Bulletin Daily Paper 09-13-14

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SATURDAY September13, 2014

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Prepfootball SPORTS • C1


bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD


r mi

iPOd eulOgy — Asthe "iPod Classic" faces its demise, remembering the little box that changed music.A3



Officials spar over legalization in debate

ByTyler Leeds sThe Bulletin

Bend-La Pine Schools is studying its vacant property to plan for future expansion and possibly even identify land to sell. The district's most unique property is also one of the city's most iconic — Pilot Butte.

Drill sergeants — Rfty



By Taylor W. Anderson The Bulletin

years after the Armystarted using them, the jobhaschanged — but not their goal. A6

Bend-La PineSchools'vacantlandinBend

SALEM — If Oregon

legalizes pot, Mexico will

The district is surveying its vacant properties, including somesites it may develop into future schools andothers that may be sold.

A killer app? —In some places, location-based gaydating apps can put their users' lives at risk.Al E

And a Web exclusiveHow Major LeagueBaseball could determine control of Congress: TVsports are atop pick for political ads. bendbuuntin.com/extrns






Planned Middle School

Countries try to stop recruits to IslamicState

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By Somini Sengupta New York Times News Service

UNITED NATIONSFrance wants more power to block its citizens from

leaving the country, while Britain is weighing whether to stop more of its citizens from coming home. Tunisia

dwell tItary Hig Desert Iddl School

is debating measures to

make it a criminal offense to help jihadist fighters

be a more stable country,

the state will save money and police

OTroyField:Thisisa potentially valuable properly across from the school district's headquarters. 6 Ensworlh Elementary land: A strip of land across from the school remains undeveloped. 8 High Desert Middle School land: Thedistrict has enough room for an elementary school near High Desert Middle School. 0 Country Club properly: The district has plans to use this site for a high school. 6 Jewell Elementary land: This site is seen asa future middle school location. 9 Shevlin Park Road properly: This site offers 20 to 25 usableacres. 0 Pilot Butte properly: The district owns a large portion of the northern slope of Pilot Butte 0 New middle school land: 2 to 3 acres of landwill remain oncethe new middle school is built.

can focus on

more harmful drugs, U.S. Rep. Earl Blumenauer sa i d during


a debate held

by the Salem City Club on Friday. One of Congress's most vocal


pr o ponents of federally legalizing marijuana made his case in favor of Oregon's Ballot Measure 91,

which if passed in November would allow adults to possess up to a half-pound of pot. Blumenauer, long critical of the nation's current pot

laws, told a crowd of about 100 that Oregon has the chance tobe atthe fore-

front of reform he says will sweep the country over the nextdecade. "What we want to do

is be able to take the Wild West that's funded drug

cartels and be able to turn it into a legitimate tax-paying, regulated enterprise," Blumenauer, D-Ore., said. Clatsop County District

Source: Bend-Ls Pine Schools

Attorney Josh Marquis,

who is acting as spokesman of the group against Measure 91, was at the oth-

travel to Syria and Iraq,

er end of the debate table. "I don't want people driving under the influence. And I don't want kids to get (marijuana)," Marquis said. The proposal would allow those over the age of 21

Kn Rd.

while Russia has outlawed enlisting in armed groups

Greg Cross i The Bulletin

that are "contradictory to

While the state owns the majority of the nearly 500-foot cinder cone, the school district owns a

Russian policy." The rapid surge of the Is-

sizable section of Pilot Butte's northern slope, extending up from Pilot Butte Middle School at the base

lamic State, and its ability to

draw fighters from across the globe, have set off alarm bells in capitals worldwide. Countries that rarely see eye to eye are now trying to

to possess 8 ounces of buds.

to just below the park's access road. Brad Henry, the district's chief operations and finance officer, said

See Marijuana/A6

he has no idea how the land ended up in Bend-La Pine's portfolio, calling the site a "weird property."

blunt its recruitment drive,

passing a raft of new rules that they hope will stop their citizens from joining extremist groups abroad.

"If we were to choose to designate this land surplus, I suspect the first move would be to talk with the state about a pos-

discussions. Pilot Butte is owned by Oregon Parks and Recreation, but most of the land the district would be interested in,

sible land swap," Henry said.

Wilkinson said, is owned by other agencies.

Superintendent Ron Wilkinson noted the state owns land


Another notable property owned by the district is Troy


throughout the Bend area "that would make much better Field, which is located downtown on NW Bond Street, across sense for a school." from Bend-La Pine's administrative building. The field, which

The United States has

seized on the issue, pushing for a legallybinding U.N.

However, the district has not yet formally discussed the matter with the state, and it's not clear who would be in on the

is currently open to the public, is just under 1 acre.

Mostly sunny High 80, Low41 Page B6


See Schools/A6

Security Council resolution that would compel all

Olive Garden'black market': whyscalping works

Business C7-8 Dear Abby D6 Calendar B2 Horoscope D6 Classified F1-8 Local/State Bf -6 Comics F3-4 Obituaries B5 Comm. Life Df-6 Sports Cf -6 Crosswords F4 IV/Movies D6

estimated 12,000 foreign

By Cnitgn Dewey

fora mere $100, the restaurant

The Washington Post

would bestow seven-week"un-

dozen passes were listed at prices as high as $499 apiece.

sight on Olive Garden's part, this incident is also an illustra-

The Bulletin

militants in Syria and Iraq, many of them fighting with

limited pasta passes" to 1,000

In the bidding war that fol-

tion of the economics of online

the Islamic State, accord-

nice things ... like seven glorious weeks of unlimited pasta alfredo. On Monday, Olive Gardenthe popular Italian restaurant

lowed, Olive Garden spokeswoman Tara Gray rose above the din, clarifying that the passes were (a) not transferable and (b) that the secondary

ticket scalping, and the argument over who's responsible

Vol. 112, No. 25e, 3e pages, 5 sections

market could not exist.

nary consumers.

countries in the world to take steps to "prevent and

suppress" the flow of their citizens into groups considered to be terrorist organizations. Recruits from 74

countries are among the This is why we can't have

ing to Peter Neumann, a professor at King's College London, who has culled the

figures largely from governmentsources. See Recruits /A4

chain — announced an A+

marketing gimmick in which,

carb-loving fans. The passes sold out, pre-

dictably, in a little more than an hour. And from there, they

(just as predictably) spread to eBay and Craigslist, where, as of Thursdaymorning, several

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Q i/i/e use reclrc/ed newsprint

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NxTioN +


er usonvi eos ows wl ness rBlsln Bn s By Jim Salter

The workers are not from workers were Caucasian, but Ferguson and were employed because it is a contemporaneST. LOUIS — C ellphone by a business from Jefferson ous recording of their immevideo that shows a witness County, south of St. Louis. diate actions of what they had raising his hands in the air They have not come forward just witnessed," Crump said. immediately after the fatal publicly and the AP has been "It's the best evidence you shooting of a black 18-year- unable to reach them. can have other than a video old by a white police officer in The comment onthe video of the actual shooting itself." Ferguson appears to support largelymatches those of resEd Magee, spokesman for previous accounts and could idents of the apartment com- St. Louis County prosecub olster arguments that M i plex where the shooting oc- tor Bob McCulloch, said the chael Brown was surrender- curred, who said Brown was workers are among witnesses ing when he was shot, legal surrendering when he was who have been interviewed experts said Friday. killed. by authorities and are "part The video, obtained by The The shooting spurred sev- of the investigation." Associated Press and first eral days of sometimes viThe video likely would be a ired by C NN , shows tw o olent protests in Ferguson. admissible evidence before landscapers who were work- A state grand jury and the the grand jury along with the ing near the street where J ustice Department are i n - workers' testimony, said PeBrown was shot by o f ficer vestigating, but no decision ter Joy, a professor at WashDarren Wilson on Aug. 9. In on whether Wilson will face ington University School of the video, a man can be heard charges is expected until Law in St. Louis. "The thing that strikes me saying, "He had his (exple- next month. tive) hands up," while one of Benjamin Crump, the at- is we actually have a film of the workers raises his own torney for Brown's family, what's going on and while hands in the air. said both workers came for- it's hard t o h ear t h e c o nThe man who took the cell- ward and told the family their struction workers say what phone video, who spoke on account of the shooting. He they're saying, you have one condition of anonymity be- described the video as "of construction worker putting cause hefeared forhissafety, paramount significance." his hands up in the air, which "Not because they were not appears tobe him demonsaid the voice is that of the worker raising his hands, but residents of Ferguson, and strating what he's seeing," that isn't clear on the video. not because the construction Joy said.

OhiO priSOn eSCape —Criminal and internal investigations were underway Friday to determine howthree Ohio inmates, including a convicted killer of three students, were able toescapefrom prison during recreation a dayearlier. Thestate prisons agency also said outside experts will review the agency's procedures andrecommend possible improvements. Thethree prisoners were being held in a protective control unit that had beencited for security issues in a recent report, and the escapecamea day after prison officials apparently foiled an escapeplan by another inmate from the sameunit. The three escaped prisoners, including convicted school shooter T.J. Lane, were recaptured byearly Friday morning.

The Associated Press


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PiStOriuS CanViCted —A judge convicted Oscar Pistorius of culpable homicide Friday in the death of his girlfriend, ruling that the former track star was negligent when he opened fire in his home after hearing what hesaid sounded like an intruder in a bathroom in the middle of the night. The judgeacquitted Pistorius of a moreserious murder charge, aday after saying that the onetime Olympian could have called security guards or screamedfor help on the balcony instead of grabbing his handgunand blasting multiple rounds through the door of a toilet stall.

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org and individual lottery websites

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawnFriday nightare:

Os(js303s 03604zO


Cliff Grassmick/The Daily Camera (Boulder, Colo.) via The Associated Press

The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you knowof an error in a story, call us at541-363-0356.


The estimated jackpot is now $62 million.

RuSSia SallCtiOIIS —The United States andthe EuropeanUnion dealt a blow onFriday to Russianefforts to develop future oil sources in the Arctic andelsewhere, broadening and deepening therange of sanctions imposed onMoscow in retaliation for its intervention in Ukraine despite the potential cost to Western firms like ExxonMobil and BP.The new measuresalso placedfurther limits on access to U.S. andEuropean capital markets, making it harder for Russianbanks to obtain any credit in foreign capitals beyondshort-term loans. TheUnited States singled out Russia's largest bank,Sberbank, for the first time.

PluS: Seeking aid —The president of Liberia, Ellen Johnson Sirleaf, has implored President BarackObamafor help inmanaging her country's rapidly expandingEbolacrisis. She requested1,500 additional beds in newhospitals across the country and urgedthat the U.S. military set upandrun a100-bed Ebolahospital in Monrovia, the capital. Infectious diseaseexperts have criticized as inadequatethe Obama administration's response totheEbolacrisis, particularly in Liberia. The epidemic hastaken anestimated 2,288 lives out of 4,269 cases inWest Africa. So far morethan1,000 people havedied of thevirus in Liberia.

Business Tim Doran......... 541-383-0360 CitySheila G.Miler ..........541-617-7631 CommunityLife, Health JulieJohnson....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe.....541-383-0353


WiSCOIISih VOtef ID —A federal appeals court Friday permitted Wisconsin to restore a requirement that voters provide photo identification before casting their ballots, allowing the long-debated state law to take effect in time for a hard-fought election Nov.4. The order, which camesurprisingly swiftly, on the sameday that lawyers made their arguments before apanel of the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, was seen as asignificant victory for advocates of such voting requirements. Opponents of the laws hadviewedthe Wisconsin case as opening a novel legal basis for their efforts in federal courtrooms.

EbOla Outbreak —The deadly Ebola outbreak sweeping across West Africa is likely to last12 to18 months more, much longer than anticipated, and could infect hundreds of thousands of people before it is brought under control, say scientists mapping its spread. Both the time the model says it will take to control the epidemic and the number of cases it forecasts far exceedestimates by the World Health Organization, which said last month that it hoped to control the outbreak within nine months andpredicted 20,000 total cases by that time. Theorganization is sticking by its estimates, a WHO spokesman said Friday.

ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool..........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black .................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa........................541-383-0337

Childrell'S SI8(illg —The state child welfare agency that investigated whether aSouth Carolina father wascapable of caring for his five children before hewasaccused of killing them and dumping their bodies in rural Alabamahas itself been under scrutiny in recent months. The department's leadership will be asked to justify its handling of the case of the five Jones siblings in astate Senate subcommittee hearing Tuesday.Sen.Joel Lourie said department managers earlier this year were fixated on meeting quotas in aneffort to reduce the number of children in foster care, resulting in somechildren being returned to unsafe homes.

A pedestrian walks near theUniversity of Colorado sent overnight temperatures plummeting into the 20s campus in Boulder on Friday during the first snow of in some areas. the season. While snow in September is rare, it isn't unusual It's still summer, but in parts of Wyoming, South f o r local residents used to wild swings in the weathDakota, Montanaand Colorado, a blanket of snow er. "I don't mind it; it is what it is," said DeannMeyer, covering green grass andflower gardens provided a preview of what is to come. of Buffalo, Wyoming, where up to 10 inches of snow The snowstorm dumped up to 20inches of snow in fell. "It's going to be 80 next week. That's what the parts ofW yoming onWednesdayandThursdayand weather says.Ofcourse,thatcouldchange."

ROll FOfd —Toronto Mayor Rob Fordwithdrew his re-election bid Friday as heseeks treatment for a tumor in his abdomen, dramatically ending a campaign hehaddoggedly pursued despite a stint in rehab and calls for him to quit amid drug andalcohol scandals. But he announced his brother would run in his place, saying "we cannot go backwards." Analysts say the decision is unlikely to changethe outcome of the mayoral election that Ford hadbeenwidely expected to lose after a string of revelations involving crack-smoking, public drunkenness andoutrageous behavior. — From wire reports

Pakistan na smilitants linke to attack onschoolgirl By Munir Ahmed

raised the issue with the Af-

The Associated Press

army said Friday that it has arrested 10 militants suspect-

ghan government. Both countries have long accused each other of ignoring militants who launch cross-border at-

ed of involvement in the 2012

tacks from their territory.

ISLAMABAD — Pakistan's

"We will continue our efforts until (Fazlullah) is arrest-

attack on teenage activist Malala Yousafzai, who won world acclaim after she was equality and

e ducation for

carrying out a major operation against militants in North Waziristan. Pakistan l aunched the June 15 operation after militants attacked one of the country's busiest airports, in

vised news conference in the garrison city of Rawalpindi.

the southern city of Karachi, shocking the nation. The military says it has so

He did not say when or

far killed at least 975 militants

ed or killed," Bajwa told a tele-

shot in the head by the Taliban for advocating gender

The arrests come at a time w hen Pakistan's military i s

women. Army spokesman Gen. Asim Saleem Bajwa said

where the men were captured, and that the operation is probut said security agencies de- gressing as planned.

the detained men attacked Yousafzai, then 15, on orders from Mullah Fazlullah, the

operation acting on information from one of the members

tained all 10 in a coordinated

susan Walsh/The Associated press file photo

head of the Pakistani Taliban. Malala Yousafzai, who was shot in the head by the Taliban in The army is currently waging Pakistan for advocating education for girls, speaks about her fight a major offensive against the for girls' education on the International Day of the Girl at the World extremist group in North Wa- Bank in Washington in October. ziristan, a tribal region along the border with Afghanistan

that has long been a militant ed in Pakistan, but was later stronghold. flown to a hospital in Britain, "The entire gang involved where she now lives with her in the murder attempt ... has family. "This is good news for our been busted," Bajwa said, adding that the "terrorists" were family and most importantly, part of Tehrik-e-Taliban, an for the people of Pakistan and umbrella group encompassing the civilized world. This first militant organizations across step of apprehending Malala's the tribal areas. attackers signifies the beginMalala, a precocious teen- ning of real hope for the hunage activist who had called for dreds of thousands of people expanding girls' education in whose lives have been affectdeeply conservativeareas of Pakistan, was shot in the head

ed by terrorism," Malala's fa-

ther, Ziauddin Yousafzai, said in October 2012 while return- in a statement. ing from schooL Two other Malala is from the northgirls were also wounded in the western Swat Valley, once attack. Malala was initially treat-

home to Fazlullah, who was elevated to his current leader-

of the cell. He said the head of

the cell had alsobeen arrested. "The group acted upon the

was killed in a U.S. drone strike in North Waziristan. Fazlullah has been on the run since 2009, when Pakistan

it was a "known fact" that Fazlullah and other "terrorists"

are hiding in Afghanistan.

the Swat Valley to eliminate

militants who were trying to g o vernment

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• Discoveries, breakthroughs,trends, namesin the news— the things you needto know to start out your day

It's Saturday, September13, the 256th day of 2014.There are 109 days left in the year.



e ea 0

Ukraine CeaSe-fire —The leaders of Russia, Ukraine, France andGermanyare scheduled to hold a conference call about how to strengthen the truce.

HISTORY Highlight:In1814, during the War of 1812, British naval forces began bombarding Fort McHenry in Baltimore but were driven back byAmerican defenders in a battle that lasted

until the following morning. In1759, during the final French and Indian War, the British defeated the French onthe Plains of Abrahamoverlooking Quebec City. In1788,the Congress of the Confederation authorized the first national election, and declared NewYork City the temporary national capital. In1803, Commodore John Barry, considered by manythe father of the American Navy, died in Philadelphia. In1911,the song "Oh, You Beautiful Doll," a romantic rag by NatAyer andSeymour Brown, was first published by Jerome H. Remick 8 Co. In1948, Republican Margaret Chase Smith of Mainewas elected to the U.S.Senate; she becamethe first woman to serve in both housesof Congress. In1959, Elvis Presley first met his future wife, 14-year-old Priscilla Beaulieu, while stationed in WestGermanywith the U.S. Army. (Theymarried in 1967, but divorced in1973.) In1971, a four-day inmates' rebellion at the Attica Correction-

al Facility in western NewYork ended as police andguards stormed the prison; the ordeal and final assault claimed the lives of 32 inmates and11 employees. In1974,"ChicoandtheMan," starring Jack Albertson and Freddie Prinze, "TheRockford Files," starring JamesGarner, and "Police Woman," starring Angie Dickinson, premiered on NBC-TV.

In1989, Fay Vincent was elected commissioner of Major League Baseball, succeeding the late A. Bartlett Giamatti.

In1993, at the White House, Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin andPLO chairman Yasser Arafat shook handsafter signing an accord granting limited Palestinian autonomy. In1996, rapper TupacShakur died at a LasVegas hospital six days after he waswounded in a drive-by shooting; hewas 25. In1998, former AlabamaGov. George Wallace died in Montgomery at age79. Ten years ago:U.S.warplanes in Iraq unleasheddevastating airstrikes on asuspected hideout for operatives from an al-Qaida-linked group the same day avideo posted on a website in the nameof the militants purportedly showed thebeheading ofakidnapped Turkish truck driver. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer agreed to a nearly $3 billion acquisition by a Sony-led consortium. Five years ago: The body of missing YaleUniversity graduate student Annie Lewas found behind a research lab wall on what would havebeen her wedding day. (A labtechnician, RaymondClark III, was later sentenced to 44years in prison for murdering Le.) One year ago:By truck and helicopter, thousands of people stranded by floodwaters were brought down from the Colorado Rockies. A pre-dawn fire swept through aRussian psychiatric hospital, killing 37 people.

BIRTHDAYS Actress Barbara Bain is 83. Actress Jacqueline Bisset is 70. Singer Peter Cetera is 70. Actress JeanSmart is 63. Actress-comedian Geri Jewell is 58. Country singer Bobbie Cryner is 53. Radio-TV personality Tavis Smiley is 50. Olympic gold medal runner Michael Johnson is 47.Rockmusician Steve Perkins is 47. — From wire reports


e c a ssici 0

With the original iPod's 13th birthday approaching and the company set to release a new batch of cutting-edge gadgets, the iconic device is drifting deeper into Apple's rearview. But that clunky, white digital music player that debuted way back in 2001 was a game-changer for the Silicon Valley giant.

Tracking moral behavior via text

By Scott Buiterworth

By Benedict Carey

The Washington Post

New York Times News Service

It came in w ith a

s imple

C ommitting

promise, a hefty price tag and


sma l l

sticking in his ears bopping around his apartment. Soon,

act of kindness, like holding the door for a harried stranger, often prompts the recipient to extend a hand

it would transform music as

to others, but i t

we know it, inspire a business model built around pocket change and turn a struggling c omputer maker into t h e most valuable company in the

at a cost, psychologists have long argued. People who've done the good deed areprimed to commit a rude one later on, as if drawing on moral credit from their previous act.

a man with something white


Yet the death Tuesday of the iconic iPod just before its 13th birthday w en t

Now, in a novel survey

of everyday moral behavior, researchers have

u n a cknowl-

edged by that company and by a Silicon Valley crowd that wildly applauded the unveiling of a new phone and a smart-

tested whether that theo-

ry holds up in real life. It does, although the effects appear small. The findings come from a survey of everyday morality in which researchers tracked people's moral judgments and attitudes at regular intervals throughout a typical day, using text messages. Previous

watch — products that stood on the slim, metal shoulders

of itspredecessor. Instead of an announcement, there was

only the sad implication of a redirected online page, send-


ing visitors not to information about the iPod Classic but

rather to Apple's home page.

r esearch o n m o r a l b e havior had been confined

When the iPod debuted,a few weeks after 9/11, it was the latest testament to the idiosyn-

mostly to the laboratory, with subjects making hypothetical, l i f e-or-death decisions that they would

crasy of Apple's chief executive, Steve Jobs. Simplify, he ordered the engineers. A user should be able to do anything with this i n n o

never encounter in daily

m or e th an

three clicks. Technically, the iPod was little different than any other device on the market that

life. The new paper, published in the journal Science on Thursday, not only gives psychologists a

JulieJacobson/The Associated Pressfile photo

The original iPod sparked Apple's turnaround with its release back in 2001. Since the day Steve Jobs introduced the clunky digital music player, the company's stock price is up 8,234 percent. While many

versions of the iPod live on, the iPod Classic appears to be onits wayout amid a newwave of hightech gadgetry set to be released by the tech giant.

played digitally compressed music. Aesthetically, though, it

way to test their theories of

consumers, but in an era when Napster was a household word sporting an external design and 12-year-olds were getting inspired by Dieter Rams and, sued by the music industry for yes, dead simple to operate. It illegally downloading music, also benefited from the Apple this was the equivalent of a U.S. marketing mystique: The first marshal striding into Dodge iPod c o mmercial f e atured City to deliver law and order. nothing more than a man Sure,the promise of "any dancing to a track by an ob- song" was overblown — sevwas a revelation: smaller and lighter than its competitors,

scure electronica band. What

made the spot memorable was the promise in the voice-over

at the end: "1,000 songs in your pocket."

1,000songs One thousand songs? Who in the world had the equivalent of 100 CDs that they'd want to hear on the goy Well, I did. The first time I saw the ad,

more than my car payment, but I didn't care. This iPodwhatever that meant — was

moral behavior in the real world but also provides a rough idea of just what

and the iconic "dick wheel" lingered in only one model: the iPod Classic, which debuted months after the iPhone. Compared with its progein their pocket, but for Apple to ny, the Classic was a one-trick take the next logical step, it had pony, and it sold accordingly. In to replace that gadget with an- January, Jobs' successor, Tim other that offered much more Cook, called the iPod "a dedinfunctionality — phone calls, ing business." So the demise of eral labels and artists wouldn't text messaging, even surfing the iPod Classic 'Itresday came license their music for Apple to the Web — i n a n i Pod-size as no real surprise. (For iPod sell, most famously the Beatles, device. devotees, theShuffle,Nanoand Led Zeppelin and AC/DCA thousand emails in your iPhone-inspired Touch still exbut that didn't deter customers. pocket. ist, for now) Forget 1,000 songs; now you Apple nodded to its debt by But after 13 years, all that could have tens of thousands Jobs publicly callingthe iPhone remains of the original, and its of songs in your pocket, even if "the best iPod we've ever made once-towering infl uence, are you'd never owned the CD. and induding an iPod icon in the profits — today, Apple has The iTunes Music Store was early generations of the iPhone. $164 billion in cash and, since a huge success: It sold I million While the latter disappeared the day that Jobs introduced songs in a week and 50 million within a few years, the iPod it in 2001, its stock price is up in ayear. Then it sold 50 million name lived on, gracing a few 8,234 percent — and the headmore in the next four months. devices withtouch screens. The phones: millions of people bopWhen the store opened to in- deck-ofcards-sized rectangle, ping around with something ternational consumers, it sold though, with rounded edges white sticking in their ears. 100 million more songs in five months. 2 LocationsinBend

I was looking at a TV bookended by massive, wooden towers filled with hundreds of CDs (furniture that would very soon become obsolete). In fact, I was probably the target audience for the ad — young By early 2004, the New York enough to feel passionate Times would call the iPodabout new music, old enough not Apple, but just the iPod to have the disposable income — a billion-dollar business. to afford this thing. Because, But the music business would Lord, itwasexpensive:$400at never be the same. The iTunes a time when other digital-mu- Music Store had shattered the sic players in the local Circuit tyranny of albums: Customers City were going for about half no longer had to buy an entire that much. Four hundred bucks was

c o m es

iPhone, the company had sold 110 million iPods. The device had served its purpose, getting peopleused to the idea ofcarrying photos, videos and music

constitutes the moral con-

tent of a random day. E xperts wh o

did n ot

work on the study cautioned that i t p r ovides more a rough draft of daily moral life than a detailed script; its findings are still tentative. "But it shows what kind

of insights can be obtained by studying events in their natural, spontaneous context," said Harry Reis, a

psychologist at the University of Rochester.

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CD to get the one or two songs

they really wanted. (Conside r that only six of the ll l a l bums to sell 10 million copies

have been released since the beautiful, and I wanted it bad. iPod's debut.) The decline in alIt promised the n ever-end-

bum salesled record stores to

ing mix tape, the opportunity to program a radio station

closetheirdoorsforgood. The

that served a market of one: Fountains of Wayne to Janet Jackson to Nirvana to Alan Jackson to the Pretenders? No

problem. The reviews were brutal, not least from those who saw

dominant arbiter of America's musical tastes shifted from

Billboard to the iTunes Top 100. Eventually the Beatles

this only as a toy for people with more dollars than sense, All this, because of the iPod. and the device synced only So that the iPod could hold with Apple's computers. Nev- and play all these songs, Apple ertheless, Apple sold 125,000 kept tinkering with it, making iPods in the first 60 days. Win- it smaller and lighter, adding dows users clamored for a ver- a color screen, more storage sion they could use, too; they capacity and the ability to play got one in less than a year. videos. It made a tiny version, calling it the Mini, then went

Changingthemusicbusiness even tinier with the Nano. It Still, the iPod didn't truly b ecome transformative u n -

and Led Zeppelin gave in and allowed Apple to sell their music, and finally AC/DC did, too. (Garth Brooks is now the most famous holdout.)

made a cheap (by Apple standards), no-frills version called

til April 2003, when Apple the Shuffle. The president of launched its online music store the United States was asked with this proposition: Get any what he had on his iPod. song you want, legally, for 99 cents and play it on your iPod. FromiPods to iPhones Such micropayments had long Then, in January 2007, Apple been proposed and dismissed made the iPod irrelevant. By as a nonstarterfor American the time Jobs introduced the

e tem er

, 014at a m •

e ister NOW •

• gg • • '



in ower o onen s see re ea o axcre i


Legal dasis for U.S. airstrikes

Continued from A1

WASHINGTON —The Obamaadministration believes that Congress' 2002 authorization of the Iraq war —and not just the 2001 authorization to fight al-Qaida — provides a legal justification for President Barack Obama'sair campaign against the Islamic State group, a senior administration official said Friday. The White Househas not issued a formal analysis of its legal thinking, but the disclosure adds to anevolving public understanding of its theory about the basis for the strikes against the Islamic State. When the bombing began inAugust, Obama's letters to Congress cited his constitutional powers ascommander in chief. On Wednesday, Obama said he already had legal authority for the campaign but would welcomespecific congressional approval, too, and administration officials for the first time cited the 2001 authorization to use military force against those responsible for the Sept. 11, 2001,attacks for the campaign. By claiming statutory authority, the administration sidestepped the War Powers Resolution, which requires deployments into hostilities to endafter 60 days if Congress has not signed off. But public and background briefings for reporters this weekmentioned only the 9/11Authorization for the Use of Military Force, or AUMF, andnot the Iraq authorization, as did astatement the White HousereleasedafterObama'sspeech. It turns out, however, that the administration also maintains that the Iraq authorization — which it wants to repeal — provides separate statutory authority for the strikes. "The president may rely on the2001 AUMFas statutory authority for the military airstrike operations he is directing" against the Islamic State, the senior official said in a statement. "As we have explained, the 2002 Iraq AUMF would serve as analternative statutory authority basis on which the president may rely for military action in Iraq. Evenso, our position on the 2002AUMFhasn't changed andwe'd like to see it repealed."

The largest blocs of these

fighters come from nearby Muslim countries, like Tunisia and Saudi Arabia, but

smaller contingents come from countries as far away and disparate as Belgium, China, Russia and the Unit-

By Hal Bernton and Erin Heffernan

ed States. U.S. intelligence officials

The Seattle Times

disdosed this week t h at

FOREST, Wis. — When

there were 15,000 foreign fighters in Iraq and Syria from 80 countries, mostly

wind-power developers prospected the rolling hills around this small dairy town, they found plenty of gusty sites for turbines. In 2011, theyproposed a $250 million project with up

with the Islamic State. The Security C o uncil

made it illegal to aid terrorist organizations after the

to 44 turbines that could pro-

Sept. 11 attacks, and recent

duce enough energy to power thousands of homes.

studies suggest that only a small share of foreign

Since then, nothing has come easyforthe developer in

fighters have c ommitted

a state that has emerged as a stronghold of resistance to the

return home. But the pros-

acts of terrorism once they

spread of windpower. In Forest, opponents gained enough votes to take over the SteveRingman/The Seattle Times town government, sued in state This wind farm sits on a bluff above Wallula in southern Washingcourt to try to block the project,

and added their support to a

ton state near the Columbia River. Southern Washington's Windy Flat and Wallula bluffs have large concentrations of wind turbines.

national movement that seeks to end the federal tax credit for

the wind-power industry. "We arehere to protectour property values, our eagles, our health and our town," said Brenda Salseg, spokeswoman

providedmore than 4 percent of the nation's power, according to a Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory report. In many areas, windturbines

R -Wash., still back th e t a x

credit, according to Reichert's spokeswoman. But some former supporters have turned

against it.

have been welcomed as an ecoRep. Kevin McCarthy,the opposition group, which posted nomicboon to landowners who House majority leader, once online a form letter urging the are paidfor leasing acreage. advocated the tax credit that Wisconsin congressional dele- But as wind power has grown, helped spur investment in wind farms in his California district. gationto oppose the tax credit. so, too, has the opposition. The tax credit was passedby In some communities, such But before his June election Congress in 1992 and has been as Forest, developers have to his leadership position, he periodically extended. It is cur- faceda backlash from residents told the Wall Street Journal he rently set at 2.4 cents per kilo- concerned about the noise and thinks wind companies no lonwatt hour, and, during times of health effects of living near ger need the tax credit. The fight against the tax glutted electricity markets, can wind-power projects. The toll on birds and bats credit also has been champibe worth more than the wholesale price of power. killed by turbine blades has oned by Americans for ProsThis tax credit has helped drawn scrutiny. perity. One of the nation's most c atapult wind power to t h e Critics have attacked wind prominent conservative advofront of th e U .S. efforts to power as aficklesourceofelec- cacy groups, it was co-founded launch a r enewable-energy tricity that ebbs whenever the by billionaire David Koch, who mdustry. wind dies down. They fault the has extensive interests in the By the end of 2012, wind tax credit for encouraging new fossil-fuels industry. power represented 43 percent projects when many utilities Wind-power advocates note of all new U.S. electric genera- have plenty of power. that fossil-fuel industries have tion installed that year and was Over time, the politics of receivedfederal subsidies for hailed by the Obama adminis- wind power have become more decades, such as ataxprovision tration as a key in the global ef- partlsan. that allows favorable write-offs fort to combat dimate change. Most of the wind-power ca- of oil-drilling costs. They say Wind power also has been pacity is within Republican the government should put a bolstered by state mandates congressional districts, but price on carbon, or continue that require utilities to acquire many politicians in the par- offering incentives for techa certain percentage of the ty have made ending the tax nologies that produce energy power from renewable-energy creditpart of their agenda. This without carbon emissions. "We sources. year, efforts to extend the tax don't want to lower or eliminate The turbines operate in more credit have made little headway our tax credit when everyone than three dozen states,from in the Republican-controlled else gets to keep theirs," said Washington's Columbia River House. Jim Reilly, a senior vice presiPlateau to the Allegheny MounSome House Republicans dent of the American Wind Entains of Maryland, and in 2013 such as Rep. Dave Reichert, ergy Association. for the Forest Voice, the local

pect of radicalized youths becoming hardened on the b attlefields of Syria a n d

Iraq has sent a new ripple of anxiety through nations of all stripes, reviving a longstanding tension, especially in democratic countries, over how to balance civil liberties and security

in an age of transnational terrorism.

"You now have reopened about the threat that extremthose very debates," said ist groups could pose to his Kathleen Hicks, a former hold on power, but the degree Pentagon official now at the to which he can rein in radical Center for Strategic and In- preachers in his kingdom reternational Studies. mains to be seen. The efforts to stop fightThe debate over stemming ers from rallying to the the flow of foreign fighters side of the Islamic State has opened up new legal terput the greatest scrutiny ritory and raised the question on countries like Turkey, of when and how countries whose long-porous border should prosecute their citizens has allowed thousands of for fighting in another counmilitants to cross into the try's war. Beyond that, stanSyrian battlefield and into dards of proof can be high in Iraq. Turkey has open- many European countries, diply supported some of the lomats said, and proving parrebels who have sought to

unseat Syria's president, Bashar Assad, but lately it

has faced the direct ire of the Islamic State. Nearly 50 of its citizens have been

heldhostagebythe group in the Iraqi city of Mosul since June, including the Turkish consul general. Turkey insists that it is now trying to stanch the

flow of Islamic State gunmen across its 500-mile frontier with Syria, saying it has closed most of its official border crossing points, though it is doubtful that

militants would use them anyway. In 2013, Turkey denied entry to 4,000 people

who had been on a no-entry list and detained more than 92,000 people on its

Scalping Continued fromA1 A dam Goldstein, of T h e New York Times and Planet

Money, laid out the phenomenon this way i n 2013: Es-

sentially, secondary markets develop to balance discrepancies between supply and demand, as created by the original ticket vendors. In this case, there are a limited

number of Olive Garden pasta passes; the demand is high enough that people will pay incredible amounts of money for them; and yet — in its effort to generate social media

buzz — Olive Garden sets the price point well below what the market is willing to pay. A mere $100 for seven weeks of pasta? That's absurd. A plate of Olive Garden

pasta is usually around $13. Even if you only use the pass three times a week during that period, and get one plate of pasta each time — which,

let's be real, does not even begin to take advantage of the deal — the pass is worth $273. At least. Likewise, a ticket to see OK Go in Washington next week

border. "It's not a blame game,"

Nore onOliveGarden's financial struggles An investor has somesuggestions for how Olive Garden can improve its performance, down to theway it rations its unlimited breadsticks. In a nearly 300-page document, Starboard Valuecriticizes parent companyDarden Restaurants Inc. for its management of the Italian restaurant chain. Starboard is hoping to gain control of Darden's board with the election of its own nomineesnext month. Darden Restaurants says it's reviewing Starboard's plan but notes it's already implementing a plan to improve financial results. Here are some ofOlive Garden's problems, according to Starboard: • Servers are supposed to provide one breadstick per customer, plus one for the table. But restaurants lack"training and discipline" and servers often bring out more than that, leading to waste. • Salad bowls are often overfilled and the lettuce is overdressed, both of which drive up costs. • To get an extended warranty on its pots, Olive Garden no longer salts the water used to boil its pasta. Starboard notes "If you were to google 'how to cook pasta,' the first step of Pasta101 is to salt the water." • The chain's to-go bags are made with high-end materials, which make them moreexpensive than theto-go bags at competitors. • Soup bases could be purchased from outside suppliers, rather than making them from scratch. Thechange would also lead to greater product consistency and reducefood safety risks, Starboard says. • Alcohol sales could be boosted, considering how well Italian food and alcohol go together. Starboard notes OliveGarden gets 8 percent of sales from alcohol, compared with more than twice that by other Italian restaurants. • The menu hasbecometoo complicated, with nearly 96 items. • The advertising strategy is outdated and hasbecometoo focused on TV;digital marketing doesn't get enough attention.

costs a measly $25. On Stubhub, hopeful entrepreneurs are already offering them for — The Associated Press as much as $100 apiece. This, in essence, is the dirty economic secret of scalping, ed Smith explained to Gold- opposed. Meanwhile, a law for pastaor Beyonce ti ckets stein last year that the bands passed in California last fall or anything else: Concert that charge the least for their limits the practice of using promoters and other sellers tickets are also th e b ands bots, or computer software, are quick to blame the scalp- whose tickets get scalped the to buy off blocks of tickets for ers for inflating prices, or most. resale. "There (are entire corpocompanies, such as eBay and Olive Garden's approach Craigslist, for failing to police rations) built on exploiting was a little different, if no less them. In reality, the best way companies' failure to proper- stringent: In an unsuccessful to stop people from reselling ly price items initially," Gold- attempt to pre-empt the secthings is to charge more for stein wrote. Corporations like ondary market entirely, it inthose things to begin with. Ticketmaster, Stubhub and cluded a line about nontransFrequently, the r e ason f o r eBay. ferability in its pasta pass' charging less is a little neA number of s olutions fine print. farious: It means people are have been proposed to cut A t th e en d o f t h e d a y , more likely to spend money down on this kind of thing, though,there'san easiersoluat the event itself. (If I'm pay- thereby guaranteeing that tion: actually charge what ing something like $1.50 for economically irrational pric- people are willing to pay. For a figure-ruining marathon of es can stay. Australia has the pasta pass, that looks to pasta, it's easy to justify, say, a for years debated legislation be roughly $300. couple $8 glasses of wine.) to crack down on scalping, Some of us really like our Ticketmaster president Jar- which eBay has vociferously carbs.

— New YorkTimesNews Service

said Yasar H alit

C evik,

the Turkish ambassador to the U.N. "We're all in the same boat. I t trkey feels

including al-Qaida and its Syrian affiliate, the Nusra Front,

though not other groups like Hezbollah, which the United States considers to be a terror1st gfoup.

There are also long no-fly lists in

c i r culation already.

Passports can be confiscated. Children can be taken into state custody. And many coun-

tries, including some in Europe, have already prosecuted terrorism suspects under exist-

inglaws. Britain, for example, is prosecuting at least 50 of its citizens

who have returned from Syria, group has been a challenge. and the law already allows the What is more, governments authorities to revoke the citiaround the world are under zenship of a dual citizen found pressure to balance their desire guilty of joining a terrorist to target individuals who pose group. The government is now a genuine risk at home without exploring ways to keep Britons engaging in broad crackdowns from returning home tempothat could backfire and alien- rarily if they are suspected of ate a wider portion of their pop- having been involved in terulations, particularly Muslim rorism abroad, even if they are youths. solely British citizens. "It requires very, very rigorThe U.S.-sponsored resoluous intelligence assessment," tion will be voted on at a SesaidDavid Ucko, an associate curity Council meeting led by professor at the National De- President Barack Obama on fense University in Washing- Sept 24. The day before, Secton. "If you let in the wrong retary of State John Kerry is person and you have an attack, scheduled to lead a meeting of the political blowback is going counterterrorism officials from to be unbelievable." around the world to discuss Take, for instance, the case of how to deal with foreign fightMehdi Nemmouche, a French ers more effectively. Countercitizen suspected of killing four terrorism officials recommend people at the Jewish Museum that countries share data to in Brussels this year. A French detect the recruitment of forjournalist held hostage for eign fighters, monitor online months by extremists in Syria communications more aggreshas said that Nemmouche was sively, share airline passenger one of his captors, the newspa- information in advance, and ticipation in a known terrorist

criminalize travel abroad to like it's in the same boat as per Le Point reported. the moderate international The call for a new global le- fight. community." galapparatusechoes a raftof The focus on foreign counterterrorism p r o visions fighters also shines the passed in the wake of the Sept. spotlight on Qatar, which 11 attacks. The U.N. Security has had strong ties to sever- Council already prohibits aidal militant groups seeking ing organizations that are on to topple Assad in Syria, its own list of banned groups, and on Saudi Arabia, home ONIL to powerful religious leaders who have long sancchangingSmiles tioned jihad. The Saudi Denture &Implant Center king this year issued a rare decree making it a criminal Call 541-388-4444 offense to join a foreign war. for $100 OFF It signaled his concerns NADBffOMWW

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enew ri ser ean: ears a er, s e isn' w a s e Lise o e By Jeff Wilkinson • The State (Columbia, S.C.)

COLUMBIA, S.C.— Drill Sgt. Danielle Brooks watched patiently as a squad of recruits at Fort Jackson tried haplessly to get a bloodied mannequin, representing a wounded soldier, across an imaginary creek. They were allowed to use only a zip line, stretcher, two carabiner clips and some nylon rope.

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They fumbled. They fussed. They failed. "Time's up," Brooks barked. "You just killed your battle buddy. How's it feel'?" In the old Army, this probably wouldbe accompanied by

become a drill sergeant leader in part to instill a high level of discipline in the Army. "Drill sergeants have the most im-

a torrentof curses and oaths.

Butts would be kicked. But this is the new Army and Brooks

pact on the Army," she said. She will be patient with a

just shakes her head, sternly calls the group together and , '4

right way to do the exercise. "I don't like to yell and scream a lot," said Brooks, who has trained recruits fornine 10-

private who is trying. But she will light up a private who is "jacked up," meaning intentionally sloppy in dress or execution.

week cycles over the past three years. "If you're yelling and screaming all the time, when are you going to teach them?

"We've been so busy getting soldiers ready for war that disciplinary standards have dropped," she said."We have to get out of that in-theater mind

Patience is a virtue when you

set. I feel like I can motivate

are tryingto instill discipline." Brooks recently left her post

NCOs to care (more about discipline). If they care, then everything else is easy." The 10-week basic training cyde is broken up into three

training recruits to b ecome

the newest teacher in the U.S. Army Drill Sergeant School at Fort Jackson, which marked 50 place in the nation where the

phases: Red, White and Blue. :I'A.



The first phase — Redhappens in the first three weeks of training. It is during

Army trains drill sergeants.

this time that drill sergeants

B rooks was chosen by t h e

come as close to the Hollywood

academy's commanders — all drill sergeants themselves — to

version as

wear the distinctive belt, brass

buckle and badge that proclaims "This We'll Defend," the

all manner of dress and hair .W

'r Brooks doesn't fit the image Hollywood usually assigns to Army drill sergeants or Marine drill instructors. They most of- Drill sergeants train at Fort Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina ten are portrayed as hulking, — the only drill sergeant school in the country. red-faced, profanity-spewing brutes, a terror to any recruit unfortunate enough to enter from the top 10 percent of sol- up, and ends at 9 p.m., when their universe. diers in the Army. Drill ser- the recruits have lights out. In contrast, Brooks is 5 feet, geant leaders represent the top Drill sergeants are required 4t/z inches tall, and proud of the 1percent of drill sergeants. to do everything a recruit does half inch. She lives in NorthWhen they don the distinc- — the marches, the runs, the east Richland with her wife, tive wide-brimmed campaign obstacle courses, the PT — and Shakerian. And she spent five hat, or bush hat for female drill then some. "You don't ask aprivate to do years as a vocalist with the sergeants, they say they are U.S. Army Europe Band and "on the trail." It recalls the Old anything that you wouldn't do Chorus. West, where cowboys would yourself," Brannan said. "You But watch her and her team wranglelarge herds of cattle show them what's right and tell of drill sergeants train new across the plains from range to them why." The "why" is one of the main recruits i n t h e s w e ltering railhead. fields, forests and firing rangSome sergeants volunteered differences between real drill es of the Army's largest ba- to be on the trail. Some were sergeants and the Hollywood sic training post, and you see "volun-told." They represent image. And so is the discipline. that the difference between every ethnicity, class and soIn Hollywood movies, and real drill sergeants and movie cial strata. But they are all "on often in the old Army, if a soldrill sergeants isn't all about point," meaning they look and dier asked why he should do gender, sexuality, ethnicity or act like model soldiers, exam- something, he was punished profanity. ples for the herds of new pri- swiftly — maybe by a punch It's about results. vates they are charged with to the stomach, a brutal round "You don't want to spend so molding. of push-ups or a back-breaking much energy on the screw-ups They are the first authori- run with a full pack. "When I went through, you that you don't spend enough ty figure a recruit sees in the time with the ones who want service. They are also the per- just did it without question," to learn," said Sgt. 1st Class Ni- son who will teach them such Brannan said. "But this genercole Brannan, a drill sergeant things as how to make a bed, ation is different. We're telling leader. how to fire an M240B machine them, 'Do as I say, but learn to But m ak e n o mi s t ake: gun and how to clear a build- think for yourself, too.' That's Brooks and Brannan, like any ing of the enemy. A bad drill how things have changed." Military studies show that top drill sergeant, absolutely sergeant can screw up a soldier can dress down a recruit who for his entire career. A good in the post-Cold War and preis slacking off or, even worse, one can shape the next chair- 9/11 Army, recruiters could be smarting off. Yelling comes in man of the joint chiefs of staff. very selective about who they long, loud bursts when it comes All drill sergeants have com- accepted. But after 9/11 — and and it is a fearsome thing to pleted the school's nine-week particularly during the surge witness. course, going through every in Iraq from 2005 to 2007"We don't smoke people step of basic training again. the Army was forced to accept

anymore," said Brooks, mean-

ing using excessive physical training — running or pushups — to break or wash out a

t h e r e g ulations

allow. On the first day, recruits in

drill sergeant motto.

But at the same time, they learn how to lead it. And they

will lead it over and over again in the two years to come, in 10week cycles, with only a few daysoffinbetween.

a lower level of recruit. That

could change now that the Army's ground wars in Iraq and Afghanistan seem to be

lengths are kept up all night during reception. They are issued uniforms, immunizations

and buzz haircuts, and then are bused to their battalion's barracks.

Henry noted. Most notewor-

thy is a roughly 50-acre site adjacent to Bend Golf and

able, considering its loca- Country Club, which Hention and the scarcity of de- ry said the district "has all velopment land within close along intended for a high proximity t o d o w n town," school." said Jay Lyons, a broker Next to Jewell Elementawith Compass CommerciaL "It obviously has quite a bit of visibility being on Bond and would be a very attractive parcel to developers."

ry is about 25 acres where, Henry s a id,

There, they meet their drill

— Reporter: 541-633-2160, tleeds@bendbulletin.com

T hat led to sparring in t h e

media before the groups met in person Friday

Continued from A1 Money from the taxes

on legal recreational marijuana in Oregon would fund police, schools and health programs. Colorado and Washington have both legalized marijuana. Marquis said Oregon got the law right when it was the first in the nation

to decriminalize pot four decades ago, a llowing police to cite residents for

possession rather than send them to jaiL "I have used marijuana. It's been a long time. About 40 years. And I did inhale," Marquis said. But he said the argument that Oregon's pris-

ons are clogged with marijuana users and the notion

In total, 130 people are in


drvrston. The state's 36 district at-

torneys are lockstep in opposition to Measure 91, though they differ in t heir reasons

against it. Some believe pot shouldn't be legalized. Several said they thought the bill

T he measure i s

up to an ounce for recreational use. Colorado residents can grow up to six plants. The most recent poll in June showed 51 percent of voters were in favor of legalizing pot in Oregon versus 41 percent against.

c an start t hem d own a path of failure and frustra-

— Reporter: 406-589-4347, tanderson@bendbulletin.com •

bidden altogether in others. "It depends on the battalion commander or the company

first sergeant," Brannan said. "You can drop an F-bomb in some battalions. In others, it

will cost you your hat." For Brooks, the reward for patience comes at the end of the

cyde, when she leads her soldiers onto the parade ground at Hilton Field to graduate. Some-


called for a federal investi•


Where Buyers AndSellers Meet

Cl™assifieds Grap

Yelling has its limits. While companies is common, it is for-

one of

laws allow forpossession of

gation into a 13-city "Marijuana Education Tour" that was originally funded in part by federal dollars.

profanity in some battalions or

the t i ming


The drill sergeants even are

a drill sergeant who can't yell," said Sgt. 1st Class Matthew Torres, a drill sergeant leader.

" Because of

of the series as well as the choiceof speakers that have a reputation for taking a political stance, we decided not to participate ourselves," said Rebeka Gipson-King, a spokeswoman for t h e

targets minorities at a higher rate than whites, "even though they smoke at the same rate," said Blumenauer.

tion which often leads to a real life of crime," he said. "It's failing our children." Blumenauer last week

erless and embarrassing than

before announcing in late August it was backing out.

three contentious proposals lated crimes with an aver- on the 2014 ballot, along with age sentence of about two a proposal to require labeling years, the records showed. most genetically engineered Blumenauer called the food and ditching the state's nation's current approach partisan primary for a "topto drugs "an expensive two" format. failure." Washington and Colorado

are shaken down for contraband. Their bags are dumped. Every misstep is loudly noted and loudly corrected. It's called "shock and awe."

tive drill sergeantbark. "There is nothing more pow-

moderate at a stop on the tour

prison for marijuana-re-

"Even an arrest or a fine

throat and achieve that distinc-

going to send two people to

was poorly worded. Marquis said the proposal for prisons than education leaves open too many quesis "simply not true." tions as written. It would then R ecords from th e O r - be up to lawmakers to reguegon Criminal J ustice late the newly passed law beCommission last month fore it took effect. "Do I completely trust the showed just five people are in prison in Oregon for L egislature to f i x i t ? N o ," possession of marijuana. M arquis said afterthedebate.

that they cannot afford

trained to yell properly, from the diaphragm, to save the

The state Addictions and Mental Health Division was

that the state pays more

not a pleasant experience. There is intense yelling as the recruits get off the bus and

t h e d i s t rict

hopes to build a m iddle school. On N W S hevlin Park Road, a roughly 30The land contained withacre site is suitable for an in similarly sized tax lots elementary school. While downtown i s f r e quently such acreage could typicalvalued at more than $2 milly hold a bigger school, part lion, according to Deschutes of the land is steeply sloped, County records. m aking i t u n s u itable t o According to Henry, "Any build on. property could conceptualT he district m a y a l s o ly be sold." someday build an elementa"It is an asset of the school ry school next to High Desdistrict," he added. "We're ert Middle School, which going through this analysis has vacant land on its tax of all lands, looking to see lot. " We believe there a r e what could be useful to the school district." definitely benefits to a camSome of the other proper- pus-style d e v elopment," ties are quite small, includ- Henry said. "There are efing a sliver of land across ficiencies in the amount of from Ensworth Elementa- land you need and mainry School near St. Charles t enance. Busing i s a l s o Bend and, once the n ew nice, as you can use some middle school near Summit of the same driveways and High is built, a few acres parking."

sergeants for the first time. It is

Find It All Online bendbUlletin.com


times, when family members rush out to reunite with their

soldiers after 10 weeks, they'll walk right past, not recognizing this new person the drill sergeant has created. Many soldiers want their p arents to m eet t heir d r i l l

sergeants. Often, they will ask Brooks how their son or daughter did in basic.

"I'm honest with them," she at an end after 13 years and have to give them a little extra the Army is poised to shrink said. "I'll say, 'Little Johnnie TLC." was a knucklehead. But look at Their day often starts at 4:30 significantly. Drill sergeants are chosen a.m., before the recruits wake Brooks said she wanted to him now.'"

recruit. "But sometimes you

developed as future schools,

"If the district were willing to part with that land, I think it could be pretty valu-


Sgt. 1st Class Viviana Veliz yells out instructions for privates of Bravo Company 2/39th Infantry Regiment, 165th Infantry Brigade as they make their way through a Fit to Win endurance course at Fort Jackson in Columbia, South Carolina.


Continued from A1

the new school.

Photos by Gerry Melendez/The State (Columbia, S.C.)

years of the drill sergeant program this week. It is the only

Some of the properties, however, are intended to be

that form a triangle north of

.". +"~S'

starts teaching the recruits the





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Where a gay oLintin t e ea inasectarianwar dating appcan get you arrested


By Krista Larson

them to lie on their stomachs

The Associated Press

GUEN, C entral

and shot them, one by one. The 43 people dead included two 11-year-old boys. The lives of three Muslims in town were spared: They transported the bludgeoned bodies to two mass graves on a wooden stretcher. A villager named Abakar lost four sons between the ages of 11 and 16, and sobs so hard at the thought of his boys awaiting death that he cannot speak. "Each night before I go to sleep I pray to God that I don't

A f r i c an

Republic— More than 5,000 people have died in sectarian violence in Central African Republic since D ecember, according to a n

A s sociated

Press tally, suggesting that a U.N. peacekeeping mission approved months ago is coming too late for thousands. At least 5,186 people were killed in fightingbetween Muslims and Christians, based on a count of bodies and num-


bers gathered from survivors,

priests, imams and aid workers Jerome Delay/TheAssociated Pressfile photo in more than 50 of the hard- An anti-Balaka Christian fighter stands In front of a looted Muslim est-hit communities. That's store In Guen, Central African Republic, In April. As U.N. peacemore than double the death keepers prepare to go Into the country to take over a regional mistoll of at least 2,000 cited by the United Nations in April, when

sion, the death toll since fightIng between Muslims and Christians

American security compa-

that day was a Muslim rebel, he says. Even the children.

unrepentant. Everyone killed

and then went door-to-door.

The violence is now bub-

One 13-year-old boy, Maximin

bling up in previously stable Lassananyant, stumbled out of corners of the Central African his hut into the darkness and Republic, hitting both Christry. That will fall short of the of about 4.6 million were never hid for two days in the bush, tians and Muslims. In Bamalmost 7,000 more that were officially counted, especially petrified. He left only when bari, northeast of the capital, authorized in April, with the in a vast, remote swath of the other survivors found him and at least 149 people were killed rest expected by early 2015. Yet west that is still dangerous told him it was time to come in June andJuly alone,accordviolence in the Central African and can barely be reached in home and bury his family. ing to witnesses. In the Mbres Republic hasonly spreadsince. torrential rains. Other deaths Maximin's hands still shake area, Muslim rebels left at least "The international commu- were overlooked by over- as he tries to write down their 34people dead in August. nity said it wanted to put a stop whelmed aid workers but reg- names, and he cannot bring In the tiny enclave of Boda, to the genocide that was in the istered at mosques and at pri- himself to say them aloud. A there are grieving fathers making. But months later, the vate Christian funerals. Even village chief has printed the everywhere. war has not stopped," said Jo- the AP tally is almost certainly names of 22 buried victims on Abakar Hissein, a Muslim seph Bindoumi, president of a fraction of the true death toll. a weatheredpiece ofnotebook man, has lost two sons, both the Central African Human In response to the AP report, paper. Maximin's mother, Ra- shot to death — Ahmat earlier Rights League. "On the con- the U.S. State Department said chel, is No. 11 on the list of fe- this year in Bangui and Ali on trary, it has gotten worse." Friday that the violence needs males, and his 5-year-old sister, Aug. 20 in Boda. His wife has The U.N. is not recording ci- to stop. The State Department Fani, is No. 13. His 7-year-old been missing for five months vilian deaths on its own, unlike said about 20 U.S. troops have brother, Boris, is on the list of and does not know Ali is dead. "Somehow I was able to carin Iraq or Afghanistan, and has been deployed to Central Af- males. cited figures gathered by the rican Republic to help resume It was only a matter of time ry his body back in my own local Red Cross. operations at the U.S. embassy before Christian militias took arms, but it was very hard for It has taken months simply in the capital, Bangui. revenge and in turn killed me," he said. "I was truly in to gather troops from differThe conflict started when thousands of Muslims. Mus- shock." ent countries for the mission Muslim rebels captured the lims make up about 15 percent Even in death, there is no launch on Sept. 15, especial- capital last March and killed of the country's population, peace for the victims. Earlier this summer, a Musly with p oo r i n f rastructure hundreds, possibly thousands, and Christians 50 percent. in landlocked terrain, said of Christians. When Christian In the town of Guen, Chris- lim man was buried at a cemStephane Dujarric, spokesman militias forced the rebels to tian fighters stormed a house etery in Boda, just a mile away fortheU.N.secretary-general. withdraw in late January, they where dozens of Muslim men from the zone where Muslims "Mobilizingtroops forpeace- killed as they went. and boys had sought refuge, are barricaded. keeping mission takes time In the tiny, mostly Christian according to survivors. The Later that evening, after the because it's not like they're village of Nzakoun, the rebels fighters herded the Muslims sun set, his body was dug up waiting in New York for us," set ablaze more than two doz- to a shady lawn beneath two from the ground and set on Dujarric said Wednesday. "We en houses in early February large mango trees, ordered fire.







allows men to interact with

ny, as fears mount that the each other using l ocation smartphone app might have data. Hence, those interested put thousands at risk world- in dating can view profiles wide in societies where ho- of other users in their proxmosexuality is frowned upon imity. Grindr also displays or a crime by law. Germany's the distances to those users, largest daily Sueddeutsche but does not show their exact Zeitung reported Thursday location. that Grindr had apparently Under normal circumbeen used by Egyptian au- stances, users would need to thorities to track down gay interact directlybefore agreepeople — an allegation that ing on a place to meet. Howcould not be independently ever, if three users position verified by The Washington themselves in different areas Post. The German newspa- and agree on a common tarper points to an article pub- get it is possible to locate this lished on the website Cairo- one person, according to SynScene as well as an interview ack. The company provided

militants come back. Edmond Beina, the l ocal

has been no o ff icial count

Given such draconian sen-

tences, even the possibility of Egyptian police officers usgy add a certain excitement ing Grindr to locate gays has to nightlife in many of the raised fears among the app's world's thrumming metropo- mobile users. According to lises. But in some places, they American security compacould getyou arrested. ny Synack, it was extremely The developers of gay dat- easy to track down the locaing app Grindr are facing tions of people using the app criticism from users and an over the last months. Grindr WASHINGTON — Dating apps with location technolo-

day," he chokes out, too afraid to give his full name in case the leader of a Christian militia, is

for homosexual conduct.

The Washington Post

have nightmares about that

started in December underscores howthe aid is comingtoo late it approved the mission. There for thousands of victims.

since. U.N. peacekeepers prepare have to go knock on doors for to take over from African forc- troops, for equipment, helicopes on Monday, bringing about ters ..." 2,000extra troops tothecounMany deaths in this country

By Rick Noack

conducted with an activist who operates a 7witter profile under the name "Grin-

created a map to show that

one only needs basic geo-

drMap" and has created a related website. Speaking to The Washington Post, the

metrical knowledge to track

down users in any area. The SueddeutscheZeitung report does not indicate whether

user confirmed the authen- this particular method was ticity of the interview and the one allegedly utilized by said: "It's a huge problem if Egyptian authorities. Grindrruns such an infraOn Aug. 28, Grindr restructure and d oesn't act acted to the criticism sayresponsibly." ing that users could easily The report comes anud defend themselves against rising fears within Egypt's such surveillance by turning gay community.On Sept. off their distance setting. On 6, seven men were arrest- Sept. 5, however, the compaed — allegedly for "inciting ny published another statedebauchery" — after a video ment showing much more showed the men attending concern than previously and what appeared to be a same- announced it had changed sex marriage ceremony on the settings for users logging a Nile r i verboat, Human in from Russia, Egypt, Saudi Rights Watch reported. The Arabia, Nigeria, Liberia, Suorganization warned that dan and Zimbabwe. These gays faced extreme dangers are all countries in which in Egypt and said four other gays can face prosecution men weresentenced to up to and Grindr users could poeight years in prison in April tentiallybe at risk.






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ou arsi te, uto ieiassa state asnever a anattac


By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin

; ~Wt K I/trnaghF lls ~ ~ W





A recent big cat sighting in Bend serves as a reminder 5() i

FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit

• http://inciweb.nwcg. gnv/state/38 • www.nwccweb.ns/ infnrmatinn/firemap. aspx 1. Deception Complex • Acres: 5,020 • Containment: 70% • Cause: Lightning

that Central Oregon is cougar

Upgrades likely for stretch of

While there are plenty of cougar encounters with livestock and pets, Oregon has been free of cougar attacks on people.

14th Street

country. The sighting off Brook-

By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

"This cat had absolutely

swood Boulevard came the

day after a mountain lion attacked a 6-year old boy in Cupertino, California, leading to national media coverage. The boy, who suffered puncture

no fear of anybody," she said. The boy's family did not want him identified.

Similar behavior by a cougar here could also lead to it

being killed. In Oregon, the law allows killing a mountain lion that appears to pose a was tracked down and killed threat to people, wildlife or Wednesday, said Kirsten Mac- pets, or if the animal is acting intyre, a spokeswoman for aggressively. While there are California Department of Fish plenty of cougar encounters and Wildlife. with livestock and pets, Ore-

gon has been free of cougar attacks on people.

As the summer road construction season winds


"We haven't had a case of a

down, Bend officials are optimistic they may be able to squeeze one moreproject out of a $30 million bond

wild cougar attacking a person in Oregon," said Michelle Dennehy, spokeswoman for

wounds and scratches, is out

the Department of Fish and

of the hospital, while the cougar that likely attacked him


passed in 2011. In May2011, Bendvoters

Last November, a captive

cougar did kill a woman working at WildCat Haven, an animal sanctuary in

Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife / Submitted photo

Sherwood. SeeCougar/B5

approved a $30 million bond package to upgrade several city streets. The largestproj ectfunded under

A treed cougar in 2008 in East-

the bond was the still-on-

ern Oregon.

goingimprovements on SE Reed Market Road, along with the reconstruction of a section of NE27th Street

2. 790 Fire • Acres: 3,036 • Containment: 70% • Cause: Lightning

and the construction of three roundabouts complet-


ed in 2012. The city's project list for the bond also includes up-

grades for NW 14th Street


between Simpson and Galveston avenues, an estimat-

ed $4.5 million of work including repaving, bike lane improvements and filling in gaps in the sidewalk.


Are you holding anevent to educate voters in the lead-up to theNovember election? Submit the information toelections© bendbnlletin.cnm.We will not publish information about political fundraisers.

Nick Arnis, the city's

transportation engineering manager, said as of now, it appears there will be around $2 million left over

once work on Reed Market Road is complete. Arnis saidthe city will

likely wait until November, at which time the round-

aboutatReedMarket Road

Oct. 12


U.S. HOUSE CANDIDATE DEBATE: Challenger Aelea Christofferson will debate incumbent Greg Walden at the Oregon Forest Industries Council; free; 5-6 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 541-5931000.

and NE 15th Street should be complete, to reassess its


financial positionbefore moving forward on planning for improvements on NW 14th Street.

See Century/B5

rrsuerrr r

rrr r

Century Center sidewalk •

Planneg sectionef sfgewalb




Shred documents, dispose of drugs The Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will host a document shredding and drug disposal event today at its substation in Terrebonne. Residents are encouraged to drop by the substation, at 815411th St., between 10a.m. and1 p.m. to dispose of personal documents or unneeded prescription drugs. Up to four medium-size boxes of documents will be accepted per person. The sheriff's office will also be collecting nonperishable food at today's event to benefit area food banks.



Knoll Ave.


ascade West : C~






Joe Kline/The Bulletin

Corey Nichols, left, and lifeguard Brandon Powers scrub the bottom of the outdoor pool at Juniper Swim 8 Fitness Center on Friday in Bend. The outdoor pool is undergoing its cleaning and maintenance

Existing sfgewalbs

before being refilled. The pool was closed on Labor Day and drained and is tentatively scheduled to reopen Sept. 17. The top

StmpsMnv . Greg Cross/The Bulletin

will go back on for the winter sometime next month, depending on the weather.

— Bulletin staff reports

Have a story idea or submission? Contact us!

First responderspractice active shooter scenario at COCC

The Bulletin

By Claire Withycombe

Call a reporter Bend .......................541-617-7829 Redmond..............541-548-2186 Sisters...................541-548-2186 La Pine..................541-383-0367 Sunrtver ................54t-e83-0367 Oeschutes............54t-e83-0367 Crook....................541-383-0367 Jefferson..............541-383-0367 Salem ...................541-383-0367 O.C....................... 202-662-7456 Business..............541-383-0360 Education.............541-633-2160 Health...................541-383-0304 Public lands..........541-617-7812 Public safety.........541-383-0376

Submissions • Letters andopinions: Email: tetters@bendbuttettn.com Mail: My Nicket'sWorth or In MyView P.O. Box6020 Bend, OR97708 Details onthe Editorials page inside. Contact: 541-383-0358

See video coverage on The Bulletin's website: benrlbnnetin.cnm/shentingdrnl

play roles in the training. Markayla Conn and Tressa

around300 people,including role-playing citizen volunteers, according to Dan Derlacki, Deputy Fire Marshal at

campus classroom wherethe

the Bend Fire Department.

View last year and volunteered to participate.


The Bulletin

Flashing lights, sirens and emergency vehicles disrupted the sylvan serenity of the

Bend campus of Central Oregon Community College on Friday morning. The excitement was part of a training exercise in which Deschutes County first re-

sponders practiced what to do when an active shooter is reported on campus.


otI .da.* un .

Most participants were unaware of the scenario's spe-

,;;.tr '

cifics in order to properly test «1

Participating agencies included the police and fire departments from Bend,

Redmond, Sunriver and Sisters, as well as the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office. Air ambulances also participated

Meg Rouesos/The Bulletin

Siobean Walker-Sands, a Central Oregon Community College student playing the role of a victim, gets lifted into a helicopter during the active shooter drill onCOCC's campus in Bend on Friday.

in the drill.

The drill began at around 9 a.m. when Bend Police received a report of an active shooteron the COCC cam-

the response, Derlacki said. "They don't know where it is or what's going on," he said before the drill began on Friday morning, indicating that the agencies were training to collaborate effectively. "You have multiple resources in the community, use them."

scenario's shooter entered. Both of them took a criminal justice class at Mountain Markayla and Tressa knew

they would be involved in the scenario, but they didn't know what the scenario would entaiL

They said that someone playing the shooter entered the classroom where they were sitting and shot the person who was playing the instructor.

weren't law enforcement, but

students who volunteered to

SeeShooter drill /B6

the agencies collaborated to

an d s afety needs.

The exercise required

Mountain View High School, role-played as students in the

"It kind of makes you open your eyes to what could happen," said Tressa.

pus. For the next two hours,

About 65 of those who p e c t and respond to medical participated in the scenario

identify and contain the sus-

Green, both 16 and juniors at






www.festivalofcultures.info. NORTHWEST CROSSING FARMERSMARKET:10a.m.-2 MADRASSATURDAYMARKET:9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, Seventh p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and NWCrossing and B streets; 541-546-6778. drives, Bend; www.nwxevents.com OUT OFTHEDARKNESS or 541-312-6473. COMMUNITY WALK: 3-to-5 mile OREGON FESTIVALOF CARS: walk to benefit the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention; Featuring more than 150 sports cars, food, music and more to free, registration required; 9 a.m.; benefit the Humane Society of Pilot Butte State Park, Bend; Central Oregon; $5 per adult, free www.oregonstateparks.org or for children16 and younger with 206-459-7617. paid adult; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Broken PROJECTCONNECT:Aneventto Top Club, 62000 Broken Top Drive, provide mental health and birth Bend; www.oregonfestivalofcars. certificate services, dental care, com or 541-383-0868. legal aid, financial counseling SISTERS FALLSTREETFESTIVAL: and more for low-income and Arts, crafts, food and a silent homeless people and families; 9 auction to benefit the Sisters High a.m.-3 p.m.; Deschutes County School Visual Arts Department; Fair 8 Expo Center, 3800 SW 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; downtown Sisters; Airport Way, Redmond; www. www.centraloregonshows.com or volunteerconnectnow.org, 541-420-0279. info©projectconnectco.org or 541-385-8977. X-TREME AIRDOGS COMPETITION: Dock-jum pingdog ELK LAKEPADDLEBOARD RACE competition; free for spectators; 10 AND ROUNDUP:Featuring races, prizes and more to benefit the Boys a.m.-6 p.m.; Crescent Lake Resort, 23250 Crescent Lake Highway; 8 Girls Club of Central Oregon; www.crescentlakeresort.com or $35-$40, registration required, 541-433-2505. free for spectators; 9:30 a.m., registration starts at 8 a.m.; Elk BARK INTHEPARK:A pet walk, Lake Resort, 60000 Century Drive, contests, activities and more to Bend; www.elklakeresort.net or benefit the Three Rivers Humane 541-480-7378. Society; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Juniper Hills Park, 1500 NEAshwood HOME GARDEN "GROW Road, Madras; www.co.jefferson. & SHOW":Featuring fruit, or.us or 541-475-6889. vegetable and flower growing contests, gardening discussion, OKTOBERCREST: Featuring food, tasting and more; free; 9:30 live music, a 5K beer run and more; a.m.-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, $10 for a glass, $1 for tasting Seventh and B streets, Madras; tokens; 11 a.m.-9 p.m.; Eagle Crest info©madrasgarden.comor Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, 541-475-2068. Redmond;www.eagle-crest.com or 541-923-4653. BIG RIG CELEBRATION:Featuring backhoes, dump trucks and more BINGO: Allages;noon-4p.m.; Bend's Community Center, for children to play on, to benefit Together for Children; $5 per child; 1036 NE Fifth St.; www. 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Knife River Co., bendscommunitycenter.org or 541-323-3344. 64500O.B. Riley Road, Bend; 541-420-8110. FESTIVAL OF BEER:Featuring CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY local breweries, live music, and MARKET:Featuring local artists more to benefit the Humane and crafters; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Society of Central Oregon; $5 for parking lot across from Downtown beer ticket; noon-8 p.m.; Elk Lake Bend Public Library, 600 NWWall Resort, 60000 Century Drive, St.; 541-420-9015. Bend; www.elklakeresort.net or 541-480-7378. FESTIVAL OF CULTURES: Local dance troupes,singers, musicians, UNCORKEDSUNRIVER STYLE ethnic food vendors, a parade and WINE FESTIVAL:Featuring an international street fair; free; chocola tes,cheese,winesamples, 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Centennial Park, classes and more; $20 for wine corner of SW Seventh Street and glass and five tasting tokens, $5 Evergreen Avenue, Redmond; nondrinkers, free for children



ages 3 and younger; noon-7 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic 8 Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; www.sunriverstyle.com,

kimberlyd©srowners.org or

541-585-5000. VFW BARBECUE: A free barbecue to memorialize9/ff; free;1 p.m.; VFW Hall,1503 NE Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. BATTLEBUDDIESOFCENTRAL OREGONFEED: A benefit for the group that provides service dogs to veterans; $8, $5 for children12 and younger; 5-8 p.m.; Redmond VFW Hall, 1836 SWVeterans Way; www.battlebuddiesco.org, cobattlebuddy©gmail.com or 541-390-7956. DIAMONDSANDDUST:Featuring live music, dining, dancing and an auction to benefit Healing Reins Therapeutic Riding Center; $75, $600 for a table of eight, $750 for a table of10; 5 p.m.; Healing Reins Therapeutic Riding Center, 60575 Billadeau Road, Bend; www.diamondsanddust.org or 541-382-9410. HIGH DESERTBELLYDANCE FALL GALA:Anevening show with dancer Saqra and live music by Mediterranean Raqsband;

$12 for members,$15for nonmembers; 6 p.m.; The Old Stone, 157 NW Franklin Ave., Bend; www.highdesertbellydance.org,


541-610-8507. AUTHORPRESENTATION:Michael Heyn will present on his book "In

Search of Decency"; $5;6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. "LES MISERABLES":Anew production of the opera about convict Jean Valjean; SOLDOUT; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 NW Wall St., Bend; www.towertheatre. org or 541-317-0700. "RED":Encore performance of the 2010 Tony Award-winning play set in the1950s New York art scene; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 SWCentury Drive, Bend; www.volcanictheatrepub.com or 541-323-1881. BEND COMEDYSHOWCASE: Featuring Susan Jones andAmanda Arnold; $8 in advance, $10 at the door; 8 p.m.; The Summit Saloon 8 Stage, 125 NWOregon Ave.; www. bendcomedy.com, bendcomedy© traughberproductions.com or 541-419-0111.

The Bulletin will update items inthe Police Logwhensuch arequest is received.Anynewinformation, such as thedismissal of charges or acquittal, must beverifiable. For more information, call 541-633-2117.

BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Burglary —Aburglary was reported at 1:34 p.m.Aug.25, in the 61100 block of Kepler Street. Theft —Atheft was reported at1:31 p.m.Aug.26,inthe2000 blockofNW Talapus Court. Theft —Atheft was reported at 8:45 p.m.Aug.28,inthe800 blockofNE Sixth Street. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief wasreported at1:26 a.m.Sept. 1, in the areaof NWBond Street and NW MinnesotaAvenue. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was reported enteredat1:37 a.m. Sept. 1,in the1700 block ofNW12th Street. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief wasreported at10:37 a.m. Sept.1, in the 600block of SWMil View Way. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was reported enteredat10:39 a.m. Sept. 3, in the 200 block of NWHil Street. Theft —Atheft was reported at2:46 p.m. Sept. 4, inthe 2400 block of NE Sixth Street. Theft —Atheft was reported at11:17 a.m. Sept. 5, inthe 2500 block of NE Courtney Drive. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief wasreported at1:36 p.m.Sept. 6, in the 21100block of BayouDrive. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was reported entered at7:31a.m. Sept. 7,in the 60800 block ofOpalDrive. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief wasreported at12:03 p.m. Sept. 7, inthe 2300 block of NE Moonlight Drive. Theft —Atheft was reported at1:40 p.m. Sept. 8, inthe 200 block of NW Riverfront Street. Criminal mischief —Anact of criminal mischief wasreported at3:46 p.m.Sept. 8, in the 400block of SERoosevelt Ave. DUII —OscarMendez,32, was arrested onsuspicion of driving under the influence ofintoxicants at 9:30p.m. Sept. 8, in theareaof NEButler Market and NEBoydAcres roads. Unlawful entry —Avehicle was reported entered at5:13p.m. Sept. 9, in the100 block of NE Yale Avenue. Theft —Atheft was reported at2:20 p.m. Sept.10, in the1000 block ofNE Butler Market Road. Theft —Atheft was reported at7:06 p.m. Sept. 10, inthe 62000 block of NE 27th Street. Theft —Atheft was reported at 8:49 a.m. Sept. 11, inthe 500 block of NW Hill Street. Theft —Atheft was reported at 9:08 a.m. Sept.11, in the100 block ofNW

Phils Loop. Burglary —Aburglary was reported at 10:32 a.m.Sept. 8, in the 63000 block of Lower MeadowDrive. Burglary — Aburglary was reported at 4:19 p.m. Sept. 3, in the61000 block of Brosterhous Road. Theft —Atheft was reported at 8:30 p.m. Sept. 2, inthe 2600 block of NE U.S. Highway20. Criminal mischief — Anact of criminal mischief wasreported at1:56 p.m. Sept. 2, in the100 block of NE Third Street.

Filed Aug. 14 14CV0630 —Boeing EmployeesCredit Union v. HenryQueen, complaint, at least $50,000 14CV0631 —U.S. Bank National Association astrustee for Merrill Lynch First Franklin MortgageLoan Trust, mortgageloanasset-backed certificates, series2007-4 v. Sandra K. McNerneyandSpringleaf Financial Services Inc. formerly knownas American GeneralFinancial Services, Inc., complaint, $340,147A3 14CV0632 — Federal National Mortgage Association v.PetarHossick, Amber OREGOM STATE Funge, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc.,andCitimortgage, Inc. POLICE successor bymerger toHyperion Capital Group, LLC,complaint, $126,977.96 DUII —Garrett Alan Wright, 26, was arrested onsuspicion of driving under Filed Aug. 18 the influence ofintoxicants at419 p.m. 14CV0633 —RayKlein, Inc. as Sept.11, in theareaof Brookswood Professional Credit Service v.CoreyR. Boulevard andHollygrape Street. Woodliff, complaint, $24,835.70 14CV0651 —PennymacLoanServices, CIVIL SUITS LLC v.Alfred L.Tollefson, TrinnaL Tollefson andEagleCrest Homeowner's Association, complaint, $334,650.60 Filed Aug. 11 14CV0618 — RayKlein, Inc. doing Filed Aug. 19 business asProfessional Credit Service 14CV0638 — Christine Reid v.CASAof v. April J. Powdrill, complaint, $14,423.87 Oregon, ROCUSA NetworkLLCandJulie 14CV0619 — Federal National Massa, complaint, atleast$45,000 Mortgage Association v.Ben Filed Aug. 20 Carmichael andRBSCitizens, N.A., 14CV0640 —Credit Associates, Inc.v. complaint, $115,141.21 Michael R.Bemrose, complaint, at least Filed Aug. 12 $10,000 14CV0620 — Nationstar Mortgage Filed Aug. 22 LLC v.StevenK. Brown, The Parks 14CV0653 —DebraEsterman v. FM Homeowners Associationand Aspen RETLLC, Frontier Management, United States ofAmerica, complaint, LLC., AspenRidgeRetirement $441,946.27 Community, Gregory Roderick, Ronald 14CV0621 —U.S. Bank, N.A. astrustee Baker, JackieWare,Chrisann Overbey, on behalf of Manufactured Housing and DeeDeeBomstedt, complaint, Contract Senior/Subordinate pass$5,167,900 through Certificate Trust1999-6 by Green TreeServicing LLCv. Michael W. Filed Aug. 25 Hayden, DeborahHaydennow known 14CV0666 —Carol Hatchv.Wal-Mart as DeborahCrowston andAnthony V. Stores, Inc., complaint, at least$25,000 Albertazzi, complaint, $27,663.73 Filed Aug. 26 14CV0622 — TheBank of NewYork 14CV0658 —Midfirst Bank v. Timothy Mellon formerly known asTheBankof W. Lammers, Lisa M.Lammers, New York as trustee for thecertificate Wells FargoBank,N.A., United States holders of theCWABS,Inc., assetof America andOregonAffordable backed certificate series2005-16v. Housing AssistanceCorporation, Lynda F. Albers, Ronald J.Alberts, complaint, $110,892.83 CascadeCredit Consulting, Inc., LVNV 14CV0659 —U.S. BankNational Funding LLC,Mary E. Broadhurst, P.C., PalisadesCollection LLC,RayKlein Inc., Association successor trusteeto Bank ofAmerica, N.A. assuccessor to doing business asProfessional Credit LaSalle Bank,N.A., astrusteefor Merrill Service, State ofOregonandWallace Lynch First Franklin MortgageLoan Acres WaterCompany, complaint, Trust, MortgageLoanasset-backed $85,585.48 certificates, Series2007-3 v.Aurelio 14CV0623 —GreenTree Servicing Garcia, Moises R.Chavez,Guadalupe G. LLC v.Glory Wipfli andWalter Wipfli, Garcia, MortgageElectronic Registration complai nt,$272,285.82 Systems, Inc.Bankof America, N.A. 14CV0624 —Discover Bankv.Judith successor to First FranklinCorp., anOp. M. West, complaint, $10,351.81 Sub. of MLB&TCo., FSB,andCascade View HomeownersAssociation, Filed Aug. 13 complaint, $261,347.57 14CV0626 — DeannaRukaveno v. Jaden 14CV0660 —U.S. Bank National R. Charpilloz, complaint, atleast$50,000 Association, astrustee for the 14CV0627 — Amanda Copeland certificate holders of theLXS2005-7N v. Roger T.Stoops andAmerican trustfund, also shown ofrecordas CommerceInsuranceCompany, Lehman XS Trust mortgagepasscomplaint, $241,083.61 through certificates, series 2005-7Nv. 14CV0628 — Adrienne Georgev. Michael J.Quinn, Kerenia N.Quinn and AllianceoneReceivables Management USAA Casualty InsuranceCompany, complaint, $10,000.74 Inc., complaint, $122,035.99







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IVBIl 88f CBf BC mur

The Associated Press neighbor. I would like to see GRANTS PASS — A judge him back in the community to Friday granted early release see what he can do." from prison for a man convictWitnesses said Walraven ed inthe 1998 carjack murder is president of the 150-memof the owner of a Rogue River ber Lifer's Club at the prison, wilderness lodge. a laundry room worker, elecThe Grants Pass Daily Cou- tronics whiz and sometimes rier reports a judge ruled that teaching assistant. Trevor Walraven can be re-

Walraven was 14 when he

leased from the Oregon State carjacked Black Bar Lodge Penitentiary in 45 days, cutting owner Bill Hull on a country in half his 30-year sentence. road near Sunny Valley, forced The ruling by visiting Judge him to drive to a remote logTimothy Gerking in Grants ging road, and then shot him in Pass came after a string of the head from behind. He was witnesses — college profes- convicted and sentenced to life sors, prison staff, psychologists in prison in 2000. His brother, and his attorney — testified

Josh Cain, 18 at the time, was

Walraven had turned his life

also convicted and is serving a


25-year sentence.

"He cares about giving back The U.S. Supreme Court to this world," Michelle Inder- ruled in 2012 that sentencing bitzin, an Oregon State Uni- a juvenile to life in prison was versity professor who teaches cruel and unusual punishment. in the prison system, testified Oregon law gives people conon Thursday. " I would b e victed as juveniles a chance for very happy to have him as my a secondlookafter servinghalf

AROUND THE STATE ROCky rOad —Oregon State Police say eastbound Interstate 84 near Boardmanwas indeed a rocky road after a dumptruck spilled its load of large rocks. Police say a truck pulling a large belly dump trailer was traveling on the highwayFridayafternoon whenthe trailer's gate opened and rocks spilled onto the freeway.Onevehicle was reported damaged. TheOregon Transportation Department quickly got equipment to the site and removedthe rocks. Boardman is located in northeast Oregon.


their sentence. A Josephine site, they found Hull's body. County judge denied the secPolice arrested the brothers ond look, but the Oregon Su-

E. Celi —A 5-year-old boy being treated for E. coli infection complications has beentransferred to a Seattle hospital and is listed in satisfactory condition. Seattle Children's Hospital spokesmanAndreas Aarsvold confirmed Friday that BradSutton has beenadmitted. The boy was transferred from aTacomahospital where he hadlast been listed in serious condition. During a LaborDayweekend gathering on the Oregon coast, the little boy playedwith a family friend, a 4-yearold Oregon girl who died after being diagnosed with an E.coli infection. The source of those infections has not beendetermined.

after a friend of theirs told in-

preme Court told her to sched- vestigators that Walraven had ule the hearing or show cause told him he had killed an old whynot. man. The gun was not found, At trial in 2000, prosecutors but investigators matched the argued the brothers killed Hull bullet from Hull's head with for the thrill of it, using a .357 a bullet taken from a firing Magnum pistol that Walraven range at the brothers' rural had given his brother as a home. Christmas present, while their Walraven did not testify at parents were on a trip away his trial, but at the second-look from their rural home outside hearing, he admitted waylaythe community of Wolf Creek. ing Hull and shooting him in Afterward, the brothers took the head, adding his brother their girlfriends out on a date in was home asleep at the time. "I raised the gun," Walraven Grants Pass in Hull's $30,000 SUV with $100 from his wallet. said in court. "He bent at the They later went four-wheeling waist as though he was duckand tried to sell the SUV. ing. I pulled the trigger." Authorities said Walraven was spotted in Hull's vehicle

"You District

MiSSing men —Investigators hope hikers taking advantage of a warm weekendaround Mount Hood will turn up clues to the disappearance oftwo Kentucky menwho appearto havecometoOregon to camp in the woods but didn't hit the trail. State Police said Friday the two went to a ranger station Sept. 2 andsaid they wereinterested in hiking, perhaps on thePacific Crest Trail. Police say59-year-old JohnKevinW oodandhis32-year-oldson,JasonWood ofBardstown haven't been in touch with family or neighbors since mid-August.

shot him?" a s ked A t t o rney S t ephen

withinhours of theslaying, and Campbell. "Yes sir," Walraven replied. told investigators he found it on "Right in the head'?" Campa logging road with the keys in it and Hull's wallet on the seat. bell asked. "Yes sir," Walraven said. When investigators went to the

'Jihadi' COmplaint —A Sherwood manwhowears a head scarf says a TriMet driver asked him, "How's the jihad going for you?" The man, Yassin Ibn Mika'il, has filed a complaint with the transit agency accusing the driver of discriminating against him because he isa Muslim. TriMet told KPTV it takes thematter very seriously and is conducting an internal investigation. Ibn Mika'il says he's beenriding TriMet for 25 years andthe Aug. 29 incident in Tigard is the first problem he's encountered. — From wire reports

Lar enum ero samon Seriouslyinjured4-day-old lion cub return to Co um ia River euthanized at the OregonZoo The Associated Press PORTLAND —

ly picked the cub up in her

O r e gon mouth and carried it inside,

Zoo staff say they think a 4-day-old lion cub that had

to be euthanized was inadvertently injured shortly after birth by its first-time mother.

The zoo said Friday that the injured cub was the first to be born on Monday and

its arrival seemed to catch its mother, Kya, by surprise. She was outside her den when it arrived and i m mediate-

where three more cubs were didn't notice a problem until born. Thursday evening when one Zoo vets say she apparent- cub wasn't moving. Vet staff ly clamped her jaws too tight- found the injury, determined ly on the cub, severing its left the wound was untreatable rear thigh muscles and dam- and euthanized the cub. aging a femoral vein and arThe other three cubs aptery. They say the injured tis- pear healthy and have been sue became infected and the reunited with Kya. The zoo attentive mom's grooming said earlier that the lioness of the wound caused more has been an "excellent and damage. attentive" mother so far.


• 1

St a ffers monitoring the cubs bysurveillance camera

I The most comprehensive visitors' guide in the tri-county area, this

colorful, slick-stock-covered, information-packed magazine is distributed through Central RichLanders/The Spokesman Reviewvia The Associated Press

Oregon resorts, Chambers of Commerce, hotels and other key points of interests, including

Salmon fishing guide Dave Grove, left, nets a fall chinook for David Moershel while fishing on the

Columbia River near Desert Aire, Washington. Hundreds of thousands of salmonare making their way from the ocean up the Columbia River this month — so many that fish managers are forecasting 1.5 million by the end of the year.

By Gosia Wozniacke The Associated Press

tourist kiosks across the state. It iS alSOOffered to DeSChLlteS

"It's an indication that a lot of work we're doing

the Columbia River this month,

awindfall for salmoneaters and for tribal and recreational fishermen in the Pacific Northwest.

It's one of the largest runs since dam construction blocked fishes' river passage. The run is such as fish ladders. Thirteen the river," said Josh Frederick, a forecast at 1.5 million adult and species of salmon and steelhead fishing guide out of Hood River. young adult salmon by year's are now listed as endangered "If it cools down, it might pick end, although fish managers or threatened under the Endan- up." say the final number may turn gered Species Act in the ColumFish managers attribute the out to be lower. bia River basin. large run to excellent ocean "It's a huge run of fish. It's Some of the fish populations conditions, improved habitat for been a really good fishing sea- — notablythe fall chinooksalm- juveniles heading out into the son," said Rex Zack, atriM fish- on — have increased in recent ocean,and betterfish passage erman from the Yakama Nation years. Last year's record run over the dam. "It's an indication that a lot who has fished the Columbia consisted of nearly 1.2 million for25 yearsand was hauling in adult andyoung adult chinook. of work we're doing has been fish near the Bonneville Dam on By comparison, in 1938, a benefiting the fish," said Jason Friday. little over 200,000 fall chinook Sweet, fisheries biologist with Zack, who runs three boats

came back to the river. Histori-

with the help of his wife, nieces cally, the runs have seen spikes and nephews, said he's averag- in numbers every 10 to 15 years. ing two to three totes of salmon So far this year, more than per boat a day — which trans- 460,000 adult chinook have latestoseveralthousandpounds passed over th e B onneville of fish. His family keeps some of Dam's four fish ladders, and the the salmon to feed themselves

and sells the rest. "It's really good to see fish comingback," Zacksaid. Millions of salmon once returned to the Columbia. For

millennia, the fish were central to Native American culture, sustenance and trade, but the

runs were decimated by overfishing, logging, mining, agriculture and hydroelectric dams,


nonprofit organizations in the region."

— Jason Sweet, fisheries biologist with the Bonneville Power Administration

run is a little more than halfway done. About 49,000 jack chi-

the Bonneville Power Administration. "It's thanks to the part-




111 WAYS TO DISCOVERCENTRAL OREGON IS ACOMPREHENSIVE GUIDE to places, events and activities taking place throughout Central Oregon during the year. Both locals as well as visitors to the area will discover the services and products your business has tooffer when you advertise in this publication.



nership between federal, tribal, state and nonprofit organizations in the region."

Sweet concedes that a lot of the returning fish are hatchery-bred, a criticism by some environmentalists who say wild runs are nowhere near being

nook — the young adult fishalso have made it back over the recovered. (lanl. That could pose a challenge Monday's 67,521 chinook for long-term success of the were the largest single-day re- runs, because hatchery fish lack turn since the dam was built in the life history diversity and 1938. The daily count of chinook genetic diversity that wild fish dropped by Friday, leading fish have — and hence lackthe resilmangers to predict the run may iency to changing environmennot be as large as originally tal conditions, said Bill Bakke,

which cut off passage to up- forecast. On Thursday, the last river spawning areas in native available daily count,26,034fish streanls. passed overthe dam. Fish hatcheries have been Despite the sizable numbers, used to help rebuild dwindling some fishermen say the fish arfish populations, with mixed en'tbitingbecause ofhot, windy results, and millions of dollars weather. "Fishing has been spotty conhave been spent on habitat and on dam passage improvements sidering the number of fish in

County Expo Center visitors all year round.


has been benefiting the fish. It's thanks to the thousands of salmon are making their way from the ocean up partnership between federal, tribal, state and PORTLAND — Hundreds of

director of the Portland-based

Native Fish Society. That results in "boom and bust" runs, with

periodic large returns every 10 years, he said. "If there's good habitat and

good ocean conditions, they're successful," Bakke said. "Otherwise, theylanguish."





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EDj To

The Bulletin


o erss ou eec c ane o a ir e r m ep. Mike McLane,R-Powell Butte, has ably represented the interests of his sprawling District 55 for two terms, and voters should enthusiastically grant his request to head back to Salem for a third. McLane, 49, has deep Central Oregon rootscomplemented by an agricultural economics degree from Oregon State University and a law degreefrom Lewis 8 Clark Law School. He is an attorney for Miller Nash, LLP in Bend and credits the Internet and cellphones for making

solutions to complexproblems. McLane says the state's land use regulatory system is misusing the law, preventingdevelopment andjob creation that could lead to prosperity. And he believes special interests in the state are using government to advance their views in ways that possible the juggling act of legisla- don't help Central Oregonians. tive and attorney duties. On schools, McLane has champiFirst elected to the House in 2010, oned choice for families to send their he serves a district that indudes por- children to the schools they think tionsof Deschutes, Crook, Jackson, best. He'll push for extension of the Klamath and Lake counties. Since 2011 legislation that made it easier 2013, he has also served as House for students to attend school outside Republican leader. McLane is an their district, and he says the compeofficer in the Air National Guard's tition will force schools to get better. 173rd Fighter Wing, where he serves as a staff judge advocate, and he is He supports tax reform but believes must be examined as part CEO of a company that publishes spending of the same process. educational books for children. He Other candidates in the race are co-authored 'Vlooden Teeth and JellyBeans," a kidsbook about U.S. Frank Brannen, a Libertarian from Shady Grove, and Richard Phay, a history and the nation's presidents. McLane describes himself as Democrat from Prineville. While we a fierce advocate for rural Oregon appreciate their civic engagement, with a focus on improving its stan- they can't compete with McLane's dard ofliving and economy. He has skills and accomplishments. had success in helping smooth the McLane offers a smart, construcway for data centers in Prineville as tive and articulate advocacy based well as a Columbia River water stor- on adeep understanding ofthe maage project that can help agriculture chinery of state government and the and fish. He's also been involved in issues that make his district unique. Klamath County water issues and His constituents have the power to south Deschutes County sewage help the whole state as well as themproblems, seeking common-sense selves by re-electinghim.

M 1Vickel's Worth America leads fromthefront


The statue could dutch a bottle in onehand, an homage both to a dynamic beer and wine industry and the state's innovative bottle return policy. A spotted owl could be perched on one shoulder, talons burrowed into the flesh. In the other hand,there could be piece ofpaper thatcouldbeadded to overtheyears of all the taxpayer-funded failuresCover Oregon, the DMV system, the wireless system, and so on. That list, of course, could get heavy, and Congress does put a weight limit on the statues. Congress also says the subject must be dead. That's perfect. It's just how Oregon taxpayers can feel when theyweigh what they pay and what theyget. Doesn't Congress care about feelings? W e do harbor doubts thatthe Oregon taxpayer would get the official support it needs from the governor and the Legislature. Figures.

DeBone has done an amazing job helping get Deschutes County back

torialized several times against pro-

on track. It's a no-brainer that we

Regarding Bret Stephen's Op-Ed tecting the Badlands, even claiming need DeBone back again leading us that "limbo works well" for this pop- back to where we need to be. Please onthe future of Putin's adventurism: Taken together, President Obama's ular area. Clearly, The Bulletin got it re-elect DeBone for another term. early "apology tour" decrying Amer- wrong then. Melvin Emert ican colonialism; his chiding of RomThose familiar with The BulleLaPine ney, the Cold War was over; cancel- tin's stance on conservation weren't ing the east European missile shield; surprised to read the opinion that DeBone's track record the downsizing of the American the proposed Cathedral Rock wil- is impressive Navy; his comment caught on tape; derness on the John Day R iver "I'll have more freedom after the elec- needs additional public access. This Deschutes County needs Tony tion", his line in the sand — all has is where The Bulletin is wrong now. DeBone. I've been privileged to work given Putin the confidence he needs. In fact, land exchanges included with DeBone behind the scenes. It Obama's visit to Estonia could only

in the Cathedral Rock and Horse

is in these settings that you learn

be viewed by all of Russia as nothing Heaven proposal do give the public more than a laughable, "optical" road access to lands that we can't cur-

Our pick for new state statue? Thetaxpayer ov. John Kitzhaber thinks Oregon mayneed a new statue to represent us. We have a suggestion: the Oregon taxpayer. Each state gets two statues to represent it in the National Statuary Hall Collection of the United States Capitol. Oregon has John McLoughlin and Jason Lee. They represent pieces of the state's early history and we invite you to learn more about them. Some legislators have plotted to rip Lee out and replace him. This summer, Kitzhabercreated a commission to make a recommendation for a new statue that might "better reflect our state's modern values and spirit." What couldbebetter than the Oregontaxpayer? The Oregon taxpayer could be there with a grim smile, celebrating Oregon's achievements, challenges and disappointments.

The only one missing from the party was The Bulletin, which edi-

aboutthe core and inner character. DeBone has all the right stuff reshow. Time for a reset: America leads rently visit. Recently, with landown- quired for leadership: humility, confrom the front. er permission, I explored and photo- fidence, servant mindset, a desire to Wayne Mayo graphed Cathedral Rock, and I can confront brutal facts and solve probScappoose attest to its merits as wilderness. It is lems in a tangible and logical way. a place that all Oregonians, and all His track record while in office is Cathedral Rockwilderness Americans, should have the chance unblemished and impressive. He into see, but they won't unless these tuitively understands our needs and creative solutions for Cathedral goes to bat for what is right. The Bulletin got one thing right Rock are passed by Congress. Rich Rudnick in its Sept. 3 editorial regarding wilJim Davis Bend



derness:We have much to celebrate on the 50th anniversary of the Wilderness Act. Here in Oregon, it has

Re-elect DeBone

protected some of our most treasured places, including the Three

Food for thought

I was just looking back on a few things about our great government's might think it strange that I would culture and their ways of thinking. endorse a Republican candidate, but We are advised by them not to judge I have come to know Commissioner others by a few lunatics' actions, Tony DeBone and am so impressed but we are encouraged to judge all with how passionate he is about gun owners by the actions of a few what is best for Deschutes County. lunatics. DeBone is one of the hardest-workFood for thought. A few people ing persons I've ever met. The citi- make the laws and the rest of us sufzens of Deschutes County are lucky fer from it. to have a man of DeBone's caliber Mei Coffin representingus. LaPine Being a lifelong Democrat, you

Sisters Wilderness, Steens Moun-

tain and, most recently, the beloved Oregon Badlands Wilderness. When Congress designated the Badlandsfiveyearsago,thecelebration resembled a who's who of Central Oregon. Business leaders, con-

servationists, realtors, ranchers, politicians from both sides of the aisle, and countless ordinary citizens cel-

ebrated protection of the Badlands.

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcomeyour letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250words and include the writer's signature, phonenumber and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhereandthose appropriate for other sectIons of TheBulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

In My View submissIons should be between 550and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification. Weedit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. Wereject those published elsewhere. In My View pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating withnational columnIsts. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed pieceevery 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Email submissions are preferred. Email: lelters©bendbulletin.com Write: My Nickel's Worth / In MyView P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804

Obama gets mission right, but not mmmitment n his Islamic State speech, President Obama said many of the right things. Most importantly, he CHARLES finally got the mission right: degrade KRAUTHAMMER t and destroy the enemy. This alone will probably get him a bump in the polls, which have dropped to historic lows. But his strategic prob- hadist rebels as nothing but a bunch of farmers, pharmacists and so lem remains: the disconnect between "doctors, (prodaimed) ends andmeans. forth." Now he deputizes them as our He's sending an additional 475 Syrian shock troops. So he seems to American advisers to Iraq. He says have foundhis Syria strategy. F-16s flyhe's broadening the air campaign, but ingair support forpharmacists. that is merely an admission that the Not to worry, says the president. current campaign was always about We'll have lots of other help — "abroad more than protecting U.S. personnel coalition to roll back this terrorist in Irbil and saving Yazidis on moun- tlneat." He then proceeded to name not tain tops. It was crucially about proa single member of this stout assembly viding air support for the local infan- or off ereven anapproximate number. try, Kurdish and Iraqi. Democrats have a habit of accusing The speech's only news was the George W. Bush of going it alone in promise to expand the air campaign Iraq. According to the Center of Milinto Syria and (finally) seriously arm itary History of the U.S. Army, Bush the secular opposition. But this cre- had 37 nations with us. They sent more ates a major problem for Obama. Just than 25,000 troops. So far, Obama has a month ago, he ridiculed the non-ji- a coalition of nine: eight NATO mem-


bers plus Australia. Howmanyof those is to "degrade and ultimately destroy" — or of the much touted Arab coalition

the Islamic State, which the adminis-

nounced a fixed date of withdrawal. Then added, lest anyone miss his lack

behind us — do you think will contrib- tration itself calls a terror threat unlike of enthusiasm, "the nation that I'm anywe've ever seen. ute any troops at all? mostinterestedinbuildingis our own." And what will this campaign look Andbeyond the strategy's halfheartMeaning, not Afghanistan. like'? Not Iraq or Afghanistan, the pres- ed substance is its author's halfhearted At the time, I called it the mostuncerident reassmed the nation. The model tone. Obama's reluctance and ambiva- tain trumpet ever sounded by a presiwill be Somalia and Yemen. lence are obvious. This is a man driven dent summoning the country to war. I Is he serious? First, there's no com- to give this speech by public opinion. It fear the campaign against the Islamic paring the scale. This year has seen shifted radically with the televised be- Statewillbe areprise. 16 airstrikes in Yemen, two in Soma- heading of two Americans. Every poll Even the best war plans run into lia. Two! That doesn't even count as a shows that Americans overwhelming- trouble.This one already suffers from pinprick. ly want something to be done — and a glaring mismatch of ends and means — and a grand coalition that is largely Second, there is no comparing the someoneto leadthe doing. stakes. Yemen and Somalia are straHence Wednesday's speech. Its ori- fictional. Difficulties are sure to come. tegically marginal. The Islamic State gins were more polilical than strategic. How will the commander in chief, alcontrols a vast territory in the heart of Itspurpose was to savethewreckage of ready reluctant and ambivalent, react oil-rich Mesopotamia, threatening ev- a presidency at its lowest ebb. Its point to setbacks — the downing of the first erything of importance in the Middle was togivetheappearance offirm ness American pilot or perhaps a mini Tet East. andpurpose, i.e., leadership. Offensive inBaghdad'sGreen Zone enThird, are these results we want to You could sense that Obama had gulfingthe U.S. Embassg emulate? Yemenand Somalia are failed been dragged unwillingly into this new On that day, we will need a steady, states — unsafe,unstable,bristlingwith unproclaimed war. Which was remi- determined president committed to the activeuntamed insmgencies.We occa- niscent of Obama's speech five years mission. Do we have oneeven now? sionallypick off a leader by drone — an ago announcing the surge in Afghani— Charles Krauthammeris a columnistfor absurdlyinadequatestrategyif thegoal stan. In the very next sentence, he anThe Washington Post Writers Group.



BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Carol Anne Hoffman, of Redmond Dec. 29, 1934 - Sept. 11, 2014 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net

The big cat attacked and killed R e ne e R a d ziwon,

Paisley, Ulsterhard-liner, made peace inIreland


By Robert D. McFadden

1971. He had already stepped

New York Times News Service

No Services to be held.

down as head of t h e F ree

The Rev. Ian Paisley, Northern Ireland's firebrand Protestant leader who vowed never to compromise with Irish Catholic nationalists, then, in his twi-

Presbyterian Church, which

Francis Harvey

Legner, of Bend Nov. 9, 1931 - Sept. 6, 2014

Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds is honored to serve the family. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds. com 541-382-2471. Services: At his request, no service will be held. Contributionsmay be made to:

Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701.

Obituary policy Death Notices are freeand will be run for oneday, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. Theymaybe submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. TheBulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on anyof these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825.

Deadlines: Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be receivedby5p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday publication, and by 9a.m. MondayforTuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; pleasecall for details. Phone: 541-617-7825

Email: obits@bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254

Mail:Obituaries RO. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

he founded in 1951, and had

given up a seat he had held for 28 years in the European Parliament in Strasbourg, France.

light, accepted a power-shar- In 2010 he gave up a seat in the ing agreement that envisioned British House of Commons a new era of peace in Ulster that he had held for 40 years. afterdecades ofsectarian vioIt was the winding down lence, died Friday in Northern of a tumultuous career as a Ireland. He was 88. rabble-rousing minister-polIn failing health in recent itician whose single-minded had been to preserve years, Paisley had been fit- objective ted with a pacemaker in 2011 Protestant power and repress after falling ill i n L ondon the Roman Catholic minority and had retired from politics in Northern Ireland, keeping and the pulpit. His wife, Ei- Ulster aligned with B r itain, leen, confirmed the death in a across the Irish Sea, and out statement. of the reach — he would have The day many thought said the clutches — of predom-

36, of Portland, as she was cleaning a cougar enclosure. The cougar sighting in Bend Monday was along Buck Canyon Road, where

the gravel road winds close to the Deschutes River. The runner who r eported see-

ing the big cat around 7:45 a.m. Mondaydeclined to be



— Oregon Department of Fishand PV ildlife

She reported the sighting to the Deschutes Coun- decades of unregulated killty Sheriff's Office, which ing of the predators, which "We don't take passed word of it to the Ore- posed a risk to livestock, the action every time gon Department of Fish and mountain l i o n p o p ulation Wildlife. was down to about 200 in the everyone sees a Wildlife managers didn't 1960s, Dennehy said. That cougar somewhere. go out to investigate the big decade the state Department And by action t mean cat because it wasn't going of Fish and Wildlife reclasafter livestock or pets or act- sifiedcougars as a game removing the cat." ing aggressively toward peo- animal, meaning there have — Corey Heath, Deschutes ple, said Corey Heath, De- since been hunting quotas district biologist for the schutes district biologist for and limits. The population Department of Fish and Wildlife the Department of Fish and has responded. "We have nearly 6,000 Wildlife in Bend. "We don't take action evcougars in Oregon today," stopped keeping track of ery time everyone sees a Dennehy said. reported cougar sightings, cougar somewhere," he said. Hunters with a cougar tag in part because they aren't "And by action I mean re- this year are limited to one always verified, and instead moving the cat." cougar each and a total of has focused on keeping data The number of cougars in 777, according to state hunt- on mountain lions that have the wild has increased dra- ing guidelines. harmed or killed wildlife.

would never come arrived in Belfast on May 8, 2007. Pais-

inantly Catholic Ireland to the

matically over the past cen-

Since 2007, the Depart-

south. ley, founder of the Democratic Ian Richard Kyle Paisley Unionist party, which sought was born on April 6, 1926, in c ontinued association w i t h Armagh, Northern Ireland.

tury in Oregon. Following

ment of Fish and Wildlife

Britain, and Martin McGuinness, a Sinn Fein leader and former commander of the Irish

His father, James, was a Baptist minister; his mother, Isobel,

Republican Army, which had

in Ballymena, County Antrim,

a Scottish evangelist. Raised

Ian attended local schools and shook hands and took oaths as worked on a farm. He decidthe leaderand deputy leader, ed to be a minister, studied respectively, of Ulster's pow- at a South Wales evangelism er-sharing government. school, graduated from TheoAs Prime Ministers Tony logical Hall of the Reformed Blair of B r itain and B ertie Presbyterian Church in Belfast Ahern of Ireland looked on, and was ordained in 1946. the proceedings ended BritBut he soon came to believe ish governance and reinstated that his church had deviated home-rule in Belfast. It rele- from biblical strictures, and gated to the past a civil war, he founded the Free Presbyknown as the Troubles, that terians, a relatively small funhad raged from the 1960s into damentalist sect. The Presbythe 1990s and cost 3,700 lives. terian Church, Ulster's largest The following year, Paisley Protestant denomination, dis— white-hair ed, 82 and seem- associateditself from his aningly mellowed — resigned ti-Catholic rhetoric foryears. fought for a u n ited Ireland,

as Ulster's first minister and

as leader of the Democratic Unionists, by then the dominant party of Ulster's Prot-

estants, which he founded in

— Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.com


Some of the gaps in the sidewalk along the

Continued from B1 If by November it still ap-

being fixed at no cost to the city asa result of work underway at Century Center, the

pears there will be leftover bond funds, Arnis said the

city could begin looking at how much of the NW 14th

Street project can be completed with the remaining money. He said the process would likely resemble the city's efforts in considering improvements along nearby Galveston Avenue, meeting with property owners and others

east side of NW 14th Street are currently retail complex that is home to GoodLife

Brewing and the Volcano Theatre Pub. city engineer Russ Grayson said Hill is constructing a

of NW 14th Street are cur-

rently being fixed at no cost to the city as a result of work underway at Century Center, the retail complex that is home to GoodLife Brewing and the Volcano Theatre

parking lot i n

t h e c o u rt-

yard area fronting NW 14th Street and will add a drive-

way to the parking lot, a new curb, and city-standard sidewalks along the property frontage.

to determine which elements Pub. ought to be prioritized. Century Center developSome of the gaps in the er Dave Hill could not be sidewalk along the east side reached forcomment, but

— Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletin.com

In 1956, he married Eileen Cassells. The couple had three

daughters — Sharon, Rhonda and Cherith — and twin sons, Kyle and Ian Jr.

Find It All Online bendbulletin.com

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld:

Donald Sinden, 90: British actor whose versatility and

indelible hits, most notably for Frankie Valli and the Four Sea-


sons, induding the soaring anthem of adoration "Can't Take

My Eyes Off You." Died Thursday in Scarborough, Maine. Mildred Friedman, 85: Cura-


steadily employed on stage, screen and television for more than 60 years. Died Friday at

tor at the Walker Art Center in

his home in Kent, England. Bob Crewe, 83: Songwriter who helped create a parade of

Minneapolis in the 1970s and '80s. Died Sept. 3 in New York.


deep, resonant voice kept him

— From wire reports

Flavia Cicero passed away peacefully on Monday to be with her beloved husband Vince, brothers Nello and Frank, and parents Vincenzo and Caterina. Together they are in the arms of the Lord Jesus whothey allloved so much. She was 92. Born Flavia Montani to Italian immigrant parents in Potlatch, Idaho, Flavia's name was changed on her first day of school by a bigoted teacher who simply didn't like Italians. "Your name will be Florence," she said. "I will not have an Italian name in my class." And so Flavia, for the rest of her life, would be known as Florence to most everyone, except for a few very close family members.

She often reminisced about being the Potlatch town Ragamuffin as a child, wandering the streets, spending the day at the mill with her father, and attending all of the "smoker" boxing matches. She was tough and very streetwise. As a 19-year- old, she entered nursing school at Sacred Heart in Spokane. While there she attended weekly dances with her many friends, and at one of those dances on August 7, 1942, her life changed forever. She met Vincent Cicero, a young serviceman who would soon 9o to Europe and become a war hero. For Vince it was love at first sight. He called her from England incessantly, enough to get her in trouble with the nuns at school. He professed his love for her in numerous letters, and for Flavia, the reluctant object of his affection, the letters and the great man behind them got the best of her. She professed her love in a letter to him in January of 1943, a letter that he kept close to him his entire life. In that letter she quoted the words of her favorite current song: "Just before I go to sleep, there's a rendezvous I need to keep And the memory of your kiss, helps me forget we're far apart."

She left an indelible impression on all who knew her. She had a way of making the room more beautiful. She made the world more beautifuk She, in fact, was simply BEAUTIFUL. The thought of life without her is almost unbearable, but she is where she wants to be, on a new rendezvous with her husband and family and her Lord. She leaves us with a special meaning for every single cloud that we will ever see.

A rosary and Mass will be held on Saturday, September 13 at 9:00 a.m. at the Old St. Francis Church.











Oregon Community Investment Services and LPL Financial proudly presents


DR. QUINCY I<ROSBY Dr. Krosby is the Chief Market Strategist for Prudential Annuities. In this capacity,she is a member of the investrnent management group for the

annuities division, where she provides perspective on the overseas rnacro-economic environment and financial markets. Dr. Krosby earned her rnaster's and doctoral degrees from the London School of Economics and is asought after expert for media outlets such as CNBC, The Wall Street

Journal and Bloomberg Radio. Today's investorsare concerned about the future and the impact of uncertainty on their retirernent. This presentation provides insight on

current trends and offers ideas for investors to consider that may help provide some strategies in charting their retirement for the long term. In this informative session, Dr. l<rosby will provide valuable insight on: • Current market trends • Analysis on U.S. and Overseas rnarkets

• Portfolio implications and ways to help protect your portfolio


Wednesday, September 17, 2014 Dinner Session: 5:45 pm — 7:15 pm Dinner will be provided

And what a rendezvous her life became! She and Vince were married on October 6, 1945. They were blessed with, and she leaves behind, three children; Catherine LeVeille (Ken), Vince Cicero (Leslie), and Margaret Hover (Darrell); and three grandchildren, Steven LeVeille, Jenny LeVeille, and Molly Hover. She and Vince dedicated their lives to their beloved Catholic faith and to their family, who they proudly loved equally. They moved to Bend in 1992 and Flavia lost Vince in 2004 to Alzheimer's, a disease that she valiantly and lovingly fought with him until his last breath. She spent her days attending St. Francis, reading books and The Bulletin, writing checks to several charities, going to lunch with her many friends or her family (she had a lunch date every day!), talking to her loved ones, and missing Vince and her brother, Frank, who passed away last year. Life without them broke her heart. Flavia was spunky. She was prudent, smart, savvy, very intelligent, and she had a great sense of humor. She was a loving wife, mother, grandmother, aunt, and mother-in-law. She was easy to laugh, with a smile that would light up any room. She was caring and giving to a fault, receiving hundreds of requests a week for money from charities, and giving what she could to many of them until her final day. She was animated and a good listener, she was independent and intensely private, and she carried herself with grace. She was selfless (her very last words, in fact, expressed worry about someone else). She loved her lawns, her garden and flowers, her birds and squirrels, and her little house. She loved big billowy clouds, and she would say,"when rm gone Iwant you to look Up in the sky because I'll be dancing on those clouds."



September25, 1921 — September 8,2014 gOI~ '

The Oregon Department of Fish andWildlife advises people who come close to amountain lion in the wild to: • Stop — Don't approach the animal. • Stay calm — Face the cougar, don't turn your back to it and don't run. • Appear large — Raise hands, don't bend over or crouch. Corey Heath, with the Department of Fish andWildlife in Bend, said making noise andacting aggressively may also help scare off the animal. "Act like something that the cougars don't typically prey on," he said.


Flavia "Ffort.'nce" Mary cicero


Cougar response

Continued from B1



— ORThursday, September 18, 2014 Lunch Session: 12:00 pm - 1:30 pm Lunch will be provided

The Riverhouse Convention Center 2850 Rippling River Court Bend, OR 97701 To reserve your seat, visit our website, give us a call at 541.382.1778, or send

an email to: seminarsSOre onCornmunit CU.o

oregoncommunitycU.org l 541.382.1778


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"Securities and advisory services offered through LPL Financial and Registered Investment Advisor, member FINRA/ SIPC. Prudential Annuities, Oregon Community Credit Union, ond Oregon Community Investment Services are nor registered broker-dealers and are not affiliated with LPL Financial. Not NCUA Insumd © 2014 Oregon Community Credit Union.

Not Credlt Unlon Guaranteed

May LoseValue



W EAT H E R Forecasts andgraphics provided byAccuWeather,Inc. ©2014







HIGH 80'

Yesterday Normal Record 91' in 1 9 81 24'in 1914

PRECIPITATION 24 hours through 5 p.m. yesterday 0.00" 0.01"in 1994 Record o Month to date (normal) Tra ce (0.17 o) Year to date (normal ) 5.51 " (6.93 ) Barometric pressure at 4 p.m. 29 . 9 9"




S ep 15 Sep 23

Newpo 70/52

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THE PLANETS T he Planets R i se Set Mercury 8:59 a.m. 8: 0 3 p.m. Venus 5:44 a.m. 7: 0 1 p.m. Mars 12:51 p.m. 1 0:00 p.m. Jupiter 3:21 a.m. 5 : 5 0 p.m. Saturn

11:42 a.m. 8:10 p.m.


10 a.m. Noon

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2 p.m. 4 p.m.

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The highertheAccuWesiherxmmuyIndex number, the greatertheneedfor eyeandskin pmfecgcn. 0-2 Low, 35 Moderate; 6-7 High;8-10 VeryHigh; II+ Exireme.

POLLEN COUNT G rasses Absent

T r ee s Ab s ent


Wee d s Abs e nt

Source: OregonAiiergyAssccistus 541-683-1577

WATER REPORT As of 7 s.m. yesterday

FIRE INDEX Bend/Sunriver ~ ~ xtrem~e Redmond/Madras ~x tre ~me Sisters ~E xt re~me Prinevige ~~ xt rem~e La Pine/Gilchrist ~x tre ~ me Source: USDA Forest Service

• Fort Rock Cresce t • 83/42



• Silver Lake 83/39 85/43 Gra 69/ Chiloquin 56 MedfO d ' 83/38 Gold ach



tario 8 46

Valeu 84/49

Nyssa 83/ 4 5

Jordan V Hey


• Paisley Fields •

• Lakeview


Yesterday Today Sunday City Asfcris Baker City


Riley 85/35 82/38







• Ashl nd Falls


' Baker C

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Ch ristmas alley

Beaver Marsh


Sro ings

• Burns Jun tion • 86/48 Rome 87/44 McDermi



Yesterday Today Sunday

H i/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lu/W C i ty Hi/Lu/Prec. Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W 81/51/0.00 80/52/s 81/52/pc Ls Grande 75/30/0.00 79/35/s 82/36/s 64/22/0.00 80/32/s 82/36/s Ls Pine 84/25/0.00 82/43/s 83/45/s 73/53/0.00 68/52/s 69/53/pc M edford 97/5 4/0.00 96/55/s 96/58/s 79/26/0.00 85/35/s 85/42/s N ew port 7 7/55 / 0.00 72/47/s 74/49/pc 87/45/0.00 92/48/s 94/51/s NorthBend 72/50/0.00 72/50/s 72/51/pc 87/42/0.00 86/42/s 85/45/s O n tario 77/42/0.00 83/46/s 85/48/s 88/37/0.00 85/39/s 84/43/s Pe ndleton 76/ 3 7/0.00 80/44/s 81/48/s

Yesterday Today Sunday Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lu/W Hi/Lo/W

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85/5 1/0.0088/54/s 91/58/s 75/ 3 1/0.0082/44/s 83/48/s 77/ 26/0.0080/35/s 83/39/s 95/ 5 1/0.0096/53/s 97/57/s 86/50/0.00 91/49/s 93/53/s 76/27/0.00 80/37/s 82/40/s 82 / 40/0.0086/46/s 88/49/s

Eugene Klamsth Falls Lskeview Weather(W):s-sunny,pc-partlycloudy, c-cloudy, sh-shcwers,t-thunderstorms,r-rsin, sf-sncwflurries, sn-sncwi-ice,Tr-frsce,Yesterday data sscf 5 p.m. yesterday


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Reservoir Ac r e feet Ca pacity EXTREMES (for the C rane Prairie 287 2 9 52% YESTERDAY 27'yo 48 contiguousstates) Wickiup 53918 Crescent Lake 6 2 4 49 72% National high: 115 Ochoco Reservoir 16477 37% at Death Valley,CA Prinevige 96520 65% National low: 10 River flow St a tion Cu. ft.lsec. at West Yellowstone, Deschutes R.below Crane Prairie 229 Deschutes R.below Wickiup 1500 Deschutes R.below Bend 131 Deschutes R. atBenhamFalls 1890 Little Deschutes near LaPine 118 C rescent Ck. below Crescent Lake 1 2 2 Crooked R.above Prineville Res. 0 Crooked R.below Prineville Res. 215 Crooked R.near Terrebonne 162 Ochoco Ck.below OchocoRes. 9


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Cify Hi/Lo/Prsc. Hi/Lo/W Abilene 69/66/0.04 72/61/pc Akron 64/53/Tr 64/45/pc Albany 66/53/0.00 64/47/r Albuquerque 73/61/0.00 77/56/pc Anchorage 60/53/0.13 60/49/sh Atlanta 92n4/0.05 82/69/sh Atlantic City 73/65/0.00 75/58/r Austin 98n1/0.69 76/63/r Baltimore 77/63/0.00 74/52/r Billings 62/30/0.00 58/39/s Birmingham 94n4/1.40 81/64/pc Bismarck 58/39/0.00 64/38/s Boise 79/45/0.00 84/52/s Boston 67/60/0.00 68/56/r Bridgeport, CT 76/57/0.00 72/54/r Buffalo 55/51/Tr 60/46/r Burlington, VT 54/50/0.00 62/47/r Caribou, ME 61/47/0.00 60/47/pc Charleston, SC 94n7/0.06 89/74/I Charlotte 90n2/Tr 81/64/I Chattanooga 86/73/0.36 79/65/pc Cheyenne 47/29/0.10 71/42/s Chicago 55/46/0.08 60/43/s Cincinnati 65/57/0.00 66/46/s Cleveland 62/57/0.02 62/49/pc ColoradoSprings 44/35/Tr 74/47/s Columbia, Mo 56/51 /0.05 62/42/s Columbia, SC 94n7/Tr 88/71/I Columbus,GA 94/73/0.00 88/69/I Columbus,OH 66/60/0.00 68/47/s Concord, NH 68/53/0.00 64/47/r Corpus Christi 92n5/0.11 83/72/I Dallas 73/71/0.05 73/63/pc Dayton 65/56/0.00 65/44/s Denver 48/33/0.04 74/47/s Des Moines 54/46/0.29 60/46/s Detroit 61/51/0.02 61/44/pc Duluth 50/34/0.00 56/44/s El Paso 76/64/0.1 5 71/59/r Fairbanks 70/44/0.00 71/49/sh Fargo 57/40/0.00 64/42/s Flagstaff 80/42/0.00 73/48/pc Grand Rapids 59/48/0.06 57/39/sh Greenesy 50/40/0.12 56/41/s Greensboro 78/71/Tr 78/62/I Harrisburg 70/61/0.00 69/50/r Hsrffcrd, CT 75/55/0.00 71/50/r Helena 66/29/0.00 60/33/s Honolulu gon5/o'.oo 9On4/s Houston 89n5/0.03 82/68/sh Huntsville 87n4/Tr 76/58/pc Indianapolis 64/53/Tr 62/44/s Jackson, MS 88/76/Tr 80/64/pc Jacksonville 90n1/0.00 89/71/I


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Co /47



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Hi/Lo/Prec. Hi/Lo/W HiRo/W 58/48/0.00 61/48/sh 62/48/pc 54/49/Tr 62/46/s 71/58/pc 56/47/0.06 58/39/sh 63/45/pc 100/75/0.00 98n5/s 98/76/s 68/60/0.00 70/50/s 72/52/s 56/46/0.78 64/43/s 71/55/pc Litiie Rock 65/62/0.16 71/53/pc 76/60/s Lcs Angeles 91/68/0.00 95n2/s 97n4/s Louisville 67/59/0.00 68/50/s 72/52/s Madison, Wl 47/42/0.19 57/38/s 63/49/pc Memphis 69/64/0.00 71/55/pc 78/60/s Miami 85/75/0.03 87n7/1 88/78/I Milwaukee 50/46/0.13 57/43/s 63/52/pc Minneapolis 56/45/0.00 60/48/s 65/46/pc Nashville 76/65/0.00 72/54/pc 77/57/pc New Orleans 92/78/0.01 89n5/I 88/77/I New YorkCity 78/62/0.00 72/55/r 72/57/s Newark, NJ 80/61/0.00 72/54/r 73/54/s Norfolk, VA 76n2/0.01 80/67/r 71/65/sh OklahomaCity 58/58/0.11 70/56/pc 80/66/pc Omaha 56/45/0.42 62/46/s 69/56/pc Orlando 90/76/0.30 90//3/I 90/73/I Palm Springs 110/82/0.00 107/84/s 107/84/s Puoria 56/51/Tr 61/41/s 65/50/s Philadelphia 78/63/0.00 75/55/r 73/55/s Phoenix 104/78/0.00 101/80/pc 102/83/pc Pittsburgh 61/54/Tr 65/44/pc 67/44/s Portland, ME 67/53/0.00 63/51/r 65/44/pc Providence 76/59/0.00 73/54/r 72/49/s Raleigh 80/71/0.01 80/63/I 71/62/sh Rapid City 56/28/0.02 65/36/s 62/38/s Reno 93/53/0.00 90/55/pc 90/56/s Richmond 79/68/0.04 78/59/r 74/60/c Rochester, NY 60/51/0.03 62/45/r 62/44/pc Sacramento 103/61/0.00 99/62/pc 97/62/s Sf. Louis 60/55/Tr 64/44/s 70/54/s Salt Lake City 73/45/0.00 85/61/s 85/59/s Ssn Antonio 98/77/0.02 78/68/r 88/73/I Ssn Diego 82/72/0.00 87n4/s 9On5/s Ssu Francisco 75/58/0.00 77/60/pc 77/59/pc Ssu Jose 85/59/0.00 84/60/pc 82/60/s Santa Tc 66/53/0.00 74/49/pc 80/52/I Savannah 94n5/o'.oo 90n3/I 88/73/I Seattle 76/55/0.00 81/53/s 83/55/s Sioux Falls 56/44/0.11 61/43/s 65/45/s Spokane 70/39/0.00 74/45/pc 78/48/s Springfield, Mo 60/53/Tr 66/46/pc 74/56/s Tampa 91/75/0.16 gon4/1 89/75/I Tucson 100/73/0.02 93/72/pc 95n5/pc Tulsa 61/56/0.07 70/53/pc 80/63/pc Washington, DC 80/67/0.00 75/60/r 74/61/pc Wichita 56/53/Tr 68/51/pc 81/63/pc Yskima 77/37/0.00 78/40/s 81/42/s Yuma 106/81/0.00 107/85/s 108/83/pc

Juneau Kansas City Lansing Lss Vegss Lexington Lincoln


83/70/pc 69/47/s 81/49/pc 68/53/pc 65/48/pc 59/42/pc 81/63/I 72/44/pc

61/40/pc 73/46/I 63/47/pc

62/48/pc 68/61/sh 69/49/s 70/45/pc 68/37/s

Sgns/s sgnO/pc 82/62/pc 67/48/s

86/67/pc 88/71/I

48/32/0.07 dd 6 IIDI 90n9/0.10 air ineho o 8 4 • Dolio Juneau Dublin 64/45/0.00 dddd 81/ c 73/ fl Edinburgh 64/49/0.00 d Sf/48 dc Geneva 68/53/0.00 Ho ofon d Hsrsre 85/60/0.00 Orleans oouo Hong Kong 86/82/0.23 hihuahuo ~~,<yyy v , y y j X ~lk i • Wk ~~v v ns . ~ « e . 0 Istanbul 81/68/0.00 vuu von4 + v. v. v. W W'e X IVhsm>y yy v.e Jerusalem 82/64/0.00 «,v~~ v. W W 'e X SV~» yf~ Johannesburg 85/56/0.00 Lima 71/57/0.00 Lisbon 79/68/0.00 Shown are today's noonpositions of weather systemsand precipitation. Temperature bandsare highs for the day. London 73/55/0.00 T-storms Rain S h owers S now F l urries Ice Warm Front Sta t ionary Front Madrid Cold Front 86/59/0.00 Manila 88/77/0.03

53/33/pc 90/76/pc 65/50/pc 66/49/pc 71/51/s 85/55/s 91/82/I 81/71/s 79/62/s 83/56/s 67/59/pc 78/67/pc 68/56/pc 85/59/pc 85/78/I




Mecca Mexico City

111/85/0.00 105/83/I 72/54/Tr 70/54/I Montreal 57/48/0.00 62/46/r Moscow 73/48/0.00 70/46/sh Nairobi 79/52/0.00 79/56/pc Nassau 86/77/0.35 87/76/I New Delhi 93/75/0.00 91n6/I Osaka 78/63/0.00 80/62/s Oslo 64/50/0.00 64/47/pc Ottawa 55/46/0.00 57/40/r Paris 72/52/0.00 73/56/s Ric de Janeiro 81/69/0.00 81/68/s Rome 81/66/0.05 77/58/s Santiago 66/37/0.00 55/42/r Ssu Paulo 84/63/0.00 81/62/s Ssppcrc 70/61/0.22 69/51/pc Seoul 75/63/0.13 80/61/pc Shanghai 82/69/0.58 80/75/r Singapore ssn7/o.o5 87n8/1 Stockholm 64/50/0.00 64/47/pc Sydney 62/51/0.01 67/52/pc Taipei 88/81/0.14 94/82/I Tei Aviv 86/73/0.00 85n4/s Tokyo 77/68/0.19 78/66/c Toronto 57/48/Tr 59/40/r Vancouver 68/48/0.00 72/54/s Vienna 64/55/0.49 62/57/r Warsaw 79/59/0.00 77/59/pc

92/78/I 78/60/c

Ssn7/s 69/60/1 65/48/c 65/57/I 65/52/r


gon7/0.00 90nz/s 92/73/s

Cairo Calgary Csncun

W v. v. v. v '+ '

82/ 9 •

Yesterday Today Sunday




Billings 58/39


Clouds andsun, a shower possible; breezy


Yesterday Today Sunday

Meac am Loshne 80i& E terprise

dleten e n •72/2

Camp Sh man Red n 0

• Eugene

Floren e

hngton 8'I/37 l45

OTV UIS 91/47


/49 •W






Oct 1

Mostly sunnyandvery warm









Plenty of sunshine

86/46 Goveu n t • u p i • He ppner Condon 8/43 Cam u 80




he Daa

andy •

Mc innvie

sunny andwarm today. Clear tonight. Lincoln Plenty ofsunshineand 71/54 warm tomorrow.

WEST:Mostly sunny Today Sun. Sunrise 6:42 a.m. 6 : 4 3 a.m. and very warmtoday Sunset 7:20 p.m. 7: 1 8 p.m. Mostly clear tonight. Moonrise 10: 17 p.m. 11 :02 p.m. Sunshine andhot Moonset 1 2:06 p.m. 1:06 p.m. tomorrow. Ne w

portland sd/so

Tdlamo •




Shown is today's weather.Temperatures are today's highs andtonight's lows. umatiaa Hood 82/42 RiVer Rufus • ermiston


EAST:Mostlysunny and pleasant today. Seasid Clear for the most part 74/55 tonight. Sunnyand Cannon nice tomorrow. 72/56




Bend through 5 p.m.yesterday 77 36'

41' Clear




Mostly sunny

I f' I



87ns/pc 62/52/pc 62/52/pc 72/54/pc 82/54/s 92/83/I 81/70/s 78/62/s 84/57/s 67/59/pc 77/67/I 69/56/pc

85/59/s 83/78/I

101/81/I 71/54/I 59/42/pc 56/42/c 79/56/s 89/77/I 92/77/I 82/61/pc 64/48/pc 58/43/pc 73/55/s 84/69/s 77/59/s 67/44/s 87/65/s 69/54/c 80/63/pc 82/75/pc 87/78/1 65/44/pc 74/54/s 93/81/pc 85/75/pc 77/66/pc 61/46/pc 73/55/s 65/57/I 75/55/pc








Meg Roussos/The Bulletin

Law enforcement prepares before the simulated active shooter scenario on the Central Oregon Community College campus in


Bend on Friday.

Shooter drill

In the past, the department has practiced tabletop scenar-

Continued from B1

Ios and a few years ago staged a shooting drill at Ridgeview Prineville, also participated High School in Redmond, said in the scenario. He was also Parker. The agencies organized playing the role of a witness the training together to meet to a shooting incident and was growing concern about how to evacuated from the building by address a large-scale emergenlaw enforcement as part of the cy. "We need to be prepared scenario. for emergency-type situations," Cornelio just graduated with Parker said. "We haven'teven done fire an associate degree in criminal justice from COCC andplans to drills," said COCC spokesman work in law enforcement after Ron Paradis. "It helps us kind pursuing a bachelor's degree at of solidify our relationship with OSU-Cascades. "It's something law enforcement." I've always wanted to do," CorCOCC has unarmed public nelio said. safety officers who also particRenee Larson, 26, also grad- ipated in the drill, Pamdis said. uated from the COCC criminal Because they were unarmed, justice program and eventually once the police and fire dewants to work for Oregon State partmentsarrived to address Police Dispatch. She's partic- the situation, the public safety ipated in several practice sce- officerssecured the campus narios before. perimeter. "It's the best adrenaline rush Although there have been anybody can ask for," said Lar- no serious incidents on any of COCC's campuses, the comson. "I've learned a lot from these (drills)." munity college has dealt with And while the adrenaline scares before. rush isreal, so are the emoA few years ago, there was tions. "These can be impact- report of a shooter on the Redful," said Derlacki of the drills, mond campus. Th e r e port which he said law enforce- turned out tobe an effort to disment aims to make as realistic tract from arobberyelsewhere, as possible. A chaplain was said Paradis. on the campus Friday in case About five years ago, someparticipants wanted to review one attempted to rob the gas or discuss the drill after the station at the foot of Awbrey fact. Butte near the Bend campus A ntonio Cornelio, 21, o f

While the fire department is


hensive debriefing in about a

months and 12 separate plan- month, Parker said. ning sessions, said Bend Police — Reporter: 541-383-0376, Lt. Nick Parker.


ew Cars and


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and thecampus went on lock-

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Bulletin readers look forward to new car reviews to learn about the latest in styling, innovative features and the leading edge

responsible for "patient care," down, accordingto Paradis. the police department handles The agencies debriefed about the "tactical response," said the scenario Friday afternoon DerlackL The effort took about three


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NFL Peterson DIIt

after indictment A warrant for the arrest of Minnesota running back Adrian Peterson was issued Friday after he was charged in achild abuse investigation in Texas, the latest criminal case to rock the NFL. The charges against Peterson cameafter police investigated claims

PREP FOOTBALL Nonconference



KLAMATH UNION ...... 0 BEND.................. 21 Nonconference

SUMMIT ................ 6 FRANKLIN ............ 52 Nonconference

REDMOND ............ 56 EAGLE POINT ..........7 Nonconference

CENTRAL............. 30 M OUNTAINVIEW ... .46

RIDGEVIEW ............7 HENLEY............... 48 SOUTH ALBANY ..... 27 CROOK COUNTY..... 28



SISTERS ............

13 BONANZA........... .0 MADRAS ........... 12 CULVER............. 60 Nonconference Nonconference

JEFFERSON ........ 14 GILCHRIST ......... 46 LA PINE ............. 32 MCKENZIE.......... 13


Ducks say they won't overlook Wyoming

that he had abused his

By Anne M. Peterson

son while disciplining him with aswitch, ora tree branch. Peterson, through a lawyer, quickly sought to play down his behavior, saying hehad engaged only in stern parenting. "Adrian is a loving father who usedhis judgment as aparent to discipline his son," his lawyer, Rusty Hardin, said, adding that Peterson, 29, had experienced such discipline as achild in East Texas. "Adrian has never hidden from what happened." The Vikings, who host New Englandon Sunday, said Peterson had beendeactivated and would not play in the game. Peterson has cooperated with law enforcement in the case and testified before a grand jury for several hours, Hardin said.

The Associated Press


ond-ranked Oregon is confident about the rest of the season after getting

past their most challenging nonconference foe last weekend. But not

overly confident.

Coming off a 46-27

victory overthenNo 7

NeXt Iip

Wyoming at Michigan No. 2 Oregon State last Wh en: 11 a.m. weekend, t oday the Ducks Ty: pac 12 host Wynndln:KBND in anun-


usually early game today at Autzen Stadium, beginning at 11 a.m..

"Every team is good.

You see upsets all over the

place, teams get beat all the time," Oregon running back Byron Marshall said. "It's not like you're unbeat-

— New Yorir Times News Service

able. It's not like this team can never beat you."

The Ducks (2-0) improved one spot in the

Inside • A look at Week 2

rankings to No. 2 after the

matchups in the NFL • Tackling can be tough for kicking specialists • NFL, players' union approve HGHtesting • NFL admits nearly1 in 3 players will suffer a brain injury,C6

victory over the Spartans, establishing themselves as an early-seasonfavorite for

a spot in the inaugural College Football Playoff. Given the accolades

tossed Oregon's way following the win over the Spartans, quarterback

BASKETBALL Photos by Joe Kline/The Bulletin

Serdia to meet Ij.S. in final MADRID — Milos Teodosic scored 24 points and Serbia reachedthe championshi pgame of the Basketball World

Cup by beating France 90-85 on Friday night. The Serbians will face the defending champion and unbeaten U.S.on Sunday. Teodosic helped Serbia lead by asmuch as 18, but Nicolas Batum of the Portland Trail Blazers nearly brought the French all the wayback, finishing with 35 points. — The Associated Pess

Inside • Phoenix wins WNBA championship,C2

MLB 0's Davis gets 25 games for doping

Mountain View's Cody Anthony fights through Central defenders Opeti Tuipulotu, left, and Kyler Fleming, bottom, on a run in the first half on Friday night at Mountain View High.

• Mountain View's Cody Anthony and Mike Irwin eachscorethree TDsin a46-30 win Nextup

By Grant Lucas The Bulletin


Mountain View at Crater When:7 p.m. Friday, Sept. 19

All week, Mountain View

was searching for an offensive rhythm, for some form of identity.

At last, Cougars quarterback Mike Irwin said, "I think

second half, including a 46-

we finally found it." With Irwin completing 6 of 7 passes for 161 yards and two

yard strike to Dantly Wilcox

touchdowns, Mountain View

Rolling to his right and just before being walloped in the

on Mountain View's first possession of the third quarter.

surged past Central 46-30 on Friday night in a nonconfer-


chest by a Central defender,

Irwin unleashed an arcing pass to the Panthers' 15-yard

ence football clash at Jack Harris Stadium.

"We finally hit our rhythm," said Cougars coach Brian Crum, noting how that rhythm was missing from his

Mountain View quarterback Mike Irwin eludes Central's Kyle Aklin during a touchdown run. Irwin also threw for two TDs.

team's 21-14 win at Wilson-

ville last week. "We really just

right. We were able to get the

talked about a quick focus, a

ball into the hands of our skill

quick, crisp execution, and we should be able to be all

guys, and they did some nice things. It was good to get that

momentum on offense." Skill guys like Irwin, who completed 4 of 5 passes for 123 yards and a score in the


Davis admitted in a statement he took Adderall, for which he had a therapeutic use expemption prior to this season. Adderall is a drug often used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and narcolepsy, and119 TUEs were issued for 40-man roster players in the year ending with the 2013 postseason. It is, however, also known as a performance and cognitive enhancer. — The Associated Pess

Follow the action every Friday night on Twitter using hashtag ¹opreps and followingOBBulletinSpnrts



• Storm QB Bledsoe throws 4TDs in win, • Mountain View girls get first soccer win of the football roundup. Also: Scores from season. Prep roundup,C4 around the state. Prep scoreboard,C4

Questions for athletes over vote in Scotland

line, where Wilcox made a

By Stephen Wilson

sliding grab. "Once I get hit, after the

The Associated Press

first one, something clicks,"

erupted in a frenzy of na-

said Irwin, a transfer from Crook County who made his

tional fervor when Andy

first appearance with Moun-

tain View (2-0) on Friday. SeeCougars/Cl


oles slugger Chris Davis was suspended25 games without pay on Friday following a positive test for an amphetamine, a punishment that will extend into the postseason andperhaps

Marcus Mariota was asked about the danger of overlooking the Cowboys (2-0) of the Mountain West Conference. See Ducks /C5

For more photos from Friday's game betweenMountain View and Central (and more prepevents): hendhnlletln.cnm/spnrts/highschnel


McDonald, defensekeyLavaBearsto shutout win

LONDON — Britain

Murray won Wimbledon in 2013. An agonizing 77-year wait for a homegrown men's

champion had finally ended. It's a good thing he won it when he did.

If and when Murray wins Wimbledon again, he may not lift the trophy

as a British player. And if he successfully retains his Olympic title in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, he may not hear the British anthem as he stands atop the podium.

By then, Murray could be representing an independent Scotland.

Bulletin staff report Hunter McDonald ran for 188

yards and Bend High's defense proved stingy in a 21-0 home win Friday night over Klamath Union.

Keyed by McDonald, who also scored a touchdown that gave Bend a 14-0 lead with 25 seconds left in

Bend coach Matt Craven. "They blitzed a lot, but we were able to pick

Austin Adye's fourth-quarter

most of them up and create creases.

fumblerecovery deep in Bend Then we ran the ball pretty well." territory stunted Klamath Union's Bend got on the board early when comeback attempt.Then the Lava quarterback Creighton Simmonds, Bears put Klamath Union away who completed 13 of 16 passes for with a 12-play, 86-yard fourth-quar137 yards and two touchdowns, hit Chris Wallace on a 12-yard scor-

ter drive that ended with a 10-yard

compiled 263 of its 400 yards of total offense on the ground. That helped the Lava Bears (1-1)

ing pass with 7:07 left in the first

Evan Chapman. "It's really fun as a coach, fun to

control the ball.

yardsofoffenseand also forced

the third quarter, the Lava Bears

"I thought we ran the ball really

well and threw it efficiently," said

"The joke in England has always gone that Andy


quarter. Bend limited the Pelicans to 221 three turnovers, including inter-

ceptions by Elliot Willy and Quinn

touchdown pass from Simmonds to watch the kids control the ball for that many plays in a row," Craven said, "especially so early in the year."

Murray is Scottish when

he loses and British when

Nextup Eagle Point at Bend High When:7 p.m., Friday, Sept. 19

he wins," Britain's Daily

Mirror newspaper said. "If there is an independent Scotland, the joke is on us." Murray's future status,

as well as that of Scottish Olympic athletes, rests on the result of next week's

independence referendum in Scotland. See Scotland/C5





TODAY SOCCER England, Arsenal vs. Manchester City England, Chelseavs.SwanseaCity England, Liverpool vs. Aston Villa MLS, NewYork at Philadelphia

Time TV/Radio 4:45 a.m. NBCSN 7 a.m. NBCSN 9:30 a.m. NBC noon NBCSN


NASCAR,Sprint Cup,Chicagoland, practic e 8a.m. NASCAR,Nationwide, Chicagoland, qualif ying9 a.m. NASCAR,Sprint Cup,Chicagoland, practic e 11 a.m. NASCAR,Nationwide,Chicagoland300 12:30 p.m.



College, Kent St. at Ohio St. College, EastCarolina at Virginia Tech College, Boise St. at Connecticut College, Indianaat Bowling Green College, Syracuse atCentral Michigan College, Central Florida at Missouri College, Georgia Southern at GeorgiaTech College, Pittsburgh at Florida International College, West Virginia at Maryland College, Wyoming at Oregon College, Arkansas atTexasTech College, Georgia at South Carolina College, lowa St. at lowa College, Arkansas St. at Miami College, Kansas atDuke College, Miami (Ohio) at Michigan College, lllinois at Washington College, Minnesota atTCU College, Mississippi St. at South Alabama College, Louisiana at Mississippi College, Army at Stanford College, Southern Miss at Alabama College, Louisiana-Monroe at LSU College, Purduevs. Notre Dame College, TennesseeatOklahoma College, Texasvs. UCLA College, Southern Cal atBoston College College, Navy atTexas St. College, Kentucky at Florida College, Portland St. at Washington St. College, PennSt. at Rutgers College, Rice atTexasA8M College, Arizona St. at Colorado College, Nevadaat Arizona

9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m. 11 a.m.


SEC Root FS1

Big 10 Pac-12,

KBND1110-AM 12:30 p.m. ABC

12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 12:30 p.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 2 p.m. 3 p.m. 4 p.m. 4:30 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m. 7 p.m. 8 p.m.


Root Big 10 Fox FS1 ESPNN


SEC Pac-12 Big 10 ESPN2 ESPNU


9 a.m.


11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.




MLB, N.Y.Yankeesat Baltimore MLB, San Diego atArizona MLB, Oakland atSeattle MLB,HoustonatLosAngelesAngels or Oakland at Seattle (joined in progress)

10 a.m. 5 p.m. 6 p.m.

Fox Root

7 p.m.



SUNDAY SOCCER England, Manchester United vs. QPR Women's College, Villanova at Princeton Men's College, Gonzagaat California Women's College, SantaClara atCalifornia Men's College, CalPoly at UCLA

8 a.m. 1 p.m. 1 p.m. 3:30 p.m. 5:30 p.m.


Pac-12 Pac-12 Pac-12


PGA Tour,TourChampionship PGA Tour,TourChampionship Web.comTour,NCH Championship

9 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 1 0:30 a.m.

Golf NBC Gol f


NFL,New EnglandatMinnesota NFL, Seattle at SanDiego NFL, KansasCity at Denver NFL, Chicago atSan Francisco BASEBALL MLB, Cleveland at Detroit

MLB, Oakland atSeattle MLB, N.Y.Yankeesat Baltimore

10 a.m. 1 p.m. 1:25 p.m. 5:20 p.m.


10 a.m. 1 p.m. 5 p.m.


11 a.m.




World Cup, final, United States vs. Serbia WNBA finals, Phoenix at Chicago

noon 2:30 p.m.





Today Boys soccer:Corvallis atBend,11a,mcCrescent Valley atMountainView,11a.mcNorth Medford at Summit,1 p.mcSistersat Henley, noon;Culver at Umatila,1 p.m. Girls soccer.Bendat Corvallis, 11 a.m.;Mountain View at CrescentValley,11a.mc Henleyat Sisters, noon;Summit at North Medford, 1p.m. Volleyball: Summiat t SouthEugeneTournament, 8 a.m.;Redm ond, Ridgeview at North Marion Tourney, TBD;LaPineatLakeview Tournament,TBD; Culver atReedsport Tourney,TBD;Gilchrist at La Pine JV Tournament, 9 a.m.; Country Christianand SouthWascoCountyatTrinity Lutheran,1p.m. Cross-coun try: Mountain View, Redmond, Summit, Sisters at AshCreekXCInvitational in Monmouth, 10a.m. Boyswater polo:Bendat ParkroseTournament Girls walerpolo: BendatChehalem

2 p.m.


Listingsarethe mostaccurate available. The Bulletinis not responsible for latechanges made/Jy TVor radio stations.

PGA Tour

FOOTBALL Baylor routs BuffalO —BrycePetty threw four touchdown passes, leading No. 8Baylor to a 63-21 victory at Buffalo on Friday night. Petty went 23 of 34 for 416yards through three quarters, and Shock Linwood had 98yards rushing and two touchdowns for Baylor (3-0). HawthorneLynxandJayLeeeachcaughttwotouchdowns passes.

MLS »t/r3

LPGA Tour Evian hampion C ship Thursday atTheEvian Res orl Golf Club, Evian-les-Bains, rance F Yardage:5,453; Par:71I35-35) Second Round BrittanyLincicome HyoJooKim Mi JungHur Suzann Pettersen KarrieWebb StacyLewis MoriyaJutanugarn LydiaKo AnnaNordqvist I.K. Kim MariaioUribe


AmyYang MinleeLee Shanshan Feng Lexi Thom pson PaulaCreamer MinaHarigae JulietaGranada MiHyangLee KatherineKirk Ha NaJang Kris Tamulis Mika Miyaza to InbeePark KarineIcher HeeYoungPark SakuraYokomine Na Yeon Choi Azahara Munoz LineVedel AyakoUehara BeatrIzRecari a-CelineBoutier Florentyna Parker CarolineHedwag CandieKung lheeLee a-Emily K.Pedersen SunYoungYoo Ji YoungDh JodiEwartShadoff CharleyHull MeenaLee GerinaPiler JenniferSong Se RiPak LizetteSalas DewiClaireSchreefel SandraGal MarinaAlex CristieKerr Eun-Hee Ji JanePark Lee-Anne Pace ChristinaKim a-JingYan LauraDavies AmeliaLewis MorganPressel Julilnkster SarahJaneSmith LauraDiaz HaeiiKang Pernilla Lindberg JessicaKorda SarahKemp MirimLee Sydnee Michaels JennyShin KristyMcPhe rson In Gee Chun JayeMarieGreen

67-65—132 61-72—133 66-69—135 67-69—136 65-71—136 70-67—137 69-68—137 69-68—137 71-67—138 69-69—138 68-70—138 68-70—138 72-67—139 70-70—140 70-70—140 69-71—140 69-71—140 68-72—140 72-69—141 71-70—141 70-71—141 70-71—141 69-72—141 69-72—141 68-73—141 72-70—142 71-71—142 70-72—142 70-72—142 70-72—142 69-73—142 72-71—143 71-72 — 143 71-72 — 143 70-73—143 69-74—143 69-74—143 69-74—143 76-68—144 73-71—144 72-72 — 144 71-73—144 71-73—144 71-73—144 71-73—144 69-75—144 69-75—144 68-76—144 72-73—145 71-74—145 71-74—145 75-71—146 74-72 — 146 73-73—146 71-75—146 71-75—146 70-76—146 70-76—146 70-76—146 69-77—146 68-78—146 75-72—147 74-73—147 73-74—147 72-75—147 71-76—147 71-76—147 71-76—147 71-76—147 70-77—147 69-78—147 69-78—147



HanSen wins19th Stage at Vuelta —Australian cyclist Adam Hansen won the hilly19th stage of the SpanishVuelta on Friday, and Alberto Contador maintained a1 minute,19 second leadfor the red leader's jersey with two days to go. — From wire reports

W L T Pls GF GA 17 7 3 5 4 5 1 3 7 14 5 8 5 0 56 29 12 6 1 0 4 6 44 35 12 9 6 4 2 46 36 8 6 1 3 3 7 35 34 8 8 1 1 3 5 47 4 6 8 13 6 3 0 3 7 46 6 11 9 2 7 3 2 3 8 6 16 6 2 4 2 3 51

Friday's Games

SportingKansasCity 4,ChivasUSA0 Seattle FC 3, RealSalt Lake2

4IAAT' IM5@lktt,

Today'sGames NewYorkat Philadelphia, noon Montrealat NewEngland,4:30 p.m. Vancou veratFcDallas,5:30p.m. TorontoFCat Chicago 530p m Columbus atHouston,5:30p.m. Portlandat Colorado,6 p.m. Sunday'sGames Los Angeleat s SanJose, noon


Pac-12 All Times PDT


North Division


California Oregon OregonSt. Washington WashingtonSt Stanford

SouthernCal Arizona ArizonaSt. UCLA Utah Colorado

W 0 0 0 0 0 0

L 0 0 0 0 0 1

O vera IIPF PA

W 2 2 2 2 0 1

L 0 0 0 0 2 1

86 38 108 40 67 44 76 68 51 65 55 13

L 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 1

PF PA 65 23 84 36 103 37 70 55 115 41 58 69

South Division W L W 1 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2 0 0 2

Today'sGames WyomingatOregon,11 a.m. Iginois atWashington, 1p.m. Army atStanford, 2p.m. UCLA at Texas,5 p.m. PortlandSt.at Washington St., 5p.m. SouthernCalat BostonCollege, 5p.m. Arizona St.at Colorado, 7p.m. NevadaatArizona,8p.m.

America's Lin e

Sunday'sGames DallasatTennessee,10a.m. NewEnglandatMinnesota,10a.m. Miami at Buffalo,10a.m. JacksonvilleatWashington,10 a.m. Arizona at N.Y. Giants,10 a.m. NewOrleansatCleveland,10a.m. AtlantaatCincinnati, 10a.m. Detroit atCarolina, 10a.m. Seattle at SanDiego,1:05 p.m. St. Louisat Tampa Bay,1:05 p.m. Houston at Oakland,1:25 p.m. KansasCityatDenver,1:25 p.m. N.Y.JetsatGreenBay,1:25p.m. Chicag oatSanFrancisco,5:30p.m. Monday'sGame Philadelphia at Indianapolis,5:30 p.m.

TENNIS WTA CoupeBanqueNationale Friday atGuebecCity Quarlerlinals Julia Goerges (5), Germany, def. AndreaHlavacko va, Czech Republic, 6-7(6), 7-5, 6-2. MirlanaLucic-Baroni,Croatia, def.Sesil Karatan tcheva,Kazakhstan, 7-5,6-0. VenusWiliams(1), UnitedStates, def. LucieHra decka,CzechRepublic, 6-3,4-6, 7-6(3). ShelbyRogers (4), UnitedStates,def. TatianaMa ria, Germ any,6-4, 6-2.

Favorite Open Current 0/U Underdog (Hometeamin caps) NFL Sunday PANTHERS 2»/t 2»/t 4 3 '/t Lions Dolphins -1 PK 43»dt BILLS REDSKINS 6 6 43» yt Jaguars TITANS 3 3» / t 49»at Cowboys TasbkentOpen Cardinals -1 2t/t 4 2tat GIANTS Friday atTashkent,Uzbekistan Patriots 3»/t 4 49» at VIKINGS Semifinals S aints 6 6»/t 47 d t BRDWN S Boiana Jovanovski (I), Serbia,def. NiginaAbduraiB ENGALS 5N 5 '/ 2 4 8 / / Falcons BUCCANE ER S3»/t 6 37t/ Rams mova,Uzbekistan, 6-4,7-5. KarinKnapp(3), Italy,def. LesiaTsurenko,Ukraine Seahawks 5»/t 6 44 » dt CHARG ERS 3 40 Texans 2 t/t RAIDER S 6-3, 6-3. t/t B t/t 4 6 PACKERS B Jets BRONCOS 13 1 2 51 ' /t Chiefs Hong KongOpen 4 9ERS 7 7 48» at Bears Friday atHongKong Monday Guarlertinals COLTS 3 3 53tyt Eagles KarolinaPliskova(3), CzechRepublic, def.Zheng Jie (5),China,6-1, 6-3. College Alison VanUytvanck, Belgium,def. Jarmila GalToday dosova,Australia, 6-4, 6-2. Indiana 5»/t P/~ 73»atBOWLGREEN SabineLisicki (I), Germany,def. ZhengSaisai, MARSHALL 20»/t 21 57 Ohio China,6-4, 6-3. MISSDURI gt/t 10 54»at C. Florida Francesca Schiavone, Italy, def. JanaCepelova(7), Nc State 2 t/t 2 51 S. FLORIDA Slovakia,6-2,6-2. 51 tyt Miami-Ohio MICHIGAN 31 33 K e nt St OHIO ST 30 32 48»yt D. DOMINIDN14'I~ 18N 72tA E. Michigan VA TECH 10'I~ 10 53tA E. Carolina MOTOR SPORTS Syracuse 7 t7t Pittsburgh 26

Boise St 16 GATECH 23 I DWA 14 MARYLAND 3'/~ VANDEBI RLT 17 Louisville 6 t7t OREGON 44


51 tyt C. MICHIGAN

25 16 17 12

47 FLORIDA INT'L 49 UC D NN 54»yt Ga Southern 49 low a St 60»yt W. Virginia


16 6t/t

44 11N

Air Force 12 MID TENN ST 1 It/t D UKE t r t/t 14 Georgia 5»7t 6t/t TEXAS TECH 3 1 MIAMI-FLA 17 16»/t Miss St 15 14 MISSISSIPPI 27 27yt WASHING TDN14'/t 13»/t TCU NL 15 IDAHO 2»/t 3 STANFORD 30 28»/t ALABAMA 49 UTAH ST 14 T ulsa tt/t OKLA ST NL LSU




13»/t 31» /t 31

NotreDame 28»/t 28 FLORIDA 17»7t IB»/t Navy 12 »7t 10 OKLAHOMA 21 21 U TEP 1 0 N 10 Ucla 7t/t 8 Penn St 4 3 Usc 19t/t 17 TEXAS A&M 31 32 N. Illinois 9 t7t 10 Arizona St 14 t/t 15

Nebraska 10 ARIZONA 15



NAlaCAR Sprint Cup

MyAFibStory.com400Lineup Friday qualifying ccd.; raceSunday At CbicagolandSpeedway,Joliet, III. 45»yt UM a ss (Car numberin parentheses) 48th Vi r ginia Lineup basedonFriday practice times 64th W yoming 1. (18)KyleBusch,Toyota.2. (3ti RyanNewman, 62tyt GEORGIAST Chevrolet. 3.(99)CarlEdwards,Ford. 4. (17)Ricky 64tat W. Kentucky Stenhouse Jr., Ford. 5. (20) MattKenseth, Toyota. 55tat K a nsas6. (15) ClintBowyer,Toyota. 7. (48)JimmieJohn60 S. CAROLINA son, Chevrolet. 8. (24)JeffGordon,Chevrolet. 9. 67 A r kansas (27) PaulMenard, Chevrolet. 10.(42) KyleLarson, 53»dt ArkansasSt Chevrolet. 54 S. ALABAMA 11. (Ii Jamie McMurray, Chevrolet.12. (4)Kevin 58»dt UL-Lafayette Harvick,Chevrolet.13. (88)DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chev64»dt lg i nois rolet.14. (41)KurtBusch,Chevrolet.15. (3)Austin 49»dt Minnesota Dillon, Chevrolet.16.(55)BrianVickers,Toyota.17. 60 W. Michigan (47) AJ Allmendinger,Chevrolet. 18. (10) Danica 5 3»at Arm y Chevrolet.19. (5)KaseyKahne, Chevrolet. 55 S o . MissPatrick, (16)GregBiffle, Ford. 44 Wake Forest 20.21. (9) MarcosAmbrose, Ford.22. (14) Tony 52 FLA ATLAN TIC 55 UT-S. Antonio Stewart,Chevrolet. 23.(43)Aric Almirola, Ford. 24. (11) Denny Hamlin, Toyota. 25. (2) BradKeselowski, 50 UL-Monroe 57 Pur due Ford. 26. (51) Justin Aggaier,Chevrolet. 27. (78) 53 K e ntuckvMartin TruexJr., Chevrolet.28.(22) JoeyLogano, 56»at TEXAS ST Ford. 29.(13)Casey Mears, Chevrolet. 30.(38)Da56»at Tennessee vid Gilliland,Ford. 31. (83) RyanTruex,Toyota. 32. (95) Michael 58»yt NewMexicoSt 50»yt TE XAS McDoweg,Ford.33. (26) ColeWhitt, Toyota.34. (98) JoshWise,Chevrolet. 35. (7)MichaelAnnett, 52 R UTGERS vrolet. 37. 54tyt BOSTON COL Chevrolet.36. (36) ReedSorenson, Che 71tA Rice (23) Alex Bowman, Toyota. 38.(40)LandonCassig, vid Ragan, Ford. 40. (37)Mike 5 5tyt UNL V Chevrolet.39.(34) Da 69 COLORADO Bliss, Chevrolet. 62'/t FRESNOST 41. (66) JoeNemechek, Toyota. 42.(33) Travis 63»at N evada Kvapil, Chevrolet.43.(32)JoeyGase, Ford.


(Best-of-5;x-if necessary)

Sept. 7:Phoenix 83,Chicago 62 Sept 9:Phoenix 97, Chicago68 Friday:Phoenix87,Chicago82, Phoenix winsseries 3-0


CDMMISSIN DER'S OFFICE— Suspended Baltimore1BChris Dayis25games, includingpostseason, after testingpositivefor anamphetamine in violation of MajorLeagueBaseball's JointDrugPrevention and TreatmentProgram.

MAJOR LEAGUEBASEBALL—Suspended Miami RHPAnthonyDeSclafani threegamesandfinedhiman undisclosed amount for intentionally throwingapitch at MilwaukeeOF Carlos Gome z during Thursday's game.FinedMilwaukeeRHP Mike Fiers an undisclosedamountfor hisactionsduring thesamegame. AmericanLeague KANSASCITYRDYALS — Assigned RH P Blake WoodandLHPChris Dwver outright to Omaha(PCL). LDSANGELES ANGELS — Assigned INF Ryan Wheeleroutrightto SaltLake(PCL). NEW YORKYANKEES— Reinstated RHPDavid Phelpsfromthe15-day DL. OAKLANDATHLETICS — Reinstated LHP Sean Doolittle fromthe 15-dayDL Extendedtheir player developmentcontract withMidland(TL) throughthe 2016season. National League COLOR ADO ROCKIES — Extended their player development contract with Modesto (Cali throughthe 2016season. LDSANGELESDODGERS— DesignatedRHPRed Pattersonforassignment.Selectedthecontract ofLHP Scott ElbertfromAlbuquerque(PCL). BASKETB ALL National Basketball Association ATLANT AHAWKS—Announcedgeneral manager DannyFerryis takinganindefinite leaveof absence. LDSANG ELESCLIPPERS— Re-signed FHedo Turkoglu. Women'sNational Basketball Association WASHINGTONSPIRIT— WaivedFDaneshaAdams. FOOTBAL L National Football League NFL —Fi ned ChicagoS ChrisConte$22,050; N.Y. JetsLBCalvinPace,New EnglandWRChandler Jones andLBDont'aHightower,andWashingtonDE JarvisJenkinsandCBBashaudBreeland$16r537; and PittsburghWRAntonioBrown$8,268for their actions duringlastweek's games. KANSAS CITYCHIEFS—PlacedDTJeff Allen on injuredreserve.SignedCBJamell FlemingfromBaltimore'spracticesquad. NEWYORKJETS— Re-signed CBEllis Lankster. ReleasedCBLeon McFadden. TAMPABA Y BUCCANEERS—Placed DEAdrian Claytononinjuredreserve.Re-signed DEScot Solomon. OLYMPICSPORTS USAGYM NASTICS — Named Oklahoma men's coachMarkWiliamscoachof the men's World GymasticsChampionshipsteam. COLLEGE CLEMSDN — Named RichieRileymen'sassistant basketballcoach. OHIOSTATE— AnnouncedDE NoahSpenceis ineligiblefor Saturday'sgame becauseof a university and Big TenConferenceruleviolation. RUTGERS— NamedRobCamposamen'svolunteer assistant lacrossecoach. TEXAS —SuspendedGMartezWalker indefinitely from the men'sbasketball team.

FISH COUNT Upstreamdaily movement of adult chinookjack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selectedColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedon Friday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 30,202 4,558 3,858 1,145 The Dalles 15,169 2,214 7,488 2,408 John Day 18,775 2,927 4,717 1,503 McNary 22,647 2,244 3,542 1,064 Upstream year-to-date movement ofadult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadand wild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonFriday. Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wsllhd Bonneville 789,188 104,897 259,064 111,210 The Dalles 493,359 70,240 148,184 65,729 John Day 389,027 57,048 89,783 38,401 McNary 309,682 46,695 78,356 34,202


Even without Griner, Mercury still sweep finals and Candice Dupree scored 24 points each and the Phoenix Mercury, playing without star

put Phoenixup 85-82. Mercury's D eiie D onne m i ssed a Diana Taurasi 3-pointer with 12 seconds left, calls to her and the Sky fouled Penny TayPhoenix

the Chicago Sky 87-82 Friday night to complete a three-game sweep of the WNBA Finals for their third championship. DeWanna Bonner added 12



center Brittney Griner, beat

points for the Mercury, who


SanJose ChivasUSA


CHICAGO — Diana TGLtrasi

general managerDanny Ferry took an indefinite leave ofabsence Friday, making the moveunder fire for his racially charged comments about a player. Ferry issued astatement, saying he plans to undergo sensitivity training and meetwith local leaders. Hegave no indication that he plans to step down. Ferry made aninflammatory assessment of Luol Deng during aconference call with the Hawks' ownership group in June asthe team was pursuing the free agent. The GMdescribed Deng assomeone who nhas a little African in him."

Seattle Los Angeles RealSaltLake FC Dallas Vancouver Portland Colorado

NE)jER 5e...

The Associated Press

HaWkS GMFerry takeS leaVe Of adSORCO—Atlanta Hawks

EasternConference W L T Pts GF GA D .C.United 14 9 5 47 42 3 1 SportingKansascity 13 10 6 45 43 34 N ewEngland 1 2 1 2 3 3 9 3 9 38 NewYork 9 8 1 0 3 7 42 39 Columbus 9 9 9 36 3 8 3 4 P hiladelphia 9 9 9 36 43 4 1 TorontoFC 9 11 6 3 3 3 5 42 Houston 9 13 4 3 1 3 1 4 8 Chicago 5 7 1 4 2 9 33 39 Montreal 5 16 6 2 1 3 1 50

TiME 00T|f

By Sarah Tfotto




In the Bleachers O 2014 Steve Moore. Dlst. by Unlversal Ucnck

Tour Championship Friday at EastLakeGolf Club,Atlanta Yardage:7,307; Par70(35-35) SecondRound Billy Horschel 66-66—132 RoryMcllroy 69-65—134 JasonDay 67-67—134 Chris Kirk 66-68—134 KevinNa 70-66—136 RyanPalmer 69-67—136 Cameron Tringale 68-68—136 Jim Furyk 67-69—136 RickieFowler 69-68—137 JustinRose 72-66—138 RusselHenl l ey 70-68—138 Bill Haas 68-71—139 Matt Kuchar 68-71—139 SergioGarcia 69-71—140 BubbaWatson 67-73—140 JordanSpieth 71-70—141 AdamScot 69-72—141 PatrickReed 67-74—141 73-69—142 MartinKaym er 73-69—142 JimmyWalker 71-71—142 HidekiMatsuyama 68-74—142 ZachJohnson 70-73—143 MorganHoffmann 70-75—145 Brendon Todd 74-72—146 WebbSimpson 74-72—146 HunterMahan 71-75—146 GaryWoodland 72-75—147 JohnSenden 77-77—154 GeoffDgilvy

Friday's Games Top 25 No. 8Baylor63, Bufalo21 Midwest Cincinnati58,Toledo34







PGA Tour,TourChampionship PGA Tour,TourChampionship Web.comTour,NCH Championship



as Chicago

lor, who made both free throws with 9.3 seconds left for the fi-

Sky's Court-

nal score.

ney Vander-

Taurasi, who was 4 for 9 on 3s, scored 14points in the fourth

sloot defends Friday night. »a»

Kamil Krzaczynskt /The Associated Press

quarterand became the WNBA's all-time leading scorer in the finals. Phoenix, which had

a WNBA-record 29 wins during

also won titles in 2007 and 2009.

the regular season, shot 49.3

Griner sat out following surgery to correct a retinal issue after she was hit in the right eye in

percent overall fromthe field. Phoenix's sweep in the finals was the fourth in the past five

points and Aiiie Quigley had 19 short jumper and was fouled years, and fifth since the chamElena Deiie Donne scored for the Sky. with 14.3 seconds left and she pionship round went to a best23 points, Sylvia Fowles had 20 Taurasi hit a t i e breakirtg made the ensuing free throw to of-five format in 2005. Game 2.




S an Diego Arizona




Toronto NewYork Tampa Bay Boston

Detroit Kansas City

Cleyeland Chicago Minnesota LosAngeles Oakland Seattle Houston Texas

East Division W L 88 59 76 70 75 71 71 77 65 83

CentralDivision W L 81 66 80 66 76 70 66 80 62 84

West Division

W L 92 55 81 66 80 66 65 82 55 92

Pct GB .599 .521 11'/r .514 12'/r

San Diego

StultsW,7-16 VincentH,16 ThayerH,11

480 17t/r

.439 23'/r

Mets 4, Natinnals3


6 1 1

7 0 1

NEW YORK — Juan Lagares hit a go-ahead double andthe New York Mets made it stand up, endR E R BBSO ing a12-game home skid against Washington by holding off the NL 5 2 1 2 Mets' 0 0 0 2 East-leading Nationals. The 0 0 0 0 losing streak at Citi Field versus 0 0 0 0 Washington dated to last season, 6 6 1 2 and was their longest in team his0 0 0 1 tory against a visiting club. 0 1 2

QuackenbushS,3-4 1 2 Arizona NunoL,0-6 5 8 E.DeLaRosa 2 1 Harris 2-3 1 0 Paterson 1-3 0 0 0 0 A.Reed 1 1 0 0 1 T—2:55.A—31,238 (48,633).

Pct GB .551 .548 '/r 521 4t/r

.452 14'/r .425 18'/r

Pct GB .626 .551 11 .548 11'/r .442 27 .374 37

0 2

Brewers 3,Reds2 MILWAUKEE — Lyle Overbay hit a game-ending RBIsingle off Jumbo Diaz with oneout in the ninth, lifting Milwaukee to awin over Cincinnati that helped the Brewers keeppace inthe National League playoff race. Overbaysent the first pitch from Diaz (0-1) into the gap in left-center. Theveteran was mobbed byteammates after


Baltimore 2, N.Y.Yankees1,11innings,1st game Balt imore5,N.Y.Yankees0,2ndgame Tampa Bay1, Toronto0 Detroit 7,Cleveland2 Texas 2, Atlanta1 Boston 4, KansasCity 2 Minnesota at Chicago,ppd., rain LA. Angels11,Houston 3 Seattle 4, Oakland2

Today'sGam es Atlanta(Teheran13-11) at Texas (Bonila 0-0), 10:05 a.m. N.Y.Yank ees (Greene 4-3) at Baltimore(M.Gonzalez 9-7),10:05a.m. Tampa Bay(Helickson1-3) atToronto(Dickey12-12), 10:07a.m. Minnesota(P.Hughes 15-9) at Chicago White Sox (Quintana 7-10), 1:10p.m.,1stgame Cleveland (Salazar6-7) atDetroit (Lobstein1-0),4:08 p.m. Boston(R.DeLa Rosa 4-6) at Kansas City (Guthrie 10-11),4:10p.m. Minnesota(Darnel0-2) l at ChicagoWhite Sox (Carroll 5-10), 4:40p.m.,2ndgame Houston(Feldman 8-10)at L.A.Angels (Weaver 168), 6:05p.m. Oakland(Gray13-8) at Seattle(F.Hernandez 14-5), 6:10 p.m. Sunday'sGames Tampa Bayat Toronto,10:07 a.m. Cleveland atDetroit,10:08a.m. Boston at KansasCity,11:10a.m. Minnesota at ChicagoWhite Sox,11:10 a.m. AtlantaatTexas,12:05p.m. Houston at L.A.Angels,12;35 p.m. Oakland atSeatle, 1:10p.m. N.Y.YankeesatBaltimore, 5p.m.

0 2 2 1 1 0 000 — 6 1 00 040 000 — 0

E—Solarte (6), Inciarte(5). DP—San Diego 3. LOB —San Diego 7, Arizona4. 28—Gyorko (15), Inciarte(13).38—Maybin (4), Lamb(1). HR —Rivera (10), Pollock(7). SB—Amarista (12). S—Spangenberg,Stults.

Carlos Osorio/The Associated Press

Detroit's J.D. Martinez connects for a two-run home run during the fourth inning of Friday night's game in Detroit. Along with his homer, Martinez had a triple to lead the Tigers to a 7-2 win.

lifting the Brewers to their third

straight win.

Washington New York ab r hbi ab r hbi S pancf 4 0 2 0 EYonglf 4 2 2 0 Acarer2b 5 0 0 0 Lagarscf 3 1 2 1 Rendon3b 5 2 3 1 Campll3b 4 0 0 0 LaRoch 1b 1 1 1 1 Duda 1b 3 1 1 0 Dsmnd ss 5 0 1 0 TdArnd c 4 0 1 2 Harperlf 4 0 1 0 Grndrs rf 4 0 1 0 WRamsc 4 0 1 1 DHerrr2b 3 0 0 0 Schrhltrf 4 0 2 0 Tejadass 3 0 0 0 GGnzlzp 2 0 0 0Geep 2 0 0 0 Barrettp 0 0 0 0 CTorrsp 0 0 0 0 Frndsnph 1 0 0 0 Satinph 1 0 0 0 B levinsp 0 0 0 0 Familip 0 0 0 0 M ejiap 0 0 0 0 Totals 35 3 113 Totals 3 1 4 7 3 W ashington 00 2 0 1 0 000 — 3 NewYork 3 0 0 1 0 ggx— 4

E—W.Ramos (5), Lagares(4), Td'Arnaud(7). DP — NewYork 3. LOB—Washington11, NewYork 5. 28 — Rendon (37), Lagares (23), T.d'Arnaud(20), Granderson (23). HR—Rendon(20). SB—Span(30), Desmond(19), Lagares(13). S—G.Gonzalez. IP H


Washington Cincinnati Milwaukee G.GonzaleL, z8-10 62-3 6 4 3 1 7 ab r hbi ab r hbi Barrett 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 BHmltncf 4 0 0 0 CGomzcf 4 1 0 0 Blevins 1 0 0 0 0 3 Negron3b 4 1 2 1 Gennett2b 4 0 0 0 Otero 1 1 0 0 0 0 the last-place RedSox, dropped a New York O rioles 5, Yankees 0 (2nd G am e) Frazier1b 4 0 1 0 Lucroy1b-c 3 1 2 1 Scribner 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 GeeW,7-7 51-3 9 3 3 2 4 Brucerf 4 1 1 0 LSchfrpr 0 1 0 0 Abad 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 half-game behind Detroit, which C.TorresH,9 1 2-3 0 0 0 1 1 NewYork Baltimore Phillips2b 2 0 0 0 ArRmr3b 4 0 0 0 Seattle beat Cleveland 7-2. F amilia H,20 1 1 0 0 0 2 ab r hbi ab r hbi H eiseylf 3 0 0 0 Braunrf 3 0 2 1 PaxtonW,6-2 6 4 2 1 3 8 Mejia S,26-29 1 1 0 0 1 2 Egsurydh 4 0 1 0 DeAzalf 5 0 2 2 B.Penac 3 0 0 1 GParralf 3 0 0 0 C a.SmitH,1 h 12 - 3 0 0 0 1 2 HBP —byG.Gonzalez(Lagares), byGee(Span). Boston KansasCity Jeterss 4 0 0 0 Pearce1b 3 1 1 0 Cozartss 2 0 1 0 Maldndc 2 0 0 0 F urbush H,18 1 - 3 0 0 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Gardnrcf 3 0 1 0 Pareds3b 3 1 1 0 Corcinop 2 0 1 0 Overayph-1b 2 0 1 1 T—3:10. A—25,792(41,922). RodneyS,45-48 1 2 0 0 0 2 B ettsrf 4 1 2 1 Aokirf 4 0 0 0 BMccn1b 4 0 0 0 KJhnsn3b 0 0 0 0 Mesorcph 1 0 0 0 Segurass 2 0 0 0 WP — Paxton. Bogartsss 5 0 1 0 Infante2b 4 0 0 0 CYounglf 4 0 1 0 N.Cruzrf 3 0 2 0 Ondrskp 0 0 0 0 RWeksph 1 0 0 0 Phillies 3, Marlins1(10 innings) T—2:44. A—29,090(47,476). Navadh 3 1 1 1 AGordnlf 3 1 0 0 Drew2b 3 0 0 0 QBerrypr-rf 0 0 0 0 Vigarrlp 0 0 0 0 HGomzss 0 0 0 0 Cespdslf 4 0 1 0 BButlerdh 4 0 0 0 ISuzukirf 2 0 0 0 DYongdh 4 0 1 2 Hannhn ph 1 0 0 0 Lohse p 2 0 0 0 PHILADELPHIA — CodyAschehit Craig1b 4 0 0 0 Hosmer1b 4 1 1 2 ZeWhlr3b 2 0 0 0 Loughcf 3 1 0 0 J u.Diazp 0 0 0 0 Kintzlrp 0 0 0 0 Angels11, Astros3 Mdlrks3b 4 0 1 0 S.Perezc 4 0 1 0 Rchrdsph 1 0 1 0 CJosphc 4 0 0 0 Broxtnp 0 0 0 0 a two-run homer in the 10th inning BrdlyJrcf 4 0 0 0 Mostks3b 2 0 1 0 JMrphyc 0 0 0 0 Flahrtyss 3 1 1 1 JRogrs ph 1 0 0 0 to give Philadelphia awin over ANAHEIM, Calif.— David Freese Vazquzc 3 0 0 0 L.caincf 3 0 1 0 AuRmnc 2 0 0 0 Schoop2b 4 1 0 0 FrRdrgp 0 0 0 0 JWeeks2b 3 2 2 0 AEscorss 3 0 0 0 Pradoph-3b 1 0 0 0 Totals 30 2 6 2 Totals 3 1 3 5 3 Miami. Cole Hamelsscattered nine hit a two-run homer andMike Totals 3 4 4 8 2 Totals 3 12 4 2 Totals 30 0 4 0 Totals 3 2 5 8 5 C incinnati 100 0 0 0 100 — 2 stingy innings and Trout had anRBItriple during Los Boston 0 03 010 000 — 4 N ew York 000 0 0 0 000 — 0 M ilwaukee 0 0 0 2 0 0 001 — 3 hits over seven Philadelphia handedthe Marlins Angeles' seven-run fifth inning, K ansas City 0 0 0 2 0 0 000 — 2 Baltimore 000 2 0 0 2 1x — 0 Oneoutwhenwinningrunscored. E—Moustakas(15). LOB—Boston7, Kansas City E—Tom.Hunter (2). DP—NewYork1. LOB—New E—B.Pena(3). LOB—Cincinnati 7, Milwaukee6. their third straight defeat in their and the Angels beat Houston for 4. 28 — Bets (8), J.Weeks 2 (3). HR —Hosmer (7). York 5,Baltimore9. 28—N.cruz(28), Flaherly(12). 28 — NATIONALLEAGUE Negron (6), Lucroy(51), Braun(28). HR —Netheir ninth consecutive victory. SB — Cespedes(6). CS—Betts(2). East Division 38 — DeAza 2 (7). SB—Gardner (20). CS—I.Suzuki gron (5). SB —Frazier (20), Cozart (7). CS —B.Ham- first game sinceGiancarlo Stanton W L Pct GB Kole Calhoun had a IP H R E R BBSD ilton (22). S — H e is e y. SF — B .P en a. (3), N.Cruz (5 ). was injured. tiebreaking, Washington 83 63 .568 Boston IP H R E R BBSO IP H R E R BBSO two-run single in the fifth for Atlanta 75 72 .510 8'/r WebsterW,4-3 6 4 2 2 1 2 NewYork Cincinnati Miami Philadelphia 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Mitchell L,0-1 NewYork 72 76 .486 12 LayneH,7 5 6 2 2 2 2 Corcino 6 2 2 2 1 4 the major league-leading Angels ab r hbi ab r hbi Miami 71 75 .486 12 B adenhop H ,11 23 0 0 0 0 0 Outman 1 0 0 0 0 1 Ondrusek 1 1 0 0 0 3 Yelichlf 4 0 0 0 Reverecf 5 1 1 0 their final Philadelphia 68 79 463 15r/r (92-55j, who began UeharaH,1 1 0 0 0 0 1 D.Phelps 2-3 1 2 2 3 1 Vigarreal 1 0 0 0 0 0 Solano2b 5 0 0 0 Asche3b 5 1 2 2 Central Division homestand by reducing their mag- MujicaS,6-7 1 0 0 0 0 0 R.Hill 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Ju.DiazL,0-1 13- 2 1 1 2 0 McGeh3b 5 0 1 0 utley2b 3 1 2 0 W L Pct GB ic number to five for their first AL KansasCity Roe 1 1 1 1 0 2 Milwaukee Ozunacf 4 0 1 0 Howard1b 3 0 1 0 St. Louis 81 67 .547 VenturaL,12-10 7 8 4 3 1 6 Baltimore Lohse 62-3 5 2 2 2 6 JeBakr1b 4 1 2 0 GwynJpr 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh 78 69 .531 2'/r West title since 2009. Frasor 1 0 0 0 0 3 B.NorrisW,13-8 7 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Sltlmchc 4 0 0 0 Papelnp 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 10 Kintzler Milwaukee 77 71 .520 4 G.Holland 1 0 0 0 1 3 Tom.Hunter 1 1 0 0 0 0 Broxton 1 1 0 0 0 1 Lucasrf 3 0 2 0 Diekmnp 0 0 0 0 Cincinnati 70 78 .473 11 Houslon HBP —by Webster (Moustakas), by Ventura (Nava, Matusz W5-5 1 0 0 0 2 1 V ldspnph-rf 1 0 0 0 Byrdrf LosAngeles 1 0 0 0 0 2 Fr Rodriguez 2000 Chicago 64 83 .435 16'/r Betts). WP —Ventura. PB—S.Perez. HBP—byMitchell (Pearce). WP—Roe. WP — Corcino2. ab r hbi ab r hbi Hchvrrss 4 0 2 1 DBrwnlf 4 0 2 0 T—2:49.A—19,191(37,903). West Division T—2:57. A—43,707(45,971). T—3:01.A—31,463 (41,900). Grssmnlf 5 1 1 1 Calhonrf 4 3 3 2 H Alvrzp 3 0 1 0 Ruizc 4000 W L Pct GB Altuve2b 4 1 2 0 Campnph-cf 1 0 0 0 MDunnp 0 0 0 0Galvisss 4 0 0 0 LosAngeles 83 64 .565 M Gnzlz2b 0 0 0 0 Troutcf 4 2 2 2 ARamsp 0 0 0 0 Hamelsp 2 010 Rays1, Blue Jays 0 Cardinals 5, Rockies1 National League SanFrancisco 82 65 .558 1 Fowlercf 4 0 2 1 JMcDnlss 1 0 0 0 G Jonesph 1 0 0 0 Rufph 1 0 0 0 SanDiego 68 78 .466 14'/r Presleycf 1 0 1 0 Pujolsdh 2 1 0 1 H atchrp 0 0 0 0 Gilesp 0000 Arizona — Nathan Karnsgot his Giants 9, Dodgers0 ST. LOUIS —AdamWainwright 59 88 .401 24 Carterdh 2 0 1 0 LJimnzph-dh 1 0 0 0 TORONTO DJnngsp 0 0 0 0 Franco1b 1 0 0 0 Colorado 59 88 .401 24 Hoesph 1 0 0 0 HKndrc2b 4 1 2 2 first major leaguewin in his Tampa won his18th game to tie for the Totals 3 8 1 9 1 Totals 3 43 9 2 Jcastroc 4 0 0 0 Greenpr-2b 1 0 0 0 Bay debut, RyanHanigan homered SAN FRANCISCO — Madison Miami 000 001 000 0 — 1 major league lead, Matt Holliday Friday'sGames Stassic 1 0 0 0 Freese3b 4 1 1 2 Philadelphia 000 001 000 2 — 3 Bumgarner struck out eight and Pittsburgh 7, ChicagoCubs3 M rsnckrf 4 0 2 1 Buckc 0 0 0 0 for the first time in almost three hit a long three-run homer in the Oneout whenwinningrunscored. Philadelphi3, a Miami1,10 innings took a share of the major league MDmn3b 3 0 0 0 Aybarss 3 1 2 0 E—Lucas (4). DP—Miami 3, Philadelphia 1. first inning and St. Louis defeated LOB N.Y. Mets4,Washington3 G.Petit3b 1 0 0 0 GBckhph-3b 1 0 0 0 months and theRaysbeat the —Miami 8, Philadelphia 7. 28—Je.Baker (10), lead with18 wins, andSanFranTexas 2, Atlanta1 Blue Jays to stopToronto's fourS ingltn1b 2 1 0 0 lannettc 2 1 1 0 Colorado to stop a three-game Lucas(4),Asche(22),utley (31). HR —Asche(10). cisco moved within one game of Milwaukee 3,Cincinnati 2 Krauss1b 1 0 0 0 OMallyph-If 1 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSD losing streak. Wainwright (18-9) game winning streak. Karns (1-0) NL WestSt. Louis5,Colorado1 V illarss 4 0 0 0 Cron1b 3 0 0 0 l eadi ng Los Angel e s by Miami allowed two hits in seveninnings, allowed one runand six hits in SanDiego6,Arizona5 ENavrr1b 1 0 0 0 H.Alvarez 7 7 1 1 0 4 beating the Dodgers. Pinch-hitSanFrancisco9, L.A.Dodgers0 Cowgilllf-rf 4 1 1 0 struck out a career-high eight and M.Dunn 1-3 0 0 0 2 1 eight innings with eight strikeToday'sGam es Totals 3 7 3 9 3 Totals 3 711129 ter Travis Ishikawa splashed a A.Ramos 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 walked two. It was thefourth big outs and no walks. He retired his Atlanta(Teheran13-11) at Texas (Bonila 0-0), 10:05 Houslon 1 10 100 000 — 3 Hatcher 1 1-3 0 0 0 0 2 three-run homer into McCovey a.m. LosAngeles 000 272 ggx— 11 league appearance for the 26-yearfinal 16 batters, improving to 7-1 Da.JenningsL,0-2 0 2 2 2 0 0 ChicagoCubs(Doubront 1-1) at Pittsburgh(Locke Cove, and BrandonCrawford hit E—Krauss(3), Marisnick(2), Villar (16),Aybar old right-hander, whowent 0-1 in Philadelphia 7-4), 4:05 p.m. (10). LOB —Houston 11rLosAngeles 5.28—Fowler Hamels 7 9 1 1 1 6 a two-run drive in the fifth to help against Colorado. Miami(Hand3-6) at Philadelphia(K.Kendrick 8-12), (17),Trout(38),HKendrick(29).38—Trout(8). HR three starts with Washington last Giles 1 0 0 0 0 2 Bumgarner win his fifth straight Colorado St. Louis 4:05 p.m. Freese (8). SB—Grossman(7), Fowler(9), Marisnick season. Papelbon 1 0 0 0 0 1 Cincinnati (Holmberg0-1) at Milwaukee(Gallardo (3), Singleton(2), H.Kendrick (14). SF—Pujols. ab r hbi ab r hbi start. Buster Poseyand Crawford DiekmanW,5-4 1 0 0 0 0 1 8-9),4:10p.m. Blckmncf 4 1 2 0 Mcrpnt3b 3 1 0 0 Da.Jenningspitchedto 2battersin the10th. IP H R E R BBSD TampaBay Toronto hit RBI doubles in the first as the Washington(Fister 13-6) at N.Y. Mets(Za.Wheeler Houslon Cuddyrrf 4 0 0 0 Grichkrf 3 2 1 0 H BP — by H .A lvarez (By rd, By rd). WP—H.Alvarez. ab r hbi ab r hbi M ornea1b 3 0 0 0 Hollidylf 4 2 2 3 10-9),4:10p.m. Giants jumped on Hyun-Jin Ryu OberholtzerL,5-11 41-3 5 6 4 0 6 Zobristcf-If 4 0 0 0 Reyesss 3 0 0 0 T—3:02. A—27,039(43,651). Colorado (F.Morales6-7) at St. Louis(S.Miler 9-9), De Leon Paulsn1b 1 0 0 0 JhPerltss 3 0 1 1 1-3 4 3 3 1 0 Guyerlf 4 0 0 0 Bautistrf 3 0 0 0 (14-7j. 4:15 p.m. Arenad3b 4 0 1 1 YMolinc 4 0 1 1 Deduno 11-3 2 2 2 1 1 Kiermrcf 0 0 0 0 Encrnc1b 4 0 0 0 San Diego(TRoss13-13) at Arizona(C.Anderson Foltynewicz CDckrslf 4 0 2 0 Scrggs1b 2 0 1 0 Interleague 1 1 0 0 0 1 L ongori3b 3 0 0 0 Linddh 3 0 1 0 Los Angeles San Francisco Rosarioc 4 0 1 0 MAdmsph-1bg 0 0 0 8-6),5:10p.m. J.Buchanan 1 0 0 0 0 1 Myersrf 4 0 0 0 DNavrrc 4 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi L.A. Dodgers (Greinke14-8) atSanFrancisco (THud- LosAngeles Ynoass 4 0 2 0 Bourjoscf 3 0 0 0 Rangers 2,Braves1 Loney1b 4 0 1 0 Valenci3b 3 0 1 0 Puigcf 3 0 1 0 Pagancf 4 0 0 0 LeMahi2b 4 00 0 M.Ellis2b 3 0 0 0 son 9-10),6:05p.m. C.WilsonW,12-9 5 7 3 2 3 6 Y Escorss 3 0 0 0 Pillarlf 2 0 0 0 JuTrnr2b 3 0 0 0 JGutrrzp 0 0 0 0 JDLRsp 2 0 0 0 Wnwrgp 3 0 0 0 Sunday'sGames Morin 12-3 1 0 0 0 2 Forsyth2b 3 0 0 0 CIRsmsph-cf 1 0 0 0 ARLINGTON, Texas— Robinson AdGnzl1b 4 0 0 0 Panik2b 5 1 1 0 KParkrph 1 0 0 0 Rosnthlp 0 0 0 0 Washingtonat N.Y. Mets,10:10a.m. Pestano 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Hanignc 3 1 1 1 Goins2b 2 0 0 0 K emprf 4 0 0 0 Poseyc 4 1 2 1 Chirinos hit a tiebreaking RBI sinMassetp 0 0 0 0 Chicago Cubsat Pitsburgh,10:35 a.m. Ja.Diaz 1 0 0 0 0 2 SRdrgzdh 2 0 0 0 Kawskph-2b 1 0 0 0 H Rmrzss 2 0 1 0 Susacc 0 0 0 0 Scahig p 0 0 0 0 Miami atPhiladelphia,10:35a.m. Bedrosian 1 1 0 0 1 2 gle in the eighth inning, sending DeJessp h dhg 0 0 0 G o s ec f I f 3 0 0 0 Arrrrnss 1 0 0 0 Pencerf 5 1 2 1 Totals 35 1 8 1 Totals 2 8 5 6 5 Cincinnatiat Milwaukee,11:10a.m. WP—DeLeon,C.Wilson. Balk—Deduno. Texas to a victory over Atlanta. Totals 3 0 1 2 1 Totals 2 9 0 2 0 VnSlyklf 3 0 0 0 GBrwncf 0 0 0 0 C olorado 001 0 0 0 000 — 1 Colorado at St.Louis,11:15a.m. T—3:37. A—33,339(45,483). T ampa Bay 0 0 1 0 0 0 000 — 1 Correiap 0 0 0 0 Sandovl3b 4 0 1 0 St. Louis 301 0 0 0 0 1x— 5 AtlantaatTexas,12:05p.m. Adrian Beltre and RyanRuahad Toronto 0 00 000 000 — 0 YGarcip 0 0 0 0 J.Perezcf-rf 1 0 0 0 E—Morneau(4). DP—Colorado2. LOB—ColoraL.A. Dodgers atSanFrancisco,1:05 p.m. two hits apiece as Texas won E—Y.Es c obar (16), Re yes (18), Aa. S a nc he z (1). Tigers 7, Indians2 Berndnph 1 0 0 0 Arias1b-3b 4 1 2 1 do 7, St.Louis5. 28—Blackmon (25), Arenado(34), SanDiegoatArizona,1:10 p.m. DP— TampaBay 1.LOB— TampaBay4,Toronto5. uribe3b 3 0 1 0 GBlanclf 2 2 1 0 YMolina (17). HR —Holliday (17). SB—Blackmon for only the second time in13 28 — Valencia(14). HR —Hanigan(5). A.ERisc 3 0 0 0 BCrwfrss 3 2 2 3 Wild Card (27), Holliday (4). DETROIT —J.D. Martinez homTheRangers improvedto IP H R E R BBSD F drwczc 0 0 0 0 Bmgrnp 3 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSO games. AMERICANLEAGUE 2-5 under interim manager Tim ered, tripled and drove in four T ampa Ba y Ryu p 0 0 0 0 Ishikaw ph-1b 1 1 1 3 Colorado W L PctWCGB arnsW,1-0 7 2 0 0 2 8 C.Perez p 0 0 0 0 J.De LaRosaL,13-11 6 4 4 3 3 6 Bogar. Oakland 81 66 .551 runs, and David Price pitched into K McGeeH,14 1 0 0 0 0 1 Guerrrph 1 0 0 0 Masset 12-3 2 1 1 1 0 Kansas City 80 66 .548 the eighth inning to lift Detroit to BalfourS,12-15 1 0 0 0 0 2 F riasp 1 0 0 0 Scahig 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 Seattle 80 66 .548 Atlanta Texas Pedrsnlf 1 0 0 0 St. Louis Cleveland 76 70 .521 4 a victory over Cleveland. Martinez Toronto ab r hbi ab r hbi H app L,9-10 7 2 1 1 1 7 Totals 30 0 3 0 Totals 3 6 9 129 W ainwri g ht W, 1 8-9 8 6 1 1 0 8 Toronto 76 70 .521 4 broke a1-all tie in the fourth with Heywrdrf 4 0 1 1 LMartncf 400 0 Aa.Sanche z 2 0 0 0 1 0 L os Angeles 00 0 0 0 0 000 — 0 Rosenthal 1 2 0 0 0 2 NewYork 75 71 .514 5 Gossel n 2b 4 0 1 0 Andrusss 3000 HBP —byKarns(Bautista). a two-run homer, andthen drove San Francisco 400 020 30x — 9 HBP —byJ.DeLaRosa(Bourjos). FFrmn1b 3 0 1 0 Arenciidh 2 0 1 0 T—2:55.A—19,909 (49,282). E—Ju.Turner (12). DP—Los Angeles 1. LOBT—2:44.A—45,108 (45,399). NATIONALLEAGUE in two more runs with his triple in J.uptonlf 4 0 0 0 GRdrgzpr-dh 1 1 0 0 Los Angeles6,SanFrancisco8. 28—H.Ramirez(30), W L P cIWCGB Doumitdh 3 0 0 0 ABeltre3b 4 1 2 0 the seventh. Price (14-11j allowed Orioles 2, Yankees1 Panik(8),Posey(27), B.crawford(17). HR —B.craw- Pirates 7, Cubs SanFrancisco 82 65 .558 3 B onifacpr-dh 0 0 0 0 Rua1b 4 0 2 1 Pittsburgh 78 69 .531 ford (9), Ishikawa (3). SB—Pagan (15). CS—Pence a home run to RyanRaburn in the CJhnsn3b 4 0 1 0 Chirinsc 3 0 1 1 (11 inns.) 1st Game Milwaukee 77 71 . 520 1'/r (6) B thncrtc 4 0 1 0 Odor2b 3 0 0 0 IP H R E R BBSD PITTSBURGH — Gerrit Cole won Atlanta 7 5 72 .510 3 second but kept Cleveland off the Buptoncf 4 1 1 0 Choicerf 4 0 0 0 LosAngeles scoreboard after that. BALTIMORE — BudNorris consecutive starts for the first ASmnsss 4 0 2 0 DnRrtslf 3 0 1 0 1 5 4 4 1 1 RyuL,14-7 Totals 34 1 8 1 Totals 3 1 2 7 2 pitched seven innings of threebatting American League C.Perez 1 0 0 0 2 0 time since early June, NL Cleveland Detroit Atlanta 0 01 000 000 — 1 Frias 3 4 2 2 1 2 leader Josh Harrison had hit ball, and Baltimore beat the three ab r hbi ab r hbi Texas 000 001 01x — 2 Mariners 4,Athletics2 2 2 3 3 1 2 Correia E—Chirinos (3). DP—Texas 1. LOB—Atlanta8, Bourncf 4 0 0 0 Kinsler2b 5 1 2 1 Yankees to become the first team hits and surging Pittsburgh beat YGarci a 1 1 0 0 0 1 T .Holtcf 0 0 0 0 TrHntrrf 4 1 0 0 Texas9. 28—Arencibia (8), Rua(3). SB—F.Freeman since 2006 to sweep adoubleSan Francisco the Chicago Cubsfor its seventh SEATTLE —Robinson Cano, JRmrzss 4 0 1 0 Micarrdh 4 1 1 0 (3), Bonifacio (21). BumgarnerW,18-9 7 3 0 0 2 9 win in eight games.Cole(9-5j Sellersss 0 0 0 0 VMrtnz1b 4 1 2 1 header from New York. In the first IP H R E R BBSD Kendrys Morales andLoganMorJ.Gutierrez 2 0 0 0 0 2 B rantlydh 4 0 2 0 JMrtnzlf 4 1 2 4 Atlanta game of the day-night twinbill, HBP — by B um ga rn er (H .R a m ir ez). W P — R yu, C or rei a . i m proved to 5-0 against the Cubs, rison homered, andSeattle beat CSantn1b 4 0 0 0 Carrerpr-cf 0 1 0 0 A.Wood 7 4 1 1 2 9 allowing three runs, five hits and D.carpenterL,6-4 2-3 3 1 1 0 0 Oakland to pull within a half-game A guilar1b 0 0 0 0 Avilac 3 0 1 1 Jimmy Paredes hit a two-run dou- T—3:01. A—41,147(41,915). YGomsc 4 0 0 0 Cstllns3b 3 1 1 0 Avilan 0 0 0 0 1 0 one walk in six innings with six of the Athletics for the top spot in Kipnis2b 4 0 1 0 D.Kelly3b 0 0 0 0 ble with two outs in the 11th inning Padres 6, Diamondbacks Hale 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 5 for a 2-1 victory. strikeouts. the AL wild-card chase.Oakland Raburnrf 3 1 2 1 Suarezss 4 0 1 0 Texas 0 1 0 0 RDaviscf-If 4 0 1 0 D.Holland 7 8 1 1 0 6 has seen nearly all of its wild-card Giambiph PHOENIX —Eric Stults snapped Chsnhll3b 4 0 2 1 New York Baltimore Chicago Pittsburgh Sh.Tolleson 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 lead disappear, going 3-12over its A vileslf 3 0 1 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi a string of three straight losses, ab r hbi ab r hbi Kirkman 0 0 0 0 1 0 Waltersph 1 0 0 0 Ellsury cf 5 0 1 0 Markks rf 5 0 0 0 Coghlnlf 3 1 0 0 JHrrsn3b 4 2 3 0 KleinW,1-2 2-3 0 0 0 1 2 past15games. KansasCityand Rene Rivera homered andSan Totals 3 5 2 9 2 Totals 3 57 117 Prado3b 5 0 2 0 DeAzalf 4 0 2 0 J.Baezss 4 1 1 1 Mercerss 5 0 3 3 Feliz S,9-10 1 0 0 0 0 1 Seattle are tied. Diego beat Arizona to extend the Valuen3b 4 0 1 0 AMcctcf 5 1 2 0 Kirkmanpitchedto1batter inthe8th. C leveland 010 0 0 0 001 — 2 BMccndh 4 0 0 0 A.Jonescf 5 0 0 0 Detroit 001 200 40x — 7 Teixeir1b 5 0 0 0 N.cruzdh 4 0 0 0 Castilloc 4 0 2 1 NWalkr2b 5 0 2 2 Avilan pitchedto1 batterin the8th. Diamondbacks' losing streak to —byA.Wood(Arencibia). WP —A.Wood. Oakland Seattle E—Carrasco (1). LOB —Cleveland 7, Detroit CYounglf 5 1 2 1 Loughpr 0 1 0 0 K alishrf 3 0 0 0 Tabatarf 3 1 1 0 HBP seven games, their longest of the ab r hbi ab r hbi 7. 28 — Chisenhall (29), Aviles(13), Kinsler (38). Drew2b 4 0 1 0 Pearce1b 3 0 0 0 Valaikaph 1 0 0 0 GPolncph-rl 2 0 0 0 T—2:59. A—27,547(48,114). Crispcf 4 0 0 0 AJcksncf 4 0 0 0 38 — J.Martinez(3). HR—Raburn(4), J.Martinez(21). JMrphyc 5 0 1 0 QBerrypr 0 0 0 0 Schlittrp 0 0 0 0 GSnchz1b 2 1 1 0 season. Stults (7-16j, tied with J Gomslf 3 0 1 0 Ackleylf 3 0 0 0 CS — J.Ramirez(1). B.Ryanss 4 0 0 0 Flahrty1b 0 0 0 0 Olt1b 3 0 1 0 I.Davisph-1b 1 0 0 1 Philadelphia's A.J. Burnett and This Date In Baseball Reddckph-rf 2 0 0 0 J.Joneslf 0 0 0 0 A lcantrcf 4 1 2 1 Sniderlf 2 1 0 0 IP H R E R BBSD Rchrdsrf 3 0 2 0 JHardyss 31 1 0 Dnldsn3b 5 0 1 1 Denorfiph-If 1 0 0 0 Cleveland ISuzukirf 0 0 0 0 KJhnsn3b 5 0 1 0 the Los Angeles Dodgers' Kevin W atkns2b 4 0 0 0 CStwrtc 4 1 2 1 Sept. 13 DeNrrsdh-c 3 0 0 0 Cano2b 4 1 2 1 Hundlyc 2 0 0 0 1925 —Brooklyn's DazzyVancethrewa no-hitter CarrascoL,7-5 6 1-3 7 4 4 2 5 W adap 2 0 0 0 Colep 2 0 0 0 Correia for most losses in the Lowriess 4 0 0 0 KMorlsdh 3 1 1 1 1-3 2 3 3 1 1 Clevngr ph 0 0 0 0 Grimmp 0 0 0 0 Lamboph 1 0 0 0 C.Lee againstthePhiladelphiaPhilies inthefirst gameofa majors, allowed five runs — two BParkrp 0 0 0 0 Hldzkmp 0 0 0 0 doubleheadertogivetheDodgersa10-1 win. Freimn1b 3 1 1 0 Seager3b 2 1 0 0 Schoop 2b 4 0 0 0 Rzepczynski 0 1 0 0 0 0 Callaspph-1bg 0 0 0 MSndrsrf 3 0 0 0 Pareds ph 10 1 2 RLopezph 1 0 0 0 Morelph 1 0 0 0 1932 — TheNewYork Yankees beatCleveland Tomlin 11-3 1 0 0 0 0 earned — and seven hits in six G .Sotoc 1 0 0 0 Zuninoc 3 0 1 1 Totals 40 1 9 1 Totals Detroit 3 625 2 Rosscpp 0 0 0 0 Watsonp 0 0 0 0 9-3andclinchedtheAmericanLeaguepennant.Joe Hammlp 1 0 0 0 Morrsn1b 3 1 2 1 D.Price W 14-11 7 2-3 8 1 1 0 7 New York 0 0 0 000 00001 — 1 innings. Szczurrf 1 0 0 0 Axford p 0 0 0 0 Mccarthybecam e the first manager to winflags in BBurnsph 1 0 1 0 Romerpr 0 0 0 0 Ji.Johnson 11-3 1 1 1 1 1 Baltimore 0 0 0 000 00002 — 2 Totals 3 4 3 7 3 Totals 3 77 14 7 both league s. OFlhrtp 0 0 0 0 Smoak1b 0 0 0 0 Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. San Diego Arizona Rzepczynskipitchedto1batter in the7th. Chicago 000 111 000 — 3 1936 —BobFeller, 17,beatthe PhiladelphiaA's Oterop 0 0 0 0 BMigerss 3 0 1 0 DP — Baltimore 1. LOB —NewYork 9, Baltimore ab r hbi ab r hbi T—3:07. A—38,341(41,681). Pittsburgh 0 1 1 1 1 2 0 1x — 7 5-2 ontwohits. TheClevelandyoungsterfanned17 A.Dunnph 1 0 0 0 11. 28—C.Young (3), Drew(12), Ke.Johnson(13), Solarte3b 5 1 2 1 Inciartlf 4120 E—Watkins (4). DP—Chicago1. LOB —Chicago battersforanAmericanLeaguerecord. Scrinerp 0 0 0 0 Paredes(3). HR—C.Young (3). SB—Richardson(2), Spngnrlf 3 0 0 0 Owings2b 4 1 0 0 6, Pittsburgh10. 28—Olt (6), A.Mccutchen(35), 1965 —Wilie Mayshit his500thcareer homerun Red Sox4, Royals2 S.SmithIf 0 0 0 0 Pollockcf 4 1 3 4 A badp 0 0 0 0 Q.Berry(1). S—Flaherty,Hundley. G.Sanchez (18). 38—Tabata (2). HR—J.Baez (8), off Houston'sDonNottebart in a 5-1 SanFrancisco Gyorko2b 5 1 2 1 Trumo1b 4 0 0 0 Punto2b 3 0 0 0 I P H R ER BBSD Alcantara (9). SF —I.Davis. victory. Mossph 1 0 1 0 Rivera c 4 2 1 1 MMntrc 3 0 0 0 KANSASCITY,Mo. — Allen Web- New York IP H R E R BBSO 1971 — FrankRobinsonhit his500th careerhome F uldrf-If 3 1 1 1 McCarthy 7 4 0 0 0 6 Grandl1b 4 1 2 1 C.Rossrf 4 0 1 0 Chicago run offDetroit'sFredScherman.Theninth-inning shot ster pitched six solid innings and 1 1-3 0 0 0 2 2 RLirianrf 3 0 0 1 BJcksnpr 0 0 0 0 41-3 9 4 4 2 2 gave theBaltimoreOrioles a split in a doubleheader Totals 35 2 6 2 Totals 2 9 4 7 4 Betances Wada L,4-3 Oakland 0 01 100 000 — 2 Jemile Weeksstroked a pair of D av Robertson 1 2 -3 0 0 0 2 2 Maybincf 4 0 2 1 Lamb3b 4 1 2 0 Grimm 1 3 2 2 0 1 againsttheTigers. 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 Seattle 110 011 Ogx — 4 Warren L,3-6 BS, 3 -5 2-3 1 2 2 2 1 Amarst ss 4 1 2 0 Pnngtnss 4 0 1 0 B.Parker 1978 —TheNewYork Yankeesbeat theTigers doubles and scored two runs as E—G.Soto (2), Seager(9), B.Miler (18). DPBaltimore Stults p 2 0 0 0 Nunop 100 0 Rosscup 1 0 0 0 1 1 7-3 at Detroit tomoveinto solepossession of first Oakland1.LOB —Oakland10, Seatle 2. 28—Zunino Boston defeated sputtering KanGausman 7 7 0 0 2 7 Vincentp 0 0 0 0 Reimldph 1 1 1 1 Schlitter 1 2 1 1 0 0 placefor thefirst timeafter being14games out on (18), Morrison(15). HR —Cano(13), K.Morales(7), sas City. KansasCity lost for the A.Miller 1 0 0 0 0 3 Thayer p 0 0 0 0 EDLRsp 0 0 0 0 Pittsburgh July19. O'Day 1986 —Texashit aclubrecordsevenhome runs, Morrison (8). SB—B.Burns(2), Fuld(20), Seager(7). 1 0 0 0 0 2 Medicaph 0 0 0 0 AIMartph 1 0 0 0 ColeW,9-5 6 5 3 3 1 6 fourth time in five gamesandfell CS — Cano (3). Z.Britton 1 0 0 0 1 1 Goeertph 1 0 0 0 Harrisp 0000 HoldzkomH,2 1 0 0 0 0 2 includingtwoeachbyDarrell PorterandRubenSierra, IP H R E R BBSO out of first place in the ALCentral BrachW,7-1 1 2 1 1 0 0 Qcknsh p 0 0 0 0 Patersnp 0 0 0 0 WatsonH,32 1 1 0 0 0 2 as theRangers beatthe MinnesotaTwins14-1. The Oakland McCarthy pitchedto 1batterin the8th. A.Reed p 0000 Axford 1 1 0 0 0 2 Rangersrockedstarter BertBlylevenfor fivehome HBP —byWarren (J.Hardy). HammelL,2-6 5 4 3 3 1 6 for the first time since Aug. 10. A.Hill ph 1 0 0 0 HBP—byCole(Olt). WP—Grimm. runs, raisinghisseasontotal to 44andbreakingan O'Flaherty 1 2 1 1 0 1 The Royals, who are0-5 against T—3:51.A—31,871(45,971). Totals 35 6 11 6 Totals 35 5 105 T—3:29.A—35,638 (38,362). AmericanLeaguerecord.



- ar

osso ens ormrou o ran in

Bulletin staff report with a 99-yard touchdown pass from Friday. John Bledsoe to Cameron McCorAlso on Friday:

Seth Whitley led Ridgeview with on short runs by Ovens and another away for the Hawks. La Pine plays at 46 yards on eight carries. The Ra- on a 2-yard run by Meeker. The Cow- Lakeview next Friday. vens' lone scoring play was a 25-yard boys play at Sisters next Friday. Culver 60, Bonanza 0: CULVERtouchdown pass from Jacob Johnson La Pine 32, Jefferson 14: LA PINE Culver scored 46 points in the first

mick just 23 seconds into Friday's

to Tanner O'Neal in the first quarter.

PORTLAND — Summit opened

night's game against Franklin and rolled to a a 52-6 nonconference win Friday night at Franklin High School. Summit quarterback John Bledsoe completed 21 of 29 passes for 351

The Storm host A s hland next Redmond 56, Eagle Point 7: EAGLE

POINT — Redmond jumped out to a 42-7 first-half lead and cruised past host Eagle Point. The Panthers (2-0) ran for 404 yards and seven touchdowns in the nonconference game. yards and four touchdowns. McCor- Running back Derek Brown scored mick had five receptions for 180 yards three touchdowns, quarterback Bunin the game. ker Parrish added two more rushing The Storm (2-0) had 497 yards to- scores, and Parrish hit tight end Cody tal offense in the game, including 369 Winters all before halftime. Brown yards passing and 128 running. racked up 165 yards on 17 carries, Franklin (0-2) scored on a 20-yard and Parrish rolled up 97 yards rushpass from Max Hawkins to Ian Peder- ing while completing 3 of 6 passes for son in the second quarter. 78 yards. Riley Powell and Jeremy The Storm defense allowed the

Quakers only232 yards,including 153 yards passing and 79 on the ground. For the Storm, Kyle Cornett had six

Durham each scored a second-half

touchdown passes, and Keegan Kriz

test. Tanner Hanson's touchdown

Gilchrist 46, McKenzie 13: BLUE RIVER — McKenzie scored 13 points in the first 2~/2 minutes, but did not

Bulldogs, who play at Santiam next the season in a nonconference con- Friday.

Ravens host Hood River Valley next

Friday. Henley 48, Crook County 28:

run in the first quarter and Ward's PRINEVILLE — A kickoff return for two-point conversion pass to Mara touchdown turned the momentum cus Weant gave the Hawks (1-1) the for the visiting Hornets from Klamath lead, and the Lions trailed the rest of Falls in a nonconference game. Hen- the way. Jefferson's two touchdowns

score again as Gilchrist claimed a nonconference road victory. The Grizzlies led 20-13 at halftime, and

ley led 14-0 in the first quarter before

were both scored on fumble returns.

were led by the play of freshman quarterback Nathan Heitzman. "He was making pretty good decisions," Gilchrist coach Steve Gillaspie said of Heitzman. "And we made the right

Blake Bartels passed 5 yards to Park- "Our defense played really well," er Lapsley for a touchdown, and Cole said La Pine coach Josh McInnis, who singled out the play of Weant at

outside linebacker. Weant, a senior, was credited with six solo tackles

coach Nathan Stanley. "A REALLY

and two assists. Ward passed for 207

tionfor45 yardsand atouchdown and South Albany 27, Ridgeview 7: ALalso scored on a 14-yard run. Jason BANY — The Ravens led 7-0 at the Garcia scored on a 2-yard run, and end ofthe first quarterbefore South Thomas Carter scored on a 15-yard Albany scored 27 unanswered points.

win. Levi Vincent, Clay McClure and Tucker Davis each had two touchdown runs in the first half for the

Ovens' point-after kick got Crook

The Dalles next Friday.

half en route to nonconference home

ran fora pair ofthird-quarter scores to lead the Hawks to their first win of

touchdowns. "For us, it was a real suc- County within 14-7. But the Hornets cessful business trip," said Redmond returned the ensuing kickoff for a

receptions for 110 yards and a touch- successful trip." The Panthers host down, and Sean Kent had one recep-

— Quarterback Brad Ward connected with Austin Kentner for two long

"They just executed better than we did," Ridgeview coach Andy Codding said of South Albany. "We took ourselves out of the game early." The

touchdown and never looked back.

adjustments defensively." Gilchrist hosts Prospect on Sept. 26.

Collbran Meeker gained 110 yards on yards and two touchdowns. Kentner 19 carries, Clark Woodward added made just two receptions, but both

Sisters 13, Madras 12: MADRAS — The Outlaws spoiled the opening

72 yards on 11 attempts, and Crook

of the White Buffaloes' new stadi-

went for touchdowns and he finished

County (1-1) finished with 343 rush- with a total of 118 yards. Kriz rushed um. Sisters (1-1) host Crook County ing yards. The Cowboys scored three for 74 yards on 13 attempts, and his next Friday, while Madras (0-2) hosts touchdowns in the fourth quarter, two two touchdown runs put the game Stayton.



Continued from C1 "Everything starts making

Friday's Summaries

sense on the field, and every-


thing becomes simple." Skill players like Wilcox,

Mountain View 46, Central 30

who finished with 129 receiv-

Central 0 8 1 4 8 — 30 Mountain View 7 19 13 7 — 46 MV —CodyAnthony9run(ZachEmersonkick) MV — AustinAlbin 21passfromCaleb Tatum (kick failed) C—WesleyRiddell 52run(DougClemrun) MV — Anthony5run(passfailed) MV —ChrisAdamo31 passfromMike Irwin (Emersonkick) MV —INIin1run (kickfailed) C—KylerFleming29passfromClem(passfailed) MV —Dantly Wilcox29passfromIrwin (Emerson kick) C— Riddell44run(Clempass) MV —Anthony1run(Emerson kick) C— Riddell8passfromClem(Clemrun)

ing yards — all but 6 of those yards in the second halfand a touchdown, and Cody

Anthony, who rushed for 77 yards and three scores. All three players stepped up when called upon and contributed to Mountain View's opening drive of the second half — the

drive that helped the Cougars find their rhythm. "Coach always says (that) the firstthree series of the

Bend21,Klamath Union0 KlamarhUnion 7 0 7 7 — 21 Bend 0 0 0 0 —0 B— ChrisWallace12passfrom Creighton Simmonds (Johnsonkick) B— HunterMcDonald6run(Johnsonkick) B — EvanChapman 10 pass from Simmonds (Johnson kick)

second half are the most important," Anthony said. "We

wanted to come out and score right away, send a message right away, put the game away. And we did." Wesley Riddell carried the load for Central of Independence, rushing for 242 yards

Summit 52, Franklin 6 Summit Franklin

and two scores on 29 car-

ries while logging an 8-yard touchdown reception. "He's a talented kid," Crum

said of Riddell. "Boy, he makes some nice moves at full speed, and he made our kids look a little silly sometimes. I thought we had a really good defensive game plan. He's just a really talented running back." Doug Clem completed 13 of 30 passes for 124 yards and a touchdown for the Panthers (1-1), but it was not enough as Mountain View pulled away for a second straight win. "I think we're sending a message," said A n t hony, whose team travels to Central Point next Friday to take on Crater. "But I still don't think we're sending the message that we could send. We

can get better every day. And

1 7 1 4 7 14 — 5 2

0 6 0 0 — 6 S — Camero n McCormick 99 passfrom John Bledsoe(Kaden Wadsworth kick) S— FG Wadsworth 22 S— KyleCornett 30passfrom Bledsoe(Wadsworthkick) F— lanPederson20passfromMaxHawkins (kick blocked) S— SeanKent 14run(Wadsworth kick) S— Kent45passfromBledsoe(Wadsworth kick) S— DillanMattison 6passfromBledsoe(Wadsworthkick) S— JasonGarcia 2run(Wadsworth kick) S— Thoma sCarter15 run(Wadsworth kick)

South Albany27, Ridgeview 7 Ridgeview 7 0 0 0 —7 South Albany 0 6 1 3 8 — 27 SouthAlbanyscoring playsunavailable. R— TannerO'Neal25passfrom JacobJohnson (TroyPurcell kick)

Redmond56,Eagle Point7 Redmond 2 1 2 1 7 7 — 56 Eagle Point 0 7 0 0 —7 R—DerekBrown run(Alex Hugheskick) R—BunkerParrish run(Hugheskick) !w


g4, Vj I




Henley 48, CrookCounty 28

when we reach our full potential is when we'll send a big


R—Brownrun(Hugheskick) R—CodyWinterspassfromPaIrish(Hugheskick) R—RileyPowell run(Hugheskick) R—Brownrun(Hugheskick) R—Parrishrun(Hugheskick) R—JeremyDurham(Hugheskick)

Joe Kline/The Bulletin

— Reporter: 541-383-0307, Mountain View's Mike Irwin (4) celebrates a second half touchdown on Friday night at Mountain View glucasibendbulletin.com. High.

Henley 22 8 0 1 8 — 48 C rook County 7 0 0 21 — 2 8 Henleyscoringplaysnotavailable CC — ParkerLapsley 5 passfrom BlakeBartels (ColeOvenskick) CC —Ovens5run(Ovenskick) CC —CollbranMeeker2run (Bartels run) CC —Ovens1run(passfailed)

La Pine 32,Jeff elson14


CougarsblankCorvallis for 1st win of season Bulletin staff report CORVALLIS — Mountain

In other Friday action: GIRLS SOCCER

View scored on a second-half Bend 4, Crescent Valley free kick, and that was all the 1: CORVALLIS — The Lava Cougars needed Friday to Bears (2-0-1) remained unnotch their first girls soccer beaten with the nonconfervictory of the season. ence road win. Taryn Poole blasted a free


kick from about 35 yards out that eluded the Corvallis

quin 0: The host Saints took

goalie in the 68th minute, and Mountain View held on for a

out first-year Mountain Valley League foe Chiloquin 25-

1-0 nonconference victory.

9, 25-10, 25-23. Setter Allison

"It was a real chess match,

Trinity Lutheran 3, Chilo-

Central Christian fell 25-9, 25-20, 25-8 in its Mountain

the scoring on a penalty kick

Valley League opener.

Crescent Valley 3, Bend 1: The host Lava Bears (1-2)


late in the game.

Ridgeview 4,

M i lwaukie took a 1-0 lead on a penalty "Flat and kick by Chance Flammang 2: REDMOND f loundering" is h o w R i d- three minutes into the nongeview coach Rick Burns de- c onference match, but t h e scribed his team's start. But Raiders from Corvallis made after trailing 2-0 just 15 min- off with the win with three utes in, the host Ravens came straight goals. Crescent Valalive after a goal by Eduardo ley scored a pair of first-half Vargas and went on to win the goals and added the clincher nonconference contest. West- midway through the second ley Carter scored the equaliz- half. er, and Malachi Stalberg put City Christian 5, Central Ridgeview (2-0-1) up 3-2 at C hristian 3: PORTLAND halftime. Adrian Pena kicked Central Christian never led what Burns called "the goal of but kept the Class 3A/2A/IA the game" on a 25-yard volley Special District 6 match close to cap the scoring 52 minutes all the way, getting two goals into the match. from Caleb Reynolds and Mountain View 3, Corval- one from Aiden Bristow. Two lis 1: The visiting Spartans quick goals late in the first scored first, but Zach Em- half put the host Lions up 4-1

Jorge posted a season-high and they made the first mis- 28 assists to go with her teamtake," said Cougars coach high nine service aces. Katie Don Emerson, who c a lled Murphy had 10 kills for TrinPoole's decisive kick "a great ity Lutheran (5-1 overall, 3-0 shot." MVL), and Mariah Murphy, T he scoreless first h a l f Emily Eidler and Megan Clift featured stellar play by both added six apiece. goalkeepers, according to North Lake 3, Gilchrist 2: Emerson. Sarah Bailey fin- GILCHRIST — North Lake ished with 16 saves for Moun- won th e M o u ntain V a lley tain View (1-2). League contest 24-26, 25"Both goalkeepers made 23, 14-25, 25-14, 17-15. It was erson evened the score 30 fantastic saves all game," the league opener for North minutes into the contest for said Emerson. "The whole Lake, while the host Grizzlies Mountain View (1-2). Taylor game was back and forth. We slipped to 0-3 in league play. Willman gave the hosts the played some of our best socProspect 3, Central Chris- lead for good 20 minutes into cer of the year." tian 0: PROSPECT — Visiting the second half,then capped

at the break, but Reynolds

tallied his second goal and Bristow scored to get the Tigers within 4-3 with about

15 minutes left in their season-opening contest.

Jefferson 6 8 0 0 — r4 L a Pine 8 12 12 0 — 3 2 LP — TannerHansonrun(MarcusWeant passfrom BradWard) J— Sam Slater fumblereturn(run failed) LP — Austin Kentner43 passfromWard(run failed) LP —Kentner 74passfromWard(passfailed) J— CoryStrait fumblereturn(Strait run) LP —KeeganKriz run(runfailed) LP —Krizrun(passfailed)

CIllver 60, Bonanza0 Bonanza 0 0 0 0 — 0 Culver 27 19 x x — 60 Second halfscoringunavailable. C—LeviVincent44run(Tanner Davis kick) C—Clay McCLure17run(Tanner Davis kick) C—Tucker Davis 6run(kickfailed) C—McClure39run(kickfailed) C—Vincent14 run(kick failed) C—Tucker Davis 42run(Tanner Davis kick)

Friday's scores Adrian42,Dufur 20 Amity36,Reedsport 12 Ashland 40, Dallas19 Baker35,Payette, Idaho14 Barlow56, JeffersonPDX19 Bend21,Klamath0 Burns53,Lakeview0 Cascade21,Seaside16 Cascade Christian 28, PleasantHil 20 Centennia35, l Aloha16 Century42,Cleveland20 Chiloquin60 Glendale26 Churchill 37,Wilamette7 Clackamas 48, Roosevelt 12 Coquille16,MyrtlePoint8 Counc>lIdaho , 76,Powder Valley0 CrescentValley14 Wilson7 Culver60,Bonanza0 DaysCreek50, Prospect34 Elgin 50,Harper/Huntington26 Fort Vancouver,Wash.54,TheDalles28 Gilchrist46,McKenzie13 Gladstone 27,North Marion 7 Glide53,RogueRiver 0 GoldBeach50,Vernonia0 GrantsPass56,Newberg21 Gresham 45, Corvallis19 Harrisburg57,Clatskanie27 Henley48,CrookCounty28 Hermiston 28, Kamiakin, Wash. 7 HillsboIO49,Glencoe28 HoodRiver46, Madison6 HorizonChristianTualatin 24, SalemAcademy0 IllinoisValley35 Brookings-Harbor20 lone 48, Echo42 Kennedy 57, Gervais 7 Knappa 20, Central Linn14 La Pine32,Jefferson1t Lakeridge46,OregonCity 20 Lebanon14,SouthEugene10 uberly43,st Helens13 Mazama 41,Elmira 0 McLoughlin30,Enterprise 6 Modoc,Calif. 20,LostRiver13 Mohawk 58, FallsCity 30

Molalla41,stayron14 MountainView46, Central 30 Nasel le,Wash.28,Neah-Kah-Nie8 Nestucca13,Oakland12 Newport28,Tilamook19 NorthBend56, CottageGrove15 NorthLake42, Mitchell-Spray 20 NorthMedford35,Canby21 Nort hValley30,SouthUmpqua24,OT Nyssa 26,NewPlymouth,Idaho8 Oakridge 27, Creswell 7 Paradise,Calif. 37,Crater27 Parkrose58,LaSalle 29 Pendleton31,LaGrande21 PeIrydale54, Crow14 Phil omath3,Banks0,OT Phoenix30,Junction City23 Putnam 59, Milwaukie 24 Redmond 56,EaglePoint7 Regis28,Dayton12

Roseburg 3I, Tualatin14 Sandy 7, Wilsonville 6 Santiam13,Waldport0 SantiamChristian50,Rainier 0 Scappoose56,Benson14 Sheldon29,Jesuit 27 Sheridan16,Colton14,OT Sherman 60, Crane14 Sherwood 61,Grant21 Silverton34, Marist13 Sisters13,Madras12 Siuslaw28,Scio22 SouthAlbany27,Ridgeview7 SouthMedford21, LakeOswego14 SouthSalem49, McMinnville 24 South WascoCounty62,Alsea20 Southridge45,Lincoln 35 Sprague41,McKay20 Springfield30,Thurston14 St. JohnBosco,Calif. 42,Central Catholic14 St. Mary's46, Riddle25 St. Paul28,Monroe20 Summi52, t Franklin6 Sunset55,Reynolds 49 Sutherlin20,Marshfield 6 SweetHom e28,Estacada13 Taft 54,Toledo0 Tigard45,Beaverton 27 Tri-CitiesPrep,Wash. 41,Stanfield12 Union/Cove 35,Riverside 6 Vale 33,Homedale,ldaho20 ValleyCatholic41,Corbett7 Wallowa 32,Condon/Wheeler 0 WaIrenton 58, Wilamina26 Weiser,Idaho14,Ontario 0 WestAlbany21,North Salem6 West Linn49,DavidDouglas26 WestSalem55, ForestGrove20 Westv iew34,McNary20 Wilder,Idaho84, JordanValley 46 Woodburn48, North Eugene45

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NASCAR lOC vice president Craig Reedie, who is Scottish, has said it would be "very, very difficult" for an independent Olympic team to be formed in time for Rio. The 2020 Tokyo Olympics could be a more realistic target.


After rain, Kyle Busch

on pole to openChase By Jenna Fryer

Continued from C1 Polls suggest the two sides are running neck and neck, presenting a real possibility

The Associated Press

that Scotland could break

on track became a strategy

away after 307 years as part of the United Kingdom.

session for the championship contenders. If qualifying was rained out, the field for Sunday's opening round of the Chase for the Sprint Cup championship would be set by practice speeds and teams had to

H ere is a

JOLIET, Ill. — With rain in

Friday's forecast at Chicagoland Speedway, the only time

l ook at w h at

a p ro-independence vote Thursday could mean for Scottish sports:

Olympics Scottish athletes currently compete for Britain — Team

,~as t~

,,Douf AR. ' GENtrRAt.


decide if they wanted to fo-

cus on simply posting a fast lap to grab a strong starting

s ..«e

GB — in the Olympics. Fifty-five Scottish athletes were part of the British team at the

Nam Y. Huh/The Associated Press


Kyle Busch, walking to the

It worked out perfectly for Kyle Busch, Ryan Newman

garage area during practice

10 percent of the total. Scots

and Carl Edwards, who all

Sunday's Sprint Cup race by

shared in 13 out of a total of 65 British medals, including seven gold. Murray won the tennis gold and Chris Hoy won two golds in track cycling. The others came in team events in canoeing, rowing and equestrian, with Scots competing alongside other British athletes. Hoy is Britain's most decorated Olympian with six career golds from four games, and he was Britain's flag bearer at the opening ceremony in London. So what would happen for future Olympics if Scots vote for independence? The split would become of-

shot to the top of the speed having the fastest car during chart in p ractice and were the practice session.

2012 London Games, about

ficial in March 2016. That is


rewarded with the top three The Associated Press file photo

Britain's Chris Hoy celebrates winning the gold medal in the track cycling men's keirin event during the 2012 London Olympics. Hoy's future status, as well as that of Scottish Olympic athletes, rests on the result of next week's independence referendum in Scotland.

flag, an arrangement applied in the past for athletes from the former Soviet Union, former Yugoslavia, East Timor

and South Sudan. Indian athletes marched under the Olympic flag in the opening ceremony at the Winter Games in Sochi while their national committee was un-

der suspension. Other crucial questions

only a few months before the opening of the Rio Olympics on Aug. 5, posing a tight timetable for sending a Scotland

ahead of Rio: How w o uld

team. Scotland would need to set

Scottish athletes go through the Olympic qualifying pro-

after draping himself in the Union Jack while wearing his 2012 gold medal after beating Roger Federer on Wimbledon's Centre Court. Murray also would compete for Scotland, instead of Britain, in the Davis Cup. Murray's mother, Judy, currently coaches Britain's Fed Cup team. Murray, who grew up in Dunblane, Scotland, but now resides in England, has

an elimination method for the

actual qualifying position." Edwards said crew chief Jimmy Fennig made one final adjustment late in practice that found him additional

expanded 16-driver field, four

Royal Portrush in Northern

Ireland — possibly in 2019forthefirsttime since 1951. "The Open Championship is an

i n ternational event,"

R&A spokesman Malcolm

publicly one way or the oth-

gland, and occasionally in

pick Scottish athletes in the meantime? What would hap-

er on independence. He was

Ireland. We're committed to

nition from the Internation-

one but England" at the 2006

need to win full ratification

as an independent country

ducted a study on the impact of independence on the Olympics, said hopes of setting up

land," Murray told reporters

recently at the U.S. Open.

Golf With St. Andrews and the



Central Oregon connection

Continued from C1 "Not at alL Our mentality is still the same. I thought

this practice was one of the better ones we've had this year," Mariota said this week. "Our attitude won't

change and we just gotta continue to get better and we

look forward to another one on Saturday." Mariota

s o l i dified hi s

candidacy for the Heisman Trophy by passing for 318 yards and three touchdowns

against a vaunted Michigan State defense that was ranked second n a tionally

last season. T hrough t h e

f i rst t w o

games, Mariota has passed for 585 yards and six touchdowns while running for 85 yards and another score. The junior quarterback has a school-record 69 c areer

touchdown passes, with at least one TD thrown in all

28 games in which he has played. Wyoming is coming off the 300th win in program history, rallying for a 17-13 victory over Air Force last weekend. Today's game will be the Cowboys' first on the road this season. Mariota certainly has the

attention of Wyoming coach Craig Bohl. " Since

he ' s

quar t e r -

backed, they've only lost three games. This guy is 6 foot 4, and I saw him make

Scottish clubs Rangers and Celtic joining the English soccer league. Scotland and Englandbitter soccer rivals — are scheduled to play a friendly at Celtic Park on Nov. 18, two months after the vote. Both

sides are planning security measures for what could be a heated atmosphere. England fans shouted obscene chants

about Scotland at a European Championship qualifier in Switzerland on Monday. "That's going to be a very, very spiky game," England coach Roy Hodgson said.

Listed at No. 2 on the depth chart at tight end for the Cow-

GAME OF THEWEEK fle.12UCLA(2-0) vs. Texas(1-1) inArlington, Texas:This was one of the nonconference headliners going into the season, two power programs meeting at Jerry Jones' football-topia. UCLA hasn't quite lived up toexpectations and Texas seems to still be in rebuilding modeunder newcoach Charlie Strong, but it still should be fun to watch. TheBruins opened at No. 7 inthe preseason poll, but havedropped the past two weeksafter beating Virginia and Memphis in less than blowouts. Texaspredictably rolled over North Texas in its opener, but lost quarterback David Ash to a concussion. Hedidn't play last week against BYUand the Longhorns were crushed bythe Cougars for the second straight season, 41-7.Ash isout indefinitely, leaving Texas in a tough spot agaInst UCLA.

boys is Jacob Hollister, a soph-

INSIDE THENUMBERS California, Utah andOregon State all have abyethis week.... Pac-12 teamsare acombined 20-4 so far this season.... Oregon has scored 40 or more points in 33 of its past 41 games.... Stanford has allowed fewer than 30points in 25 straight games, the nation's longest streak.... Washington's DannyShelton had four sacks against Eastern Washington last week, most since Martin Harrison had four against OregonState in 1989. IMPACT PLAYER D.J. Fester, ArizonaState: The junior has beensuperb in his first season asthe Sun Devils' featured back, entering Saturday's gameagainst Colorado third nationally with 363 yards. He ran for a career-best 216yards last week against New Mexico and could haveanother big day against the Buffaloes — if Arizona State doesn't run awaywith the gameearly. — The Associated Press

cago just trying to make it through the f irst r ound. A

victory earns an automatic advancement into th e round.

n ext

GOLF ROUNDUP Billy Horschel hits from the

fairway on the third hole during the secondI'ound of the Tour Championship Friday in Atlanta.

often-mentioned possibility of


BEST MATCHUP Illinois (2-0) at Washington(2-0): Two undefeated teams get a chance toseejust how good theyare. Washington beat Hawaii in its season opener behind the defense, then relied on its offense to outlast Eastern WashIngton 59-52. Illinois hasn't exactly been dominating, either, surviving a scareagainst Youngstown State andneeding to rally last week against Western Kentucky. A step-up In competition could be abIt of a realIty check for both teams.

on the sheet. "We started the day thinking this might happen and Jimmy did a great job with a strategy," Edwards said. "I

The first round of cuts comes Sept. 28 at Dover, and all 16 drivers came into Chi-

land also has its own domes-

tic soccer league. Independence might put an end to the

a Scotland team for Rio were

speed and moved him to third

drivers will be knocked out of contention every three races.

Scotland already competes independently in soccer, as do England, Wales and Northern Ireland. (Scotland last qualified for the World Cup in 1998 and the European Championship in 1996.) Scot-

Royal 8 Ancient, Scotland is feasible but "very ambitious." considered the home of golf. take. In any case, he said, athletes The Ryder Cup will be played IOC vice president Craig should not be shut out. in Gleneagles this month, just "The athletes must be al- days after the independence Reedie, who is Scottish, has said it would be "very, very lowed a choice of being part vote. By c o i ncidence, the difficult" for an independent of the GB team or part of the R&A vote on whether to adOlympic team to be formed in Scotland team," McLeish said mit women as members will time for Rio. The 2020 Tokyo on BBC radio. be held on the same day as Olympics could be a more rethe referendum. Tennis alistic target. With golf r eturning to Thomas Bach, the IOC Andy Murray would be- the Olympics in Rio for the p resident, has said the i n come Scotland's No. 1 player first time in more than 100 terests of Scottish athletes and leave British tennis with- years, players such as Stewould be protected ahead of out a top male contender. It phen Gallacher and Russell Rio if the country secedes. would create the awkward Knox could be competing for Some athletes presumably situation of Murray playing Scotland. could choose to continue rep- as a "foreigner" at the All EnWhat w o u l d ind e penresenting Britain. Scots could gland Club. He could play un- dence mean for the oldest of also compete as "independent der the blue-and-white Scot- golf's four majors? While it athletes" under the Olympic tish flag in Rio, four years is known as the British Open from the United Nations. It is not clear how long that could

to have to get every little bit

had achance of that being our

cess? Would the British team

Former Scottish first minister Henry McLeish, who con-

and the forecast," said New-

among courses in Scotland and England. It will return to

up its own national Olympic pen to the funding Scottish committee and gain recog- athletes currently receive

criteria easily. But Scotland would also

going to have to do throughout the Chase — we're just going

ed. The tournament rotates

steered clear of coming out

from U.K. Sport and the na-

think that's what all of us are

qualifying. "We definitely saw the radar

Open Championship in the U.K. and would not be affect-

in the United States, the tournament is officially called the

Booth said. "It's always been h eld in S cotland and E n -

al Olympic Committee. The tional lottery? Many Scottish World Cup. "If Scotland became innew body would require affil- athletes use Olympic training iation with at least five inter- facilities in England — how dependent, then I imagine I national sports federations. would they be affected'? would be playing for Scot-

starting spots in Sunday's race when rain indeed washed out

man, who will start second on you can every race weekend." Sunday. "Made one (practice) The 10-race Chase opens run and switched it over, spent at Chicago under a radically the rest of the time doing mock different format introduced qualifying runs, knowing we this year by NASCAR. Using

castigated in England a few be in Scotland and England, years ago when he jested that and we are going back to he would be supporting "any- Ireland."

Scotland already meets that

Friday, earned the pole for

John Bazemore /The Associated


Horschel continueshot

streak atChampionship The Associated Press ATLANTA — Billy Horschel

putting him at 8-under 132 at East Lake.

showed why he might be the McIlroy made his only bogey hottest player in golf at the mo- with a buried lie at the face of a ment with another 4-under 66 bunker on No. 4, causinghimto on Friday in the Tour Champi- blast out sideways. He bounced onship. It was his 10th straight back with birdies, and poured it round in the 60s. He already on at the end of his round with has a victory and a runner-up a 12-foot par save, a 20-foot finish in the FedEx Cup play- birdie and a 25-foot birdie. offs. And now he gets to take on Also on Friday: the best player in golf. Lincicome takes 1-shot lead Rory McIlroy rode three big at Evian: EVIAN-LES-BAINS,

omore from Mountain View

putts and one bizarre break

High in Bend. Hollister has played in both games so far this season for Wyoming and has one catch for five yards.

— a tee shot landed in a spec- had sixbirdies in a 6-under 65 tator's pocket — on his way to to take a one-shot lead from a 65 that left him two shots be- Hyo-Joo Kim of South Korea at hind and put him in the final the halfway stage of the Evian group at East Lake going into Championship. The day after the homestretch of the FedEx making history with the lowCup. est ever score in a women's or

Mariota's counterpart Poised senior quarterback Colby Kirkegaard threw for 282 yards and tw o

t ouch-

downs last Saturday against Air Force, including the game-winning TD with 58 seconds left. Overall he has 374 yards and two touchdowns with one interception.

Don't evenblink Reigning NCAA 110-meter hurdles champion Devon

Allen caught three passes for 110 yards and a pair of touchdowns against Michigan State, including a 70yard c a tch-and-run

s c ore

in the second quarter. "He takes that same work ethic that he has in track and puts it on the football field, and I

France — Brittany Lincicome

At stake for both of them-

men's major with a 10-under 61,

along with Chris Kirk — is a shot at the $10 million bonus. "I'm a guy that when I feel good aboutmy game, I've got some confidence that I'm going to figure out some way to play well and post a number," Horschel said.

Kim had four bogeys and res-

That he has done. Horschel is 35 under par in

cued her round with three birdies on the back nine — indud-

ing a 35-footer on the last hole. Larrazabal breaks course record: ZANDVOORT, Neth-

erlands — Pablo Larrazabal broke the course record at Kennemer Golf gt Country Club,

shooting an eight under 62 to his past 10 rounds. He was run- take the lead at the halfway ner-up at the Deutsche Bank stage of the KLM Open at 10 Championship two weeks ago, under. when he squandered a shot to at least get into a playoff by chunking a 6-iron into a hazard. And he followed that with a victory in the BMW Champi-

onship at Cherry Hills. And now he has a pair of 66s,

think that's why he's having so much success so early in about his redshirt freshman teammate.


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his career," senior Oregon receiver Keanon Lowe said

C'0 8



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five Michigan State tack- gotaguythat's6-4,isavery p e ople miss. That's a pret- ence that the Ducks have not lers, who are very athletic, competitive player and has a ty good combination right played. So far, Oregon is 51miss," Bohl said. "So you've live arm and makes a lot of t h e r e." 18-1 against MWC teams.


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Players agree to drug test overhaul

No must-win games, but some areclose By Barry Wilner

here. It's a quality of life is-

The Associated Press

sue I think we all face when

It's way too early to talk about must-win situations,

The Washington Post

NFL player representatives voted Friday to ratify

changes to the sport's drug policies, giving their approval to a variety of modifications that will include players being blood-tested for h uman growth hormone.


T he Patr i o t s, Packers and C olts

Under the deal, the sus-

where Tom Brady, Aaron

Rodgers or Andrew Luck are employed. "We're a long ways from the team we're going to be," Brady said as he prepared

Gordon, Denver Broncos

wideout Wes Welker and other players are to be reduced, pending the league and players' union completing the final details of

gJ77 i


and the NFL Players As-

sociation first agreed to it as part of their 2011 labor deal. HGH already is on the sport's list of banned performance-enhancing

r .i •

The Packers havehadplenty of time to prepare for the Jets, but also lots of time — sinceSept. 4 — to stewabout how poorly they performed at Seattle. Now,they get anopponent whose defensecan play tricks on anyone.GreenBayfaces another tough running gameled by Chris Ivory andChris Johnsonafter yielding 207 yards onthe ground to the Seahawks.



pl a y ers


until now have not been tested for it. The two sides

Gene J. Puskar/The Associated Press

first had to agree to the

Pittsburgh's Antonio Brown kicks Cleveland Browns punter Spencer Lanning during last week's

program's details before testing could begin, and the

game. Brownwas given anunsportsmanlike conduct penalty on the play and onFriday was fined $8,268. Despite Lanning's embarrasment on the play, his peers defended his technique and said he did his job by slowing down the return man.

for three full seasons while

Gordon was to be susson for a violation of the sport's substance abuse policy. Welker was to be suspended from the first four games for testing positive for a banned performance-enhancing sub-

How good did the Seahawks lookagainst a seemingly solid Green Bay team?For now,there's little discussion who is the NFL'sbest. The defending champions haven't been inSanDiego in nearly12 years. And they haven't played since that openeragainst the Packers on Sept. 4, while the Chargers comeoff an18-17 loss at Arizona on Monday night. Doesn't quite seemequitable.


stance. Under the changes to b e i m p l emented,

By Dave Campbell The Associated Press

For all the diving catches and long runs during the NFL's opening weekend, the most enduring image might have been a blooper.

nario is stark. "It's icing on the cake if you can make a tack-

le and bring someone down," said Kansas City punter Dustin Colquitt, who made the Pro Bowl in 2012.

they will be stricken earlier

The sight of Antonio Brown's foot in Spencer Lanning's peers, naturally, expressed pride Lanning's face as the Pittsburgh returner was in his effort, courage and technique. "He was right on him. He got his arm around trying to elude the Cleveland punter last Sunday elicited sympathetic cringes and derisive his leg, still, and he made him stumble," Minnelaughs from far and wide. sota punter Jeff Locke said. "I caught a lot of grief from my friends. I saw Full tackling drills in practice these days in the pictures because they were sent to me. I've the NFL are rare even for defensive players, so seen all the videos, and I do think they're pretty the most work the specialists typically get in funny. I have to admit people do have some time this area is with pursuit angles after the ball is on their hands," Lanning said this week. "But kicked. They're taught how to effectively use at the end of the day, I probably would have had the sideline as an extra teammate. "If you can just slow him down until somemore fun with it had we won." Brown was fined $8,268 by the NFL on body who is in pursuit can come and get him, you've done your job," Vikings kicker Blair Friday. At first glance, this was just another futile Walsh said. attempt by an undersized specialist at tackling The instincts aren't always there, because a player paid for his speed, agility and size, not most of them have been focused on kicking simply for the strength and accuracy of his leg. their whole career. Lanning was at least a good sport about the Chiefs kicker Cairo Santos was on a high gaffe. He said he wasn't mad. school team in Florida with only 19 players, "He just should have given me a move, I though, so he had to play some on defense. thought, but whatever," said Lanning, who had Some guys, like Oakland's Sebastian Janikowa soreneck and abruise overhis righteye but ski, are big enough to deliver jarring hits. Inwas uncertain whether that came from the dianapolis kickoff man Pat McAfee pancaked collision. Denver's Trindon Holliday during a game last Brown drew an unnecessary roughness pen- season. alty but said he meant no harm. After appearColquitt fondly remembered former team-

and at least twice as often

ing to abort his hurdle mid-stride when realiz-

as the general population. The disclosure Friday

ing Lanning was not going to desperately dive solutely boss return guys. He just had that lineat his knees and instead had him properly lined backer mentality, so it was fun." up likeany defenderwould, Brown's leg wound Tennessee punter Brett Kern, as a rookie up headed straight for the front of the orange with Denver at the time, was about to be leveled helmet. during a play while an Oakland blocker had his

PHILADELPHIA — The NFL estimates that nearly

three in 10 former players will develop debilitating brain conditions, and that

comes in separate actu-

arial data the league and players' lawyers released as part of their proposed $765 million settlement of thousands of concussion lawsuits.

Both the league and lead players' lawyers expect 28 percent of the men will

develop Alzheimer's disease or at least moderate dementia.

There are more than 19,000 living former players, meaning nearly 6,000 of them will fall into those two groups.

mate Daniel Sepulveda in action: "He can ab-

and would come at"nota-

bly younger ages." The proposed settlement includes $675 million for player awards, $75 million for baseline assessments, $10 million for research and $5 million for public notice. It w ouldn't cover

current players.

Two teams that looked superior on defense, albeit against weak offenses. Linebacker LukeKuechly, last year's top defensive player in theleague,waseverywhereinthewinatTampaBay.TheBucshad little chance to test Carolina's supposedly poor secondary because of the Panthers' front seven. TheLions present a difficult matchup for that secondary with Calvin Johnson, whose164 yards lead the NFL — healso had two TDsagainst the Giants — and newcomer Golden Tate.

KANSASCITY(0-1) AT DENVER(1-0) Speaking of tough guys to cover, Broncos tight end Julius Thomas (Portland State) picked upwhere heleft off last season with three TD catches against the Colts. Peyton Manning, who hasbeatenall 32 teams now, loves seeingKC:Heis11-1 with 3,530 yards passing and 24 TDs. KansasCity already has been ravaged by injuries, but it gets backwideoutDwayne Bowe from aone-game suspension.

NEW ORLEANS (0-1) AT CLEVELAND(0-1) Saints rookie WRBrandin Cooks (Oregon State) madequite a debut with seven catches for 77 yards and a score, while he also handled punt returns. The Browns lost starting RBBenTate (kneej and have dropped eight consecutive homeopeners.

ATLANTA (1-0) AT CINCINNATI(1-0) Few teamswere more impressive in opening road victories than the Bengals, who were0-3 in Baltimore with Andy Dalton at quarterback. And when they blew a15-0 lead, they responded. This is amatchup of superb receivers: A.J. Green onthe Bengals, Julio Jones and Roddy White on theFalcons. Could be ashootout.

MIAMI (1-0) ATBUFFALO(1-0) If you predicted these two would bespotless after their openers, please buy ussomelottery tickets. Miami displayed afierce pass rush that dumpedBrady four times in the second half. Just as impressive was arushing attack that overpowered the Patriots. Buffalo stunned everyone in Chicago, and a whole lot of folks back in Western New York, with its overtime win.


"I tried to get over him," Brown said after the game. "There was no intent to hurt him. It was

hand against his chin. So Kern held on, twisted

just a bad outcome of a play." Fair catches and down-field tackles that preventlong returns,ofcourse,are farm ore common than punters being part of the play. Touchbacks for kickers have the same effect. Rare is the moment when the specialists are in sole po-

the turf. "I got a FedEx letter that Wednesday," Kern said of the $5,000 fine. "I almost broke down in

No one canblamethe Jaguars for wanting to remember the first half they played at Philadelphia, leading 17-0. Asfor the second half and the Eagles'34 straight points, they're not erasing those thoughts — as painful as theywere —coach GusBradley said. "I think our players sense it," Bradley noted. "It did sting them, but I think that the biggest point that I made toour team is after being our best, and we saw what being our best looks like in the first half, now it's just got to be done for 60 minutes."

tears having to tell my wife about that."


sition to stop a runback.

The task, however, is no joke. If the kicker or the punter is in such a posi-

the guy's facemask and brought them both to

Touchbacks and fair catches are always the

goal. That's not cowardice, but rather common sense. If a returner is racing toward a kicker or a punter that means he, or a teammate or two

on the coverage unit, has not done his job. "Hopefully I'll get a highlight soon, right?" touchdown that can make the difference in Locke said, pausing to reconsider: "Or hopefulwinning or losing. Their disadvantage, against ly I don't get a highlight soon. Inever want to be a returner approaching at full speed, in this sce- that guy." tion, they're often the last chance to prevent a

The NFL report said the

ex-players' diagnosis rates would be "materially higher than those expected in the general population"



pended for the entire sea-

The Associated Press

Don't stray from the TVset for too long on this one, the way both teams movethe ball and stress a quick tempo. Philly has won five straight road openers. But Indy hasnot lost back-to-back regular-seasongames sincecoachChuckPaganoand Luckarrived in2012. The biggest bust of the opening weekendhad to bethe Bears, who fell at home to Buffalo. Santa Claragets to host its first real NFLgame at the new $1.2 billion Levi's Stadium. Thehosts assure everyone the grass field will be playable after twice being replaced.

the NFL and the union remained at odds over those details.

By Maryclaire Dale

al m o s t

Brady will see anold friend, former backup Matt Cassel, on theother side, starting for the Vikings. But NewEngland's biggest worries will be slowing down wideout Cordarrelle Patterson, who had ahuge game rushing andreceiving at St. Louis. "He's definitely a tremendous athlete," linebacker Dont'a Hightower said of Patterson. "Youdon't see many guys whocan dothat, come out andplay receiver andthen actually line up in thebackfield and run the ball like a running back."

more games ofa 10-game suspension, according to a person familiar with the deliberations. The go-ahead for HGH testing comes more than threeyears aftertheleague

brain trauma

" Unfortunately


s erve ni ne

NFLsays3 in 10 former playersface

"We can't think about last

week. That's gone, so now we're getting ready for the Jets," Packers safety Morgan Burnett said.

doesn't count in professionsota. "We hate losing ... it's al sports," Luck said of a 31a terrible feeling around 24 defeat at Denver.

to become eligible to play immediately and Gordon

neither would have been suspended. Dallas Cowboys cornerback Orlando Scandrick also is among the previously suspended players who are to become eligible to play immediately, according to the person familiar with the deliberations.


for Sunday's trip to Minne-

the agreement. Welker is

testing was kept on hold

W hile New

gland heads to Minall are division favorites, nesota, Green Bay hosts the and only Indy represent- New York Jets and the Colts ed itself particularly well are home Monday night for in the openers. Still, panic Philadelphia — both visitors isn't going to be settling in coming off opening wins.

pensions of C l eveland Browns wide receiver Josh

substances bu t

motivates us to go out there

although three highly rat- and have a great week of ed teams — New England, practice and be prepared Green Bay and Infor this game, go out d ianapolis — go into W E EK 2 the r e and try to beat W eek of 2 flosses. a very good team." PREy

By Mark Maske

will have t o

we lose, and hopefully it

49ers totest re-soddedLevi's field SANTA CLARA, Calif.— The SanFrancisco 49ers will practice in Levi's Stadium today, astep that might be moreabout footing than getting familiar with the surroundings. The49ers host the Chicago Bears on Sundaynight, the first time the stadium will be usedfor an NFLregular-season game. "The reports are positive," 49ers coach Jim Harbaughsaid Friday. "We've hadthree practices and two preseason gamesand we'll practice there tomorrow." The difference is the field has beenre-sodded three times, and the 49ers will be getting their first look at the latest version. Punter Andy Lee and kicker Phil Dawson are theonly players to haveexperienced the latest transformation. "What it is now, from what it's been, it's perfectly fine," Leesaid. "I don't know howthe big guys will do, but it seems like it will be great." The 49ers tore out the turf following their first exhibition gameagainst the Denver Broncos and Harbaugh ended a public practice early when players slipped on the grass. — The Associated Press

So the Cardinalshaveashortweekand needtomakeacross-country trip for an early Sundaykickoff. Often that spells failure, but the Giants also playeda Mondaynightopener.AndNew York'snew offense was, well, offensive — to the tune of being inept or invisible at Detroit.

DALLAS(0-1) ATTENNESSEE(1-0) What a nicedebut for KenWhisenhunt as coach of the Titans, who dominated theChiefs in Kansas City. JasonMcCourty had two interceptions, and thewayTony Romowasgetting picked in the Cowboys' dismal opener, McCourty and friends surely are thinking about more takeaways. Dallas wastheonly team with four giveaways in its opener.

ST. LOUIS(0-1) ATTAMPABAY(0-1) The Ramshavebeen devastated by injuries on both sides of the ball. They lost quarterback SamBradshaw to a repeat knee injury in the preseason, andnowstar defensive end Chris Long is gonefor at least six weeks, requiring left leg surgery.

HOUSTON (1-0) AT OAKLAND(0-1) Already, the Raiders are atthe bottom of the offense rankings. Yes, they played apretty staunch defense in the Jets, managing a meager 25 yards on the ground and176 overall with a rookie quarterback. Now, DerekCarr faces abetter pass rush, led by end J.J. Watt, who already is off to a terrific start.






TOdap Saturday, September 13, 201 4

BABA debut


O» To look upindividual stocks, gc tcbendbugetin.com/business.Also seearecap in Sunday's Businesssection.




10 YRT NOTE ~ +. 06 2.61%


2 040

SstP 500


Close: 1,985.54 Change: -11.91 (-0.6%)

China's Alibaba Group is seeking 1,960 '" " " ' 10 DAYS to raise as much as $24 billion in its upcoming IPO, an amount that 2,050 " would be the most raised by a company in a stock market debut. 2,000 " The e-commercecompany and its 1,950 " early investors are hoping to sell up to 388 million shares for $60 to 1,900 $88 apiece. Shares are expected 1,850 to begin trading under the ticker BABA on the New York Stock 1 800 Exchange. M A M


StocksRecap NYSE NASD

• •


Vol. (in mil.) 3,133 1,729 Pvs. Volume 2,866 1,665 Advanced 6 59 8 6 9 Declined 2504 1812 New Highs 42 58 New Lows 59 37

17 oso "


...... Close: 16,987.51 Change: -61.49 (-0.4%)


16,920" ""' 10 DAYS "






+ +.02














HIGH LOW CLOSE CHG. 17044.05 16937.67 16987.51 -61.49 -3.33 DOW Trans. 8579.16 8538.77 8552.28 DOW Util. 559.38 548.02 549.64 -1 0.26 NYSE Comp. 10965.32 10883.66 10911.39 -64.60 NASDAQ 4590.08 4555.68 4567.60 -24.21 S&P 500 1996.74 1980.26 1985.54 -11.91 S&P 400 1435.43 1418.95 1422.06 -1 3.50 Wilshire 5000 21182.54 20986.39 21041.43 -141.11 Russell 2000 1172.95 1157.44 1160.61 -11.73


%CHG. -0.36% -0.04% -1.83% -0.59% -0.53% -0.60% -0.94% -0.67% -1.00%

'::"'""An iPhone boost

Price-earnings ratio: 12



based on trailing 12 month results


Dividend:none Source: Factset


( B ased on trailing 12 month results)


Gainers NAME

L AST CHG NetElem 5 .70 +2 . 5 2 NorandaAI 5 .63 +1 . 3 9 Conversant 3 4.80 + 8 .09 21viaoet 1 9.87 +4 . 3 5 ChinaGreen 2 .85 +.57 AldeyraT n 5 .03 +.88 Laotrooix 2 .15 +.34 UltaSalon 1 14.89 $ .17.41 Galectin wt 2 .99 +.45 OneHorizo 2 .77 +.38


Prudential Iavestmeo2020FocA m VALUE




%C H G +7 9 .2 +3 2 .8 +3 0 .3 03 +2 8 . 0 +25 . 0 X443 +21 . 2 Moroingstar OwnershipZone™ +18 . 8 +1 7 .9 QeFund target represents weighted +17 . 7 average of stock holdings +15 . 9 • Represents 75% of fuod's stock holdings

CATEGORY Large Gro wth C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR RATING™ PTWAK -2.89 -17.0 -3.34 -12.7 ASSETS * * 5 4 54 54 -1.02 -12.3 EXP RATIO 1.18% -.28 -12.3 MANAGER Spiros Segalas -.25 -10.6 SINCE 1998-07-01 RETURNS3-MO $972 million Foreign Markets YTD +3.1 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +7.6 Paris 4,441.70 +.80 + . 02 3-YR ANNL +13.9 London 6,806.96 +7.34 + . 11 5-YR-ANNL +16.4 -40.15 -.41 Frankfurt 9,651.13 Hong Kong24,595.32 -67.32 -.27 TOP 5HOLDINGS Mexico 45,799.70 +1 27.10 +.28 Facebook Inc Class A Milan 21,071.12 -21.12 -.10 Tokyo 15,948.29 +39.09 + . 25 Apple Inc Stockholm 1,388.59 + 5.74 + . 4 2 Biogen Idec Inc -15.00 -.27 Schlumberger NV Sydney 5,532.00 Zurich 8,795.93 -33.08 -.37 Applied Materials Inc NAME

L AST Trovag un 14.11 DrxBrzBull 23.07 EogyFoc rs 7.24 LilisEn If 2.00 SynthBiol 2.11


. 14 1%


* ~5-yr



Source: FactSet


Prudential Jennison 20/20 Focus has a new manager of the MarhetSummary value portion of its concentrated Most Active portfolio. Morningstar says NAME VOL (Bgs) LAST CHG Warren Koontz has a strong track BkofAm 1134624 16.79 +.22 record. 199.13 -1.17 7.00 +.43 43.79 -.47 42.88 +1.62 101.66 +.23 16.38 -1.25 47.81 -2.15 52.19 +1.51 28.62 +.62

T otal r eturn Y T D

Tot a l returns through Sept. 12 *annualized


S&P500ETF 1037194 Sprint 895237 iShEMkts 797212 Yahoo 675314 Apple Inc s 608670 Petrobras 517875 iShBrazil 488825 eBay 421361 8 iPVix rs 397379

HCN Close:$63.25 V-3.24 or -4.9% The health-care real estate company priced a public offering of 15.5 million shares at a discount to the previous closing price. $70


J A 52-week range

S Close:$7.00L0.43 or 6.5% The wireless services company will begin offering the new iPhones starting Sept. 19, along with special unlimited data plans. $10 8


J A 52-week range

$5.36 ~


P E: . . . Yield: ...

XPO Logistics

XPO Close:$38.22 %4.17 or 12.2% The freight transportation and logistics company said it secured $700 million in investments, which it will use for acquisitions. $40

8 $68 .36


J A 52-week range


8 $3 9.28

P E: .. . Yield: ...

UL TA eBay

Ulta Salon, Cosmetics

Close:$114.89 L17.41 or 17.9%

The beauty products company reported better-than-expected second-quarter financial results and raised its full-year guidance. $120

EBAY Close:$52.19L1.51 or 3.0% Reuters reported that the electronic commerce company will begin running advertisements on its mobile app in the fourth quarter. $60 55





Vol.:99.7m (4.3x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$27.62 b

Vol.:17.0m (8.1x avg.) PE : 124.0 Vol.:4.5m (5.1x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$19.52 b Yi e ld:5.0% Mkt. Cap: $2.01 b





J 52-week range


$73 2.72

Vol.:9.5m (10.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$7.39 b

PE: 35.1 Yield:...


AMRN Close:$1.49 V-0.32 or -17.7% The drug developer lost an appeal with the Food and Drug Administration over expanding the label of its fish-oil pill Vascepa. $2.5 2.0


A J 52-week range

$48.06 ~



Vol.:4 2.3m (3.4x avg.) P E: . . . Mkt. Cap:$64.78 b Yield: ...


CNVR Close:$34.80%8.09 or 30.3% The digital marketing company is being bought by Alliance Data Systems in a $2.3 billion deal expected to close this year. $35 30 25



J A 52-week range


8 $7 .3 9

Vol.:14.6m (5.6x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$260.15 m

PE:. Ye i ld : .


J A 52-week range

$7862 ~ Vol.:14.0m (16.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$2.23 b

8 $3 5. 17 PE : 25.2 Yield: ...

SOURCE: Sungard


The yield on the 10-year Treasury rose to 2.61 percent Friday. Yields affect rates on consumer and business loans.



3-month T-bill . 0 1 .0 1 6-month T-bill . 0 4 .04 ... w 52-wk T-bill .08 .09 -0.01 ~ 2 -year T-note . 5 6 .56 ... L 5-year T-note 1.82 1.79 +0.03 L 10-year T-note 2.61 2.55 +0.06 L 30-year T-bond 3.35 3.27 +0.08 L










L .45 L 1.72 L 2.91 W 3.85


Barclays LongT-Bdldx 3.18 3.08 +0.10 L L BondBuyerMuniIdx 4.45 4.45 ... L L

Barclays USAggregate 2.36 2.36 ...

W 3.67 W 5 .25


L 2.59 L 6.32 Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.12 4.13 -0.01 L L W 4.7 3 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 2.08 2.05 +0.03 L L L 1.81 Barclays US Corp 3.05 3.05 ... L L L 3.53

PRIME FED Barcl aysUS HighYield 5.67 5.63 +0.04 L L RATE FUNDS

YEST3.25 .13 6 MO AGO3.25 .13 1 YRAGO3.25 .13

PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1YR 3YR BYR 1 3 5 Commodities AmericanFunds AmBalA m 25 . 62 -.11+5.8 +14.6 +15.9+12.8 A A A CaplncBuA m 60.58 -.32 +6.0 +12.3 +12.8 +9.8 A A B The price of oil CpWldGrlA m 47.33 -.19 +5.8 +15.0 +18.1+10.7 8 8 D fell Friday on EurPacGrA m 50.80 -.81 +1.9 +11.3 +13.6 +7.6 A 8 8 concerns that FnlnvA m 54. 7 3 - .26 +6.9 +18.6 +20.8+14.7 C C C global demand GrthAmA m 46.29 -.33 +7.7 +18.9 +21.6+14.7 C 8 D is falling while IncAmerA m 21.74 -.11 +6.9 +14.5 +14.9+12.4 A A A supplies remain InvCoAmA m 39.97 -.26 +9.7 +21.3 +22.1+14.4 A 8 C ample. Among NewPerspA m38.81 -.10 +3.3 +13.7 +17.7+11.9 C 8 8 metals, gold WAMutlnvA m42.14 -.21 +7.8 +18.8 +20.9+16.1 8 C A fell, while silver Dodge &Cox Income 13.87 -.82 +4.4 +6 .8 + 4.5 +5.5 A A B and copper Intlstk 46.53 -.12 +8.1 +17.8 +19.2+10.3 A A A Stock 182.90 -.40 +9.5 +22.8 +26.5+16.6 A A A rose. Corn and Fidelity Contra 101. 8 4 - . 64 +7.0 +19.6 +20.2+16.3 B C B soybeans also ContraK 101 . 84 -.64+7.1 +19.7 +20.4+16.5 B C B fell. LowPriStk d 49.87 -.89 +5.6 +15.6 +21.2+16.5 D D C Fideli S artao 500l d xAdvtg 70.71 -.43 +9.0 +20.3 +22.1+16.1 B 8 A FraakTemp-Franklio Income C m 2. 54 -.81 +7.1 +13.4 +13.4+11.5 A A A IncomeA m 2. 5 1 -. 82 +7.6 +13.7 +13.8+12.0 A A A Oakmarb Intl I 25.84 +.82 -1.8 +3.9 +20.7 +11.4 E A A Oppeaheimer RisDivA m 20 . 87 -.11+6.2 +16.1 +18.1+13.4 D E D RisDivB m 18 . 63 -.10+5.6 +15.1 +17.1+12.4 E E E RisDivC m 18 . 52 -.89+5.7 +15.3 +17.3+12.6 E E E SmMidValAm 47.82 -.39 +6.4 +16.4+18.4+13.4 D E E SmMidValBm 39.53 -.32 +5.8 +15.6+17.5+12.4 D E E Foreign T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 34.3 1 - . 19 +5.6 +14.8 +20.7+14.3 E C C Exchange GrowStk 55.2 9 - . 40 +5.2 +19.6 +22.0+17.5 B 8 A The dollar rose HealthSci 68.8 9 - . 45+19.2 +31.1 +37.1+26.8 B A A versus the yen, Newlncome 9. 5 0 - .83+4.1 + 5 .8 + 2.9 +4.5 B C D but slid against Vanguard 500Adml 183.97 1.10 +9.0 +20.3 +22.1+16.1 8 8 A the euro and 500lnv 183.92 1.10 +8.9 +20.2 +22.0+16.0 8 8 8 British pound. CapOp 52.23 -.29 +13.1 +22.6 +26.6+16.8 A A A The ICE L.S. Eqlnc 31.61 -.17 +7.7 +17.5 +21.5+16.8 C C A Dollar index, IntlStkldxAdm 28.49 -.10 +3.6 +10.5 +12.1 NA 8 D which compares StratgcEq 33.83 -.31 +10.1 +24.9 +25.8+19.8 A A A the dollar's TgtRe2020 28.69 -.11 +5.8 +12.4 +12.9+10.5 A A A value to a Tgtet2025 16.70 -.87 +6.0 +13.3 +14.1+11.1 A 8 8 basket of key TotBdAdml 10.75 -.82 +3.7 +5.0 +2.2 +4.1 D D D currencies, Totlntl 17.83 -.86 +3.5 +10.3 +12.0 +6.8 B D C edged lower. TotStlAdm 50.16 -.33 +8.3 +19.7 +22.3+16.5 8 8 A TotStldx 50.13 -.33 +8.3 +19.5 +22.1+16.4 C 8 A USGro 30.74 -.19 +7.1 +20.4 +21.5+15.5 8 8 C Welltn 40.12 -.14 +7.0 +14.3 +15.6+11.8 A A A FAMILY

PCT 3.78 3.74 3.48 Fund Footnotes: b -Feecovering marketcosts is paid from fund assets. d - Deferredsales charge, or redemption 3.26 fee. f - front load (salescharges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually amarketing feeandeither a sales or 2.95 redemption fee.Source: Morningstar.


35 30


2 Q ' 14



Stocks fell moderately Friday, closing out the market's first weekly loss in more than a month. Bond yields rose sharply, which caused investors to sell dividend-rich stocks such as those of utility companies and health-care companies. Stocks have generally trended lower this week, as investors struggled to find reason to buy shares. In the end, the Standard & Poor's 500 fell just over 1 percent this week. Investors now turn their eyes to next week's Federal Reserve meeting, where economists expect the central bank will further pull back on its economic stimulus program.

Health Care REIT

High drug costs and reimbursement rate reductions crimped Rite Aid's earnings in its fiscal first quarter. DividendFootnotes:6 - Extra dividends werepaid, but arenot included. b -Annual rate plus stock. 0 -Liquidating dividend. 6 -Amount declaredor paid in last 12 months. f - Current annual rate, whichwasincreased bymost recentdividendannouncement. i —Sum of dividends paidafter stock split, no regular rate. I —Sumof dividends paidthis year.Most recent Did it happen again in the wasomitted or deferred. k - Declared or paidthis year, acumulative issue with dividends in arrears. m — Current annualrate, which wasdecreasedbymost recentdividend drugstore chain's second quarter? dividend announcement. p — Initial dividend, annual rate not known, yield not shown. r —Declared or paid in preceding 12months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, approximate cash value on ex-distributioe date.PEFootnotes: q —Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc — P/Eexceeds 99. dd - Loss in last 12 months. Investors will find out on Thursday, when Rite Aid reports its latest quarterly financial results. Wall Street also will be listening for an update on prescription Best Buy started taking pre-orders for Apple's from a $229 million legal settlement. But excluding sales. They typically make up the new iPhone 6, set to hit stores next week, and its that settlement, results topped analysts' estimates. largest share of the company's stock rose 3.4 percent Friday. Like many retailers, Best Buy is total drugstore sales. The nation's largest drawing fewer customers into its RAD $6.55 consumer electronics retailer is stores as shoppers increasingly buy e C $10 continuing to try to turn itself and research on their PCs or mobile $3.66 around. devices. But the electronics business Last month, Best Buy - gg also had its own specific problemreported that its second-quarter downward pressure on prices ahead of '14 net income fell 45 percent from Q) expected product launches prior to the a year earlier, when it benefited holiday season. Operating I t I I Best Buy (BBY) Fdday's close:$33.62 EPS




Close:$257.91 L5.04 or 2.0% A 8 The manager of retail credit card and loyalty programs will buy digital marketer Conversant for about $2.3 WK MO QTR YTD billion. L +2 .48% $300 +1 5.56% 280 L L +12.04% +4.91% 260 +9.36% +7.42% J J A 8 +5.92% 52-week range +6.78% $203.62 ~ $30 0.49 -0.26% V Vol.:1.5m (2.7x avg.) PE: 3 1.9 Mkt. Cap:$14.32 b Yield:...


Price-earnings ratio:

+ -.56 '

Alliance Data Systems ADS

52-WK RANGE e CLOSE Y TD 1YR V O L NAME TICKER LO Hl CLOSE CHG%CHG WK MO QTR %CHG %RTN (Thous) P/E DIV Alaska Air Group A LK 28.74 ~ 50.49 4 7. 2 7 -.09 -0.2 L L V +28. 9 +5 7 .8 8 5 8 1 1 0. 5 0 Avista Corp A VA 25.55 ~ 33.60 3 1. 7 8 -.63 -2.5 V V V +12. 7 +29 . 9 303 10 1 . 27 The Fed speaks Bank of America B AC 13. 60 ~ 18.03 16. 7 9 +. 2 2 +1.3 L L L + 7.8 +13 . 7113462 20 0.20f The latest monthly meeting of the Barrett Business B B S I41 . 96 ~ 102.2 0 57. 42 - 1 .04 -1.8 V V L -38.1 - 10.0 7 0 24 0. 7 2 Federal Reserve's policymakers Boeing Co BA 106.56 ~ 144. 5 7 12 6.95 -.69 -0.5 L L V -7.0 +19.3 2838 1 9 2 . 92 should provide insight on the L L +0.2 - 11.6 6 1 Cascade Baacorp C A C B4 .11 ~ 6.35 5.24 -.03 -0.6 L central bank's interest-rate ColumbiaBokg COLB 2 3.43 ~ 3 0.3 6 26.64 +.16+0.6 L L L -3.1 +1 3.2 2 1 2 1 9 0 . 56f strategy. The Fed has kept its key Columbia Sportswear COLM 57.88 L T 4$ — 89 .96 75 . 97 -.55 -0.7 T - 3.5 +31.9 38 25 1.1 2 short-term interest rate near zero CostcoWholesale COST 109.50 ~ 1 27 .32125.37 -.57 -0.5 V L L +5.3 +6.7 14 0 2 2 8 1. 4 2 since December 2008 to try to Craft Brew Alliance BR EW 10.07 ~ 18.70 1 2. 6 5 -.17 -1.3 T W L -23.0 -2.6 2 4 55 energize a sluggish recovery. FLIR Systems F LIR 27.91 ~ 37.42 3 3. 4 4 -.16 -0.5 W V +11.1 +5. 2 64 8 2 5 0. 4 0 Now, with job growth strong and Hewlett PacKard HPQ 20 . 25 — 0 38.25 36 .56 - .20 -0.5 W L L + 30. 7 +6 7 .8 7 5 68 1 4 0.64 unemployment falling, investors Intel Corp I NTC 22.48 ~ 35.56 3 4. 6 2 -.40 -1.1 V L L +33.4 +57 .5 25502 17 0 . 9 0 have beenspeculatingabout when Keycorp K EY 11.05 ~ 14.70 13.9 3 +. 0 9 +0 .7 L L V +3.8 +16. 7 11411 13 0 . 2 6 the Fed might start lifting rates. Kroger Co K R 3 5 .13 ~ 52.72 5 1. 8 3 -.34 -0.7 V L L +31. 1 +4 0 .2 5 756 17 0 . 6 6 L V +37. 0 +5 6 .7 564 36 Lattice Semi LSCC 4.17 ~ 9.19 7.52 -.16 -2.1 V The Fed is expected to deliver a LA Pacific L PX 12.71 ~ 18.96 1 3. 6 7 -.33 -2.4 w w w -26.1 -17.5 3080 cc policyupdate on Wednesday. MDU Resources MDU 26 . 39 ~ 36.05 3 0. 1 7 -.64 -2.1 V V V -1.2 +18.4 4 8 0 2 0 0. 7 1 Mentor Graphics MEN T 19.14 ~ 24.31 22. 1 0 + . 0 4 +0.2 W L L -8.2 - 2.6 87 1 1 8 0 . 20 Microsoft Corp MSFT 31.20 e 47.00 4 6. 7 0 -.31 -0.6 L L L +24.8 +47 .0 36320 18 1 . 1 2 40 r y Nike Ioc B N KE 64.93 ~ 82.79 81. 8 4 +. 0 2 ... V L L +4.1 +22. 5 2 8 98 2 8 0 . 9 6 Nordstrom Ioc J WN 54.90 ~ 71.45 69.0 8 +. 1 1 +0 .2 V L L + 11.8 +22 .8 1 0 36 1 9 1. 3 2 Nwst Nat Gas NWN 40.05 ~ 47.50 43. 8 2 - 1 .03 - 2.3 V W V +2.3 +15 . 2 70 21 1.8 4 V V + 1.6 +11. 3 1 5 02 1 7 0.88 PaccarIoc PCAR 53.59 ty— 68. 81 60 . 1 4 - .53 -0.9 V Planar Systms PLNR 1.77 ~ 5.30 4.57 -.22 -4.6 V L L +79. 9 + 1 60.3 2 30 7 6 Plum Creek PCL 40.24 o — 50.0 8 39. 6 3 -.69 -2.2 T W T -14.8 - 8.2 2015 3 4 1 . 76 Prec Castparts PCP 220.54 ~ 275. 0 9 23 9.96 -1.71 -0.7 W L W - 10.9 + 5. 8 4 9 4 1 9 0 . 1 2 Safeway Ioc SWY 23.14 ~ 36.03 3 4. 5 0 -.08 -0.2 V V L +18.3 +48 . 7 9 61 3 0 . 92 Schoitzer Steel SCHN 2 4.13 ~ 33.32 2 5. 7 2 -.48 -1.8 w w w -21.3 -1.0 101 dd 0 . 7 5 Sherwin Wms SHW 170.63 — 0 219.21 215.55 -2.49 - 1.1 V L L +17.5 +24 .7 42 1 2 7 2. 2 0 StaocorpFocl S FG 53.54 ~ 69.51 64. 7 4 +. 0 1 ... V L L -2.3 +19.2 2 0 1 1 3 1 .10f StarbacbsCp SBUX 67.93 ~ 82.50 7 5. 4 7 -.65 -0.9 V V V - 3.7 + 2 . 3 7 125 2 9 1 . 04 Triqoiot Semi TQNT 6.80 — o 21.48 20 .18 -.16 -0.9 W L L +142 .0 +1 53.1 2242 cc L V Dmppaa Holdings UM P Q 15.56 ty 19.65 17 .55 -.08 -0.4 L -8.3 +7 . 4 1 5 59 26 0 . 6 0 US Bancorp U SB 35.69 ~ 43.92 42. 2 0 +. 1 0 +0.2 L L V +4.5 +17 . 3 7 8 00 1 4 0 . 98f Washington Fedl WAF D 19.53 ty— 24. 53 21 . 64 -.06 -0.3 V L V -7.1 + 4 . 9 3 6 5 1 4 0 . 44f Wells Fargo & Co W F C 4 0 .07 ~ 53.08 51. 7 0 +. 1 1 +0.2 L L W +13. 9 +2 4 .4 12387 13 1 . 40 Bettar quarter? L Weyerhaeaser W Y 2 7.48 ~ 34.60 3 3. 0 9 -.60 -1.8 V +4.8 +21.8 4695 2 6 1 .16f

2 Q '13


D ow Jones industrials



GOLD ~ $1,229.90

h5Q HS


Crude Oil (bbl) Ethanol (gal) Heating Oil (gal) Natural Gas (mmbtu) UnleadedGas(gal) METALS

Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 92.27 92.83 -0.60 -6.3 -5.1 1.81 1.82 2.74 2.76 -0.57 -10.9 -8.8 3.86 3.82 +0.89 2.52 2.52 -0.21 -9.6

CLOSE PVS. 1229.90 1237.40 18.55 18.53 1370.50 1370.70 3.10 3.09 836.05 833.35

%CH. %YTD - 0.61 + 2 . 3 +0.07 -4.1 -0.01 -0.0 +0.49 -9.9 +0.32 +1 6.5


CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD 1.56 1.57 -0.70 +1 6.2 Coffee (Ib) 1.80 1.81 -0.50 +62.3 Corn (bu) 3.39 3.32 +2.19 -19.7 Cotton (Ib) 0.71 0.71 -0.25 -16.6 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 348.00 345.50 +0.72 -3.4 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.46 1.47 - 0.48 + 7 . 3 Soybeans (bu) 10.91 10.62 +2.78 -1 6.9 Wheat(bu) 4.98 5.03 -0.94 -17.7 1YR.

MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6254 +.0031 +.19% 1.5811 Canadian Dollar 1.1 095 +.0041 +.37% 1.0325 USD per Euro 1.2948 +.0023 +.18% 1.3303 JapaneseYen 107.32 + . 2 7 + .25% 9 9 . 44 Mexican Peso 13. 2 455 +.0325 +.25% 13.0905 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.6271 -.0026 -.07% 3.5503 Norwegian Krone 6 . 3712 -.0079 -.12% 5.8841 SouthAfrican Rand 11.0090 +.0309 +.28% 9.9632 Swedish Krona 7.1 3 62 + .0068 +.10% 6.5133 Swiss Franc .9340 -.0017 -.18% . 9302 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.1057 +.0070 +.63% 1.0791 Chinese Yuan 6.1340 +.0040 +.07% 6.1182 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7508 +.0002 +.00% 7.7539 Indian Rupee 60.808 -.142 -.23% 63.540 Singapore Dollar 1.2630 -.0002 -.02% 1.2678 South KoreanWon 1038.13 +1.83 +.18% 1085.10 -.01 -.03% 29.69 Taiwan Dollar 30.03


BEST OFTHE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • Ag Business Program Series: Learn about taxes, finance andaccounting and financial analysis in the first of four sessions for small agricultural businesses. $29; walk-ins welcome; 9 a.m.-noon; Central OregonCommunity College — CrookCounty Open Campus,510SE Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-383-7290. MONDAY • You Can Have a Rewarding BProfitable Careerin Real Estate: Principal Broker Jim Mazziotti leads this career discovery event; register by email; free; 6-7 p.m.; Exit Realty Bend,354 NE Greenwood Ave., Suite 100; 541-480-8835 or soarwithexit©gmail.com. TUESDAY • Buying orSelling a Business: Learn to successfully buy, sell or invest in a business; registration required; $49; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 NW Coll egeW ay,Bend; 541-383-7270. • Membership 101Driving Your Membership: Connect with Bend Chamber of Commerce members; RSVPrequired; free; 10-11a.m.; Bend Chamber of Commerce, 777 NWWall St., Suite 200; 541-382-3221 or shelley@bendchamber.org. • Business After Hours and RibbonCutting: Celebrate the newCentral Oregon Community College — Redmond Technology Education Center; 4:30-6 p.m.; Redmond campus, 2030 SECollege Loop, Redmond; 541-383-7599. WEDNESDAY •LaborandEm ployment Law Update: Presentation on state andfederal legislative changes to labor laws, hosted by Human Resource Association of Central Oregon; registration required; $30 HRACOmembers, $45 nonmembers; 7:30-11 a.m 4 Shilo Inn Suites Hotel, 3105 O.B.Riley Road, Bend;541-389-9600 or www.hrcentraloregon. org. • What's Hot in Franchising: Interactive workshop will cover trends and best industries in 2014-15; learn howto choose, financeandenjoy franchising; $29; 6-8 p.m4 COCCChandler Building, 1027 NWTrenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290. • Brownfield redevelopment: Deschutes County representatives will discuss brownfield redevelopment and evaluating a property's environmental condition; free; 6-8 p.m.; Deschutes County administration building, 1300 NWWall St., Bend; 541-385-1709, peter. gutowsky©deschutes.org or www.deschutes.org. THURSDAY • Business Startup Workshop: Learn the basic steps needed to opena business; preregistration required; $29; 6-8 p.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-383-7290. • Project Management Information Meeting: Learn about project management skills and how you might benefit from certification; registration required; free; 5:30-6:30 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 NW Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7270. • Ribbon Cutting and Open House: 5:30-7:30 p.m.; St. Charles Center for Women's Health, 340 NW Fifth St., Redmond. FRIDAY • Construction Contractor Course: Two-day test preparation course to become alicensed contractor in Oregon; Sept. 19 and 20; prepayment required; $305 includes Oregon Contractor's Reference Manual; 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 NWCollege Way, Bend; 541-383-7290, ccb©cocc.edu or www. cocc.edu/ccb. SEPT. 22 • Capturing the Value of Big Data: Learn about data science andhow to apply it to your business; $499; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; FoundersPad, 777 SW Mill ViewWay, Bend; founderspad.com/ workshops. • For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday'sBulletin or visit bendbulletin.com/bizcal

O www.bendbulletin.com/business

or ansi see in o e erminee en o reac By Nicole Perlroth and Matthew Goldstein

window into howthe bank's

individual computers work. They said it mightbe difficult

New York Times News Service

The headache caused by the

attackon JPMorgan Chase's computer network this summer may not go away anytime soon. Hackers gained entryto dozens of thebank's servers, said three people with knowl-

edge of thebank's investigation who spoke on the condition of anonymity. This, they said, potentiallygavethe hackers a

for the bankto find every last

vulnerability andbe surethat its systems were thoroughly secured against future attack.

The hackerswere able to review information about a million customer accounts

90of the bank's servers were affected, effectivelygivingthe hackers high-level administrative privileges in the systems. Hackers canpotentially crosscheck JPMorgan programs and applications with known security weaknesses,

saidhackers hadnot gained accesstoaccountholders'financial information or Social

Securitynumbers, andmay have reviewed onlynames, addresses and phone numbers.

The hackbegan in June and was not detected until late July.

looking for one that has not

yetbeenpatched so they can regain access.

and gain access to a list of the software applications installed

A fourth person with knowl-

on thebank's computers. One personbriefed said more than

edge of the matter, also speaking on condition of anonymity,

Listerine diversifies

for global market By Rachel Abrams New York Times News Service

JPMorganbriefed financial regulators onthe extent of the

MORRIS PLAINS, N.J. — Walking into the Listerine "stink lab" is like step-

damage last week. Investigators say at least four other

ping into a gigantic human mouth with terrible, terrible

banks or financial institutions


were also affected.

The stinklab (or odor chamber, as Johnson & Johnson prefers to call it) is where the consumer products manufacturercul-


tivates the germs it needs to

test a growing list of mouthRoger Thomasson of SunWest Builders works on the Rim-

rock Trails

;.~s. 'r




gg. . ' •


' 4

spirits are forbidden; Green

Tea Listerine, made specifically for Asian markets; and most recently Listerine

Naturals, a mouthwash


obsession with nonsyntheticingredients that was


<I '~

Listerine Zero, popular in Muslim countries where

Adolescent Treatment building in Prineville on

w •

wash varieties. There is the alcohol-free

geared toward Americans' introduced this year in the United States and could ex-

The nonprofit also has outpatient offices in Bend, Red-

pand overseas. The 135-year-old

mond and

more than a century. But


lately, the company has

mouthwash brand had

not changed its four core germ-killing ingredients in been forced to think outside

. t a gW .Cy

thebottle, as Americans continue to spend more cautiously than they did before the economic collapse of 2008, and are always on the hunt for the next best thing.

Johnson & Johnsonhas tripled its varieties of Lister-

Rachael Rees/The Bulletin

Owner:Rimrock Trails Adolescent Treatment RIMROCK TRAILSADOLESCENT Services TREATMENT SERVICES Architect:Cornerstone Drafting & Design LLC 1333 NW Ninth St., Prineville and DonWoods General Contractor:SunWest Builders Contact:541-447-2631 and ready for concrete. Wehopeto have concrete done early next week," hesaid. "Inside, framing js Rimrock Trails Adolescent Treatment Services, underway and we hope to be ready for electrical which providesmentalhealth andsubstanceabuse work insidethatarea bymiddle of next week." treatment to youths, is adding office and conferErica Fuller-Hewjtt, executive director of Rimence space, aswell as upgrades to its residential rock Trails, estimatesthe addition will cost around campus inPrineville onNWNinth Street. $240,000. Theproject is financedthrough ColumConstruction beganMonday and it's a two- to bja Bank with federal backing via the U.S.Departthree-month project, said Mark Maxwell, senior ment of Agriculture business and industry loan project manager for SunWest Builders. guaranteeprogram. "Right now we havethe foundation excavated The number of teens served doubled over the

last year, according to Rimrock. In 1990, Rimrock Trails began asCentral Oregon Extended Unit for Recovery with a12-bedunit in Prineville Memorial Hospital. Theresidential campuswasconstructed a few years later.Todayit is a 24-bedfacility that services youth 12 to 17and is one of five adolescent drug and alcohol residential treatment centers in the state. Thenonprofit also has outpatient offices jn Bend,Redmondand Prjnevijle. "This enhancesthe mission we havetoserve our clients to the best of our ability and to provide an enriching experiencefor them while they're on the road to recovery," saidJanBrieske, business manager for RimrockTrails. —Rachae/Rees, 7be Bulletin

Scotland faces domain namechoice By Mark Beech

At present, Scotland has the

Bloomberg News

LONDON — Scotland has plenty to sort out as its people vote on their future: about

currency, European Union, oil revenue and tax.

Now there may be a different thorny problem — from the world of technology, Bloomberg.com reported on its Global Tech blog. The country decides on

Sept. 18 on whether to stay part of the United Kingdom or declare independence.

in Wales, England or Northern

have its own two-digit ccTLD," he says in an interview. "However, 22 out of the possible 26 combinations for a.S some-

Ireland. Scotland would surely want its own Country Code Top Level Domain (or ccTLD, to those in the know).

thing are already in use and only.SF,.SP,.SQ or.SWare left —.SC is already assigned tothe Seychelles."

right to use".UK" as its top leveldomain,thesame asusers

Here it gets complicated, says Stuart Fuller, director

Scotland trumped by the

of commercial operations at

Seychelles? Well, ".SCOT" will soon be in the public domain

the referendum result, is no coincidence," says Fuller. Some companieshave al-

ready moved in on ".SCOT" names, while others may start the process of establishing Scotland's own ccTLD. Gavin McCutcheon, director of the Dot Scot Registry,

says ".SCOT," which goes on general release Sept. 23, has been in progress since 1996 and is recognized by the

ine in the United States to nine since2006, whenit

bought the brand from Pfizer as part of an acquisition

of its consumerhealth care unit, according to a spokeswoman, Carol Goodrich.

Therecession,tepid spending and slow population increases have

contributedto flat U.S. sales growth, according to James Russo, the senior vice president for global consumer insights at Nielsen. Consumer

products manufacturers are increasingly looking to bring in dollars from overseas, from developing economies with growing middle classes in areas like Latin America, Asia and the Middle East. The need to rethink

oldbrands reflects a new reality, as companies like Johnson & Johnson are

increasingly aiming for the local cultures, appetites and customs of these new

markets. "The bigger and more penetrated that they are in

the U.S. and in developed Western markets, the more important it is for them to

push onthese developing markets and emerging mar-

NetNames, an online brand

name space as an alternative.

protection company. "Should Scotland decide to

the new domain name, with

Internet Corporation for As-

kets for growth," said Matt

cede from the union, it could start the wheels in motion to

general availability due to start on just a few days after

signed Names and Numbers (ICANN).

Miksic, an analyst with Piper Jaffray.

"The timing of the launch of

PEOPLE ONTHE MOVE • Kris Rees wasthe top selling and top listing agent for August at Coldwell Banker Mayfiejd Realty in Redmond. • Dennis Garbutt has retired as general managerof GjasWejd in Bend. Heserved the companyfor five years. • Seth Schuepbach was recently promoted to general manager ofGlasWeldin Bend. Prior to his promotion, he served as the company's director of operations. He is a graduate ofOregon State University and holds a Master of BusinessAdministration from Concordia University. • Communicators Plus Toastmasters Clubelected the following officers for 2014-15: president, Fredrick

Moore, natural resource specialistat the Department of Environmental Quality; vice president education and secretary/treasurer, Liz Caviness, director of development at Education for Chinese Orphans;vice president membership, Bill Lajjman, PTI Driver; sergeant at arms, Bill Marlin, retired. • Susan and Alan Durkhejmer havejoined Harcourts TheGarner Group Real Estate inBend.Susan is a principal broker with advanced credentials asa certified residential specialist, a certified newhomesales professional andgraduate of the Realtor Institute. She obtainedherOregon broker's license in2002 and

has managedbrokerages in Central Point andRedmond. Prior to obtaining hisOregon broker's license,Alanwas a licensedRealtor in Idaho and served aspresident of a wholesale beveragecompany, small-businessownerand land developer. • Noah von Borstej was the top listing agent for August at John L.Scott Real Estate in Redmond. • Peggy Kimball was the top sales agentfor August at John L. Scott RealEstate in Redmond. • Jessie Olson recently joined Precision Bodyjj Paint in Bend.Shebrings more than threeyears of experience in parts procurement to the collision repair


• Mark Qujnjan is leaving hjs post as executive director of BendArea Habitat for Humanity. Hehasaccepted a position at the University Rees of Oregon School of Law, where he will administer a program that oversees community dispute resoI lution centers throughout Oregon. • Rev. Jenny Warner was recently elected tothe Lallman Bethlehem Innboard of di-







Alan Durkheimer Durkheimer

reCtorS. She iSthe paStOr fOr

justice, spirituality and community at First Presbyterian Church in Bend.Warner holds a bachelor's degreein psychology, and amaster's of divinity from SanFrancis- von co Theological Seminary. Borstel





IN THE BACK ADVICE Ee ENTERTAINMENT W Religious services, D2-3 Support groups, D2 Volunteer search, D4 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014

O www.bendbulletin.com/community


SunriverNature Center fall hours


The Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory recently announcedits fall hours. Featuring hands-on activities, programsand exhibits, the NatureCenter will be openfrom10 a.m. to 4 p.m.,Tuesdays through Saturdaysthis SeptemberandOctober. The Observatory is open throughOct.25. Hours for night viewing are 8 to10 p.m.,Wednesdays, FridaysandSaturdays. Hoursfor solar viewing are11a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturdays. The Sunriver Nature Center 8 Observatoryis located at57245 River Road. Contact: www.sunrivernaturecenter.org or




aJVsvet I



New charity group tomeet A group ofCentral Oregonians is launchingthe first Oregonchapter of 100 WomenWho Care. On a quarterly basis, 100 WomenWho Care Central Oregonmembers will meet for onehour to raise $10,000 ormorefor a worthy cause.Participants nominate a charity, the group selects three charities at randomand then hold avote. Each member thenwrites a $100check tothechosen charity. On Sept. 24,100 WomenWhoCareof Central Oregonwill elect the first charity to receive their donations. The inaugural meetingwill be at the MinnesotaRoomat

'Beautiful Ruins'author to speak inAuthor! Author! Literary Series By David Jasper •The Bulletin

the Oxford Hotel,10 NW

Minnesot aAve.,indowntown Bend.Registration begins at 5:30p.m., the meeting at 6:30. Chapters of100 Women WhoCareoperate in more than130 communities across NorthAmerica, along with nineMen Who Careorganizations. Contact:100wwcco. com.

Festival of Cultures today The Latino Community Association will host its annual Festival ofCultures today inCentennial Park in Redmond. At the event, officials from the U.S.Immigration and Naturalization Service will officially administer thecitizenship oath to newAmerican citizens. It will also feature music, dancing, food, vendors andperforming artists. Brad Porterfield, the LCA's executive director, said the multicultural festival, which isexpectedto drawabout1,500 people, will continue tradition a of showcasingCentral Oregon diversity. The event is freeand family andpet-friendly. Citizenship ceremonybeginsat10a.m., followed by cultural performances throughout theday.The event ends at 5p.m. For more information, visit www.festivalofcultures.info, or call 541382-4366. — Fiom staffeports

hen a writer as humorous as novelist Jess Walter prefers to be interviewed by email, there's only one thing to do. Well, two things to do. 1. Submit questions. 2. Check inbox repeatedly. Walter is a 2006 National Book Award finalist and the author of eight books, including the New York Times best-seller "Beautiful Ruins." On Sept. 25, Walter will speak at Bend High School as part of Deschutes Public Library Foundation's Author! Author! Literary Series. Walter is known today for his

inventive, darkly comic writing in books such as 2009's "The Financial Lives of the Poets."

In it, the protagonist, a laid-off reporter named Matthew, has an adventure-filled week as

In a listing headlined "Activities Calendar," which appeared Friday, Sept.12, on Page D2, the United Senior Citizens of Bendbingo event was listed with an incorrect venue.The correct venue is Bend's Community Center, 1036 NE Fifth St.

The Bulletin regrets the error.

But Walter doesn't just aim for

Ruins," Walter leaps between

1962 Italy and modern-day Hollywood, with Elizabeth Taylor and

Ifyou go

the book "a high-wire feat of bravura storytelling." The sprawling tale included a publicist who played up Burton

What:Deschutes Public Library Foundation's Author! Author! Literary Series with Jess Walter When:7 p.m. Sept. 25 Where:Bend High School,

Richard Burton playing minor roles. The New York Times called

he attempts to care for his two young sons and ailing father, bring to a halt his wife's online

laughs in the book; his incisive writing about the recession, corruption and Matthew's strug-

and Taylor's troubled relationship

230 NE Sixth St.

flirtations with an old flame,

gle to stay in the middle-class

and keeptheirdream home out

imbues the book with a dose of modern realism.

in promoting "Cleopatra," tracing a line to where we are today as a society.

Cost:$20 Contact: www.dplf oundation.org

of foreclosure.Desperate and disaffected, Matthew attempts

For his 2012 novel "Beautiful


Slow, unreliablemopedsarea real trip for this 'gang' By Lizzie Johnson The Dallas Morning News

DALLAS — Katie Ar-


tobecome a drug dealer,targeting as clients those who deserve to get in trouble — for instance, his former editor — should any and all parties get caught by law enforcement.

Hannah Aaaouline i Submitted photo

Jess Walter, the Spokane-based author of New York Times best-seller "Beautiful Ruins," will speak at Bend High School on Sept. 25 in the Deschutes Public Library Foundation's Author! Author! Literary Series.

terburn whips around a corner going 20 mph on her cream-coloredmoped. Late

summer air rushes past her face, stinging her eyes and whipping her strawberry blond hair into knots.

She reaches the parking lot

stop for goat tacos, is about to commence.

slow," says Salter. "I started with jeeps and motorcycles

Arterburn, 29, is the face of

and then went backwards. I

the Pinebox Pedal Club, the only moped gang in the Dallas area. They're hardly intimidating, just a half-dozen gearheads doing what they love best — squealing around the city on tiny motorized bikes.

like the simplicity, howyou can fix any problems with your hands." Unlike motorcycles, mopeds have pedals, which are used

Arterburn is the only female member of the dub. There are

reminiscent of lawn mowers.

to jump-start the two-stroke

engine that emits a gassy smell

engine and hops off. The tiny Texas license plate on the back

about 40to 50 moped riders in

Most have top speeds around 20 mph, although

the city total, and the trend is

tricked out, they can hit 60. But

continues to swing.

gaining popularity, according to Kyle Salter, 38, a moped gang member and owner of Kyle's Scooter Shop. "It's more fun to go fast on

of Kyle's Scooter Shop, cuts the

"SorryI' m late,"shesays, sliding offher yellow smiley-face helmet. The Goat Taco

ride, a scenic 30-mile jaunt through Dallas that includes a

something that's meant to go


they're hardly sturdy. Mopeds are prone tobreaking down. The machines — basically antiques — are no longer sold brand-new. SeeMopeds/D5

Brittany Sowacke / Dallas Morning News / MCT

Katie Arterburn zoomsaround a curve on her moped during a Pinebox Pedal Club ride. Arterburn is the only female member in

the group.


RELIGIOUS SERVICES To submit service information orannouncements for religious organizations, email bulletin@bendbulletin. com or call 541-633-2117.

Day, God JudgesMen bytheGospel," based on Romans14:10;10a.m. Sunday school, 11 a.m.service; Terrebonne GrangeHall, 828611th St., Terrebonne; 541-325-6773 or www.lutheransonline.com/ SERVICES concordialutheranmission. ANTIOCHCHURCH:Pastor Ken DISCOVERYCHRISTIAN CHURCH: Wytsma; Part two of the series "Be Minister DaveDrullinger; "Focus The Church"; 9:30 a.m. worship, 11:15 Re-Directed," based onAmos 5:18a.m. Redux andQ-and-A; youth group 24; 9 a.m. adult Bible study, 10a.m. 7 p.m.Wednesdays,churchoff ice; morning worship Sunday; 334 NW BendHighSchool,230 NESixth Newport Ave., Bend;541-382-2272 or St., Bend; 541-318-1454 or www. www.discoverychristianchurch.com. antiochchurch.org. EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: John Lodwick; "The Superiority of Pastor Dave Miller; 10 a.m. Sunday, Jesus Christ," based onHebrews children's church available; 4twelve 1:1-3; 9 a.m. (classic) and10:45 a.m. youth group, 7 p.m.Wednesdays; (contemporary)Sunday;62425Eagle 19831 Rocking Horse Road, Road, Bend; 541-382-5822 or www. Bend; 541-382-6006 or www. eastmontchurch.com. bendchristianfellowship.com. EMMAUSLUTHERANCHURCH: BENDCHURCHOFTHENAZARENE: Pastor David Poovey; 9:15a.m. DanaHoward;"Ecuador Endeavors"; Bible study, 10:30 a.m. worship; 9 a.m. (Hispanic service) and10:15 2175 SWSalmon Ave., Redmond; a.m. Sunday; 1270NE27th St., Bend; 541-548-1473. 541-382-5496 or www.bendnaz.org. FATHER'SHOUSE CHURCH OF GOD: COMMUNITYBIBLECHURCH Pastor Randy Wills; "Stretch II"; 9 and AT SUNRIVER: Pastor Glen 10:45 a.m. Sunday; youth group, 7 Schaumloeffel; "Jesus 8 the New p.m. Wednesdays; 61690 Pettigrew Covenant" from the series "BetterRoad, Bend; 541-382-1632 or www. The Supremacy of Christ," based on fathershouseinbend.com. Hebrews 8:1-13; 9:30 a.m. Sunday; THE FELLOWSHIPAT BEND:Pastor 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver; 541-593Loren Anderson; "GodCreated Work," 8341 or www.cbchurchsr.org. based on Genesis1:28-31;10 a.m. COMMUNITY OF CHRIST: Evangelist service, 7 p.m. youth group Sunday Susan Gregory; "HaveMercy," based at TFAB office; Summit High School, on Matthew18:21-35; 10 a.m. (class) 2855 NW Clearwater Drive, Bend; 10:45 a.m. (praise singing) 11a.m. 541-385-3100 or www.tfab.com (worship) Sunday; 20380 Cooley FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Road, Bend; 541-388-1011. JennyWarner;"TheLogicof CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: Mystery," based onJohn1 and Rev. Willis Jenson;"On Judgment Proverbs 8; 9, 10:45 a.m. and5:01

p.m. Sunday;Wednesdaysonthe roadkickoff ,5:30 p.m.W ednesday; 230 NE Ninth St., Bend; 541-3824401 or www.bendfp.org. FIRSTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH:Pastor Dave Beckett; Part two of "Touching the Holy" series, based onMark6:30-32; 9 a.m. (contemporary service), 9:45

a.m. (Sunday school) and11a.m. (traditional service) Sunday; 680 NW Bond St., Bend; 541-382-1672 or www.bendumc.org. FOUNDRYCHURCH:Mike Coughlin; "Majoring on the Minors: Amos"; 10:15 a.m. Sunday; 60 NWOregon Ave., Bend; 541-382-3862 or www. foundrybend.org. HOLY COMMUNIONEVANGELICAL CATHOLICCHURCHOFBEND: Rev. JamesRadloff; Bible study, 10 a.m. and 7p.m. Wednesdays beginning Oct.1,587 NEGreenwood Ave.; 541-408-9021 or info© holycommunionbend. org. JOURNEY CHURCH:PastorKeith Kirkpatrick; "We All NeedThis";10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Sunday; high school service, 6:30 p.m.Tuesday and middle school service, 6:30 p.m. Thursday; 70 NWNewport Ave., Bend; 541-647-2944 or www. journeyinbend.com. MISSION CHURCH: Pastor Scott Regester; "Turning Trials Into Triumphs — Fear"; 5:30 tonight; 9 and 10:45a.m. Sunday; online at the same times at www.experiencethehighlife. tv; 2221 NEThird St., Bend; 541-3066209 or www.experiencethehighlife. com. MISSIONCHURCH REDMOND: Pastor Scott Register; "Epic-

Turning Trials Into Triumphs — Fear"; 9 and10:30 a.m. Sunday; online at sametimes at www.experiencethehighlife.tv; 3732 SW21st Place, Suite104, Redmond; 541-526-5505 or www. experiencethehighlife.com MOSTSACRED HEART,ROMAN CATHOLICCHAPEL:Father Bernard; Traditional Latin Mass; 9 a.m. Sunday, confessionsbefore Mass; 1051 SWHelmholtz Way, Redmond; 541-548-6416. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; "Season ofPentecost,"based onGenesis 50:15-21, Psalm103:8-13, Romans 14:1-14 andMatthew18:21-35; 9 a.m. (informal worship) 11 a.m. (formal worship) Sunday;10a.m. Bible study, 4 p.m. Kids Night OutWednesday; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend;541388-0765 or www.nativityinbend.

com. SHILOHRANCH COWBOY CHURCH: Pastor Jordan Weaver; "Shilohranch. com"; 9 and10:30 a.m. Sunday; 7 p.m.Monday;Men'sBiblestudy,7 a.m.Thursday;15669 SW Bussett Road, Powell Butte; 971-678-9513 or www.shilohranch.com. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITYOF THECASCADES: Ramona Beville; "Who Am IRadical Reflections"; 5:15 p.m. Sunday;TheOldStone,157NW Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-508-1059 or www.spiritualawarenesscommunity. com. SAINT PAUL'SANGLICAN CHURCH:Father John Pennington; "Compassion Requires Attention, Affect ionand Action,"based on Luke10:23-37; 10:30 a.m. Sunday,

luncheon following service; 1108W. Antler Ave., Redmond; 541-604-1029. TRINITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Rev. David Carnahan; "Creation: The Beginning of Life As WeKnow It," based onGenesis 3:8-21; 8 a.m. (guitar-led worship) 9:30a.m.

(educationhour) 11a.m. (organ/piano led worship) Sunday; 2550 NEButler Market Road; 541-382-1832 or www. trinitylutheranbend.org UNITARIANUNIVERSALISTS OF CENTRAL OREGON:Rev.Antonia Won; "The Camp ofNot Belonging"; 10 a.m. Sunday, child careavailable; The Old Stone, 157 NW Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-385-3908 or www.uufco.


WESTSIDECHURCH: PastorSteve Mickel; "DIRT:Break It Up"; 6:30 p.m. tonight; 8,9 and10:45a.m.Sunday; Westside Church WestCampus, 2051 NW Shevlin Park Road,Bend; 541382-7504 or www.westsidechurch.


ZION LUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Eric Burtness; "The Beginning of Life as We Know It," based onGenesis1:13, 31, 2:1-3a, part of the series "The Story"; 8:30and11 a.m. Sunday;10 a.m. Sunday school; 1113 SWBlack Butte Blvd.,Redmond;541-923-7466

or www.zionrdm.com.

EVEMTS, MEETINGS TODAY INTRODUCTIONTO CENTERING PRAYERWORKSHOP:Two-day workshop by Contemplative Outreach, childcare available by request; $40; 9 a.m.-noon; First Presbyterian Church, 230 NE Ninth St., Bend; 541-3824401 or estephan@bendfp.org.


WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "DIRT:Break It Up"; 10:30a.m.Sunday;W estsideChurch South Campus, 1245 SE Third St., Bend. WESTSIDESISTERS CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "DIRT:Break It Up"; 10:30 a.m. Sunday;Westside Church Sisters Campus, 442Trinity Way, Sisters. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; "DIRT:Break It Up"; 6:30 tonight, 9 and10:45 a.m. Sunday; www.westsidelive.org. WESTSIDERADIO CAMPUS: Pastor Ken Johnson; "Fish andShips"; 8:30 a.m. Sunday; Heirborne radio show on KBND,AM1110.

COMMUNITYBIBLESTUDY: Study includes Philippians, James1 and 2, Peter1 and 2 andThessalonians, classes available for men, womenand children; free;10 a.m.-noon; Highland Baptist Church, 3100 SWHighland Ave., Redmond; 541-923-8791.

NATIONALALLIANCEON MENTAL ILLNESSOFCENTRAL OREGON (NAMI):Email: namicentraloregon© gmail.com orwww.namicentraloregon. org. NAMI BEND — EXTREMESTATES:541647-2343 orwww.namicentraloregon. org NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS:54I480-8269,541-382-3218orwww. namicentraloregon.org NAMIBEND FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP: whitefam©bendcable.com orwww. namicentraloregon.org. NAMI MADRASCONNECTIONS:For peers, 541-475-1873orNAMlmadras@ gmail.com. NAMI MADRASFAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-475-1873 or NAMlmadras©gmail.com. NAMI MADRAS FAMILY-FAMILY SUPPORT GROUP:541-475-3299or www.namicentraloregon.org NAMIREDMOND FAMILYSUPPORT GROUP: namicentraloregon©gmail.com. NAMIREDMOND CONNECTIONS:541382-3218or 541-693-4613. NEWBERRYHOSPICEOF LA PINE: 541-536-7399. OREGONCOMMISSION FORTHE BLIND:541-447-4915. OREGON CURE:541-475-2164. OREGONLYME DISEASE NETWORK: 541-312-3081 orwww.oregonlyme.org. OVEREATERSANONYMOUS: 541-3066844 or www.oa.org. PARENTS/CAREGIVERSOF CHILDREN AFFECTED BYAUTISM SUPPORT GROUP: 541-771-1075 or www. coregondevdisgroupaso.ning.com. PARENTSOFMURDEREDCHILDREN (POMC)SUPPORT GROUP: 541-410-7395. PARISHNURSESANDHEALTH MINISTRIES: 541-383-6861. PARKINSON'S CAREGIVERS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-317-1188. PARKINSON'SDISEASE SUPPORT GROUP: 541-280-5818. PARTNERS IN CARE:Homehealth and hospice services;541-382-5882. PAUL'S CLUB:Dadsandmale caregiver supportgroup;541-548-8559. PFLAGCENTRALOREGON:For parents, familiesandfriends of lesbians and gays;541-728-3843 orwww. pflagcentraloregon.org. PLAN LOVINGADOPTIONS NOW

(PLAN):541-389-9239. PLANNED PARENTHOOD: 888-875-7820. PMS ACCESS LINE:800-222-4767. PREGNANCYRESO URCECENTERS: Bend,541-385-5334;Madras,541475-5338; Prineville, 541-447-2420; Redmond,541-504-8919. PULMONARYHYPERTENSION SUPPORT GROUP:541-548-7489. SAVINGGRACE SUPPORT GROUPS: Bend, 541-382-4420;Redmond,541504-2550, ext.1; Madras,541-475-1880. SCLERODERMASUPPORTGROUP: 541-480-l958. SEXAHOLICSANONYMOUS: 541-595-8780. SOUPANDSUPPORT:For mourners; 541-548-7483. STEPMOM SUPPORTGROUP:541-3253339 or www.insightcounselingbend. com. SUPPORTGROUP FOR FAMILIESW ITH DIABETIC CHILDREN:541-526-6690. TOBACCO FREEALLIANCE: 541-322-7481. TOPS ORWEIGHT LOSS SUPPORT GROUP: Bend,541-633-7399; Culver, 541-546-4012;Redmond, 541-923-0878. TRANSITIONING BACKTO HEALTH:For Cancersurvivors andcaregivers; Bend, 541-706-3754. TYPE2DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4986. VETERANS HOTLINE:541-408-5594 or 818-634-0735. VISIONNW:Peersupportgroup; 541-330-0715. VOLUNTEERSIN MEDICINE: 541-330-900 I. WOMEN FACINGCANCER TOGETHER: Bend, 541-706-3754. W OMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRALOREGON: 541-385-0747 YOUNG PEOPLEWITHDISABILITIES PEERGROUP:831-402-5024. ZENMEDITATIONGROUP: 541-388-3179.

WEDNESDAY Sept.24 COMMUNITYBIBLESTUDY: Study includes Philippians, James1 and 2, Peter1 and 2 andThessalonians, classes available for men, womenand children; free;10 a.m.-noon; Highland Baptist Church, 3100 SWHighland Ave., Redmond; 541-923-8791.

SUPPORT GROUPS Thefollowing list containssupport group information submitted toTheBulletin. Submissionsmust beupdated monthly for inclusion. To submit, email relevant details to communitylife©bendbulletin. com. ABILITREE PEER GROUP FOR PERSONSAFFECTEDBYA DISABILITY: 541-388-8103. ABILITREE YOUNG PEER GROUP:541388-8103ext. 219. ABILITREE BRAIN INJURYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. ADHDADULTSUPPORT GROUP: 541-420-3023. ADOPTIVEPARENT SUPPORT GROUP: 541-389-5446. ADULTCHILDRENOF ALCOHOLICS: 541-633-8189. AGE WIDEOPEN(ADULT CHILDREN SUPPORT GROUP): 541-410-4162 or www.agewideopen.com. AIDSEDUCATION FOR PREVENTION, TREATMENT,COMMUNITY RESOURCESANDSUPPOR T (DESCHUTES COUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT): 541-322-7402. AIDSHOT LINE:800-342-AIDS. AL-ANON: 541-728-3707or www. centraloregonal-anon.org. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS (AA):541548-0440 orwww.coigaa.org. ALS SUPPORT GROUP:541-977-7502. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATI ON: 541-548-7074. ALZHEIMER'SASSOCIATI ON CAREGIVERSUPPORT GROUP: 541-330-6400. ALZHEIMER'S/DEMENTIA CAREGIVER SUPPORT GROUP:541-948-7214. AUTISMRESOURCE GROUP OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-788-0339. BENDATTACHMENTPARENTING: 541-385-1787. BENDS-ANON FAMILY GROUP: 888-285-3742. BENDZEN MEDITATION GROUP: 541382-6122 or541-382-6651. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORTGROUPS: 541-382-5882. BEREAVEMENTSUPPORT GROUP/ADULTSAND CHILDREN: 541-383-3910. BEYOND AFFAIRS NETWORK: A peer groupfor victims ofinfidelity, baninbend@yahoo.com. BRAININJURY SUPPORT GROUP: 541-382-945 I.


CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS BEND: 541-610-7445. CO-DEPENDENTSANONYMOUS REDMOND: 541-610-8175. COFFEEANDCONNECTION CANCER SUPPORT GROUP:541-706-3754. COMPASSIONATEFRIENDS (FOR THOSEGRIEVING THELOSS OFA CHILD): 541-480-0667or 541-536-1709. CREATIVITY & WELLNESS — MOOD GROUP: 541-647-0865. CROOKEDRIVER RANCH ADULT GRIEF SUPPORT: 541-548-7483. DEFEATCANC ER:541-706-7743. DESCHUTES COUNTYMENTAL HEALTH24-HOUR CRISISLINE: 54l-322-7500. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORTALLIANCE: 541-549-9622 or 54l-771-1620. DEPRESSIONAND BIPOLAR SUPPORT: 541-480-8269 orsuemiler92©gmail. com. DEPRESSIONSUPPORT GROUP: 541-617-0543. DIABETES EATFORLIFE!: 54 I-3066801, www.centraloregonnutrition.com or Ibrizee@centraloregonnutrition.com. DIABETIC SUPPORT GROUP: 541-598-4483. DISABILIT YSUPPORTGROUP: 54l-388-8103. DIVORCE CARE:541-410-4201. DOUBLETROUBLE RECOVERY: Addiction andmental illnessgroup; 541-317-0050. DYSTONIASUPPORTGROUP: 541-388-2577. ENCOPRESIS (SOILING): 541-548-2814 or encopresis©gmail.com. EVENINGBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP: 541-460-4030 FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: Drug and alcoholaddictions; pastordavid@ thedoor3r.org. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. GAMBLERSANONYMOUS: Redmond 541-280-7249,Bend541-390-4365. GAMBLINGHOT LINE:800-233-8479. GERIATRIC CARE MANAGEMENT: info@paulbattle.comor1-877-867-1437. GLUCOSECONTROL LOW CARB DIET SUPPORTGROUP:kjdnrcd@yahoo.com or 541-504-0726. GLUTENINTOLERANCEGROUP (CELIAC): 541-390-2399.


Farm give autistic adults a chance to grow By William Hageman

says operations manager

chicago zf ibune

Gwenne Godwin. "How to

(it's) gum!'"

tions program, has caught

The farm donates 75 per-

work with others, being on cent of its crop to local food plot of land on the Near West time, how to dress, how to do pantries. Side of the city, young adults a resume. Those skills transThe farm, part of the Julie with autism are getting inlate to any job. We're using + Michael Tracy Family Founvaluable lessons — lessons the medium of agriculture to dation's Urban Autism SoluCHICAGO — On a 1.2-acre

that may soon be replicated

teach here."

around the country. Growing Solutions Farm

herbs and edibleflowers are

teachesthe 20 or so students,

grown on 28 raised beds at

ages 18 to 26, all aspects of farming, from planting and harvesting vegetables and herbs to cooking what they

the farm, at the intersection of two streets. "I created the kitchen gar-


But it's much more than that.

"This is a vocational farm, so we're teaching job skills,"

the attention of the National

Garden Bureau, which plans to fund therapeutic gardens across th e

U . S . G r o w ing

Solutions is the first beneficiary of its fundraising effort.

A variety of vegetables,

den as a sensory experience," Godwin says. "When we're harvesting, the one rule is they have to smell and taste what t h ey're h a rvesting. They'll smell the mint. 'Oh,

"When we're harvesting, the one rule is they have to smell and taste what they're

harvesting. They'll smell the mint. 'Oh, (it's) gum!'" — Gwenne Godwin, Growing Solutions Farmoperations manager





• •



The Story is a book of selections frorn the Bible, arranged chronologically, that reads like a novel. C ome discover together with u s ho w o u r s t ory is

found in God's story! 40ur journey begins SePt. 14 during the 8:00 P 11:00 am services Trinfty Lutheran Ckufch 2550 NE Butler Market Rd

Bend, OR 97701

(541) 382-1832 or trinitylutheranbend.org



541-382-0741 U RGENT GARE 8 ~

(SAVE $40)

~ Q~



Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am


You Are The l(vtost Important Part of Our Services

"Star F Crescent" Islam

Do we have your fall schedule? •


This Sunday at Faith Christian Center Pastor Brian Mercer- Interim Pastor will share his message titled "Creators or Reactors" in the Sunday morning service beginning at 10:30 AM. Childcare is provided.


"In the Evangelical Catholic Tradition" Rev. JamesRadloff, Pastor SUNDAY MASSSCHEDULE

9a.m.and 5p.m .atthe Bend Senior Center 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road BOOK CLUB

FCC Youth Ministries and Family Night is l o y of the Gospel" by Pope Francis 2nd Tues. ea. month beginning Sep. 9th on Wednesdays at 7 pm. Morning Session: 8:30-10:30 a.m. A number of Faith Joumey Groups meet at the Original Pancake House (Bend throughout the week in small groups, Evening Session: 6:30-8:00 p.m. at the please contact the church for details Downtown Bend Library and times. (Hutcheson Rm 2nd Floor) The church is located on the comer of BIBLE STUDY Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. Wednesdays beginning October I" www.bendfaith.com Morning Study: 10-11 am Evening Study: 7-8 pm REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD at the Church ONce 587 NE Greenwood 1865 W Antler• Redmond (across from Croutons) 541-548-4555 SUNDAYS info@holycommunionbend.org Morning Worship 8;30 am 8 10:30 am (541) 408-9021 Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm •

WEDNESDAYS FAMILY NIGHT 7 PM Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery

Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt www.redmondag.com •



Fr.Theodore Nnabugo,Pastor www.holyredeemerparish.net Parish Office: 541-536-3571 HOLY REDEEMER ROMAN CATHOLIC, LA PINE

16137 Burgess Rd Tuesday, Wednesday F Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass• 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays -3:00-4:00 pm

"Offering hopethroaghthe proclamation ofthe yospe("



Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00• 9:15 am

Sunday (downtown at the Boys 8 Girls Club, 500 NW Wall St.) 9:30 AM — Bible Study 9:30 AM — Children's Class 10:30 AM — Worship Service 10;30 AM — Primary Class


ROMAN CATHOLIC, Gilchrlot 120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass - 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00• 12:15 pm HOLY FAMILY ROMAN CATHOLIC,

Wednesday (up the hill from the Old Mill, 500 SW Bond St.) 7:00 PM — Prayer Meeting & Growth Groups 7:00 PM — Kids 4 Truth www.centraloregonbaptistchurch.org 541-617-2814 KASTMONT CHURCH

"Displayiny the Reality ofChrist in Undeniab(eWays" 62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822

www.eastmontchurch.com Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9:00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:0 0 pm For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email Info@eastmontchurch.com FOUNDRYCHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastors Mike Coughlin 8 Al Hulbert

SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00am and our Worship Service at 10;15 am This Sunday at Foundry Church, Mike Coughlin will continue the series "Majoring on the Minors: Amos." For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Caff 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC

3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond• 541-548-4161

Sunday Worship Services: 8;00am,9:30 am, 11:00 am Sunday Life Groups 9;30 am 8 11:00 am Saturday Worship 7:00 pm Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org


CONGREGATION SHALOM BAYIT (Jewish Community of Central Oregon)


Worship in the Heart of Redmond

near Christmas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd Sunday Mass - 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm


Rev. Julian Cassar Pastor Rev. Joseph K. Thalisery 541-382-3631 NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM Domingo 12:30 PM• Misa en Espanol

Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCH

Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava MASSES Saturday 8:00 AM Sunday 4:30 PM Monday- Friday 7:00AM812:15 PM Exposition 8 Benediction Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM Mass to 6:00 PM Tuesday (Family Holy Hour) 5:00 PM• 6:00 PM

Reconciliation Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM ST. THOMAS ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor

Mass Schedule: SUNDAY Weekdays 8:00 am Pastor Steve Mickel will share the 9;00 am Sunday School for all ages (except Wednesday) (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession message "DIRT": Break It Up" at 10:30am 9;00 am Hispanic Worship Service Wednesday 6:00 pm XXVIII.8, 10 on Sunday at the Westside Church South 10:15 am Worship Service Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm Campus, 1245 SE3rd St., Bend. First Saturday 8:00 am (English) 10 am Sunday School Nursery Care 8 Children's Church Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am(English) ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all 12:00 noon (Spanish) I I am Divine Service Worship Services Confessions on Wednesdays from September 14, 2014 at Westside Church "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM 5:00 to 5:45 pm The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor —SISTERSCAMPUS 8:30 am Sunday and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm 828611th St. (Grange Hall) Terrebonne, OR Pastor Steve Mickel will share the WEDNESDAY message "DIRT": Break It Up" at 10:30am 6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF REDMOND at the Westside Church Sisters Campus, www.lutheransonline.com/ THURSDAY 442 Trinity Way, Sisters. 536 SW 10th, Redmond 10:00 am 50+ Bible Study concordialutheranmission 541-548-2974 WEEKLY Facebook: www.redmondchristian.org Life Groups Concordia Lutheran Mission Sunday Worship 9:00 am 8 10:45 am Please visit our website for a complete Phone: 541-325-6773 September 13 8 14, 2014 at Westside listing of activities for all ages. Church -ONLINE CAMPUS Sunday School for all ages www.bendnaz.org GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH Kidmo• Junior Church Join us at our online campus where 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend Greg Strubhar, Pastor • • I • Pastor Steve Mickel will share the Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor 382.6862 CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTKR message "DIRT": Break It Up" at 6:30pm POWELL BUTTE Saturday and 9 and 10:45am on Sunday 21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241 Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. CHRISTIAN CHURCH at www.westsidelive.org. (Child Care Available) 8:30 Worship Center SundayMoming Worship 8:45 AM 8 10:45 AM 10:30 Contemporary Service Worship Center Women's Bible Study Tuesday 9:30 a.m. Wednesday Mid-Week Service 10:30 Traditional Service Historic Chapel September 14, 2014Westside ChurchMen's Bible Study Wednesday 7;30 a.m. Children 8 Youth Programs Nursery 8 Children's Church ON THE RADIO Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, 7:00 PM Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Pastor Ken Johnson will share the Nursery Care Provided for All Services and Ozzy Osbome Evangelical Lutheran Church 13720 SWHwy 126, Powell Butte message "Fish and Ships" on the in America 541-548-3066 Heirborne radio show at 8:30am Sunday Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur www.gracefirstlutheran.org www.clcbend.com www.powellbuttechurch.com morning on KBND — AM 1110 •

20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site: ccbend.org Sundays: 8:30 8 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm YouthGroup: Wednesday 7pm Child Care provided Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are

available, call for days and times. "Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"

• •


Sunday Worship Services at (3/4 mile north of High School) A Warm and Welcoming Community 8:30 8 I I:00 am Redmond, OR 97756 Serving Central Oregon for 24 years. Sunday school for all ages at 10:00 am (541) 548-3367 We Welcome Newcomers, Interfaith Children's Room available Families and Jews by Choice Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor during services Involvement Encouraged 9:00 am Contemporary Worship For information, call 541-385-6421; Come Experience a warm, 9:00 am Nursery Care For Sunday/Hebrew Education call 541-312-8844 friendly family of worshipers. 9:15 am Children 8 Youth 541.389.9854 Associate Pastors Everyone Welcome - Always. Sunday School Mike Sweeney F leff Olson Please Visit: www.jccobend.com A vibrant, inclusive community. 9;30 am Adult Education "Loving people one at a time." A rich and diverse music program Rabbi Jay Shupack- Bend's First 11 00 am Traditional Worship www.real-lifecc.org for all ages Resident Rabbi Youth Groups Rebbitzin• Judy Shupack Coffee,snacksandfellowship High School - Sunday 11:00am-12:30pm Services and Classes: after eachservice Middle School - Wednesday EASTMONT Friday September 12 Evening Service 7PM 6;00-7:30pm COMMUNITY SCHOOL September 13th Sunday School Meet M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am "Educating and Developing the Whole Wed. Bible Study at noon and Greet Mondays Child for the Glory of God" 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study Wednesday September 24 Rosh 6;30 pm Centering Prayer Pre K• 5th Grade I:00 pm Hashanah Evening Service 7PM 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541.382.2049 Wednesdays Thursday September 25 Rosh Hashanah 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Principal Lonna Carnahan 5;30 pm Prayer Service www.eastmontcommunityschool.com Moming Service lOAM Youth and Family Programs Sunday September 28 First Day of Active Social Outreach Small Groups Meet Regularly CommunitySunday School (Handicapped Accessible) 1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Friday October 3 Kol Nidre 6;15 PM FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, Please visit our website for a complete Redmond, OR 97756 541-923-7466 Sharp Featuring Violinist Kim Angelis SCIENTIST listing of activities for all ages. Pastor Eric Burtness 1551 NW First St.• 541-382-6100 Saturday October 4 Yom Kippur Moming www.redmondcpc.org www.zionrdm.com (South of Portland Ave.) Service 10 AM Featuring Violinist Church Service F Sunday School: 10 am Kim Angelis FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Saturday October 4 Yom Kippur N'eilah 230 NE Ninth, Bend Childcare provided. BKND MENNONITE CHURCH (Across Ninth St, from Bend High) Service 6:15 PM Sunday, 3:00pm Antioch Building Living Spacious Christianity Reading Room: Friday October 10 Community Pot Luck 255 SW Bluff Drive, Bend 1563 NW First St. Dinner in the Sukkah 6PM The Story Of Spacious Christianity Mon. through Fri.: 11 am - 4 pm All Services held at our Dedicated Sunday School 2 years-5th grade A Yearlong Quest Towards A Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm Synagogue Building 21555 Modoc Lane, Nursery 0-2 years Wholehearted, Inclusive, Faith (Corner of Ward and Modoc in Bend) Sunday, September 14 Vrsrtors Welcome! unless otherwise noted. The Logic Of Mystery 541.241.6210 KCKANKAR Preaching Pastor Jenny Wamer TKMPLE BETH TIRVAH RELIGION OF THE www.bendmennonitechurchC Igmal(.com 9:00am with the Praise Team is a member of the Visit our Facebook page: Lightaud Sound ofGod 10:45am with the Chancel Choir Bend Mennonite Church Union for Reform Judaism. 5:01pm peaceful 8 prayerful You are invited to attend a Nursery care available at all services. Our members represent a wide range of Community HU sing and Spiritual Jewish backgrounds. Discussion Centering Prayer Workshop We welcome interfaith families HOUSE OF COVENANT "Have You Had a Spiritual Experience" Friday, September 12, 7:00- 9:30pm and Jews by choice. Messianic Synagogue Saturday, September 13, 9:00am - noon Est. 1994 Saturday, September 20, 3pm Fee of $40 includes a CD for home We provide a congregational setting East Bend Public Library Our monthly activities include: practice. for Jews and Christians alike. If you're 62080 Dean Swift Rd. Bend Services, religious education for children To register, contact Lorraine Stuart at interested in leaming the Bible from a Idstuart84@gmarl.com 8 adults, Hebrew school, Hebrew perspective, come join us at: Experience a HU song and quiet or Elizabeth Stephan at Torah study, social action projects contemplation, followed by a talk and estephanCIbendfp.org. and social activities Bear Creek Center discussion, refreshments and fellowship 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Summit South Sister Bend, OR. 97701 For more information Rabbilohanna Hershenson Saturday, September 13 Our Shabbat Services are on www.miraclesinyourlife.org Challenge yourself and support others Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. www.eckankar.org SERVICES while summiting South Sister Our ministries include: www.eckankar-oregon.org Find more information at 541-728-6476 www.bendfp.org High Holy Days Services • Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery Wednesday On The Road • Hebrew classes High Holy Days Services are held in the Wednesday, September 17, 5:30-7:00pm TRINITY KPISCOPAL CHURCH • Home groups sanctuary ofthe A gathering to kick off All arewelcomethrough ourreddoors • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit First United Methodist Church our yearlong quest. Hadashah (New Testament) Rabbi Johanna Hershenson with Cantor Pastors Steven Koski and Jenny Warner Sunday Services • Biblical Feasts will discuss why the book, Adelle Nicholson • Lifecycle Events 8 am and 10:15 am 'We MakeThe Road ByW alking' in St. Helens Hall, 231 NW Idaho Ave • End-times prophecy Is ouf gulcle. www.trinitybend.org I 541-382-5542 Wednesday, September 24th 7:30 pm: Potluck dinner at 5:30pm followed by (Mail: 469 NWWall St.) Visit us on the web at Erev Rosh Hashanah Service the gathering. Bend, OR 97701 www.houseofcovenant.org or contact us at 541-385-5439 Thursday, September 25th 10:00 am: Youth Events LIVING TORAH FKLLOWSHIP Rosh Hashanah Service3:00 pm: http;//www.facebook.com/ THE SALVATION ARMY CI La Roca Church bendyouthcollective Children's Service in 541 NE DeKalb Ave., Bend 1155 SW Division, ¹D8, Bend Pioneer Park 541-389-8888 Saturday 12:00• 3:00 pm Choirs, music groups, Bible study, 4;00 pm: Tashlich Service 8 Picnic. Worship/Dance•Study • and ministries every week Reservations required. SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP Food/Fellowship 541 NE Dekalb Hebrew Roots Fellowship 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend Sunday School 9:45 am worshipping in Spirit and Truth Friday, October 3rd 7:30 pm: www.bendfp.org Children 8Adult Classes 541-410-5337 Kol Nidre, Yom Kippur http://www.facebook.com/bendfp Worship Service —11:00 am Children Welcome 541 382 4401 www.livingtorahfellowship.com Saturday, October 4th 10:00 am: Yom Major's Robert 8 Miriam Keene Kippur Moming Service NEW HOPK EVANGELIGLL 12:30 pm; Adult Education UNITARIAN UNIVERSALISTS 20080 Pinebrook Blvd.• 541-389-3436 FIRST UNITKD METHODIST 2:00 pm; Children/Family Service OF CENTRAL OREGON CHURCH "Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship" 3:00 pm: Afternoon Service Celebrate New Life (In the Heart of Down Town Bend) We are a Welcoming Congregation 4:30 pm: Memorial/Yizkor Service at New Hope Church! 680 NW Bond St. / 541.382.1672 5:30 pm: Neilah Service Sunday, September 14 at 10:00am 6:30 pm: Break-The-Fast Dinner: Saturday 6;00 pm Everyone is Welcome! Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Reservations required Pastor Dave Beckett "The Camp of Not Belonging" Pastor Randy Myers Sermon: Touching the Holy; Rev. Antonia Won (pre-recorded) Lessons from the Desert For HighHoly Day reservations: http:// Scripture Mark 6:30-32 Feeling like we're part of a group is a www.bethtikvahbend.org/worship/ 9:00am - Contemporary Service basic human need. How we belong is a WKSTSIDK CHURCH jewish-holidays-highholydays Sunday School during the 9am service lot more complicated and sometimes Church invites you to join us at any of I I:00am - Traditional Service costly. As UUs, on what basis do we draw our weekend services. No matter what For information about our Religious Childcare provided our circles of belonging? Is belonging a your expectations are, we hope your Education programs, call Kathy Schindel spiritual practice? time spent with us brings you a little In this second part of our "Touching the at 541-388-8826 closer to understanding, knowing and Holy" series we take a look at the desert This Sunday is our annual Ingathering growing in a relationship with Jesus fathers and mothers who entered the — our official launch of the church yearChrist. In our opinion, that's what really desert to find God and themselves. We and Water Communion Ritual. Everyone matters. For the complete schedule of can look at moving into a growth area in is invited to bring a small vial of water Services 8 Events our lives as entering a desert. collected from (or representing) a Contact us at 541.382.7504 or go to: www.bethtikvahbend.org www.westsidechurch.org We will examine three barriers that keep summer destination or activity; these waters are then combined as a symbol us from entering our deserts. Unless otherwise noted, of our diverse congregation. It is an September 13 8 14, 2014 at Westside Church —WEST CAMPUS intergenerational service, so children all services are held at the *During the Week: Women's Groups, will be remaining in the sanctuary. First United Methodist Church Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Pastor Steve Mickel will share the Crafting, Music8 Fellowship 680 NW Bond Street We always have childcare for message "DIRT: Break It Up" 541.388-8826 at 6:30 pm on Saturday and infants and toddlers. Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Sunday 8, 9 and 10:45am Sunday at Rev. Dave Beckett Westside Church, 2051 NWShevlin Park Meeting place: firstchurch@bendumc.org Rd, Bend. THE OLD STONE CHURCH CONCORDIALUTHKRAN 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND MISSION (LCMS) Mail:P.O. Box 428, Bend OR 97709 Themissionof theChurch isIoforgive sins www.uufco.org BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE September 14, 2014 at Westside Church throughtheGospelandthereby 1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496 (541) 385-3908 —SOUTH CAMPUS Senior Pastor Virgil Askren grant eternal (ife. •

"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ Confuuanism

(No child care) 10:00 am Contemporary Worship Service (Full children's ministry) Sunday Night Church 6:30 pm For information, please call ... Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker-


"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism


• •

CHURCH & SYNAGOGUE DIRECTORY LISTING Effectlve May I, 2014 4 Saturdays and TMC: $120 5 Saturdays and TMC: $144 The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the

church page. $24 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each

month. $24 Copy Changes: by Monday I week prior to publication

Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396 plynch@bendbulletin.com



VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. Theorganizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Toseeafull list, and for additional information on thetypes of help needed, goonline to www. bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should besent to1300 NWWall St., Suite103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton©state. or.us or call 541-693-8988.


CHILDREN, YOUTH AND EDUCATIOM SERVICES ADULTBASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT (COCC): Margie Gregory, mgregory© cocc.edu or541-318-3788. AFS-USA: www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger,503-419-9514. ALYCE HATCHCENTER:AndyKizans, 541-383-1980. ASSE INTERNATIONAL STUDENT EXCHANGEPRO GRAM:wwwasse.com or WendyLarson, 541-385-8177. BEND PARK& RECREATION DISTRICT: Kim,541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-312-6047 (Bend), 541-447-3851,ext.333 (Prineville) or541-325-5603(Madras). BOY SCOUTSOFAMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott©scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS &GIRLSCLUBS OFCENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info©bgcco. org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIRE USA CENTRALOREGON: campfire©bendcable.comor

541-382-4682. CASA(COURTAPPOINTED SPECIALADVOC ATES):www. casaofcentraloregon.orgor 541-389-I618. CHILDREN'S VISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler,541-330-3907. CIRCLE OFFRIENDS: Beth, beth© acircleoffriendsoregon.comor 541-588-6445. DESCHUTES COUNTYSHERIFF'S OFFICE — CENTRALOREGON PARTNERSHIPS FORYOUTH: www. deschut es.org/copy,COPY@deschutes. org or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM: Steve Guzanskis,541-678-5483. GIRL SCOU TS:541-389-8146. GIRLSON THE RUN OFDESCHUTES COUNTY: www.deschutescountygotr. org or info@deschutescountygotr.org. GRANDMA'S HOUSE:541-383-3515. HEALTHYBEGINNINGS:www.myhb.o rg or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENS VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www.highdesertmuseum. org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS: Carmelle Campbell at the OregonParent Training and InformationCenter, 888-505-2673. J BAR JLEARNINGCENTER:Rick Buening, rbuening@jbarj.org or 541-389-1409. JUNIPERSWIM & FITNESS CENTER: Kim,541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER: Lisa Weare, Iweare© kidscenter.org,541-383-5958. LA PINE HIGH SCHOOL:Jef Bockert, jeff.bockert©bend.k12.or.usor 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARKINDEPENDENTLIVING PROGRAM: Teal Buehler,541-617-9576. MOUNTAINSTARFAMILYRELIEF NURSERY: 541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext.115. OREGONSTATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSION SERVICE:541-548-6088, 541-447-6228 or541-475-3808. OREGONSTATEUNIVERSITYMASTER GARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM: http://extension.oregonstate.edu/ deschutes or541-548-6088. READTOGETHER:541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER:Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNGLIFE:541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREERPARTNERSHIP: Kent Child,541-355-4158. SMART(STARTMAKING A READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUMFAMILYSERVICES: 503-205-0194. VIMA LUPWA HOMES:www. lupwahomes.org or541-420-9634. YOUTHCHOIROFCENTRAL OREGON: 541-385-0470.


541-617-1010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer©brightsideanimals.org or 541-923-0882. CAT RESCUE, ADOPTION & FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT):www.craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or 541-598-5488. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc.org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 54 I-330-00 I7. DESCHUTES NATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean,541-383-5576. EASTCASCADESAUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 541-241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 54 I-385-6908. EGUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan@equineoutreach.com or 541-419-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDINGCENTER:www.healingreins. org or Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer@hsco.org or 54 I-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOFTHE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. PACIFIC CRESTTRAIL ANGEL: 541-604-4494. PRINEVILLE BLM:www.blm.gov/or/ districts/prineville/recreation/host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: LexaMcAllister, Imcallister©cocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER& OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: TomMottl, 541-416-6859.

HEALTH AMERICANCANCERSOCIETY: Charlie Johnson,541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 541-749-4111. THE BLOOM PROJECT:www. thebloomproject.org or Heidi Berkman at h.berkman©thebloomproject.org or 54 I-24 I-8845. HEART 'N HOME HOSPICE & PALLIATIVE CARE:www.gohospice. com. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS: www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 541-548-7483. MOUNTAIN VIEWHOSPITAL: JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultz@mvhd.org or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregon@ gmail.com. PARTNERS IN CARE:www.

partnersbend.org or Melanie Price, 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE:Stefan Myers, 541-504-4920. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008.

ARTS, MUSIC, CULTURE AND HERlTAGE 88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIO STATION:info©kpov.org or 541-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY: Linda Barker, 541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRALSTATION: 54 I-617- I3 I7. CASCADESTHEATRICAL COMPANY: 541-389-0803. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLICLIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDSOF THE BEND LIBRARIES: www.fobl.org or Meredith Shadrachat 54 I-617-7047. HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC: www.highdesertchambermusic. com or Isabelle Senger at info© highdesertchambermusic.com or 541-306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINEPUBLICLIBRARY:Cindylu, 541-317-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, volunteer©latca.org or 54 I-382-4366. THE NATUREOF WORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or 541-647-2233. OREGON PARTNERSOF AMERICA: www.oregonpartners.net or Ed Vickrey, 541-350-3152. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:541-312-1060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia@msn.com or 54 I-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-317-0700.

HUMAN SERVICES ABILITREE:volunteer@abilitree.org or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTYINTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCE LEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: volunteer©bendscommunitycenter. org or 541-312-2069. BETHLEHEM INN: www.bethleheminn. org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGINGGAPS:bendbridginggapsO

gmail.com or 541-314-4277. CENTER FORCOMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLYPEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): www.compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH: covo.org©gmail.com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton© state,or.us or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY:Valerie Dean, 541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLED AMERICAN VETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. FAMILYKITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt@bendcable.com or 541-610-6511. FAMILYRESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION:Marie, info© hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq© neighborimpact.org or 541-548-2380, ext.106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 541-317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE: Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVING GRACE:541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND: www.sibend.org, presidentO sibend.org or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENTDEPAULSOCIAL SERVICES: 541-389-6643. WINNINGOVER ANGER & VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382- I943. WOMEN'SRESOURCE CENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON: 54 I-385-0750.



GOVERNMENT, ClTY AND COMMUNFIY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources©ojd.state. or.us or 888-530-8999. CITY OFBEND:Cheryl Howard, choward©ci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info© drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSONCOUNTY VOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOODASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SCORE:BruceMichalski, www. scorecentraloregon.org or 541-316-0662. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE:541-593-8l49. VISIT BEND: www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977.

MISCELLANY CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE: www.centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info©centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGHDESERT SPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. THE KILNSBOOKSTORE & BOUTIQUE: www.thekilns.com or Jen Lewis at 541-771-8794. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info©oregonadaptivesports.org or 541-306-4774. SACREDART OF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179.

'Good boy!'. Program pairs service dogswith health care system By Seema Yasmin

A bark would mean instant

The Dallas Morning News

failure. Only 40 percent of the dogs raised by Canine Companions graduate from the nine-month training program.

DALLAS — Brian Boone is

practicing his silly voice. The 39-year-old soldier, who lost his lower left leg while serving in Afghanistan, looks down at Brindle, a 2-year-old Labrador-golden retriever mixand highlytrained service dog. "Good boy," says Boone.

The dogs that make it to Texas

arethecream ofthecrop. Not everyone in the classroom needs a service dog for themselves. Stacey Odom, a special education teacher from Bullard, hopes a service dog

Sarah Koch, Brindle's trainer,

looks on. "I want you to get a little silly with your praise," she says. Boone tries again. "Goooooood booooooooy," he coos. Brindle looks up with

Bajter, program manager at

the orgamzation's Southwest regional office. "We get to w itness small

will facilitate her work with au-

miracles," says Balter. She recalls a child with learning difficulties who, having never spoken before, uttered his first word to a service dog. Then

tistic children.

there was the stroke victim

who moved a previously paralyzedarm tostroke a service asks the class to practice. The dog. service dogs are taught at least Boone isn't asking for a mir40 commands and the new acle. But he says it's not just students must learn the proper physical tasks that Brindle will sequence ofwords to help the help him with — it's the mental dogs respond. task of healing. "Dogs are very "Illia. Down. Don't! Down. soothing," he says. "EspecialGood girl!" says Odom to Illia, ly these calm dogs. Just being a shiny black dog. "I just want around them brings your spirit to cuddle her," says Odom. up. That's hard tobeat." She fights the urge and instead asks Illia to obey a second command. Illia obeys and Pure. &mr(.6 Co. eagerly plants herself on the schoolteacher' sfoot. Odom is the first to volunteer for the drills that Koch

doe eyes at his new master

and looks all too pleased with himself. Brindle and Boone are one

of four teams united through a partnershi p between Canine CompanionsforIndependence and Baylor Scott and White Health in Irving, Texas. They believe it's the first partnership

between a service dog organization and a health care system

in the U.S., says Corey Hudson, David Woo/The Dallas Morning News / MCT CEOof Canine Companions. Brian Boone, 39, who lost his lower left leg while serving as a soldier in Afghanistan in 2011, holds the It costs $50,000 to train each

this opportunity. They're the lucky ones. Canine Companions receives morethan 100 applications a month, says Simi

leash to Brindle, his 2-year-old Labrador-golden retriever mix at Home Depot in Irvlng, Texas. Boone

Odom and Boone havewait-

aj. B~ dU

service dog. Canine Compan- was selected to recelve a service dog through a programcreated by a partnership between a service ed more than seven months for Bend ions, based in Santa Rosa, Cal- dog organization and a health care system. Redmond ifornia, typically provides the John Day servicefree ofcharge. In the Burns new partnership, Baylor Scott falls. Others help the visually hundreds of applicants be- ordnance disposal officer Lakeview and White Health finds pa- impaired. Dogs raised by Ca- cause their physical needs when he was injured in 2011. tients who could benefit from nine Companionsare trained matched the help that Canine " It's like t h e A r m y b o m b La Pine having a service dog, covers to pull wheelchairs, pick keys Companion service dogs can squad," he says. "We took 541.3G2.6447 the cost of training the dogs off the floor and tug off clothes. offer. care ofimprovised explosive bendurology.com and their owners, and supports The Baylor-Canine ComThe Texas location saves devices." them oncethey arehome. panions partnership began Boone and his dassmates a It was an I E D t h at sevFree andopen There's a need for service this week by training four trip to Canine Companions' ered his left leg and damaged to the public dogs amongtheirpatients, says clients. The group plans to ex- Southwest region campus in nerves in both of his shoulders. Joel Allison, CEO of Baylor pand to 60 clients next summer Oceanside, California, for the Boone was unable to use his Scott and White Health. "It ties when a specially built facility weeklong training. "When right arm for a year. Months in to our mission," he says. "We with six rooms and 24 kennels they told me that pretty much of rehabilitation and physical think of it as part of our com- will open in Irving. everything was here right now therapy helped him regain • s mitment to serve and meet the Boone is thrilled at his pre- that just was even more amaz- some strength, but he hopes • Free Food and Beverage • Free Blood Pressure needs of all the patients that we scription for a dog. Lower back ing," Boone says. that working with Brindle will • Door Prizes • Free Blood Glucose Testing serve." pain makes it difficult for him He says he heard about Ca- make him even stronger. • Something For Every Age! • Free Balance Testing More than 25,000 Amer- to pick things up, and he hopes nine Companions through a One recent morning, in Tai Chi Demonstration• Kid's Center/Healthy Beginnings icans use service dogs, ac- Brindle will save him "lots of friend at the Center for the In- a long dassroom at Baylor cording to Assistance Dogs wear and tear" on his back. trepid at Brooke Army Med- Health Center at Irving-Cop%i. Information on International, a c oalition of Recently, Boone was one ical Center in San Antonio, a pell, Brindle is joined by four u • Brain Fitness •WoundCore • Resources assistance dog organizations. of four Texans being matched program forsoldierswho have other Labrador-golden re• Foot Core • Diabetes For Medical The animals are trained to with a service dog. He was sufferedburns or amputations. triever mixes. (The fifth dog • Dental "That friend has the same serves as a backup in case one • Massage help children and adults liv- joined by StaceyOdom, 45, Equipment • Yoga ing with physical and mental a special education teacher; injury as me," he says. "He's a of the other dogs doesn't pass • Cancer Core /Ind More! • Reiki disabilities. Melanie Knecht, 24, a music below-the-kneeamputee,and muster.) All sit silently in their • Caregiver Support • Healthy Diet Some service dogs are able therapy intern; and Mackenzie I saw how well-behaved and kennels at the edge of the room Networks • Child Safety looking out at Boone and his to sense oncoming seizures Dunckelman, 13. helpful his dog was." and protect their owners from They were selected from Boone was an explosives three classmates.


OW •

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Mopeds Continued from D1 Arterburn's first m oped broke down on her birthday, just blocks from home. Other moped gang members have broken down on the highway. Salter says a good ride happens when only one person's engine peters out or a single pedal is lost. "You aren't going to get there very fast," says moped gang member Oliver Sitrin, 35. "The adventure of getting there is more about the people


burlap sack. By the time Salter is done revampinga moped, itcan be sold with a price tag ranging from $500 to $2,000. He works 60-hour weeks repairing the scooters. "I'm sober now," he says, readjusting the white bandanna tied around his forehead. "Instead of going out and partying like I used to, I just come here. This is my sobriety." Salter was born to a family ofgearheads. His parents raced Italian convertibles in Wichita, Kansas, his hometown. His grandfather was the chief engineer and designer for Cessna Air-

who are with you when you break down. "And you will break down. It's actually part of the enjoy- craft. By the time Salter enment, being able to fix it on the rolled in elementary school, side of the road."

he could identify the model

Salter and his shop are the epicenter of moped culture in Dallas. Nearly every moped in the area has been sold, bought or fixed by him.

of an airplane just by hearing the rumble of its engine thou-

His shop is tucked in a strip

sands of feet in the sky.

The knack for building and putting things together ran in the Salter family's blood. At

of businesses behind a gated 12, Salter reassembled a car apartment building just south engine. At 16, he got a junkof White Rock Lake. There is yard car running again. no marker to distinguish the Salter's passion for mopeds shop from the uniform row began developingeven earliof beige garages lined up like er. On a childhood visit with teeth. Salter's business card family in Arkansas, his aunt is taped to the door, the edges nestled 5-year-old Salter onto curling in the humidity.

the front of a moped seat and

know where I'm at," Salter

The aunt and uncle were both

It's the only sign. drove him in small, looping "If you're in this game, you circles around the backyard.

says, rolling up the garage professors and rode matching door. "It's word-of-mouth. I've periwinkle blue mopeds to been open for four years. The work each day. gearheads know how to find Now, those two mopeds are the gearheads." nestled in the back of Salter's He ducks into the garage, shop. He pauses in front of pausing to grab a screwdriver, them whenever he walks past and begins tinkering on an or- the line of mopeds, rubbing a ange 1980s moped, one of 30 hand gently over their hanmopeds in the shop. Salter un- dlebars. The shop is also the hooks the wires that connect home and the meeting spot for the tire to the scooter's body, the Pinebox Pedal Club. "My mopeds are a piece then removes the rim. Grease and blood stain his fingertips. of art," Salter says. "There's He doesn't seem to notice. beauty in the original, in the The mopeds come to Salt- scars of life, like where the er ratty and broken — with paint is coming off and the flooded engines, rusted tubes primer is coming through. and chipped paint. Mouse It's a trend right now. Mopeds and wasp nests are burrowed have been huge in Austin in the seats and tires. Most (Texas).... It's finally catching haven'tbeen ridden since the up here." The rickety bikes mainly height of moped mania in the

Photos by Brittany Sowacke / Dallas Morning News/ MCT

Members of Pinebox Pedal Club in Dallas usually meet every Wednesday for a ride around town, like this August evening. Many of the club members come from very different backgrounds butall share a love for mopeds. "It's kind of like 'The Breakfast Club,"' joked Josh Lacheney, in reference to the mishmash of riders.

"My mopeds are a piece ofart.There's beauty in the original, in the scars of life, like where

the paint is coming off and the primer is coming through. It's a trend right now. Mopeds have been huge in Austin (Texas) ... It's finally catching up here." — Kyle Salter, 38, owner of Kyle's Scooter Shop

ment is growing. More clubs should be sprouting up soon, Salter says. Most are young people with an affinity for fixing broken things. The MopedArmy, an online community, keeps the Dallas

cal gang. A crew of about 50 people on mopeds went barhopping around the city. It's

concentrating on the work in protection program who flees front of you. The work tells Continued from D1 a hitman even as he preps you what it needs from you." "I'm n ot someone w h o Walter said he has solid to vote in the 1980 presidenreally blames 'the media.' tial election, critics were work habits and rituals, starting his day early. "Grab a latte Whatever that is," he said. p raising Walter's wit a n d "I think media is a mirror. It and cookie, be at the desk by inventiveness. "It took a few years to pub- 5:30 or 6, write for a few hours, gives us what we want. If we were smart enough to turn lish a book, a fewyears to con- getsome exercise,eat second away from Real Life House- vince them to publish a novel, breakfast, and then spend the wives and Kardashians, these a few moreyears to shift out of rest of the day apologizing for things would dry up and blow the crime genre (where I never emails I've missed and calls I away like tumbleweeds. How quite felt like I was a natural haven't returned." One call he r ecently annice would that be." fit). But it's been a wonderful Last year saw the publica- ride," he said. sweredwas to starta podcast, tion of his first collection of Many novelists today seek "A Tiny Sense of Accomshort stories, "We Live in Wa- the imprimatur of a master's plishment," w i t h lo n g t ime ter," which Ki rkus Reviews degree in writing, but that lev- friend Sherman Alexie, Seatcalled "Straightforward and el of education wasn't an op- tle-based author of "The Absolutely True Diary of a Partfunny ... A witty and sober- tion for Walter. "I come from pretty workTime Indian." ing snapshot of recession-era ing-class stock, and became "Sherman a n d I h ave America." Walter,49, became a fic- a dad at 17, so it was just nev- known each other for 25 years tion writer the old-fashioned er in the cards for me. I hope or so, since we worked ... at way: He started his career as newspapers continue to be The Spokesman-Review at a journalist. an alternate path for young the same time," Walter said. "I (heard) from a lot of writers who want to develop The two plan to record their reporters about 'Financial their discipline and skills but podcast every other week for Lives.' Amazing how many can't afford (or can't stomach) ayear. "Sherman was talking to newspapers went through so an MFA program," he said. "I many of the same things over just think the literary world is American Public Media about the past few years," Walter a more interesting place when doing a podcast, just as a it's filled with writers from all way to explore some differtold The Bulletin. "I stayed in touch with a lot of newspaper kinds of economic and cultur- ent creative avenues, I guess, and he called and asked if I'd folks, some of my best friends al backgrounds." still work for newspapers, and Walter's hardly bitter about do it," Walter said. "We liked my brother still works for The not having an MFA, nor does the idea of talking about our Spokesman-Review. Let's just he begrudge those who do: w ork-in-progress, sort o f say I paid a lot of attention on "Many MFA programs are spending a year unraveling terrific. It also gives writers a how stories and poems come those nights out for beers." Walter grew up in Spokane, leg up, meeting agents, learn- about and talking to other where he still lives, and cut ing about editing, writing in people about what they're his teeth as a reporter for The a peer group," he said. "I cer- working on." So what is Walter working Spokesman-Review. tainly can't argue with some"I've always written fiction one getting an MFA. I think, on? "I often write back and forth on the side, even when I was in general, a person should a newspaper reporter. I wrote aspire to as much education between novels; I'm working on a contemporary novel now, short stories an d t i n k ered as you can afford." away on a couple of unfinWalter said he prefers writ- about class and love, and one set a hundred years ago, with ished novels. I always loved ing fiction over nonfiction. "I was most moved and inlots of shooting and action both kinds of writing, and authors who did both, like spired by novelists when I was and more class and love. I'm William Kennedy and Pete young, so I think I'm drawn also writing short stories all Dexter, were early heroes," he to it the way readers become the time." writers — trying to re-create You may want to read them said. the effects in your own writ- — he has stories in upcoming W alter t r a nsitioned i n t o writing books after covering ing that so captivated you as a issues of McSweeney's and Harper's Magazine — espethe 1992 Ruby Ridge incident young reader," he said. Walter n o t es, h o w ever, cially if you plan on becomfor The Spokesman-Review. "It was after I sold a nonfic- that there's plenty of over- ing a writer yourself. At least tion book, on Ruby Ridge, that lap between the two types of that's the writing advice a teacher once told him. I started talking to my editor writing. "An old professor once told "The discipline and work at HarperCollins about also habits are the same. You have me, to be a writer, you have publishing a novel." Walter transitioned into fic- to be at the desk. You have to to read," he said. "I'm still tion through crime writing in not be on the Internet. You amazed how many people books such as "Over Tumbled have to be in a state of heavy, want to be writers, but don't Graves" (2001) and "Land of daydreaming concentration. read. This is, in a word, nuts." And you have to drink cof— Reporter: 541-383-0349, the Blind" (2003). By 2005's "Citizen Vince," fee. Everything else is about djasper@bendbulletin.com


a trip the Pinebox Pedal Club makes several times a year.

"We went on these huge hills, and it was amazing," branch connected to others Arterburn says. "I had this around the nation. There are dying-laughing face the entire forums to buy and sell mo- time. You really can't beat the feeling of flying on two wheels peds, a calendar of eventsdraw riders for the thrill. like the Mosquito Fleet Rally with a huge group of other 1970s. Salter salvages them from About 10 years ago, there in mid-August in Seattlepeople doing the exact same junkyards and b arnyards. were a handful of moped and an archive of moped-relat- thing and feeling the exact same way." Others he buys on Craigslist. gangs in Dallas, according to ed news. Sometimes t h e mo p e ds His favorite hailed from an al- Salter. Now, it's just the PineOnce, the group headed to falfa farm, its seat covered in a box Pedal Club, but the move- Austin for a rally with the lo- break down on the side of the



Roger Thompson, center, raises his fists in victory after Josh Lscheney, right, finally managed to start his moped outside of The Truck Yard in Dallas, Texas. Although the mopeds are often rusty and unreliable, the members of Pinebox Pedal Club view it as just

a part of the experience. highway. Sometimes motor- says he will always be a diecycle gangs hurl insults at hard fan of mopeds. "They're simplistic and arthe smaller bikes. And sometimes people throw Slurpees to mock the riders. But Salter

tistic and vintage," Salter says.

"It's a labor of love."

about a man in the witness

jg V

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Historian weighs in onpolitical documentary TV SPOTLIGHT

on his own"made everyone be- in braces, laboring to walk up a the 1937 Ma jorLeague lieve he stoodup to greet them," ramp at

"The Roosevelts: An Intimate History" Sunday, 8 p.m.,PBS

Ward said. "He was an absolute nlaglclan.

Baseball All-Star Game with

the help of an aide. The film-

By Elizabeth Jensen

The modern view "is to see a makers re-edited to insert the kind of conspiracy on the part home-movie footage, which of Franklin Roosevelt to hide had been donated to the Penn-

New Yortt Times News Service

the fact that he had this disabil-

sylvania Historical and Muse-

Geoffrey Ward had to cut away from watching a presi-

ity from the public," Woolner

um Commission. The gap between image and

sald. But he added that the pub-

dential news conference to talk to a reporter about "The Roosevelts: An Intimate History," the new Ken Burns documentary

series he wrote. That brought Ward to a favorite theme: his conviction that neither T h eodore nor

Richard Shotwell /The Associated Press

Geoffrey Ward during the "The Roosevelts: An Intimate History" panel in July. The Ken Burns' series premieres Sunday.

Franklin D. Roosevelt could be elected president today. Teddy Roosevelt, with his shrill voice websites beginning Monday. and penchant for outbursts, The film starts with Theowas "too hot" for the cool medi-

dore Roosevelt's birth in 1858

Roosevelt (who led the nation

from 1901 to 1909) capturing thieves out West. The incident

um of television, he said, while "clearly, Franklin was a cripple," paralyzed from the waist down after contracting polio in 1921, at 39, and today's press

and ends with the 1962 death of was real, but the photograph Eleanor, Theodore's niece and was staged: Friends posed as Franklin's wife (and fifth cous- the bad guys. And while Thein). High-profile biographies of odore built the White House's all three have been published in first press room and loved to "would compete to see who recent years, but viewers may have cameras around, Ward could find him most helpless." not beaware ofthe"ratherdra- said, no photos were unearthed Yet bothsucceeded,in partby matic interfamily relationship of him playing his daily tennis skillful manipulation of their between the three Roosevelts," match. He thought the game images in the news media of said David Woolner, a senior would make him look effete. their eras, one of many threads fellow and resident historian at The documentary, Ward the 14-hour series explores. the Roosevelt Institute and an said, is also the "first systematPBS stations wil l b r oad- adviser on the series. "There's ic treatment on film" of all the cast the sweeping documen- an interconnectedness that we efforts Franklin Roosevelttary, which weaves together just don't really pause to think president from 1933 to his death the lives of both presidents about." in 1945 — made to appear to and first lady Eleanor RoosWhen it came to the pres- walk. It took him seven years evelt into a family narrative, idents as media masters, the toperfect the move of swinging starting Sunday, in two-hour filmmakersfound some 25,000 his body forward while holding increments for seven straight images from which to draw, onto someone's arm. The man nights. The entire series will Burns said, including one that who used a wheelchair and stream on PBS member station

purports to show T heodore

couldn't get to the bathroom

North Dakota, and an unused snippet from a newsreel when Franklin met Winston Churchill. The series was essentially

Dear Abby: I just turned 14 and appreciation, as you will learn in is over-the-moon about her baby had a small party with relatives to many situations as time passes. boy. Shirts like this for toddlers c elebrate it. A f e w Deer Abby: My are very common. The children days later, my mom sister has a 1-year- in that household are probably bought me thankold baby boy we all too young to read what's printed DEPR you cards and said I adore. He is a cute on the T-shirts and feel slighted, ABBY should sendthem out. little guy. My sister so simmer down and don't take it I told th e peois u n derstandably personally. ple "thank you" for proud, but sometimes Dear Abby:Some time ago, we the gifts in person. I don't think I feel it goes too far. were given a very expensive dining thank-you cards are necessary She sends pictures of him with room set by relatives. No one else in captions like, "Cutest Baby Ever," or

days. Shouldn't they be reserved "He's the BEST!" She dresses him for things like weddings and baby in shirts that say, "FAVORITE" or "The Greatest."


the family wanted it, and we took

it because our dining room pieces were old. Now, we would like to sell this set

Mom and I are anxious to see I feel it is rude to other parents and buy something less formal and your answer. and insensitive to other kids be- more comfortable. Do we have any — No Thank-You cause it implies that other people's obligation to the original owners? — Needs Advice Dear No Thank-You:Listentoyour children don't measure up. Also, mother because she's trying to tell there are some adorable little cousin New Hampshire you something important. When ins living in the same household as Dear Needs Advice:If the dining people do something nice for you the "perfect" baby. room set was "lent" to you by the — such as give you a birthday or We ALL have attractive children, relatives, you should consult them. Christmas gift — their thoughtful-

but not all of us feel the need to put

However, if it was GIVEN to you,

ness and generosity should be ac- others down in order to compliment then you have no obligation to do knowledged with a written thank- our offspring. Am I overly sensitive, so and you may dispose of it as you you. It's not a waste of your time. or is my sister tactless? wish. — Idaho Auntie — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com People are indined to be more generous to those who show their Dear Idaho Auntie: Your sister or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA90069

HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORSATURDAY, SEPT.13, 2014:This yearyou complete a12-year luck cycle. You might want to identify what works in your life and what doesn't; it is important to enter the new12-year luck cycle with only what is valid in your life. Start looking at your life from a different perspective. If you are single, be aware that you could

choose someone

SCORPIO (Dct. 23-Nov.21)

YOURHOROSCOPE goingon around you.You suddenly m ight understand why a loved one seems so angry. Tonight: Play it low-key.

** * You'll accomplish what you want despite a morning tiff or two. Your irritable mood might have pushed others away, so make a point of clearing that up. Friends and loved ones will appreciate your company at a get-together. Tonight: And the party goes on.

CANCER (June21-July 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21)

By Jacqueline Bigar

** * * Focus on what is happening 8tsrs showthe klnd who is emotionally within your immediate circle. A loved one of dey yon'I Ilsve unavailable. Be could be closed off right now. You might ** * * * D ynamic careful. If you are try to pry this person open to no avail. Go ** * * Positive at t ached, your off and enjoyyourself, andsoonyouwil ** * Average cre a tivity will soar, discover that he or she just needs some ** So-so and it will spice up space. Tonight:Do whatyou want. * Difficult your relationship. Schedule a special LEO (July23-Aug.22) trip you often discuss together. TAURUS ** * You could be more in the limelight helps you understand different cultures than you have been in the recent past. Be more forthright about your plans when and styles. trying to squeeze in everything you want ARIES (March21-April 19) ** * Others tend to see you as being full to do. A child might try to draw you in to a of surprises. You could witness a conflict fun happening. Tonight: Choose a favorite occur betweenyour desires andsomeone stressbuster. else's wishes. Be careful, as this person VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) could become unruly. Reach out to a ** * * You could be wondering what friend you see in a daily setting. Tonight: plans would be the most fun to pursue. Make it your treat. Opt to head in your chosen direction or go for a drive. Listen to news more openly. TAURUS (April 20-May20) ** * * You'll achieve exactly what you Put greater emphasis on trying a new type of adventure that involves some travel. want, but a key friend or loved one might let you know how off base he or she feels Tonight: Follow the music. you are. Your imagination is likely to take LIBRA (Sept. 23-Dct. 22) over, which will allow more fun into your ** * * Plan on getting together with day. A romance could be blossoming. others later in the day. You also might Tonight: As you like it. want to deal with a loved one directly. Schedule some quality one-on-one time GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * Think about what was said in a with this person. Your instincts tend to work well with this person, so be sure to discussi on.Though you can be aChatty Cathy, right nowyou'll need to be in deep follow them. Tonight: How about a friendthought. Be more in tune with what is ly dinner?

two greatest crises of the 20th

century. "Thank God"hisim age was manipulated, Ward said. "He completed when an eight-sec- was perfectly capable of being ond clip surfaced showing him president."

rittent an-oucar s or its ex ress ea eta reciation

for something as small as birth-

realityisofparticularinterest to

lic was well aware of his polio. Ward, who had polio when he What the public didn't know, was a child and wears braces. he said, "was the extent of his Through his long collaboration with Burns — he wrote "Jazz," disability." Political necessity required "Baseball" " The War" a n d an image of strength and "Prohibition," and was a writhealth while running for elec- er of "The Civil War" — Ward tion as the country struggled has never gone on camera. But in this series, he appears as an with the Depression. "If he were photographed expert, and when discussing looking helpless, people would Franklin in the fourth episode not vote for him," Ward said. — much of which is devoted to "Pitywas poison." Roosevelt's polio struggle — he The effort was aided by a becomes emotional. "Part of getting to know complicit news media. While some photographs from Frank- Franklin Delano Roosevelt is lin's first presidential campaign empathy," Burns said. show aides snapping on his Ward, who wrote the bibraces, thatended whenhe was ography, "A First-Class Temelected, Ward said. He was an perament: The Emergence of accessible president, holding Franklin Roosevelt," and, with 998 news conferences, but the Burns, the companion book for press corps agreed not to pho- the series, said he wants viewtograph his struggle to walk. ers to understand that "this Still, some images slipped man triumphed, even though through. Researchers turned he couldn't walk," leading the up a dip of the president get- country through the Depresting off a train in Bismarck, sion and World War II, the

** * * You might be overly concerned with certain details that needhandling. You will get a lot done, especially with Mars dropping into your sign today.Your social side will demandself-expression, no matter what is going on. Tonight: Don't push others as hard as youusually do.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) ** * * You might want to touch basewith a loved one or indulge your sweetie. What is stopping you? Understand your limits, and fulfill your obligations first. A friend could be disappointed, as he orshe might have been looking forward to spending time with you. Tonight: Where thefun is.

AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb.18) ** * * You might be stuck in acertain routine more thanyou realize. One-on-one relating could prove to bemost rewarding. You have away of combining romancewith friendship that is unbeatable. Tonight: You could be surprisedby how plans fall into place.

PISCES (Feb.19-March20) ** * You'll discover that everything will fall into place if you just relax and gowith the flow. News from afriend could put an obstacle in your path. Others are likely to come forward and let you knowhow important you are to them. Bespontaneous. Tonight: Flirt the night away. © King Features Syndicate

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may be an additional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change atter press time. I



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 SW Powerhouse Drive, 800-326-3264 • 50 T01 (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30 • ASABOVE/SO BELOW (R)1:25,4:35,7:35,10:05 • BOYHOOD (R) 9:15 • DOLPHINTALE2 (PG) Noon, 1:10, 3, 6, 7:10, 9 • THE DROP (R) 11:45 a.m., 2:30, 6:20, 9:05 • THE GIVER(PG-I3) 1:30,4:45, 7:45, IO: I5 • GUARDIANSOF THEGALAXY (PG-13)12:40,3:25,6:35, 9:20 • GUARDIANSOF THEGALAXY3-D (PG-13)3:50,9:50 • THEHUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY (PG)11:55 a.m.,3:25, 6:55,9:50 • THE IDENTICAL (PG) 11:30 a.m. • IF I STAY(PG-13) 12:15, 2:55, 6:40, 9:25 • LET'SBECOPS(R)I:I5,4:25,7:25, IO:10 • MAYHEM:MAYWEATHERVS. MAIDANA(no MPAA rating) 5 • NO GOOD DEED(PG-13) 1,3:55, 7, 10 • THE NOVEMBER MAN(R) 12:50, 4:15, 7:15, 9:55 • TEENAGEMUTANT NINJATURTLES (PG-13)11:40a.m., 3:20, 6:10, 9:45 • TEENAGEMUTANT NINJATURTLES IMAX3-0 (PG-13) 12:10, 2:45, 6:45 • TRANSFORMERS:AGE OF EXTINCTION 3-D (PG-13) 9:20 • WHEN THEGAME STANDS TALL (PG)12:25,3:IO,6:05, 9:10 • Accessibility devices are available forsome movies. •

8 p.m. onHALL, "Cedar Cove" — In the newepisode "Point of No Return," Olivia (AndieMacDowell) discovers thenewADA, Rebecca

(guest starCindyBusby), hasa deceifful secret. Jack (DylanNeal), meanwhile, receives apromising new job offer, but it comeswith acatch. Will andCliff (Cameron

Bancroft, SebastianSpence)come face to face,while Justine and Luke (Sarah Smyth, JesseHutch) are pulled into Cecilia andlan's (Emily

Tennant,JesseMoss)familydrama. TomStevensalso stars. 8 p.m. onLIFE, Movie: "Deliverance Creek" —Best-selling author Nicholas Sparks isan executive producer on this newTVmovie, a revenge dramaaboutayoung widow, BelleGatlin Barlowe(Lauren Ambrose, "Six FeetUnder"), who is struggling to protect herself and her three children asthe Civil War rages around her.Whencorrupt bank officials in hertownforce Belleto become an outlaw, she is forced to decidewhether survival trumps her moral code. 8p.m.onHBO,Movie:"Dallas BuyersClub" — Matthew McCo-

naugheyearnedwidepraise—and aGolden GlobeAward — not only for his acting butalso for his physical transformation in this fact-inspired 2013dramaabouta

moderncowboywhoapproaches the situation his ownway when he's diagnosed asHIV-positive. He goes to various, often risky lengths to find a cure onhis own, ultimately getting a partner in his quest (played byfellow GoldenGlobe winner Jared Leto). 8p.m.onSHO, Movie:"Fruitvale Station" —Itdidn't makeaton of money at thebox office, but writer-director RyanCoogler's gripping 2013recreation ofa real-life tragedy reaped critical ravesandaslew

ofawards, includingmajorprizes at both theCannesand Sundance Film Festivals. Michael B. Jordan starsas OscarGrant, ayoung man killed by atransit police officer during an altercation on anOakland, California, train plafform. 10 p.m. on6, "48 Hours""Lovedto Death"getsanupdateas itexamines"breakup violence" by recounting a highschool senior's murder uponsecretly meeting with a former boyfriend. TracySmith recounts the circumstances ofthe death of Wayland, Massachusetts, teen LaurenAstley — whoseathlete ex-beaureportedly hadavery hard time dealing with theendof their relationship. Relatives, investigators and prosecutors comment on the case. © Zap2it

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McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 NWBond St., 541-330-8562 • DAWN OFTHE PLANETOF THE APES (PG-13)6 • MALEFICENT(PG) 2:30 • PLANES:FIRE& RESCUE(PG) 11:30 a.m. • SEXTAPE(R) 9: I5 • After 7 p.m., showsare2t and older only. Younger than 21 may attend screenings before 7p.m.ifaccompanied by a legal guardian. Tin Pan Theater, 869 NWTin PanAlley, 541-241-2271 • FRANK(R) 8:15 • LAND HO!(R) 6 • THE ONEI LOVE(R) 4 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535 SWOdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • DOLPHINTALE2 (PG) 11:30 a.m.,1:45, 4, 6:15, 830 • GUARDIANSOFTHEGALAXY(PG-13) 10:45 a.m.,1:15, 3:45, 6: I5, 8:45 • IF I STAY(PG-13) 12:15, 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:15 • THENOVEMBER MAN (R)12:30,2:45,5,7:l5,9:30 Sisters Movie House,720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • CALVARY(R) 4:45, 7 • THE GIVER(PG-13) 7:15 • GUARDIANSOF THE GALAXY (PG-13)4:15,6:45 • THEHUNDRED-FOOT JOURNEY (PG)4:30 • MAGIC INTHEMOONLIGHT (PG-13) 7 • WHENTHE GAME STANDS TALL (PG)4:45 Madras Cinema 5,1101SWU.S. Highway 97, 541-475-3505 • DOLPHINTALE2 (PG) Noon, 2:15, 4:35, 7, 9:20 • THE GIVER(PG-13) 4:40, 9:05 • IF I STAY(PG-13) 12:20, 2:35, 5, 7:20, 9:40 • THE NOVEMBER MAN(R) 2:05, 4:30, 7:05, 9:30 • TEENAGEMUTANT NINJATURTLES (PG-13)Noon, 2:20, 6:50 • WHENTHE GAME STANDS TALL (PG)1:40,4:15,8:45, 9:10 Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., 541-416-1014 • DOLPHINTALE2 (PG) 1,4, 7 • INTOTHESTORM(Upstairs — PG-13) 1:10, 4:10, 7:15 • Theupstairsscreening room has limitedaccessibility.


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Riverfront Estate, Sunriver

Canal views, p laygrounds, and p avilions, oh my! C entral Oregon's newest eastside neighborhood is now offering beautiful Hayden Homes starting at $212,990. Uniquely located just beyond the Reed Market and 27th Street junction, Marketplace lies equally close to the Parkway, Old Mill, Whole Foods, Costco, and other eastside shopping landmarks. Don't miss your opportunity to own in this familyfriendly community - contact our Marketplace Community Manager today! Valerie Skelton

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your dock on the Spring River to the Big Deschutes. Enjoy evenings on the huge Trex deck, or just relax in the hot tub overlooking the river. Bonus: a 30'x48' shop with a three

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COBA show is the perfect place for homeowners to listen and learn from local businesses. by John Cal, for The Bulletin Special Projects

If you own a home in Central Oregon, you've probably been to this event. During the last 15 years, it's been called the Fall Home and Garden Show, the Fall Home Show 8 Living Expo, and the Fall Remodeling 8 Interior Decor Show, among others. And again in the great tradition of helping and informing local homeowners on the best of the best in local home-related businesses, the Central Oregon Builders Association (COBA) brings you the Fall Home & Food Festival. In conjunction withThe Connection Depot and presenting sponsor Great Northern Windows, the event is being held from 10 a.m. to5 p.m. today and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

Sunday, Sept. 14. "It's the same great show," said Sheri Terry, head of event sales and business development at COBA, who has been with the organization for more than five years now. Previously held at the Century Center in Bend,this is the second year COBA's completely free annual event will be held at the Athletic Club of Bend. "It's an indoor show this year ... and we really wanted to stay on the west side, really local, to tap into that local demographic," saidTerry. The festival showcases the best of local offerings from remodeling to financing to

'IAindermere Central Oregon Real Estate

appliances, Coriancounters, Pergo flooring, andcarpets. The expansiv eyard is fenced.Good bedroom separation, master suite



5 4 1 - 923-4663

695 SW Mill View Bend, OR 97702

10 2 0 SE Indian Ave Red m ond, OR97756





ice cream, a barbecue food cart and Atlas Cider Company. Atlas will be giving out free tastings from 1-3 p.m. both days to anyone ages 21 and older. Afteryears and under many permutations, the festival remains a resource for everyone who owns, wantsto own, rents or dreams of homeownership. That's pretty much everyone in Central Oregon. "Bend has always been about locals helping locals," said Terry, "people in the community helping each other out, to keep localbusiness going and to keep making our lives better."


I "I

I ; wrs j '

Free and open to the public Athletic Club of Bend in the Courts Building 61615 Athletic Club Drive, Bend

Saturday: 70 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.


$ 270 , 0 0 0

Redmond Areally nicehomewith anopenfloor plan andgreateastern mountamand e wam

[~ '.d'


$ 289 , 9 0 0

Enjoy a very private large lot that sits back off the road. Updates include newerstainless

is the only upstairs bedroom. The office has a large closet so this could also be the 6th bedroom.






patios and roofing to green living and locally made artisan goods. "Yep! We've even got bedding,"added Terry. What makes this festival a unique home show is that its aim is to connect locals to locals and help local homeowners connect with local businesses. "People usually have updates to do or big fall projects, or maybe they're just wanting ideasorto keep up on what'snew in solar,or they might want information on financing to buy their first home,"saidTerry.''We wanted to encourage people to use their local resources,and we wanted to make it easy for them. Where else are you going to have all the owners of all these businesses in one spot'?" Many of the booths will have drawings and free giveaways, and attendees can enter to win a 51-inch flat screen TV. "Peoplecan enter both days,and we'llhave the drawing on site, Sunday at 4 (p.m.). You don't have to be present to win,"saidTerry. Along with all the information available on roofing, siding, and home financing, locally made small goods vendors will also be present. "It's a great place for people to gift shop," Terry said. Pink Zebra and Sage Struck Herbaryaretwo such small goods vendors. "They have lots of herbal products, vinegars, oils, organic pesto, beautiful fresh cut flowers,"saidTerry. And if you're hungry or thirsty, the show has several food vendors on hand, including Handlebar Coffee, Addy Mac's locally made

l '-— I-IC



city view. Master on the main floor includeshisandher walk-in closets. Homehasa22x26familyorgame

room fman cave)downstairs. Large decking above with views. Covered irrigation pipeat rear of property for addedyard space. An oversized

garagewith roomfor aworkshop fk RV parking.


' :


, tiljltnzt!pr~ e,;,'r

."",v .



Gorgeous home, located in Summit Crest, vaulted ceilings, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, beautifully landscaped, on acorner lot. Bitterroot ledge stone fire pit with solid bitterroot slate benches for outdoor seating. Great for entertaining and full mountain views from upstairs bedroom.

$21 9,900


$ 394 , 5 0 0

Hard to find 10 acre site backing to private forest land. Mature

Great investmentopportunity near Pilot Butte! Cul-de-sac

Redmond This 4+bd, 2.5 ba, beauty boasts 3-car garagewith shop area. Island kitchen, features abundant

ponderosaandlodgepole pine trees. Great roomdesign with vaulted ceilings, large master separation. Largerear entertaining deck overlooking your back acreage. Lots of space to build future shop/buildings or barn for horses.

location. 2 bdrm/2.5 bath, two story units with attached single

car garages.Close toshopping, schools, and medical facilities. Professionally managed,tenant occupied. Therental market in

Bend is incredibly active, don't miss this investment opportunity!

cabinetry, new granite with tile backsplash, and corner pantry. Master suite includes walk-in

closet, separate tubandlarge loft. Downstairs hassolarium room off family area, office. Newly landscaped largeyard & RV parking.





Condo/Townhomes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


• H o mes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Midtown Bend ( 2809 SW 25th St. 52687 Day Rd. Classic 17892 Kodiak Lane, 10910 SW Peninsula $129,900. ¹201309248 • j Single level charmer full scribe custom log Large custom home Dr, Terrebonne 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 1368 i $220,000 Fairway Vista t own• 1138 sq.ft. with RV area. home on 5 acres. on 1+ acres, backing Panoramic views of sq ft, this creekside home in Eagle Crest • 3 bedroom, 1 bath AD¹1352 AD¹1092 the Cascade Mtns property has so many private wildlife. with garage. 10th tee • Great location, corner Ad ¹2042 from this p e aceful options as either a box resort c ourse, TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn lot High Desert Realty High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn home on 5.34 acres, great investor prop1447 sq. ft., dbl. ga• MLS 201407753 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty located within m inerty or perfect come • • • • rage, golf course and Sue Conrad, www. BendOregon www.BendOregon 541-312-9449 utes of the Deschutes mercial location for a mtn. views. 3 bdrm, Broker, CRS RealEstate.com RealEstate.com www.BendOregon Canyon and Crooked variety of uses - or as 2bath. $280,000. MLS RENTALS 541-480-6621 RealEstate.com River Gra s sland. a c omfortable and 201307174 603 - Rental Alternatives 53784 Bridge Dr. 9730 SW Willard Rd. well-maintained home P lenty of r oom f o r Lynn Johns, Principal Single level home right $229,000 Old stage stop and a 604 - Storage Rentals horses & riding! Qual- close to all the downBroker, 541-408-2944 on the river. Ad ¹1252 Eagle Crest Chalet touch of the old west. 605 - Roommate Wanted i ty built 2675 sq f t town conveniences. Wes Johns, Broker 541 TEAM Birtola Garmyn • Fully Furnished Ad ¹1432 home features 3 BD, Open living and din616- Want To Rent 408-2945 Central Or•On Ridge Course High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn 3 BA, spacious 550 ing areas, hardwood MORRIS 627- VacationRentals & Exchanges egon Resort Realty 541-312-9449 •3 Bdrm, 2 bath High Desert Realty SF game/pool room. floors, RV p a rking REAL ESTATE 630- Rooms for Rent ~Turn Key ready www. BendOregon 541-312-9449 Townhome o n the 3-car g a rage/shop, with hookup and natu631 - Condominiums & Townhomes for Rent Bea Leach, Broker RealEstate.com www.BendOregon Creek in Eagle Crest. huge master bedral gas. Extensively 541-788-2274 RealEstate.com 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 3 b drm, 2 y 2 b a th, room, bathroom 8 remodeled in the '90s. Three Rivers South ( Check out the Windermere 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 1471 sq. f t. , m a in closet, extra large liv- Easy access to Ma$40,000 15016 Fall River Dr., classifieds online Central Oregon level master, backs to 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend ing room, breakfast dras Hwy/Hwy 126. • .52 acre corner lot Fall River Real Estate Creek and w alking www.bendbulletin.com Spectacular nook, formal dining Dennis Clark, Principal 638- Apt./Multiplex SE Bend • Close to Big DesHome. Ad ¹1662 path. Luxury upgrade Updated daily r oorn. Gour m e t Broker, 541-771-8730 chutes 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend TEAM Birtola Garmyn 3166 NE Elizabeth Ct. package. $254,900 • Septic approved, Beautiful home in NE kitchen w/abundance Century 21 High Desert Realty 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 16611 Ascha Ct. Cute MLS¹201400034 of cabinets & walk-in Gold Country Realty power at street Bend w/enormous 541-312-9449 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished and cozy home in a Lynn Johns, Principal pantry. Unique laun• MLS 201407157 yard. Ad ¹2162 www.BendOregon cul-de-sac backing big 648- Houses for Rent General Broker, 541-408-2944 dry/bathoom/mudAmy Halligan, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn $129,900 RealEstate.com park. Ad ¹1182 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend Central Oregon room at entrance from 541-410-9045 Fab Floor Plan High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn Resort Realty 652 - Houses for Rent NW Bend 2074 NE Hollow Tree g arage. 3-f t w i d e• 3 bed 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty h allways & do o r s• 3 full bath Lane. Quality, views, 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend www.BendOregon 541-312-9449 744 t hroughout hom e . • 1576 SF and space, all in town. RealEstate.com 656 - Houses for Rent SW Bend www. BendOregon Open Houses Wrap around decks & • Maintenance free Ad ¹1312 658- Houses for Rent Redmond RealEstate.com 4212 NW Sawyer Ct., TEAM Birtola Garmyn wooden walkways at • Great community MORRIS 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver gorgeous Deschutes OPEN the back of house. • MLS¹ 201405298 High Desert Realty 21920 Obsidian Ave. REAL ESTATE 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine River and River Can- $460,000. 12:30 - 4:30 541-312-9449 MLS Lisa Hart, Broker Bend 30+ acre yon views. AD¹1222 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville Sat. & Sun. ¹201404100. 541-788-2278 www.BendOregon paradise with large TEAM Birtola Garmyn 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 2839 NE Forum Drive Karin Powers, Broker, Windermere RealEstate.com Cascade views. High Desert Realty USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 3 bdrm, 2~/~ bath, large 541-410-0234 Central Oregon 663 - Houses for Rent Madras Ad ¹1552. 541-312-9449 master suite, great $595,000 • Sisters Century 21 Gold Real Estate 664- Houses for Rent Furnished TEAM Birtola Garmyn •End of the road privacy Door-to-door selling with www.BendOregon room, loft, family area, Country Realty High Desert Realty •Open kitchen, dining 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent RealEstate.com fast results! It's the easiest Lovely home 541-312-9449 675 - RV Parking 11869 Chi n quapin, TURN THE PAGE area and deck $249,700. way in the world to sell. www. BendOregon 714 NW Ogden Ave. Crescent Lake. 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space •Large barn/shop Call Steve O For More Ads RealEstate.com NW Downtown Bend TURN-KEY v a c ation •Horse property, 2 mi. 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage 541-550-0333 The Bulletin Classified The Bulletin cottage and garage. cabin. Tucked away in 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease Smith Rock Views! This to Sisters airport 541 485-5809 Ad ¹2022 745 the trees on 1 acre home is on a q uiet Bill Kammerer, Broker TEAM Birtola 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent Garmyn bordering BLM land.. 13439 SW Chipmunk 541-410-1200 dead-end co u ntry Homes for Sale High Desert Realty REAL ESTATE 732 Blue buggy pine walls, Rd, Terrebonne. Very Windermere road. Spacious 2700 541-312-9449 c eilings an d d o o r well kept 3 BD, 2 BA 705 - Real Estate Services Central Oregon Commercial/Investment 2545 SW 43rd. Luxurisq. ft. home boasts 3 www.BendOregon frames. Every room home on 5.25+ acres. Real Estate 713- Real Estate Wanted ous home with stunbedrooms, 2 b aths, Properties for Sale RealEstate.com has a unique finish. Home sits back from ning views. Ad ¹2102 huge country kitchen, 3156 NE Angela Ave. 719 - Real Estate Trades Interior features: 2 road for privacy and TEAM Birtola Garmyn dining area, large util 8356 SW Pumice Ct. HWY 726 - Timeshares for Sale 51450 Beautiful home with b edroom, 1 bat h , offers outstanding mtn ity room and a base High Desert Realty Ready to move in. 3 97$114,900. Reviews of Pilot Butte. 730 - New Listings open floor plan, large views. Large kitchen 541-312-9449 ment which i s in Bdrm, 2 bath home windows, wood stove model for your highAD¹1342 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale w/walk-in pantry, large www.BendOregon cluded in the sq. ft. TEAM Birtola on 1 acre in CRR. way business. High Garmyn laundry area. Exte master suite, family RealEstate.com and also has an extra 738 - Multiplexes for Sale Large garage/shop. & Lakes Realty 8 PropHigh Desert Realty covered deck, room w/fireplace and area upstairs and all Located on a cul-de- rior: 740 -Condominiums 8 Townhomes for Sale erty Man a gement 65440 Tweed Rd., 541-312-9449 equipped shed large covered porch. bedrooms are on the sac which provides fully 541-536-0117 744 - Open Houses Bend. Immaculate 20 m ain l e vel . Th e www.BendOregon with sn o wmobiles, Fenced yard, deerprivacy. $ 1 3 2,000. outside accent RealEstate.com 745 - Homes for Sale acre estate w/Caslights fenced garden area, double car garage is Attractive Commercial MLS ¹201404446. cade views and and a large detached plenty of space for 746- Northwest Bend Homes Building - This 1320 large and this prop Juniper Realty, 14266 Whitewater guesthouse. Ad double car garage. your horses! $225,000 erty is 1.06 acres with 747- Southwest Bend Homes sq f t com m ercial 541-504-5393 Lane, northwest ¹1102 $145,000 MLS¹ MLS¹201403719 1 a c r e ir r igation, property in downtown TEAM Birtola 748 - Northeast Bend Homes Deschutes riverfront Garmyn 201407152 Call Karin Powers, Broker, 2002 NW Perspecitve fenced and ready for Tumalo is perfect for home. Ad ¹1592 749 - Southeast Bend Homes High Desert Realty Dr. Frank Loyd Wright Linda (541) 815-0606 541-410-0234 horses. $5,000 allow TEAM Birtola Garmyn your future business. 541-312-9449 Cascade Realty 750 - Redmond Homes inspired design. Century 21 Gold ance w/acceptable of $299,000. High Desert Realty www.BendOregon Awbrey Butte home. Country Realty 753 - Sisters Homes Call Terry Skjersaa, fer. $269,900. 12333 541-312-9449 RealEstate.com BULLETINCLASSIFIEDS Ad ¹2132 541-383-1426 NW 10th St., Terreb 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes www.BendOregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn Search the area's most 1382 sq. ft. New conMLS¹201406549 onne. RealEstate.com 756- Jefferson County Homes Find exactly what High Desert Realty comprehensive listing cf Call Heather Hockett, s truction. Uni q u e Duke Warner Realty 757 - Crook County Homes 541-312-9449 classified advertising... 541-382-8262 you are looking for in the PC, Broker, Century 2603 SW MissionRd. quality built custom 762 - Homes with Acreage www.BendOregon real estate to automotive, 21 Gold Country Re home with great floor Cute farmhouse on 80 CLASSIFIEDS RealEstate.com C ommercial Lots I n merchandise to sporting plan in desirable NW 763- Recreational Homes and Property alty, 541-420-9151 acres w/gorgeous Crooked River Ranch: goods. Bulletin Classifieds Bend area. This lovely views. AD¹1022 764 - Farms and Ranches SW Shad Rd., appear every day in the Great opportunity to 16707 Old Military Dr., Spectacular 1620 sq. ft. TEAM Birtola Garmyn 10768 cottage style home 771 - Lots Terrebonne Lovely 3 custom built, newer home on 1 acre start a business or print or on line. features an appealing High Desert Realty spectacular views, bedroom, 2 bath 1782 773 - Acreages with 1632 sq. ft. 3-bay relocate an existing 54'I -312-9449 open great room floor Call 541-385-5809 sq ft home with extra complete privacy. garage/shop with own business. Near res775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes w it h v a u lted www.BendOregon Ad ¹1032 windows for that spe- www.bendbulletin.com plan bath and kitchenette. taurants, hotel a nd ceilings, SS a p pli780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land RealEstate.com cial view of Cascade $199,900 MLS golf course. Owner TEAM Birtola Garmyn ances, granite slab The Bulletin High Desert Realty Mountains, canyons Serving Ccnfrsl Oregonsince HIB ¹201407601 675 terms avail. Business Call The Bufletfn At and tile countertops, and wildlife. Corner lot 541-312-9449 Call Nancy Popp, Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 extremely high effiRV Parking 541-385-5809 $1'I 9,950 www. BendOregon and paved road. ProPrincipal Broker acres, $25,000. Lot 50 ciency ductless elecPlace Your Ad Or E-Mail pane stove 8 h eat 1.49 Ac Homesite RealEstate.com 541-815-8000 tric heating/air condiRV space for rent, NE -1.30acres& Lot51• 3 bed 8 2 bath At: www.bendbulletin.com pump, 50-gallon waCrooked River Realty tioning system, wide Redmond, $350/mo., 1.23 acres, still avail- 1 5828 Sixth S t. , L a ter heater, skylights, • Private master bed able at $35,000 each plank laminate wood i ncludes water & Pine, $99,000. Fully 310 Willis Lane, 20250 Birdsong Lane. electric air c leaner, • Wrap around decks or purchase both for Home could sewer. 541-419-1917 fenced. 30x48 shop & One-of-a-kind Tuincredible NW style fenced ba c kyard,• Large kitchen & din- flooring. $60,000. Juniper Re- home. High L a kes estate be customized for on almost 90 malo home on 5 acres 2-car garage. ing area 687 alty 541-504-5393 handicap accessibility. Realty 8 Pr o perty and views. Ad ¹1602 $199,000. • Turnaround driveways acres. Ad ¹1362 Commercial for TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn Dave Disney, Broker, ¹201405345 $224,500 MLS¹201406671 D owntown Of fic e Management Jodi Clark, Principal 541-536-0117 High Desert Realty 541-410-8557 632 Rent/Lease High Desert Realty Karin Powers, Broker, Building - 1456 sq ft Broker, 541-771-8731 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 541-410-0234 Windermere remodeled of f i ce. 62565 Dixon Lp. GorApt./Iillultiplex General Century 21 Gold Counwww.BendOregon www. BendOregon Century 21 Gold Central Oregon For Lease 7000 sq ft commergeous small acreage, try Realty RealEstate.com RealEstate.com Real Estate • New build to suit Country Realty cial zoned lot. ExcelCHECK VOUR AD minutes from town. • Great location, high lent parkway expoAD¹1582 visibility sure. 4 park i ng TEAM Birtola Garmyn • Outdoor patio spaces inc l uding High Desert Realty • MLS 201408068 h andicap spa c e . 541-312-9449 Paula Vanvleck, Broker $399,995. www.BendOregon 541-280-7774 MLS¹201404318 RealEstate.com on the first day it runs CallLarry Jacobs, to make sure it is cor60360 Sunset View Dr. 541-480-2329 rect. "Spellcheck" and Duke Warner Realty Custom single level P R O N G H O R N human errors do ochome in Sunset View 541-382-8262 b e n d , o r e g on cur. If this happens to Estates. Ad ¹2032. MORRIS your ad, please conFully Rented, L ongTEAM Birtola Garmyn REAL ESTATE tact us ASAP so that Term Leases - Great High Desert Realty corrections and any income p r o ducing 541-312-9449 adjustments can be property. 2 buildings, www.BendOregon made to your ad. main b u i lding is RealEstate.com 541 -385-5809 RM WR(j@S 19,429 sq ft with very TheBulletin Classified Custom home. O utlarge parking lot. Sec~o ©5)Q ond building is 6420 standing CASCADE Senior Apartmentsq ft. Great location. VIEW! 1878 sq. ft. 3/2 Independent Living + bonus room (not in$1,500,000. ALL-INCLUSIVE c luded in s q . f t . ) Call Candy Yow at with 3 meals daily cherry cabi n ets, 541-410-3193. Month-to-month lease, hardwood 8 s l a te, MLS201304214. check it out! Oversized g a r age, Duke Warner Realty 713 Call 541-318-0450 adjacent t o p u b lic 541-382-8262 Real Estate Wanted land. $279,900 MLS 634 New Listing, .88 acre 201402871 Call • WE BUY HOMES• commercially zoned Nancy Popp, Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Any conditionp roperty wit h t w o 541-815-8000 Close in 7 days. s tick-built home s Crooked River Realty Call for Specials! Scott L. Williams Real rented at $575 and Limited numbers avail. Estate - 800-545-6431 $850. You also get an 2046 NW Perspective 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Dr. Looking for qualadditional tax lot in the W/D hookups, patios People Lookfor Information ity, views and locadeal. This location is or decks. tion, this is the About Products and off of the Madras Hwy ¹/IOUNTAIN GLEN, PLACE! Ad ¹1172 Services Every Daythrough in Prineville, and there 541-383-9313 The ffvlletin Classiffeds have been some new TEAM Birtola Garmyn Professionally High Desert Realty b usinesses i n th e managed by Norris & 541-312-9449 730 area. Asking Stevens, Inc. www.BendOregon $ 210,000. Agen t New Listings RealEstate.com owned property. Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the 4.72 Acres ( $195,000 Heather Hockett, Bro- 19577 Pond Meadow ker, 54 1 - 420-9151 Ct. Gorgeous home classifieds! Ask about our • Cascade Mountain C entury 2 1 Gol d located in River Rim. Super Seller rates! views 541-385-5809 Country Realty. • Flat parcel Ad ¹1142 • Power to lot, paved Birtola Garmyn Perfect for owner user TEAM 648 I'oad High Desert Realty total of 4 condo in• MLS 201408380 541-312-9449 Houses for dustrial units. Each is Mark Valceschini PC, www.BendOregon Rent General approx. 2250 sq.ft. Broker, CRS, GRI RealEstate.com A rare real estate opportunity nestled in Bend's with 12x11 office and 541-383-4364 PUBLISHER'S 12x12 overhead door. Single Story H ome, l,000-year-oldjuniper forest. NOTICE Can be sold sepa- 2383 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, All real estate adverrately. Easy access to 2.5 bath, triple car tising in this newspat he a i r port, f a i r - garage..67 acre park EndLess activities. Resort-styLe living. Auberge amenities. This is just the per is subject to the rounds and Hwy 97. like setting in Awbrey MORRIS F air H ousing A c t beginning of what living at Pronghorn is a(( about. Whether it's authentic dining 499,000. MLS Butte, updated and REALESTATE which makes it illegal 201309345 mountain views. or arejuvenating spa day, a round of golf or a day kayaking the Deschutes, these to a d vertise "any Call Carolyn Emick at $659,000. MLS¹ preference, limitation 8.11 Acres ( $485,000 541-419-0717 201406912 Pam homes and home sites are specifically designed to provide owners the best of or disc r imination Duke Warner Realty Lester, Princ. Broker, sq.ft. Iog home based on race, color, •• 2753 541-382-8262 C entury 2 1 Gol d what Bend has to offer. bedroom, 4 bath religion, sex, handi- • 4 Country Realty, Inc. Mt. Bachelor & South 738 cap, familial status, Sister view 541-504-1338 marital status or naThe Auberge Residences providefractionaL and whole ownership opportunities Ii¹ultiplexes for Saleg tional origin, or an in- • MLS 201408495 FIND YOUR FUTURE Susan Agli, Broker, with exclusive exchange privileges. tention to make any Duplex! Convenient ABR, ALHS HOME INTHE BULLETIN such pre f erence, location. NE B end 541-408-3773 limitation or discrimisingle level, 3 bdrm, 2 Your future is just apage To findout more about Pronghorn and these exclusive offerings, please contact nation." Familial stabath, /2 bdrm, 2 bath. away. Whetheryou're looking tus includes children Fenced Yard and 2 for a hat or aplace to hangit, us at855.785.4271 or visitpronghorn.aubergeresot ts.com. under the age of 18 car tandem garages. The Bulletin Classified is living with parents or your best source. $ 309,900. Kell i e MORRIS legal cus t odians, Cook, Broker REAL ESTATE Every daythousandsof pregnant women, and 541-408-0463 h d y R~ y ~ M ~ buyers andsellers of goods people securing cusJohn L. Scott and services dobusinessin tody of children under La Pine 10.49 Acres ( Real Estate, Bend these pages.They know 18. This newspaper johnlscott.com/51631 you $348,000 can't beatThe Bulletin will not knowingly ac- • 2080 sq.ft., 4 bedClassified Section for cept any advertising room, 3.5 bath selection andconvenience for real estate which is • Hickory floors, maple Condo/Townhomes - every item isjust a phone in violation of the law. cabinets call away. O ur r e aders a r e • Borders BLM 8 wild- • for S a l e hereby informed that life refuge The Classified Section is all dwellings adverCreekside Townhome easy to use. Eveiy item tised in this newspa- • MLS 201406703 Eagle Crest, 3 bdrm, is categorizedandevery Gary Rose, 2~/~ bath, 1871 sq. ft., per are available on cartegory is indexed onthe Broker, MBA an equal opportunity great room floor plan. section's front page. 541-588-0687 The Lodge at Pronghorn: Coming Soon. basis. To complain of main level master. d iscrimination cal l MLS 2014 0 4647 Whether youarelooking for HUD t o l l-free at $252,900. Lynn Johns a home orneeda service, 1-800-877-0246. The Principal Bro k e r, your future is inthe pagesof The Bulletin Classified. toll free t e lephone 541-408-2944, Wes Cascade Sotheby's A ube r g e Re s o rt s Co l! e c t io n MORRIS number for the hearJ ohns, Broker 5 4 1 INTERNATIONAL REALTY REAL ESTATE ing i m paired is 408-2945, Central OrThe Bulletin ServingCa t at Oregon srnce1903 1-800-927-9275. I I ~ ml y O egon Resort Realty •




ppo o








Homes f or Sale

Homes for Sale


Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Ho m es for Sale•


Homes for Sale


191 Highland Meadow $260,000 2 Master Suites, 1 up/1 $359,000 3 bedroom, $429,000 2 b d rm, 3 Lp., Eagle Crest ReSW Canyon Dr. down, 4 BR, 3.5 BA, 2~/2 bath, 2492 sq. ft. b ath, 3011 sq . f t . sort, 2321 sq. ft., 3 • 3 bed, 2 bath & 1944 2369 SF, hardwood Rare 2 . 5 8 acr e Beautiful, l u x urious ning R.D. Building & bdrms, 2~/2 baths, of- SF floors, granite r anchette with 1 . 5 home with extensive Design fice and formal dining. • Expansive outdoor livcounters, RV parking, acres irri g ation; rock exterior, large • Mountain views & exGreat room plan. All ing deck fenced & landscaped. fenced and c r oss waterfall in front yard • Almost? AC lot pansive finishes premium fin i shes. Pick y ou r co l ors! fenced with irrigation with 3 ponds. Slate throughout $397,097. Lynn • Near canyon trail $279,000. pond, 36x36 s hop entry, cathedral ceil• 4731 SF, 2 master Johns, Principal Bro- Diana Barker, Broker MLS¹201406397 Call with 3 bays and 12' . ings. Walnut flooring, suites, 2 bed & 3.5 ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944, 541-480-7777 Pam Lester, Principal door, 12x26 lean-to. hickory cabinets. Exbath Wes Johns, Broker Windermere Broker, Century 21 The farmhouse was posed pillars, arched • Wine, gym, theater, 541 408-2945. CenCentral Oregon Gold Country Realty, ENTIRELY r e mod- walkways, d o u blefamily & great rooms tral Oregon Resort Real Estate Inc. 541-504-1338 eled in 2007 and has sided see thru fire• Designer kitchen with Realty many upgrades and place. Beautiful mtn. Viking appliance Horsell Road 2 N e we r W e s tside amenities. Main floor views, ultimate floor¹201405362 $188,500 26695 Recently remodeled Homes on One Lotseparate liv- ing in garage, wet bar, package sq. ft. and new 3bd, 2 bath, 2070ysf Spacious floor plans, master, Jake Moorhead, Broker 905 ing and family rooms, office theater room, construction. Unique 541-480-6790 house on 67.9y private yards, located lots of storage, new s urround soun d quality built custom farm John Taylor, Broker acres w i th 3 9. 7 y close to d owntown exterior decking, large speakers, fenced, and home with great floor 541-480-0448 of i r r igation. and all that Newport mud/laundry r o o m, sprinkler sys t e m. plan in desirable NW acres 1344ysf building for Windermere Ave. has t o o f f er. white vinyl fencing. ¹20'I403611 Bend area. This lovely Central Oregon Don't miss this op- ¹201404392 Dennis Clark, Principal cottage style home Office/Recreation/StuReal Estate 4502y sf building portunity! $235,000. Jodi Clark, P rincipal Broker, 541-771-8730 features an appealing dio, with 12' door & man Call Aubre Cheshire at Broker, 541-771-8731 Century 21 141804 Heather Lane, open great room plan door for shop/RV/Toy 541-598-4583 or Century 21 Gold Coun- Gold Country Realty Crescent Lake. This 1 with vaulted ceilings, /Boat storage & inBrook Criazzo, try Realty bedroom, 1 bath cabin SS appliances, gran- door gardening. New 54'I -550-8408. $449,900 is set on one acre ite slab and tile coun- 750y deep well being MLS¹201407527 360' M t n and Smith Crestridge Estates backing up to BLM tertops, ex t r emely drilled to provide a Warner Realty Rock views, p a ve • 5 AC & open living land. 18x27 deck with high efficiency duct- year-round source of Duke 541-382-8262 road, 4.92 acres in • Vaulted ceilings built-in bench. Don't less electric heating/ domestic water. New Tetherow Crossing, • 3-car garage, shop & be fooled by the tiny air conditioning sys- gas log fireplace will $312,000 septic fees approved. storage size. A sep a rate tem, wide plank lami- be installed. $625,000. Move in Ready MLS ¹ 20 1 404802.• Landscaped 8 deck heated guest house nate wood flooring. MLS¹201401400 • 3 bed, 2 bath & 1977 $189,999. Call Pam • 3 bed & 2.5 bath (18x24) sits off to your (350 sq. ft. of addiBobbie Strome, SF Lester, Principal Bro- • MLS¹ 201405015 right. Plenty of room tional storage space) Principal Broker • Open concept floor ker, Century 21 Gold Mike Wilson, Broker for everyone. The 28 Home could be cusJohn L Scott Real 541-977-7777 plan Country Realty, Inc. x40 RV garage with tomized for handicap Estate 541-385-5500 • Hardwood/granite Windermere 541-504-1338 s hop also h a s a accessibility. • 3-car tandem garage Central Oregon heated storage room. Jodi Clark, Principal 26 acres with Timber - 4 • New exterior paint Real Estate $375,000 Large Home Another great space Broker, 541-771-8731 b edroom, 2 bat h , Cheryl Tanler, Broker • 2 master bedrooms for guests or perishCentury 21 2464 sq ft home with 541-410-7434 .46 Acre In SE Bend j • 2940 SF ables. Plenty of room Gold Country Realty 4-car garage. Windermere $424,900 • Almost one acre for all the winter & • 2641 sq.ft. custom Acres j $599,000 $419,000. Central Oregon • Landscaped s ummer toys. R V • 420bedroom, 3 bath MLS201208278 home Real Estate • Cascade Mtn & city parking with electric & home • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Call Duke Warner views water. $189,500 MLS • Horse property, barn, Realty Dayville at • Master suite with Need help fixing stuff? • Wraparound Trex 201407374 Call irrigation 541-987-2363 mountain views Call A Service Professional deck Linda (541) 815-0606 • Off grid features • MLS 201406812 Cascade Realty the help you need. Dee Baker, Broker • MLS 201405935 26 NW Skyliner Sum- find Sherry Perrigan, Broker 541-977-7756 www.bendbulletin.com $148,500 Pat Palazzi, Broker 541-410-4938 mit Lp. 4 Bdrm, 2.5 Windermere 541-771-6996 Wonderful! bath, 3443 sq.ft., main Central Oregon • Tree lined 6.16 AC $319,000 level master suite w/ Real Estate Lots of Room parcel jacuzzi tub. O f fice, • 1920 SF single level • Garage & shop vaulted ceilings, gran3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2429 • Crooked River Ranch ite and slate, Junior on 4.58 ac MORRIS sq ft Lrve in amenities MORRIS master suite, loft, 3 • 4 bed, 2 bath REAL ESTATE Redmond's f avorite • Near Smith Rock & • Paver patio, firepit & car garage, backs to REAL ESTATE neighborhood, Canrivers open space, nearby hot tub l&~ mly ~ ~ ~ yon Rim Village. This Clair Sagiv, Broker park a n d tra i l s.• 2-car garage & 2 RV $495,000 desirable home hookups 541-390-2328 $679,950 Need to get an Tumalo Acreage boasts an awesome Barbara Myers, Broker Windermere The Delay Team, • Builders home, great ad in ASAP? floor plan, including 541-489-7183 Central Oregon Edie and Sam Delay, room style & mtn the master suite on You can place it Windermere Real Estate 541-420-2950 the main floor and views Central Oregon online at: Hasson Company 1528 NE 8th Street extensive upgrades • Landscaping & 4 Real Estate Realtors Beautiful mid t o wn www.bendbulletin.com throughout. Slate tile, acres of irrigation b uilt in 2 0 13, D e hardwood floors, cof- • Half mile to Des$325,000 $272,000 signed by A w brey 541-385-5809 fered ceilings, gas chutes River Room to roam Corner Lot home Butte's Vern Sexton. fireplace, h i gh-endBill Kammerer, Broker bed 1213 sq.ft. 2 bdrm, 1 20 Acres for $180,000 • 2615 SF single story •• 5 541-410-1200 window t r eatments, 0.49 acres home bath. House is a re- East side of Bend. Big • Half Windermere extensive landscap• Oversized 2 level deck acre lot model, 95% new con- mountain views and • RV parking Central Oregon ing. The attention to • Large 2-car shop struction. New 20 year wilderness area out • 3-bay garage with Real Estate detail shines inside • Plus 3-car carport rated composite roof, your back door. Posand out. ¹201306626 Shannon Hall, Broker shop area James Hardie siding sible terms. Call Kit • Landscaping The Bulletin $297,000 Jodi Clark, 541-788-9027 with 30 year warranty Korish, 541-480-2335 Principal Bro k e r, To Subscribe call Windermere Bob Ahern, Broker and new engineered MLS¹201304808 541-771-8731 541-385-5800 or go to 541-420-3891 Central Oregon truss system. R-30 in- Duke Warner Realty Century 21 Gold Coun- www.bendbulletin.com Real Estate Windermere sulated t h roughout. 541-382-8262 try Realty Central Oregon 1 00% b rand n e w Real Estate $350,000 $214,000 $529,900 electrical sys t em. 3 Homes 1 TX Lt $425,000 Gardenside Best Views 100% brand new Pex 6 Bed 8 3.5 Bath • 3 bed, 2.5 bath & • 3.84 AC & 2 AC wa• Spectacular views $298,000 plumbing, new • Northwest Bend tered Craftsman Style • 3400+ SF 100-year serviceable 1290 SF • Master with private • Main home is 3 bed & floor plan • 3 bed & 2.5 bath • Light, bright & beautihickory wood flooring, •• Open deck & hot tub • 2520 SF 3 bath ful new hickory cabinets, Gas fireplace • 2450 SF 8 3-car gacountertops • Large bonus room • 2 rentals bring in $1K • Low maintenance 6.76 h emlock trim, n ew •• Granite rage Art Deco backsplash • Formal dining area monthly AC c arpet, a n d ha l o • Large lot • Master on main level • Fenced & pond • Gated & private lighting. Fully fenced • Close to park Dave Disney, Broker Bob Ahern, Broker Debbie Tallman, Shannon Hall, Broker Bill Kammerer, Broker with cedar on a large 541-410-8557 541-788-9027 541-420-3891 541-410-1200 lot. $199,000. FSBO Broker 541-390-0934 Windermere Windermere Windermere Windermere Windermere Jamey, 541-390-6829 Central Oregon Central Oregon Central Oregon Central Oregon Central Oregon for showing. Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Real Estate Look at: $219,000 Bendhomes.com Perfect for you for Complete Listings of • 3 bed, 2 bath & 1656 Area Real Estate for Sale SF • Covered front porch & $162,500 back deck Single level • Raised garden beds • 2 bed • Move-in ready • 2 bath Diana Barker, Broker •55+ community 541-480-7777 • New paint in & out Windermere • Great view Central Oregon • MLS¹ 201402902 Real Estate Lisa Hart, Broker 54'I -788-2278 $224,500 Windermere TURNKEY Central Oregon • 2 bed, 2 bath & 1168 Real Estate SF • Double car garage $162,900 • Eagle Crest townhome Eagle Crest fairway & mtn • Street lined with cus- • 9th views! tom homes Jeanette Brunot, Broker • Full mountain view 541-771-1383 • Come build your home Windermere & enjoy Eagle Crest Central Oregon Resort Real Estate Bea Leach, Broker, 541-788-2274 $237,500 Windermere Stonehedge Home Central Oregon • 4 bed, 3 bath, 2089 Real Estate SF Over one third acre 173 Highland Meadow ••Lot borders dry canyon Lp. Eagle Crest Re- • Clubhouse & space sort. 2321 sq. f t .,3 • Only $15 HOA bdrm, 2~/2 bath, office Diana Barker, Broker and formal d ining. 541- 480- 7777 Great room plan. All Windermere premium fin i shes. Central Oregon MLS¹ 201300723 Real Estate $410,713. Lynn Johns, Principal Bro k e r, $244,900 5 41-408-2944, W e s Watercress Way J ohns, Broker 5 4 1 • Custom built home on 408-2945, Central Or- 0.18 acre lot egon Resort Realty • Well maintained $1,400,000 I 2897 Horizon Drive • Built by Award win-



NorthWestCrossing 2379 IW Droulllard Ava • 6-in. oak floors • Vaulted living area • Bright open great room • Quartz slab counters • Homes priced from®7$,$00 DIBECTIONS:Weston Skyliners Rd., right on NW I mhi PassDr.,right onNWDmuilard Ave.

2197 IW Lolo Dr. • Full-width front porch

• Formal living room • Maslsr on main level • Den & largerecroom • Homes priced from $72$,$00 DIBECTIONS:Weston Skyliners Rd., right on Mt Washinglon Dr., right on NWI"lo Dr.

2433 IW Droulllard Ava


Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809

• Upgrades • Landscaped & fenced Clair Sagiv, Broker

M , EA

All Around IIsnd 20612 Cougar Peak Dr. • Full-depth great room HIDDEN • Large open kitchen • Enclosed bonus room 1HILL5$ • Tandem 3-car garage • Priced at$4N,S00 DIRECTIONS:South on Brosterhous Rd., left on Marble Mountain Ln., left onRubyPeak

Ln., ¹ght onCougarPeakDr.

20787 Hollls Ln. • Large family home • Bonus room upstairs • Open greatroomplan • Three-car garage • Priced at$284,$N

ReedMarketRd.,continueon eastbound construction detour, right on SE 15th St., right on SE Hollis Ln.

20227 Nurphy Rd. • Golf course views • Remodeled in 2011 • Luxurious finishes • Outdoor living areas • Priced at$4$$+00 DIBEGTIOMS: From SE3rd St, east on

Badger Rd.,right on Parrell Rd., left on Murphy Rd.

21380 Pellcan Dr. • landscapedcomerlot • Vaulted ceiling • Pergola shaded deck • Move-in ready • Priced at$221$00 DIBEGTIONS: From NE27th st., east on Yellow RibbonDr., left on HawkviewRd.,

right on PelicanDr.

61263 Mornlng Tide Pl. • Granite tile counters

• Stainless appliances • Immaculate landscaping • Neighborhood pool &park • Priced at$325,000 DIBECTIONS: South on Brosterhous Rd., right on SunMeadowWay,right on Moming TidePl.

Quelah CondoNo. 13 • End unit at tennis courts • Upgraded kitchen & bath • Two-story greatroom • Bright intedor • Priced at$251,$00 DIIIECTIONS:From S.Century Dr. teke Abbott

Dr. to Cirde 3, left on RiverRd., right on Lake Aspen Ln.

2384 IE Desert Wlllow Ct. • Remodeled kitchen • Granite countenops • Quiet cul-de-sac • Room for RV parking • Priced at$214,$00


Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate $249,900 Acres & Privacy • 2124 SF h ome on 4.89 AC • 3 bed & 2 bath • Family room, sun room, dining area • 30X48 heated shop $1,890,000 I • 24X36 barn 61415 Gosney Road Barbara Myers, Broker • 5 bed, 5 bath & 5409 541-480-7183 SF Windermere • 4 en suites with pri Central Oregon vate balconies Real Estate • 30 acres & 10 irrigated $249,900 • Sweeping Cascade So much to off er Mountain views • Beautifully remodeled • 2124 SF home on 4.89 AC inside & out • Shop, barn, hay shed Cleme Rinehart, & wash rack 541-480-2100 • Family room Patty Dempset, • Mtn views, 10 min. 541-480-5432 from Terrebonne Andrea Phelps, Barbara Myers, Broker 541-408-4770 5641-480-7183 Windermere Windermere Central Oregon Central Oregon Real Estate Real Estate 190 Acre Horse Property - Less than 1 mile Get your from city limits. 2160 sq ft 2 bedroom, 2 business bath home. Several outbuildings including barn wit h o u tdoor e ROW I N G arena. 3 tax lots, 120 acres in the Urban with an ad in Reserve. $469,000. The Bulletin's Call Kris Warner at "Call A Service 541-480-5365 MLS¹201206667 Professional" Duke Warner Realty Directory 541-382-8262



DIRECTIONS: FromParkway, easton

ol frIaye


• The Commonsmodel home • 1 & 2 BR duster cottages • Energy-efficient construction • landscapedcommonarea • Homes priced fromQ31,ff00 DIRECTIONS:Weston Skyliners Rd., right on NW I mhi PassDr.,right onNWDeuilard Ave.

' I I


Findina'-therilhl hnmeis hard.

Call a Pro


OISECTIOMS: Northeast on MEButler Market Rd., right on NE Weeping Wilow Rd., right on NE DesertWilow Ct.

19571 Blue Lake Lp. • In the Woods at BrokenTop • Bright intedor, large windows • 2 of 3 bedrooms ensuite • Deck facesmountainview • Priced at$575,000

1 5 yr fixed = 3.375% APR- 3.668% P&l pmt= $1984.53 30 yr fixed = 4.250% APR- 4.426% P&I pmt= $1377.43 Jumbo 30 yr =4.375% APR- 4.538% P&I pmt= $3195.43

DIIIEGTIQNS:FromSw Century Dr. southbound, right onMt. WashingtonDr., left on Metolius Dr., left onDevil's LakeDr., rlght on Blue lake Lp.

Purchase price $350,000,20% down, Loan amount $280,000,30yearffxed. Jumbo purchaseprice /value $800,000 — 20% down /equity,$640,000 loan amount. Offer valid as of 06/13/2013, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. On Approved Credit.




2321 NE Alern Ct. • Bedrooms on mainlevel • Bonus room over garage • Hardwood,tile finishes • Huge wraparound deck • Priced at$375,000


DIBEGTIQNS: From NE27th st., east on NE Yellow RibbonDr., left on NEAmrn Ct.


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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

70' RV parking! New 3 A ffordable Living i n Beautiful Family Home- Beautiful log home on BEND PARK Park-like Boonesboroughj bdrm, 2 bath 1590 sq. Bend. Clean 3 bdrm, 4 bedroom, 3 bath on 2acres. 1718 sq.ft., 2 setting. Main dwelling $425,000 ft. home coming soon! 2 bath, mobile only. over 4 acres. Double b drm, 1 b a th, d e - plus guest • Single level, 3 bedPick your colors! Gas V aulted ceilings in attached plus doubled tached 28x50 house/rental on a toroom, 2 bath fireplace, upgraded living and m a ster, detached garage and garage/shop, RV tal of 0 .55y acres. • Barn & horse setup appliances and cabi- fenced yard, storage large shop. Beautiful storage, full hookup, Main dwelling floors • 3.9 acres, backs to nets, t i l e flo o rs, shed, landscaped with yard, country living park setting, 1 build- are engineered hard- BLM f enced an d l a n d- sprinkler system, car- close to town , able lo t. MLS wood in living, dining, • MLS 201406868 scaped, and more! port, community park $465,000. ¹201404378. & bedrooms. Mitsub- Lester Friedman PC, and club h ouse. MLS¹201304219 Broker, ABR, CSP, $274,000. $249,900. Pam ishi electric heating & 541-974-4750 60504 Seventh Mt MLS¹201400132 www.johnlscott.com/3 Call Candy Yow, Lester, Principal Bro- c ooling syst e m . EPRO, S.T.A.R. Drive. 2 Bdrm, 2.5 Windermere Pam Lester, Principal 3076 $42,000 541-410-3193 ker, Century 21 Gold Kitchen has fantastic 541-330-8491 bath, slate and tile, Central Oregon Broker, Century 21 Kathy Denning, Broker Duke Warner Realty Country Realty, Inc. cabinets with Corian end unit, Real Estate Gold Country Realty, 541480-4429 541-382-8262 541-504-1338 countertops. Adjacent 5950 SW Fawn Drive, extra yard. $309,000. Inc. 541-504-1338 John L. Scott guest house and main 61151 S W M a n hae Terrebonne - BeautiMara Stein, Real Estate, Bend ome together f o r Beautiful S addleback h Lane. 4 B drm, 2.5 ful home on corner lot Principal Broker, www.johnlscott $510,000 $719,900 Log Home On 2.4 MORRIS bath, 2765 sq.ft. Casw /Cascades v i e w , 541-420-3400 Pamir bend.com Beautiful home in desir- acres, minutes from MLS¹201309647 Golf Course Home REAL ESTATE cade Mt views, backs • 3 bed & 3.5 bath close t o Cr o oked able Greens subdiviProperties, Inc. Bobbie Strome, A LIFE IN heart of Bend. 3 hd~ ~ y~ ~ ~ to private open space, • Open floor plan River Ranch entrance. sion with golf course the Principal Broker PARADISE! 3.5 bath, upgraded and one • Gourmet kitchen Enormous 50x50 fin& c l ubhouse v e ry bedroom, Advertise your car! John L Scott Real 2 Bdrm, 1 bath, 800y close! 3 bedroom, 2 bonus room, loft and Estate 541-385-5500 Buildable lot in Wagon year new. Gourmet • Wood floors ished pole barn inAdd A Picture! Sq.ft., rustic cottage bath, 1469 sq ft. Ex- sunroom with 2650 sq Trail Ranch. Almost cludes 50x17 RV area Reach thousands of readers! cooking, u p graded• Outdoor kitchen on a 2.99y acre par- tremely low mainte- f t. $ 4 74,900. C a l l stainless steel appl., Mike Everidge, Broker an acre, stick built or w/1 4' door; 3 5 x1 7 CBII 541-385-5809 cel. Come view this Michele Anderson at shop; 30x17 equip- The Bulletin Class!Ieds quartz c o untertops, nance and move-in 541-633-9760 or Jac- Affordable High Desert manufactured, private 541-390-0098 a mazing piece o f single basin sink and ment area; hay storready. Open f l oor q uie S ebulsky a t retreat. Custom knotty little Deschutes acWindermere paradise on the out- plan, 60523 Seventh Mt walk-in pantry. Huge cess community age; tack room, plus! gas f ireplace, Central Oregon skirts of R edmond. 41-280-4449. M L S pine cabinetry, gran- clubhouse and swimDrive. 10% equity master suite, soaking Gourmet kitchen with vaulted ceiling, gran- 5 Real Estate Built on the curve of ¹201304783 ite tile c o untertops shares, 3 bdrm, 3 tub, a n d wa l k -in m ing p o ol . ML S propane Viking range ite kitchen counters, and slate floors is in ¹201303671 $28,000 the Deschutes River, new interior/exterior Duke Warner Realty bath. $58,500. closet. $435,000. and hood, Brazilian Acreage Close to Town. 541-382-8262 this p e rfect s m a ll this easy-care 3 bdrm, Mara Stein, The Delay Team, Faye Phillips, cherry floors. 2 mas9.5 acres with 7.5 irri- home has amazing paint, tile bathroom 2 bath, 1402 sq. ft. Broker 541-480-2945 Principal Broker, Edie and Sam Delay, ter bedrooms w/deck counters, bonus room gated, 32x36 s hop home. Easy access to views of the moun541-420-2950 John L. Scott access. 2 bathrooms, 541-420-3400 Pamir with 12' doors, fenced tains and the river. and/or office above Just too many Sunriver, the C a s- Real Estate, Bend Properties, Inc. Hasson Company office/den. Attached garage. New air conand cross fenced, 3 Detached garage has cade Lakes and Mt. Realtors collectibles? www.johnlscott 24x36 finished gabdrm, 2 bath, 1554 a studio-type room ditioning. $ 1 9 4,000 Bachelor $215,000. bend.com rage with 110/220v. 6 0535 D i amond T ¹201401863 sq.ft., outdoor arena. MLS¹201401536 Call $620,000 with an extra bath and Road. 3 Bdrm, 3.5 Jodi Clark, P rincipal $359,000 MLS¹ Sell them in www.jackson-Anderson. Smith Rock View Bill Pan t o n at Just bought a new boat? shower att a ched. Broker, 541-771-8731 bath, 3442 sq.ft., 10 201402330 com The Bulletin Classifieds 541-420-6545 $425,000 acre parcel. Gourmet • 4 bed, 3 bath & 3618 Sell your old one in the Karin Powers, Broker, Century 21 Gold Candice Anderson, SF home MLS¹201309622 Duke Warner Realty classifieds! Ask about our kitchen w/w a lk-in 541-410-0234 Country Realty Broker, 541-788-8878 • Huge screened porch 541-382-8262 Bobbie Strome, pantry, prep s i nk, Super Seller rates! Century 21 Gold 541-385-5809 John L. Scott Principal Broker wine chiller and eat- • Inside 6+ car prkg. 541-385-5809 Country Realty Real Estate, Bend John L Scott Real ing bar, and heated • Shop, office, guest www.johnlscott quarters & 4+ AC Estate 541-385-5500 floors. Master suite 59+ Acres Fenced bend.com s team Diana Barker, Broker Irrigation, adjacent to offers a A must see home. A 541-480-7777 shower, heated floors g overnment lan d . spacious 3 b d rm/3 Windermere Good classified ads tell Open concept living in master bath. Living bath, well maintained Central Oregon the essential facts in an with 3 bed r ooms, space over garage 3 550 sq. ft. h o m e Real Estate interesting Manner.Write den/office, 2.5 baths, w/full bath. $61 5,000. with recent upgrades The Delay Team, from the readers view not & sun room, plus nice to kitchen and bath$659,000 I 39 Acre Edie and Sam Delay, the seller's. Convert the 2 bedroom apartment. rooms. Neatly landGem in Powell Butte 541-420-2950 4 8x60 hay barn + facts into benefits. Show • Spectacular mtn 8 scaped with sprinkler Hasson Company horse barn w/7 stalls, the reader howthe item will system. 4.6 acres with Smith Rock views Realtors 10 pens, triple garage, help them in someway. • 39 AC fenced & cross 4 acres of COI. 36x36 3 RV hoo k -ups. This s hop/barn. Hor s e & 38 AC of ir60552 Elkai Woods Dr. fenced $889,000. advertising tip property with plenty of 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, ex- • 3rigation ¹201405922 fencing and c r oss bed, 2 bath home & brought to you by quisite oak floors, pri- 1530 John L. Scott Real fencing. Am a zing SF vate, deck, overlook- • Six stall barn, hay loft, Estate 541-548-1712 The Bulletin Cascade M o untain SNVIAg CNltlBI OISgNl ShKCSIB ing g o l f cou r se. tack room 8 pasture views. Moti v ated $475,000. FIND IT! seller. $515,00 MLS • Ponds, greenhouse, Mara Stein, Principal Add y ou r P e rsonal SUY /7' & chicken T ouch. 3 B d rm, 2 ¹201403502 John L. 541-420-3400 outbuildings Scott R ea l E s t ate coop SELL ITS Broker, Pamir Properties, Inc. Christin 1877 sq.ft., on 541-548-1712 Hunter, Broker bath, The Bulletin Classifieds 8.93 acres. Upon sale 541-306-0479 60691 Golf Village Lp. the home will be a Windermere Find It in 5 Acre Retreat j 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, 3281 shell, ready for the Central Oregon $369,000 sq.ft., master s uite buyer to c o mplete.The Bulletin Classifieds! Real Estate • 1200 sq.ft. shop, large with fireplace a nd Seller has estimated 541-385-5809 carport gym, vaulted ceilings, $35,000 to $40,000 to $659,000 • Spacious great room maple inlaid f l oor, Spectacular views complete the home. A A place to stay plus...a • 2784 sq.ft. home magnificent rock wall • 4152SF,4bed&3 FHA 203K loan might large shop to store • MLS 201403770 fireplace, s p acious bath w ork well f o r t h i s your toys. Family reMichael J Hopp, Broker light kitchen, central • Huge master upstairs home, so check with treat, large secure 541-390-0504 i sland eating b a r , with deck your lender. Seller is shop for RV & toys. seating for 6. Tile roof • Formal living & dining selling because of Tom Roth, BPOR, health problems from EcoBroker paver driveway, triple room 541-771-6549 garage with plenty of • Great room & basecar accident. Lateral storage, decks look- ment irrigation pipe and 3 Real Estate, Bend MORRIS ing out over 11th tee • Completely furnished phase pump in pond www.johnlscott and l ake. P r ivate Bea Leach, broker are included and the 3 bend.com REAL ESTATE fenced paved patio. 541-788-2274 big guns are nego- B ANK OWNED! 3 . 4 • i • • • I • Golf membership intiable. Green panels acres, 3 bdrm, 2.5 Windermere • • • i • I • stay. Building will be bath, 2 bonus rooms, 5 A cres w / Mountain cluded. $797,500. Central Oregon empty and debris and Views - 3 b drm, 2 Mara Stein, Principal Real Estate counters, tile personal pr o perty granite bath, 1620 sq ft, irri- Broker, 541-420-3400 bdrm + office on hauled away prior to floor, gated, 36x40 shop, Pamir Properties, Inc. Where can you find a main level, 2810 sq.ft., close of escrow. Ex- built in 2 002, fenced, ex t e nsive helping hand? isting bone pile will sq.ft. shop w/full1764 sprinkler sys t em. 60763 Golf Village Lp. guest From contractors to Best Lot. 4 acres remain. $4 5 0,000. quarters. M LS¹ 2809 2 2 5. MLS MLS ¹201402830 yard care, it's all here $265,000. Pam with pond. $189,500. 201406015 $368,800. R Mara Stein, Bobbie Strome, A A Lester, Principal BroP in The Bulletin's Pam Lester, Principal • I i Principal Broker Principal Broker, ker, Century 21 Gold Broker, Century 21 "Call A Service 541-420-3400 Pamir John L Scott Real Country Realty, Inc. Gold Country Realty, 541-504-1338 Properties, Inc. Professional" Directory Estate 541-385-5500 Inc. 541-504-1338 $559,000 Country Living • 2 homes with great views • 35.4 AC & 27 irrig. • Barn, sheds & corrals • Just north of Terrebonne Barbara Myers, Broker 541-480-7183 Windermere Central Oregon Real Estate

60462 Elkai Woods Dr. 3 Bdrm, 3 bath, builders own bamboo floors, lots of extras. $485,000. Mara Stein, Principal Broker, 541-420-3400 Pamir Properties, Inc.

$609,900 Farewell Drive • 3021 SF on Awbrey Butte • Private • 4 bed & 2.5 bath • 2 fireplaces • Formal dining room • 3-car garage Michelle Witt, Broker


SUNDAY 1-4PM Exquisite finishes and artistic design welcomes you to this impressive home. Handwrought detail and award-winning c raftsmanship w i t h timber pegged beams, travertine, stone fireplace 19748 Dry Canyon Ave. and gourmet kitchen. Dkvctions: Brookswood, n'ght Enjoy th e e x c ellent on Hollygrape, left on Gorge o utdoor l i v i n g a n d View, r/gbt on Dry Canyon. convenient river access.

Hosted by:





THURS - SUN 12PM - 4PM Popular Pahlisch Homes community featuring resort-like amenities: pools, clubhouse, gym, hot tub, sports center, 5 miles 2!I78 SEGoldenGatePlace, Bend of walking trails. Tour a 1Ntvcfions:From theParkway, east variety of single level and on Reed/Ifarket, south on 15th, then 2 story plans. follow signs.

Homes Starting Mid-$200s

Hosted 6 Listed by: T EAM DEI A Y





Hosted & Listed by:



z .r.z o ~ R RA L

E !' T A T S


SATURDAY 10AM - 1PM Stunning home with a floor plan you will love. Two masters on main level, topnotch finishes, elegant & sophisticated with a wonderful family 61737 Broken Top Dr. feel. Gourmet kitchen with Directiiossr Off Mt. Washington professional series range, Drive, through the gate, stay on views of the 12th fairway Broken TopDriUe& homeis on right. & much more! A must see!

Hosted & Listed by:



backyard • Darling home Come see today!




more information and plans.

Hosted & Listed by: RHIANNA KUNKLER



Ii fl T A T K

SAT. 12 - 290PM

SAT. 11-BPM Rare, peaceful, riverfront




Principal Broker


PrinciPal Broker


MPANY Real Estate g


starting in the low



Spacious 2703 sq. ft. townhome in g ated Broken Top. Versatile floor plan,

3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths. Two master suites on main level. Large bedroom, loft/

19445 Ironwood Circle

bonus area on second level. Hardwood floors, vaulted Directions:/Ifount Washington to great room ceiling with gas Broken ToP Drive fireplace, granite counters. JUST REDUCED Enclosed patio, large 2-car



Hosted & Listed by:

LYNDA WALSH Broker 541-410-1559 R s A

L T 0 R s

Saturday Br Sunday

12pm to 4pm


Mature trees, private backyard+ fruit-bearing plum tree, f resMy painted exterior, new 543 SW23rd Street Pergo flooring in living space and bedrooms, Directions: Fmm highway 97, westonKgblmdAvessetoward jetted tub irt master, Ststers; turn jeft on SW 23rd 1,384 square feet, 1-car Street. HomeIs on jeft, across garage with 2-car drive. &om Redmond HighSchool













Listed by:


in one of Bend's most prestigious locations just one mile from downtown. Thoughtfully designed with 2287 NW Lakeside Place stunning panoramic views. Directions: North on Division, A must see! left on Lakesrde place,homeis on Hosted 6 Listed by: the right.


Meticulously maintained log home on 2.27 acres with Cascade mountain views. 2493 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath with m aster on t h e m a i n . G4420 Coyote Run Lane Wraparound deck with hot tub. Light and bright Directions:Tumalo Reservo¹ Rd., with a wonderful loft. mst to CoyoteRun Ln. Hosted by:


estate. Private and gated, this home is situated






custom w a i nscoting, tile accents. Come view this great home in the 2989 NE Hope Dr. most popular eastside Directions: From 27th Sr., east neighborhood, Oak View! on WellsAcres, south or right on Huge price reduction! Hawkvieur,follow signs to HoPeDr.



Homes starting in the Iow II200,0008. Brand new homes to Bend with the quality Pahlisch is known for stainless steel appliances, laminate wood floors, solid surface Chroma q u artz counters (even in baths) with 20781 NE Comet Lme under-mount stainless steel sink in kitchen, extra attention Directioss:North on Boyd Acres, given to allow for tons of Right on Sierra, Izg on BlackPowder, natural light a much more. Sght on CometLane. Lookfor signs.

3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1900+ SF,huge bonus room, solid hardwood floors, stainless steel appliances,


2558NW Monterey Pines Directions: West on Newport Ave, uhich turns into Sheolin Park Rd. Right on Monterey Pines.

Come by the model home for




• Front porch • Great fenced



541-815-3658 Listed by: BECKY BREEZE


• Updated 1578 SF • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath




• Private


R 8

1673 SF, 3 bedroom, 1 2 bath, single story ' Rl h ome o n a 1/ 2 a cre corner lo t i n desirable Mtn. Vista. 21080 Lost Valley Ct., Bend Vaults, sk y l i g hts, g reat back d e c k . DirectiowsrFerguson Rd. to Mt. Vista, to Victory Lp., to Lost Valley MLS ~'201408580 Hosted 6 Listed by: VONNIE GREEN


Westside Pines • Southern views



A custom masterpiece! Single-level living with no carpet, hardwoods throughout. Slate, tile, wood galore. Home lives MUCH larger than 2,209 61261 Ladera Rd.- Bend SF. Low maintenance Directiossr Reed Market east to landscape & huge RV area 15th. Go right on 15th, left on with plug-in. Come and see Fergmonthen lefton Ladera. this amazing craftsmanship on the water. Just minutes $719,000 from downtown Bend.




541-420-2950 R E A L T 0




Principal Broker

Listed by: MICHELLE MILLS Broker:



$iSS,000 And 53,000 credit toward closing costs!

Cindy Kimball, principal bmkeri Kent Estell, broker j 541 2798799


Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

ake your gigssifie

C anyon C reek, 1 3 Custom craftsman style Desirable SE Acreage. Fantastic Sisters set- Great location, unobKnock your socks Acres - View elk and home. Large 1/4 acre 5 Bdrm, 3 bath, 2522 ting. Custom 2177 sq. s tructed view of 8 off views! deer from your living corner lot i n SW sq.ft., w/ family room, f t. 3 b d rm, 2 b a t h man peaks nestled •38 acres, irrigated room with breathtak- Redmond. This 2200 .79 acres, parklike home on an acre lot b etween Bend & •Beautiful 2600 s q.ft. ing views of Canyon SF home features 3 setting, open f l oor with a 2 4x40 shop Redmond & only mo- home M tn from this s e - bedrooms, 3 baths, plan, master on the that includes a 600 m ents away f r o m •120x64 barn with shop cluded, newer 5 bed- m aster o n mai n , main, R V p a r king, sq. ft. guest quarters. Hwy. 97 for an easy and stalls room, 3 bath home beautiful custom me- backs to canal/trail, $409,900. MLS commute. 2.5 acres •20 minutes to Bend nestled in the timber. dallion t i l e en t r y, lush landscaped yard, 201404876. Kim w ith 2494 sq. ft. o f www.johnlscott.com/74 3 acres irrigated and granite kitchen large en t e rtaining Warner 541-410-2475 l iving space. T h e 510 detached ga r age/ counters, slate floors, deck, desirable Kings Duke Warner Realty oversized living room Jean Nelsen, Broker shop. $399 , 999. cherry cabi n ets, Forest. & dining room make a 541-420-3927 MLS¹201305978 stainless appliances, Gregg Hayden, comfortable environJohn L. Scott Say "goodbuy" Call Duke Warner radiant floor h e at, Principal Broker ment for family living Real Estate, Bend to that unused 541-390-6139 Dayville, media room with sur& entertaining. New www.johnlscottbend.com 541-987-2363 round sound, overJohn L. Scott 5-panel fir doors & item by placing it in sized 3-car garage, Real Estate, Bend lass panel front door. Have an item to The Bulletin Classifieds www.johnlscott ak laminate flooring Canyon Creek - Execu- RV parking and the sell quick? t ive home o n t i m- list goes on! $337,900 bend.com in living room, hallways & bathrooms. 4 If it's under bered acres just south ¹201402637 John L. 5 41-385-580 9 of John Day. 3 bed- Scott Rea l E s tateDesirable Westside Lobdrms, 3 are master '500you can place it in suites. New H ardiroom, 2.5 bath, 2801 541-548-1712 cation. 3308 sq.ft., 5 Style river view plank siding, roof, trim The Bulletin sq ft, bonus room, Custom Home on Acre- bdrm, 3 bath, bonus French Home w / r iverbank water heater & lawn. loads of storage and age - 2 bedroom, 3 room, har d wood Classifieds for: attached gar a ge. bath on 16 treed and flooring, granite tile setting! Exquisite ac- $329,900 coutrements: Granite, $419,000. meadow acres. c ounters, close t o hardwood, m a r ble, ¹201400552 John L. MLS¹201304288 R ea l E s t ate '10 - 3 lines, 7 days Double car garage schools, parks, trails, tile, Venetian plaster, Scott 541-548-1712 '16 - 3 lines, 14 days Call Duke Warner large master with sitplus 3480 sq ft shop. ting are, great room stone & s t a inless. Dayville, $ 449,000. Can d y with river stone fire- Wood-burning f i r e- Home on Nice Lot (Private Party ads only) 541-987-2363 Yow, 5 4 1-410-3193 place, triple car gaplace, top line appli- O lder home on l o t MLS¹201407030 La Pine j $165,000 a nces, metal c l ad with well and septic. rage, A/C. Cascade View Duke Warner Realty water and sewer • Remodeled 1936 sq.ft. Shelley Arnold, Broker windows and so much City Estates j $472,500 541-382-8262 also to lot. Buildable home more! Listen to the 541-771-9329 • 2904 sq.ft. a nd dividable. A d - • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath tranquil ripple of the Custom Home on AcreReal Estate, Bend • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath river below. while en- joining lot for sale • 1.07 acres, RV area age - Mountain views • Mountain views, .22 www.johnlscott joying this Exquisite also. $52,500. Candy • MLS 201405652 and close to town. 4 bend.com acre home. $65 9 ,000. Yow, 5 4 1-410-3193 Patti Geraghty, Broker CUSTOM ACOUSTIC GUITAR Plays and bedroom, 3.5 b ath, • MLS 201407241 MLS¹201405916 541-948-5880 3451 sq ft. Shop, pole Drake Park Neighbor- MLS201404694. Karin Johnson, Broker Duke Warner Realty sounds beautifully. Includes hard-shell barn, automated irri- hood - Feel the his- Nancy Popp, Principal 541-639-6140 541-382-8262 gation. $635,000. tory in t hi s s tately Broker 541-815-8000 case and acoustic pre-amp. Solid top, Call Jaynee Beck, home on a beautiful Crooked River Realty Impeccable C u stom 541-480-0988 or Home on 23 Acresd ouble l ot . Sh o r t sides and back. Must see to believe! Pete Van Deusen, MORRIS strolls to downtown or Garage Sales NW Tuscan design 541-480-3538. Mirror Pond. with mountain views. REAL ESTATE MORRIS MLS¹201405639 Garage Sales Great room, m ain $968,000. I I ~ m lyO REAL ESTATE Duke Warner Realty Call Kit Korish, level master, w i ne I&g M Qy ~ ~ o~ d Large 0.48 acre fenced Oarage Sales 541-480-2335 cellar and more. Pond C ustom h om e w i t h MLS¹201402653 and irrigation com- lot with plenty of room beautiful views in a Clean & C omfortable desirable location just Duke Warner Realty Find them plete the p ackage. for your family and Vintage Home. On 1/4 their hobbies. Living 541-382-8262 in $1,235,000. from town & acre corner lot at the minutes room with 2 skylights, Call Jaynee Beck, To place your Bulletin ad with a photo, visit 3 bedroom, 2 The Bulletin base of Pilot Butte. Tumalo! family room has a gas 541-480-0988 1694 sq ft. PriHome features a spa- bath, f ireplace wit h t i l e Www.bendbulletin.COm, CliCk On "PlaCe an Classifieds MLS 201310033 cious living r o om, vate well, 3000 sq ft of hearth & s u rround. Duke Warner Realty with c overed generous family room, deck ad" and follow these easy steps: Seller will give credits 541-385-5809 541-382-8262 two large bedrooms, a area, upgraded cabifor new dishwasher & nets, custom t rim, newly rem o deled Location new range/oven at mast e r , Fully furnished 100% Incredible bathroom, a clean & v aulted Adorable 2 bedroom esc r o w w a l k-ways, Entertainer's Dream! ownership condo bor- cottage in the heart of c lose o f well laid out kitchen, a arched Storage buildbuilt-in BBQ, p e llet Custom home w/open dering 6th green on Bend's westside. Pri- (CLA). 1. ChOOSe a CategOry, ChooSe a ClaSSifiCatiOn, loft that is great for ing & dog pen i nplan and outdoor garage/shop floor esort Course a t vate back deck and cluded. Fresh interior storage or small play- stove, living space perfect for R and then select your ad package. and carport, chicken Eagle Crest! Watch room & de t ached large yard. $265,000. P amt $295 0 0 0 house & gatherings. 2825 sq. ft., golfers while BBQing Call Terry Skjersaa, single car g a rage coop/dog MLS¹201404338 3 bed, 3 bath, master lowerbeds w/d r i p on the back deck. 2. Write yOur ad and uPIOad yOur digital Photo. 541-383-1426 w/attached c a rport. fsystem. John L. Scott Real main, bonus room, This extensively reFully fenced on The land has many with e lectric MLS¹201406817 solid wood f loors & Estate 541-548-1712 g a te. m odeledcondo off ers Duke Warner Realty 3. Create your account with any major credit large trees that afford $288,000 ¹20140814 quartz counters. Cova p r istine s e tting privacy & shade & has Jodi ered patio, 2 d e cks, w/Cascade Mtn views, Cal'CI. Want to impress the Clark, P rincipal potential with its gen- Broker, 541-771-8731 firepit & CANAL view. abundant wil d life, Tick, Tock relatives? Remodel erous size & zoning to Century 21 878 sq. ft. garage. endless trails, parks, be utilized for a duyour home with the $499,900 Tick, Tock... first class restaurant, plex or other multi- Gold Country Realty help of a professional Dana Furlan, Principal 3 golf courses, river family uses. $180,000 Cute Cottage S t yle Broker 541-771-8761 ...don't let time get from The Bulletin's access and all Cen¹201404074 John L. Home with new paint Bend Premier "Call A Service tral Oregon has to ofaway. Hire a Scott Rea l E s tate in and out, custom tile Real Estate fer only miles away. Professional" Directory 541-548-1712 in the kitchen and professional out with the outbath, granite coun- Expansive C a s cade Along of The Bulletin's door activities Eagle Close to Old Mill Dis- tertops and new car- Mountain Views - 3 Large triple wide with Crest has 3 s ports "Call A Service trict. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, pet throughout the bedrooms, 2 b aths, family and living room centers offering; spas, Chef s kitchen, warm 1506 sq. ft . h o me. house. You even get 1440 SF. U p dated pools, gyms, sauna, Professional" inviting colors, a wood French doors to pri- the appliances so it is interior, double ovens tennis, racquet ball, Directory today! stove for cozy winter vate d ining r o om. pretty much turnkey or in kitchen, large bay arcade, salon & much rent ready. The stuevenings, the master Custom mouldings, windows. 1.52 acres, more! ¹ 2 0 1310827. Investment Land j dio behind the house suite is large with a A/C, l arge m a ster huge w r a p-around $199,000 $1,330,000 luxurious bath. Large bdrm with Jacuzzi tub. is about 250 sq. ft. deck, 2-stall b a rn,Jodi Clark, P rincipal• 14.47 acres inside coyered patio. Come Beautiful landscaping. and has new carpet fenced/x-fenced. proposed UGB Broker, 541-771-8731 enjoy this pristine back and is charming with $148,000 $255,000. • Preliminary plat with Century 21 Gold Counyard. Dbl. car garage & www.bendbulletin.com nice wood paneling. MLS¹201405436. MLS 201405037. 93 lots try Realty much more. Near the The lot is nicely laid Call Larry Jacobs Gail Day, • Home & covered olf course & Fire Hall. All ads appear in both print and online. Please allow 24 hours for out with flower beds at 541-480-2329 541-306-1018 Great home in the heart arena 249,900. MLS and fruit trees. Listed Duke Warner Realty Central Oregon of town, with updated • MLS 201406200 photo processing before your ad appears in print or online. Linda Lou at a hard to find price Realty Group, LLC interior within the past Matt Robinson, Broker 201405066. Day-Wright. 541-771point. $109,900! 130 4 years. 3 bedroom, 2 Condo at Bend 541-977-5811 2585 Crooked River NW 2nd, Redmond Riverside. $79,000. Fantastic Single Level- bath 1232 sq ft home Realty Call Heather Hockett, features newer carpet, Studio with full bathPark-like lot in ValC entury 2 1 Gol d halla Heights. This 3 room, kitchen appl., paint, stainless steel ountry Real t y bedroom, 2 fully furnished, ground C bath kitchen a p pliances, 541-420-9151 floor end unit. view of home feels cozy and water heater, h eat MORRIS Deschutes River, 425 Darling midtown cot- s ecluded, yet j u s t pump with air condiREAL ESTATE sq.ft. in rental pool. minutes to downtown t ioning, d ec k w i t h tage. 1120 sq.ft., 3 I&~ dy ~ ~ Op d covered patio. Good www.johnlscott.com/6 bdrm, 1 bath. Granite Bend. $349,000. 8297 Kathy Caba, location with easy ac- Just minutes from Mt kitchen, h a r dwood Call Terry Skjersaa, cess to all parts of Bachelor. 2212 sq.ft., Principal Broker 541-383-1426 and newer c arpet, 541-771-1761 MLS¹201407581 town. Perfect invest- 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, bowater feature, fenced ment property, ten- nus room, A/C, overReal Estate, Bend Duke Warner Realty backyard with deck. www.johnlscott ants want to sign at sized 2 car garage, Barbara Jackson, least a 2-year lease. tons of u p grades, bend.com Broker 541-3068186 FIND YOUR FUTURE $117,500 MLS slate and hardwood John L. Scott HOME IN THE BULLETIN 201403977 flooring, new carpet, Copper Canyon - 3 Real Estate, Bend Clark, Principal designer colors, prowww.johnlscott b drm, 2~/~ bath i n Your future is just apage Jodi Broker, 541-771-8731 f essionally land 2350y sf. Nice, newer bend.com away. Whetheryou're looking Century 21 Gold home in SW Bend. Deschutes Riverfront j forahatoraplacetohangit, scaped, water feature, Country Realty paver patios. The Old Mill, river, The Bulletin Classified is $550,000 Shelley Arnold, Broker parks, recreation and • 1934 sq.ft., huge winyour best source. Great home in very de541-771-9329 shopping are a short dows sirable location at the Every daythousandsof Real Estate, Bend distance away. Great • 3 bedroom, 2 bath base of Pilot Butte. 3 buyers andsellers of goods www.johnlscott room living that is light • Paver patio, fire pit bedroom 1 bath 1050 and sewices dobusiness in bend.com & bright. Gas log fire- • MLS 201405115 sq ft. Extensive custhese pages.Theyknow place with slate sur- Robert Farrell, Broker tom tile work includyou can' t beat The Bul l e tin round. Kitchen has 541-948-9606 ing granite tile kitchen GarageSales Classified Sectionfor slate floor, h ickory and bath countertops selection andconvenience cabinets, fully appliand backsplash, cus-every item isjust a phone anced and a pantry. tom t i l e flo o ring call away. Large open loft family t hroughout most o f room (currently used The Classified Section is MORRIS home, large pantry as a bedroom by teneasy to use.Everyitem back deck, f enced REAL ESTATE ants). Larger fenced is categorizedandevery yard. Extensive parkIA ~ m lyo rear yard for entercartegotyisindexedonthe ing wit h d e tached taining, kids & pets. section's front page. 2-car g a rage/shop, Find them in Take care of Chain link fence dog a ttached 1 ca r g a Whether youare lookingfor enclosure 8 s m a ll your investments The Bulletin rage & carport, RV s torage shed t o o . a home orneedaservice, parking. $ 2 14,000. Classifieds! with the help from your future is in thepagesof $270,000. MLS¹ ¹201310366 SOmetimeS you need a little mOre frOm yOur lender. 201401159. B o bbie The Bulletin Classified. The Bulletin's Jodi Clark, Principal Strome, Principal BroLike hOW abOut being aVailable? Here'S yOur reminder Broker, 541-771-8731 "Call A Service ker John L Scott Real The Bulletin Century 21 Gold Serving Cenfral Onpon since 19tB Estate 541-385-5500 Professional" Directory that I WOrkOn the WeekendS and I Can helP you With all Country Realty •

Add a color photo to your ad in print and online.

To place your ad, visit

www.bendbulletin.com or call







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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale •




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• H o mes for Sale



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

LAZY RIVER SOUTH Looking for a home with Lovely home in heart of Mirada I $309,900 Mountain High j NE Bend I $222,000 New Custom HomeOne of a kind! Beauty, NOTICE R emodeled 353 5 y secluded tranquility? Maupin. $ 1 19,000.• NEW Franklin Broth• 1512 sq.ft. single level Beautiful finishes, 9' All real estate adver- artistry and c r afts$320,000 • Perched above fairSq.ft. home with 4 Well look no further! Well cared for 3 bdrm, ers built • 3 bedroom, 2 bath ceilings, Crown moul- tised here in is sub- manship att a ched bdrm + office and 3 Custom home is sur- 2 bath, 1404 sq.ft., • 1851 sq.ft., 3 bedrm, way • New exterior paint & ding thro ughout. ject to th e Federal guest quar t ers, • 2 bedroom + den, 2 baths. Master bath rounded by mature o pen f l oo r pl a n , 2.5 bath living room carpet Master suite has sev- F air H ousing A c t , media/bonus r oom, with large jetted tub & pine trees, 3/4 mile off vaulted ceilings, de- • Quartz counters, SS bath • MLS 201407668 eral custom features which makes it illegal secluded backyard, • Gorgeous neighbornew tile shower. Me- main road. BLM on 2 tached garage, across appliances Marci Bouchard, and nice mtn views. to advertise any pref- minutes to downtown. dia room, family room, sides & no neighbors from schools, great • MLS 201400554 hood Broker, CRS, SRES Landscaped, fenced erence, limitation or MLS 301405713 • MLS 201404656 h uge kitchen w i t h f or about a m i l e . investment property. Lisa McCarthy, 541-977-1230 yard, gutters & 8' ga- discrimination based Marci Schoenberg, handcrafted cabinets Vaulted ceilings, all www.johnlscott/ Broker, ABR Julia Buckland, rage door. $219,900. on race, color, reli- Broker 541-610-7803 & granite counters, appliances included, 747775 541-419-8639 Broker, ABR, ALHS, MLS¹201401861 John L. Scott ion, sex, handicap, walk-in pantry, sun- extensive tiled floors, Angie Cox, Broker CRS, GRI Call Jaynee Beck at Real Estate, Bend I amilial status or na541-213-9950 541-480-0988 room with hot t ub. new pellet stove, sky541-719-8444 tional origin, or inten- johnlscottbend.com 0 Home has cedar eves lights, huge covered John L. Scott Duke Warner Realty MORRIS tion to make any such Over 5 acres of quiet 541-382-8262 with copper accents. porch with hot tub, Real Estate, Bend preferences, l i mita- and privacy. Frame REAL ESTATE E xterior siding o n water feature w i th www.johnlscott MORRIS tions or discrimination. built home featuring home, garages & pond, large front deck, bend.com REAL ESTATE We will not knowingly Pergo flooring, granstorage bldg have just paver patio, fenced, Find exactly what NE Bend I $266,500 MORRIS I M~ yy y ~ ~ yy y «0 accept any advertis- ite kitchen counterbeen painted. Watch sprinkler sys t e m,M anufactured H o m e • Well maintained 1732 REAL ESTATE you are looking for in the ing for real estate tops, bathrooms have the wildlife from the shop. $262 , 5 00 w/frame built apart- Modern Architecture + sq.ft. I&~ «y ~ ~ ~ d which is in violation of t ile c o unters a n d CLASSIFIEDS wrap-around deck or ¹201307111 • 3 bedroom+ office, 2 this law. All persons floors. Bedroom sepament. Atta c h ed Quaint Farmhouse go to your private ac- Jodi Clark, Principal bath R astra block c o n People Look for Information are hereby informed ration for added priapartment, right at the c ess to 300y ft o f Broker, 541-771-8731 entrance of CRR, on struction, passive so• Mountain views, that all dwellings ad- vacy. $279,000. MLS About Products and Newer home near park. Little Deschutes River Century 21 4 b e droom, 3 Services EveryDaythrough fenced & landscaped vertised are available ¹ 201309559. paved road. Home is lar, 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, + Tex t frontage for fishing, Gold Country Realty • MLS 20'I 406604 on an equal opportu- T1699609 to 8 5 377 open floor plan w/ 4 bath, 2954 sq ft. Ra- The Bvlletin Classiffeds den or 4th bdrm, 2382 swimming or floating. Steve Payer, diant floors and renity basis. The Bulle- for more photos. Call b drm/2 bath, s p asq.ft., built in 2008, $495,000 Broker, GRI Looking for a quiet con cious kitchen, living cycled timbers keep Mountain High Aspen Linda Lou Day-Wright, master on main level, tin Classified MLS¹¹201309267 541-480-2966 t his ho m e eco venient location be room & family room. island kitchen w/gran- NW Bend I $339,000 Broker, 541-771-2585 j $325,000 Bobbie Strome, friendly. Sits on nearly tween Redmond and Master is on opposite • 1841 sq.ft. Crooked River Realty ite counters, hard- • 2184 sq.ft. condo Principal Broker 19 acres of Cascade Bend? Look no fur side of house for pri• 2 bedroom + den, 2 wood floors, water • 3 bedroom, 2 bath John L Scott Real Panoramic m o untain ther. 1842 sq. ft. 3/2 vacy. Fresh interior view pastoral farm- bath feature and pond, RV • Fully finished baseEstate 541-385-5500 land. $899 , 000.• Hardwood floors, solid views. 5 bdrm, 5 bath, home on 1.54 acres paint, laminate & viparking fenced. MLS ment garden paradise perwith huge 26x40 shop nyl flooring through- MLS¹201404611 MORRIS wood doors ¹ 201405423. • MLS 201404868 fect for entertaining. Like new and vacant, 2 and minutes f rom o ut. A partment i s Call Terry Skjersaa, • MLS 201407343 REAL ESTATE $245,000. Call Pam Scott Huggin, 541-383-1426 Open flowing floor bdrm, 2 b ath, 1262 BLM &river. Covered permitted, stick built & Jim & Roxanne Lester, Principal BroBroker, GRI Duke Warner Realty p lan w i t h che f ' s sq.ft., built in 2001, front porch and large features 1 bdrm/1 full Cheney, Brokers ker, Century 21 Gold NE Bend I $275,000 541-322-1500 541-382-8262 kitchen, vaulted ceilvery clean, well cared back deck for outside bath, kitchen 8 living 541-390%050 Country Realty, Inc. • 2135 sq.ft. ings, a n d se c r et for home on corner relaxation and enter room. It is connected 541-390-4030 541-504-1338 Motivated FSBO • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath rooms. $ 1,500,000. lot, i sland k i tchen, t aining. Home f e a to the main house & Motivated Buyer • Spacious master with MLS 201406002. Call pantry, double ga- tures soaring vaults has a separate en- seeking new move-in ready, soaking tub NEW PRICE! $164,900 T erry Skjersaa a t rage, central air, rain and lots of windows t rance. There is a 3for bdrm, 2 bath, 1400 sqft. • MLS 20'I 406919 Owner terms avail541-383-1426 Duke gutters, large deck. for a light and airy barn, greenhouse, & 2 Quality home at a quality MORRIS John Snippen, Broker, able. 2 bedroom, 2 Warner Realty MLS ¹ 20 1 4 05419. feel. Tile surround gas storage REAL ESTATE bu i l dings. price. 541-279-8783 MORRIS MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI bath, 1562 sq. ft. Top $127,900. Call Pam fireplace in the living Property is fenced on I& y ~ yyy~ ~ yy~ y REAL ESTATE 541-312-7273 of the world views of Lester, Principal Bro- room, huge u n der 3 sides. Apartment Just bought a new boat? What are you I&«w yyy~ ~ ~ y 541-948-9090 the Cascade Mtns. on Check out the ker, Century 21 Gold stairs storage. Family may be rented out or Sell your old one in the looking for? 4.5 very private acres, classifieds online Country Realty, Inc. room with access to used as a g u est-classifieds! Ask about our Myrtlewood Acres. 4 backing miles of pub- www.bendbufletin.com 541-504-1338 back deck. Shop is in house. $26 4 ,900 Super Seller rates! You'll find it in bdrm, 2 bath, 1534 lic lands! Completely sulated with large up ¹201406110John L. 541-385-5809 Updated daily sq.ft., 8700+ sq.ft.Iot, remodeled in 2 011, The Bulletin Classifieds Like new immaculate stairs storage l oft. Scott Rea l E s tate one level living on including very n ew MORRIS Landscaped with Mountain High j 541-548-1712 NW Redmondj home. 4 Bdrm, 3.5 large lot, d etached laminate wood floor$315,000 REAL ESTATE $189,900 bath, 2237 sq.ft., dbl sprinklers system and s hop/garage. G a s ing in the living room • 1315 sq.ft. 541-385-5809 • 1712 sq.ft. irrigation. garage, mtn views, drlp f ireplace an d ti l e Mid-Century modern in & k itchen, c ustom • 2 bedroom, 2 bath MLS • 3 bedroom, 2 bath hardwood floors, tile $339,000. floors, $219,000. MLS New Construction on tiled baths, n atural• Near schools & shop- Peaceful Living - BeauNorth Rim. 3 b drm, • Golf course and pond counters, huge mas- 201406512 ¹201407170 2~/~ bath, 3432 sq. ft. views quiet cul - d e-sac. wood tiful custom home apaccents ping ter bdrm, on main, John L. Scott Real Bobbie Strome, prox 3253 sq ft on 4.5 home on 1.5 acres. • MLS 201407156 $249,900. 3 Bdrm, 3 throughout, loft third • MLS 201406509 and formal Estate 541-548-1712 Principal Broker Work with builder to bath, 1929 sq.ft., main acres, with .5 acre irguest room or den Michelle Tisdel PC, KC Flynn, Broker d ining-room. ML S John L Scott Real floor office/den, great making the open floor rigation. Private well, customize this home Broker, ABR, E-PRO 541-322-2400 ¹201404328. Lots of room. Sitting on t o Estate 541-385-5500 yo ur tast e . room w/fireplace, up- plan w it h pond, close-in, priv a u lted 541-390-3490 541-390-6441 $229,500. Call Pam t he ri m w it h e x c . $1,140,000. stairs laundry room, ceilings work for all of vate and s e cluded MLS Lester, Principal Bro- views. On paved road. 201305601. Near Smith Rock, gor- front with too many extras Call la n dscaping. your living n eeds. ker, Century 21 Gold Garden shed, carport, Michele geous 3 bdrm, 3 bath, MLS ¹201406876 to mention. $670,400. An d e rson ¹201400568 Country Realty, Inc. large deck, fenced 541-633-9760 3190 sq.ft. $694,000 or Gary Diefenderfer, MLS¹201304783. Dennis Clark, Principal 541-504-1338 ¹ 201300784. Cal l back yard. Come and Jacque Broker Call Carolyn Emick, Broker, 541-771-8730 MORRIS Linda Lou Day-Wright. MORRIS enjoy the amenities at 541-280-4449. Duke 541-419-0717 541-480-2620 Century 21 REAL ESTATE 541-771-2585 Crooked Central Oregon Realty REAL ESTATE Duke Warner Realty Gold Country Realty Like New - Located on the Ranch! Golf, ten- Warner Realty River Realty and pool. 541-382-8262 Group, LLC ~ y~ ~ ay d a dead end street, 3 nis MLS b edroom, 1.5 b a t h $229,000. Cal l refurbished home on ¹ 2011309154 large lot. Plenty of RV Linda Lou Day-Wright, Broker, 541-771-2585 parking, fenced, landy a g • a scaped, priced rightl Crooked River Realty $244,500. MLS¹201404023 Call Carolyn Emick, Sell an Item •







Duke Warner Realty 541-382-8262



Living at its BestIf it's under$500 Located in the heart of the Old Mill District. 3 you can place it in m aster suites, 3 . 5 The Bulletin baths, 3070 sq ft with views of the river and Classifieds for: mountains. S t a n dalone unit. $819,000. $10 • 3 lines, 7 days MLS¹201400102 CallJaynee Beck, $16 • 3 lines, 14 days 541-480-0988 Duke Warner Realty (Private Party ads only)




Ull Ill ?



9:00AM - I I:00AM Larry Jacobs,Broker

ll •

54 I -480-2329


Check The Bulletin Classifieds




Cool West H ills contemporary 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1136sq.jt. Unique home with a wesome outdoor

...inthisimmaculatehome inNEBend. Privacy from every window, this home features 3bedrooms,2.5bath,largebonus roomand gorgeous fullyfencedyard.$250,000 CALL TAMMY SETTLEMIERAT 541-410-6009. MLS: 201408688

living spaces. $314,900 CALL ICIM KAHL A T

REMOD ELEDHOMEWITHLOYELYCOIITIMPOM YFIHSIES SMALLACER AGEREADYFORNEWHONE LIYE WELL AFFORDABLY Open floor planwith 3 bedroom,2bath, 1416sq.k Newerpaint floorstile counters,gasfumace,RVparking, priv ate yard and deck wi th mature trees. $239,000 CALL AUBRECHESHIRE AT 541-598-4583 OR BROOKCRIAZZOAT541-550-8408.MLy:201408713

Beautiful2.21acrepine-treed parcel in quietarea 4 bedroom,2.5 bath, 2313sq. R.with vaulted of desirableBrookswoodBlvd. Oldermanufacturt.d ceilings, formal diningroom aswell as a casual homeisofnovalueplentyofroomonfrontoflotto dining area plus an offce/den $300000 bui dnewhome.$170,000CALLBECKYOZRELIC CALL BILL PANTON AT 541-420-6545

AT 5<1-480-9191. MLy:201006078

5 4 1-480-1662.





Older homeon lot with well andseptic. City Locate donadeadendstn.et,3bedroom,I5 water and sewer also to lot. Buildable and bathrefurbished home on large lot. Plentyof dividable. Adjoininglot for sale also. $52,500 RV parking,fenced, landscaped. Pricedright! Just CALL CANDY YOW AT 541-410-3193. waitingfor you $239,900 CALLCAROLYN MLS:201405916 EMICKAT511419-0717. MLy:201404023




Executivehomeon 7timbered acresjust south 10 acres at The Highlands at BrokenTop 3bedroom,2.5 bath,1396sq.R.with new wood, Located in the heart of the Old Nill District. ofJohnDty,3 bedroom,25 bath,2801sq.ft, $525,000 CALL jACQUIESEBULSKY AT tile, carpetandwainscoting. Naster hasvaulted 3 mastersuites,3.5 baths,3070sq. ft. withviews bonusroom,loads of storage and attached 541-280-4449 OR MICHELEANDERSON ceiling,walk-in-closet. Newroof, fencedbackyard, of the river and mountains. Stand-aloneunit.

garage, $419,000 CALL DUKE WARNER DAYVILLE AT541-987-2363. NLy: 2013(H288

ClasVificds www.bendbulletin.com

AT 511-633-9760.MLS : 201310517

BADLANDS WILDERNESS FABUL OU SSINGLELEYELHOMEINRIYERRlit „.outyourbackdoor, 20 acre homesite,with CUP andmountainviews. $180,000 Possible terms. CALLKITKORISHAT 541-480-2335. MLS:2013(H808



Fantasticopportunityfor a builder/developeror extendedfamily. Four 10+acre lots,eachwith irri ation rights. Lar e pondsand reat views.

hottubandRVparking,$189,500CALLjASEN CHAVEZ AT541-891-5416.ftLy: 201407349

9$5,000 cALLKIAwARNERA0 501-410$819IIII CALLjAYNE EBECKAT541-480-0988 $ 2475 ORFRE D IOHNSONAT 511-788-3733. NLS: 201100102 HLy: 201%7508



4 bedroom,3 bath, 2176sq.ft. Living andfamily GARAGE'IN GARDENSIDE Don't let thisrare opportunity to liveon Paulina rooms,private backyardwith hot tub. Fireplace 2097 sq It.,3 bedplusoflicevaulted ceilings,AC, Lakepassyouby!Cabin hasthebestsettingon in familyroom. Shortdistanceto Old Nill, river $195,000CALLTERRYSKjERSAAAT trails, parksandshopping. $319,900 CALLLARRY large lotandnextto GardensidePark $329,000 the lake. 511-383-1126.MLS:201408184 CALL ROB EGGERSAT 541-815-9780. JACOBS AT541-480-2329. MLy:201106882 MLS:201%7798

3bedroom, 2bath located inaquiet section, closeto the neighborhoodparkandtrails to the DeschutesRiver. New laminate flooring e livingareas,stainless steel appliances, lush lands capingandfencedyard. $267,000 CALLKRIS WARNERA T541-480-5365. IILS:201%8293






$209,000IA M UST SEE GEM • 4 bed • 2.5 bath • 2067 SF

• Bonus room • Triple car garage • 2917 SW Deschutes

~it III,

NL. -e

$277,500 I3147NE PURCELLBLVD, BEND • Tucked awayin northeast Bend on nearly a1/3 acre lot • 4 bed & 3 bath well maintained home • Mature landscaping, fruit trees & fully fenced • RV parking • Central air • A must see!

i,,i.'Ijl453 4, ij I

~ H



• Great opportunity • 4bed 8 2.5bath • New interior paint • New slider patio door • Upgraded hardwood floors • Extensive landscaping added • Don't miss this hidden



benches for outdoor seating • Full mountain views from upstairs bedroom



541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER




$254,900 I 20634 COUPLES LANE, BEND



• Immaculate home close to Rivertrail • Clubhouse, gym, pool & tennis access • Vaulted ceilings & lots of natural light PATTYDEMPSEY 541-400-5432 • Spaciousmastersuite ANDREA PHELPS 541-400-4770 wi th office area CLEMERINEHART 541-4802 -100 • Gorgeousbackyard,fenced




0 I

$549,900I61395 ORION DRIVE,BEND

$385,000 I 61502 TALLTREECOURT, BEND




• Gorgeous Monticello home • 2216 SF • Private fenced yard • Open great room • Spaciousbedrooms • Oversized garage • Cul-de-sac setting MLSA'201406076


• 5 bed & 3 bath • 2655 SF • Great neighborhood • Near Pine Ridge Elementary • Close to trails & amenities I




20 470 15

0 1'


• Insulated detached garage • Privacy fenced • Close to state parks • Fresh paint and carpets • Immaculate condition • Open floor plan • MLSP201306933

• Call Aaron for more details


• Rare 6500 SF homesite • Borders covered canal • Closetoschools & shopping

3 2 37 QQ 4Q I


• 1296 SF manufactured home 36 • 0.44 acre corner lot • Privacy & serenity • Large decks & acircular








$595,000 I 21820 HORSE BUTTE, BEND

• Nice master suite with balcony • Private yard & large covered deck • Large shop & boat garage • Mountain views & nice sunsets

• 2bed,2bath&1637SF • Hardwood, tile & carpet floors • Walk in closet, pantry, washer & dryer • Gas fireplace in livingroom • Patio/deck • Landscaping


$288,790ICUSTOM A-FRAME HOME • 5 fenced acres • 30X54 two story barn • 2540 SF • 3 bed & 3 bath • Mountain views • 2 story shop

• Country living close to Bend • 4 bed & 3 bath ' • 8.56 acres with trees & views Quality custom built home '~ ' T-T - • Vaulted ceilings 541-390-0934 • Primary living on one ,:



3 .I • 3178SF,4bed &4bath

2.5 acres of privacy • Good Cents Construction • 3bed &2.5bath • RV parking, A/C, party deck & granite



• Daylight basement


• Spectacular gardens & landscaping • Close in country living • 3-car garage & shop • Huge entertaining deck

Rinehart, Dempseg 8 Phelps

with hot tub


• Vaulted ceilings, great room, A/C & tile roof • 3 bed & 2.5 bath ' IVILS¹ 201 40501 5


541-788-2274 BEA LEACH BROKER


• Custom built home • 2185 SF • 3 bed & 2 bath • Close to a lake • 1.17 acres • Mountain views




• Near Pilot Butte • Cul-de-sac location • 2 bed, 2.5 bath two story units • Attached single car

garages • Close to shopping, schools & medical 541-306-0479 facilities CHRISTIN HUNTER • Professionally managed & tenant occupied BROKER r


• 3 bed & 2.5 bath duplex • Each unit is 1740 SF • Bonus room • Single attached garages • Professionally managed

Patty Dempsey 541-480-5432 Andrea Phelps . 541-408-4770 Cleme Rinehart 541-480-2100 WWW.RINEHARTDEMPSEY.COM


• 3 bed • 2 full bath • 1576 SF

• Maintenance free • Great community


m H I I H • E t T O I V• 19 •


• 4152 SF, 4 bed & 3 bath

• Huge master upstairs with deck • Formal living & dining room • Great room & basement

EII ott

ETPE I I I • •


• Carport & shop • Close to the boat ramp & river



• Live on the River Rim • Mountain & river views

• 2839 SF

' c.)I



• Open floor plan • Heated bathroom floors • Quality & elegance


• Single levelliving • Stunning kitchen • Two master suites • 0.46 AC fenced lot • Gorgeous openfloor plan

541-480-7777 , I, DIANA BARKER


• 0.46 acre corner lot

• 2910 SF



• 3 bed & 3 bath







$49,900 I PRICEJUSTREDUCED • 2 master suites • Hobby/craft room • Insulated safe-storage room 311- • Fully equipped theater • 3-car garage • Near family park


541-788-2278 LIS A HART BROKER

• Triple car garage

$459,000 I WESTSIDE


• 3 bed • 2 bath • Single level home • Hardwood floors

• 4 bed & 2.5 bath • Master suite on main level with large walk in closet • Great room with fireplace, laminate wood floors, granite & tile

$375,000 I 61007 SNOWBE RRY PLACE, BEND

• Gorgeous Monticello home • 2216 SF • Private fenced yard • Open greatroom • Spacious bedrooms • Oversized garage • Cul-de-sac setting • MLSf201408076

• 1807 SF

• Lovely landscapedyard 541-604-0898 LEANNEJOHNSON • Perfect! An excellent value BROKER

• 3bed,2.5bath & 2222 SF

' "-


• Bonus room overgarage


4, 541-480-6790 541-390-5286 541-480-2245 MICHELLE LORETTA JAKE "imlL> '""'"' MOORHEAD WHITE MOOR H EAD



• Great open plan • Large private paverdeck • Private access to 17 AC • Private clubhouse


• Small acreage in Tumalo • Builder's home with great room style • Master suite with mountain views • Wonderful landscaping & 4 AC of irrigation • Less than a half mile to the Deschutes River & many hiking & biking trails


4 b e d & 3 bath






• 1/3 AC lot plus open space




plus a den • 55 and older retirement at The Falls EagleCrest • Stunning easterly views • Custom interior painting & a new Trexdeck



$455,000I65715 WHITE ROCK LOOP, BEND


• New listing in Foxborough • 1620 SF, 3 bed & 2 bath Single level • Brazilian teak floors • Granite countertops • New heat pump &A/C • Oversized 2-car garage

JAKE MOORHEAD . 541-480-6790

• 2005 SF, 2 bed, 2 bath


• Single level home in Mountain Pines • 3 bed, 2 bath & 1773 SF • Hardwood floors & epoxygaragefloor • Pine vaulted ceilings & granite tiled countertops • Call for a showing today!

'miikg MICHELLE wHITE 561-393 5236




• Golf course home • 3 bed, 3.5 bath • Open floor plan • Gourmet kitchen • Wood floors • Outdoor kitchen

• Located on a cul-de-sac • 3 bed & 3 bath • Updated kitchen • Split level home • Large lot 0.17 acres

• Vaulted Ceilings, 3 bed & 2.5 bath • Beautifully landscaped & on a corner lot • Bitter root ledge stone firepit with solid bitter root slate




541-788-2278 LISA HART BROKER


• 2 great homesat 2753 SF & 1274 SF • 35.44 irrigated acres north of Terrebonne • Fenced & cross-fenced • Barn, storage, corrals & more • Great CascadeMtn & Smith Rock views



F or homes online WWW b e n d h o m e S . C o m



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale


Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Perfect Home for You- Picture Perfect Home- Prime Location - Great Pristine country setting River Canyon Estates SHOP! $199,000. 4 Spacious 2818 sq. ft. Spectacular home on The Ridge a t E a gle 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, in Stonehedge West! Providence location at with beautiful r ock bdrm, 3 bath, 2496 sq H ome wit h H u g e acreage. Crest. Perfect vacaI $424,900 1396 sq ft with new You really need to see the e n d of a outcropping & valley • 2719 sq.ft. Tudor style ft in great location with shop! Home features •SE Bend on 4.81 acres tion getaway. 1822 10' wood, tile, carpet & this home! Beautifully c ul-de-sac. 3 b e d - views. 3 bedroom, 1 home lots of room for your vaulted ceilings, - $519,900 sq.ft. home, 3 bdrm, wainscoting. Master updated inc l uding room, 2.5 bath, 1834 bath, 1 134 s q ft • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath pets & toys! Large plenty o f w i n dows~ 4 Bdrm, 3 b a t h & 2.5 bath, w/triple tanhas vaulted ceiling, travertine tile flooring, sq ft. Large lot with single-level home is • Fenced,landscaped spacious home with give a light & bright den/office dem garage, open walk-in closet. New main , living space with lots granite c o untertops mature landscaping on a large, immacu- yard with patio separate living & fam- feel, family room with •M aster o n roof, fenced backyard, with tile backsplash, and paved and gated lately landscaped lot, • MLS 201407863 ily rooms, v aulted rock fireplace PLUS a triple-car garage & of windows to enjoy hot tub and RV park- GE Profile appliances, RV parking. $239,995. and has tons of char- Becky Brunoe, Broker ceilings and spacious living room, kitchen barn/shop the sunrises. M LS ing. $192,500 Call Kim Warner, acter. Ne w p a i nt, 541-350-4772 kitchen. This reverse has tons of cabinetry, www.johnlscott.com/45 ¹201404270. gas range, gorgeous 541-410-2475. Call Jasen Chavez at knotty alder trim & great shop with carliving floor plan has eating counter, center 436 $334,222. Call Pam 541-891-5446 doors, designer paint, MLS¹201405854 forced air heating and island 8 roomy butler Kellie Cook, Broker Lester, Principal Broport, finished front 541-408-0463 MLS201407349 updated fixtures & Duke Warner Realty deck, covered back air conditioning with pantry. Master bath ker, Century 21 Gold Duke Warner Realty lighting & granite tile 541-382-8262 additional bedrooms has jutted tub, sepaJohn L. Scott Country Realty, Inc. patio, fire pit, mature 541-382-8262 541-504-'I 338 surround gas f i r el andscaping. O n l y and l i ving s p ace rate shower, 2 vaniReal Estate, Bend MORRIS blocks to P r ineville d ownstairs. L a r g e ties, additional cabiwww.johnlscott place. Vaulted ceilREAL ESTATE Tumalo Acreage I wrap-around d e c k, C ountry Club a n d nets & walk-in closet. bend.com Perfect Home with Irri- ings in the living room, Need to get an ad I&~ dy ~ ~ ~ d $1,200,000 minutes from the resstorage and double 4th bedroom or flex gation - 3 bedroom, 2 custom blinds, large acres, Cascade in ASAP? ervoir. $124 , 900 Riverfront Property arage. 30x36 shop; room, currently is be- Starwood I $295,000 • 40 bath, 1431 sq ft con- main level m aster views, shop ¹201404713 enced pasture area. ing used as a sitting • 1543 sq.ft. single level • 2952 veniently located just suite w/access to the 3 bedTruly o n e-of-a-kind room off the master. • Updated 3 bedroom, 2 room,sq.ft., 5 miles to shopping rear deck. New paint Faxit ts 541-322-7253 Jodi Clark, P rincipal setting and l ocated 000 ¹201404040 3 bath Broker, 541-771-8731 Dennis Clark Principal Forced air heat. 872 bath and medical facilities. on the interior & exte• MLS 201400366 j ust b l ocks fr o m Broker, 541-771-8730 sq. ft. heated garage, • .27 acre, fenced, low Century 21 Gold Home is fully fenced rior of t h e h o me.The Bulletin Classifieds downtown Bend. ImVirginia Ross, Broker, Country Realty Century 21 Gold 1920 sq. ft. RV/shop, maintenance and sits on 2 tax lots. Paver back walkway pressive views of the ABR CRS, GRI, ECO • MLS 201406430 & beautiful landscapCountry Realty a potting shed & a $325,000. Deschutes River and Broker, Previews i ng. $239, 7 5 0 wood shed. $299,000 Lynne Connelley, Call Jasen Chavez, TURN THE PAGE 1 st S .t rapi d s. Single level, Awbrey ¹201402706 John L. 541-480-7501 ¹201405465 Prineville Lake acresBroker, CRS 541-891-5446. $1,650,000 John L. Scott Real For More Ads Scott Real E s tate 541-408-6720 Great building lots, Glen. Roomy 4 bdrm, MLS¹201403555 Call Terry Skjersaa, fairly flat lot with good 3 bath, master bdrm 541-548-1712 Duke Warner Realty Estate 541-548-1712 The Bulletin 541-383-1426 cover of juniper trees. separate from other 541-382-8262 Price Reduced. Single Power at NE corner of MLS¹201406532 bdrms, modern S pacious Home. 3 s tory home, 3 c a r lot 85. Near public Private 1.25 acre cul-de Duke Warner Realty MORRIS kitchen, newer appl., Bdrm, 2.5 bath, boPerfect Location - Re- garage, RV parking, land, Prineville Reser- - sac l ocation w i t h REAL ESTATE cou n ters, nus room, 2207 sq.ft. MORRIS cently renovated 3 p rofessional la n d - voir and recreation Cascade views. Sep- Room for Family and granite hickory cab i nets, .19 acre with large REAL ESTATE bedroom, 2 bath scaping, 3 bdrm, 2 Hobbies. Large .48 great outdoor space fenced rear y a rd. potential. Almost 360 tic in with 100 gal. ~ y~ ~ ay d home in the heart of bath, a n d den, degree views! Buy tank Connection to acre fenced lot with w/covered patio. Tumalo Home/Views! I www.jackson-AnderBend's wes t side. www.johnlscott.com/k both should a larger CRR water, 30x40 ga- plenty of room for $615,000 son.com Colleen Dillingham, Stunning Mou n tain $435,000. • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, orinac.johnlscott.com rage shop with con- your family and their Broker, 541-788-9991 Barbara Jackson, building parcel be deViews 3 bedroom, 2 Call Terry Skjersaa, Korina Chinchen, 2606 sq.ft. Broker sired. $70,000. each. crete floors, windows hobbies. Living room John L. Scott 541-383-1426 bath, 1850 sq ft home • 6.4 acres Broker CIAS 541-306-8186 MLS ¹201407172 and and 16x10 overhead with 2 skylights. Fam- Real Estate, Bend on almost 5 acres. IrMLS¹201406887 541-788-6154 • Huge Cascade door. $85,900. MLS ily room has a gas John L. Scott MLS ¹201407176 www.johnlscott rigated pastures with mountain views Duke Warner Realty Real Estate, Bend til e 201302066. N a n cy f ireplace w i t h Real Estate, Bend Bobbie Strome, bend.com pond. Great h orse • MLS 201307561 www.johnlscott Popp, Principal Bro- hearth and surround. www.johnlscott Principal Broker property. $569,000. bend.com Seller will give credits Single Level Home in Odette Adair, Pick Your Colors - New ker 541-815-8000 bend.com John L Scott Real Call Kit Korish, Broker, S.T.A.R. for new dishwasher Excellent Conditionhome on 0.15 acre in Call The Sutietin At Estate 541-385-5500 Crooked River Realty 541-330-2120 541-815-4786 private neighborhood. and a new range/oven 2 bedroom, 2 bath + Spacious SE H o me MLS¹201308768 541 -385-5809 at close of escrow office, great r o om 2545 sq, ft. 4 bdrms, 1425 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 P rivate Broken T o p Duke Warner Realty The Bulletin's bath & 2-car garage. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Estate - Custom built, (CLA). Storage build- floor plan, separation 2~/~ baths . Mtn views. "Call A Service $139,900. MLS Tetherow Crossing, 3 At: www.bendbulletin.com 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, ing and dig pen in- of bedrooms, double $306,500. MLS¹201402233 Call Professional" Directory 3541 sq ft home with cluded. The home has car garage. $339,000 201406104. 1 bath, 1288 Price reduction. fresh interior paint. Pam Lester, Principal Jaynee B e c k at bdrm, MORRIS open great room floor MLS MLS¹201407500 s q.ft. home w/ d b l ¹ 201 4 04338 Broker, Century 21 $260,000. Spacious is all about meeting 541-480-0988 or Pete REAL ESTATE plan and radian floor Lynn Johns, carport, 14'x14' storyour needs. $295,000 Gold Country Realty, 1988 sq.ft., 4 bdrm, Van D e usen at IA ~mlyo heat. $949 , 900. Principal Broker, age building, 1632 Inc. 541-504-1338 3.5 bath, plus office Bobbie Strome, 541-480-3538. Duke MLS¹201300357. Call Call on one of the 541-408-2944, sq.ft. shop on 2.58 Ultimate Home - 5 bedand upstaris bonus Principal Broker Warner Realty Tammy S e ttlemier, Wes Johns, Broker acres. $150,000. MLS room 6 bath with ofJohn L Scott Real room, 2 master suites, professionals today! 541-410-6009. 541-408-2945, Central ¹201407222 fice, family room, rec one on main level, Estate 541-385-5500 Spacious single level The Bulletin is your Duke Warner Realty Oregon Resort Realty home Bobbie Strome, room and 2 master beautiful upd a ted Prineville Lake Acresw/views. 541-382-8262 Principal Broker Employment suites. Other features kitchen, w/ stainless Winchester Lp. 2.56+ SE Bend.27 Acre I Small Acreage Ready $350,000. 3 bdrm, 2 John L Scott Real include sun r o om, appl., huge deck off acre property, had the Rare Metolius Riverbath, 2009 sq.ft., 5.6 $297,000 for New H o me Marketplace solarium and an awekitchen, great for en- p ins marked w i t h front property with • 2550 sq. ft. acres w/ 4 acres of ir- Estate 541-385-5500 Beautiful 2.24 a cre some greenhouse all tertaining, hardwood stakes an d rigation and Koi pond. b r i ght cabin in Camp Sher- • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath pine-treed parcel in The Price i s R i g ht! Call floors a nd tile tape, so its well de- man, w/paved roads. • Near Old Mill, schools 30x30 barn w/stalls, Single level 3 b ed- on over 10 acres with quiet area off desirviews. t hroughout. S p e c - fined. Incredible view 1 bdrm, 1 bath plus & park RV area. room, 2 bath, slab mountain able Bro o kswood pastures, $999,000. tacular mountain of th e 5 41- 3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 MLS ¹201406694 m o untains. loft, sleeps 6, granite • MLS 201408042 Blvd. Older manufacr anite, AC , g a s , MLS¹201403687. views from upstairs Gently sloping, lots of counters, huge deck, Debbi McCune, Broker tured Larry Turner, home is of no e nced yard, n i ce Call Candy Yow, bonus room, trees and two natural u nobstructed r i v e r 541-279-'I 139 541-647-0052 to advertise. value; plenty of room Central Oregon Realty neighborhood. Seller 541-410-3193 www.johnlscott.com/ clearings for homesviews & access. Fully on front of lot to build Is motivated. Duke Warner Realty 65895 Group, LLC ites. $99,000. MLS furnished. $399,000. new home. $170,000. www.bendbulletin.com Maralin Baidenmann, $238,900 541-382-8262 s ¹201407174 MLS 201402947 Call Becky Ozrelic, Call Carolyn Emick, Broker Look at: Bobbie Strome, Pam Lester, Principal 541-480-9191 541-419-0717 Need help fixing stuff? 541-325-1096 Principal Broker Bendhomes.com MORRIS Broker, Century 21 MLS¹201406478 MLS¹201406773 Call A Service Professional Real Estate, Bend John L Scott Real Gold Country Realty, REAL ESTATE Duke Warner Realty for Complete Listings of dd.'yyyndy Central Oregon since 1909 Duke Warner Realty find the help you need. www.johnlscott Estate 541-385-5500 Inc. 541-504-1338 541-382-8262 541-382-8262 IA y M d y ~ M O~ d Area Real Estate for Sale www.bendbulletin.com bend.com •



The Bulletin


Excellent Service... •









Faye Phillips, Broker 54 f -480-2945

Shelley Arnold, Broker 54I-77f-9329 I





• Awbrey Glen Golf Community • 3 bedroom- 3.5 bath • 2558 sq.k. - built in 1998 • .48 acre on 2nd fairway • Multi-level decks - hot tub • Gourmet kitchen

Daniefle Snow, Broker 54f-306-fOIS

Colleen Diffingham, Broker 54I -788-999I






• 3 bedroom,3 bath • 3713 sq. ft. • Lor. 1.15 acres Views of Cascades • Two bonus rooms •Wine cellar

• 5 fenced acres -4 acres irrigation • 5398 sq. ft.- 6 bedrooms & 4 baths • 3200 sq.ft. - 3 story shop • Close-in Bend location • Granite, travertine, marble finishes • Awesome mountain views • wwwjohnlscott.com/96070



I d

• Great neighborhood •Well cared for home • Central heating and A/C • Hardwood floors • Large bonus room • Hot tub included • www.johnlscott:.com/54998







F '-. II'

s • 1775 sq. ft.,3 bedroom,2.5 bath • Hountain views, fenced • Gas fireplace / air conditioning • Open floor plan •Tile counters, black appliances • Close to shopping / schools • www.johnlscott.com/66219 Kathy Caba, Principal Broker 54!-77 I- I 76 I

Peggy Lee Combs, Broker 54f-480-7653 •


Cyndi Robertson, Broker 54I -390-5345 'd




• Copperstone Community • 3 bedrooms - 3 baths • 2275 sq. ft.- built 2004 • Naster on main floor • H uge kitchenwith center island • Low maintenance yard

• Granite,tile and solid oak finishes • 2.07 acres & 1.43 acres common area • Gated golf community




• Horse property! • 2818 sq.k.,3 bedrooms & 2.5 baths • Less than I year old

1685 NW 4th St Directions: From NE 3rd Sc., west on Onley (turns into Portland) cross river, right on NW 4th St. to home on left.

Danielfe Snow, Broker 54 f -305- I0I 5






• 2170 sq. fr, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath

• Bonus room (4~ bed) • New carpet & interior paint • Formal dining or den • Nany custom touches

I '


3+ bedrooms,2.5 baths,2245 sq.fr.. Large bonus or 4th bedroom Separate upstairs living

• 2 car garage • Massive RV parking area

Custom upgrades,stainless steel Fenced yard, covered porch

www johnlscott.com/63446 Brad Whitcomb,Broker 54 I-350-3449

( Ben Shank, Broker 54f-280-0066


• 2480 sq. ft. on 0.5 I acres • 3 bedroom,2.5 bath • Large fenced backyard with sprinker • Single-level, master main

Handicap equipped, garage ramp

Sharon Abrams,CRS,Principal Broker 54 I-280-9309

Theresa Ramsay, Broker 54 I-S I 5-4442

• '

• One level • I/2 acre lot, room for RV •Well cared for neighborhood • 3 bedroom,2 bath • Home needs TLC and is a short sale with one lender








.: Fl

I •



• >


• • l e a

' • Ea E











4P ' ' T

'@'-'."-:, + ~': 9 ' 5: '.' ~ • 2.56 acres, 2 acres irrigation • Single level home, 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Living room with vaulted beamed ceiling • Kitchen with eating bar • Perimeter fenced and cross fenced • Level area to build shop MLS¹201408404 Carol Osgood, Broker & Korren Bower, Broker (541) 419-0843 i www.carolosgood.com

• Tumalo property with mtn. views • 8.5 acres completely ".-.~:.»"'-='-"." : fenced • 4 acres of Tumalo irrigation water • Single level home, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths • Storage building 8< barn MLS¹201408429 '


~ E

Hosted byAmandaBonahoom,Listed byJane Flood, Broker 541-350-9993 JaneFlood00@gmail .com •

• Unobstructed Cascademountain views on deadend lane • 10 private acres - 5 acresirrigated •2-carattached garage,2-cardetached,plusshop •3bedrooms 2 baths,1772 SFupdated home • Majority new windows, new roofing, furnace, sprinkler system, septic improvements, extensive landscaping and updated kitchen www.experiencebendliving.com


8• •

Call Laura Blossey, Brokeri 949-887-4377

• • • • • • • •

Exquisite full Cascade mountain views 5 acres and 4.5 acres of irrigation rights Single level 3 bedrooms, 2 baths Great room living Quality built 4-stall barn Hay storage, corrals, loafing sheds Ride out to forest trails Sisters School District MLS¹201405373

Carol Osgood, Broker & Korren Bower, Broker 541-419-0843 i www.carolosgood.com • 0



• E





• • a • 8•




-;,'n MA

• 4.88 level acres with full mountain views • 4 bedrooms, master on main • Great room with propane fireplace • Gourmet kitchen • Detached 2-car garage • 2-bay shop with 14 foot doors

• Fabulous 10 peaks view • Private 10 acre parcel • 3 bedrooms, 3 full baths, 3624 SF • Great room with full views • Lower level with bonus room • Detached guesthouse/studio • Paved RV parking with power MLS¹201407606


Carol Osgood, Broker & Korren Bower, Broker (541) 419-0843 i www.carolosgood.com

• i2


Carol Osgood, Broker & Korren Bower, Broker (541) 419-0843 i www.carolosgood.com

• Beautiful Tumalo estate on 10 acres with irrigation • Features 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 5965 SF home • Barn with attached greenhouse & 2-bay shop overlooking large pond and Cascade Mountains • 3.76 adjacent acres available for $25K with home purchase MLS¹201305106

• 8.67 private acres • 1/2 mile to Deschutes River • 4-car garage • Private well, 1 acre in-ground irrigation • Expansive easy care yard/gardens • Room for shop 8E RV MLS¹201404945

Hosted by Traci Kemnitz, Broker, ABRi 541-9484)217 Listed by The NormaDuBoisand Jule Moe Team, Brokers

Carol Osgood, Brokeri 541-419-0843 www.carolosgood.com


8 • 8• 8


' ' • •


. +I

H • 'I'





• 14 pristine acres of solitude • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Gourmet kitchen with eating nook • Fabulous outdoor paver patio with water feature • 3-stall barn with tack • Outdoor arena, paddocks, round pen MLS¹201406031 Hosted by Marica Hilber, Brokeri 541-312-3641 www.carolosgood.com

• Silver Horse Ranch • Horse ranch/private estate • Boarding/training facility • 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3004 SF • 40 acres, 28 acres water • Indoor 8E outdoor arenas MLS¹201406238

• Fractional ownerships! 1/16th share of deeded ownership in several one and 2 bedroom condos • New appliances • Granite countertops • National forest views, situated near pools, restaurant and bar • Great rental income and


Call Bruce Lilleston, Broker i 541-815-3842 http://www.cascadesothebysrealty.com/agent/brucel/


trading possibilities • Prices begin at $15,000 • Fully furnished & turnkey • Call me for details

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS i 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow is a planned 700 acre community backing tonational forest and is the perfect home base for discovering the best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking, or dining and shopping Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www. Tetherow.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker, Director of Lot Sales 541-408-3912 i brian©bendpropertysource.com

• •



g 19049 Mt. Shasta, Bend • Backsdirectlyto com mon area • Located close to ShevlinPark • Near river trails popular for hiking, jogging, and mountain biking • Easytopography, m aturetrees For more information & to see all our listings go to www.bendpropertysource.com

• 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Master on the main • Great creek views from deck • Cozy living room with fireplace • Close to pool, parks, tennis • Horseback riding MLS¹201308056


New Master-PlannedTnwnhome Development in Midtown! • 3 bedroom townhomas starting at $257,500

Call CJ Neumann, Broker i 541-410-3710 orR

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokeri 541-408-3912

• 4 units now underconstruction

• Single level • 9.67 acres

• Price includes custom lavel ffnishes with full landscaping, slab

• Ready for immediate occupancy

quartz countertops and energyeff icientconstruction • Location supports the active Bend lifestyle with easy access to parks, trails, river and downtown

• Private setting

Call Brian Ladd,Principal Broker i 541-408-3912 brlan©bendpropertysource.com



• 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, 1352 SF



www.bendpropertysource.com• brlanC!bendpropertysource.com

• n n


• • •


a Nata aPamer, Prrnctpa Bro er 541-480-1580 Or Glenda Mackle, Brokeri 541-410-4050


a • BB


• 8• 8

I I.-

• (I:.





• Over an acre on Awbrey Butte • 1100-bottle wine cellar • Exquisitely remodeled kitchen • 3 bedroom suites • Wraparound deck • 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths,4203 SF MLS¹201305997

• 4670 SF, top quality wood finishes, gourmet kitchen • Upstairs: master suite, office, great room, formal dining, laundry room and half bathroom • Downstairs: 3 large bedrooms, 2 baths, wine cellar, and large family/media room • You will love the private views from two large decks • 3-car garage, easy yard maintenance • Just steps from Rivers Edge's first tee MLS¹201401762

The Norma DuBoisand Julie Moe Team, Brokers

Call David Dunn, Broker i 541-390-8465

541-312-4042 i www TeamNormaAndJulie.com


• •

I- •



•I •



I -

•I• I•


• Private riverfront setting10 acres

• 5544 SF custom home 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths ' *. • Quality finishes-hardwood '' floors granite countertops 2 masters • 3-car garage and detached 2220 SF shop/garage • Patios, decks, landscaped to enjoy the outdoor living • Fly fish or float from your front yard! MLS¹201302701 Pam Mayo-Phi ips, 541480-1513 or Broo Havens, 541-6040788, Pr'incipalBrokersi www.desertvalleygroup.com

• 701 acres of forest, meadows & river • Deschutes River frontage P i 3.6 miles • Hand scribed log home: 10,275 SF, 4 bed, 4.5 bath • Shop, 4 stall barn, indoor arena, ranch manager's home •Cascademountainviews • Ranch retreat with abundant wildlife MLS¹201408825

Pam Mayo-P i ips, 541 480-1513 or Broo Havens, 541-6044788, PdncipalBrokersi www.desertvalleygroup.com

• • •









• 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths

• New heating and cooling system • Huge fully fenced rear yard, RV parking

• Custom Solaire built energy efficient, ADA compliant home with RV parking, dump and hook-ups


• Quiet cul-de-sac in a great neighborhood

• 2-car garage with heated shop/bonus room

Wall Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 l bendluxuryhomesOgmail.com

• • • • •

• F ormer model home ", I ,B ' IL¹I in The Parks • 3040 SF, 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath • Open, light great room floor plan • Den & junior suite on main • Porte cochere, beautiful landscaping • Fronts neighborhood park MLS¹201408122

• 3022 SF, .49 acre

8• 8

Situated on a private, flat lot Backs Anderson Ranch 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths 2828 SF on .23 acre 2-car garage with storage

• Private outdoor hot tub

• Top quality finishes throughout • Convenient, desirable location

Hosted by ErikaSanzone, Broker Listed by Sandy ikJohnKohlmoos, Brokers l 541-4084309

8 • 8 • 88


• 7000 SF RM zoned lot • 4 bedrooms, 1 bath

Call Robin Yeakel, Broeser, CRSl 541408-0406 robin.yeakelOsothebysrealty.com


Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 l bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com

• 8• 8

• •

• maa Isn ',

• 4033 SF in Awbrey Butte, extraordinary value!

• Build your dream on this 1.52 acre west side home site featuring mature landscape & impressive Cascade mountain views • Generous oversized lot offers privacy and flexibility for many design options • Situated in a cul-de-sac location with expansive views • Close proximity to river trail, neighborhood park & downtown Bend MLS¹ 2 01404748

• Awesome custom 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • 1680 SF, .69 acre lot, backing to canal • Huge oversized 25x24 2-car garage • RV/boat parking • Just minutes to Old Mill • Brand new exterior paint MLS¹201406381

• Gorgeous remodel! • 4 bedroom, 3.5bath + offi ce + bonus room • Multiple decks, pergola, soothing water feature

a Mary t r atton, Bro er, 541-419-6340 maryselhms@gmail.com

Call Laura Blossey, Broker l 949-887-4377 laura.blosseyesothebysrealty.com www.experiencebendliving.com

• g

• •

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086

g• •

• True 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Large .96 acre lot w/RV parking • Open kitchen and dining area • Large fenced yard + greenhouse • Front wraparound deck Video tours at www.bendpropertysource.com brianObendpropertysource.com



F.: • Rivers Edge Village gated community • Awesome views of the signature hole, pond • 1921 SF, 3bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Large remodeled gourmet kitchen with hardwood floor • Just minutes from river trail, golf and downtown Bend • Pool, spa and tennis courts MLS¹201407357

• 2355 SF on .53 acre • 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Oversized 3-car garage • 2 living areas and a sunroom • Lake and golf course views at Widgi Creek! • This private, turnkey residence has been primarily used as a vacation home and is in immaculate move-in condition! Priced to sell!

Ca Joanne McKee, Bro erl 541480-5159

Ca or Text Jane F oo, Bro er l 541-350-9993



Call Silvia Knight, Broker, ABR, SFR, Green 541-788-4861 l bendluxuryhomes@gmail.com

• Permitted GP building w/ living quarter/loft • Bath, laundry area, septic, well and pumphouse • RV heekups inside and out, 100 amp breaker in shop • Great location between Sisters & Bend • Build your dream home while you live in loft area or your RV MLS¹201301490

'i •




• Large 2.34 acres, 2539 SF home • Open living - light 8< bright • 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, bonus, den • Large vaults/windows for views • Knotty pine ceiling 8< accents • RV pkg 8< hook-ups, shop & more See Video at www.bendpropertysource.com all Brian add, Principal Brokerl 54 - 08-3912 brian@bendpropertysource.com


v' I

• 45 acres

• 3602 SF, 4bedrooms, 3 baths+ bonus i study • Breathtaking Cascade mountain views • Incredible attention to detail • Custom touches throughout • Projection home theater system • Luxurious upgrades See Video at www.bendpropertysource.com ML S ¹201407422

• 4 bedrooms, 3.5baths, plus of fice • 3148 SF with bonus room

• 4100 SF, home, barn, shop

• 1.30 acres, quiet hillside location

• Irrigation

• Travertine, bamboo, hardwood floors

• Magnificent views

• Red oak cabinets, granite counters

• Shown by appointment

• Custom built in 2011



Call Kelly Horton, Brokerl 541-508-9163

Ca I Gregg Hay en, Principa Bro er 541-390-6139



Call Brian Ladd, Prinapal Brokerl 541 8brianObendpropertysource.com

• NW Contemporary design built by Madrone Construction LLC • Situated on an elevated homesite with mtn. views • Designed as a 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath with main level master suite • Bonus room plus a triple car garage • Close proximity to clubhouse, trails and downtown Bend C llf d d ht i I d I il d p i i g

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

I • •





• •

• =QW

+ "''' sbi I

• Built by Timberline Construction of Bend • Designed by Brandon Olin • This contemporary home features 3 bedrooms, 3 baths • Complete with a bonus room and den/office • Built to Earth Advantage and Energy Star standards • Triple car garage • Near clubhouse, trails and downtown Bend • Call for additional details

861 SW Theater Dr. • 3 story, 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Views from everyfloor, 2 decks • Fantastic Deschutes riverfront • Great accessibility to Old Mill • State-of-the-art security & lighting • Custom wood & brick work MLS¹201404903 See Video atwww.bendpropertysource.com

61526 Cultus Lake Ct. • Designed by Dwell Design Group and built by Timberline Construction of Bend • NW Craftsman home offers wonderful indoor and outdoor living spaces • Beautiful Mt. Bachelor view sunsets from the frontdeck and privacy in the back MLS¹201407699

• WOW! Stunning panoramic mountain views • 4 bedrooms, 4+ baths, with decks galore & quaint guest cabin w/2 bds • Private low maintenance 14 acres with 2 wells • Architecturally reconstructed masterpiece, back to USFS • Surrounded by million dollar ranches • Too much to list! Call today for appt. to view! MLS¹201406539 View virtual tour

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086

Call Jodi Satko, CPS, Broker 541-550-0819 satkosellsoregon©gmail.com

all nan add, Prinapal rokerl54brian©bendpropertysource.com

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086




' '








' •








To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809



• 1450 NW17th St. Redmond f $211,000

20372 Chase Rd., Bend ( $279,900

• 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2188SF • Lots of upgrades


• Master on main • Large bonus room • Fireplace, tile counters

Downtown Bend For $249K

• New construction • 1784 SF, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Quality Finishes: tile, engineered


• Kitchen with tile countertops and pantry


Call Bruce Boyle, Broker l 541-408-0595



. !



20030 Millcrest Pl., Bend / $389,000


Amazing Mountain Views ( $370,000

Snap Shot Loop ( $484,750


Peaceful Sunriver Location ( $398,880 • 17613 (¹10) Sparks Lane,Sunriver • 4 bedrooms,2.5baths, 1810SF • Decks on levelsandlots of paved parking area • Charming greatroom design • Lava rockfireplace, vaulted wood ceiling • Close to SHARC aquatic and the river


• Large kitchen with island • Excellent low maintenance second or primary home

Call Carmen A. Cook, Broker l 541-480-6491 carmenanncookelgmail.com


Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 www.gregsellscentraloregon.com

Pilot's Dream Neighborhood! ( $495,000

2968 Chianti ( $499,000

2782SEPilot Drive, Prineville • 2500 SF barely livedin homewith beaut ifulhardwoodsand woodwork throughout thehome • 3bedrooms,2bathsall onthe main floor with abonusroomabovedouble

• 4 bedrooms,3.5bathrooms • 2540 SF &2-car attached garage • Granite, hardwood&tile throughout • Easyliving in aparklike setting • Owner privilegesat Seventh Mountai n Resort • Next to WidgiCreek&the Deschutes RiverTrail MLS¹201307670

• 4 bed, 2 bath, 1920 SF • Ranch style home • Horse property • Barn/outbuildings • Unobstructed Cascade mountain views • 4.8 acres MLS¹201407706

" . "-


• Main level master

• Great outdoor living!

Call Melanie Maitre, Brokerl 541-480-4186


River and Farewell Bend Park! • 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths


Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-4042 l www TeamNormaAndJulie.com


• 4 bedroom, 2 bath,2088SFon .44 acre lot • Family room with pine ceilings • Tiled baths & kitchen • Large bonus room • Large backyard with RVparking -..j::(',:.„.. '~ . -v.;.,„: v' • Closeto trails, parks,Old Mil ".:rc' .''eand Downtown> MLS¹201408493 Call Melanie Maitre, Broker l 541-480-4186

• Minutes toDeschutes

• Custom built home • 3 bedrooms, 3 baths, 2903 SF • Updated kitchen • Mountain views • RV parking with hook


SW Bend - 61136 Finchwood Dr. ~ $325,000

Call Carmen A. Cook, Brokerl 541%80-6491 carmenanncook@gmail.com

20755 Snow Peaks Dr. ( $384,900

• Plantings offers burstof color half the year •Full yfencedandlandscaped • Spacious mastersuite with walk-in closet • A/C, sma l RVorboat parking,hottub • 4 bedroom,2.5 bath, 1,960SF MLS¹201406365

st '

• 2 bedrooms • 12 20 SF • Commercial zoning • Outstanding potential ' • Minutes to parks, trails & shopping! MLS¹201408768

• Landscaped & backyard fenced • 2-car garage with alley entrance • Chase Village Development additional homes available MLS¹201402929

Call Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812

Corner Lot & Great Outdoor Living( $340,000


hardwood floors, gas fireplace


• Fenced backyard • Close to shopping anddry canyon • Rim Rock RDM MLS¹201405411


ol I

. .

• 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 2679 SF • Large bonus room I • 4-car garage • Meticulously maintained MLS¹201404719 Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222

• 2000 SF hangarandprivate airstrip in the neighborhood • Planeis alsoavailable


Call Jordan Grandlund, Principal Broker 541-420-1559 or Stephanie Ruiz, Broker 541-948-5196 www.PointswestBend.com

Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581 Nvandenborn@gmail.com


61455 Ward Rd., Bend ( $599,999

19413 Golden Meadow Lp., Bend( $615,000

Log Home On Acreage ) $648,500

Pronghorn Villa ( $649,000

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356

• 5 beds, 3 baths, 2971 SF • 5 acres, 3 acres irrigated • 3-stall barn • FULL CASCADE VIEWS! • Must see inside!





• Close to town!


Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019

• Hand scribedlog lodge home

• First time on the market in River Rim! • Large main level master suite • 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Spacious three car garage • Private.26 acre lot with water feature

features, extra guest quarters


fully furnished including membership to Central Oregon's premiere golf community Call Kelly Horton, Brokerl 541-508-9163

office with view

• Outdoor living with spa &gazebo • Commonareaw/accessto Whychus Creek, hiking, ¹shing,more! MLS¹201403310 Call today to view!

Call Jodi Satko, CPS, Brokerl 541-550-0819 satkosellsoregon©gmail.com

19692 Hollygrape ) $895,000


• This magnificent villa at Pronghorn comes

• RV & horse friendly, outbuildings & storage galore • Bonus mediaroom, largeprivate

Call Carmen A. Cook, Broker l 541-480-6491 carmenanncook@gmail.com


65683 Swallows Nest Lane

acreage, master onmain • 4 bedroom,2.5bath, luxury



• Overlooks the Deschutes River! • Private .36 acre riverfront lot • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Minutes to river trail MLS¹201405873

a ¹

Call Carmen A. Cook, Broker l 541-480-6491 carmenanncook©gmail.com

• Historic downtown westside • Close to Old Mill and • Mexican Canterastone 9'>':,>;l;,,I.q„plpf fireplaces/hood river trails c L y • Custom wrought-ironrailings & • Attractive home, ~gJ+~ 2 bedroom, 1 bath • Expansive deckw/mtn.views • Main level master & guestroom • Original features and hardwood floor • 4 bedrooms,4.5baths, 4900SF • Basement with 504 SF • .52acre lot • Immaculate condition MLS¹201403130 Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352 Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912

Awbrey Butte With Mtn Views) $1,250,000 • 24" Turkish travertine tile floors



• 53557 Kokanee$490,000 Stunning custom home and lot with panoramic/river views. Large shop. MLS¹201304072 • 53610 Brookie - $420,000 Mature forest setting, private river access. Eco-conscious, Scandinavian inspired home. MLS¹201303936 • 14234 Whitewater Lp - $425,000 Quality custom home with incredible workmanship: hickory cabinets, oak rails and floors. MLS¹201305640 Video tours at vhvw.bendpropertysource.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker l 541-408-3912

www.bendpropertysource.com• brian©bendpropertysource.com


• 3357 SF, great room concept with main level master suite • 5 bedroom, 3 bath bonus room plus additional flex space • Wonderful primary home or investment/rental property • Close proximity to river trail, The Village at NW Crossing, schools, restaurant 8r downtown Bend MLS¹201407363

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086



' •




. I I,


• Open ffoor plan 8i large .58 lot • Beautiful knotty pine accent • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths+ loft • Great for residence or vacation rental • Peek-a-boo views of Mt. Bachelor • Two master suites • Abundant Sunriver entertainment MLS¹201407216 Video tours at www.bendpropertysource.com

• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 3010 SF • Light, bright, clean and cozy • Formal living and dining areas • Open family room with gas fireplace • Custom made maplecabinets,foors,deskand dining room hutch Video tours at www.bendpropertysource.com

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912



• •


• 2780 SF, 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • Updated pristine sun lit home filled with extras • Two master suites, great room+ bonus room • Freshly painted, built-ins, triple car garage w/epoxy floor • Extensive decking, auto retractable awning, low maintenance landscape • Enjoy Sunriver Resort amenities - never been rented! MLS¹201408315

• 3743 SF, 4 bedrooms, 3 baths • Large well designed kitchen with slab granite and mahogany cabinets • Extensive hardwood floor throughout • Masterand 2nd bedroom on main •2 bedrooms up,large bath and spacious bonusroom • Private, fenced backyard with water feature & views • Friendly, desirable neighborhood only minutes from downtown MLS¹201407220

Call Myra Girod, Broker l 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767

Call Myra Girod, Principal Brokerl 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767

m ra. amteam@cascadesir.com

m ra. amteam¹¹cascadeslr.com




' ' 8• 8

' s'

8• 8

I •


4' 4 s

• 3 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, 3167 SF • Rooftop terrace Cascade view • Gourmet kitchen, built-ins • Walking access to town/trails • Upgrades throughout • 2-car garage, personal elevator MLS¹201311003

• 4 bedroom, 5 bath, 6635SF,

• Spectacular 49 acreranch with 40 acresirrigation, 2 • 4291 SF, 3 bedroom, 4 bath home, w/large great room, formal dining, luxuriousmaster suite, oudoor living/entertainment areaw/fireplace • Top quality 80x120 indoor arena,barn, corral • Borders miles of government land • Cascade mountain views MLS¹201408630

Video tours at www.bendpropertysource.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912

Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker l 541-480-3096





' •







• Open floor plan with mostly main level living • Floor to ceiling rockfireplace; custom windowsand doors • Cascade mountain & Deschutes River views • Multiple fenced outdoor spaces for entertaining • Barn with finished guest quarters above MLS¹201408348 Deb Tebbs, Broker/Presidentl 541-4194553 debtebbsgroup@ bendluxuryhomes.coml www.debtebbsgroup.com

' •



' •







• • • • • •

7991 SF 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage 800 SF guest cabin 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool River and golf front property Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000

www.crosswaterriverretreat.com Call Brian Ladd, Principal Brokerl 541-408-3912 brian¹¹bendpropertysource.com



Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

• Redmond Homes •



Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes



Redmond Homes

• Redmond Homes

Redm o nd Homes

Redm o nd Homes

Unobstructed Cascade West Hills Jewel - 3 Custom built b e auty!1272 Trail Creek Dri., 227 Highland Meadow Forest Greens G o lf Huge Price Reduction!! Single level Charmer in T he W i ndsor, N W mtn views! Q uality b edroom, 3 ba t h , Hot Buy! 5 bdrm/ 3 i/2 Eagle Crest Resort, Lp., Eagle Crest Re- Course TownhomeNW Redmond. Redmond. $313,900. $300,000. 4 Bdrm, 3 new con s truction, 2768 sq ft home on bath, plus bonus room 2681 sq. ft., 3 bdrms, sort 2681 sq. ft., 3 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, bath, 2762 sq.ft., 5.27 $319,000. 4 B d r m, Main floor d e n/4th 1784 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, .34 acre in the upper and office. 4895 sq. ft. 2i/2 baths, office and bdrms, 2i/2 baths, of1484 sq ft. Open great a cres, fenced a nd plus office/den, 2.5 bdrm, lots of natural 2i/2 bath, main level west hills. Private hill- Tons of custom work. formal dining. 3-car fice and formal dining. room floor plan, main cross fenced. Casbath, 2 4 1 0 sq . f t., light. Eating bar in master upstairs and s ide setting in t h e Eagle Crest Resort garage. Great room 3-car garage. Great level master, hot tub, cade Mtn views. MLS brand new construc- kitchen, landscaping, b ack d e ck . ML S trees w/a w esome $749,000. MLS plan. All premium fin- room plan. All pre- maple floors, Corian ¹201401229 tion, f e nang, f r o nt RV Parking, 3 bdrm, 3 201406065. decks. Also has pri- 201401829. Lynn ishes. $466,212 mium finishes. kitchen counters & Gail Day, landscaping, custom bath, 2235 sq.ft. MLS 541-306-'I 018 $269,900. Call Rob vate guest quarters. Johns Principal Bro- Lynn Johns, Principal $443,708 Lynn Johns, more. $220 , 000. tile. MLS ¹201310781 ¹201310777 Eggers 541-815-9780 $469,000. ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944, Broker, 541-408-2944 Principal Bro k e r, MLS¹201407446 Central Oregon Jim Hinton, Jim Hinton, 541-420-6229. 541-420-6229. or Katrina Swisher Call Kim Kahl, Wes Johns, Broker Wes Johns, Broker 541 5 41-408-2944 W e s Lynn Johns, Principal Realty Group, LLC 541-420-3348. Duke 541-480-1662, 541 408-2945 408-2945. Central Or- J ohns, Broker 5 4 1 Broker, 541-408-2944 Central Oregon Realty Central Oregon Realty FIND IT! 408-2945 Central OrWarner Realty MLS¹201407092 Central Oregon egon Resort Realty Central Oregon Group, LLC Group, LLC Duke Warner Realty Resort Realty egon Resort Realty Resort Realty SQT !TI Single Level custom 3 541-382-8262 Very Motivated! 3 bdrm, SELL IT! 1482 Eagle Springs Ct. 3 bdrm 2.5 bath custom 2 bath, 2356 Looking for yournext 2 bath, 1906 sq ft. 10085 Juniper G l en $555,000. ML S ¹ home on 1.48 ac in Ter- Golf course chalet with The Bulletin Classifieds bdrm, sq. ft. Eagle Crest Placeemployee? Outstanding m oun- Whispering Pines. 3 Circle - 2321 sq ft, 3 201401731 Bulletin help 2011. wanteda ad tain views and a cus- bdrm, 2 bath property bdrm, 2.5 bath, office This luxury home is rebonne. 2450 SF, Mtn garage. New hard- M eticulously mai n - home, built inkit and c h en reach overtoday tom built home that has complete perim- or formal dining. Great perfectly situated on views, canal, shop, with wood flooring. New tained golf c o urse Fabulous 60,000 you will fall in love room plan, all pre- the 17th hole of the bonus room. By owner, heat pump, 3 bdrm, 2 home in 55+ active great room plan, triple readers each week. eter fencing and is $4 7 9 000 Your classified ad with! Enjoy Central neat and well main- mium finishes. Challenge C o u rse$379,000. 541-923-4995 bath, 18th fairway of Eagle Crest a d ult garage Oregon ev e nings tained with trees and $392,198. Eagle Crest with idge Course. i n community, 2381 sq. MLS 201401643 will also appear on easterly moun- 920 Cinnamon Teal Dr. R Eagle Crest $269,000. ft., 3 bdrm, 2i/2 bath. Lynn Johns, Principal while relaxing on the s hrubs. Home h a s Lynn Johns, Principal bendbulletin.com tain views. 3376 sq.ft. $475,000. MLS Broker, 541-408-2944 2000 sq ft redwood been lightly lived in MLS 201400035 Broker, 541-408-2944 Upgrades galore & Wes Johns, Broker 541 which currently reh ome, 4 bdrm, 3 . 5 Lynn Johns, Principal deck, plumbed with and has a wonderful or 541-408-2945, Wes bath, open floor plan ¹201406333 mtn. views. ceives over 408-2945 Central Orgas for your BBQ and sunroom and appealJohns, Broker 541 MLS 1.5 million page and great room, cooks 2833 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 3 Broker, 541-408-2944 $527,640. egon Resort Realty e xtensive acc e nt ing floor plan with 408-2945, Central Or- d elight kitchen b y bath, home on t he Wes Johns, Broker 541 201405179 Lynn views every month tee box of The 408-2945 Central Or- Johns, Principal Brolighting inside and out. l arge deck, s h o p egon Resort Realty at no extra cost. Sage Builders, close 2nd Advertise your car! Ridge Golf Course. egon Resort Realty Custom c a b inetry, building is a p prox. ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944, Bulletin Classifieds Eagle Crest Resort. Add A Picture! Great room, decks high-end appliances, 4000 sq.ft. w/ 4 12x12 10235 Sundance Ridge Diane Burns, Broker Wes Johns, Broker Reach thousands of readers! Get Results! facing east, u nder fireplace, central vac d oors and a m a n Lp, Eagle Crest 2681 541 408-2945. Cen- Call 541-385-5809 541-815-2712, or Call 385-5809 or counter lighting, ash Gorgeous Home on 3H9 tral Oregon Resort The system, even a built-in door. The is a com- sq. ft., 3 b drm, 2 i/~ Bulletin Classifieds place your ad on-line Nancy Matson, cabinets, Slab granite Acres. $88 5 ,500. dog house under the plete office w/bath, baths, office & formal Realty at Principal Brokers on i sland. v a ulted 4Bdrm, 2.5 bath, 3295 entry stairs! $264,900 r ec, k i tchen a n d dining. 3-car garage. The Davis, NW Red541-420-3123 bendbulletin.com c eiling w it h o p e n sq.ft., desi g nerNew Construction in ¹201403366 mond. $279,900 Open m eeting r oo m in - Great room plan. All Heartland Realty LLC beams, jetted tub in Dennis Clark, Principal touches t h roughout SW Redmond - 3 bed- great room tons of fi n i shes. www.heatlandrealty cluded in the 4000 premium master. Water feature home, Cascade mtn rooms, 2 baths, 1804 c abinets space i n Broker, 541-771-8730 sq.ft. This property is $495,800. Lynn pros.com in backyard. Overviews, 35 acres of irri- SF. Stainless steel k itchen, 2n d f l o o r Sunriver/La Pine Homes Century 21 a must preview, must Johns, Principal Brosized 3 car garage. gation, huge shop, appliances, dual pan- laundry room, 3 bdrm, Gold Country Realty see facility. The shop ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944, Murrelet Drive. Diane Burns, Broker machine barn, tries, vaulted ceilings, (den or 4th bdrm), 3 55918 Snow Goose. and dwelling have Wes Johns, Broker 1525 2681 sq. 541-815-2712, or MLS¹201404232 Very motivated! Excel- separate $216,900. bath, 1929 sq.ft. MLS $229,000. 3 bdrm, 2 electric 541 408-2945. Cen- Eagle Crest, i/2 Nancy Matson, Gail Day, lent location! Commer- m eters. Shop a n d tral Oregon Resort ft., 3 bdrm, 2 baths, MLS¹201404038. ¹201307047 bath near river and office 8 formal dining. Principal Brokers 541-306-1018 cial location on 11th Jim Hinton, Jim Hinton, Sunriver. High Lakes d welling share t h e Realty 3-car garage. Great 541-420-3123 Central Oregon Street between High- Avion water meter, 541-420-6229. 541-420-6229. Realty & Pr o perty room plan. All preHeartland Realty LLC Realty Group, LLC land and Glacier! Per- 2nd Central Oregon Realty Central Oregon Realty Management gar a ge/shop10811 IronStone Ct. mium finishes. www.heatlandrealty fect for y our s mall 1025 sq.ft. $489,500. $850,000. 541-536-0117 Group, LLC Group, LLC MLS $494,550. Lynn pros.com business or continue to MLS ¹201400070 ¹201405841 Johns, Principal Brolease with current ten3617 sq.ft., 4 bdrm, 4.5 Bobbie Strome, ant! C ut e b o u tique Principal Broker baht, with views of Mt ker, 5 4 1 -408-2944,Bank owned, 3 bdrm, style building would be W ashington, B l a c k Wes Johns, Broker 2.5 bath, 2080 sq.ft., John L Scott Real perfect for the C4 zone Estate 541-385-5500 Butte, Mt Jefferson, 541 408-2945, Cen- home built in 2 0 06 and located on 1 flat business professionalMt Hood, Mt Adams tral Oregon Resort acre, new carpet and hair s a lon, b a rber and Smith Rock. up- Realty vinyl. Extended front shop, flowers, coffee USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! grades one w o uld shop . S eparate gawant. Wood f l oors 1.8 Acres, Cascade mtn and rear decks. MLS 201404793. $187,900 rage or storage build- Door-to-door selling with throughout. Slate en- views. $189,900. 3 P a m L e ster, ing. With a little TLC fast results! It's the easiest try, l arge l a undry bdrm, 2 bath, 1716 Call Bro k e r, this property 8 location way in the world to sell. room. Wood wrapped sq.ft., new construc- Principal Gol d c an work f o r y o u ! windows, solid core tion, interior color pkg C entury 2 1 ¹201404633 $122,000 doors, 2 fireplaces, 2 o ption avail. M L S Country Realty, Inc. The Bulletin Classified 541-504-1338 Jodi Clark, P rincipal composited sinks in ¹201401007 541-385-5809 Broker, 541-771-8731 kitchen, 2 dishwashGail Day, Beautiful log home in Century 21 Gold Couners, slab granite, GE 541-306-1018 try Realty CRR. $350,000. 3 746 m onogram app l iCentral Oregon bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2060 ances, wine fridge. Realty Group, LLC Northwest Bend Homes Ward Road Special! 3 sq.ft., several outMuch more. buildings, oversized bdrm 3 b a th, 1 .25 Diane Burns, Broker 20037 S W Mi l lcrest bdrms, main f l oor acre of irrigation. Fully Enjoy NW Shevlin 541-815-2712, or Place, $389,500. MLS master, Koi p o nd. fenced with 2 large P ark, 19186 M t . Nancy Matson, ¹201406573 Vaulted Shasta Dr. B e nd gates. Principal B r okersDesirable Old Mill Dis- MLS ¹201402993 Jeanne Scharlund, beamed great room N ew 4 bdr m s . 541-420-3123 trict, Fabulous NW Broker 541-420-7978 floor plan, 800 sq. ft. m aster o n m a i n Heartland Realty LLC s tyle. 4 B d rm, 2 .5 Central Oregon Realty garage, 1836 sq. ft. level, 2. 5 b a t hs, www.heatlandrealty MO RTGAGE BANKER bath, custom finishes, Group, LLC shop/garage. Small 2560 sq. ft., bonus pros.com great room w /firecourtyard with block room, 3 car garage, NMLS¹ 308049 I Cal BRE¹01240716 place, cherry wood, wall. $450,000. MLS l ow H O A fee s The Bulletin slate and travertine Get your 201402420. B o bbie 541-419-0661 750 Charbonneau St. ¹212 To Subscribe call f looring, gran i t e Strome, Principal BroDE Rink Const. business 541-385-5800 or go to kitchen cou n ters, ker John L Scott Real Bend, OR 97701 Realtors Welcome stainless appl., www.bendbulletin.com Estate 541-385-5500 vaulted ceilings, solid Clint@PBCifiCtruStmortgage.Com 1151 Trail Creek Dr, wood doors and wood West Hills Home and 750 Phone: 541.848.6844 Lot - 3 b edroom, 3 Eagle Crest 2681 sq. wrapped w i ndows. Redmond Homes Corner lot, cul-de-sac. ft., 3 bdrms, 2i/2 baths, bath custom home Mobile: 805.440.6851 with adjoining .26 lot. office and formal din- Near parks and river With an ad in 3733 SW Yew Lane. trail and Old Mill. ing. 3-car g a rage. O pen space w i t h Fax: 541.848.6844 Burns, Broker Beautifully cared for views. $695,000. Great room plan. All Diane The Bulletin's 541-815-2712, or Redmond HOME! Call Jaynee Beck at premium fi n i shes. Nancy Matson, Ad ¹1392 541-480-0988 or Pete $512,550. Lynn "Call A Service TEAM Birtola Garmyn Principal Brokers Johns, Principal BroVan Deusen, 541-420-3123 High Desert Realty 541-480-3558 ker, 541-408-2944 Prof ess! onal" 541-312-9449 Wes Johns, Broker 541 Heartland Realty LLC MLS¹201406052 www.heatlandrealty www.BendOregon 408-2945 Central OrDuke Warner Realty Directory RealEstate.com pros.com 541-382-8262 egon Resort Realty

Experience. Value. Results.


Clint Edwards


In print and online with The Bulletin's Classifieds. A dd color photos for pets, real estate, auto 8 m o r e ! I









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The Bulletin www.bendbulletin.com To place your photo ad, visit us online at ww w . b e n d b u l l e t i n . c o m or c a ll with questions,

5 41 -3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9
















Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

16160 SW Dove Rd. 360 acres of f enced 9040 SW S a ndridgeH ARD TO F I N D 5 Land in Powell Butte- Land in Prineville - 20 Lot 21 SW Chipmunk Views! Views! Views! 6.1 acre corner lot w/ range land only 20 Rd. Ready to build, ACRE, flat buildable 480 acres, very rural acres, very private Rd., level 5.16 acres, $149,900. Flat, open, New Dream Special access from p aved miles from Madras. 1.12 acre lot in CRR. corner lot located in setting yet minutes to setting with amazing with 2 storage sheds. buildable 9.32 acres, 3 bdrm, 2 bath st., power installed, CEC electricity to the Power and water at Lake Park E states Bend, Redmond and views looking over the partial mt n v i ews. in Powell Butte, MLS $50,900 finished terrific mtn. & green property but no devel- the street with some with m ature l a nd- Prineville. Wide open valley below. Power is community water is ¹201310923 on your site. valley views, near oped domestic water. Cascade mtn views. scape. MLS¹ views in all directions, near, but not on the installed. $ 6 0 ,000. David Franke, Broker J and M Homes 541-420-5986 Steelhead Falls and Property has b e en MLS ¹ 20 1 403978. 201406959 $135,500 a nd contiguous t o property. Great build- 201300800 541-548-5511 D eschutes Riv e r . used for recreational $37,900. Pam Lester, Principal thousands of acres of ing site on top of the Juniper Realty Central Oregon 541-504-5393 $79,900 MLS purposes. Motivated Juniper Realty, Broker, Century 21 BLM lands. Prineville h ill. $110, 0 0 0 Realty Group, LLC 201205646 sellers at $ 180,000 541-504-5393 Gold Country Realty, Reservoir 6 m i l es. ¹201404078 Mfd JMobile Homes Juniper Realty that would consider a Inc. 541-504-1338 $495,000 Jodi Clark, P rincipal with Land 541-504-5393 contract sale. Amazing Sunsets! Big ¹ 201303656 Jodi Broker, 541-771-8731 Redmond 4.76 Acres [ Where Deer 8 Elk Cascade Mountain & $149,000 ¹201301211. Clark, Principal Bro- Century 21 Gold CounRoam - 320 acres lo- 50760 South Fawn, La • Peek-a-boo Smith 16535 SW Chinook Dr. John L. Scott Real D eschutes Rive r Land in Madras - Prime ker, 541-771-8731 try Realty cated u p B e lshaw Pine. Top-of-the-line 3 5.68 acre rim lot w/ Estate 541-548-1712 views. 5.89 acres with and ready to b uilt, Rock views C entury 2 1 G old sh op, Creek ea s t of b drm, w it h • Well treed parcel amazing Smith Rock, 2 a c res i r rigation. 2.44 acres located in Country Realty Dayville, OR and west $169,000. High Lakes • Gentle northerly slope Crooked River & mtn. 5.17 acres. 65694 Old Property borders Tu- an area of nice homes L evel, u s able 5 . 6 4 Pr o perty of Mt. Vernon, OR. Realty & views Located on the Bend/Redmond Hwy. malo State P a r k. and conveniently near acres w/s t unning• MLS 201405538 Water guzzler with Management pavement close to the Mtn view, power, wa- Room for everyone town. Lot is easy to Debbie Hershey, Cascade views. 1000 gallon trough for 541-536-0117 Take care of Broker, CRS, GRI e ntrance o f C R R . ter, septic approved. and ever y thing! develop with w ater Community/ w a t er, wildlife. Add i tional owner w il l ca r ry. $174,000 O.B.O. Call $1,295,000. 541-420-5170 and power nearby. power avail.. 10 min. your investments acreages available. Say "goodbuy" $225,000. MLS Brad 5 41-419-1725, MLS¹201303572 Owner terms may be to Terrebonne shopOwner w il l ca r r y. with the help from 201106408. J uniper or Deb 541-480-3956. Call Jaynee Beck, available. $ 6 4 ,950 ping and highway acto that unused debra©bendbroad $172,000. 541-480-0988 Realty 541-504-5393 ¹201303181 cess. $59,900. MLS The Bulletin's Call Duke Warner band.com item by placing it in Duke Warner Realty Jodi Clark, Principal 201400715 Realty Dayville, "Call A Service 16685 SW Chinook Dr. 5.5 acres located near 541-382-8262 Broker, 541-771-8731 Nancy Popp Principal MORRIS The Bulletin Classifieds 541-987-2363 CRR. 6.9 acres with the Century 21 e n t rance of Professional" Directory Broker, 541-815-8000 REAL ESTATE MLS¹201301683 Crooked River and Crooked River Ranch. Attention Developers! Gold Country Realty Crooked River Realty Smith Rock views, all S eptic, power a n d 16+ acres zoned R4. 541-385-5809 util. installed. owner water in place. It's a There have been 4 will carry. $189,000 good buy. $119,900. land use approvals in MLS 201008671. last 10 years. One Call Lind a Lou the Juniper Realty for subdivided + 2 for Day-Wright 541-504-5393 541-771-285 Crooked apartment complexes. MLS¹ 2014 0 6943 River Realty 20+ ACRES in West $1,500,000 Pam Powell Butte Estates, 5 Miles To Tumalo [ Lester, Principal Brogated co m munity, $456,000 ker, Century 21 Gold mtn. views, private • 24 acres, 21 irrigated Country Realty, Inc. well, paved roads with • Build your new home 541-504-1338 access t o BLM . • Horse property, B eautiful 20-A c r e $169,000 MLS mountain views 201305077. • MLS 201402568 homesite w/1 0 acres Pam Lester, Principal Rookie Dickens, Broker, irrigation. $349,900. B roker Century 2 1 Call Tammy Settlemier, GRI, CRS, ABR Gold Country Realty, 541-4'I 0-6009 541-815-0436 Inc. 541-504-1338 MLS¹201401808 Duke Warner Realty 20.44 Acres - If you 541-382-8262 want privacy and your own get-away retreat, MORRIS Just too many t his property is i t . REAL ESTATE collectibles? Breathtaking views of hd~& m l y ~ ~ ~ d the Cascade Mountains. Electricity is on 7 965 SW R i ver R d . Sell them in the property. 2.79 a c res, g r e at The Bulletin Classifieds $144,000. views near the DesMLS¹201309974 chutes River. and terCall Karolyn Dubois, rific fishing at Steel541-385-5809 541-390-7863 head Falls. $49,000 Duke Warner Realty ¹201009429 SuppOrtedby OregOn neWSpaperS,"ClaSSifiedS.Oregon.COm a iS a neW B uild Y o u r Dr e a m 541-382-8262 Juniper Realty Home Here - 10 acres 541-504-5393 at the Highlands at WebSite dediCated to bringing ClaSSified LiStingS frOm arOund Where can you find a Broken Top. FIND YOUR FUTURE helping hand? $525,000. the Stateof OregOn tOgether On One eaSy-to-USe WebSite. HOME INTHE BULLETIN MLS¹201310547. From contractors to Call Jacquie Sebulsky, Your future is just a page yard care, it's all here 541-280-4449 or FrOm jObS to hOmeS and inVeStment PrOPertieS,yOu'llfind the faSteSt away. Whetheryou're looking in The Bulletin's Michele Anderson, for a hat or aplace to hangit, n 541-633-9760. "Call A Service The Bulletin Classified is grOWing ClaSSifiedS SeCtiOn iS "ClaSSifiedS.oregOn. Com Duke Warner Realty Professional" Directory your best source. 541-382-8262 Every daythousandsof 3.18 acres g randfa- buyers andsellers ofgoods Build Your Home Here! thered in. Septic and and services dobusinessin 5 acres, outstanding w ater o n t h e l o t , these pages.They know Cascade Mtn views, power at the road. you can't beat TheBulletin power at lot line & MLS 2012 0 8989 septic feasibility apClassified Sectionfor $79,900. Call Linda selection andconvenience proved capping fill. Lou Day- W right - every item isjust a phone $79,900. 541-771-285 Crooked $ 201406415. P a m call away. River Realty Lester, Principal BroThe Classified Section is ker, Century 21 Gold easy to use.Everyitem 32.42 Acres in Urban Country Realty, Inc. i s categorized and every 541-504-1338 Growth B o u ndary, car!egory is indexed on the Adjacent t o The section' s front page. Greens, kitty corner to Eastern Oregon land new Ridgeview High Whether youarelooking for available Canyon City, School. $7 5 0,000. a home orneeda service, OR. 14 acres zoned MLS ¹ 20' I 203193 your future is inthepagesof Residential, currently Pam Lester, Principal divided into 4 tax lots The Bulletin Classified. Broker, Century 21 MLS $99,900 Gold Country Realty, 201207884 J u niper The Bulletin Inc. 541-504-1338 ServingCentral Oregonsince m Realty 541-504-5393


your web source for STATEWIDE classifieds









• »


4 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • 2098 Sq. Ft • Single Level • Private, Quiet Deck • Mature Trees • Fenced & Landscaped • Formal Dining 5 Living

Open Every Saturday 12-2BO 2989 NE HOPE

Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107

Sz7e,SOO 3 BedrOOmS, 2 Iz BathS +1900 Square Feet








C •

• 3 Beds, 2 Baths • 2194 Square Ft


2191 Condor Ct - $449,900

2000 SE Fairwood Dr. - $359,900

• •


I;: ms •



Real Estate


ore on .com


On t he 14th Green

• Single Level Solid Granite Counters • Pecan Hardwood Floors Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107


• Stainless Appliances • Hardwood Floors • Huge Bonus Room

Ull a



2756 Great Horned Place 299,900

Home will be similar to home pictured.

3203 Yellow Ribbon Dr. - $329,900 • 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • 1903 Square Feet • Solid Quartz Island Countertop • Fully Fenced and Landscaped • Gas Fireplace in Living Room • Stainless Steel Appliances Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107 •

• 2 Bonus Rooms • 3 Bedrooms, 2 N Baths


60701 WillowCreek Lp -$339,000 • 2 Bedrooms, 2 Baths • 1879 Square Feet • Gr anite Countertops • Oversized Master • Brand New Roof • Ad jacent to Common Area Shelly Hummel, Broker 541-480-8523

• +2060S uare Feet



ar' -

• • Sg llll

a) I

2750 Great Horned Place 5264,SOO

Home will be similar to home pictured. • Master On Main • 3 BedrOOmS,2 Iz BathS

• Hardwood Floors Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107

• •

• • • •

•$ •


4 1- 1 -

• •





• " mlr¹M jt

• Hardwood Floors

20573 Dylan Loop - $235,000 3 Bedrooms, 2 Baths 1460 Square Ft Va ulted Living and Master Gas Fireplace in Living Room Fully Fenced Extra Deep 2 Car Garage Rachel Kahler, Broker

2916 NE Red Oak Drive 4 Bedrooms+ Den and J r. M aster Suite Upstairs • HUGE RV Parking Area Workout Room • Alley Access 3 ~/z Bath • Granite Counters 30 59 Square Ft Master Suite on Main • Beautifull y Landscaped Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107

FOR HUD LISTINGS Please Call Donna Ramsay, Principal Broker 541-420-6267. or Visit HUDHomstore.com for info and availability.


19589 Simpson Ave $469,000 i• 3 Beds, 3 /* Bath • 2163 Square Ft • On 18'" Tee Box I • 2 Masters — One on Main Shelly Hummel, Broker 541-480-8523

C• J



3678 Cascade Vista Dr - $489,900 •

4 BedrOOmS, 2/z BathS

• • •

2870 Square Feet Gr anite Counter Luxurious Master with Private Patio and Fireplace

Becky Breeze, Principal Broker 541-408-1107

J ~g •






' l s




fmlfE l3 a









f 'I


• •

- ' -



IiI •

I •

5 II




5. '




BEBO RABBEHMHPC • 10 acres, 8 mountain views • 8000 sq.ft. home BRpKERGRI PREV IEWSPECIALIST ' 5 bedroom, 6 bath 541480-6448 • MLS 201401911 '


• 3187 sq.ft. remodeledhome • 4 bedroom, 4 bath • Shop, detached garage


541-306-9646 • MLS 201308728

541-410-9045 • MLS 201405875

- ' ~iC.,

SUNRIVER i $619,000

2.24 ACRE ESTATE i $165,000

• 5628 sq.ft. customhome • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath 541-548-3598, • Views 8 river Frontage


BROKEN TOPi $649,900

• 2412 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom 3 5 bath


DARRINKEUEHER, • 5 bedroom,3,5 bath BROKER

• .31acre overlooksNational Forest

5 d d ll , I ' ll 'lli 541-788-0029 • MLS 201406172

541-948-0991 • MLS 201408565



.I In



nj II HW "='H-<HWt Y+Mi, I


AWBREY BUTTEl $514,900 • 2164 sq.ft. reverse living • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath


• Cascade mountain views

541-410-5280 • MLS 201408678

PARKUKE SETTING l $554 5000 pMNEROBINSOH • 2813 sq.ft., 3 bedroom,2.5 bath • Bonus room 6 den BROKER , ABR • .41acre culde-sac lot 541-419-8165 • MLS 201405335

CITYVIEWi $550,000 JIHSHPPL H BRDREIL MBAABRCRSGRI 541-312-7213 541-948-9090


• 3102 sq.ft. customhome • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .78acre, extensive decking

• MLS 201408009


• 3744 sq.ft. • 5 bedroom, 3 bath

• 2.5 acres backsBLM • 2100 sq.ft. to be built home • 3 bedroom + office, 2 bath 541-390-5349 • MLS 201404946


• 2.29 acres

• MLS 201406043



STONEBROOKlS499.000 • 4223 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath


• .25acre, wraparound deck 541-390-9598 • MLS 201405075

SUNRIVER i $449,500 ' 2264 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom,3,5 bath


• .30acre

541-480-9300 • MLS 201400042




5 '5 W I


STONEHA VENi $399,000 MINDAMCKITRICK, • 4 bedroom,2.5 bath BRpKERGRi • Hardwood floors, leadedglasswindows 541-280-6148 • MLS 201407028

NORTHWEST CROSSING l$394,500 5 1383 sq.ft. Tudorstyle home PRINCIPAL • ' 2 b edroom, 2.5 bath, loft • Arched doorways, hardwoodfloors BROKER



• 4 bedroom 3 bath • .92acre lot 541-480-7647 • MLS 201408747


541-480-2102 • MLS 201406534


sn! Q



SWBEN Di $379,000 • 2230 sq.ft.


• 4 bedroom,2.5 bath • Hickory floors, granite counters


541-633-0255 • MLS 201 408598


BROKER,ABR,GRI • 4 bedroom,2.5 bath • Fenced yard, coveredpatio 541-948-7998 • MLS 201408786

9.55 ACRES l $345,000

1.13 ACRE Sl $375,000 • 1590 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath


• Open floor plan, vaultedceiling • I level, .5 acre irrigation water 541-322-2417 • MLS 20140771 0 BROKER

SE BEND l $325,000

QROL THPBBORSKYPC, • SE Bend BROKER , ABR,CRS, • Cascade mountain views


541 383-4350 • MLS 201404734

IlRSIlSIIIIIII ' .38 acre next io BendGolf Club 541-480-1911 • MLS 201406526

• Close to BLM land


• 2 bedroom, 2 bath

'c. s


I,id I

NE BEND l $319,999 CORE YCHARONPE • 2584sq. '


A • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath

• Island kitchen, alder cabinets

541-280-5512 • MLS 201408198

PESC HUTESRIVERWOODSi $315,000 • 1704 sq.ft., backs canal


• 3 bedroom, 2 bath, single level • Finished 24x36 shop, .86 acre

541-188-3678 • MLS 201407815

MIRADAi $309,900

• NW REDMONDl $289,900

GREG LANGHAIM • 2139 sq.ft. Pahlisch built

• NEW Fanklin Brothers built • 1851 sq.ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Quartz counters, SS appliances 541-556-1804 • MLS 201400554


• 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Beautifully landscaped,RVpad 541-316-5903 • MLS 201408247




SUNRIVER i $215,000

' 1794 sq ft 5 bedroom, 3 bath • Sold completely furnished 541-588-0687 • MLS 201405848 GARYROSE, BROKER MBA •






• 2 bedroom, west side bungalow • Close to parks, trails, restaurants • $2500 seller credit

541-480-2269 • MLS 201405528


MIDTOWN BENDi$259,000 ' 1307 sq.ft., 3 bedroo~, 1.5 both • Hardwood floors, wainscoting • Fenced yard, 2H:argarage

• MLS 201407686


Specializing in residential, JAH LAIJGHUH, l a n d & multi.family

• 1620 sq.ft. manufactured • 3 bedroom + office, 2 bath • 2<ar garage PLUS shop 541-896-1263 • MLS 201406879



541 350 6049

LicensedBroker mthe state of Oregon smce1996


LA PINE i $225,000


• .44acre lot on cul-de-sac • Partial golf course view • Level site with pine trees

• MLS 201402848


• 1336 sq.ft. custom built • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 1.88 acres

541-480-8196 • MLS 201405124

, .

• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Near schools6 shopping

541-383-4334 • MLS 201406509



• NE BENDl $23S,000 DEBBIE JOHNSON, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath BROKER • Mature landscape fenced shed 541-480-1293 • MLS 201406035


• 840sqft skihouse • 2 bedroom,2 bath,end umt • Vaulted ceilings, alder cabinetry

• MLS 201407321


• 19.88 acres • Cascade mtn. & SmithRockviews • Shared well, septic approved

• MLS 201406241


Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2014 •

• i



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Pets & Supplies

Furniture & Appliances

Children's Items

Bicycles & Accessories

Kids wooden rocking chair, $ 1 5 OBO 541-317-9319 212 202


Estate Sales




Sales Northwest Bend Sales Southeast Bend Sales Redmond Area

Want to Buy or Rent

FRENCHTON puppy, 1 male left! Puppy pkg included, $1150.

Antiques & Collectibles

Antique sideboard/ buffet:Walnut, beautiful detail. Early 1900's. Exterior has top drawer & 3 doors with original key. Inside has 2 shelves and a drawer. Measures 71x21x36 Excellent cond. Pick-up only.$800 OBO. 415-279-9893 (Bend)

54'I -279-3588

Just bought a new boat? CASHfor wood Huge Garage Sale Fri- Household, c l o thing,dressers & dead wash- Sell your old one in the ers. 541-420-5640 classifieds! Ask about our S at 8-4, Sun 8-12, 61550 tools, m a n y col Kollectible Super Seller rates! Ward Rd. Tools, clothes, lectibles. Fri. 8 Sat. Wanted: $Cash paid for OI' by Farmhouse 541-385-5809 misc household/outdoor, 8-4, 2431 NW 15th vintage costume jewEstate Sales auto parts, collectibles, German Shepherds Keepsake? elry. Top dollar paid for 1295 NW City View hunting/fishing items. Hou s ehold, f u r niture, Gold/Silver.I buy by the www.sherman-ranch.us in Bend Kids' things, bikes, furn., o utdoor items, 9 - 2 Quality Germans. Estate, Honest Artist Frl.-Sat., 9-4 541-281-6829 appliances, bedding' Sat. 9/13 2432 SW Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Beautiful home on Indian Avenue. misc. Fri. 8 Sat. 9-4' Antique German Shorthair AKC Awbrey Butte filled with 208 61173 Hilmer Creek Dr Appliances Appraisal Show pups, parents on site, Black, quality items! Leather YARD SALE 2945 SW new to exPets & Supplies Multi-FamilyStonegate $550. 541-306-9957 with well known sectional, 6-piece Deschutes Dr., Redcellent c o ndition! Tons of tools, household, mond Sat., from 9-4, Mahogany bedroom set, appraisers from Healer pups with tails, Maytag Jet Clean garden, storage, furniPottery Barn loft bed, Sun., from 9-1 The Bulletin recomacross the 8 weeks, 2 males, dishwasher, $250. ture. Sat. 9-3. No earlys! antiques, English saddle, mends extra caution choc. & blue $250/ea. Whirlpool gas concountry! Map 8 photos on horse blanket, 292 when pur c h as541-390-8875 craigslist. v ection ran g e , Sept 14, 2014 pius so muchmore! ing products or serSales Other Areas 60344 Sage Stp'neLppp See pix at and W h i rlpool vices from out of the Lab pups, AKC, black $500; Vintage Flea Market +++ descriptions st microwave hood. Sat. 8-2. 301 SE Airarea. Sending cash, male, h i p s/elbows/ at Pomegranate farmhpuseeetatesalee.cpm eyes,$800.541-480-4835 $125. park Dr. fu r niture, G arage Sale; Fri. & checks, or credit inSat. Sept. 13, 104 Appraisal Ticket 8am - 4pm. formation may be POODLE puppies,toy, 541-420-8636 Price $40 finds, great ven- Xmas, kids, house- Sat. ESTATE/ MOVING Great Furniture, western hold, clothes, subjected to fraud. dors, 120 NE River Mall Each ticket admits loving companions. For more informaSALE! Lo ts of an- Ave., 541-383-3713 Couch, black leather w/ one person and one Sat. 8-4, 20986 Via Bo- cowhide ' and horn 541-475-3889 tion about an adver2 recliners, like new. tiques, old farm imple- Yard Sale, Sept. 13, 8-2 nita Ct. misc. house- chair, tools, glass item for verbal tiser, you may call ments, cream separaQueensland Heelers $475. 541-408-0846 appraisal hold/outdoor, drum set Decor, art, clothes, the O r egon State Standard & Mini, $150 Dining chairs (6), light tor, Victorola, 2 o ak dishes, toys and Attorney General's bookcases, player pi& up. 541-280-1537 kids and babY items. excellent cond, $30 other great finds! pther ppd;es Office C o n sumer www.rightwayranch.wor wood ano 8 rolls, grandfa- 1543 ea. 541-548-4601 NW Cumberland Snowmobile Trailer w/ 55907 Wood Duck Protection hotline at t her clock & s m a ll dpress.com For Tickets: gear, 3-wheelers, washer/ Dr. , S unriver 1-877-877-9392. items PLUS oak din284 Kollectible-or541-771-9542 ing set & china cabinet, Sales Southwest Bend dryer, refrig, freezer, twin exactly what Keepsake.com mat/bxsp, TV, EntertainOregon Water The Bulletin youFind office furn, double reServfny Central Oregon«lnc« I9«8 are looking for in the Cntr, lamps, clothing, 541-420-3387 Wonderland cliner, new twin bed, Saturday, Sept. 13, 9-4. Pool Furniture for Sale stx, balls 8 CLASSIFIEDS Questions: from Log Home: nice artwork, western Household, furniture, classictable Benefitting lamp, tools, Stihl Bajakennyoaol.com Adopt a rescue cat or decor, 3 boat motors, vintage. Good stuff! auger, 500-qal Oak roll-top desk. Assistance League® fuel tanks kitten! Altered, vacci- Rottweiler puppies parCoffee t abl e, end misc. tools & more! Fri-Sat-Sun, 10-4, of Bend 60965 Zircon Dr. nated, ID chip, tested, on site. call for tables, 2 lamps. Sat. ONLY, 9-4 "Helping Local 20903 Knott Road. Sat . only 9-4, 9140 NE more! CRAFT, 65480 ents details. 541-923-2437. Aii beautiful and numbers Fri. 8 a.m. 286 River Drlve 78th St, Bend, Call for People in Need" sports. gear, flsh- Crooked reasonably priced. Old Bend/Redmond Sales Northeast Bend Tools, to Smlth Rock' days/hours. 389-8420 Scotty puppies, reserve Ing,rafts, Tahltls,clothes, next Hwy to Hereford, now! Mom & dad on site, ski gear, Play Station, Antique radios, rock- www.craftcats.org. 541-549-0805 or left on 93rd to The Bulletin reserves 1st shots. 541-771-0717 furniture 8 more! Fri-Sat,' ers, and car ads, tons 541-588-2301 20935 SW Arid Ave. the right to publish all ** FREE ** of books, Rocky 8 8 3 61398 Orlpn Dr Shih Tzu puppies, AKC, www.atticestatesanads from The Bulletin Bullwinkle collectibles, Garage Sale Klt dappraisals.com (no papers) s hots,G ENERATE SOM E newspaper onto The 290 and more misc. Place an ad in The 541-350-6822 wormed, dew claws re- EXCITEMENT in your Bulletin Internet webBulletin for your ga- Sales Redmond Area moved, 7-1/2 weeks, neighborhood! Plan a site. SISTERS Multi-home rage sale and re$400. Call 541-390-9868 garage sale and don't 2 Family Sale. Fri., Sat. Fri/Sat., 9-5, Sun., 9-12. ceive a Garage Sale AKC CAVALIER King S hi-Tzu, Terrier to advertise in ESTATE SALE The Bulletin 16737/16683 Bitter8 Sun., 8-4, 17225 m i x forget serving central Or«rronsince 8«8 Kit FREE! Charles Spaniel PupEdward Whitlock classified! brush Lane. Furn., SW Quail Rd, CRR. puppies born May 2, pies, Champion lines, 541-385-5809. Sale includes 1991 Tools, ho u sehold, sports/hunt, bikes, Wii, health guarantee, KIT INCLUDES: 2014. $150 each. Cadillac, household 215 • 4 Garage Sale Signs DVD's, books, office fo o sball, artsupp., GORGEOUS,AII colors. M/F (210) 430-6516. Hide-a-bed by Basset, items, tools, furni• $2.00 Off Coupon To shoptools/equip. Coins & Stamps furniture, clothes, exwhile, mattress good ture, col l ectibles, Use Toward Your $1800. 541-848-7605 Siamese kittens, raised ercise/outdoor equip., shape. good shape, f ishing lures. A l l Next Ad Australian Shepherd pup- in home. Gorgeous! $75. 541-382-6773 quilting books, supNOTICE kinds of s tuff. All • 10 Tips For "Garage Only $25. 541-977-7019 pies std size, avail 10/1. plies, patterns, fabric R emember to remove items and more have Sale Success!" and more. "Follow your Garage Sale signs 530-409-5068, Redmond Siberian Huskys, 7 yr old been moved to a signs to Quail Sale" (nails, staples, etc.) Bichon Frise AKC reg'd male & 2 yr old female w arehouse at 2 1 7 after Your Sale event puppies, 1 female & 1 seeking new home toSW Pumice Ave. HELP YOUR AD PICK UP YOUR 2 Houses Full! Lots of is over! THANKS! male left! 541-953-0755 gether with lots of room stand out from the Suite C, in Redmond GARAGE SALE K!T at glassware, sma8 kitchen From The Bulletin to run & play. No money Airport Bu s iness 1777 SW Chandler rest! Have the top line gems, lots of misc. Frior 541-912-1905. andyour localutility Park. n eeded, but w e w i l l in bold print for only • Loveseat Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Sat-Sun, 9-5, 2447 SW Big pet adoption event check out home & I.D. companies. Friday & Saturday, Mariposa Loop (Aspen $2.00 extra. (chocolate), this w e e kend at Call 541-610-5852 or 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. The Bulletin Creek Mobile Home Park) 541-385-5809 73" x 40", $275. Servtng Central O~egon stnce «903 Petsmart, Bend! Near 541-610-6763 541-548-8525 se««r««rrcen««aloregon sln«e sta Flea Market Target. Kittens, cats, The Bulletin Very comfy, ServingCen««alOregon since 19«8 SePt. 12 13 9+ Fri-Sat-Sun., 7am-1pm, www.bendbulletin.com dogs, puppies! Sev- Yorkie pups AKC, 1 girl& and like new, 2 boys, beautiful! Shots, 1998 NE Jackson Ave. eral animal agencies GRANDMOTHER'S used only 6 months. Powell Butte Lots of quality itemsto be there. Fri-Sat- potty training, health guar. Private collector buying ESTATE SALE 541-647-2314 10+ vendors over What are you $1100. 541-777-7743 furniture, camping equip, postagestamp albums 8 Sun 11-4. 389 8420, C opper p edal ca r the 2 days! collections, world-wide www.craftcats.org. Crank telephone Nat. inflatable kayak, art pcs. Introducing ng 210 Trailer Mix Maytag washer & dryer, and U.S. 573-286-4343 cash. reg. ¹2 Tin toys Garaqe Sale Fri-Sat 8-3, Something for everyone! Boston Terrior 5-yr-old Furniture & Appliances both work great!! $125 (local, cell phone). You'll find it in Lg coffee mills Burl 2180 Castle Ave. all shots. Free pair. 541-504-1876 wood tables Old adv. Clothes, shoes, kitchen- Freezer, furniture, Yard The Bulletin Classifieds male, to good home. He is Check out the signs Bixt time clock ware, tools, sporting tools, VHS/DVDs. 8mm NEED TO CANCEL not good with small classifieds online Bear skin fur rug Har- goods, golf, ski, etc. movies & co l lectibles, YOUR AD? dogs. 541-447-021 0. rison Fisher painting www.bendbauetin.com The Bulletin 9/1 3, (9-4); Neon beer signs Mu- 3347Sat. Boxer/French Mastiff pups Classifieds has an Updated daily NE Manchester Ct. 42" TV cabinet with ready for new homes sic boxes Primitives. John & Betty Nesby "After Hours"Line 541-383-7603. now! Docked tails, dew- s late t r i m $ 2 5 0 ; Sept. 18-21, 145586 Featuring Call 541-383-2371 variety of 241 MOVING SALE claws removed, 1st shots. Ethan Allen buffet, L anewood Dri v e , hand tools,aincl 24 hrs. to cancel mechanFemales, $450; males storage, top folds Sunforest, La Pine Bicycles & 1054 SE Shadowwood your ad! ics size wrenches. '91 $500. Call 541-419-0149 out f o r se r ving, Friday, Sept. 12 • Saturday, Sept. 13 Accessories Ford F250 XLT in exec Table, 6 chairs, HUGE Estate / Moving condition. Ergo Motion 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Cat - Loving cat free to $250; Heavy metal Oak w/pad & extensions. Full suspension Solo bed frame, Crowd control admittance numbers Sale, 16570 S. Hwy 97 single bed. Christmas good home. She comes queen $300. 541-312-2448. Santa Cruz Mtn racing will be issued at 8:00am Friday with all supplies and 1 $30; Pair 3 8"x84" (4 miles N of Terreb- decor. bla c k-out year's worth of f ood. beige onne), Fri-Sat, 9-4 Another Great Sale! PETROF GrandPiano!! bike, qood cond, must drapes, $15; Fold288 TheBulletin 2000 Chrysler Town & Country Van, only 541-408-1397 sell, $2000. 541-480-2652 ing table and 4 foldrecommends extra ' Rare Barbies, antiques, Sales Southeast Bend 140,061 miles - great looking and running!! Chihuahua, tiny teacup, i ng chairs, in t h e i caution when purSide-by-side refrigerator, ice and water; Maytag furniture, very nice 2001 blond male, $ 250. box, $40. SE Bend. chasing products or • Mitsubishi with sunroof. 2 Family Sale! Sat. 9/13 washer and dryer; Upright freezer; Lovely oak 541-977-0035 541-508-8784 services from out of I 8am-1 on Tekampe Rd. dining table with 6 chairs; La-Z Boy sofa; Everything must go! t the area. Sending t 7 Day Sale, Sept. 10-17, Horse tack, tires, home 8 Matching recliners; Oak dinette set with rolling Donate deposit bottles/ cans to local all vol., A1 Weshers&Dryers ' cash, checks, o r ' 12 noon to 8 pm, 16413 arden, playground slide chairs; Unique burl coffee table; Glass-topped i credit i n f ormation more. 541-385-7080 coffee table; Display cabinet, small; Electrical non-profit rescue, for Heath Dr., Lapine. $150 ea. Full warmay be subjected to Variety; Nice T readmill; Glider feral cat spay/neuter. ranty. 541-876-7033 5-families Fri. & Sat., Appliance Free Del. Also Swivel Rocker; Computer desk; Child's Cans for Cats trailer wanted, used W/D's i FRAUD. For more RANS Stratus XP 9-4. 21115 W ilder- Rocker; information about an t 2011 Recumbent top desk; Bookcases; Books and Linens; at Jake's Diner, Hwy 541-280-7355 ness Way. C r afts, roll 282 advertiser, you may i Large Mirror with silver gilt corners; 20 E; P etco (near LWB; exc. cond. 27 h ousehold, Wonderful I call t h e Ore g onI Sales Northwest Bend holiday, pew, small - bench with storage; Nice W al-Mart) i n R e d gears SRAM X9 elect., man stuff. sml Church All-wood hall tree w/mir- ' State Atto r ney ' twist shifters, seat queen bed; Twin bed; Dresser with mirror and mond; or donate M-F furn., clothing, bike, nite stand; Wood quilting stand; Smoker; Weber ror, $99. Small dresser, i General's O f fi ce 9/12 & 13, 9 to 3. Cash jewelry, at Smith Sign, 1515 bag specialized collectibles Consumer Protec- • computer/odometer; only. Chainsaw, spotbarbecue; Glass-topped patio table and chairs; NE 2nd; or CRAFT, $20. 541-923-1595 h o t line at I ting scope, w/T., elect. Fri. & Sat. 8-3. Fishing, Two blow up beds; lots of misc. 78th S t , Tum a lo. People Look for Information tion fairing, kick stand l 1-877-877-9392. lawn mower, art sup- camping, clothes, art Handled by ... Leave msg. for pick and more. About Products and Deedy's Estate Sales Co. up of l a rge a mts, plies, camping, house- stuff, sports cards, $1400 Services Every Day through I TheBulletin > hold, LOTS of s tuff! games, misc. 62175 541-419-4742 days• 541-382-5950 eves 'til 9 p.m. 541-389-8420. 541-504-5224 servingc«««rar oregon since««««« 1309 NW Vicksburg. Ferguson Rd. www.deeedysestatesales. com www.craftcats.org The Bulletin Classifieds

Armer Moving Sale

BIG YARD SALE ON AWBREY BUTTE! Furniture, toys, snow tires, too much to list. Sat.only,eam-3pm. 3076 NW Duffy Drlve Moving: Fri., 10-4, Sat., 8-5 in Starwood off Tumalo Road, lots of yard furniture, 20774 Mira Circle. Quality Garage Sale! Sat. 9-4, Furniture, antiques, tools, jewelry, crafts, collectibles, much more! 720 NW Silver Buckle.

Th+ B~~






i i




Santana Sovereign 1998" Tandem aluminum road bike,size Medium, low usage, disc brakes, good condition. New, was $5000; selling now for $1500. Call 541-923-2468

TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin 242

Exercise Equipment Lifestyler Cardio-Fit, total body motion, $30 obo. 541-977-2735 245

Golf Equipment

Callaway X-12

graphite, 3-(ob, $100. Big Berthagraphite fairway metals, 3-13, $40 each. Lady Callaway graphite, 5-lob, D-3-5 metals, $100. Lady TaylorMade Miscelas graphite, 7-SW, driver-7 wood, $100. (2) Sun Mountain Speed Carts, $75 ea. 541-382-6664

Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com CHECK YOUR AO

on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and human errors do occur. If this happens to your ad, please contact us ASAP so that corrections and any adjustments can be made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified 246

Guns, Hunting & Fishing AK-47 7.62x39, $600. Slide Fire for AK-47, $150. Ruger 10/22 with 4x scope, $175. Remington 11-87 Police 12ga with rifle sights, $800. Baikal Bounty Hunter 12 ga, 20" double barrels with screw-in chokes, $450. All like new! 541-550-7189 Bend local pays CASH!!

for all firearms &

ammo. 541-526-0617

Browning Auto-5 Magnum 20gaBelgianmade, Ser ¹69X25396, vent rib, 98% gun. $1600 obo. 541-447-4101 CASH!! For Guns, Ammo 8 Reloading Supplies. 541-408-6900. 255

Computers 21" flat screen computer monitor, never used, $95 obo. 541-546-1313



541-385-5809 Dr go to www.bendbulletin.com







Lost & Found

Produce & Food

T HE B ULLETIN r e - WHEN YOU SEE THIS Lost Labrador, dark choc fem last seen SE 2nd St quires computer adin Prineville 9/9 with vertisers with multiple ad schedules or those purple collar. Reward! 541-604-1711 selling multiple sysOn a classified ad tems/ software, to disMISSING: female cat go to close the name of the www.bendbulletin.com fluffy muted gray, orbusiness or the term ange & white in Red to view additional "dealer" in their ads. Hawk sub. Redmond, photos of the item. Private party advertisSubstantial Reward, ers are defined as 261 Any info call those who sell one Medical Equipment 541-504-0652 computer. Broken Power Wheel257 chair or Scooter? We Musical Instruments will repair your power REMEMBER:If you have lost an animal, o n s ite. don't Back to School SALE! wheelchair forget to check Call for Repair, Main25% - 35% OFF The Humane Society tenance or Sales for all music equipment. Bend Bend Pawn& Trading Co. assistance with your 541-382-3537 scooter. 61420 S. Hwy 97, Bend Redmond 877-787-4839 541-317-5099 541-923-0882 (PNDC) Madras 260 Electric lift chair, like 541-475-6889 Misc. Items new condition, $400 Prineville Place a photo inyourprivate party ad PRIVATE PARTY RATES obo. 541-213-3297 541-447-7178 275 Gallon Like New foronly $15.00 parweek. Starting at 3 lines or Craft Cats 263 Plastic Totes, Over541-389-8420. *UNDER '500in total merchandise stock Sale: $109. for OVER'500 in total merchandise Tools one tote, 2 to 5 totes 275 7 days.................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $16.50 a t $99.95/ea., 6 o r Black and Decker cirAuction Sales 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 more at $89.95 ea. cular saw, 7 1/4", $20, *tlllust state prices in ad 14 days .................................................$33.50 GloryBee Foods 541-385-4790 A UCT I O N Eugene, OR. 28 days .................................................$61.50 Garage Sale Special Tony & Jenn Lasich Cabover ladder rack, 541-689-0913 or 4 lines for 4 days ................................. $20.00 lcall for commercial line ad rates) Retirement Auction heavy duty with 6' tool 1-800-456-7923 box each side, $295. Sat., Sept. 20, 10 am (2) Cowboy belt buckles, 541-416-9686 30040 Weaver Springs silver/onyx, larqe, $75 Lane, Burns, OR A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Craftsman 10" contrac- Rolling Stock, Tools, both. 541 -389-93077 tors table saw w/stand, Antiques/Collectibles, Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Are you in BIG trouble $295. 541-306-3268 Authentic Native AmeriBELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN (*) with the IRS? Stop can Decor, Sporting Craftsman I n d ustrial wage & bank levies, REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well Goods, Furniture liens & audits, unfiled Jigsaw, speed torq. View Items Online: as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin tax returns, payroll is- $25, 541-385-4790 www/ohnsonauction sues, & resolve tax Craftsman bendbulletimcom reserves the right to reject any ad at I n d ustrial .co t~o a debt FAST. Seen on Johnson Auction Co. Wormsaw, 7 1/4" $40. any time. is located at: CNN. A B BB . C a ll 541-385-4790 208-741-4305 1-800-989-1278. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Brad Johnson, Auctioneer Craftsman Skill saw, 1 Cash or Banking Check (PNDC) Bend, Oregon 97702 3/4" HP, 5800 rmps, No Buyer Premium Buylng Dlamonds $25, 541-385-4790 No Credit Cards /Gold for Cash Sold as is, where is. PLEASE NOTE: Checkyour ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction Saxon's Fine Jewelers is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right 541-389-6655 to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these TiCk, TOCk BUYING newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Lionel/American Flyer TiCk, TOCk... Classified ads running 7 or moredays will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. trains, accessories. ...don't let time get 541-408-2191. 246 246 246 247 Shopsmith away. Hire a BUYING & SE LLING with bandsaw, Guns, Hunting Guns, Hunting • G u ns, Hunting Sporting Goods All gold jewelry, silver excellent professional out condition. & Fishing & Fishing & Fishing - Misc. and gold coins, bars, Customized extras. • of The Bulletin's rounds, wedding sets, Retired shop "Call A Service Tempur-Pedic x-long twin Cabelas 90x36 6lb 4oz class rings, steriing silteacher; SOItT IIS TII adj matt with air cham- sleeping bag, $45. ver, coin collect, vin- don't need anymore! Professional" ber, remotes; T.P. pillow; 541-382-3487 tage watches, dental linens, in perfect cond, qold. Bill Fl e ming, Pictures available. Directory today! DO YOU HAVE $475. 541-382-9419. $2500. 541-548-6642 Find exactly what Call 541-598-6486 SOMETHING TO Chalkboard, 6'x4', never SELL Thompson Contenderyou are looking for in the used, mounts on wall, FOR $500 OR • New, never fired istol w/2 barrels: 44 CLASSIFIEDS 265 $39 obo. 541-385-7761 LESS? Weatherby Vanem Mag/Gen1 w/BushBuilding Materials Non-commercial nell scope & carry case; guardS2, synthetic C ollapsible Mos a ic pole 13' cus- table tray, $15 obo. advertisers may stock, cal 30-06.$550. and 22 LR match with Fishing Bushnell scope & carry tom Oregon Premier 54'I -317-9319 REDMOND Habitat • New, never fired place an ad $50. 541-771-2885 RESTORE with our Howa,wood stock, cal case, $850. CRYPT at Deschutes Building Supply Resale Ruger Model 10/22 LR, Inflatable "QUICK CASH .300 Win Mag.$725 mattress stainless steel, w/BushMemorial G a r den Must pass backQuality at SPECIAL" 9 0x36 an d pu m p Meadow Pond space ground check. Please nell scope & case, $200. LOW PRICES 1 week3lines 12 325 $50. 541-382-3487 4D4 dbl depth lawn Savage Mod. 116 .300 ot' call 541.389.3694, 1242 S. Hwy 97 Win Mag, stainless steel crypt, full grave for 2. Hay, Grain & Feed leave message. 541-548-1406 ~oe ekm 2N w/scope & case, $550. B uyer w i l l ne e d Open to the public. Ad must granite & bronze dbl 1st & 2nd cutting orRuger mini 14 rancher, Mossberg 300A 12Ga include price of 266 2 barrels: one 22" interment ma r k er chard grass mix, small Baretta M1A 308, Colt with ~si le ite of oooo modified; & one 181/2", plus interment costs. bales $235/ton. Madras, Heating & Stoves SP1 223, Parker sxs or less, or multiple $250. OR. 541-420-9736 $1500. For more info items whosetotal 12 ga., WIN 22 250 Background check c all K e l lie Al l e n NOTICE TO does not exceed ACK, S&W 25-2 44 1st Quality mixed grass Like new Necky Esrequired. Please call 541-382-5592 or ADVERTISER $500. acp, Colt 1911, Sig 541.389.3694, hay, no rain, barn stored, leave msg. kia 16' kayak with seller, 207-582-0732 Since September 29, 220. $250/ton. rudder. Bulkheads 1991, advertising for Call Classifieds at H & HFirearms & Tack Wanted: Collector seeks water Call 541-549-3831 tight. Seat like DID YOU KNOW 7 IN used woodstoves has 541-385-5809 541-382-9352 Patterson Ranch, Sisters high quality fishing items new. Hatches, deck 10 Americans or 158 www.bendbulletin.com limited to mod& upscale bamboo fly million U.S. A dults been lines and grab loops Alfalfa seed, corn and els which have been rods. Call 541-678-5753, read content f r om all in perfect condigrass seed. Save by the O ror 503-351-2746 m e d ia certified tion. Orig i nally newspaper money. We deliver. egon Department of Sage Rodw/Tioga GUN SHOW each week? Discover asking $700 Ray Oder m ott reel, $225. Custom Environmental QualWeatherby Mark V Ac- $1450, Sat. Sept. 13, 9am-5pm the Power of the Paobo. P lease c a l l 208-465-5280 or TFO rodwith RedSun. Sept. 14, 9am-3pm cumark, customized 541-312-2435. cific Northwest News- ity (DEQ) and the fed- 800-910-4101. inqton reel, $200. eral E n v ironmental Douglas County Fair30-378, plus custom paper Advertising. For Simms waders, Protection A g e ncy Quality Orchard/Mixed grounds • 541-530-4570 ammo an d T a l ley a free brochure call men's Lg, worn once, (EPA) as having met s cope base. W I N 248 Grass hay, between 916-288-6011 or $200; ladies small, smoke emission stanModel 70-300, WIN Bend & Redmond. email Hunters Sight-in WorkHealth & new in box, $175. dards. A cer t ified magnum and ammo. $230/ton, small bales. cecelia©cnpa.com shop: Sept. 13-14, 9-4, Simms boots,men's Beauty Items w oodstove may b e Deliv. avail.541-280-7781 WIN Model 100-284, COSSA Park. $7/gun (PNDC) 13, used once, $100; identified by its certifiW IN a n d Am m o . non-members; $5 for ladies 9, new in box, 541-420-8689, leave Lowest P r i ce s on Folding canvas chair cation label, which is members. Bring eye & Looking for your $100.Simms wadHealth & Dental Inw/footpad, like new permanently attached msg will call back. ear protection. E. on Hwy ing stick,new, $50. next employee? surance. We have the $20. 541-647-2314 to the stove. The Bul20 toward Burns, t/~mi. Place a Bulletin Fishpond chest best rates from top Win .308 180qr Failsafe, letin will not knowpast milepost 24. For help wanted ad pack,$50. companies! Call Nowl Folding Canvas table ingly accept advertis140 rds, $150.. info call 541-480-4695 n ever use d $ 1 5 . ing for the sale of 541-382-6664 877-649-6195. today and 541-306-3268 541-647-2314. (PNDC) reach over uncertified 60,000 readers woodstoves. Gas Grill: Almost new 253 each week. 2-burner Charbroil 267 Tru-Infrared Gourmet + Your classified ad TV, Stereo & Vide Fuel & Wood tank, $150. Call/text will also 434-770-0931. DirectTV 2 Year Savappear on ings Event! Over 140 bendbulletin.com WHEN BUYING channels only $29.99 Hovv to avoidscam Call5I I 3855801 topromote your service• Advertise for28doit startingot' l40Pto Soslfoctrtoo ootorotobtronoorortotol which currently and fraud attempts a month. O nly DiFIREWOOD... receives over recTV gives you 2 PBe aware of internaTo avoid fraud, 1.5 million page YEARS of s a vings tional fraud. Deal loThe Bulletin views every cally whenever posAdoption Landscaping/Yard Care Landscaping/Yard Care and a FREE Genie recommends paymonth at no upgrade! Call sible. ment for Firewood extra cost. P Watch for buyers PREGNANT? CON Aeration/Dethatching 1-800-259-5140. only upon delivery Bulletin SIDERING ADO P NOTICE: Oregon Land- 1-time or Weekly Services (PNDC) who offer more than and inspection. Classlfieds TION? Call us first. Ask about FREEadded your asking price and • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Contractors Law Get Results! Ret a iler. who ask to have w/seasonal contract! DISH T V Living exp e nses, scape 4' x 4' x 8' (ORS 671) requires all svcsBonded Call 541-385-5809 & Insured. Starting at money wired or housing, medical, and businesses that ad• Receipts should or place your ad Lawn Maint. $19.99/month (for 12 continued support af vettise t o handed back to them. pe r form COLLINS include name, Cail 541-480-9714 mos.) & High Speed Fake cashier checks on-line at t erwards. Cho o se Landscape Construcphone, price and Internet starting at bendbulletin.com a doptive family o f tion which includes: and money orders kind of wood (where are common. your choice. Call 24/7. p lanting, deck s , Painting/Wall Covering $14.95/month purchased. available.) SAVE! Ask s/Never give out per855-970-2106 • Firewood ads fences, arbors, Check out the About SAME DAY In(PNDC) sonal financial inforwater-features, and inMUST include classifieds online ALL AMERICAN stallationl CALL Nowl mation. stallation, repair of irspecies & cost per www.hendbulletin.com PAINTING 1-800-308-1563 rigation systems to be YTrust your instincts cord to better serve Interior and Exterior Building/Contracting (PNDC) Updated daily l icensed w it h th e and be wary of Family-owned our customers. Landscape Contracsomeone using an Residential & Commercial NOTICE: Oregon state tors Board. This 4-digit 341 REDUCE YOUR escrow service or 40 yrs exp.• Sr. Discounts CABLE BILLI* Get a law requires anyone Horses & Equipment is to be inagent to pick up your 5-year warranties who con t racts for number whole-home Satellite cluded in all adverSummer Special! merchandise. construction work to tisements system installed at which indiCall 541-337-6149 be licensed with the Year Dependable NO COST and proThe Bulletin AllFirewood: cate the business has CCB ¹t 93960 Construction Contrac- a bond,insurance and servinocenrrar oregon since roor Seasoned; ramming starting at tors Board (CCB). An workers c ompensa1 9.99/mo. FRE E Large oil painting, out- Lodgepole, split, del, active license tion for their employHD/DVR Upgrade to door scene, very pretty. B end, 1 f o r $ 1 9 5 Get your means the contractor ees. For your protecor 2 for $365. Call for new callers, SO CALL $45. 541-923-1595 is bonded & insured. tion call 503-378-5909 business multi-cord discounts! NOW 2001 Silverado Verify the contractor's or use our website: 541-420-3484. Moving boxes, 10 @ 1-800-871-2983. 3-horse trailer 5th CCB l i c ense at www.lcb.state.or.us to $1.00 each, SE Bend. wheel, 29'x8', deluxe (PNDC) 269 www.hirealicensedCall 760-486-6860 showman/semi living check license status a ROW I N G contractor.com Gardening Supplies quarters, lots of exor call 503-378-4621. before contracting with Reduce Your Past Tax tras. Beautiful condibusiness. Persons with an ad in & Equipment Bill by as much as 75 The Bulletin recom- the lan d scape The Bulletin's tion. $21,900. OBO mends checking with doing Percent. Stop Levies, do not 541-420-3277 EEOICPA CLAIM DE- Liens and Wage Gar- BarkTurfSoil.com the CCB prior to con- maintenance "Call A Service equire an LC B l i NIED? D i a gnosed nishments. Call The tracting with anyone. rcense. Professional" w ith cancer or a n - Tax DR Now to see if Some other t rades Horseshoeing other illness working you also req u ire addiDirectory Qualify PROMPT DELIVERY Tools 54i-389-9663 tional licenses and f or DO E i n U. S . 1-800-791-2099. JHM 110-Ib certifier Nuclear W e a pons (PNDC) certifications. anvil, anvil stand Parking Lot Maintenance Program? You may Rolling clothes rack w/ w/vise, all GE hand be ent i tle d to For newspaper People Lookfor Information tools, hoof stand & delivery, call the $150,000 to 4 adj. arms, white. $35 About Products and AB Parking Lot Serving Central forge tools, all in obo 541-317-9319 Circulation Dept. at $400,000. Call AttorOregon Since 2003 Maintenance Services Every Daythrough new condition, ney Hugh Stephens StanSport aiiyour parking iot / Pav i llion To 541-385-5800 The Bfdlstia Classigeds Residental/Commercial For dnveway $1600 866-914-6965. 2495 place an ad, call needs. canopy) never used or pari trade for 541-385-5809 Sprinkler • Commercial sweeper Main St., Suite 442, 35. 541-647-2314 generator. Buffalo, NY. (PNDC) or email Activation/Repair • Crack fill Debris Removal 541-430-4449 • Seal coat Stoneware pottery gar- claooified@cendbulletimcom Back Flow Testing If you or a loved one • Striping roaster new, $15 JUNK BE GONE suffered a st r oke, lic The Bulletin Malntenance • Dust control obo. 541-317-9319 servinocenael oreyonsince lolB heart attack or died I Haul Away FREE • Summer Clean up • Snow Removal For Salvage. Also after using testosterThe Bulletin Offers • De-icing .Weekly Mowing one supplements you Free Private Party Ads John Deere 21" rotary Cleanups 8 Cleanouts & Edging CCB ¹203383 mower, runs great. be e ntitled to • 3 lines - 3 days Mel, 541-389-8107 •Bi-Monthly & Monthly Call Scott 541-815-2332 may $75. 541-617-9365. monetary damages. • Private Party Only Maintenance Call 8 6 6 -520-3904I • Total of items adver• Bark, Rock, Etc. 270 Handyman (PNDC) tised must equal $200 Call a Pro Lost & Found or Less Shilo Bumper Pull ~Landsca in I DO THAT! Whether you need a FOR DETAILS or to 3-Horse Trailer Home/Rental repairs •Landscape If you purchased a colfencefixed,hedges PLACE AN AD, Construction with tack room, like Small jobs to remodels oWater Feature lector plate at an esCall 541-385-5809 new, extras, trimmed or a house Meet singles right nowl Honest, guaranteed tate sale on Nelson $5500. more Installation/Maint. Fax 541-385-5802 541-923-9758 work. CCB¹151 573 •Pavers built, you'll find No paid operators, Road in NE Bend in Dennis 541-317-9768 •Renovations t he last c ouple of just real people like Wanted- paying cash professional help in 363 you. Browse greet- for Hi-fi audio & stumonths, I found the •Irrigations Installation The Bulletin's "Call a F. Weedon Const. & certificates of authenProduce & Food ings, exchange mes- dio equip. Mclntosh, Service Professional" Home Services. sages and connect JBL, Marantz, Dytication for "The Eik" & Senior Discounts Handyman & light const. live. Try it free. Call naco, Heathkit, San"The Bighorn Sheep." Grass fattened natural Bonded & Insured Directory 541-598-6150 541-815-4458 now: 8 77-955-5505. sui, Carver, NAD, etc. by Artist, Paul Krapf. beef, cut&wrapped 541 -385-5809 CCB¹186744 LCB¹8759 Call 541-261-1808 541-419-6408 (PNDC) $3.50/lb. 541-480-8185


Monday • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Tuesday.••• • • • .Noon Mon. Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tues. Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed.


Friday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri.

Saturday • • • Sunday. • • • •

• . 3:00pm Fri.

Employment Opportunities THOMAS ORCHARDS Kimberly,Oregon Certified Medical AssisU-PICK & tant- Fa ll Creek InterREADY-PICKED nal Medicine has an imFreestonecanning mediate opening for a peaches:Monroe, CMA. 40 hours per 4-day work week in busy pracElberta. O'Henry tice. Current CMA li• Nectarines• Plums cense with recent expe• Bartlett pears, Asian rience as CMA. required. with EMR, pears• Gala apples. Experience nursing and BRING CONTAINERS eneral ealthcare tasks, includfor U-PICK!!! ing triage, vital signs and Open 7 days week, assisting physician with 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. ONLY! procedures and exams. Visit us on Facebook for Great benefits package. updates and look for Please fax cover letter, for us on Wed. at Bend and resume including Farmers Market and references, Sat. at NW Crossing. professional to: 541-389-2662. 541-934-2870

• • 5:00 pm Fri •

The Bulletin


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Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com 476

Employment Opportunities Add your web address to your ad and readers on The Builefin's web site, www.bendbulletin.com, will be able to click through automatically to your website. AVON - Earn extra income with a new career! Sell from home, w ork, o n line. $ 1 5 startup. For information, call: 877-751-0285

(PNDC) Caregiver Prineville Senior care home looking for fulltime Caregiver. Must pass c riminal background check. Call 541-447-5773

The Jackson County Circuit C o ur t in Medford, O r e gon seeks a Civil Unit Supervisor. Salary $4554 to $7417 per month. For further info and to apply go to h t t p://courts.oregon.gov/OJD/jobs and click on "paid positions" by October 5, 2014. Equal opportunity employer. DELIVERY

Relief Delivery Driver $75 per day / $650 per week,for newspaper deliveries (3-4 hrs per day plus occ. 1-2 week time eriods). Call Jason or aurie at 541-410-7586. DID Y O U


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Home Delivery Advisor

The Bulletin Circulation Department is seeking a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a full-time position and consists of managing an adult carrier force to ensure our customers receive superior service. Must be able to create and perform strategic plans to meet department objectives such as increasing market share and penetration. Ideal candidate will be a self-starter who can work both in the office and in their assigned territory with minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are necessary with company vehicle provided. S t rong customer service skills and management skills are necessary. C omputer experience is required. You must pass a drug screening and be able to be insured by company to drive vehicles. This is an entry-level position, but we believe in promoting from within, so advancement within company is available to the right person. If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse backgrounds and you are energetic, have great organizational skills and interpersonal communication skills, please send your resume to:

The Bulletin

c/o Kurt Muller PO Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708-6020 or e-mail resume to: kmullerobendbulletin.com No phone calls, please. The Bulletinis a drug-free workplace. EOE Pre-employmenf drug screen required. IS



Business Application Specialist Responsible for working with business stakeholders to understand business requirements and identifying approaches to meet business needs. Responsibilities include providing level 2 and level 3 support; working with the application support team to ensure application is f unctioning a t o p t imal p e rformance; configuring application for feature and function roll-outs; maintaining current knowledge of the application; working with business users to analyze current procedures; and managing vendor relationships.

Requires a Bachelor's degree in CIS or related field or e quivalent education and experience; at least 4 years of experience working with enterprise applications; strong customer focus and sense of urgency; experiencein business process and systems analysis; good analytical and problem solving skills and experience with common desktop applications (MS Office). Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent customer service and over 400 stores in the western United States. We offer competitive pay, excellent benefits, retirement, and cash bonus.Please go to www.lesschwab.com to apply. Applications will be accepted through September 19, 2014. No phone calls please.

Les Schwab is proudto be an equal opportunity employer. General The Bulletin Mailroom is hiring for our Saturday night shift and other shifts as needed. We currently have openings all nights of the week. Everyone must work Saturday night. Shifts start between 6:00 p.m. and 11:30 p.m. and end between2:00 a.m. and 3:30 a.m. Allpositions we are hiring for, work Saturday nights. Starting pay is $9.10 per hour, and we pay a minimum of 3 hours per shift, as some shifts are short (11:30 - 1:30). The work consists of loading inserting machines or stitcher, stacking product onto pallets, bundling, cleanup and other tasks. For qualifying employees we offer benefits i ncluding l if e i n surance, short-term & long-term disability, 401(k), paid vacation and sick time. Drug test is required prior to employment. Please submit a completed application attention Kevin Eldred. Applications are available at The Bulletin front desk (1777 S.W. Chandler Blvd.), or an electronic application may be obtained upon request by contacting Kevin Eldred via email (keldred@bendbulletin.com). No phone calls please. Only completed applications will be considered for this position. No resumes will be accepted. Drug test is required prior to employment. EOE.

The Bulletin servinocentral oregon sincefoor



DAILY BRIDGE CI Ug saturday,se ptember 13,2014


Reverse psychology

ACROSS 1 Colonel's charge, once 4 Conventioneers: Abbr. 8 Washington, once, so they say 13Creature that moves by jet propulsion 1$Loses one's shadow, say 16Like John Belushi, ethnically 17Spelunking suppiy 18High level 19Couscous ingredient 20Onesworking over the holidays? 21Tryto stop 22 Part of Austin Powers's attire

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency In the final of the Trials to select a U .S. team f o r t h e 2 0 1 5 W o r l d Championship, Nick Nickell's sextet (Katz, Levin-Weinstein, MeckstrothRodwell) trailed John DIA M OND (Platnick, Greco-Hampson, BathurstMoss). Today's deal arose three deals from the end, with DIAMOND up by five IMPs. At both tables, South opened the bidding. DIAMOND's North-South then rolled into 6NT. That contract had chances and could have been made with double-dummy play. As it was, South went down two.

In the replay, Steve Weinstein sat North for NICKELL. In his methods, his raise to two clubs was strong. Later, he learned with conventional asking bids that an ace and the queen of clubs were missing. Weinstein still could have bid slam, but sensing that his team was behind, he tried for a swing with a calculated underbid. Right! Bobby Levin brought home five clubs, and NICKELL gained 13 IMPs to lead 270 to 262. The final two deals were tied, so that is how the hard-foughtmatch ended.


Q K J4 O AJ 5 3 4AKJ3 WEST 4105 4 9 1 09 5 2

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QAQ 0K96 48765 South 1 A 3 A 4g 54


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W est Pas s Pass Pass Pass

North 2A 4O 4 41 Pass (! )

East Pass Pass Pass Pa s s

0 K 9 6 + 8 7 6 5. You a r e t h e Opening lead — Q 10 dealer, both sides vulnerable. What is your opening call? (C) 2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

47 Some modern fads 48 Reckon stuck in a horror 49 Curtains movie

29 Powder holder 30 French locale of DOWN prehistoric cave 1 Contents of paintings some lockers 31 Bellwether sound 2 Drop off 32 Image on many 3 Bolivar, Cohiba an old map orJuan Ldpez 34 ConocoPhillips 4 Patronize, in a competitor way 35 Like top-shelf liquor 5 Mount St. (Alaska/Canada 36 Place to walk to border peak) 37Tired 6 Common dance 38 "The Divine theme Comedy" has 100 of them 7Fig.on some shredded 39 Ski lodge fixtures documents 42 Digression BCase for a 43Goingin circles bootblack 44 Lear's youngest 9Weak, with 45 British footballer dowll Wayne 10 Drug dealer on 23 Big beat? 46 Inconvenience "The Wire" 11Manya flier ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE under a door G AN G N A M L E A P S A T 12Alternativeto an A ME R I C A 0 I L R I C H elbow S O M E T H IN G S F I S H Y 14Tomahawk for O RE ED Y S A S T E R Andrew Jackson, HOS E SO S M I 5 0 surprisingly O S I S O N EU PS N O I 15 Quickly produces L OS E R S T A I L E N D in great quantity ROC NGO 19One m ighthave A L L T H A T S O N N E T S a cameo at the L E E E R I T U I N R E 84d A TA N S T A N CAD 21 Bishop's place M I N E D R U B E A L I A 0 N T H E W A T E R F R 0 N T 23 Biblical quartet D O O RM A T L O O K S E E 24 Arlington House E NS U I T E T O P S E E D is his memorial

ANSWER: In the Trials to pick the U.S. Bermuda Bowl team, two top e xperts opened, so I ca n ' t s a y opening is wrong. But the club suit is poor, the high-card values are skinny, and six points are stuck in a short suit. I would pass, but many experts are so intent on "striking the first blow" that they open despite clear reasons to pass. South dealer Both sides vulnerable


26 "Mad Men" award 27 One getting








No. 0809













18 20 23











36 38


39 4 0



43 46





25 Monocle, in British slang

33 Raphael's " Madonna"

40 Shakespearean lament

27HowMount Etna erupts

34 Swinging joints

41 Fashion designer Browne

36 Group of lovers, collectively

28The Battle of

42 A-F or G-K, Thermopylae, for 38" maybe maitana" the Spartans (procrastinator's 44 Conqueror of jokey motto) 30 Some gatherings Valencia, with 39 "What's the ?" athe in halls ll

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.





Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains everydigitfrom1 to9 inclusively. SOLUTION TO YESTERDAY'S

8 m


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SB i.nii eeeel


9 nr


9 /B'




ie6 omi wif,g itet fee




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LOS ANGELES TIMESCROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce NicholsLewis ACROSS


discontinued in

~ OIILS . . .AC )OU ~SP' Fjc.'OM 6I&li; l...-;5IIIFF;- I (A)AFITt QOIJ TC ('ARRi(' A&WII,N lo)ggg ~IIE HEQE I &O AFIP I <AYIhi o /AEf gHo g g Iii N &V 0 HOII 5H< cUgf RI66 Sjl(Cic' To FL1( (ONE (7DLD! 6TA(R/ FLO lc'64CS.TP HAVEFIJ7. eENIWSbs Nt~ ff Y./ l$

e 2014 y King Features syndicate, Inc. world rights reserved


E-maie bholbrook1@gmail.com

IIMO Something I've read... Sorrlething I've read... Something I've read...

S o m e t h ing I've read S o m e t h ing I've read S o m e t h ing I've read

1974 and relaunched in 2004 11 Short reply 15 One pushing the limit 16 Space-saving term 17 Words of resignation 18 Low area 19 Bygone boomers 20 c u rls 21 Touring the Getty Center Museum, briefly 22 Arthur with a


When academics argue u.


9 13




I Pt8"r~



1NI Nar ~j-





23 Order with many options 25 Stain causes 29 "Follow me" 31 "... but perhaps I'm mistaken" 32 Weather station instrument 34 Spotted 35 Sign of availability 36 Filling limit 37 Range-finding

apparatus 39 Warn 40 Reproduces, in a

way 41 Puffs up 42 Explorer who



Oy David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles

one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.




V CO014 TOOUne Content Agency, LLC

All Riohls Reeenred.


~ 6~

hewl It scares me






He wA5-

N0W arrange the CirCled letterS

to form the surprise anowoe ao suggested by the above cartoon.


5 Binding


1 Auto

HEROOAN~ 0 Lauehingeeck Liosnsing Inc., 0ieo Oy Universal 06ick, 2014

"Try to imagine how much I care!"

(Anowers Monday) MUSHY F I T TE D CA U C US Yeotedayo ~ Jomblom CREPT Answer. After arriving late, the symphony conductorFACED THE MUSIC

48 Style involving a pick 52 Annex 53 Impasse 55 Suffix with exist 56 Decisive factor 57 Suggestive look

58 One asking a lot of questions DOWN 1 Frat letters 2 Accepts, with "in" 3 Spot for a snake 4 EasteiTI holicjays

43 Woody Woodpecker's creator 46 Jesus of baseball 47 Long-tailed monkey 48 " well ..." 49 Pass quickly 50 Artist Magritte 51 Open hearing, in law 54 Chicago-based professional org.

6 Some brick houses 7"As You Like It" character 8 Ally Financial Inc., formerly 9 Schlep 10 Heart, in hearts 11 Like some umps' calls 12 1961 recipient of an Honorary Award Oscar 13 '808 West Coast stereotype 14 Fold 22 Deli selection 2 4 No : m e n u notice 25 p e d .: piano music instruction 26 Go over beforehand 27 Lack of refinement 28 1988 Radio Hall of Fame inductee, with "The" 29 Lore 30 Yesterday, in Paris

S P S B A T E T E P Y W I N D O X R E E C R O W N H A G U E S E A W A R D S G Z A P S E R A EYE A R A T E V E N E F O L D I N G D O R E I D A S C A T D U T S A S E E S S E S T D R O O xwordeditor@aol.com





















landed at Calicut in 1498 43 Old platters 44 Saudi Arabia neighbor 45 Thai appetizer

32 Mechanical method 33 Init. response team 35 Some slowcooked cuisine, for short 38 Hockey 39 Nursery reactions 41 World of bugs and plants? 42 Wooden peg














I A M B L E E T A X O N 09/13/14 13








22 25






40 42 44










56 58

O2014 Tribune Content Agency, LLC

09/13/I 4




SufIoku High Fives

8 7

9 4

3 1


8 3 6 5 2 7 3 2 1

8 6

5 2 7 1

3 7 6 8 1

3 1 6 2

Serving Central Oregonsince f903


6 3


3 8 4 2 5 7 6 9 1

9 2 1 4 3 6 5 7 8

1 4 2 8 6 5 9 3 7

8 9 5 7 2 3 4 1 6

7 6 3 9 1 4 2 8 5

6 3 8 5 9 1 7 4 2

51 3


5 7 4 4 18 8

The Bulletin

9 2

3 2 7 6 8 4 2 8 9 7 1 5 9 5 7 3 4 6


set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.


5 7 6 1 8 9 3 2 4

7 3 6


3 7



8 6 4 3 8 9 6 2

How to play:

bers in any shared

6 1 5


1 5 7

Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The num-



4 1

2 4 6 5 1 3 7 9 8

1 5 7 2 9 8 3 4 6

9 3 8 4 7 6 1 5 2

3 6 4 8 2 9 5 7 1

8 9 5 1 6 7 4 2 3

7 1 2 3 5 4 8 6 9

6 8 9 7 3 5 2 1 4







Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

5 9 4 1 3

NIGHT ATTENDANT The Bulletin Looking for your next Whispering W i n ds employee'? Retirement is seekPlace a Bulletin help ing a person to work caution when pur>eeAO chasing products or ~ wanted ad today and Bend Park 6/ the night shift (10 p.m. Recreation reach over 60,000 to 7 a.m.) Part-time services from out of readers each week. position av a i lable.I the area. Sending Is Accepting c ash, checks, o r Your classified ad Duties include light Applications For: will also appear on laundry, misc. office I credit i n f ormation bendbulletin.com ~ctrce+ w ork. A b l e t o r e - I may be subjected to • Facility Supervisorwhich currently spond t o re s ident FRAUD. Sports www.bendgarbage.com • Lifeguard receives over 1.5 emergencies if For more informa- [ tion about an adver• million page views needed. Former car• Night Custodian •Monday-Friday every month at egiving e x perience I tiser, you may call 7:45am-4:45pm no extra cost. For completej ob helpful b ut not the Oregon State •Provide cu stomer Bulletin Classifieds announcements r equired. A p ply i n I Attorney General's s ervice over t h e C o n sumer t Get Results! or to applygo to: person to Whispering Office phone and to walk in bendparksandrec.org Winds, 2920 NE Con- Protection hotline at I Call 385-5809 customers or place Equal Opportunity ners A ve., B e n d.I 1-877-877-9392. •Customer Service your ad on-line at Employer Pre-employment drug LThe Bulleting call center experibendbulletin.com testing required. ence preferred Land •B ilingual a p lus Management Tech Check out the Competitive pay and classifieds online What are you Rm jjICC) an excellent benefit Lane County t/tiww.bendbtrlletin.com package. Please inPublic Works I looking for? Updated daily clude a resume with Land Management You'll find it in references, qualifiseeks a Land cations and length of Management Tech. Roofers Wanted The Bulletin Classifieds employment. ($16.17 - $22.41/hr). Call River Roofing, To apply, visit 541-383-3569 Apply at our office www.lanecoun .or /'obs 541-385-5809 location at: or contact HR: 528 20835 Montana 125 E 8th Avenue, Transportation M/ay, Bend OR Loans & Mortgages Eugene, OR 97401, 541-682-6929. Closes Mail or fax your Professional Transportation, Inc. WARNING 9/22/14 @ 5:00 p.m. resume to: The Bulletin recomEOE/ADA is seeking local drivers to transport Bend Garbage & mends you use caurailroad crew members. Recycling,P.O. La Pine Broadband 8 tion when you proNo CDL license js required! Box 504, Service Technician vide personal Bend OR 97709, information to compaInterested candidates must: 541-383-3640 Crestview Cable seeks •Have a valid state driver's license nies offering loans or Attn: Molly a personable cable •Must live within a 30 minute drive of Bend, OR credit, especially An Equal TV/Internet/Phone In- •Have at least 7 years of driving experience those asking for adOpportunity staller & Ser v i ce vance loan fees or a clean driving record Employer Tech. Hands-on cable ••Have companies from out of able to read, write, & converse in English TV, computer or elec- •Be state. If you have able to pass a background check e x p erience•Be concerns or quesJust bought a new boat? tronics Be able to pass a drug screening preferred. R equires tions, we suggest you Sell your old one in the consult your attorney classifieds! Ask about our some ladder, pole Full and part time positions are available! climbing and ability to or call CONSUMER Super Seller rates! lift 65 lbs. Must have HOTLINE, 541-385-5809 www.ProfessionaITransportationlnc.com valid driver's license 1-877-877-9392. 1-800-471-2440, option 1. and pass drug test BANK TURNED YOU and back g round DOWN? Private party EOE I SALES'BEND PET check. Must live in the will loan on real esEXPRESS $13/hour LaPine area. Full time tate equity. Credit, no [ 5-7 yrs exp. req. + benefits. Send reproblem, good equity Submit resumes (in sume to Chief Financial Officer is all you need. Call I person) at East 420 I agautney©crestviewOregon Land MortNE Windy Knolls Dr cable.com or 350 NE Community Counseling Solutions (CCS) I OR- West 133 SW I Dunham St., Prinevgage 541-388-4200. has an opening for a Chief Financial entury Dr. Bend ille OR 97754. EOE. O fficer that will b e b a sed i n o u r TURN THE PAGE crestviewcable.com

HD 2008 FXDL Dyna Low Rider, 3200 mi. Stage 1 & 2 Vance & Hines pipes, $12,500. 541-306-0186



9 1 4 2 3 7 8 5 6

2 3 6 5 4 8 9 1 7



® l3~zem




People Lookfor Information Find exactlY what About products and Seivices Fveiy Pay through you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS Ths Bplisfjrf Clgssjflsds

Campus Sports & Computer Lab Coordinator Oregon State University-Cascades invites applications for a part-time (.50 FTE) 12-month fixed term position as Campus Sports & Computer Lab Coordinator.

Duties include but are not limited to leadership of the campus sports program for students, as well asmanagement of the OSU-Cascades Computer Lab. This position has a full-time salary range of $40,600-$68,900 (typically, the starting salary is at the lower end of the salary


Minimum qualifications include a bachelor's degree and previous experience coordinating sports programs in an educational setting. Preferred qualifications include a d emonstrable commitment to promoting and enhancing diversity. For a complete position description and to review additional minimum and preferred requirements, use the following link to view or apply for this position http://oregonstate.eduffobs/ Use posting number 0013017 (or the location of "Bend") to apply on-line. The closing date is 09/17/14. OSU is an AA/EOE/Vets/Disabled.

Prepress Technician The Bulletin is seeking a technician within the Prepress department. Prepress Technicians receive press ready files from other departments within the company, impose pages, and output to plate using Computer-To-Plate software systems and equipment. This includes finishing work by bending and punching plates for the press. Familiarity with Graphic Arts, and CMYK prepress workflows preferred, and a fundamental proficiency using Macintosh and Pc operating systems is a must.

For qualifying employees we offer benefits including life insurance, short-term & long-term disability, 401(k)i paid vacation and sick time. Drug test is required prior to employment. The Bulletin is a drug-free workplace, EOE. Please respond with a resume with qualifications, skills, experience and a past employment history via email to James Baisinger, 'baisin er@bendbulletin.com by Monday, September 15, 2014.

The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since f903

Heppner, Oregon office.

CCCS is a 5 0 1(c)(3) corporation that provides an array of diverse and dynamic social services, i ncluding: outpatient, residential and inpatient mental health treatment, public health and primary care, outpatient alcohol and drug treatment, developmental disability services, senior programs, rental assistance, prevention, and peer support services. We employ 130 individuals. The majority of services are provided in one or more of the counties of Morrow, Wheeler, Grant, and G i lliam Counties, with a few programs serving larger regions.

For More Ads The Bulletin LOCAL MONEY:Webuy secured trust deeds & note,some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.13. Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809 573

Business Opportunities

Duties of this position are complex and DID YOU KNOW that varied, and will include: planning, organiznot only does newsing, directing and control the functions of paper media reach a the business/finance programs of CCS, HUGE Audience, they development and implementation policies, also reach an ENprocedures and practices for the organizaGAGED AUDIENCE. tions business and f i nance systems, Discover the Power of oversight of f u nd s a n d i n vestments, Newspaper Advertising in six states - AK, preparation and development of agency budget, oversight of purchases, accounting ID, MT, OR, UT, WA. For a free rate brosystems and services, financial analysis, chure call payroll and benefits, and the manager who 916-288-8011 or oversees senior programs. P e riodically, email this position will need to perform duties that cecelia©cnpa.com are typically done by those they supervise (PNDC) due to high workload or vacancies. This position will oversee a staff of 12 dedicated and talented employees. Call a Pro Whether you need a T he qualified individual will fill a k e y fence fixed, hedges position in CCS's administrative structure. trimmed or a house They will need to be able to carry out the mission, philosophy and quality services built, you'll find that CCS delivers, be a dynamic team professional help in player, possess strong analytic skills, have The Bulletin's "Call a demonstrated excellence in finance and Service Professional" management, be mature, proactive and positive, an effective communicator, and Directory adhere to a high standard of professional541-385-5809 ism and ethical behavior. Mi n imum requirements include a Bachelor's degree Delivery in business administration or finance. Ideal candidate will be a CPA, have 10 years of broad financial experience, and h ave experience working for or with nonprofit $upplement corporations.

This salaried position is overseen by the Executive Director of Community Counseling Solutions. The salary range for this position is $89,100 - $140,000 based upon the individual's education, certifications and e xperience. Exc e llent b e nefits. F o r additional information p lease c o ntact Kimberly Lindsay, preferably by email, at kimberly.lindsay©gobhi.net. Phone: 541-676-9161. For more information about our agency visit www.communitycounselingsolutions.org. EOE

7 6 1 9 4 8 9 5 2 7 8 3 5 1 3 4 6 2

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1 7 5 3 9 4 2 6 8

8 4 2 6 1 7 9 5 3

3 6 9 2 8 5 7 1 4


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3 7 4 5 6 2 1 8

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HDFatBo 1996

18.5' Sea Ray 2000 4.3L Mercruiser, low hrs, 190 hp Bowrider w/depth finder, radio/ CD player, rod holders, full canvas, EZ Loader trailer, exclnt cond, $9500. 707-484-3518

Completely Rebuilt/Customized 2012/2013 Award Winner Showroom Condition Many Extras Low Miles.




Motorcycles & Accessories

19' Pioneer ski boat, 1983, vm tandem trailer, V8. Fun & fast! $5800 obo. 541-815-0936.



4 5 1 8 3 2 6 9 7


Fleetwood D i scovery 40' 2003, diesel, w/all options - 3 slide outs, satellite, 2 Tv's, W/D, etc., 32,000 m iles. Wintered in h eated shop. $82,000 O.B.O. 541-447-8664


CustomerService Representative


5 7 8 1 9 6 2 3 4

9 2 8 3 7 6 17 4 5 6 9 3 4 2 8 5 1 4 6 1 7 9 5 7 3 6 9 8 2 3 6 4 8 5 1 9 4 2 7 15

5 6 3

@20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Uciickfor UFS

Employment Opportunities

2 5 7 3 4 8 1 6 9 7 8 4 5 2 3 9 4 1 6 8 7

Motorcycles 8 Accessories Boats 8 Accessories

2 9-rn4

4 1 9 6 7 2 8 5 3 9 6 2 4 7 1 6 8 2 9 3 5

Gulfstream 24' BT Cruiser, 2004,2nd owner, 25K miles. Industrial V-10, 4-spd transmission with overdrive. 35 hrs on gen.; stove & oven have never been used. New micro, new LED TV, BlueRay/DVD, all new tires, back-up camera, new awnings. Excellent! Unable to travel anymore due to health. $35,000. 541 -5484595

HD FXSBI 2006 new 2002 Harley Fat Boy cond., low miles, 14,000 original miles. Stage I download, ex- 2007 Bennington Pontoon Boat Excellent cond. Vance tras, bags. $7900 obo. 2275 GL, 150hp & Hines exhaust, 5 541-447-0887 Honda VTEC, less spoke HD rims, wind than 110 hours, vest, 12" rise handle e•e HOLIDAY RAMBLER original owner, lots bars, detachable lug~ VACATIONER 2003 of extras; Tennesgage rack w/ back HD Softtail Deuce 2002, 8.1L V8 Gas, 340 hp, rest, hwy pegs & many see tandem axle broken back forces workhorse, Allison 1000 chrome accents. Must trailer. Excellent 5 speed trans., 39K, sale, only 200 mi. on see to appreciate! condition,$23,500 NE//II/ TIRES, 2 slides, new motor from Har$10,500. In CRR area 503-646-1804 Onan 5.5w gen., ABS ley, new trans case call 530-957-1865 brakes, steel cage cockand p a rts, s p o ke pit, washer/dryer, firewheels, new brakes, Ads published in th n early all o f b i k e "Boats" classification lace, mw/conv. oven, ree standing dinette, brand new. Has proof include: Speed, fish- was $121,060 new; now, of all work done. Reing, drift, canoe, • movable windshield, house and sail boats. $35,900.541-536-1008 T-bags, black and all For all other types of Check out the chromed out with a 2005 HD Heritage Softwatercraft, please go classifieds online Tail, Big Bore kit, lots of willy skeleton theme to Class 875. • www.bendbulletin.com on all caps and covextras, 28,600 mi, exlnt 541-385-5809 • Updated daily ers. Lots o f w o rk, cond., $9750 firm heart and love went 541-318-8668 ITASCA 1989 34', 91I< into all aspects. All servin central ore an since 1903 miles. Asking $9,900 done at professional NORDICA small boat 541-610-7259 shops, call for info. used o nc e $ 1 5 0. Must sell quickly due 541-771-2885 to m e d ical bi l l s, $8250. Call Jack at 875 541-279-9538. Watercraft FXSTD Harley Find exactly what ds published in "WaDavidson 2001,twin 2005 cam 88, fuel injected, you are looking for in the tercraft" include: Kay- Providence loaded, 35,000 Vance & Hines short CLASSIFIEDS aks, rafts and motor- Fully miles, 350 Cat, Very Ized personal shot exhaust, Stage I non-smoker with Vance & Hines watercrafts. For 3 clean slides, side-by-side "boats" please see fuel management refrigerator with ice system, custom parts, Class 870. maker, Washer/Dryer, extra seat. 541-385-5809 Flat screen TV's, In $10,500 OBO. motion satellite. Call Today Serving Central Oregon since /90 $95,000 541-516-8684 HONDA SCOOTER 541-480-2019 80cc "Elite", 9k mi., exc. 880 $975 obo. (541) People Look for Information cond., Motorhomes RV 593-9710 or 350-8711 About Products and CONSIGNMENTS Services Every Daythrough 865 1997 Bounder 34' WANTED The Bulletin Classifieds w/slide. $17,900. We Do The Work ... ATVs Excellent condition, You Keep The Cash! must see! Ford 460 On-site credit REDUCED! w/Banks, new tires, approval team, dual A/C, rear camweb site presence. era, triple axle, Onan We Take Trade-Ins! gen, 63k miles. 541-306-9897 BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Harley D a vidson H onda Bi g R e d 2007 Tioga Class C 30' Redmond: 2006, FXDLI Dyna UTV. Like new with motorhome, 17,000+ 541-548-5254 Low Rider, Mustang just over 40 hours miles, excellent cond., seat w/b ackrest, use. Includes winch, professionally winterized 5-foot snow blade, every year. $35,000 obo. new battery, windTioga 24' Class C shield, forward conhard roof, half wind541-604-9352 Motorhome trois, lots of chrome, shield. L i sts over Bought new in 2000, Screamin' Eagle ex$14,000; will sell for currently under 20K haust, 11K mi. Seb est o ff e r ove r w~ i miles, excellent nior owned, w e ll $11,000. Call shape, new tires, 541-575-4267 maintained! $7950 professionally winterLaPine (928)581-9190 ized every year, cutoff switch to battery, plus new RV batter2007 Winnebago ies. Oven, hot water Outlook Class "C" heater & air condi31', solar panel, Cat. tioning seldom used; heater, excellent just add water and it's condition, more exRack for 2 ATVs, fits 8' ready to go! Asking $58K. bed, with ramps. $700 tras. $22,000 obo. Serious Ph. 541-447-9268 obo. 541-549-4834 or Harley Davidson inquiries, please. Can be viewed at 541-588-0068 Stored in Terrebonne. 2011 Classic LimWestern Recreation 541-548-5174 ited, Loaded! 9500 Yamaha '06 Rhino 660 (toP of hill) miles, custom paint exc. cond, winch, hard in Pnnewlie. "Broken Glass" by roof w/lights and raNicholas Del Drago, dio, custom wheels. new condition, $6950 541-447-3702. heated handgrips, auto cruise control. 870 $32k in bike, Boats & Accessories only $18,000or best Ready to make memories! Top-selling Winnebago offer. 541-318-6049 Allegro 32' 2007, hke 31 J, original owners, nonnew, only 12,600 miles. smokers, garaged, only Chev 8.1L with Allison 60 18,800 miles, auto-leveltransmission, dual ex- ing jacks, (2) slides, upHarley Davidson haust. Loaded! Auto-lev- graded queen bed, bunk 883 Sportster eling system, 5kw gen, beds, micro, (3) TVs, 1998, 20,200 miles, 16' West Coast power mirrors w/defrost, sleeps 10! Lots of storexc. cond., Aluminum, $3950, 2 slide-outs with awage, maintained, very $3,800. nings, rear c a mera,clean!Only $67,995! Ex65 hp Mercury, 541-548-2872. trailer hitch, driyer door tended warranty and/or fiShoreline Trailer, w/power window, cruise, nancing avail to qualified 2014 Stickers, Fish exhaust brake, central buyers! 541-388-7179 Finder. vac, satellite sys. Asking 541-598-5111 $67,500. 503-781-8812

The Bulletin

The Bulleti

, • ess-• b

Your Income

Now taking bids for an Independent Contract Hauler to deliver bundles of newspapers from Bend toLaGrande, Oregon on a weekly basis. This will also include a monthly delivery than is made en route to LaGrande. Must have own vehicle with license and insurance and the capability to haul up to 6000 lbs. Candidates must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. Selected candidate will be i ndependently contracted. To apply or for more info contact James Baisinger at 'baisin er©bendbulletin.com

17.5' Seaswirl 2002 Wakeboard Boat I/O 4.3L Volvo Penta, tons of extras, low hrs. Full wakeboard tower, light bars, Polk audio speakers throughout, completely wired for amps/subwoofers, underwater lights, fish finder, 2 batteries custom black paint job. $1 2,500 541-815-2523

Beaver Marquis, 1993 40-ft, Brunswick floor plan. Many extras, well maintained, fire suppression behind refrig, Stow Master 5000 tow bar, $22,995.



Winnebago C 22' 2002 - $30,500 Big engine, heavy duty, many extras, 21,000 miles, like new. Please call for details 541-280-3251 Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail At: www.bendbulletin.com













Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels

Fifth Wheels

Aircraft, Parts & Service

Automotive Parts, Service 8 Accessories



Sport Utility Vehicles

Winnebago Sightseer 27' 2002. workhorse gas motor, Class A, 8' slide living rm/dinette, new tires. spare tire carrier, HD trailer hitch, water heater, micro/oven, generator, furn/AC, outside shower, carbon dioxide & smoke detector, fiberglas ext., elect. step, cruise control, CB radio, 60k miles, awning, TV antenna w booster, flat screen 23" TV. A M/FM/CD stereo. $2 3,995.


You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495 Redmond: 541-548-5254

Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and 881 reach over 60,000 Travel Trailers readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views ev2007 Jayco Jay Flight ery month at no 29 FBS with slide out & awning - Turn-key ready extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Reto use, less than 50 total days used by current sults! Call 365-5809 owner. Never smoked in, or place your ad no indoor pets, excellent on-line at cond., yery clean. Lots of bendbulletin.com bonusit ems; many have never been used. Price now reduced to $18,500 Find exactly what which is lower range of you are looking for in the Kelly Blue Book. Call CLASSIFIEDS Lisa, 541-420-0794 for more info /more photos. 541-548-2554


Fifth Wheels

TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin

' Wh •c'ss, •&

Dutchman Denali 32' 2011 travel trailer. 2 slides Everything goes, all kitchen ware, linens etc. Hitch, sway bars, water & sewer hoses. List price $34,500 - asking $26,800 Loaded. Must see to appreciate. Redmond, OR.



•m Keystone Raptor, 2007 37 toy hauler,2 slides, generator, A/C, 2 TVs, satellite system w/auto seek, in/out sound system,sleeps 6,many extras. $29,999. In Madras, call 541-771-9607or 541-475-6265

Kit Companion '94 26', 1 slide, new stove/fridge, comes with gen. Reduced to $4000. 541-389-5788

Laredo 30' 2009


Sell for $3500. OR For Hire

Call for quote Ask for Theo,


Check out the classifieds online www.bendbnttetin.com Updated daily

Heartland P rowler 2012, 29PRKS, 33', like new, 2 slides-livi ng area & la r g e closet, 15' power awning, power hitch & s tabilizers, 18 g a l . water heater, full size queen bed, l a rge shower, porcelain sink & toilet. $25,000 or make offer.


overall length is 35' has 2 slides, Arctic package, A/C, table & chairs, satellite, Arctic pkg., power awning, in excellent condition! More pix at bendbulletin.com



on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and human errors do oc- MONTANA 3585 2008, exc. cond., 3 slides, cur. If this happens to king bed, Irg LR, your ad, please conArctic insulation, all tact us ASAP so that corrections and any options - reduced by $3500 to $31,500. adjustments can be 541-420-3250 made to your ad. 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified


KeystoneLaredo 31'

Rlt/ 2006 w ith 1 2'

slide-out. Sleeps 6, queen walk-around bed w/storage underneath. Tub 8 shower. 2 swivel rockers. TV. Air cond. Gas stove & refrigerator/freezer. Microwave. Awning. Outside sho w er. Slide through stora ge, E a s y Li f t . $29,000 new; Asking$18,600 541-4947-4805

OPEN ROAD 36' 2005 - $19,995

Fleetwood Prowler 32' - 2001 2 slides, ducted heat & air, great condition, snowbird ready, Many upgrade options, financing available! $14,500 obo. Call Dick, 541-480-1687.

You Keep the Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins!

Holiday Rambler Alumascape 28' 2003,1-owner. Self-contained, 13' slide, 80W solar panel, walkaround ueen + sofa/bed, 'I oads of storage throughout. Excellent cond., brand new tires licensed 2015. Must see!$13,700.

TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin

5th Wheel Transport, 1990 Low miles, EFI 460, 4-spd auto, 10-ply tires, low miles, almost new condition,




King bed, hide-a-bed sofa, 3 slides, glass shower, 10 gal. water heater, 10 cu.ft. fridge, central vac, satellite dish, 27" TV /stereo system, front front power leveling jacks and s cissor stabilizer jacks, 16' awning. Like new!

BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495


541-546-5254 885

Canopies 8 Campers

2 brand new

ti r es,


130/90-16 74H, $100. 541-260-4459

1974 Bellanca 1730A 2160 TT, 440 SMO, 160 mph, excellent condition, always hangared, 1 owner for 35 years. $60K.

In Madras, call 541-475-6302

4 mounted studded tires L 2 05/70R15 Win t e r Diesel 4x4 Toyota Tacoma 2012, Tracks, on S u baru 2005 5 spd, xcab, pw, pd, Chev Crewcab duwheels. multi-fit 5 on bed liner. ally, Allison tranny, 100 8 5 on 115. $175. tow pkg., brake con(exp. 9/14/14) Call between 3 & 5 Vin ¹014333 troller, cloth split p.m. 541-385-8022 Stock ¹83077 front bench seat, WANTED only 66k miles. $22,979 Very good condition, older Dodge Ram Cummins turbo diesel Original owner, © s u a aau pickup, 4WD 5spd, $34,000 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. any condition, farm or best offer. 877-266-3821 541-408-7826 truck okay. Private Dlr ¹0354 buyer, CASH Dan, 971-231-4241 Chevy 2007 Silverado 935 Z-71, loaded, 1 owner, 932 $19,500. 541-379-3530 Sport Utility Vehicles Antique & Chevy 8 pickup, Classic Autos 1971. $200.

Look at: Bendhomes.com 1995 Lance Camper, 11.3 ft., sleeps 6, self for Complete Listings of contained, very lightly 3300 sq.ft. Hangar Area Real Estate for Sale used, exc. cond., TV, Prineville Airport VCR, micro, oven, 60'wide by 55' fridge, 3 burner stove, deep with 16' 541-382-4515 q ueen o ve r ca b , bi-fold door. (2) 1959 1/2-ton Chevy $8000. 541-389-6256 Check out the Upgrades include, pickups: 1 is 4x4 with ower take off winch 8 classifieds online T-6 lighting, Alaska 8 ' Ca b over arn hubs; other's 2WD, www.bendbuttetin.com Camper 1998, many skylights, windows, BMW X3 2 0 07, 99K ChevTrailblazer LS extra parts. Also 1941 14' side RV door, extras, Stable-Lift jack Updated daily miles, premium pack- 2004, AWD, 6 cyl, remote 1-ton Ford cab & chassis. system. $10 , 500. infra-red heating, age, heated lumbar entry, clean title, Titles for all. 541-989-8191 541-549-9461. and bathroom, supported seats, pan12/15 tags,$5995. $155,000, Call Bill oramic mo o nroof, 54141 0-6150 People Lookfor Information 541-460-7930 Bluetooth, ski bag, XeAbout Products and non headlights, tan & Chevy Silverado 2004 Services EveryDaythrough E nd T leather interior, Chev E uinox Ha n gar a t LS, 2WD, V8, 57k miles, black n ew front 8 re a r The Bulletin Clussiffeds Prineville Air p ort. includes bedliner, hard brakes © 76K miles, tonneau cover. Asking 1400 sq. ft. (approx.)Buick Skylark 1972 one owner, all records, Lance cabover camper 40'W x 35'D x 12'H $10,750. 541-588-0131 very clean, $16,900. 1991, 18' over cab, 8' side entry door, fully Dreams do come true! Pampered from day one! Ford F250 1984 4x4 Kinq 541-388-4360 in p/up bed. under R12 insulated, heated 17K original miles. Cab, 6.9 C6 auto, shift cover since new, imbathroom area ready Photosathemmings.com kit, 90% tires, good wood maculate! $4,100 obo for completion off grid Call The Bulletin At 2011 Loaded and $19,900. 541-323-1898 truck! $2000 or best of541-548-5069 Super Clean 4x4. 541-385-5809 with 7000 watt Onan fer. 541-279-8023 $23,977 enerator set ready Place Your Ad Or E-Mail SNUGTOP pickup Vin¹463850 or power hook-up. Ford F-250 1994 At: www.bendbulletin.com canopy for Ford F250 XLT 4x4, 460. ROBBERSON short bed, white, like new, $48,000 ¹201407044 John L. Scott Real Only 81K miles! $400. 541-416-9686 Estate 541-546-1712 Manual w/overdrive, A/C, X-cab, always 541-312-3986 HANGAR FOR SALE. garaged, excellent Dlr ¹0205. Pricing o 30x40 end unit T Chevelle Malibu condition, $5750. good thru 9/30/2014 hanger in Prineville. 1966 0 0 541-977-3120. Dry walled, insulated, Complete BMW X3 35i 2010 and painted. $23,500. restoration, Exlnt cond., 65K miles Tom, 541.766.5546 C J5 1 9 7 8 V-8 , $32,900. w/100K mile transferLockers, new soft Hangar for saleat able warranty. Very top, power steering, (509) 521-0713 clean; loaded - coid Redmond Airport - not oversized h e ater, (in Bend, OR) weather pkg, premium a T Hangar - $38,000. many extras. $6,000 pkg 8 technology pkg. 541-420-0626 908 obo. 541-519-1627 Keyless access, sunFord F250 4x4 1996, Aircraft, Parts roof, navigation, satelx-cab, long wheel base, lite radio, extra snow 8 Service brush guard, tool box, tires. (Car top carrier $3000. 541-771-1667 or not included.)$22,500. Dod e Nitro2011 541-633-3607 541-915-9170 CHEVELLE MALIBU 1969 350-4spd, 3" Save money. Learn Honda Ridgeline exhaust. $15,000. to fly or build hours RTL Crew Cab TURN THE PAGE 541-788-0427 with your own airFor More Ads c raft. 1968 A e r o 4x4 Looks as good 1/3interestin Commander, 4 seat, The Bulletin as Its name! 150 HP, low time, Columbia400, Vin ¹ 520014 full panel. $23,000 Financing available. 17.977 obo. Contact Paul at Cadillac Escalad $150,000 541-447-5184. 2007 Extra nice 4x4, ROBBERSON y (located I Bend) Jeepster Commando 1968 great mpg. ¹541238 541-288-3333 6-cyl Buick, 4WD, com$19,977 916 541-312-3986 pletely restored. $12,000 Trucks & ROBBERSON Dlr ¹0205 Pricing obo. 808-430-5133 or u eeoLe~ ~m e Oe Heavy Equipment good thru 9/30/1 4 541-382-6300 2005. All the good541-312-3986 Mercedes 380SL 1982 ies. Must see only Roadster, black on black, Dlr ¹0205 pricing $18,998 soft & hard top, excellent good thru 06/31/14 Vin ¹192111 1/3 interest in wellcondition, always gaequipped IFR Beech Boraged. 155 K m i les,Toyota 1988, 48k on ROBBKRSON nanza A36, new 10-550/ maaaa 359 p otable $11,500. 541-549-6407 replaced engine, 5 prop, located KBDN. Peterbilt ~ ~ GMC Suburban 1997, water truck, 1 990, spd, 4 cyl, rear wheel $65,000. 541-419-9510 fully loaded, daily driver, Find exactly what 541-312-3986 3200 gal. tank, 5hp drive, r un s g r eat, www.N4972M.com extra clean, $2650. 1997 Dlr ¹0205. pricing pump, 4-3" h oses, you are looking for in the good tires, body in Chevy Astro, runs good, good thru 9/30/1 4 Just bought a new boat? camiocks, $25,000. good cond., $1300. CLASSIFIEDS $1300. 541-410-4596 54'I -620-3724 Sell your old one in the 541-385-4790. classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809


Just bought a new boat? People Lookfor Information Call The Bulletin At Sell your old one in the 541-385-5809 About Products and classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! Services Every Daythrough Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 541-385-5809 The Bulletiu Clsssileds At: www.bendbulletin.com



1/5th interest in 1973



Cessna 150 LLC

150hp conversion, low time on air frame and engine, hangared in Bend.Excellent performance & affordable flying! $6,000. 541-410-6007

2005GMC Yuhon SLT

2012iiet 500 $isort



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2007Ilssan Nurano SL


Chevrolet Trailblazer 2008 4x4 Automatic, 6-cylinder, tilt wheel, power windows, power brakes, air conditioning, keyless entry, 69K miles. Excellent condition; tires have 90% tread. $11,995. Call 541-598-5111




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Sport Utility Vehicles Sport Utility Vehicles

Camaro 2011



(photo for illustration only)

Honda CRV EX 2007, AWD, 4x4, l eather,

2009 hard top 18,000 miles. automatic, AC, tilt & cruise, power windows, power steering, power locks, alloy wheels and running boards, garaged.

moonroof. (exp. 9/1 4/1 4) Vin ¹097452 Stock ¹44639A


Chevy Express Cargo


$23,999 S UBA R U


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354




(exp. 9/14/14) Vin ¹126159 Stock ¹44535A


$22,979 S US A R u

(exp. 9/1 4/1 4) Vin ¹019106. Stock ¹43981A


$23,979 S US A R u



Hyundai T ucson, Chrysler Town & 2011 l oaded, i m Country LXI 1997, maculate, 39k mi., beautiful inside & prem. pkg, bronze, out, one owner, nonpanoramic sunroof, (photo for illustration only) smoker,. loaded with heated seats, Navi- Nissan Nurano 2012, options! 197,892 mi. gation, B l uetooth, AWD, auto, cloth, CD, Service rec o rds AWD. great mileage, pw, pdl. available. $4 , 950. h andles great i n (exp. 9/14/14) Call Mike, (541) 815snow. Wa r ranty, Vin ¹229346 8176 after 3:30 p.m. One owner, nonStock ¹83013 smokers, clear title. $15,979 $19,500


This advertising tip brought to you by

The Bulletin




541-312-3986 Dlr ¹0205. Pricing good thru 9/30/2014

SUSARUOSSSSD.OOU 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 Dlr¹0354

The Bulletin To Subscribe call 541-385-5800 or go to www.bendbulletin.com

Good classified adstell the essential facts in an interesting Manner.Write from the readers view not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader howthe item will help them insomeway.

Convertible. End of Season Special! vin ¹213931 $23,977 ROBBERSON

ger, stow-n-go seating, alloy wheels.

Need help fixing stuff'? Call A Service Professional find the help you need. www.bendbulletin.com

(under Blue Book) Call (805)610-6415 in Terrebonne

Chevy Malibu 2012, Dodge Ayenger 2013, (photo for illustration only) Elantra 2011, Lots of options; sunpw, pdl, tilt, CD, auto. Hyundai Touring, leather, auto, roof, 6 speed trans (exp. 9/1 4/1 4) CD, pw, pdl. with manual option, Vin ¹535474 (exp. 9/1 4/1 4) bluetooth, o n Star, Stock ¹83015 Vin ¹090677 Sirius satelite, $13,979 Stock ¹82995 heated seats, pw, pdl, 4 cyl. echo tech $12,979 S UBA RU, soomoossmIo ooU engine, 20 MPG city, S US A R u 35 MPG hwy, USB 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. port, Ipod r e ady, 877-266-3821 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. $14,900 OBO. Dlr ¹0354 877-266-3821 541-504-6974 Dlr ¹0354

(photo for illustration only)

Van 2011, 2500. CD, Toyota Sienna 201 1, A/C, ps, with ladder LE model, 7 passen-


S US A R u

2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Have an item to sell quick? If it's under '500you can place it in The Bulletin Classifieds for: '10 - 3 lines, 7 days '16 - 3 lines, 14 days (Private Party ads only)

Toyota Sienna 2005


Ford Focus2010


Great MPGs make this a great commuter. Vin¹154827 $11,977 ROBBERSON~


Dual power heated leather seats for only $19,977 Vin¹248502 ROBBERSON U

co ~


541-312-3986 Dlr ¹0205. Pricing good thru 9/30/14

541-344-5325 annie2657Oyahoo.com

Infiniti l30 2001 great condition/ well maintained, 127k miles. $5,900 obo. 541-420-3277

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million U.S. A d ults read a N e wspaper print copy each week? Discover the Power of HyundaiAccent GL PRINT N e wspaper 1999, auto, CD. Advertising in Alaska, (exp. 9/1 4/1 4) Idaho, Montana, OrVIN ¹584982 egon, U t a h and Stock ¹44383B Washington with just $3,979 one phone call. For a S US A R u FREE adv e rtising network brochure call 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 916-288-6011 or 877-266-3821 email Dlr ¹0354

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Leather, Loaded and AWD. 76k miles ¹044698 $1SU977 ROBBERSON



Bargain Corral

Acura CL 2002 silver, one owner, 74k miles, always garaged. "perfect" $6,900 obo. 541-389-1966

541-312-3986 Dlr ¹0205 pricing god thru 09/30/14

cecelia©cnpa.com (PNDC)

Countryman AWD Loaded - Get there in style! ¹H99552 $24,977 ROBBERSON ~

mamm ~


Dlr ¹0205. Pricing good thru 9/30/2014

VOLVO XC90 2007 AWD, 6-cyl 3.2L, power everything, grey on grey, leather heated lumbar seats, 3rd row seat, moonroof, new tires, always garaged, all matntenance up to date, excellent cond. A STEAL AT$13,900. 541-223-2218 WHEN YOU SEE THIS

MorePixatBendbjletin.com On a classified ad go to www.bendbulletin.com to view additional photos of the item.










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Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

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Legal Notices

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO INTERESTED P ERSONS. ROXANNE A. FARRA has been appointed Personal Representative of the ESTATE OF JACQUELINE R. LEIDHOLDT, Deceased, by the Circuit Court, State of Oregon, Des c hutes County, under Case Number 14PB0087. All persons having a claim against the estate must present the c laim w i thin f o u r months of th e f i rst publication date of this notice t o H e n drix, Brinich & B e rtalan, LLP, at 716 NW Harriman Street, Bend, Oregon 97701, ATTN: Lisa N. Bertalan, or they may be barred. Additional information may be obtained from the court records, the Personal Representative or the followingnamed attorney for the Personal Representative. Date of first publication: A u gust 30, 2014. HENDRIX BRINICH & BERTALAN, LLP, 716 NW HARRIMAN, B END, OR 97701, 541-382-4980.

all sums owing on the obligation secured by the Trust Deed immediately due and payable, those sums being the following estimated a m ounts, to-wit: 1 . U n paid Principal: $350,000.00; 2. Accrued and unpaid interest through and including May 16, 2014 (and continuing at the combined stated and default rate of $76.71/day): $131,634.36; 3. Fees and Costs, as of March 13, 2014 and c o n tinuing): 2,234.92; 4. Subtotal: $483,869.28; 5 . Plus t i tle e x -

penses, t r ustee's fees, recording fees, and addi t ional attorneys' fees inc urred herein b y reason of said default and any further s u m s advanced b y the Beneficiary for the p rotection of t h e Property and its interest ther e i n. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that t h e un d e rsigned Trustee will on October 3, 2014, LEGAL NOTICE at the hour of 10:00 T RUSTEE'S N O o'clock A.M., in acT ICE O F SA L E . cord with the stanReference is made dard of time estabto that certain Trust lished b y ORS 187.110, at the folDeedo (the "Trust Deed ) made b y lowing place: the Clifford Feingold as front outside steps grantor, (the to the D eschutes "Grantor") to County Courthouse, AMERITITLE as located at 1164 NW trustee, (the Bond Street, Bend "Trustee"), in favor Oregon, 97701, sell of Catherine (Cate) at public auction to Cushman, as benthe highest bidder N eficiary (the Benefifor cash the interest o ciary ), dated Noin t h e Pr o perty vember 1 , 2 0 0 7, which the Grantor recorded March 21, had or had power to 2008, in the convey at the time R ecords of D e s - of the execution by chutes County, OrGrantor of the said egon, as document T rust D e ed, t o No. 20 0 8-1 2708, gether with any incovering the followt erest w h ich t h e ing described real Grantor or Grantor's property situated in successors in interthe ab o ve-men- est acquired after tioned county and t he execution o f state, to-wit: Lot 28 said Trust Deed, to Lava Ridges, comsatisfy the foregomonly known as ing obli g ations 20915 Blue B ush thereby secured and Court, Bend, O rthe costs and exegon 97701 (the penses of sale, in"Property"). Both the cluding a r easonBeneficiary and the able charge by the Trustee have Trustee. Notice is elected to sell the further given that Property to satisfy any person named the obligations sein ORS 86.753 has cured by said Trust the right, at any time Deed and a notice prior to five days of default has been before the date last recorded pursuant set for the sale, to to Oregon Revised have this forecloStatutes 86.735(3); sure pr o ceeding dismissed and the the default for which the foreclosure is Trust Deed r e inmade is Grantor's stated by payment failure to pay when to the Beneficiary of the entire amount due the f ollowing sums, together with then due (other than all subsequent sums such portion of the advanced by Benprincipal as would eficiary pursuant to not then be due had the terms and conno default occurred) ditions of the Trust and by curing any Deed, or as a result other default comof the following acplained of h erein tion or inaction: 1. that is capable of Failure o f the being cured by tenGrantor to pay when dering the perfordue amounts owed mance required unas detailed below. der the obligation or By reason of t he Trust Deed, and in default, the Benefiaddition to paying ciary has declared said sums or ten-

dering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the o bligation and Trust Deed, together with Trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by s a i d ORS 8 6.753, i f app l icable. In construing this notice, the singular includes the p lural, th e w o r d "Grantor" includes any successor in interest t o the Grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the Trust Deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any r eason, the s u ccessful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of monies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further r e c ourse. D ated: Ma y 16 , 2014. Trus t ee: / s/Christopher R . A mbrose. C O NTACT I N FORMATION FOR TRUSTEE'S C OUNSEL: Am brose Law Group, Attn.: Christopher R. Ambrose, 312 NW 10th Avenue, Suite 200, Portland, OR 97209-3121, Phone: 503.222.0552,

Email: crambrose@ambroselaw.com

real property in such county and state: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT N N A FOR LEGAL DE-

SCRIPTION -PROPERTY AD D R ESS: 2116 SW H i ghland Avenue, R e dmond, Oregon EXHIBIT A: A parcel of land located in a portion of the Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE ~/4 SE ~/4) of Section 17, Township 15 South, Range 13, E ast o f t h e Wi l lamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon, being m o re particularly described as follows: Beginning a t a p oint o n t h e Easterly right of way line of Southwest 23rd Street which bears N South 02'49'38 East a distance of 687.11 feet from a W' iron rod with no cap marking t he C e nter E a s t One-Sixteenth corner of said Section 17 and which bears N orth 02'22'47' East, a distance of 635.83 feet from a 5/8" iron rod with no cap marking the Southeast One-Sixteenth corner of said Section 17; thence along s a id Easterly right of way line North 00'19'29


West, a distance of 661.57 feet to the int ersection o f sa i d Easterly right of way line and the Southerly right of way line of Highway 126 (Highland Avenue); thence along said Southerly right of line following three courses: North 89'24'58 N East a distance of 525.77N feet; South 89'31'52 East a distance of 376.27 feet; South 85'31'09


East a distance of 19.44 feet; Thence leaving said SouthLEGAL NOTICE erly right of line South TRUSTEE'S NOTICE a distance of 160.05 OF SALE. Reference feet; thence West a is made to a Deed of distance of 1 4 2.42 Trust (the "Trust feet; thence South D eed") made, e x 38'13'15 N West a ecuted and delivered distance o f 3 7 8 .15 by Nolan Town Cen- feet to a point on top ter, LLC as Grantor, to of the Westerly rim First American Title above Dry Canyon; Insurance Company thence along s a id of O r e gon, as Westerly rim top the Trustee, to s e cure following three certain obligations in courses: South 52'38'12" W es t a f avor o f Mor g an Stanley M o r tgage distance of 43.10 feet; N Capital Inc., as Ben- South 30'54'36 West eficiary, dated June 5, a distance of 107.55 2006 and recorded on feet; South 18'55'39 J une 5, 2 0 0 6 a s West a distance of Document No. 85.83 feet; T hence 2006-39022 of the of- leaving said Westerly ficial records of Des- rim top Sout h chutes County, Or- 89'14'45 N West a egon, re-recorded on distance o f 4 2 3 .96 J une 16, 2 006 a s feet to the "point of Document No. beginning", the termi2006-41827 of the of- nus of this description. ficial records of Des- EXCEPTING chutes County, Or- THEREFORM, A paregon, and assigned cel of land located in a by Assignment of portion of the NorthDeed of Trust to As- east Quarter of the signee Wells Fargo Southeast Q u a rter Bank, N . A . , as (NE 14 SE 14) of SecTrustee for Morgan tion 17, Township 15 Stanley Capital I Inc., S outh, Range 1 3 , C ommercial M o r t - E ast o f t h e Wi l age Pass-Through lamette Meridian, Deertificates, S e ries schutes County, Or2007 HQf 1, recorded egon, being m o re on May 29, 2007 as particularly described Document No. as follows: Beginning 2007-29959 of the of- a t a p oint o n t h e ficial records of Des- Easterly right of way chutes County, Orline of Southwest 23rd egon, covering the Street which bears following d e scribed South 02'49'38N East N

a distance of 687.11 Easterly right of way $66,943.90 in Februfeet from a W' iron rod l ine an d t h e ol d ary through J une, with no cap marking Southerly right of way 2014, plus payments the Cent e r-East line of Highway 126 accruing until the sale, One-Sixteenth corner (Highland Avenue); plus delinquent taxes of said Section 17 and thence along s a id and reserves, late which bears N orth Southerly right of way charges and 02 22'47 N East a disline the following three advances, t o gether tance of 635.83 feet courses N North with title expenses, from a 5/8" iron rod 89'24'58 East a costs, trustee's fees with no cap marking distance of 5 2 5.77 and attorney's fees the Southeast feet; South 89'31'52 i ncurred herein b y One-Sixteenth corner East a distance of reason of said default; of said Section 17; 376.27 feet; S o uth and any further sums thence N North 85'31 '09N East a advanced b y th e 89 14'45 East a disdistance of 19.44 feet B eneficiary for t h e tance of 142.15 feet to to the True Point of protection o f the the true point of beB eginning o f thi s above-described real ginning of this de- description. Thence property a n d its s cription; then c e leaving said Southerly interests therein. By around a 270.00 foot right of way line South reason of said default, radius n o n-tangent 00'00'OON West a the Beneficiary has curve right 62.94 feet distance of 1 5 9.96 d eclared all s u ms (chord bears North feet; thence S outh owing on the 68'05'24 N obligation secured by East, 90'00'OON West a 62.80); thence North distance of 1 3 8.15 s aid T r us t De e d 74'46'07 N East a dis- feet to the Easterly immediately due and tance of 137.03 feet; right of way line of payable, said sums t hence a r ound a Rimrock Wa y as being the following, to 330,00 foot r a dius described in Deed of wit: $ 10,045,236.98, curve left 144.76 feet Dedication recorded with interest thereon (chord bears North in volume 2005, Page at the rate of 6.14% 62'12'08 N De s chutes per annum beginning East, 32935, 143.60 feet); thence C ounty Of fic i a l June 5, 2006, until N South 90'00'00 East, R ecords; the n c e paid; together with a distance of 16.96 along said Easterly plus late charges of right of way line the $16,736.00, feet; thence South plus 30'54'36 N West, a following one curve interest at the rate of and tw o c o urses: 6.14% per year from distance of 48.37 feet; thence N South 152.93 feel along a the date advanced, 18'55'39 non-tangent curve to title expenses, costs, West, a distance of 85.83 feet; the left with a radius t rustee's fees a n d thence N fees South 355.00 feet, the chord attorney's 89 14'45 West, a of whichNbears North i ncurred herein b y distance of 2 8 1.81 11'09'40 East a reason of said default; feet to the true point distance o f 1 5 1 .75 and any further sums of beginning, the ter- feet; North 01'10'47 advanced b y th e minus of this descrip- West a distance of B eneficiary for t h e tion. A L S O EX- 0 .85 fNe et ; No r t h protection o f the 51'36'55 CEPTING East a above described real T HEREFROM t h a t distance of 14.72 feet property a n d its portion deeded to the to the Southerly right interest therein, less State of Oregon by of way line of Highway credit for payments Dedication Deed re126 (Highland previously made by corded November 29, Avenue) as described Grantor and accepted 2004 i n I n strument in Dedication Deed by Bene f iciary. No. 2004 - 70706. recorded in Volume WHEREFORE, notice ALSO E X CEPTING 2004, Page 7 0706, hereby is given that THERFROM that por- Deschutes C o unty Nicholas J. t ion deeded to t h e Official Reco r ds; Henderson, the City of Redmond by Thence along said undersigned Deeds of Dedication Southerly right of way Successor T rustee, line North 89'21'29 w ill on Frid a y , r ecorded May 2 7 2005 in 2005-32935 East a d istance of November 14, 2014 at and July 6, 2005 in 97.27 feet to the True the hour o f 1 0 : 00 2 005-42873. A L S O Point of B eginning, a.m., in accord with EXCEPTING THER- the terminus of this the standard of time FROM A parcel of description. NOW established by ORS land containing 0.43 KNOWN AS: 187.110, at the acres, PARCEL 1 OF following place: the P ARTITION PL A T main entrance to the ore or less, located in a p o rtion o f the 2007-3 DESCHUTES Deschutes C o u nty Northeast Quarter of COUNTY, OREGON Courthouse, 1164 NW the Southeast Quarter PREVIOUSLY Bond Street, in the DESCRIBED IN City of Bend, in the (NE 1/4 SE 1/4) of Section 17, Township INSTRUMENT County of Deschutes, 15 South, Range 13, RECORDED JUNE 6, Oregon, sell at public East of the Willamette 2006 IN BOOK 2006 auction to the highest Meridian, C it y of PAGE 39022. bidder for cash the Redmond, Deschutes Nicholas J. interest in the County, Ore g on, Henderson has been described real propbeing more appointed as erty which the grantor particularly described Successor Trustee on had or had power to as follows: t he T r us t De e d , convey at the time of C ommencing at a pursuant to an t he e x ecution b y point on the Easterly Appointment of grantor of the Trust right of way line of Successor T r ustee Deed, together with Southwest 23rd Street recorded on June 26, any interest which the which bears South 2014 as D ocument grantor or grantor's 02'49'38 N East a No. 2014-020566 of successors in interest distance of 6N8 7.11 the official records of a cquired after t h e feet from a 1/2 iron Deschutes C o unty, execution of the Trust r od with n o ca p Oregon. Both the Deed, to satisfy the marking the c enter Beneficiary and foregoing obligations East One-Sixteenth Successor T r ustee thereby secured and corner of Section 17 have elected to sell the cos t s and and w hich Nb e a rs the real property to expenses of the sale, North 02'22'47 East satisfy the obligations including a a distance of 635.83 that the Trust Deed reasonable charge by feet from a 5/8" iron secures and a Notice the Trustee. Notice is r od with n o ca p of Default has been further given that any marking the recorded pursuant to person named in ORS Southeast One- Oregon Rev i sed 86.753 has the right, Sixteenth corner of Statutes 8 6 .375(3); at any time that is not s aid S e ction 1 7 ; the default for which later than give days thence along s a id t he f oreclosure i s before the date last Easterly right of way made i s g r a ntor's set for the sale, to line North 00' 19'29 failure to pay when have this foreclosure West a distance of due th e fo l lowing proceeding dismissed 6 61.57 feet t o t h e sums: monthly and the Trust Deed intersection of s a id payments of reinstated by paying N





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the Beneficiary the apply your security entire amount then deposit and any rent prepaid toward due (other than such you portion of the principal your current obligation as would not then be under you r r e ntal due had no default a greement. I f y o u to do so, you o ccurred) and b y want c uring a n y ot h e r m ust n o tify y o u r default complained of landlord in writing and in the notice of default in advance that you that is c a pable of intendtodoso. If you being c u re d by believe you need legal tendering the assistance with this ma y performance required m atter, yo u the O regon under the obligation contact that the Trust Deed State Bar's l awyer secures, a n d in r eferral service a t or addition to paying said 503-684-3763 in Oregon at sums or tendering the toll-free 800-452-7636. If you performance necessary to cure the have a low income default by paying all and meet f e deral g u i delines, costs and expenses poverty you may be eligible actually incurred in free lega l enforcing the f or o bligation that t h e assistance. For more i nformation an d a Trust Deed secures, together w i t h the directory of legal aid to Trustee's and programs, g o http://oregonlawhelp.o a ttorney's fees n o t the r g o r c o ntact t h e exceeding amounts provided by Oregon State Bar's lawyer referral service ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, at the phone numbers the singular includes referenced a b o ve. DATED July 3, 2014. the plural, the word J. "grantor" includes any Nicholas successor in interest Henderson, to the grantor as well Successor T rustee. further as any other person For owing an obligation information, p l ease contact: Nicholas J. that the Trust Deed Henderson, 117 SW s ecures, an d t h e Taylor Street, Suite words "Trustee" and "Beneficiary" include 2 00, Portland, O R (503) their respective 97204, successors in interest, 417-0500 Telephone, (503) 417- 0 5 01 if any. NOTICE TO TENANTS: If you are Facsimile. THIS IS AN ATTEMPT TO a t e nant o f thi s OLLECT A D E BT property, foreclosure C c ould a ffect y o u r AND INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE rental agreement. A purchaser who buys U SED FO R T H A T t his property at a PURPOSE. foreclosure sale has HOWEVER, IF YOU the right to require H AVE OR A R E I N you to move out after THE PROCESS OF giving you the notice OBTAINING DISCHARGE OF THE of the requirement. If DEBT F ROM A you do not have a fixed-term lease, the BANKRUPTCY may COURT, THIS DOCpurchaser require you to move UMENT IS NOT AN TO out after giving you a ATTEMPT 30-day notice on or COLLECT A DEBT, BUT ONLY after the date of the ENFORCEMENT OF sale. If you have a RIGHTS fixed-term lease, you LIEN AGAINST THE may be e ntitled to receive after the date PROPERTY. of the sale a 60-day notice of the purchaser's The Bulletin requirement that you To Subscribe call move out. To be entitled to e ither a 541-385-5800 or go to 30-day or 60-day no- www.bendbulletin.com tice, you must give the trustee of the property written evidence of FIND YOUR FUTURE your rental agreement HOME INTHE BULLETIN a t least 3 0 d ays before the date first Your future is just apage set for sale. I f you away. Whetheryou're looking have a fi x e d-termfor a hat or aplace to hangit, lease, you must give The Bulletin Classified is the trustee a copy of your best source. the rental agreement. Every daythousandsof If you do not have a fixed-term lease and buyers andsellers of goods business in cannot provide a copy and services do these pages.Theyknow of the rental agreeyou can' t beat The Bulletin ment, you may give the t r ustee o t h er Classified Section for written evidence of selection andconvenience the existence of the -every item isjust a phone call away. rental ag r e ement. The date that is 30 The Classified Section is days before the date easy to use.Every item of the sale is October is categorizedandevery 15, 2014. Federal law cartegoiy is indexed onthe may g r an t you section's front page. a dditional righ t s , including a right to a Whether youare lookingfor longer notice period. a home orneeda service, Consult a lawyer for your future is inthepagesof more inf o rmation The Bulletin Classified. about y ou r r i g hts under federal l a w. The Bulletin Scmog CentralOregonsince CSU You have the right to







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MSRP $28,748. Sale Price $28,499. VIN: ¹F3213009. FDD-g g. Cap reduction $2,819.27. 12,000 miles/year. Acquisition fee $595. 42 months, 12,000 miles/year. Residual 57% $16,386.36. No Security Deposit. Doc. fee $75. *Tier 1 financing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8 doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.

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New 2015 S u b a r u Forester 2.5i Premium CVT

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4x4, LeatherInterior, Moonroof, PowerWindows/Locks, Tilt & Cruise, AM/FM/CD, LowMiles.

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MSRP$26,767 VIN: ¹FH465314 fff-13 Subaru of Bend Discount $1268. One at this price.

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2011FOR DF150LARIATSUPERCREW4X4 2006DODGE2500QUADCAB5.9DIESEL LeatherInterior, DualPower Seats, Moonruof, A/C,Tilt & Cruise, Power Windows &Locks, PremiumSoundAM/FM/CD, Excelent Truck, MustSee&Drive! VIN:D32979 KegeyBlueBook$39,664 TS8S Price


0209995 $30tmpermonthfor 72munthaI 3.99%/LPR.62000TradeEquity or CashDown.OnApprovcdCredit.




MSRP $30,634 VIN: ¹EH324868 ERI-01 Subaru of Bend Discount $635. One at this price.

I 6


• • • •










Sale endsSeptemher16, 2014









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