Bulletin Daily Paper 6/13/13

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $

THURSDAY june13, 201 3



bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD Caffeine doost —Isthe trend of adding the stimulant to kid-friendly foods healthy?D1


Hs lly R


u e scenariossu acein aem By Lauren Dake



Lawmakers have three weeks before they are expected to approve the next two-year state budget. Formal talks between the parties have come to a halt. Republicans want steeper cuts to the Public Employees Retirement

SALEM — While lawmakers struggle to strike a "grand bargain" on the state budget, Republicans are bracing themselves for what they consider a Democratic effort to raise taxes without their

System; Democrats want to increasetaxes. Both sides blame the other for the impasse. Meanwhile, Democrats, who control both chambers of the Legislature, are eyeing other options to funnel more money into the state budget.

One option involves working with a range of tax credits about to expire. Here's the gist: About $50 million in tax credits, ranging from the political contribution credit to the Oregon cultural tax credit, will end in 2014, unless lawmakers vote oth-

erwise. By extending those credits, lawmakers effectively take revenue from the state

budget. To offset that loss, Democrats would then enact other measuresto raise the same or lesser amount in revenue. See Budget/A5


DNA evidence —Locallaw enforcement collections are likely to grow after the recent Supreme Court ruling.AS

Merkley aims to close visa loophole

Alpha Centauri —That planet orbiting our nearest stellar neighbor? It may not be there after all.A3

ln SportS —Oregon State University baseball and the start of the U.S. Open.D1

The Mirror Pond Steering Committee 4L:rs .•

released a series of images on Wednesday, offeringa glimpse intowhat Mirror Pond

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By Andrew Clevenger

could look like years into the future.

The Bulletin

In LOCal —Census data shows Central Oregon's aging population.B1

NSA surveillance —Doz-

• '




WASHINGTON — Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore., introduced anamendment Wednesday to the massive immigration bill under consideration in the Senate that would tighten loopholes that Oregon companies used to hire foreign workers to complete local forestry projects. The amendment is virtually identical to the American Jobs in American Forests Act, a bill Merkley introduced in May. Merkley's legislation would require companies to make an extensive effort to hire American workers

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ens of attacks were foiled, the

agency's head tells Congress in testimony.A2

-": . o-,'„l'

And a WedexclusiveCreating an official list of Da-

mien Hirst's "spot paintings" — and the ire it maydrawfrom those who find they have fakes.



before they could apply for




'1st shutoffs


begin for I(lamath irrigation

an H-2B visa. The H-2B visa program, which received a major injection of stimulus funding from the 2009 American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, authorizes American companies to import for-







eign workers for nonagri-


cultural seasonal work if they are unable to find U.S. citizens to fill the positions. See Jobs/A6

In each of these renderings, Mirror Pond appears asseenfrom the Riverfront Plaza area. By Jeff Barnard The Associated Press

GRANTS PASS — With rivers in Oregon's droughtstricken upper Klamath Basin flowing far below normal levels, state water officials started telling ranchers Wednesday they must shut off irrigation to leave water for native fish held sacred by the Klamath Tribes, a federal irrigation project and wildlife refuges downstream. The shutoffs are the first for the upper Klamath Basin, where 38 years of litigation ended in March with recognition by the stateWater Resources Department that the tribes have the oldest water rights on rivers flowing through lands that were once their reservation. The tribes issued their call in concert with the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, which needs water to supply the Klamath Project, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which has wildlife refuges that draw water from the irrigation project. Douglas Woodcock of theOregon Water ResourcesDepartment said watermasters had completed measuring streamflows to verify the need to start shutting off some irrigators and were beginning to notify ranchers

along the Sprague River and its tributaries. SeeKlamath /A5

Aboveis the pond pictured after dramatic changes — about five years after the Newport Avenue Dam is removed, but left in its current

configuration and not dredged. Theslopes down to the river are gradedand replanted as required by federal andstate regulations. Marsh areas


that are left isolated by the receding water are planted with riparian shrubbery. Belowis what Mirror Pond could look like in the same time frame under the three scenarios that keep the dam in place:



distracting drivers,too?


. 4.' at.

By Matt Richtel and Bill Vlasic &1 s

New Yorh Times News Service


As concerns have intensified about driver distraction from electronic gadgets, automakers have increasingly introduced voice-activated systems that allow drivers to keep their hands on the wheel and eyes on the road. But a new study says that the most advanced of these systems actually create a different, and worse, safety risk, by taking a driver's mind, if not eyes, off the road. These systems let drivers use voice commands to dictate a text, send an email andeven update a Facebook page. Automakers saythe systems not only address safety concerns, but also cater to drivers who increasingly want to stay connected. SeeDrivers/A6

Images courtesy Jim Figurski, Mirror Pond Management Board

OnPageA4 See renderings of all existing scenarios, with options for keeping the dam and removing it.



Created100 years ago with the construction of the Newport Avenue Dam, Mirror Pond was last dredged in1984. The resulting silt accumulation over nearly 30 years

A new outreach process will begin next week with a public meeting 5 p.m. Monday at City Hall and a public

has been raising water temperatures to the detriment of fish, creating shallows that


are slowly filling in with aquatic plants and, overall, changing the look of a Bend landmark.

Park 8 Recreation District, the first of several opportunities for locals to weigh in on the proposals over

The renderingsarethe result of a process from earlier this year, inwhich anonline survey and a series of public meetings were used to determine what local residents who

respondedvaluedmost about Mirror Pond.GreenWorks, aPortland-based landscapearchitecture firm, createdthe imagesto reflect the rangeof preferences expressed, including

the next fewmonths. Bylatesummer,the steering committee aims to find something resembling a community consensus on the preferred Mirror Pond of the

future, andbeginidentifying possible funding sources. — Bulletin staff reports

alternatives with and without the dam remaining in place.

TODAY'S WEATHER Chance of storms High 62, Low 37

Page B6

4 P We userecycled newsprint

INDEX Business/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Health Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 H o roscope Classified E1 - 6 D ear Abby D6 Lo c al/State B1-6 TV/Movies


Vol. 110, No. 164,


s s ections O

88267 0232 9




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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

POWERBALL The numbers drawn Wednesday night are:

4a Oss 8 OsO»Oaa 0 The estimated jackpot is now $85 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Wednesday night are

41 g42 g4gts g20g24 O The estimated jackpot is now $15.8 million.

NATIoN 4% ORLD TIII'klSh pl'0'i8S'iS —Turkey's government on Wednesdayoffered a first concrete gesture aimed atending nearly two weeksof street protests, proposing a referendum on devel a opment project in

N Ac ie: urvei ance

Istanbul that triggered demonstrations that have become the biggest

challenge to Prime Minister RecepTayyip Erdogan's10-year tenure.

ate ozenso attac s

Protesters expressed doubts about the offer, however, and continued to converge in Taksim Square's Gezi Park, epicenter of the anti-

government protests that began in Istanbul13 days agoand spread across the country.

By Donna Cassata and Connie Cass

U.N. Poaook88P8rS —In a report submitted to the Security

The Associated Press

Council, the U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon requested authorization to increase the Golan Heights force to 1,250 soldiers, up from its present size of about 900. He said Wednesday that U.N. peacekeeping officials were looking into other ways of enhancing the force's "self-defense capabilities." Ban beseeched both the Israeli

WASHINGTON — The director of the National Security

Agency vigorously defended once-secret surveillance programs as an effective tool in keeping America safe, telling Congress on Wednesday that the information collected disrupted dozens of terrorist attacks without offering details. In his f i rst c ongressional testimony since r e velations about the top-secret operations, Army Gen. Keith Alexander insisted that the public needs to know more about how the programs operate amid increasing unease about rampant government snooping and fears that Americans' civil liberties are

and Syrian sides to respect the Golancease-fire. In Jerusalem on Wednesday, a senior Israeli official said that the United Nations had approached a dozen countries over the last week but that none had

yet committed any troops. COIOradO Wildfir8S —A wildfire fueled by hot temperatures,

Hon.General 4'//hrri' g7<> d

gusty winds and thick, bone-dry forests has destroyed 92 homes, damaged five more and prompted more than 7,000 residents northeast of Colorado Springs to flee, a sheriff's official said Wednesday. A separate Colorado wildfire to the south has destroyed 20 structures and prompted evacuations of about 250 residents and nearly1,000 inmates at medium-security prison. To the north, another fire burned in Rocky Mountain National Park.

J. Scott Applewhite /The Assoaated Press

Gen. Keith Alexander, director of the National Security Agency and head of the U.S. Cyber Command, arrives Wednesday on Capitol Hill to testify before the Senate Appropriations Committee. He is joinedby Rand Beers, right, the undersecretary for the Department of Homeland Security.

HIV pill —Drug-injecting addicts who took a daily antiretroviral pill were half as likely to become infected with HIV as those who did not, a study done on 2,400 drug users in Thailand found. The study showed that taking a tenofovir pill each day reduced infections by 49 percent. Addicts who took the pills regularly were 74 percent less likely to become infected. Earlier clinical trials showed that the therapy can sharply reduce the risk of HIV transmission from mother

being trampled. "I do think it's important that we get this right and I want the NSA data —Google on Wednesdayplayed down its role in a American people to know that secret government surveillance program, detailing for the first we're trying to be transparent time how it typically hands over data to federal officials. When here, protect civil liberties and faced with a court order, the tech giant said, it uses surprisingly privacy but also the security of simple and low-tech methods, including the delivery of informathis country," Alexander told a tion by hand or by using relatively common techniques to transfer Senate panel. files from one computer to another. Thecompany's disclosure of He described the steps the how it handles National Security Agency requests might skirt its government takesonce itsusobligations to keep data requests secret, experts said. — The IVashingtonPost pects a terrorist organization is about to act — all within the laws approved by Congress and under stringent oversight said hewas pressing for more something "than jeopardize the from the courts. He said the disclosures. security of this country." programs led to "disrupting or But he also warned that The directorwas questioned contributingtothe disruption of revelations about the secret at length by senators seeking terrorist attacks," but he did not programs have eroded agency information on exactly how give details on the terror plots. capabilities and, as a result, the much data the NSA gathers In plain-spoken, measured U.S. and its allies won't be as through programs to collect tones, Alexander answered safe as they were two weeks millions of telephone records senators' questions in an open ago. and keep tabs on Internet activ"Some of these are still go- ity as well as the legal backing session and promised to provide additional information to ing to be classified and should for the activities. the Senate Intelligence Com- be, because if we tell the terMembers of the House and mittee in closed session today. rorists every way that we're Senate Intelligence panels and The director of national intelli- going to track them, they will key leaders have been briefed gence has declassified informa- get through and Americans on the programs and have extion on two thwarted attacks will die," he said, adding that pressed theirsupport for the — one in New York, the other he would rather be criticized operations as a valid tool in the in Chicago — and Alexander by people who think he's hiding terrorism fight.

obama administration reportedlysplit on arming Syrianrebels The Associated Press WASHINGTON — Despite growing alarm over the Syrian government's military advances, Obama administration officials are split over whether to arm th e c ountry's rebel forces or make other military moves that would deepen U.S. involvement in the conflict. President Barack Obama's top national security advisers met at the White House on Wednesday to air their differences. The administration's caution persists despite its nearly 2 - year-old d e mand that President Bashar Assad step down, its vows to help the besieged Syrian rebels on the ground and its threats to respond to any chemical weapons use. U.S. officials had hoped this week to reach a decision on arming the rebels to halt the violence and motivate the government and the opposition to hold peace talks. But they are still uncertain whether that's the best way to reshape a war that now includes Hezbollah and Iranian fighters backing Assad's armed forces, and alQaida-linked extremists backing the rebellion. "Nobody wins in Syria the way things are going," Secretary of State John Kerry told reporters Wednesday after meeting with British Foreign Secretary W i l l ia m H a g ue. "The people lose and Syria as a country loses. And what we have been pushing for, all of us involved in this effort, is a political solution that ends the violence, saves Syria, stops the killing and destruction of the entire nation." Despite increased support in Congress and the administration for lethal aid, officials said those closest to the president are divided on whether to

begin providing Syria's armed opposition with weapons or

to consider more drastic steps such as using U.S. airpower to ground Assad's gunships and jets. The officials spoke ahead of Wednesday's meeting at the White House on condition of anonymity because they weren't authorized to speak publicly on the private talks. Kerry, too, said he wouldn't p redict the outcome of t h e discussions. Obama's moves throughout the 27-month civil war, from political support for the opposition to nonlethal aid for its more moderatefighters, have occurred in close concert with America'spartners in Europe. All agree at this point that the efforts haven't done enough. A fter meeting Kerry at t h e State Department, Hague also stressed the need for a political solution to end the fighting that has now killed some 80,000 people, without outlining how his government might contribute. Kerry, who p ostponed a trip this week to Israel and three other Mideast countries to participate in th e W h ite House talks, is believed to be among the most forwardleaning members of Obama's national security leadership. Since becoming America's top diplomat in February, he has spoken regularly about the need to change Assad's calculation that he can win the war militarily, if only to get him into serious discussions with the opposition about establishing a transitional government. Assad's stunning military successlastweek at Qusair, near the Lebaneseborder, andpreparations for offensives against Homs and Aleppo have made the matter more urgent.

to child and in gayand bisexual men andheterosexuals. The Lancet, a medical journal, published the results Wednesday. Lung tranSplant —A10-year-old girl whose efforts to qualify for an organ donation spurred public debate over howorgans are allocated underwent a successful double-lung transplant on Wednesday, the girl's family said. Sarah Murnaghan, whosuffers from severe cystic fibrosis, received newlungs from an adult donor at Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, spokeswoman Tracy Simon said.

CIA prOmOtiOII —The CIA's deputy director, Michael Morell, is retiring after 33 years at the agency and will be replaced by Avril Haines, the top lawyer at the National Security Council, the CIA's

director, John Brennan, announcedWednesday.Theswitch will put a woman in one of the agency's top two jobs for the first time. Haines

is an unusual choice becauseshe is not an intelligence professional, although in her two years at theWhite Houseshe has beendeeply involved in intelligence programs.

Malldola'S COllditiOII —After four days in the hospital battling a lung infection, former South African president Nelson Mandela"is responding better to treatment," President Jacob Zuma said Wednes-

day. It was the first report of an improvement in Mandela's condition since he washospitalized Saturday after suffering a recurrence of a persistent lung ailment, a legacy of the tuberculosis he contracted during the 27years hewas imprisoned for opposing apartheid. — From wire reports

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Obama was flying from M assachusetts t o Flo r i d a on Wednesday and did not participate i n W e dnesday's meeting.


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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Thursday, June13, the 164th day of 2013. There are 201 days left in the year.



HAPPENINGS NSA teStimOny —Director Keith Alexander will answer questions in a closedsession of the Senate lntelligence Committee.A2

GreeCe —Workers plan to begin a general strike in pro-

ance a

Malaria kit is fast; canit be cheaper?

a en a Liii ii

A planet thought to be orbiting our nearest neighboring star may not actually be there.

test of the closing of a state-

run broadcaster.

By Dennis Overbye New York Times News Service

HISTORY Highlight:In1966, the Supreme Court ruled in Miranda v. Arizona that criminal suspects had

to be informed oftheir constitutional right to consult with an attorneyand to remain silent. In 1842, Queen Victoria became the first Britishmonarch to ride on a train, traveling from Slough Railway Station to Paddington in 25 minutes. In 1886, King Ludwig II of

Bavaria drowned inLakeStarnberg. In 1927,aviation hero Charles Lindbergh was honored with a

ticker-tape parade inNewYork City.

In1935,JamesBraddock claimed the title of world heavy-

weight boxing championfrom Max Baer ina15-round fight in Long Island City, N.Y. In1942, the first of two four-

man Nazisabotageteamsarrived in the United States during World War II. (The eight were arrested after one of them went to U.S. authorities; six of the

saboteurs wereexecuted.) In1944,Germanybegan launching flying-bomb attacks against Britain during World

War II. In1957,the Mayflower II, a replica of the ship that brought the Pilgrims to America in1620, ar-

rived at Plymouth, Mass.,after a nearly two-month journey from England. In1971, The New York Times

began publishing excerpts of the PentagonPapers, asecret study of America's involvement in Vietnam from1945 to1967 that had been leaked to the paper by military analyst Daniel Ellsberg.

In1981, a scareoccurred during a parade inLondon whena teenager fired six blank shots at Queen Elizabeth II.

In1993,Canada'sProgressive Conservative Party chose Defense Minister KimCampbell to succeedBrian Mulroney as prime minister; she was the first

woman to hold thepost.

In 1996, the 81-day-old Freemen standoff ended as16 remaining members of the anti-

government groupsurrendered to the FBI and left their Montana ranch.

Ten yearsago: U.S.forces killed 27 Iraqi fighters after the Iraqis

attacked anAmerican tank patrol north of Baghdad. Israel

Cosmic hearts started beating a little faster last fall when a team of European astronomers announced that they had found a planet with a mass comparable to Earth's orbiting Alpha Centauri B, part of a triple star that is the sun's nearest neighbor, only 4.4 light years from here. As Geoffrey Marcy, an astronomer at the University of California, Berkeley, said at the time, "This is close enough you can almost spit there." Close enough, some astronomers said, to send a scientific probe that would get there in our lifetime. The new planet, only 4 million miles from its home star, would be too hellishly hot for life, but, astronomers said, where there is one planet there are likely to be others, more comfortably situated for life. Now, however, in a shot across the bow of cosmological optimism, a new analysis of the European data has cast doubt on whether there is actually a "there" there at Alpha Centauri B. Writing in The Astrophysical Journal last month, Artie H atzes, the director of t h e Thuringian State Observatory in Tautenburg, Germany, who was not part of the original discovery team, reported that he could not confirm the planet when he went looking for it in the European data on his own. "Sometimes it is there, other times not," depending on the method he used to reduce the statistical noise, he said in an email. That doesn't mean the planet does not exist, Hatzes wrote, but "inmy years of experience in extracting planet signals, this simply does not 'smell' like a real planet." Hatzes' skepticism proved catching. Suzanne A i grain of Oxford University quoted Carl Sagan's dictum that extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, saying that Hatzes' paper "certainly casts doubt on the original evidence." X avier Dumusque of t h e University of Geneva, who led the original discovery effort, said that H atzes' challenge was healthy for science. "Calling to question a d etection is always something f r uitful," Dumusque wrote in an email. But he added that it was clear in his team's paper that

"the signal we are searching for is at the limit of the data precision." More data, everyone agrees, is essential, and luckily there will be more data, according to Debra Fischer, a Yale astronomer who has studied the Alpha Centauri system. Both her group and the Geneva team of which Dumusque is a member obtained more observations in May. May was a bad time for exoplanet astronomers. NASA's planet-hunting Kepler satellite lost its pointing capability.

Quoting Jeff

L ebowski,

the heroof the Coen brothers movie "The Big L ebowski," Hatzes said, "Life is indeed 'gutters and strikes,' and this week were some gutters." The Alpha Centauri B planet is hardly the first promising world to slip into the shadows of uncertainty. Astronomers are still arguing about the existence of Gliese 581g, a "Goldilocks" planet said to be almost a sure bet for life when it was discovered in 2010. It all goes to show just how devilish the details have become as astronomersclose in on the goal of finding Earthlike planets. D umusque and h i s c o l leagues first found the planet by the so-called wobble method — perfected over the years by Michel Mayor and his colleagues at the Geneva Observatory — which measures planets' masses by how much they tug their host star to and fro as they orbit it.

New YorkTimes NewsService

A new analysis of what a team of astronomers said was evidence of an Earth-mass planet orbiting the star Alpha Centauri B, pictured, raises questions about its existence.

pay for itself quickly. The blinks were needed to verify an orbit, Kepler's astronomers once thoughtthey would need three years to verify the existence of planets in comfortable orbits like our own. But the stars turned out to be noisier than predicted; a year ago, Kepler's mission was extended so that more blinks could be collected, but the failure of a reaction wheel that allows the telescope to point precisely has probably brought an end to that. There is still an enormous amount of data i n K epler's pipeline, including D 2 c o nfirmed planets and, as of last

preparing for his weekly broadcast; he was 58. Rising water from the Cedar River forced

the evacuation of ahospital in downtown Cedar Rapids, lowa; in Des Moines, officials issued

areas bordering theDesMoines River. One yearago: Federal prosecutors droppedall charges against former Democratic vice presidential candidate John Edwards

after his corruption trial ended the previous month in a dead-

locked jury.

BIRTHDAYS Artist Christo is 78. Magician

Siegfried (Siegfried & Roy) is 74. Actor Malcolm McDowell

Comedian Tim Allen is 60. Actress Ally Sheedy is 51.

Singer-musician Rivers Cuomo (Weezer) is 43. Actor Chris Evans is 32. Actress Mary-

Kate Olsen is 27.Actress Ashley Dlsen is 27. — From wire reports

• •





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is 70. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon is 69. Actor

Stellan Skarsgard is 62.


The group uses a specially built s p e ctrograph c a l l ed HARPS on a 140-inch-diameter telescope at the European Southern Observatory in La Silla, Chile, to measure those wobbles, which show up as slight rhythmic shifts in the wavelength of starlight. The Earth imparts a kick of about 4 inches a second to the sun as it orbits around, but that is much smaller than the jitter caused by sunspots and magnetic activity. The result is that success in detecting low-mass planets depends more and more on digging a small signal out of a much larger background of noise in a reliable manner. Kepler, which uses the blink method to find planets when they cross in front of t heir stars, is running up against the limits of time. On the grounds that three

a voluntary evacuation order for much of downtown and other

company claims its test is far more accurate than the kits at detecting low-level infections. The rapidkits, introduced in the last decade, have sped up malaria diagnoses in rural clinics with no trained microscopists, but they cost at least $1 each and expire in hot climates.

would strike political as well as military leaders who targeted

moderator of NBC's "Meet the Press," died suddenly while

week, 3,216 planet candidates. Waiting in the wings for a 2017 launching is the Transiting Exoplanet Survey Satellite, TESS, which will monitor about 2 million nearby stars for exoplanets. "In fact," the project's leader, George Ricker of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, said during a talk at Google a few years ago, "when starships transporting colonists first depart the solar system, they may well be headed toward a T ESS-discovered planet as their new home." It might even be in Alpha Centauri.

broadened its campaignagainst Palestinian militants, saying it Israel with terrorism. Five yearsago:Tim Russert,

New YorkTimes News Service A student-professor team at Case Western Reserve University has invented a hand-held malaria detector that works on an unusual principle: Malaria p a r asites are stuffed with iron, s o their innards can be magnetized. T he team, which h a s incorporated itself as the Disease Diagnostic Group, is seeking investors to pay for field tests to prove that its device works as well on the African front lines as it does in a Cleveland lab. Its pitch is that its battery-powered box, which costs $250 to make, canundercut the price of current chemicalbased rapid test kits by at least 50 cents per test and

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Mirror Pond is changing, with or without our help. The Mirror Pond Steering committee is considering three scenarios that leave the Newport Avenue Dam in place and four that remove it. Here are the possible long-term outcomes, according to the Mirror Pond Management Board. •






OptionA1 Donothing' scenario(daminplace)

OptionA2 Donothing' scenario(5 yearsafter damremoved)

Mirror Pond hasbeenleft alone for roughly 30 years and nowork has beendone. Newinvasive vegetation has

After Mirror Pond hasbeenleft alone for roughly 30 years, with nothing else having beendone, the damis

populated the areas that are currently mudflats. The channel location typically follows its current alignment.

removed. Side slopes down to the river are graded and replanted as required by federal and state regulations.

The system is at full capacity for sediment andsediment continues to move downstream through the system. Total cost:$0.

Total cost:$10.9 million (Cost of removing the damis the responsibility of the owner, currently Pacific Power)

Emergent marsh areasleft isolated by the receding water arepopulated by ariparian shrub community.

' jo E i

Legend EXiSting laWn/park SpaCe

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Et j B C, jr~-.

jr1q D ietatjojTDrake-Rd~ ~ ~ ~ Former mudflats; em t,ergent;veg •

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jjja Existing trees ~y' Existing lawn/parkspace


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0 Channel 0 Existing beach access FEET

. Ga~lves'tonAve-.






Q Existing islands 0 Channel 6 Existing beach access


Q Pacific Power's hydro dam 400



OptionB1:Sediment removal (daminplace)

OptionB2:Sedimentremoval (5 yearsafter damremoved)

Mirror Pond is dredgedmuch as it was in1984. The existing concrete andstone walls adjacent to public parks have been removedand a more natural edgehas beenplanted. After 30 years, emergent wetland zones have developed along the river's edgeand theaccumulation of sediment continues. Mirror Pond is onceagain at full capacity of sediment storage. Dredging will be needed inthefuture.

Mirror Pond is dredgedmuchas it was in1984. The existing concrete andstone walls adjacent to public parks have been removed and a more natural edge has been planted. After 30 years, the dam is removed. Existing shallow waters retreat to the original channel. The sediment deposits that reaccumulated over 30 years are now

left exposed. Thechannel will be regradedand planted with additional emergent and riparian shrub plantings. Total cost:$11 million (Cost of removing the damis the responsibility of the owner, currently Pacific Power)

Total cost:$5.7 million


Legend ' l o jy;o/cid roij/otrjj:~-.

tmmIExistingtrees jwwa /jExisting tawn/parkspa~ce

//t/., l OOProposed emergent.ripariae'edg~e KI Proposed emergentw'etland+ stormwater trleatmentl /

— '- ~ +





o o to r


Mirror p on nrr


g Proposed veget'atedhat taoaw stormwater facilji~ty Park

Existing trees Existinglawn/park space



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corr OEProposedeme'rgentrri'parianadde~ „ - ~F~ « . . Proposed,urid'erdg rround .. Pageant stormwater'tiegtmarit '- Pa,k ««mr P~~ ot,Proposed vegeta'ted

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Q Existing islands 0 Channel 0 Existing beach access


~ ~

~~I~~~~~ ~~~~





'/rgr ' Q ' Galveston Ave„.

Il oo



0 Pacific Power's hydro dam 0



0 Channel

g 0 Pr oposed beach access 7q x »>~ Pi Q Ex istingretainingwalladjacenttoMirrorPond . »> ~,, ~. + 1 on perimeter of HarmonParkto be removed 0 Existing retaining wall adjacent to Mirror Pond on perimeter of DrakeParkto be removed + » @ r xp ,<®dpd'd» FEET 0 Existing retaining wall adjacent to Mirror pond on perimeter of Brooks Parkto be removed .~~T. ' ~/ c~ ~ ~~ VQ



Q Existing islands





. '

OptionC1:Sediment reuseonsite (daminplace)

OptionC2:Sedimentre-useonsite (5 yearsafter damremoved)

Mirror Pond is partially dredged and the removed sediment is reused on site. The dredged sediment is used to

After partially dredging Mirror Pond and reusing the sediment on site, the dam is removed 30 years from now.

create new lawnareas next to public park lands and anatural edgecondition of riparian shrubs. Thirty years

When the dam isremoved, the existing shallow waters retreat to the original channel. Newlawn areasnext to

from now, the emergent zones and riparian shrub zones are fully mature. Mirror Pond is once again at full

public park lands remain. The emergent zones and riparian shrub zones are regraded to meet the new channel

sediment capacity. Total cost:$3.5 million

and require additional plantings for thesezones. Total cost:$8.8 million (Cost of removing the damis the responsibility of the owner, currently Pacific Power)

i, ~~ ~ >:"'p j'



rd Porf/ E /o>agg ot ~tgjr + jamrtExisting lawn/parkspace / /d/ k, [~,mmft/Et o r Pj'~»

amExisting trees

~ Existing trees

+ Existtng lawn/park space j

' t/c t t t oakk«Bl~»wwmBerm OOProposedemergent.riparian'edge gnakwnd ~ Proposed eme'rgent+w'etjand ++pg~ ~<@-3~g~ ~,


«rror p



















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Q iM W cb S)d»y


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Q Pacific Power's hydro dam


OptionD: Changing thechannel (dam isremoved)



-T, .' ~

Galveston Avei


x~ '



0 Channel 9 Existing beach access





, ~a



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M l r romrp" stormwater.'tieatm' erit - p~<k x~«' ix/ ' ,' " ' s : « r ano' -.O' P roposed vegetated . -.rm „ storm'water'iadility H armoa . .- P~jk ' m




ej [~ mn Tt jtj m ,

~x Proposed riparian-'shrub cemmunity= -'-'a 'e—d, Ian'~edgre ., ~@;,,~+: t, sed emergenlttrIpaar


iwi m~

stormwater trle'atment/ / / Q Proposed vege rt'atedHatotoo ..







' Q Existing islands

0 Channel 0 Proposed beach access Q Existing retaining wall adjacent to Mirror Pond 1 onperi m eter of Harmon Parkto be removed Q Existing retaining wall adjacent to Mirror Pond on perimeter of DrakeParkto be removed 0 Existing retaining wall adjacent to Mirror Pond on perimeter of Brooks Parkto be removed

"t '

~ Existing trees

Existing lawn/parkspace g

The dam is removed as part of

~ .


tttt tt


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~ P !ooosedlawn/P a'rksPace / ~gr'akat.nd/j gjrdcrt@ . «Brebbam r m„ «k« i. k t4 j tso EatP!oposedemeijen~twet/end'0//~~x. .— mmj

the project and thechannel has been modified to anewlocation.


Adjusting the location of the

channel accommodates creating lawn areasadjacent to parks and

qstormw'ater.'fac'i'lity p

reduces the extent of wetlands


adjacent to homes.Thirty years from now, the plantings are fully


mature and sediment is moving through this section of the

.,'/ )

Deschutes River in amore natural river process. Total cost:$10.6 million

(Cost of removing thedamis

n2 hg » P H ""

the responsibility of the owner,

currently Pacific Power)

! ~

SOurCe: ImageS aytd deSCriptianS frOm Jtm FtgurSki, Mlrrar POnd Management BOard

~ - V'',


:/ ; .~~b„


Q Existing islands 0 Channel g. /4 0 Ex i sting beach access : ; ' d ht . , w , Q Exi s ting retaining wall adjacent to Mirror Pond on perimeter of HarmonPark to beremoved 'd ' I O ExistinoreteininoweiiediecenttoMirrorPond ' onperimeterof DrakeParktoberemoved 0 Existing retaining wall adjacent to Mirror Pond onperimeterol • rooksperktoberemoxed wd) FE ET '


Andy Zetgert/The Bulletin


Loeal law enforeement ageneies amassDNAfiles By Joseph Goldstein

profiles, many obtained from low-level defendants who give Slowly, and largely under the DNA as part of a plea bargain radar, a growing number of lo- or in return for having the cal law enforcement agencies charges against them dropped. across the country have moved In Central Florida, several law into what had previously been enforcement agencies have the domain of the FBI and state pooled their DNA databases. crime labs — amassing their A Baltimore database contains own DNA databases of poten- DNA from more than 3,000 hotial suspects, some collected micide victims. with the donors' knowledge, These law enforcement and some without it. agencies are no longer conAnd that trend — coming at a tent to rely solely on the highly time of heightened privacy con- regulated network of state and cerns afterrecent revelations federal DNA databases, which of secret federal surveillance have been more than two deof telephone calls and Internet cades in the making and repretraffic — is expected to acceler- sent one of the most significant ate afterthe Supreme Court's developments in the history of recent decision upholding a law enforcement. Maryland statute allowing the The reasons vary. Some poauthorities to collect DNA sam- lice chiefs are frustrated with ples from people arrested for the time it can take for state serious crimes. crime labs to test evidence. These local databases oper- Others want to compile DNA ate undertheir own rules,pro- profiles from suspects or lowviding the police much more level offenders long before their leeway than state and federal DNA might be captured by the regulations. And th e p o lice state or national databases. sometimes collect s a mples The rise in these local datafrom far more than those con- bases has aroused concerns victedoforarrested for serious among some critics, worried offenses — in some cases, in- about both the lax rules govnocent victims of crimes who erning them and the privacy do not necessarily realize that issues they raise. "We have been w arning their DNA will be saved for future searches. law enforcement that when New York City has amassed public attention began to focus a database with the profiles of on these rogue, unregulated 11,000 crime suspects. In Or- databases, people would be ange County, Calif., the district disturbed," said Barry Scheck, attorney's office has 90,000 a co-director of the Innocence New York Times News Service

Klamath e l

Continued from A1 "It's painful," said Don G entry, chairman of t h e Klamath Tribes. "But we have to protect our resources and really make sure our waterrights are enforced." Until now, ranchers have been able to irrigate freely, no matter how much water is in the river. The riversflowinto Upper Klamath Lake, the primary reservoir for the Klamath Project and the K lamath River. Woodcock said it was not yet clear whether all the irrigators drawing from the Sprague have to be shut off. It will take the next week and a half to make all of the notifications. Shutoffs on the Wood and Williams rivers are to follow. Ranchers have said the shutoffs will be devastating, forcing them to find feed for more than 70,000 cattle grazed on i r r igated pasture. Feed is already in short

Project, which seeks to exonerate wrongfully c o nvicted prisoners. "Law enforcement has just gone ahead and started collecting DNA samples from suspects in a n u n r egulated fashion." For their part, law enforcement officials say the crimesolving benefits of local databases are dramatic. "Our take is that it's good for law enforcement and good for the community," said Doug Muldoon, police chief of Palm Bay, a city of about 100,000 in Florida. In some jurisdictions, it is not only suspects whose DNA goes into the database, but occasionally victims, too. "If an officer goes to your

house on a burglary, they will swab a door handle and then they will ask, 'Can we get a sample from the homeowner so we can eliminate them as the source?'" Muldoon said. "They

'e '

Jeff Barnard/The Associated Press

The Williamson River flows through the town of Chiloquin, whichis home to the headquarters for the Klamath Tribes. The tribes have exercised newly recognized water rights on rivers running through their former reservation lands, leading to irrigation shutoffs for ranches. next year, water was restored to farms, but tens of thousands of salmon died downstream in the Klamath River. The tribes issued what is known as a call on the water on Tuesday to be sure enough water remains in rivers to support native fish, including two

supply across the droughtstricken West. The Klamath Basin has been the sight of some of the most bitter water battles in the nation as scarce water isshared between protected fish and farms. In 2001, angry farmers c onfronted federal m a r shals called in t o g u ard headgates shutting off water to the Klamath Reclamation Project, a federal irrigation project straddling the Oregon-California border. The

say, 'Sure.'"

The homeowner's sample goes into the database, too, Muldoon said. "That's so profoundly disturbing — that you would give DNA to the police to clear yourself and then once cleared, the police use it to investigate you for other crimes, and retain it indefinitely," said StephenMercer, the chief attorney of the forensics division of the Maryland public d efender's office.

Continued from A1 T he net effect would be revenue neutral — therefore, Democrats argue,the overall bill would not need Republican support. In 1996, Oregon voters approved a measure requiring a three-fifths vote to raise taxes. Democrats need two Republicans in both the House and Senate to raise revenue. But if a measure was revenue neutral — subtracting $50 million from the state budget and then raising an amount that doesn't exceed that figure — Democrats say Republican votes would not be required. D emocrats see the move as a perfectly legal method of closing tax loopholes and funneling money toward important state programs. Republicans have blasted it as circumventing the Oregon Constitution and have threatened to sue. In similar fashion, in 2007, l awmakers phased out t h e personal exemption tax credit for taxpayers above a certain income level and raised $19 million. The phase-out was

included in a larger package t hat extended various t a x expenditures. S en. Ginny B u r dick, D Portland, co-chair of a joint committee dealing with t ax credits, said that's a legitimate way to boost the state's general fund. There are a lot of moving pieces, she said, and it's all contingent on lawmakers striking an overall deal to raise $275 million in revenue and cut PERS. No specific legislation has yet been c r afted a d dressing the t ax-credit scenario, Burdick said. However, one big-ticket item being considered,the senator said, is tackling the state's senior medical tax deduction. It's a rare tax deduction that mainly benefits w ealthier s e niors. Those 62 years old or older can deduct the entire amount of their m e dical e x penses from their income taxes, along with their spouses' medical expenses. It's estimated to cost the state $185 million in 201315 and grow from there. Lawmakers could adjust the age limit or include an income phase out the tax by income level. Limiting who is eligible eligibility for the tax break is also part of the overall budget proposal the governor hopes lawmakers can strike a deal on. Burdick said the overall tax credit bill could also be used as a vehicle to overturn a court decision that ruled corporations could use tax credits to offset the state's corporate minimum tax . T hat w o u ld raise revenue of about $6 million to $10 million a year, according to Paul Warner, in the state's legislative revenue office. House Republican Leader

— Reporter: 541-554-1162, Idake@bendbulletin.com •

• a


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Mike McLane saidhe believes the idea circumvents the will of voters. "In my view, sticking a tax increase inside a sunset extension and calling it revenue neutral is suspect," he said.

an agreement by PacifiCorp to remove four dams on the Klamath River to allow salmon to reachthe upper basin forthe first time in a century. A companion agreement

environmental restoration for the basinand offers measures endangered species of suckers for easing irrigation shutoffs. sacred to the tribes. Ratification of the two agreeThe shutoffs come amid ments has been stalled in bitter political battles over Congress.

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Russ Martin, of AAA, wears a cap that records electrical impulses fromhis brain while driving in Landover, Md. AAA's study determined that handsfree devices create mental distractions for drivers.


Daniel Rosenbaum New York Times News Service


automakers voluntarily limit the technology in their cars Continued from A1 to keep drivers focused. The "What we really have on our federal agency that made the hands is a looming public safe- recommendation, the National ty crisis with the proliferation Highway Traffic Safety Adof these vehicles," said Yolan- ministration, did not respond da Cade, a spokeswoman for to a request for comment about AAA, whose Foundation for the research. Highway Safety released the What makes the use of these study on Wednesday. She char- speech-to-text systems so risky acterized the rush to equip cars is that they create a significant with Internet-enabled systems cognitive distraction, the reas "an arms race." searchers found. The brain is The study is among the most so taxed interacting with the exhaustive looks to date at the system that, even with hands new in-car technology and sets on the wheel and eyes on the up a potential clash between road, the driver's reaction time safety advocates and the auto and ability to process what's industry, given that automak- happening on the r oad are ers increasingly see profit po- impaired. tential in the new systems. The research was led by DaIn some high-end luxury vid Strayer, a neuroscientist at cars, like the BMW 7-series the University of Utah who for sedan, drivers ca n d i ctate two decades has applied the emails or text messages. And principles of attention science some mainstream models are to driver behavior. His research equipped with o ptions that has showed, for example, that can translatevoice messages talking on a phone while drivinto text. The Chevrolet Sonic ing creates the same level of compact car, for example, has crash riskas someone with a a system that allows drivers 0.08 blood-alcohol level, the leto compose texts verbally on gal level for intoxication across an iPhone connected in the the country. vehicle. In this latest study, he and a More than half of all new team ofresearchers compared cars will integrate some type of the impact on drivers of differvoice recognition by 2019, ac- ent activities, including listencording to the electronics con- ing to a book on tape or the rasulting firm IMS Research. The dio, and talking on a hand-held auto companies argue these phone or hands-free phone. systems aresafer because they The researchers compared are hands-free. how the subjects performed "We are concernedaboutany when they were not driving study that suggests that hand- with tw o o t her c o nditions: held phones are comparably when using a driver simularisky to the hands-free systems tor and in a car equipped with we are putting in our vehicles," tools aimed at measuring how said Gloria Bergquist, the vice well they drove. The researchpresident for public affairs at ers used eye-scanning technolthe Alliance of A u tomobile ogy tosee where driver attenManufacturers i n W a shing- tion was focused and also meaton, adding that carmakers are sured the electrical activity in trying to keep consumers con- the brain. nected without them having Strayer said the results were to use their hand-held phones consistent across all the tests while driving. in finding that speech-to-text "It is a connected society, technology caused a higher levand peoplewant to be connect- el of cognitive distraction than ed in their car just as they are any of the other activities. The in their home or wherever they research showed, for instance, may be," she said. that the person interacting with In April, the federal gov- speech to text was less likely ernment recommended that than in other activities to scan

a crosswalk for pedestrians. And that driver showed lowered activity in networks of the brain associated with driving, indicating that those networks were impaired by the interaction with the technology. Strayer said that the reason for theheavy load created by the technology was not totally clear. One reason appears to be the amount of effort required to talk to the dashboard, which is greater than talking to a person, who can interrupt and ask for clarification. With a passenger or even on a phone, the other person says "wait, wait, I didn't understand," Strayer said. "That stuff is gone when you're trying to compose an email. You have to get your thought in order and lay it out in order." Strayer said the research should give automakers pause. "Look at new cars; they're enabling sending emails, sending text, tweeting, updating Facebook, making movie or dinner reservations with voice commands," he said. "The assumption is i f y o u're doing those things with speech-based technology, they'll be safe. But they're not." But the automakers aren't likely to slow down development of the technology unless the law forbids it, said Ronald Montoya, consumer advice editor for Edmunds.com, a research firm. "They're not going to pause based on this research," he said.


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h eavily negotiated and d ebated bills are generally more likely to secure a majority of votes than smaller, one-issue bills. The Senate must first agree to the amendment, and a vote on it has not yet been scheduled. After the inspector general's report, the Labor Department tried to change the rules governing the H-2B program to close some of the loopholes, but its changes were success-

many with forestry experience and expertise, might never learn about job openings for local forestry projects. Oregon's database of those actively seeking work includes 3,492 forest and conservation workers

court by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and others. The program has continued to grow under the old rules. Over the past four years, the number of visas issued has grown from 44,847 in fiscal year 2009 to 47,403 in 2010 and 50,826 in 2011, according to the U.S. State Department. Figures for 2012 were not available. Oregon is not one of the top 10 states for total positions certified, according to Department of Labor figures. In 2012, forest worker was the second highest H-2B worker category, behind landscaper. For 2013, forest worker ranks fourth, behind l a ndscaper/groundskeeper, maid/housekeeper/ cleaner,and amusement and recreation attendant. — Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevengerC<bendbulletin.com

ally becoming law, since large,

More $$ in your Pocket when you List with Bend Properties.

aday, 7daysaweek. Sogear up for goodtimes, anytime, onHighway26!

in foreign labor, and would put in stricter recruiting rules for multistate projects so companies couldn't advertise exclusively in one state for a project that will take place in another. While many d etails and disagreements remain, including over border security and a possible path to citizenship, leaders from both parties have said passing immigration reform is a priority. By attaching his bill to the larger l egislation, M e rkley increasesits chances of actu-

to work in our forests." Under the current system, companies have to advertise only in states where the jobs "originated," which often are not the states in which the work was to be performed. Th e c o mpanies can self-attest that they were unable to find U.S. workers before asking permission to hire foreign labor. C onsequently, un e m-

Sell It

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company could apply to bring

egonians willing and able

Thinking of selling yourproperty?

Indian HeadCasino is Central Oregon'spremierlocationfor ftin, food, and

• • • •

Continued from A1 As The Bulletin first reported, four Oregon companiesreceived more than $7 million in federal funds to hire foreign workers for forestry projects through the H-2B program in 2010. At the time, Oregon was suffering through doubledigit unemployment. A subsequent review of the H-2B program by the Department of Labor's inspector general could find no evidence that the Oregon companies made any effort to recruit in Oregon. "I am pleased that the Senate is moving forward to fix our broken immigration system," said Merkley in a prepared statement. "But we need to ensure that in fields like forestry where there arethousands of Oregonians looking for work, companies are not allowed to abuse the H-2B v i sa program and just blindly assert that there are no Or-

and 1,489 forest and conservation technicians, according to the Oregon Employment Department. Under Merkley's proposal, companies must bolster their efforts to recruit locally by a dvertising o n l o ca l r a d i o and Internet job sites, as well as consulting with the state w orkforce agency to m a k e sure localjob seekers learn about potential openings. The state workforce agency would have to certify that a robust efforthad been made before a




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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5

Weather, B6 THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2013


Parking garage crash victim dies A Powell Butte man died Wednesday at St. Charles Medical Center, two days after his car fell from the second

story of an east Bend parking structure, according to police and hospital authorities. Richard Marsellos, 87, lay in critical condition at the hospital

since Monday, when he had suffered a medical

emergency, as described by Bend Police at the time, while in his 2010 Buick SUV at

The Center Orthopedic Neuro Care, 2200 N.E. Neff Road. Marsellos was waiting for his wife, police said. After his medical

episode around11:20


e ion's 0 ua iOna in By Elon Glucklich


The Bulletin

Central Oregon's population got a little older in the last two years, new data from the U.S. Census Bureau show. All three counties saw fairly substantial gains in the number ofresidents aged 65 and older between 2010 and 2012, along with a stagnant to slightly declining number of people under the

The median age of residents in Deschutes, Crook and Jefferson counties all rose between 2010

and 2012, new data from the U.S. Census bureau show. Deschutes County saw a large influx of people ages 65 and older, while Crook and Jefferson counties saw drops in residents between 25 and 59 years old over that time.

Deschutes County

Jefferson County

Crook County

Population: 162,277

Population: 21,749

Population: 20,729

As of July1,2012

As of July1,2012

As of July 1, 2012

age of 50. The figures were released today as part of the Census Bureau's annual population estimates for communities across the country. They show Deschutes County's median age was 41.5 as of July1, up from403on July I, 2010. See Census /B5

Median age:

Median age:


3 9.7 4 0 . 1


2 010

2 0 12

2 010

Median age:

45 8

2 0 I2

2 010

Source: U.S. Census Bureau


2 0 12 Greg Cross/The Bulletin

and struck two other cars; it then accelerated forward and crashed

through a handrailand a guardrail, then fell off the parking area15 feet to the level below.

Sisters parks director resigns Anne Heath, executive director of the Sisters Park & Recreation District, has resigned, the district announced

Wednesday. Heath and her husband, Alan, are moving to Eugene, where he

Heath, who joined the district four years ago, will work through

the summer to give the district directors

time to find a replacement, according to the announcement.

Photos try Ryan Brennecke i The Bulletin

Hayden Gullickson hugs High Lakes Elementary Principal Susan Heberlein before heading home after finishing the first grade.

nation letter proffered June 6. "This work has been

extremely rewarding as I have personally seen the positive changes that have taken place

built and I believe that Sisters is a healthier

Wednesday was the last day of school for students in the Bend-La Pine school district. We asked some students at High Lakes Elementary what their plans are for summer break.

communitybecause there was a teamwho believed in and worked toward a vision to-


Highway 20 crash iniures4 people Four people were injured Wednesday afternoon in a crash that blocked U.S. Highway 20 in Sisters. According to the

Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, Dixie

Morken, 84, of Sisters, was stopped on McKinney Butte Road where it intersects the highway. Morken attempted to cross the highway and drove into the path of a vehicle driven by Amber Plant, 35, of Redmond. Both Morken and Plant had an obstructed view of the eventual

site of impact due to a large commercial truck stopped in the center turn lane. Plant and her two children were taken by ambulance to St. Charles Bend for treatment of non-life-threatening injuries, while

Morken was taken to a Sisters clinic for treat-

ment. The crash blocked the highway for a short time. No citations were issued. — From staff reports

Amidst a prolected decline in enrollment numbers,the Central Oregon Community College board of directors unanimously approved a 2013-14 budget of just over $42.5 million Wednesday. "It's more of a maintenance budget this year," said David Dona, associate chief financial officer for COCC. "We didn'thave

Changes at the college


partnerships have been

The Bulletin

ing to go."

will work for the U.S. Forest Service for the Willamette National Forest, according to the

in our community because of this work," she wrote. "Important

By Megan Kehoe

staffing levels, which in some ways is a good thing because we didn't have to decrease our staff." The coming year's budget is slightly more than this year's budget of $40 million and includes a previously board-approved 6 percent tuition hike for students. The budget also includes the conversion of eight temporary faculty positions to permanent. The fiscal year begins July 1. "It's been a year ofgreat uncertainty," said Ron Paradis, COCC director of college relations. "When we look to next year, we have no idea where it's go-

accelerated backward

according to her resig-

budget approved

any major changes in

a.m., Marsellos' Buick

During her tenure, the park district budget grew from $300,000 to more than $1 million,

COCC's 42.5M

"I will be

"I amgoing

"I will be

going to

to have friendS Came to my house

going camping

Seattle and

shopping at American Girl."

and play."

— Abigail Billeter, kindergarten

— Connor Lacrosse, kindergarten

and to the water park." — Kamiko Oliveira, kindergarten

"I am going camping with friends at the same

"Me, my

"Going to the

mom and

pool, having popsicles

dad are

going to camping spot p/ay." where we

always go."

and ice


— Nico Bend, kindergarten

— Travis Thuncher, kindergarten

— Christopher Stassen, first grade


people going back to work

Board votes torenew school'scontract By Leslie Pugmire Hole The Bulletin

The Redmond School Board voted unanimously Wednesday to renew a contract with Redmond ProficiencyAcademy another five years. The grades six-through-12 charter school just finished its fourth year of the original five-year contract; the new agreement will begin with

the 2014-15 school year. "It's with a clear conscience and a happy heart that I recommend approval of this contract," said Redmond School District Superintendent Mike Mclntosh before the vote. He and RPA Director Jon Bullock have been in discussions regarding the contract forsome time and decided that it would be best for plan-

The college had seen enrollment numbers double over the past four years. However, with a recovering economy, community college enrollment trends have taken a dip. For the first time since 2006-07, enrollment numbers dropped this year. COCC now predicts a 2.5 percent decline in enrollment numbers next year based on statewide community college enrollment projections. "Community colleges are countercyclical," Dona said."When the economy goes south, enrollment goes up. When it improves, our enrollment tends to slow down." Pending legislation has also made this a more difficult year than most for budget planning. The college could receive between $1 million and $2 million depending on state legislation. If enrollment declines are morethan projected, the college says the loss of tuition could be offset by state support. "We just don't know. It may change us for a million in the positive, or it may be negative for us," Paradis said. "But a couple million could make a big difference." Paradis said he's hopeful that legislation will likely produce positive income for the college. It's the uncertainty of future enrollment numbers that is giving both COCC and other community colleges in the state cause for concern. Still, college officials are trying to find the positive in an uncertain situation. "We're hoping to offset some ofthe effectsof

ning purposes to consider the renewal now, McIntosh sard. As an independent charter school, RPA has its own board of directors and budget but operates under a charter agreement with the Redmond district. State funds for RPA are funneled through the Redmond district, which keeps 5 percent to cover ad-

ministrative costs. During the 2012-13 school year, 525 students who live within the Redmond School District attended RPA. Of those, 160 were enrolled in grades 6-8. The school opened in 2009, limited to only 250 Redmond-area students at first, with escalations of that number as time went on. See Redmond /B2

with our new campuses and expanded programs," Dona said. "Every variable at this point has gone in the positive except for enrollment projections," President James Middleton said. Middleton said enrollment for summer classes is down about 8 percent. He said the college may consider consolidating offerings of the same course should enrollment numbers declinefurther. — Reporter: 541-383-0354, mlzehoe@bendbulletin.com







ROSA DELDUCA:The San Francisco musician performs indie rock to folk-pop ballads; free; 6 p.m.; Dudley's Bookshop Cafe, 135 N.W.MinnesotaAve.,Bend; 541-749-2010. COMMON GROUND YOUTH CHOIR CONCERT:Featuring the California high school touring church choir presenting "Bring It"; free, donations accepted; 7 p.m.; Nativity Lutheran Church, 60850 S.E. Brosterhous Road, Bend; 541388-0765 or www.nativityinbend. com. JON WAYNE & THE PAIN: The Midwest psychedelic reggae band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. "THE FOXON THE FAIRWAY": Preview night of Cascades Theatrical Company's presentation of a comedy about the denizens of a private country club; champagne reception; $10 at the door starting at 6:30 p.m; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. cascadestheatrical.org. "THE Z00 STORY":A one-act play by Edward Albee about a chance encounter between a transient and a book publisher in New York City's Central Park; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-3231881, derek@volcanictheatrepub. com or www.volcanictheatrepub. com. "COMPANY":A timeless musical comedy by Stephen Sondheim about a single man in a sea of married couples; $21 adults, $18 studentsand seniors;8 p.m.;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. THE CHANGINGCOLORS: The Colorado folk band performs, with Sam Eliot; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. facebook.com/thehornedhand. JAH SUN:The California hip hopreggae-soul band performs, with Dubtonic Kru; $7; 9:30 p.m., doors open 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; www. reverbnation.com.

FLAG DAY CELEBRATION AND DEDICATIONCEREMONY: Learn why Flag Day is important and recognize the veteran service in our community; flagpole dedication ceremony at the front entryway; free; 9-9:30 a.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-706-3795 or kejohnson©stcharleshealthcare.

Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylifeibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at vvvvw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.


SISTERSWINE & BREW FESTIVAL:A gathering of wineries, breweries, distilleries and more; free admission, tokens required for tastings; 2-9 p.m.; Village Green Park, 335 S. Elm St.; 541549-6022, ext. 200, or www. sisterswineandbrew.com. SISTERS FARMERSMARKET:3-6 p.m.; Barclay Park,W estCascade Avenue and Ash Street; www. sistersfarmersmarket.com. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Bend author, Kim McCarrel talks about her book and presents a slideshow on "Riding Northwest Oregon Horse Trails"; $5; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Sisters author Jill Stanford talks about her book, "You Might Be aCowgirl If "; $5; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. HoodAve., Sisters; 541-549-0866. BEATLESSINGALONG:Featuring local bands; with raffle and silent auction; proceeds benefit KPOV; $12, $10 KPOVmembers, in advance; $15 adults, $5 children younger than18, $40 family package at the door; 7-10 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-322-0863 or www.KPOV.

Universal Pictures via The Assoaated Press

The Jefferson County Library will host a free screening of the 2012 film "Les Miserables" at 7:30 p.m. Friday.

and a book publisher in New York City's Central Park; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881, derek©volcanictheatrepub.com or www.volcanictheatrepub.com. SONICVACATION CONCERT: A triple billing featuring There Is No Mountain, The Bottlecap Boys and Laurel Brauns; $14 plus fees; 7:30 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. "COMPANY":A timeless musical comedy by Stephen Sondheim about a single man in a seaof married couples; $21 adults, $18 studentsand seniors;8 p.m.;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. KING GHIDORA:TheMcMinnville alternative, sonic surf rock band Ol'g. performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., "LES MISERABLES":A screening of the 2012 PG-13 film; free; 7:30 p.m.; Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez facebook.com/thehornedhand. THE STRANGLED DARLINGS: The Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; 541475-3351 or www.jcld.org. Portland folk-country-jazz band performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver "THE FOXON THE FAIRWAY": Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. CascadesTheatricalCompany's presentation of a comedy about the Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3888331 or www.silvermoonbrewing. denizens of a private country club; $24, $18 seniors older than 60, $12 com. students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. SATURDAY cascadestheatrical.org. "THE Z00 STORY":A one-act play BUTTE BURNER CHARITY RUN/ by Edward Albee about a chance WALK:Featuring a 5K,10K, kids encounter between a transient fun run and 3:33 Challenge; after.



race party with live music, food and drinks; proceeds benefit Not Alone and Pilot Butte Partners; $50 in advance for 3:33 challenge, $35 in advance for 5kand10k runs, add $5 after online registration closes; $10 kidsfun run; 7a.m. and 9a.m. race starts, 11 a.m. kids race start; Pilot Butte State Park, Northeast Pilot Butte Summit Drive, Bend; 800551-6949 or www.butteburner.com. SUMMER MOVINGSALE FUNDRAISER:Featuring natural wooden toys, art supplies, craft products, electronic parts and more from the school's classrooms and closets; fundraiser for the Waldorf School of Bend; free admission; 8a.m.-1 p.m.; Waldorf School of Bend, 19888 Rocking Horse Road; 541-330-8841 or www. bendwaldorf.com. PRINEVILLEFARMERS MARKET: Free; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Prineville City Plaza, 387 N.E. Third St.; 541-447-6217 or prinevillefarmersmarket@gmail. com. BEND PADDLEBOARD CHALLENGE:A World Paddle Association sanctioned paddleboard races and paddling clinics; vendors; Hokulea Dancers perform opening ceremony; race participant lunch; free, $33 for race participants; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Riverbend Park, Southwest Columbia Street and Southwest Shevlin Hixon Drive; 541-639-2655 or www. bendpaddleboardchal lenge.com. LET'S PULLTOGETHER: Features an event to eradicate noxious weeds followed by lunch, music, prizes

and beverages; bring a weeding tool; check website for lunch and site location specific to Sisters; free; 9 a.m.-noon for weeding; noon at lunch locations; Sisters location; 541-610-3309 or www. letspulltogether.com. MADRASSATURDAYMARKET: Freeadmission;9a.m.-2 p.m .; Sahalee Park, B andSeventh streets; 541-489-4239. PORSCHE SHOWAND SHINE: A show of all years and models of Porsches; free, $20 to enter a car; 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; president©highdesertpca. com. DOG SHOW FUNMATCH: Featuring 4-H youth and their dogs; prizes; raffle; free to public; $4 early registration plus $1 per class for participant; $5 per person plus $2 per class day of event; 9:30 a.m., 8:30a.m. registration and check-in; Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. Main St., Prineville; 541-280-9674, donhamacds©gmail.com or www. extension.oregonstate.edu/crook/4h-dog-show-fun-match. "ARTS IN THEPARKS": Karuk Indian basket weaver Wilverna Reece demonstrates her craft; free, $5 parking fee; 10 a.m.; Smith Rock State Park, 9241 N.E. Crooked River Drive, Terrebonne; 541-548-7501 or http://ofn.uoregon.edu/programsprojects/programs-2/arts-in-parks/. ALPACA FESTIVAL: Featuring a car and motorcycle show, chili cook-off,food,beverages and entertainment; proceeds benefit BrightSide Animal Center; free admission, $25 entry fees for show and cook-off, $8 barbecue


POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Unauthorizeduse — A vehicle was reported stolen at 9:25 a.m. June 3, in the 1800 block of Northeast Division Street. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at 6:22 p.m. June 3, in the 61200 block of Paulina Lane. Theft — A theft was reported at 5:46 p.m. June 5, in the 63100 block of Watercress Way. DUII — Tammy Ann Harmon, 39, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 8:03 p.m. June 7, in the 800 block of Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at


to meet state student performance measures or failure to Continued from B1 meet terms of the contract. The nu m ber of f or m e r There was no te s timony Redmond district students in during a pu b lic hearing at RPA has been an issue for the the meeting, but a letter adRedmond Education As s o- dressed to the board was read ciation, the union representing from Barry Branaugh, a disteachers, over the years. REA trict teacher and former REA has argued the charter school president. Br anaugh s tated siphons off much-needed re- that while he supported RPA, sources, in terms of the state its te achers and st u d ents, funding that comes with each he felt its inclusion into the student. community came at a h i gh When RPA was first pro- price, both f i n ancially a nd posed, organizers told t h e educationally. Redmond School Board that While RPA has lured hunit wouldn't enroll many stu- dredsofformer students from dents out of Redmond schools, Redmond schools, it's al s o but more likely those outside attracted teaching staff to its the system: dropouts, home- corps, easing the d i s trict's schooled students, online stu- need to cut positions as endents and those from outside rollment declined. Of the 20 the district. teachers currently listed on Rejecting or failing to renew RPA's website, nine are former a chartercontract because of Redmond district teachers as concerns about financial im- well as an administrator and pacts on the sponsoring dis- support staffer. trict is not a choice Redmond In comments to the board, has, however. State rules are Bullock sa id Or e g on l a w strict regarding the reasons mandates charter schools ofcharter agreements can b e fer things traditional schools denied or c anceled, Lnclud- don't, or c a n't, and t hat i s ing fiscal insolvency, health RPA's mission. "I think some people misand safety of students, failure

9:55 p.m. June 10, in the 2600 block of Northeast Jill Court. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at1:39 p.m. June 7, in the 20000 block of Sally Court. Theft — A theft was reported at 10:41 a.m. June 9, in the1200 block of Northeast Whisper Ridge Drive.

lnThe Garden of Beasts Devil in the White City


NEWS OF RECORD 1:22 p.m. June 9, in the19900 block of Alderwood Circle. Theft — A theft was reported at 4:15 p.m. June 9, in the area of Northeast Fourth Street and Northeast Thurston Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 9:23 a.m. June 10, in the 61700 block of Southeast 27th Street. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 9:28 a.m. June 10, in the 2200 block of Northwest Lemhi Pass Drive. Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered at12:37 p.m. June 10, in the 2800 block of Northeast Neff Road. Unauthorized use — A vehicle was reported stolen at12:49 p.m. June 10, in the 20500 block of Dylan Loop. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:32 p.m. June10, in the 60900 blockofGrayson Way. Theft — A theft was reported at 9:23 p.m. June 10, in the 100 block of Southwest Division Street. Theft — A theft was reported at

adults, $5 barbecue children10 and under; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Crescent Moon Ranch,70397 Buckhorn Road, Terrebonne; 541-9232285 or http://brightsideanimals. org/events/alpaca-festival/. CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY MARKET: Featuring arts and crafts from local artisans; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lot across from Bend Public Library, 600 N.W. Wall St.; 541-420-9015 or www. centraloregonsaturdaymarket.com. COMMENCEMENT:Featuring over 1,000 graduates receiving degrees from Central Oregon Community College; at Mazama Field; reception follows in the courtyard of the Campus Center; free; 10 a.m.; COCC - Mazama Gym, 2600 College Way, Bend; 541-383-7596. REDMONDSTREETFESTIVAL: Featuring arts and crafts, antiques, a marketplace, food and entertainment; free; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; downtown Redmond; 541-5498905 or www.centraloregonshows. com. PROSPECTINGAND PANNING: Stake a claim and pan for gold; $2 plus price of admission; $15 adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-3824754 or www.highdesertmuseum. org. SISTERSWINE & BREW FESTIVAL:A gathering of wineries, breweries, distilleries and more; free admission, tokens required for tastings; 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Village Green Park, 335 S. Elm St.; 541-549-6022 ext. 200 or www. sisterswineandbrew.com.

fire, 1303 N.E. Cushing Drive. 5:19p.m. — Brush or brushand-grass mixture fire, area of O.B. Riley Road and Tumalo Reservoir Road. 5:31 p.m.— Natural vegetation fire, 475 N.E. Bellevue Drive. 8:13 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, area of Knott Road. 16 —Medical aid calls.

o>~ ~ ~D<J !)I l
















PRINEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Theft — A theft was reported at 4 p.m. June 11, in the area of Northeast Yellowpine Road. Burglary — A burglary was reported at 4:25 p.m. June11, in the area of South Main Street.

Colors of Summer ...let the Fun begin!

BEND FIRE RUNS Monday — Brush or brush5:38a.m. and-grass mixture fire, area of Larkspur Trail. 12:15 p.m.— Natural vegetation fire, 1300 N.W. Wall Street. 2:18 p.m.— Natural vegetation

understand what we are. Do we have high-fliers? Sure, all schools do. But mostly we have kids who just need something they weren't getting before. Every year we challenge ourselves to t ry so m ething new, but in doing that we'll have some failures. Ultimately, we're not doing our job if people don't ask questions," he said. According to McIntosh, the lease agreement the district has with RPA for the Hartman school building will b e renegotiated as well, but it is a separate matter from the state charter. "As far as I'm concerned I'm willing to write the lease to be parallel to the charter, for five years, but it would need to have language allowing an early cancellation if the district needed the building," he said. As for the particulars of the new contract, McIntosh said outside the meeting that he expected no significant changes, including with the enrollment cap of district students. — Reporter: 541-548-2186, Ipugmire@bendbulletin.com

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I Love You Stephanie, Ervin

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u ever i m e s e a u m e on e w o a s in ove.



The Bulletin



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ive Bend-La Pine Schools credit for listening. After receiving criticism for the size and speed of their

OK, SE6. You A TQE N K r

digital conversion vision, administrators have made some meaningful revisions. When the district presented its vision to the school board on April 23, it included putting a digital device, likely an iPad, into the hands of every student in grades 3-12 by fall 2014. The project would be revenue neutral by shifting resources that would have gone into textbooks and other instructional materials. And it would launch with a 3,500-student pilot project just months away in fall 2013. We weren'tthe only ones who expressed alarm at the magnitude and pace of the change, especially the apparent lack of time and method to evaluate the pilot before plunging forward. Not all of the critics who spoke at subsequent school board meetings were well-informed on the plan, but theirconcerns emphasized the need to fully inform and engage the public in such a significant change. This week, administrators told the board they plan to scale the pilot project back to 2,400 students. That's the number of digital devices the district will need anyway in the next several years for new

achievement tests. So even if the district decides not to pursue the full digital conversion, the devices purchased for the pilot won't go to waste. The district also chose an evaluation system developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to help judge the success of the pilot, helping to assure its lessons get a serious examination before further commitments are made. A selection committee was formed, including three school board members and district staff, to select which schools will participate in the pilot. Schools have been invited to apply for the pilot project, with applications due Friday and selections expected to be made by July 1. The pilot will use iPads, although future expansion could possibly use other devices. Innumerable questions remain about the wisdom of such a massive conversion, but we're reassured that a few safeguards have been added to temper enthusiasm with experience and careful judgment.

Changes improve child-prostitution bill H

aving sex with a child prostitute is despicable. Young men and women lured or coerced into prostitution at the age of 14 or 15 or even younger are often the victims of ongoing abuse at the hands of those who control their lives. Yet pimps continue to seek out youngsters because there's a demand for their services. Senate Bill 673 seeks to change that, not by prosecuting the prostitutes, but by going after the johns who hire them. Approved in its original form by the Oregon Senate on April 30, it has undergone revision in the House of Representatives that improves on that original. Currently, seeking th e s ervices of a prostitute is considered a misdemeanor in Oregon. The Senate bill changes that, at least where those under the age of 18 are concerned. Originally, they made any conviction for paying for a child prostitute a felony, though that has been changed in the House amendments. With those changes, a first conviction would continue to be a misdemeanor, but any subsequent arrests and convictions would be

treated as felonies. The difference between the two is n o thing t o s neeze at. Someone convicted of the misdem eanor may have to pay a fine of $10,000, spend 30 days in the local jail and attend a john school to learn more about child sex trafficking. A first felony conviction can mean up to three years in a state prison and registration as a sex offender. In a relationship where deception is often the name of the game, a would-be john could have difficulty deciding if the person in the shadows is 18 or 16 or younger. Under those circumstances, a onetime pass on prison time and a life as aregistered sex offender seems reasonable. The key, however, is one-time pass. Second arrests and convictions would be treated as felonies, as they should be. And that, we suspect, will be enough to keep at least some johns far, far away from the sextrade,lessening demand for young prostitutes. The bill awaits approval in the House, then a vote on the changes in the Senate. It is a reasoned approach to a terrible problem and should be approved.




Being an older father is great — despite that lingering fear By William McKenzie

How wonderful to be biking behind your son on the way to school early in the morning, even though it's

The Dallas Morning News

s we approach Father's Day, here are my observations on being an older dad, 10 years into parenting twins: For starters, there is a freak-of-nature aspect to saying you're a dad of elementary school kids when you're on the verge of turning 60, which I am, having just entered the last year of my sixth decade. You draw funny looks and come across bizarre demographic realities. My favorite private laugh of the last 10 years was figuring out that I was older than the grandmother of one of the kids on our YMCA campout. But given the choice of being an older dad or not one at all, I will gladly take being Dad. No matter your age, watching your children as they enter the world and go through their stages of growth is a remarkable experience. Being Dad at this age is also easier, for me at least. That sounds odd given the demographic real estate between my children and me, as Time's Jeffrey Kluger recently described the age gap that older dads experience. But the responsibility competes far less with my career than it would have in my 20s or 30s. I am way more inclined to shut off work and turn on fatherhood than I would have been if I had been worrying about what I needed to do to get ahead. Other older fathers I've spoken with say the same. They are more available than they would have been earlier in their lives. There is a flip side to this availability angle. If you're going to be there for your kids, you need to keep


been 50 years since you dtd that yourself. And tlow marvelous to race your daughter in the swimming pool and see her delight as

she pulls up her goggles and realizesshe has beaten the old man. pressing yourself to keep up with them, including physically. There are moments where parents of all ages would just as soon not get up and play chase, shoot baskets up and down a court or referee a fight. But when you're approaching 60, hip aches, shoulder pains and slower strides make chase, full-court basketball and refereeing harder to endure. Still, how wonderful to be biking behind your son on the way to school early in the morning, even though it' s been 50 years since you did that yourself. And how marvelous to race your daughter in the swimming pool and see her delight

as she pulls up her goggles and realizes she has beaten the old man. As I hinted, there is a brotherhood of older dads. We bond together at events, share jokes and possess a sense ofdetachment from the pack. One member of this fraternity told me recently that he spends a lot more time watching his young chil-

dren rather than intervening with them, which he evidently did with his older children. But there's a dark side in being a father later in life. My greatest anxiety, one bordering on obsession, is the fear of leaving my children behind. My family, fortunately, has genes that suggest endurance. My dad is 90. My mother is 85. One of my grandmothers made it to 95. And the family cemetery is dotted with the tombstones of long-living ancestors. But the math is unbendable. The odds are against me seeing my son and daughter for the second half of their lives, assuming they live at least three score and 10. If I don't get hit by that bus, or come down with an unforeseen disease, I have a decent chance ofseeing them reach

(normal) marrying age and settling down. But who knows how far beyond that? I try to placate that anxiety by burrowing down into the sovereignty of God, the idea that He ultimately is in charge. And I try to embrace the knowledge that they are His children, too. Yet those thoughts don't always comfort me. My eyes still well up with those pesky tears, just as they did when my wife and I found out we were going to be parents. But what can you do, other than deal with what's in front of you? In fact, living in the moment is the greatest lesson I've learned. You only have time to deal with today, not 10 years down the road. That's the comforting, exhausting truth about parenting — at any age. — William McKenzieis an editorial columnist for The Dallas Morning News.

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limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

Toxics-disclosure legislation will help keep kids healthy By James Lussier s a former hospital CEO, I've spent much of my career trying to find innovative ways to improve the health of the people we serve. What I h ave observed over those years is that the most cutting-edge solution available to us all is prevention — an ounce of it is truly worth a pound of cure, and our state has an opportunity to embellish that approach. By passing the Toxics Disclosure for Healthy Kids Act, Oregon's state Legislature has the opportunity to prevent our kids from being unnecessarily exposed to harmful chemicals in toys that have been linked to cancer and other chronic diseases. This is the type of common-sense step that can have a significant impact on the health of all of Oregon's kids.

Hundreds of studies have shown that harmful toxics, including arsenic, formaldehyde and chemicals called phthalates, are present in consumer products — even those intended for c h i l dren. Ex posure to these chemicals is as dangerous as it is invisible and can result in health problems ranging from learning disabilities to cancer and diabetes. Even small amounts can affect children's developing bodies and brains. Because companies do not have to disclose the presence of these chemicals in t h eir p r oducts, Oregon health officials have no way of knowing which seemingly harmless bouncy seat or teething ring conceals hidden risk. This is why the Toxics Disclosure for Healthy Kids Act is so important.

IN MY VIEW If passed, the act, which is cosponsored by Bend-area Rep. Jason Conger, would establish a sciencebased list of "chemicals of concern." If a children's product contains one or more of these chemicals,the m anufacturer would h ave t o i n form Oregon health officials, and, over time, substitute safer alternatives for many of them. This is basic prevention at its best, and it makes sense forOregon's children and the adults who care about them. I know firsthand the cost of treating disease after it has already taken hold — not just the emotional and financial toll it t akes on families, but the impact it has on our state's economy. Each year, the U.S. spends $54 billion treating just four of the

health problems linked to chemical exposure — lead poisoning, asthma, cancer and developmental disabilities. Oregon alone loses billions of dollars on health care and lost productivity associated with cancer. A smart businessperson — let alone a health care provider — k n ows one of the solutions is to reduce the threat to our families' and our state's well-being. We cannot simply wait and hope for the federal government to take action to protect our families from t hese chemicals. D i sclosure r e quirements are already the law of the land for several states, including our neighbors in Washington and California. And as more states like ours step up to protect our kids from h a r mfu l c h e micals w h ere they live and play, we'll see pre-

vention even further up the supply chain. With increased demand for toxic-free toys and other children's products, we can spur innovation in safer alternatives. I've spent many years working to address health-related problems in communities around the globe and right here in Oregon. I know we may not be able to keep everyone out of harm's way, but the simplest treatment is also the best — protecting our most vulnerable from needless exposure. The Toxics Disclosure for Healthy Kids Act will give our state the authority it needs to shield kids from hidden harm in the toys they play with and other products they use every day. And that's a pound of cure that will benefit us all. — James Lussier lives in Bend.




BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Constance C. Grant, of Bend Dec. 9, 1933 - April 18, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com

Dorothy Morrell Gridley, of Sisters June 23, 1927- June 9,2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: Graveside: 11am Thurs. June 13, 2013 at Camp Polk Cemetery.

Gas company files for permit Wildfire for Columbia River terminal spreads

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Jiroemon Kimura, 116: Recognized by Guinness World Records as the oldest man in recorded history. Died of natural causes in the hospital in his hometown of Kyotango, Japan. Douglas Bailey, 79: A pioneering political consultant who had a key role in crafting Gerald Ford'smessage in the 1976 presidential campaign. Died June 10 in Arlington, Va. — From wire reports

The Associated Press PORTLAND — A company seeking to build a liquefied natural gas terminal near the mouth of the Columbia River has filed for a federal permit, which could set up confrontations w i t h go v e rnment officials. T he county h a s w i t h drawn land use approval for a pipeline to the proposed plant, and state officials have clashed with federal regulators over a permit for another Clatsop County LNG termi-

said it would comply with all state and local requirements for the plant proposed at Warrenton. However, CEO Peter Hansen now says the county doesn't have jurisdiction over an interstate pipeline, and federal approval would trump th e c ounty's opposition. "We've shown the county we meet all the standards," he said. "If that's not enough, then we have to move on and do it in a different way." He said t h e c o m pany nal proposal, The Oregonian sought approval last week reported Wednesday. from th e F ederal E nergy Oregon LNG p r eviously Regulatory Commission.

with wind

The project has been in the works foryears, first to import gas and currently to export gas to Asia. The county commission initially approved the pipeline, but in 2011 a new slate of commissioners withdrew the approval. Opponents said in a statement issued by t h e e n vironmental group Columbia Riverkeeper that the plant must meet local standards. "Oregon LNG has faced strong and diverse opposition in Clatsop County since the project began in 2004," said the group's executive director, Brett VandenHeuvel.

The Associated Press A w ind-driven fire i n Eastern Oregon has grown, and more personnel and equipment are expected to fight it. Mark Wilkening of the U.S. Bureau of Land Management says the Crowley Creek Fire in central Malheur County grew overnight. He said Wednesday morning the fire area is about 23square miles. He says three ranches are near, with fire equipment standing by. So far, no injuries or damage has been reported. Wilkening says the wind is topping 30mph, andthat's why the fire grew. Normal-

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Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday

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Hillsboro dadsentencedfor firing gun The Associated Press H ILLSBORO — A H i l l sboro man returned home one day in April to find his 14-year-old daughter in her room partially clothed with a

teenage boy. The 50-year-old father told

For information on any of these publication. Deadlines for services or about the obituary display adsvary; pleasecall for details. policy, contact 541-617-7825.

police he fired a handgun into the floor to scare the teens and he fired another round outside the house as the boy scrambled over a fence. No one was hit. Officers arrested Jamshid Ebrahimi. The O regonian r e ports

recklessly endangering. He was sentenced to three years on probation. He also must not own guns.


Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

Nobel-winning economist Robert Fogel dies at 86 Chicago Tribune

CHICAGO — Robert Fogel, a University of Chicago professor who in 1993 joined the school's line o f N o b el Prize winners in economics, created a body of work that challenged widely held assumptions about A m erican history. Early in his career, Fogel concluded t h a t ec o n omic growth i n A m e rica during the 19th century would have b een essentially th e s a m e even without th e r a i l road, which flew in the face of conventional thought. In 1974, Fogel co-authored a controversial book about s lavery t ha t a t t empted t o debunk the commonly held view that slavery was unprofitable and in decline immediately prior to the Civil War. In recent years, Fogel focused on the economics of

gree from Columbia University in 1958 and a doctorate from Johns Hopkins University in 1964. He then taught a t Johns Hopkins and t h e University of Rochester before joining the University of Chicago faculty in 1964. Early on, he made a name for himself through his use of cliometrics, which u ses quantitative a n alysis s u ch as mathematics and statistical methods to u nderstand history. Fogel devoted years to his areas of study, in many cases drawing data from a variety of old, paper-based sources and then using state-of-thea rt computing systems to help him make sense of that information. "Bob really did think big," said University of California, Los Angeles economics professor Dora Costa, a research partner and former student of

aging, spending more than


a quarter-century on a study of how Union Army veterans aged as a way to understand h ow b etter n u t r ition a n d working c o n ditions a l o ng with reduceddisease have increased human longevity. "Bob Fogel revolutionized the field of economic history by incorporating economic analysis and careful empirical work," said University of Chicago economics professor Gary Becker, also a Nobel laureate. "This is shown in his work on the contribution of r ailroads to economic growth in U.S., and of course by his study of slavery. He also was

"He would say, 'If it's worth doing, it's w o rt h s p ending 10 years to get it right.' And spending more than 10 years on a project is what he did. He did this when he researched slavery and he did this with his most recent and ongoing

a very friendly colleague, with a g reat desire to talk about his research and that of others." Fogel, 86, died Tuesday at ManorCare Health Services in Oak L a wn, f ollowing a brief illness, according to a statement from the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He was a resident of the Hyde Park neighborhood of Chicago. Born Robert William Fogel in New York City to Russian Jewish immigrants who had come to the U.S. four years earlier, Fogel attended public schools, graduating in 1944 from Stuyvesant High School in Manhattan. He got an undergraduate degree in history from Cornell University, where he led a campus Communist group. After college, Fogel briefly was a Communist organizer before rejecting the theory altogether and attending graduate school. He received a master's de-

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By Bob Goldsborough

ert grass and sage country tend to slow at night with increased humidity. T he fire s t arted w i t h lightning strikes.

E brahimi p l e aded g u i l t y Tuesday i n Was h i ngton County Circuit Court to unlawful use of a weapon and


Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

ly, he says, fires in high des-

project on the aging of Union Army veterans." In October 1993, Fogel had been awake for an hour and was deep into his research when he got a 5 a.m. call from the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm. He shared the Nobel Prize in economics and its$825,000 cash award with Douglass North, a professor from Washington University in St. L ouis. He was the fourth consecutive winner of the Nobel in economics from the University

of Chicago.

"It's a lot of money for a college professor," Fogel told the Tribune at the time.

Continued from B1 Crook County's median age rose from 45.8 to 47.4 over thesame time span, and J efferson C o unty's from 39.7 to 40.1. T he number o f D e s chutes County r e sidents age 65 and older rose by 3,284 over that time. Crook County's over-65 population rose by 388, and Jefferson County's over-65 population rose by 230. Central Oregon is known for attracting tourists and retirees, said Risa Proehl, population estimates prog ram manager with t h e Portland State University Population Research Center. An influx of r etirees could explain the age increase in Deschutes County, Proehl told The Bulletin in an email. Data released earlier this year by the Census Bureau showed more than 3,200 people moved into D eschutes County from other parts of the country between 2010 and 2012. Population gains in the county are "mostly attributed to an to an increase in the number of people ages 65 and over," Proehl wrote. "Seniors are likely moving to Deschutes County because of outdoor recreational opportunities, the climate, and the sense of community that many areas in the county possess, while still being large enough to offerservices they desire, such as medical, retail and entertainment." But it's likely a different story in Crook and Jefferson counties, which saw more people move out of the area than in over the same time span. In July, Crook County had 331 fewer residents aged 25 to 59 than in July 2010. Jefferson County had 123 fewer residents in that

researches population and migration trends. All three Central Oregon counties have unemployment rates higher than the state average. But Deschutes County's jobless rate was 10.1 percent in April, compared with 11.1 percent in Jefferson County and 12.8 percent in Crook County. "It wouldn't surprise me if some of those younger people were coming (to th e B end area), not only because of the natural amenities but because of greater economic opportunities," Lindberg said. Still, Deschutes County had just 150 more people in the 25-59 age range last year than in 2010. The number of county residents under the age of 5 dropped by 372, meanwhile, and the total population under age 18 fell by just six people. Jefferson County had just three fewerpeople under the age of 5 in that two-year time span, and 68 fewer people under the age of 18. Crook County had 125 fewer people under the age of 5 and 346 fewer people under the age of 18.

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age range. Some of t hose people may have left for job opportunities in other communities, including Deschutes County and especially in Bend, said Kreg Lindberg, an Oregon State Univers ity-Cascades Cam p u s a ssociate professor w h o

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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013. •B4

BB4 Today: Scattered showers and a chance

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Tonight: Slight chance of showers early, then

mos tly clear.


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60s yos

a Paz 97/63


ltilonterrey • -90/75• Mazatlan . k4 •



• Louisvill Kansas City 85/67 EM 51 Lou rsh ashville v : . Charlotte •• 8 6/64 ' ' 86/63 ,"



Ph la d elphia

x72/x57 .

La Pine, Ore.



69 40

75 47

72 48

Juneau 64/46


9 0/70



SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 5:22 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday.... 8 49 p,m F irst Ful l La s t Sunrise tomorrow .. 5:22 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 8:50 p.m Moonrise today...10:1 2a.m Moonsettoday ... 11:49 p.m June16 June 23 June 29 July 8 •

and thunderstorms





70 44



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:10a.m.....10:31 p.m. Venus......6:49 a.m.....10:21 p.m. Mars.......430 a.m...... 7:43 p.m. Jupiter......5 40 a.m...... 9 02 p.m. Satum......4:26 p.m...... 3:10 a.m. Uranus.....2:00 a.m...... 2:37 p.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 63/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 92 m 1933 Month to date.......... 0.00" Recordlow......... 26in1968 Average monthtodate... 0.34" Average high.............. 71 Year to date............ 2.74" Averagelow ..............41 A verageyeartodate..... 5.36" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.07 Record 24 hours ...1.74in1950 *Melted liquid equivalent



Chance of showers

Partly sunny with a slight chance of thunder-




Yesterday Thursday F riday Bend,westolHwy97.. Mod Sisters........................ . Mod The following was compiled by the Central Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastplHwy.97....Mod. La Pine.............................Mod Qregpn watermaster and irrigation districts as

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Astoria ........61/48/0.01 ....61/51/sh.....61/50/sh BakerCity......66/39/0.00.....65/40/t.....70/41/pc Brookings......62/46/0.00....63/48/pc.....67/48/pc Burns..........72/41/0.00....63/34/pc......70/37/s Eugene........65/43/0.00....66/47/sh.....71/47/pc KlamathFalls .. 69/35/000 .62/34/pc ... 71/41/s Lakeview.......72/41/0.00 ...61/38/pc..... 69/45/s La Pine.........66/27/NA....61/29/pc.....69/35/pc Medford.......72/44/0.00....69/48/pc......80/51/s Newport.......57/43/0.00....57/47/sh.....58/48/pc North Bend......64/52/NA....59/49/sh.....58/49/pc Ontario........82/55/0.00....76/52/pc.....76/48/pc Pendleton...... 72/45/0.00..... 72/48/t.....76/48/pc Portland .......64/54/0.03....64/52/sh.....69/52/pc Prineville.......66/38/0.00....63/38/pc......69/41/s Redmond....... 67/32/0.00..... 64/35/t......70/39/s Roseburg.......66/50/0.00....65/49/sh.....75/51/pc Salem ....... 65/52/0 00 .65/49/sh ...70/49/pc Sisters.........68/31/0.00....62/34/pc.....70/37/pc The Dages...... 72/50/0.00..... 70/52/t.....74/51/pc



Mod = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 39,776...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 139,490..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 77,665.... . . 91,700 Dchoco Reservoir..... . . . 26,173 . . . . 47,000 The higher the JJV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . 132,204..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 419 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,590 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 84 L OW MEDIU HI G H Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 120 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 218 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . 2,099 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res..... . . . . . 14 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 222 Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Dchoco CreekBelow Dchoco Res. .... . . . . . 16.5 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 120 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEOluM LOWI or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

To report a wildfire, call 911




Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-clpuds, hhaze,shshowers,rrain, t thunderstorms,sf snpwflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind, f-fog,dr-drizzle,tr-trace



YeSterday'S extremes

Partly cloudy, warmer still



Mostly sunny, milder




• +6+4


* * * * * * * ***e*

xi 4


vk kk k k

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX......95/72/0.00..97/72/pc. 95/73/pc GrandRapids... 77/62/trace..76/53/pc .. 74/54/s RapidCity.......68/54/000..86/60/pc. 79/51/pc Savannah.......96/76/0 00..94/75/pc...90/70/t Akron..........82/65/0.00...74/56/t. 72/50/pc Green Bay.......75/60/0.01...73/50/s.. 72/51/s Reno...........86/58/0.00...75/48/s.. 79/53/s Seattle..........69/53/0.00..66/49/sh. 68/50/pc Albany..........74/57/0.00... 65/53/t. 69/52/sh Greensboro......90/65/0.00... 91/63/t .. 82/59/s Richmond.......92/66/0.00... 94/64/t. 83/60/pc Sioux Falls.......71/60/0.00 .. 77/61/pc...78/64/t Albuquerque.....99/64/000 ..96/69/pc. 92/67/pc Harusburg.......83/65/0.00... 77/58/t. 71/55/pc Rochester, NY....75/53/0.00... 67/55/t. 69/55/pc Spokane........66/44/0.00... 69/44/t. 71/44/sh Anchorage......75/53/0.00... 75/50/s.70/48/pc Hartford,CT.....74/63/0.00... 64/54/t. 66/52/sh Sacrameuto......86/57/000... 85/59/s .. 90/56/s Springfield, MO ..91/71/000...85/64/s. 86/67/pc Atlanta.........91/74/000 ..92/68/pc.. 86/65/s Helena..........76/47/064...67/45/t...65/44/t St. Louis.........96/76/000...86/64/s. 82/66/pc Tampa..........95/75/000 ..91/76/pc...90/76/t Atlantic City.....85/67/0.00... 79/61/t. 73/60/pc Honolulu........86/74/0.00... 89/75/s .. 89/75/s Salt Lake City....97/65/0.00...93/56/s .. 75/55/s Tucson.........108/75/0.00 105/74/pc. 103/73/s Austin..........95/72/0.00 ..93/74/pc. 94/75/pc Houston........93/74/0.00..94/75/pc. 95/76/pc SanAntonio.....93/75/0.28... 90/74/t. 89/75/pc Tulsa...........95/77/0.00..93/73/pc.. 95/75/s Baltimore .......88/66/0.00... 86/62/t. 78/59/pc Huntsville.......97/74/0.00 ..85/64/pc.. 83/64/s SanDiego.......65/58/0.00.. 70/61/pc.69/61/pc Washington,DC.91/70/0.00... 87/63/t. 79/61/pc Bigings.........69/53/0.00... 82/53/t...74/49/t Indianapolis.....88/69/0.00 ..80/56/pc.. 78/61/s SanFrancisco....67/52/000...69/54/s .. 71/52/5 Wichita........100/73/000..91/71/pc.. 97/75/s Birmingham .. 94/73/0.00 ..95/68/pc. 89/67/s Jackson, MS.... 93/73/0.00. 96/71/pc 93/69/pc SanJose........76/54/000 .. 76/54/5 80/53/5 Yakima.........75/38/000... 72/46/t. 73/49/pc Bismarck........73/59/018 ..77/63/pc...76/53/t Jacksonvile......96/73/001 ..95/75/pc...90/71/t SantaFe........97/61/000..88/61/pc.83/60/pc Yuma..........107/77/000..105/72/s.102/72/5 Boise...........81/51/000... 75/46/t.. 73/45/s Juneau..........75/48/000 ..64/46/pc66/48/s .. INTERNATIONAL Boston..........71/56/0.07... 68/52/t. 63/53/sh Kansas City......93/76/0.00...85/67/s .. 88/73/s Budgepoit,CT....76/64/000... 64/57/r. 70/55/sh Lausing.........74/59/0.01..76/53/pc.. 73/51/s Amsterdam......68/59/000 .. 65/52/c 64/52/pc Mecca.........109/86/000 113/81/s. 115/84/5 Buffalo.........77/56/0.00... 67/57/t. 68/54/pc LasVegas......106/85/0.00..101/74/s. 100/74/s Athens..........80/62/0.00 ..84/66/sh.81/68/sh MexicoCity .....77/57/0.23... 75/57/t .. 74/56/1 Burlington, V1....71/55/047 ..72/53/pc. 69/47/sh Lexington.......92/71/0 00 ..80/59/pc .. 77/61/s Auckland........61/54/000..60/52/sh .. 60/41/c Montreal........70/55/056..72/57/pc. 73/54/sh Caribou,ME.....66/54/042..70/49/pc.67/46/sh Lincoln..........90/68/009..82/66/pc. 90/70/pc Baghdad.......102/75/000 ..108/87/s. 107/83/s Moscow........72/55/024..74/56/pc. 74/58/pc Charleston,SC ...95/75/0.00..93/75/pc. 87/71/pc Little Rock.......94/75/0.00..94/71/pc...92/71/t Bangkok........91/79/3 61... 85/75/r. 86/78/sh Nairobi.........77/54/000 ..74/59/pc...72/60/t Charlotte........90/64/0 00..94/66/pc.. 84/62/s LosAngeles......69/63/0 00..71/62/pc. 74/62/pc Beiyng..........81/57/000... 84/64/t. 88/64/pc Nassau.........82/75/007... 86/76/t...85/78/t Chattaupoga.....94/72/0 00..91/63/pc.. 86/63/s Louisville........93/77/000..82/61/pc.. 81/63/s Beirut..........82/72/000...79/65/s ..78/65/5 New Delhi......l00/82/000107/88/sh.104/84/t Cheyenne.......85/54/000..87/57/pc. 85/51/pc MadisonWI.....79/64/075...76/51/5.. 75/55/s Berlin...........77/52/000...82/56/c.70/57/sh Osaka..........90/75/000...86/73/s.87/71/pc Chicago...... 86/67/0 60...73/55/s. 72/57/s Memphis....... 95/76/0 00 93/69/pc.. 89/69/s Bogota .........66/50/011... 66/50/t...64/50/t Oslo............57/50/000 ..58/48/sh. 67/43/sh Cincinnati.......90/66/0.00...79/57/t.. 76/58/s Miami..........88/75/0.95...88/75/t...90/75/t Budapest........75/52/000..86/63/pc.83/61/pc Ottawa.........77/52/018...72/55/t.. 73/52/s Cleveland.......79/65/0.00...72/57/t.. 70/53/s Milwaukee......71/57/0.03...71/52/s.. 66/52/s BuenpsAires.....75/52/000...70/46/c.. 54/41/s Paris............72/63/003...65/50/r.66/52/pc ColoradoSpnugs.90/61/000..89/57/pc. 89/55/pc Minueapolis.....76/62/059...78/58/s. 77/63/pc CaboSanLucas ..95/72/000...95/72/s .. 91/72/5 Ripde Janeiro....84/66/000..75/65/sh. 74/66/pc Columbia,MO...92/74/000...84/64/s. 83/67/pc Nashvige........93/78/0.00..86/63/pc .. 83/63/s Cairo...........91/73/0.00 .. 91/66/5.. 91/65/s Rome...........79/57/0.00... 82/68/s. 82/67/pc Columbia,SC....96/69/0.01..98/71/pc.. 88/66/s New Orleans.....91/75/0.00... 93/76/s...93/76/t Calgary.........68/45/0.00... 59/46/t. 57/46/sh Santiago........70/36/0.00... 65/61/s .. 63/58/5 Columbus GA...95/74/000 ..96/73/pc .. 92/68/s New York.......76/65/0 00... 69/57/t. 70/58/sh Cancun.........88/81/0.00... 86/75/t. 86/76/pc SaoPaulo.......77/63/0.00.. 70/58/pc. 71/60/pc Columbus OH....90/70/000...77/57/t.. 76/55/s Newark Nl......80/67/000... 7058/t. 72/58/sh Dublin..........61/52/0.33 ..58/47/sh.63/47/sh Sapporo........72/68/0.00.. 72/63/pc. 74/62/sh Concord,NH.....70/55/0.00... 68/51/t. 64/47/sh Norfolk,VA......92/69/0.00... 96/66/t. 80/62/pc Edinburgh.......64/50/000 ..58/42/sh.62/49/sh Seoul...........73/66/000..82/68/pc. 84/66/pc Corpus Christi....96/80/015...95/78/t. 96/76/pc Oklahoma City...92/74/000 ..94/71/pc.. 92/71/s Geneva.........77/50/000..80/51/pc. 73/58/sh Shanghai........77/68/000...72/69/c. 75/73/sh DallasFtWpnh...94/75/000...97/79/s .. 97/79/s Omaha.........88/74/000 ..83/66/pc...8I70/t Haiare..........66/45/000...69/45/s ..71/45/s Singapore.......91/82/000...92/81/c. 90/81/sh Dayton .........90/68/000... 75/56/t .. 75/54/s Orlando.........94/71/0 00 ..94/72/pc...94/74/t Hong Kong......82/75/001... 82/78/i. 86/78/sh Stockholm.......70/50/000...63/56/c. 62/48/sh Denver....... 93/59/000 ..93/63/pc.90/58/pc PalmSprings....105/75/0.00..103/69/s. 103/68/s Istanbul.........77/68/006 .. 76/63/pc. 78/66/sh Sydney..........61/50/000 ..65/51/pc. 59/51/pc DesMoines......91/72/016...81/62/s...79/65/t Peoria..........93/69/000...80/57/s. 79/62/pc leiusalem.......91/65/0.00...79/59/s .. 78/59/s Taipei...........88/77/0.00..85/80/pc.. 88/80/c Detroit..........76/64/001 ..78/58/pc.. 75/52/s Philadelphia.....85/68/000... 81/59/t. 76/58/pc Johannesburg....63/41/000...60/39/s .. 62/41/s Tel Aviv.........93/68/000...84/65/s. 84/65/pc Duluth..........82/49/000...69/48/s .. 70/51/s Phoeuix........110/84/0.00 ..108/81/s. 106/79/s Lima...........70/61/0.00 .. 71/62/pc.. 72/62/s Tokyo...........73/66/0.00.. 75/69/sh. 74/71/sh El Paso.........106/77/000 ..98/76/pc.96/75/pc Pittsburgh.......83/65/000... 74/55/t. 72/50/pc Lisbon..........79/59/000 80/56/pc 77/55/s Toronto.........72/59/000 72/57/t 73/54/s Faiibanks........73/48/000...73/46/s.80/50/pc Portland,ME.....63/55/006..66/51/pc. 63/50/sh London.........63/57/0.03...64/48/c. 67/51/pc Vancouver.......64/52/0.07..66/51/sh.66/52/sh Fargo...........77/61/001 ..79/60/pc...78/60/t Prpvidence......73/59/000...68/55/t. 63/53/sh Madrid .........91/59/000..95/66/pc.. 93/67/s Vienna..........72/50/000... 81/61/s.75/54/pc Flagstaff........87/51/000...83/45/s .. 80/42/s Raleigh.........90/64/0.00 ..95/64/pc. 83/60/pc Mauila..........91/79/1.56..92/77/sh. 90/78/sh Warsaw.........73/54/0.00...79/61/s. 76/55/pc



Liquor commissioners reject surcharge on distilled spirits By Steven Dubois

costs of excessive alcohol consumption, he said. " It's definitely not a p l u s PORTLAND — Good news for those who like booze. that this went down," Buckley The Oregon Liquor Control said. Commission on Wednesday Liquor commissioners Minarrowly rejected placing an chael Harper, Rob Patridge additional 25- c ent-a-bottle and Bob Rice opposed the fee surcharge onthe price of dis- in avote taken by conference tilled spirits. call. C o m missioners C a ss If the surcharge had passed, Skinner and Pamela Weatherit would have raised a pro- spoon supported it. jected $16.2 million for the upT he c o m missioners, a l l coming two-year state budget of whom were appointed to cycle. Though not a tremen- their posts by either Gov. John dous amount of money in a Kitzhaber or former Gov. Ted budget that will top $15 bil- Kulongoski, have the legal aulion, it was revenue legislators thority to approve surcharges had been counting on. on liquor without the electoral Rep. Peter Buckley, D-Ash- fear of angering voters. But land, the chief budget writer the commissioners who rein the House, said lawmakers jected the added fee said the wanted to use the money to Legislature is ideally the body increase spending on law en- that should handle taxation. " The Legislature i s c t t rforcement, the judiciary and health care. The money would rently in session and has the have helped cover the societal full authority, power and, I The Associated Press

would argue, responsibility to deal with these revenue isSueS,u RiCe Said in a phOne interview. Commissioners re c ently extended atemporary 50-cent surchargethat has been in effect since April 2009. Rice, who owns the Virginia Cafe in downtown Portland, said he supported that fee four years ago because the state was in the middle of a financial crisis. " Now, here we a r e f o u r years later, and the 50 cents that was fo r a s h o r t-term emergency has become essentially institutionalized in government funding, and I don't think that's appropriate," he sard. Adding another 25 cents would have been "egregious," he said, particularly since it was only directed at distilled s pirits, not o t her t y pes of alcohol.

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Locals receive all-state honors Redmond senior J.D. Abbas, who has been named the Class 5A pitcher of the year,

highlights a long list of postseason honors for Central Oregon baseball players. Abbas, who guided the Panthers to the state

semifinal round, was also selected to the 5A all-state first team as an

infielder. Bend High seniors Jonah Koski (first

base), DukeDeGaetano (infield) and Justin Erlandson (outfield) were all second-team selections, as were Mountain

View seniors Kyler Ayers (catcher) and John Carroll (outfield). Redmond's Trevor Hind-

man madetheall-state second team as a utility



Eugene golfer edgeslocal Amateurs to win BendLadiesInvitational in control at • Bend's RosiCook e is runner-up OregonOpen Bulletin staff report Leilani Norman came from two shots back Wednesday to edge Bend's Rosie Cook in the final round of the Bend Ladies Invitational. Norman, a 63-year-oldfrom Eugene, shot a 3over-par 75 for the final round at Bend Golf and Country Club to finish the 36-hole stroke-play tournament at 13 over. That was one shot better than Cook, a 43-yearold who has placed second in the Bend Ladies Invitational three times in the past five years. See Amateur /C4

By Zack Hall The Butletin

Andy Tullis i The Bulletin

Inside: Local results • Scores from the Bend Ladies Invitational and the

Oregon Open,Scoreboard, C2

Eugene's Leilani Norman chips onto the12th green during the final round of the Bend Ladies Invitational at Bend Golf and Country Club on Wednesday. Norman won the tournament.

REDMOND — The 2013 Oregon Open Invitational has been taken over by a bunch of amateurs. In a field filled with the top club professionals from around the Pacific Northwest, it is four amateurs sitting atop the leaderboard heading into today's final round at Juniper Golf Club. And none has been more impressive than Sean McMullen, a 21-year-old from Kent, Wash., who took control of the tournament with a 3-under-par 69 on a windy Wednesday afternoon that put him at 7 under for the tournament. See Amateurs /C4

The Panthers' Matt Dahlen, Brayden

Bordges andCam Peters, all seniors, received honorable mention. Hood River Valley catcher Kyle Beamwas chosen as the 5Aplayer of the year, andSher-



the state championship. For a complete list of

The mystery of Merion set to be revealed

the 5A all-state teams,

By Doug Ferguson

wood coach Jon Stroh-

maier was namedthe coach of the yearafter guiding the Bowmen to

see Scoreboard onC2.

The Associated Press

— Bulletin staff report


Can Heat bounce back in Game4? SAN ANTONIOGame 4 of the NBA Finals will tell more about the Miami Heat than a

66-win regular season ever could. Any questions about LeBron Jamesandthe Heat were supposedto have beenanswered by now. He wastoo goodto be taken out of games, his teammates too tal-

ented to go through long stretches where they weren't contributing. But they didn't re-

Ryan Brennecke i The Bulletin

Bend Elks starter Taylor Elman delivers a pitch during the third inning of Wednesday evening's West Coast League game against the Cowlitz Black Bears at Bend's Vince Genna Stadium.

semble the league's reigning powerhouse in Game 3, whenthe San Antonio Spurs handed them the third-worst

beating in finals history in a113-77 romp. They looked like the confused

club from two years ago, when Dallas topped Miami in the finals.

Another loss tonight (6 p.m., ABC)and the Heatcould be onthe

verge of something bigger than a finals failure — like the end of an era.

"Something has to

give tomorrow night,"

James said Wednesday. "They have achampionship pedigree. They have four (titles). We havetwo. Sosomething

• Bend drops its home opener in extra innings to the cowlitz Black Bears,4-2 By Beau Eastes The Bulletin

The Bend Elks have put up some of the best offensive numbers in the West Coast League through their first six baseball games of the season, hitting .289 as a team while leading the WCL in total bases. The Elks had n o a n swer f or Cowlitz left-hander Jon Bjorklund on Wednesday night, though, as the Black Bears defeated Bend 4-2 in 11 innings in front of 1,719 fans at

Vince Genna Stadium. A sophomore at Mt. Hood Community College this past spring, Bjorklund kept the Elks (4-3 WCL) guessing most of the night in their home opener, pitching eight scoreless innings while allowing just three hits. Bjorklund did not figure into the decision — Bend tied the game 1I in the bottom of the ninth after Bjorklund left the mound — but the Black Bears (5-2) scored three

runs in the top of the 11th off Elks reliever Tanner Ring to take the first contest of a t hree-game set with Bend. "He kept us very off-balanced," Elks coach Joe D o miniak s aid about Bjorklund, a 2011 graduate of Beaverton's Sunset High. "We had him topping out at 79 (miles per hour) with a curve around 70.... We didn't time him well, which led to a lot of fly balls." See Elks/C4

ARDMORE, Pa. — The affection was genuine. Even better was beating Jack Nicklaus in a playoff. So when Lee Trevino got his hands on that U.S. Open trophy in 1971, the guy who never lacked for one-liners gushed, "I love Merion, and I don't even know her last name." For this generation of stars Merion is more hke a • Tee times Scoreboard, blind date. C2 No other course with four U.S. Opens had to wait such a long time — 32 years — foranother chance to test the world's best players. Even with Tiger Woods back to No. I and winning at a ridiculous rate, so much of the talk at this major championship has been about Merion. For years, it was considered too small to handle such a big tournament and the big hitters with their modern equipment. And with soft greens from more than 6 inches of rain in the last week, the question is whether the course will yield the kind of scores rarely seen at the toughest test in golf. Today, the mystery of Merion will start to unfold. "It's been how long, 32 years'? And with all the technology since then?" Steve Stricker said as he headed to the first tee Wednesday for one last practice round. "Someone asked me the other day about someone shooting a 62. And what I wanted to say was, 'You're crazy.' But you just don't know. We don't know what'sgoing to happen. And in a way, that's kind of cool." Not so cool was the weather expected for the opening round. Merion already took a beating last Friday when more than 3 inches of rain sent water over the edges of some bunkers and left small streams on fairways and greens. More rain on Monday caused the course to be closed three times. The forecast called for increasing clouds, gusts and showers this morning, with stronger storms likely to arrive around noon. See Merion /C4

has to give. We'll see

what happens. We've been able to bounce


backthroughoutadverse times throughout

the season throughout the years that we've been together, these

three years. We'll see."

"We'll see" is the ap-

proach the Spurs are taking with Tony Parker, who has a mild hamstring strain. The team is calling the All-Star

point guard day to day after he was hurt during

Game 3andhadan MRI exam Wednesday. — The Associated Press


Blackhawks win in threeOTs Chicago tops Boston in Game1 of the Stanley Cup finals,C3

For one Beaver, a return trip to Omaha OSU star Michael Conforto was in the stands the last time the Beavers won the College World Series. Greg Wahl-Stephens/ The Associated Press file


By Grant Lucas The Bulletin

In the stands at the old Rosenblatt Stadium in Omaha, Neb.,on June 24,2007 was a 14-year-old Michael Conforto. In the area with his traveling tournament youth team, the future slugger from Woodinville, Wash., had no idea then where he would one day play baseball at the college level. But now, a vision of what happened that day — Oregon State winning its second straight College World Series — sticks with Conforto. This weekend, Conforto will lead the Beavers back to Omaha, to the CWS, where OSU has not been in six years. "I think we've got the full package if we do all the things right," Conforto said soon after the Corvallis Super Regional

Beavers intheCWS Who: Oregon State (50-11) vs. Mississippi State (48-18) What:First-round of double-elimination bracket play Where:TD Ameritrade Park, Omaha, Neb.

tt',ti'.Y' It

, ' ~'-i~ ItII"I i I

When:Saturday, noon PDT TV:ESPN2/ESPN3 Radio:KICE-AM 940 ~iip

victory on Monday night. "It means a lot to me. It means everything to me right now, to be able to get to experience this with all the guys, all the coaches and Beaver Nation." The Beavers this week return to Omaha for the first time since winning that title in 2007 and for the fourth time in nine years. See Beavers/C4

Charlie RiedeliThe Associated Press

Hiroyuki Fujita hits out of a bunker on the 17th hole during practice for the U.S. Open at Merion Golf Club in Ardmore, Pa., on Wednesday.




GOLF PGATour, U.S.Open PGA Tour, U.S.Open PGATour, U.S.Open BASEBALL MLB, Boston at Baltimore BASKETBALL NBA Finals, Miami at SanAntonio

6 a.m. noon 2 p.m. 4p.m.


6p.m. ABC KICE-AM 940

FRIDAY GOLF PGATour, U.S.Open PGATour, U.S.Open PGATour, U.S.Open MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR,Sprint Cup, Quicken Loans400, practice NASCAR,Nationwide, Alliance Truck Parts 250, practice NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Quicken Loans400, qualifying ARCA, Michigan ARCA 200 IndyCar, Milwaukee Mile, qualifying BASEBALL MLB, San Francisco at Atlanta MLB, Seattle at Oakland BOXING Bryant Jennings vs. Andrey Fedosov Art Hovhannisyan vs. Arsah Usmanee MIXED MARTIALARTS World Series of Fighting 3, Fitch vs. Burkman

Time TV/Radio 6 a.m. noon 2 p.m.


B:30 a.m. Speed 10 a.m. S peed 12:30 p.m. Speed 2 p.m. S p eed 4 p.m. N BCSN 4 :30 p.m. M L B 7 p.m. Roo t

5 p.m. N BCSN 7 p.m. E SPN2 6 p.m. N BCSN

Listingsarethemostaccurate avai/ab/e. The Bulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by TVor radio stations.


fler, a two-time winner on the

NASCARNationwide Series, was

NetS hire Kidd — The

pronounced dead shortly after

Brooklyn Nets hired Jason Kidd

9 p.m. local time, New Jersey

as their coachWednesday, bringing the former star back to the franchise he led to its greatest

State Police said. After losing hjs NASCAR ride, Leffler had been racing dirt car events most of

NBA success. Kidd retired earlier

this year, including the 410Sprint

this month after one season with the New York Knicks, his19th in the NBA. The Nets decided to hire him to replace P.J. Carlesjmo

Car race Wednesday that promised a $7,000 prize to the winner at the 0.625-mile, high-banked dirt oval. On Sunday, Leffler finished last at Pocono in his lone NASCAR Sprint Cup start of the year. Leffier made 423 starts in NASCAR's three national series.

despite his absence ofcoaching experience. "Jason Kiddhasa long and legendary history with the Nets and with the city Df

New York," Nets owner Mikhail Prokhorov said in a statement. "He has the fire in the belly we


need, and hasachieved asa player everything the Brooklyn Nets are striving to achieve. We

believe hewill lead usthere. Welcome home,Jason." The move reunites Kidd with the franchise

he led to consecutive NBAFinals in 2002-03, when they played in New Jersey. He spent 6f/a

WOrld CIIP a year aWay — Brazil is a year from the World Cup, admitting to mistakes jn its preparations but vowing to be ready in time. After facing difficulties getting its stadiums ready for the Confederations

Cup — thewarm-up tournaseasons with the Nets, averaging ment that begins in Brasilia on 14.6 points, 9.1 assists. San Antonio's Kawhi Leonard, enjoying a strong NBA Finals, is

Saturday — Brazil is promising that things will be different ahead of the 32-team World Cup. FIFA said it won't accept it any other way, and Brazilian authorities

one of 27 youngplayers sched-

and local organizers saydelays

uled to attend USA Basketball's minicamp in July. Cleveland All-

that plagued construction work

USA invites 27 to camp-

Star Kyrie Irving andPortland's

before the Confederations Cup won't be an issuenextyear,

Damian Lillard, who succeeded him as Rookie of the Year, were

when the tournament opens with the hosts playing in Sao Paulo on

also among the players announced Wednesday. Indiana's Paul GeorgeandJrue Holidayof Philadelphia weretheother All-

June12. A clock displaying the

Stars to earn an invitation. The players will train from July 22-25

General Jerome Valcke, World

in Las Vegas,capped by anintra-

countdown to the World Cup was

unveile dW ednesdayatCopacabana Beach,with FIFASecretary CupambassadorPeleandlocal organizers in attendance.

squad exhibition game on July 25at the Thomas & Mack Center.

AlsochosenWednesday:Mike Conley (Memphis), Anthony Davis and RyanAnderson (New OrleansPeljcansj;TyLawsonand Kenneth Faried (Denver); Harrison Barnesand Klay Thompson (Golden State); JohnWall and Bradley Beal (Washjngton); DeMarcus Cousins (Sacramento); DeMar DeRozan(Torontoj; Greg

FOOTBALL Commish defends RedSklllS —NFLCommissioner Roger Goodeil says theWashington Redskins nickname is a

"unifying force that stands for strength, courage, pride and respect." Goodell was responding to a letter from10 members

Monroe and Andre Drummond

of Congress who want the name

(Detroit); Derrick Favors and Gordon Hayward (Utah); TajGjbson (Chicago); DeAndreJordan (Los Angeles Clippers); Chandler Parsons (Houstonj; Larry Sanders (Milwaukee); DionWaiters and Tyler Zeller (Cleveland); and Kemba Walker (Charlottej.

changed because it is offensive to many Native Americans. He


from a group seeking to havethe

cited the nickname's origins and polls that support its popularity. Goodell wrote that he understands the feelings surrounding

it are complexand could change, but he also pointed Dut fan pride in the team's heritage. The name is the subject of a legal challenge

NHLwants to stay in

team lose its trademark protection. Team owner Dan Snyder

PhOenix — With a decision on

has vowednever to changethe

the Phoenix Coyotes possible in the next two weeks, NHL Com-

name. Teton High School in Driggs, Idaho, this week became the latest high school to drop the

missioner GaryBettmansaysthe leagueremainsfocusedDnkeep-


ing the team in Arizona. The NHL

has chosen anewownership group for the team,Renaissance Sports /I Entertainment. But the

group's deal js contingent on a new leaseagreement for Jobing.com Arena,and negotjatjons with the Glendale City Council are still ongoing.

CYCLING Norwegian wins stage — Alexander Kristoff Df Norway won a sprint finish and Mathias Frank of Switzerland kept the yellow jersey after the fifth stage of the Tour de Suisse Dn

Wednesday. Kristoff, riding for

MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR driver dies after aCCident —NASCARdriver Jason Leffler died after an ac-

Katusha, outpaced rivals Peter Sagan, Arnaud Demare and Matti Breschel at the end of the110.8mile trek from Buochs to Leuggern. BMC Racing's Frank holds

cident Wednesdaynight jn a

a 23-second leadover Roman

heat race at a dirt car event at

Kreuzjger (Saxo-Tjnkoffj in the overall standings. — From wire reports

Bridgeport Speedway inNew Jersey. The37-year-old Lef-

COREBOARD PREP SPORTS Baseball Class 5A All-state teams Player of theyear —KyleBeam,sr., HoodRiver Valley Pitcher of the year J D . Abbas, sr., Redmond Coach of the year — Jon Strohmaier,Sherwoorl

First team Pitchers: Riley Moore, lr., Sherwood;Jamie Flynn, sr.,Ashland;Jerret Peterson,sr., Dallas;Philip Blatt, sr.,Wilson. Catchers: Kyle Beam,sr., HoodRiverValley; Bret Moskal,sr.,Dallas. First base:TannerSanders, jr., CrescentValley Infielders: TannerHolland, sr., CrescentValley; Scott Kuvaas, sr., Wilamette;TraceLoehr, jr., Putnam, J.D. Abbas,sr., Redm ond; NolanMcCall, jr., The DallesWahtonka. Outfielders: RobbieHreberg,jr., Madison;Josh Hagge,sr., Wilson; HenryRondeau, sr., Corvallis; JalenDrath,sr., Wilamette. Utility: ScottSchepige,sr., Dallas Designatedhitter: JakeReimer, jr, Sherwood Second team Pitchers: Nychal Gritz, lr., Hermiston;Gerhett Moser,sr.,Wilson; LutherEllenson,sr., Corvallis; Justin Adams,sr., SandyCameronJack, jr., Marist. Catchers: KylerAyers,sr., MountainView;Dalton Pachano,sr., NorthEugene. First base:JonahKoski,sr., Bend Infielders: Steve Bartells, jr., TheDales-Wahtonka; NathanReynolds, sr., Corvallis; DukeDeGaetano, sr., Bend Outfielders: Tanner Shipley, sr., Wilsonville; CaseyKiser,sr., TheDalles-Wahtonka; Justin Erlandson, sr.,Bend;ConnorMathisen, sr., TheDalles-Wahtonka;JohnCarroll, sr.,MountainView. Utility: Kevinl.ave, sr., Liberty;TrevorHindman, sr., Redm ond Designated hitter: JakeCarroll, sr.,Ashland. Honorable mention First base:Cam eron Pollick, sr., Hermiston; Mat Dahlen,sr., Redmond;JoeBalfour, sr., Sherwood Infielders: Brayden Bordges, sr., Redmond;Sawyer Reidsr., , WestAlbany; Taylor Travess, jr., Springfield; SteenFredrickson, so.,Ashland;Joel Enterline, sr., Madison Outfielders: Garret Helfrich, lr., Springfield;Travis Walcott, jr., Marist;CamPeters, sr., Redm ond; Bryce Rogan,jr., Ashland;LoganBallarche, sr., Sherwood, Eli Skiles,sr., Putnam


54-Hole StrokePlay June 11-13 SecondRound at Juniper GolfCours 6,971 yards, Par72 Top 70andties SeanMcMullen,FairwoodGBCC 68-69 — 137 Bill Winter,ColumbiaEdgewater CC 70-69 — 139 MichaelHaack,Meridian ValleyCC 72-68 — 140 DavidNuhn,MoscowCC 69-72 — 141 Scott Erdmann,Oswego LakeCC 74-68 142 RobGibbons,ArrowheadGC 69-73—142 BrianThornton,MeridianValley CC 73-70—143 David Phay,WhidbeyG8CC 73-70—143 GregManley,Meridian Valey CC 73-70 — 143 John Cassidy,AlderbrookG8CC 74-69 143 RusseIGrove,AvondaleGC 69-74—143 JoeKom,NileGC 75-69—144 AdamAraneo,BandonDunesResort 70-74—144 DerekBarron,TacomaFirs GC 70-74 — 144 HansReimers, ColumbiaEdgewater CC 71-73 — 144 RyanMalby,IronHorseGC 73-71 — 144 JesseHeinly,ProGolf ot Bend 69-75 — 144 Mitch Runge,Tacoma08GC 71-74 — 145 DarrenBlack,Rainier G8CC 74-71 — 145 ToddPence,TheFairwaysGC 74-71 — 145 BruceStewart, ArrowheadGC 75-70—145 CameronFrfe, Persrmmon CC 73-72 — 145 BrandonKearney, BendG8CC 75-70 — 145 Jeff Coston, SemiahmooG8CC 71-74 — 145 ClaytonMoe,TetherowGC 74-72 — 146 Scott Adams, Twin LakesVilage GC 72-74—146 Jay Poletiek,RiversrdeGBCC 74-72 — 146 BobRannow,OceanDunesGL 73-73 — 146 Josh Immordino,RiverbendGC 72-74 — 146 BenNelson,TacomaFirs GC 77-70 — 147 Tim Hva,PortlandGC 73-74 — 147 TomSovay,GCatRedmondRidge 76-71 — 147 Justin KadinTrysting , TreeGC 75-72 — 147 RyanBenzel, ProGolf Discount 75-72 — 147 CoreyPrugh,Manito GBCC 74-74 — 148 LoganLindholm,IronHorseGC 81-67 148 ChrisVanderVelde, TetherowGC 77-71 — 148 SteveBowen, Dick'sSportingGoods 72-76 — 148 RonSeals,AwbreyGlenGC 71-78 — 149 Kurt NiedermeieW r, estSeatle GC 76-73 — 149 DarekFranklin,WilametteValley CC 78-71 149 ToddO'Nea,EmeraldValey GC 76-73—149 CaseyMcCoy, Airport Golt Center 75-74 — 149 FredHaney,TheReserveVineyards 77-72 — 149 CharlieRice,BendGBCC 71-78 — 149 Chris Griffin,TacomaGBCC 72-77 149 MikeKasch,PascoGolfland 71-78 — 149 BrianNosier,VancoDriving Range 74-76 — 150 Tim Fraley,AwbreyGlen GC 79-71 — 150 Lon Hinkle,EagleBendGC 76-74 — 150 Josh Garber, TheVintage Club 78-72 150 Jim Coleman,BobYellowstoneCC 78-72—150 StuartSmith,AlderbrookG8YC 79-71 — 150 John Skusek,BrookdaleGC 73-77 — 150 LukeBaker,Deer ParkGC 76-74 — 150 Colin Carlson,TheGCat Black Rock 75-75 150 Daniel Wendt,TheBrasadaC ub 78-73—151 ScottLeritz,RoyalOaksCC 71-80—151 Jeff Fought,BlackButte Ranch 75-76—151 TylerDaniels,WineValley GC 82-69—151 BryanStevens,BearCreekCC 78-73 151 SandyVaughan, Glen AcresGC 72-79—151 ChuckMilne,VancoDriving Range 74-77 — 151 ToddSickles,Quail RunGC 77-75 — 152 77-75 — 152 PaulCobleigh,SuntidesGC Mark Poirier,TheHighlands GC 78-74 152 GaryLindeblad,IndianCanyonGC 77-75—152 73-79—152 JamesFeutz, TacomaCBGC JasonAichele,MeadowSprings CC 76-76—152 70-82 — 152 GarrettHoward,ManitoGBCC Jeff Marsh,OrchardHills CC 77-75 152 76-76—152 JaredLambert, EagleCrest Resort 79-73—152 HoganArey,TrystingTreeGC Locals who did notmake cut 81-73 — 154 Jeff Ward,BendGBCC 75-79 — 154 Colin Tucker,TetherowGC 75-79 — 154 Erik Jensen,Tetherow GC 80-75 — 155 Jeff Wrlson,BendGBCC 80-76 — 156 BrendonBain,BlackButte Ranch 75-81 — 156 Louis Bennett,BrokenTopClub 158 GeorgeMackJr., BlackButte Ranch 81-77 — 81-77 — 158 TomBaker, BlackButte Ranch 79-81 — 160 DaveDuerson, Crosswater 80-80 — I60 MarkCrose,Central OregonGolf 77-84 — 161 Pat Huffer,CrookedRwer Ranch 80-82 — 162 JackPerkins,Bend Stein Swenson,The BrasadaClub 82 81 163 82-81 — 163 CharleyGriswold,Crosswater Club 80-85 — 165 AndyHeinly, ProGolf of Bend 90-77 — 167 VerleSteppe,Central OregonGolf 81-86 — 167 BobHausman,BlackButteRanch Jim Wilkinson,BrokenTopClub 85 85 170 93-79 — 172 Jeff Brown,MeadowLakesGC 89-88 — I77 JesseTaylor, TetherowGC 94-88 — 182 Justin Walsworth,Quail RunGC 97-105—202 Phil Lagao,BlackButte Ranch DanDdiorne,BrokenTopClub NC Tim CecilBend , GBCC DQ DylanCramer,TetherowGC WD BENDLADIESINVITATIONAL June 11-12 36-Hole StrokePlay Final Round at BendGolf and Country Club Overall — Gross: 1, Leilani Norman,Shadow Hills CC,157.Net: 1, Julie Gish, HeronLakesGC, 139. First Flight — Gross: 1, RosieCook,Awbrey Glen,158. 2,AmyAnderson, BendCC,165 3(tie),

Nettie Morrison, BendCC, 168, CecePatterson, TetherowGC, 168. 5, ShannonMaier, Diablo CC, 171. Net:1(tie), ConniMa e rtin, GrandViewGC,148; ElaineEdrington,PersimmonGC,148. 3,Jenni Baxter, RoyalOaksCC,151. 4, KrisAdams, HighCedars GC 153. 5 Yon Okinaka, Royal OaksCC,154. Second Flight — Gross: 1, MaryLouThun, RoyalOaksCC, 169.2, MaryJensen,Tetherow GC, 173. 3,JudyWestwood,OswegoLakeCC, 178. 4(tie), MarilynDlson,SantiamGC,180; Terri Hall, RoyalOaks CC,180.Net:1, CarlaVanDrman, Tualatin CC,145. 2, Tsuyako Dennis, lllaheCC,152. 3, CarolNicolai, Club Green Meadows,153. 4, DottyJohnson,Astoria CC, 154.5,SherryRhoades, ArrowheadGC,156.

Third Flight —Gross:1, DeniseAldridge, Heron LakesGC,184. 2,Julie Homer, StoneCreekGC,186. 3, JoettaKeller,OrchardHills CC,188.4, KarenStanard, BendCC, 192.5, LindaWhitworth, RoyalOaks CC, 195.Net: 1, MaryJohnson,Tualatin CC,147.2, Phyllis Millan, Arrowhead GC, 151. 3, Anita Pfister, RiversideCC,153.4, BrendaErickson, Orchard Hils CC,154. 5(tie), SharonDavenport, RoyalOaksCC, 162; Pam Thomas, RiversideCC,162, Marni Trosi, SantiamGC,162. Fourth Flight — Gross:1, SusyWagner, Tualatin CC,197.2(tie), PamCaine,BendCC,199; Donelle Nieman,LewisRiverGC,199.4, DebraStevens, Tualatin CC,201.5, JaneRoberts, lllahe CC,202 Net: 1, JudithBradley,Tualatin CC,145. 2, SoosieByrne, TualatinCC,149 3,JaneHeuberger,SantiamGC,153. 4, ConnieIngram,Corvallis CC,154. 5 (tie), Leaha Wirth, ArrowheadGC,158;Jacki Smith, StoneCreek GC, 158;SydneyBunch,Tualatin CC,158

PGA Tour U.S. Open TeeTimes June 13-16 At Merion Golf Club(East Course) Ardmore, Pa. Purse: TBA Yardage: 6,996;Par:70

Monday, June17 Game5—Game1loservs. Game2loser,noon Game6—Game1winner vs. Game2winner, 5p.m. Tuesday,June 18 Game 7 Game3loser vs. Game4loser,noon Game8—Game3winner vs. Game4winner, 5p.m. Wednesday, June19 Game9—Game5winnervs. Game6loser, 5p.m. Thursday,June 20 Game10 —Game7winner vs. Game8loser,5 p.m. Friday, June21 Game11—Game6winner vs. Game9winner, noon Game12— Game8 winner vs Gam e 10winner, 5 p.m. Saturday,June 22 x-Game 13 — Gam e 6 winner vs. Game9 winner, noon x-Game14— Game 8 winner vs. Gam e 10 winner, 5 p.m. If onlyonegameis necessary,it wil startat 5:30p.m. ChampionshipSeries (Best-of-3) Monday,June24: Pairings TBA,5p.m. Tuesday,June25: Pairings TBA,5p.m. x-Wednesday, June26:Pairings TBA,5p.m.


All Times PDT


Thursday-Friday First hole-11th hole 3:45 a.m.-9:45a.m.—Cliff Kresge,UnitedStates; Robert Tambellini, UnitedStates;RyanYip, United States. 3 56a.m.-9:56 a.m. Ri ckard Karlberg Sweden; Yui Ueda,Japan;JohnParry,England. 4:07 a.m.-10:07 a.m.— Nick Watney,United States;PeterHanson,Sweden; Hunter Mahan,United States. 418 a.m.-10:18 a.m.— I.ucas Glover,United States;PaulCasey,Engand;Bil Haas,UnrtedStates. 4:29 a.m.-10:29a.m.— AaronBaddeley,United States;RorySabbatini, SouthAfrica; DavidLingmerth, Sweden 4:40 a.m.-10:40a.m. —GeorgeCoetzee, South Africa,MartinLaird,Scotland; MarcelSiem,Germany. 4.51 a.m.-10:51am.—JerryKelly,UnitedStates, CharleyHoffman,United States;JohnHuh,United States. 5:02 a.m.-l I:02a.m.—HenrikStenson,Sweden; RyanMoore,UnitedStates; Robert Garrigus,United States. 513 a.m.-11:13 a.m. Ryan Palmer, United States;SrmonKhan, England;TedPoter Jr., United States. 5.24 a m.-11:24a.m. — ShawnStefani, United States; a-Michael Kim, United States; Nicholas Thompson,UnitedStates. 5:35 a.m.-ll:35 a.m.— Chris Doak,Scotland; AndrewSvoboda,United States,DougLaBele, United States. 5 46 a.m.-11:46a.m. Kevin Sutherland, United States;MattWeibring, UnitedStates; RandaI Hutchison, United States. 5.57 a.m.-11.57a.m.— a-CoryMcllyea,United States;RyanNelson, UnitedStates; JohnHahn,United States. 9:30 a.m-4 a.m. — DavidToms,United States; DarrenClarke,NorthernIreland;Jose Maria Dlazabal,

Leaguestandings North Division


Spain. 941 a.m.-4:11a.m. Geoff Ogilvy, Australia;Angel Cabrera,Argentina; PaulLawrie, Scotland. 9:52 a.m.-4:22a.m.—LukeDonald,England;Lee Westwood,England; Martin Kaymer, Germany. 10:03 am.-4:33a.m Jim Furyk, UnitedStates; GraemeMcDowell, NorthernIreland;ZachJohnson, UnitedStates. 10:14 am.-4.44 a.m.— Tiger Woods,United

States;RoryMcllroy, NorthernIreland; AdamScot, Austraia. 10:25 a.m.-4:55a.m.— ThongchaiJardee,Thailand; GonzaloFernandez-castano, Spain; Thorbjorn Olesen,Denmark. 10:36 a.m.-5:06a.m. Webb Simpson,United States;a-StevenFox, UnitedStates; ErnieEls, South Africa. 10:47a.m.-5.17a.m.—KyleStanley;JoeOgilvie, UnitedStates;LukeGuthrie, UnitedStates. 10:58a.m.-5:28a.m.—JoshTeater,United States; Yoshi nobuTsukada,Japan;EddiePepperell,England. 11:09 a.m.-5:39 a.m.— Edward Loar, United States; Morten0rumMadsen, Denmark; Jung-Gon Hwang,SouthKorea. 11:20 a.m.-5:50 a.m.— a-Max Homa,United States; Russell Knox, Scotland; Matt Bettencourt, UnitedStates. 11:31 p.m.-6:01a.m.— AdamHadwin, Canada; John Nieporte, UnitedStates; Jim Herman,United States. 11:42 a.m.-6:12a.m.— BrandonBrown,United States;a-GraysonMurray, UnitedStates; JesseSmith, UnitedStates. Thursday-Friday 11th hole-First hole 4 a.m.-9.30a.m.— Bubba Watson, UnitedStates,

Dustin Johnson,UnitedStates, Nicolas Colsaerts, Be gium. 4:11 a.m.-9:41a.m.— Phil Mickelson,United States,SteveStricker, UnitedStates, KeeganBradley, UnitedStates. 4 22 a.m.-9:52a.m. Matt Kuchar,UnitedStates; JustrnRose,England; BrandtSnedeker, UnitedStates. 4:33 a.m.-10:03am.—LouisOosthuizen,South Africa; Charl Schwartzel, SouthAfrica; Tim Clark, SouthAfrica. 444 a.m-1014 a.m — SergioGarcia, Spain; StewartCink, UnitedStates; PadraigHarrington, Ireland. 4:55 a.m.-10:25a.m. — Ian Poulter, England; Jason Dufner,United States;BooWeekley, United States. 5:06 a.m.-10:36a.m. — Rickie Fowler,United States,MatteoManassero, Italy, JasonDay,Australia. 517 a.m.-10:47 am. YE. Yang, SouthKorea; FreddieJacobson,Sweden; Hiroyuki Fujita, Japan. 5:28 a.m.-10:58a.m. — Scott Stallings, United States;JohnPeterson, UnitedStates; Robert Karlsson, Sweden. 539 a.m.-1109 a.m.— Jay DonBlake,United States;BrandtJobe, UnitedStates; MrchaelCampbel, NewZealand. 5.50 a.m.-11:20a.m. — David Hearn,Canada, MikeWeir;JacoVan Zyl, SouthAfrica 6:01 a.m.-11:31am. — a-KewnPhelan, Ireland; Wil Collins,UnitedStates; HaroldVarner 01. Pan, 6.12 a.m.-11:42 a.m.— a-Cheng-Tsung Taiwan;Mackenzie Hughes, Canada; GeoffreySisk, UnitedStates. 9:45 a.m.-3:45a.m.—JustinHicks,UnitedStates; DavidHowell,Englang;BrianStuard, UnitedStates. Steele, United 9.56 a.m.-3:56a.m. — Brendan States; EstanislaoGoya,Argentina; PeterHedblom, England. 10:07a.m.-4:07a.m.—MarcLeishman,Australia; John Senden, Australia MarcusFraser,Australia. 10:18 a.m.-4:18a.m. Scott Langley, United States;a-ChrisWiliams, UnitedStates; MorganHoffmann,UnitedStates. 10:29 a.m.-4:29 a.m.— Michael Thompson, UnitedStates;a-MichaelWeaver, UnitedStates; Casey Wittenberg,UnitedStates. 10:40 a.m.-4:40a.m. —K.J. Choi,SouthKorea; FrancescoMolinari, Italy;Carl Pettersson,Sweden. 10:51 a.m.-4:51 a.m.— Scott Piercy, United States;KevinChappell, UnitedStates;JamieDonaldson, Wales. 11:02 a.m.-5:02 a.m.— Bo Van Pelt, United States;KevinStreelman,UnitedStates; D.A.Points, UnitedStates. 11:13 a.m.-513 a.m. BrandenGrace,South Africa;Sang-MoonBae, SouthKorea;Russell Heney, UnitedStates. 11:24 a.m.-5.24 a.m.— Hideki Matsuyam a, Japan;Billy Horschel, UnitedStates; JordanSpieth, UnitedStates. 11:35am.-535am.—Mathew Goggin, Australia; Steven Alker, NewZealand,Alistair Presnell,Australia. 11:46 a.m.-5:46 a.m i — Matt Harmon,United States; a-GavinHal, UnitedStates; BioKim, South

Korea. 11:57 a.m.-5:57 a.m.— Zack Fischer,United States;RyanSullivan, UnitedStates, BrandonCrick, UnitedStates.

BASEBALL College NCAACollege World Series At TO Ameritrade ParkOmaha Omaha, Neb. All Times PDT

Double Elimination x-if necessary Saturday,June 15 Game1—Mississippi State(48-18)vs.OregonState (50-11),noon Game2 — Indiana(48-18) vs. Louisvrlle(51-12), 5 p.m. Sunday,June 16 Game 3—North Carolina(57-10) vs. N.C.State(4914), noon Game 4—UCLA(44-17) vs. LSU(57-9), 5p.m.

VictoriaHarbourcats Bellingham Bels WenatcheeAppleSox WallaWallaSweets KelownaFalcons South Division KlamathFalls Gems CowlitzBlackBears BendElks MedfordRogues KitsapBlueJackets Corvallis Knights

W 4 4 2 2 0

Bojana Jovanovski (13), Serbia, def. Andrea Hlavackova, Czech Republic, 4-6,6-1, 6-4. Alla Kudryavtseva,Russia, def. HeatherWatson (14), Britain,6-4, 6-3. MariaSanchez, UnitedStates, def.AlisonVanUytvanck,Belgium,7-6(3), 6-3. Magdalena Rybarikova(16), Slovakia,def. Mathilde Johansson,France,7-5,6-7(4), 6-4. EkaterinaMakarova(2), Russia, def. MarinaErakovic, New Zealand, 6-4, 6-1. FrancescaSchiavone(15), Italy,def. Nadiya Kichenok, Ukraine, 7-6(4), 6-2. Kirsten Flipkens(1), Belgium,def. Ajla Tomljanovrc,Croatia,4-6, 6-4, 7-5.

Gerry WeberOpen

Wednesday At Gerry WeberStadion Halle, Germany Purse: $1.03 million (WT250) Surface: Grass-Outdoor

Singles SecondRound Mikhail Youzhny,Russia, del. Kei Nishikori (4), Japan,6-1,6-7(4),6-3. Gael Monfils, France,def. Jan Hernych,Czech Republic,6-2, 6-3. MischaZverev,Germany,def. MirzaBasic, BosniaHerzegovina, 7-6(5), 6-3. RogerFederer(1), Switzerland,del. StebeCedrikMarcel,Germany,6-3, 6-3. NuernbergerVersicherungscup Wednesday At Tennis-Club 1. FC Nuernberg eV

Nuremberg,Germany Purse: $235,000 (Intl). Surface: Red Clay-Outdoor Singles First Round Jelena Jankovic (1), Serbia, def.ArantxaRus, Netherlands, 6 4,6-2. Polona H

W 3 5 4


Kristina Mladenovic (12), France,def. Johanna Konta,Britain, 6-4,6-1.

4 3 2

Cowlitz 4,Bend2 KlamathFalls13, WallaWalla 7 Kitsap 5,Corvallis 3 Victoria11,Medford4 Belingham9,Wenatchee6 Today's Games Cowlitz atBend,6:35p.m. WallaWallaatKlamath Fals, 635p.m. Kitsap atCorvallis 6:40 p.m. MedfordatVictoria, 7:05p.m. Wenatchee atBellingham, 7:05p.m. Fridayts Games Cowlitz atBend,6:35p.m. WallaWallaatKlamath Fals, 6.35p.m. KitsapatCorvallis, 6:40p.m. Wenatchee atBellingham, 7:05p.m.

Wednesday's Linescore

Black Bears 4, Elks 2


(11 innings) Cowlitz Bend

0 1 0 000 000 03 — 4 11 1 000 0 00 001 01 — 2 7 3

Bjorklund,Omama(9), McAlfee (9)andBlackmon. Elman,Grantham(6), Melbostad(7), Muriffo (8), Ring (10),Jordan(10)andServais. W— McAffee.L —Ring. 2B —Bend:Wildung. 3B—Bend: Dixon.

BASKETBALL NBA NATIONALBASKETBALL ASSOCIATION All Times PDT NBA FINALS San Antonio 2, Miami1 Thursd ay,June6 SanAntonio92,Miami88 Sunday,June9: Miami103,SanAntonio 84 Tuesday, June11:SanAntonio113, Miami77 Today, June13: MiamiatSanAntonio,6 p.m. Sunday,June16:Miamiat SanAntonio, 5 p.m. x-Tuesday, June18: SanAntonio at Miami,6 p.m. x-Thursday, June20:SanAntonio atMiami, 6p.m.





EasternConference Atlanta Chicago Washington NewYork Connecticut Indiana Minnesota Los Angeles SanAntonio Seattle Phoenix Tulsa

W 4

L 1

4 3 3

I 1 2

2 1

3 4



3 2

1 1 3 2 3 5

Western Conference

2 1 I 1

Pct GB .800 .800 750


600 1 .400 2 .200 3

Saturday's Games FC Dallas at Portland,2p.m. TorontoFCat DC. United, 4p.m. Montrealat Columbus,4:30p.m. SanJoseatColorado, 6p.m. NewEnglandat Vancouver, 7pm.


Pct GB .750 ,667


.400 1'4 .333 1'4 .250 2 .167 3


Connecticut73, Indiana61 Today's Games No games scheduled


(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Chicago 1, Boston 0 Wednesday,June12: Chicago4, Boston 3(3 DT) Saturday,June15: Boston atChicago, 5p.m. Monday, June17:ChicagoatBoston,5p.m Wednesd ay,June19:ChicagoatBoston,5p.m. x-Sat urday,June22:BostonatChicago,5 p.m. x-Monday ,June24:ChicagoatBoston,5p.m. x-Wedne sday,June26:BostonatChrcago,5p.m.

TENNIS Professional AEGON Championships Wednesday At The Queen'sClub London Purse: $1.03 million (WT250) Surface: Grass-Outdoor Singles SecondRound TomasBerdych(2), CzechRepublic, del. Thiemo De Bakker, Nether ands, 6-1, 6-4. Marin Cilic (5), Croatiadef. , Ivan Dodig,Croatia, 6-3, 6-4. AlexandrDolgopolov(7), Ukraine, def Santiago Giraldo,Colombia,6-3,4-6, 6-4. LleytonHewitt, Australia,det.Grigor Dimitrov(10),

Bulgaria,6-4,6-3. BenjaminBecker, Germany, def. LukasRosol (12), CzechRepublic,7-6(2), 7-5. Daniel Evans,Britain, def.JarkkoNieminen(13), Finland,6-4, 6-7(6), 6-4. GregaZemlja (16), Sovenia, def. Sergiy Stakhovsky,Ukraine,7-5, 6-4. KennyDeSchepper, France, def. RohanBopanna, India, 6-4,6-3. MarinkoMatosevic,Austraia, def. MichaelLlodra, France,walkover. Andy Murray (1), Britain, leads NicolasMahut, France,6-3,2-2,susp.,rain. FelrcranoLopez,Spain, leads Julien Benne teau (11), France, 7-6(5),2-0,susp.,rain. Denis Istomin(14), Uzbekistan,tied with Igor Sijsling, Netherlands,6-6,susp., rain. AEGONClassic Wednesday At EdgbastonPriory Club Birmingham, England Purse: $235,000(Intl.)

Surface: Grass-Outdoor Singles SecondRound Sorana Cirstea (3), Romania, def. Tsvetana Pironkova,Bulgaria, 6-4,6-4. Sabine Lisicki (5),Germany, def.KristynaPliskova, CzechRepublic,6-4, 6-2. DanielaHantuchova,Slovakia def.LauraRobson (7), Britain,6-3,6-4. Mirjana l.ucic-Baroni, Croatia,def.YaninaWickmayer(9),Belgium,6-4,6-0.




Bac aw s eatBruinsintri e Tin u o ener By Jay Cohen


The Associated Press

CHICAGO — Andrew Shaw skated off to the side and pumped his arms furiously. One shot from the right point plus two deflections was just enough to beat Tuukka Rask in the fifth-longest Stanley Cup finals game in history. Shaw skated in front of the goal in the third overtime and redirected Dave Bolland's shot into the net for the winning score in the Chicago Blackhawks' 4-3 victory over t he Boston Bruins in a riveting Game 1 on Wednesday night. Michal Rozsival started the winning sequence with a shot from the right point into traffic. Bolland tipped it before Shaw got it by Rask for his fifth goal of the playoffs. And just like that, the longest finals game in five years was over. "We knew it wasn't going to be pretty," Shaw said. "It was a great shot, great shift. It was unbelievable. All the guys deserved this. It was a great battle for us." Milan Lucic had two goals and an assist for the Bruins, who had won five straight and nine of 10. Patrice

Bergeron scored a power-play goal and David Krejci finished with two assists.

Rask made an astounding 59 saves in the longest finals game since Pittsburgh beat Detroit 4-3 when Petr Sykora scored at9:57 of the third overtime on June 2, 2008. Game 2 is Saturday night at the United Center. "Get some rest, because we basically just played two games in one night here," Blackhawks coach Joel Quenneville said. "But based on how it went tonight, we'll have to be


ready." The Blackhawks won for the eighth time in nine games and improved to 10-1 at home in the playoffs. Bolland and Johnny Oduya scored in the third period for Chicago, which never would have made it to the third overtime if not for an impressive performance by goaltender Corey Crawford. Brandon Saad had his first goal of the playoffs. Crawford gave the Blackhawks a chance by standing his ground when the Bruins had repeated opportunities in the extra sessions. Shawn Thornton and Daniel Paille skated in for a 2-on-1 in the first OT, and Crawford turned away Thornton on the doorstep. He denied Rich Pe-

Nam Y. Huh /The Associated Press

Chicago Blackhawks center Andrew Shaw, right, celebrates after scoring the winning goal during the third overtime of Game1 of the Stanley Cup finals early Thursday against the Boston Bruins in Chicago. verley and Tyler Seguin in rapid succession, and helped Chicago kill off two power plays when it was whistled twice for too many men on the ice. Nathan Horton hit the post in the firstextrasession, and Zdeno Chara's

slap shotdeflected off Jaromir Jagr and then the inside of the right post at the very end of the second overtime. Crawford had22 of his 51 saves in the first two overtimes, and Rask was forced to make 18 stops. The action

was so fast and furious that it took a toll on the players with Horton skating off during the power play with an injury — likely a serious one to leave the ice during that pivotal moment. Bergeron scored on a slap shot that went off the stick of Blackhawks defenseman Niklas Hjalmarsson and made it 3-1 at 6:09 in the third period. It was just the fourth power-play goal allowed by Chicago in 59 playoff chances. The Blackhawks responded wzth more pressure on Rask, who stepped up when he faced a similar attack from Pittsburgh in the Eastern Conference finals. This time, he coughed up the lead, hurt by one unlucky carom. First, Bolland converted a n i ce pass from Shaw for his first goal of the playoffs. Then Oduya's long slap shot went off the left skate of Boston defenseman Andrew Ference and into the net for the tying goal with 7:46 remaining in regulation. Oduya's shot was going wide if it didn't hit Ference's skate. "Not disappointed in our effort," Bruins coach Claude Julien said. "There's certain things you're going to want to fix for next game. But as far as the game is concerned, it was a hard-fought game."

MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL of singles andadvanced to third

Standings AH Times POT AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Pct GB 41 26 612 37 28 569 3 37 29 ,561 3'/r 35 30 .538 5 28 36 .438 f 1 t/r

Boston Newyork Baltimore

Tampa Bay Toronto

Central Division


Cleveland Kansas City Minnesota Chicago Oakland Texas Seattle Los Angeles Houston

W L 36 28 32 33 30 33 29 33 28 35 West Division W L 40 27 38 27 29 38 28 38 23 44

Pct GB 563 .492 4t/r .476 5t/r

468 6 444 7


Pct GB .597 .585 1 .433 11 424 11'/z .343 17


LA. Ange s9, Baltimore5 Kansas City 3, Detroit 2,10innings Boston 2,TampaBay 1 Cleveland 5,Texas2 Minnesota 4, Philadelphia3 TorontoatChicago,ppd., rain Oakland5, N.Y.Yankees2 Houston6,Seatle 1 Today's Games N.Y.Yankees(Kuroda6-5) at Oakland(J.Parker5-6), 12:35p.m. Boston(Doubront 4-3) at Baltimore(Gausman 0-3), 4:05 p.m. Kansas City(E.Santana4-5) atTampaBay(Hegickson 4-2),4 10p.m. Toronto (Rogers 1-2) at Texas(Darvish 7-2), 5:05 p.m. Philadelphia(Lee7-2) at Minnesota (Correia5-4), 5:10 p.m. Friday's Games Bostonat Baltimore,4:05 p.m. Washington at Cleveland,4:05p.m. Kansas0ity atTampaBay,4:10 p.m. TorontoatTexas, 5:05p.m. Chicago WhiteSoxat Houston, 5:10p.m. Detroit atMinnesota,5:10p.m. N.Y.Yankeesat L.A.Angels, 7:05 p.m. Seattle atOakland, 7:05p.m. NATIONALLEAGUE East Division W L Atlanta 39 27 Washington 32 32 Philadelphia 31 35 NewYork 24 36 Miami 19 46

Central Division

St. Louis Cincinnati

Pittsburgh Milwaukee


W 42 40 39 27 25

L 23 26 26 38 38

Pct GB .646 .606 2'/z 600 3 .415 15 .397 16

W 37 35 33 32 28

L 29 31 31 34 37

561 .530 2 516 3 .485 5 431 8'/z

West Division

Arizona Colorado

SanFrancisco San Diego Los Angeles

Pct GB .591 .500 6 470 8 400 12 .292 f 9'/r

Pct GB

Taesday'sGames Pittsburgh8, SanFrancisco2 Miami 5 Milwaukee 4 St.l.ouis9,NY Mets2 Cincinnati12,ChicagoCubs2 Minnesota 3 Philadelphia2 Colorado 8, Washington 3 LA. Dodgers5,Arizona3 San Diego 3,Atlanta 2 Wednesday'sGames Cincinnati 2 Chicago Cubs1 San Diego 5,Atlanta 3 Pittsburgh12,SanFrancisco 8 Milwaukee10,Miami1 N.Y.Mets5, St.Louis1 Minnesota 4, Philadephia3 Washington 5, Colorado1

Arizona8,L.A.Dodgers6 (12 innings) Today's Games St. Louis(Wainwright9-3) at N.Y.Mets (Harvey5-0), 10:10a.m. Cincinnati (Latos6-0) at ChicagoCubs(Samardzija 3-7), 11:20a.m. Washington (Detwiler 2-4)at Colorado(Francis2-4), 12:10 p.m.

San Francisco(M.cain 4-3) at Pittsburgh(Morton 0-0), 4:05p.m. Philadelphia(Lee7-2) at Minnesota (Correia5-4), 5:10 p.m. Friday's Games L.A. DodgersatPittsburgh, 4:05p.m. Washington at Cleveland,4:05p.m. Chicago Cubsat N.Y. Mets, 4:10 p.m. Milwaukee atCincinnati,4:10 p.m. St. LouisatMiami, 4:10p.m. San Francisco atAtlanta, 4:30 p.m Philadelphiaat Colorado,5:40p.m. ArizonaatSanDiego,7:10 p.m.

American League

Astros 6, Mariners1 SEATTLE — Houston rallied to

score six runs off closer Tom Wilhelmsen in the ninth inning and beat Seattle, snapping a six-game

losing streak andgiving the Astros their first victory this season when trailing after eight innings. Trailing 1-0, Jason Castro and

J.D. Martinez led off with a pair

on a sacrifice bunt from Carlos Corporan. After an intentional walk of Carlos Pena, Chris Carter doubled off the wall in left field to

score a pair and give theAstros their first lead of the game. Another intentional walk loaded

the bases again andbrought the hook for Wilhelmsen (0-2), who blew his fourth save in his past

nine tries. Houston


(2). SF —Hamilton. Los Angeles

WilliamsW,5 2 6 D.De La Rosa 1

Jepsen Frieri Baltimore Hammel

IP 1 1

H 9 0 1 0

Swisherlb 4 0 0 0 Brkmndh 2 0 1 0 R ER BB BO B rantlylf 4 1 2 1 Beltre3b 2 0 1 0 4 4 1 4 C Santnc 4 0 1 1 Przynsc 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 M rRynl3b 4 0 0 0 N.cruzrf 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 JMcDnl3b 0 0 0 0 JeBakr2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Giambidh 2 1 0 0 McGns1b 4 0 1 0 Avilesss 4 1 1 2 LMartncl 4 2 1 1 4 4 2 1 Stubbs rf 4 0 1 0 4 4 1 0 Totals 3 5 5 105 Totals 3 3 2 7 2 0 0 0 4 C leveland 021 0 2 0 0 00 — 5 1 0 1 0 Texas 0 01 000 001 — 2

6 7 Strop L,0-3 BS,3-3 1-3 3 Patton 12-3 1 Matusz 1 1 Hammepitchedto2 baters inthe7tfi. T—3.13.A—25,964 (45,971).

Royals 3, Tigers 2 (10 innings) KANSAS CITY, Mo. — Lorenzo Cain hit a tying, two-run homer off Jose Valverde with two outs in the ninth and Eric Hosmer had a winning single in the10th as

E—Aviles (3). DP—Ceveland2, Texas1. LDBCleveland 8,Texas9. 28—Kipnis (13), C.Santana

BALTIMORE — Erick Aybar hit a bases-loaded triple and Albert

Pujols homered during a sixrun seventh inning, helping Los Angeles beat Baltimore to stop

a four-game losing streak. Hank Conger homered, Pujols had three hits and Howie Kendrick contributed two doubles to help

the Angels avert a three-game sweep. Los Angeles Baltimore ab r hbi ab r hbi Troutcf-If 5 0 0 0 McLothlf 5 1 2 0

Shucklf 3 1 1 0 Machd3b 5 1 2 0 Trumo1b 1 1 0 0 Markksrf 4 0 1 1 Pu)olsdh 5 1 3 2 A.Jonescf 4 2 1 2 BHarrspr-dh 0 0 0 0 C.Davis1b 4 1 2 2 H amltnrf 4 1 1 1 Hardyss 4 0 1 0 HKndrc2b 4 0 2 1 Dickrsndh 4 0 1 0 Cagasp3b 5 1 1 0 Flahrty2b 3 0 0 0 H awpe1b 1 1 0 0 Tegrdnc 3 0 0 0 Bourjoscf 1 0 0 0 Wietersph 1 0 0 0 Congerc 4 2 2 1 Aybarss 4 1 2 3 Totals 3 7 9 128 Totals 3 75 105

L os Angeles 0 0 1 1 0 0 601 — 9 B altimore 200 1 0 1 0 1 0 — 5 E—Hamilton (5),Hardy(6), Flaherty(2). DP—Baltimore 2. LDB—LosAngeles6, Baltimore 6.2B—Pujols (14),H.Kendrick 2 (10), Machado(28), C.Davis (21), Dickerson(3). 38—Aybar (1). HR —Pujols (11), Conger(4), A.Jones(14),C.Davis(21). CS—McLouth

8, Tampa Bay7. 28—Joyce (10), K.Johnson(7). HR Nava(9), Longoria(13) SB Egsbury 2 (29), first time since May 2005. Napoli(1),Fuld(3). Boston IP H R E R BB BO Atlanta Ban Diego AcevesW,3-1 6 4 1 1 4 3 ab r hbi ab r hbi TazawaH,10 1 0 0 0 0 2 Smmnsss 5 1 1 0 Evcarrss 2 2 1 0 2-3 1 0 0 0 2 Heywrdrf 5 0 2 0 Denorficf-rf 4 1 1 2 BreslowH,4 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 J.Uptonlf 4 1 2 2 Headly3b 4 1 1 0 UeharaH,11 A.BaileyS,7-9 1 1 0 0 0 2 FFrmnlb 4 0 2 0 Quentinlf 3 1 0 0 TampaBay Gattisc 4 0 0 0 Blanksrf-1b 3 0 0 1 ArcherL,1-2 4 4 2 2 4 7 BUptoncf 3 0 0 0 Forsyth2b 4 0 1 2 Farnsworth 12-3 0 0 0 0 1 Dcrpntp 0 0 0 0Guzmnlb 4 0 2 0 J.Wright 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 Mccnnph 1 0 0 0 Venalecf 0 0 0 0 McGee 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 A .Woodp 0 0 0 0 Grandlc 4 0 1 0 Jo.Peralta 1 1 0 0 0 0 Uggla2b 3 1 1 0 Vofquezp 2 0 0 0 Al. Torres 1 0 0 0 0 1 C Jhnsn3b 3 0 0 0 Thtchrp 0 0 0 0 HBP —byFarnsworth (Napoli). M ahlmp 2 0 1 0 Thayerp 0 0 0 0 T—3.22.A—15,091(34,078). JSchafrcf 2 0 1 1 Grgrsnp 0 0 0 0 Layne p 0 0 0 0 Vincentp 0 0 0 0 Indians 5, Rangers 2

ARLINGTON,Texas— Jason Kipnis hadahomerunamong his three hits and Cleveland got a series-clinching victory over Texas. A night after ending an

eight-game losing streak, and a span of12 straight losses away from home, the Indians earned consecutive victories to clinch their first road series in a month. Cleveland Texas ab r hbi ab r hbi B ourncf 4 1 2 0 Profarss 5 0 3 1 K ipnis2b 5 1 3 1 DvMrpll 5 0 0 0

Natlonals 5, Rockies1 DENVER — Ross Ohlendorf pitched six strong innings in his Washingtondebut,lan Desmond drove in three runs and the Nationals beat Colorado.

Colorado (18), Stubbs(13), Profar (3). HR —Kipnis (9), Aviles Washington ab r hbi ab r hbi (4), LMartin(3). Cleveland IP H R E R BB 80 Spancf 4 0 0 0 Fowlercf 3 0 0 0 Koernslf 2 1 1 0 JHerrr2b 4 1 2 0 U.Jimenez W5-4 5 4 1 1 4 4 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 B erndnph-If 1 0 0 0 CGnzlzlf 4 0 1 1 R.Hill H,4 11-3 2 0 0 0 1 Z mrmn3b 3 2 1 1 Tlwtzkss 4 0 0 0 ShawH,3 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Werthrf 5 0 0 0 Helton1b 4 0 0 0 Hagadone

ab r hbi ab r hbi Altuve2b 5 0 1 2 Enchvzrf 4 1 1 0 J.Smith 1 0 0 0 1 3 Pestano 1 1 1 0 0 1 Jcastrodh 3 1 2 0 Baylf 4000 JMrtnzrf 3 0 1 0 Seager3b 4 0 0 0 Texas Crowepr-If 0 1 0 1 Ibanezdh 4 0 0 0 TepeschL,3-6 5 8 5 5 1 5 Corprnc 4 0 0 0 Frnkln2b 4 0 3 1 Frasor 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kansas City overcameJustin R.Ross 1 1 0 0 0 2 C Pena1b 3 1 0 0 Zuninoc 4 0 1 0 Verlander's sevenscoreless Wof 2 1 0 0 2 1 Carterlf 4 0 1 2 MSndrscf 2 0 0 0 P aredspr-rf 0 1 0 0 Ryanss 4 0 0 0 innings in a victory over Detroit. U.Jimenez pitched to 2baters inthe6th. HBP by Tepe sch(Giambi, Giambi). D mngz3b 3 1 0 0 Liddi1b 4 0 0 0 BBarns cf 4 1 2 1 T—3;08. A—34,248(48,114). Detroit Kansas City MGnzzss 4 0 1 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi T otals 3 3 6 8 6 Totals 3 41 5 1 AGarcicf 5 1 1 0 AGordnlf 4 0 0 0 National League Houston 0 00 000 000 — 6 TrHntrrf 3 0 0 0 Hosmerlb 5 1 2 1 Seattle 0 00 000 010 — 1 Micarr3b 3 0 0 0 S.Perezc 4 0 1 0 E—Ma.Gonzaez (7), Dominguez (8). LDBFielder1b 4 0 2 1 BButlerdh 3 0 1 0 Mets 5, Cardinals1 Houston 7,Seattle 8. 2B—J.castro (18), Carter(5), V Mrtnzdh 4 0 0 0 L.caincf 4 1 1 2 B.Barnes(8), Franklin (5). SB—Altuve (10). CSJ hPerltss 3 0 0 0 Loughrf 4 0 0 0 Ma Gonzalez(2). S Corporan. NEW YORK — Dillon Gee had his Tuiassplf 3 1 1 0 Mostks3b 4 0 1 0 Houston IP H R E R BB SO D.Kegyll 1 0 0 0 EJhnsn 2b 2 0 0 0 third straight stellar start, Lucas Lyles 7 3 0 0 2 10 B.Pena c 4 0 2 1 MTe)ad ph-2b 2 1 2 0 Duda hit one of three Mets homers Ambriz 0 1 1 0 0 0 RSantg 2b 2 0 1 0 AEscorss 3 0 0 0 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 T otals 3 2 2 7 2 Totals 3 53 8 3 Blackley and NewYorkscored the most ClemensW,4-2 1 1 - 3 0 0 0 0 0 Detroit 1 0 0010 000 0 2 runs allowed bySt. Louis rookie Seattle Kansas City 000 000 002 1 3 Bonderman 8 3 0 0 2 5 Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. Shelby Miller in his young career. WilhelmsenL,0-2 BS,41-3 3 5 5 2 0 E—Fielder (3), Mi.cabrera(6) DP—Detroit 2, Medina 13 2 1 1 0 1 Kansas City 2. LDB—Detroit 8, KansasCity 6. 28St. Louis New York Furbush 1-3 0 0 0 2 1 A.Garcia(3), Tuiasosopo(6), B.Pena(4). HR —Lcain ab r hbi ab r hbi Ambrizpitchedto 2 baters inthe8th. (3). SB —Hosmer (5). S—Tor.Hunter, R.Santiago 2, Mcrpnt2b 2 0 0 0 Vldspn2b 4 0 0 0 T—3:01. A—13,823(47,476). A.Escobar. Beltranrf 4 0 1 0 Quntngss 4 0 0 0 Detroit IP H R E R BB BO Hollidylf 4 0 0 0 DWrght3b 4 2 2 1 Verlander 7 3 0 0 2 8 Craig1b 4 1 1 1 DnMrp1b 4 1 1 1 Athletics 5, Yankees2 SmylyH,7 1 2 1 1 0 0 Y Molinc 4 0 3 0 Dudalf 3 12 2 ValverdeBS,3-1 2 2-3 1 1 1 0 1 F reese3b 4 0 0 0 Byrdrf 3111 OAKLAND, Calif.— Brandon CokeL,0-4 1 2 1 1 0 0 J aycf 4 0 1 0 Buckc 3 0 0 0 KansasCity Moss hit a two-run homer and a Kozmass 4 0 0 0 Niwnhscl 3 0 0 0 Shields 7 7 2 2 2 6 S Migerp 2 0 0 0 Geep 20 0 0 solo shot for his third career twoCollins 1-3 0 0 0 2 1 W ggntnph 1 0 0 0 Ricep 00 0 0 homergame,andOaklandbeat Hochevar 12-3 0 0 0 0 2 M anessp 0 0 0 0 Satinph 1 0 0 0 HollandW,2-1 1 0 0 0 0 2 M ujicap 0 0 0 0 Lyonp 00 0 0 New York for its 10th consecutive G Smyly pitched to1 batter inthe 9th. Parnellp 0 0 0 0 home victory. HBP —byShields(Tor.Hunter). T otals 3 3 1 6 1 Totals 3 15 6 5 T—3:20.A—24,564 (37,903). Bt.Louis 0 00 001 000 — 1 New York Oakland New York 200 101 10x — 6 ab r hbi ab r hbi E—Freese (4). LDB —St. Louis 7, Newyork 2. Red Sox 2, Rays1 G ardnrcf 3 1 0 0 Jasoc 4022 28 — YMolina 2 (21), D.Wright(9). HR—Craig (6), Cano2b 4 0 1 0 S.Smithlf 1 0 1 0 DWright(9),Duda(11),Byrd(9) Teixeir1b 3 0 0 1 Lowriess 4 0 1 0 ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.— Alfredo St. Louis IP H R E R BB 80 Hafnerdh 4 0 0 0 Dnldsn3b 4 0 0 0 SMiller L,7-4 6 5 4 4 0 10 Aceves threw six solid innings, VWells f 4 0 0 0 Reddckrf 3 1 1 0 1 1 1 1 0 1 Daniel Nava homered and AL East- Maness y oukils3b 2 1 0 0 Mosslb 4 2 2 3 Mulica 1 0 0 0 0 1 ISuzukirf 4 0 2 0 Cyoungcf 4 0 0 0 l eading Bost on beat Tampa Bay. New York J.Nixss 4 0 1 1 Sogard2b 2 2 1 0 6 2-3 6 1 1 2 7 W,5-6 Aceves (3-1), recalled before the Gee AuRmnc 2 0 0 0 Freimndh 4 0 0 0 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Rice H,6 Dveray ph 0 0 0 0 game from Triple-A Pawtucket, Lyon 1 0 0 0 0 0 CStwrtph-c 1 0 0 0 Parnel l 1 0 0 0 0 0 allowed one run, four hits and four Balk — T otals 3 1 2 4 2 Totals 3 05 8 5 Mujica. N ew York 000 0 0 1 1 0 0 — 2 walks. T 2:33. A 23,331(41,922). Oakland 020 010 02x — 5 E—Sogard (3). DP—New York 1. LDB—New Boston TampaBay York 6,Oakland10. 2B—Jaso(8). HR—Moss2(11). ab r hbi ab r hbi Padres 5, Braves3 SB J.Nix (9),Sogard2(5). SF Teixeira. E gsurycf 3 1 1 0 Joycerf 3 0 1 0 New York IP H R E R BB SO Navarf-If 4 1 1 2 Zobrist2b 4 0 1 0 PHughesL,3-5 4 1 - 3 4 3 3 5 3 P edroia2b 4 0 1 0 KJhnsnlf 4 0 1 0 SAN DIEGO — EdinsonVolquez Kegey 12-3 0 0 0 2 1 D.Ortizdh 3 0 0 0 Longori3b 3 1 1 1 struck out a season-high nine in Logan 1-3 1 0 0 1 1 Napoli 1b 3 0 0 0 Loney 1b 4 0 1 0 Chamberlain 11-3 3 2 2 0 1 C arp lf 4 0 2 0 Fuld pr 0 0 0 0 seven innings, rebounding from Claiborne 1-3 0 0 0 1 1 Victorn pr-rf 0 0 0 0 DJnngscf 3 0 0 0 the worst start of his career to Oakland S ltlmchc 4 0 0 0 Scottdh 4 0 0 0 Straily W,4-2 62 - 3 3 2 2 1 3 help San Diego to athree-game M dlrks3b 3 0 0 0 Loatonc 3 0 0 0 Doo ittle H,11 11 - 3 0 0 0 0 2 Drewss 4 0 0 0 YEscorss 3 0 1 0 sweep of NL East-leading Atlanta. Ballour S,17-17 1 1 0 0 1 1 T otals 3 2 2 5 2 Totals 3 11 6 1 HBP —byStraily (youkilis). WP—Straily. Boston 0 02 000 000 — 2 Chris Denorfia hit a two-run T—3:07. A—25,176(35,067). T ampa Bay 0 0 0 0 0 1 000 — 1 homer for the Padres, who swept E—Lobaton (2). DP—Boston 1. LDB—Boston the Braves in San Diego for the

Angels 9, Orioles 5


T otals 3 6 3 1 0 3 Totals 3 0 5 7 5 Atlanta 0 01 000 011 — 3 San Diego 3 0 0 0 2 0 Ogx— 6

AdLRc1b 3 2 1 0 Arenad3b 2 0 0 0 D smndss 3 0 2 3 Colvinrf 3 0 0 0 R endon2b 4 0 2 1 Torrealc 2 0 0 0 JSolanoc 3 0 1 0 Ottavin p 0 0 0 0 Dhndrfp 3 0 0 0 Volstadp 0 0 0 0 Krolp 0 0 0 0 LeMahiph 1 0 0 0

Tracyph 1 0 C lipprdp 0 0 R Sorinp 0 0 Totals 3 2 5

0 0 0 8

0 0 0 1 1 0

0 0

6 4 0 0

6 0 1 0

5 0 3 1 0 1 0 0

Pirates 12, Giants 8 PITTSBURGH — Starling Marte had a career-high four hits and scored four times, and Pittsburgh beat San Francisco. Neil Walker and Alex Presley homered for Pittsburgh. Jordy Mercer, Andrew

McCutchen andGabySanchez had three hits each as the Pirates set season highs for runs and hits.

0 Corpasp 0 0 0 0 0 JDLRsp 1 0 0 0 0 WRosrc 2 0 0 0 5 Totals 3 01 3 1 W ashington 0 0 0 1 0 3 0 10 — 6 Colorado 0 00 001 000 — 1 E—Dhiendorf (1). DP —Colorado 2. LDBWashington 8, Colorado 4. 28 —Zimmerman (9), Ad.LaRoche(9), Rendon(5), J.Solano (1) 38 C.Gonzalez(6). SB—J.Herrera (1). CS—Kobernus

(1), Desm ond(2). Washington IP


DhlendorfW,1-0 6 Krol H,1 1 Clippard 1 R.Soriano 1

2 0 0 1


1 0 0 0

J.De LaRosaL,7-4 51-3 4 3 12-3 2 1 Dttavino Volstad 1 2 1 Corpas 1 0 0 WP Dttavino. T—3:16.A—30,304 (50,398).

Ban Francisco Pit t sburgh ab r hbi ab r hbi A nTrrslf 4 3 1 0 SMartelf 5 4 4 0 Abreu2b 5 3 3 0 Mercerss 5 2 3 0 Poseyc 5 0 2 2 Mcctchcf 5 2 3 3 Pencerf 4 2 2 1 GSnchz1b 4 0 3 1 A rias3b 5 0 2 3 RMartnc 4 1 1 2 B et1b 4 0 2 0 PAvrz3b 5 1 1 1 J.Perezcl 3 0 2 1 Walker2b 4 1 2 3 S Rosarip 0 0 0 0 Ingerf 300 0 1 0 0 0 JuWlsnp 0 0 0 0 ER BB SO Noonanph Bcrwfrss 4 0 1 0 GJonesph 1 0 0 0 1 2 2 Zitop 2 0 0 0 Wats onp 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 M ilaresp 0 0 0 0 Grigip 000 0 0 0 0 Pigph 1 0 0 0 Lirianop 2 0 0 0 0 0 2 RRmrzp 0 0 0 0 Presleyph-rf 2 1 1 1 J.l.opez p 0 0 0 0 3 3 5 GBlanccf 1 0 0 0 1 3 3 Totals 3 9 8 157 Totals 4 0121811 1 0 0 B an Francisco 100 120 220 — 8 0 2 0 P ittsburgh 103 0 4 2 1 1x — 12

Reds 2, Cubs1 CHICAGO — Mike Leake combined with Aroldis Chapman on a three-hitter and Todd Frazier hit a tiebreaking home run in the

seventh inning against Travis Wood, leading Cincinnati to a record 12th straight victory at

Wrigley Field. Chicago ab r hbi ab r hbi DRonsnll 4 0 1 0 DeJesscl 4 0 0 0 Choocf 3 1 1 0 Valuen3b 3 0 0 0 Votto1b 4 0 0 0 Hairstnph 1 0 0 0 Cincinnati

E—Arias (1), Mercer (3). DP—San Francisco

2, Pittsburgh 2.LDB —San Francisco 8, Pittsburgh

6. 2B — Abreu (2), Pence2 (20), Mccutchen(18), G.Sanchez(10), PAlvarez(4). HR —Walker (5), Presley (1) SB S Marte2(20). SF J Perez San Francisco I P H R ER BB SO ZitoL,4-5 Mijares R.Ramirez J.Lopez

42-3 11 8 8 1 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 4 3 3 1

S.Rosario Pittsburgh

2-3 0 0 0 0 1132 1 1 0

LirianoW,5-2 6 8 4 Ju.Wilson 1 4 2 Watson 1 3 2 Grigi 1 0 0 RRamirezpitchedto1batter in the7th. PB — R.Martin. T 3:16. A 19,966(38,362).

4 2 2 0

3 0 0 0

4 0 0

0 2 2 0 0 1


P higips2b 3 0 1 1 Rizzo1b 4 0 0 Brucerf 4 0 0 0 Sweenylf 3 0 1 Frazier3b 3 1 1 1 ASorinph 1 0 0 M esorcc 4 0 1 0 Schrhltrf 3 1 1

0 Twins 4, Phillies 3 0 0 1 MINNEAPOLIS — Clete Thomas Clztursss 4 0 1 0 Scastross 3 0 0 0 had a career-high four hits for Leakep 3 0 0 0 Castigoc 3 0 0 0 Chpmnp 0 0 0 0 Barney2b 3 0 1 0 Minnesota andcame home ona TrWoodp 1 0 0 0 wild pitch for the go-ahead run in Russell p 0 0 0 0 the eighth inning, giving the Twins Borbon ph 1 0 0 0 Greggp 0 0 0 0 a victory over Philadelphia to stick Totals 3 2 2 6 2 Totals 3 01 3 1 C incinnati 000 0 0 1 1 00 — 2 the Phillies with their fifth straight Chicago 0 10 000 000 — 1 loss. DP Chicago1. LDB Cincinnati 6, Chicago3 28 — D.Robinson (3), Choo(17). HR —Frazier (8), Philadelphia Minnesota Schierholtz(8). SB—Choo(6). ab r hbi ab r hbi Cincinnati IP H R E R BB SO Myong3b 4 1 1 0 Carro03b 4 0 1 0 LeakeW,6-3 8 3 1 1 1 6 Reverecf 4 1 3 1 Parme ph-rf 1 0 0 0 ChapmanS,17-19 1 0 0 0 0 2 R oginsss 4 1 2 0 Mauerc 2 0 1 0 Chicago Howard1b 3 0 0 0 Doumitrf 4 0 0 0 Tr.WoodL,5-5 7 4 2 2 2 4 DBrwnlf 3 0 0 1 Dozier2b 0 0 0 0 Russel 1 1 0 0 1 1 Dyongdh 4 0 1 1 Wlnghdh 4 0 1 0 Gregg 1 1 0 0 0 1 Mayrryrf 4 0 0 0 Momealb 3 0 0 0 T—2:28.A—24,749(41,019). G alvis2b 4 0 0 0 Arcialf 433 0 Lerudc 3 0 0 0 Thomscf 4 1 4 2 EEscor2b-3b 3 0 2 0 Brewers10, Marlins1 Flormn ss 4 0 0 1 Totals 3 3 3 7 3 Totals 3 34 123 MIAMI — Carlos Gomez had P hiladelphia 2 0 0 0 1 0 000 — 3 Minnesota 000 1 0 1 0 2x - 4 four hits, including two triples, DP Philadelphia 2. LDB Philadelphia 5, Min-

and Jonathan Lucroy drove in four runs to lead Milwaukeeover

Miami. Gomez also drove in three runs and scored three times. Jean

Segura homered for the Brewers, who have won five of six. Milwaukee Miami ab r hbi

ab r hbi A okirf 4 2 2 1 Pierrelf 4 0 1 0 Segurass 4 2 1 1 Lucas3b 4 0 2 0 YBtncrss 0 0 0 0 Stantonrf 4 0 1 1 CGomzcf 5 3 4 3Dzunacf 4 0 0 0 ArRmr3b 3 1 1 0 Dietrch2b 3 0 0 0 Bianchi3b 1 0 0 0 Dobbs1b 3 0 0 0 Lucroyc 3 0 1 4 Hchvrrss 3 0 0 0 L Schfrlf 4 0 0 0 Brantlyc 3 0 0 0

E—Uggla(10), Guzman (3). DP—Atlanta1, San Diego 2.LDB—Atlanta9, SanDiego6.28—Heyward (7). HR —J.Upton(15), Denorfia (4). SB—Ev.cabrera JFrncs1b 4 0 0 0 Sloweyp 1 0 0 0 (30). — S Volquez. Atlanta IP H R E R BB BO G ennett2b 4 1 1 0 Dlmosp 0 0 0 0 MaholmL,7-5 52 - 3 7 5 4 3 4 F igarop 3 1 2 0 Dlivoph 1 0 0 0 D.carpenter 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 Weeksph 0 0 0 0 DJnngsp 0 0 0 0 AWood 1 0 0 0 0 1 Grzlnyp 0 0 0 0 ARamsp 0 0 0 0 Badnhpp 0 0 0 0 Rugginph 1 1 1 0 San Diego VolquezW,5-5 7 6 1 1 3 9 Totals 3 5 10129 Totals 3 1 1 5 1 1-3 1 1 1 0 1 Thatcher 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 ThayerH,13 GregersonH,11 2- 3 2 1 1 0 0 Layne 0 1 0 0 0 0 VincentS,l-l 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Laynepitchedto 1baterin the9th. HBP by Maholm (Quentin). WP Thayer. PB Grandal.

Gorzelanny Badenhop Miami SloweyL,2-6 5 9 Dlmos 1 3 Da.Jennings 2 0 A.Ramos 1 0 HBP —bySlowey(Ar.Ramirez). T 2:31. A 13,468(37,442).

nesota 9.28—M.young (8), Wilingham(12), Arcia (7), Thomas 2 (2). S—F.escobar.SF—D.Brown Philadelphia

IP H 5 6 1 3 2-3 0 0 BastardoL,2-2BS,3-4 1-3 3 2 De Fratus 1 0

Cloyd SaveryH,1 StutesH,1

R ER BB BO 1 1 3 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0

Minnesota Pefrey 7 5 3 1-3 2 0 Fien DuensinoW,2-1 2- 3 0 0 PerkinsS,15-17 1 0 0 Saverypitchedto 1baterin the7th. Bastardo pitchedto3 baters inthe8th. WP—DeFratus. T—2:55. A—28,910(39,021).

3 1 0 0

7 1

0 0 0 0

1 0

Leaders Through Wednesday' sEarlyGames

AMERICANLEAGUE BATTING —Micabrera, Detroit, .358; CDavis, Baltimore, .338;Mauer, Minnesota, .332,JhPeralta, Detroit, .329;Pedroia,Boston,.327; HKendrick, Los Angeles,.324Loney,TampaBay,.321. Milwaukee 301 1 1 4 0 0 0 — 10 STOLEN BASES — Elfsbury, Boston, 29; Miami 0 00 000 001 — 1 McLouth,Baltimore,22;Andrus, Texas,16; Kipnis, E—Lucas(1), Dietrich (2). DP—Milwaukee1,MiCleveland,14;Trout,LosAngeles,14; Crisp,Oakland, ami 1. LDB —Milwaukee3, Miami 3. 3B—C.Gomez 13; AIRamirez, Chicago,13. 2(8), Lucroy(4). HR —Segura(10). CS—Ar.Ramirez PITCHING —Scherzer, Detroit, 9-0; Buchholz, (1). SF —Aoki, Lucroy. Boston ,9-0;MMoore,Tampa Bay,8 2;Colon,DakMilwaukee IP H R ER BB BO land, 8-2;Verlander,Detroit, 8-4; Masterson,CleveFigaroW,1-0 7 3 0 0 0 4 land, 8-5; 5 tied at7.



Amateurs Continued from C1 "I'm very happy," said McMullen, a member of the University of Idaho men's golf team. "The wind today. ... A lot of those holes were completely different today (compared w it h T u esday

morning). "Hopefully I can go out and keep these red numbers coming. I like it." T hrough th e f i r s t t w o rounds the top contenders have been the players best able to s u r vive Juniper's windy afternoons. That includes Bill Winter. Winter, a 48-year-old amateur from Beaverton and a former University of Portland men's golf coach, might not want to leave Central Oregon anytime soon. He shot a 3-under-par 69 Wednesday to move to 5 under for the tournament. That p u t h im sq u a r ely in contention less than a month after he won the Pacific Northwest Men's Master-40 Amateur Championship at B r asada Canyons Golf Club, about 20 minutes away from Juniper in Powell Butte. "I like coming up here, for sure," Winter said in the moments after his round. Perhaps most impressive for Winter is that he h as managed to stay in contention despite teeing off in the first round with the afternoon wave of golfers, who were faced with that bothersome breeze. No o t her golfer who teed off Tuesday afternoon and Wednesday m orning for the f i rst t w o rounds — a group that represents half the 184-player field — is within five shots of McMullen. "The wind was tough yesterday (Tuesday)," Winter said. "So that 70 yesterday, I was REAL h a ppy w i t h that." For much of t h e a f ternoon, 21-year-old Bend amateur Jesse Heinly looked to be in the mix. But after m aking the turn at 1 u n der for the round, Heinly

struggled on Juniper's front nine. "I just kind of lost it a little bit," said Heinly, adding that he struggled with the wind and a bloodied right shin from a s e l f-inflicted wound from his own iron in a moment of frustration on the front nine. Heinly played his f i n al nine holes at 4 over to drop h im to even pa r f o r t h e tournament. Two Oregon pros — Rob Gibbons of Arrowhead Golf Club in Molalla and Scott Erdmann of Oswego Lake Country Club — are tied for fifth place at 2 under and are the tournament's low pros so far. "We always like to beat the amateurs, but I want to beat everybody," Gibbons sa>d. O ne amateur wh o w i l l n ot be intimidated by hi s professional competitors is Winter. A veteran of Northwest professional events, Winter said he w i l l t r e at today as if it were any other amateur tournament. "I've been doing this close to 10 years, but I r emember when I first came out it was intimidating," Winter said. "As I have played with them more, I have achieved a comfort level and have the confidence that I can play with them." Nor is McMullen daunted by the pros. And to play in an all-amateur final pairing? "That is pretty cool," said McMullen, who added that a victory here today would b e the biggest win of h i s young career. "Maybe it will make things a little more relaxing. "It's exciting just to be in a position to win a tournament like this." The top professional at the Oregon Open will win $6,500,even if an amateur wins the tournament. The leadersare scheduled to tee off today at 11:30 a.m. Spectators are welcome, and admission is free. — Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall@bendbutletin.com.

The Bend Elks' Seth Spivey steals second base as Cowlitz second baseman Corey Van Domlin waits for the throw during the first inning of the Elks' home

opener on Wednesday evening at Vince Genna Stadium. Ryan Brennecke/ The Bulletin

Elks Continued from C1 The Black Bears, who were tied with Bend atop the WCL South Division standings entering the game, took a 1-0 lead in the top of the second inning on an RBI single by shortstop Taylor Bryant. Elks starter Taylor Elman went five innings, giving up one run on five hits. "That's not the start Taylor wanted, giving up the early run, but he battled for us and gave us five good innings," Bend catcher Tyler Servais said. The Elks tied the game 1-1 in the bot-

tom of the ninth when first baseman Derek Dixon tripled home Servais. Neither team scored in the 10th inning, but the Black Bears manufactured three runs on four hits and one error in the 11th to take a 4-1 advantage. Turner Gill put Bend within two runs, 4-2 in the bottom of the 11th with a two-out RBI single that scored Curtis Wildung, but Grant Newton grounded out to second base to end the game. "They put the ball in play and hit it where we weren't," Dominiak said about Cowlitz's four hits in the 11th inning, none of which were hard-hit balls. "We hit some balls hard early, but they were right

at people.... We're going to be OK. We've got a very, very talented team." Black Bear r eliever Brian M c Afee picked up the win after entering the game in the ninth inning. Ring took the loss, allowing three runs over 1 ra innings of work. Dixon led Bend's offense, going 2-for-5 with a triple and an RBI. No other Elk collected more than one hit. The two teams continue their threegame series at Genna Stadium today at 6:35 p.m. — Reporter: 541-383-0305, beastes@bendbulletin.com.


Bend's Rosie Cook tees off on No.11 while competing in the final round of the Bend Ladies Invitational at Bend Golf and Country Club on Wednesday afternoon. Cook finished ln sscond place.

Continued from C1 Norman is no stranger to highlevel amateur golf. She played in the 2012 USGA Senior Women's Amateur Championship at Hershey Country Club in Pennsylvania. At that event, she advanced into match play, where she lost her first-round match. Bend's Amy A nderson, who won the Bend Ladies in 2011, finished in third place Wednesday at 21 over. In its 48th year, the Bend Ladies Invitational is Central Oregon's oldest golf tournament for women and attracts some of the top amateur golfers from around the state.

Andy Tulha/ The Bulletin

Beavers Continued from C1 Behind stout pitching and a CWS veterancoach in Pat Casey, Oregon State will vie for its third national championship, and it begins with a Saturday matchup against Mississippi State (first pitch set for noon PDT).

How OSU got there Oregon State opened up the 2013 campaign with 15 straight wins and later ran off 12 in a row en route to a regular-season record of 45-10. The Beavers locked down the No . 3 n a t ional seed to host the four-team Corvallis Regional, where they swept their way to the championship. Last week, against one of themostpotenthittingteams in the nation, Oregon State clawed back after dropping the first game of the Corvallis Super Regional against Kansas State, bashing its way to a 12-4 win in Game 2 before squeaking out a 4-3 victory in the rubber game.

Staff of aces The Beavers head into the program's fifth CWS with one of the most impressive pitching staffs in the nation. Their 2.27 earned-run average ranks second in Division I and is the lowest in the eight-team CWS field. Led by f r eshman righthander and A l l -American Andrew Moore, as well as left-handers Ben W e t zler and Matt Boyd (who were s elected in t h e f i f t h a n d sixth rounds, respectively, in last week's Major League Baseball d r a f t) , O r e g on State hurlers have limited opponents this season to a paltry.213 batting average. Moore (NCAA top-10 1.36 ERA) leads the nation with 14 wins, which also ties the 20-year-old school r ecord for single-season victories; both he and Wetzler have won their past nine straight d ecisions. Combined, t h e M oore-Wetzler-Boyd tr i o boasts a r e cord o f 3 3 - 5, making the Beavers' starting rotation arguably the best in the nation.

Break out the bats P itching a t t racts m o s t of the attention at Oregon

State, and for good reason. As Casey said after the Corvallis Super Regional, games are won with strong pitching and solid defense. He added: "The offense just determines how much you win it by." And the OSU offense has provided some

pop. Five Beavers are hitting .300 or better heading into the CWS, ledby Dylan Da-

vis (.343), who also ranks in the top 2 0 n a tionwide with 22 doubles. Another of Oregon State's big sticks is Conforto, the Pac-12 Conference player of the year and a .320 hitter with 11 home runs — two of which came against Kansas State. Compared with the CWS field, Oregon State ranks

second in slugging percentage this postseason (.425) as well as in postseason hits

(67) and home runs (five). The Beavers have scored t hree or more runs in 5 2 games this season, winning 47 of those games, and are 37-5 when scoring first. Finally, in OSU's 61 games this season, th e B eavers have outhit opponents 44 times. Their record in those contests: 40-4.

History at CWS In 2005, Oregon State began a three-year run of

playing in Omaha, winning back-to-back titles in 200607. At the forefront of it all was Casey, who has guided the Beavers to an 11-4 record at the CWS, including a string of 11 wins in Oregon State's last 12 games in Omaha. The Beavers' trip this year is reminiscent of 2007. That season, after winning it all, OSU finished with 49 wins — one shortofthe school record. In 2013, Oregon State w ill take the f ield at T D A meritrade Park w it h 5 0 victories already in hand. In 2007, Beaver pitchers posted a 2.57 ERA during the postseason (including

regional and Super Regional


"Everyone is saying that it's of trouble out there. But this Graham winning at 7-under in 1981, the last time this major going to be 62s and 63s on this is one where you can get on Continued from C1 championship was here. golf course, which I kind of a run. You can make some "Sure, we want it firm and "Where did David Graham disagree with at the minute," 3s. That's not a number that's fast," USGA v ice p resident shoot 7-under? From there?" McDowell said. "I think 10 or r eally familiar i n t h e U . S. Thomas O'Toole said Wednes- N ick Watney asked as h e 11 of these golf holes are as Open. But as I say, you start day. "We happen to play a pointed the end of his driver tough as any U.S. Open I've missing shots, the rough is as sport that's played outdoors. to a spot some 30 yards from seen." bad as I've ever seen it." We received significant rain where he was standing. "BeThe lowest score in maover the last week, and some c ause he didn't do i t f r o m jor championship history is tell us that we'll have even here." 63, and it has happened only more significant rain tomorWatney was standing in the four times in the U.S. Openrow. So it's not a perfect world. middle of the putting green. Johnny Miller at Oakmont in It's not a perfect game. But we He took three steps to his right 1973 on a soggy course, Jack take what we're dealt with." and was standing on the 14th Nicklaus and Tom Weiskopf Whether a golf course is big tee. As an example of longer on the same day at Baltusrol in or small, soft greens typically holes being made more diffi1980 during a wet week, and are a recipe for low scores. cult, a new tee on the 464-yard Vijay Singh on a rain-softened Then again, Merion is not a hole is where members prac- course at Olympia Fields in typical golf course. tice putting. 2003. "You've got more birdie opIt measures 6,996 yards on The biggest fear with rain the scorecard — the shortest on the horizon is what will portunities than ever," Ernie of any major championship in happen the rest of the week. Els said. "I'm playing my 21st P nine years — and has a stretch The forecastis reasonable af- U.S. Open, so I've seen a lot of seven holes in the middle ter today, but in soft conditions, that are short even by yes- balls start to pick up clumps of terday's standards. Compare mud as the sun starts to dry those holes with the scorecard the course.And while players from when Ben Hogan won often are allowed to lift, clean the 1950 U.S. Open at Merion, and place their golf balls in the and four of those holes were fairway in muddy conditions actually longer by a few yards on the PGA Tour, they don't do in Hogan's day. that at the U.S. Open. Players typically reach for Remember, the USGA fathe wedge to chip out of the mously referred to the local rough around the greens at rule as "lift, clean and cheat." "We wouldn't be adopting the U.S. Open. At Merion, they could be hitting wedge into the that rule this week," O'Toole green fortheir second shot on said. at least six holes. That's what I t al l b e g ins w i t h C l i f f has caused all t h e c l amor Kresge hitting the opening about low scores. shot of the 113th U.S. Open at And with the rain, it's remi- 6:45 a.m. local time todayniscent of how Congressional weather permitting, of course. was vulnerable two years ago, Woods, Mcllroy and Maswhen Rory McIlroy shattered ters champion Adam Scott Rl6.988 U.S. Open scoring records at play this afternoon in the pow16-under 268. er grouping of Nos. I, 2 and 3 "I've been reading about in the world. Sergio Garcia how many scoring records are plays on the opposite side of going to be broken," Nick Wat- the draw, teeing off this mornney said. "I've been around ing. So does Phil Mickelson, here once. And I think that's who left Philadelphia on Moninsane. It's funny to me. People day when the weather was look at the yardage and think bad to practice in San Diego. play smart it's going to be easy. Even if He planned on being home, it's soft, the greens are sloped. anyway, so he could watch his The rough is thick. OK, we'll oldest daughter graduate from have wedges into some of the the eighth grade. Mickelson greens, but that doesn't mean was scheduled to arrive about you make birdie on all those 4:15 a.m. Iocal time today, just holes. There's enough tough t hree hours before his t ee holes to counteract that." time. Even so, the winning score Stricker called Merion the has gone down in each of the "longestshort course I've ever four previous U.S. Opens at played." Graeme McDowell is Merion, from Olin Dutra at another guy who isn't buying D-over par in 1934 to David into the fear over low scoring.

o re. a .- ]e

F iR O

R D LF •

play), with opponents hitting just .210 over 112 innings. This year, the OSU pitching staff owns a 2.74 ERA in the postseason while h o lding opponents to a .238 batting

average. — Reporter: 541-383-0307; glucas@bendbulletin.com.


C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com/business. Alsosee3recapin Sunday's Businesssection.



S&P 500

NASDAO 3,400.43

499523+- 126.79



Thursday, June 13, 2013

10 YR T NOTE ~ 2 .23% ~+


S&P 500 Change: -13.61 (-0.8%)

1 ,560 '

10 D A Y S


1 4,840 '

10 D A Y S



15,200 .

represent the first monthly increase since February. A separate industry measure recently showed that major retailers such as Costco Wholesale and Stein Mart had modest sales gains last month.





Retail sales


Seasonally adjusted month-to-month percent change


est. 0.3







-0.3 -0.3

Vol. (In mil.) 3,146 1,568 Pvs. Volume 3,320 1,555 Advanced 5 84 7 4 6 Declined 2523 1730 New Highs 41 95 New Lows 412 36


M ' "'.J.


DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000



15,120 .


1 360 ' D ' ''



+14 80


Clos e : 14,995.23 Change: -126.79 (-0.8%)


12 800 . .0.






" j' ' " '


HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. 15241.28 14981.21 14995.23 -126.79 6326.72 6212.47 6223.16 -43.35 485.93 477.25 478.04 -4.11 9328.14 9180.55 9189.44 -66.04 3459.18 3395.91 3400.43 -36.52 1637.71 1610.92 1612.52 -13.61 1174.81 1153.78 1155.90 -11.39 17267.12 16983.98 17003.61 -144.43 971.41 972.31 -9.14 987.96


%CHG. WK MO OTR YTD -0.84% L +14.43% -0.69% T e1 7.27% -0.85% T T +5 . 51% -0.71% L +8 .83% -1.06% L +12.62% -0.84% L +1 3.06% -0.98% L +1 3.28% -0.84% +13.39% -0.93% L +1 4.48%


HPQ C ooper Tire & Rubber CTB Close: $24.91 %0.67 or 2.8% Close: $34.66%10.10 or 41.1% The computer and printer maker'3 India'3 Apollo Tyres said it is buying stock rose after CEO Meg Whitman the Ohio-based tire maker for about reiterated on CNBC that revenue $2.22 billion to boost its presence in North America. could grow next fiscal year. $30 $35

ALK 32.69 ~ AVA 22 78 ~ BAC 6. 9 0 ~ BBSI 19 30 — BA 69 . 03 ~ CACB 4.23 ~


Import price index Month-to-month percent change

' '13


, '0.5

est. -0 2 -0.5 Flat


Dividend Footnotes: 2 - Extra dividends werepaid, ttut are not included. tt - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. 6 - Amount declared or paid in last12 months. f - Current annual rate, which was mcreaseu bymost recent dividend announcement. i - Sum ct dividends paid after stock split, nc regular rate. I - Sum of dividends paid this year. Most recent dwuend was omitted cr deferred k - Declared cr pad th>$year, a cumulative issue with dividends m arrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate nct known, y>eld nct shown. 7 - Declared cr paid in precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, apprctcmate cash value cn ex-distrittuticn date. PE Footnotes: q - Stock is a clcsed-2nd fund - no 8/6 ratio shown. cc - 8/6 exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months





Source: Facteet

161.75 -1.35 13.06 -.06 39.11 -.27 28.43 + . 01 21.20 +1.18 3.24 -.10 -.21 19.44 10.95 + . 03 96.76 —.97 7.35

S&P500ETF 1578602 BkofAm 1155893 iShEMkts 992850 Pfizer 848371 BariPVix rs 838142 SiriusXM 735488 SPDR Fncl 629002 iShJapn 586394 iShR2K 510812 SpritttNex 418353

Gainers NAME

Ceres CooperTire SGDCD ContMatls USMD n

MagyarBc Stemlitte tt


UltaSalon RoyaleEn

LAST 3.90 34.66 3.02 18.95 17.00 5.84 18.67 16.17 96.64 2.87

CHG %CHG +1.70 + 7 7 .3 +10.10 + 4 1.1 +.72 + 3 1 .3 +3.45 + 2 2 .3 +3.00 + 2 1 .4 +.90 + 1 8.2 +2.68 + 1 6.8 +2.33 + 1 6 .8 e12.51 + 1 4 .9 +.35 + 1 3.9

Losers NAME iPSEEafe

PacBkrM g KtmdiTech ItttriCon

Cosi rs

LAST 50.00 2.49 6.62 3.38 2.08

CHG %CHG -30.00 -37.5 —.56 -18.4 -1.13 -14.6 -.49 -12.7 -.28 -11.9

Foreign Markets NAME Paris

LAST 3,793.70 London 6,299.45 Frankfurt 8,143.27 Hong Kong 21,354.66 Mexico 39,480.35 Milan 16,024.03 Tokyo 13,289.32 Stockholm 1,177.26 Sydney 4,716.10 Zurich 7,656.83

CHG %CHG -16.86 -.44 -40.63 —.64 -79.19 —.96 -260.43 -1.21 -409.89 -1.03 -262.57 -1.61 -28.30 —.21 -7.36 -.62 -32.80 -.69 —.21 -16.18



A M 52-week range


The stock of Cooper Tire & Rubber shot up 41 percent Wednesday, following news that it would be acquired by India's Apollo Tyres for about $2.22 billion. The deal will boost Apollo's presence in North America and in other key markets around the world. Apollo says that the combined company will be one of the world's largest tire makers, with a strong presence across four continents and combined 2012 sales of $6.6 billion.



Their tire brands include Apollo, Cooper, Roadmaster and Vredestein. Under the terms of the deal, Cooper shareholders will receive $35 per share in cash. The price represents a 42 percent premium over Cooper's Tuesday closing stock price. The sale remains subject to Cooper shareholder and regulatory approvals and is expected to close later this year. When that happens, Cooper will cease trading on the New York Stock Exchange.


A M 52-week range



Ann. dividend: $0.42 Div. yield: 1.2%

SAM Close: $165.06 %8.57 or 5.5%

LDK Solar


Close: $1.37 V-0.09 or -6.2%

A Goldman Sachs analystboosted

Shares of the Chinese solar compa-

the brewer's stock rating and price target, thanks to the success of its Angry Orchard cider. $180

ny continued to fall a day after saying that its first-quarter loss increased slightly. $2.5 2.0




A M 52-week range

$97.66~ Vold146.7k (1.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $1.46 b




A M 52-week range

$172.05 $0.71 ~ PE : 38.0 Vol 3 2.1m (1.0x avg.) Yield: ... Mkt. Cap: $217.59 m


AGYS Close: $13.95 %1.17 or 9.2% Lower expenses helped the company, which provides software to the lodging sector, return to profitability in its fourth quarter. $14 12



First Solar FSLR Close: $46.66 V-5.63 or -10.8% The solar company said that it plans to sell 8.5 million shares of stock and use the proceeds for general corporate purposes. $60 40



A M 52-week range

$7.21 ~

J $14.24


A M 52-week range

$13.25 ~

J $59.00

PE: .. V old13.9m (1.9x avg.) Yiel d : .. Mkt. Cap:$4.1 b

Vold255.9k(4.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $308.81 m

PE: 9 . 9 Yield:...

Ulta Salon

ULTA T ake-Two Interactive T T WO Close: $96.64 X12.51 or 14.9% Close: $1 5.37%-1.44 or -8.6% The beauty retailer'3 fiscal first-quar- The New York-based publisher of ter profit increased 20 percent as "Grand Theft Auto," "BioShock Infinite" and other video games anmore shoppers visited the company'sstores and website. nounced plans for a debt offering. $100 $17 1690 80



A M 52-week range

$72.51 ~ Vol3 7.5m (5.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $6.15 b



A M 52-week range

$7.37 ~ $103.52 PE: 3 6 .1 V ol 3 7.2m (4.0x avg.) Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$1.41 b

J $17.54

PE: .. . Yield:... AP

SOURCE: Sungard

The yield on the 1D-year Treasury note rose to 2.23 percent Wednesday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.

NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6 -month T-bill 52-wk T-bill



.09 .1 4 .17

2-year T-note . 33 .32 +0 . 01 L L 5-year T-note 1 .14 1 .11 + 0.03 L L 10-year T-ttote 2.23 2 .19 + 0 .04 L L 30-year T-bond 3.37 3.32 +0.05 L L


.29 .74 1.66 2.77


. 05 . 08 .12

.04 .07 .12

+0 .0 1 L +0 .0 1 L ... ~



Prices for crude oil and natural gas rose for the first time in three days. Gold, silver and other metals also rose. Prices for corn and wheat fell.


L -


Pri c e-earnings ratio

PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA x 22.21 26 +98 +19.6 +13.7 + 70 A A A B ondA m 12 . 6 2 04 -1.6 +1.4 +4.6 + 40 D D E CaplncBuA m 55.48 27 +6.1 +15.2 +11.6 + 37 8 A C CpWldGrlA m 40.28 29 +87 +25.4 +12.6 + 26 8 C C EurPacGrA m 42.75 39 e37 +21.6 +8.9 + 1.0 D D A F ttlnyA x 45.8 0 54 e12.9 +26.6 +15.1 + 44 8 C D Wells Fargo CmuStkluv STCSX GrthAmA m 38.45 37 e11.9 +26.1 +14.2 + 42 A C D IttcAmerA m 19.30 09 +78 +17.5 +13.2 + 6.4 8 A A VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH IttvCoAmA m 34.03 24 +13.3 +23.9 +14.2 + 52 C D C NewPerspA m 34.13 31 +9.2 +25.1 +13.6 + 47 8 8 8 cC o 03 WAMutlnvA m 35.69 27 +14.9 +24.6 e17.1 + 63 D A 8 $o $L Dodge & Cox Income 13.71 -.02 - 0.3 +3.9 +5.4 +6.8 8 8 8 IntlStk 3 7.02 -.10 +6.9 +30.1 +10.3 +1.1 A 8 A Stock 1 41.89 -.64 e16.9 +35.1 e16.4 e5.2 A A C $L cC 03 Fidelity Contra 8 5.65 -.75 +11.4 +18.9 +15.1 +5.7 C 8 8 C3 G rowCo 10 5 .20 -1.17 +12.8 +21.6 +17.4 +7.3 8 A A L owPriStk d 45.47 -.26 +15.1 +31.4 +17.2 +8.7 8 A A Fidelity Spartan 500 l dxAdvtg 57.36 -.47 +14.2 +24.5 +16.3 +6.1 C A 8 «C 03 FrankTemp-Fraukliu Income C m 2.32 -.01 +5.4 +16.1 +11.2 +5.5 A A 8 I ncomeA m 2 . 3 0 - .01 +5.7 +16.3 +11.9 +6.1 A A 8 «C FrankTemp-Tem letou GIBottdAdv 1 3.04 +.04 - 0.7 +11.8 +7.0 +9.7 A A A $o R isDIVA m 1 9 .37 - .16 +11.6 +21.4 +14.3 +4.8 E C C Mornihgstar OwnershipZone™ Oppeuheimer R isDIVB m 1 7 .52 - .15 +11.2 +20.3 +13.3 +3.8 E D D e Fund target represents weighted O R isDIVC m 1 7 .44 - .14 +11.3 +20.5 +13.5 +4.0 E D D average of stock holdings SmMidvalA m37.94 -.33 +17.1 +32.0 +12.7 +2.3 8 E E • Represents 75% of futtd's stock holdings S mMidValB m 31.91 -.28 +16.6 +30.9 +11.8 +1.5 8 E E CATEGORY Mid-Cap Growth PIMCO TotRetA m 1 0 .93 -.04 - 1.8 +2.9 +5.2 +7.3 8 C A MORNINGSTAR T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 30.1 1 - .23 +14.3 +27.9 +15.2 +6.3 C C 8 R ATING™ *** * y t G rowStk 41. 6 9 - .47 +10.3 +18.1 +15.6 +6.3 D 8 8 H ealthSci 49. 5 6 - .61 +20.2 +35.4 +27.1+16.1 8 A A ASSETS $892 million Newlncome 9 .57 -.03 - 1.7 +1.9 +4.5 +6.1 C D C EXP RATIO 1.30% Vanguard 149.27 -1.22 e14.2 +24.5 +16.3 +6.1 C A 8 500Adml MANAGER Thomas Wooden 500lnv 149.23 -1.23 e14.1 +24.4 +16.2 +6.0 C A 8 SINCE 2012-06-08 CapDp 40.46 -.42 +20.3 +38.5 +15.8 +6.8 A 8 A RETURNS 3-MD +1.1 Eqlnc 27.61 -.20 +15.0 +25.4 +18.7 +8.1 D A A YTD +10.0 StratgcEq 25.05 -.22 +16.8 +32.9 +18.5 +6.5 A A C 1-YR +27.2 Tgtet2025 14.50 -.08 +6.7 +16.7 e11.3 e4.9 8 8 8 3-YR ANNL +14.3 TotBdAdml 10.79 -.03 -1.5 +0.4 +4.2 +5.6 E D D 5-YR-ANNL +8.4 Totlntl 15.16 -.06 +1.4 +20.6 +8.2 -1.0 D D C TotStlAdm 40.53 -.34 +14.2 +25.3 +16.5 +6.5 8 A A TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT TotStldx 40.51 -.34 e14.2 +25.2 +16.3 +6.4 C A A Capella Education Company 1.72 USGro 23.61 -.21 e11.1 +20.8 +15.4 +5.8 8 8 8 Arch Capital Group Ltd 1.53 Welltn 36.81 -.23 e9.4 +18.5 +12.7 +6.9 A A A D N Semiconductor Corporation 1.5 3 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1$paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, cr redemption Republic Services Ittc Class A 1.49 fea f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales cr Universal Health Services, Ioc. Class 81.44 redemption fea Source: Mcrn1ngsta7. FAMILY



Barclays Long T-Bdldx 3.10 3.06 +0.04 Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.51 4.48 +0.03 $15 ~ ~ ~ ~ 35 (trailing 12 months): 9 Barclays USAggregate 2.16 2.16 . . . PRIME FED Barclay s US High Yield 6.30 6.06 +0.24 5-YR*: 35% 1 - Y R: 121% 3 - Y R *: 24% Market value: $2.2 billion RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.24 4.24 ... *annualized total returns through June 12 Source: FactSet YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.36 1.35 +0.01 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays USCorp 3 .07 3.05 +0.02 1 YR AGO 3.25 .13 SelectedMutualFunds

Cooper Tire & Rubber (CTB) Wednesday's close: $34.66 AP


V ol3 21.8m (1.0x avg.) PE: . . . Vol 3 39.0m (26.0x avg.) PE : 8.7 Mkt. Cap:$48.04 b Yie l d : 2.3% Mkt. Cap:$2.2 b Yiel d : 1 . 2%


This fund's managers are moderate, valuation-conscious growthMarketSummary investors who seek out cash Most Active generating companies with sound NAME VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG leadership, says Morningstar. A. Veiga, J. Sohn • AP



Buyout: Cooper Tire & Rubber::.;"„::",

T otal return YTD: 38%



Boston Beer

68.00 56.40 + 13 +0 2 T T T +3 0 . 9 + 6 2.8 5 8 3 1 3 29 26 26.50 35 - 1.3 T T T +9.9 +7.4 225 19 1. 2 2 13.99 13.06 -.06 -0.5 T T L +1 2 . 5 + 8 0.811558930 0 . 0 4 0 6282 61.49 +.61 +1.0 + 61.4 +212.7 79 35 0.5 2 1 02.95 100.88 -.87 -0.9 T L L +33. 9 +47 .8 2 9 16 1 9 1. 9 4 CascadeBancorp 7.18 5.82 + 13 +2 3 L L T -7 0 +26 7 3 39 Casey's General Stores has Columbia Bukg CDLB 16.18 $$ - 22.4 1 2 1. 6 7 22 - 1.0 T T T +20 . 8 + 2 6. 5 2 4 0 1 7 0 . 4 0 embarked on a plan to convert its Columbia Sporlswear C OLM 47.72 ~ 62.99 60 . 6 8 30 -0.5 T L L +13.7 +2 5 .6 66 20 0.88 stores to operate 24 hours a day. Costco Wholesale COST 87.25 ~ 115.7 7 1 0 9.40 -.62 -0 6 T T L +10 8 +34 4 1 3 07 2 4 1 2 4f The overhaul has helped drive Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5 .62 ~ 8.92 7.47 +.01 e0.1 T T L +15.3 e2.5 8 revenue higher in recent quarters, FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 ~ 2 7.16 23.7 1 -.38 -1 6 T T T +6 2 +18 3 8 53 16 0 36 f but it has also weighed on the Hewlett Packard HPQ 11,35 — 0 25,47 24.91 +.67 +2.8 L L L + 74.8 +15 .7 21693 dd 0 .58f convenience store operator's Home Federal Bucp IDHOME 9.08 ~ 1 4.0 0 11.77 -.12 -1.0 T T T - 5.3 +34.5 9 cc 0 2 . 43 earnings. The chain has also Intel Corp I NTC 19.23 ~ 27.75 24 . 4 6 -.25 -1.0 T L L +18.6 -1.4 24182 12 0 .90 struggled with weak profit margins Keycorp K EY 7 . 0 0 ~ 11.06 10. 4 8 -.26 - 2.4 T T L +24.5 +55 .0 11829 12 0 .22f on cigarette sales. Casey's reports Kroger Co KR 2 0 98 — 0 35 44 34.30 -.28 -0 8 T T L + 31 8 +64 , 6 3 1 58 1 2 0, 6 0 fiscal fourth-quarter results today. Lattice Semi LSCC 3.17 ~ 5.71 4.81 -.19 - 3.8 T T T +20 . 6 +1 1. 6 5 8 4 d d Wall Street is expecting the LA Pacific L PX 9 . 2 1 ~ 22.55 15 . 9 0 -.36 -2.2 T T T -17.7 +71.3 2009 22 company's earnings and revenue to MDU Resources MDU 19.59 ~ 27.14 2 5.0 2 -.29 - 1.1 T T L +17. 8 +1 7. 5 5 5 7 c c 0. 6 9 increase from a year ago. Mentor Graphics M ENT 13.21 ~ 19.95 19 . 2 5 -.05 -0.3 T L L +13.1 +3 4 .3 4 3 5 2 1 0. 1 8 Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 o 35.78 35.00 +.16 +0.5 T L L +31. 0 +2 3.7 36503 18 0 . 92 Nike Iuc 8 NKE 42.55 ~ 66.07 61.41 -.74 -1.2 T T L + 19.0 +17 .2 2 7 12 2 5 0. 8 4 Nordstrom Iuc JWN 47.04 ~ 61.81 58.24 -.72 - 1.2 T T L +8.9 +26 . 0 7 0 8 1 6 1 . 2 0 Nwst Net Gas N WN 41.01 tt — 50 8 0 42.73 16 -0.4 T T T -3.3 - 4.7 7 0 20 1. 8 2 OfficeMax Iuc DMX 3. 62 ~ 13.17 10.89 28 -2.5 T L L +26.4 +1 9 8.6 14 48 2 0.0 8 3 PeccarIuc PCAR 35 21 ~ 55 05 52.65 69 -1.3 T T L +16. 5 + 4 4. 7 7 2 8 1 8 0 .803 Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 ~ 2.36 1.64 +.01 +0.6 T T T +14. 7 -2.4 6 dd HNERAI STO RE Plum Creek PCL 36.76 ~ 54.62 46.70 -.82 -1.7 T T T + 5.3 +33. 6 1 2 07 33 1 . 76f Prec Cestperts PCP 150.53 ~ 2 20.3 8 216.29 3.03 -1.4 T L L +14.2 +34 . 1 37 0 22 0.1 2 AF~~ Sefeway Iuc SWY 14.73 ~ 28.42 23.11 -.20 -0.9 L T T +27. 8 + 3 3.2 2 394 9 0. 8 0f Schuitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 33.03 24.01 -.11 -0.5 L T T - 20.8 + 7 . 7 2 8 5 3 7 0. 7 5 Sherwin Wms SHW 122.79 194.56 178.22 3.22 - 1.8 T T L +15. 9 + 4 0. 7 4 7 8 2 7 2 . 0 0 Staucorp Fucl SFG 28.74 — 0 46.79 45.67 31 - 0.7 T L L +24.5 +3 4 . 6 90 13 0. 9 3f Sterbucks Cp SBUX 43.04 — o 66.31 64 .45 97 -1.5 T L L +20.2 +2 5 .3 4 9 54 3 3 0. 8 4 Triquiut Semi TQNT 4.30 7 .29 6 . 7 4 09 -1 3 T L L +39 5 +30 2 1 5 12 d d Umpque Holdings UMPQ 11.17 14.34 14.00 03 -0.2 T L L +18.7 +18 .2 5 7 6 1 5 0. 6 0f US Baucorp USB 29.62 — 0 36.00 35 .40 -.01 . . . T L L +10.8 +21 .2 10545 12 0 . 7 8 Washington Fedl WA F D1 5.22 ~ 18.25 16. 9 7 +. 0 2 + 0.1 T T T +0.6 +11 . 1 35 1 1 3 0 . 36f WellsFargo8 Co WF C 3 0.34 ~ 4 1.6 9 4 0.27 -.39 -1.0 T L L +17.8 +3 4 .418110 11 1 . 20f Spotlight on imports W Y 2 0.06 ~ 33.24 27 . 7 9 -.90 -3.1 T T T -0.1 +45.6 5769 31 0.80f Economists expect that prices paid Weyerheeuser

by U.S. importers remained unchanged in May after declining two months in a row. Import prices fell in April and March, pushed down by a drop in oil imports. All told, prices paid by importers were down 2.6 percent in April versus the same month last year. Falling import prices help keep inflation in check. The Labor Department reports its latest import price data today.

EURO 1.3331

' 5(i


. '. .


Source: Facteet Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Improved earnings? Boeing Co


The Standard & Poor's 500 index fell for a third straight day Wednesday. The losses were widespread: All 10 sectors that make up the index fell, with the sharpest losses coming from companies that sell non-essentials to consumers. Stocks started the day well. The Dow Jones industrial average was up as many as 119 points in morning trading, but the stock market turned lower before noon. Stocks have stalled since the S&P 500 set a record high on May 21. Investors are worried that recent improvements in the housing market and other areas of the economy will push the Federal Reserve to trim its bond-buying stimulus programs.

NorthwestStocks D I J




D ow Jones Industnals

Close: 1,612.52

Retail watch The Commerce Department issues a report today on how retail sales fared last month. Economists are projecting that sales increased slightly in May from the previous month. That would

GOLD $1 39180

l)4 04




L 2.48 L 4.42 L 2.00 L 7 .84 L 3.67 L .98 L 3 32 .

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 95.88 95.38 + 0.52 + 4 . 4 Ethanol (gal) 2.43 2.44 +0.12 +11.1 Heating Dil (gal) 2.90 2.86 +1.32 -4.9 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.78 3.72 +1.42 +12.7 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.81 2.82 -0.46 -0.1

Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1391.80 1377.00 21.80 21.65 1482.30 1479.90 3.23 3.19 755.25


%CH. %YTD +1.07 -16.9 +0.70 -27.8 +0.16 -3.7 +1.00 -11.4 + 0.60 + 7 . 5

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -7.5 Cattle (Ib) 1.20 1.20 -0.14 Coffee (Ib) 1.23 1.28 -3.88 -14.6 -6.8 Corn (bu) 6.51 6.60 -1.33 Cotton (Ib) 0.90 0.88 +2.27 +19.9 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 292.60 302.60 -3.30 -21.7 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.49 1.52 -2.08 +28.1 Soybeans (bu) 15.41 15.41 + 0.02 + 8 . 6 Wheat(bu) 6.97 -1.97 -12.2 6.83 AGRICULTURE

Foreign Exchange The dollar fell against the yen and at one point was close to its lowest level against the Japanese

currency since early April. The dollar rose against the Canadian dollar.

h5N4 QG

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5676 +.0035 +.22% 1 .5570 Canadian Dollar 1.02 1 1 + .0021 +.21% 1 .0270 USD per Euro 1.3331 +.0020 +.15% 1 . 2498 —.51 —.53% 79.49 Japanese Yen 95.71 Mexican Peso 12.8 757 + .0789 +.61% 14.0192 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.6234 —.0071 —.20% 3.8757 Norwegian Krone 5 . 7 562 —.0210 —.36% 6.0131 SouthAfrican Rand 10.0847 +.0425 +.42% 8.4183 S wedish Krona 6.5 0 7 4 —.0430 —.66% 7.0742 Swiss Franc .9222 —.0023 —.25% .9610 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0541 -.0042 -.40% 1.0068 Chinese Yuan 6.1440 +.0060 +.10% 6 .3750 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7646 -.0001 -.00% 7.7586 Indian Rupee 57.795 -.546 -.94% 55.805 Singapore Dollar 1.2553 +.0025 +.20% 1 .2844 South Korean Won 1132.11 +1.49 +.13% 1168.30 -.00 -.00% 2 9 .99 Taiwan Dollar 29.88

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



Safeway selling its Canada stores Safeway lnc. is selling its supermarket

operations in Canadato food retailer Sobeys for $5.7 billion.

Sobeys, a unit of Empire Company Limited, is already the No. 2

grocery operator in the country. It said the deal

includes 213 grocery stores under the Safe-

way banner in western Canada, 62 fuel stations, 10 liquor stores,

12 manufacturing facilities and four distribution

centers. That leaves Safeway with about 1,400 supermarkets in the U.S.

Facebook adds hashtags Facebook is introduc-

a e, an s a nerone era use By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

To help protect Oregon's seniors and their finances, the Oregon Bankers Association has teamed up with the Oregon Department of H uman Services to give banks throughout the state updated tools to prevent financial abuse. A toolkit, "Preventing Elder Financial Exploitation: How B anks Can Help," is being released to banks this week. It includes a training manual and DVD with example scenarios to help bankers learn the signs of financial abuse, such as false signatures on checks, large repeated withdrawals from ATMs and recent changes in a will or trust. In addition, the Oregon Bankers Association will hold education sessions throughout the state, including in Bend. Financial exploitation and abuse is the No. I form of adult abuse in Oregon


For moreinformation

Oregon adult protective services abuse cases bycategory, in 2011:

To view the "Preventing Elder

F inancial exploitation

67 2

Neglect Verbalabuse


Physical abuse




Financial Exploitation: How Banks Can Help" toolkit, visit www.

oregonbanker s.com/community/ elder-exploitation-prevention/


in their own homes, Marie Cervantes, director of the Department of Human Services' Office of Adult Abuse PreOther 26 vention and Investigations, said in a news release. Sexual abuse 17 The office investigated 2,469 allegaSource: 2011 "Adult Protective Services Community and Facility Annual Report," Oregon tions of financial abuse in 2011, the latDepartment of Human Services est year available, according to its annual report. It substantiated 672. Of those claims, family members and makes up more than 40 percent comprise 55percent of the perpetraof the Department of H uman Ser- tors. Friends and acquaintances make vices' substantiated community abuse up 19 percent, according to the news claims, those involving seniors living release.

"Bankers are key gatekeepers, the first line of defense and have a great i mpact on th e ability t o c urb t h i s problem," Cervantes said in the news release. James Weber,district manager for Wells Fargo in Central Oregon, said Wells Fargo employees get certified every year on how to spot, handle and report financial elder abuse, but he plans to go through the toolkit to see if there are any new ideas for prevention. " More is a lways better when i t comes to protecting our customers." Weber said. "You think of our elders and they sometimes can be the most vulnerable." Updated toolkits and training sessions result in an increase of reports from bankersforsuspected elder financial abuse, according to statistics from the Department of Human Services. — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbultetin.com

ing hashtags, the number signs used on Twitter, Instagram and other

services to identify topics being discussed and allow users to search for them. Facebook Inc. said in

a blog post Wednesday that users will be able to click a hashtag to see

a feed of discussions about a particular topic. For example, typing a number sign in front of "ladygaga" or "sunset" will turn the words into a link that users can

click on to find posts about Lady Gagaor sunsets. — From wire reports

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TUESDAY • Visit Bendboard meeting:Reservations requested; free;8 a.m.; Bend Visitor Center, 750 N.W. Lava Road; 541-3828048 or Valerie©visitbend. com. • BusinessAfter Hours — Fisher Nicholson Realty:Free; 4:30-5:30 p.m.; Fisher Nicholson Realty, 1515 S.W.Reindeer Ave., Suite B, Redmond; 541-526-5513. • Crooked River RanchTerrebonneChamber of CommerceNetworking Social:Free; 5:30 p.m.; Opportunity Foundation of Central Oregon, 835 state Highway126, Redmond; 541-923-2679. • Workshop on Wealth Transfer:Information about leaving moneyto heirs; reservations: call 541-382-1795; free;6 p.m.; Mid Oregon Credit Union, 1386 N.E Cushing Drive, Bend; 541-382-1795. WEDNESDAY • How toStart a Business: Registration required; $15;6-8 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building,1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 54 I-383-7290. • Network of Entrepreneurial Women meeting:Registration required; $22 members, $27 nonmembers; 5-8 p.m.; St. Charles Bend conferencecenter, 2500 N.E Neff Road; 541-382-4321. • Howto Start a Business: Registration required; $15;6-8 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building,1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290. • Cisco Certified Network Associate:Certification program for network engineers or those with networking background; registration required; class continues Wednesdays through Aug. 14;$949; 6-9 p.m.; COCC — Crook County OpenCampus, 510 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 54 I-383-7270. • IOS AppDevelopment III, Game Development: Lastclass in a series; build games, learn animation, graphic elements and troubleshooting; prerequisite: advanced knowledge of Xcodeand Objective-C or iOSApp II; registration required; class continues Wednesdays through July10; $89; 6-9 p.m.; COCC - Crook County Open Campus,510S.E Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 54 I-383-7270.

For the complete calendar, pick up Stmday's Bulletin or visit bendbulletin.com/bizcal


irin B BlIl — CBU. 10U.S By Joyce M. Rosenberg The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Nina Vaca is interviewing job applicants at her staffing company again after putting hiring on hold at the end of last year. Vaca expectsto hire more than 50 people for her firm, Pinnacle Technical Resources, by the end of 2013. Demand is soaring for the high-tech temporary workers it places at large corporations. The reason for her caution: Months of uncertainty about federal taxes and budget cuts has disappeared. "It's a great time to double down. People are looking for information technology talent," says Vaca, whose 160-

employee company is based in Dallas. Vaca's story will sound familiar to small-business owners across the country. They want to add staffers, and many are hiring, but they're taking their time before they commit to a new employee. Many are waiting for signals that revenue will remain strong. They want to be sure they canafford the added expense of new workers. Their caution helps to explain the slow but steady growth in jobs nationwide. Companies of all sizes have added an average of 163,000 jobs a month since March, according to the Labor Department.Surveys released last week by payroll provider ADP and software maker

CEOssee a sluggish path ahead By Don Lee

Tribune Washington Bureau



yearsinto asluggish recovery


LM Otero/The Associated Press

Nina Vaca, right, and Justin Junkel look over a report at Pinnacle Technical Resources in Dallas. Vaca expects her company will hire more than 50 people by the end of 2013, as demand is soaring for the high-tech temporary workers it places at corporations. Intuit showed that small business hiring is picking up some modest momentum. The ADP survey, for example, showed that small businesses added 58,000 jobs in May, up from 42,000 in ApriL But that's well below the average of 129,000 at the start of 2006, when the economy was booming. Vaca heldoffexpanding her staff while she waited to see what impact federal budget cuts would have on companies. But by the end of the first quarter, she could seethat companies needed temporary high-tech workers, and that her business would

be strong enough to pay for her own hires. She expects her revenue to rise 12 to 15 percent this year. "We werecautiousin our hiring, and then literally, (business) exploded," she says. Some owners are waiting to hire because they need to be sure they can pay salaries and still meet their other expenses — staffing is a flexible expense, but expenditures like rent, taxes and utilities are not. Susan Shelby didn't fill an open position in her Bostonbased public relations firm forthree months because she wanted to be sure she could

afford a new employee. A part-time staffer quit in February, and Shelby wanted to replace her. But Shelby was planning to move her company, Rhino Public Relations, into an office for the first time after having operated with everyone working out of their homes. She didn't want to make a new hire until she knew what her expenses and revenue were likely to be. "Every single decision has to be weighed against, where is this money going to come from?" says Shelby, who has three full-time and three parttime staffers.

marked by modest hiring, the economic horizon looks pretty much the same in the eyes of the nation's top corporate bosses. The latest quarterly survey by the Business Roundtable, representing chief executives of major companies, found just a slight improvement in the outlook for economic activity in the next six months, with a small pickup in sales and hiring. The results released W ednesday "refl ect an economy on the slow road to recovery," said Jim McNerney, CEO of Boeing Co. and chairman of Business Roundtable. The survey was completed by 141 CEOs in the second half of May. Business Roundtable said 32 percentofthese CEOs expected an increase in U.S. employment at their companies in the next six months, up from 29 percent in the first quarter.But 26 percent forecast a decrease, and that's up I percentage point from three months earlier. The rest see no change inemployment. Business Roundtable mem-

ber companies are among the largest in America and, combined, employ about 16

million people.

PlayStation 4 takes early lead By Cliff Edwards and Dina Bass Btoomberg News

SAN FRANCISCO — Sony's PlayStation 4 won the initial skirmish over next-generation video-game consoles by exploiting the weak spots in Microsoft's plan for the Xbox One: price and used-

game policies. In dueling press conferences this week at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles, Sony and Microsoft each made its pitch to the serious gamers whose opinions

set the trend in the $37 billion market for console-based video games and hardware. Then customers were able to start reservingthe new console of their choice. The result has been a rapid shift in expectations for the two machines, with Sony gaining the upper hand with fans and early sales against Microsoft, the console leader for the past two years. The Xbox One will sell for a premium-priced $499 and limit users' ability to buy, trade and

resell games. Sony, once dominant in the industry, came in $100 cheaper and won't limit transactions. Sony is cashing in with higher-than-expected pre-orders for the PS4 at GameStop Corp., the biggest video-game retailer, according to Andrew House, president of Sony Network Entertainment. The PS4 was outselling Xbox One on Amazon.com's U.S. website Tuesday, taking the No. 1 spot on the videogames category bestseller list.

Jae C. Hongr rheAssociated Press

A show attendee checks out the new Playstation 4 at the Electronic Entertainment Expo in Los Angeles on Tuesday. The PS4 is outselling the new Xbox One at several major retailers.

PERMITS Permits City of Bend • Hayden HomesLLC, 63763 Hunters, $178,968 • Floyd C. Antonsen, 2858 N.E. Aldrich, $201,068 • Chet Antonsen, 21278 S.E Woodruff, $205,822 • High Returns LLC, 20074 S.W. Millbrook Lane, $293,771 •OldW estLand Company LLC, 19504 Century,

$264,338 • Dennis Thompson, 1125 N.E Second, $125,000 • Josiah Neuhaus, 63293 Stonewood, $275,770 • Holt Family LLC, 2215 N.E. Highway 20, $1,000,000 • HaydenHomesLLC, 61137 Brosterhous, $210,037 • COA Sisters LLC, 60 N.E. Purcell, $800,000 • HaydenHomesLLC,

61134 S.E Brown Trout, $253,404 • HaydenHomesLLC, 2787 N.E Spring Water, $171,944 • RF Wilson Trust, 2315 N.E Halston, $181,953 • Upper 40 LLC, 63135 N.E Beaufort, $176,789 • Bridges at Shadow Glen LLC, 20878 S.E Golden Gate, $277,918 • HaydenHomesLLC, 63765 Hunters, $188,042

• Chet Antonsen, 61716 S.E. Marigold, $207,895 • ML Bend U.S.A. Limited Partnership, 20766 N.E Sierra, $172,164 • Chet Antonsen, 21281 S.E Bellflower, $198,028 • Craig E. Boling, 2764 N.W. Fairway Heights, $266,717 • HaydenHomesLLC, 63777 Hunters, $127,328 • ML Bend U.S.A. Limited Partnership, 20763 N.E Smoke Stack, $193,737

City of Redmond • Redmond School District 2J, 1200 N.W.UpasAve., $824,600 • HaydenHomesLLC, 1467 N.W. 18th St., $219,519 • HaydenHomesLLC, 2344 N.W. GlenOak Ave., $217,427 Deschutes County • Ronald Joseph Reams Revocable Living Trust, 21085 Oriole Lane, Bend, $177,094

• Caldera Springs Village LLC, 56562 Dancing Rock Loop, Bend, $351,410 • Johanna L. Swidrak, 22916 McGrath Road, Bend, $120,575.52 • Pacwest II LLC, 983 FossDrive, Terrebonne, $243,110 • Michael Burnett, 17420 HemlockCourt, Bend, $109,643 • Michael Burnett, 17420 Hemlock Court, Bend, $300,321

• David J. Tavares, 17853 Pro Staff Lane, Sunriver, $457,692.68 • Stephen T. Wymer,1890 Murrelet Drive, Redmond, $294,539.84 • Pacwest II LLC, 885 Angus Lane,Terrebonne, $244,182.88 • William B. Barnes, 16429 Betty Court, La Pine, $141,651.72 • Tim Horvath, 61570 HosmerLake Drive, Bend, $408,924

IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Health Events, D2 Fitness, D2 Nutrition, D3 THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2013

O www.bendbulletin.com/health



QRAon Clues togenetic diseases Scientists with the federal HumanGenomeProject completed their map of human DNA in2003. WHAT SCIENTISTSLOOKED FOR To read the full humangenome, or genetic code, geneticists used specialized chemicals and computers to analyzeeachunit in the long chain-like DNA molecule. Chromosome


Cell nucleus

By Christine Vestal

• For Bend women, it answerssomequestions, raisesothers UNRAVELINGDNA Every human cell contains two sets of 23 chromo-

By Anne Aurande The Bulletin

somes. Eachone is a tightly twisted packet of

genetic material called DNA. Unraveled, it forms a spiral ladder known as a double helix.

sounded like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a group of disorders that affect a body's connective tissues — mostly the skin,

DNA double helix molecule

joints and blood vessels. EDS symptoms can range from loose joints — causing repetitive, painful dislocations, for example — to life-threatening complications. Some types of EDS can cause blood-vessel or uterus-tissue ruptures that can result in severe blood loss, or even death. Because her oldest daughter was pregnant, Risch urgently wanted to better understand her condition and its potential hereditary components. She was concerned herdaughter might have complications with her delivery, such as excessive bleeding. Last winter, Risch's primary care physician referred her to the Central Oregon Clinical Genetics Center in Bend to get counseling from Dr. Osvaldo Schirripa, a general geneticist and pathologist, who opened the genetics center in 2011.

New medicine Genetic testing is a rapidly growing aspect of individualized medicine. The American Medical Association estimates that there are more than 4,000

diseases caused by the mutation of a single gene, and some 1,000 genetic tests available to physicians to aid in the diagnosis of diseases. A variety of direct-toconsumer tests are also available over the Internet, although these come with some controversy. Genetic testing is what sparked Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie to get a double mastectomy recently. After she found out that she carried a gene mutation that's associated with breast cancer, she took action intended to minimize her risk. Genetic testing has become big news — and may become big business — but a full understanding of genetics is still in its infancy.

DNA STRUCTURE Connecting the

They form these pairs:

two sides of the DNA ladder are four chemicals, which are

Aa~emnelc~cy osme •

• ' thymineg G guanine

identified by letters.


Getting to the test

Just as letters in the


In 2003, researchers completed the Human Genome Project, an i nternational effort led by the National Institutes of Health. It created a map to serve as a guide to any person's genome — the DNA, including all the genes. See Genetic/D4

words, three-letter


combinations of



the subunits

create "words" or genes that are the building blocks of "sentences"that convey genetic

Ginger Risch, 52, of Bend, has had odd symptoms that added up to what sounded like Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which affects a body's connective tissues, mostly the skin, joints and blood vessels. Through some genetic testing, she has ruled out some genetic disorders and narrowed down the possibilities of what type of EDS she has.

Here's a primer on how insurance rates on the exchanges will be set and why prices might be higher in some states than in others:



POINTSON AMAP By decoding what all of those

genetic sentences —orsequencesmeant, scientists mapped the entire human genome.

DNA sequence

CLUES TODISEASES Asimple mistake- or mutation —in a genesequence can cause a genetic disease or predispose a person to a disease.

The Bulletin

Norma l gene AGC J'

C, IlaG

Mutated gene A GC T

C' Illr G

Source: Amencan Medical Asscciaticn

© 2013 MCT



Consumers want to know: Will health insurance cost more, less or about the same on the new health insurance exchanges? Politicians, for their own reasons, have the same question about the impact of the Affordable Care Act on insurance in 2014. California recently announced the prices of plans that have been approved for the exchange. Surprising to many, the 2014 rates are substantially lower than comparable plans on the market today, according to Covered California, which runs the exchange. That's good news for Californians and for the Obama administration. Critics of the federal health law have long predicted that its new insurance regulations — such as the requirement that carriers cover people with pre-existing conditions — will cause premium "rate shock." Proponents counter that the law contains market protections that should keep prices in check. In addition, low-income people will receive subsidies to de-

fray higher prices.

C~g C~G


Ryan Brennecke

exchanges Stateline.org

Human cell (cutawayj

inger Risch's lifetime of symptoms amounted to what

newheath insurance

• Which other states • have announced preliminary exchange prices'? • Colorado, Maryland, • Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington and Vermont havemade public


the prices proposed by insurance companies on the exchange. The plans have not yet been approved. In all but Maryland, the new rates are about the same or slightly lower than policies already on the market. Maryland's dominant insurance company — Care First Blue Cross Blue Shield — predicted a 25 percent increase in its premiums. Until prices are approved by state regulators, they are subject to change. See Q&A /D5


See The Bulletin's story last month on Oregon's proposed rates at denddultetin.com/premiums




Ca einean ki s:Isitasaemix? By Julie Deardorff Chicago Tribune

Caffeine-infused waffles and maple syrup are being promoted as energizing alternatives to mint

4HIEicially aavoroa

AmR„ o =4v.

a morning mug of coffee. But the recent craze of adding caffeine to a range of kid-friendly snack foods — including popcorn, chewing gum, candy bars, mints, Cracker Jacks, jelly beans and ice cream — is raising enough concern that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has launched an investigation of caffeine's possible health effects on children and adolescents. The effort, which comes

amid the heated debate over whether energy drinks with stimulants are safe for children,marks the agency'sfirst close look at the world's most popular psychoactive drug since its use in Cola was approved in the 1950s. Most healthy adults can safely tolerate moderate doses of 200 to 300 milligrams, which is about two to four cups of brewed coffee, according to the National Institutes of Health. But the U.S. Iacks official guidelines or limits for children, whose smaller bodies and developing brains may be m ore vulnerable to caffeine's effects, including the risk of

physical dependence and addiction. Part of what worries the FDA is the changing nature of how caffeine is delivered — through a greater array of products that may appeal to younger consumers and in higher doses than in the past. Chewing a pack of Jolt Energy Gum, for example, would have effects similar to downing six energy drinks, according to the package. "It's a question of finding caffeine in new and different places," said Michael Taylor, the FDA's deputy commissioner for food. See Caffeinated/D3

Last month, Wrigley temporarily halted sales of its new caffeinated gum product after meeting with the FDA. The Associated Press file photo

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EVENTS "EASE YOURPAIN": Learn two to three scientifically proven painreducing practices presented by Healing Bridge Physical Therapy; donations accepted, reservations recommended; noon-1 p.m.; Tuesday; Bend Karate Club, 502 N.E. Revere Ave.; 541-318-7041. "SLEEP WELLWORKSHOP": Learn sleep and relaxation techniques to quiet your mind; bring pads and pillows; donations accepted, registration required; noon-1:30 p.m.; Wednesday; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-388-1133. AUDIOLOGY ANDHEARING AID CLINIC: Central Oregon Audiology is offering care services through a mobile clinic; June 20; call for pricing and appointment; Elks Lodge, 151 N. Main St., Prineville; 541-389-6669 or centraloregonaudiology.com. HIPPA-HITECH2013 OMNIBUS RULE: The federal law requires physician practices to be in compliance by Sept. 23; learn how to identify practical action steps clinics need to take before the deadline; registration required; $79; 8:30 a.m.-noon; June 20; Central Oregon Community College, Chandler Building, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7270.

How to submit HealthEvents: Email event

information tohealthevents© bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at

www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of

publication. Ongoing class listings must be updated monthly and will appear at

www.bendbulletin.com/ healthclasses. Contact: 541-383-0358. People: Email info about local people involved in health

issues to healthevents@ bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358.

Find pickled perfection


rain r ain: e more By Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz

"Instead of thinking in miles, think in points. You can run lots of minutes at a low heart rate or fewer minutes at a higher heart rate, and

Chicago Tribune

CHICAGO Shortly after Matt Ancona started running to lose weight, his competitive nature kicked in. He ran a marathon, then a triathlon, and within three years he had completed an Ironman triathlon. Hoping to get faster, he sometimes trained for 20 to 25 hours a week, pushing himself to outdo his pace or mileage. "It wasn't uncommon to ride my bike for six hours and run for an hour afterwards," said Ancona, 32, a management consultant at Accenture in Chicago. But more wasn't necessarily better. B etween a b u s y w o r k s chedule a n d pl a n n i n g a wedding, A n cona w a s strapped for time. He suf-

o i n ess

you present your body with the same average." — Dr. Philip Skiba, PhysFarm Training Systems t"~


recreational athletes against c ation has led him t o w i n overdoing it . Fo r n o ncom- s everal t r i athlons an d b e petitive athletes, it may not n amed male athlete of t h e be worth it to w orry about month in last year's Chicago t meeting the exact threshold Athlete magazine, the new or risk injury by driving too training regimen has made a Thinkstock hard, said Bergeron, a fellow big difference in his life and "Critical power" is the threshold of exercise intensity beyond at the American College of performance. which people start to fatigue very quickly. The idea is to train at, Sports Medicine. He has cut his training time just below or briefly above the threshold. Bergeron a l s o c a u t ions down to 10 to 15 hours weekagainst v i e w in g e f f i c ient ly and hasn't suffered any intraining as a fitness cure-all. juries. He also has shaved 41 At the heart of this type hard, say for I-mile repeats, Doing hard intervals for 30 minutes off his Ironman disof training is variety, mix- go at the threshold pace. For minutes in the morning will tance race time, from about 9 ing long and easy training one workout a week, push 10 do little to combat the delete- hours, 50 minutes in 2010 to 9 sessions with shorter high- percent to 20 percent harder rious effects of an inactive or hours, 9 minutes last year. ferednagging injuries,such intensity sessions to build t han the threshold for I- t o sedentary lifestyle the rest of Ancona's training schedule as pulled muscles, strained both power and endurance. 3-minute i n tervals, g i v i ng the day, he said. looks something like this: He IT b a nds a n d p r o blems Skiba, himself an amateur yourself 2 minutes of recovRunners mustn't forget to bikes three days a week, runs with his calves and ankles. runner, said that using the ery time in between. address full-body condition- four days a week and swims Burned out by the time a techniques got his own 5k The exact recipe isn't iming, including cardio, flex- three days a week, alternatrace day rolled around, he run time down from 35 min- p ortant, Skiba s a id; w h at ibility, range of motion and ing long and easy training wouldn't perform his best. utes to 22 minutes. matters is t hat y o u i n cor- weight tr aining t o p r o tect days with short, hard inter" Instead of t h i nking i n That began to change 2 t/2 porate both long and short connective tissue, said Wilval days, and does nothing years ago, when A n cona miles, t h in k i n poi n t s," w orkouts, start e a s y a n d liam Kraemer, professor in o n Mondays. Every six t o s tarted working w it h D r . Skiba said, wherein a point build up slowly, never more the University of Connecti- eight weeks Skiba re-evalucut's Department of Kinesi- ates him, aiming to push the Philip Skiba, program diequals how many minutes than 5 or 10 percent more a rector for sports medicine you've run m u l tiplied by week. o logy. As evidenced in t h e threshold up. at Advocate Lutheran Gen- your heart rate. "You can What the progression looks runners of the 1960s and '70s Even without such calcueral Hospital in Park Ridge, run lots of minutes at a low like depends on the end goal. — who today facemyriad or- lations, recreational runners Ill., and CEO of PhysFarm heart rate or fewer minutes For example, someone trainthopedic challenges — doing can reap similar benefits by Training Systems, a coach- at a higher heart rate, and ing for a 10k should slowly the same thing every d ay following a targeted plan and ing company that uses re- you present your body with increase the h ard, shorter breaks a body down, he said. making sure not to overdo it. "The biggest thing (Skiba) search and technology to the same average." repeats, while someone trainKraemer also encourages a help athletes excel. So, for example, the lon- ing for a m a r athon should reality check: Not every body does is hold me back in train"You can spend less total gest training run for a mara- slowly stretch out the length is made to run a marathon. ing, sothatI canperformbettime training, which is im- thon need not be any longer of their runs. And while training shorter ter in races," Ancona said. portant for people who have than 18 miles, Skiba said, Recovery is as important as and smarter can have good real lives and real jobs," Ski- but during that same week, training. Training three days results, he cautions against ba said. run a set of hard I-mile re- a week is really good, four treating it as a shortcut. "We live in a world where Skiba's research revolves peats at threshold pace. days is a little better, but at I HI G H DESERT BANK largely around the concept C utting b ack o n ti m e five days, you don't see much e veryone wants t o g e t i n of "critical power," which is s pent t r aining n o t o n l y more of a benefit, Skiba said. shape in a week," Kraemer the threshold of exercise in- helps fit it into people's busy O n race da y i t s elf, t h e sard. tensity beyond which people lifestyles, but also prevents trick is knowing where your For Ancona, whose dediI II I I t • start to fatigue very quickly. injury, a s m o r e m i l eage threshold is and that if you The idea is to train at, just leads to more fatigue and reach it, you will last just 20 below or briefly above the o pportunity f o r get t i n g to 30 minutes longer before = threshold — so you're per- hurt, Skiba said. Pushing having to stop or slow considforming at th e m a ximum hard at intervals also has a erably, he said. power you can without set- bigger impact on the body W hile threshold and i n ting off the bodily reactions than simply adding mileage, t erval t r a i ning a r e g o o d that force you to stop or slow building the machinery in- methods for enhancing perdown — in order to increase side the muscles that allows formance, burning calories, Advanced Technology• Best Prices• Personalized Service ~ your body's tolerance of that them to generate power, k eeping things fun and i n intensity and slowly push speed and energy, he said. creasing overall scope of fitFREE Video EarExam • FREE Hearing Test the boundary higher. To estimate your critical ness,said Michael Bergeron, FREE Hearing Aid Demonstration The formula Skiba uses to power without complicated executive director of the Nacalculate an athlete's critical math or a coach, Skiba sug- tional Youth Sports Health & We Bill Insurances• Workers Compensation• 0% Financing <withapprovedcredit) power is complex and reg ests running a 10k w i t h Safety Institute, he cautions 541-389-9690• 141 SE 3rd St.• Bend• (Corner of 3rd 8 Davis) quires long-term monitoring good, hard effort; your averof the athlete's progress. But age pace is your threshold. even recreational athletes When you go on long, easy can benefit from his philoso- runs, run at about 75 percent phy: You can perform better of your t h r eshold speed, and prevent injury by trainsuch that you can still hold a ' j~ 'I' i' I i ing shorter but smarter. conversation. When you run ar


By Carolyn O'Neil The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Pickles are created in coldwater brine with salt, vinegar, sugar and spices. Because pickled fruits or vegetables aren't heat-treated, their nutritional value stays intact. And the fermentation process produces probiotic bacteria, which contribute to digestive health. If you're concerned about sodium, pickles are not your paL One small dill pickle contains 324 mg ofsodium. Registered dietitian Marisa Moore recommends pairing pickles with potassium-containing f o ods. "Potassium blunts the effect of sodium in the body and helps control blood pressure."

== g


Hearing center


e ~ SSOi I-'lf-, tL




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Researchsuggestsbenefits of avegetarian diet —years addedto your life who are strongly encouraged to follow

By Karen Kaplan Los Angeles Times

fied as nonvegetarians.

a vegetarian diet. As such, 52 percent of the sample fit into one of four cat-

For the vegetarians in the study, the

diets were not a passing fad. Pescoegories of vegetarians: 7.6 percent were vegetarians had beenfollowing that diet vegans (avoiding eggs, dairy, fish and for19 years, on average, andvegans A new study suggests the answer had cut out meat, dairy and eggs for 21 could be yes. After examining the health other meat), 28.9 percent were lactoyears, on average. Lacto-ovo-vegetarrecords of 73,308 people for an average ovo-vegetarians (who ate dairy and ians had not eaten fish or meat for 39 of nearly six years, researchers discov- eggs but avoided fish and meat), 9.8 percent were pesco-vegetarians (who years, on average. ered that vegetarians were 12 percent And what were the health benefits less likely to die during that period than ate eggs, dairy and fish but avoided other meat) and 5.5 percent were semiof vegetarianism? Compared with the people who ate meat more than once vegetarians (who ate eggs, dairy and nonvegetarians, those who followed a week. fish regularly but ate other meats only any type of vegetarian diet were12 Researchers from Loma Linda University in California recruited members once a week). The remaining 48.2 per- percent less likely to die of any cause cent of people in the study were classi- during the course of the study. For of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, LOS ANGELES — Can a vegetarian diet add years to your life?

men, being a vegetarian reduced the

the diet also reduced the risk of death

overall risk of death by18 percent; for women the overall risk of death fell by

due to cardiovascular causes by 34

7 percent. Men also reduced their risk of death due to cardiovascular disease

percent; in women, it reduced the risk

of death due to ischemic heart disease Men and womenwho followed a lacto-ovo-vegetarian diet reduced their risk of death from any cause by 9per-

Different types of vegetarian diets

cent during the study period. And vegan

produced different types of benefits.

men were 55 percent less likely to die

For instance, compared with nonveg-

as a result of ischemic heart disease, 42 percent less likely to die of cardio-

etarians, those who followed a pescovegetarian diet reduced their risk of death from any cause by19 percent during the course of the study. In men,

Caffeinated Continued from 01 "There are concerns over the perhaps subtle developmental impacts on kids and whether they become regularusers of a central nervous system stimulant. What are the cumulative effects?" Meanwhile, parents can't necessarily tell how much caffeine kids are getting. Caffeine levels aren't required to be disclosed on food labels, and if the caffeine occurs naturally — as in tea or cocoa — it isn't listed among the ingredients. In the case of energy drinks, many are sold as dietary supplements and don't have to disclose caffeine levels if the ingredient is part of a "proprietary blend." Last month W r igley, the world's largest gum manufacturer and a subsidiary of Mars Inc., temporarily halted sales of its new caffeinated gum product after meeting with the FDA. The company cited a "greater appreciation"for the agency's concern about the recent flood of caffeine in the nation's food

M IN T S 1



vascular causes and 28percent less likely to die of any cause compared with


sity of Miami, tells parents that young patients with an underlying heart condition should avoid caffeine because it can stimulate the heart. "If you're asking a sick heart to work even harder, it may go into a l i fe-threatening heart rhythm," he said. Goldberger, an adult cardiologist, downplayed the cardiac risk of energy drinks in his testimony before the Chicago City Council when it considered restricting sales of the products. In2011, hepublishedresearchin the American Journal of Medicine that concluded moderate caffeine use was well tolerated in adult patients with known or suspectedarrhythmia. Wheaton, 11L, mom Nancy VanderMolen said she limits caffeine for her preteen daughter because of the girl's heart condition. But she also said she was disappointed that Wrigley pulled its caffeinated gum off the market because she wanted to try it herself.

I=88$N E NE RG Y

by 49 percent.

percent. (There was no corresponding benefit for women.)

or due to ischemic heart disease by 29

8• 4 •

!~~~WNI: WIRE D;' ~w ~~SUP PLE ~e


"If the packaging is good,

Bill Hogan /Chicago Tribune


The recent craze of addlng caffelne to a range of kld-frlendly snack foods Is raising enough concern that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has launched an investigation of caffelne's possible health effects on children and adolescents.

Others say caffeine has been safely consumed in a variety of foods and beverages for centuries. Many of the newly caffeinated snacks are novelty items targeting adults who want a quick pick-me-up but don't like coffee. "If you want to worry about what kids are ingesting, I would put sugar way up higher on the list," said Dr. Jeffrey Goldberger, director of clinical cardiac electrophysiology research at Northwestern Memorial Hospital. "Sugar has clearly documented downstream effects on health that caffeine just does not." Goldberger also serves as a consultant to the American Beverage Association and the energy drink company Red BulL Consumed daily by 80 percent of the world, caffeine is a bitter-tasting nervous system stimulant that occurs naturally in coffee, tea,guarana and kola nuts. It's thought to work by interfering with a brain chemical called adenosine that facilitates sleep. Blockingthe receptors for adenosine also allows the brain's own stimulants, neurotransmitters dopamine and glutamate, to rev up bodily systems. "It not only wakes up the brain, but it can increase heart rate," said Dr. Lynn Goldman,

a pediatrician and dean of the School of Public Health and Health Services at The George Washington University. "When I've seen people with caffeine overdose, they're scared; they end up in the ER because they think they're having a heart attack." In adults, caffeine use is relatively safe. But the American Academy of Pediatrics recommended in 2011 that children and teenagers steerclear of caffeinated drinks because caffeine interferes with sleep and can increase anxiety, in addition to an increased heart rate. "Childhood and adolescence is a period of rapid growth in the final stage of brain development; proper sleep and nutrition are essential," said Jennifer Temple, an assistant professor in the School of Public Health and Health Professions at the U niversity o f B u f f alo w h o studies children's caffeine use. "Caffeine disrupts sleep patterns, and the excess consumption of soda is associated with poor diet, excess weight and cavities." Federal officials can't say whether children are ingesting more caffeine than previous years; rigorous studies involving the nation's youngest consumers are lacking.

But the most recent federal data show that children ages 2 to 13 ingested an average of 43.5 milligrams of caffeine a day in 2008. A typical Cola contains about 35 milligrams in a 12-ounce can. Young men between the ages of 14 and 21 consumed 110.5 milligrams per day; women took in slightly less. Information also is lacking on the physiological, psychological and behavioral effects of habitual caffeine use by children. "We can't assume children are small adults; they may have unique responses we d on't know about," Temple said. Current regulations include the FDA limiting the caffeine content in soft drinks to 71 milligrams per 12 fluid ounces. But manufacturers often circumvent the limit by calling their products dietary supplements; some energy drinks contain as much caffeine as five cups of coffee. Sales of energy drinks grew by 78 percentfrom 2006 to 2011, according to the market research firm Mintel, and a recent study in the journal Pediatrics found that half of the energy drink market consists of children,adolescents and

Energy drink consumption has been associated with elevated blood pressure,altered heart rates and severe cardiac events in children and young adults, especially those with underlyingcardiac disease,according to a letter sent to the FDA by more than a dozen prominent r esearchers and scientists. The highest doses have been linked with caffeine intoxication, resulting in a racing heartbeat, vomiting and cardiac arrhythmias. Dr. Steven Lipshultz, a pediatric cardiologist at the Univer-

people with heart conditions would stay away just as they do from Red Bull," VanderMolen said. "I don't like coffee and need the caffeine boost. I was looking forwardto the gum so I

could give up soda for good." That's the sort of customer Roger Sullivan, the founder of Wired Waffles, is targeting. After hearing about a bakery that laced brownies with caffeine, Sullivan created a caffeinated waffle; later he launched caffeinated maple syrup.

AIS2'X2VWg I~ s But


xer r

Though the products aren't designed to be eaten together, consuming both would yield 284 milligrams of caffeinestill less than a 16-ounce cup of Starbucks, which has 330 milligrams, Sullivan noted. Sullivan said he supports full d i sclosure o f c a f feine content in drinks and snacks. His products carry a voluntary warning label that says they are no t i n t ended for pregnant or nursing mothers, children or people sensitive to caffeine. "I've been very careful to be sure not to use marketing that is aimed at kids," he said. This is important because once children and teens start consuming caffeine, they often continue for the same reasons as adults. For example, Morgan Gstalter, 18, of Skokie said she doesn't like the taste of energy drinks but has been drinking coffee since she was about 10, when her father introduced her to it. "Coffee has become such a regular thing in my life now, that I can feel the days when I woke up late and forgot my travel mug," she said. "It cuts back the sleepiness a little, and if I don't have coffee in the mornings I feel sluggish and

moody all day."

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MEDICINE Genetic Continued from D1 Genetic t e sting i s o lates part of a person's DNA and compares that sample with the map to find specific inherited mutations. Genetic mutations aren't a lways harmful, bu t s o me indicate a risk of developing certain diseases. Genetic testing — through cells found in blood or saliva — is done for different reasons. It may be t o c onfirm a diagnosis. Results can also help shape individualized treatment or determine whether a disorder might get passed to o f fspring. Some people get tested to predict risk of a disease. This, theoretically, could inspire someone to change behavior, such as improving his or her fitness and nutrition to w a rd off heart disease. Or with a hereditary-risk cancer, someone mightrespond as actress Jolie did in the hopes of im-

proving his or her odds.



Body contains T he genetic code that determines whether a person has brown or blue eyes — and all other inherited characteristics — lies in a long molecule, DNA, that can duplicate itself with almost perfect accuracy.

Patients who get a genetic test typically get referred


blood draw, although saliva

0"e p«cellX


to an outpatient lab for a samples arealso used. Specimens aresent to various specialized laboratories

g T TMMAgoetoeg EIEEMEEegmeotof MMTATIMM U molecule makinguu 0NAthatcarries Change in one ormore ofthechemical units

GHRGMGSGME Humans have 23 pairs I



upachromosome instructions th a t make up the genetic code; can fatal, be • It is a twouAfew thousand neutral orbeneficial; basis of all evolutionary stranded spiral, o n each change the double helix c h romosome GENE THERAPY • Includes 3 billion Attempts to repair faulty genes, base pairs, or DNA usually by injecting healthy base Pairs building blocks genes into a person using a virus. Scientists hope it will cure ( l(% cancer and inherited diseases.

around the country. How

long it takes toget results back depends on how often that lab runs the particular

test that was ordered. Some take days. Others can take

months. American laboratories


are regulated under the Clinical Laboratory Im-

Source: MCT Research

diomyopathy and long QT

syndrome, she said. HyperSome genetic tests trophic cardiomyopahave existed for years thy means the heart t ests fo r s i n g l e muscle gets abnormalg ene v a r i ants t h a t ly thick and makes it are linked to diseases harder for the heart to such as cystic fibropump blood. It can also sis, Huntington's disDr. affect the heart's elecease, different k i nds Osvaldo trical system. Long QT of cancersand specific Schirripa, a s yndrome is a h e art cardiovascular p r o bgeneticist rhythm disorder that lems. G enetic t e s ts and path- can create abnormal, are done on millions ologist, rapid heartbeats that of newborn babies evopened can t r i gger f a i nting ery year to screen for the Central seizures, or even sudmany metabolic and Oregon den death. endocrine d i s orders. Clinical Sometimes she recThese days, some test Genetics o mmends testing t o manufacturers c l aim Center in confirm a di a g nosis they can assess risk of 2011. w hen a p a t ient h a s autism, multiple scles hown symptoms o f rosis, diabetes, celiac a known condition or disease, obesity and addic- when family members want tion. Searching for g enetic to find out if they carry a gene clues to mental illnesses and mutation. other common diseases is more complex than isolating The cost "Most families are interestthe rarer, single-gene diseases, according to the National ed in having testing done, but Institutes of Mental Health. often we can't do the testing Many illnesses involve varia- because of financial considertions in a number of genes in ations," Tajchman said. combination with other enviCosts vary, she said, but ronmental and lifestyle fac- can be as much as $5,000. tors, such as diet, smoking or Schirripa estimated that one stress. gene test might cost between While some at-home tests $2,000 and $4,000, dependcan be purchased over the ing on what gene mutation Internet, the Food and Drug they're looking for. Tajchman Administration (which regu- and Schirripa said after a lates test manufacturers) and gene mutation is found in one the Center for Disease Con- person, the cost to test for that trol and Prevention say due to same gene mutation in other the myriad complexities and family members drops down questions involved in testing to a couple hundred dollars. and interpretation of results, Some insurance companies genetic tests should be done cover genetic testing, but to with the guidance of a physi- what extent depends on the cian and should be interpret- company. Risch's insurance ed by a counselor trained in has not agreed to cover her the field. testing yet. However, the testNot many doctors around ing company said it w o uld Central Oregon are trained in work to pursue payment from genetics. Schirripa considers the insurance company. "If I w ere to b e charged himself a general geneticist, and a genetic counselor. A the full amount it would be few physicians have studied around $5,000," Risch said. genetic testing i n r e l ation "My insurance may still cover to their medical specialties, it, but it is out of my hands, such cardiology or cancer. and I have no fear of incurring Take Dr. Urszula Tajchman debt from this." with the Pediatric Heart Center of Central Oregon, who What can be learned has studied genetics enough Risch's initial consultation to know when her general pe- with Schirripa took more than diatric patients might benefit five hours. They discussed her from some genetic testing. s y m ptoms and he r n u merT ajchman said she has about o u s family members who had onepatienteveryothermonth a v a r i ety of symptoms that

More on genetictesting Information aboutgenetic testing andcounseling from the National

Institutes of Health: health.nih.gov/topic/

GeneticTestingCounseling/ GeneticsBirthDefects Information about genetic

conditions, the Genetics Home Reference:ghr.nlm. nih.gov A factsheet about

at-home genetic tests from the U.S. Federal Trade Commission:www. consumer.ftc.gov/articles/ 0166-home-genetic-tests

suggestedsome similargene mutations. Risch's disparate symptoms were never connected until last year, when her own Internet research happened upon a possible answer. She has seen gastroenterologists for irritable bowel syndrome, orthopedic specialists for loose joints and optometrists for her vision trouble. Her flawless, velvety, ivory skin belies her 52 years ofage. It may be the only upside to her genetic disorder. Since she was little, she has had strangely loose joints. "I could do party tricks as a kid," she said, recalling how she could pop out a hip, or slip easily into the splits. "Now I'm falling apart." Risch's right index finger is wrapped entirely in a stylish coiled silver ring, not for fashion but rather as a brace to hold it together. The finger she usesmost, for embroidery or writing, hyperextends upward painfully. Her skin is stretchy, like old, thin cotton fabric that doesn't retain its shape after being pulled. Numbness in her fingertipscauses her to fumble. Her right ar m b e ars burn scars because she doesn't feel the heat when she reaches into her oven until she bumps a hot element. About four years ago she snapped the anterior cruciate ligament in her left knee, which led to two knee replacement surgeries that mystified her doctors because her rubbery, spaghettilike ligaments refuse to hold her k nee in

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mutation, it's just not one they know about yet," she said. "It's fascinating, the science of it," she said. She's of the mindset that more information is better. As a mother, she wants to know what's in store for her children. "But it's not an answer. I got cancer and I don't carry any of the genetic traits that would make me prone to it," she said. "I'd be curious how many BRCA carriers don't get cancer."

program, which means they meet federal standards for

quality, accuracy andreli-

specific types of EDS are unknown and unmapped. But Schirripa ordered a panel of blood tests and Risch had blood drawn at Bend Memorial Clinic to rule out some g enetic c o nditions. W h e n the results came to S chirripa about a month later, they ruled out more seriousconnective tissue disorders: Loeys-Dietz syndrome and Marfan syndrome. These are all similar, heritable syndromes that share many overlapping characteristics with EDS. Her symptoms could have indicated any of these diagnoses. Through a process of exclusion, Risch, with some confidence, narrowed her condition down to Type 3 EDS, called hypermobility. This news was a relief, especially as far as her concern about her daughter's labor went. Hypermobility EDS means Risch's knees might pop out when she steps off a curb, and she has trouble doing physical labor, such as vacuuming or hiking downhill. She said she feels blessed to be relatively unaffected.

ability. But certification does not guarantee that the ge-

netic test is medically useful. There is no uniform or

comprehensive systemto assess thevalidity of tests before theyare offered to

patients, according to The Genetics andPublic Policy Center at Johns Hopkins University.

Exome sequencing really surprised them," Hasler sald. "I was grateful not to be a BRCA carrier because of implications for my children, but frustratedbecause I wanted ananswer Oh, THISiswhy,'" she said. Doctors then gave her a BART analysis, to look for largerchanges to her genetic code that might explain the

Continued on next page

Finding a genetic mutation doesn't always mean the associated disease will appear, nor does the absence of a mutation guarantee a life of perfect health. Consider B en d r e s ident Erin Hasler, 33. After she was diagnosed with cancer last year, she took saliva tests in her oncologist's office to test for the BRCAI and BRCA2 genes, which a r e a s s ociated with breast and ovarian cancer. The tests were i ntended to help determine the best course of individualized cancer treatment. Had she carried those genes, she would have been encouraged to get a double mastectomy and a full hysterectomy. Because of her age, doctors expected to find a BRCA mutation. But they didn't. "That







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In addition to specific, targetedtestsfor one gene mutation, broad gene profiling tests are also available — a sort of fishing expedition i n creasingly used as a tool to identify potential disease risks. People who do "exome" testing may not have a symptom or family history that suggests they're at risk for a rare disease.

Uncertain answers

place. At the genetic consultation, S c h i r ripa d i agnosed Risch w i t h Ehl e r s-Danlos S y n d r o me. The genes for some

berg now.' I may have a gene


© 2013 MCT

who gets a genetic test. Tajchman is trying to prevent sudden death and heart failure. The most common tests she requests for her patients a re fo r h y p e rtrophic c a r -

cancer. That test didn't find anything either. So she went t o O r egon Health & Science University in Portland and talked to a geneticist about her entire family history. Several relatives have had various kinds of cancers. She had a blood draw to test for a rarer genetic mutation, c alled Li-Fraumeni. I f s h e finds out she's carrying that gene, her children's risk of cancer would raise exponentially, she said, and her own risk of future cancers would be high. She awaits those results. "They kept telling me, 'Genetics is at the tip of the ice-









Geneticprivacy The Genetic lnformation Nondiscrimination Act (GINA), which took effect in 2009, is a federal law

meant to protect a person's genetic privacy. GINA prohibits the use of genetic information in making employment decisions, restricts employers


genetic information, according to the U.S.Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, which enforces federal employment laws. Genetic information is defined as results from a person's genetic tests and the tests of family members, as well as information about any diseases or disorders in the family's history. Barbara Pettersen, of Bend, who used to be a genetic counselor and is now the clinical director of a


testing lab in California, said employeeshavesuccessfully sued employers for including genetic tests in pre-employment evaluations. GINA is also supposed to protect people from discrimination in health insurance coverage. Under the law, insurers are not allowed to askfor or gather any genetic information about applicants when they


apply for coverage, according to the Genetics and Public Policy Center at Johns Hopkins University. In


other words, insurers shouldn't be able to useany genetic test results against someone seeking coverage. GINAprotections do not, however, apply to life insurance or long-term care insurance markets. Requests for reimbursement for a genetic test, however, alert an insurance company of a test, but the insurer should not know the result. That information is in an individual's medical record. The

privacy of medical records is covered by the Privacy Rule of the Health lnformation Portability and


Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996, which says health care providers can't release health records to

anyone without the patient's permission. However, the Genetics HomeReference website from the U.S. Library of Medicine warns: "People considering genetic testing may want to find out more about their state's privacy protection laws

before they ask their insurance company to cover the costs."

The exome is just a small part of t h e w h ole genome, but it's a part that contains the majority of our genes, and testing it can determine about 85 percent of the genetic mutations known to medicine. Schirripa said exome testing is helpful for a person with unexplainable symptoms who has already been run through the gamut of standard medical tests to rule out known diseases. If nothing answers the question, "eventually we get to exome testing." Exome sequencing looks for variants within only 1 percent of the genome, but that "generich" area is where the majority of disease-causing mutations are found, said Bend resident Barbara Pettersen, who was a local genetic counselor for many years and is now clinical director of a testing lab in California. " There ar e i s sues w i t h whole exome s equencing," she said. "Because this is such a new science, a geneticist might not know if the mutations are actually causing the problems. We find a lot more than the patient and his or her parents are asking about. You might find you're predisposed to Parkinson's or something else that isn't pertinent to the original question." It's unknown what finding surprises can do to one's psy-

chology, she said. Especially when done in the absence of a genetic counselor.

Do-it-yourself Different kinds of d i rectto-consumer genetic tests are available online from $400 to $2,000. They can provide information about a person's genetic risk for 20 to 40 common diseases. These tests don't r e quire c o n sultation with a physician or a genetic counselor, nor do they come with any clinical geneticists to talk to about results. They are not well regulated, Pettersen said. "It gets complicated for the c onsumer. They ma y m i s interpret i n f ormation," she said. Some direct-to-consumer tests are legitimate and provide helpful information, she said. Some are not. If, for example, a company claims to be able to tell you what type of supplement or diet would be best for you, it's probably bogus, she said. "They sell supplements based on a DNA profile and there's no science to back that up," Pettersen sa>d. A 2011 article in the New England Journal of Medicine summarized the ethical questions surrounding direct-toconsumer tests. " Proponents a r gu e t h a t p roviding thi s t y p e o f i n f ormation d i rectly t o c o n s umers may r esult i n i m p roved c o m p liance wi t h health-screening p r a c t ices and more healthful lifestyle choices. Skeptics assert that such testing has the potential to cause harm, including anxiety and increased use of unnecessary and expensive screening and medical procedures. The clinical validity and utility of these tests have not been demonstrated, and given their cost, many observers argue that their sale raises consumer-protection issues." The article said the availa bility o f s u c h t e st s h a s prompted the Food and Drug

"We find a lot more than the patient and his or her parents are asking about. You might find


you're predisposed to Parkinson's or something else thatisn't pertinent to the original question."


— Barbara Pettersen, clinlcal dlrector of a testing lab

Administration t o c o nsider whether federal regulatory oversight w a s wa r r a nted. "The controversy has been complicated in part by a lack of prospective data regarding the effect of testing on consumers and on the clinical validity and utility of the tests." The study examined subjects who took direct-to-consumer genome-wide risk profiling from a widely available test. It examined changes in anxiety, diet, exercise and use of health screening tests resulting from the do-it-yourself genetic testing. A bout 90 percent of t h e subjects didn't appear to have test-related distress, and there was no evidence of increased use of health screening, the authors reported. But the authors admit that the subjects in the study may not represent the population at large.

"Subjects who might have been harmed psychologically by testing may have declined to participate or may have dropped out of the study. The failure of a l a r g e p ercent-

age of subjects (44 percent) to complete the study is notable," authors wrote. In conclusion: "Potential effects of this type of genetic testing on the population at large are not known." — Reporter: 541-383-0304 aaurand@bendbutletin.com



New Jersey, New York, Oregon, than purchase insurance. That Vermont, Rhode Island and w ould cause premium prices to Continued from D1 Washington. These states al- rise even higher. Insurance co m p anies ready highly regulate insurance m ay have to go back to the policies. States withmore lenient Who can shop on the drawing board if their pric- regulations may see higher rates . exchanges? es are too high or their poli- once the stricter rules in the fed• Anyone can. But o nly cies fail to conform to new eral health law are applied. • those who do not have requirements in the federal employer-sponsored insurance health law. Already, a few • Why are premium prices or an affordable offer of insurcarriers have v oluntarily • expected to rise? ancecan apply forfederalprewithdrawn their proposed • Insurance c o m p anies mium tax credits. "Affordable," prices after seeing how • most often cite the re- according to the U.S. Treasury much higher they were. quirement in the federal health Department, means the emlaw that carriers can no longer ployeeshare of premium costs When will all 2014 deny coverage to someone who does not exceed 9.5 percent of • exchange premium is alreadysick or exclude cov- income. People who already prices be revealed'? erage of their condition. Nor have insurance but pay for it all • The curtain will rise can carriers charge a higher will be eligible for subsidies. . Oct. Iwhenhealthinpremium price for people in surance exchanges across poor health. How much will premithe country go live. Until But other ACA provisions • um tax subsidies pay? then, state insurance regu- will also affect the price of pre. For those with incomes lators will b e r e viewing miums in 2014. For example, . from the poverty level thousands of applications women cannot be charged a ($11,490 for an individual) to from insurance carriers ea- higher rate than men, and older four times that annual income ger to sell their policies to an people can only be charged a ($45,960), the premium tax credestimated 20 million uninset amount more than younger its will sharply reduce the price sured Americans who will people in the same community. ofinsurance.Basedonprojected get federal money to purThe health law requires all income for the year ahead, the chase insurance — many of insurance policies — on the credits will be paid by the Treathem for the first time. exchange and off the exchange sury Department in advance, di— to cover a minimum set of rectly to the insurance company How much can con- benefits that include mental the consumer chooses. • sumers expect to pay health and dental care, among Calculations of the premium for individual coverage'? other things. tax credit will work much like • It's e s timated t h a t One big concern, though, is the current Free Application • the national average that healthy people won't care for Federal Student Aid. Conpremium for an individual whether the new policies offer sumers will provide informacould be $5,200 a year, or better coverage. If the price tag tion about their income, and about $433 per month in is too high, they may choose the Treasury will determine the 2014. But it will depend on to pay a federal fine rather ability to pay for insurance. where you live. Starting in 2014, all insurance companies will have to follow the same market rules and offer roughly the ' I I I , same benefits. That should have the effect of evening out rates from stateto state What ould you do with FREEtime away over time. But in the profrom ome of the daily worries and burden cess, ratesin some statesare of treating diabetes? expected to spike. The prediction is t h at FREEDOM-1 is a clinical research study investigating an innovative prices will be lower or flat approach to delivering treatment for type 2 diabetes that d oeSn t in states like Massachusetts, require needles or evenpills. This study is now enrolling.


and organizations from requesting or obtaining genetic information and strictly limits the disclosure of

From previous page


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erere a meesreai TV SPOTLIGHT

to "Celebrity Rehab," although recently he has reconsidered. He can be found five nights a week co-hosting the sex-advice radio show "Loveline," which started his media career nearly 30 years ago when he was a medical resident. He is the host of"Dr. Drew on Call," an hourlong talk show on the HLN news channel, as well as a frequent commentator on CNN and a reality-show guest host. (He recently moderated the "Mob Wives" re-

By Laura M. Holson New York Times News Service

Around dusk on Feb. 17, Dr. Drew Pinsky was sitting at the computer in his hillside home in Pasadena, Calif., w h en he received an email from a friend with s ome troubling news. Mindy McCready, a 37year-old country singer and a star of the third season of "Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew," a television show that made its debut on VHI in 2008, had shot herself at her house in Heber Springs, Ark. "She lost her battle," Pinsky, 54, recalled the friend writing. "I sent back, 'Did she die?'" "Yes," the friend replied. McCready was the fifth participant of "Celebrity Rehab" to die within two years and the third from Season 3, which ended in March 2010. When he got the email, Pinsky said recently, "I don'tremember doing anything. It is not my job to do anything."

The singer was no longer a patient, but a few w eeks earlier they had talked and he had urged her to seek help in the aftermath of the January death of her boyfriend, a music producer named David Wilson. McCready had, but Pinsky said she left the psychiatric hospital prematurely. "I felt defeated," he said. "The air went out of my body. I was confident that Mindy was going to take care of herself."

6 a.m. on ESPN,"2013 U.S. Open Golf Championship" — The year's second major championship brings the world's top golfers to Merion Golf Club in eastern Pennsylvania for the 2013 U.S. Open.

about your teen mom Farrah and her porn tape?'" Pinsky said. "I went, 'My teen mom Farrah?' I've spent m aybe three hours with her, probably 45 minutes across three different shows I hosted. I know her. I'm available to her. I care what happens to that young lady. But I don't produce that show. I'm not her doctor." However fleeting the contact, he said he can't escape a negative association.

7 p.m. on WE,"House of Curves" — This new series follows Kenyatta Jones, CEOof the Bella Reneclothing company, who has designed her dream collection for plus-sized women. With her mom as her main investor and her two best friends from college as her staff, Kenyatta and company will do anything to expand their brand. In the premiere, Kenyatta and her team prepare for their spring fashion show, but when the right buyers don't show up,Kenyattamakes a power move.

"She becomes my prob-

union special.)

lem because of the choices Emily Berl / New York Times News Serwce He and the comedian Adam she is making," Pinsky said. Dr. Drew Pinsky says he is continually baffled that people hold him Carolla (hi s m o s t f a m ous "I haven't seen her in two or "Loveline" co-host), 49, take accountable long after his on-air doctoring is done. three years, but I am a failure their act on tour, performing if she makes bad choices in in clubs and theaters. And her life. It's like, wow." It didn't take long for the when he appeared on "The he continues to see patients I t was lunchtime in L o s backlash to begin, particularly Dr. Oz Show" on March 5 to Wednesday mornings at his Angeles on April 16 and Pinamong those who have long discuss the insidious and often office in Pasadena. sky was already well into a claimed that Pinsky exploited fatal nature of addiction. But what continues to baffle 15-hour workday. Having fin"If we were doing a show Pinsky, and what resurfaced ished two podcasts with Carcelebrities too sick to w i t hstand the scrutiny of a reality called, 'Cancer House,' and when McCready died, is that olla, he drove through midday television show. In the week people died, you'd go, 'Well, people hold him accountable traffic to prepare for his 6 p.m. after McCready's death, he ap- at least you got them a few long after his on-air doctoring HLN show. Later, he said he peared on "Extra" and "Access good years,'" Pinsky told a is done. dined with Mark Geragos, a "They think I'm a millionHollywood" and wa s i nter- sympathetic Mehmet Oz, addlawyer who has represented ing, "Addiction is not a curable aire and they think I am, like, Winona Ryder and Michael viewed on "The View." "I didn't want to seem avoid- condition." rampaging or exploiting peo- Jackson, then drove to Culver ant," he said. Though Pinsky seems gen- ple to maintain that," he said. City, where "Loveline" was reWhen Sherri Shepherd of uinely saddened by the deaths "And that could not be farther corded live at 10 p.m. "I'm a workaholic," Pinsky "The View" asked him if the of McCready and the show's from the truth." public nature of McCready's other participants, those setHe recalled a recent show in said as he plopped down on a treatment had something to do backs have done nothing to Redondo Beach, Calif., when tangerine couch at Carolla's with her death, Pinsky replied: slow his f renetic workload. an audience member grilled studio. He said he began to "In a weird wayI wish I could He acknowledged that being him about a p o r nographic have panic attacks at 19 and claim more responsibility for a media personality has now tape made by Farrah Abra- was told he had an anxiety this. The reality is, though, become his primary career, ham, one of the stars of MTV's disorder while a student at I haven't seen Mindy, say, in after years treating patients "Teen Mom," a show on which Amherst College. "I was a mess," he said. "But years." with addiction issues. Still, he he was a guest host. "Somebody w e nt, 'How I found my way through." He said he was still shaken said he had no plans to return

earnt esi nso e era use Dear Abby: Thank you for all you do tokeep our seniors safe. Saturday is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. On that day, communities all over the world will sponsor events to highlight the growing tragic issue of elder abuse. Y our read e r s DEAR — young and oldABBY should know that the U.S. Administration on Aging estimates that as many as 5 million seniors are abused or neglected each year in the U.S. Elder abuse can be p hysical, emotional, financial and sexual. It also includes people who are neglected. Elders who are abused are twice as likely to be hospitalized, four times as likely to go into nursing homes and three times as likely to die. Elder abusecan be prevented if everyone would learn the warning signs and report it to Adult Protective Services or the police if they suspect it is happening. — Mary Twomey, MSW, University Of California-Irvine Dear Readers: I was dismayed to learnthat 90 percent of elderabuse happens at the hands of a family

dren internationally. Early on, they had a garage sale with the proceeds going toward the adoption. I was excited for them and wanted to help. However, this was soon followed by more requests — for yard sale donations, two more garage sales, the "opportunity" to buy exsigns. pensive coffee online, a fundraising Dear Abby: I was dinner, and then a solicitation for m arried to a w o n - me and others to provide a "virtual derful man, "Ted," shower" of plane ticket money. who was 20 years my Each time I am notified about senior. In social situations his adult another fundraiser, I feel less and children would introduce me as less charitable. I have never been "Dad's wife" or "Ted's wife." Sadly, asked for money for the same thing my husband passed away, and his in so many different ways in such a children no longer know how to re- short time. While I'm thrilled with fer to me socially. their desire to adopt, I am increasI was recently asked by Ted's ingly disgusted and put off by their children how I w ished to be incontinued pleas for money. Am I troduced, but I'm not sure. I don't wrong to be so upset about this? — A Little Ticked Off think "stepmother" is a ppropriate because I'm only four to seven Dear Ticked Off: It appears your years older than they are. Do you "friends" are taking advantage of have any ideas as to what might be your generosity. It will continue appropriate? for only as long as you permit it. — "Marilyn" in New Jersey Because therequests for help are Dear "Marilyn": You could be in- continuous, are you absolutely sure troduced as "Dad's widow," "my this couple is really in the middle of late father's wife" or simply by your the adoption process and not using name. the money for some other purpose? — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com Dear Abby: Some friends are in the process of adopting two chilor P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069 member ora caregiver.Iam urging readers to get more information on this important subject by visiting www.ncea.aoa.gov. We can all stop this scourge if we know what to look for and are willing to speak up when we see the warning

This year you'll use your creativity to move forward. Wherever you apply this energy, it naturally seems to work. Your artistic talent emerges as well. If you are single, you Stars show the kind have more than of day you'll have y our fair share of ** * * * D ynamic admirers, so have ** * * P ositive fu n dating! If you ** * A verage are attached, the ** S o-so two of you become * Difficult more present as a couple. LEO knows how to flatter you. ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * You will sense some volatility in the air; however, you should note that this energy most likely is coming from you. Though this might surprise you, do your best to keep communication moving. You'll enjoy the series of calls that come in.Make plans.Tonight:Think"weekend."

TAURUS (April 20-May 20)

YOUR HOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

CANCER (June21-July 22) ** * * Y our instincts are working overtime. Why not test them out, and then keep track of how often you are right? No one needs to know if you are uncomfortable sharing. Use care with your spending — you could be misreading someone. Tonight: Treat a friend to drinks and munchies.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * B e more in touch with someone's feelings. You would prefer to know up front if there is something on this person's mind. A call from a distance could result in a change of plans, and it also might cause you to rethink a personal matter. Tonight: Find your friends and join them.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

** You might enjoy somedowntime, in ** * You might be taken aback by which you feel less pressured by others. people' s behaviorand,consequently, The real issue has to dowith how muchyou whatyou learn about them. Stay even and are willing to give. Stay in touch with a key direct in how you deal with this volatility. friend or an associate. This person often Note your reaction, but choose not to play devil's advocate for you in situations visibly react. Think positively instead. like this. Tonight: Get plenty of rest! Tonight: Make a family-favorite meal.

GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * * D o not stand on ceremony with someone. Simply call that person and make plans. If it is concerning a professional matter, you might want to schedule a meeting. If the other party is not enthusiastic, simply drop his or her participation in a project. Tonight: You'll find the right words.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * You might want to rethink a personal matter that could be driving your professional or outside life. Afriend, family member or loved one might be trying to run interference. Listen to this person's insight and feedback, if you trust him or her. Tonight: In the limelight.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Oec. 21) ** * * Reach out to an expert or someoneata distance.The moreyou know, the better your decisions will be. A loved one could be provocative, yet he or she has ingenious ideas. Your creativity will surge as aresult of dealing with him or her directly. Tonight: Mix relaxing with fun.

CAPRICORN (Oec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * A partner holds the key to a change in your life. The issue lies in how well you relate to this person and whether you can see eye to eye. Only time will tell. If you can be reflective, you will respond in a very different way. Tonight: Join a friend or loved one for dinner.

AQUARIUS (Jao. 20-Fed. 18) ** * * Move forward in a positive manner. You might need to dodge an emotional wall that someone hasconstructed in order to achieve the results you desire. Stay calm when dealing with the unexpected. Others will seekyou out, so maketime for them. Tonight: Fun with a lovedone.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

PISCES (Fed. 19-March 20)

** * * * C l ose friends make all the difference. They give you feedback, and they encourage you. You don't have to incorporate their ideas, but it's nice to havethem behindyou.News comes in that could cause you to reconsider an important decision. Tonight: Music, fun and friends.

** * Pace yourself, as you have a lot of ground to cover. If you feel lucky, take abitofarisk.Buyalotteryticket,or express feelings to a loved one that you have held back. Consider making exercise a part of your daily life. Know that it will happen naturally. Tonight: Run errands. © 2013 by King Features Syndicate

9 p.m. on TRAV,"Monumental Mysteries" — In this new episode, Don visits New York's Ellis Island, the gateway for millions of immigrants to come to the U.S. He discovers that one family whose story is told in a classic movie came close to not getting in. Later, he's at California's Death Valley National Park to check out some mysterious stones that seem to be able to sail across sand. In Texas, he investigates reports that a treasure is hidden within a legendary landmark.


10 p.m. on TBS,"Sullivan Ijl Son" — In the season premiere, "One More Time," Ken Jeong ("Community"j guest stars as Susan's (Vivian Bang) husband, who like Steve (Steve Byrnej also considers leaving a successful career to follow his bliss. The rest of the gang returns with a full mug of bad behavior.

• There may beanadditional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. f




Regal Old Mill Stadium16L IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • 42 iPG-13j 11:35 a.m., 2:35, 6:10, 9:10 • AFTER EARTH (PG-13) Noon, 1, 3, 4:05, 6:40, 7:40, 9:20, IO:20 • EPIC iPGi11:50a.m., 230, 605, 9 • EPIC 3-D (PG) 12:05, 3:05, 6:35, 9:25 • FAST & FURIOUS 6 (PG-13) I2:40, 3:45, 7: IO, IO:05 • THE GREAT GATSBY (PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6:15, 9:30 • THE HANGOVER PARTIII (R) 12:25, I: IO, 4:15, 7:30, IO:05 • THE INTERNSHIP iPG-13j 1:25, 3:25, 4:25, 6:20, 7:20, 9:30, 10:15 • IRON MAN (PG-13) 3 I2:50, 3:55, 6:55, 9:55 • MAN OF STEEL (PG-13) Thu night/Fri morning: 12:01 a.m. • MAN OF STEEL3-0 (PG-13) Thu night/Fri morning: 12:01 a.m. • MAN OF STEEL IMAX3-D (PG-13l Thu night/Fri morning: 12:01 a.m. • NOW YOU SEEME (PG-13l12:30,3:35,6:50,9:45 • THEPURGE(R) I:20,4:30,7:50, IO:IO • STAR TREK INTODARKNESSIMAX 3-D (PG-I3l 12 15, 4,7 • STAR TREK INTODARKNESS(PG-13l 11:45 a.m., 2:50, 6:30, 9:35 • THIS IS THE END (Rl 12:25, 3:15, 7:15, 9:50 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. '



Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • DISCONNECT (Ri 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 • THE GREAT GATSBY (PG-13) Noon, 3, 6 • THE HANGOVER PARTIII (R) 1, 4, 7 • THE ICEMAN (Ri 1:15, 4:15, 7 • MUD (PG-13) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15 • THE SAPPHIRES (PG-13l 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 I


9 p.m. on HIST,"Pawn Stars" — The guys have the opportunity to acquire a pair of punching bags that belonged to boxinglegend Rocky Marciano. This inspires Corey to install a punching bag in the warehouse and the Old Man to show off his boxingmoves.Rickalso checks outa Swiss Doxa pocketwatch from the19th century in "Ready to Rumble," the first of two new episodes airing tonight.

10:01 p.m. onE5, "Elementary" — Sherlock (Jonny Lee Miller) investigates an attack on Detective Bell lJon Michael Hill) that looks like an openand-shut case until the suspect turns up dead. Joan (Lucy Liu) is under pressure from Sherlock to take some self-defense classes. ©Zap2rt

61t EL? nwxhullabaloo,com



McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • ADMISSION (PG-13i 9:15 • OBLIVION (PG-13) 6 • After 7 p.m., shows are2f and olderonly. Younger than 21 mayattend screenings before7 pm. if accompaniedby a legal guardian.


Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • No movies are scheduled to screen today. I






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• FAST & FURIOUS 6 (PG-13) 3:30 • THE INTERNSHIP iPG-13j 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 • NOW YOU SEEME (PG-13l2,4:30,7,9:30 • THIS IS THE END(Rl 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9

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Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • THE INTERNSHIP iPG-13j 6:30 • MUD (PG-13) 6 • NOW YOU SEEME(PG-I3l 6: I5 • THIS IS THE ENO(Rj 7


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Madras Cinema 5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • AFTER EARTH (PG-l3) 5, 7:20, 9:35 • EPIC (PGi 7 • EPIC 3-O lPG) 4:30 • FAST 6 FURIOUS(PG-13) 6 3:45, 6:40, 9:30 • THE INTERNSHIP (PG-13l 4:35, 7: I5, 9:45 • MAN OF STEEL (PG-13) Thu night/Fri morning: 12:01 a.m. • STAR TREK INTODARKNESS(PG-13l 9:15 • THIS IS THE END(Ri 4:40, 7:10, 9:40 •



Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54'I -548-8777

i /


•i i


IN l

WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable

Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • AFTER EARTH (PG-I3) 6 15 • EPIC (UPSTAIRS — PG)6:30 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.


G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084

ON PAGES 3&4. COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin

Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, JUNE 13, 2013











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Pets 8 Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Adopt a nice cat from E nglish Mastiff A K C Petco, PetSmart or puppies, dam 8 sire Tumalo s a n ctuary! fully OFA tested, litter Fixed, shots, ID chip, is champion sired with tested, more! Sancincredible pedigrees! tuary open Sat/Sun S mall litter, only 5 1 -5, other days by pups avail. $ 2000. appt. 6 5480 7 8 t h, Chris, 503-577-7185. Bend. Photos, map at Frenchie Faux puppies, www.craftcats.org. 541-389-8420, or like very coby, 8 wks, 1st shots/dewormed, $600. us on Facebook. 541-447-0210 A pet sitter in NE Bend, warm and loving home German Shepherds AKC with no cages, $25 day. www.sherman-ranch.us Linda at 541-647-7308


Aussie/Border Collie Mix, Greyhounds - Rescued 2 males, 1 b lue, 1 ex-racers for adoption at black. Kennel broke, 8 C.O. Saturday Market, wks,1st shots, being this Sat 6/15 across from h ousetrained. $ 1 5 0downtown Bend Library. each. 541-788-2958 Lhasa Apso/Shih Tzu Aussie/Maltese-cross pup. So adorable! $300. Toy puppies (they look 503-888-0800, Madras. Aussie) 1 male $250, 1 female $300. CASH. 541-546-7909

A ussie Mix, (2), 1 s t shots, dew o rmed, $1 50. 541 -771-2606 pup Australian Sh e pherd Malamute/wolf 9-week-old female. Mini pups, registered, $400. First shots. family raised, bred for 541.241.4914 temperament and agility. 541-389-7499 Mixed breed dog, meBOXER AKC puppies, dium sized, spayed fereat litter, 1st shots, male, 2 yrs old, good with children, good compan700. 541-325-3376 ion, free to good home. 541-382-7790

POODLE Pups, Toy. Also, POMAPOOSSo cute! 541-475-3889 QueenslandHeelers Cavalier King Charles Standard 8 Mini, $150 tri pup male, $1500. & up. 541-280-1537 AKC reg., house-bro- www.rightwayranch.wor ken, crate- t r ained, dpress.com shots an d w o rming current 541-382-7614 Rodent control experts (barn cats) seek work Chihuahua male, 8 mo. in exchange for safe cream colored, very shelter, basic care. smart, $150. Cal l Fixed, shots. Will de541-270-8294 (no text) liver! 541-389-8420 Scottish Terrier puppies, AKC, born 4/2. shots & wormed, parents on site, Ready now! 541-317-5624. Chihuahuas, awesome Wolf-Husky-Malamute asst'd colors, all meds, pups, only 2 left! $300! $250. 541-362-1977 541-977-7019



A v e . , •Be n d

0 re 9 o n

9 g 7 ~

Antiques & Collectibles

Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing






OR & UT Carry Concealed Handgun License Class, Sat. 6/15, OR, 10 a.m. • UT,12:30 I a.m. St. Francis School Bend. Cost: OR $35; UT 286 Western Wear $45. 541-848-8999 Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Areal -Gently UsedRevolver, .38 special, * Double D Ranch undercover Charter Arms Huge Garage S a le Liquidation Sale of Sale! Sat-Sun 6/15-16, ESTATE/MOVING * Patricia Wolf with s peed l o aders, children's * Boots clo t hes, Insulation Business, 8-4. Kids clothes & kids SALE Fri-Sat 9-4 shoulder holster, ammo and A-Z Household tools, b ab y i t e ms, toys, Tupperware & Furniture, garage, * Turquoise and more, $499. .30-.30 household. Fri. Sat. miscellaneous. GARAGE SALE! kitchen, glassware & 541-549-6950 Marlin lever action rifle, and Sun., 7:30 a.m. Trucks, insulation, lad- 1965 NE Jackson Ave. collectibles, dolls 8 1949 heirloom, hunting/ 6 5260 94th St., o f f ders, lifts, scaffolding, SAT. 8 2 near PBMS, more! 1936 NW saddle gun, $400. 18' tools, office furniture, 1672 Crestridge. Loads Greenwood off 19th in Crafts & Hobbies • Terry trailer, great hunt- Old Bend/Rdmd Hwy 8 much more. Redmond. Numbers ing rig, everything works, Multi-Family/Moving Sale supplies quality girls'/women's Household treasures, of issued @8 a.m. Fri! Designer Fabrics! High new radialsi $2000. Per- Tools, furniture, camping antiques, clothing,furniture 8 more art work sportquality - huge variety: sonal fishing cataraft, equip, Weber gas BBQ 541-350-6822 silks, wools, velvets, $400 OBO, with 2 oars. engine hoist,compound ing goods, kitchenware, www.atticestatesanYard Sale B/15 cottons, linings, inter- Mazda pickup, g reat bow, bed frame, barn furniture, lawnmower. dappraisals.com June 14-15, 8-4. 8:00 am - 3:00 pm facing, trims, notions. mileage, with gear/wood wood, much more! Sat Fri-Sat, 1304 NE 1st St. GARAGE SALE Can't miss this oneDays, call 541-550-7214 rack, new studded snow only 9-3, 2250 NW 7th St (turn north off of GreenFri. 8 Sat., 9-5, Lots of lots of great stuff! tires, 1993 4 c ylinder, wood, across from good stuff! 2033 NW 242 63215 Peterman Ln. $2500. Couch with 2 reMission Linen). off Butler Mkt. Rd. JOSHUA TREE CT. Exercise Equipment cliners built-in, plus free Sales Southwest Bend by the Bend Airport. Moving. Stuff g alore! TV, 541-516-8985 (mesMoving Sale! Jun 14-15, Inversion table (back- sage) or 541-610-3578. 2-family sale, Sat. 8-12 9am-5pm. E v e rything furniture, an t iques, Couches, bookshelves, must go! Dressers, dbl stretch) brand new, 288 bikes, tools, books, $85 obo. 541-480-7024 Ruger 22 pistol, stain- piano, lots of other bed, upright freezer, apt. Sales Southeast Bend clothes, Fri. & Sat. 9-5 less NIB 1980s limitems. 61062 Snow- size refrigerator, kitchen 2859 SW Peridot, i ted e d i tion, r a r e . brush Drive. stuff, shelves, some of Fri. 8 Sat., 8-3. Furn. QUILTERS-KNITTERS: $500 541-382-8973 Golf Equipment • Garage Sale - Sat. June everything! Sale inside f arm e q uip., u t i l . Selling my "stash!" Ruger M77 rifle 25-06 15, 8-3, lots of goodies, house 8 garage at 1348 trailer, holiday stuff, Quality fabric 8 yarns. Golf cart, 2000 Yamaha Liberty mdl S N ¹ 29, clothes, lots o f m i sc.NE Thompson Drive. artwork, household. Books,magazines, dolls, gas, custom top, runs exc. c o nd., $ 5 0 0.60929 Zircon Drive. 61771 Arrow Ave. jewelry 8 many other MOVING SALE! Supg ood. $ 1500 f i r m, 541-382-8973 Cash only. June 14-15, 9-4, plies & creations of an Garage / Moving Sale items. 541-280-3780 View Estates avid crafter, m a ny Fri-Sat, 8-4. Tools, misc Cascade Ruger Mark3 stainless 3228 SW 35th St (off MEN'S QUALITY GOLF bull barrel 22, brand household 8 garden household, treadmill & Sales Northeast Bend Wickiup/ Reservoir SET with bag, acces- new, 200 rnd ammo. items, a ntiques. Fri. more. 59785 Calgary Lp, to 36th St.) s ories. P hotos o n $450. 541-815-8658. 9-5 1342 NE11th St. in Sundance 2-Family Garage Sale! craigslist $350. RedSeasonal Garage Sale! Household items & colTracker, mond. 541-526-0897 Taurus 17HMR Garage Sale, Sat. & Antique and new furnistainless, 6/2k barrel, as lectibles, Fri 8 Sat, 8-4, ** FR EE ** S un., 9-4. 92 4 S E ture, other antiques 8 63367 Majestic Loop new, amazing pistol tack D ouglas St . B a b ycollectibles, linens, glassGarage Sale Kit (off of Morningstar) driver, $500 obo. items galore 8 clothes ware, handmade crafts, Guns, Hunting Place an ad in The 541-420-3106 Garage-moving s a leBuiietin )or your ga(both gender), furni- July 4th, western, art& Fishing household items of all rage sa!e and rework. Thurs-Sat, 6/1 3ture and much more. cash, checks, or kind. Saturday only 8 ceive a Garage Sale 6/15, Sam-4pm.4504 Find exactly what 1500 rnds of .556-.223 Huge sale Fri-Sat., 8 'til SW Minson Rd., Powell l credit i n f o rmation $1000. 2900 rnds 22LR you are looking for in the a .m. to noon 2 9 7 0 K;t FRFFi 2. 127 SE Airpark, off Butte -look for signs! may be subjected to NE Pinnacle Pl., on 140 rnds of 25-06, CLASS I F IEDS the corner of W ells Pettigrew. Je w e lry Yard 8 Plant Sale, l FRAUD. For more $300. KIT INCLupBS $140. 541-647-8931 chests, crafting stuff, Acres & Pinnacle Pl. • 4 Garage Sale Signs information about an g Fri-Sat, 6/14-15, 9-4. Wanted: Collector • $2.00Off CouPon To household, yard advertiser, you may l People Look for Information 1427 SW 17th St. Garage Sale Sat., June seeks high quality Use Toward Your items, knick-knacks. / call t h e Or e gon / About Products and Misc. household items, 15, 9-2, 1816 NE Bob- Next Ad fishing items. Truly great stuff. Not a & plants, plants plants! ' State Attor n ey ' Services Every Daythrough Call 541-678-5753, or • 10 Tips For "Garage drive-by! l General's O f fi ce sPo" ng goo s 'o s o 503-351-2746 Sale Success!" Yard Sale, Fri-Sat, Consumer Protec- • The Bulletin ClassiNeds miscellaneous. Lehto Family 6/14 & 15, Sam-5pm, t ion ho t l in e at I 223 Remington, Federal 255 Estate Sale 1517 NW Redwood Ave. GIGANTIC Yard Sale, l 1-877-877-9392. AE 223, 55 grain, $15 Bikes, riding lawnmow60636 SE Tekampe, Computers UCCO Fundraiser. box. 18 boxes total Gate opens promptly ers, push mowers, 2 62855 Powell Butte Paul, 541-241-0532 rototillers, generator... Sat. 6/15, 8-3, T HE B U L LETIN r e Highway, BendSun. 6/16, 10-3 240 rnds of 30-30 ammo, quires computer ad- Fri 8 Sat 9-2; no early Outdoorsmanls delight! birds. You name the $240. 650 rnds of 9mm vertisers with multiple The Bulletin Sales Other Areas Hunting and fishing ad schedules or those $260. 541-647-8931 pl ice, wlth ln I eas o i ll ser ng cenrrai oregon rnre 1903 Antiques 8 items - cowboy attire, selling multiple sysHuge inventory. Collectibles 500 rnds 40 S8W, $250. tems/ software, to disriding lawn mower, Mary 8 Trudy's Annual 500 rnds of 38spl, $250. close the name of the Bill 8 Audrey Johnson Stampin' Up, Scrapfirewood, furniture, Antiques wanted: tools, 541-647-8931 booking, Craft & Huge collectables, other business or the term ESTATE SALE furniture, marbles, beer Garage Sale! This is "dealer" in their ads. misc. farm items. 62841 MONTARA DRIVE, Bend cans, early B/W pho- Bend local pays CASH!! Private party advertisthe largest one ever! BRING DAD! for all firearms & tography, radios & 66500 Ponderosa Lp Friday, June 14 • Saturday, June 15 Private party sale. ers are d efined as ammo. 541-526-0617 lighting. 541-389-1578 Bend (off Hwy 20 & those who sell one 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. MOSTLY MEN'S Gist Rd) June 14-15 CASH!! computer. Crowd control admittance STUFF... Friday only, 9:00-4:00 For Guns, Ammo 8 numbersissued at8:00 a.m. 8-6. Tools, auto 260 Reloading Supplies. (Take Hwy 20 EAST to Hamby Rd. Turn North misc., clothing, Golf 541-408-6900. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Misc. Items and go 1.6 miles to Paloma Drive. Turn east L kr cart, storage trunks, and follow Pa/oma Vz mile to Montara Drive Collection: Ammo incl. etc. Women's things Door-to-door selling with Bend Indoor Swap turn north and follow 3/1Osmile to sa/e site) REM M3 7 R a n ge- Meet - A Mini-Mall full also. 21873 Rincon fast results! It's the easiest Beautiful handmaster; Cimarron "Evil of Unique Treasures! Avenue, Bend. HOME IS ALSO FOR SALE!!! way in the world to sell. carved coffee table Roy" 45LC; COLT Of- 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. (44" x 19'/k" x 17'72") LARGE HOME ON 4'/2ACRES OH BOY, BIG SALE! ficers .22; R ugers: 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. The Bulletin Classified and 2 matching end SAT 6/15 - SUN 6/16 Blackhawk Flattop 44; 600 4 3 541-385-5809 tables (shown) 24'/4" Super Blackhawk 44; BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS UNIQUE SALE: Mid Century Teak Items Include: 9 AM-3PM. x 15" x 24~/4". Built in 1's i n 6 mm, 2 7 0 , Sofa andLoveseat; Desk; Coffee 8 End Tables; Edmonton Dr, in SunSearch the area's most dance. Follow Bright Moving Sale - Furniture, Taiwan between Six bookcase units; Cedar lined chest; Stand on 7mm. 541-389-1392 comprehensive listing of clothinq, kitchen/house1940-1950, all glass rollers; Magazine rack; Salt and pepper shakers; Yellow Signs. classified advertising... hold. Sat-Sun, 6/15-16, covered, in excelServing trays; bowls; utensils; Chairs; Bed with DON'TMISS THIS real estate to automotive, futon mattress; Lamps and floor lamp; Dresser; Just bought a new boat? Sam-2pm. 861 SE Krislent condition. $1600 Sell your old one in the tin Way, (take J St. to merchandise to sporting Shelving unit; and other small teak items; OBO. 541-382-6731 Ask about our Strawberry Ln in Madras) goods. Bulletin Classifieds Other items include:Telescope on tripod; Shafer classifieds! Super Seller rates! DO YOU HAVE appear every day in the &Sons spinet piano; Artwork by Sister Cerita Moving Sale June 14 541-385-5809 SOMETHING TO print or on line. Kent; Sandra Weston; Mary Lee Mc Nutt; and &15 8:00-4:00 13892 SELL prints of other artists; Craftsman 16HP riding Sat.-Sun., 9-4. garden Call 541-385-5809 Cinder Dr, CRR. FurFOR $500 OR mower; tow behinds include Trailer; Thatcher; www.bendbulletin.com tiller, washer, Amish Dkglg niture; small a p pliLESS? Aerator; Brush trimmer; Two fertilizer spreaders; buggy, asst. houseVisit our HUGE ances 8 housewares; Non-commerclal Push lawn mower; Los of rakes shovels, etc. The Bulletin hold, wool/ craft items. power, hand tools. home decor kerrmg Cerial Oregonrrkre r903 advertisers may Balalika; Tambourine; drum; Childs zither; Hun- 61865 Dobbin Rd. consignment store. place an ad dreds of Beta tapes; VHS tapes and Cassette Yard Sale Fri. & Sat., New items Buying Diamonds with our tapes and the machines to play them on; Smm Yard Sale! Honda 2400 June 14 & 15, 5 miles arrive daily! /Gold for Cash "QUICK CASH projector and 8 mm movies; 1000's of books and psi pressure washer, south of the Powell Butte 930 SE Textron, Saxon's Fine Jewelers old booksand artbooks; 1929 Time Magazines welding equip, power Post Office, 9-6 I 14152 SPECIAL" Bend 541-318-1501 541-389-6655 1 week3lines 12 in mint condition; Christmas items; Thorens small tools, f urniture, p aint Lupine Dr., follow signs. www.redeuxbend.com OI' music box and other music boxes; Lots of china sprayer, 60" color HD TV BUYING NOTICE k krk and pots and pans; Shop vacuum; Eureka & more. Fri 9-5; Sat 9-4. ~k Lionel/American Flyer Roseville bowl mauve Remember to remove vacuum; Linens; cleaning supplies; Hand tools; 20604 Brightenwood Ln. Ad must trains, accessories. Foxglove ¹659-4, $60 Table Saw; battery chargers; Freezer; Huffy Bike; your Garage Sale signs include price of 541-408-2191. 541-389-7379 290 (nails, staples, etc.) Barbecue; Patio furniture; Christmas items; Suitf $500 after your Sale event or less, or multiple BUYING & SE L LING cases; Small gas stove-cast iron; RECORDS; Sales Redmond Area The Bulletin reserves Clothes Dryer; Nuts and bolts; Hundreds and is over! THANKS! items whosetotal All gold jewelry, silver the right to publish all From The Bulletin does notexceed and gold coins, bars, hundreds of other items; See the pictures on the 10+ Family Garage Sale, ads from The Bulletin and your local utility rounds, wedding sets, web page!!!!! Park-wide at Desert Ter$500. newspaper onto The companies. class rings, sterling sil- Handled byDeedy's Estate Sales Co. LLC race, 5063 S. Hwy 97. Bulletin Internet webFri-Sat, Jun. 14-15, 9-4. Call Classifieds at ver, coin collect, vinsite. 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves Bulletin 541-385-5809 tage watches, dental Garden & patio, furniture, The ServingCentral Oregon srnre 1903 www.deeedysestatesales.com Bill Fl e ming, household, kitchen, tools, The Bulletin www.bendbulletin.com gold. Serving CentralOregon since19rrk 541-382-9419. electrical 8 misc. www.bendbulletin.com


Serving CentralOregorrr nre r903

C h a n d i e r 246

Donate deposit bottles/ Yorkie pups, AKC, big cans to local all vol- eyes, short-nosed, health unteer, non-profit res- guar. Potty training; ready cue, to h elp w /cat 6/28. 541-777-7743 spay/neuter vet bills. Yorkies, beautiful pups, 4 Cans for Cats trailer is males/2 fem., ready now! at Bend PETCO (near $600 firm. 541-460-3884 Applebee's). Donate Mon-Fri at Smith Sign, 210 1515 NE 2nd; or at Furniture & Appliances CRAFT i n Tu m a lo anytime. 3 8 9 -8420. Hokule'a Hula Dancers For more i nfo/map, A1 Washers&Dryers perform 1 pm this Sat. visit www.craftcats.org $150 ea. Full warat Central Oregon ranty. Free Del. Also Saturday Market! wanted, used W/D's DO YOU HAVE Don't miss it! Downtown 541-280-7355 SOMETHING TO Bend, across from SELL Library. 541-420-9015 Dining chairs Q ueen FOR $500 OR LESS? Anne, 4 sides, 2 cpt., USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Non-commercial covered cushions, like advertisers may new $2 5 0 obo. Door-to-door selling with 541-549-6523 place an ad with fast results! It's the easiest oui' GENERATE SOME way in the world to sell. "QUICK CASH EXCITEMENT in your SPECIAL" neighborhood! Plan a The Bulletin Classified 1 week 3 lines 12 garage sale and don't 541-385-5809 or k~eekk kor forget to advertise in Ad must include classified! price of single item 541-385-5809. of $500 or less, or Pets & Supplies Maple round table with multiple items leaf good cond, $65. whose total does The Bulletin recom541-420-2220 not exceed $500. mends extra caution Porta crib, $35; queen when purc h asCall Classifieds at headboard, new cond. ing products or ser541-385-5809 $65. 541-420-2220 vices from out of the www.bendbulletin.com Just bought a new boat? area. Sending cash, checks, or credit in- English Bulldog, beauti- Sell your old one in the Ask about our f ormation may b e ful white, female, 4 yrs classifieds! Super Seller rates! subjected to fraud. old. spayed. Needs 541-385-5809 For more i nformabulldog-knowledgable tion about an adverfamily, air conditioned The Bulletin tiser, you may call home, no small chil- recommends e xtra the O r egon State dren. Very a c t ive.I ca ko k e p Attorney General's $500. 541-350-1965. chasing products or • Office Co n s umer services from out of I Protection hotline at the area. Sending ~ 1-877-877-9392.

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Employment Opportunities



Farm Equipment & Machinery

Domestic & In-Home Positions

Construction Exp. framer, 2 months of steady work, possibly more. Send resume and wage to: Job, PO Box 2321, La Pine, OR 97739.

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Thursday • • ••. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N o o n Wed. Fr i d ay . . . . . . •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . N o o n Thurs. strawberries! Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. Fresh Picked daily 7 days week. Open Mon. Saturday • • • • 3:00 pm Fri. Sat., 9-7, Sun. 10-6 Wholesale avail. Adorders. Sunday. • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri. Wevance pick or U-Pick

Live-in, full time care for elderly woman in LaPine area. Help with mobility,

grooming, meal preparation, tra n sportation, medications, some light housekeeping, household errands and companionship. Wages neotiable and will include free rent. R e ferences required. For interview

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Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities


MOTEL - Housekeeping Supervisor 8 H o usekeeping staff, full-time. Apply in person at Sugarloaf Mountain Motel chasing products or I services from out of front desk, 62980 N. Highway 97, in Bend. I the area. Sending c ash, checks, o r Plumbers, Journeymen I credit i n f o rmation needed for I may be sub!ected to new construction. FRAUD. Startimmediately! For more informaCall Gary, 541-410-1655 tion about an adver-


I I I I I I I tiser, you may call I the Oregon State I Attorney General'sI C o n sumer ~ I Office Protection hotline at l I 1-877-877-9392. I ii g

Receptionist - Full Time Long established family practice seeks full-time Receptionist. Help us provide the best care pos- LTl~e Bulleti sible by adding your bi-lingual skills and call 916-216-0162. prior exp with comNeed to get an K Family Farm 476 puterized a p pointad in ASAP? 33427 Seven Mile ment s c h eduling. Place a photoin your private party ad Employment PRIVATE PARTY RATES Lane SE, Albany, OR. www.bendbulletin.com You can place it Pick up job packet for only$15.00 per week. Starting at 3 lines 541-286-2164. Opportunities at office. online at: Food Service - Bruno's Madras Medical "UNDER '500in total merchandise OVER '500in total merchandise LEGAL NOTICE www.bendbulletin.com Grocery/U-bake is taking Group AGCO Finance LLC CAUTION READERS: apps for Cashier & Pizza 7 days .................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 76 NE 12th St., will offer the followMaker. Apply: 1709 NE 541-385-5809 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 Madras, OR. ing re p ossessed Ads published in "Em- 6th, Bend. No phone calls *Must state prices in ed 14 days .................................................$33.50 equipment for sale ployment OpportuniTRUCK DRIVERS Look at: to the highest bid28 days .................................................$61.50 t ies" i n c lude e m - Housekeeping Garage Sale Special Knight Transportation is Bendhomes.com der for cash, plus Seasonal Housekeep(call for commercial line ad rates) ployee and hiring! 48, 11W, NW 4 lines for 4 days.................................. applicable sales tax. i ndependent po s i - ers Needed. M ust for Complete Listings of regional or dedicated Equipment: Massey tions. Ads for posi- work weekends and Area Real Estate for Sale Canada Runs! FT/ PT Ferguson-1648L M i n imum tions that require a fee holidays. for drivers living in WA A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Tractor/Loader, S/N: Registered Nurseor upfront investment wage while training and OR. Ask about JUE80916. Date of PACU then to p iece rate. Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. must be stated. With $1000 bonus*! sale: Thursday-June * Must have r e liable any independent job Contact Daisy or BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( ) 27, 2013. Time of opportunity, p l e ase transportation, ODL, BENDSURGen submit application at REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well Sale: 11:00 A .M.. C • F. • N • T • is • rt investigate thor- current Ins, over 18 www.driveKnight.com Place of sale: High k kr Crrr • Ikrer kr Ceekrr oughly. years of age. Please 503-405-1800 as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin Desert Ranch and call Car o l O F ull-Time, 4 -1 0 h r . Truck Drivers with reserves the right to reject any ad at bendbulletin.com Home, 350 NE AdUse extra caution when 541-749-1296; shifts, Mon. - Fri. needed. d ison, Bend, O R . Village Properties applying for jobs onCritical Care or ASC experience any time. is located at: Seeking dump truck, Equipment can be Sunriver line and never proexperience prebelly dump, flatbed, 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. inspected at place vide personal inforferred, e n doscopy lowboy & c o ntainer of sale. The equipmation to any source Materials Manager Bend, Oregon 97702 experience a plus. d rivers. Local a n d ment will be sold AS INeiser, ID you may not have reMana g e r Job offers excellent over the road posiIS, without warranty. searched and deemed M ateria's pa c kage. t ions. Must have 2 We reserve the right n eeded for a fa s t benefit PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is to be reputable. Use persons years experience and to bid. For further needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or extreme caution when paced manufactured Interested hould e m ai l r e - valid Class A C D L. information please reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher r esponding to A N Y h ousing plant. J o b s sume to: Wages based on excontact Nick Bush shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days online e m p loyment duties include but not perience. Benefits in(530) 638-6446 Cell, limited to: managing iobs © bendsurgery.com will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. ad from out-of-state. clude health i nsurReference Number purchasing staff, ma- Remember.... ance, 401(k) p lan, 1128952. We suggest you call t erial h andlers, i n A dd your we b a d - paid vacation, inspecthe State of Oregon ventory control , and dress to your ad and 325 tion bonus program. Misc. Items Misc. Items • Building Materials • Fuel 8 Wood • t he ordering of a l l Consumer Hotline at The Call Kenny, Hay, Grain 8 Feed production material. readers on 1-503-378-4320 COWGIRL CASH Wild bird feeder w/ 6 Sisters Habitat ReStore Bachelor's De g r ee Bulletin' s web site Western Heavy Haul, WHEN BUYING 541-447-5643 We buy Jewelry, Boots, feeder stations, NIB. Building Supply Resale Wanted: Irrigated farm For Equal Opportunity preferred with 5 years will be able to click Vintage Dresses 8 $35. 541-678-5407. Quality items. FIREWOOD... experience. in materi- through automatically Warehouse ground, under pivot ir- L aws: Oregon B u po s ition, to your site. LOW PRICES! More. 924 Brooks St. rigation, i n C e n tral reau of Labor 8 In- als management. To avoid fraud, part-time, clean ODL, 541-678-5162 261 150 N. Fir. OR. 541-419-2713 The Bulletin dustry, C i vil Rights Respond if interested to Sales heavy lifting, responwww.getcowgirlcash.com Medical Equipment 541-549-1621 pclarkOchampionhoDivision, recommends payWant to b u y A l falfa, 971-673-0764 Furniture salesperson sible 8 h a rdworking. Open to the public. mes.com ment for Firewood Apply in person, 1735 needed full time, regrass and grain hay, Gas Grill with rotisserie, Go-Go Llitra X mobiiity only upon delivery standing, in Central tail exp . p r eferred. NE Hwy 20. tank 8 cover included, scooter with accessoand inspection. If you have any quesOre. 541-419-2713 Some heavy lifting reused 2 times, $150 ries, like new, $375. • Heating & Stoves • A cord is 128 cu. ft. tions, concerns or quired. Apply in per- Looking for your next firm.541-312-2845 541-389-8335 4' x 4' x 8' comments, contact: son at 2145 S. Hwy employee? NOTICE TO Looking for your • Receipts should Classified Department 97, Redmond, Oregon Place a Bulletin help ADVERTISER Wanted- paying cash Power l i f t rec l iner, next employee? include name, The Bulletin Tues - Sat., 10-6. Ask wanted ad today and Medcor has an for Hi-fi audio & stu- works perfect, light Since September 29, Place a Bulletin 541-385-5809 phone, price and reach over 60,000 exciting opportunity for Stephen or fax redio equip. Mclntosh, beige color. $350 Call 1991, advertising for help wanted ad kind of wood for a Wellness sume 541-923-6774. readers each week. 541-504-6010. used woodstoves has J BL, Marantz, D y today and purchased. Your classified ad Coordinator in Bend. Great American been limited to modThe Bulletin naco, Heathkit, SanFirewood ads reach over This is a Full Time will also appear on els which have been • MUST Furniture 263 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. include 60,000 readers opportunity working bendbulletin.com c ertified by th e O r Call The Bulletin At Call 541-261-1808 Tools species 8 cost per each week. 32 hours a week. which currently Sales part-time position, egon Department of 541-385-5809 cord to better serve Your classified ad receives over 1.5 Apply at exp. helpful but not WHEN YOU SEE THIS Sears Elite Series Gen- Environmental Qualour customers. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail will also www.medcor.com million page views r equired, clean r e erator, 7000 watts, new ity (DEQ) and the fedAt: www.bendbulletin.com every month at appear on sponsible person. ApE n v ironmental © in box, $895 new; sell eral no extra cost. bendbulletin.com ply in person, FurniProtection Ag e n cy The Bulletin Bulletin Classifieds Nurse Manager: ture Outlet, 1735 NE M Ore PiXatBelidbljletil),COm '"' "' "' " " which currently (EPA) as having met Get Results! On a classified ad Pre-Op/Post-Op/Call Room Hwy 20, Bend.. smoke emission stanreceives over 265 Call 385-5809 go to dards. A cer t i fied 1.5 million page Building Materials Call a Pro or place www.bendbulletin.com w oodstove may b e B~ S U RGERY views every Service Tech C • F. ' N • T • e ' R your ad on-line at to view additional identified by its certifi- Whether you need a month at no Immediate Job opBend Habitat k kr Crrr ' Ikcnr kr C«ekn bendbulletin.com photos of the item. cation label, which is fence fixed, hedges extra cost. portunity for q ualiRESTORE Job Summary: We are looking for a strong attached trimmed or a house Bulletin fied and trained perBuilding Supply Resale permanently leader to fill the Nurse Manager role for the to the stove. The Bul486 • • I t Classifieds son. See the display Quality at LOW Pre-op / Post-Op / Call Room. This position built, you'll find letin will no t k n owad in our classified Get Results! Independent Positions PRICES requires an individual capable of providing diingly accept advertisprofessional help in s ection today f o r Call 541-385-5809 740 NE 1st rect oversight of Pre-Op, Post-Op and the call ing for the sale of Thank you St. Jude 8 more information. Choose your hours, 541-312-6709 The Bulletin's "Call a or place your ad room whilemanaging 20-25 FTE's. The posiuncertified Sacred H e ar t of Hollingsvvorths' Inc. income & rewardOpen to the public. on-line at Service Professional" tion reports directly to the Clinical Director. woodstoves. Jesus. j.d. Choose Avon. Patty, Burns, OR bendbulletin.com Duties will include, but not be limited to, perDirectory 541-330-1836, Avon 541-573-7254 formance evaluations and performance manindependent sales rep. 541-385-5809 agement as well as new staff orientation. This 341 position is a member of multiple committees. Horses & Equipment All Year Dependable Web Developer Firewood: Seasoned Qualifications: Must be able to demonstrate Lodgepole, Split, Del. strong leadership and communication skills. Are you a technical star who can also commuBend: 1 for $175 or 2 Must be a licensed RN in the state of Oregon, Call54I 3855809tapromoteyour service Advertisefor 28daysstarting at 'I4) Irtsspecialpackageir kt rvmk rbtek kr web sitet nicate effectively with non-technical execufor$335. Cash, Check or able to obtain licensure upon hire. 3-5 years tives and employees? Would you like to work O or Credit Card OK. of Peri-Operative experience, preferably in an hard, play hard in beautiful Bend, OR, the rec0 541-420-3484. ASC setting. The ideal candidate will have reation capital of the state? Then we'd like to management experience in an ASC setting. Building/Contracting LandscapingNard Care Landscaping/Yard Care talk to you. TACK & SADDLE Position details: This is a full time exempt poNOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon Land- Gardening Supplies Our busy media company that publishes nuAUCTION sition; Monday through Friday. Competitive law r equires anyone scape Contractors Law merous web and mobile sites seeks an experi& Equipment • Sat. June 15, 7 p.m. salary, benefit package, retirement and bonus who contracts for (ORS 671) requires all enced developer who is also a forward thinker, Preview 5:30 p.m. Zeddd'Z gaa8rip construction work to businesses that adplan. creative problem solver, excellent communiLiquidating 70 be licensed with the vertise t o pe r form BarkTurfSoil.com Za~gga e/,. cator, and self-motivated professional. We are Saddles + an entire Construction Contrac- More Than Service Landscape ConstrucEmail resume to jobs@bendsurgery.com redesigning all of our websites within the next store's worth of intors Board (CCB). An tion which includes: couple of years and want you in on the ground Peace Of Mind D E LIVERY ventory at public active license p lanting, decks , PROMPT floor. 541-389-9663 auction, regardless means the contractor fences, arbors, > Home Delivery Advisor > of loss or cost. Top is bonded & insured. Spring Clean Up water-features, and inFluencywith PHP, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and •Leaves brand and custom Verify the contractor's stallation, repair of irThe Bulletin Circulation Department is JavaScript is a must. Experience integrating •Cones CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be For newspaper made Saddles, seeking a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a third-party solutions and social media applica•Needles Bridles, Blankets, www.hirealicensedlicensed w i t h the delivery, call the full time position and consists of managing a tions required. Desired experience includes: •Debris Hauling contractor.com Landscape ContracCirculation Dept. at too much to list. delivery area and working with an adult carXML/JSON, MySQL, Joomla, Java, responor call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit 541-385-5800 Everything used on rier force to ensure our customers receive susive web design, Rails, WordPress. Top-notch Weed Free Bark The Bulletin recomnumber is to be inTo place an ad, call & around a horse! perior service. Must be able to create and skills with user interface and graphic design an & Flower Beds mends checking with cluded in all adver541-385-5809 Cash, Cards, NO perform strategic plans to meet department added plus. the CCB prior to contisements which indior email CHECKS 10% Buyobjectives such as increasing market share tracting with anyone. Lawn Renovation cate the business has classiiiedebendbuiietin.com ers Premium and route by route penetration. Ideal candiBackground in the media industry desired but Some other t r ades Aeration - Dethatching a bond,insurance and Elks Lodge ¹. 1371 date will be a self-starter who can work both in Bulletin not required. This is a full-time position with also req u ire addiworkers c o mpensa- The Overseed 63120 Boyd Acres 5er ng central Qregen s nce l9re the office and in their assigned territory with benefits. If you've got what it takes, e-mail a tional licenses and tion for their employCompost Rd., Bend, OR minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are cover letter, resume, and portfolio/work sample certifications. Top Dressing ees. For your protec(541) 362-1150 necessary with company vehicle provided. links a n d/or re p ository ( GitHub) t o tion call 503-378-5909 Lawn Hog 18" e lect. Auctioneer Strong customer service skills and manageresume@wescompapers.com. or use our website: mower/mulcher $65. Mike Murphy Landscape Concrete Construction ment skills are necessary. Computer experiwww.lcb.state.or.us to 541-420-2116 Maintenance ence is helpful. We offer benefits including This posting is also on the web at www.bendcheck license status Tennessee Walker reg. medical, dental, 401(k), paid vacation and sick JJ 8 B Construction, Full or Partial Service bulletin.com before contracting with SUPER TOP SOIL gelding stable-mates: quality concrete work. • Mowing «Edging www.hershe soilandbark.com time. We believe in promoting from within so the business. Persons black, $3500; Sorrel • Pruning «Weeding Screened, soil & comOver 30 Years Exp. advancement within the company is available. EOE/Drug Free Workplace doing land s cape Sidewalks; RV pads; Sprinkler Adjustments post mi x ed , no w ith b l a z e nos e If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse maintenance do not rocks/clods. High hu- $2500. 541-317-8991. backgrounds, and you are energetic, have Driveways; Color 8 r equire an L C B Stamp wor k a v a il. Fertilizer included mus level, exc. for cense. great organizational skills and interpersonal 345 flower beds, lawns, Also Hardwood floor- with monthly program communication skills, please fill out an appliLivestock & Equipment ing a t aff o r dable gardens, straight SPRING CLEAN-UP! cation at The Bulletin or send your resume to: s creened to p s o i l . Weekly, monthly Aeration/Dethatching prices. 541-279-3183 Job Opening-Circulation Weekly/one-time service Bark. Clean fill. DeReplacement-quality CCB¹190612 or one time service. c/o The Bulletin avail. Bonded, insured. liver/you haul. purebred y e arling PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708 Free Estimates! Angus heifers, Final 541-548-3949. EXPERIENCED OI' Debris Removal Answer and Danny COLLINS Lawn Maint. Commercial kfoutz@bendbulletin.com Ca/l 541-480-9714 Boy bloodlines. Good & Residential JUNK BE GONE disposition. Raised in No phone calls, please. Lost & Found • long-established herd. I Haul Away FREE ALLEN REINSCH The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace, EOE. $1000 ea. Del. avail. For Salvage. Also Yard maintenance & Senior Discounts Found small coin purse 541-480-8096 Madras Cleanups & Cleanouts clean-up, thatching, 541-390-1466 with contents, along Hwy Mel, 541-389-8107 plugging & much more! 97. Call t o id e ntify: Same Day Response 358 Call 541-536-1294 541-593-6021 Farmers Column Nelson Need to get an Maverick Landscaping LOST dog on CommerLandscaping & Advertising Account Executive Mowing, weedeating,yd ad in ASAP? 10X20 STORAGE St., Madras. Small Maintenance detail., chain saw work, cial BUILDINGS red, deaf, old. Reward. You can place it Serving Central bobcat excv., etc! LCB 541-475-3889; 280-3629, for protecting hay, The Bulletin is looking for a professional and Oregon Since 2003 online at: ¹8671 541-923-4324 firewood, livestock driven Sales and Marketing person to help our or 541-325-6212 Residental/Commercial www.bendbulletin.com etc. $1496 Installed. customers grow their businesses with an Sprinkler BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS Lost wedding ring Me541-617-1133. expanding list of broad-reach and targeted morial weekend posCCB ¹173684. Activation/Repair Search the area's most 541-385-5809 products. This full time position requires a sibly at Sugarloaf Mtn. kfjbuildersOykwc.net Back Flow Testing comprehensive listing of background in consultative sales, territory Motel, High D e sert classified advertising... management and aggressive prospecting skills. Middle School, Pilot Maintenance I Han d yman real estate to automotive, Two years of m edia sales experience is Immediate job OPPOrtunity fOr Butte o r Bo r den's For Sale, Lowline .Thatch & Aerate merchandise to sporting Angus and Dexter's preferable, but we will train the right candidate. • Spring Clean up I DO THAT! goods. Bulletin Classifieds Corner. Cash reward. Heifers. (pregnant or Qualified and Trained Person 253-653-5296 Home/Rental repairs •Weekly Mowing appear every day in the with calf) NO steers The p o sition in c ludes a com p etitive Small jobs to remodels & Edging print or on line. available except for compensation package including benefits, and Check out the Service Technician:Must have Honest, guaranteed •Bi-Monthly 8 Monthly Call 541-385-5809 cow/calf pairs. rewards an aggressive, customer focused Maintenance classifieds online work. CCB¹151573 www.bendbulletin.com Grass fed/raised. pervious experience in Ag Equipment. salesperson with unlimited earning potential. Dennis 541-317-9768 •Bark, Rock, Etc. www.bendbttltetin.com Reasonable prices. Resume with references required. The Bulletin Updated daily Must sell as ~Landsca in Email your resume, cover letter ERIC REEVE HANDY •Landscape I am retiring. Call Ron Weatherby, for appointment. and salary history to: SERVICES. Home 8 R EMEMBER: If you Leo 541-306-0357 Construction Jay 8randt, Advertising Director Commercial Repairs, •Water Feature Painting/Wall Covering have lost an animal, jbrandt@bendbulletin.com Carpentry-Painting, don't forget to check Installation/Maint. HOLLINGSWORTHS' INC. Irrigated farm OI' Pressure-washing, •Pavers WESTERN PAINTING The Humane Society Wanted: ground, under pivot irHoney Do's. On-time •Renovations CO. Richard Hayman, in Bend 541-382-3537 riqation, i n drop off your resume in person at C e n tral Burns, Oregon promise. Senior a semi-retired paintRedmond, 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; •Irrigations Installation OR. 541-419-2713 Discount. Work guaring contractor of 45 541-923-0882 Or mailto PO 8ox 6020, Bend, OR 97708; (541-573-7254) anteed. 541-389-3361 Senior Discounts years. S m a l l J o bs Prineville, Want to b u y A l falfa, No phone inquiries please. or 541-771-4463 Welcome. Interior 8 541-447-7178; Bonded & Insured grass and grain hay, Bonded 8 Insured 541-815-4458 Exterior. c c b ¹ 5184. OR Craft Cats, standing, in C entral EOE / Drug Free Workplace CCB¹181595 LCB¹8759 541-388-6910 541-389-8420. Ore. 541-419-2713 -

DO YOU NEED A GREAT EMPLOYEE RIGHT NOW? Call The Bulletin before 11 a.m. and get an ad in to publish the next day! 541-385-5809. VIEW the Classifieds at:

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T h ursday,Juue1 ,2013 3

ACROSS 1Allowing some ventilation, say s in t he park 1o Org. with Divisions I, II and III 14 Teen woe is Singer or actor's helper 17 Interstitially, say 19 Brit's tea 2o Hosts prefer them see"

Second Hand Rose By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services

It had been a while since the player we call "Second Hand Rose" had shown up at my c l ub. When the lesson about "second hand low" was taught, Rose must have been out on a date with Jiggs the plumber. Rose was today's East, and NorthSouth got to a game that needed a bit of luck. When West led a spade in response to Rose's overcall, South refused the first trick and won the spade return. He then led a heart to dummy and returned a club, and sure enough, Second Hand Rose ... with the king!

and your partner bids two clubs. What do you say? ANSWER: Your partner has let you down, as usual, by responding in the wrong suit, but you must pass. A bid by you would promise much more strength and might make a bad situation worse. Maybe you wouldn't have doubled; many good players w ould havepassed for fearof a club response. North dealer N-S vulnerable

22 Nina

(fashion label) 2s Keep an (watch) 2s Wearer of a red-starred tiara

NORTH 41932 Q AKQ 3 O AJ7 5 A74

COM M U N I C ATION South was stuck. If he played low t o keep communication with h i s hand, Rose would cash three spades for down one. So South took the ace of clubs and then the queen, hoping E ast had s t arted w i t h t h e K - J doubleton. South wound up down two. South makes an overtrick if Rose plays low on the first club. South will finesse with the ten, and West must t ake the j a ck . S o uth w i n s t h e diamond return with dummy's ace and leads another club, and when East's king appears, South is home.

WEST 474 9 1 098 7 C Q 1098 4J98

31 Bitter herb 32 One in the

EAST 4KQ J105 Q J62 C K 62 4K5


33 Card reader, briefly

1O 2Q 3 NT



Ea s t

South 14 24 Pass 2 NT All P a ss




Pass Pass

Youhold: 4 9 3 2 Q A K Q 3 Opening lead — 4 7 0 A J 7 5 4 7 4. The dealer, at your right, opens one spade. You double, (C) 20! 3 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

cars 4o Tokyo strip? 42 Kind of screen 46 Grant or Carter 47 Marquee

actress so Twofold s2 Verso's flip side s3 Explanation that doesn't explain anything, informally s4 Surname in punk rock ss Follower of a list of names se May delivery 63 "Why bother?!"

64 Title parent in a TLC reality series ss Coop sound ss Plot line sz Northern duck


SOUTH 4A86 954 CI 43 4AQ10632 North

34 '40s blowups 36 Modern electric

I R K D I 0 I P P E A P R L E L A I L E O N S T O P R H E H O M E A E R R K OW E R L A V E D I A N



S P R y

DOWN 1 Government rep. 2 Cartoon character with shades 3 Fats Domino's first name 4 Melees s Caesar's greeting s Captured 7 Island in the Thames 8 "Io life!" 9 Start for a shipbuilder 1o Like melees 11 Runs along 12 Beats, as the competition 13 Sounds at a fireworks display 1s Lawyer's need 1e Literary character who says "Gentle reader, may you never feel what I then felt!" 21 Personal letters 23 Declaration that might precede a fold 24 100 lbs.

zs Can 27 Super 29 Children's








No. 0509 8

































30 35











56 59














36 Space maker 4 s End of a school series 37 Certain monarchy Dark circle 38 Nerve junction 49 Attendee 39 Solder and Boost, as others sound 41 Certain lighter The Rio Grande or highlighter divides it: Abbr. 43 Driving surface Clucks of 44 Flatter servilely disappointment

ss In se Neighbor of 55-Down so Confucian scholar Chu s1 End of a count? s2 Poison source in Christie's "A Pocket Full of Rye"

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.

author who won three Edgars 3o Bless, in a way 3s Title boy in a 1964 Disney fil m


Bia If II61lia lIr.s


I'm aidk of being t reat,ed like their maid. O



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Complete the grid so that


every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.






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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis


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e 2013 by King Features syndicate, Inc world rights reserved

5-mail bholbrooklOgmail com

httP:IIWWW SafehaVenscamiC COm


ACROSS 1 Desktop offering an AppleCare warranty 5 Man Df la casa 10Chew 14 Wine lover's destination 15 Micronesian nation once called Pleasant Island 16 San , Italy 17 Tennis player's meal request? 19 Announce assuredly 20 Ping-Pong





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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, One letter 10 eaCh Square,

Yolj CIO

to fOrm faur Ordinary WOrdS. E


remember we have 4 kitchen table, don'1 you?

Those chairs are too hard 10 44t Ill.

02013 Tnbune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

France 32 Movie trainer of Daniel-san 35 Clause joiners 36 Runner's music choice? 39 Grammy winner Erykah 41 Corners 42 Producer of wall flowers 45 Area of activity 47 Old speedster 48 Bath-loving Muppet 50 Make even smoother 52 Span that can't be shrunk 53 Golfer's bank

DOWN 1 IRS concern 2 Familiar face in Tiananmen

Square 3 Homer's doughnut supplier 4 Trustbuster's target 5 High-horse sorts 6 Rank above viscount 7 Feature of Manet's "The Luncheon on the

Grass" 8 Provo neighbor 9 Bucolic 10 Like table salt 11 Interminable 12 Language family spanning two continents 13 Declines 18 Washington city 21 Badger 22 Copycat 23 Tween heartthrob Efron 24 Immediately 27 Little ones 28 Damages 29 Spew out 33 Freud's I 1



WHEN He ATB DINNER IN HI5 NBW Izecc/NER, He ATE —N0W arrange the CirCled letterS to farm the SurPriSe anSWer, 88

suggested by the above cartoon.


62 "Oh, criminy!" 63 Totally enjoy something, with UP 64 Muddy up 65 Quest after 66 Event with



(Answer6 tamarraw) J umbles: VISOR CIV I L D RA G O N R EL E N T AnSWer: The gOld mine turned out to be 6 buSt, but thankfully, there was 8 — SILVER LINING

67 "




34 Fifi's here 49 E-filed 37 Gamble document 38 Small flash drive 5 1 Shelve capacity 52 Increase 39 Where some 54 "L a ter!" commuters 55 Like many unwind snowbirds: Abbr. 40 Biological rings 56 W iesel who wrote "The Night 43 Flight connection wol'CI Trilogy" 44 "Sure thing!" 59 Promising paper 46 A or B on a test, 6 0 Brief dissimilarity maybe: Abbr. 61 B r o wnie, for one

ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: C D S F A L C O L EY U R I A H AN S S T E V E W I T N E S S N A R E A BR T O M B O S L E Y R E D S R O B E R T Y T H E I S M D A H I S S C A R E G O H E A D R H U B A R B A M E R L I N O L S 0 S C A R T 0 T S T E T S S O A xwordeditorleaol.com 5










06/1 3/1 3 12


25 27 2 8





30 34

35 38



41 46












20 22

S L M A 0 T I S

10 1 1



57 Ovid's others 58 Football player's



etiquette'? 22 Worshipers Df Quetzalcoatl 25 Fry's former BBC comedy partner 26 Renaissance painter Uccello 27 Genuine article? 30 Close Df "Albert Nobbs" 31 Coin first minted in 13th-century



"I don't usually do passport pictures."

* 4


F&zT! ", HOLt>III&.' II'ou ohP 7? 1 UP.II'L7I/?





59 6 0






42 4 3

54 5 5










By Julian Lim (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.






8 Dn@liem






Loans & Mortgages

Real Estate Services

WARNING The Bulletin recom-




Boats & Accessories



T r a vel Trailers



O ld T o w n Camper c a n oe, exc. cond, $ 7 50. D odge

22' 19 7 8 class C, 67K mi.,


good cond.$3500.

17.5' Glastron 2002,

Chevy eng., Volvo outdrive, open bow, stereo, sink/live well, w/glastron tr a i ler, incl. b oa t c o v e r, Like new, $ 8500.


Southwind 35.5' Triton, 2008,V10, 2slides, Dupont UV coat, 7500 mi. Bought new at $132,913; asking $91,000. Call 503-982-4745

Travel Trailers •

Trave l Trailers


.IIQ. tt


Boise, ID Real Estate ( 2) 2000 A rctic C a t For relocation info, Z L580's EFI with n e w call Mike Conklin, covers, electric start w/ 208-941-8458 reverse, low miles, both Silvercreek Realty excellent; with new 2009 Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, 740 drive off/on w/double tilt, Condo/Townhomes lots of accys. Selling due to m e dical r e asons. for Sale $6000 all. 541-536-8130

Orbit 21' 2007, used only 8 times, A/C, oven, tub s hower, micro, load leveler hitch, awning, dual

You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495

Weekend Warrior Toy Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, fuel station, exc cond. sleeps 8, black/gray i nterior, u se d 3X , $19,999 firm. 541-389-9188

batteries, sleeps 4-5, EXCELLENT CONmends you use cauRedmond: tion when you proDITION. All acces541-548-5254 Toyota / Winnebago sories Just too many are included. vide personal Warrior information to compacollectibles? $16,000 OBO. L 1993. Very good 541-382-9441 nies offering loans or 541 -447-4876 shape. 73,413 miles. Fleetwood D i s covery credit, especially Sell them in 40' 2003, diesel mo$11,500. those asking for ad(541) 495-2000. torhome w/all The Bulletin Classifieds vance loan fees or options-3 slide outs, companies from out of 3 B EDROOM s ingle Arctic Cat ZL800, 2001, satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, state. If you have 541-385-5809 I-~4a,h '" story condo, 841 sq', short track, variable etc. 3 2 ,000 m i les. Springdale 27' 2005, 4' concerns or ques$81,500, exhaust valves, elecWintered in h e ated slide in dining/living area, tions, we suggest you remodeled, 5 41-815-7707 1 7 0 0 tric s t art, r e v erse, shop. $89,900 O.B.O. sleeps 6, low mi,$13,000 consult your attorney NE WELLS ACRES j manuals, re c o rds,18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 541-447-8664 obo. 541-408-3811 or call CONSUMER Looking for your Volvo Penta, 270HP, Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' ¹54, Bend new spare belt, cover, Outdoors RV 29' HOTLINE, low hrs., must see, next employee? heated hand g r ips, 2004, on1y 34K, loaded, 1-877-877-9392. Wind River 250 Place a Bulletin help 745 too much to list, ext'd nice, fast, $999. Call $15,000, 541-330-3939 wanted ad today and warr. thru 2014, $54,900 RLSW 2011 BANK TURNED YOU Homes for Sale Tom, 541-385-7932, reach over 60,000 Dennis, 541-589-3243 DOWN? Private party One owner • Yamaha 750 1999 readers each week. will loan on real es- 6 Bdrm, 6 bath, 4-car, Lightly used Your classified ad tate equity. Credit, no 4270 sq ft, .83 ac. corner, Mountain Max, $1400. 881 will also appear on Perfect condiJayco Seneca 34', 2007. WEEKEND WARRIOR problem, good equity view. By owner, ideal for • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 Travel Trailers bendbulletin com EXT, $1000. 28K miles, 2 slides, DuToy hauler/travel trailer. is all you need. Call extended family. tion Sleeps 6 which currently re18.5' Sea Ray 2000, 4.3L ramax diesel, 1 owner, 24' with 21' interior. Oregon Land M ort- $590,000. 541-390-0886 • Zieman 4-place ceives over 1.5 miltrailer, SOLD! Mercruiser, low hrs, 190 excellent cond, $84,995; $23,900 gage 541-388-4200. Sleeps 6. Self-conAll in good condition. lion page views evNOTICE hp Bowrider w/depth Trade? 541-546-6920 tained. Systems/ 541-317-3991 LOCAL MONEYrWebuy All real estate adverery month at no Located in La Pine. finder, radio/ CD player, appearancein good secured trust deeds 8 Call 541-408-6149. extra cost. Bulletin tised here in is subrod holders, full canvas, condition. Smoke-free. note,some hard money ject to t h e F e deral Classifieds Get ReEZ Loader trailer, exclnt Tow with )'2-ton. Strong loans. Call Pat Kellev 860 cond, $11,500. sults! Call 385-5809 F air Housing A c t , suspension; can haul Fleetwood 31' Wilder541-382-3099 ext.13. Find It in or place your ad which makes it illegal Motorcycles 8 Accessories 707-484-3518 (Bend) n ess Gl 1 9 99, 1 2 ' The Bulletin Glassifiuds! ATVs snowmobiles, on-line at to advertise any prefeven a small car! Great FIND IT1 slide, 2 4 ' aw n ing, bendbulletin.com erence, limitation or 541-385-5809 price - $8900. queen bed, FSC, outBUY ITS Monaco Windsor, 2001, side shower, E-Z lift discrimination based Call 541-593-6266 SELL IT! loaded! (was $234,000 s tabilizer hitch, l i ke on race, color, relinew) Solid-surface The Bulletin Classifieds gion, sex, handicap, new, been stored. convection/ $10,950. familial status or na18.7' Sea Ray Monaco, counters, 707-688-4253 micro, 4-dr, fridge, tional origin, or intenregon 1984, 185hp, V6 Mer- washer/dryer, ceramic YOUR ADWILLRECEIVECLOSETo 2,000,000 tion to make any such Harley Davidson Heri- Cruiser, full canvas, life tile 8 carpet, TV, DVD, Classified EXPOSURES FORONLY $250! preferences, l i m ita-tage Softail 2002, Fl, vests, bumpers, water satellite dish, leveling, emerald green & black, tions or discrimination. lots of chrome 8 extras, skis, swim float, extra s-airbags, power cord Advertising 0 egovclassfied Ad e IutngEewo raase Icev<he0 gon Ãe vape pabehen A<sonantov We will not knowingly & more. EZ Loader reel, 2 full pass-thru 630 perfect cond. $9995 prop Weekof June 10, 2013 Network accept any advertis- 9K, trailer, never in saltwater, trays, Cummins ISO 8.3 503-999-7356 (cell) Rooms for Rent ing for r ea l e s tate always garaged, very 350hp turbo Diesel, 7.5 which is in violation of Harley Davidson Soft- clean, all maint. records. Diesel gen set. $85,000 Studios & Kitchenettes this law. All persons Tail Deluxe 2 0 07, $5500. 541-389-7329 Jayco Eagle obo. 541-233-7963 Furnished room, TV w/ are hereby informed white/cobalt, Serving Central Oregon since 1903 26.6 ft long, 2000 w / pascable, micro & fridge. that all dwellings ad- senger kit, Vance 8 541-385-5809 Utils 8 l i nens. New are available Hines muffler system Sleeps 6, 14-ft slide, owners. $145-$165/wk vertised on an equal opportu8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. awning, Eaz-Lift 541-382-1885 nity basis. The Bulle- cond, stabilizer bars, heat $16,9 9 9, tin Classified 634 541-389-9188. 8 air, queen DIVORCE $155. Complete preparation. Includes children, 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, walk-around bed Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 746 inboard motor, g r eat NATIONAL DOLPHIN very good condition, custody, support, property and bills division. No court Garage Sales cond, well maintained, 37' 1997, loaded! 1 $10,000 obo. **No Application Fee** Northwest Bend Homes $8995 obo. 541-350-7755 slide, Corian surfaces, 541-595-2003 appearances.Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible.503-772-5295. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, Garage Sales NW Golf Coursewood floors (kitchen), $530 & $540 w/lease. 2812 www.paralegalalternatives.com divorce©usa.com Immaculate & bright 2-dr fridge, convection Carports included! townhome in River's Garage Sales microwave, Vizio TV 8 1 8' Seaswirl 1984, roof satellite, walk-in FOX HOLLOW APTS. Edge, $285,000. Find them TEAM Birtola Garmyn shower, new queen bed. open bow, V6, en(541) 383-3152 in High Desert Realty White leather hide-aCascade Rental gine & outdrive re541-312-9449 bed & chair, all records, Drivers - Inexperienced/Experienced Unbeatable Career Management. Co. The Bulletin built, extras, $2495. www. BendOregon no pets o r s moking. 541-546-6920 Classifieds Opportunities. T r ainee, C o mpany D r iver, L E A SE 636 RealEstate.com $28,450. Keystone Sprinter Call 541-771-4800 Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Beautiful NW cottage, OPERATOR, L E AS E TRA I NERS (877)369-7104 541-385-5809 31', 2008 c lose to C OCC & King size walkwww.centraltruckdrivingjobs.com Small c l ea n S t u dio shops Master bdrm w/ around bed, electric RV Harley Heritage downtown area, $495 large walk-in closet. CONSIGNMENTS awning, (4) 6-volt Softail, 2003 DRIVERS: Looking for Job Security? Haney Truck Line, seeks mo.; $475 d e p. All Upstairs perfect for batteries, plus many WANTED $5,000+ in extras, utilities paid. No pets, family room, 2nd bdrm We Do The Work ... more extras, never CDL-A, hazmat, doubles required. Paid Dock bump, Benefits, $2000 paint job, 19.5' Bluewater '88 I/O, no smoking. 541-330- or office. Large attic smoked in, first 30K mi. 1 owner, upholstery, new elec- You Keep The Cash! 9769, 541-480-7870 for storage or easy For more information new Bonus program, Paid Vacation! CALL NOW 1-888-414-4467. On-site credit owners, $19,900. tronics, winch, much more. conversion to l i ving please call approval team, 648 $9500.541-306-0280 www.GOHANEY.com space. Oversized ga541-385-8090 web site presence. Call 541-410-5415 Houses for rage w/ space for your 20' 1993 Sea Nympf Fish We Take Trade-Ins! or 209-605-5537 GORDON TRUCKING-CDL-A Drivers Needed! Dedicated and car, skis 8 k a y ak. Rent General 8 Ski, 50 hrs on new Free Advertising. Comes with all appli. engine, fish finder, chart BIG COUNTRY RV Advertise your car! OTR Positions Now Open! $1,000 SIGN ON BONUS. Consistent i ncluding W/D. A p - HDFatBo 1996 plotter 8 VHF radio with Bend: 541-330-2495 PUBLISHER'S Add A Picture! pointments on weekantenna. Good shape, Reach thousands of readers~ NOTICE Miles, Time Off! Full Benefits, 401k, EOE, Recruiters Available 7 Redmond: only. $218,000 full cover, heavy duty Call 541-385-5809 All real estate adver- ends 541-548-5254 John 503-804-4681. trailer, kicker and electric The Bulletin Classifieds days/week! 866-435-8590 tising in this newspamotors. per is subject to the 750 $7500 or best offer. F air H o using A c t 541-292-1834 Redmond Homes which makes it illegal Completely to a d v ertise "any Rebuilt/Customized preference, limitation Looking for your next 2012/2013 Award or disc r imination emp/oyee? Winner 20.5' 2004 Bayliner based on race, color, Place a Bulletin help Showroom Condition religion, sex, handi- wanted ad today and 205 Run About, 220 Many Extras HP, Vs, open bow, cap, familial status, reach over 60,000 Low Miles. i marital status or naexc. cond with very readers each week. low hours, lots of tional origin, or an in$1 7,000 Your classified ad 541-548-4807 tention to make any extras incl. tower, will also appear on Bimini & custom such pre f erence, bendbulletin.com limitation or discrimitrailer, $17,950. which currently reHD Screaming Eagle 541-389-1413 nation." Familial staceives over Electra Glide 2005, tus includes children 103" motor, two tone 1.5 million page under the age of 18 views every month candy teal, new tires, living with parents or at no extra cost. 23K miles, CD player legal cust o dians, Bulletin Classifieds hydraulic clutch, ex975 pregnant women, and 20.5' Seaswirl SpyGet Results! cellent condition. people securing cusCall 385-5809 or Highest offer takes it. der 1989 H.O. 302, tody of children under place your ad on-line 541-480-8080. 285 hrs., exc. cond., 18. This newspaper at stored indoors for will not knowingly acbendbulletin.com life $11,900 OBO. cept any advertising 2003 AUDI, convertible, curb hugging 541-379-3530 for real estate which is 773 White, turbo Charged. Great fOr rOad in violation of the law. 21' Bluewater Mirage O ur r e a ders ar e Acreages trips. Incredible MPG. $25,000 MUST SELL. hereby informed that Worth $8315all dwellings adverVictory TC 2002, Will sacrifice for tised in this newspa- CHECK YOUR AD $4,900 for quick sell. per are available on Please check your ad runs great, many To see video, go to: accessories, new an equal opportunity on the first day it runs www.u2pro.com/95 basis. To complain of to make sure it is cor- tires, under 40K 541-815-9981 miles, well kept. discrimination cal l rect. Sometimes inHUD t o l l -free at $6500 OBO. For 21' Crownline 215 hp s tructions over t h e 1-800-877-0246. The in/outboard e n g i ne are misunder- m ore info. c a l l 310 hrs, Cuddy Cabin toll f re e t e lephone phone stood and a n e r ror 541-647-4232 sleeps 2/3 p eople, number for the hear- can occur in your ad. portable toilet, exc. ing im p aired is If this happens to your cond. Asking $8,000. 1-800-927-9275. ad, please contact us OBO. 541-388-8339 the first day your ad Where can you find a appears and we will Ads published in the helping hand? "Boats" classification be happy to fix it as include: Speed, fishs oon a s w e ca n . From contractors to ing, drift, canoe, Deadlines are: Week- Yamaha Classic 1973 yard care, it's all here days 11:00 noon for 250 Eunduro. All original, house and sail boats. in The Bulletin's For all other types of next day, Sat. 11:00 street legal, 11K miles, watercraft, please see "Call A Service a.m. for Sunday and $1195. 541-382-7515 Class 875. Monday. Professional" Directory




The Bulletin











541-385-5809 Thank you! Rent /Own The Bulletin Classified • 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes $2500 down, $750 mo. OAC. J and M Homes 775 541-548-5511 654

Houses for Rent SE Bend


ATVs •

The Bulletin

Servng Central 0 egon vnce 1903

Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Banshee 2001, FACTORY SPECIAL Yamaha h o u seboat, custom built 350 motor, Beautiful New Home, 3 bdrm, $85,000. 541-390-4693 race-ready, lots of extras, $46,500 finished 3 bdrm, 1 bath w/gawww.centraloregon $4999/obo 541-647-8931 on your site. houseboat.com. rage on fenced .75 J and M Homes acre. Detached 24 x 870 GENERATE SOME ex541-548-5511 36 shop, greenhouse, citement in your neigBoats 8 Accessories close to High Desert borhood. Plan a gaGood classified ads tell school. Pet friendly. rage sale and don't 1st, last 8 c l eaning the essential facts in an forget to advertise in interesting Manner. Write deposit. $980/mo. Ig classified! 385-5809. For address, call from the readers view - not 541-410-9064. the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show Servrng Central Oregon since 1903 the reader how the item will 14' a luminum Get your bo a t help them in someway. w/trailer, 2009 Mercury business Watercraft This 15hp motor, fish finder, advertising tip $2700. 541-815-8797 Ads published in "Wabrought to youby G ROW I N G tercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motorThe Bulletin with an ad in Ized personal watercrafts. For The Bulletin's LOT MODEL "boats" please see "Call A Service LIQUIDATION Prices Slashed Huge 14' Seadoo 1997 boat, Class 870. Professional" 541-385-5809 Savings! 10 Year twin modified engines. Directory conditional warranty. 210hp/1200lbs, fast. Finished on your site. Servng Central 0 egon smce 1903 $5500. 541-390-7035 671 ONLY 2 LEFT! Redmond, Oregon Mobile/Mfd. 15' older Seaswirl, 541-548-5511 Motorhomes • for Rent 35HP motor, cover, JandMHomes.com d epth f inder, a s - 198830' Class A 4000 3 bdrm, 2 bath dbl. wide The Bulletin sorted live v e sts, W gen., new fridge, m fd in DR W o n 1 $1400. OBO. To Subscribe call wheelchair lift. Good acre., pets ok. $1200 541-548-7645 or 541-385-5800 or go to cond. $18,000 obo mo. Call after 10 a.m. 541-408-3811. 541-617-0179 www.bendbulletin.com 541 -447-5504

The Bulletin •

There's g00d stuff in here. Shouldn't YOU > be looking •

The Bulletin

Classifit ds www.bendbulletin.com

h a&






Antique & Classic Autos

Fifth Wheels




Antique & Classic Autos


tape, good to exc cond, + 4 mounted

well, 2982 Hours

908 Aircraft, Parts



8 Service

FAST'66 Ranchero! $7500 invested, sell for $4500! Call 541.382.9835


4t i


Tick, Tock Tick, Tock... ...don't let time get

away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!

1/3 interest in Columbia

400, $150,000 (located I Bend.) Also: Sunriver hangar available for sale at $155K, or lease, I $400/mo. 541-948-2963

Au t o mobiles

A udi A 6 se d a n Quattro 2003 4wd, a/c, auto, tilt steer, sun & moon roofs, leather int, disc &

G R X AT Hysfer H25E, runs

Keystone Montana 2955 RL 2008, 2 slides, arctic insulation, loaded, excellent never used condition. $33,500

Peterbilt 35 9 p o table water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp pump, 4-3" h o ses, FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, door panels w/flowers camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. 541-820-3724 & hummingbirds, white soft top 8 hard top. Just reduced to $3,750. 541-317-9319 Utility Trailers or 541-647-8483 1987 Trail-Eze tilt trailer, 25', 26,000-lb cap, new

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'500you can place it in Good Condition. mends extra caution l formance & afford541-954-5193. 541-385-5809 1921 Model T $9500 when p u r chasing < able flying! $6,500. The Bulletin Need to get an ad 541-325-2220 Delivery Truck f products or services 541-382-6752 Buick Lucerne CXS Classifieds for: Restored & Runs out of the area. in ASAP? Toyota Camrysr J from 2006 sedan, V8, S ending c ash , $9000. 1984, SOLD; =~ @ Northstar 4.6L en'10 3 lines, 7 days checks, or credit in541-389-8963 gine, silver, black Fax it to 541-322-7253 1985 SOLD; formation may be I VW BUG 1972 rebuilt '16 - 3 lines, 14 days leather, new $36,000; 1986 parts car / sublect to FRAUD. eng, new paint, tires, 1952 Ford Customline (Private Party ads only) chrome 92K miles, 18" wheels The Bulletin Classifieds only one left! $500 For more informawhls, 30 mpg, Coupe, project car, flat& much more, best Call for details, f tion about an adver$3800. 541-233-7272 head V-8, 3 spd extra offer over $7900. 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Financing avail- car. 2 door wgn, 350 hauler, runs great, $5995 541-350-5373 top, tonneau cover You Keep The Cash! able. 541-948-2126 or new brakes, $1950. small block w/Weiand and upholstery. New I•! On-site credit dual quad tunnel ram chrome. B e a utiful 541-419-5480. email 1jetjock@q.com approval team, with 450 Holleys. T-10 Car. $25, 0 0 0. web site presence. 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, 541-548-1422 940 We Take Trade-Ins! Weld Prostar wheels, • L e g al Notices Legal Notices • Legal Notices Vans Free Advertising. extra rolling chassis + BIG COUNTRY RV extras. $6500 for all. vised Statutes, has the amo u n t of LEGAL NOTICE 541-389-7669. Ford 1-ton extended van, "My Little Red Corvette" Bend: 541-330-2495 the right to have the $ 146.00; 3. Ins u r Notice of 2013/2014 Coupe, 1996, 350, Redmond: 1995, 460 engine, set-up foreclosure proceed- ance in the amount of Budget Meeting 541-548-5254 f or c o n tractor w i t h auto, 26-34 mpg, 132K, Special Road District ¹1 ing dismissed and the $514.58; 4. E s c row One Half Interest in shelves 8 bins, fold-down $12,500/offer. RV-9A for SALE trust deed reinstated Termination Costs in Date: June 19, 2013 ladder rack, tow hitch, 541-923-1781 2005 Vans RV-9A, by curing the above- the amo u n t of Location: GMC Yeton 1971, Only 180K miles, new tranny 8 0-320, Dynon, GPS, described defaults, by $100.00; and, 5. DRRH Club House ~ Canopies 8 Campers ICOM's, KT-76C, $19,700! Original low brakes; needs catalytic payment of the entire Other - Trustee's Sale Time: 7:00 p.m. Oxygen. Flies great, mile, exceptional, 3rd converter 8 new windamount due ( o ther Guarantee: $525.00. Chevy Wagon 1957, shield. $2200. owner. 951-699-7171 no damage history. than such portions of S UM O W IN G O N LEGAL NOTICE 4-dr., complete, 541-220-7808 300 plus Hours tach, S ENOTICE OF SALE principal as would not O BLIGATION $7,000 OBO / trades MOVING - NO ROOM! kept in Redmond C John A. Berge, Suc- then be due had no CURED BY T RUST Please call Ford Aerostar 1994 Hangar. Reduced to cessor Trustee under default occurred), and DEED: Principal balCORVETTE 541-389-6998 Eddie Bauer Edition $35K, OBOr by paying all costs ance of $116,965.04 the Trust Deed deConvertible2005 Fully Loaded, Dick Hansen, scribed below, hereby and expenses actu- w ith interest at - 0 Chrysler 300 C o upe Automatic LS2 high Canopy for long bed 541-923-2318 Mint Condition! percent per a nnum elects to sell, pursu- a lly incurred in e n1967, 44 0 e n g ine, performance motor, great cond., w h ite dkhansen@bendRuns Excellent! ant to O regon Reforcing the obligation from August 5, 2011, auto. trans, ps, air, only 29k miles, Sterw/tinted windows 8 broadband.com or $3000. and trust deed, tou ntil paid. Notice i s frame on rebuild, reling S ilver, b l ack vised Statutes Secslider window. $500. Tod, 541-350-6462 GMC 1977 Sierra 541-350-1201 t ions 8 6. 7 0 5 to gether with trustee's given that any person leather interior, Bose 541-580-7334 painted original blue, Classic 4x4 86.795, the real prop- and attorney's fees, at named pursuant to original blue interior, premium sound stePiper A rcher 1 9 80, original hub caps, exc. Original owner, a show erty described below any time prior to five Section 86.753, Orreo, new quality tires based in Madras, al- chrome, asking $9000 truck. Never restored or days before the date egon Revised Statat 10:30 a.m. on Auand battery, car and off-road. AT, 400 V8, exways hangared since or make offer. last set for the sale. utes, has the right to seat covers, many gust 27, 2013, at the cellent mechanical connew. New annual, auto BE R G E, have the foreclosure 541-385-9350 extras. Rec e ntly law offices of Bryant, JOHN A . dition, many extras + Alpilot, IFR, one piece Lovlien & Jarvis 591 Successor T r ustee, proceeding dismissed factory serviced. windshield. Fastest Ar- Just bought a new boat? p ine c a nopy. N o n B ryant, L o vlien 8 and the trust deed SW Mill View Way, 1 99 5 , Garaged. Beautiful Lance Camper 1994, cher around. 1750 to- Sell your old one in the smoking owners. Col- Lumina Van reinstated by curing Bend, Oregon. All ob- Jarvis, P.C., 591 SW Perfect cond. fits long bed crew cab, tal t i me . $ 6 8 ,500.classifieds! Ask about our lectors welcome! Sorry, X LNT c o nd., w e l l car,$37,000 the above-described ligations of p e r for- Mill View Way, Bend, obo no trades. Firm, cash. cared for. $2000 obo. tv, a/c, loaded. $6200 541-475-6947, ask for Super Seller rates! mance which are se- OR 97702. defaults, by payment 541-589-4047 $6995.503-880-5020 541-382-9835. OBO. 541-580-7334 541-385-5809 Rob Berg. of the entire amount cured by th e T rust Deed hereinafter deLEGAL NOTICE due (other than such portions of p nnapal scribed are in default NOTICE OF SALE for reasons set forth John A. Berge, Suc- as would not then be below and the benefi- cessor Trustee under due had no d efault c iary d e clares a l l the Trust Deed deo ccurred), and b y sums due under the scribed below, hereby paying all costs and note secured by the elects to sell, pursu- expenses actually intrust deed described ant to O regon Re- curred in enforcing the herein i m m ediately vised Statutes Secobligation and t r ust due an d p a yable. tions 86. 7 0 5 to deed, together with GRANTORS: Teresa 86.795, the real prop- trustee's and R. Jensen. BENEFI- erty described below attorney's fees, at any time prior to five days CIARY: Hayden Enat 10:00 a.m. on Aubefore the date last terprises Giving Fund. gust 27, 2013, at the T RUST D EE D R E - law offices of Bryant, set for the sale. JOHN A. BERGE, SuccesCORDED: S e ptem- Lovlien & Jarvis, 591 sor Trustee, Bryant, SW Mill View Way, ber 7 , 2005 at 2005-60027, O fficial Bend, Oregon. All ob- Lovlien & Jarvis, P.C., Records, Deschutes ligations of p e r for- 5 91 SW M i l l V i e w OR C ounty, Oreg o n. mance which are se- Way, Bend, P ROPERTY CO V - cured by th e T rust 97702. ERED B Y T R U ST Deed hereinafter deLEGAL NOTICE DEED: Lot 3 5 of scribed are in default TO INTERESTED H AYDEN RAN C H for reasons set forth PERSONS ESTATES, PHASES below and the benefi2 AN D 3 , C i t y o f c iary d eclares a l l Karen Mae Shepard has been appointed Redmond, Deschutes sums due under the A dministrator of t h e County, Oregon. This note secured by the estate of Robert Franproperty is commonly trust deed described klin Knox, deceased, known as 1221 NE herein i m mediately T hird Street, R e d- due an d p a y able. by the Circuit Court "ClaSSifi edS.oregon.COm u iS a neW State of Oregon, Desmond, Oregon 97756. GRANTORS: K e vin DEFAULT: Failure to Nelson and Tamera chutes County, Case p ay: 1. Regu l a r Nelson. BEN E F I- N o. 13PB0047. A l l persons having claims monthly payments in CIARY: Hayden Ent he amo u n t of terprises Giving Fund. against the estate are required to p r esent $430.53 per month for T RUST DEED R E - them, with vouchers January 2012 through CORDED: D e cemMarch 31, 2013, for a ber 16, 2010 at 2010- attached, to the untotal of $5,878.01; 2. 49993, Official dersigned A d m inisu Insurance i n the Records, Deschutes t rator a t 2 5 0 NW grOWing CLaSSifiedS SeCtiOn iS "ClaSSifiedS.oregOn. Com amount of $508.09; 3. C ounty, Oreg o n. F ranklin Ave., S t e City of Redmond Util- P ROPERTY CO V - 402, Bend, OR 97701, ity Water Bill in the E RED B Y T R U S T within four m o nths amount of $488.57; 4. DEED: Lo t T w e lve after the date of May 9, 2013, the first pub2012 real p r operty (12), SIX PEAKS lication of this notice, taxes in the amount of PHASE 4, recorded $1,221.70; 5. Escrow February 26, 2004, in or the claims may be Add i tional Termination Costs in Cabinet G, Page 197, barred. i nformation may b e the amo u n t of Deschutes C o unty, Oregon. This prop- o btained f ro m t h e $100.00; and, 6. Other - Trustee's Sale erty i s com m only records of the court, the Administrator, or Guarantee: $600.00. known as 1447 SW SUM O W IN G O N 2 7th S t reet, R e d - t he lawyer fo r t h e OBLIGATION SE- mond, Oregon 97756. Administrator, P a triCURED BY TRUST DEFAULT: Failure to cia Heatherman, 250 DEED: Principal bal- p ay: 1. Regu l a r NW Franklin Ave, Ste ance of $124,210.04 monthly payments in 402, Bend, OR 97701. w ith interest at - 0 - the amo u n t of Advertiseyourcar! percent per a nnum $334.37 per month for from March 31, 2013. August 5, 2011 Add A Picture! Notice is given that t hrough March 3 1 , Reach thousands of readers! any person named 2013, for a t otal of Call 541 385 5809 pursuant to S ection $ 5,284.50; 2. 2 0 1 2 86.753, Oregon Rereal property taxes in The BulletinClassifieds -




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