Bulletin Daily Paper 04-14-13

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SUNDAY April 14, 201 3 t


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bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD



Firefighting options for east county are debated

A cleaner natural gas-

We're on our way to reducing pollution from natural gas, with a little help from the sun.A3

By Shelby R. King

Plus: Solar storms-

The Bulletin

When the sun isn't so kind to little old Earth.AS

Deschutes County has 175,000 acres and 300 homes unprotected from wildfire, according to retired County Forester and Project Wildfire Director Joe Stutler. On Wednesday, Stutler and his successor, Ed Keith, met with Deschutes County commissioners to discuss where the unprotected lands are and outline options for suppressingfire there.No decisionarose from the session other than to survey property owners in eastern Deschutes County for their stance on the need for and cost of fire protection. "The law enforcement response ts no dtfferent. What's different is when they go to the unprotected areas, there aren't going to be anyfiretrucks coming," Stutler said. "It's a risk not only for the public but for public safety responders." The town of Alfalfa is situated in the middle of a large unprotected area. "If we don't do anything Alfalfa is going to burn down," Stutler said. "It's inevitable." See Fire/A8

By Dylan J. Darling• The Bulletin

A paved, reconfigured parking lot is coming to Phil's Trailhead — but other projects along

A war winds down — Each mission that theAfghans takeon will help answer questions about their country's fate.A6

Skyliners Road must be done first, says a U.S. Forest Service official.

Plus —Might the U.s. military, in its rush to go high-tech,

forget the battlefield lessons of facing a low-tech enemy?F1

• g, ewaair




In national news —John Kerry seeks help from China

on North Korea. Plus, from the White House, apersonal plea on gun control.A2 aa



ln SPOI"tS —TigerwWoods' wget-out-of-jail-free moment


at the Masters,

plus more coverage heading into

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the final day of the tournament. 01, D6



And a Wed exclusiveAs employers pushefficiency (not to mention layoffs), thedaily grind wearsdownworkers. bendbulletin.com/extras

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Roh Kerr /The Bulletin

said Amy Tinderholt, recreation team leader

Phil's Trailhead project

U.S. generals face review by their own subordinates

for the Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District of the

U.S. Forest Service plans for a newparking lot, restroom and other amenities at Phil's Trailhead won't be happening until next

New York Times News Service

The Forest Service was planning a makeover

Views on pot

this year for the main entrance to the Phil's Trail

and marriage

system, the popular web of mountain bike trails,

shift, so why not abortion? By Juliet Eilperin and Scott Clement

The Washington Post

As abortion opponents are scoring a string of victories in the states, it raises a question: Why are conservatives gaining ground in this one arena, even if

but now the project will likely be next year,

marriage and marijuana? A few factors help explain this situation. The passage of new abortion laws comes despite the fact that public opinion has been stagnant, and mostly supportive, of the right to legal abortion since the 1990s. Fifty-five percent of respondents said abortion should be legal in all or most cases in an August 2012 Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll, with just

over 4 in 10 (42 percent) saying it should be illegal in all or most cases. That poll result is smack in the middle of where support for legal abortion has stood over the past decade, seesawing within a narrow band of 53 to 57 percent in the same poll. By contrast, attitudes on same-sex marriage — and to some extent, marijuana legalization — have shifted rapidly in the past decade. Last month, for example, 58 percent of respondents in a Washington Post-ABC News poll said it should be

legal for gay and lesbian couples to marry, up from 37 percent in 2003. See Shift /A4

year. They had been set to happen this year, but won't be done until the city waterline and county reconstruction

Deschutes National Forest. "We are waiting on

oi Skylinera Roadoccur.

the waterline project," she said. The 10-mile waterline is part of Bend's planned See Phil's /A8 'c~

-"Tumalo Creek




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• 1.4 acres

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The project will require the removal


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Thenewtraiiheadwillfeature: ~" • 76 parking spots, includingthreeADAspots '

$68 million Bridge Creek water supply project.

they're losing over gay

ABOVE: Mountain bikers and cars move through the Phil's Trailhead parking lot during lunch hour Thursday. The renovation project includes a new parking lot, and some regular users are excited about the changes. The popular trail is currently "having a hard time living up to the hype," says David Baker, one regular rider.



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Phil's Trailhead

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Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

By Thom Shanker Aftera series ofscandals involving high-ranking officers, the U.S. military for the first time will require generals and admirals to be evaluated by their peers and thepeople they command on qualities including personal character. The new effort is being led by Gen. Martin Dempsey, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as part of a broad overhaul of training and development programs for generals and admirals. It will include new courses to train the security detail, executive staffsand even the spouses of seniorofficers. See Military/A4

In the NFL,painkillers have become away of life By Sally Jenkins and Rick Maese The Washington Post

When Fred Smoot, a former Washington Redskins defensiveback, fractured his sternum and had to spend four months sleeping in a recliner because he couldn't lie flat, he said his team doctors gave him a choice: Miss the rest of the season or "figure out a

TODAY'S WEATHER Rain/snow possible High 50, Low 28

s s Page B6

way to play." Worried about his livelihood, he made it on the football field each Sunday thanks to a syringe full of a drug called Toradol. wPainkillers are like popping aspirin," Smoot said. "They get to that point." When the throbbing in his surgically repaired right knee made it hard to walk,

much less play, Chester Pitts, a former offensive lineman for the Houston Texans, found a way to prolong his career one more year: a cocktail of Toradol injections on Sundays, with anti-inflammatories and narcotic painkillers the other days of the week. "If I was really hurting, I would take a mix, w he said.

wI could do Tylenol with the Indocin or the Vicodin. Couldn't do Vicodin with certain things. You could take one NSAID and one acetaminophen, whatever they said." Jarring hits and injuries are an inherent part of the NFL, and so too is the game's complex — and potentially


The Bulletin

Business/Stocks E1-6 CommunityLife C1-8 Milestones C2 Pu zzles C6 D1-6 Calendar B2 Crosswords 06, G2 Obituaries B4 Sp o rts Classified G 1 - 6L ocal/State B 1- 6 Opinion/Books F1-6 Tv/Moh/ies C8

Vol. 110, No. 104, 46 pages,

AnIndependent Newspaper

7 sections

dangerous — system of managing pain. It's an issue the

league has grappled with for many years: a culture of prescriptiondrug use and misuse that stretches from the locker room into retirement, and even on to coaching staffs, with uneven oversight or uniform guidelines. See NFL/A8

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lobbying in Washington by Parents of c hildren slaughW ASHINGTON — For the t ered at Sandy Hook Elemenf irst time in his administration, t ary School. A f ter O b ama P resident Barack Obama has i ssued a forceful call for swift t urned over his weekly nation- action during a c a mpaignally televised address s tyle r a ll y i n Co n to a citizen — Francine necticuton Monday, he Wheeler, whose 6-yearbrought about a dozen old son, Ben, was among Sandy Hook p arents the 20 children killed in with him to WashingDecember's massacre ton aboard Air Force i n Newtown, Conn. Wheel e r One. The parents spent Her voice cracking the week meeting pera nd eyes welling with tears as s o nally with senators to lobby s he sits beside her husband, t hem to support stricter gun W heeler asks people to call laws, including the expansion theirsenators and urge them o f background checks for all t o pass the gun legislation they g un buyers. began considering last week. Obama asked Wheeler to "We have to convincethe d eliver the weekly address, Senate tocome together and w hich is aired nationally on p ass common-sense gun re- t el evision and radio and i s s ponsibility reforms that will aI most always given b y a m ake our communities safer president. Wheeler wrote the and prevent more tragedies remarks with her husband, acl ike the one we never thought cording to a White House ofw ould happen to us," Wheeler f i cial, and together they taped s ays in the 4-minute video pro- t h e video on Friday morning duced by the White House. in the White House library. Wheeler's remarks are a Some of the Sandy Hook c apstone to a week of intense f amilies, with Obama's blessBy Philip Rucker

The Washington Post

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Behind bars, Hosni Mubarak, 84, waves to supporters in an Egyptian courtroom Saturday.

ing, have launched a steppedup effort to push a gun control bill through Congress. The Senate is considering a Democratic bill backed by Obama that would expand background checks, strengthen laws against illegal gun t rafficking and s l ightly i n crease school security a i d. The bill passed its first hurdle Thursday, and senators will vote on amendments to the legislation inthe coming week. Its fate in the Republican-controlled House is uncertain. W heeler says in h e r r e marks that Ben's killing has given her the courage to advocate for gun policy changes in Washington. "I've heard people say that the tidal wave of anguish our country felt on 12/14 has receded," she says. "But not for us. To us, it feels as if it happened just yesterday." The GOP weekly address, meanwhile, focusedon Obama's $3.8 trillion budget plan, released Wednesday. It was called a "blank check for more spending and more debt."

The Associated Press

Mudarak iS baCk —The judge in the murder retrial of Hosni Mubarak, an appointee of the former strongman, abruptly withdrew

from the case, sending the matter to another court and delaying the decision on the deposed president's fate. On Saturday, Mubarak looked more robust than in past court sessions. He is charged with

complicity in the killing of more than 850 protesters, a casethat has become an irritating sideshow to the nation's troubled democratic transition and deepening economic turmoil.

Kerry in China —Secretary of State John Kerry flew to Beijing on Saturday and sought to elicit China's help in dealing with an increas-

ingly recalcitrant, nuclear-armed North Korea.Kerry suggested the U.S. could removesome newly enhanced missile defenses in the region, though he did not specify which ones; any cutback would

address Chineseconcerns about the U.S. buildup in the region. Both countries announced they had endorsed the principle of ridding the Korean Peninsula of nuclear weapons, though China did not state pub-

licly what steps it might take. Kerry's trip to China ispart of a three-day intensive push to try to calm tensions on the peninsula.

Plane crash, dutall survive — AII108 passengersandcrew survived after a new Lion Air jet crashed into the ocean and snapped into two while attempting to land Saturday on the Indonesian resort is-

land of Bali, injuring up to 45people, though noneseriously. TV footage showed police andrescuers using rubber boats to evacuatethe101 passengers andsevencrew members.TheBoeing737couldbeseen sitting in the shallow water with a largecrack in its fuselage.


ROSSiarlghts VIOIatlenS —A dayafter the U.S. imposed sanctions on Russiansaccusedof rights violations, Moscow onSaturday

ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541 -383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337

DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541 -383-0370 Circulation andOperations Keith Foutz .........................541 -385-5805 Finance Holly West ...........541-383-0321

published a list of18 current and former U.S. officials now barred from entry to Russia. The list is headed by four men who Russia's Foreign


Ministry saysareresponsible for "the legalization of torture": David Addington, chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney; John Yoo, a Bush administration lawyer who wrote several major opinions on torture;

and Maj. Gen.Geoffrey Miller and RearAdm.Jeffrey Harbeson,eachof whom commanded detention operations in Guantanamo Bay.

Guantanamo unrest — Guards clashedSaturday with prisoners

:li '

at Guantanamo Bay as the military sought to move hunger strikers out of a communal section of the detention center on the U.S. base in Cuba.

//r 'r- y

Some detaineesresisted with improvised weapons, andguardsfired nonlethal rounds in return. The military reported no major injuries.

Human Resources Traci Donaca ......................

PaleSilnlan reSlgnallun —The internationally respected prime minister of the Palestinian Authority, Salam Fayyad, resigned Saturday, adding a new level of uncertainty to the government in the West

TALK TO AN EDITOR Business Tim Doran..........541-383-0360 City DeskJoseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 Community Life, Health JulieJohnson.....................541-383-0308 Editorials Richard Coe......541-383-0353 GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 Home, All Ages Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860 News Editor Jan Jordan....541-383-031 5 Photos DeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 Sporls Bill Bigelow.............541-383-0359

REDMOND BUREAU Street address.......226 N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR97756 Mailing address.... Po. Box788 Redmond, OR97756 .................................541 -504-2336 .................................541 -548-3203

CORRECTIONS The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0358.

Bank days after Secretary of State John Kerry proposed aninitiative to boost the Palestinian economy to shore up peace efforts.


c'+ .



Texas threat — A former justice of the peace questioned in the killings of two prosecutors in Kaufman,Texas,was arrested Saturday on





suspicion of making a threat. But the charges against Eric Williams are not believed to be connected to the killings of the county district attorney and his wife, and earlier of an assistant district attorney. — From wire reports


Czarek Sokolowski /The Associated Press

A 45-foot fiberglass sculpture of Pope John Paul II was unvei led Saturday in Czestochowa, Poland.Funded

The panel includes only one current Vatican official;

by businessmanLeszek Lyson, in gratitude for what he

the rest are cardinals and amonsignor from each continent, including SeanPatrick O'Malley,

believes was an intervention by the late pontiff in saving his drowning son, the statue honors a man who led the

the archbishop of Boston. The move is a clear indication that Francis wants

YOLJ1( IIIVI'I ltl!MOI)l! L Pl(t)1<ttSSI(AAL

RomanCatholic Churchfor 27 years until 2005, and

to reflect the universal nature of the

who remains a respected figure in his homeland. At the Vatican on Saturday, the current pope marked

church in its core decision-making. A reform of the Vatican bureaucra-

his first month in office bynamingnine high-ranking

cy has been demanded for decades, F rancis

officials to a permanent advisory group to help him run the church and study bureaucratic reform — a bomb-

givenboth John Paul and Benedict XVI essentially neglected in-house administration of

shell announcementthat indicates heintends amajor

the Holy See infavor of other priorities. Francis' advi-

shift in how the papacy should function.

sory group will meet first in October.

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at www.oregonlottery.org

POWERBALL The numbers drawn Saturday night are:

f Qss Q sv QoQaQs


The estimated jackpot is now $80 million.

MEGABUCKS The numbers drawn Saturday night are:

47 Q 4S Q 25Q 30Q 31Q 40 Q The estimated jackpot is now $13.3 million.

In Venezuela, Chavez'sheir isn't a shoo-in The Associated Press CARACAS, VenezuelaNicolas Maduro hopes to ride a tide of grief into Venezuela's special presidential election today and win voters' endorsement to succeed the late Hugo Chavez, the divisive largerthan-life leader wh o c hose him to carry on the messy, unfinished Chavista revolution. That will mean inheriting both a loyal following among the poor and multiple problems left behind by Chavez, troubles that have been harped on by challenger Henrique Capriles. Although he's still favored, Maduro's early big lead in opinion polls sharply narrowed in the past week as Venezuelans grappled with a litany of woes many blame on Chavez's mismanagement ofthe economy: chronic power outages, double-digit inflation, food and medicine shortages. Add to that rampant crime:Venezuela has among the world's highest homicide and kidnapping rates. Capriles, a 40-year-old state governor who lost to Chavez in October'sregular presidential election, hammered away at the ruling socialists' record of unfulfilled promises as he crisscrossed Venezuela. He said he would also re-establish close ties with the United States. But Maduro, 50, hewed to a simple message, a theme of the October presidential campaign: "Iam Chavez. We are all Chavez."

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Sunday, April14, the 104th day of 2013. There are 261 days left in the year.


rocessmarriessoar, na ura as

VeneZuela —Voters will choose HugoChavez's heir as the South American country selects a president.A2

GOlf —The final round of the Masters is today.D1

HISTORY Highlight:In1865, President

Abraham Lincoln wasassassinated by John Wilkes Booth

during a performance of "Our American Cousin" at Ford's Theater in Washington. In1775, the first American society for the abolition of slavery was formed in Philadelphia. In1828, the first edition of Noah Webster's "American

Dictionary of the English Language" was published. In1902, James Cash Penney opened his first store, The Golden Rule, in Kemmerer,

Wyo. In1910, President William Howard Taft became the first U.S. chief executive to throw

the ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game asthe W ashington Senators beat the Philadelphia Athletics 3-0. In1912,the British liner RMS Titanic collided with an iceberg in the North Atlantic at11:40

p.m.ship'stimeandbegan sinking. (The ship went under two hours and 40 minutes later with the loss of1,514 lives.) In1949, the "Wilhelmstrasse

Trial" in Nuremberg ended with19 former Nazi Foreign Office officials sentenced by

an American tribunal to prison terms ranging from four to 25


Usingthe sun'sheatto break open the molecules ofnaturalgas,researchers hope to reduce emissions

million BTUs of natural gas, the standard unit for pricing, produced by gas by as much as 20 percent. But there are still a lot of kinks to work out before it's then the synthesis gas has a value of about 1.25 million commercially viable. BTUs. That means turning $4 of gas into $5. By Matthew L. Wald Energy from natural gas (four hydrogen atMichael Webber,an associNew Yorh Times News Service the sun is oms and one carbon atom) and ate professor of mechanical WASHINGTON — The Enfocused by water (two hydrogen atoms engineering at the University ergy Department is preparmirrors onto and one oxygen atom) and re- of Texas at Austin and a coing to test a new way for solar a device that shuffle them into something director of the clean energy power to make electricity: uschanges natu- that burns better: carbon mon- incubator there, cautioned that ing the sun's heat to increase ral gas into a oxide and pure hydrogen. The there were still a lot of "enthe energy content of natural more efficient result also has carbon dioxide, gineering kinks to sort out." gas. fuel for makwhich is inert. He called the resulting gas "a Researchers at the Pacific ing electricity. The mixture, called synthe- wonderful fuel, but it's a pain Northwest National LaboraThe process sis gas, is a common building in the neck to make." tory in Richland, Wash., hope would help block in the chemical indusThe technology might be by this summer to carry out reduce emistry, but it requires energy to economical in a place like Jathe test, which entails a prosions at natu- make it, usually from burn- pan, where natural gas prices cess that could cut the amount ral gas power ing natural gas. In the Pacific are higher, he said. "We might of natural gas used — and the plants. Northwest design, that energy as well master the technology greenhouse gasses emitted comes from the sun. Sunlight and sell it to them," he said. — by 20 percent. Pacific Northwest falls on a mirrored dish that Researchers hope they can National Laboratory "We can reduce carbon dilooks a bit like an upturned find other improvements that via New York Times oxide emissions, and the conumbrella, and focuses on a will probably be necessary to News Service sumer doesn't get hit," said spot where the umbrella han- win commercial acceptance Robert Wegeng, the researchdle would be. It heats water of the technology in N orth er in charge of the project. and natural gas to 700 degrees America, where gas prices The system is a marriage Celsius, about 1,300 degrees are low. Wegeng also said that "We can reduce carbon dioxide emissions,and Fahrenheit. A catalyst breaks mass production would drive of chemical and mechanical engineering. The process will the molecules up and the at- down prices of the necessary the consumer doesn't get hit." work anywhere it is sunny, oms are reassembled. components. — Robert Wegeng, researcher in charge of the project according to researchers, alL aboratory o f f icials s a y Unlike other forms of solar though it might be more valuthey have improved the effi- energy, the hybrid solar/gas able in places where natural ciency of the process. But they plant is i ntended to supply gas is r elatively expensive, tablished. The process also is built a plant that helps reduce also have introduced a second steady levels of electricity. "When the sun is shining, or where a company makseveral major steps away from the amount of coal needed to innovation: Before the syntheing electricity would be paid commercial viability. make electricity by using so- sis gas is sent to a turbine for you get this solar augment for generating less carbon U sing the s un's heat t o lar power to preheat the water burning, a new kind of heat to the fuel," said Wegeng. If d>ox<de. make electricity i s h a r d ly that the burning coal boiled exchanger extractssome heat clouds roll in, or if the sun sets, The project, financed with new; as far back as 2007, com- into steam. from it. That heat is added to then the turbine can burn ordi$4.5 million in federal stimulus panies were building plants The new system captures the chemical reactor, further nary natural gas and produce money, is still in development, with parabolic mirrors to boil solar energy in a c h emical improving the efficiency of the the same amount of electricity. "You're just using more natuand experts say the technol- water into steam and turn a form, using the sun's heat to solarside ofthe process. ogy's costs have yet to be es- turbine. In Australia, Areva break open the moleculesof If the system starts with I ral gas," he said.

In1960, the musical "Bye Bye

Birdie" opened onBroadway. In1981,the first test flight of

America's first operational space shuttle, the Columbia, ended successfullywith a

landing at Edwards Air Force Base in California.

Ten years ago:Saddam Hussein's hometown of Tikrit fell with unexpectedly light resistance, the last lraqi city

to succumb to overpowering U.S.-led ground andair forces. Five yearsago:Delta Air Lines Inc. and Northwest Airlines Corp. announced theywere combining. Media billionaire

Silvio Berlusconi won adecisive victory in Italy's parliamentary election. Taylor Swift

won video of the yearand female video for her smash

"Our Song" while newcomer Kellie Pickler took homethree awards during the Country Music Television awards.

One year ago:In Belfast, Northern lreland, where the Titanic was built, thousands attended a choral requiem at

the Anglican St. Anne's Cathedral or a nationally televised concert at the city's Waterfront Hall to mark the100th anniversary of the sinking. Eleven

Secret Service agents were placed on leave as a deepening scandal involving prostitutes overshadowed President

Barack Obama's diplomatic mission to Latin America.

BIRTHDAYS Actor Bradford Dillman is 83. Actor Jay Robinson is 83.

Country singer Loretta Lynn is 81. Actress Julie Christie is 73. Retired MLB All-Star Pete Rose is 72. Rock musician Ritchie

Blackmore is 68.Actor John Shea is 64. Actor-turned-race car driver Brian Forster is 53. Actor Brad Garrett is 53. Actor Robert Carlyle is 52. Actor Robert Clendenin is 49. Actress Catherine Dent is 48. Actor Lloyd Owen is 47. Retired MLB All-Star Greg Maddux is 47.

Rock musician Barrett Martin is 46. Actor Anthony Michael Hall is 45. Actor Adrien Brody

is 40. Classical singer David Miller is 40. Rapper DaBrat is 39. Actor Antwon Tanner is 38.

Actress SarahMichelle Gellar is 36. Actor-producer Rob M cElhenney is 36.Rocksinger

Win Butler (ArcadeFire) is 33. Actor Christian Alexander is 23. Actor Nick Krause is 21. Actress

Vivien Cardone is20. Actress Abigail Breslin is17. — From wire reports


GenXand GenY fall behind parents in building wealth By Meagan Pant Dayton Daily News

For young people today, the American dream of working hard, saving money and becoming richer than their parents may be out of reach, according to a recent study. Americans in their mid-30s and younger have accumulated less wealth than their parents did at that age more than 25 years ago — a trend that threatens to weaken the economy overall, according to the study by the Urban Institute, which investigates and analyzes the country's social and economic problems. Stagnantwages, diminishing job opportunities and lost home values are behind the issue and have kept young Americans from saving even as the economy doubled from the early 1980s, the study found.

toward a master's degree and stocking what she canin arainy day fund she has had since high school. But, she said, it can be difficult to save, especially for those young people who take out large student loans during college. "People in my generation are of the opinion that it's okay to take out tens of thousands of dollars in student loans," said Young, who graduated in May. "That puts them in debt right

away." And with that money in their checking accounts, they do not take into account that they are spending borrowed m oney, Young added. Student loan debt has increased in recent years and recently passed $1 trillion (more than credit card debt). Ratcliffe said those large loan burdens can have a ripple effect, delay-

"Young people are falling be- ing young people from being

hind," said Caroline Ratcliffe, one of the authors of the "Lost Generations'? Wealth Building Among Young A m ericans" report. "Acrossdifferent generations and ages, what we tend to see in this country is that each generation is better off and wealthier. That fact that this group is falling behind is very different," said Ratcliffe, a senior fellow at the Urban Institute. If young Americans cannot accumulate wealth over their lifetimes, such as people in prior generations, they will be less able to support themselves when they retire, Ratcliffe said. And her study points out that despite the relative youth of those in Gen X and Gen Ypeople born since 1966 — they may not be able to make up the ground they have lost. University of Dayton alumnus Rebecca Young said she has benefited from her parents' strong savings, and she hopes to one day do the same for her future children. At age 23, she is working

able to build a savings or buy a house. Americans in their 20s and 30s who were homeowners were among the hardest hit by the housing crash, because their mortgages were large compared to their home values and theycould not take advantage of lower interest rates, Ratcliffe said. The wealthof those ages 29 to 37 suffered the largest fall, dropping 21 percent compared to people of that age in 1983, according to the study. Now, young people's concerns about being worse off could have a long-lasting effect on their expectations, Ratcliffe said. "The idea of moving into the suburbs and having a big home, maybe that changes for this generation," she said. Ratcliffe said if young people cannot catch up to previous generations, they will be more likelyto rely on social safety net programs becausethey willbe less able to support themselves during retirement.

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Gay rights and abortion rights "are at radically different historic moments.... At the end of the day, abortion is subject to restrictions, but it's legal." — Louise Melling, with the ACLU's Center for Liberty

Glodalattitudesongays, adortionandpot THE LATEST: FRANGEANDURUGUAY The French Senate voted Friday to legalize same-sex marriage, putting a landmark bill on track to become law in France by sum-

mer. Still, the vote camedespite boisterous protests; opponents, mostly conservatives and fervent Roman Catholics, have sought to defend their traditional definition of marriage.


past few years, while abortion has largelyreceded from pubContinued from A1 lic view. The 1982 movie "Fast And that same month, 52 Times at R i dgemont High" percent said marijuana should showed a high schooler getting be made legalin a Pew Re- an abortion. Now, Tom Mcsearch Center poll,up from Clusky, senior vice president the long-term trend in General for government affairs at the Social Surveys. Family Research Center, noted The data show that while that "even on soap operas you there are b i g g e nerational don't see an abortion." gaps in support for marijuana Michael Cole-Schwartz, a and gay marriage, there are spokesman for th e H u man fewer — and shrinking — dif- Rights Campaign, a gay rights ferences between younger and g roup, observed that m a r older Americans on abortion. riage is, at its core, a public expression of one's commitNot so generational ment to another person, while In 2012, 53 percent of 18- to abortions tend to be private 29-year-olds sai d a b o r tion decisions. While those who should be legal in all or most support and oppose abortion cases, compared with 50 per- speak out on the issue often, cent of A m ericans 65 a nd women who actually undergo older. In 2004 there was a 12- the procedure often consider it point gap in support between a personalmatter and are less the youngest and oldest age likely to talk in public about groups. As a r esult, overall their experiences. abortion opinions do not appear likely to shift much when Beyond marriage the youngest generation reCole-Schwartz also noted places the oldest. that gay rights groups have But on gay marriage and yet to gain the same level of marijuana, the generational di- momentum when it comes to vide is enormous, and is part of nondiscrimination laws on eiwhat has been driving the shift ther the federal or state level. "Marriage is not the be-all in public opinion. Eighty-one percent of 18- to 29-year-olds and end-all of our movement, said gay marriage should be but it's the issue that's caplegal in the March Post-ABC tured the public's attention," poll, compared with 44 percent he said. of those ages 65 and older. And In fact, gays still lack conin the Pew marijuana poll, 65 s titutional p r o tections t h e percent of millennials (ages 18- Supreme Court r e cognized 32) favored legalization, as op- for abortion providers and posed to 32 percent of those in their clients 40 years ago. It the silent generation (ages 68 is still legal in 34 states to fire and older). employees based on gender N ew abortion l aws m a y identity, and in 29 states to also reflect the fact that while terminate them based on their a consistent majority backs sexual orientation. legal abortion in most or all Louise Melling, who directs cases, support ranges widely the American Civil Liberties depending on the reason and Union's Center for Liberty, said timing of th e procedure. A the gay and reproductive rights December Gallup poll found movements "are at radically roughly 6 in 10 saying abor- different h i storic m o ments, tion should be legal in the first which is what accounts for the three months of pregnancy, difference.... And at the end of but support plummeted for the day, abortion is subject to abortion in the second or third restrictions, but it's legal." trimesters (27 and 14 percent, To some extent, the publicrespectively). ity surrounding the Supreme And while the 2012 wave C ourt o ra l a r g uments o n of the General Social Survey same-sex marriage may have found overwhelming support given the public a s k ewed for abortion in the case of dan- sense of how much ground gay ger to the mother's health, rape rights activists have gained in or a chance of serious defect to recent years. "They were greeting each the baby, majorities opposed a llowing abortion "for a n y other and saying 'Happy reason" or if the mother sim- Marriage Day,'" said Andrea ply didn't want another child. Lafferty, president of the TraAt the same time, both liber- ditional Values Coalition and als andconservativesagreethat an opponent of same-sex marpopular culture has embraced riage. "The debate's far from the concept of gay rights in the over."

French civil unions, allowed since1999, are at least as popular among heterosexuals asamong gayand lesbian couples. But that law has no provisions for adoption or assisted reproduction. Earlier last week, lawmakers in Uruguayvoted overwhelmingly to legalize gaymarriage, becoming the second country in Latin America to do so. The legislation again drew fierce opposition from the Catholic Church. Norway


Iceland- ,

• Same-sex marriage is legal (with countries named) Partnerships (civil unions) are recognized



Portugal ~*

Netherlands Be7gium 0

. Spain ~ *Full marnage nghtsP~ are not yet'legal in France.




So u t h

Argentina © 2013 MCT

The Netherlands became the first country to legalize gay mar-

riage, in 2001 (years before the landmark court ruling that legalized gay marriage in Massachusetts, the first state to do so in the

U.S.). Notable is this: Among thenext group of countries to say OK were Spain, Portugal, Argentina andSouth Africa. "Why those four countries?" New York Times columnist Frank Bruni asked in 2011. "People who have studied the issue note that ... they have

something interesting and relevant in common:Eachspent a significant period of the late 20th century governed by a dictatorship

or brutally discriminatory government, andeachemerged from that determined to exhibit a modernity and concern for human rights that put the past to rest."

Indeed, on the opposite end of the spectrum are thefew dozen countries that penalize gaymalerelationships (information on punishment for lesbians is not widely available), with10-plus

years of prison time or eventhe death penalty. Thosecountries include a swath of Africa, the Caribbeanand hard-line Mideast nations including Saudi Arabia, Iran and Yemen.

URUGUAY, ACASESTUDY A wave of liberal reforms seems to be sweeping through this small South American country. Its Congress has started to debate

the legalization of marijuana; it passed alaw to give womenthe right to opt for an abortion; and now it hasallowed gaycouples to marry. Unlike strengthening support for gay rights, though, public

opinion on marijuana andabortion appears sharply polarized. ON ABORTION The vast majority of the Western and industrialized world, including most of Europe, the former Soviet states, China and South

Africa, allows abortions without restriction. Most of the global


ficers. "It will reduce what the military calls 'toxic leadership,' Continued from A1 elevating those who are highly Saying that he was "dis- competent but also fair and turbed about the miscon- less brusque and peremptory." duct issues," Dempsey said As for the new training prothat evaluations of top of- grams, Kohn said that while it ficers needed to go beyond may be impossible to prevent the traditional assessment willful infractions, "most ofof professionalperformance ficersneed to be reminded of by superiorofficers alone. the rules and regulations on a He said he had decided the routine basis." changes were necessary "to Dempsey said the demands assess both competence and of combat deployments in the character in a richer way. past decade had prevented of"You can have someone ficers from attending the acawho is i ntensely compe- demic programs that historitent, who is steeped in the cally had been integrated into skills of the profession, but an officer' s career every few doesn't live a life of charac- years, and he pledged to rebalter, and that doesn't do me ance that. any good," he said. It is likely the review will A significant number of lead to a reduction in the overmilitary personnel — inall number of generals and cluding Gen. William Ward, admirals, and the size of peronce the top officer in Af- sonal staffs, communications rica, and David Petraeus, teams and security details. the four-star general turned The review also looked at CIA director — have been whether administrative staff investigated, penalized and members assigned to c omfired in recent months for manders had been used to run poor judgment, financial personal errands for officers malfeasance and s exual and their spouses. improprieties or sexual vioU nder D e mpsey's p l a n , lence. Others were relieved teams of inspectors will obfor inappropriate leader- serve and review the proces hip judgment w h ile i n dures of c o mmanders and command. their staff. The i nspections Dempsey said that regu- will not be punitive but will larly scheduled professional provide a "periodic opportureviews would b e t r ans- nity for general officers and formed from top-down as- flag officers to understand sessments to the kind of whether, from an institutional "360-degree p erformance p erspective, we t h in k t h ey evaluation" often seen in cor- are inside or outside the white porate settings. He acknowl- lines," he said. In addition, new edged that the change had programs will be instituted to already drawn concern from ensure that a c o mmander's some in the military's senior staff, and a spouse, are fully ranks, who warned that it aware of military regulations. risked damagingahierarchiThe list o f s u b ordinates cal command system based asked to assess a senior leader on discipline and adherence would be drawn from those to orders from above. who had direct interaction with Richard Kohn, a profes- the commander. sor emeritus at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, who specializes in military culture, said HIGH DESERT BANK he thought the 360-degree evaluation would have a positive effect on the leadership styles of many ofI II I I L. • •


south — South America and Africa — and the Mideast outlaw abortion almost entirely; a smattering of countries provide leeway to save the life of the mother, but even that isn't guaranteed. Mexico, Brazil, Chile and lreland are notable mentions for how strictly they control abortion or prohibit it outright.







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In the U.S., several states have legalized marijuana for medical use (and, most recently, for limited recreational use). Other Western countries in Europe and South America have liberalized their


• w oe

cannabis laws in recent decades. Possession of small quantities

Qpning Bcwqoet

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is legal or effectively decriminalized in the Netherlands, North Korea, parts of Australia and the U.S. states of Washington and

$zso ~abl o)(sf

Colorado. But no placehasgone all the wayyet. Sources: Bulletin staff research, The Associated Press, BBC, New York Times, International Lesbian, Gay, Trans and lntersex Assoaation, Center for Reproductive Rights, The Economist, Business Insider

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Abortion foesmobilize inthe states By Juliet Eilperin The Washington Post

COmmOngrOund? — Rep.Paul Ryan,the 2012GOPvice presi-

In the past six weeks, five states have adopted some of the most s t ringent restrictions on abortion in the nation. On Friday, Virginia j oined Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas and North D akota on t h at list, when the state's Board of Health voted to require abortion clinics to meet strict, hospital-style building codes that operators say could put many of them out of business. This flurry of activity on the state level has provided abortion opponents with fresh energy and optimism while their foes vow to challenge the laws in court. Even as Americans have moved left on some social issues, conservatives have gained significant ground in the states when it comes to abortion. "The grass-roots momentum is really playing out electorally," said Susan B. Anthony List spokeswoman Mallory Quigley, whose organization works to elect politicians opposed to abortion. The trend marks a contrast with last fall, when GOP Senate candidates Todd Akin, of Missouri, and Richard Mourdock, of Indiana, made controversial remarks about p r egnancies stemming from rape, mobilizing support for Democrats. But in the states, Republicans had another banner election year, making it easier for abortion opponents to enact restrictions. There are 23 states where Republicans now control the governorship and the state legislature, compared with 14 where Democrats hold such an advantage. "The states have become very polarized," said Glen Bol-

dential nominee, said Thursday that anti-abortion activists should try to build a broad coalition with supporters of abortion


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rights. Heotherwise stuck to asolid anti-abortion ic ~ E -

line. "We don't want a country where abortion is slmplyoutlawed. Wewantacountrywhereltlsnt


the Susan B. Anthony List. Ryan said anti-abortion activists should work with people of all beliefs to

evenconsidered,"Ryan,R-W is.,saidinaspeechto plant "flags" in thelaw— "small changesthat raise

questions about abortion." He cited abortion-rights supporters who oppose taxpayer funding of abortions, or parental notification. — The Associated Press

ger, a GOP pollster and partner in Public Opinion Strategies. "They're either th e r eddest of red or the bluest of blue, so whether you're a Republican or a Democrat, you can advance your social agenda." While states adopted a high number of abortion restrictions in both 2011 and 2012, the nature of the laws enacted this year is different, activists say. Arkansas banned abortions starting at 12 weeks. On Tuesday, North Dakota Gov. Jack Dalrymple signed legislation to prohibit abortion as soon as a fetal heartbeat is detected, which can be as early as six weeks, and A l abama Gov. Robert Bentley signed a law requiring doctors providing abortions to have admitting privileges at a local hospital. The K a nsas L e gislature passed ameasure recently that says life begins at fertilization, bars tax breaks for abortion providers and prohibits abortions based on sex selection. J ennifer Dalven, who d i rects the ACLU's Reproductive Freedom Project, said "these laws are much more extreme. To make it increasingly impossible for women to gain access to safe abortion, they've

jumped to their endgame." Abortion opponents, by contrast, said they've experienced a groundswell of support in light of recent controversies over abortion clinic conditions. Philadelphia abortion provider Kermit Gosnell is now on trial, charged with k i l l ing seven newborns and one adultfemale patient. Two former nurses who quit working at Planned Parenthood of Delaware said Wednesday the clinic was unsanitary and unsafe. The Virginia r ules could force abortion providers to undertake expensive physical renovations, including widening hallways and doorways and installing new h eating and ventilation systems to meet specific requirements. Still, Sen. Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., said the recent victories could produce a backlash. "As Republicans continue to go down this path, they do it at their peril." But Tom McClusky, senior vice president for government affairs at the Family Research Center, said conservatives have found it much easier to target abortionthan gay mar-

riage. "If you're going to speak out on the marriage issue, the vitriol is a lot bigger," he said.

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Feeling blindsided: Aflare from1859

r m : in

The morning of Sept.1, 1859, the British amateur

2:16 a.m.

July23, 2012 at1:06 a.m. UTC 2:06 a.m.

• 2:26 a.m.

astronomer Richard Car-

2:36 a.m.

rington was sketching a

large group of sunspots

($S' rge

when he sawa blinding white flash engulf them: a solar flare. The magnetic currents that generated the

I ',',+svssI vy

flare also set off a coronal mass ejection. When the particles arrived at Earth fewer than18 hours later, they created an electrical current that overwhelmed telegraph circuits. A telegraph operator

v 'V

2:39 a.m.

3:09 a.m.

3:39 a.m.

in Washington reported that his forehead grazed

a ground wire and"immediately, I received a very severe electric shock," and "an old man who was sitting

facing me,andbutafew feet distant, said that he saw

a spark of fire jump from my forehead to the sounder." Given that there has been no Carrington event since, scientists know such disruptions are rare. But they also know that it was not the only such storm to hit Earth in the planet's 4.5-billion-year history. Carrington-size so-

• I

lar storms "are100 percent guaranteed tooccur again," says JohnKappenman,an electrical engineer. And when it happens, he said, transformers and

other key components of A solar flare in1859 was observed by Richard Carrington,

Picturing solar storms and sunspots

an amateur astronomer. While drawing sunspots, he saw "two patches of intensely bright and white light," marked w and ~ at left. The next day, a geomagnetic storm disrupted telegraph lines

The sun can release sprays of electrons and protons called coronal mass ejections. Above, images show the largest and fastest ejection ever measured, a massive plume moving up to 2,200 miles a second. A large ejection directed at Earth

Sunspots form when the Sun's magnetic field twists and arcs above the surface. Su»pt)t The writhing loops can touch and shortcircuit, triggering

the electrical grid will suffer

The current solar cycle of sunspot activity is predicted to peak this fall. More sunspots tend to cause more solar storms and coronal mass ejections.

severe damage.These big transformers areexpensive, and electric companiesdo not have manyspares lying around. Someplacescould be powerless for months, he said, adding, "Think of

ejections of charged

and caused auroras as far south

(Superstorm) Sandymagni-


fied by a hundredfold."

as the Caribbean. Avo. SUNspoTs


Last solar cycle

could severely damageelectrical grids. Solar


150 Predicted


Dalton Minimum


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1850 1859


Note: Images are taken in extreme ultrawolet hght (top row and Sun insets in second row) and with a coronagraph that masks the solar disk (second row).

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New York Times News Service

Sources: NASA's Stereo mission; NOAA National Geophysical Data Center

', ColumbiaBank • Understanding the danger: More about flares, andhowwe knowwhenthey're coming By Kenneth Chang

the power grid. Most of the grid induce electrical currents in the could be brought back online ground. Those currents surge n 1859 the sun erupted, within a week or so, he said. out of the ground and into the and on Earth wires shot off Others are more pessimistic. electrical transmission lines. "In a sense, we're playing sparks that shocked tele- They worry that a huge and graph operatorsand set their well-aimed eruption from the Russian roulette with the sun," paper on fire. sun would cause not only the said John K appenman, an It was the biggest geomag- lights to go out, but would also electrical engineer who owns netic storm in recorded his- damage transformers and other Storm Analysis Consultants tory. The sun hurled billions of critical components of the grid. and who has been warning of tons of electrons and protons Some places could be without potential catastrophe. whizzing toward Earth, and power for months, Even with a quiwhen those particles slammed and"chronicshortageter-than-average into the planet's magnetic field es for multiple years "In a sense, solar maximum, the they createdspectacular auro- are possible," accord- we're playing sun is stiII shooting ras of red, green and purple in ing to the National off, on average, a Russian the night skies — along with Research C ouncil, few coronal mass roulette with ejections a day, inpowerful currents of electricity the research arm of that flowed out of the ground the National Acad- the sun." cluding one on Friinto the wires, overloading the emy of Sciences. day that made a di— Engineer John rect hit on Earth on circuits. Still, this sunspot If such a storm struck in the cycle has been quiKappenman Sunday, generating 2lst century, much more than eter than most. And picturesque n ightpaper and wires would be at even if the sun untime aurorae as far risk. Some telecommunications leashes a huge burst, as it did south as Colorado but causing satellites high above Earth last July, the odds are that it will no noticeable harm. would be disabled. GPS signals head harmlesslyin some other In the past year, about 20 would be scrambled. And the direction into the solar system. — all minor or modest — have surge of electricity from the Only rarely does a giant solar reached Earth. ground would threaten electri- blast fly directly at Earth. The sun's huge eruption in cal grids, perhaps plunging a Yet just as a hurricane-fueled July 2012 was aimed the wrong continent or two into darkness. surge hitting New York City at way, luckily for Earth, but it did Scientists say it i s i mpos- high tide during a full moon is cross one of NASA's sun-watchsible to predict when the next rare, rare is not impossible. ing craft, known as Stereo. The "There's always the chance data from Stereo will help commonster solar storm will erupt and equally i m portant, of a big storm, and the potential puter modelspredictwhatmight w hether Earth will lie in it s consequences of a big storm happen to the power grid. path. What they do know is has everyone on the edge of In November, the federal that with more sunspots come their seats," said William Mur- agency overseeing the power more storms, and this fall the tagh, program coordinator for gridproposed requiring elecsun is set to reach the crest of its the Space Weather Prediction tric companies to install devices 11-year sunspot cycle. Center, part of the National that would block currents flowSunspotsare regions of tur- Oceanic an d A t m o spheric ing from the ground and to take bulent magnetic fields where Administration. other measures to protect equipsolar flares originate. Their ebb ment. Industry groups have oband flow have been observed A huge power trip jected, arguingthat existingsysfor centuries, but only in the past Solar flares, traveling at the tems would take the grid down fewdecades have solar scientists speed of light, arrive at Earth automatically before transformfigured out that magnetic fields in less than 8.5 minutes and ers would be damaged. within the spots can unleash the can drown out some radio combright bursts of light called solar munications. But it is the coro- NASA's watchful eye NASA's sun-watching spaceflares and the giant eruptions nal mass ejections — in which of charged particles known as billions of tons of electrons and craft keep track of the sunspots, coronal mass ejections. protons are disgorged from the and they can provide some Experts are divided on the sun and accelerate to morethan warning of which regions look earthlyconsequences ofa cata- I million miles per hour — that likely to erupt. clysmic solar eruption, known cause more worry. While the craft can tell how as a Carrington event, for the The particles, which gener- large an eruption is, they canBritish amateur astronomer ally take two or three days to not make one important deterwho documented the 1 859 travel the 93 million miles from mination: which way the magstorm. the sun to Earth, never hit the netic field is pointing within the A continentwide blackout surface; the planet's magnetic swarm of particles. would affect many millions of field pushes them aside. If the field is pointing north, But then they are trapped in Earth's magnetic field can abpeople, "but it's manageable," said John Moura of the North the field. The back-and-forth sorb the shock fairly well. But American Electric Reliability sloshing generates new mag- if the field is facing south, in the Corp., a nonprofit group found- netic fields, mostly over the opposite direction from Earth's ed by utilities to help manage night side, and they, in turn, field, the magnetic fields essenNew York Times News Service


tially snap and reconnectmagnetic "short circuits" that release huge bursts of energy. NASA does have one satellite, the Advanced Composition Explorer, or ACE, that can tell which way the field is pointing. But Ace is just 900,000 miles from Earth, at a spot where the gravitational pull between the sun and Earth cancel. When it makes that crucial measurement, a giant, fast-moving coronal mass ejection could be just 10 minutes away. Utility companies would have to quickly make their final decisionsand perhapsdeliberately cause a continentwide blackout — in order to protect the electrical gridfrom greaterdamage. As scientists learnmore about the sun, they learn that a Carrington-size coronal mass ejection maynotbe a veryrare event — just rare that it hits Earth. As long as we remain lucky.


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orces a eover, ues ionsremai

By Azam Ahmed New York Times News Service

DAMDARA, Afghanistan-

Through the crackle of the hand radio, the Taliban fighter could be heard screaming at his comrades, berating them to strike from their moun-


tain hide-outs and kill the infidel forces gathered

. -



nearby. e '



Aburly Afghan Border Police commander, eavesdropping onthe enemy's open-channel communication, chuckled and decided to stir things up. "If you are a man, you don't need to yell," the commander spoke into his radio, as a circle of Afghan army soldiers

is picturesque, but treacherous, with high ridges arrayed in a horseshoe around the vil-

giggled. "Why don'tyou come

bushes. Cut into the hills that lead up to the mountains are terraced fields, dry and brittle with small green shoots peeking through the rocky soil. Stones cover the base of the valley like the bed of a river. More than 350 Afghan security force members gathered around the perimeter, some given the task of searching the

out, you thief, and fight us face to face'? What cave are you hiding in?" Startled, the insurgent on the other end blurted: "I'm strong with the love of God! I'm going to heaven." "Donkeys don't go to heaven, usually," the commander replied, stroking his hennadyed beard, eliciting another round of laughs. As Afghans begin taking the lead from U.S. forces this year, each mission the new Afghan National Army takes on will be a step toward answering critical questions about the country's fate. Can A f ghan forces effectively fight the Taliban after the Americans are gone? And can they gain the support of local leaders and populations who are so critical to that fight?

lage, perfect for shielding am-

village for fighters and weapons, other assigned to the ridges to confront any ambushes at eye level. They did not have to wait long. The forces in the heights came under fire almost immediately from an opposing ridgeline northwest of the village — the one vantage point the army did not control. Dozens of fighters were firing. Soldiers responded with vehicle-mounted guns. A team shot artillery onto the insurgent mountainside with mixed

Photos by Bryan Denton / New York Times News Service

An Afghan National Army engIneer searches for improvised explosive devices In February along the single dIrt road leading Into the Ganjgal Valley In Kunar ProvInce, Afghanistan. Below, an Afghan Border Police Humvee gunner fires a mounted machine gun Into insurgent positions In the hills In support of troops carrying out search operations, near Damdara, Afghanistan. w

We are fram the same country, the

have happened in th e f i r st place. The army battalion commander had squashed earlier plans for a special unit to take the ridge that later became the Taliban stronghold. Communication proved to be an obstacle, too. The patchwork of Afghan forces, including border, national and local police, were using different radios, inhibiting communication.To compensate, everyone used cellphones. By 1:30 p.m., the search of the village concluded, turning up a handful of .50-caliber shells plucked from the floor of an old man's home. Soldiers began to trail down from the village. As planned, those along the ridgeline began to collapse their positions and make their way d own the mountain, covering one another's exits. After hours of sporadic fighting, all were alive and accounted for, officers said. Then, a stutter of gunfire erupted as the Taliban exploited their vulnerability. Soon after the soldiers aban-

doned high ground, insurgents slipped into the vacated positions and began firing down at a pocket of soldiers, now pinned by two lines of fire. A dozen men piled into four Humvees and raced down the rugged dirt path to the base of the mountain, hoping to ease the enemy assault long enough to break the soldiers free. The frequency of the gunfire intensified, echoing across the valley in tidy snaps. Twenty minutes later, the

same region, we speak the same

language and share the same faith.

Do you see any foreigners here? It's just us." — Mohammad HanIf Khairkhwa, district governor

speaking Afghan to Afghan

return fire they will have a long period of time to line up another shot." The challenges were highCapt. Wahidullah Atifi, a lighted recently by a sprawling accuracy, sending up plumes company commander, said and drawn-out battle between of smoke into the clear sky. constant fighting had sharpAfghan forces and a Taliban The rhythm of a long-range speak the same language and ened his men, while armored stronghold, an indication that battle took hold, the shots less share the same faith," he said. vehicles and extra training had "Do you see any foreigners bolstered their confidence. the fighting season had begun frequentas each side squinted "The only bad habit my unit again in earnest. The battle to find enemies on ridges about here? It's just us." ended only after nearby U.S. a half-mile apart. P romising t h a t A fg h a n has is that they respond to a forces called in an airstrike It was during this impasse forces would be visiting the single shot with a volley of bulon the Taliban commander's that the war of words erupted valley again, the governor left lets," he said. home, killing him and a num- into the Taliban's radio pat- them with a warning: "Tell the Amid the clamor of gunber of civilians, including at ter. As Afghan soldiers drew insurgents, 'Don't shoot from least 10 children. around to listen, the conversa- my house.' Tell them, 'Don't tion between the two enemies lay mines near my house.' If A shift in the war grew even more insulting and you do not, then next time, you A recent week with a well- acrimonious. cannot complain about what regarded Afghan army unit The insurgent called the happens." in Kunar p r ovince showed c ommander "a slave of t he The villagers trekked back marked differences from the infidels." to the village, a series of mud "You didn't even have pants homes seemingly carved into U.S. way of war. While the unit generally acquitted itself well on when I was a good Muslim the earth. in combat, logistical and politi- and mujahid," the commander An old man with deep blue cal challenges were evident. replied."You are a slave ofthe eyes and a wispy white beard The operation in Kunar was Punjabis," he added, referenc- b egan muttering under h i s characterized by Afghan and ing Pakistani support for the breath as he hobbled off. "If the U.S. military commanders as Taliban. "Where did you get government peoplebother us, one of the biggest of its kind your ammunition, you don- they will be held accountable in the area: a search-and-clear key? Do you have a bullet fac- by God," he said. mission centered on the village tory up there'?" Overhearing thecomment, of Damdara in Ganjgal Valley, one intelligence official shouta notorious Taliban stronghold Winning support ed back: "You think we are where an insurgent ambush As the day wore on, a line of bothering you? Who do you killed nine Afghans and four villagers snaked through the think is shooting at us every of their U.S. Marine advisers in valley toward a meeting with day? If you shoot one of us, 2009. This time, no Americans assembled Afghan g overn- God will send you to hell." would be in sight at any stage. ment officials. A need for equipment Instead,the Second Brigade The district governor, Moof the Afghan 201st Corps, hammad Hanif K h airkhwa, Farther down the valley, a considered one of the army's apologized for bothering them row of Humvees near the front best units, was leading the and asked whether the Afghan of the fight belted streams of charge. Army c o mmanders forceshad mistreated anyone. bullets into th e enemy-held coordinated with multiple po- The villagers, resting on their mountainside. A Taliban sniplice and intelligence agencies, h aunches and w r apped i n er hiding in the dense forest as well as Afghan civilian of- earth-tone shawls, said they above fired single shots back at ficials, spending nearly a week had not. the troops on the valley's floor. conducting re c onnaissance The government had tried The village remained dormant. " They shoot a t u s li k e and drawing up elaborate ter- before to draw support away rain models to prepare for the from the Taliban here, with thieves, so we have to shoot mission. only modest success. Now, in back with f orce," said Sgt. The terrain would play a ma- making his case, Khairkhwa Hedyatullah Tanha, 22, a plajor role this day. Ganjgal Valley drew o n t h ei r s i m ilarities, toon commander. "If we don't while turning the absence of American forces into a new chance for cooperation. "We are f rom t h e s ame country, the same region, we

shots, Atifi's cellphone rang. A senior commander urged him to keep his men from shooting so much. Atifi shrugged and t h en sounded a note growing more

common among Afghan commanders as they ponder future battles without U.S. air support: "If we had an attack helicopter," he said, "the fight would be over." In reality, if things had gone smoothly, the fight may never

convoy reappeared, bringing with it the trapped soldiers, all alive. Taliban bullets whizzed through nearby fields, kicking up small clouds of dust. As the men began loading into their vehicles to leave, the dormant v i llage awakened. Muzzle flashes began to light up the dark mud w i ndows, winging shots at the departing convoy until it was clear of the valleyand on the road back to base.

Pi r 7



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Soldiers from the Second BrIgade of the Afghan 201st Corps, considered one of the army's best units, withdraw In February from distant and inaccurate fire from insurgents after sweeping a local village, In Damdara, Afghanistan. As Afghan security forces take the lead wherever possible, questions remain about whether they can effectively fIght the TalIban and whether they can gaIn the support of local leaders and populations.


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rones e c ea er,an civiianswan inoni By Edward M.Eveld and Lee HillKavanaugh The Kansas City Star



Tiger One sits on the ground like a hubcap-sized, four-legged spider. Or maybe a Lego-colored prop for a sci-fi movie. In minutes, journalism students will try to pilot this thing they call a J-bot, but the world knows it as a drone. They're not computer engineers or information technology experts. They're future story-tellers learning how a cheap technology can enhance their reporting with a bird's-eye view


of a story. J. ~>.

T he national media h a s zoomed in on the University of Missouri journalism drone class in recent weeks. Is this yet another dimension of the coming of t h e d r ones, the future tool of the celebritychasing paparazzi? For now, the Federal Aviation Administration is holding them back, along with hundreds of other business applications, creating frustration over lost opportunities. In five years, experts predict, more than 10,000 drones will be working overhead for American businesses. Some say the number might soar as high as 30,000. That's a lot of cameras staring down, some with infrared imaging, swiveling to see ever more. Every day, advancements are made in the technology. As th e m a chines b ecome m ore w e ather-proof, w i t h longer battery l i fe, l i ghter, smaller, even bug-sized, the list of possible uses — and concerns — grows.

Strict regulations Drones for "commercial" use are strictly banned, and the FAA has a certification process for applications beyond hobbyist uses. Several h undred c e r tificates h a v e been issued, mostly to government entities and to commercial operators and u niversities for " experimental"

purposes. "Europe and Asia are flying rings around us," said Patrick Egan, a d irector at the Remote Controlled Aerial Photography A ss o ciation. Already, he said, Japan has issued 14,000 drone permits — mostly used for farming. Last month in London, 30 quad-copters flew in formation above the darkened London Bridge. Their mission? C reate a glittering logo i n the night skies promoting the next Star Trek movie. T his could no t b e d o n e over Hollywood or New York Harbor. The FAA is under orders to open U.S. skies to commercial drones by late 2015, and it's in the process of writing the rules. But two years is an u nprofitable eternity for a n industry already exploding in other countries. A recent report by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International predicts an economic impact of $13.6 billion in th e f i r st three years of the integration of drones into our airspace. N o w o n der m o r e ro g u e drones are appearing week after week. "Some people are taking their chances and doing it anyway," said E gan. "The FAA's enforcement is inconsistent, but people are finding the loopholes in the rules." Jump on YouTube to see all the dizzying angles, the sweeping visuals that hobbyists are filming with drones. Drones circle the Statue of Liberty and dart under the Golden Gate Bridge. The FAA recently grounded a Minnesota business, Fly Boys Aerial Cinematography, a fter someone alerted t h e

agency. On March 25,some people say the first photo taken by a drone and published in a newspaper (at least in Mi ss ouri) appeared in t h e S t . L ouis P o st-Dispatch. T h e photographer, Chris Lee, an unmanned aerial vehicle hobbyist, used his own machine and his personal camera on his day off to take a panoramic shot of a sledding hill. But a few years back, the News Corp.'s iPad newspaper

lic cameras are watching us all the time anyway, but Stepanovich says even a string of building and street-level cameras have an "ending place." "And drones can do it in a way that's quiet, unseen, unnoticed by t h e i n d ividual," she said. Although there are statutes and case law that cover privacy matters, it would be best for all if the laws were written specifically to t hi s technol-

ogy, she said. "You could promote the technology while still making sure people's rights are protected," she said.









New tech, new jobs

With guidance from a professor, a University of Missouri student steers a quad-copter during practice flights. aerial vehicles "are a platform to gather data. We need this technology now. Our government has gotten in the way." Blair writes a blog called the Unmanned Farmer, and he sees drones as the next evolution of precision agriculture, which uses technology to gather a cascade of information t h a t r e d u ces costs, increases productivity and reduces environmental impacts. Farmers only get a look at a small proportion of their fields by observing on foot or driving around them. Drones can provide aerial surveillance of crops at a fraction of

the cost of piloted planes. "We'll be able to see gradual changes incrops, insects, disease, weeds, overall plant health," he said. Just t w e aking f e r t i lizer rates based on i nformation from drones can easilysave 20 to 25 percent in nutrient costs, Blair said. Multiplied over several thousand acres of farmland, that's tens of thousands of dollars in savings. To him, drones are on a par with Eli Whitney's cotton gin and John Deere's plow. "There are few points in history when someone in an industry can see a long-lasting change like this."

The unmanned aerial systems industry has a different message: Privacy issues are overblown, and drones can deliver jobs. The report by the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International projects more than $82 billion in economic impact by 2025, with 100,000 new jobs. That Photos by David Eulitt/ KansasCity Star assumes the adoption of "senI I I University of Missouri students guide a quad-copter drone off the sible regulations." ground at Columbia's Hinkson Field. Students also must learn Kansas is among the top federal aviation regulations. 10 states expected to reap the most benefits. (A program at K-State in Salina is competiT >• used what was called "a jour- C asey Guernsey, a fam - ing to be one of the six test li nalistic secret weapon" to re- ily farmer in northwest Mis- sites authorized for drones cord flooding over Alabama, souri, drones are a threat. by the FAA. Three sites in Or"It's very exciting to see egon are competing as well, Missouri and North Dakota. The FAA sent the group a let- how all of these applications including one near Madras.) ter with a warning, according can be used in the business Regions with e stablished to Reuters. of farming, especially in the aerospace industries are prolf you are 55 or berter, sign up for our free slot That was hardly as serious state of Missouri," he said. jected to do well, and 90 pertournament! Sessions are I IQM, l2PM and I PM, as the FBI investigation about "But in terms of government cent of the promising comwith the Championshiptound at 2 PM. a drone that last month came surveillance, that's a whole mercial markets are in preFirst Place: 5200 • Second Place: 5100 within 200 feet of a commer- different ballgame. cision agriculture and public Third Place: S75 • Fourth Place 550 "An individual's privacy is cial jet landing at New York's safety. Fifth through Seventh Places: S25 in Free Play JFK airport. (Or as serious as sacred and needs to be kept Now is the time to promote the case of the Massachusetts sacred. Wecan't do too much unmanned systems, not hamContact Bonus Club for complete details and registration. man who plotted to load C-4 to protect that." p er them, especially in t h e explosives on three remoteH e proposed a b i l l , t h e face of international compe" Preserving Freedom f r om c ontrolled airplanes for an tition, said Michael Toscano, attack on Washington, D.C. Unwarranted S u r v eillance AUVSI president and CEO. Act," in r e sponse to n ews Although privacy issues get He got 17 years in prison.) Last year, the NFL p etilast year about the Environ- the most attention, the potenLIMa ONE COUPON PER PERSON PER VISIT•COUPON EXPIRES MAY 19, 2013 Pa' . 'Qa tioned the FAA to speed up mental Protection Agency's tial benefits of drones need to regulations for c o mmercial aerial surveillance of cattle be emphasized, he said. "This technology allows us users. The M o tion P i cture farms in Iowa and Nebraska. Call for reservations, location 8 times: 541.783.1529 ext.209 Association of America has However, the EPA said its ob- to extend our eyes and ears b een lobbying the FAA f or servations were made from and hands — and our minds access for years. piloted planes, not drones. as well," said Toscano, who 25 Miles North of Klamath Falls Television viewers already The measure, which passed recited all the ways he's seen 35 Miles South of Crater Lake are watching drone-recorded the state's House by 87-66 a it work. = • video, experts say, such as in week ago, would make it illeR obert B l air, a n Id a h o 34333 Hwy. 97 + Chiloquin,Oregon97624 shows like "Survivor," filmed gal to use drones for surveil- farmer, istired of naysayers J' =541.783.7529 )g888-KLAMOYA in other countries. lance of individuals or prop- who only see a boogeyman erty without consent, except in the technology. Unmanned Tabloid drones? for certain law enforcement Rumors began l at e l a st purposes. The measure also I I year that TMZ, the television restricts the use of drones by tabloid gossip site, was seek- news organizations. ing drones. "While drones Testifying in favor of the are, in fact, awesome," TMZ Guernsey bill was the Ameriresponded, "it just ain't true." can Civil Liberties Union of Mizzou's journalism drone Eastern Missouri, a group the course — where the students Republican typically doesn't No STARTING SIDS AND No HIDDEN RESERVES! practice with s m aller t o ys expect as a supporter. that they call Baby Jayhawks But the ACLU isn't the only b ecause they crash all t h e privacy group unsettled by Oregon and SouthmestWashington time — is not the first. The drones. Amie Stepanovich is University of N ebraska be- the director of the domestic 89 PROPERTIES TO BE SOLD FORBANKS, CORPORATIONS, gan teaching theirs last year. s urveillance project for t h e "You are pioneers," says INVESTMENT FIRMS, AND A PUBLIC AGENCY Electronic Privacy InformaBill Allen, an assistant pro- tion Center, a leader in calling Thirteen Properties with No Minimum to beSold to the High Bidder! fessor ofscience journalism for new privacy protections. at Columbia, where journalDrones, s ai d S t e panovism ethics are d r i lled into ich, "are almost a breeding the ground pilots along with ground for surveillance. Aufederal aviation regulations. tomatic license plate readers, "You don't want to blow it by motion detectors, the list goes flouting the FAA rules." on. And they are cheap to At another point, he said, own and operate." "Years from now, I don't want Seattle police dropped a to hear about a reporter who p lanned drone program i n crossed the line and then find F ebruary following a c o m out that he was one of ours." munity outcry over privacy • Bulk sale of 5+ and 10+ acre "off-the-grid" parcels at Juniper Acres, near Bend and Prineville. $74,500 The SenateJudiciary Comconcerns. Bills i n I n d i ana • Ten recreation, timber and hunting tracts in central Oregon and Klamath Basin, from 5+ to 160+ acres, mittee held drone hearings a and Nebraska would restrict to be sold with No Minimum Bid to the high bidder few weeks ago, and the hot some law enforcement uses • 1.45+ acre commercial site next to St. Charles Medical Center, in Redmond. $99,500 topic was privacy. of drones. • Two bedroom, one bathroom bungalow, neardowntown Eugene.$79,000 More than 30 state legislaWhen technology is cheap, tures are looking at new laws people tend to use it more, • Leased commercial building, in Junction City. $275,000 to regulate unmanned aerial and that's one of the chief • Subdivision lots in Cottage Grove, Florence, Scio and The Dallespri — ces start at $20,000 systems, particularly t h ose reasons additional p r ivacy • 16,455+ s.f. office building by Court House and Historic District, in McMinnville. $595,000 launched b y gov e r nment protections are needed, Steagencies but also by commer- panovich said. B r ookstone cial businesses, the media sells a quad-copter for $300. and individuals. There's also the matter of T o M i ssouri s t at e R e p. degree. Some argue that pub•

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Survey ofretired NFLplayers


Continued from A1 Numerous studies suggest the drugs that help many athletes take the field each Sunday can carry dangerous side effects, leadto lifelongaddictions, expose them to further injury and compromisea delicate system that's ripe for abuse. Court records and i nterv iews reveal that u ntil r e cently some NFL teams either flouted or were ignorant of Drug Enforcement A gency laws governing the dispensing of painkillers. Moreover, The Washington Post s u rveyed more than500 former players about their experiences with drugs in the NFL. One in four said hefeltpressure from team doctors to take medication he was uncomfortable with. The NFL's most r ecently reported rate of o pioid use — 7 percent — was three times higher than that of the general population, but the league's defenders say that the NFL's problem with prescription abuse is hardly unique. According to federal statistics, more than 2 million Americans are addicted to painkillers. Deaths caused by the overdose of prescription drugs exceeded motorvehicle deaths in 2009, according to the Centers forD iseaseControl and Prevention, and are responsible for more deaths than illegal street drugs, such as cocaine, heroin and amphetamines. "The whole issue of pain meds is a big, important issue in our society well outside the NFL," said Jeff Pash, the NFL's executive vice president. "It's something that needs to be addressed on a broad basis, not just in NFL, and it is something our doctors are looking at."

Nearly 9 in 10 retired NFL players surveyed report playing games while hurt, and more than half say they played through pain equally to satisfy coaches and because they wanted to. Roughly 7 in10 players who retired

Continued from A1 Several thousand a cres east of Sisters — in the Lower Bridges and Plainview areas — are also unprotected, but the majority of the unprotected lands lie in the sparsely populated east county. Much of the land there belongs to the Oregon Department of Forestry. Stutler said ranchers,farmers and other residents in the area have water tankers, pumps and radios to fight fires burning on their lands. The ODF has contracted with these residents to help with fire suppression, Stutler said. "Granted, it's wildland and not structure protection," he said. "They can squirt water on a burning house, but that's probably the best they're going to do." C ommissioner Tam m y B aney sai d p e ople w h o choose to build homes in areas without fire protection resources are aware no one will come if their property catches fire. "It's not illegal to build a home that has no fire protection; they just tell you 'good luck,'" she said. "It isn't new that some parts of our county have been unprotected for years." Residents of the unprotectedareas pay no taxes for firesuppression and receive no protection. Although, historically, homeowners have known and accepted this, Stutler said the number of residents who don't want fire protection is dwindling. Additionally, De s chutes County could be found liable if any county employees are injured or killed while providing emergency response. "With no organized wild-

Of key concern:Toradol The league's widespread use of Toradol, in particular, offers a window on the game's reliance on pills and needles. In the Post survey of retired players,50percent of those who retired in the 1990s or later reported usingthe controversial painkiller during their careers; roughly seven out of 10 who left the game in 2000 or later said they used the drug. A 2000 survey of NFL physicians found that 28 of 30 teams used Toradol injections on game days. Another study two years later found an average of 15pregame injections perteam. Playersdescribe pregame lines of as many as two dozen players deep waiting for a shot or a pill. "No doubt about it, I was in that line," Hall of Famer Warren Sapp said. "They're like Tic Tacs. You walked in, you got it and you played the game." Toradol is a n o n steroidal anti-inflammatory drug — not a narcotic — and though it's not addictive, it's available only with a prescription. It's often used to manage post-operative pain, and the drug is considered dangerous enough that

since 2000 say they took the pain drug Toradol, most of them regularly. Q: How often, if at all, did you play in games while you were hurt? Frequently 0




g 32%

I Unsure

~ Never

42 I

0: lf you did, was that mainly because ...? Otherreason

You wanted toplay Coacheswanted youtoplay



I 9% ~


' l l '/ /

Both equally Results may not total to 100 percent due to rounding. "No opinion" option is not shown.

Full results are online atwapo.st/176fsLA

The Washington Post

To read more on drug use and misuse in the NFL, including a report

on the league's medical standards, visitdenddulletin.com/extras some European countries have banned it, while others administer it only in hospitals. Among the potential side effects of overuse are kidney damage and gastrointestinal bleeding. In the case of NFL players it can be particularly problematic because it deadens feeling, inhibiting an athlete's ability to feel pain and sense injury. Physicians say the potential for side effects is heightened by the overuse of Toradol or the "stacking" of multiple drugs. Several players interviewed for this story said they typically used Toradol in combination with other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, or NSAIDs, over the course of a week. Perhapsworstofall,because it is an anticoagulant, many fear it could exacerbate the effects ofconcussions. On that basis, as part of the massive concussion litigation brought by ex-players that the league is fighting in U.S. District Court, 11 former players have filed a lawsuit claiming their team doctors repeatedlytreatedthem with Toradol without properly advising them of the dangers. Despite warnings and mounting concerns, Toradol and a variety of other pain medications were usedregularly lastseason, team physicians say. Andrew Brandt, who spent nearly a decade in the Green Bay Packers' front office, likened it to armor. "It's part of their game-day routine," said Brandt, who now works as an analyst for ESPN. "Just like getting taped."

A'chance to detox' When linebacker Scott Fujita, a 10-year veteran free agent who has played for the Kansas City Chiefs, NewOrleans Saints and Cleveland Browns, was in his prime, he used prescription drugs four to five days a week in order to play. He estimates this put him on the low end of usage among his teammates. On Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, Fujita might rely on Celebrex or another antiinflammatory. If the pain from

a specific injury was really bad, the linebacker might turn

to Vicodin or Percocet. On Sundays, he'd get a Toradol shot before taking the field. Then with fresh aches and pains, he'd spend Mondays on another pill to help recovery. Tuesdays and W ednesdays, though, were always different — "your chance to detox a bit." "We called it DFW," he said. "Drug-Free Wednesday." Fujita says he has suffered dozens of injuries during his career, from cuts requiring stitches to broken fingers to separated shoulders and torn muscles. To manage the constant pain, he has used "everything under the sun." Pain is the inescapable price of an NFL career, and a drug problem can easily become one, too. Retired NFL players misuse opioids at a rate more than four times that of their peers, according to a 2 0 10 study of 644 league veterans by the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis. Even upon retirement, 15 percent of those who misused opioids during their careers continued to misuse, according to the study, even though they were no longer playing. "People spend so much time talking about HGH, steroids, and I think these are the real performance enhancers," Fujita said. NFL doctors say they face a constant challenge in identifying players who legitimately need prescription painkillers, as opposed to those who want pain relief without a d ocumentable injury. In a s p ort with short career spans and few g u aranteed c o ntracts, playing through pain is an understood job requirement. "Part of playing in the NFL is dealing with pain. People get hurt, people take painkillers — that's just part of the game," said Frank Mattiace, a former NFL player who's now an addiction counselor and the executive director of the New Jersey-based New Pathway Counseling Services. "So you're dealing with a double-edged sword. It's such an ingrained part of their mentality."

land or structuralresponse, (the) Sheriff's Office, County Forester and other first responders a r e po t e ntially taking undue risks while engaged in either evacuation, rescue, or, in some cases, actual wildland or structural firefighting without the necessary resources, training or mutual aid," Stutler wrote in his report.

Options Stutler and Keith presented and explained six options the commission could consider to either manage the risk of having unprotected land or solve the problem by providing coverage to the unprotected areas. The commission has the option of taxing residents of those areas, without putting to apublicvote,$250 per year per $100,000 value of their properties, for wildland and structure fire protection. "There are probably political consequences of assessing a tax without a vote," Stutler said. "There is also the option to raise the dollar amount of a tax, but that would require a vote." Baney said mosthomeowners would pay at least double that, as very few homes in those areas are worth less than $200,000. "That's no small amount to most of the people who live out there," she said. "I think we should ask stakeholders first if they're interested in having protection and willing to pay for it." Stutler outlined a few options forcoverage were the county to provide fire protection. He suggested organization and formation of three or more fire districts near Alfalfa, Lower Bridges and Plainview based on public support

in those areas. He also suggested forming a special taxing district of the unprotected lands, saying th e r evenue could be collected from private property owners to provide protection during a fire by existing fire departments. The responding department would then be reimbursed for their services from the cache oftax revenue. "This is a p o tential big deal," he said. "This would move us to a special district that would b e D e schutes County-wide." Stutler said at this point in evaluating the problem, the most viable option is to utilize the "closest forces concept." "When a wildland or structural fire is reported in the unprotected land, an appropriate response will be initiated and the private citizen receiving the service will be billed," he explained. Baney said the chances of a homeowner reimbursing the county after a fire has been suppressed on his or her land is smalL "There's also the risk of creating an expectation within the community," said Erik Kropp, the deputy county administrator. "If we say we'll provide protection to a certain dollar amount, but the needs exceed that cap, we'll be expected to send more resources." Stutler said he plans to discuss further options with emergency responders so a more comprehensive plan can be drawn up. The commission also discussed holdi ng a series of t ow n h a ll meetings for residents of the unprotected areas to h ear what solutions they believe are viable. — Reporter: 541-383-0376, ski ng@bendbulleti n.com







Skyliners to the trailhead. Once paved with asphalt, Phil's Trailhead will have 76 Continued from A1 That project will replace ag- parking spots, an informational ing pipes and other equipment kiosk and a new double vault that bring water to Bend and in- toilet, according to a Forest Serstall a water treatment facility. vice report released last April. The system supplies about half The current gravel design has the city's water supply. The new 72 spots and 52 overflow spaces. pipes would run under Tumalo The new parking lot won't have Falls and Skyliners roads. Fol- any overflow parking. lowinglegal challenges of aperConstruction at Phil's Trailmit last year, the Forest Service head will cost about 8312,000. lastweek released an environ- Widening, repaving and addmental report for the waterline ing a ditch next to the road project. In it, the Forest Service from Skyliners will cost about proposed issuing the city a new $245,000. Tinderholt said the permit for the construction. forest has a $250,000 grant The permit likely won't be from the Federal Highways finalized until July, following Administration to help cover a monthlong window for pub- the costs. lic comment and additional R eaction a m on g m o u n agency review, Rod Bonacker, tain bike riders to the plans special projects coordinator for Phil's Trailhead is mixed, for the Bend-Fort Rock Rang- ranging from riders who woner District, told The Bulletin der what is wrong with the last week. current design to those excited T he city m i ght b egin t o about the coming changes. "I don't know if it is necesinstall t h e p i p eline u n der Skyliners Road later this year, sary," said Tracy Jones, 40, of although the work schedule is Bend. not set at this point. The city's Jones said she drives to and goal is to install a section of rides from Phil's Trailhead two new pipeline under Skyliners to three times a week. She said Road by 2014, when Deschutes she doesn't mind her van getCounty plans to rebuild the ting dusty at the current lot. road in time to qualify for fedDavid Baker, 45, of Bend, eral funding. The city and For- also said he rides at Phil's about est Servicehave said replac- three times a week between ing the waterlines would take A pril and October.A racer for about eight months. the Sunnyside Sports mountain The Forest Service aims bike team, Baker said improveto have construction at Phil's ments to the trailhead could Trailhead occur at the same make it more of a draw for time as the county road project tourism. He said mountain bike so the two agencies could pos- riders from outside Central Orsiblyuse some ofthe same road egon hear about Phil's, come crews and equipment. Along here to ride and are then left with laying asphalt at Phil's unimpressed by the trailhead. "I think we are having a hard Trailhead, the agency plans to widen and repave a half-mile time living up to the hype," he stretch of the road leading from sa>d.

Regular trail riders at Phil's like Jones and Baker will have to start from a different trailhead next year if the construction at the trailhead occurs then. The trailhead would be closed during the construction for public safety, Tinderholt said. She didn't know exactly how long the closure would last. "It is not something where we would have the trail closed all summer," Tinderholt said. She said there isn't another trailhead nearby that could handle the typical turnout at Phil's Trailhead, so during the closure the agency will "encourage folks to explore other parts of the forest." — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarlingC<bendbulletin.com

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of canines will delight you with tricks, skits and dancing. M u l tiple breeds represented.

Justplain fun. Sandy Schneider and her band

Seating is limited. Please RS VP

2g2o 3V.S. Conners A.ve Send, Oregon 97 7 os

Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B4

Weather, B6



Police aim to




Central on the air

— Lily Raff McCaulou is a columnist for The Bulletin. 541-617-7836, lraff@bendbulletin.com


keep cyclists sae

Oregon hen KPOV first hit the airwaves in 2005, the radio station had ambitions way beyond its 2-watt signal. Since then, the nonprofit, commercial-free station has shed its "low-power" status and extended its range all over Central Oregon. Earlier this year, it added a third paid staff member, its first-ever director of development. Next month, another long-held goal will come to fruition, this time in the form of a new daily show called "The Point." Appropriately, that was the station's early nickname. Beginning May I, it's the name of a morning community affairs show, airing Monday through Friday, from 9 to 9:30. All of the show's content will be produced locally. "It's going to be a place where you can find news and information on local issues, arts and entertainment, politics, the environment, and a host of other topics," said Michael Funke, a longtime KPOV volunteer who will be one of the show's many co-hosts. Funke worked for decades as editor of union publications. He got his start in journalism when, as a teenager, he was hired by The Advance-Star in Burlingame, Calif., to cover local high school football games. "I was getting paid something like 5 cents a column inch," Funke said with alaugh. In his new gig as co-host of "The Point," he'll earn even less money. "Because we're all volunteers, we couldn't find one person to do this five days a week," Funke said. Instead, he helped convene a rotating cast of hosts and regular contributors to produce the radio equivalent of a variety show. In addition to news and weather, a group of master gardeners willoff er weekly tips. A local fly-fishing guide will present the fishing outlook. 0thers will weigh in on sporting events and the live music scene. Some will perform sketch comedy. This crowd-sourced approach to filling a half-hour show is indicative of KPOV's roots. In 2000, the FederalCommunications Commission created low-power FM stations in response to complaints of over-consolidated ownership of commercial radio. Eight groups in Bend applied for permits, then consolidated their applications into one community radio station. The FCC issued a permit in 2004 and KPOV went live in June 2005, transmitting from a tower on Awbrey Butte. Pearl Stark, the station manager, said legal restrictions meant that other, full-power stations were allowed to interfere with KPOV's broadcast. And the signal, capped at 2 watts, couldn't penetrate well-insulated walls. "Some people could hear it in their car, but not in their house," she said. So the station raised funds for an upgrade. In the summer of 2011, KPOV moved down the dial, from 106.7 to 88.9, and began transmitting from a tower on Pine Mountain, southeast of Bend. The station had originally hoped to ramp up to 4,500 watts. But Stark said land use issues have kept the signal to 1,000 watts. Because of the region's topography and the sheer number of stations in Bend, the switch actually damaged reception in some parts of the city. "We are looking at a technical solution that will improve reception in Bend itself and won't affect current reception, which is coming in really well in Redmond, Sisters, Terrebonne and Prineville," Stark said. For now, the station can be streamed live at www.kpov.org. Listeners can help fund the fix by giving to a pledge drive that kicks off Thursday. Eventually, Funke hopes to recruit enough volunteers to expand "The Point" into an hour-long show. KPOV will use the show's May 1 launch to raise the station's profile, with a billboard on Third Street, and a window display at Ranch Records, downtown. "It'll be a challenge for us," Funke said of pulling off an all-volunteer daily show. "But we really think that Central Oregon needs a daily show like this."



House of Representatives voted overwhelm-

inglyWe dnesdaytoease restrictions on small hydropower generating operations that are housed within Bureau of Reclamation facilities. The bill grants waiv-

ers from environmental considerations when

projects generating 5 megawatts or less are

By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

placed within pipelines

With summer a couple of months away, the Bend Police Department is preparing for an increase in bicycle traffic with an

or canals belonging to the Bureau of Reclamation, and requires the

federal agency to give local irrigation districts

upcoming refresher on Or-



lj';!~u '

' i rjirije .jtg

;~ ',ij i/j'y"'

Joe Kline /The Bulletin

Anna Peterson, 14, clockwise, from bottom left, Martine Blank, 14, Kaila Ablao, 15, and Elise Furgurson, 15, create a forest scene with chalk during a street chalk art competition on Saturday during the Bend Spring Festival in the Northwest Crossing neighborhood.

e m ora e a u a cest eas a t By Scott Hammers

Academy of Central Oregon took a meticulous approach to their forest scene, The window for street chalk art in working from a black-and-white sketch Central Oregon is perilously small, Anna Peterson had drawn during sciaccording to Karen Eland, defending ence class. chalk art champion at the Bend Spring Using a borrowed chalkboard eraser Festival. to work green chalk in to the crevices of There's winter, which doesn't work the asphalt, eighth-grader Kaila Ablao for obvious reasons. Then there's sum- said even though the spark of their idea mer, when baking asphalt doesn't re- had come from Anna's doodling during ally allow for crawling around on all class,everyone at school was supportfours for hours at a time. Which leaves ive of their entering the contest. "Our art teacher lent us all of these spring, when at any minute, as Eland notes, a quick rainstorm can wash it all supplies,she's super awesome" Kaila away. said. Climate-related d i fficulties a side, With his k neepads, work gloves, Eland has found chalk art a worthy and soiled baseball cap, Dan Nunes complement to her novel but slightly looked as though he should be installdrab full-time art career, painting with ing a tile floor instead of sketching beer and coffee. out a panorama of the Cascades with "It's like water color, and of course colorful sticks of chalk. A retired fireits all brown and sepia tones," she said. fighter turned photographer and vi"So it's fun to come out here and use all sual artist, chalk is a newer medium these big bright colors." for Nunes, and is proving to be a touch Provided the weather cooperates, frustrating. "For me, I'm learning patience today. dozens of completed chalk art c r e... I've always been a speed artist," he ations will be on display today on the final day of the festival in Northwest said. Crossing. — Reporter: 541-383-0387, Four classmates fro m C a scades shammers@bendbulletin.com The Bulletin

egon bike laws for officers. The department is nearly two years into a bicycle diversion program, which is aimed at reducing the number of crashes and educating bicyclists and the rest of the community on rules of the road. Lt. Chris Carney said the May information sessions led by Brian Potwin, a nationally certified bicycle instructor, are part of

and water associations the right of first refusal

a two-pronged approach

Walden (R)...................Y Bonamici (D)...,...,......,.Y Blumenauer(D)........... Y OeFazio (D)...................Y Schrader (0) ................Y

to lease the powergenerated. The measure passed by a416-7 vote, with 228 Republicans and 188 Democrats voting for it. All seven

no votes were cast by Democrats.

U.S. HOUSEVOTE • Ease hydropower restrictions

to lowering the number of bicycle crashes in Bend. "I want our bike crashes to go down" Carney said "That ties into enforcement, and the education Brian does." Carney said a recent decline in bicycle crashes is a sign that the diversion program is increasing bike safety in Bend. Potwin said people who received citations for violating traffic rules on their bicycles have helped spread information to their friends about the importance of obeying the law. The bike diversion classes, which Potwin also teaches, provide bicyclists who violate traffic laws an opportunity to avoid fines and have their citations dismissed. Bicyclists who received citations for traffic law violations such as riding the wrong way, against traffic, can take a two-hour class for $55, and avoid fines that can be more than$200 for common violations. However, an individual is eligible for this option only once every five years. SeeCyclists/B2

On Wednesday, the Senate confirmed Sally Jewell to be the Secretary of the Interior. Jewell, a native of Washington State and the CEOof

Recreational Equipment Inc., replaces outgoing Intenor Secretary Ken

Salazar. SeeWeek/B2

~ /r


I • Northwest Crossing ~ D r ive from Mt. Washington to

Compass Parkand Fort Clatsop from Ordway to the

business parking lot on the south side of Northwest Crossing

Drive are closed for Spring Fest.

• All roads reopen at 2 a.m. Monday. Ordway Ave. N.W. Crossing Dr.

Bike crashes in Bend 2009:111 2010:117 2011:115 2012:109 Source: Bend Police Department

Andy Zeigert /The Bulletin

Compiled by Don Hoiness from archivedcopies of The Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.

100 YEARS AGO For the week ending April 6, 1913

More room for Bend freight Because of the steady increase in the volume of freight handled at Bend,

YESTERDAY the railroad companies have decided to materially increase the capacity of the local warehouse, operated by the United Warehouse Company. The inside dimensions of the big structure are already 60 by 210 feet. To this will be added a platform 90 by 75 feet, on the north end. Upon this will be stored machinery and

goods not injured by being in the open. The addition will do much to relieve the congestion of the last 60 days, for now the warehouse is literally jammed with freight, both the inside and

the platform being heaped high. During the month, 440,000 pounds of freight has come in, and just now there is more than 150,000 pounds for Burns alone.

Double shift at power plant O rders forthe "juice" are coming so fast to the Bend Water, Light 8t Power Co. that it has begun to rush the work on its new power plant in order to get in position to take care of the demand. In addition to the regular day crew, a night shift has been put on and will be continued until the work is done, says local manager Foley. SeeYesterday/B3



i .

I .



Warehouseexpanding dueto amount of rail freight in 19'l3 Editor's note:Information for the week ending April 13 was mistakenly printed last week. Information for the week ending April 6is below.

l f

Sta cation

RAW $I39



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Email events at least 10 days before publication date to communitylifeibendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at vvvvw.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

bees, relays and scavenger hunts; free; 9:15 a.m., doors open at 8:45 a.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Campus Center,2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7724. BOOK DISCUSSION:Discuss "The Snow Child" by Eowyn Ivey; part of "A Novel Idea .. Read Together"; free; noon; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-536-0515 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/ calendar. BOOK DISCUSSION:Discuss "The Snow Child" by Eowyn Ivey; part of "A Novel Idea .. Read Together"; free; noon; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541617-7080 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. HOMESTEADINGCENTRAL OREGON:Kelly Cannon-Miller of the Des Chutes Historical Museum discusses the reality of early 20th century homesteading; free; 6 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-3121033 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. "CRAZY ABOUT ME": Stage Right WEDNESDAY Productions and Suzan Noyes present a new romantic comedy "WHAT'S BENEATH AMERICA?": play about moving ahead with both A screening of Discovery's feet firmly planted in the past; $18, educational video showing the $15 students and seniors; 7:30 process of nature's impact on the p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. land under our feet; free; 7 p.m.; Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312Ray's Food Place, 900 S.W. 23rd 9626 or www.2ndstreettheater. St., Redmond; 541-382-7197. com. JELLY BREAD:The Reno, BLUE SKYRIDERS: The countryNevada funk and Americana band performs; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old rock act featuring Kenny Loggins, Georgia Middleman and Gary Burr St.Francis School,700 N.W. Bond performs; $30-$60 plus fees; 7:30 St., Bend; 541-382-5174. p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall DIRTY KID DISCOUNT: The folkSt., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. punk act performs, with Days and towertheatre.org. Dazed; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned BENYARO:The folk-rock act Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., performs, with Screen Door Porch; Bend; 541-728-0879 or www. $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 facebook.com/thehornedhand. N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or www.facebook.com/ thehornedhand. THURSDAY "THE ROADUPHILL": A screening CENTRAL OREGON MATH of the 2011 cycling film, with door CONTEST:Watch more than 100 prizes; proceeds benefit the Central high school students compete in Oregon Trail Alliance; $5, cash various competitions such as math only; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St.

Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com.

p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com. CENTRAL OREGON MASTERSINGERS:The choir presents "Voices of Hope" under the direction of Clyde Thompson; $15; 7:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-385-7229 or www.comastersingers.com. COMEDY WITHBILLBORONKAY AND ANDYBENINGO.:The comedians perform; $10 includes a drink; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; The Original Kayo's Dinner House and Lounge, 415 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-323-2520. EASTERN SUNZ:The Portlandbased hip-hop act performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541728-0879 or www.facebook.com/ thehornedhand. JAMESON+ SORDIDSEEDS: The Northwest Montana band performs bumpin' reggae/rock; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend;541-388-8331.



BOOK DISCUSSION:Discuss "The Snow Child" by Eowyn Ivey; part of "A Novel Idea .. Read Together"; free; noon; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. "ALONE IN THE WILDERNESS": A screening of the documentary film about the life of Richard Proenneke in the wilds of Alaska; free; 2 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-3121033 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. TEN FRIENDSSPRING FRIENDRAISER:The ninth annual fundraiser features Nepali food, live music by Brad Tisdel and a silent auction to benefit projects in Nepal; $12 suggested donation; 5:30-8 p.m.; Aspen Hall,18920 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-3859902 or www.tenfriends.org. JEFFERSONCOUNTY COMMUNITY READ:William L. Sullivan, author of "Listening for Coyote" and "Cabin Fever" talks about "Oregon's Greatest Natural Disasters"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Warm Springs Library, 1l44 Warm Springs St.; 541-475-3351 or www.jcld.org. "PIRATES OFPENZANCEJR.": Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the Gilbert & Sullivan classic musical about pirates and young lovers; $15, $10 students and ages younger than18; 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Pinckney Center for the Arts, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beattickets. org. "CRAZY ABOUT ME": Stage Right Productions and Suzan Noyes present a new romantic comedy play about moving ahead with both feet firmly planted in the past; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30

GOAT JAMBOREE:Featuring classes, shopping and a raffle; registration requested; $10, $7 chil dren;8 a.m .-3:30 p.m .; Bluestone Gardens, 12555 State Highway126, Powell Butte; COGA2010©aol.com or www. thecoga.org. DUEL IN THEDESERT:A road and mountain bike sprint duathlon; a portion of proceeds benefits Friends of the Badlands; free for spectators; 9 a.m.; Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-323-0964 or www. bendduel.com. WALK MS:A 5K walk to benefit multiple sclerosis treatment and local programs; registration required; proceeds benefit the National MS Society; donations requested; 10 a.m. walk, 8 a.m. registration; Riverbend Park, Southwest Columbia Street and Southwest Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 503-445-8360 or www. walkorc.nationalmssociety.org. EARTH DAYFAIR ANDPARADE: Includes interactive activities, live music, green businesses and more; thecostumed parade through downtown Bend, featuring costumes connected to the natural world, will kick off festivities; free; 11 a.m.-3 p.m., 10:30 a.m. parade staging; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-385-6908, ext. 15 or www. envirocenter.org. JOHN MUIR EXHIBITION:View images and specimens of the botanical legacy preserved by John Muir; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger;11 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. "PIRATES OFPENZANCEJR.":


from GOP senators.

tion, while 16 Republicans voted with the Democratic majority.

Continued from B1


TODAY SPORTSMAN JAMBOREE COLLECTIBLESHOW: A show of guns, knives, coins and collectibles; food available; $5, $4 with a trade gun, free ages12 and younger with an adult; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; La Pine Event Center, 16405 First St.; 541-536-2223. BEND SPRING FESTIVAL:A celebration of the new season with art, live music and food and drinks; free; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing drives; www. nwxevents.com. OREGON OLDTIME FIDDLERS: Fiddle music and dancing; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. "ALONE INTHE WILDERNESS": A screening of the documentary film about the life of Richard Proenneke in the wilds of Alaska; free; 1:30 p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1033 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. REDMONDCOMMUNITY CONCERT ASSOCIATION PERFORMANCE:Jesse Cook performs rumba-flamenco music; $40; 2 p.m. (SOLD OUT) and 6:30 p.m.;Ridgeview HighSchool,4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave.; 541-350-7222, redmondcca©hotmail.com or www.redmondcca.org. SECOND SUNDAY:Oregon State University Cascades professor Neil Browne explores the life and work of poet John Haines, followed by an open mic; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1033 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. THE SOLOSPEAK SESSIONS: Professional solo performers tell personal stories; $15 plus fees in advance; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 458-206-4895 or www. brownpapertickets.com. "CRAZY ABOUTME": Stage Right Productions and Suzan Noyes present a new romantic comedy play about moving ahead with both feet firmly planted in the past; $18, $15 students and seniors; 3 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com. ROMANCING THEWEST LEGACY TOUR:A documentary-style concert covering 240 years of the American West, from ragtime to rock;headlined by Woodstock legendMelanie Safka;$25-$32 plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-3170700 or www.towertheatre.org. THE KING'S HERALDS:The gospel quartet performs; free; 6 p.m.; Redmond Assembly of God Church, 1865 W. Antler Ave.; 541548-4555.

MONDAY FOLKLORE INOURLIVES: Terry Krueger, a literature instructor at Central Oregon Community

After President Barack Obama nominated her to the post, Jewell cruised through her March 7 confirmation hearing and was

College, explores the significance of folklore; free; 6 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1033 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. THOMAS EDISON:INVENTOR, LECTURERANDPRANKSTER: Edison, portrayed by Broadway actor Patrick Garner, shares secrets to motivate students; recommended for ages 6-12; $12, $8 children 12 and younger, plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org.

tee. The Senate approved her nomination by a vote of 87-11, with all of the no votes coming

Cyclists Continued from B1 P otwin said he w i l l t a l k with every Bend police officer as he holds eight information sessions over two days. "All of this is a long-term investment," Potwin said of the diversion and education efforts. "We're really looking at a 10-year time span to make a behavior change."


TUESDAY "TIPSFOR SEARCHING": Bend Genealogical Society presents a program by Eileen Krueger; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-317-9553 or www.orgenweb. org/deschutes/bend-gs. BOOK DISCUSSION:Discuss "The Snow Child" by Eowyn Ivey; part of "A Novel Idea .. Read Together"; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. MAKING ALIFE ON THE "LAST FRONTIER":A presentation by Bob Boyd about skills and tools used in Alaska; free; 6 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1032 or lizg© deschuteslibrary.org. NO SHORTCUTS TOTHE TOP PRESENTATION:EdViesturs, a mountaineer, talks about "Setting Goals, Managing Risk and Persevering"; $20, $70 for presentation and private reception; 1 p.m., doors open at12:30 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend. PATO BANTON:The reggae singer performs; $15 plus fees, $18 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 p.m.; The Annex, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. randompresents.com.


• Confirm Sally Jewell as Secretary of the Interior

Nlerkley (D) ..................Y Wyden(O)....................Y On Thursday, after Sens.

Joe Manchin, D-W.Va.,and Pat Toomey, R-Pa., announced they had reached anagreement on a

Carney said he thinks "some of it for us is just a reminder to the officers on what is OK, what's not OK because (bicyclists) do have some specific rights which you mayinterpret as, 'Hey, you can't do that.' "Obviously, t hey h ave t o follow the rules of the road as a vehicle," he said, "but then there's other things they can do which you wouldn't think, like take a lane." Bicyclists in

I:: Submitted photo

Miranda Baglien and Jamin Jollo rehearse a scene from Prineville writer Suzan Noyes' play "Crazy About Me," playing at 2nd Street Theater in Bend at 3 p.m. today and through April 27.

bill that would expand background

checks for would-be gun buyers

quickly endorsed by the Energy and Natural Resources Commit-


to include the lnternetand gun shows, the Senate voted to override the threat of a Republican filibuster.

The 68-31 vote doesnot mean that the bill passes, but allows the chamber to proceed to debate on the bill. Two Democrats — Mark Begich of Alaska and Mark Pryor of Arkansas — joined 29 Republi-

cans in opposing the cloture mo-

Oregon can ride in the travel lane with vehicles to avoid a hazard, turn left or when the road is too narrow for a vehicle and bicycle to safely ride next to each other. Other police departments made similar ed ucation efforts, Carney said, citing the Portland Police Bureau's production a few years ago of an informational video for officerson Oregon bicycle law s.

66 S.E. D St., Madras, OR97741 Phone: 541-475-2449 Fax: 541-475-4454 Web: www.co.jefferson.or.us

County CommissIon • Mike Ahern, JohnHatfleld,

Wayne Fording Phone:541-475-2449 Email: commissioner©co.jefferson .Qcus

CITY OF BEND 710 N.W. Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-388-5505

• City ManagerEricKing Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: citymanager©ci.bend.or.us

City Council • Jodie Barram Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: jbarram©ci.bend.or.us • Mark Capell Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: mcapell@ci.bend.or.us • Jim Clinton Phone: 541-388-5505 Email: jclinton@ci.bend.or.us • Victor Chudowsky Phone: 541-749-0085 Email: vchudowsky@ci.bend.or.us. • Doug Knight

Phone:541-388-5505 Email: dknight@ci.bend.or.us • Scott Ramsay Phone:541-388-5505 Email: sramsay@ci.bend.or.us • Sally Russell Phone: 541-480-8141 Email: srussell@ci.bend.or.us

CITY OF REDMOND 716 S.W.EvergreenAve. Redmond, OR97756 Phone: 541-923-7710 Fax: 541-548-0706

City Council • Mayor GeorgeEndicott Phone: 541-948-3219 Email: George.Endicott©ci.redmond

Elevation Capital Strategies 400 SW BluA Drive Suite 101 Bend Main: 541-728-0321 www.elevationcapital.biz

U.S. SENATEVOTE • Allow debate on bill requiring gun sale background checks Merkley (D) ..................Y I/I/J/den (D)....................Y — Andrew C/evenger, The Bulletin

It's important for bicyclists to remember that the law generally treats them as vehicles, so they must obey traffic laws, Carney sa id. H e rec e ntly stopped a bicyclist who rode through a red traffic light, and the man explained he thought bicyclists did not need to stop where there was no o t h er traffic. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrudC<bendbulletirLcom

For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.com/officials. Web: www.ci.bend.or.us


Further debate and a possible passage vote is expected during the upcoming week.



Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the Gilbert & Sullivan classic musical about pirates and young lovers; $15, $10 students and ages younger than 18; 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Pinckney Center for the Arts, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beattickets. org. JEFFERSONCOUNTY COMMUNITY READ:William L. Sullivan, author of "Listening for Coyote" and "Cabin Fever," talks about tales from his books; free; 7 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. E St., Madras; 541-475-3351 or www. jcld.org. "CRAZY ABOUT ME": Stage Right Productions and Suzan Noyes present a new romantic comedy play about moving ahead with both feet firmly planted in the past; $18, $15 students and seniors 7.30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or www.2ndstreettheater. com. CENTRAL OREGON MASTERSINGERS:The choir presents "Voices of Hope" under the direction of Clyde Thompson; $15; 7:30 p.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-385-7229 or www.comastersingers.com. COMEDY WITHBILL BORONKAY AND ANDYBENINGO.: The comedians perform; $10 includes a drink; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; The Original Kayo's Dinner House and Lounge, 415 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-323-2520. CIUDADESNORTHWEST FLAMENCO TOUR: A presentation of traditional flamenco artistry, featuring gypsy flamenco singer Jesus Montoya, guitarist Pedro Cortes and dancer Savannah Fuentes; $17, $9 students, $7 children, plus fees in advance; 8 p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www.bendticket.com. PIGS ON THE WING: The Portland band performs two sets of classic Pink Floyd in a tribute; $10 at the door; 8 pm, doors open at 7 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122. BEATS ANTIQUE:The electroworld-jam band performs, with Medium Troy; $25 plus fees in advance, $35 at the door; 9 p.m.; Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-7882989 or www.bendticket.com.

.or.us • Jay Patrick Phone:541-508-8408 Email: Jay.Patrick©ci.redmond.or.us • Tory Allman Phone: 541-923-7710 • Joe Centanni Phone: 541-923-7710 Joe.gentanni@ci.redmond.or.us • CamdenKing Phonei541-604-5402

Email: Camden.King©ci.redmond .or.us • Ginny McPherson Phone: to bedetermined Email: Ginny.McPherson©ci.redmond .Or.us

• Ed Onimus Phone:541-604-5403 Email: Ed.0nimus@ci.redmond.or.us

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l l am , l p m &


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Wa enseemssa e romc a en e By Jeff Barnard

Walden h e ads The Associated Press the c o mmittee G RANTS PASS — O n e to elect Repubof the nation's most influenlicans t o the tial conservative groups has House. sent Rep. Greg Walden a stiff Walden B ut with n o warning that it is not happy he potential primawants to protect seniors from ry challengers from the right budget cuts to Social Security in view, Walden may not have and Medicare. much to worry about. The Club for Growth this Ray Bonjean, a Republican past week s aid a r e m a rk strategistwho served former Walden made about President GOP House Speaker Dennis Obama's budget plan shows Hastert as c o mmunications he opposeseven modest enti- director, said Walden would tlement reform, and the group be difficult to defeat. "This is no t a m o d erate intends to back a more conservative challenger to Walden in district," said Bonjean. "He's the next primary. elected by high margins. To "I would say Greg Walden take him out would be very has been no fiscal conserva- d ifficult based on t hi s o ne tive in Washington. He voted instance." for the Wall Street bailout. He On W ednesday, W alden voted for cash for clunkers," criticized President Obama's Barney K e ller, s p okesman budget as a "shocking attack for Club for Growth, said this on seniors" for offering slower week. growth in Social SecuritybenIt is too early to say how the efits in exchange for new revthreat will i m pact W alden, enue hikes. who has been rising in the T he interview o n C N N House Republican leadership quickly brought rebukes from under Speaker John Boehner. Democrats, saying he was de-

nouncing the very cuts Republicans were demanding. W alden also drew a r e buke from Boehner, who said Obama's "modest reforms" are "the least we must do to begin to solve the problems of Social Security." The Club for Growth, meanwhile, put Walden on its RINO list — Republicans in Name Only — and said someone serious about controlling spending should run against him. "We are always on the lookout for opportunities to replace someone with an antigrowth voting record with someone who will vote for a pro-growth agenda in Congress," Keller said. The Club for Growth's super Pac spent nearly $10 million on primary challenges last

year, compiling a record of 84 in the House and 4-2 in the Senate, Keller said. One notable victim of a conservative challenge was longtime Indiana Republican Sen. Richard Lugar. The last primary challenge

Walden faced was in 2006, when a f ormer gas station manager living with his parents outside the district lost by nearly 10-1. Walden raises big money and easily turns aside Democratic challenges. Dotty Lynch, professor of political communications at American U n iversity, s a id W alden's r e m ark s ab o u t Obama's proposed budget and responses that followed show "the difficulty the Republican Party is having on this." "On the one hand, they are outspoken in favor of entitlement reform. Yet they know politically it w il l h ur t t h em with seniors and voters who depend on Medicare,Medicaid and Social Security," she said. Walden "had to know by doing this it would be a big story," she said. "In addition, he issued a clarifying statement that reasserted President Obama's plans hurt seniors. It doesn't seem like something he did off the top of his head, but something pretty calculated."

Roberts visit to collegesparks presscontroversy The Associated Press PORTLAND — Don't blame Anthony Ruiz because this week's edition of The Pioneer Log does not have the story of Chief Justice John Roberts' recent visit to the law school at Lewis & Clark College. The student journalist met his deadline, but the article failed to make it into the paper because officials at the small Portland college said it h ad to first be screened by the Supreme Court's press office. The Pioneer Log did not receive that clearance by its Wednesday deadline, so the story was ab-


sent from Friday's edition. Ruiz and his editor strongly protested the decision to let the Supreme Court press office have prior review, since it's unconstitutional for the government to stop publication of a news article. "My gut was telling me it was wrong," Ruiz, a senior, told The Oregonian. "I did some research, and quickly found out that the Supreme Court, very simply, cannot do that." College and Supreme Court officials a c knowledge t h at Ruiz was correct, and say it was all a m i sunderstanding

resentful of the benefactor. But a nation hoping for further faContinued from Bl vors may well assume rather Just now th e new w ater convincingly the semblance of wheels are being i nstalled. friendly interest. With the arrival of the generaU nofficial u t t erance i m tor, now on the road from the plants the thought of inevitaGeneral Electric Company's bility of American participaplant at Schenectady, N.Y., all tion in another world war. "America will have to come the machinery will be on the ground and it is expected by in," we hear from some, while May I everything will be in another phrases differentl y working order. the same idea by assuring us that "America won't be able to Ad: Going Fishing? stay out." Of course you are. Then you W hether America will o r will need tackle — and the best won't be able to avoid mixing place in town to get it is at this again in the quarrels of others store. willdepend on how many beEverything you need is to come imbued with these ideas. be found here, at reasonable America will not have to come prices. It is all the A-I k i nd in unless it is educated to the and with it you can land the belief that it must come in. smallest or the biggest fish Resistance to such ideas is that is unlucky enough to bite. as important as resistance to Nine dollar fly pole to the an- an armed invasion. Right now, gler catching the largest trout whether we realize it or not, a before June 1st with tackle war is being waged — a war bought at my store. for the conquest of minds. If N.P. SMITH — W A L L the attack is not repelled, then STREET surely and bloodily America will accept the invitation to physical war w hen E urope 75 YEARS AGO beckons. For the week ending April 6, 1938 50 YEARS AGO

— not censorship. Kathleen Arberg, the court's director of public information, said the college misinterpreted the press office's directives regarding the visit. "We do coordinate with organizations hosting a justice by reviewing drafts of promotional materials," Arberg said. "But we do not ask to review news

led him to believe it wanted to check for correct titles and other small details in the article. He said he regrets what he did, and is sorry the paper missed its deadline. "The last thing in the world I would ever want to do is censor a student paper or exercise any sort of substantive review over what the students had written," coverage." he said. "I believe firmly in the Law School Dean Robert First Amendment, and I know Klonoff, who sent the story to the Supreme Court does as Supreme Courtpress officials, welL" said the Supreme Court office's The article, which has been review of otherschool-gener- published online, will appear in ated material about the event next Friday's print edition.

the Pacific Northwest. One of the highest honors he received as a writer of science articles was a citation from the Oregon Academy of Science. Oregon's top r e cognition in the field of journalism, the Voorhies award, was received by Brogan in 1954. Recently he was recipient of the Oregon Historical Society's American Heritage Award. Two years ago, Brogan's hometown f r iends h onored him at a surprise dinner, with some 400persons present from all parts of the state.

25 YEARS AGO For the week ending April 6, 1988

Blindnessgrounds golden eagle

It's a brilliant Central Oregon afternoon — not a cloud in the sky, just a few birds circling gracefully above the earth on ever-changing drafts of wind. Below the high-flying birds — at the Sunriver Nature Center — Jay Bowerman, president of the nature center, steps into a cage harboring a large bird and approaches it from the Editorial: The next war For the week ending rear, stroking it gently on its In the event of a general EuApril 6, 1963 neck to warn it of his presence. ropean war — and right now Though it rocks back and Phil Brogan given it is hardly necessary to point forth nervously, the bird makes out, there are the requisites for journalism award no attempt to flee. Bowerman one — the western hemisphere Phil Brogan, associate edi- reaches down tograb itslegs will be c ordially invited to tor of the Bend Bulletin, Friday securelyand after some wing join the party and help make night was given Theta Sigma flapping, the bird relaxes in it a world war. Certain of the Phi's Edith Knight Hill award. Bowerman's arms. old powers would fail to be B rogan, a we l l kn o w n This regal looking bird is a satisfied by maintenance of a Northwest science writer and golden eagle brought to the na"quarantine." Active participa- astronomy expert, was hon- ture center about two months tion of the nations of the new ored at th e a nnual M atrix ago from the John Day area world would be much more to Table banquet at the Sheraton where it had been found in a their liking. Hotel in Portland. coyote trap. The signs that the western He was cited for making Though it appears to be pernations, notably the U nited an "outstanding contribution fectly healthy, the bird probStates, will b e i n v ited, are to Oregon." He was praised ably will never catch a ride plainly to be read. There is, as "major source of Oregon's on rising air drafts again. It's for example, a most pleasing past." blind. "We had had it for about four friendliness now being maniHonors in recognition of his fest toward this country, re- newspaper work and science days before I suspected it had a placing the sneering contempt interestsare not new for Bro- vision problem," said Bowerwhich was America's reward gan, a40-year member of the man. "When it appeared not for pulling chestnuts out of the Bulletin staff. to be able to see, I thought it world war fire. Such friendliOne of his honors was the was in a depressed state. It had ness cannot be explained on Benjamin Franklin award, in gone two or three weeks withthe basis of the debtor-creditor recognition of his work as a out food." relation, for it was that relation weather observer. The p r o blem, h o w ever, that led to the unfriendliness of Brogan is chairman of the was not that the two to threerecentyears. A nation placed Oregon Geographic Names year-old female eagle was deunder obligations, as an indi- B oard and d i rector o f t h e pressed. Bowerman believes vidual in like case becomes American Meteor Society in that the bird suffered some

trauma to the head either while it was caught in the trap or after it was freed. He believes the bird could not have thrashed around enough while in the trap to have hurt itself. "It has a little vision in one eye. It can tell large obstacles. I believe it has roughly 10 percent of its vision in the left eye and none in the right," said Bowerman, who had an ophthalmologist examine the bird. While the bird would not be able to survive in the wild on its own, Bowerman said that in captivity the even-tempered bird could survive indefinitely.

AROUND THE STATE PUlp pOIIUtinn —A Halsey pulp mill and the environmental group Willamette Riverkeeper have settled a dispute over pollution in a

Willamette River mixing zone.TheCorvallis Gazette-Times reports that CascadePacific Pulp pledged adredging project to increase the amount of water flowing through the mixing zone. Willamette

Riverkeeper hadthreatened to sueCascade Pacific Pulp over a coffee-colored, foul-smelling waste plume it claimed violated the

company's discharge permit. CascadePacific is allowed to discharge up to17,000 pounds aday of process wastewater from the pulp mill and the adjoining Georgia-Pacific tissue plant. The liquid waste is

supposed to bedispersed by the river before it leaves adefined mixing zone. But a gravel bar had built up just upstream, reducing the amount of water flowing past the diffuser pipes.

UO adUSe —A Eugenemanhas pleaded not guilty to accusations he molested two international students at the University of Oregon. The Register-Guard reports 35-year-old Christopher Mack is charged

with sexual abuseand public indecency. Heremains in the Lane County Jail, where hehas beensince his February arrest. Mack is accused of accosting the women inseparate incidents last summer. In one case, a UOPolice report said a man approached afemale student and askeddirections.The woman keptwalking.The man then came up behind her, grabbed her chest with one hand and thrust his hips into her back, leaving a bodily fluid on her clothing. Court records indicate DNA evidence led to Mack's identification as a suspect.

AShland Skiing —The Mt. Ashland Ski Area closes its season this weekend, and officials say this winter was busier than last winter. Development director Rick Saul told the Ashland Daily Tidings that the ski area will finish with about 67,000 guest visits. That's roughly 10,000 more than last winter. The key was December. The mountain got109 inches of snow that month, compared with just four inches in December 2011.

ACtiViSt dankrUPtCy —Anti-tax activist Bill Sizemore has filed for bankruptcy. Theformer Republican nominee for governor told The Oregonian hesought Chapter 7 bankruptcy protection this week because he is trying to head off a lawsuit filed against him by unions. In 2002, a Multnomah County jury found that Sizemore had engaged in

a pattern of racketeering by using forged signatures and filing of false financial reports while working to put two anti-union initiatives on the 2000 ballot. The Oregon Education Association and the American

Federation of Teachers filed a new$18 million lawsuit in 2009, accusing Sizemore and aNevadabusinessman of trying to hide and misuse money involved in qualifying four initiatives for the 2008 ballot. — From wire reports

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GOUT & CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE Does this describe you? Consider the following criteria for possible participation in a local clinical research study:

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"We getgolden eaglesregularly, one time we got eight of them in one year," said Bowerman, who has worked with wild animals since he was a

youngster growing up in Eugene. If the bird is easy going enough and adapts to captivity well, Bowerman said that the naturecenter would keep it "for a while." The High Desert Museum, he said, has expressed an interest in the bird becoming part of its Birds of Prey exhibit as well.

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BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Edward L. Morton, of La Pine Mar. 21, 1941 - April 2, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: No services are being held at this time.

Randy Dean Halfacre, of Redmond, OR Feb. 17, 1936 - April 7, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond 541-504-9485 www.autumnfunerals.net Services: No services being held at this time.

Robert Leroy Smith, of Redmond Feb. 17, 1929 - April 2, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) www.autumnfunerals.net Services: A service may be held at a later date.

Donald D. Campbell, MD Oec. 31, 1925 - Feb. 26, 2013 D on C a m p b el l p a s s ed away o n Feb r u ar y 26, 2013, at his home in Sunriver, with his wife and children by his side. He was born i n O m a h a, N E, t o J o h n a n d Ir e n e Campbell on December 31, 1925. H e i s s u r v i ved by his wife of 57 years, Ann; his t h re e c h i l d ren, S c ott C ampbell ( K a t hy) , L e s l i e Campbell Busch (Richard), a nd Bruce C a m pbell; h i s five grandchildren, Megan, Ian, Adrienne and Caitlyn Busch, and K e llen C ampb ell; an d h i s s i s t er , R a mona Campbell Artherton. D on grew u p i n O m a h a , NE, and a f ter g r a duation f rom Om ah a S o ut h H i g h School in 1943, he j o ined the N a v y a n d w as accepted into the V-5 N aval Aviation C a det P r o g r am, w here he w en t o n t o a t tend St. Ambrose College, Davenport, IA , Notr e Dame U n i v ersity, S o u t h bend, IN, and the U n iversity of C o lorado, Boulder, CO. Upon graduation from the University of Colorado w ith a B A d e g ree in p s y chology, he w a s c o m m iss ioned an E n s ig n i n t h e Navy i n 1 9 47. I n A u g u st 1949, a f t e r co mp l e t i ng flight t r a i n i ng , h e w as a warded hi s p i l o t w i n g s and for the next four years u ntil 1 953 h e f l e w a n t i s ubmarine p atrols i n t h e N orth A t l a n ti c b a se d i n Newfoundland a n d I ce land. Prior to resigning his Navy commission in 1 954 to pursue a career in medic ine, he w a s a f l i g h t i n structor i n m ul t i - e ngine aircraft. A f te r g r a d uation from medical school at the U niversity o f N eb r a s k a C ollege of M edi ci n e , Omaha, NE, i n 1 9 60, and completing hi s i n t e rnship and residency at hospitals in t he Seat t l e- Tacoma a rea, he went on t o p r a ctice as an anesthesiologist f or 25 years at G oo d S a m aritan H ospital i n P o r t l and. H e r e t i re d i n 1 9 87 a nd i n 1 9 95, h e a n d h i s wife, moved t o S u n r i v er. D on l o ve d t h e g a m e o f golf. The fun he had play> ng it with hi s f a mily a n d friends w a s h i s g r e a test j oy. O f f t h e l i n k s h e e n j oyed traveling th e c o u n t ry with A n n i n t h ei r m o t orhome, r e a d in g W W I I a nd early A m e r i can h i s tory, c o l l ecting W e s t ern a nd Native A m erican ar t , e xploring hi s l i f e-long i n terest in photography, and o f course, cheering on h i s b eloved N e b r aska C o r n h usker f o o tball t e a m s Go BIG RED! Don's f a m il y e x p r e sses their deepest appreciation t o Dr. R o bert B o one a n d t he n u r ses a n d s t a f f a t Partners In C ar e H o spice f or t h ei r w o n d e rfu l c a r e and support. A memorial service w i l l b e held a t I : 0 0 p . m . o n Saturday, May 25, Z013, at Sunriver Christian Fellowship, 1 8 14 3 C o t t o nw ood R d., S u n r i v er , Or e g o n 9 7707 w i t h a r ec e p t i on following. Contributions in m emory o f D o n , m a y b e made t o S h r i n ers H o spit als f o r Chi l d r en , 2 9 0 0 Rocky Point Drive, Tampa, FL 33607. P lease sig n o u r o n l i n e g uestbook at ww w .n i s wonger-reynolds.com.

Elizabeth R. Hill, of La Pine

Thomas Gary McGillivray

Eugenia 'Jean' Mildred Juhl

Sept. 24, 1938 - Mar. 20, 2013

March 20, 1927- April 10, 2013

Tom was welcomed into this worl d S eptember 24, 1938 in A n acortes, Washi ngton, b y hi s p ar e n t s , Alex and Rosella Wittman M cGillivray, an d h i s f i v e siblings, Betty, Ellen, Dennis (with whom he shared a birthday), D w i g ht , a n d Jerry. In 1950, the f amily Contributions may be made moved to Eureka, Califorto: nia, where he attended St. Heart 'n Home Newberry B ernard's School and E u Hospice, P.O. Box 1888, r eka H ig h S c h ool . T om La Pine, OR 97739; played f o o t b al l f o r t he (541) 536-7399. Loggers a n d gr a d u a t ed in 1957. George Webster Ross, A fter h i g h sch o o l he s erved two years in in t h e Jr., of Toledo, OR U .S. A r my , s t a t i oned i n Dec. 28, 1928 - April 7, 2013 G ermany. A ft e r l e a v i n g Arrangements: the army, Tom spent most Little Rock Funeral Home, of his working years in the 1-501-224-2200 retail tire business, in EuServices: reka, th e S a n F r a n c isco Service will be held on Bay Area, and Central OrSaturday, April 20th at egon. He operated his own 'I:00 p.m. at Trinity t ire s t o re , J u n i pe r T i r e Presbyterian Church, Service, in Redmond, Or4501 Rahling Rd., Little egon for many years. Rock. T om e n j o ye d h u n t i n g , Contributions may be made fishing, the outdoors, and to: his solitary life on his five One's favorite Alzheimer's acre spread, where he welcharity. c omed al l v i s i t o rs, b o t h civil and wild. Roger Neil Knight, of Tom died March 20, 2013 La Pine at Sacred Heart Hospital in Feb. 1, 1961 - Mar. 31, 2013 E ugene, Oregon, a f te r a b rief i l l ness. He i s s u r Arrangements: vived by h i s s i ster, Betty Niswonger-Reynolds is Sweet of Napa, California; honored to serve the brother, J e r r y of Y ub a family. Please visit the City, California; numerous online registry at n ieces an d n e p h ew s i n www.niswonger-reynolds. Minnesota, California, Orcom 541-382-2471. egon, and I d a ho ; s p ecial Services: friends, K y l e a nd Deb A memorial service will be Vanderhoef o f R e d m ond, held at Gibbs Cemetery in O regon; hi s f a i t h fu l d o g , Sherwood, Oregon on R uby; an d M i n e r va , h i s Saturday, May 4, 2013 at cat. Tom was preceded in 2:00 PM and a gathering death by his parents, Alex will follow at the home of a nd R o sella; h i s si s t e r , Bruce Knight, 16475 NE Ellen Sanders; and br othMountain Home Road in e rs, Dennis an d D w i g h t . Newberg, OR. His remains were interred at E a gl e P o i n t N a t i o n al C emetery n e a r M e d f o r d , O regon, April 5, 2013. H e will be missed by his family, neighbors, and all who Dec. 31, 1942- Dec. 26, 2012 knew him. Joan Gaye Bland GentRest in peace, Tom. ner passed on to more life on December 26, 2012, in M esquite, N e v a da . J o a n was born on December 31, 1942 in June 13, 1944- March 28, 2013 Walla July 31, 1919 - April 11, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, OR 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: Private services will be held at a later date.

Joan Gaye Bland Gentner



Washingt on, to R oy a n d Dorothy Guse Bland.


graduJoan Gentner a ted fr om Walla Walla High School in 1961. She married D al e G entner on July 25, 1969 in Coeur D ' A l e ne , I d a h o . In 1972, D a l e an d Joan moved t o B e n d , O r e gon, w here sh e w o r k e d a s a b ookkeeper u n ti l s h e r e t ired in 2 002. Upon r e t ir ing, she and Dale traveled south for the winters. Even though Joan loved to hunt, fish, and travel, her favori te h o bb y w a s w a t c h i n g h er k i d s a n d gr a n d k i d s play athletics, and spending time with her friends. Joan was predeceased by her father, Roy Bland. She is survived by her mother, D orothy; h u s band o f 44 years, Dale; two c h i l dren, Pam Houser and Joe Gentner; four g r a ndsons; and one great-grandson. There will b e a c e l ebrat ion o f J o a n ' s l i f e f r o m 11:00 a.m. — 3:00 p.m. Saturday, April 20th, at th eir home on Burgess Place in Bend. Instead o f f l o w ers, donations may be made to a charity of one's choice in Joan's name.

Ida Bernice Erickson July 9, 1915 — Dec. 25, 2012 A Memorial Service wi ll be held for Bernice Ericks on on F r i d ay , A p r i l 1 9 , 2013 at 2:00 p.m. at Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, 386 N. Fir St reet, Sisters, Oregon. There will be a r eception at the church following t he ser vice. Bernice Bernice passed Errckson cember 25 , 2 0 1 2 i n A n chorage, Alaska. She was a long-time resident of Sist ers u n ti l s h e m o v e d t o A nchorage in 2 005 t o b e closer to her children.

where Carl started his career wit h t h e U . S . F orest Service. W h il e Car l worked for the Forest Service, they l i ved at r a n ger stations i n D et r o i t an d Gardiner, Oregon. In1965, t hey m o ved t o Me d f o r d , O regon. where they l i v ed for 10 years. In 1975, they moved to Bend, Oregon. Jean was always actively involved in he r c h i l dren's and grandchildren's lives. She was a leader for Cu b S couts an d G i r l S c o u t s, and supported n u m erous s porting, 4H , m u s i c a n d other activities. A life-long Lutheran, she volunteered f or c h u r c h an d ot he r c ommunity p r o j ects. S h e loved traveling and seeing new places. She traveled to S witzerland, v i s ited r e l a tives in Sweden, and made several t r i p s w i t h i n t h e U nited States. On e y e a r , s he joined a g r ou p f o r a ferry-bicycle t ou r o f t h e San Juan Islands. Other interests i n cluded c o o k ing, gardening, and handiwork. She will be deeply missed by her husband, Carl, and h er t h r e e c h i l d re n a n d

their spouses: Carla Miller (Ken); C u r t Ju h l ; and Cathy Garland (Ken); her s even grandchildren; f i v e g reat-grandchildren; and sister,Gladys and numero us nieces, nephews a n d c ousins. J ea n w a s p r e ceded in death by her pare nts, four sisters and o n e brother. A visitation is scheduled for Monday, April 15, from 1 0 a.m. to 5 p . m . a t N i s wonger-Reynolds F u n eral Home. A graveside service will be h eld at D e schutes M emorial Gar d e n s on Tuesday, A p r i l 1 6 , a t 2 p .m. A cel e b r a t io n of Jean's life will b e held on Saturday, May 11, 2 p.m., at G r ace F i r s t L u t h e r an Church, 2265 NW Shevlin Park Dr., Bend. C ontributions i n Je a n ' s m emory may b e m a d e t o G race Fi r s t L uth e r a n Church, 2265 NW Shevlin Park Dr., Bend, OR 97701. Niswonger Reynolds Funeral Home handled the arrangements, 541-382-2471 www.niswonger-reynolds. com

In 1967, the family moved to San Clemente, California, w h er e h e c o n t i nued h is career a s a n o p t o m e trist. He l a ter m o ved t o C orvallis, O r egon, w h e r e he also had an optometric practice. H e r et i r e d i n 1 992. He t h e n m o v e d t o Yuma, A r i z ona, a l t hough h e spent hi s s u m mers i n B end w i t h h is si st e r , Virginia Neff. Mr. Cady was a member of the First Baptist Church in Bend and also attended t he F o o t h i ll s Sou t h e r n B aptist Church i n Y u m a , A rizona. At o n e t i m e , h e was a mem b e r o f t h e M asonic Lodge an d S h r i ners. He enj o y e d p l ayi n g tennis, gardening, cooking, g oing t o pot l u c ks , a n d spending t i m e w i t h h i s many friends. H e was a p e rson of w i t a nd i n t e l l igence w h o s e faith was important to him. Mr. Cady is survived by h is children, Cathy L a i r d , S teve Cady ( w i f e , C i n d y Cady), and Greg Cady. His i s als o s u r v i ved b y h i s grandchildren, Jenna Cady Williamson (husband, Aric

W illiamson) , Mel i ss a Cady, and Sean Cady; as well a s t w o g r e a t-grandchildren, Sam u e l and B enjamin W i l l i amson. H e i s als o s u r v i ved b y h i s sister, Patricia Craig; and n umerous ni e c e s and nephews. Mr. Cady w a s p r eceded in death b y h i s p a r e nts, C harles an d V a d a C a d y ; his brother, Hal Cady; and sister, Virginia Neff. A memorial service was held in Yu ma, Ar izona, at Foothills Southern Baptist Church on Sat., Feb. 16. A memorial service w i l l b e hel d a t t h e F o u n d r y Church ( formerly Fir s t Baptist) on Oregon Ave., in d owntown B e nd , o n S a t . April 27, at 2:00 p.m.

Ivan F. Cady Sept. 9, 1923 - Dec. 25, 2012

I van F . C a d y , a g e 8 9 , passed away on Tues., December 25, 2012, in Yuma, A rizona. He wa s b or n o n Sept. 9, 1923, in V a n couv er, W ash i n g t on , to C harles an d V a d a C a d y . He grew up in Bend, Oregon. M r. C a d y was i , ( .' graduated from j! B end S e mor H sgh School m Ivan F. Cady 1941 In 1942, during World War II, h e enlisted i n t h e M e r chant Marine. He later attended Pacific U n i v ersity a nd w a s g r a d u a te d i n 1953, with a d o c t orate in optometry. H e m a r r i e d L o is M . Ferguson, also from Bend, in June of 1945. They had Carol Ann Campbell, 68, t hree c h i l d r en , C a t h r y n of Bend, d i e d T h u r sday, Cady L a i r d , St e v e n J. M arch 28 , Z 0 13 . Car o l Cady, and Greg A. Cady. Ann was b or n i n K a n s as T he f a m il y r e s i ded f o r m any y e a r s i n Cot t a g e City, MO June 13, 1944 to G rove, Oregon, wh ere h e William practiced optometry. and Molly McCluh an, a n d graduated from S an F e r nando

Carol Ann Campbell


J ean Juhl o f B e n d , O r egon passed away on April 10, 2013. Jean was born in E scalon, California, t o J . W alfred an d R ub y V i l e n . After Jean graduated from high s chool i n Escalon, she at ~ended Modesto Junior College a nd t h e n m oved t o Portland, 'Jean' Juhl Oregon to a ttend n u r sing s c hool a t E manuel School o f N u r s ing. She became a Registered Nurse and practiced in a variety of settings. Her career i n c l u ded h o s p ital and school nursing for the M edford S c h oo l D i s t r i ct and Central Oregon Community College. W hil e pu r s u i n g h er n ursing education a t O r egon State University, she met her lifelong love, Carl Juhl. T h e y m ar r i e d on June 30, 1951, and lived in a house with no electricity i n F a l l Cr e e k , O r e g o n ,

Get a taste of Food. Home 8 Garden In

AT HOME TheBulletin

Robert E. Wells Sr.

Scfiool, in Carol Ann Campbell

L os A ng el es, in 1962. She m oved t o p a r ents i n

B end with he r 1993. Carol Ann is survived by her husband o f 1 5 y e ars, A lvin C a mpbell o f B e n d ; h er f a t h er , W i l l i a m M c Cluhan of Bend; her brothers, Michael o f P o r t l and, OR a n d M it c h of Elk Grove, CA; her sister, Pam W hite o f B e n d ; a n d h e r step-daughter, Lois Campbell of Bend. She was preceded i n d e a t h b y h er mother, M o ll y M c C l uhan. Carol Ann h as tw o step-grandchildren , an d was a great-aunt to seven. S he was married to A l v i n on January 30, 1998. C arol A nn enj oy e d w atching c o o k in g s h o w s and plastic canvas stitchi ng, sharing her work wi t h f amily an d f r i e nds . Sh e was a member of the Red Hat Club, and enjoyed lunc heons with th e o t her l a dies.

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Patricia Mccormick, 83: First woman in North America to become a professional bullfighter, in the 1950s she drew thousands of fans and b ecame an international celebrity. Died March 26 in Del Rio, Texas. C armen W einstein, 8 2 : Leader of Egypt's dwindling and aging Jewish community, known for her tireless

January 24, l9I9 - April 4, 20I3 Bob Wells passed away April 4, 20I3, at age 94 after a long full life and a brief illness. h celebration of life will be held on Tuesday, April 30th from 3:30-5:30 pm at Touchmark Village, Bend, OR, in the Touchmark River Lodge, 4th floor Club Room. Bob was born in Portland, Oregon on january 24, I9l9. He graduated from Franklin High School in l937 and went on to work for a public utility. He enrolled at Oregon State in I94I to study electrical engineering, but later transferred to Portland State University to take part in the Civilian Pilot Training Program available at that University.

At the outbreak of WWII Bob joined the Army Air Corps as a Pilot Cadet. He served as a fighter pilot in the South Pacific flying P-39 and P-40 aircraft. In August of I944 he was severely wounded while attacking a Japanese airfield. He successfully returned his plane to an allied airfield, where he passed out from loss of blood on the runway apron. He was awarded the Distinguished Flying Cross and the Purple Heart for this exploit. hfter recovering from hls wounds, he was hired by United hirlines in l945. In I953 he was promoted to Captain and flew a variety of piston and jet powered aircraft. He loved flying and retired from United when he reached the mandatory retirement age of 60 inI 979. In I 947 on a flight to Honolulu he met stewardess, Betty Lou Swartz, the love of his life, who he married in January of I948. They raised three boys Robert Jr., Michael and Thomas. Bob was a loving and supportive father, who arranged his flight schedules around his sons school and extracurricular activities. He served on their Boy Scout troop committee and as a Little League coach.

He also took his civic responsibilities seriously, serving as a Burough Councilman in Upper Saddle River, New Jersey. After moving to Sunriver, Oregon in I985 Bob served on the Design Committee reviewing building plans for that community. Bob's family and friends will remember him as a man who kept a remarkably positive outlook on life regardless of what might come. Originally diagnosed with malignant melanoma ln I982, Bob survived the original outbreak, and several re-occurrences, going through surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation treatments, but never losing hls ability to smile. He loved skiing, which he participated in until he was87, and golf which he played until age 90. He is one of only a very few golfers to have scored three holes-in-one. Bob and Betty moved to Touchmark Village, Bend in 2002, and became community leaders. Bob was a member of the food service committee, and helped to select items for the menu. He also served as a guest chief in the dlning hall, preparing his often requested marinated beef ribs. In the last few years he became a theatrical producer at Touchmark, organizing presentations of "Casey at the Bat", "The Face on the Barroom Floor" and "Music through the hges" all performed bythe residents and staffofTouchmark.

work preserving synagogues

Bob is survived by his wife Betty, threesons and their families: Robert Junior and wife Gay of Warrenton, OR, with children Christie and Ryan and new great-grandson Graham; Michael and wife Marie of San Diego, CA; and Thomas and wife l.ucile of Mount Vernon, WA with sons Jackson and Sean. He is also survived by his brother Richard of Gresham, Ott, and numerous nieces and nephews. Dad, we love you. You gave us the greatest gift: the example of a life well-lived.

and a once-sprawling Jewish cemetery. Died Saturday in Cairo.

ln lieu of flowers the family asks that donations be made in the name of Robert E. Wells to Hospice House, 2075 NE Wyatt Court, Bend, OR9770I Please sign our online guest book at www.niswonger-reynolds.com

— From wire reports




e ica is ensariesac a en e oi' as in on s a e's o mar e I 'k

By Bob Young The Seat tie Times

SEATTLE — In a n ondescript Seattle building, with a strip mall Starbucks across the street, dozens of marijuana plants sway under electric fans in 79.5-degree warmth, their limbering, s t rength-building version of hot yoga. To some this is a garden of Eden, full of healing plants that will be sold in the medical-marijuana dispensary out front. To others in the strange new world of regulated, taxed recreational pot, medical marijuana has become a threat, a rival dealer, an enemy of the state. The state's pot consultant, Mark Kleiman, says competition from medical marijuana could easily undercut the recreational system the state is trying to create, siphoning away millions in potential taxes. The going price for pot in the largely unregulated, untaxed medical system is about $10 per gram, said Kleiman, a UCLA drug policy expert. For the state's new highly taxed system, he said, that is a "very hard number to hit." Unlike the recreational system, the medical market also serves minors. And while the r ecreational s y stem l i m i t s adults to possessing an ounce, the medical system allows patients to have a pound and a half of weed. "I don't think the legal mar-

ket (state officials) are imagining will be able to compete with the medical market if it remains aswide open as it currently is," Kleiman said.

A medical pot tax? Some lawmakers share his concern. Key House Democratssounded the alarm earlier this year with a proposal to slap a 25 percent tax on medical marijuana. Now Senate Republicans and Majority Leader Rodney Tom, D-Mercer Island, are pitching the most sweeping revision of the medical system in the Legislature this year. The bill would impose taxes on medical pot, tighten rules on dispensaries and medical authorizations, and put medical weed under regulatorsat the Liquor Control Board, the agency implementing Initiative 502, which enacts the state's recreational-pot system. In Washington's marijuana policy hothouse, where views are b alkanized, suspicions flourish and egos clash, pot advocates are divided about what — if anything — needs to be done aboutmedical weed. Some support the bill, SB 5887. "We need regulation. I'm tired of the murkiness of the system," said John Davis, a longtime legalization activist and owner of two Seattle dispensaries. Others are adamantly opposed. Doug Hiatt, an activist and criminal-defense attorney, says I-502 all but requires the state to throw medical marijuana patients under the bus. "You've got to keep a war on drugs going in perpetuity to prop up your state system," Hiatt said. Sen. Jeanne Kohl-Welles, D-Seattle, prime champion of medical marijuana in the state Legislature, is undecided. "I have to think it through," said Kohl-Welles, adding that she sees "major issues with the bill." Still others, such as I-502 author Alison Holcomb, say leave medical marijuana alone for now and give the new law a chance. Most medical patients will migrate to the recreational market, Holcomb believes, because of its clear legality, lack of stigma and product quality standards. "The bottom line is no one knows what's going to happen," Davis said, about the state's new system, untested on the planet. "I've been working in drug policy for 20 years and I'm flabbergasted every day because nothing like this has everhappened." The state medical system was approved by v oters in 1998, and nobody knows just how large it is. Of the 18 states allowing medical marijuana, Washington is the only one without a patient registry, and lacks a reliable head count.

'~C '

Matthew Ryan Williams/New YorkTimes News Service r

a :

Jeff Barnes digs for Pacific razor clams last week near Ocean City, Wash. Thousands in the state buy licenses each year.



Clamming for fun, food and tradition


sr-s. '


By Kirk Johnson New York Times News Service


OCEAN CITY, Wash. Some razor clammers take a methodical line, a slow, eyes-down stroll through the outgoing tide, watching for the telltale quarter-size divot that marks a clam's hiding spot, 2 feet or so below the surface. At age 82, John Lavender takes that approach. He walked the beach here Friday just after 7 a.m. with the cool calm of a c l am digger's wisdom, born of 50 years' experience. Then there's Garrett Lavender, 12, his g randson. For Garrett, digging razor clams is all about the fasttwitch m u scles: charge, jump, dig, shout. The extended Lavender f a mily drove six hours from their homes i n so u t h-central Washington to be here. "They're faster than we are," Garrett said, slamming into the sand with his shovel. Moments later he was face down, arm deep into the hole, grasping for his prize before it could escape. Pacificrazor clams are sweet and meaty, a seasonal delicacy that finds its place in high-end restaurants in Seattle and Portland, each two and a half to three hours away. They are also on the dinner plates of any recreational digger willing to buy a license and do some physical work in conditions that are sometimes cold and invariably wet. The season runs from October to May, with dates selected by the state based on clam stocks and when the low tides are right. When the first clammers hit the beach here Friday around 6 a.m., two and a half hours before low tide — the key moment to strike — the temperature was in the mid-30s. Pretty nice, all -


Mike Slegel/Seattle Times

Marijuana plants thrive in a Seattle dispensary where pot is grown and distributed for medical needs. Officials are debating whether to tax and further control medical marijuana. In Seattle, where green-cross insignia are as prominent as CrossFit gyms, city officials estimated last year there were as many as 150 pot businesses. Most guessesput thenumber of statewide medical patients above 100,000. Anthony Martinelli, spokesman for pro-pot Sensible Washington, says it's more likely200,000 to 400,000. Like H o lcomb, K l e iman expects the recreational market to offer one big advantage to consumers: quality standards, including testing for contaminants. "The existing system mostly doesn't tell patients what's in the plant," Kleiman said. "My anticipation is that the board is going to require a level of labeling like food products that tells you what the ingredients are. Could that better serve patients? Yes." Some consumers will pay a premium for that peace of mind, Kleiman said, which could keep lower medical prices from undercuttingthe recreational system. Kleiman also expects that once a recreational system is in place — by December at the earliest — many medical patients will prefer it to exaggerating their illnesses to qualify for medical weed.

person. "The medical system provides incentive to sidestep 502," she said. "The age issues, the tax issues included in 502 make medical a safe haven." Her bill, draftedbypot lobbyist Ezra Eickmeyer, calls for the Liquor Control Board to license all medical dispensaries, processors and producers. Rivers would give the board such authority because it's regulating recreationalweed and there's no sense in duplicating its work at another state agency. She also would require faceto-face visits between patients and primary caregivers, and require patients under 18 to have at least two separate office visits before authorization. Her bill would impose a 20 percent tax on wholesale medical pot. (I-502 mandates a 25 percent tax at three different junctures in the recreational system:production,processing

and retail.)

A patient-driven system

Kohl-Welles has not signed on to Rivers' bill, even though it's modeled, in part, after legislation Kohl-Welles wrote but then-Gov. Chris Gregoire vetoed in 2011. Kohl-Welles is c oncerned about a20 percenttax on what many patients believe is mediRecreational users cine. "More than anything it's with medical access the timing for me," she said. "So much has changed with Key to those who want to clamp down on the medical voter approval of 502. Rather system is a belief that much than react quickly I think it's of the market i s a f i c tion. better to do it in a reasoned, deRep. Chris Hurst, D-Enumliberative way." claw, chairs the 1-502 overOthers are more blunt in sight committee. Hurst says their criticism. the vast majority, perhaps 90 Muraco Kyashna-tocha runs percent, of the state's medical the Green Buddha Patient Copatients actually are r ecre- op in Seattle and said she's the ational users. only dispensary offering testMartinelli says that's a poed, organic weed. She admits litically motivated attack on the medical system is a mess. medical marijuana. Martinelli But Rivers' bill isn't the needed contends that 80 to 90 percent fix, she said. It's not patient-driven, she of patients are legitimate. Not all are gravely ill, he said, but said. It would require, for instill use marijuana medicinally stance, a permanent note on for migraines, achy joints, sore patient records about t heir backs and digestive problems. medical-marijuana use. That's At the least, though, there a problem, she said, for most of seems to be laxity in the medi- her staff, who receive federal cal authorization system. disability payments, because The state Department of marijuana remains strictly ilHealth brought d isciplinary legal under federal law. action against two naturopaths The bill's taxes also are a after they spent a weekend problem for people living on writing authorizations at last d isability p a y ments. S u ch year's Hempfest. changes to the medical system "need to pay attention to the The two were charged with running a medical marijuana most fragile patients among "assembly line," writing autho- us," she said. rizations at the festival without Martinelli s a i d S e n sible following the proper standard Washington objects to the Liof care. The state investigated quor Board oversight above them after a Seattle Times re- all. "We just have a fundamenporter wrote about how he re- tal issue with taking medicine ceived a medical authorization and putting it in the hands of a for back pain after an 11-min- board that's controlled nothing ute consultation absent any but alcohol up to this point," he medicalrecords. sa>d. For those suspicious of SB What would Kleiman, the 5887,its prime sponsor, Sen. state's consultant, do? "I'm going to duck that quesAnn Rivers, R-La Center, Clark County, says the last thing she tion," Kleiman said, stressing wants to do is attack medical his jobis research and advismarijuana. ing the Liquor Board about the When her father was dying likely consequences of differof lung cancer, marijuana was ent policy decisions. the only thing that gave him But he did offer a suggestion comfort, she said, and allowed that might help recreational him to eat. "I saw him tortured pot better compete with mediby the ravages of cancer and cal weed. nothing took care of him like Under I-502, ne w r e t ail cannabis," she said. stores face severe location reBut she also maintains the strictions: They're not allowed medical system needs to be within 1,000 feet of schools, tightened, saying a 14-year-old parks, libraries an d o t h er can now get medical authori- venues frequented by youth. zation via Skype conference Seattle's Capitol Hill w o uld without ever seeing a doctor in probably not be allowed a re-

tail store. But what if the recreational system a l l ow s de l i veries'? Would that g i ve, K l eiman asked, the recreational system a competitive boost? I-502 is silent on deliveries, Holcomb notes, so they are

possible. "Not only would a delivery system address access issues presented by th e 1,000-foot rule, but it might help minimize youth exposure and access by reducing the need for storefronts on heavily trafficked thoroughfares," she wrote in an email while returning from a pot-consulting trip to Uruguay. "Age enforcement would presumably happen just like it would in a store," she added, with an "ID check before handing over the marijuana." While some say Rivers' bill doesn't have much t raction in Olympia, state Rep. Ross Hunter, D-Medina, chair of the House Appropriations Committee, remains c o ncerned about medical marijuana as an untaxed, unregulated system parallel to the recreational market.

"Everyone is going to be go-

ing through this medical loophole," Hunter said, adding he would have a better sense soon if legislators are interested in addressing the issue. To longtime medical pot activist Hiatt, the talk f r om Olympia is evidence that the state eventually will dispatch a new generation of "The Untouchables" to crack down on medical marijuana. He says it's inevitable because of the state's appetite for up to $434 million in projected annual taxes from recreational pot. "Doug (Hiatt) also said we

diggers, Wyman was using a clam gun — essentially a metal tube that, when shoved into the beach, pulls up a column of sand with a clam enclosed, if it has been aimed right. The relationship of humans and razor clams goes back thousands of y ears around here. The Indian tribes that d ominated this part o f t h e coast lived well, and also traded well with inland Indians who knew a good thing when they tasted it. European settlement in the 1800s took clamming to an industrial scale (though with a brief turn back to subsistence during the Great Depression of the 1930s when squatters lived on the beach in d r i ftwood

shacks, clamming to get by.) Starting in the 1960s, however, recreational clamming t ook o ff , w h e n "everyone wanted to be an Eddie Bauer," as Daniel Ayres, a state shellfish biologist put it. Clammers going back to the land, or in this case, the beach, surged in number, according to state figures, hitting a peak of "digger trips" in 1979 as a wave of scruffy outdoorsiness and wide-wale corduroy f i ltered through the Pacific Northwest culture. Thousands of Washingtonians still do it each spring and fall — buying a license and carefully clamming by the rulesand the 15 clams per day limit. But for many it is now more of an epicurean thing, or a nostalgic echo of a life lived closer to nature, or to the counterculture.

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look foruseverySundayinTheBulletin

were going to be locking up hundreds of black and brown youngsters for driving under the influence (of recreational pot) and that hasn't happened," said Seattle City Attorney Pete Holmes, a 502 sponsor. "So far none of thedoom-and-gloom p redictions have c om e t o pass."

in all. Not raining. "I've been out here when it's rain and sleet mixed," said M ary W y man, w h o c a m e down from Whidbey Island, north of Seattle. Like most



your weekly national entertainment, food, lifestyle magazine e••


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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013.


4 • •

Today: Mostly cloudy,

Tonight: Mostly cloudy, chance of snow showers.

chance of CHANNE

rain/snow mix.





28 WEST Mostly cloudy with a chance of showers.

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Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley


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Mostly cloudy with a slight chance of Ontario rain and snow.



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78 /65




Mostly sunny.

Bz Partly cloudy.



chance of rain/snow






47 22

50 26

57 31

64 35

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 623 a.m. Moon phases Sunsettoday...... 7 49 p.m F irst Ful l La s t Sunnsetomorrow 621 am Sunset tomorrow... 7:50 p.m. Moonrise today.... 8:58 a.m. Moonsettoday ........none Apdil18 Apnl25 May2 •



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....5:45 a.m...... 5:41 p.m. Venus......6:38 a.m...... 8:11 p.m. Mars.......6:26 a.m...... 7:50 p.m. Jupiter......845 a.m.....12 00 a.m. Satum......842pm......716am. Uranus.....5:50 a.m...... 6:19 p.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 48/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........84m1947 Monthtodate.......... 0.02" Record low......... 10 in 1968 Average month todate... 0.33" Average high.............. 56 Year to date............ 2.29" Average low .............. 30 Average year to date..... 3.68" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.92 Record 24 hours ...0.50in1937 *Melted liquid equivalent




Yesterday S unday M o nday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing Hi/Lo/Pcp H i / Lo/W H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Astoria ........50/40/0.39....51/39/sh.....52/40/sh Baker City..... 53/33/trace.....46/25/c.....46/27/sn Brookings......52/42/0.01 ....54/40/sh.....53/41/sh Burns..........53/39/0.00....45/23/pc.....46/25/sn Eugene........53/42/0.08....52/37/sh.....53/36/pc Klamath Falls .. 49/38/0 00 ....49/28/c ...42/23/pc Lakeview.......55/39/0.00 ...46/29/sn.....41/24/sn La Pine........46/31/0.00....47/24/sn.....40/22/sn Medford...... 58/44/trace.....55/35/c.....52/33/sh Newport.......50/39/0.20....50/38/sh.....50/38/sh North Bend......48/45/NA....52/40/sh.....51/40/sh Ontario....... 56/48/trace....53/32/pc.....56/37/pc Pendleton......53/37/0.04.....56/32/c.....56/32/sh Portland .......53/39/0.14....52/39/sh.....54/40/sh Prineville.......44/34/0.00....47/29/sn.....46/29/sn Redmond.......48/35/0.00.....49/28/c.....46/24/sn Roseburg....... 54/43/0.02.... 52/37/sh..... 51/34/sh Salem ....... 547407014...51/37/sh ...53/36/pc Sisters.........50/34/0.00....48/27/sn.....42/26/sn The Dages..... 55/39/trace.....57/33/c.....57/33/sh

for solar at noon.

Snow accumulation in inches

4 L OW ME D 0



Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . .no report Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . . 62 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .58-113 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . .103-130 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . . 2 . . . . . . . 108 Mt. Hood Ski Bowl..... . . . . . . . 1 . . . . . .49-58 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . 156




ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires.

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0.0...no report

Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Aspen, Colorado..... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . .45-50 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . .62-1 72 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .61-80 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . .12-83

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires

Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-56 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, NewMexico....... . . . . . 0.0...no report Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 1 .. . . . . . . 50 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to the latest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html www.tripcheck.com or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation, s-sun,pc-partial clouds,cclouds,h-haze, sh-showers,r-rain,t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix,w-wind, f-fog,dr-drizzle, tr-trace



Y eSterday'S extremes

Mostly cloudy,

CENTRAL Mostly cloudy with


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ix + +

W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow


Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......81/57/0 00..89/58/pc. 89/62/pc GrandRapids....39/35/0 I1..57/50/pc. 63/40/sh RapidCity.......39/16/000 ..42/22/pc. 36/23/sn Savannah.......80/51/000... 76/63/t...79/64/t Akron ..........45/38/000..59/48/pc. 74/56/sh GreenBay.......39/31/0.01..40/40/sn...53733/r Reno...........71/47/000..65/36/pc..51/31/rs Seattle..........51/38/000..51/39/sh. 53/40/sh Albany..........51/37/000..51/30/pc. 65/46/pc Greensboro......73/48/0.00..74/54/pc. 65/57/sh Richmond.......74/50/0.00 ..75/52/pc.. 65/57/c SiouxFalls.......34/21/0.00 .. 49/29/sh. 47/29/pc Albuquerque.....75/45/0.00...75/49/s.. 73/48/s Harusburg.......62/40/0.00..62/44/pc.. 70/54/c Rochester, NY....46/41/0.00...50/36/c .. 73/51/c Spokane........49/33/0.00 .. 50/30/rs..50/30/rs Anchorage ......33/15/0 00...34/20/c. 39/21/pc Hartford,CT.....55/37/0 06..58/35/pc. 61/42/pc Sacramento......77/48/0.00 ..72/44/pc.66/44/pc Springfield, MO..70/34/0.00.. 74/54/pc...74/55/t Atlanta .........76/4i/0.00...73/55/t.74/62/pc Helena..........50/35/0.01..38/21/sn. 37/24/snSt. Louis.........62/38/0.00 ..76/57/pc...71/55/t Tampa..........85/70/0.00... 82/70/t...85/69/t Atlantic City.....62/40/0.00..60/42/pc. 56/50/pc Honolulu........81/73/0.00...82/70/i.. 82/70/s Salt Lake City....61/47/000...49/35/c ..51/35/rs Tucson..........86/53/000...85/57/s.. 85/56/s Austin..........78/44/0.00..85/66/pc.89/67/pc Houston ........79/51/0.00..82766/pc.86/69/pc SanAntonio.....78/52/000..86/66/pc.90768/pc Tulsa...........72/46/021 ..78/57/pc...79/58/t Baltimore .......67/40/000 ..66/50/pc. 71/57/pc Huntsville.......73/43/0.00... 70/56/I.77/64/pc SanDiego.......60/58/000...63/5ic .. 61/57/c Washington,DC..70/49/000 ..69/50/pc. 73/58/pc Billings.........50/35/0.11 .. 42/24/rs. 38/23/sn Indianapolis.....52/39/0.00..72/54/pc...72/58/t SanFrancisco....61/49/000...63/47/s. 5I44/pc Wichita.........73/39/000..74/45/pc. 59/45/pc Birmingham.....77/45/0.00... 67/60/t. 80/67/pc Jackson, MS.... 79/44/0.00... 74/63/t. 85/67/pc SanJose........67/48/000.. 68/45/s 64/43/pc Yakima........ 59/36/trace 57/33/c. 56/33/pc Bismarck........43/28/000 ..31/25/sn.. 34/18/c Jacksonvile......82/60/0.00... 76/67/t...82/66/t SantaFe........71/36/0.00... 69/39/s. 68/40/pc Yuma...........94/60/0.00... 90/62/s .. 88/57/s Boise.......... 56/47/trace...51/31/c. 53/33/sh Juneau..........47/25/000 ..48/27/pc. 47/32/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........51/36/0.02..55/39/pc.54/42/pc Kansas City......62/32/0.00...72/44/t. 55/43/pc BudgeportCT....53/38/064..56/38/pc. 62/44/pc Lansing.........40/34/006..55/48/pc. 63/42/sh Amsterdam..,,,,57/41/002 .. 66/53/c 58/43/c Mecca..........99/79/000 102/79/s. 102/81/s Buffalo .........42/37/0.00...51/40/c. 72/52/sh LasVegas.......88/61/0.00...85/60/s.. 79/54/s Athens..........78/59/0.00...76/54/s. 61/52/sh MexicoCity .....82/55/0.00..81/55/pc. 81/50/pc Burlington VT....52/35/0 02..49/34/sh.. 61/45/c Lexington .......62/34/000..74/53/pc. 76/sipc Auckland........70/54/000..70/61/sh...70/64/r Montreal........41/36/051 ..46/37/sh. 55/46/pc Caribou,ME.....40/30/0.05.. 40/26/rs.. 49/33/c Lincoln..........59/23/0.00...61/38/c. 52/36/pc Baghdad........91/73/0.00... 91/70/s .. 96/71/s Moscow........50/25/0.00... 48/35/c. 45/37/pc Charleston,SC ...79/54/0 00..76/62/pc...76/62/t Little Rock.......71/45/0.00..77762/pc. 82/65/pc Bangkok........99/82/0.00..100/81/c .. 91/79/c Nairobi.........77/61/0.74 ..70/61/sh...74/59/t Charlotte........76/42/000..76/54/pc. 69/58/sh LosAngeles.....62/56/trace...65/56/c.. 62/54/c Beiyng..........81/41/000 ..59/38/pc.62/40/pc Nassau.........86/77/000 ..82J73/pc. 78/73/pc Chattanooga.....77/45/000 ..75/54/pc. 77/60/pc Louisvile........63/37/0.00..7556/pc. 78/61/pc Beirut..........68/63/000...71/59/s .. 70/59/s New Delhi.......97/75/000 ..100/76/s.103780/s Cheyenne.......56/28/0.00...44/23/c. 33/21/sn Madison,Wl.....39/33/0.00...57/41/I.. 55735/c Berlin...........57/41/000..63/45/pc. 70748/pc Osaka..........59/37/000..65/53/sh.. 64/57/s Chicago...... 45/34/trace ..68/52/pc...57/42/t Memphis....... 74/46/0 00 77/63/pc83/66/pc Bogota .........68/50/000... 70/48/t...70/51/t Oslo............39/30/011 ..43736/sh.50/34/sh Cincinnati.......60/36/0.00 ..72/51/pc.. 74/59/c Miami..........86/73/0.08 ..81/75/pc...82/74/t Budapest........63/41/015..62/39/pc.. 61/43/s Ottawa.........43/32/016..46/36/pc. 54/52/sh Cleveland.......43/38/003 ..55/47/pc.. 73/51/c Milwaukee......40/34/000 .. 48/44/rs. 52/38/sh BuenosAires.....64/39/000 70/53/pc .. .. 68/47/s Paris............57/45/003 ..75/52/pc. 67/48/sh ColoradoSpnngs.71/31/000..56/31/pc. 54/33/sh Miuneapol/s.....36/28/0.01 .. 41/29/rs. 44/29/pc CaboSanLucas ..77/57/0.00... 81/64/s .. 79/63/s Rio deJaneiro....90/75/0.00... 74/68/t .. 75/68/c Columbia,MO...60/34/000... 76/50/t...60/48/t Nashville........70/41/0 00..77/57/pc. 79/64/pc Cairo...........77/57/0.00... 84/55/s .. 86/56/s Rome...........68/52/0.00... 66/54/s .. 69/56/s Columbia,SC....80/49/000 ..79/59/pc...73/59/t New Orleans.....76/57/000...80/67/t. 83/67/pc Calgary.........36/28/000 ..25/19/sn.. 27/I9/c Santiago........79/45/000... 81/71/s.. 84/70/5 Columbus GA...81/47/000...64/58/t...83/65/t NewYork.......58/41/002..59745/pc. 61/49/pcCancun.........86/79/000..86/75/pc.84/76/pc SaoPaulo.......73/66/000... 68/59/t. 72/58/pc Columbus, OH....54/42/000 ..68/50/pc. 74/59/pc Newark, NJ......60/40/000 ..60741/pc.65/47/pc Dublin..........55/34/0.03..58/45/pc.54/45/sh Sapporo........50/36/0.00..52/30/sh. 44/32/sh Concord,NH.....53/32/002..51/27/sh. 59/36/pc Norfolk VA......70/54/000..77753/pc.. 68/57/c Edinburgh.......55/39/000 ..52/44/pc.47/41/sh Seoul...........64/32/000..45/43/pc. 54/48/pc Corpus Christi....81/62/000 ..79/69/pc. 80/73/pc Oklahoma City...75/47/0.02 ..80/55/pc .. 76/57/s Geneva.........64/43/0.02... 68/45/s. 70/53/pc Shanghai........82/52/0.00 ..67/58/pc.. 71/59/c DallasFtworth...77/53/000..83/64/pc.88/65/pc Omaha.........53/28/000...61/38/c. 53/36/pc Harare..........79/52/000 ..81/50/pc .. 79/48/s Singapore.......91/77/000... 91/81/t. 91/81/sh Dayton .........52/39/000 ..69/51/pc. 72/58/pc Orlando.........89/69/0.00... 84/70/t...85/69/t HongKong......73/64/000..76/69/pc.77773/pc Stockholm.......37/36/000..52/34/pc. 54/43/sh Denver....... 68/27/000 ..56/32/pc.42/27/sh PalmSprings.... 92/61/0.00. 83/60/s .. 75/58/s Istanbul.........72/50/000 ..66/51/pc. 52/50/sh Sydney..........77/61/000 ..81/64/pc. 77/61/sh DesMoines......54/30/000..66/42/sh.. 53/38/c Peoria ..........52/35/000...72/51/c. 61/44/sh lerusalem.......69/51/0.00...74/54/s ..74/55/s Taipei...........68/63/0.00 ..73/68/pc. 77/71/pc Detroit..........43/37/002 ..50/42/pc. 62/48/sh Philadelphia.....62/42/0.00..62/45/pc. 67/51/pc Johannesburg....64/48/000..73/53/pc. 75/55/pc Tel Aviv.........72/57/000... 78/56/s .. 7$56/s Duluth..........36/21/007 ..34/29/sn .. 39/27/c Phoeuix.........91/61/0 00... 92/65/s .. 88/61/s Lima...........75/63/000 ..76/65/pc.. 77/65/s Tokyo...........59/46/000..65/53/pc. 59/59/sh El Paso..........82/57/000...84/61/s .. 85/63/s Pittsburgh.......52/40/0 00 ..62/46/pc. 74/57/sh Lisbon..........72/48/000 69/52/s 70/49/pc Toronto.........43/37/009 48/39/pc 64/52/sh Fairbanks....... 23/13/000...32/8/sn .. 31/4/pc Portland,ME.....48/33/007 ..51/39/pc. 45/39/pc London.........54/39/017..64/48/pc.61/45/pc Vancouver.......48/39/043..54/43/sh. 57/41/pc Fargo...........35/25/000..33/28/sn. 34/21/pc Providence ......56/37/0.00..56736/pc. 58/41/pc Madrid .........72/39/0.00... 80/49/s .. 76/57/c Vienna..........63/39/0.00... 63/41/s .. 62/41/s Flagstaff ........65/27/000..61/39/pc.. 57/35/s Raleigh.........74/52/000..75754/pc...65/577t Manila..........93/79/000 ..95/77/sh. 94/77/pc Warsaw.........59/43/039... 53/35/c .. 57/39/s


Fimma ers'zom ie ic SHAKINGTHE EARTH I a~M ONECONTINENT TIME see sonine aC erS ATA





By Jennifer Moody Albany Democrat-Herald

ALBANY — One way or another, the filmmakers at LB Productions in B r ownsville plan to show off the results of their newly completed zombie movie, "Sick-N-Contagious.n But Scott Smith and Debbie Jensen sayitwould be easier if they had the distribution money up front. So the two executive producers created an account at Kickstarter.com, the website that helps creative prodttcers find financial backing for their projects. They're trying to raise $25,000 by the end of









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April to copy, package and market the hour-long film. "It's important to us, because we want to build a market and distribute this film," Jensen said. The company can and will copy and sell its own DVDs if necessary, she added. However, "It just wouldn't be as professional-looking as if we had a DVD company do


David Patton/Albany Democrat-Herald

Executive producers Debbie Jensen, left, and Scott Smith, right, with Danny Abraham, an actor in their film, show the movie poster for "Sick-N-Contagious" recently in Brownsville.

the leads. "Next thing I knew, I was at the head of the class," Abraham said. "'Come down and it.n pick up your script!' I didn't Nearly 200 mid-valley resi- know what to think. It was dents turned out for the com- exciting." pany's zombie casting call in T he f i l m m akers s p e n t spring 2012, many of them one long day filming in and a lready sporting their ow n a round B r o wnsville, t h e n bloody makeup and practic- had the principal characters ing their lurches and growls. report back over the next sevThat's how Danny A bra- eral months to touch Ltp voice ham, one of the film's stars, work and for close-ups. came to be involved. One of All the work involved was his son's friends called that done by volunteers, with acday, he remembered. tors and extras also doubling uHe Said, 'YOu gOt tO get as makeup a r t ists, stagedown here, the park's full of hands and prop suppliers. z ombies! '" Abraham s a i d , Smith and Jensen had hoped l aughing. So on a l a rk , h e to be finished with the film last came down, too, shuffling summer, but personnel changt hrough Pioneer Park a n d es, script rewrites and overgurgling, "Braaains! u commitments by key figures It worked. One of the pro- plagued postproduction. duction crew members came While a few t weaks still up and asked the unemployed need to be made, Smith said Abraham, a welder by trade, the production essentially is if he'd consider being one of finished and ready to roll.

Jensen said a grand screening is still in the plan, but that, too, takes money. She said she's waiting to see how the Kickstarter project comes out before lining up a show. The two dubbed themovie a "comedy-horror" p i cture, with plenty of blood, gore and c annibalism. Sweet H o m e band Project X provides the death metal soundtrack. The plot: Something in the water has turned the residents of a handful of small farm towns into hollow-eyed, sorestudded, shambling zombies. They have an insatiable hunger for human flesh, dead or undead, and they're not about to let a band of eight survivors out of their clutches. The movie ends w ithout a full resolution of the storyline, which Jensen said was deliberate. "If we can get the funding, we would love to do a sequel," she said.

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Collections care workshop ontap The OregonHeritage Commission andthe Des Chutes Historical Museum will present

a free Collections Care Workshop April 29-30 atthe Deschutes Library Administration Building

in Bend. Taught by mentors

from the OregonHeritage Commission's MentorCorps program —a statewide initiative to

help preservecollections around the state — the

workshops aredesigned foranyone working with archives, special collections and objects. The April 29 work-

0 • In Washington's SkagiVal t ley,the Tulip Festival lasts all April long

shop will cover information on collections care

andmanagementincluding policy, preservation planning, assessments, environment controls,

problem solving and solving conundrums through networking; the April 30 workshop will

cover information on disaster preparedness, including connecting with

emergency responders, disaster planning, identifying threats and

resources, collections prioritization and involving the public in disaster

preparedness. The free workshop runs 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Participants can register for one or both days. Bring a lunch or youcan purchase a lunch for $11.50. To register and for more information,

visit www.oregon.gov/ oprd/hcd or pick up a registration form at the Des Chutes Historical

By John Gottberg Anderson

colorful flowers if skies are blue and winds are


For The Bulletin

MOUNT VERNON, Wash. he Skagit Valley is stunning in April. Field after field of brilliant blossoms, red and yellow, purple and pink, stretch alm ost as far as the eye can see across the floodplain of northwestern Washington. The greatest tulip and daf-

fodil fields in North America

That's no guarantee. When photographer Barb Gonzalez and I visited last week, the weather was more like that described by resident novelist Tom Robbins in his first (1971) book, "Another Roadside Attraction": "Rain fell on Skagit Valley. It fell in sheets and it fell in drones.... It fell


o n the dikes. It fell on the firs.

are here, little more than an It fell on the downcast necks of hour's drive north of Seattle, Next week: the mallards.... Rain drenched and just west of the Interstate 5 Port Orford, Wash the chilly green tidelands. The freeway. river swelled. Th e s l oughs Although the season varies slightly from fermented." "We have absolutely no control over our star year to year, April is the month when the tulips bloom in the greatest numbers, following March attraction," acknowledged Cindy Verge, execudaffodils. And it's the time of the annual month- tive director of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival. long Tulip Festival in the Skagit (the "g" is pro- "We don't have a crystal ball to know exactly nounced like a "j") Valley. when the fields will be in bloom." The April 19-21 Downtown Mount Vernon But the two primary flower growers, RoozenStreet Fair is, in a way, the fulcrum of the festi- Gaarde and Tulip Town, welcome visitors rain val, an event that has been a part of the celebra- or shine. So, too, does the charming nearby tion almost since it was established in 1984. It maritime village of La Conner, with its musefeatures a series of 20- to 40-mile bicycle rides ums, wharf-top restaurants and other allures. called the Tulip Pedal, a great way to enjoy the See Tulips /C4

Photos courtesy Barb Gonzalez

A rainbow of colors dance across a Washington Bulb Company field in the early-morning light near Mount Vernon, Wash. "You won't find production fields like ours anywhere else in North America," said Cindy Verge, executive director of the Skagit Valley Tulip Festival.


Teen Challenge hosts banquet Central OregonTeen Challenge is hosting its fifth annual Spring banquet, titled "30 years of Miracles," Friday at the Christian Life Center in Bend. The banquet celebrates the 30th anniver-

sary of TeenChallenge in the Pacific Northwest. Since1983, the organi-

zation has beenoffering faith-based recovery

services, according to its website. Highlights

include special guest musician David Meese. The event kicks off at



6 p.m. with a social hour, and dinner starts at 7

p.m. Tickets are$35 per person or $250 for table sponsorships loffering seating for eight people).


All proceeds benefit the

Central Oregonchapter. Register for the

Spring banquet by Thursday or contact the

Central OregonTeen Challenge office on the



day of the event. Contact: Kim, 541678-5272.

al Central Oregon Math

Learn about all thingsgoat Authentic beachtown • Annual jamboreeoffers courses, resourcesfor aspiring goatherds

Contest for high school students on Thursday

By Mac McLean

at Central OregonCom-

The Bulletin

munity College's Bend

Local goatherds will spend Saturday showing off their favorite four-legged creatures and teaching a new and

Math contest coming up The public is invited to attend the 32nd annu-

campus. Students from up to

17 teams will participate in quizzes, scavenger hunts, math bees and

relays. The top quiz winners in algebra II,

advanced math andcalculus receive free tuition for a COCC class. Competitions start at 9:15 a.m. Public admission is free. Awards will be presented at 3:15 p.m. at Wille Hall.

Several winners will be invited to the state contest at Portland State

university on May25. — From staff reports


rapidly-growing group of would-be homesteaders what they'll need to start raising goats of their own. Featuring courses on everything from

managing goat

parasites to making cheese and soap out of goat's milk, the Central Oregon Goat Association's 12th annual Goat Jamboree will

take place at the Bluestone Gardens farm in Powell Butte from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday. "It's going to feature anything and everything dealing with goats," said Tara Townsend, who runs Bantam Lane Natural Farms in Bend and has been a member of the goat association for a couple of

years. Though she couldn't

say how many goatherds operate in Central Oregon, Townsend said she's seen a huge spike in the number of people who are interested in taking up the

agricultural practice because it can be done on a relatively small piece of land. "Even if you only have half an acre, that's enough for goats," said Townsend, who started raising goats in her backyard in a Redmond subdivision. She has since expanded her business to

keeping a herd of 20 goats on a farm about 6 miles east of the Bend city limits. She said the homesteading movement, which has seen more people incorporating back-to-the-land practices into their lives so they can have a more self-sufficient lifestyle, has also led to the increased interest in keeping goats. See Goats/C3

on verge oftrendiness

By Jeannie Ralston New Yorh Times News Service

Planning a return trip to my favorite beach in the world, I was almost as apprehensive as I was excited. The last time I visited Troncones — a town of some 600 people pushed up against the Sierra Madre del Sur mountains on the Pacific coast of Mexico — was five years earlier. At the time, we'd been living in San Miguel de Allende, and we occasionally drove down with our two sons and two dogs. My husband — an avowed "non-beach guy"and I had come to love this village of farmers and fish-

ermen for its rawness, its drowsy authenticity. In the intervening years, word got out that Julian Schnabel and Damien Hirst had homes in the area. That's it, I thought, as I prepared for our vacation this past January. I was picturing all the practitioners of extreme cool who had surely followed in their wake. How was it possible that any place could thrive in the oxymoronic state of both newly chic and genuine? I figured we'd better get there quickly before it became totally overrun and turned into just any other beach town. See Mexico /C7




FormsforengagementweddinganniversaryorbirtiidayannouncementsareavaiiabieatTheBugetin i777SWChandterAve.,send orby emailing milestones@bendbulletin.com. Forms and photos must be submitted within one month of the celebration. Contact: 541-383-0358.

eas or ours ecia a


By HannahMorrill EMartha Stewart Weddings

Dish up flavorful compound butters at dinner; clockwise from top left: turmeric and mustard seed, Asian

Spring ahead with these fresh suggestions for a ceremony and reception that guests won't soon forget.

The pecking order

nori and sesame, smoked chipotle and lime, and lemon basil.

Guests of a feather will flock together — and easily spot

their proper places —with beautiful avian-themedescort cards and table markers.

Photos by Christina Holmes / Martha Stewart Weddings

Our take onthe pecking order? Quill placecards that lead celebrants to tables topped

with signs of corresponding birds. At moonlightfeather. com,you canfindabevyof

On aroll Take bread and butter from basic to brilliant with surprising

/ =p'

colorful cruelty-free feathers to

spreads andvellum sleeves that work a secondshift as elegant menus.

match eachflying friend. And don't brood over ornithological Gary and Susan Gruber

accuracy- our"canary"feathers are actually goldenyellow


turkey fluff. Print and trim our editable escort-card template

Gary and Susan Gruber, of Bend, celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. The couple were married April 1, 1988. They have three grandchildren.

Gary works for Fred Meyer. Susan is the owner of Permanent Makeup by Susan. The couple enjoy the ocean, cruising and traveling. They have lived in Central Oregon for 25 years.

To getyour meal off to a great start, perk up pats ofbutter with

zesty herbs and spices. Jeffrey Selden, of Marcia SeldenCatering 8 Event Planning in Stamford, Conn., whipped up four delicious



combinations: turmeric and mustard seed, Asian nori and sesame,

smoked chipotle and lime, and lemonbasil. (For the recipes, visit marthastewartweddings.com.) At your reception, set each table

at marthastewartweddings. com, and then affix plumes with double-si ded tape.To make

with assorted compounds in passable dishes; between bites, total

strangers can becomefriends while trading their tasting notes on each variety.

the corresponding table signs,

Herald spring with aviandownload and print images of themed table markers that coryour favorite aerial species from respond to the feather escort vintageprintable.com. cards.

But don't forget the bread: Present it with equal panache by using

our template (available at marthastewartweddings.com) to create a dual-purpose wrapper. Print it (and the butter labels) on vellum, and, with a few snips and creases, fashion it into a holder.

Deck thewalls


Layered rounds of paper can give an otherwise ho-hum surface Delivered at St. Charles Bend

Steve andChelsea Nelson, aboy, London James Nelson, 7 pounds, 14 ounces, April 7. JanandSam McCoy,agirl,ArdenRose McCoy, 6pounds, 2 ounces, March24. ChaseSkidgelandJessikaW elsh, a girl Addison Lyndsay Skidgel, 6 pounds, 2 ounces, April 3. Matthew andSabrina Mattioda, a girl, Marissa Anne Mattioda, 9 pounds, 13 ounces, April 2. John and BrookSlyter, aboy,Scott Dean Slyter, 7 pounds, 3ounces, March22.

Delivered at St. Charles Redmond

Sean andErinTrimble, a girl, Denali Rose Trimble, 8 pounds, 8 ounces, March 20. Joe andAmyFitzgerald, aboy, Laurence Paul Fitzgerald, 8 pounds, 11 ounces, April 1. Efrain and Karey HernandezMolina,a girl, Tatiana Kekoa Hernandez-Molina, 7 pounds, 6 ounces, April 3. ChristopherScharenandDianna Powell,a girl, Serenity Rose Scharen, 7 pounds, 4 ounces, April 3.


shots of color, texture and style. What's more, they cost next to

nothing and require just a preschool level of craft savvy. Download our template at marthastewartweddings.com, trace, and cut out pieces two at a time. Wechose four shades of yellow, but you coulduseasfew — orasmany—colorsasyoulike.Tospeed day-of installation, secure scallops onto premeasured lengths of floral

Partygoers will be a step ahead thanks to save-the-date cards

we're taking the nexl stepi

showcasing boogie basics. Tease


a1930s-style affair with a fox-trot how-to, or offer instructions for

ribbon with double-sided tape to create garlands that can be folded and stored flat. Once at the venue, hang them up with removable

the cha-cha, salsa or waltz. Just

glue dots.

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Give invitees a heads-up on when (and how) to get down with dance-oriented savethe-dates.

How to lookgood on your weddingday

1~ I


Weekly Arts 8t Entertainment Inside amaantaE

By Rory Evans


Martha Stewart Weddings

Peter Som is a fashion de-

M At T R E S S G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084


signer known for helming his

Batteries e Crystal e Band s

own line as well as Bill Blass. This spring, he debuts a bridal collection for Bhldn. Here are his tips for looking good on your wedding day:



• Don't go changing Women are having more fun with fashion in general — they're aware of trends and open to taking risks — and they're bringing that spirit to their weddings. You don't have to become someone else(read: more traditional than you are) for that one day. You don't even have to wear white!

• Please yourself It may be tempting to try to make your entire wedding party happy with what they're wearing, but it's your day, and it's important to draw the line somewhere. If you want to take into account different body types and give your bridesmaids a range of fit options, that's one thing. However, you can't abandon a dress if one of the girls doesn't like your color scheme. And beware allowing bridesmaidstowear any dress they want as long as it's in your chosen color. There are so many d ifferent i n t erpretations o f navy, brown and burgundy that you can quickly lose control of how the group will look overall — so it's best to pass out a fabric swatch for them to match.

INFINITY WATCHREPAIR 503-887-4241 230 SE 3 Third Steet• Suite 100• Bend Daniel Mitchell, Owner

New York Times News Service

When in doubt about a color combination, designer Peter Som suggests consulting Mother Nature:H lf it occurs in nature, it looks good."

S tem & Crown s

for the bridal party — watching those come down the aisle is distracting.


• Be sensitive to the season You don't want your colors to contradict the feeling of the environment. If y ou're having an October wedding in Connecticut, hot pink might not mak e s ense o utdoors. You have a little more leeway indoors — you could use summery colors more easily in a ballroom in December than winter hues in a tent in mid- July.


s • •

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There's a place for a madras bow tie o n a gr o o msman View d resses or f a b rics — and that's at a summer cerunder the same kind of light- emony in Nantucket. In genering that your wedding will al,it's bestto reserve patterns have. Something that appears for warm-weather events (and bright in the store might look stick to cotton fabrics that the same at a daytime event don't have a sheen to them). in the Caribbean, but not at a • When in doubt, candlelit ceremony.

• Turn the lights on (or off)

• Accessorize wisely The simplest way to a dd color to your dress or a bridesmaid's ensemble is with a sash. 1 also like a hairpin or shoes in a soft shade as long as they don't compete with the gown. I'm not a fan of bright shoes

The Bulletin

Layer colored rounds of paper to create a stunning ombre-effect backdrop.

• Remember: Prints have their limits


s ss

L l N ES

If you would like to receive forms to announce your engagement, wedding, or anniversary, plus helpful information to plan the perfect Central Oregon wedding, pick up your Book of Love at The Bulletin (1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend) or from any of these valued advertisers:

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consult mother nature

If you don't have an eye for color, it can be tricky to tell which hues go together. That's when you should look at flowers — what different colors show up within a single pansy? What's the gradation of shades in a hydrangea? If it oc-

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• In Brazil, futebol is a national drama, best appreciatedbefore orafter theWorld Cup

ball, located within Pacaembu Stadium in Sao Paulo. The museum — where most exhibits, though not all, are transBy Seth Kugel against the Uzbeks. The World lated into English and Spanish New York Times News Service — provides historical perspecCup will b e a g o o d p arty, T he b anner-waving, a n guaranteed — and the handtive but, more important, goes them-singing fans of Rio de Ja- ful of g ames the Brazilian pretty far i n r eplicating the neiro's Flamengo club formed side plays will be all-out specexcitement in the stadiums. A a billowing mass of ruby-and- tacles. (Good luck getting ticksamba beat follows you part black-clad humanity. T h ey ets for those matches.) But the of the way through the exhibmoved not only in reaction to best time to experience true its, and a raucous audio-visual the ebbs and flows on the field Braziliansoccer — or, more display (dramatically located far below, but also to the samba accurately, futebol (foo-tcheeunder the Pacaembu bleach>tr C 'I beat pounded out by musicians BOW) — will be outside the ers) is dedicated to the orgag• in the midst of the grandstand parameters of the Cup. nized fan groups. "Everything mayhem around me and my That said, it is not simple to in life changes, except for the friend Doug. The bands had plan a soccer trip to Brazil. I team you choose to cheer for," not stopped playing, and fans had an advantage as a Portua quote reads. Particularly aphad not stopped chanting, in guese speaker who had lived in pealing are the videos in which the 18 minutes since the game the country for two years. 0thBrazilian soccer writers recall began. ers might find it more difficult. the most memorable goals of Then, on the field far below, The complex league schedules their lives. a precision passer on the rival are largely unavailable in EngLalo de Almeida/New YorkTimes News Service Sao Paulo also has someteam Fluminense launched lish. You'll have to find your At Morumb! StadIum, members of Falange Tricolor, a fan club of the Sao Paulo team, watch a game thing not common elsewhere: the ball straight for their top way to the stadium, choosing against another city team, Corinthians, In Sao Paulo, Brazil. bars dedicated to soccer. Bar scorer. As nonchalantly as flip- between public transportation Sao Cristovao, in the middle ping a light switch, he scissor- and sometimes pricey taxis. of the bustling Vila Madalena kicked a strike past the keeper Even where to sit can be a con- periods of inactivity. Between How to stay safe for that matter, parents and night-life district, is a m u st into the far left corner of the sequential decision. two consecutive league seaRio is full of coddled experi- their children) may feel more visit. The bar, with walls plasgoal. Or as it is known locally: And you'll always have to sons and a handful of national ences — tours of the favelas, comfortable in a calmer area, tered with memorabilia, is a "Goooooooooooool!" be ready for the unexpected: andinternationaltournaments, private helicopter rides — and away from the grandstand. popular spot on game days, On the other side of the sta- Engenhao, the very stadium the biggest teams play virtusoccer is no exception. In hotel And you may be glad that your and its draft beers and snacks dium, the Fluminense fanswhere Doug and I watched the ally nonstop, except for about lobbies in the tourist-clogged children d o n' t u n d erstand make for great game-time reoutfitted in green, grenadine Flamengo-Fluminense game, a month in late December and Copacabana an d I p a nema Portuguese: chants directed freshment. It also sells historic and white — erupted, but they w as closed last month f o r early January. The first few neighborhoods, travelers can at referees and opposing play- jerseys of the major Brazilian were soisolated, so far away, structural repairs. And there months of the year are domi- pay 150 reais or so (about $75 ers can get vulgar and often clubs for 140 reais. that they looked and sounded have been other black eyes nated by state leagues: all 26 at 2 reais to the dollar), take homophobic. What to watch like television static with the for the country as it ramps up Brazilian states, as well as the a bus or van to the stadium, Where to go volume turned way up. On our to the Cup. At the end of last Federal District in and around and be herded by an E ngThe Flamengo/Fluminense side, the samba ceased. The month, an American woman Brasilia, have them. (Games lish-speaking guide into the The obvious places to see — or Fla/Flu — game I atfans slumped — for about 10 was abducted and gang-raped are generally on Wednesdays, pricey reserved seats. It is the games are Rio and Sao Paulo, tended was what is called a seconds. in the popular Rio district of Saturdays and Sundays.) By most expensive and probably for two reasons: first, they classico, a showdown between Then the Flamengo samba Copacabana. Police had to use May or June, the more excit- the most boring way to see a have multiple major teams two historically great teams. machine swung back into ac- tear gas recentlyafter fans ing four-tiered national league match. It is also unnecessary. Flamengo, Fluminense, Not surprisingly, emotions run tion. The fans started sing- clashed when tickets ran out starts. By the time the season Travel in Brazil is never en- Vasco and Botafogo in Rio; higher than usual during such ing again, a love song to their for the inaugural match of the ends in December, there's a na- tirely without risk, of course, Corinthians, Sao Paulo FC games, especially, as was the team. Their banners waved new World Cup stadium in tional champion. but games are much safer and Palmeiras in Sao Paulo, case there, when both teams l ike mainsails i n a s t o r m . Salvador. (Six people reportBut the action doesn't end than they used to be. Armed with several other less popu- are local. The circus outside Mourning would wait for later: edly sustained minor injuries.) there. Top finishers in the na- with some advance knowllar professional teams. In oth- Engenhao on the day we went Flamengo eventually lost 1-0. As is often the case with travel tional tournament earn berths edge, common-sense precau- er words, there will always be was intense — beer was plenBut in Brazil, telling fans to in developing countries, things in the next year's Libertadores tions and a sense of adven- a game. tiful, crowds were thick and stop cheering because the op- can be less predictable and Cup and South American Cup, ture, it's far more exciting to You also won't run out of rowdy. It's kind of like Carnival posing team scored would be more chaotic than you may be two regional tournaments that sit in the general-admission soccer-related things to do be- with far fewer women. That's like telling a disc jockey to stop used to at home. run concurrently with parts of grandstand. In summary: artween games. In Rio, there's not for everyone, but those up the party because someone But none of those should dis- the state and national seasons. rive very early, don't bring the small museum at Mara- to the challenge will enjoy the danced badly. suade you from experiencing There's also the Brazil Cup, a valuables, and sit on the edges cana, Brazil's most famous spectacle. "A foreigner should try to In Brazil, soccer is not just soccer in Brazil. The phrase separate national competition of the grandstand, not in the soccer stadium. (The museum a game, it's a national drama. "the beautiful game" did not with a knockout tournament middle of the mayhem. remains open during pre-Cup see aclassico,"said Alexandre One of Brazil's great 20th-cen- originate in the country, but it format. A n d oc c asionally, You'll also want to decide stadium renovations.) Else- Nobeschi, the sports editor for tury playwrights and novel- accurately describes the fluid the national team (that is, the on whether to participate in where,the city's beaches host Folha de S.Paulo, the country's ists, Nelson Rodrigues, recog- and frequently dazzling play one that goes to the World the street festivities before the i nformal games, known as largest-circulation newspaper. nized that the sport trumped you'll see. After attending six Cup) will play a "friendly" game. At most of the games peladas. One of the more reg- "It's there that you can see the even his own craft in defining games last fall, I concluded match against visiting f orI attended, street v endors ular and impressive ones is true impactsoccer has on the the nation. "Abroad, when you that Brazilians speak soccer eign squads. (This year, from hawked dirt-cheap, ice-cold the Pelada de Siqueira Cam- life of Brazilians." want to learn about a people, fluently, while everyone else June 15 to 30, Brazil hosts the beer and meat on sticks. In pos, on Copacabana beach you examine their fiction," he has an accent. Confederations Cup, stopping most places, there was a sig- just off the street of the same wrote. "In Brazil, football plays M y guess i s t h a t m a ny league play.) nificant police presence, which name, on Sundays at 10:30 the role of fiction." Americans (and other travelThe other good news is that was mostly reassuring. Even a.m. It's serious business, and You can find variations on ers) don't explore the admit- you don't always need to buy at a Series B game I attended looks utterly exhausting. And that particular brand of drama t edly complicated world o f tickets in advance. There are in Fortaleza, in the northeast, on both Copacabana and Ipacross the Brazilian soccer Braziliansoccer because they exceptions: if it's a game be- where rows of officers in riot a nema beaches, you'll f i nd scene, almost all year round, think it's too dangerous or, tween two big teams, known g ear standing guard w e r e lots of impressive futevolei, a in Rio and Sao Paulo and at more likely, have no idea how. as a classico (more on that be- enough to startle me, there version of volleyball played smaller stadiums in l e sser- Here, then, is a guide on the low), you should be safe and was no evidence of anything soccer style, with no hand or known cities. whens, wheres and how-tos. buy tickets beforehand at the worse t h a n b e e r-drinking arm contact. Here's when you probably stadium, club h eadquarters teenagers. Probably the best place to won't find it: During the World When to go or other outlets; ask your taxi One more t h ing: B r azilsupplement your soccer fix, Cup, which Brazil will host The first thing you have to driver or hotel staff members. ian men are not particularly though, is the Museum of Footfrom June 12 to July 13, 2014. know about Brazilian soccer Buying online is sometimes known f o r th e i r s h y ness It won't be in the stands when, is that it is played nearly year- possible but tricky: sites usual- around women, and given the say, Cameroon plays Serbia, round. There's no spring train- ly require a Brazilian ID num- m ale-dominated crowds a t F R I G I DLI R E Dishwasher or when France squares off ing or long, wait-till-next-year ber and domestic address. most matches, women (and, •

7 Wash Cycles Orbitclean~ Technology UltraQuiet~ Plus Sound Package


Ifyou go What:The Central Oregon Goat Association's 12th

Annual GoatJamboree When:8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Saturday

Where:Bluestone Gardens, 12555 S.W. U.S. Highway 126, Powell Butte

Gost:$10 for adults, $7 for children ages 7 to18, free for children under 7

Contact:www.thecoga.com or 541-420-9750

Oregon Goat Association has worked to help local goatherds ContInued from C1 get their start by hosting eduBut Townsend cautioned cational events like Saturday's that many people may think goat jamboree and by sponsorgoats are easy animals to keep ing 4-H club prizes and scholand that is most definitely not arships to get high school stuthe case. dents interested in the practice. "When it rains they are the Townsend said the money biggest babies in the world," raised at the goat jamboree, she said, explaining goatherds which costs $10 for adults and need tohave a three-sided shel- $7 for children between the ter so their animals can have a ages of 7 and 18, will be used place to stay when it rains. She also said goats can be picky eaters, countering stereotypes SOLUTION TO they will eat anything, and TODAY'S SUDOKU need quite a bit of care. Founded in 1972, the Central =

to continue these educational activities in the f uture and make sure a new group of goatherds is able to continue their work.


$5 49 a

— Reporter: 541-617-7816, mmclean@bendbulletin.com



G A M I E R A V 0 N

S T R 0 B E S

F L 0 R O L OO D L P S I C K P 0 R M 0 V OW I D I O L 0 A L P ROS A N G R A E L I V A G E N E R A T E




M R S A E P S M A C O S A N D M R U E N A B L E A A P O V E R T I T L E R E D M A S P S A G E I S R I N S C A R T E 0 D E R M E I T B A G G A A A U T T B E A










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rzo n

A sea of green and white fills a Washington Bulb greenhouse that allows the company to sell fresh-cut flowers year-round, by mail or online order at Tulips.com. Within the greenhouse is a Dutchbuilt conveyor machine with an electronic eye that sorts flowers by color and patterns.


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Padilla Bay 1

Burlington ISLAND


Swinomish Inrllan Reservation

Puget Sound

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Photos courtesy Barb Gonzalez

The display garden at RoozenGaarde features more than 100 varieties of tulips as well as 50 other types of flowers. Redesigned annually, the garden is planted in the fall with 300,000 individual bulbs, embedded one at a time by a crew of eight gardeners.

M'l. VernOll

to Conner





planted in different fields in a rotating, four-year cycle that Continued from C1 l eaves three-fourths of t h e Thanks to occa s ional furrowed soil untouched in breaks i n t h e d o w n p our, any given spring. when windows in the clouds In th e N o r t hwest, there let the sun shine t hrough; are smaller bu t i m p ortant and thanks to mud-proof rub- tulip fields in the Woodburnber boots and other raingear, Molalla area of Oregon and Gonzalez and I were able outside W o odland, W a sh. to immerse ourselves in the The town of Holland, Mich., bliss of the blossoms, if only is also a major producer of for three days. spring blooms, Verge said. "But you won't find producApril magic tion fields like ours anywhere Verge, who has been the else in North America," she festival director since 2005, said. "And we're unique in estimated that 350,000 people that most growers will n ot enjoy Skagit Valley tulips each give visitors the access ours April. What once was a week- do." end festival later expanded Both patron saints of the to 10 days, and more than a Skagit Valley's tulip culture, decade ago was extended to a William Roozen and Tom De full month — in part, she said, Goede, early on recognized because the tulip bloom is so the value of sharing their coldifficult to predict. orful fields with an intrigued "The middle of the month is public. the safest time to visit," Verge R oozen an d D e G o e d e said. "Historically, our tulips were descended from generahave started to b l oom b etions of Dutch flower growtween the 3rd and the 5th of ers. In the late 1940s, followApril. But the past two years ing World War II, they indebefore this one, we've had pendently immigrated from an extremely late bloom. I've The Netherlands (Holland) to seen the full bloom as early the United States. American as March 25, and as late as sponsors assisted their resetApril 19." tlement in the area of Mount And w he n t h e y b l o om, Vernon, where they f o und even if only for 2 to 2t/z weeks, a climate similar to that of their numbers are astound- northern Europe. "There were already quite ing: tens of millions of tulips at one time, in well over 100 a few bulb farms here when different varieties. That's in t hey a r r ived," s ai d B r e nt spite of the fact that bulbs are R oozen, th e g r a ndson o f

William Roozen and the defacto o p erations m a nager of RoozenGaarde. "The soil was perfect, loam and sandy river sediment. What's more, Skagit Valley has cool winters and dry summers. Gradual springs assure that the bulbs, and therefore the tulips, grow big and bright."



by mail or (now) by online

Greg Cross / The Bulletin

B rent's father, is n o w t h e president. But it was one of William's daughters, Bernadette, who suggested making flowers directly available to the public, Brent said. Times change. Of 36 thirdg eneration S k a gi t V a l l e y R oozens, only B r en t a n d one cousin are presently involved in the business. And that wasn't even Brent's first choice: He graduated from the University of Washington

RoozenGaarde W illiam Roozen and h i s wife, Helen, saved their money and bought five Skagit Valley acres in the early 1950s, dubbing the property RoozenGaarde, the "Rose Garden" — although they i ronically never planted roses. They established the Washington Bulb Co., producing and selling bulbs for t u lip, daffodil and iris gardens. The Roozens added greenhouses in the mid-1980s to offer fresh-cutflowers year-round,

Skagit Bay


Brent Roozen, de facto operations manager of RoozenGaarde, is a third-generation descendant of William Roozen, founder of the Washington Bulb Company.

with a degree in physiology and an eye toward medical school, but the floral empire lured him back to the Skagit Valley. Now he is an integral part of RoozenGaarde's 12-month

William and Helen Roozen had 10 children — five boys, five girls. All five boys went into the family business; Leo,


said. " Over about 10 to 12 weeks, we plot our d isplay garden, which we r edesign every year. We sketch it out on paper, lay it out in sawdust, lay 300,000 bulbs on top and plant them, one bulb at a time." The bulbs, he said, include 100 varieties of tulips and 50 other flowers. The planting is done mainly in October by a crew of eight gardeners, "and they're pretty good. We've had them for a while." The RoozenGaarde store, so hectic in spring, is busy again in fall when gardeners come to pick up pre-ordered bulbs. Winter is a time for repair and maintenance, pruning trees and weeding flower beds.

"We start in the fall," Brent

Continued next page

order. The original five acres are now 2,000. Half of them are planted — 450 to 500 acres in daffodils, 350 acres in tulips and 150 acres in irises. " We are th e l a rgest i n d ividual g r ower i n N o r t h America," said Brent Roozen. " RoozenGaarde is o u r r e tail side and public face, and we run our online business, Tulips.com, from here. Washington Bulb is our growing operation a n d who l esale division."








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Daffodils engulf a historic barn on Washington Bulb Company land off Mount Vernon's Beaver Marsh Road. More than 450 acres are planted with the bright yellow flower, which typically precedes the annual tulip bloom by a couple of weeks.

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Expensesfor two

Ifyou go

Gas, Bend to Skagit Valley (round-trip), 818 miles ©$3.60/gallon:$117.79 Lunches en route:$30

(All addresses inWashington) INFORMATION • La Conner Chamberof Commerce. 511 Morris St.; 360-466-4778, www.

Lodging (3 nights with

breakfast), Best Western

lovelaconner.com • Mount Vernon Chamberof

Cottontree lnn:$373.13 Dinner, El Gitano:$27.78 Admission,

Commerce. 301 W. Kincaid St., Mount Vernon; 360-428-8547,

RoozenGaarde:$10 Lunch, La Conner

www.visitmountvernon.com or www.visitskagitvalley.com


• Skagit Valley Tulip Festival.


311 W. Kincaid St., Mount Vernon; 360-428-5959, www.

Quilt Museum:$14 Admission, Museum of Northwest Art:$10 Dinner, Nell Thorn:$65.11 Admission, Tulip Town:$10

tulipfestival.org LODGING • Best Western Cottonwood Inn. 2300 Market St., Mount Vernon; 360-428-5678, 800-662-6886, www. cottontreeinns.com. Rates from $114.95 •Cocusa Motel.370 W .Rio Vista Ave., Burlington; 360757-6044, 800-628-2257,

Lunch, Trumpeter Public House:$32 Dinner, II Granaio:$70.84 TOTAL:$805.55

"Then in early spring, we start setting up for the bloom • Hotel Planter. 715 First St., season," Brent s aid. "CroLa Conner; 360-466-4710, cuses arethe first sign. They www.hotelplanter.com. Rates were a little late this year, from $99 but a week of warm weather • Swinomish Casino & catches things up fast." Lodge. 12885Casino Because tulips are prone to Drive, Anacortes; disease,the beds are closely 888-288-8883, www. monitored. F a l le n p e t a ls, swinomishcasinoandlodge. which can cause rot, are colcom. Rates from $99 lected each morning, and • Tulip Inn. 2200 Freeway Drive, infected flowers are plucked Mount Vernon; 360-428-5969, from the b eds. "We want 800-599-5969, www.tulipinn. everything to look perfect," net. Rates from $65 Brent said. The bloom may continue • Wild lris Inn. 121 Maple Ave., beyond April. "The last couLa Conner; 360-466-1400, ple of years, we had a great 800-477-1400, www.wildiris. show of late-blooming varietcom. Rates from $119 ies for Mother's Day," Brent said. But after that holiday, flowersare removed from the plots devoted to the Internadisplay gardens and the cycle tional Peace Garden movebegins anew. ment. Tulips were designated Brent took me for a look the "world p eace f l ower," at the Roozen greenhouses, Jeannette told me, following where a Dutch-built conveyor World War II, during which machine with an electronic Holland's Queen Wilhelmina eye sorts flowers by c olor gave birth to three children intensity and patterns. "Can while in sanctuary in Ottawa, you really trust a m achine Canada, and s u bsequently to handle delicate flowers?" made a generous gift of tulips I queried. "Tulips are a l ot to the Canadian government. s tronger than y o u t h i n k ," Flags of 20 countries fly Brent replied, "but this ma- above the g arden. A mong chine is also very delicate." t hem is t hat o f T u rk ey While my host said he likes widely regarded as the origithe uniformity of greenhouse nal home of tulips. tulips, he revealed a soft spot The garden also features a for those grown in the fields. veterans' memorial garden, "Field tulips are completely which was formally dedicatunique," he s a id. "They're ed on Friday, and a windmill hard to find elsewhere, as that is a miniature version of their patterns and colors are one that still stands on the often one of a kind, and their De Goede family property in bloom gets enormous." West Friesland, Holland. Much to the delight of chilTulip Town dren, old hay-bale machines, A couple of miles north- converted into passenger trolwest is Tom and Jeannette De leys, carry visitors through 15 Goede's Tulip Town. Unlike acres of tulips that are plantRoozenGaarde, it only exists ed in tight rainbow stripes. during the month of April. It's Jeannette boasted that it just during the Tulip Festival was she wh o s parked the that the bulb-storage barn is first Tulip Festival 30 years converted into a display area ago. "I noticed that a lot of with an art and gift shop, bulb people were driving past the shop, cafe and even a face- fields, slowing down to look painting booth for children. at them," she recalled. "My Murals by Anacortes art- father was working with us, ist Jennifer Bowman create and I told him that I would a backdrop for the tulip dis- pick the flowers if he would plays. On o n e m u l ti-panel sell them at a roadside stand. wall, Bowman has recreated That was how th e f estival the Skagit Valley, from Puget started." Sound to Mount Baker. On the facing wall, she continues La Conner and beyond to work on a traditional Dutch When we wanted a break tulip-farming scene. Painting f rom the tulips — and t h e one month a year, it has taken relentless rain — we headed her nine years to get this far. a few m i le s southwest to Jeannette De Goede La Conner, th e c h a rming showed me the outdoor gar- little town on th e Swinomdens at Tulip Town as her ish Channel that divides the h usband, now i n h i s 8 0 s , Washington mainland from worked the fields at the wheel Fidalgo Island. of a tractor. "We've been in Fewer than 1,000 people bulbs for 55 years," she said. live in La Conner, but the his"That's as long as we've been toric buildings that line South married." Firstand Second streets are An annual mainstay, alfilled with charming restauthough the flowers and colors rants and shops, their mer-

change each year, is a pair of

DINING • El Gitano. 1810 Riverside

Drive, MountVernon; 360-4245514, www.elgitanorestaurant. net. Lunch and dinner. Moderate • II Granaio. 100 E.

Montgomery St., Mount Vernon; 360-419-0674, www.

granaio.com. Lunchand dinner. Moderate to expensive • La Conner Seafood 8 Prime Rib House. 614 S. First St., La Conner; 360-466-4014, www.

laconnerseafood.com. Lunch and dinner. Moderate • Nell Thorn Restaurant and


Pub.205 Washington St.,La Conner; 360-466-4261, www.

k~l"~l '

nellthorn.com. Lunch and dinner. Moderate to expensive

• Trumpeter Public House. 416 Myrtle St., Mount Vernon; 360-588-4515, www.

trumpeterpublichouse.com. Lunch and dinner. Budget to

moderate www.cocusamotel.com. Rates ATTRACTIONS from $73 • La Conner Quilt & Textile

From previous page

Museum. 703 S. Second St., La Conner; 360-466-4288,

Photos courtesy Barb Gonzalez

A field worker gathers an armful of Negrita tulips, the Washington Bulb Company's best-selling purple variety. The April-long Skagit Valley Tulip Festival, now in its 30th year, showcases tulips, daffodils and other flowers in well over 100 different varieties.

www.laconnerquilts.com • Museum of Northwest Art. 121 S. First St., La Conner; 360-466-4446, www.

museumofnwart.org • RoozenGaarde. 15867 Beaver Marsh Road, Mount Vernon; 360-424-8531, 800-732-3266, www.tulips.com • Tulip Town. 15002 Bradshaw Road, Mount Vernon; 360424-8152, www.tuliptown.com Tulip Valley Winery. 16163 State Route 536, Mount Vernon; 360428-6894, www.tulipvalley.net

ABOVE: Jeannette De Goede delights in the show gardensatTulip Town, which she and her farmer husband, Tom De Goede, established half a century ago. "We've been in bulbs for 55 years," she said. "That's as long as we've been married."


tique to antique. The town was founded in 1867, and its core of several square blocks has been declared a National Historic Landmark District. Apart f r o m a t m ospheric r estaurants l i k e t h e Ne l l Thorn Restaurant and Pub and the La Conner Seafood & Prime Rib House, I most enjoy La Conner for its fine small museums. The Museum of Northwest Art a lways ha s i n t r iguing temporary exhibits, currently i ncluding f a n c ifu l me t a l -

and-glass spaceships by Rik Allen. I come to view works from the permanent collection, which features paintings by such f a med N o rthwest artists as Morris Graves and Mark Tobey. The 1891 Gaches Mansion, a Tudor-style Victorian, has been convertedtothe home of the La Conner Quilt 8z Textile Museum. Current exhibits include historic quilts from the Latimer Quilt 8z Textile Center in Tillamook and layered textile art by Alaskan artist Karin Franzen. Elsewhere in t h e S k agit Valley, I f o u n d n u m erous other diversions. Near Mount Vernon, the WSU Discovery Garden displayed hundreds of different g arden p l anting options through the auspices of W ashington State University's research and extension center. At the Azusa Farm and Gardens, "Art in a Pickle Barn" was hung with a wide range of works from members of the Skagit Art Association. And at the Tulip Valley Winery, owner Ector DeLeon was proud to offer tastes of his Columbia Valley merlot and malbec, even as he opened two additional rooms of his rural barn for another semiprofessional art show. But in April, no canvas can compare in beauty to the natural display in the tulip fields outside.

LEFT: The1891 Gaches Mansion is home to the La Conner Quilt & Textile Museum. Restored after a devastating fire in1973, it is a hillside landmark in the maritime village of La Conner, whose downtown core has been declared a National Historic Landmark District.



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by David L. Hoyt hnd Jhtf Knurhh


Unscramble these slx Jumbles one letter to each square, to form six ordinary words.

so that every row, column and3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.


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Foreta out t e must-sees, It's t e must-eats t at matter By Joe Yonan

/ -i





Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.









Busy bidders

By some people's definition, I've never been to Paris, even though I've traveled there a half-dozen times. That's because if you handed me a list of the city's must-see attractions and asked me to check off the ones I've been to, I'd be forced to admit that I must not have seen most of them. Or if I did, they were little more than a blur. Notre Dame, towering over the Ile de la Cite'? I couldn't be bothered. The Pompidou Centre? It looks plenty cool from the outside, sure — enough to win the world's most prestigious architecture prize. But not enough for me to break my stride. Sacre Coeur? A friend

easy to get distracted from visiting the city's tourist sights. Here, a falafel sandwich worth waiting for at L«As Du Faliafei. 1 M't

Joe Yonan The Washington Post

4slf t,

s hit, '«

dragged me up the steps, we

By FRANK STEWART Tribune MediaServices GJ O

I'm not sure what, i f a n ything, today's deal proves. I know I never would have bid one spade as West. When I overcall with nothing, bad things seem to happen. My partner is misled and bids too much, or t he opponents use my busy bidding to judge the auction or play. I do better

ace, threw another diamond on the good club and led the ten of hearts. East covered, holding South to nine tricks.

South's play was good, and I suppose West's opening lead was

questionable, but it seems to me that the swing was created in the bidding. by bidding only when I see a prospect What think you? of gain: a chance to reach game, North dealer compete successfully for a partscore Both sides vulnerable or preempt the opponents. The deal arose in a team match, NORTH and one West did not act. North473 South bid one club-one diamond, two 9 A103 diamonds-3NT. West led a spade, and 0 KJ5 South scored his king but couldn't 4 AQ 7 6 5 make the contract. He took the top EAST clubs and n ex t t r ie d a d i a m ond WEST finesse with dummy's jack. He went 4A J 9 8 4 4Q 1065 PhytQS76 down two and dismissed the result 9 J4 with a shrug. 043 0 Q109 443 At the other table, the bidding went 4 J 1 0 9 8 a s shown. N o r t h' s d o u bl e w a s "support," conventionally showing SOUTH 4K2 three cards in diamonds. East raised PxytK 9 5 2 the spades, but after South's leap to 0A8762 3 NT, West f e ared t ha t a s p a d e

rO gL? GJ







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opening lead might give away the ninth trick. He led the jack of clubs. S outh took t h e k i n g , a c e a n d queen, pitching a diamond. He next

North 14 Dbl

took the A-K of diamonds and led a fourth club from dummy. When West won, he couldn't exit safely. He tried the jack of hearts, but South took the

Ea s t P ass 24

South I 0 3 NT


West 14 Al l P ass

Opening lead — Choose it (C) 2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

LOS ANGELESTIMES SUNDAY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris nad Joyce Nichols Lewis "SUBWAY SERIES" 88 Iiwasheld By AMY JOHNSON outside of CSIIfomia only ACROSS once, in1942 « I" 89 "Memoirs ot a Mia! 6 BotanIst's study 92 Ristorante 11 Economics

There are so many food choices in Paris that it's

The Washington Post


1 3 World carrier 5 4 July 4th 85 Still-life vessel 14 Maybelline reactions 89 Like drinkable 126 vwand BMW purchase 57 Jury trial milk 127 Sisterhoodname 15 Update, ina Amendment 90 Beckett's in a Rebecca way 58 Senoriia'sother homeland Wells novel 16 Muscle malady 59 Joins the race 91 Mysieiy writer's 128 Hardly leave 17 Vice 60 SFO forte pioneer Smith topper wanting« 18 PIenut approximation 93 Frequent child 15 Evite letters 96 Comfy Iop I29 Latin for he 2 4 More sordId 6 2Indian royal companion? 97 Salon supplies holds" 25 I-lelper 63 Lady's 94 Earth-friendly 19 Victim oI Artemis 98 Pretense 130 Food often 32 Onetime Yes business? prefix 20 Chewy 99 Ones who spilled? label 66 SI. Louis player 95 Disco balls, e.g. controlthe 33 Social groUP 67 Prunes 100 Admire Io the chocolate treats madtets? DOWN 35 cnux max 21 Wrap altemative 68 Wrath,in a 22 Sport with 104 Curious box I Charm 36 Cheese-topped hymn 10I Hurler Hershiser opener 2 Fading star of chip 70 Eponymous 102 VIciorIS's Secret touches « 108 February deity the East? 37 Palais Garnier comet tracker 23 I ssy, lovely purchase 109 Frankfurt's river 3 1,760 yards p erformance 7 1 Maximum trio? I03 Fight placesIo 110 Suffix with 4 Sugar refining 38 Tiger's front and 72 Bra spec 104 Picayune worship!"? smack byproduct back? 73 Funny Bombeck 105 Therapy prefix 26 Summers of 39 Dragon's island 74 Makeup artist? I06 «When pigs fly!v Food Network's 111 «Food, Glorious 5 Whichever Food" musical "Unwrapped'* 6 Gambol 4 0 Figurehead 76 PC port 107 Exof Rod 7 Roller coaster place 78 Far from in Stewart 27 Ancient concett 113 Lyonlover's wortI inversion 41 Confident vogue 112 « SKICkOUI venues 8 Road travel leader? 79 Merman of of You": Cole 28 Europeanchain 115 Shopping list entry pioneer 46 Siesta Broadway Porter 29 Functional 119 hall 9 Mythical flying 4 7 Eponymous 8 0 Squirrel away 113 Soon clothing 120 WhatIograb for giant inventor Tupper 82 College Football 114 «Likev chitchat accessoiy i sn esIIIr 10 Kutcher of ThaI 48 It might be going Hall of Fame 116 Bye 30 Mount near ' 7 0s Show" momtng flight? 49 What SImon inductee 29 117 Bespectacled Olympus 123 Agt. after Iax 11 Word with sex CIoes Ghostbuster years after 31 -ahu ktds' evaders or snob 52 Soccer stadium Knute 118 Neatnik's bane book character 124 DOE part: 12 Downstztng shout 83 Like epics 121 Prop- suffix 33 Symphonic Abbr. program? 53 Alphabetic run 84 Beach bags I22 Chitchat finale 34 Sleep inducer of 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 I 1 12 13 14 15 I 6 IT 18 a sort 36 Teflon advisory 20 22 gioups? 42 Cryover, 23 24 25 26 maybe I25 Half a historic bomber

took a quick gander, and I dragged her right back down. Joni Mitchell once sang about wandering the Champs Elysees and "going cafe to cabaret" in t hat " unfettered and alive" way. But not I. My approach tothat grand boulevard, and most of Paris's landmarks, is better described by Dionne Warwick: I walk on

time will allow. A single theatrical experience might mean one fewer High Street curry house, an equation that just doesn't work for me. On one visit there many years ago, I came up for air from my chicken tikka masala and rogan josh to visit by. Quickly. Covent Garden, but you can What's my rush'? Why don't probably guess that my destiI stop and smell the roses — or nation wasn't the Royal Opera at least ogle the stained glass? House, magnificently restored It's not that I'm uninterested and certainly one of the city's in art, architecture, theater, most glorious attractions. No, music or other cultural touch- it was little Neal's Yard Dairy stones of a place as rich as for a sampling of exquisite the City of Light. Far from it. raw-milk c h eddar and But my primary interest com- Wensleydale, Stilton, Shropmands too much of my atten- shire and other UK cheeses tion, and I'm trying to pack it of a quality I had never before all in. experienced. I skip most of the must-sees In Rome, I broke my habit because I'm headed for the for a little suit shopping and a must-eats. trip to the Sistine Chapel, but I know Notre Dame primarhonestly, that's just because a) ily as that imposing structure I got wind of a fabulous little that rises into the sky on the trattoria in the neighborhood, way across the river to my fa- and b) I could get Armani at a vorite bakery on the Rue de third of the price. And the suit Rennes — the one with the would help me fit in at a sleek perfect financiers, those gold- restaurant I was planning to brick-shaped almond cakes visit in Milan. I'm on my most touristy bethat I'll take over a madeleine any day of the week, Proust havior when I have company. be damned. Pompidou'smodWhen I went to Barcelona severn art m useum may h old eral years ago with my sister, I works by the likes of Dali and knew that if we didn't manage Kandinsky and Warhol and to soak up some Gaudi, espeCalder, but I mostly think of cially the wild and unfinished it as eye candy for my walk Sagrada Familia, she would to the best falafel shop in the have disowned me. Thankcity. fully, she's also as interested One Paris oversight is so in food as I am, so we returned egregious that I hesitate even time and again to La Boqueria, to admit it. But here goes: Ev- the famed food market. ery time I've visited, I've been When we spent a week in too busy making my way from Mexico City, she insisted that macaron shop to farmers mar- we devote the better part of a ket, from wine bar to rotis- day to the Anthropology Muserie, that I've never actually seum, which — don't tell her I made it all the way into — get said this — I kind of wish we ready forthis — the Louvre. had skipped in favor of anothThe Louvre! er squash-blossom quesadilla It seems so ridiculous, but or two. the fact is, whenever I've had On a two-week trip to Jathe choice between lining up pan, my friend Devra made to see the Mona Lisa and lin- sure that we took the time ing up to bite into a kouign— in between meals, naturally amann, a f a b ulous pastry — to see some temples, such as from Brittany that tastes like the Meiji Shrine in Tokyo and the love child of a croissant the breathtaking Kinkaku-ji and a sticky bun, well, you (Temple of the Golden Pavilknow what wins out. ion) in Kyoto. Left to my own It's the same everywhere I devices, I might have skipped travel, to one degree or anoth- them both and hung out for a er. Over five days in London, little longer at Tokyo's Tsukiji you'd think that I could clear Fish Market, where we had suan evening for a West End play shi for breakfast — and where or two — but not when I want I wanted to return for lunch. to eat as much Indian food as The truth is, I know that I've

learned plenty about every placeI' ve been, even as I've focused onthose must-eats over the must-sees. Food, ofcourse, is just as significant a part of a city's culture as art, making a visit to a restaurant or a bakery every bit as valid as one to a museum. And sometimes the lines between the two blur. One of Devra's best ideas on that Japan trip was that we take a train to the Ramen Museum in Yokohama. The upstairs exhibits taught us how important ramen is to the history of Japan, preparing us for the main attraction downstairs: a theme park set i n t h e y ear 1958, when the instant version of the noodles were invented. This is where outposts of renowned ramen shops from all over the country serve hot, steaming bowls of broth and noodles representing various regional styles, and we managed to eat at five of them. And then we bought some ramen kitsch at the gift shop. This was history we could taste. In Paris, the best example might be at the most iconic sight of all: the Eiffel Tower. I hadn't avoided it, but I also hadn't gotten up close and personal — not until my friend Rachel and I made reservations for dinner at Le Jules Verne, which had been a tourist trap until Alain Ducasse's team took it over and created a luxe restaurant where the food (and the price tag, of course) lives up to the view. Why choose between dinner and a trip up the tower when you can have both'? Inside the tower, some 400 feet above ground, we wined and dined as the sun set over Paris and the tower lit up. As I write this, I'm planning my next big trip, to Southeast Asia in the fall. And all this talk about my must-not-sees has made me vow to expand my interests a little bit, to let up on the food obsessions and try to experience a wider view of a culture. As I read guidebooks on Thailand, I'm going to try to design an itinerary that can accommodate, say, a guided tour of Angkor Wat as well as a cooking class or two in Chiang Mai. If we run short on t i me, though, I think I know what to


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100 mountains in3apan: a mountaineer's journey By Kenan Christiansen

couple. Many people visit the shrines there seeking marital

New York Times News Service


W hen A k i ra Chi ba reached the top of M o unt Yarigatake a d ozen years ago and stared out into the v olcanic ga s c l ouds t h at wreathed its peak, it was the realization of what for some is a long-held dream. He had just summited the last of the 1 00 mountains listed in a

And part of the Japanese spirit was built b y M o unt Fuji. However, beware, the Fuji boom of past years still ' igrjjl tjatjslrj ett q@ir jj continues, and every summer IIIII I1%IIII • IUIUIUI about 300,000 visitors show '>qllijI IIU II ilaiiil|iiiilljii jiiiliaIIIIIUlgj"' t ' up to hike it. II1IIU1lll iitl IIIIIINU alUlp A good example of grace might be Mount Rishiri, a volcano island t hat f l oats „'w8-s ', iia iiil' '- e 4I "wxg, UI IPUIR(ll atop the ocean in the north ' 1@jili si part of Hokkaido. This type of mountain is beautiful to New YorkTimes News Service look at, because its ridgeline Akira Chiba climbed all of slopes directly into the sea. the 100 Japanese mountains From the top, you can see described in a popular book. many islands, even ones far off in the distance. O nce, I s t ood t h ere i n • What do people look to the evening, and as the sun • learn about mountains dropped into the ocean, the in Japan'? sky became serene and I "100 Famous Japanese could see all the homes on • Mountains," published those islands gradually lightin 1964, which chronicled ing up. It was an unforgettathe favorite climbs of Kyuya ble experience. I stood there Fukada. Before him, Tani completely still, w a tching, Buncho, a painter during the and my tears wouldn't stop. Edo period, had already made The fact is, I would probaa list of 90 celebrated moun- bly recommend 95 percent of tains. Buncho's list was cho- these mountains, but I don't sen from a painter's point of think Fukada had meant for view — mountains that melt- people to only hike these 100. ed intothe scenery, often near There are so many worthy villages — while Fukada's list m ountains in Japan. I b ehad the view of a modern al- lieve the intention of his list pinist. He chose deep moun- was to encourage a mountains, many of which could t ain-climbing spirit. In t h e only be seen from the sum- book he would insist, "These mit of other mountains, and are my best 100, which are based his selection on three yours?" criteria: grace, history and individuality. So besides the 100, • which w ou l d you What are some good recommend? . examples o f suc h • There is a small mounmountains? • tain hut, called Funak. Mount Tsukuba has a ubo-goya (Funakubo-lodge), . low altitude among the in the Northern Alps between 100, but its history is steeped Mount Nanakura and Mount in legend. You can even find Renge. It's a homey place, its name in the oldest sur- kept by a very warm old couviving anthology of J apa- ple and some volunteers. The nese poetry. People relate wife makes hearty meals for to this mountain as an intimountaineers, using edible mate place, because its two wild plants and dried food. peaks, one male, the other It was so yummy, I had to refemale, are said to make a turn the next year. t

popular book by Kyuya Fu-

Photosby Robb Kendnck/ New York Times News Service

A massage shack on the beach in Troncones, Mexico. Despite a new reputation for chicness, Troncones is determined to remain the small, beach town it always has been.


K g. ~t

Continued from C1 Our apprehension wasn't

helped by a new highway on the way north from the Zihuatanejo airport (this time we flew in from our home in Texas with our teenage sons and, alas, no dogs). We worried the highway was, uh, paving the way for high-rises and Senor Frog's tequila shot contests in Troncones. Thankfully, when we got off the highway, about 22 miles from Zihuatanejo, we were surrounded by nothing but tropical forest. In town, we found a chicken running on the dirt road in front of the same dusty tienditas and hand-painted hotel and restaurantsigns we remembered. T here was no t race of t h e dreaded stalls selling T-shirts and seashell fridge magnets or parasails pulled by boats crisscrossing the sky. After we checked out our room at Casa Delfin Sonriente, an open-air suite with mosquito-netted beds, we ran to the wide, rock-strewn beach to greet the wild surf that has drawn surfers here for years. The waves are exploding tubes of ocean that make a near-Nascar-decibel crack when they break. Scanning the shoreline, we spotted no Jack-and-theBeanstalk buildings poking over the palms. Mostly we saw a long smear of vegetation. The few visible structures — homes and hotels — barely showed their foreheads, and many of those low-slung buildings had palapa roofs that blended in seamlessly. None of the houses had an ostentatious feel that suggested it might belong to an international art star.

Small changes On the first of what would be twice-daily walks, however, we noticed a large construction site. "Condos," one of the workmen told us. Just as I feared. We later learned that the complex would have only five units and be two stories high. The notion that there were other people — this developer included — who wanted to keep Troncones real was a supreme reli ef. On our walks — more than t wo miles round trip — w e were relieved to find the beach mostly empty, even at primetime hours. "It's 4 o'clock, and we've passed what — 60 people?" my husband asked after one outing. We considered this good news, but that night at dinner a man who visits regularly from Seattle said he was feeling crowded. "It used to be there'd only be five people on the beach with you," he said. Another day at a pizza place, Cafe Sol, we met a couple from the Yukon. Over the course of their month in Troncones, they had sampled many restaurants. I asked about the Inn at Manzanillo Bay, whose intriguing menu I had seen online. "It's pricey and a little too fine for


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kada — a goal held by many Japanese mou n t a ineers, i ncluding C r o w n Pr i n c e Naruhito. R e aching th e marker, though, Chiba was not overcome with elation. He experienced the normal exhilaration of summiting a mountain and a longing for distant peaks, one that he has continued to indulge. Below are edited excerpts from a c o nversation conducted with Chiba through a translator about climbing mountains in Japan.


significant ar e Q •• How mountains in J a p a nese culture? • M any r e g i ons h a v e a "home mountain" that is a d ored b y l o c als. Once, while hiking Mount Kurikoma, I came upon a shrine fo r t h e m o u n tain god, nestled under a cliff, and suddenly felt the faith of all the people who lived at the foot of that mountain. In the past, mountains were holy objects, partly because the rivers that flowed from them nourished the fields. People would b less them and pray to be spared from drought, and farmers would look to them to gauge the seasons. For example,in my homet own of M i y agi, i n e a r ly spring th e m e l ting s n ow on Mount Kurikoma forms into a lingering shape on the mountainside. It looks something like a horse and signals the arrival of the plant-




A taxi stand in Troncones. The biggest change in town, according to surf instructor Mike Linn, is the paving of a main road. "With this dirt road, it can't be a year-round resort. In the rainy season all of this is mud." Troncones," the wife said. D espite our fears that i t might be one of those fancierthan-thou spots, wetried it ourselves. Fortunately, the poolside restaurant (and adjoining hotel) proved that a touch

ers ply their craft near us, it wasn't long before the boys wanted to go beyond the boogie board. That's when I called Mike Linn of ISA Mexico (aka Tsunami Surf) for a l esson and. Feeling brave, I made it of sophistication (groomed for all four of us. grounds, C a l ifornia-trained Mike, a California native chef) doesn't trump the Tron- who started coming to Troncones character. It also dem- cones 15 years ago, picked onstrated that "expensive" in us up at our hotel in his mudMexico is completely relative. spattered truck with its rack Wearing our bathing suits on of surfboards. Asked about the patio, we ate Thai shrimp changes he's seen, he said, tacos and an ahi tuna sand- "The biggest thing right now is wich as we watched surfers that they're paving this road." "With this dirt road, it can't bob in Manzanillo Bay. For the four ofus, lunch came to less be a year-round resort," he than 800 pesos (about $66 at added. "In the rainy season," 12 pesos to the dollar). July through October, "all of Other favored spots tended this is mud." to have palapa roofs, plastic Mike seemed less concerned chairs and vinyl tablecloths. than I was that the special unAt Dona Martha, on nearby varnished flavor of Troncones Playa Majahua, freshly caught was going to be lost. "It would oysters are kept in tidal pools be hard for it to become a big till ordered. Another beach- resort with high-rises and all front spot, Roberto's Bistro, of- that," he said, explaining that fered a superb break from sea- its growth is limited because food. My husband (a Texan!) much of the land is owned by declared that Roberto's vacio an ejido (a land cooperative), steak — a cut from Argentina which m a kes d evelopment — was the best steak he had more difficult. I later learned ever tasted. that a municipal statute limOur waiter at Roberto's inits building height to no more formed us that we had missed than three stories. the restaurant's weekly MexiAt the next beach, Majacan folklore show by one day. hua, we left the road, and soon He showed us photos of danc- Mike was demonstrating the ers wearing f l ounces and mechanics of surfing. After colorful ribbons. As the days we all floundered in the surf a went by, I decided one of the while, one son, then the other, biggest changes in Troncones got the hang of it. My husband was the number of such arand I took moretime, but when ranged activities: Live salsa I finally slid onto the beach upmusic at bars, bird-watching, right, I pumped my arms in the eco-tours into the mountains, air — and then promptly went painting lessons on the beach down like a bowling pin. at an art house called Casa It was when I went to pay Creativa, yoga at the lovely Mike that I got the clear reasPresent Moment Retreat. surance I had been looking for, Mostly, though, we kept to even though it was a bit inconthe activities we had come to venient. I opened my wallet love on earlier visits — canter- and realized I hadn't brought ing on horses over wet sand enough cash. Mike told me the made pink by the vanishing nearest ATM was 20 minutes sun, and playing in that allur- away in the anti-Troncones: ing surf. We needed only to overgrown Ixtapa. He saved stretch out on our (hotel-pro- me by allowing me to pay later vided) boogie boards in front via PayPal. of a just-broken wave, and the What up-and-coming tourfrothingforce would speed us ist destination doesn't have shoreward. dozens of ATMs? One that is (I hope) determined to remain Catching waves the small, delightful surf-andAfter watching many surfslack town it always has been. Horseback riding at sunset is a favorite activity in Troncones. Other types of arranged activities — bird-watching, yoga, live

salsa music — are becoming more common in the drowsy beach town.



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Publishing Date: Monday, May l3








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U.S. BANK POLE PEDAL PADDLE THEGUIDETOTHELARGEST SINGLE SPORTINGEVENTIN CENTRAL OREGON. The Pole Pedal Paddle is a tradition in Bend that serves as a fundraiser for Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEF). MBSEF is the leading nonprofit sports training organization dedicated to promoting positive core values to the Central Oregon youth community. The guide includes the schedule of events, descriptions of the race legs, course maps, and highlights of this signature event.


CASCADE CYCLING CLASSIC THEGUIDETOTHESTAGESAND COURSESOFTHELONGEST STANDINGCYCLINGSTAGERACEIN AMERICA. The Cascade Cycling Classic is a six-day event with a long list of American cycling stars among its past winners. Staged in Bend,The Cascade Cycling Classic serves as a fundraiser for the Mount Bachelor Sports Education Foundation (MBSEFj. This guide provides information on race stages and locations.

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PublishingDate: Wednesday, Saturday, July 13




' eiance'ise ua a ss ow, ame TV SPOTLIGHT

him the appearance of one of the Dothraki from "Game of Thrones" whochose the life of a steampunk vaudevillian. There are interspecies love affairs, an alien albino mob boss and a lot of weird contact lenses. It's joyfully derivative and better than it deserves to


9 p.m.Monday, Syfy By Chris Sueilentrop New York Times News Service

Video games adapted from movies and television shows are, with a few notable exceptions, uniformly terrible. Movies adapted from video games are even worse. Think — or try not to — of "Super Mario Bros.," starring Bob Hoskins, John Leguizamo and Dennis Hopper, or of "Street Fighter," s tarring J e an-Claude V a n Damme and Raul Julia. As for l i v e-action television series inspired by video games, there have not been enough to ascertain a trend, even by the meager standards required for critical trendspott ing. But i f " W h ere i n t h e World Is Carmen Sandiego?" — a PBS game show for children from the early 1990s — is the exemplaroftheform, we're not looking at something with a long tradition of excellence. So "Defiance," a new series on Syfy that will have its premiere on Monday, and "Defiance," the new video game from Trion Worlds that made its debut last week, will face considerable skepticism from viewers and players. But this joint project is worth paying attention to, even if it can't be deemed a success just yet. In an unusual arrangement, neither the show nor the video

the show, in addition to making the show talk to the game. A t a d i n ner d u r ing t h e South by Southwest festival last month in Austin, Texas, the creators discussed the possibilities. "I do think there's a great goal, for down the line, to figure out a major plot point for a season finale or something: Will a certain character live or die?" Murphy said. "I'd love to go to that place and figure it out. I just think you can't start at that place. Because right now, nobody's watching the show. Nobody was aware of the show while we were shooting it. You can't do that in the first season." But Mark Stern, the president for original content at Syfy, expressed less enthusiasm for letting game players determine what happens in the show. "I'm not so sure that gamers want to affect the narrative of a TV series," he said. "They want tosee themselves represented. They want to see the worlds cross over. They want to be given Easter eggs that give them insider information. "But I think you're watching a TV show for a very different reason than you're playing a video game. It's a lean-back experience. You want to be told a story. Do you really want to dictate how that story goes? Maybe. But I feel like that's part of the learning about this whole process."


Syfy via New York Times News Service

Stephanie Leonidas stars in the new Syfy series "Defiance." The video game "Defiance" and the show were created at the same time, and their narratives intersect. game is a spinoff of the other. Instead, in a p r o cess that took five years and three contracts between Syfy and Trion Worlds, the fictional world of "Defiance" is a collaboration between the companies. The series and the game were developed simultaneously. Each is designed to be a stand-alone piece of entertainment. Yet they also intersect. Events in the show will influence the game. And events in the game will i nfluence the show. "You have toplay the game in real time," between episodes of theseries,"to getthe fullest experience," said Kevin Murphy, an executive producer for the show. Considered separately, the television series and the game

aren't all that interesting. "Defiance," judged by its two-hour pilot and the second and third episodes, is an entertaining trifle set in the near-future St. Louis after an alien invasion. It's the science-fiction version of an Old West frontier show, with brothels and a sheriff

(called the "lawkeeper"). There's Joshua Nolan, a Han Solo-like scoundrel with a heart of gold, played by Grant Bowler. One of the seven alien races appears to be some kind of orangutan Chewbacca. A motorcycle gang garbs itself in the standard post-apocalyptic attire of seemingly mismatched athletic apparel — a catcher's mask, perhaps, or half of a set of football shoulder pads. The gang leader sports a

top hat with goggles, giving

The first several hours of "Defiance" the game, a massively multiplayer online world set inthe same universe'sSan Francisco, are less entertaini ng. Running a r ound a n d shooting things — bugs and mutants and whatnot — is reasonably fun, but the character animations, acting and dialogue all feel second class. In combination, however, "Defiance" the series and "Defiance" the game are promising experiments. The first two characters seen in the television pilot — Joshua Nolan and his adopted alien daughter, Irisa Nyira (played by Stephanie Leonidas) — begin as charactersin the video game. M issions that p l ayers c an carry out alongside Nolan and Irisa will be removed from the game when the series begins next week. The goal, Murphy said, is for the show and the game to pass characters back and forth freely. The series' second season — if there is one — could feature a deeper relationship. The creators of both still appear to be thinking out loud about how to make the game talk to

Ljst e a iten e w enit i

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional feefor 3-0 and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. I

Dear Abby: My daughter was married eight months ago. During the planning of the wedding, her fiance was very involved in every aspect of decision-making. Soon after the vows were exchanged, her new h u sband b ecame cold a n d distant toward her. DEAR He would constantly ABBY tell her sh e m a de him miserable, and he allowed his mother to ridicule and berate her over things from her hair color to her cooking. My husband and I kept quiet because we didn't want to interfere. About a monthago, he decided he no longer wanted to be married. Since then, my daughter has revealed that shortly after the wed-

ding she discovered her engagement ring was a fake, and he insisted she pay for half the costs of the honeymoon — which she did. We're not wealthy people, so paying for their wedding was a stretch for us. I am furious that my soon-to-be ex-son-in-law sat and watched us spend thousands

of dollars on a wedding, knowing full well my daughter was wearing a fake ring on her hand and then insisted she pay for half the honeymoon. I wonder what his real motive w as i n mar r y i n g her. He shows no remorse and portrays himself as the "victim" for having married someone who couldn't get a l o ng with his mother. How do I m ove forward and get over my anger and need for retribution? — Outraged in Oklahoma Dear Outraged: Start by thanking your lucky stars that your daughter will soon be free of a husband who appears to be already married to his mother. Then realize that your daughter was married to a dishonest, verbally abusive user to whom she might have been tied for a lifetime if she'd had a child or two with him. Dear Abby: I'm a 2 4 -year-old gay man, and I still don't know if I want to have children or not.

I feel that by this point I should know, but I don't. When I date, the subject inevitably comes up, and I never know how to respond. I used to think t hat children were an expense I would never want, but now the thought pops into my head from time to time. People have told me I'd be a great dad. I think so, too. When and how will I know for sure'? And in the meantime, what should I tell the guys I date? — Undecided in Washington, D.C. Dear Undecided: I t is not u nusual for a person your age — regardless of sexual orientation — to be unsure about taking on the responsibilities of parenthood. You will probably know "for sure" you want children when you arein a stable relationship and financially able to provide for them. In the meantime, tell the guys y ou date that you " t h ink" y o u would like to be a parent one day — but you're not yet ready to set up a nursery. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • 42(PG-13) 12:30, 3:20, 6:45, 7:15, 9:40, 10:05 • ADMISSION(PG-13) 3:45, 9:30 • THE CALL (R) 1:20, 3:50, 7:30, 9:50 • THE CROODS (PG) 12:05, 2:30, 4:50, 7:25, 9:45 • THECROODS3-D (PG) I2:20,3:40 • EVIL DEAD (R) 12:45, 3:40, 7:20, 10:10 • G.l. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) l2:15, 5:20, 7:50 • G.l. JOE: RETALIATION 3-D (PG-l3) 2:50, 10:20 • THE HOST (PG-13) 12:35, 3:35, 6:40, 9:25 • IDENTITY THIEF(R) 1:40, 4:20, 6:55, 9:55 • THEINCREDIBLE BURT WONDERSTONE (PG-13)12:50, 6:35 • JACKTHE GIANT SLAYER 3-D(PG-I3)1:05,3:55 • JURASSICPARK3-D(PG- I3) 12:30, 3:30, 6:45, 9:35 • JURASSICPARKIMAX (PG-13) 1, 4, 7, 9:50 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) 1:10, 4:10, 6:50, 10 • OZTHE GREAT AND POWERFUL (PG)Noon,3,6r t0,905 • OZTHE GREATAND POWERFIjL3-D (PG) 12: IO,3:15, 6:20, 9: I5 • SCARY MOVIE 5 (PG-13) 12:40, 2:55, 5:10, 7:10, 7:25, 9:25, 10:15 • Accessibility devicesareavailable forsome movies. t





Regal Pilot Butte 6, 27'l7 N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 54'I-382-6347

• EMPEROR (PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 6:45 • THE GATEKEEPERS (R) 12:30, 7 • PLACEBEYONDTHEPINES(R) Noon, 3, 6 • QUARTET (PG-13) 3:45 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 12:45, 3:30, 6:30 • TRANCE (R) 1,4, 7: I5, 9:35

APRIL 14, 2013:This yearothers find


you exciting and full of surprises. You By Jacqueline Bigar discover that your social life is demanding but rewarding. You also will do well professionally because of your ability as a result. Tonight: Opportunities keep to understand and communicate with emerging. others. If you are single, there are many CANCER (June21-July22) possibilities. What *** Much is going on behindthe Stars showthe kind will it take to make scenes. Even if you are not in the middle of day you'll have yo u stop and want of what is happening, you sense the ** * * * D ynamic to get to know undercurrents. Someone is about to ** * * P ositive so meone better? reveal more, and you'll want to be an ** * A verage Onl y you know active listener. Tonight: Not to be found. ** S o-so when thetiming Let others' imaginations wander. is right. Ifyou are * Difficult LEO (July23-Aug. 22) attached, the two ofyou start playing together like two kids ** * * * Su r round yourself with friends and/or family. Whether you're at in a sandbox. GEMINI makes you smile a ballgame or just out and about, you'll with his or her sunny ways. have a great time. Catch up on news from ARIES (March 21-April 19) someone you rarely see but feel close to. ** * * O b serve what is going on behind Good luck surrounds groups and friends thescenes.You mightbe confused,as in general. Tonight: Why stop enjoying something could be happening thatyou yourself? do not want to see or be apart of. You are VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) a source of ideas and creative solutions. ** * Be willing to take the lead and Reach out to a neighbor or relative at a follow through on whatyou believe distance. Tonight: Hang out with friends. is important. Others like it when you TAURUS (April 20-May20) coordinate a get-together. Conversations ** * Your intuition is telling you with a friend encourage you. Tonight: something very different from what Start thinking about tomorrow. you hear. Listen to news, but keep your LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) inner cynic active. Treat a friend or family ** * * K eep reaching out to someone member to the movies.A changeofpace whom you have not spoken to for a while. makes you smile. You are nothing less The best approach is a direct one, though than lucky. Tonight: Oo your own thing. you might not expect what this person GEMINI (May 21-June20) brings to the table. You could be relieved ** * * H ow you see a situation could once you hear his or her news, but you change radically as information pours also might be concerned. Tonight: Veg. in. You are seeing just the tip of the SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21) iceberg. You canhandle whatevercomes ** * * D eal with a partner directly your way. Worry less, and open up to a whom you have beenavoiding. You conversation. You will feel quite upbeat

might be surprised at how easily the conversation will go. You will feel fortunate that you have this person to relate to on a one-on-one level. Opportunities arise when you're together. Tonight: Togetherness feels natural.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21) ** * * * O t hers seek you out — each of them buoyant with news or ideas. You could say "no," but the prospect of relating makes you want to say "yes." Suddenly, you'll discover just how very busy you are. A very special person comes forward. Tonight: A fun dinner with friends.

CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19) ** * You have been postponing a project long enough. The time to complete it is now. You might have to block some interference from other options that could be more appealing. Can you do them all and feel good aboutyourself? Tonight: Make it easy.

AauaRiuS(Jan.20-Feb.18) ** * * You might pull the wild card when dealing with money. Know that a risk could go either way. You will want to deal with a changing situation. A new friend could be a lot of fun, and he or she will go along with whatever you want. Tonight: Pretend that tomorrow isn't Monday.

PISCES (Fed. 19-March20) ** * * You are full of surprises, especially when it comes to your funds. For your well-being, try to tame any wild spending. Evoke more self-discipline, and you will be happier as a result. Focus on your family and home. Reach out to someone at a distance. Tonight: Accept an invitation. ©2013 by King Features Syndicate

11 a.m. on ES, "2013 Masters Tournament" —Sunday at Augusta — it's one of those quintessential settings in sports, right up there with match point at Wimbledon, Game 7 atYankee Stadium or the two-minute warning at the Super Bowl. Who will fight off the pressure and prevail today in the final round of the Masters? Last year, it was Bubba Watson, whose miraculous snap-shot out of rough to within 10 feet of the pin enabled him to defeat Louis Oosthuizen in a playoff. 9 p.m. on FOOD,"Chopped" — In the new episode "Chopped All-Stars: Mega Chefs," Elizabeth Falkner (Orson, Citizen Cake), Chuck Hughes (Garde Manger), Gavin Kaysen (Cafe Boulud) and Richard Blais ("Top Chef AllStars") take on baskets featuring seabass,cream soda,oxtailand labneh (yoguft cheese). Marcus Samuelsson joins Chris Santos and Maneet Chauhan on the judging panel. 9 p.m. on MTV,"2013 MTV Movie Awards" —MTV's always-offbeat ceremony moves to spring this year to get a jump on the summer movie season. Rebel Wilson ("Pitch Perfect," "Bridesmaids") hosts the celebration from Culver City, Calif. Top nominated movies are "Ojango Unchained," "Ted," "Silver Linings Playbook" and "The Dark Knight Rises." Surprisingly, "The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part2" has only one nomination: Taylor Lautner is up for best shirtless performance. 9 p.m. on SHO, "NurseJackie" — Season 4 ended in chaos and devastation for Jackie (Emmy winner Edie Falco) and Dr. Cruz (Bobby Cannavale), as Charlie (Jake Cannavale) lost his life to drugs. Will Jackie be able to continue her sobriety into Season 5? Will Eddie (Paul Schulze) get his job back? And what's Or. O'Hara (EveBest) going to be like as a mom? 10 p.m. on HBO, "Veep" — This season finds U.S. Vice President Selina Meyer (Julia Louis-Oreyfus) back for another term of screwball politics and firestorms as she tries to parlay slightly above-average popularity polls into increased influence with the president. But even the most banal decision made by Selina and her staff can have the most unexpected and far-reaching consequences. Tony Hale, Anna Chlumsky, Matt Walsh and Reid Scott also star. ©Zap2(t

vPure. Crrarf.k Co.

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McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • 21 ANDOVER(R) 9 • ESCAPEFROM PLANET EARTH (PG)11:30 a.m . • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 6 • LIFE OF PI (PG)2:15 • After 7p.m.,showsare21and older only. Younger than21 may attend screenings before 7 pm. if accompanied by a legalguardian. t


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Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777 • THE CROODS (PG) 11:15a.m., 1:30, 3:45, 6:15, 8:30 • EVIL DEAD (R) 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 3:15, 5:15, 7:15, 9:15 • G.l. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) 11:30 a.m., 2, 4:30, 7, 9:30 • SCARY MOVIE (PG-13) 5 11:30 a.m., 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30

Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • 42(PG-13)1:30,4: I5,7 • ADMISSION(PG-13) 2:15, 4:30, 6:45 • THE CROODS (PG)2, 4, 6 • OLYMPUSHASFALLEN(R) 1:45, 4:15, 6:45 (/


Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • 42(PG-13) 1:30, 4: IO,6:50 • THECROODS (PG) I2:50,3:05,5:15,7:25 • EVIL DEAD (R) 1:15, 3:20, 5:20, 7:20 • G.I. JOE:RETALIATION3-D (PG-I3) 4:35, 7:05 • G.l. JOE:RETALIATION(PG-13) 2:05 • SCARY MOVIE (PG-13) 5 1:20, 3:20, 5:20, 7:15 •

Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • G.l. JOE:RETALIATION(UPSTAIRS — PG-13) 1:10, 4: IO, 7:10 • THE HOST (PG-13) 1, 4, 7 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.

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Bend's Vijarro to play in Canada

Madras boys take


— Bend professional golfer Andrew Vijarro has made the 2013 PGA

Tour Canada, adevelopmental circuit that could lead to the


Web.com Tour. Vijarro completed the darkness-sus-

at Burns invite

pended final round of

the PGATour Canada's qualifying school Sat-

urday morning with a 1-under-par 71, putting the 23-year-old in a tie for sixth place at 7

under after 72 holes at Morongo Golf Club at

Tukwet Canyon. Only 20 golfers, including Vijarro, out of nearly 300 in the start-

ing field at Q-School earned exempt status

on PGATour Canada, an important stepping stone toward earning status on the PGA

Tour's main develop-

mental Web.com Tour. After graduating in

June from the University of Oregon, where he

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Ridgeview coach Sandy Fischer, left, talks to a baserunner during softball practice last week in Redmond.

was a four-year standout golfer, Vijarro has enjoyed a strong first

yearin professional golf. In addition to his

Q-School success, the Bend High Schoolgrad-

uate has earned two second-place finishes on the Gateway Pro Tour, an Arizona-based mini-tour. This is his biggest

• After 900 wins atOklahomaState, SandyFischer leadsRidgeview's first-year program

step yet, though. The

By Grant Lucas

top five golfers on

Tour Canada's Order of Merit at season's end

The Bulletin

earn 2014 Web.com Tour cards. The top

She competed on a 4-H Club team in Illinois, one she helped organize as a 9-year-old.

fully exempt status, according to PGA Tour

There was also summer ball, but a program did not exist at her high school.

Canada. PGA Tour Canada begins in June with the

Forty-three years and 900 collegiate coaching wins later, Fischer is at the forefront of a first-year

Times Colonist Island Savings Open in Victoria, British Columbia,

high school softball program, at the new Ridgeview High in Redmond.

one of eight events on

the tour's schedule. — i3ulletin staff report

"Ultimately, I missed the high school

experience,"says Fischer,former longtime coach at Oklahoma State University and 2008 National Fastpitch Coaches Association Hall of Fame inductee. "So if I can contribute to it and help the kids, great, because I missed it." Fischer, now 61, attended Western Illinois University and took a softball class as an elective, which led to her playing on the university's softball team. She ended up playing for four years — the last of which was courtesy of a talent grant, the general equivalent of an athletic scholarship at the time — helping Western Illinois advance to the College World Series three times. After a four-year stint with the Connecticut Falcons of the Women's Professional Softball League, and in the fall


Kyle Buschwins Sprint Cuprace Pulling awayafter a late caution, the driver gets

a weekend sweepin Texas,DS


Mariners fall at home to Rangers Seattle continues to struggle at home with a

3-1 loss to Texas,D3

Courtesy of Oklahoma State University


Sandy Fischer instructs a player during her stint as head coach at Oklahoma State University. Fischer has become the first softball coach at Ridgeview High School in Redmond this season.

jump. Ty Shrout paced the Bulldogs with a second-place showing in the shot put, and Joey Fraser (400), Tuck Williams (shot put) and Travis

Klopp (high jump) each fin-

andy Fischer never played high school softball.

player from 2013 earns

Bulletin staff report BURNS — With three athletes taking first place, Madras' boys track and field team finished second in the 14-team field with 99 points at the Burns Lions Invitational on Saturday. Only Vale bested the White Buffaloes in the team standings, finishing with 106'/~ points. Culver, Central Oregon'sother representative, took eighth with 36'/2 points. The Buffs fielded a trio of winners, including Nicholas Picard, who won the shot put with a throw of 40 feet, 8 inches. Kasey Cabral claimed first place in the discus with a toss of 118-07. And Brent Sullivan leapt 38-10 to earn the victory in the triple jump. Sullivan also placed second in the high

championship tournaments and NCAA Division I College World Series appearances before retiring in 2001. "I had been there 23 years and I played for 18 before that," Fischer reflects. "After a certain length of time, there's a fatigue factor. There's a factor of just, 'Wow. Now what'? Do I do the same thing year after year with the same drills, the same everything, or do they need some fresh blood?' " Fischer spent a few more years coaching with the Professional Fastpitch Extreme Tour — two teams made up of Olympians and all-Americans that went to youth tournaments to put on clinics before playing each other — but in 2004,

she was done for good.

She intended to be, at least. Fischer moved to Central Oregon to escape the sweltering heat and tornadoes following a brief gig as pitching coach of Stillwater, Okla., and settled down in at Michigan State University — where Central Oregon near Smith Rock, and she earned a master'sdegree in intra- word began to spread throughout the mural administration in 1978 — Fischer area about the new resident with the accepted the head coaching position at hall-of-fame softball coaching credenOklahoma State University. tials. Parents began calling Fischer, tellShe racked up 900 wins during a 23- ing her about this new high school openyear coaching career at Oklahoma State ing up in nearby Redmond that was in and led the Cowgirls to nine Association need of a softball coach. for Intercollegiate Athletics for Women See Direction/D5

ished fourth in their respective events. For the girls, Culver's Taylor Lynn took second in the 100-meter dash with a time of 14.46 seconds, as the Bulldogs finished seventh as a team with 29 points. Cheyanne Kinley also recorded a runner-up finish for Culver, which sent a split squad to Burns, placing second in the 3,000. Vale finished atop the team standings with 188 points, and Madras was eighth with 27. The Buffs were led by Elle Renault, who took second in

the long jump.



QBs gave Kelly wins at Oregon By Bob Ford The Philadelphia Inquirer

PHILADELPHIAhen Chip Kelly coached at Oregon, the Ducks went to the Rose Bowl one year with a 5-foot-ll, good-running quarterback. Another season, they made it to the BCS championship game with a 6-3 passer who ran only



Snedeker,Cabreratied heading to final day

sparingly. By Doug Ferguson

During Kelly's career in Eugene, which included two seasons asoffensive coordinator and four as head coach, the Ducks also started a 6-6 guy without much mobility, another 6-3 quarterback who ran pretty decently, and finally a 6-4 solid combination of passing and running skills. Kelly's quarterbacks were everything from red-shirt

The Associated Press

AUGUSTA, Ga. — The longest, strangest day at the Masters for Tiger Woods began with a text message from his agent Saturday morning to meet with Augusta National

On TV Los Angeles Clippers' Blake Griffin, left, drives against Memphis' Marc Gasol during Saturday's game in Memphis, Tenn.

Clippers holdoff Grizzlies 91-87 Late free throws by Chris Paul leads Los Angeles to a victory over Memphis,D4

official s nearly six hours before his tee time.

It ended some 10 hours later with a relieved flst pump for a key par that kept him in the coverage starts at mix for another green jacket. It was far different for the two guys atop the leaderboard. Inside Brandt Snedeker, an emotional wreck • Results,teetimes, when he last contended at the Masters five Scoreboard, 02 yea rs ago, was the model of calm as he opened with 12 pars and fired off three late birdies for a 3-under 69. "I'm not here to get a good finish," Snedeker said. "I'm not here to finish top 5. I'm here to win, and that's all I'm going to be focused on tomorrow. I realize what I have to do to do that, and I'm going to do everything I can to make sure that happens." SeeMasters /D6 The Masters final round toda

freshmen to junior-college

David J. Phillip/TheAssociated Press

Brandt Snedeker hits out of a bunker on the second hole during the third round of the Masters Saturday in Augusta, Ga.

transfers to program recruits who bided their time. None of them were what the scouting services called blue-chip prospects, but Kelly found a way to win with all of them. SeeKelly/D4





NHL, Chicago at St. Louis NHL, Detroit at Nashville

9:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m.

TV/ r adio NBC NB C SN

BASKETBALL NBA, Chicago at Miami NBA, Portland at Denver

10 a.m. ABC 2 p.m. CSNN W KBND-AM 1110


MLB, Baltimore at NewYork Yankees

10:30 a.m. TBS Noon KICE-AM 940 1 p.m. Root 5 p.m. ESPN

GOLF PGATour, TheMasters, final round

11 a.m.

M LB, TampaBay atBoston College, Utah at Oregon State MLB, Texas at Seattle

SOFTBALL College, Arizona atOregon Noon College, Utah atOregon State (same-day tape) 4p.m.

CBS Pac-12


SOCCER MLS, San Jose at Portland

7:30 p.m.


Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible forlate changesmade by Norradio stations.


stormed down the homestretch to pull away and win the $1 mil-

Beavers roll overUtes

lion Arkansas Derby onSaturday in Hot Springs, Ark. Thecolt,

and drove in tvvo runs to send the Oregon State baseball team

trained by Todd Pletcher, trailed

— Beau Day went four for four to an 8-3 win over UtahSaturday afternoon at Goss Stadium in Corvallis. Dylan Davis and Tyler Smith each had tvvo RBls as well to help pace the Beavers to the

with a second group for much of the race before charging ahead after the final turn in the1/e-mile

race. Overanalyze overcamethe lead packand held off Frac Daddy and Carve to earn Pletcher his

series win over the Utes. Oregon third win in the Kentucky Derby State has now vvon its first four prep race, his first since winning conference series for the second back-to-back Arkansas Derbies time in the past three seasons. in 2000 and 2001. Day singled four times to pace the club offensively as Oregon State (27-6 overall, 9-2 Pac-12

Conference) had 13hits as a


team. It was a season-high for

Yale wins NCAAtitle

Day, vvhocame into the game

— Jeff Malcolm stopped 36

with two hits on the year. Andy Peterson had three hits in the win and Davis had tvvo. The

shots and Yalevvonits first NCAA hockey championship with a 4-0 victory over top-

clubs close out the three-game

seeded Quinnipiac on Saturday

series today at Goss Stadium. First pitch is scheduled for12:05

night in Pittsburgh. Clinton Bourbonais, Charles Drzetti,


Andrew Miller and JesseRoot

Homers leadDucksto win

scored for the Bulldogs (22-12-

3), who avenged threeearlier — Scott Heineman hit two of Dr- losses to the Connecticut-rival egon's four home runsandhad Bobcats this season by stunning four RBls to lead Oregon to a10-

the nation's No.1 team on the

4 Pac-12 Conference win over

biggest stage of all. Bourbonais

California at Evans Diamond on Saturday night in Berkeley.

Heineman, whoentered the game with one career homerun,

scored with 4 seconds left in

the second period to give Yale the lead, then the Bulldogs (30-

became the first Duck to hit two

80-5) added three more in the third to win going away. Yale be-

homers in a gamesince Aaron

came the first ECAC team since

Jones had two at UCLA on April 5, 2012. His four RBls broke the

Harvard in1989 to capture the national title.

career high of three heset last Sunday at Arizona State. Heineman finished three for five with

three runs scored and anRBI double. Ryon Healy vvas tvvo for four with two RBls and three

TENNIS Isner, Almagroreach HOuStan final —JohnIsner

runs scored, while Brett Thomas and Nicolas Almagro, two of went tvvo for five with two runs

scored and anRBI. Oregon (268, 11-3 Pac-12j will go for the sweep today at1 p.m.

MLB players go toDL

— Stars Jose Reyesand Yoenis Cespedeswent on the disabled list Saturday after getting hurt while sliding, and the Miami

Marlins said slugger Giancarlo Stanton hopes to avoid a trip to the DL. Toronto said Reyes, its All-Star shortstop, likely will be sidelined until the All-Star break

because of aseverely sprained left ankle. Cespdes, Dakland's

left fielder, strained amuscle

the biggest servers in tennis, aced their vvay into the final of the LI.S. Men's Clay Court Championship in Houston.Top-

seeded Almagro of Spain, the ATP Tour leader with 261 aces, needed only 58 minutes to beat American wild-card Rhyne Wil-

liams 6-2, 6-1. Isner, second in tour aces with 251, recovered from a slow start to top defend-

ingchampionJuanMonaco of Spain1-6, 6-4, 6-4 in the other

semifinal to set up the booming showdown today.

Rodredo, Anderson reach Casadlanca final

in his left hand after he landed awkwardly in a tumbling slide

— Tommy Robredo ofSpain

Friday night. Cespedeshad an

Africa rallied to semifinal victo-

MRI that showed no structural

ries Saturday, setting up a title match in the Grand Prix Hassan

damage, andAthletics manager Bob Melvin says nosurgery will be needed. Stanton also had an MRI Saturday, and it showed a bruised left shoulder that caused him to miss his second straight

game for the Marlins.

HORSE RACING Java's WarwinsBlue Gi'BSS —Java's War rallied

and Kevin Anderson of South

in Casablanca, Morocco. Robredo beattop-seeded Stanislas Wavvrinka of Switzerland 1-

6, 6-3, 6-2. Anderson, seeded second, downed third-seeded Martin Klizan of Slovakia 2-6, 6-4, 6-2.

WINTER SPORTS U.S. wins WorldTeam

from last to edgePalaceMalice

Ti'Opllg —Ashley Wagner and

by a neck Saturday to win the $750,000Blue Grass Stakes at

Gracie Gold finished on the podium in the free skate on Satur-

Keeneland, Ky., andsolidify his

day in Tokyo to help the United

COREBOARD ON DECK Today Girls lacrosse:BendUnitedat SouthEugene,11am.

ALPINE SKIING Local NW CupFinals At Mount Bachelor Saturday

Track & field Saturday's Results Boys

Burns LionsInvitational At Burns HighSchool Teamscores— Vale106.5,Madras99,Bums97, Triad Christian66, Prairie City54, GrantUnion425, Lakev iew 39,Cuver36.5,Paisley35,Mitcheff 26,Dayviff145, Crane11,Harper6, McDermitt(Nev) 2.

Individual winner, topCentral Oregonplacers 400-meter relay — I, TriadChnstian(Ovgard,

Trumbull, Riblett, McGrew),47.09; 5, Culver 50.49; 6, Madras,51.01. 1,500 — I Dahlen, PC,5:07.33, 3,Hawes,Mad,5:0888 3,000 — I,Wibelhaus,LV, 11:30.80; 3,Hawes, Mad,11:31.80; 7, Henson,Culv, 12:34.97.100—I, Ovgard,TC,11.51,15, Pettersen, Culv, 12.46;21, Smith, Mad,1504 400 I, Gahley, 8, 56.54;4, Fraser,Culv, I:02.65; 8, Cabral,Mad, I:07.18.110h — I, Delong,V,16.80;4,Coyle, Mad, 18.38. 800 — I, Stanton,LV,2:27.24; 2, PovisRuiz, Mad, 2:27.27;3,Coyle,Mad,2:30.14.200— I,Ovgard, TC,23.36;7, Vazquez, Culv, 25.99; 14, Kerbow, Mad, 28.00.300h — 1, Delong,V,45.44; 5, Coyle, Mad,52.08 1,600 relay — 1,Burns(Oavies, Blackburn, Patterson,Gahley), 4:13.04;2, Madras, 4:23.85. HJ — I, Hoberg,PC,6-04 2, Sullivan, Mad, 5-10.00 Discus I, Cabral, Mad,118-07;9, Pettersen,Culv,101-06.PV—I, Oe Vos, V,10-06. Shot — I, Picard, Mad,40-08, 2, Shrout, Culv, 40-05.

Javelin — 1,Nonnemacher, 8,180-04; 9,Wiliams, Culv,119-06;10,Wesh,Mad,113-00. TJ— I, Sulivan, Mad,38-10.LJ— 1,0vgard, TC,20-02.50;18, McDonaldCul , v,13-04.

Java's War trailed the14-horse

World TeamTrophy. Wagner, fourth after the short program,

field as late as the three-quarter mark after starting from the

received 188.60 points for her routine to Samson and Delilah

fourth position, then came on to challenge PalaceMalice down

to finish second. Gold wasthird

the stretch and pull ahead. With

his first Grade I stakes victory,

zukiofJapanwonthewomen's free program with199.58

Java's War earned100 points and is fourth in the Road to the

points. The United States, which won the inaugural World Team

Kentucky Derby standings with

Trophy in 2009, entered the final

122, placing him in the mix for the139th running on May4 at

day of competition leading in the


Churchill Downs.

with 57 points. Canada vvas next with 51, two points ahead of

Overanalyze takesArkan-


SaS Derdy —Overanalyze

States win the figure skating

with188.03 points. Akiko Su-

overall standings and finished

— Fromwirereports

Northeast Division GP W L OTPts GF GA x -Montreal 4 1 2 6 10 5 5 7 128 100 Boston 41 26 11 4 56 116 91 T oronto 41 2 3 1 3 5 5 1 128 113 Ottawa 41 21 14 6 48 101 89 Buffalo 42 17 19 6 40 108 127 Southeast Division GP W L OTPts GF GA Washington 4 2 23 17 2 4 8 129 118 Winnipeg 42 21 19 2 44 109 123 TampaBay 41 17 21 3 37 132 128 Carolina 41 17 22 2 36 107 131 Florida 4 I 13 22 6 32 99 142

76-70-77—223 73-71-79—223 71-77-76—224 71-76-77—224 71-72-81—224 73-75-77—225 73-72-81—226 73-73-82—228

Carl Pettersson MichaelThompson Ryo Ishikawa Phil Mickelson

RyanMoore a-GuanTianang SandyLyle KeeganBradley

Tee Times All Times PDT

a-amateur Today Bradley 6:20 a.m.—Keegan — a-Guan T i a nl ang,SandyLyle Western Conference 6:30 a.m. Central Division 6:40 a.m. Phil Mickelson,RyanMoore I, AustinDean,1:5910 2,CaiYamamoto,1 59.95 GP W L OTPts GF GA 6:50 a.m.— Michae lThompson,RyoIshikawa 3,KeithMcNabb,2:01.33.4,JosephEstreff a,2:01.44. y Chicago 4 0 3 1 5 4 6 6 132 85 7a.m.—PeterHanson, CarlPetersson 5,MilesSweek,2:02.27.6,MacaulayLyon,, S t.Louis 40 2 3 1 5 2 4 8 110 102 7:I0 a.m.—Thomas Bjorn, ScottPiercy LukeWinters,2:02.85. 8,Wilder VonRohr,2:02.92. 9, Detroit 41 19 15 7 45 103 107 7:20 a.m.—DavidLynn,JohnPeterson Travishmann,2:03.12.10, MichaelEstreffa,2:03.50. C olumbus 4 2 1 9 16 7 4 5 102 107 7:30 a.m.—TrevorImmelman,Rory Mcffroy 11, PaulMeyer, 204.03.12, TannerLujan,2:0499. N ashville 42 1 5 1 9 8 3 8 98 115 7:40 a.m.—MartinKaym er, Paul Lawrie 13, Boomer Vuori, 2 0525.14, AndrewBlack,20564. Northwest Division 7:50 a.m. Davi d Toms,LucasGlover 15, GrantDuffy,2:05.83. 16, ChaseGanim, 206.06 Girls GP W L OTPts GF GA 8 a.m.—VijaySingh,RichardSterne 17, LawrenceDickey, 206.39. 18, Jarrett Grimm, Vancouver 41 23 12 6 52 112 100 8:20 a.m.—KevinNa,BrianGay 2:06.40.19,Christian Hanseler,2:06.65. 20,Andrew Meet OfChampions Minnesota 41 22 16 3 47 105 103 8:30 a.m.—HenrikStenson,JoseMaria Olazabal Osborne,2:0677 At Willamette University, Salem Edmonton 41 16 18 7 39 103 115 8:40 a.m.—StewartCink,OA. Points 21, CarsonLyon,2:07.76. 22, PrestonNelson, Team score —Notavailable. Calgary 41 16 21 4 36 110 141 8:50 a.m.—Branden Grace,Robert Garrigus 2:08.14. 23,JackBotti, 2:08.89. 24, MontanaKuraWinners andtop Central Oregonfinishers Colorado 42 14 22 6 34 100 131 9a.m.—LukeDonald K.J.Choi hara, 2:08.93. 25, Tyler Ellis, 209.14. 26, Trevor 400 relay — I, Newport,51.14;6, Culver, 52.81 Pacific Division 9:10 a.m.—JohnHuh,ErnieEls Maxwell ,2:09.48.27,Andrew McCarthy,2:09.79.28, 1,500— I,Poweff GP W L OTPts GF GA 9:20 a.m.—CharlSchwartzel,BubbaWatson ,Cresweff ,4:53.57;5,Blumm, CharlesLecuyer,2:1206.29, CodyWinters, 2:12.28. Sisters, 5:13.26.3,000 — I, Rasmussen,Swee x -Anaheim 4 2 2 7 10 5 5 9 125 105 9:30 a.m.—OustinJohnson,JohnSenden t 30, ReidReininger, 2:12.37. dieJacobson,BiffHaas Home, 11:13.39; 10, Boettner, Sisters, 1204.78 L osAngeles 42 24 14 4 52 120 104 9:40 a.m.— Fred 31, JosephPrachar, 2:12.44. 32,BrandonWear- 100 — I, Lopez,Newport,13.03; 7, Sandy,Culver, S an Jose 4 1 2 1 13 7 49 102 102 9:50 a.m. JasonOufner,FredCoupies Grimm,2:13.11. 33,NathanGunesch, 2:13.15. 34, 13.47400 — I,Sprauer,Kennedy,1:00.39; 2, Lewis, Dallas 41 21 17 3 45 116 121 I0:10 a.m.—Zach Johnson,Justin Rose Marc Lodmell, 2:13.42.35,JohnRuddick, 2.13.67. Culver, I:01.13.100h — I, Kilday, Seaside,16.96. P hoenix 41 1 8 1 6 7 4 3 110 110 10:20a.m.— Gonzal oFemandez-castano,Thorbjorn 36, AustinKeilor,2:1378.37, ConnorPeck, 214.18 800 — 1,Poweff,Cresweff,22209; 2, Falk,Sisters, NOTE:Twopoints for a win, onepoint for overtime Olesen 38, MatthewMounsey, 2:14.42. 39, Adrian Markew- 2:23.38.200 — I, Lopez,Newport, 26.78; 15, Boyl, loss. 10:30a.m.—BoVanPelt,Sergio Garcia ych, 2:14.89.40,CharlieStuermer,2:15.37. playoff spot y-clincheddivision Sisters, 28.26.300h — I, Kilday, Seaside,50.05, x-clinched 10:40a.m.—Jim Furyk,NickWatney 41, Will Gottsch, 215.80. 42, Cole Sher-Jan, 5, Miller, Sisters,50.84 1,600 relay I, Sisters Saturday'sGames Langer,LeeWestwood 10:50a.m.—Bernhard 2:16.38. 43, TristanLecuyer, 2:16.92. 44, Gunnar (Calavan,Boyle,Blumm,Falk), 4:15.26; 4, Culver, Columbus3,Minnesota2, SO 11 a m Rickie FowleSt r, eveStricker Stoltenow,2:1711. 45, AndrewFolta, 2:19.23. 46, Buffalo I, Philadelphia 0 4:26.39. 11:10a.m.—TimClark,Tiger Woods CorbinKray,2:20.26. 47, lanLafky, 2:23.76. 48,Colin HJ — 1, Hilger,Banks,5-4. Discus — I, Aus- Colorado 4, Vancouver3 11:20a.m.—JasonDay,MatKuchar Maxwell,2:24.93.49, ChristopherIreton,2 25.31.50, man,Nyssa,139-11.PV—I, Annable,Newport,10Toronto5,Montreal I Scott, MarcLeishman 11:30a.m.—Adam AndyKoefoed,2:25.34.51,BernAnderes,2:26.91. 52, 00; 6,O'Hern,Sisters, 8-06 Shot —I, Ausman,NysN .Y. Ra n gers1, N.Y Isl a nders 0, O T 11:40a.m.—BrandtSnedeker,Angel Cabrera Kyle Kvietkus,,Kyle Luiten,, sa, 39-03;17,Schonneker, Culver, 29-01.5 Javelin Washington6,TampaBay5, OT Jay Raitt,2:36.3355, WyattAllen, 3:04.72. Boston2 I, Shaw,Elmira,137-06. TJ I, Sandy, Cuiver, Carolina 4, Women MOTOR SPORTS 35-07.75.LJ— I, Roy,Grant Union,16-00.50;11, Pittsburgh3,Fiorida1 Slalom Falk, Sisters,14-04.75. Dallas 2, San Jose1 (Two-run times) Calgary4, Edmonton I NASCAR I, AnnaMounsey,I:24.76. 2, KarinaSchwartznau, Los Angeles2,Anaheim1 Sprint Cup 1.28.24. 3, ElyseBurandt, 1:2895. 4, Kyla Miller, BASKETBALL Sunday'sGames NRA 500 I:29.26. 5, TaylorBauernfeind,1:29.65. 6, Lindsay ChicagoatSt. I.ouis, 9:30am. Saturday Ahmann,I:30.96. 7, Ali Gunesch, I:31.84. 8, Perry NBA TampaBayatBuff alo,2p.m. At TexasMotorSpeedway Schaffner, I:32.39. 9, Hannah Bodily, I:33.17. 10, Detroit atNashvile,4:30 p.m. NATIONALBASKETBALL ASSOCIATION Fort Worth, Texas JordanHarrison, I:34.40. All Times PDT Lap length: 1.5 miles 11, Amelia Henry, I 3518.12, EllaPepin,1 3629 (Start position in parentheses) 13, Beth Mixon, I:36.50. 14, AlexandraLittlefield, TENNIS Eastern Conference 1. (I) KyleBusch,Toyota, 334laps, 144.1 rating, 48 I:36.63. 15, CarinaBracy, I:37.02. 16, Mackenzie W L Pct GB points, $550,858. Green, I:37.38 17, LauraIsaza, I 3758. 18, Tessa Professional 63 16 797 2. (5) Martin TruexJr., Toyota, 334, 132.8, 43, Alger, I:38.43. 19, Allison Frey, I:39.03. 20, Zoe z-Miami y-New York 52 27 658 11 Grand Prix Hassan II $346,555. Simpson,1.39.10. 49 30 620 14 Saturday 3. (9) CarlEdwards, Ford,334, 95.6,41,$268,605. 21,Ashley Lodmeff ,I:39.56.22,LucyMcLean, y-Indiana 47 32 At ComplexeSportif al Amal 595 16 4. (35)GregBiffle, Ford,334,91.6,40,$214,855. I:39.88. 23, MakensieForsyth, I:40.81. 24, Casey x-Brooklyn x-Atlanta Casablanca, Morocco 44 36 550 19'/z 5.(18) JoeyLogano,Ford,334,849,40,$204,713 Molt, I:41.05.25,OrianaGalasso, I:41.22 26, Mex-Chicago Purse: $607,500 (WT250) 43 36 544 20 6. (7) JimmieJohnson,Chevro gan Wurden, I:41.81. 27,Rachel Nelson, I:42.48. 28, x-Boston Surface: Clay-Outdoor 41 39 51 3 22'4 Rianne Effingwood,1:4279. 29,MattieWise,14498 x-Milwaukee Singles 37 43 463 26'4 30, HaileyPurtzer,1:45.18. Semifinals 32 47 405 31 31, Talia Toland, I:46.10. 32, BerkeleyGuenzel, Philadelphia Tommy Ro b redo, Spai n,def. Stanislas Wawrinka Toronto 31 48 392 32 146.12. 33, MaloryMolt, I:48.91. 34, Kelli Clarke, 29 51 363 34'4 (I), Switzerland,1-6,6-3, 6-2.,Briley Thompson, I:51.40. 36,Petria Rus- Washington Kevin Anderson (2), SouthAtrica, det. MartinKli28 52 350 35'/2 sell, 1:52.44.37,MorganZann, I:53.31. 38,Sophia Detroit 24 55 304 39 zan (3),Slovakia,2-6,6-4, 6-2. Burgess,1:54.2939,MadisonBrown,1:55.02.40, Me- Cleveland Orlando 20 60 250 43'4 gan Manke, I:55.90. 41,Aexandria Oseland,I:57.12. U.S. Men'sClayCourt Championships Charlotte 19 61 238 44'4 Friday Saturday Western Conference Men At River OaksCountry Club W L Pct GB Super-G y-Okl a homa C it y 59 21 738 Houston I, AustinDean,I:04.97. 2,CaiYamamoto, I:06.05. 58 21 734 I/2 Purse: $519,775(WT250) 3, Luke Winters, I:06.44. 4, Danny0Neal, I:06.48. 5, y-SanAntonio Surface: Clay-Outdoor 54 25 684 4'/z GrantHamlin,I:0683 6, WilderVonRohr, 10716. 7, x-Denver Singles 54 26 675 5 TravisAhmann, I:07.38. 8,NicholasWurden,1:07.66. 9, y-L.A.Clippers Semifinals x-Memphi s 54 26 675 5 Andrew Osborne, I:07.77.10,MichaelEstrella, I:07.80. x-GoldenState 45 35 563 14 Nicolas A magro (I), Spain, def. RhyneWiliams, 11, MaxTobler, I:0806 12, Tyler Ellis, 108.17 44 35 557 14'/z UnitedStates,6-2,6-1. 13, Riley Hunter, I:08.20. 14, Cade Scroggins, x-Houston 43 37 538 16 John Isner(5), UnitedStates, dei. JuanMonaco I:08.32. 15,Christian Hanseler,I:08.49. 16 Carson, I..A. Lakers 42 38 525 17 (3), Argentina,1-6,6-4, 6-4. Lyon, I:08.49.17,NathanGunesch, I:08.51. 18,Jack Utah Dallas 39 40 494 19'/z Botti,1:08.77.19,SpencerBarcay,1:0877. 20,LawPortland 33 46 41 8 25'4 renceDickey,I:08.86. SOCCER Minnesota 30 50 375 29 21, PrestonNelson, 1.08.98. 22, TrevorMaxwell, Sacramen t o 28 51 354 30'/z I:09.16 23, CharlesLecuyer, 1:0927. 24, Chase 27 53 338 32 MLS Ganim, I:09.30.25, CodyWinters, I:09.84.26, Paui NewOrleans 24 56 300 35 Meyer,I:09.87.27, ReidReininger, I:10.26. 28, Char- Phoenix MAJORLEAGUESOCCER x-clinchedplayotf spot lie Stuermer,1:10.66.29, MontanaKurahara,11092 All Times PDT y-clincheddivision 30,MarcLodmeff ,I:10.99. z-clinched conference 31, GunnarStoltenow, I:11.24. 32, CorbinKray, EasternConference I:11.36.33,ChristopherIreton,1:11.40. 34, Brandon W L T P t sGF GA Saturday's Games Wear-Grimm,I:11.46. 35,Tristan Lecuyer,I:12.19. Montreal 4 I 0 I2 6 4 36, lanLatky,1:12.67. 37, DylanTurner, 1:13.18. 38, Charlotte 95Milwaukee85 SportingKansasCity 3 I 2 11 7 3 Boston120, Orl a ndo 88 AndrewFolta,1:13.31.39,AndyKoefoed,1:13.90. 40 Houston 3 2 0 9 8 6 L.A. Clippers91, Memphis 87 MatthewMounsey,I:14 09. NewYork 2 3 2 8 9 10 Minnesota105,Phoenix93 41, Will Gottsch,I:14.15.42,AustenLaw,I:14.27. Columbus 2 I 2 8 8 5 Today'sGames 43, Adrian Markewych,I:14.37. 44, Connor Peck, Philadelphia 2 2 2 8 7 8 C hicago at Mi a mi , 10 a. m . I:15.34 45, BemAnderes, I:15.78 46, Kyle KvietTorontoFc I 2 3 6 8 9 IndianaatNewYork,12.30 p.m. kus, I:16.55.47, Miles Sweek, I:16.86. 48, JayRaitt, NewEngland I 2 2 5 I 2 at Philadelphia,12:30 p.m. I:17.73. 49,TannerLujan, I:19.33. 50, KyleLuiten, Cleveland Chicago I 3 I 4 4 10 I:20.06. 51,ColeSher-Jan, I:20.43. 52,Wyatt Allen, BrooklynatToronto,12:30 p.m. D.C. I 4 I 4 2 7 Portlandat Denver,2 p.m. I:34.81. WesternConference Dallas atNewOrleans, 3p.m. Women W L T P t sGF GA SacramentoatHouston,4 p.m. Super-G FC Dallas 5 I I 16 11 7 SanAntonioatL.A.Lakers,6:30p.m. I, Kyla Miler,108.72 2,AnnaMounsey,108.82 ChivasUSA 3 2 I 10 10 8 3,LindsayAhmann,I:09.65.4,Karina Schwartznau, Los Angeles 2 I 2 8 8 4 Saturday' s Summari e s I:09.96. 5, EllaPepin,1:10.29. 6, JordanHarrison, Vancouver 2 2 2 8 7 7 I:12.43 7, Carina Bracy,I:12.91 8, AlexandraLittleRealSaltLake 2 3 2 8 6 7 field, I:13.52. 9, TaliaToland, I:13.58. 10, Allison Clippers 91, Grizzlies 87 2 3 2 8 6 7 Colorado Frey,1:13.73. 2 2 2 8 5 7 San Jose I ,Elyse Burandt,I:I3 80.I2,Alexandria Oseland, Portand I I 3 6 9 8 L.A. CLIPPERS (91) I:I4.09. 13,MeganWurden,I:14.34. 14,LauraIsaza, Seattle 0 3 2 2 2 5 Butler 0-20-0 0,Griffin 5-122-612, Jordan8-13 I:14.92.15,LucyMcLean, I:15.90. 16,PerrySchatfNOTE: Three p oi n ts for victory, onepointior tie. 0-016, Paul6-141-213, Green4-90-010, Crawner, I:16.71. 17,AshleyLodmeff, I:16.78. 18,Beth ford 2-7 4-4 9,Barnes2-40-0 5, Bledsoe3-10 2-2 Mixon, I 1695. 19, RianneEffingwood, I:17 63 20 9, Odom Saturday's Games 3-41-27, Hoffins 2-21-25, Hill 2-30-05. AmeliaHenry,1:17.76. Seattle FC 0, NewEngland0,tie Totals 37-80 11-1891. 21, PetriaRussell, I:18.03. 22,BerkeleyGuenzel, Philadel p hi a 1, Toronto FC1,tie MEMPHIS(87) I :18.09 23,OrianaGalasso, I:18.21. 24,ZoeSimpPrince5-100-013, Randolph7-172-316, Gasol Vancouver1,ReaSalt Lake1,tie son, I:18.30. 25, Briley Thompson, I:18.81. 26 7-14 4-4 18,Conley4-11 3-5 12, Allen 3-7 1-4 7, NewYork2,D.C.United 0 Kelli Clarke, I:19.48.27,MadisonBrown, 1.21.74. Arthur2-5 004, Bayess3-101-1 8, Davis0-1 1-2I, FC Daffas1,LosAngeles0 28, Morgan Zann,1:23.17. Dooling1-21-1 3,Pondexter1-20-03, Oaye1-4 0-0 Colorado1,ChivasUSAO Today'sGames 2. Totals 34-8313-2087. L.A. Clippers 24 2 7 17 23 — 91 ColumbusatMontreal, 9a.m. PREP SPORTS oatHouston,2 p.m. Memphis 23 28 22 14 — 87 Chicag SanJoseatPortland, 7:30p.m. Men Giant slalom (Two-run times)

Meet of Champions At Willamette University, Salem Team scores Not availabie. Individual winner, topCentral Oregonplacers 400-meter relay — I, Scio,43.75. 1,500— I, Wiffyard,Seaside,358.41. 3,000 I, Josi, Tillamook,9:07.91; 15,Fetrow,Sisters, 9:58.73. 100 — I, Martin, Cascade,11.21.400 — I, Marshall, Rainier,50.13;4, Belanger,Culver, 52.14 110h—I, Martin, Cascade,15.22800 — I, Wilyard, Sea side, I:57.89; 8, Belanger,Culver, 2:05.65; 17, Kanzig, Sisters, 2:09.63. 200— I, Marshall, Rainier, 22.86. 300h — I, Schifferer,Cascade,40.24.1,600 relay — I, Scio, 43.75. HJ — I, Bladorn,Cascade,6-04. Discus — I, Clark, Seaside,145-08. PV I, Pelley, Santiam Christian,12-06. Shot — I, Tibbs,Scio, 49-03.50. Javelin — I, Blankenship,Arlington,164-02. TJ — I, Oeetz,Stayton, 42-09.75.LJ — I, Kinnamon, Lowell, 20-05.

credentials for the Kentucky Derby. Ridden by Julien Leparoux,

400-meter relay — I, Burns(Camacho, Lee Winn, Gunderson),5465;5, Madras,I:0040;6 Culver, I:03.00.1,500 — I, Estabrook,TC,5:30.04 6, Kinley Culvr6:36.54.3,000 — 1 Estabrook, TC 14:33.64; 2, Kinley,Culv,1436 100 I, Alexander, LV,14.44; 2, Lynn,Culv, 14.46;3, Chavez, Mad 1448. 400 — I, Gunderson,8, I:01.25. 100h —I Moore, 8,17.45;12,Alonso, Mad,22.14.800—I Winn, 8,2:33.77;12,Andy,Mad,3:43.47.200 — I Hawkins,V,28.08;3, Lynn, Culv,31.30; 6,Rodriguez Mad, 32.98.300h — I, Bates,V,49.47; 7, Chavez Mad, I:00.33 1,600 relay I, Burns (Winn,Lee Carson,Gunderson), 4:33.61. HJ —I, Robertson,8,5-04. Discus —I, Wolfe V,104-01;24,Smith, Mad,59-11;30 Baffard,Culv 53-06PV— I,DeLong,V,8-06 Shot— I,Wofe V, 35-08;11,Little, Culv,26-09; 24,Barrett, Mad,2205. Javelin — 1,Hall, LV,118-03; 6, Renault, Mad 87-00; 9, Alley, Culv,82-03 TJ I, Hawkins, V 31-09. 75;9,Aley,Culv,26-05.50.LJ— I,Hawkins V, 14-09.50; 2,Renault,Mad,14-08; 10, Alley, Culv 12-10.

Burns Lions Invitational At Burns HighSchool Team scores Vale 188,Burns125,Lakeview 77 Crane57, TnadChristian 49, Paisley32, Culver 29, Madras 27,Harper 20,Prairie City16, Mitcheff15, GrantUnion8 Dayviffe1 Individual winner, topCentral Oregonplacers

Timberwolves 105, Suits 93 Tucker4-50-0 9, MarkMorris 8-111-2 20,Scola 6-132-214, Oragic4-112-410, WJohnson 7-13 0015, Dudley5-115 616, Haddadi0-1 0 00, Marc Morris 1-30-0 3,Marshall 2-50-0 6. Totals 37-73 10-14 93. MINNESOTA (105) Kirilenko6-92-314, Wiliams7-120-015, Cunningham6-121-213, Rubio8-187-724, Ridnour3-8 5-5 12, Budinger0-42-2 2, Shved1-4 0-03, Barea 7 9 0-016,Stiemsma3-7 0-06 Totals41-831719 105. Phoenix 28 25 20 20 — 93 Minnesota 22 28 27 28 — 105

Celtics120, Magic 88 BOSTON (120)

Green6-17 3-517, Bass6-7 2 214, Garnett 7-8 0-014, Bradey5-92-214, Pierce4-123-512, Randolph0-0 0-00,Wilcox2-20-04,Lee7-103-4 20, Crawford7-100-016, Williams3-41-1 7, White1-2 0-02. Totals 48-8114-19120.

ORLANDO (88) Harris 7-166-8 22, O'Quinn2-10 0-04, Vucevic 8 14 0-0 16,Udrih 2-82-2 7, Harkless5-142-2 12, Nicholson0-10-00, Moore5-90-011, Lamb5-70-0 11, Jones1-43-35. Totals 35-8313-15 88. Boston 23 34 28 35 — 120 Orlando 17 20 27 24 — 88

Bobcats 95, Bucks85 MILWAUKEE (85) Mbaha Moute 2-6 0-0 4,llyasova 4-10 0-0 10, Henson 4 70 08, Ellis 7181-216, Redick3-144 4 12, Udoh0-11-21, Dunleavy7-132-219, Smith412 0-0 9,Ayon3-6 0-2 6 Totals 34-878-12 85. CHARLOTTE (95) Kidd-Gilchrist2-73-4 7, McRoberts7-94-418, Biyombo6-91-513, Walker7185-621, Henderson5182-312,Adrien2-42-26, Pargo2-50-05 Taylor45 0-09 Gordon 2-50-04. Totals 37-8017-2495. Milwaukee 23 21 15 26 — 85 Charlotte 24 25 27 19 — 95


EasternConference Atlantic Division y-Pittsburgh N.Y.Islanders N.Y.Rangers NewJersey Philadelphia

GP W L OTPtsGF GA 42 32 10 0 64 141 102 42 21 16 5 47 119 122 41 21 16 4 46 100 96 41 15 16 10 40 96 113 41 17 21 3 37 108 126





PGA Tou The Masters Saturday At AugustaNational Golf Club Augusta, Ga. Yardage:7,435; P ar: 72 Third Round BrandtSnedeker AngelCabrera AdamScott MarcLeishm an


JasonDay Matt Kuchar Tim Clark TigerWoods RickieFowler Jim Furyk BernhardLanger SteveStricker LeeWestwood Bo VanPelt GonzaloFernandez-Castano SergioGarcia NickWatney FredCouples JasonDufner ZachJohnson ThorbjornOlesen JustinRose Bill Haas

FreddieJacobson DustinJohnson CharlSchwartze John Sende n K.J. Choi LukeDonald EmieEls John Huh BubbaWatson StewartCink RobertGarrigus BrandenGrace HenrikStenson D.A. Points BrianGa y KevinNa JoseMariaOlazabal Vilay Singh

RichardSterne DavidToms LucasGlover TrevorImmelman MartinKaymer Paul Lawrie DavidLynn RoryMcffroy Thomas Bjorn JohnPeterson Scott Piercy PeterHanson

70-70-69—209 71-69-69—209 69-72-69—210 66-73-72—211 70-68-73—211 68-75-69—212 70-76-67—213 70-73-70—213 68-76-70—214 69-71-74—214 71-71-72—214 73-70-71—214 70-71-73—214 71-74-70—215 68-74-73—215 66-76-73—215 78 69 68 215 68-71-77—216 72-69-75—216 69-76-71—216 78-70 68 216 70-71-75—216 71-72-74—217 72-73-72—217 67 76-74 217 71-71-75—217 72-70-75—217 70-71-77—218 71-72-75 218 71-74-73—218 70-77-71—218 75-73-70—218 75-71-73—219 76-71-72—219 78-70-71—219 75-71-73—219 72-75-72—219 72-74-74—220 70-76-74—220 74-72-74—220 72-74-74—220 73-72-75—220 70-74-76—220 74-74-73—221 68-75-78—221 72-75-74—221 76-70-75—221 68-73-80 221 72-70-79—221 73-73-76—222 71-77-74 —222 75-69 78 222 72-75-76—223

Pac-12 Standings All Times PDT

Conference Overall W


Oregon State 9 2 Oregon 11 3 UCLA 7 5 Stanford 6 5 Arizona 7 6 ArizonaState 7 7 SouthernCal 6 8 WashingtonState 4 6 California 5 9 Utah 4 10 Washington 3 8 Saturday'sGames Washington11,Stanford3 Arizona6, Washington State5 ArizonaState6,SouthernCal3 x-UCLA 3, LoyolaMarymount1 Oregon State8, Utah3 Oregon10,California4 Today's Games ArizonaatWashington State, noon Utah atOregonState, 12:05p.m. Oregon atCalifomia, I p.m. WashingtonatStanford, I p.m. x-LoyolaMarymount atUCLA, I p.m. ArizonaStateat Southern Cal, 2p.m. x =nonconference


W 27 26 22 18 22 21 13 17

L 6 8 9 11 11 10 21 14

16 18 14 16






MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL Dmngz3b 3 0 1 1 LJimnz3b 3 1 2 0 MGnzlzss 2 0 0 1 Totals 3 0 4 4 4 Totals 3 45 135 Houston 0 00 200 200 — 4 L os Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 1 022 — 5

Standings AH TimesPDT

Boston Baltimore NewYork Toronto TampaBay Detroit

Kansas City Cleveland Chicago Minnesota

AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L 6 4 6 5 5 5 5 6 4 6

Central Division W 6 6 5 4 4

L 5 5 5 7 7

West Division Oakland Texas Seattle Houston Los Angeles

W 9 8 5 4 3

L 3 4 8 7 8

Pct GB .600 545


.500 1 .455 I'/z .400 2

Pct GB .545 .545 500


364 2 .364 2 Pct GB .750 .667 1 385 4'/z .364 4'/r .273 5'A

Saturday's Games Boston 2, TampaBay1, 10innings Baltimore5, N.Y.Yankees3 Cleveland 9, ChicagoWhite Sox4 Detroit 7,Oakland3 N.Y.Mets4, Minnesota2 Toronto3, KansasCity 2 LA. Angels5, Houston4 Texas 3, Seattle1 Today's Games ChicagoWhiteSox(Peavy 1-1) at Cleveland(Myers 0-1),10:05a.m. TampaBay(Cobb 1-0) at Boston (Buchhoz 2-0), 10:35a.m. N.Y.Mets(Gee0-2) at Minnesota(Correia 0-1),11:10 am. Toronto(Morrow0-1) at KansasCity (E.Santana1-1), 11:10a.m. Houston(Humber 0-2)at LA. Angels (C.Wilson 0-0),

Riosrf 4 1 0 0 Raburn2b 4 2 1 0 (Posey).WP —Samardziia. A.Dunn1b 4 0 0 0 Swisherdh 2 3 2 2 T—3'03. A—34,778(41,019). Konerkdh 4 0 1 1 MrRynl1b 4 1 2 5 V iciedoli 4 0 0 0 Brantlylf 3 1 0 0 Braves 3, Nationals1 Gillaspi 3b 4 0 1 0 Aviles 3b 4 0 1 0 A IRmrzss 3 1 2 0 YGomsc 4 1 1 2 Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. E—J.Martinez (1). DP—Houston3. LDB—Hous- Flowrsc 4 0 0 0 Stubbsrf 3 0 1 0 WASHINGTON — Tim Hudson ton 3, l.osAngeles8. 28—J.Martinez (2), Shuck(1), T otals 3 5 4 7 3 Totals 3 39 9 9 pitched seven innings of four-hit Puiols (4), Trumbo(5), LJimenez(1). HR—Carter Chicago 2 00 000 200 — 4 ball, Evan Gattis homered, and (4), Hamilton(1). S—Ma.Gonzalez, Romine. SFCleveland 201 0 0 0 Dgx— 9 E—MarReynolds (2). LDB—Chicago 5, Cleve- Atlanta beat StephenStrasburg H.Kendrick,lannetta. IP H R E R BB SO and 6. 2B Houston —Keppinger (1), AI.Ram irez (4), Raburn 52-3 6 1 1 1 5 Harrell (2), Swisher(2). HR —De Aza (2), Swisher (1), Mar. and Washington for its eighth I 1-3 3 0 0 0 0 Reynolds(5),YGomes(1). SB—MarReynolds(1). AmbrizH,1 straight victory. Hudson (2-0) R.cruzH,l I 2 2 1 0 I Chicago IP H R E R BB SO allowed one run, walked none 41-3 8 8 8 2 3 VerasL,0-1BS,1-1 2-3 2 2 2 1 1 Sale L,1-1 I 2-3 I 1 I 2 I and struck out three in improving Los Angeles Heath 6 1-3 3 4 4 3 1 Veal Richards 1 0 0 0 0 1 his record against Washington 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 S.Burnett A.Reed 1 0 0 0 0 2 to15-5. He also singled twice RothW,1-0 2 0 0 0 0 4 Cleveland WP — Richards. PB —J.castro. McAlhsterW,1-1 61-3 5 3 1 0 6 off Washington aceStephen T—3:10. A—43,520(45,483). Shaw 23 1 1 1 0 0 two Hagadone 1 0 0 0 0 0 Strasburg (1-2), who gave up J Smith 1 1 0 0 0 1 unearned runs and five hits in six Blue Jays 3, Royals 2 HBP —bySale (Swisher, Brantley),byMcAllister (Al. innings.


finding out Jose Reyeslikely will be sidelined until the All-Star break, R.A. Dickey won his first

game for Toronto. The NLCy Young Award winner allowed one run and five hits in 6/s innings, and Jose Bautista backed him with a two-run homer. James Shields

(1-2) was ahard-luck loser for Kansas City, pitching a two-hitter with six strikeouts and three walks.

Ramirez). T—2:35.A—11,422(42,241).

Red Sox 2, Rays 1(10 innings) BOSTON — Shane Victorino hit a well-placed RBI single into a fiveman infield in the10th inning that lifted the Red Sox to a win over

Tampa Bay.David Ross had asolo homer for Boston, which snapped a two-game losing streak. TampaBay Boston ab r hbi ab r hbi J nnngscf 5 I I 0 Ellsburycf 5 I I 0 SRdrgz1b 2 0 1 1 Victornrf 5 0 2 1 Fuld ph-rf 2 0 0 0 Pedroia2b 3 0 0 0 Longori3b 3 0 0 0 Napoli 1b 4 0 I 0

Washington ab r hbi ab r hbi B Uptoncf 5 0 1 0 Spancf 4 0 1 0 H eywrdrf 4 0 0 1 Werthrf 4 0 1 0 J .Uptonlf 4 1 0 0 Harperlf 3 0 0 0 Gattisc 3 1 1 2 Zmrmn3b 3 0 1 0 Uggla2b 4 0 1 0 LaRoch1b 3 0 0 0 JFrncs3b 4 0 0 0 Dsmndss 3 0 0 0 DFlhrt p 0 0 0 0 Espinos 2b 3 1 1 1 Kimrep 0 0 0 0 WRamsc 3 0 0 0 CJhnsn 1b 4 I 1 0 KSuzuk c 0 0 0 0 R.Pena ss-3b 3 0 2 0 Strasrg p 1 0 0 0 THudsnp 3 0 2 0 Bemdnph 1 0 0 0 S mmnsss I 0 0 0 Dukep 00 0 0 HRdrgzp 0 0 0 0 Matthsp 0 0 0 0 Tracyph 1 0 0 0 T otals 3 5 3 8 3 Totals 2 91 4 1 Atlanta 0 02 000 001 — 3 W ashington 0 0 0 0 1 0 000 — 1 E—T.Hudson (1), Zimme rman (2). DP—Atlanta 2. LDB —Atlanta 9, Washington 1. HR—Gattis (4), Atlanta

Belisarip 0 0 0 0 Pnngtnss 3 1 1 0 M .Ellis2b 1 0 0 0 C.Rossrf 1 0 0 0 Sellersss 5 0 1 0 Kenndyp 1 0 0 0 R yup 3 1 3 0 MtRynlp 0 0 0 0 U ribe3b 1 0 0 0 Cllmntrp 0 0 0 0 Hinskeph 1 0 1 1 Sippp 0000 Bellp 0000 Nieves ph 1 0 0 0 Totals 3 9 7 147 Totals 3 6 5 115 L os Angeles 0 0 0 1 2 3 001 — 7 Arizona 0 00 010 220 — 5 DP — Los Angeles 1, Arizona 1. LDB—LosAngeles 10, Arizona 6. 28—C.crawford (3), Schum aker

(I), Ethier(3), Ra.Hernandez(I), Ryu(I), Pollock(3), Goldschmidt (5), A.Hill (3). HR —Ad.Gonzalez (2), Prado(2). S—Kennedy. Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SD RyuW,2-1 Belisario JansenH,4 League S,4-4


6 1 1 1

6 2 3 0

3 0 2 0

KennedyL,1-1 5 Mat Reynold s 1

2 - 3 10 6 3 1 0 1 1 0 1131 1 Bell 2-3 1 0 Ryu pitchedto2 batters inthe7th. WP — Ryu, Kennedy. Balk—Sipp. T—3:31.A—37,214(48,633).

Cogmenter Sipp

3 0 2 0

1 0 0 0

9 1 2 0

6 0 0 1 0

4 0 0 1 0

4 1 0 2 2

Rockies 9, Padres5 SAN DIEGO — Wilin Rosario had

a career-high four hits and drove in three runs, andJhoulys Chacin beat San Diegofor the second time this season. Colorado

San Diego

ab r hbi ab r hbi Fowler cf 5 0 1 0 Evcarr ss 5 2 4 2 12:35 p.m. R utledg2b 5 3 0 0 Denorfirf 5 0 1 0 Detroit (Ani.Sanchez 1-0) at Oakland(Parker0-1), CGnzz f 4 2 3 1 Aonso1b 3 1 1 1 Z obristrf-2b 3 0 0 0 Mdlrks3b 4 0 I 0 1:05 p.m. Tlwtzkss 4 0 2 2 Guzmn3b-If 2 0 0 0 D uncan dh 3 0 0 0 NavaIf 4 0 1 0 Espinosa(1). SB—J.Upton2(2). Texas(Tepe sch 1-0) at Seattle (Maurer 0-2), 1:10 B autist3b 3 1 1 2 Butler1b 1 0 0 0 Atlanta IP H R E R BB SO C uddyrrf 4 1 1 2 Kotsaylf 1 0 0 0 Loneyph-dh 1 0 0 0 JGomsdh 2 0 0 0 p.m. Encrncdh 4 0 0 0 S.Perezc 4 0 2 0 Helton1b 4 2 2 1 Amarst2b 3 0 2 1 4 1 1 0 3 Y Escorss 4 0 1 0 Drewss 4 0 0 0 T.HudsonW,2-0 7 Baltimore (WChen0-1) at N.Y.Yankees(Kuroda1-1), Lind1b 3 0 0 0 Lcaindh 4 0 0 0 0'FlahertyH,4 I 0 0 0 0 0 Rosarioc 5 1 4 3 Gyorko2b-3b 3 0 0 0 RRorts2b-lb 4 0 I 0 D.Rossc 3 I I I 5:05 p.m. Rasmsci 3 0 0 0Mostks3b 4 0 0 0 KimbrelS,6-6 1 0 0 0 0 1 B rignc3b 4 0 1 0 Hundlyc 3 0 0 0 JMolinc 4 0 2 0 Sltlmchph 1 0 0 0 Monday's Games M lzturs2b 2 1 1 0 Francrrf 3 0 0 0 C hacinp 3 0 0 0 Brachp 0 0 0 0 Washington KJhnsn pr 0 0 0 0 TampaBayatBoston,8:05a.m. H Blancc 3 0 0 0 Dysoncl 4 I I 0 StrasburgL,1-2 6 5 2 0 1 7 Escalnp 1 0 0 0 Quentinph 1 0 0 0 Loaton c 0 0 0 0 ChicagoWhiteSoxatToronto, 407p.m. Kawskss 1 I 0 1 Getz2b 4 I 3 I Duke I 0 0 0 0 0 B elislep 0 0 0 0 Thtchrp 0 0 0 0 J oycelf 4 0 0 0 LA. Angelsat Mrnnesota,5:10 p.m. Totals 2 7 3 2 3 Totals 3 42 8 2 T otals 3 5 1 6 1 Totals 3 52 7 2 HRodriguez 1 0 0 0 2 1 P achecph 1 0 0 0 Venalecf 4 2 2 1 Housto natOakland,7:05p.m. Toronto 0 01 002 000 — 3 Tampa Bay 001 000 000 0 — 1 Mattheus 1 3 1 1 0 0 Brothrsp 0 0 0 0 Volcuezp 1 0 0 0 K ansasCity 0 0 0 0 0 0 101 — 2 W eberp 1 0 0 0 — 2 HBP—byStrasburg (I-leyward). WP—Strasburg. NATIONALLEAGUE DP — Toronto I, KansasCrty 1. LDB—Toronto 1, B oston 00 0 010 000 1 JoBakrph-c 2 0 0 0 T—2:42. A—41,992(41,418). Oneoutwhenwinning runscored. East Division Kansas Ci t y 9. 28 — M .lz t u ri s (1), S.Perez (4), DyTotals 4 0 9 149 Totals 3 4 5 105 E—Lobaton (I). DP—Boston 1. LDB—Tampa W L Pct GB son (2),Getz(3). HR —Bautista(3). SB—Dyson (2). Bay 7,Boston8. 2B—S.Rodriguez(1), J.Molina (1). Colorado 1 22 301 000 — 9 Atlanta 10 1 .909 SF — Kawasaki. Pirates 3, Reds1 S an Diego 101 0 0 0 210 — 5 D.Ross(1). SB—S.Rodriguez(1), Ellsbury(5), NewYork 7 4 636 3 IP H R E R BB SO HR — Toronto E—Guzman2 (2). DP—Colorado1, SanDiego 2. Victorino(3). Washington 7 4 636 3 DickeyW,1-2 6 1 - 35 1 1 2 4 LDB — C olorado 11, San Diego6. 28—C.Gonzalez Tampa Bay IP H R ER B BSO PITTSBURGH — Jeff Locke (1-1) Philadelphia 5 6 455 5 2-3 I 0 0 0 I OliverH,3 (3), Tulowitzki(3), Helton(2), Amarista 2 (3), Venable Price 6 4 I 1 2 8 won for only the second time in Miami 2 9 182 8 S.SantosH,1 2 3- 0 0 0 1 1 McGee (2). 38—Ev.cabrera (I). HR—Cuddyer (3), Rosario 1 0 0 0 0 2 Central Division 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Cecil H,2 Jo.Peralta 1 0 0 0 0 1 three major leagueseasons, and (4), Ev.cabrera(1), Venable(2). SB Rutledge2 (3), W L Pct GB JanssenS,3-3 1 2 1 1 0 1 Farnsworth C.Gonzale(2). z CS—Ev.cabrera (3). SF—Tulowitzki, 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 St. I.ouis 7 4 .636 Pittsburgh beat Cincinnati after Kansas Ci t y Alonso. C.Ramos 0 I 0 0 0 0 Cincinnati 5 6 .455 2 Shields L,1-2 9 2 3 3 3 6 B.GomesL,0-1 2 - 3 Colorado IP H R E R BB SD 2 1 0 1 1 starter Johnny Cueto left in the Pittsburgh 5 6 .455 2 HBP—by Dickey (Francoeur). WP—Shields. PBChacinW,2-0 5 4 2 2 2 3 Boston Chicago 4 7 .364 3 fifth inning with a strained right H.Blanco. Escal o na 2 3 2 2 0 I Lester 7 5 1 1 1 5 Milwaukee 2 8 .200 4'/z T—2:28. A—21,960(37,903). triceps. 1 2 1 1 1 1 A.Bailey I 0 0 0 0 I Be isle West Division Hanrahan 0 0 0 0 2 0 Brothers 1 1 0 0 0 1 W L Pct GB Cincinnati Pittsburgh Uehara 1 0 0 0 0 1 San Diego SanFrancisco 8 4 .667 Tigers 7, Athletics 3 ab r hbi ab r hbi Tazawa W,2-0 1 1 0 0 0 0 VolnuezL,0-3 31 - 3 6 7 6 3 4 Arizona 7 4 636 '/r C hoocf 4 0 1 0 SMartelf 4 0 1 1 pitched to2 baters inthe9th. Weber 32-3 3 2 2 3 2 7 4 .636 i/r Colorado OAKLAND, Calif.— Prince Fielder Hanrahan Cozart ss 5 1 3 1 Walker 2b 4 0 1 0 C.Ramos pi t ched to1batter in the 9th. Brach 1 2 0 0 0 1 r/z Los Angeles 7 4 636 Votto1b 2 0 0 0 Mcctchcf 3 1 0 0 WP — B.Gomes, Lester. Thatcher I 3 0 0 0 0 182 5'/z homered for the second straight SanDiego 2 9 Frazier3b 3 0 0 0 GJones1b 4 0 2 1 T 3:23. A 33,039(37,071). WP—Volcuez. game, Torii Hunter hit his first B rucerf 4 0 1 0 Grillip 0 0 0 0 T — 3: 2 0. A — 2 9, 5 23 (42, 5 24). Saturday'sGames home run since joining Detroit to Heiseylf 3 0 0 0 RMartnc 4 0 0 0 Atlanta 3,Washington I Pau ph-If I 0 0 0 PAlvrz3b 2 1 0 0 National League SanFrancisco3, Chicago Cubs2 help back Justin Verlander and Interleague H ooverp 0 0 0 0 Sniderrf 3 I I 0 N.Y.Mets4, Minnesota2 theTigerssnapped Oakland's Hanignc 3 0 0 0 Barmesss 3 0 1 0 St. Louis 8,Milwaukee0 C lzturs2b 3 0 1 0 Lockep 1 0 0 0 nine-game winning streak. Jhonny Cardinals 8, Brewers 0 Pittsburgh3, Cincinnati1 Cuetop 2 0 0 0 JHrrsnph 1 0 0 0 Mets 4, Twins 2 Miami 2,Philadelphia1 Peralta followed Fielder's leadoff Simonp 1 0 1 0 JuWlsnp 0 0 0 0 L.A. Dodgers 7,Arizona5 ST. LOUIS — Adam Wainwright DRonsnlf 1 0 0 0 JHughsp 0 0 0 0 shot in the fourth with a three-run Colorado 9, SanDiego5 MINNEAPOLIS — Matt Harvey (2-1) pitched a four-hitter for his Tabataph 1 0 1 1 Today's Games homer. didn't allow a hit until Justin Melncnp 0 0 0 0 fifth career shutout and drove in Philadelphia(Haladay0-2) at Miami(Slowey0-2), GSnchz1b 0 0 0 0 Morneau homeredoff the right10:10a.m. Detroit two runs with three hits, two in a Oakland T otals 3 2 1 7 1 Totals 3 03 7 3 Atlanta(Maholm 2-0) atWashington (G.Gonzalez1-0), field foul pole with two outs in the eb r hbi ab r hbi C incinnati 001 0 0 0 0 00 — 1 seven-run sixth inning. St. Louis 10:35a.m. Jcksncf 5 0 1 1 Jasodh 4 0 0 0 P ittsburgh 000 1 1 0 1 0x — 3 seventh inning andled NewYork Cincinnati(Latos0-0)at Pittsburgh(Irwin 0-0), 10:35 A T rHntrrf 5 I I I CYoungcf 5 0 I 2 has thrown three consecutive DP — Cincinnati 1, Pittsburgh 1. LDB—0incinnati a.m. over Minnesota. Micarr3b 4 0 0 0 Reddckrf 5 0 0 0 shutouts. Milwaukee ace Yovani 12, Pittsburgh 5. 28 — C oz ar t (1), Bruce (5), G. J one s N.Y.Mets(Gee0-2) at Minnesota(Correia 0-1),11:10 Fielder1b 3 1 2 1 Moss1b 5 0 0 0 (2), Tabata (1). HR Cozart (3) CS Hani g an (1) a.m. Gallardo (0-1) allowed six runs VMrtnzdh 4 1 1 0 S.Smithlf 2 1 2 0 Minnesota IP H R E R BB SO New York Milwaukee (Estrada 1-0) at St. Louis(J.Garcia 1-0), Tuiassplf 2 1 1 0 Dnldsn3b 3 0 2 0 — five earned —andseven hits in Cincinnati ab r hbi ab r hbi Cueto 4 1-3 2 1 1 1 3 11:15a.m. I 0 0 0 Sogard2b 3 1 0 0 C owgillcf 4 1 1 1 Hickscf 4 0 0 0 SimonL,0-1 2 3 2 2 1 2 5/s innings. San Francisco (Lincecum1-0) at Chicago Cubs Dirksph-If J hPerlt ss 4 I 1 3 DNorrs c 3 I 2 I Vldspnph 1 0 0 0 Mauerdh 4 1 1 0 Hoover 1 2-3 2 0 0 0 (E.Jackson 0-2), 11:20a.m. Infante 2b 4 1 1 0 Parrino ss 3 0 0 0 N iwnhscf 0 0 0 0 Wlnghli 3 0 1 1 Pittsburgh Colorado(J.DeLaRosa0-1) at SanDiego (Richard B.Penac 3 1 2 1 Lowrieph-ss 1 0 0 0 Milwaukee St. Louis Locke W, 1 -1 5 4 1 1 4 0 DnMrp2b 4 0 2 1 Mornea1b 4 1 1 1 0-1),1:10p.m. ab r hbi ab r hbi otals 3 5 7 107 Totals 3 43 7 3 Ju.WilsonH,1 1 2 - 3 30 0 2 2 D Wrght3b 4 0 1 1 Doumitc 3 0 0 0 L.A. Dodgers(Beckett 0-1) at Arizona(Cahil 0-2), T A okirf 4 0 0 0 Jaycf 4 1 2 1 Detroit 0 01 402 000 — 7 1 - 3 0 0 0 0 0 Buckc 4 0 0 0 Plouffe3b 3 0 0 0 1:10 p.m. Fiersp 0 0 0 0 Mcrpnt2b 3 1 0 0 J.HughesH,2 Oakland 0 10 000 200 — 3 MelanconH,4 I 0 0 0 0 0 D udalf 2 0 0 0 Parmelrf 3 0 0 0 Monday'sGames DP — Oakland 1. LDB—Detroit 6, Oakland 10. S egurass 4 0 1 0 Hollidyli 3 1 I 2 Grilli S,5-5 1 0 0 0 1 1 Baxterli 1 0 0 0 Dozier2b 3 0 1 0 St. LouisatPrttsburgh,4:05 p.m. Braunlf 3 0 0 0 SRonsnlf 1 0 0 0 HBP—byLocke(Choo). Balk—Locke. 28 — A.Jackson(2), B.Pena(1), C.Young(3), D.Norris Byrd rf 4 1 1 1 EEscorss 3 0 0 0 Philadelphiaat Cincinnati, 4:10p.m. 0 0 0 0 Beltranrf 4 0 1 0 (2). HR TorHunter(1), Fielder(4), Jh.Peralta (1). Axfordp T—3'09. A—25,118(38,362). I.Davis 1b 4 0 1 0 P rincerf 1 0 0 0 Craig1b 3 1 1 1 Washington at Miami,4:10 p.m. S—8 Pena. Turnerdh 4 I 3 0 N.Y.MetsatColorado, 5:40 p.m. Detroit IP H R E R BB SO Weeks2b 4 0 1 0 Wggntnph-1b1 0 0 0 RTeiadss 4 1 1 0 San Diego atL.A.Dodgers, 7:10p.m. Marlins 2, Phillies1 VerlanderW,2-1 6 3 1 1 3 6 LSchfrcf 3 0 0 0 YMolinc 4 I I I T otals 3 6 4 I 0 4 Totals 3 0 2 4 2 Alburcuerque 2 - 3 2 2 2 1 2 Maldndc 3 0 0 0 Freese3b 4 1 I 0 N ew York 000 0 4 0 0 00 — 4 2-3 1 0 0 0 1 YBtncr3b 3 0 1 0 Descalsss 4 1 0 0 Coke MIAMI — Chris Coghlan hit a M innesota 000 0 0 0 1 0 1 — 2 American League L alli1b 3 0 0 0 Wnwrgp 3 1 3 2 12-3 1 0 0 2 4 Benoit DP NewYork1.LDB NewYork6,Minnesota3. game-ending single against a Gallardp 2 0 0 0 Oakland 28 — T urner (2), R. T ei a da(4), Mauer(4), Wilingham AndersonL,1-2 5 2 -3 8 7 7 3 2 Badnhp p 0 0 0 0 drawn-in infield with one out in the (3). HR —Byrd(1), Morneau(1). Rangers 3, Mariners1 2 1-3 2 0 0 1 0 McGnzlp 0 0 0 0 Neshek New York IP H R E R BB SD ninth inning, giving Miami just its Scribner 1 0 0 0 0 2 K Davislf 1 0 1 0 HarveyW,3-0 8 2 1 1 2 6 Totals 3 1 0 4 0 Totals 3 48 107 second win. Marlins 20-year-old SEATTLE — Elvis Andrus and T 3:15. A 35,067(35,067). P arnell S1-1 1 2 1 1 0 2 M ilwaukee 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 Adrian Beltre each had two-out, Minnesota phenom Jose Fernandez pi t ched St. Louis 001 007 Dgx — 8 DiamondL,0-1 4 1 - 3 8 4 4 0 1 RBI singles in the eighth inning to Orioles 5, Yankees3 E Lalli (1). DP Milwaukee1. LDB Milwau- six scoreless innings to outduel Roenicke 12-3 I 0 0 I I kee 4,St. Louis 3 28 Weeks(2), YBetancourt (1), Cole Hamels. lift Texas past Seattle. Joe Ortiz Fien 2 0 0 0 0 2 Freese (I). NEW YORK — Nolan Reimold, Burton I 1 0 0 0 I (2-0) pitched two innings for his Milwaukee I P H R E R BB SD Ryan Flaherty and Nick Markakis Miami WP Diamond,Burton. GallardoL,0-1 51 - 3 7 6 5 0 3 Philadelphia second win in three days. Ortiz T—2:40.A—28,804(39,021). ab r hbi ab r hbi 1-3 2 2 0 0 1 hit solo home runs, andBaltimore Badenhop also earned the win Thursday Mic Gonzale z 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 R everecf 3 0 0 0 Pierrelf 4 0 0 0 stopped t he Yank ees ' f our game Roginsss 2 0 0 0 Solano2b 4 0 I 0 Axlord I 0 0 0 0 I in the opener of the four-game Leaders winning streak. Nate McLouth Fiers 1 0 0 0 0 0 Utley2b 4 0 0 0 Polanc3b 2 1 0 0 series. Joe Nathan pitched a Howard1b 4 0 1 0 Dobbs1b 3 0 1 0 ThroughSaturday's Games St. Louis doubled twice, singled and made AMERICANLEAGUE perfect ninth for his fourth save in WainwrightW2-1 9 4 0 0 0 12 Mayrrypr-rf 0 0 0 0 Kearnsrf 4 0 0 0 a nifty catch in left field to back BATTING —Fielder, Detroit, .436; AJones, BaltiHBP —by Galardo (M.carpenter). WP—Gagardo, B rownlf 4 I I 0 Coghlncf 4 0 I I four chances. Jason Bayhadtwo L .Nixrf 3 0 1 0 Brantlyc 3 0 0 0 more,.426; CDavi s,Baltimore,.405; Reyes,Toronto, Wainwright. Jason Hammel (2-1). hits and an RBI for the Mariners, T—2.38.A—44,696(43,975). F mdsnph-1b1 0 0 0 Webbp 0 0 0 0 .395; Berkman,Texas, .394; TorHunter, Detroit, .388; Galvis3b 3 0 1 0 Cishekp 0 0 0 0 Infante,Detroit,.382. who have lost four of five. Baltimore New York K ratzc 4 0 0 0 Hchvrrss 2 I 1 0 RUNS —Crisp, Oakland,14; AJackson, Detroit,14; ab r hbi ab r hbi Giants 3, Cubs2 Hamelsp 2 0 0 0 Frnndzp 1 0 1 1 AJones,Baltimore,12;Micabrera, Detroit, 11; l.owTexas Seattle M cLothlf 5 1 3 0 Gardnrcf 5 0 1 0 MYongph 1 0 1 0 ARamsp 0 0 0 0 rie, Oakl a nd11;Gordon,Kansas City, 10; Jennings, ab r hbi ab r hbi Machd3b 4 0 1 0 Cano2b-ss 5 0 2 0 Leepr 0 0 0 0 MDunnp 0 0 0 0 Tampa Bay, 9;Kinsler, Texas,9. Markksri 3 I I I Y oukils3b 5 0 0 0 CHICAGO — Madison Bumgarner Kinser2b 4 0 0 0 Enchvzcf 4 0 1 0 B astrdp 0 0 0 0 Dlivoc 10 0 0 RBI — CDavis, Baltimore,19; Fielder,Detroit, 18; A .Jonescf 4 I 2 1 Hafnerdh 4 I I 1 (3-0) allowed two runs andsix hits Andrusdh 3 I I I Bayrf 402I MAdmsp 0 0 0 0 MarReynolds,Cleveland,13; Butler, KansasCity, 11; Beltre3b 3 0 1 1 KMorlsdh 4 0 0 0 C .Davis1b 3 0 1 0 VWellslf 4 1 2 1 in seven innings on a 38-degree Carrerph 1 0 0 0 Micabrera, Detroit,11; AJones, Baltimore,11; FGutierN .cruzrf 4 0 1 1 Ibanezlf 4 0 0 0 Wietersc 4 0 0 0 ISuzukirf 3 0 1 0 Aumontp 0 0 0 0 rez, Seattle,10;Moss,Oakland,10. afternoon, and Marco Scutaro Przynsc 4 0 0 0 Smoak1b 4 0 I 0 Hardyss 4 0 1 1 Cervegic-2b 4 1 2 0 T otals 3 2 I 5 0 Totals 2 82 5 2 HITS — AJones, Baltimore, 20; TorHunter, Detroit, JeBakr1b 3 0 1 0 Seager3b 3 0 1 0 Flahrty2b 3 1 1 1 Dveray1b 4 0 2 I had three hits for San Francisco. P hiladelphia 0 0 0 0 0 0 100 — 1 19; AJackson,Detroit, 18;Fielder,Detroit,17; Gordon, Morlnd1b 1 0 0 0 Shppchc 3 1 1 0 A casill2b 0 0 0 0 J.Nixss 3 0 0 0 Miami 0 00 010 001 — 2 Pinch-hitter Dioner Navarro, KansasCity,17; Lowrie,Oakland,17; Altuve, Houston, Reimld dh 4 1 1 1 Boesch ph 1 0 0 0 DvMrplf 4 0 0 0 Ackley2b 4 0 1 0 Oneoutwhenwinning runscored. Crisp,Oakland,16;Rios, Chicago,16 C Stwrtc 0 0 0 0 G entrycf 2 1 0 0 Ryanss 4 0 0 0 batting right-handed, had a twoE—Solano(2), Hechavarria (1). DP—Philadelphia 16HOME RUNS —CDavis, Baltimore, 6; Morse, LGarci ss 2 1 1 0 Totals 3 4 5 115 Totals 3 83 113 out, two-run homer off Bumgarner 1. LDB —Philadelphia 8, Miami6. 28—Howard (3). Seattle,6,MarR eynolds, Cleveland,5; Carter,Houston, B altimore 112 1 0 0 0 0 0 — 5 T otals 3 0 3 5 3 Totals 3 41 7 1 38 Hechavarri a (1). SB Sol a no (1) S Fernan4; Crisp, Oakland, 4;Fielder, Detroit, 4; FGutierrez, in the seventh. On Friday, the 0 20 001 000 — 3 Texas 0 00 001 020 — 3 New York dez. Seattle, 4,Kinsler,Texas,4, Middlebrooks,Boston,4; E—Hardy (1), Phelps(I). DP—Baltimore I, New switch-hitter had a 0 00 010 000 — 1 Seattle tying, pinch Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SD Rios, Chicago, 4. —Baltimore 6, NewYork9. 28—McLouth E Ryan (1). DP Seattle 2. LDB Texas 4, York1. LDB Hamel s 6 3 1 1 3 5 PITCHING —Masterson, Cleveland, 3-0; 18 tied Seattle 8. 2B — Shoppach (2). SB—Andrus (3). 2 (3), C.Davis(4), Cano(4). HR—Markakis (2), homer from the left side. Bastardo 1 0 0 0 0 1 at 2. S—Andrus. Flaherty (1), Reimold(1), Hafner(3), VWells(3). Mi.Adams I 0 0 0 0 2 STRIKEOUTS —Darvish, Texas, 28; Masterson, San Francisco C h i cago Texas IP H R E R BB SO S—Machado. AumontL,1-1 1-3 2 1 1 1 1 Cleveland,20; Shields, KansasCity, 20; Lester,BosIP H R E R BB So ab r hbi ab r hbi Dgando 5 5 1 1 I 5 Baltimore Miami ton,18; Scherzer,Detroit,18; Anderson, Oakland,18; 8 3 2 1 4 G Blanccf-If 5 0 2 1 Sappeltcf 4 0 I 0 Fernandez R.Ross 1 1 0 0 1 0 HammelW,2-1 6 6 2 0 0 2 5 Sabathia,NewYork,18. MatuszH,1 1 1 0 0 0 0 Scutaro 2b 4 1 3 1 Scastro ss 4 0 1 0 J.DrtizW,2-0 2 1 0 0 0 0 A.Ramos BS,1-1 2- 3 2 1 1 I I SAVES —JiJohnson, Baltimore, 5; Wilhelmsen, 1 2 0 0 0 1 S andovl3b 4 0 1 1 Rizzo1b 2 0 0 0 NathanS,4-4 1 0 0 0 0 1 0'DayH,3 M.Dunn 1 1 0 0 1 1 Seat tle,4,Nathan,Texas,4,Reed,Chicago,3;JansJi.Johnson S,5-5 I 0 0 0 0 0 P oseyc 2 0 0 0 ASorinlf 4 0 3 0 Webb Seattle 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 sen,Toronto,3;Hanrahan,Boston,3; Rivera,NewYork, Pence rf 4 0 I 0 Hairstnrf 2 0 0 0 J.Saunders 7 3 1 0 2 2 New York CishekW,1-1 1 0 0 0 0 0 2, KHerrera,KansasCity, 2; GHolland, KansasCity, 2; PHughesL,0-2 3 9 5 5 2 0 Belt1b 4 0 0 0 Schrhltph-rf 0 0 0 0 T—2:51. A—20,037(37,442). CappsL,0-1 1 2 2 2 1 1 Perkins,Mrnnesota,2. Phelps 4 1 0 0 0 6 Torreslf 4 1 1 0 Castilloc 4 0 0 0 D.Perez I 0 0 0 0 I Chamberlain 1 1 0 0 0 0 Scasilp 0 0 0 0 Lillirdg3b 3 0 0 0 WP — Capps. NATIONALLEAGUE Dodgers 7, Diamondbacks 5 D.Robertson 1 0 0 0 0 1 Bcrwfrss 4 0 I 0 Valuen ph 1 0 0 0 T—2:55.A—23,461(47,476). BATTING —Ccrawford, LosAngeles,.410; Segura, PHughespitchedto 2 baters inthe4th. Bmgrnp 1 I 0 0 AIGnzlz2b 2 1 I 0 DanMurphy, NewYork,.381; AdGonHBP—byPhelps(Flaherty) Affeldtp 0 0 0 0 DeJessph 1 0 0 0 PHOENIX — Hyun-Jin Ryu struck Milwaukee,.406; Angels 5, Astros 4 zalez ,LosAngeles,.375;Harper,Washington,.372; T—2.49. A—41,851(50,291). Pagancf 1 0 0 0 Smrdzip 2 0 0 0 out nine in six innings, getting his MYoung, Phi l a del phia,.368; Castilo, Chicago,.364. Bowdenp 0 0 0 0 RUNS —Carpenter, St. Louis, 12; CGonzalez, DNavrr ph 1 1 I 2 ANAHEIM, Calif.— Albert Pujols first three major league hits in the Indians 9, White Sox 4 Colorado,12;Ccrawford, LosAngeles,11; Prado, M armlp 0 0 0 0 hit a two-run double off Jose process, and LosAngeles held Arizona,11; 8 tiedat10. Russellp 0 0 0 0 RBI — Buck, NewYork,19, DanMurphy, NewYork, Veras with two outs in the ninth CLEVELAND — Mark Reynolds Clevngrph 1 0 0 0 off Arizona. Adrian Gonzalez went 11, Phil ips,Cincinnati,11;Tulowitzki, Colorado,11; T otals 3 3 3 9 3 Totals 3 1 2 7 2 inning, Josh Hamilton hit his first hit a grand slam in abig fifth three for four with a homerunand 8 tied at10. S an Francisco 000 011 100 — 3 home run for the Angels andLos inning and Zach McAllister pitched Chicago HITS—Ccrawford, LosAngeles,!6; Harper,Wash0 00 000 200 — 2 two RBls as the Dodgers stopped E Pence(1).DP SanFrancisco3,Chicago1 a six-game losing streak in Arizona ington,16,DanMurphy, NewYork 16,8tiedat15. Angeles beat Houston to stop a into the seventh, leading Cleveland HOME RUNS —Buck, New York, 6; Fowler, LDB —San Francrsco 7, Chicago7. 2B—Torres (3). five-game losing streak. past Chicago. Reynolds hadan Colorado,6; JUpton,Atlanta,6; Harper,Washington, HR — D.Navarro(2). SB—A.Soriano (1), Hairston(1). dating to last season. S—Bumgarner. 5; Gattis, Atlanta, 4;Philips, Cincinnati, 4; Rosario, RBI single to give Cleveland a Houston Los Angeles Sen Francisco I P H R E R BB SOLos Angeles Arizona Colorado,4. 3-2 lead in the third inning. He ab r hbi ab r hbi BumgarnerW,3-0 62-3 6 2 2 2 6 ab r hbi ab r hbi PITCHING —Bumgarner,SanFrancisco, 3-0; HarAltuve2b 2 1 0 0 S hucklf 4 0 1 0 connected off White Soxace Chris Affeldt H,4 1-3 I 0 0 I 0 Crwfrd If 5 2 2 0 Pollockcf 3 0 1 1 vey, New York,30;16tiedat2. Maxwg cf 4 0 0 0 T routcf 5 1 2 0 S.casigaS,1-1 2 0 0 0 1 2 Jansen p 0 0 0 0 Erchvzph-3b 2 0 I I STRIKEDUTS —ABurnett, Pittsburgh, 27; SaSale in a six-run fifth and tied a Jcastroc 4 0 0 0 Puiols dh 5 I 2 2 Chicago League p 0 0 0 0 GParrarf-cf 5 0 0 0 mardziia,Chicago,27;Harvey,NewYork,25; Kershaw, career high with five RBls. Carter Ii 4 2 2 2 Hamltn rf 4 1 1 1 SamardziiaL,1-2 6 7 2 2 1 5 Schmkr2b-If 32 1 1 Prado3b-2b-ss4 1 1 1 Los Angeles,25; Wainwright, St. Louis,24; Ryu,Los Barnes If 0 0 0 0 Trumo1b 4 1 2 0 Bowden I 2 1 I 0 0 Kempcf 5 0 1 2 Gldsch1b 40 2 0 Angeles20;Cueto, Cincinnati,18. C.Pena dh 4 0 0 0 HKndrc2b 3 0 I I Chicago Cleveland Marmol I 0 0 0 1 1 AdGnzl 1b 4 I 3 2 MMntrc 3 1 I 0 SAVES —Romo, SanFrancisco, 6, Kimbrel, AtJMrtnz rf 41 1 0 l annettc 3 0 2 1 lanta, 6; RSoriano,Washington, 5; Grilli, Pittsburgh, ab r hbi ab r hbi Russell 1 0 0 0 0 1 Ethier rf 4 1 2 1 AMarteli 4 1 1 0 Ankiel rf 0 0 0 0 Rominess 2 0 0 0 D eAzacf 4 1 1 2 Bourncf 5 0 0 0 Affeldt pitchedto2 baters inthe8th. RHmdz c 4 0 1 1 JoWilsn2b-ss3 1 1 0 5,League,LosAngeles,4,RBetancourt,Colorado,4; HBP —by Bumgarner (Hairston), by Samardziia L.cruz 3b 4 0 0 0 A.Higph-2b 1 0 1 1 Wagac1b 3 0 0 0 Conger ph 1 0 0 0 Kppngr 2b 4 1 2 0 Acarer ss 4 1 I 0 5 tied at2.

KansasCity ab r hbi ab r hbi Bonifacrf 4 0 0 0 Gordonlf 5 0 2 1 Mecarrli 4 0 0 0 AEscorss 5 0 0 0 Toronto

Girardi scores in OT to lift Rangers past Isles The Associated Press UNIONDALE, N.Y. Defenseman Dan Girardi scored 3:11 into overtime to give the New York Rangers a stirring 1-0 victory over the New York Islanders on Saturday night in a game that felt every bit like a playoff matchup between the area rivals. Henrik Lundqvist and Islanders coun t e rpart Evgeni Nabokov s t aged a classic goalie duel that seemed destined to go to a shootout, but G i r ardi finished off a rush by flipping a shot over Nabokov's shoulder for just his second goal of the season. The Rangers are eighth in the Eastern Conference playoff race, one point behind the I slanders. The Rangers lead ninth-place Winnipeg by tw o p oints with seven games remaining — one more than the Jets. The Islanders have six games remaining, but only one more at home before they finish on a five-game trip they hope will end in their f i rst p l ayoff b erth since 2007. Lundqvist finished with 29 saves for his first shutout of the season. Nabokov stopped 19 shots. The Rangers are 5-1-1 in their past seven. The Islanders, who had won their previous three, are 8-1-2 in their past 11. Also on Saturday:

Capitals 6, Lightning 5: WASHINGTON — Washington blew a f o u r-goal lead before Mike Green scored a power-play goal at 2:59 of overtime, extending the team's winning streak t o seven g a mes. A l e x Ovechkin scored his27th goal to move ahead in the NHL's goal-scoring race, and the Capitals moved four points clear atop the Southeast Division. Kings 2, Ducks 1: LOS ANGELES — Mike Richards scoredthe tiebreaking goal,Jonathan Quick made 19 saves and Los Angeles crept closer to A n aheim atop the Pacific Division standings in the final Freeway Faceoff ofthe regular season.

Hurricanes 4, Bruins 2: RALEIGH, N.C. — Jiri Tlusty scored two goals and Carolina ended a seven-game losing streak by beating Boston.

MapleLeafs5,Canadiens 1: TORONTO — Toronto s cored four goals on i t s first f ive shots, chasing M ontreal g o ali e C a r ey Price midway through the first period en route to the win. Penguins 3, Panthers 1: SUNRISE, Fla. — Brenden Morrow scored two goals to lift Pittsburgh to its 19th victory in 21 games. Stars 2, Sharks 1: DALLAS — Er i c Ny s t r om and rookie A lex C h iasson scored goals, Richard Bachman made 31 saves and Dallas extended its w inning s t reak t o fi v e

games. Blue Jackets 3, Wild 2: ST. PAUL, Minn. — Mark Letestu and Cam Atkinson scored in a shootout to lift Columbus over Minnesota. Avalanche 4, C a nucks 3: DENVER — Jan Hejda scored with 7.6 seconds remaining an d J ean-Sebastien Giguere stopped 24 shots, helping Colorado rally for the victory over Vancouver. Sabres 1, Flyers 0: BUFFALO, N.Y. — Jhonas Enroth stopped 29 shots to h elp Buffalo remain o n the fringe of the playoff race with a v i ctory over Philadelphia. Flames 4, Oilers 1: EDMONTON, Alberta — Sven Baertschi had a goal and an assist and Calgary hurt the playoff hopes of rival Edmonton, which has lost five in a row after a five-

game winning streak.





Adding a designated hitter in National League?Opinions vary on the possibility By David Lennon

"Peoplecome to see the


e commissioner's office has done nearly everything i n i t s p o w er through the years to scrub away the lines that once separated the American and National Leagues. No more league presidents — check your Rawlings baseball, they've all had Bud Selig's signature for a while now. No more specific AL or NL umpiring crews

(remember the caps with league logos?).

'une %/IIIIAutuZuji.'

Mark Humphrey/The Associated Press

Los Angeles Clippers center DeAndre Jordan dunks ahead of Memphis Grizzlies guard Mike Coniey in the first half of Saturday's game in Memphis, Tenn.

Clippers edge Grizzlies 91-87 to win seasonseries The Associated Press MEMPHIS, Tenn. — The

Los Angeles Clippers circled their final regular season game in Memphis as a huge opportunity to control home-court advantage in the postseason.

And they gained an edge by beating a Grizzlies team they could face next week in the

opening round of the playoffs. Chris Paul hit a free throw with 183 seconds left, and the Clippers edged the Grizzlies 91-87 Saturday night in a game before a sellout crowd soaked with playoff intensity. "Now we control our own destiny," Paul said. "Before this, we had certain things that had to happen in order for us to move up. Now, if we want home court, we control it." The Clippers won their fifth straight overall and took the season series 3-1, providing them the t i ebreaking edge with both teams holding 5426 records. Memphis held home-court advantage in the first-round series between the teams last year, and Los Angeles won Game 7 on the Grizzlies' home floor to advance. This game puts them both one-half game behind Denver for the No. 3 seed in the Western Conference. C lippers f o r w ar d B l a k e Griffin said they talked all week about this game and how much they want homecourt advantage. "I like how w e've played when we've come here," Griffin said. "Having home-court advantage is a plus on top of that." D eAndre Jordan led t h e Clippers with 16 points, all in the first half. Paul finished with 13, Griffin had 12 and Willie Green 10. Marc Gasol had 18 points, 15 rebounds and seven assists for Memphis. Zach Randolph finished with 16 points and 12 rebounds. Also on Saturday: Ceitics 120, Magic 88: ORLANDO, Fla. — Courtney Lee scored 20points and Jeff Green added 17 as Boston cruised past Orlando. The win locked upthe seventh seed in the Eastern Conference for Boston, which never trailed in winning its eighth straight over Orlando. All five Celtics startersreached double figures, with Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce scoring 14 and 12 points, respectively, after resting Friday against Miami. B obcats 95, B u cks 8 5 : CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Kemba Walker ha d 2 1 p o i nts, Josh McRoberts nearly had a triple-double and Charlotte handed Milwaukee its ninth

Kobeoutfor seasonwithtorn Achillestendon EL SEGUNDO,Calif. — Kobe Bryant had sur-

gery Saturday on his torn Achilles tendon, ending his season with two games left

in the Los Angeles Lakers' playoff chase. Lakers trainer Gary Vitti thinks Bryant will need six to nine months for recovery from the most serious injury of his 17-year NBA career. Given Bryant's history of swift recovery from

countless minor injuries, Vitti and Lakers general managerMitch Kupchak both believe the 34-year-

old guard could beback fortheirseason openerin the fall. "I think that's a realistic

goal for him, based on what he was talking about this morning," Kupchak said at the Lakers' train-

ing complex after visiting Bryant at the Kerlan-Jobe Orthopaedic Clinic.

Bryant completely tore his left Achilles tendon late in the Lakers'118-116 win over Golden State on Friday night, falling to the hardwood after pushing off his

planted foot in an ordinary move toward the hoop. Although he stayed in the game to hit two tying free throws with 3:08 to play,

Bryant's season wasover. Bryant's foot will be immobilized for about a month to prevent him from stretching out the tendon, followed by a lengthy rehabilitation process. Nobody knows how the injury will affect Bryant's play, but his

decision to havesurgery less than 24 hours after getting hurt suggests he's determined to get back on top swiftly. "He's already taken the challenge," Vitti said. "For

us, it's going to be trying to slow him down." — The Associated Press

straight road loss. The loss locked the Bucks into eighth place in the Eastern Conference, meaning they'll draw the defending champion Miami Heat in the first round of the playoffs. Timberwoives 105, Suns 93: MINNEAPOLIS Ricky Rubio had a career-high 24 p oints, 10 assists and f i v e steals, and J.J. Barea scored 16 points to lead Minnesota past Phoenix.

game,butthey also com e to see certain players, and if you can keep guys fresher and play them more often because of the DH, that's good. I also think there's

some really good hitters in

And most recently, no more 16 teams in the league that wouldn't stay one league and 14 in the other, thanks to around as long if they had to the Astros' shift to the AL West for this play a position. People like season. those guys." So the next logical step must be to add the designated hitter to the National — New York Yankees manager Joe Girardi League, right? Well, not so fast. Though it certainly makes sense for a number of reasons, not the least of which managed the Phillies for four seasons is the reconfigured schedule requiring before switching to the Red Sox and now more regular doses of interleague play, the Indians. "I'm surprised that I feel that the concept doesn't seem to be very high way. I don't know if I would have years on MLB's to-do list. The topic has barely ago. I think especially now there's so been discussed, according toa person fa- much interleague, I think it puts teams at miliar with such conversations, and how disadvantages. If you have a DH that is a full-time DH, and you're playing maybe this season plays out isn't expected to have much of an impact, either. 10 games in the National League (city), To instigate such a change, a majority that's a pretty big disadvantage. "I guess I'd like to see it be more uniof owners need to approve of switching to the DH in the NL, and there doesn't form, because I think that's good. I don't appear to be that kind of momentum yet. know if it's going to happen, but I wish it Of all the causes Selig has championed would. I think that would clean things up — from interleague play to the gradual a little bit." implementation of limited video review The true full-time DH, types who — expanding the DH rule is not among Francona is referring to — like a Travis them. Hafner, David Ortiz or Lance Berkman From a competitive standpoint, how- — are the ones who pretty much stash a ever, having the DH in both leagues is glove in their locker for show. But having only logical. And with teams facing inter- a DH is not just about sticking an im-

league play from April through Septem- mobile, defensively challenged player in ber — rather than just a block of games in May and June as inthepast — there is more of a concern now of how the DH, or lack thereof, will affect playoff races late in the season. That idea alone is enough to change the thinking of the more tradition-minded people in the game, especially ones who have to maneuver around the current imbalance. They like adding the DH to the NL. "Yeah, I do," said Terry Francona, who

Kelly Continued from D1 The point is that the Eagles' new head coach, who has a definite idea of the kind of up-tempo offense he wants to run, doesn't necessarily have a "type" when it comes to the quarterback who will be running it. Much of the offseason since Kelly was hired, and particularly since the Eagles opted to retain Michael Vick and to sign former Oregon quarterback Dennis Dixon, has been devoted to

the parlor game of guessing what Kelly will do with the position this coming season. On the face of it, the assumption is that 6-6 Nick Foles, who has little mobility, doesn't really fit with Kelly's scheme, and that Vick and Dixon are more in keeping with a philosophy that the quarterback doesn't have to r un, but

must make opposing defenses believe he can run. All of the figuring thus far could be tossed in the airin 11 days whenthe NFL draft begins and the Eagles might select their actual quarterback of the future. It is a long way from there to the beginning of September, however, and there will be no way to predict which of the leading candidates grasps what Kelly wants and is the starter for the first game of the 2013 regular season. "I ran a high-tempo offense in college. You don't really get caught up in it," Foles said recently. "I think there are different kinds of q uarterbacks, and if y o u look at any offense ... you play to th e strengths of whoever the quarterback is for the team. There is tempo for the offense, and that is just running plays really fast, and then there are fast quarterbacks who can run really fast. Those are two different things." Obviously, Kelly would like to find a guy who can do all those things, but he's been a winner before without him. D arron T homas, w h o was Kelly's quarterback in 2010 and 2011, averaged only a little more than 20

yards per game rushing

the lineup as a free hitter. It also allows a manager to rotate his regulars in that spot as sort of a half-day off. For MLB, that's a positive thing. Rather than have fans be disappointed an elite player is sitting on their day at the ballpark, it makes for a better all-around product than just watching a pitcher look stupid flailing away at three fastballs. "I think any time you can keep the stars healthy and in games, it's a good thing," Joe Girardi said. "People come

to see the game, but they also come to see certainplayers, and ifyou can keep guys fresher and play them more often because of the DH, that's good. I also think there's some really good hitters in the league that wouldn't stay around as long if they had to play a position. People like those guys." So does the Players Association, which has to be thrilled when someone such as Ortiz, employed for being very skilled at one important aspect of the game, can make $14.5 million for this season. Berkman is earning $10 million. More DH

jobs should mean more money for aging players, but Michael Weiner, the union's executive director, said adding the DH to the NL is not something they necessarily pushed for during negotiations for the current collective-bargaining agreement. Even if the owners and the union agreed that making the DH universal was the right thing to do after this season, it could not be implemented overnight. With the way NL rosters are currently constructed — minus the DH, of course — one baseball official figured those teams would need at least a year or two to make the necessary adjustments to their personnel. As for how the game is managed, or the strategy involved, baseball purists insist that deciding what to do with a starting pitcher in the lineup makes the sport more interesting. "I heard that for years," Francona said. "But you know what'? There's every bit as much of that with the DH." Francona also talked about the concern for the health of his pitchers, and said he already was worried about who would be starting for the Indians during a May series in Philadelphia. "We don't want guys swinging a bat a ton for two games," Francona said. "I wish they'd just use the DH." But for now, maybe that drama, in forcing AL and NL teams out of their comfort zone for half of their 20 interleague games each season, is part of the attraction. "I know in the other major sports, you don't really have a difference in the other leagues," Girardi said. "But I like it. I like the difference."

and took the Ducks to the BCS title game and a Rose BowL So, the assumption that simply because Vick's running skills have diminished, or because Foles' are almost nonexistent, neither will be in the mix, is

it is also why the draft may be where the new coach is going to make his statement about the quarterback position. It could be the Eagles are going to spend the fourth pick of the draft on West Virginia's probably wrong. Geno Smith. I f t h at's w ho The key, as Foles indicat- Kelly thinks is the perfect guy, ed, is being able to execute then they should. But it might the offense at the pace Kelly be more likely that they will requires. That's something not reach quite so far and wait that Dixon, Jeremiah Masoli, later in the draft to select eiThomas, and Marcus Marither 6-5 E.J. Manuel of Florida ota were able to do at Oregon. State or Matt Scott of Arizona. Mariota, th e 6 - 4 r e d shirt Of the two, 6-2 Scott is the freshman, provided almost more intriguing. He'll probthe perfect, up-tempo mix in ably go l ater t han M a nuel 2012, completing an awesome and be a better value, but, be68.5 percentof his passes for yond that, he excelled in Rich 32 touchdowns and six inter- Rodriguez's read-option ofceptions, while running for fense with the Wildcats. another 752 yards and five Scott preceded Foles at Aritouchdowns. That f i n i shed zona and then sat behind him. a string of four seasons as He actually took a red-shirt h ead coach for K e lly d u r - year before his senior season ing which the Ducks became to get Foles out of his way. just the fourth team to go to When Rodriguez was hired a BCS bowl game in each of and he got his chance in 2012, that many consecutive seasons. Three of hi s starting quarterbacks in those seasons Mountain Medical began the year as unproven Immediate Care commodities. 541-388-7799 So, one thing we can assume about Kelly is that young quar1302 NE 3rd St. Bend terbacks don't scare him, and www.mtmedgr.com

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Scott threw for 3,620 yards, completed 60 percent of his passes, and had 27 touchdown passes. He also ran for another 506 yards. And he did all of that while operating a very similar up-tempo, read-andreact offense to the one Kelly envisions. Of course, that's just another guess. And it is as good, and as bad, as any of the other

guesses regarding the Eagles' quarterback future have been. Kelly will have a lot of guys to choose from — all shapes, sizes, and ages. That really doesn't tell us anything. In the past, his quarterbacks have not all come out of the same mold. But they have come out

very quickly. I


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Ravenswin tourney

Kyle Busch gets sweep in Texas By Stephen Hawkins The Associated Press

F ORT W O R TH , T e xas — Kyle Busch took advantage of a late caution to regain the lead and held on for the final 16 laps after the last restart Saturday night to win the Sprint Cup race at Texas, completing a NASCAR weekend sweep. B usch f o l lowed M a r t i n Truex Jr. for about 50 laps be-

fore a yellow flag for debris with 21 laps left. Busch took the lead off pit road during the caution and charged forward with a strong restart in his Joe Gibbs Racing Toyota. It was the second time this season, and a NA SCAR-record seventh time in his career, that Busch won Cup and Nationwide races in the same weekend. He was the polesitter Saturday night, and won the Nationwide race Friday night on the I '/2-mile, highbanked track. Busch, who also won both races at Fontana last month, led 171 of 334 laps for his 26th career Cup victory. "To be in Victory Lane in Texas, there's nothing better," Busch said. "If it wasn't for my pit crew, which is the most awesome group ever ... Man, those guys were just awesome. They put together a heck of a stop to give us that lead. These cars are amazing to drive. They're fast. They're fun." Truex was trying to win for the first time since June 2007, but his winless streak reached 210 races when he finished a half-second behind Busch. Truex came into the race 25th in points with no laps led this season, but had his Michael W altrip R acing T oyota i n front for 142 laps at Texas. "Debris h u h????" T r uex tweeted about the caution that cost him the lead. "The race was over in the pits," Truex said. Busch has 111 career victories in NASCAR's three top series — 26 in Sprint Cup, 55 in Nationwide and 30 in Camping World Truck. H is w eekend s w eep i n C alifornia last m onth w a s overshadowed by the last-lap crash in the Cup race between former t e ammates D e nny Hamlin and Joey Logano that left Hamlin with a fractured vertebra in his lower back. Logano barely made the start of the race after prerace inspections turned up problems. He started at the back of the field, but worked back to a f i f th-place finish. Jimmie Johnson maintained his series points lead by fini shing sixth, ahead of A r i c Almirola. NASCAR confiscated the original r e a r-end h o u sing parts from Logano's No. 22 Ford and the No. 2 of Penkse Racing teammate Brad Keselowski, the defending Sprint Cup champion. NASCAR officials said the situation will b e evaluated f u rther n e x t week, when decisions about any penalties could be made. Logano gave up his starting spot of 18th after being late to the starting grid while having to get additional inspections. Keselowski got on pi t r o ad in time and started 16th, and finished ninth.

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Ridgeview coach Sandy Fischer talks with her team between innings during Wednesday's game against Mountain View.


them, but you're still only allowed to have one athlete two hours per week. Wow. By the time

Continued from D1 But according to Fischer, coaching high school softball was not even on her radar. "It's a small town, so word kind of gets around," Fischer says. "It took about five or six months to get to the point where I said, 'OK, I'll make an application.' " Fischer cannot pinpoint what finally persuaded her to reach out, but she soon began speaking with Redmond School District athletic director Brent Walsh and Ridgeview athletic director Andy Codding. But it was Lee Loving, the principal at Ridgeview, who looked Fischer up on Google, saw her past success and, according to Codding, said, "We've got to get this lady." "When we realized who she was, it was an easy decisionforus to pursue her as our head

they warm up and get ready to go, you only

coach," Codding says. "Obviously she brings just a ton of experience, and it's a great opportunity for our program to get a coach like that." Ridgeview junior Shelby Abbas was not sure if she even wanted to play softball this season. But after meeting Fischer and learning of the coach's experience, high expectations to win, and her competitiveness, Abbas was persuaded to turn out for the team. Saying there is a difference in coaching styles between the collegiate and high school levels is an u nderstatement, according to Fischer. With a limited amount of time compared to what was available at Oklahoma State — Fischer mentions she had nine months to work with players there, where she has just a few weeks at Ridgeview — it is difficult to develop her team as effectively. "It's kind of a shotgun approach," Fischer says. "Three weeks from tryout date to your first game, and it's like, 'Whoa. How do I do that?' We do a l ittle offseason work with

have 45 minutes of real teaching time, and that's not enough." While Fischer says she tries to dial back the collegiate coaching style she perfected, Abbas and teammate Rachel Collins say they still sense it each day. "Everyday intensity," says the freshman Collins. "The way she pushes us is actually really good for us. We may not like it sometimes, but it's really good for us in the long run." On several occasions, Fischer, whose Ravens are offto a 9-3 start, has been asked whether she will return for a second season at Ridgeview. She is not even thinking about it, she says. She will stay in the moment and continue working to improve each of her players. She says she will make a decision on her future at season's end, when the first-year high school coach has a chance to reflect. If anoth-

er phaseofpersuasion isnecessary,Codding says he will give it a go.

"I'm just hoping she has a great experience this year and is all on board for the long term,"

Codding says. For now, Fischer is dipping her toes in the water, testing the temperature to see how much she wants to continue coaching or if she would prefer retiring for good. The Ravens continue to reap the rewards of a hall-of-fame coach, one who never had the opportunity to play softball in high school. Fischer is now helping create a tradition at Ridgeview and enjoying an experience she never had. "I don't think we'd be as good of a team put together without her," Collins says of her coach. "She's what holds us together." — Reporter: 541-383-0307; glucas@bendbulletirLcom.

M assachusetts runner bestU.S.

hope in Boston Marathon in years

~ TEXA ~


A rf /f1I

games against everyone else in their pool instead of a t raditional best-of-three sets setup. "But it was a good warmup for us.... I was es-

ing one goal apiece.

pecially pleased with (Sage and Jordison). They're typically our No. 2 doubles team, but they played No. I doubles today for the first time and did well." Madras placed fourth as a team with 101 games won. The Buffs' duo of Ivette Ruiz and Kaitlyn Carter ended the day second in the No. I doubles pool, and their teammates Jenny Young and Sophie Gemelas were the runners-up at No. 2 doubles. Sisters finished seventh at the one-day event. In o t he r p r e p e v e nts Saturday: GIRLS TENNIS


Outlaws win long relay at Meet of Champions: SALEM — The Sisters squad of Macadia Calavan, Molly Boyle, Aria Blumm and Zoe Falk won the girls 1,600-meter relay at the Meet of Champions at W i l l amette University to pace the Outlaws at the 50-team meet. Falk added a runner-up finish in the 800-meter distance race and Michaela Miller (300

hurdles) and Blumm (1,500)

both added fifth-place efforts. Lori Sandy highlighted the day for Culver with a win in the triple jump. Bulldog f reshman H annah L e w i s Cowgirl wins T reasure also turned in a strong perValley tourney: ONTARIO formance by placing second — Crook County sophomore in the 400. Both Sisters and Elsa Harris went 3-0 during Culver sent just a handful the two-day Treasure Valley of boys athletes to the meet. Community College tourna- K yle Belanger paced t h e ment en route to winning Bulldog boys with a fourththe No. I singles portion of place finish in the 400. Team the event. Harris defeated scores were not available.


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City Marathon in 2010, finishing second, then won the BOSTON — ShaOlympic trials in January of lane Flanagan grew 2012. up in nearby Marble"He didn't want my f i r st head watching he r Fl a nag an impression to be negative," father run the Boston said Flanagan, who finished Marathon. Her mother was at all.) 10th at the London Olympics, a marathoner, too, setting Kenyan runners say the 16 seconds ahead of Goucher. the women's world record deep talent pool i n t h e ir Now, she says, she's ready. in 1971. And so is Goucher. country gives them an ad"There's a reason why no But Flanagan never ran v antage, a l l owin g t h e m her hometown r ace even to train together and then one's won in 2 0 y ears. It's as she was building a cele- work together on race day. hard," she said. "But I like our brated cross-country career But this year the Ameri- chances. It's going to happen. "This needs to happen," she that took her to three Olym- cans have a tag-team of their pics. Now, as the 31-year-old own. Flanagan has b een said. "We want an American local favorite prepares to training w i t h Po r t l and's to win, period." make her Boston debut, she K ara G oucher, a fe l l ow gives the United States its Olympian who finished third best chance in years for a here in 2009 and fifth in 'Il. " Having a f r i end to g o hometown victory. "It's a huge honor to be through it with makes it a an American in this race," team element, especially in s Flanagan said this week as a sport where you can get so she prepared for Monday's isolated," Goucher said. "At 117th edition of the Boston first I thought it was going THE BULLETI N'S BID-N-Bljv ONLINEAUCTIONEVENT RETURNS,BRINGING Marathon. "I feel a l most to be a business relationQUALITYPRODUCTS AT LOW-AUCTION PRICESTO CENTRAL OREGON sentimental about it because ship, and now we're friends. II I I this is my city, in a way. This I was thinking about retiris my home course. It's nice i ng, and now I l ove it s o I I I I having the expectation to much." perform well." Goucher said she owes It's been 30 years since making the Olympic team Greg Meyer won the Bos- to Flanagan and would love o ton Marathon, the last U.S. to repay the favor by pushing a fellow A merican to man to take the title at the longest-running long run in victory. But Goucher hasn't YOV CAN BID ON: Preview the Boat at: the world. Lisa Larsen-Wei- given up on breaking the 63195 Jamison St., Bend• 541-382-5009 denbach won the women's tape herself. New 2011 www.asrvm.com "I know the course and I race two years later, and River Hawk since then it's been a quarknow my body," she said. "I Pro V12 Boat ter-century of East Africans would just say that anybody with claiming the olive wreath in that's counting me out is goGalvanized Copley Square. ing to have a surprise." Kenyans and Ethiopians Flanagan, who earned a 0 Trailer have won the men's race 23 bronze medal in Beijing in RETAIL IIALVE:$5,995 times in the past 25 years, the 10,000 meters, said she and on the w omen's side has wanted to run Boston they have won 14 of the past but her coach, Jerry Schum16 titles. a cher, encouraged her t o • I • In last year's race, Wesley stay off the hilly course until Korir and Sharon Cherop he was sure she was ready. I ' ' I took the titles and Kenya So she ran the New York The Associated Press

swept the men's and women's p o d i ums. Some years, the African dominance runs 10 deep. (From 1994200 1 , there were no U.S. men in the top 10

• )

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Sadie Stutzman of Fruitland, Idaho, 6-4, 7-5 in the championship finaL Crook County's Katie Slawter and Tiffany Puckett finished the tournament 3-1 and won the No. 2 doubles consolation bracket. Cowgirl f reshman Jordan Rutz went 1-2 in the No. 2 singles bracket. BOYS LACROSSE Canby 9, Bend 7: CANBY — The Lava Bears erased an early three-goal deficit to even things up 3-3, and Bend answered each Canby score up to 6-6. The Cougars, however, outscored the Lava Bears 3-1 during the game's final six minutes en route to the win. Cade Hinderlider scored three goals to lead Bend (6-3) w i t h H a y den Baney, Conner Iverson, Conrad Parker and Eli Pite add-



By Jimmy Golen

Bulletin staff report MADRAS — R idgeview won 134 games Saturday at the Madras Invitational girls tennis tournament, besting a pair of teams from La Salle and the host White Buffaloes to win the eight-team event. Sally Claridge led the Ravens by finishing as the top player in the No. 2 singles pool. Rhian Sage and Makena Jordison won the No. I d oubles competition a n d Caitlin Carr added a secondplace effort at No. I singles. "It took a while to get used to," Ravens coach Tim Miller said about the tournament's round-robin format in which each entrant plays seven





Tony Gutierrez / TheAssociated Press

Kyle Busch celebrates after winning the NASCAR Sprint Cup series NRA 500 at Texas Motor Speedway Saturday in Fort Worth, Texas. Busch also won Friday's Nationwide race.







AUGUSTA, Ga. trip away the hours that elapsed between the crime and punishment, the conflicts of interest, tortured logic and technicalities, and this much is clear: Tiger Woods behaved badly. The green jackets in charge of the Masters behaved worse. Hindsight isn't always 20-20. At Augusta National, it turned out to be two strokes. On Friday, Woods was tied for the lead at 5-under. He threw a lob wedge into the 15th green for his third shot. It hit the flagstick and ricocheted into the pond. With three options from where to play his next shot, Woods elected to play from the original spot. Under Rule 26-1, he had to drop a ball "as -


nearly as possible at the (original) spot." Intentionally or not — it doesn't matter — Woods violated it by drop-

ping the ball 2 yards behind the original spot, because that distance better fit his plans for the next shot. He hit that close enough for a tap-in bogey 6. A viewer called into Augusta National to point out the violation. (Why is golf the only sport that provides a "Crime Stoppers" call-in service? With today's technology you could prove holding along the line on every play of every NFL game.)

Masters officials review the video of Woods' shot sequence as he plays No. 18. They see no violation, don't consult Woods, and he signs an incorrect scorecard for 71. After his round, Woods says during an ESPN interview, "I went back to where I played it from, but went two yards further back and I tried to take two yards off the shot of what I felt I hit." CBS announcer Jim Nantz sees the interview Friday night and calls Masters officials. They call W oods on S aturday morning and review video of the shot with him. He acknowledges dropping the ball two yards behind where he should have, though Woods would say later on Twitter. "I took a drop that I thought was correct and in accordance with the rules." (No surprise there. At the 1999 Phoenix Open, Woods' tee shot came to rest behind a boulder on No. 13, and he convinced officials it was a "loose impediment." In no time, a team of spectators were enlisted to move the boulder, clearing the path for his approach shot and an eventual birdie. So when Woods says he would "move heaven and earth"to win, believe it.) But because of Rule 33-7, which states in part: "A penalty of disquali-

and picked up more goodwill than Betty White. But these days, the only t hing worse than being a loser is a sap, and Woods was completely within his rights to take advantage of every fication may i n e x ceptional indi- break that goes his way. He finishes vidual cases be waived, modified or off an even-par 70 round late Saturimposed if the committee considers day afternoon and says afterward, "If such action warranted," Masters of- it was done a year or two ago, whatficials fall on their sword. They waive ever, I wouldn't have the opportunity the penalty of disqualification for to play. But the rules have changed, signing an incorrectscorecard and and under the rules of golf, I was able instead assess a two-stroke penalty. to play." Fred Ridley, chairman of the comWhich brings us back to the green petition committees, justifies the jackets. Anyone have the feeling that if the decision by effectively saying "our bad," claiming they never considered golfer under investigation was, say, booting Woods because the club had Vijay Singh, the first official review initially cleared him of wrongdoing of the drop would have gone difbefore he signed his card. ferently? Just a day earlier, saying Woods tees off at 10:45 a.m., PDT, "rules are rules," those same officials to polite applause and nary a boo. slapped 14-year-old Chinese sensaNantz opens the CBS broadcast at tion Guan Tianlang with a slow-play noon, essentially saying now that the penalty, even though there was no controversy has been explained, all evidence that his indecisiveness over is right with Augusta and golf. which club to hit was actually slowExcept it's not. ing down play. You'd have to be the viewer who But their ruling in Woods' case unmade that first call to care about — let ravels so quickly that if it had been a alone follow — all the twists and thread onone of their green jackets, turns. All you really need to know is that same guy would be walking that Woods couldhave handed back around in shirt sleeves. Then maybe the get-out-of-jail-almost-for-free card we'd see some more transparency that Masters officials put on the table, around the joint.


"Hindsight is 20/20," began a question to Ridley, "but do you wish now that you had spoken to Tiger so that you would have been absolutely clear on what did or did not happen?" "There's not a day that goes by that there are not some things I wish I would have done differently," he said. Since they're in such a generous mood, maybe this current group of officials would go back and right one of the game's — and the club's — most egregious mistakes. Forty-five years ago, Roberto de Vicenzo signed an incorrectscorecard on the final day — playing partner Tommy Aaron wrongly entered a 4 instead of 3 at the 17th hole — and under the rules, the higher score stood. As a result, de Vicenzo wound up a shot behind winner Bob Goalby instead of meeting him in an 18-hole playoff the next day. He took full blame and what de Vicenzo said afterward — "What a stupid I am!" — has echoed through the decades for its poignancy. Considering the way things have gone for the past two days, that's a lot more accurate than "A Tradition Like No Other." — Jim Litlze is a national sports columnist for The Associated Press. Write to him at jlitheC<ap.ort, and follow him at Twitter. comlJimLithe.


Australians leek for first win By Nancy Armour

do, only to gag it all away with a final-round 78. "It's a great opportunity for all of us to be the first," Day said. "There's been some great Aussies in the past that have had an opportunity to win the Masters and fell short a little bit. So if it happens tomorrow, that's great. "If it doesn't, then we're go-

The Associated Press

David J. Philhp/The Associated Press

Angel Cabrera tees off on the 14th hole durlng the third round of the Masters Saturday In Augusta, Ga.

Masters Continued from 01 A ngel Cabrera, who h a s virtually d isappeared from the world scene since he won the Mastersfour years ago, felt comfortable on a difficult course as he birdied two of the last three holes for a 69 to join Snedeker in a share of the lead. It marks the third time in thepast six years Cabrera has been in the last group at the Masters. "That helps you to be more calm and have that experience," Cabrera said. "It all

adds up and helps." They were at 7-under 209 heading into a f i nal g r oup that figures to be as dynamic as ever, with 13 players separated by five shots, a list that includes major champi-

ons (Woods, Cabrera), aging c h ampions

( B ernhard

Langer) and a

h alf-dozen

players who have been on the cusp ofmajors before. W oods looms l a rge, f o r more than just his star power. For a few tense hours in the morning, it was not clear if Woods was going to get a chance to play. Masters officials d i scovered late Friday evening that Woods had taken a bad drop i n th e s econd r o und a n d should have added two shots to his score. U nder n o r ma l ci r c u m stances, he would have been d isqualified for s i gning a n incorrect card. Officials took the blame for no t a l erting Woods to a potential problem — they found nothing wrong a t fi rst g l a nce b efore h e signed — and kept him in the tournament with tw o shots added to his score. Woods was covered under a 2-yearold rule that prevents DQs when a violation is reported by television viewers. "It certainly was a distraction early," Woods said after three birdies on his last seven holes for a 70. "It happens and you move on. I was ready to play come game time." So was Snedeker. He's been building toward a moment like this for t h e past year, and he seized his

The Masters at aGlance AUGUSTA, Ga.— A glance at Saturday's third round of the Masters:

Leading: Brandt Snedekerand 2009 champion Angel Cabrera are tled at 7-Under 209. Pursuing: Adam Scott Is a stroke back, followed by Marc

Le!shmanandsecond-round leaderJasonDaytwostrokes behind. Where's Tiger?: TIed for seventh, four strokes back, after 70.

Nearly disqualified for an illegal drop during Friday's round, Woods was hlt with a two-stroke penalty before the third round

began. Shot of the day: Snedeker's m!d-Iron into the16th bounded on the green and rolled to within 3 feet of the flag. The birdie putt gained him a tle for the lead w!th Day, and Snedeker never relinquished It. Key stat: Snedeker made12 stralght pars out of the gate, then blrdled three of hls final slx holes. Noteworthy: Three of the top flve slots on the leaderboard are occupied by Australians, giving them a solid chance to end that natlon's zero-for-the-Masters drought.

Quoteworthy: "If it was done ayear or two ago, whatever, I wouldn't have the opportunity to play. But the rules have changed, and under the rules of golf I was able to play." TIger Woods on hls


AUGUSTA, Ga. — The Aussies have had enough of their oh-fer at Augusta National. Adam Scott, Marc Leishman and Jason Day are in the top five heading into today's final round at the Masters, giving the Australians perhaps their best chance at ending their excruciating drought at the club.The Masters remains the only major an Australian has never won. "It's hard to say exactly what it means. I'd rather not sit here and wonder so much, I'd rather do that if I win" Sunday, said Scott, a stroke behind leaders Brandt Snedeker and Angel Cabrera. "But, look, Aussies are proud sporting people, and we'd love to put another notch in our belt, just like any great sporting country. "This is one thing that one of us would like to do tomorrow, for sure." It's not as if t h e A u stralians haven't had their chances. Scott and Day were in the hunt two years ago, finishing second to Charl Schwartzel. And who can forget G r e g No r m a n's heartbreaks? Jack Nicklaus shot a 30 on the back nine in 1986 to take the green jacket from him. The next

ing to keep plugging away." Bad moves: Phil M i ckelson made a big move at the Masters. In the wrong direction. He m a d e b a c k -to-back double bogeys on 11 and 12 on Saturday on his way to a 5-over 77. He's now 8 over for the tournament, no threat to add a fourth green jacket to his collection. "I j u s t p l a yed t e r r ible. There's no way a round it," Mickelson said. "I'm just not hitting very good golf shots, missing it in bad spots and not really k n owing w h i ch side I'm going to miss it on.

So my play has been beyond terrible, and that's certainly disappointing." At least Mickelson didn't back up as far as his Ryder Cup buddy, Keegan Bradley. The 2011 PGA Champion posted the worst score of the day Saturday, a 10-over 82, and is in last place heading into the final round. Mickelson took last week off, a rarity for hi m before


year, Larry Mize chipped in from 140 feet during a



t he Masters, and h e w a s nervous about being r u sty when he took o n A u gusta National. With good reason, apparently. Except for a stretch early on the back nine Thursday, he's been struggling. With a 76 on Friday, he's shot back-to-back rounds over par for the first time since 2007. "I don't know what's going

on, but I've been struggling with my ball-striking," Mickelson said. "The putter actu-

ally feels good even though I missed a bunch. The ballstriking, I j u st d on't k n ow

where it's going to go." While his scores may not reflect it, M ickelson is still having a blast. His wife Amy and theirthree kids are here this week, and Mickelson got to see them after his second double-bogey Saturday. Rather than wallowing in his poor round, he was going to have lunch with his family. "Where else would you rather be than Augusta National with this kind of weather on a weekend? It's just spectacular," he said. "Certainly I wish I played better, but it sure is fun being here."




And no one will ever forget 1996. The Shark had a six-shot lead over Nick Fal-

Bend• Redmond• P-vllle • Burns 541.647.2884









— The Associated Press

chance on a glorious afternoon by playing without a bogey. It was only two months ago when Snedeker was regarded the hottest player in golf when in t h ree straight weeks he was runner-up to W oods, runner-up t o P h i l Mickelson and then won at Pebble Beach. His momentum was slowed by sore ribs that kept him out of golf for a month, though he appears to be hitting his stride. "I've spent 32 years of my life getting ready for tomorrow," Snedeker said. "I'm going to be disappointed if I don't win. Period." Cabrera, whose two major titles include a Masters win in 2009, has plunged to No. 269 in the world. "I've been working v ery hard for this moment," Cabrera said through an interpreter. "And I've got to take the opportunity." F or Adam S c ott, i t ' s a chance atredemption. He was runner-up at the M asters t w o ye a r s a g o , though the fresher wounds are from last summer at Royal Lytham & St. Annes, where the Australian bogeyed his

last four holes and finished one shot behind in the British Open. Scott rammed home a 25-foot birdie putt on the 17th hole for a 69 and was one shot behind. Two more Aussies, Marc Leishman (72) a n d J a son Day (73) were another shot behind, giving t h e b l o k es from Down Under as good a chance as ever to give their country some happy memories from Augusta National. It's the only major an Australian has never won, a point driven home with every mention of Greg Norman losing a six-shot lead on the last day in 1996. "Obviously, to win the Masters would b e i n c r edible," Scott said. "It would be great for Australia. We've never looked better odds-wise going into a Sunday, except that one year in 1996. It's going to be a hell of a round tomorrow." Day was in th e l ead for most of th e d ay, going 18 straight holes without a bogey until he missed short par putts on the last two holes. Matt Kuchar (69) was three shots back, and Woods was right behind.

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A glass made especially to drink India pale ales helps enhance the aromas.


l a'

Alex Garcia Chicago Tribune

Is there a better glass for an IPA? • New glassware claims toenhance beer's aroma, flavor


Executive Andy Tullie/The Bulletin

Cafe2U employee Mike Ditullio, from left, makes coffee for Carrera Motors employees Cole Hawkins, Steve Byers, and Alex Barnes during his daily stop at Carrera Motors in Bend.

Chicago Tribune

Should yoube immediately skeptical of the

design of Spiegelau's new glass designed specifically

pint glasses need not apply — Spiegelau's vice president of sales in the U.S., Matt Rutkowski, believes he and his panel of craft beer all -stars have found the standard. The shape of the glass, Rutkowski said, pours an ideal flow onto the palate for such flavorful beer: Short of a gulp, but beyond a sip. Meanwhile, its ovalshaped bowl allows an IPA's pungency to coalesce in the nose, while the ridges along its stem agitate the beer with each drink, releasing added aroma and flavor. The glass is also part of Rutkowski's ongoing agenda todemonize the American pint glass, which he compared to "drinking from a bucket" with its thick, straight sides and wide mouth. Grossman seconded the sentiment, saying he winces at the sight of his well-hopped beers — like Sierra Nevada Pale Ale or Torpedo Extra IPA — served in such glasses. So is the IPA glass the remedy'? I compared it to a few of my favorite glasses — including some made by Spiegelau — and come down on the side of "Yes, but it's not essential." Though the ridges in the bottom of the glass truly re-energized the beer, and kept each sip fresh until the last, the difference between the IPA glass and other quality glassware seemed slight. SeeGlass/E5

modest 201 2

gain, but oh, those perks

By Josh Noel

for India pale ales, you may want to know that Ken Grossman was too. The founder of Sierra Nevada Brewing Co., who sat on a panel that chose the glass from about a dozen prototypes, admitted that the glass looks, well, let's go with Grossman's word: "unusual." "We sort of chuckled about it," Grossman said. "But wekept coming back to the fact that it really enhances the aroma." And there you have the point of Spiegelau's IPA glass, which will be in stores May 1. Created in conjunction with Grossman and Sam Calagione, founder of Dogfish Head Brewery, the unlikely shape is designed to highlight not just an IPA's flavor, but its florid, piney, citrus-heavy aroma. When drinking an IPA, the relationship between aroma and flavor is important. "Flavor is mainly aroma," Grossman said. "You drink what you smell." While many beer glasses can be appropriate for an IPA — classic American

pay shows

By Nelson D. Schwartz New York Times News Service

• Buying into a chaincomeswith business support, proven model By RachaelRees e The Bulletin

offee drinkers can drive to many places in Bend for a cup of joe, but Cafe2U's mobile espresso van brings the beverages to their customers'

Relax. Sit back. And forget, for a moment, those pesky shareholders and bothersome boards, the regulations, the investigations and all the other headaches of being a chief executive today. Dodd-Frank r u les'? Securities and Exchange Commission lawyers? Leave them behind. And let yourself sink into the buttery leather seat of your corporate jet as it soars through the clouds. That's what Steve Wynn did. As chief executive of


workplaces. It's a business model the Bend company has started franchising around the nation. "We know it's a new concept here, so we have to win people over with the quality, and being consistent with our route times," said Mike Ditullio, franchisee development manager of Bend-based Cafe2U. The company's office and training center on Southeast Paiute Way serves as the U.S. headquarters for Cafe2U International, the Australian company that started in 2000 and began franchising in 2005. Cafe2U is also one of thousands of companies that sell franchise businesses. Last year, more than 747,000 franchise establishments were

operating in the U.S., ranging from quick-service restaurants to automotive service companies, according to the International Franchise Association. The number of franchise busi-

nesses operating in Oregon has not been updated for nearly six years. Franchises play an important

Franchisebusinessesinthe U.S. 2008 2009 774,016 746,646

2010 74 0 ,098

2011 736 ,114

2012 747,359

Source: International Franchise Association

role, creating employment and stimulating the economy, said Bend's business advocate. Nationwide, franchises employed more than 8 million people last year, according to the International Franchise Association. For a prospective business owner, a franchise generally comes with a proven model. n(There's) romance in being a business owner, but some people are afraid to jump out on their own," Ditullio said. "That's why franchising has been such a success around the globe." Cafe2U U.S. President and CEO Scott Bundy agreed. "You're in business for yourself," he said, "but not by

yourself." Since U.S. operations started out in 2011, Bundy said, Cafe2U has grown to six franchises throughout the country and has plans to add another 12 this year — including one in Bend. Bundy said the Bend Cafe2U van hit the road three weeks ago, and he hopes a local franchisee will take control of the wheel soon. Cafe2U is one of thousands of possible franchise businesses, said Blair Nicol, president and owner of FranNet for the Pacific Northwest and Southern California — a company that helps potential franchise owners find the right franchise. SeeFranchise/E5

Wynn R esorts, he sat back

• Qut of the a nd e njoyed more than a m illion dollars w orth o f spptl ig ht a lucrative personal travel last year on paydayF3 his company's private jet. It gets better: in December, the c o mpany t o ok delivery of the first G650 jet to roll off Gulfstream's assembly line. A $65 million wonder, the plane can whisk Wynn from Las Vegas, where Wynn Resorts has its headquarters, to New York, where he owns a $70 million penthouse overlooking Central Park, and it should make 2013 another busy year aloft for him. (Wynn Resorts declined to comment.) Indeed,while Wynn may have been a very frequent flier in 2012 among chief executives listed in an annual survey of executivepay conducted for The New York Times by Equilar, an executive compensation data firm, he has plenty of company in the shareholder-unfriendly skies. As CEO of Hertz, Mark Frissora pushes rentalcars, bu the racked up nearly a half-million dollars' worth of personal travel on the corporate jet last year. Marsh 8z McLennan, the risk management company, doesn't own its own plane — it prefers holding a fractional share of a jet — but that didn't stop its chief, Brian Duperreault, from running up $441,875 in private plane travel on the company tab beforehe retired atyear-end. SeePay/E3 PAID ADVERTISEMENT

"If organics is goingto market itself as a more responsible type of agriculture, then they need to live up to it."

Rivera Wealth Management Group

— Patty Lovera, assistant director of Food & Water Watch II»

Organic apples to beantibiotic-free By Steven Dubois

trees — led to an exception for

The Associated Press

growers of apples and pears.

PORTLAND — The or-

ganic apples you buy in the grocery store will soon be free of a widely used antibiotic. The National Organic Standards Board late Thursday rejected a petition to allow growers to use the antibiotic oxytetracyline beyond the existing expiration date of Oct. 21, 2014. The U.S. Department of Agriculture's labeling standards generally prohibit food from being certified organic if antibiotics were used during production. But the threat of fire blight — a bacterial pathogen that infects flowers and

That exception was revisited in Portland this week as consumer groups and concerned citizens urged the board to maintain next year's deadline.

"If organics is going to

market itself as a more responsible type of agriculture, then they need to live up to it," said Patty Lovera, the assistant director of Food & Water Watch, a Washington-based consumer group. Farmers were already granted a two-year extension in 2011, and opponents worried that yet another delay would be sought two years from now.

Though people on both sides of the issue want to eliminate the use of antibiotics, supporters of a 2016 deadline said alternatives must first be proven effective. Otherwise, growers might drop their organic certification if faced with the threat of fire blight devastating their orchards. Most antibiotics sold in the U.S. go to livestock raised nonorganically to help prevent disease and spur growth. Health officials have seen a sharp increase in superbugs in humans thatare resistantto treatment with antibiotics, and believe it's connected to the heavy use of antibiotics in agriculture. SeeOrganic/E5


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'Kool-Ai Man' etsanew

BUSINESS CALENDAR Email events at least10 daysbeforepublication date to business@bendbulletin.com or click on"Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Contact: 541-383-0323.

TODAY CENTRAL OREGONSPRING RV SHOW ANDSALE:Trailers, fifth wheels, campers, motor homes, trucks and towables; new and preowned RVs; free; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair 8 Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-548-2711. FREE TAXPREPARATION SERVICES:United Way will offer tax preparation clinics with certified volunteers to help those who need assistance to file both federal and state tax returns; appointments requested; free; noon-5 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-389-6507.

SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCOREbusiness counselors will be available everyTuesdayfor free oneon-onesmallbusinesscounseling;no appointment necessary; free; 5:307:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.WallSt.; 541-6177080 or www.scorecentraloregon.org. KNOW CRAIGSLIST: 6-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080.

2225 N.E. U.S.Highway 20; 541-480-1765.

look — an a personali


By Candice Choi The Associated Press

CENTRALOREGONAIR SERVICE,WHAT'S NEXT?:Town hall forum; free; 7:30 a.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-7437. LIVE CCBLICENCETEST PREP FOR CONTRACTORS: COCC's WEDNESDAY Small Business Development Center is offering a live course DEVELOPYOURLEADERSHIP that satisfies the educational SKILLS:Learn how to use the principles of great leaders to achieve requirement to test to become success; registration required; a licensed contractor in Oregon; $195; 6-8 p.m.; six weeks of online class continues April 20; learning plus three classroom registration required; $305 sessions on Thursday evenings includesma nual;8:30 a.m .-6 p.m.; MONDAY May 2, 16 and June 6; Central Central Oregon Community Oregon Community College, Boyle College, Redmond campus, 2030 AARP FREE TAX PREPARATION Education Center, 2600 N.W.College S.E. College Loop; 541-383-7290. SERVICES:AARPwill offer tax Way, Bend; 541-383-7270. preparation clinics with certified CENTRALOREGONREAL BUSINESSNETWORK volunteers to help those who need ESTATEINVESTMENTCLUB: INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER assistance to file both federal and Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are state tax returns; appointments welcome and first two visits are free; Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, requested; free; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed 7 a.m.; BendSenior Center, 1600 S.E. Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.com. Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789. Market Road; 541-706-6234. NETWORK OF ENTREPRENEURIAL KNOW FACEBOOK: 2 p.m.; AARP FREE TAX PREPARATION WOMEN MONTHLYMEETING:An Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. SERVICES:United Way will offer tax preparation clinics with certified evening of networking, discussions Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. and a workshop hosted by the volunteers to help those who need assistance to file both federal and Network of Entrepreneurial Women; registration required; $22 members SATURDAY state tax returns; appointments and $27nonmembers;5-8 p.m.;St. FREE SHRED requested; free; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; DAY: FreeShred is Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; Pentecostal Church of God, 51491 intended for private residential 541-848-8598, amanda.al br i ch@ Morson St., La Pine; 541-536-6237. document shredding only, gmail.com or www.networkwomen. no commercial or business 0 I'g. TUESDAY shredding provided; documents HOW TO STARTA BUSINESS: with staples and paper clips BREAKFASTWITH THECHAMBER: Registration required; $15; 6-8 p.m.; Networking breakfast with theCrooked Central Oregon Community College, are OK; destroy confidential documents at no cost at four Mid River Ranch-TerrebonneChamber 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; Oregon Credit Union locations: of Commerce; free;8:30a.m.; Home 54 I-383-7290. 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. at 202 NE Federal Bank,8222 N.U.S. Highway97, Suite 2110„Terrebonne;541-923-2679 Olney Avenue in Bend and THURSDAY or www.crrchamber.com. 395 SE Fifth Street in Madras; KNOW COMPUTERSFOR OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2-3:30 p.m .; 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. at 2625 SW Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 17th Place in Redmond and BEGINNERS: For those with little or no computer experience; 10:30 a.m.N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. 305 NE Hickey Farms Road in noon; Downtown BendPublic Library, Prineville; donations for Healthy BUSINESSNETWORK 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7080. Beginnings will be accepted; 9 INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE a.m.-2 p.m.; Mid Oregon Credit OPEN COMPUTERLAB:3-4:30 p.m .; CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Visitors are welcome andfirst two Union, 1386 N.E. Cushing Drive, Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; BendHonda, Bend; 541-382-1795.

NEW YORK — K o ol-Aid is unveiling a new look for its big red mascot Monday, as the powdered drink brand looks to refresh its image and tout a new liquid mix. The Kool-Aid Man, known for busting through walls and his "Oh yeah!" tagline, will now be computer-generated and take on the personality of a celebrity trying to show he's just a normal guy. In past ads, the character was played by an actor in foam costume and had little to say or do besides crashing through a wall with a

big, smiley face. The campaign comes as Kool-Aid plays up its liquid mix, which debuted in January and recently reached national distribution. The new mix reflects a push by Kraft Foods to adjust to changing tastes and replicate the success of its liquid flavor enhancer called MiO. MiO, which people squirt into water for flavor, has already s p a wned co p ycats including C o ca-Cola C o .'s Dasani Drops. Executives say people like them because the small bottles are easier to carry around than powder mixes and let people add as much or as little flavor as they like.

• Judy A. Lawton to Lenard R. and Nicola Colliander, Ridge atEagleCrest 17, Lot18, $365,000 • Ripit LLC to Judy A. Lawton, Ridge at Eagle Crest 56, Lot145, $216,000 • Ralph A. and Josephine Lawler to Janet N. Kretzmeier, trusteefor Janet N. Kretzmeier Revocable Trust, River Ridge OneCondominiums of Mt. Bachelor Village Stage H,Unit316, $375,000 • Shirley J. Sands to Lyssa M. Bell and Jimmie L. Clingner, Township17, Range13, Section 32, $400,000 • Gina M. Garnero-Hill and Elliott J. Hill, trustees for Gina M.Garnero-Hill Revocable Trust, to William A. Engle and Traci L. Clautice-Engle, Shevlin Commons P.U.D., Phases 4and 5, Lot 43, $455,000 •Thomas K.and JanetM .Montag to Mark B. andLeslie F.Ganz, Glaze Meadow Homesite Section Eleventh Addition, Lot 418, $875,000 • Sila LLC andOld Town Properties Inc. to Kimberly L. Soto, Glacier Ridge, Phase 2, Lot 4, $218,000 • Dutchland Properties LLC and Dutchland Properties lnc. to Rebecca A. Hardie ,Compass Gardens,Lot9, $330,035 • Douglas Chang, Rong L. HsiehChang, Perry ChangandAnnie Sinatra to Laura B.andJohn C.Pings, Pilot Butte Park Development, Phase 3,Lot 7, $400,000 Jefferson County • Federal National Mortgage Associat iontoJenneand Naysan Elston-Khorvash, Yarrow, Phase1, Lot 31, $187,000 • Carol Poppe-Hammond, trustee for Carol Poppe-HammondTrust, to Charles W.Walker Jr. and Brenda L. Walker, Township13, Range12, Section 27, $247,400 • Aaron J. and Heather Crowleyto Jared Berkham, Township13, Range 12, Section 34, $157,000 • Federal National Mortgage Association to Kristen N.Greene, Township12, Range11,Section 3, $168,000 • Richard D. Lewisand Barbara Garland to William H. Harris III andEvel ynP.Wells,CanyonView Subdivision, Lot 45, $234,000 • Lark J. Fisher to Barry D. and Joan S. Miller, Township13, Range12, Section 27, $380,000 • Almond E. HemenwayakaA. Edward Hemenwayto Edmond E. and Kimberly Murrell, Partition Plat 200607, Parcel 2, $467,871 • Ronald M. and Kimberly 0. Kaylor to James L. andKatharine B.Neal, Crooked River RanchNo. 3, Lot 418, $199,900 Crook County • Fannie Mae aka Federal National Mortgage Association to Mark A.and Michelle L. Tolstoy, Meadow Lakes Estates, Phase1, Lot14, $157,000 • Richard 0. Mires Jr. and Mary J. Mires to Jeffrey Lane, Prineville Lake Acres, Unit 2, Lot 6, Block 38, $167,000 • Jay A. and SuzanneSmith to James A. and Jennifer Swensen, Three Pines, Phase1, Lot13, $215,000 • Jack B. and Ashley Waters to Paul 8. and Linda D.Adams, MeadowLakes Estates, Phase1, Lot17, $215,000 • Cara L. Gilbert-Allen and Michael P. Allen to Carol Poppe-Hammond,




, r


Kraft Foods Group Inc. via The Associated Press

This computer-generated image shows the newuKool-Aid Man."

modified into a concentrated powder until 1927, when it was renamed "Kool-Ade." The current spelling followed in the early 1930s. The Kool-Aid Man, meanwhile, made his first appearance in 1954 and has taken on various looks through the years. Kraft says his last big makeover was in 2000. The g r owing p o pular- Erica Rendall, senior brand ity of liquid mixes hasn't been manager at Kraft Foods Group good for Kool-Aid. In 2012, Inc., says the new ads are inthe brand's U.S. sales were tended to fill in the blanks in down 5 percent to $338 milKool-Aid Man's character so lion, according to the market people can relate to him. "He said a few things here researcher Euromonitor International. That was following and there (in the past), but he a 4 percent drop the previous really didn't have a developed year. personality," she said. The liquid mix is a return to In one ofthe new commerKool-Aid's roots. It began as cials, the scene opens with a syrup called "Fruit Smack" the character'sround silhouin 1920. The product wasn't ette behind a shower curtain.

When he steps out, he's a clearpitcher of water and he explains in a voiceover that his life isn't all "cherry and sweetness." "I put my pants on one leg at a time," the voiceover notes, as he stands in front of a pantry full of Kool-Aid mixes deciding what to wear. "Except my pants are 22 different flavors. I've got grape pants, I've got watermelon pants." But Kraft i sn't abandoning trademarks of i t s p a st campaigns in the new ads, which were developed by the ad agency Saatchi 8t Saatchi. At the end of the commercial, the Kool-Aid Man heads out to work by calming busting through the front door. When he emerges, he waves cheerily to two awestruck kids riding their bikes past his front lawn.

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DEEDS Deschutes County • Michael and Sheila Arrasmith to Marianne 8. Platt, Township18, Range 12, Section1, $375,000 • Martha G. Hendrickto Gilbert B. and Cheryl A. Loomis, Copperstone, Phases 2 and 3,Lot19, $350,000 • Gary D. and Elaine R. Blissto Rosemary Vasquez, First Addition IndianFord Ranch Homes,Lot6, Block 6, $293,521 • Wolfgang L. W. Kuettner to Christine J. L. Michell, Highland addition, Lots 12and13, Block8, $903,000 • Maxine R. Hanson to PhebeA. Garrett, Stonebrook, Phase 3,Lot16, $220,000 • James and Shirley Broughton to Jeff and Beth Scott, Forest Hills, Phase 2, Lot 23, $349,000 • Richard G. Movsky, personal representative forthe estate of David M. Durant, to Robert R. Tongand Darlene E.Kitajima, WoodRiver Village, Lot 7, Block16, $207,000 • Laurene M. Fitzjarrell, trustee for Revocable Living Trust of Laurene M. Fitzjarrell, to Mark S. andGina B. Kulper, Indian Ford Meadows, Lot15, Block 6, $675,000 • Rory D. and RobynL. Osterto Jason E. Keiski, Partition Plat 2004-98, Parcel 2, $210,000 •Jacqueli neA.RalphtoJosephP. Welke, Meerkat Meadows, Lot 2, Block 1, $178,500 • William E. and JaneE. Grater to Douglas M. Vincent, NorthWest Crossing, Phase 6,Lot 274, $460,000 • James H. BakerandBleu A. Baker, now known asBleu Newhart, to Taylor T. Bacci, High Desert Village, Lot 36, $160,000 • Benjamin A. Tupperto Philip S. White Sr. andCarol J. White, Willow Creek at Mountain High, Lots 2 and3, $215,000 • Thomas M. andSarah M. Joyce to Caldera Capital LLC,Sundance East, Phase 2, Lot 7, Block 3, $165,000 • Tobi E. andSusan A.Timmsto Gwilym T. andGaleP.Evans, Skyliner Summitat Broken Top, Phase10, Lot 217, $455,000 • Danny Petrie, dba Summit Construction, to Diane M.Gardner, Ponderous Pines, Lot 6, $279,964 • Scott A. Forester to Roy L. and Paula A. Forman, Forum Meadow, Lot35, $165,000 • James G. andVarena Sparling to StevenL.Hass,Indian FordMeadows, Lot1, Block1, $690,000 • Brookswood BendLLCto Hayden Homes LLC,Aspen Rim, Lots 2, 71, 83 and 141, $240,000 • Amanda G. andKurt A. Schram to Bruce Odekirk andSusanneCarlson, Skyliner Summitat BrokenTop, Phase 10, Lot 200, $395,000 • Joseph and SummerHawkins to Kara Simmons, ForumMeadow,Lot 51, $204,000 • Jill Woodward to Robert T. and Susan C. Johnson, Pine Meadow Vill age,Phase2,Lot39,$500,000 •BobbyR.andJudithA.Mehaffey, trustees for Mehaffey Family Trust, to William C. andLeianne L. Stinton, River Village 2, Lot 7, Block 6, $507,000 • Hayden HomesLLCto Todd J. and Casey S. Naylor, South Briar, Lot 26, $169,137

'te 1. r,\.

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trustee for Carol Poppe-Hammond Trust, Northridge Subdivision, Phase 2, Lot 56, $204,900 • Christopher and Kayla Dupont to Russell C. Deboodt, Crystal Springs Subdivision, Phase 2,Lot 43, $185,000 • Frank R. and Victoria R. Wood to Charles W.and Charlene D. Walker, Partition Plat 2009-14, Parcel1 and a portion of Parcel 2, $248,000 • Kirk A. and Patricia A. McManus to Oregon Housing and Community Services Department State of Oregon, Partition Plat 2007-15, Parcel1, $199,789.50 • Daniel B. and Charlotte L. Holland to Sterling S. Gilbertson, Township14, Range15, Section 12, $310,000 • Kevin S. and NancyJ. Boorman to Melody Gibson, High Desert Estates Subdivision, Phase 3,Lot 80, $240,000 • Melody L. Gibson to Eldrit E. Van Wert, Westridge Estates, Lot 44, $350,000 • Kevin S. and Maxine C.McKinney to Robert E. andNancyA. Dachtler, lronhorse1, Phase1, Lot 26, $210,000

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Big banks offering prepaid debit cards By Danielle Douglas The Washington Post

Four years after the financial crisis, more than a dozen of the country's largest banks have jumped into the once-niche market of prepaid debit cards, courting the m i l lions of Americans on the margins of the banking system. The banks, i n cluding JPMorgan Chase, Wells F argo an d P N C B a n k , are tapping into the pools of consumers who don't qualify fo r a t r a d itional banking account or can't afford o n e . T h e y ar e cheaper to serve and offer asimple way to recoup the billions the industry has lost to tighter financial regulations. These effortsoffer potential legitimacy to an industry that has existed in the shadows for decades with l e s s go v e r nment oversight and a reputation for high fees. Some regulators see the market shift as an opportunity to address the growing p o pulation of consumers who have no access to the banking system. T he i n d u stry ne e d s more oversightto ensure that players in the market aren't simply profiting from low-income consumers by charging exorbitant fees, advocates say. " Electronic c ards a r e

a good way to get people into the banking system, if they are low cost and operate similar to other accounts banks offer," said Mark Pearce, directorof the division of consumer protection at the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. " Historically, pr ep a i d cards haven't m easured up to that standard, but it has been an evolving marketplace." Mercator, a consulting firm, predicts that Americans will put $202 billion on reloadable cards this year — a giant leap from $28.6 billion in 2009. Demand soared as nearly 1 m i l l ion h ouseholds exited the banking system between 2009 and 2011, bringing the n umber of "unbanked" households to 17 million. Almost 18 percent of those households u sed prepaid c a rd s i n 2011, compared with just over 12 percent two years e arlier, according to t h e FDIC. Most prepaid card holders earn less than $30,000 a year and are younger than 35, according to Aite Group, a financial services consulting firm. They are able to add money to the cards, typically electronically, and use them as debit or credit cards. Prepaid card operators are not always forthcoming about their fees, consumer advocates say. Consumers can be charged $5 a month just to maintain the card. They may also have to pay to speak to a customer service agent, check their balance at an automated teller machine or load money onto the card, consumer advocates

say. "The extent that people are choosing prepaid over checking raises questions about how banks are mark eting these cards a n d how hostile bank accounts have become to l o w-income people," said Deyanira De l R i o , a ssociate director of the Neighborhood Economic Development Advocacy Project. With the industry experiencing explosive growth, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is developing the first federal guidelines to govern it. Those rules should req uire s t andardized f e e disclosure, consumer advocates say. Consumers who deposit thousands of dollars on a prepaid card may not realize that not all cards are protected by government i n s u r ance, like a checking account 1s.

Pay Continued from E1 These high-fliers help explain why pay for perks like jet travel and other supplemental benefits i n cluding p e nsion contributions and life insurance policies jumped last year, even as overall compensation rose only modestly. For the 100 h i ghest-paid CEOs among American companies with revenue of more than $5 billion, the typical 2012 perks package was worth $320,635, up 18.7 percent from 2011, according to an analysis by Equilar for The Times. By contrast, median total pay among the 100 CEOs rose just 2.8 percent, to more than $14 million. The data are preliminary — public companies have 120 days after their fiscal year-end to disclose the pay of top executives in their proxies. Many corporations whose fiscal year ended in December won't file before the end of April. Still, the data reveal the contours of e x ecutive p ay packages. Besides the jump in perks, overall cash compensation also made a comeback, rising 19.7 percent, to $5.7 million. Cash bonuses jumped 25 percent.

Among the highest, lowest

Out of the spotlight, a lucrative payday Our annual list of highly com-

pensated executives includes some astonishing salaries. But they are not necessarily the rich-

estcompensationpackagesout there.

We rely on filings required by the Securities andExchange Commission for public companies. That means weare missing entire categories of businesses: privately held corporations,

corporations pay shareholders, said Victor Fleischer, a

his Blackstone stock, just like the

ment — are publicly traded and

public, and hegets his share of

professor at the University of

the gains in the funds he invests in. His interests perfectly match

direct ownership stakes in the

The wealth of executives at

funds managed bythe firm, so

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts was

thus required to disclose their executive pay packages. Each year, ARmagazine estimates hedgefund managers' pay based onthefees they charge clients as well as the change in value of their personal

distributions from those funds

harder to determine, because it disclosed only distribution

stakes. In 2011, Ray Dalio, the founder of Bridgewater Associ-

payouts oncommon unitsand

ates, hadanestimatedpayday

not on the convertible ownership units held by top executives. But

of $3.9 billion (yes, billion with a

Colorado LawSchool and a columnist for DealBook. Private equity executives mayalso hold

wouldn't necessarily show up in the public data, he noted. If all of the distribution pay-

mosthedgefundsandmany private equity firms. Some

outs were factored in, someof these executives' pay packages

sleuthing shows that payouts given to private equity titans and

would dwarf those on our list. Consider Leon Black, chief

hedge fund managers wereoften

executive of Apollo Global Man-

significantly higher than that of the mere mortals on our list.

agement, among the largest private equity firms with $2.86

up with our fund investors and our public shareholders."

evenexcludingthosepayouts, the two co-chiefs at KKR, Henry

"b"), according to ARmagazine. The activist investor Carl Icahn

was estimated to have earned $2.5 billion in 2011. The 2012 list

billion in 2012 revenue. Hetook

Kravis and GeorgeRoberts, made more than$35 million eachincompensation. These large payments would not be obvious to the casual

equity firms — the Carlyle

in more than $125 million last

reader of proxy statements. Only

chief executives relatively mea-

Group, Apollo Global Management, the Blackstone Groupand

year. A tiny piece —$287,000 — was from salary and other

the salary, bonusesandcertain other pay like stock grants are

ger amounts. Oaktree Capital's president, Bruce Karsh, made

Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.

basecompensation.The bulk was from distributions based on

listed plainly on the annual compensation tables in SEC filings.

about $12.2 million in base com-

payouts, Equilar pieced together information in other parts of the

estimated his net worth at $1.65

Four of the largest private

— went public in recent years, a move that required them to begin disclosing executive pay. Their executives don't show up

on our main list because welook only at companies with total

revenue of more than $5 billion. Unlike executive pay atmost

the 92.7 million shares heowns in the firm, according to Equilar calculations.

Steve Schwarzman, founder and chief executive of the Blackstone Group, took in $8.4 million

in compensation lastyear, and

corporations, much wealth here is derived from their ownership

his distributions earned him an additional $204 million. "Mr.

stakes in these firms, and, each year, they get payouts basedon

Schwarzman has asalary and

their stakes. T he h i g hest-paid C E O , Distributions at private equity Lawrence Ellison, of Oracle, firms are analogous to dividends perennially ranks among the best-paid executives, but other leaders in 2012 didn't come from sectors where you might provocative to let the company expect to find them, like tech- pick up the bill for lavish trips, nology or Wall Street. big security entourages and I nstead, companies w i t h housing subsidies. "It's dumb with a capital D," familiar brand names were among the m ost g enerous, said Alan Johnson, a consulwith Robert Iger, of Disney; tant who advises boards on Mark Parker, of Nike; Howhow bestto structure compenard Schultz, of Starbucks; and sation packages."You're rubKenneth Chenault, of Ameribing it in the faces of sharecan Express, all in the top 10, holders and employees. It fails each with more than $25 mil- the IQ test." lion in total compensation. Personal travel on the comThe s e c ond-highest-paid pany plane may be the favorite chief executive on th e l i st, perk, but a few chief executives Richard Bracken of the hospi- managed to gain some other tal chain HCA, received more interesting freebies. Wynn, for than half his pay in the form of example, enjoyed a villa in Las special compensation worth Vegas that cost the company nearly $22 million, but it was $451,574 for the year. nearly all from dividends rathGreg Brown, chief execuer than traditional perks like tive of M o torola Solutions, the company plane. was honored by his employer Shareholders, too, enjoyed with an endowed chair in the solid gains in 2012, with the neuroscience department of typical company's stock rehis alma mater, Rutgers Uniturning 17 percent. versity. Brown didn't receive And at a f e w c ompanies the money directly: Motorola where profits dropped, CEO Solutions donated $1.5 million pay declined as well. At Ford, to the university, where he is a where earnings per share fell trustee, but the position will be 7 percent, the pay of the chief named for him. executive, Alan Mulally, sank In a few cases, top execu29 percent. James Gorman, tives other than the corporate the chief of Morgan Stanley, CEO also walked away with saw his compensation fall 20 someswag. percent as both revenue and At the HollyFrontier Corp., profits at the company tum- which is based in Dallas and bled in 2012. is one of the nation's largest oil J.C. Penney did not make refiners, membership has its this year's list because it filed privileges. The company spent its proxy after the March 29 $238,907 in 2013 on club initiacutoff, but its board definitely tion fees and monthly membersent a message to Ron John- ship dues for two top executives, son, theformer Apple execu- Douglas Aron, the chief finantive who took over in late 2011 cial officer, and David Lamp, and has so far failed to turn the chief operating officer. around this troubled retailer. It Jeffrey Evenson, a senior cut his total compensation by vice president hired at Cornalmost 97 percent, to $1.9 mil- ing in 2011, received $400,000 lion, and didn't give him and to help make up for the drop in several other top execs any value on his house in the Bosbonus payments. ton area when he sold it and The most notable decliner moved to upstate New York to in 2012 was the highest-paid takethejob. CEO in 2011: Tim Cook, the Roger Ailes, chairman and CEO of Apple, was awarded chief executive of Fox News, $377.9 million in 2011 — albilled $155,091 in p ersonal most all of it in stock — but corporatecar use to his emin 2012, he was paid just $4.2 ployer, News Corp., even as his m illion in cash, too low t o boss, Rupert Murdoch, made make this year's list at all. $361,0D worth o f p e rsonal The drop, however, is more trips on the company jet. a quirk in how pay is handed Spendingonperks and other out than any judgment about compensation declined sharpCook's tenure. Because the ly in the recession's wake, acoutsize 2011 package vests cording to Equilar, with the over the course of a decade median package dropping but was counted all at once in sharply from 2007 to 2010. 2011, sizable new year-to-year But corporate compensation awards aren't being made in experts say nice extras have the meantime, limiting his an- a way of coming back whennual totals. ever the economy shows signs The money spent on perks of life and the stock market accounts for a relatively tiny turns higher. Companies put portion of o verall compen- a bit more money into perks in 2011 — a median of $270,101 sation packages, but the increase is striking because it — and the trend gained steam comes even as business lead- in 2012. ers have become more sensiEven t h ough u n employtive about public perceptions m ent remains high by h i sof compensation excesses, torical standards and the top 1 c orporate g overnance e x percentof earners face higher perts say. taxes, executives and boards Under the Dodd-Frank fimay figure that the popular nancial reform la w p a ssed outrage that followed the fiin 2010, companies are now nancial crisis and the recesrequired to ask shareholders sion has cooled a bit. for their approval of executive

pay packages. These so-called

Private jetsnecessary?

say-on-pay votes are nonbinding, but the ignominy of failing to win approval has received boards' attention. So in an age when shareholders can now make their collective views known publicly, it can seem downright

"When the economy improves and companies are doing better, the view is that s hareholders will l o o k t h e other way," said Charles Elson, director of the John L. Weinberg Center for Corporate Governance at the Uni-

does not take a bonus," said Pe-

ter Rose, a Blackstone spokesman, in response to Equilar's research. "He gets dividends on versity of Delaware. "I think it's offensive," Elson added. "The corporateaircraft is for a business purpose; it's a business tool. You don't take the company car to Disneyland with your kids, so why would you use a corporate jet for personal use'?" In many cases, the official answer to that question is security, according to the proxies and other filings that companies provide shareholders and regulators. Chief executives in many instances, including that of Frissora at Hertz and Rupert Murdoch at News Corp., are actually required to take private transportation, even on personal holidays, because companies argue that it is prudent for their safety. Another justification is that the private jet helps CEOs make the most of their valuable time. Elson doesn't buy either argument about personal use of a jet. "I find the security argument tough to swallow," he said. "Airports are among the safest places on earth these days." In any case, he said, "you're paid so much money you can charter a p lane if necessary." Private jets, club dues and housing subsidies get under the skinof the ordinary shareholder, says David Larcker, a professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and an expert on corporate governance. There is some-

To determine the big dividend company's annual report.

A spokesman at Apollo Global

will be published in the coming weeks. By comparison, the publicly traded hedgefunds paid their

pensation and about $64 million in distributions in 2012. (Forbes billion.) To be fair, many hedgefund managers have most of their

declined to comment on its com- wealth tied up in the funds pensation, and representatives themselves. For instance, Steven for Carlyle and KKR did not reply

Cohen, one of the consistently

to requests for comment. Hedge fund managers typically prize secrecy. Only ahand-

top-pai dhedgefund managers, owns more than half of the estimated $15 billion in assets managed by his firm, SAC Capital. — Pradnya Joshi, New YorkTimesNewsService

ful of hedge funds — including

Och-Ziff, Fortress lnvestment and Oaktree Capital Manage-

thing about the specific details of life at the top, he says, that leads to both envy and outrage. But in some cases, he noted, the perks are a sign of a deeper problem. "It's usually a small bit of money, but it provides an insight into what's going on," Larcker said. "If this is out of whack, it makes you wonder about the desirability of other parts of the pay package." Which brings us to the case of Ellison, Oracle's chief. His pay packages have earned him a place among the top three highest-paid CEOs for six years in a row. But in some ways, 2012 was special for him. For a start, while fewer than halfhis shareholders approved his pay package in the annual say-on-pay vote, he managed to earn more than $96 million for the year. Nearly all of that was in stock, but that's significantly more than twice as much as the next-highest-paid CEO in this year's survey and nearly $20 million more than what he earned in 2011. And the raise came despite a 22 percentdrop in Oracle's stock in fiscal 2012. Given all that, did Ellison really need the company to spend more than $1.5 million on his security retinue? He pays out of pocket for the installation and maintenance of home security systems; Oracle covers the cost ofthe security

personnel. "He doesn't care what shareholders think," said Johnson, the compensation consultant. "He's one of the richest guys in the world, and he has the com-

pany pay for his bodyguards. I don't think h e's going to change." Oracle declined to comment. Shareholders may be displeased, but Ellison has much to console himself with. He o wns nearly a q u a rter o f Oracle, the software giant he founded, giving him a net worth of more than $40 billion, and Oracle's shares have been doing better recently. Plus, he can always fly off to Lanai, the Hawaiian island he acquired last year. (Ellison, to his credit, doesn't bill the company for personal jet travel.)



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7 percent of gross sales. Chris M artin, f r anchisee Continued from E1 and owner of two Togo's sand"A lot people think of hamwich shops in Bend and one b urgers, French f r ie s a n d Central Oregon Community in Corvallis, said the benefits sandwiches," he said, referCollege's Small Business of owning a f r anchise outring to his clients' initial imDevelopment Center has weighed the drawbacks. pressions of franchises. "What scheduled a freeworkshop, Martin, previously an enthey don't know is that there's How to Select the Right gineer in the San Francisco close to4,000 different franFranchise, to be held Bay Area, wanted to move to chises out there in all kinds of from6to9p.m. May8at Oregon and was searching for different industries." the COCC Chandler Lab, a business opportunity, but he Nicol will offer a free work1027 N.W. Trenton Ave. was leery of entering a new ins hop next m o nth o n h o w Preregistration is required. dustry without guidance. "I looked around at different to select the right franchise Contact: 541-383-7290. through Central Oregon Comfranchises. There was a lot of munity College's Small Busithem and a lot of them seem ness Development Center. The benefit of owning an in- profitable and easy to do," he During the class, he said, dependentbusiness:freedom. said. "The reason I picked the he'll discuss trends in fran"You get to do whatever you one I did was because I enjoyed chises, ways to finance the want with it. There's no rules," eatingthere as a consumer.... business, different styles of he said. I would be selling something I franchises and the strategies But, he said, it can be harder believed in." to research them. to have success because there's Because he had n o f o od Totake onafranchise,he said, nobody to turn to for help, nor industry experience,he said an entrepreneur should have the a system to follow. having the expertise and supdrive to own a business, about The perks of a franchise are port of a franchise gave him a $50,000to invest and personal the trade name, the business greater chance of success. living expenses taken care of for o peration template and t h e F or the community as a at least six months. products. The drawbacks are whole, abalance of franchises Nicol said there are pros paying a one-time franchise and locally owned businesses and cons to both independent fee of $20,000 to $40,000, de- is key, said Carolyn Eagan, businesses an d fr a n c hise pending on the company, and business advocate for the city businesses. monthly royalties of about 5 to of Bend.

Franchising information

Organic Continued from E1 Extending the use of antibioticsin organic orchards for an extra two years would not have had the same impact on human health. Apples managed under certified organic farming s y stems c omprise only about 6 percent of total U.S. apple acreage, most of it in Washington state, and a recent survey suggests at least half of those orchards don't use antibiotics. But opponents of the extension said treating organic apple and pear trees with antibiotics does have an effect. And, aside from the impact on human health, the use of antibiotics on two fruits creates confusion for shoppers who expect produce labeled organic to be free of synthetic pesticides, fertilizers and antibiotics. "These antibiotics are not allowed for any other use in organic agriculture — not for livestock, not for crops," said Pamela Coleman, policy analyst for The Cornucopia Institute, an organic advocacy group. "It's time for a uniform



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• •






16. 4





5 043

4 23





2 7.49 64. 6 7

2.32 5.35

92 . 9.0

4.5 14.9


10.5 0

89 .









1 3.53


88 .









4.2 1



34 7




Micron Tech

4 4.75

F M 52-week range

$52,01 ~

A $ 7tl,82






23.7 Barrick Gold


0.7 0



39 3 1-week change ~ $4.07 or -15.2%


The miner's stock fell with the price of gold over the week. It also halted construction on the Chilean side of a mine project in the Andes.









13.09 36.3 7














-z11 -1.ae


1z 3


20.9 0





Friday close: $22.62













Concho Resources







Emerging-market stocks have had Consumer spending in emerging some of the weakest returns so Iar markets is growing with their middle this year, turning some investors off classes, and the International the area. Monetary Fund expects their But economists still expect economies to grow 5.5 percent this developing countries to offer the year. That compares with growth world's strongest economic growth. expectations of just 2 percent for the



F M 52-week range

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62. 9

1 0. 3

698. 8

Xerium Tech MediaGeneral


8.00 8.37

Z59 Z12

479 33. 9

35.6 4 7.9

44.7 116.1

Elephant Talk Comm



0.2 8




Oot Hill Sys








LIN Tv corp


1 3.10


2 6.2




U S Antimony Corp








elolase Inc


5 .14





oex one corp





2 8.8 -1.9

G ain Capital Hldgs




2 4.6



elueLlnx Holdings


3 .00




20.7 171.6




2 7.7

Exone co (The l







V alueVlsn Media A


0.71 1.09

21.1 20.5

1 3.7 1Z 7

102.1 -41.1

staar surgical

4 .07 6 .41

10 WORST SMALL-CAP STOCKS NovaGold Resources NG Affymetrix lnc AFFX










M cEwen Mining lnc


3.86 Z24





P ernlx Therapeutics







Titan Machinery lnc







eanro corp






67 6

Rubicon Minerals







Parametric Sound


16 36



Mistras Group



41 -10.4

270 2 -12.3

oelcathSystems Inc D C TH




-a.ae -14.2 -0.25


Friday close: $12.54



NexstarB dcstg Grp N X S T







1 .8%






























Kraft Foods Group iKRFTj







Nike (NKE)








e Food and Drug Administrauon expedited the pharmaceutical company's application for its treatmentof Parkinson's disease psychosis.

Acadia Pharmaceut


Procter & Gamble (PGj

1-week change+ $4.84 or 62.9%

F M 52-week range

$1.29 ~

$13 .92

Wk. vol.: 46.4m (2.8x avg.) PE : ... Mkt. Cap:$987.63 m Yield : ...



1-week change ~ $0.24or -15.4%

The miner received$1,621 last quarter for each ounce of gold produced at its mine tn the Democratic Republic of theCongo, down $90from the prior quarter. Friday close: $1.32

ga o 2.5


52-week range $123 ~



Wk. vol.: 6.2m (2.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $266.48 m Yield : ...

example, sells its baby formula and nutritional products for children in more than 50 countries. Its revenue rose 6 percent last year to $3.9 billion, with much of the growth coming from Asia and Latin America.

$77.57 $ 6 1

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U.S. economy and 1.4 percent for advancedeconomies overall. This screen from Credit Suisse shows U.S. stocks that get at least 20 percent of their revenue from consumers in emerging markets. Mead Johnson Nutrition, for

Mead Johnson Nutrition iMJNj Colgate-Palmolive (CLj

$ CHG %CHG 1WK 1 W K

Note: Stocks classified by market capitalization, the product of thecurrent stock price and total sharesoutstanding. Ranges are $1CO milion to $1 billion (small); $1 billion to $8 billion (mid); greaterthan $8 billion (large).


Philip Morris International iPMj

Acadia Pharma. ACAD

Wk. vol.: 93.4m (1.7x avg.) PE : ... Mkt. Cap: $22.65 b Yield :3.5%


Selling to emerging consumers -.08






1 5.48

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4.3 Wk. vol.: 14.2m (1.1x avg.)PE:18.3 Mkt. Cap: $14.23 b Yield : 1.1%

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4.0 -3.3

10 WORST LARGE-CAP STOCKS earrick Gold ABX Silver Wheaton Corp SL W Yamana Gold lnc AUY Newmont Mining N EM Goldcorp Inc GG BestBuy co BBY HewlettPackard H PQ

Friday close: $64.67-



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Previsto — have performed well in trials, according to Ken Johnson, a plant pathologist at Oregon State University. But despite that promise, Johnson said he believes 2014 is probably too soonto make oxytetracyline offlimits at organic orchards. e

leave that pint glass on the shelf. Branded versions of Spiegelau's IPA glass are available for $9though the Sierra Ne-


damaging copper spray called

Continued from E1 One day, an IPA would taste sprier from the IPA glass. The next day, with a different beer, I'd favor a different glass. But the differences were always narrow. The most important factor was drinking from a well-made and properlyshaped glass — and the IPA glass certainly qualifies on both counts. Whatever you do, just

— Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.com

"It makes a Bartlett look like a Bosc," said Bill Denevan, a former grower in Santa Cruz, Calif. Two alternatives to antibiotics — a yeast-based product called Blossom Perfect and a new, less

standard. No antibiotics." Fire blight is like a gangrene of the branch, with a running, expanding canker down the limb. The canker can be relatively small or spread all the way down to the ground, killing the t r ee. N onantibiotic methods of prevention and treatment include resistant varieties and rootstocks, pruning and the spraying of a copper sulfate. The copper, however, can damage the appearance of fruit, hampering a farmer's chances of selling it.


She said the city strives to make sure allbusiness types have the ability to thrive. Many f r anchises employ people locally, she said. She also said tourists and new residents find comfort in the familiar names of franchise businesses. But, she said, part of what makes Bend unique is its locally owned businesses, and more of the money spent at a local business stays in the community. "Economies that have too much of one or the other — all franchises or all home grown — have vulnerabilities," she said.


GlobalMarkets INDEX SB P 500 Frankfurt DAx London FTSE1CO

Hong Kong Hangseng paris CAC-40

LAST FRI. CHG 158a85 -4.52 7744.77 -126.86 6384.39 -31.75 22089.05 -12.22 3729.30 -46.36

Tokyo Nikkei 225



3463.49 44004.27 55074.99 12337.59

-24.23 -404.16 -318.59 -143.78

-0.69% -0.91% -0.58% -1.15%

348.65 2615.60 810.39 7760.60 15780.08 38630.54 1184.42

-2.63 -21.83 -13.36 -54.68 -240.83 -479.44 -11.82

-0.75% -0.83% -1.62% -0.70% -1.50% L -1.23% -0.99%

1924.23 3294.19 5016.00 7821.63 2206.78

-25.57 -14.61 +5.70 -36.35 -12.77

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FRI. CHG WK MO QTR YTD -0.28% +11.41% -1.61% +1.74% -0.49% T +8.25% -Z51% -0.06% -1.23% +z42% -0.47% +29.72%

+21.34% +0.68% -9.64% -0.77%


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"*Kraft'sstockbe antradin inSe temberfollowin itss litwithMondelez "trailin 12months Datathrou hA ril11 Sources: CredIt Suisse Fact set ASIA Index closing and weekly net changes for the weekending Friday, April12, 2013 Seoul Composite Singapore Straits Times NASDAQ+ S&P 00+ RUSSELL2000 +-4.20 WILSHIRE 5000 ~ - 4 7 .41 Sydney All Ordinaries 5.21 4 .52 Taipei Talex 3,294.95 L588.85 942.85 16,756.24 ~ Shanghai Composite

-1.31% -0.44% +0.11% -0.46% -0.58%


+1.73% +5.65% -1.74% +13.75% -3.03% -1.58% +7.21%

-3.65% +4.01% +7.53% +1.59% -2.75%




Civic plays catch-up, but is still behind Strut renewalat home By Brad Bergholdt By Mark Phelan

McCtatchy-Tribune News Service

Detroit Free Press


Catch-up is a tough game,

and nobody enjoys playing it. The 2013 Honda Civic is a case in point. A crisis intervention by Honda's purchasing department and engineers make it much better than the disapp ointing C i v i c


t h at debuted two

years ago, but that only gets it to the level Honda should have attained from the start. Despite a range of costly and effective improvements, the 2013 Civic is just one good compact among many,not the leader it was for a generation. Prices for the 20D Honda Civic sedan start at $18,165. The Civic's base engine is a 140-horsepower, 1.8-liter fourcylinder linked to a five-speed manual transmission. I tested a w e l l-equipped EX-L with a navigation system. The car's features included leather seats, heated front seats,cruise control, a power sunroof and backup camera. The Civic's voice recognition and integration of handsfree phones aren't as good as what the best compacts offer. The car I tested also lacked some features I'd like to see at this price, including some sort ofblind-spot alert and an autodimming rearview mirror. The Civic competes with compacts like th e C h evrolet Cruze, Dodge Dart, Ford Focus, Hyundai Elantra, Kia Forte, Nissan Sentra, Toyota Corolla a n d Vol k s wagen Jetta. The top-of-the-line Civic sedan I tested is at the high end

of theprice range for comparably equipped models. The Civic is one of the few compacts that have not upgraded tosix-speed transmissions. Its engine is one of the least-powerful in the segment. The result is marginal acceleration and an engine that la-

Honda via McClatcby-Tribune News Service

The 2013 Honda Civic was redesigned in response to poor reviews. The look and feel of the 2013's passenger compartment are upgraded and other changes were made to reduce road noise.

2013 HondaCivic

right the first time. The compact's handling is sharp and Base price: $18,165 responsive. As tested:$23,765 The suspension cushions Type:Front-wheel drive bumpy surfaces reasonably compact sedan well and keeps the car stable and steady through enthusiEngine:1.8-liter DOHC astic maneuvers. The steering variable-timing 16-valve provides good feedback and four-cylinder with 140 on-center feel. The brakes are horsepower at 6,500 rpm firm and easy to modulate, as Mileage:28 mpg city, usual for Honda. 39 mpg highway The exterior design w as also good from Day One. The C ivic's understated and r ebors when you put the pedal fined shape features a subtle down. crease below the belt line and The Civic's fuel economy mildly flared rear fenders. Big is excellent, however. Its EPA windows provide good visibilrating of 28 mpg in the city, 39 ity all around. in the highway and 32 comThe 2011 Civic's greatest bined beats the base models failings were poor interior maof all the competitors but the terials and sound insulation. Nissan Sentra — which has a T he look and feel of t h e continuously variable trans- 2013'spassenger compartment mission and even less power are a hugeimprovement. The than the Civic. top of the dash and doors get Honda got the Civic's plat- high-quality, soft-touch covers. form, steeringand suspension Leather seats and a leather-

wrapped steeringwheel complete the antidote to the previous Civic's cheapskate reputation. The gauges are big, colorful and crystal-clear. Passenger room f alls roughly in the middle of the compact set, but the front seat offers plenty of space and a nearly flat floor makes the Civic's rear seat particularly accommodating. The rear d oo r o p enings are a bit narrow, which hampers accessibility. The trunk is among the smallest in the segment. A fiber liner on the inside of the trunk lid is one of the many changes Honda made to reduce road noise. If you have to play catch-up, you might as well play it well. Honda did that with the 2013 Civic. I t's not the leader it w as for decades, but Honda's remedial course addressed the car's glaring faults and made it competitive again.


• I h a ve a que s tion • a bout s t r u t s. T he dealer gave me a quote of more than $1,800 to replace the front struts on my fourcylinder 2001 Toyota Camry. Yikes! T h e in d e pendent shops are pretty steep, too. Then I found out about KYB Strut-Plus and Monroe Quick-Struts for a lot less money. I'm thinking about tackling the job myself using one of these products. They are a complete unit with pre-compressed new coil springs, the strut and strut mount. I am pretty mechanically inclined. Is there a downside to using these units and installing them myself? I'm leaning more toward the KYB Strut-Plus. We plan to keep the car for several more years. It has about 95,000 miles on it and runs great. Or should I have the dealer or an independent shop just put on struts and use the old

coil springs? . Yikes is right! I can't A . fathom the price you were quoted for this simple

contains a replaceable cartridge, and the strut housing and other parts are reused. The quick r e placement and complete strut assemblies you mentioned are a great idea, as renewing the complete assembly is a real time-saver and e l iminates the inconvenience and danger associated with c o mpressing the spring or disassembling the strut if attempted at home. Also, the new assembly includes the spring insulators, upper b e aring and mount, which often need replacement. You're paying for a new coil spring, which may not be a bad idea either, as springs can sag, affecting ride height and wheel alignment. Replacement (bare) name-brand struts run about $60 to$80 apiece, and after you include the insulators and upper bearing, you're only a bit shy of the cost for the complete unit — $160 or so. The prices I mentioned involved some frugal shopping and may be a best-case scenario. Y ou should a l ig n t h e front wheels after renewing struts. Your Camry has elongated mounting bolt holes at the bottom end of the strut, allowing a camber adjustment, in which the wheel leans in or out. It would be difficult to accurately guess or estimateproper reassembly position. On v e hicles with wishbone suspension, or with c a rtridge-type or non-adjustable struts, you might forego the alignment process. W hen r e m oving y o u r o riginal s t ruts, n ot e t h e paint deformity and crush position of the lower mounting bolt w a shers. Imitate this as closely as possible when bolting up the replacement units.

service procedure. Periodic renewal of struts is necessary, as these tubular suspension parts contain the shock absorber. Shock absorbers wear out somewhere between 50, 0 00-100,000 miles, which can affect vehicle stability, tire tread life and ride comfort. R eplacing struts o n a typical M acPherson strut vehicle involves removing the complete strut assembly, which is a fairly simple initial process. The strut is then mounted in a spring c ompressing f i x t ur e a n d disassembled. Typically the coil spring and upper strut mount, if i n g o o d c ondition, are transferred to the — Bergholdt teaches automotive new strutand reassembled. technology. Email questions to On some vehicles, the strut under-the-hood~earthlinh.net.

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l e'

INSIDE: BOOICSW Editorials, F2

Commentary, F3 O» www.bendbulletin.com/opinion



Bold on both ends t's time to entertain the possibility that President Barack Obama is a right-wing extremist. After all, look at where he's taking the country over his second term. We're living in a country where 53 percent of children born to women younger than 30 are born out of wedlock, according to government data. Millions of people, especially men, are dropping out of the labor force. Nearly half the students who begin college are unable to graduate within six years. The social fabric for people without college degrees is in shambles. Yet Obama is not offering proposals commensurate with those problems. Under his budget, domestic discretionary spending would be lower as a share of GDP than it was under Reagan, both Bushes and Nixon. The president is increasing total revenues to a historically high 20 percent of GDP by 2023. Federal spending would remain at a wayabove-average 22 percent of GDP. But Washington still can't seem to devote enough money to address the challengesfaced by the less-educated and ease the segmentation of America. That's true even after you accountforthe domestic programs that are outside the discretionary budgetcategory and have their own funding stream, like the new early childhood initiative. I generally come to celebrate, not criticize, this budget. Obama has the guts to take on special interests in his own party. He works hard to reduce inequality. He understands that entitlement programs represent a fundamental threat to the sustainability of the welfare state. He understands that politics can only work if the president transcends his base and builds a majority coalition. His budget should put to rest those crazy claims that he is some sort of Norwegian socialist. But being moderate means throwing away ideological blinders and facing reality. Right now, America faces two giant problems: social unraveling today and cataclysmic debt tomorrow. So where do we go from here? That's easy. First, we have the same kabuki debate we've been having for the past few decades. The kabuki debate will probably end, as it usually does, with gridlock and name-calling. But then we can move on to Debate B. This debate would be organized around a differenttrade-off— not a balance between taxing and spending, but a balance between greater discretionary spending in exchange for structural entitlement reform. In this framework, Democrats would get a lot of the good ideas that are in the Obama budget, but they'd


'+ i •


h, •



• In their rush to perfect ever-more high-tech weaponry, will U.S.military strategists continue to ignorethe battlefield lessonstaught by a low-tech enemy? By Rosa Brooks • Foreign Policy WASHINGTON-


know not with what weapons World War a ssumption. We assume that military technological III will be fought," Albert Einstein warned innovation is a one-way ratchet. High tech measures President Truman, "but World War IV

t ake n by one side will be followed by high-tech coun-

will be fought with sticks and stones."

term e asures taken by the other, which will be met with

It doesn't do to quarrel with Einstein, and he's no doubt right about World War IV.

still more advanced counter-countermeasures,and so on, ad infinitum — or at least until some Einsteinian

But implied in Einstein's famous adage is an assump- nuclear catastrophe ends the cycle, crashing us back to tion that right up until the moment we knock ourselves the age of sticks and stones. back into the Stone Age, the technologies of warfare

But E i n stein's cautionary words overlook one detail:

will evolve in one direction only: They will become

For a l l our technological sophistication, warfare has

ever more advanced, complex, sophisticated and

never t r uly moved past sticks and stones — and even


today, their bone-breaking power remains surprisingly

Today, much rhetoric about future wars makes this

pot e n t.

be bigger and more aggressive. We'd take the pre-k initiative, the spending on scientific research and the infrastructurespending. But then we'd throw on top other programs. Make more men marriageable (by helping them earn a reliable wage). Rebind the social fabric in atomized communities (social entrepreneurship funds). Maybe expand a national serviceprogram to give more young adults discipline, orientation and connections. Republicans would get structural entitlement reform. Here, too, we could build on the ideas in the Obama budget, like chained Consumer Price Index for Social Security and the expansion of meanstesting for Medicare. Then we could throw on other modest structural reforms: Combine Medicare Parts A and B and further limiting Medigap plans in order to induce seniors to make more cost-consciousdecisions. Repair federal pensions and the disability system. Means test Social Security and raise the Medicare eligibility age for affluent workers. Right now, we are the North Korea of fiscal policy. We're living under the insane sequester that cuts those programs we should be increasing and spares exactly those old-age programs we should be reforming. Both parties should have incentive to get to a new fiscal regime. — David Brooks is a columnist for The New York Times. John Costa's column will return.

Technological teleology It's easy to forget the continued role of sticks and stones. When we think of the history of warfare, we think in terms of perpetually advancing technologies. Certainly, history offers plentiful examples of escalating technological"measure, countermeasure, counter-countermeasure"cycles:As swords and spears grew more lethal, armor became heavier. As armor became heavier, horses were needed to increase speed and maneuverability, and the invention of the stirrup further increased the lethal effectiveness of mounted cavalry. The development of the long-bow enabled distance warfare and the decimation of mounted troops armed with swords and spears, but then guns and artillery displaced longbows, automatic weapons displaced single-shot weapons, and so on through the atom bomb — for which Einstein's work so ambivalently paved the way. Or consider electronic warfare. During World War II, for instance, Allied forces developedactivesonar to locate submerged

German U-Boats, while ship-based high-frequency radiodirection finders were produced to intercept radio transmissions sent by surfaced U-Boats. Germany then equipped U-Boats with radar detectors, which led the Allies to deploy newly developed centimetric radar, which German radar detectors could not detect. In the context of aerial warfare, the evolution of radar systems to detect incoming aircraft led to the use of chaff and the development of radar jammers, which in turn led to new counter-countermeasuresintended to make jamming more difficult, such as frequency hopping and radiation homing. In each of these cases, technological innovation in warfare sparked new technological innovations by adversaries, and today, as in World War II, we're often inclined to assume the inevitability of such technological escalation. This is the assumption that underlies much current thinking about cyber-threats, as well as the Pentagon's Air-Sea Battle paradigm. In cyber, the development of Internet-based

communications systems is countered by the development of new methods of detecting and disrupting Internet communication; cyberattacks lead to new cyber-defenses, which lead to new and more sophisticated cyberattacks. The Air-Sea Battle paradigm is similarly premised on the assumption that technology marches forward: U.S. air and naval dominance incentivizes near-peer competitors — aka frenemies, aka China — to develop anti-access and area denial technologies. And so, the logic goes, we need to invest in antianti-access technologies, and technologies to deny area denial. This, of course, just happens to take money, and lots of it. It also just happens to involve significant investment in the Air Force and Navy, the two services pushed to the sidelines, relatively speaking, during a decade of slow, plodding land war in Iraq and Afghanistan. Fearing displacement themselves, the Army and Marines are pushing their own high-tech visions of their future. See Next war /F5

High-tech measures aren't inevitably countered by more high-tech measures. Sometimes, the opposite is true: The most successful countermeasures are low-tech — and historically, this has been demonstrated just as often as has the opposite. We know this, of course. We just don't like it.



The Bulletin



i s aunc nee e iscussion o ax issues



Chairaomnn Pallla Iter

Fditur in-Clnrf Editor foE thtorials



n some ways, recent discussions about sales taxes in Oregon resemble talk about Public Employees Retirement System reforms. We can't go there because the people (or the courts) have said "no," and done so more than once.


Yet in both cases, that's a darned poor reason not to try. State Sen. Mark Hass, D-Beaverton, for one, is willing to buck that notion and bring up the idea of a statewide sales tax once again. Thus he has submitted Senate Joint Resolution 36, which would, if passed by the Legislature, ask Oregonians to approve a constitutionally limited sales tax. A companion bill, Senate Bill 824, would provide the structure for that tax, reduce income taxes and create an income tax credit for business investment. Hearings on the proposals are scheduled for Monday. Hass is not the only one talking sales tax at the moment. Gov. John Kitzhaber has a task force looking at a broader tax overhaul, though his staff has said no firm proposals are likely during this legislative session. The governor will be the first person to testify at the Senate's Finance and Revenue Committee hearings. While we can understand the governor's desire to put a complete package in front of lawmakers and voters, there's value to beginning a public discussion now on the whole issue of taxes. It's been more than 20 years since Oregonians even seriously considered a sales tax measure — which they defeated in 1986 by a ratio of greater than 3-1.

Since then, Oregon has added roughly 1 m i l lion souls to its population, largely through in-migration. The state has taken over the bulk of secondary education financing, a trio of property taxlimiting measures have been adopted, and mandatory minimum prison sentences have fueled a prison-building spree that has only recently slowed. Money is extremely tight, and the recent recession serves as a stark reminder of just how dangerous it can be to balance budgets on only two legs of a three-legged tax stool. H ass is r ealistic about t h e chances — slim at best — of his proposals even making it through the Legislature this year. Still, the discussion is a valuable one and all Oregonians should listen to it with open minds. Even if they're unlikely to be asked to make changes this year, they almost certainly will be in the near future. The Hass measures give them the opportunity to start gathering information so that when a vote comes, they can make their decisions based on information, not emotion.

Postpone 3uly1 deadline on aehievementeompaet magine trying to meet a report deadline that comes months before you can access critical data to make that report meaningful. That's the situation faced by school boards across Oregon striving to meet requirements for state achievementcompacts.The deadline to report goals to the state is July 1, but relevant data don't show up till August. An amendment to House Bill 3075 would fix the problem by delaying the deadline to Oct. 15. Good idea. The achievement compacts are part of Gov. John Kitzhaber's plan to restructure education across the state. They require each education entity, such as school districts, universities, education s ervice districts and community colleges to establish goals for specific criteria. The state selects a base set of items, and the districts can add some of their own choosing. When the K-12 compacts were first unveiled last year, we found them short on academic measures, which were limited to third grade


math and reading. Other categories focused on attendance, ninthgrade credits earned, graduation rates and college credits earned during high school, among others. In the revisions for the second year, we were pleased to see the addition of math scores from fifth and eighth grades, although more attention to academics is still needed, especially at the high school level. But whatever the items measured, districts were left to guess based on severely outdated information, because they had to set their goals before the current year'sstudenttestscores and other data were known. If you don't know what progress was made in one year, it's tough to assess what you can achieve in the next.

The result was time wasted on goal-setting that couldn't be meaningful, only to file reports that have yet to prove their value. The delayed deadline proposed in HB 3075 canhelp address atleastone of the flaws.


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...tI l < t t ttStt=-~ A S E H~~ S



Twain's 'Huckleberry Finn' worth saving story's opening. Here Twain introduces his themes of civilization veror decades, Mark Twain's "Adsus freedom, of living off the river, of venturesofHuckleberry Finn" common sense versus the crabbed was celebrated in popular culteachings of conventional adults. "How many other books bring up ture as a boys' book and lauded as the cornerstone of American literaall this interesting stuff?" Ehrich says. ture. Then it was attacked I read "Huckleberry Fmn" 50 years ago, and for repeating a racial epi- I N M Y VIEW mo st of which thet; and if it were only a turn out badThe book has not at 16, either, but boys' book, it would have been fin- ly. Jim is sometimes porat about 11. For a boy a famous ished. But it is also an anti-slavery trayed as silly — Twain growing up enmeshed " minstrelized h im, " scene in which in rules, Huck was a book. It isn't only that, but if that saves says Jones — but he is a Huck, a white wonder. He was free. it, good. good man. Huck's sense boy, apologizes He smoked. He slept The book has a famous scene in of right and wrong is hit outside. He could come to Jim, a slave. and go as he pleased. which Huck, a white boy, apolo- or miss. gizes to Jim, a slave. None of the The book has been He could start life at 13, None of the sugarcoated moviesI've seen com- banned in some public sugarcoated living off the river and municates how m omentous this schools, but S e attle's c onning a d ults w i t h is. At Town Hall Seattle, I saw it s chools allow i t . A t movies fabulous lies. acted out by Christopher Morson Franklin High School, I've seen I wasn't going to do and Geoffrey Simmons of Seattle's David Ehrich teaches communicates all that, but I liked imagBook-It Repertory Theatre. They get it to his 11th-grade huining it. the meaning of it. They include it in manities class. He says, how Ehrich, who grew up Book-It's production, "Adventures of "You can't teach this in in Indiana recalls setting momentous a 'gotcha' environment," Huckleberry Finn: Uncensored." out with a buddy on a raft this is. Book-It's mission is to promote but Ehrich is all right. at age 12 and floating for literature by d r amatizing books, He doesn't use the episeveral days, inspired by word for word. Jane Jones, founder, thet in class, though he Huckleberry Finn. got the idea for doing "Huckleberry allows his students to use it. Ehrich can give literary reasons Finn" after reading of a project to "There are problems with this why he teaches the book — the first replace the N-word in the book with book," Ehrich says. After Huck's American novel in dialect, the first "slave." She thought it historically time with Jim on the river, he would from the viewpoint of a child, one dishonest; it was "taking the white not haveaccepted Tom Sawyer's ju- of the first to give voice to a slave. man off the hook." Her two-and- venile scheme for Jim's liberation. He also teaches it because it moved a-half hour production, she says, One of Ehrich's assignments is for him. won't do that. It's a book to be saved. students to write a letter to Twain arGood. Twain used the taboo word guing for a better ending of the story. — Bruce Ramseyis a columnist 219 times, and not as an attack word. To Ehrich, the high point is the for The Seattle Times.

By Bruce Ramsey

It was an everyday word in his day, and he used it that way. The story of Huck setting out in the company of a runaway slave is not a story that celebrates racial injustice. Huck and Jim are comrades. They have a string of encounters with w h ites,

The Seat tle Ti mes


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Write: My Nickel's Worth/In My View

Drone bill balances privacy, law enforcement power t

By John Huffman n a free society such as ours, citizens have a reasonable expectation of privacy — and they should, as those rights have always been guaranteed under the Fourth Amendment of th e U n ited States Constitution. The rapid advances of the past few years have led to the discoveries of all kinds of new technologies, some of which have caused citizens to become concerned about potential threats to their privacy. Those concerns are part of what prompted me to sponsor House Bill 2710. That bill requires public bodies that use Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV), otherwise known as drones, to adopt policies on their use and requires a procedure for notifying the public on those policies. Since their introduction, UAVs have arguably be-

come a useful tool for our military as it continues to engage in a global war on terrorism.Law enforcement agencies have also found that UAVs can be vital in search-and-rescue and other operations. All of these factors have people wondering what these developments mean for their civil rights. But it isn't just government agencies that are utilizing this technology. Agricultural interests in Oregon are finding legitimate uses for it. The industry that is developing this technology is also growing rapidly, with ampleresearch and development opportunities starting to emerge. Because of the potential benefits, I've tried to find a balance in the legislative process between allowing those kinds of uses while making sure that government agencies cannot use UAVs for purposesthat are contrary to our

rights as American citizens. I've worked with industry, agricultural interests, civil liberties groups, law enforcement, public safety and economic development entities to try and find that balance. I understand that people are very mindful and protective of their Constitutionally-based guarantees of privacy, due process and freedom f ro m u n r easonable search and seizure. Under HB 2710, law enforcement agencies may use a UAV for surveillance only if a warrant is issued authorizing its use, the use is within a geographically confined area, a time-limited situation in which there is risk of serious physical harm to an individual, and the use is thoroughly documented by the

agency. It also limits operation of the UAV by law enforcement to collection of

information about the target person for which the use is authorized. Further, law enforcement must avoid collection of information on other persons, residences or places. Images or other information acquired through the use of a drone by a law enforcement agency must be destroyed within 30 days, unless the information is needed as evidence in a criminal prosecution. In a drafted amendment to HB 2710, law enforcement would have the ability to take captured images of a crime, captured during a separate lawful use of the drone, to a judge to determine if exigent circumstances exist to get a warrant based on the information collected. HB 2710 states that any public body using UAVs must adopt policies for their use that establish training requirements for operators and cri-

teria for when they are used, along with a procedure for informing the public of the agency's policies. Information gathered could not be shared with other government agencies or government sub-divisions. My hope is that by considering the input of all the various stakeholders involved with this issue, we have been able to develop a bill that maintains our protection under the law, while ensuring that industries vital to our area continue to grow and thrive. Please feel free to contact my capitol office at 503-986-1459 if you have any comments or concerns regarding this bill. I am honored to continue to serve you in the Oregon House of Representatives. — John Huffman, aRepublican, represents House District 59 in the Oregon Legislature.




Nuclear Iran would be West's nightmare he idea of a nuclear Iran — and of preventing a nuclear Iran — terrifies security analysts. Those who argue for a pre-emptive strike against Iran cannot explain exactly how U.S. planes and missiles would take out all the subterranean nuclear facilities without missing a stashed nuke or two — or whether they might as well expand their target lists to Iranian military assets in general. None can predict the fallout on world oil prices, global terrorism and the politically fragile Persian Gulf, other than that it would be uniformly bad. In contrast, those who favor containment of a nuclear Iran do not quite know how the theocracy could be deterred — or how either Israel or the regional Sunni Arab regimes will react to such a powerful and unpredictable neighbor. The present crisis with North Korea offers us a glimpse of what, and what not, to expect should Iran get the bomb. Mahmoud Ahmadinejad would gain the attention currently being paid to Kim Jong Un — similarly not otherwise earned by his nation's economy or cultural influence. We should assume that the Iranian theocracy,like the seven-decadelong Kim dynasty in North Korea, would periodically sound lunatic: threatening its neighbors and promising a firestorm in the region — if not eventually in the United States


VICTOR DAVIS HANSON and Europe as well. An oil-rich, conventionally armed Iran has already used that playbook. When it b ecomes nuclear, those previously stale warnings of ending Israel or attacking U.S. facilities in the Persian Gulf will not be entirely laughed off, just as Kim Jong Un's insane diatribes are not so easily dismissed. North Korea has taught the world that feigned madness in nuclear poker earns either foreign aid or worldwide attention — given that even a 99 percent surety of a bluff can still scare Western publics. North Korea is the proverbial nutty failed neighbor who constantly picks on the successfulsuburbanites next door, on the premise that the neighbors will heed his wild nonsensical threats because he has nothing and they have everything to lose. Iran could copy Kim's model endlessly — one week threatening to wipe Israel off the face of the map, the next backing down and complaining that problems in translation distorted the actual, less bellicose communique. The point would not necessarily be to actually nuke Israel (which would translate into the

end ofPersian culture fora century), but to createsuch an atmosphere of worry and gloom overthe Jewish state as to weaken the economy, encourage emigration and erode its geostrategic reputation. North Korea is a past master of such nuclear shakedown tactics. At times Pyongyang has reduced two Asian powerhouses — Japan and South Korea — to near paralysis. Can the nations that gave the world Toyota and Samsung really count on the American defense umbrella'? Should they go nuclear themselves? Can North Korean leadership be continually bought off with foreign aid, or is it really as crazy serious as it sounds'? Iran would also be different from othernuclear rogue states.The West often fears a nuclear Pakistan, given that a large part of its tribal land is u ngovernable and o v errun w i t h Islamic radicals. Its government is friendly to the West only to the degree that American aid continues. Yet far larger and more powerful India deters nuclear Pakistan. For all the wild talk from both the Pakistani government and t r ibal terrorists,there is general fear in Pakistan that India has superior conventional and nuclear forces. India is also unpredictable and not the sort of nation that can be periodically threatened and shaken down for concessions. Iran has no comparable existen-

tial enemy of a billion people — only a tiny Israel of some 7 million. The result is that there is no commensurate regional deterrent. Nor does Iran have a tough master like nuclear China. Even Beijing finally pulls on the leash when its unpredictable North Korean client has threatened to bully neighbors and create too unprofitable a fuss. Of course, China enjoys the angst that its subordinate causes its rivals. It also sees North Korea as a valuable impediment to a huge, unified new Westernized Korea onitsborders. But that said, China does not want a nuclear war in its backyard. That fact ultimately means North Korea is muzzled once its barking becomes too obnoxious. A nuclear Iran would neither worry about a billion-person, nuclear existential enemy nearby like India, nor a billion-person patron like China that would establish redlines to its periodic madness. Instead, Tehran would be free to do and say what it pleased. And its nuclear status would become a force multiplier to its enormous oil wealth and selfacclaimed world leadership of Shiite Muslims. If North Korea has been a danger, then abigger,richer and undeterred nuclear Iran would be a nightmare. — Victor Davis Hanson is a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution, Stanford University.

Learning what to say and when to say it By Susan Silk and Barry Goldman

i t t h e Ri n g Theory. hen Susan ha d b r east Draw a cancer, we heard a lot of c ircle. T h i s l ame remarks, but o u r is the center favorite came from one of Susan's ring. In it, put O. colleagues. She wanted, she needed, the name of the to visit Susan after the surgery, but person at the Susan didn't feel like having visitors, center of the and she said so. Her colleague's re- current trausponse? "This isn't just about you." ma. For Katie's "It's not?" Susan wondered. "My aneurysm,that's breast cancer is not about me? It's Katie. Now draw about you?" a larger circle around the first one. In The same theme came up again that ring put the name of the person when our friend Katie had a brain next closest to the trauma. In the case aneurysm. She was i n i n t ensive of Katie's aneurysm, that was Katie's care for a long time and finally got husband, Pat. out and into a step-down unit. She Repeatthe process as many times was no longer covered with tubes as you need to. In each larger ring put and lines and monitors, but she was the next closest people. Parents and still in rough shape. A friend came children before more distant relatives. and saw her and then stepped into Intimate friends in smaller rings, less the hall with Katie's husband, Pat. intimate friends in larger ones. When "I wasn't prepared for this," she told you are done you have a Kvetching him."I don't know if I can handle it." Order. One of Susan's patients found This woman loves Katie, and she it useful to tape it to her refrigerator. said what she did because the sight Here are the rules: The person in of Katie in this condition moved her the center ring can say anything she so deeply. But it was the wrong thing wants to anyone, anywhere. She can to say. And it was wrong in the same kvetchand complain and whine and way Susan's colleague's remark was moan and curse the heavens and say, "Life is unfair" and "Why me?" wrong. Susan has since developed a sim- That's the one payoff for being in the ple technique to help people avoid center ring. this mistake. It works for all kinds Everyone else can s a y t h o se of crises: medical, legal, financial, things, too, but only to people in romantic, even existential. She calls larger rings. Los Angeles Times



When you are talking to a person in a ring smaller than yours, s o meone closer to the center of the crisis, the goal is to help. Listening is often more helpful than talking. But if you're going to open your mouth, ask yourself if what you are about to say is likely to provide comfort and support. If it isn't, don't say it. Don't, for example, give advice. People who are suffering from trauma don't need advice.They need comfort and support. So say, "I'm sorry" or "This must really be hard for you" or "Can I bring you a pot roast'?" Don't say, "You should hear what happened to me" or "Here's what I would do if I were you." And don't say, "This is really bringing me down." If you want to scream or cry or complain, if you want to tell someone how shocked you are or how icky you feel, or whine about how it reminds you of all the terrible things that have happened to you lately, that's fine. It's a perfectly normal response. Just do it to someone in a

bigger ring. Comfort IN, dump OUT. There was nothing wrong with Katie's friend saying she was not prepared for how horrible Katie

looked, or even that she didn't think she could handle it. The mistake was that she said those things to Pat. She dumped IN. C omplaining to someone in a smaller ring than yours doesn't do either of you any good. On the other hand, being supportive to her principal caregiver may be the best thing you can do for the patient. Most of us know this. Almost nobody would complain to the patient about how rotten she looks. Almost no one would say that looking at her makes them think of the fragility of life and their own closeness to death. In other words, we know enough not to dump into the center ring. Ring Theory merely expands that intuition and makes it more concrete: Don't just avoid dumping into the center ring, avoid dumping into any ring smaller than your own. Remember, you can say whatever you want if you just wait until you're talking to someone in a larger ring than yours. And don't worry. You'll get your turn in the center ring. You can count on that. — Susan Silk is a clinical psychologist. Barry Goldmanis an arbitrator and mediator and the author of "The Science of Settlement: Ideas for Negotiators." They wrote this for the Los Angeles Times.

Three women who were emblems of their time ASHINGTON — One got famous wearing m o use ears. One got famous wearing brightly colored shifts. And one got famous wearing down the opposition while carrying a handbag. The trio of famous deaths this week seems incongruous. Yet these spirited women — two quintessential Americans known by their first names and one quintessential Brit known by her nickname — were all vivid emblems of their time. Three very different worlds are conjured up when you think about Annette Funicello, Lilly Pulitzer and Margaret Thatcher. As a tot, I spent every afternoon in my Mickey Mouse Club ears and underwear, clutching a red patent purse full of Milky Ways, glued to the television watching Annette and company. For my older brother and other boys on the brink of their teens, the blossoming Annette sparked the first frisson of hormones. The comely daughter of an auto mechanic, she grew up in the San Fernando Valley and came across as the unpretentious girl-next-door who might actually be your friend, or date. She was so shy she asked Walt Disney if she should see a shrink; he said no, that she might cure herself of the very quality that people loved. Even later, donning t w o-piece bathing suits in her goofy beach party movies with Frankie Avalon, she seemed as innocent as Sally Field in

American dream. Like her fellow Palm Beach resident Jimmy Buffett, she cleverly patented Paradise MAUREEN Found. She made citrus-bright reDOWD sort wear that was, as Vanity Fair put it, "shorthand for WASP wealth at play." The clothes had down-toher flying nun outfit. Mr. Disney, as earth snob appeal, as the magazine she always called the man who dis- said in 2003. covered her at 12 in "Swan Lake" at Just as Annette did not give in to the Burbank Starlite Bowl, implored her disease, Lilly, the daughter of a her to cover her navel. Standard Oil heiress, did not give in Annette wasthe avatar for care- to the dictates of her stuffy old-monfree childhood and carefreesum- ey background. After she married mer. Maybe that's why it was such a a Pulitzer heir and moved to Palm shock when she revealed in 1992 that Beach, she wandered the town bareshe had MS. The merry Mouseke- foot, threw wild parties, had three teer and mother of three handled kids and suffered a nervous breakthat merciless illness with grace, down. A doctor told her, "You're becoming the face of MS, founding a not happy because you're not doing fund tobenefitresearch and serving anything." as an ambassador for the Multiple Unconcerned about making a specSclerosis Society. Years after using tacle of herself, she opened a stand on a walker to accept her star on the Worth Avenue to sell the fruit from Hollywood Walk of Fame in 1993, her husband's orchards; then she and Funicello lost the ability to walk or a partner, wearing cheap, brightly speak. patterned sheaths to hide fruit stains, But not before she shared how had a eureka moment. Style is more proud she was that MS sufferers had than fashion, she said, and being told her that because she went pub- happy "never goes out of style." lic,they were less embarrassed togo While Lilly was known as "the ulout with canes and wheelchairs. timate party girl," Maggie was "the "Like Cinderella, I believe a dream ultimate conservative pinup." is a wish your heart makes," she said, Margaret Thatcher,the grocer's sweet-temperedeven as the disease daughter and mother of m odern ravaged her. "I've had a dream life." conservatism, had her faults, heavPulitzer, a n other a m b assador en knows. The New Yorker's John of fun, fashioned her dream life Cassidy called her a combination of by branding a sweet slice of the Ronald Reagan, Ayn Rand and Dr.

Strangelove. Francois Mitterrand said she had the eyes of Caligula and the mouth of Marilyn Monroe. The Iron Lady could be harsh, but she was that rarest of creatures: a female leader who stayed womanly yet transcended gender. She "hand-

bagged" opponents and offending underlings. She handled pols in the global boys' club deftly — as little boys, when they needed it, or as swains, when she needed it. I was in Aspen in 1990 when she told President George Bush not to go "wobbly" on Saddam, blithely drilling down on the most sensitive part of the Bush psyche, the fear ofbeing labeled a wimp. My favorite Thatcher moment came while covering a Group of 7 meeting in Paris in 1989. Mitterrand had given her bad placement twice compared with other world leaders: once at the opera and once on the reviewing stand for a parade marking the bicentennial of the French Revolution, held where King Louis XVI was guillotined. Also, Michel Rocard, the Socialist French prime minister, chastised her for "social cruelty." So as Maggie left Paris, she offered a pointed message about the excesses of the French Revolution, slyly presenting Mitterrand a book bound in red leather: "A Tale of Two Cities." — Maureen Dowd is a columnist for The New York Times.


The Arab quarter century guess it's official now: The term "Arab Spring" has to be retired.

There is nothing springlike going on. The broader, but still vaguely hopeful, "Arab Awakening" also no longer seems valid, given all that has been awakened. And so the strategist Anthony Cordesman is probably right when he argues it's best we now speak of the "Arab Decade" or the "Arab Quarter Century" — a long period of intrastate and intraregional instability, in which a struggle for both the future of Islam and the future of the individual Arab nations blend together into a "clash within a civilization." The ending: To be determined. W hen th e A r a b S p r in g f i r s t emerged, the easy analogy was the fall of the Berlin Wall. It appears that the right analogy is a different central European event — the Thirty Years' War in the 17th century — an awful mix of religious and political conflict, which eventually produced a new state order. Some will say: "I told you so. You never should have hoped for this Arab Spring." Nonsense. The corrupt autocracies that gave us the previous 50 years of "stability" were just slow-motion disasters. Read the U.N.'s 2002 Arab Human Development Report about what deficits of freedom, women's empowerment and knowledge did to Arab peoples over the last 50 years. Egypt, Tunisia, Libya, Yemen and Syria are not falling apart today because their leaders were toppled. Their leaders were toppled because for too many years they failed too many of their people. Half the women in Egypt still can't read. That's what the stability of the last 50

years bought.

Also, "we" did not unleash the Arab Spring, and "we" could not have stopped it. These uprisings began with fearless, authentic quests for dignity by Arab youths, seeking the tools and freedom to realize their full potential in a world where they could see how everyone else was living. But no sooner did they blow the lids off their societies, seeking governments grounded in real citizenship, than they found themselves competing with o t her aspirations set loose — aspirations to be more Islamist, more sectarian or to restore the status quo ante. Still, two things surprise me. The first is how incompetent the Muslim Brotherhood has been. In Egypt, the Brotherhood has presided over an economic death spiral and a judiciary caught up in idiocies like investigating the comedian Bassem Youssef, for a llegedly i n sulting P r esident Mohammed Morsi. Every time the Brotherhood had a choice of acting in an inclusive way or seizing more power, itseized more power, depriving it now of the broad base needed to make necessary but painful economic reforms. The second surprise? How weak the democratic opposition has been. The tragedy of the Arab center-left is a complicated story, notes Marc L ynch, a M i d dle East expert at George Washington University and the author of "The Arab Uprising: The Unfinished Revolutions of the New Middle East." Many of the more secular, more pro-Western Egyptian political elites who could lead new center-left parties, he said, had been "co-opted by the old regime" for its own semiofficial parties and therefore "were widely discredited in the eyes of the public." That left youngsters who had never organized a party, or a grab bag of expatriates, former regime officials, Nasserites and l i b eral I s lamists, whose only shared idea was that the old regime must go. Since taking power in Egypt, "the Brotherhood has presided over economic failure and political collapse," said Lynch. Given all this, America's least bad option is to use its economic clout to insist on democratic constitutional rules, regular elections and political openness, and to do all it can to encourage moderate opposition leaders to run for office. We should support anyone who wants to implement the Arab Human Development Report and oppose anyone who doesn't. That is the only way these societies can give birth to their only hope: a new generationof decent leaders who can ensure this"Arab Quarter Century" ends better than it began. — Thomas Friedman is a columnist for The New York Times.

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A chilling visit to a small town "A Cold and Lonely Place" by Sara J. Henry, (Crovttn, 304 pgs., $24) By Oline H. Cogdill Sun Sentinel (South Florida)

Most of us thrive on human contact — spouses, friends, family. But for others who have been wounded by the people they love most, isolation in a c o ld

and lonely place may seem like paradise. That sense of severing all previous ties and never truly getting close to people permeate Sara J. Henry's second insightful s ecuo> F t > o nd no v e l . vt « r A s she d i d in her 2012 Agatha-winning debut, "Learning to Swim," Henry explores the complicated nature of relationships while delivering a suspenseful novel full of unpredictable twists. Freelance writer T r oy Chance is photographing ice cutters on New York's Saranac Lake as they prepare the ice palace that will grace the annual Winter Carnival near Lake Placid. But the work stops when the body of a man is found just below the ice's surface. And Troy knows the man quite well — he is Tobin Winslow, t h e o n - again, o ff-again b o y f r iend o f her roommate, Jessamyn Field. Troy d i dn't e specially like Tobin, finding his frequent absences, lack of a job and "diffident manner" irksome. His attitude gave Troy the impression that he was a rich kid playing at the blue-collar life in the Adirondacks. Troy learns she was right when Tobin's likable sister, Win, comes to the area to claim his body and settle his affairs. W as Tobin's death a tragic accident or was he killed? "A Col d a n d L o n ely Place" moves with sharpness of those ice-cutting machines that quickly saw through the frozen lake.

BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks the bestsellersfor the weekending April 7. Hardcover fiction

1. "Starting Now," by Debbie Macomber (Ballantine) 2. "Six Years." by HarlanCoben (Dutton) 3. "Manuscript Found in Accra," by Paulo Coelho (Knopf) 4. "Life After Life," by Kate Atkinson (L,B / Reagan Arthur) 5. "Gone Girl," by GillianFlynn (Crown) 6."The Burgess Boys," by Elizabeth Strout lRandom House) 7. "The Storyteller," by Jodi Picoult (Atria) 8. "Lover at Last," by J.R.Ward (New American Library) 9."Alex Cross, Run," by James Patterson (Little, Brown) 10. "A Week inWinter," by Maeve Binchy (Knopfj Hardcover nonfiction

1. "Lean ln," bySheryl Sandberg (Knopf) 2. "It's All Good," by Gwyneth Paltrow (GrandCentral) 3. "The DuckCommander Family," by Willie & Korie Robertson (Howard Books) 4. "Life Code," by Dr.Phil McGraw (Bird Street Books) 5. "The Fastoiet," by Michael Mosley (Atria) 6."Making GoodHabits, Breaking Bad Habits," by Joyce Meyer (FaithWords) 7. "Secrets of Silicon Valley," by Deborah Perry Piscione Palgrave (Macmillanj 8. "Carry On,Warrior," by Glennon Melton (Scribner) 9. "Daring Greatly," by Brene Brown (Gotham) 10. "Shred: TheRevolutionary Diet," by lan K. Smith, M.D. (St. Martin's) — (I/ic(:latchy-Tribune NewsService

OO S arecanine,

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By Daniel Engber Slate

NEW YORK — Reader, if you and I can agree on anything, it's that the Internet is made of cats. But we may differ on the follow-up: What else could it be made of? When cats took over on our screens and in our minds, whose regime, exactly, did they replace? For too long we've talked as if the online feline emerged from nowhere, to fill a niche that hadn't yet existed. We've made out cats to be the brandnew products of a brand-new age and ignored the fact that before we had the Internet, and before the Internet had its furry totem, media consumers held a different set of animal predilections. W e've forgotten that t h e readersfrom that ancient age of dusty books preferred dogs, and so they do today. Before the Web page there was the written word. Before kittens ruled the I nternet, puppies reigned in print. The real mystery, then, is not how cats took precedence online, but rather how they managed to dethrone the dog. Our media have been split in two, and each opposing camp — the old against the new — has a spirit animal suited to its ethos. We're reading dogs and clicking cats. Knopf is a borzoi. BuzzFeed is a Scottish Fold. When did ou r e n tertainments break along these species lines? And what will happen to the dog, once so proud in literature, as the industry that championed it limps into the future? Surely you'll be inclined to grant the premise: Think of "Maru the Cat"; think of "Marley 8 Me." But let me try to make the case using more objective means. Precisely how do dogs and cats compare online, and then again in print? T he other day I w ent t o visit Yahoo and plugged in the words "cat" and "cats." (I tried them 10 times each.) My searches pulled an average of 1.8 billion hits, nearly two giga-cats of data on the Internet. Then I did the same with "dog" and "dogs," and received one-third as many results.For every Web-enabled pooch, three kittens danced on YouTube. Bing produced a s i m ilar comparison: 1.7 billion cats against 775 million dogs, for a ratio north of 2-to-1. Google was more even-pawed, but still the Web evinced apreference for felines: Its worm crawled 2.5 billion sites on cats and just 1.7 billion sites on dogs. These searches tell us what we knew already: That stats on cats are unsurpassed online. But what's the mix for books? On Amazon, canines held the lion's share of search results, by a healthy 2-to-l. A look at Google Books returned the same d isparity: The corpus holds 87 million cats and almost twice as many pups. What's more, this trend in published work appears to date back centuries. What about t h e f u t ure? To get a more specific sense, I consulted an online database of book deals and sifted through the last few years for references to animals. Since 2008, editors have signed up at least 44 dog-related works of fiction, compared with 20 books on cats. Among nonfiction deals — including memoirs, how-to guides, photography, and pet-related humor — the spread was even more severe:Over the lasttw o years, the database lists 57 such arrangements for canine printed matter against 18 for kitty-lit. So there we have it: Dogs r eally ar e t h e c h amps i n print, while kittens win online. Which brings us back to where we started. There's an old joke, often (and erroneously) attributed to the founder of Random House, Bennet Cerf, that since people love to read books about Abraham Lincoln, and people love to read books about doctors, and people love to read books about dogs, then the best-selling book of all time ought to


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be a book called "Lincoln's Doctor's Dog." That wisdom first appeared in print in 1938, in an essay for the Saturday Review by editor GeorgeStevens. His piece, called "Lincoln's Doctor's Dog and Other Famous Best-Sellers," looked at how book publishers try — and often failto manufacture hits. The principles of viral marketing that he laid out 75 years ago ("advertising sells a book that is already selling," for one, and "it is up to the publisher to know when the iron is hot") have sincebecome gospel in media both old and new. Whether it's "The Art of Racing in the Rain," or just the "Keyboard Cat," the lesson is the same: Success mustbe nurtured, not

designed. That's the point of the joke, of course: You can't squish together trends and expect to sell a million copies. But it's just as telling that the line itself still circulates in old-school publishing, and in old-school

out animals in 30,000 B.C., the evidence suggests a preference for kitties: Among the horses and the bison, cavemen drew a pride of lions and a panther. I'm guessing that since ancient times, the cat has been more an image than a text. One scholar of feline memology notes that in the 1870s, photographs of cats were put on cutesy cartes de visite. Nice to look at; nothing much to say. In later years the cat became a star of comic strips, starting with the black-and-white called Felix, and then on and up through Garfield, Hobbes and Heathcliff. Hart Crane invoked a kitten in his poem "Chaplinesque," and while tabbies may be good for comedy, they're better yet in verse.T.S. Eliot once wrote a book of cat-related poems, and he's not the only one: Searching through a site called PoemHunter for references to pets, I found an equal canine/feline

split. It seems the tendency for putting dogs in print is limited to prose. Poets know the cat's a short-form thing, quick and

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nimble, cloaked with hidden meanings. "The thing about cats is that they're veiled," says Robert Trachtenberg, author of the recent meowmoir "Another Insane Devotion." "It's a question of companionship versus observation," adds Eamon Dolan, a man who's owned both dogs and cats, and edited a litter of bestsellers. "You develop a relationship with a dog, whereas you observe a cat. Dogs are companions; cats are beautiful, animate objects." I think he means to say: We dialogue with dogs and contemplate our cats. If cats tend to sit for quiet portraits, it's in part because they tend to sit. When they do go outside, it's to pad around alone, which makes it hard for cats to gin up exploits fit for publication. That's why an animal like Garfield can only live in comic strips: He's too lethargic for a noveL


tral Oregon


April /6th, 20/3, Education Meeting OVERVIEW OF NAMI'S CLASSES R PROGRAMS; Family to Family, Peer to Peer ck Support Group Offerings Do you really know what NAMI Family to Family — Peerto Peer — Connections are atl about?'??? Ever wondered if they are really helpful ra dealing with yours or a loved one's mentalillness struggles? Well, wonder ao more!!! Come and get the answersdirectly from instructors and participants at ourApril 16th Educational meeting.

When: 3rd Tues. 4/16/13, 7-9 PM Where: St. Charles Medical Center-Bend Conference Room "A" Presenterst

Christy Maciel & Kathryn Shreve-Family to Family instructors; Eileen White — Family Support Group facilitator; Laurie Lindsey-Peer to Peer instructor; Marcia Miller-Connections facilitator. In addition to theeducational topic, attending helpsyou connect with others interestedin supporting, educating and advocating formental health in our community. Viewourwebsitewww.namicentraloregon.orgforinformation onclassesand supportgroups. All our meetings and programs are free and open to atl.

publishing alone. (I first heard of "Lincoln's Doctor's Dog" from a literary scout, who got it from an editor at Houghton Mifflin.) This long-running fad for

dogs in books suggests a deep and strange connection. Consider that in '38 the dog itself was somewhat scarce: Around that time, the country had just one of them for every nine of

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us. The doggy boom did not occur until the 1960s, when the ratio of dog-to-man would rise to 1-to-5. (These days it's I-to-4.) In other words, dogs were selling books before they sold themselves. Needless to say, no one in the businessever wondered if Lincoln's doctor had a cat. The parade of canine hits started with the corny classics — "Old Yeller" and "White Fang" and now includes some very modern books of science, the kind that tell us what it's like to

What people may think about you...


be a dog.

did a doggy book, and so did Virginia Woolf. This highfa-

Not Interested • Unfriendly Insensitive • Confused

lutin pedigree lingers even to this day. In the last few years,

What they may not know is that you

Along the way, it swept up a few of the most famous writers ever to have written: Steinbeck

several of our leading journalists — old-media types, of course — have joined the long procession: The New Yorker's Susan Orlean and the Times' Jill Abramson have lately gone into the doghouse, and so has New York Magazine's executive editor John Homans. Brainy writers have been so inclined to scrutinize the pooch, in fact, they've often tried to get inside its head. Jack London did an early version of the dog-narrator, but so have many others: Paul Auster and Dave Eggers, William Maxwell and Peter Mayle. Kitties, for their part, have mostly failed to earn the same regard. I've seen omniscient cats, but only on the Web. And here's another, final way to show that canines get respect in print: Dogs in stories die; cats almost never do. (That's just as true in movies, and really any form of narrative. According to one database, the ratio of lifeless dogs to lifeless cats on-screen is 4-to-l.) Cats have their place in art, of course. They've had it since the dawn of culture. In the Chauvet cave in France, where early humans sketched

struggle to hear. •


Video Ear Exam and

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Michael k. Denise Underwood


'Hopper' bio shows troubled rebel "Hopper: A Journey into the

American Dream" by Tom Folsom (lt Books,

384pgs, $26.99) By Bo Emerson Atlanta Journal-Constitution

Like a s t oned Forrest Gump, Dennis Hopper always managed to be where the action was in American pop culture history. When James Dean was inventing the Angry Young Man in "Rebel Without a Cause," Hopper was on the

set (and in the movie). When Andy Warhol was turning the art w o rld on its ear, Hopper was buying one of his early soup cans (and went on to scoop up ., <~ J~ Rau s chenbergs ~~'<'r,.-j" 'it and Ruschas). When the old movie s tudio ' O s ystem w a s $~ -


dying, Hopper

used the success of "Easy Rider" to help drive a nail in the coffin. Most of this he accomplished before 1970. Bedeviled by drugs and self-destruction, Hopper failed to live out a second act as fascinating as his first. D espite a f e w i c o n i c roles in the '70s and '80s, Hopper accepted work in mediocre films (he was a l ong-tongued lizard k i n g in "Super Mario Bros."), starred in some memorably bad ad campaigns and tried to cheat his colleagues from "Easy Rider" out of t heir shares of the proceeds. It is this checkered persona that Tom Folsom illuminates in his biography, "Hopper: A Journey Into the American Dream." F olsom chooses a K r i s Kristofferson epigram for his theme: "He's a walkin' contradiction, partly truth and partly fiction." But because Folsom, 38, cites no sources and opens with a fancifully constructed scene of Hopper riding a Harleyto the promised land, it's not always easy to tell the fiction from the truth.

'Donnybrook' tells a gritty,

punchytale "Donnybrook," by Frank Bill (Farrar, Straus and Giroux,


Next war



Continued from F1 The Marine Corps needs to transform itself, writes Lloyd Freeman, a Marine lieutenant colonel, for "i n f u t ure conflicts, 'ground troops' will only play a secondary role. Land forces will no longer win wars. Computers, missiles, planes, and drones will." In the future, argues Freeman, the old "every Marine a rifleman" slogan will need to be replaced with a new concept: "every Marine a JTAC" (joint terminal air controller). "Marines will manage and become experts on dozens of different communications platforms," asserts Freeman. "Live video feeds will stream continuously." Maybe so, maybe not. Here's what we seem eager to forget: Military technological evolution can go in both directions. In biological evolution, there's no t eleology: The simple doesn't inevitably become more complex, and while life forms change and evolve in response both to random mutation and environmental conditions, they don't inevitably "advance." In modern warfare, the same is true. High-tech m easures a r en't inevitably countered by more high-tech measures. Sometimes, the opposite is true: The most successfulcountermeasures are low-tech — and historically, this has been demonstrated just as often as has the opposite. We knowthis, of course. We just don't like it.


„ f.-





Joao Silva/The New York Times file photo

In this image from 2010, Sgt. Brian Maxwell, center, and Pvt. Edwin Laplaunt, from Charlie Company, 1st Battalion, 66th Armored Regiment, 4th Infantry Division, check the crater left by an improvised explosive device that had been found and detonated days earlier, in the Arghandab district of Kandahar Province, Afghanistan. The Taliban's use of such primitive devices have proven effective against U.S. troops trained to fight a much more sophisticated enemy.

designed to detect the metallic signature of IED components. The Taliban countered by moving even further in the direction of sticks and stones, constructing pressure-plated IEDs out of foam rubber, plastic, and wood. We've seen similar Taliban low-tech countermeasures in otherareas.We have invested heavily i n b o t h e n cryption technologies a n d su r v eillance technologies designed Sticks and stones to thwart adversaries' use of in Afghanistan encryption, for instance, but Consider, most r e cently, since we took it for granted t he U.S. experience in A f that p o t ential a d v ersaries ghanistan. The U.S. brought would have made similar highoverwhelming t echnological tech communications commitsuperiority to the battlefield ments, we allowed our ability — and with it, we also brought to locate simple FM radios to new blind spots. The Taliban, degrade. a low-budget but by no means Most of the time, Taliban low-innovation adv e r sary, forces don't bother with enquickly developed low-tech re- cryption; they communicate sponses to our high-tech blind openly over simple handheld spots. w alkie-talkies, u sing m u l Unable to prevail in direct tiple mobile FM repeaters to combat with U.S. troops, for retransmit these weak siginstance, the Taliban turned to nals over longer distances. improvised explosive devices U.S. forces initially lacked the made of readily available ma- equipment needed to i nterterials and detonated by cell cept these transmissions, and phone. We countered by de- reportedly had to rely on purveloping costly vehicle-based chasing cheap "commercially cell-phonejammers, designed available radio scanners in the to prevent the long-distance Kabul souk" to listen in. The detonation of IEDs as our ve- equipment needed to intercept hicles drove by them. These of- Taliban r a dio c o m municaten had the unintended conse- tions became standard, but it quence of disrupting our own has proven far more difficult c ommunications, an d t h e y for us to l ocate the enemy also led the Taliban to shift themselves; we can locate the to using IEDs with mechani- repeater towers, but not a Talcal triggers.We responded iban soldier on his handheld by equipping our forces with radio. g round-penetrating r ada r Al Qaida, too, is a learning

ICushner'snewnovel brutally unsentimental

organization. Threatened by U.S. drones, al Qaida is reportedly turning to low-tech countermeasures, en c o uraging militants to use mud and grass mats to disguise vehicles from overhead surveillance. This tactic won't be successful for long, but it's a good bet that al Qaida will find new low-tech means to thwart U.S. drones in the coming years. You get the picture. Sometimes, h i gh-tech m easures lead to higher-tech countermeasures — but at other times, high-tech measures lead to lower-tech countermeasures. More ominously, a misplaced confidence in our technological superiority d angerously increases our vulnerability to low-techcountermeasures.

turned our backs on w hatever wisdom we had gained during that brutal, protracted conflict (wisdom about the nature ofasymmetric and guerrilla warfare, the strength of nationalism and the perils of occupation). Then, in Iraq and Afghanistan, w e p a i n f ully relearned many of Vietnam's grim lessons — just in time for the wars to wind down and the public to lose interest. Now, many leaders in both

the military and civilian world seem determined to r epeat our p o st-Vietnam h e ad-inthe-sand routine. We won't have any more Iraqs or Afghanistans, we tell ourselves — we won't invade or occupy states or territories with vast ground forces, and we won't be engaged in messy COIN or stability operations, so we don't need to remember our mistakes — we can just move on! The lessons of Afghanistan will have no applicability to future wars,for these future wars, if any, w ill b e h i ghtech conflicts with sophisticated state or s t ate-backed adversaries. Maybe so, maybe not. Here's the thing: Even if t he cyberwarriors and t h e Air-Sea B attle p r o ponents are right — even if any future wars will be with sophisticated, high tech states — it's a big mistake to imagine that sticks and stones will play no role in future conflicts. After all, it took the Taliban remarkably little time to realize that high-tech U.S. capabilities could f requently be thwarted by lower-tech countermeasures. Why should we imagine that near-peer states such as China haven't taken notice'? — Rosa Broohs is a law professor at Georgetown University and a fellow at the New America Foundation. Sheserved asacounselorto the U.S. undersecretary of defense for policy from 2009to 2011and previously served as a State Department senior adviser.

1Q~+ Puettshars associatfeo~



i. 0 t t IIIfrf ggfg~

Over 80 Oregon Newspapers, from 36 Gounties,

The moral of the story Some will be tempted to dismiss this as an artifact of the ill-fated post-9/ll U.S. ground wars. Though 65,000 U.S. troops remain in Afghanistan, we've already begun to lose interest in that war and its lessons. We should know better. In the 1970s, we convinced ourselves that there would be no more Vietnams, and









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242 pgs., $15) By Vick Mickunas Cox Newspapers

The author Frank Bi ll lives in the town of C orydon in southern Indiana and has observed as manufacturing in the area has declined. Some of his fellow citizens haveturned to crime. There were a proliferation of rural meth labs and a surge in amphetamine addiction. Hard times have contributed to these outb ursts o f b a d behavior. ROOK «D o n n y b rook," Bi l l ' s d ebut no v e l , c areens f r o m one altercation to the next. Scores are being settled. Addictions are being fed. His landscape of junked cars and moldering decline is peopled with sinister characters. The story begins with an act of desperation: Jarhead is preparing to rob a gun shop in Hazard, Ky. He needs $1,000, the cost to enter the Donnybrook where "twenty fighters entered a fence-wire ring. Fought till one man was left standing." "Donnybrook" comes at readers with bare knuckles blazing. Bill doesn't try to invoke sympathy for these downtrodden outcasts. This isn't about i n trospection. He's writing about life. You get knocked down. You get back up. And we'll be hearing more. Bill is already at work on the sequel.

as Sandro wrote long essays about, and if you didn't know the discourse, you couldn't take them for what they were, By Craig Seligman or were meant to be. You were Bloomberg News simply confused." "The Flamethrowers" treats As "The Flamethrowers" opens, Reno (not he r r ea l i t s s ubject too soberly to be name, which w e n ever d o co n s ideredasatire. Butithas learn) ishurtlingonan Italian r o o m for the comedy of artM oto Valera motorcycle to- w o r l d s e l f-importance a n d w ard the land-speed trials at s e l f-absorption, an d K u s h ner's skepticism darkens evtheBonnevilleSaltFlats. She's22 and an artist."The erything she views. two things I loved," she tells The s o cial rules of this mius, "were drawing and speed." l i eu are as elusively codified as S he photographs h e r , its a e sthetic ones. Reno tracks - ski tracks, bike ~~"„so<qgq is like a country maiden '~ who's stumbled into the tracks - to make her art; speed is a way of putting court of Louis XIV: Sanrisk into it. dro does what he can «You wont look nearly su'isy~a'a to s how her the ropes so good," an affable truckwhile "politely overlook i n g," she tells us,"my iner tells her, "when they're loading you off the highway in a b i l ity to take cues." The sexua body bag." al codes, on the other hand, are Rachel Kushner's big, rich d i s hearteninglyconventionaL wonder of a novel takes place Wha t k i n d of future awaits in the mid-'70s, mostly amid h e r ? Her passivity and her atthe downtown New York art t r a c tion to "egotistical jerks" scene. It captures the post- d o n't bode well. On the other Pop moment when minimalh a n d , if Kushner's prose can ism reigned, conceptualism b e seen as a reflection of Reflourished and a g r oup o f no' s t alent, she's onherwayto artists had burrowed so far s t a r dom. inside their own heads that to Ku sh n e r certainly is. Her see whatthey were doing you polychrome sentences (at had to follow them there. the speed trials, "pink gasoSandro Valera, art star, heir l i n e a n d s y nthetic red ento the Moto Valera fortune, 14 g i n e oil soaked into the salt yearsolderthan Reno and her like butcher shop residue") mentor and lover, makes gleam- ar e shot through with all the ing,Donald Judd-likeboxes: long i n g and regret you find "The objects were not meant i n t hose of Thomas Pynchon, to refer to anything but what w h o s e i nfluence is all over they were, there in the room. t h i s novel. Except that this was not really But K u s hner, a mature arttrue, because they referred to i s t , is ready to move past her a discourse that artists such m e n tor'sinfluencenow.

2 4TH A N N U A L











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Bill Fl e ming, 204- Santa's Gift Basket Sell your old one in the l credit 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers i n f ormation 100 rnds of .45acp fac- barrel, $425. "dealer" in their ads. 541-382-9419. 205- Free ltems classifieds! Ask about our may be subjected to 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment 541-525-2495 Private party advertistory FMJ, NIB, $60. Super Seller rates! 208- Pets and Supplies l FRAUD. 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CALL Lionel/American 208 866-775-9621. trains, accessories. Super Seller rates! a mmo, Nl B, $ 8 0 . Today. 888-757-5943. 541-408-2191. (PNDC) Pets 8 Supplies The Bulletin reserves 541-647-8931 (PNDC) 541-385-5809 the right to publish all g Rodent control experts AK-47 underfolder, unBrittany AKC pups for the from The Bulletin The Bulletin recom- hunter; born 3/23. Dam (barn cats) seek work in ads newspaper onto The fired, (2) 30-rnd mags, mends extra caution impressive NFC blood- exchange for safe shel- Bulletin Internet web- bayonette, 1260 rnds still when purc h as- lines; sire 5x AFC, 2x ter, basic care. Fixed, site. in th e c a se. $ 1850. 541-410-3308 ing products or ser- NAFC. $650, if picked shots. Will deliver! 541-389-8420 vices from out of the up. Call 406-925-9937 or AMMO: 12ga $6, .308 ger ng Cent al Oregontnte l903 area. Sending cash, 406-683-5426 Sugar Gliders, comes $20, .357 $25, 9mm checks, or credit inwith brand new cage, all Just bought a new boat? $12, 541-604-5115 Canidae Dog Food f ormation may b e accessories, f e m ale/ Sell your old one in the ~ Want to Buy or Rent All Life Stagessubjected to fraud. male, call for more info. classifieds! Ask about our AR-15 556 S&W mil. poBuy 12 get 1 free. lice Red Dot, 3 30-rnd $250. 541-548-0747 For more i nformaSuper Seller rates! Call us today! 1-888-MSOREGON clips, $1850; Ruger .44 Wanted: $Cash paid for tion about an adver44 lbs. - $47 541-385-5809 210 mag SPR RHK + holvintage costume jew- tiser, you may call Quarry Ave Hay & Feed elry. Top dollar paid for the O r egon State ster w/100 rds ammo, www.quarryfeed.com Furniture & Appliances 240 $900. 541-350-2993 Gold/Silver.l buy by the Attorney General's Crafts & Hobbies Estate, Honest Artist Office Co n s umer A1 Washersa Dryers Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Protection hotline at Fabric, antique / vintage AR-15 Carbine $150 ea. Full warBushmaster 1-877-877-9392. incl Guat. Shadow cloth) 650 ranty. Free Del. Also WANTED: Tobacco rounds of .223 29 ea. 541-330-9070 wanted, used W/D's pipes - Briars and In case, perfect con:/t/la// 541-280-7355 smoking accessories. gen ng Cern al 0 egon t nre tggg Rockhound Equipment dition, barely used, Fair prices paid. Chihuahua Pups, as& supplies. Saw, grind, 30 round magazines sorted colors, teacup, Call 541-390-7029 sand & polish. Lor- (x4), auto loader, Bid NotN! between 10 am-3 pm. 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Plan a DO YOU HAVE Tues., April 16, garage sale and don't at 8:00 p.m.) SOMETHING TO forget to advertise in SELL 282 Services Provided to Foster Parents: classified! FOR $500 OR 242 541-385-5809. Estate Sales Sales Northwest Bend LESS? Free comprehensive orientafion Exercise Equipment NEED TO CANCEL Non-commercial Claypool Estate Sale YOUR AD? advertisers may Moving Sale! 419 NW Congress • Intensive, individualized, support and Nordic Trak CXT 910 Golden Retrievers The Bulletin place an ad 61427 Elder Ridge Fri-Sat-Sun, 8-4 Elliptical exerciser, 20+ year breeder, with our Classifieds has an 4/13 and 4/14 training for new foster parents Over 70 years of good parents on site. EXC., $250. "Alter Hours" Line "QUICK CASH 7:30am-4pm stuff. Linens, blankets, Healthy, smart & 541-480-9277. Call 541-383-2371 SPECIAL" mirrors, furniture, vinbeautiful. Written • 24/7/3 65 on-caII support 24 hrs. to cancel tage clothing, hunting 8 uarantee - first shots. 290 your ad! or fishing equipment, der aking deposits now, Golf Equipment ~g a aka g o t coys, tempra-pedic hos- Sales Redmond Area • Paid respite Just bought a new boat? ready 4/27. Ad must pital bed, lamps, kitchen Sell your old one in the Only males$550. include price of everything, and more. Fri. Sat. Sun. 10-4, furclassifieds! Ask about our 541-420-5253 • Competitive financial reimbursement for i l e ea ot $500 g~ niture, h a n d-knitted Super Seller rates! High-end upscale furLargest 3 Day or less, or multiple items, misc. 1151 NW 541-385-5809 nishings & antiques. providing care items whose total 21st Place, Redmond Labradoodles - Mini & Washer/dryer matching GUN & KNIFE Sat-Sun, 9-3, 977 SW med size, several colors does not exceed SHOW Vantage Point Way, Whirlpool, exc. $300 541-504-2662 $500. 292 • Regular face-to-face contact and support April 19-20-21 Bend. 541-350-7983 www.alpen-ridge.com obo, 541-815-8658 Sales Other Areas Portland Expo Call Classifieds at 282 from our agency members bought a new boat? Labrador, AKC b lack Just Center 541-385-5809 Sell your old one in the Sales Northwest Bend Sisters Moving Sale! 1-5 exit ¹306B m ale pup, 14 w k s, classifieds! www.bendbulletin.com Ask about our Sat-Sun, 10am-? 16056 dewormed, 1st shots, Admission $10 Super Seller rates! Garage Sale! Sat., 9-3, Cattle Drive Rd. Furni- $275. 541-508-0429 Fri. 12-6, Sat. 9-5, 541-385-5809 Sun. 9-noon, 18765 Pine- ture, foosball table, TVs, High Point 40 cal. auto Sun.10-4 pistol, w/holster, like hurst Rd. Furniture, an- patio, kitchen, clothes, Labradors: AKC yellow lab Whirlpool glass stove top, I 1 -800-659-3440 I tiques, home decor, sports fishing boat, kayaks, lots pups, CH lines, parents used 6 mos,immaculate i CollectorsWest.co~m new, $ 500. T e r ry stuff 8 more. Cash only! of misc. Cash only! on site. 541-420-9474 541-788-7884 $199 cash. 541-550-0202 The Bulletin



l l l




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T HE N E W Y O R K T I M E S C R O S S W O R D FITTING REARRANGMENTS By Matt Ginsberg / Edited by Will Shortz








I Postal ID 6 Memphis bell e ?

10 Raspberry l 4 Kind of f o r m I 8 Cobbler's j o b

5 2 Novel ist w h o h a d two spouses simultaneously

101 "Th e

Sho w "

53 Abbr. on car sellers' license plates

I 03 "Great" 1 6 66

54 N. Af r i can l and

l09 Bi r t h day suit enthusiast

(best-selling album of 2002)

12 To be in Paris? 1 3 Buckingham resident


ll 2 Passage

22 Black shade

58 Repeats

I 13 Video store penalty

16 English poet who

2 3 Stevedo re, at t i m e s

61 Vague response to "When?"

1 15 Medical suf f i x

25 Dial competitor 26 Bri t i s h soccer

powerhouse 2 8 "Got i t "

29 Fish with a long neck 31 Procrastinators' enablers 34 Shark, maybe 3 5 Beat at a N a t h a n ' s hot dog co nt est ,

say 3 6 Snake in "T h e Jungle Book" 39 Salad bar items 4 0 "L e

d e M on te -


C i ty , M i s s .

co-founded the PreRaphaelites

I 20 Coastal n i c h e

69 Turbulence 7 l Local bird l i f e

l 2l T h e y ' r e on the l e f t i n Br i t a i n

73 "Bye Bye Bye" band

l 22 "South Pacif i c " protagonist and namesakes p resident Wei z m a n

I 25 Baff l e d

84 Mishandle something, say

85 One of the M's of 3M: Abbr.

l26 l 97 8 Peace Prize recipient


2 Coupe's couple

9l H i p ster's pad

3 Apt anagram for 31-

47 Of

92 Charioteer's pl ace

49 Turned 50 "China Beach"

96 Beat it



For any three answers, call from a touch-tone hone: l-900-285-5656,

I.49 each minute; or, with a credit card, l-8008(4-5554.

97 Name on a m u seum


98 Memphis-toN ashvill e d i r .

99 Opera character who sings "Largo al factotum"




43 4 4










49 55











30 Apt anagram for 55Across

85 8 6

32 Egyptian sun deity





62 69



27 Galena and cerussite

37 Georgia neighbor


38 Not much, as of






















96 99

88 102

1 03 104 110 111


4 0 Fleetwood o r Eldorado,


4 5 Hometown of T V ' s McCloud 46 PC insert

4 Places to hol e u p a fter ho l d u p s

4 9 Alt e r n at iv e t o







5 Unvaryi ng

5l Banker's concern

6 Grant, e.g.

63 Apt anagram for I 03-Across 64 Offshore i nstallati o n


7 How things are g enerally stir - f r i e d




44 "How can sure?"

I Cuba, por ejemplo

9 4 Apt anagram for 42 Across



105 10 6 1 07







119 122

43 Ask for change


42 Visa offering

48 Mayo containers?




of, maybe

4l Checked out

88 Electric car



89 Football misdirection


1 9 Scratch the sur f a c e

I24 Dustup

8 3 Electr i c


33 Reggae precursor

I 23 Former I s r a el i

7 9 Galil eo, for o n e





2I Per

66 Gecko's gri p per

77 BB shooter

14 1 5

17 Begins, as a journey

I19 Designer Picasso, daughter of Pablo

75 Onetime sunblock agent




20 So that one might

1 16 Apt anagram f o r 24-Across





1 5 Scotland' s " G r a n i t e City"

6 2 Marsh of detectiv e f icti o n

10 1 1



5 5 "Dec i s io n P o i n t s " author

24 College student's place


P a l a ce

1 4 Alters to al l o w development , maybe

con flagrati on







54 Apt anagram for 79 Across 56 Hot tar, e.g.


7 8 Alternative to w h i t e

) 06 Prefix w i t h c a r

t he Bri t o n s

107 Some Siouans

immortalized by Shakespeare

108 Where Hercules s lew the li o n

67 Sun

8 1 Tomorro w ' s i s tonight

93 Teetotaler

6 8 Mult i p l e - c hoi c e choices

82 Like Mars

9 5 Cool i n s l a n g

110 Minuteman's location

85 Was congenial

96 Small chickens

ll l

86 Completely

l00 Lose it

114 Big

I02 Heart

70 Order during an M. R.I.

57 Mata

72 Croatian leader?

9 Muniti ons suppli er

59 Good protein source

IO Black shade

6 0 1984 titl e r ol e f o r Emilio Estevez

7 4 Munici pal f a c i l i t y : Abbr.

8 7 Like the wo r d "curiae" in " a m i c us curiae"

7 6 U.S.A. part: A b b r .

90 Melodic phrase


91 Legendary queen of

8 0 "Hur l y b u r ly " w r i t e r David

8 Backs, anatomically

ll L o ver of


S t e pped (sports conference)

117 Moses Mal o ne, on the 76ers

l04 Short pastoral

piece l 05 Not buil t u p

1 18 N.M. set t i n g


5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES


Monday.. . . . . . . . . . Tuesday .. . . . . . . . . Wednesday.. . . . . . . Thursday.. . . . . . . . . Friday.. . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Real Estate .. Saturday.. . . . . . . . . Sunday.. . . . . . . . . .

Starting at 3 lines "UNDER'500in total merchandise

... 5:00 pm Fri ... . Noon Mon Noon Tues .. . Noon Wed ... Noon Thurs ... 11:00 am Fri ... 3:00 pm Fri ... 5:00 pm Fri

or go to w w w . b e n dbulletin.com

Place aphotoin your private party ad for only $75.00 perweek.

OVER'500in total merchandise 7 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 0 .00 4days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 8 .50 14 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 6.00 7days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 4 .00 *Must state prices in ad 14 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 3 .50 28 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6 1.50

Garage Sale Special

4 lines for 4 days... . . . . . . . . . $ 2 0.00 (call for commercial line ad rates)

A Payment Drop Bo x i s CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: available at Bend City Hall. MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS BELOW MARKED WITH AN*() REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin ServingCentralOregon since 1903 reserves the right to reject any ad is located at: at any time. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave., Bend, Oregon 97702

The Bulletin


PLEASE NOTE; Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based onthe policies of these newspapers. Thepublisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 ormoredays will publish in the Central Oregon Marketplace eachTuesday.


Mis c . Items



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Schools 8 Training

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

Oregon Medical Training PCS - Phlebotomy Alcohol & Drug Customer service 8 proclasses begin May 6, Outpatient A&D ductlon, full 8 part-time, 2013. Registration now Saturda s A MUST! ApCounselor P for residential rehab. ply In p erson: Mirror medicaltrainin .com Weekend r e l ief/on-Pond Cleaners. 541-343-3100

on locally g rown Screened, soil & comtrees; Canada Red post mi x ed , no Choke Che r ries, rocks/clods. High huColorado Blue mus level, exc. for Spruce, Engelman flower beds, lawns, 421 325 Spruce, A u s trian gardens, (PNDC) straight 470 Schools & Training Pines, P o nderosa bought a new boat? s creened to p s o i l. Hay, Grain 8 Feed Mlnk coat, vintage, dbl Just Domestic 8 Pine, Aspens, etc., Sell your old one in the Bark. Clean fill. DeA IRLINES ARE H I R- In-Home Positions breasted, slze medium, classifieds! Ask about our all sizes. 4/1 3 8 liver/you haul. 1st quallty grass hay, ING Train for hands $200. 541-419-2825 4/14, 8 am - 4 pm. 70-Ib. bales, barn stored, Super Seller rates! 541-548-3949. Just bought a new boat? 541-385-5809 6 4655 Ol d B end $250/ton. Also big bales! on Aviation Mainte- Caregiver/CNA needed nance Career. FAA for woman with M.S. in Sell your old one in the I Redmond Hwy . Patterson Ranch, approved p r ogram.private home, Mon-Fri, classifieds! Ask about our Sisters, 541-549-3831 Follow signs. Call 267 Lost 8 Found • Financial aid if quali- 40 hrs/week (8-4). ExpeSuper Seller rates! for info at Fuel 8 Wood 541-385-5809 541 -934-2423. Just bought a new boat? fied - Housing avail- rience, valid ODL & 2 FOUND a little all black Sell your old one in the able CALL Aviation required. $14 O ld bistro table & 2 NO Early Birds! spayed female cat, classifieds! Ask about our Institute o f M a i nte-references per hr. Call only between chairs, $t 25. M etal WHEN BUYING yellow eyes, vicinity or Super Seller rates! nance 877-804-5293 9am-9pm, 541 -318-1335. 3-pc folding screen Tucson o r W l c hlta FIREWOOD... 541-385-5809 (PNDC) w/flower pot holders, W ay in N E B e n d . Gardening SuppliesI $125. Misc garden art To avoid fraud, 541-508-2250. Attend College Online What are you 345 & decor. 541-389-5408 • & E q uipment • The Bulletin 100%. *Medical, recommends payFound: Two bike hel*REDUCE YOUR Livestock & Equipment *Business, *Criminal looking for? Bhp PTO Troy-bilt ment for Firewood mets. around 17th & CABLE BILL! Get an Justice, *Hospitality, You'll find it In only upon delivery Rototiller, $500. Galveston. Fancy purebred year- *Web. J o b Pl a c eAll-Digital Sat e l lite 541-815-8069 541-382-1032. and inspection. ling Angus heifers ment Ass i s tance.The Bulletin Classifleds system installed for • A cord is 12B cu. ft. Final A n swer Computer and FlnanFREE and programFound unique woman's (20).Danny 4' x 4' x 8' Boy cial Aid If Qualified. ming s t a rting at • Receipts should BarkTurISoil.com Igring. Identify before July and bloodlines. Good dis- Schev $ 24.99/mo. FRE E include name, Au t h orized. 541-385-5809 1, 2013. 541-536-4276, p osition. Raised i n Call 86 6 - 688-7078 HD/DVR upgrade for phone, price and Joan Lee, 15543 EmerPROMPT DELIVERY herd. www.Centuraonline.C new callers, SO CALL kind of wood puraldDr., La Plne, OR long-established Need female live-in car541-389-9663 $1000 ea. Del. avail. NOW (877)366-4508 chased. om (pndc) 97739 egiver, non-smoker in 541-480-8096 Madras (PNNA) • Firewood ads Just bought a new boat? good physical cond, to LOST Black Rabbit in Savio water feature klt MUST include speHave Gravel, will Travel! Sell your old one in the help hemiplegic w ith NE Bend. $20 RE650 W 3400 rpm motor, cies and cost per Cinders, topsoil, fill mateWhat are you classifieds! Ask about our light housekeeping 8 WARD if found either 3600 gph, 2 filters, leaf cord to better serve rial, etc. Excavation & Super Seller rates! meal prep. 541-382-5493 way. 541-382-4240 looking for? septicsystems. Abbas catcher, 22' 1 t/z" hose. 541-385-5809 our customers. Construction CCB¹78640 Lost $400. 541-548-5642 You'll flnd it in b rac e let w l t h Calt)541-548-6812 Assistant Managers semi-precious stones Just bought a new boat? The Bulletin The Bulletin Classlfieds Hoodoo Recreation Services has several RV Servrng Central Oregon s<nre 1903 Sell your old one in the Reward. 541-923-6635. parks in the local area and we have openings classifieds! Ask about our For newspaper LOST - Reward! Silver for couples to work as assistant managers Super Seller rates! delivery, call the All Year Dependable 541-385-5809 lighter case oii back of through the summer. This position would start 541-385-5809 Circulation Dept. at Firewood: Seasoned Harley between Bend 8 as soon as feasible and would run through the The Bulletln Offers 541-385-5800 Lodgepole, Split, Del. Sisters. Sen t i mental summer. The position would require skills with 358 Free Private Party Ads To place an ad, call value. 541-549-8903 Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 administrative work, including working in the • 3 lines - 3 days 541-385-5809 Farmers Column for $335. Cash, Check office, helping guests with registration and • Private Party Only LOST: Rx sunglasses in or email or Credit Card OK. answering phones. This p o sition would claaaified 0bendbulletin.com brown hard/soft glasses • Total of items adver10X20 STORAGE 541-420-3484. require good computer skllls. The position case. Please contact tised must equal $200 BUILDINGS would help with maintenance and landscaping The Bulletin Jerry, 541-408-7220. or Less for protecting hay, Serving Central Oregon stnce rsea Seasoned Juniper$150/ responsibilities at the park. Th i s w ould FOR DETAILS or to firewood, livestock cord rounds; $170/ R EMEMBER: If you includetasks such as lawn mowing, weed PLACE AN AD, etc. $1496 Installed. cord split. Delivered in have lost an animal, eating, leaf blowing, bathroom cleaning and Newer 20" Task Force 541-617-1133. Call 541-385-5809 Central OR, since don't forget to check light maintenance. T h e c o mpensation is reel mower w/catcher, The Humane Society CCB ¹173684. Fax 541-385-5802 1970! Call eves, $1,200.00 to $1,500.00 per month depending $75. 541-389-4092 541-420-4379 kfjbuilders@ykwc.net in Bend 541-382-3537 on the RV park and would include a FHU site. Wanted- paying cash Redmond, Must have an RV and this is a n o n-site for Hi-fi audio & stu- Well seasoned LodgePrompt Delivery Rafter L F Ranch 8 541-923-0882 dio equip. Mclntosh, pole Pine, $165/cord Rock, Sand & Gravel position.Check us out at www.hoodoo.com. Farm Svcs. Custom Prineville, For more information or questions, please J BL, Marantz, D y - split & del. 2 cord min, Multiple Colors, Sizes Haying 8 Field Work 541-447-7178; naco, Heathkit, San- Bend, Sunriver LaPlne Instant Landscaping Co. contact Mark Hawes at 5 41-338-7869 or Call Lee Fischer, OR Craft Cats, rnrrk hhoOdo.cco. sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 541-410-6792 I 382-6099 541-389-9663 541-410-4495 541-389-8420. Call 541-261-1808 •

call. M a sters' level clinician p r e ferred; minimum CADC II required. 2 yrs exp wl addictions, prior exp working with t e ens (group and individual), and c l inical d o c um entation. Sal a r y DOE. App/y at: rimrocktrailsats.or

Dental Insurance & Collections Full-time position with attractive benefits package. Fun, family-like team. Musthave dental experience with work references to apply; Alcohol 8 Drug Dentrix helpful. Outpatient Counselor f or teens i n B e n d . Call 541-279-9554 or fax resume to Masters' level c lini541-475-6159 cian preferred; minim um CADC I I r e (Madras).

quired. 2 yrs exp in the field of addictions and mental h e alth, incl group and indiNeed to get an ad vidual work, and cliniin ASAP? cal d o c umentation. Full-time, wlth b e nefits beginning 5/t. Fax it to 541-322-7253 T raining t o be g i n ASAP. Salary DOE. The Bulletin Classifieds App/y at rimrocktrailsats.or

A GUsTQMER sERYIGE A REPRESENTATIVE Immediate o p ening i n the Cir c ulation department for a full time entry level Customer Service Representative. Looking for someone to assist our subscribers and delivery carriers with s u bscription t r ansactions, a c count questlons and delivery concerns. Essential: Positlve a t t itude, s t r on g se r v ice/team orientation, and problem solving skills. Must have accurate t y ping, c o mputer e ntry experience and phone skills. Most work Is done via telephone so strong professional communication skills and the ability to multi task in a fast paced environment is a must. Work shift hours are Tuesday thru Friday 8:00 a.m. to5:00 p.m.,and Saturday 6:00 a.m. to noon with an occasional Sunday shift and holidays required. Send resume to: PO Box 6020, Bend OR, 9770B, attn: Circulation Customer Service Mgr. or e-mail to ahusted Ibendbulletin.com EOE/Drug free workplace


8 ' ll



A •

Brand new 2162 sq. ft. P ahlisch home i n T h e Sridges! Great room with cozy fireplace, kitchen with stainless appliances. Large master suite with huge walk-in closet. Big 61168 Lot 75 Sydney g uest rooms R B o n u s Harbor Dr, Bend Room lol't area. Two-car Directions: From the Parkway, garage, fenced yard. Just east on ReedMarket, south on )5?h d own th e s t r eet f r o m the amazing community Street,io community on left ieasl). amenities.


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0 N E N 0 T E

G R A L Z E E A D G 0 M 0 R 0 V E O S N C S T R T R A A B R E E M R I S D I S L T 0

A I D A I N 0 R D 0 R M I S E A L A R T E B I T N E B A G E O R S E T A P A B A 0 N 0 M M R E A D C R NE F I R T D U R T Y R 0 W L A D O L

J E E R R D E R T 0 E I T 0 R Y Z E S E A H 0 M S L E N KA A B E C A R D U S D M A R G R G E B U S H 0 0 N NG A M 0 I L 0 R A I R R I E R E Y E V E R S E C E D I T B 0 F I G A R E 0 F L 0 N D C T L A T E O O M P A L N E S E M I O S T SA

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Vacation Rentals 8 Exchanges

SAVE $$$ on AUTO INSURANCE from the m ajor names y o u know and trust. No forms. No hassle. No obligation. Call READY F O R MY QUOTE now! CALL 1-888-706-8256. (PNDC) Loans & Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recom-

00 N

ocean front house,

each walk from town, 2 bdrm/2 bath, TV,

Fireplace, BBQ. $85 per night, 2 night MIN. 208-342-6999 630

Rooms for Rent Studios & Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro 8 fridge. Utils & l inens. New owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885

mends you use caution when you provide personal 634 information to companies offering loans or Apt./Multiplex NE Bend credit, especially Call for Specials! those asking for adLimited numbers avail. vance loan fees or 1, 2 & 3 bdrms companies from out of w/d hookups, state. If you have patios or decks. concerns or quesMountain Glen tions, we suggest you 541-383-9313 consult your attorney Professionally managed by or call CONSUMER



J JI J~ ~CiJi') JIAJJIJ'JJJL~ Can be found on these pages :

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2 bdrm, 1 bath, $530 8 $540 w/lease.

Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory


Manufactured/ Mobile Homes






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i i i i i

immediate Need for Part Time instructors in: Business, Water Distribution Systems, Culinary, College-Level Writing, Nursing, Anthropology, Spanish, and Speech Looking for t alented individuals to t e ach part-time in a variety of disciplines. Check our Web site https://jobs.cocc.edu. Positions pay $500 per load unit (1 LU= 1 class credit), with additional perks.



If you have any questions, concerns or comments, contact: Classified Department The Bulletin


r.=.-"-,.— .a



Northwest Bend Homes

New Homes will loan on real esCarports included! Nearly Complete tate equity. Credit, no in NorthWest problem, good equity FOX HOLLOW APTS. Crossing is all you need. Call (541) 383-31 52 Cascade Rental Call for Information Oregon Land MortManagement. Co. The GarnerGroup gage 541-388-4200. 541-383-4360 476 476 476 First mortgage real es636 Employment Employment Employment tate contract, 12 yrs O Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 541-385-5809 6%, approx $43,000 balOpportunities Opportunities Opportunities ance. Impeccable pmt Small studios close to lirecord. 541-410-3218 Ranch Operation brary, all util. paid. 744 DO YOU NEED $550 mo.w/ $525 dep. Two person team to work LOCAL MONEY:We buy Open Houses A GREAT small remote ranch. To$495 mo.w/$470 dep secured trust deeds & EMPLOYEE tal for both - $50,000 plus No pets/ no smoking. note,some hard money 541-330- 9769 or RIGHT NOW? IRA, house and utilities. I chasing products or I loans. Call Pat Kelley FSBO services from out of • 541-382-3099 ext.13. 541-480-7870 Call The Bulletin One needs ranch backOpen Sat. and Sun. 1-4 area. Sending ground, the other limited i the 988 NE Locksley Drive before 11 a.m. and 573 648 www.thegarnergroup.com 3 bedroom, 2 bath, get an ad in to pub- c omputer skills. R e - c ash, c hecks, o r sumes, references to: i credit i n f o rmation Business Opportunities Houses for 1570 sq. ft. lish the next day! rm33307736@ mail.com i may be subjected to $210,000. 541-385-5809. Rent General FRAUD. WARNING The Bulletin 541-382-6470 VIEW the 771 For more i nformarecommends that you Country Living! Lone Remember.... Classifieds at: Lots i nvestigate ever y Pine Valley. 2000 sq. ft. www.bendbulletin.com A dd your we b a d - tion about an adverOpen 12-3 you may call phase of investment home 4 bdrm, 4 bath, dress to your ad and i tiser, Oregon State opportunities, e s pe- newly painted, $1000 20532 Gloucester Education readers on The i the Bid Now! General's i c ially t h os e fr o m per mo. Avail in one Lane + eene>ee www.eulletinBidneuy.com Bulletin' s web site Attorney Office C o n sumer x Energy Saving out-of-state or offered week! 541-504-0837 will be able to click Protection hotline at I by a p e rson doing Homes through automatically I 1-877-877-9392. Rented your in Woodhill Park business out of a loto your site. Property? Erin Campbell, cal motel or hotel. InLTh f' Bulletig vestment o f f eringsThe Bulletin Classifieds Broker Just bought a new boat? has an 541-410-0872 must be r e g istered ~'J~o ~ Sell your old one in the "After Hours"Line. TRUCK DRIVER with the Oregon DeBuy New...Buy Local classifieds! Ask about our JOIN OUR TEAM wanted must have Call 541-383-2371 partment of Finance. You Can Bid On: Super Seller rates! IN SUNRIVER! 24 Hours to doubles endorsement, We suggest you conLot 27 at Yarrow 541-385-5809 Looking for local run, call c~a cel r ad sult your attorney or in Madras, OR. professionals in Early 541-475-4221 call CONS U MER Valued at $17,500. 650 Childhood Education HOTLINE, Veterinary Receptionist/ Sun Forest to be a part of our Sales 1-503-378-4320, Houses for Rent Construction Assistant needed for We are looking for growing program. 8:30-noon, Mon.-Fri. holistic-minded pracNE Bend (Bidding closes Full and part-time: experienced Sales Tues., April 16, tice. Animal handling A Classified ad is an Director, Head professional to Join required. EASY W A Y TO 1600 sq. ft., 3BR/2BA www.thegarnergroup.com at 8:00 p.m.) Teacher 8 Teacher Central O r e gon's experience 541-610-6907 REACH over 3 million nice landscape, RV Assistant. l argest ne w ca r to Please submit resume Pacific Northwestern- parking, c l os e d ealer Subaru o f $1250 waWhat are you and a minimum of 3 Bend. O ffering ers. $52 5 /25-word shopping, 745 ter incl. 541-610-5702. references to c lassified ad i n 3 0 Custom Home 401k, profit sharing, looking for? Homes for Sale infoonew enerations daily newspapers for Just bought a new boat? Lots For Sale medical plan, split s~ e .D You'll find it in 3-days. Call the Pa- Sell your old one in the 6 Bdrm, 6 bath, 4-car, on Awbrey Butte s hifts, a n d pai d cific Northwest Daily training. Please apclassifieds! Ask about our 4270 sq ft, .83 ac. corner, Cascade Views Hairstylists, Barbers & The Bulletin Classifieds Connection (916) Super Seller rates! Nail Techs needed for La ply at 2060 NE Hwy view. By owner, ideal for 2 88-6019 o r e m a i l 541-385-5809 20, Bend. The Garner Group Pine salon. 1st 2 months family. elizabeth I cnpa.com 4 bdrm, 2 bath, garage, extended rent-free. Choose own 541-383-4360 541-385-5809 $590,000. 541-390-0886 for more info (PNDC) d ays/hours. Must b e fenced yard, fireplace, consistent. Call J ohn, Business for Sale as heat, w/d, Bear Nurse Manager: 503-449-5135. reek Schl. $925 mo. FOR SALE in Bend. Endoscopy andPain 541-948-4531 www.c21bizops.com When buying a home, MANAGEMENT 541-410-9287 659 83% of Central Gensco, an HVAC C •s•N • T • s • R Extreme Value AdverOregonians turn to wholesaler, is hiring Houses for Rent hkr Cve ' Ikcae furCcekn tising! 30 Daily newsBend Sunriver Job Summary:We are looking for a strong The Bulletin papers $525/25-word Seming Central Oregon since 1903 Branch Manager leader to fill the Nurse Manager role for the c lassified 3-d a y s. Must be customer Endoscopy and Pain departments. This posiReach 3 million Pa- VILLAGE PROPERTIES Call 541-385-5809 to www.thegarnergroup.com service oriented, tion requires an individual capable of providcific Northwesterners. Sunriver, Three Rivers, place your La Pine. Great able to lead a team, ing direct oversight of Endoscopy and Pain For more information Real Estate ad. and a strong driver while managing 14-18 FTE's. The position recall (918) 288-6019 or Selection. Prices range $425 - $2000/mo. of sales. Prior ports directly to the Clinical Director. Duties email: management and will include, but not be limited to, performance View our full elizabeth@cnpa.com Web Developer inventory online at HVAC exp. a plus. evaluations and performance management as for the Pacific NorthSend resume to well as new staff orientation. This position is a west Daily Connec- Village-Properties.com Are you a technical star who can also commu1-866-931-1061 obs@ ensco.com member of multiple committees. tion. (PNDC) nicate effectively with non-technical executives and employees? Would you like to work EOE Qualifications: Must be able to demonstrate hard, play hard in beautiful Bend, OR, the recstrong leadership and communication skills. reation capital of the state? Then we'd like to Must be a licensed RN in the state of Oregon, Medical / Endoscopy talk to you. or able to obtain licensure upon hire. 3-5 years Nurse Advertising Account Executive of Endoscopy experience, preferably in an Our busy media company that publishes nuASC setting. The ideal candidate will have merous web and mobile sites seeks an experimanagement experience within an ASC setThe Bulletin is looking for a professional and C •s• N • T • s • R enced developer who is also a forward thinker, ting. driven Sales and Marketing person to help our hlor C~ 'Ikmekr Cankn creative problem solver, excellent communicustomers grow their businesses with an Full-Time, 4 - 1 0 hr. cator, and self-motivated professional. We are details: This is a full time exempt poexpanding list of broad-reach and targeted shifts, Mon.-Fri. Appli- Position redesigning all of our websites within the next products. This full time position requires a cant must have Endo- sition; Monday through Friday. Competitive couple of years and want you in on the ground background in consultative sales, territory scopy exp e rience salary, benefit package, retirement and bonus floor. preferably in an ASC plan. Position closesApril 17, 2013. management and aggressive prospecting skills. setting. Propofol seTwo years of media sales experience is Fluencywith PHP, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and Email resume to jobsobendsurgery.com dation a plus, but not preferable, but we will train the right candidate. JavaScript is a must. Experience integrating required. Job offers third-party solutions and social media applicae xcellent bene f i t The position includes a competitive tions required. Desired experience includes: package. I n terested compensation package including benefits, and XML/JSON, MySQL, Joomla, Java, responpersons should email sive web design, Rails, WordPress. Top-notch rewards an aggressive, customer focused resume to: skills with user interface and graphic design an salesperson with unlimited earning potential. jobs © bendsurgery.com added plus. Central Oregon Community College has o p enings l i sted b e l ow. G o to Email your resume, cover letter and salary Background in the media industry desired but CAUTION READERS: https://jobs.cocc.edu to view details 8 apply history to: not required. This is a full-time position with online. Human Resources, Newberry Hall, Jay Brandt, Advertising Director benefits. If you've got what it takes, e-mail a Ads published in "Em- 2600 NW College Way, Bend OR 97701; jbrandt@bendbulletin.com cover letter, resume, and portfolio/work sample ployment Opportuni- (541 )383-721 6. For hearing/speech impaired, links a n d/o r re p ository ( GitHub) t o t ies" i n c lude e m - Oregon Relay Services number is 7 -1-1. or drop off your resume in person at resume O wescompapers.com. ployee and COCC is an AA/EO employer. 1777 SW Chandler, Bend, OR 97702; i ndependent po s i Or mail to PO Box6020, Bend, OR 97708; This posting is also on the web at www.bendtions. Ads for posiHumanResources Assistant No phone inquiries please bulletin.com tions that require a fee Provides recruitment support and generalist or upfront investment responsibilities. Provides clerical support, and EOE I Drug Free Workplace EOE/Drug Free Workplace must be stated. With acts as resource to staff and public relating to any independent job services provided by H uman Resources. opportunity, p l ease $2,238-$2,665/mo.Closes April 22. investigate thoroughly. Enrollment Specialist Serve as Bend campus contact for COCC stuUse extra caution when dent r e l ated p r o grams a n d cla s ses. applying for jobs on- $2,238-$2,665/mo.Closes April 21. line and never provide personal inforMarketing 8 Operations Manager, mation to any source Continuing Education you may not have re- Responsible for the ongoing development, searched and deemed planning, implementation and evaluation of the April 15th, 2013 • 9 : 0 0 a m — 3:00 pm to be reputable. Use Continuing Education (CE) market plan. Colextreme caution when laborate with internal/external agencies to Consumer Cellular, the ¹ 1 r a ted w i r e less carrier providing r esponding to A N Y market CE e f fectively. $3,348-$3,986/mo. online e m p loyment Closes May 6. n o-confracf ce l l p h o ne s a ncI service p l a n s p r i m a r i l y ad from out-of-state. f o those 5 0 + , i s s e e k i n g t o h i r e C u s t o m e r S e r v i c e Assistant Professor I, We suggest you call of Automotive Technology Representatives af ou r Red m on d C o n t ac t C e n ter. Hav i ng the State of Oregon Provide instruction in automotive technology Consumer Hotline at for students in Master Automotive Tech Cert j ust reached the one m i llion customer ma rk, ou r c o m p a n y 1-503-378-4320 and Automotive Management AAS. Offer is grow in g f ast an d w e a r e l o o k i n g fo r g r e a t ta l ent in to business and industry on-campus For Equal Opportunity training and off-campus workshops and credit course t he Deschufes area to j o i n o u r t e a m . L aws: Oregon B uofferings. Associates degree req. + 10-yr. reau of Labor 8 Incurrent upper-level diagnostic/electrical exp. in dustry, C i vil Rights automotive technology. Start Fall Term SepDivision, A ny interested ca n d i d a tes are e n c o u r a ge d f o v i s i t tember 2013.Closes April 22. 971-673-0764


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ASSESSMENT TECHNICIAN I, As sessor's Office. Full-time position. Deadline: SUNDAY, 04/21/13. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II, Older Adult. Full-time position.Deadline: OPENUNTIL FILLED. CLINICAL INFORMATION SYSTEMS ANALYST ADMINISTRATIVE ANALYST, Behavioral Health Division. Temporary, full-time position. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED WITH FIRST REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS ON MONDAY, 05/06/13. COMMUNITY JUSTICE TECHNICIAN,Juvenile Justice Division. On-call positions. Deadline: OPEN UNTILA SUFFICIENT POOL OF ON-CALL STAFF HASBEENESTABLISHED. FINANCE DIRECTOR & TREASURER,full-time position.Deadline: OPENUNTIL FILLED. MEDICALDIRECTOR,Behavioral Health Division. Full-time, part-time, or personal services contract.Deadline: OPENUNTIL FILLED. PSYCHIATRICNURSE PRACTITIONER ur NURSE PRACTITIONER,Adult Jail. Full-time position. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED WITH FIRST REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS ON MONDAY, 04/15/13. PUBLICHEALTHNURSEII, CaCoon with Maternal Child Health, Public Health Division. Full-time position. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLEDWITH FIRSTREVIEW OF APPLICATIONS ON MONDAY, 04/29/13. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE II, Maternity Case Management with Maternal Child Health, Public Health Division. Full-time position. Deadline: OPEN UNTILFILLED WITH FIRST REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS ONMONDAY, 04/29/13. PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE II, Nurse Family Partnership with Maternal Child Health, Public Health Division. Full-time position. Deadline: OPEN UNTILFILLED WITH FIRST REVIEW OF APPLICATIONS ONMONDAY, 04/29/13. RESERVE DEPUTY SHERIFF, Sheriff's Office On-call positions. Deadline: THIS IS AN ON-GOINGRECRUITMENT. COMING SOON PERSONNELSERVICES DIRECTOR PSYCHIATRICNURSE PRACTITIONER DESCHUTES COUNTY ONLY ACCEPTS APPLICATIONS ONLINE. TO APPLY FOR THE ABOVE LISTED POSITIONS, PLEASE VISIT OUR WEBSITE AT wwtLdeschutes.org/jobs. All candidates will receive an email response regarding their application status after the recruitment has closed and applications have been reviewed. Notifications to candidates are sent via email only. If you need assistance, please contact the Deschutes County Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend, OR 97701 (541) 617-4722. Deschutes County p rovides reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. This material will be furnished in alternative format if needed. For hearing impaired, please call TTY/TDD 711. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER











Boats & Accessories


Travel Trailers

28' FLEETWOOD Gambling Too Much? Meet singles right now! 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, Free, confidential help No paid o p erators, Coronada, Class A, 4.3L Mercruiser, 190 is available statewide. just real people like runs beautifully, only hp Bowrider w/depth Call 1-877-MY-LIMIT you. Browse greet61K mi. since new, finder, radio/CD player, to talk to a certified ings, exchange mesleveling jacks, Ig. rod holders, full cancounselor 24/7 or visit sages and c o nnect canopy, like new. vas, EZ Loader trailer, 1877mylimit.org to live. Try it free. Call C hevy V-8, g e t s exclnt cond, $13,000. chat live with a coun- now: 8 7 7-955-5505. exc. mi. High rub707-484-3518 (Bend) selor. We are not here (PNDC) ber. Drives absoto judge. We are here lutely great. $8700. 541-306-3757 or to help. You can get St. Joseph & St. An- (2) 2000 A rctic C at thony, thank you for Z L580's EFI with n e w your life back. 541-420-8338. Just bought a new boat? your intercessions!JNE covers, electric start w/ reverse, low miles, both Sell your old one in the you St. Jude & excellent; with new 2009 classifieds! Ask about our Thank Sacred H e ar t of Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, Super Seller rates! 32' Fleetwood Fiesta Jesus. j.d. drive off/on w/double tilt, 18' Larson Classic 541-385-5809 2003, no slide-out, lots of accys. Selling due 1971 Tri- hull with 165 Triton engine, all to m edical r e asons. Chev/ Mercruiser, 4.5 amenities, 1 owner, HP outboard, dinette/ $8000 all. 541-536-8130 perfect, only 17K miles, sleeper plus standup • Yamaha 750 1999 $22,000 firm! canvas for camping. 541-504-3253 Mountain Max, $1400. Eagle Fis h f inder. • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 $2900 541-382-7515. EXT, $1000. Need to get an ad C all 54l - 3 85-5809 • Zieman 4-place t o r o m o t e our service trailer, SOLD! in ASAP? All in good condition. Located in La Pine. Building/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care Fax it to 541-322-7253 Call 541-408-6149.



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Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809

18'Maxum skiboat,2000, The Bulletin Classifieds RV space avail. $400 g r eat mo. includes.30 amp cond, well maintained, + w/s/g. Tumalo area. $9995 obo. 541-350-7755 Four Winds Class 541-419-5060 A 32' H u r ricane 2007. CAN'T BEAT THIS! Look before

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Please check you d on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes instructions over the phone are misunderstood and an error can occurin yourad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as soon as we can. If we can assist you, please call us: 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified

Heartland Blghorn 36'

Aircraft, Parts

& Service

Diamond Reo Dump Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 yard box, runs goodj $6900, 541-548-6812

Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed,hedges trimmed or a house 1/3 interest in Columbia built, you'll find 400, $150,000 located @ Sunriver. H o urly professional help in rental rate (based upon The Bulletin's "Call a approval) $775. Also: S21 hangar avail. for Service Professional" s ale, o r l e as e @ Directory $15/day or $325/mo. 541-385-5809 541-948-2963 strrer

4000 miles, 3 slide-outs, many extras, in great condition; stored inside. $32,000. 541-233-6819




Hyster H25E, runs well, 2982 Hours, 1/3 interest i n w e l l$3500, call equipped IFR Beech Bo541-749-0724 Bid Now! nanza A36, new 10-550/ www.BulletinBidnBuy.com prop, located KBDN. L $65,000. 541-419-9510 What are you you buy, b e low Laredo 2009 30' with 2 looking for? market value! Size slides, TV, A/C, table 8 m i leage D OES & c h airs, s a t ellite, You'll find it in matter! 12,500 mi, Arctic pkg., p o wer 1996 Seaswirl 20.1 aaall amenities, Ford The Bulletin Classifieds Springdale 2005 27', 4' awning, Exc. cond! Cuddy, 5.0 Volvo, exc V10, Ithr, c h erry, Buy New...Buy Local in dining/living area, $28,000. 541-419-3301 You Can Bid On: cond., full canvas, one slides, like new! New slide sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 owner, $6500 OBO. low price, $54,900. $525 Certificate 1/5th interest in 1973 obo. 541-408-3811 541-385-5809 541-41 0-0755 toward Powder www.hirealicensedcontractor. 541-548-5216 Cessna 150 LLC Installation/Maint. com Coating from 150hp conversion, low s payers or call 503-378-4621. Commerical RV Tow car 2004 >i time on air frame and lira II I The Bulletin recomS Renovations Powder Coating Honda Civic Si set up engine, hangared in mends checking with S Irrigations Installation (Bidding closes for flat towing with 20.5' 2004 Bayliner I Bend. Excellent perthe CCB prior to conTues., April 16, base plate and tow 205 Run About, 220 formance& affordMONTANA 3585 2008, Sprinkler tracting with anyone. at 8:00 p.m.) Weekend Warrior Toy brake, 35k mi, new HP, V8, open bow, able flying! $6,500. Peterbilt 359 p o table exc. cond., 3 slides, Some other t rades Activation/Repair Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, tires, great cond. exc. cond with very 541-382-6752 water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, king bed, Irg LR, also req u ire addi- Back Flow Testing fuel station, exc cond. Arctic B MW K100 L T 1 9 8 7 $12,000. gal. tank, 5hp low hours, lots of insulation, all tional licenses a nd sleeps 8, black/gray Just bought a new boat? 3200 52k miles, b r onze, extras 541-288-1808 incl. tower, pump, 4-3" h o ses, options $35,000. Sell your old one in the certifications. MAllV'f E1VANCE i nterior, u se d 3X , extra windshield, $ 2 5,000. Bimini 8 custom 541-420-3250 classifieds! Ask about our camlocks, trailer hitch, battery $19 999 firm e Thatch & Aerate 541-820-3724 trailer, $17,950. Super Seller rates! 541-389-9188 Debris Removal charger, full luggage s Spring Clean up 541-389-1413 Nuyya 297LK Hitch541-385-5809 hard bags, manuals Sr Weekly Mowing & Edging Hiker 2007,3 slides, Executive Hangar Need to get an ad and paperwork. AlLooking for your S Bi-Mohthly & 32' touring coach, left ways garaged. $3200. at Bend Airport (KBDN) next employee? Monthly Maintenance kitchen, rear lounge, in ASAP? 60' wide x 50' deep, Don, 541-504-5989 Jayco Seneca 34', 2007. Place a Bulletin help many extras, beautiful S Bark, Rock, Etc. w/55' wide x 17' high biwanted ad today and 28K miles, 2 slides, DuCRAMPED FOR c ond. inside 8 o u t , fold dr. Natural gas heat, 20.5' Seaswirl Spy- ramax diesel, 1 owner, Fax it to 541-322-7253 reach over 60,000 $32,900 OBO, PrinevSenior Discounts CASH? der 1989 H.O. 302, excellent cond, $94,500; readers each week. ille. 541-447-5502 days offc, bathroom. Adjacent Use classified to sell Bonded and Insured to Frontage Rd; great Will Haul Away 285 hrs., exc. cond., The Bulletin Classifieds Trade? 541-546-6920 Your classified ad 8 541-447-1641 eves. those items you no visibility for aviation busistored indoors for 541-815-4458 will also appear on " FREE~ longer need. ness. Financing availlife $11,900 OBO. LCS¹ 8759 bendbulletin.com Call 541-385-5809 able. 541-948-2126 or For Salvage y' 541-379-3530 which currently reemail 1jetjock@q.com N OTICE: O R E G O N ceives over 1.5 milAutomotive Wanted Any Locatlon ' 21' Crownline 215 hp lion page views evLandscape Contrac.,'. Removal Call a Pro tors Law (ORS 671) Harley Davidson Soft- in/outboard e n g ine ery month at no DONATE YOUR CARAlso Cleanups extra cost. Bulletin r equires a l l bu s i - Tail Deluxe 20 0 7 , 310 hrs, Cuddy Cabin Monaco Dynasty 2004, Whether you need a Fast Free Towing 24 LLrtrCteanouts' ~ nesses that advertise white/cobalt, w / passleeps 2/3 p eople, loaded, 3 slides, dieClassifieds Get Re- Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th hr. Response - Tax fence fixed, hedges wheel, 1 s lide, AC, portable toilet, exc. sults! Call 385-5809 to p e r form L a n d- senger kit, Vance 8 Deduction U N I T ED sel, Reduced - now trimmed or a house cond. Asking $8,000. TV,full awning, excelor place your ad BREAST C A N C ER scape C o nstruction Hines muffler system $119,000, 5 4 1-923lent shape, $23,900. OBO. 541-388-8339 on-line at which inclu d es: & kit, 1045 mi., exc. built, you'll find F OUNDATION P r o 8572 or 541-749-0037 541-350-8629 bendbulletin.com viding Free Mammop lanting, decks , c ond, $16,9 9 9 , Ads published in the professional help in fences, arbors, 541-389-9188. grams & Breast CanRV "Boats" classification The Bulletin's "Call a Excavating w ater-features, a n d Just bought a new boat? cer Info 888-785-9788 CONSIGNMENTS 882 include: Speed, fishRV installation, repair of Sell your old one in the Service Professional" (PNDC) WANTED ing, drift, canoe, • CONSIGNMENTS Fifth Wheels irrigation systems to classifieds! Ask about our We Do The Work ... Directory house and sail boats. Levi's Concrete & WANTED 931 be licensed with the Super Seller rates! You Keep The Cash! For all other types of We Do The Work ... Dirt Works 541-385-5809 Landscape ContracAutomotive Parts, On-site credit 541-385-5809 watercraft, please see You Keep The Cash! «Zgfl» t ors B o a rd . Th i s approval team, Residential/ Class 875. On-site credit Harley Dyna 2000 conv. Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, Service & Accessories 4-digit number is to be web site presence. Commercial 541-385-5809 approval team, based in Madras, alincluded in all adver- 29k, harlaquin paint, We Take Trade-Ins! General Contractor web site presence. new tires, many chrome ways hangared since 4 studded tires, fit Toyota tisements which indiFor ALL your dirt & Free Advertising. Rav4, $50. parts, very good cond. We Take Trade-Ins! new. New annual, auto cate the business has excavation needs BIG COUNTRY RV 541-610-8797 Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 Free Advertising. pilot, IFR, one piece a bond, insurance and $10,500 209-770-0903 • Small jobs for homeBend: 541-330-2495 by Carriage, 4 slides, BIG COUNTRY RV windshield. Fastest Ar- Just bought a new boat? workers c ompensaHarley Heritage owners, by job or by Redmond: inverter, satellite sys, Bend: 541-330-2495 cher around. 1750 to- Sell your old one in the tion for their employhr. the hour Softail, 2003 541-548-5254 fireplace, 2 flat screen Redmond: tal t i me . $6 8 ,500.classifieds! Ask about our • Augering ees. For your protec$5,000+ in extras, TVs. $54,950 541-548-5254 541-475-6947, ask for Super Seller rates! • Concrete tion call 503-378-5909 $2000 paint job, 541-480-3923 541-385-5809 Rob Berg. • Custom Pads 30K mi. 1 owner, or use our website: • Driveway gradingwww.lcb.state.or.us to For more information Beautiful h o u seboat get rid of pot holes 8 please call check license status $85,000. 541-390-4693 smooth out your drive! 541-385-8090 before con t racting www.centraloregon Call 541-639-5282 or 209-605-5537 with t h e bu s iness. houseboat.com. CCB¹194077 Persons doing landSouthwind 35.5' Triton, scape maintenance 2008,V10, 2 slides, Dudo not require a LCB pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Handyman Bought new at license. $132,913; asking $91,000. I DO THAT! TURN THE PAGE Harley Limited 103 2011, Call 503-982-4745 For More Ads many extras, stage 1 8 air Boat loader, elec. for Sunseeker 24.5', 2004 pickup canopy, extras, cushion seat. 18,123 mi, The Bulletin $450, 541-548-3711 Class C, 1 slide, Ford 450 $20,990. 541-306-0289 F10, 36K, new awnings, $36,300. 541-419-6176 I j: , ' 0 Handyman/Remodeling i YOURBOAT... i with o u r sp e c ial Residential/Commercial rates for selling your I Small Jnbs io ~ boat or watercraft! HD Fat Boy 1996 Euiire Rr>rtur Rerundets Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' Completely customized Garage Organizatirrn f Place an ad in The 2004, on1y 34K, loaded, Must see and hear to Home lnsPectirtuRePairs — ProvidingBulletin w it h ou r too much to list, ext'd appreciate. 2012 Qualiry, Hrrrtest Work / 3-month p ackage warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Yard Maintenance Award Winner. Dennis, 541-589-3243 ~ which includes: Dennis 54 t.31 7.9768 17,000 obo. & Clean-up, CCS4r1 5157y Br>rrder/rrssrrrrr/ 541-548-4807 881 Thatching, Plugging I *4 lines of text and ~ Travel Trailers HD Screaming Eagle a photo or up to 10 & much more! Electra Glide 2005, ( lines with no photo. ERIC REEVE 103" motor, two tone *Free online ad at Contact Allen Bid Now! candy teal, new tires, I bendbulletin.com ~I HANDY I~ www.BulletmBidneuy.com 23K miles, CD player *Free pick up into SERVICES hydraulic clutch, ex- ~ The Central Oregon ~ cellent condition. f Nickel ads. Aii Home & Highest offer takes it. Commercial Repairs 541-480-8080. COLLINS I Rates start at $46. I Carpentry-Painting HD Screaming Eagle Call for details! Honey Do's. Buy New...Buy Local Electra Glide 2005, 541-385-5809 Small or large jobs, You Can Bid On: Call Now to Schedule 103" motor, two tone no problem. 2013 Retro Trailer GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, candy teal, new tires, Spring Cleanup Senior Discount tTtg by Riverside, 23K miles, CD player gThe Bullet and Aerate/Thatch, W8 are three adorable, loving Aii work guaranleed. Valued at $19,834. hydraulic clutch, exWeekly or one time 541-389-3361 Alf Seasons RV puppies looking for acaring home. cellent condition. Grounds Keeping Service & Marine 541-771-4463 Highest offer takes it. Need to get an ad glease call right away.$500.~ • Mowing • Edging (Bidding closes 541-480-8080. Bonded - Insured • Hedge Trimming Tues., April 16, I CB¹149468 in ASAP? at 8:00 p.m.) • Pruning ' Weedeating Yamaha 650 V-twin FORD Fj 50 XL 2005. This truck • Hauling 2007, 4000 miles, Landscaping/Yard Care • Fertilizing Fax lt to 541-322-7253 • De-thatching

Motorcycles & Accessories inboard motor,


t g(~j~j~

gThe Bulletig




The Bulletin

o w ou r Ll




[ [

In The Bulletin's print and online Classifieds.



Z~on'z gual/II, Z'a~< 0a ~/,.

can haul jt all! Extra Cab, 4X4,

sharp and clean, windshield and saddlebags. $4,000. Firm.


the ob dane on the ranCh!

541-420-9951. ATVs

Spring Clean Up

Lawn Renovation Aeration - Dethatching Overseed Compost Top Dressing

Landscape Maintenance

Full or Partial Service •Mowing ~Edging •Pruning ~Weeding Sprinkler Adjustments

Fertilizer included with monthly program

Weekly, monthly or one time service. EXPERIENCED

Commercial & Residential

rewrny central oregon swce 1903

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Call 541-508-0613 CCB ¹163914

MARTIN JAMES European Professional Painter Repaint Specialist! Oregon License

Senior Discounts

541-390-1466 Same Day Response

GENERATE SOME excitement in your neig- Flagstaff 30' 2006, with borhood. Plan a gaslide, custom interior, rage sale and don't like new, S a crifice, forget to advertise in $17,500. 541-598-7546 classified! 385-5809.

The Bulletin

•Leaves •Cones •Needles •Debris Hauling

Weed free Bark & flower beds

and a tough V8 engine will get

The Bulletin Classifieds

Painting/Wall Covering

More Than Service Peace of Mind

¹186147 LLC

541-81 5-2888


Watercraft Yamaha Banshee 2001, Fleetwood 31' W ildercustom built 350 motor, Ads published in "Wa- n ess Gl 1 9 99, 1 2 ' race-ready, lots of extras, tercraft" include: Kay- slide, 2 4 ' aw n i ng, $4999/obo 541-647-8931 aks, rafts and motor- queen bed, FSC, outside shower, E-Z lift Ized personal 870 watercrafts. For stabilizer hitch, l i ke Boats 8 Accessories "boats" please see new, been stored. $10,950. 541-419-5060 Class 870. 541-385-5809 P ioneer 23 ' 19 0 F Q 2006, EZ Lift, $9750. 14' 1982 Valco River 541-548-1096 swvng central 0 e eon smce 1903 Sled, 70 h.p., FishFinder. Older boat but price includes trailer, Motorhomes • 3 wheels and tires. All for $1 5 00 ! Cal l

QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! Modern amenities and all the quiet you Will need. ROOm to grOWjn yOur 0Wfl little ParadiSe! Call f!0W.

Add Color to your ad For an addifional '2 per day

The Bulletin


541-416-8811 14' BOAT



TRAILER $275. No motor. 541-318-9954. I


• s& 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta, 270HP,

low hrs., must see, $15,000, 541-330-3939

Prowler 2009 Extreme E dition. Model 2 7 0 RL, 2 slides, opposL~-:ing in living area, ent. 2003 Fleetwood Discenter, sep. bedroom, covery 40' diesel mo- 2 ne w e x tra t i res, torhome w/all hitch, bars, sway bar options-3 slide outs, included. P r o-Pack, satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, anti-theft. Good cond, 'til etc. 3 2 ,000 m i l es. c lean. Req . Wintered in h e ated 4/20/15. $19 , 900. 541-390-1122 shop. $89,900 O.B.O. 541-447-8664 skslra@msn.com

BSSl 1C S TO PlaCe yOur ad, ViSit WWW.bendbulletin.COm Or 541-385-5809 HOurS: MOnday —Friday7:30am Io 5:OOPm Telephone Hours.M onday— Friday 7:30am —5:00pm • Saturday8:00am -12.30pm 24 Hour MessageLine: 383-2371: Place, cancel, or extend an ad after hours. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702







Sport Utility Vehicles



~ •

BOATS &RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890- RVsfor Rent

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles 932

Antique & Classic Autos

Pickups FORD F150 CrewCab XLT Triton 2001 V-8, runs fantastic.

Bid Now!



Call Peter at 562-659-4691, in Prineville.

Buy NeMr...auy Local

You Can Bid On: Complete Window Tint Job, Valued at $399 SoundsFast (Bidding closes Tues., April 16, at 8:00 p.m.)


Antique & Classic Autos

1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored 8 Runs $9000. 541-389-8963

ANTIQUE 1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored & Runs $9000. 541-389-8963 Chevrolet Cameo Pickup, 1957, disassembled, frame powder coated, new front sheet metal, cab restored. $9995 firm. Call for more info, 541-306-9958 (cell)



~ The Bullctin ~

L'"" '" "

Ford Ranchero 1979


with 351 Cleveland modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo. 541-420-4677

Chevy 1955 PROJECT car. 2 door wgn, 350

small block w/Weiand dual quad tunnel ram with 450 Holleys. T-10 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, Weld Prostar wheels, extra rolling chassis + extras. $6500 for all.



Off-Road, beautiful inside and out, metallic black/charcoal leather, loaded, 69k mi., $19,995 obo. 541-410-6183.

Need to get an ad in ASAP?

Nissan Sentra 2012 Full warranty, 35mpg, 520 per tank, all power. $13,500. 541-788-0427

BMW 740 IL 1998 orig. o wner, e xc . c o n d . 101k miles, new tires, ~©S U B ARU. loaded, sunroof. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. $8,300. 541-706-1897 877-266-3821 ~Or-i Dlr ¹0354

2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles, new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with 18 mo factory war-

Vin ¹175794. $18,999

Porsche Carrera 911

The Bulletin Classifieds


ranty remaining. $37,500. 541-322-6928

MOrepjXajj)I(jj)iiljetj t n.COm

Faii It to 541 322 7253

Toyota Tundra 2011 CrewMax 4x4, winch. ¹1 74496. $ 3 4 ,995

Jeep Patriot 2 0 08

4x4, 60k mi., single owner, 5-spd, 30 mpg, new tires, exc. cond. $11,900 541-604-0862

Wouldn't you really like to drive a Buick? Bob has two 75,000 mile Buicks, priced fair, $ 2,000-$6000. Remember, t h ese cars get 30mpg hwy! 541-318-9999

Saturn VUE 2004, V 6 ,

moon roof, Alloys. Vin ¹860977

Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390


engine, power everyOregon thing, new paint, 54K AatoSource original m i les, runs 541-598-3750 great, excellent condi- aaaoregonautosource.com tion in & out. Asking $8,500. 541-480-3179 t



Hummer H3 2 006 , 4x4, navigation, leather, very clean.


What are you looking for? You'll find it in



maint'd, regular oil changes, $4500. Ford Expedition XLT Little Red Corvette1996 Please call 2005, 4x 4, tow pkg, conv. 350 auto. 541-633-5149 3rd row seat. • 132K, 26-34 mpg. Vin ¹A48440 $12,500 541-923-1781 $10,488 Dodge van 1978 handicap equipped with What are you , SU8UBhRUOPBI!ND B A R UCOM. wheelchair ramp and hand controls. In great looking for? 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. condition. $3,000 obo. You'll find it in 877-266-3821 Call 541-420-3696 or Dlr ¹0354 541-526-5887 The Bulletin Classifieds Ford Explorer 2006 Eddie Ford 1-ton extended van, Bauer "the most beautiful 1995, 460 engine, set-up SUV in Oreqon!" Loaded, f or c o n tractor w i t h 541-385-5809 4WD & AWD, 80,500mi, shelves & bins, fold-down $15,850. 5 4 1-344-1491 ladder rack, tow hitch, (Eugene) 180K miles, new tranny & brakes; needs catalytic converter & new windshield. $2200. 541-220-7808 Ford Taurus wagon 2004, very nice, pwr everything, 120K, FWD, qood tires, GMC Envoy SLT 2002, $4900 obo. 5419-815-9939 loaded, moon roof, tow pkg.

Ford Model A 1930, Sports Coupe. R umble seat, H & H G MC Sierra S L T Vin ¹220657 )II0tw'" rebuilt engine. W i ll 2006 - 1500 Crew Lumina Van 1 9 95, $8,888 cruise at 55mph. Must Cab 4x4, Z71, exc. X LNT c o nd., w e l l see to believe. Abso- cond., 82 k m i les, ~SUBARU. cared for. $2000 obo. lutely stunning condi- $19,900. Hyundai Sonata 2007 tion! $17,500 541-408-0763 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-382-9835. GLS, 64,700 mi, excel541-410-0818 877-266-3821 lent cond, good tires, Dlr ¹0354 non-smoker, new tags, Need to get an ad $9500. 541-280-7352 Call a Pro in ASAP? Whether you need a International Fla t I Nee dto sella fence fixed, hedges Bed Pickup 1963, 1 Fax it to 541-322-7253 Vehicle? trimmed or a house ton dually, 4 s pd. Call The Bulletin trans., great MPG, The Bulletin Classifieds and place an ad tobuilt, you'll find could be exc. wood Honda CRV 2004, dayl professional help in hauler, runs great, $8,995. Ask about our The Bulletin's "Call a new brakes, $1950. Call 541-610-6150 or see "WheelDeal"! Nissan Quest 2000, 541-419-5480. http://bend.craigslist.org for private party Service Professional" 7-passenger mini /cto/3723855028.html advertisers van, red, new tires & Directory Call The Bulletin At license, decent 541-385-5809 cond., lowprice of 541-385-5809 $2495.Check this Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Ford Mustang Coupe one out. At: www.bendbulletin.com 1966, original owner, 541-318-9999 V8, automatic, great Ram 2500HD 2003 hemi, shape, $9000 OBO. 2WD, 135K, auto, CC, 975 530-515-8199 am/fm/cd. $7000 obo. Automobiles 541-680-9965 /390-1285

The Bulletin Classifieds

Chevy C-20 Pickup 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; auto 4-spd, 396, model CST /all options, orig. owner, $19,950,

ChevyAstro Cargo Van 2001, pw, pdl, great cond., business car, well

~ l~

Buick Invicta1959! 2 door hardtop, 99.9% complete in & out. 935 Volkswagen Ti g uan $16,000. SEL 2011, 4 m o tion Sport Utility Vehicles 541-504-3253 AWD, loaded! Vin ¹512879 Buick LeSabre 1996. $26,888 Good condition, 121,000 miles.


L e g al Notices LEGAL NOTICE






name of the State of O regon, you a r e hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court a nd cause on o r before the expiration of 30 days from the date of the first p ublication of t h is summons. The date of first publication in this matter is April 7, 2 013. I f y o u f a i l timely to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the above-entitled court for the relief prayed for in its complaint. This is a ju d icial foreclosure o f a d eed of t r us t i n which the p l aintiff r equests that t h e plaintiff be allowed to foreclose your interest in the f ollowing de s c ribed real property: LOT TWENTY-SEVEN AND THE W ESTERLY 9.46 F E ET




2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

Toyota Camrysr 1984, SOLD; 7985 SOLD; 1986 parts car only one left! $500 Call for details, 541-548-6592

Legal Notices


BLOCK 2 OF TAMARACK PARK, C ITY O F B E N D, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly k nown as : 2 0 5 9 Northeast Monterey Avenue, Bend, Oregon 9 7 701-6465. N OTICE TO D E -

©~ S U8USAltllOPBEHD BARU. Non-smoker COM GMC 1966, too many $2600 OBO. FENDANTS: READ 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. extras to list, reduced to 541-954-5193. 877-266-3821 THESE P A P ERS $7500 obo. Serious buy- Chevy Suburban LT Dlr ¹0354 CAREFULLY! A ers only. 541-536-0123 2004, Z7 1, 4x4, lawsuit has b e en Cadillac Eldorado, 1991, loaded, tow pkg. started against you 5 R j Toyota 4Ru n n er a cream puff! Great paint, Toyota Corolla 2004, Vin ¹212758 in th e a b o ve-enupgraded stereo system, 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , auto., loaded, 204k $9,988 good interior, runs great, miles. orig. owner, non titled court by Re4WD, V6, 5 speed, Chevy Wagon 1957, Mor t gage t ow pkg., plus 4 + 4 extra studded tires. smoker, exc. c o nd. verse 4ig® SUBARU. 4-dr., complete, Solutions, Inc . , Call 541-536-2435 SUBAltUOFBENDCOfl studs tires on rims, $6500 Pnne v i lle $7,000 OBO, trades. plaintiff. P l a intiff's 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. r uns great. W a s 503-358-8241 Please call claims are stated in GMC V~ton 1971, Only 877-266-3821 What are you $ 5500, now o n l y 541-389-6998 t he w ritten c o m$19,700! Original low WHEN YOU SEE THIS Dlr ¹0354 $4000.541-659-1416 looking for? p laint, a c opy o f exceptional, 3rd Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe mile, Oo which was filed with owner. 951-699-7171 ~ You'll find it in 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, a b ove-entitled auto. trans, ps, air, OrePiXatBendbuletilj.COm the The Bulletin Classifieds M C ourt. You mus t frame on rebuild, reOn a classified ad "appear" in this case painted original blue, go to or the other side will original blue interior, www.bendbulletin.com 541-385-5809 win a u tomatically. Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, original hub caps, exc. to view additional To "appear" you most options, new tires, Toyota F J Cr u iser chrome, asking $9000 photos of the item. must file with t he 159K miles, $3750. Call or make offer. Mercedes 450SL, 1977, 2007, 6 speed, 4x4, CHECK YOUR AD court a legal docu541-233-8944 541-385-9350 low low miles, very 113K, 2nd owner, gaPlease check your ad ment called a "moLooking for your r aged, b o t h top s . clean. on the first day it runs tion" or "answer." Check out the next employee? $11,900. 541-389-7596 Vin ¹074880 to make sure it is corThe "motion" or "anclassifieds online a Bulletin help $27,888 rect. Sometimes in- Place swer" (or "reply") ad today and wvvw.bendbuffetin.com s tructions over t h e wanted must be given to the reach over 60,000 Updated daily phone are misunder- readers each week. 4@~~ S UBARU. court clerk or adstood and a n e r ror ministrator within 30 Your classified ad 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend can occur in your ad. days of the date of will also appear on 877-266-3821 If this happens to your first publ i cation FAST 66 Ranchero! bendbulletin.com Dlr ¹0354 ad, please contact us $7500 invested, Oldsmobile Alero 2004, s pecified her e i n which currently rethe first day your ad classic 4-dr in showroom along with the resell for $4500! ceives over 1.5 milappears and we will Call a Pro Call 541.382.9835 condition, leather, chrome quired filing fee. It lion page views be happy to fix it as wheels, 1 owner, low D odge must be in proper Dura n go Whether you need a every month at s oon a s w e ca n . miles. $7500. form and have proof Limited 2004, 4x 4 , fence fixed, hedges no extra cost. BulleDeadlines are: Week541-382-2452 of service on t he Loaded, leather, 3rd tin Classifieds days 12:00 noon for trimmed or a house plaintiff's a t t orney row seat. Get Results! Call PROJECT CARS:Chevy next day, Sat. 11:00 or, if t h e p l aintiff Vin ¹142655. built, you'll find 385-5809 or place 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & a.m. for Sunday; Sat. does not have an $9,988 your ad on-line at Chevy Coupe 1950 professional help in 12:00 for Monday. If a ttorney, proof of bendbuiietin.com FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, rolling chassis's $1750 we can assist you, The Bulletin's "Call a service on the plaindoor panels w/flowers ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, twkI® SUBARU. please call us: tiff. If you have any Service Professional' complete car, $ 1949; & hummingbirds, 541-385-5809 questions, you The Bulletin recoml white soft top & hard Cadillac Series 61 1950, 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend Directory The Bulletin Classified 877-266-3821 mends extra caution S should see an attortop. Just reduced to 2 dr. hard top, complete 541-385-5809 ney immediately. If when p u r chasing ~ cl i p ., Dlr ¹0354 $3,750. 541-317-9319 w/spare f r on t you need help in $3950, 541-382-7391 ) products or services or 541-647-8483 finding an attorney, from out of the area. cas h , you may contact the People Look for Information Chevy Malibu 2009 ) Sending Oregon State Bar's checks, or credit inAbout Products and 43k miles, loaded, Ref e rral formation may be I Lawyer studs on rims/ Services Every Daythrough S ervice online a t Asking $12,900. ] subject toFRAUD. TheBulletin Ciassideds www.oregonstate541-610-6834. For more i nformaFord Expedition XLT Toyota RA V4 Limited bar.org or by calling f tion about an adverVW BUG 1972 rebuilt 2004, 4x4, low miles, 2012, load e d , (503) 684-3763 (in tiser, you may call clean. eng, new paint, tires, leather, alloys. the Portland metroI the Oregon State I chrome whls, 30 mpg, Vin ¹B41370 Vin ¹076505 p olitan a rea) o r Attorney General's S toll-free elsewhere $3800. 541-233-7272 $9,988 $29,988 Office C o n sumer in Oregon at (800) I ) Protection hotline at rggb SUBARU. 452-7636. This S UBA RU. Find exactly what 1-877-877-9392. Ford Gafaxie500 7963 BUBMIUQIBl!NOCOM Chrysler Sebring 2004 summons is issued 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, you are looking for in the 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 84k, beautiful dark gray/ pursuant to ORCP 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & gg g g g ypgpyag 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 brown, tan leather int., radio (orig),541-419-4989 Dlr ¹0354 $5995 541-350-5373 Dlr ¹0354 541-389-7669.






f f





I f


The Bulletin

Legal Notices

7. R C O LE G A L, P.C., Michael Botthof, OSB ¹113337,

line, installation of approximately 2800 LF of new ductile Mbotthof © rcolegal. iron waterline which includes as p halt com, Attorneys for P laintiff, 51 1 S W trenching and 10th Ave., Ste. 400, patching, street Portland, OR 97205, section ove r lay, P: (503) 977-7840 curb r eplacement, F: (503) 977-7963. and ADA upgrades. The City estimates LEGAL NOTICE the c ost o f imIN T H E CI R C UIT provements at COURT O F THE $720,000. STATE OF OREGON FOR THE COUNTY C ontract Docu OF DES C H UTES ments may be exPROBATE DEPARTamined at the folMENT. In the Matter lowing locations: o f the Es t at e o f • City of Redmond JACQUE AR L E EN E ngineering D i v i RENSHAW, De- sion 243 NE Antler c eased. Case N o . Avenue, Redmond, 13PB0031. NOTICE Oregon. TO INT E RESTED • Central Oregon PERSONS. NOTICE Builder's Exchange, IS HEREBY GIVEN

1902 NE 4th Street,

that the undersigned has been appointed

Bend, Oregon.

personal representative. All persons having claims against the estate are required to p resent them, w i th vouchers attached, to the undersigned personal representative at the law offices of Schmid Malone LLC, c/o T y le r F r i esen, Lawyer for the Personal Representative,

C ontract Docu ments may be obtained by qualified bidders only for a non-refundable price of $40.00 a t t he City o f R e d mond Engineering Division.

The City may provide solicitation documents by elec550 NW Franklin Av- tronic means availe nue, S u it e 378 , able on the City of Bend, Oregon 97701, Redmond website. within f ou r m o nths www.ci.redmond.or. after the date of first us publication of this notice, or the claims may All interested prime be barred. All perb idders must f o rsons whose r i ghts mally request and may be affected by a h a rdthe proceedings may purchase bound set of project obtain additional inplans and specificaf ormation from t h e t ions, w h ic h w ill records of the Court, register them as a the personal repreplan holder on the sentative, or the lawproject. The City of yer for the personal R edmond will n o t representative. Dated accept any bid that and first published on is not from a regisApril 14, 2013. Renee tered plan h o lder Renshaw-Myrwang, and submitted on Personal Representa- the proposal form tive. PERS O NAL from the C o ntract REPRESENTATIVE: Documents p a c kRenee Ren s haw- age. All requests for Myrwang, 2258 N W plans, plan holder 6th Street, Bend, Orlist, and bid docuegon 97702, ments s h al l be 541-317-0157. LAWm ade t o Kat h y YER F O R PER - Harms, Office AsSONAL REPRESEN- sistant, C i t y of TATIVE: Tyler R edmond Eng i Friesen, OSB neering Division at ¹ 052569, Schm i d (541) 504-2002. Malone LLC, 550 NW F ranklin Aven u e, PUBLISH: Suite 378, Bend, OrDaily Journal of egon 97701, PhoneCommerce5 41-388-1107, Fax Once the week of 541-388-7370, April 15, 2013 tyler@schmidmalone. com Bend BulletinSunday, LEGAL NOTICE April 14, 2013 INVITATION TO BID Just bought a new boat? Sealed bids for the Sell your old one in the construction of the classifieds! Ask about our City of R e dmond, Super Seller rates! 10th Street Water541-385-5809 line Replacement Project WA 13-02, LEGAL NOTICE a ddressed to t h e City Recorder, City La Pine Rural Fire of Redmond, OrProtection D i s trict e gon will b e r e Budget Committee ceived until 2:00 PM will hold a p u blic local time at the City meeting on April 23, Recorder's o ff ice, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. City Hall, 716 SW The meeting purEvergreen Avenue, pose is to receive Redmond, Oregon, the proposed on May 15, 2 0 1 3 2013/2014 budget, and then p u blicly hear budget mesopened and read at sage and take pub2:00 PM in Conferlic comment. Meetence Room A, City ing location 51550 Hall, Redmond, OrHuntington R o a d, egon. First tier subLa Pine, Oregon. contractor list is reThe location is acquired to be cessible to persons submitted by 4 : 00 with disa b ilities. P M, s a m e da y P lease v i si t ou r (Note: The first tier website for further s ubcontractor l i s t information or to remay also be subquest special needs mitted w i t h t he accommodation. sealed b id at www.lapinefire.org OI' contractor's prefercall ence). B i d s shall 541-536-2935. be clearly labeled: LEGAL NOTICE 10th Street Waterline Replacement NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE PURSUProject WA 13-02. ANT TO ORS CHAPTER 8 7 .152 No mandatory prebid meeting will be through ORS 8 7.206, Notice i s held. No bid will be accepted by a genhereby given that t he f ollowing v e eral contractor who is not on the plans hicle will be sold, for cash to the highest holder list. bidder, on 04/1 7/2013. The T his i s a Pu b l ic Works Contract and sale will be held at 1 0:00am b y Ba r subject to the Oregon Bureau of LaTowing Inc., 160 SE Logsden St., Bend bor and Industries OR 97702 a 2004 (BOLI) Wage Rates, VW NEW BEETLE dated January 1, VIN 2013 and a mend3VWCM31YX4M32 ments for region 10 2975 Amount due as defined under on lien $ 3680.00. ORS 279C.800 to Reputed owner(s) 279C.870. Eugene Dale Snyder and A m eriCScope of W o r k: redit Financial SerImprovements genvices Inc. Published e rally include r e moval of e x i sting on April 7 & April 14, 2013. deteriorated water-


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2013: Ht fl OLHIICE: Presenting our 2013 calendar at a glance with all of our scheduled specialty publications. You'll also receive grocery inserts every Tuesday; our arts and entertainment section, GO! Magazine, every Friday; and look for a wide variety of shopping inserts every Saturday and Sunday. You'll also enjoy the national magazine, PARADE, which highlights the world of entertainment, games and comics every Sunday. r

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March (cont.)

May (cont.)


August (cont.)


• 9 Book of Love • 12 Picture Your Home • 31 Ageless

• 29 Sisters Magazine

• 13 High Desert PULSE • U.S. Bank Pole Pedal Paddle • 18 Ageless • 24 Sisters Magazine

• 13 Picture Your Home Cascade Cycling Classic • U Magazine • 17 Tour of Homes™ • 24 Deschutes County Fair Guide • 27 Ageless

• 23 Sisters Magazine • 28 Redmond Magazine

• • • • •

February • • • •

6 Baby Book 9 Picture Your Home 11 High Desert PULSE 16 U Magazine

March • • • •

2 Central Oregon Living 4 C.O. Sportsmen's Show 9 Picture Your Home 16 Ageless

April • • • • •

6 U Magazine 12 Summer Youth Directory 13 Picture Your Home 17 Redmond Magazine 27 Home and Garden Show Guide • (TBA) 110 Ways to Discover Central Oregon


• 1 U Magazine • 5 Deschutes County Fair Premium Book • 8 Picture Your Home • 12 Graduation 2013 May • 19 Redmond Magazine • 11 Picture Your Home • 12 Central Oregon Golf Preview • 28 Sisters Magazine • 29 Central Oregon Living

August I 9 Bend Brewfest Guide • 10 Picture Your Home • 12 High Desert PULSE 14 School Directory • 20 Remodelin g,Design 8 Outdoor Living Show™

September • 7 U Magazine • 14 Picture Your Home • 21 Ageless

October • • • • •

5 Central Oregon Living 12 Picture Your Home 19 U Magazine 25 The Nature of Words (TBA) 110 Ways to Discover Central Oregon

9 Picture Your Home 11 High Desert PULSE 13 Redmond Magazine 15 Sisters Magazine 16 Ageless

December • 7 Central Oregon Living • 14 Picture Your Home • 25 Connections

Weekly I Grocery (Tuesdays) Sale Inserts (Saturdays) I Sale Inserts/Parade (Sundays)

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