Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $
WEDNESDAY February13, 201 3
e in sare ina errain ar< Preproundup OUTDOORS • D1
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Full transcript,• GOP's2 responses, A5• Excerpts from Rubio and Paul, • Checking Obama'sclaims, AS
riorit or n term: e in t emi e cass ee By Scott Wilson The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — President BarackObama chal-
lenged Congress Tuesday night to assist an American m iddle classsqueezed by rising costs and stagnant wages, making clear that he will devote much of his second term to closing the income gap between rich and poor. In his first State of the Union address since re-election, Obama called restoring the country's middle-class promise"our generation's
task," casting the ability to work and prosper as a basic American prin-
ciple in jeopardy now because of a changing economy and partisan dysfunction in Washington. Arguing for an active government role to tackle inequality, Obama proposed a seriesof ways — some old, some new — to improve access to education and expand
On jobs: "I'm announcing thelaunch
On the deficit: "l4'e
of three more ... hubs, where businesses uvill partner uvith the Depaltments ofDefense and Energy to turn
in both parties have already suggested,
On housing:"Right now, there's a billin this Congress that would give every
and save hundreds
responsible homeowner to climate change,like
ofbillions of dollars by getting rid of
in America thechance
regions left behind by
tax loopholes and
globalizationinto global centers ofhigh-techjobs.
deductions for the welloffand well-connected. After all, why would we
rates. Democrats and Republicans have
choose to makedeeper
Whatare we waiting for? Take a vote, and send me that bill."
should do what leaders
And I askthis Congress to help createa network of fifteen of these hubs
and guaranteethat the next revolutionin manufacturingis made
job training programs.
cuts to education and Medicarejust to protect specialinterest tax breaks?"
market-based solution
supportedit before.
the one John McCain Butif Congress won't act soon to protect future generations, I will. I will direct my Cabinet to come up with executive
actions wecan take... to ... speed the transition to more sustainable
sources of energy."
Wyden chairs hearing on gas boom
TODAY'S READERBOARD Well shot, readers + — Middle Sister and the flank of North Sister are visible through the center window of
the Sisters Episcopal Church of the Transfiguration. See more of your winter peak photos,D2
Seawater to drinking water —After a decadeof struggle with funding, envi-
"That's quite a bit, and obviously there's just no way we continue at the current service level without having that renewed," Poirier said. But that temporary tax rate is due to expire in June, and the permanent rate is not enough to pay for 911 and dispatch operations. Poirier said the 911 district wants to extend the temporary23 cents per $1,000 tax for another five years. "This would be just maintaining the status quo," Poirier said. "We have no intention of raising any taxes whatsoever. We are just wanting to give the voters an opportunity to keep funding the district." See911/A4
energy among the youth of
Big Sky Country
could herald a larger changein U.S. politics.A3
Climding —The BendRock Gym wantsto expand,planning to nearly triple in size.C6
And in national news former police officer suspected
rR re
in three murders barricades himself in a cabin that then
Submitted photo l Rick Judy
Deschutes County 911 plans to ask voters to renew its temporary tax rate foranother five years. Rob Poirier, director of the Deschutes County 911 district, will recommend to the Deschutes County Commission today that a local option levy be placed on the ballot in May. Right now, property owners pay a permanent tax rate of 16 cents per $1,000 and a temporary tax levyof 23 cents per $1,000. Poirier said that temporary tax provides the district with about $3.5 million each year almost half of the $7.5 million annual operating
New drilling technologies have allowed
Montana —A political shift
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
gas boom.
ronmentalists and permits, a California desalination plant will test its viability.B5
By Sheila G. Miller
By Andrew Clevenger WASHINGTON — Wielding the chairman's gavel for the first time, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., oversaw the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee's hearing Tuesday on the implications of the natural
— The manhunt in California seems to end in flames as the
to save $3,000a year by and Joe Lieberman refinancing at today's worked on together....
in America."
See Union/A5
On climate change: "I urge this Congress to pursue abipartisan,
companies to access vast stores of domestic W yde n natural gas, but if America primarily exports its cheap energy source, foreign countries will be the main beneficiaries, Wyden said. "Let's see if there is an economic and environmental sweet spot where U.S. gas producers can make enough money to continue producing and U.S. manufacturers have an affordable, stable supply of natural gas, and where the environment is not only protected, but actually benefits," he said. Driven by a surge in gas extractedfrom shale wells, the amount of natural gas produced in the United States has grown steadily, from 24.7 trillion cubic feet in 2007 to 28.5 trillion in 2011, according to the Energy Information Administration. SeeGas /A4
To rLjn
for pope, maneuver deicatey By Nicole Winfield The Associated Press
VATICAN CITY — It's a pohtlcal campaign like no other, with no declared candidatesor front-runners and a strict taboo against
openly gunning for the job.
North Korea nuclear test a reminder of a wild card
But the maneuvering is already under way, with one African contender declaring Tuesday it was time for
a pope from the developing By Anne Gearan
The Washington Post
The North Korean underground nucleartestconfirmed by U.S. intelligence agencies Tuesday served as a stark reminder that the unpredictable and largely inscrutable government remains a wild card for President Barack Obama's
8 .4 We userecycled newsprint
88267 02329
second term — a nuclear threat to U.S. allies in Asia and a potential arms merchant to the highest bidder. The timing of the nuclear test was interpreted in Washington as an attempt by North Korea's young new leader to
The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper
Vol. 110, No. 44, 30 pages, 5 sections
upstage Obama before his State of the Union address. And the claim that it involved a smaller, lighter device — an important element of any deliverable weapon — suggested that the demonstration could be the most dangerous yet by
Pyongyang. Obama called the nuclear
TODAY'S WEATHER Cloudy High 53, Low 30
Page B6
test, North Korea's third, a "highly provocative act" that undermines stability in Asia and fails to strengthen North Korea's own security. "The United States remains vigilant in the face of North Korean provocations and steadfast in our defense commitments to allies in
the region," the president said in an unusual pre-dawn statement. Obama's warning came hours before his fifth State of the Union address, in which he highlighted his commitment to reducing nuclear arms worldwide. SeeKorea/A4
INDEX Busines s/StocksC5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Horoscope D 6 Outdoors D1-5 C1-4 Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 L o cal & State B1-6 Sports Classified E1 - 6 D ear Abby D6 Ob i tuaries B5 TV / Movies D6
w orld — andhe was free if God wanted him. A day after Pope Benedict XVI stunned the world and announced he would retire on Feb. 28, Berlin's
archbishop urged mercy for the victor, given the terrible weight of the office. Mexico City Cardinal Norberto Rivera asked for prayers so that the best man might win. It's all part of the ritual
of picking a pope, the mysterious process that takes place behind closed doors at the Sistine ChapeL See Pope/A4
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn
Tuesday night are:
0962®GS®©$ The estimated jackpot is now $20 million.
u rne o ou n inremainso ca in
HBQSI Cullfll'mu'tlull —A bitterly divided Senate panel on Tuesday approved President Barack Obama's nomination of Chuck Hagel to be the nation's defense secretary in a rancorous session at which Republican questioned the former GOP senator's truthful-
ness and challenged his patriotism. On aparty-line vote of14-11, the Armed Services Committee voted to send the nomination to the full Senate, where Republicans have threatened to delay a vote
on the president's choice to succeed Defense Secretary Leon Panetta.
SequeStratian warning —Senior Defense Departmentofficials warned Congress on Tuesday that the looming sequestration cuts represent a dire and unprecedented threat to the U.S. military,
with the potential to harm everything from combat readiness at a
By Gillian Flaccus and Tami Abdollah
The Associated Press
BIG BEAR LAKE, Calif. The extraordinary manhunt for the former Los Angeles police officer suspected of three murders converged Tuesday on a mountain cabin where authorities believe he barricaded himself inside, engaged in a shootout that killed a deputy and then never emerged as the home went up in flames. A single gunshot was heard from within, and a charred body was found inside. If the man inside proves to be Christopher Dorner, as authorities suspect, the search for the most wanted man in America over the last week would have ended the way he had expected — death, with the police pursuing him. Thousands of officers had been on the hunt for the former Navy reservist since police said he launched a campaign to exact revenge against the Los Angeles Police Department for his firing. They say he threatened to bring "warfare" to officers and their families, spreading fear and setting off a search for him across the Southwest and Mexico. "Enough is enough. It's time for you to turn yourself in. It's time to stop the bloodshed," LAPD Cmdr. Andrew Smith said at a news conference held outside police headquarters in Los Angeles, a starkly different atmosphere than last week when officials briefed the news media under t ight security
,'c 'C •
time of dangerous international tensions to the Pentagon's efforts to reduce military suicide.
J • '
; .
Syria COnfliCt —Syrian insurgents seized control of a northern
military airfield on Tuesday and captured usable warplanes for the
first time in the nearly 2-year-old conflict, according to rebels and I '
: ~, i' :
activist groups. The development, if confirmed, would represent the second strategic setback for President Bashar Assad's govern-
ment this week. The reported seizure of Al Jarrah airfield in Aleppo province, which was corroborated by rebel video clips uploaded on the lnternet, came a day after insurgent fighters announced that
they had taken control of Syria's largest hydroelectric dam.
Stranded cruise passengers —Theheadof Carnival Cruise Lines said Tuesday his company was working hard to ensure the KABC-TV via The Associated Press
The cabin in Big Bear, Calif., where ex-Los Angeles police officer Christopher Dorner was believed to be barricaded burns Tuesday. He never emerged, a law enforcement official said, and a single gunshot was heard from within.
thousands of passengers stranded on a disabled ship in the Gulf of
Mexico were as comfortable as possible while the vessel was being towed to port in Alabama. The reassurances made byCarnival Cruise Lines President and CEO Gerry Cahill were in sharp contrast to what some passengers have told relatives about dirty and hot
conditions aboard the ship, including overflowing toilets and limited access to food. with Dorner on the loose. A short time after Smith
Until Tuesday, authorities didn't know whether Dorner spoke Tuesday, smoke began was still near Big Bear Lake, to rise from the cabin in the where they found his burnedsnow-covered woods near Big out pickup last week. Bear Lake, a resort town about Around 12:20 p.m. Tues80 miles east of Los Ange- day, deputies got a report of a les. Flames then engulfed the stolen pickup truck, authoribuilding — images that were ties said. The location was dibroadcast on l ive television rectlyacross the street from around the world. TV helicop- where law enforcement set up ters showed the fire burning their command post on Thursfreely with no apparent effort day and not farfrom where to extinguish it. Dorner's pickup was aban" We have reason to b e - doned. The owner of the velieve that it is him," said San hicle taken Tuesday described Bernardino County sheriff's the suspect as looking similar spokeswoman Cynthia Bach- to Dorner. man, adding that she didn't A warden for the California know how the fire started. She Department of Fish and Wildnoted there was gunfire be- life traveling down Highway tween the person in the cabin 38 recognized a man who fit and officers around the home Dorner's description traveling before the blaze began. in the opposite direction. The officer pursued the vehicle and there was a shooting at 12:42 p.m. in which the wildlife vehicle was hit numerous times and the suspect escaped on Key events in the expansive, ongoing manhunt for Christopher foot after crashing his truck. Dorner, the fired Los Angeles police officer suspected of killing After holing up in the cabin, three people — including a police officer in Southern California there was a second gun battle — and posting a manifesto on Facebookoutlining plans to with San Bernardino County kill the families of those he said have wronged him, all times deputies, two of whom were approximate: shot. One died and the other •Sunday,Fed.3:Anassistantwomen'scollegebasketballcoach was expected to live after unand her fiance are found shot to death in their car in lrvine, Calif. dergoing surgery. Police learn later the woman was the daughter of a retired Los "We're heartbroken," Big Angeles police captain who represented Dorner in disciplinary Bear Lake Mayor Jay Oberhearings that resulted in his dismissal from the force. nolte said of the deputy's death • Monday, Fed. 4:Someof Dorner's belongings, including police and the wounding of his colequipment, are found in atrash bin in suburban San Diego, linking league. "Words can't express him to the lrvine killings. how grateful we are forthe sacrifice those men have made in • Wednesday, Feb. 6:Police announce finding Dorner's defense of the community and manifesto online. our thoughts and prayers are • 10:30p.m.,Wednesday, Feb.6:A man matchingDorner's with them and their families." description makes a failed attempt to steal a boat from a San The man believed to be Diego marina. An81-year-old man onthe vessel is tied up but Dorner never came out of the otherwise unharmed. cabin, and a single shot was • 1:30a.m., Thursday, Feb. 7:LAPD officers, protecting a person heard insidebefore the cabin named in the manifesto, chase a vehicle they believe is Dorner's. was engulfed in flames, a law One officer is grazed in the forehead by a bullet during a shootout, enforcement official told The and the gunman flees. A short time later, a shooter believed to be Associated Press. Dorner ambushes two Riverside police officers during a routine The official later told the patrol. One officer is killed, and the other critically injured. AP that a charred body was • 2:20 a.m., Thursday, Fed. 7:A shuttle bus driver turns in a found in the burned cabin. The
wallet with an LAPDbadgeand a picture ID of Dorner to San
Diego police. The wallet was found fewer than five miles from the boat, near San Diego lnternational Airport. • 5 a.m., Thursday, Fed. 7:LAPD officers guarding a manifesto
official r equested anonymity because of the ongoing investigation.
PatrOIS ilI Mali — Soldiers from Niger and Mali patrolled downtown Gao on foot Tuesday, combing the sand footpaths through empty market stalls to prevent radical Islamic fighters
from returning to this embattled city in northern Mali. The heavy presence of troops near the waterfront reflects efforts to fortify the Niger River landing point where the militants invaded on Sunday
and launched a five-hour-long gun battle. BullqludSSh pl'utSS'tS —Huge daily demonstrations in the heart of Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh, are upending the nation's politics and illustrating how heavily the country's bloody past still weighs on its present. Thousands of protesters, most
of them college students and other young people, demonstrated again Tuesday, fueled by broad public anger over a recent ruling by the country's special war crimes tribunal that they say was too
lenient. Italian SpymaSter SentenCed —The former head of Italy's military intelligence agency, Nicolo Pollari, was given a10-year jail term by an appeals court on Tuesday for his involvement in the
U.S.-sanctioned kidnapping of a terrorist suspect. Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr, an Egyptian Muslim cleric also known as AbuOmar, was illegally abducted by the CIA in a Milan street in 2003 and flown to Egypt via the U.S. air base at Ramstein, Germany. He was
held until 2007 without charges and alleges he was tortured. Guam maSS Stabdiug —A man accused of killing two Japanese visitors and injuring a dozen others after crashing his car and stabbing people in a major tourist district in Guam has been
arrested and faces multiple charges, police said early today. Chad Ryan Desoto, 21, is charged with two counts of murder, 13 counts of attempted murder and13 counts of aggravated assault. No motive or other details on the investigation were released.
JeSuS pOrtrait in SChOOI —An Ohio school district will keep a portrait of Jesus hanging in the school building where it's been
for 65 years, saying it is protecting students' free speech rights. The board voted 4-0 Tuesday night to keep the painting up despite a federal lawsuit that contends the portrait unconstitutionally pro-
motes religion in a public school. — From wire reports
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target in the LosAngeles suburb of Torrance openfire on atruck they mistakenly believe to be Dorner's. A mother and daughter delivering the newspaper are injured. A short time later, Torrance police are involved in a second shooting involving a different truck they also mistake for Dorner's. Nobody is hurt.
• 8:35 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 7:Police find a burned-out pickup truck near the Big Bear ski area in the San Bernardino Mountains. Six hours later, authorities identify it as Dorner's. • 9:40a.m., Thursday,Fed.7:NavalBase PointLoma in
Locally OI47ned Since 1978
San Diego is locked downafter a Navyworker reports seeing someone who resembles Dorner. Military officials later said Dorner had indeed checked into a hotel on base earlier in the week — on Tuesday— buthad lefton W ednesday.
• 4p.m., Thursday, Feb. 7:Authorities search a LasVegas-area home belonging to Dorner and leave with several boxes of items. They say noweaponswere found but decline to disclose what was discovered.
• Friday, Fed. 8:Dozens of searchers hunt for Dorner in the
freezing, snowy SanBernardino Mountains after losing his
d h jf
d OC
footprints near the site where the truck was found. Authorities
search Dorner's mother's house in LaPalmaand collect10 bags of evidence and also take five electronic items for examination.
Police also search astorage locker in Buena Park. • Saturday, Feb. 9: Helicopters equipped with heat-seeking technology resume the search for Dorner in the mountains near
Big Bear. Authorities reveal that weaponsandcamping gear were found in Dorner's burned truck.
• Custom Ar r a ngements
• Sunday, Fed.10:Authorities announce a $1 million reward for information leading to Dorner's arrest.
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• Monday, Feb. 11:Riverside County prosecutors charge Dorner with murdering a police officer and the attempted murder of three other officers in a potential death penalty case. Authorities receive
more than 700 tips since the reward wasannounced. • Tuesday, Feb.12:A person believed to be Dorner exchanges gunfire with Southern California authorities in the San Bernardino Mountains. — The Associated Press
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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Wednesday, Feb. 13, the 44th day of 2013. There are 321 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS Mail —A Senate subcommittee on postal operations holds a hearing that will likely deal with the U.S. Postal Service's
plan to end Saturday mail delivery.
Cadinet —Treasury secretary nomineeJack Lewappears before aSenate panel for his confirmation hearing.
on anass i: oun, i era an oeno overnmen
Hot blood, cold blood By C. Claiborne Ray New York Times News Service
Does taking a "blood Q ..thinner" make a per-
meet with HermanNackaerts,
Democrats by far wider margins than previous young generations — a change that could reshape
son feelcolder? Does blood thin when people move to a warm climate, making them feelcolder ifthey move back north?
the deputy director of the International Atomic Energy
American politics for decades.
Agency, the United Nations nuclear watchdog, who has been pressing for access to a restricted military area.
A• Changes in percep-
New York Times News Service
The state matches a nationwide trend: Since 2004, young voters have been casting their ballots for
Il'Bll — Iranian officials
HISTORY Highlight:In 1943, during World War II, the U.S. Marine
Corps Women's Reservewas officially established. In1542, the fifth wife of England's King Henry Vlll, Cath-
erine Howard, wasexecuted for adultery. In1741,Andrew Bradford of Pennsylvania published the
first American magazine.The American Magazine, or A Monthly View of the Political State of the British Colonies
lasted three issues. In1861, Abraham Lincoln was officially declared winner of the 1860 presidential election as electors cast their ballots. In1920, the League of Nations
recognized the perpetual neutrality of Switzerland. In 1933, the Warsaw Convention, governing airlines' liability
for international carriage of persons, luggageandgoods,
went into effect. In1935, a jury in Flemington, N.J. found Bruno Richard
Hauptmann guilty of first-degree murder in the kidnap-slay-
ing of the son ofCharlesand Anne Lindbergh. (Hauptmann was later executed.) In1945, during World War II, Allied planes began bombing
the Germancity of Dresden. The Soviets captured Budapest, Hungary, from the
Germans. In1960, France exploded its
first atomic bomb in theSahara Desert. In 1972, the 11th Winter Olym-
pics ended inSapporo, Japan. In 1980, the 13th Winter Olympicsopened in Lake Placid,N.Y. In 1988, the 15th winter
Olympics opened inCalgary, Alberta, Canada.
In1991, during Operation Desert Storm, allied warplanes
destroyed anunderground shelter in Baghdad that had been identified as a military
command center; Iraqi officials said 500 civilians were killed. Ten yearsago: Clara Harris, who'd run down her husband, David, with her Mercedes after
catching him with his mistress, was convicted by aHouston jury of murder despite her claim that she'd hit him accidentally while in a heartsick
daze. (Harris was sentencedto 20 years in prison.) Five yearsago:Under oath and sometimes blistering questioning, seven-time Cy Young
Award winner RogerClemens told Congress:"I have never taken steroids or HGH." Hollywood writers ended their100day strike that had disrupted
the TV seasonand canceled awards shows. One yearago:President Barack Obama unveiled arecord $3.8 trillion election-year budget plan, calling for stimulus-style
spending onroads andschools and tax hikes on the wealthy to
help pay thecosts. Gov.Chris Gregoire signed into law ameasure making Washington state the seventh to legalize same-
sex marriage.
BIRTHDAYS Retired U.S. Air ForceMaj. Gen. Charles E."Chuck" Yeager is 90. Actress Kim Novak is 80. Talk show host Jerry Springer is 69. Actor Neal McDonough is 47.
Rhythm-and-blues performer Natalie Stewart is 34. — From wire reports
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg MISSOULA, Mont. — This funky college town, nestled along two rivers where five mountain r anges converge, has long been a liberal pocket, an isolated speck of blue in a deeply red state. Now Montana is electing more politicians who lean that way, thanks to a different-minded generation of young voters animated by the recessionand socialissues. Sam Thompson, 22, an environmental studies major at the University of Montana, considers himself "fiscally conservative" but opposes cuts to Medicare;he expects to need health coverage when he grows old. Aaron Curtis, 27, a graduate student, admired Jon Huntsman, a moderate Republican, but could not stomach Mitt Romney's opposition to samesex marriage. Billie Loewen and Heather Jurva, editors at the student n ewspaper, speak of a D e p ression-era mentality t h at is pushing their generation to back Democrats. Saddled with student debt, they worry about health care and are terrified that they will not find good jobs. "You might be just one accident away from losing everything," said Jurva, who has worked 40 hours a week waiting on tables to put herself through school. It is no secret that young voters tilt left on social issues like immigration and gay rights. But these students, and doz-
ens of other young people interviewed here last week, give voice to a trend that is surpris-
ing pollsters and jangling the nerves of Republicans. On a central philosophical question of the day — the size and scope of the federal government — a clear majority of young people embraces President Barack Obama's notion that it can be a constructive force. "Young people absolutely believe that there's a role for government," said Matt Singer, a founder of Forward Montana, a left-leaning though officially nonpartisan group that seeks to engage youngpeople inpolitics. "At the same time, this is not a generation of socialists. They are highly entrepreneurial, and know that some of what it takes to create an environment where they can do their own exciting, creative things is having basic systems that work." In Montana, a state that backed John McCain in 2008 and Romney last year, voters under 30 have helped elect two Democratic senators and a new Democratic governor. Nationally since 2004, young voters have been casting their ballotsfor Democrats by far wider margins than previous young generations — a shift that could reshape American politics for decades. Under-30voters are"the only age group in which a majority said the government should do more to fix problems," the nonpartisan Pew R e search Center reported in November. In a Pew survey a year earlier, more than 8 in 10 said they believed that Social Security and Medicare had been good for the country, and they were especially supportive of seeing the programs overhauled so they would be intact when they retire. (Young people were also more open than their elders to privatizing the programs.) And w h i l e Wa s hington fights about how to cut the federal deficit, young voters believe that it is more important to create jobs, have affordable access to health care and develop "a world-class education
Youth intheageof Odama Young people have voted more Democratic since the 2004 election of George W. Bush, and they are much more likely than other groups to support a larger role for government. Vote for Democrats in presidential elections 75% " "
Age 18-29
Age 30+ 25
Percentage who think the government ... ... is doing too many things better ... should do more left to businesses and individuals. to solve problems. Age 18-29 30-44
Based oo national exit polls conducted by Edison Research in 2012, Edison/Mitofsky in 2004 and 2008, and voter News service from 1992 to 2000. Earlier polls were conducted by The New York Times and CBS News. New York Times News Service
Voters younger than 30 accounted for 19 percent of the U.S. electorate last year, up from 18percent in 2008.These millennials are by far the most ethnically and racially diverse voter cohort; whites account for just 58 percent of them, according to the Pew center, while 76 percent of older voters are white. That diversity is partly why young voters skew liberal, said Scott Keeter, the center's director of survey research. As more
young people come of age, the electorate will grow more diverse. Unless Republicans break the bonds between Democrats and minorities, Keeter Tony Demin / New YorkTimes News Service said, "this alignment is going Heather Jurva, an editor at to be baked into the younger the University of Montana's generation." student newspaper, thinks a Kristen Soltis A n derson, Depression-era mentality Is who studies young voters for pushing her generation to back the Winston Group, which adDemocrats. vises House Republicans,said her party ignores young voters at its peril.She sees "a real system," according to the Insti- risk" that Republicans could tute of Politics at Harvard. lose millennials in the coming Those sentiments were years. borne out in interviews here. So as Republican leaders When Forward Montana con- focus on trying to attract more vened a focus group at a Mis- Hispanics and women, Andersoula cafe to develop a "youth son is urging them to develop agenda" last week, the deficit a message that will appeal to did not register a mention. One the under-30 crowd by emphaattendee, Michael Graef, 18, sizing nongovernmental alterwho started a fitness business natives to solving problems, rather than attend college, said as opposed to just l i miting he rarely thought about the government. "When you ask young votdeficit. "Education is top on my list," ers what caused the receshe said. "If everybody is better sion, this whole idea that there educated, most of the other is- wasn't enough regulation, or it sues can work themselves out." was George W. Bush's fault, is S teve Bullock, t h e n e w present," she said. "When conD emocratic governor, w o n servativesmake the argument, after campaigning on a prom- 'Hey, the government needs to ise to freeze college tuition. get out of the way and let you Young voters also helped Sen. m ake decisions foryourself, 'a Jon Tester, another Democrat, lot of young people don't have who narrowly ousted a Repub- this idea of the government lican incumbent in 2006 and as a boogeyman. So it makes won re-election last year. Both the conservative message less times, polls stayed open hours resonant." past their official closing time There is, of course, no guarto accommodate long lines of a ntee that m i l lennials w i l l students. Both times, Forward hold onto their current liberal Montana ran huge voter regis- tendencies. Studies show that tration drives — an effort that voters are heavily influenced may "pay really big dividends" by the president with whom for Democrats in the future, they came of age; the Franklin said Christopher Muste, a po- D. Roosevelt generation, for litical scientist here. instance, stayed Democratic The victories rattled Repub- for decades, while many in the lican state lamnakers, who are Reagan generation remained now trying to undo a Montana Republican. law that permits voters to regBut views can evolve; baby ister on Election Day. Repub- boomers, who supported big licans say last-minute regis- government in their 20s and tration creates long lines and 30s, have become more conserconfusion. vative over time, the Pew center
has found. While today's young voters are more likely to identify as Democrats than Republicans or independents, their ideas and philosophies are not quite fixed yet, said John Della Volpe, the polling director at Harvard's Institute of Politics. Here in M i ssoula, young people who voted for Obama last year said in interviews that they would be open to voting R epublican, particularly if a candidate supports same-sex marriage. Young Republicans, too, hope their party will shift on that issue. "The social issues are hard," said Ashley Nerbovig, 19, who backed Romney. "It's not realistic that you can be against gay marriage and abortion." If the economy had been in better shape, she said, "I would have picked Obama over Romney for socialissues." "My analysis has been for a while that it's going to come down to not whether the government should address certain problems, but how," said Ruy Teixeira, a senior fellow at the left-leaning Center for American Progress in Washington. "We'll shift from, 'Does government even have a role?' to 'Given that g overnment needs to play a role, what's the best way of doing that?'" He added: "I expect those to be the arguments 10 or 15 years from now. That would be a big shift, but I think it's coming."
• tion of heat and cold are highly individual, but "the thickness or viscosity of our blood has nothing to do with how we experience the temperature," said Holly Andersen, directorofeducation and outreach for the Perelman Heart Institute at NewYork-Presbyterian/Weill Cornell Medical Center. A blood thinner works by slowing or impairing the blood's ability to clot, Andersen said, and will not make someone feel colder.
Being exposed to high altitudes, where there is less oxygen,can actually make blood become a little thicker over time. This may help endurance athletes, she said, but it will not make them feel warmer. However, she said, "Our body's ability to control temperatureor thermo-regulate does involve blood circulation. In the cold, the small bloodvesselson the surface of our body get smaller to keep warm blood deeper inside. In the heat, they dilate to release heat from the body. If you have been in a warm climate for a long time and return to a cold one, it may take a little longer for your circulation to adjust."
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Bend Park P Recreation
Position Open: Board of Direetors The Bend Park 8 Recreation District Board of Directors will appoint a board member to serve in a vacant position until June 30, 2013. The Board is composed of five memberswhoserve four-year terms. Each member represents the district at-large rather than separate precincts. Position Requirements: 1. Reside within the district boundaries.
2. Be a registeredvoter. 3. Attend regularly scheduled and other periodic meetings. 4. Candidates must be willing to run for the seat in the May 2013 election for the term ending june 30,2015.
5. This is a volunteerposition anddoesnot receive compensation. To apply, submit a letter of interest to: Chairman Scott Asla Bend Park & Recreation District 799 SWColumbia,Bend,OR 97702 Or email to
Epplication deadline: Friday, February 1$, 2013 Applicants to answer questions and make a 3 - 5 minute presentation to the Board at the Tuesday, February 19th,4:00 pm board meeting. Board appointment effective immediately on February 19th. Contact Paula Lowery at (541) 706-6110 or formore information.
A4 T H E BULLETIN • WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2013 ated a new 911 district, making the district's temporary ContinuedfromA1 rate part of its permanent rate Deschutes County Commis- and keeping total 911 taxes at sioner Tony DeBone said to- the current level. Officials had day's discussion will center on proposed a new tax rate of 39 howmuchtaxpayersshouldbe cents per $1,000 in assessed asked to pay. DeBone said the property value, the same as 911 districthas funds available the t o tal amount currently because its new facility came chargedtopropertyowners. inunderbudget. Were the levyto fail in May, "They've got some money Poirier said the 911 district inthebank," DeBone said."So would likely have to become there will be some discussion simply a 911 call center and around the concept of what's would require all the fire deappropriate. And we will be partments andpolice agencies thinking aboutlookingatafu- to pay user fees or hire their turepermanent taxrate." owndispatchers. "What that would do is shift In May2012, voters rejected ameasurethatwouldhavecre- the cost onto local agencies,
andifyou'vebeenreadingany kind of news, you know they aren't really in the position to absorb that kind of cost and not have an impact on service levels," Poiriersaid. The commissioners, because they serve as the 911 district governing body, must approve of asking for a vote to continuethetax. "911 is a countywide service," DeBone said. "It does matter to each fire district and police force. If we didn't have the levy, it would be possible that theywouldsendfeesback todifferentdistricts." — Reporter:541-6177831,
Pope ContinuedfromA1 There the "princes" of the church, the 117 or so cardinals under age 80, vote in next month'sconclave. Once sequestered, they cast secret ballots until they reach atwo-thirdsmajorityandelect a new leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics, sending up smoke signals from the chapel's chimney to tell the world if they have failed (black) or
,;":J + ,,ll:.,4: ->-a
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succeeded(white). Intherun-uptotheconclave, cardinals engage in a delicate
dance, speaking in general terms about the qualities of a future pope and the particular issues facing the church. It's rare for anyone to name names, much less tout himself as acandidate. If asked, most c ardinals routinely invoke the refrain: "He whogoesintoaconclave a popecomes outacardinaL" Such genteel public platitudes, however, belie the very realfactionswithinthe College of Cardinals that determine the outcomeof the vote. Just because the cardinals allwear the same red cassock and recite the same prayers doesn't mean they all think alike. They have different visionsof what thechurchneeds, different views on critical issues and different allegiances:
geographical, sentimental and theological. And this time around, it
seemsgeographyis verymuch front and center, at least in the public debate that was in full swing Tuesday, the first day of the conclavecampaign. One of A f r ica's brightest hopestobethenextpope, Ghanaian Cardinal Peter Turkson, said the time was right for a pontiff from th e developing world, and that he's available for the job "if it's the will of God." In an interview with The Associated Press inside his Vatican offices, Turkson said the"youngchurches"of Africa and Asia have now become solid enough that they have produced "mature clergymen and prelates that are capable of exercisingleadership alsoof this worldinstitution."
Gas ContinuedfromA1 Over the same period,the number of gas wells in t he countryhas risen from almost 453,000to almost515,000. Oregon had only 24 active gas wells in 2011, according to the EIA's annual natural gas report published in January. Those produced 13billion cubic feet, less than I percent of thecountry'stotalproduction. But likethe rest of the country,Oregonianshavebenefited from falling natural gas prices. In2007, residential gas cost $14.65 for one thousand cubic feet, compared with $ 11.76 fouryearslater. Sen. L i s a Mur k o w ski, R-Alaska, th e c o m m ittee's ranking member, said new technologies, such as hydraulic fracturing and horizontal drilling, have changed the en-
Riccardo DeLuca/TheAssociatedPress
Media gather Tuesdayinfront of St. Peter's Basilica at The Vatican. Public comments frommultiplecardinalson Tuesday put geography frontandcenter inthe discussionofwho willbe thenext pope. Catholics in the developing world don't need a pope from their region to thrive, he said. Theyhavedonejustfine,growingexponentiallywithEuropean pontiffs. But Turkson, who heads the Vatican's justice and peace offi ce,said a pope from the global south would "go a longwaytostrengthenthemin theirresolve." Whether Turkson w ould have a shot at the papacy, though, is an open question. Last year h e s c reened an alarmist video at a meeting of the world's bishops, warning of the inroads Islam is making in Europe and the world. He apologized, but the gaffe may have costhim a chance at the papacy. Even Vatican Radiocalledthefilma"4-yearold, fear-mongering presentation of statistics" that have beenwidelydebunked. For his p art, Venezuelan Cardinal Jorge Urosa said he hopes the next pope comes from Latin A m erica, home to 40 percent of the world's Catholics. Berlin's archbishop, Cardinal Rainer Maria Woelki, said he doesn't care "whether he is African or Asian or Latin Americanor European." More importantly, Woelki said, "We should treat mercifully the person who has to take over such an office, in order not to expect of him ... possibly 20, 25 or even more
out,"hesaid,praising Benedict for setting the modern precedentof retiringaspope. That assessment was certainly onthe mind of Cardinal FranciscoJavier Errazuriz of Chile, who took himself out of the running entirely. He told Chile's R adio C o operativa that at age 79, he's not the papal contender he was back in 2005. "Back then, I was president of the Latin American Conference of Bishops. It was normal that among the Latin American names they included the president of that institution," he said. "But I'm now a cardinal emeritus, and I have a differentpathaheadofme." Rivera, the Mexican cardinal, struck a similar humble
tone, asking for prayers from
Korea not take "any further actions that would worsen the ContinuedfromA1 situation"andcautioning WestThat goal is complicated ernpowersnot tooverreact. by North Korea's twin efThenucleartestcomesabout forts to perfect a nuclear two months after the North bomb and themeans to de- launched a satellite into space liveritbymissilefar fromits in violation of U.N. resolutions shores. and justweeks afterthe SecuShort of th e t hreat of rity Council adopted a resolumilitary action, the United tionexpandingthelistof North States and the U.N. Secu- Koreanindividualsandcomparity Council, which also nies subject to U.N. sanctions. stronglycondemnedthetest Before the m eeting, Susan Tuesday, havelittleleverage Rice, the U.S. ambassador to over North Korea. Stringent the United Nations, who negoeconomic sanctions have tiated that resolution with the nothaltedthe North'snucle- Chinese, sounded an exasperar development or alleged ated note as she prepared for a proliferation. newroundofnegotiations. "We'lldotheusualdrill," she Heavily armed and diplomatically and economi- said. "The Security Council must callyisolatedfromallbutits patron and neighbor China, and will deliver a swift credthe military-backed dicta- ibleand strong response,"Rice torship in the North and its said Tuesday. She called for a leader, Kim Jong Un, have binding resolution that would rebuffedall recent U.S. ef- make itharder for North Korea forts to negotiate over its topursueitsnuclear andballisnuclearprogram. ticmissileprograms. After a hastily convened North Koreahas found ways emergency session Tues- around the import bans on day, the Security Council materials and technology that branded the nuclear deto- couldbemisused. nation a "grave threat" to As diplomats piled on the world peace and pledged to criticism, intelligence officials immediatelyseekadditional and weapons analysts stepped binding sanctions against up their search for clues about Pyongyang.U.N. Secretary the technical significance of GeneralBan Ki-moon, afor- North Korea's third nuclear mer South Korean foreign test since 2006. Although seisminister, also denounced mic readings suggested that North Koreaas the only na- the bomb's explosive yield was tion to carry out a nuclear relatively small — less than testinthe21stcentury. half that of the atomic bomb The statement by the 15- dropped on Hiroshima in 1945 nation council set the stage — other details about the test for another high-level U.S.- may not be known for days or led effort to persuade veto- weeks. holding China to support A key question was whether toughersanctions. North Korea had exploded a Western governments plutoniumbomb,asitapparentwere hopeful that Pyong- ly did in 2006and 2009, or had yang's open defiance of acquiredthecapabilitytomake its powerful benefactor in a device using highly enriched Beijing would lead China to uranium, or H EU. Enriched approve freshpenalties. But uranium poses a bigger risk China is not expected to cut forproliferation, because cashoff the lifeline of money, en- strapped Pyongyang could be ergyassistanceandpolitical tempted to share the fuel with support that keeps North enemiesof the West. Korea afloat. Chinese auNorth Korea also could asthorities are worried about semble a large arsenal using North Korea's nuclear ambitions, but they are more worried about atide of refugees and a security vacuum CentralOregon on its borders if the North • Derm a t o logy MarkHall,MD implodes. China issued a statement reiteratingitscallthat North • . s I. . s s
merely by speaking publicly,
makingindigenously. "The significance is t h at North Korea's stockpile of plutonium is limited — maybe enoughforadozen"devices,including testmodels, said physicist James Acton, a nuclear expert at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. "Thus, the arsenal is limited. Butifithasmasteredhighlyenriched uranium, North Korea has a route by which it can expanditsarsenalprettyrapidly." South Korean officials had speculated that Pyongyang's next bomb w o ul d c o ntain HEU, and North Koreanmedia hinted at such a shift in official statements declaring that the country had achieved a"diversified"nucleardeterrent. Thetruthmaynotbeknown unless radioactive traces from the test are picked up by monitoring stations near the border or specialized aircraft t h at sample the air after a nuclear test. Although North Korea regularly menaces neighbors and U.S. allies South Korea and Japan,nuclearsecurityexperts say the greater danger is that the Northcouldsellweaponsor uranium to other governments ortoterrorists. The United States is treatybound to defend South Korea and Japan, with nuclear weapons if necessary. The prospect of global reductions in weapons stockpiles makes those and other U.S. allies nervous, despite the security gain from having fewerweaponsoverall. Obama assured South Korean President Lee Myung-bak on Tuesday that "the United States remains steadfast in its defense commitments to the Republic of Korea, including the extended deterrence offered by the U.S. nuclear umbrella."
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of communities; and destruction of landscapes and wildlife habitat," she said. "These impacts stem from all aspects of the shale gas extraction
'I I r
There was not a clear consensus among the witnesses over whether the U.S. should look to export as much natural gas as possible or use it domestically. energy, he said. Jack Gerard, president and "We must chart a parallel CEO of the American Petropath, continuing investments leum I nstitute, emphasized in wind, solar and other rehow many jobs "unconvennewable sources of energy, tional natural gas production" including conservation and supports. Currently, 1.7 milefficiency," he said. "A coher- lion jobs are associated with ent strategy for t h e f u ture the industry, and that number cannot be dependent on one is expected to grow to 2.5 milfuel source. We need a di- lion by2015and3.5million by verse energy portfolio that 2035, he said. drives the economy, and at the Liquid natural gas exports same time prepares for future "will create thousands of U.S. contingencies." jobs, generate billions of dolFrances Beinecke, presi- lars in revenue, improve our ergylandscape. dent ofthe Natural Resources trade deficit and spur major "I think it is absolutely clear Defense Council, warned that investment in infrastructure, that much of th e economic the increased use of hydrau- which will strengthen our enstimulus that we have seen, lic fracturing, or "fracking," ergysecurity,"he said. the jobs that have been cre- which c racks u nderground But Andrew Leveris, chairated in recent years, so many layers to extract natural gas man and CEO of th e Dow are coming from states that from shale deposits, has out- Chemical Co., maintainedthat are h o sting o p p ortunities paced the necessary govern- theresourcewasbestuseddowithin the natural gas sector," mental safeguards and regu- mestically, whereit would creshesaid. lations needed to protect the ate moremanufacturingjobs. Colorado Gov. John Hick- publicandthe environment. Using 5 billion cubic feet of "Shalegasproductioncomes natural gas per day domestienlooper told the committee members that the U.S. is on with the risk of a range of en- cally would add $4.9 billion to target to become a net export- vironmental and health imthegrossdomesticproductand erof naturalgasby2020. pacts, including contaminated create180,000 manufacturing " Natural ga s h a s m a d e drinking water supplies; the jobs, while exporting the same A merican i n d u stry mo r e release of methane, a potent amount would add only$2.3 competitive. We h ave seen greenhouse gas; unhealthy air billion to the GDP and create new investment in energy-in- quality; poorly managed toxic 22,000jobs, hesaid. tensive companies. American waste disposal; impairment of — Reporter:202-662-7456, chemical and fertilizer indus- rivers and streams; disruption
enriched uranium, which it is
all the faithful "so that the Holy Spirit helps us choose the best candidateto guidethe church." It should b e n o ted t h at
the cardinals may have jinxed their chances — which may havebeentheirintentiongiven that thepapacyis ajob few actively seek. But in today's media-driven world, where cardinals and even the pope tweet, staying silent isn't an option — at least until the cardinals enter the frescoed walls of the Sistine Chapel. After that, what goes on in the Sistine Chapel stays in the Sistine Chapel. Violationof the years." code of secrecy in a conclave "Suchanofficewearspeople means excommunication.
triesare growing because of inexpensive natural gas. Foreign investment in electricityintensive industries has also been flowing into the country, as natural gas helps keep utility rates low, even as domestic coal remains cheaper," he sa>d. But this doesn't mean that the country should abandon its investments in renewable
PubliShing Date: Tuesday, August 20
The Central Oregon Builders Association (COBA) presents the Remodeling Design 8 Outdoor Living Show just in time for autumn and winter home improvements. This guide features information about the vendors at the show, and is a handy resource for finding local home improvement experts and products for the home throughout the year.
The Nature of Words annual literary festival celebrates the literary arts in Central Oregon during a multi-day event each autumn. The event features authors, seminars, workshops and c o ntests. Throughout the year, The Nature of Words, as an organization, supports creative writing throughoutreach programsfor both students and adults in Central Oregon. The Nature of Words guide is distributed to all Bulletin readers as well as those who attend the annual literary event. PudliShing Date: Friday, October 25 •
Our delegationresponds U.S. Rep. GregWalden, R-Hood River: "I'm disappointed that the president didn't do more tonight
to extend anolive branch to work with Congress to solve the country' sproblems. Instead,he
doubled down onhisagendafrom thepastfour years: morespending,moredebt,highertaxes, and abiggerfederalgovernment moreinvolvedin
reform. Bipartisan taxreforms like the ones I havebeen working on wouldcreateasimpler, more business-friendly tax code that would
increase tax revenuewithoutraising taxrates. In fact, we would lower corporate tax rates to make American businesses more competitive — helping
businesses to createjobs that pay middle class wages." U.S. Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.:
'Thepresident mentioned many strategies to spurjob creation, produced a strong economy or the kind of familynow and fo rthe future.Let' s have wagejobsthatAmericans needanddeserve. The that discussion right now on how federal government must stop throwing up barriers we can get our economy back tojob creation and learn to live within a budget." on track. Let'sinvestin ourinfrastructure and put people back to work rebuilding America's U.S. Sen. RonWyden, D-Ore.: crumblingroads and bridges.Let's off erlow"President Obama laid out an costloansforhomeownersto maketheirhomes economic vision thatincludes energy-efficient. Let's hire back the teachers that rebuilding ourinfrastructure, were laid offduring this terrible depression, and strengthening American helpprepareourchildrenforthejobsofthefuture. manufacturing and overhauling And let' s do m oreto make surethatanyone who the taxcode. If Congressis serious about creating workshardcan make ends meet,by raising the jobs, thereis no better place to start than tax minimum wage."
ourl ivesthan everbefore.Thisapproach hasnot
0 ama careully picks igures By Glenn Kessler
ing cuts, but also by raising tax rates on the wealthiest A State of the Union ad1 percent of Americans. As d ress is o ften d i fficult t o a result, we are more than fact-check, no matter who halfway towards the goal of is president. The speech is a $4 trillionin deficit reduction product of many hands and that economists say we need is carefully vetted, so major to stabilize our finances." errors offact are relatively This is debatable, dependrare. But State of the Union ing on how you do the numaddresses often are very po- bers. Many budget analysts litical speeches, an argument do measure the decline in for the president's policies, so deficits from A u gust 2010 context is sometimes missing. — which was a high point Here is a guide through for spending — and Obama's some of P resident Barack figure is derived from that Obama's m or e fa c t-chal- date. (He also adds in interest lenged claims on Tuesday, in savings from reducing anticithe order in which he made pated debts, which is different them. from actually cutting spendThe Washington Post
ing or adding revenue.)
Rubio, Pauldeliver rebuttals, also aiming at middle class By William Douglas McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — ln English and Spanish, Republican Sen. Marco Rubio on Tuesday night delivered a s c athing rebuke of President Barack Obama's State of th e U n ion
speech, signaling a GOP battle for middle-class voters that could help r e- e nergize his p a r ty and also propel a potential 2016 W hite Ho u s e run. The F l o r ida Paul s enator d e l i v ered his party's official rebuttal to O bama's speech, but he wasn't the only Republican responding Tuesday night. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, another potential Republican presidential contender, responded to Obama's talk on behalf of the tea party. Rubio challenged Obama's commitment t o p r e serving and g r owing t h e n a t i on's middle class by expanding the role of the federal government and raising taxes on wealthy earners. "Presidents in both parties — from John F. Kennedy to Ronald Reagan — have known thatour free-enterprise economy isthe source ofourmiddleclass prosperity," Rubio said in prepared remarks. "But President Obama? He believes it's the cause ofour problems.... And, therefore, as you heard tonight, his solution to virtually every problem we face is for Washington to tax more, borrow more and spend more." Rubio told viewers that he is firmly planted in the middle class, a legacy from his bartender father and a m other who worked as a cashier and maid, who came from Cuba "in pursuit of the opportunity to improve their life and give their children the chance at
even a better one." "Mr. President, 1 still live in the same working-class neighborhood 1 grew up in," he said. "My neighbors aren't millionaires. They are retirees who depend onSocialSecurity and Medicare. They're immigrants who came here because they were stuck in poverty in countries where the government dominatedthe economy." He added: "Mr. President, 1 don't oppose your plans because 1 want to protect the rich. 1 oppose your plans because I want to protect my neighbors." At one point Rubio paused for a quick sip of water. He went on to assert that Obama's proposals will h ur t m i ddleclass families, cost jobs and harm seniorcitizens because they do "nothing to save Medicare and Social Security." "In order to balance our budget, the choice doesn't have to be eitherhigher taxes or dramatic benefit cuts for those in need," he said. "Instead we should grow our economy so that we create new taxpayers, not new taxes, and so our government can afford to help those who truly cannot help themselves." While O b am a i m p l ored Congress to vote on gun control legislation, Rubio acknowledged "the rise of violence in our country," but he warned against weakening the Second Amendment. In the aftermath of GOP p residential c andidate M i t t R omney's crushing loss t o Obama and a disappointing showing by R epublicans in last N ovember's senatorial elections, Rubio has increased his profile and stature within the party and nationally. Republicans, r e cognizing that they failed to c onnect with enough Hispanic voters in part because of the party's opposition to a comprehensive overhaul of the nation's immigration laws, hope the son of Cuban immigrants can help
the party heal from what some leaders say are self-inflicted political wounds from failing to be more inclusive. Rubio has been working with a b i partisan group of senators who are pushing for immigration legislation that would include a pathway to citizenshipand enhance security along the U.S.-Mexico border. Overhauling immigration laws, he said, is essential for economic growth. "We need a responsible, permanent solution to the problem of those who are here illegally," he said. "But first, we must follow through on the broken promises of the past to secure our borders and enforce our laws." In his remarks on behalf of the tea party, Paul also touched on immigration, urging tea party supporters to embrace efforts in Washington to change the system. Paul also had harsh words for Obama, Democrats and his own party on federal spending, and for their reluctance to take a realistic approach in cutting it. "Both parties have been
"Afteryears of grueling recession, our businesses have created over 6 million new jobs." The president is cherrypicking a number that puts the improvement in the economy in the best possible light. The low point in jobs was reached in February 2010, and there has indeed been a gain of about 6 million jobs since then, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data. But the data also show that since the start of his presidency, about 1.2 million jobs have been created — and the number of jobs in the economy is about 3.2 million fewer than when the recession began in December 2007.
But agreement starts to break down quickly about the $4 trillion goal, which translates to just $1.5 trillion in additional work. The Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget, in a recent report, says that $2.7 trillion in deficit reduction over 10 years has been enacted so far, including tax increases, but that $2.4 trillion more is needed to reduce the ratio of debt to gross domestic product to 70 percent. The left-leaning Center on Budget and Policy Priorities argues instead that just $1.5 trillion is needed to achieve a 73 percent ratio. Those numbers could have real-world consequences for government programs.
"We buy ... lessforeign oil than we have in 20"years. This claim lacks context. The E n ergy D e p artment has cited ahost of reasons why foreign oil imports have d eclined, noting th e m a i n reason was "a significant contraction in consumption" because of the poor economy and changes in efficiency that began "two years before the 2008 crisis" — in other words, before Obama took office.
"On Medicare, 1'm prepared to enact reforms that w i l l achievethe same amount of health care savings by the beginningofthe next decade as the reforms proposed by the bipartisan Simpson-Bowles commission." With this carefully crafted phrase, Obama wants us to compare thesavings in 2022. Granted, that would be six years after Obama's second term ends. But administration officials argue that changes "Over the last few years, in health care policies take both parties have worhed time to achieve budget savtogether to reduce the defi- ings, and that the right mix cit by more than $2.5 trillion can produce greater savings mostly through spend- in the long run.
Using Congressional Budget Office estimates of the president's budget, we see that over 10 years, Obama's proposals would achieve $337 billion from 2013 to 2022, compared with $483 billion for the plan suggested by the Bowles-Simpson commission in the same time period. However, in 2 022, both w ould achieve th e s a m e a mount o f sa v i ngs: $ 6 8 billion.
"Aftershedding jobs for more than10years, our manufacturers have added about 500,000 jobs over the past three." Obama again is c herrypicking a jobs number. The low point for manufacturing jobs was reached in January 2010, and so there has been a gain of 500,000 jobs since then. But Bureau of Labor Statistics data show that the number o f m a n ufacturing jobs is still 600,000 fewer than when Obama took office in the depths of the recession — and 1.8 million fewer than when the recession began in December 2007. "I ash this Congress to declare that women should earn a living equal to their efforts, and finally pass the Paycheck Fairness Act this year." The administration's b ackup document for t h i s statement asserted that "on
average women generally make 23 cents on the dollar less than men." But the White
House is using a figure (annual wages, from the Census Bureau) that makes the disparity appear the greatest. The Bureau of Labor Statistics, for instance, shows that the gap is 19 cents when look-
ing at weekly wages. The gap is even smaller when you look at hourly wages — 14 cents. ln other words, because women in general work fewer hours than men in a y ear, the statistics may be less reliable for examining the key focus of the legislation, wage discrimination.
guilty of spending too much, of protecting their sacred cows, of backroom deals in which everyone wins, but every taxpayer loses," he said. "It is time Democrats admit that not every dollar spent on domestic programs is sacred. And it is time Republicans realize that military spending is not immune to waste and fraud." Paul advocated letting the sequester, an $85 billion round of automatic cuts that would take effect March 1 if Congress fails to act, happen. "Not only should the sequester stand, many pundits say the sequester really needs to be at least $4 trillion to avoid anotherdowngrade of America credit rating," he said. "Both parties will have to agree to cut, or we will never fix our fiscal mess."
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Union Continued from A1 He would raise the minimum wage to $9 an hour — nearly a 25 percent bump — over the nextthreeyears. Many of his previous economic plans have stalled in a divided Congress. But speaking from a position of political strength — and facing a deficit under $1 trillion for the first time in his administration — Obama suggested the American public supports manyofhis goals, even if many in the chamber do not. ln an hour-long address focused tightly on domestic issues, Obama also announced that he will bring home 34,000 Americantroops from Afghanistan over the next year, cutting the U.S. force level there by almost half. The U.S. mission in Afghanistan concludes at the end of 2014, and Obama intends to keep only a small force there for training and counter-terrorism beyond that date. "After a decade of grinding war,"the president said, "our men and women in uniform are coming home." The speech, interrupted repeatedlywithraucousandsometimes strictly partisan applause, was Obama's fourth State of the Union address. He used the annual ritual to attempt to turn the page on a first term preoccupied with winding down two wars and working to repair a badly
damaged economy.
"We have cleared away the rubble of crisis," he said, "and can say with renewed confidence that the state of our union is stronger." Throughout the speech, however, was a warning that the nation's progress, which he repeatedly called "unfinished," is in peril unless Obama and Congress can work together on the economy's behalf. "We gather here knowing that there are millions of Americans whose hard work and dedication have not yet been rewarded," he said. "It is our generation's task, then, to reignite the true engine of America's economic growth — a rising, thriving middle class." Economic progress has been halting since he took office, and he spoke Tuesdaywith the looming threat to the economy of automatic spending cuts, known as sequestration, just a little over two weeks away. Obama and Congressional leaders have been unable to r each agreement on how to avert the cuts, which the president warned Tuesday would fall hardeston those who can least afford them. He called for " b ipartisan, comprehensive tax reform," and emphasized that his proposals would not add to the $854billion deficit, only re-allocate money already in the budget to finance them. "But let's be clear: Deficit reduction alone is not an econom-
ic plan," Obama said. "A growing economy that creates good, middle-class jobs — that must be the North Star that guides our efforts." Unlike his second inaugural address last month, when liberal social issues defined much of his message, Obama spoke directly Tuesday to a prime-time television audience about what he believes must be done to improve the economy and prepare the next generation of workers for the jobs it is creating. He will take his message on the road over the next few days, visiting North Carolina, Georgia and Illinois to discuss various economic proposals. The proposals range from spending $40 billion to upgrade b ridges to starting a f u n d, known as the Energy Security Trust,responsible for researching ways for more American cars and trucks to run on cleaner fuels. When Obama spoke Tuesday about immigration legislation, gun control and climate change — issues that rank high on his domestic agenda — he did so by connecting them directly to the American economy. He called on Americans to cut in half the energy wasted by homes and businesses in the next two decades, something that would benefit the environment as well as the economy. Green jobs, he argued, will be the ones helping drive future employment growth.
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Open Mon.-Fri.10AM to 7PM• Sat. Ik Sun. 1 OAM-6PM ** 999 or more~ icomfort beds exclude
Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5
Weather, B6
Man arrested in graffiti spree Bend police arrested a 24-year-old man on more than 250 charges in connection with a graffiti "tagging" spree that began about four
months ago. Police arrested Adrian Allen
McCowan, 24, ontwo counts of first-degree criminal mischief, nine
counts ofsecond-degree criminal mischief,
Po ice unionne otiatin contract Crowd
By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin
The city of Bend is bargaining over a new contract with its police employees' union. The existing union contract expires at the end of June. Officer Scott Vincent, vice president of the Bend Police Association, said compensation for Bend police officers is close to the median when compared with similarly sized
cities, and he expects it will remain so in the next contract. "A status quo contract is a win for both sides," Vincent said. Policeemployees represented by the union earn salaries from $4,367 to $5,314 per month, City Human ResourcesDirector Rob DuValle wrote in an email. Vincent said that police employees want the city and
specifically the Police Department to recover economically, after several difficult budget cycles following the recession. "We both recognize these are very difficult financial times and there's just not very much money," Vincent said. "We're right at the middle of our comparables, so at the end of the day we won't have major
changes." The police force went with-
out a cost-of-living raise in 2009, then received a 2 percent annual raise in 2010 and 2011, DuValle said. In 2012, the city and Bend Police Association extended by one year an existing contract, with a couple of significant changes. The police received a I percent costof-living raise and switched to a high-deductible health insurance plan, DuValle said. SeePolice/B3
shows support for dam removal
28 counts of third-de-
gree criminal mischief and 223 counts of unlawfully applying
By Scott Hammers The Bulletin
graffiti, the department
A crowd of 30 to 40 made the case Tuesday night for knocking down the Newport Avenue dam and letting the Deschutes River flow at a meeting concerning the future of Mirror Pond. At the second of two meetings hosted by the Mirror Pond Steering Committee, the group assembled to determine what, if anything, should be done about silt accumulation in the pond in the heart of Bend. The artificial pond created by construction of the Newport Avenue Dam in 1910 was last dredged in 1984. The committee is trying to determine if the community would support additional dredging, or other measures to return the pond to something closer to a freeflowing river. Between community meetings and an online questionnaire available at, the committee will be taking public input through the end of the month. Starting in March, the committee expects to turn toward drawing up potential plans reflecting public preferences, and by May or June, select a single plan with broad community support. Jim Figurski, a landscape architect hired by the Bend Park 8t Recreation District to serve as project manager, moderated Tuesday's meeting. Unlike a similar meeting a week earlier, the overwhelming majority in attendance spoke in favor of dam removal and river restoration. Several took Figurski to task for the wording of the online questionnaire, suggesting the questions asked made it very difficult for those who support letting the river flow to voice their opinions. Barb Campbell, a downtown business owner and 2012 city council candidate, said even if the majority of Bend residents preferreda free-flowing river, they couldn't make that known through the questionnaire. SeeDam/B6
announced Tuesday. Nancy Watson, a crime analyst with the
Bend Police Department, said the tags — primarily freehand
spray-painting of the letters RAS — were
found, generally, on Bend's east side, north of the Third Street railroad bridge. Most of
the tags were small, she said, appearing primar-
FX< /u8H<...,
ily on signs and utility
boxes, but some larger tags were found on the underpasses along Greenwood andFranklin avenues. "We don't really
think it's gang related," Watson said. "Some of the symbols are similar
to those used bygangs, but it doesn't appear
there is a gang intown, so nothing to worry about there." It's estimated it will
cost more than $10,000 to remove all of the
known tags, according to a news release from Bend police.
Pudiic meeting for job finalists
r Photos by Rob Kerrr The Bulletin
Three finalists for the
job of special programs director at Bend-La Pine Schools are scheduled to appear in acommunity forum at 5 p.m. today in the district's board room, 520 N.W. Wall St., Bend. The finalists are: Chad Hamilton, direc-
tor of special services, South Lane School District; Pam Palmer,
an assistant director of special programs for Bend-La Pine Schools;
and SeanReinhart, also an assistant director of
vette Holman, right, and her husband Steve Holman, middle, enjoy a laugh with Humane Society of Cen-
tral Oregon Executive Director Sabrina Slusser, left, at GoodLife Brewing Co. Tuesday evening during the second
-y' l
annual Pup Crawl, a fundraiser for homeless pets.
. / a
With the purchase of a pint glass for $10, participants receive a ticket to fill it with a beverage of their choice. The event continues from 4 to 8 p.m. today at the Deschutes Brewery Public House, and next week at other local breweries. For a complete schedule, visit or call 541-382-3537.
special programs for Bend-La PineSchools. The director of
special programs leads planning, organizing, direction and
management of the department's financial and business functions andis responsible for compliance with federal and state laws. Each candidate will
give a short presentation and take questions from the audience. — From staff reports More briefingand News of Record, B3
Pickleball court fundraising underway in Bend By Ben Botkin The Bulletin
The Bend Pickleball Club has raised $25,000 for eight new pickleball courts to be constructed in the city. That puts the club one-
• ClackamasCounty: Sheriff's office wants
to use drones. • Elsewhere:Interest groups want the state to do a better job of
collecting taxes, and more. Sfories on B3
fundraising efforts, we're very pleased to have raised $25,000 so far," said A.J. Fraties, president of the Bend Pickleball Club, in a statement. "We hope to reach our fundraising goal by June in order for construc-
tion to occur this summer." The club estimates that the region has about 600 regular players, which is expected to grow by 5,000 during the next decade. SeePickleball/B6
Student excited to follow FREE GQLE in father's footsteps at Duke UNTIL APRIL 2013 By Megan Kehoe
was a young child. Conor lives in Bend, but elected Not many people can say they to attend Redmond High School for reached a life goal at the age of 17. its International Baccalaureate proBut Conor Smith can say it with gram. Though Bend High has an IB complete certainty. program, it was in its early stages The 17-year-old has just reached when Conor was an eighth-grader the goal he's been working toward deciding between high schools. since he was old enough to dream: He opted to go with the program getting accepted into Duke Univer- in Redmond because ithad been sity. He starts class at the school in established longer. Since then, he's Durham, N.C., in the falL He ex- traveled the distance between Bend pects to study economics and pub- and Redmond daily. "I've always been focused on getlic policy. "When I found out I had gotten ting the best education possible," in, it was just euphoria," Conor said. Conor said. Conor Smith i s a R e dmond Conor maintains a 3.9 GPA and High School senior who has been has been the volunteer coordinaworking for most of his life to at- tor for the school's National Hontain his dream of g etting into or Societysince his sophomore Duke University. His dad attended year, working to raise money for the school, and Conor has wanted UNICEF. to follow in his footsteps since he SeeDuke/B2 The Bulletin
increase fines for using cellphones while
fourth of the way toward its goal of raising $100,000, which is half the cost of the courts. The Bend Park & Recreation District is covering the balance of the project. "Though we just began our
Oregon City
• Salem:Bill would
OUR SCHOOLS, OUR STUDENTS Educational news and activities, and local kids
and their achievements. • School Notes and submission info,B2
Receive A $250 Gift Card Good in our restaurant or golf shop * i TiHRU MrA,RCH 31"'OoFFER GcOeoeo
I s
E VENT TODAY MOVIE NIGHTAND POTLUCK:A screening of the documentary film, "Nothing Like Chocolate," with a potluck; donations accepted; 6-9 p.m.; Cascade Culinary Institute, 2555N.W.Campus Village Way, Bend; 877-541-2433 or "THE LASTPIRATEOFTHE CARIBBEAN":Children's Theater Company presents a murder mystery dinner theater; registration requested; $15; 6:309 p.m.; The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, 2398 W. Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-460-3024 or www. FLYFISHING FILM TOUR: A screening of a film collection that showcases anglers; $15 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. YOU, ME &APOLLO:The Coloradobased indie-rock group performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. THE GHOSTOF MICHAELCLARK: The Colorado-based soul artist performs, with Cy Erickson; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or thehornedhand. IRATION:The California-based alternative-reggae act performs, with Passafire and Pacific Dub; $15 plus fees in advance, $18 at the door; 8:30 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www.
THURSDAY THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss"The Swerve" by Stephen Greenblatt; free;
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
AL E N D A R noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, Brooks Room, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7084 or www. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Swerve" by Stephen Greenblatt; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1055 or "CAN WOMENOUTPERFORMMEN IN ENDURANCE SPORTS?": Health and human performance professor John Liccardo talks about male and female differences in sports performance; free; 6-8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www.belfryevents. com. VALENTINE DINNER CONCERT:The Sunriver Music Festival presents a concert by the Salem Big Band; registration requested; $80; 6 p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-593-9310, or www. "THE LASTPIRATEOFTHE CARIBBEAN":Children's Theater Company presents a murder mystery dinner theater; registration requested; $15; 6:309 p.m.; The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, 2398 W.Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-460-3024 or www. "THE REDVELVETCAKEWAR": The Ridgeview High School theater department presents a comedy as its premiere performance; reservations for Feb.14 show requested; $5; 7 p.m.; Ridgeview High School,4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave., Redmond; 541504-3600. ROB LARKINAND THE WAYWARD ONES:The Los Angeles-based roots-rock band performs, with Joseph Eid; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-3825174 or BASS LOVE: Live music with Phutureprimitive, Medium Troy, Psy
Submitted photo
Fi, Hypha and more; $10, $15 for couples; 8 p.m .;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-3896999 or HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC — CROWN CITYSTRING OUARTET:String musicians play selections of chamber music, with pianist Bryan Pezzone; $35, $10 children and students; 8 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436, info© or www.highdesertchambermusic. com. THE AUTONOMICSAND THE DIRTY WORDS:The Portland-based rock acts perform, kicking off the Bend WinterFest; festival button required, see website for details; $8 buttons at the door, $5-6 buttons in advance at various locations; 8 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W.Franklin Ave., Bend; VALENTINE'S DAYFASHION SHOW:A fashion show by Rescue Consignment, with a DJ, emceed by
Duke Contlnued from B1 Conor a l so t r a veled o n a service trip to Uganda in
his sophomore year of high school, w h e re h e wo r k e d with impoverished youth for several weeks. Conor helped with a census project aimed at determining the number of Ugandan youth in need. "It was a sobering experience — it was shocking to see the destitution there," Conor satd. "But at the same time, it did give me some hope. I got to see some of the good these organizations are doing and the positive impact they're having on the kids." Conor h as a l so b e en a leader of his school's Model United Nations Club, which debates global and economic issues, and last year, he was one of two ambassadors from Redmond High to attend the state conference held at the University of Oregon. "He put himself in leadership positions with the club year afteryear," Steve Stancliff, Conor's former teacher, said. "I think a lot of other students look up to him." Stancliff is currently Ridgeview High School's assistant principal, but had Conor in his class for three years when he taught atRedmond High School. "One of t h e c h aracteristics that sets Co nor ap art from his peers is his intellectual maturity," Stancliff said.
Bend WinterFest begins at 5 p.m. Friday at the Old Mill with live music, ice and snow sculptures and more. The festival continues Saturday and Sunday.
/, qIg
Sizzul; free; 8 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-3880116 or
FRIDAY BEND WINTERFEST:Winter carnival featuring a big air show, races, a children's area, live music, a fire pit competition, ice and snow sculptures and more; a portion of proceeds benefits Saving Grace; $5$6 for WinterFest button in advance, $8 at the gate, free for Mt. Bachelor seasonpass holders;5-10 p.m .;Old Mill District, 661 S.W. Powerhouse Drive; 541-323-0964 or www. "THE LASTPIRATEOFTHE CARIBBEAN":Children's Theater Company presents a murder mystery dinner theater; registration requested; $15; 6:309 p.m.; The Bridge Church of the Nazarene, 2398 W.Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-460-3024 or www. COMEDY WITHDEAN OLESON: The Seattle-based comedian performs; $10 includes a drink; 6:30-9 p.m.; The Original Kayo's Dinner House and Lounge, 415 N.E.Third St., Bend; 541-323-2520. PORTLANDCELLOPROJECT:The cello collective plays the Sisters Folk Festival's Winter Concert Series, with Adam Shearer; 15 or $10 students plus fees in advance, $20 or $10 students at the door; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4979 or www. "MY BEAUTIFULLAUNDRETTE":A screening of the R-rated1985 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www. "WORKING":Opening night of the Thoroughly Modern Productions and Stage Right Productions musical depicting the working lives of everydaypeople,withacham pagne reception; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. reception; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or ARCHAEOLOGYFESTFILM SERIES: A screening of the bestfilms from the 2012 The Archaeology Channel International Film and Video Festival, including "Ramesses theSecond: The Great Journey"; $6; 7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-345-5538 or www. SONATAS FORPLUCKED STRINGS: Lute virtuosos John Schneiderman and Hideki Yamaya presenta program of18th-century duets, presented by Musica Maestrale; $12, $10 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; CascadeSchoolofM usic,200 N.W . Pacific Park Lane, Bend; 541-2133144 or
18Sw '
Contact: 541-383-0358,
"THE METROPOLITANOPERA: RIGOLETTO":Starring Diana Damrau, OksanaVolkova and Piotr Beczala in a presentation of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live inhigh definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. HUMANE SOCIETYOPEN HOUSE: An open house with refreshments, dog and cat adoption promotions, and an animal photo shoot from11 a.m.-3 p.m.; proceeds benefit the Humane Society; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; HumaneSociety of Central Oregon, 61170 S.E.27th St., Bend; 541-382-3537 or http://www. RUN FOR CHOCOLATE:A5K run/ walk with chocolate aid stations; proceeds benefit the La Pine High School Athletic Department; free for spectators; 10 a.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; BEND WINTERFEST: Winter carnival featuring a big air show, races, a children's area, live music, a fire pit competition, ice and snow sculptures and more; a portion of proceeds benefits Saving Grace; $5$6 for WinterFest button in advance, $8 at the gate, free for Mt. Bachelor season pass holders;11 a.m.-10 p.m.; Old Mill District, 661 S.W. Powerhouse Drive; 541-323-0964 or
Robert McAnally, 757-723-0317 or
USS Iwo Jima(LPH2/LHD7) shipmates; for all related ship's company andembarked Navyand Marine Corpspersonnel; Oct. 2-6, Crowne PlazaHotel, San Diego; for information orto register, contact
COLLEGE NOTES Abigail Askren,of Bend,was named to the fall 2012 dean's list at Northwest NazareneUniversity in Nampa,Idaho.
youth© Mail:P.O. Box 6020,Bend, OR 97708
Other schoolnotes: College announcements, Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Redmond High School senior Conor Smith, outside of the school Tuesday, maintains a 3.9 GPA and is the community service coordinator for the school's National Honor Society. He was recently accepted to Duke University.
military graduations or
training completions, reunion announcements. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin©
Story ideas
School brlefs:Items and announcements of general
Redmond High School senlor
Favorite Movies:"Goodfellas," "Talladega Nights" Favorite TVShow:"BreakingBad"
interest. Contact: 541-633-2161,
Favorite Book:Harry Potter novels
Favorite Music:U2 Hoddles:Mountain biking, photography, playing the piano
and photography. For his college application essay to D u k e U n i versity, Conor wrote about his e n-
thusiasm for both of t h ose activities. Conorfound outin D ecember that he reached his goal. "It was an incredible relief," Conor said. "A big part of my identity has been wrapped around Duke for so long, and to have that part of my identity legitimized was r eally validating."
Vsehurs, Oregon
of a kid with a compelling
story? "He's engaged intellectually at a higher level than your average student." Conor works hard, and he also plays hard. He participates in four sports and is the top ranked water skier in his age division in the state. He also loves mountain biking
,. P.
Student profiles: Know Contact: 541-383-0354,
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Receh e 20% off room rate ivhen you hrin~<~ this ad and donatea can of food for,each night ofyour stay. Valid Sun-Thurs„ ihow - May z3, zot3.
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— Reporter: 541-383-0354,
Hovv tosubmit Teen feats:Kids recognized recently for academic achievements or for participation in clubs, choirs or volunteer groups. (Please submit a photo.)
TONY SMILEY:The one-man rock band performs, with Keez, Mosley Wotta and Prajekt; $5; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W.Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www. DJ WEATHER: The Portland-based DJ performs; free; 10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.
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<gES p~
er ines ones
i wou im ose i on rivers usin By Lauren Gambino
young people.
The Associated Press
" My concern is t hat t h e maximum fine is high, and t hat we have a law on t h e books already," she said. Between 2010, when the law went i nt o e f fect, an d 2012, state troopers issued a total of 4,586 citations and 6,752 warnings, according to police statistics. In 2012, state police issued 2,151 citations, more than twice as many as in 2010 when police issued 1,012 citations. In 2011, the L e gislature closed a loophole that allowed drivers to talk on hand-held cellphones for work-related purposes. Now, the exemption is limited to a handful of professionals. Sen. Jeff Kruse, a Roseburg Republican w h o op p o sed the measure, said he would prefer if the bill applied to all forms of distracted driving, including eating or putting on makeup.
ting a citation, there is no fear of committing the violation," SALEM — The maximum Hayes said. fine for motorists caught talkThe current law that went ing on t h eir c ellphones or into effect in January 2010 texting while driving would prohibits motorists from texincrease from $250 to $1,000 ting or talking on their cellunder a bill that is being con- phones while driving. Drivers sidered by the Oregon Leg- are permitted to use handsislature, a move intended to free accessories to talk on the m ake distracted driving a phone, but texting is illegal in more seriouscrime. any circumstance. The Senate Judiciary ComCourtney said h e h o p es mittee on Tuesday approved to change the way O regothe bill proposed by Senate nians think about texting and President P eter C o u r tney, talking on the phone while D-Salem, with two members driving. "If it was my way, we would dissenting. Albany police Officer Rob- treat distracted driving the ert Hayes, speaking for the same way w e t r eat d r i nkOregon Association of Chiefs ing and driving in this state," of Police, said there are sim- Courtney told the Associated ply not enough officers to al- Press. "And I think one day ways enforce the law. He told we will." the committee that he often Sen. Betsy Close, R-Albapasses drivers on their cell- ny, who voted against the bill, phones as he is responding to said she's worried the fines a more pressing call. are too steep — c o nsider"If there is no fear of get- ing many of the violators are
"If we're going to pass a bill like this, I'd rather it be more all-encompassing than j u st focusing on the cellphone," he said. In the first six months of 2012 there were 155 reported crashes, one of which was fatal, caused by d i stracted drivers on their cellphones, a ccording to t h e m ost r e cent statistics available from the Oregon Department of Transportation. In 2011, there were 202 reported crashes, four of them fatal, for the entire year. T he bill w o uld a l lot a p proximately $123,000 to the Oregon Department of Transportation to put up signs notifying drivers that texting and talking on the phone are
illegal. R ep. Carolyn Tomei, D M ilwaukie, i n t r oduced a similar bill in the House that would set the maximum fine even higher, at $2,000.
AROUND THE STATE Slainmental health worker —A manaccused of kiling a mental health worker in May pleaded guilty except for insanity Tues-
day and is expected to besent to the OregonState Hospital. Brent Redd was accused of stabbing Jennifer Warren when she delivered medicine to his apartment in St. Helens. Redd pleaded guilty except
for insanity in 2007 after hewas accused of trying to kill his mother. He was sent to the Oregon State Hospital and in 2010 transferred to Columbia Community Mental Health. Under the terms of the sentence
imposedTuesday byJudgeStevenReed,thestate PsychiatricSecurity Review Board can keep him in the hospital for the rest of his life.
Gavernment effiCienCy —Several interest organizations want Oregon to do a better job collecting taxes, and they're calling on the
Legislature to beef upenforcement. The recommendation was one of several in a report on government efficiency releasedTuesdayby public-employee unions, the AARP, the Oregon Student Association and a number of other organizations, most of them liberal inter-
est groups. Theywant to free up moremoneyfor their priorities, including schools, health care and long-term care for seniors. The
organizations also recommendcutting funding for supplies and contract services in state agencies, andcutting deeper into middle management. Twoyears ago, lawmakers told many state agencies to aim for a worker-to-manager ratio of11-1. House Democratic Leader
Val Hoyle said lawmakers have a responsibility to make the most of limited tax dollars.
Rescued dogs up for adoption — The OregonHumaneSociety said 70 dogs rescued from aBrooks warehousewill be available for adoption today. Society spokesman David Lytle told The Orego-
nian the plan hadbeento offer 45 dogs for adoption initially. But he said more dogs than expected were returned to the society from foster homes. The animals will be available at the society's Portland
facility. The dogsare among 166 recovered from awarehouse in Brooks, a carand from private homes in January as part of one of the biggest animal neglect cases in recent history. Three people have been charged in thecase. — From wire reports
ClackamasCounty sheriff's office seeksFAA'spermission to Ljsedrones The Associated Press OREGON CITY — It doesn't own any or have money for one, but the Clackamas County sheriff' soffice hasasked federal aviation officials for permission to fly drones to take aerial photos and video. The department is interested
in drones mainly for training. And while they might be used to look at crime scenes, they wouldn't be for surveillance, a spokesman said. The sheriff's office showed up on a list of applications to the Federal Aviation Administration released after a Freedom
Police Continued from B1 D uValle said this wa s a departure from the type of raises that police historically received in O r egon, where "police and fire associations
were generally getting wage increases in excess of 2 percent a year." DuValle and other officials will discuss the contract with the City Council in a closeddoor session Feb. 20, DuValle said. Earlier that day, the city b argaining team w i l l a l s o meet with the union. "Quite frankly, we wanted to get started sooner, but we have a new council," DuValle said. "Council gives me, as the chief negotiator, the parameters from which to negotiate with the association." Thus, DuValle had to wait for new city councilors to take office so he couldschedule a meeting with them. Vincent said the Bend Police Association had "status quo" contracts for several years, and "as the line staff goes, we've taken some concessions on i n surance last year that saved the city a lot of money." DuValle said the city has already saved money since police employees switched to the high-deductible plan last
year. "I think it's a pretty positive program fo r e v eryone overall," D uValle s aid. "It shifts the burden of cost containment back to employees. When the plan paid everything, there was no incentive to shop for the best vendor in
town. Now ... (employees) actually search out the lowest cost drug, which reduces the cost to the plan." The first bargaining session, on Jan. 31, focused on c leaning u p c o n t ract l a n -
guage, for example by correcting misspelled words and eliminating references to a defunct DARE program. "We don't have all the stuff on the table yet, so it's really hard to decide where it's going," Vincent said. He expects c ompensation c o ul d c o m e up at the Feb. 20 bargaining session. DuValle said he could not disclose what positions the city will take in bargaining, but "obviously health insurance, wages, those are what we always talk about at the table." — Reporter: 541-617-7829,
of Information Act request was filed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, The O r egonian reported. The application comes as the Oregon Legislature is considering legislation to restrict the use of drones. The Clackamas department
has no plans to buy a drone any time soon, said Lt. James Rhodes. "We just want to leave the option open for the future," he said. "And the sheriff is not interested in using it for surveillance of any form." Seattle's mayor r e cently
dropped police d epartment plans for drones afterpeople raised concerns about surveillance. Rhodes said new multi-bladed, heavy-lift drones, which look something like flying spiders, make high-quality aerial
photography and videography
possible for training exercises. "We are interested in seeing if they'd be useful to give us a view of our training exercises from above.For example, we could use them to see how well our search-and-rescue teams are working or how our K-9 teams function together."
Continued from B1
Bendman cited after rollover Deschutes County Sheriff's deputies cited a 25-year-old
Bend man ondrunken driving charges after his pickup rolled over Monday night near La Pine and he was injured.
Deejay Leroy wasdriving east on La Pine State Recre-
ation Road, about one-quarter mile west of Huntington Road, around 6:30 p.m., according to a news release. Hedrove a1999 Dodge truck off the road on the south shoulder,
over-corrected and thendrove off the north side, causing thetruckto rollover. Itcame
to rest on its passenger side about 30 yards north of the road. Leroy was treated for nonlife-threatening injuries at St. Charles Bendand released, said Sgt. Troy Gotchy of the Sheriff's Office. Lt. Kevin Dizney said Leroy was cited for driving under the influence
of intoxicants and reckless dnv<ng.
Redmond womancited in Terrebonnecrash A Redmond womanwas cited after striking a semitrailer
in Terrebonne onMonday evening, according to a news release from the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office. Rhonda Dodson, 48, was
stopped at a stop sign about 5:30 p.m. on BAvenue onthe west side of U.S. Highway 97, the news release stated. She attempted to merge the1989 Toyota Corolla she was driving onto Highway 97 and struck
a 2006 Kenworth semitrailer headed south. The truck, driven by Paul Jepson, 52,
of California, received minor damage. TheCorollawasbadly damaged. Both drivers were wearing seat belts and were uninjured in the crash. The accident
caused traffic on the highway to be rerouted on Smith Rock Way and11th Street for about
45 minutes. Dodsonwas cited for failing to obey a traffic control device, the news release stated. — From staff reports
The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Theft —A theft was reported at 4:31 p.m. Jan. 31, in the 61400 block of U.S. Highway 97. Burglary —A burglary was reported and arrests made at 7:48 a.m. Feb. 9, in the100 block of Northeast Sixth Street. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 5:14 p.m. Feb. 9, in the area of Northeast Fourth Street and Northeast Revere Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:28 a.m. Feb. 10, in the 21300 block of Beall Drive, Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at11:04 a.m. Feb. 10, in the 500 block of Northeast Third Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at11:49 a.m. Feb. 10, in the 61100 block of Halley Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at12:02
p.m. Feb. 10, in the 19800 block of Copernicus Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 1:17 p.m. Feb. 10, in the 2300 block of Northeast Mountain Willow Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 3:04 p.m. Feb. 10, in the 21300 block of Pelican Drive. DUII —Monique Marie Felix, 22, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9:17 p.m. Feb. 10, in the area of Oakwood Drive and Larkwood Road. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:42 a.m. Feb. 11, in the 300 block of Southwest Cyber Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 10:06 a.m. Feb. 11, in the 2700 block of Northeast Faith Drive. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at10:52 a.m. Feb. 11, in the 1200 block of Northeast Purcell Boulevard. Theft —A theft was reported at 5:07 p.m. Feb. 7, in the 2500 block of Northeast Twin Knolls Drive. Prineville Police Department
Burglary —A burglary
was reported at1:44 a.m. Feb.11, in thearea of Northeast Third Street.
Oregon State Police Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 2:35 p.m. Feb. 8, in the area of U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 76. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at10:10 a.m. Feb. 10, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 7. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at10:55 a.m. Feb. 10, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 81. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 4:30 p.m. Feb. 11, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 69.
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Monday 4:32p.m.— Natural vegetation fire, in the area of Southwest Century Drive. 7:51p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 1375 N.E. Elk Court. 7:53p.m. — Building fire, estimated damage $1,200, 19645 River Woods Circle. 11:21 p.m.— Natural vegetation fire, 1100 N.W. Bond St. 18 —Medical aid calls. SAlgldBII8
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The Bulletin
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Fditur in-Clnrf Editor foE totorials
e eCOnom
lthough state Rep. Mike McLane, R-Powell Butte, hasn't rushed to reintroduce a measure that would allow more water to be taken from the Columbia River, it's not because he's given up on the idea, but because
it's included in the governor'sbudget.
The proposal has pickedup support in a couple of areas recently. The state Board of Agriculture sent its biennial report on the state of agriculture in Oregon to the Legislature recently. That report contained good news — farmers and ranchers have seen prices for their crops rise slowly but steadily — though overall the picture it painted wasn't particularly rosy. Farmers and r anchers here continue to lag behind their counterparts in all three states that border Oregon, the report says, and water plays a key role in the problem. As an example, while Oregon has more land in farm use than does Idaho, it has fewer acres under irrigation. All crops, from roses to corn to cattle, rely on water to grow, and the state doesn't have enough of it. The report calls for better use of what we have, better storage for what's available and getting more water from the Columbia,
among other things. Meanwhile, a g r oup r epresenting a range of interests in the Umatilla Basin has agreed to sign a declaration of cooperation that could make the task of taking more water from the Columbia easier. According to the Capital Press newspaper, representatives of tribes, environmental organizations, water users and municipalities are ready to work together to that end. As part of the agreement, agricultural interests have said they will not push for an increase of summertime water from the river. D emocratic members of t h e Legislature have said improving rural economies and creating jobs are of key importance this session. We agree. Agriculture will play a key role in both those efforts, and as the governor, the state Board of Agriculture and McLane and other lawmakers from rural Oregon recognize, the need for more water is critical.
W ydengetshighmarks for education bill
regon Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat, has made it his homework to give students and parents more i nformation about the financial payoff for a college education. He plans to reintroduce a bill this year that would publish the average salaries of college graduates by college and field. Before a family or a student starts spending and borrowing, it's information they should have. It's easy for the cost of college education to blitz right past $100,000. And while costs of dorms, costs per credit hour, costs of meals can be found, where is the information about bang for the buck'? Investing in c o llege usually comes with debt. About 63 percent of 2011 Oregon college graduates had student debt, according to a report from The Project on Student Debt. Of those students who earned a bachelor's degree in 2011, the average student loan debt was $25,497. Nationally, the total student debt is a whopping $1 trillion. That's bigger than national credit card debt and car loan debt. W e haven't seen a draft of Wyden's new bill. The version
Give studentsa chance to make more informed decisions about the
increasingly pricey college experience. he introduced last year sought to make more information about salaries accessible to parents and students without creating a new government program and without violating the privacy of students. Ten states produce or are about to publish such salary data this year, according to The Wall Street Journal. Colleges and states have pointed out that Wyden's bill adds a new burden to compile the information. We don't dispute that. It's also true that most students already know that if they pursue a degree in English, they will find it harder to make as much as a roommate who gets an engineering degree. But Congress should support Wyden's idea. Give students a chance to make more informed decisions about the increasingly pricey college experience.
M Nickel's Worth Gun situation has changed
some sheriffs in Oregon are standing up to out-of-control edicts from Washington with respect to gun I remember Charlton Heston as a control. Not surprisingly, authors great actor starring in manly mov- of recent My Nickel's Worth leties reaching from antiquity to pres- ters are upset over these sheriffs' ent-day themes — from Caesar's publicly stated refusals to adhere Rome to mountain men. Heston to laws which infringe on their citihad one of the largest gun collec- zens' Second Amendment rights. tions known. Being a noted actor County sheriffs, and for that matand gun collector, the National ter all law enforcement agencies, Rifle Association wanted him to use discretion on a regular basis to be their president. He accepted and prioritize and evaluate which laws had his picture taken. to implement and act upon. The picture shows a s m i l ing Law enforcement officials have Heston standing and h olding a often used common sense, in conlong-barreled muzzle loader — sin- junction with the will of the citigle shot — the type of gun carried zenry,and refused to enforce laws by Davy Crockett heading west, by throughout the country. Speakeasour forefathers in the Revolution- ies were well known and tolerated ary War and by the soldiers in the during P r ohibition. P r ostitution Civil War. flourished in Pendleton during and Heston was a patriot and a good after World War II with the explicit image for the NRA. support and cooperation of local Now the NRA is squashing inlaw enforcement. Today, the state creases in gun control by citing the of Oregon as well as numerous citSecond Amendment and the right ies, including Portland, Seattle and to "keep and bear arms." Los Angeles, are safe haven sancBut the amendment also says, as tuaries for illegal immigrants, and needed for "a well regulated mili- their law enforcement agencies are tia." This refers to our situation in prohibited from enforcing applicathe year of the Amendment, 1791, ble federal law. when we didn't have a standing Do we r eally w ant ou r l o cal army. Now we do, and so we don't sheriffs to mindlessly enforce all need to keep and bear military- laws? Or do we elect them to use style arms. discretion tempered with wisdom, Our congressmen in 1791 could honor and courage'? I, for o n e, not have known what they were could not be more proud of our logetting us into. And I t h ink that cal sheriffswho refuse to enforce the NRA is stretching the facts for laws designed to circumvent the their own advantage and not for Constitution. the citizens at large. Their f a milies an d m e mbers Gary Will of their communities should long La Pine remember these brave men who stood up in the face of adversity Sheriffs are right and made a stand for liberty and freedom. to resist edicts Jeb Burton It has come to my attention that Bend
Costs of war need attention Watch the local TV news or read the local papers and you will see stories about a bus crash in Portugal, house fire in Tennessee or a mud slide in Mexico. What you won't see is the story of the defeat of American military might in Afghanistan — how our rapid response invasion evolved into a "soft footprint," t hrough c o u nter-insurgency t o "hearts and minds" and lately a massive air war. How, despite the sanguinary outlay of human life, and decimation of national treasure, our armed forceshave been wrestledinto a fight they will not win. And how the enemy Taliban, an insignificant percentage of the population, gener-
ally unpopular, poorly equipped and scattered about the countryside has outlasted the USA. This matters, not because of the i nevitable comparison to our d i saster in Vietnam, but for the fact we have been forced to pay for this war and the constant state of war over the past 71 years without a serious discussion of why. Why can't we have universalhealth care or high-speed transcontinental rail? Why don't we enjoy free university tuition or subsidized trade school training or paid community service? Because we allow the war machine to take one trillion dollars per year from our economy and then complain because we are taxed too much but get so little for it. Why this great uproar over machine gun ownership and so little rage over the pillage of our national treasury for war'? And why is this not part of our national — and local — media discussion? Mike Linkof Bend
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Courts rule on laws' constitutionality, not sheriffs By TerI Love
'm w riting c o n cerning t h e Around the State section in The Bulletin dated Jan. 16, and the statement by Sheriff Tim Mueller of Linn County, Oregon: Shame on you Sheriff Tim Mueller. You ar e t h e o n e e x ploiting your position as sheriff t o v o ice your views on new gun legislation. You are misusing your power as a sheriff whose job is to defend and protect every person in your covered territory, yet you take a stand against anyone who does not believe as you do by stating you will not do your job and enforce any new laws. It is not your job to determine whether a law is to be enforced by your opinion. That is for the judge, jury and Supreme Court to decide. You should be removed from office if you publicly state you will not do the job you are being paid to do. Putting restrictions on c e rtain
semi-automatic firearms and ammunition magazines would not be a violation of peoples' right to bear arms. It is being sensible in the interpretation of the Second Amendment. If this had been done many years ago, think about how many lives could have been saved. It would not be a violation of the Constitution if new laws were amended into our Constitution. So I suggest you do your job and protect and serve and leave the Constitution to the people we elected to do their job in legislating the laws and amendments. Think about this: I a m c ertain semi-automatic rifles with multiple magazines are not standard issue for deputies or police patrolmen. Would those deputies or the patrolmen want to go up against a person armed with assault rifles when they go to every domestic violence call or have one of those firearms pointed in their faces when they pull some-
IN MY VIEW one irate over for a traffic violation they don't feel they incurred? I don't believe the families of those deput ies or patrolmen would want to think about those possibilities every day their loved one is on duty. This makes me wonder if this argument is really more about the age-old thought that bigger is better or a "real man" carries a bigger weapon. Or possibly in the same vein, women feel they are just as strong and powerful as a man if they have a bigger gun to equalize the power. I believe the better way to think about this is brains always prevail over brawn. President Obama is not exploiting the deaths of innocent victims, rather defining the problem and stating his obvious reasons for making necessary changes inthe current laws. It isbecause there have been so many similar innocent victims due
I am certain semi-automatic rifles with multiple magazines are not standard issue for deputies or police patrolmen. Would those deputies or the patrolmen want to go up against a person armed with assault rifles when
they go to every domestic violence ca/I or have one of those firearms pointed in their faces when they pull someone irate over for a traffic violation they don't feel they incurred? to the use of assault and semi-automatic weapons with multiple clips that these changes are necessary. These are real-life situations turned deadly and tragic. This has to stop. More people carrying guns are not going to help the current situation in this country. We are not a thirdworld country that wants guns in our schools to protect our children. We must think about small children
getting their hands on these guns in the schools and possibly causing accidental shootings. Just because someone istrained to use a firearm does not mean they will be able to pull the trigger on another human being in times of stress. It is time to be sensible, logical and civilized toward gun control in our country. — Teri Love lives in Bend.
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Christopher "Chris" Aaron Patrick Vela, of Salem, Bend July 9, 1986 - Feb. 8, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: Funeral Services will be held Saturday, February 16, 2013 10:00 A.M. at New Hope Church, 20080 Pinebrook Blvd., Bend, Oregon. Graveside service to follow at Deschutes Memorial Gardens.
David Andrew Ryder, of Bend Mar. 5, 1981 - Feb. 4, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 Services: Services will be held in Fort Thomas, Kentucky. Contributions may be made to:
Any Bend, Oregon branch of Chase Bank in the name of the David Andrew Ryder Memorial Fund.
Emil Charles Seidel, of Bend Nov. 6, 1915 - Feb. 5, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 Services: A Grave Side Service will be held on Friday, February 15, 2013, at 1:00 PM, at Eagle Point National Cemetery, located at 2763 Riley Road in Eagle Point, Oregon. A Memorial Service will be held on Sunday, February 24, 2013, at 2:00 PM at Foundry Church, located at 60 NW Oregon Ave. in Bend. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, Oregon 97701
Julia 'Judy' B. Dobell, of Bend July 16, 1920 - Dec. 13, 2012 Services: Please join us for a Celebration of Life gathering on Feb. 22, 2013, from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., at the Sunrise Village Lodge, 19560 Sunshine Way, Bend.
Marilyn Metta Johnson, of Bend Nov. 27, 1924 - Feb. 10, 2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471
Services: 1:00 PM, Saturday, March 9, 2013 at Grace Reformed Presbyterian Church, 62162 Richardson Hamby Rd., Bend, OR. Contributions may be made to:
Hospice Of Redmond
Samuel "Gordon" Priday, of Bend Mar. 10, 1923 - Feb. 1, 2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds, 541-382-2471. Please visit the online registry at
Services: Visitation will be held Friday, Feb. 15, 2013 at Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. At 11:00 AM, Saturday, February 16, 2013 a graveside service will be held at Redmond Memorial Cemetery, 3545 S. Canal Blvd. Redmond, OR. At 1:00 PM, Saturday, February 16, 2013, a celebration of life will be held at Highland Baptist Church, 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond, OR with a reception to follow. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, OR 97701.
Connie Rae McCarney, of Bend Sept. 18, 1948 - Feb. 7, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 Services: A private family gathering will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, Oregon 97701, or American Cancer Society, P.O. Box 22718, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73123,
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Richard Artschwager, 89: Artist who turned his apprenticeship as a c a binetmaker into a distinctive approach to making sculptures and paintings that defy easy categorization. Died Saturday in Albany, N.Y. Alfred Fiandaca, 72: U.S. fashion designer whose clients included Audrey Hepburn, Ju-
lie Andrews, Lady Bird Johnson and, notably during the 2012 presidential campaign, Ann Romney. Died Saturday in West Palm Beach, Fla. Zhuang Zedong, 72: Chinese world champion in table tennis; he later became minister for sports and a member of the ruling Central Committee of the Communist Party. Died Sunday in Beijing.
ewwa ei an in ai oinia wl es vla II 0 esa ina ion By Jessica Resnick-Ault
dependent power-producer in the nation after Calpine Corp. Once built, the water purification facility will depend on power from Encina.
Bloombert, News
After a decade of struggles to assuage environmentalists, raise almost $1 billion and win permits, Poseidon Resources will finally answer a critical question: Is converting seawater to drinking water a profitable venture when there are cheaper options? The developerof water infrastructure projects began site work last month on the Carlsbad desalination plant, the largest of its kind in the Western Hemisphere. When completed in 2016, the facility 33 miles north of San Diego will create 54 million gallons of drinking water daily after drawing it from the salty Pacific Ocean. Bankrolled by a $922 mill ion J PMorgan C h ase & Co.-led public-private bond offering — the biggest U.S. project financing deal of 2012 — Carlsbad's chances of success are aided by a 30-year agreement with San Diego's water authority to buy water from the plant. If successful, the desalination project could become a model for easing a growing water crunch. "Its s uccess is going t o prevent desal from slowing down," said Tom Pankratz, a Houston-based editor of the Water Desalination Report. "It's going to eliminate one of the hurdles to projects that are being considered." Desalination provides about 50 percent of municipal water in such places as Saudi Arabia. Reverse-osmosis plants, including Poseidon's, filter out salt from Spain to China. Yet until the current drought, the United States has been slower to develop large-scale desalination plants producing at least 20 million gallons a day. That's because in the Middle East, desalinated water is often the "core," or at least half, of the domestic supply, while in such places as the U.S., Spain and Australia, it's "marginal, or the supply of last resort," usually less than 10 percent, said Maxime Serrano Bardisa, a water analyst at Bloomberg New Energy Finance in London. As the Carlsbad plant starts to emerge from near Agua Hedionda lagoon by NRG Energy's Encina power station, Poseidon is pushing for a similar-sized desalination facility of about 50 million gallons an hour's drive north in Huntington Beach, Calif. If both are built, each will surpass the reverse-osmosis desalination facility in Tampa Bay, Fla., to become the nation's largest seawater-purifying plant, said Alasdair Wilson, a BNEF analyst. Under terms of Poseidon's
Pricing the water Desalinated water is similar in cost to other new water sources in the San Diego Area 0 such as brackish or recycled 0 0 water, Kerl said. The county's water authority did a study that found the cost of desalinated water in the San Diego area was comparable to other Carla Gottgens/Bloomberg News new local options. Seawater is treated at Australia's Wonthaggi Desalination Plant In Huntington Beach, where in October. Poseidon Resources has begun site work near San Poseidon's proposed desaliDiego on a desalination plant, the largest of its kind in the Westnation plant ha s a t tracted ern Hemisphere, that is to create 54 million gallons of drinking interest from Orange County water daily from the Pacific Ocean. water agencies,residents and environmental groups have been watching the Carlsbad partnership, San Diego Coun- cial Officer Andy Kingman process. ty's water authority will buy said. The failure to finance Coastkeeper, which primarat least 40,000 acre-feet of and build the smaller facility ily monitors environmental drinking water stripped of sea in Tampa Bay isn't relevant be- issues,reviewed both the consalt and sediment, enough for yond providing experience, he trols to protect marine life and 80,000 single-family homes, said. the deal's financial structure, over the next three decades. A contractor withthe seawa- said Ray Heimstra, associate That supply, sufficient for ter desalination background director at O r ange County about 7 percent of the 3.2 mil- that Israel's IDE Technologies Coastkeeper. lion residents in the region, has was unavailable a decade Because the state is congives the San Diego area a ago, Kingman said. "Having sidering new regulations for buffer from water shortages, someone right in the middle of desalination plants, the Carlsits mayor said. It also shel- it who has experience not only bad plant may face retrofitting ters Stamford, Conn.-based designing them but also run- costs, he said.His Coastkeeper Poseidon and i t s b a ckers ning them was important." branch said it's concerned from risks including demand IDE, co-owned by I srael about avoiding that p otenshortfalls and u ncompleted Chemicals and Delek Group, tial risk in a water-purchase construction. has a $500 million contract agreement. to provide maintenance with Backers of th e C arlsbad Overcoming obstacles Poseidon for 30 years. Its proj- plant say the agreement and "You have to give Poseidon ect works include the Ash- risk-sharing should shield the credit for getting this permit- kelon and Hadera desalination county and i nvestors from ted," said Jeff Moser, executive plants in Israel. retrofitting costs for a project director of the National Water The upfront financing from that's creating about 2,300 Research Institute in Fountain the bond offering, combined jobs. Valley, Calif. with the water supply agreeTheir water price can go up The company faced con- ment, may provide a model no more than 30 percent durcerns about how t h e d eal across California, which has ing the contract, and is capped would be financed, disagree- 12 desalination plants under at 10 percent in any one year, m ents over terms and costsof consideration, sai d S a n dy Poseidon's Ki ngman s a i d. the water supply agreement, Kerl,deputy general manager While potential changes to and criticism from environ- of the San Diego County Wa- the systemrequired by regulamentalists about the output ter Authority. tion may cost as much as $200 "Everyone's been interested million in capital, he said, the of salt in the energy-intensive filtering process damaging in looking at what our water shared risk will protect conmarine life offshore. Most of purchase agreement looked sumer rates. "It was a fair, negotiated balthe plant's discharge will be like, and how this went," Kerl diluted so the salinity doesn't sard. ance of the risk that they have affect sea life. Under termsofthe 200-page and the risk that we have," he Poseidon's partnership with agreement, with 300 pages of said. the water authority may also technicalappendices, residents All new water supplies — rehelp the company succeed af- will pay $5 to $7 a month more cycled water,brackish water ter a similar deal failed a de- for the county to add desali- and desalinated water — will cade ago, leaving a partially nated water to its supply and be about twice the cost for curbuilt plant in Tampa. This time, build a pipeline to help deliver rent supplies, Kerl said. Poseidon has upfront funding it, Kerl said. The cost increase will buy "It is a well-structured deal the area access to a water from an infrastructure firm and a contractor experienced with appropriate risk-shar- source that's not sensitive to in building similar plants. ing between the public sector regulatory changes in WashPoseidon couldn't secure fi- and the private sector," said ington or Sacramento, where nancing for the Tampa Bay de- Trent Vichie, a senior manag- political leanings could shift salination facility in 2002 after ing director at Stonepeak In- dam operations and local waearly construction began. The frastructure Partners in New ter supplies, she said. city's water authority ultimate- York, which made the private The company's decade-long ly bought Poseidon's interest equity investment. "We look permitting efforts resulted in a in the project. for assets that have essential partnership that could serve as "Parallels between w hat uses and this fits the bill." a model for Florida, Texas and happened in Tampa and our The 6-acre Carlsbad site California, Poseidon said. "It's project now are tenuous at abuts the power station owned always been a needed project," best," Poseidon Chief Finan- by NRG, the second largest in- Kingman said.
— From wire reports
Muri was awarded for valor at Midway By Paul Vitello
reasoning in a 2002 interview New York Times News Service with The Billings Gazette. "I James Muri survived the always said we could have first half of June 4, 1942, on touched down if we had lowthe strength of his Army Air ered the gear." Muri's return to his base on Forces p i l ot
always surprised him a little that people even wanted to talk about it at all. I don't think he realized it was as big a deal as it turned out to be." J ames Perry M u r i wa s FEATURED tr aining. That Midway Island was dogged by born on Oct. 19, 1918, in CartOBITUARY was the day Zero fighter planes. After his ersville, Mont., the second of o f hi s f i r s t two gunners were wounded, nine children of Rasmus and combat mi she sent his co-pilot to man the Nelle Muri, who were ranchersion, and the first day of the plane's anti-aircraft cannons farmers. Soon after graduatBattle of Midway. He piloted during the long flight back. ing from Custer County High an unwieldy B-26 tw in-enHe and his crewmen, all of School in Miles City, he joined gine bomber through heavy whom survived, were among the Army in 1936 and was a anti-aircraft fire, maneuvered 42 members of the Army Air it close to a Japanese aircraft Forces awarded the Distincarrier, dropped a torpedo and guished Service Cross f or pulled away into a sky filled valor in the Battle of Midway, with enemy shells just as his which was considered the deDeath Notices are freeandwill bomb detonated. cisive contest for control of the be run for one day,but specific He survived th e s econd Pacific in World War II. Fourguidelines must be followed. half of the day — getting back teen of the members killed in Local obituaries are paid to base with three wounded the battle received the medal advertisements submitted by crewmen on board — on the posthumously. families or funeral homes. strength of a hunch. Muri stayed in the A r my Theymay besubmittedby Muri, who died on Feb. 3 in Air Forces after the war, when phone, mail, email or fax. Laurel, Mont., at 94, first had it became the Air Force. He The Bulletin reserves the right to evade the hail of anti-air- trained other pilots and served to edit all submissions. Please craft fire still coming from the in several command posts include contact information carrier he had just attacked. around the world, including in all correspondence. His inspiration, which saved Japan, before retiring in 1959. For information on any ofthese the lives of his crew as well as He later became a real estate services orabout the obituary his own, was to swing around, investor. But his combat mispolicy, contact 541-617-7825. go in low and fly straight over sion in the Battle of Midway the carrier's deck to avoid its was his first and last. "I don't think h e m i nded guns. Phone: 541-617-7825 "The guns were all pointing one bit not flying another misEmail: obits© out. That was the safest place sion," said Muri's son, who is Fax: 541-322-7254 to be," he said, explaining his also named James Muri. "It
l ieutenant in the A rm y A i r Forces at the outbreak of the war. A younger brother, Robert, who died last year, also became an Army pilot and spent 15 months in a German prison camp after his plane was shot down. B esides his s on , M u r i 's survivors include a daughter, Sylvia Saadati; four brothers, William, Buck, Karl and Pete; a sister,Marie Ansoms; and seven grandchildren.
Geraldine Alpha Broadbent Geraldine Alpha Broadbent died on February 5, 2013 et the Richland Rehabilitation Center in Richlsnd, WA. The I'ormer Madras and Bend resident was 97 years old and hsd been living in a retirement community in I<ennewick, %A for the last 13 years of her life. Geri was born September 1915 in Colorarlo Springs, CO to Harry anrl Myrtle (Cooperj Michael. She married her high school sweetheart, Maurice "Casey" Broadhent, in 1935 in Provo, Utah. They shared a love of the outdoors anri spent many weekends and vacations with their three„' chilrlren traveling, camping, anrl hoating. The happy couple also served as worthy matron and patron of the ' Marlras Concordia Chapter of Eastern Star.
Obituary policy
Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day
publication and by4:30 p.m. Friday for Sundayand Monday publication. Obituaries
must bereceived by5p.m. Monday through Thursday for
publication on thesecondday after submission, by1 p.m. Friday for Sunday orMonday publication, and by 9 a.m.
Monday for Tuesdaypublication. Deadlines for displayadsvary; please call for details. Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
Gen worked for US Bank Ior' 28 years. She was a loan officcr st the Madras brunch and later held the seme position in Portland. She moved back to Central Oregon
RI'I dl I
Her husband Casey died in 1963. Her brothers Darrell ' and Bill also preceded her in death. Geri is survived by her three children Ann Duling'of Maupin, Patricia Hinckley of l(ennewick, and Michael > Broadbent of Bend as well as eight grandchildren, 11 great grandchildren, her sister Dorothy Thomas of Madras, and many nieces anrl nephews. All frienrls anrl family are inviterl to a graveside service at the Mt. Jeffcrson Memorial Park in Marlras at I p.m. on Fehruary 19, which will he immediately followed hy a m emorial service at the Marlras Uniterl Methorlist Church. The femily invites you to sign their online guestbook at
IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 Spo r ts in brief, C2 Hockey, C2 Prep sports, C3 College basketball, C2 NBA, C4
Wle revamps after bad year CANBERRA, Australia — Michelle Wie is eager to put a dismal year behind her when she tees off at the Women's Australian Open, the
Point uar aconcern orU
season-opening tournament on the LPGA Tour. Wie, playing for the first time in Australia,
By Bob Clark
Oregon at Washington • When:Today, 8 p.m. • TV:ESPN2 • Radio:KBND-AM 1110
EUGENE — It is a three-pronged approach to Johnathan Loyd overcoming his shooting woes. Stay confident. Be selective. But keep shooting. Oh, and keep that right elbow in close to his body, which the University of Oregon junior said he noticed was a factor in his video reviews of missed shots in recent Duck basketball games. That, said Loyd, was partly the result of his right wrist and thumb being taped after he suffered an
The (Eugene) Register-Guard
said Tuesdayshehas done her best to revamp her game after missing the cut in10 of the 23 LPGA tournamentsshe
Nextup •~
Oregon State at Washington State • When:Today, 7 p.m. • TV:Pac-12 Network • Radio:KICE-AM 940
played last year asher ranking dropped into the 60s. "2012 was probably the worst year I've ever had in my entire career," she said. "It was rough. One thing led to another and it kind of snowballed." Wie, who turned pro shortly before turning
• More on today's game, G4
injury. "I couldn't really flex my wrist," he said.
The thumb, Loyd said Monday, "is getting better. It's still hurting, I've still got pain (so) until it gets better I'll wear the tape." And until the health status of Dominic Artis changes, Loyd will remain the starting point guard for the 23rd-ranked Ducks, a role he has had for the past five games since Artis went out with a left foot
injury. Artis was still wearing a protective boot while he watched practice on Monday, which would certainly seem to make it unlikely that he will be ready by tonight, when the Ducks (19-5 overall, 8-3 Pac-12)
play at Washington (D-II, 5-6). See Ducks/C4
Ben Margot/The Associated Press
Oregon guard Johnathan Loyd, left, is dealing with a thumb injury.
16 and wasawarded exemptions to several PGA events prior to joining the LPGATour, said
Wrestling set to be
her poor seasonmade her realize she had to
work harder to become a better player. "I just really started from scratch," she said.
"Some reporter asked me earlier on what I worked on in the off
2020 Games
season and I replied: 'everything.' That's really what I had to work
on after last year. "I saw (coach) David Leadbetter a lot this off
season, a lot more than I usually did and just
really worked on my swing, my short game, my putting, everything.
• The Cougars beat the Panthers 67-56 after losing the teams' first two meetings
By Jere Longman New York Times News Service
Wrestling, one of the most ancient and traditional Olympic sports, was dropped from the Summer Games in a stunning and widely criticized decision Tuesday by the International Olympic Committee. Freestyle and Greco-Roman wrestling will be contested at the 2016 Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, but they will be excluded from the 2020 Summer Games, for which a host city has not yet been named, the Olympic committee said Tuesday. SeeWrestling /C3
I wanted my game to be on a whole other level, and hopefully 2013 will
By Mark Morical
be really good."
REDMOND — Even after three games against Redmond High, Mountain View senior Mitch Modin wants to play the Panthers one more time this season. "Hopefully we'll see them in the state final," Modin said Tuesday after the Cougars snapped the Panthers' ll-game winning streak with a 67-56 victory at Redmond High. "That's what we look forward to." The Panthers (16-5 overall, 7-1 IMC) still have the inside track to take the Class 5A Intermountain Conference boys basketball title, but Mountain View got some sweet revenge in its third game against Redmond after falling to the league leader in its two previous meetings. Modin led the Cou-
— The Associated Press
Bulls' Rose 'far away' from return DEERFIELD, 111 . — Chicago Bulls star Derrick Rose still has no
target date for his return from a torn anterior cruciate ligamentin his
left knee, and heeven indicated he might sit
out the season. In an interview with USA Today posted on Tuesday, the three-time
All-Star point guard said he's "far away" from being readyto play. Rose has been practicing and traveling with the team, but he has no specific
timetable for a return from an injury he suffered in the playoffs last
season. "I don't have a set date," Rose told the
newspaper. "I'm not
coming back until I'm 110 percent. Who knows when that can be? It can be within a couple of weeks. It could be next
year. It could beany day. It could be any time. It's just that I'm not coming
back until I'm ready."
The Buuetin
Can Arizona repeatas NCAA champ?
4me Vi®ir=
By Eric Olson The Associated Press
Few people outside Tucson believe the University of Arizona's baseball team has a chance to repeat as national champion. Pac-12 coaches have
gars (17-3, 5-2 IMC) with 17 points, six rebounds and three assists as the reigning IMC champions shot 51 percent from the field and made eight of their 15 three-point attempts to hand the Panthers their first Intermountain defeat of the season. John Carroll added 17 points for Mountain View and Ments Haugen finished with 12 points and six assists.
See Cougars/C3
pegged the Wildcats as middle o f the pack
the conference, and their highest r anking i n t h e national Polls is
Rob Kerr i The Bulletin
Mountain View's John Carroll, center, is sandwiched between Redmond's Mason Rodby, left, and Trevor Genz, right, during the fourth quarter of Tuesday night's game in Redmond.
—TheAssociated Press
Pl eguu OPenerS Oregon State starts its season at
the palm Springs (Calif.) tourney on
C oach A n d y Friday against Utah LoPez Pays no Valley at1 p.m. a ttention to t h e Oregonopensthe Prognosticators. same day at Hawaii "There ar e at 8:35 p.m. pST. probably 25 teams right now that have a realistic chance of saying, 'If we play well at the right time, at the end of the season, we have as much right as anybody to play for it all,'" Lopez said. See Baseball /C4
ummit an esRi eview, 1• Sarah Heinly scores 23 points to lead the Storm Miami's LeBron James scores in front of Portland's Damian Lillard on Tuesday night.
Blazers can't beat Heat LeBron scores 30as Miami tops Portland,C4
Bulletin staff report A defensive push in the third quart er helped host Summit h old o f f Ridgeview, 51-42, Tuesday in an Intermountain Hybrid girls basketball matchup. Sarah Heinly scored 23 points in the home win, but it was not until the Storm turned up the defensive pressure in the second half that they were able to pull away. Summit took a 24-17 halftime lead. But the Storm quickly pushed the lead
Inside • More on Tuesday night's prep sports action, prep roundup,C3
extended the lead." Summit struggled from the field, hitting just 14 of 42 shots, but eight players did score. Raja Char dished seven assists and tallied three steals to help Summit, which improved to 16-5 on the season. Christina Edwards did
a good job of getting in the passing to 15 by clogging up the Ravens' pass- lanes, Cruz said. ing lanes, said Summit coach Ryan Cruz. "Maddy Cuniff did a great job in the post defensively, and Emily Hasenoehrl really played well with her defense and her effort finishing around the rim," Cruz said. "That is kind of what
Chloe Ross led the Ravens with 12 points and Hosanna Wilder chipped in eight. But Ridgeview, which fell to 1-21, is still searching for its first win since early December. Summit will travel to Bend Friday, and Ridgeview is at Mountain View.
Eric Francis/The Associated Press
Arizona players hoist the trophy after winning last year's College World Series in Omaha, Neb.
ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY SOGGER 11:30 a.m.:UEFA Champions League, Round of16, Shakhtar
Donetsk vs. Borussia Dortrnun, Root Sports.
6:30 p.m.:UEFAChampions League, Round of16, Real Madrid vs. Manchester United
(same-day tape), Root Sports. BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, Syracuse at UConn, ESPN. 4 p.m.: Men's college, Miami at Florida State, ESPN2.
4 p.m.:Men's college, Oklahoma State at Texas Tech, ESPNU.
5 p.m.:Men's college, Arizona State at Utah, Pac-12 Network.
5 p.m.:Men's college, Central Florida at Memphis, CBSSN. 5p.m.: NBA, Portland Trail Blazers at New Orleans Hornets,
Comcast SportsNet Northwest. 6 p.m.:Men's college, Providence at South Florida, ESPNU. 6 p.m.: Men's college, North Carolina at Duke, ESPN.
6 p.m.:Men's college, West Virginia at Baylor, ESPN2.
7 p.m.: Men'scollege,Oregon State at Washington State, Pac12 Network.
7 p.m.:Men's college, San Diego State at Colorado State, CBSSN.
THURSDAY GOLF 6 a.m.:European Tour,Africa Open, first round, Golf Channel. 9:30 a.m.: LPGA Tour, Women's Australian Open, first round, Golf
Channel Noon:PGATour, Northern Trust Open, first round, Golf Channel.
BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:Men's college, Wisconsin at Minnesota, ESPN.
4 p.m.:Men'scollege,LSU at South Carolina, ESPN2.
4 p.m.:Men's college, Belmont at TennesseeState, ESPNU. 4 p.m.:Men's college, George Mason at Drexel, CBSSN. 5 p.m.:Women's college, lowa State at Oklahoma, Root Sports. 5 p.m.: NBA, Miami Heat at Oklahoma City Thunder, TNT. 6 p.m.: Men's college, St. John's at Louisville, ESPN.
6 p.m.: Men'scollege,UCLA at California, ESPN2.
ON DECK Friday Boys basketball: Bend at Summit, 7 p.m.; Redmond at CrookCounty, 7 p.mcGladstoneat Madras, 7p.m; Elmiraat Sisters, 7:15p.m4 HosannaChristianat Gilchrist, 8:30p.m.; Mountain View atRidgeview7p.m4LaPine atSweet Home, 7:15 p.m. Girls basketball: Summit at Bend, 7 p.m.;Ridgeview atMountain View,7 p.m.; CrookCounty at Redmond, 7 p.m.; MadrasatGladstone,7 p.mJ Elmira at Sisters,5:45 p.msHosannaChristian at Gilchrist, 7 p.m.; LaPineat Sweet Home,5:45
7:30 p.m.:NBA, Los Angeles Clippers at Los Angeles Lakers, TNT.
8 p.m.: Men'scollege,Gonzaga at St. Mary's, ESPN2.
Men'scollege,USCat 8 p.m.:Men's college, Oregon at 8 p.m.: Stanford, ESPNU. Washington, ESPN2. 8 p.m.:Men's college, CalState Fullerton at Long BeachState, ESPNU.
Saturday Boys basketball: Gilchrist atButteFalls, 4 p.m., Rogue Valley Adventist at Trinity Lutheran, 8 p.m. Girls basketball: Gilchrist atButteFalls, 2:30p.m., RogueValley Adventist at Trinity Lutheran,6:30
p.m. Swimming: Statechampionships atMt. HoodCommunity CollegeinGresham,TBD Wrestling: Gilchrist, Culver at districts in North Lake, 8 LaPine, Sisters, Madras, Crook County,Ridgeviewat4ASpecial District 2regional meet in La Grande,11 a.m. Nordic skiing: OHSNO pursuit racesat Mt.Hood Meadows,11a.m.
BASKETBALL Men's college Tuesday'sGames
East BostonU.64,Vermont59 Holy Cross66,Navy57
Manhattan 62, Fairfield 40 Rutgers57,SetonHall 55 Stony Brook73,Binghamton47 South Alabama 52,Georgia45 Florida69, Kentucky 52
JamesMadison 75,Towson70 Virglnia73,VirginiaTech55 Midwest Cincinnati68,Vilanova50
Detroit 92,ClevelandSt. 62 MichiganSt.75, Michigan52 Milwaukee 71,Loyola of Chicago53 MissouriSt.67, IndianaSt.65 Valparaiso 68,Wright St.61 Southwest CS Bakersfield61, UTSA52
Eastern Conference Atlantic Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA NewJersey 13 8 2 3 19 35 28
Pacific-12 Conference All Times PST
4:30p.m.:NHL,St.Louis Blues at Detroit Red Wings, NBCSN.
BASKETBALL 7 p.m.: Men'scollege,Oregon
5 p.m.: NBA, Miami Heat at State at Washington State, KICE- Oklahoma City Thunder, KICEAM 940. AM 940.
8 p.m.:Men's college, Oregon at Washington, KBND-AM1110. Listings are the most accurate available. The73ulletinis not responsible for late changes made byT(yor radio stations.
Arizona Oregon
UCLA ArizonaSt.
Colorado Stanford California SouthernCal Washington OregonSt. Washington St
W 8 8 8 7 6 6 6 6 5 2 2 2
L 3 3 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 9 9 9
Today's Games ArizonaStateatUtah, 5p.m. Oregon Stateat Washington State,7 p.m Oregonat Washington, 8 p.m Thursday's Games UCLAat Califomia, 6 p.m. Arizona at Colorado, 7p.m. USC atStanford, 8 p.m. Saturday's Games UCLAatStanford, 1p.m. Oregonat Washington State,4 p.m. ArizonaStateatColorado, 6p.m. OregonStateat Washington, 8 p.m.
W L 20 3 19 5 18 6 18 6 16 7 15 9 14 9 11 13 13 11 12 12 11 13 10 13
Women's college
agreement Tuesday on acontract that is expected to make the Mar-
iners ace thehighest-paid pitcher
Max, of Bend, placed first among women finishers in the 2013 Va-
in baseball. Hernandez's deal is expected to be for $175 million
saloppet USAcross-country ski race, stagedSaturday in Mora,
over sevenyears. Terms of the
Minn. Max, 37, won the women's division of the 58-kilometer race with a time of 2 hours, 6 minutes, 0.8 seconds. The Bend
Seattle this afternoon, when
216 race finishers. Jan Guenther, 53 andofM ound,Minn.,was
turn 27 on April 8, is 98-76 with a 3.22 ERA in eight seasons with
the second femalefinisher; her
the Mariners.
— Overall World Cup champion Marcel Hirscher helped Austria
FOOTBALL Alabama playersarrested
— Three University of Alabama football players havebeen charged with knocking students
wintheteam eventTuesdayand
unconscious andstealing their
earn the host nation its first gold medal at the alpine skiing world
wallets, while a fourth player has been charged with using a stolen
championships in Schladrnin,
debit card, officials said Tuesday.
Austria. Hirscher teamed with Philipp Schoerghofer, Michaela
Linebacker Tyler Hayes, 18, and safety Eddie Williams, 20,
Kirchgasser andNicole Hospto
confessed to robbing astudent
defeat Sweden 4-0 in the final. The United States team lost to
who was punched in the head and face and kicked in the ribs
Sweden in thequarterfinals, 3-1. Bend's LaurenneRosscompeted
andbackearlyMondaymorning, according to court documents.
for the U.S. team.
Williams said D.J. Pettway, 20,
GOLF Snedeker withdrawsBrandt Snedeker withdrew from
the Match PlayChampionship on Tuesdaybecauseof sore ribs that have been causing him dis-
waited in a nearby vehicle about an hour later while he knocked
out and robbedanother student. Williams and Hayes both admitted to their involvement, accord-
ing to the documents. Williams
feeling soreness in his left rib
dormitory, the documents said.
All four students were indefinitely suspended bycoach NickSaban.
ner-up in consecutive weeksto Tiger Woodsand Phil Mickelson,
in his last sevenstarts. Already this year, Snedekerhasearned
Sagan takeS Stage —Peter
nearly $3 million and has risen to
Tuesdaytowinthesecondstage of the Tour of Omanandtake the
Snedeker also sustained a rib
injury last summer,causing him to miss the U.S.Open.
Sagan launched a late attack overall lead, with Tour de France winner Bradley Wiggins finish-
ing in the middle of the pack. Wiggins, who struggled on the first day after being delayed by
BASEBALL M'S, FeliX agree —Felix Hernandezand Seattle reached
CHICAGO — Viktor Fasth made two stops in the shootout to remain perfect in six starts and the Anaheim Ducks beat the Chicago Blackhawks 3-2 on Tuesday night in a matchup of the top two teams in the Western Conference. A fter J o n athan T o e w s converted the first shootout attempt for C h icago, Fasth stopped Patrick Kane's backhander and denied Brandon Saad on the right side of the goal to become the first goalie to win his first six NHL starts since Dan Ellis with Dallas and Nashville from Feb. 18, 2004, to Nov. 29, 2007. Nick Bonino an d C o r ey Perry scored in the tiebreaker for Anaheim, which improved to 3-1 on its season-high, sixgame road trip. Ryan Getzlaf and Andrew Cogliano scored in regulation. Brandon Saad and Nick Led-
11 8 13 7 13 8 12 7 14 5
1 4 5 4 8
2 2 0 1 1
GP W L Carolina 12 7 4 TampaBay 12 6 5 Winnipeg 1 2 5 6 Florida 12 4 6 Washington 13 4 8
OT 1 1 1 2 1
Southeast Division
18 16 16 15 11
32 25 33 23 39 33 35 33 39 48
PtsGF GA 15 38 36 13 46 36 11 32 40 10 30 46 9 36 46
Western Conference Central Division
GP W L OT PtsGF GA Chicago 1 3 1 0 0 3 23 44 28 Nashville 13 6 3 4 16 25 26 Detroit 12 7 4 1 15 33 32 St. Louis 1 2 6 5 1 13 39 40 Columbus 13 4 7 2 10 30 41 Northwest Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Vancouver 1 2 8 2 2 18 35 25 Edmonton 1 3 5 5 3 13 29 34 Minnesota 13 6 6 1 13 27 32 Calgary 10 3 4 3 9 26 35 Colorado 1 1 4 6 1 9 23 29
SAP Open
Tuesday At HP Pavilion San Jose,Calif. Purse: $623,730(WT260) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round Vasek Pospisil,Canada,def.EvgenyDonskoy,Russia, 7-5,6-1. LleytonHewitt, Australia, def.BlazKavcic, Slovenia, 3-6,6-4,7-6(4). BenjaminBecker,Germany, def. RyanHarrison, UnitedStates,6-7(3), 7-5,6-3. MarinkoMatosevic (7), Australia, def.JackSock, UnitedStates,7-6(5), 6-1. DenisIstomin(6), Uzbekistan, def. RyanSweeting, UnitedStates,6-3,6-4.
Brazil Open Tuesday At Ginasio doIbirapuera Sao Paulo Purse: $519,775(WT250) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles First Round GuidoPega,Argentina,def. FabioFognini (6), Italy, 7-6(6),1-6, 6-1. AlbertRamos(8), Spain, def.GuilermoGarcia-LoPacific Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA pez,Spain,6-3,7-5. CarlosBerlocq,Argentina,def. AndreyKuznetsov, Anaheim 1 2 9 2 1 19 42 33 Russia,6-3, 6-4. San Jose 1 3 7 3 3 17 36 29 FilippoVolandri, Itay, def.Danie Gimeno-Traver, Dallas 13 7 5 1 15 30 29 Spain,6-3, 3-6,7-6(6). Phoenix 13 6 5 2 14 35 35 ThomazBelucci (5),Brazil, def.GuilhermeClezar, Los Angeles 11 4 5 2 10 26 32 NOTE:Twopoints for a win, onepoint for overtime Brazil, 7-6(4), 5-7,7-6 (1). loss. ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament Tuesday's Games Tuesday N.Y.Rangers4, Boston 3, SO At Ahoy' Stadium Montr eal4,TampaBay3,SO Rotterdam, Netherlands Anaheim3, Chicago2, SO Purse: $1.34 million (WT500)
American League KANSAS CITY ROYALS—Acquired INF/OFElliot JohnsonfromTampaBayto complete anearlier trade. PlacedRHPFelipe Paulino onthe60-day DL. OAKLAND ATHLETICS—Agreedtotermswith LHP HidekiOkajimaonaminor eaguecontract.
SEATTLE MARINERS—Agreed to termswith RHP
Felix Hemandez on a multiyear contractand with RHPJonGarland and Kameron Loeto minor league contracts. TEXASRANGERS—Agrred to terms with LHP Jeff Beliveau,RHPCory Burns, RHPJustin Grimm, LHP MichaelKirkman,RHPJustin Miller, RHPNeil Ramirez,LHPRobbie Ross andINFMikeOlt on one-
National League
CINCINNATI RED S— Agreed to termswith RHP Mat Latosonatwo year contract. FOOTBALL National Football League CHICAGO BEARS—Terminatedthecontract of WR JohnnyKnox. KANSASCITY CHIEFS— SignedTE Kevin Brock, DL Marcus DixonandWRMardyGilyard. WASHING TON REDSKINS—Named Keith Burns
ANAHEIMDUCKS—Reassigned GFrederik Andersento Norfolk (AHL)andGMarcoCousineau from Norfolk toFortwayne(ECHL). CALGARY FLAMES—Assigned F Ben Street to Abbotsford(AHL).Calledup FPaul Byronfrom Abbotsford. COLUMBUSBLUEJACKETS— Assigned D Nick Holden to Spnngfield (AHL). MINNES OTA WILD—Recalled GDarcy Kuemper from Houston(AHL). ReassignedDMarcoScandella to Houston. ST. LOUISBLUE S—Recalled GJake Allen from Peoria(AHL).ReassignedGPaul Karpowich to Evansville (ECHL ).
NHL ROUNDUP dy had the goals for Chicago, which remained the only NHL team without a regulation loss. Corey Crawford made 29 saves in the first home game for the Blackhawks in two weeks. Chicago was in front 2-1 before Cogliano sent a deflected shot into the left side of the net with 2:40 left in the third after he had his helmet knocked off. Also on Tuesday: Hurricanes...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Devils ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 NEWARK, N.J. — Jiri Tlusty scored two goals in the third period and Cam Ward made 26 saves as Carolina beat New Jersey, snapping the Devils' five-game winning streak.
Rangers........... . . . . . . ... 4 Bruins..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 BOSTON — Ryan Callahan scored as the final participant in the shootout and the New York Rangers recovered after
blowing a three-goal, third-period lead to beat Boston. P redators..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Sharks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 NASHVILLE, Tenn. — Colin Wilson scored at 2:08 of overtime, and Nashville beat San Jose to snap a two-game skid. Pekka Rinne made 25 saves forhis second shutout this season. Capitals.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Panthers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SUNRISE, Fla. — Troy Brouwer scored 32 seconds into overtime for Washington, which rallied from a late twogoal deficit and beat Florida.
Canadiens............ . . . ... 4 Lightning ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 TAMPA, F l a. — C arey Price stopped all three shots in the shootout, David Desharnais had the lone goal in the tiebreaker, and Montreal rebounded after blowing a three-goal lead to beat Tampa
Senators ........... . . . . . ... 2 Sabres ............ . . . . . . ... 0 OTTAWA — Craig Anderson made 42 saves, and Erik Karlsson and E ri k C o ndra scored less than two minutes apart in the second period to lift Ottawa over Buffalo.
Flyers ............ . . . . . . . ... 3 Jets ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 W INNIPEG, Mani t o ba — Brayden Schenn, Kimmo Timonen and Tye McGinn scored to lead Philadelphia to a victory against Winnipeg. S tars.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 O ilers .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 EDMONTON, Alberta Kari Lehtonen made 35 saves and Dallas extended its winning streak to four.
C anucks......... . . . . . . . . . . . 2 W ild.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 V ANCOUVER, Br iti s h Columbia — Robert Luongo made 25 saves, and Vancouver beat Minnesota for its sixth straight win.
No. 8 MichiganState routs No. 4Michigan 75-52 The Associated Press
and won the Pebble Beach National Pro-Am for his second win
a career-best No. 4 intheworld.
Northeast Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA
and running back Brent Calloway, 20, both admitted to using a
comfort despite his torrid stretch stolen credit card to buysnacks of golf. Snedekersaid hebegan from vending machines inside a Challenge. He then finished run-
0 16 41 32 0 14 33 30 1 13 34 40 1 9 36 43
Ducks top 'Hawks inWestern showdown The Associated Press
time was 2:08:28.7. The overall winner was Matthew Liebsch, 29
Austria takes teamevent
Syracuse 69,Georgetown60 Uconn105,Providence49 South JamesMadison 68,OldDominion56 Midwest DePaul60,Rutgers57 E. Illinois86,Oakland City30 Southwest
Boston Ottawa Toronto Montreal Buffalo
5 5 7 7
SecondRound MariaSharapova(3), Russia, def.CarolineGarcia, France,6-3,6-2. SerenaWiliams(2), UnitedStates, def.Daria Gavrilova, Russia6-2, , 6-1. MonaBarthel,Germany, def.AngetiqueKerber (5), Germany, 6-1, 6-2.
will hold a newsconference in Hernandez isexpected to sign the contract. Hernandez,whowill
Tuesday's Games East MountSt.Mary's54,Wagner 42 Sacred Heart 80, FairleighDickinson48 St. Francis(NY)68, Bryant57
Pittsburgh 1 3 8 N.Y.Rangers 12 7 Philadelphia 14 6 N.Y. Islanders 12 4
Carolina4,NewJersey2 Ottawa 2, Buffalo0 Washington 6, Florida 5,OT Philadelphia3,Winnipeg2 Nashvige1,SanJose0,OT Dallas 4,Edm onton1 Vancouver 2, Minnesota1 Today's Games OttawaatPittsburgh, 4p.m. St. LouisatDetroit, 4:30p.m. Dallas atCalgary,6 30p.m
At The Khalifa TennisComplex Doha, Qatar Purse: $2.369million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles First Round NadiaPetrova(11), Russia,def. AndreaHlavackova, Czech Republic, 6-2,6-3 Lucie Safarova(17), CzechRepublic, def. Eleni Daniilidou,Greece, 6-2, 6-3. SoranaCirstea, Romania, def OnsJabeur, Tunisia, 2-6, 6-3,6-0. ChristinaMcHale, UnitedStates, def. VeraDushevina,Russia,6-1, 6-2. Urszul aRadwanska,Poland,def.NadiyaKichenok, Ukraine,6-1, 6-0. HsiehSu-wei,Taiwan,def. TadejaMajeric, Slovenia, 6-4,6-4. RobertaVinci (15), Italy, def.YaninaWickmayer, Belgium, 6-2, 2-1,retired. EkaterinaMakarova,Russia, def. CarlaSuarezNavarro, Spain6-1,6-2. , Klara Zakopaiova,CzechRepublic, def. Varvara Lepchenko, UnitedStates, 7-6(8), 3-0,retired. Romina Oprandi, Switzerland, def. Tsvetana Pironkova, Bulgaria, 7 6(2), 7-5. MonicaNiculescu,Romania, def.JelenaJankovic, Serbia,6-4, 6-1. MarionBartoli (9), France,def. FrancescaSchiavone,Italy,7-6(5), 6-3 DanielaHantuchova,Slovakia, def. LauraRobson, Britain, 6-4,6-1. SloaneStephens(16), UnitedStates, def.Anna Tatishvili, Georgia6-2, , 6-2. Timea Babos, Hungary, def. Heidi El Tabakh, Canada,6-2,6-3. EkaterinaBychkova,Russia,def. MariaKirienko (12), Russia3-0, , retired.
contract were not released by the team. Hernandez and Zduriencik
skier was16th overall among
and of Orono, Minn. His timewas
Qatar Open Tuesday
La Grande,5p.m.
6 p.m.:Men's college, UMassat Colorado, Pac-12 Network.
In the Bleachers © 2013 Steve Moore. Dist. by Unrversal Ucrrck
Ridgeviewat4ASpecial District 2 regionalmeetin
Penn State, ESPNU.
7 p.m.:Men's college, Arizona at
Ftrst Round ThiemodeBakker, Netherlands, def. Mikhail Youzhny,Russia,3-6, 7-6(2), 4-1, retired. Julien Benneteau,France,def. Michael Llodra, France,6-3,6-2. ErnestsGulbis, Latvia,def. RobinHaase, Netherlands,6-2 6-1. Juan Martin del Potro (2), Argentina,def. Gael Monfils, France, 6-3,6-4. JarkkoNieminen,Finland, del. DavidGoffin, Belgium, 6-0,6-0.
p.m. Swimming: Statechampionships atMt. HoodCommunityCollegeinGresham,TBD Wrestling: LaPine,Sisters, Madras,CrookCounty,
6 p.m.:Men's college, lowa at VCU, CBSSN.
Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles
a crash, finished11 seconds behind Tuesday and is1:42 behind
Sagan. — From wire reports
E AST L A N SING, M i c h . — Michigan State turned a highly a n ticipated, historic matchup into a showcase of what its proud program is capable of doing this season. G ary H a r ri s s c ored 1 7 points and Derrick Nix had 14 to help the eighth-ranked Spartans rout No. 4 Michigan 75-52 on Tuesday night in the rivalry's first matchup of top 10 teams. "It was the perfect storm," Michigan State coach Tom
MEN'5 COLLEGE BASKETBALL ROUNDUP Izzo said. "We played about as well as we carL" The Spartans (21-4, 10-2 Big Ten) broke a f irst-place tie in t h e c o nference with No. 1 Indiana, which plays at Michigan State next Tuesday after the Spartans try to avoid a letdown Saturday night at Nebraska. Michigan State's Keith Ap-
pling acknowledged he was a ing like the latest when they little bit surprised by the lopsided victory — the school's largest since beating Michigan by 27 points in 2002 — but shrugged off the significance of it with much of the regular season remaining. "We just have to take it for what it is and prepare for our
next game," Appling said. The Wolverines (21-4, 8-4) have lost three of four, but the closely contested setbacks on the road against the Hoosiers and at Wisconsin were noth-
were held to a s e ason-low point totaL Trey Burke scored 18 points for Michigan: Also on Tuesday: N o. 7 Florida ..... . . . . . . . . . . 69 N o. 25 Kentucky..... . . . . . . . 52 G AINESVILLE, F l a . Scottie Wilbekin had 14 points and eight assists for Florida (20-3, 10-1 Southeastern Conference). The Wildcats (17-7, 8-3) lost Nerlens Noel, the nation's leading shot-blocker, to an injured left knee.
Sisters irls still in 4A playo race ~HZgg'$
) Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Redmond's Trevor Genz scored 17 points on Tuesday night
Cougars Continued from C1 Redmond raced to a 6-0 lead early on, but Mountain View took an 11-8 lead on a 3-pointer by Carroll near the end of the first quarter. The Cougars opened up that lead in the second period, as Carroll, Modin and Garrett Whitsett all made threes and Mountain View took a 31-24 lead by halftime. "We started executing a lot better," Modin said of the second quarter. "Things started flowing and shots started falling. Everyone was shootin'. It was nice." T he Panthers never g o t closer than five points in the second half, and the Cougars made 13 of 14 free throws in the fourth quarter to seal the victory.
"(Redmond) is a very tal-
e nted basketball team a n d they play very intelligent, but I thought today in our zone, our kids were aggressive and made them take tough shots," said Mountain View c oach Craig Reid."Defensively we're getting better. That's been our
Achilles (heel)." Trevor Genz led the Panthers with 17 points and nine rebounds, and Matt Dahlen added nine points and four rebounds. Dahlen — who scored 28 points against S ummit last Friday — was held to just
three-of-10 shooting from the field. "A lot of it for us is the intensity with which we play in that zone, and not standing around," Reid said. "I thought we were pretty active." C arroll was a perfect six for six from the field, including three of three on 3-pointers. He scored Mountain View's first seven points of the fourth quarter to extend the Cougars' lead to 46-34 with about six minutes left in the game. " (Mountain V i e w ) sh o t the ball real, real well," said Redmond coach Jon Corbett.
"(Carroll) really sparked them
offensively. We were a little slow with the ball against their zone, a little lethargic. But part of that is what they were doing. They did a great job, and they were hungry, definitely hungry. We've been on a great run, and I feel like we got beat tonight. I can handle getting beat." Redmond is fifth in the most recent Oregon School Activities Association 5A rankings, and Mountain View is fourth. T he top eight i n t h e f i n al OSAA r a n k ings a u tomatically qualify for the 5A state
playoffs. Mountain View travels to Ridgeview on Friday, while R edmond plays a t C r o o k County. — Reporter: 541-383-0318; mmoricaIC<
Bulletin staff report COTTAGE GROVE — Sisters High kept its state playoffs hopes alive Tuesday as the Outlaws held off C o ttage Grove 40-32in Sky-Em League girls basketball play. T aylor N i er i s c ored 1 5 points and Jacobie Petterson added 12 to help Sisters post its fourth win in five games. The Outlaws (6-15 overall, 45 Sky-Em) are now assured at least fourth place in league, a spot Sisters coach Julianne Horner said should be good enough for a Class 4A play-in berth. Leading the host Lions 1715 at halftime and 23-21 at the end of the third quarter, the Outlaws won the game from the foul line, hitting 18 of 22 free throws. Petterson was especially clutch late in the game for Sisters, connecting on eight of eight foul shots in the final period. "We kept our composure," Horner said. "My girls are
outscored Ridgeview 20-13 in the third period to pull away. "We rebounded really well in the first half," said Covill, but we just didn't rebound well in the second half, especially in the third quarter." Austin Peters scored 14 points and Cade Cattell added 13 for Summit (10-11), which hosts Bend High on Friday night. Jack Bowman scored 17 points to
lead Ridgeview (4-18), which plays Friday at home against Mountain View. L a Pine..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 Junction City..... . . . . . . . . . 44 LA PINE — The Hawks finished the game on an 111 run to notch the Sky-Em League home victory. The score was tied 43-43 early in the fourth quarter when Josh Ramirez sank two free throws to put La Pine on top. A 3-point basket by Tyler Parsons, part of his game-high 14 points, put the Hawks up by five points, and La Pine led the rest of the way. Ramirez finished with 12 points, eight rebounds and three blocked shots, Sam Wieber had 11 points and five assists, and Gavin Boen had eight points, six rebounds and four of the Hawks' 15 steals. La Pine (11-
Sky-Em League victory. Sisters (5-15 overall, 2-7 Sky-Em) ends its season Friday with a home game against Elmira. N orth Lake..... . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 Trinity Lutheran ..... . . . . . . 26 SILVER LAKE — T y l er Dunn scored a team-high 13 points for the Saints, but Trinity Lutheran managed just nine field goals against the Cowboys and made only eight of 20 free throws. The Saints (1-22 overall, 0-15 Mountain Valley League) conclude their season Saturday with a home
game against Rogue Valley
Adventist. GIRLS BASKETBALL Mountain View.... . . . . . . . . 49 Redmond..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 M egan M c C adden l e d a balanced Cougar attack with nine points and seven rebounds as five Mountain View players scored six or more points in the Class 5A Intermountain C o n f erence victory. Rhiannon Alexander added eight points and five playing well." rebounds, Maddy B o oster The Outlaws end the regucontributed seven points and lar season on Friday with a three steals, Ciera Waldrup home game against Elmira. chipped in seven points, and Also on Tuesday: E mma Platner ended t h e BOYS BASKETBALL night with six points for the B end.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 Cougars, who are now 5-2 in Crook County...... . . . . . . . 41 12 overall, 5-4 Sky-Em) plays IMC play and 15-5 overalL Four Lava Bears scored at Sweet Home on Friday in Mountain View trailed 21-16 in double digits to lead Bend the Hawks' r egular-season at halftime before outscorto an Intermountain Hybrid finale. ing the Panthers 12-3 in the home win over the Cowboys. La Salle...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67 third quarter to take control Connor Scott scored 17 points Madras.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 of the game. Kaylee Wilson and grabbed eight rebounds MILWAUKIE - "Basical- led Redmond with a gameto lead the Bears. Christian ly," said Allen Hair, "we didn't h igh 13 p o ints. Th e l o ss Johnson added 15 points and play as hard as we needed to dropped the Panthers to 9-13 Jaylin Robinson and Jacob play." That's how the Madras overall and 0-8 in league play. Parsons chipped in 12 points coach summed up his team's Both teams are back on the apiece for Bend, which imperformance in a Tri-Valley court Friday night. Mountain proved to 9-11 on the season. Conference road m a tchup View hosts Ridgeview and Preston Washechek scored w ith c o-league-leading L a Redmond entertains Crook 14 points and Troy Benton Salle. "It was a bad combina- County. added 10 points for Crook tion of we couldn't score of- B end.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 County, which fell to 7-14. fensively and we couldn't get Crook County.... . . . . . . . . . 20 Bend will travel to Summit stops defensively." Jhaylen PRINEVILLE — T w elve Friday. Crook County hosts Yeahquo scored 18 points to Lava Bears scored as Bend Redmond. lead the White Buffaloes (13- cruised past th e C owgirls Summit..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64 9 overall, 4-4 TVC), who host in an Intermountain Hybrid Ridgeview.... . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 Gladstone on Friday night in matchup. On a balanced scorR EDMOND — A th i r d - a game that will break a tie ing night in which no Lava quarter surge put the visiting for third place in the confer- Bear reached double digits, Storm in control, and Sum- ence standings with just one Bend jumped to a 32-10 halfmit held off the Ravens in game remaining in the regu- time lead and extended it by the fourth quarter of the In- lar season. outscoring Crook County 11termountain Hybrid contest. Cottage Grove ............ 62 2 in the third quarter. Delaney Nick Moyer scored a game- S isters ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 8 Crook scored nine points and high 25 points for the winCOTTAGE GROVE — Jus- Mekayla Isaak added eight ners, including three 3-point tinHarrer scored a team-high to lead the Bears, who imbaskets. "He's a good player," 11 points for the Outlaws and proved to 15-5 on the season. said Ridgeview coach Nathan Ben Larson added four points Kimmer Severance paced the Covill of Moyer. "He hurt us and four assists, but the Lions Cowgirls with 10 points and in the paint and he hurt us jumped out to a 22-4 lead in 10 rebounds. Bend will host outside." Class 5A Summit led the first half and never looked S ummit Friday in a n I M C just 25-23 at halftime against back. Cottage Grove led 37-10 showdown. Crook County is the 4A Ravens, but the Storm at halftime on its way to the at Redmond on Friday.
Culver..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 East Linn Christian.... . . . . .33 CULVER — L or i S andy scored 13 points to lead the Bulldogs in a Tri-River Conference playoff game. The win is believed to be Culver's first in a playoff game since the 1990s, said coach Scott Fritz. Culver watched its 27-17 halftime lead evaporate in the third quarter, but were able to gain control and keep East Linn Christian at arms length. Culver hit 13 of 20 free throws in the game, helping the Bulldogs seal the game. "They just held their composure down the stretch," Fritz said. Chantelle Seehawer chipped in nine points for the Bulldogs, who will travel to Mt. Angel on Thursday to play Kennedy in a second-round TRC matchup. La Salle...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 Madras..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 MADRAS — The W h ite Buffaloes were stunned at home by La Salle Prep in a Class 4A Tri-Valley Conference showdown. Madras fell to 11-11 overall and 5-3 in TriValley play. The White Buffaloes will travel to Gladstone on Friday. Junction City ..... . . . . . . . . . 53 La Pine..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 L A PIN E — T h e h o s t Hawks struggled to keep pace with the Sky-Em Leagueleading Tigers, who rolled to their 11th straight victory. Katie Mickel scored eight points to lead La Pine, and Holli Glenn and Cheryce Foreman added six points apiece for the Hawks (6-16 overall, 2-7 SkyEm), who play at Sweet Home on Friday night. Trinity Lutheran..... . . . . . . .55 North Lake....... . . . . . . . . . . 28 S ILVER LAKE — K a t i e Murphy posted a d o u bledouble with 30 points and 12 rebounds to lead the Saints of Bend to their sixth consecutive victory. Trinity Lutheran (14-9 overall, 9-6 Mountain Valley L eague) le d 3 1-12 at halftime en route to the
league win. By topping the Cowgirls, the Saints remain tied for third in Mountain Val-
ley League play. Karah Davidson led North Lake (3-16, 1-14) with 11 points. Trinity Lutheran, which is fielding a girls basketball team for just the second season, can clinch a Class 1A state playoff berth on Saturday in its regular-season finale by defeating Rogue Valley Adventist by four or more points.
PREP SCOREBOARD Boys basketball Nesday's results Class 5A IntermountainConference MOUNTAINVIEW(67) — Mitch Modin 17, John Carroll 17, Haugen12, Logan7, Lannin 7, Sietken 4,Whitsett3, Kurzynowski,Webb,Roth, Holly. Totals 19-2167. REDM0NDI56) — trevor Genz17, Dahlen9, Rodby 8,Bordges6, Cravens6, Thomas 5, Davies 3, Brown 2,Troutman,Powell, Benson.Totals 18 8-11 56. Mountainview 1 417 8 2 8 — 6 7 Redmond 14 10 7 25 — 56 Three-point goals — MountainView.Carroll 3, Haugen, Modin,Whitsett,Lannin,Logan;Redmond: Genz 3,Bordges2, Dahlen2, Rodby 2, Cravens,Davies, Thom as.
Intermountain Hybrid CROOKCOUNTY (41) — PrestonWashechek 14, Benton10,Dees7, Cooper4, Kessi 3, Mahurin 3, Rutz,Bartels,Tavemia, Sofich.Totals17 2-741. BEND (76) — ConnorScott 17, Johnson15, Rob>nson12, parsons1z spitler 9, Larson5, Beaumarchais 4 Vanasen 2, Harmeson, Holliday. Totals
Mahurin ,Washechek,Dees;Bend Johnson3,Robinson 2,Scott,Spitler, Larson. SUMMIT(64) — NickMoyer25, Peters14, Cattell 13, Rasmusen s 6, Menefee 4, Ritchey2, Lucas, DermonTotals 2020-28 64. RIDGEVIEW (55) — JackBowman 17, Mendazona 10,Alvarez9, O'Neal6, Albrecht4, Stanton3, Rollins 2,Johnson2,Aamodt Z Totals 21 9-11 55. Summit 13 12 20 19 — 64 Ridgeview 12 11 13 19 — 55 Three-point goals Summit: Moyer 3,Cattell; RidgeviejNBo : wman3,Stanton.
Class 4A Tri-Valley Conference MADRAS(46) Jhaylen Yeahquo18, Wolfe8, Pichette 7,Mitchell 6, Haugen3, Fine2, T.Smith 2, Spino, J.Smith,Lindgren,Sullivan.Totals17 8-11 46.
LA SALLE (67I — JacobMcGraw20,SeanHays 20, Johnson11Smith9,Soberanis 2,Gashongore2, Kolm 2,Swift1 Holenstein, Maies,Folk,Wible, Callahan.Totals 2711-17 67. Madras 17 5 10 14 — 46 La Salle 23 16 14 14 — 67 Three-pointgoals—Madras.Mitchell 2, Haugen, Pichette; La Sale: McGraw
ams, Gill, Stadeli,Luloff.Totals10 6-12 28. Three-pointgoals—Trinity Lutheran.none:North COTTAGE GROVE(62) — JordanYoss13, Fix Lake:Hand. 12, Schatzau9, Gibson6, Miler 4, Boyce3, Gates 4, Mueller Totals 2019-20 62. Girls basketball Sisters 4 6 9 9 — 28 Cottage Grove 2 21 5 14 11 — 62 Tuesday's results
Three-pointgoals—Sisters. Moore,Lewis;CottageGrove:Yoss2, Boyce.
JUNCTIONCITY (44) — BrandonRaffin 0, Brown 9,Vanros8, Osburne7, Locke6, Bowers 3, Hutchinson,Kaiser,Walker,Gibson Totals 12 1720 44. LAPINE (54) — TylerParsons14,J. Ramrez i 12, Wieber11,Boen8, Syres5,A Ramirez3, Kraft t Siauw, Gacke,Skopp.Totals1518-24 54. J unction City 10 1 51 2 7 — 4 4 La Pine 12 12 13 17 — 54 Three-pointgoals—Junction City Osbume,Bowers, Vanros;LaPine:Parsons 3,Syres, A.Ramirez,J. Ramirez. Class1A Mountain Valley League
TRINITY LUTHERAN (26) — Tyler Dunn13, Carpenter 4, Law,Kruger,Niei, Akiyama,Atnip, C Knauss,D.KnaussTotals 9 8-2026. NORTHLAKE(53) — Brad Libolt 12, Vandal piilve 1z Hand11,Henkel 4, McElhatton 4, Mc29 10-15 76. Sky-EmLeague Coard 3,Gilbert 3, D.Libolt2, Munk2,Stone,Chugg, CrookCounty 7 10 1 3 11 — 41 Holder.Totals 24 4-8 53. Bend 14 16 18 28 — 76 SISTERS(28) Justin Harrer 11, Lewi 7,s Trinity Lutheran 4 8 8 6 — 26 Three-pointgoal— s CrookCounty. Benton,Kessi, Moore 3,Larson4, Gil 2, Johnson1,Jackson,Ad- North Lake 10 21 10 12 — 53
added to the Winter Games to broaden the audience. Golf and rugby will be added to Continued from C1 the 2016 Rio Games. Among the sports that The decision to drop wrestling was made w restling must compete with fo r f u t u re by secret ballot by the committee's 15-mem- inclusion are climbing, rollerblading and ber executive board at its headquarters in wakeboarding. Lausanne, Switzerland. The exact vote and The committee might also have grown the reasonsfor the decision were not given frustrated that Greco-Roman wrestling did in detail. not include women, experts said. Women There is a chance that the Olympic com- began participating in freestyle wrestling at mittee can reverse that decision in M ay, the 2004 Athens Games. when it considers a 26th sport to add to the Mark Adams, a spokesman for the Olym2020 games. A final decision will be made in pic committee, told reporters in Lausanne September, but wrestling's Olympic future that Tuesday'svote was a "process of reseems doubtful, said veteran observers of newing and renovating the program for the the games. Olympics." He also said: "In the view of the In recent years, the IOC has expressed executive board, this was the best program concern aboutthe size ofthe Summer Games for the Olympic Games in 2020. It's not a and wanted to cap the number of athletes case of what's wrong with wrestling, it is at about 10,500. It has also said it wants to what's right with the 25 core sports." enhance its modernity by drawing younger Wrestling's world governing body, known viewers among the international television by its initials as FILA and based in Switaudience. On Tuesday, the Olympic commit- zerland, said it was "greatly astonished" by tee said in a statement that it wanted to en- Tuesday's decision and would take "all necsure that it remained "relevant to sports fans essary measures"to persuade the Olympic of all generations." committee to keep the sport in the Summer Sports lik e s n owboarding h ave b een Games.
Class 5A IntermountainConference REDMOND (44) Kaylee Wilson13, Dannis9, Current 8,Baker6, Benson4,Wiliams 2, Bergum2, Lennie.Totals 18 5-13 44. MOUNTAINVIEW(49) —MeganMcCadden9, Aexander8, Booster7, WaldNp 7, Platner6, Reeves 4,Johnson 3,Famsworth,Cant.Totals 15 18-25 49. Redmond 11 10 3 20 — 44 Mountainview 8 8 12 2 1 — 49 Three pointgoals Redmond:Wilson2, Dannis; MountainView:Booster. Intermountain Hybrid
BEND(55) —DelaneyCrook9, Isaak8, Froelich 7, Ihrnham6, Maoney5, Howard4, Hayes 4, Mattox 3, Lundy3, Kramer 2, Sylvester2, McLay2, Evert, WheeleTotals r. 22 2-7 55. CROOK COUNTY(20) Kimmer Severance 10, Loper4, Ovens2, Smith 2,Apperson2,Lindburg, Benton,Bannon,Malott, Estes,Woods. Totals 8 4-9 20.
Bend Crook County
14 18 11 12 — 55 2 8 2 8 — 20
Three-point goals — Bend:Crook 3, Froelich, Mattox ,Howard,Lundy;CrookCounty:none.
man 6,Huddleston4, Haigler2, Conklin, Smith, Michael.Totals121-6 26. Junction City 12 1 4 17 10 — 53 La Pine 5 11 6 4 — 2 6 Thvee-poingoal t s —Junction City: Bolton 3;La Pine Foreman.
RIDGEVIEW (42) —ChloeRoss12, H.Wilder 8, Wilcox 6,C.Simmons6,Durre4, Hidalgo4, D.Wilder 2 Totals177-1242. SUMMIT(51) —Sarahreinly 23, Hasenoehrl 7, Cuniff 6,Char5, Paterson 4, Edwards2, Cai. Nichols Class 2A Tri-River Conference Z Manley 2,Trejo, Dugast,Car.Nichols. Totals 18 11-15 51. Ridgeview 8 9 8 17 — 4 2 EAsT LINNGHRlsTIAN I33) — K. Horner18, Summit 8 15 14 14 — 51 Linville 5,Bates4, Barreto 3, Grove1,Taylor1, BeeghThree-point goals — Ridgeview: C. Simmons; ly1, Burkey, Ferwalt, BeckeITotals13 5-16 33. Summit:Heinly3, Char. CULVER(43) — Lori Sandy13, Seehawer 9, McKinney 8,Lewis7, Fritz4, Hoke1, Siaght1. Totals 14 13-20 43. Class 4A Sky-EmLeague E ast Linn Christian 10 7 11 5 — 3 3 Culver 14 13 6 10 — 43 SISTERS (40) — TaylorNieri 15,Petterson12, Three-pointgoals—East Linn Christian. Horner2, Edwards 7, Spear4, Henson2, Rowe, Mann. Totals culver:McKinneyz 9 18-22 40. COTTAGE GROVE(32) — ConnerBorigo15, Class1A Dawson 7, cardwell 4, sisco2, Dunn2, Ernerz ToMountain Valley League tals 14 4-10 32. Sisters 8 9 6 1 7 — 40 TRINITYLUTHERANI55) — KatieMurphy30, Coeage Grove 1 1 4 6 1 1— 32 spencer 8, carpenter7, clift 4, cowanz Dehn2,MarThree-point goals Sisters: Nieri 2; Cottage tin, Ho.Totals247-2055. Grove:none. NORTH LAKE (28) — Karah Davidson11, Stockton 9,Brown2, Neison2, Horton2, Philips 2, JUNCTIONCITY(53) Christina Puderbaugh Harris, Fine, Vore,Fisher.Totals1051228. 0 , Gambee 9, Bolton9, slaecker6, Bowers6, Day6, Trinity Lutheran 1 4 17 20 4 — 55 Nord 4,straubez Lemhouse, Norris, woolley.Totals North Lake 5 7 5 1 1 — 28 234-7 53. Threepointgoals Trinity Lutheran:none:North LA PINE (26) — Katie Mickel8, Glenn6, Fore- Lake:Stockton2, Davidson.
DiscontinuedOlympicsports The lnternational Olympic Committee dropped wrestling from the 2020 Olympic program onTuesday. Here's a look at some other sports that have come and gone from the Olympic program:
• Baseball: Became anOlympic sport in1992
• Polo: The sport of polo has come andgone, first
but was dropped after the 2008 Beijing Games. Baseball, together with softball, will be trying to
appearing in 1900, and later in 1908 and 1920 and '24. It was dropped for two Olympics but returned
get back on the program for the 2020Games. • Cricket: Played once, at the1900 Paris Games. • Croquet: Played once, also at the1900 Paris
for the1936 Berlin Games. • Rackets: A precursor to squash, rackets was playedatthe1908 London Games.Squashis
one of the sports vying for inclusion for the 2020
• Golf: Was played at the1900 and1904 Games,
and will return to the Olympic program for the
Games. • Rugby: Held four times between1900 and1924,
rugby will return to the program in 2016, but with a 2016 Rio Games. • Jeu de Paume: A forerunner of modern tennis, the smaller, seven-per-side version. The United States is the defending champion. sport was played at the1908 LondonGames. • Softball: Came into the games in1996 and was • Lacrosse: Played in 1904 and 1908. dropped after the 2008 Games. Japan won the • Motor Boating: Competed once, at the1908 2008 gold medal after the United States won the London Games. first three. • Pelota Basque: Although the game appeared • Tug of War: On the program from 1900-1920. as a demonstration sport at the1968 and1992 — The Associated Press Olympics, it was officially on the program only for the 1900 Paris Games.
d-Miami d-New York d-Indiana Chicago Brooklyn Atlanta Boston Milwaukee Philadelphia Toronto Detroit Cleveland Washington Orando Charlotte
NBA ROUNDUP ilp- g ij,t'
EasternConference W L Pct GB 35 14 .714 32 17 .653 3 31 21 30 21 30 22 28 22 27 24 25 25 22 28 20 32 20 33 16 36 15 35 15 36 12 39
.596 5'/z .588 6
41 12
.774 .750 1'Ir .685 4'Iz
577 6'/2
.560 7'/~ .529 9 .500 IO'Iz .440 13'lz .385 16'/r .377 17 ,308 20N .300 20'Ir 294 21 .235 24
WesternConference W L Pcf GB
d-SanAntonio d-Oklahoma City d-L.A.Clippers Memphis Denver GoldenState Utah Houston Portand LA. Lakers Dallas Minnesota Sacramento NewOrleans Phoenix d-divisionleader
39 37 33 33 30
13 17 18 20 22
29 24 29 25
25 25 22 19
27 28 29 30
19 34 18 34
17 36
.647 7 .623 8 .577 10'/2
.547 12 .537 12'lr ,481 15'/z 472 16 .431 18 388 20 358 22 .346 22'lr .321 24
Tnesday'sGames Toronto109,Denver108 Miami117,Portland104 Memphis108,Sacramento101 utah 109,OklahomaCity 94 Hooston116,GoldenState107 LA. Lakers 91, Phoenix 85
SanAntonioatCleveland, 4p.m. CharlotteatIndiana,4p.m. Atlanta atOrlando,4p.m. Chicag oatBoston,4:30p.m. TorontoatNewYork, 4.30 O.m. Denverat Brooklyn,4:30p.m. Washington at Detroit, 4:30p.m. Utah atMinnesota,5 p.m. Portland at NewOrleans,5 p.m. Philadelphiaat Milwaukee,5p.m. Sacramento atDalas, 5:30p.m. Houstonat LA.Clippers, 7:30 0m.
Summaries Tnesday'sGames
Heal117, Biazers104 PORTLAND (104) Batom2-5 0-05, Aldridge13-203-3 29, Hickson 2-31-1 5, Lnlard10-1810-1133,Matthews8-131-1 20, Jeffries2-53-4 7, Price0-10-00, Pavlovic 0-2 0-00,Babbitt1-40-03, rreeland 1-10-02, Smith0-1 0-00, Claver0-00 00 Totals 39-7318-20104. MIAMI (117) James11-157-8 30,Haslem1-1 1-23 Bosh1316 6-6 32,Chalmers2-50-0 5, Wade8-18 8-10 24, Baf0er3-7 0-09,Andersen0-0 0-00, Allen5-111-1 14, Cole0-00-00, Anthony0-1 0-00,Lewis0-00-0 0, Jones0-00 00,Varoado0 00 00. Totals 43-74 23-27 117. Portland 33 26 23 22 — 104 Miami 29 29 28 31 — 117 3-PointGoals—Portland 8-24(Matthews3-6, Lillard 3-8, eatum1-3, Babbitt 1-4, Price0-1, Pavlovic 0-2), Miami8-19 (Alleo 3 6,Battier 3-6, Chalmers 1-3, James1-3, Bosh 0-1). Fouled Out—None. Reboonds —Portland 34 (Matthews 6), Miami 37 (Bosh11).Assists—Portland15 (Batcm4), Miami 22 (James9). Total Fouls—Portland 18, Miami21.Technicals—Portland defensive threesecond.A—20,032
Raplors109, Nuggets108 DENVER (108) Brewer 3-11 2-29, Faried6-83-415, Korjfos 48 0-08, Lawson12-204-629,Fournier2-40-06, HamI ton 3-100-07,McGee1-I 0-02, Randolph6-134-6 16, Mozgov 2-4 0-0 4, A.Miller 5-61-212. Totals 44-85 14-20 108.
TORONTO (109) Gay 6-144-517, Johnson4-6 0-08, Valanciunas
1-3 6-6 8,Lowry4-101-1 11,DeRozan8-18 6-6 22, Bargnani2-7 0-04, Lucas5-9 0-014, Anderson4-7 0-010,Ross3-60-07,Fields2-34-58.Totals 3983 21-23 109. Denver 21 31 26 30 — 108 Toronto 28 26 28 27 — 109
Jazz109, Thunder 94 OKLAHOMA CITY(94) Ouraotu-168933,1baka5-110-010,Perkins230-04,Westbrook8-144-822,Sefolosha0-20-00, Collison1-2002, Mart>n 3 80 06, Thabeet0 00 0 0, Jackson 6-80-012,Jones2-30-04,0rton 0-01-4 1, Liggins0-10-20. Totals 38-6813-23 94. UTAH(109) Ma Williams0-4 2-2 2,Millsap8-142-2 18, Jefferson11-221-223,Tinsey2-30 06, Foye4-101-1 11, Favors5-11 5-5 15, Burks6-110-2 13, Carroll 3-65-613,Watson3-30-06, Kanter0-22-22 Evans 0-1 0-0 0, Murphy0-0 0-0 0.Totals 42-87 18-22 109. Oklahoma City 2 62 6 27 15 — 94 ufan 28 30 28 23 — 109
Grizzlies 108, Kings 101 SACRAMENTO (101) Salmons1-50 02,Thompson7-111-115, Cousins 8-157-923,Thomas4-93-311, Evans10-170-4 20, Thornton 4-124-515, Hayes0-3 0-0 0,Garcia1-2 0-0 3,Brooks4-62-210, Robinson1-60-02. Totals 40-8617-24101. MEMPHIS(108) Prince3-70-07, Randolph6-111-313, Gasol813 8-9 24, Conley6-128-822, Allen 8-122-219, Arthur 3-4 0-0 6,Bayless2-7 1-2 6, Davis 2-40-0 4,Daye3-5 0-07,Wroten 0-00-0 0.Totals41-75 20-24 108. Sacramento 26 30 18 28 — 101 Memphis 26 32 26 24 — 108
Rockets116, Warriors 107 HOUSTON (116) Parsons9-15 0-3 21, Patterson6-9 0-0 12, Asik
6-8 1-3 13,Lin 3-118-8 14, Harden7-22 11-1127, Beverley 3-60-07, Oeifmo4-8 0-010, Morris 5-110012, Aldrich0-10-00. Totals 43-91 20-25116. GOLDEN STATE(107) earnes2-3 34 7, Lee3 106-812, Bogut3-70-0 6, Curry10-195-627, Thompson 9-21 3-5 22,Jack 7-14 4-422, Landry1-6 0-0 2,Green3-4 2-49, Jefferson0-00-00. Totals 38-8423-31107. Houston 30 27 31 28 — 116 Golden State 34 2 2 2 3 28 — 107
Lakers 91, Suns85 PHOENIX (85) Tucker 5-101-1 13,Scola7-111-415, Gortat2-8
0-0 4, Oragic3-12 1-2 7, Dudley5-11 0-010, O'Neal 4-9 4-412, Beasle7-15 y 3-318, Marshall 0-10-00, M.Morris1-5 2-2 4,Brown1-3 0-12. Totals 35-85 12-17 85.
L.A. LAKERS(91l World Peace 6163 417, Clark4 92 311 How-
ard 8-1 53-6 19,Nash5-11 0-0 10,Bryant1-8 2-24, Jamison 8-161-219, Blake2-2 0-0 5, Meeks2-61-1 6. Totals 36-8312-18 91. Phoenix 22 25 24 14 — 85 L.A. Lakers 30 26 9 26 — 91
Leaders NBA TeamStatistics Team Offense ThroughMonday'sGames G Pts A vg Oklahoma City 51 5426 106.4 Houston 53 5625 106.1 Denver 52 5458 105.0 SanAntonio 53 5530 104.3 Miami 48 4934 102.8 L.A. Lakers 52 5296 101.8 Dallas 51 5147 100.9 GoldenState 51 5144 100.9 NewYork 49 4929 100.6 L.A. Clippers 54 5394 99.9 Utah 52 51 01 98.1 Toronto 51 4978 97.6 Milwaukee 50 4876 97.5 Portand 51 4956 97.2
Alan Diaz/The Assomated Press
Miami Heat's Chris Bosh (1) blocks a shot by Portland Trail Blazers' Wesley Matthews (2) during the second half of Tuesday night's game in Miami.
LeBron, Heat sink Blazers The Associated Press MIAMI — It's not the type of streak that LeBron James ever thought about, this run of putting together at least 30 points and 60 percent shooting in six straight games. Still, it's something he'll savor. He's rolling right now, and so are the Miami Heat. James scored 30 points on 11 for 15 shooting to get into the NBA record books, Chris Bosh scored 32 points and grabbed 11 rebounds, and the Heat wound up beating the Portland Trail Blazers 117-104 in a wild, momentum-swinging game on Tues-
day night. It was the 1,000th regular-season win in Heat history. But on this night, the o nly history a nyone w i l l remember was what James accomplished. According to the Heat, only Adrian Dantley and Moses Malone had done the 30-point, 60-percent streak in five straight outings before James joined their club. Now he stands alone. "I'm at a loss for words," James said in a t elevised postgame interview. "Like I say over and over, I knowthe history of the game. I know how many unbelievable players who came through the ranks, who paved the way for me and my teammates. And for me to be in the record books by myself with such a stat — any stat — it's big-time." Dwyane W ad e a d d ed 24 points for Miami, which wasted a pair o f 14-point leads — then put the game away with a 14-0 run in the final minutes. Ray Allen added 14 for Miami. D amian L i llard h a d a g ame-high 33 p o ints f o r Portland, which got 29 from LaMarcus Aldridge and 20 from Wesley Matthews. Just like the Heat, the Blazers also saw a 14-point lead slip away in the game, and then simply got shut down late by a stretch of airtight Miami defense. "That was typical Miami
Ducks Continued from C1 "When he's ready and the doctors clear him," was again the Monday prognosis from Oregon coach Dana A ltman on th e r eturn of Artis. Even then, it might not mean an immediate return to the lineup for Artis. "You've got to be careful
bringing anybody (back) off an injury and see how they adjust," Altman said. "Everybody is different there. "I don't anticipate (it will be), 'Well he's cleared and he'll be back that day.' It'll be a slow process." T he change f ro m A r tis to Loyd shows up most dramatically in Oregon's 3point shooting. Until he was injured, Artis led the Ducks in total 3-pointers with 26, shooting .351, and he had made half of his 20 attempts in Pac-12 games. Loyd's 3-point shooting stands at .279, and in the five games he has started in place of Artis, he is three of 16 on 3-point attempts. Opposing teams have responded by having the de-
fender assigned to Loyd play
Heat stuff," L i l lard s aid. "Transition, finishing strong around the rim, and LeBron pickingdefenses apart." On a n i ght w h ere t he teams took t u rns putting together big runs, it was the Heat who had the last rally. With the game tied at 99-all, James drove baseline on f o rmer Cleveland teammate Sasha Pavlovic for a two-handed slam that he punctuated with a long scream. The Blazers immediately responded. Matthews made a 3-pointer on the next Portland possession to give the Trail Blazers their last lead. Miami scored the next 14 points, including when James got loose for a dunk with 2:38 remaining.
"He played a very good
basketball game," M i a mi coach Erik Spoelstra deadpanned afterward. "That's all you're going to get out of me right now. He competes. He loves to compete. He loves close games. ... And he's leading us, not just with his talent." Bosh made a jumper with 1:55 left to end the run and seal the win, Miami's sixth straight overall. A glance at the halftime boxscore — P ortland 59, Miami 58 — would have suggested the opening two quarters were closely contested, back-and-forth basketball. Not exactly. There were deep and dramatic shifts in momentum, with James and Aldridge simply taking over play for long stretches in the
early going. Miami started with a flurry, hitting its first seven shots and doing so with James collecting five assists in the game's first 3:52. The Heat led 14-5 after that burst, and were still shooting 75 percent with a minute to go in the opening quarter. They also were trailing at that point. The Blazers were doing anything they wanted on the offensive end. "I thought it was a good effort by our team," Blazers
coach Terry Stotts said. "Miami's one of the best if not the best team in the league right now and they are playing at a high level. We matched it for about 44 minutes." More than matched it for a while, too. Aldridge went on a personal 13-0 run over a stretch of nearly four minutes midway through the half, singlehandedly seeming to turn what was a 29-24 Portland deficit into a 37-29 Portland lead. And a n other q uick burst, this time a 10-1 run by the Blazers, gave the visitors what was their biggest lead, 57-43 with 4:48 left in the half. But James scored 10 points in a 15-2 Miami run to end the half, and the Blazers' lead was down to a single point at intermission. Also on Tuesday: Rockets ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 116 Warriors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 O AKLAND, C a l i f . James Harden had 27 points and seven rebounds on a
nagging injured left knee as Houston beat slumping Golden State. L akers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 91
Suns.....................85 LOS ANGELES — Dwight Howard had 19 points and 18 rebounds, Antawn Jamison added 19 points, and Los Angeles survived Kobe Bryant's bizarre four-point p erformance for its eighth win in 11
games. Jazz...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109 T hunder...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 SALT LAKE CITY — Al Jefferson scored 23 points as Utah stopped Oklahoma City's four-game winning streak. Raptors ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 109 Nuggets...... . . . . . . . . . . . 108 TORONTO — Rudy Gay hit a pull-up jump shot with less than five seconds remaining and Toronto beat short-handed Denver. Grizzlies...... . . . . . . . . . . . 108 Kings ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 MEMPHIS, Tenn.— Marc Gasol had 24 points and 12 rebounds as Memphis beat Sacramento.
Beaversseekrevengevs.Cougars Oregon State will be looking to avenge one of its many
close losses this seasonwhenthe Beavers play at Washington State tonight. Start time at WSU's Beasley Coliseum is 7 p.m.; the game will be televised live on the Pac-12 Network. In a matchup of two of the three teams tied for10th place
in the Pac-12Conference standings, OregonState (12-12 overall, 2-9 Pac-12) faces a Cougar team(11-13, 2-9) that has lost four in a row.
When the two teams played onJan. 26 in Corvallis, Mike Laddscored 20 points and Brock Motum added 20 forW ashington State in a 71-68 victory. Ahmad Starks led the Beavers
with17 points, and Roberto Nelson andDevon Collier scored 14 apiece. — From wire reports
away from him, defending
to feel like he needs to make
passing lanes or helping on other Ducks. "I have to knock down shots in order to help the team," Loyd said. "If they're just going to sag off me, then my teammates aren't going to be able to do what they have to do." Loyd said he has spoken with his father, who advised staying confident. Altman advised the same, w h ile
anything happen offen-
urging Loyd to use good judgment on when to take a shot. "He doesn't need to rush anything, he doesn't need
sively," Altman said. "When he's got one he likes, take it ... just make sure you like it. "I don't want him to take shots because he feels he's got togenerate offense for us. He doesn't. Defensively, he's made usa better team. Johnny's done fine, he's just putting more pressure on himself than he needs to offensively." Oregon defeated the Huskies when the two teams met in Eugene on Jan. 26. E.J. Singler led the Ducks in that game with 18 points.
Continued from C1 "I'd like to feel that we're one of those teams. It's not like we lost an entire program." The Wildcats did lose five everyday players and the ace of their pitching staff f r om the team that went 10-0 in the postseason and thwarted South Carolina's bid for a third straight championship at the College World Series in Omaha, Neb. "Obviously, we've lost some key guys," Lopez said. "Who hasn't when you have a junior class and professional baseball exists? But I don't ever show up in a season thinking that it can't be done, because there are too many things that have been done when people have said it can't be done." If the Wildcats need inspiration, all they have to do is look at the last Pac-12 team to repeat as national champion. In 2007, Oregon State lost six everyday players and its top two pitchers from its 2006 championship team. The Beavers were lightly regarded in the preseason and struggled until the middle of the conference season. But then they sneaked into the NCAA tournament after a late-season surge. The Beavers fought off elimination three times in regionals and twice in super regionals before winning five straight games at the CWS to repeat. Arizona (48-17 i n 2 0 12) opens its title defense at home Friday with a three-game series against Coppin State. Arkansas, North Carolina and Vanderbilt are among the teams expectedto make strong runs at the national title. The Razorbacks are No. 1 in the nation in three polls on the strength of five returning position players and 10 pitchers. They also are the coaches' pick to win the Southeastern Conferenceaftergoing 46-22 and tying for third in the CWS. How far the Hogs go will depend on their pitching. Righthander Ryne Stanek, with his mid-90s fastball, is regarded as the SEC's top draft prospect this year after going 8-4 with a 2.82 earned-run average in 17 games last season. Barrett Astin pitched in a team-high 32 games, 29 out of the bullpen, and recorded 11 saves with a 1.99 ERA. Colby Suggs, who is out with an injury to start the season, was 7-1 with a 1.38 ERA and held opposing hitters to a.203 average. North Carolina, which has missed the CWS two of the past three years after making it four years in a row, should be back in the hunt for its first national title. The Tar Heels have their top three starting pitchers back from their 46-16 team. Kent Emanuel, Benton Moss and Hobbs Johnson all had ERAs under 2.00. Coach Mike Fox said he k nows the strength of h i s pitching makes Carolina a popular pick, but he pointed out that the Tar Heels could drop off behind the plate with the graduation of Jacob Stallings, and they need to develop a proven closer. "We all k now t hose last three to six outs of the game are the hardest, and we don't know who's going to fill that void for us," Fox said. "That's a question mark for us — big one." Vanderbilt (35-22) is wellpositioned for a strong season with a mix of young players from recruiting classes ranked best in the nation two years in a row and veteran players who appeared in the CWS two
years ago. C oach Tim C o r bin s a i d catcher Spencer Navin is on the verge of breaking out after batting .298 with 13 extrabase hits and throwing out 20 base stealers. Tony Kemp, who moved from left field to second base in the middle of last season, stole 21 bases and is tied for the school record with 15 career triples. F irst b a s eman C o n r ad Gregor hit .328 with t h r ee home runs, and senior outfielders Connor Harrell and Mike Yastrzemski combined for 13 homers and 67 runs batted in. Corbin said the Commodores go into the season unsettled at shortstop and third base. Stanford (41-18), with star p itcher Mark A p pel an d a young lineup that is loaded with offensive potential, is picked to win the Pac-12 and will bid for its first trip to Omaha since 2008. North Carolina State, which made its only CWS appearance 45 years ago, has one of the nation's most dynamic players in shortstop Trea Turner and perhaps
Players towatch Some of the top college baseball players to keepan eye on this season: Mark Appel, RHP,
Stanford, senior. The best pitcher in college baseball was selected eighth overall in the draft by the Pirates butcame backto school as the only unsigned first-
round pick. The10-game winner with a 98-mph fastball struck out130
batters in123 innings. Carlos Rodon, LHP, North Garolina State,
sophomore.His 135 strikeouts broke the school
freshman record by 50. At 9-0, he was one of two undefeated pitchers in the country with nine or more wins, and he led ACCwith a 1.57 ERA.
Sean Manaea, LHP, Indiana State, junior. He was a solid 5-3 with a 3.34 ERA in17 starts
for the Sycamores last season,then dominated
the CapeCodLeagueover the summer. Hewas 5-1 in eight starts with a1.22 ERA
and a league-leading 85 strikeouts in 57Y~ innings. He was namedSummer National Player of the Year
by Perfect GameUSA. Michael Conforto, OF,
OregonState, sophomore. He led the Beavers with a .349 average and led the Pac-12 with 76 RBIS and tied for the conference lead with13 homers. Conforto
played in16 games for the USA Baseball Collegiate National Team and
homered in consecutive games during a five-game set at Cuba, including a
grand slam. Raph Rhymes,OF,LSU, senior.He flirted with.500
for much of the season and finished with a nationleading .431 average to become the first LSU player to lead the NCAA in batting. He batted .566 with runners
in scoring position and led the SEC inhits (100) and on-base percentage (.489). Trea Turner, SS,
North CarolinaState, sophomore.Hestole 29 consecutive bases without being caught to open the season and finished with a nation-leading 57 steals on 61 attempts. Turnerstarted all 63 games at third base, hitting .336 to finish10th in the ACC, adding 13 doubles, five homers and 43 RBIS.
JohnnyField, OF,Arizona, junior.One ofthe key pieces of the Wildcats' first
national-championship team since1986. Hewon the Pac-12 batting title with a.370 average but
was torrid over the final 37 games, when he hit.419 with 29 RBls. — The Associated Press
the nation's best left-handed pitcher in Carlos Rodon. Chad Holbrooktakes over as coach for Ray Tanner at South Carolina, and the Gamecocks return key pieces of the team that made it to the CWS finals for the third year in a r ow. Raph Rhymes, who led the nation with a.431 batting average, and pitchers Aaron Nola and Ryan Eades have LSU believing it can make it to Omaha for the first time since 2009. And surely there will be surprise teams, like Stony Brook and Kent State were a year
ago. Arizona will lean heavily on its pitching staff to get back to Omaha. Konner Wade, who won two games at the CWS as a sophomore, heads the staff along with James Farris, who started the title-clinching game against South Carolina. The Wildcats also have their top setup man back in lefty Tyler Crawford and theircloser in Mathew Troupe.
Wade (11-3, 3.96) takes over the top starter's role for Kurt Heyer, who led the nation in innings pitched. Lopez said Wade's CWS experience will allow him to pitch with confidence.
"I've had young guys go to
Omaha as freshmen or sophomores and then when they come back thenext year,they walk differently, they talk differently, they throw their bullpens differently," Lopez said. Arizona has back the Pac12's leading hitter in Johnny
Field (.370). The biggest question is a t s h ortstop, where freshman Kevin Newman appears set to take over for Pac-12 player of the year Alex Mejia.
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S&P 500
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Wednesday, February 13, 2013
Post-holiday bump?
1 520 "
Americans shopped the winter clearance racks in January, resulting in strong sales during the month for retailers. The International Council of Shopping Centers' latest data on 20 major retailers show revenue at stores open at least a year rose 5.1 percent last month. The Commerce Department reports retail sales for January today. Economists anticipate that sales, excluding autos, increased slightly. Retail sales
14,400 .
I, l l
Change: 47.46 (0.3%)
13,600 1,450 13,200 1,400
12,800 .
' 'j ' ' F
DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000
A '" " 8 ' ' ''''
HIGH LOW CLOSE 14038.97 13968.94 14018.70 5921.83 5893.20 5906.86 476.74 473.89 476.67 8970.90 8918.73 8957.61 3196.92 3184.85 3186.49 1522.29 1515.61 1519.43 1112.41 1107.01 1111.72 16079.53 16012.47 16053.69 918.17 913.73 917.52
That helped the world's largest maker of computer networking equipmentoff setweakness in Europe for the quarter that ended in October. Did the stronger order trends continue in the November-January period? Investors find out today, when Cisco Systems reports earnings for its second fiscal quarter.
Operating EPS
2Q ' 1 3
Price-earnings ratio:
Netflix continues to take on the competition. The subscription video provider said Tuesday it will team up with DreamWorks Animation to create its first original cartoon series for kids. Netflix stock is up more than 90 percent this year. This latest move buffs up Netflix's credentials as a popular way for parents to keep their kids entertained. The series will be based on DreamWorks' upcoming movie, "Turbo," which is about a
Source: FactSet
$ 177.95
876242 843419 748348 651926 574732 544356 454791 434369 398349
3.24 -.43 27.37 -.89 3.19 + . 05 5.91 + . 12 152.02 +.25 17.82 + . 14 20.97 —.30 15.20 —.53 4 3.95
t.t 2
Gainers NAME BFC Cppf
AtossaG n DldSecBc Avon Zjopharm GenFin un AlbnyMlc DaqoNE rs ContMatls Masco
LAST 34.07 7.95 3.14 20.79 4.69 5.75 6.55 14.15 19.29 20.01
CHG %CHG +7.77 +1.60 + .63 +3.51 +.70 +.83 +.89 +1.72 +2.29 +2.22
+ 2 9 .5 + 2 5.2 + 2 5 .1 + 2 0 .3 + 1 7 .5 + 1 6.9 + 1 5 .7 + 1 3 .8 + 1 3 .5 + 1 2 .5
Losers NAME
CarverBcp ASpecRlty KVF)lnd Level3 Cjmatron
LAST 4.62 2.12 12.80 21.31 9.63
CHG %CHG -1.21 -20.8 —.35 -14.2 -2.10 -14.1 -3.35 -13.6 -1.29 -11.8
Foreign Markets LAST CHG %CHG + 36.00 + . 9 9 3,686.58 London 6,338.38 + 61.32 + . 98 Frankfurt 7,660.1 9 + 26.45 + . 3 5 Hong Kong 23,215.16 + 38.16 + . 1 7 Mexico -.42 44,872.80 -191.08 Milan 16,644.45 + 114.58 + . 69 Tokyo +215.96 +1.94 11,369.12 Stockholm 1,175.98 + 4.97 + . 4 2 Sydney + 1.21 + . 0 2 4,981.53 Zurich 7,427.06 + 19.46 + . 26 NAME Paris
+ 13.4 +31.0 6 2 0 1 1 +9.2 + 6. 2 2 2 2 1 8 1 .22f L +5.5 +47 . 5224820 47 0 . 0 4 L +7.4 +1 1 8.3 2 9 37 0.5 2 f L +08 + 30 341 5 1 5 1 9 4 f L +3.7 +9.4 2 dd L +0 8 +16 7 28 14 1 40 V -3.2 + 6 . 9 15 0 1 8 0. 8 8 L + 3.1 +30. 7 1 1 70 2 5 1 .103 L +28 +65 22 51 L +19.6 + 7.5 11 6 1 1 8 0. 2 8 L +20.0 -39.6 14671 dd 0 .53 w - 7.3 + 8 . 4 4 89 0 2. 4 3 L +2.8 -17.9 27021 10 0 .90 L +13.2 + 21 .7 8 7 25 1 1 0. 2 0 L + 97 + 22, 2 35 0 7 2 4 0, 6 0 L +26 6 -30 4 1705 dd L +11.0 + 1 63.2 2581 c c L +10 6 +10 4 557 0 69f L +2,1 +19, 4 53 2 14 L +4.4 -5.9 35329 15 0 .92 L +6.8 +6.2 19 1 4 2 3 0 . 84f L +2.8 +11 . 2 1 619 17 1 . 0 8 L +3.1 -1.0 4 9 20 1.8 2 L +12.8 + 91 .3 1 6 37 2 0.08 L + 6.0 +14. 1 1 0 93 1 5 0 .803 +28.7 -7.0 3 3 dd L + 9.0 +27 . 6 57 5 3 9 1.6 8 w -1.4 +1 2.8 82 2 2 0 0. 1 2 +12.9 -3.7 3175 10 0 . 70 -2.0 -28.2 1 8 6 4 4 0. 7 5 L +7.1 +68 . 8 69 3 2 5 1. 5 6 L +6 7 +1 9 178 13 0 93f L +4.9 +16 . 6 3 904 30 0 . 8 4 L +2.3 -22.0 3879 dd L +11. 4 +6. 0 28 0 14 0. 3 6 + 7.4 +20.2 9403 1 2 0 . 78 + 6.8 +15.2 2 9 9 1 4 0 . 32 +3.9 +19.9 19384 11 1 .00f + 8.3 +49.9 96 21 0. 2 0 +9.0 +53.6 5286 42 0.68f
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16 .Q+ +
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5 YR S *
20 "annualized
PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 21.29 +.05 t 4.4 +13.4 t12.2 +5.5 A A A BondA m 1 2.8 5 - 0.5 +3.9 +5.9 +3.9 D D E CaplncBuA m 54.33 +.09 + 3.0 +12.5 +10.1 +3.0 A B C CpWldGrlA m 38.77 +.18 + 4.2 +15.8 +10.0 +1.9 8 C C EurPacGrA m 42.51 +.30 + 3.1 +12.7 +7.8 +1.2 C C A FnlnvA m 43.1 3 + .13 + 5.8 +15.6 +13.0 +3.7 8 C C JPMorgan InvGrowA m ONGAX GrthAmA m 36. 28 +.10 + 5.6 +15.9 +12.2 +3.6 A D D IncAmerA m 18 . 68 +.05 t 3.4 +12.7 t12.1 t5.2 A A 8 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH InvCoAmA m 31 .76 +.11 + 5.3 +14.2 +11.3 +3.4 C D D NewPerspA m 32.66 +.17 + 4.5 +16.0 +11.5 +4.0 8 B 8 cC o 00 WAMutlnvA m 32.81 +.14 + 5.1 +13.8 +14.0 +4.1 D 8 8 0o rc Dodge &Cox Inc o me 1 3.86 -.01 0 . 0 +5 . 5 + 6.4 +6.8 8 C 8 IntlStk 36.38 +.29 + 5 .0 + 16.6 +8.9 +1.4 A B A Stock 131.38 +.62 + 7 .8 + 20.8 +13.6 +3.0 A B C rL cC 00 Fidelity Contra 8 0.99 +.01 +5.4 +13.5 +14.1 +5.4 8 B 8 C0 GrowCo 97.99 + .03 + 5 .1 + 10.6 +16.1 +7.2 D A A LowPriStk d 41. 9 2 +.15 + 6 .1 + 14.7 +15.2 +7.4 C C 8 Fidelity Spartan 50 0ldxAdvtg 53 . 90 +.09 +6 .8 +15.7 +14.6 +4.7 8 A 8 «C 00 FrankTemp-Frunklinlncome A m 2.2 9 +.01 +3 .2 + 13.4 +11.9 +5.8 A A 8 Oppenheimer RisDivA m 18.4 9 +.01 +6 .3 + 11.8 +12.8 +4.0 E C C «C RisDivB m 16.7 5 +.01 + 6 .1 + 10.8 +11.8 +3.1 E D D 4o RisDivC m 16.6 7 +.01 + 6 .2 + 11.0 +12.0 +3.3 E D D Morningstar OwnershipZone™ SmMidvalA m 35.61 +.13 + 9 .9 + 12.8 +11.2 +1.1 E E E a Fund target represents weighted O SmMidValB m 30.04 +.11 + 9 .8 + 11.8 +10.3 +0.3 E E E average of stock holdings PIMCO TotRetA m 11.1 9 . .. -0.2 + 6 .9 + 6 .7 +7.1 A B A • Represents 75% offund'sstock holdings T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 28.37 +.17 + 7 .3 + 17.5 +14.1 +4.3 8 B 8 CATEGORY Large Blend GrowStk 39.61 +.01 +4 .8 + 12.7+ 15.0 +6.0 8 A 8 MORNINGSTAR HealthSci 44.50 -.04 +8.0 +27.2 +22.2 +12.9 A A A RATING™ ** * y y yy Vanguard 500Adml 140.25 +.23 +6.8 +15.7 +14.6 +4.7 8 A 8 ASSETS $1,226 million 500lnv 140.24 +.23 +6.8 +15.6 +14.4 +4.6 8 A 8 CapDp 36.78 +.02 +9.4 +19.3 t11L7 t5.7 A D 8 EXP RATIO 1.49% Eqlnc 25.77 +.07 +6.7 +16.9 +16.7 +5.9 8 A A MANAGER Michael Loeffler GNMAAdml 10.83 -.01 -0.5 tt.5 +5.1 +5.6 C A A SINCE 2004-08-31 MulntAdml 14.40 -. 01 +0.5 t4.2 +5.6 +5.2 8 8 8 RETURNS3-MD +10.2 STGradeAd 10.82 +0.1 t3.5 +3.6 +3.8 8 B 8 YTD +5.8 StratgcEq 23.36 +.04 +8.9 +17.0 +17.9 +5.6 8 A C 1- YR +12.5 TotBdAdml 10.99 -.01 -0.6 t2.9 +5.4 t5.5 D D C 3-YR ANNL +11.3 Totlntl 15.43 +.07 +3.0 +11.1 +7.3 -0.2 D C 8 5-YR-ANNL +4.3 TotStlAdm 38.19 +.07 t7.I +15.7 +15.0 +5.4 8 A A TotStldx 38.17 +.07 t7.I +15.5 +14.9 +5.3 8 A A TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT USGro 22.67 +6.6 +13.0 +13.8 +5.8 8 B 8 JPMorgan US Equity Sel 15.51 Welltn 35.33 +.08 t4.4 +12.5 +11.5 +6.0 A A A J PMorgan lntrepid America Sel 1 2 . 72 WelltnAdm 61.02 +.14 t4.4 +12.6 +11.5 +6.1 A A A JPMorgan Large Cap Value Select 11.88 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1$paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, cr redemption JPMorgan Large CapGrowth Select 9.05 lee. 1 - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing lee and either asales or redemption lee. Source: Morn1ngstar. JPMorgan Market Expansion lndex Select FAMILY
EURO 1.3444
Masco MAS Close:$20.01L2.22 or 12.5% Shares jumped to levels not seen in five years as the home improvement company rides a wave of recovery in the real estate market. $25
D J 52-week range
F $23.38
D J 52-week range
$11.01 ~
F $20.43
Vol.:32.2m (5.6x avg.) PE: 77.0 Vol2 23.6m (5.4x avg.) P E: . . . Mkt. Cap:$8.98 b Yiel d : 1. 2% Mkt. Cap:$7.15 b Yiel d : 1. 5 % CUB
Close:$45.00 V-3.40 or -7.0%
Defense profits plunged 80 percent, and a Benchmark financial analyst stripped the company of its 0Buy6 rating. $55 50
D J 52-week range
Dun & Bradstreet DNB Close:$78.68 V-6.60 or -7.7% The credit and business data company posted a 7 percent decline in revenue, deflating the hopes of investors. $90 80
D J 52-week range
$41.82 ~ $52.53 $62.62 ~ $86.82 Vol2699.6k (8.0x avg.) PE: 1 3 .1 Vol2 3.6m (6.2x avg.) P E: 12 . 7 Mkt. Cap:$1.2 b Yiel d : 0. 5 % Mkt. Cap:$3.51 b Yiel d : 1. 9 %
STEM Close:$1.99L0.35 or 21.0% The company said it finished treating the first group of patients in a clinical trial of its stem cell therapy.
Facebook FB Close:$27.37%-0.89 or -3.1% A Bernstein research analyst downgraded the social network company, saying prices for ads were "anemic" ln the fourth quarter. $35
D J 52-week range
F $2.67
Vol.:10.2m (19.2x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$74.51 m
PE: . Yield:.
AMRS Close:$3.52 V-0.31 or -8.1% A Raymond James analyst downgraded the stock noting it was soaring, up nearly 23 percent at the close Monday.
D J 52-week range
$17.36 ~
F $36.66
Vol3 93.1m (1.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$46.1 b
P E: 63.7 Yield:...
AAPL Close:$467.90%-12.03 or -2.5% Apple CEO Tim Cook calls a shareholder lawsuit against the company a "silly sideshow."
D J 52-week range
' 48
P/E RATIO based on past 12 mos. results
+ ( 7 189
This 'fund of funds' incorporates 32 JPMorgan funds, including international-stock, high-yield, Most Active emerging-markets offerings VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG and more. The emphasis is on 2248197 12.25 +.39 large-cap stock exposure.
SprintNex S&P500ETF SPDR Fncl Cisco RschMotn iShEMkts
%CHG. WK MO OTR YTD +0.34% L +6 .98% -0.04% $-11.31% +0.39% L L +5 . 20% +0.43% L +6 .09% -0.17% +5.53% +0.16% +6.54% +0.42% +8.95% +0.18% L +7 . 06% +0.49% L +8 .03%
of super speed after getting in a freak accident. Netflix has been adding original programming to its roster of movies, and debuted the original series "House of Cards" on Feb. 1. It has also increased its focus on children's programming in a move seen as taking a different tack than traditional premium pay TV channels such as HBO, Starz and Showtime.
$53 + +
FundFocus AP
The Dow Jones industrial average rose Tuesday and is just 1 percent below its record high. Stocks climbed after beauty-products company Avon and clothier Michael Kors became the latest companies to report better quarterly results than financial analysts expected. Of the 347 companies in the Standard 8 Poor's 500 index that reported their fourth-quarter results through midday Tuesday, 65 percent topped analysts' expectations, according to S&P Capital IQ. The Dow is now within 146 points of its all-time high, which was set in October 2007 two months before the start of the Great Recession. The S&P 500 is 2.9 percent below its record high.
F $6.82 PE: . Ye i ld: .
The yield on the 10-year Treasury note rose to 1.98 percent Tuesday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.
D J 52-week range
$438.00 ~
$703 .07 Vol2 21.6m (1.0x avg.) PE: 1 0 . 6 Mkt. Cap:$439.39 b Yi e l d:2.3% AP
. 08 .07 . 1 2 .12 .14 .14
+0 .0 1 L ... L ... ~
The price of oil rose on expectations for stronger demand. OPEC upped its forecast for 2013 growth in crude demand amid signs of economic recovery and colderthan-normal weather.
Foreign Exchange The yen halted its fall against the dollar. The Group of Seven industrial nations held a meeting amid worries that countries could race to devalue their currencies in a "currency war. 0
h5N4 QG
2-year T-note . 27 .26 +0 . 01 L L 5-year T-note . 87 .85 +0 . 0 2 L L 10-year T-note 1.98 1.96 + 0.02 W L 30-year T-bond 3.19 3.17 +0.02 W L
.10 .13 .14
.29 .84 1.98 3.12
Barclays Long T-Bdldx 2.77 2.73 +0.04 W BondBuyerMuni Idx 4.02 4.02 ... W Barclays USAggregate 1.90 1.91 -0.01 PRIME FED Barclay s US High Yield 5.98 6.02 -0.04 L RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.87 3.89 -0.02 W YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.13 1.11 +0.02 W 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2 .81 2.81 ... W 1 YR AGO3.25 .13
NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-bill
snail who gets the power
Dividend: $0.56 Div. yield: 2.7%
Zynga Facebook n
teams up with
based on past 12 months' results
DividendFootnotes: a- Extra dividends werepaid, ttnt are not included. tt - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amount declared or paid ln lact 12 months. 1 -Current V0125490k(1.6x avg.) annual rate, wh>chwas mcreased by most recent div>dendannouncement. l - Sum ct dividends pa>dafter stock split, nc regular rate. j - Scm of d>vidends pa>dth>$year. Most recent Mkt. Cap:$209.19 m d>v>dendwas omitted cr deferred k - Declared cr pa>dth>$year, a cumulative issue with dividends m arrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtlal dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. r - Declared cr paid ln precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid ln stock, apprctnmate cash SOURCE: Sungard value on ex-distrittuticn date.Fe Footnotes:q - Stock ls a clcsed-2nd fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss ln last12 months
2 Q '12
CHG. +47.46 -2.29 +1.84 +38.59 -5.51 +2.42 +4.67 +29.39 +4.49
ALK 31.29 — 0 49.21 48.86 +.06 +0.1 Source: FactSet AVA 22.78 ~ 28.05 26.34 +.18 +0.7 BAC 6.72 — 0 12.20 12.25 +.39 t3 . 2 L BBSI 1568 — 0 42 02 40.90 +38 +09 L L Power play BA 66.82 ~ 78.02 75.99 +12 + 02 w w Duke Energy, the nation's largest CascadeBancorp CACB 4 23 ~ 7 18 6.49 +.08 +1.2 L L electric utility, reports fourthCascadeCp CASC 42.86 — 0 65.45 64.79 L quarter financial results today. Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45.37 ty— 5 8. 4 7 51.65 +.31 + 0.6 L V Investors will tune in for details Costco Wholesale COST 81.98 ~ 105.9 7 10 1.76 -.23 -0.2 w L on how Duke plans to increase Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5 62 ~ 8 92 6 66 -.09 -13 w v revenue and profit when demand FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 — 0 26.76 26 .69 +. 2 1 +0.8 L L Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 ty— 30. 0 0 17 . 10 + . 2 7 +1 .6 L L for electricity has flattened Home Federal Bncp ID HOME 8.67 ~ 1 4.0 0 11.52 .. . ... w w because ofa sluggish economy Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ 29.27 21. 1 9 +. 1 6 +0.8 L V and greater energy efficiency. Keycorp K EY 6 . 80 — 0 9.60 9.5 3 +.0 5 + 0.5 w L One possible option: Charge Kroger Co KR 209 8 — 0 2880 28 . 54 + , 1 5 +05 L L more. The company is in the LSCC 3 17 ~ 6 89 5 05 + 31 +6 5 L L process of asking regulators in the Lattice Semi L PX 7 , 66 — o 21,60 21 .45 + . 24 +1 ,1 L L Carolinas to approve higher rates. LA Pacific MDU Resources MDU 1959 — 0 2376 23 5 0 + 2 2 +0 9 L L Mentor Graphics MENT 12,85 — 0 17,50 17 .38 + . 08 +0,5 V L Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 ~ 32.95 27. 8 8 + .0 2 + 0.1 L L Nike Inc 8 NKE 4 2.55 ~ 57.41 5 5. 0 9 -.13 -0.2 L L ry- 58.44 54 .98 -.39 -0.7 w w NordstromInc JWN 46.27 Nwst NatGas NWN 41.01 ty— 50. 80 45 . 57 + . 1 1 + 0.2 L L OfficeMax Inc DMX 4. 1 0 — 0 11.45 11 .01 + . 30 +2.8 L L PaccarInc PCAR 35,21 — o 48,75 47 .93 + . 1 4 +0,3 L L Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 2.60 1 .8 4 -.16 -8.0 Plum Creek PCL 35.43 — o 49.69 48 .36 + . 0 6 +0.1 V L Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 194.95 186.84 -2.96 -1.6 w w Safeway Inc SWY 14.73 23.16 20 .42 + . 1 5 +0.7 Schnitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 47.45 29 .72 -.03 -0.1 Sherwin Wms SHW 98,29 — 0 167.24 164.67 + . 17 +0.1 L ry- 4199 Stancorp Fncl SFG 2874 39 1 4 + 58 + 1 5 L L StarbucksCp SBUX 43.04 ~ 62.00 56. 2 6 +. 1 2 +0.2 W L Triquint Semi TQNT 4.30 ~ 72 .6 4.94 +.11 +2 .3 L W Umpqua Holdings UMP Q 11.17 ~ 13.88 13. 1 3 +. 1 2 +0.9 L L Positive order streak? US Bancorp U SB 28.26 ~ 35.46 34.3 1 +. 2 2 +0 .6 After an abrupt slowdown early in Washington Fedl W A FD 14,30 — o 18,42 18 .02 + . 10 + 0,6 2012, Cisco Systems' orders from Wells Fargo & Co WFC 29 . 80 43- 36.60 35 . 51 +. 2 5 +0 .7 large L.S. businesses picked up in West CoastBcpOR WCBD 15,90 — o 23,97 23 .99 + . 14 + 0,6 the fall. Weyerhaeuser W Y 1 8 .60 ~ 31.74 30.3 1 +. 1 7 +0 .6 L W
Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co
) il
Dow Jones industrials Close: 1 4,01 8.70
j 'l • .
GOLD $1,648.70 ~
1 0 DA Y S
1 3 94oi,e
Close: 1,519.43
Vol. (in mil.) 3,282 1,718 Pvs. Volume 2,637 1,505 Advanced 1961 1511 Declined 1 075 9 4 6 New Highs 2 96 178 New Lows 14 18
10 YR T NOTE 1.98% ~
Change: 2.42 (0.2%)
1,480 '
S&P 500 "
Seasonally adjusted, percent change 1.2%
L 2.61 4. 59 L 2.10 W 7 .34 L 3.82 L 1.06 L 3.37
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 97.51 97.03 + 0.49 + 6 . 2 Ethanol (gal) 2.39 2.40 + 0.04 + 9 . 0 Heating Dil (gal) 3.24 3.23 + 0.15 + 6 . 3 -3.6 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.23 3.28 -1.49 Unleaded Gas(gal) 3.05 3.02 + 0.96 + 8 . 5 FUELS
Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)
CLOSE PVS. 1648.70 1648.20 31.00 30.90 1717.20 1696.10 3.74 3.72 771.00 758.20
%CH. %YTD -1.6 +0.03 + 0.35 + 2 . 8 t 1.24
+ 0.50 + 1.69
t t 1.6
+ 2 .6 + 9 .7
CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -3.0 1.26 1.27 -0.65 -2.2 1.41 1.40 +0.36 -0.3 Corn (bu) 6.96 7.02 -0.85 Cotton (Ib) 0.82 0.83 - 1.34 + 8 . 9 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 389.30 384.30 + 1.30 + 4 . 1 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.28 1.21 +5.40 +10.3 Soybeans (bu) 14.21 14.32 - 0.75 + 0 . 1 Wheat(bu) 7.32 7.42 -1.28 -5.9 AGRICULTURE
Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)
1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5652 —.0012 —.08% 1.5740 C anadian Dollar 1.0 0 30 —.0026 —.26% 1.0022 USD per Euro 1.3444 +.0058 +.43% 1 . 3170 Japanese Yen 9 3.52 +. 1 1 + . 12 % 77 . 6 0 Mexican Peso 12. 7 092 —.0398 —.31% 12.8087 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3. 691 1 —. 0036 —. 10% 3.7265 0199 —. 36% 5.7550 Norwegian Krone 5.4901 —. South African Rand 8. 8925 —. 0075 —. 08% 7.7440 6.3694 —.0331 —.52% 6.6771 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9176 —.0014 —.15% .9175 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9707 -.0016 -.16% . 9 379 Chinese Yuan 6.2349 -.0023 -.04% 6.2948 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7548 -.0003 -.00% 7.7551 Indian Rupee 53.830 -.030 -.06% 49.480 Singapore Dollar 1.2394 -.0011 -.09% 1.2611 South Korean Won 1087.34 -6.42 -.59% 1129.20 -.04 -.13% 2 9 .59 Taiwan Dollar 29.72
Boardings upat RedmondAirport Passengerboardings at Redmond Airport in-
creased nearly 2 percent last month over January 2012, according to
figures released bythe airport. In January, 18,194 passengers flew out of Redmond Airport, an increase of 336 from January 2012. For 2012, boardings
dropped about1 percent
omcas o u ou By Ryan Nakashima
Corp. raised its annual dividend 20 percent to 78 cents per share and vowed to buy back $2 billion in shares this year. It is also buying NBCUniversal's headquarters at 30 Rockefeller Plaza in New York and the CNBC headquarters in Englewood Cliffs, N.J., for another $1.4 billion. Investors thought the move was good for both companies — GE because it got cash for
The Associated Press
LOS ANGELES — Comcast said Tuesday that it's buying the rest of NBCUniversal from General Electric for $16.7 billion, doing so several years early as the company takes advantage of low borrowing costs and what CEO Brian Roberts called a "very attractive price." At the same time, Comcast
its stake earlier than expected and Comcast because it is seen to be a good use of its cash. Comcast shares jumped $3.09, or 7.9 percent, to $42.06 in after-hours trading. GE shares rose 77 cents, or 3.4 percent, to $23.35. Comcast had bought a 51 percent stake in the company that owns the NBC broadcast network, the movie studio
Universal Pictures and pay TV networks such as USA, CNBC, Bravo and SyFy in January 2011. General Electric Co. had the remaining 49 percent. Comcast had planned to take a larger stake in it over seven years, paying foritfrom operating cash. But Roberts told The Associated Press that the sale of its stake in pay TV network A8tE and some wireless spectrum
gave it plenty of cash on hand. He also said Comcast got a good deal given that the stock priceofmedia conglomerates has been rising. "We thought that we would have to pay more later," he said. "We really have known we wanted to buy 100 percent from the beginning of the transaction. We wanted to learn the business ... we feel that now is an opportune time."
over 2011, according to airport figures.
Bend lodgingtax revenue increases
Dell's plan for buyout lacks key support
Room taxes collected in the city of Bend in
December increased 11 percent over December 2011, according to data from Visit Bend, the city's tourism promotion agency. And for the fiscal year so far, lodging tax collections
ktlltghk u
have increased nearly 8 percent over the first
six months of fiscal year 2011-12, according to the figures.
By Michael Liedtke The Associated Press
Yahoo CEO plans to prune apps Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayerthinks the Internet company will be able
to please more people with fewer smartphone applications.
Mayer says she hopes to winnow Yahoo's portfolio of mobile
applications from the current 60 to 75 pro-
grams to about a dozen. Her remarks cameduring a Tuesdayappearance before investors in San Francisco.
lt. Andy Tullis/Ttte Bulletin
Bend Rock Gym manager RyanBolen, left, and owner Jim Stone stand in front of the southeast Bendclimbing gym. Stone plans to expand the business by addinga building near the area where he and Bolen are standing.
— Staffand wire reports
BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • The Art ofContent Marketing, Engaging Your Audience:Kelly Walker, creative director and senior copywriter for Intrepid Marketing, will discuss how to develop written content that builds brand loyalty and leads your readers to action; registration requested; free; 7:30 a.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. FRIDAY • PERS Reform fk Impacts onLocal Government:Town hall forum; discussion of PERS reform, its impact on local government and what the future will hold; a panel of speakers will discuss ways to ensure public employees are taken care of, reasonable solutions and howthose solutions will impact public safety and education; registration required; $30 for members, $40 for nonmembers; 7:30 a.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-7437 or • Basic mediation training:This four-day training session meets the requirements for mediators set out in the Oregon Revised Statutes and in the Oregon Administrative Rules; successful completion of this training will enable participants to mediate as volunteers at Central Oregon Mediation lnc. as well as many other community mediation centers in Oregon; registration required; $495; 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Deschutes Children's FoundationEastCampus, 2125 N.E. Daggett Lane, Bend; 541-3830187, coordinator@ centraloregonmediation. com or www.central
To find freeincome tax preparation help, visit the Events Calendar at www. bendttulletin.comletrents.
For the complete calendar, pickup Sunday's t3ulletin or visit bendbulletin.comlbizcal
SAN FRANCISCO — A shareholder rebellion against Dell's proposed $24.4 billion sale to its founder and other investors is gaining more support, fueling a belief that the struggling personal computer maker will have to wrangle a higher price to get the deal done. Mutual fund firm T. Rowe Price joined the opposition Tuesday. T. Rowe Price and another shareholder, SoutheasternAsset Management, believe that founder and CEO Michael Dell and the investment firm Silver Lake are being allowed to seize control and end Dell Inc.'s 25-year history as a publicly held company for too little
By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin
Bend Rock Gym is planning an expansion that will nearly triple the size of the business by adding a new
Rock gym expanding
approval for bank financing
Jim Stone, owner of Bend Rock Gym, wants to start a13,000-
million price tag. He's waiting
square-foot building expansion as forfinancing before he moves ahead with a building permit early as April. Theexpanded rock gym could open this fall.
Owner Jim Stone has been planning to increase the size of his indoor climb-
ing gym near Reed Market Road and Southeast Ninth Street for several months. He wants to expand the 7,000-square-footgym to more than 20,000 square feet, complete with new climbing routes and space for aerobics and other activities. Blueprints filed with Bend's Community Development Department propose a new 13,110-squarefoot building on Southeast Centennial Court, adjacent to the current gym, which he bought in 2010. The two
to pay part of the roughly $2
Reed Mkt. Rd.k
Andy Zeigert / The Bulletin
buildings would be connected
by a bridge over a possible courtyard area, blueprints show. But the plan isn't full speed ahead — not yet, anyway. Stone said he still needs
application. He owns the land where the new building would be constructed. "I'm going to be into this a couple hundred thousand (dollars) right up front for stuff like engineers to do drawings," he said. But he's optimistic the financing will materialize. He's basically used all the space the 7,000-square-foot gym can handle. The expansion should bring new customers. Blueprints also show tentative plans to create a new access road off of Paiute Way that would connect to the expanded gym, as well as additional parking spaces. "The best-case scenario is that I'm hoping to be able to get funding within three to
five weeks, in which case I could then pay contractors to get going," Stone said. "I'd like to move dirt starting the first of April." That would set up the ex-
panded gym for an opening sometime this fall. But the timeline is far from finalized, Stone said, and could
change depending on when he secures a loan, and any unforeseen delays during construction. But once complete, he said, it will give climbers more variety and more challenging routes. The current building's climbing wall tops out at 35 feet. But the new building would allow ascents up to 50 feet. Stone said the current gym would stay open during the expansion, with interruptions expected to be minimal. — Reporter: 541-617-7820,
Toy makers favor the familiar By Tiffany Hsu Los Angeles Times
NEW YORK — A digital Barbie vanity mirror that allows makeup experimentation without the mess. Customizable figurines mounted on spinning tops that battle in a portable arena. New Play Doh Plus that's fluffier and more malleable. The hippest new toys showcased at the American International Toy Fair this week are interactive, adaptable and, often, more than a bit familiar. "We're reinventing older
brands so that kids can rediscoverthem as ifthey were new," said John Frascotti, chief marketing officer for Hasbro Inc., at the show in New York City. "A 5-year-old doesn't know or care that a toy has actually been around for decades." More than 31,000 attendees — including 1,000 exhibitors — are congregating at the annual event, which is considered to be the start of a yearlong scramble to identify, market and occasionally copy theproducts expected to
"We believethe proposed buyout does not reflect the value of Dell, and we do not intend to support the offer as put forward," T. Rowe Price Chairman Brian Rogers said in a statement. T. Rowe Price and Southeastern are the two largest independent shareholders and own nearly 13 percent of the company combined.Michael Dell has committed his 14 percent stake toward the deal, but he is the only investor to own more stock than either of the two. Although Dell remains one of the world's largest technology companies, with about $57 billion in annual revenue, it has become less attractive to investors as smartphones and tablet computers siphon sales away from PCs. To make matters worse, Dell has been losing market share to its rivals. The company once was the world's largest PC maker, but now ranks third behind Hewlett-Packard Co. and Lenovo Group.
r r
dominate the Christmas shop-
ping season. Toy analysts are already taking bets on likely trends. One major buzzword? Construction playthings, and not just in the form of boys' build-
ing blocks. Build-your-own robots and action figures and do-it-yourself doll backdrops helped the building sets sector grow 19.7 percent last year — the largest revenue gain of any toy category, according to NPD. Analysts expect another boost in 2013.
Mark Lennihan /The AssociatedPress
Mattel displays its Barbie Digital Makeover Mirror at the American International Toy Fair on Tuesday in New York. An iPad transforms into a digital mirror that invites girls to select their own makeup.
BANKRUPTCIES Chapter 7 Filed Feb. 5 • Deannette D. Hoffman, 735 North Main St., Prineville
• Darryl R. Cardwell Jr., 60108 Navajo Road,Bend Filed Feb. 6 • Heinie J. Zimmerman, 829 N.E. Shoshone Drive,
Redmond Filed Feb. 7
• Emma K. Farnsworth, 1015 N.W. Columbia, Bend
• Jessica M. Joseph,1850 N.E. Lotus No. 42, Bend • Allen B. Kvarme, 1830 N.W. Madras Highway, Prineville
Filed Feb. 11 • Bradly J. Ankeny, 16410
Cassidy Court, La Pine • Ben A. Suratt, P.O. Box 339, Bend
• Christina M. Matlock, 61219 Gooseberry Place, Bend • Cecil M. Spry, 14381 S.E.Browning St.,
Prineville Chapter 13 Filed Feb. 6 • Scott E. Farm, 20794 N.E. Gallop Road,Bend
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Reader photos, D2 Outdoors Calendar, D4 Bird Watch, D4 THE BULLETIN 0 WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 2013
For snow conditions
at Oregon ski resorts,
Eagle Watch set for next weekend Enjoy family activities and watch birds of prey with experts Feb. 23-24 at Round Butte Overlook Park on Lake Billy Chi-
nook. The two-day Eagle Watch event is put on by Oregon State Parks, the
Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs, Portland General Electric and
Crooked River National Grassland. It features
raptor education and Native American pro-
Morning clouds hover above Horse Ridge Recreation Area on Friday. The 600-acre area hosts miles of singletrack and is prime winter riding territory.
grams, kids' activities,
• Desert, old highway makebike ride at HorseRidgeamidwinter pleasure
food and refreshments, and contests and prizes. The watch will be held from10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Feb. 23 and10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Feb. 24.
Ten breeding pairs of bald and golden eagles live year-round near Lake Billy Chinook,
according to Oregon State Parks. From Janu-
ary and March, large numbers of migratory bald eagles arrive from the far reaches of North
America. More information about the schedule is available at the website below.
Contact: www.oregon .php or 541-923-7551, ext. 21.
Gommentssought on new trail plan The Deschutes Na-
tional Forest is taking public comment on a proposed trail from Bend to the planned Cascade LakesScenic Byway WelcomeStation west of town. The paved path would cover about four miles.
By David Jasper The Bulletin
ometimes you return to a place you thought you knew, only to make a new discovery. This time that place was Horse Ridge, the long, im-
posing landmark you see rising off to the southeast as you approach the Oregon Badlands Wilderness east of Bend. What exactly is it about buttes and ridges that makes us think ascending them would be a good idea? I'd been there a few times before — twice on trail runs with my dog and once on an attempted bike ride that turned into a hike on a sandy road. Hardly enough to make me a Horse Ridge expert, yetenough tomake me thinkI knewtheplace better than I really did. On Friday, Map Guy and I rode on singletrack that, after two miles, led us
Andy Tullis The Bulletin
to one of those finds that seems like a big deal, even though it's probably old hat to regular riders. After weeks of crosscountry skiing appearing in the Outdoors section, it was time for something completely different, so I asked Map Guy if he'd want to head out east to juniper and sage country, away from snow. Once again, he willingly said, "Sure," signing on even though I hadn't a clue where we'd go. But I did have the foresight to suggest he throw his bike in his rig, just in case. Our options narrowed further Thursday night as I looked at my Central Oregon Mountain Biking Trail Map and my sights trained on Horse Ridge. As one rider at Horse Ridge would tell us, it's among the only places to ride this time of year. SeeOuting/D3
Free-n e evoution
• Terrain parks, like those at Mt. Bachelor, allow freestylenewbies to practice easily
T Photos by David Jasper/The Bulletin
Facing east, the trail climbs in elevation alongside Highway 20 and affords plenty of scenery.
ning to connect mountain bike trails from
Phil's Trailhead and
Wanoga Sno-park to the
welcome center planned for the intersection of Century Drive and Forest Road 41. Construccenter should start this summer or fall, and the
' ' "r'
>tA '
spring 2014.
To comment, email comments-pacificnorthwest-deschutesv r
should be in byMarch 4. — From staff reports
SNO-PARKS STILLSPRINGLIKE Lower- to midelevation sno-parks
still have springlike conditions, with no substantial new snow in the past two weeks. For the following
Generally unchanged from last week, although lower parks might have lost aninch or two.
Virginia S wampy
W a noga D u tch-
M eissner: Lakes: About Abou t
Sno p fa y Area a n d
man Flat: B u t te : 80-8 4 18-26
About16 24 inches
18-26 i nches
34- 4 2 inc he s
Edi so n
Up p er Thre e Ce r ek:
Sno- p ark: i n ches i nch es; 1 6-2 2 26-3 2 crsscsnt watch for i n ches;
conditions in the morning, followed by softer snow in the afternoons:
Ten Mile Sno-park: About 10-16 inches
rocks and w atch for
Swampy Virginia Sno-park Lakes Meissner 6,350 ft. Sno-park Sno-park
Mile, Upper ThreeCreekLake, Cres-
Dulchmaff Flat
cent Junction and Crescent Lake. Be aware that icy conditions can lead to
out-of-control skiing or snowmobiling.
5,800 ft.
SeeTrail update/D3
5 , 4 00 ft.
en Cascade LakesHwy.
Mt. Bachelor
Vista Butte Sffo-Park
Snow depths havenot changed muchsincelastweek— perhapsan
Expect more traffic on the trails and high country roads this weekend.
snowriders to start small and work up to something bigger. SeeTerrain /D3
5,500 ft.
Edison Butte
Sno-park 5,034 ft.
5,900 ft.
Taking a closerlook at stream they were letting more water out of the dam. Here in the canyon, the Clackamas River ran higher than normal with a little color to the water. I started at the bottom of the run and worked my way upstream. When the morning sun played on the surface, I tied on a No. 3 nickel-bladed spinner with green beads. At 8:50 a.m. a fish streaked from behind a rock and slammed the lure. According to my journal from thatdayin 1990,lcaughtthe same fish 50 minutes later on a different spinner. This time the hook was on the point of the upper jaw.
Skyliner, Edison Butte, Six Mile, Ten
idea of progression, allowing
Oregon'ssnagging rules
low-snow low-snow hazards h a zards
Virginia Meissner, WanogaSnoplay Area and Sno-park, Swampy Lakes,
inch or two of snow lost.
sno-parks, expect icy and crusty
In higher elevations, including Dutchman Flat and Vista Butte snoparks, the conditions are not as icy or crusty but are still springlike.
evolves at a breakneck pace. A maneuver considered impossible last season is suddenly the trick that everybody is trying to perfect this season. "That's the crazy thing, you're always like, 'That's it, we've topped out,'" said Coggin Hill, free-ride director for Mt. Bachelor Sports Education
It can be intimidating to watch young skiers and riders fly through the air off monstrous jumps, twisting and contorting their bodies in unimaginable ways. Even more intimidating can be the prospect of launching off a jump for the first time yourself. But man-made terrain parks like those at Mt. Bachelor ski area, which include jumps, rails and other freestyle features, are designed with the
building should open in
district ranger, BendFort Rock Ranger District, 63095 Deschutes Market Road, Bend, OR 97701. Comments
ing and snowboarding
tion on the welcome
bend-ftrock© or write to Kevin Larkin,
he sport of freestyle ski-
tion. "But then the nextyear somebody comes out with something else that blows you away. With social media and YouTube now, people are now seeing what's possible and what can be done, and that's really pushing the level of
A portion of Old Highway 20 serves as a connector to one section of trail, and a reminder of the past.
The forest is also plan-
Wiley Jones, 14, of Bend, lofts a backside 360 air over a sizable jump in the terrain park at Mt. Bachelor.
NATIONAL FOREST Andy Zeigert i The Bulletin
GARY LEWIS I landed another fish a few minutes later, turned it loose and started back to the car. I always wondered if that first fish struck at the lure the second time or if I snagged it. A few weeks ago, I wrote about fishing for steelhead with beads and outlined a vertical presentation wherein the angler places a bead on the leader about three inches from the hook. See Lewis/D5
/ rsrr' ~ y
Huary Kenyon
Dave Adams
Next month's topic is wildlife. Submit at
Wr :,trn ,i '
David Beck
ift s
4~ 1
, gif
w '4sr
'r s
Glen Schaumloeffel
Gary Decker
Can you work a camera, and capture a great picture? And can you tell us a bit about it? Submit your color or black-and-white outdoors photos at bendbulletln. com/wellshotand tell us a bit about where and when you took them. All entries will appear online, and every week we'll run a stellar local photo in this section. Submission requirements:Include in your caption as much detail as possible — who, what, when, where, why; any special techniqueused — as wellas yourname, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered. Maralee Park
Terrain Continued from D1 And terrain parks can be popular places on the mountain when new snow is scarce. For those beginner freestyle skiers and boarders at Bachelor, the Short Sands terrain park near the Sunrise chairlift is the place to start. The low-level features of the park are low-consequence and low-risk, according to Hill. "Terrain parks are a good place for people to go have fun on a day when nothing else is really that great and there's no fresh snow," Hill said. New snowfall h a s b e en sparse at Bachelor since late December, so with a lack of powder for patrons to ride, the terrain parks have become more attractive. Parker Bohon, Bachelor's first-year terrain parks manager, is hard at work revamping the resort's parks to make them safer and more in line with the current ideas of style, flow and progression. Bohon — who has worked in the past with Jeremy Cooper, the terrain park manager at Park City Mountain Resort in Utah — wants to make Bachelor's terrain parks accessible to those new to free-riding. "I would just like to create a product that is safe for everybody, not necessarily gnarly or intimidating," Bohon said. "Anybody is capable of progressing up the ladder." Bohon, who leads a terrainpark staff of 12 at Bachelor, calls this season "a transition year" for the terrain parks
Wiley Jones, 14, of Bend, boardslides a massive rail in the terrain park near the Skyliner
Express Chairlift at Mt. Bachelor on Thursday. Wiley Jones trains regularly and competes with the Mt. Bachelor Sports Education Foundation snowboard team.
Photos by Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
Dru Brownrigg, 15, of Bend, who is on the MBSEF snowboard team, floats a spin over one of the many jumps available to riders at the terrain parks at Bachelor on Thursday.
at the resort. The focus is quality over quantity, he explained, but not being overly concerned with any one single feature.
"(We are) basically trying to
have a park that's structured around flow, and then thinking about the layout in general, with respect to progression," Bohon said. "It doesn't really matter what one feature looks like, it matters what all of them look like, and how they ride. So if we have one great jump, who cares? I'm really concerned about what everything looks like." The terrain park staff includes workers who operate Sno-Cats during the night to build and shape features, and others who work during the day monitoring and maintaining the parks. Short Sands includes five 10-
to 15-foot jumps and several flat boxes. From there, skiers and snowboarders can progresstoparks near the Skyliner lift, which include Pacific City, Seaside, Cannon Beach and The Point. These terrain parks include jumps ranging from 20 to 25 feet in Pacific City and from 45 to 60 feet in The Point, as well as more technical boxes and rails. Other freestyle areas on the mountain include the 22-foot halfpipe and the Events Arena, both located near the Pine Marten chairlift. Hill says that confidence is a crucial part of starting out in terrain parks. "Realistically, hitting a box is just like riding flat snow," he said. "It's not much more challenging ... it's the mental aspect of it. A lot of times peopleare scared of a feature
people can go into that Short Sands, try features at t h at level and progress there, and then work their way up to riding a different park." Hill advises those who are new to terrain-park riding to start out small, and to not try jumps or rails that are beyond their skill level. By doing so, he notes, they could be setting themselves up for injury. Bohon says he is focused on making the terrain-park jumps safer by r a ising the This eliminates what he calls the "falling-out-of-the-sky effect." The skier or boarder can still get lots of air time but does not have to soar as far down to the landing. "It's all about trajectory," Bohon said. "The landing isn't as harsh oras steep.We're giving
tricks because people had never done them before," Hill said. "And now as more and more people are doing these different tricks and making it look easy, it gives the kids a lot of confidence." — Reporter: 541-383-0318,
gtaga Mkt. Rd.
If yougo
tra ad Featured trail (ottt 0 ,.' and back) .',„Horse Ridge ''Becreation -"""Area
Dodds Rd.
them the air time but raising the landing up." Hill says that, as with most sports, practice is key to finding success in riding freestyle terrain. More practice leads to more confidence,which can allow snowriders to develop skills in a safe manner. This way, when a skier or snowboarder sees a new trick on YouTube, he or she just might have the ability to go try it. "Ten or 12 years ago, people were a lotmore scared about
landing areas on many jumps. doing these (challenging)
BadlanIls Wilderngss
Getting there:Toget to Horse Ridge Recreation
Area from Bend, head east on U.S. Highway 20
approximately15 miles
a 0
to the Oregon Badlands Wilderness sign, turn
Horse Ridge Research Natural Area
hard right on Horse Ridge Frontage Road(Old Highway 20j and proceed .7 miles to the Horse Ridge
Old Highway 20
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Trailhead on left. Difficulty:Moderate to difficult; recommended for cold-weather riding only; be
cautious on rocky terrain. Cost:Free
or/resources/recreation or 541-41 6-6700 CZ-
more directly). The ride starts deceptively low-key, then steepens at a grade roughlycommensurate with the nearby highway, on the other side of which lies Dry River Canyon. I had a digital recorder in my pocket to capture audio highlights. Here's a sample: "PANT PANT PANT, GULP. PANT PANT. W e 're b o th. Out of breath. Walking uphill. We've gone 1.6 miles.Probably the best mountain bikers in Bend." We didn't walk our bikes up the whole way, just over a couple ofplaces too steep or too technically challenging for our middle-aged and 60-something selves. Two miles in, we came to a place that reinvigorated us, or more accurately, sparked whatever remnants of childhood wonder remain within. It was a portion of "trail" that would appeal to any explorer, post-apocalyptic novel reader or history buff: A buckled, 2'/2-mile section of Old Highway 20, where yellow passing-zone lines still dot the s u rface, sagebrush pushes up through cracks and juniperbranches lap over the lanes, ready to clip off a side mirror should avehicle once again find its way here. What had begun as a cold,
and regardless of how good of a skier or snowboarder they are, they go into it (lacking confidence). A big thing is being confident in what you're dolng. Hill says that many kids in the MBSEF program start riding freestyle when they are as young as 6. But uninitiated adults can start at any time and work their way up to bigger andbigger features.Partof Bohon's emphasis this season is making for a smoother transition from smaller features to larger features for skiers and snowboarders. "Whenyou movefrom Short Sands to Pacific City, it's not a huge jump," Hill explained. "In the past, there's been a big gap in the level of features. You're either hitting 10-foot jumps or 40-foot jumps. (Bohon) has worked a lot this year so that
Outing Continued from D1 Horse Ridge is in high season, winter and spring being the only times you'd want to try to ride here. Come July, you'd sink to the spokes in sandy soil. Your best bet for getting around Horse Ridge in July would be driving by on U.S. Highway 20 or riding high overhead in a b a lloon chair — anything but a mountain bike. However, as of Friday at the 600-acre Horse Ridge Recreation Area, located about 15 miles southeast of Bend, the trail was firm, dry and mostly void of ice and snow except on north-facing nooks and crannies and closer to the top, approximately 4,700 feet, according to the Bureau of Land Management. From the t r ailhead there are a few options; we decided to stick to the left-most trail, if you will, which hugs the barbed-wirefence separating U.S. Highway 20 and Horse Ridge. This route skips the two trail options that would have taken us higher faster (well, not exactly "faster" — let's say
Photos by David Jasper/The Bulletin
A rusted gas can rests alongside the trail, the Badlands visible in the distance. overcast morning with a low, gray cloud parked overhead quickly turned sunny. We pedaled up, and up, beneath bluebird skies, stopping now and then to take in views of Mount Jefferson and other peaks off in the distance. While some would probably r ate t h ose views as more scenicthan a dilapidated stretch of highway, I was busy snapping photos of nature's takeover of Old Highway 20, h alf-expecting to see Viggo Mortensen appear around one of its winding curves. About 4'/2 miles into our ride, we stopped for a water and snack break at the precise spot where th e s ingletrack resumed its uphill climb. We were both m ore enamored of the road and the ride back down we'd earned than climbing farther, but in the interest of journalism, we decided to ride another half-mile. The singletrack was fine, and conditions still firm, but we arrived at a couple of traverses surrounded on either side by snow, the trail covered in a thin layer of muddy ice, which one of us found scary
(OK, OK, it was not Map Guy). It was on this section that we stopped and talked to fellow rider Don Leet. Asked how often he rides at Horse Ridge, he replied, "All the time." "Some people like to come
up on the (old) highway, other people would have taken the right just before; it's more technical," Leet told us. Weekends get pretty crowded, but weekdays tend to be lighter. A minute or two later, we hit the 5-mile mark and decided we'd had enough of the icy patches. We rode back toward the old highway, hung a left, climbed one slight rise and then began riding down the old highway, cruising at high velocity. I made a slalom course out of the old yellow lines, hands ready to brake should I get too close to one of the many large gravel sections or cracks.Taking a spill here would not be good. On the descent, we flew
Mountain biker Don Leet rides regularly at Horse Ridge.
rock hard enough to cause him physical pain. Then he hit another one hard enough to get a flat front tire. So be careful out there. The heightened views are worth it, the singletrack firm, but the terrain — and rustic Old Highway 20 — can prove tricky.
vPu/-/' &mA 6 &o.
a~ B~
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With Coupon, while supplies last.
John Day
— Reporter: 541-383-0349,
Ask about our DISCOUNT Simulator Punch Cards
past a couple of guys slowly pedaling up the section we'd been on not long before. Back on the last 2-mile stretch of s ingletrack, Map Guy hit a
ALL 2012 MERCHANDISE Come Demo the NEW 2013 CLUBS!
Trail Update
Up before noon on the weekend.
Parking canbecomean issue, especially on holidayweekends. Besure Continued from D1 to have asecond choice sno-park in Presidents Daybrings someof arestrictly the heaviest weekend use and Bend mind. No-parking zones WinterFest is likely to add to the traf- for emergencyvehicleaccess. If new to the area, be sure to fic, bringing winter enthusiast visitors to the area. Beextra cautious and courteous on the roads, in the
sno-parks and onthetrails.
Some sno-parks are likely to fill
ized Useor dogs. Carry a mapand all the necessities for emergencies.
PINS +4p
> ADA M s G o L F
Q g g i Q
g /BylorMade'
LOW ELEVATIONS Low-elevation trails are still experiencing spring-thaw conditions — icy in the morning, muddy in the afternoon. Hiking and biking
gather as much information about your trail destinations as possible.
on muddy trails will damagethe trail tread, sometimes past the
Folks shouldpayattention to boundaries, especially closuresfor motor-
point of repair. Avoid muddy trails
to minimize trail impacts.
& H H
~nnnnnr. ro
541-593-GOLF (4653}
U TDOORS FISHING CENTRALOREGONBASSCLUB: Meets on the first Tuesday of each month; new members welcome; 7-9 p.m.; Abby's Pizza, Redmond; DESCHUTESCHAPTEROFTROUT UNLIMITED:For membersto meet and greet and discuss what the chapter is up to; meets on the first M onday ofeach month,6:45 p.m.; ONDA offi ces,Bend;541-306-4509,, BEND CASTINGCLUB:A group of fly anglers from around Central Oregon who are trying to improve their casting technique; club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month; 6-8 p.m.; Orvis Casting Course, Old Mill District, Bend; 541306-4509orbendcastingclub@ THE SUNRIVERANGLERSCLUB: Meets on the third Thursday of each month; 7 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center; THE CENTRALOREGON FLYFISHERSCLUB: Meetsonthe third Wednesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; www.
HUNTING CENTRALOREGONCHAPTER ROCKY MOUNTAINELK FOUNDATION:Meetsevery Wednesday from March 6 to April 10; banquet and auction April13; new members welcome; 6:30 p.m.; VFW Hall, Redmond; 541-4472804 or Facebookat RMEF Central Oregon. BEND CHAPTER OHA2013 MULE DEER CLASSICFUNDRAISER BANQUET:Feb. 16; Riverhouse Convention Center, Bend; www. for information and application. THE OREGON HUNTERS ASSOCIATION,OCHOCO CHAPTER BANQUET: A fundraiser for local wildlife habitat, hunter opportunities and conservation projects, opportunities to win firearms, art, outdoor gear and door prizes, silent and live auctions; 5 p.m.; Saturday; Carey Foster Hall, Crook County Fairgrounds; tickets at
541-447-5029. LEARN THEARTOFTRACKING ANIMALS:Guided walks and workshops with a certified professional tracker to learn how to identify and interpret tracks, sign, and scat of the animals in Central Oregon; two or more walks per month all year; $35; 8 a.m. to noon; 541-633-7045; dave©, THE BENDCHAPTEROFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets thesecond Wednesday of each month; 7 p.m.; King Buffet, Bend; THE OCHOCO CHAPTER OFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the first Tuesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Prineville Fire Hall; 541-447-5029. THE REDMONDCHAPTEROFTHE OREGON HUNTERSASSOCIATION: Meets the third Tuesday of each month; 7 p.m.; Redmond VFWHall.
MULTISPORT 2013 CENTRALOREGON SPORTSMEN'S SHOW:Features resources on fishing and boating, shooting sports, hunting, camping and more; head and horns competition, kids'trout pond, warm water demo tankand camp-cooking demonstrations; $10 adults, $5 ages 6 to16; free 5and younger; March 7-10; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, Redmond; www. THE URBANGPSECO-CHALLENGE: Like a scavenger hunt with clues andcheckpoints;$65,includes guide, GPS, instruction, water and materials; daily; 9 a.m. and1:30 p.m.; trips on paths and trails along Deschutes River through Old Mill District shops and Farewell Bend Park; 541-389-8359, 800-9622862,
PADDLING KAYAKINGCLASSES:Weekly classes and open pool; 4-6 p.m.; Sundays; $3; for all ages; equipment provided to those who preregister, first-come, first-served; Cascade Swim Center, Redmond; 541-5487275,
Email events at least 10 days before publication to, or click on "Submit an Event" at Contact: 541-383-0351.
Name helps identi the red-tailed hawk Scientific name:Buteo jamaicensis Characteristics:A largeand broad-winged
Bird facts:GenusnameButeo means "a kind of hawk" andjamaicensis refers to
hawk with plumage that is highly variable. Adults have a brick-red tail, while the juvenile's tail is brown with numerous dark bands. Breeding:Builds a stick nest in a tree or
these hawksareoften seen perched onpower
cliff face; sometimes adds fresh evergreen foliage to the nest. Lays two to three eggson average; young takeabout 45 days to fledge. Rangeandhabitat:Widespreadacross much of North and Central America and the West Indies. Inhabits woodlands, open
country, farmland and urbanparks from sea level to the mountains. Food:Hunts from an elevated perch or while
soaring overhead. Preyconsists of rodents, small mammals, snakes,birdsandeven
Jamaica, where the first scientific specimen was collected. Named for their reddish tails,
orV)c ") t
poles or fence posts. Their distinct harsh cry sounds like keeee-aar. During courtship, the
males andfemales engage indramatic aerial displays; at times the adults lock talons and
spiral downwards seemingly out of control. Current viewing: Agricultural fields and open areas throughout Central Oregon. — Damian Faganis a birder, writer and past President of the EastCascadesAudubon Society. He can bereached atdamian.fagan© Sources Oregon Department of Wildlife Resources and The Audubon Society Encyclopedia of North American Birds by John Terres
Dean Guernsey/The Bulletin file photo
insects. CLAYSAND HUNTINGPRESERVE: 13-station, 100-target course and five-stand; 10 a.m. to dusk Saturday and Sunday, 11 a.m. to dusk Monday,Tuesday,Thursday and Friday; located at 9020 South Highway 97, Redmond; www. or 541-383-0001. REDMOND ROD &GUN CLUB: Archery, pistol, rifle, skeet, sporting clays and trap; club is open to the community and offers many training programs; three miles east of Redmond on the north side of state SHOOTING Highway126; for BEND BOWMEN INDOORARCHERY further information. LEAGUE: Traditional league; PINE MOUNTAINPOSSE: Wednesday evenings; Lenny at Cowboy action shooting club; 541-480-6743; indoor 3-D league second Sunday of each month; Thursday; 7 p.m.; Bruce at 541-410- Central Oregon Shooting Sports 1380 or Del at 541-389-7234. Association range, milepost 24, U.S. COSSA KIDS:The Central Oregon Highway 20, Bend; 541-3 I8-8199, Shooting Sports Association's NRA Youth Marksmanship Program is HORSE RIDGEPISTOLEROS: every third Saturday of the month; Cowboy action shooting with 10 a.m. to noon; Central Oregon pistols, rifles and shotguns; 10 Shooting Sports Association range, a.m.; first and third Sunday of each m ilepost 24,U.S.Highway 20,Bend; month; Central Oregon Shooting Don Thomas, 541-389-8284. Sports Association range, milepost BEND TRAP CLUB:Trap shooting, 24, U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541five-stand and skeet shooting; 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Thursdays and Sundays; milepost30,U.S.Highway 20, Bend; Bill Grafton at 541-3831428 or CENTRAL OREGONSPORTING KAYAK ROLLSESSIONS: Class every Sunday through end of May; 4:15-6 p.m.; $12 per boat for in-district residents and $16 for out-of-district residents; Juniper Swim & Fitness Center, Bend; preregistration is available the Monday prior to each session at register.bendparksandrec. org;, 541-389-7665.
408-7027 or
Shofstall will lead this year's clinics with an emphasis on camaraderie and skill improvement in a positive atmosphere that maximizes SNOW SPORTS learning; packages start at $40, each package includes guaranteed BONFIREON THE SNOW: first tracks, technical equipment Participants embark on a short overview and instructions catered snowshoe tour with a Wanderlust to help you ski with confidence; Feb. Tours naturalist guide off-trail to 23 and March 3; enjoy a bonfire in the middle of an amphitheater hand-carved in the DESCHUTESLANDTRUST WINTER deep snow; 7-11 p.m.; Saturday NATURENIGHTSSERIES: Monthly and Sunday; $75 per person, presentations on nature-related includes transportation, snowshoes, topics given by experts; Oregon instruction, hot drinks and Field Guide's stories from the desserts; 541-389-8359 or www. field; 7-8:30 p.m. Feb. 27; Century Center, Bend; a Natural History of Butterflies; 7-8:30 p.m. March 27; MOONLIGHTSNOWSHOEING AT Tower Theater in Bend; register at MOUNT BACHELOR:Discover or the Cascades under the bright 541-330-0017. moonlight reflecting off of the white snow; Wanderlust Tours runs FOURTHANNUALBACHELOR monthly moonlight snowshoe trips BUTTEDOG DERBY:Racingsled for the few nights surrounding each dogs and skijoring in Central full moon through May; snowshoes Oregon; contestants from across the are included on all tours; 7-11 p.m.; Northwest and up to 30dogteams; Feb. 22-23, www.wanderlusttours. race distances range from five to 25 com or 541-389-8359. miles 8:30a.m .eachday;March2-3, WOMEN'S SKI CLINIC AT HOODOO: Wanoga Sno-park; Veteran Hoodoo instructor Janet BachelorButte.aspx.
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entertained throughouttheyear. The Bulletin's 110 Ways to Discover Central Oregon is one of the most comprehensive visitors' guide in the tri-county area. This colorful, information-packed magazine can be found at Central Oregon resorts, Chambers of Commerce and other key points of interest, including tourist kiosks across the state, It is also offered to Deschutes County Expo Center visitors throughout the year.
W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: publishing twoeditions ayear Spring/Summer: April (Date to be announced) Fall/Winter: October (Date to be announced)
with these well-read
publications. Call yourBulletin advertising representativefor acomplete marketing consultationand results-orientedplan.
The Central Oregon Golf Preview is dedicated to the golf enthusiasts of Central Oregon. The guide includes information about approximately 30 courses throughout the region and what's new in golf for 2013. The guide also includes a comprehensive golf tournament schedule, clinics and special events taking place in Central Oregon. A consumer section included in the guide highlights the newest equipment on the market,
W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: publishes annually
a0 th f
Sunday, May 2
. 'The Bulletin
71 •
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No Minnesotamooseseason ueto ig rop in population By Steve Karnowski
why moose are dying out in The Associated Press Minnesota. Scientists suspect M INNEAPOLIS — M i n - some combination of higher nesota canceled its m o ose temperatures, parasites, dishunting season last week, cit- eases, contact with deer and ing a precipitous decline in changes in forests in norththe moose population, as re- easternMinnesota. A separate searcherstry to get a handle moose herd in northwestern on why the iconic symbol of Minnesota is now so tiny that the north woods appears to be the DNR no longer conducts faring worse here than else- surveys there. where across its range. DNR officials said it isn't The population has dropped clear why moose are strug35 percent over the past year gling more i n s ome places and 52 percent from 2010 to than others. New England has an estimated 2,760 moose left a much larger moose popuin northeastern M i nnesota, lation and th e r ange there according to the annual aerial may be expanding,although survey conducted by the De- numbers may be declining in partment of Natural Resources some northeasternstates.The in January. That's down from population appears to be holdan estimated 4,230 moose last ing its own or growing in parts winter. M i nnesota's moose of North Dakota. But some numbers were estimated as Rocky Mountain states are high as 8,840 in 2006. experiencing declines. While "So it's just a plummeting Canada's moose population population here," DNR Com- remains large, it's been falling missioner Tom Landwehr told acrossthe border in Ontario. reporters. While the decline in MinWhile moose might not die nesotaseems precipitous comout completely in Minnesota, pared to those elsewhere, Lou the population could be too Cornicelli, the DNR's wildlife small well before 2020 to ac- research manager, said the curately estimate, said Steve state keeps better population Merchant, the DNR's wildlife data than others, so it's hard populations and regulations to say whether that's the case manager. He noted the big or how populations elsewhere drop in just the past year. are actually faring. "That's a steep slope, and While Landwehr reiterated it comes down to that — very some scientists' opinion that few animals left, very shortly," Minnesota's small, bulls-only Merchant said. hunt has not been a factor in Researchers are conducting the population decline, he said studies to better understand it was prudent to suspend the
hunt in light of the new data and the animals' uncertain future. State officials said they won't reopen hunting unless the population recovers. L andwehr a l s o sa i d the DNR is talking to the state's three Ojibwe bands about whether they'll continue their moose hunts, which they're entitled to do by treaty. The Fond du Lac, Grand Portage and Bois Forte bands killed a combined 36moose lastyear. "We don't a n t icipate there will be a biological impact from that," Landwehr said. "It's going to be up to the tribes how to proceed." The DNR late last month launched a $ 1.2 m i llion multi-year effort to capture and put t racking collars on 100 adult moose and 50 calves, and implant instruments in the digestive tracts of 27 of those adult moose to letresearchers know when they die. The researchers hope to be able to get to those carcasses within 2 4 h o urs, before wolves and other scavengers make i t i m p ossible to determine the cause of death. Data from previous studies suggest that predation by wolves and bears has only a small effect on the adult moose population.
FIsHING REPoRT Forthewaterreport,turneachday totheweatherpage,today onB6 Here is the weekly fishing report for selected areas in and around Central Oregon, provided by fisheries biologists for the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife:
FLY-TYING CORNER Chou's Double Agent, courtesy Fin & Fire.
CENTRAL ZONE ANTELOPEFLATRESERVOIR: The reservoir is not accessible by vehicle due to the snow on the roads. BEND PINENURSERYPOND: The most recent stocking was in late September with a number of onepound rainbow released. CRESCENTLAKE:Opportunities for rainbow and brown trout are good. CROOKED RIVERBELOW BOWMANDAM:Fishing for trout hasbeengood.W aterlevels have been consistent and fish are feeding on small mayfly and midge nymphs. The use of bait is prohibited until May. Trout over 20 inches are considered steelhead and must be released unharmed. DESCHUTESRIVER(MOUTH TO THEPELTON REGULATING DAM):Fishing remains good for trout downstream from the Warm Springs Reservation Boundary. Best troutfishing typically occurs around midday, as the best light reaches the canyon floor. Fly anglers will find best success with nymphs along with egg patterns for trout and whitefish. Anglers are reminded trout angling is closed upstream from the Warm Springs Reservation Boundary. HOOD RIVER:Anglers are catching a few early-winter steelhead. The fishing will continue to get better as the winter progresses. Anglers are reporting the best success on bait due to the cold water temperatures. LAKE BILLY CHINOOK: Fishing for bull trout has been fair. Anglers are reminded there are small numbers of spring chinook and summer steelhead in Lake Billy Chinook as part of the reintroduction effort. Please release these fish unharmed. The Metolius Arm closed to fishing Oct. 31. METOLIUS RIVER:Trout fishing has been good. Insect hatches should offer lots of opportunities for good, dry fly fishing. Angling for post-spawning bull trout should be excellent. Large streamer flies fished in the deeper pools and slots are the best bet.
Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin
When steelhead stack in the pocket water, tie on a weighted fly beneath a strike indicator. Too muchflashand too much color might spook them, so tie on Chou's Double Agent. Tied in black and dark green, this
pattern combines sparkle and movement with peacockfor a lively presentation. Dead-drift Chou's Double Agent below a strike indicator (set 2X the depth of the run
in fast water) or keep aclose eye on the end of your fly line. OCHOCO RESERVOIR: The reservoir is completely iced over but anglers should exercise extreme caution if ice fishing. Freezing and thawing cycles may weaken the ice. PRINEVILLERESERVOIR: The reservoir is mostly iced over with
Probe underwater ledges and the transitions from fast to slow water. Watch the indicator and set the hook at the slightest hesitation in the drift. Tie this pattern on a black chromed SSW 5415 hook.
Slide a black bead upagainst the eye. For the tail, use black CDC. Build the body with
dark-green wire. For the thorax, use peacock Ice Dub. Finish with a spun CDC hackle — Gary Lewis, For TheBulletin
some open water. Anglers should exercise extreme caution if ice fishing. SHEVLINYOUTH FISHING POND: Shevlin Pond is fishing well and typically fishes well throughout winter if not iced over.
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Photos by Gary Lewis/ For The Bulletin
Jason Hambly battles a steelhead on the Sandy River.
Lewis Continued from D1 Two alert readers responded — one by email, one by telephone. Doubtless, several other fishermen lifted their eyebrows.
.. • n;„
One angler, a former guide, made the point that a fish biting the bead is likely to end up with the hook outside of its mouth. Although he was a veteran drift fisherman, he said he had never fished in the manner I wrote about, with a bobber or strike indicator, which presents the lure in a vertical top-down presentation. We agreed that a horizontal drift fishing bead presentation is more likely to end up pinning a steelhead in the outside corner, not on the inside corner, which, many of us think, is the preferredhook placement. Side-of-the-mouth hookup is good if it is on the inside. If it is on the outside, the fish must be released. Although a horizontal presentation and a vertical presentation are tw o d i f ferent things, it seemed a clarification and examination of the regulations was in order. At issue is an Oregon rule that requires any fish hooked outside of its mouth be released. That includes any fish that bites a bait, lure or fly and ends up with the hook on its mandible or, like lipstick, on its upper or lower jaw. This year, the Oregon Sport Fishing Regulations is printed on 112 pages, and there are a number of changes and additions to the text highlighted in blue. On Page 9, the new defini-
tion of snagging reads: "Taking or attempting to take a fish with a hook and line in a way or manner where the fish is not enticed to voluntarily take the hook(s) in its mouth.
Snagged or not? This Sandy River steelhead took a pink plastic worm and was hooked at the corner of the mouth. The fish was released. Gamefish which are hooked other than inside of its mouth must be released immediately unharmed." Why does this matter'? Because if an angler keeps an otherwise legal fish, which was hooked on the outside of its mouth, he or she may be ticketed for snagging. And if an enforcement officer determines by looking at the tackle that the fisherman was angling for an outside-of-mouth h ookup, he or she may be
guilty. Is it possible that the enhanced antisnagging r u l es might encourage fishermen to change tactics to ensure inside-the-mouth hookups, with more hooks in the interior gill arches, which are more likely to cause severe b leeding? Aren'tthose outside corner-ofmouth hookups safer for a fish that must be released? Another popular technique is to troll a Hot Shot, Tadpolly, or similar diver, with a treble hook at the rear of the lure and one at the center. A fish attempting to crush a diver might end up with one hook in its mouth and the other in its jaw. By the time the fish
is in the net, even if it was hooked legally in the mouth to begin with, it could have the other hook on the outside of its mouth, which is what an officer would see through a spotting scope or high-power binoculars. Perhaps a favored method is swinging an articulated leech or a tube-fly presentation wherein the tube might ride up away from the hook. There's a good chance the hook could end up on the outside of the mouth. Some methods aresafer than others for targeting an inside hookup. If an angler is fishing with beads, move it closer to the hook. If an angler is fishing a fly and dropper or a tube or even a streamer with a stinger, he or she should take a look at how that hatchery fish was hooked before the wood shampoo is applied. — Gary Lewis is the host of "Adventure Journal" and author of "John Nosler — Going Ballistic," "Black Bear Hunting," "Hunting Oregon" and other titles. Contact Lewis at www.
'Zero Hour' a waste of time
TV SPOTLIGHT "Southland" 10tonight, TNT
By Rich Heldenfels Alzron Beacon Journal
In about t h ree m i nutes, the premiere of the ABC series "Zero Hour" manages to squeeze in N a zis, Rosicrucians, a mysterious baby and mentions of th e en d t i m es and biblical prophecy. It's like speed-reading Dan Brown. But by the end of the first ep-
isode, you may be wishing you could jump ahead to the last pages — I mean episode — of this silly and overwrought series. It has enlisted the beloved Anthony Edwards of "ER" as the main character, Hank Galliston, the publisher of a magazine called Modern Skeptic. He is also the husband of Laila, a clock maker and collector (Jacinda Barrett). But! Laila! Gets! Kidnapped! Sorry. This is the kind of show where everything seems exclamatory. I am already expecting a series of promos akin to those for "Scandal," promising that You! Won't! Believe! What's! Happening! Next! Desperate to get his wife back, Hank and his magazine t eam (Addison Timlin a n d Scott Michael Foster) begin to discover things that connect to old plans and mysteries. Of course, we as viewers know that he's about to be part of a big deal thanks to those first three minutes. Unfortunately, getting to that point has involved several dips into a pool of ridiculousness.
By David Wiegand San Francisco Chronicle
F or D e t ective L y d i a Adams, "coming to work is the easy part of my day." For another cop, w hose home life is falling apart, work doesn't begin to compensate. "I don't have a second act in me," he said. "Southland," one of the consistently best shows on TV, begins its new season tonight on TNT by doing what it has done for the previous four years: portray with unusual and convincing realism the lives of men and women of the LAPD. O ther shows may f a ll back on gimmicks by the t ime they hi t t h eir f i f t h season, something to re-
ignite flagging interest, but "Southland" s h ows its pedigree in the season opener with a deceptively restrained day-in-the-lives of thecharacters portrayed by its core ensemble.
Adams (Regina King), who, as a single woman, a gonized over h aving a baby last year, struggles to get out of bed now, feeling grateful her own mom is around to care for young Christopher while L y dia goes off to work. Officer John C o oper ( M i c hael
years ago because
tainly are. That's what mothers and she enjoys seeing "everyone are for — to inject a dose of sanity happy." She says Alicia won't sleep when everyone around her is losaround now and, maybe, one day ing theirs. she'll marry a handsome man like Dear Abby: The other day at Sam who will "return the favor"! work, my girlfriend overheard a I can't believe these group ofpeople in the break room girls are my daugh- talking about what they'd do first ters. Should I c o nif they won the lottery. Without tinue to protest or let exception, everyone in that room it go? Is this relaxed said the first thing they would do a ttitude about s ex is get a divorce. My girlfriend was prevalent in y o ung stunned. people today? I cannot understand Have you everdone an informal Melanie's lack of desire to defend reader survey on this subject? Is her turf. the state of marriage in America — Heartbroken Mom in Florida really that bad? I'm also curious if Dear Mom: Your daughters ap- answers would differ along gender pear to be into the concept of open lines. Let me know what you think, marriage. Clearly, they do not view andthanks. marriage and r elationships the — Happily Single But Still same way you do. a Believer fn Marriage Melanie is naive to think that Dear Happily Single: No, I have encouraging Sam to have a sexual not done a reader survey on this relationship with her sister will dis- subject. But I'm glad you asked, becourage him from seeking other cause I think what your girlfriend partners.Far from it.And as for heard is a sad commentary on the her wanting to start a family, has state ofthe marriages of her coshe considered what will happen if workers. Readers, if you'd care to her husband impregnates Alicia at chime in on this, I'm sure it would the same time — or first'? be enlightening. But back to your question: Are — Write to Dear Abby at you right t o p r otest'? You cer- or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,CA 90069 Sam, who can"handle everything,"
s he and he r h u s band had an appetite for sex outside their marriage. While I was disturbed about that, I was horrified to learn that Melanie allows her sister to occasionally have sex with Sam. Melanie's argument is that Sam is less likely to cheat given this situation. When I asked her and Sam about it, he said it wasn't his idea. My current husband says any man who would refuse this "set-up" would be nuts. Alicia claims she "doesn't have time" to date right now, and after she finishes her MBA, she'll seek out a more normal relationship. I am distraught about this mess. Melanie says she wants to start a family soon. She says she loves
6 p.m. on ESPN,"College Basketball" — A fierce rivalry is revisited tonight in Durham N.C., where the North Carolina Tar Heels visit the Duke Blue Devils. Seth Curry and Mason Plumlee had led Mike Krzyzewski's Blue Devils to a No. 1 ranking at this writing, but a foot injury to senior forward Ryan Kelly in January could hurt them defensively.
to demonstrate genuine fondness for Adams, even if he can't resist advising her that breast-feeding is much more beneficial to y o ung C h rist opher t ha n f e e ding h i m formula. T he driving s t rength o f "Southland" is how each character's life and p ersonality are shaped by the job of being a cop, and, at the same time, how they almost take refuge in the job from challenges on the home front. Adams wants to be a good mother, but at TNT via Mcclatcby-Tribune News Service the end of a trying day, she Michael Cudlitz co-stars in "Southland," which is returning tonight pauses at her front door and, on TNT. Cudlitz plays Officer John Cooper, who is back on his seeing her mother inside tryfeet after kicking an addiction to painkillers but is still coping with ing to comfort a crying infant, emotional struggles. holds back, trying to find the energy she knows will be required of her when and if she Cudlitz) kicked his addiction not-so-secretly records their goes through that door. Cooto painkillers and is physically encounter to use in their ongo- per may be comfortable beback on his feet after back ing custody battle. ing gay, but that doesn't mean surgery, but still i nternalizOfficer Ben Sherman (Ben he's reached a level of peace ing emotional struggles. He's McKenzie), no longer the Hol- with his demons that would been seeing the same guy for a lywood pretty boy, takes his e nable him to be i n a r e al while, and the arrangement is job much more seriously now, relationship. fine with Cooper. But his boy- but still enjoys a good bash, Yes, thecops solve crimes. friend thinks that three years especially if it's being thrown S ometimes they m ak e t h e of "banging each other" ought to celebrate his recent award right call in a situation; other to amount to a real relation- from the department. times, they don't. But as pership. Cooper just gets ready The premiere episode fol- fectly detailed and credible for a day on the streets of Los lows th e m a i n c h a racters as the action sequences are, "Southland" is about characAngeles. through the day. Cooper is O fficer S a mm y Br y a n t saddled with a new partner ter and benefits not only from (Shawn Hatosy) begins his named Gary Steele (Derek superb w r i t in g ( J o nathan day by meeting his ex-wife Ray), who can't help contrast- Lisco for this week's episode, (Emily Bergel) in a parking ing what it was like to fight Heather Zuhlke for next week) lot to take their 2-year-old son in Afghanistan against bebut bystellar performances by Nate and hand him overto a ing an LA cop. Adams is still every cast member. babysitter so Sammy can get partnered with D et. Ruben T here isn't a b e tter c op to work. His ex tries to goad Robinson (Dorian Missick), show on TV right now than him into striking her while she who is married but continues "Southland."
isterta eso enmarria etoo ar Dear Abby: My daughters are attractive young women, both doing well in their professional careers. "Melanie," who is 27, is married to "Sam," an extremely attractive and successful man. My 3 0 - y ear-old daughter, "Alicia," has been divorced • EAR for a year. Her marr iage f a i le d two
'Sout an 'sti t rivin 5 earsin
year the unexpected runs rampant in your By Jacqueune Bigar day-to-day life. It prevents boredom, and it helps you identify your priorities. You might have difficulty walking away from they reflect each person's issues. You drama. Rather than might be so detached that others could feel Stars showthe kind fight thetrend, uncomfortable with you. Recognize your of dayyou'll have i et the exciting limits. Tonight: Only where the crowds are. ** * * * D ynamic dynamics roll right ** * * P ositive pa st you. If there's CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * T ake a stand and know whatyou ** * Average one thing you can want to do. Somehow others easily ** So-so be sure of, it is misunderstand you. You could feel as if * Difficult change, and it is someoneisbullying you.W alkaway.You right around the might take a strong stand in a key matter. corner. If you are single, you could have Realize that you might be the one creating a sequence of intense potential sweeties. a problem. Tonight: Take the lead. Take your time deciding, and you will LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) benefit. If you are attached, the two of ** * * * T ake the lead si intuation a before you have a great time together. When someone can interfere. Theunexpected you relax, you are like two kids playing occurs, and it floorsyou and manyothers. together. ARIES makesyou laugh. A meeting points your attention in the ARIES (March 20-April 19) right direction. Pressure comesfrom your ** * * P ut your best foot forward, even in an unpredictable situation. You tend to schedule and its demands.Tonight: Go to a favorite spot that has music. help others feel a lot more relaxed and at VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ease.Claim yourpower,and dowhatyou want. Someone who pushesyou hard will ** * * * D eal with someone you care respect you more as a result. Tonight: Do about directly. The interaction might surprise you at first, and then could your own thing. delight you later. You need that type TAURUS (April 20-May 20) of dynamic in a bond in order to stay ** * Read between the lines rather interested. Understand your need for than immediately react. In fact, the less change. Tonight: Play "follow the leader." said, the better. You might have difficulty LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) getting past a problem or a bad mood. ** * * * D efer to others, and avoid an Just let time do its thing. Someone at a argument. A power play might get the distance could be exceptionally difficult. best of you if you get involved in it. The Tonight: Get some extra R and R. smart move is to steer clear and do what GEMINI (May 21-June20) is necessary. Do not respond. Ifyou ** * * * L ook at what is going on in a continue to say nothing, the game might meeting. Note the different roles others end. Tonight: Say "yes" to an invitation. play. These roles are interesting in that
SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 21-Dec. 21) ** * * * Y our playfulness emerges when speaking to friends and loved ones. You express your love of the good life by living in the moment. Pressure builds around your finances. Someone might haveanexpectation you can'tseem to meet. Tonight: Celebrate the moment.
CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * Get back to the basics, and understand what is happening with a family member. You really don't need to ask questions. Just trust in this person's ability to work through these issues. You have a little too much energy for your own good. Go for a jog. Tonight: At home.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * Y ou'll speak your mind. Others will either brainstorm with you or decide to counter your thoughts. Perhaps they evenmightchooseto ignoreyou.Makea cali to a relative you no longer can avoid. Have a gossip session if you want to keep the peace. Tonight: Paint the town red.
PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * You could have a different opinion from a friend about a money matter. This situation could blow up in your face or evolve into a major power play. Decide which way to go, or consider a different option. Your mind can be unusually resourceful. Tonight: Keep it low-key. ©2013 by King Features Syndicate
8 p.m. onE3, "Survivor: Caramoan — Fans vs. Favorites" — As the title suggests, this season of the reality juggernaut pits players from past seasons against die-hard fans of the show. You might think the returnees have an edge; they've done this before. But don't count the fans out yet; they've got a big-picture view.
9 p.m. onH Cl, "Modern Family" — Phil and Claire (Ty Burrell, Julie Bowen) bring out their alter egos, Clive and Juliana, for some Valentine's Day fun that ends with Claire in the hospital. Interruptions from the kids derail Jay and Gloria's (Ed O'Neill, Sofia Vergara) romantic plans. Cam and Mitch (Eric Stonestreet, Jesse Tyler Ferguson) host a lonely hearts party to remember ... but they can't. 9 p.m. onH f3, "Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit" — FBI agent Dana Lewis (Marcia Gay Harden) works with the SVU detectives in investigating a rape/ murder case from 25 years ago that she believes is connected to a series of unsolved crimes across the country. She has a suspect (Haroid Perrineau) in her sights, but Benson and Amaro (Mariska Hargitay, Danny Pino) aren't entirely sure he's guilty.
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional feefor 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter presstime. t
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • BEAUTIFUL CREATURES (PG-13) 10 • BULLET TO THEHEAD (R) I:45, 4:35, 7:15 • DJANGO UNCHAINED (R) 12:45, 4:25, 8 • GANGSTER SQUAD (R)I2:05,3:35,7,9:50 • A GOOD DAY TODIE HARDIMAX (R) 10 • A GOOD DAY TODIE HARD(R) 10 • HANSEL &GRETEL:W ITCH HUNTERS (R)3:50,IO:IO • HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCHHUNTERS3-D (R) 1:20, 7:45 •THE HOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-0 (PG-13)6 •THE HOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)2, 9:40 • IDENTITY THIEF (R) 12:25, 3:20, 4:45, 6:25, 7:25, 9: I5, 10:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 12:40, 4:05, 7:35 • LIFEOFPI (PG) I2:15 • LIFE OF PI 3-D (PG) 3:40, 6:40, 9:35 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:50a.m., 3:10, 6:40, 9:55 • MAMA (PG-13) 1:10, 4:20, 6:50 • MOVIE43(R) I:55 • PARKER (R) I2:20, 3:05, 6:10 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 10 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 1, 3:45, 7:10, 9:45 • TOP GUN IMAX (PG) 12:30, 3:15, 6:30 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 1:25, 3:55, 6:45, 9:20 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 11:45 a.m., 3:15, 6:40, 10:05 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. t
9 p.m. on TRAV,"Baggage Battles" — The new episode "Toronto II" brings Billy Mark Laurence and Sally to a nondescript warehouse in Canada's largest city where all kinds of unclaimed items are sold at auction — not just unclaimed baggage but misguided freight, consignments, overstocks, surplus and more. Let the treasure hunt begin! ©zap2it
DOUBLE SAVINGS NOW! $25-50 rebates on select Hunter Douglas products, and matching instant dealer rebates (thru 4/2/1 3)
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.Li.S. Highway20, 541-382-6347 • ARGO (R)12:15, 3, 6 • HYDE PARK ONHUDSON(R) I:15, 7 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13)12:30, 3:30, 6:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 3:45 • QUARTET (PG-13) 12:45, 4, 7:15 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) Noon, 3:15, 6:30 • STAND UP GUYS(R) 1,4:15, 6:45 I
SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * You might try to bypass a problem when the unexpected occurs. Recognize thatyou can do only so m uch.Do not attempt a power play or any other type of manipulation. You know what is acceptable. Tonight: Opt for a foot rub or a massage, should someone offer.
8p.m. onHE3, "Whitney" — Whitney (Whitney Cummings) tries to keep her mouth shut when Alex's (Chris D'Eiia) obnoxious brother visits, but her irritation soon gets the better of her. Lily (Zoe Lister-Jones) secretly sets Roxanne and Mark (Rhea Seehorn, Dan O'Brien) up on a date, with surprising results.
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • THE MAN WITH THEIRONFISTS (R) 9:15 • SKYFALL (PG-13) 5:30 • WRECK-IT RALPH (PG) 2:30 • After 7 p.m., shows are 2f and older only. Younger than 2f may attend screenings before 7 pm. if accompanied by a legal guardian. t
neighborhood on Bend's westside.
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • The "Spaghetti Western" willscreen at6 tonight (doors open at530 p m1andincludes anall you-can-eat spaghetti dinner. I
Pbethlehem sbeiter ' "eip ' "ope
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I-548-8777 • HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCHHUNTERS(R) 4:30, 6:45 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) 4, 6:30 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 4:45, 7 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 3:45, 7 Sisters Movie House, 720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • HYDE PARK ONHUDSON(R) 6:30 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 6:30 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) 6:15 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 6
Donate your vehicle today! 541.322.8768 ext. 21 5
IN l
WILSONSof Redmond Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • HANSEL & GRETEL: WITCHHUNTERS3-0 (R) 5:25, 7:30 • MAMA(PG-I3) 5:05,7: IO • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 4:45, 7 • SILVER LININGS PLAYBOOK(R) 4:15, 6:50 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 5:20, 7:25 •
541-548-2066 Adjustable
Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • ARGO (UPSTAIRS — R)6:15 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) 6 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.
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Help needed NOW to BUYING & SE L LING All gold jewelry, silver spay/neuter stray/fe- The Bulletin recommends extra ' and gold coins, bars, ral cats before kitten Browning B-80 Semi For newspaper rounds, wedding sets, delivery, call the ITEMS FORSALE 264-Snow RemovalEquipment season! Too m a ny I caution when purAuto Shotgun. 2-3/4" chasing products or, class rings, sterling silcats 8 n o t e nough with a modi f i ed Circulation Dept. at 201 - NewToday 265 - Building Materials ver, coin collect, vinIn gre a t 541-385-5800 homes! Rescue group services from out of I c hoke. 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves area. Sending I condition, perfect for tage watches, dental I the needs people to huTo place an ad, call 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood gold. Bill Fl e ming, 541-385-5809 manely trap in all ar- cash, checks, or skeet, trap and bird 204- Santa's Gift Basket 541-382-9419. 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers eas, plus funds for I credit i n f o rmation hunting.$375 OBO. or email Hay, Grain & Feed 205- Free ltems classified O bendbullstin.ccm 269- GardeningSupplies & Equipment Cell 541-639-6162 addtl. humane traps & may be subjected to Wantedpaying cash 208- Pets and Supplies I FRAUD. For more 270 - Lost and Found spay/neuter vet bills. 1st grass hay, for Hi-fi audio & stuThe Bulletin 70- Ibquality 210- Furniture & Appliances Make a big difference information about an t bales, barn stored, CASH!! GARAGE SALES dio equip. Mclntosh, advertiser, you may t 211 - Children's Items in your area & help $250/ ton. Also big bales! Guns, Ammo & 275 - Auction Sales J BL, Marantz, D y Ore g on / For 212 -Antiques & Collectibles animals at the same t call t h e Patterson Ranch, Reloading Supplies. naco, Heathkit, San- P oulan rider 42" c ut Sisters, 541-549-3831 280 Estate Sales ' State Attor ney ' time. Lv. msg. at 541 215- Coins & Stamps 541-408-6900. 181k hp, $ 650 obo. sui, Carver, NAD, etc. I General's O f f i ce 281 Fundraiser Sales 3 89 8420, o r v i s it 240- Crafts and Hobbies 541-389-9268. Consumer P r otec- • One week only! 30 Rnd. Call 541-261-1808 & 282- Sales Northwest Bend 241 - Bicycles and Accessories Looking for your t ion ho t l in e at I AR-15 Magazines $40 Prompt Delivery e-mail if you can help. 284Sales Southwest Bend next employee? 242 - ExerciseEquipment Rock, Sand & Gravel I 1-877-877-9392. Each. While they last. 286- Sales Northeast Bend Place a Bulletin 243 - Ski Equipment Husky-Wolf female, 3 Multiple Colors, Sizes 541-601-7858 Bend • Tools help wanted ad 244 - Snowboards 288- Sales Southeast Bend mos, beautiful blue eyes! Instant Landscaping Co. $250. 541-977-7019 541-389-9663 today and 290- Sales RedmondArea 245 - Golf Equipment I O g,„., 1 Craftsman 10" Table reach over 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 292- Sales Other Areas Labrador Pups, AKC SUPER TOP SOIL Largest 3 Day Saw, $199; Yamaha 212 60,000 readers 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. www.bershe Chocolate/Yeliow/White FARM MARKET 2600 Portable GenGUN 8c KNIFE each week. Screened soil & comHips OFA guaranteed. 248- Health andBeautyItems Antiques & 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery erator (never used) $300-$400. SHOW post m i x ed , no Your classified ad 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs Collectibles 316 - Irrigation Equipment $450; Craftsman 1-541 -954-1 727 rocks/clods. High huwill also February 15-16-17 251 - Hot TubsandSpas rotating bench, $75. 325- Hay, Grain and Feed mus level, exc. f or appear on Portland Expo 253- TV, StereoandVideo Just bought a new boat? Antiques wanted: furniMike, 541-923-2953. flower beds, lawns, 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies Center Sell your old one in the ture, marbles, beer 255 - Computers straight gardens, 341 - Horses and Equipment 1-5 exit ¹306B which currently classifieds! Ask about our cans, early B/W pho256- Photography s creened to p s o i l . Admission $10 receives over 345-Livestockand Equipment Super Seller rates! tography, old hardware/ 257- Musical Instruments Bark. Clean fill. De541-385-5809 1.5 million page fixtures. 541-389-1578 I Fr i. 12-6, Sat. 9-5, 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals Building Materials 258 - Travel/Tickets liver/you haul. Sun.10-4 views every 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers Labradors, AKC, Males, 541-548-3949. 259- Memberships Divorce Liquidation I 1- 8 00-659-3440 I month at no Black and Chocolate. Autographed 358- Farmer's Column MADRAS Habitat 260- Misc. Items guitar col- I extra cost. S o s w e et ! $5 5 0 . lection: Clapton, McCartRESTORE 375- Meat and Animal Processing 261 - MedicalEquipment Bulletin 541-410-0588 Lost & Found 383 - Produce andFood ney, Eagles, others. Val- Remington 700 - 7mag, Building Supply Resale 262 -Commercial/Office Equip. Classifieds Quality at Papillion puppies ador- ued over $2500 each; 3 x 9 s c o pe, 300+ 263- Tools Get Results! LOW PRICES Found black & white cat able tri-colored, $350. asking $475 each, with rounds ammo. $675 84 SW K St. Call 541-385-5809 on Pinehurst in Tu208 Excellent references, authenticity & appraisal. obo. 541-419-5060 541-475-9722 m alo. L i ke s mi l k ! or place your ad Call cell, 561-880-7352. 541 350 1684 Pets 8 Supplies • P ets & Supplies • Open to the public. 541-389-9062. on-line at Rifles - Weatherby, RemThe Bulletin reserves 0 Queensiand Heelers inqton, ammo, lots of Found large set of keys Alaskan Malamute AKC Donate deposit bottles/ standard 8 mini,$150 & the right to publish all reioad. 541-401-8989 on ring, Indoor Swap p ups, ready to g o . cans to local all volads from The Bulletin up. 541-280-1537 Heating & Stoves Meet parking lot, 2/9. F irst shots & d e w - unteer, non-profit res- rightwayranch.wordnewspaper onto The Ruger Mini 14, .223, with Call 541-317-4847 ormed. $ 7 00-$800. cue, to help with cat Bulletin Internet web- 1000 rnds of a mmo, Farmers Column NOTICE TO 541-410-7563. spay/neuter vet bills. $1800. 541-280-2815 site. ADVERTISER Rodent control experts Need to get an Cans for Cats trailer 10X20 STORAGE Alaskan Malamute Since September 29, Ruger SR9 (2) 17 rnd at Sheriff's parking lot, (barn cats) seek work The Bulletin BUILDINGS ad in ASAP? pups, 2M 3F, $400 sernng centra( cregansnre 1903 clips, new in box, $750 1991, advertising for in exchange for safe Hwy, 20 W, 2/11-22, for protecting hay, each. 541-771-9255. used woodstoves has You can place it obo. 541-475-3272 shelter, basic care. PetSmart 2/ 2 3 -25. firewood, livestock Items for Free 240 been limited to modA merican Eskimo, 5 online at: Donate M-F @ Smith Fixed, shots. We deetc. $1496 Installed. Ruger Super Single-six, els which have been liver! 389-8420. mo. old male, pure Signs, 1515 NE 2nd; Crafts & Hobbies 541-617-1133. pre-warninq, star c ertified by th e O r - Free baggedleaves, white, AKC/UKC reg., or at Tumalo sanctu- Shiba Inu Reg'd male CCB ¹173684. m odel, SS,9.5 b b l, egon Department of for garden/compost? $800. 541-610-2286 ary a nytime. I n fo: NEW NEVER FIRED puppies, ready now, vet Empty brown home You haul. 541-548-5667 541-385-5809 Qual541-389-8420; orig. box 8 m anual. Environmental checked, 1st shots, $600 brew bottles, 22 oz ity (DEQ) and the fedRafter L F Ranch & each. 541-388-5418 $700firm cash askfor each, 5 cases in all, eral En v ironmentalFound: Mini Mag Light, Farm Svcs.- Custom Steve 541-389-8215. Protection A g e ncy on trail of f J a guar Haying & Field Work Pets & Supplies Siberian Husky female, $60. 541-504-5982 DO YOU HAVE (EPA) as having met Ave., South of RedCall Lee Fischer, AKC, 15 mos, beautiful! Wanted: Collector Call 541-410-4495 SOMETHING TO smoke emission stan- mond. $400. 541-977-7019 seeks high quality 541-548-5674 The Bulletin recom242 SELL dards. A cer t ified fishing items. Beautiful and healthy mends extra caution FOR $500 OR w oodstove may b e Found piece of silver, SE 4' Price Call 541-678-5753, or Exercise Equipment t angerine m i l k Tick, Tock when purc h as- snake. LESS? Reduced 503-351-2746 identified by its certifh Bend, call to identify; will 6'tank and acing products or serNon-commercial cation label, which is hold Treadmill, Weslo Cau n t i l 4/3 0 /1 3. Tick, Tock... cessories. Bargain at vices from out of the 249 advertisers may permanently attached 541-639-7767 dence G40, $200 obo. $500. (541) 610-2363 area. Sending cash, to the stove. The Bulplace an ad with 541-388-1533 ...don't let time get Art, Jewelry checks, or credit inour letin will no t k n ow- Found; Sunday, skate& Furs away. Hire a Springer Spaniel Pups f ormation may b e Get your board near Congress "QUICK CASH ingly accept advertis246 ready2/17,Champion subjected to fraud. St., Call to i dentify. professional out business SPECIAL" ing for the sale of Guns, Hunting lines, $400. Now taking Best Fine Art Sale Ever! uncertified For more i nforma541-480-3122 1 week 3 lines 1 2 of The Bulletin's dep, 541-604-6232 Tumalo Art & Fishing tion about an adver0 s~ eeks 20! woodstoves. REMEMBER: If you "Call A Service Company tiser, you may call Ad must include a ROWI N G have lost an animal, AK-47 Pro-mag 30-rnd Artists are cleaning out the O r egon State s price of single item Professional" don't forget to check Q maqazines, brand new, 9 their studios! Attorney General's of $500 or less, or with an ad in • Fu e l 8 Wood The Humane Society Yorkie/Chihuahua puppy, Directory today! @ $35 ea. 541-788-8852 Sat. Feb. 16, 9am-3pm Office C o n sumer multiple items 1st shots, $180, cash. in Bend 541-382-3537 The Bulletin's Fabulous deals! PaintProtection hotline at whose total does 541-678-7599 Redmond, AR-15 Bushmaster A-2 ings, glass, sculpture, 1-877-877-9392. "Call A Service not exceed $500. WHEN BUYING 541-923-0882 .223 cal, 2 mags, 'prints, c ards a n d Meat & Animal Processing Yorkies! Everlasting love carbine Professional" FIREWOOD... Prineville, $1495. 541-815-4901 more. At the Lahaina The Bulletin Call Classifieds at just in time for ValenSembg Central Oregon rnce 1903 541-447-71 78; Directory Gallery space in the Grain-fed beef $2.88/lb. 541-385-5809 To avoid fraud, tines, 3 puppies left. Bend local pays CASH!! OR Craft Cats, Old Mill District. hanging weight, half 541-777-7743 The Bulletin for all firearms & 541-389-8420. Call 541-385-9144 for or whole to be prorecommends payAdopt a nice CRAFT ammo. 541-526-0617 210 more information cessed m i d -march. cat or kitten from Tument for Firewood 286 Foster homes needed Furniture & Appliances People Look for Information $500 deposit. only upon delivery malo sanctuary, Pet Sales Northeast Bend 255 Half Hog Sale, $190 infor the upcoming kitS mart, o r Pet c o ! and inspection. About Products and ten season 8 for specludes cutting wrapComputers • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Fixed, shots, ID chip, Services Every Day through 4' x 4' x 8' cial needs cats. Res- A1 Washers&Dryers ping and cure. tested, more! 3 8 9CAVALIER KING ** FREE ** The Bulletin Classifieds $150 ea. Full warWHILE THEY LAST! cue provides food, T HE B U LLETIN r e - • Receipts should 8420. Photos, i nfo: CHARLES SPANIELranty. Free Del. Also 541-573-2677 vet support; quires computer adinclude name, Garage Sale Kit 8 6 week old male. I'm all supplies, wanted, used W/D's Place an ad in The vertisers with multiple phone, price and like us on Facebook. snuggles & kisses. Crate you provide safe, lovD ON'T MI SS T HI S 541-280-7355 ing care. Need to be ad schedules or those kind of wood purBulletin for your gatrained & b eing potty able to commit to 3-6 rage sale and reAdult companion cats trained. 541-382-7614 selling multiple sys- chased. FREE to seniors, dis- http://www.companion wks, Also n e eded,Chair & 1/2, large, with tems/ software, to dis- • Firewood ads ceive a Garage Sale DO YOU HAVE abled & ve t e rans! foster home trainers/ ottoman, good cond. close the name of the MUST include speKit FREE! SOMETHING TO Tame, altered, shots, coordinators. Lv. msg, $175. 541-383-2829 business or the term cies and cost per SELL Chihuahuas, 8 wks, long KIT IN CLUDES: ID chip, more. Will al541 389 8420, or see "dealer" in their ads. cord to better serve FOR $500 OR • 4 Garage Sale Signs ways take back for hair female & male, $250 8 D ryer, Whirlpool, H D Private party advertisour customers. LESS? • $2.00 Off Coupon To $150. E xc . c o n d ., any reason. 541-389- ea,cash. 541-876-1028 e-mail if you can help. ers are defined as Non-commercial Use Toward Your Ralph 541-728-0428 8420. Visit S at/Sun Dachshund, AKC mini those who sell one The Bulletin advertisers may Next Ad 1 -5. P h otos, i n f o : black/tan female, $250. Found Dog 2/8 near sen ns central oregon sinceisie computer. GENERATE SOME explace an ad • 10 Tips For "Garage You know what 12th & G r eenwood, citement i n 541-633-3221 your Sale Success!" with our 260 Bend. Call to identify, neighborhood! Plan they say about a "QUICK CASH 1 cord dry, split Juniper, BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! 541-419-4201 "one man's trash". Misc. Items garage sale and don't $190/cord. Multi-cord SPECIAL" The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are PICK UP YOUR forget to advertise in 1 week 3 lines 12 discounts, & ~/~ cords still over 2,000 folks in our community without Buying Diamonds GARAGE SALE KIT at classified! available. Immediate or There's a whole pile permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift Garage Sales 1777 SW Chandler 541-385-5809. /Gold for Cash k 2 tl ! delivery! 541-408-6193 ~2 of "treasure" here! camps, getting by as best they can. Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Saxon's Fine Jewelers Ad must Garage Sales Refrigerator, F rigidaire The following items are badly needed to 541-389-6655 include price of AH Year Dependable help them get through the winter: cu ft side x side with ii i sscc Firewood: Seasoned The Bulletin Garage Sales 26 water & ice, $250 obo. BUYING @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ or less, or multiple Lodgepole, Split, Del. 541-923-8006 Lionel/American Flyer New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. Find them Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 items whose total trains, accessories. 290 for $335. Cash, Check does not exceed Washer, Whirlpool, HD, s WARM CLOTHING: in 541-408-2191. or Credit Card OK. Sales Redmond Area Thousands ofadsdaily $500. $150. Exc . c o nd., Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. 541-420-3484. The Bulletin in print andonline. Ralph 541-728-0428 Find exactly what PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT Call Classifieds at Feb. 15-16 Moving Sale Classifieds THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER W hirlpool washer & 541-385-5809 you are looking for in the Tamarack seasoned 2 3753 SW Cascade Vista 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. dryer pair, good cond, years, $225 cord. Ct., 8-4. Furniture, refrig, CLASSIFIEDS 541-385-5809 • . x xl » PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 541-977-2040 $350. 541-389-1086 yard equip, TVs, misc.
LThe Bulleting
Where buyers meet sellers
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541-385-5809 or go to
Employment Opportunities
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Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • I chasing products or II services from out of 630 area. Sending Tuesday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mon. I the c ash, checks, o r I Rooms for Rent i n f o rmationI Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Tuess II credit may be subjected to Studios & Kitchenettes FRAUD. I Furnished room, TV w/ more informacable, micro & fridge. Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N oon Wed. I For tion about an adver- I Utils & l inens. New owners. $145-$165/wk you may call 541-382-1885 Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. I tiser, the Oregon S tate I I Attorney General'sI 634 C o n sumer f Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • • • 11:00 am Fri • I Office Protection hotline at l Apt./Multiplex NE Bend I 1-877-877-9392. WINTER e Saturday • • • • 3:00 pm Fri. LThe Biilletf'Tl I 8 GREAT DEAL! i $5302 bdrm, 1 bath, Sunday. • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • 8 $540 w/lease. Starting at 3 lines
Place a photoin your private party ad for only $15.00 perweek.
"UNDER '500in total merchandise
OVER '500in total merchandise
7 days .................................................. $10.00 14 days................................................ $16.00
Garage Sale Special
4 days.................................................. $18.50 7 days.................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50
4 lines for 4 days..................................
(caii for commercial line ad rates)
*Must state prices in ed
A Payment Drop Box is available at Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( *) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin reserves the right to reject any ad at any time.
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Carports included! FOX HOLLOW APTS.
(541) 383-3152
Cascade Rental Management. Co. Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks. MOUNTAIN GLEN, 541-383-9313
Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc.
Call 385-5809
or place your ad on-line at
j •
RENTALS 603- Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 660- Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662- Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675- RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space
) •
682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land
Apt./Multiplex NW Bend
Redmond Homes
NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, 4 .38 Acre v i e w l o t 2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., backs BLM, Cascade triple garage, office, mtn & S m ith R o ck bay f ront w i ndow, views. Corner lot, apis located at: 9769 or 541-480-7870 large patio, mature proved for standard landscaping, fenced septic. $199,000. MLS 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave Have an item to yard. $128,000. MLS ¹2809381 Pam Bend, Oregon 97702 745 201207127 Lester, Principal Brosell quick? Pam Lester, Principal ker, Century 21 Gold Homes for Sale If it's under B roker, Century 2 1 Country Realty, Inc. PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is '500 you can place it in 20737 Livingood Way. Gold Country Realty, 541-504-1338 needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or Newer 2003 3 Bdrm, Inc. 541-504-1338 reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher The Bulletin 51366 Riverland, 2 bath turnkey home. shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days 528 La Pine. 1 acre, Classifieds for: New appliances, lots will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. for your next garage, w/ non livLoans & Mortgages of upgrades, custom Looking able trailer. $28,000. window c o v erings, Placeemp/oyee? '10 - 3 lines, 7 days a Bulletin help 541-659-1416 WARNING front and back decks. wanted '16 3 lines, 14 days ad today and The Bulletin recomPristine fenced courtreach over 60,000 mends you use cau- (Private Party ads only) yard entry. Very open readers each week. CHECK YOUR AD tion when you proconcept with close to Your classified ad Can be found on these pages : Please check your ad vide personal 648 1500 sq.ft. $74,300. FoodService will also appear on on the first day it runs information to compaCascade Village Houses for Meadow Lakes Golf to make sure it is cornies offering loans or EMPLOYMENT FINANCEANO BUSINESS Homes N.W. LLC Course is looking for Rent General which currently rerect. Sometimes incredit, especially 541-388-0000 410 - Private Instruction 507- Real Estate Contracts a w ait s t af f e m ceives over s tructions over t h e those asking for ad421 - Schools and Training 514 - Insurance PUBLISHER'S 1.5 million page ployee. Good work Check out the phone are misundervance loan fees or 454- Looking for Employment 528- Loans and Mortgages NOTICE views every month ethic and excellent companies from out of stood and an e rror classifieds online All real estate adverat no extra cost. can occur in your ad. 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 543- Stocks and Bonds customer se r v ice state. If you have tising in this newspa- Bulletin Classifieds If this happens to your 476 - Employment Opportunities skills are essential. 558- Business Investments concerns or quesUpdated daily Get Results! ad, please contact us Must be 21 or over tions, we suggest you per is subject to the 486 - Independent Positions 573- Business Opportunities F air H o using A c t 20774 LivingWay. Like Call 385-5809 or the first day your ad as you will be exconsult your attorney which makes it illegal New 3 Bdrm, 2 bath place your ad on-line appears and we will or call CONSUMER 476 476 pected to be able to "any to a d v ertise at be happy to fix it as HOTLINE, home is loaded with tend bar periodically. Employment Employment preference, limitation upgrades, i ncluding s oon as w e c a n . 1-877-877-9392. Hours may v a ry. or disc r imination Opportunities Opportunities Deadlines are: WeekPays minimum wage BANK TURNED YOU based on race, color, c ustom paint, n e w days 11:00 noon for and tips. Apply on- DOWN? Private party religion, sex, handi- lighting, skylight and 771 next day, Sat. 11:00 deck i n g. line at w ww.cityof- will loan on real es- cap, familial status, custom Automotive TechniDO YOU NEED a.m. for Sunday and Lots Oversized 2 car gac ian Neede d . A GREAT Monday. tate equity. Credit, no marital status or narage with storage and Mopar exp. desired. EMPLOYEE 541-385-5809 problem, good equity tional origin, or an in- workshop area. Nice flat lot in TerrebChrysler c e r tified RIGHT NOW? onne, .56 a c res, Thank you! is all you need. Call tention to make any $84,700. Medical Assistant in and ASE certificasuch pre f e rence, Call The Bulletin p aved street, a p - The Bulletin Classified now. Oregon Land Cascade Village Bend. Full-time, 40 t ion are a ma j o r limitation or discrimi454 before 11 a.m. and proved fo r ca p -fill Mortgage 388-4200. hr./4 day work week Homes N.W. LLC lus. V er y b usy nation." Familial staseptic, utilities are at get an ad in to pub541-388-0000 Looking for Employment p at a busy internal shop. Hard worker tus includes children lish the next day! LOCAL MONEY: We buy the lot line. $42,000. medicine p r actice. Say "goodbuy" attention to deunder the age of 18 20780 Livingood Way. MLS 3 2 0 12001172 541-385-5809. secured trustdeeds & Would love to do child and Recent MA experitail. Will be reqarded living with parents or B rand n e w 201 3 note,some hard money Pam Lester, Principal to that unused VIEW the ence with EMR req. care or in-home adult with top pay. loans. Call Pat Kelley legal cus t o dians, home, 3 bdrm, 2 bath. B roker, Century 2 1 Classifieds at: c are, p a r t tim e . Great benefit packitem by placing it in Send replies to: 541-382-3099 ext.13. pregnant women, and Features great room Gold Country Realty, 541-383-2851 age; salary DOE. PO Box 6676 people securing cus- design with very large Inc. 541-504-1338 The Bulletin Classifieds Fax resume includBend, OR 97708 tody of children under open kitchen, walk-in Driver - Delivery ing references to Just too many 18. This newspaper pantry. Iots of tile, CoCDL required, must be 541-389-2662 Attn: Get your 5 41 -385-58 0 9 will not knowingly ac- rian center i s land, collectibles? w illing t o w o r k i n Clinic Administrator. Take care of cept any advertising stainless appliances, stone yard as well as business for real estate which is large master bath with your investments d eliveries. Fork l i f t Sell them in 775 in violation of the law. soaking tub and walk exp. a plus. Must be Medical /Clerical with the help from The Bulletin Classifieds Manufactured/ O ur r e a ders ar e in all tile shower. Deable to lift 50+ lbs. Excellent o p portuhereby informed that signer colors and winThe Bulletin's Mobile Homes Drug free work envi- nity with b e nefits, all dwellings adver- dow coverings. Landr onment. A pply i n strong 541-385-5809 "Call A Service com p uter tised in this newspascaped and fenced FACTORY SPECIAL p erson a t 6326 5 skills required, up Professional" Directory Jamison Rd., Bend. per are available on with large a ttached New Home, 3 bdrm, With an ad in t o $ 1 5/hr. D O E . 476 an equal opportunity garage. $94,500. $46,500 finished Contact: HR Dept. at Carpeting, Vinyl and FLOORING basis. To complain of Cascade Village on your site. Employment The Bulletin's 855-357-6311. Experienced discrimination cal l J and M Homes Tile Installers Homes N.W. LLC Opportunities Hardwood Finish in 541-548-5511 Looking for full-time inHUD t o l l -free at 541-388-0000 "Call A Service Place Installers stallers to start work 1-800-877-0246. The Plumber, Journeymen ex p eri- needed for new conCall The Bulletin At immediately. Work will Looking fo r toll f re e t e l ephone63730 Cascade Village CAUTION READERS: Professional" be in both the Tri-Cit- enced craftsmen to number for the hear- Dr. Very open plan, 541-385-5809 struction. Start immediwith french doors off and Walla Walla, start work i m mediing im p aired is ately! Call Gary, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Ads published in "Em- ies Directory l iving r o o m ar e a , WA areas. Require- ately. Work will be in 1-800-927-9275. 541-410-1655 At: ployment Opportuni- ments include reliable both the Tri-Cities and beautiful upd a t ed t ies" i n c lude e m - transportation 8 valid Walla Walla, Wash675 k itchen, n ic e s i z e Remember.... ployee and driver's license; pridining a rea, l a r ge ington areas. V a l id A dd your we b a d RV Parking i ndependent pos i - vately owned tools are driver's Thousands ofads daily covered front porch, 2 license and tions. Ads for posi- a plus. Vinyl installers reliable transportation dress to your ad and in print and online. bdrm, 2 bath and den. RV space for rent TuThe tions that require a fee should be proficient in are required. Contact readers on mov e -in malo. 30 amp+ water Turn-key Bulletin' s web site or upfront investment cove welding or willing Brian o r c ondition with n i ce Jim at & sewer. Gravel lot. must be stated. With to become so. Contact Benjamin's C a r pet will be able to click outside e n tertaining Avail. 3/1. $350 mo. ' xs' through automatically any independent job Brian o r Jim at One, Richland, WA; 541-419-5060 p atio and f i r e p i t . C a/I 54 /-385-580 9 opportunity, p l ease Benjamin's Car p et 509-946-4506 to your site. $54,950. to r o m ot e o u r service investigate thor- One, Richland, WA; Cascade Village Independent Contractor 509-946-4506 oughly. Homes N.W. LLC Social Worker (LCSyyi 541-388-0000 Building/Contracting Handyman Customer Service & Use extra caution when sales exp. needed. * Supplement Your Income* BANK OWNED HOMES! NOTICE: Oregon state Margo Construction applying for jobs onlandscape FREE List w/Pics! line and never pro- Masonry, law req u ires anyLLC Since 1992 fork lift & one who vide personal infor- knowledge, co n t racts • Pavers• Carpentry heavy lifting required. bend and beyond real estate mation to any source Must have good comfor construction work • Remodeling • Decks 20967 yeoman, bend or you may not have re- puter skills. Apply in • Window/Door to be licensed with the /n Care searched and deemed p erson a t C onstruction Con - Replacement • Int/Ext 632 6 5 Partners In Care, is seeking a full-time Social NOTICE to be reputable. Use Jamison Rd., Bend. Paint • CCB 176121 All real estate adver- tractors Board (CCB). Worker to provide support to its hospice extreme caution when A n active lice n se 541 -480-31 79 tised here in is subpatients and families. r esponding to A N Y Dental Assistant ject to t h e F e deral means the contractor online e m p loymentwith EFDA needed. Send i s bonded an d i n F air H o using A c t , ad from out-of-state. resume & cover letter to Preferred candidates will have a M aster's Ve r ify t h e Landscaping/Yard Carel which makes it illegal s ured. Box 20277396, c/o The degree in Social Work (MSW) including LCSW contractor's CCB to advertise any prefOREGON We suggest you call Bulletin, PO Box 6020, certification and previous hospice experience. c ense through t h e N OTICE: erence, limitation or Landscape Contracthe State of Oregon Bend, OR 97708. CCB Cons u m er tors discrimination based Law (ORS 671) Qualified applicants are encouraged to send Consumer Hotline at Website on race, color, relir equires a l l bus i c over letter an d r e sume vi a e m ail t o 1-503-378-4320 We are looking for independent conwww.hireaiicensedcontractor. gion, sex, handicap, The Bulletin is your nesses that advertise or regular mail to: com tractors to service home delivery familial status or naor call 503-378-4621. to p e rform L a n dFor Equal Opportunity Employment routes in: tional origin, or inten- The Bulletin recom- scape C o n struction Partners In Care / HR Department, L aws: Oregon B ution to make any such inclu d es: mends checking with which reau of Labor & In2075 NE Wyatt Ct, Marketplace preferences, l i m ita- the CCB prior to con- p lanting, dec k s , Bend OR 97701. dustry, C i vil Rights tions or discrimination. Must be available 7 days a week, early morntracting with anyone. fences, arbors, Division, Call We will not knowingly 971-673-0764 ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. other t r ades w ater-features, a n d accept any advertis- Some also req u ire addi- installation, repair of 5 41 -385 - 5 8 0 9 ing for r ea l e state tional licenses and irrigation systems to If you have any quesPlease call 541.385.5800 or which is in violation of be licensed with the tions, concerns or 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or this law. All persons certifications to advertise. Landscape Contraccomments, contact: are hereby informed apply via email at Debris Removal t ors B o a rd . Th i s Classified Department that all dwellings ad4-digit number is to be Are you interested in learning the entry online © The Bulletin vertised are available included in all adverJUNK BE GONE 541-385-5809 level basics of being a pressman? on an equal opportu- I Haul Away FREE tisements which indinity basis. The Bullecate the business has For Salvage. Also The Bulletin has an immediate opening for a tin Classified The Bulletin a bond, insurance and servrna centrai oregon srnce 19te Cleanups & Cleanouts full t ime p r essroom Roll T e nder. T h is workers compensaMel, 541-389-8107 entry-level position is responsible for the loadFIND YOUR FUTURE tion for their employing of newsprint rolls and the operation of the HOME INTHE BULLETIN ees. For your protecClerical/Office Independent Contractor position Excavating reel stands on the press. The work schedule tion call 503-378-5909 will consist of 4 days at 10 hours per day, from Daytime inside sales. Your future is just a page Levi's Dirt Works or use our website: We are looking for a full-time employee that is 3:30 PM to approximately 2:30 AM, on a away. Whether you're looking for all your dirt & excava- to resourceful and self-motivated to assist a rotating schedule that will allow for every other Mid-South Sales Promotions is seeking to hire for a hat or a pl a ce to hang i t , tion needs. Concrete, check license status large staff and write daily clerical reports. This weekend being 3 days off. Starting rate is The Bulletin Classified is two sales people to work from The Bulletin Driveway Gradingbefore co n t racting person should like working in a fast-paced $10.00 per hour DOE. circulation offices as Independent Contractors your best source. Low cost! ccb¹ 194077 with th e b u s iness. environment and be able to meet tight deadto secure sponsorships for the Newspaper in 541-639-5282 Persons doing landlines on a daily basis. Every day thousandsof The right person for the job must be able to Education program. This is not selling subscape m a intenance buyers and sellers of goods move and lift 50 lbs. or more on a continuing scriptions or advertising, but involves having Handyman do not require a LCB Organization, flexibility, writing skills and a and services do business in basis. The position also requires reaching, local businesses support The Bulletin's license. high level of computer proficiency are essenthese pages.They know standing, sitting, pushing, pulling, stooping, Newspaper in Education program. I DO THAT! tial. A solid knowledge of keyboard short-cuts you can't beat TheBulletin kneeling, walking and climbing stairs. LearnHome/Rental repairs and a typing speed of at least 50 WPM is reClassified Section for ing and using proper safety practices will be a This is a relaxed environment and approach selection and convenience Small jobs to remodels USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! quired. primary responsibility. involving business to business sales. Honest, guaranteed - every item isjust a phone Door-to-door selling with Mid-South offers a brief paid training program work. CCB¹151573 Ability to work for long periods of time doing call away. For more information or to submit a resume, but the ideal candidates will possess business fast results! It's the easiest Dennis 541-317-9768 detail-oriented work is necessary. This perplease contact: to business sales experience. The Classified Section is way in the world to sell. son must understand the importance of accuERIC REEVE HANDY easy to use. Every item racy and thoroughness in all duties. SERVICES. Home 8 Al Nelson, Pressroom Manager, Average salesperson earns between is categorized andevery The Bulletin Classified Commercial Repairs, $400 -$700 for less than 30 hours weekly. cartegory is indexed onthe 541-385-5809 Excellent customer service and interpersonal Carpentry-Painting, The dress code is relaxed and casual. section's front page. skills are required. Must enjoy working with Pressure-washing, Applications are also available at the front desk This is not ad or subscription sales, however the public. College degree or previous office Whether youarelooking for Honey Do's. On-time SPRING CLEAN-UP! at The Bulletin, 1777 Chandler Ave., Bend, if you have previous experience in advertising experience preferred. a home orneed aservice, promise. Senior Aeration/Dethatching OR. For consideration all resumes/applicasales, I will give you priority consideration. your future is in the pagesof Discount. Work guar- Weekly/one-time service tions must be received prior to February 22nd. To apply,please send a resume to: The Bulletin Classified. anteed. 541-389-3361 avail. Bonded, insured. Pre-employment drug testing required. I'm seeking motivated, energetic and articulate Box 20281649, c/o The Bulletin, or 541-771-4463 Free Estimates! people with excellent communication skills. PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708 Bonded & Insured COLLINS Lawn Maint. The Bulletin EOE Please call Melanie at 541-383-0399. CCB¹181595 Ca// 541-480-9714
The Bulletin
Small studio close to library, all util. pd. $550, $525 dep. No pets/ smoking. 541-330-
dJT~ ' tit7Wt/J'ttlli~
Where buyers meet seIIers Clas's'ifieds
Operate Your Own
Newspaper Delivery
Independent Contractor
® Call Today ©
* Terrebonne *
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
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we dnesday,February 13,2o13
ACROSS a Repair bill segment s They may be checked at the door o Have being a4 Essential
Defense wooden work By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services
Cy the Cynic has been tryingunsuccessfully — to get a date with Wendy, my club's feminist. "No way," Wendy told me. "I'm a o ne-man w o m an . Cy thi nk s monogamy is a wood that tables are made from." Wendy and Cy are adversaries even when they're partners. They were today's East-West, and Cy led the queen of clubs against 3NT. Declarer won and led the nine of diamonds:seven, four,queen.Wendy then shifted to the four of hearts. When South played the ten (not best), the Cynic took his king and returned a heart.
opens one spade, you respond 1NT and he bids two hearts. What do you say? ANSWER: I consider this a close question. Ican make a case for passing: A bid would give partner a chance tobid more — and maybe get too high. Nevertheless, a 5-2 spade fit will probably be superior, and he might hold a hand such as K Q 10 6 5, AK 5 2, A 9 6 3 , No n e , i n w h i ch passing will work poorly to say the least. Bid two spades. South dealer Both sides vulnerable
as Siesta as Big name in rental trucks 17 Plant used as ground cover as Did or didn't agree to end the illustrators' strike? zo Did or didn't dilute the prom bowlful? 22 Whirling water 23 Rumple, as hair
NORTH 4J4 9 Q63 0 K108 5 4 A542
THIRD HEART South won with the ace and led the jack and a third diamond to Wendy's ace. He won the third heart in dummy and had two hearts, three diamonds, two clubs and two spades. "Speaking o f w o o d," W e ndy growled, "that was the most woodenheaded defense in history." Cy could assume from Wendy's lead of the four of hearts that South had three hearts. Cy must let the ten win the first heart, depriving dummy of a late entry. South may take only seven tricks.
WEST 4962 9 K52 C72 4Q J1073
24 Suffix with
41AK 5
QAJ10 0 J93 4AK98 Wes t ass
N orth 3 NT
Eas t All P a s s
Opening lead — 4 Q 4 J4 9 Q 6 3 4 5 4 2 .Y o ur partner (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Youhold: 0 K 10 85 4
Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at BIZARRO
3s Drg. based in Langley, Va. 39 Fox talent show, for short 4o Did or didn't surpass a D.J.'s mark for accident-free days? 4s Set, as a price 4s Pal 47 Earns the booby prize 4s Part of a terza rima rhyme scheme 49 Corner Monopoly square sa Gem for some Libras s4 Did or didn't play a good round of golf? so Did or didn't participate in the Boy Scouts outing?
64 Pro vote
ss Zaps in the kitchen ss Ream unit s7 Ready for war ss High, pricewise
23 26
socks, say s Design detail, briefly o Disco (1970s) ao Woody tissue zz Reply of confirmation 12 E-mail
33 Long basket, in hoopslingo ao "This or that?" 23 Orange juice option 2s Cow or sow zs Landfill emanations 27 Shepherd's aid zs Honky2o Sirius, e.g. 3o Core group 33 Moves
2 In the thick of 3 Tight spot 4In a past life s Item in a gas station kiosk s Pakistan's chief river 7 Works on
laboriously 32 Detergent
brand 34 Lover of
48 51
DOWN s Source of pumice
features of some Greek architecture
37 Butt out?
EAST 4 Q 108 7 3 Q 987 4
62 Dinero s3 With 44-Down,
perform a New Year's ceremony?
Marx 2s Like the base-8 number system 29 Dean's domain: Abbr. 3o Apr. workhorse
S outh 2 NT P
33 Did or didn't
No. 0109
3s Thing with pips 4s DTs sufferer, for ss Dn the sheltered side short 36 Head shot accompaniers, 4g One of a deck maybe pair 37 Wall St. hire Mr. T TV group 43 Fall back 51 Singer Redding so Stereotypical mobster's voice 42 Wreck, as a Milne's bear hotel room Super-duper 43 Bush 41 and Casual greeting Bush 43, for 56 Ring contest two sa Insincere 44 See 63-Across s 7Elbow display For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554.
Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday
crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past
puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers:
aio,uoÃrH eroae en 2;13
WDW. t eetb. Wb.itener
Complete the grid so that
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every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.
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LOS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edit ed by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Medical amts. 4 Be accountable
10 Remove, as
~IA)l'll( t7ofl A5 DAVE5 L265T (VIAfl, I7AvE AL&o HR5 LUI5, rfj>fvIA6 /3flD 14'.O(2&fz.
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genre 16 Spherical
opening? © 20 b y Kwo Features Synmcate, Inc World ouhto reServed
bttu/lwww oafehaveoecomic com
E-mae bhol rook1Leomai com
67 It has its ups and downs 68 Family guy
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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter 10 each square, to form four ordinary words.
That will be pere.use mis cerd. I'll need these diapers in 11 days.
EDDDA 02013 Tnbune Media services, ec. „ All Rights Reserved.
(" '
2 13
Now arrange the circled letters 10 form the surprise answer, 88 suggested by the above cartoon.
"We don't have to worry about his future. We were only ln the park for ten minutes."
answer here: ~ Yesterday'8
17 Titanic compartment Dn the lowest level 19 "AII ": 1931 tune 20 Height: Pref. 21 Lord's Prayer
6 Clean with effort 7 Fingerprint ridge 8 Ambient music pioneer Brian 9 Parmesan alternative 10 A minor, for one opener 11 Didn't quite close 22 Arterial trunk 12 Childish 24 L e on: 13 Slapstick prop Monterrey's state 18 Film Volkswagen with "53" painted 26 Setup of a sort 29 Okay on it 31 Okay 23 Singular 32 Project, with "out" 25 Mark on an otherwise perfect 33 Mediterranean capital record? 36 Farm female 27 Place in the earth 37 Drive-in offering, 28 Hot time in France and what 17-, 30 Dawn-dusk link 26-, 50- Dr 6034 Like the '80s Across has, in look, now more ways than 1 2 3 4 one 41 1% Df a cool mil 14 15 42 Lethargic 17 18 43 Stein filler 44 Poet's 20 contraction 46 Discography 24 25 entries 50 Country kitchen 29 design option 33 54 Wash softly 55 Words after "What a coincidence!" 56 Muppet friend of Elmo 58 Poet's
0 Laughingstock Intematenel Inc, Dist by universal ucock fo Uzo, 200
4 Wore (away) 5 Fiery emperor?
DOWN 1 Poolside structure 2 Springtime bloomer 3 Tapering tops
(Anowero tomorrow) Jumbles: TWEAK L E AV E DR O OP Y B U T TON Answer: When obe got new glasses, eheLOOKED BETTER
63 "Poppycock!"
A Y A U 0 R T R UM 0 E T EU R N D B E E E A A F D T 0 E E X A M R Y E R I S HO O H U T E N A
02/13/13 10 1 1
16 19 21
31 34
36 39
42 44
preposition 59 Italian carmaker 60 Verify
35 Tabloid subj. 48 Br a dy Bunch girl 36 Spa treatment 49 F e d the fire 37 Aspect Df 51 Cartoonist Guisewite or her paranoia 38 Person in the title character know 52 Depleted layer 39 Therapists' Drg. 5 3 B looms for 40 Cultivate lovers 41 Smidge 57 "z,Como ?" 44 Unit Df resistance 59 Justice Dept. 45 Official orders division 47 Defended,as 61 Wish one hadn't family honor 62 Ud d er woman?
56 61
47 4 8
64Find, asa
frequency 65 Whopper, e.g. 66 Very dark
By Janice Luttrell and Paui Varol (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Ine.
Boats & Accessories •
Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435
Snowmobiles 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade 600 w/513 mi, like new, very fast! Reduced to
$5000. 541-221-5221
Tra v el Trailers •
Aircraft, Parts & Service
Antique & Classic Autos
Sport Utility Vehicles
• I ~
Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, based in Madras, always hangared since new. New annual, auto pilot, IFR, one piece Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, Springdale 29' 2 0 07, windshield. Fastest Arslide,Bunkhouse style, cher around. 1750 to- Ford Galaxie 500 1983, most options, new paint tires, 159K mi., $4250. sleeps 7-8, excellent tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 8 condition, $1 6 ,900, 541-475-6947, ask for 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 Call 541-233-8944 541-390-2504 radio (orig),541-419-4989 Rob Berg. your car! F ord Model A 1 9 2 8 Advertise Add A Picture! R oadster pick u p Reach thousands cf readers! Trucks & runs, titled, project car Call 541-385-5809 from So. Cal, no rust, The Bulletin Classifieds Heavy Equipment not a rat rod. $4000. 541-876-7237, Ieave F ord F reestyle S E L Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 msg, or call after 6pm. 2006, V6, AWD, AT, AC, 29', weatherized, like Ford Mustang Coupe front & side airbags, 25 n ew, f u rnished 8 1966, original owner, mpg, 3rd row seating, ready to go, incl WineV8, automatic, great pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, ard S a t ellite dish, shape, $9000 OBO. traction control, new tires 26,995. 541-420-9964 Diamond Reo Dump 530-515-8199 8 brks, maintained exTruck 19 7 4, 12 -14 t remely well, runs & yard box, runs good, drives exlnt,148K hwy mi,
BOATS &RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - MotorcyclesAndAccessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885- Canopies and Campers 890 - RVs for Rent
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, (2) 2000 A rctic C at excellent condition, Z L580's EFI with n e w covers, electric start w/ LOW hours. Double reverse, low miles, both trailer, lots of extras. excellent; with new 2009 $10,000 Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, 935 541-719-8444 drive off/on w/double tilt, Sport Utility Vehicles Automobiles Automobiles lots of accys. Selling due Ads published in "Wato m edical r e asons. tercraft" include: KayChevy Cobalt 2 0 05, $8000 all. 541-536-8130 aks, rafts and motorToyota 4Ru n n er white, 4-dr, 2.2L, 108K So~ ber! 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , • Yamaha 750 1999 miles, over 35mpg, auto lzed personal Ford Ranchero $6900, 541-548-6812 $7200. 541-604-4166 4WD, V6, 5 speed, trans, AC, CD player, Mountain Max, $1750. watercrafts. For 1979 t ow pkg., p lus 4 dual airbags, manual • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 "boats" please see Subaru Loyale with 351 Cleveland studs tires on rims, locks & windows, good 1991, 4x4, 5-spd, The Bulletin EXT, $1250. Class 870. G R X AT modified engine. r uns great. W a s cond in/out, runs/drives • Zieman 4-place Weekend Warrior Toy To Subscribe call 541-385-5809 $1950. Body is in $ 5500, no w o n l y great, non-smkr, always Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, trailer, SOLD! 541-385-5800 or go to 541-420-3277 excellent condition, $4000.541-659-1416 maintained. $4950. All in good condition. fuel station, exc cond. Hyster H25E, runs $2500 obo. Call 541-350-9938 sleeps 8, black/gray Located in La Pine. well, 2982 Hours, 541-420-4677 Call 541-408-6149. i nterior, u se d 3X , $3500 call 880 $24,999. 541-749-0724 Toyota Camrys: Where can you find a Motorhomes Vans 541-389-9188 • 1984, $1200 obo; helping hand? 1985 SOLD; Looking for your From contractors to 96 Ford Windstar 8 1986 parts car, next employee? 2000 Nissan Quest, yard care, it's all here $500. Place a Bulletin help Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 GMC Envoy 2002 4WD both 7-passenger "My LittleRed Corvette" in The Bulletin's wanted ad today and Call for details, eng, power everything, vans, high miles, low 1996 coupe. 132K, $6,450. Loaded, reach over 60,000 541-548-6592 "Call A Service 32' Fleetwood Fiesta '03, 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. Peterbilt 359 p o table new paint, 54K original Leather, Heated prices, $1200 8 readers each week. water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, miles, runs great, ex$2900, and worth $12,500 541-923-1781 seats Bose sound Professional" Directory no slide-out, Triton eng, Your classified ad cellent condition in & all amenities, 1 owner, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp every cent! system. Ext. roof rack Just bought a new boat? Toyota Corolla 2004, will also appear on perfect, only 17K miles, pump, 4-3" h o ses, out. Asking $8,500. 541-318-9999 860 (218) 478-4469 Sell your old one in the 541-480-3179 camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. loaded, 204k $21,500. 541-504-3253 classifieds! Ask about our auto., Motorcycles & Accessories which currently re541-820-3724 miles. orig. owner, non Super Seller rates! FIND IT! ceives over 1.5 milsmoker, exc. c o nd. 541-385-5809 Chevy Astro Harley Davidson Softlion page views evBUY IT! $6500 Prin e ville Tail D eluxe 20 0 7 , Cargo Van 2001, ery month at no Utility Trailers • 503-358-8241 SELL IT! white/cobalt, w / paspw, pdl, great cond. extra cost. Bulletin The Bulletin Classifieds senger kit, Vance & business car, well Classifieds Get ReHines muffler system maint'd, regular oil sults! Call 385-5809 k Yo~A s l i Looking for your GMc / ton r9rr, on/r Econoline RV 19 8 9, 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. changes, $4500. or place your ad next employee? $1 9,700! Original low fully loaded, exc. cond, P%V, ' c ond, $16,9 9 9 , » x» CERTIFIED Please call on-line at Big Tex LandscapPlace a Bulletin help 35K m i. , R e duced exceptlonai 3,d Ford Taurus wagon 2004, 541-389-9188. 541-633-5149 ing/ ATV Trailer, owner. 951-699-7171 $15,250. 541-546-6133 CARS TRUCKS SUVS very nice, pwr everything, wanted ad today and dual axle flatbed, Harley Heritage reach over 60,000 120K, FWD, good tires, 7'x16', 7000 lb. Softail, 2003 What are you Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 $4900 obo. 541-815-9939 readers each week. GVW, all steel, $5,000+ in extras, Your classified ad 7 -pass. v a n wit h looking for? $1400. $2000 paint job, will also appear on p ower c h a i r lif t , Kia Optima EX 2004 541-382-4115, or 30K mi. 1 owner, You'll find it in $1500; 1989 Dodge 2.7L V6, all power 541-280-7024. For more information which currently reTurbo Van 7 - pass. options, moonroof, Jeep Comanche, 1990, please call The Bulletin Classifieds ceives over 1.5 milhas new motor and spoiler, leather, original owner, 1 67K, 2004 Lexus RX330 541-385-8090 lion page views t rans., $1500. I f i n Infinity AM/FM/CD, 4WD, 5-spd, tags good Very well maint, AWD, or 209-605-5537 every month at Automotive Parts, • till 9/2015, $3900 obo. terested c a l l Jay alloys, Michelin & Leather, moon roof. 541-385-5809 no extra cost. BulleHD Screaming Eagle 541-633-7761 503-269-1057. studded tires, ¹069866 Service & Accessories tin Classifieds Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 meticulously mainElectra Glide 2005, Speciai priced I by Carriage, 4 slideGet Results! Call 103" motor, two tone Four Winds Class tained, $5900. $14 995 (4) Hankook studded 385-5809 or place outs, inverter, satelA 32' H u r ricane Bend, 760-715-9123 candy teal, new tires, Au t o mobiles tires, 20 5 / 65R15S, 2011 Mercedes ML550 • lite sys, fireplace, 2 your ad on-line at 23K miles, CD player, 2007. CAN'T BEAT e xc. c o n d . $30 0 9k m. ¹709224 $48,988 flat screen TVs. THIS! Look before hydraulic clutch, ex541-388-5152 2011 Toyota 4Runner BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS you buy, b e low $60,000. cellent condition. SR5 ¹042626 $31,988 Search the area's most 541-480-3923 market value! Size Highest offer takes it. Plymouth B a r racuda2011 Acura MDX comprehensive listing of & mileage DOES 541-480-8080. Antique & 1966, original car! 300 ¹546273 $ 38,9 9 5 The Bulletin recoml classified advertising... matter! 12,500 mi, hp, 360 V8, center- 1998 ToyotaT100 Ex mends extra caution I 865 Classic Autos real estate to automotive, all amenities, Ford lines, (Original 273 when p u r chasing ~ Cab SR5 4x4. V10, Ithr, c h erry, BMW 740 IL 1998 orig. merchandise to sporting ATVs eng & wheels incl.) ¹250951 slides, like new! New $9995 owner, exc. c o n d. goods. Bulletin Classifieds f products or services 541-593-2597 from out of the area. low price, $54,900. 2006 Chev Silverado 101k miles, new tires, appear every day in the 541-548-5216 J S ending c ash , loaded, sunroof. print or on line. PROJECT CARS: Chevy 3500 crew dually 4x4 Fleetwood Wilderness checks, or credit in$ 24,9 9 5 $8900. 541-706-1897 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & ¹186633 1921 Model T Call 541-385-5809 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, formation may be I GulfstreamScenic Chevy Coupe 1950 Delivery Truck rear bdrm, fireplace, ~ OO Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, J subject to FRAUD. AC, W/D hkup beauRestored & Runs rolling chassis's $1750 OrcXrra MOrePitat Belldbllleti!I,CO m more informaCummins 330 hp die- tiful u n it! $30,500. ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, The Bulletin f For ,trrru5raere $9000. Sewing Centrai Oregonvnce f903 complete car, $ 1949; tion about an adverYamaha Banshee 2001, sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 541-815-2380 541-598-3750 541-389-8963 Buick Lucerne CXL tiser, you may call custom built 350 motor, in. kitchen slide out, Cadillac Series 61 1950, Corner 97 & w. Empire 2009, $12,500, low race-ready, lots of extras, new tires,under cover, 2 dr. hard top, complete I the Oregon State I www.aaaoregonautolow miles; 2003 Lew/spare f r on t cl i p ., $5500/obo 541-647-8931 hwy. miles only,4 door ~ Attorney General's t Sabre, $4000. You'll $3950, 541-382-7391 Office C o n sumer fridge/freezer icenot find nicer Buicks f Protection hotline at maker, W/D combo, One look's worth a 1-877-877-9392. IBoats & Accessories Interbath tub 8 Find It in thousand words. Call Pickups Nissan Sentra 2012, shower, 50 amp pro- MONTANA 3585 2008, The Bulletin Classifieds! Bob, 541-318-9999. 12' Aluminum, 06 Nis12,610 mi, full warranty, pane gen & more! Servrns centrai oregan since 1903 exc. cond., 3 slides, for an appt. and take a 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, 541-385-5809 san, 6hp, 4 cycle, PS, PB, AC, & more! $45,000. drive in a 30 mpg car! $16 king bed, Irg LR, too many extras to list, Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 trailer, extras, $995. 000 541-788-0427 541-948-2310 Arctic insulation, all $8500 obo. Serious buy- 1971 new trans, 2 541-977-9971 new t i r es , ne w options $37,500. ers only. 541-536-0123 brakes, 2nd owner, 541-420-3250 BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS r uns/drives g o o d . Search the area's most NuWa 297LK H i tchMake good wood comprehensive listing of Hiker 2007, 3 slides, truck. $2395 OBO I• classified advertising... 32' touring coach, left 541-350-2859 real estate to automotive, Monaco Dynasty 2004, kitchen, rear lounge, merchandise to sporting extras, beautiful 3 slides, die- many goods. Bulletin Classifieds loaded, c ond. inside 8 o u t , Chevy C-20 Pickup Chevy Sil v erado sel, Reduced - now $32,900 OBO, Prinev- 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; 2000, 1/2 ton, V-8, appear every day in the $119,000, 5 4 1-923- ille. 541-447-5502 days auto 4-spd, 396, model I print or on line. 8' box, bed liner, std 8572 or 541-749-0037 8 541-447-1641 eves. CST /all options, orig. Call 541-385-5809 cab, auto, 4x4, 54k xe owner, $22,000, mi., e x c . co n d ., II I' 541-923-6049 II I .IilII $9000. I I 541-977-6653 The Bulletin r' Need help fixing stuff? / Call A Service Professional k,w„ Chevy Silverado 2010 find the help you need. 17' 1984 Chris Craft HD 2500 Diesel Crew- Scorpion, 140 HP Southwind 35.5' Triton, P ilgrim 27', 2007 5 t h Cab. Red w/ Blk Lthr. 'r I i I ' i I 2008,V10, 2 slides, Duinboard/outboard, 2 wheel, 1 s lide, AC, 55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn 11,800 miles. $46,000. UV coat, 7500 mi. depth finders, troll- pont Bought TV,full awning, excel541-593-0204 ' rl I I i I PROJECT car, 3 50 new at ing motor, full cover, lent shape, $23,900. small block w/Weiand $132,913; il ' EZ - L oad t railer, 541-350-8629 I asking $93,500. dual quad tunnel ram OBO. $3500 with 450 Holleys. T-10 Call 541-419-4212 I ' ' i ' I i I I 541-382-3728. 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Tioga Class C 23', 2000, Weld Prostar whls, 25 500 mi, Onan gen, extra rolling chassis + 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, $15,900. 541-419-9229 I ' 'I t e extras. $6000 for all. Ford 250 XLT 1990, 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 541-389-7669. 6 yd. dump bed, hp Bowrider w/depth Want to impress the Pilgrim In t e rnational 139k, Auto, $5500. finder, radio/CD player, relatives? Remodel 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, 541-410-9997 rod holders, full canModel¹M-349 RLDS-5 your home with the vas, EZ Loader trailer, FORD RANGER XLT Fall price $ 2 1,865. help of a professional exclnt cond, $14,500. 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 541-312-4466 707-484-3518 (Bend) from The Bulletin's speed, with car alarm, CD player, extra tires "Call A Service Chevy Wagon 1957, I I I \ t t I I I I on rims. Runs good. Professional" Directory 0 4-dr., complete, Clean. 92,000 miles Q=> =9=® =q$7,000 OBO, trades 00 o n m o t or . $2 6 0 0 20.5' 2004 Bayliner Please call OBO. 541-771-6511. 541-389-6998 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, g4' +oo ONE-STOP exc. cond., very fast SHOPPING FOR Need to get an ad w/very low hours, I nternational Fla t lots of extras incl. in ASAP? HOMEOWNERSLOOKING FOR Bed Pickup 1963, 1 Winnebago 30A Sighttower, Bimini 8 ton dually, 4 s p d. seer 2012, 31 ft., all custom trailer, trans., great MPG, INSPIRATION options, 2 sli d es, Aircraft, Parts Fax it to 541-322-7253 $19,500. could be exc. wood 362HP V10, 10K mi., 541-389-1413 & Service The Central Oregon Builders Association mint cond., $105,900. The Bulletin Classifieds hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-330-5516 (COBA) presents the Remodeling Design
The Bulletin
f J
f I f
The Bulletin
20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530
aI .f fa
Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' 2004, only 34K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243 881
Chrysler 300 C o upe 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, auto. trans, ps, air, frame on rebuild, reoriginal blue, 1/3 interest i n w e l l- painted equipped IFR Beech Bo- original blue interior, nanza A36, new 10-550/ original hub caps, exc. prop, located KBDN. chrome, asking $9000 RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L or make offer. hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, $65,000. 541-419-9510 541-385-9350 am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. 541-420-3634/390-1285
Travel Trailers 23' Wanderer, 1997, excellent condition, f u ll 22' Custom Weld Jet, bath, roll-out awning. 2002, 350 Vortec, 210 $5800. 541-546-9395 1/5th interest in 1973 hrs, garaged, loaded. Cessna 150 LLC RV CONSIGNMENTS 541-923-0854. 150hp conversion, low WANTED time on air frame and Ads published in the We Do The Work ... engine, hangared in "Boats" classification You Keep The Cash! Bend. Excellent perinclude: Speed, fishOn-site credit iormance & affording, drift, canoe, approval team, able flying! $6,500. house and sail boats. web site presence. 541-382-6752 For all other types of We Take Trade-Ins! watercraft, please see Free Advertising. AIR PORT CAF E Class 875. (Bend Municipal Airport) BIG COUNTRY RV 541-385-5809
The Bulletin
Chrysler SD 4-Door 1930, CD S R oyal Standard, B-cylinder,
1983, 8000-Ib Warn
winch, 2 sets of tire body is good, needs chains, canopy, 22R some r e s toration, motor, 5-spd t ransruns, taking bids, mission, $2495 obo.
541-383-3888, 541-815-331 8
541-350-2859 935
Sport Utility Vehicles Honda 2012 CR-V EXL 10k miles ¹022946 $28,988
Now open 7 dayslvvk! FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, • Daily Specrafs Redmond: 541-548-5254 door panels w/flowers • New Management Bend 541-330-2495
& hummingbirds, Look at: OPEN DAILY, 8-3 white soft top 8 hard Call 541-318-8989 top. Just reduced to citement in your neig- for Complete Listings of $3,750. 541-317-9319 borhood. Plan a ga- Area Real Estate for Sale Location, Location, or 541-647-8483 rage sale and don't Location! forget to advertise in Executive Hangar The Bulletin's classified! 385-5809. at Bend Airport (KBDN) "Call A Service 60' wide x 50' d eep, w/55' wide x 17' high bi- Professional" Directory Serving Central Oregonsince 1903 fold dr. Natural gas heat, is all about meeting offc, bathroom. Adjacent your needs. TURN THE PAGE Springdale 2005 27', 4' to Frontage Rd; great slide in dining/living area, visibility for aviation busiFor More Ads Call on one of the sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 ness. 541-948-2126 or The Bulletin professionals today! obo. 541-408-3811 email
AutoSolrce 541-598-3750
The Bulletin
Buick Enclave 2008 CXL AWD, V-6, black, clean, mechanicall y sound, 82k miles. $20,995. Call 541-815-1216
ft Outdoor Living Show just in time for autumn and winter home improvements. This guide features information about the VendOrS at the ShOW, and iS a
PublishingDate: Tuesday, August 20
handy resource for finding local home improvement experts and products for the home throughout the year.
Nov 8
THEGUIDETOCENTRAL OREGON'S PREMIER LITERARYEVENT TheNatureofWordsannualliteraryfestival celebrates the literary arts in Central Oregon during a multi-day event each autumn. The event features authors, seminars, workshops and contests. Throughout the year, The Nature of Words, as an organization, supports creative writing t hrough o utreach programs for both students and adults in Central Oregon. The Nature of Words guide is distributed to all Bulletin readers
as well as those who attend the annual PubliShing Date: literary event.
Friday October 25
Le g al Notices LEGAL NOTICE
BARROW; STATE OF OREGON, DEPARTMENT OF REVENUE; OCCUP ANTS OF T H E PROPERTY, Defendants. Case No.: 1 2CV0964. S U M MONS BY PUBLICATION. To: Jennifer Laura Barrow. You are hereby required t o a p pear a nd d e fend t h e C omplaint file d against you in the above entitled cause within thirty
(30) days from the date of service of thissummons upon you, and in case of your failure to do so, for want t h ereof, Plaintiff will apply to the court for the re-
lief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE TO D E FENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You m ust "appear" in this case or the other side will win a u tomatically. To "appear" you m ust file with t he court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" (or "reply") m ust b e given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication s p e cified herein along w ith the required filing fee. I t m ust be in p roper form a n d have proof of service on the plaintiff's a ttorney or, if t h e p laintiff does n o t have an a ttorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may call t he Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Ref e rral Service at ( 5 0 3) 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The r el ief sought in t h e C omplaint i s th e f oreclosure of t h e property located at 20562 P r ospector L oop, Bend, O R 97702. Date of First Publication: February 13, 2013. McCarthy 8 H o lthus, L LP, E rica D a y , OSB¹ 113653, 920
SW 3r d A v enue, First Floor, Portland, OR 97204, Phone: (877) 369-6122, Ext. 3370, Fax: ( 503) 694-1460,, Of Attorneys for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CI R C UIT COURT O F THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY, Fe d e ral National Mo r t gage Association, its successors i n i n t erest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Dave P. W illiams; Laura C . Williams; M o rtgage Electronic R e gistrat ion S ystems, I n c. solely as nominee for American Mortgage Network, Inc., D BA American Mortgage Network of Oregon; Foxborough H omeowners Association, Inc.; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0044. NOTICE O F S AL E U N D ER
Legal Notices
SE 6 , Des c hutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure i s sued out o f t h e Ci r c uit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated January 8, 2013, to m e directed i n t h e above-entitled action wherein Federal National Mortgage Association, it s s u ccessors in interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered G e n eral Judgment of Foreclosure on A ugust 1, 2012, against Dave P. W illiams, Laura C . Williams, M o rtgage Electronic R egistration Systems, I n c. solely as nominee for American Mortgage Network, Inc., D BA American Mortgage Network of O regon, Foxborough H o meowners Association, Inc. and Occupants of the Premises as defendant/s. B E FORE BIDDING A T THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY I N V ESTIGATE: The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; Approved uses for the p roperty; Limits o n f arming o r for e st practices on the property; Rights of neighboring property owners; and E nvironmental l a w s and regulations that affect the p roperty. P ublished i n B e n d Bulletin Date of First and Successive Publications: January 30, 2 013; F ebruary 6 , 2013; February 13, 2 013. Date o f L a st Publication: F e b ruary 20, 2013. Attorney: Michael Thornicroft, OSB ¹981104. R outh Crab t r ee Olsen, PC, 511 SW 10th Avenue, Suite 4 00, P o rtland, O R 97205. (503) 459-0140. Conditions of Sale: Po t e ntial bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes Co u n ty Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. c urrency and/or cashier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. P a y ment must be made in full immediately upon the close of t h e s a l e. LARRY B L A NTON, Deschutes Co u n ty Sheriff. Anthony Raguine, Civil Technician. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I R CUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F ORE GON FOR T H E COUNTY OF DESCHUTES, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Plaintiff, vs. T HE UNKNOWN HEIRS AND DEVISEES OF GEORGE O STER TURNER, JR., DECEASED; DES C HUTES RI V E R RECREATION HOMESITE PROPERTY O W N ERS, U NIT 6 , P A R T A ND 11; O C C UPANTS O F T HE PROPERTY, De-
fendants. Case No.: 1 2CV1253. S U M MONS BY P UBLIC ATION. To: T h e
Unknown Heirs and Devisees of George Oster Turner Jr. You are hereby required to appear and defend the Complaint filed against you in the above entitled cause within thirty
(30) days from the
WRIT O F E X E C U- date of service of thissummons upon TION - REAL PROPERTY. N o t ic e is you, and in case of
hereby given that I will on February 28, 2013 a t 10:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of the Des chutes Coun t y Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public o ral auction t o t h e h ighest bidder, f o r cash o r ca s h ier's check, the following real property, known as 6 1396 F a irfield Drive, Bend, Oregon 9 7702, t o
w it, L ot
Three Hundred (300), FOXBOROUGH-PHA
your failure to do so, for w ant t h e reof, Plaintiff will apply to the court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. NOTICE TO D E FENDANT: READ THESE PAPERS CAREFULLY! You m ust
"appear" in this case or the other side will win a u tomatically. To "appear" you m ust file with t h e court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" (or
Leg a l Notices • "reply") must be given to the court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publication sp e c ified herein along w ith the required filing fee. It must be in p roper form a n d have proof of service on the plaintiff's a ttorney or, if t h e p laintiff does n o t have an a t torney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may call t he Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Ref e rral S ervice a t ( 5 03) 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The r el ief sought in t h e C omplaint i s th e f oreclosure of t h e property located at 16295 Whi t e tail L ane, Bend, O R 97707. Date of First Publication: February 13, 2013. McCarthy 8 H o lthus, L LP, Erica D a y , OSB¹ 113653, 920 SW 3r d A v e nue, First Floor, Portland, OR 97204, Phone: (877) 369-6122, Ext. 3370, Fax: ( 5 03) 694-1460,, Of Attorneys for Plaintiff. LEGAL NOTICE
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. T h e u n k nown heirs of Vickey S. B orchin; Or e g on Department of Human Services; and O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e f endant/s. Case No.: 10CV1006MA. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on March 14, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 442 SE Wye Lane, B end, Oreg o n 97702, to wit, Lots 4
and 5 in Block 69 of Bend Park, City of Bend, Re c o rded August 1, 1918, in Cabinet A, Page 11, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated January 22, 2013, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered Corrected Gen e r al Judgment of Foreclosure against: (1) The unknown heirs of Vickey S. Borchin
(2) Oregon Depart-
m ent o f Hu m a n Services (3) Occupants of th e P r emises and Money A ward against i n Rem the Real Property Located at 442 S E W y e La n e , B end, Oregon o n November 27, 2012, a gainst Th e u n known h e ir s of Vickey S. Borchin, Oregon Department of Human Services and Occupants of the Premises, as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SAL E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;
(b)Land use laws
and regulations applicable to the prop-
erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n
Legal Notices • farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B end B u lletin. Date of F irst a nd Successive Publicat ions:February 1 3 , 2013; February 20, 2013; February 27, 2013. Date of Last Publication: March 6, 2013. Attorney: Michael Thornicroft, O SB ¹ 9811 0 4 , Routh Cra b t ree Olsen, PC, 511 SW 10th Ave., Ste. 400,
Portland, OR 97205, (503) 977 - 7840. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r
cashier's c h e cks m ade payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. L A RRY B LANTON, De s c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: February 11, 2013. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY, Federal Na t i onal
Mortgage Association, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Javier Martinez; Robin Mar t inez; JPMorgan C h ase Bank, N.A.; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0037. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on March 14, 2013 at 1 0:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 823 Southeast Polaris Court, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, Lot 2 in Block 6 of Clear Sky Estates, De s c hutes County, O r e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, d a t ed February 4, 2013, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mort-
gage A ssociation, i ts successors i n interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered S t i p ul ated Gener a l Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendants: 1) Javier Martinez, 2) Robin Martinez, on October 24, 2012, against Javier Mart inez a n d R o b i n
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;
(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B end B u lletin. Date of F irst and Successive Publicat ions:February 1 3 ,
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Leg a l Notices •
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
PART 2, Deschutes 2013; February 20, Only U.S. c urrency Seven days prior to ments in the amount 2013; February 27, and/or cashier's the hearing a copy of of $1,677.00 each, County, Oregon. 2013. Date of Last checks made payable the staff report will be due the first of each RECORDING. The Publication: March to Deschutes County similarly av a i lable. month, for the months Trust Deed was re6, 2013. Attorney: Sheriff's Office will be CONTACT PERSON: o f Au g us t 201 2 corded a s f o l lows: Michael Thornicroft, accepted. P a yment A aron H e nson a t through D e c ember Date Recorded: May O SB ¹ 9 811 0 4 , must be made in full (541) 383- 4 885, 2012; pl u s late 10, 2007. Recording Routh Cra b t ree immediately upon the ahenson@ci.bend.or. charges an d ad - No.: 2007-26762. OfO lsen, P.C., 5 1 1 close of t h e s a l e. us. Send written tes- vances; plus any un- ficial Records of DesSW 10th Ave., Ste. LARRY B L A NTON, t imony to t h e C i t y paid r ea l p r o perty chutes County, Or400, Portland, OR Deschutes Co u n ty Council c/o CDD, 710 taxes or liens, plus egon. 97205, Sheriff. Lisa Griggs NW Wall St., Bend, interest. 5.AMOUNT DEFAULT. The (503) 977-7840. C o n d iCivil Technician. DUE. T h e a m ount Grantor or any other OR 97701, or attend t ions of Sale: P o the public hearing and due on the Note which person obligated on LEGAL NOTICE tential bidders must i s secured b y t h e the Trust Deed and IN T H E CI R C UIT state your views. The arrive 15 m i nutes COURT O F hearing will be con- Trust Deed referred to Promissory Note seTHE prior to the auction P r i ncipal c ured thereby is i n STATE OF OREGON ducted in accordance herein is: to allow the D esSe c t ion balance in the amount default and the BenFOR THE COUNTY with B D C c hutes Coun t y 4.1.500. An y p a r ty of $261,307.85; plus eficiary seeks to foreOF DES C H UTES S heriff's Office t o Probate Department, may request a con- interest at the rate of close the Trust Deed review bidd e r's or to have 6.1 25% per a nnum for failure to pay: A In the Matter of the tinuance f unds. Only U . S . Estate of P ATRICIA the record held open. from July 1 , 2 0 12; payment of $541.00 c urrency and / o r for the month of June . S C HWEP, D e - Failure to raise an is- plus late charges of cashier's c h e cks cNeased, Case N o . sue at the hearing, in $3,213.70; plus ad- 2011; plus r e gular m ade payable t o person or by letter, or vances and foreclo- monthly payments of 13PB0013. NOTICE Deschutes County pro v ide sure attorney fees and $1,586.00 each, due TO INT E RESTED failure t o Sheriff's Office will s tatements o r e v i - costs. 6.SALE OF t he f i rs t o f eac h PERSONS. NOTICE be accepted. Payd ence sufficient t o PROPERTY. The month, for the months IS HEREBY GIVEN ment must be made afford th e d e cision Trustee hereby states of July 2011 through that the undersigned in full immediately has been appointed maker an opportunity that the property will October 2012; plus upon the close of sold to satisfy the late charges and adAdministrator. All per- to respond precludes be the sale. L A RRY obligations secured by vances; plus any unsons having claims appeal to the Land B LANTON, Des se Board o f A p - t he Trust Deed. A paid real p r operty against the estate are U c hutes Coun t y T rustee's Notice o f taxes or liens, plus required to p r esent peals on that issue. Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Default and Election interest. with vouchers LEGAL NOTICE Civil Tec h nician. them, attached, to the unThe Budget Commit- to Sell Under Terms A MOUNT DUE. T h e Date: February 11, of Trust Deed h as amount due on the dersigned A d m inis- tee of Sisters Park & 2013. N ote which i s s e trator at 747 SW MILL Recreation District will been recorded in the fficial Records o f cured by th e T rust LEGAL NOTICE VIEW WAY, BEND, hold a supplemental O Deschutes C o unty, D eed r e ferred t o IN T H E CIR C U IT OR 97702, within four b udget hearing o n 7. TIME OF herein is: P r i ncipal COURT O F THE months after the date Tuesday, F e b ruary Oregon. SALE. Date:April 25, balance in the amount STATE OF OREGON of first publication of 19, 2013 at the Cof2013. Time:11:00 of $216,909.08; plus DESCHUTES t his notice, o r t h e field Comm u nity a.m. Place: Desinterest at the rate of COUNTY, JPMorgan claims may be barred. Center at SPRD loCounty Court- 6.000% per a nnum Chase Bank, National All persons whose c ated a t 1 7 5 0 W . chutes NW from May 1 , 2 0 11; Association, its sucr ights may b e a f - McKinney Butte Road, house, 1 16 4 Bond Street, Bend, plus late charges of cessors i n i n t erest f ected by t h e p r o - Sisters, Oregon. The 8.RIGHT TO $ 620.40; plu s a d and/or assigns, ceedings may obtain meeting will be held at Oregon. REINSTATE. Any vances and forecloPlaintiff/s, v . Un- additional information 5:30 p.m. A copy of known Heirs of Kim- from the records of the proposed supple- person named in ORS sure attorney fees and has the right, costs. berly A. Turney AKA the court, the Admin- mental b u dget is 86.753 OF P ROP E RTY. K imberly Hall, R o n istrator, or the l aw- available at S i sters at any time that is not SALE The Trustee hereby than five days Hall, Cameron Turyers for the Adminis- Park 8 Re c reation later ney, Fiona Turney, trator, DANIEL C. RE. D istrict. For m o r e before th e T r ustee states that the propthe sale, to erty will be sold to Oregon Department of Dated and first pub- information please call conducts Human Services, Oc- lished on February 13, Anne He a t h at have this foreclosure satisfy the obligations d ismissed an d t h e secured by the Trust cupants of the Pre- 2013. SHEILA RICH- 541-549-2091. Trust Deed reinstated Deed. A Tr u stee's mises, D efendant/s. ARD, Administrator. LEGAL NOTICE b y payment to t h e Notice of Default and Case No.: LEGAL NOTICE TO INTERESTED Beneficiary of the en- Election to Sell Under 11CV0291ST. Notice NOTICE TO INTERPERSONS tire amount then due, Terms of Trust Deed is hereby given that I ESTED P E RSONS. B ank of t h e C a s - other than such porhas been recorded in will on February 28, RHONDA SUZANNE cades has been aption of the principal as the Official Records of 2013 at 10:00 AM in M CLAIN has b e e n pointed Administrator would not then be due Deschutes C o unty, the main lobby of the appointed P e rsonal of the estate of Garno default ocOregon. Deschutes C o u nty Representative of the rett William Broadley, had curred, by curing any TIME OF SALE. Sheriff's Office, 63333 ESTATE OF DORIS deceased, by the Cirother default that is Date: April 18, 2013 W. Highway 20, Bend, V. RAY, Deceased, by cuit Court, State of be i n gTime: 11:00 a.m. Oregon, sell, at public the C i rcuit C o u rt, Oregon, D e schutes c apable o f by tendering the Place: Desc h utes o ral auction to t h e State of Oregon, Des- C ounty, Cas e N o . cured h ighest bidder, f o r chutes County, under 13PB0007. A l l p e r- performance required County Courthouse, under the obligation or 1164 NW Bond cash o r cas h ier's Number sons having claims Trust Deed and by Street, Bend, Oregon check, the following Case 1 3PB0012. All p e r - against the estate are paying all costs and RIGHT TO REIN real property, known sons having a claim required to p r esent expenses actually in- STATE. Any person a s 1557 N W T e a k against th e e s t ate with vouchers curred in enforcing the named in ORS 86.753 Avenue, R e dmond, m ust p r esent t h e them, attached, to the Bank obligation and Trust has the right, at any Oregon 97756, to wit, c laim w i t hi n fo u r of the Cascades, c/o Deed, together with time that is not later Lot 101 of CANYON months of t h e f i r st Patricia Heatherman, t he t r u stee's a n d than five days before POINT EST A T ES publication date of this 250 NW Franklin Ava ttorney's fees n o t the Trustee conducts PHASE 5, Deschutes to He n d rix, e nue, S u it e 40 2 , exceedingthe amount the sale, to have this County, Oregon. Said notice Brinich 8 B e r talan, Bend, Oregon 97701, provided i n foreclosure dismissed sale is made under a LLP, at 716 NW Har- within four m o nths 8 6.753. Y o u ORS ma y and the Trust Deed Writ of Execution in riman Street, Bend, after the date of Febreach th e O r e gon r einstated b y p a y Foreclosure i s s ued Oregon 97701, ATTN: ruary 13, 2013, the ment to the Benefiout o f t h e C i r cuit Lisa N. Bertalan, or first publication of this State Bar's Lawyer Referral Service at ciary of t h e e n tire Court of the State of may be barred. notice, or the claims 503-684-3763 or a mount t he n d u e , Oregon for the County they Additional information may be barred. Addi- toll-free in Oregon at other than such porof Deschutes, dated may be obtained from tional information may 800-452-7636 or you tion of the principal as January 4, 2013, to the court records, the be obtained from the visit its website would not then be due m e directed in t h e Personal Representa- records of the court, may at: w w w had no d efault ocabove-entitled action tive or the following- the Administrator, or Legal assi stance may curred, by curing any wherein J P M organ named attorney for he t he lawyer fo r t h e b e available if y o u other default that is Chase Bank, National Personal Representa- Administrator, P atria low income c apable o f bei n g Association, its suc- tive. Date of first pub- cia L. H e atherman, have cessors i n i n t erest lication: February 13, PC, 250 NW Franklin and meet federal pov- cured by tendering the e rty guidelines. F o r performance required a nd/or assigns, a s 013. HENDR I X Avenue, Suite 402, more information and under the obligation or plaintiff/s, recovered 2BRINICH & B ERTABend, OR 97701. a directory of legal aid T rust Deed and b y General Judgment of LAN, LLP, 716 NW programs, g o to paying all costs and LEGAL NOTICE F oreclosure on A u - HARRIMAN, B END, http://www.oregonexpenses actually inTRUSTEE'S NOTICE gust 9, 2012, against OR Any curred in enforcing the OF SALE U nknown Heirs o f 541-382-4980. 97701, The Trustee under the questions r egarding obligation and Trust Kimberly A. T u rney Deed, together with LEGAL NOTICE terms of t h e T r u st this matter should be AKA Kimberly Hall, PUBLIC HEARING Deed desc r ibed directed to Lisa Sum- t he t r u stee's a n d Ron Hall, Cameron NOTICE herein, at the direc- mers, Paralegal, (541) a ttorney's fees n o t Turney, Fiona Turney, (TS exceedingthe amount tion of the Beneficiary, 686-0344 Oregon Department of BEND CITY COUNCIL ¹15148.30602). provided i n ORS PROJECT NUMBER: hereby elects to sell Human Services and DATED: December 7, 86.753. 12-386. APPLICANT: t he p r o perty d e Occupants o f the 2012. /s/ Nancy K. You may reach the OrPremises as defen- C ity of B e nd. N A - scribed in the Trust Cary. Nancy K. Cary, e gon S t at e B a r's Deed to s atisfy the d ant/s. BEFO R E TURE OF THE APSuccessor T r ustee, Lawyer Referral SerBIDDING A T TH E PLICATION: Amend- obligations s e cured H ershner Hun t e r, vice at 503-684-3763 ments to the thereby. Pursuant to SALE, A PROSPECLLP, P.O. Box1475. or toll-free in Oregon Non-Residential Zon- ORS 86.745, the folTIVE BIDDER at 800-452-7636 or i ng Districts of t h e lowing information is SHOULD INDEPENLEGAL NOTICE you may visit its webDENTLY I N V ESTI- Bend D e v elopment provided: 1. PARTIES: TRUSTEE'S NOTICE site at: SCOT T GATE: The priority of Code. These include: G rantor: OF SALE w L e BERGUM AND AMY The Trustee under the the lien or interest of Chapter 1.2, Definigalassistance may be the judgment creditor; t ions; Chapter 2 . 2 , BERGUM. T r u stee: terms of the Trust available if you have a Commercial Districts; P ACIFIC NOR T H - Deed described Land use laws and low income and meet 2.3, WEST TITLE INSURregulations applicable Chapter herein, at the direcMixed-Use Districts; ANCE CO M PANY. tion of the Beneficiary, federal poverty guideto the property; Aplines. Fo r more inSuccessor T r ustee: hereby elects to sell proved uses for the Chapter 2.4, I ndusf ormation and a d i trial Districts; Chapter N ANCY K . C A R Y . the property dep roperty; Limits o n rectory of legal aid Beneficiary:WASHf arming o r for e s t 2.5, Surface Mining scribed in the Trust programs, g o to practices on the prop- District; Chapter 2.6, INGTON F E D ERAL Deed to satisfy the http://www.oregonerty; Rights of neigh- Public Facilities Dis- SAVINGS. 2.DEobligations secured OF thereby. Pursuant to boring property own- trict; and Chapter 3.6, SCRIPTION The ORS 86.745, the fol- Any questions regarders; and Special Standards for PROPERTY: ing this matter should C ertain Uses. A P - real property is deE nvironmental l a w s lowing information is be directed to L isa PLICABLE C R I T E- scribed a s f o l lows: provided: PARTIES: and regulations that Summers, Paralegal, affect the p r operty. RIA: Bend Develop- Parcel 2 of Partition Grantor: (541) 686-0344 (TS P ublished i n B e n d ment Code Section Plat No. 2007-8, reDUANE A. LIETZ ¹07754.30360). 4.6.200(B). P R O P- corded February 28, Trustee: Bulletin Date of First DATED: December 17, LO C ATION: 2007, in Cabinet 3, and Successive Pub- ERTY WESTERN TITLE 2012. DATE , Page 392, Deschutes Successor Trustee: lications: January 30, Citywide. /s/ Nancy K. Cary County, Oregon. 3. 2 013; F ebruary 6 , T IME, PLACE A N D NANCY K.CARY Nancy K. Cary, LOCATION OF THE R ECORDING. T h e Beneficiary 2013; February 13, Successor Trustee 2013. Date of L a st HEARING: Wednes- Trust Deed was reOREGON HOUSING Hershner Hunter, LLP f o l lows: AND Publication: F e b ru- day, March 6, 2013 at corded a s C O M M U N ITY P.O. Box 1475 Date Recorded: April SERVICES ary 20, 2013. Attor- 7:00 p.m. at 710 NW DEEugene, OR 97440 ney: Michael Thorni- Wall Street, B e nd, 30, 2007. Recording PARTMENT, STATE Ci t y Ha l l No.: 2007-24595 Officroft, OSB ¹981104, O R, i n O F O R EGON, a s R outh Crabt r e e Council C h a mbers. cial Records of Desasignee for BANK OF A DDITIONAL IN- chutes County, OrCLASSIFIEDS! Olsen, PC, 511 SW THE CAS C A DES USE THE FORMATION: The egon. 4.DEFAULT. 10th Avenue, Suite M ORTGAG E C EN 4 00, P o rtland, O R application, all docu- The Grantor or any TER Door-to-doorSellingWith 97205. OF (503) ments and evidence other p erson o b l i- D ESCRIPTION 977-7840. Conditions s ubmitted by o r o n gated on th e T rust PROPERTY: The real fast results! It's theeasiest of Sale: Po t e ntial behalf of th e a ppli- Deed and Promissory property is described Way in the WOrldto Sell. bidders must arrive 15 cant and the applica- Note secured thereby as fol l ows : Lot tion criteria are avail- is in default and the minutes prior to the Fifty-five (55), Block able for inspection at Beneficiary seeks to Fifty-three (53), DESauction to allow the The BulletinClassified Deschutes C o u nty City Hall at no cost foreclose the T r ust CHUTES RIV ER Sheriff's Office to re- and will be provided at Deed for f ailure to RECREATION 541-385-5809 pay: M o nthly pay- HOMESITES UNIT 9 view bidder's funds. a r easonable cost.
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