Bulletin Daily Paper 3/14/2013

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $

THURSDAY March14 2013

nows oersrace or o, unTop oggingspots SPORTS• C1




TODAY'S READERBOARD FaCedook —Thumbs up to curly fries? Thenyouprobably have a high IQ.A3

react to By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

He's back —The wandering wolf OR-7 returns to Oregon after an11-month sojourn in


With two days to go, Central Oregon business advocates have raised more than 70 percentofthe funds needed to secure a Redmond-to-Los Angeles flight, an effort that could

come down to the last minute. Economic Development for Central Oregon and the Central Oregon Visitors Association have been reaching out to area businesses for the last week, trying to secure pre-paid tickets to convince

American Airlines to launch the service. The effort was announced March 6 at EDCO's annual luncheon. As of Wednesday afternoon, the groups had raised $253,000. The deadline is 5 p.m. Friday.

new pope

American Airlines wants residents and businesses in

theregiontopledge$350,000 in advance tickets, which will be redeemablefor a year,said EDCO Executive Director

By Shelby R. King The Bulletin

Roger Lee.

Local Roman Catholic Church leaders and parishioners said they're pleased with the announcement Wednesday that the church had chosen its 266th leader, Pope Francis. "It is very exciting news," said Diocese of Baker Bishop Liam Cary. "I feel very good about it. The first thing that impresses me isthat he was chosen so quickly. Cardinals from around the world were able to come together to choose him." The secret conclave began Tuesday night at St. Peter's Basilica; the next day white smoke issued from astove inside,where the last ballots are burned, a signal the cardinals had chosen a new pope. Historically, the conclave has averaged two or three



re on's atest ea count: esc utes rowt are ea s

Drinking's link to cancer — A new study blames alcohol

in about1 in 30 cancer deaths. D1

EXerCiSe —Why do weget the sniffles when we run?D4

WSDthSr —Trying to get to the bottom of seemingly contradictory trends.A4

Hockey —visors remain


up for debate in the rough-


highest level.C1

1,500,000 1,000 000

20 l2: -l62,277-

206 412 — 118 360 14

Bend- Portland- Medford Redmond VancouverHiHsboro

And a Wed exclusiveChina wrestles with the cost of


354,542 — — —-82,930 0.8'/o-— 0.3% •



A lbany

Salem CorvaHis


Eugene Grants Pass

days. See Pope/A6


25,487 0.9%

Pope Francis

- - - 21,749 — -. 0.3%


Crook Oeschutes Jefferson County County County (Same as Bend MSA)


Bergoglio, Dec.17, 1936, in Buenos Aires, to Italian immigrants.

Firsts:First popefrom the Americas, first from 65,912



20,729 -0.8%

107,164 • .5%

100,000 88,064 0.9% 80,000


ce phone you bother me



Change from

Obama and the GOP remain far apart on the deficit.A2

You on the

200,000 162,277 2.9%


ln national news-


20 10 I 201 1 • 2 01 2

2,289,800 29%-

and-tumble rinks of the game's

a cleaner environment. bendbulletin.com/extras


46,151 0.3 -




the Jesuit order, first to

- - -- - -- 6 2,534---0.8% 5 3 ,269 • 1 3%

choose thenameFrancis. Namedafter: St. Francis


of Assisi, 13th-century patron saint of Italy

20,729 -0 8'/

who renounced alife of privilege, gaveaway everything he owned,

Hermiston- The Pendleton Oalles

Hood Astoria Newport La Grande Roseburg Brookings Klamath Prineviue Coos Bay Ontario, River Falls OR-IO'

wore a coarsewoolen tunic, lived in a hut and took a vow of poverty.

*Includes Payett County, Idaho

Source U S. Census Bureau

Greg Cross and Andy Zeigert i The Bulletin

Rumoredrunner-up: Jorge Bergoglio was reportedlya contender

By TimDoran • The Bulletin

at the 2005 conclave that

elected his predecessor.

While Deschutes County may no longer be among the fastest growing counties in the nation, it's By Douglas Quenqua New York Times News Service

If you have just read the same paragraph 12 times because the person sitting next to you on the bus is chatting on her cellphone,feelfree to show her this: scientists have found another piece of evidence that overheard cellphone conversations are far more distracting and annoying than a dialogue between two people nearby. In a study published Wednesday in the journal PLoS One, college students who were asked to complete anagrams while a nearby researcher talked on her cellphone were more irritated and distracted— and far more likely to remember the contents of the conversation — than students who worked on the same puzzles while the same conversation was conducted by two people in the room. The study is the latest

in a growing body of research on why cellphones rank so high on the list of modern irritants. Mounting evidence suggests that the habits encouraged

Sources: The Assoaated Press, McClatchy-Tribune News Service, The Washington Post

still the fastest growing region in Oregon — just barely, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. Population estimates released today show the Bend-Redmond Metropolitan Statistical Area-

Affirming a region's importance

which comprises all of Deschutes County — grew at a higher rate from 2010 to 2012 than all other Oregon metropolitan statistical areas. The Bend-Redmond MSA beat out the Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro MSA by 0.0151059, according to census estimates. Of course, in actual population, the Portland-Vancouver-Hillsboro MSA beats Bend-Redmond by 2,127,523.

By Debora Rey

Both MSAs grewabout 2.9 percentbetween 2010 and 2012.

and Michael Warren The Associated Press

For Deschutes County, that rate falls well below the 30 percent population growth recorded between 2000 and 2006, when it ranked as the 60th fastest growing county in the nation. SeeCensus/A5

Drone debate 'just beginning,'Wyden says By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin

WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., promised Wednesday to keep challenging the Obama administration to release its undisclosed legal interpretations of U.S. Iaws, including those that shape its policy toward using drones for targeted killings.

"I believe the Congress and the public have to insist that the executive branch's official interpretation of the law be publicly known," he said. "I've got a lot more to do in terms of just staying at it." For two years, Wyden has conducteda crusade to getthe administration to provide legal memos written by the Justice

Department's Office of Legal Counsel related to U.S. drone policy. Earlier this month, the administration turned the memos over to members of the Senate Intelligence Committee after Wyden threatened to block the confirmation of White House counterterrorism adviser John Brennan as head of the CIA.

The issues surrounding the administration's drone policy gained more visibility after Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., staged a 13-hour talking filibuster last week until the White House divulged whether it believes it has the authority to target a noncombatant U.S. citizen on American soil. SeeWyden /A5

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Tears and cheers erupted across Latin America on Wednesday as an Argentine cardinal became thefirstpope from the Southern Hemisphere, and many expressed hope that he could help bring the church closer to the poverty-wracked region that is home to more Roman Catholics than any other. Drivers honked horns on the streets of Argentina's capital and television announcers screamed with elation at the news that the cardinal they knew as

Jorge Mario Bergoglio had become Pope Francis. SeeLatin America/A6

by mobile technology — namely, talking loudly in public to someone who is notthere — are tailormade for hijacking the cognitive functions of bystanders. SeeDistraction/A5

TODAY'S WEATHER Morning sun High 64, Low 35

Page B6

The Bulletin

INDEX 01-5 Obituaries Business/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Health Calendar B2 Crosswords E 4 H o roscope 06 Sports Classified E1 - 6 D ear Abby D6 Lo c al & StaleB1-6 IV/Movies

B5 C1-4 D6

AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 110, No. 73, 30 pages, 5 sections

+ .6 We userecycled newsprint

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isca ivi es i New YorkTimes News Service WASHINGTON — P r esident Barack Obama's meeting with a restive and resistant House Republicanmajorityon Wednesday underscored their deep divisions over fiscal policyasbothsidesacknowledged that an overarching budget compromise was in doubt despite a new push by the White House. One day after Republicans rolled out a detailed proposal aimed at eliminating the federal deficit through steep cuts

and repealing many of the

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177 7 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend,OR97702 P.o. Box6020 Bend,OR97708

president's accomplishments, Obama told them pointedly in a rare visit that their highest fiscalpriority was nothis. "Our biggest problems in the next 10 years are not deficits," the president told them, according to accounts from the meeting, bluntly rejecting

an idea that has become Republican fiscaldogma. Thatleftmany Republicans, who are resisting the president's calls to close tax loopholes that benefit the wealthy, wondering where they could findroomforcompromise. "Well, he doesn't want to balancethebudgetin 10years, and he wants tax increases, and he wants new spending," Rep. Darrell Issa of California said as heleft the meeting early. "But other than that, we're close." W ednesday's h ou r l o ng discussion at the Capitol coincided with the release of a new budget by Senate Democrats that adds $100 billion in new stimulus spending and would impose higher taxes on large corporations and wealthy Americans. Together, both events illustrated anew

SOldier trial —A U.S.soldiercharged withkilling 16Afghan civilians is expected to undergoacourt-orderedreviewofhissanitybeginning


thisweekend, after themilitaryjudge overseeing the caseagreedthat the resultswouldnotautomaticallybe shared with prosecutors, his

lawyers said Wednesday. OhiOrape trial —A 16-year-old girl was"substantiallyimpaired" afteranalcohol-fueled party, wasunableto consent to sexand suffered

just how difficult it will be to resolve the issues that have splitthe Congress for years and createda perpetual cycle of deadline-driven, short-term fiscal policy. Given the gap in the budget approaches, the presidentconcededasmuchin an interview with ABC News that ran on Wednesdaybefore he went to the Capitol for the secondconsecutive day. "Ultimately, it may be that the differences are just too wide," said Obama, who will meet today with Senate Republicans and House Democrats."It may be that ideologically, if their position is, 'We can't do any revenue,' or, 'We can only do revenue if we gut Medicare or gut Social Security or gut Medicaid,' if that's the position, then we're probablynot going to be able to get adeal."

humiliationanddegradationwhenshewas rapedbytwo high school

football players, a prosecutorsaid Wednesdayinher opening statementat the boys'trial. Butalawyer fordefendantTrent Mayssaidhis 17-year-old client"didnotrapetheyoung ladyin question." The two spokeat theopening of thejuvenilecourt trial, whichhas drawninternationalattentionto thesmalltownof Steubenville, Ohio.

ChaVeZ'SbOdy— Venezuela'sacting presidentsaid Wednesday thatitishighlyunlikely HugoChavezwillbeembalmedfor permanent viewing becausethedecision to doso was madetoolateandtheso-

cialistleader's bodywasnot properly preparedontime."The decision shouldhave beenmademuchearlier," Nicolas Maduro said during a speechata government-runbookfair."The decision, orreallythe pro-

posalmore thanadecision, wasmadeasa productoflove." Miracle birth —A womanwho was givenanewliver, pancreas, stomachand smallandlargeintestineata Miamihospitalin 2007has

deliveredahealthybaby girl, believedtobethe firstknown caseofa five-organtransplantpatientgiving birth. Fatema AIAnsari,26, said

Wednesdayshewas overjoyedafter giving birthbycesareansection Feb.26.

Military SeXual aSSault — Choking backtearsandinvoices edgedwithrage, twowomenandamanwho servedinthe U.S. military tolda Senate panelWednesdayhowthey wererapedbysuperiorsand thenridiculed orignoredbymilitaryofficialsfrom whomtheysought

help. The threeformerservice members, thefirstmilitarysexualas-

ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337

sault victimsto testifybeforea Senate panel, describeda pervasive culture ofharassmentanddangerinwhich victimshadlittle orno redress.


AIZheimer'S drugS — TheFoodandDrug Administration plansto loosenthe rulesforapproving newtreatmentsfor Alzheimer'sdisease.

Theproposal,publishedonlineW ednesdayinTheNew EnglandJournal of Medicine, couldhelp millions of peopleatriskof developing the


disease byspeeding thedevelopmentandapproval ofdrugsthatmight slowor preventit.

Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 CirculationandOperations KeithFoutz.........................541-385-5805 Finance Holly West...........541-383-0321

NeW YOrk Shuuthlg —A manneighbors saidrarelyspoke to them started a fire inhis upstate NewYorkapartmenton Wednesday, shotfour people deadata couple ofbusinesses inhis hometown and

HumanResources TraciDonaca......................541-383-0327

a neighboring village and then exchanged gunfire with police officers

who surrounded anabandonedbuilding where heapparently was


holedup, authorities said. Atleast one officer returned fire, andlater itwas unknownif the 64-year-old suspect, Kurt Myers, was stillalive.

Business............................541-383-0360 City DeskJosephOitzler.....541-383-0367 CommunityLife, Health Julie Johnson.....................541-383-0308 Editorials Richard Coe......541-383-0353 Family, At Home Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 News Editor JanJordan....541-383-0315 Photos DeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 Sporls BillBigelow.............541-383-0359

Later, police spokesmanJack Keller said the troopers andlocal police would watch the building allnight under the assumption that Myers was stillalive.

Iran planS"ArgO" Suit —Iranis planning to sueHollywood over the Oscar-winning"Argo" becauseofthe movie'sallegedly"unrealistic portrayal" ofthe country, Iranianmediareported Tuesday.Several news outlets, including the pro-reform Sharghdaily, said Frenchlawyer Isabelle Coutant-Peyreis inlranfor talkswith officials over howand

whereto filethelawsuit. Sheisalsothe lawyer fornotorious Venezuelan-bornterroristllich Ramirez Sanchez, knownas Carlos the Jackal. — From wirereports

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CORRECTIONS The Bulletin'sprimaryconcernisthatall storiesareaccurate. Ifyouknowofan errorinastory,callusat541-383-0358.

Afire stillburns Wednesdayin Perot Bayin Lafourche Parish, La., afteratugboatandbarge hita gas pipeline Tuesdayevening about30miles south of New Orleans.

The Coast Guard sprayedwater to keepthe oil-ladenbarge cool Wednesday while waiting for the huge fire nearby to burnitself out. The Coast Guard said pipeline owner Chevron shutoff the flow of gas to thearea, but what's left in the 19-mile section of pipeline could fuel the fire until todayor later. Petty Officer William Colclaugh said Chevronbegan a process


Wednesdayto injectnitrogen gas into the pipeline inhopes of extinguish-

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Oregon Lottery results Aelistedatwww.oregonlottery.org



QSQ9QzsQ 32Q3s The estimated jackpot is now $216 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Wednesday night are

09016026041046047 The estimated jackpot is now $12 million.

accidentsite, water wasbeing sprayedonthebargefromasafe distance to keep its 92,000-gallon crude oil cargo fromigniting. — The Associated Press




ing the blaze, butit was unclear howsoon thatmightaffect the fire. At the


The numbers drawn Wednesday night are:



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Police blamed indeaths during Egyptian revolt



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Part of the force also is protesting what some officers see as an attempt by Morsi's Muslim Brotherhoodto control the force. The Brotherhood denies the charge. TheInterior Ministry, which controls the police, has repeatedly rejected charges that it bore responsibility for thekillings in Cairo and other cities during the 18-day uprising that began on Jan. 25, 2011, and ended w it h M u b arak stepping down. In c ontrast, the pro-democracy activists behind the uprising have long maintainedthatpolice were to blame. Mubarak and el-Adly, the second most powerful figure after the ousted leader, were convicted and sentenced to life in jail in June 2012 for failing to stop the killings, but the two have successfully appealed their convictions. The six top police commanders put on trial with Mubarakand el-Adly — including the head of security in Cairo and the commander of the riot police — were acquittedof charges related to the k i l lings. The prosecution appealed that verdictandanewtrialoftheeight will startnextmonth. The report w a s s u bmitted to Morsi and the nation's top prosecutor late last year. Morsi, Egypt's f i rst f r eely elected president, has repeatedly vowed to seek retribution for the victims of the revolution and has orderedpensions and monetary compensation for families of the dead and wounded.


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TheAssociatedPress CAIRO — The highest-level inquiryintothedeathsofnearly900protestersin Egypt'suprising has concluded that police were behind nearly all the killings and used snipers on rooftops overlooking Cairo's Tahrir Squaretoshootintothe hugecrowds. The report, parts of which w ere obtained by T h e A s sociated Press, is the most authoritative and s w eeping account of the killings anddetermines that the deadly force used could only have been authorized by Hosni Mubarak's security chief, with the ousted president's fullknowledge. The report of the fact-finding commission, created by Islamist President M ohammed Morsi, could weigh heavily in the upcoming retrial of Mubarak, as well as his security chief, former Interior Minister Habibel-Adly, andsixtop police commanders. Itis likely also to fuel calls for reforming the powerful security forces and lead to prosecutions of members ofthepoliceforce. The findings were leaked a t a sensitive time for t h e country's police. Still hated by most Egyptians, the force is in upheaval, with segments of police on strike and its chief, Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim, pleading not to drag it into politics. The force is also facing a challenge from Islamist groups threatening to set up "popular committees" to fill what they call a security vacuum created bythe police strike.



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Find the summer's hottest activities for kids in this guide. Summer is the time of the year kids look forward to most. It is when they are free to explore, play and be who they want to be. The Summer Youth Activity Guide provides parents with information about the youthoriented programs that take place in Central Oregon — from away-from-home camps to daytime activities, sports to arts and crafts. There's no excuse to have bored kids at home. Find what suits them best in The Bulletin's Summer Youth Activity Guide

PubliShing Date: Friday, April 12


One of life's greatest accomplishments, high school graduation, is celedrated in this annual publication. Every Central Oregon high school graduate is listed in this annual publication profiling each of the area's high school graduating classes. Graduates and parents alike look forward to this keepsake publication, which includes the names and photos of Central Oregon's newest graduates. Congratulations Graduates!

PudliShing Date: Wednesday, June12





TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Thursday, March14, the 73rd day of 2013. There are 292 days left in the year.




Human ancestors

PhOneS —Samsung Electronics unveils a successor to its top-selling Galaxy S III


paid mind

GtttlS —The Senate Judiciary Committee considers the re-

newal of an assault weapons ban and restrictions on maga-

to fashion

zine sizes.

HISTORY Highlight:In1923, President

Offshore deposits of methane hydrate are a promising but little-understood energy source, experts say. The environmental impact would appear to be mixed, however.

Warren G.Harding becamethe first chief executive to file an income tax return, paying a tax of $17,990 on his $75,000 salary. In1794, Eli Whitney received

a patent for his cotton gin, an invention that revolutionized America's cotton industry. In1885, the Gilbert and Sullivan

comicopera"TheMikado" premiered at theSavoyTheatre in London. In1900, Congress ratified the Gold Standard Act. In1932, photography pioneer

George Eastman,founder of EastmanKodakCo.,died byhis own hand at age 77 in Rochester, N.Y. In1939, the republic of Czecho-

slovaki awasdissolved,opening the way for Nazi occupation

of Czechareasandthe separation of Slovakia. In1951,during the Korean War,

United Nations forces recaptured Seoul. In1962, Democrat Edward M. Kennedy officially launched in

Boston his successful candidacy for the U.S. Senate seat

from Massachusetts onceheld by his brother, President John

F. Kennedy.(Edward Kennedy served in the Senate for nearly

47 years.) In1964, a jury in Dallas found

Jack Rubyguilty of murdering Lee Harvey Oswald, the ac-

cused assassin of President John F.Kennedy,and sentenced him to death. (Both the convic-

tion and deathsentencewere later overturned, but Ruby died

before hecould beretried.) In1967,the body of President

John F.Kennedy wasmoved from a temporary grave toa

By Hiroko Tabuchi

Corp., or JOGMEC, the staterun company leading the trial T OKYO — Ja p a n s a i d extraction. Tuesday that it had extracted The team will continue the gas from o f fshore deposits trial extraction for about two of methane hydrate — someweeks before analyzing how times called "flammable ice" much gas has been produced, — a breakthrough that offiJOGMEC said. Japan hopes cials and experts said could be to make the extraction techa step toward tapping a promnology commercially viable in ising but still little-understood about five years. energy source. It is unclear how much the The gas, whose extraction tapping of methane hydrate from the u ndersea hydrate would affect Japan's emisreservoir was thought to be a sions or global warming. On world first, could provide an one hand, natural gas would alternative source of energy JOGMEC via New York Times News Service provide a cleaner alternative to known oil and gas reserves. Gas flames appear from a burner on a deep-sea drilling vessel tap- to coal, which still provides Thatcouldbe crucial especially ping methane hydrate in the Pacific off the coast of central Japan. Japan with a fifth of its prifor Japan, which is the world's Japan said on Tuesday that it had extracted gas from the undersea mary energy needs. But new biggest importer of liquefied hydrate, a breakthrough for the energy-poor nation. energy sources could a l so natural gas and is engaged in prompt Japan to slow its devela public debate about whether opment ofrenewable energies to resume the country's heavy early2000s to explore offshore Tuesday morning. The ship or green technologies, hurting reliance on nuclear power. methane hydratereserves in has been drilling since Janu- its emissions in the long run. Experts estimate that the both the Pacific and the Sea of ary in an area of the Pacific Any accidental release of large carbon found in gas hydrates Japan. That task has become about 1,000 meters deep and amounts of methane during w orldwide t o tals a t le a s t all the more pressing after the 80 kilometers, or 50 m i les, the extraction process would twice the amount of carbon Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear south of the Atsumi Peninsula also be harmful. in all of the earth's other fos- crisis, which has all but halted in central Japan. JOGMEC estimates t h at Japan's nuclear energy prosil fuels, making it a potential With specialized equipment, the surrounding area in the game-changer fo r e n e rgy- gram and caused a sharp in- the team drilled into and then Nankai s u bmarine t r o ugh poor countries lik e J apan. crease in the country's fossil lowered the pressure in the holds at least 1.1 trillion cubic Researchers had already suc- fuel imports. Japan's rising undersea methane h y drate meters, or 39 trillion cubic feet, cessfully extracted gas from energy bill has weighed heav- reserve, causing the methane of methane hydrate, enough to onshore methane hydrate res- ily on its economy, helping to and ice to separate. It then meet 11 years' worth of gas imervoirs but not from beneath push it to a trade deficit and piped the natural gas to the ports to Japan. the seabed, where much of the reducing the benefits of the re- surface, the ministry said in a A separate rough estimate world's deposits are thought cently weaker yen to Japanese statement. by the National Institute of Adto lie. exporters. Hours later, a flare on the vanced Industrial Science and ship's stern showed that gas Technology has put the total The exact properties of unThe Japanese Ministry of dersea hydrates and how they Economy, Trade and Industry was being produced, the min- amount of methane hydrate in might affect the environment said a team aboard the scien- istry said. the waters surrounding Japan "Japan could finally have at more than 7 trillion cubic are still p oorly understood, tific drilling ship Chikyu had given that methane is a green- started a trial extraction of an energy source to call its meters, or what researchers house gas. gas from a layer of methane own," said Takami Kawamoto, have long said is closer to 100 Japanhas investedhundreds hydratesabout 300 meters, or a spokesman for the Japan years' worth of Japan's natural of millions of dollars since the 1,000 feet, below the seabed Oil, Gas and Metals National gas needs. New Yorlz Times News Service

permanent memorial site at Arlington National Cemetery. In1980, a LOT Polish Airlines jet crashed while attempting

to landin Warsaw, killing all 87 people aboard, including 22 members of aU.S. amateur boxing team.

In1991,a British court overturned the wrongful convictions of the "Birmingham Six," who

had spent16 years in prison for a1974 Irish Republican Army bombing, and ordered them

released. Ten yearsogo:Actor Robert Blake wasreleased from jail on $1.5 million bail, 11 months af-

ter he wasarrested on charges of murdering his wife, Bonny Lee Bakley. (Blakewas later acquitted at trial.)

Fiveyearsogo:Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama denouncedinflammatory remarks from his pastor, the

Rev. JeremiahWright. Protests led by Buddhist monks in Tibet turned violent, leading to an

extensive crackdown byChina's military. Lindsey Vonn completed the first American sweep of the overall World Cup titles in 25 years, a day after Bode Miller

wonhis second overall crown in Bormio, Italy. One yearogo:President Barack Obamaand his wife, Michelle, hosted a White House state dinner for British Prime Minister

David Cameronandhis wife, Samantha. Earlier, the two leadersannounced thatNATO

forces would handover the lead combat role in Afghanistan to Afghan forces in 2013 as the

U.S. and its allies aimed toget out by the end of 2014.

BIRTHDAYS Comedian Billy Crystal is 65. Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla., is 65. Prince Albert II, the ruler of

Monaco, is 55. Actress Laila Robins is 54. Actress Tamara Tunie is 54.. Actress Grace

Park is 39. Actor Jamie Bell is 27. — From wire reports

By Michael Baiter ScienceNOW


Facebook preferencesfound to be revealing The Associated Press LONDON — Clicking those friendly blue "like" buttons strewn across the Web may be doing more than marking you as a fan of Coca-Cola or Lady

Gaga. It could out you as gay. It might reveal how you vote. It might even suggest that you're an unmarried introvert with a high IQ and a weakness for nicotine. That's the conclusion of a studypublished Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. Researchers reported analyzing the likes of more than 58,000 American Facebook users to make guesses about their personalities and behavior, and even whether they drank, smoked, or did

drugs. Facebook launched its like button in 2009, and the small thumbs-up symbol has since become ubiquitous onthe social network and common across the rest of the Web as well. Facebook said last year that roughly 2.7 billion new likes pour out onto the Internet every day — endorsing everything from pop stars to soda pop. That means an ever-expanding pool of data available to marketers, managers, and just about anyone else interested in users' inner lives, especially those who aren't careful about their privacy settings. C ambridge University r esearcher David Stillwell and

his colleagues scooped up a bucketful of that data in the way that many advertisers do — through apps. Millions of Facebook users have surveyed their own personal traits using applications including a program called myPersonality. His study zeroed in on the

58,466 U.S. test takers who had also volunteered access to their likes. When researchers crunched the "like" data and compared their results to answers given in the personality test, patterns emerged in nearly every direction. The study found that Facebook likes were linked to sexual orientation, gender, age, ethnicity, IQ, religion, politics and cigarette, drug, or alcohol use. The likes also mapped to relationship status, number of Facebook friends,as well as half a dozen different personality traits. Some likes were more revealingthan others.Researchers could correctly distinguish between users who identified themselves as black or white 95 percent of the time. That success rate dropped to a still impressive 88 percent when trying to guess whether a male user was homosexual, and to 85 percent when telling Democrats from Republicans. Identifying drug users was far trickier — researchers got that right only 65 percent of the time, a result scientists generally describe as poor. The linkages ranged from the self-evident to the surreal. Men who liked TV song-anddance sensation "Glee" were more likely to be gay. Men who liked professional wrestling were more likely to be straight. Drinking g ame a f icionados were generally more outgoing than, say, fans of fantasy novelist Terry Pratchett. People who preferred pop diva Jennifer Lopez usuallygathered more Facebook friends than those who favored the heavy metal sound of Iron Maiden. Among the more poignant

insights was the apparent preoccupation of children of divorce with relationship issues. For example, those who expressedsupport for statements such as "Never Apologize For What You Feel It's Like Saying Sorry For Being Real" or "I'm The Type Of Girl Who Can Be

So Hurt But Still Look At You & Smile" were slightly more likely to have seen their parents split before their 21st birthday. Some of the patterns were difficult to u nderstand: The link between curly fries and

high IQ scores was particularly baffling.

The 2 0 1 3 A c a demy Awards were, as always, as much about making appearances as about making films, as red carpet watchers noted fashion trends and faux pas. Of course, no actress would be caught dead wearing the same style two years in a row. A new study of ancient beaded jewelry from a South African cave finds that ancient humans were no different, avoiding outdated styles as early as 75,000 years ago. Personalornaments, often in the form of beads worn as necklaces or bracelets, are considered by a r chaeolo-

gists as a key sign of sophisticated symbolic behavior, communicating either membership in agroup or individual identity. Such ornaments are ubiquitous in so-called Upper Paleolithic sites in Europe beginning about 40,000 years ago, where they were made from many different materials — animal and human teeth, bone and ivory, stone, and mollusk shells — and often varied widely among regions and sites. Even more ancient personal ornaments go back to at least 100,000 years ago in Africa and the Near East. But this earlier jewelry seems lessvariable and was nearly always made from mollusk shells. In a new study in the Journal of Human Evolution, a team led by archaeologist Marian Vanhaeren of the University of Bordeaux in France claims to have found evidence of a relatively sudden shift in the way that shell beads were strung. The beads were found at Blombos Cave in South Africa in archaeological layers dated between 75,000 and 72,000 years ago, during a time period marked by four distinct layers of artifacts called the Still Bay tradition.

"In the lower (older) lay-

ers, the shells hang free on a string with their flat, shiny

(sides) against each other," Vanhaeren says. But like all fashions, that one didn't last long: In the two upper, younger layers, "the shells are knotted together two by two, with their shiny side up."

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omin o ri swi new,a norma wea er By Rick Montgomery The Kansas City Star

K ANSAS CITY, M o . Those drought-damaged evergreens? Midwest climatologists say to expect more in the years ahead. And the surreal mounds of snow now hiding shrubs that barely survived summer's heat in Kansas City? Get used to that, too. It seems contradictory, this weird weather whiplash. But just consider the last couple of years in the nation's midsection. Floods unleashed by record inflows into the Missouri River basin in early 2011. Then sudden and prolonged

dryness. Now 20 to 25 inches of snow heaped on Kansas City in the most dramatic, back-to-back s macking delivered by a n y winter week that many can recall. Yet to experts who study climate change models, it makes sense. Think extreme. L ike eve r y t hin g el s e about the 21st century, Midwest weather in the coming age could be set on sensory overload. Crispier summers. Fewer but heavier snowfalls. Thunderstorms more intense, bursting between slightly longer arid periods. Crop yields that bounce from boom to bust and

back. "The cutting edge in climate research is i n u n d erstanding these extremes," said Bob Oglesby, professor of atmospheric sciences at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. "The

(climate) models suggest we'll be getting more of them ... and now we think we're beginning to see it in reality." No weather event or bizarre season or even stubborn twoyear drought proves anything about a warming planet. Even a " superstorm," th e n e w s media's term for H u r ricane Sandy after it dropped from hurricane status, could wind up being a once-in-a-lifetime affair for the New York City region. That is the hope, ofcourse. But 2012 was, for America, the overall warmest year ever recorded. And many scientists see the snows that just buried the Midwest as being consistent with l ong-term climate models that predict more severe swings, and extended periods of extreme, to come. The latest thinking is partly based on a study published last year in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. It pins "extreme weather events that result from prolonged conditions" on a jet stream that in recent decades has become slower and wavier, with higher ridges and steeper troughs.

How extreme is extreme? Researchers Jennifer Francis and Stephen Vavrus determined that polar warmth melting Arctic ice also was altering the paceand course ofwest -toeast weather systems around the Northern Hemisphere. Picture a weather pattern in the belly of a python rather than gliding along a smoothbending highway. As the jet stream gets loopier, dry spells may stick around longer, the research suggests, and cold blasts may linger. (Recall that just two years ago in Kansas City, at least 3 inches of snow covered the ground for about a month, practically unheard

of.) When a storm system bulges up, it's apt to barge through this jet stream with pent-up abandon. Francis and Vavrus noted: "As autumn freeze-up begins, the extra solar energy absorbed duringsummer inthese vast new expanses of open water (from melting sea ice) is releasedto the atmosphere as heat, thus raising the question of not whether the large-scale atmospheric circulation will be affected, but how?" In the Plains region and the Midwest — w h ere extreme weather comes with the territory — the question becomes: How extreme can extreme

get? Can the Midwest count on more tornado seasons arriving in February rather than March, as th e r esidents of Branson, Mo., and tiny Harveyville, Kan., witnessed last winter? Or will 2013 feel nothing like 2012, which didn't act

"The cutting edge in climate research is in understanding these extremes. The (climate)

we feel little effect." Only when the pot gets too hot will we be certain of the effects, he said, and then it will — Bob Oglesby, professor of atmospheric sciences, University of Nebraska-Lincoln be too late. Oglesby, the climate scientist in Nebraska, also cautioned against anyone jumping to climate change conclusions from a single "superstorm" in the East or a freaky six days of winter here, even in the midst of a freakier drought. "In our part of the country, the only thing separating warm currents from the Gulf of Mexico and cold air from the Arctic is a barbed wire fence. It's easy to have clashing air masses" and constantly shifting extremes, he said. Still, Kansas State Univers ity geographer John H a rJill Toyoshiba/ Kansas City Star Keith Myers/ Kansas City Star rington said it makes sense to It took two days and more than 50 trucks to put out a lightningMissouri River floodwaters covered farm fields just south of the expect a gradual shift toward strike fire that torched about six hundred acres of land in and lowa border after massive flooding in August of 2011. Drought-like Kansas City winters bringing around Kanopolis State Park in Kansas in July 2012. conditions followed in 2012. heavier snowstorms, if fewer snow events. . /' Under models of w armer air and swelling seas, "winter 7 nr. ~ ' . storms are juicier," he said. r ,'PQ Yet away from coastal cities, where much of the r eIj search on futurethreats has been focused, any variety of man-made factors can tweak l the long-term climate. IJ 1 I' In Kansas, for example, "ir ~ rsI Ii i i ]] ! iiI i" jLrg ft tW rigation has a cooling effec t, I we know t hat," Harringto ivt Nga' i. satd. Il( Urban sprawl, industrializa tion and deforestation producneI warming effects. "We've learned that loca David Euhtt/ Kansas City Star Todd Feeback/ Kansas City Star A Kansas City, Mo., city snow plow clears a road during heavy The OzarkMountain Inn in Branson, Mo.,was heavily damaged by people, particularly grow snowfall that blanketed the metro area last month. a tornado in February 2012. ers, want to get all the data he added. "But they're hear ing mixed messages and the It reawakens in the 1950s, that hurricanes indeed could don't know who to trust." Recent stormsease drought in middle of U.S. then returns to rest until 1980 decrease in number over the The regional climatologist s ST. LOUIS — Recent rain and snowstorms have eased the grip or thereabouts. long haul — as might Midagree that Kansas and Mis of the worst U.S. drought in decades in portions of the nation's After that, it's mostly all up. western thunderstorms and souri on their own can't d 0 midsection, swelling somemajor inland rivers to near flood stage Last year — with fires spread- snow events, for that matter. much to crank down the stove and drenching somefarmland enough to possibly delay fast-aping in the West, drought crack- But when extreme weather beneath a really big pot. proaching spring planting. ing the heartland and flash does strike, it is likely to hit But planners and policy But climatologists caution that the moisture — ablessing after floods hitting the Southeastern with more ferocity due to a ba- makers might do some good t a disastrous, bone-dry 2012 across much of the nation's Corn 0s states — the Climate Extremes sic meteorological truth. avoid assuming any season i Belt — doesn't signal the end of the stubborn drought still with a "A warmer a t m osphere apt to be normal. Index hit a nationwide record hold on more than half the continental U.S. high of 46. That's 46 percent draws more moisture to fall Their focus from here o What happens in the next couple of months, they said, could be of the country battling the ex- out of the sky," said Univer- should be preparing for an more telling. That's when the frozen ground will thaw and water tremes, more than double the sity of Kansas researcher Jo- mitigating against disasters that had beenrunning off into the Mississippi or Missouri rivers nr century-long norm. hannes Feddema. not just reacting when the ex and their tributaries could sink in. "You can't say any of these NOAA furthered its quest tremes happentoarrive. The latest precipitation "is certainly helping, because a lot to quantify "extreme" and find storms are linked to global Said Oglesby: "Hope fo of it is falling in the heart of the worst drought areas," National common causes by commisw arming. Yo u c a n 't . Y o u the best, but expect the worst. Climatic Data Center scientist Mike Brewer said Monday. "It's sioning scientists worldwide can only look to a pattern of Yeah, it's a c l iche. But it s helping to mitigate the impacts of the drought (by helping fill farm to analyze disasters of 2011. change over many years. where we are." ponds and reservoirs), but it's not necessarily helping the agricul"Think in terms of a boilThey e x amined i n t ense tural side of things right now. It's not getting into the soil, where it drought that plagued Texas ing water pot — the bigger the needs to go." that year an d c a tastrophic pot, the longer it takes to heat Right now, hesaid, "you havethat persistent blob of excepflooding in Thailand. A report up. We started turning up the tional drought hanging out over the Plains." last summer determined that stove under a really big pot But it appears to be a blob that's shrinking, ever so slowly. Just the global buildup of greenabout 50 years ago, increasing over half of the continental U.S. remains in someform of drought house gases made the Texas CO, emissions, and initially — the lowest level since last June and down12 percentage points drought 20 t imes as l i kely C A P I T A L S T tt A T E G I E S from the drought's peak in September. to happen as in previous deThe Mississippi River has beenrising after sinking so low that cades, but no link was found barge traffic from St. Louis south about180 miles to Cairo, III., between man-made warming AISy'XRDvta ,ot s» had been threatened.Twosnowstorms and adrenching rain now «sIo, and rising Thai waters. I~ s Klevation Capital Strategies have somestretches of the Mississippi approaching flood stage. n t r rvr r e tr f e ty l es The National Weather Service said Monday the river was at 24.3 400 SW BluA Drive Suite 101 Bend Always fickle Retire with us Today! feet in Clarksville, Mo.— Iess than a foot below technical flood Main: 541-728-0321 You might consider the data stage — andexpected to rise to nearly 2 feet aboveflood stage by 541-312-9690 www.elevationcapital.biz w ringing a b i t t o r tured Wednesday. Clarksville is about 70 miles north of St. Louis. couldn't extreme conditions — The Associated Press just happen? W eather, in th e end, r e.' "'t, mains fickle and unpredictable. Plenty of meteorologists and other scientists question the purpose of a t t r ibuting droughts, blizzards and hurricanes to overarching, univer';ret sal trends. The website of the Missouri I ." n Climate Center ha s n o t ed above-normal p a r t icipation for January and pointed out "numerous occasions, both in temperature and precipitation, where Missouri transitioned from one extreme to another „~ ~ a,~ dtvfs ~ e in a short period of time." A John Badman /TheAssociated Press dry 1901, for example, became Horses stand outside stables at Beverly Farm in Godfrey, III., a soggy 1902. as a major snow storm blows through the area last month. And the link between cliRecent rain and snowstorms have eased the drought in the mate change and hurricanes nation's Corn Belt, but climatologists caution that the muchhas been debated since Kaneeded moisture could be fleeting. trina raged through the Mississippi Delta in 2005.

models suggest we'll be getting more of them ... and now we think we're beginning to see it in reality."

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"If global warming is having

much like 2011? "We could be heading into a period that shows more variability from year to year, or a stretch of a few years being unusual," said University of Missouri climate scientist Tony Lupo. Over the long run, "maybe abnormal is normal," he said. The nation's efforts to measure, monitor and p ossibly predict "extremes" gathered steam in 1995 when an office of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration rolled out the U.S. Climate Extremes Index.

Relying upon data going back to 1910, the goal was to chart historical patterns for very high or very low temperatures, long stretches of drought, one-day bursts of

precipitation and the frequency of tropical storms. All weather out of the ordinary, diced and bundled annually to show how much of the country suffered one way or another. To use a football field analogy, the U.S. Climate Extremes Index disregards the middle 80 yards of weather, said Jake Crouch of the NOAA's National Climatic Data Center: "The values of the 10-yard lines and less, on both sides of the field, are what we'd take into account asbeing extreme." Plotting t h ese e x t remes through th e 2 0t h c e ntury, the index reveals a pattern of

any effect on hurricanes, it's making them less frequent," saidJames Taylor,a seniorfellow for environmental policy for the Heartland Institute. The conservative thinktank links warming to natural, cyclical causes and denounces claims that man-made carbon dioxide emissions are the culprit. After all, the New England region devastated by Superstorm Sandy has been hit by hurricanes only twice, by NOAA's count, since the late 1970s — when global temperatures began their rapid climb. By comparison, three hurricanes struck the area in generally high but jagged ac- the decade of the 1890s and tivity until the 1940s — when three more hit between 1954 extreme weather appears to and 1960. take a nap. Climate scientists a g ree

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ort o rea insu ts out s resi ent New York Times News Service S EOUL, South K or ea North Korea issued a direct personal attack on the South's new president for the first time since her i nauguration two weeks ago, saying on Wednesday that her "venomous swish of skirt" was to blame for rising tensions on the Korean Peninsula. The insult directed at President Park Geun-hye, the first woman to hold the office, added a curious sartorial element to the verbal barrage North Korea has been mounting since

the United States and the South began a joint military exercise on March I, followed by a new round of sanctions imposed by the U.N. Security Council. "This frenzy kicked up by the South Korean warmongers is in no way irrelevant, with the venomous swish of skirt made bythe one who again occupies" the presidential Blue House, t he North's Ministry of t h e People's Armed Forces said in a statement, referring to Park. She returned tothe residence as president on Feb. 25, about 33 yearsafter her father, the

former President Park Chunghee, was assassinated. The statement, which was carried by the North's official Korean Central News Agency, reiterated that the North would not give up its nuclear weapons, calling them a guarantee of security against the United States. "Warmongers would be well advised to keep in mind that the DPRK is no longer restrained" by the 1953 Korean War armistice, which the North said it had nullified on Monday, the statement continued, using the

Distraction Continued from A1 One reason, said Veronica Galvan, an assistant professor of psychology at the University of San Diego and the lead author of the study, is the brain's desire to fill in the blanks. "If you only hear one person speaking, you're constantly trying to place that part of the conversation in context," Galvan said. "That's naturally going to draw your attention away from whatever else you're trying to do." It is also a control thing, Galvan and her colleagues said. When peopleare trapped next to a o ne-sided conversation — known nowadays as a "halfalogue" — their anger rises in the same way it does in other situations where they are not free to leave, like waiting for a train. "If you're waiting in line and someone behind you is talking on a cellphone, you're kind of stuck there," she said, "and you can havea psychologicalstress response." Not that you have to feel stressed to find cellphones disruptive. Students in a 2010 Cornell study had trouble completing modest tasks, like tracking a dot on a screen with a cursor, while listening to a tape of a one-sided conversation, even though they knew the conversation was the focus of the study. The 149 students in Galvan's study did not know the side conversations were part of the research; 15 students who did figure it out were not counted in the results. And while their ability to solve the anagrams was not noticeably impeded, the students listening to the halfalogues scored h i g her when rating themselves on

Flight Continued from A1 "We're u nder t h e g u n , for sure," Lee said. "We're not waiting for the phone to ring. Over the last 24 hours, w e've c a l le d a b o u t 15 0 companies." American has agreed to start service from Redmond Airport to Los A ngeles International Airport i n J u ne if the prepaid ticket pledge is met. The 50-seat commuter flight would leave Redmond e ach morning a n d r e t u r n from L.A. in the evening, Lee said. Central Oregon residents haven't had a direct flight to L.A. since Horizon Air ended service in mid-2010, four years after starting it. EDCO and other business groups have been working to bring L.A. flights back to the region. A group of local business leaders formed to advocate formore air travel options and helped Redmond Airport secure a $ 5 00,000 U.S. Department of T r ansportation grant in August for the effort. B ut th e eight- d ay fundraising window came as a surprise. Late last year, American A irlines told EDCO it w a s

New York Times News Serwce

Scientists have found that overheard cellphone conversations are far more distracting and annoying than a dialogue between two people nearby. a "distractibility scale." They also said that they remembered more specifics from the conversation, which was the same script in both cases (a theater professor was enlisted to facilitate the deception). The brain simply can't ignore a stream of desultory new information, said Lauren Emberson, the postdoctoral associate at the University of Rochester, New York, who led the Cornell study when she was working there. "Our brains are set up to focus on things that are novel or unexpected," Emberson said. "When you're listening to one half of a conversation, every new utterance is a surprise, so you're forced to constantly predict what's going to happen next." Because it is next to impossible to tune out a nearby cellphone conversation, people subjected to them often believe — incorrectly — that the talker is being abnormally loud, according to findings from a 2004 study from the University of York, England. Sixty-four com-

muters were exposed to the same conversation at different volume levels, half as a cellphone call and half as a faceto-face talk. On average, the commuters thought the mobile phone talkers were louder, even when they were not. "When you stare at a light, it seems brighter," said Emberson. "And when you can't not pay attention to a noise, it seems louder." That senseofbeing subjected to something unavoidable and unpleasant has turned public cellphone conversations into a flash point. "When you are overhearing some stranger's inane cellphone conversation, your brain has to work a lot harder at what you're doing, and it interferes with your ability to focus on other things," said Amy Alkon, a syndicated columnist who wrote a book about manners called "I See Rude People." "It gives you what I call a 'neural itching.'" Though surveys have repeat-

initials for the North's formal name, the Democratic People's Republic of Korea. In the high-strung language that North K o rean o fficial statements often adopt at times of tension with th e outside world, sexism and personal vitriol are not uncommon. The country once called Hillary Clinton, the former U.S. secretary of state, a "minister in a skirt," and it deemed various senior U.S. and South Korean officials to be "human scum," "war maniacs" and "running


Americans'pet peeves, there are indications that the problem is easing — or,perhaps, that people are starting to accept that all this yakking is the new reality. In 2006, 82 percent of Americans said they were at least occasionally annoyed by cellphone conversations in public. In 2012, that number dropped to 74 percent. Alkon attributes the drop to a rising rejection of the behavior. "People are starting to recognize that it's really rude to force other people to listen to your conversation," she said,

"especially in places where you're trapped, like a train or a doctor's office." It is a feeling familiar to anyone who has tried to read, work or even just relax on public transportation. Geoff Huntting, a marketing executive from New Canaan, Conn., says his hour-plus commute to Manhattan is often tarnished by a cellphone talker. Like the students in Galvan's study, he said he could still remember the details of an

annoying halfalogue he overheard more than a month ago. "This girl in her late 20s was

complainingto herboyfriend or

significant other — at full volume for the entire ride — about this other girl at work who was trying to score points with the boss or something," said Huntting,38. To be fair, he said, the train is also frequently filled with loud, intoxicated Yankee fans heading home after a game. But he somehow finds it easier to tune out those conversations. "It's loud, but it's less annoying than hearing this onand-off c omplaining a b out something you can't put into context," he said. "It's not even edly placed public cellphone a conversation — it's prattle, it's c onversations at the top o f just noise."

Continued from A1 He relented after Attorney General Eri c H o lder said in a letter that the answer is "No." W yden w a s t h e o n l y D emocratic senator w h o p articipated i n Pau l ' s filibuster. "I think this debate is just

beginning," Wyden said Wednesday. Once he h as had time to review the OLC memos more thoroughly, he will have more to say about their content, he said. Wyden's remarks came at an event sponsored by Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington titled " OL C M e m oranda: D oes U .S . S e cret L a w Threaten Our Democracy?" The event was part of Sunshine Week, a week dedicated to highlighting transparency (or lack thereof) in government. W yden i n t r o duced a panel that i n cluded New York Times reporter Charlie Savage, who has sued the O b am a a d m i n istration u nder t h e F r eedom o f Information Ac t a f t er the government refused to disclose the OLC memos, and Jameel Jaffer,deputy legal director of the American Civil Liberties Union, which has also sued the administration for disclosure of information surrounding its drone policies. The government o f t en has legitimate reasons for withholding in f o r m ation from th e p u b lic, W y d en said, and he is not asking it to reveal operational information that would compromise national security or put the lives of intelligence operatives at risk. But secret operations are different from secretlaw, he said. " Our l aws, w h ic h a r e public, are secretly reinterpreted behind closed doors by a small number of government officials without public scrutiny. When that kind of thing happens, you are more likely to end up w ith th e g overnment i n terpreting the law in ways that the American people will be, in many instances, r eluctant t o a c c ept," h e sa>d. For example, the George W. B us h a d m i nistration approved torture and warrantless wiretap programs without public d ebate or input, he said. The Bush administration's OLC memos justifying torture remained secret until they were released by the Obama administration in 2009. "If the (U.S.) Forest Service interprets a law in an unusual way, it is likely to become public very quickly. If the CIA or (National Security Agency) interprets a law in an unusual fashion, it might w el l s tay secret for years. That is what has

Continued from A1 Still, Deschutes continues to gain population, unlike some other areas in the state. The Census Bureau estimates that half of Oregon's 12 micropolitan s t atistical areas lost population fr om 2010 to 2012, including the Prineville area, which consists of all of Crook County.

happened in the past," he said. "Much of that narrative involves government officials secretly deciding that the law d i dn't mean what most people thought it meant." Wyden said he has used public hearings, including Brennan's con f i r m ation hearing last month, to try to slowly expand what the public knows about secret law. Wyden asked Brennan to define the evidentiary standard required before the administration can authorize lethal force, if an American citizen must be given the c hance to s u r render b e fore he or she istargeted, and in which countries the U.S. has conducted drone strikes. "I thought hi s a n swers were exceptionally vague," Wyden said. At least three U.S. citizens were killed in drone strikes in Yemen in 2011, a lthough Th e N e w Y o r k Times reported that on ly one, Anwar al-Awlaki, was specifically targeted. Samir Kahn, amagazine editor from North Carolina, was inadvertently killed in the strike that killed al-Awlaki, and two weeks later, al-Awlaki's 16-year-old son A bdulrahman w a s al s o

killed. Jaffer said that the ACLU believes that once the OLC's c onfidential a d v ic e h a d been put into p r actice, it had been adopted as policy, and is no longer withholdable from the public. "I don't think we should be too quick to accept the government's d i s t i nction between legal counsel on one hand and operational information on t h e o t her hand, in part because the government takes a v e ry broad view of what counts as operational i n f o r mation," he said. "Sometimes, the public interest in disclosure of oper a t i onal i nformation is p r ett y significant." The government has disclosed operational i n f ormation about the May 2011 raid that killed Osama Bin Laden because i t r e c ognizes the public's right to know more aboutthe death of the man behind the 9/Il attacks, he said. I t can also be h ard t o s eparate o p erational i n formation from t h e l e gal justification in the memos, said Savage. As m o dern i ntelligence r e l ie s m o r e on computerized technology and electronic surveillance, it has become easier to "reverse engineer" legal opinions about the extent of the government's authority to conduct certain activities and figure out what the intelligence community wants to do, he said.

Airlines use them to gauge Portland, Seattle, San Frandemand for a flight at small cisco, Denver and Salt Lake airports like Redmond. City. — Reporter: 541-617-7820, — Reporter: 202-662-7456, Adding the f l i ght w o uld To buy tickets for the L.A. help many businesses reach eglucklich@bendbulletin.com aclevengerC<bendbulletin.com effort, or for questions, markets in S o uthern Calicontact EDCO at 541-388fornia and beyond, said Kyle 3236 or Central Oregon Frick, vice president of marVisitors Association at keting and sales for Mid Or541-389-8799. Interested egon Credit Union, one of the businesses or individuals businesses to donate. "We have employees that have to pledge aminimum of $2,000. travel, so having that access to the L .A . m a rket m akes sense," Frick said. "It's the top eyeing early 2014 to add a (regional) market w e d o n't flight to L .A., according to have air service to." Lee. But on March 1, the airLos Angeles International line bumped up its timeline has 84 domestic and 60 inter• No n - StOP daily flightS RDM — LAX On AmeriCan AirlineS to this summer, sparking a national nonstop flights. frenzied and abbreviated outA round-trip flight would • 50 passenger regional jets reach campaign. also give Southern Califor" Probably 80 p e rcent of nia residentsquicker access • $2 , 000 (minimum) commitment in pre-paid travel (EDCO's) efforts right now to Central Oregon, offering a are focused on this," Lee said. potential boon for local tourYour pre-paid travel card: "We have other business de- ism efforts, noted Charley velopment projects that we Miller, president and co-own• Is good for one year need to work on. Something er of Miller Lumber Co. like this hasn't really been Securing the L .A . f l i g ht • Is transferable done before." also could help offset some I n l a t e 20 0 4 , E D C O , of the losses the airport has • Applies to all American Airlines' flights Redmond A i r port o f f i cials seen over the last year. and c o m m unity leaders Allegiant Air ended its Las raised$650,000 in more than Vegas service in April, but three weeks to land two Delta added an Oakland flight. Just Air Lines flights to Salt Lake a month later, it announced City. the end of all service from The prepaid tickets are col- Redmond. lected through what's known Redmond Airport currentas an a i r line t r avel bank. ly has service to and from

Formore information







From 2011 to 2012, however, the estimates show a slight increase. Metropolitan an d m i c r opolitan areas are geographic al regions created by t h e U.S. Office of M anagement and Budget for statistical purposes. A metropolitan area has a core of 50,000 people or more,while a micro area's core has between 10,000 and 50,000 people.

Each area, whether metro or micro,consists ofone or more counties. Federal officials p eriodicallyrevise the areas and add new ones. The latest revision, released Feb. 28, changed the name of the Bend MSA to the Bend-Redmond MSA, although its boundary remained the same. — Reporter: 541-383-0360, tdoran@bendbulletin.com

Oin f O.C Om

541-388-3236 E co N Q M I c F O R



Central Oregon



A congregation shifts from its Europeancenter CANADA 15 million

North America 13 million •S •S •SS •SSSS •SSS •SSSS •SSSSSS •SSSSSS •SSSSS •SSS SSS Latin


America and the Caribbean 5F 59 million






Europe • IIimn 181 million IL s mmatmt •9




Asia Is 11 million



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• n I inn II SPAINS9 • 42 million



the Caribbean

s~ > 42millio 13 mijjionSSn


Note: Country and and continent totals are rounded to the nearest million.


Continued from A1 People jammed the Metropolitan Cathedral in Buenos Aires for a Mass for the new pope, and priests said they hadn't seen such a big crowd in decades. Bergoglio's former spokesman, Guillermo Marco, told Argentina's TN television station that the new 76-year-old pope "has enormous pastoral experience" with a humble bearing. The new pope was known for taking the subway and mingling with the poor of Buenos Aires while archbishop. That common touch was evident in the new pope's first words to the crowd. "I couldn't believe what I was seeing, when he started saying, 'Good afternoon,' just like someone saying hello to a friend," said Bishop Eugenio Lira,secretary-general of the Mexican Conference of Bishops. "He will certainly be the pope who is closest to the people of Latin America. He knows the problems of Latin America very well." Soledad Loaeza, a political scienceprofessor at the Colegio de Mexico who studies the church, said he was a logical choice. "First, Latin America is the most important region in the world for the church," but one where evangelical churches have been making inroads. "So it may also be an attempt to stop the decline in the number of Catholics." For church leaders seeking growth, instead of the aging, d eclining c o ngregations i n Europe or the United States, "there are only two regions," Loaeza said: Africa and Latin America.

Pope Continued from A1 Francis, 76, was born Jorge Mario Bergoglio. The former archbishop and cardinal from Argentina was chosen by a t wo-thirds majority o f v o t ing cardinals to be the next leader of the Roman Catholic Church's 1.2 billion followers. The new pontiff replaces Pope Benedict XVI, who resigned Feb. 28 for health reasons. Francis was a runner-up in the 2005 conclavethat chose B enedict X V I , C a r y s a i d . Francis at the time reportedly received 12 votes. " It's i m pressive that h e struck several cardinals as worthy all those years ago," said Cary. "The fact that he was still in the running is a measure of their trust in him." Francis is the first non-European pope tobe elected since Syrian-born Pope Gregory III nearly 1,300 years ago. He is the third successive non-Italian pontiff. "It is interesting he is from t he A m ericas," s ai d B u d Bunce, communications director for the Archdiocese of Portland. "I think it's a very positive sign for the church." Bunce noted that the cardinals are "pretty well internationalized" and said the cardinals logically chose a pontiff from South America, home to about 483 million Catholics, or about 40 percent of the church's faithful. Francis is the first former Jesuit priest to be elected in the church's history, a f act that the Rev. Todd Unger of St. Thomas Catholic Church in Redmond said is notable but shouldn't make much difference in the big picture. "The Jesuits get a bad rap," he said. "They've been very well received in the church for the last 20 years or so. They had some problems with leadership years ago, but those have been resolved for a num-

Nearly half of the world's Roman Catholics live in the Americas, north and south, or the Caribbean. In Cuba, parish priest Gregorio Alvarez said he believes Francis' background could lead the churchtofocus more on the ills afflicting humanity, and less on internal issues. "One hopes that the church will be closer to the problems of humankind and not only the problems of the church," Alvarez said at the Jesus of Miramar Church in a leafy western suburb of Havana, where b ells pealed f ollowing t h e announcement. "Being Latin American gives him an advantage. He understands the problems of poverty, of violence, of manipulation of the masses," Alvarez said. "All that gives him experience for the job.... He's one of the family." Even Argentine President Cristina Fernandez, a sometimes antagonist who o n ce compared Bergoglio's stands on abortion and gay rights to "medieval times and the Inquisition," offered congratulations. "It's our desire that you have a fruitful pastoral work, developing such great responsibilities in terms of justice, equality, fraternity and peace for humankind," she wrote in an open letter. Latin America has some of the world's sharpest divides between rich and poor, and Marvin Cruz, a Catholic at the Parish of the M iraculous in the Honduran capital of Tegucigalpa, said the pope's "main challenge will b e t h e f i ght against economic inequality." "His training as a Jesuit will allow him to take it head on," Cruz said.

ber of years." The new p o ntiff's name choice was exciting news for students and teachers at St. Francis School in Bend. "I'm impressed he chose Francis," said head teacher Lauren Houslet. "St. Francis of Assisi had such a great message. If that's the message we can expect the new pope to bring, it'll be fantastic." She saidthenewpope's South American roots make him an interesting choice. "I'm personally just thrilled they chose someone from South America because his viewpoint is definitely going to be worldwide." St. Francis of Assisi is well k nown fo r r e nouncing h i s family's wealth and choosing to live in poverty, Cary said. "While living in poverty he had an inexplicable joy and was known for preaching the gospel joyfully," he said. Cary noted several other saints named Francis also provide an inspirational message to Catholics. "St. Francis Xavier was a Jesuit priest who lived in the 1500s in Spain," he said. "He wanted to t ake th e Gospel worldwide and went to India, Japan and died on the outskirts of China." St. Francis d e S a les, a Frenchman also born in the 1500s, is another possibility as inspiration for Francis' name, Cary said. "St. Francis de Sales, who is the patron saint here, is known for bringing former Catholics back into the church," he said. A resurgence in "new evangelism," or bringing former Catholics back into the church, was a focus for both Benedict and Pope John Paul II, Bunce said. "They were interested in evangelization t o C a t holics that may have dropped out," he said. "Hopefully Pope Francis will continue that message." — Reporter: 541-383-0376, sking@bendbultetin.com

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I IIIIIII I 36 mjljjot i sss III I



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RS SS sss OANp • SSS 5 6 14mi l . • •6 NZANI •I • SS I• •S


• ss Is Africa



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11 million


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Countries with10 million or more Catholics in 2010 are labeled individually.

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MAP KEY Ls Each square represents1 million Catholics


15 million

E RMAN . . 35mtllton • Sl I I I O I - FIFATtCE 5mlliio

100 million





277 mi8ion

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Oceania 1 m illion



Nprth Alnerica 85 mllllon

71 mtnton


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New York Times News Service

Theologically conservative,with a commontouch New York Times News Service BUENOS AIRES, Argentina — Like most of those in Argentina, he is a soccer fan, his favorite team being the underdog San Lorenzo squad. Known for his outreach to the country's poor, he gave up a palace for a small apartment, rode public transportation instead of a chauffeur-driven car and cooked his own meals. The new pope, Jorge Mario

Bergoglio (pronounced berGOAL-io), 76, will be called Francis. Chosen Wednesday

by a gathering of Catholic cardinals, he is in some ways a history-making pontiff, the first from the Jesuit order and the first non-European to fill the post in more than 1,200

gentina's current left-leaning president. He was less energetic, however, when it came to standing up to Argentina's military dictatorship during the 1970s as the country was consumed by a conflict between right and left that became known as the Dirty War. As many as 30,000

do enough to stop them. Despite the criticism, many in Argentina praise Bergoglio as a passionate defender of the poor and disenfranchised. In 2001,forinstance,hesurprised the staff of Muniz Hospital in Buenos Aires, asking for a jar of water, whichheusedtowash the feet of 12 patients hospitalpeople were d isappeared, ized with complications from tortured or killed by the dic- the virus that causes AIDS. tatorship that seized power in He then kissed their feet, tellMarch 1976 and he has been ing reporters upon exiting that widely accused of knowing "society forgets the sick and about the abuses and failing to the poor."

years. But Bergoglio is also a conventional choice, a theological conservative of I t alian ancestry who vigorously backs Vatican positions on abortion, gay marriage, the ordination of women and other leading issues of the day — leading t o heated clashes with A r -


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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5

Weather, B6



"We'll see if he stays. He came backinto Oregon about this time last year."


— John Stephenson, Oregon wolf coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Sisters man, 19, faces charges

onewo 's on o sse

Deschutes County Sheriff's deputies ap-

prehendeda19-year-old man andcited himfor attempting to elude

rin s im ac

deputies investigating a burglary report Tuesday morning at Sisters Inn & Suites, 605 Arrowleaf.

Austin Mogan,of

By Dylan J. Darling

Sisters, surrendered after

The Bulletin

evading for nearly an hour pursuing deputies who set up asearch perimeter andsummoned a police dog,according to sheriff's Sgt. Troy

Gotchy. Moganwastaken to St. CharlesBend, cited for misdemeanor

offenses — including criminal trespass, criminal mischief, resisting arrest and interfering with

a police officer — and released,Gotchysaid. The sheriff's report

alleging burglary, a felony, is on its way to the county District Attorney,

Gotchy saidW ednesday.


The Associated Press file photo

OR-7, the wandering wolf who has traversed more than1,000 miles across Oregon and Northern California, is photographed by a hunter's trail camera in 2011. The young male has returned to


A lone wolf originally from Eastern Oregon is back in his home state after 11 months of rambling in California. The gray wolf known as OR-7, the identification associated with his tracking collar, crossed into Oregon sometime between noon and midnight Tuesday, said Karen Kovacs, wildlife program manager for the California Department of Fish and Wildlife. He was last tracked in southwest Klamath County. Before passing over the state line, Kovacs said, OR-7 likely plunged into and swam across the Klamath River. "Rivers do not seem to pose much of an obstacle for this critter," Ko-


vacs said. "It's not the first time he swam the Klamath, we know that." Once a member of the Imnaha pack in Wallowa County, OR-7 set out on his own in September 2011. Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife researchers had captured and fitted him with a Global Positioning System tracking collar seven months earlier. Afterleaving his pack, he crossed through Central Oregon, wandering through parts of Crook and Deschutes counties before heading into California in late 2011. He returned to Oregon for about a month in March and April 2012, but Kovacs said he has been in California since, venturing into the Sierra Nevada. So far, OR-7 has covered at least

4,400 miles in his travels, she said. "And again that is minimum," Kovacs said. "He's gone much further than that." Estimates of h i s m i l eage are based on the location points provided by his GPS collar, giving straight lines between them while he likely has meandered during his travels. The GPS collar on OR-7 sends a signal to a satellite four times a day, each time giving his current location, said John Stephenson, Oregon wolf coordinator for the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Clouds or terrain may block the signal from reaching the satellite, which typically relays information daily to scientists on the ground tracking the wolf. See Wolf /B5

The sergeantsaid

Mogan wasnot injured during the arrest but was being evaluated at the hospital.

Deputies arrived at


6:06 a.m. to a report that

someonehadburglarized a roomandfled

Mirror Pond

ur inCO lSlOI1

board will

upstairs. The first officer

see four scenarios

to arrive sawMoganin the Bi-Mart parking lot, butMogan fled when ap-

proached, according to Gotchy's account. Black Butte Police officers and sheriff's depu-

By Scott Hammers

ties set up aperimeter

The Bulletin

and a short time later


spotted Mogancrossing


Pine Street toward Hoyt's

Hardware. Adeputy approachedbut Mogan, according to Gotchy, fled once more. Mogan encountered a deputy a third timeand fled, but eventually the sheriff's K-9 Majetich and

his handler, alongwith other deputies, stopped

Mogan in alumber yard, where hesurrendered,


according to Gotchy.

Explosive device, stolen truck found An explosive device was found inside a stolen vehicle on a Crescent Lake property Tuesday, the Oregon



. f hrlr,,

State Police said. A Cottage Grove resi-

dent recently purchased a property on Skookum Court and discovered

Roh Kerr /The Bulletin

a 2008 Dodge hidden

inside one of the property's shacks Tuesday morning. The man reported

Public safety officials and citizens tend to injured bicyclist Tyler Dalman after he was struck

Department said it appeared that a car rear-ended Dalman while entering the roundabout from the

the discovery to police, who found out the truck

by a car in the roundabout at Northwest Galveston east. The car's driver was cited. Dalman was

was reported stolen in

Avenue and 14th Street in Bend Wednesday

taken to St. Charles Bend for examination as a

morning. Lt. Chris Carney of the Bend Police

precautionary measure, Carney said.


Later, an explosive device consisting of

Members ofthe Mirror Pond Management Board got a preview Wednesday of the next phase in the effort to find a solution for the silt accumulating in Mirror Pond. Wednesday's meeting came on the heels of a questionnaire examining what local residents believe to be important in terms of Mirror Pond's future. Nearly 1,900 people answered the questionnaire. It did not ask participants what they would like done to address siltation, but the survey exposed a split between those who would like to see the pond remain a pond and those who would prefer a free-flowing river by removing the Newport Avenue dam. Jim Figurski, a consultant hired through the Bend Park 8t Recreation District to oversee the project, told management board members the process of preparing four designs depicting what Mirror Pond could look like in the future is under

way. See Pond /B2

a metal canteen with

wiresand a blasting cap was discovered in the car. OSP bomb technicians were called to the

scene anddestroyed the device. The investigation is

ongoing. — Bulletin staff reports

Senate listens to testimony on WaldoLake motor ban By Lauren Dake

STATE NEWS Pot tland


• Portland:The City Council votes to

compelbusinessesto offer paid sick leave. • Pendleton:Anairman lost in1944 during World War II is finally buried by his family. Stories on B3, B5


SALEM — Bruce Johnson urged lawmakers Wednesday to ban motors on Waldo Lake with the hope that his greatgrandchildren will enjoy the same "unspoiled wilderness" his great-grandfather John Breckenridge Waldo experienced 100 years ago. Johnson, a fifth-generation Oregonian who lives in Bend, told lawmakers the lake named after his great-grandfather needs to be protected to maintain the "peaceful" and sanctuarylike body of water his preservationist forbear fought to protect. "Waldo Lake is the only large mountain lake where I can drift quietly ... and experience the same spiritually re-

Also at the Legislature

SenateBill 602 The bill bans the use of

motors on Waldo Lake. The SenateEnvironment and Natural Resources Committee held a first

public hearing Wednesday. Committee members next

• Oregon corporations may reap millions in tax rebates,B3

• Hunters and anglers may soon be able to purchase multiyear

licenses,B3 •TheSenatevotesto bansmoking in private cars if children are present,B3

must schedule awork session on the bill.

freshing connection to nature my great-grandfather did," Johnson said. Senate Bill 602 proposes banning the use of all motors on Waldo Lake,which would put to rest a decade-plus-long debate over what type of recreational activities should be permitted on a lake known as


Thursday, March 28t h — 6pm Join the respected winemakers from Wintlerlea Vineyard and Wi n ery as they present

one of the purest in the world. The state Marine Board banned motorboats on the lake, but the Aviation Board has allowed the use of float planes. The rules regulating the bans ondifferent types ofengines have fluctuated, however, and sparked jurisdictional controversies. See Waldo/B2

their acclaimed O r egon - g r own selections to be perfectly paired with a 4- c o u rse regional menu

t lesigned by Pronghorn Executive Chef Kevin L i n d e .


P RO N G H O R N A n Au b e r g e R e s o r t

656oo Pronghorn Club Dr. I 54 I 69 $ - 5 3 00 I ww w.pronghornclub.com

Reservations of 54.1-69$-5300. Menu 0 additionalinformation available online. Also, be surefo check ouf our Easter Brunch on March 3f.



E VENT TODAY THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "Stitches" by David Small; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7084 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The lmmortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121055 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. HISTORY PUB:Local rock climber and author Alan Watts presents an illustrated talk on the history of rock climbing at Smith Rock State Park; hosted by the Jefferson County Historical Society; free; 5-7 p.m.; Great Earth Natural Foods, 46 S.W. D St., Madras; 541-475-1813. BROWN EDITION:TheWashingtonbased jazz and funk act performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. WONDERWOMEN:THE UNTOLD STORY OFAMERICAN SUPERHEROINES: BendFilm presents the 2012 festival winner for best documentary, followed by a Skype Q&A with director Kristy Guevara-Flanagan; $12 plus fees;7 p.m .,doors openat6 p.m .; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. "OKLAHOMA!":The Mountain View High School music and drama departments present the story of two cowboys in 20th Century Oklahoma Territory seeking the hearts of the women they love; $8, $6 MVHS students, seniors and children ages 6 and younger; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:45 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-383-6360 or www.bend.k12.or.us/mvhs. "THE SHADOW BOX": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the drama about the lives of three terminally ill people; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical. Ol'g.

JAZZ CONCERT: The Central Oregon Community College Big Band Jazz performs under the direction of Andy Warr; $5 suggested minimum donation; 7:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Campus Center, 2600 N.W.


Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylifeibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at tvtvw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

"THE SHADOWBOX": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the drama about the lives of three terminally ill people; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical. ol'g. LAVA CITYROLLERDOLLS FUNDRAISER:Featuring performances by The Rumand The Sea and Subliminal, with a kilt contest; $5 admission;8 p.m.;The Horned Hand,507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. facebook.com/thehornedhand. FRUITION:The Portland-based Americana band performs, with The Giraffe Dodgers; $8 plus fees in advance, $12 at the door; 8:30 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www. p44p.biz.

College Way, Bend; 541-280-9371. ROLLERRUMBLERACESERIES: Competitors race a sprint on bikes attached to fork-mounted rollers, with music and raffles; $5 to race, $3 specta ors t ;7 p.m .,6:30 p.m . sign-up; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-382-2453. TODD CLOUSER'S ALOVE ELECTRIC:The rock act performs, with Mark Ransom; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand,507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. facebook.com/thehornedhand. SMASHELTOOTH:The electronic act performs, with The Pirate, Lyfe and Thumbprint Collective; free; 9 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www.slipmatscience.com.

FRIDAY AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Ellee Thalheimer talks about her book, "Cycling Sojourner: A Guide to the Best Multi-Day Tours in Oregon"; with a slide show; $5; 6 p.m.; Paulina SpringsBooks,422 S.W . Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. "OKLAHOMA!":The Mountain View High School music and drama departments present the story of two cowboys in 20th Century Oklahoma Territory seeking the hearts of the women they love; $8, $6 MVHS students, seniors and children ages 6 and younger; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:45 p.m.; Mountain View High School, 2755 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-383-6360 or www.bend.k12.or.us/mvhs. "THE KING OFNAPAVALLEY": Thoroughly Modern Productions andJames Lee presentthe play about the world of California winemaking and the families involved; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m., 6:30 p.m. champagne reception; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. "THE SHADOWBOX": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the drama about the lives of three terminally ill people; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical. org. JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring a performance by TomScottand California Express; $49 plus fees in advance; 8 p.m .;The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-

Ryan Brennecke i The Bulletin


Cast members of "The King of Napa Valley," a winery family drama by Bend playwright James Michael Lee. The play opens at 7:30 p.m. Friday at 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend, for 11 ST. PATRICK'S DAYDASH: Race scheduled performances. Tickets are $18, $15 for students and seniors. For more information and 5K from the pub through downtown Bend and area parks, with an after scheduling details, call 541-312-9626 or visit www.2ndstreettheater.com. party adjacent to the pub; contests for costumes and best wearing 382-8436 or www.jazzattheoxford. Oregon University professor A CELTIC JOURNEY: Featuring a of green; registration required; com. DavidMcCandless shares some performance by the Dillon-Moore proceeds benefit the Boys& Girls fascinating and surprising Academy of Irish Dance, with live Clubs of Central Oregon; $15-$40; information about Shakespeare; m usic; $7,$4 children;7 p.m.;Bend 10:05a.m.; Deschutes Brewery & free; 2 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; Public House,1044 N.W. Bond St., SATURDAY Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541541-383-6290. Bend; www.bendstpatsdash.com. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: 312-1034 or www.deschuteslibrary. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: David KNOW SHAKESPEARE:BECOMING FRANCESCADARIMINI": Starring org/calendar. Rubin, the former mayor of Shiloh, THE BARD OF AVON:Southern Eva-Maria Westbroek, Mark JAZZ ATTHE OXFORD: Featuring Israel, discusses his book, "Peace Oregon University professor Delavan and Marcello Giordani a performance by TomScottand For Peace"; donations accepted; 7DavidMcCandless shares some in a presentation of Zandonai's California Express; $49 plus fees in 8:30 p.m.; The Sound Garden, 1279 fascinating and surprising masterpiece; opera performance advance; 5 and 8 p.m.; The Oxford N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633information about Shakespeare; transmitted live in high definition; Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., 6804,sherryb45©bendbroadband. free;1 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9 Bend; 541-382-8436 or www. com or 541-388-1937. Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & jazzattheoxford.com. "OKLAHOMA!":The Mountain 1034 or www.deschuteslibrary. IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Jo View High School music and drama org/calendar. Bend; 541-382-6347. Deurbrouck talks about her book departments present the story "THE SHADOWBOX": Cascades TRIUMPH FORAVREY& CASCADE "Anything Worth Doing"; free; 6 of two cowboys in 20th Century Theatrical Company presents the LAKES SK BEERRUN: Race5K p.m.; Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe, Oklahoma Territory seeking the drama about the lives of three from Triumph Fitness to downtown 805 S.W. Industrial Way, Suite 6, hearts of the women they love; terminally ill people; $24, $18 Redmond, ending with an after Bend; 541-317-9407. $8, $6 MVHS students, seniors seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.; party at Cascade Lakes 7th Street and children ages 6 and younger; AUTHOR PRESENTATION:Ellee Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Brew House; registration required; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:45 p.m.; Thalheimer talks about her book, Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389proceeds benefit Avrey Walker, a "Cycling Sojourner: A Guide to the Mountain View High School, 2755 0803 or www.cascadestheatrical. young girl battling cancer; $30-$35; Best Multi-Day Tours in Oregon"; N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-383-6360 org. 10 a.m.; Triumph Fitness, 2757 or www.bend.k12.or.us/mvhs. with a slide show; $5; 6 p.m.; N.W. Seventh St., Unit A, Redmond; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. "THE KING OFNAPAVALLEY": REDMOND COMMUNITYCONCERT info@triumphfit.com. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. Thoroughly Modern Productions ASSOCIATIONPERFORMANCE: ACELTIC JOURNEY: Featuring a andJames Leepresenttheplay Liana Forest and her band perform HIGH DESERTWILD GAMES: performance by the Dillon-Moore about the world of California contemporary and classical music; Featuring casino games, raffles, Academy of Irish Dance, with live winemaking and the families $50 season ticket, $20 students, a silent auction, food and drinks; m usic; $7,$4 children;2 p.m.;Bend involved; $18, $15 students and $105 family ticket; 2 and 6:30 p.m.; reservations recommended; High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Ridgeview High School, 4555 proceeds benefit Full Access; $50; 541-383-6290. Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette S.W. Elkhorn Ave.; 541-350-7222, 6-10 p.m.; Aspen Hall, 18920 N.W. KNOW SHAKESPEARE:BECOMING redmondcca©hotmail.com or www. Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-749THE BARD OF AVON: Southern www.2ndstreettheater.com. redmondcca.org. 2158 or www.fullaccess.org.



prised by what we're able to to open the sluice gates of the achieve with each of the alter- Newport Avenue dam so loContinued from B1 natives," he said. cals could see how the river Board m e mbers s h ould Board m ember might res p o nd expect a first look at the four Ryan Houston said if the dam were "I'm OPtimfSflC. rem o ved. Board alternatives in mid-May, Fig- he was concerned urski said, with t h e p ublic the four alterna- I f f1 filk m ember Pe t e r weighing in on the possibilities tives — currently W erner as k e d — including projected short- labeled asr do nothPrice if the utility be P l e aSantly would a greetoreterm and long-term costs —by ing," "habitat fomid- June. cus," "river focus" SUyprfSed move the dam if a Demonstrating a prototype a nd "recreat"" ' community conof the online questionnaire he cus" — would pres- by What sensus for doing so eme rged, and expects to use during the next ent questionnaire We ' re a b le fD round of community i nput, participants with ggf fj eVe I/I/jgff if so, how long it Figurski pulled up an image false choices. The would take. Q f of present-day Mirror Pond p ark district h a s Price said she on a screen. He said the ques- done a good job al t ernatiVGS. w as u nable t o tionnaire program he intends of developing riva nswer eit h e r m Flgurski, qu e stion. to use will allow respondents erfront properties a consuItant hired to highlight those elements that provide a benC ity Coun throughthe Bend ci]or and b oard they like or dislike in illustra- efjt to rjver health Recreation member V l c t or tions that will be created to and r e c reational 's nc to oversee C hudowsky e n represent the f ou r a l terna- users, h e s ai d , irror Pond c ouraged tives, allowing them to "vote" and the di s trict's F> g Project u rski an d o t h up or down on things like a record should be sandy beach, a pier or aquatic considered as the e rs working t o vegetation. alternatives are bedevelop the four Figurski said he thinks it's ing created. alternatives to remember that likely those who participate in Spencer Dahl, board mem- any changes to Mirror Pond the process this summer will ber and chairman of the Old would likely affect the river find things they like about Bend Neighborhood Associa- upstream, possibly as far as several of the alternatives. tion, asked fellow board mem- the Colorado Avenue dam. "I'm optimistic. I th i n k ber Angela Price of Pacific — Reporter: 541-383-0387, people will be pleasantly sur- Power if it would be possible shammersC<bendbttlletin.com


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Faegre testified that paddlers probably d r iv e t h eir Continued from B1 cars to the lake, and to build If Senate Bill 602 were to the ro a ds a n d t h e pa r k pass, it would ban all motors ing lot, acres of forest were on the lake, located in Lane removed. County, about 40 miles southSeaplanes are more enviwest of Bend. ronmentally friendly, he arSince motorboats are algued, using less carbon and ready specifically banned, "leaving no trace." lawmakers t r ied t o d i r e ct O thers testified that t h e testimony toward seaplanes, lake should be open to peowhich can touch down on the ple who might not be able to lake. paddle, but could use quiet The bill, however, would four-stroke engines to enjoy ban both, so those in favor of the beauty of the lake. There allowing boats testified with are those who are disabled, the hope that a ban could be or otherwise are unable to reversed. visit the lake if not for use of Aron Faegre, the president a motor. of the C o lumbia Seaplane Some hoped the bill would Pilots Association, said sea- give them a chance to push to planes have been using Waldo allow motorboats with some Lake for the past 50 years exceptions on the lake. Nu"and there hasn't been a re- merous amendments w ere ported problem that's real." p roposed, some o f wh i c h He estimated between five would carve out exemptions and 20 landings are made on for motorboats. the lake each year. In 1983, the Legislature cre"I don't know why we get ated the State Scenic Waterdemonized," he said. way system, designating some

waterways asneeding special protection due to their unique value. Waldo Lake is the only lake in the state so designated under this act. Gov. John Kitzhaberwrote a letter in January supporting a ban on motors on the lake. "Everyone who has visited Waldo Lake knows the magic of its c r ystal-clear pristine waters,the unique absence of development along its shores, and the wild quiet that pro-

vides arefuge of peace from our hectic world," the governor wrote. "Indeed, this u n i queness and wildness is why people of diverse interests go to this place. These values are part of an Oregon treasure that no longer exists in a bundance across our landscape, and I believe these values are best preserved through a prohibition of motorized use of these waters." — Reporter: 541-554-1162, Idake@bendbulletin.com

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Portland employers must give sick leave



or ora ionsma e au oma ic axre a e The Associated Press

The Associated Press

SALEM — As Oregon lawmakers talk a b out r a i sing more tax revenue from individuals, there's a chance corporations may get millions in automatic tax rebates. State tax c ollections are flirting w it h t h e t h r eshold that would tr igger millions of dollars in rebates to corporations under a tax unique t o Oregon k n ow n a s t h e "kicker." Voters decided in November that corporate kicker rebates should go to schools instead, but that doesn't take effect until the next budget cycle. If corporate tax collections exceed projections by at least 2 percent once the two-year budget periodends June 30,the entire surplus would be returned to corporations. The risk comes as majority Democrats push to limit tax credits and deductions to raise an additional $275 million from individual taxpayers over the next two years. The latest projection by e conomists, r e l eased l a s t month, estimated that c orporate tax collections would be less than $14 million short of the $896 million threshold that would trigger a corporate kicker. State Economist Mark McMullen said at the time that there's about a 50-50 chance of crossing that line, and Legislative Revenue Officer Paul Warner said Wednesday that McMullen's assessment still stands. Businesses have two quarterly tax payments due before the end of the biennium, in April and June. The House Revenue Committee is scheduled to consider a bill Thursday that would spell out how to implement the

PORTLAND The Portland City Council on Wednesday voted unanimously to make Portland t he fourth U .S. c it y t o mandate that businesses offer sick leave, requiring employers to give workers up to five days of sick leave each year. The number o f c i t i es could soon expand to five. Philadelphia City Council members are expected to vote on a similar measure on Thursday. Portland follows Seattle, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., in requiring earned sick time. Connecticut is the only state to pass such a law, but sick-leave bills have been introduced in Oregon, Washington, Maryland, Massachusetts and Vermont. "All of this is building the critical mass that we're going to need to pass it on the federal level," said Ellen Bravo, executive director of Family Values @ Work, an advocacy group that works for paid sick days. Portland's new p o l icy says employees can earn one hour of leave for every 30 hours worked and businesses with at least six workers must offer paid sick leave. Smaller companies can provide unpaid time off. Supporters of Portland's e ffort said th e la w w i l l improve public health by allowing workers to stay home sick without fear of

losing a day's pay or getting fired. Forty percent of Portland's p r i v ate-sector workers currently do not get sick leave. Susan Lund, who works at Fred Meyer,a Portland retail-and-grocery s t o r e, was joyous after the council's vote. Her c ompany already provides sick pay, but workers can't access it until the third day of an illness. "I can't afford that. I absolutely can't," she said. "So if my children are sick, if I'm sick, I now have a little cushion to fall back on." M aking th e f i r s t t w o days of sick leave unpaid is vital in the perishablefoods i n dustry b e cause it cuts down on workers taking paid days off when t hey aren't r e ally s i c k , Northwest Grocery Association president Joe Gilliam said. For example, there tend to be high absentee rates around three-day holidays and events like the Super Bowl, he said. Gilliam and other business leaders said P o rtland should have granted e xemptions t o cer t a i n employers. "Our criticism is that it's very myopic and one-sizefits-all," he said. "And it's going to cost the city jobs."

State mulls multiyear hunting, fishing licenses MEDFORD — Oregon legislators are considering a bill to allow

hunters and fishermen to buy licenses good for more than just a year, and perhaps at adiscount. The proposal could meanlicenses for up to five years, maybe for10 percent off the price of five one-year licenses, said Ron Anglin of the state Fishand Wildlife Department.

"It's just a way to give a little break to people who know they will be hunting or fishing," Anglin said. "If folks want to make that

kind of investment up front, they'd havesomecertainty on cost." A House committee has recommended the bill for passage, the Medford Mail Tribune reported.

Currently, a one-year hunting license costs $29.50 and aoneyear angling license costs $33. A combination license costs $58. The Fish and Wildlife Department last sought a fee increase

in 2009, saying the rates would last at least six years. "We're on track for that," said Curt Melcher, deputy director of the depart-

ment. Licenses are now limited by law to oneyear. Thebill would allow the Fish and Wildlife Commission to sell them for longer

periods and to set discounts. If it passes, the department will start discussions with constituent groups about discounts, Melcher said Ten states currently offer multiyear licenses, with many states

offering a10 or even15 percent discount, he said. Others, such as Idaho, offer multiyear licenses but no discounts, he said.

The Oregon bill also would give active-duty military members the chance to buy hunting and fishing licenses and most tags at

resident costs. — The Associated Press

The Associated Press

SEATTLE — Washington authorities plan to extradite a man caught in Oregon who's suspected of killing his grandparents after they picked him up from prison and hosted a welcome-home party for him. King County prosecutors in Seattle expect to file charges against Michael Chadd Boysen, spokesman Dan Donohoe said Wednesday. Boysen, 26, is accused of killing Robert Taylor, 82, and Norma Taylor, 80, after they welcomed him to their Renton home after his release from prison Friday. He is held on a no-bail warrant from the Washington Department of Corrections for

approved the way the company plans to gather data. Calico Resources proposes an underground mine and a mill on the surface at Grassy Mountain, about 25 miles south of Vale in Malheur

County. It's expected to take a year to gather economic, environCalico is expected to develop plans for operations, reclamation and closing.

Calumdia River dridge —TheCoast Guardsays it needs more information before it can consider a permit for the proposed new lnterstate 5 bridge over the Columbia River between

Portland and Vancouver. In a letter to project managers last week, the district commander in Seattle, Rear Adm. K.A. Taylor, said the agency can't start a public comment period until man-

agers assess economic impacts on the Columbia River navigation channel. The Oregonian reports the agency wants details concerning mitigation for three upriver manufacturers whose

giant products wouldn't fit under the lower clearance of the new bridge. The Columbia River Crossing needs a Coast Guard permit decision by Sept. 30 to apply for federal money essential to the

$3.4 billion project. Crater Lake — The federal budget cuts known as the sequester are threatening an annual rite of spring in Oregon — plowing the snow that has buried the roads at Crater Lake National Park all winter. Acting Superintendent Vicki Snitzer said Tuesday the

park has to cut 5 percent from its $5 million budget, and one option being considered is the snowplowing budget. She says

monitoring natural resources, such as wildlife populations, may also be reduced, along with summer ranger talks and tours. Located at the crest of the Cascade Range, Crater Lake is Oregon's only national park. Plowing Rim Drive and the North Entrance

Road typically starts in May. Snitzer says one way to look at it is that summer would just start a little later at Crater Lake this year.

Bank rOddery — A clue helped police arrest a suspect within 20 minutes of a bank robbery Tuesday in Oregon City. A tracking dog found a jacket tossed off by the fleeing suspect and inside the

pocket was a Clackamas County Jail inmate identification. The ballot measure. Some lawmakers have discussed extending the 2 012 ballot measure so it applies to the current budget cycle — a move that would require support from a supermajority of the House and Senate. "The voters have spoken, and I think it's very clear what the voters' intent is," said Sen. Ginny Burdick, a P o r tland Democrat who leads the Senate Finance an d R e venue Committee. There's a wider gap to trigger the personal kicker, which is triggered when tax revenue from all sources other than the corporate income tax — pri-

marily the personal income tax — exceeds projections by at least 2 percent. The February forecast projected that those forms of revenue would be $177 million short of the threshold. Ryan D eckert, p r esident of the Oregon Business Association, said his organization hasn't taken a position on what the state should do if the kicker is triggered. The business group scheduled its next board meeting in Salem after the May revenue forecastso that board members could take a position on the kicker and other big budget-related issues, Deckert said.

Oregonian reports officers arrested a 32-year-old suspect with a substantial amount of cash as he attempted to leave in a taxi.

— Fromwirereports

NEWS OF RECORD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.


Senatevotes to outlaw smoking inside carswhen children present By Jonathan J. Cooper

children often sit. The Associated Press "Secondhand s m ok e is S ALEM — A d u l t s w h o dangerous, and it's especially smoke in a car with a child dangerous for children, more could face hundreds of dollars dangerous still when it's enin fines under a bill approved closed in a confined space," Wednesday in t h e O r egon said Democratic Sen. ElizaSenate. beth Steiner Hayward, the If the House gives its approv- bill's chief sponsor and a famal and Gov. John Kitzhaber ily physician in Portland. signs the bill, Oregon would C ritics s a y the sta t e join four other states with sim- shouldn't be limiting people's ilar measures. Violators would liberties or telling parents how face a maximum fine of $250 to raise their children. The bill for afirst offense and $500 for exceeds government's r o le subsequent offenses. and creates a "nanny state" The Senate's 19-10 vote that micromanages citizens' Wednesday did n o t f o l low lives, they said. "The reason I'm opposing party lines. Proponents said s econd- this is not that smoking in cars hand smoke is harmful, and is a good idea," said Sen. Jeff minors shouldn't be subjected Kruse, R-Roseburg. "The reato health h azards because son I'm opposing this is, how of their parents' decision to dare government tell me what I'm going to do in my own smoke. They say smoke can be trapped inside a vehicle and car." pool in the back seat where Kruse said he's a smoker

but called it a "terrible habit" and said he never smoked in the car with his children. Not a ll cons e rvatives

agreed. Republican Sen. Fred Girod, of Stayton, said he opposes bills he believes create a "nanny state," but the smoking ban is different because it seeks to protect children from decisions they can't control. He voted forthe measure, Senate Bill 444. The violation would be a secondary offense, so drivers could only be ticketed if they were pulledover for another reason. Arkansas, California, Louisiana and Mainehave enacted similar legislation, along with several cities and c ounties around the country, according to Global Advisers on Smokefree Policy, an d a d vocacy


Suspect facesextradition from Oregon By Doug Esser

server of Ontario reports that the state Department of Geology and Mineral lndustries is handling the permit process. It has

mental and cultural information about the site for state regulators to consider as part of the permit application. During the year,

By Jonathan J. Cooper By Steven Dubois

Mining fOr gOld —A company that plans a gold mine and mill in Eastern Oregon has gotten the go-ahead from a state agency to collect information for its permit application. The Argus Ob-

violating terms of hi s r e lease, Donohoe s aid. Boysen remains at Legacy EmBoysen m anuel M e d i c al Center i n Portland in serious condition, spokeswoman Amber Shoebridge said Wednesday. He had been in critical condition after he was found with self-inflicted cuts when police entered the motel room Tuesday to arrest him. I nvestigators don't k n o w why he went to Lincoln City, said King County sheriff's Sgt. Cindy West. They also don't know what may have motivated him to kill his grandparents. They aren't saying exactly how the two were killed,

except they weren't shot. B oysen checked into t h e WestShore OceanFrontSuites on the Oregon coast Monday night under his own name and was recognized by an employee who called police. Boysen reportedly blocked the door with a refrigerator. Police used a robot to urge Boysen to s urrender. They used a water cannon and tear gas before breaking through the door. Officers found him lying on the floor on his back with apparently serious self-inflicted cuts, Lincoln City police Chief Keith Kilian said. King County Sheriff John Urquhart called Boysen extremely dangerousbecause of threats he had made while in

prison against his family and law enforcement. Authorities didn't learn of the threats until after he made the news, suspected of killing in his grandparents. The Taylors had picked him up from the Washington state prison at Monroe. They drove him to a meeting with a parole officer Friday, helped him get an identity card from the Department of Licensing and held a party for him. Officials believe they were killed that night or Saturday morning. Their bodies were found Saturday by Boysen's m other when she w ent t o check on her parents. Boysen had just f i nished serving nine months in prison on a burglary conviction.

Burglary— A burglary was reported at 6:47 a.m. Feb. 27, in the 61500 block of American Lane. Theft — A theft was reported at1:22 p.m. March 4 in the 2600 block of Northeast U.S. Highway 20. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made at 7:46 p.m.March 9,in the 20500 block of Brinson Boulevard. Theft — A theft was reported at 5:10 p.m. March10, in the 2500 block of Northeast U.S. Highway 20. Unauthorizeduse — A vehicle was reported stolen at 10:11 p.m. March 10, in the 1400 block of Northwest Jacksonville Avenue. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 4:10 p.m. March 11, in the 61400 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft — A theft was reported at 5:28 p.m. March 11, in the 600 block of Northwest Wall Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 5:40 p.m. March11, in the 61400 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft — A theft was reported at 6:17 p.m. March 11, in the 61400 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft — A theft was reported at 7:49a.m. March12, in the 2300 block of Northeast Conners Avenue.


Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:46 a.m. March 12, in the 100 block of Northwest Oregon Avenue. Theft — A theft was reported at IO:55 a.m. March12, in the 100 block of Northeast Greenwood Avenue.

PRINEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at12:42 p.m. March12, in the area of East First Street. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:22 p.m. March12, in the area of Ochoco Creek Park.

OREGON STATE POLICE DUII —James Kevin Warren, 46, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:24 a.m. March 13, in the area of Southeast 15th Street and Southeast Ramsey Road.

BEND FIRE RUNS Tuesday 8:27 a.m.— Building fire, 2824 N.E. Baroness Place. 14 — Medical aid calls.

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The Bulletin


on' a ow


BETsY McCooc


Gottoott Bcnctt


Jotttt Cosmn

Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials



n ei o r s



ove 0 i'0 entral Oregon Community College is no ordinary neighbor. It's one of Bend's special assets. And some of itsneighbors on Awbrey Butte are concerned about a loop road the college had planned. That select group of n eighbors wants COCC's plans altered or stopped. They asked the city to pick up their legal bills to the tune of $7,256.05. (The city correctly declined.) And theY want the city to require COCC to jump through more hooPs and regulations before it could build any road connections. The Bend City Council may make a decision on the issue at

t h a t when residential properties are adjacent to industrial zones the m a x imum buffer required is only 2 0 f eet. COCC was not asking for special permission when it proposed buikling the loop road. It was not asking to buikl within the 100-foot bff makes efforts to be a g o COCC o dneighbor.itheidapubiichear-

in n i t r dl r ad n thoughitwasnotrequiredtodoso. cil shouM be cautious about a changes. COCC supports a change that Let's make a c ouple things was before the citY council at the council's last meeting. The change would require notice be sent to Buying a home next to a college neighbors within 250 feet of a projcampus should carry with it a set ect, allow public comment and alof reasonable expectations. low for people to appeal any deciThere will be college students sion. Thatseemslikeplenty. in the neighborhood. That brings The select group of opponents noise and other things. wants more, suggesting other College campuses sometimes considerations such as noise, trafgrow. It' s good for Bend and the fic density and safety. The council education of this community if d e c ided to continue to discuss the COCC grows and can expand. issu e next week. COCC is already required to If you l o o k o u t f r o m some have a 100-foot buffer between h omes close to COCC, it's easy to anything it builds and its bound- see why some neighbors can have aries. You can argue about what c o ncerns. But councilors should the magic number is for perfect n o t grant them a de facto veto on buffer size. It's interesting to note c ampus growth or interior roads.

Sisters voters showtheir commitment to education isters residents should be reading and writing. c ongratulated fo r v o t i ng The levy is 75 cents per $1,000 again to t a x t h e mselves of assessed value. The owner of a more to invest in schools. The Sis- home assessed at $172,024 (which ters local option levy passed with 79 percent of voters voting in favor, is theaverage assessed value of residential property in the district) according to early returns. would pay $129.02 per year. Over the next five years, the It would be hard to draw a dilevy should bring in about $6.8 million. The levy has made up about 9 r ect relationship between t h e percent of the district's budget in contributions of the levy and the performance of Sisters students, past years. but Sisters schools do well in state What school district couldn't testing. Sisters High School also use that? has a high graduation rate of 94 The money goes to add oppor- percent. The state average is about tunities to the education of Sisters' 66 percent. children. It has helped keep class Supporting the levy is also a sizes down. It has helped keep allgreat advertisement for the Sisters day kindergarten. It has helped add music and arts programs. It community.Voters have approved goes to continue the Americana the levy in 2000, 2004, 2009 and Project, in which students build again this year. Families or busiguitars; trips to Middle Sister; and nesses thinking about relocating studies of the Deschutes River. Sis- can'thelp but be encouraged to ters is also able to offer both hon- hear that Sisters residents are such ors and remedial classes in math, strong supporters of their schools.


5op opgg I 8/y e • •


Supporting limits on basic rights shows ignorance of Constitution By Tom Snell really enjoyed reading Diana Hopson's "In My View." First she attacks the "religious rights and gun rights people," telling them that it will require us to "swallow a bitter pill" to fix the current financial issue we have in this country. I don't want to swallow a bitter pill, instead I want Congress to do the job that it was sent to Washington to perform. I also want our president to start leading our nation instead of going on tour with his teleprompter and bad-mouthinganyone who disagrees with him. He isthe one who suggested the sequester in the first place so now he should be in Washington trying to geta budget hammered out. The reason he is crying is because the only way he has been able to grow this economy is by hiring more government workers. Now, the increase to thebudget won't happen and he can't pay all his new employees. Didn't think it all the way through, did he? Then Diana brings in eliminating the tax-free status that "places of worship" enjoy and the separation of "church and state." I really wish

people would read the Constitution so they would gain a better understanding of it. The First A m endment states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of relilon' or pro > ltlng t e V IEW g freeexercise thereof ...", which means that we are all able to worship freely without having an established state religion — such as Britain had in The Church of England. The phrase "separation of church and state" is derived from a letter written by President Thomas Jefferson in 1802 to the Baptist from Danbury, Conn., and published in a Massachusettsnewspaper soon thereafter. Having tax-free status is the way that many churches are able to be viable and the large churches do many things to give back to the community. Leave them alone! And she saved my favorite for last: gun control. According to her, guns aren't for citizens. "The actual meaning of the right to bear arms probably means the state (the word state being synonymous with the word people)," she writes. Probably not. The Supreme Court has ruled on


this and I have the right to own a gun or guns without limit. If Hopson had read her history, she might have remembered why the Founding Fathers wrote the Second Amendment. Britain was concerned about a revolution and tried to confiscate guns the rebels had stockpiled and hidden. The rest is history. The Second Amendment is meant to allow American citizens to protect ourselves in large part from a tyrannical government. Our government spending is out of control, and I have a suggestion. Why not have members of Congress have their pay commensurate with the median income of the state that they represent?In Oregon, the median income was $46,816 in 2011. That sounds like a good number for Merkley and Wyden. It might be a small savings to the budget but perhaps that would eliminate the career politicians. I might add that President Obama told us that we would all need to tighten our budgets and do more with less during these hard times. I wish he lived up to his words for they are as transparent as his

presidency. — Tom Snell lives in Bend.

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limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

State licensing rules keep competition low, prices high By Glenn Garvln t's soooooo tempting to start this column with a joke about the first class-action lawsuit on behalf of zombies. But there's nothing really very funny about the fact that a Minnesota funeral home owner is having to sue his own state government for the right to keep prices low. Verlin Stoll operates a — OK, I surrender — bare-bones funeral parlor in St. Paul where the basic charge is just $250, about one-tenth the city's going rate. No hearse, no chapel, just a simple service for working-class folks who can't afford to spend a lot of money to die. His no-frills business has been sosuccessful that he wants to expand, opening a second parlor. But Minnesota law says that every individual funeral parlor must have an embalming room on the premises — even if it isn't used. Which most of them aren't. For one thing, more than half of Minnesota's dead are cremated. The reduced demand has led most funeral-parlor chains to do all their embalming at a single site or even outsource it. No matter. They've all got to have


that embalming room. When Stoll complained that the $30,000 cost ofthe useless room would have to be passed on to his customers, needlessly jacking up their expenses, state officials sensitively replied: Tough luck for them. And the rest of the industry, already incensed at Stoll's price-cutting, cheered. The other funeral homes didn't offer even a pretense that the embalming-room controversy is a nything but an attempt to squash a renegade challenger. The executive director of the Minnesota Funeral Directors Association labeled Stoll — contemptuously — as an "entrepreneurial dynamo." In an industry that thrives on government protection from competition, those are much dirtier words than the kind with four letters. Stoll, recognizing that common sense andconsumer interestwere no match for corporate political clout, has gone to court to get the embalming-room requirement overturned. He's getting help from the Institute for Justice, a Washington-based public interest law firm that defends not just free speech but free markets as well. Sadly, it has no shortage of cases.

Licenses for emergency medical technicians, who literally hold life and death in their hands, require an

average training ofjust over a month. Cosmetologists, who in a worst-case theory might really botch your bangs, must train for more

than a year. "Using business and professional licenses as a barrier to competition is definitely on the increase, and has been for a long time," says Dick Carpenter, the institute's director of strategic research. In the 1950s, only about one of every 20 American workers needed a government permit to do his job; now, the number is nearly one in three, and growing all the time. And we're not talking about rocket scientists and brain surgeons. Hairbraiders,upholsterers, home-entertainment-installers — you name it,

there are states that require a license for it. Stuff you've been doing literally all your life, probably after about 15 minutes of instruction from your mom, turns out to be so technical and potentially dangerous that it requires a government permit. You t h i nk that's hyperbole'? Five states require licenses to give shampoos. These licenses are not just a matter of fillingoutyour name and address on a government form and handing over $50,either.Extensive — and expensive — training is inevitably required. Yelling out, "I have $200, do I hear $250," in the opinion of 10 state governments, is so dangerous and complex that it requires an auctioneer's license.Average training requirement: 100 hours. Louisiana, until recently, forced florists to pass two different exams before they could sell flowers, though in a burstofruthlessly Reaganesque deregulation, the state now just requires one. Licenses for emergency medical technicians, who literally hold life and death in their hands, require an average training of just over a m onth. Cosmetologists, who i n a worst-case theory might really botch

your bangs, must train for more than a year. And let's not get started on interior decorators, who in four states (including Florida — our politicians may be half-wits, but our foyers are exquisite) must have licenses that require six years of training. The contrast in the training and t esting expected of E M T s c o m pared to that of beauticians and interior designers makes it clear that l icensing has nothing to do w i t h health or safety and everything to do wit h r e stricting c ompetition. And, as all those people who can't afford to die up in Minnesota are discovering, the barriers are quite effective. A 2004 stategovernment report calculated that Minnesota consumers were paying between $3 billion and $3.6 billion more each year for servicesbecause of diminished marketplace competition brought on by occupational licensing. "Licensing is one of those rare public policies that actually does what it's intended to,n observes Carpenter. "It keeps people out of the profession." — Glenn Garvin is a columnist for the Miami Herald.




Family finally buries

BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Beulah Fay, of Bend April 9, 1937 - Mar. 12, 2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds, 541-382-2471. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds.com

Services: Beulah will be laid to rest, 9:00 AM Friday, March 15, 2013 at Pilot Butte Cemetery, Bend, Oregon. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care - Bend, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701.

Donald Lynn Saarlnen, of Bend April29, 1950- Jan. 2,2013 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: No services are planned.

Elda Emllle Munsterman, of Powell Butte Oct. 9, 1912 - Mar. 11, 2013 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel 541-548-3219 please sign our online guestbook


Services: Graveside service will be held Thursday March 14, 2013 at 10am at Powell Butte Cemetery, Powell Butte, OR. Contributions may be made to:

Hospice of Redmond or a charity of ones choice.

Luke A. Adams, of Bend Nov. 4, 1963 - Mar. 9, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 www.autumnfunerals.com Services: A Memorial Service will take place on Friday, March 15, 2013 at 1:00 PM at Desert Streams Church, located at 62010 27th Street in Bend, Oregon. A Public viewing will be held on Friday, March 15, 2013 at 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM at Autumn Funerals, located at 61555 Parrell Road in Bend, Oregon.

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Donna Arlone

(Lonie) Bibler March 20, 1934- March 8, 2013 D onna A r l o n e (L o n i e ) B ibler, 78 , o f Re d m o n d . O regon, died after a b r i ef illness on March 8, 2013. L onie wa s b o r n i n H e b ron, N o r t h D a k o t a o n March 20, 1934 to Elaine and L ee Kuhlman. She gradu'I> • ated from M ill C i t y High School in 'Lonle' Blbler a ttended Or e g o n St a t e University. S h e wa s marr ied to M a r vi n F r an k B i bler on August 23, 1953. L onie is survived by h e r h usband o f s i x t y y e a r s , M arvin B i b l e r o f Red m ond, Oregon; he r t h r e e children, James Bibler, Jon B ibler, Jodi B i b ler M u c k e lbauer; an d f o u r g r a n d c hildren, J e r edan B i b l er , Jameson Bi b l e r , Cal Muckelbauer a n d K e l s ey Muckelbauer. She loved to golf and was a member of the Ladies of t he Greens golf club. S h e was also a l i f etime m ember of t h e B e n d S o r optimist Club. A celebration of he r l i f e is planned for early spring. In lieu of f l o w ers, donat ions may be m ade to t h e St. C h a r le s F o u n d ation, Advance I l l ness M a n agement, 2500 N.E. Neff Rd., Bend, OR 97701

Beulah Fay April 9, 1937 - March12, 2013 B eulah Fay , a g e 7 5 , o f B end, p a ssed a w a y on M arch 1 2 , 2 0 13 , a t h e r h ome after a b a t t l e w i t h G lioblastoma M u l t i f o r m e Cancer. S he wa s b o r n A p r i l 9 , 1937, in Portland, Oregon, i' -' the daughter of the late Walter a nd E l l a Goodat. She grew up in Beulah Fay where she attended Franklin High School. Her first job was a telephone operator a t P a c i fi c N o r t h w est Bell, and t he n a s u p ervis or at Purdy B r ush C o m pany in North Portland. Later in life she moved to S unriver, O r e gon, w h e r e s he worked at t h e S u n r i ver Book Store and then as the concierge at S u n river Lodge. She later moved to Bend w i t h h e r h u s b a nd, w here sh e c o n t i nued t o stay active in th e community through P.E.O. International. Surviving her is her husband, Ed Fay; two d aught ers, Linda K a y B a l l a n d C heryl L y n St r o h l ; f i v e three grandchildren; r eat-grandchildren; and er sister, J oyce M a g nuson. Her ashes will be laid to r est at P i l o t B u t t e C e m etery in Bend. In acc o r d a nc e w i th B eulah's w i shes, n o m e morial services are scheduled. I n l i e u o f fl o w e rs , t h e family requests that donations be made to Partners In Care Hospice, Bend, Oregon. Please sign our g uestbook at w ww .n i s wonger-reynolds.com

for details. Phone: 541-617-7825

Email: obits©bendbulletin.com Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

Phyllis Marie (Lister) Ticoulat

Norma Faddis

airman lost in 1944

1949 - 2013

By Kathy Aney

N orma R u t h W ar e i n g F addis passed away f r o m Phyllis p as s e d aw ay sudden heart f a ilure SunM arch 1 1 , 2 0 1 3 a t h er d ay, M a rc h 1 0 , a t S a i n t home in Bend, Oregon, at C harles H o spital. N o r m a t he age o f 8 8 . S h e w a s w as born i n R e d mond i n born in P o r t land. Oregon 1949. to Donald and Mary on November 10, 1924. She Wareing l ived in a nd l i v e d Paulina in Central a Oregon all -«>!':~~',,1~'~: :,:,, ranch an d P ,~ ' t of her life. attended ] In 197 4 , s chool i n s he m a r a one r ~ ' ~ ~ ri e d R o b room ert Faddis • s ch o o l (Bert) h ouse i n with Norma Faddls whom she Beaver Phyllls Tlcoulat Creek had two children, Michelle She graduated from Crook Price an d B r i a n F a d d i s, County H i g h S c h o o l i n who live in Bend. 1942. From there she went Norma i s a l s o s u r v ived to Or egon S t at e C o l l ege by he r s i s ters, Jeannine, and g r a d u ated w i t h a E unice, Joyce, Helen an d Business Degree i n 1 9 46. Nancy; along with several H er first job w a s i n P o r t - n ieces, nephews an d h e r land with the State of Or grandson, Austin Moulton. egon Board of Health. BeN orma centered her l i f e fore starting work, she and on her family, her friends, a friend spent si x w e e k s h er k i t chen, g a r den a n d traveling the USA by train o utdoor recreation. In t h e a nd boat, w i t h s t o p s i n 1 970s, N o rm a a n d B e r t C uba an d M o n t r eal. S h e "discovered" t h e E a s t ern met a n d mar r i e d B i ll Oregon desert, especially M ichael i n 194 7 . Th e y the Owyhee country. Bert lived in K ansas City, Misi s a d e d i cated f l y f i s h er s ouri, S p o k an e a n d S e - a nd u p l an d b i r d h u n t e r a ttle, W a s h i n gto n u nt i l a nd the f a m il y w a s u s u 1952, when they moved to a lly o u t c a m p in g s o m e Prineville and lived on the where nearly every weekKing Ranch. They had two end and vacation. c hildren t o g ether, L a r i l u Her adult ch ildren f amiand Joy. She later married lies continued to join their G ilbert T i c oulat i n 1 9 5 8 , p arents o n m a n y o f th e and with t hat r elationship trips; this was what Norma s he i n herited f o u r m o r e l ived f or . W h e n s h e a n d g irls, w h o m she l ov e d Bert matured they bought dearly as her own. During a comfortable trailer to afthis time she worked as a f ord t h emselves a b i t o f secretary, and then ran the l uxury i n t h e i r t r a v e l s. L ister R a nc h i n Pa u l i n a T heir g r o wn ch i l d r e n after h e r fa t h er , R o b e rt l oved t o c a l l t h a t t r a i l er L ister, p a s sed a w a y i n "The Mother Ship." 1973. In 1984, she sold the Since her husband hunts King Ranch and moved to and fishes, Norma shared Bend. Some of th e t h i n gs with Bert the art o f c o okshe enjoyed were golfing, ing wild game. They would h iking, c r oss-stitch, k n i t often stop by his mother's ting prayer shawls (which w ith a s e r ving o r t w o o f she don a t e d to St . chucker or quail done just Charles), p l ayin g b r i d g e, right. visiting f a m ily . he r s i ster N orma w a s a "giver." Louise, friends, telling sloW henever t h e r e w a s a ries, telling jokes and just mission to accomplish, we living l i f e t o t h e f u l l e st. all knew w e c o ul d c o u nt She was a Hospice of Bend on her t o b e t h er e e arly, volunteer for si x y e ars, a work hard and finally feed m ember and elder for t h e everyone. This quality was Prinevill e Pr es b y t e rian n ot restricted to he r f a m Church. ily. After good friends died Phyllis w a s b y f a r t he in an auto accident, Norma b est mother i n t h e w h o l e a nd Bert t o o k t h e i r s u r world and truly a w o nderv iving d a u g hter, S h e r r y , ful friend to everyone. into the family and r aised She is survived by her six h er fo r t h r e e y e ar s u n t i l l oving d a u g hters: L i n d a s he graduated f ro m h i g h O vercast, hu sband J e r r y ; school. L arilu Pos t, h usb a n d Norma also had a g r een George; S h a ro n R u s sell, t humb. W e a r e s u r e s h e h usband Joe; Joy A n d e r - w as a l ready l o o k in g f o r son, husband Michael; Diw here she could bu y h e r ane C a r n ahan. h u s b and t omato starts t h i s s p r i n g Virgil; P a m el a Ti c o u l at; (Super Sweet 1 00's). Her a nd P h y l l i s' s l o n g - t i m e s isters recognized he r a s p artner, E d w ar d E . W i l - the master gardener of the s on; he r C h o c olate L a b , f amily an d e n t r usted h er C oco; he r s i s t er , L o u i se with the care of a very Pike; and many grandchilspecial family h eirloom, a dren and g r eat-grandchilprayer plant that once bed ren. I n l i e u o f f l o w e r s, l onged t o th e i r gr a n d please make contributions mother wh o p a ssed away to Partners In C a re, 2075 in 1955. It is still blooming NE Wyatt Court, Bend, OR today in Norma and Bert's 97701 or Prineville Presby- living room. terian Church. Norma was well loved by W e w o ul d l i k e t o g i v e all who knew her and she thanks to Dr. Michael Bell, will b e d ee p l y m is s e d. Evergreen In-Home C are, Norma's friends and f amP artners In Care, and t h e i ly w il l c e l ebrate her l i f e St. Charles AL S S u p port on Friday at 1:00 p.m., at Group for all their wondert he E l k s L od g e , 6 3 1 2 0 ful support. Boyd Acres Road, Bend. S ervices will b e h e l d a t D onations i n No rm a ' s the P r i n e vill e P r e s byte- name may be made to the r ian C h u r ch , 1 7 7 1 NW A vrey W a l k e r fu n d at Madras H w y , P r i n e v ille, a ny W e l l s F a r g o b a n k , O regon on Satu r d a y , Account ¹ 6 6 92025718, or M arch 16 , a t 1 0 0 p m . , go t o h t t p : //www.caringwith a reception following. bridge.org/visit/avreyPlease sign online guest- walker. book at w w w . prinevillefuP lease visit t h e o n l i n e neralhome.com uest r e g i str y fo r th e amily at w w w . niswongerreynolds.com Nov. 10, 1924- Mar. 11, 2013

got some closure in 1973 after aPapua New Guinea forPENDLETON — Almost estry worker stumbled upon 70 yearsafter a World War aircraft wreckage and found II airman crashed in a Papua scattered human remains New Guinea jungle, his fam- and four sets of dog tags. One ily will bury him in a Pendle- of the tags belonged to Ray ton cemetery. E. Thompson. The wreckage Army Air Corps Staff Sgt. showed no sign of fire or exRay Thompson, 25, and nine plosion, according to a 2012 other men vanished from the military report on recovery sky in 1944. The B-24 crew and identification efforts. took off on a bombing misFamily members traveled sion and never arrived at the to Arlington National Cemtarget. The Army declared eteryfor a special ceremony him dead two years later. in 1974, honoring the 10 men In 1973, 2002 and 2008, B- and interring their combined 24 wreckage and remains of remains in two caskets and a the 10 airmen were discov- common gravesite. ered atthree different sites. A 1974 article in The OrDNA testing identified some egonian quotes older sister of the bones as Thompson's. D aisy Seaman, no w d e Verla Tomlinson, the last ceased, who said the identiof the six Thompson siblings, fication tag discovery forced found out in November that the family to put any remainshe finally could bury her big ing hopes aside and move on. "The Army had declared brother. While growing up in their him dead two years after the Pendleton home, Ray was crash," she said, "but we alh er gentle p r otector a n d ways had lingering doubts. the one who settled sibling We weren't sure, but what if squabbles,crafted scooters he was still alive, maybe wanmade from apple boxes and dering around not knowing roller skates and instigated who he was." games of kick the can. She said the family hadn't "I always thought of him realized his job included flyas a giant," said Tomlinson, ing, saying, "We knew he born nine years after Ray. was an airplane mechanic, "He was tall and wore size 12 but he didn't want anyone to shoes — my parents had to know he was flying for fear order them special." we would worry." Watching him go off to war When m or e w r e ckage in 1942 was difficult, but even turned up in 2002 and 2008 tougher wasthe day amilitary within a couple miles of the representative knocked on 1974 wreckage, more huthe door of the family home man bones went to the Joint with news that her brother POW/MIA Accounting Comwas missing in action. mand Central Identification "We were devastated," she Laboratory in Oahu, Hawaii, said. "My father was never to be sorted out and identithe same." fied. Blood from two of Ray's Tomlinson, 85, said she still female cousinshelped invesgets emotional nearly seven tigators do DNA matching decades after Ray's disap- and conclusively i d entify pearance. She said the family Thompson's remains. The East Oregonian

Wolf Continued from B1 State scientists fitted the wolf's older b rother, OR3, with a different type of tracking collar a year earlier. The radio collar emits a signal detectable by mobile antennae gear that must be 5-10 miles from the animal on the ground or within 30 miles from the air. O R-3, which w ould b e about 5 years old, was last tracked in the Ochoco Mountains near Prineville in September 2011. While the species is called the gray wolf, not all are that color. OR-7 is gray, with tan highlights; OR-3 was black in color. Stephenson said the species can also have white fur, although it's unusual to see that in the West. As of last week, OR-7 had been staying in the northwest corner of Lassen County in California, according to the CDFW. It's estimated that he started north toward Oregon five or six days ago, Stephenson said. "We'll see if he stays," he said. "He came back into Oregon about this time last

Stephenson said OR-7 is likely looking for food, other wolves and a mate. It doesn't appear that he has found other wolves during his journey, although a CDFWworkerphotographed him in the company of two coyotes last May in Modoc County, Calif. OR-7 was the first and only known wolf in California since the animals were killed off there in the 1920s. W ildlife officials on b o t h sides of the border said they don't know where OR-7 will go next. "We can't predict that type of thing," said Michelle Dennehy, a spokeswoman with the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife. The radio collar on OR-7 is designed to last three years, Stephenson said, so it should last into early next year. The wolf itself is likely about 4 years old. He was collared at

age 2. In the wild, wolves typically live five or six years, the wildlife experts said. "You think about all that mileage," Kovacs said, "they are probably just worn out."


— Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.com


Radek, eX-Chief OfJLIStiCe'SPubliC integrity By Emily Langer The Washington Post

Lee Radek, a lawyer at the DEATHS Justice Department and former chief of its Public Integrity ELSEWHERE Section, died Feb. 2 at the Inova HealthPlex medical facility Deaths of note from around in Alexandria, Va. He was 69. the world: He had a heart attack, said Stompin'Tom Connors, 77: his wife, Jill Radek. Canadian country-folk singer Radek worked for the Juswhose odes to the vast coun- tice Department for more than try he had roamed as a hitch- three decades, beginning in hiking troubadour earned him 1971 when he joined the crimirenown. Connors wrote some nal division as a trial lawyer. 300 songs and sold nearly 4 Five years later, he moved to million albums. Unlike most the fledgling Public Integrity successful C a nadian a c t s, Section, which was created Connors shunned the U.S. mu- in the wake of the Watergate sic scene, confining his tour- scandal and tasked with the ing toCanada. Died March 6 investigation of corruption by in Halton Hills, Ontario. public officials. — From wire reports Over the next decade and

a half, Radek helped handle high-profile investigations, including Operation Ill Wind, a Pentagon procurement scandal in the 1980s that led to dozens of convictions. He rose to deputy chief before a two-year hiatus as head of the Justice Department's assetforfeiture office. In 1994, he returned to the Public Integrity Section as chief. In that role, he became entangled i n a pol i t i cally charged debate over the investigation of fundraising activities by the Clinton-Gore reelection campaign in 1996. Among other a llegations, Vice President Al Gore was accused of illegally making fundraising solicitations from the White House and, subse-

quently, misrepresenting his knowledge of how the funds were to be used. The attorney general, Janet Reno, declined to appoint an independent counsel to pursue the case, over the objections of several Justice Department officials, congressional Republicans and Louis Freeh, then director of the FBI. R eno wa s r e p o rted t o have made her decision relying heavily on advice from Radek. In testimony before a Senate subcommittee in 2 0 00, Radek compared his office after Clinton's reelection to a "a pressure cooker." But he added that the pressure was "to do the job, to do it vigorously and to do it well."

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Coos Bay



kk GattagovN» Qakridge 63/31 • Grove • 62/45 •





• Burns



Yesterday's state extremes





Port Orford

Gold~ • Beach

Jordan Valley

Chr i stmas Vag „

I Silver




rante ~ Pass


Roseburg • 27 0 Lakeview




• 73'


Paisley 60/34


• Klamath

• Brookings


• Lakeview

Falls «De








(in the 48 contiguous states):

ii , '

5 7 /47

' rtland «

++++ ~ tpS guebec s Xr rr '>93 «r+ + + + xr % w 4 + + rx ~m o o r vc + I xc + o xr xr x r xc ~ xc er r x rr o xr+9 • Thunder Bay x p e r x r e e «r 6


i Billings


Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/L0NI City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX......72/31/0.00... 77/54/5.. 81/55/s GrandRapids....33/23/0.00..38/26/pc..42/25/rs RapidCity.......65/21/000..70/40/pc. 66/26/pc Savannah .......67/43/0 00...60/38ls.. 70/47/s Akron..........32/26/0.09 ..37/26/pc. 47/34/pc GreenBay.......34/20/0.00...32/23/c..36/20/rs Reno...........77/38/0 00...76/38/s.. 72/37ls Seattle..........53/49/012...57/47lr. 55/46/sh Albany..........46/32/0 00 .. 31/I 7/sn. 39/27/pc Greensboro......54/35/0.00...50/32/s. 58/39/pc Richmond.......54/32/000...50/30/s. 58/40/pc Siovx Falls.......37/13/000..46/31/pc.. 53/22/c Albuquerque.....70/35/0.00... 72/43/s .. 76/46/s Harrisburg.......47/31/0.00..39/23/pc.47/33/pc Rochester, NY....40/28/000 .. 30/21/sn..39/31/rs Spokane........55/44/001 ..60/42/pc. 58/39/sh Anchorage......28/11/000.. 27/I 5/sn. 29/20/pc Hartford,CT.....50/36/0.00...37/I9/c.41/33/pc Sacramento......78/45/0.00... 79/50/s .. 80/50/s Springfield,MO..47/24/0.00... 65/42/s.. 74/47/s Atlanta.........56/37/0.00... 55/41/s. 66/49/pc Helena..........62/36/0.00..64/39/pc.57/35/pc St. Louis.........42/28/001..63/37/pc. 63/45/pc Tampa..........74/52/000... 66/42/s.. 71/52/s AtlanticCity.....51/33/0.00..40/26/pc. 49/36/pc Honolulu........79/63/0.00...76/64/s.. 80/65/s Salt Lake City....67I39/0.00...68/43/s .. 65/41/s Tucson..........89/50/0.00...90/55/s .. 92/58/s Austin..........76/37/0.00... 77/52/s .. 80/54/s Houston ........74/43/0.00...73/53/s.. 76/57/s San Antonio.....76/46/0.00... 77/53/s.. 80/56/s Tulsa...........56/27/0.00... 76/45ls.. 78/52/s Baltimore .......50/29/000... 44/26/s. 52/35/pc Huntsville .......51/34/0.00...56/39/s.. 68/49/s SanDiego.......65/50/0.00 ..72/53/pc.69/52/pc Wash/ngton,DC..52/37/0.00... 45/32/s. 54/39/pc Billings.........69/38/0.00 ..69/42/pc. 64/35/sh Indianapolis.....31/25/0.00..40/28/sh. 51/43/pc SanPranosco....74/45/000 ..66/47/pc. 67/48/pc Wich/ta.........56/23/000... 75/43/s .. 79/45/s Birmingham.....56/33/0.00... 58/40/5 .. 72/48/s Jackson,MS.....59/37/0.00...64/43ls.. 73/48/s SanJose........74/49/000...73/47/s. 74/49/pc Yakima.........64/41/001 ..66/37/pc. 63/40lpc Bismarck.........49/7/0 00 ..49/31/pc .. 33/9/sn Jacksonvile......70/48/0.00...60/36/s.. 71/47/s SantaPe........65/24/0.00... 68/35/s .. 71/38/s Yuma...........93/56/0.00... 95/65/s .. 96/66/s Boise...........71l43/000...69/48/s. 64/40/pc Juneau..........27/23/0.00..28/19/pc.28/20/sn INTERNATIONAL 6oston..........51/39/000... 41/24/c.40/32/pc Kansas City......44/22/0.00...66/39/s.. 74/40/s 6ridgeport,CT....52/35/000..38/22/pc. 41/34/pc Lansing.........32/22/0.00..37/26/pc..42/26/rs Amsterdam......43/21/001... 38/25/c. 41/32/pc Mecca.........100/79/000...97/76/c.96/77/pc Buffalo.........35/27/001...30/22/c ..40/32/rs LasVegas.......82/54/0.00...86/60/s.. 88/64/s Athens..........65/49/000...62/54/c.59/44/pc MexicoC/ty......72/46/000..68/46/sh.68/45/sh 6urlington, VT 42/34/001 ..29/I3/sn.34/22/pc Lexington ...... 36/28/0 01 45/36/sh 58/47/sh Auckland........77/59/000..73/68/pc.. 72/68/c Montreal........39/34/028 .. 23/I6/sf. 36/18/pc Caribou,ME.....45/39/008.. 35/I 7/sn. 30/I5/pc Lincoln...........41/8/0.00...55/32/s. 64/31/pc Baghdad........87/59/000..90/68/pc.94/70/pc Moscow........21/10/010..29/22/sn.23/19/sn Charleston, SC...68/42/0.00... 56/37/s .. 67/47/s Little Rock.......59/36/0.00...70/46/s.. 77I54/s Bangkok........99/81/0.00 ..100/79/s.. 99/80/s Nairobi.........82/63/0.00... 79/56/s.79/58/pc Charlotte........59/33/0.00... 53/35/s. 63/43/pc LosAngeles......65/51/000..69/57/pc.68/56/pc Beijing..........46/30/000 ..46/37/pc. 53/41/pc Nassau.........79/72/000 ..72/62/pc .. 69/62/c Chattanooga.....50/33/0.00... 55/40/s. 65/47/pc Louisville........38/30/0.00..46/38/sh. 61/49/pc Beirut..........84/63/000 ..76/70/pc 87/61/c New Delhi.......90/63/000 90/61/pc .. 87/61ls Cheyenne.......58/27/000... 62/39/s. 64/33/pc Madison,WI.....32/I9/0 00 .. 34/23/rs. 39/23/sh Berlin...........32/16/000..34/22/pc ..33/22/sl Osaka..........68/50/051 ..44/43/pc.. 54/49/s Chicago.........33/22/000..39/30/sh. 51/34/sh Memphis........51/37/0.00 ..63/44/pc .. 73/55ls Bogota .........68/46/0.00... 75/57/t...75/58/t Oslo.............25/7/0.00 ..29/15/pc.. 28/15/c Cincinnati.......34/28/0.00 ..43/31/pc. 55/44/pc Miami..........79/57/0.00... 72/53/s .. 75/SIs Budapest........50/43/014... 40/28/r ..31/18/sf Ottawa.........37/30/000 .. 21/14/sf..32/I0/sf Cleveland.......32/28/000 ..36/29/pc.45/31Ipc Milwaukee......32/21/0.00 .. 35/26/rs. 39/27/sh BuenosAires.....63/48/000 ..69/50/pc. 66/50/sh Pans............37/16/006 39I28/pc .. ..35/34/rs Colorado 5prings.63/23/0 00... 64/35/s.. 69/36/s Minneapolis.....33/14/0.00...36/26/c. 38/I9/sn CaboSanLucas..88/63/0.00...82/64/s. 88/66/pc Riode Janero....99/79/0.00... 78/73/r. 77/73/sh ColumbiaMO...43/26/0.00...64/35/s. , 67/39/pc Nashvile........45/35/0.00.. 55/41/pc. 65/52/pc Cairo...........82/63/0.00... 96/72/s .. 97/54/c Rome...........55/41/0.00 ..56/40/pc. 51/35/pc ColumbiaSC , 65/38/0.00... 57I39/s. 68/43/pc New Orleans.... 67/44/0.00. 64/48/s .. 72I56/s Calgary.........55/28/0.00... 46/9/6 . 18/9/c Santiago........81/52/0.00... 80/66/s .. 84/65/s Columbus GA 63/37/000... 59/40/s. 71l47/pc NewYork.......52/40/0.00..39/26/pc. 45/34/pc Cancvn.........77/68/000..79/66/pc. 75/66/pc Sao Paulo.......81/70/000...68/65lr.70/67/sh Columbus, OH....35/28/0.00 ..40/29/pc. 51/40/pc Newark,Nl......53/39/000.. 39/26/pc. 46/33/pc Dvblin..........45/28/0.03..46/38/sh. 45/35/sh Sapporo ........37/32/0.38..26/18/pc. 34/19/pc Concord,NH.....48/35/000...37/14/c.37/21/pc Norfolk,VA......56/42/0.00... 50/33/s. 58/43/pc Edinburgh.......43/28/000 .. 40/34/rs.35/28/sh Seoul...........46/32/000... 48/36/s. 48/38/pc Corpus Chnst/....75/43/0.00... 77/56/s .. 81/61/s Oklahoma City...63/32/0.00... 75/47/s .. 80/50/s Geneva.........41I32/000...34/23/c. 33/21/pc Shanghai........61/37/0 50. 46/43/pc. 52/50/pc Dallas FtWonh...69/41/0.00... 76/55/s .. 81/60/s Omaha.........36/15/0.00...49/32/s. 57/29/pc Harare..........77/52/0 00..73/55/sh. 72/54/sh Singapore.......90/77/000..89I78/pc.86/77/sh Dayion .........32/25/0.00..40/29/pc.52/41/pc Orlando.........76/52/0.00...69/43/s .. 73/48/s Hong Kong......81/70/0.00..71/68/sh. 72/67/pc Stockholm........27/9/0.00..27/I2/pc. 26/IIlpc Denver..........60/28/0.00...67/39/s.. 73/39/s PalmSprings.....95/59/0.00... 95/66/s .. 99/63/s Istanbul.........63/50/000..67/57/sh. 60/49/pc Sydney..........84/66/0 00...81/68/t. 79/63/sh DesMoines......33/18/0 00...47/30/s. 55/30/pc Peoria ..........36/22/0.00 ..48/30/sh. 54/36/pc lerusalem.......77/64/0 00...82/68/s.. 86/59/c Taipe/...........84/59/0 00..60/62/pc. 68/64/pc Detroit..........34/27/0.01 ..38/28/pc. 44/29/sh Philadelphia.....51/36/0.00 ..41l27/pc. 49/36/pc lohannesburg....80/57/000..72/53/sh. 71/56/sh TelAviv.........84/63/0 00...89/70/s.. 96/60/c Duluth...........32/3/0.00...34/24/c.. 30/9/sn Phoenix.........89/$7/0.00...92/62/s.. 94/63/s Lima ...........82/70/000...78/70/c. 78/71/pc Tokyo...........70/57/0 00..47/44/sh. 54/47/pc ElPaso..........76/42/0.00...80/47/s.. 83/52/s Pittsburgh .... 36/29/0.02..36/27/pc.. 48/35/c Lisbon..........54/41/0 00..58/42/pc.. 57/49/c Toronto.........34/25/0 04..34I25/pc. 34/I9/sn Fairbanks.......I6/-21/0.00 ... 6/-23/s...8/-I7/s Portland,ME.... 48/41/0.00.. 41/I8/rs.36/25/pc London .........45/32/0.00..44/31/pc. 50/40/sh Vancouver.......52/50/029...50/46/r. 50/45/sh Fargo...........20/ 5/0.00..36/24/pc.. 27/6/sn Providence ......53/38/0.00...41/21/c.41/31/pc Madrid .........45/37/0.00..SI/31/pc.53/38/pc Vienna..........48/30/0.00..33/27/sn.. 37/24/c Flagstaff ........61/22/0.00...67/29/s.. 71/32/s Raleigh.........58/34/0.00...50/31/s. 59/39/pc Manila..........93/77/000 ..90/75/pc. 8572/pc Warsaw.........25/18/009... 30/23/c..24/15/sf

www m Hali f ax 45/28



" " ~

Tor onfo 9 0 vrrtht'

• 97'


Thermal, Calif.

• -18'


Langdon, BI.D.


• 1.62 w

" MH


Quillayute, Wash

• fJ~



Little Rock 70/46 '



75/55 '

St.Louis 63/37

4 •

Oklahoma City







i ld l P U





Honolulu ~ 76/64


' Des Moines

Cheye n ne


Los Angelew

a C>

Ranid City




hvi H e ~ Ch a rlotte ~ - •o , 5 3/35 55/41~

Atlanta~ • Birmingham SS/41

' 76/ssL

HAW Ai i


• Miami 72/53 Monterrey 80/55•

90 /70

Juneau 28/19




Mazatlan •




Chihuahua 75/49

La Paz 83/65


;o + .++v+ , 4rr64 4 , * * * *o * + +++ ' 3 4 8 4 '* * * * * ++~ r 4 x * +*



For links to the latest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind, f-iog, dr-dnzzle,tr-trace Legend:W-weather, Pcp-preopitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze, sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowIlurnes,sn-snow, i-ice,

+ r.+Xc + ee:,:Winnipe IllnlPe

' ; ; q" " ' " "



r ~. w w a w w SO/46

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 66/41 24 hours ending 4p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........71 in1934 Monthtodate.......... 0.12" Recordlow.........12in1969 Average monthtodate... 033" Average high.............. 51 Year to date............ 1.92" Average low............... 27 Average yearto date..... 2.95" Barometncpressure at 4 p.m.30.13 Record 24 hours ...0.70 in 1937 *Melted liquid equivalent

Sisters.........64/36/0.00....64/31/pc.....60/34/sh For up-to-minute conditions turn to: The Dages......68/44/0.00....66/42/pc......65/40/c www.tripcheck.com or call 511


YeSterday'P extremes

Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:27 a.m...... 5:30 p.m. Venus......7:19 a.m...... 6:51 p.m. Mars.......738 a m...... 7 47 pm. Jupiter.....10;30 a.m...... I:37 a.m. Satum.....10:54 p.m...... 9:22 a.m. Uranus.....7:49 a.m...... 8:12 p.m.






• Brothers 63/28

Chemult 61/26


• 5)ioe

54 31

The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Yesterday Thursday F riday City Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday: PrecipitationvaIvesare24-hour totals through4 p.m. for solar at noon. Snow accumulation in inches Astoria ........ 54/48/0.14..... 53/47/r.....54/45/sh Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth 6aker City......63/35/0.00....64/40/pc.....60/33/pc Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 78 LDW MEDIUM HIGH 6rookings ....NA/NA/0.00 ....56/45/c......57/47/c Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . . 75 6urns ....... 64/30/0 00 .64/36/pc.....58/30/pc 0 2 4 6 8 10 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .78-118 Eugene........68/44/0.00....60/47/pc.....61/44/sh Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . .110-120 Klamath Falls ...66/28/0.00....63/34/pc.....62/32/pc Mt. Hood Meadows...... . . . . 0.0. . . . . . . 104 Lakeview.......64/27/0.00....62/37/pc.....60/36/pc Mt. HoodSki6owl...........0.0 ....60-65 La Pine ........66/31/0.00....63/28/pc.....58/30/pc Snow level androad conditions representing condiTimberline...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . . . 1 44 at5p.m.yesterday.Key:TT.= Traction Tires. Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Medford.......68/39/0.00....69/41/pc.....68/39/pc tions Newport....... 54/43/0.00..... 52/46/r.....52/43/sh Pass Conditions Willamette Pass ....... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .36-90 North Bend.....54/46/0.00.....56/47/c.....56/44/sh 15 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires Ontario........64/40/0.00....69/48/pc.....65/42/pc I 84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T.Tires Aspen, Colorado ... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . M2-47 Pendleton......63/43/0.00....67/43/pc.....65/40lpc Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T.Tires Mammoth Mtn., California.....0.0.. . . .91 195 Portland .......63/46/0.00.....59/48/r.....60/45/sh Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T.Tires Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .55 68 PrineviRe,,.,,. 65/41/000 63/33/pc.....64/33/pc Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T.Tires Squaw Valley, California..... . . 0 0 . . . . .25-107 Redmond.......69/35/0.00....66/34/pc.....61/35/pc Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0... . . .24-57 Roseburg.......73/50/0.00.....65/47/c......65/44/c Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . .66-78 Salem.........66/43/0.00....60/46/pc.....60/42/sh Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 45







51 26





• Pauhna 59/29


• Hampton La Pine63/28 61/29 • Crescento • Crescent • port Rock euso I.ake 63/28



EAST Sunny to partly cloudy and beautiful.

Baker City

•John oa ay



x» 60lozCCC+gxxgxb Sunriv« • Bend



• Mi tchell 67/35


0 42~

• Spray )oae

i %%%62/46 i i h h k k i i i»6 1/29~




Partly cloudy skies.

58 32

Sunset today... . 7:11 P.m P irst Ful l La s t Sunnsetomorrow .. 7:I 7 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 7:12 p.m Moonrisetoday.... 8:29 a.m Moonsettoday ...10:41 p.m Mar.19 Mar.27 April2 Apnl10

CENTRAL Partly sunny with mild temperatures.


~ La Grand


Enterpnse • 60/38


s~<><'Warm Spvings~o NeWpO,1,% »Albanv / 4o~ x x x x i M 6 9 ) i COFValllg » » x C Sh e)as Y h t

• Mea








• Pendleto


i i da m p sers)i.,

Lincoln Cityx .6 i i i ~ i i i i . .x x x 53/46 k k 'ecvaeo. xx k

• Hermiston 68/42

Dages 65/43 oArhngton «i 2 • 68/43 • i oWasco


Hjilsboro• x>59/48 Portland .

Cloudy with rain likely in the far north.



SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday... Moon phases


Asto r i a ..xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

N XX'53/47XXX X X X X X X X N

• A good shot at some rainfall, cooler.



A few light hitor-miss showers in the afternoon.


W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain


F l urries Snow







Getaways Travel PleasaniIIolidaqs.


r .'

h, ~z

~ffy M+~ 2w

f)C/g 2 P m'


ic c n -vaoo.W


6 ):




Enjoy a spectacular 5-night French Polynesia vacation courtesy of PleaSant HOlidayS, GetaWayS TraVel CInd The Bulletin.

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Bush to Detroit; Welker to Denver

OSLJ falls in first round to Colorado

Ducks looking to get on a roll

England and heading to Denver, where he'll join

By John Marshall

By Bob Clark

The Associated Press

The (Eugenel Register-Guard

PeytonManningandthe Broncos. Also getting new deals were ReggieBush

LAS VEGAS — Colorado won four games in four days tobecome a surprise winner of lastyear's Pac-12 tournament. The Buffaloes took the first step toward another fourin-four run on Wednesday. Spencer Dinwiddie scored 20 points and Colorado picked up a much-needed win at the Pac-12 tournament, holding off Oregon State 74-68 in the first of what it hopes to be four rounds. cYou can't come in with the big-picture mentality," Colorado coach Tad Boyle said. "We said that before the game. We're saying it after the game. That's just our approach and our mentality. These guys have bought in." Colorado (21-10) needed a couple of wins in Las Vegas to boost its NCAA chances and got off to a good start by dominating Oregon State defensively most of the second half. Rober1:o Nelson had 20 points, and Eric Moreland had 14 points and 13 rebounds for Oregon State. SeeOSU/C4

While one championship was lost last weekend, at least there is another for Oregon to go after this week at the Pac-12 Conference tournament. The Ducks, having fallen short o f sharing the regular-season title by dropping their final two games, openplay at the MGM grand garden Arena in Las Vegas tonight against Washington, which beat Washington State 64-62 in a first

Wes Welker sure knows how to pick his

quarterbacks. The star receiver, Tom Brady's favorite

target, is leaving New

in Detroit and Dashon

Goldson in TampaBay. Day 2 of the NFL's

free agency frenzywas highlighted by Welker

grabbing a two-year deal with the Broncos, who had the AFC's best regu-

lar-season record last year. Hegives Manning one of the steadiest tar-

gets the four-time league MVP ever has had. The best slot receiver in the

league, Welker caught 118 passes for1,354 yards and six TDs last

NeXt gp Pac-12 tourney, Washington

'When: Today, 8:30P m • TV: ESPNU

roundgame on Wednesday night.. nadlo. "We know t hat w e

m essed KBND AM1110

up (in the regular season), and

I think our focus is really high right now, wanting this conference championship," Oregon senior E.J. Singler said of the tournament, which will determine the Pac-12's automatic berth in the NCAA tournament. See Ducks/C4

Julie Jacobson /The Associated Press

Oregon State's Joe Burton, right, pulls down a rebound against Colorado's Josh Scott in the second half of Wednesday's first-round game in the Pac-12 tournament in Las Vegas.

season. Bush agreed to afouryear deal and could fill

a huge hole at running


back. The Lions haven't



been able to count on 2010 first-round draft pick Jahvid Best, whose career is in doubt be-

" j.' "

cause of concussion issues. Bushadds to a strong offense ledby record-setting All-Pro

el f f


Summit wins first tourney of season

z' n

~ P .o <t 1

receiver Calvin Johnson.

The second overall pick in 2006 by NewOrleans,

I IIj (I

Bush rushed for 986 yards for Miami last sea-



0 4

son after gaining 1,086 yards in 2011, his first year with the Dolphins.

Bulletin staff report CROOKED RIVER RANCH — Summit coach Jerry Hackenbruck has wit-

All-Pro safety Goldson gets a five-year contract worth $41.25

million. He spent the past two seasons on one-year contracts with the 49ers, including last

nessed plenty of good golf in t,

year with the franchise tag for $6.2 million.

,~ Or~ „ijgp

Cleveland remained Il




4gj ~s~@.


Groves andtackle Des-


mond Bryant to further bolster a defense that


added Ravenslinebacker


Paul Kruger hours after

free agency began.So




active, agreeing to terms with linebacker Quentin

g, .



-", l2

2 2i 0 OIOI SO IOO SO OES ..

did Kansas City, which added cornerback Dunta


Robinson, receiver Donnie Avery andoffensive





lineman Bryan Mattison to the three free agents it

signed the previous day when the marketplace

opened. — The Associated Press



i, J~~'>S

Vonn wins downhill title LENZERHEIDE, Switzerland — Lindsey Vonn

had the weather on her sidewhen itcame down to deciding a World Cup title.


The men's field races in last year's U.S. National Snowshoe Championships in Frisco, Colo.


Use of visors still Llp for debate in NHL


Courtesy of Amy Johansen

Fog canceled racing on Wednesday, giving the injured Vonna record sixth straight World Cup downhill title without having to show up onthe mountain.The title comes five weeks

after a crash andseason-ending knee injury for the American.

The cancellation allowed Vonn to retain her title — just one

point ahead of overall championTina Maze of Slovenia.

"Omg I won the

World Cup Downhill title!!!!! 6 in a row with a

bum knee!" Vonn wrote on her Facebookpage. Maze was trying to

become the first woman to win five crystal

globes in aseason — the overall and four discipline titles.

Bend's Laurenne Ross finished the sea-

son in16th place in the downhill standings. — The Associated Press

his time guiding the Storm's girls team, but nothing like what he saw on Wednesday. Summit's Madison Odiorne and Sarah Heinly tied for medalist honors at the Crooked River Invitational as both golfers ended the day just 1 over par with matching rounds of 73. Odiorne, who won the Class 5A individual title last year as a freshman, shot a blistering 2-under 34 on the back nine at the Crooked River Ranch Golf Course to tie Heinly, who was even at the turn. Heinly, a freshman, ended the day 1 over on the back. "We've won four straight state titles, but I've never had two girls go that low," Hackenbruck said. "I'm real proud of the way they played." See Golf /C4

By Mark Morical

girls national championship

The Bulletin

race (for age 18 and younger)

Having originated in the Northeast in the mid-1800s, snowshoe racing in the United States is nothing new. But the pace of the sport's westward spread has been somewhat

and a citizen's 5K fun run are also set for Saturday. On Sunday, relay races for all ages will

glacial. So while many folks in Central Oregon view snowshoeing as simply recreational wintertime hiking, it can also be a form of competitive wintertime running. Bend is set to host the 2013 U.S. National Snowshoe Championships this Saturday and Sunday at Virginia Meissner Sno-park. Pre-qualified endurance athletes from across the country will compete Saturday morning on a 10-kilometer

course (two laps of a 5K loop) that includes a mix of groomed trails and newly broken

singletrack. A junior boys and

be staged.

"It's just trail running during the winter," says Mark Elmore, sports director for the U.S. Snowshoe Association (USSA), based in Corinth, N.Y. "It's a natural extension of what all these trail runners enjoy during the dry time of the year." This weekend marks the 13th edition of the U.S. National Snowshoe Championships. Last yearthe event was staged in Frisco, Colo., and the 2011 nationals were held in Cable, Wis. This year marks the first time the Northwest has hosted the annual event since 2009, when the nationals took place at White River Sno-park near Mount Hood. See Snowshoe/C4

Nore abouttheevent What:The U.S.NationalSnowshoe

Championship snowshoe racesfor prequalified runners and non-championship races open to the public. Where:Virginia Meissner Sno-park

southwest of Bend (see map, C4) When:Championship races start this

Saturday at 9 a.m.; relay races start Sunday at 9 a.m. Cost:Feesrange from $5 for the1K kids' race to $40 for the10K championship or relay.

Spectators:Spectators are welcome along the course at no charge, but a snopark parking permit is required; best place for viewing is the start/finish area near the parking lot; demo snowshoes will be available.

Contact:To register or for more information and a complete schedule, visit

snowshoeracing.com or visitbend.com. Registration is also available Friday from11 a.m.to5 p.m .atFootZone in downtown Bend.

By Dan Gelston The Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA — Chris Pronger's sad descent from All-Star defenseman to bedridden days in dark rooms to ease throbbing headaches and occasional bouts of depression can be traced to one wayward stick to his right

eye. Pronger lost his peripheral vision. He can't run, or even skate hard. The former Philadelphia Flyers' star who keyed the team's run to the 2010 Stanley Cup finals has been advised not to return to

hockey. But given the chance to become abetter-safe-thansorry spokesman for the use of protective shields, the kind that might have saved his career and his vision, Pronger balked. If his two young sons wanted to one day play in the NHL without visors, Pronger wouldn't stand in their way. See Visors/C3



ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY BASEBALL Midnight: MLB, spring training, Atlanta at Miami (taped), MLB Network.

5 a.m.:MLB, spring training, Philadelphia at New York

Yankees (taped), MLBNetwork. 10 a.m.:MLB, spring training, Atlanta at St. Louis, MLB Network.

1 p.m.:MLB, spring training, Chicago White Sox at Los Angeles Angels, MLB Network. 4 p.m.:World Baseball Classic,

second round, Dominican Republic vs. U.S., MLB Network.

8 p.m.:MLB, spring training, Tampa Bay atBaltimore (taped),

BASEBALL Midnight: MLB, spring training, Detroit at New York Mets

(taped), MLBNetwork. 5 a.m.: MLB, spring training, Pittsburgh at Philadelphia

(taped), MLBNetwork. 10 a.m.:MLB, spring training, Pittsburgh at Houston, MLB Network. 1 p.m.: MLB, spring training, Texas at San Francisco, MLB Network. 4 p.m.: World Baseball Classic, Network. 8 p.m.: MLB, spring training,

Minnesota at Boston (taped), MLB Network.

GOLF 6:30 a.m.:European Tour, Avantha Masters, first round,

GOLF 6:30 a.m.:European Tour,

Noon:PGATour, TampaBay Championship, first round, Golf

Channel. 3:30 p.m.:LPGATour, LPGA

Founders Cup, first round, Golf Channel. BASKETBALL 9 a.m.:Men's college, Big East tourney, quarterfinal,

Georgetown vs. Cincinnati,

Avantha Masters, second round, Golf Channel.

Noon:PGATour, TampaBay Championship, second round, Golf Channel. 3:30 p.m.: LPGA Tour, LPGA

Founders Cup,second round, Golf Channel. 5:30 p.m.:Champions Tour, Toshiba Classic, first round, Golf

Channel. BASKETBALL 8 a.m.:Women's college, Conference USAtourney,

ESPN. 9 a.m.: Men's college, Atlantic semifinal, teams TBD, CBSSN. 10 tourney, first round, Richmond vs. Charlotte, NBCSN. 9 a.m.:Men's college, Big Ten

9 a.m.:Men's college, Big Ten tourney, first round, lllinois vs. Minnesota, Big Ten Network.

9 a.m.:Men's college, ACC tourney, first round, Boston

College vs. GeorgiaTech, ESPNU.

tourney, quarterfinal, Indiana vs. Illinois/Minnesota, ESPN.

9 a.m.:Men's college, ACC tourney, quarterfinal, Miami vs.

Boston College/Georgia Tech, ESPN.

10 a.m.:Men's college, SEC

9:30 a.m.:Men's college, Big 12 tourney, quarterfinal, Florida vs. tourney, quarterfinal, Oklahoma vs. )owa State, ESPN2.

10 a.m.:Men's college, Conference USA tourney, quarterfinal, Southern Miss vs. UAB, CBSSN. 11:30 a.m.: Men's college, Big East tourney, quarterfinal,

Pittsburgh vs. Syracuse, ESPN. 11:30 a.m.:Men's college, Atlantic10 tourney, first round, Dayton vs. Butler, NBCSN. 11:30 a.m.: Men's college, Big Ten tourney, first round,

Michigan vs. PennState, Big Ten Network. 11:30 a.m.: Men's college, ACC tourney, first round, North Carolina State vs. Virginia Tech, ESPNU.

LSU/Georgia, ESPNU.

10:30a.m.:Women'scollege, Conference USAtourney, semifinal, teams TBD,CBSSN. 11:30 a.m.: Men's college, Big Ten tourney, quarterfinal, Wisconsin vs. Michigan/Penn State, ESPN.

11:30a.m.: Men'scollege,ACC tourney, quarterfina), Virginia

2:30p.m.:Men'scollege,Pac12 tourney, quarterfinal, Arizona vs. Colorado, Pac-12 Network.


12:30p.m.:Men'scollege,SEC tourney, quarterfinal, Alabama vs. TBD, ESPNU.

1 p.m.:Men'scollege, Conference USAtourney, semifinal, teams TBD, CBSSN.

3:30 p.m.:Men's college, Big Ten tourney, quarterfinal, Ohio

tourney, quarterfinal, Duke vs.

Maryland/Wake Forest, ESPN2. 4:30 p.m.:Men's college, Big 12 tourney, semifinal, teams TBD, ESPNU.

6 p.m.: Men's college, BigTen Xavier vs. St. Joseph's, NBCSN. tourney, quarterfinal, Michigan State vs. )owa/Northwestern, 3:30 p.m.:Men's college, Big Atlantic10 tourney, first round,

Ten tourney, first round, Purdue vs. Nebraska, ESPN2.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Conference USAtourney, quarterfinal, Memphis vs. Tulane, CBSSN. 4 p.m.: Men's college, Big East tourney, quarterfinal, Louisville vs. Villanova, ESPN.

4 p.m.:Men's college, ACC tourney, first round, Maryland vs. Wake Forest, ESPNU. 5p.m.: NBA, DallasatSan Antonio, TNT.

6 p.m.: Men'scollege,Pac-12 tourney, quarterfinal, Cal vs. Utah, Pac-12 Network.

Big Ten Network.

6 p.m.: Men'scollege,Pac-12 tourney, semifinal, teams TBD, Pac-12 Network.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Mountain West tourney, semifinal, teams TBD, CBSSN.

6:30 p.m.:Men's college, Big East tourney, semifinal, teams TBD, ESPN.

6:30p.m.:Men'scollege,ACC tourney, quarterfinal, North Carolina vs. Florida State/ Clemson, ESPN2. 7 p.m.: Men's college, Big12

tourney, semifinal, teamsTBD, ESPNU.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Big Ten

8:30 p.m.:Men's college, Pac-

tourney, first round, lowa vs. Northwestern, ESPN2. 6 p.m.: Men's college, Atlantic 10 tourney, first round,

8:30 p.m.:Men's college, Mountain West tourney,

Massachusetts vs. George Washington, NBCSN.


12 tourney, semifinal, teams TBD, ESPN.

semifinal, UNLV vs. Colorado State, CBSSN. tourney, semifinal, teams TBD, ESPNU.


12:30 p.m.: NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Food City 500 qualifying,

6:30p.m.:Men'scollege, Conference USA tourney, quarterfinal, East Carolina vs. Tulsa, CBSSN. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, New Yorkat Portland TNT.

8:30p.m.:Men'scollege, Pac-12 tourney, quarterfinal,

Oregon vs. Washington, Pac-12 Network.


10, Jackson 4 82-212, Thabeet0-20-00, Brewer2-3 0-04, Jones1-22-24 Totals 37-6929-33110. Utah 19 9 28 31 — 87 Oklahomacity 29 2 1 29 31 — 110

Rockets111, Suns 81 PHOENIX (81)

Marc Morris 2-7 1-3 5, Mark.Morris 2-8 0-0 4, Scola 2-50-0 4, Dragic4-10 2-311, Johnson7-13 0-015, O'Neal3-6 0-06, Marshall 4-60-010, Dudley 2-50-05, Beasley4-132-210, Tucker0-10-00, Haddadi0-2 2-2 2,Garrett4-5 0-0 9. Totals 34-81 7-10 81.

HOUSTON (111) Parsons5-111-1 11,Motiejunas7-123-419, Asik


Eastern Conference Atlantic Division

GP W L OT PtsGF GA Pittsburgh 2 7 1 9 8 0 38 100 78 NewJersey 27 13 9 5 31 70 77 N .Y.Rangers 25 13 10 2 2 8 64 61 N .Y.lslanders 26 11 12 3 2 5 77 88 P hiladelphia 28 12 15 I 2 5 77 87 Norlheast Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Montreal 27 18 5 4 40 88 69 Boston 24 17 4 3 3 7 72 53 Ottawa 27 13 8 6 3 2 64 58 Toronto 2 7 15 11 1 3 1 81 75 2 7 10 14 3 2 3 70 84 Buffalo Southeast Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Carolina 2 5 1 5 9 1 31 79 69 W innipeg 2 6 1 3 1 1 2 2 8 68 76 T ampaBay 26 11 14 1 2 3 88 81 W ashington 25 10 14 1 2 1 69 76 Florida 27 7 14 6 20 66 101

EasternConference Central Division

GP W L OT PtsGF GA Chicago 2 6 2 1 2 3 45 85 58 S t. Louis 2 6 1 4 1 0 2 3 0 80 79 D etroit 27 12 1 0 5 2 9 70 71 Nashville 2 6 1 1 9 6 28 58 61 C olumbus 27 1 0 12 5 2 5 62 74 Northwest Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Vancouver 25 1 2 7 6 30 68 68 M innesota 25 1 3 10 2 2 8 59 61 E dmonton 2 6 1 0 1 1 5 2 5 64 76 C algary 25 1 0 1 1 4 2 4 69 84 C olorado 2 5 1 0 1 1 4 2 4 62 73 Pacific Division GP W L OT PtsGF GA Anaheim 2 5 1 9 3 3 41 87 63 Los Angeles 25 14 9 2 30 73 65 P hoenix 26 1 3 1 0 3 2 9 77 74 SanJose 2 5 1 1 8 6 28 58 61 Dallas 2 5 12 11 2 2 6 67 71

4-7 6-714, Lin5-92-213, Harden4-7 7-818, Smith 3-50-2 6,Robinson 5-9 2-4 12,Del tino 2-5 0-05, Beverley2-70-0 6, Garcia0-1 0-0 0, Anderson1-2 2-24, Brooks1-10-03. Totals39-7623-30111. Phoenix 25 20 17 19 — 81 Houston 30 28 32 21 — 111


Eastern Conference x-Miami d-Indiana d-NewYork Brooklyn Chicago Boston Atlanta Milwaukee Toronto Philadelphia Cleveland Detroit Washington Orlando Charlotte

Pct GB 778 625 9H 613 10'/~ 585 12 547 14'/~ 547 14'/z

W 49 48 44

Pct GB 754 738 1 698 4 682 4'/~ 667 5'/~ 561 12'/~ 538 14

Western Conference

d-SanAntonio d-Dklahoma City Memphis d-L.A. Clippers Denver GoldenState Houston L.A. Lakers


W L 49 14 40 24 38 24 38 27 35 29 35 29 35 29 32 31 25 40 24 40 22 42 23 44 21 42 18 47 14 50

L 16 17 19

45 21

44 22 37 29 35 30 34 32 33 32 30 33 29 34 22 40 23 43 22 43 22 43

Dallas Portland Minnesota Sacramento Phoenix NewOrleans d-divisionleader x-clinched playoff spot Wednesday'sGames Miami 98,Philadelphia94 Indiana107,Minnesota91 Washington 106, Milwaukee93 Boston112,Toronto88 Atlanta96, L.A.Lakers92 HoustonI11, Phoenix81 Oklahoma City110, Utah87 Sacramento121, Chicago79 GoldenState105,Detroit 97 Memphis96,L.A.Clippers85 Denver117,NewYork 94 Today's Games Dallas atSanAntonio, 5p.m. NewYorkatPortland, 7:30 p.m.

547 14'/z

508 17 385 25 375 25'/~ 344 274 343 28 333 28 277 32 219 35H

515 15'/z

508 16

476 18 460 19 355 25'/z 348 26'/z 338 27 338 27


Thunder 110, Jazz 87 UTAH(87) Carroll 0-3 0-0 0, Migsap1-5 5-8 7, Jefferson 4-130-0 8,M.Wi0iams 2-70-0 5,Foye2-7 0-0 6, Favors3-60-06, Burks2-82-27, Hayward6-14 7-8 20, MaWigiams2 50-04 Kanter3 66-612, Watson 2-4 5-69,Evans1-11-33, Murphy0-10-00. Totals 28-80 26-3387. OKLAHOMA CITY (110) Durant 7138 923, Ibaka4 6 2 210, Perkins0 2 0-0 0, Westbrook 6-11 7-919, Sefolosha2-42-2 7, Martin 5-104-415, Co lison 2-32-36, Fisher4-50-0

Men's college

17-19 88.

Colorado74, OregonState 68

212, Bradley2-71-2 5, Lee5-10 0-011, Wilcox3-3 1-3 7,Green7 145 520,Terry 4 61-212, Crawford 4-9 3-412, Wtgiams 2-21-1 5, Randolph0-10-00, White1-1 0-02. Totals 39-7628-35112. Toronto 22 18 22 26 — 88 Boston 21 28 32 31 — 112

Barton1-4 0 0 3, Burton2-6 0-04, Moreland5-12 3-414, Collier 4-55-713, Neson 6-18 6-720, Robbins 2-31-2 6,Starks3-100-0 8 Schaftenaar0-00-0 0, Reid0-0 000 Totals 23-58 15-20 68.

BOSTON (112) Pierce 369-1115, Bass3-95 511,Garnett 5 82-

Heat 98, 76ers 94 MIAMI (98)

Pacers107, Timderwolves 91



Deng5-120-0 10,Boozer8-125-6 21,Noah3-8 0-06, Robinson7-94-519, Belinegi0-90-00, Butler 2-10 2-2 6, Moham med 0-3 2-2 2, Teague3-5 0-0 6,Radmanovic0 3 0-0 0,Cook4-12 0-0 9.Totals 32-83 13-1579. SACRAMENTO (121) Salmons2-100 05,Patterson6 70-014, Thompson4-84-412,Thomas8-144-422,Evans11-133-4 26, Aldrich2-52-26, Hayes3-54-710, Thornton3-8 0 07, Dougla3 s 53-310, Fredette3-62-29, Dutaw 0-2 0-0 0.Totals 45-8322-26121. Chicago 20 16 24 19 — 79 Sacramento 34 31 28 28 — 121

Pacific-12 ConferenceTournament At MGMGrandGardenArena Lasyegas First Round Wednesday,March13 Hawks 96, Lakers 92 ArizonaSt.89 Stanford88, DT Colorado74,OregonSt. 68 L.A. LAKERS (92) Utah69,SouthernCal66 WorldPeace9-190020, Ciark1-22-24, Howard Washington 64, Washington State62 5-9 0 3 10,Nash4-14 3-3 11, Bryant11-337 8 31, Quarterfinals Jamison360 07,Blake2-50-06,Meeks1-40-03 Today, March14 Totals 36-9212-16 92. UCLAvs. ArizonaState,12:06p.m. ATLANTA (96) Arizonavs.Colorado, 2:36p.m. Togiver3-72-29, Horiord7-120-1 14, Petro5-10 Californiavs. Utah,6:06 p.m. 0 010, Harris6-154-817, Jones0 50 00, Johnson Oregon vs.Washington,8:36p.m. 4-74-412, Korver 5-103-415, Mack3-50-07, JenSemifinals kins 4 81-212 Totals 37-7914-21 96. Friday, March15 L.A. Lakers 19 24 31 18 — 92 UCLA-ArizonaState winner vs. Arizona-ColoradoAtlanta 26 29 21 20 — 96 winner,6:06p.m. California-Utahwinnervs. Oregon-W ashington winner, 8.38 p.m. Celtics112, Raptors 88 Championship Saturday, March16 TORONTO (88) Semifinal wi n ners, 8:02p.m. Johnson3 63 49, Gay7195 519, Valanciunas 4-7 1-2 9, Lowry2-7 0-0 5, DeRozan 5-13 7-7 17, Wednesday'sSummary Fields 3-51-1 7,Ross6-11 0-013, Telfair 2-50-05, Anderson2-30-0 4, Lucas0-30-0 0. Totals 34-79

James8-1910-12 27, Haslem221-25, Bosh511 0-010, Chalmers3-91-1 7, Wade7-14 7-8 21, Andersen5-9 0-010, Battier 2-6 0-0 6, R.ARen3-5 0-0 0 Totals 35-75 23-27 98. NOTE: Twopoints Ior a win, onepoint for overtime 4-412, Cole0-0PHILADELPHIA (94) loss. Turner7131-215, TYoung11-2022 24,Hawes Wednesday'sGames 2-5 2-2 6, Holiday9-18 0-221, Wilkins 2-4 1-25, Montreal 4,Ottawa3, SD Jenkins 1-30-0 2, Moultrie 0-0 0-0 0,Wright 5-12 NewJersey5, Philadelphia2 0-013, N.Young1-30-03, LAllen 2-41-25, Ivey0-3 Calgary5, Detroit 2 0-00. Totals40-857-1294. Today's Games Miami 21 30 20 27 — 98 Florida atBoston, 4p.m. P hiladelphia 22 17 2 7 28 — 94 PittsburghatToronto,4 p.m.

Washington at Carolina, 4p.m. Chicagoat Columbus,4p.m. N.Y. Islanders atTampaBay 4:30p.m. N.Y.RangersatWinnipeg, 5p.m. PhoenixatSt. Louis,5 p.m. Colorado at Minnesota,5 p.m. Anahetm at Dallas, 5:30p.m. Nashville atVancouver, 7p.m. Los AngelesatSanJose, 7:30p.m.

Kings121, Bulls 79

MINNESOT A (91) Gelabale0-30-00, Wiliams4-91-210, Stiemsma 5-13 3-413,Rubio6-14 7-8 21,Ridnour 8-15 0-017, Shved 2 82-2 7, Cunningham5-62-212, C Johnson 3-3 0-0 6, Barea2-9 0-0 5. Totals 35-80 15-18 91. INDIANA(107) George 6-111-217, West6-81-213, Hibbert1015 7-8 27,Hill 7-140-0 16,Stephenson2-11 1-25, T.Hansbrough 1-33-65,Young1-32-24,O.Johnson 5-8 0-012, Mahinmi2-31-4 5, Augustin1-6 0-0 3 TotaIs 41-8216-26 107. Minnesota 28 26 15 22 — 91 Indiana 35 27 20 25 — 107

Wizards 106, Bucks93 MILWAUKEE (93) Dunleavy0-60-00, llyasova9-171-221, Sanders

8-131-1 17,Jenntngs2-84-4 8, El is12-191-1 26, Dalembert0-20-0 0, Redick6-141-2 16, Ayon1-1 0-0 2, Udoh1-21-2 3,Daniels0-20-00, Henson0-1 0-00,Smith0-00-0 0 TotaIs39-859-12 93. WASHINGTON (106) Webster7-142-220, Nene6-151-513, Dkafor3100-26, Wa010-192-323,Temple6-71-113,Ariza 5-11 1-2 14,Booker4-5 5-9 13, Martin 0-2 0-0 0 Seraphin2-30-04. Totals 43-86 12-24 106. Milwaukee 21 23 34 15 — 93 Washington 30 30 15 31 — 106

lttuggets117, Knicks 94 NEWYORK(94) White4-102-210,Anthony3-123-49,Tchandler 2-40-04,Felton 3-7 0-08,Shumpert8-10 0-0 20, Smith 5-122-315, Kidd1-20-0 3,Martin 2-51-65, Copeland1-55-57, Novak2-7 0-0 4,Thomas2-2 0-0 4, Prigioni1-3225. Totals3479152294. DENVER (117) Gaginari4-13 7-716, Faned4-103-611, Koufos 3-6 0-1 6, Lawson 4-8 2-213, Iguodala5-7 2-614, McGee3-82-28,W.chandler9-125-824 Brewer 3-9 3-3 10,A.Milier 2-2 0-0 4, Hamilton 1 4 0-02, Mozgov1-10-02, Fournier1-2 2 2 5, Randolph1-2 0-0 2. TotaIs 41-84 26-37117. New York 26 16 27 25 — 94 Denver 31 33 33 20 — 117

Warriors105, Pistons97

OREGON ST. (14-18)

COLORADO (21-10) Booker1-94-47,Johnson6-104-9 16,Roberson

4-7 3-4 12,Dinwiddie4-119-1120, Scott 3-71-27, Talton0-20-00, Harris-Tunks1-30-02, Chen0-1 222, Adams 3-60-08. Totals 22-5623-32 74. Halitime —Colorado32-26. 3-Point Goals—Dregon St.7-25 (Nelson2-8, Starks2-8, Robbins1-2, Moreland 1-3, Barton1-4), Colorado7-16(Dinwiddie 3-7, Adams 2-3, Roberson 1-1, Booker1-4,Johnson

0-1). FouledOut— Moreland,Scott. ReboundsOregon St. 30(Moreland13), Colorado43(Scott 10). Assists —OregonSt.10 (Burton, Starks3), Colorado 12 (Booker,Chen4). Total Fouls— OregonSt. 19, Colorado17. A —7,451.

Wednesday'sGames Tournaments Big 12 Conference First Round Texas70, TCU57 Texas Tech71,WestVirginia 69

Big EastConference SecondRound Cincinnati61,Providence44 NotreDame69, Rutgers61 Syracuse 75, Seton Hall 63 Viganova66,St.John's 53 ConferenceUSA First Round Houston72,Rice67

TexasSouthem68, Grambling St 56 Western Athletic Conference Guarterfinals Idaho57,SanJoseSt. 55 LouisianaTech85, UTSA58 Seattle77,NewMexico St. 53 UtahSt.78, Denver65


Spring Training

Wednesday'sGames Pittsburgh5,Toronto4,10 innings Washington(ss) 8, N.Y.Mets 5 Washington (ss) 9, Houston7 Kansas City 4,Seatle 2 San Francisco9, Cincinnati 5 Colorado 2, ChicagoCubs0 San Diego8,L.A.Angels 6 Cleveland 5, ChicagoWhite Sox2 N.Y.Yankees6, Philadelphia2 Atlanta2, Miami1 Ba timore 9, Minnesota4 Arizona7, Mtlwaukee0

WBC World Baseball Classic Glance AH TimesPDT

SecondRound GroupTwo At Miami Wednesday, March13 PuertoRico4, Italy 3 Thursday, March14 DominicanRepublic vs.UnitedStates, 4p.m.

TENNIS Professional BNP ParibasOpen Wednesday At The IndianWells TennisGarden Indian Wells, Calif. Purse: Men:$6.05 million (Masters1000); Women: 6.02million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Men Fourth Round TomasBerdych(6), CzechRepublic, def.Richard Gasquet(10), France,6-1, 7-5. Jo-WilfriedTsonga(8), France,def. Milos Raonic (17), Cana da, 4-6, 7-5,6-4. Kevin Anderson,SouthAfrica, dei. GigesSimon (13), France,6-3,1 6,6-4 Roger Federer (2), Switzerland, def. Stanislas Wawrinka (18), Switzerland,6-3,6-7 (4), 7-5. AndyMurray(3), Britain, def.CarlosBerlocq,Argentina,7-6(4), 6-4. Juan Martindel Potro(7), Argentina, def. Tommy Haas(19),Germ any,6-1,6-2. RafaelNadal(5), Spain,def. ErnestsGulbis, Latvia, 4-6, 6-4, 7-5.

Women Quarterfinals MariaKirilenko(13), Russia, dei.PetraKvitova(5), Czech Republic, 4-6, 6-4,6-3.


AmericanLeague DETROITTIGERS — Released DF Brennan Boesch.

Tulane 66, Marshall 64 UAB53,SMU52

Mid-AmericanConference SecondRound Buffalo76,Ball St.61 E. Michigan 58, Miami(Dhio) 47 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Quarterfinals Bethune-Cookman 70, Norfolk St.68, DT

NC A8T55,NcCentral42 Mountain WestConference Guarterfinals ColoradoSt 67 FresnoSt.61 NewMexico59, Wyoming 46 UNLV72,Atr Force56 San Diego State73, BoiseState 67

Patriot League Championship Buckneg64, Lafayege56 SoutheasternConference First Round MississippiSt.70, SouthCaroina59 Texas A&M71, Auburn 62 SouthlandConference First Round McNeese St.62,Nichogs St.59 SamHoustonSt.69, Cent. Arkansas63 SouthwesternAthletic Conference First Round Alabama ABM59, Grambling St.51

Women's college Wednesday'sGames Tournaments Big SkyConference First Round E.Washington68 MontanaSt.53 N. Colorado67,S.Utah56 Sacramento St. 73,IdahoSt. 60 Big WestConference SecondRound Cal St.-Fugerton66,Hawaii 51 ConferenceUSA First Round SouthernMiss. 67,Memphis 58 Tu sa74,Rice52 UCF74,Houston59

DETROIT (97) Singer 8-160-017, Maxieg4-7 0-0 8, Monroe 4-16 5-6 13,Calderon2-50-0 6, Stuckey8-18 5-6 22, Jerebko4-92-211, Middleton2-50-04, Bynum UTEP 70, Marshall 59 8-13 0-016.Totals 40-8912-14 97. Horizon League GOLDENSTATE(105) Quarterfinals Bames6 71-213,Lee9132 520,Bogut2 53 6 Detroit 72,WrightSt. 56 7, Curry11-174-431, Thompson 4-151-210, Jack GreenBay80,Valparaiso 59 7-113-419,Ezei 0-01-21, Green0-00-00, Landry Loyola otChicago71, Mtlwaukee54 2-4 0-0 4,Jefferson0-0 0-00, Bazemore0-0 0-00 Youngstown St. 69,ClevelandSt.62 Thomas 0-0 0-00. Totals 41-7215-25105. Mid-AmericanConference Detroit 20 30 23 24 — 97 SecondRound GoldenState 28 2 2 30 25 — 105 BowlingGreen55, WMichigan 53 Buffalo 82Miami(Dhio)70 Mid-Eastern Athletic Conference Grizzlies 96, Clippers 85 Guarterfinals Hampton 63 DelawareSt.28 MEMPHIS(96) Nc A8 78, T Norfol k St. 47 Prince9-150-018, Randolph5-113-413, Gasol NortheastConference 10-14 1-221, Conley5-11 5-617, Allen2-7 3-37, Semifinals Bayless2-52-27, Davis1-20-1 2,Pondexter 3-32-3 Quinnipiac63, MountSt. Mary's56 11, Wroten 0 00-00. Totals37-6816-2196. St. Franci s (Pa.) 83, SacredHeart 67 L.A. CLIPPERS (85) SouthlandConference Bames5-15 2-2 14, Gnffin 8-156-7 22, Jordan First Round 2-20-04, Paul7-129-924,Bigups4-80-010,CrawMcNeese St.63,Northwestern St 45 ford1-100 02, Ddom380-07, Hig1-1 0 02,Turiaf Stephe nF Austin64,Cent Arkansas59 0-1 0-0 0 Totals 31-72 17-18 85. Southwestern Athletic Conference Memphis 24 30 21 21 — 96 Guarterfinals L.A. Clippers 24 2 8 17 16 — 85 Ark.-PineBluff 63, SouthernU.58

BASKETBALL National Basketball Association GOLDENSTATE WARRIORS — Recalled G Kent Bazemore and F MalcolmThomasfrom Santa Cruz (NBADL). DALLAS MAVERICKS—Signed GChris Wright to a10-daycontract. FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONA CARDINALS Signe dCBJerraudPowers andQBDrewStanton to three-year contracts and RB Ras hardMendenhall toaone-yearcontract. Agreed to termswith LBLorenzoAlexander on a three-year contractandSYeremiah Bell ona one-year contract. ReleasedSKerry Rhodes. BALTIMORERAVENS Released S Bemard Pollard. SignedDLChris Cantyto athree-year contract and RBDamien Berry andDLRamon Harewood to one-yearcontracts. BUFFALO BILLS—SignedLBMannyLawson. CHICAGO BEARS — Released TEKegen Davis. Terminatedthecontract ofTEMat Spaeth CLEVEL AND BRDWNS— Agreedto terms with LB QuentinGroveson a two-yearcontract andDL Desmond Bryant. DENVER BRONCOS — Agreed to terms with WesWelkerandDTTerranceKnighton on two-year contractsandLBStewart BradleyandCBDominique Rodgers-Cromartie onone-yearcontracts. DETROIT LIONS—Agreed totermswith RBReggie Bushonatour-year contract, DEJasonJoneson athree-yearcontractandCBChris Houston. SignedS GloverQuintoative-year contract. JACKSONVI LLE JAGUARS Released WR Laurent Robinson KANSASCITYCHIEFS— Signed CB Dunta Robinson,DLBryan Matison, WRDonnie Avery, QB ChaseDaniel andTEAnthony Fasano. MIAMIDOLPHINS—SignedLBPhilip Wheelerto a five-yearcontract. ReleasedLBKarlos Dansby and LB Kevin Burnett. MINNES OTAVIKINGS—SignedLBErin Henderson and WRJeromeSimpson. NEW ORLEANSSAINTS— Agreedto terms with LS JustinDrescheronafour-yearcontract. NEW YORKGIANTS Named LundaWells assistant offensiveline coach,RyanRoeder offensive assistant andRobbie Leonarddeiensive assistant. SignedPKJosh Brown. OAKLAND RAIDERS— SignedDEJason Hunter, LB KalukaMaiavaand DTPat Sims. PITTSBURGHSTEELERS Signed QB Bruce Gradkowskito athree-year contract andTE/FB David Johnson to aone-yearcontract. Releasedol Wilie Colon. SANFRAN CISC049ERS—TradedQBAlexSmith to Kansas City Iora2013second-rounddraft pick and afuturedraftpick.SignedDEGlennDorseyto atwoyearcontract. TAMPABAYBUCCANEERS—SignedSDashon Goldson. TENNES SEETITANS— Agreedto termswith RB Shonn Greene,FBQuinnJohnsonandGAndyLevitre on multiyearcontractsandDTSammieHil. WASHINGTDN REDSKINS— Re-signedDEKedric Golston.NamedMalcolm Blackendirector of player development. HOCKEY NationalHockeyLeague NHL Suspended AnaheimF Corey Perry four gamesfor elbowingMinnesotaFJasonZuckerin the head. COLLEGE WASHING TON— Suspended TEAustin SeferianJenkinsindefinitely.

9 p.m.:Men's college, Big West

Big East tourney, quarterfinal, Marquette vs. Notre Dame, ESPN. tourney, first round, Clemson vs. Florida State, ESPNU.

Today Baseball: CulveratSherman,4:30p.m. Softball: MountainViewat Sprague,TBD Track: Culver,Madrasat CrookCountyIcebreaker, 3:30 p.m. Boys tennis: Ridgeviewat Madras,4 p.m.; Crook County atSisters, 4p.m. Girls tennis: SistersatCrookCounty,4 p.m4Madras at Ridgeview, 4p.m.

vs. North Carolina State/Virginia Tech, ESPN.

State vs. Purdue/Nebraska, Big Noon:Men's college, Big12 tourney, quarterfinal, Kansas vs. Ten Network. 3:30 p.m.:Men's college, Texas Tech, ESPN2. Conference USAtourney, Noon:Men's college, Pac-12 semifinal, teams TBD,CBSSN. tourney, quarterfinal, UCLA vs. 4 p.m.: Men's college, Big East Arizona State, Pac-12 Network. tourney, semifinal, teams TBD, 12:30 p.m.:Men's college, ESPN. Conference USA tourney, 4 p.m.:Men's college, ACC quarterfina), UTEP vs. Houston, CBSSN.


second round, teamsTBD,MLB

MLB Network.

Golf Channel.




MOTOR SPORTS Speed network. 11 p.m.: Formula One, Australian Grand Prix, qualifying, NBCSN. TENNIS 1:30 p.m.: BNP Paribas Open, men's third quarterfinal, ESPN2. 8:30 p.m.: BNP Paribas Open,

women's second semifinal, ESPN2.

HOCKEY 4 p.m.: College,Hockey East tourney, quarterfinal, NBCSN. 7 p.m.:WHL, Seattle at Portland, Root Sports. Listings are themostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made byTl/or radio stations.

Tuesday night, and the Beavers (16-1) found

on a live stream posted to the Iditarod website

DllCkS Wlll — Brett Thomas went three for

themselves tied with the Dons, 3-3, entering the bottom of the fifth before scoring three

after completing the race in temperatures just above zero. His race time in the1,000-mile

five with an RBIand arun scored to lead No.

runs in the frame. Oregon State opens Pac-12

racewas ninedays,7 hoursand 39 minutes.

16 Oregon to a 10-4 nonconference win over TexasStateatPK Park in Eugene on Wednes-

play Friday night in the start of a three-game

series against Arizona in Tucson at 6 p.m.

Seavey's victory came after a dueling sprint against Aliy Zirkle, last year's runner-up, along

day night. Thomas led Dregon's12-hit attack,


the frozen, wind-whipped Bering Seacoast.

leading nine players who finished with at least one hit. Oregon opens Pac-12 play Friday in

LosAngeleswhentheDucksbeginathreegame series at USC.

Zirkle crossed the finish line 24 minutes after



Strindal clinches downhill title —Ak-

B88VS tOP DOllS —Dylan Davis drove in

— A 53-year-old former champion won the

three runs and Brandon Jackson earned his third win with 2/s innings of relief to give the

Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race to become the oldest winner of Alaska's grueling test of en-

sel Lund Svindal won his first season-long World Cup downhill title on Wednesday without even racing. Fog forced the cancellation of the final race of the season in Switzerland,

third-ranked Oregon State baseball team a

durance. Mitch Seaveyand10 dogs crossed

allowing the tall Norwegian to maintain his

6-5 win over San Francisco Wednesday night at Goss Stadium in Corvallis. San Francisco

the Nome finish line to cheering crowds at 10:39 p.m. Alaska time Tuesday. "This is for

handed DSUits first loss of the season on

all of the gentlemen of a certain age," he said

58-point lead over 2012 downhill champion Klaus Kroell of Austria. — From wire reports



Huskies hold off Cougars in Pac-'l2 tourney The Associated Press LAS VEGAS — Washington soared in for dunks, dropped in 3-pointers and pushed the lead to 15 midway through the second half. C omfortable? Ma ybe against some other team. When the Huskies play rival Washington State, they know no lead is safe. Scott Suggs scored 19 points, C.J. Wilcox added 11 and Washington held off a furious rally for a 64-62 win in the first round of the Pac12 tournament Wednesday night. "That's not the first time we've played Washington State and the game didn't end up something like that," Washington coach Lorenzo Romar said. "It's unbelievable that regardless of how the game starts, at the end it comes out that way."

Washington (13-18) appeared to be headed toward a rout, leading by 19 early in the second half and still up 62-47 when Suggs hit a 3-pointer with 8:35 left. Not so fast. The Apple Cup r i vals played two c lose games during the regular season,

and the Cougars (17-15) mounted a charge, scoring 15 straight points to tie. The r e eling H u s k ies calmed themselves after going eight minutes without a field goal and put together a good possession that resulted in Abdul Gaddy finding Desmond Simmons inside for a tough shot that put them up 2 with I:16 left. G addy f i n ished w i t h 11 assists for sixth-seede d W a shington, w h i c h moves on t o f ace t hirdseeded Oregon in today's quarterfinals. Also on Wednesday: No.15NewMexico59, Wyoming 46: LAS VEGASTony Snell scored 15 points and New Mexico (27-5) led from start to finish in the Mountain West Conference quarterfinals.

No. 19 Syracuse 75, Seton Hall 63: NEW YORK — James Southerland hit five 3s in the first half and Brandon Triche keyed a big second-half run to lead Syracuse (24-8) over Seton Hall in the second round of the Big East tournament. No. 24 Notre Dame 69, Rutgers 61: NEW YORK — Pat Connaughton scored a season-high 21 points and Notre Dame beat Rutgers in the second round of the Big East tournament. Tom Knight had a career-high 18 points for sixth-seeded

Notre Dame (24-8). Arizona St. 89, Stanford 88: LAS VEGAS — Jahii Carson scored five of his 34 points in overtime, Carrick Felix had 19 points and 12 rebounds, and Arizona State held off Stanford (1814) in the opening round of the Pac-12 tournament. Carson, who missed a 3pointer at the end of regulation, put Arizona State (2111) up three with a layup in overtime, and Evan Gordon hit five of six free throws to send the Sun Devils to the quarterfinals today against No. 21 UCLA. Utah 69, USC 66: LAS VEGAS — Jarred DuBois scored 15 of his 22 points in the second half, and Jordan Loveridge added 15 points as Utah opened the Pac-12 tournament with a win over short-handed USC. Utah (14-17) earned a spot in today's quarterfinals against second-seeded Cal i f o r-

nia. USC (14-18) gave the Utes a run despite playing without leading rebounder D ewayne D edmon a n d backup center James Blasczyk, who were suspended indefinitely fo r v i o lating team rules.



Heat's streak reaches 20with win over Sixers The Associated Press PHILADELPHIA LeBron James missed once, then again, whiffing on two easy looks at th e ri m t h at could have left Miami shaken. Like a g o o d t e a mmate, Dwyane Wade swooped in for the saving tip, preserving the lead and keeping the Heat's amazing win streak rolling. James scored 27 points and the Heat became the fourth team to win at least 20 consecutivegames in a season, beating the Philadelphia 76ers 98-94 on Wednesday night. Against a struggling Sixers team that was revved up like a playoff game, the Heat just found a way to win. And when it was done, they took the time to admire their mark. "Twenty is special," Wade said. "Win 20 games in a row, it's awesome. You can't get around it. We're going to try to go for the next one." Wade scored 21 as the Heat needed bigbaskets over the final 2 minutes to top the Sixers for the milestone win. He stuck with the ball on James' misses and scored the clutch tip that made it a three-point lead with 29 seconds left and squashed the Sixers' upset bid. "It shows you he, like many of our guys, are just willing

truly put away the Sixers. Led by Thaddeus Young, the Sixers opened thethird quarter on a 16-8 run that helped slice the lead to four. Miami led 7166 at the end of the quarter. Also on Wednesday: Hawks 96, Lakers 92: ATL ANTA — De v i n H a r r i s scored 17 points and shorthanded Atlanta shook off a 20-point third quarter by Kobe Bryant to snap a three-game losing streak. Bryant drove the baseline with a chance to force overtime but watched his jumper slide off the rim with three seconds remaining. Making matters worse, he landed on Dahntay Jones' foot and twisted his left ankle, leaving him sidelined indefinitely. Nuggets 117, Knicks 94: DENVER — Carmelo Anthony's return to the Pepsi Center was a flop as Wilson Chandler scored 24 points and Denver blew out ailing New York. Anthony left a couple of minutes into the second half when his balky right knee, which he acknowledged Tuesday isn't getting better, acted up. He scored just nine points. Grizzlies 96, Clippers 85: LOS ANGELES — Marc Gasol scored 21 points, Tayshaun Prince added 18 and surging Memphis got its 14th victory in 15 games.

Kings 121, Bulls 79: SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Tyreke Evans had 26 points and seven assists in Sacramento's most lopsided victory of the season. Warriors 105, Pistons 97: OAKLAND, Calif. — Stephen Curry had 31 points and eight assists, David Lee added 20 points and 15 rebounds and Golden State grinded out a victory over struggling Detroit. Celtics112, Raptors 88:BOSTON — Kevin Garnett scored 12 points, passing Jerry West for 15th on the NBA's career scoring list, and Paul Pierce joined him among the top 20 scorers in league history with 15 points to lead Boston. Pacers 107, Timberwolves 91: INDIANAPOLIS — Roy Hibbert had a season-high 27 points and 12 rebounds to lead Indiana. Wizards 106, Bucks 9 3: WASHINGTON John Wall had 23 points and 10 assists to lead Washington past Milwaukee Rockets111, Suns 81:HOUSTON — Donatas Motiejunas scored a career-high 19 points to lead five Houston starters in double figures. Thunder110, Jazz 87:OKLAHOMA CITY — Kevin Durant scored 23 points, Russell Westbrook added 19 and Oklahoma City cruised past Utah.

break their jaw or their nose or whatever'? I think there's a lot of things that we could do to protect the players more but there's a line somewhere." Some pl ayers c o mplain he played in Europe during about sweat residue, shaved the 2004 lockout and refused ice buildup, or that they can't to add it to his helmet when he see the puck near their skate. returned to the NHL. Others cite general discom"I think it's normal for peo- fort. But there are still sople to talk about it and people called tough guys out there should talk about it. It's an w ho thumb t h eir n ose a t issue," he said. "At the same safety and feel playing withtime, if we were concerned out a shield is integral piece of about protecting our f a ces an identity that can't be easwe would all wear cages and ily surrendered, who let comwe don't. So even the guys monsense take a backseat to that wear h a lf-visors don't machismo. wear full cages. What if they Of course, a shield isn't

foolproof, much in the same way wearing helmets can't guarantee the prevention of concussions. But it's a start, and an easy fix — even if the NHLPA has to protect players from their own warped sense of choice.

Matt Slocum /The Associated Press

Miami Heat's LeBron James goes up for a dunk in the first half of Wednesday night's game in Philadelphia. to make winning plays at the end," coach Erik S poelstra sa>d. Only three teams have won at least 20 consecutive games in the same season: the 1971-72 Los Angeles Lakers (33), the 2007-08 Houston Rockets (22) and the 1970-71 Milwaukee Bucks (20). The Washington Capitols also won 20 straight, spanning the end of the 194748 season andthe start ofthe 1948-49 campaign. James and the Heat have started to acknowledge just how special t h i s w i n n i ng

streak is in a season that has them running away with the Eastern Conference. They opened a five-game road trip as 8'/2-point favorites over the slumping Sixers, a team they've defeated three times during the streak. They beat Atlanta on Tuesday for streak win No. 19, then made the flight to Philadelphia that put them in just before dawn. "You get sleep when you can and do your job," center Chris Bosh said. Maybe fatigue played a bit of a role in Miami's inability to

diminished role of team enforcer and said he can't drop Continued from C1 the gloves and throw punches "If he's over 18, he's more at a shield. "If you get into a fight with than welcome to," Pronger said. "It's his life. You can a visor and you're smacking advise and consent, but you visors around, it's not good for can't m a k e somebody do your hands," he said. "Personanything." ally, I don't like wearing a viN ot even an i n j ury t h at sor at all." put his career on hold turned Staal wore a visor in junior Pronger into a staunch advo- hockey and m an y p l ayers cate for visors. He was even wore them in the AHL, where hurt in vain — the NHL and visors have been mandatory NHLPA have still not mandat- since2006. Some type of cage ed visors, even as preventable or visor is mandatory in all injuries are still prevalent in levels of hockey except the the rough-and-tumble league. NHL. If shields are eventuPronger talked about his ally required in a collective dark days only two days after bargaining agreement, playNew York Rangers defenseman Marc Staal was struck in the eye by a deflected puck. Staal, who wasn't wearing a visor, writhed on the ice and screamed in agony. He held his bloody face while he was down and when he skated off the ice,assisted by a Rangers trainer, toward the dressing room. "It's scary," Rangers coach John Tortorella said. As scary as it was to watch, Staal's injury and Pronger's grim road to recovery should act as reminders of the dan-

ers hope there is at least some sort of grandfather clause, like there once was for helmets. P enguins f orward C r a ig Adams, the team's NHLPA rep, hated using a visor when


u ew ... u

"The problem is you go down a slippery slope of allowing the league to start implementing their own rules," Pronger said. "What are they going to change next?" Maybe just a culture that allows the next g eneration of Prongers to walk away on their own terms and live retirement in good health and with sound minds.

o c a ...


gers of playing a high-impact sport without facial protection. Staal might be lucky. The 26-year-old is sidelined indefinitely but doctors are optimistic he'll make a full recovery. While the league has long supported the use of visors, the NHLPA has let each player make the final call. The players'association has been proactive in educating players that wearing avisor decreases the risk of suffering an eye injury. "While the players support visor use being a matter of individual choice, we continue to regularly educate the players on the benefits of wearing a visor so that each player can make an informed decision," Mathieu Schneider, special assistant to the executive director, said. "We will further discuss visors and other important equ i p ment-related matters at our player meetings this summer." Still, mandatory use of visors was not legislated into the labor agreement that ended the lockout. Education — and perhaps, the impact of c a reer-shortening injuries to players like Pronger, Bryan Berard and Ian Laperriere — has sunk in to stubborn players in a macho league. The NHLPA reported approximately 73 percent of players are wearing visors this season, up from about 69 percent in 2011-12. For context, The Hockey News reported that in 2001-02, visors were worn by 28 percent of players. Rangers center Micheal Haley is one of the holdouts. He said not even witnessing Staal's gruesome injury would soften hi s s t a nce a g ainst visors. "As long as I have a choice, I'll not wear one," he said. Haley fills the increasingly






' ~I

• / •













Cougar wins four events at track opener Bulletin staff report F our d ay s a f te r p l a y ing his f i nal h ig h school basketball g ame, C ougar senior Mitch Modin turned heads at the Mountain View Icebreaker track and field meet Wednesday, winning four individual events. Modin, who has signed to compete in the decathlon next season for the University of O regon, took f i r st in the 200- and 400-meter races on his home track and won the shot put and javelin. The Cougar multi-sport standout recorded a time of 24.14 seconds in the 200 and a mark of 51.43 mark in the 400. He posted throws of 45 feet, 8 inches in the shot and 162-02 in the javelin. Sisters distance runner Brandon Pollard was also a multiple winner at t h e f ive-team meet t hat a l s o included h o s t M o u n t ain View, La Pine, Gilchrist and Ridgeview. Pollard was victorious in the 800 (2:10.31) and 1,500 (4:09.69). The Hawks' Jeremy Desrosiers also had a strong day, win-

ning the long jump (20-09) in addition to h elping La Pine's 400-meter relay place

first (44.6 seconds). Desrosiers also was the runner-up in the 200 in 24.16 seconds. Devon Cram-Hill paced the Hawk throwers, taking sec-

ond in the discus and third in the shot. T he R i d geview b o y s turned in the top 1,600-meter relay time in 3:44.94. S isters s e n io r A l i s h a H aken h i g h l ighted t h e girls competition with top finishes in the 100 hurdles

(17.79) and triple jump (3102) as well as a third-place effort in the shot put and a f ourth-place finish i n t h e high jump. Mountain View senior Chelsea Farnsworth led the Cougars with a pair of runner-up finishes in the 100- and 300-meter hurdle races. The Mountain View girls won the 400-meter re-

lay (53.23) and Sisters poste d the fastest time in t h e 1,600-meter relay (4:24.81). Also on Wednesday: SOFTBALL M adras 9 , S u m mi t 4 : M ADRAS — T h e W h i t e Buffaloes improved to 2-0 on the season behind the bat and the arm ofJamie Moe. The Madras senior earned the win i n t h e c i r cle by striking out 12 while scattering 11 hits. Moe also led the Buffs at the plate, going four for four with a double, a home run and four runs batted in. Alex Popp paced the Storm, ending the day three for four with a triple. Jacqueline Manley took the loss for Summit (0-1).

PREP SCOREBOARD Zwiep, MV,1:Og.la 100 hurdles — l, Haken, Sis, 17.79; 2,Famsworth,MV,18.26; 3, Lovegreri, Sis,1B.89800 1, Blumm, Sis,2:3938; 2, Calavan,Sis, Z40.72; 3, Attsman,Sis, 2:47.31. 200 — l, Place,MV,28.33;2,Boyle,Sis,28.88; Mountain View Icebreaker 3, Murphy,MV,2901 300 hurdles 1, Miller, Al Mountain View Sis, 5hgt; 2, Farnsworth,MV,55.77, 3, Brick, 400-meter relay — 1, La Pine (Kimmel, MV, 56.32. 1,600 relay — l, Sisters (Miller, Oesrosiers,Swazye,Wilson), 446; 2, Mountain Falk, Calavatt,Presland-naiewski),4:24.81; 2, La View 46.02; 3, Sisters47.57. 1,500 — l, Polpine, 4:36.64; 3,Ridgeview,4:4804. lard, Sis, 4:09.69; 2, Thornton,Mtt 4:17.05; 3, High jump — l, H. Wilder, RV,5-02; 2, Gardnec MV,422.79;2,.3,000 — l,Fetrow, Choffel, MV,4-10;, Waldritp, MV,4-10. Discus Sis, lo:25.48; 2,Smith, LP,10:30.17; 3, Buckly- — 1, Hidalgo,RV,100-00; 2,James, 0, 91-04;3, Noonan,RV, lo:41.53. 100 — l, Ounti, MV, Kooker,G,85-10.Pole vault — l, Holland,RV, 11.5; 2, Snyder,Sis, 11.6; 3, Sandsness,Sis, 9-0; 2, O'Hern,Sis, 8 0; 3, Tullis, RV,7-6 Shot 11.63. 400 — 1, Modin, MV,51.43; 2, Wyllie, — I, Crecraft,MV,31-07; 2, Hidalgo, RV,30-01; MV,525;3,Prescott,RV,55.33.110 hurdles 3,Haken,Sis 2t-06.Javelin — l,aoshak, — l, George,LP,16.68 2, Wilcox, MV,17:14; MV, 114-03; 2,Crecaft, MV,96-03; 3, James,G, 3, Taylor, RV,17.61. 800 — l, Pollard, Sis, 92-0a Triple jump — 1,Haken,Sis, 31-02,2 2:1031; 2,Goem an, Rv,2:1891; 3, Marks,sis, Haigle cLP,31-OL75;3,Bailey,MV,30-06.Long 2:19.69. 200 — 1, Modin,MV,24.14; 2, oes- jump — L Falk, Sis,15-10.25; 2,Choffel, MV, tosiets, LP, 24.16; 3 Kimmel, LP,24.57. 300 14-07; 3,Place,MV,14-06. hurdles — l, Wofenden, MV,44.12; 2, McAllister, Sis,44.63,3, Baldessari, Sis,46.34.1,600 relay Ridgeview(Prescott, Goeman,RotIhaar, Softball Shaw), 3:44.94;2,Mountain View,3:49.02;3, Wednesday's result sisters, 3:52.38. Nonconference High jump — l, McAllister, Sis, 5-10; 1, 000 030 l — 4 11 1 Ramirez, LP, 5-10; four tied for third at 5-06. Summit 005 004 x — 9 11 0 Discus — 1, Link, 0, l23-01; 2,Cram-Hill, LP, Madras 120-11; 3, KIatz,RV,118-06. Pole vault — l, Bloss, Sis,12-06; 2, Petz,LP,12-0; four tied for Golf third at10-6. Shot — 1, Modin,MV,45-08; 2, Wedttesday's Results Anderson, G, 43-03; 3, Cram-Hili, LP, 41-10. Girls Javelin — 1,Modin,MV,l62-02; 3, Knirk,Mtt 143-10; 3, Major, RV,117-00.Triple jump 1, Crooked River Invitational Swayze,LP,39-09; 2, Johns, MV,39-07.5; 3, Al Crooked River RanchGolf Course Wiley,MV,37-04. Longjump — l, Oesrosiers, Par 72 Lp, 20209;2, Mittnacht, Mv, 18-06.5;3, streeter, Team scores— Summit325,Bend 370, Sis, l8-03.25. CrookCounty447 Medalists — Madison Odiorne, Summit, 73; Girls SarahHeinly,Summit, 73 SUMMIT (325) — Odiome73, He> nly 73, Mountain View Icebreaker Kerry 89,Orgastih 90,Mitchell 99. At Mountain View 400-meter relay — l, Mountain View, BEND(370) — Heidi Froelich 84,Rice86, 5332; 2, Ridgeview, 55.43; 3, Gilchrist, 55.76 Holly rroei>ch 94, Mode106, Morse117. 1,500 — 1,Hassell, MV, 5:2091; 2, Falk, CROOK COUNTY(447) Shank 98, White Sis, 5:21.40;3,Leapaldt,MV,5:26.37.3,000 109, Oalton113,Smith127, Hollis129. — l, Boettner, Sis, 13:45.88; 2, Ausman, S<s, MOUNTAINVIEW (ittc.) — Nopp96, Til14:23.35.100 — 1,Steigman,RV,la3; 2, Bai- let 121 ley, MV,14.31; 3,Wilder,RV,I4.62 400 1, REDMOND (ittc J — Lussier87. Steen,RV,804.55; 2, Falk,Sis,1:05.7; 3, VandeI RIDGEVIEW tittc J — Lambert113.

Track & field

Wednesday's Results Boys


an 89 for Summit and Rachel Drgastin contributed a Continued from C1 90. With Odiorne and Heinly Lava Bear senior Heidi leading the way, the Storm, Froelich took third individuwho have won state titles ally with a 12-over 84. Her in six o f t h e p ast seven teammate, Madeline Rice, years, shot 325 as a team, finished fourth with an 86 easily b esting r u n n er-up and Redmond High's Cayla Bend High (370 strokes) and Lussier was fifth with an 87. third-place Crook County C helsea Shank le d t h e (447). Alyssa Kerry added Cowgirls with a 98.


Devils rout Flyers, 5-2 The Associated Press NEWARK, N.J. — Ilya K ovalchuk c a p ped N e w Jersey's three-goal first period with his NHL-leading fourth short-handed goal, and the Devils beat the mistake-prone Phi l a delphia Flyers 5-2 on W ednesday night. Patrik Elias and A d am Henrique, who scored twice, also tallied in the opening period as the Devils beat the Flyers for the third time in three games this season. Andrei Loktionov had the prettiest goal for New Jersey, with a toe-drag move that left Flyers goalie Ilya Bryzgalov at his mercy. J ohan Hedberg had 2 3

Snowshoe Continued from C1 Snowshoe racing started in the 1840s and 1850s, according to Elmore, in the northeastern United States and southeastern Canada. Snowshoe clubs were formed among New Englanders and Canadians, and they began competingon a regular basis. The popularity of the sport eventually spread westward to the upper Midwest and Colorado, Elmore explains, but snowshoe racing has yet to gain a strong foothold, so to speak, on the West Coast. "Mountain cultures there (the West Coast) have been a little slower to pick it up," Elmore says. "Alpine skiing and nordic skiing have been such a strong force in many of those areasthatthe snowshoe aspect has been slow to take off." But Elmore says he isencouraged by the interest and enthusiasm he has seen from the Central Oregon running and endurancecommunity. "We're hoping to build on this excitement," Elmore says. "The sportisbeing presented to a lot of new endurance athletes, who are seeing the crosstraining benefits and just the sheer enjoyment of getting out on the snow during the winter, and doing something that they do all year long, which is run."




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Cascade LakesHwy. 46

Virginia Meissner Sno-park Course elevation 5,800 lL 5,600 lt. 5,400 tt J



1m i l e 1 . 5 2 m iles 2 . 5 3 miles 3 . 5 Greg Cross/The Bulletin

Because modern snowshoes are so lightweight and functional, the main challenge of snowshoe running has less to do with equipment and more to do with the conditions of the snow and r ace terrain. Running on a softer surface requires more power, Elmore notes,so core strength is more of a factor in snowshoe racing than in conventional running.

Triathletes tend to be more successful at snowshoe running because they typically train their core muscles more than runners, Elmore says. Because snow c onditions are so variable, it is difficult for road runners to determine how fast they could run a particular distance in snowshoes. "People always ask me: 'If I ran a 40-minute 10K on the

roads, what will I run in snowshoes?'" Elmore says. "And you can't tell them. It's completely based on the difficulty of the course, the altitude, the snow quality. There's so many variables." More than 200 athletes representing 25 states and Canada have qualified for the nationals via 37 USSA-sanctioned qualifying races staged across the country. Elmore says that typically, between 150 and 350 runners attend the national championships. Five-time U.S. champion Josiah Middaugh, a pro triathlete from Vail, Colo., is expected to compete this Saturday, as is Montreal's David Le Porho, a two-time World Snowshoe c hampion. T w o-time U . S . champion Brandy Erholtz, of Evergreen, Colo., is expected to lead the women's field. Many locals are expected to race as well. Bend's Laura Kantor, who started a snowshoe r unning group here in D e cember 2011, says as many as 22 runners have joined her for Saturday morning snowshoe runs this winter. She says 16 athletes from that group have qualified to run at nationals. "Bend will be well represented this Saturday," Kantor says, "by athletes of all ages and abilities." — Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmoricalC<bendbulletin.com

25 shotsfrom 3-point range, including three for 17 in the Continued from C1 second half. The Beavers also X avier Johnson ha d 1 6 were o utrebounded 4 3-30, points and Andre Roberson giving up 17 on the offensive 12 for the fifth-seeded Buf- glass that led to 18 points for faloes, who moved on to face Colorado. "I think the real thing that No. 4 seed Arizona in today's quarterfinals. had hurt us were the second "We came here with one chance points, offensive regoal in mind and that was to bounds," Oregon State coach beat OSU and survive and ad- Craig Robinson said. "We vance," Dinwiddie said. "So played them at t h eir p lace we did that little first step and and we did a great job on the we're going to continue to just boards. We did not do as good try to move forward." of a job this time around." Oregon State (14-18), the Colorado entered the PacNo. 12 seed, pulled off one 12 tournament on the NCAA of the biggest upsets in Pac- bubble after losing its season 1 2 tournament h i story b y finale to Oregon State at home knocking o f f top - s eeded last weekend. W ashington last y ear a n d Playing w i t h out R o b erdimmed Colorado's NCAA son, who missed his second hopes with a win in Boulder s traight game with a v i r a l last weekend. infection, the Buffaloes strugThe Beavers fellshort of gled against the Beavers, losrepeating either performance ing 64-58 right after knocking by struggling against Colora- off then-No. 19 Oregon. do's defense and athletic inteO regon State h a d l o s t rior players. five straight before that and hadn't won in Boulder in six Oregon State hit seven of

tries, so it was one of those late-season losses that won't look good on Colorado's resume when Selection Sunday rolls around. It also meant the Buffs lost a chance at getting an opening-round bye in the Pac-12 tournament, dropping the defending champions to the fifth seed. The good news was that the Buffs only had to wait four days for the rematch. It was ugly early. Colorado missed eight of its first 11 shots, Oregon State opened one for six, and the teams needed more than five minutes to crack double figures in combined points. Luckily for the teams and their fans, the action picked up a little. Colorado got little production from Roberson, who had two points on o n e-of-three shooting and two fouls in seven minutes. The Buffaloes made up for his quiet half with 10 offensive rebounds that led to 11 points

and a 32-26 halftime lead after Dinwiddie hit a half-court shot at the buzzer. The Beavers tried to get a last-second shot off, but turned it over, giving Dinwiddie just enough time to launch his shot. "It definitely gave them momentum going into the half," Nelson said. "We were trying to foul and sometimes that's just how the ball rolls sometimes. It was a good shot. I mean, I was just hoping that it didn't go in. I was watching it and I was hoping, and it went in. They got momentum." Oregon State didn't score in the final 2:42 of the first half and missed its first six shots of the second. The Beavers kept misfiring, falling behind 53-42 after missing 16 of 20 shots, including all 10 of their 3-pointers. Colorado answered every rally attempt by Oregon State after that, hitting 11 of 16 free throws in th e f i nal I :53 to earn a chance at picking up another important win.


the Pac-12 championship or at least get a share of it," Singler said, adding that failing to reach that goal "hurt, it did, but we can't dwell on it. We still have a lot of things to accomplish." Singler said t h e l e sson learned from the two losses was "just knowing that you've got to bring it each and every game and play with passion and energy. That's what wins games, and that's what won games for us early in the season." While the ultimate goal this week is winning the Pac-12 t ournament, and with it a n automatic berth in the NCAA field of 68 teams that will be announced Sunday, Singler said he thinks the Ducks need at least one win t o a ssure themselves of an at-large bid. "E.J. is thinking too much. There we go again," Altman said with a sigh. "You don't worry about those things. You control what you can control. "You just go out and play. Where we're at, we just need to go play well."

That, Altman added, was his primary concern coming out of the past weekend. "We didn't shoot freethrows well, we didn't rebound well ... the fundamentals of the game we didn't take care of," Altman said. And the result was a great deal of soul-searching as the regular season ended. "We're all d i sappointed, but they'll respond," Altman said. "We've won 23 games. ... We've had down performances before, we've bounced back, and I have every reason to believe we will."

Las Vegas, especially when the traveling party numbers Continued from C1 more than 20, and the Ducks " Everybody st arts a n ew made their reservations long now. It'll be really exciting," before they knew they would UO coach Dana Altman said. not play on Wednesday. AltIf ever a team was wanting man said there was "not any a "new season," it would seem way to change" the travel plan to be the Ducks, despite their when the Ducks clinched a 23-8 record, including 12-6 in top-four finish to earn a firstthe Pac-12. They started the round bye. final weekend of the regular A ltman said t h e D u c k s season tied for first place, then would fil l t h e t i m e b efore lost by 23 points at Colorado their first game with practice, and by 10 at Utah, when a watching games and study victory in either game would hall, the latter an emphasis have been worth a share of with winter term ending next the title with UCLA. week. "You've just got t o k e ep The major quest for Oregon m oving f o r w ard," A l t m an might be simply finding itself said. "If you're playing a after last weekend's pair of game, it's about the next pos- double-digit losses. " We've had ou r t i m e t o session. If you're playing a season, it's always about the dwell on it, but we can't anynext game. more," Singler said. "We've "There's nothing you can put it behind us and we're do about the previous one, so moving forward. "We're looking at (the conwe'll move on and be ready to ferencetournament) as a new go (tonight)." The Ducks p r acticed at season. We feel like we have M atthew Knight A r ena o n a good chance to go in there Monday and Tuesday, depart- and win it. That's our mindset ing Tuesday evening for Las right now." Vegas and a 48-hour wait for Singler said there was a their game. great deal of disappointment "We'll get down there plenty for the Ducks, particularly in early," Altman acknowledged. finishing tied for second, and "It's going to be a long wait." a game outof first,forthe secThere are only so m a ny ond consecutive season. "Our team wanted to win options to fly from Eugene to

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game losing streak.

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Canadians 4, Senators 3: MONTREAL — Alex Galc henyuk an d L a r s E l l e r scored shootout goals, and M ontreal wo n i t s f o u r t h straight by beating Ottawa. Flames 5, Red Wings 2: CALGARY, Alberta — Lee Stempniak scored the winning goal in the third period and added an assist in Calgary's victory over Detroit.

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saves for New Jersey, which has won two straight and three of four after a sixJakub Voracek and Scott Hartnell scored for the Flyers, who have lost four of five. Also on Wednesday:

U.S.Snowshoe NationalChampionships







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C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com/business. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.



Toda+ A blip or a trend?


Economists anticipate that weekly applications for unemployment benefits climbed last week from a week earlier. That's when the number of

Americans applying for jobless benefits hit a 5-year low at a seasonally adjusted rate of 340,000. The latest figures for unemployment claim applications are expected to have increased to 350,000 last week. Weekly applications are a proxy for layoffs. When they fall, it suggests that companies are shedding fewer jobs.

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10-YR T-NOTE 2.02%

S&P 500

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Cl o se: 1,554 52 Change: 2.04 (0.17%)

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StocksRecap NYSE NASD



HIGH LOW CLOSE DDW 14472.80 14411.66 1 4455.28 DDW Trans. 6238.34 6132.85 6232.59 DDW Util. 490.31 486.62 490.02 NYSE Comp. 9066.98 9024.27 9057.02 NASDAQ 3251.45 3230.62 3245.12 S&P 500 1556.39 1548.25 1554.52 S&P 400 1136.32 1129.54 1135.18 Wilshire 5000 16451.31 16364.60 1 6432.65 Russell 2000 944.61 938.57 943.90

CHG. 45.22 499.74 41.97

-2.95 +2.80 +2.04 +4.05 427.79



%CHG. +0.04% +1.63% +0.40% -0.03% +0.09% +0.13% +0.36% +0.17% +0.39%


EXPR Close:$18.25 %-0.60 or -3.2% The clothing retailer saw less traffic in its stores in February, saying higher taxes and rising gas prices cut customers' spending. $25







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Alaska Air Group ALK 31,29 — 0 57,56 59 .46 +2.43 +4,3 L L L + 38,0 465.9 1146 14 340 Avista Corp AVA 22.78 28.05 26.42 +.11 +0.4 w w L 49 6 +7.8 14 1 2 0 1 .22f Bank ofAmerica BAC 6 . 72 — 0 12.44 12.06 +.05 +0.4 V V L 43 9 +50.8 82482 46 0. 0 4 335 2/t 2/8 2/t 5 2/2 2 3/t 3/8 Barrett Business BBSI 18.40 — ( $ 50 36 47.98 -1.09 - 2.2 Y L L +26.0 + 155.5 8 1 25 0. 5 2 Source: FactSet Boeing Co BA 66 . 82 84.62 84.75 + .59 40,7 L L L +12. 5 +16.8 5626 17 1.94f Cascade Bancorp CACB 4.23 7.18 6.64 +. 28 +4 .4 L L 46.1 +9 3 3 dd CascadeCp CASC 42.86 65.45 64.70 +.02 V L +0 6 + 22.2 3 7 1 4 1. 4 0 Columbia Sporlswear COLM 45.37 — 0 58.63 57.67 +1.57 +2.8 L L L +8 1 + 16.4 10 3 2 0 0 . 8 8 On the mend CostcoWholesale COST 81.98 105.97 103.42 -.33 -0.3 44.8 +25.1 2402 23 1 .108 Krispy Kreme Doughnuts' latest Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 8.92 7.09 +. 0 1 +0 .1 +9.4 41 49 26 55 quarterly report card is expected FLIR Systems FLIR 17.99 27.16 26.29 -.15 -0.6 V L +17 . 8 +3.4 1350 18 0 . 28 to better than last year's. Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 25.40 21.32 08 -0.4 L L L +49.6 -8.8 13701 ( j(j 0 . 5 3 The doughnut chain, due to HomeFederal BacpID HOME 8.67 14.00 12.08 06 -05 W L T -28 +22.6 7 93 0.2 4 8 release its fiscal fourth-quarter Intel Corp INTC 19.23 29.27 21.66 +.01 +0.1 L L +5 0 -16.5 23678 10 0 . 90 earnings today, has been slowly Keycorp KEY 6 . 80 — 0 10.03 10.00 +.14 +1.4 +18.8 +27.7 13835 11 0. 20 but steadily improving since 2009 Kroger Co KR 2 0 .98 — ($ 3120 31.31 +.50 +1.6 L L L +20.3 +28.5 3480 12 0 . 6 0 after bringing in new manageLattice Semi LSCC 3.17 6.60 4.87 +.01 +0.2 L V L + 22.1 - 20 7 619 d d ment, closing stores, slashing LA Pacific L PX 7 . 8 1 — 0 22.30 21.56 -.10 -0.5 W L +1 1 .6 414 3.4 1675 c c debt and changing its business MDU Resources MDU 19.59 24.89 24.54 +.14 40,6 V L L +15. 5 +1 2 .0 5 1 7 0.69 model to cut costs and improve Mentor Graphics MENT 12.85 17.91 17.38 + .1 2 4 0 .7 42.1 +1 3.9 3 7 1 1 5 0 .1 8 Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 32.95 27.92 +. 0 1 T V L +4.5 -10.2 27617 15 0. 9 2 profitability. Wall Street will be Nike Inc 8 NKE 42.55 57.41 54.85 +1.36 42.5 +6.3 - 1.0 4039 2 3 0 . 84 listening for details on Krispy JWN 46.27 58.44 54.29 +.34 40,6 V V L + 1.5 +2.6 31 1 9 1 5 1 . 20f Kreme's high-margin international NordstromIac Nwst Nat Gas NWN 41.01 50.80 43.71 +. 1 1 40 . 3 v w v -1.1 - 1.6 97 20 1. 8 2 business. OfficeMaxloc DMX 4.10 14.92 11.93 +.08 +0.7 + 22.2 +129.0 1389 3 0. 0 8 PaccarIoc PCAR 35.21 — 0 50.94 50.71 + .51 +1 .0 L L L +12 2 +12.9 1582 16 0.80a Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 2.60 2.25 -. 04 -1.7 L L L +57. 3 +8 5 5 dd Plum Creek PCL 35.43 — ( $ 49.95 49.60 -.10 -0.2 +11.8 + 26.7 58 3 4 0 1 . 6 8 Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 — $$- 194,95 190.47 +1.42 +0.8 V L L +0 6 +9.9 490 2 1 0. 1 2 Safeway Inc SWY 14.73 25.14 24.00 +. 13 +0 .5 L L L +32 7 + 12 3 4298 10 0 70 Schaitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 44.21 29.53 +. 07 +0.2 -2.6 -28.6 2 2 9 4 3 0. 7 5 Sherwin Wms SHW 105.58 — 0 16 9 .00169.10 +1.47 +0.9 L L L 49 9 +58.2 77 1 2 6 2 .00f Staocorp Focl SFG 28.74 — 0 41.99 41.97 +. 38 +0 .9 +14.5 +75 99 13 0 93 f StarbucksCp SBUX 43.04 62.00 58.59 +. 3 1 40 . 5 L L 49 2 +15.5 3651 31 0 . 8 4 Triquiot Semi TQNT 4.30 a 7,26 4.74 +.01 +0.2 -1.9 - 24.2 928 d d Umpqua Holdings UMPQ 11.17 13.88 13.22 +. 2 1 41 . 6 +12.1 + 8 . 4 4 7 9 1 4 0 . 4 0f US Baacorp USB 28.58 — $$- 35.46 34.22 -.12 -0.3 +7.1 t 18.3 7091 1 2 0. 7 8 Washington Fedl WAFD 14.30 18.42 17.57 +.07 +0 .4 w L +4.1 + 8.9 309 13 0.3 2 Rising prices Wells Fargo 8 Co WFC 29.80 — 0 3718 36.77 + .11 +0.3 +7.6 +19.5 14697 11 1.00f L L +83 +32 3 138 21 0 20 The Labor Department reports today West Coast BcpOR WCBD 17.84 — ( $ 24 13 23.99 +. 20 +0 .8 WY 1 8.60 — $$- 31,74 30.34 +.14 +0.5 L V L t g.j +44. 1 2 3 70 4 2 0. 6 8 its latest index of wholesale prices, or Weyerhaeuser OividendFootnotes: a - Extra dividends were paid, but are not included 6 - Annual rate plus stock c - Liqu(datmg dividend. e - Amount declared or paid m last t2 months. f - Current what goods cost before they reach annual rate, which was mcreased bymost recent dividend announcement i - Sum of dividends paid after stock split, no regular rate l - Sum of dividends paid this year Most recent consumers. dividend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or paid this year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears m - Current annual rate, which was decreased bymost recent dividend announcement. p - Imtial diyiuend, annual rate not known, yield not shown r - Declared or paid m precedmg (2 months plus stock dividend t - Paid m stock, approximate cash The producer price index rose value on ex-d(stnttut(on datePE Footnotes:q - Stock is a closed-snd fund - no P/5 ratio shown. cc - P/5 exceeds 99. du - Loss in last t2 months 0.2 percent in January, the first increase since September. Economists have forecast that the index grew 0.7 percent last month, reflecting higher gasoline prices. In There will a change in the front office of Philip Company job of chairman, the 12 months ended in January, Morris International in May. The seger of Marlboro Spotlight Philip Morris International, which has offices wholesale prices grew just 1.4 and other cigarette brands overseas said in Lausanne, Switzerland, and New York, percent. Wednesday that CEO Louis C. Camigeriwill was spun off in 2008 from Altria Group, step down and be replaced by current chief which still sells Marlboro and other Philip Producer price index operating officer, Andre Calantzopoulos. Morris brands in the L.S. percent change, seasonally adlusted The transition will take place immediCalantzopoulos, 55, has served as t 0 0/ ately after the company's annual sharechief operating officer since the spinoff holder meeting May B. Calantzopoulos from Altria. He joined the company in 1985 est. 0.8 07 also was nominated for election to the and served as CEO of the international board. Camilleri will remain in his current unit from 2002 until the spinoff. o.

J F 52-week range

Price-earnings ratio (Based on past12 months' results):18 $149.2 billion T otal return this year: 9% 3 - Y R *: 27% Ma r ket value:

-0 3

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+ 3 1 .1 «2 + 1 9 . 2 00 + 1 9 .1 42 +1 2 . 3 + 1 1 .3 Morningsiar Ownership Zone™ + 1 0 .6 + 1 0 .4 Q e Fund target represents weighted + 1 0.3 average of stock holdings + 1 0.1 • Represents 75% offund'8stock holdings

CATEGORY Small Growth NAME L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR RATING™ CIPSX -4.64 -37.3 SpectPh 7.79 Sy(tergetc 3.59 -1.48 -29.2 A SSETS *** * * -1.44 -23.4 Sigmatr 4.71 EXP RATIO 1.40% Velti 2.40 —.71 -22.8 MANAGER Daniel Butler —.73 -13.4 MEMC 4.70 SINCE 2004-11-30 RETURNS3-MD $870 million Foreign Markets YTD +13.1 NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1- YR +11.1 -3.93 —.10 Paris 3,836.04 3-YR ANNL +12.3 London 6,481.50 -29.12 -.45 5-YR-ANNL +15.1 Frankfurt 7,970.91 + 4.79 + . 0 6 Hong Kong 22,556.65 -333.95 -1.46 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT Mexico 43,277.57 -687.84 -1.56 Allied World Assurance Company Holdings Milan 15,745.34 -278.64 -1.74 2.61 -75.15 -.61 AG Tokyo 12,239.66 2.19 Stockholm 1,210.89 + 2.37 + . 2 0 UMB Financial Corporation -24.16 —.47 Flowers Foods, Inc. 2.09 Sydney 5,104.40 Zurich 7,781.47 -21.46 -.28 West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. 1.98

SelectedMutualFunds PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 21.73 +.02 +6.5 +12.6 +11.4 + 65 A A A -0.4 + 3.9 + 5.6 + 43 D D E Bo(tdA m 12.84 CaphtcBuA m 54.81 -.07 +3.9 +1 0.3 +9.0 4 35 A A C CpWldGrlA m 39.30 -.11 +5.6 +1 3.0 +8.0 + 22 8 C C EurPacGrA m 42.76 -.12 +3.7 +9.3 + 5.5 + 1.1 0 C A FttlovA m 44.27 +.03 +8.6 +14.5 +11.4 + 43 8 C D GrthAmA m 37.07 +7.9 +14.5 +10.5 + 43 A C D IncAmerA m 19.05 +.01 +5.5 +12.2 411.1 + 61 A A 8 InvCoAmA x 32.35 -.12 +7 7 +12 5 +10 0 + 44 0 D C NewPerspA m 33.42 +6.9 +14.3 +9.9 + 4.3 A 8 8 WAMutlovA m 33.99 +.05 +8.9 +14.0 +13.3 + 54 C A 8 Dodge 8 Cox Inco me 13.88 ... + 0. 1 +5 . 1 + 6 .0 +7.1 C C 8 I(ttlStk 36.30 -.30 + 4 .8 + 12.5 +5.9 +1.3 A 8 A Stock 134.96 -.02 + 10.7 +19.9 +12.0 +4.5 A 8 C Fidelity Contra 82.89 +.05 + 7 .8 + 10.8 +12.5 +5.9 8 8 C GrowCo 100.6 2 +.09 + 7 .9 + 7 . 7 +13.9 +8.2 D A A LowPriStk d 42 . 70 +.08 + 8 .1 + 12.9 +13.0 +8.1 D C 8 Fidelity Spartan 50 0 ldxAdvtg 55 . 29 +.09 + 9 .5 + 13.9 +12.9 +5.7 8 A 8 FrankTemp-Fraokliln ocome A m 2.31 ... +4.7 +12.8 +10.5 +6.7 A A A Oppeoheimer RisDivA m 18.9 8 +.04 +9 .1 + 10.7 +11.7 +4.9 D C 0 RisDivB m 17.1 7 +.02 + 8 .8 + 9 . 6 +10.7 +3.9 E C D RisDivC m 17.0 9 +.02 + 8 .9 + 9 . 8 +10.9 +4.1 E C D SmMidValA m 36.85 +.15 +13.7 +14.0 +9.7 +2.4 D E E SmMidValB m 31.07 +.13 + 13.5 +13.1 +8.8 +1.6 D E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.2 0 . . . 0 0 . +7. 0 +6 . 5 +7.4 A 8 A T Rowe Price Eqt y l nc 29.13 +.06 + 10.1 +16.8 +12.4 +5.4 A 8 8 GrowStk 40.57 + . 07 + 7 . 4 +9 . 4 +12.9 +6.9 0 A 8 HealthSci 46.9 7 - . 02 +13.9 +30.5 +21.8+16.0 A A A Vanguard 500Adml 143.87 +.23 49.5 +13.9 +12.9 +5.8 8 A 8 500htv 143.84 +.24 49.5 +13.8 +12.8 +5.6 8 A 8 CapDp 38.35 +.10 414.1 +22.4 +10.4 +7.1 A D A Eqlnc 26.60 +.04 +10.1 +15.9 415.7 +7.1 8 A A GNMAAdml 10.82 -.01 -0.4 +1.8 +4.8 +5.6 C 8 A 10.82 STGradeAd +0.3 +3.4 +3.5 +3.9 8 8 8 StratgcEq 24.18 +.10 412.7 +16.8 415.7 +7.1 8 A C Tgtet2025 14.31 -.01 +5.3 +9.6 +9.4 +5.0 8 8 A TotBdAdml 10.97 -0.6 +3.2 +5.3 +5.6 D D D Totlntl 15.44 -.08 +3.1 +7.7 +4.7 -0.6 D D 0 TotStlAdm 39.18 +.08 +9.9 +14.1 +13.2 +6.5 8 A A TotStldx 39.16 +.08 +9.9 +14.0 +13.1 +6.3 8 A A USGro 23.17 +.03 +9.0 +10.4 +11.9 +6.8 8 8 8 Welltn 36.02 +.03 +6.4 +11.7 +10.5 +6.5 A A A WelltnAdm 62.22 +.06 +6.4 +11.8 +10.6 +6.6 A A A FAMILY


J F 52-week range




Vol.:14.0m (2.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.09 b

P E: . . . Yield: ...

DOLE Nautilus NLS Close:$10.67 V-1.06 or -9.0/, Close:$6.43 V-0.56 or -8.0% Citing lower banana prices in North An A B. Riley analyst downgraded America, the fruit and vegetable his rating on the fitness equipment distributor'8 fourth-quarter results maker'8 stock amid unfavorable fell short of expectations. conditions in the retail space. $12 $8 10


J F 52-week range

$5.26 ~ Vol.:4.8m (3.2x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $947.74 m



J F 52-week range

$15.19 $2.20~ P E: 13 . 0 Vol.:1.1m (2.8x avg.) Yie l d: ... Mkt. Cap:$198.91 m


NFLX Close:$192.36 At 0.25 or 5.6% The Internet video service is letting U.S. Subscribers swap movie and TV show recommendations with their social circles on Facebook. $200


Fund Footnotes b - ree coyenng market costs is paid trom tund assets d - Deterred sales charge, or redemption fee f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple fees are charged, usually a marketing fee and either a sales or redempt(on tee Source: Momingstar

M $7.45

P E: 29 .2 Yield :...


VELT Close:$2.40 V-0.71 or -22.8% The mobile marketing company said

that higher expenses and weaker

revenue hurt its fourth-quarter performance and it posted a loss. $6




J F 52-week range



J F 52-week range


$52.61 ~


$2.05 ~


Vol.:7.7m (1.5x avg.) P Mkt. Cap:$10.77 b

E :243.5 Vol.:14.8m (6.4x avg.) Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$150.67 m

Yield :...

Spectrum Pharma.


Close:$7.79 V-4.64 or -37.3% The drugmaker said that sales of its drug Fusilev, which treats the side effects of a chemotherapy drug, will fall this year. $15

P E: . . .

Sunesis Pharma. SNSS Close:$5.79%0.40 or 7.4% The drugmaker posted a smaller fourth-quarter loss as it continued clinical testing of its cancer drug vosaroxin and other products. $8



J F 52-week range

$7.72~ Vol.:22.5m (18.8x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$468.62 m



$17.45 PE: 5.3 Yield :...

J F 52-week range




Vol.:620.6k (1.1x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$298.19 m

P E: . . . Yield :...

SOURCE: Sungard


AP NET 1YR TREASDRIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO DTR AGO 3 -month T-bill 6 -month T-bill 52-wk T-bill

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note held steady at 2.02 percent Wednesday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.

.08 .11 .14

+0 . 01 ...

2-year T-note . 26 .26 5 -year T-note . 88 .87 1 0-year T-note 2.02 2.0 2 30-year T-bond 3.22 3.21

... +0 . 0 1 ... + 0.01


. 09 . 11 .14



Barclays LongT-Bdldx 2.94 2.94 ... L Bond Buyer Muni Idx 4.15 4.12 +0.03 L

PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 5.56 5.58 -0.02 w RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.98 4.02 -0.04 L YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.15 1.15 . . . L 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays US Corp 2 .82 2.84 -0.02 L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13

Commodities The price of crude oil dipped slightly, ending its streak of four straight days with gains. Wholesale gasoline, gold and copper fell, while the price of natural gas rose.

Foreign Exchange The dollar rose against the euro,Japanese yen and other currencies after a report showed that L.S. retail

sales strengthened in February by more than economists expected.

h5Q QG


.07 .14 .18

L .35 L .98 L 2.13 L 3.18


Barclays USAggregate 1.93 1.95 -0.02 L Div i dend:$3.40


Source: FactSet


Vol.:11.6m (6.8x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.56 b

Philip Morris CEO to step down

- 0.2 . 0 , 4


Dole Food


Philip MOrriS InternatiOnal (PM) Wednesday's close:$90.55

MEMC Elec. Mat. WFR Close:$4.70 V-0.73 or -13.4% The maker of semiconductor products and solar industries said that it expects prices to drop in its solar division this year.






NorthwestStocks NAME






Stock indexes barely moved Wednesday, but the slight gain for the Dow Jones industrial average was enough to carry it to its longest winning streak since 1996. The Dow has risen for nine straight days and has yet to fall during March. During that run, it rose to a record high after climbing above its prior peak, which was set in 2007. Stocks flipped between small gains and losses throughout the day after a report showed that retail sales grew 1.1 percent last month, compared with economists' expectations for 0.2 percent growth. Gains for stocks that sell non-essentials to consumers offset declines for telecoms and raw material producers.

1,500 .



Dow jones industrials


13,500 "



GOLD ~ $1,588.30




est. 350 347

7 i)4


Vol. (In mil.) 3,003 1,539 Pvs. Volume 3,174 1,626 Advanced 1718 1375 Declined 1332 1039 New Highs 2 57 149 New Lows 18 18

Initial jobless claims week ending, seasonally adjusted




Thursday, March (4, 20t3


SS(P 500

NASDAQ ~ 3,245.12







w L T W

w L L L

2.76 4.61 2.14 7.16 3.90 1.17 3.35

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 92.52 92.54 - 0.02 + 0 . 8 Ethanol (gal) 2.58 2.54 +0.04 +18.0 Heating Dil (gal) 2.92 2.95 -0.82 -4.0 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.68 3.65 + 0.96 + 9 . 8 Unleaded Gas(gal) 3.14 3.15 -0.25 + 11.8 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1588.30 1591.50 28.92 29.13 1593.10 1595.00 3.51 3.54 769.25 773.40

%CH. %YTD -0.20 -5.2 -0.72 -4.2 - 0.12 + 3 . 5 -0.81 -3.6 - 0.54 + 9 . 5

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -1.0 1.29 1.29 -0.12 1.40 1.42 -1.13 -2.6 Corn (bu) 7.41 7.41 + 0.03 + 6 . 2 Cotton (Ib) 0.89 0.87 +1.47 +17.9 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 393.00 389.00 + 1.03 + 5 . 1 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.37 1.38 -0.07 + 18.4 Soybeans (bu) 14.75 14.90 - 0.99 + 4 . 0 -9.1 Wheat(bu) 7.07 7.01 +0.96 AGRICULTURE

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.4927 +.0018 +.12% 1 .5690 Canadian Dollar 1.02 7 2 + . 0011 +.11% . 9 9 15 USD per Euro 1.2961 —.0065 —.50% 1.3073 Japanese Yen 96.04 + . 1 1 + . 11% 82 . 89 Mexican Peso 12. 4 112 —.0455 —.37% 12.6546 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.6978 +.0171 +.46% 3.7722 Norwegian Krone 5.7425 +.0354 +.62% 5.7083 South African Rand 9.2485 +.0810 +.88% 7.5614 Swedish Krona 6.4228 +.0654 +1.02% 6.7887 Swiss Franc .9526 +.0053 +.56% .9230 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9702 + .0010 +.10% .9 5 22 Chinese Yuan 6.2186 -.0003 -.00% 6.3301 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7588 +.0018 +.02% 7 .7596 Indian Rupee 54.381 +.183 +.34% 4 9.945 Singapore Dollar 1.2486 +.0020 +.16% 1 .2605 South Korean Won 1104.13 +6.87 +.62% 1125.27 Taiwan Dollar 29.71 + .04 +.13% 29 . 54

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



Samsung tounveil new Galaxyphone Samsung Electronics is taking to the Big Apple to reveal its next

big challenge to Apple Inc.: a successor to its top-selling Galaxy S III

smartphone. The Korean company has rented New York's Radio City Music Hall for an event this eve-

ning. The companyhas hinted that it will reveal the Galaxy S IV phone. It's not known what

oo es u esexecuiveran s By Claire Cain Miller New York Times News Service

Google announced a change in its executive ranks Wednesday that could have broad implications for the mobile business. Andy Rubin, who had been senior vice president in charge of Android, Google's mobile operating system, has been replaced by Sundar Pichai. Pichai is the senior vice president of Chrome and will now

oversee Android as well. Google has been in a confusing position because it has two unrelated operating systems: Chrome and Android. At first, Google said they were separate: Chrome was for computersand the Web, and Android was for touch-screen mobile devices and apps. But the lines among devices have blurred, and the personnel change is a sign that Google now sees the need to

somehow coordinate or merge the two operating systems. Although Android has been wildly successful, with 750 million devices activated worldwide, computers run-

ning Chrome's operating system have not. At a media event to introduce the new Chromebook, Pichai drew less of a distinction between the two operating systems than Google executives had in the past.

"The way we think about it internally," he said, "is as a user, you sign in to both these devices, you use search, Maps, Gmail" and other Google products. "All your Google services work seamlessly across devices." The company did not provide any details about how Chrome or Android might change under the new leadership. Pichai has had a fast rise at

Google and has experience developing hardware, a new area of focus for the company. In addition to Chrome and Android,he also oversees Google Apps, like Gmail and Drive, for consumers and businesses. Google did not say why Rubin was replaced. Despite Android's success, it is at a crossroads as device-making partners like Samsung and Amazon have increasingly become competitors.

the new phonewill look like or how it will differ

fromits predecessor, but there's speculation that Samsung will

once again increase the screen size.



adds ability

CEOsoptimistic about economy Despite higher taxes

to share on

and looming federal budget cuts, top U.S.

chief executives were more optimistic about the economy in the first three months of this year than they were at the end of 2012.

The CEOssurveyed by the Business Round-

table expected to see increased sales andto spend more oncapital investment in the next

six months, according to results released

Wednesday. But their expectations for hiring new

employees remained flat compared to the final three months of

last year. — From wire reports

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • The Central Oregon Area Commissionon Transportation: 3-5 p.m.; City of Redmond Public Works TrainingRoom,243 E Antler Ave. FRIDAY • How will youvote In May?: Townhall forum; registration required; $30 for members, $40for nonmembers; 7:30a.m.; Bend Golfand Country Club, 61045 Country ClubDrive; www.bendchamber.org. SATURDAY • NetworkingNuggets — Catch andKeepYour Llstener's Attention: Ten different Networking Nuggets and storytelling techniques; practice speaking andget immediate feedback; registration requested; $47; 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Cascade School ofMusic,200 N.W . Pacific Park Lane,Bend; 541-617-0340, diane© eloquentexpression.com or www.eloquentexpression. com. • Neil Kelly Remodeling Workshops: Trends in bath and kitchen remodeling; continental breakfast included; free; 9:30-11:30 a.m.; BendGolf andCountry Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-7580. • OregonAddyAward Show:Viewing of entries begins at 5 p.m.; registration required; early bird $65, after March 6 $75; students $50; 7 p.m.; The Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-389-311I. MONDAY • Nursing program orientation:Overview of selection procedure for applicants to COCC's Associate of Applied Science in Nursing program including prerequisites and support courses necessaryforthe AAS degree; current COCC enrollment not necessary to attend, and reservations are not needed;Room 305, Building 3; free; 1:302:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-318-3741.

To find freeincome tax preparation help, visit the Events Calendar at wwMt bendbulletin.comlevents.

For the complete calendar, pickup Sunday's t3ulietin or visit bendbulietin.comlbizoal


• Contact Industries, one of Prinevile's biggestemployers,hasfound successin veneers '90s, and that's when this technology started. We made trips to Spain,Germany, and we took the very beginnings of this technology and brought it to Prineville, Oregon," he said. "They've moved away from commodities, which a lot of people stayed in and are no longer in business. And to have this technology and this company in our community, and have it survive though some very difficult times and thrive, is remarkable."

By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

PRINEVILLE — From its North Main Street plant, Contact Industries has shippeditscustom veneered components to the NASCAR Hall of Fame in North Carolina, the new World Trade Center in New York City and the Burj Khalifa, the world's tallest building, in Dubai. The company, which has evolved from producing only basic moulding and other millwork to high-tech veneer products, employs 200 people, Casey Jackson, vice president of manufacturing, told about 50 people gathered Wednesday morning at a Crook County Foundation forum. Portland-based Contact Industries opened a 1,000square-foot Prineville manufacturing facility in 1955. Over the years, it's grown to nearly 600,000 square feet with employees engineering veneer mouldings for architectural and commercial projects, as well as milled products for the window and door and furniture industries. Prineville once boasted five operating sawmills, but the last one closed in 2001. Secondary wood products companies have also faced difficult ies from overseas competitors. To survive, Contact Industries has refocused its target market over the last 10 years, Jackson said. While thecompany continues to use pine lumber for

Contact Industries employee Amanda Meyer, 30, grades a stainable vinyl-wrapped door frame component at the Prineville plant Wednesday. wood products, he said, it also uses hundreds of veneer wood species from around the world, and produces engineeredcomponents thatuse steel, aluminum, fiberglass and polyvinyl chloride. To meet customers' quality and production expectations, Jackson said, requires hightech machinery and a staff with the skills to operate the equipment. Contact Industries is one of Prineville's largest private employers behind Woodgrain Millwork Inc., another secondary wood products manufacturer, said Russell Deboodt, Prineville/Crook County economic developmentmanager of Economic Development for Central Oregon. "Secondary wood products are immensely important to Prineville, not only in its culture and identity, but

By Michael Liedtke The Associated Press

SAN FRANCISCO — A long-awaited coming attraction has finally arrived for Netflix's U.S. subscribers. They will now be able to automatically see what their Facebook friends have been watching on the Internet video service, as long as they are willing to open a peephole into their viewing habits, too. The sharing tool announced Wednesday is rolling out 18 months after Netflix Inc. introduced the feature to its international subscribers. The expansion exposes the feature to a much wider audience because Netflix has 27 million Internet video subscribers in the U.S. versus 6 million customers in more than 50 other countries and territories. Netflix isn't extending the feature to the 8.2 million subscribers to its steadily shrinking DVD-by-mail rental service. Netflix withheld the sharing tool in the U.S.to avoid breaking a 1988 law that banned the disclosure of video rental records without a customer's written consent. After severalyears of lobbying, the Los Gatos, Calif., company persuaded Congress to revise the law so that subscribers could choose to activate a video-sharingfeature. President Obama signed the amended law in January, clearing the way for Netflix to offerU.S. subscribers another way to find movies and TV shows that may appeal to their tastes. In the process, Netflix hopes to deepen subscriber loyalty and generate positive buzz about the $8-per-month serviceas the company stri ves to reach its goal of 90 million customers.

— Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

to the people who live and work here," he said. "Wood products, behind the public sector ... is still our biggest industry here in Prineville and employs the most people." Steve Forrester, Prineville city manager, said the benefit of Contact Industries to the city can't be measured. "I actually worked for this com-

panyback in the late '80s


Photos by Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

Casey Jackson, vice president of manufacturing for Contact Industries in Prineville, shows how veneered components fit together to create a column.

Consumer spendingsurprisingly robust in February By Don Lee Tribune Washington Bureau

WASHINGTON — Consumer spending grew at a

surprisingly strong pace last month, anotherencouraging sign that the economy may be gaining momentum despite the hit from higher taxes and gas prices and fears of government spendingcuts. Retail sales rose 1.1 percent in February from the prior month, seasonally adjusted, thanks in large part to robust gains for cars and building materials and at Internet stores, the Commerce Depart-

ment reported Wednesday. The overall sales rate increase was the biggest in five months and aboutdouble what many analysts had forecast. Consumers did feel the pinch from higher fuel prices. Sales at gas stations jumped 5 percent last month from January, a big factor in the overall retail sales growth. Even so, after excluding consumer spending for gas andforcars,"core"retail sales still increased. Taken together, the report

suggests stronger underlying confidence and willingness to spend on the part of consum-


ers, most likely reflecting rising stock prices, a recovering housing market and recent gains in employment and


earnings. Car and home sales are benefiting from pent-up demand as well as low interest rates, and that's supporting business at other retailers. Sales at building material and garden supply stores rose 1.1 percentin February from the prior month. The report raised some analysts' hopes that consumer spending will outperform expectations this year.

Mike Groll /The Associated Press

Marty Grossman shops for a hat at Lodge's store in Albany, N.Y. Americans spent in February at the fastest pace in five months.

PERMITS Clty of Bend • DeschcoLtd., 2992 N.E Hope, $163,845 • Dean E. Eisenbraun, 1354 N.W. Baltimore, $210,022 • Forest Park 2 LLC,

61300 S.E Ring Bearer, $187,083 • Meloling Construction LLC, 2171 N.W.Lemhi Pass, $218,298 • Demuth Living Trust, 3255 N.W. Horizon, $333,933

• Brookswood Bend LLC, 61162 Snowbrush, $219,851 • FC Fund LLC,3034 N.E Red Oak, $205,822 • Bell Development lnc., 63140 Peale, $213,418

• PahlischHomesInc., 19170 N.W.Chiloquin, $312,061 • Chez Bend LLC,62683 Big Sage, $339,312 • Parker C. MacDonald, 1444 N.W. Kingston, $129,377

• HaydenHomesLLC, 20675 Beaumont, $231,564 • ML Bend USA Limited Partnership, 20781 N.E. Comet, $185,162 • ML Bend USA Limited Partnership, 20777 N.E.

Comet, $239,189 • Stonegate Development LLC, 60312 Addie Triplett, $307,493 Deschutes County • Jeffry A. Finnigan, 65923 Bearing Drive,

Bend, $515,346.87 • Katherine Baumann, 685 N.E. Smith RockWa y, Terrebonne, $259,529.92 • George T. Spence, 53467 Bridge Drive, La Pine, $323,943.48


O www.bendbulletin.com/health

Cancer, alcohol


linked • 15 percent of breast cancerdeaths attributed to drinking By Anne Aurand The Bulletin

Time and calorie data in this storyare based on calculations from

Drinking alcoholeven by moderate standards — is blamed for about 3.5 percent, or about 1 in 30, of all cancer-related deaths in the U.S. annually. This is

myfitnesspal.com, using anaverage running paceof10 minutes


• From the Deschutes Riverto Pilot Butte, Bend offers a variety of easily accessiblejogging trails By Anne Aurand •The Bulletin t's that time of year when even the most low the Deschutes River. Most are accessible fair-weather fitness enthusiasts can find from neighborhoods. joy in exercising outside. There's something for everyone, from flat, F or those resurrecting their r o u - short paved loops to long, technical dirt trails. tines or just launching a walking or With the help of local runners, we've comjogging plan, Bend has numerous places to piled some suggestions for urban trails that perambulate. are easy to explore, along with some data to Great trails are sprinkled throughout the help you decide if you have enough time to hit city. Some climb to spectacular mountain the trail before work and if it will be adequate views. Others meander through trees or fol- exercise to fulfill your goals.

The numbers per mile, or 6 mph, and a brisk walking pace of17 minutes per mile, or 3.5 mph, for both a130-pound person and a160-pound

person. Keep in mind that these are general estimates. Exactly how

many calories an individual will burn during 30 (or 60 or 90) minutes of activity depends on many factors: age, sex, weight, height, body composition and overall activity level.

6mile soutandbackaboveDeschutesRivercanyon

1.4-mile loopthroughPineNursery Parkcomplex

Starting from the old

An easy, pavedloop with little hills. A popular dog parknearby brings plenty


Gopber Quleb DesohutesRi«t io OeschutesRiver Trail

golf clubhouseoff Mt. Washington Drive, the soft, dirt trail heads northwest past

Sawyer Park(which would be another goodstarting point), crosses ArchieBriggsRoad and thenopensupincredible viewsof theCascadesfrom


of pooches to the trails. To extend your

Offleash :: Pine Nursery:."'-""dog area, Park

distance, youcanheadto the canal road on the south side of the track. The open


high above the Deschutes River. Turn back at the trail terminus at Kirkaldy Court off of Putnam Road for a six-mile

landscape offers mountain views. WALKING JOGG ING Time estimate: Time estimate:

'Sawyer Park og/0 Parking 'zOZ'~~ '.~e gy

24 minutes

Awbrey Butte

14 minutes


Calories durned Calories burned for a130-pound for a130-pound person:90 pers o n: 138 Calories burned Calories burned for a160-pound for a160-pound person:110 pers on: 169

Golf clubhouse': parking

excursion. WALKING Time estimate:102minutes (1.7 hours) Calories durned Calories durned for a130-pound for a160-pound person:381 pers on: 469

Parki i o l ::

JOGGING Time estimate:60 minutes Calories durned Calories durned for a130-pound for a160-pound person:590 pers on: 726 (( XX J) ,



North unit Canal

tral find-

ingof a new study published in the American Journal of Public Health that concluded: "Reducing alcohol consumption is an important and underemphasized cancer prevention strategy." Of all the implicated cancers, breast cancer appears the most severely linked to alcohol. In the case of breast cancer, alcohol consumption was related to about 15 percent of deaths. The majority of alcoholattributable cancer deaths in women were from breast cancer (about 60 percent). In men, between 53 percent and 71 percent of alcohol-attributable cancer deaths were upper

airway and esophageal cancers. SeeAlcohol/D3

Graphics byGreg Cross/The Bulletin

Base trail Trail to top

Riverbend Park i . eed.lylaikat.Bdi »nDr~ .i Farewell Dc':':, Bend "



:, I A



Pildt'Butte Statepark .."..:: Parking


':.:: Park


zure Dc

I BE ~ — - ~~DI



Pilot Butte offers a couple of options: up and down the butte or around the butte on the

' ' Footbridge

base trail. A personcan walk upthe mile-long

3-mile loopalong the DeschutesRiver

paved road or the mile-long dirt trail to the top of this 480-foot butte that rises from the

center of Bend.Unbeatable views ofthe city

Trail is an undulating dirt trail loop that follows the river. The trail is primarily

3.5-mile leund-trtp lapptIU~r through east Bendneighborhoods

used for hiking and running andcan

An easy, round-trip walk

The Deschutes River South Canyon

be busy. It's within view of homes and offices at times, but still feels pretty wild for an urban trail, with whitewater,

ducksandgeese,tallponderosapines and rimrock canyons all in ashort outing. WALKING


Time estimate: 51 minutes

Time estimate: 30 minutes

Calories durned Calories durned for a130-pound for a130-pound person:190 person:295 Calories burned Calories burned for a 160-pound

for a160-pound



on the flat, dirt Larkspur Trail between the Bend

Senior Center, atLarkspur Park, andU.S. Highway

Sandy Shores, aBendwoman who started jogging andexercising in recent years in her

quest to lose more than 100 pounds, has been aregular at

, //' /t'

' g~

"The Pine Nursery Sho r es

began running and still run there. I love that loop, it's an easy run," she said.

an irrigation canal. There

are openspaces, classic High Desert landscapeand sun is blazing. WALKING Time estimate:60 minutes

Calories burnedfor a130-poundperson: 224

JOGGING Time estimate:35 minutes Calories durnedfor a130-poundperson: 344 Calories burnedfor a160-poundperson: 423

summer. A popular adjacent dog parkcan draw manydogs to the trail, she noted.

Bear CreekRd

WALKING Time estimate: about 34 minutes

JOGGING Time estimate: 20 minutes

Calories durned

Calories durned

for a130-pound * person:About 200

for a130-pound person:197

Calories durned

Calories durned

for a160-pound * person:about247

for a160-pound

(*you burn more walking uphill than on flat ground)


If youwantdistance Pondero sa Park

For serious runners whowant longer routes, running coachand Pinewood, Park;:r i

personal trainer Kyle Will suggested the trails that start near Summit High

School, parallel Skyliners Road and lead to Phil's Bend Senior •:;""'Larkspur Park Center • tesrtae Reed Market Rd.

Trailhead where a run

could extend asmany miles as imaginable. (Known as the West Bend Trail and Cascade Highlands Trail, they can be found at www.bendparks

andrec.org/Parks Trails/trail List.) Will also frequents the many loops available in Shevlin Park, west of Bend. The

Fitnesswith asideofscenery "My favorite Central Oregonrunning routesareall on trails that involvebeing nearwater, likethe

side of the track," Shores said. "It's nice if you want to add some trail This time of year it's pretty quiet, she said, but it gets busier in the

: .

and the Cascades to the west and High Desert to the east will make the climb worth it.

pleasant shade when the

"Another nice thing is you canaccess the canal road from the south running to your training."


crosses throughmany neighborhoodsandfollows

Calories burned for


Pilot Butte..""'::,. State:Pa'ik-

20 (or Pilot Butte)

a160-poundperson: 276

loop trail is where I

Greg Cross The Bulletin

2-mile hikeat Pilot Butte V

Pine Nursery Park.


Illustration by


lower loop is just about five miles. For runs of10 miles and farther, he recommends starting at the Athletic Club

of Bend andheading west on the redcinder

Deschutes River trail and Shevlin Park," said

road that parallels Century Drive (the road

Connie Austin, creator ofandcoachfor a local "Learn toRun"program. "I also enjoythe

is used as a trail and is closed to cars) to the Entrada Lodge. Fromthere, a runner can do

Cascade views, so I'll run the trails around and up Pilot Butte."

loops or an out-and-back, or connect with trails that lead to the Deschutes River.

Most locations offer someoptions to

fit all levels of runners. For example, the flat Larkspur trail starting at the Bend Senior Center in

Larkspur Park can becombined with the trails around Pilot Butte for a longer outing.

Spotting the signsof mental illness can savelives • Mother of suicide victim createsgroup to spreadawareness By Nancy Churnin The Dallas Morning News

DALLAS — Grant Halliburton was handsome, artistic, bright, popular and loved. He also suffered from bipolar disorder and depression. When he was 19,

he jumped



building to his death. His mother, Vanita Halliburton, has gone over this tragedy again and again. If she knew now what she knew then, she believes the outcome mighthave been different than it was that awful day in November 2005. She created the Grant Halliburton Foundation in Dallas in the hope that the outcome will be different for others. The group teaches the signs of mental illness and puts people in touch with available resources. It's a crucial mission because, while experts agree that early intervention saves lives, most people wait years before getting help. The delay can be tragic. See Mental/D5



HEALTH EVENTS NO PAIN LIFEGAIN: Learn about anti-inflammatory foods from physical therapist Allison Suran; registration requested; free; 5:306:30p.m.Monday; Healing Bridge Physical Therapy, 404 N.E. Penn Ave., Bend; www.healingbridge.com or 541-318-7041. STARTINGTHE CONVERSATION: Learn about Medicare supplements, home health, continuum of care andmore; free;1-4 p.m. March19; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-388-1133. SOCIALSECURITY — NAVIGATING THE APPLICATIONPROCESS: Francine Marsh discusses the Social Securityapplication process, hosted by the National Alliance on Mental lllness Central Oregon; free; 7-9 p.m. Tuesday; St. Charles Medical Center, conference room D, 2500 N.E. Neff Road, Bend; www. namicentraloregon.org. WOMEN, STRESSANO HORMONES: Learn about energy medicine as a self-help technique to balance hormones from Gail Jett; $35; 9 a.m.-1 p.m. March 23; Central Oregon Community College, Chandler Lab Building, Room 301, 1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; www.advancedhealingenergetics. com.

How to submit Health Events: Email event information to healthevents@ bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days

before the desireddate of publication. Ongoing class


eni comes o eir e a c a re, consumers on' wan o wei cos s By Michelle Andrews

own out-of-pocket costs as well as the costs borne by their In recent years, consum- insurer. The participants, reers have increasingly been searchers said, did not generencouraged to factor cost ally understand how i nsurinto their medical decisions ance works and felt little per— by, for example, avoiding sonal responsibility for helping unnecessary tests, buying to solve the problem of rising generic drugs and reduc- health care costs. They were ing visits to the emergency unlikely to accept a less expenroom. The hope is that a sive treatment option, even if patient b e tter e d ucated it was nearly as effective as a and more engaged in his more expensive choice. or her health decisions will I talked about the findings c hoose options that w i l l with study co-author Susan both promote better health Dorr Goold, a professor of inand decrease costs. ternal medicine and health But a study published last management and policy at the month in the journal Health Center for Bioethics and Social Affairs found that a majori- Sciences in Medicine at the ty of patients were reluctant University of Michigan. This to consider cost when mak- is an edited transcript of that ing medical decisions, nor conversation. did they want their doctors to do so. What, if anything, about Researchers i nve s ti. the findings surprised gated the attitudes of 211 you? focus group p articipants We were surprised at how in Washington and Santa • firmly a n d fr e q uently Monica, Calif. Participants people talked about not wantwere asked to weigh their ing cost considerations to factor Special to The Washington Post



into decision-making at all. It surprised us that there weren't

very good at deciding what's worth spending extra money on. Doctors have to be part of the discussion about the value of different options.

some people speaking out and saying, "Wait, we're all going to pay more if we don't consider the costs." We heard it, but not very often.

You found that some

Q • participants s e e med motivated to choose expen-

You asked pa-

Q . tients to consider how cost might influence their thinking. If, for example, someone had a headache for three months and the doctor explained that a CT scan would identify nearly all the problems for a fraction of the cost of an MRI, in general, people were unwilling to consider the cheaper test. How do you interpret that? We talked about what . might have happened if we had chosen adiff erent example. When you talk about headache,you're talking about your brain. What if we'd talked about toenail fungus instead? Is getting rid of it worth a treat-


sive care "out of spite," because they were antagonistic toward their insurance company. What's going on there'? There was an almost • vengeful attitude toward insurance companies, the idea that "I've been pay-


ing in, and now I'm going


ment that's nearly a thousand times more expensive? A lthough we k now f r o m other research that patients certainly consider their outof-pocket costs, they're not

listings must be updated

Navkt,aspa Lite

monthly and will appearat www.bendbulletin.com/ healthclasses. Contact: 541-383-0358. People: Email info about local

people involved inhealth issues to healthevents© bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0358.

Observation can improve care

but may be costly for patients By Michelle Andrews

nearly 38 hours sooner than those who were admitted as A growing number of inpatients. Observation unit h ospitals ar e o p t ing t o patients also cost the hospital move some people from less: The median amount was the emergency room into $2,092 versus $4,922. observation units w h ere But hospital savings don't they can undergo further n ecessarily t r a n slate i n t o monitoring or testing belower costs for patients. Infore doctorsdecide wheth- surerstreat care provided in er they should be released an observation unit as outpaor admitted. More than a tient care. That often means third of h ospitals report patients pay a la carte for evhaving such units today, a ery X-ray, blood test or scan. number that has doubled In contrast, if p atients are since 2003. admitted as inpatients, they But many hospitals and may owe only a single co-payi nsurers haven't set u p ment, after which all or nearly their clinical and billing all services are covered. And systems or t h ei r i n s ur- for Medicare patients, being ance contracts with these assigned toobservation care patients in mind. Not only rather than inpatient care can does this sometimes rebring higher drug bills and sult in a longer stay at the affectcoverage of subsequent hospital, it also can cause nursing home care. confusion for patients, and Part of the problem is that bigger bills. many hospitals that p l ace E xperts say t h a t t h e patients on observation stamost effective o bserva- tus don't necessarily have a tion units have a dedicated designated unit where such staff that follows clearly patients are treated. Instead, defined protocols. Rather they may place emergency than send a patient home department patients on obwho is at high risk for a servation status and put them heart attack following an in a bed on one of the regular emergency de p a r tment inpatient hospital floors. Such visit because of chest pain, patients frequently don't refor example, staff might ceivethe care based on clearly refer him to an observation defined protocols shown to be unit for repeat blood tests, successfulin designated obEKGs and a stress test. A servation units, experts say. patient with severe asthma Adding to the confusion, the who needs time and medi- patient may think he's been cation to get an attack unadmitted and doesn't realize he's going to be billed for outder control might be sent to the observation unit for patient rather than inpatient several hours. By monitor- care. "It's a t erribly i nefficient ing and treating patients intensively up front, obser- way to provide observation vation unit staff can fore- services," Christopher Baugh, stall problems and help medical director of the emerpeople get better faster. gency department observaPatients typically stay less t ion unit a t B r i g ham a n d than a day, though some Women's Hospital in Boston, may remainlonger. said of care that isn't provided "These are patients who in a separate unit. "It's also fall between the cracks," difficult to communicate the s aid M i chael R oss, a n difference to patients who are emergency physician who in an inpatient area and sharis director of observational ing a room with an inpatient medicine at Emory Univer- and spending sometimes a sity School of Medicine in long time there." Atlanta. "They need more But the arrangement can than an e m ergency de- be attractive t o h o s pitals. partment visit, but if manPlacing patients on observaaged practically they often tion status and putting them need less than 24 hours of in a bed somewhere in the care." hospital reduces crowding in Shorter hospital stays the emergency department. It can result in lower hospi- may also reduce the number tal costs. A study that Ross of admissions. The Centers co-authored on emergency for Medicare and Medicaid department patients who Services and private insurhad had a transient isch- ers are monitoring hospital emic attack — a temporary admissions closely and have interruption of blood flow been retroactively denying to the brain that causes payment if they determine an strokelike symptoms and admission wasn't warranted. " We're going t o see an is sometimes a harbinger of a true stroke — showed explosion i n obs e r vation that those who were restatus," said Arthur K ellerferred to an observation mann, a physician and senior unit w e r e dis c h arged researcher at Rand, a public Special to The Washington Post

Eat lessby altering your memories By Mary MacVean Los Angeles Times

Dieters may want to f orget episodes of falling off the wagon, but researchers say an attentive memory for what is eaten could help people eat less at their next meals. So sitting at a movie with a bucket of p o pcorn hold-

ing perhaps a day's worth of calories might be a bad idea for the present and the future, the research in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition suggests. In an a nalysis of 24 studies, the r esearchers found that while distractions can lead to increased eating, that distraction is even more influential on later eating. The key is memory, said the researchers, who are from several Br itish i n stitutions. And the appeal could be that incorporating " a ttentive-eating principles" into people's habits could help with weight loss and maintenance "without the need for conscious calorie counting." The current studies differed from other strategies in use, such as eating slowly and mindfulness training by focusing on studies that man ipulated attention to f o o d and memory, the researchers noted. While the studies suggest the possibility of one approach to weight control, they mostly looked at adults whose body mass index measured in the healthy range, so additional work would be needed to discover the effect on people who are overweight. Distractions can disrupt a person's ability to notice the pleasure of th e f ood going in, and that can lead to eating more than necessary. But that doesn't explain what happened at subsequent mealsa more pronounced increase in intake, the researchers said. They found that enhancing memory offood consumed reduced later intake. "However, it i s n o t c l ear what aspects of memory are important," the r esearchers wrote. "Vividness of memory i magery, memory fo r f o o d eaten, and memory of calories consumed were all associated with changes to food intake."

to get what I'm owed," or "I'm going to get them back for all the money I've paid in all these years." T he motivation that " I 'm sick and I don't want to think about the money," that's understandable. But "I want to hurt the insurance company"? Why'? Those health care payments come from money all of us have paid to insurers.

policy research organization. Under the A f fordable Care Act, hospitals with high readmission rates for Medicare patients w i t h pn e u monia, heart attack or heart failure are financially penalized. The health law will probably prompt hospitals to use the observation designation with more patients, even if they don't r e ceive special care, say experts. Unfortunately, the "complexity of t h i s f r agmented, loophole-ridden payment system has taken one of the best ideas in medicine and made it confusing to patients and doctors," Kellermann s aid. "It could undermine what is one of the best ideas in health care."

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Carob andchocolate have cancer-fighting powers provided by Jill Souto-Maior, a registered dietitian from St. Charles Bend, wewill tell you about foods you shouldincorporateinto your diet. WEEK ONE Carob or chocolate — both are

touted for having medicinal properties. Carob contains antioxidants that Th'rokstcck

can improve digestion, cholesterol, diarrhea andasthma. Onestudy found

Want a healthybrain? Vegandiet mayreduce risk of Alzheimer's By Diane C. Lade (South Florida) Sun Sentinel

If you want to increase your chances of avoiding Alzheimer's disease, you might want to drop the cheeseburger. That advice comes from Dr. Neal Barnard, a clinical researcher, author and f r equent talk-show guest known for hisadvocacy of meat-free diets. Through the y ears, Barnard has explored how our lifestyle choices, and wh at w e eat o r d r i n k , a r e t i e d t o medical conditions l i k e diabetes, heart disease and chronic pain. But his latest book, "Power Foods for the Brain" (Grand Central Life & Style, $26.99), marks the first time Barnard has looked at diet, neurological health and memory — a top topic for the

aging baby-boom generation. More than 5 million Americans have Alzheimer's or related dementias. "We used to think of diseases like infections that we then could treat or cure. But now we realize it's also what's on your plate or in that pack of cigarettes," said Barnard. The book a ls o e x plores h ow me t a l s com m o n l y found i n f o o d , c o ntainers and cookware — including aluminum, copper, iron and zinc — may harm the brain, and explains how to protect yourself. The adjunct associate professor ofmedicine at George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Sciences said we still have a lot to learn about how diet affects our brains and whether shunning animal products can protect us from Alzheimer's. "What we really need is a large study where we put these things together. I would love to t ak e 1 ,000 people, throw the bad foods out and see what happens," Barnard said. He is also president and founder o f t h e P h y sicians Committee for R e sponsible Medicine, a nonprofit that promotes preventive medicine, higher research standards and alternatives to using animals in experiments. Barnard, who grew up on a North Dakota cattle ranch and

gradually turned vegan, spoke with us about what to eat, how to break the high-fat habit and where he dines.

• You promote going veg• an, which means giving up all meat as well as animalbased products like cheese and eggs. Isn't that too difficult for mostpeople? Being a vegan isn't re• a lly that hard. If y o u c ompare i t w i t h qu i t t i n g smoking, smoking is a 6 or 7. Being vegan is a 2. Start off by t r y ing a t h r ee-week experiment. Don't focus on, "I'll never again have a bacon double cheeseburger." Just do it for now. Many people try diet changes short-term and then realize, "Hey, I really like this."


has s h own Q •• Research there is a strong genetic link to some type of dementias. So how would one's diet make a difference'? . Genes are not necessar. ily destiny. The genes that predispose people to Alzheimer'sdisease or obesity or diabetes aren't dictators. I think of them as committees. They make suggestions, but

you can fight back by making healthy changes.


What are your favorite • food brain-boosters and good habits for neurological health? • Within t h e v e g etable

A• group, go f or c o lor. Green kale, spinach and sweet potatoes are all good. Look at blueberries and grapes. And do take a vitamin B12 supplement every day. Also, go to sleep. People stay up too late. At 10 p.m., knock yourself out.

you have any guilty Q •• Do f ood p l e asures, g i v en the constraints of being



• Maybe some dark choc• o late every n ow a n d then. But really, I don't ever

feel deprived. I go (to vegan restaurants) dine with c u linary geniuses and walk out with a smile on my face. The idea is you can eat in a healthy way and still have a beautiful experience.

that carob extracts repaired cells of the

that can lead to tumor growth.

coa (cacao) tree andwas originally cul-

body damaged byfree radicals, and can attack cervical cancer cells. Research also suggests that chemicals in dark chocolate can reduce cancer risks by combating cell damage

Carob and chocolate share some properties but are different products. Carob, derived from anevergreen tree, is grown in the Mediterranean region. Chocolate comes from the tropical co-

tivated in South America, although it's

Alcohol Continued from D1 Researchers also found that the higher the consumption of a lcohol, the higher the risk of d eath from cancer. Researchers f r o m a number of health care institutions from around the world based their observ ational c onclusions o n m eta analyses that h a d been published since 2000 and data from several alcohol-related reports and surveys. While t h e A m e r ican Cancer S ociety r e c ommends that women drink no more than one drink a day and men have no more than two a day, the new study said consuming even 1.5 drinks or less a day is linked to about 30 percent of all alcohol-related cancer deaths, suggesting that the threshold for harm is pretty low. While exact n u mbers and r esearch o u tcomes vary slightly among studies, research backs up a link between alcohol and cancers. One 2009 study involving nearly 1.3 million middle-aged British women, for example, found that just one glass of chardonnay, one beer or other alcoholic drink a day increased the risk of many different cancers. Alcohol co n s umption has long been associated with many cancers, includ-

ing oral cavity (tongue, mouth), pharynx (throat), larynx (voicebox), esophageal, liver, colorectal and b reast cancer, said D r . Linyee Chang, medical director of the St. Charles Cancer Center.

How it works Exactly how alcohol increasesthe risk ofcancer is not completely understood. But there are a few theories, Chang said. One: Studies have shown that consuming alcohol increases estrogen levels in the body, which can be detrimental to some women at risk of breast cancer. Chang also said alcohol directly i r r itates the tissues that damage cells and DNA. The American Cancer Society elaborated: "Alcohol may act as an irr itant, especially i n t h e mouth and t h roat. Cells that are damaged may try to repair themselves, which may lead to DNA changes in the cells that can be a

now also grown in Africa. Cocoahasa higher fat content than carob, but carob

is naturally sweeter than cocoa.

lism of alcohol and may affect the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal women. ReThe American CancerSociety searchers with the Lombardi recommends limiting alcohol to no more Comprehensive Cancer Center than two drinks a day for men and one analyzed DNA samples from for women. almost 1,000 postmenopausal The recommended limit is lower for women with breast cancer and women because of their smaller body compared them to morethan size and because their bodies tend to 1,600 women without. The risk break down alcohol more slowly. These of breastcancer for women daily limits do not mean one should drink who had the variant form of the larger amounts on fewer days of the gene and who drank alcohol week, since this can lead to health and was nearly twice that of women other problems, according to the Ameriwho abstained. Those with the t can Cancer Society. gene variant who drank alcoOne drink is defined as hol were 94 percent more likely 12 ounces of beer, 5 ounces to have breast cancer as nonof wine, or1.5 ounces of drinkers without the variant. 80 proof liquor. The research does not establish a cause and effect, but the findings suggest that it may be possible to discover some gestep toward cancer." pure alcohol found in all alco- netic susceptibility to alcohol's Other possible mecha- holic drinks, that's responsible harmful effects. nisms: In some cases, alcohol for an increased cancer risk, Exercise has been shown converts into chemicals that not other things in the drink, to curtail some alcohol-rehave been shown to cause according to th e A m erican lated cancer risks. One study cancer in lab animals. AlcoC ancer Society. Ethanol i s said women who exercised 30 hol can directly damage orin beers, wines and liquors. to 150 minutes a week were gans, such as the liver. It may These drinks contain different 50 percent less likely to have allow carcinogens in food or percentages of ethanol, but in breast cancer than w omen tobacco to be absorbed more general a standard-size drink who exercised less than a half easily. It may also decrease of any type — 12 ounces of hour per week. the absorption of important beer, 5 ounces of wine or 1.5 In other words, if one is apt vitamins (specifically, Chang ounces of 80-proof liquorto drink moderately, it should noted, folate. Low folate lev- contains about half an ounce. be done in combination with e ls may play a r ole in t h e exercise, wrote Dr . A r c hie Balancing the risks risk of breast and colorectal Bleyer in a c o m pilation of cancers.) Some studies have shown peer-reviewed medical literaAnd, Chang added, addi- that moderate wine or alcohol ture about exercise and nutritional calories from alcohol drinking can lower one's risk tion for cancer patients. Bleyer may contribute to weight gain, of cardiovasculardisease. is an oncologist and chair of which is associated with canBut most experts say any the institutional review board cer risk. person needs to weigh their of the quality department for i ndividual r i sk s a n d f a m - St. Charles Health System and Doesitrnatterwhatyoudrink? ily histories when considering a clinicalresearch professor It doesn't appear to matter whether to drink. And risks for the Knight Cancer Institute so much what kind of alcohol are likely very individual. at Oregon Health & Science is consumed when it comes to Whether there are certain University. "The bottom line," Bleyer cancer risk. types of cancer-predisposed "The alcohol itself seems people who should especially wrote, "is that the emphasis to be the culprit, so the abavoid alcohol has not been on wine consumption should solute amount of alcohol is determined yet, according to be in moderation and that two what needs to be considered," Chang. or more glasses a day is too Chang said. One study suggested that much." Most evidence suggests that certain gene variations are — Reporter: 541-383-0304, it's the ethanol, the type of involved with t h e m e taboaaurand@bendbulletin.corn


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Why does mynose runwhen I run? Does it ever seemlike your nose gets excessively runny whenyou're exercising? It's real, it's pretty normalandit hasaname. It's called exercise-induced rhinitis, and

tor of the exercise physiology lab at Central

Oregon Community College. It's not harmful, but the constant nose wiping can be irritating. "It's simply an inflammation or irritation

is more severewherethere are morepollut-

passageways with a neti pot or bulb syringe may help. Blowing the noseregularly to remove irritants from the nasal passageways

ants in the air, such as nitrogen dioxide from

and maintaining proper hydration can also

ture, or strong odors," Downing said. Some research supports the notion that it

it's more common in winter. It's also most automobile exhaust. If it gets excessive, it common in people whoexercise outside; ofthenasalpassageways causedbysome would be worth identifying the trigger and however, it can occur in indoor exercisers as sort of trigger, such as irritants in the air, dust, avoiding it if possible. well, according to Julie Downing, the direcsmog, changes inhumidity and/or temperaAlso, Downing said, rinsing the nasal

help prevent excessive runny nose, said Downing. Use of ahumidifier if exercising indoors can help, too. — Anne Aurand, TheBulletin Thinkstock

FeelSAD~ Run it off • Exercise aneffective remedyfor seasonal affective disorder

a e s a c a n ee u w i i s By Vicky Hallett The Washington Post

F ifth-graders a t Pa t r i ck Henry Elementary in Arlington, Va., know the drill: As soon as they get to phys-ed, they walk around the gym,

gradually speeding up to an By Katy Read (Minneapolis) Star Tribune

Shannon H y l a nd-Tass ava tries to r u n u p t o 25 miles a w e ek , y e ar round. It's harder in winter — icy sidewalks, snowy trails — but she's determined. As a s u fferer of seasonal mood problems, Hyland-Tassava runs f or her emotional as well as physical health. "Starting a f e w y e ars ago, I just really started feeling the classic things you always hear a b out when it came to seasonal mood changes: more tired, more lethargic, more irritable, less motivated to be active and go out and do," said the 41-year-old from Northfield, Minn. "In the spring and summer, I typically felt fantastic."

A couple of years ago, on the advice of her nurse practitioner, she started using a broad-spectrum light box and found it helpful. Running is her other importanttherapy. "I get such benefit, mentally, from r u n ning outdoors," said Hyland-Tassava, a psychologist and the author of " The Essential Stay-at-Home Mom Manual." Hyland-Tassava works as a life coach (www.shann ontassava.com) and o f ten recommends outdoor activity f o r h e r c l i ents. " I firmly b elieve in t h e power ofexercise to affect mood positively and there's very strong r esearch to support it." Indeed, research suggests exercise can be as effective a s m e d ication in combating depression — and comes with positive side effects instead of negative ones, said Beth L ewis, a U n i v ersity o f Minnesota p s y chologist who studies exercise psychology. Even the mildly melancholic can share in thi s p r escription-free mood booster. How much exercise'? No need to train for a marathon: Even 150 minutes a week of moderate-intensity activity (e.g. walking the dog) can provide "significant health benefits," Lewis said. But studies show only a small percentage of Americans do even that much. If you haven't been active for a while, start small, Lewis suggested: "Getting out of the house for 10 minutes is something." Since SAD and winter blues are linked to loss of sunlight, logic suggests that midday outdoor exercise w o uld be especially b eneficial, although indoor exercise helps, too. Looking ahead to future winters, those who suffer from seasonal mood problems are better off forming an exercise habit long before the symptoms kick in, Lewis said. "Prevention is always better than treatment." Once depression has you in its clutches, it has a way of holding you fast to the couch. Dr. Scott Crow, a psychiatryprofessor atthe University o f M i n n esota who has focused on mood disorders, said, "If you're stuck enough, exercise is hard."

all-out run. And in between laps, they take turns at a computer to swipe their Sqords. The curiously named devices are activity monitors on bright orange wristbands that track just how much each child has been moving. Every dash for the school bus and jumping jack on the playground translates into points, giving kids an extra incentive to play — and a preview of technology that's likely to be ubiquitous by the time they graduate from high school. Sqords aren't pedometers, which merely measure steps. They're accelerometers, the same kind of gizmo behind the Nike+ FuelBand, Jawbone Up, Fitbit and other products marketed to adults as a way to keep tabs on overall physical activity. Although the grownup gadgets tend to emphasize data, especially the number of calories burned, Sqord is focused on winning medals, competing with pals and sending positive messages through your "PowerMe" avatar. "We're big into getting kids moving and keeping them moving through their whole lives," said P.E. teacher Mike Humphreys, who launched the school's Sqord pilot program two months ago, starting with the fifth-graders and ahandful of teachers. It'll soon expand to more staff and students, including the eager fourth-graders who've been banging on Humphreys' office door every

day begging for news. So far, so good — for the most part. S om e s t udents were a little too energetic at first, trying t o s core extra points when they should have been paying attention in class. Now they've figured out other ways to boost their totals. "I've been told I move when I sleep, so I wear it to bed," 10-yearold Mauricio Zeballos told me during P.E. last week, just before Humphreys asked the class whether they had any feedback. Every hand in the room shot up. They want to be able to wear it different ways (not just on their wrists). They want the devices to be more interactive. They want the Web portal to have more ways to communicate with friends. If it weren't for the fact that one of those raised hands was a request to be excused to use the bathroom, I might have forgotten this was a room full of tweens. The issues they raisedarethe exact same ones that are shaping the adult activity tracking market. Take, for instance, the wristband issue. The bands are typically made of plastic and rubber, which clash with business or formal attire. That's why Sonny Vu , c o-founder and chief executive of Misfit Wearables, is optimistic about its tracker that comes out this

Gotiingkidsmoving Sqord, the activity monitor being tested at Patrick

Henry Elementary in Virginia, is the new kid on the block. It won't be released to the public until this summer, which is also when folks can get their hands on

GeoPalz Ibitz — a tracking system designed for families, with different models

targeting kids andadults. But anyone canalready order a Zamzee($30), a product developed by HopeLab, a California nonprofit dedicated to us-

ing technology to improve health. The device looks kind of like a toy car that

can be customized with a variety of patterned skins. The Web portal lets kids

cheer on their friendsand see their minute-by-minute activity, along with all of the "Pointz" — and real-life prizes — this movement is

winning them. It's a competition any kid can be goodat, says HopeLab's Richard Tate. "You don't need to be an athlete.

You can dancearound your room," said Tate, who's found that kids will even do their chores more willingly when they figure out that

vacuuming the stairs can boost their scores.

Even moreimpressive findings cameout in September with the results of a random study of 448

middle-school children using the Zamzee monitors. Kids with access to the web-

site (and thosePointz) got an average of 45 minutes

more moderate-to-vigorous physical activity per week than kids in the control

Katherine Frey/The Washington Post

My Chi, an11-year-old at Patrick Henry Elementary in Arlington, Va., gets credit for her exercises with her Sqord accelometer, which records kids' activities and encourages exercise. — and users will be able to record and add their own. The idea is to use Amiigo to learn more about what makes a n effective w orkout, a n d then share this info via social media to c h allenge friends to contests and brag about accomplishments. Another must-have comp onent going f orward w i l l be a heart-rate monitor, says Liz Dickinson, chief executive of M i o . He r c o mpany just launched the Mio Alpha ($199), a wristwatch/heart-rate monitor that works without a chest strap — a pulsing light does the trick. Right now, she's

pursuing hard-core athletes technology wizards need to who demand this kind of data, get working on trackers for but she sees the potential for thetrackers. all kinds of customers. Maybe even schoolkids will one day weartheirheart rates on their sleeves. But first, all F R I 6 I DLI R E of this technology needs to Compact get smaller and much, much


cheaper. Those Sqords are billed as kid-proof because they can take a beating and be submerged in w a ter. So, how come 10-year-old Rebekka Long didn't get to check on her points at gym class? "The last time I saw it was in my mom's car," she said. Some

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group. Andthat changewas sustained over asix-month period, Tatesays.

and it's still an area that could use improvement. Most a c t i vit y tr a c k ers do a fine job of figuring out whether you're hunched over your computer all day or out walking. What they can have a tougher time deciphering is more athletic activity. If it can't get wet, you won't swim laps with it. If it's on your wrist, it can't tell that you're killing it in cycling class. And if you're h olding a s q uat o r p l a n k , you're not moving at all, so that won't count as anything. E volving technology w i l l eventually make those problems ancient h i story, says Lark chief executive Julia Hu. Larklife ($150), which tracks how much you're moving dur-



'l a.'



ing the day and sleeping at night, is set to become even more of a know-it-all. The current technology allows the Lark to differentiate between walking and running, and Hu says future versions will be able to determine whetheryou're biking or doing other movements that have been tricky for devices to identify. (Maybe we'll see that feature in action when the company unveils a product

My f't'a.c.t oC rv)ind know when my b o dy's not w orking right, but d on't a l ways k no w w h y . T h at's wh y m y F a m i l y Medicine physician at Bend Me morial Clinic has me covered, whether I h a v e a s o r e t h r o at, m i g raines or something just h u rts. If I n e e d a s p e c ialist, my

F amily Medicine physician will h el p m ake t h e

spring. The Shine ($99), which

update this spring'?)

is the size of a stack of two quarters, is metal and can be worn on a wristband, a necklace or a clasp (that you can attach to a shoe, bra or pants). "I don't really know whether self-tracking is all that natural of a thing to do," said Vu, who predicts that devices won't stick around unless they're easy to use and offersomething extra. The benefit of the Shine? "Beauty. Our internal design principle is you'd wear it even if it was broken." But, of course, function is why these products exist at all,

Trackers are going to have to get more advanced to com-

arrangements a nd w it h 3 0 s p e c i alties w i t h i n B MC's TotalCare n e t w o rk, i t wi l l l i k e l y b e j us t

pete with Amiigo ($99), a wa-

d own

terproof wristband and a shoe clip that will be released in June.Together,the two pieces are able to guess what activity you're doing and count reps and sets, says co-founder Dave Scott. "Each movement creates a thumbprint, and we look for the closest match in the database," he explained. It'll come loaded with most basic exercises — such as lunges, bicep curls,deadlifts and burpees

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Teenshavesexonthe brain — andit's helpingnewcells form,researchfinds Wondering where your teen's mind is? learning and memory. A study in the Proceedings of the But enough aboutyour hippo-

National Academy of Sciences suggestsadolescentsmaybequitebusy

or tweens, even if parents would volunteer them. They used the next best

campus. Let's talk about your teen's amygdala, whichprocessesmemory

thing: pubescent malehamsters. They injected the rodents with a commonly used substance that helps markthe birth date of cells, then put them in different environments — an "enriched" one with a wheel to run on, another without much to stimulate them.

adding brain cells during puberty, and and emotional reaction, and "kind of it might just have to do with sex. helps teens redirect their social com"In school we were always taught munication," Mohr said. the cells you're born with are pretty Your amygdalamight pick upon

much all you get," said Margaret

someone's sexualinterest, perhaps.

Mohr, a doctoral candidate in neu-

Or read that someone is spoiling for a

"We're finding that's not true at all." Adults can add neurons in the hip-

All of that is useful around the time children are about to transition into the tricky social interactions of adulthood.

roscience at Michigan State University and one of the study's authors.

pocampus, anareaassociated with

Mental Continued from D1 "We were a typical family," Halliburton said softly on the phone. "We were parents with reasonable intelligence and reasonable means to do whatever it might take to get our son well. And if we didn't get this right, then what about the people who don't have a clue or don't pay attention to the signs or brush them off?" The statistics, as Halliburton says, are shocking. One in 5 Americans 18or older has experienced a diagnosable mental illness or behavioral or emotional disorder in the course of a year, according to a 2010 national survey released by t h e S u bstance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The survey, of about 67,500 people 12 and older, shows that 5 percent of adults suffer from mental illness so severe that it limits major life activities. About 8.7 million people have had serious thoughts of suicide. The survey shows 2.5 million planning suicide and 1.1 million actually attempting it. According to the National Alliance on M ental I l lness, suicide is the eighth-leading cause of death overall in the U.S. and t h e t h i r d-leading cause ofdeath for people between the ages of 15 and 24. The good news is that mental illness can be managed successfully with medication and therapy, experts agree. The bad news is that only about

chance to provehis or herdominance.

Researchers don't use realteens

Common formsofmental illness DEPRESSION Loss of interest in food and

pleasure, slow movements and the feeling of being a burden. This

most prevalent of all nonpsychotic disorders affects

about 7 percent of adults each

year, is the leading cause of disability globally, and can be fatal, leading to suicide.


SCHIZOPHRENIA A psychotic disorder usually A psychotic disorder, commonly beginning in late adolescence or arriving in a person's early 20s early adulthood, and continuing through adult life, it is characterized by

acute mania —an overwhelming state of excitement, agitation and

irritation — rapidly cycling to episodes of depression.

• Significant changes in behavior, mood and thinking that have lasted for at least

two weeks; for example: increased or diminished appetite and sleeping; changes in hygiene and self-care, activity, behavior, socializing and

down thinking; and increased

smoking and alcohol and/or drug use. • Changes that have occurred without an evident

cause such as aphysical illness or traumatic life event.

Source: The Family Guide to Mental Health Care

Mayor Mike Rawlings in February. He believes eliminating the stigma could make a difference in people getting the help they need. He'd like to see pediatricians, teachers, school counselors and young people learn 4 in 10 people experiencing and report the signs as a lifemental illness receive servic- s aving measure similar t o es, according to the SAMHSA the way we're taught to stop report. the bleeding when we see a The average time between wound, do chest compressions when symptoms appear and for people in cardiacarrest t reatment b egins i s ni n e and use the Heimlich maneuyears. Among the roadblocks ver to relieve choking. to getting help are guilt over With 50 percent of those the idea that you or the per- with m ental i l l ness m anison with the illness is at fault, festing signs of their disease confusion about what to do before the age of 14, and 75 and resistance on the part of percent beforethe age of 24, the lovedone to acknowledge according to the National Inhis illness, says Dr. L l oyd stitute of Mental Health, "we Sederer. actually have a wonderful opportunity to catch things when Erasing the stigma we can do the most good," Sederer, a psychiatrist and Wiles said. medical director of the New All too often, people may York state office of mental see signs but are afraid to health, wrote "The Family pressforward with questions, Guide to Mental Health Care" particularly in the case of de(WW. Norton 8t: Co., $25.95), pression, he says. "There's almost this myth a practical guide due out in April, w h ich c l arifies t h at if you talk to someone about mental illness is a physiologi- whether he or she is suicidal, cal disorder that is no one's that will i n crease the risk, fault. which is totally not true. Most "There are certain areas of of the time, people are rethe brain that look different in lieved when you ask them. It's people afflicted with mental a secret they've been keeping illness than in those individu- that they're scared of. When als who are not," Sederer said. they talk about it, you can "We have to set asidecon- help create a plan for them to fusion, sadness, anger and feel better and to address the despair and get on with what problem." A 24-hour suicide hot line needs to be done." Sederer says once family and local mental health ormembers spot the signs, they ganizations can be a g o od should be direct when talk- place to start if you suspect ing to a loved one they think a problem, experts say. Early might be suffering. "Describe resources can include trusted to the person you love what clergy, a family doctor, a peyou see going on. Be specific. diatrician or a school counTell the person, 'I have not lost selor. If further help is recomconfidence in you. I love you mended, ask for a referral to and believe in you. I know this a therapist or psychotherais not who you are, this is not pist, social worker, psycholothe person I've known for so gist or p s y chiatrist. Many long. My love for you insists mental illnesses, including all we find help. I will be here to psychotic conditions, require supportyou.'" a psychiatrist or psychopharDr. Preston Wiles, a psy- macologist to prescribe medichiatrist and medical direc- cations. A psychiatric-mental tor of the University of Texas health nurse practitioner can S outhwestern / C h i l d r e n ' s prescribe medication under Medical Autism Center, was, the supervision of or in collike Halliburton, a p anelist laboration with a psychiatrist. on the symposium, "Erasing Psychiatrists are physicians the Stigma: Mental I l lness who can both prescribe mediandthe Search for Solutions," cation and perform psychos ponsored b y T h e D a l l a s therapy; some will just preMorning News, KERA and scribe medication in coordi-

Recognizing red flags At that t i me, she wasn't aware of the National Alliance on Mental Illness, which

provides free support groups across the country for family members as well as those who

ercise helps thesenewcells survive."

These organizations andwebsit es offer advice onwhat to do if you or a family member needshelp. Grant Hallidurton Foundation, for college youths with http://granthallidurton.org: information and resources Offers programs that teach on mental health issues on how to recognize the signs of college campuses andin distress or suicidal crisis in college communities. youths and find help. Depressionand Bipolar 972-744-9790 Support Alliance, http:// American Foundationfor ddsalliance.org:Offers hope, Suicide Prevention http // help, support and education for afsp.org:Offers information people with mood disorders. and support on understanding 800-826-3632 and preventing suicide through National Institute of Mental research, education and Health, http://nimh.nih.gov: advocacy and reachesout to

• Sense of hopelessness about the future • Drastic changes in

behavior or personality impulsiveness, recklessness or risk-taking

• Expressions of rage, uncontrolled anger, aggressive behavior

•Givingawaypossessions • Loss of interest in

personal appearance • Increased use of alcohol

Offers understanding and treatment of mental illnesses

National Alliance on Mental Illness, http://nami.org:Offers


research andmental health support. 800-950-6264


unplannedpregnancy,victim • A previous suicide attempt or exposure to another's suicidal behavior

24-hour hot lines for those with thoughts of suicide or self-harm:


promoting mental health,

can help you see if youare suffering from depression

and suicide prevention helpline

800-969-6642 Half of ljs, http://halfofus.

for lesbian,gay,bisexual, transgenderandquestioning

com:Offers an online resource

youth. http://thetrevorproject.org

Mental Health America, a national organization

of bullying or family conflict

through current research.

The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline. http:// suicidepreventionlifeline.org 1-866-488-7386:The Trevor

org:This online test from

such as real or anticipated loss of a relationship,


those with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide. 888-333-2377

access to services, treatment,

or sleeping all the time •A recentseverestressor,

have mental illness. She put Grant in a mental health facility when he left his freshman year of college early, asking for help, but she didn't know when he emerged from the hospital that, instead o f being stronger, he w a s actually at his most vulnerable. She remembers talking to him on the phone the day he died, two weeks after his release. "I asked him how he was doing, and he said, 'Great,' and I thought, 'He sounds like his old self; he sounds good.' That should havebeen the first red flag. He felt confident because he had a plan, a solution to

— Geoffrey Mohan,LosAngeles Times

Where tofindhelp

Suicide warningsigns

Source: Grant Hall>huNon Foundation

nation with therapy by other mental health professionals. Halliburton says i f t h e re had been less of a stigma, she might have been able to find friends to talk to about her son's condition. She said she was quick to get him help as soon as his f irst symptom, self-cutting, occurred at age 14, but there was too much she didn't know.

"In humans, exercise andsocial interactions are important for your

cells. Sure enough, those cells born

Ol' drugs • Withdrawal from friends, family and society • Extreme anxiety or agitation; inability to sleep

mood; sped-up or slowed-

on the specific parenting issues the

well-being," Mohr said. "We know ex-

• Preoccupation with death, dying or suicide through writing, artwork or talking

Signs of mental illness

that drive male sexual behavior. The study and Mohr were silent

Then they killed the male hamsters and took a close look at their brain

clothing, impaired

Source: The Family Guide to Mental Health Care

ing these interactions suggest thecells had beenincorporated into the circuits

study might raise.

• Uncharacteristic

sleep and paranoia asheorshe responds to threats orsoundsthat only he or shecan discern.

activity. The fact that cells known to have been born in puberty were active dur-

Then researchers gaveall the male hamsters, now a few weeks older, a shot at a sexually available female.

manifested by withdrawal, preoccupation with things that others

don't understand, odd choices in

during puberty showed clear signs of

his pain. He was cleaning his room, and I went, 'Wow, that's great.' He had taken posters off his walls and given away all his things, including his iPod. And that should have been another red flag. He was putting his affairs in order, tidying up things for his death." She says she's since learned that eight out of 10 times when people take their ow n l i f e, they give warnings. She has those warnings printed on the brochures that the Grant Halliburton Foundation gives to schools, medical professionals, government officials and anyone who asks. "My son exhibited every one

Project's confidential crisis

of the signs on the list in the weeks before his death, but we didn't know what was going on right before our eyes." H er decision to start t h e foundation came soon after his death, in January 2006. It was born out of a cascade of grief and shock, she says. "I kept wanting to k n ow more about what had happened to our wonderful, bright young boy. As time went on, I realized this has got to be about the living. When you've had this kind of loss, you know any one teenager you can help, anything you can do to save a life is wonderful. We're here to make a difference."


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etermine mot er,in iean in im TV SPOTLIGHT

By Luaine Lee

Freddie Highmore, left, plays the infamous Norman Bates as a teen-

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

ager and Vera

PASADENA, Calif. — Beforeshe had her two children, actressVera Farmiga used to knit her husband a sweater every year. It was not the artist in her that compelled her to do it, it was the peasant. Farmiga's parents are from Ukraine and she grew up folk

Farmiga plays his mother in the 10-part series, "Bates Motel," which


"Bates Motel" 10 p.m. Monday, AkE

premieres Monday. ASE via

Mcclatchy-Tribune News Service

dancing, playing the piano and steeping in the enchanting tales her paternal grandfather would spin. "I just remember him holding me, my best friend, my cousin — who's a year younger than me — and just telling us stories about princesses — and kind of living vicariously through t h ese other girls' experiences of life ... Stories are important, not only for entertainment but as a social platform. And I guess there's a pride in me, being a storyteller, a sincere joy," she said. She's telling a whopper now. Farmiga stars a s N o r m an Bates' mother in "Bates Motel," a 10-part series airing on A&E that serves as a prequel to the classic film, "Psycho." Here she reveals a very different woman from the one we had imagined from the withered apparition glimpsed in the film. Farmiga plays a loving but determined mother of a


teenager who buys a decaying motel in the hopes of starting a new life after her husband's untimely death. While Farmiga's children are only 2 and 4, she's a fiercely devoted mother, too. "Right now my focus is my children and it's just stimulating them and shaping them, molding and shaping them to be the best little people that they can," she said. "For weekends now it's not about my needs but my children's needs. My c hildren's needs ARE my needs." She admits that it's difficult combining a demanding career and childrearing. But her husband, former musician and now film producer Renn Hawkey, shares the responsibilities. "My husband steps in

and he's daddy day-care if we Farmiga's not obsessed about end up with no help. He knows her next job. "I'm a provider if I can't do it, then he's the sec- for my family so in that reond best. We switch off. If I'm spect, sure," she said. "But I not working, then I am there." also think there's a handful of She occasionally contem- other things that I'm interestplates quitting, she confesses. ed in that if I ever got bored or "Because it really depletes me complacent, I would look elseand I want as much energy as where. That's just my nature. I can to love my family to the I've always been a kind of rollbest of my ability. And when up-your-sleeves and let's-beI'm not up Saturday morning passionate-about-what-you-do 6 a.m. with them, it's a bum- (person)." mer because I've been workThat brings her back to the ing till 3 a.m. the night before. sweater-a-year. One of FarmiBut I'm not complaining. It's ga's passions is raising angora a really joyful career. And it g oats, producing wool a n d comes with many perks and designing and knitting sweatan amazing quality of life. But ers. She's also fascinated with I try not to be that (negative) landscape architecture and is person. I try to be grateful for an accomplished cook. it and stay positive — yeah, it's She downplays her early depleting." struggles. "Yes, early in my Unlike m o s t ac t r esses, career when I was audition-

Son ets yon is ies, oo oo s Dear Abby: I need help and don't know where to turn. I am divorced and have a 37-year-old son, "Teddy," who has never married and has no children. He lives on his own except when he's in trouble or has nowhere else to go. Then he moves back in with me. DEAR T he problem i s ABBY my son is a liar and has been ever since he was a teenager. He even lies when telling the truth would be better. I punished him every way I knew how when he was

growing up. Nothing worked. Teddy has been in trouble with the law in the past and is now in trouble again. Of course, he says he's innocent. I got him out on bond and offered to get him help. I also told him there would be no more money from me, and I no longer want to hear his lies. Another problem: Teddy is extremely good-looking and women swoon over him. He ends up using them and thendumping them, and then they call me. I don't know why he is the way


he is. Is there treatment for people who can't tell the truth? Please tell me what to do. I love my son and it breaks my heart to see him do these bad things. — Brolzenhearted Mother in Texas

and grandparents. My problem now is what to do with these things; I can scan photos and letters, but what about GreatGrandma's wedding dress (stained and moth-eaten), Mother's chris-

ed: As much as you love Teddy, it's time to accept that you can't fix what's wrong with him; only he can do that. It won't happen until he finally has toaccept the consequences of his bad behavior. Taking him in and bailing him out is not the answer. It also helps no one when you have long conversations with the women who call you, so protect yourself by cutting them short. Considering the kind of man your son is, thank your lucky stars that he has no children — yet. Dear Abby: My father recently moved to an apartment with no s torage and I w a s l eft w it h 1 0 large boxes of memorabilia. Going through these boxes brought many tears of remembrance and new insights into the lives of my parents

my uncle who died in childhood? I don'thave much storage room, and I'm not certain my children would even care about these things. Yet it doesn't seem right to throw them in the garbage. I wonder what other people do w it h t r easured items that have no value beyond sentiment. — Soft Heart/Practical Head in Tacoma Dear Soft Heart:Do not automatically assume that your children would have no interest in the contents of those 10 boxes. ASK them. However, if they say no, then contact the state historical society or a local theater troupe and inquire if they would have any interest. You may be pleasantly surprised to find some of the items would be welcomed.

tening gown (too frail to use again) Dear Brokenheart- and the dear soft curl of hair from


— Wnte to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P.O. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21)

** * * H onor a change within yourself. You'll see a situation far differently from By Jacqueline Bigar how you have in the past. Your sense of humor helps you deal with uproar. limelight, and know where you want to be. Stay centered, and you'll make the right choices. No one can push you, as others Your willingness to do a self-assessment soon will learn. Tonight: Easy works. will define the next few days. Tonight: Dutlate. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec.21) ** * * T h e unexpected occurs, and CANCER (June21-July22) ** * * A new idea could point to many it challenges your creativity. You might discover that you are in your element. It different avenues. You might want to try could be difficult to switch gears or do out one or two of them, but avoid getting something differently. Count on your too off track. Someone you respect persuasive abilities and others' flexibility. emotionally and professionally will ask Tonight: Live it up! the right questions, which encourages a positive outcome. Tonight: In the CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19) moment. ** * You might want to make a change, now that an unexpected development LEO (July23-Aug. 22) ** * * A l low yourself to express your has occurred. Give up the need to be reactive; instead, gather information from energy and interest in a new way. You ARIES (March 21-April19) many different sources. Return calls and k now what i s poss i bl e, bu t do you know ** * * A l lowyour intuition to lead you. what you want? Powerful feedback points askyourself valid questions. Tonight: At You might not be sure of your choice home. to the correct direction. You might not or your ability to complete what you be ready to explore that path justyet. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fed.18) want. Your inner voice will guide you. Tonight: Brainstorm with a friend. ** * * You like excitement. You will Sometimes you are harder on yourself witness some fast changes, perhaps not VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) than anyone else is. Listen to news in your life but in the lives of those around ** * * Y ou might want to change openly. Tonight: If you are tired, make it you. Don't be surprised by what you hear. direction, but the unexpected will force an early night. your hand. Someone you have considered Everything is subject to change, even your TAURUS (April 20-May20) opinion. Go with the moment. Tonight: a tried-and-true friend no longer ** * * Meetings and interpersonal expresses the same reliability. Brainstorm Visit with a loved one. communication are instrumental to your with others. Tonight: Catch up with a PISCES (Fed. 19-March20) success. You mightbemoreconcerned friend. ** * * F inances come to the forefront, about an issuethan you realize. Try to as you pull the wild card with money. If processyour feelings instead of suppressing LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * Just when you assumed you were you feel lucky, buy a lottery ticket. Open them. Open up tonewways of treating on cruise control, you'll find out otherwise. up to new possibilities that surround your yourself. Tonight: Bewith loved ones. A trusted loved one unexpectedly reverses day-to-day life. A discussion with a friend GEMINI (May 21-June20) might present new options. Tonight: Don't direction. You could feel unsupported ** * * G o for what is heartfelt; lose sight of your financial goals. or angry as a result. Use the feeling to otherwise, there couldbe a problem. motivate you to change the situation. If you are in tune with your inner self, Tonight: Out and about. change will happen naturally. Accept the © 2013 by King Features Syndicate This year you become familiar with theunexpected,so much sothatyou m ight become boredwhen nothing new happens. Yourluckwith moneydepends on how well Stars showthe kind you respond to of dayyou'll have y our inner voice. ** * * * D ynamic Sometimes you ** * * P ositive are an emotional ** * Average spe nder. Be ** So-so careful. If you are * Difficult single, remember that you don't need to impress a new suitor; you want this person to seeyou asyou are. If you are attached, the two of you might make a major investment that you both find exciting. ARIES can challenge your thinking about money and investments.

5 p.m. on TNT, "NBABasketball" — An in-state and divisional rivalry plays out tonight at the AT&TCenter in San Antonio, where Tony Parker and the Southwest-leading Spurs welcome in Dirk Nowitzki and the struggling Dallas Mavericks. In the second game of the TNT doubleheader, Carmelo Anthony and the NewYork Knicks hope to enhance their postseason standing with a victory over LaMarcus Aldridge and the homestanding Portland Trail Blazers.

ing there were a lot of close calls — too many close calls. There was a lot of rejection, but I always felt like I was in the mix. "Early in the career, sure, I fought for it . I s uppose I never called myself an 'actress' unless I was working. It wasn't important to me, that moniker." She worked as a secretary for Smith-Barney when she was trying to get established. "I was l iving very h umbly and lived discreetly enough

8 p.m. onH f3, "Community" — As everyone tries to determine what causedChang's (KenJeong) amnesia, Abed(Danny Pudi) records it all for a documentary, while DeanPelton (Jim Rash) enlists the study group to help him obtain a medical research grant. Jeff (Joel McHale) hashis own suspici onsaboutChang's memory lossinthenew episode"Advanced Documentary Filmmaking."

to afford (it.) I suppose it's my peasantry; I don't need much. I could always farm my own vegetables in little canisters." But hard times,she says, have nothing to do with work. "They have to do with moments of change or relationships change. I'm such a cuphalf-full kind of a gal that to me the hardestmoments are coping with death of friends and family and sickness, to do with family and friends." Aside from finding greater purpose in m o therhood, Farmiga says she's also found the love of her life in her husband. "He's my best friend. To have a best friend where you can trulyshow every aspect of yourself and not hide — even the nitty-gritty — to have that unconditional promise of love is really special and holy and something that needs to be treated as such and preserved as such. I cherish him so much. He's an angel."

gp.m. onH Rl, "Grey's Anatomy" — Chaosanddiscord are the order of the dayunder the hospit al's new management,and one of the doctors is giving serious consideration to going elsewhere. Multiple transplant surgeries have the staff scrambling. 9 p.m. on ANPL,"Battleground: Rhino Wars" — In this new episode, Sawputs theteamto work on a variety of fronts: hunting down illegal rhino horns across the border in Mozambique, microchipping live rhinos and raiding a suspected poachers compound. Intel specialist Ron gets close to a criminal informant and finds out about a team of poachers that's armed with AK-47s. 10 p.m. on FX, "Archer" — A mission to prevent the sale of some enriched uranium requires Archer and Lana to pose asa newlywed couple, but things don't exactly go smoothly in the new episode "The Honeymooners." H. Jon Benjamin and Aisha Tyler lead the voice cast.

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movietimesaresubject to changeafter press time. I



10:02 p.m. onH C), "Scandal" — As Fitz (Tony Goldwyn) tries to figure out whom he can trust, Olivia (Kerry Washington) becomes attracted to a handsome stranger (Scott Foley), but when she and Fitz find themselves in the same room, sparks fly. A new casehas the Pope & Associates team working with David Rosen (Joshua Malina) instead of against him in "Whiskey Tango Foxtrot." Columbus Short also stars.

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 &IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • 21 AND OVER (R) 1:45,4:40,7:50, Ig:20 • DARK SKIES (PG-I3) 12:55, 4:50, 7:45, 10:15 • DEAD MAN DOWN(R) 12:25, 3:20, 6:45, 9:40 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH(PG)3:15, 9:25 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH3-0 (PG) 12:35, 7:05 • A GOOD DAYTODIEHARD(R) I: IO,4:05, 6:30 • IDENTITY THIEF(R) I:40, 4:45, 7:25, 10:15 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG-l3) 1:25, 710 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER3-0 (PG-I3) 12:05, 3:10, 4:15, 6, 9:20, 9:55 • THE LASTEXORCISMPART II (PG-13) 1:15, 4: IO,6:35, 9:50 • LIFEOFPI(PG)Noon • LIFEOFPI3-0(PG) 3,610,9: IO • 01THE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)12:15,1:30,3:30, 4:35,7,7:40,9:15, Ig:05 • OZTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL 3-0(PG)12:30,3:45, 7:15, Ig:tg • OZTHEGREATAND POWERFULIMAX(PG)I2:45,4, 7:30, 10:25 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 1, 3:50, 6:50, 9:45 • SNITCH(PG-13) 12:40, 3:35, 6:20, 9:35 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) IO:35 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. •





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Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E U.S.Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ARGO (R) 12:30, 3, 6 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) Noon, 4 • EMPEROR (PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 6:45 • QUARTET(PG-13) 1, 3: l5, 7 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 3:45, 6:15 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 12:45, 3:30, 6:30 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 12:15 I

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exterior solar screens,

McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 54I-330-8562

Shade StruCtureS (thru 4/2/13)

• THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)5:30 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 9:30 • After 7 p.m., shows are 2f and older only. Younger than 2f mayatt endscreeningsbefore 7pm.ifaccompaniedbya legal guardian.




541-389-9983 Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • SOUND CITY(no MPAArating) 5:30, 8 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777

• 21 ANDOVER(R) 5:15, 7:15 • JACKTHE GIANT SLAYER (PG-I3)4:15,6:45 • OZTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG-13)4,6:45 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 4, 6:30 Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • IDENTITYTHIEF (R)6:15 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG- l3) 6:15 • OZ THE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)6 • QUARTET (PG-13) 6:30 i/

www.shadeondemand.com 5

IN l

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MM'TRESS G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084



Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH(PG) 5:05, 7:1 0 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)4:30 • JACK THE GIANT SLAYER(PG-13) 4:05, 6:30 • OZTHEGREATAND POWERFUL3-0 (PG)4:10,7 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 4:20, 6:50 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 6:40 •


Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • JACKTHEGIANTSLAYER(UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 6:15 • OZTHE GREATAND POWERFUL(PG)6 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibi/ity.


•i I






ON PAGES 3&4.COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin

Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 2013


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t i n :


t 7 7 7


ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free ltems 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 - Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health and Beauty Items 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools


C h a n d i e r


Pets 8 Supplies

• B en d






Pets & Supplies

Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing

Misc. Items

Fuel & Wood

Bend's Indoor Swap Meet - A Mini-Mall full of Unique Treasures! 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat.

WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud,

Seniors & Veterans! Adopta companion cat from Tumalo rescue, fee waived! Tame, fixed, 264-Snow RemovalEquipment shots, ID chip, tested, 265 - Building Materials more! 389-8420. Photos 266- Heating and Stoves etc: www.craftcats.org. 267- Fuel and Wood Like us on Facebook. 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers Yorkie Chihuahua pup269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment pies, tiny Yorkie-looking. 270 - Lost and Found 1 male $250; 1 fem $300,

GARAGESALES 275 - Auction Sales 280 - Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales 282- Sales Northwest Bend 284- Sales Southwest Bend 286- Sales Northeast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea 292- Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery 316 - Irrigation Equipment 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 341 - Horses and Equipment 345-Livestockand Equipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358- Farmer's Column 375- Meat and Animal Processing 383 - Produce andFood

A v e .

cash. 541-546-7909 210

Furniture & Appliances A1 Washers&Dryers

$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355

RC, Bzlfc 0axtixn Visit our HUGE home decor

consignment store. New items arrive daily! 930 SE Textron, Bend 541-318-1501 www.redeuxbend.com

GENERATE SOME excitement i n you r neighborhood! Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 541-385-5809.


advertisers may place an ad with our "QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week3lines 12 OI'



2 0i

Ad must include price of ii

i $5 0 0

or less, or multiple items whose total does not exceed $500.

Buying Diamonds /Goid for Cash Saxon's Fine Jewelers 541-389-6655

The Bulletin recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8'

BUYING Lionel/American Flyer trains, accessories. 541-408-2191.

• Receipts should include name, phone, price and BUyiNG & S E L L ING kind of wood purAll gold jewelry, silver chased. Firewood ads and gold coins, bars, •MUST include sperounds, wedding sets, class rings, sterling sil- cies and cost per ver, coin collect, vin- cord to better serve tage watches, dental our customers. gold. Bill Fl e ming,

The Bulletin


O r e g o n


Q7~ 275

Gardening Supplies 8 Equipment • SUPER TOP SOIL www.hershe soilahdbark.com

Auction Sales


10 am Sun. Mar. 17th

Screened, soil 8 com4053 Xavier Ave. post m i x ed , no Redmond, OR rocks/clods. High hu- 1978 Silver Anniversary mus level, exc. f or Corvette, 1968 Dodge flower beds, lawns, Dart GT, 3-pc Antique gardens, straight V ictorian Parlor s e t , s creened to p s o i l .Shop-smith, Craftsman Bark. Clean fill. De- table saw, Delta band liver/you haul. saw, 5 Captain beds, 541-548-3949. High boy dressers, 1982 Toyota 21' Dolphin motor home, Curved glass china hutch, A ntique Lost & Found • pump organ, Round oak paw foot dining table, Found o n Sun d ay,Saddle and horse tack, 5 March 10th, unique Captain beds, 6875 WT. auto tire on 27th St., Gas generator, 12x16 Bend. Call to identify. movable guest house 8 much more! See 541-389-9503.

rscookauctions.com for info and pictures!

F ound skis a t s n o w 10% buyer premium Cartop carrier, Thule Cascade XT, $275. XM 1 cord dry, split Juniper, park, call to identify, 503-409-3612 541-318-7264 car radio receiver, $25. $190/cord. Multi-cord Call Classifieds at Car tire chains, $55. discounts, & i/s cords 541-385-5809 2-bike rack for t railer available. Immediate REMEMBER: If you Need to get an www.bendbul!etin.com hitch, $75. 541-617-0691 delivery! 541-408-6193 have lost an animal, don't forget to check ad in ASAP? Wanted- paying cash Year Dependable The Humane Society GLOCK 9mm Mod 17, for Hi-fi audio & stu- AH You can place it Firewood: Seasoned like new, 2 mags, $575. dio equip. Mclntosh, Lodgepole, Split, Del. in Bend 541-382-3537 541-815-4901 Redmond, online at: J BL, Marantz, D y Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 541-923-0882 naco, Heathkit, San- for $335. Cash, Check www.bendbulletin.com Mag-pul AR-15 30-rd Prineville, sui, Carver, NAD, etc. or Credit Card OK. P-mag, NIB, $40. 541-447-71 78; Call 541-261-1808 541-420-3484. 541-647-8931 OR Craft Cats, 541-385-5809 541-389-8420. WHEN YOU SEE THIS USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Mag-pul AR-15 30-rd P-mag, NIB, $40. ~Oo Door-tc-docr selling with 541-647-8931

Commercial Industrial Auctioneers


fast results! It's the easiest Adopt a nice CRAFT cat DO YOU HAVE OREGON'S LARGEST On a classified ad way in the world tc sell. or kitten from Tumalo Washer 8 dryer $150. SOMETHING TO GUN & KNIFE SHOW go to sanctuary, Pet Smart, or Chapter 11 Case No. 12-33661 M oving m us t s e l l . SELL March 16&17 www.bendbulletin.com The Bulletin Classified Petco! Fixed, shots, ID 541-598-6484. FOR $500 OR Sat. 9-6 • Sun. 9-4 to view additional chip, t e sted, m o r e! 541-385-5809 LESS? ADM: $10.00 Sat., Mar. 16, 2013-10 a.m. 541-389-8420. Open Sat/ photos of the item. Washer/dryer, front load Portland Expo Center Sun 1-5pm 65480 78th St Non-commercial 15338 NW O'Neil Highway Westinghouse, almond, 269 1-5 Exit 306B 263 advertisers may Photos 8 info at Redmond, OR 97756 $75 obo. 20'aluminum For Info: ardening Supplies 503-363-9564 www.craftcats.org place an ad with Tools extension ladder, I Want to Buy or Rent oui' 8 like us on Facebook. & Equipment Preview: Friday, March 15, 9 a.m.- 4 p.m. Werner, $100. Redmond, www.wesknodelgunshows.com "QUICK CASH you haul. 503-860-8974 Foley-Belsaw Sharp All e I f you have a n u n - Alaskan Malamute AKC SPECIAL Auction Highlights: Cat D4 Dozer, John Deere system, used For newspaper wanted 2nd car, local pups, 2 gray & white Washer/dryer Irg cap. QUALIFY FOR YOUR sharpening 1 week 3 lines 12 410D Excavator, Fram Tractors, Implements, once, stored in shop, family is in desperate males, ready to go. Amana, white, n ew, CONCEALED delivery, call the ~k 2 r oi Weekend Warrior Toy Hauler, Allegro 31' Motorcomes w/bevelaid,saw need of a v e h icle. 1st shots, dewormed. Circulation Dept. at $500obo. 541-848-9180 HANDGUN PERMIT! chain, clipper hone 8 drill home, Recreational Vehicles, Plckups, Collector Ad must include 541-385-5800 P lease c a l l 541 - $700. 541-410-7563. Saturday, March 16, Cars 8 More. price of single item grinding attach, all in6 39-2856 o r 541 11 a.m. at Best West- struction bks. $1400 new; To place an ad, call $500 or less, or 815-0470. Bengals TICA R e g., of multiple 541-385-5809 Antiques & ern Newberry Station More information and photos available online items $400 obo. 541-520-0083 C hampion lines, 4 in La Pine, Oregon. or email at www.ciauctions.com whose total does Collectibles Wanted: $Cash paid for males left, all shots, classifiedObendbulletin.com Permit Classes $50 for 264 not exceed $500. vintage costume jew- $1000. Ready 4/1 0. Oregon, Utah or AriCommercial Industrial Auctioneers The Bulletin reserves zona; $140 for all 3! Snow RemovalEquipment elry. Top dollar paid for WE SHIP! www.benserree Cent al0 egos r ere tser Call Classifieds at 503-760-0499•CIA uctions.com the right to publish all NRA discount. Carry Gold/Silver.l buy by the galcatspride.com 541-385-5809 ads from The Bulletin concealed i n Sno-Tek 24" Estate, Honest Artist Call Kim in Redmond, 35 ARIENS www.bendbu! Ietin.com Elizabeth,541-633-7006 503-860-8974 newspaper onto The states. 32 years of 5 spds fwd, 2 reverse, Bulletin Internet web- firearms i n s truction Electric 8 Pull Starter, Just bought a new boat? Dachshund AKC dapl pup German Shepherds, AKC site. twice $300 obo. experience. National used Sell your old one in the www.bendweenies.com www.sherman-ranch.us Call 541-647-1380 Champion Team classifieds! Ask about our $350.541-508-4558 541-281-6829 S hooting coac h . Servwg Central Oregon rmce l903 Super Seller rates! 265 www.pistolcraft.com 541-385-5809 Lab Pups AKC, black Dachshund male, red, Building Materials 242 Call Lanny Fujishin at approx 2~/s-3 yrs, to lov- & yellow, Mas t e r WANTED: Tobacco 541-281-GUNS (4867) ing, suitable home only, Hunter sired, perfor- Exercise Equipment pipes - Briars and info@pistolCraft.com Brass fittings, comp., mance pedigree, OFA smoking accessories. $50. 541-934-2233 hose, plumbing. cert hips 8 e l bows,Schwinn Bio-fit Comfort R emington 700 S P S flare, WANTED: RAZORS282 286 System exercise bike. Tactical .308. 4-16x50 $200. 541-410-4596 Call 541-771-2330 Gillette, Gem, Schick, Doberman AKC pups www.kiimamanretrievers.com Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Area I $125. 541-706-1803 champion lines, black REDMOND Habitat etc. Shaving mugs scope, bipod, sling, 8 rust, 1 male red, 6 People Look for Information RESTORE and accessories. e xtras. 12 0 m a t c h G arage Sale mis c . MOVING! Stowmaster wks now ready 3/24. Fair prices paid. rounds and 100 bul- Building Supply Resale items tools, misc., Fri. About Products and tow system, garage $2000F, $1800M. Call 541-390-7029 Quality at lets. $9 7 5 obo. cabinets 8 s helving S at. 9-1. 2039 N W bbest242@yahoo.com Services Every Daythrough between 10 am-3 pm. LOW PRICES 541-419-6862 Perspective Dr., Bend garden 8 shop tools, 541-659-9058 TheBulletin Classifieds 1242 S. Hwy 97 Large Inside Farm/ lamps, vanity & misc. 541-548-1406 Garage Sale 100 rds of.40S8W Smith & Wesson 9mm, Sat. Only, 9-3, 3743 Donate deposit bottles/ Labradoodles - Mini & Open to the public. S at., M a rc h 1 6 , 185gr HP $80. 1 5-rnd, l i k e ne w , Items for Free SW Xero Ave. Sales Southwest Bend cans to local all volun- med size, several colors 7:30a-3p, 21950 But541-647-8931 $575. 541-815-4901 541-504-2662 teer, non-profit rescue, to 266 ler Market Rd., Bend. Free (4) 3rd-year lilacs 8 help w/cat spay/neuter www.alpen-rldge.com Multi-family Garage Sale 100's Antiques 8 col100 rds of 45acp Springfield XDs bi-tone 1 maple, you remove, vet bills. Cans for Cats Heating 8 Stoves Fri-Sat, 9-4, 61351 Rock lectibles, antique furSales Other Areas HP 230gr, $90. 45 - $650; as new in Redmond, 541-526-0897 trailer at Grocery Outlet, Labrador, AKC b lack Bluff Lane, off Brook- niture, tables, desk in541-647-8931 box, 10 shots fired; 2 puppies, family raised, SE 3rd/Wilson, thru 3/19. 80,000 Btu FA heater, swood. Lots of stuff! cluding school, dres- Indoor Moving Sale! Horse Manure, large Donate M-F O S m ith parents on site. $300 mags, lock, holster. LP or n a tural gas .223 factory ammo, ser, oak ice box, Vic- 30'x60' shop loaded with loads, perfect for gar- Signs, 1515 N E 2 n d; each. 541-508-0429 458-206-8721 266 $150. 541-550-8107. 55gr. FMJ, 260 rds, trola, p i an o s t o ol,lots of tools, including d ening, w i l l lo a d , C RAFT, Tumalo a n y Sales Northeast Bend $200. 541-647-8931 wood washing ma- brand new 12" CraftsLabrador Pups, AKC FREE. 541-390-6570. time. 541-389-8420; Tapco AR-15 30-Rnd NOTICE TO chine, quilts, spinning man radial arm saw, 3hp Chocolate/Yellow/White P-mag, NIB, $40. ADVERTISER www.craftcats.org wheel, Singer Feath- 60-gal. air compressor, Hips OFA guaranteed. 300 rds of .40 S&W, 541-647-8931 1 80 g r F M J , N I B , Since September 29, ** FREE ** erweight, R o seville,and a house full of furni$300-$400. Pets 8 Supplies $210. 541-728-6663. 1991, advertising for lots glassware, vin- ture! Sat. 3/16 thru Sun. 1-541-954-1727 Wanted: Collector used woodstoves has Garage Sale Klt tage jewelry, pedal 3/24, 10am-6pm each 3 AR-15 30-rd alumiPlace an ad in The seeks high quality been limited to modcar, clock, (15) Ad- day, 1204 Cheryl Dr. S. Poodle pups AKC toys. The Bulletin recomnum mags, NIB, $100. fishing items. Bulletin for your gaels which have been vert. signs, primitive of La Pine off Hackett Rd. Loving, cuddly compan541-647-8931 Call 541-678-5753, or rage sale and remends extra caution c ertified by the O r tools, fishing creels, ions. 541-475-3889 503-351-2746 when purc h asceive a Garage Sale egon Department of plugs & poles, trunks, 90 rds of 375 H&H NOTICE ing products or ser- Doxie pups! Adorable Poodle pups Toy, dark Kit FREE! Environmental Quallanterns & lamps, oak Remember ammo, $80. to remove 255 vices from out of the 12-wk.-old short hair. colors, 1 males, 1 fetelephones, s cales, ity (DEQ) and the fed541-647-8931 KIT I NCLUDES: area. Sending cash, A few reds and wild male. $250. R eady coffee grinder, Coca your Garage Sale signs Computers eral E n v ironmental • 4 Garage Sale Signs (nails, staples, etc.) checks, or credit inboar/red & choc. mix. now! Call or text Julie, AR-15 LOADED WITH Cola cooler & t ray, Protection A g e ncy $2.00 Off Coupon To after your Sale event $300. 5 41-508-2167 760-504-8725 WWII uniform, windf ormation may b e EXTRAS. Olympic Arms T HE B U LLETIN r e - (EPA) as having met •Use Toward Your is over! THANKS! Only 3 left! To good m ill p u mps, ir o n subjected to fraud. AR-15 in qreat cond. computer adsmoke emission stan- Next Ad From The Bulletin Queensiand Heelers TOO MANY EXTRAS TO quires wheels, R/R i t ems, For more i nforma- homes only! vertisers with multiple dards. A cer t ified • 10 Tips For "Garage milk cart, horse drawn and your local utility standard 8 mini,$150 & LIST. $2500 obo. Call for ad schedules or those w oodstove may b e Sale Success!" tion about an adveri tems, v i sible g a s up. 541-280-1537 companies. tiser, you may call details, 541-419-6054 selling multiple sysidentified by its certifiWant to impress the www.rightwayranch.wor pump, 1912 5e slot the O r egon State tems/ software, to dis- cation label, which is relatives? Remodel Bend local pays CASH!! machine, cash reg, dpress.com Attorney General's close the name of the permanently attached PICK UP YOUR ser wa central oregon ance 1903 couch hide-a-bed 8 for all firearms & Office C o n sumer your home with the business or the term to the stove. The Bul- GARAGE SALE KIT at Rodent control experts loveseat, bar stools, ammo. 541-526-0617 www.bendbulletln.com help of a professional Protection hotline at "dealer" in their ads. letin will no t k n ow- 1777 SW Chandler (barn cats) seek work oak TV cabinet. See 1-877-877-9392. from The Bulletin's Private party adveitisingly accept advertis- Ave., Bend, OR 97702 in exchange for safe CASH!! Craigslist. Much Find It in ers are defined as ing for the sale of "Call A Service shelter, basic c are. For Guns, Ammo 8 much, much m ore! Fixed, shots. Will deReloading Supplies. those who sell one uncertified Priced to sell! Cash The Bulletin Ctassifieds! Professional" Directory 5 41 -3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 liver! 541-389-8420. 541-408-6900. computer. woodstoves. only, no early sales!! 0



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Cascade Rental Management. Co. 636

20967 yeoman, bend or

NOTICE: All real estate advertised here in is subject to t h e F e deral F air H o using A c t , which makes it illegal to advertise any preference, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such preferences, l i m itations or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertising for r ea l e state which is in violation of this law. All persons are hereby informed that all dwellings advertised are available

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RENTALS 603- Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomesfor Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636- Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638- Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640- Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650- Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Houses for Rent SW Bend 658- Houses for Rent Redmond 659- Houses for Rent Sunriver 660- Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662- Houses for Rent Sisters 663- Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675- RV Parking 676 - Mobile/Mfd. Space

is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702


on an equal opportunity basis. The Bulletin Classified

Boats & Accessories

Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Northeast Bend Homes Small studios close to library, all util. paid. 2751 NE Sycamore Ct. $550 mo.w/ $525 dep. Bend/3 bdrm, 1 bath, $495 mo.w/$470 dep Updated home on No pets/ no smoking. large $149,900 541-330- 9769 or 541-388-0882,



682 - Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740 - Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746 - Northwest BendHomes 747 - Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749 - Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755 - Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational HomesandProperty 764 - Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land


The Bulletin




:Qrj II •

Sno w m obiles

18.5' Sea Ray 2000, 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 hp Bowrider w/depth finder, radio/CD player, rod holders, full canvas, EZ Loader trailer, exclnt cond, $13,000. 707-484-3518 (Bend)

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B o ats & Accessories I


20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 O BO. 541-379-3530

BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Southeast Bend Homes 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade Call The Bulletin At Search the area's most 21' Crownline 215 hp comprehensive listing of 20688 White Cliff Circle. 600 w/513 mi, like new, 541 385 5809 ' in/outboard e n g ine 4 Bdrm, 2 bath home now reduced to $4500. classified advertising... Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 310 hrs, Cuddy Cabin real estate to automotive, FSBO, . 46 a c r e , Call 541-221-5221 At: www.bendbulletin.com sleeps 2/3 p eople, single level, w/ office, (2) 2000 A rctic C at merchandise to sporting portable toilet, exc. goods. Bulletin Classifieds laundry room, paved Z L580's EFI with n e w 476 II II 1t II II cond. Asking $8,000. driveway, hardwood covers, electric start w/ appear every day in the Employment OBO. 541-388-8339 print or on line. f loors, w h it e v i n y l reverse, low miles, both Opportunities fence. $260 , 000. excellent; with new 2009 Call 541-385-5809 20.5' 2004 Bayliner Can be found on these pages : www.bendbulletin.com OBO. 541-317-5012. Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, 205 Run About, 220 drive off/on w/double tilt, 750 lots of accys. Selling due HP, V8, open bow, The Bulletin EMPLOYMENT FINANCEANO BUSINESS semng central oregonsece se Redmond Homes to m edical r e asons. exc. cond., very fast 410 - Private Instruction 507- Real Estate Contracts w/very low hours, $8000 all. 541-536-8130 chasing products or I 648 lots of extras incl. 421 - Schools and Training 514 - Insurance Looking for your next • Yamaha 750 1999 services from out of ' tower, Bimini 8 Houses for 454- Looking for Employment 528- Loans and Mortgages 22' Custom Weld Jet, Mountain Max, $1400. emp/oyee? l the area. Sending custom trailer, Rent General 2002, 350 Vortec, 210 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 543- Stocks and Bonds Place a Bulletin help • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 c ash, c hecks, o r $19,500. hrs, garaged, loaded. 476 - Employment Opportunities 558- Business Investments l credit i n f ormation wanted ad today and EXT, $1000. 541-389-1413 l PUBLISHER'S 541-923-0854. reach over 60,000 • Zieman 4-place 486 - Independent Positions 573- Business Opportunities l may be subjected to NOTICE trailer SOLD! FRAUD. readers each week. All real estate adverYour classified ad All in good condition. 476 For more i nformatising in this newspaLocated in La Pine. tion about an adverwill also appear on Employment per is subject to the bendbulletin.com Call 541-408-6149. l tiser, you may call Opportunities F air H o using A c t which currently rethe Oregon State which makes it illegal 860 ceives over l Attorney General's • • to a d v ertise "any 1 Office C o n sumer x 1.5 million page Motorcycles 8 Accessories DO YOU NEED preference, limitation views every month Protection hotline at I A GREAT or disc r imination at no extra cost. B MW K100 L T 1 9 8 7 I 1-877-877-9392. C all 54 /-385-580 9 EMPLOYEE based on race, color, Bulletin Classifieds 52k miles, b ronze, to r o m ot e o u r service RIGHT NOW? religion, sex, handiLTlae Bulletin Get Results! extra windshield, Call The Bulletin cap, familial status, Call 385-5809 or trailer hitch, battery 476 before 11 a.m. and marital status or na- place your ad on-line charger, full luggage Building/Contracting L a ndscaping/Yard Care ( tional origin, or an inEmployment get an ad in to pubat hard bags, manuals I Hay, Grain & Feed Have an item to lish the next day! tention to make any NOTICE: Oregon state N OTICE: O R E G O N bendbuHetin.com and paperwork. AlOpportunities sell quick? such pre f erence, 541-385-5809. req u ires any- Landscape Contracways garaged. $3200. law 1st quality grass hay, limitation or discrimione who co n t racts tors Law (ORS 671) VIEW the 70- Ib bales, barn stored, Don, 541-504-5989 If it's under nation." Familial stafor construction work r equires a l l bus i $250/ ton. Also big bales! CAUTION READERS: Classifieds at: Call a Pro '500 you can place it in tus includes children Harley Davidson Heri- to be licensed with the nesses that advertise www.bendbulletin.com Patterson Ranch, Whether you need a tage S oftail C l assic, under the age of 18 C onstruction Co n - to p e rform L a n dSisters, 541-549-3831 Ads published in "EmThe Bulletin fence fixed, hedges 2006. Black cherry pearl/ tractors Board (CCB). scape C o n struction living with parents or ployment Opportuni- FIRE/PARAMEDIC Classifieds for: b lack p e a rl , ext r a legal cust o dians, lice n se which inclu d es: t ies" i n c lude e m - Establishment of trimmed or a house chrome, stage one tune, A n active Looking for your pregnant women, and means the contractor p lanting, dec k s , and Employment List for ployee built, you'll find Vance 8 Hines pipes. next employee? '10 3 lines, 7 days people securing cusi s bonded an d i n fences, arbors, i ndependent po s i - Firefighter/Paramedic excellent cond„ always s ured. Place a Bulletin professional help in tody of children under Ver if y t h e w ater-features, and tions. Ads for posi- Crook County Fire and '16 - 3 lines, 14 days g araged, never l a i d contractor's CCB help wanted ad installation, repair of tions that require a fee Rescue is establishing an (Private Party ads only) 18. This newspaper The Bulletin's "Call a down. 4100 mi, $11,900. today and will not knowingly ac- Service Professional" irrigation systems to c ense through t h e or upfront investment employment list for FireHome, 541-548-2258; cept any advertising reach over CCB Cons u mer be licensed with the must be stated. With fighter/Paramedic. IndiCell, 503-970-3328 Directory for real estate which is Website Landscape Contrac60,000 readers any independent job viduals who meet the in violation of the law. t ors B o a rd . Th i s each week. 541-385-5809 Harley Daindson Soft- www.bireabcensedcontractob opportunity, p l e aseminimum qualifications Looking for your next com are invited to apply and employee? O ur r e a ders ar e 4-digit number is to be Tail De l u xe 2 0 0 7 , Your classified ad investigate thorcall 503-378-4621. included in all advertake the examination for Place a Bulletin help hereby informed that 771 white/cobalt, w / pas- or will also oughly. The Bulletin recomFirefighter/Paramedic. A wanted ad today and all dwellings advertisements which indisenger kit, Vance & appear on Lots checking with cate the business has job description reach over 60,000 tised in this newspaHines muffler system mends Use extra caution when complete bendbulletin.com the CCB prior to conFirefighter/Paramedic readers each week. per are available on Nice flat lot in Terreb- & kit, 1045 mi., exc. applying for jobs on- for which currently tracting with anyone. a bond, insurance and posted on the district's Your classified ad an equal opportunity c ond, $16,9 9 9 , Some other t rades workers compensaline and never pro- is receives over onne, .56 a c res, website. Th e sa l a ry will also appear on basis. To complain of tion for their employ541-389-9188. vide personal infor- range is from $4,2481.5 million page also req u ire addi- ees. For your protecbendbulletin.com discrimination cal l p aved street, a p mation to any source $5,002 per month. Appliproved fo r ca p -fill tional licenses a nd views every Harley Heritage which currently HUD t o l l -free at tion call 503-378-5909 you may not have re- cations will be accepted septic, utilities are at ceitifications. month at no Softail, 2003 receives over 1.5 1-800-877-0246. The or use our website: searched and deemed until Monday, March 25, t he lo t l i n e . M L S $5,000+ in extras, extra cost. million page views toll f ree t e lephone ¹ 2012001172 P a m www.lcb.state.or.us to to be reputable. Use 2013. Contact: Debris Removal • $2000 paint job, Bulletin every month at number for the hearcheck license status extreme caution when Crook County Lester, Pnncipal Bro30K mi. 1 owner, Classifieds no extra cost. ing im p aired is before co n t racting r esponding to A N Y Fire & Rescue ker, Century 21 Gold For more information JUNK BE GONE Bulletin Classifieds 1-800-927-9275. Get Results! with th e b u s iness. online e m p loyment 500 NE Belknap Street Country Realty, Inc. please call I Haul Away FREE Get Results! Persons doing landCall 541-385-5809 ad from out-of-state. Prineville, OR 541-504-1338 541-385-8090 For Salvage. Also Call 385-5809 scape m a intenance or place your ad What are you 97754-1932 or 209-605-5537 Cleanups 8 Cleanouts or place do not require a LCB 773 on-line at We suggest you call (541) 447-5011 looking for? Mel, 541-389-8107 your ad on-line at license. bendbuHetin.com the State of Oregon www.crookcount Acreages bendbulletin.com Consumer Hotline at fireandrescue.com You'll find it in Handyman 1-503-378-4320 Nelson The Bulletin Classifieds Janitor Supervisor Landscaping & CHECK YOUR AD I DO THAT! mot i vated, I Horses & Equipment For Equal Opportunity Reliable, Please check your ad Home/Rental repairs Maintenance detail oriented, good L aws: Oregon B uRRBKSS on the first day it runs Harley Limited 103 2011, Small jobs to remodels Serving Central Oregon 541-385-5809 c ommunication a n d 2008 2 horse slant, like reau of Labor & In8 M8mm to make sure it is cor- many extras, stage 1 & air Honest, guaranteed Since 2003 dustry, C i vil Rights administrative s kills. new. $3000. Call for rect. Sometimes in- cushion seat. 18,123 mi, work. CCB¹151573 Residental/Commercial 650 Flex schedule, able to details. 559-707-1870 Division, s tructions over t h e $21,990. 541-306-0289 Dennis 541-317-9768 travel locally. Houses for Rent 971-673-0764 phone are misunder~LandSCa i e 800-352-4353 ext 30 ERIC REEVE HANDY • Landscape Horse Boarding in NW NE Bend construction stood and an e rror Redmond. Monthly If you have any quesSERVICES. Home 8 • Water feature can occurin your ad. Commercial Repairs, rates starting at $195 tions, concerns or A very sharp looking If this happens to your installation/maint. comments, contact: KR ILIitIBFR CO. Carpentry-Painting, •Pavers per horse. Paddocks, 2000 sq.ft. 3 B drm/ ad, please contact us Pressure-washing, stalls wit h t u r nouts Classified Department G t p p l .e t p d es e t c e s 2bath home, gas FP & 528 •Renovations the first day your ad avail., indoor/outdoor The Bulletin Honey Do's. On-time •Irrigations installation furnace, tile floors & appears and we will Loans & Mortgages Maintenance 541-385-5809 HD Fat Boy1996 riding arenas, trainer promise. Senior carpet, open l i ving be happy to fix it as on site. 541-504-4282 customized Discount. Work guarManager Sprinkler k itchen, dining. N o s oon as w e c a n . Completely BANK TURNED YOU Must see and hear to anteed. 541-389-3361 Sawmill/Planer Mill smoking/no pets. Call Deadlines are: WeekActivation/Repair DOWN? Private party The Bulletin appreciate. 2012 or 541-771-4463 sevrne central 0 egon s n» ses C 8 D Lumber Co. is will loan on real es- 541-388-2250, or days 11:00 noon for Back Flow Testing Award Winner. 17,000 Bonded & Insured seeking a Ma i n te- tate equity. Credit, no 541-815-7099. I Fa rmers Column next day, Sat. 11:00 obo. 541-548-4807 CCB¹181595 nance Manager. For Maintenance a.m. for Sunday and problem, good equity Campground 654 job details and ex& Aerate 10X20 STORAGE Monday. is all you need. Call HD Screaming Eagle Landscaping/Yard Care ••Thatch pectations please visit Spring Clean up HOStS BUILDINGS Houses for Rent 541-385-5809 now. Oregon Land Electra Glide 2005, our website at •Weekly Mowing for protecting hay, Ochoco National Thank you! 103" motor, two tone Mortgage 388-4200. SE Bend cdlumber.com & Edging firewood, livestock Forest The Bulletin Classified candy teal, new tires, Mail resume to: • Bi-Monthly & Monthly is seeking campetc. $1496 Installed. 23K miles, CD player, LOCAL MONEY: We buy Foxborough 3 bdrm, 2 PO Box 27 Maintenance 541-617-1133. ground hosts to ochydraulic clutch, exZOON 4QuaJ/|I secured trust deeds & bath, all appl., gas fp, Riddle, OR 97469 775 •Bark, Rock, Etc. CCB ¹173684. cupy fe e c a m pnote,some hard money dbl garage. NICE! No cellent condition. Zauyf gttr e /,c. EOE kfjbuilders@ykwc.net grounds, p r o vide Manufactured/ loans. Call Pat Kelley Highest offer takes it. smoking/pets. $1000 More Than Service information to visi541-382-3099 ext.13. Senior Discounts 541-480-8080. mo. 541-389-1416. Mobile Homes tors and c omplete Remember.... Peace Of Mind Bonded & Insured A dd your we b a d Find exactly what Honda 60 0 S h a dow minor maintenance 541-815-4458 dress to your ad and Independent Contractor FACTORY SPECIAL 1995, nice starter bike in you are looking for in the work for the sumSpring Clean Up LCB¹8759 New Home, 3 bdrm, readers on The reat shape, 6770 miles, mer season. Please •Leaves CLASSIFIEDS $46,500 finished Bulletin' s web site 2000. 541-382-7689 contact the office at •Cones on your site. will be able to click BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS * Supplement Your Income* 541-416-6500 if you • Needles J and M Homes 865 375 through automatically Search the area's most are interested. • Debris Hauling 541-548-5511 to your site. comprehensive listing of ATVs Meat & Animal Processing classified advertising... Weed free Bark FIND YOUR FUTURE real estate to automotive, All Natural g r ain-fed 8 flower beds Features News Assistant HOME INTHE BULLETIN merchandise to sporting beef $2.88/lb. hanging wt, half or whole The Bulletin is l o o king for a r e s ourceful, Your future is just a page Lawn Renovation goods. Bulletin Classifieds ++++++++++++++++++ appear every day in the to be pro c essed self-motivated person to work in the features away. Whether you're looking Aeration - Dethatching print or on line. mid-march. $500 dep. department as the news assistant. for a hat or a place to hangit, Overseed Half Hog Sale, $190 inThe Bulletin Classified is Yamaha Banshee 2001, Compost Call 541-385-5809 cludes cutting wrap- Organization, flexibility, excellent writing and www.bendbugetin.com your best source. Top Dressing custom built 350 motor, ping and cure. basic computer skills are key. Attention to derace-ready, lots of extras, Every day thousands of WHILE THEY LAST! The Bulletin tail is essential. Must enjoy working with the Landscape anagcefrale gansnea03 541-573-2677 buyers and sellers of goods $4999/obo 541-647-8931 public and understand the importance of accuMaintenance and services do busi n ess in racy and thoroughness in all duties. 870 Full or Partial Service these pages.Theyknow SPRING CLEAN-UP! We are looking for independent con• Mowing eEdging Sell an Item Boats 8 Accessories you can't beat TheBulletin Aeration/Dethatching This position is full-time and will assist with • Pruning eWeeding tractors to service home delivery Classified Section for Weekly/one-time service various newsroom functions, mostly clerical in Sprinkler Adjustments selection and convenience avail. Bonded, insured. routes in: nature. Free Estimates! - every item isjust a phone Fertilizer included call away. COLLINS Lawn Maint. Specific Iob duties include: with monthly program Ca/i 541-480-9714 Must be available 7 days a week, early mornManaging the Community Calendar, CommuThe Classified Section is If it's under $500 ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. nity Datebook, Gallery Exhibits and Talks, easy to use. Every item Weekly, monthly ALLEN REINSCH Handlinga heavy telephone load and, once is categorized andevery you can place it in 16' SeaSwirl 1980 or one time service. Yard maintenance & settled into the job, an opportunity to contribcartegory is indexed onthe Please call 541.385.5800 or 1990 4-Stroke 45hp The Bulletin clean-up, thatching, ute to the features sections section's front page. 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or Honda Outboard, EXPERIENCED plugging & much more! Classifieds for: $3000. Text Whether you are l o oking for Commercial apply via email at Call 541-536-1294 To apply, submit a resume and letter of inter541-639-2479 a home orneed aservice, 8 Residential est to Marielle Gallagher by March 15: online O bendbulletin.com $10 • 3 lines, 7 days your future is in the pagesof Just bought a new boat? mgallagherObendbulletin.com. Check out the Free Estimates The Bulletin Classified. Sell your old one in the $16 • 3 lines, 14 days classifieds online Senior Discounts classifieds! Ask about our All hiring is contingent on passing a drug test. www.bendbuffetin.com 541-390-1466 Super Seller ratesi The Bulletin EOE (Private Party ads only) Updated daily Same Day Response 541-385-5809

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4,2013 T h ursday,March1

ACROSS 1 Suitable

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By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services

heart and he rebids two diamonds. What do you say? ANSWER: You h ave a c l o se decision whether to force to game or invite. Since a minimum for partner such as A 4 3, 3, A Q J 8 6 3, Q 7 6 will make 3NT cold, to force with a b id o f t h r e e c l ubs w o ul d b e reasonable. If you prefer to invite, perhaps because partner is apt to open light hands, raise to three diamonds. East dealer North-South vulnerable

T ake my k i bitzer's seat in t h e penny game at my club. Against four spades Westleads the five of hearts: queen, king, three. East shifts to the jack of clubs. South wins with the ace, draws trumps, takes the king of clubs and exits with a club. West wins and leads the jack of diamonds. South frowns but takes d ummy's ace and l e ads a l o w diamond. When East's king appears, South triumphantly claims. South then turns to you and asks

how you liked his play. What is your reply?

1B8 A K 6

If East held a third diamond, South would have gone down. At T r ick Three South can lead thejack of hearts. When East covers, South throws a club so West can't win a club trick. If East leads another club, South wins, ruffs dummy's last club, leads a trump to dummy and ruffs a heart. He returns a trump to dummy and leads the last heart, pitching a diamond. East is end-played. In that case, East might do better to lead trumps when he is in, but South could still take 10 tricks with good guessing.

WEST 463 9 985 0 J 10876 4Q72

EAST 472 Ivi A K1 0 7 4

0 K9 4J1093

SOUTH 4AQ10984 93 0432 4854 East 1 Iv/ P ass P ass


Sou t h Pass 14 44


West North Pass Dbl Pass 2 NT All Pas s

Youhold: 4 7 2 Q A K 10 7 4 Opening lead — 9 5 0 K 9 4 J 10 9 3 . Your partner opens one diamond, you bid one (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

70 Like Ziploc bags 71 Clay targets, informally



A W 27 N.L. East team P E 29 Never, to N S Nietzsche E E 30 Baseball's Iron A R Horse




7 14






















25 29












51 57









40 44



24 28

51 Some pokers 52 Gently pulls








DOWN 1 Boobs

47 Alternatively 48 Kidney doctor



72 Fouled (up)

2 Teammate of Robinson of the 1940s-'50s Dodgers 3 Dull 57 Tiny fraction of time: Abbr. 4 Religious retreat 60"Little"name in 5 Props used in 1960s pop "The Good, the 63 Divine dish Bad and the Ugly" 64 Bacteriologist Paul who 6 Gerund's end coined the word 7 Pops "chemotherapy" 8 "Hip, hip, 67 Subject of the Jorge!"? Final Jeopardy! 9 Winter jaunt question that knocked out Ken 10 "If b el i eve Jennings after a record 74 wins 11 Prime minister ... or a hint to who gave his this puzzle's name to an theme article of clothing 69 Borrower 12 Lion prey 14 Cartoonish cry ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 15Test subj. 8 I G AMY E G G A L M A 21 Texans are part ONE 5 I E N RA L E I 5 of it, for short AST H A C OS E C O L 24Concentrate SE N I OR P R O J E C T 26 Lowest in fat

NORTH 4IK J5 (vi Q J62 0 AQ5


41 Home of the Azadi Tower 43 Rice quarters 44 Composer Shostakovich 46 Extreme

No. 0207














35 Equal

540nes who may annoy hoi polloi 36 Spill 37 Mineral with high 55 Tante's husband carbon content 56 In the flesh? 42 N.L.W estteam 57 Flanders and Kelly 45 Ticket info

59 North Sea feeder 61 Kind of tape 62 Big source of reality TV 65 Barracks bed

58 William Steig 66 Smash hits: book on which a Abbr. hit 2001 film was based 68 Butt

49 Verb ending? 50 Spill 53 Big bashes

For answers, call 1-900-265-5656, 51.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-614-5554.

Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-686-7-ACROSS.

31Global warming subj. 32 Pretense 33 Julie Andrews, for one 34 Wing: Abbr.

ATKT users: Text NYTX Io 366 Io download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information.

Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.


I/Jour brilliaytt


idear,adrevttuate Illour


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SUDOKU Complete the grid so that

every row, column and

bald d.I ot.

3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively. AI •




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16P CHIN&.


© 2013 bV I0na FeatureS SVndlCate. InC. WOrld 0ahts reServed

httvxlwww cafehavenccomlC.COm

E-mall. bhalbrOOkI@cmall.COm

SIX CHIX >z) ~ 4

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A4 , 'F IN


A& E PJI/(OD&.

ACROSS 1 Retained 5 Music storage medium 9 In the thick of 13 Kirin rival 15 Arp's art 16 Scale pair 17 Last one in 18 How 58-Across can be written 20 Diamond deal 22 Hearffelt 23 Quote from a pitcher? 25 Rigid 26 USN clerk 27 34-Across factor 29 "A Doll's House" playwright 31 Mil. honor 32 Shout in la

arena 33 Forensic ID 34 58-Across times 27-Across 40 1967 NHL rookie of the year 41 Long time 42 One of them,

maybe 44 "Let's Dance" singer 47 Mathematically, what 58-Across IS

50 Walkoff hit stat 51 Sighed line 54 Elect

DOWN 1 Actor Penn who has worked for the Obama administration 2 That, south of the

border 3 Deli order

4 Spring sign 5 French bean product? 6 Blast on Broadway 7 Farther out? 8 L ama 9 Part of LPGA: Abbr. 10 Isn't in a big hurry 11 cLet me check" 12 OhiO hOme Of the Wright Brothers

3>L j ~u ~ X

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter 10 each square, to form four ordinary words.


THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by DaVid L. Hcyt and Jeff KIIurek

No...No...uol A9aln Il yau Can'1 941this down, we'll have to


in both a literal and a numerical








THB 5TRICT BALLET IN5TPUCTDR KEPT HI5 5TUPENTS —Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.


0 Laugh ng8tock Intemational Inc, Dist by Un vercal UClck for UFS, 2013

"I'll hand you over to our washroom specialist."

(A08Wer8 tamarrOW)


48 Bli n d followers 49 Unanimously 52 Nonnative Hawaiian 53 Da h l's "Fantastic" title critter 56 D ope (out) 57 Lush 59 Burst open noisily 61 DDE's birthplace 62 Lush


























16 18

17 20 23


03/1 4/1 3 9












32 35





circled squares

02013 Tcbune Media Services, Icc. „ All Rights Reserved.


57 Gluten-rich grain 58 Subject of an annual March 14 celebration and of this puzzle, celebrated in its

46 Left (to)

R D I L E A R E S E R V A E C K K A L A S V I L L A G E C 14 Hopping mad E C O T E A L 19 Valuable fur D E N S S T U 21 Construction A U G E R N sight 23 Throw in P UT T I N G 24 Blu-ray buy B E T A 25 Its pages are S OF A A B C often numbered i, T H E C O L O R ii, iii, etc. O S A K A B E 28 Common street W O R S T S W name xwordeditorleaol.com 30 Outlaw

55 Top player HERMAN

33 Soak 35 Le S o l eil : Louis XIV 36 Dream up 37 Common star characteristic 38 Chew out 39 German article 43 Atlas abbr. 44 Met cheers 45 Start of a Beatles title

Jumbles V ALVE NA C H O INS I S T INDU C T Answer: Her attempt 10 get away from Dracula w88 going to be — IN "VEIN"

40 44



42 47

60 Sends out 50 51 5 2 53 63 Works that 55 56 glorify 64 Minnesota's state 58 59 bird 65 Leisurely stroll 63 64 66 Caesar and others 66 67 67 Fair 68 Post office call By Don Gagliardo and C.C. Burrdkel (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.




54 57 60



65 68

03/1 4/1 3


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 932 •


Trucks & Heavy Equipment


BOATS &RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890- RVsfor Rent

Antique & Classic Autos

Sport Utility Vehicles •

Aut o m obiles

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles

Honda CRV 2004, $9,995. Diamond Reo Dump GMC V~ton 1971, Only Call 541-610-6150 or see Truck 1 9 74, 12-14 $19,700! Original low http://bend.craigslist.org yard box, runs good, mile, e xceptional, 3rd /cto/3676208637.html $6900, 541-548-6812 owner. 951-699-7171

Chrysler Sebring 2004 84k, beautiful dark gray/ brown, tan leather int., $5995 541-350-5373

Legal Notices • LEGAL NOTICE Notice of Budget Committee Meeting

Legal Notices August, September, October and November 2012. By reason of said default, the Beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said Trust Deed immediately due a nd p ayable, s a i d sums being the foll owing, t o -wit: t h e principal balance of $124,185.00 together with accrued interest through November 14, 2012, in the amount of $3,263.36 (interest continues to accrue at the rate of $20.2661 per diem from November 14, 2012 until paid), plus late fees in the amount of $39.94, and such other costs and fees as are due u nder the n ot e o r other instrument sec ured, and a s a r e provided by statute. W HEREFORE, n o tice is hereby given that the undersigned Trustee will on April 30, 2013, at the hour of 11:00 o'clock A.M., i n accord with t h e standard of time established b y OR S 187.110, a t Des chutes County Courthouse steps, 1 164 N W Bond, City o f Bend, County of Deschutes, Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in said described real p roperty which t h e Grantors had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him of the said Trust Deed, together with a n y int e rest which the Grantors or their successors in interest acquired after the execution of said Trust Deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the T rustee. N o t ice i s further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the s ale, to h a v e t h i s foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated b y payment to t h e Beneficiary of the entire amount when due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any o t he r d e f ault complained of herein that is capable of being cured by rendering the performance r equired under t h e o bligation o r T r u st Deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and t r ust deed, together with Trustee's and a ttorney's fees n o t exceeding the amounts provided by ORS 86.753. In construing this notice the masculine gender includes the f eminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, t h e word "Grantors" i n c ludes any successor in interest to the Grantors as well as any other person owing an obligation, th e p e rformance of which is secured by said Trust Deed, and the words "Trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective s u c cessors in interest, if any. DATED: December 6, 2012. Benjamin M. Kearney, Successor T rustee, 8 0 0 Wil lamette Street, Suite 8 00, E ugene, O R 97401, 541-484-0188.

The Crooked River Ranch Rural F i re Protection D i s trict V l-503 located i n Hysfer H25E, runs Jefferson C o unty, Jeep Comanche, 1990, "My Little Red Corvette" well, 2982 Hours, Honda CRV 2010, like Oregon will hold a original owner, 167K, new 1996 coupe. 132K, $3500,call condition, very low Budget Committee 4WD, 5-spd, tags good miles, well-maintained, 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. 541-749-0724 meeting on Thurs880 till 9/2015, $3900 obo. AC, 6-CD player, sun- $12,500 541-923-1781 541-633-7761 day, March 28, 2012 Boats & Accessories Motorhomes Fifth Wheels roof. $21,900 a t 6:00 PM. T h e 541-647-2058 meeting will be held Ads published in the at t h e Cro o k ed "Boats" classification River Ranch F i re include: Speed, fishStation located at 2% "! 4 ing, drift, canoe, 6971 SW Shad Rd., Peterbilt 359 p o table house and sail boats. water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, Oldsmobile Alero 2004, Fiat 500 Pop Hatch- Terrebonne, OrFor all other types of 3200 gal. tank, 5hp classic 4-dr in showroom back 2012, po wer egon. The purpose watercraft, please see Monaco Dynasty 2004, Laredo 2009 30' with 2 pump, 4-3" h o ses, condition, leather, chrome Jeep Wr angler 4 . 0 w indows, powe r of the meeting is to loaded, 3 slides, die- slides, TV, A/C, table Class 875. $ 2 5 ,000. wheels, 1 owner, low Sport 1999 Hard top doors, blu e toothm receive the budget sel, Reduced - now & c hairs, s atellite, camlocks, 541-385-5809 541-820-3724 message and take miles. $7500. running boards, pre- premium wheels. $119,000, 5 4 1 -923- Arctic pkg., p o wer Vin ¹125141. 541-382-2452 mium sound. public comment on 8572 or 541-749-0037 awning, Exc. cond! $13,988 the proposed budVin ¹432663. Automotive Parts, $9,988 get. This is a public 4@~sUBARU. RV meeting where deService & Accessories ) S U B A R U . CONSIGNMENTS the 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. liberation o f WANTED Budget Committee Four 16" t railer tires 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 We Do The Work ... with o u r sp e c ial will take place. Any ST235/80R16 $ 150. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 rates ior seding your I You Keep The Cash! person may appear 541-598-6384. Dlr ¹0354 Plymouth B a r racuda On-site credit F ord F reestyle S E L at the meeting and ( boat or watercraft! MONTANA 3585 2008, TIRES: 1966, original car! 300 approval team, Five 2006, V6, AWD, AT, AC, d iscuss th e p r o exc. cond., 3 slides, hp, 360 V8, centerweb site presence. front 8 side airbags, 25 posed budget with P265/75R16, $150 f Place an ad in The king bed, Irg LR, lines, (Original 273 We Take Trade-Ins! mpg, 3rd row seating, the Budget Com541-598-6384 B ulletin w i t h ou r Arctic insulation, all eng & wheels incl.) Free Advertising. pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, mittee. A c opy of / 3-month package options $35,000. 541-593-2597 TIRES: Four s11 traction control, new tires the proposed budBIG COUNTRY RV ~ which includes: 541-420-3250 P215/70R16, $150 PROJECT CARS: Chevy & brks, maintained ex- g et may b e ob Bend: 541-330-2495 541-598-6384 Redmond: 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & Porsche Caye n ne t remely well, runs 8 tained or inspected Nuyya 29 7LK Hi t ch( *4 lines of text and ~ 541-548-5254 exlnt,148K hwy mi, on or after Monday, Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Toyota wheels, 15-5-3'/4 Chevy Coupe 1950 Turbo 2005, Very low drives a photo or up to 10 32' touring coach, left w/studded tires, $150. rolling chassis's $1750 miles, clean, loaded. $6700. 541-604-4166 M arch 2 5 , 201 2 J lines with no photo. $+ ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, ~+~ kitchen, rear lounge, Vin ¹A92123. from the C rooked *Free online ad at 541-598-6384 complete car, $ 1949; many extras, beautiful $29,488 River Ranch F i re I bendbulletin.com .IIIII Cadillac Series 61 1950, c ond. inside 8 o u t , Station between the *Free pick up into 2 dr. hard top, complete r' $32,900 OBO, Prinevhours of 8:00 AM The Central Oregon ~ + s U B A R U . w /spare f r on t cl i p ., ille. 541-447-5502 days k,w„ and 5:00 PM. ) Nickel ads. $3950, 541-382-7391 & 541-447-1641 eves. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. LEGAL NOTICE Southwind 35.5' Triton, Ford Taurus wagon 2004, 877-266-3821 933 I Rates start at $46. I 2008,V10, 2 slides, Duvery nice, pwr everything, TRUSTEE'S NOTICE Dlr ¹0354 Call for details! Pickups OF SALE pont UV coat, 7500 mi. 120K, FWD, good tires, 541-385-5809 Bought new at $4900 obo. 541-815-9939 Reference is made to Toyota 4Ru n n er that certain trust deed $132,913; s~l 1921 Model T Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , made by Casey S. asking $91,000. Delivery Truck LThe Bulleting 1971 new trans, 2 4WD, V6, 5 speed, Westlake, as grantor, Call 503-982-4745 )jlllnw" Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th Restored & Runs new t i r es , ne w t ow pkg., plus 4 to Western Title, as wheel, 1 s lide, AC, $9000. brakes, 2nd owner, studs tires on rims, t rustee, in f avor o f GENERATE SOME exTV,full awning, excel541-389-8963 r uns/drives g o o d. r uns g reat. W a s B ank of t h e C a s citement in your neiglent shape, $23,900. Make good w o od $ 5500, now o n l y Hyundai Sonata 2007 cades Mor t gage borhood. Plan a ga541-350-8629 truck. $1995 OBO $4000.541-659-1416 GLS, 64,700 mi, excel- Center as beneficiary, rage sale and don't 541-350-2859 lent cond, good tires, dated June 25, 2007, forget to advertise in non-smoker, new tags, and recorded on June classified! 385-5809. Winnebago Suncruiser34' $9500. 541-280-7352 2004, only 34K, loaded, 26, 2007, as Docutoo much to list, ext'd ment No. 2007-35794 Serving Central Oregon since 1903 warr. thru 2014, $54,900 (and re-r e corded Dennis, 541-589-3243 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, September 13, 2007 Pilgrim In t e rnationaltoo many extras to list, Used out-drive a s D ocument N o . 881 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, $8500 obo. Serious buy2 007-35794) of t h e parts - Mercury Toyota Land Cruiser Ford 250 XLT 1990, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 ers only. 541-536-0123 Travel Trailers O fficial Records o f OMC rebuilt ma2000, Roof rack, tow 6 yd. dump bed, Fall price $ 2 1,865. Deschutes C o unty, pkg., moonroof. rine motors: 151 Mercedes-Benz E500 139k, Auto, $4500. 541-312-4466 Need help fixing stuff? Vin ¹124783. regon, an d th a t $1595; 3.0 $1895; 2005, Very c le a n , O 541-410-9997 Call A Service Professional $18,788 4.3 (1993), $1995. loaded, v e r y low certain Assignment of find the help you need. T rust D e e d da ted RV 541-389-0435 miles. www.bendbulletin.com June 26, 2007 and reCONSIGNMENTS S UB A R U . Vin ¹688743. WANTED corded July 5, 2007 $16,988 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. a s D o cument N o . We Do The Work ... Keystone Cougar 243RKS 877-266-3821 You Keep The Cash! 2007-37485(and I Wat e rcraft ~ S U BA R U. Dlr ¹0354 2008, excellent cond, alre-recorded A u gust On-site credit ways stored inside, used 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. approval team, 30, 2011 as D ocuAds published in "Wa- twice, extended service Honda Ridgeline RTL 940 877-266-3821 ment No. web site presence. tercraft" include: Kay- contract to 6/15. $17,500. 2008, Hard t o p per, Vans Dlr ¹0354 We Take Trade-Ins! 2011-30435) wherein aks, rafts and motor- 541-420-8707 loaded, tow pkg, bed Chevy C-20 Pickup Oregon Housing and Free Advertising. liner, low miles. ized personal 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; Community Services watercrafts. For Protector toy hauler travel BIG COUNTRY RV Vin ¹534426. 96 Ford Windstar & auto 4-spd, 396, model Department, State of " boats" please s e e tlr cover fits 26-29' NIB Bend: 541-330-2495 $23,988 2000 Nissan Quest, CST /all options, orig. Redmond: Oregon, was desigClass 870. $199. 541-325-6147 both 7-passenger owner, $22,000, 541-548-5254 nated as the succesttttmsy. SUBARU. 541-385-5809 541-923-6049 vans, 160K miles, sor beneficiary, covlow prices, $1200 & 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. ering th e f o l lowing RV space for rent Tu- '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn Nissan Sentra 2012 $2900, and worth 877-266-3821 =i described real propmalo. 30 amp + water PROJECT car, 3 50 Pull warranty, 35mpg, every centi Dlr ¹0354 erty situated in said & sewer. Gravel lot. small block w/Weiand 520 per tank, all power. 541-318-9999 Avail. now. $350 mo. dual quad tunnel ram $13,500. 541-788-0427 county an d s t a te, 541-419-5060 to-wit: Unit 1, Cedar with 450 Holleys. T-10 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Creek Village ConProwler 2009 Extreme Chevy Astro Toyota Camrys: dominiums, DesWeld Prostar wheels, I nternational Fla t E dition. Model 2 7 0 Cargo Van 2001, 1984, SOLD; extra rolling chassis + Bed Pickup 1963, 1 chutes County, OrRL, 2 slides, oppos- Canopies & Campers pw, pdl, great cond., 7985 SOLD; extras. $6000 for all. ton dually, 4 s p d. e gon, described i n Sea Kayaks - His & ing in living area, ent. business car, well 541-389-7669. trans., great MPG, 1986 parts car and subject to t h at Hers, Eddyline Wind center, sep. bedroom, Canopies: 1 fits LWB maint'd, regular oil $50obo; small pkup SB certain Declaration of could be exc. wood only one left! $500 Dancers,17', fiberglass 2 ne w e x tra t i res, changes, $4500. hauler, runs great, Condominium Ownerboats, all equip incl., hitch, bars, sway bar $50 obo. 541-408-1389 Call for details, Please call ship for Cedar Creek new brakes, $1950. paddies, personal flo- included. P r o-Pack, 541-548-6592 541-633-5149 541-419-5480. Village C o n dominitation devices,dry bags, anti-theft. Good cond, o spray skirts,roof rack w/ c lean. ums, recorded NoReq . 'til Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 towers & cradles. Re- 4/20/15. v ember 6 , 200 6 , 0 0 • I 7 -pass. v a n wit h duced price $1100/boat 541-390-1122$19, 9 00. Document No. Chevy Wagon 1957, p ower c h a i r lif t , Firm. 541-504-8557. 2006-73449, Des4-dr., complete, skslra©msn.com $1500; 1989 Dodge chutes County Offi$7,000 OBO, trades. Turbo Va n 7 - pass. c ial R e cords, t o Please call has new motor and RV I Mo t orhomes gether with the limited 541-389-6998 t rans., $1500. I f i n Toyota Corola 2011, RAM 2500 HD '03 hemi, CONSIGNMENTS and general common Keyless entry, cruise terested c a l l Jay WANTED e lements se t f o r t h Chrysler 300 C o upe 2WD, 135K, auto, CC, 503-269-1057. and tilt. We Do The Work ... am/fm/cd. $7000 obro. therein appertaining to 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, Vin ¹630707. 541-680-9965 /390-1285 You Keep The Cash! s aid unit. Both t h e auto. trans, ps, air, 975 $14,488 On-site credit B eneficiary and t h e frame on rebuild, reC Automobiles approval team, Trustee have elected painted original blue, """"" .CERTIFIED © s UBA R U . L. web site presence. I/EI<IIt III ' ' to sell the said real original blue interior, We Take Trade-Ins! 2003 Fleetwood Disoriginal hub caps, exc. Cars-Trucks-SUVs 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. property to satisfy the Free Advertising. covery 40' diesel moobligations secured by chrome, asking $9000 877-266-3821 BIG COUNTRY RV said Trust Deed and a torhome w/all or make offer. Dlr ¹0354 Bend: 541-330-2495 options-3 slide outs, 541-385-9350 Notice of Default has Redmond: Toyota Corolla 2004, been recorded pursusatellite, 2 TV's,W/D, 541-548-5254 auto., loaded, 204k e tc.32,000 mile s . ant to O regon Re1/3 interest in Columbia Audi A4 1. 8 T 20 0 6, miles. orig. owner, non vlsed Statutes Wintered i n h e ated 400, $150,000 located Turbo, co n vertible, smoker, exc. c ond. shop. $89,900 O.B.O. 86.735(3); the default @ Sunriver. H o urly Chrysler SD 4-Door 2011 Toyota Tundra $6500 Prin e ville leather. 541-447-8664 for which the foreclorental rate (based upon Crew Max 4x4, 503-358-8241 CD S R oyal Vin ¹ 006994. sure i s ma d e is approval) $775. Also: 1930, leather, winch Standard, 8-cylinder, $17,988 G rantors' failure t o S21 hangar avail. for ¹174496 $3 4,995 WHEN YOU SEE THIS body is good, needs p ay when due t h e s ale, o r l e ase @ some r e s toration, ©s UB A R U. SUBhRUOPBI!NDCOM following sums: $15/day or $ 325/mo. Oo 2006 Chevy Silverado ~ runs, taking bids, 541-948-2963 G rantor's failure t o Springdale 2005 27', 4' 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 4x4 crew¹6258 $24,995 541-383-3888, 877-266-3821 pay monthly install32' Fleetwood Fiesta '03, slide in dining/living area, p 2009 Ford F150 Crew 541-815-331 8 On a classified ad ment payments due Dlr ¹0354 no slide-out, Triton eng, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 I ¹C77945 $28, 9 95 go to under the Promissory 2009 Subaru Legacy all amenities, 1 owner, obo. 541-408-3811 www.bendbulletin.com Note in the amount of perfect, only 17K miles, AWD ¹6347 $14,895 to view additional $852.00 per month for $21,500. 541-504-3253 2010 Lexus RX 450 photos of the item. the months of July, Itl I -~I I I ¹019757 $ 38,9 9 5 I 1/3 interest i n w e l l2010 Audi Q5 3.2 equipped IFR Beech Bo¹099460 $ 33,9 9 5 BMW 740 IL 1998 orig. Weekend Warrior Toy nanza A36, new 10-550/ FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, 541-598-3750 owner, exc. c o n d. YOUR ADWILLRECEIVECLOSETo 2,000,000 Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, prop, located KBDN. door panels w/flowers Corner 97 8 w. Empire 101k miles, new tires, Classified EXPOSURESFORONLY $2SO ! fuel station, exc cond. $65,000. 541-419-9510 aaaoregonautosource.co~ & hummingbirds, loaded, sunroof. Advertising oego t classrfwddve I srngvtwo r rra renrce%heoego txevspape p~bh>vrr Assocralon sleeps 8, black/gray white soft top 8 hard Country Coach Intrigue $8,300. 541-706-1897 935 i nterior, u se d 3X , 2002, 40' Tag axle. top. Just reduced to Weekof March 11, 2013 Network ~ Qo $19,999 firm. $3,750. 541-317-9319 Sport Utility Vehicles 400hp Cummins Die541-389-9188 or 541-647-8483 MOrePiXat Bel)dbujleti),COm sel. two slide-outs. 41,000 miles, new Serving Central Oregon since 1903 tires 8 batteries. Most Buick LeSabre 1996. Good condition, options. $85,000 OBO 1/5th interest in 1973 541-3S5-5S09 541-678-5712 121,000 miles. Cessna 150 LLC Non-smoker 150hp conversion, low $2600 OBO. Four Winds Class time on air frame and Chevrolet Blazer LT 541-954-5193. A 3 2 ' Hurricane engine, hangared in Ford Galaxie 5001963, 2000 -130k miles, Call Wind River 250 RLSW 2007. CAN'T BEAT Bend. Excellentper2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 2011 (subsidiary of for info. $4800 OBO DIVORCE $155. Complete preparation. Includes children, THIS! Look before 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & Arctic Fox Mfg) 4-seaformance & afford541-480-0781 Buick LeSabre 2004, custody, support, property and bills division. No court you buy, b e low radio (orig),541-419-4989 able flying! $6,500. son pkg, dualpane . IIP 30 mpg, 75k, heated market value! Size windows, large picture 541-382-6752 appearances.Divorced in 1-5 weeks possible.503-772Ford Mustang Coupe seats, nice wheels, 8 mileage DOES window in rear, super matter! 12,500 mi, Look at: 1966, original owner, auto, white, leather, slide, 26" LCD TV. 5295. www.paralegalalternatives.com divorceOusa.oom V8, automatic, great Almost like n e w!! all amenities, Ford Garaqed. $25,900. Bendhomes.com V10, Ithr, c h erry, shape, $9000 OBO. Bring $6000 and it's ~O for Complete Listings of slides, like new! New 530-515-8199 yours. 541-318-9999 More PixaiIudbulletin.ctm Area Real Estate for Sale Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, or 541-508-9133. low price, $54,900. 541-408-2111 541-548-5216 most options, new tires, Executive Hangar Ford Ranchero 159K miles, $3750. Call Drivers - Get on the ROAD FAST! IMMEDIATE OPENINGS!! at Bend Airport (KBDN) Cadillac DeVille, 2001, 1979 541-233-8944 Looking for your 60' wide x 50' d eep, 39K mi, new cond, loaded, TOP PAY, FULL BENEFITS, CDL-A Hazmat, Doubles with 351 Cleveland TURN THE PAGE next employee? w/55' wide x 17' high bi$12,000. 541-598-5210 modified engine. Place a Bulletin help fold dr. Natural gas heat, For More Ads Required! Haney Truck Line, CALL NOW 1-888-414-4467. ' 14 k 0 Body is in wanted ad today and offc, bathroom. Adjacent L.. The Bulletin excellent condition, www.GOHANEY.com reach over 60,000 to Frontage Rd; great $2500 obo. readers each week. visibility for aviation busiGulfstream Scenic 541-420-4677 Your classified ad ness. Financing availGORDON TRUCKING-CDL-A Drivers Needed! Dedicated Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, will also appear on able. 541-948-2126 or Dodge Durango LimCummins 330 hp dieand OTR Positi ons Now Open! $1000 SIGN ON BONUS. bendbulletin.com email 1jetjock@q.com ited 2004, Leather, sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 which currently reChevy CobaltLT 2010, power Wind o ws, Consistent Miles, Time Off! Full Benefits, 401k, EOE, in. kitchen slide out, Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, ceives over 1.5 milpower window, power power locks, tilt moon new tires,under cover, based in Madras, allion page views evlocks, tilt, XM satelite, Recruiters Available 7 days/week! 866-435-8590 roof. hwy. miles only,4 door ways hangared since ery month at no Vin¹232901 Vin ¹142655. fridge/freezer icenew. New annual, auto Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 extra cost. Bulletin $12988 $9,988 Driver - Qualify for any portion of $.03/mile quarterly bonus: maker, W/D combo, pilot, IFR, one piece engine, power everyClassifieds Get ReInterbath tub & windshield. Fastest Arthing, new paint, 54K sults! Call 385-5809 © s UBA R U . 1 S UBARU . $.01 Safety, $.01 Production, $.01 MPG. Two raises SUSARUOPBEHD COM SUBARUOPSENDCOM shower, 50 amp procher around. 1750 tooriginal m i les, runs or place your ad in first year. 3 months OTR experience. 800-414-9569 tal t i me. $68,500. great, excellent condi- 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. pane gen & more! on-line at 541-475-6947, ask for 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 $45,000. tion in & out. Asking bendbulletin.com www.driveknight.com 541-948-2310 Rob Berg. Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354 $8,500. 541-480-3179

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975 Automo iles 2003 AUDI, A4 Cabriolet Convertible, silver, curb hugging, turbo charged. 6 disc CD changer. Great for road trips. Incredible MPG. 325,000

ere's OO S u in ere. Shou n't YOU

e oo ing. The Bulletin



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