twelve Tribes of Hattie" by Ayana Mathis (Knopf) 10. "The CasualVacancy" by J.K. Rowling (Little, Brown) Hardcover nonfiction
1. "Shred: TheRevolutionary Diet" by lan K. Smith, M.D. (St. Martin'sj 2. "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly (Henry Holt) 3. "Barefoot ContessaFoolproof" by lna Garten (Clarkson Potter) 4. "I Declare" by JoelOsteen (FaithWords) 5."ThomasJefferson" by Jon Meacham (RandomHouse) 6. "The World Until Yesterday" by Jared Diamond (Viking) 7. "No EasyDay" byMark Owen (Dutton) 8. "To Sell Is Human" byDaniel H. Pink (Riverhead) 9. "The 8-Hour Diet" by David Zinczenko (Rodalej 10. "7 Years Younger" by Good Housekeeping (Filipacchi) — McClatchy-TribuneNewsService
— racism among both white and black Jews toward PalMonthly, 305pgs., $25) estinians, sexual harassment while attending a party in By Mike Fischer Ethiopia and foolish tourists Milwaukee Journal Sentinel eVeryWhere O ne In "Harlem Is Nowhere," w h ere she is coming from. her incisive an d m o v in g But su c h f a cile observastudy of what she calls "the t i ons also make one wonder Mecca of Black America," w h er e R aboteau i s g o ing — and how much she is really S harifa R h odes-Pitts d e scribes African-Americans' s e eing along the way. longing for a never-known Par t of the problem is scale: homeland as "the melan- Because the restlessRabocholy that compels us all: t e a u coverssomuchground, a yearning for the she rarely touches past from which our , I — >~~+~~ down lo n g enough ancestors were irret; to g ive us a sense , I.ili'Ig, of place. vocably torn." .Pl""~ ThatsameyearnBut the b igger ing consumes Emi+ ] I' proble m i s R aboly Raboteau, whose ' I ~ teau's mindset. She African-American . „ : . .. , ...,„,'~qI' t e lls us in her open< ' "">""'QP. ing that she grew up g randfather w a s < ' " a n gry,"andshealso shot dead in 1943 '' Mississippi "for admits that as she defending a black began these journeys woman to a white man." at age 23, "I hadn't yet While Raboteau admits t r a veled beyond the borders that she'd grown up w it h i n m y o w n head." "advantages up the wazoo" That i n ability to move be— in the sheltered Princeton y o nd the self recurs throughw orld where her father is a o u t t h i s n a rrative; to h er professor — she also tells c r e dit, Raboteau periodically us that "as a consequence of a c knowledges it. "I needed to check with the growing up half white in a nation divided along racial g r o u ndandlisten,"shetellsus lines, I had never felt at home a t one point." "If you allowed in the United States." yourself to forget yourself, "SearchingforZion"chron- y o u could be at home anyicles Raboteau's attempt to w h e re,"shetellsuslater.Later find a place she might call her s t i ll, she praises a Hungarian own, through journeys to Is- w o man who has made a life rael, Jamaica, Ethiopia, Gha- f o r h erself in GhanabylearnnaandtheAmericanSouth. i ng h o w to listen."She was In Israel, she speaks with e x a ctly the kind of a r tist," Ethiopian Jews wh o h a d Ra b oteau tells us, whom "I longed for Zion and found w i s hedtobe." racisminstead;shethenvisits A s Ra b oteau nears joura desert-dwelling colony of n e y ' s end in the American onetime African-Americans S o uth — revisiting landmarks for whom I srael provides o f the civil rights movement a respite from racism back a n d m oving toward her fahome — and whom Raboteau t h er's Mississippi birthplace describes as simultaneously — herhearingsharpens. "patheticandprophetic." The often stilted and conShe is similarly disappoint- t e ntious exchanges of earlier ed in Jamaica and Ethiopia, c h apters give way to a couswhere Rastas worship Haile i n ' s h arrowing and largely S elassie — the deposed, des- u n interrupted a ccount o f potic and long-dead Ethiopi- l i v in g t h r ough H u r r icane an emperor — while exhibit- K a t r ina. Raboteau also lising virulent homophobia and t ens hard — while retaining rampant sexism. a skeptical distance — as she MovingontoGhana,Rabo- t r i es to understand an Afriteau comes to grips with this c a n -American t elevangelist land's own past complicity in s h e had initially dismissed as the slave trade — as well as a " h uckster." the ongoing existence there of Mos t important, she finally various forms of forced servi- g r a sps what her father, Bob tude. Here, as in Ethiopia, she M a rley's music and Martin alsoobserves how insensitive Luther King Jr.'s sermons black immigrants can be to h a d been trying to tell her all native populations that the a l o ng: ThePromisedLandis newcomers both displace and not a physical place, and it is judge. not a nation state. It is a state Raboteau herself is prone to of mind — one that is built on hasty judgments — often de- h u man r elationships, liberliveredinasnarkytone.Given a t ed from the shackles that some ofwhat she experiences bind us all. by Emily Raboteau (Atlantic
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The Associated Press file photo
Lady Bird Johnson, posing in the White House in1963, lends her voice to a memoir about her life in "Lady Bird Johnson: An Oral History" by Michael L. Gillette.
ormer irS a a ri an race "Lady Bird Johnson:
An Oral History" by Michael L. Gillette (Illustrated, 400 pgs., Oxford University Press, $29.95)
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By Dwight Garner New York Times News Service
In 1934, on their first date, Lyndon B a i ne s Jo h n son asked Claudia Alta Taylor, the woman who would become known as Lady Bird Johnson, to marry him. He was 26. She was 21. They'd been driving around all day. He'd felt he'd been struck by lightning. She was less sanguine. "I just sat there with my mouth open, kind of," she reports in a crisp and absurdly endearing new book, "Lady Bird Johnson: An Oral History." She adds, "I was far from sure I wanted to know him any better." President Johnson's impetuousness came to mind when a copy of this volume made its way to my kitchen table a few weeks ago. I hadn't planned to write about it. Other books out this month seemed more pressing. The fourth volume of Robert Caro's titanic biography of Johnson, published just last year, looms in the rearview mirror. Hey, hey. Enough LBJ. Something about the cover, however, kept calling to me. The photo on the book's front displays its subject in a deck c hair, swiveling around t o look at an observer. Her gaze is so eager and engaged that you can't help wanting to take a seat beside this commanding distillation of forward-thinking Southern w o manhood. You wish to go where she is
going. "Lady Bird J ohnson: An Oral History" has been compiled from47interviews she recorded from 1977 to 1996 with this book's editor, Michael L. Gillette, the former director of the LBJ Presidential Library's oral history program, and his colleagues. (Lady Bird Johnson died in 2007 at 94.) It's an approachable companion volume of sorts to "A White House Diary," her overstuffed 1970 book.
Old-fashioned style About the life depicted in that earlier volume, Jean Stafford wrote in The New York Review of Books, "The velocity at w h ich M rs. Johnson flew makes the hardiest Birdwatcher giddy." That's true here, too. Great victories, averted crises and successful parties are fondly recalled. Most of the big political and journalistic cats of the mid-20th century prowl across the pages. The Johnsons knew everyone, and she, it turns out, had a knack for mini-portraiture. She captures Drew Pearson's "aristocratic face and bristly mustache." When John E Kennedy arrived in Wash-
that her husband liked to say, "is his father's friends." She paid attention to food and to smallgraces. She recalls how, during World War II, friends lent a hand during times of scarcity: "I remember a wife of a Supreme Court justice arriving at dinner one day, bringing me a stick of butter." She was aware of her own lack of worldliness. "I didn't know a fauteuil from a bergere," she says after meeting the Kennedy family. "Elegance in living had not been a part of
my life."
ington, Jacqueline Kennedy attended alunch for new Senate wives at the Johnson house. "I remember her big eyes," Johnson recalls. "Here is a bird of beautiful plumage among all of us little gray wrens." What's so uniquely winning about "Lady Bird Johnson: An Oral History," and what makes me grateful to have picked it up, are the old-fashioned and n ow threadbare v i rtues i t evokes and relentlessly champions. You will find yourself ennobled by Johnson's example and may wield this book like a sunlit talisman against your post-holiday depression. Y ou may s u ddenly f i n d yourself in Lady Bird mode, practicing more selfless acts; writing more necessary letters; being more grateful; attending more to self-improvement; forgiving more people their t h oughtless behavior. You may find yourself paying more attention to friendships and to nature, and trying to stretch, as she did, your awareness of, and capacity for, joy. "I felt very small but very eager," she declared about herself as a young woman new to Washington. Small but eager describes her entire essence.
Yet she was no hayseed. "Lady Bird Johnson: An Oral History" charts her evolution as a canny and influential political spouse. She ran her husband's congressional office while he served in the Navy; she bought a radio and TV station that would ensure their wealth. She became an assertive first lady, the first to employ her own press secretary and to make a solo campaign tour. As an environmental pioneer, she was decades ahead of her time.
Strong and loyal
She had grit. "It was one thing to marry Lyndon Johnson," Gillette observes in his introduction, "but quite another to remain married to him." About Johnson's verbal abuse and infidelity, he tells us: "Mrs. Johnson did not record in her oral history any discussion of her husband's extramarital affairs. She would have regarded doing so as both embarrassing and disloyal. Off tape, she confided to me that she tried to improve herself by observing other women whom LB J found appealing." About he r d i s inclination to speak ill of others, Gillette notes: "Only once in our informal conversations did she indulge in what I regarded as criticism. While referring to That touch of language Alice Glass" — with whom her "Lady Bird J ohnson: An husband is said to have had an Oral History" is not a book of affair — "Mrs. Johnson recited overly serious political or liter- from memory the litany of surary import. A more exacting names that Alice had accumuportrait of her life can be had latedduring the course of her in Jan Jarboe Russell's 1999 multiple marriages." biography, "Lady Bird: A BiJohnson g oe s n e g ative, ography of M r s . J ohnson." in this oral history, only on This new volume lacks the herself. "As I look back upon pleasures of gossip, for which those years, I get a lot of black Johnson has no instinct. It is marks" is a t y pical assessalso devoid of irony and wit, ment here. She often felt that those crucial spices of mental she was too plump (Johnson life. Yet we are carried effort- consistently implored her to lessly along. exercise and diet); she feared Her language is as piquant she did not s pend enough as that of a Eudora Welty nar- time with their two daughters. rator. About an unusual sight, Among her only criticisms of she declares, "My eyes were her husband is this one: "He out on stems." About a grim believed in me too much." political reality: "It was like Lady Bird Johnson adored trying to swallow a n e ttle: America'sscenic beauty, and hurt, sticky, spiny." About her she hoped that her love might husband's finally winning a become contagious. A bout long-disputed election through this, she deploys a line that, a court ruling: "the last shoe when applied to her m oral dropped on that centipede." q ualities, lingers over t h i s She is a collector of apho- entire book: "Multiply me by risms. "The richest inheri- about quite a few million, and tance of any son," she reports you've got something."
'Wrath of Angels' is mix of prose, horror "The Wrath of Angels" by John Connolly
(Atria, 474 pgs., $26) By Sam Thieiman Newsday
On the list of qualities that make a horror novel worth reading, stylish prose is near the bottom. Horror, after all, is supposed to be scary, and in the midst of abject terror even the most sensitive reader is unlikely to marvel for long at a delicate turn of phrase. Still, the presence of the right word can make all the differenceto a good scare,as proven again and again in "The Wrath of Angels," the latest from John Connolly, a writer who has the advantage of a stylist's ear to go with an eye for the absolute nastiest gory detail, and uses both to great effect in his novels about a tortured detective named Charlie "Bird" Parker. The new book in the series follows more than a dozen characters — some in thrall to demons or tribal gods, including Parker's multi-book
n emesis, Brightwell, w h o returns as a terrifying mute boy — through a mystery that spans decades. In 2001, two hunters in the Maine woods come across a plane crash in acreepy partof the forest. It's empty of people but full of money, and a list of names, and the forest itself seems to want the crash to stay hidden. Naturally, the l ist t u r ns out to be the more valuable discovery by far — a register of people who've struck bargains with a group of businesspeople who run ... well, pretty much everything. "The Wrath of Angels" isn't quite the height of the seriesthe first, "Every Dead Thing," is still the best. There are moments when Connolly appears to tire ofhis trademark character, and others where stylistic tics work against him. Nobody carries a knife in a Connolly novel, always a "blade," and he seems to be having a revolting simile contest with himself. Either you'll recoil from Connolly's occasional affectations, or you'll guiltily enjoythem.
Mystery is told through eyes of investigator with
Haiti's woun s ee e s ite ai • 'Outsiders'comeandgo in island nation, but troubles remain,according to author "Farewell, Fred Voodoo: A Letter from Haiti" by Amy Wilentz (Simon R Schuster, 329 pgs, $27)
giftsas a reporter: her love of, and intimate familiarity with, Haiti; her sense of historical perspective; and her eye for the revealing detaiL Like Joan By Michiko Kakutani Didion and V.S. Naipaul, she New Yorh Times News Service has an ability not only to proThe "Fred Voodoo" referred vide a visceral, physical feel to in the title of Amy Wilentz's for a place, but also to comimpassioned but lumpy new municate an existential sense book on Haiti, she explains, of what it's like to be there as a was reporters' "joking name" journalist with a very specific for the Haitian man (or woman) and sometimes highly subin the street, at least one com- jective relationship with her monly used a few decades back subject. in a less politically correct era. This book, she writes: "is The name now represents my attempt to put Haiti back to her foreigners' attitude of together again for myself, to " condescension f i l led w i t h understand why all the simpity," and all the stereotypes plest hopes and dreams of outsiders have come to attach the men and women they call to Haitians — as "nice people, Fred Voodoo have been abanmaybe," but "disorganized, un- doned, and to stack the pieces educated, untrained, corrupt" flung apart by the earthquake and somehow under the thrall back up into some semblance of voodoo, a religion that rep- of the real country. I wanted resented "everything the white to figure out, after so many atWesterner was not: exotic, Af- tempts by so many to uphold rican, pagan, exciting, danger- democracy, why Fred and all ous, deep." his sisters have become, in "The objectification of the our eyes at least, mere vicHaitians' victimization — that's tims, to be counted up on one one aspect of the Fred Voodoo ledger or another as interestsyndrome," Wilentz w r i tes. ing statistics, casualties of "How beautiful the Haitians dictatorship, of poverty, of dilook in their misery; they al- saster, of outside interference, ways do. You can count on o f neglect, of history — o f them." The fact that "he or she whatever you want to point a is also voluble and highly quot- finger at — rather than as acable, and very articulate," she tive commanders of their own goes on, "makes Fred Voodoo destiny." excellent material for video and Wilentz does a powerful job excellent copy for the page. In- of conveying the devastation deed, for pages not unlike these wrought by t h e e arthquake pages." and the new "levels of unbearWilentz — a writer for The ableness" it created: the "BosNew Yorker and The Nation chian scene" at Haiti's State and the author of a fiercely ob- University Hospital in the capiserved 1989 book about Haiti, tal, Port-au-Prince, its court("The Rainy Season") — is a yard stacked with cadavers, Haiti veteran, who lived there women giving birth among the for two years and has been vis- dead and dying, victims expiriting for 20; she returned short- ing "on the grounds before bely after the earthquake that ing seen by any medical staff," devastated the country almost people answering their phones three years ago. with these words: "Alo: Yes, I'm At its strongest, her new alive." book, "Farewell, Fred Voodoo," She also conveys the mindshowcases all her formidable boggling challenges faced by
" "f" W I L E N yZ R llHI S t p g o e
Haiti, including unemployment that "has been measured by USAID at about 50 percent at its lowest, and 70 percent at its
highest" (though she says it is "anecdotally and visibly, much higher than 70 percent"). Fourfifths of college-educated Haitians live abroad, she mites; " only about a t h ird" of t h e country's population has access to sanitary facilities; and only "some 10 percent have any electrical service, and that service is sporadic when it's not nonexistent." Woven into Wilentz's portrait of present-day Haiti are opinionated asides about its violent history and its fraught relationship with both predatory foreigners and well-meaning missionaries and do-gooders — including the disappointing results of so many American and internationally sponsored post-quake relief and rebuilding efforts. "Outsiders have tried for decades in Haiti to fix and meddle with and run the show," she writes, "with, on the whole, quite poor long-term results, both because Haitians often don't have the minimal training and life experience to keep
generalizations about o utsiders' views of Haiti, writing that they tend to regard Haitians as "slaves, or worse, zombies." She says that Haiti — with its lack of rules and standards, and highly dysfunctional institutions — often seems like "the perfect example of what would happen if R onald Reagan's dream of a p r ivatized state should become a reality." And she places outsize blame onthe outside world's intrusion into Haiti and all the temptations it brings to the poor — "possible access to instant cash, future jobs with aid organizations, possible visas, et cetera" — for fomenting corruption, misunderstanding and opportunism. Sometimes Wilentz includes herself in her skeptical assessments ofoutsiders as voyeurs, naifs or leeches, who have benefited, careerwise, from their work in Haiti. More often she takes a cynical, harshly judg-
mental (and largely undifferentiated) stance toward the aid organizations, volunteers and reporters who have gravitated to Haiti, especially in the wake of the earthquake. She sarcastically asserts that "misery in Haiti today is a job creator for the white man," that "a white person can make his or her reputation in Haiti now, or at least pad the curriculum vitae, and feel good about 'giving back' at the same time." In Wilentz's view, theplight of Haitians also poses "a thrilling intellectual challenge to those w ho wantedtocome and help," and many foreign aid newbies "mistook themselves for part of a grand solution when, actually, they and the caravan itself were obviously and immediately identifiable as part of Haiti's
ongoing problem." Many Haitians, for their part,
projects going, and because she contends, "approach outsidthe outsiders have no understanding of Haitian culture." The problem with this book is that Wilentz can let her own anger and d i sillusionment undermine her reporting. She makes absurdly large
ers with suspicion and dread, as well as, sometimes, opportunistic expectancy" — defensive behavior shaped, she says, by the history of slavery and the "habitual watchfulness of voodoo.
Asperger'ssyndrome "The Uninvited" by Liz Jensen
(Bloornsbury, 325pgs., $25) By Carolyn Kellogg Los Angeles Times
The psychologically flawed detective is everywhere, from television's " Monk" ( w i t h OCD) to Jonathan Lethem's award-winning novel "Motherless Brooklyn" (with Tourette's). In "The Uninvited," British w r iter L i z J e nsen brings us Hesketh Lock, an elite, handsome corporate investigator with Asperger's syndrome who must confront a world sliding into chaos. Lock is good at reading patternsinpartbecause he looks past human emotions. In fact, he's oblivious to them — it's how his disorder manifests. As his ex-girlfriend bitterly puts it, he's "a robot made of meat." She lives in London with h er 7-year-old son; L o ck moved away to a remote Scottish island after their relationship ended. He doesn't quite have the wiring to come out and say it, but he is hurt by the breakup and feels a paternal tug toward the boy. The relationship among all of them becomes important about halfway through the book, after a s t range c ondition, i n w h i c h c h i l dren behave like savages, has spread across the globe. Maybe they're infected. Maybe they're haunted. Maybe they're having psychotic episodes. What is for sure is that they're murderers. Little children, pre-adolescents, are murdering their parents. This is where the book begins — the first shadows of the end times arriving in the form of a 5-year-old with a nail gun. Jensen is a bestselling author in England. In her seven p revious novels, she h a s slipped between and across genres. She's written gothic, frightening futurism and psy-
ll , If
guess. There is something exciting about being a step ahead of the protagonist in a story — in a horror movie, we often know where the killer is hiding — but get too far ahead, and the tension goes slack.
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chological thrillers. In t h is book, she combines dystopia and mystery in a light read that sometimes feels as quickly paced as a television show. The puzzle of what's going on with the children and how it begins to erode the structures of our civilization has all the aspects of a page-turning thriller. However, it takes a while to get going. First, we follow Lock's apparently unconnected investigation of whistle-blowing and sabotage at various multinationals. His company works in c orporate m alfeasance and damage control. He sorts through the avalanche of data and rumor and susses out the sources,reporting back to his boss. He is hopeless at comforting a weeping executive, but he is good at his job. Lock travels to far-flung parts of the globe, picking up languages with remarkable speed and slowly m aking connections among isolated events. Bad behavior, on the part of adults and children, disrupts the normal flow of daily life. There are accidents and disrupted schedules and days with no school. But we run into the problem of Lock as a narrator: To the reader of a dystopian novel, all of the above are in the realm of possibility. We gobble down zombies in "The Walking Dead." So the reader is at an advantage: We can see around Lock's blind spots. That's the case when it comes to figuring out the mystery, and it's the case when it comes to the emotional lives of people around him. He doesn't tell us who his ex-girlfriend had an affair with, but it's not hard to
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S41-38S-SBO O
in MVA fell from 23 percent in 2000 to 20 percent in 2008, Continued from F1 and the share of low-technolWhat's striking about the ogy manufacturing exports in two articles cited above is that Africa's total manufacturing they don't m ention m anu- exports dropped from 25 perfacturing, or i t s d i sturbing cent in 2000 to 18 percent in absence, in Africa. And that, 2008. Finally, Africa remains in turn, confirms once again heavily dependent on natural the extent to which the idea resources-based manufacturof development as industrial- ing, which is an indication of ization has been completely both its low level of economic abandoned in th e l ast f ew diversification and low level of decades. technological sophistication in Free market economics has production. come to advise poor counThe share of resource-based tries to stick with their cur- manufactures in Africa's total rent primary agriculture and m anufacturing exports d e e xtractives i n dustries a n d clined only slightly in recent "integrate" into t h e g l obal years,from 52 percent in 2000 economy as they are. Today, to 49 percent by 2008. In East for many champions of free Asia and the Pacific, the nummarkets,the mere presence of ber dropped to as low as 13 GDP growth and an increase percent by 2008. in trade volumes are eupheSuch statistics and commisms for successful econom- p arisons w i t h E a s t A s i a ic development. But increased are, of course, completely at g rowth and t r ade ar e n o t odds with the "Africa rising" development. narrative. F or example, even if a n 'Limited range' African country like Malawi achieves higher GDP growth A recent report by the Afratesand increased trade vol- r ican D e velopment B a n k , umes, this doesn't mean that makes a similarpoint."Africa's manufacturing and services growth tends to be concentratas a percent of GDP have in- ed on a limited range of comcreased over time. M alawi modities and the extractive may have earned higher ex- industries," the report states. port earnings for tea, tobacco "These sectors are not generand coffee on world markets ating the employment opporand increased exports, but tunities that would allow the it is still largely a p r imary majority of the population to a gricultural e conomy w i t h share in the benefits. This is in little movement towards the marked contrast to the Asian increased manufacturing or experience, where the growth labor-intensive job c r eation of labor-intensive manufacturthat are needed for Africa to ing has helped lift millions of "rise." people out of poverty." The failure to mention inThe report goes on to note dustrialization thus r enders that "promoting i n c lusive most comparisons of growth growth means .. . b r oadenin Africa and East Asia spu- ing the economic base berious. For example, the Time yond the extractive industries article, which suggests that, and a h a ndful o f p r i m ary "duringthe next few decades commodities." hundreds of millions of AfriThis point was also not lost cans will likely be lifted out on recent Ghanaian presidenof poverty, just as hundreds tial candidate, Nana Akufoof millions of Asians were in Addo, who warned: "About 30 the past few decades," cites the years ago, some African nadivide that has opened up be- tions, beginning with Ghana tween rich and poor in China and Uganda, implemented liband India as a warning that eraleconomic reforms to stop inequality could also become their economic decline. But a problem as Africa's progress in many cases we opened our continues. markets to global competition The Economist article cited when, beyond the extractive a World Bank r e port t h at industries, we had nothing to claims that "Africa could be compete with. So while the on the brink of an economic continent's share of g l obal take-off, much like China was foreign direct investment proj30 years ago," noting that, in ects has improved steadily both cases, a mass population over the past decade, much of of young workers stood at the this investment has reinforced ready to boost growth. It also the structural deficits of our touched on the importance of economies." education: "Without better edToday many African counucation, Africa cannot hope to tries need to use industrial polemulate the Asian miracle." icies, such as temporary trade protection, subsidized credit Moving backward and publically supported R&D There are, of course, several with technology and innovaindicators that offer a more tion policies, if they are ever to precise picture of how well get their manufacturing secAfrica is developing (or not). tors off the ground. This is true We can look at whether manu- for all the same reasons that it facturinghas been increasing was true for the U.K. and other as a percentage of GDP, or nations that have industrialwhether the m anufacturing ized successfully. value added (MVA) of exports According to t oday's idehas been rising. In these cases ology of free trade and free the comparison between Af- markets, however, many of rica and East Asia is actually these key policies are conquite revealing — as demon- demned as "bad government stratedby a recent U.N. report i ntervention." Bilateral a n d that paints a far less flattering multilateral aid donors advise picture of A f r ica's develop- against them (and structure ment prospects. loan conditions accordingly). It finds that, despite some World T r ade O r g anization improvements in a few coun- agreements and new regional tries, the bulk of African coun- freetrade agreements (FTAs), tries are either stagnating or as well as bilateral investment m oving backward w hen i t treaties (BITs) between rich comes to industrialization. and poor countries, frequently The share of MVA in Afrioutlaw them. ca's GDP fell from 12.8 percent in 2000 to 10.5 percent Industrialization is missing in 2008, while in developing Critics of industrial policies Asia it rose from 22 percent are correct to cite some histo 35 percentover the same torical cases where industrial period. There has also been policies have misfired in dea decline in the importance veloping countries. But these of manufacturing in Africa's critics are often selective in exports, with th e s hare of their criticisms, ignoring sucmanufactures in Africa's total cessful cases and neglecting exports having fallen from 43 to explain why industrial polipercent in2000 to 39 percent cies worked so well in the U.S., in 2008. In terms of manufac- Europe and East Asia while turing growth, w h ile m o st failing so badly in Africa and have stagnated, 23 A f r ican elsewhere. countries had negative MVA From the 1950s to the 1970s, per capita growth during the particularly in Africa and Latperiod 1990 — 2010, and only in America, many industrial five countries achieved an policies failed because they MVA per capita growth above were used i n appropriately, 4 percent. with poor sequencing, and The report also finds that were often driven by political Africa remains marginal in considerations or corruption global manufacturing trade. rather than economic analyses Its share of global MVA has or strict efficiency grounds. actually fallen from an already In Latin America, often the paltry 1.2 percent in 2000 to industrial policies were kept 1.1 percent in 2008, while de- in place too long, and were too veloping Asia's share r o se inwardly focused on small dofrom 13 percentto 25 percent mestic markets, neglecting the overthe same period.In terms need to develop international of exports, Africa's share of competitiveness. global manufacturing exports In contrast, the p o litical rose from I percent in 2000 to e conomies o f E a s t A s i a n only 1.3 percent in 2008. countries included institutions Africa is also losing ground that tended to enforce stricter in labor-intensive manufactur- rules for which industries got ing: Its share of low-technol- subsidies and trade protection, ogy manufacturing activities and which got cut off from
them when they failed to meet performance targets. They also adopted a more outward orientation in their industrialisationstrategies. Crucially, this history says more about how i n dustrial policies should be implemented — not if they should be implemented at all. But some nations are in-
"Africa's growth tends to be concentrated on a limited range of commodities and the extractive industries. These sectors are not generating the employment opportunities that would allow the majority of the population to share in the benefits." — African Development Bank report
creasingly rebelling against such constraints. Coalitions of developing countries within the WTO, such as the G33 and NAMA 11, are asking for more time to implement trade liberalization and for broader exemptions to increase tariffs when their domestic agriculture or manufacturing industries are threatened by floods of cheaper imports. This problem of the lack of necessary "policy space" was noted in a recent report by the AfricaProgress Panel,chaired by former UN Secretary Gen-
eral Kofi Annan. The Panel expresses concerns about the European Union's proposed Economic Partnership Agreements (EPAs), which seek to make access for African goods into European Union markets conditional on Africa eliminating or lowering tariffs on 80 percentof imports from the European Union. The report suggests that this would
be highly damaging to domestic industries. Though African countries desperately need the policy
space to adopt industrial policies, the rich countries are pushing loan conditions and trade and investment agreements that block them from doing so, all the while proffering a happy narrative about "the rise of Africa." The very idea of industrialization has been dropped from th e o f f i cial d evelopment agenda. Yet there's a reason why we all regularly refer to the rich, industrialized countries in the OECD as "industrialized."
Despite the important gains in services industries and per capita incomes, Africa is still not rising, and services alone will not create enough jobs to absorb the millions of unemployed youth in Africa's growing urban areas. Instead, steps must be taken to revise WTO agreements and the many trade agreements and bilateral investment treaties currently being negotiated so that Africa has the freedom to adopt the industrial policies it needs in order to make genuine progress. — Rowden is adevelopment consultant who has worked as an Inter-Regional Adviserfor the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva and as a senior policy analyst for the NGO ActionAid. Heis currently a doctoral candidate in economics at Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU) in New Delhi.
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T HE B ULLETIN r e Call Classifieds at to donate their expercomputer ad541-385-5809 Browning BAR 30-06 in quires tise to d r a w b a sic Shih-Tzu puppies, 8 wks, with multiple exc cond, 2 clips, 3x9 vertisers plans & estimate ma- allmeds, 2 O $250 ea. scope w/shoulder strap & ad schedules or those terials needed. Can 541-420-4403 Antiques & multiple syspadded gun case, Bel- selling you help? 389 8420. Collectibles Wolf-Husky pups, $325; gium made, $700 firm. tems/ software, to close the name of the pure Siberian Husky pup, Antiques wanted: tools, 541-388-6795 business or the term Looking for rough coat $400. 541-977-7019 furniture, fishing, Jack Russell Terrier Bushnell Sportview rifle "dealer" in their ads. marbles, beer cans. scope, 3-9x 32mm, NOS, Private party advertisto adopt. No p ups, Yorkie AKC pups, 2 girls toys, costume jewelry. 2 boys, ready now! $75. 541-388-4302 adult dog only. Call ers are defined as English Mastiff pupCall 541-389-1578 Health guar., shots, pixs those who sell one pies. AKC males/fe- 541-318-4222. CASH!! avail,$650. 541-777-7743 computer. males. $1200 8 up. Maltese Poodle puppies, For Guns, Ammo & Find exactly what 541-279-1437 1 off-white male, 1 apriReloading Supplies. you are looking for in the Find exactly what 541-408-6900. cot male, $250 ea., cash. Musical Instruments l you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS 541-546-7909 CLASSIFIEDS 1923 Chickering 5'6" DON'T MISSTIIIS Maremma Guard Dog Oak Sideboard w/black Baby Grand, beautiful pups, purebred, great marble, 42" wide, classy! tone & action, $3000. 210 d ogs, $ 30 0 e a c h , $200. 541-389-8672 541-504-4416 541-546-6171. DO YOU HAVE Furniture & Appliances The Bulletin reserves German S h e pherd SOMETHING TO the right to publish all pup, parents on site. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! SELL ads from The Bulletin Ready Now! $ 500. Misc. Items A1 Vyashers&Dryers FOR $500 OR newspaper onto The 541-280-2118 Door-to-door selling with $150 ea. Full warLESS? Bulletin Internet web2 tires Champiro VP1 ranty. Free Del. Also Non-commercial Guinea pigs for sale fast results! It's the easiest site. wanted, used W/D's 195/70 R14 $75. advertisers may 4-H abyssinian way in the world to sell. 541-280-7355 541-389-6167 place an ad breeding project, $15 with our Sen ng CentralOregon ance rWJ Buying Diamonds to $20 each. Call Lisa The Bulletin Classified "QUICK CASH at 541-480-0479 Dryer, 3 yrs old, Admi Tiffany hanging lamp /Gold for Cash 541-385-5809 SPECIAL" ral, HD, $125 Saxon's Fine Jewelers 17'/~" diameter, $50. 1 week 3 lines 12 541-647-9051. 541-389-6655 541-389-6167 Norwich Terriers, AKC. or Rare! Only 2 females left BUYING 2 k 2tH ~ Delivery available. Lionel/American Flyer Ad must $2000. 541-487-4511 or • Co i ns & Stamps trains, accessories. include price of /t C01IV18'tt . < Cottct'Pt 541-408-2191. Dg gttzn f $5 0 0 i~i l e i e Private collector buying HAVANESE p u p pies Visit our HUGE BUYING & S ELLING p ostage stamp a l - or less, or multiple AKC, Hypoallergenic home decor bums & c o llections, items whose total All gold jewelry, silver & N on-Shed, U T D consignment store. does notexceed and gold coins, bars, world-wide and U.S. shots/wormer, $850. P eople g i ving p ets New items 573-286-4343 (local, $500. rounds, wedding sets, away are advised to Call 541-460-1277. arrive daily! class rings, sterling silcell ¹) be selective about the 930 SE Textron, Call Classifieds at ver, coin collect, vin~ Qo new owners. For the Proof card collection, 541-385-5809 Bend 541-318-1501 tage watches, dental protection of the ani- exc. cond. $125 obo gold. Bill Fl e ming, 541-318-6368 for info. Kittens & cats avail thru mal, a personal visit to 541-382-9419. the home is recomrescue group at PetSGENERATE SOME exDe mart, near Target, Jan. mended. GSAD 56S-AK47 Pre- C emetery p lo t citement i n your Crafts 8 Hobbies 12 & 13, 12-5 PM. Just in ban, 1 owner, all orig, chutes Memorial Garneighborhood! Plan a $2200 obo 541-388-1402 dens. Any reasonable from E. OR, 3 litters of Seri~ng Cent~al Oregon s>nre 1903 garage sale and don't ATTENTION offer. 541-408-1477 kittens, 3-4 mos. old, plus i Pet carrier, 30 L x 19"W forget to advertise in GUN SHOW: E Albany CRAFTERS! nice adult cats. Others SPRING FAIR Mar 22-24 Lions, Linn C ounty GENERATE SOME avail. at Tumalo sanctu- x24"H,seldom used, $45. classified! EXCITEMENT 541-385-5809. F airgrounds, E xpo ary on Sat. & Sun., 1-5 ($75 new) 541-330-6033 at Douglas County FairIN YOUR Building. Jan. 19th & PM. Tame, shots, al- POODLE PUPS, AKC King size mattress 8 grounds. Our 38th year! NEIGBORHOOD. Booths available for 20th. Sat. 9-5, Sun. tered, ID chip, more. 541- toys. Small, friendly, & a garage sale and springs, very clean, with quality crafts. For info, 598-5488, 38 9 - 8420. 9-4, Admission $5. Plan don't forget to adverMap, photos 8 info at loving! 541-475-3889 iron bed frame, $150. send SASE to: Spring Info - 541-928-7710 tise in classified! Fair 2013, PO Box 22, POODLE, Toy, 5 mo. 541-548-4029 541-385-5809. Dillard, OR 97432 H & R .308 s e mi-auto apricot male, smart & NEED TO CANCEL Lab puppies, purebred; old hunting rifle, with 3-round lovable! 541-520-7259 Rockhound Equipment clip, $500. 541-771-9902 Check out the $400 F, $350 M, all colYOUR AD? - Saw, grind, sand & ors! 541-416-1175 Iv msg QueenslandHeelers The Bulletin classifieds online Classifieds has an p olish. L o rtone & Ruger S/S Mini 14 GB, Labradoodles - Mini 8 standard 8 mini,$150 8 "Alter Hours" Line Highland Park Bend. .223, 70-round clip, 1980 up. 541-280-1537 Updated daily med size, several colors Info 541 280-5574 Call 541-383-2371 pokce model, like new, rightwayranch.word541-504-2662 GET FREE OF CREDIT 24 hrs. to cancel $1200. 541-350-0527 CARD DEBT N OW! your ad! • G olf Equipment Taurus P1911 SS, 99% Cut payments by up Labrador Pups, AKC Rodent control experts in box,+ extras, $500. to half. Stop creditors Chocolate/Yeliow/White (barn cats) seek work in Washer/dryer Whirlpool stack, Irg. cap., many Ruger Charger w/ 2x-7x exchange for safe shelGolf Membership from calling. Hips OFA guaranteed. scope, as new, $300. ter, food. We d eliver! options, works great! Lease, Brasada $300-$400. 866-775-9621. 541-389-8420. $350. 541-416-0296 1-541 -954-1 727 Ranch. 541-408-0014 Steve, call 541-633-6312 (PNDC)
LThe Bulleting
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
I' A
ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free ltems 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 - Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health and Beauty Items 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools
O r e g o n
A •
Like new 3 bedroom, 2 hath, 1792 SF single level home with separate den/ office, All new stainless steel appliances, new c ountertops, p a i n t e d inside/out. Double car garage. A must see!
Hosred byt VICCI BOWEN Broker
2522 SW 35th Ct. Directions: West on Wickiup Ave. to 37th Street, turn right, next righ/ onValley Uiew Dr, turn tf8h/ on 35th CL house on le ft
Listed byt
BRUCE DUNLAP Pri ncipa/ Broker
v~ n
tt~ E~ g
T HE N E W Y O R K T I M E S C R O S S W O R D PUZZLE ENVY By Dan Feyer and Andrea Carta Michaels / Edited by Will Shortz
45 Mrs. Mi tt R o m n ey
1 09 Head of L o n do n
110 Seemingly f o r e v er
10 Heir, maybe, but not an heiress
I Pop
48 Place for runners
4 Court st at i s t i c
50 Far-out ex p e r i e n ce
II I Ne tZ ero competito r
11 Immature
1 12 Ladderlike i n arrangement
12 Cancels
11 Kid's game with a baI I
54 Greenish creature
1 6 A Bobbsey t w i n
57 Wastage 6 0 Bit o f n e g a t i v i t y ?
1 14 Sports org. of t h e early 2000s
14 Moolah
19 Constell a t io n n ear Scorpius
62 Flubbed
1 15 Until n o w
1 6 3.14159..., for p i
20 Start to m ak e a l iving f r o m something
63 Squeeze for dough
116 Statehouse resident, i nformall y
17 Baku resident
18 Gave the th u m b sdown
65 Wine taster' s d estinatio n
2 1 W.W. II m a r i n e threat
23 What some goggles pt'ovtde
25 10,000,000 ergs
7 3 "That' s
26 U.S.A. neighbor
2 9 It may be ti g h t l y coiled t he
season of passion forget us": Yeats 3 1 Designer M i z r a h i
32 Old lad's wear 3 4 Like pulp f i c t i o n 36 Onetime enemy
38 40
41 50
1 07 1 0 8
37 Where springboks graze
127 Miss
4 2 One of M o z ar t ' s ?
i d e n t i f i c a t i o n?
10 0
10 1
10 2
1 04 1 0 5
1 12 1 1 3
4 3 Subti tl e o f " S t a r
Wars Episode IV"
81 Chip away at
44 Cat's dogs?
83 Hornswoggle
45 '60s prez
I 1978 Bob Fosse Broadway revue
84 Huzzahs
86 Singer/songwriter Laura
46 Late '60s and early ' 70s, polit i c al l y
2 Melodious
88 Make, as one's way
9 1 Breed of cat or do g
hone: 1-900-285-5656, 1.49 each minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800814-5554.
126 Prop up
125 Slammin' Sammy
40 Kazakhstan, once: Abbr.
call from 3 touch-tone
78 Department-store department
90 Northern C alifor n i a ' s
For any three answers,
35 Remove f ro m a m ailing l i s t , i nformall y
124 Stroke
38 Reggae's Kamoze 39 Exposed
41 Shot blocker
29 "Just l i k e th a t! "
7 6 Go downhi ll , i n a way
80 Fix one's eyes
33 Cameo, for one
123 Mich. neighbor
mi n ut e
121 Quarter back?
122 Pastoral poem
7 4 1942 Bette D a v i s
27 Represent at a costume party
30 "Let us part,
32 Ralph in the Baseball Hall of Fame
120 Purpose
71 Land of Zi o n?
2 4 Qualif i e r s
W edding" w r i t e r and star
70 Bad sign for a traveler?
15 Unblemished
118 "My Bi g Fat Greek
69 Slick
13 One at a sidebar
1 17 Solit a ir e u n i t
6 8 Beetles, brief l y
22 Israeli weapon
55 Diagonal
47 Hit 1 944 fil m
3 Blond bombshell of '50s TV
starring a 12-yearold actress
4 Lawyers' cases, maybe
49 One-named pop
singer 51 Wreak havoc on
6 Mumbai t i t l e
52 More ridiculous
96 Chicago's county
7 Moonstr uc k
53 Paragraph symbol
9 8 Alternative to a bu s
8 D ow n s i z e d u p r i g h t s
99 H ome of t he w o r l d ' s largest naval base
9 "Les
1 07 "Done, O.K . ? ! "
7 7 Gibson of " T h e Beaver"
95 James Bond's childhood home
104 Kevin of " W e eds"
6 4 Rembrandt v a n
79 "Norwegian Wood" strings
97 Somewhat, i nformall y
106 Carol starter
82 To say,i n Spanish
1 00 "Bee-you-t i f u l ! "
85 Grows old
107 Advice to a base runner
1 01 Like " K n o c k ed U p" and " T h e Hangover"
108 Provide a place to stay
66 Here, in Juarez
5 Yukon and Tahoe, for short
9 3 Baseball " t w i n k illi ngs," fo r s h o r t
61 West Coast beer, familiarl y
67 Brynner of " T a r as Bulba" 7 0 Its capi tal i s Y ellowkn i fe: A b b r .
87 Kardashian spouse Lamar
72 Smidgen
89 Well-i n t enti oned activi st
1 05 CantiI l a t e
5 6 Fifth to ne
7 3 Choices of t i m e
opera based on the
58 Mouth-watering
92 Supersize, say
102 Subj, of the 2008 biography "Traitor to His Class"
75 Ending with psych-
5 9 Vet, at t i m e s
76 Sir abroad
9 4 The N.F. L . ' s Burress
103 Some Swedish models
1 13 Scott of " H a w a i i Five-0" 115 "How
1 18 It's S. of S. D ak . 119 15%-er: Abbr.
5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES
Monday.. . . . . . . . . . Tuesday .. . . . . . . . . Wednesday.. . . . . . . Thursday.. . . . . . . . . Friday.. . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Real Estate .. Saturday.. . . . . . . . . Sunday.. . . . . . . . . .
Starting at 3 lines "UNDER'500in total merchandise
... 5:00 pm Fri ... . Noon Mon Noon Tues .. . Noon Wed ... Noon Thurs ... 11:00 am Fri ... 3:00 pm Fri ... 5:00 pm Fri
or go to w w w . b e n
Place aphotoin your private party ad for only $15.00 perweek.
OVER'500in total merchandise 7 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 0 .00 4days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 8 .50 14 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 6.00 7days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 4 .00 *Must state prices in ad 14 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 3 .50 28 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6 1.50
Garage Sale Special
A Payment Drop Bo x i s CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: available at Bend City Hall. MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS BELOW MARKED WITH AN*() REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin ServingCentralOregon since t903 reserves the right to reject any ad is located at: at any time. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave., Bend, Oregon 97702
The Bulletin
4 lines for 4 days... . . . . . . . . . $ 2 0.00 (call for commercial line ad rates)
PLEASE NOTE;Check your ad for accuracy the first day il appears. Please call us immediately if 8 correction is needed. Wewill gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right lo accept or reject any ad al anytime, classify and index any advertising based onthe policies of these newspapers. Thepublisher shall nol be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 ormoredays will publish in the Central Oregon Marketplace eachTuesday. 308
Mis c . Items
Building Materials
Estate Sales •
Highspeed Internet EVREDMOND Habitat Dry 8 seasoned Look What I Found! ERYWHERE By SatRESTORE Tamarack / Red Fir. You'll find a little bit of Clean, long-burning ellite! Speeds up to Building Supply Resale everything in wood. Spilt 8 delivered, 12mbps! (200x faster Quality at The Bulletin's daily $250/cord. 54f -279-6f 28 than dial-up.) Starling LOW PRICES garage and yard sale at $49.95/mo. CALL 1242 S. Hwy 97 section. From clothes 541-548-1406 NOW & G O F A ST! to collectibles, from Gardening Suppliesl 1-888-718-2162. Open to the public. housewares to hard(PNDC) ware, classified is • & E q uipment • 266 always the first stop for S erger, Baby L o c k Heating 8 Stoves cost-conscious 3 spool, exc. cond For newspaper consumers. And if $85, 541-389-8672. delivery, call the Heritage Bay n a tural you're planning your Circulation Dept. at gas fireplace insert, own garage or yard The Bulletin Offers 541 -385-5800 40,000 Btu/HR, exc. sale, look to the clasFreePrivate Party Ads cond., Can convert to To place an ad, call sifieds to bring in the • 3 lines - 3 days 541 -385-5809 propane, $500. buyers. You won't find • Private Party Only 541-728-1123. or email a better place • Total of items for bargains! tised must equal $200 NOTICE TO Call Classifieds: or Less ADVERTISER Serving Central Oregon sincersat 541-385-5809 or FOR DETAILS or to Since September 29, email PLACE AN AD, 1991, advertising for Prompt Delivery Call 541-385-5809 used woodstoves has Rock, Sand & Gravel Fax 541-385-5802 been limited to modBULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS els which have been Multiple Colors, Sizes Wanted- paying cash c ertified by the O r - Instant Landscaping Co. Search the area'5 most comprehensive listing of for Hi-fi audio & stu- egon Department of 541-389-9663 classified advertising... dio equip. Mclntosh, Environmental QualSUPER TOP SOIL real estate lo automotive, J BL, M a rantz, D y - ity (DEQ) and the fed- www.herehe merchandise to sporting naco, Heathkit, San- eral Screened, soil & comE n v ironmental Bulletin Classifieds sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Protection A g e ncy post m i x ed , no goods. every day in the Call 541-261-1808 (EPA) as having met rocks/clods. High hu- appear print or on line. smoke emission stan- m us level, exc. f o r Call 541-385-5809 dards. A cer t ified flower beds, lawns, Medical Equipment w oodstove may b e gardens, straight s o il. identified by its certifi- s creened to p INVERTRAC cation label, which is Bark. Clean fill. DeSeneg Central oregon «rre ftat $200 obo. haul. permanently attached liver/you Call 541 -389-91 63 to the stove. The Bul- 541-548-3949. 286 will no t k n owMassage/Chiro/Accupun- letin Sales Northeast Bend cture treatment table, ingly accept advertising for the sale of Lost & Found $200 obo. 541-389-9163 uncertified ** FREE ** Medical Alert for Sewoodstoves. E xpensive bicy c le niors - 24/7 monitorfound i n Orc h ard Garage Sale Kit 267 ing. FREE Equipment. Neighborhood District. Place an ad in The FREE Shipping. NaFuel & Wood Call to ID Bulletin for your garage sale and re54t -948-2252 tionwide Ser v i ce. ceive a Garage Sale $ 29.95/Month C A LL Found Rx glasses in blue Kit FREE! WHEN BUYING Medical Guardian Tocase, 1/7, off Reed Mkt
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
B B B -B42-0760.
FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends payCommercial/Office ment for Firewood quipment & Fixtures only upon delivery and inspection. Office desk, $90 obo. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8' File cabinet, $15 obo. 541-389-9163 • Receipts should include name, 263 phone, price and kind of wood purTools chased. Bill-Jax 5-ft & 3-fl scaf- • Firewood ads fold sets, 10-ft aluminum MUST include spe8 ply w ood s c a f fold cies and cost per boards, casters, levelers cord to better serve & braces, nice set, paid our customers. $3600, asking $2000. 541-350-3921 The Bulletin (PNDC)
Rd. Call 541-280-7727
TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin
Found young kitten, light orange tabby with while chest, back legs 8 and front paws, in Cimarron City area. 541-389-6458 LOST Conure bird, yellow, red & green, answers to Zazu, area NE 8th/Greenwood. Reward for return. 541-350-2623 LOST Jewelry - Reward! Placed inside bear when moving; bear given lo Serving Central Oregon s>nre1903 Redmond Humane SociH ydraulic pump a n d ety Thrift store in August, hydraulic motor, $165. 1 cord dry, split Juniper, 2012. Call 541-51 6-8681 541-410-3425 $190/cord. Multi-cord tan male Chihuadiscounts, & PI cords Lost Call The Bulletin At hua since 12/27, off available. Immediate Dustin/Burgess in 541-385-5809 delivery! 541-408-6193 L aPine $ 1 5 0 0 r e Place Your Ad Or E-Mail ward. 541-410-8295 A-1 DRY JUNIPER At: $1 85 split, or $165 REMEMBER: If you rounds. per cord, deliv264 have lost an animal, ered. Call 541-977-4500 don't forget lo check Snow Removal Equipment or 541-350-1809 The Humane Society in Bend 541-382-3537 Snow plow on Sears All Year Dependable Redmond, tractor. Attachments incl Firewood: Sp lit, Del. 541-923-0882 Lod g epole, chains & new mower. Bend. Prineville, $1 600 new; sell $800. Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 541-447-71 78; Excellent for p l owing, for $350. Cash, Check very good cond; Kohler or Credit Card OK. OR Craft Cats, engine. 541-389-9832 541-420-3484. 541-389-8420.
Farm Equipment & Machinery
3 j' ~
C an be fo un d o n t h e s e p a g e s :
EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools and Training 454- Looking for Employment
Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, virtually new, less than 5 hrs. $7500 new; asking $5000. 541-421-3222
Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed,hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin'5 "Call a Service Professional" Directory
541-385-5809 325
Hay, Grain 8 Feed 1st quality grass hay, 70- Ib bales, barn stored, $250/lon. Also big bales! Patterson Ranch, Sisters, 541-549-3831
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 541-385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
Private Instruction
FINANCE AND BUSINESS 507 - Real Estate Contracts 514 - Insurance 528 - Loans and Mortgages 470- Domestic & In-Home Positions 543 - Stocks and Bonds 476 - Employment Opportunities 558 - Business Investments 486- Independent Positions 573 - Business Opportunities
476 Music Lessons for All ones o ov' o Ages! Find a music Employment teacher! Tak e Lesz DESCHUTES COUNTY Opportunities sons offers affordable, safe, guaranteed mu- Development Director CAREER OPPORTUNITIES s ic l e s sons wi t h for KPOV, High Desert teachers in your area. Community Radio HEALTHSPECIALIST II —Access Our pre s c reened part t i me . C l o ses BEHAVIORAL teachers specialize in January 25. Details at: Team (201 3-00004), Behavioral Health singing, guitar, piano, ko .0 ~ d rums, Violin, a n d Division. Two full-time positions $4,057more. Call
$5,553 per month for a 172.67 hour work month. Deadline: WEDNESDAY,01/30/13.
(PNDC) 421
Schools & Training A IRLINES AR E
ING - Train for hands on Aviation Maintenance Career. FAA
approved p rogram. Financial aid if qualified - Housing available. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance.
DO YOU NEED A GREAT EMPLOYEE RIGHT NOW? Call The Bulletin before 11 a.m. and get an ad in to publish the next day!
541-385-5809. VIEW the Classifieds at:
BEHAVIORAL HEALTHSPEGIALIST II - Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist (201200076), Behavioral Health Division. One
full-time position $4,057- $5,553 per month for a172.67 hour work monthANDone parttime position $3,448 - $4,720 per month for a 146.77 hour work month (34 hr/wk). Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST III
— Access Team (2013-00003), Behavioral Health Division. Full-time position $4,851
CO L LEGE CAUTION READERS: 100%. *Medical, *Business, Ads published in "Em*Criminal J us t i ce, ployment Opporluni- - $6,517 per month for a 172.67 hour work *Hospitality, *Web. t ies" i n clude e m - month. Deadline: WEDNESDAY,01/30/13. Job placement assis- ployee and tance. Com p uter i ndependent po s i available. F i n ancial tions. Ads for posi- PEER SUPPORT SPECIALIST(2013-00002) Aid if qual i f ied. tions that require a fee Behavioral Health Division. Part-time position SCHEV a u thorized. or upfront investment KIT I NCLUDES: Call 86 6 - 688-7078 must be stated. With $1,450 - $1,983 per month for a 129.50 hour • 4 Garage Sale Signs www.CenturaOnline.c any independent job work month (30 hr/wk).Deadline: SUNDAY, • $2.00 Off Coupon To opportunity, p l ease om (PNDC) use Toward Your investigate thor- 01/27/1 3. Next Ad TRUCK SCHOOL oughly. • 10 Tips For "Garage Sale Success!" www.IITR.nel Redmond Campus Use extra caution when SEASONAL DEPUTY SHERIFFATV 8 Marine Student Loans/Job applying for jobs on- Patrol (2013-00005) Sheriff'8 Office. OnPICK UP YOUR Wailing Toll Free line and never proGARAGE SALE KIT at 1-888-387-9252 vide personal infor- call positions $25.10 — $32.02 per hour. 1777 SW Chandler mation to any source Deadline: SUNDAY, 01/27/1 3. Ave., Bend, OR 97702 454 you may not have re345 Looking for Employment searched and deemed SECRETARY — Developmental Disabilities to be reputable. Use Livestock & Equipment CAREGIVER - Christian extreme caution when Program (2013-00001), Behavioral Health r esponding to A N Y WANTED: Round pen, woman w il l work for e m p loyment Division. Part-time position $1,357 - $1,856 in good or fair condi- room/board, Redmond/ online ad from out-of-state. Bend. 541-598-4114 tion. 541-546-7909 per month for 8103.60 hour work month (24
The Bulletin
0 jI Farm Equipment 8 Machinery
2005 John Deere
790 tractor w/box blade, loader, quick-connect forks, only 143 hrs, $12,500. 541-350-3921
We suggest you call 470 Need to get an the State of Oregon Domestic & ad in ASAP? Consumer Hotline at In-Home Positions You can place it 1-503-378-4320 online al: Wanted: lady to spend For Equal Opportunity nights with older lady in L aws: Oregon B u exchange for room. Call reau of Labor & In541 -382-0824 for info. 541-385-5809 dustry, C i vil Rights Division, 358
Farmers Column
Employment Opportunities
If you have any questions, concerns or 10X20 STORAGE comments, contact: BUILDINGS ALCOHOLg DRUG Department for protecting hay, Residential Counselor Classified The Bulletin firewood, livestock Immediate openings in 541-385-5809 etc. $1496 Installed. an adolescent residential 541-617-1133. drug 8 alcohol treatment CCB ¹173684. facility. Send resume lo The Bulletin drugfree13330
wwILdeschutes.or g/jobs DeschutesCounty Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend, OR 97701 (541) 388-6553.
Deschutes County provides reasonable accommodations for p e rsons w i th disabilities. This material will be furnished in alternative format if needed. For hearing impaired, please call TTY/TDD 711. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER
A D R A I G O M S A 0 R
A N N B I A S E X T 0 R 0 I L Y A N 0 N M E N S P R A I S M A L T E V A N T H E R E A 0 L S G U V C U S E E P E T S
S S I S T U R N P R V I S I 0 S A N Y K N E E V I E T N E N S S L E D D R 0 S S T N A P N O V A O W V O Y S T A R E E N Y R SE N 0 R F L 0 R D C A L A R A R A T A G L E N E A D
S 0 N
J A E B J 0 B U R P A N T A M E S R T R I P A N I A V A L C A N C A G E R E R 0 0 W D P S 0 L K V M A Y 0 X F L N I A V E C L O B 0 L S
C 0 U N S E L 0 L Y D E C I R A G T
Employment Opportunities
Hospitality Front desk positions part time and full time. Apply in person at Sugarloaf M ountain Motel, 62980 No. Hwy 97, Bend, Oregon.
in Redmond, part-time. Computer skills a must. Reply or send resume to: PO Box 1543, Sisters, Oregon 97759.
Campus Center Building Specialist Serve as th e f i rst point-of-contact, providing g e n eral campus and building information to the campus community. 2yr c ustomer service req. $ 2,146-$2,554 f o r 9 mo contract 4 0 hr/wk. Closes Jan
Need help fixing stuff? Call A Service Professional find the help you need.
Full-time, needed for our Redmond location. Competitive pay and benefits.
Information Services Systems AnalystWasco County, The Dalles, $3830.85 to
Please send resume to bcrvhire© or apply in person at 63500 N. Hwy 97, Bend, OR.
$4024.30/mth. See Wasco County website for job description and application. Closes 1/18/13
Redmond Surgery OR RN need, exp. only. No call weekends or nights. email resume or drop by.
LOGGING company has immediate openings for experienced Yard Engineer and logging crew. Opportunity for year-round full-time employment.
Employment Opportunities
Business Opportunities
r.=.-"-,.— .a
Employment Opportunities
Housekeeping Part time position, some hotel r esort cleaning exp. preferred. Must be able to work weekends. Please call Dennis or Ta m m y at
Employment Opportunities
N I A E N D A T E L O S 0 N T N E E
College has openings listed below. Go to to view details & apply online. Human R esources, N e w berry Hall, 2600 NW College Way, Bend OR 97701; (541)383-7216. For hearing/speech impaired, Oregon Relay Services number is 7-1-1. COCC is an A A/EO employer.
WARNING The Bulletin recommends that you Remember.... Service Technicians every A dd your web a d- C entral Oregon R V investigate
Employment Opportunities
I(e.:;:::„, Q
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) •
) •
dealership seeks ser- phase of investment RENTALS 682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage vice technicians. Must opportunities, espe- 603- Rental Alternatives 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease ially t h os e fr o m be customer service ori- cout-of-state 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent or offered 604 - Storage Rentals ented and have RV & REAL ESTATE Camper e x perience. by a p erson doing 605 - RoommateWanted C ompetitive pay a n d business out of a lo- 616- Want To Rent 705- Real Estate Services benefits. Please send cal motel or hotel. In- 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 713 - Real Estate Wanted resume to vestment of f e rings Sales Manager 719 - Real Estate Trades must be r e gistered 630- Rooms for Rent bcrvhireiu Growing d e alership or apply in person at with the Oregon De- 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 726 - Timeshares for Sale seeking Sales Man- 63500 N. Hwy 97, Bend, partment of Finance. 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 730 - New Listings ager who is looking Oregon. We suggest you con- 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale for a p e rformancesult your attorney or 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend 738 - Multiplexes for Sale Service Writer based pay plan. Ben- needed call CONS U MER for a growing RV HOTLINE, 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale efits include: Retire- company. Competitive 1-503-378-4320, 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 744 - OpenHouses ment Plan, Paid Va- pay and benefits. 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 745- Homes for Sale cation, and a Please send resume to 8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri. competitive m edical bcrvhire@ or A Classified ad is an 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 746 - Northwest BendHomes benefit package. Must apply in person at 63500 EASY W A Y TO 648- Houses for RentGeneral 747 - Southwest BendHomes be a team player with REACH over 3 million 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 748- Northeast BendHomes a p o sitive a t titude; Pacific Northwestern- 652- Houses for Rent NW Bend 749 - Southeast BendHomes operate with energy, ers. $5 2 5 /25-word 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend 750 - RedmondHomes c lassified ad i n 3 0 and be customer serBend 753 - Sisters Homes daily newspapers for 656- Houses for Rent SW vice oriented. S e nd 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes chasing products or I 3-days. Call the Pa- 658- Houses for Rent Redmond resume to: services from out of ' cific Northwest Daily 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes bcrvhire© Connection f the area. Sending (916) 660- Houses for Rent La Pine 757- Crook CountyHomes 2 88-6019 o r e m a il c ash, c hecks, o r SERVICEEVALUATOR 661 Houses for Rent Prineville 762 - Homeswith Acreage i n f ormation No Associated Fees / credit 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty Safeway Inc. is a For- ~ may be subjected to ~ for more info (PNDC) 662- Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 764 - Farms andRanches tune 100 company and FRAUD. Advertise V A CATION one of the largest food For more i nforma771 - Lots SPECIALS to 3 m i l- 664- Houses for Rent Furnished tion about an adver- ~ lion P acific N o rth- 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent and drug retailers in 773 - Acreages North America based on / tiser, you may call westerners! 30 daily 675- RV Parking 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes sales. The company op- the Oregon State newspapers, six 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land erates 1,678 stores in the I Attorney General's 25-word clasUnited States and west- Office Co n s umert states. sified $525 for a 3-day 635 648 ern Canada. Protection hotline at I a d. Cal l (916) Apt./Multiplex NW Bend We are seeking respon- I 1-877-877-9392. Houses for 2 88-6019 o r vis i t s ible, motivated a n d Rent General Small studio close to licomputer literate indi- gThe Bulletig g ising pndc.cfm for the brary, all util. pd. $550, viduals to provide feedPacific Nor t hwest Rented your propback specific to store dep. No pets/ erty? The Bulletin Daily Con n ection. $525 conditions and service Looking for your next smoking. 541-330Classifieds (PNDC) levels. Hourly rate paid 9769 or 541-480-7870 employee? has an "After Hours for driving, observation, Place a Bulletin help Extreme Value Adver642 Line. Call and report times. Reim- wanted ad today and tising! 30 Daily news541-383-2371 24 bursement for mileage Apt./Multiplex Redmond reach over 60,000 papers $525/25-word 744 hours to based on the distance readers each week. classified, 3-d a ys. Open Houses associated with assignt~a cei o ad . 2 bdrm, 1 bath duplex Your classified ad Reach 3 million Paments. will also appear on cific Northwesterners. unit, $550 mo.+ $635 For additional informaJust too many For more information d ep. 1326 SW O b Open 12-3 tion and to submit an on s idian, Avail Feb. 1 . collectibles? which currently call (916) 288-6019 or 541-728-6421. 20536 Gloucester line application visit: receives over 1.5 email: Ln. htt s:// ualit sho er.or million page views Sell them in Redmond's newest low WoodhiH every month at for the Pacific Northi ncome hous i n g The Bulletin Classifieds ParkCrossing Where can you find a no extra cost. west Daily Connec- project has an accesGreen 8 Affordable helping hand? Bulletin Classifieds tion. (PNDC) s ible 3 bd r m u n i t Erin Campbell, 541-385-5809 Get Results! From contractors to available. Call Broker Call 385-5809 541-504-7786. EHO 541-410-0872 yard care, it's all here Rent /Own or place 648 in The Bulletin's 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes your ad on-line at $2500 down, $750 mo. Houses for "Call A Service OAC. J and M Homes Rent General Professional" Directory 541-548-5511 dress to your ad and readers on The Bulletin' s web site will be able to click through automatically to your site.
Customer Service Representative
J /
/ f
Midstate Electric Cooperative, located in La Pine, 8 0'XHKcM Oregon, is seeking a qualified applicant for the position of customer service representative. 630 Must be a high school graduate or equivalent. Rooms for Rent One year of office expenence is required. Must be reliable, motivated, creative, self-starter, Studios & Kitchenettes 11. team player, goal oriented, personable, well-orFurnished room, TV w/ ganized with ability to work under high stress cable, micro & fridge. Director of Human situations. Must exhibit proven problem-solving 528 • Top wages Utils 8 l i nens. New Resources and decision-making skills. Previous public Loans 8 Mortgages • Benefits. owners. $145-$165/wk Plan, direct, and sucontact experience is preferred. Must have abil541-382-1885 For application call pervise all aspects ity to establish sound customer relations while WARNING 54 I -997-8212 of the HR functions. working effectively with customers and the pub631 The Bulletin recomAdminister all c o llic, and promoting a pleasant working atmoR&R KING mends you use cauCondo/Townhomes lective b a r gaining sphere among associates. Ability to indepenLOGGING, INC. tion when you proagreements, redently establish files and maintain records for Rent vide personal Florence, Oregon sponsible for classiaccurately and efficiently. Possess working information to compaknowledge of personal computer (current verfication / compensaHospital Area, NE Bend tion system, policy Medical - TOP PAY for sion of M S O ffice), word processing and nies offering loans or Clean, quiet, awesome credit, especially development, HRIS townhouse! 2 m a s ter RN's, L P N 's/LVN's, spreadsheet capabilities. Proficient with 10-key those asking for ad- bedrooms, 2y2 baths, all and Affirmative AcCNA's, Medical Aides. and data entry. Must possess valid Oregon vance loan fees or driver's license. tion review process. kitchen appliances, $2,000 Bonus. Free companies from out of washer/dryer hook-up, This position is an Hourly/Non-Exempt Bachelors + 5yr exp Gas. AACO Nursing Bargaining Unit Position — IBEW Local 125. state. If you have garage w/opener. Gas req. Agency. concerns or ques- heat 8 air. $695/mo + $65,224-$77,646/yr. 1-800-656-4414 E xt. Submit resume with a cover letter to: tions, we suggest you deposit. S/W/G paid. NO Closes Jan 28. 23. (PNDC) Human Resources 2/1/2013 consult your attorney DOGS. 541-382-2033 Midstate Electric Cooperative, Inc. or call CONSUMER Mobile Home Park Part-Time 634 P 0 Box 127, La Pine OR 97739 HOTLINE, ManagerInstructors Fax No. 541-536-1423 1-877-877-9392. AptiMultiplex NE Bend Klamath Falls, OR NEW! Veterinary E-Mail:smiesen@midstateelectric.coo Technician Requires strong inBANK TURNED YOU e GREAT WINTER e Education ter personal skills, NO TELEPHONE CALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED. DOWN? Private party Instructor DEAL! will loan on real esbasic b o o kkeepLooking for talented 2 bdrm, 1 bath, tate equity. Credit, no All resumes must be received by 5:00 p.m. on ing and computer individuals to teach Friday, February 1, 2013. EEOE problem, good equity $530 & $540 w/lease. s kills, grou n d s part-time in a variCarports included! is all you need. Call ety of d i sciplines. maint exp., good Insfrucfor/EXSS now. Oregon Land FOX HOLLOW APTS. Check our web site d riving reco r d , Mortgage 388-4200. (541) 383-3152 Cascade Rental g ood phys i c al Oregon State University E ver Consider a R e Positions pay $500 Management. Co. condition, p r e v iCascadesin Bend, Oregon verse Mortgage? At per load unit (1 LU = ous mobile home Instructor/EXSS least 62 years old? 1 class. Call for Specials! Stay in your home & Limited numbers avail. park or apartment increase cash f low! 1, 2 & 3 bdrms Look at: management exp. Oregon State University-Cascades, in Bend, Safe & Effective! Call w/d hookups, preferred. e m a il: Oregon, in partnership with The College of Now for your FREE patios or decks. Health and Human Sciences and the for Complete Listings of parkmanager18© Public DVD! C a l l Now Exercise and Sport Science (EXSS) program Mountain Glen Area Real Estate for Sale 888-785-5938. 541-383-9313 at Oregon State University-Corvallis, invite ap(PNDC) Professionally managed by plications for a full-time, (1.0 FTE), 9 month, Norris & Stevens, Inc. Electricians & Millwriqhfs Instructor rank faculty position. ReappointI BUY REAL ESTATE ment is at the discretion of the Dean. Notes, Mortgages, 636 and Trust Deeds. Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Responsibilities include teaching and providR 0 s E B u R G 877-264-8623 ing curriculum development in the areas of SIGNING BONUS: Nice, quiet, upper level 2 EXSS. Program coordination (including build- LOCAL MONEyrWe buy $3000 FOR LICENSED ELECTRICIANS secured trustdeeds 8 Bdrm, oak cabinets, DW, ing relationships with external stakeholders, $1500 FOR CARDED JL MILLWRIGHTS scheduling courses, and mentoring part-time note,some hard money W/S/G/cable pd, laundry DILLARD, RIDDLE (Scenic, Southern) OR $650mo $500 dep. loans. Call Pat Kellev facils. faculty). Maintaining currency in area of exper541-382-3099 ext.13. No smkg. 541-383-2430 tise through outreach or scholarship. Roseburg Forest Products Co. is a leader in the wood products industry. We are growing Nurses - Registered Required qualifications: MA in EXSS or reand looking for individuals to grow with our Community Counseling Solutions is recruitlated field such as Physical Therapy or Athcompany. If you are a Licensed Electrician ing for Registered Nurses to work at Juniper letic Training. Preferred qualifications include with PLC experience or you currently have at Ridge Acute Care Center located in John Day, relevant industry experience or interaction. least 4 years wood products Journeylevel Classroom teaching experience at the college OR. Juniper Ridge is a S ecure Residential Millwright experience, we would like to get to Treatment Facility providing services to indior university level and a PhD in EXSS or reknow you. We offer excellent company paid viduals with severe mental illness. These posilated field. Demonstrable commitment to profamily benefits, pension, 401 (k), and tuition tions provide mental health nursing care includmoting and enhancing diversity. reimbursement for your professional developing medication oversight, medication related ment in our up-grade program. Earn up to treatment, follow physician's prescriptions and For a c o mplete position description view $27.79 for Electrician and $24.94 for Millprocedures, measure and record patient's gen and use posting wright (plus shift diff) depending on your pareral physical condition such as pulse, temperanumber 0010033 to apply on-line. For full conticipation in the above program. Please apply ture and respiration to provide daily information, sideration by 01/20/2013. Closing date is online at educate and train staff on medication adminis03/29/2013. Anticipated start date 09/16/2013. Human Resources tration, and ensure documentation is kept acRoseburg Forest Products Co cording to policies. This position works with the For more information regarding this position Equal Opportunity Employer treatment team to promote recovery from menplease contact:Johannah Goodwin, Human tal illness. This position includes telephone conOSU-Cascades Resources, at sultation and crisis intervention in the facility., or Ambulatory Surgery Center Qualified applicants must have a valid Oregon Dennis Lynn, Instructor, HDFS, OSU-CasClinical Director cades a t D e n Registered Professional Nurse's license at the time of hire, hold a valid Oregon driver's license OSU is an AA/EOE. and pass a criminal history background check. C •e • N • T • e •R Annual wage $48,000-$72,000 DOE, plussignhkc Cae ' Ikme4r Comkn ing bonus. Please visit the Oregon Employment > Home Delivery Advisor > Located in beautiful Bend, Oregon, where the Department, our website at environment provides a year round playcommunit counselin solutions.or The Bulletin Circulation Department is ground and a community that supports the or contact Nina Bisson at 541-676-9161, P.O. seeking a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a hub of Central Oregon. Bend is a great place Box 469, Heppner, OR 97836. full time position and consists of managing a to live and work the Central Oregon lifestyle. delivery area and working with an adult carPress Supervisor rier force to ensure our customers receive suBend Surgery Center is a multispecialty, fast The Bulletin is seeking a night time press superior service. Must be able to create and paced,high volume, physician owned surgery pervisor. We are part of Western Communicaperform strategic plans to meet department center which performs over 10,000 cases antions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group objectives such as increasing market share nually. consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon and route by route penetration. Ideal candiand two in California. Our ideal candidate will date will be a self-starter who can work both in We are looking for a dynamic leader to fill the manage a small crew of three and must be able the office and in their assigned territory with Clinical Director role. This position requires a to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are leader capable of providing clinical oversight hands-on style is a requirement for our 3'/~ necessary with company vehicle provided. of the facility and will work closely with two tower KBA press. Prior management/leaderStrong customer service skills and manageClinical Managers as well as the Administraship experience preferred. In addition to our ment skills are necessary. Computer experitive Team. The position reports directly to the 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous ence is helpful. We offer benefits including Administrator, and will support two direct recommercial print clients as well. In addition to a medical, dental, 401(k), paid vacation and sick ports and 60 FTE's. The position will directly competitive wage and benefit program, we also time. We believe in promoting from within so oversee Operating Rooms, Central Processprovide potential opportunity for advancement. advancement within the company is available. ing and Receiving. Position will be responIf you provide dependability combined with a If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse sible for daily staffing of the clinical departpositive attitude, are able to manage people and backgrounds, and you are energetic, have schedules and are a team player, we would like ment and directing two Clinical Managers who great organizational skills and interpersonal to hear from you. If you seek a stable work enlead the Pre/Post-op and Endoscopy units. communication skills, please fill out an applivironment that provides a great place to live and This position is also a member of multiple cation at The Bulletin or send your resume to: raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact eicommittees. ther; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & OpJob Opening-Circulation erations Director at Qualified candidates must be able to demonThe Bulletin or with your strate strong leadership and communication PO Box 6020 complete resume, references and salary skills. Must be a licensed RN in the state of history/requirements. Prior press room experiBend, OR 97708 Oregon with 3-5 years of management, prefOI' ence required. No phone calls please. Drug erably in an ASC setting. Full-time exempt potest is required prior to employment. EOE sition. Competitive salary, benefit package, retirement and bonus plan. No phone calls, please. The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace, EOE. Email resume to
PUBLISHER'S 652 NOTICE Houses for Rent All real estate adverNW Bend tising in this newspaper is subject to the studio apt., 362 F air H o using A c t Small Riverside. $410 which makes it illegal NW mo. includes utilities. to a d v ertise "any last + $200 dep. preference, limitation 1st, 541-382-7972. or disc r imination
Open 12-3 63855 Sunset Dr. based on race, color, 658 Space 8 Seclusion religion, sex, handiHouses for Rent at Edge of Bend cap, familial status, Matt Garner, Broker Redmond marital status or na541-610-6446 tional origin, or an in2326 sq.ft. deluxe tention to make any Newer such pre f e rence, home, 3/3, gas fire7500' lot, fenced limitation or discrimi- place, 1655 SW Saranation." Familial sta- yard, soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. tus includes children 541-350-2206 under the age of 18 659 living with parents or legal cus t o dians, Houses for Rent pregnant women, and Sunriver people securing tody of children under VILLAGE PROPERTIES 18. This newspaper Three Rivers, will not knowingly ac- Sunriver, Take care of La Pine. Great cept any advertising Prices range your investments for real estate which is Selection. $425 - $2000/mo. in violation of the law. with the help from View our full O ur r e a ders ar e inventory online at The Bulletin's hereby informed that all dwellings adver- "Call A Service 1-866-931-1061 tised in this newspaProfessional" Directory per are available on 687 an equal opportunity Commercial for 745 basis. To complain of Rent/Lease discrimination cal l Homes for Sale
HUD t o l l -free at 1-800-877-0246. The Spectrum professional BANK OWNED HOMES! 35 0 ' -500' FREE List w/Pics! toll f ree t e lephone building number for the hear- $1.00 per ft. total. No www. ing im p aired is N NN. C a l l An d y , bend and beyond real estate 1-800-927-9275.
20967 yeoman, bend or
Find out where all the Garage Sales are each week. Not to mention, a wealth of items daily in The Bulletin Classifieds.
B~ S Vaoen
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
Redmond Homes
Eagle Crest - R esort side. B e h in d the gates. B e a utiful 8 well maintained. • 2100 sq.ft., 3/2.5, Reverse living. Large garaget,workshop. Hot tub. $1400/mo. Lease option $365,000. • 2400 sq.ft. 10th fairw ay. 3 / 3.5 + d e n, Large 2 car garage. Views. $14 5 0/mo. $395,000. O W N E R CARRY W/ DOWN. Rent incl. water & use of a menities. Sec/
Motorhomes •
Great Building Site
Travel Trailers
Trucks & Heavy Equipment
I ll R - z ~ i
0.9 Acre in Rimrock Village Off O.B. Riley Rd.
Antique & Classic Autos
Antique & Classic Autos
GMC 1978 4x4 Heavy Duty Camper Special Ford Mustang Coupe 1966, original owner, 2500, 3 5 0 e n gine, V8, automatic, great auto 40 k m iles on
Snowmobile trailer 2002, 25-ft Interstate & 3 sleds, $10,900. 54 I -480-8009
shape, $9000 OBO. new eng., brakes & Weekend Warrior Toy tires good. $ 2 495. 530-515-8199 Econoline RV 19 8 9, Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, 541-504-3833 fully loaded, exc. cond, fuel station, exc cond. Diamond Reo Dump 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, Ford Ranchero 35K m i. , R e duced sleeps 8, black/gray Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 too many extras to list, Honda Ridgeline $16,950. 541-546-6133 i nterior, u se d 3X , yard box, runs good, $8500 obo. Serious buy1979 RTL 2006, 4 D o or, $24,999. with 351 Cleveland 860 $6900, 541-548-6812 ers only. 541-536-0123 V6, a u to , le a ther, 541-389-9188 modified engine. moon roof, running Motorcycles & Accessories CAN'T BEAT THIS! Body is in Look before you boards, tow pkg., very 882 G K E A T excellent condition, buy, below market clean. Was. $18,999. CRAMPED FOR Fifth Wheels $2500 obo. value! Size 8 mileN ow $15,450. V i n CASH? 541-420-4677 aqe DOES matter! ¹512698 Use classified to sell Hyster H25E, runs Class A 32' Hurrithose items you no I well, 2982 Hours, cane by Four Winds, S UBA R U . dep. 5 4 1 -923-0908, longer need. Chevy C-20 Pickup Ford T-Bird 1966 2007. 12,500 mi, all $3500,call 541-480-7863 Call 541-385-5809 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; 390 engine, power www.thegarnergroup.tom amenities, Ford V10, 541-749-0724 877-266-3821 auto 4-spd, 396, model everything, new Ithr, cherry, slides, Dlr ¹0354 CST /all options, orig. paint, 54K original like new! New low 775 Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 owner, $22,000, miles, runs great, price, $54,900. by Carriage, 4 slideHarley Davidson Soft541-923-6049 541-548-5216 excellent cond. in & Manufactured/ outs, inverter, satelTail Deluxe 20 0 7 , out. Asking $8,500. Mobile Homes white/cobalt, w / pas- G ulfstream lite sys, fireplace, 2 541-480-3179 Sce n i c I nternational Fla t flat screen TVs. senger kit, Vance 8 Seller Financing Avail! FACTORY SPECIAL Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, I • Peterbilt 359 p o table Bed Pickup 1963, 1 Hines muffler system Cummins 330 hp die$60,000. Not Bank-ownedNew Home, 3 bdrm, water t ruck, 1 9 90, ton dually, 4 s p d. 541-480-3923 & kit, 1045 mi., exc. Not a Short Sale! $46,500 finished 42K, 1 owner, 13 3200 gal. tank, 5hp trans., great MPG, c ond, $19,9 9 9 , sel, 11185Desert Sky Lp. on your site. CHECK YOUR AD in. kitchen slide out, pump, 4-3" h oses, could be exc. wood 541-389-9188. 3 bed, 2 bath, 1,350 sq. pl J and M Homes new tires, under cover, a camlocks, $ 2 5,000. Chevy Wagon 1957, hauler, runs great, ft., 1-level home in desir541-548-5511 hwy. miles only,4 door 541-820-3724 Harley Heritage 4-dr., complete, / new brakes, $1950. able Ridge at E agle fridge/freezer ice Softail, 2003 $7 000 OBO trades GMC ri~ton 1971, Only 541-419-5480. Crest Resort. Beautiful LOT MODEL The Bulletin $5,000+ in extras, maker, W/D combo, please call fully furnished home with $19,700! Original low LIQUIDATION $2000 paint job, Interbath tub & To Subscribe call 541-389-6998 hot tub & gas fireplace. Prices Slashed Huge mile, exceptional, 3rd 30K mi. 1 owner, shower, 50 amp pro541-385-5800 or go to Please check your ad Move-In ready! $179,900 owner. 951-699-7171 Savings! Full Warran- For more information pane gen & m o re! on the first day it runs Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe Call Peter for more ties, Finished on your please call $55,000. 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, a into at 541-419-5391 to make sure it is corsite. 541-548-5511 541-385-8090 541-948-2310 auto. trans, ps, air, 925 rect. Sometimes or 209-605-5537 frame on rebuild, restructions over the Utility Trailers Jeep Comanche, 1990, painted original blue, 771 Mobile home for sale by HD Screaming Eagle phone are misoriginal owner, 167K, • 'ara original blue interior, owner, in a park, $6000. Electra Glide 2005, understood and an error Lots 4WD, 5-spd, tags good original hub caps, exc. Terms available. 103" motor, two tone can occur in your ad. Plymouth B a r racudatill 9/2015, $4500 obo. chrome, asking $9000 541-279-0109 or candy teal, new tires, If this happens to your (2) Bend City lots, 2851 1966, original car! 300 541-633-7761 541-617-2834 or make offer. 23K miles, CD player, ad, please contact us Big Tex Landscap& 2857 Huettl St., off 541-385-9350 hp, 360 V8, centerhydraulic clutch, exthe first day your ad ing/ ATV Trailer, Butler Mkt. All utils under Own your own home for lines, (Original 273 Immaculate! round $89,900 for both. cellent condition. appears and we will dual axle flatbed, less t ha n r e n ting. eng & wheels incl.) Beaver Coach Marquis Highest offer takes it. be happy to fix it 7'x16', 7000 lb. all Ron, 541-206-7995 Centrally located in 541-593-2597 40' 1987. New cover, 541-480-8080. as soon as we can. GVW, all steel, Madras. In- h ouse new paint (2004), new If we can assist you, $1400. PROJECT CARS:Chevy f inancing opti o ns Chrysler SD 4-Door 870 inverter (2007). Onan please call us: 541-382-4115, or FB 1949-(SOLD) & available. Call now at Boats & Accessories 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, 1930, CD S R oyal 2-dr RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L 541-385-5809 541-280-7024. Coupe 1950 541-475-2291 Standard, 8-cylinder, Chevy parked covered $35,000 The Bulletin Classified rolling chassis's $1750 hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, Gambling Too Much? obo. 541-419-9859 or body is good, needs 13' Smokercraft '85, 541-280-2014 Chevy 4-dr 1949, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. Free, confidential help 931 some r e s toration, ea., complete car, $ 1949;541-420-3634 /390-1285 good cond., 15HP is available statewide. runs, taking bids, Automotive Parts, Cadillac Series 61 1950, Call 1-877-MY-LIMIT :r. gas Evinrude + 541-383-3888, Q 2 dr. hard top, complete Service & Accessories to talk to a c e rtified 541-815-3318 Minnkota 44 elec. w/spare f r on t cl i p ., Sport Utility Vehicles j counselor 24/7 or visit motor, fish finder, 2 $3950, 541-382-7391 4 radial studded tires to extra seats, trailer, Fleetwood Wilderness 215x75R-15 (no wheels) chat live with a counextra equip. $2900. 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, $145 all. 541-382-6983 I COLLECTOR CARl selor. We are not here P ickups • Monaco Dynasty 2004, AUCTION 541-388-9270 rear bdrm, fireplace, to judge. We are here We Buy Junk ~ Saturday, Feb. 2nd loaded, 3 slides, die- AC, W/D hkup beauto help. You can get sel, Reduced - now SALEM, OR 17' 1984 Chris Craft tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. Cars & Trucks! I State your life back. 850 Cash paid for junk Fairgrounds $119,000, 5 4 1 -923- 541-815-2380 - Scorpion, 140 HP vehicles, batteries & Buick Enclave 2008 CXL 8572 or 541-749-0037 Call now for info Snowmobiles • • f I inboard/outboard, 2 catalytic converters AWD, V-6, black, clean, 541-689-6824 depth finders, trollm echanicall y sound, 82k Serving all of C.O.! www.petersen 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade ing motor, full cover, miles. $20,995. • Call 541-408-1090 Meet singles right now! 600 w/513 mi, like new, EZ - L oad t railer, Ford 250 XLT 1990, Call 541-815-1216 No paid o perators,very fast! Reduced to $3500 OBO. 932 6 yd. dump bed, just real people like $5500. 541-221-5221 541-382-3728. K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 139k, Auto, $5500. Chevy Sub u rban L Antique & you. Browse greetslide, AC, TV, awning 541-410-9997 1 500 LT Z7 1 P k g 'ar ings, exchange mesClassic Autos Southwind 35.5' Triton NEW: tires, converter, t o w pkg. , J' sages and connect I F ord F 3 5 0 Kin g 2004, 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du batteries. Hardly used leather, running live. Try it free. Call $15,500. 541-923-2595 55 Chevy 2 dr . wgn Ranch Super Cab pont UV coat, 7500 mi Arctic Cat (2) 2005 boards, 3rd row seat, now: 8 7 7-955-5505. P ROJECT car, 3 5 0 Bought new at 2004, l eather, t o w F7; EFI Snowpro & Was $13,999. Now small block w/Weiand FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, (PNDC) $132,913; pkg., bed liner, much $9988. Vin ¹212758 EFI EXT, 4,000 asking $93,500. dual quad tunnel ram door panels w/flowers more. MUST SEE!! Thank you St. Jude 8 miles each. $2400 Call 541-419-4212 with 450 Holleys. T-10 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 & hummingbirds, Was $25,999. Now +4gg SUBARU. Sacred H e ar t of each; 541-410-2186 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Volvo Penta, 270HP, white soft top 8 hard $23,788. Vin ¹A34788 Jesus. j.d. WANTED! Weld Prostar whls, low hrs., must see, top. Just reduced to NE Hwy 20 • Bend IIM S UBA R U . 2060877-266-3821 extra rolling chassis + $15,000, 541-330-3939 RV Conslgnments $3,750. 541-317-9319 MONTANA 3585 2008, extras. $6000 for all. Paid for or Notl or 541-647-8483 Dlr ¹0354 exc. cond., 3 slides, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend l l i l I t i l t 541-389-7669. king bed, Irg LR, Arc877-266-3821 BIG iM x Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 tic insulation, all opDlr ¹0354 COUNTRY RV • • 4x4. 120K mi, Power i tions $37,500. 20.5' 2004 Bayliner • 90% of all RV buyers FORD RANGER XLT seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd 541-420-3250 205 Run About, 220 are looking to finance 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 row seating, e xtra Call 54 I -385-5809 HP, V8, open bow, 1921 Model T NuWa 297LK H i tchor trade. speed, with car alarm, tires, CD, privacy tintto r o m ot e o u r s ervice exc. cond., very fast Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Delivery Truck • We have a dozen CD player, extra tires ing, upgraded rims. w/very low hours, 32' touring coach, left Ford Galaxie500 1963, finance options. Restored & Runs on rims. Runs good. Fantastic cond. $7995 lots of extras incl. kitchen, rear lounge, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, at • We take anything on Clean. 92,000 miles Contact Timm /Building/Contracting Handyman $9000. tower, Bimini & many extras, beautiful 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 trade, paid for or not. o n m o to r $2 6 0 0 541-408-2393 for info 541-389-8963 custom trailer, c ond. inside 8 o u t , radio (orig),541-419-4989 OBO. 541-771-6511. or to view vehicle. • We do all of the work NOTICE: Oregon state 30 years Construction $19,500. $32,900 OBO, Prinevyou et the CASH law req u ires anyille 541-447-5502 days 541-389-1413 one who co n t racts Experience 8 541-447-1641 eves. for construction work 17 Years tgb to be licensed with the in Central C onstruction Co n - Oregon j jgg g tractors Board (CCB). A n active lice n se Margo 20.5' Seaswirl Spymeans the contractor COnStruCtiOn, LK der 1989 H.O. 302, Call Cliff at i s bonded an d i n 285 hrs., exc. cond., Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th 541-815-6144 s ured. Ver if y t h e stored indoors for Home Repairs & wheel, 1 s lide, AC, contractor's CCB life $11,900 OBO. Remodeling TV,full awning, excelc ense through t h e 541-379-3530 lent shape, $23,900. CCB Cons u mer Window & Door 541-350-8629 Website Replacement Ads published in theI www.hirealicensedcontractor. CCB ¹176121 "Boats" classification com include: Speed, fishor call 503-378-4621. 541-480-3179 ing, drift, canoe, • Winnebago It a s ca The Bulletin recomhouse and sail boats. Sundancer 26' 1987, mends checking with For all other types of 51K mi., exc. cond. the CCB prior to con- LandscapingNard Care watercraft, please see $8000. 541-419-9251 Pilgrim tracting with anyone. In t e rnational Class 875. Some other t rades N OTICE: O R E G O N 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, 541-385-5809 also req u ire addi- Landscape Contrac-W e'l • Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 tional licenses a nd Fall price $ 2 1,865. tors Law (ORS 671) certifications. 541-312-4466 r equires a l l bu s i nesses that advertise =. II to p e r form L a n dSuncruiser34' Debris Removal FLOAT 1 Winnebago 0 scape C o nstruction 2004, only 34K, loaded, which includes: i YOURBOAT ... i too much to list, ext'd sp e c ial warr. thru 2014, $54,900 p lanting, decks , with o u r fences, arbors, rates for selling your I Dennis, 541-589-3243 w ater-features, a n d ~ boat or watercraft! installation, repair of I irrigation systems to / Place an ad in The Travel Trailers • B ulletin w it h ou r be licensed with the Will Haul Away Landscape Contrac- / 3-month package 908 ~ FREEQ COACHMEN t ors B o a rd . Th i s ~ which includes: 4-digit number is to be 1979 23' trailer Aircraft, Parts FOr SalVage r ' included in all adver- [ *5 lines of text and Fully equipped. & Service Any Location g tisements which indi- a photo or up to 10 $2000. „.1 Removal~ cate the business has f lines with no photo. 541-312-8879 GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, a bond, insurance and *Free online ad at Also CleanupsI t'" or 541-350-4622. W6 are three adorable, loving workers c ompensaI J8 Cleanouts' + tion for their employ- *Free pick up into Narzr puppies looking for acaring home. ees. For your protec- ~ The Central Oregon ~ glease call right away.$500.~ tion call 503-378-5909 f Nickel ads. I or use our website: 1/3 interest in to I Rates start at $46. I bia 400, located at license status Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. FORD Fj50 XL 2005. This truck Call for details! Just bought a new boat? check before con t racting Call 541-647-3718 Sell your old one in the 541-385-5809 can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4X4, with t h e bu s iness. Fleetwood Wilderness classifieds! Ask about our Gl 31' 1999. 12' slide, Persons doing landand a tough V8 engine will get Super Seller rates! 24' awning, queen scape maintenance 541-385-5809 the ob done on the ranch! do not require a LCB bed,couch/table make into dbl beds, FSC, license. GENERATE SOME exHandyman outside shower, E-Z lift in your neig- s tabilizer hitch, l i ke Painting/Wall Covering citement 1 /3 interest i n w e l lborhood. Plan a gaQUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! new, been stored. rage sale and don't $10,999. 541-419-5060 equipped IFR Beech BoERIC REEVE Modern amenities and all the quiet nanza A36, new 10-550/ forget to advertise in prop, located KBDN. you will need.Roomto grow in your classified! 385-5809. ~ Oo $65,000. 541-419-9510 MOrePitaj tjt!I!jj!I!Iletin,CO m owfl little Paradise! Call flow. Alison Mata, Broker 541-280-6250
fl'he Bulletin
kYo~ Asr!
o w ou r
Ll B O Ll l '
aThe Bulleti
'Qjj jj
/ /
In The Bulletin's print and online Classifieds.
gThe Bulleting
All Home & Commercial Repairs Carpentry-Painting Honey Do's. Small or large jobs, no problem. Senior Discount All work guaranteed.
541-389-3361 541-771-4463 Bonded - Insured CCB¹149468
Handyman/Remodeling Residential/Commercial Small Jofraro Endre Roorrr Remodefs Garage Or¹aniralir>n Hr>me /nspeclion Repairs Qrraliry, Honest Wr>rk
Dennis 541.317.9768 eear15 157aBoar/rr/rrrlralrr/
MARTIN JAMES European Professional Painter Repaint
The Bulletin Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $ I895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435
¹186 147 LLC
541-81 5-2888
Give mea call - I will come and give you afree consultation aad a reasonablebid. Ihave excellent referencesfrom satisfied customers. Myinterior (and exterior) work ianeat and completed in atimely manner. CCB¹ 194169
Jeff A. Miller Painting 541.404.2826
(Bend Municipal Airport)
NOW OPEN under new management! Come & see us! Open Monday-Friday 8-3 Springdale 2005 27', 4' slide in dining/living area, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811
Call 541-318-8989
Executive Hangar at Bend Airport
60' wide x 50' deep, w/55' wide x 17' high bi-fold door. Natural gas heat, office, bath-
Oregon License
Winter is an excellent time to paint the INTERIOR of you home!
servmg central oregon since r903
2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.
541-719-8444 Ads published in "Watercraft" include: Kayks, rafts and motorIzed personal watercrafts. For • " boats" please s e e Class 870. • 541-385-5809
The Bulletin
room. Parking for 6 c ars. A djacent t o Springdale 29' 2 0 07, Frontage Rd; g r eat slide,Bunkhouse style, visibility for a viation sleeps 7-8, excellent bus. condition, $ 1 6 ,900, 541-948-2126 541-390-2504 Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, based in Madras, always hangared since new. New annual, auto pilot, IFR, one piece windshield. Fastest Archer around. 1750 toSprinter 272RLS, 2009 tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. 29', weatherized, like 541-475-6947, ask for n ew, f u rnished & Rob Berg. ready to go, incl Wine- T-Hangar for rent ard S a t ellite dish, at Bend airport. Call 541-382-8998. 26,995. 541-420-9964
Add Color to your ad For an addifional '2 per day
BSSl 1C S TO PlaCe yOur ad, ViSit WWW.bendbulletin.COm Or 541-385-5809 HOurS: MOnday —Friday7:30am to 5:00Pm Telephone Hours.M onday— Friday 7:30am —5:00pm • Saturday8:00am -12.30pm 24 Hour MessageLine: 383-2371: Place, cancel, or extend an ad after hours. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702
~Sport Utility Vehicles S p ort Utility Vehicles S p ort Utility Vehicles
Sport Utility Vehicles
Jeep Wrangler Un-
C hevy T ahoe L S Sport Utility 2004,
Automobiles Audi A4 2007 2.0T Q 63.5k mi. ¹038728 $18,995
l imited X 2008 , 4x4, power windows, Sport Utility, 6 speed, hard top, p r emium power locks, cruise, tilt, al l o ys , Was wheels, running Oregon boards, lo w m i l es. $12,999. Now $9799. AutnSnnrce GMC Envoy 2002 4WD 4Runner Ltd 2003 Vin ¹ 216330 Was $26,999. Now Toyota V8, tow pkg., Ithr, loaded. $6,450. Loaded, 541-598-3750 $23,988. Vin ¹572535 107K miles, exclnt cond. Leather, Heated S UBA RU. www.aaaoregonautoSOBAROOPBKND COM original owner. $12,900 4 @ S U B A R U. seats, Bose sound 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend system. Ext. roof rack 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-788-4229 877-266-3821 (218) 478-4469 877-266-3821 940 Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354 Vans •
Jeep Liberty Limited
Automobiles Buick Lucerne CXL 2009, $12,500, low low miles; 2003 LeSabre, $4000. You'll not find nicer Buicks One look's worth a thousand words. Call Bob, 541-318-9999. for an appt. and take a drive in a 30 mpg car!
BOATS &RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft Find It in The Bulletin Classifieds! 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 541-385-5809 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent
2007, auto, l eather, moon roof, roof rack, Nissan Armada SE Chevy Astro alloys, Was. $13,999. Sport Utility 2007, BMW 328i, 1998, sun Cargo Van 2001, auto, power windows, The Bulletin Classifieds N ow $ 10,988. V i n pw, pdl, great cond., roof, white/grey interior power locks, leather, all electric, auto trans ¹646827 business car, well fully loaded, very nice. clean, 1 6 8 ,131 mi maint'd, regular oil Ford Explorer 4x4, Was $16,999. Now $3200. 541-419-6176 changes, $4500. B A R UCOM. © f SUSBSAROOPBBNO Automobiles 1991 - 154K miles, $13,988. Vin ¹700432 Please call rare 5-speed tranny 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Chrysler Sebring 2006 541-633-5149 Advertise your car! & manual hubs, r©Q S U B A R U . Fully loaded, exc.cond, 877-266-3821 Add A Picture! clean, straight, evvery low miles (38k), Dlr ¹0354 Reach thousands of readers! 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend eryday driver. Was Chev 1994 G20 c us- Call 541-385-5809 always garaged, 877-266-3821 tomized van, 1 2 8k, The Bulletin Classifieds $2200; now $1900! transferable warranty Dlr ¹0354 3 50 motor, HD t o w Bob, 541-318-9999 incl. $8100 obo Jeep Wrangler 4x4, e quipped, seats 7 , 541-848-9180 1997 6-cyl, soft top, B sleeps 2. comfort, utilMy Little Red Corvette" roll bar, front tow ity road ready, nice Ford Explorer XLT 1996 coupe. 132K, bar, new tires, cond. $4000?Trade for Kia Optima EX 2004 2006, Pow er w in- chrome rims, 103K 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. mini van. Call Bob, 2.7L V6, all power dows, power locks, tilt $12,500 541-923-1781 miles, gd cond, 541-318-9999 options, moonroof, cruise, running $5700 obo. spoiler, leather, Inb oards, r oo f r a c k , 541-504-3253 or Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 BMW 740 IL 1998 orig. finity AM/FM/CD/ Was $12,999. Now Porsche Cayenne 2004, 7 -pass. v a n wit h owner, exc. c o n d. 503-504-2764 cassette, alloys, Vehicle? miles, new tires, $7788. Vin ¹A18448. 86k, immac, dealer p ower c h a i r lif t , 101k Call The Bulletin Michelin 8 studded loaded, sunroof. maint'd, loaded, now $1500; 1989 Dodge tires, reg. maint., and place an ad to4 @ S U B A R U. $17000. 503-459-1580 Turbo Van 7 - pass. $9500. 541-706-1897 Jeep Wrangler $8450. (in Bend) dayl has new motor and 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Unlimited X 2007 760-71 5-91 23 ~Qo Ask about our 877-266-3821 t rans., $1500. I f i nSport Utility, 6 spd, "Wheel Deal"! MorePixattje t nrtt) Baja Turbo terested c a l l Dlr ¹0354 Ja y running boards, pre- Subaru for private party 2006, Spo r t u tility, Mini Cooper 2006, 41K, 503-269-1057. mium wheels, off road fully loaded, tow pkg., advertisers an black. 5 speed, heated Ford Freestyle S E L, tires, tow pkg. Low moon roof, l eather. seats. Stability and cli2006, V6, AWD, AT, AC, miles. Was $25,999. Ford Windstar 1996 Was $17,999. Now mate control. Studded front & side airbags, 25 Now $22,788. Mini Van, 173K, no tires on rims. $10,500 $13,788. Vin ¹103218 mpg, 3rd row seating, Vin¹147938 air, 3 seats, room 541-389-9819 nj pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, en@ S U B A R U . galore! Dependable, traction control, new tires 4+ i S U B A R U . Just bought a new boat? road-ready to anyBMW Z4 Roadster Mftsubfshf 3 0 0 0 GT & brks, maintained exSell your old one in the NE Hwy 20 • Bend 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend place, even Tumalo! 2005, 62K miles, ex1999, a uto., p e a rl classifieds! Ask about our t remely well, runs 8 2060877-266-3821 877-266-3821 All this for $1500cenent cond. $14,000. w hite, very low m i . drives exlnt,148K hwy mi, Super Seller rates! Dlr ¹0354 541-604-9064 Dlr ¹0354 really! 541-318-9999 $7200. 541-604-4166 $9500. 541-788-8218.
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
PORSCHE 914 1974,
Roller (no engine),
Nissan Sentra, 201212,610 mi, full warranty, PS, PB,AC,8 more! $16 000 541-788-0427 Check out the classifieds online Updated daily
j The Bulletin j
L'"" '" "
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
LEGAL NOTICE Directors' Positions
in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The r el ief sought in t h e C omplaint i s th e f oreclosure of t h e property located at 21049 Don Street, Bend, OR 9 7 701. Date of First Publication: January 13, 2013. McCarthy & Holthus, LLP, Erica Day, OSB¹ 113653, 9 20 SW 3 r d A v enue, First F loor, Portland, OR 97204, Phone: (877)
Three positions with incumbents r u nning for reelection on the Board of Directors at Central Electric Cooperative, Inc. are up for election. They are: District ¹ 4 Powell Butte District ¹ 6 Redmond District ¹ 9 Prineville Pursuant to the By-Laws of the cooperative, other members that live in that district are eligible to run for election. Petitions and information
f or candidates, i ncluding district boundaries and eligibility requirements, are available at the Cooperative's office at 2098 North Highway 97 in Redmond Oregon. P etitions will be a c -
fendants. Case No.: 1 2CV0921.
MONS BY PUBLICATION. To: David Hoole and Loretta Hoole. Y o u are hereby required to
appear and defend the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within thirty (30) days from the date of service of thissummons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want t h ereof, Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE TO D E FENDANT: READ THESE PA-
"appear" in this case or the other side will win a u tomatically. To "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The Bmotion" or "answer" (or "reply") must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication sp e c ified herein along w ith the required filing fee. It must be in p roper form a n d have proof of service on the plaintiff's a ttorney or, if t h e p laintiff does n o t have an a t torney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may call t he Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Re f e rral Service at (503) 684-3763 or toll-free
Ext .
3370, Fax: 694-1460,
( 503) Of Attorneys for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE
Sealed bids for the construction of the City of R e dmond, Yew and W ickiup A venue Rec o n struction Project-TR 08-07, addressed to the City Recorder, City of R e dmond, Oregon will be received until 2:00 PM local time at the City Recorder's o f f ice, City Hall, 716 SW Evergreen Avenue, Redmond, Oregon, o n F ebruary 1 2 , 2013, and then publ icly opened a n d read at 2:00 PM in Conference Room A, City Hall, Red-
mond, First tier
Ore g on.
s u bcont ractor list i s r e -
quired to be s ubmitted by 4:00 PM, same day ( N ote: The first tier subcontractor list may also be s ubmitted with the sealed bid at contractor's preference). Bids shall be clearly labeled: Yew and W ickiup A venue Rec o n struction Project TR 08-07.
No mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held. No bid will be accepted by a general c o ntractor who is not on the plans holder list. T his i s a Pub l ic Works Contract and subject to the Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries
(BOLI) Wage Rates, d ated January 1, 2013, and amendments for region 10 as defined under ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870. No bids shall be received or
considered unless the bid contains a s tatement b y t h e b idder t ha t O R S 279C.838 or 279C.840 shan be complied with. Bidders must identify whether bidder is a resident bidder as defined i n ORS 279A.120.
Scope of Work: Improvements generally include reconstruction of Yew Avenue between the S . C a na l Bl v d . roundabout and the H wy 9 7 on/o f f ramps; and Wickiup Avenue b e t ween SW 27th Street and S . C a na l Bl v d . T hese street i m provements include approximately 1860 B LF of 12 Dl waterl ine, 280 LF of 8 " sewerline, 3500 LF o f 1 4 B Curb and sidewalk, 8000 SY of Asphalt paving, new storm drainage control facilities, fire
Le g al Notices • hydrants, and striping.
Legal Notices •
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
the same with proper vouchers within four (4) months after the The City estimates date of first publicaCITY OF BEND t he c os t o f imtion t o t h e u n d erHEARINGS OFFICER provements at PROJECT NUMBER: signed or they may be $1,000,000. barred. Add i tional PZ¹ 12-426 APPLIi nformation may b e C ANT: Central O r C ontract Doc u egon Com m unity o btained f ro m th e ments may be exCollege NATURE OF court records, the unamined at the folTHE APPLICATION: dersigned or the atlowing locations: Type III Quasi-judicial torney. Date first pub• City of Redmond amendment to Bend lished: January 13, E ngineering D i v i 2013. ER I C A L. D evelopment C o d e sion 243 NE Antler SMITH, Per s o nal Chapter 2.7.1000 Avenue, Redmond, C entral Oreg o n R epresentative, c / o Oregon. Community C o llege Ronald L. Bryant At• Central Oregon ( COCC) Spec i a l torney at Law, Bryant Builder's Exchange, Fit c h , Planned Dist r ict/ E merson & 1902 NE 4th Street, Overlay Zone to es- L LP, PO B o x 4 5 7 , Bend, Oregon. tablish a r o ad/drive Redmond OR 97756. design review proLEGAL NOTICE C ontract Doc u cess and standards ments may be obfor construction of fu- TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE tained by qualified ture roads and drives bidders only for a within th e S p e cial Reference is made to non-refundable Planned District. AP- a trust deed made by price of $20.00 at P LICABLE CR I T E- P 8 P Ventures, LLC, t he City o f R e d RIA: Bend Develop- an Oregon limited limond Engineering ment Code Section, ability company, as Division. C hapter 4.1 ; L a n d Grantor, to Amerititle, Use Review and Pro- as Trustee, in favor of The City may procedures, Chapter 4.6, The F irst N a t ional vide soli c itation Land Use District Map Bank of Mount Dora documents by elecand T ex t A m e nd- and Barbara Bothe, tronic means availm ents, T h e Be n d a s Trustees of t h e able on the City of Area General Plan, William A. Iles Trust Redmond website. Oregon A d ministra- d ated January 2 2 , tive Rules; Chapter 1987, as A m ended us 6 60-012-060, Pla n a nd R e stated, a s da t e d and Land Use Regu- B eneficiary, An interested prime lation A mendments, May 29, 2007, and reb idders must f o rChapter 660-015, Di- c orded on J une 1 , mally request and vision 15, Statewide 2 007 i n t h e De s chutes County Offip urchase a h a r dPlanning Goals and R e c ords as bound set of project Guidelines, available cial Document No. plans and specificain City Hall or at the t ions, w h ic h w i l l Community Develop- 2007-31132, covering register them as a ment Department por- t he f o l lowing d e plan holder on the tion of the City's web- scribed real property in the project. The City of site. PRO P ERTY situated R edmond will n ot LOCATION: 2600 NW above-mentioned county an d s t a t e, accept any bid that C ollege Way, M a p is not from a regis1 7-11-25, T L 1 0 0 0 to-wit: Real property tered plan h older and Map 17-11-25A, in the County of Desand submitted on T L 0 0 1 03 . D A T E , chutes, State of Oregon, described as the proposal form TIME, PLACE A ND follows: Lot (9), Block from the C ontract LOCATION OF THE Documents p a ckHEARING: J anuary Fifty-seven (57), DERIV E R age. All requests for 28, 2013, 5:30 p.m. at S CHUTES plans, plan holder 710 NW Wall Street, RECREATION list, and bid docuBend, OR, in City Hall HOMESITES UNIT 9, ments s ha n be Council C h ambers. PART 2, Deschutes County, Oregon. The m ade t o Kat h y ADDITIONAL INHarms, Office AsF ORMATION: T h e Deed of Trust was sistant, C i t y of application, all docu- modified by that cerR edmond Eng i ments and evidence tain Modification and neering Department s ubmitted by o r o n Extension Agreement at (541) 504-2002. behalf of th e a ppli- recorded February 17, cant and the applica- 2010, as D ocument P UBLISH: Dai l y tion criteria are avail- No. 2010-07081. The J ournal o f Co m able for inspection at undersigned was appointed as Successor m erce - Once t h e City Hall at no cost week of January 14, and will be provided at Trustee by the Ben2013 a r easonable cost. e ficiary by a n a p pointment dated AuSeven days prior to Bend B u lletin the hearing a copy of gust 31, 2012, and January 13, 2013 the staff report will be recorded on Novemsimilarly a v a i lable. ber 2, 2012 in the DeCONTACT PERSON: schutes County OffiPeople Look for Information Amy Barry at (541) cial R e c ords as About Products and Document No. 693-2114, Services Every Day through abarry© 2012-044168. The address of the trustee The Bulletin ClassiBeds Send written t e stimony to the Planning is 69 3 C h e meketa Commission c/o CDD, Street NE, Salem, OR LEGAL NOTICE 7 10 N W W a l l S t . 97301. Both the benNOTICE TO INTER- 97702, or attend the eficiary a n d the ESTED PERSONS m eeting an d s t a te trustee have elected The undersigned has y our v i e ws. Th e to sell the said real been appointed per- hearing will be con- property to satisfy the sonal representative ducted in accordance obligations secured by of the Estate of Daniel with B D C Se c t ion said trust deed and a L . E m erson, D e - 4.1.800. Any party is notice of default has ceased, by the Circuit entitled to a hearing or been recorded pursuC ourt, State of O r - record continuance. ant to O regon Reegon, County of Des- Failure of an issue to vised Statues chutes, Probate No. be raised at the hear- 86.735(3), the default 12-PB-0124. An perfor which the forecloing, in person or by sons having claims ma d e in l etter, or f a ilure t o sure i s against the estate are provide statements or grantor's failure to pay required to p r esent evidence sufficient to when due the followt heir c l a im s wit h afford the d e cision ing sums: The sum of vouchers maker an opportunity $70,000.00 in principroper within four m o nths to respond precludes pal, together with infrom this date, to the appeal to the Land terest and late fees. undersigned, or they U se Board o f A p - B y reason o f s a i d may be barred. Addi- peals on that issue. default th e b e n efitional information may ciary has declared all be obtained from the LEGAL NOTICE sums owing on the court records, the un- The undersigned has obligation secured by dersigned, or the atbeen appointed per- said trust deed immetorneys named below. sonal representative diately due and payDated and first pub- o f t h e E s t at e o f able, said sums being lished: January 13, RONALD JOHN the following, to wit: 2013. J O YC E E. SMITH Deceased, by The sum of VERNON, P e rsonal the Deschutes County $70,000.00, plus inR epresentative, c / o C ircuit Court of t he terest thereon at the C.E. FRANCIS, OSB State of Oregon, pro- rate of 10% per an¹77006, FR A N CIS bate number n um from J une 1 , HANSEN 8 MARTIN 12PB0125. Al l p er- 2007, until paid; plus L LP, 1148 N W H i l l sons having claims the cost of f orecloStreet, B e nd , O R against the estate are sure report, attorney's 97701. required to p r esent fees, an d t r ustee's LEGAL NOTICE PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE
lowered, full roll cage, 5-pt harnesses, racing seats, 911 dash & instruments, d e cent shape, v e r y c o ol! $1699. 541-678-3249
Toyota Carrry: 1984, $1200 obo; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car, $500. Call for details, 541-548-6592
Toyota Corolla 2004, auto., loaded, 204k miles. orig. owner, non Porsche 911 1974, low smoker, exc. c ond. mi., complete motor/ $6500 Prin e vine trans. rebuild, tuned 503-358-8241 suspension, int. 8 ext. refurb., oi l c o oling, People Lookfor Information shows new in & out, About Products and perf. mech. c o nd. Services Every Daythrough Much more! TheBulletin Classifieds $28,000 541-420-2715
Le g al Notices
fees; together w ith property or if you are any other sums due or not a bona fide resithat may become due dential tenant. If the under the Note or by foreclosure sale goes reason of the default, through, t h e new this foreclosure and owner will have the any further advances right to require you to made by Beneficiary move out. Before the a s allowed by t h e new owner can reN ote and D eed o f quire you to move, the Trust. WHEREFORE new owner must pronotice is hereby given vide you with written that the undersigned notice that specifies trustee will on March the date by which you must move out. If you 26, 2013, at the hour of 10:00 o'clock, a.m., do not leave before i n accord with t h e the move-out date, standard of time esthe new owner can tablished b y OR S have the sheriff re187.110. at the main move you from the d oor of t h e D e s - property after a court chutes County Court- hearing. You will rehouse, 1 1 0 0 NW c eive notice of t h e B ond Street, in t he court hearing. PROCity of Bend, County T ECTION FRO M of Deschutes, State of E VICTION IF Y O U Oregon, sell at public ARE A BONA FIDE auction to the highest TENANT OCCUPYbidder for cash the ING AND RENTING i nterest in t h e r e a l THIS P ROP ERTY AS RESI D ENTIAL property d e s cribed A above w h ic h the DWELLING, YOU HAVE TH E R I G HT grantor had or h ad power to convey at TO CONTINUE LIVthe time of the execuING IN THIS PROPtion by grantor of the E RTY AFTER T H E trust deed together FORECLOSURE with a n y int e rest SALE FOR: • TH E which the grantor or REMAINDER OF grantor's successors YOUR FIXED TERM in interest acquired LEASE, IF YOU after the execution of HAVE A FIXED the trust deed, to sat- TERM LEASE; OR • isfy the foregoing ob- AT LEAST 90 DAYS ligations thereby se- F ROM TH E D A T E cured and the costs YOU ARE GIVEN A and expenses of the WRITTEN TERMINAsale, including a rea- TION NOTICE. If the sonable charge by the new owner wants to trustee. Notice is furmove in and use this ther given that any property as a primary person named in ORS r esidence, the n e w 86.753 has the right, owner can give you at any time prior to written notice and refive days before the quire you to move out date last set for the after 90 days, even s ale, t o h a v e t h i s though you have a foreclosure proceed- fixed term lease with ing dismissed and the more than 90 d ays trust deed reinstated left. You must be prob y payment to t h e vided with at least 90 beneficiary of the en- days' written notice tire amount then due after the foreclosure (other than such por- sale before you can tion of the principal as be required to move. would not then be due A bona fide tenant is a had no d efault ocresidential tenant who curred) and by curing is not the b orrower any o t he r d e f ault (property owner) or a complained of herein child, spouse or parthat is capable of be- ent of the borrower, ing cured by tender- and w hose r e ntal ing the performance agreement: • Is t h e r equired under t h e result of a n a r m'so bligation o r tr u s t length transaction; • deed, and in addition R equires the p a y to paying those sums ment of rent that is not or tendering the per- substantially less than formance necessary fair market rent for the to cure the default by property, unless the paying an costs and rent is r educed or expenses actually in- subsidized due to a curred in enforcing the federal, state or local obligation and t rust subsidy; and • Was entered into prior to deed, together with trustee and attorney the date of the forefees not e x ceeding closure sale. ABOUT the amounts provided YOUR TEN A NCY by ORS 86.753. NOBETWEEN NOW TICE TO RESIDEN- A ND T H E FO R E TIAL TENA N T S: C LOSURE SAL E : The property in which RENT YOU SHOULD CONTINUE y ou are living is i n foreclosure. A foreclo- TO PAY RENT TO sure sale is s ched- YOUR L A N DLORD uled for March 26, UNTIL THE PROP2013. The date of this ERTY IS SOLD OR sale may b e p o st- U NTIL A COU R T p oned. Unless t h e T ELLS YO U O T H lender that i s f o re- ERWISE. IF YOU DO closing on this prop- N OT P A Y REN T , erty is paid before the YOU CAN BE sale date, the foreclo- EVICTED. BE SURE sure will go through TO KEEP PROOF OF and someone new will ANY PAYM E NTS own this property. Af- YOU MAKE. SECUter the sale, the new RITY DEPOSIT - You owner is required to may apply your secuprovide you with con- rity deposit and any tact information and rent you paid in adnotice that the sale vance against the curtook place. The folrent rent you owe your lowing in f o rmation landlord as provided applies to you only if in ORS 90.367. To do you are a bona fide this, you must notify tenant occupying and your landlord in writrenting this property ing that you want to as a resi d ential subtract the amount of dwelling under a leyour security deposit gitimate rental agree- or prepaid rent from ment. The i nforma- your rent p ayment. tion does not apply to You may do this only you if you own this for the rent you owe
Legal Notices •
Legal Notices
the performance of your current landlord. which is secured by If you do t his, you the trust deed, and must do so before the the words "trustee" foreclosure sale. The and "beneficiary" inbusiness or individual clude their respective who buys this prop- successors in interest erty at the foreclosure if any. DATED: Nosale is not r espon- v ember 1 9 , 20 1 2 . sible to you for any Russell W. Pike, Sucdeposit o r p r e paid cessor Trustee. rent you paid to your l andlord. ABOU T What are you Y OUR TEN A N CY AFTER THE FORElooking for? CLOSURE SALE: The You'0 find it in new owner that buys this property at the The Bulletin Classifieds foreclosure sale may be willing to allow you to stay as a tenant in541-385-5809 stead of requiring you to move out after 90 PUBLIC NOTICE days or at the end of The Bend Park & Recyour fixed term lease. reation District Board After the sale, you of Directors will meet should receive a writ- in a work session and ten notice informing regular busi n ess you that the sale took meeting on Tuesday place and giving you January 15, 2013, at the n e w own e r's the District Office, 799 name and contact in- SW Columbia, Bend, formation. You should O regon. Th e w o r k contact t h e new will begin at owner if you would session p.m. at w h ich like to stay. If the new 5:30 time the will reowner accepts rent ceive anboard on from you, signs a new the Mirrorupdate Pond Vir esidential rent a l sioning Project, agreement with you or cuss Budget C odismdoes not notify you in mittee s k i ll s and writing within 30 days appointment process after the date of the discuss partner foreclosure sale that and raising. A busiyou must move out, fund ness meeting will be the new owner bebeginning c omes y o u r ne w conducted 7:00 p.m. Agenda l andlord an d m u s t at items include: considmaintain the property. eration of a w arding Otherwise: • You do contracts for the Ponnot owe rent; • Th e derosa Skate ark new owner is not your Design Build, PP i ne landlord and is not re- Nursery Phase 2 ensponsible for m ainS e rvices, taining the property on gineering First Street R apids your behalf; and • You c onstruction, must move out by the Bridge receipt of the annual date the new owner Financial S tatement specifies in a notice to Audit, an d a c c epyou. The new owner tance of public commay offer to pay your ment regarding the moving expenses and Comprehensive Plan a ny other costs o r The amounts you and the Amendment. anuary 15 , 2 0 1 3 , new owner agree on Jagenda meeting in exchange for your report isand on the agreement to l e ave district's posted webs i te: the premises in less www.bendparksanthan 90 days or be- For m o re fore your fixed term information call lease expires. Y ou 541-389-7275. should speak with a lawyer to fully understand your rights beSay Bgoodbuy fore making any decito that unused sions regarding your tenancy. IT I S U N- item by placing it in L AWFUL FOR A N Y PERSON TO TRY TO The Bulletin Classifieds FORCE Y O U TO LEAVE YOUR 5 41 -385-58 0 9 DWELLING UNIT W ITHOUT FI R S T GIVING YOU WRITPUBLIC NOTICE TEN NOTICE AND The Bend Park & RecG OING TO C O U R T reation District Board TO EVICT YOU. FOR of Directors will meet MORE IN F O RMA- in a special work sesTION ABOUT YOUR sion with the United RIGHTS, YOU S enior C itizens o f SHOULD CONSULT Bend Board of DirecA LAWYER. If y o u tors at 3:00 p.m. on believe you need le- Tuesday, January 15, gal assistance, you 2013, at the District may contact the OrOffice, 799 SW Coegon State Bar and l umbia, Bend, O r ask for the lawyer re- egon. The board will ferral s e r vice at meet i n ex e c utive 503-684-3763 or session immediately toll-free in Oregon at f ollowing th e w o r k 800-452-7636 or you session pursuant to may visit its website ORS 129.660(2)(e) for at: the purpose of dis cussing real property If you do not have transactions, ORS N
enough money to pay a lawyer and are otherwise eligible, you may be able to recefve l e ga l a s s istance for f ree. F or more information and a directory of legal aid programs, g o to: In construing this notice, the singular includes the plural, t h e word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation,
192.660(2)(i) for the purpose of conducting perf o rmance evaluations of public officers and employees and ORS 192.660(2)(h) for the purpose of consulting with legal counsel regarding current litigation or litigation likely to be
fil e d . Th e agenda for the work session is posted on the district's website: For m o re information call 541-389-7275.
To PLACE AN AD CALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809
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2013: Ht fl OLHIICE: Presenting our 2013 calendar at a glance with all of our scheduled specialty publications. You'll also receive grocery inserts every Tuesday; our arts and entertainment section, GO! Magazine, every Friday; and look for a wide variety of shopping inserts every Saturday and Sunday. You'll also enjoy the national magazine, PARADE, which highlights the world of entertainment, games and comics every Sunday. r
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March (cont.)
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