Bulletin Daily Paper 9-14-13

Page 1

Serving Central Oregon since1903 75| t

SATURDAY September14,2013

i o ce onurures een's aon Prep football COMMUNITY LIFE• D1






BreW neWS —RiverBend Brewing, currently Rivals, is amongthenewestbeermakers

Some businesses feel strain of events

in the works in Bend.CS

Plus: In Mexico —Microbreweriesare struggling against the two

big beer companies for market share.A4

GearS —A jumping insect uses them, showing a rare instance where nature andhuman engineering converge.A3

• The school still needs astate board's approval for the $12.8 milion land purchase -tr'I~PVl W &ettl ~ . , : '; . , : e l , ,; t .




Insurance marketsHospitals are playing amajor role in getting people signed up for coverage.A6

"' anIorpsg-t;ascadescampus l" A pl OSU-Cascades hopes to purchase 56acres on the ' .' ' westsideof Bend, withhopesofbreaking ground v on a new four-year campus in spring 2014and welcoming freshmenand sophomores in fall 2015.

Photo story —This guy re-

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cycles just about everything.B2 a




Syria —U.N. chief says chemical attack will beconfirmed. A2






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Fish deaths in Hawaii linked to molassesspil

Redmond City Hall knew it had a problem on itshands even before the barrage of phone calls and emails following the USA Cycling Masters National Championships. "I started work right after the other bike race was held downtown earlier this summer and it was clear from what we heard we needed to take a good look at events and street closures," said Keith Witcosky, Redmond's new city The national championships, which closed several key road sections downtown from morning to night both Saturday, Sept. 7, and Sunday, Sept. 8, were the last straw for many downtown business owners. SeeDowntown/A6

And a Wed exclusivewith a deported classmate. bendbulletln.com/extras

The Bulletin



Elementary students build a virtual world to keep in touch

By Leslie Pugmire Hole





VA sees progress on backlog

t. The Bulletin:.


By Alexandra Zavis Los Angeles Times

By Matt Pearce Los Angeles Times

Fish began dying off en masseinthe waters around Honolulu after hundreds of thousands of gallons of molasses spilled into Honolulu Harbor early this week — and there's nothing officials can do to clean it up. Thousands of fish have died from the sugary sludge. Crabs lay dead along the floor while more fish floated listlessly in the harbor, with some seeming to gasp above the surface of the water, so contaminated by the thick, syrupy sweetener. The spill is one of the worst man-made disasters to hit Hawaii in recent memory, officials said, not least because no one has quite seen anything like it. "There's nothing you can do to clean up molasses," said Jeff Hull, a spokesman for Matson Inc., the company responsible for the leak. "It's sunk to the bottom of the harbor. Unlike oil, which can be cleaned from thesurface,molasses sinks." Put another way by Janice Okubo, a spokeswoman for the Hawaii Department of Health: "It's sugar in the water. If you know a scientific way to remove it from water, let us know." Once at the bottom, wildlife officials said, the sludge replaces the oxygen-bearing seawater that bottom-dwelling fish use to breathe. See Molasses/A7

Source: OSU-Cascades; Image courtesy City of Bend

By Lauren Dake The Bulletin

SALEM — Oregon State University-Cascades has found its campus. The university has identified morethan 50 acres in west Bend where it hopes to build the state's newest fouryear university. "The most important thing is this secures the future for both the community and the university, so we can get down to the business of planning a campus

I",',A,tIC'~,L'x4 L4'

that people can be proud of," said OSU Vice President Becky Johnson, the highest ranking administrator at OSU-Cascades. It's a huge step for the university that anticipates enrolling freshman and sophomore students for the first time in fall 2015. The university expects approval Friday from the State Board of Higher Education, Committee on Finance 8r Administration, of the $12.855 million purchase price.

The property is still subject to environmental impact studies and one

parcel will need filling and grading. But identifying the site is key in helping recruit the first class of freshmen to the area. "Location matters," said Wendy Castillo, a senior at OSU-Cascades and president of the student government. "Location is huge." The university has agreements to buy two properties

Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin

adjacent to one another, a total of 56.44 acres. The property is about 2 miles from downtown Bend and about 3 miles from Central Oregon Community College. One parcel, a wooded lot at 1500 S.W. Chandler Ave., is 10.44 acres and zoned for limited commercial use, which means the university can break ground there quickly. Its

proposed selling price is $4.98 million. SeeCampus/A6

LOS ANGELES — Mike Dalton starts his day at a Department of Veterans Affairs office in Oakland, Calif., doing something he couldn't do a year ago: He signs on to a computer and calls up an application for disability compensation. With a few mouse clicks, he pulls the information he needs to rate a veteran's injuries. The new computer system is the centerpiece of a major overhaul that department officials promise will clear the backlog of claims that has had severely wounded veterans waiting months — if not years — to find out whether they will receive financial help. SeeBacklog/A6

Boy born fromembryofrozen for almost 20years By Llsa M. Krieger San Jose Mercury News

Baby Liam Burke is just learning to crawL But he was conceived when Bill Clinton was president, the World Trade Center stood tall and home computers had the newfound ability to dial into something called the World Wide Web.

TODAY'S WEATHER Mostly sunny High 88, Low 58

Page B6

Suspended 19 years in deep freeze, Liam is the beloved new son of Kelly Burke — and one ofthe oldestembryos ever thawed and restored to life. "He is the most awesome baby there is," said Burke, 45.

"He is a happy, healthy baby, a little bundle of joy, smart and interactive."

What's more intriguing, Liam is adopted. An Oregon couple who had twins two decades ago through San Ramon's Fertility Sciences Centerkept his embryo frozen for years, keeping open the option of expanding their own family. Ultimately, they decided to donate the embryo to

Burke for her own pregnancy — a profound example of technology's extension of life. Like Liam, about 10,000 embryos a year are thawed and join families, thanks to advances in the field of cryopreservation. Others linger, sometimesfora decade or more, raising medical and

The Bulletin

INDEX Busines s/Stocks C7-8 Comics/Puzzles F3-4 DearAbby D6 Obituaries Calendar B2 CommunityLife D1-6 Horoscope D6 Sports Classified F1 - 8 Crosswords F3 Lo cal/State B1-6 TV/Movies

85 Ct-6 D6

AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 110, No. 257, 36 pages, 5 sections

ethical dilemmas never imaginable a generation ago. Infertile couples create embryos using in-vitro fertilization, which joins eggs and sperm in a petri dish. They typically create as many as possible to maximize their chances for parenting. SeeEmbryos/A7

+ .4 We usereoycled newsprint


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COIOI'Bdn flOOdS —Bytruck and helicopter, thousands of people stranded by floodwaters camedown from the Colorado Rockies on

U.N.c ie:Re ortwi con irm c emica attac

Friday, two days after seemingly endless rain turned normally scenic

By Rick Gladstone

investigators said in a report Friday. The Government Accountability Office estimated that 36,000 workers got improper payments from

New Yorh Times News Service

Ban Ki-moon, the U.N. secretary-general, said Friday that he believed that an impending report he had commissioned on the massacre of Syrian civilians last month would be "overwhelming" in sh o wing th at chemical weapons were used. In an apparently off-the-cuff response to a question that caught even his press off ce i by surprise, Ban also said he believed that President Bashar Assad of S y r ia "has committed many crimes against humanity." Ban did not explicitly attribute the Aug. 21 attack to A ssad's forces, and he h a s repeatedly asserted that the report on the attack would determine only whether chemical weapons had been used — not who used them. But his remarks quickly spread via Twitter and immediately raised the question of whether he knew or had judged the report's conclusions before he had seen it. "I believe that the report will be an o v erwhelming, overwhelming report" that chemical weapons were used, "even though I cannot publicly say at this time before I receive this

rivers and creeks into coffee-colored rapids that wrecked scores of roads and wiped out neighborhoods. Authorities aimed to evacuate 2,500 people from the isolated mountain community of Lyons by the end of the day, either by National Guard convoys or airlifts.

Improper disabiiity payments —social security made$1.3 billion in potentially improper disability payments to people who had

jobs when theywere supposed to beunable to work, congressional

GeneVa talkS —President Barack Obamawill not insist on a U.N. Security Council resolution threatening Syria with military

December 2010 toJanuary 2013. Thenumbers represent less than1

action, senior administration officials said Friday, as U.S. and

percent of beneficiaries and less than1 percent of disability payments made during the time frame. But GAO said the overpayments reveal

Russian negotiators meeting in Genevamovedcloser to an agreement that would seek to ultimately strip Syria of its chemi-

weaknesses in Social Security's procedures for policing the system.

cal weapons. After a second day of marathon talks in Geneva between Secretary of State John Kerry and Foreign Minister

Taiiban attaCk —The Taliban attacked a U.S.Consulate in western Afghanistan with car bombsand guns on Friday, killing at least

Sergey Lavrov of Russia, both sides expressed optimism, while U.S. officials here said they would give the process acouple of weeks to see if it gained traction. But daunting obstacles remain

four Afghans but failing to enter the compound or hurt any Americans. The attack in the city of Herat underscored concerns about an

to dismantling Syria's vast chemical arsenal asnegotiators try to

insurgency that shows nosigns of letting up as U.S.-led troops re-

defuse a confrontation that has inflamed politics on three continents. A significant sign of movement at the United Nations came

duce their presence ahead of a full withdrawal next year. Within hours of the assault, the U.S. temporarily evacuated many of its consular

when the Obama administration effectively took force off the table

personnel to the embassy in Kabul, 400 miles to the east.

in discussions over the shape of a Security Council resolution governing any deal with Syria. — New York TimesNews Service

Mexico City strike —Riot police swept thousands of striking teachers out of the heart of Mexico City on Friday, driving protesters through the streets with tear gas and water cannons in a swift end to the weeks-long occupation of the Zocalo plaza over reforms to the

report," Ban said at a women's forum at the U.N. headquarters, which was captured on an internal U.N. video broadcast. Farhan Haq, Ban's spokesman, told reporters later at a regular midday briefing that Ban did not have the report and that "he has not made up his mind on a report that he has not yet received." Ban's remarks came as the lead scientist of the chemical weapons inspection team that composed the report said it had been completedand would be delivered to him soon. Ban has

dysfunctional national education system. It was adramatic reasser-

said he would promptly share the report's findings with all 193 U.N. member states. Diplomats and arms control experts have said that they expectthe report to be conveyed to Ban by Monday and perhaps earlier, and that they expect it to give ample proof that chemical munitions were deployed. Haq said, "As of right now, we still don't have a day for when the report will be presented." P ressed about wh y B a n made such remarks, Haq said, "I'm not privy to the information he has."

tion of state authority after weeks of near-constant disruption in the center of one of the world's largest cities. The teachers have marched

through the capital at least15 times over the last two months, decrying President Enrique Pena Nieto's plan to break union control of education with a new system of standardized teacher testing.

New YOrk mayOr —Michael Bloomberg, dissatisfied with his potential successors and unsure his political blessing would help anyone, on Friday ruled out making anendorsement in the general election for New York City mayor. The decision ended speculation that Bloomberg might try to tip the scales in a campaign that has be-

come, in manyways, aharsh referendum on his12-year legacy in office. Bloomberg and his aides, who conduct their own polls and study the public mood, have concluded that the electorate is not looking for

his advice on thenext occupant of City Hall. EquiPment blOCked —A federal judge ordered a halt Friday to more shipments of immenseloads of oil field equipment through a

DEPARTMENT HEADS Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 CirculationandOperations ............................................ 541 -385-5805 FinanceHolly West ...........541 -383-0321 HumanResources

national forest in north-central Idaho, pending a review of effects on the route. The review will be conducted by the U.S. Forest Service

in consultation with the NezPerce lndians, whose tribal rights and lands near the forest route were central to the judge's ruling. The tribe and an environmental group, Idaho Rivers United, brought the case,

Traci Oonaca ......................

charging that the Forest Service hadfailed to enforce its own rules and standards in protecting the forest and a river corridor through which a first shipment was sent last month.

TALK TO AN EDITOR Business Tim Doran..........541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 CommunityLife, Health Julie Johnson.....................541-383-0308 EditorialsRichard Coe......541 -383-0353 GO! Magazine Ben Salmon........................541-383-0377 Home, All Ages AlandraJohnson................541-617-7860 News EditorJan Jordan....541-383-0315 PhotosDeanGuernsey......541-383-0366 SporlsBill Bigelow.............541-383-0359 State Projects Lily Raff McCaulou ............541-410-9207

tas •

HOSpital fire —A fire early Friday in a psychiatric hospital in northwestern Russia killed 37 people, including a nurse who was

trying to save patients, local investigators said. Theraging blaze that began at about 2:30 a.m. destroyed the one-story wooden hospital in the town of Luka-Oksochi about 350 miles northwest of Moscow in

the Novgorod region, officials said. At least 20 people wererescued from the burning building, and by Friday afternoon authorities said they had recovered10 bodies. Local news agencies reported that the

building may not havemetcurrent safety standards and hadbeen scheduled to close, with patients to be transferred to other institutions by the end of the year. The fire apparently started in the bed of a


patient and appeared to havebeendeliberately set, officials said.

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India raPe CaSe —There wasno mistaking the whoop of joy that rose outside Saket District Court in India on Friday, whenword got out that four men convicted in last December's horrific gang rape and murder had been sentenced to death by hanging. But some of lndia's

most ardent women's rights advocates hungbackfrom Friday's celebration, skeptical that four hangings would do anything to stem violence against women. Many, however, were thinking purely of

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Oregon Lottery results

As listed at www.oregonlouery.org

MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Friday night are:

8Q48 Q9©2® ®09 The estimated jackpot is now $130 million.

Julio Cortez/The Associated Press

A firefighter unhooks two hoses at the place where emergency workers broke through the recently repaired boardwalk in efforts to stop a fire that broke out a day earlier at the Seaside Park boardwalk, Friday in Seaside Park, N.J.

punishing the six men(one, ajuvenile, got a three-year sentence in

Amid remvery fromSandy, massive fire stunsshoretowns

ChineSe biiiionaire arreSt —A Chinese billionaire venture

By Kate Zernike

SharkS Off menu —Hong Kongbowed Friday to years of pressure from environmental groups, saying it would no longer allow shark fin to be served at official functions. The initiative goes "beyond

New York Times News Service

Nick Dionisio is a third generation Boardwalk guy, having peeled shrimp as a 7-year-old in his grandfather's clam bar. Later he decided to go into banking, but when the marketscollapsed, he came back to what he knew. He even pulled his father out of retirement to help him start a fried-fish place, and then another a little more upscale. Dionisio was still trying to make up the cost of starting the businesses when Hurricane Sandy hit 10 months ago, flooding them with nine feet of water and ruining expensive equipment. His f ather d i ed unexpectedly just weeks later. The electricity and gas were restoredonly five days before Memorial Day, the weekend when Boardwalk places typically make up much of their rent.But summer business was terrible, with so many renters and tourists staying away. Still, Dionisio kept going because he loved it. The fire in the Jersey Shore towns of Seaside Park and Seaside Heights on Thursday did to Park Seafood, in Seaside Park, what the hurricane had not: It destroyed it. Flames ravaged about five blocks of boardwalk in the two towns, which had been among the towns hardest hit by the storm. As Dionisio and other business owners surveyed the rubble Friday, they struggled to summon what it

would take to start over so soon after starting over. "It's like someone who's in a war," Dionisio, 34, said in a phone interview. "After a time, they're so used to seeing destruction, they become numb to it." "Everything has been a bad dream already," he a d ded. "To have this happen, it hasn't even hit me yet. This sums up how awful this year has been. It doesn't get any worse than what it is right now." Investigators had roped off the scene with yellow police tape and declared it a crime scene, though the governor and local officials would not go so far as to speculate that the blaze was arson. They said only that the cause was unknown, and that the fire, which apparently began in an ice cream shop, had been fueled by tar roofs and unusually strong winds. Officials estimated the fire had damaged between 30 and 50 businesses. "Places where decadesofmemories were built for families are destroyed," Gov. Chris Christie said in a morning news conferencebeloved institutions like JackN-Bills Bar, Maruca's Tomato Pies, Berkeley Sweet Shop, and countless balloon and souvenir stands. Christie vowed to "get aggressive and rebuild," as he did when he visited the area last October and declared the Jersey Shore of his childhood gone. "I will not permit all the

work we've done over the last 10 months to be diminished or destroyed by what happened last night," he said. But those left said they were not sure how they could. "I have it in me to do it," said Dionisio, who is married and has two children younger than 3. "Financially, I don't know if I can make it happen. You spend all this money and then this happens, it doesn't seem you can catch a break." Officials in the two towns said they were lucky that no one had died — on weekends, the Boardwalk adjoining their beaches can be filled with tens of thousands of people; the fire happened just weeks after families had departed for the start of school. And the continuing work to rebuild after Hurricane Sandy provided a small saving grace: Construction equipment that had been in use nearby was moved up the beach to cut the 25-foot-wide trench that finally halted flames that had burned for nearly six hours. "I'm n ot going to say i t doesn't get old," said Bill Akers, the mayor of Seaside Heights. "The only good thing about it is, when we went through it the first time, we were flying by the seat of ourpants because no one had been through anything like that." This time, Akers said, the towns have engineering plans to rebuild the boardwalks, and lumber companies and builders are already engaged.

August, and the driver was found dead in his cell in March) who attackedthe woman in a bus. capitalist who has strongly advocated more liberal political and

social policies was detained Friday byBeijing police officers, friends ofthebusinessman said.Thebusinessman,Wang Gongquan,51, is a close friend of XuZhiyong, a lawyer who was formally arrested in August on acharge of "assembling a crowd to disrupt order in a public place." Wangwas detained onthe samecharge, according to a photograph of the warrant that circulated online Friday.

the minimum expectation laid down" in the U.N. treaty that governs trade in threatened species, a government statement said, and it also

applies to bluefin tuna andblack moss, atype of algae popular in Asian cuisine. — From wire reports

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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Sept. 14, the 257th day of 2013. There are108 days left in the year.




Syria talkS —Secretary of State John Kerry andRussian


Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov will continue discussions


in Geneva.A2


By C. Claiborne Ray

Highlight:In1814, Francis Scott Key was inspired to

write a poem,"Defence of Fort McHenry," after witnessing how

an American flag flying over the Maryland fort withstood a night of British bombardment during the War of1812; the poem later

became thewords to "The StarSpangled Banner." In1812,Napoleon Bonaparte's

troops entered Moscow following the Battle of Borodino to find the Russian city

largely abandonedandparts set ablaze. In1829, the Treaty of Adri-

anople wassigned, endingwar between Russia and the Otto-

man Empire. In1861, the first naval engagement of the Civil War took place as the USS Colorado attacked and sank the Confederate

private schoonerJudah off Pensacola, Fla. In1901,President William McKinley died in Buffalo, N.Y., of gunshot wounds inflicted

by an assassin. VicePresident Theodore Roosevelt succeeded him. In1941, Vermont passed a

resolution enabling its servicemen to receive wartime bo-

nuses by declaring theU.S.to be in a state of armed conflict, giving rise to headlines that Vermont had "declared war on

Germany." In1963, Mary Ann Fischer of

Aberdeen, S.D.,gavebirth to four girls and a boy, the first

known surviving quintuplets in the United States. In1964, Pope Paul Vl opened the third session of the Second Ecumenical Council of the

Vatican, also known as"Vatican II." (The session closedtwo months later.) In1975, Pope Paul Vl declared Mother Elizabeth Ann Bayley Seton the first U.S.-born saint. In1982, Princess Grace of Mo-

naco, formerly actress Grace Kelly, died at age 52 of injuries

from a car crash theday before;

New Yorh Times News Service


Gear-like structures previously found were ornamental — but these catapult-like mechanisms are a rare example of human engineering converging with evolution. "It's a wonderful example of the exquisite use of mechanisms in nature that solve problems in

By Meerl Kim Special to The Washington Post

A jumping insect has gears, scientists discovered, a r are instance in which man and nature independentlyconverged on the same idea. It was not easy to verify. The planthopper (Issus coleoptratus) is tiny, just a bit larger than a flea. And it jumps extremely fast — with an acceleration of 200 Gs, a level close to the highest ever survived by a human. B ut n e urobiologist M a l colm Burrows and engineer Gregory Sutton, both of the University of Cambridge, used a high-speed camera attached to a microscope to capture the bugs in action. They put their tiny subjects on their backs on sticky wax and gently rubbed their bellies to provoke them to


a very simple way." — University of California at Berkeley biologist Robert Full

Courtesy of Malcolm Burrows/The Washington Post

The tiny insect known as the planthopper (Issus coleoptratus) has provided evidence that the powerful jumps of insects are made possible by interacting gears, shown in a microscopic image below, in its hind legs. It's more evidence that gears, once thought to be a man-made invention, actually evolved in nature. Burrows said. For example, using the most extreme case, a

single-legged planthopper can

They found the insects have toothed gears at the base of their hind legs that inter-mesh and rotate to perfectly synchronize the timing of each limb's

only helplessly spin around in the same spot without getting anywhere. A normal t wo-legged insect will still be able to leap release during a jump. even when its timing is off, "It's remarkable that these but preciousenergy iswasted gears look so similar to the on rotational motion instead gears man has designed, even of a straight-ahead trajectory. the individual teeth are so simi- When fleeing from a hungry lar," said Burrows, author of the predator, that l ost d i stance study that was published on- could make thediff erence beline in the journal Science this tween reaching a safe branch week. and becoming dinner. With this mechanism, the Using a catapult mechanism, motion of the legs are always the legsare able to move very locked and coupled together. quickly. In preparation for a The time delay from moving jump, the legs cock back simione leg to another is as short lar to pulling a bowstring in as 30microseconds, or 30 mil- archery. "You suddenly let go and the lionths of a second, allowing the insects to leap faster and arrow goesmuch fasterthan if farther. you were to throw it directly," Without s y n chronization, he said. the body will spin instead of The planthoppers have gear going straight forward due to strips on the base of either the orientation of its hind legs, hind-leg with about ten teeth

p (s


=, :

on each. However, like training wheels, the gears only exist in the nymphal stage before the insect becomes an adult. Eventually they molt away, with the adults using friction between two parts of their upper legs to synchronize their j umps instead. Gear-like structures previously seen in animals were m erely ornamental. For i n stance, the spiny turtle — alternatively known as a cog-wheel turtle — has a s piky-edged shell that makes it look like its carrying a gear wheel flat on its


"It's a wonderful example of the exquisite use of mecha-

nisms in n ature that solve problems in a very simple way," said University of California at Berkeley biologist Robert Full, who was not involved in the study. Full's research focuses on nabbing ideas from animals for engineering and design inspiration. He discovered that geckos stick to walls using millions of tiny f oot-hairs, and labs have already been working on mimicking the lizard's extraordinary traits to create a manmade adhesion technology. Biologist Anna Ahn of Harvey Mudd College, who works in a similar field and was also not involved in the study, calls the new finding "fantastic." "Nowadays, bio-inspiration is sort of a catchy term," said Ahn, but gears are unique in that man and nature independently came upon on the same idea. Burrows and Sutton previously collaborated on experiments looking at the jumping of

fleas, pygmy mole crickets and locusts. How gears evolved in the planthoppers is unknown, but Burrows speculates that they could have begun as smaller bumps within the legs that grew larger until they became full-fledged teeth.

Lebanon's president-elect, Bashir Gemayel, was killedby

a bomb. In1988, Hurricane Gilbert

slammed into Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula as a Category 5 storm after forcing thousands

of residents to flee. In1991,the government of South Africa, the African National Congress and the Inkatha

Freedom Party signed anational peacepact. Ten yearsago:Swedesrejected adopt ingtheEuropeancommon currency in areferendum overshadowed bythe killing of Foreign Minister Anna Lindh,

an ardent euro supporter. World TradeOrganization talks designed to change global trade

collapsed inCancun, Mexico, amid differences betweenrich and poor nations. Five yearsago:Losing its devastating punch as maj a or hurricane, Ike nevertheless drubbed the Midwest with powerful winds and floodwaters.

One yearago:Fury over an anti-Muslim film ridiculing the

Prophet Muhammad spread across the Muslim world, with

deadly clashesnearWestern embassies inTunisiaand Sudan, an American fast-food restaurant set ablaze in Lebanon,

and international peacekeepers attacked in the Sinai. A French

gossip magazine's publication of topless photos of Prince William's wife, Kate, prompted an immediate lawsuit from the

royal couple andstatements of outrage from palaceofficials.

BIRTHDAYS Actor Walter Koenig is 77. Singer-actress Joey Heatherton is 69. Actor Sam

Neill is 66. Actress Melissa Leo is 53. Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev is 48. Actor-

writer-director-producer Tyler Perry is 44. Rapper Nas is 40. — From wire reports

Fitness boostskids' brainpower By Karen Kaplan LOS ANGELES — Forget that stereotype about the dumb jock. A new study reveals that kids who are more physically

fit score higher on geography tests, too. Previous research has found that out-of-shape kids get lower grades in school and perform worse on tasks involving memory and other types of cognitive function. In addition, mice that exercise have better spatial learning and memory than sedentary mice. For the new study, researchers from the University of IIlinois at Urbana-Champaign wondered whether there was a correlation between physical fitness and learning. So they recruited 48 kids who were 9 or 10 years old and asked them to learn the names of 10 fictional regions on a made-up map. Half of the children in the study ranked in the top 30 percent of fitness (as measured by a treadmill test) for kids their age and gender;the other half ranked in the bottom 30 percent. Other than that, the kids in both groups were basically the same in terms of socio-economic status, ADHD symptoms and scores on an intelligence test. In both groups, about half w ere boys and halfwere girls. The children spent one day using iPads to learn the geography of the fictitious maps. In some cases,the learning was reinforcedby short quizzes; in others, there was only memorization. Their recall was tested the following day. Overall, the kids who were

physically fit got an average


Food. Home & Garden In


Los Angeles Times

M oments a f te r a . wasp was squashed on my patio, another wasp sniffed at the body, scooped it up and flew off with it. Are wasps cannibals, or did he carry it off to give it a decent burial? Some wasps are both • carnivores and cannibals, and not too choosy about the meat they eat. Some species are known informally a s ca n n i bal wasps or meat wasps and are dreaded pests at picnics. In one study of how to combat an invasive wasp, Vespula pensylvanica, tuna cat food was successfully used as bait in traps. The ichneumon wasps are known for laying their eggs in the larvae of other insects, or even in a paralyzed adult, so that their offspring can hatch and feed on th e l i ving host. The perceived cruelty of such a natural plan helped influence Charles Darwin to doubt the existence of a beneficent creator, as he wrote in a letter to a friend in 1860. The apparent cannibalism of wasps toward adults of their own species was noted in a scientific journal as early as 1884, when a correspondent of t h e journal N ature r eported observing some t r apped wasps beginning to devour a weakened companion. Appalled, he put an end to it with a book cover. Some wasps have been observed eating their own a dult siblings. A 20 0 6 s tudy, published in T h e Florida Entomologist, demonstrated that the parasitic species Melittobia digitata, known for its habit of lethal combat, was consuming defeated opponents of its own species as well as other insects.

score of 54.2 percent and the kids who were not fit got an average score of 44.2 percent. The difference was more pronounced when children were asked to remember the map they had learned without the benefit of quizzes — the fit kids scored 43 percent on average, while the unfit kids scored 25.8 percent on average. Those results suggested to the researchers that "higher

levels of f i tness have their greatest impact in the most challenging situations." They also speculated that most of the benefits of being physically fit come into play when a child is committing new information to memory, and not as much when that information is recalled later. The study was published online Wednesday in the journal PLOS One.






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icro rewsare aes a e ie a ains mono oies By Tim Johnson McClatchy Newspapers

MONTERREY, Mexico — Pablo Flores has big dreams for his tiny craft brewery, which produces smooth golden and brown ales in bottles with dandy labels. "We'd like to be all across the republic, in

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every state," Flores says.


"In th e U . S., t h ere are around 2,500 microbreweries. In Chile, there are 250," said Jaime Andreu Galvan, one of the partners in Cerveceria Primus, a microbrewery that launched in 2006. E ven so, M e x icans a r e thirsty for beer. The nation is Tim Johnson / Mcclatchy Newspapers the sixth-largest consumer Shoppers look at a display of specialty craft beer at a store in Mexico City recently. Microbrews have a of beer in the world. In hotter market share of just more than 0.6 percent, compared to 6 percent in the U.S. parts of the country, beer is often considered a substitute for soft drinks. Mexicans on aver- of thousands of dollars — in dient, is controlled by the big The c o m m ission didn't ofage down 16.3 gallons of beer exchange for a cut of future breweries. Big players also f e r m uch help to SABMiller, a year. beer sales. have their own glass factories t h o ugh, which filed a federal Many beer brands crowd and bottlers. court appeal and contracts the shelves, but they belong to Exclusive In a cur i o u s w declared that the We firSt "failed one of two companies, Grupo The practice that is most twist, a couple of ruling Modelo in Mexico City or Cer- heavily criticized, though, par- Mexico's earliest Qg yg tp tggCQ to t ru l y a ddress veceriaCuauhtemoc Moctezu- ticularly in the north, is the big microbreweries, the monopolistic ma in Monterrey. brewers'ownership of allper- Primus and M i - i <O i< >t]OUt a ctivities of t h e , Monopolies Now the issue has become mits to dispense or sell beer. nerva, saw their gO O dl366f: two d omi n a nt "If a small retailer goes to interests coincide As Mexico t ries t o b u st global. Huge foreign brewbrewers." — lsaac Aroche, "We are going open some of the monopolies e rs have acquired both o f ask for a permit, the municipal with those of the and concentrated economic Mexico's big brewers. In 2010, agent sends them to the brew- third major globa] gener al director of to b e exc ] u ded La Chingoneria, a from n i g htc]ubs, power that stifle its economy, Heineken, the Dutch firm that eries," said Armando Valenzu- brewery, Londonsmall Mexico City cantinas and bars, attention has focused on the is the world's No. 3 brewer, ela Gaxiola, the managing di- based SABMi]ler, rewery hote] chains and conglomerates that c o ntrol b ought Moctezuma and i t s rector in Mexico of SABMiller, which also wanted television and fixed-line and brands (including Indio, Dos the London-based giant that is to enter the domesarena events," said cellphones. Yet beer is another Equis, Tecate and Sol), which the world's No. 2 brewery. tic market. V alenzuela, t h e "They say to you, 'No, the area that has been sharply re- have 41 percent of the market. In 2010, SABMiller filed a S A B M i llerMexicoexecutive. strictedfor decades. The marEarlier this year, Belgian- permits are all out,'" added complaint with Mexico's FedMore o ver, most convenience ket only now is opening slight- based AB-InBev, the world's Andreu of Cerveceria Primus. eral Competition Commission s t ores remain off limits to both ly, serving as a litmus test for biggest brewer, gobbled up "That's how they hold a gun to a gainst what it described as M i l l e r p r o ducts an d c r a f t whether anti-monopoly regu- Grupo Modelo and its brands your head." the monopolistic practices of b e ers. OXXO, a chain with It's enough to drive craft lators under President Enrique (including Corona, M odelo, the two dominant companies. 1 1,000 convenience stores in Pena Nieto will act more ag- Pacifico and Victoria), with 57 brewers loco. Primus and Minerva joined M e x i co, has cross-ownership "When I go to restaurants, the complaint. gressively. So far, signs are percent of the market. with Heineken. mixed. The two goliaths inherited they often say to me, 'I have On July ]1, the commisBarely any microbreweries practices that include entic- an exclusivity contract. I can't sion issued a ruling, offering existed in Mexico a decade ing clients to sign exclusivity even talk to you,'" said Isaac a partial victory to the craft ago. At a gourmet trade show contracts by providing them Aroche, the beer master and brewers. It said the dominant last week in Mexico City, 56 with refrigerators, tables and general director of La Chin- brewers had to limit their excraft beer makers showed up, chairs, and display awnings goneria, a small craft brewery clusivity contracts to no more many of them in business for with their ow n b eer logos. in Mexico City. than 25 percent of their points only a year or two. In some cases, the brewers Other aspects of the beer of sale, releasing most cantinStill, Mexico lags far behind would even advance money to market conspire to keep it as, bars and restaurants to sell other countries i n m a k i ng new cantinas and restaurants closed. For example, the mar- craft beer. The ruling is to go craft brews. — up to the equivalent of tens ket for malt, a key beer ingre- into effect within 90 days. But for now, his brewery, Cerveceria Albur, has a more mundane challenge — getting a spot on the menus of restaurants and a place on supermarket shelves in Monterrey, northern Mexico's industrial hub. Dozens of small craft brewers are popping up in Mexican cities with flashy bottles and catchy names like Atomica, Border Psycho and Primus. Together, however, they have less than 1 percent — 0.64 percent to be precise — of the market. That's because two behemoths control98 percent of thebeer consumed in Mexico, employing tactics that lock out most newcomers.




regional U.S. craft brews. Further anti-monopoly efforts are in the offing. As part of a sweeping move to bust up monopolies in telecommunications that went into effect June 10, President Pena Nieto will install a new Federal Economic Competition Commission with more teeth. It will replace the previous commission. Microbreweries still h ave many complaints, including taxes of 45 percent on their suds and regulatory limits that definecraftbreweries as those producing less than 2.6 million gallons a year, giving any craft brand a maximum of0.15percent of the national market. The Brewers Association,

a Colorado-based group representing U.S. craft brewers, is watching developments in Mexico carefully. " Artificial b a r r i er s l i k e exclusive contracts that bar other suppliersfrom competing are harmful to the beer consumer," Bob Pease, the association's chief operating officer, wrote in an email. "If the playing field is level and all suppliershave access to market andthe beer drinker gets to decide, we like the chances of the small and independent brewer." Even as Mexico's newest brewers rejoice at what Andreu called "the first big victory," beer makers say they face sharp disadvantages as they try to win the hearts of beer lovers. "We can't provide the same kind of incentives to restaurants, like refrigerators,"Flores said. "It affects you if you can't provide these things." "We first have to teach people about good beer," echoed Aroche. But Andreu, who is a leader of a national microbrewery group, the Brewers Association of the Mexican Republic, remains optimistic. cOur goal by 20]6 is to arrive at I percent of the market. In the U.S., mtcrobrewertes have 6 percent of the market," Andreu said.




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2fj13: flt H fILflNCE: Presenting our 2013 calendar at a glance with all of our scheduled specialty publications. You'll also receive grocery inserts every Tuesday; our arts and entertainment section, GO! Magazine, every Friday; and look for a wide variety of shopping inserts every Saturday and Sunday. You'll also enjoy the national magazine, PARADE, which highlights the world of entertainment, games and comics every Sunday. I

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W e d Th urs















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March (cont.)

May (cont.)


August (cont.)


• 9 Book of Love • 12 Picture Your Home • 31 Ageless

• 29 Sisters Magazine

• 13 High Desert PULSE • U.S. Bank Pole Pedal Paddle • 18 Ageless • 24 Sisters Magazine

• 13 Picture Your Home Cascade Cycling Classic • U Magazine • 17 Tour of Homes™ • 24 Deschutes County Fair Guide • 27 Ageless

• 23 Sisters Magazine • 28 Redmond Magazine

• • • • •

February • • • •

6 Baby Book 9 Picture Your Home 11 High Desert PULSE 16 U Magazine

March • • • •

2 Central Oregon Living 4 C.O. Sportsmen's Show 9 Picture Your Home 16 Ageless

April • • • • •

6 U Magazine 12 Summer Youth Directory 13 Picture Your Home 17 Redmond Magazine 27 Home and Garden Show Guide • (TBA) 110 Ways to Discover Central Oregon


• 1 U Magazine • 5 Deschutes County Fair Premium Book • 8 Picture Your Home • 12 Graduation 2013 May • 19 Redmond Magazine • 11 Picture Your Home • 12 Central Oregon Golf Preview • 28 Sisters Magazine • 29 Central Oregon Living

August i 9 Bend Brewfest Guide • 10 Picture Your Home • 12 High Desert PULSE 14 School Directory • 20 Remodeling, Design 8 Outdoor Living Show™

September • 7 U Magazine • 14 Picture Your Home • 21 Ageless

October • • • • •

5 Central Oregon Living 12 Picture Your Home 19 U Magazine 25 The Nature of Words (TBA) 110 Ways to Discover Central Oregon

9 Picture Your Home 11 High Desert PULSE 13 Redmond Magazine 15 Sisters Magazine 16 Ageless

December • 7 Central Oregon Living • 14 Picture Your Home • 25 Connections

Weekly Grocery (Tuesdays) Sale Inserts (Saturdays) I Sale Inserts/Parade (Sundays)





os i as emer in as saes oi'ce or ea insurancemar e By Jay Hancock

The Affordable Care Act creates online marketplaces As c o m munity g r o u ps, known as exchanges where brokers and insurers prepare those lacking medical coverto recruit people for enroll- age can buy insurance. Helpment in medical plans that ing consumers buy h e alth go on sale in October under plans on the exchanges will the health law, nobody has a differ substantially from the bigger financial stake in their Medicaid enrollment hospitals success than hospitals. and theircontractors are used And few may work harder to. to sign upconsumers for the Medicaid, the government health-insurance marketplac- program for the poor and dises than hospitals themselves. abled, allows enrollment and "This is a major project for reimbursement forcare even the next year," said Craig Coo- after it has been delivered. This per, spokesman for Genesis will be true for people newly Health System of Iowa, which eligible for Medicaid, too, in hopes to enroll thousands of the states that expand the propatients and substantially cut gram under the health law. But its $60 million annual bill for private plans sold through the people who can't afford to pay exchanges won't pay hospital for care. bills unless patients are memH ospitals are s etting u p bers upon admission. "Hospitals are now starting phone hot lines and planning visits to churches, child-care to focus on outreach programs centersand soup kitchens to to individuals who are (fresign people up for coverage. quently admitted) and try to Like Genesis, some hospi- get them signed up for insurtal systems received federal ance, so when they do presgrants to t r ai n e n r ollment ent to the hospital, they are "navigators." covered," said Jeff Silverman, a vice president at Emdeon, Identifying patients whose business includes helpOthers are paying contrac- ing hundreds of hospitals and tors toenroll consumers and academic m e dical c e nters identifying patients with high manage revenue. unpaid bills t o m a k e s u re Vanguard Health Systems, they're covered for future a for-profit h ospital c h ain care. based in N a shville, Tenn., "Virtually everybody is ask- hired Emdeon's Chamberlin ing for brochures and card Edmonds division to help entents that they can use in their roll patients in the exchanges. "We have data in our own various delivery sites — not just the hospital," said Ellen s ystems to k now w h o h a s Pryga, director of policy at come into our emergency the American Hospital As- rooms and what ZIP codes sociation. "Some of them are they live in that might be exgoing to do a lot of community change eligible," Keith Pitts, outreach. They'll go to local Vanguard's vice c h airman, community meetings. Some t old f i n ancial a n alysts i n of them are likely to help out at June. health fairs." Tenet Healthcare, another Kaiser Health News


partment of T r ansportation) — they made the rules and we followed them," said Eric Sande, executive director for t he Redmond Chamber of Commerce. "Now it's ours and it feels like everyone jumped on board to use it. But you can love wilderness to death, too, if you don't stay on traiL" In August, city staff began work on a public process that will result in new, more defined criteria for events held in the downtown core, particularly if they require street closures. The city even declared an unofficial moratorium on event permits until the process is complete, expected to be this winter. "I understand what the city is trying to do, making the downtown more attractive," said Ron Storey, owner of Old Creamery Antiques on Sixth Street. "But the street closures can make it really hard. Sometimes they work out for us and we do well, but not always." The answer, he said, is not eliminating events but better planning. The dilemma with events that dominate business districts, according to Chuck Arnold, executive director of the Bend Downtown Business Association, is that while some events benefit some local businesses, it's never all of them. "The key is to create events that attract different groups, that's where the magic happens," he said. "When you have successful events the brand for a downtown is immense. But the successful ones are ones the community embraces, by attending and by volunteering." The championship bike race was low on volunteers, according to Dan Mooney, Redmond Chamber marketing director — despite concentrated efforts by thechamber and the event host, Visit Bend. The scope of the latest street closure for the bike races, which expected at least 500 cyclists, caught some businesses off-guard.Streets from Black Butte to Forest avenues and

rates and getting all hands on deck to get people enrolled," said Laurie Sobel, an attorney for Consumers Union. Among those promoting enrollment, she said, "it's very hard for people to tell the difference between who has a conflict and who doesn't." Insurance s ol d t h r o ugh health-law marketplaces cannot discriminate against those with preexisting illness and must cover c ertain p r ocedures. Nevertheless, the plans are expected to vary widely in cost-sharing for patients, reimbursement paid to hospiPrivacy issues tals and the size of caregiver Mining p a t ient re c ords networks. to get f r e quent c ustomers With hospitals motivated to covered is "clearly legal" for enroll the sickest and most exhospitals or their contractors pensive patients, insurers are under health privacy laws, eager to see healthier consumsaid Mark Rothstein, director ers sign up, too. "There is broad agreement of the Institute for Bioethics, Health Policy and Law at the that fo r t h e n e w m a r ketUniversity of Louisville. "They placesto work, there needs to are encouraging their patients be broad participation, parwho might well have financial ticularly among young and problems to avail themselves healthy people," said Robert of the health insurance ex- Z irkelbach, spokesman f o r changes so they can get ac- America's Health Insurance cess togovernment subsidized Plans. insurance." Some patient advocates are Health-law advocates wel- less than comfortable with come the effort. Given the hospitals hiring contractors timetable, l i m ited t r a i ning to help exchange members dollars and active opposition enroll. "This is a very big business. from Republicans, they say, the more organizations inSome of them actually get volved in exchange sign-up, paid for a percentage of the the better. coststhey recover on behalf But with billions in revenue of the hospital," said David on the line, some worry hos- Roos, executive director of the pitals could point consumers nonprofit Covering Kids and toward the insurance that's Families of Indiana. best for the hospital, not the Along with a few hospital patient. systems and dozens of non"It's the tugbetween the con- profit groups, several for-profit cern that hospitals are going to hospital contractors won fedsteerpeople toward whichever eral grants in August to enroll plan might give them the best exchange members.

If yougo

Continued from A1 They've seen an increasing number of events along Sixth Street since it s r e novation after the U.S. Highway 97 bypass was completed. "For so long Sixth Street

belonged to (the Oregon De-

for-profit hospital chain that agreed in June to buy Vanguard, owns its own patientenrollment and hospital-revenue consultancy, C o nifer Health Solutions. Working with Conifer, Tenet expects to have at least one insurance application counselor certified under ACA rules in each of its 49 hospitals, a company executive told stock analysts in early August. T enet declined t o c o m ment further. Vanguard did not respond to requests for interviews.

What:Redmond Events

Task Force Meetings Where:City Hall, 716 S.W.

Evergreen Ave. When:8 a.m. Monday, P g

Sept. 23 and 30; Pct. 7 and 14

es streets should be closed. P aulina S p r i ngs B o o k s co-owner Brad Smith thinks Redmond needs more events, Joe Khne/The Bulletin not less. However, he does Cyclists cruise through downtown Redmond during the USA think the city needs to give Cycling National Championships criterium on Sunday. Many busi- careful consideration to the ness owners are unhappy with events that close down streets. events it approves and whether another location in town might be a better venue. "The real issue is how wellSixth to Eighth streets were While Sande understands blocked, with no signs warn- that events involving street attended these events are. But ing downtown visitors which closures can b enefit s ome good events make a city more streets were closed. businesses morethan others, vital to live in and visit and a "Did anyone ask any of the he also thinks businesses need vital city can better support its businesses if they were OK to take it upon themselves to businesses." with th e e n tire d owntown think creatively about how to A rnold cautions that t o o Redmond getting shut down'?" draw customers. many events can backfire in wrote the owner of Trend Kill Arnold agrees. While state a community, taking the shine Body Piercing on Sixth Street, visitor organizations can en- off how special they feel. "Street closures can break Luke Westcott, in an email tice people to Oregon and reconversation between busigional efforts bring them to the patterns for r egular clients ness owners after the event. area, once city visitor bureaus if you do them too often," he "Are we going to shut down draw people to the community, said. "You need breathers and Redmond when the next Na- the individual businesses must that can be tough because with tional Dart Throwing compe- bring them that last 100 feet to our climatewe have a shorter tition comes through town'?" their door, he said. window for street events." "You need to figure what Redmond City C o uncilor Much of the irate commuJoe Centanni, also a down- works b es t f o r di ff e r ent nication received by the city town business owner, under- events," said Arnold. "Have a after the latest street closure stands why some businesses bakery and no one is coming revolved around the perceived have been unhappy with the in the door? Make up a bunch disorganization of the event, closures. of samples on a tray and walk rude behavior by some par"The reality of small busiaround the streets handing ticipants and volunteers and ness is that people are strug- them out with coupons. Draw a lack of communication to gling; they're concerned with them in." businesses and drivers denied what's coming into their till, T he l a rger q u estion o f access to streets. "It's clear we have opportunot the bigger picture of what whether Redmond wants tourthese events can do for them i sm-based events at all w i l l nities to increase the effectivelong-term. And I get that. I be a key discussion point of ness of communication, for also think that concerns are the city-developed task force everyone," said Witcosky. "We heightened thisyear because meeting for the next weeks. want to put a process in place "We need to ask ourselves (to put on events and commuwe had summer events on the heels on streetclosures for 'What is the role of down- nicate about them) that has a town'?'" said Witcosky. "Who more formal structure, very construction." V ision is essential to t h e is it for? How do merchants intentional." development o f d o w n town succeed? Do we want events Taxpayers have i n vested events that work, said Arnold. that are more about building a lot of money in downtown "It takes time for events to c ommunity pride or d o w e R edmond, W i t cosky s a i d , build a following, some catch want events that attract people with anend goal of successful on fasterthan others." who wouldn't otherwise come businesses, reduced vacancy Not all of the affected par- to Redmond?" a nd stable tenants i n k e y ties agree with the theory that The task force, which has locations. "We want an active thriving events bring benefits down the no authority but will develop road however. James Eitzen, r ecommendations fo r C i t y downtown and healthycomowner of Visions Smoke Shop Council to c onsider, is exmerce, but we need to think on Sixth Street, wrote in an pected to tackle the issue of about how much our populaemail exchange that "there is identifying possible benefits tion can sustain downtown really going to be no trickle- and negative consequences business and how much we down effect, we all know how of events, which streets in will need to rely on visitors." well that works ... the exposure Redmond ar e a p p r opriate — Reporter: 541-548-2186; we got was minimal at best." and under what circumstancIpugmire@bendbulletin.com

a problem in the year 2013," said Paul Rieckhoff, founder Continued from A1 of Iraq and Afghanistan VetWith pressure mounting e r ans ofAmerica, which lobfrom lawmakers, veterans b i es onehalf b of the country's groups and the media, the n e w estv eterans. V A has been reorganizing Wait times remain agonizits work flow, hiring more i n g l y l on g, averaging nearly a claims processors,revamp- year at Iast count. ing their training and requirVA o fficials say the average i ng them to work 20 hours of w a i t t i m es surged this year overtime a month to clear the b e cause of a decision to pribacklog. oritize c laims that had been There are signs of prog- pending the longest; the figress.On June 20,the depart- ures wilI drop when the older ment saidithad processed 97 cases are cleared out. They percent of the claims that had p r o mise to wrap up cases by been pending for two years or t h e end of October that have longer, providing decisions in b een pending for a year. more than 65,000 cases. Rieck hoff's group quesAs of this week, more than t i ons w hether this level of 751,000claims were pending effort can be sustained, and nationwide, 457,000 of them w h e therthe accuracy of defor more than 125 days, the c i sions m ight suffer. Even if VA's standard for the VA manages timeliness. That to eliminate the When yOu is down 25 perbacklog by 2015, cen««m a peak fe el like the VA Rieckhoff s a id, "the real quesclaims in March dOeSn't Care, tion is ... what do according to VA yOu fe el like these vets do in s tatistics. Th e the COuntry the meantime?" f igures do n o t In the time it include 25p,ppp dO eSn t Care. t ook the VA t o claims u n der SOm e b O dy p rocess A d a m Legg's claim, the appeaL willing to give Mammoth Lakes their life for d-lri 'g' n ative had tw o VA S e cretary th e C Ountry, vehicles r eposEric Sh i n seki they deSerVe a sessed and fell so far behind on his little better." m ortgage t h a t — Veteran Adam he lost his home. of Foreign Wars Legg The 284-day wait in July. "We are also took an emos omewhat b e tional toll. "It was hind where we ingrained in me predicted and would have t h a t i t 'sm y job to take care of w anted to be, but that per- m y f a mly," i he said, "and I felt centage will shift downwards l i k e a co mplete failure." quickly." A vet eran of Iraq and AfStill, many veterans and g h a nista n, Legg,31, struggled their advocates are skeptical t o f ind a civilian job when he that the VA will meet its tar- l e f t theNavy after the birth g et of completing all claims o f a d aughter in 2009. He within 125 days by 2015. tried working as a cook at a "The numbers have come F l o ridab ar and grill, but was down significantly, but to ad- h o spital ized three times bedressthe backlog by 2015 is cause ofthe strain to his back still going to be a herculean a n d kne es, which he injured task," said Rep. Jackie Speier, i n service. D-Calif., who co-hosted a A lthough he now receives town hall meeting with VA a $ 1 ,100monthly disability officials in San Francisco this c h eck, the VA experience still year. Veterans at the meeting l e aves abad taste. "Whe n you feel like the vented for hours about claims stalledbecause of lostpaper- VA does n't care, you feel like work, faulty decision-making t h e coun try doesn't care," he and bureaucratic red tape. said. "Somebody willing to It took the VA nearly three g i ve the ir life for the country, years to develop and test the t h ey deserve a little better." n ew computer system, which Di sa bility filings shot up w on't have full functionality i n 2 0 10 , after the VA took until next year. About half s t e pstoexpand eligibility for the cases are still being pro- c o mpen sation for conditions cessed on paper. associated with exposure to For Ann Rege, at the VA t h e herbicide Agent Orange benefits office in Los Angeles, i n Vietn am, Gulf War illness that means sorting through a n d post-traumatic stress hundreds of pages of records d i sorder to decide whether to increase A t the same time, a new a veteran's compensation for g e nerati on of veterans was a foot injury. The case lands r e t urnin g from Iraq and Afon her desk in a b u lging g h a nista n. The bad economy brown folder held together t o o p l ayed a role, officials with rubber bands. say, making veterans more "Most of o u r m e mbers l i k ely toseek compensation are under30 years old.They for ailm ents they might have don't understand how this is shrugged off in the past.


is a living-learning center, so if we bring freshmen here Continued from A1 in 2015 they have a place to The other parcel, 46.29 live at, so that parents feel it's acres at 1707 S.W. Chandler, managed and supervised," is zoned for residential use Johnson said. The university and contains a pumice mine. hopes to have 3,000-5,000 The proposed purchase price students enrolled by 2025. is $7.875 million. The univer- It currently has about 1,000 sity estimates spending an- students. other $4 million to $7 million The university expects to to fill and level the mine site. break ground by spring 2014. An a p praiser r e ported The university has r aised that although the mine site $24 million for the project needs extensive work, "there — $16 million in generalare simply no other sites as fund backed bonds, $4 millarge as the subject property lion the community donated on the West Side that are and another $4 million from already within the City and the university. About half is could support such a wide dedicated to purchasing the range of potential uses," ac- property. The remainder will cording to a summary on the go toward site planning and finance committee agenda. construction. The university considered Johnson said she's lookthe Juniper Ridge property ing forward to really helping north of downtown, but ruled people visualize the campus it out, according to campus and getting underway with communications di r e ctor the campus drawings. "People will get on board Christine Coffin, "because of the additional state invest- and see this will be a great ment required,lack of near- thing for th e community," by amenities that a univer- she said. sity campus would require The campus fits the bill and the timeframe needed to of what university officials createsewer, water and traf- were looking for, including fic infrastructure." being close to downtown and The most immediate and plenty of hiking and biking next step, said Kelly Sparks, trails. associate vice president of And although Castillo will finance and strategic plan- have graduated by the time ning for the campus, is to the university's transformac reate a m aster plan. I n tion to a four-year institution coming weeks, the univer- is complete, she's excited sity plans to prioritize what about the possibilities. "I'm a single mom," she needs to be built and where. University officials said they said, "and it would be an are still considering buying h onor for m e t o s e e m y existing buildings or leasing daughter in the future go to nearby until something can OSU-Cascades." be built. — Reporter: 541-554-1162, "But the immediate need ldake@bendbulletin.com




Force to earouto A anistan, U.S. aces i ercost By Craig Whitlock

Deputy D efense Secretary Ashton Carter and other PenAs it i ntensifies its withtagon officials are in Kabul to drawal from Afghanistan, the meet with senior Afghan offiU.S. military is being forced cials on the issue. to fly m assive amounts of Carter will also meet with gear and equipment out of U.S. troops before touring the country instead of using other countries in the region. c heaper overland an d s e a T he government o f A f routes, according to Pentagon ghanistan closed the border officials. this summer after a dispute Military logisticians would over whether the Pentagon like to send home 60 percent and its c o ntractors should of their equipment and ve- have to pay $70 million in hicles by trucking them into customs "fines" for taking the Pakistan and t hen l oading military gear out of the counthem onto ships — the least try. The Pentagon has refused e xpensive method b y f a r . to pay, calling the penalties But cargo is flowing out on a thinly veiled attempt at a that route at only one-third shakedown. the planned rate, the officials U.S. and Afghan officials sa>d. said last month that they had Officials declined to elabo- resolved the conflict, after the rate on the reasons for their government in Kabul relucheavy reliance on the more tantly backed down and reexpensive methods oftrans- opened the border crossings port. They said, however, that into Pakistan. The Washington Post

"This issue is over for us. The problem has been settled," said Najibullah Manelai, a spokesman for the Afghan Finance Ministry. "We have said enough about it already, and we are not willing to talk about it anymore." T he U.S. m i l itary w i t h drawal f r o m A fg h a nistan poses an enormous logistical challenge. Th e l a n dlocked country is h a lfway around the world, has few rail lines and poor roads, and is ringed by mountainous terrain. By the end of next year, U.S. officials say, they need to pull out 24,000 vehicles and 20,000 shipping containers, one way or another. The Pentagon has budgeted $5 billion to $7 billion to ship all that gear home. But the final tab will hinge greatly on the extent to which the military can rely on the ground

routes through Pakistan. The p r imary a l t ernative is to load the equipment on cargo planes and fly it outeither all the way back to the United States, or to seaports in the Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea. But those options are three to seven times as expensive as th e r o ute through Pakistan. A nother alternative is t o ship cargo by rail or t r u ck across Afghanistan's northern borders into Central Asia and Russia. But the Defense Department, after w o r king for years to secure transit agreements with those countries, expects to move only 1 or 2 percent of its equipment along those corridors, according to a senior defense official who spoke on the condition of anonymity under ground rules set by the Pentagon. The northern land routes,

though cheaper than air cargo, take the longest and are more expensive than the Pakistan option, the official said. Finding a way to make full use of the Pakistan route has become an u r gent p r iority because a bulge of equipment is scheduled to leave Afghanistan starting next month, the official said. Similar peaks of cargo traffic are planned for spring and in October 2014. T he U n ited S t ates h a s 60,000troops in Afghanistan, but that number will dwindle to 34,000 by February. The U.S. and NATO combat mission is scheduled to end by December 2014. The Obama administration and A f ghan leaders are still negotiating whether any U.S. troops will stay after that to help train Afghan security forces. At the moment, the U.S. military is trucking about 20 per-



Continued from A1 But if the first attempt results in a baby, other embryos are left over. In 1985, there were 285 frozen embryos in the entire nation. Now an estimated 400,000 to 600,000 human embryos live as souls on ice, carefully held in liquid nitrogen tanks. O f these, about half w i l l eventually be implanted into their mothers, according to ReproTech, a company that specializes in long-term storage of embryos for $400 a year in its facilities in Nevada, Minnesota, Texas and Florida. Most of the rest are discarded or donated to research. A lucky few — 1.5 percentare, like Liam, given to women like Burke. The research scientist at NASA in Hampton, Va., has five university degrees — two bachelors, two masters and a doctorate. Education deferred her dream o f m o t herhood, then her own attempts at invitro fertilization ended in two heartbreakingmiscarriages. But she's a big believer in the power ofscience to solve problems, and she held out hope. "Technology is my world," she said. Locating Liam proved much harder. For emotional reasons, doctors say, few couples are willing to surrender their embryos. Burke was pursuing adoption when her attorney discovered the Oregon couple — with college-age twins — f i nally had decided not to use their saved embryos. The couple are not named to protect their confidentiality. "They decided they wanted to give those embryos a chance at life," Burke said. She began an application process,assembling a portfolio — describing herself and her struggle to create a family — that she hoped would make her stand out among the many applicants. Then, over the next four months, by email and phone, sh e a n swered tough questions about politics, spirituality and her views on education. They agreed to an open adoption, which means Liam will get to know the couple who gave him life and his siblings. Last year, Burke flew from Virginia to San Ramon for the procedure. It ended in joy: Liam, born last November in a n atural b irth, weighed a r o bust 8 pounds, 5 ounces. "I was so grateful," she said. "One of the reasons I've gone

Continued from A1 The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency on Friday said it will dispatch two coordinatorsto assist in the response, according to Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii. The EPA, he said, could recommend a technique known as "air curtains" to protect particularly sensitive affected areas, a technique that uses long tubes to oxygenate the water and help disperse and break down contaminants. "This is a serious situation, and it requires a coordinated, aggressive response at all levels of government," Schatz said in a statement. Officials have urged residents to stay out of the water, worried that sharks and eels werecoming to feed on the dead fish, which officials were trying to clear away to discourage predators. "The public is advised not to enter the ocean if they notice a brown color in the water," the Department of Health said in a statement. "The nutrientrich liquid could also cause unusual growth in m arine algae, stimulate an increase in harmful bacteria and trigger o t he r e n v i ronmental impacts." The crisis was first r eported early Monday when a Matson Inc. ship was being loaded via pipeline with 1,600 tons of molasses for shipping to the West Coast. A brown haze was reported in the water shortly after the loading began. Matson dispatched divers into the harbor, and the leak was finally detected Tuesday morning near one of the piers and was patched. As much as 1,400 tons of

''exc4vn< Jim Stevens/Mcclatchy Newspapers

Nancy Huen, left, in vitro fertilization Iab supervisor, and embryoiogist Saiu Ribeiro check storage records recently at the Reproductive Science Center in San Ramon, Calif. ecules don't have time to form ice crystals, which could slice delicate cells like a knife, said Burke's physician, Dr. Deborah Wachs, a r e productive endocrinologist. Scientists also have d i scovered the optimal age for freezing: five days after fertilization, when the embryo has grown to 150 to 200 cells. The embryos ar e t r a nsferred into thin straws that are suspended in liquid nitrogen freezersand preserved at minus 196 degrees Fahrenheit, Wachs said. At this temperature, growth literally freezes to a halt. "It's not generating, it's not

Embryo abandonment is a problem everyclinic faces.As long as the freezer bill is paid, the embryo is safe — for years, decades, maybe generations.

That growing l ongevity

on ice raises an ethical issue. "Imagine in a thousand years s omeone doing IVF w it h a l ong-frozen embryo just t o see what a 21st century — or, in this c ase, 20th century — human being was like," said Hank Greely, director of Stanford University's Center for Law and the Biosciences. "Just keeping them frozen — kicking the can down the road a little farther — seems wrong to me. Use them, destroy them, degrading, it i s suspended donate them forresearch, or in time," Wachs said. When donate them for adoption. But thawed, "it becomes big and make a decision. If you keep plump." putting it off by keeping the Scientists can also cull the embryos in l i quid n i trogen weak from the strong, select- limbo, who knows how they ing those embryos whose cells may eventually be used'?" are most tightly packed Someday, Liam will be told boosting the odds that it will about his fortunate journey, survive the long nine months "when he's old enough to unto birth. derstand," Burke said. He'll meet his siblings, 19 E xtensive p aperwork i s completed before the fertiliza- years his senior. And perhaps tion, to answer tough ques- one day he'll meet a younger tions: If a c o uple divorces, s ibling or t wo. Two o f t h e should the embryos be divided couple'sleftover embryos reup, like silverware? What if a main frozen in San Ramon, couple die, move away or de- preserved for a n u n k nown clare bankruptcy? future.

(Pakistan route), hopefully the more money all of us will have in our pockets," the defense official said. "It's cheaper and just as effective if it's


Eugene Tanner/The Associated Press

Vic Angoco, Matson Navigation Co. Senior Vice President, speaks during a press conference about the location of a cracked pipe that leaked 233,000 gallons of molasses into the Honolulu Harbor this week. molasses may have fouled the water, though, health officials said. Matson, in a statement, said it " regrets that the incident impacted many harbor users, as well as wildlife.... We are taking steps to ensure this situation does not happen again." The company has been shipping molasses from Honolulu for about 30 years. Shipping officials weren't the only ones caught off guard. "It came as a shock to all of us," said Robert Harris, director of Sierra Club of Hawaii. "I don't think any of us were aware molasses even existed in Hawaii." Harris said the Sierra Club planned to push officials to strongly e n force e x isting environmental r egulations, but cautioned, "I'm not sure there's anything to do. They do have officials out there removing the dead fish to keep potential sharks from gathering, but I think the damage

was too quick — once it was reported, it was too late." Health officials said they expect the molasses plume to go from Honolulu Harbor into the nearby Ke'ehi Lagoon and then dissipate in the ocean. But there was no timetable for when that may happen, and David Field, an assistant professor of marine sciencesat Hawaii Pacific University, said there was no predicting the possibleconsequences: What kind of bacteria will come to consume the sugar? How low will oxygen levels go? Will the water become moreacidic? "We've never had a molasses spill," Field said, "so I guess you could consider this an enormous experiment — of the most unfortunate kind."

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public is to give people hope. I hope to help people consider the option of donation." Freezing e m b r yo s ha s gained popularity b e cause of its many advantages, said Seattle Reproductive Medicine lab director David Ball, a spokesman for the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. Rather t h a n su b j ecting women to surgery each time they need to get an egg, doctors now retrieve a dozen or more eggs at once. They can be implanted in the womb one or two at a time — or saved indefinitely. The San Ramon center has one embryo it estimates is 27 years old. W hat t r a n sformed t h e practice is a flash-freezing innovation called vitrification, which cools the embryos so quickly that their water mol-

cent of its gear via Pakistan, before loading it onto ships at the port of Karachi. The defense official said he was optimistic that traffic would pick up, but he acknowledged that the link was tenuous. "Every day, something can change," he said. Ammunition, we a p onry and other sensitive materials must be transported by air for security reasons. About 28 percent of cargo is being flown all the way back to the United States, and 50 percent i s flown to seaports in t h e Middle East, then loaded onto ships for the remainder of the journey. "The more we put on the




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Calendar, B3 Obituaries, B5

Weather, B6




Horsedack rider airlifted fromtrail A horseback rider who was injured off the

Cascade LakesHighway on Friday was flown to safety in an Oregon Army National Guard

helicopter. Rhonda Glasser, 55,

from Eugene,was riding with family and friends on a trail between Horse Lake and Mirror Lake at

around 12:30 p.m. when her horse kicked upa hornet's nest. Reacting to the swarm of hornets,

earc ison or By Tyler Leeds

the search process. The board will accept bids from search consultants and will appoint a firm next month. A budget has not been officially set, but administrators say the cost typically falls between $30,000 and $40,000. The committee will screen applicants, and hopes to recommend a set of finalists to the board in February. Bruce Abernethy, chair of the COCC board and a member of the search committee, helped

The Bulletin

The Central Oregon Community College board of directors has appointed a committee to recruit a replacement for President Jim Middleton, who will retire after this academic year. Final hiring authority rests with the board, but this committee has been tasked with developing a profile of the desired president and initiating

resi en select the panel's members. "I'm honestly thrilled with the committee we have," he said. "Just about everyone we asked agreed, though some were understandably too busy. People really see it as important, and we have great diversity. We looked at the geographic bounds of the college and went to community members to help get that level of diversity. We have a nice representation of business

perspectives and a good gender balance, too." Abernethy said that "Jim has left a big pair of shoes to fill." When asked what qualities the committee would be looking for in Middleton's successor, he said, "We're justbeginning to start asking those questions; right now we're just

getting ready to help people understand what the process will look hke." SeeCOCC/B5

into a nearby tree, and she suffered serious

If you have anidea for this photographic series about unusual vocations and occupations in Central Oregon, email dguernsey©bendbulletin.com. Q»To follow the series, plus see more photos from this installment,




Search and rescue teams from both Lane and Deschutes coun-

visit bendbnlletln.com/oddjobs

ties respondedtothe

area. Four members of the Deschutes County

r ec cin manw o ce si a — amos

team were transported to Horse Lakebyan Air Link helicopter, then hiked another two to

three miles to reach Glasser. Due to rugged terrain and thick vegetation, AirLink's helicopter

was unable to land near Glasser. TheNational Guard responded with a Black Hawk helicopter.

A medic and litter were




lowered from the heli-

copter, and Glasser was airlifted to St. Charles Bend for treatment. A

nursing supervisor said Glasser was beingevaluated Friday evening.

Gity castsnetfor accessidility panel There are multiple

openings on theCity of Bend Accessibility Advisory Committee, and

the city is seeking applications from people who would like to volunteer for the positions.

Committee members assist and advise the

city on the "most appropriate means to make programs, services, activities and facilities

accessible to Bend's citizens," according to a

city news release. The city manager appoints



'We" y)4



~ lj

two-year terms. Each position is for a specific type of representative. The current

openings are for: • One individual with disabilities actively

Dean Guernsey i The Bulletin

engaged in enhancing accessibility in the city.

• One local business representative. • One citizen at large.

• One professional from the building, engineering, design or architectural industry.

Applicants must live in the city. The deadline

Taz Dudley spends his workdays riffling through piles of random items, then breaking them down by hand into pure materials — like copper from the coils in electric motors, or aluminum from the reel on a kid's fishing pole — that can then be recycled. "I'm concerned about the Earth," says Dudley, who has been involved in recycling for more than 40 years. See more photos of what Dudley does on Page B2.

to apply is 5 p.m. Nov. 22. For more information and an application, visit www.bendoregon.

gov/committee or contact the city of Bend, 710 N.W. Wall St. — From staff reports

Well shot! reader photos • We want to seeyour photos of clouds for another special version of Well shot! that will run in the Outdoors section.

Submityour best work at bendbnlletln.com/

cloudsandwe'll pick the best for publication. • Email other good photos ofthe great outdoors

toreederphotos© bendbulletln.comand tell us a bit about where and when you tookthem. We'll choose the best for publication in print. Submission requirements: Include as much detail as possible — when and where you tookit, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number.Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.


Galveston Bridge to reopen ontime The city of Bend announced Friday the Galveston Bridge will re-

open as scheduled on Tuesday. The bridge was

originally scheduled to remain closed through Oct. 31 for a street

construction project, but the city modified the project last week after

business representatives along Galveston Avenue said the closure

had turned the areainto

the horse threw Glasser

committee members for


Burning to begin on federal lands By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

Prescribed burning will begin on federal lands across Central Oregon next week, with the first burn scheduled to start Monday in a research area near Camp Sherman. On Friday, the Deschutes National Forest announced plans to treat more than 12,000 acres during the fall and winter burn seasons. Jean Nelson-Dean, spokeswoman with the U.S. Forest Service, said the burns will be conducted on the Sisters Ranger District, the BendFort Rock Ranger District, Prineville District Bureau of Land Management lands, the Ochoco National Forest and the Crooked River National Grassland, and that the total acreage to be burned will be slightly less than in recent years. The scheduling of the individual burn projects has yet to be determined. Weather will be the primary factor behind the timing, Nelson-Dean said, as humidity levels and winds can make a prescribed burn difficult to contain or drive smoke into communities. "Some days, we'll have a really great burn window and everyone will be scrambling to get people together to do burns," she said. "But we can't always do it all on the same



Farm-to-SChoolfOOdPrOgram eXPandS By Tyler Leeds The Bulletin

Bend-La Pine Schools received $67,000 from the state to help serve its kids fresh Oregon fish and meat over the next two years. A total of $1.2 million was awarded to 19 school districts through the second round of the Farm to School and School Garden grant. Sisters also received money from the grant, helping it fund its Seed to School program, which allows students to eat and even grow local fruits and vegetables. This is Bend-La Pine's second time receiving funding through

the program, though the district has a long history of utilizing local and fresh ingredients. "Around 2005, we went straight to some local farmers and asked if they could provide us with food that would beat wholesale costs," said Katrina Wiest, the district's wellness coordinator. "They actually came out well under, which makes sense, as we were cutting out the middleman, and now our ingredients come straight from the farm." Wiest was able to use the relationships she developed managing farmer's markets in Bend to grow the district's Or-

egon supply chain. The school district began with local fruits, moving on to vegetables, meat and finally ingredients for its bakery. Other more unusual items have worked their way into district cafeterias, such as popped wheat berries from Wheat Springs Bakery. "Instead of giving our kids bacon bits, they get to put these wheat berries on their salads," Wiest said. Last year, Bend-La Pine was able to add locally sourced fish to its lineup through the Boat to

Smoke will likely be visible from Bend, Sisters, Redmond, La Pine and Prineville at various points during the burn season. SeeBurns/B5

a ghost town. Tumalo Avenue will

remain closed until the end of October, as will Riverside Boulevard to the south of the Riv-

erside andGalveston intersection.

The project is supposed to improve infrastructure for bicyclists

and pedestrians on Riverside Boulevard. Previously, no bike lane

existed from Franklin AvenuetoGalveston Av-

enue. The city is changing the Riverside and Galveston intersection

from a four-way stop to a two-way stop so that drivers and bicyclists can turn from Riverside

onto Galveston andvice versa without stopping.

The Oregon Department of Transportation provided a $650,000 grant toward the proj-

ect's estimated overall cost of $950,000.

Intersection closed

Detour ryote Si~ son 0


Andy Zeigert/The Bulletin


Third Street underpass detour Third Street is closed at

the underpass between Franklin Avenue and Wilson Avenue from 7

p.m. to 7 a.m., Sunday through Friday, through the week of Sept. 23. The Third Street stormwater project will stop dirty storm runoff from draining into an injection well at the bottom of the underpass. Afterthe

project, a newsystem will pump that water into a pipeline that

drains into a stormwater pond near U.S. Highway 97, where the water will filter into the

ground. Gre wo dAve. I I

Franklin Ave.

Detour FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central

and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/



Stre e ass ilson Ave. Bs I

R d Market Rd Andy Zeigert i The Bulletin

jj d ""-'! ggf, ll

School program using its grant money.

Gorrection A calendar item that appeared in multiple listings last week includ-

SeeFood /B5

ed an incorrect event at

"When we first introduced shrimp fettuccine at Bear Creek Elementary, the students said, 'No way!' They said that they didn't get food like that at hOme. JuSt to See their eyeS WaSreally SPeCial." — Katrina Wiest, wellness coordinator for Bend-La Pine Schools

the Redmond Historical 1. Sam Davis • Acres: 252 • Containment: 40% • Cause: Lightning

Museum. Therewas no reopening/ice cream social. The Bulletin regrets the error.


Brass bullet casings, old car parts, circuit boards — all are acceptable as recyclable materials at Superior Recycling & Salvage Co. in Bend.

Photos by Dean Guernsey • The Bulletin


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Superior Recycling & Salvage Co. recycles almost everything except — according to the sign out front — nuclear bombs, tires and trolls. Inside a 6,000-square-foot warehouse, Superior CEO Taz Dudley works through bins and barrels filled with sorted materials, from plastic to platinum. Out in the yard, larger things like refrigerators and motor homes are stored, all waiting to be recycled. At left, Dudley uses a gas torch to cut one of those supersized items, a truck frame, into manageable pieces. Below, he dismantles something smaller, a printer, which yields plastic, metal and circuit boards.

When finished with the deconstruction, Dudley and his dog, Bob, drive a truckload of recyclables to Schnitzer Steel Industries Inc. At right, the materials are loaded onto a bigger truck at Schnitzer's yard. The metal will go to Portland, while materials like cardboard and commingling items go to the Willamette Valley. And the recycling process continues west of the mountains. For more info, visit Dudley's website, www.bendautomotiverepair.com.




niversi s a ersma sri e The Associated Press SALEM Bargainers haven't reached an agreement on atwo-year contract forclassified workers at Oregon's seven public universities, and the union has authorized a strike that could begin a week before classes start. The 4,300 workers are staff members such as clerks, custodians and cooks. They are members of the Service Employees International Union.

A strike could begin as soon as Sept. 23, the Salem Statesman Journal has reported. Wages are the issue. The university system is offering one year of step increases, while the union wants two. The university system has offered cost-of-living adjustments of 1.5 percent and 2 percent. The union wants 2.5 percent in both years. The university system could do better but has made admin-

istrators and athletics a priority, said the union's bargaining team leader,Marc Nisenfeld,a development engineer at Portland State University. "The economy has turned around, and people are moving forward. Administrators are moving forward. Goodness knows the Ducks' locker room is moving forward," he said. "All we ask is that we don't fall further behind." Bargainers for the univer-

AROUND THE STATE Dredging Ou the COaSt —Small ports on the Oregon coast have been wondering how they will keep their shipping channels open since

federal funding for dredging dried up.Thestate of Oregon has cobbled

sity system point out that the large universities benefit from hefty enrollments of out-ofstate students and their tuition p ayments, triple that of t h e in-state students who make up the bulk of the enrollment at the smaller schools. The contract has to be sustainable for all the schools, said Brian Caufield, associate general counsel for labor and employment who leads the university system bargaining team.

together money to hire a U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredge to handle the work. The agreement calls for the state to provide up to $5

million a yearfor the next four years. Dredging small ports had traditionally been paid for through now-defunct congressional earmarks. The dredging is to start this fall at the Port of Siuslaw in Florence, fol-

lowed by thePort of Umpqua in Reedsport and Port Orford.

GDP chair: Please send urine —It's not uncommonfor politicians to request campaigndonations. But Oregon's Republican chairman is asking for urine. Along with being a failed congressional candidate and current head of the Oregon Republican Party, Art Robinson is

a scientist. He hopes tocollect thousands ofsamples to help researchers develop urine tests. As party chairman, Robinson is trying to recruit a candidate to run against Democratic Congressman Peter DeFazio

next year, andhe's considering making athird run. Robinson hasbeen a provocative figure in some segments of the scientific community for

years; he argues, for example, that climate change isnot causedby humans. His urine research, however, is winning scientific approval.

Liquor, wineandbeer: all soldtogether soon? The Associated Press PORTLAND — O r e gon's liquor board has decided to expand the convenience trifecta of liquor, beer and wine in one spot and allow any state liquor outlet to sell all three if the agent can get the neces-


sary licenses. Thursday's action is part of an effort by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to adjust state liquor sales rules in light of changing consumer tastes and a push for privatization. In a pilot program, four li-

quor outlets around the state got approval last year to start selling beer and wine. Commission f i g u re s r e l eased Thursday show revenues at those four stores rose an average of 12 percent, compared with 7.8 percent statewide.


Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-610-8281. PREMIER ANDCLASSICEVENT: SHANE'SWALK:A festival to A vintage motorcycle rally for celebrate those fighting against riders and spectators; dinner childhood cancer; featuring a walk, games, crafts, bouncy houses, prices, and entertainment on Sept.14; proceeds benefit Crooked River live music and more; free admission, Ranch community; $10, $12 dinner; $10 for walk (includes T-shirt), free 9 a.m.; field across from Trading walk for kids, separate costs for Post, Southwest Chinook Drive and games; 7:30 a.m. walk registration, Loop Road,Crooked 10 a.m. festival and live entertainment Commercial begins; American Legion Community River Ranch; 541-388-2135 or www.steelstampede.org. Park, 850 S.W.Rimrock Way, Redmond; 541-233-8213 or www. PRINEVILLEFARMERS MARKET: shaneswalk.weebly.com. Free; 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Prineville City Plaza, 387 N.E.Third St.; 541-447TUMALO PEDDLERSFLEA 6217 or prinevillefarmersmarket@ MARKET:Free admission; 8 a.m.-3 gmail.com. p.m.; Tumalo FeedCo., 64619 U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-306-8016 or CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY copeddlersmarket@gmail.com. MARKET:Featuring arts and crafts from local artisans; free admission; 9-11MEMORIAL MOTORCYCLE 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lot across POKERRUN:The11th annual event from Downtown Bend Public features poker, a free barbecue lunchattheVFW inBendandan Library, Parking Lot, 600 N.W. "After Party" at Big Dog Saloon Wall St.; 541-420-9015 or www. centraloregonsaturdaymarket.com. with live music, dancing and more; all motorcycles welcome; $10 for FESTIVAL OF CULTURES: Features one poker hand, $20 for three poker booths representing different hands; 9 a.m., barbecue lunch 1-3 cultures, a community-based p.m.; Checkers Pub, 329 S.W. 6th official citizenship oath ceremony, St., Redmond; 541-280-5799 or dance and music performers, food www.ovma-hde.com. vendors, kids area and more; free; CARS FORCARE:A boat, car and 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Centennial Park, RV show; $5, free for children Seventh Street and Evergreen 12 and younger; 9 a.m.-8 p.m.; Avenue,Redmond;541-382-4366 Deschutes County Fair & Expo or www.festivalofcultures.info.


Robinson hopes to be able to look for patterns consistent in the urine

samples of peoplewhoeventually develop adegenerative disease such as cancer. Identifying the pattern might allow researchers to developa urine test to detect the very early signs of disease.

Board member Bob Rice says there are "n o k n own negatives." He thinks the option should be available to any agent who wishes to apply. O regon liquor storesare privately owned but are licensed and controlled by the OLCC.

Suicide prevented —Police in Portland successfully talked a suicidal woman off a city bridge after nearly six hours of negotiations Thursday. Related highway closures of the St. Johns Bridge and U.S.

Highway 30 beneath the bridge causedmajor traffic jams. Thewoman, who got off the bridge shortly before 9 p.m., agreed to be taken to a hospital for evaluation. — From wire reports

Email events at least 10days before publication date to communitylife@bendbulletirLcom or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

NORTHWEST CROSSING SATURDAYFARMERSMARKET: Free; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing drives, Bend; www.nwxevents.com. OUT OFTHEDARKNESS COMMUNITY WALK: Walk the butte's Larkspur Trail in honor of suicide prevention; walk begins at the park shelter near the trail; registration required; free; 10 a.m., 9 a.m. check-in; Pilot Butte State Park, Northeast Pilot Butte Summit Drive, Bend; 541-419-5303 or www. outofthedarkness.org. SISTERS FALLSTREET FESTIVAL: Featuring arts, crafts, food and silent auction; proceeds benefit Sisters High School Art Department; free;10a.m.-5 p.m.; Creekside Park, U.S. Highway 20 and Jefferson Avenue; 541-549-8905 or www. centraloregonshows.com. FREE BARBECUE: Donations benefit local veterans; free, donations accepted; 11 a.m.-7 p.m.; VFWHall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-3890775 or VFW©bendbroadband.com. KNOW ENDS:OREGON'S GREATESTNATURALDISASTERS: Author William Sullivan explores Oregon's natural disasters and discusses why it's especially important to understand the underlying cycles and what we

can do about them; free; noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1034 or tinad@deschuteslibrary.org. HALFWAY TO ST. PATRICK'S DAY:Live music all afternoon and TapWater at 6 p.m; free; 1-9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.com. OKTOBERFEST/OKTOBERCREST: The sixth annual Redmond Kiwanis event partners with Eagle Crest and features 24 craft beers on tap, wines, ciders, live music, classic German food, hay rides and more; raffle proceeds benefit the Sam Johnson Park renovation; free admission, $15 for souvenir mug and three beverage tastes; 2-7:30 p.m.; Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-504-2306. LOCAVORE'SNACHO ORDINARY FUNDRAISERANDDANCEPARTY: Bend chefs make nachos with local ingredients and attendees judge who should be crowned "Nacho Ultimate"; live music; $25, $10for dance party only; 6 p.m.; Central Oregon Locavore, 1216 N.E. First St., Bend; www.facebook.com/ events/477146462380460/?ref=3. RED DRESSPARTY:Wear red attire to a dance party; proceeds benefit

the local Parents, Family8 Friends of Lesbians & Gays organization; $25, $35 VIP, $45 for a couple, cash or check only at the door; 7-10 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-317-2334 or www. pflagcentralor.4t.com. MONTY PYTHON'S"SPAMALOT": The Tony-winning musical presented by Stage Right Productions; $24-$29 plus fees; 8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. ONE F:The California band performs, with Don Quixote; free; 9 p.m., doors open at 8:30 p.m. following Beavers football; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 or www. volcanictheatrepub.com. THE HAYMARKET SQUARES:The Phoenix punk band performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.. Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave.,Bend;541-388-8331 or www. silvermoonbrewing.com.

SUNDAY PREMIER ANDCLASSIC EVENT: A vintage motorcycle rally for riders and spectators; dinner and entertainment on Sept. 14; proceeds benefit Crooked River

Weekly Arts 5 Entertainment Inside M A CdLZBIE




POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358.

BEND POLICE DEPARTMENT Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at12:17 p.m. Sept. 9, in the 3100 block of Northeast Richmond Court. Theft —A theft was reported at 1:20 p.m. Sept. 9, in the 200 block of Southwest Century Drive. Unauthorizeduse —A vehicle was reported stolen at 5:53 p.m. Sept. 9, in the 100 block of Northwest Mount Washington Drive. Theft —A theft was reported at 7:40 p.m. Sept. 9, in the area of Northwest Ninth Street and Northwest Newport Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:59a.m. Aug.15, in the 1000 block of Northwest Galveston Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at1:31 p.m. Aug. 26, in the area of Northeast Watt Way. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at12:43 p.m. Aug. 30, in the 3100 block of O.B. Riley Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:56 a.m. Sept. 9, in the 1000 block of Northwest Ogden Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 2:46 p.m. Sept. 11, in the 2600 block of Northeast U.S. Highway 20. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 7:27 p.m. Sept. 11, in the area of North U.S. Highway 97 and

Northeast Butler Market Road. Theft —A theft was reported at8:17 p.m. Sept.11, in the 21000 block of Thomas Drive. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 8:47 a.m. Sept. 12, in the 61100 block of Hubble Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:14a.m. Sept.12, in the 21000 block of Don Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:57 a.m. Sept. 12, in the 61300 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:46 p.m. Sept. 12, in the area of Edro Place. Theft —A theft was reported at4:48 p.m. Sept.12, in the area of Monterey Pines Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 4:56 p.m. Sept. 12, in the 200 block of Southeast Craven Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 10:23 a.m. Sept. 11, in the100 block of Southwest Century Drive.

PRINEVILLE POLICE DEPARTMENT Burglary —A burglary was reported and an arrest made at 4:49 a.m. Sept. 12, in the area of Northeast Court Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 8:37 a.m. Sept. 12, in the area of Southeast Melrose Drive. Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 11:22 a.m. Sept. 12, in the area of North Main Street.

BEND FIRE RUNS Wednesday 3:12a.m. — Unauthorized burning, area of Benham Road. 7:12a.m. — Brush or brushand-grass mixture fire, area of Benham Road. 19 —Medical aid calls.

CIVIL SUITS Filed July 11 13CV1046 —Credit Associates lnc.

v. Larry D. Gowdy,complaint, over $50,000 under $1,000,000 Filed July 12 13CV1047 —Capital One Bankv.

James D.Shawand Widburg Shaw Investors LLC, complaint, $15,685.72 13CV1048 —Wells Fargo Bank N.A., astrustee for WamuMortgage passthrough certificate series 2005-PR4 trust, v. Jesse D.Roberts, Maria D. Roberts, JPMorgan ChaseBank N.A., American ExpressCenturion Bankand Sagewood OwnersAssociation lnc., complaint, $319,067.02 13CV1049 —Green Planet Servicing LLC v. Steven R.Alexander, Michele A. Alexander andSelco Community Credit Union, complaint, $193,195.55 13CV1050 —Morequity lnc. v. Scott S. Walker, Debra L.Walker and JPMorganChaseBank N.A., complaint, $191,097.89 Filed July 15

13CV1051 —Pennymac Loan Services LLC v.Gregory A. Skinner aka Gregory AdamSkinner, Lori L. Skinner, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems lnc., solely as nominee for GMAC Mortgage LLC, National Credit Adjusters and Cavalry Portfolio Services, complaint, $203,245.69 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1052 —CitiBank N.A., as trustee for American HomeMortgage Assets Trust 2006-3, mortgage-backed passthrough certificates series 2006-3, v. Richard L. Tandy,Teresa L.Tandy and Mountain Pines Homeowners Association, complaint, $391,867.74 13CV1053 —North Country Legal Recovery LLC v.WhendeBesser, complaint, $10,958.34 13CV1055 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Daniel S. Hulbert, Carrie J. Hulbert, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems lnc. and Northwest Mortgage Group lnc., complaint, $385,305.31 13CV1056 —Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. R.Vance Armstrong, Jill J. Armstrong, Springleaf Financial Services lnc., formerly known as

American General Financial Services (DE) Inc., Credit Associates Inc., Verizon Wireless (VAW)LLC,doing business as Verizon Wireless, and Cascade Credit Consulting lnc., complaint, $191,268.44 13CV1057 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Elbi Ediberto Romero and Julina Park OwnersAssociation, complaint, $313,845.79 13CV1058 —Wells Fargo Bank N.A., as trustee for WamuMortgage pass through certificates series 2005-PR2 Trust, v. John J. Slivkoff, Nadia Slivkoff, Tall Pines Road Associat ionandJPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., successor in interest by purchase from theFederal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver for Washington Mutual Bank, complaint, $145, I l7.22 13CV1061 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A.v. Michael R. Bremont, Desert Meadows HomeownersAssociation, Mountain Brook Homeowners Association, State of OregonandDKC Investments LLC,ChaseBank U.S.A. N.A., complaint, $281,703.50 13CV1062 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v.Teresa M. Ballard, Presijs Herbert Rotbergs, Selco Community Credit Union andOregon Water Wonderland Property Owners Association, Unit2, Inc., complaint, $433,834.61


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&tlId Zerjsqjtrkieited Nature Shop Forum Center, Bend (Across from Barnes 8 Noble)

Filed July 17 13CV1068 —Suntrack Sound lnc. v. Aaron D. Myhra dbaRun tothe

Cascades Motorcycle Rally, complaint, $13,320


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Filed July 16 13CV1063 —Onewest Bank FSBv.

Suzanne MakerakaSuzanne L. Maker, United States of America andState of Oregon, complaint, $198,459.41 plus interest, costs and fees 13CV1064 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Douglas A. Whited and Fairhaven Village Homeowners Association, complaint, $105,90744 13CV1065 —JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Doyle Stanfill, complaint, $271,659.28 13CV1066— Midla ndFunding LLC v. Cherie Smith, complaint, $16,084.44 13CV1067 —Midland Funding LLC v. Michelle Staffeld, complaint, $17,379.99

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Ranch community; $10, $12 dinner; 7 a.m.; field across from Trading Post, Southwest Chinook Drive and Commercial Loop Road,Crooked River Ranch; 541-388-2135 or www.steelstampede.org. SISTERS FALLSTREET FESTIVAL: Featuring arts, crafts, food and silent auction; proceeds benefit Sisters High School Art Department; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Creekside Park, U.S. Highway 20 and Jefferson Avenue; 541-549-8905 or www. centraloregonshows.com. BROOKSWOOD BIGBLOCK BASH: Old-fashioned style block party featuring live music, vendor booths, pet adoptions, food and more; free; 1-6 p.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-323-3370 or www. brookswoodmeadowplaza.com. MUSIC IN PUBLIC PLACES: "Add a Player," featuring a performance by Central Oregon Symphony musicians; free; 1 p.m.; Lava Lands Visitor Center, 58201 U.S. Highway 97; 541-317-3941 or www. cosymphony.com. TUESDAYFARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 2-6 p.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541323-3370 or farmersmarket© brookswoodmeadowplaza.com.

5 41-617-8 8 4 Q www . w b u .com/ be nd L




The Bulletin



r u ai a e a r s aivean we in e erson oun ou have to hand it to the three-member Jefferson

BETsY McCooc Goaoott BEAEE

Chairaomnn Palllu Iter


Fditur in-Clnrf Editor ofE totorials


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County Commission. Thanks to its frugality, it will pay off a jail bond levy a year early. At the same time, it has socked away enough cash to take advantage of a


state matching program that will effectively allow the county


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to build a new courthouse at half price. County Sheriff Jim Adkins announced earlier this month that he will seek a new local option levy to finance jail operations. Though he will ask voters to approve a $1.24 levy per $1,000 of taxable property value, county residents actually will pay less for the jail than they do today. Because county commissioners have been aggressive about paying off the bond measure that financed building the new facility in the late 1990s, they will not need to collect the full 77 cents per $1,000 tax the measure allows. Instead, they expect to collect only about 40 cents per $1,000. Jail operations, meanwhile, currently cost taxpayers 99 cents per $1,000 of taxable property value, and that is not enough to keep the jail running. The county has relied heavily on renting beds to both Crook and Deschutes counties, and that income already is falling and should fall further when Deschutes County's jail expansion is complete. Boosting the operating levy

by 25 cents still will leave voters paying less for the jail than they do today, a good thing for county taxpayers. Meanwhile, that thrifty county commission will have put a bit more than $3 million aside for a new county courthouse, a building needed to provide the kind of security, among other things, that courthouses require these days. It's not enough to build a courthouse, but if the chief justice of the Oregon Supreme Court approves, the state will match what the county puts up. That seems likely. The current courthouse does not allow for the screening so common in similar buildings around the state, and prisoners cannot be kept separate from the public in hallways, among other flaws. In fact, a 2004 survey put the courthouse near the bottom of a state list in terms of such deficiencies. Again, taxpayers will be the winners. And in both cases, they can thank their tight-fisted county commission for the victory.

Qualifications doudmeaning Of academic testresults t's become a refrain: Education testing results come out, often disappointing in some way. Educators explain they don't really mean what they seem to mean, because this or that change was made since the last time this test was given. And you can't compare across the nation because different demographic groups are taking the test, or it's a different test altogether. And besides, the tests don't really test what kids are learning anyway. If that's all true — and clearly at least some of it is — where does that leave us? How do we evaluate our students and our education system? The two most recent examples are theACT college readiness results announced in August and the Oregon Assessment of Knowledge and Skills (OAKS) that came out Thursday. On the ACT, only 26 percent of students nationwide and 31 percent inOregon met benchmarks in all four areas of English, reading, math and science. But the meaning of results is clouded by a change in benchmarks and the increasing number of students


taking the test, which traditionally was taken only by collegebound students. For OAKS, scores statewide fell in at least one subject at each grade, with the most serious drop in high school writing, where only 60 percent met the benchmark, 7 percentage points lower than last year. But the meaning of the results is clouded by the fact that students were allowed only one retake this year, while multiple tries were permitted in earlier years. In addition, students previously got more practice with the writing test, which was also given to freshmen and sophomores, while now only the juniors take it. There's at least a glimmer of hope on the horizon in new tests being developed for the Common Core State Standards being implemented in most states, including Oregon. Most states have at least tentatively signed on with one of the two major groups designing tests for those standards. A uniform test that matches the standards and doesn't change from year to year would help clarify this muddy picture.

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Who can Americans trust? WASHINGTONladimir Putin, who keeps Edward Snowden on a leash and lets members of a riotous girl band rot in jail, has thrown President Barack Obama a lifeline. The Russian president had coldly brushed back Obama on Snowden and Syria, and only last week called John Kerry a liar. Now, when it is clear Obama can't convince Congress, the American public, his own wife, the world, Liz Cheney or even Donald "Shock and Awe" Rumsfeld to bomb Syria — just a teensy-weensy bit — Pooty-Poot (as W. called him) rides, shirtless, to the rescue, offering him a face-saving wayout? If it were a movie, we'd know it was a trick. We can't trust the soulless Putin — his Botox has given the former KGB officer even more of apoker face — or the heartless Bashar Assad. By Tuesday, Putin the Peacemaker was already setting conditions. Just as Obama and Kerry — with assists from Hillary Clinton and some senators — were hufflng and puffing that it was their military threat that led to the breakthrough, Putin moved to neuter them, saying they'd have to drop their military threat before any deal could proceed. The administration's saber-rattling felt more like knees rattling. Oh, for the goodold days when Obama was leading from behind. Now these guys are leading by slip-of-the-tongue. A mateur h ou r s t a rted w h e n Obama dithered on Syria and failed to explain the stakes there. It escalated in August 2012 with a slip by the methodical wordsmith about "a red line for us" — which the president and Kerry later tried to blur as the world's red line, except the world was averting its eyes.

Obama's flip-flopping, ambivalent leadership led him to the exact place he never wanted to be: unilateral instead of unified. Once again, as with

MAUREEN DOWD gun control and other issues, he had not done the groundwork necessary to line up support. The bumbling approach climaxed with two off-the-cuff remarks by Kerry, hitting a rough patch in the role of a lifetime, during a London pressconference Monday; he offered to forgo an attack if Assad turned over "every single bit of his chemical weapons to the international community" and promised, if they did strike, that it would be an "unbelievably small" effort. A State Department spokeswoman walked back Kerry's first slip, but once the White House realized it was the only emergency exit sign around, Kerry walked backthe walkingback, claiming at a congressional hearing Tuesday that he did not "misspeak." The president countered Kerry's second slip with NBC's Savannah Guthrie on Monday night, declaring that "The U.S. does not do pinpricks," which Kerry parroted at the hearing Tuesday, declaring that "We don't do pinpricks.n For good measure, Obama, in his address to the nation Tuesday night, made sure the world knew: "The United States military doesn't do pinpricks." Where the mindlessly certain W. adopted a fig leaf of diplomacy to use force in Iraq, the mindfully uncertain Obama is adopting a fig leaf of force to use diplomacy in Syria. Even as Democrats tiptoed away from the red line, eager to kick the can of sarin down the road, their own harsh rhetorichaunted them. Kerry compared Assad to Hitler last week, and Harry Reid evoked "Nazi death camps" on the Senate floor Monday. Again, an echo of the misbegotten Iraq. Making his hyperbolic case for

war, W. was huffy with Germans on a visit in 2002, irritated that they did not seem to grasp the horror of "a dictator who gassed his own people," as he put it to a Berlin reporter. Obama cried over the children of Newtovm, Conn. He is stricken, as he said in his address Tuesday, by nimages of children writhing in pain and going still on a cold hospital floor" from "poison gas." He thought — or thought he thought — that avenging the gassing was the right thing to do. But W., once more haunting his successor's presidency, drained credibility, coffers and compassion. While most Americans shudder at the news that 400 children have been killed by a monster, they recoil at the Middle East now; they've had it with Shiites vs. Sunnis, with Alawites and all the ancient hatreds. Kerry can bluster that "we're not waiting for long" for Assad to cough up the weapons, but it will be hard for him to back it up, given that a new NBC/Wall Street Journal poll indicates that Joe Sixpack is now a peacenik;in 2005, 60 percent of Republicans agreed with W. that America should fosterdemocracy in the world; now only 19 percent of Republicans believe it. W., Dick C heney and R ums-

feld launched a social engineering scheme to change the mindset in the Middle East about democracy and the mindset at home about the postVietnam reluctance to be muscular about imposing our values through war. They did manage to drastically change the mindset in the Middle East and at home, but in the opposite way than they intended. In a crouch after 9/11, the country was happy to punish an Arab villain, even the wrong one. That mass delusion, plus the economic vertigo, has sent Americans into a permanent crouch. And that's too bad. — Maureen Dowdis a columnist for the New York Times.

Letters policy

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U.S. citizens are war smart, not just war weary By DavId L. Foote he runup to our next military intervention is laced with public officials and pundits saying we citizenshave no stomach forstopping the Syrian regime from gassing its own people, because we are "war weary." There is no question, what the Syrian regime is doing to its people is immoral and outrageous. The bloodletting going on throughout that part of the world is horrendous. And yes, we are weary of war. For the past six decades we have been waging one war after another — the Cold War, Vietnam, poverty, drugs, illiteracy, Iraq, terrorist organizations — you name it, our leaders have found a way to turn it into a war. However, we citizens are becoming "war smart," not just "war weary,"


recognizing that the current rhetoric being used by our leaders is a manipulative strategy to shame us into doing "what is right" in the context of an outdated world view. Here is the acid question — what success have we achieved with all these wars? And by the way, what do we mean by war? My understanding of our country historically going to war was to impose our values and institutions on others who inflicted war on us. Germany and Japan currently represent our investment in their future embodying our basic values. Now war is a proposition of halfway measures trying to balance a world order or protect our perceived vested interests. It is the next evolution of colonialism wrapped in the

flag of democracy and freedom.

IN MY VIEW My definition of war is the all-out defeat of a real enemy who has done us direct, not existential, harm. War has a defined end and a defined outcome — an outcome that we feel and see enhances our daily lives. An outcome that upholds our core values. Did we truly wage war on terrorists, Iraq and Afghanistan'? I suggest we used the language and tools of war, now reaping the consequences of using a pipe wrench to pound in a nail that we mistook as a dangerous nut. According to our existing national mythology, as the world's super power and sheriff, it is our responsibility to maintain world law and order. It's in our "national interest." The administration and Congress

will sell the "spanking of Assad" as a limited military response to a violation of international norms, not as an act of war. In the end the distinction will be of little consequence. As the world's sheriff, we again use our blood and treasure to impose order in an environment that is ill defined in terms of an outcome that our leadershave said is not our business. We are not publicly committed to "regime change," but we know Bashar Assad is a murderer, a thug, a tyrant and totally immoral. Oh, by the way, we are going to arm the opposition. Who are we kidding? Perhaps we citizens have come to realize that the prism our leaders have led us to look through these decades isout of focus. Perhaps we hunger for a dialogue about labeling what we "fight for" as a "war." Per-

haps we want an acute accounting for all the loss of blood and treasure that is supposedly making the world safer. Perhaps we citizens need to rethink what it means to be the richest and "greatest" country on Earth. What are our real responsibilities to one another and the global community? Perhaps we need to rethink what is truly in our "national interest." As one citizen, I say we find another prism through which to view the world. It is past time to challenge our role as sheriff, our use of "war" and its tools of our destruction. If we go to war, we totally commit to it. Otherwise, it's time we use our greatest assets — our creativity and moral compass. — David L. Foote lives in Redmond.





Court backsprosecutors' powers

DEATH NOTICES lva E. Yost, of Bend May 28, 1919 - Sept. 10, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services: No services will be held per Iva's request. Contributions may be made to:

Crooked River Ranch Volunteer Fire Department, 6971 SW Shad Road, Crooked River Ranch, Oregon 97760 www.crrfire.org/communit y/donations

Robert Darrell Williams, of Madras Feb. 11, 1935 - Sept. 11, 2013 Arrangements: Bel-Air Funeral Home, 541-475-2241 Services: Memorial services will be held on Tuesday, September 17, 2013 at 11:30 AM at the Metolius Friends Church. Burial will be private family at Mt. Jefferson Memorial Park.

Susan S. Laughlin Kistler, of Bend June 2, 1910 - Sept. 7, 2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds is honored to serve the family. Please visit the online registry at www.niswonger-reynolds. com 541-382-2471. Services: Private services will be held at Forest LawnHollywood Hills, California.

Diana Del Drago March 2, 1947 - Aug. 21, 2013 A fter a l o n g b a t tle w i t h l iver di se a se , Di ana Del D r ago, a f f ectionately called D ee, p assed aw ay s urrounded by he r f a m i l y on August 21. She was 66. Dee was a U C B e r k eley g raduate w it h a m a s t e r s degree in social work. She l oved th e m o u ntains a n d l andscape of Cen tr a l O regon, a p l ac e sh e h a d called h om e s i n c e 2 0 0 0, a fter moving t o t h e a r e a w hen s h e r e t i r e d f r o m Sonoma County Child Protective Services. D ee t o u ched s o ma n y l ives a l on g h e r j ou r n e y through li f e , an d sh e always found joy in everything. S he w a s pr e c e ded i n d eath b y h er moth e r , M aria De l D r a go ; an d i s survived by h e r h u s band, Robert Lindsley; daughter, H eather A b e n droth ; a n d s on, W a y lo n D e l D r a g o ; f ive g r a n d children; a n d h er brothers, J a c k B u l k l ey a n d N ich o l a s D el Drago. There will b e a C elebration o f h e r L i f e a t her home in Bend, on Sunday, September 15, at I:00 p.m.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by1 p.m. Fridayfor Sunday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits©bendbulletincom Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

New York Times News Service

Godfrey Sperling Jr. hosted a breakfast meeting at Washington, D.C.'s Carlton Hotel in 1981. In all, the Christian Science Monitor journalist presided over 3,241 breakfasts for reporters and newsmakers until 2002. Sperling died Wednesday.

GodfreySperlingcracked afew eggsfor the press By John Schwartz New Yorh Times News Service

"We're on the record." With t hose w ords, God frey Sperling Jr., a journalist with The Christian Science Monitor, opened thousands of breakfasts that became a Washington institution, bringing newsmakers together with news reporters, often

One, leading The Daily News i n New York to call him a "crybaby." Sper l i ng was first a journali s t , not a toastmaster, heading t h e C hicago, New York and W a shington bureaus for the M o n i tor."While not the Moni t o r's most elegant writer, no o n e in the bureau out-hustled Budge," the newspa-

The Associated Press P ORTLAND — A p ai r of Oregon Supreme Court decisions have reaffirmed broad prosecutorial authority when the state decides how to chargecriminal defendants. Thedecisionshandeddown Thursday separately serve to do two things. In one, the court affirmed prosecutors' right to break up charges in any way they see fit. The second allows them to apply the "dangerous offender" statute to defendants after prosecutors file an indictment. Taken together, the decisions serve to affirm the use of two important weapons in Oregon prosecutors' arsenals, and riled defense attor-

childhood carried the Jr. was born Sept. 25, "Budge," nickname 1915, in Long Beach, died Wednesday, two weeks C a l i f.,andgrewup i n Urbana, before his 98th birthday, said I l l . He graduated from the Unihis daughter, Mary Sperling v e r sity of Illinois; it was there, McAuliffe. McAuliffe said, that her father EveryonecametotheMonif e l l i n l ove with journalism, tor breakfasts: Presidents Rea- w o r k ing fo r T h e N ews-Gagan, Ford, Carter and Clinton, z e tte in Champaign. five vice presidents and more Hedg i n g h i s b ets d u ring Cabinet members and assort- t h e D epression, he attended ed newsmakers than anyone l a w s c hool a t t h e U n i vercould count. sity of Oklahoma — largely, Actually, that may not b e Mc A u l i ffe said, because he true. Political reporters are w a s able to live rent-free with as statistics-crazed as sports h i s sister, who was teaching fans, and so as the numbers i n t h e a rea. stacked up, th e m i lestones He m a r r ied the former Betty were often noted in the press. Lo u i se Feldmann in 1942. She The 2,000th breakfast was d i e d in 2012, not long after the commemorated in May 1987 c o uple celebrated their 70th with a brief article in The New w e d ding anniversary. Besides York Times. It i ncluded an Mc A u l iffe, he is survived by estimate by Sperling that the a s on, John; a granddaughter; guests and journalists had by a n d a great-grandson. then consumed 120,000 eggs. Spe r l ing joined the MoniThe final tally of breakfasts t o r i n 1946afterservinginthe (and lunches and dinners) he A r m y A i r Forces and stayed presided over: 3,241. with the newspaper until SepThe questions could b e te m ber 2005. During his days spirited, but the atmosphere r o a ming 17 states from the tended toward th e g enteel: M o n itor's Chicago bureau, he The National Journal once b e f r iended local p o liticians compared Sperling to "Tosca- w h o w ould come to national nini beckoning the strings and p r o minence, including Humwoodwinds while tempering p h r ey in Minnesota, William the brass section." Proxmire in W isconsin and The breakfasts, generally C h a r lesPercyinIllinois. "It wasn't that he spent his held at a hotel now known as the St. Regis, were a phenom- l i f e in Washington" that made enon of a simpler time, with h i m e ffective, McAuliffe said. morecholesterolandlesstech- "It was that he had his roots nology. The conversation in ou t s ide of the Beltway." Washington today is largely The f i rst breakfast, he wrote driven by Twitter and other i n a M onitor column, was aconline media. But Sperling of- t u a lly a lunch. Percy, running fered real conversations, and f o r s enator, wanted to meet those discussions, more often some reporters and wound thannot,ledtonews. up talking about even higher During one b reakfast i n as p i r ations. "That breakfast made a lot 1968, Spiro Agnew, then running for vice president, sug- o f r i p ples as Senator Percy gested that the D emocratic t o l d o f hi s plans to run for presidential candidate, Hu pr e sident," Sperling recalled bert Humphrey, was softon years later. "I had another. communism. During another A n d another." earlier that year, Sen. Robert He ga v e up his role in orF. Kennedy "agonized" for an g a n i zing the events in 2002 hour over whether to seek the — or, as he put it, "I finally said Democraticpresidentialnomi- g o o dbye to bacon and eggs nation, as Time magazine put a n d g r i l led politicians." But it in 1970. the breakfasts continue, now At a breakfast in 1993, the r u n by Dave Cook, the MoniRepublican political operative t o r 's Washington bureau chief. Edward Rollins told reporters N o r a Ephron wrote about the that Christie Todd Whitman's b r e akfasts for E squire and campaignforgovernorofNew d e v oted a chapter of "ScribJersey, which he had man b l e Scribble," her book of esaged, funneled about $500,000 says on the media, to them, in in "walking around money" which Sperling groused about to black ministers and Demo- t h e events as "a sideline that cratic Party workers to damp- o c cupies me, interests me, iren their efforts on behalf of the r i t ates me." D emocratic incumbent, Ji m He ad d e d ,"If anyone had Florio. (Rollins later retracted s a id to me, the thing you'll be his comments.) In 1995, the r e m embered for is your breakHouse speaker, Newt G in fa s t group, I would have gone grich, complained about his in t o another career. A breaktreatment aboard Air Force f a st group?"

Continued from B1 Laura Craska-Cooper, vice chairofthe board and a member of the committee, said she hopes the committee will find someone to complement the work Middleton has completed during his tenure. "Jim focused on building and allowing us to meet the needs of the whole community," she said. "We've moved out to Redmond, Madras and

Fred Katz, 94: Classically trained cellist known for his long association with the Chico Hamilton Quintet; he helped elevate his instrument to unlikely stardom in jazz. Died Saturday in Santa Monica, Calif. — From wire reports

carried a 10-year sentence, but the dangerous offender sentence added 30 years. R einke c h allenged t h e

be burned near Sunriver and near Phil's Trailhead west of Continued from B1 Bend. A few o f t h e scheduled N elson-Dean s ai d p a s t burns will be relatively close prescribed burns in the area to populated areas. The For- near Horse Butte have at est Service plans to torch up times prompted a surge of to 160 acres adjacent to Glaze calls to 911 from people who Meadow near Black Butte spotted the smoke plume. She Ranch, and 250 acres near said the Forest Service works Horse Butte, located about closely with emergency sert hree m i les s outheast o f vices to make sure they're Knott Landfill in Bend. Adaware of burning operations. "We try to do our best to let ditionally, piles of slash will


Deaths of note from around the world: Patti Webster, 49: Longtime publicist who represented stars including Usher, Janet Jackson, Chris Paul and Alicia Keys. Died Friday from brain cancer in Somerville, N.J.

degree kidnapping charge


to newsmaking effect. FEATURFP p er's obituary said. Sp«hng, who from OBITUARY God f rey S p « h ng


neys who see each decision as granting overreach to the state. Prosecutors told Leonard Reinke that, if convicted, they would sentence him as a dangerous offenderafter he was charged with kidnapping a woman to persuade her not to testify against one of his friends, then sexually a ssaulting her. A grand jury indicted him for second-degreekidnapping and a host of other charges, for which he was convicted in a bench trial. The second-

Prineville. The new president will need to focus on new challenges. As the economy gets better, enrollment at community colleges always drops. We will need a strong

fiscal manager." A COCC student will also be included on the committee once the college is back in session. The committee will hold its first meeting Sept. 20. — Reporter: 541-633-2160, tleeds®bendbulletin.com

TheCOCC search committee The presidential search advisory committee consists of the following individuals: • Bruce Abernethyis chair of the COCC board of directors and grant writer for Bend-La Pine Schools. Abernethy also served a

term as Bend's mayor. • Ron Boldenowis a professor of forest resources technology and chairs both the Natural and Industrial Resources Department at COCC and the Oregon Society of American

Foresters. • Dana Brattonis principal of Bratton Appraisal Group, a former member of the COCCboard of directors and a former president of the Bend Chamber of Commerce.

• Janet BrownisJefferson County manager for Economic Development for Central Oregon and a former Jefferson County

commissioner and Madras city councilor. • Laura Craska-Cooperis vice chair of the COCCboard of directors and an attorney with Ball Janik LLP.

• Teresa Freihoeferis an assistant professor of business. • Stephanie Goetschis president of the classified association of COCC and an administrative assistant in information

technology services. • Kevin Grove is anassistant professor of physical science and physics. • CamdenKingis senior managing partner and president at Bluespeed Executive Search Inc. and a member of the Redmond City Council. • Matt McCoyis vice president for administration at COCC. • Shirley Metcalfis the extended learning dean at COCC,

overseeing campuses in Redmond, Madrasand Prineville. • Kevin Multopis director of student financial aid at COCC. • John Rexfordis superintendent of the High Desert Education Service District.

• Betsy Skovdergis vice president at Bigfoot Beverages, a board member of theCOCCFoundation and a former board member of BendChamber of Commerce. • Kathy Smithis an associate professor of mathematics and president of the COCC faculty forum.

Food Continued from B1 This year's funding will be used to continue this program in addition to supporting a project in which Future Farmers of America students

raiseand slaughter pigs for use in school lunches. "When we first introduced shrimp fettuccine at B e ar Creek Elementary, the students said, 'No way!'" Wiest said. "They said that they didn't get food like that at home. Just to see their eyes was really special." When asked if the Boat to School program would be able to continue beyond the next two years, Wiest expressed cautious optimism. "We don't know what will happen when the f u nding ends," she said. "We hope the Legislature sees the importance of this and continues to support our efforts. With the grant, not every student

in Oregon gets to benefit. It would be greatto see something statewide. However, using fresh ingredients is possible without state support — look at what we've done." Oregon school districts receive federal funding to help cover the cost of their food, but unlike most other states, there is no supplemental support from the state government. Nonetheless, Wiest said that not only are they able to survive using local products; they evengive money back to the general fund. As a result, 2.1 million meals featuring a

good helping of local ingredients were produced last year in the district's production kitchen located at Bend Senior High School. "We can't do everything, though," Wiest said. "Hot dog and hamburger buns are not local; we'd just need too many of them." — Reporter: 541-633-2180, tleedsC<bendbulletin.com

d angerous o ff ender s e n tence, saying p r osecutors should have had to prove the elements of the sentence to the grand jury and put them in the indictment. The trial court disagreed, as did the Oregon Court o f A p p eals and, on Thursday, the Supreme Court. The second decision by the court also helps prosecutors, who say they need to be able to file charges in the way that makes the most sense to the jury. The court had to weigh whether a prosecutor must adhere to"a coherent, s ystematic policy i n m a k ing charging decisions." The trial court, and the Supreme Court, said he didn't.

peopleknow it's a prescribed burn, but you can't tell people to not call 911, because what if it's something else?" she said. The Forest Service will be issuing media releases in advance of each burning project and will be providing additional information through the Central Oregon Fire Information Twitter page. — Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulleti n.com


Suspected bank robber caught, using his car keys The Associated Press PORTLAND — Police say they ended up chasing a bank robbery suspect through northwest Portland streets and into a nearby building as cash s cattered b ecause t h e man left his car keys in the bank. Police say the getaway glitch not only a l lowed them to arrest the man after the Monday robbery at a Wells Fargo Bank branch, but that it has allowed police agencies in Oregon and Washington to link him to three additional bank robberies and two motel robberies. Sgt. Pete Simpson said Friday t hat 5 7 -year-old Andrew Frank Laviguer is being held without bail on a U.S. Marshals Service arrest warrant for

escape. Simpson says the man is considered the primary suspect in an Aug. 14 Columbia Bank robbery in Portland, an Aug. 30 Key B ank robbery i n K i n g County, Wash., a Sept. 4 S terling Savings B a nk robbery in Tacoma, Wash., a Sept. 7 Super 8 motel robbery i n W i l sonville, and a Sept. 8 Rodeway Inn robbery in Salem.

Another suspect caught mid-transit Portland Police recovered a stolen bicycle when the suspect rode right up to officers Thursday on a Portland sidewalk. Policesay officers recognized the bike as one stolen last week from outside the Portland Building. It belongs to new Portland Bureau of Transportation Director Leah Treat. She had tweeted a photo of the stolen bike she calls Beatrice. Beatrice was returned to Treat. The 39-year-old man who was riding it was booked on a theft charge.

Get a taste of Food, Home Sr Garden In





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Tonight: Partly cloudy with a chance of showers and thunder-


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Navigatin the maze

a service to irrigators and sportsmen.

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Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......95/69/0 00...91/70/t. 93/69/pc GrandRapids....65/50/0.00..68/54/pc. 69/46/sh RapidCity.......71/51/0.00...77/54/t. 68/54/pc Savannah.......90/73/0.00... 85/70/t...85I71/t Akron ..........62/55/006..66/45/pc. 70/50/pc GreenBay.......63/44/0.00..70/55/pc. 64/45/pc Reno...........87/57/0.00..89/60/pc.. 87/54/s Seattle..........66/60/000... 83/61/s...74/61/t Albany..........72/57/1.39...66/42/s. 72/52/pc Greensboro......83/65/0 00...74/48/s.. 80/61/s Richmond.......83/71/0.00... 71/49/s .. 77/58/s SiouxFalls.......74/44/0.00... 69/55/t. 70/54/pc Albuquerque.....73/62/019...76/60/t...77/61/t Harusburg.......75/63/0 00...70/46/s.. 74/54/s Rochester, NY....61/51/0 08.. 63/45/pc. 72/50/pc Spokane........92/59/0.00... 93/59/s...90/59/t Anchorage ......57/48/0.15..59/48/pc.. 60/44/s Hartford,CT .....78/67/0.01...71/46/s.. 72/54/s Sacramento......91/59/0.00... 92/61/s .. 87/59/s Spnngfield, MO ..77/61/0.00... 77/54/s. 82/62/pc Atlanta .........90/70/000...8U65/s. 83/64/pc Helena..........87/56/0.00...79/51/t. 82/54/pc St.Louis.........76/58/000...76/53/s.79/59/pc Tampa..........87/73/053... 91/76/t...92/77/t Atlantic City.....78/64/0 01...68/56/s.. 74/62/s Honoluiu........86/73/OA4..87/73/sh. 89/73/sh Salt Lake City....74/63/016... 76/62/t...sll64lt Tucson..........97/76/0.00...97/73ls .. 98/74/s Austin..........96/69/0.00...95/74/t.92/74/pc Houston ........96/73/0.00...93/75/t...92/75/t SanAntonio.....98/74/0.00... 96/75/t...90/75/t Tulsa ...........87/70/0.00..85/62/pc. 90/67/pc Baltimore .......80/66/0.00... 74/58/s .. 79/58/s Huntsville.......84/68/0.00... 79/56/s.85/65/pc SanDiego.......75/66/000... 81/67/s .. 80/67/s Washington, DC..82/69/0.00...72/54/s.. 79/59/s BiIings.........76/59/0.00...75/53/t. 78/55/pc Indianapolis.....69/55/0.00...71/45/s. 73/55/pc580 Francisco....66/57/0.00... 70/59/s.. 72/59/s Wichita .........81/68/0.00..83/64/pc...86/67/t Birmingham .. 87/71/000...81/63/s. 85/66/pc Jackson, MS.... 96/70/0.17. 85/62/s. 91/69/pc SanJose........72/61/0.00.. 78/60/s.. 78/60/s Yakima .........97/59/000...93/63/s.. 89/59/1 Bismarck........82/50/000... 77/48/t. 68/47/pc Jacksonvile..... 93/71/0 00 89/73/t .8573/t SantaFe........65/57/0.44..71/52/pc 72/52/pc Yuma..........l 06/79/0 00 .. I 04/80/5. 105/78/s Boise...........82/63/000..87/58/pc...86/58/t Juneau..........61/42/000...65/46/s. 66/47/pc INTERNATIONAL Boston..........76/65/039...69/52/s .. 72/57/s Kansas City......78/53/0.00 ..78/63/pc...82/63/t BudgeportCT....79/65/011...72/50/s.. 73/56/s Lansing.........58/48/000..67/51/pc. 69/47/sh Amsterdam......63/52/001 .. 58/54/r60/52lsh Mecca.........1 09/91/000 108/86/s. 109/84/s Buffalo.........61/50/0.01 ..64/47/pc. 70/51/pc LasVegas.......94/72/0.00...95/76/s .. 98/77/s Athens..........93/69/000.. 87/67/s 82/67/s Mexico City .....68/59/1.05... 63/52/t .. 62I53/1 Burlington,VT....65/54/013 ..65/46/pc. 70/53/pc Lexington.......71/59/000...68/48/s. 75/59/pc Auckland........63/54/0.00 .. 56/51/sh.. 57/51/c Montreal........63/54/0.00 ..63/48/pc. 68/52/pc Caribou,ME.....66/60/030..58/44/sh. 66/48/pc Liscoln..........77/49/000 ..79/62/pc...75/59/t Baghdad.......I05/73/0.00 ..110/85/s. 110/86/s Moscow ........61/41/0.11..56/44/sh. 56/51/sh Charleston, SC...93/74/0.00...83/68lt.83/70/pc Little Rock.......88/73/0.00...80/55/s. 85/62/pc Bangkok........82/79/2.86 89/76/sh. .. 92/77/sh Nairobi.........81/55/0.00...78/53/s. 79/58/pc Charlotte........87/67/000...76/56ls ..80/61/s LosAngeles......74/64/0 00... 79/65/s.. 76/65/s Beiyng..........70/64/0 00... 92/63/s.. 76/65/s Nassau .........86/77/0.00...91/79/t...85/79/t Chattanoogs.....84/68/000...80/58/s.82/63/pc Louisvige........73/61/000...72/52/s. 78/60/pc Beirut..........90/77/0.00...92/74/s .. 87/71ls New Delh/.......95/81/0.00..103/84/s. 105/82/s Cheyenne.......68/54/053... 72/53/t...61/50/t Madison Wl.....67/44/000..70/53/pc. 61/48/sh Berlin...........66/50/000..72/54lpc..63/50/c Osaka ..........93/75/0.00..85/69/sh...75/70/r Chicago...... 67/52/000...69/58/s.67/58/sh Memphis....... 85/71/000 81/56/s.87/66/pc Bogota.........68/50/1.32... 67/49/t...63/51/t Oslo............66/45/000..56/51lsh. 57/47/sh Cincinnati.......67/56/000...69/47ls. 73/55/pc Miami .. . . 91/76/0 00 89/79/t .90/80/t Budapest........66/54/0 07.. 66/54/sh. 74/57/pc Ottawa .........$5/50/0.40..63/4!/pc. 66/41/sh Cleveland.......63/57/006 ..65/51/pc. 70/56/pc Milwaukee......62/49/000..68/58/pc. 63/54/sh BuenosAires.....50/46/011 ..52/46/sh.52/47lsh Paris............66/54/009..68/47/sh. 67/54lpc ColoradoSpnngs.70/57/028...76/56/t...68/53/t Minneapolis.....70/49/000..72/55/pc. 69/50/sh Cabo580Lucas ..97/75/0.00... 94/75/s. 93/79/pc Rio deJaneiro....86/68/0.00...84/68/s.. 85/69/s ColumbiaMO...78/53/000...76/54/s...Bt/61/t Nashvige........79/64/000...75/54/s. 82/62/pc Cairo...........97/72/0.00..102/70/s .. 96/68/s Rome...........77/57/0.00...77/66/s. 76/65/sh Columbia,SC....92/72/000...81/60/s. 83/59/pc NewOrleans.....94/74/000...90/77/t. 91/76/pc Calgary.........81/52/000...77/55/s 84/55/s Santiago........55/37/0.00 48/39/pc.. 50/36/s Columbus, GA...93/72/000...86/67/s.87/67/pc NewYork.......77/66/006...72/54ls.. 76/60/s Cancun.........84/75/0.45... 86I79/t...85/78/t SaoPaulo.......82/64/0.00...84/62/s. 86/64/pc Columbus,OH....66/54/0.00..66/48/pc. 72/52/pc Newark, Hl......79/67/0.06...72/51/s.. 75/59/s Dublin..........55/43/0 00.. 60/51/pc.. 58/44/c Sapporo ........83/73/0.00..79/65lsh. 75/55/sh Concord,NH.....76/60/006...68/42ls. 73/48/pc Norfolk VA......82/73/000...72/53/s .. 76/59/s Edinburgh.......54/46/0.00... 57/46/c. 55/40/sh Seoul...........79/68/000..80/63/sh. 79/56/pc Corpus Christi....93/77/000... 85/78/t...86/79/t OklahomaCity...82/71/002 ..87/67/pc. 90/71/pc Geneva.........68/46/0 00.. 62/55/sh. 56/47/sh Shangha/........93/73/0.00..87/74/pc. 85/71/pc DallasFtWorrh...97/78/000 ..91/71/Pc.92/74/Pc Omaha.........76/51/000 ..77/62/Pc...73/59/t Harare..........82/63/000...86/59/s.. 87/56/s Singapore.......88/81/001..86/79/sh. 87/78/sh Dayton .........65/50/000 ..67/47/pc. 72/53/pc Orlando.........90/72/0.00... 93/73/t...92/75/t Hong Kong......91/81/000 ..86/78/pc. 85/76lsh Stockholm.......72/46/000..69/54/pc. 66/57/sh Denver..........76/59/037...79/54/t...69/53/t Palmsprings....106/74/000..106/80/s.106/81/s Istanbul.........84/70/0.00 ..78/65/pc.. 77/68/s Sydney..........64/50/0.00...73/56/s. 75/52/sh DesMoines......76/55/0.00..75/60/pc. 70/59/sh Peoria ....... 73/54/000 ..74/51/s .. 72/56/t lerusalem.......90/63/0.00...92/7us.. 85/65/s Taipei...........95/81/000..87/76/sh. 84/73/pc Detroit..........62/53/0.00 ..66/54/pc. 69/54/sh Philadelphia.....78/67/0.16...70/53/s .. 78/60/s Johsnnesburg....84/66/0 00...81/59/s. 82/54lpc TelAviv.........90/73/0.00...97/72ls.. 91/70/s Duluth..........67/38/000 ..69/54/pc. 62/44/pc Phoeuix........101/80/0.00..102/81/s. 103/82/s Lima ...........68/61/0.00...73/60/s.. 72/61/s Tokyo...........86/75/0.00..84/71/sh...79/71/r El Paso..........73/65/030 ..87/66/pc. 87/67/pc Pittsburgh.......66/56/019 ..66/44/pc. 72/52/pc Lisbon..........86/70/0 00 86/63/s 82/59/pc Toronto.........57/52/0 00 66/50/s. 64/46/sh Fairhanks........51/40/000...54/35/c..55/32/s Portland,ME.....72/61/1 65..69/48/pc. 72/51/pc London .........68/54/0.21..63/45/pc.. 62/44/c Vancouver.......68/57/0.00...75/61/s. 71/59/sh Fargo...........77/48/000 ..72/49/pc.. 67/47/s Providence......79/68/005...71/49/s .. 72/55/s Madrid .........86/55/0.00...86/61/s. 87/60/pc Vienna..........59/54/0.38..70/52/pc.. 75/Sic Flagstaff........75/44/0.00 ..72/47/pc.. 73/44/s Raleigh.........85/70/0.00...75/49/s .. 80/61/s Manila..........86/77/1.53..91/77/sh.. 88/76/c Warsaw.........55/46/0.11...6I52/c. 65/52/sh

I [


lando ~ . • 3/73 +++


4 'A L A S K A




Miami 89/79 Monterrey 93/70v



W n g ton, D.C.



Anchorage 59/48


~ 6 6/4 8

Houston New Orlea 93/75 Ax 9 7 • .


e w Yok


Little Rock '

~~ . O agas


2 6 4/47~






• Buf f alo


Chica o ) /

99/54 'L> KansasCity' i x v' 78/63 IL St Louisg ' vv


Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme


o www m x


Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace


Yesterday s extremes

Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.89 Record24 hours ...0.37 in1939 *Melted liquid equivalent

Lo> D+

La Pine


Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 81/59 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 92 m 1929 Month to date.......... 0.00" Record low......... 26 in 1992 Average month todate... 0.1 8" Average high.............. 74 Year to date............ 3.58" Average low .............. 40 Average year to date..... 6.94"

Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Crane Prairie..... . . . . . . . 30,949...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . . 47,903..... 200,000 Crescent Lake...... . . . . . 59,084......91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 11,253 . . . . 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 90,475..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 216 for solar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,280 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 91 LOW MEDIUM Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 142 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 142 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . 1,726 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res..... . . . . . NA Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 216 Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 9.12 Roseburg.......89/58/0.00....88/62/pc.....78/57/sh Updated daily. Source: pollen.com Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 142 Salem ....... 78/55/000 ....89/60/s ...75/59/sh Sisters.........86/52/0.00.....89/49/s.....76/45/sh Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM The Dages...... 89/68/000.....94/66/s...... 85/61lt or go to www.wrd.state.or.us

• 98'




Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....8:1 7a.m...... 7:50 p.m. Venus.....10:29 a.m...... 8:42 p.m. Mars.......3:06 a.m...... 5:42 p.m. Jupiter......1:01 a.m...... 413 p.m. Satum.....10;38 a.m...... 9:06 p.m. Uranus.....7:49 p.m...... 8:27 a.m.


Astoria ........65/60/0.00.....68/58/s.....67/57/sh Baker City......84/60/0.00....87/52/pc.....85/48/pc Brookings......61/56/0.00....66/55/pc.....65/56/sh Burns..........82/51/0.00.....88/50/s.....85/43/pc Eugene........82/57/0.00.....89/59/s.....74/57/sh Klamath Falls .. 89/51/0 00 ...88/51/pc ...80/42/pc Lakeview...... 88/55/0.00 ....87/52/s.....81/42/pc La Pine........89/42/0.00.....88/45/s.....77/37/sh Medford.......98/62/0.00.....97/63/s.....82/55/pc Newport.......64/55/0.00.....65/56/s.....64/55/sh North Bend.....66/59/0.00.....69/59/s.....67/56/sh Ontario........84/61/0.02....91/63/pc.....89/62/sh Pendleton...... 92/61/0.00.....94/58/s...... 93/55/t Portland ....... 74/61/0.00.....88/63/s...... 76/61lt Prineville.......84/57/0.00.....90/54/s.....82/50/sh Redmond.......85/55/0.00.....89/53/s.....84/48/pc

Yesterday's state extremes

Jordan Valley




City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.




• Beach

68 43

Partly clou d y and cool

Yesterday Saturday Sunday Bend,westoiHwy 97....High Sisters.............................High The following was compiled by the Central Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,easto/Hwy.97.....High LaPine..............................High Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as


and cool




Chr i stmas Valley


69 42

• Pl


cloudy skies


Sunsettoday...... 717 p.m F ull L ast N e w First Sunrise tomorrow .. 6:45 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 7:15 p.m l• Moonrisetoday.... 4:10 p.m Moonsettoday ....1:12a.m Sept.19 Sept. 26 Oct. 4 Oct. 11

EAST Sunny to partly cloudy skies and warm.


• Mitchell m/58



Baker Ci


'Madras d


70 49

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 644 a.m Moon phases

Mostly sunny skies and very warm conditions.

SS/Sz Union


warm Spnngs Sh

Coos Bay


86/5 0



Wallowa • Pendleton • Enterprisqm 94/58 • Meacham 88/51

CamP 80/58



• Hermiston06/61

xJJ/62 Dages 96/68 ~ x /Erhngton



The Blggs

• II bom p rt " ~N l 94/66 • v Wasco • 88/63 C swso • S nady 94/63 88/61 McMinnville Jm MauPin sslss v f Government

Lincoln City 66/58



Seasidev Cannon Beach







82 51


As t oria


Partly cloudy skies and cooler

with a chance of showers and thun-

txxbx Pi

0 c*x..x I,







' The Bulletin





The Bulletin PubliCatiOnthat anSWerStOugh queStiOnSadotit lOCal healthCaretOPiCS . High Desert PULSE is a quarterly magazine created to help promote, encourage and maintain an active and healthful lifestyle. Each issue features local stories that seek answers to tough questions about local health topics, with in-depth reporting that Central Oregonians expect. The magazine is distributed in The Bulletin and at health outlets, medical offices and on area racks.

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Monday, November 11





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. '



S211-38S-SB OO

IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 Boxing, C2 Sports in brief, C3


Golf, C5 Prep sports, C6


© www.bendbulletin.com/sports



Gordon toChase JOLIET, III.— Jeff Gordon was added to the Chase for the Sprint

Cup championship Friday when NASCAR chairman Brian France

used his power to make an unprecedented expansion to the field after

two separate investigations into radio chatter

revealed numerous instances of race manipulation. France determined Gordon did not have a

fair chance to race his way into the 12-driver field last Saturday night

at Richmond because of the actions of at least three organizations

over the closing laps at



Ben 'sHornergra slea inSpain Tale of two • The 41-year-old is justtwo stages away from victory in theSpanishVuelta

coaches: Vols set to visit Ducks




The Associated Press OVIEDO, Spain — American veteran Christopher Horner took the overall lead of the Spanish Vuelta in a mountainous 19th stage won by Joaquim Rodriguez on Friday. Entering the day in second place behind overnight leader Vincenzo Nibali, the 41-year-old Horner pulled away from the Giro d'Italia champion over the final uphill ascent to turn a 3-second deficit into a 3-second lead with just two days to

I efour


=' Cofidis d

By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press

go. With Alejandro Valverde trailing by I:06 in third, the event appears to have become a two-rider race. Despite his age, Horner has finished ahead of Nibali on the past two mountain stages, powering over the finish line before the Italian slowly pedaled across. See Horner/C5

Alvaro Barrientos /The Associated Press

Bend's Chris Horner celebrates after receiving the overall leader's jersey at the Spanish Vuelta in Oviedo, Spain, on Friday.

Richmond. The four-time NAS-

CAR champion was


bumped from eligibility

by Joey Logano, who unknowingly received assistance from two Michael Waltrip Racing drivers trying to aid their

teammate.Loganoalso picked up another track position when David Gilliland apparently moved aside when Gilliland's team tried to bargain with Penske Racing over the radio.

"Too many things al-


tered the event and gave

an unfair disadvantage to Jeff and his team," France said. "More than anything it's just the right thing to do. There


EUGENE — In his first year as head coach at Tennessee, Butch Jones wants to rebuild the Volunteers. In his first year as head coach at Oregon, Mark Helfrich wants the Ducks to stay the course. The two college football programs collide today when Tennessee visits Oregon. The second-ranked Ducks will be the toughest test so far in Jones' tenure with the Vols. It does not get any easier: Included in Tennessee's next five games are No. 18 Florida, No. 9 Georgia, No. 13 South Carolina and No. 1 Alabama. Former Vols coach Derek Dooley was fired last November in part because of his 0-15 recordagainstTop 25 teams. Tennessee has lost its past 16 games against ranked foes since beating No. 21 South Carolina 31-13 on Oct. 31, 2009. SeeDucks /C5




Tennessee(2-0) at No. 2 Oregon (2-0)

were just too many

• When:Today, 12:30 p.m. • TV:ABC • Radio:KBND-AM1110

things that went on Saturday night." It was a stunning

conclusion to a surreal week for NASCAR, which should have been

celebrating Sunday's start of the Chase at

Utes' new

Chicagoland Speedway. Instead, the sanc-

tioning body hasbeen scrambling to uncover


who did what and why

since Clint Bowyer spun his car with seven laps remaining at Richmond

as 10 drivers jockeyed for the five available spots in the Chase.

France said NASCAR could not determine

there was ever adeal between Front Rowand

Photos by Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

Madras' Jered Pichette (22) evades a Sisters defender for positive yardage during Friday night's game in Sisters.

Front Row on probation for the rest of the sea-

involving Central

Oregon teams; for more coverage of the games and other prep sports, seeC6:

son was necessary to protect the integrity of the series.

Also on Friday, Penske Racing swept the front row in qualifying

for the first race of the

mph around Chicagoland Speedway onFriday to bump teammate and defending NASCAR champion Brad Kesel-

owski. Juan Pablo Montoya qualified third and was

followed by Kasey

Kahne and Ricky Stenhouse Jr. Gordon will start sixth on Sunday. — The Associated Press

GOLF Furyk fIres 59 Jim Furykbecomes the sixth player to break 60 in PGA Tour history,G5

The Associated Press

Friday night's prep football scores

and placing Penskeand

Chase, with Logano winning the pole. He turned a lap at189.414

By John Coon


Penske, but that putting Gordon in the Chase

By Grant Lucas The Bulletin

SISTERS — With Madras trailing 14-7 at the half on Friday night, offensive coordinator Chad Smith addressed the White Buffaloes. He challenged his team, Madras coach Rick Wells said. The Buffs had the ability, Smith emphasized. They just had to believe in themselves. A fter a S i s ters t ouchdown p ut Madras in a 20-7 hole in the third quarter, the White Buffaloes came alive with 24 unanswered points to seal a 31-20 Class 4A nonconference football win. "I think it was just mentality and execution," Wells said of the difference between the first and second halves. See Madras/C6

Summit KlamathUnion

28 22

Sprague MountainView

36 l4

West Salem Bend

47 7

Madras Sisters

31 20

Hood RiverValley Redmond

45 19

Ridgeview North Valley

47 10

TheDallesWahtonka 45 CrookCounty 28

Sisters Nathan Kaping, front, is pulled down by Madras' Osvaldo Galvan, rear, and Ethan Short, right, in the second quarter of Friday night's game. The Outlaws led 14-7 in the first half before the White Buffaloes rallied.

gets test vs. Beavers

Henley LaPine

57 0

Gilchrist Elkton

74 62

SALT LAKE CITY — Nothing offers better evidence of Utah's radical offensive transformation than the number of explosive plays it has generated sofarthis season — a stark contrast to last year, when the Utes struggled to move the chains on most drives and

rarely had game-changing offensive plays.

Utah (2-0) ran off six scoring plays of 20 yards or more in just the first half of a 70-7 rout of Weber State last weekend. The Utes had 628 yards of total offense — the eighth-highest total in program history. Tonight, Utah hosts Oregon State (I-I), a team that has struggled at times to find its defense through the first two games of the season. See Beavers /C5

Nextup Oregon State (1-1) at Utah (2-0) • When: Today, 7 p.m. • TV:Fox Sports1 • Radio:KICE-AM 940


Portland golfer triumphs at Brasadafor third straight Senior Amtitle By Zack Hall The Bulletin

Jim Fnryk watches his tee shot on the eighth

hole on Friday.

POWELL BUTTE — Scott Hval had been struggling to find an alternative to the long putter he anchored to his chest. Trying to cope with the United States Golf A ssociation decision

earlier this year to ban anchored putters, the Portland golfer finally found a solution: Return to that old putter until the ban goes into effect in 2016. That decision paid off Friday, as Hval, a 52-year-old dentist, won his third consecutive Oregon Senior Amateur Championship. This time

he beat Medford's Kevin Klabunde, 5 and 4, in the championship match on a sunny morning at Brasada Canyons Golf Club. "I've been basically experimenting with p utters all y ear," said Hval. "Finally a couple weeks ago a bunch of my friends said ... 'You've

got two more years to use (the long putter). Why don't you start using it again and worry about it in a couple more years?' " Hval felt a surge of confidence in his putting stroke, and it showed early in the championship match. SeeGolf /C5

Scott Hval



COREBOARD ON DECK Today Boys soccer: Bend at Corvaffis, 11a.mzHenley at Sisters,noon;Umatiga at Culver, I p.m.;Mountain View atCrescentValey,11 am.;Summit atWoodburn,2 p.m. Girls soccer: Sisters at Henley,noon;MadrasatTillamook,noon;Staytonat CrookCounty, 11a.m.; Crescent ValleyatMountainView,11a.m.; Corvallis at Bend,11am Volleyball: Ridgeview,LaPine, Redmond at North MarionTourney,TBA;Culver atReedsport Tourney, TBA;Summit atSouthEugeneTournament, 8a.m.; CentralChristianatShermanToumament, TBA Cross-country: Sistersat MolagaInvite at Highland TreeFarm,TBA,Summit atFestival ofChampionsat ClackamasCommunity College,10a.m4Redmond at SaxonXCInvitational in Salem,10a.m. Boys water polo: Bend at Mountain View,3p.m.

Purse: $8 million Yardage: 7,149; Par:71 SecondRound BrandtSnedeker 63-68 — 131 Jim Furyk 72-59 — 131 ZachJohnson 64-70 — 134 Nick Watney 67-69 — 136 JordanSpieth 71-65 — 136 KevinStreelman 66-70 — 136 Charl Schwartzel 66-70 — 136 RyanMoore 67-69—136 JasonDay 71-66 137 JimmyWalker 72-65 — 137 RobertoCastro 68-69 — 137 SteveStricker 66-71 — 137 SergioGarcia 70-68 — 138 TigerWoods 66-72 — 138 BrianDavis 72-67 — 139 BrendondeJonge 71-68 139 LukeDonald 70-70 — 140 MattJones 69-71 — 140 JohnMerrick 67-73 — 140 67-73 — 140 AdamScott 68-72 — 140 GaryWoodland 69-71 — 140 RorySabbatini 72-68 — 140 DavidHearn 74-67 — 141 KeeganBradey 68-73 — 141 HunterMahan

IN THE BLEACHERS In the Bleachers © 2013 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Ucrick www gocomics.com/inthsbreachers

9 I 14


Sang-MoonBae WebbSimpson BubbaWatson DanielSummerhays CharlesHowell ffl Billy Horschel ErnieEls JustinRose HenrikStenson John Huh Chris Stroud KevinStadler Bill Haas GrahamDeLaet BrendanSteele AngelCabrera GraemeMcDoweI



NewEngland Miami N.Y.Jets Buftalo

Indianapolis Tennessee Houston Jacksonville Cincinnati Pittsburgh Baltimore Cleveland Kansas City Denver SanDiego Oakland

W L T Pct PF PA 2 0 0 1.000 36 31 1 0 0 1.000 23 10 1 1 0 .500 28 30 0 1 0 .000 21 23 South W L T Pct PF PA 1 0 0 1000 21 17 1 0 0 1.000 16 9 1 0 0 1.000 31 28 0 1 0 .000 2 28 North W L T Pct PF PA 0 1 0 .000 21 24 0 1 0 .000 9 16 0 I 0 .000 27 49 0 1 0 .000 10 23


NewOrleans TampaBay Carolina Atlanta Detroit Chicago GreenBay Minnesota St. Louis

SanFrancisco Seattle Arizona

D.A. Points


W L T Pct PF PA I 0 0 1.000 28 2 1 0 0 1.000 49 27 0 1 0 .000 28 31 0 I 0 .000 17 21 NATIONALCONFERENCE

Philadelphia Dallas Washington N.Y.Giants

"He's got skills and athleticism. It's the mental errors that worry me."

W L 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 I South W L 1 0 0 I 0 1 0 1 North W L 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1

T Pct PF PA 0 1.000 33 27 0 1.000 36 31 0 .000 27 33 0 .000 31 36

W 1 1 1 0

T Pct PF PA 0 1.000 27 24 0 1.000 34 28 0 1 000 12 7 0 .000 24 27


L 0 0 0 I

T Pct PF PA 0 1.000 23 17 0 .000 17 18 0 .000 7 12 0 .000 17 23 T Pct PF PA 0 1.000 34 24 0 1 000 24 21 0 .000 28 34 0 .000 24 34


NewEngland13,N.Y.Jets 10 Sunday'sGames Dallasat KansasCity,10 a.m. Tennessee at Houston, 10a.m Washington atGreenBay,I0 a.m. MinnesotaatChicago, 10a.m. St. LouisatAtlanta, 10a.m. SanDiegoatPhiladelphia,10 a.m. Miami atIndianapolis,10 a.m. Cleveland at Baltimore,10 a.m. Carolinaat Buffalo,10a.m. Detroit atArizona,I:05 p.m. NewOrleansatTampaBay, 1:05p.m. Jacksonville atOakland,1:25 p.m. DenveratN.Y.Giants,1;25 p.m. SanFranciscoatSeatle, 5:30p.m. Monday'sGame Pittsburghat Cincinnati, 5:40 p.m.

College Schedule Aff Times POT

(Subject tochange) Friday's Game

FAR WEST BoiseState42,Air Force20

Today's Games EAST

Stanfordat Army,9a.m. ColgateatNewHampshire, 9am. Daytonat Robert Morris, 9a.m. GeorgiaSt.at West Virginia, 9 a.m. NewMexicoat Pittsburgh,9:30a.m. Lehighat Monmouth(NJ),10 a.m. E. MichiganatRutgers,10a.m. Fordham atTemple,10 a.m. StonyBrookatBufalo,12:30 p.m. Bryant atMaine,12:30p.m. Delaware atNavy, 12:30p.m. Wagner atSyracuse,1 p.m. Holy Crossat CCSU,3 pm. Marist atGeorgetown,3 p.m. William 8MaryatLafayette, 3p.m. UCFatPennSt., 3 p.m. Lincoln(Pa.)at SacredHeart, 3p.m. RhodeIslandatAlbany(NY),4 p.m. DelawareSt.at Towson,4:30p.m. MarylandatUConn,4:30 p.m. SOUTH NC Centralat Charlotte, 9a.m.

VirginiaTechatEast Carolina, 9a.m. Presbyterianat Furman,9a.m. Louisville atKentucky,9a.m. Louisiana-MonroeatWakeForest, 9:30a.m. Morehead St. atJacksonvile,10 am. NorthGreenvigeatVMI, 10:30a.m. Samford at Florida A8M,11 a.m. MVSU at AlcomSt., noon GeorgiaTechatDuke, 12:30p.m. Nevada at FloridaSt.,12:30 p.m. The CitadelatW.Carolina,12:30p.m. NorthAlabamaat Jacksonville St,1 p.m. CharlestonSouthernat Campbell, 3p.m. Austin Peay atChattanooga, 3p.m. CoastalCarolinaat E.Kentucky,3p.m. Bethune-Cookma nat FIU, 3p.m. Richmondat Gardner-Webb,3 p.m. Tennessee Techat Hampton,3p.m.

70-71 — 141 72-69 141 71-71 — 142 72-70 — 142 71-71 — 142 73-69—142 71-71 — 142 71-71 — 142 72-70 142 72-71—143 70-73—143 69-74 — 143 72-71 — 143 70-73 — 143 75-68 — 143 71-72 — 143 70-73 — 143 71-72 — 143 70-73 — 143 70-74 144 70-74—144 74-70—144 70-74—144 71-73—144 73-71 — 144 69-75 — 144

St. Francis(Pa.)atJamesMadison,3p.m. Warnerat Mercer,3 p.m. Elon atNCABT,3p.m. Howardat OldDominion, 3 p.m. Alabama A8Mat SCState,3 p.m. Fort ValleySt.at SavannahSt., 3p.m. MississippiSt.at Auburn, 4p.m. Lenoi r-RhyneatDavidson,4p.m. KentSt. atLSI),4p.m. MorganSt.at Liberty, 4p.m. NichogsSt.at Louisiana-Lafayette,4p.m. Memphisat MiddleTennessee,4p.m. MissouriSt.at MurraySt., 4p.m. Vanderbilt atSouthCarolina, 4p.m. FAUatSouthFlorida, 4p.m. PrairieViewatSouthern U.,4 p.m. JacksonSt.vs.TennesseeSt. atMemphis, 4p.m. Cent.Arkansasat UT-Martin, 4p.m. GeorgiaSouthernatWofford, 4 p.m. W. Kentucky at SouthAlabama,4:30p.m. WestAlabamaat McNeeseSt., 5 p.m.

x-Southern UtahatWashington State,3:30p.m. x-DhioStateatCalifomia, 4p.m. OregonStateatUtah,7 p.m. x-WisconsinatArizonaState, 7:30p.m. x-Tex as-SanAntionoatArizona,7:30p.m. x=nonleague

Chris Kirk RickieFowler JonasBlixt NFL Matt Every (Hometeams in CAPS) BryceMolder Favorite Opening Current Underdog lan Poulter Sunday EAGLES 7.5 75. Cha rgers Scott Staffings RAVENS 6 .5 65. Brow ns Matt Kuchar TEXANS 8.5 9 Titans BooWeekley COLTS 3 2.5 Dolp hins KevinChappeff Panthers 2.5 3 BILLS DustinJohnson FALCON S 7 6.5 Rams PatrickReed PACKER S 7 7 Redsk ins KenDuke CHIEFS 2 5 3 Cowb o ys LeeWestwood BEARS 6.5 6 Vikings Scott Piercy Saints 3 3 BUCANEERSCharleyHoffman Lions PK 15. CA RDINALSRory Mcffroy RAIDER S 6 5.5 Jagu ars Broncos 5 4.5 GIAN T S LPGA SEAHAK WS 3 3 49ers

Charleston(WV)atS. Illinois, noon QuincyatIndianaSt.,12 05p.m Lincoln(Mo.)vs.Grambling St.at Kansas City,2 p.m. Butler atFranklin, 3p.m. Washingtonvs. Illinois atChicago,3p.m. lowa atlowaSt., 3 p.m. Northwestem St.atCincinnati, 4 p m. fflinois St.at E.Illinois,4p.m. UMassatKansasSt., 4p.m. MontanaatNorth Dakota,4 p.m. SE Louisianaat S.DakotaSt., 4p.m. E. Washingtonat Toledo, 4p.m. Marshall atOhio,5 p.m. NotreDam eat Purdue,5 p.m. WMichiganat Northwestern,6 p.m. SOUTHWEST Tulsa atOklahoma,9a.m. SouthernMiss.atArkansas,9:21a.m.

TexasSouthern atSamHouston St., noon AlabamaatTexasABM,12:30 p.m. Ball St. atNorthTexas,1 p.m. Alabama St.atArk.-PineBluff, 2 p.m. McMurryatStephenF.Austin, 4 p.m. Lamarat OklahomaSt., 4:30p.m. Kansasat Rice,4:30p.m. MississippiatTexas, 5 p.m. FAR WEST FresnoSt.atColorado,ppd. BostonCollegeatSouthern Cal, noon MesaSt.atMontanaSt., 12:05p.m. Cal Polyat ColoradoSt.,12:30 p.m. Tennessee at Oregon,12:30 p.m. N. Colorado atWyoming,1 p.m. HumboldtSt. atPortlandSt., 1:05p.m. N. Illinois atIdaho,2 p.m. WesternSt. (Col.) atIdahoSt., 2.05 p.m. S. UtahatWashington St, 330p.m. Ohio St.at California, 4p.m. UTEPatNew MexicoSt.,5 pm. WeberSt. atUtahSt., 5 p.m. N. Arizona at UCDavis, 6p.m. S. Oregon atSacramentoSt., 605p.m. Cent. Michiganat UNLV,7p.m. OregonSt.at Utah,7 pm. UTSAatArizona, 7:30p.m. WisconsinatArizonaSt., 7:30p.m.




2 7.5 2 7 .5 E. Michigan 29 30 ARMY 38 40 Georgia St 12 14 KENTUC KY OHIO U 7 8 37 37 Akron 2.5 2. 5 BowlingGreen E. CARO LINA 7 8 7.5 6. 5 CONNE CTICUT 21.5 2 2 .5 NewMexico

RUTGE RS Stanford W. VIRGINIA Louisville Marshall MICHIGAN INDIANA VirginiaTech Maryland PITTSBU RGH WAKEFO REST W. Kentucky FresnoSt FLDRIDA ST NEBRA SKA GeorgiaTech OREGO N TEXAS USC lowa Alabama N. Illinois AUBURN




GOLF Local

Conf. Overall 1-0 1-1 0-0 20 0-0 1-0 0-0 1-0 0-0 1-1 0-0 1-1

Conf. 0-0 Utah 0-0 Arizona 0-0 ArizonaState 0-0 UCLA 0-0 0-1 USC Today'sGames x-UCLA atNebraska,9a.m. x-Stanford atArmy,9a.m. x-FresnoStateatColorado, ppd. x-Boston CollegeatSouthern Cal, noon x-Tennessee at Oregon, 12:30p.m. x-Washington at glinois,3 p.m.


10 8.5 S. ALABMA A 9 .5 P P D COLOR ADO 32 35 Nevada 5 3.5 Ucla 8 8.5 DUKE 2 5.5 28 Tennesse e 2.5 2. 5 Mississippi 1 4.5 1 4 BostonCollege 15 2 IOWA ST 8.5 8. 5 TEXAS A8M 27 28 . 5 IDAHO 6.5 6 MississippiSt c-Washington 10 10 ILLINOIS PENN ST 6 5.5 C. Florida Ball St 3 3 N. TEXA S MID TENN ST 5 8 Memphis ARKANS AS 2 2.5 2 3 S. Mississippi S. CARO LINA 13 13 . 5 Vanderbilt OKLAHO MA 25 5 2 4 .5 Tulsa OhioSt 1 5.5 1 5 CALIFOR NIA KANSAS ST 3 9.5 3 9 Massachusetts S. FLDRIA D 11 12 . 5 Fla. Atlantic RICE 4.5 6. 5 Kansas LSU 37 37 KentSt NotreDame 20.5 1 9 .5 PURDUE Utep 6.5 4 NEWMEXICOST NORTH WESTERN3 1.5 30 W. Michigan ARIZON A 25 25 . 5 Tx-S.Antonio UTAH 2 3 OregonSt UNLV 7 7 C. Michigan ARIZONA ST 45 5 Wisconsin





College Today

Pac-12Conference AN TimesPOT


73-71 144

70-74—144 75-70 — 145 77-68 — 145 72-73—145 79-66 — 145 73-72 — 145 73-73 — 146 75-71 — 146 74-73 — 147 72-76 — 148

Betting line

MIDWEST BowlingGreenatIndiana, 9a.m. Akron atMichigan,9a.m. W.Illinois atMinnesota,9a.m. UCLAatNebraska,9a.m. Youngstown St.atMichiganSt.,11 a.m. WiffiamJewegat Valparaiso,11a.m.

Washington State Oregon Washington Stanford California Oregon State

JasonKokrak Phil Mickelson BrianGay RussellHenley Harris English JasonDufner MarcLeishman NicholasThompson DavidLynn MichaeThompson


2-0 2-0 2-0 1-0 1-0 1-1


Friday BrasadaCanyonsGolf Club(Powell Butte) Match Play Championship Flight Final (2) ScottHval,Portlanddef. (5) KevinKlabunde

Medford,5 and4.

Consolation Flight1 Final (10) Mike Kenz,Tualatin def. (5) Barry Greig Redmond,3and1. Consolation Flight 2 Final (15)TimSwope,Redmonddef.(12)Jim Ferguson Portland,5and4.

PGA Tour BMW Championship Friday At ConwayFarmsGolf Club Lake Forest, ffl.

77-72 149

74-75—149 72-78 — 150 73-77 — 150 80-73 — 153 81-73 — 154 78-76 — 154 78-77 155


Evien Championship Friday At The EvianResort Golf Club Evian-les-Bains, France Purse: $3.25miNion Yardage: 6,433;Par: 71(35-36) First Round Mika Miyazato 31-34 — 65 SandraGal 33-33—66 Se RiPak 33-33—66 SuzannPetersen 33-33—66 ChristinaKim 33-34—67 a-LydiaKo 33-35—68 KarrieWeb b 31-37 — 68 MicheffeWie 33-35 68 LindseyWright 33-35—68 DanahBordner 34-35—69 Na Yeon Choi 33-36—69 Hee-Won Han 33-36—69 I.K. Kim

StacyLewis Ji YoungDh Lee-AnnePace BeatrizRecari AngelaStanford AyakoUehara CheffaChoi PaulaCreamer Shanshan Feng JenniferJohnson ffheeLee CarolineMasson Lisa McCloskey AzaharaMunoz MorganPressel LizetteSalas HeeKyungSeo MomokoUeda MariajoUribe HelenAlfredsson Hol y Clyburn Austin Ernst SophieGustafson MinaHarigae KatherineHull-Kirk MiJungHur VickyHurst MeenaLee SydneeMichaels So Yeon Ryu JennyShin Marianne Skarpnord HeatherBowieYoung Eun-Hee Ji DanieffeKang Haeji Kang PernigaLindberg HeeYoungPark Pornanong Phatlum GerinaPiler SarahJaneSmith Lexi Thompson AmyYang KathleenEkey JulietaGranada KarineIcher SarahKemp CandieKung Cindyl.aCrosse Mi HyangLee Mo Martin CatrionaMatthew PaolaMoreno Giulia Sergas Jiyai Shin

34-35—69 33-36—69 33-36—69 34-35—69 34-35—69 34-35—69 34-35—69 33-37—70 32-38—70 34-36—70 35-35—70 36-34—70 38-32—70 33-37 70 36-34—70 33-37 — 70 33-37—70 35-35—70 35-35—70 34-36—70 35-36—71 35-36—71 35-36—71 34-37—71 33-38 — 71 34-37 — 71 32-39—71 34-37 71 34-37—71 36-35 — 71 35-36—71 35-36—71 34-37—71 37-35—72 36-36—72 34-38—72 35-37 — 72 37-35 — 72 33-39 72 34-38—72 36-36—72 34-38—72 35-37 — 72 35-37 — 72 36-37 — 73 34 39 73 38-35—73 37-36—73 37-36—73 35-38—73 37-36—73 35-38—73 36-37—73 35-38—73 36-37—73 37-36—73

Kris Tamulis AlisonWalshe ChristelBoeljon Dori Carter LauraDavies Moira Dunn KatieFutcher CarolineHedwal CharleyHull Juli Inkster

Jeong Jang BrittanyLang Kristy McPhrson e Gw adysNocera AnnaNordqvist InbeePark Amanda Blumenherst IreneCho JacquiConcolino NatalieGulbis Mindy Kim

JessicaKorda Rebecca Lee-Bentham BrittanyLincicome Ann-KathrinLindner PaigeMackenzie Ai Miyazato BelenMozo JanePark DewiClaireSchreefel YaniTseng SunYoungYoo Katie M.Burnett

CristieKerr Joanna Klatten BeckyMorgan JenniferRosales JenniferSong ThidapaSuwannapura Jodi Ewart Shadoff MoriyaJutanugarn AmehaLewis Xi Yu Lin BrookePancake

SandraChangkija CarlotaCiganda Jee Young Lee RyannO'Toole LauraDiaz Rebecca Artis MelissaReid CheyenneWoods

36-37 73 34-39—73 34-40—74 35-39—74 34-40—74 38-36—74 37-37 74 36-38—74 35-39—74 38-36—74 37-37—74 36-38 74 35-39—74 36-38—74 35-39—74 38-36—74 37-38—75 35-40—75 35-40—75 39-36—75 35-40—75 36-39—75 36-39—75 35-40—75 35-40—75 38-37—75 36-39—75 39-36—75 36-39—75 38-37 — 75 35-40—75 37-38—75 38-38—76 34-42—76 37-39 76 40-36—76 38-38—76 38-38—76 40-36—76 37-40—77 40-37 77 38-39—77 39-38—77 36-41—77 39-39—78 36-42—78 40-38—78 39-39—78 42-37 — 79 41-39—80 41-39—80 36-44 80

MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR Sprint Cup GEICO400 Lineup After Friday qualifying; raceSunday At ChicagolandSpeedway Joliet, NI. Lap length: 1.5 miles

(Car number inparentheses)

1. (22)JoeyLogano, Ford,189.414mph. 2 (2) BradKeseowski, Ford,189.248. 3. (42)JuanPablo Montoya, Chevrolet,189.062. 4. (5) Kasey Kahne, Chevrolet, 188.785. 5.(17) RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,188.772. 6.(24)JeffGordon,Chevrolet, 188541. 7 (16) Greg Biffle,Ford, 188.515. 8 (99) CarlEdwards,Ford, 188357 9. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet, 188.304. 10. (20)MattKenseth, Toyota,188.298. 11. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet,188.298. 12. (18)KyleBusch,Toyota,188.291. 13. (47) A JAffmendinger, Toyota,188 278 14. (56)MartinTruexJr.,Toyota, 188.258. 15. (43)AncAlmlrola, Ford, 188.127. 16. (78)KurtBusch,Chevrolet,188.075. 17. (29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,187.957. 18. (88)DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevrolet,187.878. 19. (34)DavidRagan,Ford,187513. 20. (39)RyanNewman, Chevrolet, 187207. 21. (31)JeffBurton,Chevrolet, 186.903. 22. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota,186.812. 23. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet,186.774. 24. (15)Clint Bowyer,Toyota,186.754 25. (55)BrianVickers, Toyota,186.445. 26. (9)MarcosAmbrose,Ford, 186.085. 27. (1)JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet,185.88. 28. (30)ColeWhitt, Toyota,185.778 29. (14)MarkMartin, Chevrolet,185.765. 30. (36)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet,185.414. 31.(13) Casey Mears, Ford, 184.445. 32.(40) Landon Cassiff, Chevrolet, 184.407. 33.(83) DavidReutimann,Toyota, 184376. 34.(35)JoshWise,Ford,184.344. 35.(38) DavidGiffiland,Ford, 184.106. 36. (51)JustinAffgaier,Chevroet,18408. 37. (93)TravisKvapil, Toyota,Owner Points. 38. (98)MichaelMcDoweff, Ford, Owner Points. 39. (32)TimmyHil, Ford,OwnerPoints. 40. (95)ReedSorenson, Ford, Owner Points. 41. (7)DaveBlaney,Chevrolet, Owner Points. 42. (87)JoeNemechek,Toyota, Dwner Points. 43. (33)TonyRaines, Chevrolet, Owner Polnts.

TENNIS Professional Davis Cup WORLD GROUP Semifinals Winners to final, Nov.15-17

Berbia1, Canada1 At BelgradeArena Belgrade, Serbia Surface: Clay-Indoor Singles Novak Djokovic, Serbia, def. Vasek Pospisil, Canada,6 2,6-0,6-4 Milos RaonicCan , ada,def. JankoTipsarevic, Serbia, 5-7, 6-3,3-6, 6-3,I0-8.

Czech Republic 2, Argentina 0 At 02 Arena

Prague Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles RadekStepanek,Czech Republic,def.Juan Monaco,Argentina,7-6(3), 6-3,6-2. TomasBerdych,Czech Republic,def.Leonardo Mayer,Argentina,6-4,4-6, 6-3,6-4. Bell Challenge Friday At Club AvantageMulti-Sports deQuebec OuebecCity Purse: $236,000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Quarterfinals MarinaErakovic(6), NewZealand,def.AjlaTomljanovic, Croatia,2-6,6-1, 7-5. ChristinaMcHale,UnitedStates,def PolonaHercog, Slovenia1-6, , 7-6(4), 6-3. Lucie Safarova(3), CzechRepublic, def. Lauren Davis(7), UnitedStates, 6-2,6-4.

EugenieBouchard (5), Canada, def.Kristina Mladenowc(2), France,6-3,6-2. TashkentOpen Friday At The OlympicTennisSchool Tashkent, Uzbekistan Purse: $236000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Semifinals BojanaJovanovski (1), Serbia,def.Maria-Teresa Torro-Flor,Spain,6-2, 6-2. Dlga Govortsova,Belarus,def. MandyMinega, Luxembourg, 6-2,7-5.


EasternConference W L T P t sGF GA

Montreal 1 3 7 6 4 5 45 37 NewYork 1 3 9 6 4 5 44 36 S porting KansasCity 13 9 6 4 5 41 27 Phdadelphia 10 9 9 39 37 38 NewEngland 10 1 0 7 3 7 37 29 Houston 1 0 10 7 3 7 31 35 Chicago 1 0 11 6 3 6 33 38 Columbus 9 14 5 3 2 31 38 TorontoFC 4 13 11 23 24 40 D.C. 3 19 5 1 4 16 44 Western Conference W L T P t sGF GA Seattle 1 5 8 4 4 9 37 27 RealSaltLake 1 4 9 6 48 52 37 LosAngeles 13 1 0 4 4 3 43 33 Colorado 1 1 8 9 4 2 35 29 Portland 10 5 12 42 43 30 FC Dallas 10 7 10 40 39 39 Vancouver 1 0 10 7 3 7 39 38 SanJose 1 0 11 7 3 7 29 40 ChivasUSA 6 15 7 2 5 27 48 NOTE: Threepoints for victory,onepoint for tie.

Friday's Game Seattle FC 2, Real Salt Lake0 Today's Games Columbus atMontreal,11 a.m. Los Angeleats D.C. United,1 p.m. TorontoFCatNewYork4p m HoustonatPhiladelphia,4:30p.m. NewEnglandatChicago,5:30p.m. FC DallasatColorado, 6pm. Portlandat ChivasUSA,7:30p.m. VancouveratSanJose, 7:30p.m.


Eastern Conference W L Pct GB z-Chicago 24 9 727 x-Atlanta 17 16 .515 7 x-Indiana 16 17 .485 8 x-Washington 16 17 .485 8 NewYork 11 22 .333 13 Connecticut 9 24 .273 15 Western Conference W L Pct GB z-Minnesota 25 8 .758 x-LosAngeles 23 10 .697 2 x-Phoenix 19 14 .576 6 x-Seattle 16 17 .485 9 SanAntonio 11 22 .333 14 Tulsa 11 22 .333 14 x-clinchedplayoffspot;z-clinchedconference Friday's Games Indiana66 NewYork63 Washington82,Connecticut 56 Chicago87,Atlanta 82 Phoenix82,SanAntonio 61 Today's Games Chicagoat Minnesota, 5p.m. Tulsa atSeattle, 7 p.m.


American League TORONTOBLUE JAYS — Reinstated DF Colby Rasmus fromthe15-day Dl.. National League PITTSBURGHPIRATES — Assigned RHP James McDonaldoutright toIndianapolis (IL). BASKETBALL National Basketball Association

DALLAS MAVERICKS—SignedF Devin Ebanks. PHILADELP HIA76ERS— NamedBrandonD.Wi-

liamsgeneralmanagerof Delaware (NBADL). PORTLAND TRAIL BLAZERS— Signed FRichard Howell. FOOTBALL

National Football League NFL — FinedTampaBayS DashonGoldson $30,000,N.Y.Jets S Dawan Landry $21,000, Green BayLB Clay Matthews $15,000,San Francisco LB AhmadBrooks$12,750andTampa Bay LB Lavonte David and SanFranciscoWR Anquan Boldin$7,875 for theiractionsduring astweek's game. INDIANAPOLI S COLTS — Signed RB Kerwynn Williamsfromthepracticesquad. NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS Released DL R.J. Dill Iromthepracticesquad. SignedDLJosh Klineto the practicesquad. OAKLAND RAIDERS—SignedFBMarcelReeceto athree-yearcontractextension. HOCKEY National HockeyLeague ST. LOUISBLIJES Agreed to termswith DAlex Pietrangelo ona seven-year contract.

FISH COUNT Upstream daily movement of adult chinook,jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonThursday.

Chnk Jchnk Btlhd Wstlhd B onneville 27,964 2,656 1,643 4 58 T he Dalles 24,071 2,893 2,486 7 8 3 McNary 13,810 1,015 3,631 1,152 Upstream year-to-date movement of adult chinook, jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonThursday. Chnk Jchnk Btlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 777,973 122,387 205,994 90,620 The Daffes 434024 95,844 112,318 51,757 John Day 248 092 77,725 65,487 29,382 McNary 233,875 52,477 56,493 24,619

Weighty issues, big money for tonight's Mayweather-Alvarez fight By Tim Dahlberg The Associated Press

LAS VEGAS — Listen to Floyd MayweatherJr.'s people and Canelo Alvarez wanted to fight their man so badly he offered to drop a few pounds to get him to sign on the dotted line. Listen to the Alvarez camp and Mayweather wanted the fight at an even lower weight that Alvarez would have to starve himself to make. "The truth," promoter Richard Schaefersays, "lies somewhere in the middle." Weight is always a big deal in fights, and it is center stage

BOXING title held by Alvarez, but will be fought at a catch weight of 152 pounds that was harder for Alvarez to make than for Mayweather. "They're the ones who said they would fight at a l ower weight," said Leonard Ellerbe, Mayweather's manager. "We can't help it Alvarez has idiots

some of his recent fights just to get to the 154-pound class limit. But when the chance came to move in to the upper stratosphere of f i g hters a gainst Mayweather — with at least a $5 million payday attached to it — Alvarez had to give Up a few pounds against a fighter more used to fighting at 147


"They wanted me to goto 147," Alvarez said earlier this to take every advantage they week when he said he was give us." already down to 154 pounds. Alvarez is a f u l l -fledged "I said that was physically junior middleweight and has impossible. Then they wanted been formore than three years 150 and then 15L I wanted to again in one of the biggest now. He's physically bigger at make the fight so I agreed to fights in r e cent years. To- 5-foot-9 than Mayweather and 152. Then they forced me to be night's megafight is officially has had to lose good amounts quiet about it." for a version of the 154-pound of weight in the final days in Alvarez was 152 pounds at

for managers, but we're going

the official weigh-in Friday, delighting a raucous crowd of about 12,000 who packed the MGM Arena to watch. MayWeather Weighed in at 150'/2. Getting an a d vantage is nothing new to Mayweather. He does it in the ring with his tremendous skills to a dapt, and he does it outside the ring by playing with his opponent's mind. For Mayweather, making Alvarez think constantly in training about making 152 pounds may have been more important t han t h e a c tual weight itself. "There's a t h ousand different ways I can beat a guy," Mayweather said. Oddsmakers in this gambling town believe Mayweather will find one of those ways

when he takes on the undefeated Mexican star in what could be boxing's richest fight ever. He'S a 2'/2-1 faVOrite againSt a bigger and presumably stronger fighter who will probably rehydrate to enter the ring 10 p ounds heavier than M a yweather, though those are the shortest odds for a Mayweather fight in years. The fight, which also features a m u c h a n t i cipated 140-pound title bout between Danny Garcia and Lucas Matthysse, will be televised on pay-per-view at a suggested cost of $74.95. Mayweather will earn the biggest purse ever for a fighter, $4L5 million guaranteed with even more millions to come if the pay-per-view takes off.

Early indications are that the fight will be one of the biggest in years, with celebrities who usually get free tickets even offering to pay for ringside seats at the MGM Grand hotel that first sold at $2,000 and now are beingoffered for as much

as $29,000. The live gate itself will be $20 million and the pay-perview could bring in another $150 million in a fight featur-

ing the reigning king of payper-view against the biggest sportshero in Mexico. "He's put the sport on his back," Ellerbe said of Mayweather, whose earnings for the year will total at least $73 million. "Boxing is a n i che sport, but the highest-paid athlete in the world is a boxer."





LPGA Tour,EvianChampionship PGA Tour, BMW Championship PGA Tour, BMW Championship

Web.com Tour, Nationwide Children's Hospital Championship European Tour, KLMOpen(taped)


Time 3:30 a.m.

ians, e on's roncos omee in annin



Golf Golf NBC

3:30 p.m. 11 p.m.

Golf Golf

10 a.m.


English Premier League, Manchester U. vs. Crystal Palace

By Barry Wilner 4 :45 a.m.


7 a.m. English Premier League, Everton vs. Chelsea9:30 a.m. 7:30 p.m. MLS, Portland at Chivas USA MOTOR SPORTS


English Premier League,

Sunderland vs. Arsenal

NASCAR,Sprint Cup, Geico400, practice NASCAR, Nationwide, Dollar General 300, qualifying NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Geico 400, practice NASCAR, Nationwide, Dollar General 300 FOOTBALL College, UCLA at Nebraska College, Western lllinois at Minnesota College, Bowling Green at Indiana

8 a.m. Fox Sports 2 9 a.m. F o x Sports 2 11 a.m. Fox Sports 2 12:30 p.m. E S P N2

College, Stanford at Army College, Tulsa at Oklahoma College, Virginia Tech at East Carolina College, Louisiana-Monroe at Wake Forest

ABC Big Ten ESPNU 9 a.m. ESPN 9 a.m. CBSSN ESPN2 9 a.m. 9 a.m. F o x Sports1 9:30 a.m. Root

College, Boston College atUSC

noon Pac-12, 940-AM

College, Louisville at Kentucky

9 a.m. 9 a.m. 9 a.m.

College, Youngstown State at Michigan State

(joined in progress) College, TennesseeatOregon


College, Washington at lllinois

Big Ten ABC 1110-AM 12:30 p.m. CBS 1 2:30 p.m. ESP N 12:30 p.m. C B S SN 12:30 p.m. E S P NU 3 p.m. Big Ten

College, lowa at lowa State

3 p.m. Fox Sports1

College, Southern Utah at Washington State College, Vanderbilt at South Carolina College, Ohio State at Cal College, Kent State at LSU

3 :30 p.m. 4 p.m.

College, OregonState at Utah

7 p.m. Fox Sports1

College, UTSA at Arizona College, Wisconsin at Arizona State BASEBALL

7 :30 p.m. 7:30 p.m.

MLB, NewYorkYankees at Boston

10 a.m. 4 p.m.

College, Alabama atTexasA&M College, Nevada at Florida State

College, Delaware atNavy College, GeorgiaTech at Duke

12:30 p.m.

Pac - 12 ESPN 4 p.m. Fox 4 p.m. ESPNU College, Mississippi State at Auburn 4 p.m. ESPN2 College, Kansas atRice 4 :30 p.m. CBS S N College, Notre Dame at Purdue 5 p.m. ABC College, Marshall at Ohio 5 p.m. E S PN News College, Western Michigan at Northwestern 6 p.m. Big Ten

MLB, Kansas City at Detroit MLB, Seattle at St. Louis YACHTING

940-AM Pac - 12 ESPN

Fox MLB Root

5 p.m.

America's Cup

12:30 p.m.


MIXED MARTIALARTS World Series of Fighting 5, Andrei Arlovski vs. Mike Kyle

6 p.m.


SUNDAY Time TV/ Radio NHRA, Carolina Nationals, qualifying (taped)12:30 a.m. E S P N2 MOTOR SPORTS

NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Geico 400 NHRA, Carolina Nationals, qualifying GOLF

11 a.m. 5 :30 p.m.

LPGA Tour,EvianChampionship

5:30 a.m.

LPGA Tour, Evian Championship PGA Tour, BMW Championship PGA Tour, BMW Championship Web.com Tour, Nationwide Children's Hospital Championship

9 a.m. 9 a.m.

European Tour, KLMOpen(taped)

11:30 p.m.

SOCCER English Premier League, Southampton vs. West Ham


10:30 a.m. 4 p.m.

Golf Golf

8 a.m. 2 p.m.


Men's college, San Diego at UCLA FOOTBALL NFL, San Diego at Philadelphia NFL, Washington at Green Bay

4 p.m.


NFL, Minnesota at Chicago

10 a.m.

NFL, Denver at New York Giants NFL, San Francisco at Seattle BASEBALL MLB, Kansas City at Detroit MLB, Seattle at St. Louis MLB, New York Yankees at Boston YACHTING

1:25 p.m. 5:20 p.m.

America's Cup

12:30 p.m.

Men's college, Air Force atOregonState

10 a.m. 10 a.m.



10 a.m.

TBS Root 5 p.m. ESPN, 940-AM

11 a.m.


Listings are themostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by N or radio stations.

rally. The Colts have won seven consecutive home games.

The Associated Press

Tennessee (1-0) at Houston (1-0): If the Titans are going

Manning Bowl III doesn't make Peyton or Eli — or parents Archie and Olivia — very comfortable. However, if there is a Manning Bowl IV at MetLife Stadium next February, well, the whole family would like that just fine. The Super Bowl. "Obviously, every year being in two different conferences, it's always a possibility," Denver Broncos quarterback Peyton Manning says. "The teams that I've played for in the past have always been in the hunt and been to two. And he's always been in the hunt. So, we don't necessarily talk about it. "We've played each other twice. I don't think either of us really enjoy it very much." Manning has a 2-0 edge in NFL matchups with brother Eli, the New York Giants QB, both from when Peyton was a Colt. Eli has two Super Bowl rings; Peyton has one. "It's still neat because it doesn't happen very o f t en and it is neat seeing your big brother on the sideline or seeing him before the game," Eli says. "Those moments are the things you remember and we'll remember for a long time. Hopefully, when I think back on these games that we played against my brother, I can think back and remember at least one win." Denver a l ready s a vored quite a win this season, in the kickoff game at home over defending NFL champion Baltimore. Peyton threw for seven t ouchdowns to ti e a n N F L record. New York was far less successful in its opener, falling at Dallas, with Eli picked off three times and the Giants losing three fumbles. Week 2 began with the New England Patriots beating the New York Jets 13-10 on Thursday night. Tom Brady threw a 39-yard touchdown pass to Aaron Dobson on the game's first series before both offenses played as sloppily as the second-half weather. Jets rookie q uarterback G e n o Sm i t h started in p l ace of i n j ured Mark Sanchez for the second straight game and threw three interceptions in t h e f o u r th quarter. On Sunday, San Francisco visits Seattle; Washington is at Green Bay; Dallas at Kansas City; San Diego at Philadelphia; St. Louis at Atlanta; Minnesota at Chicago; New Orleans at Tampa Bay; Miami at Indianapolis; Tennessee at Houston; Cleveland at Baltimore; Detroit at Arizona; Carolina at Buffalo; and Jacksonville at Oakland. Monday night, i t's P i ttsburgh at Cincinnati.

to contend in the AFC South, here is where they must prove themselves following an impressive opener at Pittsburgh. Tennessee's defense seems vastly better than the unit that allowed a l e ague-high 471 points in 2012. Houston's rally f r o m a 21-point hole at San D iego showed the Texans' moxie. They displayed all-around balance in the second half against the Chargers. Pittsburgh (0-1) at Cincinnati

(0-1), Monday night:After all

four AFC North teams were beaten in their openers, the winner o f t h i s p r i me-time matchup will go to the head Darron Cummings/The Associated Press of the division. That's often In this Sept. 18, 2010, photo, New York Giants quarterback Eli Man- where Pittsburgh is, but the ning, left, shakes hands with his brother and Indianapolis Colts Steelerswere awful when Tenquarterback, Peyton Manning, before an NFL game in Indianapolis. nessee broke their 10-game The siblings square off Sunday at MetLife Stadium, the third — and winning string in home openquite possibly last — time they'll face each other in the pros. ers last week. The Steelers showed little on defense and a lot less with the ball. "It's still neat because The Chargers started fast, Cincinnati fell at Chicago in too, against Houston, then a game it led most of the way. it doesn't happen folded in the second half, blow- The Bengals have lost three very often and it is ing a 21-point lead. straight and 11 of the past 12 neat seeing your big St. Louis (1-0) at Atlanta (0- at home to Pittsburgh, includbrOther On the Sideline 1): Through nine years in St. ing a playoff game. Louis, Steven Jackson was Cleveland (0-1) at Baltimore Or Seeing him befOre a workhorse running back, (0-1): Having stewed since the game. Those rushing for 10,135 yards, scor- Sept. 5 about their second-half ing 56 touchdowns and mak- collapse — and those seven moments are the ing three trips to the Pro Bowl. TD throws by Peyton ManthingS you remember He's now 30 and in Atlanta. ning — the defending champiand we'll remember The Rams sure know what a ons could take out their fruspresence he can be. trations on the division-rival for a long time." "Obviously, Jack was a huge Browns. They certainly need — New York Giants quarterback part of me growing up," Rams stronger defense, but CleveEli Manning quarterback Sam B r adford land doesn't present nearly the said. "I learned most how to be challenge the Broncos do. "It was t ough, especially a leader. I watched the way he handled himself in different when guys are out of characattle's 12th man, the boisterous situations in the locker room, ter and not doing things that crowd, attempts to break the on the field, in practice, during they normallydo,"cornerback Guinness Book of World Re- games. I learned a ton from Corey Graham said. "That cords mark for "loudest crowd Jack. I really couldn't imagine was unacceptable." roar at a s p o rts stadium," having tostart my career here A l oss t o l o w l y C l eve131.76 decibels. without him." l and would b e e ven m o re Washington (0-1) at Green Minnesota (0-1) at Chicago unacceptable. Bay (0-1):The Packers looked ( 1-0): A 78-yard run on h i s Detroit (1-0) at Arizona (0-1): good offensively in a difficult first carry for MV P A d rian Now that the Cardinals seem matchup with San Francisco's Peterson was not a harbinger. to have found a quarterback, staunch defense, but were a Detroit slowed him after that Carson Palmer, maybe they sieve when the 49ers had the and came back to beat the can hang with potent Detroit. ball. Aaron Rodgers certainly Vikings. Reggie Bush was sensational is capable of leading the PackMinnesota needs a strong in his Lions debut, but deers to lots of points, but they pass rush, something Cin- fensive tackle N d amukong must stop someone. cinnati failed to manage last Suh drew yet another fine, The main someones to stop week, if it is to win at Soldier $100,000 for his low block on this week are Robert GrifField. W i thout i t , d e f end- Vikings center John Sullivan fin III, who looked rusty in ing Brandon Marshall (eight during an interception return. "I'm going to continue to Washington's opening l oss, catches, 104 yards and a TD) and powerhouse running back could be too tough a chore. play hard, blue-collar footAlfred Morris, held to 45 yards New Orleans (1-0) at Tampa ball," he said. rushing by Philadelphia. Bay (0-1): Cleaning up their Carolina (0-1) at Buffalo (0-1): Dallas (1-0) at Kansas City (1- sloppy act is paramount for The Bills were on the verge 0): Most teams that produce six the Bucs, penalized 13 times of an upset over New Engtakeaways win in a romp. Not for 102 yards last week. A per- land, only to fold late, someso Dallas, which had to hold sonal foul in the final minute thing they always seem to do off the Giants last week. Still, on LB Lavonte David for shov- against the Patriots. They will the Cowboys will take half as ing Jets QB Geno Smith out of wear t h r owback u n i forms many opposition t u rnovers bounds moved New York into and honor many oftheir great each week and be thrilled. position to win on Nick Folk's players on Sunday. Everybody in Kansas City field goal with 2 seconds left. That won't impress the Panwas thrilled by th e C hiefs' Sean Payton's coaching re- thers much, and they're itchSan Francisco (1-0) at Seattle overall work in a 28-2 laugher turn from the bounty scandal ing to find some offense after (1-0): An early showdown be- at Jacksonville. The Jaguars, suspension was a success, and Seattle held them to 259 total tween the top NFC West teams of course, might be the NFL's the Saints beat Tampa Bay yards and forced two fumbles. a nd perhaps the best t w o worst t eam. A n d y R e i d 's twice in 2012 without him. Jacksonville (0-1) at Oakland teams inthe conference. Chiefs will get a bigger test Miami (1-0) at Indianapolis (0-1): Two teams fully expectThe Niners come off a sensa- from Dallas. (1-0): The two franchises that ed to be cellar dwellers this tional offensive performance, San Diego (0-1) at Philadel- spent the most money in free season, but one looked pretty sparked by Colin Kaepernick's phia (1-0): Forget the multi- agency. The Dolphins barely good in theopener. Oakland career-best 412 yards pass- tasking while watching the used their prize addition, WR led late at Indianapolis and got ing, and new receiver Anquan offense Chip Kelly brought to Mike Wallace (one catch, 15 a strong performance from Boldin (13 catches, 208 yards, Philadelphia. No time for it. yards), in a victory at Cleve- QB Terrelle Pryor, especially one TD). The Seahawks were Kelly actually thought the land, then W a llace voiced on the ground with 112 yards terrific on defense, yielding Eagles were too slow in their his displeasure, mostly with and an 8.6 average per rush. only 125 yards in the air to win over W a shington, but himself. The Jaguars were routed at Cam Newton and Carolina. most everyone else was left It was much more of a love- home by Kansas City and rank Both teams dislike each breathless by the tempo set by fest in Indy, even though the dead last in offense. Starting other, and this could get nasty. Michael Vick, LeSean McCoy Colts blew an early 14-point QB Blaine Gabbert is out with It definitely will get loud as Se- and DeSean Jackson. lead to Oakland and had to a lacerated hand.

SPORTS IN BRIEF FOOTBALL Fresno State-Coloradogame POStPOned —Thefootball game between Fresno State and Colorado in Boul-

der was postponed onFriday becauseof flooding that is devastating the state. The

teams were scheduled to playSaturday at FolsomField.Nomakeupdatehasbeen

especially mountain communities around Boulder. The university has canceled

classes through at least Friday.

Texas presidentsupportscoach

— University of TexasPresident Bill Powers says hesupports coach MackBrown

New York Jets tight end Jeff Cumberland in the head and neck area in the teams'

Bay linebacker Clay Matthews was fined $15,000 for a late hit on San Francisco

season opener last Sunday.Thehit, which drew an unnecessary roughness penalty,

quarterback Colin Kaepernick.

resulted in Cumberland needing stitches

GoltS RB Ballard Out far SeaSOn

to close a cut to his chin. It wasalso just

— Indianapolis Colts starting running

one of a few plays in the Jets'18-17 win

back Vick Ballard will miss the rest of the season with a torn anterior cruciate

the line after three sub-par seasonsandan embarrassing loss at BYU.Powers spoke

that were fined bythe league. Buccaneers linebackerLavonteDavidwasdocked $7,875 for unnecessary roughnesswhen

briefly with The Associated Press on Fri-

he shoved Jets quarterback Geno Smith

a national emergency site," Chancellor

day before Saturday's gameagainst No.

to the ground out of bounds — leading to

a non-contact injury, just put a foot in the

Philip DiStefano said in a statement. "Our community is hurting.... This is not an

25 Mississippi. Powers called last week's 40-21 lossto BYU a"bad week" and says

the winning field goal by New York. Fellow linebacker Daniel Te'o-Nasheim was fined

ground, went to cut on a running play and knee went out on him," Pagano said. "He'll

appropriate time for us to hold agamethat

Brown is "trying to fix it." Brown fired defensive coordinator Manny Diazthe day

the sameamount for a facemask penalty

require season-ending surgery, unfor-

announced. "Even though the weatheris improving, Boulder is still designated as

would put pressure on the community,

amid speculation that Brown's job is on

both in terms of security/emergency perafter the defeat. sonnel, but also in diverting attention from people in need." The area has been hit hard in recent days by torrential showers,

leading to flooding in northern Colorado,

NFL handS out fineS — Tampa Baysafety DashonGoldsonwasfined $30,000 by theNFLon Friday for hitting

the active roster. Ballard was Indy's top rusher in 2012 with 814 yards.

BASKETBALL BlaZerS add rOOkie to training

ligament in his right knee.Coach Chuck

CamP rOSter —The Portland Trail Blazers have addedrookie forward Richard

Pagano said Friday that Ballard was hurt making a cut in practice Thursday. "It was

Howell to their training camp roster. Howell averaged 12.7 points, 10.9 rebounds

and1.7 assists last season atNorth Carolina State. He ranks fifth all-time for the Wolfpack with1,055 rebounds. The

tunately. We feel awful for Vick." Former Landry was fined $21,000 for unnecessary New York Giants star Ahmad Bradshaw is

6-foot-8 forward played in threegames for the DenverNuggets' SummerLeague team, averaging 1.7points, 2.0 rebounds,

roughness after he hit wide receiver Mike Williams — deemedadefenseless player

expected to start Sundayagainst Miami, and the Colts (1-0) are promoting rookie

1.3 blocked shots and10.7 minutes. With the signing of Howell on Friday, the Blaz-

— in the head and neckarea after Williams

Kerwynn Williams, their seventh-round

caughta17-yard touchdown pass.Green

draft pick, from the practice squadto

during a punt return. Jets safety Dawan

ers' roster is at19 players.

— From wire reports






All Times POT AMERICANLEAGUE East Division W L Boston 90 59 TampaBay 80 66 NewYork 79 69 Baltimore 78 69 Toronto 67 80 Central Division W L Detroit 85 62 Cleveland 79 68 Kansas City 77 70 Minnesota 63 83 58 89 Chicago West Division W L Oakland 86 61 Texas 81 65

Los Angeles Seattle Houston Texas TampaBay Cleveland NewYork Baltimore Kansas City

70 77 65 82 51 96

WILD-CARDGLANCE 81 65 80 66 79 68 79 69 78 69 77 70

11 - 3 2 0 0 0

D.HollandL,9-9 3

Pct GB .604 .548 8'/~ .534 t 0'/z .531 11 .456 22

Pct GB .578 .537 6 524 8 .432 Zt'/v .395 27

Pct GB .585 555 4


476 16 442 21 .347 35

8 6 6 Tepesch 1 3 2 2 Wolf 2 2 1 1 Feliz 1 1 0 0 Blackley 1 0 0 0 Frasor 2-3 0 0 0 Scheppers 1-3 0 0 0 D.Hollandpitchedto 2baters in the4th. Tepeschpltchedto4 batters lnthe5th. Bre.Andersonpitchedto2 batters inthe8th.

1 3 I 1 0 I 0

3 2 0 0 1 1 0 0

Cookpitchedto3 batters inthe8th. HBP—by Straily (Plerzynski).PB—K.Suzukl. T—4:09.A—40,180(48,114).

Astros 9, Angels 7 HOUSTON — Jose Altuve hit a three-run homer and Matt

Dominguez' sgrand slam powered a big fifth inning to give Houston its fourth straight win, a victory

over Los Angeles. The Astros .555 .548 .537 1'/r .534 2 ,531 zr/p 524 3'/z

Friday's Games Cleveland3, ChicagoWhite Sox1 Baltimore 5, Toronto 3 Detroit 6,KansasClty 3 Boston 8,N.Y.Yankees4 Oakland9, Texas8 Houston9,L.A.Angels 7 Tampa Bay3, Minnesota0 St. I.ouis 2,Seatle1,10 innings Today's Games N.Y.Yankees(Sabathia13-12) atBoston(Lester13-8), 10:05a.m. Oakland (Colon15-6) at Texas (Darvish 12-8), 10:05 am. Baltimore(Tilman16-5) at Toronto (Rogers5-7), I:07 p.m. KansasCity (E.Santana8-9) at Detroit (Fister 12-8), 408 p.m. Cleveland(U.Jimenez11-9) at ChicagoWhite Sox (Rienzo2-1), 4:10p.m. L.A. Ange s(Weaver 9-8) at Houston(Oberhotzer 42), 4:10p.m. TampaBay(M.Moore15-3) at Minnesota(AAlbers 2-2), 4:10p.m. Seattle (Paxton1-0) at St. Louis (Wacha3-0), 4.15 p.m. Sunday's Games BaltimoreatToronto, 10:07a.m. Kansas CityatDetroit,1008am. ClevelandatChicagoWhite Sox,11:10 am. LA. Angelsat Houston,11:10a m. Tampa BayatMinnesota, 11:10a.m. Seattle atSt. Louis, 11:15a.m. Oaklan datTexas,12:05p.m. N.Y.Yankeesat Boston, 5:05p.m.

trailed by1 entering the fifth

before Trevor Crowesingled in two runs to put Houston up 54. Dominguez then hit his 20th homer off the wall in left field to extend the lead to 9-4.

27th major leaguer to join the 50-homer club, and the first since Jose Bautista in 2010. Davis led off the eighth with a blast to center off All-Star reliever Steve Delabar,

connecting on a2-2 pitch. Baltimore Toronto ab r hbi ab r hbi M cLothlf 4 0 2 0 Reyesss 4 0 1 0 Machd3b 5 0 0 0 Kawsk2b 3 0 0 0 C .Davis1b 5 I I I Goins2b I 0 0 0 A.Jonescf 5 2 3 0 Encrncdh 3 1 0 0 M arkks rf 4 0 1 0 Lind 1b 4 1 2 2 Hardyss 4 1 1 1 Lawrie3b 4 0 1 0 F lahrty2b 2 I 0 0 CIRsmsci 4 I 2 I V alencidh 4 0 1 1 Sierrari 3 0 0 0 C levngrc 4 0 1 2 Arenciic 3 0 0 0 G oself 3 0 1 0 Totals 3 7 5 105 Totals 3 2 3 7 3 B altimore 000 0 0 0 3 20 — 5 Toronto 0 00 210 000 — 3 DP Baltimore1. LOB Baltimore9, Toronto3.

Dunnngp 0 0 0 0 Schmkrph 1 0 0 0 Machip 0 0 0 0 Withrwp 0 0 0 0 B crwirss 0 0 0 0 HrstnJrrf I 0 I 0 Totals 3 5 4 9 4 Totals 3 42 102 S an Francisco 000 000 310 — 4 L os Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 2 000 — 2 E Van Slyke (2) DP San Francisco 2, Los Angele s1.LOB— SanFrancisco4,LosAngeles10. 28—Pagan (14), Ethier(33). HR —Pence (22), Uribe (11). S—Kersha w. San Francisco I P H R ER BB SO BumgamerW,12-9 6 5 2 2 2 6 DunningH,2 1-3 1 0 0 1 1 MachiH,B 2-3 0 0 0 0 I S.casilla 0 1 0 0 0 0 J.LopezH,13 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 RomoS,34-38 1 1 - 3 2 0 0 0 1

Los Angeles KershawL,14-9 7 8 3 2 0 Withrow I I I I 0 Marmol 1 0 0 0 0 S.casilla pitchedto1 batter inthe8th. HBP—byBumgarner(Ethier). WP—Kershaw. T—3:24. A—52,650(56,000)

6 I 2

2B — A.Jones (33), Hardy (25), Clevenger(1), Reyes Rockies 7, Diamondbacks 5 (16) HR —C.Davis (50) Lind(20), Col.Rasmus(19). Baltimore IP H R E R BB SO PHOENIX — Wilin Rosario 5 3 3 3 1 2 Hammel Gausman 1 0 0 0 0 1 drove in four runs with a single 1-3 2 0 0 0 0 and double andColorado beat McFarland Tom.HunterW5-4 12-3 I 0 0 0 Ji.Johnson S,44-53 1 1 0 0 0

3 1

1 0


2 2 0 0 2 1

0 1 0

Toronto 61-3 3 1 Redmond McGowan BS,1-1 1-3 2 2 SSantos 13 0 0 DelabarL,5-4 1 3 2

Arizona. Corey Dickerson andTroy Tulowitzki each had three of the

Rockies'16 hits. Colorado broke

Raley 2 -3 0 0 V illanueva W,6-8 1-3 1 0 GrimmH,2 1 0 0 Strop H,12 1 1 0 GreggS,32-37 1 1 0 Pittsburgh Morton 5 4 3 Ju.Wilson 1 2 0 G rill> L,0-2 BS,2-32 2-3 2 2 Mazzaro 1 1-3 0 0 Farnsworth 1 1 0 Arrietapitchedto1batter in the6th. WP — Mazzaro. PB—D.Navarro. T—3:15.A—35,962(38,362).

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 0 2 0

3 0 2 0 0

2 0 I 0 0

5 1 2 1 1

Brewers 5, Reds1 MILWAUKEE — Carlos Gomez went 3 for 4 with 5 RBls while Kyle Lohse retired 23 consecutive

batters at one point and finished with a four-hitter, lifting Milwaukee to a win over Cincinnati. Cincinnati had three consecutive hits to open the second, but then had

23 batters in a row retired before Jay Bruce walked with two outs in the ninth. The Reds have dropped three offour.


New York ab r hbi ab r hbi H chvrrss 4 0 0 0 EYonglf 4 1 1 0 Polanc3b 4 0 0 0 Lagarscf-rf 4 0 0 0 Yelichlf 4 0 0 0 DnMrp2b 4 0 1 0 S tantonrf 4 2 2 2 ABrwnrf 2 2 1 1 Ruggincf 4 0 0 0 dnDkkrcf 0 0 0 0 L ucas 1b 3 1 2 0 Duda 1b 4 1 1 3 Morrsn ph 1 0 0 0 Z.Lutz 3b 2 0 1 0 DSolan2b 3 0 1 1 TdAmdc 3 0 0 0 K.Hillc 3 0 I 0 RTeladss 3 0 0 0 B .Handp 2 0 0 0 Niesep 2 0 0 0 RWebbp 0 0 0 0 Atchisnp 0 0 0 0 Coghlnph 1 0 1 0 Baxterph 1 0 0 0 D Jnngsp 0 0 0 0 Blackp 0 0 0 0 Felicin p 0 0 0 0 Hwknsp 0 0 0 0 T otals 3 3 3 7 3 Totals 2 94 5 4 Miami 0 10 010 100 — 3 New York 010 0 0 3 Ogx — 4 E—D.Solano (8). DP—New York1. LOB—Me ami 3, New York 4. 2B—Lucas(10), DSoano (10), E.Young(23). HR —Stanton 2(22), A.Brown(7), Duda


Miami IP H R B.HandL,0-1 52- 3 5 4 11-3 0 0 RWebb Da.Jennings 1 0 0 New York 61-3 6 3 NieseW,7-7 AtchisonH,7 2 3- 0 0 BlackH,1 2-3 1 0 FelicianoH,2 1-3 0 0 HawkinsS,9-12 I 0 0 T—2:30. A—20,562(41,922).

E R BBSO 4 2 4 0 0 I 0 1 2 3 0


0 0 0 0

1 I 0 I

0 0 0 0

Cincinnati Milwaukee Interleague ab r hbi ab r hbi C hoocf 4 0 0 0 Aokirf 4100 Oliver 1 2 0 0 0 1 BPhllps2b 4 0 I 0 Segurass 4 2 2 0 Charlie Blackmon's triple. HBP —byRedmond(Markakis). V otto1b 4 0 0 0 Lucroyc 2 2 1 0 Cardinals 2, Mariners1 T—2:41. A—20,024(49,282). Brucerf 3 0 0 0 ArRmr3b 0 0 0 0 Colorado Arizona (10 innings) Ludwcklf 4 I I 0 Bianchi3b 2 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Hannhn3b 3 0 1 0 CGomzcf 4 0 3 5 Rays 3, Twins 0 C Dckrslf 5 1 3 0 Eatoncf 5 1 2 0 JHmltndh 5 0 1 0 MDmn3b 2 1 1 4 Hooverp 0 0 0 0 Gennett2b 4 0 0 0 ST.LOUIS — PeteKozma scored L eMahi2b 5 0 2 1 A.Hill2b 4 1 2 0 lannettc 4 2 2 1 Carter1b 4 0 0 0 Dukep 0 0 0 0 Halton1b 4 0 2 0 on catc herMikeZunino'spassed MINNEAPOLIS — Chris Archer Tlwtzkss 5 2 3 0 Gldsch1b 3 1 1 0 C alhonrf 5 1 1 0 Hoesrf 3 1 1 0 O ndrskp 0 0 0 0 LSchfrlf 3 0 1 0 5 2 2 0 Erchvz3b 3 1 0 I ball with the bases loaded and Cowgilllf 3 1 0 0 C.clarkc 4 1 1 0 pitched six scoreless innings and Cuddyrrf C ozartss 3 0 1 0 Lohsep 3 0 0 0 W Rosrc 5 I 2 4 Pradolf 5 0 I 0 AnRmn3b 3 1 2 2 BBarnscf 4 2 2 0 300 1 two outs in the 10th inning, and Tampa Bay added to its slim wild- H elton1b 4 I 0 0 MMntrc 3 I 3 3 Mesorcc Totals 3 6 7 127 Totals 3 39 149 L atosp 1 0 0 0 Arenad3b 4 0 0 0 GParrarf 3 0 0 0 St. Louis retook the NL Central card lead by beating Minnesota. L os Angeles 0 0 2 2 0 2 010 — 7 Frazier3b 1 0 0 0 Blckmncf 4 0 2 2 Blmqstph 1 0 0 0 Houston 003 060 Ogx — 9 Totals 3 0 1 4 1 Totals 3 05 9 5 lead with a win over Seattle. The Rays hol d t he se cond wi l dChatwdp 2 0 1 0 Gregrsss 4 0 1 0 DP —Los Angeles 3, Houston 2. LOB—l.os incinnati 010 0 0 0 0 00 — 1 S cahil p 0 0 0 0 Mccrthp 2 0 I 0 C The Cardinals lead the division Milwaukee 201 0 0 0 2 0x — 5 Angeles 9, Houston 4. 28 —Aybar (30), lannetta card spot with four teams still Pachecph 1 0 1 0 Campnph 1 0 1 0 E — C hoo (4). DP — C in ci n nati 2. LOB — C in ci n by a game after Pittsburgh lost. (15). 38 — Trumbo (2). HR—lanneta (10), Altuve in striking range. They nudged Ottavinp 0 0 0 0 WHarrsp 0 0 0 0 nati 4, Milwaukee 8 28 Lucroy (22) SB Segura They're so far 6-1 on anine-game (5), M.Dominguez (20) CS Villar (7), Altuve (10), their edge to1t/a games over O utmnp 1 0 0 0 Sippp 00 00 M.Dominguez (I). 2 (42), C.Go me z (35). S — L atos , Lohs e. B ettisp 0 0 0 0 Roep 00 00 and,duetoa lossbyNew Cincinnati IP H R E R BB SO homestand. Kozma entered in the Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SO Clevel Corpasp 0 0 0 0 Owingsph 1 0 0 0 LatosL,14-6 62 - 3 7 5 5 3 4 eighth inning as apinch-runner, VargasL,8-7 4 1- 3 9 8 8 0 4 York that pushed the Yankees to B rothrsp 0 0 0 0 Lngwllp 0 0 0 0 2-3 I I 1 I 0 Hoover 0 1 0 0 1 0 Cor.Rasm us Totals 4 1 7 167 Totals 3 55 124 Duke later stole third base andscored 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 J.Gutierrez 1 1 0 0 0 1 two games back. Baltimore (2t/a Colorado 2 00 000 500 — 7 Ondrusek 1 1 0 0 1 0 the tying run. Brasier 2 3 0 0 1 2 gamesbehi nd)andKansasCity Arizona 0 01 010 003 — 6 Milwaukee Houston DP — Colorado 3, Arizona1. I.OB—Colorado 8, ohseW,10-9 9 4 1 I I 5 Seattle KeuchelW6-9 5 2-3 10 6 6 2 9 (3/aj are lurking, too. St. Louis Arlzona11. 28—Co.Dickerson (13), Cuddyer(30), L Hooverpitchedto 2baters inthe7th. De Leon H,1 1 1 0 0 1 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi W .Rosari o (22), Eaton (8). 3B — B lac km on (2). HR Minnesota HBP — by L at o s (Ar . R am i r ez). K.chapman H,4 1-3 0 1 I 2 0 TampaBay BMillerss 5 0 0 0 Mcrpnt2b 3 0 1 0 M.Montero(11). SB—Goldschmidt (14), Camp ana T—2;47.A—39,665(41,900) ab r hbi ab r hbi Zeid H,5 1 1 0 0 1 0 A Almntcf 5 0 1 0 Jaycf 400 1 (7). SF —Er.chavez. DeJesslf 4 0 1 0 Presleyci 4 0 1 0 Fields S,5-6 1 0 0 0 0 2 IP H R E R BB SO S eager3b 4 0 2 0 Hollidylf 3 0 0 0 Z obrist2b 3 0 0 0 Pintoc 4 0 0 0 Colorado K.chapman pitched to2 batters inthe8th. Chatwood 4 2-3 7 2 2 6 1 Nationals 6, Phillies1 KMorls1b 4 0 2 0 Beltranrf 3 0 1 0 HBP—byVargas(M.Dominguez,B.Laird), byDeLeon Loney1b 4 0 1 1 Dozier2b 4 0 0 0 Scahill 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 Enchvzpr-If 0 0 0 0 YMolinc 4 0 0 0 Longori 3b 4 0 0 0 Arcia dh 4 0 0 0 (lannetta).WP —K.chapman. Ottavino 2-3 1 0 0 1 2 MSndrsrf 4 0 1 0 MAdms1b 4 0 0 0 KJhnsndh 4 0 I 0Ploufie3b 4 0 2 0 T—3:10. A—19,742(42,060). WASHINGTON — Wilson Ramos O utman W , 3 -0 1 1 3 1 0 0 0 0 Ackleylf-1b 3 0 1 0 Freese3b 4 0 1 0 NATIONALLEAGUE WMyrsrf 4 1 1 0 Parmel1b 2 0 1 0 Bettis 1 0 0 0 0 1 homered and drove in three Zuninoc 4 1 2 1 Descalsss 2 0 0 0 East Division Fuldrf 0 0 0 0 Colaellph-1b 1 0 0 0 Corpas 2-3 3 3 3 0 1 runs, Ross Ohlendorf pitched Frnkln2b 3 0 0 0 SRonsnph 1 0 0 0 W L Pct GB Red Sox 8,Yankees4 D Jnngscf 4 0 1 1 Mstmnlf 2 0 0 0 BrothersS,l7-19 1- 3 0 0 0 0 0 Iwakmp 3 0 0 0 Muli cap 0 0 0 0 Atlanta 88 59 599 J Molinc 4 I I 0 Thomsrf 3 0 0 0 five innings in place of Stephen Arizona Furushp 0 0 0 0 Siegristp 0 0 0 0 Washington 78 69 .531 10 YEscor ss 4 1 3 1 EEscor ss 3 0 1 0 BOSTON — Jarrod Mccarthy 6 1 1 2 2 0 2 Medinap 0 0 0 0 Wongph I 0 0 0 Philadelphia 68 79 .463 20 Strasburg, and Washington T otals 3 5 3 9 3 Totals 3 10 5 0 .HarrisL,3-1 1-34 4 4 0 0 FGtrrzph 1 0 1 0 Wnwrgp 2 0 0 0 NewYork 65 81 .445 22'/2 Saltalamacchia hit a tiebreaking T ampa Bay 0 1 1 0 0 0 100 — 3 W beat Philadelphia for its seventh 0 0 1 1 1 0 Ruffinp 0 0 0 0 BPtrsnph 1 0 0 0 Miami 54 92 370 33'/~ grand slam in the seventh M innesota 000 0 0 0 000 — 0 Sipp 12-3 1 0 0 0 2 straight victory. Ian Desmond OPerezp 0 0 0 0 Kozmapr-ss 1 2 1 0 Central Division E—Archer (2), E.Escobar(5). DP—Tampa Bay Roe inning, lifting Boston over New Langwel l 1 0 0 0 0 I T otals 3 6 1 101 Totals 3 32 4 1 W L Pct GB 1, Minnesota1. LOB —Tampa Bay 6, Minnesota5. Sipp pitchedto1batter in the7th. had two hits and two RBls, and Seattle 0 00 010 000 0 — 1 St. Louis 86 61 585 York. David Ortizand Stephen 28 WMyers(15), J.Molina(12), YEscobar2 (27). WP — Chatwood,Ottavino, W.Harris. Ryan Zimmerman (3 for 4) hit Pittsburgh 85 62 .578 1 S t. Louis 000 0 0 0 010 1 — 2 CS — DeJesus(3) Cincinnati 83 65 561 3r/p Drew each doubled twice as the Twooutswhenwinningrunscored. Tampa Bay IP H R ER B BSO T—3:39. A—31,713(48,633). a solo homer and scored three E — Fra nkl i n (10). DP—St. Louis 2. LOB—SeMilwaukee 64 82 .438 21'/r AL East-leading Red Sox won ArcherW,9-7 6 3 0 0 0 7 runs for Washington, which Chicago 63 84 .429 23 attle 7, St. Louis 7. 2B —M.carpenter (49), Beltran McGeeH,26 1 1 0 0 0 1 Padres 4, Braves 3 for the15th time in19 games. West Division (28). HR —Zunino (3). SB—Seager (8), Kozm a (3). began play trailing Cincinnati by Jo.PeraltaH,37 1 1 0 0 0 2 W L Pct GB Saltalamacchia also doubled and RodneyS,35-43 1 CS — En.chavez(3), Ackley(2), Descalso(3). 0 0 0 0 I 5 f/a games for the final NL wild ATLANTA — Chase Headley hit a LosAngeles 86 61 .585 Seattle IP H R E R BB SO Minnesota scored twice. Arizona 73 73 500 12i/w card. Iwakuma 7 3 0 0 2 1 CorreiaL,9-12 6 8 3 3 1 5 tying homer andLoganForsythe Colorado 68 80 .459 18~/~ FurbushBS,4-4 2- 3 0 1 0 I I Thielbar 1 0 0 0 0 0 drove in the go-ahead run in Boston San Dlego 67 79 .459 IB'/z New York Medina 11-3 0 0 0 0 1 Pressly 1 1 0 0 0 1 Philadelphia Washington ab r hbi ab r hbi San Francisco 67 81 453 19'/z Ruffin L,0-2 2-3 1 1 0 0 2 Fien I 0 0 0 0 2 San Diego's two-run eighth and ab r hbi ab r hbi Grndrscf 5 0 0 0 Pedroia2b 5 1 2 0 O.Perez 0 0 0 0 2 0 Correiapitchedto3 baters inthe7th. C Hmdzcf 3 1 1 0 Spancf 5 0 I 0 the Padres beat Atlanta to spoil ARdrgz dh 3 0 0 0 Victorn rf 4 1 1 0 WILD-CARDGLANCE St. Louis HBP —byArcher (Mastroianni). WP —Correia. Rollinsss 4 0 0 0 Zmrmn3b 5 3 3 I Cano2b 4 1 4 2 D.Ortizdh 3 2 2 0 Pittsburgh 85 62 .578 Braves rookie David Hale's debut. 8 6 1 1 2 6 U tley2b 4 0 1 0 Werthrf 2 1 0 0 Wainwright A Sorinlf 4 0 1 0 Carp1b 3 0 0 1 T 2:53. A 27,292(39,021). Cincinnati 83 65 .562 1 2 0 0 0 1 Hale pitched five scoreless innings R uizc 4 0 2 1 Harperlf 3 1 1 0 Muiica Washington 78 69 . 531 4'/z Overay1b 3 0 0 1 JGomsph-If 1 1 0 0 S iegrist W,3-1 1 2 0 0 0 0 Rufrf-1b 3 0 0 0 Dsmndss 4 0 2 2 Nunez3b 4 0 0 0 Navalf-1b 4 1 2 1 Indians 3, White Sox1 and struck out nine, the most by 0 Perezpitchedto2 baters inthe10th. Asche 3b 3 0 2 0 AdLRc 1b 4 0 0 0 ISuzukirf 4 0 0 0 Napoli1b 0 0 0 0 Friday's Games PB — Zunino. a Braves pitcher in his first major Frndsn 1b 3 0 0 0 WRams c 4 1 2 3 Ryanss 4 2 2 1 Sltlmchc 3 2 2 4 Chicago Cubs5, Pittsburgh 4 T—3:15. A 40,506 (43,975). CHICAGO — DannySalazar Minerp 0 0 0 0 Lmrdzz2b 4 0 2 0 C Stwrtc 3 1 1 0 Drewss 4 0 2 2 league game. Washington 6, Philadelphia1 Saveryp 0 0 0 0 Ohlndrfp 2 0 0 0 VWellsph 1 0 0 0 Mdlrks3b 4 0 0 0 struck out nine in 3% innings, N.Y.Mets4, Miami3 DBrwnph 1 0 0 0 Stmmnp 0 0 0 0 BrdlyJrcf 4 0 0 0 Leaders San Dlego 4,Atanta3 San Diego Atlanta Ryan Raburn hit an RBI double Galvislf 3 0 1 0 CBrwnph 1 0 0 0 Totals 3 5 4 8 4 Totals 3 58 11 8 Milwaukee 5,Cincinnati1 ab r hbi ab r hbi K ndrckp 2 0 I 0 Abadp 0 0 0 0 Through Friday's Games and Cleveland beat the White Sox N ew York 001 0 0 1 2 0 0 — 4 St. Louis 2, Seatle1,10 innings Venale cf 5 0 1 0 JSchafr cf 2 0 0 0 CJimnzp 0 0 0 0 Hairstnph 1 0 0 0 AMERICANLEAGUE Boston 400 000 40x — 8 Colorado 7, Arizona5 for the 10th time in a row this Denorfirf 4 0 2 1 J.Uptonrf 4 1 2 I LuGarcp 0 0 0 0 Storenp 0 0 0 0 PITCHING — Sc h er zer, Detroit,19-3; Tilman, BalE—Pedroia (5). LOB—New York 6, Boston8. San Francisco 4, LA Dodgers2 5 0 1 0 FFrmn1b 4 1 2 0 Mayrry rf 1 0 0 0 timore,16-5, CWilson,LosAngeles, 16-6; MMoore, season. Salazar's pitch count was Gyorko2b 2B — Cano3 (35), D.Ortiz 2(35), Saltalamacchia(36), Today'sGames H eadly3b 3 1 1 1 Gattisli 40 0 0 Totals 3 1 I 8 1 Totals 3 56 11 6 TampaBay,15-3;Colon,Oakland,15-6;AniSanchez, —Ryan (4), Saltalamacchia(13). limited to 85, and after allowing Cincinnati (H.Bailey 10-10) at Milwaukee(Hellweg Drew 2 (27). HR Blankslf 4 0 0 0 Mccnnc 4 1 1 2 P hiladelphia 1 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 1 Detroit,14-7; Griffin,Oakland,14-9;Guthrie,Kansas SB — A.Soriano(8). SF—Overbay. 1-3), 10:05a.m. Medica1b 3 2 1 0 CJhnsn3b 3 0 0 0 Dayan Viciedo's single with two Washington 111 030 Ogx — 6 City 14-10;Masterson,Ceveland,14-10. New York IP H R E R BB SO Miami (H.Alvarez 3-4) at N.Y.Mets(Matsuzaka0-3), Rcedenss 4 0 1 0 Smmnsss 3 0 0 0 E — Ut l e y(17). DP — Philadelphia I, Washington2. ERA—AniSanchez, Detroit, 2.50; Darvish,Texas, KurodaL,11-11 6 8 5 5 2 2 outs on his 78th pitch, he was 1:10 p.m.,1stgame RRiverc 3 I I 0 EIJhns2b 3 0 0 0 LOB —Philadelphia 6,Washington 8.28—K.Kendrick 284; Colon,Oakland,2.85; Iwakuma,Seattle, 2.87; Cabral 0 0 1 1 0 0 replaced by Nick Hagadone with ChicagoCubs(S.Baker0-0) at Pittsburgh(Cole7-7), A marstph 0 0 0 0 Halep 10 00 (1). HR —Zimmerman(24), W.Ramos(14). Sale,Chicago,290;Scherzer, Detroit, 3.01;FHernanClaiborne 1 2 2 2 1 2 4:05 p.m. Forsythph 1 0 1 1 Constnzph 1 0 0 0 Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO dez, Seattle,3.01. 1 1 0 0 0 1 runners on first and third. Philadelphia(Ham els7-13)atWashington (G.Gonzalez Daley G rgrsnp 0 0 0 0 Ayalap 0 0 0 0 K.KendrickL,10-13 41-3 8 6 6 2 3 STRIKEOUTS —Darvish, Texas,246; Scherzer, Boston 10-6), 4:05p.m. S treetp 0 0 0 0 Avilanp 0 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 1 Detroit, 215;Sale, Chicago,207,FHernandez, Seattle, CJimenez 6 1-3 7 4 4 0 3 Cleveland Chicago San Diego (Erlin 2-2) atAtlanta(Medlen13-12), 4:10 Lackey Kenndyp 2 0 0 0 Dcrpntp 0 0 0 0 Lu.Garcia 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 200; Verlander,Detrolt, 189; Masterson,Ceveland, BreslowBS,1-1 1 - 3 1 0 0 1 1 ab r hbi ab r hbi p.m. Kotsayph 0 0 0 0 Waldenp 0 0 0 0 Miner 2 I 0 0 I 0 188; AniSanchez,Detroit, 178. 0 0 0 0 0 B ourncf 5 0 1 0 JrDnksrf 3 0 1 0 Seattle (Paxton1-0) at St. Louis (Wacha3-0), 4.15 WorkmanW,6-3 1- 3 Guzmnph 1 0 1 1 SDownsp 0 0 0 0 Savery 1 1 0 0 0 1 Tazawa 1 0 0 0 0 0 Swisher1b 3 1 1 0 Semien2b 5 1 2 0 p.m. Vincentp 0 0 0 0 Trdslvcph 1 0 0 0 Washington NATIONALLEAGUE 1 0 0 0 0 1 Kipnis 2b 4 1 1 0 AIRmrz ss 4 0 3 0 Miami (Ja.Tumer3-6) at N.Y.Mets (C.Torres3-4), Uehara H undlyph-c 1 0 0 0 Loep 00 00 OhlendorfW,4-0 5 5 1 1 2 3 PITCHING —Zimmermann, Washington, 17-8; Kurodapitchedto I batter inthe7th. CSantnc 4 0 I 0 A.Dunndh 4 0 0 0 4:45 p.m.,2ndgame T otals 3 6 4 104 Totals 3 03 5 3 Stammen 1 2 0 0 0 1 JDe LaRosa, Colorado,16-6; Liriano, Pittsburgh,16Raburndh 3 0 1 1 DeAzapr 0 0 0 0 Colorado(Oswalt 0-5) at Arizona(Miley9-10), 5:10 Cabralpitchedto1 batterin the7th. S an Diego 000 0 0 0 220 — 4 Abad 2 0 0 0 0 1 7, Wainwright,St. Louis,16-9;Greinke,LosAngeles, HBP by Kuroda(Victorino), by Cabral (D.Ortiz). JRmrzpr-dh 1 0 0 0 Konerk1b 4 0 1 1 p.m. Atlanta 0 00 300 000 — 3 Storen 1 1 0 0 0 0 14-3; Latos,Cincinnati, 14-6; Corbln,Arizona,14-6; PB — C.Stewart. A scarrss 2 1 1 0 AGarcici 4 0 0 0 DP — San Diego 1. LOB —San Diego 8, Atlanta HBP—byOhlendorf (Ruf).PB— San Francisco(l.incecum9-13) atL.A Dodgers (NoKershaw, LosAngeles,14-9. T—3:06. A—37,542(37,071). Brantlylf 3 0 0 1 Gillaspi3b 4 0 0 0 2. 28 — Denorfia (18). HR—Headley (11), J.Upton T—2:59.A—31,325(41,418). W.Ramos2. lasco13-9),6:10p.m. ERA—Kershaw, Los Angeles, 194; Feman dez, A viles3b 4 0 0 0 Viciedoli 4 0 2 0 Sunday's Games (25), Mccann(20). SB Headley(8), J.Schafer (21) Miami,2.19; Harvey,NewYork,227; Greinke,LosAnStubbsrf 3 0 1 1 BryAndc 1 0 0 0 Miami atN.Y.Mets,10.10 a.m. CS — J.Schafer (6). SF—Denorfia. Tigers 6, Royals 3 geles, 2.74; Bum garner, San Fr anci s co, 2.83; Corbi n, Pheglyph-c 3 0 0 0 Chicago Cubsat Pittsburgh,10:35 a.m. San Diego IP H R E R BB SO Mets 4, Marlins 3 Arizona,2.92; Wainwright,St. Louis,2.96;Strasburg, T otals 3 2 3 7 3 Totals 3 61 9 1 Philadelphiaat Washington,10:35 am. Kennedy 6 5 3 3 2 5 Washington,2.96. DETROIT — Prince Fielder C leveland 000 12 0 0 0 0 — 3 VincentW,5-3 1 San Diego atAtlanta,10:35 a.m. 0 0 0 0 3 NEW YORK — Lucas Duda hit a STRIKEOUTS —Kershaw, Los Angeles, 214; 0 00 010 000 — 1 GregersonH,21 1 Cincinnati atMilwaukee,11:10a.m. 0 0 0 0 2 homered and drove in three runs, Chicago Wainwright, St. Louis, 201; Samardziia, Chicago, E—Shaw (2). LOB —Cleveland 8, Chicago13. StreetS,30-31 1 Seattle atSt. Louis,11:15a.m. 0 0 0 0 1 three-run homer and New York 195; Harvey, New York,191; HBailey, Cincinnati,190; and Justin Verlander pitched 2B — Raburn (18) SB—As.cabrera (8), JorDanks Atlanta Colorado atArizona,1:10 p.m. overcame two solo shots by Bumgarner,SanFrancisco, 189;CILee,Philadelphia, SanFranciscoat L.A.Dodgers,1:10 p.m. 5 4 0 0 1 9 effectively into the seventh inning (7), Semien(1). CS—Bourn (11). S—AI.Ramirez. Hale SF — Brantley. AyalaH,B 1 3 2 2 0 0 Giancarlo Stanton, beating Miami 187; Femandez,Miami, 187. to lift Detroit to a victory over Cleveland IP H R E R BB SO Avilan H,24 1-3 1 0 0 0 0 behindJonathon Niese.Ni ese 32-3 4 0 0 2 9 D.carpenterH,9 2 3 Kansas City. Detroit remained six Salazar 0 0 0 0 0 (7-7) struck out seven and walked American League 1-3 0 1 0 1 0 Hagadone WaldenL,4-3BS,2-3 2-3 1 2 2 I 0 games ahead of second-place ShawW,4-3 2 I 0 0 0 0 SDowns 13 I 0 0 0 0 none in 6/s innings, improving Cleveland in the AL Central and Allen H,10 1-3 2 0 0 0 0 Loe 1 0 0 0 0 1 to 4-1 in seven starts since Athletics 9, Rangers 8 RzepczynskiH,3 1-3 0 0 0 0 1 Ayalapitchedto 3baters inthe 7th. dealt the third-place Royals a MAlbersH,1 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 WP — returning from a shoulder injury Walden. PB—Mccann. setback in the postseason race. J.SmithH,23 1 1 0 0 0 I T—3;00. A—34,112(49,586) ARLINGTON,Texas — Yoenis COVERINGS last month. C.PerezS,24-28 1 1 0 0 1 1 Kansas City is one of several Cespedes hit a three-run homer Chicago Cubs 5, Pirates 4 teams hoping at least to catch in the first inning, and Oakland H.SaniiagoL,4-9 4 6 3 3 3 3 Also see usfor 11-3 1 0 0 0 I Tampa Bayfor a wild card. Petricka survived a shaky night from the 22-3 0 0 0 0 3 Purcey PITTSBURGH — AnthonyRizzo Call for your free home loan consultation bullpen to extend its AL West NJones 1 0 0 0 1 1 KansasCity Detroit Awnings, Solar Screens hit a towering go-ahead, twoH.Santiago pitchedto2 batters inthe5th. lead with a victory over Texas. ab r hbi ab r hbi run homer off Jason Grilli in the Hagadone pi t ched to 1 b at t erin the 5th. AGordnlf 5 1 1 0 AJcksncf 4 2 2 0 8 Custom Draperies The A's handed the Rangers their HBP—by Petricka (As.cabrera). 541-280-2564 Ml 3213-10"' ' seventh inning and Chicago rallied B onifac2b 5 0 1 0 TrHntrrf 4 1 1 3 T—3:28. A—15,533(40,615). fourth straight loss and moved H osmer1b 3 1 1 0 Micarr3b 3 I 1 0 past Pittsburgh. Brian Bogusevic EVERGREEN 4'/a games ahead ofTexas inthe BButlerdh 3 1 2 1 Fielder1b 4 1 2 3 went 3 for 4 with his fifth homer S.Perezc 4 0 2 2 VMrtnzdh 4 0 0 0 National League Cr 2013EvergreenHomeloans a a registeredtrade opener of the final series of the M ostks3b 3 0 0 0 Dirkslf 401 0 of the season for Chicago. Dioneer name ofEvergreenMonersourceMortgage Company. regular season betweenthe past Loughrf 4 0 0 0 Infante2b 3 0 0 0 Navarro added two hits as the A Escorss 4 0 2 0 Avilac 2100 Giants 4, Dodgers 2 two AL West champions. JDysoncf 4 0 1 0 Iglesiasss 3 0 0 0 Cubs endedPittsburgh's fourTotals 3 5 3 103 Totals 3 1 6 7 6 game winning streak. Oakland Texas LOS ANGELES — Madison K ansasCity 0 0 0 1 0 2 000 — 3 ab r b bi ab r h bi Detroit 100 230 Ogx — 6 Bumgarner outdueled Cl a yton Crispcf 4 1 1 1 Kinser2b 2 2 0 1 Chicago Pittsburgh G QLF T Q U R N A M EN T E—A.Gordon(1). LOB —Kansas City 8, Detroit 3. Kershaw, and San Francisco held Dnldsn3b 3 2 2 3 Andrusss 4 2 I 2 ab r bbi ab r hbi 2B — S.Perez(23), AJackson2(29), Mi.Cabrera(26). L owriess 4 0 1 0 Riosrf 5 0 1 2 HR — S tcastrss 5 0 I 0 Tabatalf 4 0 2 0 Fielder (24).SB—A.Escobar (19), J.Dyson(31). off Los Angeles when Adrian SUNRIvER REsoRT • T H E M E A D o w s C espdslf 4 1 1 3 JButlerrf 0 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 SMartepr 0 0 0 0 CS — Boniiacio (8). Gonzalez's hard grounder took a Valuen3b Freimn1b 2 0 1 0 ABeltre3b 4 1 3 1 Rizzo1b 5 1 2 2 NWalkr2b 4 0 0 0 KansasCity IP H R E R BB SO M ossph-1b-rf3 1 1 1 Przynsc 2 1 0 1 DNavrrc 5 1 2 0 Mcctchcf 4 1 2 0 B.chenL,7-3 41 - 3 76 5 2 3 fortunate hop for the Giants for the Callasp2b 4 1 1 0 Morndlb 3 0 0 0 Bueno 12-3 0 0 0 0 2 final out. With runners on first and Schrhltrf 3 1 0 0 Mornea1b 4 0 0 0 Sogard2b 0 0 0 0 Rosalesph 0 0 0 0 Sweenycf 3 0 1 0 PAlvrz3b 4 1 2 I Coleman 1 0 0 0 0 2 12:30 - 6 : OOPM CYoungrf 5 1 I 0 EBeltreph-If 1 0 0 0 D.Joseph Bogsvclf 4 I 3 2 JHrrsnpr-3b 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 3 third and two outs, Gonzalez hit Barton1b 0 0 0 0 JeBakrph 1 0 0 0 Barney2b 4 0 0 1 RMartnc 4 1 1 1 Detroit I the ball off Sergio Romo's leg, and PRIZES CO N TESTS w A W A R DS D I N N E R DNorrsdh 4 1 3 0 Adducilf-1b 3 1 1 0 Arrietap 2 0 0 0 GJonesrf 2 1 1 1 VerlanderW,13-11 6 2-3 9 3 3 0 7 S.Smithph-dh1 0 0 0 Chirinsph 1 0 1 0 Smyly H,16 2-3 0 0 0 I 2 the ball bounced to third baseman Raleyp 0 0 0 0 Byrdph-rf 2 0 1 0 KSuzukc 4 1 2 1 DvMrpdh 1 0 0 0 Vill anvp 0 0 0 0 Barmesss 2 0 0 0 VerasH,6 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 Joaquin Arias, who threw to first A ll proceedsfrom the tournament will be for Gentryph-dh 1 0 0 0 Benoit S,19-19 1 Lakeph 1 0 0 0 Sniderph 1 0 0 0 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 for the final out. Profarph-dh 2 0 0 0 HBP—byVeras(Moustakas). WP G rimmp 0 0 0 0 Grillip 00 00 —Verander. Balkthe benefit of the Teen Challenge Central LMartncf 4 1 1 1 DMrphph 1 0 0 0 Mazzarp 0 0 0 0 B.chen,Verlander. Oregon Men's Outreach,a local,faith-based, Totals 38 9 149 Totals 3 4 8 8 8 San Francisco Los Angeles Stropp 0 0 0 0 Frnswrp 0 0 0 0 T 2'47 AM0,389 (41,255) Oakland 3 01 221 000 — 9 ab r hbi ab r hbi Greggp 0 0 0 0 GSnchzph 1 0 0 0 nonprofitresidential program for men with Texas 2 00 000 060 — 8 Pagan cf 4 0 1 0 Puigrf-ci 5 0 1 0 Mortonp 1 0 0 0 E—Donaldson (13). DP—Texas 1. LOB —OakOrioles 5, Blue Jays3 Scutaro 2b 4 0 1 0 Puntoss 5 0 1 0 Lamboph I 0 0 0 substance abuse issues. land 10, Texas 9. 2B —Donaldson (35), Chirinos Posey c 4 0 0 0 MYong1b 3 1 2 0 JuWlsnp 0 0 0 0 (3). HR —Donaldson (22), Cespe des (23), Moss TORONTO — Chris Davis hit his Pence rf 4 2 2 I AdGnzlph-lb 2 0 0 0 Mercerss 2 0 0 0 (27). SB D.Norris (4). CS Crisp (5). SF Crisp, Sandovl3b 4 1 2 0 Uribe3b 4 1 2 2 Totals 3 6 5 9 5 Totals 3 64 9 3 major league-leading 50th home Scasig p 0 0 0 0 VnSlyklf 2 0 0 0 Chicago Pierzynski 0 10 200 200 — 6 To Register or be a Sponsor ' Oakland IP H R E R BB SO run, a tiebreaking solo shot in J.Lopez p 0 0 0 0 Crwfrdph-If 1 0 0 0 P ittsburgh 000 3 0 1 0 00 — 4 E—Raley (1), Mercer (13). DP—Chicago 1. TEEN CHALLENGE Straily W,10-7 52 - 3 2 2 2 4 4 Romop 0 0 0 0 Ethiercf 3 0 1 0 P please goto: PACIFIC NORTHWEST 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 the eighth inning, and Baltimore Blevins Arias ss-3b 4 I 2 1 DGordnpr 0 0 0 0 LOB—Chicago 8, Pittsburgh 7. 28 —Mccutchen (TNTRN. ARFC/IN MrN'S ArlTRFA'rvr http://conta.cc/165VgIE Otero 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 erased a 3-0 deficit to beat Pill 1b 4 0 1 2 Marmlp 0 0 0 0 (37). HR —Rizzo (22), Bogusevic (5), PAlvarez(33), Bre.Anderson 0 0 2 2 2 0 J.Perez If 4 0 0 0 A.Ellisc 3 0 0 0 RMartin(14),G.Jones(14). S Sweeney. or call Kim at 541-678-5272 three-game J.chavez 2-3 2 2 2 0 2 Toronto, and snap a Bmgrnp 2 0 0 0 M.Ellis2b 3 0 2 0 Chicago IP H R E R BB SO Cook 0 2 2 2 I 0 losing streak. Davis becamethe HSnchz ph 1 0 0 0 Kershwp I 0 0 0 Arrieta 5 6 4 3 I 6

Los Angeles Houston ab r hbi ab r hbi A ybarss 5 0 3 1 Villarss 5 0 3 0 HKndrc2b 5 1 2 0 Altuve2b 4 2 2 3 G Green2b 0 0 0 0 Crowelf 4 1 3 2 Troutci 2 1 0 1 B.Lairddh 2 1 0 0 Trumo1b 4 0 1 2 Kraussph-dh 1 0 1 0

open a 2-all game with a five-run

seventh inning. Twoscored on

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Horner Continued from C1 " At t hi s m o ment t h e legs are 'fantastico,' " said H orner, wh o r i d e s f o r "I RadioShack-Leopard. really lik e steep climbs. They have been good to

me. So if my legs are good tomorrow, then I s h ould have the jersey in Madrid." Rodriguez used a burst of speed to win the stage that followed the northern coast before turning inland for a finish at the picturesque Alto Naranco summit overlooking the rolling green hills near Oviedo. T he Catalan rider f o r Katusha got his first stage victory of this event with a winning time of 4 hours, 16 minutes, 13 seconds. Diego Ulissi of Italy and Spaniards Daniel Moreno and Samuel Sanchez were next at II second behind. Horner and Valverde finished 14 seconds behind. "I told my team to 'go for it,' " Rodriguez said. "I told them that tomorrow would be too tough because Chris has shown he is so strong. S o today w a s t h e l a s t chance." R odriguez i s I : 5 7 o f f Horner's pace in fourth. The penultimate stage is an 88-mile course that takesriders over three major summits and ends with a special-category climb to the Alto de I'Angliru peak before the traditional finish in Madrid on Sunday.

Golf Continued from C1 Hval won five of the first seven holes of the match, a run that included four birdies, to put Klabunde in a bind from which he could not escape. "I played really solid today," Hval said. "It's probably about the best round I've played all year, consid-

ering the (championship) circumstances." Klabunde, a 59-year-old who coaches the boys golf team at N o rt h M e dford High School, won the 10th and 11th holes to get to three back. But Hval b ounced back to win the 12th hole, and on 13 Klabunde missed a 6-footer for par, dropping the hole to go to dormie. The Medford golfer doubled over after the ball slid past the hole, and he furiously swatted the misbehaving ball with his putter as he walked off the green, knowing that th e m atch was all but over. "The better player won today, there's no question there," Klabunde said. "I had to play at the top of my game to b e c ompetitive, and I just started poorly. "I got in too deep a hole early and then I had to try to force things." In the consolation flights, R edmond's Ti m S w o p e won Flight II b y b eating Portland's Jim Ferguson, 5 and 4. Redmond's Barry Greig fell to Mike Klenz, of Tualatin, 3 and I, in the Flight I championship. Hval said he started using that long putter as an antidote for the yips, an ailment that causes a golfer to get jumpy with a putting stroke. That was three years ago, when barely a whisper was being heard about the unconventional club. But t h e co n t r oversy g rew over the past t w o years as prominent golfers, including Tiger Woods, voiced their objections to anchoring. Finally, the USGA went through with the ban, deciding in May to do away with anchoring beginning Jan. 1, 2016. Hval, who had to come back from three holes down with five to play to win his opening match in 19 holes, called the USGA's decision "ridiculous." But on Friday he was at least thankful that the ban had not yet been implemented, allowing him the putter he needed to win his 15th consecutive match over three years at the Oregon Senior Amateur. "I've played really well every time I've needed to," Hval said of his three Senior A m ch a m pionships. "It's been weird." — Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall@bendbuiletin.com.




i res o i e orea a

The Associated Press

his ball moved while he was removing twigs around it on the first hole. That gave him a quadruple-bogey 8 on the ishing the job. opening holeand a 72, leaving Furyk birdied two of his last him seven shots behind — and three holes Friday in the BMW paired with Sergio Garcia in Championship to become the the third round. sixth player in PGA Tour hisItwasthefirst59onthePGA tory to shoot a 59. Needing a Tour since Stuart Appleby in birdie on the par-4 ninth hole the final round of The Greenat Conway Farms, he stuffed a brier Classic in 2010. "There's not much I could gap wedge into just over 3 feet and calmly knocked it in. have improved on today," Fu"A very cool card," Furyk ryk said. said as he gazed at the scores, For a change, everything which includedan eagle when went right at the end. Furyk i/ he holed out with a 9-iron. has been haunted in the past It was a day he won't forget, two years with a bogey on the in the same town — the Chica16th hole that cost him a shot go suburbs, anyway — where Charles Rex Arbogast/The Associated Press at the 2012 U.S. Open, a double he won his lone major at the Jim Furyk hugs his caddie, Mike Cowan, after posting a12-underbogey at Firestone last year U.S. Open in 2003. par 59, tying the PGA single-round record for lowest score, during that kept him from winning a Standing in the ninth fairthe second round of the BMW Championship at Conway Farms World Golf Championship, a way at Conway Farms, 103 Golf Club in Lake Forest, III., on Friday. bogey-bogey finish in the Ryyards from a front pin, Furyk der Cup to lose a key match to didn't want to let his chance Garcia last year in Chicago, get away from him. and a one-shot lead he failed to "I said, 'How many opportuhold just last month at the PGA nities are you going to have in Championsh>p. — Tiger Woods was involved in another rules LAKE FOREST, III. life to do this again?' " he said. Making it worse, he was left violation Friday in theBMWChampionship, this time getting the "Got to take advantage of it. off a U.S. team for the first time two-shot penalty before he left the golf course. Tried to knock it in there tight in 15 years when Presidents Video evidence indicated that his golf ball moved ever so slightly and make it as easy on yourCup captain Fred C ouples as Woods wasremoving atwig from an areaunder thetrees self as you can." did not make him a wild-card behind the first green at Conway Farms. What made this case The gallery lined both sides selection. On this day, Furyk unusual is that the video was taken by a videographer working for of the fairway about 150 yards gave Couples 59 reasons to PGA TourEntertainment, and the infraction wasnoticed by somedown from the green and gave reconsider. one editing the film. him a huge ovationwhen he Furyk described himself as Slugger White, vice president of competition at the PGA Tour, "grouchy" on Thursday after walked onto the green. One stopped Woodsbefore hesigned for a 70. Woods didn't believe fan screamed out, "Jimmy, I'll h aving breakfast with t w o the ball moved out of its position, and White said the world's No. 1 give it to you!" Furyk smiled friends, Steve Stricker and player still wasn't convinced after watching the video. and waved at him. Johnson, who were talking That turned adouble bogey onNo. 1 into a quadruple-bogey 8. He made the putt and reabout the Presidents Cup. It turned his 70 into a 72.1nstead of being five shots behind Brandt "But I felt like last night I p eatedly pumped h i s f i s t , Snedeker andJim Furyk,Woodswassevenshotsbackgoinginto turning for the gallery in the kind of kicked myself in the the weekend. grandstands to see, and then rear end and said, 'You know, it's done with. It's over with. he hugged caddie Mike "Fluff" Cowan and tappedhim on the There's nothing I can do to head. It looked like a Sunday phy. Furyk was tied for the lead day like this when the wind change it now. It's over and afternoon, and had the occa- with Brandt Snedeker, who i s blowing 20 mp h ou t o f let's just focus on this week.' " sion of a winning putt. was nine shots clear of Furyk the north, I don't think anyFuryk was striking the ball "I guess the moment kind at the start of the second round body out here saw that score so well in the windy conditions of struck me the most at No. and shot 68. coming." — he hit every fairway and 9 when I hit the wedge shot Snedeker knew Furyk was The next best score in the missed only one green — that in there close, and the crowd closing in on the lead. He just s econd round was a 6 5 b y he made only three putts londidn't realize Furykhad opened Jordan Spieth an d J i m my ger than 12 feet, including a 15erupted and I started looking around and it just hit me how with a 72 and was on his wayto Walker. foot par putt on the 16th hole. m any people had come over to a piece of history. That changed Zach Johnson was alone He opened with three straight that side to see the finish and when Snedeker saw a video in third after a 70, three shots birdies, holed out from the fairhow excited the crowd was," board as he was finishing on behind. No one else was closer way on the 15th for an eagle, Furyk said. "It was kind of like No. 18 that Furyk needed a than five shots. finished with two birdies and winning a golf tournament to birdie on No. 9 for a 59. Tiger Woods thought he fin- had a 28 on his card. "I thought, 'What the heck? ished with a 70 to be five back, be honest with you. It made it Furyk realized a 4 under on that much more fun." Are you serious? There's no only to be given a two-shot the front nine would give him There's work left for the tro- way,' " Snedeker said. "On a penalty when video showed that magic number. It looked LAKE FOREST, Ill. — With a shot at golf's magic number, Jim Furyk had no trouble fin-


Woods giventwo-shot penalty


We have to learn to push and grind our ways through." Continued from C1 H elfrich stepped i nt o a This season under Jones much better situation. Orethe Vols have lopsided wins gon's offensive coordinator a gainst A u stin P ea y a n d for the past four years, he was Western Kentucky. They have promoted to head coach when been playing more disciplined Chip Kelly went to the NFL's with just two penalties, and Philadelphia Eagles earlier they have been more opportu- this year. nistic, converting seven WestThe Ducks went 46-7 the ern Kentucky turnovers into past four years under Kelly 38 points last Saturday. — credited with d esigning Tennessee is tied with Ari- the Ducks' innovative, speedy zona State for fewest penal- spread option — and played ties among FBS teams and in BCS bowl games in each of is tied with Tulane for most those years. Last season, Ortakeaways. egon went 12-1 and beat Kan" We're learning ho w t o sas State in the Fiesta Bowl. win," J o nes s a i d. "We're The Ducks have not missed learning how to fight through a beat under Helfrich so far fatigue when it gets a little bit this season, with easy wins hot. We need more leader- over Nicholls State and Virship. That's what champion- ginia. Oregon's prolific offense ship football teams do. They has averaged 664.5 yards of have that inner drive. A lot total offense per game, includo f times, you're wi lling t o ing 425 yards rushing. The give up something you want team averages62.5 points. at a moment of convenience. Kelly was Oregon's coach

three seasons ago when the Ducks visited Tennessee and trailed 13-3 before scoring the game's final 45 points. The 48-13 loss was the last time Tennessee dropped a regularseason game to a nonconference opponent. Five things to look for when Tennessee visits Oregon today: Couch out: Jones says def ensive l i n eman Ma u r i ce Couch has been ruled ineligible for the game while the university investigates allegations that he received improper benefits. Yahoo Sports reported that Couch, former Alabama o f f ensive t a c kle D.J. Fluker, former Tennessee quarterback Tyler Bray, former Mississippi State defensive tackle Fletcher Cox and former Mississippi State receiver Chad Bumphis received payments from Luther Davis, who acted as a go-between for the players with agents

and financial advisers. Couch posted to Twitter on Friday: "I want to apologize to everyone from my family, teammates n the Volnation. I'm sorry I let u


"We already had our share of early-season injuries and it's been disruptive, but nobody blinks," Oregon State coach Mike Riley said. "We've got some tremendous leaders on this team, and a stable group of coaches and it's been full speed ahead. I've been impressed with their reaction." Five things to watch when O regon State v i sits U t a h tonight: No more 0-4: Utah has lost four straight games to open Pac-12 play each of the past two seasons. Six of those losses were by 10 or more points. The Utes are eager to finally reverse that trend. "It hurts," junior safety Eric Rowe said. "We work so hard and go 0-4. Then we got to play catch-up. We don't want to put ourselves

first half of the Utah game. The Pac-12 Conference suspended Stevenson for a late hit he made on a defenseless opponent during Oregon State's victory over Hawaii. The hit occurred ona punt return late in the first half. Secondary test: Utah's inexperienced defensive secondary will get a serious test against Oregon State. Rowe is the only returning starter from last season in the entire unit. It w il l f ace a Beavers aerial attack that ranks third among FBS teams with 436.5

Continued from C1 After losing to FCS Eastern Washington in their opener, the Beavers rebounded last week to beat Hawaii. "We had some quick-strike scoring drives that didn't last very long — you know, one or two plays or three plays," Utah coach Kyle Whittingham said of his team's romp over Weber State. "That's something that has been severely lacking the last couple years and it has shown up in the first two games this season. We hope it continues, because if it does, then our offense has a chance to be pretty darn good." T ravis W i l son h a s e m braced thenew up-tempo of-

fense, passing for 264 yards and three touchdowns while rushing for 93 yards and two scores by h a lftime against Weber State. He ranks third nationally in yards per com-

pletion (18.26). "I feel like I've grown a lot in the passing game," Wilson said. "I really have faith in my

linemen in front of me and I have great faith in the wide receivers around me, too.I know once I get the ball in their hands, they'll make big

plays." Utah's opponent t onight, Oregon State, offers an equally potent passing attack. Sean Mannion passed for 372 yards and four touchdowns in the 33-14 victory over Hawaii, reviving the Beavers after their disheartening loss to Eastern Washington. Mannion has completed 80 percentof his passes this season and boasts a 181.2 quarterback efficiency rating. But injuries have taken a toll on the Beavers, who lost three starters against Hawaii. Starting right guard Roman Sapolu is likely gone for the season after suffering a foot injury. Starting right tackle Grant Enger suffered a s p r ained knee and will likely be out until the end of September. Starting linebacker Michael Doctor is also out for an indefinite period after undergoing surgery on his left foot on Sunday.

in a hole like that (again), so this year we want to get off on the right foot ... get our Pac12 wins because we definitely want to go to a bowl game this

year." Stevenson suspended:Oregon State running back Jovan Stevenson will not play in the

promising when he rolled in a 25-foot birdie on the third, and his 4-iron on the fourth hole bounced toward the flag and settled 5 feet away. He was 11 under through 13 holes, needing one more birdie. And then he three-putted for bogey from 30 feet. The key to his round might have come at No. 7, when he holed a birdie putt from just inside 12 feet to get back to 11 under. Two holes, one birdie, and a 59. Even in the FedEx Cup playoffs, the math was that simple. And he knew with a par 5 at the eighth and a front pin on the ninth, he would have two good chances. He came up short of the green on No. 8 and made par,and then played the ninth to perfection. Furyk signed his glove with "59" and the date beneath his signature for the World Golf Hall of Fame. He signed leftover golf balls for the volun-

teers helping his group. And then, he reached into his pocket and pulled out another golf

ball. "That's the one that went in on 9," he said with a grin. "And it's staying with me." Also on Friday:

Japanese player leads: EVIAN-LES-BAINS, France — Mika Miyazato of Japan shot a 6-under 65 to take the lead after the rain-delayed first round of the Evian Championship, the year's fifth and final major. The tournament was shortened to 54 holes after Thursday's play was washed out. Suzann Pettersen of Norway bogeyed the last hole to fall one shot behind Miyazato, along with Hall of Famer Se Ri Pak of South Korea and Sandra Gal of Germany. Spaniards in front: ZANDVOORT, Netherlands — Pablo Larrazabal shot a 4-under 66 to join fellow Spaniard Miguel Angel Jimenez atop the leaderboard after the second round at the KLM Open. Korean shoots 65:COLUMBUS, Ohio — South Korean Seung-Yul Noh shot a 6-under 65 in cool, breezy conditions to take a two-stroke lead in the Nationwide Children's Hospital Championship.

excited about his future," Helfrich said. Taking on the SEC: The Ducks defeated the Vols 48-13 in Knoxville in their only preguys down." vious meeting in 2010. Oregon One-two RB punch: Ten- faced another SEC team that nessee's Rajion Neal has 31 season, Auburn, in the BCS carries for 215 yards and four national championship game. touchdowns through his first Overall,the Ducks are 4-5 two games as the Vols' top against teams from the SEC, running back, but Tennessee but they have won three of the has also seen production from past four — with the only loss Marlin Lane, who has run for coming against Auburn in the 135 yards and three scores. BCS title game. "You need more than one runTaking on the Pac-12: Tenning back," Jones said. nessee is 17-14-4 against PacSoph sensation: Oregon 12 teams, but its last win over q uarterback M a rcus M a r i - a Pac-12 squad came in 2006, ota has passed for 422 yards when the then-No. 23 Vols and three touchdowns, and beat No. 9 Cal in Knoxville 35he has rushed for 235 yards 18 to open the season. Tennesand three more scores. The see has lost two straight on sophomore's command of the the West Coast (Cal in 2007 offenseisgarnering him ever- and UCLA in 2008). The last increasing Heisman Trophy road win over a Pac-12 oppobuzz. "Marcus would be great nent came in 1997, when Peyin any system. We're very for- ton Manning led Tennessee to tunate to have him and we're a 30-24 victory at UCLA.

118 yards on 33 carries so far this season. The Beavers are

averaging only 81 yards rushing per game, which ranks 117th among FBS schools. The100-yard club:Could another Utahreceiver be poised for a big day? Two different wide receivers have tallied at least 100 yards in the Utes' 2-0 start. Anthony Denham had 113 yards on six catches against Utah State. Dres Anderson tallied 103 yards and a touchdown on four receptions against Weber State a week later.

yards per game. Gaining ground: With two missing starters on the offensive line, Oregon State will likely need better production out of the backfield to relieve pressure on Mannion. Leading rusher Storm Woods has just

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Bend High

girls post shutout athome Bulletin staff report Bend High got more than just a girls soccer victory on Friday — the Lava Bears also got one of their key players back. Delaney Crook, playing in her first match since suffering a knee injury in February, posted a hat trick to lead host Bend to a 5-0 victory over Crescent Valley. Alex Howard opened the scoring for Bend with a goal in the third minute before Crook started lighting up the scoreboard. Crook scored in the 23rd and 34th minutes to give the Lava Bears (21-1) a 3-0 lead at halftime, then notched her third goal in the 60th minute. "We're trying to take it slow with her," said Bend coach Mackenzie Groshong of Crook's return from an ACL tear in her right knee during a Bend High basketball game this past winter. "She's a talented player and a great leader; it's just great to see her back on the field." Hannah Cocrkum closed the scoring for Bend with a penalty kick in the 75th minute. A midee Colleknon had t w o assists for the Lava Bears, while Meagan Bakker, Cambria Hurd and Howard also assisted on Bend goals to put away the Raid-

Madras Continued from C1 "Not even mentality, just executing. We knew we could do what we wanted to do. It was just a matter of doing it." C had Lindgren threw fo r f o u r touchdowns for Madras (2-1), all to Cody Shepherd, a statistic that Wells said proves that something is wrong


if only one player is being targeted.

a couple of big plays and responded with momentum," said Wells, whose team visits Crook County next Friday. "That's the biggest thing with high school football, especially at the small-school leveL ... More than anything, it's who's going to make the big plays at the right time'? That's what we were able to do in the second half." Although it was the Lindgren-toShepherd connection that took center stage on Friday night, Wells was quick to point out the performance of Madras' defense, saying that it "decided to step up and make big plays constantly." Tristen Lewis threw for 194 yards for Sisters (0-3), 108 of which went to wideout Lane Gladden, and despite

losing running back Conner Gellings



ing to have a bad game like (against)

But for a quarterback who missed all of last season with an injury to lead the offensethe way he did on a 4A stage on Friday night, that impressed the Buffs' coach. The third scoring toss came with 35 seconds left in the third quarter to give Madras a 21-20 lead, one they would not relinquish. "We just kind of woke up and made Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Madras receiver Cody Shepherd looks back as he turns a completion into a touchdown, putting the first seven points on the board for the White Buffaloes on Friday night. Shepherd had four touchdowns. to an injury, the Outlaws rushed for 130 yards split between four backs. "We improved in a lot of areas," Sisterscoach Gary Hedin said. "Our running backs actually started running and hitting the hole. Our (offensive) line, we start three sophomores on the line. So they're figuring out they can play at this level. I think we're still t a k ing s teps forward, which is good." The Outlaws were seemingly in control from the start, scoring on their first drive on a 5-yard pass from

Lewis to Nathan Kaping to jump in front 7-0. Madras answered on a 59yard catch and run by Shepherd to even things up 7-7, where the score would stand until late in the second quarter. The White Buffaloes turned the ball over on downs at Sisters' 20-yard line with about two minutes left in the half, and the Outlaws marched 80 yards to score with five seconds remaining on a 1-yard pass from Lewis to Kaping. After Smith's halftime challenge

Redmond (last week, a 34-7 loss), where we didn't play well. We didn't let last week affect us or define our team." Even without Gellings, Hedin said Sisters continued to get positive yardage out of its running backs, but when it came to scoring inside the 20-yardline, the Outlaws could not capitalize. On the flipside, Hedin pointed out, Madras did. K aping led S i sters w it h t h r ee touchdowns, two o n p asses from Lewis. But after accumulating more than 200 yards before the intermission and despite grabbing a 20-7 lead in the third quarter, the Outlaws were shut down and dealt the nonconference loss. "We've just got to find a way to finish," said Hedin, whose team travels to Turner next Friday to take on Cascade. "We played a strong three quarters.... We had that opportunity to put things away in the third quarter, so we just have to get the guys to take that step." — Reporter: 541-383-0307; glucas@bendbulletin.com.


ummi s uns a ma n i o n as -minu e oue own WI

ers (0-3). Groshong praised the work by goalkeeper Awbrie Elle Kinkade, who had eight saves. In other Friday action: BOYS SOCCER Crescent Valley 3, Bend 2: CORVALLIS — Two goals by sophomore Chance Flammang were not enough to counter a first-half scoring flurry by Crescent Valley as the host Raiders (2-2) held off the Lava Bears. Flammang scored in the second minute of the nonconference match for a 1-0 Bend lead. But later in the half, Crescent Valley ran off three goals in a 15minute span, capped by a penalty kick that put the Bears (0-2-2) in a 3-1 halftime hole. Flammang's second goal got Bend within one 22 minutes into the second half. After that, said Bend coach Nils Eriksson, the Lava Bears "had some good chances. It wasn't the best soccer, but we worked hard and gave it a good effort." Mountain View 1, Corvallis 1: CORVALLIS — A goal by Mario Torres midway through the second half enabled the visiting Cougars (0-1-2) to gain a tie with Corvallis (2-1-1). The Spartans scored in the 11th minute of the match and held a 1-0 lead until Torres scored offan assistfrom Zach Emerson in the 62nd minute. "In the second half we pressed really hard," said Mountain View coach Chris Rogers. "Lots of pressure and lots of shots. We just couldn't get the final finish in." That included a missed penalty kick in the 78th minute. Rogers praised the play of Taylor Willman, Zel Ray and Emerson, saying they were "absolutely fantastic controlling the midfield today." GIRLS SOCCER Corvallis 2, Mountain View 0: The visiting Spartans tallied two early goals and made them stand en routeto the nonconference decision over Mountain View. Corvallis scored in the 12th and 17th minutes, and the Cougars (0-3) could not respond. "But we outplayed them in the second half," said Mountain View coach Don Emerson, noting that the Cougars put 10 shots on goal after halftime to just two for Corvallis. "We had our chances," Emerson added, "but we just couldn't get the ball in." Emerson noted that Sarah Bailey played a strong game in goal for Mountain View and that freshman forward Rylee Dickinson ledseveral offensive charges. VOLLEYBALL Prospect 3, Trinity Lutheran 1: PROSPECT — Going into the match against Prospect, Trinity Lutheran averaged one ballhandlingerror per game. But the Saints committed 34 errors in the four-set match, losing 19-25, 25-23, 15-25, 23-25. "We were resilient and we learned a lot," Trinity coach Greg Clift said. Katie Murphy had 15 kills and Taylor McCabe had 13 digs. BOYS WATER POLO Mountain View13, Bend1: Noah Cox had six goals and his brother Nate had five to propel the Cougars to a win in their first meeting against the Lava Bears this season. "The Lava Bears and Cougars play again today at 3 p.m. at Juniper Swim & Fitness Center.

and following Kaping's third touchdown of the night in the third quarter, Wells said that collectively the Buffs' defense decided"no more," shutting down the Outlaws the rest of the way and allowing the offense to string 24 points together to pick up the victory. "Honestly, my TEAM stepped up," Wells said, unable to choose on which side of the ball Madras showed more grit. "That's what was important. Our team decided that we weren't go-

Bulletin staff report KLAMATH FALLS — Tyler Mullen scored on a 15-yard pass from Bransen Reynolds with just 14 seconds left in the game to lead Summit past Klamath Union 28-22 on Friday night. In a back-and-forth second half, it was the Reynolds-to-Mullen connection that proved to be the difference. Reynoldscompleted 16 of 29 passes for 210 yards, and all three of his touchdown passes to Mullen in the fourth quarter. In all, Mullen caught six balls for 156 yards and made several acrobatic catches, according to Storm coach Joe Padilla. "Mullen made some HUGE catches, and that's what really won it for us in the end," Padilla said. "He's something special." Mullen also contributed with his arm, completing 3 of 11 pass for 70 yards in spot duty as quarterback. His one touchdown pass, a 63-yard connection with Josh Cherry, is what drew first blood just 33 seconds into the third quarter. In the first half, Summit's defense took center stage, holding the Pelicans scoreless. That b o ught S u m mi t e n ough time to gather itself on offense, Padilla said, where the Storm were also blanked before the break. "Our defensereally stepped up for us," Padilla said. Summit improved to 2-1 on the season and survived a tight game just a week afterdropping a heartbreaker, 34-33, to Eagle Point. "All of our kids played super hard," Padilla said. "Two games back to back where we went back and forth. "I am really proud of our k ids'


return of 78 yards for a touchdown by Derek Brown got the host Panthers back in the game late in the third quarter. But Hood River Valley answered with a pair of long touchdown passes from Riley Van Hoose to Wyatt Webber in the fourth period to pull away in the Class 5A nonconference matchup. Brown also ran 48 yards for a score in the second quarter that got Redmond within 14-7. But the Panthers (1-2) did not have enough answers for the Van Hooseto-Webber combination, which accounted for four HRV touchdowns. Redmond was marching late in the first half but lost a fumble, and Webber caught a 3-yard TD pass as time expired as the Eagles regained momentum. "We were looking at at least 14-7 at halftime, maybe 14-14, and it turns out 21-7 (HRV leading)," said Redmond coach Nathan Stanley. The Panthers' other score was on a 2-yard run by quarterback Bunker Parrish that got Redmond within 2813 midway through the third quarter. The Panthers play at Franklin of Portland is another nonleague contest next Friday. Sprague 36, Mountain View 14: SALEM — Conor Nehl threw for 221 yards and two touchdowns for the Cougars, but the Class 6A Olympians jumped out to a 20-0 lead against Class 5A Mountain View in the nonconference contest. Sprague (1-2) scored three touchdowns in the first quarter — two on fourth-down plays, according to Mountain View coach Brian Crum. "They got that big lead early, and we had a hard time getting in an offensive flow," Crum said, noting that stops on the crucial fourth downs could have changed the complexion of the game. "We were flat all around early, we couldn't get the

In other Friday action: Hood River Valley 45, Redmond 19: REDMOND — An electrifying punt

ball well, but I would like to see us have better balance." The Cougars

running game going. We passed the

narrowed the gap to 20-7 in the third quarter on a 12-yard pass from Nehl to Chris Adamo, but Sprague answered with a touchdown and a field goal to put the game out of reach. The Cougars' other touchdown came in the fourth quarter on a 6-yard pass from Nehl to Nick Hjelm, who had 13 catches for 128 yards. Dantly Wilcox added four catches for 52 yards. Mountain View (2-1) hosts Class 6A McNary next Friday. West Salem, 47, Bend 7: SALEMJordan Neelon ran for 118 yards on 13 carries and scored a touchdown but it was not enough as the Lava Bears fell to the Class 6A Titans. Bend managed to pound out 214 yards rushing on 36 carries on a night when the Lava Bears had 291 yards of total offense. But West Salem rolled up 544 yards and jumped on Bend early when Cade Smith scored on a 42yard run in the first quarter. And the Lava Bears struggled to hang close, falling behind 21-0 at halftime. Neelon scored on a 41-yard run in the fourth quarter to provide the Lava Bears their only points. Quarterback Creighton Simmonds completed 8 of 14 passes for 77 yards and Christian Johnson added four carries for 59 yards for Bend, which fell to 0-3 on the season. Gilchrist 74, Elkton 62: GILCHRIST — Steve Hallsaid he had never seen anything quite like it in all his years of coaching. And H al l h a s b een coaching football for 32 years. "It was basically an offensive game, just back and forth," said Hall, the Grizzlies' head coach. "It was like a track meet." Official statistics were not available, but Hall confirmed that four players — Trinton Koch, Mike McGregor, Jonny Heitzman and Tucker Boone — scored multiple touchdowns for Gilchrist, which never trailed in the Class IA Special District 2 contest. Koch, the Grizzlies' senior quarter-

back, also threw multiple touchdown passes, and McGregor had an interception. Gilchrist, which improved to 2-0 (overall and league), plays at Prospect Charterin another league game next Friday night. Ridgeview 47, North Valley 10: GRANTS PASS — Ridgeview broke out to a 28-3 lead at halftime and never looked back en route to a nonleague victory over North Valley. Senior running back Boomer Flemi ng returned from an i n jury a n d racked up 168 yards and five touchdowns off of 22 carries, including a 61-yard scoring jaunt in the third quarter, to pace the Ravens (2-1). Junior Tanner Stevens also crossed the century mark by rushing for 120 yards off 10 carries for Ridgeview. Quarterback Cody Simpson had 65 yards and one score on the ground for the Ravens, while also connecting with receiver Tanner O'Neal for a 20-yard scoring reception just before halftime. Henley 57, La Pine 0: KLAMATH FALLS — The Hawks were shut out in the third game of the season. Henley was leading by the end of the first half 34-0. In the second half Henley scored an additional 23 points. The Hornets held La Pine to 78 total offensive yards and 59 rushing yards. The Dalles Wahtonka 45, Crook County 28: THE DALLES — Mike Erwin went five for eight in passing, with 82 yards and two touchdowns, but Crook County fell to The Dalles Wahtonka. Collbran Meeker led the Cowboys with 106 rushing yards on 16 carries, while Aaron Swindle was close behind with 98 rushing yards on 15carries.John Crites came back in the fourth quarter to add a touchdown, but it was not enough to come back as The Dalles Wahtonka kept a significant lead. Crites is credited with one interception and 62 receiv-

ing yards.

PREP SCOREBOARD Football Friday's Local Results Class 5A Nonconference

Hood RiverValley45, Redmond19 HoodRiverValley 7 14 7 17 — 45 Redmond 0 7 12 0 - 19 HRV—Wyatt Webber 20passfrom RileyVanHoose (Martii Lanthalekirck) HRV JeremyFischer7run (Lanthaler kick) R—DerekBrown48run (D. Brownkick) HRV— Webber 3 passfromVanHoose(Lanthaler kick) HRV—Fischer5run (Lanthaler kick) R— BunkerParrish 2run(kick blocked) R D Brown 78 punt retum(passtailed) HRV—Webber 79passfrom Van Hoose(Lanthaler kick) HRV—Webber 25passfrom Van Hoose(Lanthaler kick) HRV —FGLanthaler 32

Sprague36, Mountain View14 Mountain View 0 0 7 7 - 14 Sprague 2 0 0 6 10 36 Sprague scoring notavailable MV —ChrisAdam012 passfromConor Nehl (Emersonkick) MV —NickHjelmpassfromConor Nehl (Emerson

kick) Summit 28, KlamathUnion22 Summit 0 0 7 21 28 K lamath Union 0 0 6 1 6 - 22 S— JoshCherry 63passfromTyler Mullen(Curtright kick) S— Mullen63passtromBransenReynolds (Curtright kick)

S— Mullen18passfromReynolds iReynolds pass) S Mullen15 pass fromReynolds (kickfailed)


KlamathUnionscoring playsnotavailable

West Salem 47,Bend7 Bend 0 0 0 7 7 Westsalem 1 3 8 13 13 - 47 WS —CadeSmith 42run (Chicakick) WS —GaryGarvin1 run(passfailed) WS — Smith 10 run (BradyRediger passfrom Smith) WS — Garvin 4 run(Chica kick) WS Doug Clem10run(passfailed) B— JordanNeelon41run(Watters kick) WS —Chica2 run(kick blocked) WS —CamHarris 22 run(Chica kick) Ridgeview 47,NorlhValley10 R idgeview 12 1 6 6 1 3 - 47 Norlh Valley 0 3 7 0 - 10 R— BoomerFleming5 run(kick taiied), 4:43 R—CodySimpson2run(kick failed),:35 NV —AustinJackson25field goal, 9:38 R— Fleming5run (Cole Johnsrun), 5:39 R Tanner O'Neal20passtrom Simpson(Fleming run), 47 R— Fleming61run (runfailed), 7:07 NV —KylerSmith16 run(Jacksonkick),1:52 R— Fleming3run (runfailed),10:54 R— Fleming2run (Calvin Rodmankick), 4:52

Class 4A Nonconference Madras 31, Sisters 20 Madras 7 0 14 10 — 31 Sisters 7 7 6 0 20 S— NathanKaping5passfromTristen Lewis (Josh Andrade kick) M — CodyShepherd59 passfrom ChadLindgren (OnasisAdamekick) S— Kaping1passfromLewis (Andradekick) S Kaping1 Nn(kickfailed) M — Shepherd49 passfromLindgren(Adame kick)

M— shepherd 3 passfromundgren(Adamekick) M — Shepherd23 passtromLindgren(Adame kick) M— Adame 25field goal TheDallesWahtonka45,CrookCounty28 Dalles Wahtonka 14 16 8 7 — 45 C rookcounty 0 1 4 0 14 — 28 TDW—ZachNerdin7passfromChaseShroll (pass


TDW-AustinDehart16 passfromShroll (Bill Brace passfromShro I) CC — BlakeBartels 25Nn (kick failed) CC — ClarkWoodward 9run (AaronSwindle runj TDW —Shroll10 run(Nerdin passfromShrol) CC — Ryder Shinkle 8 passfrom Mike Irwin (run failed) CC John — Crites62passfrom Irwin (Irwin run) TDW-Shroll1run(Eli Holemankick) Henley57, LaPine 0


Special Distnct 2 Gilchrist 74,Elkton62 Statewide Scores Adrian34,Cove14 Amity 6,Gaston0 Ashland 21,Marist 7 Baker50, Payete, Idaho21 Banks49, Benson0 Camas, Wash. 48, Canby7 Cascade 40,Clatskanie 6 Cascade Christian 41, PleasantHil14 Central20,Sweet Home19 CentralCatholic35, LakeOswego14 CentralLinn34,Oakridge8 Churchill 28,EaglePoint14 Clackamas 35,Aloha 7 Condon/Ijjjheele66, r Walowa 30 Corval is63,Woodburn13 CottageGrove39,North Bend38

Crane58,McKenzie 20 Crow68,Falls City 30 DaysCreek48,Prospect 1B Dayton13,SantiamChristian 0 Dayville/Monument 5z Arlington34 Douglas 38, Marshfield16 Dufur56,Perrydale8 Elgin 48,Harper/Huntington12 Elmira38, Mazama26 Enterprise1B,McLoughlin 7 Fruitland,Idaho57, LaGrande6 Gadstone63,Stayton14 Glide 47RogueRiver13 Gold Beach 28, LostRiver 6 Gresham 48,McNary40 HansjNorth,BritishColumbia40,Vemonia 21 Harrisburg 20, Monroe0 Heppner43,Wilamina0 HiddenValley 12,NorthEugene 10 Hillsboro23,Century22 HoodRiver45, Redmond19 HosannaChristian 54, NorthLake0 l linois Valley 39, Creswell19 Imbler72,Sherman20 lone 76,Touchet,Wash. 32 Irrigon34,Tri-Cities Prep,Wash. 29 Jeff erson18,Madison9 Jesui t32 Union Wash 7 JordanValley34, Greenleaf, Idaho20 JunctionCity29,Taft6 Kennedy 27,Horizon Christian Tualatin14 Knappa 28, Warrenton 0 Lakeridge 48, NorthSalem7 Lakeview 7, Burns0 Liberty34,St. Helens33 Lowell76,St.Paul40 Madras 31, Sisters20 Mapleton38,Alsea34 McMinnville23, Newberg 13 Mitchell-Spray 50, PortlandLutheran25 Myrtle Poin58, t Glendale24 Nasel e, Wash. 28, Neah-Kah-Nie 6 Nestucca 32,Corbett7

Newport7, Tilamook6 NorthMarion28, Yamhil-Carlton 20 NorthMedford28,Grants Pass21 Nyssa 21,New PlymouthIdaho3 Oregon City 35, David Douglas 0 Pendleton 62, Milwaukie6 Philomath 43, LaSalle 7 Phoenix22,Yreka,Calif. 21 PineEagle48, Prairie City14 PortlandChristian33,Regis13 PowderValley 60,Ech014 Reedsport42,Waldport 20 Reynolds75, McKay55 Roseburg 27,Crater 7 Sandy33,Putnam12 Santiam 42,North Douglas1B Scappoose 55, Rainier 32 Seaside 21 Estacada0 Sheldon49, SouthEugene0 Sherwood 63, Hermiston9 Silverton38,Dallas7 Siuslaw28 SouthUmpqua21 SouthAlbany21, Lebanon0 SouthSalem28,Beaverton 22 Southridge 42, Centennial 6 Springtield54,Wilamette 6 Stanfield24, Dayton, Wash.13 Sunset33,Grant 30 Sutherlin44,Brookings-Harbor37 Thurston38,SouthMedford 35 Tigard55,Glencoe28 Toledo64,Jefferson22 TriadSchool36, Powers1B Tualatin14,ForestGrove0 Umatilla22, PilotRock20 Union13,Riverside12 Vale14,Homedale, Idah013 ValleyCatholic32,Sheridan18 Weiser,Idah010, Ontario7 WestAlbany31, CrescentValley21 west Linn4z Barlow28 Westview 42,Lincoln18 Wilsonville42,Parkrose6

C7 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com/business. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.



DOW 15,376.06 ~





0 21


Saturday, September 14, 2013

Interest rate worries? A key measureofL.S. homebuilders' confidence in the housing market is due out on Tuesday. The National Association of Home Builders/Wells Fargo Housing Market Index hit 59 last month, the highest reading in nearly eight years. Readings above 50 indicate positive sentiment about the housing market. Sales of new homes are running ahead of last year, but some builders are growing concerned that rising mortgage interest rates could cut into sales.

NAHB/VVells Fargo Housing Market Index 59

60 55




Dow Jones industrials Close: 15,376.06

1 0 DA Y S



Change: 75.42 (0.5%) 1 0 DAY S


1,650 15,200 1,600 14,800

1,550 M




StocksRecap Vol. (In mil.) 2,633 1,407 Pvs. Volume 3,038 1,617 Advanced 1867 1493 Declined 1 172 9 7 4 New Highs 87 10 2 New Lows 57 16

DOW DOW Trans. DOW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000






HIGH LOW CLOSE 15380.97 15312.86 15376.06 6542.56 6488.38 6523.42 477.71 473.23 476.89 9638.15 9604.18 9635.07 3724.73 3701.88 3722.18 1688.73 1682.22 1687.99 1229.59 1223.66 1229.40 17969.75 17897.58 17964.99 1053.98 1047.66 1053.98


CHG. +75.42 +6.98 +4.25 +27.76 +6.21 +4.57 +2.73 +48.77 +5.50


%CHG. WK Mo OTR YTD +0.49% L $-17.34% +0.11% +22.93% +0.90% T L T +5 . 25% +0.29% L $14J1% +0.17% L +23.27% +0.27% L +18.36% +0.22% L +20.48% +0.27% L +19.81% +0.52% L +24.09%





Alaska Air Group AvistaCorp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co

ALK 32.77 ~ A VA 22.78 ~ Source: FactSet BAC 8 . 53 — BBSI 25.36 BA 6 9 .03 — The Fed speaks CascadeBancorp CACB 4.65 Wall Street has been on edge for Columbia Bukg COLB 16.18 weeks over how much and when Columbia Sporlswear COLM 47.72 the Fed might begin to taper back CostcoWholesale COST 93.51 ~ its bond-buying program. Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5 62 — The $85 billion in monthly bond FLIR Systems FLIR 18 58 ~ purchases have helped keep Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 ~ long-term interest rates low, Home Federal BucpID HOME 10.26 ~ encouraging more borrowing and Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~ spending. The Federal Reserve's Keycorp KEY 7 81 ~ monetary policymaking body wraps Kroger Co KR 2 2 75 — Lattice Semi LSCC 3.46 up atwo-day meeting on WednesLA Pacific LPX 12.19 day, and the central bank is MDU Resources MDU 19.59 expected to announce plans for MENT 13.21 — winding down the bond purchases. Mentor Graphics Microsoft Corp MSFT 26.26 Nike Iuc B NKE 44.83 — Nordstrom Iuc JWN 50.94

Spotlight on home sales Economists expect sales of previously occupied homes eased in August after reaching a 3-year high the previous month. Sales jumped 6.5 percent in July to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 5.4 million, a pace associated with a healthy housing market. Over the past 12 months, sales have surged 17.2 percent. The National Association of Realtors reports its tally of August home sales on Thursday.

Existing home sales Seasonally adjusted annual rate In millions est. 5.3 5.0 4.8 4.6

Nwst Nat Gas OfficeMax Iuc PaccarIuc Planar Systms Plum Creek Prec Castparts Safeway Iuc Schuitzer Steel Sherwin Wms Staucorp Fucl StarbucksCp Triquiut Semi UmpquaHoldings US Baucorp WashingtonFedl Wells Fargo &Co Weyerhaeuser

NWN 39.96 oOMX 5.63 PCAR 39.43 PLNR 1.12 PCL 40.60 PCP 157.51 SWY 15.00 SCHN 23.07 SHW 138.36 SFG 30.88 SBUX 44.27 TQNT 4.30 UMPQ 11.17 USB 30.96 WAFD 15.64 WFC 31.25 WY 2 4.75





o o

68.00 29.26 15.03 73.49 110 .22 7.18 25.59 66.69 1 20.2 0 1332 33 82 27.78 14.81 25.98 12 63 39 98 5.71 22.55 30.21 23.60 36.43 68.90 63.34 50.80 13.17 60.00 2.36 54.62 270.00 28.42 32.99 194.56 56.07 75.91 8.30 17.48 37.97 22.78 44.79 33.24

60.3 4 + 1 .04 + 1.8 L L 25.9 9 +. 1 0 + 0 .4 L T 14.49 + . 01 +0.1 L L 66 . 43 + 1.67 +2.6 L T 111.33 +1.53 $.1.4 5 .9 8 T L 24 .13 + . 1 2 +0.5 L 59 .37 + . 3 7 +0.6 L L 117.03 -1.16 -1.0 L 13.41 +.47 +3.6 31.85 -.03 -0.1 T 22.07 +.11 +0.5 T T 12.40 +.43 $.3.6 T 23.44 + .81 $-3.6 L L 11.97 T 39.03 + .41 $-1.1 L 4 .8 3 -.02 -0.4 T T 17 .12 +.38 +2.3 L L 26 .80 +.23 < 0.9 L T 23 .00 -.02 -0.1 L L 33 .03 +.34 +1.0 L L 67 .91 -.17 -0.2 L L 57 .28 +.25 +0.4 L L 40 .72 +.25 +0.6 L T 11 .31 -.07 -0.6 56 .28 + . 30 +0.5 1.8 4 +. 0 4 +2 .2 46 .05 + . 1 1 +0.2 L 232.23 +2.17 +0.9 L 28 .20 +1.61 +6.1 L L 27 .14 + . 1 0 +0.4 174.92 +.29 +0.2 L L 54 .96 +.15 +0.3 75 .57 -.10 -0.1 7 .9 0 -.01 -0.2 T L 16 .40 +.26 $-1.6 T 37 .14 +.27 +0.7 L L 20 .96 +.12 + 0.6 L T 42 .19 -.07 -0.2 L T 28 .39 +.07 +0.2 T L

Price-earnings ratio (Based on past 12 months' results):40

Total return this year: 20%





Source: FactSet






the second quarter last year. Revenue increased nearly 25 percent to $601 million from $481.7 million. The results far exceeded market expectations. Analysts were anticipating earnings of 67 cents per share on revenue of $588.4 million. Ulta said that it expects to earn between 71 cents and 74 cents per share for its fiscal third quarter on revenue between $613 million and $623 million.





+40.0 +71 .4 4 4 5 1 4 0. 8 0 + 7.8 +7.3 173 17 1.2 2 +24.8 +61 .9 44888 26 0 . 0 4 + 74.4 +1 5 0.2 2 1 32 0.52 + 47.7 +57.4 3482 2 0 1 . 94 -4.5 +1 4.1 2 5 + 34 . 5 +2 9 .7 1 2 5 2 0 0. 4 0 +11. 3 +1 4 .3 19 19 0.88 +18 5 $. 2 5 2 1 656 2 5 1 2 4 +106.9 +59.2 1 0 7 c c +4 2 7 + 5 6 0 5 16 2 0 0 3 6 +54. 9 +2 5 .1 12045 dd 0 . 5 8 -0.2 +1 2.9 2 5 cc 0. 2 4a + 13. 7 +1. 5 5 8982 13 0 . 9 0 +4 2 .2 +4 0 .2 44 05 1 3 0 . 22f +50. 0 +6 4 .0 4 9 04 1 3 0. 6 0 +21. 1 +9. 5 406 dd -11.4 +17.6 2568 10 + 26.2 +21 .5 22 7 cc 0.6 9 +35.1 +36 .0 6 2 0 2 4 0. 1 8 +23.7 +9.2 3 9632 13 0 . 9 2 + 31.6 +3 6 .7 3 2 74 2 5 0. 8 4 +7.1 +0.4 10 0 5 1 5 1 . 2 0 -7.9 -12.2 56 19 1 8 . 2 +31.2 +92.9 1607 2 0. 0 8a +24.5 +38.9 8 9 7 2 0 0 .80a +28.7 +36.4 10 dd $ -3. 8 $- 1I4.4 2 3 3 1 1.7 6 + 22 . 6 +4 5 .0 8 3 4 2 3 0. 1 2 +55. 9 +6 6 .0 17363 13 0 . 8 0 -105 -84 1 5 4 9 7 0 7 5 +13 7 +2 25 21 5 2 5 2 0 0 +49.9 +76.3 1 0 5 1 3 0 . 93f +40.9 +49.5 2828 36 0 . 8 4 +63. 5 +33 .6 6 8 5 dd +3 9 . 1 + 2 6.9 4535 1 7 0 .60f + 16.3 +11 .0 6 8 05 13 0 . 92f +24.2 +28 .3 41 1 1 5 0. 3 6 +23.4 +26 . 2 9 5 69 1 1 1. 2 0 +2.0 +10. 5 2 5 13 2 6 0 . 88f

' "'"' Ulta Salon shares soar

Uita Salon (ULTA) F





riday ' s close: $117.53 3-YR*: 63%

Total returns through Sept. 13


$73 ~

5-YR *: 53%





Marke t value:$7.5 billion


Source: FactSet


PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK FUND N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 22.70 +.05 +12.7 +13.2 $-13.1 +8.3 A A A CaplncBuA m 56.38 +.17 $.8.7 $.9.2 +9.7 + 62 8 A B CpWldGrlA m 42.20 +.10 +15.1 +18.3 +11.0 + 65 C C C EurPacGrA m 45.30 -.03 +9.9 +15.1 +7.4 + 55 D D A NokiaCp 886386 6.41 + .05 FrtlovA m 48.00 +.08 +18.7 +19.7 $-15.3 + 80 8 C C S&P500ETF 629469 169.33 + . 38 GrthAmA m 41.66 +.04 $-21.3 +22.9 +16.2 + 83 A C C Intel 589815 23.44 + . 81 Fidelity Advisor Mid-CpUA m FHAX IrtcAmerA x 19.48 -.12 $.10.7 +11.6 +11.9 + 82 8 A A MicronT 538476 16.21 + . 01 IttvCoAmA x 35.82 -.01 +20.2 +19.3 $-15.1 + 80 C D C Facebook 513780 44.31 —.44 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH NewPerspA m36.08 +.07 +15.4 +18.8 $-13.2 + 86 C 8 A MktVGold 450466 25.63 + . 34 WAMutlttvA m 37.10 +.11 +20.1 +18.8 +17.0 + 81 D A 8 BkofAm 448884 14.49 + . 01 cC o 03 iShEMkts 427158 41.16 + . 26 Dodge 8 Cox Income 13.45 +.01 - 1.5 + 0.1 + 4.0 +6.5 A 8 8 Microsoft 396315 33.03 +.34 0O IntlStk 4 0.22 +.05 +16.1 +22.7 +9.6 +5.8 A A A $L SiriusXM 392644 3.81 + . 04 Stock 1 51.78 +.31 +25.6 +26.3 +18.6 +8.7 A A B Fidelity Contra 92.35 +.05 + 20.1 +17.4 +16.5 +9.6 C C 8 Gainers GrowCo 117. 81 +.39+ 26.4 +21.1 +20.3+12.4 8 A A LowPriStk d 46.36 +.18+ 23.2 +25.4 +18.6+12.3 8 8 A NAME L AST C H G %C H G Fidelity Spartan 500 l dxAdvtg60.08 +.16+20.1 +18.2 +17.0 +8.5 C 8 8 Lakelnd 5 .60 +1. 4 5 +34 . 9 FrankTemp-FraoklioIncome Cm 2.34 ... +7.6 +8.6 +9.6 +7.9 A A A Hastings 3 .38 +.85 +33 . 6 «C ViroPhrm 3 9.13 +8 . 6 6 +2 8 . 4 03 IncomeA m 2. 3 2 ... +8 . 1 +9 . 3 +10.2 +8.4 A A A RockwllM 1 0.11 +1 . 8 8 +22 . 8 «C FrankTemp-Templetou GIBondAdv 12.90 -.02-0.8 + 3 .8 + 5.1 +9.5 A A A Coeur wt 2 .40 +.38 +18 . 8 Oakmark Irttl I 25.63 +.04 $.22.5 + 33.5 $.14.3$.12.4 A A A 0O AratanaT n 1 3.98 +2 . 1 6 +1 8 . 3 RisDiyA m 20. 1 7 +.02+ 16.6 +15.2 +14.8 +6.5 E D D Mornirtgstar OwnershipZone™ Oppeuheimer Blyth 1 2.94 +1 . 9 4 +1 7 . 6 RisDivB m 18. 24 +.02+ 15.8 +14.2 +13.8 +5.5 E D E UltaSalon 1 17.53 $ -17.37 +1 7 .3 O o Fund target represents weighted RisDivC m 18 . 15 +.02 + 16.0 +14.3 +13.9 +5.7 E D E Reliv lrttl 2 .73 +.40 +17 . 0 average of stock holdings SmMidValA m40.91 +.12 + 26.2 +30.1 +14.3 +6.1 A E E SmrtPros 2 .02 +.26 +14 . 8 • Represents 75% of furtd's stock holdings SmMidValB m34.33 +.10+25.4 +29.0+13.3 +5.2 A E E Losers CATEGORY Mid-Cap Growth PIMCO TotRetA m 10 . 63 +.01 -4.0 -2.4 +3.1 +6.2 D C 8 NAME LAST CHG %CHG MORNINGSTAR T Rowe Price Eqtylnc 31.35 +.07 +19.6 +20.0 +15.9 +8.1 C C 8 RATING™ **n yrty GrowStk 4 6.23 . . . +22.4 +19.8 +18.7 +10.8 8 A A -6.34 -36.4 PrimeAc h 11.10 PriAcq un 13.00 -4.95 -27.6 ASSETS $979 million HealthSci 56.87 +.13 +38.0 +36.4 +32.1+18.7 8 A A Avaoirphm 4.08 —.91 -18.2 EXP RATIO 1.15% Vanguard 500Adml 156.30 +.42 +20.1 +18.2 +17.0 +8.6 C 8 8 ParagSh rs 6.20 -1.13 -15.4 5001ttv 156.27 +.43 +20.1 +18.0 +16.9 +8.5 C 8 8 MANAGER Thomas Allen -.87 -13.2 Galectin wt 5.70 CapOp 44.36 +.11 $-31.9 +35.8 +19.6+11.0 A A A SINCE 2004-08-12 Eqlnc 28.52 +.13 $.19.7 +19.1 +18.3 +9.6 D A A RETURNS 3-MO +6.4 Foreign Markets StratgcEq 26.89 +.12 +25.4 +26.8 +20.9+10.0 A A 8 YTD +21.7 TgtRe2020 26.05 +.06 +9.3 +9.9 +10.3 +6.8 8 A A NAME LAST CHG %CHG 1-YR +21.7 Tgtet2025 15.07 +.04 +10.9 +11.5 +11.1 +6.9 8 8 8 Paris + 7.87 + . 1 9 4,114.50 3-YR ANNL +12.1 TotBdAdml 10.53 +.01 -3.3 -2.6 +2.6 +4.6 D D D London 6,583.80 -5.18 —.08 5-YR-ANNL +9.3 Totlntl 15.97 +.05 +8.3 +13.6 +6.4 +3.9 D D C Frankfurt + 15.42 + . 1 8 8,509.42 TotStlAdm 42.81 +.12 $-21.2 +19.7 +17.6 +9.2 8 A A Hong Kong 22,915.28 -38.44 -.17 TOP 5HOLDINGS PCT Mexico TotStldx 42.79 +.12 +21.1 +19.6 +17.5 +9.0 8 A A 41,122.47 + 336.79 + . 8 3 Archer-Daniels Midland Company 1.54 Milan 17,547.91 + 25.20 + . 1 4 USGro 25.66 +.02 +20.7 +19.7 +17.9 +9.0 8 8 8 Kroger Co 1.47 Tokyo + 17.40 + . 1 2 14,404.67 Welltn 37.55 +.10 $-12.4 +13.0 +12.1 +8.3 A A A 1.19 Stockholm 1,265.97 -2.33 -.18 Fleetcor Technologies, Irtc. Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs 1$paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption Sydney -23.50 -.45 HSN, Ittc. 1.15 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 5,214.70 Zurich 8,038.31 + 4.86 + . 06 ManpowerGroup 1.14 redemption fee. Source: Mornngstac

Morningstar notes that this fund hasn't finished in the top third of Marketsummary the mid-cap growth category Most Active since 2008. The fund carries NAME VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG bronze-medal analyst rating. A. Velga, J. Sohn • AP


EURO 1.3306

' 39


SWY Close:$28.20L1.61 or 6.1% The grocer is upgraded by Credit Suisse, which sees the potential to get out of weaker markets potentially boosting shares. $30 25

Vitamin Shoppe

VSI Close:$40.86 V-t.1O or -2.6% Sterne Agee downgraded the health supplements retailer to "Neutral," saying competition has led to slower store traffic. $50 45


J A 52-week range


S $29.99


J A 52-week range

$39.92 ~

STP Close:$1.30 %0.11 or 9.2% David King will step down as CEO of the solar panel company immediately and Zhou Weiping will take over on an interim basis. $2.0 1.5 1.0


J A 52-wcek range


S $1.99

Vol.:7.3m (2.2x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$235.51 m

P E: .. . Yield :...

S $65.93

Vol.:17.4m (4.0x avg.) PE: 1 2 .7 Vol.:834.4k (1.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$6.8 b Y i eld: 2.8% Mkt. Cap:$1.24 b

PE: 1 9 .2 Yield: ...



Close: $67.47at.77 ol'2.7%

The company no longer plans to offer health insurance on the new health care exchanges established by the Affordable Care Act. $70 65

90 ~


J A 52-week range

$39.07 ~




Vol.: 4.4m (1.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$25.11 b

P E: 13 . 5 Yiel d : 1. 2 %

ULTA Regeneron Pharma. R EG N Close:$117.53 L17.37 or 17.3% Close:$289.97L16.37 or 6.0% The beauty products retailer's secThe stock hit a new high before test ond-quarter profit jumped 28 percent results for a new cholesterol drug on strong growth at its stores. are released, which could open up a

Ulta Salon

new pipeline. $120






J A 52-week range



J A 52-week range



$118.27 $136.13


Vol.:4.5m (6.0x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$7.49 b

P E: 42 .3 Vol.:1.0m (1.3x avg.) Yield: ... Mkt. Cap:$26.04 b

P E: 38 .1 Yield: ...


INTC Close:$23.44 %0.81 or 3.6% TechCrunch reported that the computer chip maker acquired Indisys, a

developer of natural language-processing software. $26 24 22

Oclaro OCLR Close:$1.65%0.19 or 13.0% B. Riley & Co. upgraded the stock after a sale improves the cash position at the telecommunications company and lowers overhead. $2.0 1.5 1.0


J A 52-week range





Dividend Footnotes: 3 Extra - dividends were paid, but are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. 9 - Amount declared or paid in last12 months. f - Current annual rate, wtt>ctt wasmcreased bymost recent div>dendannouncement. i - Sum ct dividends pnd after stock split, no regular rate. I - Sum of d>vidends pnd tns year. Most recent dnnend was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pnd tn$ year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. r - Declared cr paid in precedmg 12 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, apprcnmate cash value on ex-dntrittution date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds 99. dd - Loss in last t2 months

Shares of Ulta Salon, Cosmetics & Fragrances shot up 17 percent Friday. Investors were encouraged because new products, expanded in-store boutiques and a strong loyalty program helped the company boost its fiscal second-quarter profit by 28 percent. The company reported after the market closed Thursday that it earned $44.9 million, or 70 cents per share, for the quarter that ended Aug. 3. That's up from $35 million, or 54 cents per share, in









45 A


Two positive economic reports helped stocks close higher on Friday. The Commerce Departmentsaid Americans bumped up spending by roughly 0.2 percent last month, although it was half of what economists expected. Shoppers spent more on cars, electronics and furniture, but they didn't buy much else. The government also reported that wholesale prices rose 0.3 percent in August. Trading was light as Wall Street headed into the weekend and the Jewish holiday of Yom Kippur starts at sundown. Many investors are looking ahead to the Federal Reserve's policy meeting next week, when the central bank may shed light on the future of its bond-buying program.





Close: 1,687.99

Change: 4.57 (0.3%) 1,600 '



S&P 500



+ -.03 '

45 7





J A 52-week range

S $3.19

Vol.:61.0m (1.6x avg.) PE: 1 2 .7 Vol.:9.0m (6.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$116.78 b Yi e l d: 3.8% Mkt. Cap:$152.83 m

P E: .. . Yield :... AP

SOURCE: Sungard


NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3-month T-bill 6-month T-bill 52-wk T-btll

The yield on the 10-year Treasury note dipped to 2.88 percent on Friday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.

. 01 . 01 .10

.01 .01 .10

2-year T-note . 4 4 .45 5-year T-note 1 .70 1 .72 10-year T-ttote 2.88 2.91 30-year T-bond 3.84 3.85





.10 .12





-0.01 T L -0.02 T L -0.03 T L -0.01 T T


.24 .64 1.72 2.93



Barclays LoogT-Bdldx 3.66 3.67 -0.01 T T Bond Buyer Muni Idx 5.22 5.25 -0.03 T T Barclays USAggregate 2.59 2.59 . . . T L PRIME FED Barclays US High Yield 6.28 6.32 -0.04 T RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 4.73 4.73 ... L L YEST 3.25 .13 Barclays CompT-Bdldx 1.81 1.81 . . . T L 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 B arclays US Corp 3 .53 3.53 ... T L 1 YR AGO3.25 .13

Commodities The price of oil fell Friday as the U.S. and Russia held discussions aimed at getting Syria to give up its chemical weapons. Gold also declined, while other metals advanced. Crops rose.

Foreign Exchange The dollar rose against the euro and Canadian and Australian dollar as traders focused on next week's Federal Reserve meeting. It fell against the

Japanese yen, among other currencies.

h5N4 QG



2.63 4.25 1.83 6.33 3.56 .97 2.94

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Oil (bbl) 108.21 108.60 -0.36 + 17.9 Ethanol (gal) 1.77 1.85 -0.05 -19.0 Heating Oil (gal) 3.11 3.12 - 0.09 + 2 . 3 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.68 3.64 + 1.07 + 9 . 7 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.77 2.76 +0.25 -1.5 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz)

CLOSE PVS. 1308.40 1330.40 21.67 22.10 1444.50 1442.70 3.21 3.21 697.50 691.20

%CH. %YTD -1.65 -21.9 -1.94 -28.2 +0.12 -6.1 -0.17 -11.9 +0.91 -0.7

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD -3.6 1.25 1.25 +0.34 1.16 1.16 -0.60 -19.7 4.50 4.79 -6.05 -35.6 Corn (bu) Cotton (Ib) 0.85 0.86 -0.78 +13.4 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 344.00 329.20 +4.50 -8.0 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.40 1.39 +0.61 +20.8 Soybeans (bu) 14.89 14.42 + 3.24 + 4 . 9 Wheat(bu) 6.28 6.42 -2.18 -19.3 AGRICULTURE

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)

1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.5879 +.0068 +.43% 1 .6154 Canadian Dollar 1.03 3 8 + . 0013 +.13% . 9 6 94 USD per Euro 1.3306 +.0003 +.02% 1 . 2985 —.16 —.16% 77.45 Japanese Yen 99.28 Mexican Peso 13. 0 391 —.0514 —.39% 12.8272 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3.5501 —.0002 —.01% 3.9365 Norwegian Krone 5.9261 +.0420 +.71% 5.7214 South African Rand 9. 9376 —. 0256 —. 26% 8.2469 6.5542 +.0409 +.62% 6.5756 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9292 —.0010 —.11% .9348 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar 1.0810 + .0019 +.18% .9 4 84 Chinese Yuan 6.1188 +.0006 +.01% 6 .3309 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7547 +.0008 +.01% 7 .7541 Indian Rupee 63.500 -.040 -.06% 55.415 Singapore Dollar 1.2691 +.0013 +.10% 1 .2255 South Korean Won 1086.14 +1.04 +.10% 1128.55 Taiwan Dollar 29.72 + .03 +.10% 29 . 66

© www.bendbulletin.com/business



a ras ro e

Workers' comp rates to drop Workers' compensation costs are expected

to decrease anaverage of 7.6 percent next year, the Oregon Department

of Consumer andBusiness Services recently announced. The decreasestems from lower medical costs and fewer and smaller claims for lost

wages, the department said in a newsrelease. Workers' compensation paysinjured workers for lost wages andmedical care for job-related

injuries. Department officials

approved the decrease in pure premiums, the part employers pay insurers to cover anticipated claims for job-related injuries.

The rate decrease is effective Jan. 1, but

employers should see changes whenthey renew their policies in

u r c ase

• Property on U.S. 97 housing ICFC/ARWsells; restaurant ownership is unchanged By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

The Madras property that houses a combined KFC/A8 W restaurant has been purchased,according toJefferson County records. The property in the Jefferson Square retailcenter on U.S. Highway 97 sold for $920,000, according to a deed filed Aug. 21 with Jefferson County. A story published Sept. 7 contained several errorsabout the property sale and the retail center. It was sold to Graham Real Estate Two LLC, of Tacoma, Wash., the deed shows. Washington state business records list Steven Brown, a legal counsel for Tacoma law firm Kampbell, Andrews sr Arbenz, as the manager of Graham Real Estate Two.

But he represented an undisclosedbuyer,according to an email from Scott Goodrich,

amanagerofJefferson Square Properties LLC, according to Oregon business records. Jefferson Square Properties, which sold the property, is developing Jefferson Square. The ownership of the KFC/A&W restaurant has not changed, Goodrich wrote in his email. The shopping center on Highway 97 near Southwest Bard Lane was first proposed in late 2006, and development continues, according to Goodrich and The Bulletin's archives. Along with the restaurant, Jefferson Square is home to Madras Cinema 5, which opened in 2011, and an O'Reilly Auto Parts store,

which opened earlier this

year. The retail center's buildings are fully occupied, but plans call for construction of up to 18,500 square feet of additional retail space on two tax lots. JeffersonSquare officials plan to start construction on about 8,300 square feet in early 2014, Goodrich wrote in the email, and it has been preleased, according to an email from Lee Goodrich, who Oregon business records also list as a manager of Jefferson Square Properties. Madras Cinema 5 shows first-run movies and draws residentsfrom Warm Springs, Culver, Metolius and parts of Wheeler and Wasco counties, Lee Goodrich wrote.

Propertypurchased A lot in the Jefferson Square

Shopping Center in Madras was purchased last month. I




, Spuare


Bard Ln.

nAS y Cl


Greg Cross/The Bulletin

South Carolina andhad considered expanding







ti/>iJt , ~ -"~4 . - st: iq:s e

~ l

kL q txvy ttlI u tjl

restaurant industry.

"I've always wanted to have a restaurant," he said. "I think the NorthWest Crossing community is underserved for pizza and Italian. It's

a good location, good opportunity at the right time." He said he formerly

owned another pizza restaurant in Bend. Tooliani's, which will


be located on Northwest

Andy Tuuis /The Bulletin

Daniel Olsen, brewmaster for the new RiverBend Brewing, plans to start making beer as soon as the 10-barrel system gets approved. RiverBend's beer will be featured at RiverBend Brewing & Sports Pub, now known as Rivals Sports Bar, on Northeast Division Street.

rom ivas o By Rachael Rees

ping center. Thebuildings in Jefferson Square are fully occupied. And the development has plans for construction of

up to 18,500 square feet of additional retail space on two tax lots.

A corrected version of the story appears at right above. The Bulletin regrets

the errors.

The Bulletin

ivals Sports Bar will soon change its name and become the pub for one of Bend's newest craft breweries, RiverBend Brewing. But sports fans will still be ableto watch a game and drink beer, including some made about 150 feet away. Gary Sobala, who owns Rivals and RiverBend, said the brewery has been in the works for about three years. The restaurant will be named RiverBend Brewing & Sports Pub, and the beer-making equipment has been installed in a separate building on the property on Northeast Division Street near Northeast Third Street. "I felt it was a unique business model that would be successful in Bend," Sobala

said. "And (I) thought we could have the best of both worldsa sports pub and a brewery." Along with RiverBend's brews, Sobala said he will be keepingdomestic beers, which appeal to many sports fans, on tap. "I don't want to lose that part of the business," he said. "I just want to grow my business." RiverBend isn't the only new brewery in the works. The Oregon Liquor Control Commission is reviewing three other applications for production breweriesNorth Rim Brewing; Juniper Brewing Co. and Shade Tree Brewing, LLC. Another production brewery, Oblivion Brewing Co., has been up and running for nearly a month, said co-owner Darin Butschy. Oblivion's beer is currently available on draft

i v er en

at Broken Top Bottle Shop. And Trever Hawman, owner of Bridge99,said he received his approval from the OLCC in August and has beers on tap atWubba's BBQ Shack on Layton Avenue in Bend. RiverBend brewmaster Daniel Olsen said he hopes the 10-barrel system will be operating by the end of next week. He needs one more permit before production can start. Once brewing begins, Olsen said, the beer will be flowing from the pub's taps within a month. "Ideally, it's our goal to introduce the beers on the day that we introduce the (pub's) new identity," he said. That's expected to be sometime in October. Olsen plans to brew about 1,500 barrels to start, with a goal of expanding the system in six months. And

while traditional brews will be producedfirst,he plans to experiment with herbs, fruits and spices. Olsen is no novice to the brewing industry. He doesn't expect any problems getting his beers to stand out. He said he's been brewing since 1993 and has worked for Deschutes Brewery, 10 Barrel Brewing Co. and Lagunitas Brewing Co. "I've never had an issue with setting my brews (apart)," he said. "All the breweries I have worked for, the benefit has been in my direction, where they've kind of set me free to play with a lot of... out-of-the-box materials. What I have saved up in my arsenal is a head full of concepts that were never fully able to come to fruition." — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees®bendbulletin.com

PEOPLE ON THE MOVE • Skylar Bushhas been promoted to business specialist at Wells Fargo in Bend. Bush joined Wells Fargo in 2010as ateller and was later Bush promoted to customer service and sales representative, as well as personal banker. Bush will provide financial services to small businesses. • Lisa Hartwas the top sales agent for John L. Scott in Redmond for the month of August. • Bobbie Stromewas the top listing agentfor John L. Scott in Redmond



H e m ty

for the month of August. • Loy Hennfyhas joined Tetherow Golf Club in Bend as the hotel manager for Tetherow Lodges. Tetherow Lodges are scheduled for completion in spring of 2014. Hemnl, a certified hotel administrator through the American Hotel and Lodging Association, previously


MacRichie McMorris

worked at the House on the Metolius and as general manager of Black Butte Ranch for10 years. Loy will be responsible for daily hotel operations, guest services and employee relations. • Dr. Blake Drew,D.M.D., has joined Mill Point Dental. Drew received his degree from OregonHealth &Science

Daum cited the city's quality of life, the com-

pany's existing workforce and its history. — From wire reports



years' experience in the

building in the retail center, not the whole shop-

Explaining the decision to stay in Portland, Daimler Trucks North

America CEO Martin

Mike Toolan, founder of the new bistro, has14

Page C8,contained several errors. The undisclosed buyer, who was incorrectly identified, purchased a

people at its North

Daimler has large operations in North and

Crossing, according to a news release.

Saturday, Sept. 7, on

The Germancompany employs about 2,800

ing jobs.

in Bend's NorthWest

Madras, which appeared

Daimler makes heavy-duty trucks and school buses under Star and Thomas Built.

uled to open next month

erty sale at the Jefferson Square retail center in

across the Willamette

Freightliner, Western

Tooliani's Italian Bistro and Pizzeria, is sched-

A story about a prop-

work in rented offices

brands that include

A new restaurant,


incentives. The unit of Daimler AG said its new building will house 400 new white-collar workers

will happen onthecompany's existing campus Merritt Ln.

Italian bistro to open inBend

ten-free and paleo-diet items, he said. — Bulletin staff reports

nearly $20 million in

about 750 people in blue-collar manufactur-

experience andpayroll.

as pizzas, salads, glu-

headquarters after state and city officials offered

on Swan Island.

— Reporter: 541-617-7820 egluchlich@bendbulletin.com

on their industry, claims

Parmesan and spaghetti and meatballs, as well

will expand its Portland

American headquarters in Portland, including

Because thedecrease is an average, the release said, employers may see alarger decrease, no changeor anincrease, depending

serve classic Italian dishes like chicken

PORTLAND — Daimler Trucks North America announced Friday it

River. The expansion


Crossing Drive, will

Daimler expanding in Portland

and hundreds of existing employees who now

Jefferson County Fairgrounds



University and holds a certificate of advanced general dentistry from the University of Florida. Blake is moving his ractice from the east White side of Bend to join Dr. Marika Stone at Mill Point Dental. •ShereeMacRichie has beennamed Realtor of the Year by the Central Oregon Association of Realtors. The award is based onprofessional values and civic involvement. MacRichie received her real estate license in 1991, has been amember of the Bend Chamber of Commercesince1984

and was ReMaxKey Properties top broker for 2012. • Brice McMorris has joined Kindred RealEstate, of Bend,as a broker. McMorris has nearly 20 years' of real estate experience and specializes in residential sales, development properties, land use, planning, construction and property management. • Beau Whitehas joined Kindred Real Estate, of Bend, as abroker. White, who has nearly 8 years of experience, focuseson assisting his clients in acquiring bank-owned propertiesfor vacation or secondhomes.

MONDAY • ForeclosurePrevention Workshop:Learn about the new conference resolution mediation available to homeowners in Oregon; free; registration required; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 20310 Empire Ave., Suite A110, Bend; 541-323-6567 or www.neighborimpact. org/homesource. TUESDAY • Visit Bendboardof directors meeting:Email to reserve aseat; 8 a.m.; Bend Visitor Center, 750 N.W. LavaRoad;541-3828048 or valerie@visitbend. com. • CrookedRiver Ranch -TerrebonneChamberof Commercenetworking social:5:30 p.m.; Laurie's Gentle Pet Grooming, 8392 N.LI.S. Highway 97 Terrebonne 541-548-0405. • eow to Start aBusiness: Workshop for people contemplating business ownership; registration required; $29; 6-8 p.m.; La Pine Public Library,16425 First St.; 541-383-7290. • Project Management Information Meeting: Learn about project managementand certification; registration required; free; 6-7:30 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W.Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7270. WEDNESDAY • Gentral Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Conference: Oregon's Occupational Safety and Health Division will discuss invisible hazards, lob

hazard analysis, fatigue management, effective safetycommittees and meetings, safety communication and disaster preparednessand emergency planning; $125, optional pre-conference workshops for $40;; Eagle Crest Resort, Conference Center, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 503378-3272 or www.orosha. org/conferences. • How to Select theRight Franchise:Explores franchise ownership, how to chooseafranchise, arrange financing andother details; Central Oregon Community College's Small Business Development Center; registration required; free; 6-9 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building, 1027 N.W.Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290. For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbu//etin.com/bizca/

IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer Search, D4

© www.bendbulletin.com/community



Today: wheelchair and more drive Volunteers with St.

Charles Bendwill be collecting used wheel-

chairs, canes, crutches and walkers in anycondition during an annual wheelchair drive from

10a.m. to 3 p.m. today at the hospital's parking lot, 2500 N.E. Neff

J. Mendel /The Washington Post

There's a way to use black and gray without looking "dour" this fall, according to fashion experts.

Road. The donated items will be given to needy

Central Oregon residents and impoverished

people who live in developing nations across the world.

To learn moreabout the wheelchair drive, call 541-706-2739.

Ignite Bend seeks presentations

• After 2 yearsof playing the cello at school, 13-year-old Jobegets hisown instrument

Ignite Bend organiz-

ers seek presentation proposals for the11th iteration of the popular

By Jennifer Barger

storytelling series,

The Washington Post

which returns to the Tower Theatre in Bend on Oct. 23.

Oversize coats, gray hues, cobalt accents, chunky sweaters and leather everything defined the runways of the fall/ winter 2013 ready-to-wear shows last spring. As the weathercools,Jennifer Barger, fashion editor for Fashion Washington and Express; Paige Speyer, of Wink boutique in Washington, and Lauren Rothman, of Styleauteur.com and author of "Style Bible,: give their advice for wearing fall's must-have items.

The Ignite format allows each speaker five minutes to amuse,educate and enlighten audiences with a prepared slide presentation. Past

speakers havecovered a wide variety of topics, including home brew-

ing, rodeo andultra marathons. The final deadline

for proposals is Oct. 7. Speakers will be

selected basedon feedback andvotes col-

• Monochromatic neu-


lected online from the

trals, especially in shades of gray, were a frequent sight on runways in New York in February. Barger

;"4 '«t


community as well as a voting party. To submit a proposal,

suggests pairing multiple

visit www.ignitebend.



"The key to doing gray

Seeking essays on Columdus The National Society Daughters of the American Revolution is

seeking high school students to compete in the Christopher Columbus

Essay Contest. Open to students in grades 9-12, this year's

essay title is "How Do

Americans View Christopher Columbus and

Photos by Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Aaron-Andre Miller, right, talks about the cello he helped purchase for Jobe Wentzell, 13, after presenting it to him Wednesday. Jobe's mother, Veronica Wentzell, in the background, had posted an ad on Craigslist in hopes of getting the young musician his own instrument. Miller responded to the ad and was able to find a friend willing to cut the selling price of his cello to make the donation viable.

George Washington Today?" In 800 to1,200 words, students must "discuss the similarities

and differences between the ways in which Columbusand Washington dealt with and overcame

the challengesand adversities they faced,"

according to a news release. Essays are judged on "historical accuracy, adherence to topic, organization of material, interest, original-

ity, spelling, grammar, punctuation and neat-

ness," according to the document. Essays must have a bibliogra-

phy of all references utilized. Deadline is Dec. 1. For a detailed information sheetabout the

essay and how to submit one, contact Jill

Gentry at mmegentry@ gmail.com. — From staff reports

Gontact us with your ideas • Community events: Email event information to events@bend bulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351.

By Alandra Johnson • The Bulletin

obe Wentzell isn't sure what drew him to the cello. When he started beginning orchestra at Pilot Butte Middle School two years ago, he didn't know anything about it, but "(the cello) looked like the best instrument," he said. Jobe quickly fell in love wtth playing it — he loved the way the cello felt and the sound it produced. His mom, Veronica Wentzell, said Jobe liked the cello so much, he talked about wanting to continue playing after high school, perhaps as a professional musician or teacher. For two years, Jobe played the cello at school on a c lassroom instrument he couldn't take home. But his mother couldn't afford to buy him his own instrument. So while other kids practiced an hour each night, Jobe could only play during class. His mom said, "He missed quite a few performances (last year) because he felt he wasn't good enough.... He always felt like he would never be good enough." This year, as he was supposed to enter advanced orchestra, Jobe considered quitting. Wentzell felt discouraged when her son talked about giving up playing the instrument he so clearly loved. "As a mom, you just feel bad. You feel guilty because you can't help your kid." While many children may receive a new instrument and grow tired of playing it after a few months, here was a boy who was still completely dedicated after two years — the only thing stopping him was

nerships, anniversaries: Contact: 541-383-0358. The Milestones page publishes Sunday in Community Life.

without looking dour is to layer in different tones ... inky, steely, pale. And a pop of color," such as yellow or purple, Barger said, "can spark things up." Rothman said gray hues such as those seen at Jason Wu's fall 2013 show are an extension of a trend of menswear for woman. "The new suit is the coordinated skirt set, the skirt with the matching sweater or jacket. It's not necessarily a suit but head to toe is a monochromatic color." • The sweater and skirt "new suit" trend was also seen at Marc Jacobs, as well as another big trend

for fall: shades of greens

note on Craigslist explaining her financial situation and her son's devotion to the cello, and asking for help. On Wednesday, less than two weeks after Wentzell posted the note, Jobe was holding his new cello for the first time.

Help from a local musician Several times a day, Aaron-Andre Miller visits Craigslist, looking for instruments to buy for himself or for his students. Miller is a private music teacher with three dozen students; he plays piano, guitar, bass and saxophone and is


See video coverage onThe Bulletin's website: denddulletin.com/cello

also a member of the popular local band Mosley Wotta. Reading Wentzell's post "really sort of moved me," said Miller. "Here's a little guy that definitely wants to be a musician and he's got talent. There's no way he can advance unless he's got a cello." After reading Jobe's story, Miller decided he wanted to help. See Cello /D2 Miller wishes Jobe well with his new cello. Miller

says he hopes to create more opportunities to get instruments for young musicians in need.

money. Wentzell says she cried a lot last year, despairing about the situation. "But I got tired of crying and all that negative energy. It was time to reach out." On Sept. I Wentzell decided to post a

• Births, engage-

ments, marriages, part-

Fall fashion trends totry: gray, and more gray

"Here's a little guy that definitely wants to be a musician and he's got talent. There'sno way he can advance unless he'sgot a cello." — Aaron-Andre Miller

and emeralds. Rothman suggests jacquard pants and jackets for a take on the classic menswear look. • If a houndstooth coat, such as a bold pattern from Michael Kors' fall 2013 collection, seems too overwhelming, Rothman suggests a houndstooth accessory such as a purse or

large scarf. • Oversize coats were also a big trend at runway shows, including J. Mendel. But not everyone can wear such a large garment, Rothman says. "That oversized coat that was very cocoonlike

(and) doesn't play so well in everyday life — I'd really rather go with a statement coat that will turn heads, whether that has a really big collar, it's belted, or maybe you choose to go loud with a great pattern, maybe a plaid color blocking or leather details," she said. • Leather "is everywhere, but what I am loving is hybrids ... a coat with leather sleeves, a skirt with leather panels," Barger said. "It tends to be cheaper and a bit less biker chick." Adds Rothman: "I think it is one of the 'it' accessories. It's very luxurious, and quilting especially is very luxurious. It gives that nod to Chanel." See Fall /D5



When thepopecalls, everyonestarts talking By Ellsabetta Povoledo and Dan Bilefsky

To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email bulletin© bendbulletin.com or call 54I-383-0358. ANTIOCH CHURCH:Sr. Pastor Ken Wytsma; "ATheology of Creativity," as part of the series "Innovation"; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; Redux 0-and-A after; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St., Bend. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor Dave Miller; "Family Matters Part1: Just the Facts; Sundayat 10 a.m.; 4twelve youth group; Wednesdays at 7 p.m.; 19831 Rocking Horse Road, Bend. BEND CHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE:Pastor Virgil Askren; "I Have Learned to be Content"; Sunday at10:15 a.m., 1270 N.E. 27th St., Bend. CENTRAL OREGONBAPTIST CHURCH: Pastor John Tittle; "Tested by Trials," based onJames1:2-4, as part of the series onthe Letter of James; Sundayat10:30 a.m.; 500 S.W. Bond St., Bend. COMMUNITY OFCHRIST: Evangelist Carolyn Brock; "REJOICE! The Lost is Found," based on Luke 15:1-10; Sunday at11 a.m., following 10:45 a.m. praise singing; 20380 Cooley Road,Bend. CROSSCHURCH:Pastor Ed Byrnes; "Philippians - Finding Joy and Contentment in the Gospel: It's All Good"; today at 6:30 p.m.; 2640 Jones Road, Bend. DISCOVERY CHRISTIANCHURCH: Pastor Dave Drullinger; "God's Spirit Revealed," based on Ephesians 3:2-11; Sunday at10 a.m.; Adult Bible study at 9 a.m.; 334 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. EASTMONTCHURCH: Pastor John Lodwick; A message about Psalm 138; Sunday at 9 and 10:45 a.m.; 62425 Eagle Road, Bend. FATHER'SHOUSECHURCHOF GOD:Pastor Randy Wills; "God's Formula," as part of the new series "Scared Straight"; Sunday at10 a.m.; Youth Group; Wednesdays at 7 p.m.; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend. FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Pastor Jenny Warner; "God ln Animation: The Healing Story" as part of the series, "God ln Animation"; Sunday at 9 a.m., 10 a.m.and 5:01p.m.;230 N.E.Ninth St., Bend. FIRSTUNITED METHODIST CHURCH:The Rev. Thom Larson; "Creating," based on Psalm139 and Philemon1-21; Sunday at 9and 11 a.m; 680 N.W. Bond St., Bend. FOUNDRYCHURCH: Pastor Syd Brestel; "God's Big LoveStory," as part of the series "The Story"; Sunday at10:15 a.m.; 60 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend. GRACE BIBLECHURCH: Pastor Phil Kooistra; Amessageabout Psalm1; Sundayatlga m.; BoysandGirlsClub, 500 N.W.Wall St., Bend. GRACEFIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH:Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "Regarding Being Good" and "Being Found"; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 2265 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend JOURNEY CHURCH:PastorKeith Kirkpatrick; "Try This On"; Sunday at10 a.m. and 6:30 p.m.; 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Chris Kramer; Sunday at 9 and11 a.m. Bible study Wednesdays at10 a.m.; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend. NEWPORTAVENUECHURCHOF CHRIST:Minister Dean Catlett; "Brightening Your Corner," based on Philippians 4:4-9; Sunday at 10:45 a.m.; 554 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH: Pastor Mike Yunker; "Jesus and Legion, Jesus Returns to Galilee," basedon Luke's Gospelaccountof the Life of Jesus; Sunday at 8 and 10 a.m.; 2880 N.E. 27th St., Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OFTHE CASCADES: Doug Cristafir; "The Galactic Connection"; Sunday at 5:15 p.m.; held at The Old Stone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. SPRINGS OFLIFEMINISTRIES: Evangelist and Bible teacherEddie Cienda; We dnesdaysat7p.m.; ongoing; TheSoundGardenStudio, 1279 N.E.Second St., Bend. TRINITYEPISCOPAL CHURCH:

Pope wants hisownpopemobile, too

New York Times News Service

ROME — Pope Francis already has distinguished himself from his predecessor with a more down-to-earth style. Now he is both unnerving the Vatican and d elighting the faithful by picking Up the telephone and spontaneously calling people, earning the nickname "the Cold Call Pope." Earlier this month, he called to comfort a p r egnant Italian woman whose married boyfriend h a d un s u ccessRiccardo De Luca iThe Associated Press fullypressured her to have an By some accounts, Pope abortion. The woman, who is Francis has shown uncommon divorced and will be a single humility, signaling a new, modmother, wrote to th e p ope, ern direction for the church. fearing she had fallen afoul of the church. Not knowing the correct address, she marked pain remains, but it was a great the envelope "Holy Father emotion to hear hi s v oice." Pope Francis, Vatican City, Later in August, Ferri said, the Rome." The pope offered to pope also called his mother to personally baptize the baby offer words of support. when it is born next year, acWhile the papal phoning cording to an account in La has been widely greeted with Stampa, a Turin-based daily. delight, it is also proving someIn August, Francis phoned a what perilous, with Unsubstanwoman in Argentina who had tiated news reports of calls supbeen raped by a local police of- posedly made by Francis — inficer. The pope told her that she cluding one last week to Presiwas not alone and dent Bashar Assad that sh e s h ould of Syria, and an"There'S h ave faith in t h e other to a young justice system, ac- jfT/TUmer ggle distraught French cording to an Argay man. The Vatigentine television can denied that the news report re- p e o p / e .. p ope had m a de broadcast in Italy. g f T Q j$'S those calls. Some (.Iegf On Aug. 7, MiVatican o f f icials che]e Ferri, o f Pesaare exp r essing concer n t hat indiro, Italy, answered an S WerBll Of his phone and was viduals are imperhey startled t o h e ar, sonating F r ancis nkl "Hello M ic h ele, cpUIQ to advance politiit's Pope Francis." S e e , I m cal or ideological

Ferri said in a tele- f eelji)g g I/I/fUI Phone interview he had thought it was



VATICANCITY— PopeFrancis now hashis own mini popemobile after getting a good deal on a used car that he plans to drive himself.

The Rev. Ciro Benedettini, a Vatican spokesman,says Francis accepted the1984 Renault 4, donated by a priest in northern Italy

who used it to visit poor parishioners. The four-door car, in papal white, is manual shift and has anewengine. Andyes, "the pope intends to drive it," Benedettini said. The donor, the 69-year-old Rev.Renzo Zocca,said hetook

Francis for a short drive in the car at theVatican last weekend and that Francis told him he knows how to drive it. Zocca said he thinks Francis will use it for short commutes on Vatican grounds. — The Associated Press

daily Clarin r e ported t h at Francis had spoken by phone with Assad in an effort to prevent a military confrontation with the United States. The Vatican's spokesman, the Rev. Federico Lombardi, emphatically denied the report. Then on Friday, Lombardi denied n ewspaper r e ports in France that the pope had

called a young Catholic gay man in Toulouse to reassure him. The man, Christopher Trutino, a 25-year-old sales clerk, had told a local paper, La Depeche du Midi, that after he wrote a letter to the pope explaining his struggles to reconcile his sexuality and faith, Francis personally p h oned him to counsel him. "Your homosexuality, it doesn't matter," he recalled the pope saying. "One way or another, we are all children of God." Reports of th e c all w ere greeted by some on Twitter and elsewhere on the Internet as a welcome change in the doctrinal rigidity of the church on the issue of homosexuality. But the Vatican's denial of the reports fanned speculation that the call had been a hoax, while also prompting some to question whether the Vatican was dissembling to distance itself from a sensitive topic. For generations, homosexuality has largely been a taboo topic for the Vatican, ignored altogether or treated as "an i ntrinsic moral evil," in t h e words of the previous pope. In that context, recent remarks by Francis suggesting that he would not j udge priests for their sexual orientation resonated through the church. Never veering from church doctrine opposing homosexuality, Francis did strike a more compassionate tone than that of hispredecessors, some of

Other V a tican analysts fear that didn't e)/eif ajoke. the adventofpapal "But t hen h e phone calls could Cgll '" s poke about t h e spawn disillusion letter t h a t I'd — Alberto Mellonl, among those not written, a letter I a Vatican historian blessed by a call. hadn't told anyone "There's an about, not even my i nn u m e r ab l e mother or my wife, and I knew number of people who have that it was him," Ferri said. suffered violence or injustice He had written the pope, he who might write to the pope said,aftera "seriesoftragedies for a word of comfort, and it's in the family," most recently clear that he can't answer all the death of his brother, who of them," said Alberto Melloni, was killed in a gas station rob- a Vatican historian and the dibery in early June. "The pope rector of the John XXIII Founsaid that the letter had made dation for Religious Studies him cry," he said. in Bologna, a liberal Catholic The 10-minute phone call research institute. "They could "offered comfort and h ope, think, 'See, I'm feeling awful to better face life without my and the pope didn't even call.'" brother," he said."Ofcourse the Recently t h e A rg e ntine whom had largely avoided

and the

Cello Continued from 01 M iller got i n t o uch w i t h Wentzell to "feel out the situation, make sure it was legit." After that conversation, Miller decided to take action. At 10 p.m. Sept. 3, he posted a note

"I want to always play the cello, even after I

get out of school." — Jobe Wentzell

thrilled. "Music runs pretty deep in on his Facebook page, implor- my family." She is from New ing people to help. He was hop- Orleans, and her grandparents ing to get 25 donations of $20. were professionalperformers Miller is f riends with more on river boats. But although than 700 people on Facebook, Wentzell always showed an many of whom are musicians interest in piano and dance, or music lovers. He felt fairly her parents wouldn't allow her confident he could raise about to pursue it. "I was never given the op$500, which is how much he figured a decent cello would portunity to pursue that in my cost. Miller thought it would life," said Wentzell. take about a week or so. A single mom raising five " Within 24 h ours, I h a d children aged 2 to 18, she says raised more than $600,"said she has struggled in much of M iller. He also got a n o t e her life. There was a time last from one of his friends who y ear when the f amily w a s had played in the high school homeless for three months. orchestra with him. He was But she always tries to keep offering to sell a Used hand- her spirits up and she feels carved cello complete with music can help do that — and wooden bow for a reasonable that it did help Jobe. "It's an outlet. It takes you price. So, a few days later, Miller places. It's edifying and uplifthopped in the car and headed ing," she said. to Portland to pick up Jobe's Because Jobe didn't have new cello. Back in Bend, Mill- an instrument at home, that er used the remaining money also meant that Wentzell has to buy a music stand, rosin, a had few opportunities to see case and a few other acces- her son play. She was able to sories. Several local music make it to two of his concerts. stores also donated items to "Of course I cried. It was just the cause. beautiful to see him, his eyes closed, just going at it." A music background Wentzell says it was hard Wentzell remembers when forJobe to accept that she had Jobe first came home talk- publicly asked for help. But she ing about music classes. He felt strongly: "I cannot sit back showed her the class choices and let you give Up something for sixth grade and said he you love. And why'? Because w ould really l i k e t o t a k e Mom can't afford it." orchestra. W e n tzell was S he told Jobe that if h i s

friends at school saw the ad, well, at least they would know his mom loves him and cares about him.

Future Wentzell and Jobe are both profuse with their praise for Miller and his efforts. "There's never, ever going to be enough ways toexpress our gratitude," said Wentzell. As for Jobe, he was incredibly surprised by the outcome — he was shocked that people he has never met would do this for him. He is excited to play at home, to be able to practice during the summer and to learn to play new pieces of his choosing. "It's really cool. I want to always play the cello, even after I get out of school." Wentzell hopes her story will encourage other parents to ask for help for their children and to keep trying. "This whole situation has really touched a lot of people. It's uplifted our spirits and encouraged us to just keep trying and never give up," said Wentzell. The experience was a powerful one, not just for Wentzell and Jobe, but for Miller as well. He was approached by someone Lt town to launch,

even saying the more collo-

quial "gay." "If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?" Francis told reporters this summer, speaking in Italian but using the English word "gay." Vatican experts were quick to point out that Francis was not suggesting that the priestsor anyone else should act on their homosexual tendencies, which the church considers a sin. For his part, Trutino is avoiding the media and could not be reached for comment. But Cyril Doumergue, the journalist from La Depeche du Midi who interviewed him, said he had sounded authentic and genuinely moved. But he said he believed Trutino may have been deceived. He said the young man told the newspaper that during the call — which he said began at 2 p.m. — the pope explained that he would later be receiving King Abdullah II of Jordan. But Ansa, the Italian news agency, said the king arrived at 11 a.m. and the meeting was over by 12:06

p.m. "Christopher did not record the conversation, so it is impossible to know 100 percent

what happened," Doumergue said. Lombardi said it was the

pope's prerogative to phone whomever he chose and that the Vatican would not comment on every reported phone call. But he said he would i ntervene when r u mors o r hoax calls dealt with issues of international relevance like Syria or could have important doctrinal implications. "There is always the risk that people pretend to be the pope over the phone," he told the French daily Le Figaro. — Bulletin wire services contributed to this report.

together, a n o nprofit d edicated to helping get musical instruments ( an d p o s sibly music classes) to kids who can't afford them. "My hope is to have a stockpile of instruments," said Miller, which he could give away or sell for cheap. "If a kid needs a trumpet and (parents) can't afford to get him one — someone needs to step in and get him one." Jobe gives the idea his ringing endorsement, calling it "really cool." "I hope other kids get to h ave the same experience." — Reporter: 541-617-7860, ajohnsonC<bendbulletin.com

' •





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Sunday at 9 a.m.; St. Francis Church, 2450 N.E. 27th St., Bend. TRINITY LUTHERANCHURCH: The Rev. David Carnahan; "For Just One?," based on Luke15:1-7; Sunday at 8 (guitar-led worship) and 11 a.m. (organ/piano-led worship); 2550 N.E. Butler Market Road. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIPOF CENTRAL OREGON: The Rev. Alex Holt; "We Arrive Out of Many Singular Rooms"; Sunday at11 a.m.; at the Old Stone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. WESTSIDECHURCH:Pastor Bo Stern; "Ecosystems: Esther"; today at 6:30 p.m. andSunday at 8, 9 and 10:45 a.m.; 2051 N.W.Shevlin Park Road, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Scott McBride; "Ecosystems: Esther"; Sunday at 9and10:30 a.m.; 1245 S.E. Third St., Bend. WESTSIDEONLINE CAMPUS: Pastor Bo Stern; "Ecosystems: Esther"; today at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 9 and10:45 a.m.; www. westsidelive.org. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Pastor Rob Anderson; "If You Were AColor, What Color Would You Be?" based on Luke 15:1-10; Sunday at 9 and11 a.m.; 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond. EMMAUS LUTHERANCHURCH: The Rev. David Poovey; "It is Well With My Soul," based on Psalm 31:1-31; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 2175 S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond. GRACELUTHERANCHURCH AT EAGLE CREST: Pastor Randy VanMehren; "God be Praised and Many Thanks to the Many,Many who made OurGrand Opening a Stunning Success: We're Upand Running!"; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 7525 Falcon Crest Dr., Redmond. ZION LUTHERANCHURCH:Pastor Eric Burtness; "The Tragedy of the Unopened Gift" as part of the series,"An Adventure in Faith"; Sunday at 8:30 and 11a.m.; 1113 Black Butte Blvd., Redmond. SHEPHERD'SVALLEYCOWBOY CHURCH:Pastor Jordan Weaver; Sunday at 9 and10:30a.m. and Monday at7 p.m.;Men'sBible study; Thursdays at 7 a.m.; in the cafe of TheRimRock Riders Equestrian Facility, BrasadaRanch, 17037 S.W. Alfalfa Road, Powell Butte; Ladies Bible101, Thursday at 7 p.m. at Brewers, 541-241-4220 for directions. VERTICALCHURCH OF GOD (FORMERLYAGAPEHARVEST FELLOWSHIP):Pastor Jeremy Seibert; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; youthnight;W ednesday at6 p.m .; 52460 Skidgel Road, La Pine. COMMUNITY BIBLECHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Pastor Glen Schaumloeffel; "The Exodus: Part One," based on Exodus 7-12, as part of the series, "Epic Stories of Redemption"; Sundayat9:30 a.m.; 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION: The Rev. Willis Jenson; "God Dwells with Sinners to Savethem through the Gospel of Christ Crucified for the Sins of All Men," based on Luke15:2; Sunday at11 a.m.; held at Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th St., Terrebonne. "THE ABRAHAM INSPIRATION GROUP":Seminar video with Abraham and Jerry and Esther Hicks; donations accepted; 58 p.m. Sept. 28; Rosie Bareis Campus, 1010 N.W. 14th St., Bend; 541-389-4523. "WHAT WOULDBUDDHA DO?":A talk with author Michael Scott Stevens; $10 donation suggested; 7-9 p.m. Sept. 26; doors at 6 p.m.; TheOldStone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; naturalminddharma.org or 541-388-3352. MISSIONCHURCH COMMUNITY FALL FESTIVAL:Carnival events, tractor rides, zip line, face painting and more; free; 4-8 p.m. Sept. 27; 22465 McArdle Rd., Bend; 541-3066209 or experiencethehighlife.com. FEAST OF TABERNACLES:Services, seminars and family activities hosted by TheUnited Church of God; Sept.19-26; schedule of services and events at feast.ucg.org; Middle Sister conference room, Deschutes County ExpoCenter, Redmond; Larry Walker, 541-536-5227 or Larry Walker©ucg.org.

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 • T HE BULLETIN D 3 "Celtic Cross" Christianity

"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism


"Star of David"







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Children Welcome

sanctuary ofthe

www.livingtorahfellowship.com September 15, 2013 at 11:00am:

First United Methodist Church

Rabbi Johanna Hershenson with Cantor


Adelle Nicholson

1270 NE 27 St.• 541-382-5496

Senior Pastor Virgil Askren Saturday, September 14


Yom Kippur 10:00 am Children's services 2:00 pm

9:00 am Sunday School for all ages

Afternoon services 3:00 pm Break-the-Fast dinner 6:00 pm

10:15 am Worship Service

9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service


Nursery Care 8 Children's Church

— Sukkot,


Church Service & Sunday School: 10 am

call for information

18143 Cottonwood Rd.

Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97 5 FM

W ed. Testimony Meeting.7:30pm

Thurs. Mass 9:30 am;

Friday, September 27 at 6:30 pmFamily Shabbat Simchat Torah Service

8:30 am Sunday

Childcare provided. Reading Room:

For the complete schedule of

6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

115 NW Minnesota Ave.

Services 8 Events go to.


Mon. through Friz 11 am - 4 pm


10:00 am 50+ Bible Study

For information about our Religious Education programs,

Life Groups

Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm

Sunday Mass — 12:30 pm

Confessions: Sundays 12:00 — 12.15 pm



call Kathy Schindel at 541-388-8826

Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages.

Rengfon of the HOLY FAMILY,

Light andSound of God

near Christmas Valley 57255 Fort Rock Rd

Experience an Eckankar

Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm

Community HU


All services are held at the First United Methodist Church


• .

680 NW Bond Street 541-388-8826 Jewish Synagogues


Meeting at the Golden Age Club

Confessions: Sundays 3:00 — 3:15 pm

40 SE 5th St., Bend

Community HU sing, ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI


Sat. Sept. 14th at 3pm at the Redmond

2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend

Sunday Worship 10:00 am


library, 827 Deschutes Ave.


Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to

Pastor Rev. James A Radloff

and Sat. Sept. 21st at 3 pm at the East


Bend library,

Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.

truths recovered through the Reformation.

62080 Dean Swift Rd.

IChild Care Availablel Sunday School 10:20 a.m.

Call for information about other meetings

7:00 PM — Prayer Meeting 8 Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM — Kids 4 Truth



2450 NE 27th Street

Learnhow tosing HU, a love song to God:

a loving, uplifting, Spiritual Exercise. HU, pronounced like the word hue, is sung for Masses

Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School


Education Hour 10:45 a.m.


Women's Bible Study, Tuesday 9:15 a.m. Men'a Bible Study, Wednesday 7:30 a.m.

• •

I •


about 20 minutes and is followed by a brief period ofsacred contemplation.

Pastor Joel LiaBraaten

21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389 8241

541-382-5822 www.eastmontchurch.com

Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM

Followed by a discussion.

Domingo 12:30PM -M isa en Espanol

Regardless of your beliefs or religion,

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America www.gracefirstlutheran.org

Sunday Morning Worship


8:45 am 8 10:45 am

For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email infoCeastmontchurch.com FOUNDRY CHURCH

(FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel

Reconciliation Saturday 3:00 PM - 4:45 PM

love, and understanding. Singing HU can draw us closer in our state ofconsciousness to the Divine Being. It has helped people of many different faiths open their hearts


more fully to the uplifting presence and

Cornerof NW Franklin 8 Lava

security of God's love.

Masses Sunday 4:30 PM Tuesday - Friday 7:00 AM 8 12:15 PM

• Comfort, peace, joy

• Inner light and/or sound • A subtle sense of Divine Love

Exposition F Benediction

• The healing ofa broken heart

SundaySchoolclasses are at9.00 am and our Worship Service at 10:15 am

Monday-Friday after 7:00 AM

• Solace during times of grief

Mass to 6:00 PM

• A release of fears

Foundry Church is about to begin a journey through the entire Bible using "The Story." Together, we'll experience Scripture like never before - from Genesis to Revelation. Starting this Sunday, you're invited to come discoverhow God's story and

Tuesday (Family Holy Hourl

• Answers to your questions

Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM

your story intersect.

As part of The Story series, Syd Brestel will be sharing at Foundry Church a message based upon the Genesis creation account "God's Big Love Story".

Sunday Worship Services at 8:30 am 8 11:00 am Sunday School for all ages 10:00 am

www.clcbend com Children's Room available during services Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always.


A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages

(3/4 mile north of High School)


(541) 548-3367

529 NW 19th Street

Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor

or call 541-728-6476. •

9:00 am Contemporary Worship

9:00 am Nursery Care 9:15 am Children 8Youth

3rd Tues.Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs

Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education

Active Social Outreach

1720 NW 19th Street

11:00 am Traditional Worship TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH

Redmond, Oregon 97756

469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542


Father Todd Unger, Pastor

Mass Schedule:

Sunday Schedule

1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Pastor Eric Burtness

High School — Sunday 11:00am-12:30pm


M iddleSchool— Wednesday 6;00—7;30pm

Historic St. Francis Church,

3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond • 541-548-4161

Wednesday 6:00 pm

494 NW Lava St. at Franklin, Bend, OR

Sunday, 3 pm at the Old Stone Church, 157 NW Franklin Ave., Bend

We are grateful to the community

Sunday School 2 years - 5th grade Nursery 0-2 years

Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon ISpanish)

for the outpouring of help The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector

Confessions on Wednesdays from


(In the Heart of Downtown Bendl 680 NW Bond St./541.382.1672 Evei¹one is Welcome! Rev. Thom Larson Sermon Title: "Creating" Scripture: Psalm 139/Philemon 1-21 9:00 am-Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9 am Service 11:00 am - Traditional Service Childcare provided on Sunday "During the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 8 Fellowship Open Hearts. Open Minds Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson f(rstchurchCabendumc.org

CHURCH & SYNAGOGUE DIRECTORY LISTING Effective May I, 2013 5 Saturdays and TMC: $I38 The Bulletin: EVery Saturday On the ChurCh

page. $23 Copy Changes:

One service at 8:00 am and 10:15am

First Saturday 8:00 am (English)

Youth Groups

Redmond, OR 97756 - 541-923-7466

Weekdays 8:00 am

Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm

4 Saturdays and TMC: $115

Wed. Bible Study at noon

3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm

(except Wednesday)

For complete calender: www.hbcredmond.org

Redmond, OR 97756

rt J(ereachservice

www.eckankar.org or www.miraclesinyourlife.org

for discussion of ¹Occupy the Bible, by Rev. Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite. All Peoples meets on the first and third Sundays of each month. On October 6 again in the Community Room of Redmond's Ray's Market. For details, directions and possible help with carpooling, email: allpeoplesuccCgmail.com.

Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E Hwy. 20 541.389 8241


Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 am, 9:30 am, I I:00 am Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups 9:30 am 8 11:00 am Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor

Nursery Care Provided for All Services

Fall Sermon Series: "An Adventure in Faith"

For more information please visit



For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 www.bendchurch.org

Children F Youth Programs 7:00 pm

M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am

5:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Wednesday Mid-WeekService

Worship in the Heart of Redmond

Singing HU can help you experience:

• Expanded awareness

ALL PEOPLES UNITED CHURCH OF CHRIST Lei Ifremsing praises... with timbrel andharp. r..ar insom erases— banjos.Forsome good,old fashioned music alongwitfi progressive worship, join All Peoples on Sunday, September 15th, at I I:00 a.m. in the Community Room of Redmond's Ray's Market, 900 SW 23rd Street just off of Hwy 126. Special guest musician, LeRoy Newport will lead the banjo fun with Milly Whately joining in. Or, come early at 10 a.m.

62425 Eagle Road, Bend

singing HU can bring you greater happiness,


worshipping God and teaching the Bible

Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM

Sunday Services Classic(B(endedi Service 9.00 am Contemporary Service 10:45 am Hispanic Service 6:00 pm

Ceremony Sunday: you are invited to bring a small amount of water to share from your summer travels We will use that water later at the Groundbreaking ceremony at the New Home land after the service. Childcare is available for infants and toddlers; older children will remain in the service.

Maih PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709 www.uufco.org (541) 385-3908


120 Mississippi Dr

"We Arrive Out of Many Singular Rooms" — Rev. Alex Holt, Interim Minister. Sunday is our annual intergenerational Ingathering Service. What does it mean to find a loving religious community? It is also our Water

ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all

Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm


Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week http://www.facebook.com/bendfp 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend www.bendfp.org

Saturday 10:30 am - 2 pm

and social activities

(South of Portland Ave.)


"Displaying tlie Realityof Christ irt Undeniable Ways"

8 adults, Hebrew school, Torah study, social action projects

0 La Roca Church

Saturday, September 21 at 4:30 pm

Confessions: Thurs. 9:00-9:15 am



1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100

Sunday mass 8:00 am

Taize Worship Resumes Thursday, Sept. 19, 7:00pm, Sanctuary Taize monthly every Third Thursday A contemplative, counter-cultural experience of Iess rather than more.

Youth Events http://www.facebook.com/ bendyouthcollective

or contact us at 541-385-5439

Our monthly activities include Services, religious education for children

Mike Sweeney 8 Ieff Olson "t.oving people one at a time."

Curren(l¹ meetin¹ a(500 SW Bond SL 1541) 617-2814

Sunday 9:15 AM — Prayer Meeting 9:30 AM — Adult Bible Fellowship 9:30 AM — Children's Sunday School 10:30 AM — Worship Service 6:00 PM — Growth Groups (call for locationsl

We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice.

Rabbi Johanna Hershenson

God In Animation Sermon Series September 8 — October 27 Beginning a new series on the stories of the Bible.

Visit us on the web at www.houseofcovenant.org


Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00—4:00 pm

God-Centered Worship Expository Bible Teaching Rich Hymns S Songs Family Oriented Ministries Christ-Focused Living Meaningful I oving Relationships Compassionate Gospel Witness

Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds.

Our Sabbatical Journey July 15 — November 4 Creating Spaces of Grace Information and blog at www.bendfp.org

Wednesday Noon Silence 8 Supper Worship 12;30 pm Contemplative Prayer

Union for Reform Judaism.

Senior Pastor - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844

Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery W ednesdayNITE Live Kids Youth Group



available,call for days and times.



• Lifecycle Events

For information, please call ...

9:00 am

Pastor Duane Pippitt www.redmondag.com


Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are

Book by Book"

• Bibhcal Feasts


(Full children's ministryl

"Teaching the Word of God,

Hadashah (New Testament)

13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte


Youth Group:Wednesday 7 pm

• Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit

Pastor Randy Myers

Osborne and Glenn Bartnik

Web site: ccbend.org

Sundays: 8:30 S 10:30 am

God In Animation: The Healing Story Preacher)enny Warner 9:00 am contemporary 10:45 am traditional 5:01 dinner 8 relaxedservice Sunday School. 3 yrs to 6th grade Nursery-care provided

perspective, come join us at:

Greg Strubhar, Pastor

Potluck 6 pm

Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski Lead Pastor

in learning the Bible from a Hebrew

Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays

"Omkar" IAum) Hinduism

(Across Ninth St. from Bend High) 230 NE Ninth, Bend All Are Welcome Alwaysi

We provide a congregational setting for Jews

www redmondchristian.org 0



The First Tuesday ofeach

6:30 pm Centering Prayer

month. $23 Copy Changes: by Monday

Wednesdays 5:30 pm Prayer Service

I week PriOr to PubliCatiOn

Small Groups Meet Regularly

Call Pat Lynch

(Handicapped Accessible)

Church Office: 541-389-8787 E-maih theriverCmailshack.com

Please visit our website for a complete

5.00 to 5:45 pm

All are welcome

Send to: PO Box 808, Bend OR 97709

listing of activities for all ages.

and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5 15 pm

through our red doors

www.therivermennonite org



CO Marketplace:


Visitors welcome

by 5 PM Tuesday


>4i-383-0396 PlynCh@bendbulletipLCOm



VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of Human Services Volunteer Services. The organizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. To see a full list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, go online to www. bendbulletin.com/volunteer. Changes, additions or deletions should be sent to1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton©state.or.us or call 541-693-8988.


CHILDREN, YOUTH AND EDUCATION SERVICES ADULT BASICSKILLS DEPARTMENT(COCC): Margie Gregory, mgregoryIgcocc.edu or 541-318-3788. AFS-USA:www.afsusa.org or Caitlin Krutsinger, 503-419-9514. ALYCEHATCHCENTER:Andy Kizans, 541-383-1980. BEND PARK& RECREATION DISTRICT:Kim, 541-706-6127. BIGBROTHERS BIG SISTERS OF CENTRALOREGON:541-3126047 (Bend), 541-447-3851, ext. 333 (Prineville) or 541-325-5603 (Madras). BOY SCOUTS OFAMERICA: Paul Abbott, paulabbott©scouting.org or 541-382-4647. BOYS &GIRLS CLUBS OF CENTRAL OREGON: www.bgcco.org, info© bgcco.org or 541-617-2877. CAMP FIREUSA CENTRAL OREGON: campfire@bendcable. com or 541-382-4682. CASA (COURTAPPOINTED SPECIALADVOCATES):www. casaofcentraloregon.org or 541-389-1 618. CHILDREN'SVISION FOUNDATION: Julie Bibler, 541-330-3907. CIRCLE OF FRIENDS: Beth, beth@ acircleoffriendsoregon.com or 541-588-6445. DESCHUTESCOUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE— CENTRAL OREGON PARTNERSHIPSFORYOUTH: www.deschutes.org/copy, COPYO deschutes.org or 541-388-6651. FOSTERGRANDPARENTS PROGRAM:Steve Guzanskis, 541-678-5483. GIRL SCOUTS:541-389-8146. GIRLS ONTHE RUN OF DESCHUTES COUNTY:www. deschutescountygotr.org or info@ deschutescountygotr.org. GRANDMA'S HOUSE: 541-383-3515. HEALTHY BEGINNINGS: www. myhb.org or 541-383-6357. HIGH DESERTTEENS VOLUNTEER PROGRAM: www. highdesertmuseum.org or 541-382-4757. IEP PARTNERS:Carmelle Campbell at the Oregon Parent Training and Information Center, 888-505-2673. J BAR J LEARNING CENTER: Rick Buening, rbueningIDjbarj.org or 541-389-1409. JUNIPERSWIM & FITNESS CENTER:Kim, 541-706-6127. KIDS CENTER:Lisa Weare, Iweare@ kidscenter.org, 541-383-5958. LA PINE HIGHSCHOOL:Jeff Bockert, jeff.bockert@bend.k12. or.us or 541-355-8501. MEADOWLARK MANOR:Peggy Kastberg, 541-382-7025. MOUNTAINSTARFAMILY RELIEF NURSERY:541-322-6820. NEIGHBORIMPACT: 541-548-2380, ext. 115. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY EXTENSIONSERVICE: 541548-6088, 541-447-6228 or 541-475-3808. OREGON STATEUNIVERSITY MASTER GARDENERVOLUNTEER PROGRAM:http://extension. oregonstate.edu/deschutes or 541-548-6088. READ TOGETHER:541-388-7746. REDMOND HIGHSCHOOL: 541-923-4807. REDMOND LEARNINGCENTER: Zach Sartin, 541-923-4854. REDMOND YOUNG LIFE: 541-923-8530. SCHOOL-TO-CAREER PARTNERSHIP: Kent Child, 541-355-4158. SMART(START MAKINGA READER TODAY):www.getsmartoregon.org or 541-355-5600. TRILLIUM FAMILY SERVICES: 503-205-0 I 94. VIMA LUPWAHOMES:www. lupwahomes.org or541-420-9634. YOUTH CHOIROF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0470.

ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BEND SPAY &NEUTERPROJECT: 54 I -617-1010. BRIGHTSIDEANIMAL CENTER: volunteer©brightsideanimals.org or 541-923-0882. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION & FOSTERTEAM(CRAFT): www. craftcats.org, 541-389-8420 or 541-598-5488. CHIMPS, INC.:www.chimps-inc. org or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-00 I7. DESCHUTESNATIONALFOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EAST CASCADES AUDUBON SOCIETY:www.ecaudubon.org or 54 I -241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTALCENTER: www.envirocenter.org or 54 I-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www. equineoutreach.com or joan© equineoutreach.com or 54 I-419-37 I 7. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer IDhsco.org or 541-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 54 I-389-9 I15. PRINEVILLE BLM: www.blm.gov/ or/districts/prineville/recreation/ host.php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLEBAGGING: Lexa McAllister, ImcallisterIDcocc.edu or 541-914-6676. SUNRIVER NATURECENTER& OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEER CAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS: Tom Mottl, 541-416-6859.

HEALTH AMERICAN CANCERSOCIETY: Charlie Johnson,541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 54 I -749-41 I1. THE BLOOMPROJECT:www. thebloomproject.org or Heidi Berkman at h.berkmanID thebloomproject.org or 54 I -241-8845. DESCHUTESCOUNTYHEALTH DEPARTMENT: Tuesday Johnson, Tuesday Johnson@co.deschutes. or.us or 541-322-7425. HOSPICE OFREDMONDSISTERS:www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 54 I -548-7483. MOUNTAIN VIEW HOSPITAL:JoDee Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE:541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, tschultzIDmvhd.org or 541-475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS —CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregonID gmail.com. NEWBERRYHOSPICE: 541-536-7399. PARTNERS INCARE:www. partnersbend.org or Sarah Peterson at 541-382-5882. RELAY FOR LIFE: Stefan Myers, 54I-504-4920. ST. CHARLES IN BENDAND ST. CHARLES IN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS INMEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008.

ARTS, MUSIC, CULTURE AND HERITAGE 88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIO STATION:info@kpov.org or 541-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:Linda Barker, 541-312-1 064. ARTS CENTRAL STATION: 541-617-1 317. CASCADESTHEATRICAL COMPANY: 54 I-389-0803. CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY ASSOCIATION: Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDS OFTHEBEND LIBRARIES:www.fobl. org or Meredith Shadrach at 54 I-6 l7-7047. HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC:Isabelle Senger, www. highdesertchambermusic.com, info©highdesertchambermusic. com or 541-306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 54 I -382-4754. LA PINE PUBLICLIBRARY: Cindylu, 541-317-1 097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION:Brad, volunteer© latca.org or 541-382-4366. THE NATURE OFWORDS: www.thenatureofwords.org or 54 I -330-4381. REDMOND FRIENDSOF THE LIBRARY:541-312-1060. REDMOND INTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia©msn.com or 541-447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 54 I -317-0700.

HUMAN SERVICES ABILITREE:volunteer@abilitree.org or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCELEAGUEOFBEND: 54 I -389-2075.

BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: Sherry Fisher, volunteer@ bendscommunitycenter.org or 54 I-3 I2-2084. BETHLEHEMINN:www. bethleheminn.org or 541-322-8768. BRIDGINGGAPS: bendbridginggapsIDgmail.com or 541-314-4277. CENTER FORCOMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLYPEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): www.compassionatecenter.org or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH:covo.org@ gmail. com or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENT OFHUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, Therese.M.HeltonIDstate,or.us or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOF HUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY: Valerie Dean, 541-447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang,541-647-1002. FAMILY KITCHEN:Cindy Tidball, cindyt©bendcable.com or 541-6 I 0-6511. FAMILY RESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITY COALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION:Marie, info© hungerpreventioncoalition.org or 54 I -385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1 312. NEIGHBORIMPACT:chrisqID neighborimpact.org or 541-5482380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: www.abridgetopeace.org or John C. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: www.pflagcentraloregon.org or 541-3 I 7-2334. RONALD MCDONALD HOUSE: Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVING GRACE: 541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF BEND:www.sibend.org, president@sibend.org or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENT DE PAULSOCIAL SERVICES: 541-389-6643. VOLUNTEERCONNECT: www. volunteerconnectnow.org or 541-385-8977. WINNING OVERANGER & VIOLENCE: www.winningover.org or 541-382-1943. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0750.


GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEW BOARD (CRB):crb.volunteer.resources@ ojd.state.or.us or 888-530-8999. CITY OFBEND:Cheryl Howard, chowardIDci.bend.or.us or 541-388-5505. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTES RIVERWOODS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.drwna.org or Barbara at info© drwna.org or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSON COUNTYCRIME VICTIMS'ASSISTANCE PROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSONCOUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, 541475-6131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARDDISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www.orcharddistrictneighborhood. com. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBER OF COMMERCE:541-593-8 I49. VISIT BEND:www.visitbend.com or 541-382-8048.

MISCELLANY CENTRALOREGON LOCAVORE: www.centraloregonlocavore.com or Niki at info©centraloregonlocavore. com or 541-633-0674. HIGH DESERTSPECIAL OLYMPICS: 541-749-6517. OREGON ADAPTIVESPORTS: www.oregonadaptivesports.org, info@oregonadaptivesports.org or 54 I-306-4774. SACRED ARTOF LIVING CENTER: 541-383-4179. TUMALO LANGLAUFCLUB:Tom Carroll, 541-385-7981.

SUPPORT GROUPS The following list contains support

group information submitted to

The Bulletin. Submissions must be updated monthly for inclusion. To submit, email relevant details to


541-617-0543. DIABETICSUPPORT GROUP: 541-598-4483. DISABILITYSUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-8103. DIVORCECARE: 541-410-4201. DOUBLETROUBLERECOVERY: Addiction and mental illness group; 541-3 I7-0050. DYSTONIASUPPORT GROUP: 541-388-2577. ENCOPRESIS(SOILING): 541-5482814 or encopresis©gmail.com. EVENINGBEREAVEMENT SUPPORT GROUP:541-460-4030 FAITHBASED RECOVERY GROUP: Drug and alcohol addictions; pastordavid©thedoor3r.org. FAMILY RESOURCE CENTER: 541-389-5468. GAMBLERS ANONYMOUS:Redmond 541-280-7249,Bend 541-390-4365. GAMBLINGHOT LINE: 800-233-8479. GERIATRICCARE MANAGEMENT: info@paulbattle.com or 1-877-867-1437. GLUCOSE CONTROLLOW CARB DIET SUPPORT GROUP: kjdnrcdO yahoo.com or 541-504-0726. GLUTENINTOLERANCEGROUP (CELIAC): 541-389-1731. GRANDMA'S HOUSE: Supportfor pregnant teensand teen moms; 541-383-3515. GRANDPARENTS RAISINGOUR CHILDREN'S KIDS:541-306-4939. GRANDPARENTSSUPPORTGROUP: 541-385-4741. GRIEFSHAREGRIEF RECOVERY SUPPORTGROUP:541-382-1832. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-3066633, 541-318-0384 or mullinskiID bendbroadband.com. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-548-7483. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUPS: Forthe bereaved; 541-771-3247. GRIEFSUPPORT GROUP: 541-447-2510. GRIEFSHARE(FAITH-BASED) RECOVERY CLASS:541-389-8780. HEALINGENCOURAGEMENT FOR ABORTION-RELATEDTRAUMA (H.E.A.R.T.): 541-318-1949. HEALTHY FAMILIES OF THE HIGH DESERT:Homevisits for families with newborns; 541-749-2133 HEARINGLOSS ASSOCIATION: 541-390-2174 or ctepperIDbendcable. com. HEARTS OF HOPE:Abortion healing; 541-728-4673. IMPROVE YOURSTRESS LIFE: 541-706-2904. LA LECHELEAGUEOFBEND: 541-3 I7-5912. LIVING WELL(CHRONIC CONDITIONS): 541-322-7430. LIVING WITH CHRONICILLNESSES SUPPORTGROUP:541-536-7399. LUPUS &FIBROMYALGIA SUPPORT GROUP: 541-526- I375. MADRAS NICOTINEANONYMOUS GROUP: 541-993-0609. MATERNAL/CHILD HEALTH PROGRAM(DESCHUTES COUNTY HEALTHDEPARTMENT): 541-322-7400. MEN'SCANCER SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-5864. MENDED HEARTSSUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-4789. MISCARRIAGESUPPORT GROUP: 541-514-9907. MOMMYAND MEBREASTFEEDINGSUPPORT GROUP: Laura, 541-322-7450. MULTIPLESCLEROSIS SUPPORT GROUP: 541-706-6802. NARCONON:800-468-6933. NARCOTICSANONYMOUS (NA): 541-41 6-2146. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESSOF CENTRAL OREGON (NAMI): 541-408-7779, 541-504-1431 or email: vonriedlpnIDyahoo.com. NAMI BEND EXTREME STATES:541-647-2343 or www. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDCONNECTIONS: 541-480-8269 or www. namicentraloregon.org NAMI BENDFAMILY SUPPORT

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Continued from D1 Band of Outsiders similarly showed a lot of leather i tems during it s f al l 2 0 D show. "We're getting a lot of leather, a lot of coated denim, leather-ette," said Wink boutique's Paige Speyer."Leather tops, leather accents, in details on sweaters, skirts, leather trim on dresses — it's everywhere." • Speyer has a lso b een

stocking a l o t o f ch u nky sweaters, including varieties by Tibi, similar to the ones shown in the designer's fall 2013 show during MercedesBenz Fashion Week in New York. Speyer also loves Mara Hoffman sweaters for fall, including a leopard-print pullover similar to the prints seen on the runway during the designer's fall show. Barger recommends pairing a big cardigan or pullover over breezy


dresses or straight pants. "Chunky knits look fresh layered with lighter florals," Barger said. Or try a graphic print, like the looks from Tibi's fall 2013 runway. • Cobalt is another fresh color for fall, Rothman said, like the shade seen on dresses from J. Mendel. Rothman said she often urges clients to incorporatetrends with accessories instead of entire outfits, such as the cobalt shoes and

bags seen at Rag & Bag.


Mel Melcon / Los Angeles Times

Shelby Ryan, an 18-year-old freshman at Cal State Northridge, peeks under her bunk bed to see how much storage space she has. She shares the space, and the dormitory, with18-year-old Abby Souza, right. Visiting from another room in the coed residence hall is Austin Garcia, 18. This is each student's first year in college, so they're all learning how to get along with new roommates.

a in co a itation wor or incomin ',tr'

By Stephen Ceasar Los Angeles Times

t tl llrl.

LOS ANGELES — Soon after she settled into her new dorm room at Cal State Northridge, Brittany Brockman figured she should give her new roommate fair warning: She's abit of a neatfreak. Her roommate, Leslie Rosales, 18, didn't make much of the admission. But she didn't know yet just how s erious Brockman was. Brockman, 18, folds all of her clothes impeccably and organizes them by color. She doesn't like a d i rty shower. And when the t rash needs to be taken out, it needs to be taken out now. Inside a freshly decorated

(mostly pink) room, her quirks began to show. And in thousands of other dorm rooms around the country last week and in coming weeks, a similar scene plays out. A teary-eyed parent, a final hug and then two or three or fourstrangers alone in a shoebox-size room. The collision of quirks and emotions can cause strife and spark fast friendships — or make fast enemies. And as the first-week jitters blur into a stream of all-nighters, school stress compounds annoying habits and roommates must continue to coexist. "I'm a very clean and organized person; I like things where they belong," Brockman said. "I guess I just have to learn to have more patience for messy stuff." Colleges around the coun-


Leslie Rosales, 18, left, is still getting used to her self-described neat-freak roommate, Brittany Brockman, also18. The Northridge freshmen are preparing to make dinner together (while snacking on Pringles first).

A er un re so shows, what will work in stores'? By Samantha Critchell

Whatever style trends comeout of Fashion Week, this flower veil design by PPQ in London is probably not one of them.

The Associated Press

NEW YORK — Now that we've seen hundreds, maybe thousands, of outfits on the New York Fashion Week runways, what's going to stay in our collective memory? And we speak of the big, giant WE. Fashion editors, stylists and retailers fill the seats at shows but the looks are b e amed e v e rywhere — and pretty much instantly. You'll start seeing consumers copying them sooner — and maybe more inclined to shop, said Sally Singer, creative digital director at Vogue. But she still thinks spende rs l i k e di r e ction f r o m insiders. "Ultimately, retailers pick trends. They decide what people will buy because it's what they believe in to put into stores," she said. "Things that work at retail are things that might not be from this season's runway." Hello, cropped tops'? But there are some trends that do work, she said: The greatmenswear-inspired button-down shirts, for example, from the placket-front nightshirt to the crispest collared shirt, the flashes of sheerness, the fuller skirts and even palazzo pants for evening. Jay Fielden, editor-in-chief

The Associated Press

of Town 8t Country magazine, said he focuses more on muses, or general inspirations, that leave a lasting impression than single items. "From a m an's point of view, there were a few women who came out of the shows: the super-sexy girl showing her goods, the very refined elegant look that's more of a throwback to a real woman, the tomboy, and the girl who has brains and doesn't wear things aimed at a man, although I'm a guy who can like that." Oscar de la Renta and Carolina Herrera's modern twist on an old-school sophisticate is "the way any man would like his wife to dress — effortless perfection," Fielden said. Some designers offered true moments of fashion "direction," said Singer, including Proenza Schouler's show, which featured long pleated

metallic skirts. "That's a show that will transcend the week." Other top picks from Singer included Michael Kors, for "modern pretty clothes," and N arciscoRodriguez, for a cut that fit like a glove. There wasn't, however, a

huge, groundbreaking swing from aggressive tough girl to a hippie chick, for example — and don't expect that to happen again soon. You'll notice the evolution of a tight, nipped shoulder to a rounder, softer one, or skinny jeans to wide-leg pants instead, Singer said. "You realize it has shifted when you feel like you are in the wrong thing," she added. Don't start the shopping list just yet, though. While the New York previews ended Thursday night with Marc Jacobs, there are still weeks to go in London, Milan and Paris.

and we didn't know her," she said. "We had to start over."

from freshmen rarely centered on different interests but on the minutiae of cohabita'Stranger in a strange land' tion. "It's more, 'She touched Jay Chaskes, a retired pro- my stuff; he b orrowed my fessorof sociology and social shirt without asking; he's alp sychology at R owan U n i - ways leaving hair in the sink,'" versity in New Jersey, said Chaskes said. "It's the activithe urgency to forge bonds is ties of daily living that they common. need to negotiate." His work focusing on the experience of first -year col- Horror stories lege students found that in The inability to do that can their first year, students typi- lead to roommate horror stocally hoped to "make friends, ries. And there are no shortbecome more independent age of those. and get good grades — in that Amy Garcia, 19, a sophoorder," he said. more at Cal State Northridge, When asked what they were said her relationship with her most anxious about, students r oommate d eteriorated a s try have been giving incoming t ypically r e plied w i t h t h e quickly as the cleanliness of students more freedom to find same answers and in the same the room. "It smelled like feet all the their own roommates. At Cali- order, Chaskes said. It is natufornia State University-North- ral for them to hope for a bond time," she said. "She would ridge, students can opt for the with whomever they share a o nly shower, like, once a time-honored rite of rooming living space. week." "They're most focused on with a complete stranger or Garcia politely asked for seek out like-minded fresh- the social aspects of t h eir a room transfer, and she got men by taking a survey of- college experience," he said. along better with her second fered b y the un i v ersity's "They're a stranger i n a roommate. "She showered campus housing department. strange land. It's about a sense and stuff," she said. "So that The survey covers sleeping, of belonging — a sense of fit. was good. drinking and cleaning habits, It's a very human thing." Alexa Gatti, a 19-year-old among others. sophomore a t No r t h r idge, Not leaving it to chance tried desperately to forge a Blog bonding Emily Bjerke, 17, from Lafriendship with her roommate. Abby Souza, 18, of Davis, fayette,near San Francisco,is Each day, Gatti said, she would Calif., was given the names a freshman at Loyola Mary- try to initiate a conversation of other incoming freshmen mount University. She wanted with her, to no avail. whose survey answers aligned a roommate she could explore Soon, Gatti would offer only closely with hers. Armed with Los Angeles with, who'd be a hello and a goodbye. Eventhose names, she commenced up for attending concerts and tually, the two lived together h er Internet sleuthing — a was interested in joining a so- w ithout uttering a w or d t o common way to gain apeek rority, as she was. She worried each other. "I just really wanted to make into someone's life without ac- about leaving it to chance. "I tually meeting. definitely didn't want to do the a friend. She didn't," Gatti said. "She acted like I was the wall." She quickly found a blog random pairing," she said. page belonging to her future She joined roomsurf.com, On a r e c ent a f t ernoon, roommate. "I went through one of several online datBrockman and Rosales deallher photos, read her posts ing-type websites for finding cided tomake tacos for dinner — you know, to see what she's roommates. For $19.99, users in the kitchen they share with like," Abby said. fill out a questionnaire and are two other girls in their dorm They soon connected on so- given a list of other users at suite. Brockman w o ndered cial media, traded phone num- their future school, ranked by aloud if they were supposed to bers and texted and chatted compatibility. Emily quickly use cooking oil on the ground with each other weeks before contacted one of her matches, beef. "I don't know. Should I call moving to campus. and they hit it off. They now "We talked about our lives, room together and so far get my mom?" Rosales said. "I was thinking of calling boys, friends, TV shows," she along well, she said. "Whatever path I chose, it said. "We already knew each m y mom!" B r ockman a n other before we got here." was going to be a gamble," she swered with a laugh. On their Students who have a light said. "But if I had more say in own, they decided against the Internet footprint can be left my roommate and it doesn't oil. Smoke soon wafted from out of p r e-college bonding, work out, then it's my fault and the kitchen. said Carolina Salguero, 18, I have to deal with it myself." They sat down at the table of Los Angeles, who bonded But a successful roommate and began to eat. "I like this," Rosales said, online with two of her three pairing is less about shared roommates before arriving at interests and more about two seemingly referring to both school. The third roommate people who can navigate the the tacos and t h eir l i v i ng had missed out. intricacies of living with ansituation. "I couldn't find her a n y"Me, too," Brockman said other person, Chaskes said. where — and she showed up Complaints he often heard with a smile.

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e a sons' a esviewers o TV SPOTLIGHT "The Watsons Goto Birmingham" 8 p.m. Friday, Hallmark By Jacqueline Cutler © Zap2it

In a summer fraught with hate and strife, the Watsons reacted with love and kindness. They were but one family, and a fictional one at that. But the Newbery Medalwinning book "The Watsons Go to Birmingham," perfectly captures the drama of the civil rights movement. And Hallmark Channel perfectly captures Christopher Paul Curtis' book in its upcoming movie. "The real heartbeat of this movie is love," says Anika Noni Rose ("Dreamgirls," "The Good Wife"). "This family loves each other so hard." "Wilona loves her husband enough to leave her central unit, her family, and go someplace she does not know or understand," Rose says of her character. "She loves her children enough to uproot them and bring them to another place, which is almost another time." Using period cars and costumes, director Kenny Leon focuses on the huge issues through the filter of a family. Set in 1963, this opens in Flint, Mich., where 12-year-old nar-


The civil rights movement is seen through the eyes of an AfricanAmerican family in the movie "The Watsons Go to Birmingham." In the summer of 1963, the Watsons take a road trip to Birmingham, Ala., where their experiences give them the courage to stand up for what is right and, in the process, grow stronger as a family. have been the inspiration for Urkel, is a sweet, nervous middle child. He loves books and is frequently a target of the tougher kids. His older brother, Byron

(Harrison Knight), is looking for trouble, which of course he finds. Byron is angry, sullen and hanging out with the

wrong guys. Kenny's y o unger sister, Joetta (Skai Jackson), is the

adorable, doted-upon baby girl of the family. And, Dad (Wood

rator Kenny (Bryce Clyde Jen- Harris) is an affable guy who kins) tells of a long, cold winter in a year of social upheaval and overdue change. Kenny, whose clothes could

adores his wife and kids. The film does a great job of showing the styles of the times: Kenny, in his bow tie and huge


Grier had marched with the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., during the March on Poverty in Detroit. "I remember the general mood," Grier says. He recalls his parents moving the 19-inch TV into the living room, and watching the March on Washington on Aug. 28, 1963. "When we marched with Martin Luther King Jr. in Detroit, we wanted to play," Grier recalls. "My brother and sister and I had to put on Sunday clothes, which was a drag. My mom and dad told us it was very important we do this as a

ing to him that life isn't fair, as Kenny suffers flashbacks from a horrifying act of terrorism. Beloved little sister Joey is in the 16th Street Baptist Street Church when it i s b ombed. Three girls were murdered and one was blinded in the actual bombing. Kenny had walked Joey to the church for early choir practice. She was happily wearing brand new Mary Janes. When Kenny, l ik e m o st people in town, race to the church after the explosion, he espies in the rubble shiny patent leatherMary Janes and is scarred. Certain his sister has been killed, Kenny retreats. All little girls in 1963 wore Mary J a nes f o r dr e ss-up shoes, and it was another little girl's feet he saw. The film expertly weaves in b l ack-and-white f ootage of cops spraying protestors with fire hoses and siccing their dogs on crowds of people fighting for their rights. There's Alabama Gov. George Wallace making his infamous speech: "Segregation n ow, s egregation tomorrow a n d segregation forever." Certainly we know where this chapter of history ends, but seeing it played out through the eyes of this family is a treat.

family and to stop wiggling."

Grier's recollection is precisely what a child would remember and the very spirit the movie embraces. It never condescends to a younger audience. The adults knowthe situablack-rimmed glasses; Joey, tion is dire, but they don't shield in her starched dresses with the children from the truth. Peter Pan collars; and Mom, For Kenny and his siblings, always put together. 1963 Birmingham is so forThe Watsons drive f r om eign. Grier's character, Robert, Flint to Birmingham, Ala., be- and the grandmother try to cause Wilona misses her mom explain the ways of the South and needs her help setting By- to these northern children. ron straight. En route, radio The Watson kids have never news alerts them of Medgar been denied food at a lunch Evers' murder. Bombs have counter or had to use "colored been going off. Racism is rife only" bathrooms. and the country is on edge. Byron, not surprisingly, is It's a wonderful reunion with ready to fight for his rights. But Wilona's mom, played by the his elders guide him, teaching formidable LaTanya Richard- him to fight without using fists. son Jackson. Initially, Wilona is B yron, wh o a d o res h i s put off by her mom's boyfriend, younger brother, becomes a Robert (David Alan Grier). man that summer by saving As a child reared in Detroit, Kenny's life and later explain-

u victim eesaone

"You want young people"

to watch, Grier says. "It is a family endeavor. What would be best is a family sits down and watches it. And then this sparks conversation. That is ideally what we would like."

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for3-0 andIMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter presstime. I

Dear Abby: I'm 8 years old and in second grade.I'm writing because I'm being bullied at school. I'm really smart, and at my school that's a really bad thing. I try hard to be nice, but here that's worse than being smart. Theteachers didn't help me with the bulDEAR lies, so I s t o pped ABBY t elling t h em . M y mom told everyone she could about the bullies, but nobody helps. It keeps getting worse over time. Every day someone picks on me, pushes me or makes fun of me. Please help me. — Feeling Torn in Texas Dear Feeling Torn: Because you haven't told your teachers that the bullying hasn't stopped, they may think that it's no longer going on. Tell them again what you are experiencing, and be sure your mother knows. She should discuss this with your teacher. If things don't get better, she needs to talk to the principal and, if n ecessary, the school board. Many schools offer programs that discourage bullying and train students who can help. As a last resort, your mother should consult a lawyer. You have a right to an education that's free

HAPPY BIRTHDAYFOR SATURDAY,SEPT.14, 2013: This year you feel unusually fortunate, and you'll manifest what you want. Your desires might not arrive in the form that you think they should, but it will happen nonetheless. Be Stars show the kind careful what you of dayyou'll have w ish for, as you are ** * * * D ynamic likely to receive it. ** * * P ositive If you are single, ** * A verage youwill meet ** So-so someone through * Difficult your friends, or a friendship could become more. If you are attached, the two of you will experience a lot of romance, but don't forget to work on your friendship as well. CAPRICORN could be very attracted to you. Proceed with care.

from this kind of pressure. Lawsuits have been filed and won because school districts didn't give it the attention they should have. Be sure to show this to your mother and tell her you wrote it. Dear Abby: I am agoraphobic. Although I have managed to make a ccommodations for special occasions like birthday parties and dinners with my family, I am not comfortable at extremely large gatherings. My parents understand this, but my sister and brother-in-law think that if I'd just "try harder," everything would work out. Abby, I must take a mild tranquilizer to go to small gatherings, and I have told them this. Would people tell someone who is allergic to something to just"try harder"? How can I explain this better? — Afraid in Taylorsville, Utah Dear Afraid: I'm sorry to say this, but individuals have been known to give people with severe food allergies items containing their "triggerfoods" because they are convinced "just a little" won't hurt them — or worse, that the problem is imaginary.


Your sister and brother-in-law do not understand phobias. A medical professional might be able to explain it to them, but until they're ready to consult one and really listen, it would be healthier for you to ignore them and limit your time with them. Dear Abby: My wife and I disagree about when and where it is acceptable to yawn. I believe a public yawn during dinner or conversation is not appropriate. She sees no reason why a natural human trait such as yawning should be stifled. A gain, my a s sertion i s t h a t yawning denotes boredom or lack of interest in what people are conversing about or doing. What are yourthoughts? — Not a Yawner in Flagstaff, Ariz. Dear Not A Yawner: My thoughts are similar to an observation made by English writer G.K. Chesterton (1874-1936), who said, "A yawn is a silent shout." I have never seen anyone who is intensely interested in something yawn, and to do it in the presence of others implies that the yawner is tired, bored or otherwise

not fully engaged. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

might be needed in order to help this person process his or her feelings. Tonight: Visit over dinner at a newrestaurant.

** * * L isten to what is going on behind thescenes.You know whatisacceptable, and you know your limits. The wise move at this time would be to not push too hard and to let matters fall as they may. Do not interfere with a child or loved one. Tonight: Head to a favorite haunt.

CANCER (June21-July 22)

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

By Jacqueline Bigar

** * You might want to see a situation differently, butyou could experience difficulty getting to the bottom of the matter. Someone you care about might put up a wall thatyou can't seem to break down. If you give this person some space, he or she probably will come forward. Tonight: Out and about.

LEO (Jnly 23-Aug. 22)

** * C urb a tendency to overindulge, regardless of how difficult it might be. Look at the ramifications, then decide. You could be missing a major point concerning a financial decision. Do not makeany commitments at this present moment. Tonight: Pick up the tab for dinner.




Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • 2 GUNS (R) 3, 6:05, 9:40 • BLUE JASMINE (PG-13) 12:45, 3:15, 6:10, 8:55 • DESPICABLE ME(PG) 2 1:05, 4:10, 7:20 • ELYSIUM (R) 2:40, 6:35, 9: I5 • THE FAMILY (R) 12:40, 3:25, 6:15, 7:15, 9, 10 • GETAWAY (PG-13) 10 • THE HEAT (R) 1:15 • INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2(PG-13) l2:45, 3:25, 4:50, 6:50, 7:45, 9:30, 10:20 • LEE DANIELS' THE BUTLER (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 8:45 •THEONE:MAYWEATHER VS.CANELO (noM PAA rating) 6 •THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITY OFBONES (PG-13) 12:35, 3:40 • ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US3-D(PG) 1, 6:20, 9 • ONE DIRECTION: THIS IS US(PG) 3:35 • PERCY JACKSON:SEAOF MONSTERS (PG) 1:20,4:20, 7:35, 10:10 • PLANES (PG) l2:30, 2:50 • RIDDICK (R) I2:55, 3:45, 6:45, 9:35 • RID0ICK IMAX (R) 1:10, 4, 7, 9:50 • THIS IS THE END(R) 9:45 • WE'RE THE MILLERS (R) 1:30, 4:30, 7:25, 10:05 • THE WORLD'S END (R) I:30, 4:40, 7:30, 10:10 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. I


8 p.m.on HBO, Movie:"ParentaI Guidance" — Veteran talents Billy Crystal and Bette Midler are teamed in this familyfriendly 2012 comedy that's very much about family — several generations of one. The stars play grandparents enlisted to mind their daughter's (Marisa Tomei) youngsters, prompting the elders to bring traditional methods of child rearing into play while caring for the very modern kids. Bailee Madison ("Just Go With It") and Tom Everett Scott ("That Thing You Do!") are featured. 8:30 p.m. onl3, "Two and a Half Men" — Alan andWalden (Jon Cryer, Ashton Kutcher) star in a Broadway-style musical number in this episode, which opens with Walden deciding that Kate (Brooke D'Orsay) might be the one,and it's time to come clean to herabout who he is. HeandAlan headto New York, where she's having a fashion show, but she doesn't take the news well in "Grab aFeather and Get in Line." 9 p.m.on STARZ,"The White Queen" — Warwick (James Frain) has restored Henry Vl (David Shelley) to the throne but, doubfful of George's (DavidOakes) loyalty, has ordered Isabel (Eleanor Tomlinson) back to Englandto keephim on hisside.Anne (Faye Marsay) is forced to trust her former enemiesandtravels with Margaret of Anjou (Veerle Baetens) to fight against York. Theyplanto sail back to England, but a storm delays their travels in the new episode "War at First Hand." ©Zap2it



McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • TURBO (G) 11:30 a.m., 2:30 • TheOregon StateUniversity football gamescreens at 7 tonight. • After 7 p.m., shows are21and older only. Younger than21 may attendscreenings before 7 pm.ifaccompanied by a legalguardian. f


Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • CRYSTAL FAIRY (no MPAArating) 3:30 • EUROPA REPORT(PG-13) 8:15 • PRINCE AVALANCHE (R) 1, 6 I


Saturday, September 21 1 1am - 3 Pm All Aftes Riverbend ParkintheOldMill ph. (540 389-7275 tNtNw.bendparksandrec.org

Microwave Hood


Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777 • THE FAMILY (R) 11:15 a.m., 1:15, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2(PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 2, 4:15, 6:30, 8:45 • LEEDANIELS'THE BUTLER (PG-l3)l2:15,3,5:45,8:30 • WE'RE THEMILLERS (R)11:30a.m.,2,4:30,7,9:30

220CFM Exhaust

Bu wh ere the builders bu !


Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • 20 FEET FROM STARDOM(PG- I3) 7:15 • BLUE JASMINE (PG-13) 3, 5 • THE FAMILY (R)4:15, 7 • INA WORLD(R) 3:15,5:15,7:15 • LEE DANIELS' THE BUTLER(PG- I3) 4, 6:45


CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

** * * O t hers seem to be very ** * Get into a favorite game. Exercise enthusiastic, no matter what idea you will reduce tension levels. A dear loved one throw out. You could be exhausted by ARIES (March 21-April19) might start discussing something that he everything that is going on. Remain sure ** * * O t hers lookto you for their plans. or she always has wanted to have happen. of yourself, yet process new information. Be readyfor a lot of changesand good You will be inclined to manifest this desire. A misunderstanding could happen far too times. You flex well and know howto The two of you will become much closer easily. Be careful. Tonight: Out on the town. adjust. Someonewill becomevery contrary. as a result. Tonight: Pace yourself. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Your creativity could help loosen upothers VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) — especiallythis person. Tonight: Watch a ** * * Y our imagination speaks. Others ** * Sometimes you enjoy vanishing and letting the chips fall as they may. You spontaneous party begin. respond in kind and share their thoughts want and need privacy more than most TAURUS (April 20-May 20) as well. A loved one might surprise you other signs do. Try not to worry about ** * * * M ake calls early in the day. with a choice involving a goal that might what others think. Get into a major project You will want to readjust your schedule, not be totally grounded in reality. You where you can burn off some excess so make that OK. Conversations could have the gift of practicality. Can you make energy. Tonight: Do only whatyou want. evoke many different thoughts. Listen to it happen? Tonight: Hang loose. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) someone's words and you will gain more LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * S urround yourself with friends, insight into what is happening in his or ** * S tay close to home. Youhave much whether you're at a sports event or off at her mind. Tonight: Choose a movie. to do, like convincing a family member your favorite haunt. Somehow you'll feel GEMINI (May 21-June20) of the rightness of an idea that could far more upbeat as a result. News from an ** * * * Y ou will be happiest dealing influence both of your personal lives. A important loved one could toss you into with one person at a time. Youusually feel male friend could push you hard to go an ambivalent moment. Worry about this good around a close loved one, though he along with his idea. Don't be afraid to say later. Tonight: You are the party. or she can be rigid at times. Your flexibility "enough." Tonight: Settle in. Make it easy. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate

12:30 p.m. onE3, "College Football" — A clash of SECrivals is on tap today in College Station, Texas, where the No. 7Texas A&M Aggies welcome in the No. 1 Crimson Tide of Alabama.Tide QB AJMcCarron hasa numberof weapons at his disposal, including 1,000-yard runner T.J. Yeldon and wide receiver Amari Cooper. So does "Johnny Football" Manziel, the Aggie signal caller who hopes to follow up his Heisman-winning freshman season with one that ends with a championship. 8p.m. onl3, "Mike 8t Molly" — Molly (Melissa McCarthy) is feeling crowded by all the family's stuff and decides to hold a yard sale in hopes of unloading some of it. Mike (Billy Gardell) and the guys try to help Carl (Reno Wilson) unload some stuff of his own — namely, emotional baggage from his failed relationship with Christina (Holly Robinson Peete) — by taking him on a fishing trip in "Yard Sale." Katy Mixon also stars.

Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • THE CONJURING (R) 4:45, 7:10, 9:35 • ELYSIUM (R) 9 • THE FAMILY (R)Noon, 2:25, 4:50, 7:15, 9:45 • INSIDIOUS: CHAPTER 2(PG-13) l2:15, 2:35, 5, 7:20, 9:40 • PERCY JACKSON:SEA OFM ONSTERS (PG) I2:05,2:20 • PLANES (PG) 12:50, 2:50, 4:50, 6:50 • WE'RETHE MILLERS (R) 2,4:30,7, 9:30 •

Klevation Capital Strategies 775 sw Bonnet way suite 120 Bend Main: 541-728-0321 www.elevationcapital.biz

Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 •THE MORTAL INSTRUMENTS: CITYOFBONES (Upstairs — PG-13) 1:10, 4: IO,7:15 • WE'RE THE MILLERS (R) 1, 4, 7 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.

• Find a week's worth of movie times plus film reviews in Friday's



IvIARKET Presentedby the Garner Group

Saturdays,June 29 -Sept. 211 loam-zpm NorthWest Crossing Neighborhood Center

0 G O! Magazine • Watch movie trailers or buy tickets online at benddufletin.com/movies

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2041 NW Westhills Ave.

Best Value in Bend!

Enjoy fabulous panoramic views of city and forest in this unique West Hills home. Large .35 acre lot. A t t ached 1200 sq. ft . g uest quarters/mother-in-law unit. 3 bedroom, 3 bath in main house, I bedroom, 1.5 bath in attached unit. Room for everyone. $599,000


Surrounded b y g r eat s chools, shopping, parks and more, our newest northwest Bend community is the perfect place to call home! Visit our model home near 27th and Butler Market to learn more about our new homes, which are starting i n t h e $ 190s. Contact Linda S p itler a t 5 4 1 - 316-4971. H ayden Homes i s C e n t ra l O r e gon's h o m etown builder.


Paid Advertisement

Paid Advertisement

by Molly Hover, The Bulletin Advertising Department

For the ¹m •

eason •

The Central Oregon Builders Association Remodeling and Outdoor Living Show returns for another year offering inspiration and fresh ideas for home improvement. SaturdayandSunday, Septemder21and22

COBARemodeling and Outdoor Living Show

Athletic Club of Bend

Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5p.m. Sunday: 9 a.m. to 4p.m.

For more information, visit www.connectiondepot.com or email sherit®coba.org.

Free Admission!

the Saturday Market and Farmers Market of Bend will display their booths of fresh produce, The year's annual Remodeling jams, crafts and their own local flavorinthe courtyard. 5 Outdoor Living Show, formerly Included in this local flavor, A known as the Fall Home Show, will offer an array of vendors and Better Way to Health, a business displays for "anyone in Central that will be represented by Nancy Oregon looking for remodeling Bratton at the show, will feature ideas, kitchen products, landscap- nutritional products and b ody ing or who is looking to upgrade health coaching. According toTerry, the home theirhome," said Sheri Terry of the Central Oregon Builders As- and gardenvendors willhave virtually everything a homeowner sociation (COBA). Presented by COBA, the Re- could need for the home. C CW C o n struction o w n e r modeling and O utdoor L i v ing Show will be held Saturday and Dustin Collins, who will have a Sunday, Sept. 21 to 22 at the Ath- booth at the event, said his disletic Club of Bend. The event is play will feature a scaled-down free to attend, and is family and pergola as well as a gutter display giving viewers the opportunity budget conscious. The purpose of the event, ac- to better visualize his services. Though Collins has been in busicording to Terry, is to bring a mix of local businesses together in one ness for several years, this is his first year at the Remodeling and place "to the direct consumer." Vendors and displays located Outdoor Living Show. Also relevant to home remodboth indoors and out will offer eling, Sunlight Solar will feature products and ideas to help homeowners make improvements products,services, and offer a special promotion through Sepboth inside and outside of their tember in conjunction with the homes. Over the years, this annual Remodeling and Outdoor Living expo has evolved since its incep- Show. Buyers at the show will tion in 1999. Not only are some of receive a nest thermostat — a the vendors new, so is the venue new smart thermostat designed itself. The Athletic Club of Bend to save energy — at no cost with will host the event in its 12,000 installation. R on Webb Remodeling w i l l square-foot building which usually houses sporting courts. For also offer a special deal for atthis event, however, the entire tendees of the event. It will hold a space will be filled with COBA's drawing for a $100 gift certificate v endors, e n t ertainment, a n d to Lowe's. Ron Webb will be manning the booth for the duration of food. the event and will be ready to anThis year, vendors from both

swer everyone'squestions with his 36 years of experience. According to Ron Webb Remodeling co-owner Kelli Webb, the booth will be set up so guests can view the different projects the company has recentlycompleted. Additionally, the couple will have a booth for theirsecond business, Turf N Central Oregon, which is an artificial grass com-

pany. "A lot of homeowners are interested in it because of water preservation issues and saving time," Ron said. New to the event this year, Scanlon's Restaurant located in the athletic club will be open for show attendees to stop in a nd grab a bite to eat. For a quick snack, Scanlon's will also have a variety of grab-and-go items such asfish tacos, Ceasar salads, popcorn, chips, fruit and baked goods, according t o S c anlon's manager, Alesha Wilson. Bend Distillery will be at the event providing samples of their distilled spirits, and beer and wine will also be available. For a well-rounded experience, the event will feature local acoustic musical performers between noon and 2 p.m. each day. Childcare will be available onsite at the Athletic Club of Bend's Kids Club. For more details on the vendors, v i s i t con n ectiondepot. com or contact Sheri Terry at sherit@coba.org, or call COBA at 541-389-1058.

Photos byNicole Werner, TheBulletin



f~ f' ( If you are a Rental Property Omrner, I invite you to call me. ' •

4 beds, 2.5 baths. Gorgeous s 2719 sq. ft. home in River Canyon Estatecompletewith a soothing water feature. A/C, gas fireplace, spacious kitchen with stainless steel appliances, anddouble car garage.

4 beds, 2.5 baths, 1800 sq. ft. home with master bedroom onthe main level, oak flooring in kitchen & dining room, gasfireplace, washer/dryer hookups, & double car garage.


3 beds, 2.5baths,1900 sq. ft. CascadeMountain views! Corner lot, A/C, fully applianced kitchen, gas fireplace in living room, tf fully fencedyard, doublecar

2 beds, 2 baths. Beautiful condo in the Riverfront Condominiums. Utility room with washer/dryer, deck with grill overlooking the DeschutesRiver,gas fireplace, single cargarage,

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3 beds, 2.5 baths. Fabulous 1672 sq. ft. home. Fully applianced kitchen featuring tile counters s gas range. High ceilings, gasfireplace, ample storage, laundry room, fenced backyard with deck,

3 beds, 2.5 baths. Great townhouse nearthe Old Mill! 1500 sq. ft., fully applianced kitchen, washer/dryer included, back patio, & single car garage.Water, sewer,garbage Syard care

3 beds, 2.5 baths, open floor plan downstairs, 1751 sq. ft., front porch, stainless steel kitchen appliances, granite counters & breakfast bar, washer/dryerincluded, double car garage,fenced

3-car garage, & RVparking.

>s pa>d.







3 beds, z5 baths, 1864sq. ft., large bonus room, fully applianced kitchen hardwood floors, gas fireplace in living room, washer/dryer hookups, fenced yard, landscaped front

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g •

yard, & doublecar garage.

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New Listings


d dOp

Elkhorn Ridge j $385,000 • 2245 sq.ft.home • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Landscaped,fenced yard • MLS 201308088 Michelle Tisdel PC, Broker, ABR, E-pro 541-390-3490 •


d Op

Fall River Estates j $275,000 • 2424 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .97 acre lot • MLS 201307895

Ray Bachman, Broker, GRI 541-408-0696 •





d Op


Lane Knolls Estates j $589,900 • Custom 2580 sq.ft. •3 bedroom, offi ce,3 bath • 2.24 acres, Mt Bachelor view • MLS 201307975

Sherry Perrigan, Broker 541-410-4938 •


La Pine j $270,000 • Custom 3048 sq.ft. home • 5 bedroom, 3 bath • 2.41 acres, barn, out-

door arena

• MLS 201308234 Diane Lozito, Broker 541-548-3598 541-306-9646


Houses for Rent NW Bend


50~0~ 627

Deschutes River short MORRIS t erm rental 3 b d rm REAL ESTATE plus office, no pets. I d p d t ly O R d Op $1850. 20076 Beaver Ln. Virginia Just bought a new boat? 541-480-7501 Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates!



Houses for Rent Sunriver Ocean front house, each walk from town, 2 bdrm/2 bath, TV, VILLAGE PROPERTIES Fireplace, BBQ. $95 Sunriver, Three Rivers, La Pine. Great per night, 3 night MIN. Selection. Prices range 208-342-6999 $425 - $2000/mo. View our full USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! inventory online at Door-to-door selling with I/iffage-Properfies.com 1 -866-931- 1 061 fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. 1 he Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809 632

Apt./Multiplex General

Mirada j $275,000 • New construction 1501 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Vaulted great room, large windows • MLS 201307891 Jen Bowen, Broker, GRI The Kelleher Group 541-280-2147




Timeshares for Sale on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. "Spellcheck" and human errors do occur. If this happens to



New Listings

Condo/Townhomes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Desert Woods j SW Bend j $279,000 • Deschutes River & $195,000 • 1209 sq.ft. single level Pilot Butte views • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .48 acre lot manufactured • MLS 201307780 • .37 acre lot • MLS 201307954 Gary Rose, Broker, MBA Bonnie Savickas, 541-588-0687 Broker, EPRO, SRES 541-408-7537

RENTALS 603 - RentalAlternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627 Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 630 - Roomsfor Rent 631 - Condominiums &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634- Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650 - Housesfor Rent NEBend 652 - Housesfor Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656 - Housesfor Rent SW Bend 658 - Housesfor Rent Redmond 659 - Housesfor Rent Sunriver 660 - Housesfor Rent La Pine 661 - Housesfor Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Housesfor Rent Madras 664- Houses for RentFurnished 671 - Mohile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 -Mohile/Mfd.Space 682 - Farms, Ranches andAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738- Multiplexes for Sale 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale 744 - Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 - SouthwestBendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - JeffersonCountyHomes 757 - CrookCountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational Homesand Property 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mohile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mohile Homeswith Land

Vacation Rentals & Exchanges


$7,900-$50,000 Enjoy Eagle Crest all year as a fractional owner. Benefits of being an Eagle Crest Owner at a "fraction" of the cost. Home-ID FRAC Eagle Crest Properties

I dp d lyO

d dOp


Mountain View Park j $158,500 • 1196 sq.ft. manufactured • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Convenient location • MLS 201308018

Jerry Stone, Broker 541-390-9598 •


Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

55809 Lost R i d er 17359 Harlequin - 1/2 18064 Fadjur Ln. Guest 2 0655 B o wery Ln . Eagle C rest, F o rest L arge River M e ad ac, fully fenced home, quarters over garage, Nearly 3,000 sq.ft. on shop 8 guest studio! western design finone level, Cascade G reens Golf C R S ows home on .6 ac lot! $239,900 ishes, master on main mountain view, rebuilt $229,000. Townhome. 3 Bdrm, level, home t heater from the s tud o u t, 2.5 bath, 1536 sq.ft., TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn Desert Realty High Desert Realty room, four stall horse bright vaulted kitchen, Main level m a ster, High 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 b arn, c o rral, M L S dining room, formal east facing back deck, www. BendOregon www. BendOregon ¹201306228 livingroom and family w/hot tub. $225,000. RealEstate.com RealEstate.com $1,525,000 room. MLS MLS ¹201303093 The Garner Group ¹201306098. Lynn Johns, Principal 1508 NW 8th - Com- 19984 Birchwood - Ex 541-383-4360 $599,995 Broker, 541-408-2944 mercial property- 2 q uisite .5 4 a c lo t thegarnergroup.com The Garner Group Central Oregon separate office w/views o verlooking 541-383-4360 Resort Realty spaces, $137,500 park 8 river. $425,000 1880 NW Shevlin Park thegarnergroup.com TEAM Birtola Garmyn Rd., West side townTEAM Birtola Garmyn Eagle C r e s t Gol f MORRIS High Desert Realty home, tw o m a ster20917 Sage Creek Dr. High Desert Realty Course 8 Mtn Views. REAL ESTATE 541-312-9449 suites, o pe n g r e at Ridgewater neighbor541-312-9449 3 Bdrm, 2 . 5 b a t h, I d p d ly O d dOp www. BendOregon room, hard w ood hood, beautiful cabinwww. BendOregon 1417 s q .ft., G r e at RealEstate.com floors, stainless appl. etry, tile, hardwood RealEstate.com 732 room floor plan, main MLS ¹ 20 1 3 02292. floors, master on main 1350 NE 3rd - Cute Commercial/Investment level master & hot tub. level, bonus room upMLS 1900 sq. ft. cottage $118,000 I Under $120 $265,000 $220,000. The Garner Group Properties for Sale stairs, $474,900. MLS ¹201209360 w/alley access to your K in Bend. 3 Bdrm, 2 541-383-4360 ¹201305556 b ath, on a n a c r e . Lynn Johns, Principal garage. $183,500 13735 SW Commercial Vaulted ceilings, new thegarnergroup.com The Garner Group Broker, 541-408-2944 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Loop. Commercial 541-383-4360 c arpet. R eady f o r $189,000 I 1920 NW Central Oregon High Desert Realty building with 900 sq. move-in. thegarnergroup.com 541-312-9449 L arch Spur Ct R e d Resort Realty ft. of office space & 541-977-5345, M i ke www. BendOregon mond Duplex. 1305 NW Lemhi Pass 2,400 sq. ft. of ware- Eagle Crest, Golf CRS Wilson, Broker s q.ft., 3 b d rm , 2 . 5 2154 RealEstate.com Dr. Spacious prairie 541-388-0404 house/manufacturing T ownhome w/2 c a r bath, each side. Atstyle home, gourmet area. Owner terms or Ce n t ral tached garages, large kitchen, garage. 3 B drm, 2 669 SE G l eneden Windermere ha r d wood lease option is availOregon Real Estate bath, 1447 sq.ft., 10th C harming 2005 S E y ards, o pe n f l o o r floors, master on main Bend home, under able. $165,000 tee box Resort CRS. plans, cul-de-sac set- level, optional MLS 201304157 $200K - $199,000! 1183 Crescent Cut off Cascade mtn 8 golf ting, great NW locabonus/media r o o m, Rd. Crescent, OR. Juniper Realty, views. $280,000. MLS TEAM Birtola Garmyn tion 54 1 - 678-8247 MLS ¹ 20 1 3 02351. 541-504-5393 High Desert Realty Move in T o morrow! ¹201307174 Gunkel, Broker, $484,900 541-312-9449 This beautifully mani- Luke Lynn Johns, Principal 541-388-0404. The Garner Group C ommercial Lot s I n Broker, 541-408-2944 www. BendOregon cured 6.48 acre par- Windermere Ce n t ral Crooked River Ranch: 541-383-4360 cel sets back from the Oregon Real Estate RealEstate.com Central Oregon thegarnergroup.com Great opportunity to r oad. Well k ept 3 Resort Realty 67170 Gist, Bend. Al start a b usiness or $ 189,900 I 1456 6 5 2171 NW Lemhi Pass b drm, 2 b a t h u p most 10 acre horse grades t h r oughout. Buckaroo C t . , relocate an existing Eagle Crest Golf CRS Dr. Single level cotw/v i ews. Lots of storage, ga- Pine. C halet s t La business. Near restownhome w/3 car ga- property y le tage, sunroom and t aurants, hotel a n d r age. 3 B d rm, 3 5 $419,900 rages, fenced yard in home w/loft area, prorear patio, hardwood golf course. Owner b ath, + lo f t , 2 2 7 5 TEAM Birtola Garmyn front with raised patio. pane fire place, wood floors, high end finHigh Desert Realty terms avail. Business sq.ft., w/3 car garage, C overed deck a n d stove and al l b e dishes, bright interior. 541-312-9449 Circle, Lot 82:- 1.05 double master suite, p atio area i n th e rooms on main floor. MLS ¹ 20 1 3 02786. www. BendOregon acres, $25,000. Lot 50 12th hole of the Ridge b ackyard a s we l l . Covered front porch RealEstate.com - 1.30 acres 8 Lot 51- CRS. $339,500. MLS Priced to sell. Minand cement pad, shop $459,000 The Garner Group 1.23 acres still avail- ¹201304729 utes from Willamette and carport. Seminole - 3200 541-383-4360 able at $35,000 each Lynn Johns, Principal 19352 Ski Pass, area lakes, 541-410-8557, Dave SF home with unique thegarnergroup.com or purchase both for Broker, 541-408-2944 and numerous trails. D isney, Broke r , setting against lava $60,000 Central Oregon MLS ¹ 201 3 03939. 541-388-0404. 2175 NW Lolo Dr. Spaflows, $359,900 Juniper Realty Resort Realty $199,900 Windermere C e n tral cious floor plan, conTEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-504-5393 Oregon Real Estate temporarary finishes, High Desert Realty Cascade Realty, Priced to s e l l l a r ge Dennis Haniford, black vinyl windows, 541-312-9449 Prime commercial townhome, very spa$ 190,000 I 2033 SW Principal Broker central courtyard, bowww. BendOregon property. C h arming cious. 22nd St., Redmond. Loft & 541-536-1731 room. $747,900 RealEstate.com M adras building i s Single level h o me, nus upstairs. updated. Located on washer/dryer open floor plan, large MLS¹201303033 Good size master 8 3149 NE Nathan 12445 Rainbow - PriThe Garner Group Hwy 97. CAT5 wire kitchen, fireplace and walk-in closet. Kitchen Custom 4 bdrm home vate setting on 5 541-383-4360 system, ha r d wood has an island, pantry f ully fenced. On a w/mtn views. acres backing public thegarnergroup.com floors and o ff-street 8 open floor plan. large lot. $397,988 land, $344,000 parking. $ 1 2 9,900. MLS ¹201306423 541-977-1852, Tony $219,500 I Mid Town TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn MLS 201305319 Pam $99,900 L evison, brok e r , Mid-Century. G r e at High Desert Realty High Desert Realty Lester, Principal Bro- D&D Realty Group LC 541-388-0404. 541-312-9449 l ocation, newly r e 541-312-9449 ker, Century 21 Gold 541-475-3030 Windermere Ce n t ral modeled, fresh paint www. BendOregon www. BendOregon Country Realty, Inc. Oregon Real Estate RealEstate.com in and out, charm with RealEstate.com 541-504-1338 744 character. 16010 Green Forest - 12 Fremont Drive - 3 $197,000 I The Perfect 5 41-390-0098, M i ke Open Houses 738 H ome a n d Lan d OWC! Totally remod Bro k e r. 3.5 baths, Package. Super clean Everidge, eled, perfect getaway, bedroom, Multiplexes for Sale 541-388-0404. SHARC & Open House home, large detached Windermere 4 b d / 2b a ch a let, between Ce n t ral mall, o n e ow n e r, arage, 2 f u l l R V 1 f-3pm $145,000. Super Clean 4 -Plex, 19763Saf. never rented, backs g Oregon Real Estate Dartmouth Ave., TEAM Birtola Garmyn hookups, fully fenced Fully $494,000 toc ommon area, dual acre, very close to Bend. High Desert Realty rented units, W/D and Check out the zone he a t , AC. national high-end forest. 541-312-9449 refrigerator in u nits, Beautiful classifieds online $475,000. finishes throughout 5 41-771-1168, Er i c www. BendOregon well main t a ined, MLS¹201304678 home with A ndrews, Bro k e r, www.bendbuNefin.com RealEstate.com single ca r g a rage, 4 Bedroom The Garner Group office. $379,000 Updated daily 541-388-0404. fresh exterior paint. 541-383-4360 17311 BakersfieldMLS ¹ 201308377 Windermere Ce n t ral2203 NW Hemhi Pass MLS ¹201306642. thegarnergroup.com Chris Sperry, Broker 2100 SF home on .8 Oregon Real Estate Call Paula Mellon, Dr. Central courtyard, acres, Sunriver area, Cascade Sofheby's 541-977-4009. 2 0140 Red S k y L n . large great r o om, $139,900! 1974 sq. ft. $159,900 International Realty Central Oregon Realty 3br/1 i/z ba, 804 sq. ft., Gated golf commu- master on main level, TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541 -550-4922 Group, LLC add-on, fruit t r ees, nity, Cascade moun- large windows, bonus High Desert Realty o utbuildings, on . 3 9 tain views, 2.5 acresl oft u p stairs. M L S 541-312-9449 Great project multi-famSneak Preview! la n d - ¹201300821. acres between Bend f enced a n d www. BendOregon ily unit in good locaSat., Noon-3pm & Redmond. Avion scaped, two masters, $649,900 RealEstate.com tion, in need of some 21382 NW water, paved road and one on main level, The Garner Group TLC but priced well Via Pallazo 17311 B a kersfield 325' t o D e s chutes b onus r oo m p lus 541-383-4360 MLS¹201306320 High End Finishes! Wonderful 2100+ sf River and BLM. Too d en/offi ce. M L S thegarnergroup.com $74,900 3 Bdrm, 2.5 bath, home o n .8 ac, n ew for MLS¹ P a m ¹201306704. D&D Realty Group LLC 2411 sq.ft. $375,000 2 314 NW F l oyd L n . $159,900. Lester, Principal Bro- $899,900 541-475-3030 Direction: OB Riley TEAM Birtola Garmyn Bright sunny home, ker, Century 21 Gold The Garner Group High Desert Realty luxurious master 541-383-4360 M ulti-unit 4 - plex i n - Rd, right on Halfway, Country Realty, Inc. 541-312-9449 suite, deluxe kitchen, 541-504-1338 thegarnergroup.com come producing, great f irst right o n V i a www. BendOregon deck & side courtyard, for investors. This is a Toscana. Ka r c h Dr. EA platinum rated, RealEstate.com Peggy Lee Combs, 1 /3 Acre B a r e L o t . 20486 must see. $129,000 $279,000. 4 Bdrm, 3 MLS ¹ 20 1 3 00806. Broker Sta c y MLS¹201102846 1332 NW Albany Ave. 6 3586 N E bath, imm a c ulate $489,900. Lane, Bend. Ready to D&D Realty Group LLC John L Scott, Bend 2200+ sf N W B e nd The Garner Group 541-480-7653 build N E lot in home with one bdrm 541-475-3030 Charmer. $379,500 or office and bath on 541-383-4360 Bend....come take a TEAM Birtola Garmyn the main level. Great thegarnergroup.com Very well kept, newer look. $55,000. High Desert Realty 745 room plan with hardd uplex l ocated i n Scott McLean, 541-312-9449 wood floors, granite 2341 NW Floyd Lane, Metolius. Both units Homes for Sale Principal Broker www. BendOregon counters st a i nless green building feaare in excellent condi541-408-6908 RealEstate.com appliances, gas fire- tures, bright southern tion w/fresh paint col- Birchwood/WoodriverRealty Executives place, large corner lot exposure, large court4 lots, 4 homes, 1.48 ors, washer & dryer 2922 SW Cascade patio, vaulted 8 hookups. Open living acres across from Ave $189,987. Light 8 141987 Emerald Mead- with fenced in yard, yard 10' ceilings, inviting workable room, park, $750,000. bright 1954 sq ft 3bd/ ows Way, Crescent very convenient loca- island kitchen hardk itchen w/plenty o f TEAM Birtola Garmyn 2.5 ba w/large back Lake, OR. this stun- tion. wood, tile f i nishes, Ainslie Reynolds, storage. Large bdrms, High Desert Realty yal'd. MLS ning custom built 3 MLS¹201209164. Principal Broker 541-312-9449 gas forced air heating. ¹201304997 bdrm, 2 bath home is MLS¹201104556 www. BendOregon the perfect mountain ReMax Key Properties. $429,900. TEAM Birtola Garmyn The Garner Group 541-410-1054 Cell $189,000 RealEstate.com High Desert Realty retreat. Views f rom 541-383-4360 ce D&D Realty Group LLC 541-312-9449 every window, verti- 541-728-0033 Offi thegarnergroup.com 2811 NW Windham, 541-475-3030 www. BendOregon cal fir trim, river rock NW Bend 5300 SF hearth from propane RealEstate.com People Look for Information w/apt/prof-off & mtn. stove, wood f l oors, views! $599,900 5 9676 Kimberly - S E About Products and staled t iled m a ster Bend home on 2+ ac s hower, Services Every Daythrough TEAM Birtola Garmyn gran i t e High Desert Realty w/spectacular views! counters, hic k o ry TheSul/efin C/assilfeds 541-312-9449 $674,900. cabinets, gas range www. BendOregon TEAM Birtola Garmyn cook i s land, t r iple 740 RealEstate.com High Desert Realty paned windows and Condo/Townhomes 541-312-9449 so much more. LoIn The Bulletin's print and 15830 Green Forest for Sale www. BendOregon cated in the heart of Custom 2000+ sq ft RealEstate.com online Classifieds. Crescent Lake, minhome on 1 acre, cor Attn. Outdoor Enthusi60385 Shaw - Great SE utes to Willamette Ski asts. Fully furnished 1 ner lot, $155,000 Bend fixer on 2.2 ac! Pass, Pacific Crest bdrm,2 bath condo. TEAM Birtola Garmyn T rail, C r escent 8 $259,900 High Desert Realty Easy resort living with Odell Lakes. TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-312-9449 everything you need. $275,000 High Desert Realty www. BendOregon $69,000. MLS¹ Cascade Realty, 541-312-9449 RealEstate.com 201300532. Call Dennis Haniford, www. BendOregon Paula Mellon, Broker. Principal Broker Northwest Lodge DeRealEstate.com 541-977-4009 541-536-1731 sign - Awbrey Butte, Central Oregon Realty 16693 Wagon Trail m ountain views, 4 Group, LLC River Meadows town- $162,000 I Great Home bedroom, 3y~ bath, home Chalet at a w ith A wesome M t . GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, Creekside V illage 3393 sq ft, offered at great price. $149,900 Views. Wel l m a i nWonderful single level $879,000. We are three adorable, loving TEAM Birtola Garmyn tained home w/back end unit with luxury Cate Cushman, High Desert Realty and front deck, 1.73 puppies looking for acaring home. Principal Broker finishes, bui l t -ins, 541-312-9449 acres, open floor plan, 541-480-1884 soaring ceilings, & Please call right away. $500. www BendOregon 3 bdrm, 2 bath, & den gas fireplace. Wall of www catecushman com RealEstate.com or 4th bdrm. w indows opens t o Add 541-815-9446, Janelle paver patio in back. 17462 Killdeer - Gently 304 SE 3rd - Great inChristensen, Broker, Light, bright and open. lived-in 2nd vacation vestment property, 541-923-4663 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, home in perfect condi high visibility on 3rd Windermere C e n tral For an additional 1419 sq. ft. Offered at tion. $185,000 $169,900 Oregon Real Estate TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAMSt. $220,000 Birtola Garmyn s15 per week * High Desert Realty Eagle Crest Properties High Desert Realty $179,000 I Cute Home. 541-312-9449 866-722- 3370 s40 for 4 weeks* 541-312-9449 R eady for y o u t o


Show Your Stuff. Sell Your Stuff.

your ad, please conREAL ESTATE tact us ASAP so that I d p d l y O H do p 866-722-3370 corrections and any NE Bend Lot j $67,500 adjustments can be This 1/5th deeded own- • Cascade Mountain made to your ad. ership (1 0 r o t ating view 541 -385-5809 per year) can • .12 acre lot The Bulletin Classified weeks be u s ed , re n ted,• Utilities installed loaned or traded. En- • MLS 201307714 634 joy all E agle Crest Darrin Kelleher, Broker Apt./Multiplex NE Bend amenities. $ 1 6,900 The Kelleher Group MLS ¹201302399 541-788-0029 Call for Speciafs! Eagle Crest Properties Limited numbers avail. 866-722- 3370 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios 730 or decks. New Listings MORRIS MOUNTAIN GLEN, REAL ESTATE 541 -383-931 3 4.83 Acres j $379,000 Full Color Photos I d p d l y O H do p Professionally sq.ft. ranch-style managed by Norris 8 • 2455 home SW Bend j $245,000 Stevens, Inc. • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • 1761 sq.ft. • Fenced, outdoor • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 648 arena, barn • Granite counters, www. BendOregon Houses for • MLS 201307799 maple wood floors www. BendOregon come and make your Eagle Crest Creekside RealEstate.com ("Specialprivafe party ratesapply to merchandise Dawn Ulrickson, Broker, • MLS 201307966 RealEstate.com Rent General own. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, Townhome. 2 Bdrm, CRS, GRI, CHMS Debbie Johnson, Broker 2.5 bath, 1419 sq.ft., 1 17075 Oxnard - N i ce 17230 Kingsburgandautomotive categories,) fenced area, e x tra 541-610-9427 541-480-1293 Rented your 3bd/2ba 20 0 2 -built Clean SR area home, storage shed off galevel, great room floor Property? r age. 36 A c res o f plan. fully furnished. home on 1/2+ ac in 1/2 acre, large gaThe Bulletin Classifieds common area to enTRS, $199,00. e $224,000. MLS rage, $119,000 has an joy. 50 3 - 807-3874, TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn ¹201306847 "After Hours"Line. Heather Che s bro, High Desert Realty Lynn Johns, Principal High Desert Realty MORRIS Call 541-383-2371 MORRIS 541-312-9449 Broker. 541-923-4663 To place your ad, visit www.bendbulletin.com Broker, 541-408-2944 541-312-9449 24 Hours to REAL ESTATE Windermere Ce n t ral or call 385-5809 REAL ESTATE www. BendOregon Central Oregon www. BendOregon ~c a cel o a d . Oregon Real Estate I d p d lyO H d Op «d RealEstate.com Resort Realty RealEstate.com •



t •

4 4



SAT. dk SUN 2PM - 4PM 8.6 Private acres close io town. Completely remodeled Sun Forest Builders. Large master on main / separate apartment, vaulted ceilings, Stxinely 65945 OB Riley Rd. travertine, 4 car garage, Directions: OB Riley Rd North, paved drive, gorgeous end mile marker3.

landscaping, easy care 3/4 acre.


/JOSted 6 LiSted byr





19485Bounty Lake Ct. Bend, OR97702

Bright kitchen w/eating island Directions:From old ifiQ, headsir on & breakfast nook. Several Bond, rake I¹exii ar roundriboui ontoReed outdoor areasfor entertaining. Market Ai nexl roundabovt take 2nd evii

Hosted by: SILVIA KNfGHT,Broker




3 bedrooms, 3.5 bath, 3700 sq. fi. Spacious home on privare cuj-Je-sac near Broken TopClubhouse.Open design features vaulted living room, great room, formal dining & family/media room.

SAT. 12-3 PM F ISH -

Listed by: DEB TEBBS,Broker President


onio,w wmhinglox left on Brokenropor, lvfi on Tnni IIIcAnhur LA 2ndIcfi on Bonnty Lake ci. House is on rheright.


ENJOY THE RIVER SOUNDS. 160 ft of Riverfront on .O7 of 20076BeaverLn(off ClitteFallsRd) an aCre in Tumalo. Directfe sr Oowntow¹ Tumalo. Wonderful single North on Cline Falls, right on level great room. 3 Beauer Lane. $485,000 bedrooms plus office. MLS¹ 201305431 •

$699,000 Cascade


Hosted 6 Listed By:

VIRGINIA RO SS Broker, Co/dwe// Banker

541-480 - 750 1



TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

2355 NW Floyd Lane. $299,900 I 3016 Club- 4 Bdrm, 2 bath, frame 60283 Cinder B utte,70+ Acres on the Big A mazing h om e w / 4 Master on main level, h ouse D r . , Be n d . house on a p a v ed Bend - Tucked in the Deschutes with Cas- bdrms, 3 baths, 3366 generous room sizes, Townhome on the 5th road. This home has trees with peek-a-boo cade views. This pri- sf & tons of upgrades. premium fin i shes, f airway o f Riv e r s all new carpet, freshly m tn view. Open & v ate retreat i n t h e 2 s e parate H V AC bright interior, wide Edge Golf C ourse. painted inside, new bright plan with living Three Rivers South systems, go u rmet island kitchen, MLS Walk-in closets, spa- cabintry in bathroom, room & family room a rea of B e nd, h a s kitchen, quiet cul-de¹201303807. cious master b ath, kitchen and laundry that allow plenty of 70.49 secluded acres, sac lot & more. 26' open great r o om, room. Laminate floor- space for the entire a 3 acre lake, private high ceilings make it $549,900 The Garner Group loft/office room ing in family room and family to play 8 relax. harbor for watercraft light and bright! Don't 541-383-4360 w/deck. dining room. Nice alWell designed kitchen and sits on the Big this this "best buy" in 541-977-1852, Tony thegarnergroup.com c ove u p stairs b e - has an island & pan- Deschutes River. The Bend. 21222 Darby L evison, Brok e r , tween 2 b e drooms, try with ample stor- l odge-style hom e , C t. $ 348,500. C a l l $240,900 I 20827 Di541-388-0404. H uge shop and a age. Spacious master 5552 sq.ft. updated, Kathy Cab, Principal one Way. Single story Windermere Ce n t ral great patio with perbedroom c o m plete 40x40 vaulted great Broker, ABR, home in S t arwood, Oregon Real Estate gola j us t o f f the with a soaking tub & room, Ochoco stone 541-771-1761; neighborhood kitchen. MLS double vanity. fireplace and floor to www.johnlscott.com/5 w/common areas, lot $ 299,900 I H ome o n C ounters have t i l e ceiling windows, main 9953 backs t o ac r eage, C anyon D r ive. 3 ¹201306080. $190,000. trim and backsplash. l evel living w ith 2 John L. Scott open floor plan w/lots Bdrm, 2 bath, 9148 Cascade Realty, Hardi-plank siding, RV master suites. An adReal Estate, Bend of light. sq.ft. Iot on canyon Dennis Haniford, parking with 50 amp ditional b a t h and www.johnlscott.com 541-946-3371, Patty Rim. Great room floor Principal Broker service, water lower level bdrm and Dempsey, An d r ea plan, vaulted ceilings, 541-536-1731 hook-up and room to bonus rooms. Triple Amazing Tumalo PropPhelps, Cleme Rine- hardwood f l o oring. build RV barn. car garage, RV hook- erty - Here's the ideal harb 541-480-9883, Auu ps. 5 5 70 5 C h i ef family property & loWindermere C e n tral drey Cook B r oker, BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS $145,000. MLS¹201306671 Paulina. $1,395,000 Search the area's most Oregon Real Estate 541-923-4663. cation w / C a s cade Bobbie Strome, Ainslie Reynolds, Windermere C e n tral comprehensive listing of v iews as w e ll . 1 0 2487 N W Dr o u illard Principal Broker Principal Broker classified advertising... acres, new well, imAve. Secluded .5 acre Oregon Real Estate John L Scott Real ReMax Key Properties. estate to automotive, peccably maintained lot, single level plan, $309,000I 63412 Bar- real 541-410-1054 Cell Estate 541-385-5500 merchandise to sporting and it shows! Private central cou r t yard, ton View Pl. Superior goods. Bulletin Classifieds 541-728-0033 Office 63143 Beaufort Ct. 3844 sf 4 b drm 3.5 separate bdrm, living floor plan w/ penin- appear every day in the Model Homewings, formal living sula, fireplace, slate 8655 NE 1st St., Terre- bath home, barn + print or on line. Woodhill Park. 3 Bdrm, potting shed. Beautibonne - Home is room. MLS f looring, grani t e 2.5 bath plans, Effi- n estled a g ainst a ful g ardens w /rock ¹201301124. kitchen coun t ers, Call 541-385-5809 cient room layouts, www.bendbulletin.com ridge with Smith Rock walls 8 large pond & $739,900 hardwood floors. Main attractive fin i shes, views on 0.61 ac lot. waterfall, as well as The Garner Group level master w/jetted green c o n struction, Great room floor plan large outdoor area 541-383-4360 tub & shower, house sen«n9cenval 0 e9o ~mce|9tU Energy Star EA certi- that is light & bright. with its ow n f i repit. thegarnergroup.com h as mn t view s . Alley garages, Large parking area for Call Sharon Abrams, D e b- $599,000 I Re v e rse fied, 24 Acre Estate Parcel in 541-390-0934, l ocation. RV & t o ys . L a nd- P rincipal Brok e r, Tallman, Broker, Living, w/ s p acious convenient Tumalo - Magnificent bie Priced from $184,500. scaped for o utdoor CRS, 5 4 1-2809309. 541-388-0404. rooms, amazing storSetting! Amazing 24 Windermere The Garner Group www.johnlscott.com/s C e n tral age, 2 master suites, e ntertaining. Vin y l acre parcel with pan541-383-4360 harona windows throughout 8 2 f i replaces, w r ap thegarnergroup.com oramic Cas c a de Oregon Real Estate John L. Scott numerous ca n n ed Mountain views, has $329,500 I Impressive a round deck, 3 c a r Real Estate, Bend this home will been lovingly p r esits o n 4 . 5 a c r es, garage, connects to 63780 Crooked Rocks lights, www.johnlscott.com cheery all year. pared for you to build great one level living, the national f orest. Rd. English log home, be bar i n f a m i ly your ne w cu s tom open floor plan, large 5 41-390-6123 D a v e 5 bdrm, 4.5 bath, 9.5 Wet room. 3 b e d rooms Lewis, Broker, secluded acres, two home on this very se- bdrms., tile floors & story g reat r o o m, plus a den/office. New TURN THE PAGE cluded building site, vaulted ceilings. Out- 541-388-0404. For More Ads C e n tral pasture, pond, irriga- t ile c o untertops & Part of th e h i storic side you'll be wowed Windermere the tion. MLS backsplash i n 1896 Swalley Home- by t h e ex p ansive Oregon Real Estate The Bulletin k itchen. Solid c o re ¹201303153. stead and close to the paver patio, fire pit & wood doors. Sliders $699,000 D eschutes River, i t multi c o nversational Call a Pro from master 8 family The Garner Group features 23 acres of areas. Beautiful landroom t o ge n erous Are you ready to cre541-383-4360 irrigated hay pastures, s caping, ho t tub , Whether you need a deck. $275 , 000. ate your own magnifithegarnergroup.com quality irrigation sys- double car g a rage fence fixed, hedges cent Central Oregon MLS¹201306172 tem, fences, versatile p lus m u ltiple R V trimmed or a house country estate? This $650,000 I This home Bobbie Strome, hay barn with office parking area. i ncredible 4 0 ac r e must be experienced! Principal Broker built, you'll find and comf o rtable 5 41-480-7183 B a r p arcel w i t h pan Over 200 photos of John L Scott Real manuf'd home for an bara Myers, Broker professional help in oramic Cas c a de home at Estate 541-385-5500 income pr o d ucing 541-923-4663 M ountain views i s The Bulletin's "Call a 14goldeneagle.com. temp home, and per- Windermere Ce n t ral ado r able ready for you to build Precious woods, over Absolutely Service Professional" fect for a replacement Oregon Real Estate 15' tall N atatorium cottage with l a rge, your n e w cu s t om dwelling. 20625 BeDirectory home on an elevated River & Mt . V iews! beautifully landmis Lane, $595,000. $339,900 I Close to the building site. Privately 541-385-5809 P riced so yo u c a n scaped lot in the heart Old Mill. A very invitGary Everett, CCIM located in th e v e ry of Bend, located just ing feel inside and customize. Principal Broker 541-771-0049. J a r ib above the Ol d M i ll desirable T e k ampe out. close to the Old 59+ A c r e 541-480-6130 Ir r igated jus t Mill, schools, hiking Custom Home! Farm Porter, Broker D istrict. This i s t h e n eighborhood Joan Steelhammer, perfect hideaway! Up- south of Bend. The trails and shopping. property - Horse, 541-388-0404. Broker Fantastic n e i ghbor- cattle and hay, 59+ Windermere Ce n t ral d ates i nclude n e w lush hay pastures are 541-419-3717 Oregon Real Estate r oof & sidin g , fully irrigated with a hood where pride of Remax acres, 4 0 i r r igated exterior/interior paint, computerized sprino wnership real l y Key Properties (COI) by pivot, cusnew s o lid s u r face k ler system and 6 shows. 541728-4499, Need to get an built home. 48x60 flooring, new s t ain- ponds. A 6000 sq ft $259,000 I Ready for Aaron Ballweber, Bro- tom h ay barn, 7 h o r se ad in ASAP? Horses. 409 Acre w/3 ker, 541-388-0404. less steel appliances solid foundation has stalls, a m ust s ee! You can place it acre irrigation, fenced Windermere and fresh new land- been installed for a Ce n t ral Call Tom Roth, Broand cross fenced, irri- Oregon Real Estate scaping. Over-sized c ustom home w i t h online at: ker, 541-771-6549 double car g arage. various design o pg ation e q uip. in - $344,900 I 9740 W ilJohn L. Scott www.bendbulletin.com cluded, RV h o okup lard Rd., Bend. AcreFully fenced back- tions. Mature t rees Real Estate, Bend and water f e ature, yard and e n closed plus over 1200 existwww.johnlscott.com ge b o rders B L M 541-385-5809 comfy 3 bdrm, 2 bath a space with a 10' gate ing trees in a nursery land, completely acclimated to Central home. 541-480-7777, next to garage. 324 5 Acre View Lots. SE several cor6 900 N E 1 s t St . Oregon. 20970 Diana Barker, broker, fenced, SW Roosevelt Ave. Riverdance Rd., r als, 4 bedr o o m Breathtaking mtn P rice r e duced t o Sholes Rd. 541-923-4633. Prineville. Ready to home, master suite, view, bright rooms, $270,000 $1,150,000. Windermere C e n tral covered porch, 3 bay build lots with wells, large windows, mas- Neil McDaniel Broker Gary Everett, CCIM Oregon Real Estate shop garage, chicken paved access, power siver river rock firePrincipal Broker 541-350-9579 $259,900 I A te r r ific house, large parkway. at street and septic 541-480-6130 place, 6 bays in 2 ga- Fred Real Estate Group home, great neigh- 541-410-8557, D ave feasibility i n p l a ce. rages, detached guest Joan Steelhammer, borhood. RV parking, Disney, Broker, $75,000 - $82,500. cottage. $ 7 0 0,000.Call The Bulletin At Broker open floor plan, gran- 541388-0404. Scott McLean, MLS¹2013011681 541-419-3717 541-385-5809 ite counters, newer Windermere Principal Broker Ce n t ral The Garner Group Remax 541-408-6908 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail appl., large fenced Oregon Real Estate 541-383-4360 Key Properties backyard. Realty Executives At: www.bendbulletin.com thegarnergroup.com 541-639-6307, Sicily $ 354,000 I 4 228 S W Luse, Broker, Tommy Armour Lane, e njoy living i n t h i s 541-388-0404. Windermere Ce n t ral custom home on the 5th tee at the Greens. Oregon Real Estate 2 Ma s te r sui t es, 2601 NW Crossing Dr. handicap accessible, e • e Vaulted coffered ceil- large deck, purchase ings, beautiful stone includes a golf cart. fireplace, master on- 5 41-480-7183, B a r main level, loft and bara Myers, Broker, bonus room, faces 541-388-4663. Compass Park. Windermere Ce n t ral $649,000 Oregon Real Estate MLS¹201306078 $359,000 I Panoramic The Garner Group Views, 3548 V alley 541-383-4360 View Drive. Beautithegarnergroup.com fully maintained 2300 $268,000 I 55932 Black + sq.ft. home with 3 D uck R d . , Be n d . bdrm, 2.5 bath, plus a Single level home, on bonus room 023 acres a 1/2 acre, open floor c orner lot in a S W plan, vaulted ceilings, n eighborhood wi t h 2 car garage, land- 500 + sq.ft. of com-

if Count on our group of local real estate professionals to help you navigate.


<n s s > n,

' $N urd~z •



The Bulletin

scaped, fenced yard, RV shelter, minutes from Sunriver Resort. 541-410-1200,

Bil l




QQQ+p+p$ f

2341 NW Floyd Ln.



• Sunny courtyard patio • Vaulted & 10' ceilings • Hardwood & tile finishes • Bright, cheerful interior • Priced at $429,900


OIRECTIONS:West on Skyliners Rd.,

right on NW Lemhi Pass 0r., right on NW Floyd Ln,


(yp Q~il


Bend R, Central O r e gon ggi iggigg 20523 Avro Pl. • Selection of 3-br plans • Gas fireplace, tile counters • Energy-saving construction • Energy Star, EA certified • Homes priced from $179,950 WO


-pA R

DIRECTIONS:From Empire Ave., north on


Boyd Acres Rd., left on NEGloucester Ln., right on NE Lancaster St., left on NE Avro Pl.

2938 NE Dogwood Dr. • Open great room • Vaulted ceilings • Slab kitchen counters • Energy efficient • Priced at $284,950 DIRECTIONS:From Hwy. 20 E north on NE 27th St., right on NE Conners Ave., left on

NE RedbayLn., right on NEDogwood Dr.

21160 Claremont Ct. • Bright corner lot • Open great room plan • Slab granite island • Vaulted ceilings • Priced at $358,000 DIRECTIONS:From Hwy. 20 East, south on 27th St., right on SEClaremont Ct.

posite decki n g. 5 41-604-1649, G a i l R ogers, Brok e r , 541-388-0404.

b r o ker,Windermere C e n tral 541-388-0404. Oregon Real Estate Windermere Ce n t ral 3.68 Acres j $899,500 Oregon Real Estate • 4760 sq.ft. $ 279,000 I 1654 9 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Wayne Drive, La Pine. • On the Deschutes 16 + Acres, close to River town, backs to BLM • MLS 201202960 lands, large s ingle Brandon Fairbanks, level home, multiple Broker, SRES, out buildings includGRI, CDPE ing gree n house. 541-383-4344 5 41-771-1168, E r i c A ndrews, Bro k e r, 541-388-0404. Windermere Ce n t ral Oregon Real Estate MORRIS $285,500 I 1937 ArborREAL ESTATE wood Ave. P assive solar heat, c ustom home in Tanglewood. Find exactly what Solarium opens onto great room, main floor you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS master w/jetted tub. •

541-946-3371, P atty

Dempsey, An d r ea$419,000 I 18 Modoc Phelps, Cleme Rine- Lane, Sunriver, OR. hart. R ecent remodel i n Windermere Ce n t ral 2011. Three master Oregon Real Estate suites, move in ready, close to e v erything $289,000 I Immaculate Sunriver Home on large corner Owner occupy offers. or inlot. 4 bdrm full of up- vestment. grades inc l u ding 541-410-8084. Susan hardwood floors, slate Pitarro, entry, ss appliances, 541-388-0404 Broker, kitchen granite Ce n t ral c ounters & lar g e Windermere breakfast bar. Master Oregon Real Estate has a tile shower & $475,000 I 2109 0 dble sinks. Also an in- Young Ave. Delightful sulated & finished 3 4.85 acre p roperty, car tandem garage, single level open concurb edged f lower- cept home, fenced for animals, 3.6 acre of beds, pergola & RV gated backyard so C OI, w i t h pon d . you can park your 541-946-3371, Patty toys! 5 4 1 -480-7183 Dempsey, An d r ea Barbara Myers, Bro- Phelps, Cleme Rineker 541-923-4663 hart. Windermere Ce n t ral Windermere C e n tral Oregon Real Estate Oregon Real Estate $289,000 I Per f e ct $499,900 I 20297 Home, 2.36 acres of Swalley Rd., Bend. 5 p rivacy an d o p e n Acres, Tumalo propspace, huge master erty w/mtn views. upw/ jetted tub, gas fire- dated home w/family place, solar tubes and room not included in large windows. Con- assessor sq.ft. Barn, crete covered patio, shop, g r e enhouse, bonus room off t he storage buildings and oversized ga r age. 4 acres of irrigation. 5 41-420-3891, B o b 5 41-410-1200, Bil l Ahern, Broker, Kammerer, B r o ker, 541-923-4663 541-388-0404. Windermere Ce n t ralWindermere Ce n t ral Oregon Real Estate Oregon Real Estate

63060 Campion Pl •

• .43acre cul-de-sac lot • Spacious master • In-law suite on main level • Bonus room, gameroom • Priced at $419,900


DIRECTIONS:Head north on the Bend Parkway andtakethe Empire exit.Turn right

Here's how it works:

onto Empire. Turn right on Campion Pl.


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Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

ASTOUNDING Custom & M o v e-in E agle C rest, 1 1 3 58Eagle Crest, Tour of If you are looking for a NE Bend j $745,000 Private 8 sec l udedSoutheast Prineville Sunriver j $340,000 CASCADE VIEWS Ready! This 2009 MH Highcrest Ct . 2 6 81 Homes Award Winvery unique h o me • Custom 2152 sq.ft. home, yet close to 2 290 sq ft , 3 b e d - • Light & cheerful Gated, westside, has 3 bdrms, 2 baths, sq.ft. 3 b d rm , 2. 5 ner. 4 Bdrm, 4.5 bath, with awesome views, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath town. All new kitchen r ooms, 2 bath s , • 1526 sq.ft. mountain views - The upgrades gal o re. bath, + office & forbonus room and for- you must check this • 3.59 acres, 3600 sq.ft. a ppliances. Lin e d mountain vie w sm, • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Highlands at Broken Spacious living room, mal dining room, great m al d i n ing. 4 0 0 1 one out. Beautiful 3 Shop pond for swimming & new floors in l iving • MLS 201303490 Top. 10.28 Acres beautiful kitchen, 2 room plan, all pre- Sq.ft., 4X Award Win- bdrm, 3.5 bath, 3528 • MLS 201306453 water fun w/pool filter room, huge covered Jackie French, Broker 541-480-2269 Offered at $495,000 dining areas and an mium finishes. ner in 2006. sq.ft., 1 .8 6 a c r es, Greg Miller PC, Broker, system & water fead eck, all on a v e ry Cate Cushman, additional 500 sq ft of $482,388 MLS vaulted ceilings, living CRS, GRI ture. Passive solar nice 2 acre rural lot. $799,900. 541-408-1511 Principal Broker enclosed living space. Lynn Johns, Principal ¹201300467 room, family room, h eat sin k p a r t o f $180,000. fg 541-480-1884 Large backyard, too! Broker, 541-408-2944 Lynn Johns, Principal dining room, game heating system. Great MLS¹201304607 www.catecushman.com $65,900. Central Oregon Broker, 541-408-2944 room an d l a u ndry room affords e asy Scott McLean, Cy Call Resort Realty Central Oregon room. Great decks in family living. G reat Principal Broker MORRIS Beautiful fun c t ional MLS¹201305879 541-408-6908 Brown, Bro- Eagle Crest, 1272 Trail Resort Realty the front and back. natural light from large REAL ESTATE single-level home, on Teresa 541-788-8661 Pond with a waterfall. w indows 8 doo r s . Realty Executives MORRIS Creek Dr. 2321 sq.ft. Eagle Crest, Tour of 2.76 acres with irriga- ker,John I d p d ly t ) d d t)p t d L. Scott Landscaped throughEnjoy the treed surREAL ESTATE tion, has been com3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, + Spacious & B e autiful Real Estate, Bend Homes Award Winout the property with r ounding, pon d & o ffice, g reat r o o m ner! 5 Bdrm, 4.5 bath, SW Bend j $169,900 pletely updated, insystem. Atwater feature. Huge property with comfort- • 1104 sq.ft. c luding beam e d www.johnlscott.com plan, all premium fin- + bonus room with of- sprinkler able spaces for vartached 2 car garage North La Pine Custom family r e c room ishes. $458,868 • 3 bedroom, 1 bath vaulted ceilings, new Deschutes River In fice, 5495 sq.ft., tons p lus a 4 0 'x52' d e- on 1.3 Acre - Custom w/plenty o f b u i lt-in ied family interests. • .42 acre lot w indows, door s , Bend j $399,000 Lynn Johns, Principal Exquisite t e akwood of extras. $949,000. tached shop and storsingle-level w / open storage cabinets & f looring, carpet; a ll • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Broker, 541-408-2944 • MLS 201305971 MLS ¹201203650 age buildings. MLS f loor p l a n ; la r g e counters. 5 bedrooms flooring in foyer, living Deborah Benson PC, gas appliances, gran- • Cascade Mountain Central Oregon a rea & gour m et Lynn Johns, Principal ¹201306582. kitchen w/island; cen(2 in main level & 3 on views Resort Realty Broker, GRI, i te t ile kitc h e n Broker, 541-408-2944 $525,000 tral AC; huge RV pole 2nd floor). Small barn kitchen. Kitchen has counters, cedar decks • 1.2 acres Preview Specialist granite countertops, Eagle Crest, 173 HighCentral Oregon Cascade Realty, barn 8 2nd enclosed w ith 2 s t a lls, t a c k 541-480-6448 and Hardi Plank sid- • MLS 201304499 large island, planning l and Meadow L p . Resort Realty Dennis Haniford, bldg w/shop, guest room, shop area & ing. Amazing Casdesk & numerous oak 2321 sq.ft. 3 b drm, Principal Broker storage room. quarters, gar a g e. cade Mountain and cabinets. Master bed 2.5 bath, + o f f ice,Gracious Living on the 541-536-1731 Info/pix at www.Cen- $650,000 MLS¹ canal views. Separoom on main level great room plan, all Perfect Central OrtralOrHome.com/fea201302745 rate viewing deck with with luxurious bathpremium fin i shes. egon Estate! This elLa Pine j $112,900 tured. Call Ed Green, Bobbie Strome, mesa table, hot tub. 2 room & private deck. MORRIS egant 4 bed r oom• 1404 sq.ft. manufac$402,777 broker, 541-598-5666. Principal Broker natural gas fireplaces Large f a m ily/media REAL ESTATE Lynn Johns, Principal home as the ambi- tured John L. Scott John L Scott Real + woodburning fireMORRIS room & ga m e/rec Broker, 541-408-2944 ance o f a cla s sic • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Real Estate, Bend Estate 541-385-5500 place in living room$555, 0 00 REAL ESTATE Central Oregon southern estate with • 1.02 acres www.johnlscott.com Private Setting Close to r oom. too many details to MLS¹ 201303078 I d p d d y O d d t)p I Resort Realty Cascade M o u ntain• MLS 201304556 Tanglewood - Great lolist! 61707 Ward Rd. Deschutes River Bobbie Strome, cation! This well kept Good classified ads tell D esirable N E Red - Eagle Crest, 1850 Mur- views. It is nestled on Rachel Lemas, Broker $599,950 T his 1 9 9 8 Goo d Principal Broker an amazing 19 acre 541-383-4359 home ha s gr a nite the essential facts in an m ond location. No relet Dr. 2020 sq.ft. 3 Neil McDaniel, Broker Sense home is apJohn L Scott Real counters, a new roof, m a ni541-896-1263 interesting Manner. Write carpet in this home, bdrm, 2 b ath, great p arcel w it h 541-350-9579 p roved for FH A f i Estate 541-385-5500 cured pastures, huge a n e w h o t w a ter from the readers view - not Fred Real Estate Group flooring is hardwood room plan, all prenancing. Enjoy heater, large deck 8 pond and a o r tile. 2410 SF, 3 the seller's. Convert the mium finishes. irrigation Spacious home on 13th Cg p eaceful s uns e ts tree-lined, gated enfenced yal'd. Beautiful Log Home on bdrm, 2.5 baths. Huge $368,066 facts into benefits. Show w/Paulina view all on f airway. Kitchen h a s MLS¹201306286 Call the Bi g D e schutes b onus room, n e w Lynn Johns, Principal try. This breathtaking the reader how the item will a tranquil 1.18 acre Jenn-Air range island River - 4 bdrms, 2 full fencing 8 sod. OutJim King, P r incipal MORRIS Broker, 541-408-2944 custom home has all help them in someway. private lot. Little Des- slide-out shelves. Mas- broker, 541-693-8761 bath vacation home door storage shed & the quality features Central Oregon REAL ESTATE This ter boasts a 2 sided c hutes R iver b o a t John L. Scott with a view of Broken finished 2-car garage. you will desire. GourResort Realty I dp d lyO d d Op d advertising tip r amp a c ross th e fireplace, deep soaking Real Estate, Bend T op. Can r en t f o r $174,900. met kitchen with granbrought to youby tub, sep. shower. Awestreet. 1620 sf with 3 Eagle Crest, 204 Highite island, spacious www.johnlscott.com $300 per night. Drink MLS¹201304850. AdLa Pine j $149,900 large bdrms and 2 full some golf course views. a cup of coffee in the ditional info/pictures at land Meadow Loop. great room with brick • 1922 sq.ft. The Bulletin r e d uced to The Lake House - 4th baths. Detached stu- Price 2020 sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 fireplace, grand stair- • 3 bedroom, 2 bath m orning, vie w t h e www.johnlscott.com/5 $515,000! dio, oversized garage/ bath, great room plan, beautiful river or encase e ntry, f o rmal fairway, private set• 1 acre 6329 Shelley Arnold, all premium finishes. MLS¹201305100 s hop, R V dum p / dining room, den with • MLS 201304830 joy the sunset in the NOTICE: ting, 3 bedroom, 3~/~ Broker 541-771-9329 www.johnlscott.com/20 hookup. Call today! $360,566 evening - it's up to fireplace, office and All real estate adverbath, 3538 sq ft, ofJohn L. Scott Darryl Doser, 002 Faye Phillips, BroMarci S c h oenberg, Lynn Johns, Principal fered at $895,000. you. All of this in your private master suite. tised here in is subBroker, CRS Real Estate, Bend ker 541-480-2945 Broker, 541-610-7803 Broker, 541-408-2944 own backyard! NaThere is a separate 3 Cate Cushman, ject to t h e F e deral www.johnlscott.com 541-383-4334 John L. Scott John L. Scott Central Oregon bedroom guest house Principal Broker dine Ash, Broker, call F air Housing A c t , Real Real Estate, Bend Estate, Bend Downtown Bend j Resort Realty 541 -390-401 7. with garage, h uge which makes it illegal 541-480-1884 www.johnlscott.com www.johnlscott.com $719,000 Cg barn/RV garage with www.catecushman.com John L. Scott to advertise any prefEagle Crest, 227 HighR eal Est a te , B e n d • 2593 sq.ft. erence, limitation or Providence j $235,000 l and Meadow L p . warehouse s t orage, SUN MEADOW • 2 master suites www.johnlscott.com discrimination based • 1798 sq.ft. traditional 5 bedrooms, 3.5 baths The p erfect s e tting; 2681 sq.ft. 3 b drm, d ouble b a r n wi t h MORRIS • Historic characterh orse stalls & w e l l on race, color, reli• 4 bedroom, 3 bath Broken Top first fair2.5 bath, + office & in a 3465 +/- sq. ft. Big Deschutes River j REAL ESTATE renovated house/office with degion, sex, handicap, • Landscaped,fenced home on a 7841 sq.ft. way, mature ponderoformal dining room, $298,000 I dp d lyO d d Op d • MLS 201301793 luxe dog kennel. Be familial status or nalot acr e s . lot Like new Pahlisch sas, . 35 • 1700 sq.ft. great room plan, all Diane Robinson, tional origin, or inten- • MLS 201306333 home with upgrades offered at $275,000. premium fin i shes. careful what you wish La Pine j $395,000 • 3 bedroom, 2 bath Broker, ABR for...imagine the l i ftion to make any such Craig Long, Broker Cate Cushman, throughout! Open • .50 acre lot, shared $433,388 sq.ft. 541-419-8165 estyle this p roperty •• 2784 preferences, l i m itaPrincipal Broker 541-480-7647 vaulted ceiling in great Lynn Johns, Principal 3 bedroom, 2 bath dock offers with room for all tions or discrimination. 541-480-1884 Broker, 541-408-2944 room with gas fire• MLS 201306059 • 5.09 acres your family, guests, • MLS 201305321 We will not knowingly place and a stone sur- www.catecushman.com Central Oregon horses, with green- Michael J Hopp, Broker accept any advertisResort Realty round with 2 built-ins house and abundant ing for r ea l e state for TV & electronics. This home and prop541-390-0504 Eagle Crest, 257 HighMORRIS wildlife. Plus there is which is in violation of Kitchen with k n otty erty is set up to live. MORRIS l and M e adow L p . room for your RVs REAL ESTATE this law. All persons pine cabinets, extra Low mai n tenance REAL ESTATE 2321 sq.ft. 3 b d rm, and all your toys & are hereby informed lighting, stainless ap- yard with very nice I d p d II O H dOI 2.5 bath, + o f f ice, equipment. that all dwellings adpliances, eating bar & l andscaping, s o m e Downtown Condo j MORRIS great room plan, all 60605 Billadeau Rd. vertised are available Remodeled Home with dining area. Large up- g rass in f r ont a n d $925,000 MORRIS REAL ESTATE premium fin i shes. $1,395,000. on an equal opportuShop and Apartmentstairs fa m ily/bonus b ack, f e nced d o g • 2651 sq.ft., Single REAL ESTATE $433,388 t&p d l) O d da p« d Gary Everett, CCIM nity basis. The Bulle- Rare find i n B e nd. room w/fantastic win- area, covered r ear level Lynn Johns, Principal Principal Broker I dp d l)O d d O p d tin Classified R emodeled sin g le dows. Large master deck. 14'x20' Look at: • 3 suites Broker, 541-408-2944 541-480-6130 nestled in pine bedroom w / w indow screened party room • 360' views from roofBendhomes.com La Pine Gem; custom Popular Kings Forest story Central Oregon Joan Steelhammer, trees w/separate 1 seat, extra room for with B BQ , 1 5 ' x20' top patio for Complete Listings of Resort Realty builder's home. 1674 Neighborhood - This Broker bdrm apt., attchd to sitting, sewing or of- work or c raft s hop MLS 201304202 sq.ft. home w/ 28x40 custom re m odeled Area Real Estate for Sale •Darrin 541-419-3717 workshop! Perfect for fice, h ug e w a l k-in (unfinished) 24'x50' 3 Kelleher, Broker Eagle Crest, 456 Nutshop on 1.37 acres. 4-bedroom home is Remax an in-home business, bay shop with upper c racker D r. , 2 0 2 0 Master b ath Brand Ne w C u s tom The Kelleher Group Holly Garner, Broker nestled in the p ine extra family, guests, closet. Key Properties sq.ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, w/soaking tub, storage. Home has 4 Home, situated on the 541-788-0029 541-480-4208 trees on over i/2 acre or rental. New kitchen great room plan, all separate WC, bdrm, 3 bath, large 2 nd tee box of t h e a popular neighbor- w/deluxe c a b inetry, shower, premium fin i shes.Great location in Red- Fred Real Estate Group in tile counters & floor. open living area, ofchallenge course at hood. Brazilian cherry mond! Single-level 3 dy SS appls, new fur$355,566 ca r ga r age fice of den off living Eagle Crest Resort. Log Home Close wood floors with tile & nace/water h e a ter, Triple bdrm, 2 bath home in Lynn Johns, Principal w/ext. door to fenced room. Al l b u ildings 2321 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, to Bend...Do Not Miss slate accents were great condition. 10' new floor coverings, /paved R V Broker, 541-408-2944 pkg . have m eta l r o o fs. 2.5 bath, + office, 3 MORRIS This! utilized thr o ughout ceilings, gas forced drive, elect. $499,999. Central Oregon Horse property, on c ar g a rage, M L S Incredible opportunity to this neat home. Fea- windows, REAL ESTATE air heat & gas fire& more. 2 m a ster Resort Realty Bobbie Strome, paved r d. MLS ¹201307225. place. Nicely l a nd- own this beautiful log tures custom maple suites, family rm 2/ FP Principal Broker ¹201207419 $469,900 Eagle Crest, 942 Trail scaped with fenced home nestled in the kitchen, vaulted living & dbl car garage. PriJohn L Scott Real $284,900 Lynn Johns, Principal Just too many Creek Dr.. 2321 sq.ft. backyard. $179,900. pine trees on over two room & m ai n l evel v ate f e nced y a r d Estate 541-385-5500 Cascade Realty, Broker, 541-408-2944 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, + collectibles? Call E llen C l ough, a cres just w est o f master. There is room mature trees, Dennis Haniford, Central Oregon o ffice, great r o o m ABR, CRS, B roker, Bend in the popular to park your RV plus w/many RV The Bulletin Principal Broker Resort Realty Saddleback N e i gh- large decks to enjoy greenhouse, plan, all premium fin541-480-7180 p arking w/dump & 541-536-1731 Sell them in To Subscribe call ishes. $413,277 borhood. It features 3 time o utside. V e ry www.johnlscott.com/6 Bridge Creek j state-of-the-art septic 541-385-5800 or go to The Bulletin Classifieds Lynn Johns, Principal bedrooms plus a loft, c omfortable hom e system. 19821 Pon5966 $345,000 Broker, 541-408-2944 small great room with with elbow room and derosa, $388,000. www.bendbulletin.com Three Pines Contem• 1846 sq.ft. John L. Scott porary j $624,900 Central Oregon g as s t ove, o p e n open living s pace. Real Estate, Bend • 3 suites, 3.5 bath Gary Everett, CCIM 541-385-5809 Sunriver j $245,000 • New construction Resort Realty kitchen with bay win- Currently a vacation • Convenient location www.johnlscott.com Principal Broker • 1230 sq.ft. condo 2825 sq.ft. dow, upstairs family rental. Call for more • MLS 201302444 541-480-6130 Drake Park Historic Eagle Crest, Beautifully • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • 4 bedroom, 3 bath room and cozy sundetails. 20961 King Kelly Neuman, Great starter home 3 Joan Steelhammer, • Golf Course view District j $975,000 Maintained, 3 Bdrm, • .23 acre treed lot room. Neat master Hezekiah Way. bdrm, 2 b ath, 1008 Principal Broker • 3628 sq.ft. Broker 2.5 bath, 2151 sq.ft., • MLS 201303748 • MLS 201306372 suite w i t h va u lted $398,000. 541-480-2102 sq. ft. with single car • 4 bedroom, 4 bath 541-419-3717 large .42 acre lot, golf Jack Johns, Cathy Del Nero, ceilings & pri v ate Gary Everett, CCIM garage, priced to sell • Beautifully finished Remax course & mtn views. Broker, CSP Broker, GRI Principal Broker quickly. $11 5 ,000. deck. Enjoy the rural • MLS 201306204 Key Properties $399,900. MLS 541-480-9300 541-410-5280 lifestyle but close to 541-480-6130 MLS ¹201307279 Michelle Tisdel PC, ¹201305499 and schools. Rural Ranchette, Bend. Joan Steelhammer, Broker, ABR, E-pro Lynn Johns, Principal Pam Lester, Princ. Bro- town 63474 Bridle Ln 4-Her ready! 3318 sq Broker fg 541-390-3490 MORRIS Broker, 541-408-2944 ker, Century 21 Gold $498,000 541-419-3717 ft, 4 b e drooms, 3.5 Country Realty, Inc. Central Oregon REAL ESTATE Gary Everett, CCIM Remax baths, 5 .7 4 a c r es 541-504-1338 Resort Realty IM*p d t y O d dOI d MORRIS Principal Broker w/5.16 ac of solid set Key Properties MORRIS 541-480-6130 REAL ESTATE Eagle Crest C ustom H ager Mountain E s irrigation. RV garage/ Call for Pricing I 20604 REAL ESTATE Joan Steelhammer, P owell B u t te , Pa n - shop and small barn. built beauty. 5 Bdrm, tates - 4 lots, $30,000 Hummingbird L a ne. I d p & d y O d d Op « d MORRIS oramic views, 3/2.5, $650,000. Broker 3 .5 bath, + b o n u s each located in Silver MLS¹ Foxborough corner lot REAL ESTATE 1393 sq.ft., o n 6+ room with office, 4895 541-419-3717 201306026 h ome, 3 b d rm, 2 . 5 Lake. U n derground acres, 40x60 Remax sq.ft., tons of custom power and conduit for Scott McLean, bath, open floor plan, shop/RV. Renovated Ranch Living Key Properties Principal Broker u pstairs 2 larg e Eagle Crest, 10037 Ju- work. $795,000. MLS phone and internet. Holly Garner, Broker 541-408-6908 bdrms, w / walk in niper G le n C i r cle, ¹201301391 V iews o f Hage r 541-480-4208 + Look at t his B eauty! Realty Executives closets, loft area, ter- 2020 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 Lynn Johns, Principal Mountain. Septic fearain views, yard fully bath, great room plan, Broker, 541-408-2944 sibility fo r s t andard Country living close to Fred Real Estate Group Single Level j Lots of living space 5/3 ranch! Many Central Oregon f enced, patio a n d all premium finishes. system. The area is a town! Mountain views, Pride o f own e rship $499,000 Resort Realty sportsman's paradise. 5-stall barn, 2600 sf new renovations, G arage converted porch. 541-480-6790, $345,566 shows in this beauti• 2896 sq.ft. home, shop, gazebo, f ul 3 b d rm, 2 b a t h • 3 bedroom, 3 bath Jake 8 Loretta Moor- Lynn Johns, Principal Bobbie Strome, Need help fixing stuff? to separate living quarters with living greenhouse, 38y Broker, Principal Broker head, Broker, 541-408-2944 acres Call A Service Professional acres, irrigation. You home. New vinyl win- •• 5MLS 541-388-0404. Central Oregon John L Scott Real r oom, b e droom, k i t c henette, f u l l 201304836 dows, hea t p u m p, find the help you need. CAN have it all! Call Windermere Ce n t ral Estate 541-385-5500 Resort Realty Jean Nelsen, Broker, n ew well i n 2 0 1 0 , Jane Strell, Broker, www.bendbulletin.com handicapped equipped bathroom with Oregon Real Estate metal roof and overABR, GRI Eagle Crest, 10127 Ju541-420-3927 Hillside French Chasized g a rage/shop. 541-948-7998 w alk-in shower, Perfect fo r m u l t i Call today! I 2317 Fis- niper Glen C i rcle.E agle C r e st , Go l f www.johnlscott.com/7 - Copper CupoThis home has a spasure Lp, Redmond. 3 2321 sq.ft. 3 b drm, c ourse C h alet. 2 teau 4510 las, Slate Roof, Stone generational family, group home, or cious living area with o f f ice, Bdrm, 2 bath, + loft, Bdrm, 2 bath, master 2.5 bath, + John L. Scott 4 Bedrooms, a s e parate f a mily w/jetted tub, quiet SW great room plan, all 1361 sq.ft., includes Exterior. care home, Close to schools fL in a Real Estate, Bend 4 Baths, 4152 sq. ft., room. The kitchen is location near school, premium fin i shes. hot tub . $ 1 99,000, Offered ai www.johnlscott.com open with appliances good neighborhood, Huge yard with shopping, easy ac- $388,868 MLS $201302424 MORRIS $2,395,000. cess. Fenced yard, Lynn Johns, Principal Lynn Johns, Principal Luxurious Ge t away; included. Outside is a REAL ESTATE mature landscaping BC RV parking, Cate Cushman, Broker, 541-408-2944 deck, sprinklers, craft Broker, 541-408-2944 Residence Club Villa covered RV area with I d p d II O d dOI Principal Broker hookups. Located on Central Oregon Central Oregon room, finished garage. at Pronghorn; 3 bdrm, 541-480-1884 541-410-8084, Susan Resort Realty Resort Realty 3 bath, 2,227 sq.ft., a corner lot with ac$158,346 + MLS¹201307287 Take care of Pitarro Broker, Eagle C rest, 1 0 2 35 E agle C r e s t Gol f www.catecushman.com one twelfth interest. cess from paved Day rd. Don't let this one your investments 541-388-0404. Ridge Lp. Course Townhome. 2 Hollow Pine E s tates $35,000. get away from you. Windermere Ce n t ral Sundance Cate Cushman, 2681 sq.ft. 3 b drm, Bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1277 Just Listed! $325,000. MLS ¹ 20 1 3 01715. with the help from Oregon Real Estate Principal Broker s q.ft., G reat r o o m 110 SE Airpark Dr., 2.5 bath, + office & $117,500 The Bulletin's 541-480-1884 formal dining room, floor plan, fully furBend. 1950 sq.ft., 4 Crooked River j Cascade Realty, "Call A Service n ished w / ho t t u b . b drm, 3.5 b a th , 2 www.catecushman.com great room plan, all $269,900 Dennis Haniford, • Custom 1733 sq.ft. premium fin i shes. $180,000. MLS m aster, RV , l a rge Principal Broker Professional" Directory NE Bend j $239,000 ¹201303749 home $484,388 backyard, many up- • 2135 541-536-1731 sq.ft. craftsman • 5.19 private acres Lynn Johns, Principal Lynn Johns, Principal grades. S ingle-Story G e m • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Broker, 541-408-2944 • Shop, corral & Broker, 541-408-2944 Scott McLean, Custom built 3 bdrm 2 • Easy maintenance peek-a-boo views Central Oregon Central Oregon Principal Broker Get your bath home, vaulted yal'd Resort Realty 541-408-6908 • MLS 201308119 Resort Realty business • MLS 201307454 ceilings, lots of natuCarolyn Priborsky PC, Eagle Crest, 1082 Trail Eagle Crest, P rivacy Realty Executives ral lighting. .72 acre Christy HartmanBroker, ABR, CRS, lot, city sewer, Avion Creek Dr. 2681 sq.ft. with views. 3 Bdrm, Ideal building location, DeCourcey, Broker GREEN a ROW I N G w ater. B u il d y o u r 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, + 3.5 bath, 3245 sq.ft., 541-312-7263 541-383-4350 B roken To p ni n t h office & formal dining dual master suites, dream wor k shop! fairway, natural terJoan Dudley, Principal Broker MLS¹201304840 r oom, g reat r o o m amazing Smith Rock with an ad in rain. .34 acres. Ofviews. $478,800. MLS www.johnlscott.com/3 plan, all premium finThe Bulletin's www JoanDudley,com fered at $239,000. 6385 Call Julie Mehl, ishes. $479,288 ¹201207678 Cate Cushman, "Call A Service Lynn Johns, Principal Lynn Johns, Principal Broker, 541-410-5565 RE/MAX Out West Realty Principal Broker MORRIS MORRIS John L. Scott Broker, 541-408-2944 Broker, 541-408-2944 Professional" 541-480-1884 REAL ESTATE 541-306-7618 + 541-447-8993 REAL ESTATE Central Oregon Central Oregon Real Estate, Bend Directory www.catecushman.com t&p d l )0 d d ap d www.johnlscott.com Resort Realty Resort Realty ly0 d dOp « d •





d •

/,/ I I

//, I I /

Peaceful and serene 4 bedroom single level ranch home. Immaculate condition. Bend's best rural area close to shopping, medical & schonls. Quiet location. Mountain views, underground irrigation. Master suite nicely separated from other bedrooms. Hardwood floors. Barn with 24x34 finished honus room ahnve. Triple garage. RV hookup area. II388,000

This home has 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths, Oak hardwood, tile and slate floors. Gas fireplace in living room, good sized

RICK COFFIN, Principal Broker REALTV

RICK COFFIN) Prfnciprrl Broker

OIIice: 541-385-5069 or CelL 541-480-9947

of Central Oregon


$l k4a

dining area. Master bedroom on the main level, huge walk-in closet, tile bath, double sinks & shower, Huge honus/loft area. Covered front porch. Private paver patio & fenced backyard. Mature landscaping. Triple attached

800 sq. ft. garage. II373,900

Office: 541-385-5069 or Cell: 541-480-9947

Of Celldpal OregOn






I I '


I i



tndependently Owned and Operated








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.,np 5'l



•I •I

DOWNTOW NBENDl $2,000,000 pAUIAVANVLKK, ' Ri«rfront prop«ty • Commercial development BRpKER '

• .48acre lot

541-280-7774 • MLS 201206150


~ wm-


• 4 bedroom, 3.5bath • On river across fromColumbia Park 541-322-1500 • MLS 201305668



• 2787 sq.ft. home • 4 bedroom, 4 bath • 26.62 acres, barn,indoor4outdoor arenas

541-480-2966 • MLS 201307600

• 14+ acres in proposed UGB • 2425 sq.ft. country estate • Barn, indoor arena

541-977-5811 • MLS 201305364

JUDYME YERS, BRQKER GRICRS • 3 bedroorn, I bath • .42 acre lot SRES 541 480 1922 • MLS 20I305971

, ji

44 • t



SW BEND l $169,900


• n tn





-: ~






• 3628 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 4 bath • Beautifully finished • MLS 201306204



• 2272 sq.ft, farmhouse • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Breathtaking Cascade views • MLS 201307141

NORTH WESTCROSSINGl $674,500 RpSE MARTampWIH • 2750 sq.ft., RV parktng BROKER ,CERTIFIED ' 4 bed« t>m 3 b«h • Earth Advantage Silver, NEGOTITA OR 541-706-1897 • MLS 201305721


THRE EPINESCONTEMPORARYl $624,900 • New construction 2825 sq.ft.


• 4 bedroom 3 bath • 23 acre treed lot 541-948-5880 • MLS 201306372


• Huge Cascade Mountain views • 6.4 acres

• 4 bedroom,3.5 bath, 2606sq.ft. ' MLS 201307561

88 r.h


SUNRIVER l $619,500 SUSAN AGLI, BROKER , ABR, ALHS 6SRES 541-408-3773

• 2680 sq.ft.

• 3 bedroom, 3 bath • 1st Fairway Woodlands G,C.

• MLS 201302081

SEBENDl $599,000 SHERR YPERRIGAN, • 2440 sq.ft. s»gle-level • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath BROKER • .87acre lot

541.410.4938 • MLS 201307336


CASC ADEMOUNTAINVIEWSl $595,000 DIANELOZITO, BRpKLR 541-548-3598, 541-306-9646

•I I I

• 2960 sq.ft. remod~l~d home • 3 bedroom 25 both shop • 4.96 acres, 3 acres irrigation

• MLS 201308316


MARK YAICESCHINIPC, • Mt Bachelor to Mt Hood views BROKER , CRS, GRI ' 2420 sq.ft., 4 bedroom,2.5 bath 541.383.4364 ' 9.54 acres • MLS 201307549


• Private I/2 acre lot • Gorgeous, remodeled home

• 3768 sq,ft. • MLS 20I307387




WESTHILLSl $525,000

JOHN SNIPPEN,BROKER, IJBA ABR CRSGRI • 3 bedroom 3 bath 541-312-7273 • .44 acre landscaped lot 541-948-9090 • MLS 201306398


• Solar panels • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath • .62 private acre lot

• MLS 201305284

PANO RAMICCASCADEVIEWSl $525,000 LYNNE CpNNELlEY • 1921 sq.ft. home • 4 bedroom, 3 bath BRQKERCRS • 30 acres, shop, arena 541-408-6720 • MLS 201305128


TANGLEWOOD l$479,000 ' 3214 sq «

• 3857 sq.ft. country home ' 4 bed«om, 3 bath • 5 acres, barn, shop, corrals


• MLS 201308515

541-280-2147 • MLS 201308029

• 3 bedroom, 3 bath

mg sImnnfI • .21acre, privatebackyard



.— iW —-



r, amt , "

• '



• 2610 sq.ft, single level • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • .34 acre corner lot • MLS 201308194


• 3540 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Ochoco,Powell Butte 6SmithRockviews • MLS 201308306

SW BEND l $329,000


• 1872 sq.ft. single-level • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Near flat.37 acre lot

541-815-4786 • MLS 201307553

JIM 8 ROXANNE CHENEY BRpKER S 541-390-4050 541-390.4030

• 2236 sq.h. Woodhill built • 3 bedroom 2 5 bath • Fenced 8 landscaped yard • MLS 201307648

SE BEND l $313,000 MARGPDE GRAY, BROKER,ABR, CRS 541-480.7355

• 2666 sq,ft, single-level • 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath • I acre with shop • MLS 201306724

ni t



II ss

2+ t i.WA~Q-



• 1146 sq.h, units • 2 bedroom, 2bath each • Great view of Pilot Butte

541-480-6621 • MLS 201307306


wa eB L.


NE BEND l $295,000 pARNNKELLEHER • 1801 sq.h, new construction • 3 bedroom, 2 bath BROKER mg m nnlI • Vaulted great room 541.788.0029 • MLS 201308093

SW BEND l $269,900

• 1644 sq ft updated home • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 49 acre on culcle sac 541-419-8900 • MLS 201308198 USACAMPBELL, BROKER



• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .38 acre lot • MLS 201308566

SW REDMOND l $255,000 DEBBIE HERSHEY • 1898 scl,ft. BROKER CRS GRI • 3 bedroorn, 2.5 both • .14acre fencedlot 541-420-5170 • MLS 201307205

4. ~~m % R H R % % R R


SW BEND l $175,000 E.PRO 541-390.3490

• I acre, irrigation canaon property

• MLS 201308477


' »48 sqh

• 3 bedroom, 2bath • Near Old Mill District B River 541-312.7271 • MLS 201307791

" ;; ";-'.%mr -4

III III iiii


• 1196 sq ft manufactured • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Convenient location

541.771-6996 • MLS 20I 30BOI 8

CRESCE NTULKE l $64,900 ' 1.26 acre lot DANAMILI.ER , PRINCIPAL BROKER ' Little Oeschutes riverfront • Year round road maintenance AHWO 541-408-1468 • MLS 201308284



' .55 acre level lot • Across from DeschutesRiver • Private, quiet lane

• MLS 201203942



For homes online WWW b e n d h a m e S . C Om












Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Northeast Bend Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Vista DelSol, $565,000. 850 NE Robin - Like 2 246 Nez P e rce C t . 3rd Green of Challenge Chalet with 2-Car Ga- Highland Park o f fersHighland Parks Eagle Lots of attention to de62738 Montara Dr., new home w/2 suites, R edmond. Lots o f Course. Meticulously rage. This chalet is s tunning v iews o f Crest. Great floor plan tail in this immaculate Bend. 2682 sq.ft. 3 in Bend. $229,900 house for your money maintained one level s ituated on a g r a - Smith R o c k , the w ith banks o f w i n - 2bed/2.5bath Desert bdrm, 2.5 bath, es- TEAM Birtola Garmyn here! Large home with home on gracious .43 cious lot with large Ochoco M o untains dows to enjoy Smith Sky home at Eagle t ate like home, RV High Desert Realty upgrades galore. The acre lot overlooking deck, & detached 2 and Powell Butte. This Rock views! O p en Crest. Master suite ¹1 garage & shop! Cov541-312-9449 kitchen has stainless the 3rd green. Won- car garage. Loaded carefully pla n n ed and bright with gas upstairs with walk-in www. BendOregon ered desk, private ofsteel high quality ap- derful open floor plan with upgrades, neighborhood is fireplace, bui l t-ins, closet and oversized f ice, m a ster s u i t e RealEstate.com p liances, gran i t e with gorgeous wood built-ins, and beautinestled into the High granite c ountertops, s hower. Alcov e d ownstairs, gue s t c ountertops an d a floors, gas fireplace, & ful log f u rniture to Desert terrain and is tile floors & 2 car ga- serves as office area. T wo homes o n t h e house: 1270 sq.ft., 2 kitchen island. You floor to ceiling builtmatch the knotty pine s urrounded by o l d rage. Contemporary $249,900 MLS b drm, 1 b a t h , f u l l banks of a large caget wood flooring and ins. Oversized 2-car trim a n d a c c ents. growth junipers. You Craftsman style with ¹201305995 nal. Unique setting kitchen, office, craftupgraded ca r pets, garage with w o r k- Perfect orientation for will e n jo y po c k et s tone accents a n d Eagle Crest Properties with two quality single high ceilings, gas fire- shop, tons of e xtra light with extra large parks on every street metal roof. Furnish866-722- 3370 room. MORRIS story homes nestled place surrounded by storage, separate det. windows. Wonderful and the 24' to 32' setScott McLean, ings negotiable. 3 New REAL ESTATE t ruction! on the banks of a Principal Broker stone, mountain view, storage room for bi- chalet! 3 bedrooms/2 backs ensure unim- b drms, 2 t/s baths, $189,000.Cons l& p d ly O d dOp d Single story large irrigation canal master bedroom with cycles, lawn tools, & 541-408-6908 b aths/ 1447 sq . f t . peded dramatic views 1993 sq. ft. $398,000 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1724 in NE Bend. Both are walk-in shower and Tons of Updates! DeRealty Executives golf clubs. 3 bdrms, 2 Offered at $230,000 from every home. You Eagle Crest Properties sq.ft., Move !n ready! located on over one sirable NE Redmond tile galore. Many more b aths, 1897 sq . f t . Eagle Crest Properties will love the unique 866-722- 3370 Landscaped with location. No carpet in Waterfront, Three Riv- a cre with a par k upgrades, hard to re- Offeredat$399,900 866-722- 3370 Mountain Foothill deers South, 4/2, 30x52 across the canal for sprinklers and fenced. this home; flooring is place at $ 2 4 2,500. Eagle Crest Properties sign and e x tensive What are you MLS ¹ 2 01 3 04779 privacy. One 4 bedAdvertise your car! hardwood or tile. 2410 RV garage/shop, on 866-722- 3370 Call Heather Hockett, stonework of t h ese Add A Picture! Pam Lester, Principal room home (2,424 sq. PC, Broker, Century sf, 3 bdrms, 2.5 baths, .43 acres. looking for? b eautiful home s . Reach thousands of readers! B roker, Century 21 ft.) with triple garage 21 Gold Country Re- $418,800 Looking for a huge bonus r oom, Holly Garner, Broker There are just a few Call 541-385-5809 You'll find it in 541-480-4208 Gold Country Realty, plus a 3 be d room alty, 541-420-9151 Generous Open The new fencing & sod. home sites remaining, Bulletin Ciasslfieds Inc. 541-504-1338 Floor Plan H o me? Outdoor storage shed Fred Real Estate Group home (1,840 sq. ft.) which are u n iquelyThe Bulletin Classifieds & finished 2-car ga- West Hills. 4 bdrm, 3.5 with double garage. $ 30,000 PRICE R E - Complementing inclu- Eagle Creek at Eagle right next to one anNew Construction - 3 Perfect for two fami- DUCTION! Wonder- sive features, Large C rest. Beautiful u p r age. $174, 9 00 bath in 4040y sq.ft. other - the perfect opbdrm, 2 bath, 1705 hallways, S p acious graded MLS¹201304850. Ad- Delightful W e stside lies or a cash flow in- ful open floor plan chalet portunity for the home 541-385-5809 sq.ft, 23 acre lot, tile Cab i netry w/double garage lo ditional information & home with Panoramic vestment with good with private driveway kitchen, owner l o o king to floors, tile backsplash, tenants. Quality conGranite pictures galore, L arge home i n S W cated on the 18th hole combine a few lots landscaped, fenced. Cascade 8 City views structed homes near on the Ridge at Eagle counters, Vaulted livRedmond. $229,900. www.johnlscott.com/5 o f th e R i dge g o l f Crest. Located on a and have plenty of MLS on a spacious lot with 179,900 6329. Call Shelley Ar- High Desert Natural schools and p a rks quiet cul-de-sac this ing room allow plenty c ourse. 2 Mas t e r privacy. Home sites Large sgl level home, ¹ 201209125 Pam with all city services. mtn. views, beautiful nold, Broker, Landscaping. 2 gas 3bd/2.5bath has 2600 of room for entertain- suites w/full b a t hs starting @$39,000. Lester, Principal BroCall Gary for m ore ing! MLS¹201306601 541-771-9329 landscaping w/ternfic ker, Century 21 Gold w/additional 1/2 bath, Eagle Crest Properties sq. ft. of quality living fireplaces, 1 in living details. 6 3 192 & backyard. MLS¹ John L. Scott w ood b u rning f i r e 866-722- 3370 space. Morning sun Eagle Crest Properties Country Realty, Inc. room & 1 i n master 63198 W a t ercress 866-7223370 Real Estate, Bend 201305967 place and expanded 541-504-1338 and afternoon shade bedroom. Master bed- $598,000 Jim Hinton, Broker, www.johnlscott.com deck. $267 , 900. on an expansive deck 7th Fairway of Ridge room has c o ffered Gary Everett, CCIM Have an item to 541-420-6229 New construction in NW MLS¹201301534 that has v iews o ut Traditional Sale! ceiling & slider to upG o r geous Call Team Marx, Bro Principal Broker Redmond. $182,900. Central Oregon Realty sell quick? over the Resort golf Course. Nestled in the pines, per deck with hot tub. 541-480-6130 custom home on pri3 /2, 1556 s q . f t . , Group, LLC kers at Eagle Crest course, city of Red- vate cul-de-sac with this home offers a Master bath has deep Joan Steelhammer, If it's under Stainless appliances, Properties, mond and beyond to great open floor plan, soak tub, large tiled Smith Rock v i ews. Like brand construction! Broker pantry, plumbed for 541-408-4204 '500 you can place it in t he Ochocos. M L S 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 1639 s hower & dou b l e Gracious rooms with Ready to go! 2324 sq. AC, fully landscaped, 541-419-3717 ¹201206886 sq ft w/12 ft ceilings, sinks. Great room is The Bulletin ceilings and el- Fabulous 4bdrm, 2 t/a ft. 3 bed/2 t/a bath with Remax sprinkler sys t e m, $399,000. Call Team high newer vinyl windows light & airy with exegant luxury finishes. huge bonus room and oversized garage door Key Properties ath, 2083 s q . f t . Classifieds for: M arx, B r okers a t Slab granite traver- b and Trane heat pump. pansive City & Cas2-story home. Close office on main floor w/opener. MLS¹ Eagle Crest Proper- tine, Spacious .34 acre lot cade views. Kitchen is 750 wh i t e oak , to schools & shops. with a cook's dream 201305675. J eanne '10 - 3 lines, 7 days ties, 541-408-4204 w/plenty of room for efficiently laid out with h ickory, an d s l a te $239,000. MLS kitchen. $23 9 ,000. Redmond Homes Scharlund, B r o ker, RV parking 8 all your granite tile counters, throughout. You will 2 01305957 John L . '16 - 3 lines, 14 days MLS¹ 201305994 541-420-7978 a p p liances, toys. A definite must newer Where can you find a be delighted by the Scott R ea l E s t ate (Private Party ads only) John L. Scott Real Es- Central Oregon Realty Large home on large see! C a l l Ma r alin pantry 8 h a r dwood I ot. 2399 sq. f t . 3 views and bathed in 541-548-1712 tate 541-548-1712 Group, LLC helping hand? Baidenmann, Broker, f looring. Triple g a light the moment you 2 t/a bath, db l From contractors to 541-325-1096 rage wit h U l t imate bdrm, walk thru the d oor. floor. Wired for secu- garage, turn-key. In yard care, it's all here John L. Scott $699,900. area! $239,900 Real Estate, Bend rity system. Wired for great Eagle Crest Properties MLS¹201303106 in The Bulletin's stereo with speakers Pam www.johnlscott.com 866-722- 3370 Lester, Principal "Call A Service o n main floor in 4 zones. 5-zone heat- B roker Century 2 1 Professional" Directory Garage Sales Country Realty, Say dgoodbuy" ing system. 2 levels of Gold Inc. 541-504-1338 cedar decking plus Garage Sales to that unused $346,500 Great House, paver patio. Plumbed Eagle Crest Home 3 Great Location AND a item by placing it in in humidification sys- b drms, 2 baths c ha Garage Sales Great Buy! This three tem. $610,000 MLS¹ l et b e a uty . Gol f bedroom home has The Bulletin Classifieds Find them 201301639 C ourse l ot , gr e at an exceptional open Bobbie Strome, views. Great r ental in floor plan and h as Principal Broker 5 41-385-580 9 history. MLS ¹ been me t i culously The Bulletin John L Scott Real 201208881 $244,700. maintained. Enjoy all Estate 541-385-5500 John L. Scott Real Classifieds Gr e at the amenities of Eagle B right, o pe n Crest Resort. Room plan w/ floor to West Hills -New Price Estate 541-548-1712 541-385-5809 ceiling windows, gas MLS¹201303636 $450,000. 2057 NW FIND tTr fireplace, & b u i lt-in Eagle Crest Properties Rd., Bend. Triple car garage! 1354 Rimrock BUY IT! buffet opens to a large 866-722- 3370 Desirable West Hills sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath SELL IT! deck overlooking the corner lot, 3 bdrm, 3 b uilt in 2004 on a n f irst green o f th e bath, 2884 sq.ft., RV The Bulletin Classifieds $398,000 Fab u l ous oversized lot. Challenge C o u rse. parking, minutes from home i n Hi g hland $ 164,900. Too n ew Canyon Ri m V i l lage Parks with gorgeous $264,500 MLS¹ for MLS¹ Pam Lester, downtown. Open floor plan fea Scott McLean, views of Smith Rock 201203380 P rinc. Broker, C e n tures gas appliances, a nd t h e Och o c o Eagle Crest Properties Principal Broker tury 21 Gold Country hardwood floors, cen M ountains. 866-722- 3370 541-408-6908 Gre a t Inc. Realty, tral air w/heat pump Room plan with fireRealty Executives 541-504-1338 and good separation place, built-ins and Chalet on 12th Fairway Ridge Course. BrilUnique, secluded set- Westside Bend - 1451 between master and o f w i n dows. of l iantly d e signed 2 sq.ft., 4 bedrooms, 2 other bedrooms. Built- banks ting with partial mtn MLS ¹201303549 bdrm, 2 t/a bath, 1447 views. Borders Lark- baths, huge heaterd in desk, upstairs bo Eagle Crest Properties s q. f t . wi t h lof t , s pur Trail and is a garage w/office, be- nus room, vaulted ceil 866-722- 3370 built-ins, loaded with ings, covered porch, short distance to Pilot tween Old Mill and luxury finishes & upBend . u nderground s p r i n Butte or Senior Cen- D owntown Just Re - grades t h r oughout. klers, raised garden $399,900 ter. 3 bedroom, 2 bath $275,000. duced by $ 3 0,000. beds, exc e ptional Lovely single l e vel Custom blinds & sun home sits on 1/2 acre; MLS¹201209127 Scott McLean, landscaping. MLS 3 /2.5 b t h cus t o m shades, extra storage a must see! Call Kellie closet, p a ntry in Principal Broker 201304759 $300,000 Cook, Broker, home on the Ridge at kitchen. great room 541-408-6908 John L. Scott Real 541-408-0463; Eagle Crest. Decked with g a s fi r eplace Realty Executives Estate 541-548-1712 www.johnlscott.com/7 in front for views and opens to deck with 6652 morning sun and pa- fairway & m o untain Westside Bend; Gated, John L. Scott closed to Bend Desert Sky at E agle tio in back for bbq-ing. v iews. O f fered a t Real Estate, Bend amenities. The High- Crest. Open l i ving MLS ¹201206886 $220,000 www.johnlscott.com lands at Broken Top- area in this 1504 sq.ft Eagle Crest Properties Eagle Crest Properties 866-722- 3370 Urban C o ntemporary 10 acres. Offered at home with 2 master 866-722- 3370 B eauty! Live in t h e $550,000. suites. N e w a p p li h eart of B end a n d Cate Cushman, ances i n t h e up Purchaseprice$350,000,20% down, Loan amount $280,000,30 yrfixed. Principal Broker enjoy that go-and-play graded kitchen, lots of 541-480-1884 Desirable Westridge Home lifestyle! Built in 2003, slate, tile, hardwood 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths www.catecushman.com and carpet. 3 tiers of + with an office & sepaw indows g iv e t h i s side opportunity! home lots o f l i ght. rate guest quarters. West L ight a n d bri g h t RM zoning, $ 1650 Single ca r g a rage Immaculate 3d/2 1800 sq, ft, single level r ental i n come w/lots o f vaulted great room total st o r age. home on 5 acres in desirable Westridge currently. Very cute with concrete floors MLS¹201305995 side cottage with $249,900. Estates in NW Prineville, Open floor and designer features west Jumbo purchase price/value $800,000-20% down/equity ,$640,000 loan amount. additional rental unit throughout. M a s ter Call Team Marx, Bro plan, Large front porch fL back patio in back. Both u nits Offer valid as of date of ad, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. suite has large walk-in kers at Eagle Crest

Tillicum Village I $275,000 • 1682 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .36 acre lot • MLS 201306049 Amy Halligan, Broker 541-410-9045 •

IL Finding the right home is hard.

Finding the right mortgage is easy!

3 0 year fixed AP R

15 year fixed A P R

4.750% 4.937% 3.875% 4.088% Jumbo 30 year fixed

5.250% APR 5.429%

closet and an addi- o ccupied. Keep a s Properties, tional deck off master. rental or use as pri- 541-408-4204 This 2700+ sq ft home mary, and have addiional i ncome. 5 2 4 B ehind the G at e a t i s b e autifully d e - tNW Newport Ave., Eagle Crest! 3 bdrm, signed and decorated Bend. $299,000. 3.5 bath, 3254 sq.ft. with new counters in Neil McDaniel, Broker w/ Mt. Jefferson view the kitchen, air condiand large .72 lot on tioning, CAT 5 wiring Fred541-350-9579 Real Estate Group t he 14th tee of t h e and a wonderful, private outdoor space Woodlands Golf Resort golf c ourse. with hot tub. Live/work Course; open great Open floor plan with 2 option or rent for ex- room with mountain fireplaces, den/office, e xercise room o f f t ra i n c ome. M L S and lake v iews, 4 ¹201305443. Call for bdrm, 6 bath, 5,096 master. Bonus room your private showing! sq.ft., o f f ered at d ownstairs. A li t t le TLC can make this a 1 21 NW B o n d S t . $1,195,000. w onderful fami l y $665,000. Cate Cushman, home. $359 , 900. Debi Corso, Broker, Principal Broker MLS¹201302893 ReMax Key Properties. 541-480-1884 541-280-3309 Cell www.catecushman.com Call Team Marx, Bro kers at Eagle Crest 541-728-0033 Office Properties, 747 541-408-4204 Southwest Bend Homes Tick, Tock Huge home in desired Broken Top! Golf & Tick, Tock... SW location, 3 bdrm, More! Spacious cus2t/s bath, 2880 sq. ft., ...don't let time get tom home with 4652 huge deck, fenced, away. Hire a sq. ft. See virtual Tour sprinklers, and yard, on www.remax.co. move-in ready. professional out $1,225,000. $215,000. MLS of The Bulletin's MLS¹201303060. 201209154 Pam 541-923-0855 Lester, Principal Bro "Call A Service Redmond RE/MAX ker Century 21 Gold Professional" Land 8 Homes Country Realty, Inc. Real Estate Directory today! 541-504-1338


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t u b 8 C e n t ertainment a r ea,

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• +









• • •


• • •


•a (r Illlw

•Own hig h-endvacationhome atfraction ofthe cost • 3 & 4 bedroom, villa-style townhomes

• Shared ownership beginning at 1/12 fractional • Each unit has a private guest suite8<garage; fireplaces • Premium furnishings & first-class appliances • First-class concierge services including pre-stocked groceries • A fantastic opportunity to call Pronghorn home!

• Only 7 minutes from downtown • Tetherow isa planned 700 acre community backing to national forest and is the perfecthome base fordiscovering the best of Central Oregon from biking and hiking, rafting and kayaking or dining and


Contact Brian for more information or a private tour. www. Tetherow.com

Debb Tebbs, Broker/President j 541-419-4553

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker, Director of Lot Sales

debtebbsgroup@bendluxuryhom)s.com &www.d)btebbsgroup.com

541-408-3912 j brian©bendpropertysource.com

I •

) •

) •

' •

s r



• Value priced investment or primary home • 3 bed/1 .5 bath in main home + 1 bed/1 bath in converted garage space • Large, 1/4 acre lot, gorgeous maples in front • With new carpet, paint, and some handywork this home will be back to its full potential MLS¹20138446

Call Laura Blossey, Broker( 949-887-4377 laura.blossey@sothebysrealt y.com

Looking for a roomynewer home on aquiet dead end street near shopping? Look nomore! • 4 BR, 2.5BA- Plus Den, 2600SF •Spaci ousfenced lotand greatcurbappeal • Gorgeous island kichenwith slab granite & custom cabinetry • Butler pantry and large kitchen pantry • SS appliances,6-burner Thermador range, 2 ovens,woodfloors and large island •RV spaceinbackyardwithaccessgate • Plenty of sunny yard for garden

Call Sue Price, Broker ( 541-408-7742 Sue.Price©Sothebysrealty.com


• •



'vf Q c'-,.




M I~ 11


• 2214 SF single level home on 4 acres, includes 3 separate tax lots • 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths • Gated entry, lovely natural grounds • Open great room plan, vaulted ceilings, skylights, light 8<

bright! • New carpet, stainless appliances, pristine 8 private • Huge stick built detached garage • Circular drive, rock outcroppings, lots of wildlife! • Heavily treed, beautiful property! • Motivated Seller! MLS¹201305871

Nestled in tall Ponderosa Pines within an hour of Bend & Mt. Bachelor & only 20 min, from Championship Golf & Sunriver

19338 Brookside Way • Custom quality home adjacent to open space.

• 2400SF with 3bd,3 ba, den, office, plus a bonus room. • Oversized double car garage, gear room and additional storage space.

• Easy access to golf, trails, Mt. Bachelor, shopping and schools.

Cali Robin Yeakel, Proker, CRS j 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker j 541-408-0086

• 53547 Kokanee Way, $395,000: 3 bdrm, 3-car garage & deck overlooking river w/direct view of Pringle Falls • 53557 Kokanee Way, $490,000: This bright81open custombuilt 1998 home directly overlooks the river • 53610 Brookie Way, $420,000: Beautiful Scandinavian inspired design w/hand blown glass, ironwork 8 sauna • 53510 Brookie Way, $425,000: Hand-scribed Canadian Spruce log home w/covered porches,backsto N.Forest • 14234 Whitewater Loop, $400,000: 2006 High-quality custom home with vaulted ceilings on a large and level lot Video tours at: www.bendpropertysource.com/listings

Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker ( 541-408-3912 brian©bendpropertysource.com


', •


) •

•4 bed/3.5 bath, 3800 SF • Great home for entertaining • Formal living & family rooms •Guest quartersw / kitchenette • .64 acre lot •3-car oversized garage • Seller will credit buyer $25,000 towards updating! MLS¹201307742

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker j 541-408-0086







• 3 bedroom, 3.5 baths, built by Timberline Construction & designed by Jim Tebbs Design Group • Seamless integration of indoor and outdoor space, open floor plan • Private courtyard and covered back patio w/mountain views • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • A flex room & study allow for maximum versatility • 61533 Meeks Trail MLS¹201208865

Natalka Palmer, Principal Broker f 541-480-1580

• r



• Unbeatable location in town, on river

• 2 bed/2 bath + offi ce,1960 SF • Covered garage parking + carport space • Also boasts Cascade Mountain & park views • Recently remodeled contemporary style • Large deck with room to BBQ & dine


Call Laura Blossey, Broker j 949-887-4377 laura.blossey@sothebysrealt y.com


'. I


• Stunning NW architecture • 4 bedrooms, 4 baths • Five acre home site with sweeping Cascade Mountain views • Oversized 3-car garage, room on the property for shop, RV storage • Immaculate mature landscaping, grounds MLS¹201308171

• Lovely setting w/ mature trees

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS j 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

• Call The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team,•



' •








• Split-level floor plan captures the sunlight • Redwood ceiling accents • Incredible 8th Fairway view • 3 bed/ 3.5 bath/ 3203 SF MLS¹201308715

Brokers j 541-312-5151 www.TeamNormaAndJulie.com

I •

• •



• Elevated location with views • Refreshing, innovative design & functional floor

plan •Open plan, essentially main level living • Magnificently appointed kitchen • Hand finished walls • Hardwood, designer carpet & tile •40' RV garage • Home currently under construction, please call listing agents for more information

• Being constructed by R.D. Building Bl Design • Functional, thoughtfully executed floor plan • 4 bedrooms (2 suites on main), 3.5 bath • Panoramic views

• True gourmet kitchen • Family room, den, wine storage • 12 ft. glass sliding doors, 3 water features

I .»;... . „

Call Joh Taylo. B oke [541-480~044$ or Silvia Knight, Broker j 541-788-4861

or John Taylor, Broker j 541-480-0048

• • • • •

Rare development opportunity 75 acres Approved 2400 ft. grass airstrip Two hangars, large shop, barn 2136 SF, 3 bedroom, 3 bath home in beautiful setting • Potential to build four additional homes

Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker j 541-480-3096 rondavis©bendnet.com www.OregonRanchAndHorse.com







— .

~~- 11'I' - i)au «a, ~

~ x ! q i an 1


Stone's Throw to River ( $549,900

5 Oregon Loop - Sunriver ( $599,500


Hardwood floors • SS Appliances • Deck/hot tub • 2-car garage



• •

Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker j 541-280-5352

• Dramatic foyer & living area • Exquisite master suite • 3346 SF • Beamed cathedral ceilings & loft • 4 bedrooms,2 full,2 halfbaths • Beautiful extensive decks • Top end hot tub • 26 Siskin Lane MLS¹201304990

• Main level master ,-fc ~ x ~ .

www.SunriverDEALS.com• mikeOSunriverDEALS.com



sv.;,.c> • Complete Remodel sPP~ • Great room • Wood burning fireplace

Call Mike Sullivan, Principal Broker j 541-350-8616


26 Poplar - Sunriver ) $550,000

• 17652 Bittern Lane - Sunriver

• 3 Bdrms/2.5 baths 2254SF • Amazing views of the river • National Forest views • On-site pool/ SHARC • youTube videohttp: //youtu.be93X30ERaNMY MLS¹201303401

Call Robin Yeakel, Proker, CRS [ 541-408-0406 Greg Yeakel, Principal Broker j 541-408-7733

r •

14 River Village Condo ~ $429,000!

Exceptional Offering! • 160 ac. world class equestrian center • 117 stalls, Cascade Mountain views • 2 indoor arenas — cutting and reining • 36 stall heated Mare Barn • 40 ac. hay and 20 ac. Triticale • 40 ac. COI Irrigation, shared well • 2 caretaker homes on the property MLS¹201307133

• 5 bed, 3.5 bath, 2539 SF • Lodge style home in the II

• • • • •

North end of Sunriver Great rental history Furnished per inventory Stainless appliances Slab granite counters 2 master suites

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker j 541-848-7222

Call Keith Petersen PC, Broker j 541-815-0906


www.lSellSunr!ver.com Ke!thOISellSunr!ver.com

• 8200 SF situated on 18+ acres, joins BLM land • 6 bedrooms, 4.5 baths • 4 ponds, water feature,

y ai ll,~llll!II,:I

paver walks and patios • Stunning perennial

gardens • 12,000 bottle wine cellar • Hobby barn with 4 stalls, paddocks, corrals MLS¹201307124 • Also available: Cinder Lakes Ranch Equestrian Facility, 160 acres

+ Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS [ 541-408-0406+ Greg Yeakel, Principal Broker ( 541-408-7733

• High Desert Ranch12,229 deeded acres • Additional 6821 acres of BLM allotment


• Property fenced into sections

• Currently used for livestock grazing • Livestock currently water with wells and piping system • Homestead, shop, corrals & loading chutes MLS¹201302993

Desert Valley Group ( 541-923-1376 www.desertvalleygroup.com


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809 • •


Darling Home inGreat Neighborhood( $199,900

Sunstone Solar Townhomes( $165,000 • Unique townhome offering passive solar design • Contemporary stylewith private sun

SparklingClean!!! SE side of Bend ( $209,000

• Starting out or winding down, this home fits


deckandfenced backyard • Open kitchen and living areawith south facingorientation • Hardwood foors andvaulted ceilings • 3bd, 3 ba,double carattached garagewithspaciousdriveway • Near Costco,Medicalandschools Call Shelly Swanson, Broker I 541-408-0086


the bill • 3 bedroom, 2 bath

w w

• Great neighborhood MLS¹201306887


Call Kelly Horton, Broker I 541-508-9163

Brasada Ranch Cabin ~ $294,000

Big Horn Ct. - SW Bend f $265,000 • 3 BR, 2 BA with 1470 SF • Lives larger with nice bedroom

• ALL NEW interior flooring • Fresh new interior paint • Shows AWESOME! • Central air for those HOTdays • Gas fireplace for cold days • 3 bdrms, 2.5 baths, 1461 SF • Great location! WON'T LAST! MLS¹201307187


separation • Great room w/vaulted ceilings • Island kitchen, gas FP, fenced yard • Nicely landscaped in great neighborhood • Close to Pine Ridge Elementary,

and Old Mill

Call Mary Stratton, Broker I 541-419-6340 or Erika Stratton-sanzone, Broker I 541-280-8388

Call Sue Price, Broker I 541-408-7742


Close In Horse Property ( $295,555

SW Bend - Quail Pine Estates ~ $299,900

Redmond ( $312,500

• The perfect retreat! • In the Rental Programenti - re cabin

• 4 bedroom, 2 bath

or just the lock-off • Single level, 2 bedrooms,2

• 2186 SF on 2+ acres

• 3 BR, 2.5 BA, 1548SF,bonus storage area x

• Immaculate and close-in


• Fully furnishedincludig TI/s, hot tub • Beautiful finishes, hardwood, granite, premiumapplliances • Gated golf course community with equestrian, pools & athletic center


• Beautiful, upgraded kitchen with gas cooking, granite, and hickory




bed, 2 bath & 3-car garage • Mostly main level living - 4th bed and bonus on 2nd floor • Move-in ready! • Amenities include: A/C, granite counters, mtn. views

• 3-car garage in quiet neighborhood, close to Old Mill & Pine Ridge Elementary MLS¹201308209


• Ma!estic Ridge home with 4

• 2-stories with master on the main


• Call Kelly to see this great home!




Call Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRSI 541-408-4309

Call Kelly Horton, Broker I 541-508-9163

Call Sue Price, Broker I 541-408-7742




Call CJ Neumannl 541-410-3710 or Lisa Lamberto I 541-610-9697 www.CJIisa.com

Great NW Bend Location ( $315,000

63430 Ledgestone Ct, Bend ~ $315,000

Eagle Crest -1256 CannonFalls Ctu Redmondf$324,900

61664 Rigel Way ( $334,900

• Close to Shevlin Park and west side shops • Formal living & dining • Fantastic neighborhood • Single level • Fenced backyard • 4 bed, 2 bath, 1920 SF MLS¹201307107


• 3 bed, 2 bath, single story • Golf course, Smith Rockviews • Beautifully maintained with extended garage, storage • Located in EagleCrest's premier active 55+ communi ty,you don'thaveto worry aboutyardworkanymore • Plenty of pathways,clubhouse, resident managedactivities, and all the amenities EalgeCrest hasto offer

• Custom built w/2 master bedrooms • Third bedroom downstairs w/access to a patio 8 full bath •A chef'sdream wthanenorm ous island, pantry, gas range/oven, plenty of counter & cabinet space • Slate & wood flooring throughout • Backs up to 37 acre park 8 next door is a community garden

• • • • • • •

4 bed, 3 baths, 2364 SF Master on the main Hardwood floors Tiled baths Huge bonus room Paved RV parking Beautifully landscaped, backs canal MLS¹201306923



The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers 541-312-5151 I www TeamNormaAndJulie.com

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Broker I 541-749-8479

Call Greg Langhaim, Broker I 801-706-3230

Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO

chrisiNchrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com


541-480-4186 I melanieemelaniemaitre.com

View Homesite - Tetherow ¹142) $335,450

19836 Copernicus Ave, Bend ~ $345,000

17940 Parkway Lane ~ $350,000

Canyon & Mountain Views! ( $379,000

• Stunning, unobstructedmountainviews • Best availablesite overlooking ¹2 green • Great privacy- nohomesitesacross fairway • Large, levelsite - great for asingle story plan • Prelim, designconceptsavailable • TetherowGolfor Social Membership • Call for gateaccessandadditional details


•3 bed,2.5bath,fabulousmove-in ready homewith office onmain • Open kitchen, dining & living room looking out to the nicely landscaped backyard

• Permitted GP Building w/living quarter/loft ~ Bath, laundry area, septic, well & pumphouse •Rv hookups inside & out,100 am p breakerin shop

• Upstairs is master suite w/vaulted ceiling Ik large bathroomw/double sinks, soaking tub, shower &dream closet.

~ Great location between Sisters & Bend

• Build your dream home while you live In loft area or your RV • MLS¹201105898

• 2 additional bedroomsupconnecting to a full bath MLS¹201308648

• Single level 4 bedroom, 3 bath •2742 SF2 m astersuites • .74 acres - large backyard • On the Canyon Rim - Redmond • Home is ADA accessible MLS¹201308338 Call Rod Hatchell, Broker I 541-728-8812

Call Judy McCombs, Broker I 541-390-1411 or Haley Dahlquist, Broker I 541-815-9002

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Broker I 541-749-8479

Call Joanne McKee, Broker I 541-480-5159

chrisachrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com

www joanneiNjoannemckee.com


Tango in Terrango! ~ $382,000

972 SE Briarwood Ct ( $415,000

Powell Butte Home & Horse Property( $425,000

18669 Coffee Ct. ( $439,750

• Beautiful cu!-de-sachomein desirable, establishedTanglewood

20963 Marsh Orchid Ct. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath home • 2872 SF, home hasa great flow • New carpet and hardwoods downstairs with family room * IiI I with gas fireplace B ut 1&t i I.

• Large mast er w/gasfireplace &spa-like


ensuite w/soakingtub, doublevanities & shower • Gourmetkitchenw/granite counteitops,largeeating barandopen to great roomwith fireplace &built-ins • Main floor denw/french doors ' • Triple tandem garage, RVparking • Private backyard w/ argepaver patio

MLS¹201307184 Call Chris Sulak, Broker I 541-350-6164 chrissulakebendbroadband.com




• Cascade Mountains&Smith Rockviews • Single level2009home-1604SF- 3 bed, 2 bath with qual finitiyshes • Property: 5 acres landscaped fenced& wel maintained • Barn: 1728 SFwithsta Is, runs,tack room,washrackIk haystorage • Outdoorarena&penswith poeand no climbfencing MLS¹20130664 4

• Luxury single level townhome •2 bed,2.5 bath plusaden/of fice • 1987 SF, oversized 2-car garage, 8i AC aw • HOA benefits; maintenance

free, easy living • Loaded with upgrades!

• Location, Location, Location!

• MLS¹201304760


Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker I 541-508-9581

Desert Valley Group I 541-923-1376



Call JordanHaase,Grandlund Principal Broker l 541-420-1559or Stephanie Ruiz, Brokerl 541-948-5196 Pointswesteend.com

Westside Charmer ( $529,900

Luxury Townhomes ~ Offered from $549,750

Inspiring Mountain Views ) $595,000

SW Chinook Drive, Terrebonne ~ $495,000 • Ideal home for entertaining with captivating views ofthe canyon 8<river below • Large picture windows take advantage of magnificent landscape from every room • 6.32 acres • 2640 SF, 4bed, 3 bath

• Beautiful 3/4 acre pintreed e lot • 3400 SF, 3-car garage • Hugebonus/family room • Formal living ffi dining, 3 fireplaces • One owner homew/ots of extras • Wonderful decking, private backyard w/water feature • Very popular location! • 1684 NW City View

• Triple car garage & RV parking MLS¹201306622

• Beautiful golf course and

• 2,464 SF 4/bed/2.5 bath

mountain views


• Sweeping panoramas

• Charming prairie style

• Customizable finishes • Gorgeous great rooms • 3 Beautiful floor plans to choose from


• Wrap-around veranda

• Nearly 10 secluded acres • Peek-a-boo view of Little

Deschutes, bordered by BLM • Oversized 3-bay garage

• 3 roundabouts to downtown


• MLS¹201304180

Call Mary Stratton, Broker I 541-419-6340

Judy McCombs, Broker 541-390-1411 or Natalie Vandenborn,

Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222

christ¹chrissperry.com www.chrissperry.com


Broker 541-508-9581l www.tripleknottownhomes.com


Highlands at Broken Top ~ $695,000

1973 NW Sun Ray Ct. ~ $799,000

Call Chris Sperry, Principal Broker I 541-749-8479

• Spectacular 10 acre home site with varied topography

• Beautifully upgraded &

• Private building site

• More than 1200 SF of decking • Quiet cul-de-sac on Awbrey

Contemporary City Living ) $820,000


• Cascade Mountain Views

• 3,078 SF., 3-car garage

,; • Immaculate interior

. P»-'


• Acres of common area, all within this gated community.

New Home inTetherow! ~$865,000

• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3200 SF



• Backs to12th fairw ay w/ private and treed yard

+ Heated parking • Cas c ade Mountain views

• Includes full membership to Tetherow


• Walk to Old Mill/Downtown • MLS¹201207761

• Jaw-dropping mountain views

• December completion


Call Bryan Hilts, BrokerI 541-771-3200

The Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers

Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker I 541-480-2356

Call Brian Ladd, Broker I 541-408-3912

cloudnine©bendcable. com

541-312-5151 I www. TeamNormaAndJulie.com


www.bendpropertysource.com• brianebendpropertysource.com

Awbrey Butte & Mt. Views ~ $1,295,000

L ocated on M i r r o r Pond! ( $1,299,000

65890 Pronghorn Estates Dr.[ $1,755,000

Private Small Acreage Close to TownJ$869,000

• 24" TurkisTraverti h ne tile floors

63945 OB Riley Rd


• 8.6 privateacres,c oseto town • Completey remode edSun Forest Builders • Largemaster onmain • Separateapartment • Vaultedceilings,Stainely travertine • 4-cargarage,paveddrive • Gorgeouslandscapedeasycare3/4acre

x g 'uiI




Mi c t


i Pi

• Custom wrought-iron railingsBi accents

tai ®:



-w ~ ™

• E xpansivew/ deck mt. views

~s '

• Mainleve masteri iguestroom

-~ • 4bedrooms, 4.5baths, 4900SF ' -

MLS¹20120 6595

• .52acrelot


Call Carol Osgood,Broker I 541-419-0843

Call Ken Renner, Principal BrokerI 541-280-5352



• This home includesretractablewindows in thekitchenandfamily roomwhich

• Stone's throw from downtown Bend • Elegant finishes, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths • Remodeled down to studs in 2006 • 10 NW Drake Rd. • MLS¹201306173 Call for a Personal Tour!

incorporatestheoutdoor Iivingspace

• It hasanelevatortotakeyouto the two exquisitemasterbedroomsonthe

secondlevel • Casita foryourguests anda!lthe amenities. • Price includesPronghorn's Premer i Membership deposit of$115,000 MLS¹2013043 39.

Call Jodi Kearney, Broker I 541-693-4019

Call Kelly Horton, Broker I 541-508-9163



« • ¹

w E x p a n s iv e

n o r t h e a s t e r ly v ie w s o f t h e

• Coveted location on Awbrey Butte. Cul-de-sac setting, corner lot, tastefully landscaped yard w/wrap-around porch • Views are magnificent, open kitchen with new appliances, hardwood flooring, large master suite with grand bath, large 3-car garage • Beautiful walk out deck for entertaining guests 8< family Fantastic opportunity to live where so manypeople dream to live.

O cho cca M o u nt a i n s a nc f Pi lo t B ut t e . 29 o f


a c r e l c a t i n R iv e r s E d g e

~ T h i s h o m e s it e o f f e rs 1 2 0 f e e t i n w i d t h v

p r o v i d i n g o p p o rt u n it y f o r m a n y d e s i g n o ptio n s

~ N e a r r iv e r t r a i l , g o lf , s h o p p i n g a n d sch cao Is 't vas

• x

MLS¹201306640 Call Greg Langhaim, Broker I 801-706-3230

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker I 541-408-0086

www.g reg Ia n g aim. h com

• • •

• Downtown corner lot!

%~!jij!Ljj"-kkYillII• Beautiful finishes throughout! • PLUS 6 INCOME PRODUCING apartments ... included! MLS¹2013059961

Call Myra Girod, Broker I 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker I 541-788-6767

s •






aI I


a 8 •

• •



e ¹


Call Brian Ladd, Broker I 541-408-3912

aII e I

www.bendpropertysource.com• brian©bendpropertysource.com


• 8

• 7991 SF • 2.8 acres with 400' of private river frontage • 800 SF guest cabin • 4 bedrooms, 5.5 baths, indoor lap pool • River & golf front property • Adjacent 3.49 acre lot available at $799,000 Video tour at www.bendpropertysource.com/listjngs

• LOCATION! LOCATION! LOCATION! • EXCELLENT exposure for your business!


t= •






TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 755

Redmond Homes

Redm o n d Homes

Su nriver/La Pine Homes



Sunriver/La Pine Homes Jefferson County Homes Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage

H o mes with Acreage

New construction NE Two master suites in 106430 Bitter B r ush. 52158 Elde r berry,Price Reduced! Newer 14198 SW Nine Peaks 14128 SW Quail Rd., 9.33 acres in P owell Horse Property! 4.33 Redmond. $177,900. this 2236 sq. ft., 5 $ 349,000. Cu s t o m $238,500. 1981 sq.ft., home closeto schools Pl. Mtn. views from CRR 3 bdrm, 2 ba, Butte, - 4 bdrm, 2.5 Acres! Close to BLM! 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath 1466 b drm home w i t h 2 845 s q .ft. h o m e , multiple outbuildings. on large lot, with stor- t his 1960 sq. ft., 3 5 acres, 1200 sq. ft. b ath, 1928 s q . f t . , Spacious 1878 sq. ft. sq. ft. 2-story home, m aster o n ea c h shop. High Lakes Re- High Lakes Realty & a ge shed & la r ge bdrm., 2 bath home barn. $23 5 ,000. 3-car garage, barn, home. W e l l-mainlandscaped, sprinkler level. living r o om alty & Property Man- Property M a n age- master bedroom. New on 1.16 acre. 936 sq. MLS 2 0 1 306951. shop, with RV door. tained, landscaped, system. MLS¹ with gas fireplace. agement ment 541-536-0117 carpet in living room. ft. garage has a shop Travis L . H a n na, $359,000 MLS barns, detached ga541-536-0117 rage, g reenhouse. 201209172 B eautifully lan d $69,900. MLS¹ area plus 2 bays. RV PC, Principal Bro¹ 2012037129 Pa m MLS Jim Hinton, Broker, scaped. $279,900. 1 1660 Burlwood D r . 52314 Ponderosa Way. 201302561. D&D Re- covered storage & ker, 541-788-3480. Lester, Principal Bro- $249,900. $249,000. 4 Bdrm, 2 541-420-6229 MLS 201 3 06110 $110,000. 5 Bdrm, 3 alty G r o u p LLC carport. $13 9 ,500Redmond R E / MAX ker, Century 21 Gold 2 01303017 . Cal l bath, 1922 sq.ft., 1.13 Central Oregon Realty C all Kelly o r V i r 541-475-3030 MLS 201208272 L and & Hom e s Country Realty, Inc. Charlie & V i rginia bath, 1040 sq.ft. gaacres. High L a kes Principal Br o kers 541-504-1338 Group, LLC ginia Principal BroJuniper Realty, Real Estate rage. High Lakes ReRealty & Pr o perty Wonderfully loc a t ed 541-350-3418 kers Redm o nd 541-504-5393 alty & Property Man- Management h ome with a c o m 2.5 Acres with full wa- Beautiful and peaceful Redmond RE/MAX New Construction - Split R E/MAX Lan d & agement 541-536-0117 manding view of Mt. H ome overlooks i r r i ter right. 1990 built Powell Butte home on Land & Homes Real master floorplan, 3 H omes R e a l E s 541-536-0117 Jefferson and the sur- gated farm land & af 1040 sq. ft. home w/2 10.36 acres with 8.33 Estate 541-923-0855 bdrm, 2 b ath, 1640 tate 541-923-0855 5 2571 D oe Lane , rounding area. Beau- fords clear Cascade bdrms, 2 baths. New acres irrig. Home re- Immaculatehome, open sq. ft., tile floors/back12234 Alderwood Dr. 850 S q.ft., tiful well kept home Mountain views. well, pressure tank, built in 2004. Open 2.31 acres in Boonessplash, RV parking. Updated single level in $110,000. Top quality $99,000. 1.13 acres, RV Pole with spacious rooms. Home wa s r e m od water system, 1000 loft overlooks living SW Redmond, 3 Bdrm, 1836 sq.ft., 1 $184,900. MLS 2153 sq. ft, barn. High Lakes ReMLS¹201206924 eled & u p dated in g al septic t an k i n and d i ning a r e as, borough, ¹ 201301880 Pam $129,900. New roof, Acre. High Lakes Rebdrm, 2 bath, sun& Property Man- $239,000. D&D Realty 2007. 2012. Fenced and has soaring vaulted ceil- 3room Lester, Principal Bro- fresh interior paint and alty & Property Man- alty $545, 0 00 agement Group LLC MLS¹201200107 horse facilities as well ings. Spacious oak counters, watergranite ker, Century 21 Gold plush carpet. Open agement fea541 -536-01 1 7 541-475-3030 kitchen and utility/mud Country Realty, Inc. kitchen, S S a p p li- 541-536-0117 D&D Realty Group LLC as barn and shop. ture and large 1344 541-504-1 338 541-475-3030 5 588 N E H w y . 9 7 room with tile flooring. sq. ft. shop. $449,999 ances, new counter 145241 53535 B i g Tim b er, o r ra l Ct. 757 between Redmond & wrap-round p o r c h, MLS 201305391. Pam tops, l ight f i xtures, $159,000.C1620 $ 199,900. 3 B d r m , Newer large home on window Crook County Homes $265,000 - 2 bdrm, 2 Terrebonne. detached 2-car Lester, Principal Broc o v erings. 1.65 acre, pole sq.ft., 1 .26 a c re , 29 x 3 6 barn. shop. High Lakes Rebath, 1188 sq. ft. almost 1/ 4 a c r es. MLS 201306061 MLS drive-thru garage and ker, Century 21 Gold $299,000 High Lakes Realty & home on 5.95 acres & 3000 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, Beautiful Pahlish home 2 01307440 J o h n L . 1008 sq. ft. Barn/Shop Jim Hinton, Broker, alty & Property ManRealty, Inc. Property Ma n age- agement huge 72x60 shop. 2y2bath, landscaped in the beautiful area of Scott R e a l E s tate w ith a 7 2 0 s q . f t . Country 541-420-6229 ment 541-536-0117 MLS¹ 201209007 and fenced with RV Central Oregon Realty 541-548-1712 lean-to, fenced pas- 541-504-1338 Ochoco Pointe w/park 541-536-0117 Call Linda Lou gates. $299,999. MLS and walking trail. 4 t ure, p o nd , la n d - Motivated Seller! Pow1 45519 R anger C t . Group, LLC Day-Wright, Broker, $329,000. overlooking scaped yard. P a n- ell Butte Quiet Coun201304622 Pam B r i dg e Dr. bdrms, 3 baths, a tan$84,900. 3 Bdrm, in- 53784 541-771-2585 golf course/Crooked Lester, Principal Bro- Views Views V i ews! sulated shop, 1 acre. $499,000. 3366 Sq.ft. dum c a r ga r age. oramic mountain view. try Lane. Nice 3 bdrm River canyon views. MLS¹201304104 ker Century 21 Gold Two master suites + 2 High Lakes Realty & Riverfont Home. High Den/computer/or 4th Crooked River Realty ranch-style with a nice 3 bdrm, 2 bath home John L. Scott Real Es- floor plan, c o untry Country Realty, Inc. bdrms, sound system Property Lakes Realty & Propbedroom downstairs M a n agebdrm, 5 bath 3500 sq. with dbl attached ga541-504-1 338 throughout, p r i vate ment 541-536-0117 erty Man a gement w/full bathroom. Large 4 ft. tate 541-548-1712 kitchen, nice b r i ck home with 2 shops, rage, 28x42 RV barn. 541 -536-01 1 7 back deck with hot tub master upstairs with 2 barn, fireplace nestled on 3-car g arage MLS¹ 201302477 Cambi u m . NW Redmond neigh- t hat backs to B L M, 1 4746 $279,000 Custom 1870 bedrooms, boacres. The propguest quarters, 139,900. 3 Bdr m Horse property, more Call Nancy Popp, s q. ft. home, g o u r 4+ borhood, 1506 sq. ft. slab granite counters $ nus room with laun- and erty is fenced w/ coron 5 acres near Smith plus d en . m u l tiple 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fun $115,000. 4 Bdrm, 2 541-81 5-8000 met kitchen, open loft, loaded with upgrades d ry area. Ga s f o r Rock. $540,000. MLS Crooked River Realty ral, shed, shop area, wrap around decks, along decor and architec- and designer touches. outbldgs. High Lakes acres, loafing shed. heating an d li v i ng 201304982 with s t orage Pam Pr o perty High Lakes Realty & tural accents. MLS double garage spec On cul-de-sac. Enjoy Realty & fireplace w/cen- Lester, Pnncipal Brorooms. Two acres of Management Property Ma n age- room tacular canyon and 201304848 $159,900 all Eagle Crest ameni 541-536-0117 tral a/c for hot sumirrig., mtn. and Smith ker, Century 21 Gold ment 541-536-0117 Call Charlie & Virginia ties. Owner will carry. mtn views. 1.20 acres Rock views. Central mers. $309,000 MLS¹ Country Realty, Inc. MLS 201302855 P rincipal Brok e rs $589,900. 14749 N Sugar Pine. 201306455 location c o mmuting 756 541-504-1338 5 41-350-3418 R e d - Eagle Crest Properties C all N a nc y Po p p , d istance t o $189,000. 1773 sq.ft. John L. Scott Real EsBe n d , 541-815-8000 mond RE/MAX Land Jefferson County Homes 866-722- 3370 home, 1 44 0 s q . ft. tate 541-548-1712 Prineville and R e dWait until you see in & Homes Real EsCrooked River Realty shop. High Lakes Reside ... stunning con 360' View/Top of Butte mond. $279,900! Call tate 541-923-0855 Want to move in and alty & Property Man- A quality built home in a 762 Heather Hockett, PC, temporary a r c hitec in Terrebonne. Home, wonderful l o c ation. Homes with Acreage enjoy life? This is your agement USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! t ure f e aturing f i n e shop, mansion building B roker, Century 2 1 Peaceful setting! 1936 home, and it is loaded 541-536-0117 G rand views of t he Gold Country Realty, family living and enter site. 2% to broker. See: sq. ft. of upgraded buttes and terrain east 16751 SW DOVE RD. Door-to-door selling with with upgrades and 541-420-91 51 tainment on a grand http://bend.craigslist.org/ living on just under 15282 Wagon T r ail. ready to live in. This of M adras. H o me One level 2500 sq. ft. scale! 4 bdrm suites reo/4054126949.html fast results! It's the easiest Mtn. views Exceptional a h alf a c re. R V well-maintained home $228,000. 1849 sq.ft. f eatures solid o a k custom log home on with p rivate b aths, way in the world to sell. parking, e xtensive custom built home on boasts a large tiled home, 46x38 shop. c abinets & doo r s . 4 .9 a cres.Floor t o 4005 NW Helmholtz large open living, din Way ultimate family concrete and paver 7.69 acres! S ingle H ickory flooring i n entryway, ceiling fans, High Lakes Realty & c eiling wind o w s ing and great room, The Bulletin Classified l andscaping, i r o n Ma n age- kitchen. l evel 2146 s q . f t . recessed lig h ting, Property $229,000 w/views of the Mtns. homes. 4 bdrm 3 12' c eilings, p a n ment 541-536-0117 541-385-5809 fenced garden area. home features open MLS¹201306901 l arge loft a r ea , a Hickory hardwood & oramic windows to en bath, over 7 acres, MLS 20 1 3 0 6536 floor p lan, v a ulted master bedroom with 15425 Pine Ct. DB D Realty Group LLC tile floors. $499,999 joy mtn. views. 3-car 20x40 heated pool. C ountry h om e wi t h $274,000. Call Kelly ceilings, tile flooring, ample walk-in closet, $294,945. 2792 sq.ft., 541-475-3030 $420,000. MLS MLS 201208751 garage an d 2 - b ay 2 01305932. Starbuck, Principal s pectacular Sm i t h gas fireplace, living window cov e rings 4 car garage, 1.75 Cal l Juniper Realty, shop with RV doors single level Rock views on a quiet room PLUS f a m ily Broker R e d mond throughout. The gaacres. High L akes Attractive 541-504-5393 and ample storage. Travis L . H a n na, dead-end veneer home cou n t ry room, chef's kitchen R E/MAX Land & rage is finished with PC, Principal BroRealty & Pr o perty brick $429,900. only 2 miles to Culver. Wonderful horse prop road. Spacious 2700 with large eating bar, Homes R eal Esceiling storage rack ker, 541-788-3480. Management MLS¹ 201304473 4 bdr, 3 bath, on 5'A sq. ft. home boasts 3 granite countertops, tate 541-771-7786 and you have great 541-536-0117 erty with mtn v iew. Redmond RE/MAX Call Nancy Popp acres w/irrg. rights. 1188 sq. ft. 3 bed, 2 bdrms, 2 baths, huge stainless appliances, Land & Homes views from the back 1 5924 Jackpine R d . 541-815-8000. Heated f l o or s in bath mfd. home on country kitchen, din double ovens, Hickory BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS deck. $129, 9 00. Real Estate $54,900. 2 Bdrm, 094 kitchen, dining area & 2.5 fully fenced acres Crooked River Realty ing area, large utility cabinets. Master suite Search the area's most MLS¹201304344. VA near town. High utility r oom. L a rge with n o-climb f i eld N ewly L isted! B e n d $ 485,000 C ustom 2 r oom and a b a s e includes gas fireplace, comprehensive listing of assumable, if eligible. acre, Lakes Realty & Prop- wood decks plus a 2 bath 1860 ment which i s in tiled double sink vanclassified advertising... f encing an d g a t ed country h om e Call Heather Hockett, on bedroom Man a gement solar water pre heater driveway. SQ. FT. home on 7.76 cluded in the sq. ft. Inte r ior 2+acres. 4 bdrm, 3 ity, j e tted s o a king real estate to automotive, PC, Broker, Century erty 541-536-0117 on the tile roof. City v iew acres w 4. 8 Also an extra area tub/separate shower. merchandise to sporting painted, new carpet bath with plenty of 21 Gold Country Rewater is used for unacres of COI irrigaupstairs and all bed C entral AC , la n d goods. Bulletin Classifieds alty, 541-420-9151 1 5951 T a llwood C t . installed, new stove & Kitchen has derground s p rinkler f ridge J u l y 20 1 2 . updates. detached 9 06 r ooms are o n t h e scaping, spr i nkler appear every day in the $229,000. 3 Bdrm, 3 new custom cabinets, tion, s ys. Property w a s SQ. FT. garage/shop, main level. Large dbl. system, double gaW ell taken c ar e o f bath, bonus r o om, Vaulted ceilings, large tile countertops, bam print or on line. pump shed, fenced garage. 1.5 acres w/1 rage, 2013 SF shop. home on NW side of shop. High Lakes Re- state approved thru deck, fenced garden boo floors, new light Call 541-385-5809 2 013 0 4 744 4 bedrm, alty & Property Man- Measure 49 for 2 ad- a rea, 3 h o rse p a s fixtures and m o re. and c ross f e nced, acre irrig.,fenced and MLS www.bendbulletin.com Redmond. ditional acre homes- tures, 12'x24' 3 sided Baths have new tile, pole barn hay storage ready fo r ho r ses. $369,900. 2.5 bath w/ nice large agement ties. $ 3 9 5,000.MLS horse shelter, 26'x32' r ecent c a rpet a n d in Redmond. $298,900 Call John L. Scott Real loft area. Master bdrm 541-536-0117 ServingCentrai Oregon stnce19l8 201306487 Heather Hockett, PC, Estate 541-548-1712 on main level, open barn with 2 portable windows as well as in MLS¹201306856 16011 F a l co n Ln. John L. Scott Real EsEagle Crest Properties B roker, Century 21 kitchen o v e rlooking matted stalls 8 large terior paint. Covered Single level 3 Bdrm, 2 866-722- 3370 Gold Country Realty, New Listing! 15 y Irridining area & l iving $ 144,000. 3 B d r m , tate 541-548-1712 hay storage, 10x20 p orch, triple car at gated Acres! SpecBath home on corroom. Large bdrms. 1539 sq.ft., fenced Great home on large lot ins. storage shed and t ached garage a nd 4 bdrm, 2 bath 1920 sq. 541-420-9151 tacular Cas c ade ner lot in an estab3-car garage, land- acre. High Lakes Re- with v i ews. L a r ge 12'x12' ins. dog house pull t hrough s h op. ft. home built in 2006, CULVER irr i gated views, 5-stall barn alty & Property Manlished nei g hbor- scaped, backyard is with lean to. $194,500 P roperty i s ag e n t family room n eeds dbl. garage and shop. acres! 60x40 SHOP! with heated t ack, hood. Triple Garage fenced. $24 9 ,999 agement MLS 201305054 owned. $33 9 ,900 Located o n carpet. Con v ertedJohn 2.7 3 Close to Lake Billy custom home, very 541-536-0117 $214,900 MLS MLS¹201302289 L. Scott Real Es Heather Hockett, PC, acres. $279,900. Too C hinook, larg e garage into extra ofprivate but close to 201304052 Call D&D Realty Group LLC 1 6445 W h it e Bu c k , fice s pace. L a rge tate 541-548-1712 B roker, Century 2 1 new for MLS. Pam country home, town. $56 5 ,000. Charlie & V i rginia 541-475-3030 $299,900. 4 Bdrm, 2.5 Gold Country Realty, shop & carp o rt.12789 SW Wheatgrass Lester, Principal Bro views! $3 2 9 ,500. MLS ¹ 201304467 Principal B r o kers bath, 2900 sq.ft., 2.5 541-420-9151 $123,500 ker, Century 21 Gold MLS¹ 201302293 Redmond RE/MAX 541-350-3418 You Must See This 3 Rd. Well maintained acres. High L akes MLS¹201302421 Country Realty, Inc. Redmond RE/MAX Land8 Homes Real Redmond RE/MAX bdrm, 2 bath, fully up- Realty & Pr o perty D&D Realty Group 1680 sq. ft., 3 bdrm., 1.76 Acres zoned R4 541-504-1338 Land & Homes Real Estate 541-923-0855 Land & Homes dated with designer Management 2 bath, on 1 a c r e. w ith 2122 sq . ft . 3 LLC 541-475-3030 Real Estate Spacious living room bdrm, 2 bath country 5 ACRES with moun- Estate 541-923-0855 touches. Natural light 541-536-0117 Powell Butte! 10 Acres! 541-923-0855 with views of the Cas& f a mily home, lovely l a nd- tain views. 3 bdrm, 2 Desirable small acreKnockout Mtn. views! Home sits on 2.23 AC downstairs 17044 W h i ttier Dr. room upstairs. cades. $14 9 ,500. scaping and l a rge b ath, 1620 s q . f t . age in the country 4 3863 sq. ft. custom desirable Madras $ 119,900. 3 B d r m , in MLS 201303912. Gail MLS pond, $249,900. MLS home, 36x40 shop, miles from town, borhome with g ourmet Ranchos, rec e ntly $179,900 Find It in 201302119 Day, Broker, den, garden tub, 1 201205496 Pam fenced, irrig., sprinki t c hen dering Crooked River kitchen, office, outThe Bulletin Classifieds! 541-306-1018. acre. High Lakes Re- remodeled Juniper Realty, Lester, Pnncipal Brow/an appliance gakler sys. $ 279,000. g rasslands. W o u l d buildings, shop, pool! 541-385-5809 541-504-5393 Central Oregon Realty alty & Property Man- rage, corian counter ker, Century 21 Gold MLS 2809225. Pam m ake n i c e ho r s e $779,900. agement Group, LLC Country Realty, Inc. MLS¹ 201106428 tops, hardwood floors, 13914 SW RIDGE PL. Lester, 541-504-1338 setup. Home placed in 541-536-0117 Stunning views of Smith master has cork floors Amazing mtn v iews 541-504-1338 Call Virginia, C entury 2 1 , Go l d 2000 with new septic, Rock and the Cas- Looking for your next Pnncipal Broker & m o re! $ 2 75,000 from this 3 bdrm, 2 10 acres w /custom County Realty d rainfield an d c i t y Call a Pro 541-350-3418 cades from this conMLS¹201304462 water at t h a t t i me. emp/oyee? bath home on 1 .13 home and shop in 6661 SW Quarry Ave, temporary m a s ter- Place a Bulletin help Redmond RE/MAX D&D Realty Group LLC acres which is adja$119,000. MLS Whether you need a Powell Butte! Redmond. 4.77 p iece. Great r o o m wanted ad today and 541-475-3030 Land & Homes 2 01100233 John L . cent to public land. Unique fence fixed, hedges fl o o rplan acres, 1 acre irrigafloor plan thoughtfully Real Estate Scott R ea l E s t ate reach over 60,000 Short distance to the w/indoor spa room, Look at these views! t ion. Pond, s h o p trimmed or a house designed to capture readers each week. 541-548-1712 D eschutes Riv e r . wide Private gated commuhall w ays, Cascade Mtns from a nd 16000 sq. f t . every ray o f l i g ht. Your classified ad built, you'll find single level. y our l i ving r o o m. $164,900 house. $ 3 50,000. Elegantly designed, mtn nity. 28 acres backs to L uxury finis h es will also appear on MLS201304388. professional help in B LM land o n e a s t $365,000. MLS Home has been upMLS 20 1 3 07143. views, 2574 sq. ft. 3 throughout, office with bendbulletin.com Juniper Realty, side. New construc201108648 Call dated with newer heat Call Tr a vi s L. bdrm, 2 bath home, The Bulletin's "Call a custom built-ins, mewhich currently re541-504-5393 Charlie & V irginia, pump & all new floors. Hanna, PC, Princilarge l iving, m a ny t ion, just in t ime to dia room equipped ceives over Service Professional" Great r anch s t y le6 326 SW S ha d R d . Principal B r o kers pal Broker, custom fea t u res, choose your colors & with wired gigabyte 1.5 million page Directory 541-788-3480. h ome with l ot s o f Spectacular views of 541- 350-3418 20x20 shop, fenced floor coverings, upnetwork, and custom views every month 541-385-5809 room to play . the C R R C a n yon,Redmond R E / MAX Redmond R E / MAX for horses. $315,000 grades are available. w orkshop i n o v e rat no extra cost. Peace and tranquility Hom e s $172,000. MLS S mith R o cks a n d L and & L and & Hom e s MLS¹201304364 sized 3 car garage. 3 Bulletin Classifieds Estate ¹ 201208213 D8 D Real Estate C all N a nc y Pop p i s hard t o f i n d i n bedrooms, 2.5 baths, 1716 Ter r e t Rd, mountains from every Real Get Results! today's lifestyle. This 541-350-3418 541-815-8000 $354,000. 2611 sq.ft., R ealty Group L L C window of this 2436 3247 sq. ft. Offered at Call 385-5809 or 7150 SW S WALLOW Crooked River Realty has all that plus views 541-475-3030 5 acres, 3 bay shop. sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 3 bath $692,500 place your ad on-line NW Dove Rd. RD. Spacious 1804 of the Cascade range. High Lakes Realty & Eagle Crest Properties home on 1.47 acres. 12250 at Unobstructed moun- sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath Home has fenced prop- Granite countertops, 866-722- 3370 Property Ma n age-Newer home close to $179,000. MLS bendbulletin.com tain views! immacu- w ith S m i t h Roc k erty f o r ani m als. h ardwood schools on large lot, 20134899 floo r s, ment 541-536-0117 l ate 1841 sq. ft . 3 v iews. B r ight a n d Wonderful location & w /storage s he d & custom cabinets, heat The Jefferson - NW Juniper Realty, 17690 Tell Ct. large master bdrm. bdrm, 2 bath, cedar o pen k i tchen a n d a nice shop area. This pump. 3 car garage, Redmond - $289,900. 755 541-504-5393 1790 sq.ft., New carpet in living sided home on 4.81 great room. Private is a g r eat c ountry fireplace and lap sidDesirable NW neigh- Sunriver/La Pine Homes $234,900. 24x33 shop, 1 acre. room. Tile c o unter fenced acres. home! Ready for a 6624 SW FERRET DR. location o n 5.62 ing. $499, 0 0 0. borhood, single level, MLS acres. $209,000. MLS family wanting to live tops in kitchen. Ga- Updated 3 bdrm, 2 $385,000 MLS201204584 3 b drm, 2 . 5 b a t h, 51479 Riverland - Big & High Lakes Realty 8 Property Ma n age- rage converted into 201101447 201304491 J u n iper on acreage & have John L. Scott Real Esbath on 6 acres in a 2020 sq ft. beautiful home on 2 ment 541-536-0117 Juniper Realty, play room or a ddi- private location. Large Realty, 541-504-5393 room to spread out. tate 541-548-1712 MLS¹201306374 acres in the p ines, 541-504-5393 tional family r o om. garage/shop MLS¹201209328 has Call Jim Hinton, 51275 D i a nn e Rd. $249,900. Price Reduced! 8829 $249,900 D&D Realty plenty of room for all 13850 SW Quail Trail, SW Jefferson 541-420-6229 $159,000. 5 A c res, $74,000 Get your TEAM Birtola Garmyn View Pl. MLS¹201302561. Group LLC your toys. $159,000 Central Oregon Realty home, shop, RV raPowell Butte. Private Beautiful log home lo- 541-475-3030 High Desert Realty business D&D Realty Group Juniper Realty, Group, LLC mada. High L a kes 541-312-9449 horse property with cated in quiet area on LLC 541-475-3030 541-504-5393 Realty 8 Pro p erty www. BendOregon gorgeous m o untain 1 acre corner lot on a Home on acreage bring Management RealEstate.com Nice 3 bdrm home in C ustom home o n 5 views. The 6.24 acres paved street. S p aall your t o ys, l i ve G ROW I N G Need to get an ad 541-536-01 1 7 t own and c lose t o acres 3 bdrm, 2 bath, is fenced & c r o ss c ious 1280 sq . f t . , close to town on this 1 018 C h apman S t . 51377 W a l ling Ln. schools. Landscaped dbl. garage, private fenced w/2 stall barn, Finished bonus rm. 2.23 acres with 3 bed in ASAP? with an ad in $ 224,900. 4 Bd r m , $75,000. 1.24 a cre, with a fenced yard, w ell, l a rg e sh o p . insulated tack room above garage. Home room, 2 bath home, The Bulletin's 1 836 s q . ft. , 2. 8 4 pole barn, city water R V p a r king, t o o ! $106.500. MLS w/water & 2 l o afing is being sold fully fur- s plit fl o o r pla n . Fax it to 541-322-7253 a cres, shop. H i g h a nd s e wer. $29 9 , 000 nished. "Call A Service 201207304 Call sheds. $214 , 900 MLS¹201301914 H i g h $79,900 Lakes Realty & Prop- Lakes Realty & Prop- MLS¹201106963 MLS 201301737 $89,900 Nancy Popp MLS 201304401 Professional" The Bulletin Classifieds erty Man a gement erty Juniper Realty, Juniper Realty, D&D Realty Group LLC Man a gement D&D Realty Group 541-815-8000 Directory 541-536-0117 LLC 541-475-3030 541-504-5393 541-504-5393 541-475-3030 541-536-0117 Crooked River Realty

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Homes with Acreage

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Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Mfd./Mobile Homes with Land

Q uality home on 4 . 5 CULVER! 10+/- irriB eautiful, l a rg e . 5 0 Featured Lots at Eagle The Highlands at Bro- 12770 NW Dove Rd. A mazing views! 6 4 0 a cres in N W R e d - g ated acres w i t h acre, level, buildable Crest: 10930 Summit ken top, 1 0 a c res, 5 .12 a c r es , Mt n . acres - incredible 1440 sq. ft. 2 b r /2ba 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, mfg on m ond. 4 bdrm / 3 charming farm lot. Excellent neigh- Ridge Ct. Pr e mier gated, private well, views, all utilities inCascade M o u ntain mfd home with exten- over an a cre. Has baths (2 masters) h ome, set-up f o r borhood. Bring your 1.03Ac Flag lot with utilities at lo. App for stalled. $96,500 MLS views. Additional 550 sive updates. Large been very well maingourmet kitchen with horses, 3 stall barn, favorite builder. For surround Mt. V iews cap-fill septic. 20120135 acres of BLM lease, 2 deck an d c o v ered tained and used as a granite counters. numerous outbuildmore information call $250,000 $535,000. MLS Juniper Realty tax lots, 2 LOP tags. parking area. O nly rental. Also has a de541-504-5393 N ewer shop c o m - ings. $32 9 ,000. Barbara Jac k son,2385 Osprey Drive golf ¹ 201200937. Pam W ater & p o wer a t $22,000. MLS tached double car gapletely finished with MLS 201305577 Broker 541-306-8186, course lot .54 Ac be- Lester, Principal Brop roperty. Read t o 201306942 Pam rage. MLS 1 6160 SW Dove R d . (4) rooms . Artificial Call Charlie 8 Virwww.johnlscott.com/5 hind t he gate ker, Century 21 Gold b uild y ou r dr e a m Lester, Princ. Broker, ¹201004467. $84,900 acre corner lot, grass an d n a t ural ginia Principal Bro8748 $138,000 Country Realty, Inc. 6.1 home. Call Candice C entury 2 1 Gol d Cascade Realty, Mtn. views, near Des- Anderson, 541-504-1338 grass with many garkers 541-350-3418 John L. Scott 86 Bitterbrush Court Br o k er, Country Realty, Inc. Dennis Haniford, chutes River. $89,900 541-788-8878 den and flower beds. Redmond RE/MAX Real Estate, Bend Smith Roc k v i e ws Want the privacy of a 541-504-1338 Principal Broker MLS 201205646 $475,000. mls Land & Homes www.johnlscott.com $125,000 www.johnlscott.com/9 541-536-1731 gated community and Juniper Realty 201304368. Call Vicci Real Estate 2525 Thrush Court be2756 FACTORYSPECIAL Eagle C rest, 1 0 1 51 t he amenities of a 541-504-5393 New Home, 3 bdrm, Bowen Broker, h ind the g a t e f l a t destination John L. Scott Sundance Ridge Lp. re s o rt? 541-410-9730. C e nbuilding lot $115,000 Real Estate, Bend $46,500 finished SW Chinook Dr. Tick, Tock Big Smith Rock views, For Then this is the lot for 16535 on your site. tral Oregon Realty Ranch in Powell Butte a complete list, call 5 .68 a c res, R i v er www.johnlscott.com .44 acre lot, backs to you. Nice b uildable J and M Homes Group, LLC Tick, Tock... $ 925,000. Pride o f Cline Butte & B L M. us at 541-408-4204 or .48 Acre lot with many v iews, o w ne r w i l l Build your dream home 541-548-5511 541-408-4203, Team carry. $225,000 MLS on this 5.3 acre parownership/Borders $159,900. MLS trees on it. $135,000 ...don't let time get Marx, Brokers, Eagle MLS¹201306759 BLM. Feed Lot, hay 201106408 ¹201304889 cel just a few minutes LOT MODEL Recreational Homes away. Hire a Crest Properties. Juniper Realty Barn, Equip. S hed Lynn Johns, Principal south o f P r i neville. Eagle Crest Properties LIQUIDATION 541-504-5393 MLS¹201206082 & Property professional out Broker, 541-408-2944 866-722- 3370 V iews of t h e C a s - Prices Slashed Huge Vicci Bowen Good classified ads tell Central Oregon 16685 SW Chinook Dr. cades and easy acSavings! 10 Year of The Bulletin's 541-41 0-9730 773 15th Fairway at Eagle the essential facts in an Resort Realty 6 .9 a c r es , Ri v e r cess off Davis Loop. conditional warranty. "Call A Service Central Oregon Realty Crest Resort. 3 interesting Manner. Write Septic approved and Finished on your site. Acreages views, all utilities inGroup, LLC E agle C r est, 1 0 4 84 from the readers view - not bdrms, 2'/2 baths lopower available. Professional" stalled, owner carry. ONLY 2 LEFT! Bitterbrush Ct. Pancated behind the the seller's. Convert the 13601 SW Canyon Dr. $189,000 MLS MLS $35,750 Redmond, Oregon Directory today! oramic mtn views, .39 facts into benefits. Show gates. MLS ¹ 771 1.13 acres, Mt. Jeffer201302249 541-548-5511 acre lot, situated on a the reader how the item will son views, owner will 201008671 201302857. John L. Scott Real Lots Juniper Realty JandMHomes.com Located on over 2 acres quiet cul- d e-sac. help them in someway. $377,900. carry. $58,500 MLS Estate 541-548-1712 541-504-5393 is this 3 bdrm, 2 bath MLS John L. Scott Real Call The Bulletin At 201106385 R esidential Lo t wi t h $159,000. This Canyon City, Oregon. home. Every bdrm, ¹201301380 Estate 541-548-1712 20+ Acres West Powell 541-385-5809 Cascade Mtn ViewsJuniper Realty advertising tip has a walk-in closet, Lynn Johns, Principal Butte Estates. 14 acres zoned Resi541-504-5393 $105,000. Located in Just bought a new boat? brought to youby double sinks in masBroker, 541-408-2944 $169,000 Gate d dential, currently di- Place Your Ad Or E-Mail well-established Sell your old one in the Space & Privacy, community, Central Oregon mtn. vided into 4 tax lots. At: www.bendbulletin.com ter bath, light and airy classifieds! Ask about our n eighborhood, h i g h The Bulletin Open family room. Kitchen Resort Realty $60,000. 4.78 acres, views, private well, $99,900 Super Seller rates! elevation lot, almost Rent /Own Juniper Realty has oak cabinets, isCascade M o u ntain paved roads with ac541-385-5809 quarter acre. 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes Eagle Crest, 1525 Mur- Last Lot A v ailable 541-504-5393 land and is the heart v iews, t r e e d lot , cess to BLM. MLS¹ MLS ¹201305289. $2500 down, $750 mo. relet Dr. Ochoco Mtn o f this h ome. T h e B ehind th e G a t e a t Crooked River Ranch. 201305077 Pam Call Vicci Bowen, Check out the OAC. J and M Homes master is s p acious v iews, 1 7 t h hol e Available immediately, MLS¹201307047. Eagle Crest. G reat one lot with Northern Lester, Principal Bro541-41 0-9730 541-548-5511 classifieds online challenge CRS, .49 with a m aster bath family vacation home Central Oregon Realty Call Gail Day, ker, Century 21 Gold views on Livengood acre lot, bring your tNww.bendbulletin.com on the 11th green of 541-306-1018. with large shower and Way is r eady and Country Realty, Inc. Group, LLC builder. $15 0 ,000. waiting for your cus- Central Oregon Realty h uge soaking t u b . t he Re s or t gol f Updated daily Garage Sales 541-504-1338 MLS ¹201305175 course. 3 b d rm, 4 208 2nd Ave., Culver. Outside is set up for Group, LLC tom man u factured Close-in A creage Lynn Johns, Principal 30 acres 12 min. east, Garage Sales livestock and double bath, bonus room, loft Level city lot. $38,200 Conveniently located Broker, 541-408-2944 home. Pick your own Lot 22 SW Chipmunk mtn. views, elect. in, and 3336 sq.ft to ac MLS 201203505 g arage and a n e w design! Rd. 5.19 acres, level between B e n d & Central Oregon septic feas., $135k. Garage Sales heat pump. commodate the whole Cascade Village Juniper Realty Redmond, this relaResort Realty l ot, Mt n . view s . Must Sell! 760-835family. Lrg trex deck MLS¹201200121. Homes. Bend, 541-504-5393 $69,000 MLS 3185, 541-385-0318 tively flat 2.65 acres is Find them Reduced to $75,000. with AM sun and PM 541-388-0000 Eagle Crest, 903 Highready for your builder. 201106095 shade. $432 , 000 Cascade Realty, in land View Lp. C a sPeople Lookfor Information Juniper Realty Cascade Mtn views at Need to get an Dennis Haniford, MLS¹201301436 cade mtn views ga- Nice flat lot in Terreb541-504-5393 the front of the propThe Bulletin About Products and Call Team Marx, Bro Principal Broker ad in ASAP? l ore, 045 a c r e l o t . onne, .56 a c r es, erty. $69,900. C a ll 541-536-1731 kers at Eagle Crest Services Every Daythrough Gently sloped, close p aved s t reet, a p - $115,500 - Hard to find Classifieds You can place it Tom Eilerston, Broker, Properties, The Bulletin Classifieds to Lakeside Sports proved fo r c a p -fill rim l o t . Stu n ning 541-350-8097 Owner will carry with a online at: 541-408-4204 541-385-5809 v iews, s e ptic a p Center. $12 5 ,000. s eptic, utilities at l o t John L. Scott ood down payment. www.bendbulletin.com $58,000 One acre lot l ine. $42,000. M L S proval 1.55 a c res, MLS ¹201305350 Eagle Crest custom Real Estate, Bend 79,900. MLS @ with Cascade views Lynn Johns, Principal ¹ 2012001172 P a m power and water at lot 780 home on 14th tee. www.johnlscott.com 201303870. Ca ll and flat building site. Na n c y 541-385-5809 Broker, 541-408-2944 Lester, Principal Bro- l ines. C a l l Gated community! 4 Mfd./Mobile Homes Linda, B r oker @ Heavily tree for great Lot 21 SW Chipmunk Central Oregon ker, Century 21 Gold Popp 541-815-8000 B drm, 3 . 5 Ba t h , 541-771-2585 with Land Rd. 5.16 acre, comprivacy. Community Country Realty, Inc. Crooked River Realty Resort Realty 3242 Acres in Urban 3208 sq. ft. Great Crooked River Realty water t o pr o perty. 541-504-1338 Growth Bou n dary, munity water installed. $120,000. 3 b drm, 2 for entertaining & Eagle Crest, 914 HighMLS MLS¹201205389. $60,000 Find exactly what Adjacent t o The private resort living. C all bath, 1564 sq. ft. MH Where can you find a N a nc y Pop p land View LP. Unob- Shevlin Commons Lot you are looking for in the Greens, kitty corner to 201300800 $620,000 MLS helping hand? structed Mtn v i ews. near the community 541-815-8000 Juniper Realty new Ridgeview High i $239,000 201305107 Call .44 Acre lot, back to • .25 acre lot CLASSIFIEDS park in C RR . 1 . 43 From contractors to 541-504-5393 School. $59 9 ,000. Charlie & V i rginia Crooked River Realty BLM, privacy galore • Cascade Mountain acre. MLS ¹201303876 MLS ¹ 2 01 2 03193 Prineville j $99,000 Principal B r o kers yard care, it's all here Linda Lou Day-Wright, 1191 NW Helmholtz $59,900 - Nicely treed with views. $134,000. view Pam Lester, Principal 541-350-3418Call • 2.04 acres in The Bulletin's MLS ¹201307060 Broker, 541-771-2585 W ay 3 .3 9 a c r e s l ot a djoining C R R to Shevlin Park B roker, Century 2 1 • Cascade Mountain Charlie & V i rginia Lynn Johns, Principal •• Close Crooked River Realty r eady f o r you r "Call A Service MLS 201301093 Gold Country Realty, Principal B r o kers greenbelt. C u rrently views Broker, 541-408-2944 Don Kelleher, Broker, homes. $103,000. set up for RV use. 541-350-3418 Inc. 541-504-1338 Professional" Directory • Crooked River views 2 Manufactured homes Central Oregon MLS 20 1 1 00749. Fully fenced. 541-480-1911 Redmond RE/MAX that are currently used • MLS 2704850 Resort Realty Call Tr a vi s L. 4 .38 Acre v i e w l o t MLS¹201205397 Very nice 3 bdrm, 2 Land & Homes JJ Jones, Broker as rentals. This propHanna, PC, Princibacks BLM, Cascade Call Nancy Popp, Real Estate erty has a ton of pob ath home, with a 541-610-7318 Want to impress the pal Broker, mtn & S m ith R o ck 541-815-8000 541-788-3678 tential. First home is great floor plan. Has a 541-788-3480. views. Corner lot, apCrooked River Realty 764 relatives? Remodel built in 1973, 2 bdrm, certified wood stove, Redmond R E / MAX proved for standard outside is a s t u dio Farms & Ranches your home with the MORRIS 1 bath, and the secL and & Hom e s septic. $199,000. MLS 9148 sq.ft. FLAT lot, help of a professional ond home is built in apartment for whatREAL ESTATE Real Estate ¹2809381 Pam cul-de-sac, u t i l ities $ 499,900 Own y o u r 1998, 2 bdrm, 2 bath. ever you would like to I d p d ly O d dOp «d from The Bulletin's Lester, Principal Bros tubbed i nt o P U E , own mountain on a The homes are on a use it for. Property is 1197 NW Helmholtz "Call A Service ker, Century 21 Gold MORRIS close to West Can431 Acre Ranch In Way 2.59 a c r es Country total of 4 .15 acres. fenced, has a c o vRealty, Inc. The Bulletin's REAL ESTATE yon Rim Park and ac- Professional" Directory S unny Central O rStorage bui l dings, ered back deck and r eady t o bui l d . 541-504-1338 "Call A Service I d p d lyO d dOp egon just north of Ma- cess to the Dry Cancarports. Nice clean covered carport. This $97,000. MLS dras. Private location, yon t rail. $ 5 0,000. Eagle Crest Lots start- Professional" Directory MLS is a must see on your 201100751. Call 7 965 SW R i ve r R d . SW Geneva View Rd. property. list. MLS¹201306037. w/large game, abun- includes shop. MLS¹ ing at $59,000. Call Travis L . H a nna, 2.79 acres, near the ¹201306120. is all about meeting Level 1.14 acres with 201207694. Pam dant wildlife and sea$98,500. for a c o mplete list, PC, Principal BroD eschutes Riv e r . ood building sites. $139,900 your needs. Lester, Principal BroCascade Realty, s onal c reek. M L S 541-971-255-9866 or MLS Cascade Realty, ker, 541-788-3480. $49,000 41,500 MLS ker, Century 21 Gold 541-550-6137. or visit ¹201306534 Dennis Haniford, Dennis Haniford, Call on one of the Redmond R E / MAX 201009429 201102002 Country Realty, Inc. Principal Broker Eagle Crest Properties www.movingtoeaL and & Hom e s Juniper Realty Principal Broker Juniper Realty professionals today! 541-504-1338 866-722- 3370 541-504-5393 541-536-1731 541-536-1731 glecrest.com Real Estate 541-504-5393




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541 -41 0. 8 0 8 4

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I SW Redmond

541 -9 7 7 - 1 85 2

• Passive solarheat •Customhome in Tanglewood • Solarium opens onto greatroom • Main floor master w/jetted tub



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$285 , 00 0 I 1937 ArborwoodAvenue

$350 , 00 0 l 19574 Brookside Way

54 1 - 7 7 1 - 1 1 68


$1 79 , 9 9 9


• Backs to BLMlands • Large single levelhome • Multiple out buildings • Greenhouse • Close to town


I River's Edge Village

• Double cargarage • Master features alarge jetted tub & walk incloset • I975 SF,3 bed,2 bath home • Large deck off back, landscaped • RV parking


ac .2


I Single Family Home

• t/s AC lot

I 16+ Acres!

• 3 bed,3 bath,1918SF • Master on mainfloor with walk in closets &spacious master bath • Open greatroom • Loft/office room I'

$ 1 75 , 0 0 0


$ 279 , 0 0 0


• Secluded32ACTumalo Ranch w/16 AC irrigation • Spectacular mountain views • Outbuildings; barn,shop,& storage • 2 Bed, 1 bath, remodeled

• 1682 SF singlelevel home • Vaulted ceilings


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$695 , 00 0 I 65490 Tweed Road

$249,000 I Custom Home RV Parking - MtnViews


I Tranquil Home Site

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54 1 - 4 1 0 - 1 2 0 0

54 1 . 6 3 9 . 6 3 0 7

• 5.89 AC • Private well drilled •Cap & fill septic approved • High Bluff CrookedRiver view

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• River CanyonEstates • Mountain views • Large fencedbackyard • Great neighborhood amenities


• 3 bed, 2.5 bath, 2963SF

54 1 - 6 3 3 - 0 2 5 5

$259,000161168 Foxglove loop

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• Double RV parking • Low maintenance landscapm g

$995, 00 0 I Elegant Ranch Retreat

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•Home PLUS apartmentinCanyon


From Concepi T 0 C l o s i ng, Your Success Is Ou r B u s i n e s s!


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$249,000 I A Terrific Home, Great Heighborhood

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4 Communicate in the style and frequency that suitsyou best.

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ON PAGES 3&4. COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin

Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 2013 •


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%. A



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00 ~ Want to Buy or Rent CASH for dressers, dead washers/ dryers 541-420-5640

Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows

541-420-9015 205

Items for Free

BBQ grill and 2 tanks. you-haul. Free. Door-to-door selling with 541-382-0956 fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. Bowflex exerciser with bungees and bench. Free. 541-382-0956 The Bulletin Classified

Free to good home, full size mattress, good Wanted: $Cash paid for cond, you pick-up. vintage costume jew541-382-6262 elry. Top dollar paid for Gold/Silver.l buy by the FREE TVs, various sizes. Estate, Honest Artist See at Mattress Factory, Elizabeth,541-633-7006 571 NE Azure Dr., Bend

Q. W .

Ch a n d l e r

A v~

. ,• B e n d





Items for Free

Pets & Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Moving Boxes, you pick up. FREE! Central Oregon 541-388-0153 Saturday Market and Fresh Produce! Recliner, burnt orange This is our last Saturday color, used but free! until the holidays! Call 541-389-1 899 Downtown Bend, across from library. White shelving; baseLarge selection of local board; 1x 1 & 1x2 artists 8 crafters. lumber. 541-383-2630



17 7 7

O r e g o n

$7~ 210

Pets & Supplies

Fur n iture & Appliances Furniture & Appliances

Adopt a rescued kitten Bengal Kittens, brown & Donate deposit bottles/ Entertainment c e nter, or cat! Fixed, shots, snow leopard avail from cans to local all volsolid Oak, glass drs, ID chip, tested, more! exp'd breeder. $400- unteer, non-profit res- $150. 541-390-4324 Nonprofit sanctuary at $800 ea. 541-385-8934 cue, for feral cat spay/ 65480 78th St., Bend, neuter. Cans for Cats Freezer 19.6cf Whirwhite, $ 185. open Sat/Sun 1-5; Cane C orso I t a lian trailer a t Gr o c ery pool, 541-549-6639 area. Sending cash, kitten foster home by Outlet, 694 S. 3rd; or Mastiffs 2 f emales checks, or credit inappt. (call 815 7278); available, 13 weeks, d onate Mon-Fri a t f ormation may b e at PetSmart 9/14-15 AKC registered, not Smith Sign, 1515 NE subjected to fraud. with cats & k i ttens. for b reeding, e a rs 2nd; or a nytime at For more i nformaPhotos, map & more cropped, CRAFT in T u malo. Dggtg 1 microtion about an adverat www.craftcats.org. chipped, utd on medi- www.craftcats.org Visit our HUGE Call a Pro tiser, you may call 541-389-8420, or like cal $2000 ea SE Bend home decor the O r egon State us on Facebook. Whether you need a DO YOU HAVE (479) 595-3358 sericonsignment store. Attorney General's SOMETHING TO fence fixed, hedges New items Office C o n sumer Angora Goat, female, 1 ous inquiries and lovSELL arrive daily! trimmed or a house Protection hotline at yr. old, $125. Ring- ing homes only FOR $500 OR 930 SE Textron, 1-877-877-9392. neck Phea s ants, built, you'll find LESS? Bend 541-318-1501 male, 4 mo. old, $35 Non-commercial professional help in www.redeuxbend.com Chihuahua e/4 Deer The Bulletin ea. 541-536-1677 advertisers may ger ng CentralOregon r nre lg03 Long Hair/ t/4 Jack The Bulletin's "Call a place an ad with Aquarium - 125 gallon R ussell Puppy 8 GENERATE SO ME oui' Service Professional" w ith s t a nd . $1 0 0 wks, 1st shot call for EXCITEMENT in your "QUICK CASH Directory price 541-977-7766 541-475-6433 neighborhood! Plan a SPECIAL" 541-385-5809 Find exactly what garage sale and don't 1 week 3 lines 12 Aussies, Mini AKC, parforget to advertise in k ko! you are looking for in the ents on site, 1st shots & ~k classified! Winco automatic transChihuahua puppies Ad must include CLASSIFIEDS wormed, blk tri, red tri, 10 weeks, $150 each. 541-385-5809. fer switch, 60 amp, price of single item red merle 541-788-7799 call for details, FREEI 541-550-6259 of $500 or less, or or 541-598-5314 541-389-2600 multiple items whose total does not exceed $500.



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Rc ctlw

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I t ion

LThe Bkt nlrle<ing Antiques & Collectibles Antiques wanted: tools, furniture, marbles, beer cans, early B/W photography, Western items. 541-389-1578

Call Classifieds at

Sewing machine, treadle gd cond. $130. High Quality King www.bendbulletin.com 458-206-4825, Bend. Bedroom Set with Storage - 1 yr old, in Spindle armchair, $35. English Mastiff puppies. P E RFECT condition! Show q u a lity. 8 Beautiful medium oak Call 458-206-4825, in Bend months old, F a wn, hardwood bedframe registered an d al l with storage drawers, The Bulletin reserves 282 282 280 king pillow-top matshots. 2 females left Estate Sales Estate Sales Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Southeast Bend Sales Other Areas the right to publish all tress, 2 night stands, $1500 541-279-1437 ads from The Bulletin 2 lamps, 1 5-drawer /541-548-1185 PEDDLERs MARKET HUGE ART SALE! 1188 NE 27th St. ¹130 Sale Downsized! HUGE MOVING SALE! newspaper onto The dresser, 1 dresser+ Fiea Market Sept. 14, 8-3, Tumalo Over 200 Prints Snowberry Fri-Sat. 9-4 Furniture, collectibles, 68308 Cloverdale Rd, German Shepherds AKC Bulletin Internet webmirror. Price at Pomegranate www.sherman-ranch.us reduced! Now $2700, site. Feed Co., Hwy 20. Friday 9-2, Sat. 9-2 Antiques, furn., dishes, crafts, 8 more. Fri. 8-4, Sat. 9-3. 541-281-6829 Antiques, crafts, Fri-Sat, 8-3, 4025 NW Northcliff. pictures. A big sale! all. 541-410-1010 Saturday Sept 2 4 60974 Grand Targhee Dr. vintage junque8, Check link.http://infoHAVANESE PUPPIES Serving Central Oregontnce tggg 20am-4pm La-Z-Boy rocker-recliner, more! 541-306-8016 pak.com/images/misc/ Sun. only, 9-4, 1110 SE AKC, Dewclaws, UTD black leather, So m a n y ven d ors: F or info - copeddlersvery good ** FREE ** prints.jpg Centennial (off Reed Mkt s hots/wormer, n o n Antiques, vin t age, ma r ket©gmail.com no tears or scuffs, shed, hypoallergenic, cond, Rd). Office waiting room artisan goods in the Yard Sale! Dirt bike, kids' Garage Sale Kit $250. 541-317-0826 Coins & Stamps att furniture 8 decor, leather $850 541-460-1277. Place an ad in The g ardens a t P o metoys, mountain b i ke, Bulletin for your ga- sofa, sitting room furn, Antiques & collectibles, Lab pu p pies, vet tools, clothes, golf clubs, granate, 120 NE River Sales Northwest Bend household, old kitchen checked, 1st s h ots. Need to get an rage sale and re- other household goods. 8 lots more! Sat., 8-4, Mall Ave., just north items, garden, tack, $250/ea., leave mesceive a Garage Sale Treadmill, train table & ad in ASAP? 1532 NW West Hills Ave. 2211 NW Awbrey Rd. of Macy's. books (ref. and sage. 541-416-1175 Kit FREE! Downsizing tracks and kids toys. yard, You can place it pomegranate-home.com biography), Christmas, niture, office, exercise, 284 Sat. 8 S un. 8:30-2. toys, tools, automo- Min Pin pups (7) adoronline at: KIT I NCLUDES: 21160 Clairaway Ave. tive, weight machine. a ble! Ready to g o ! Living Estate Sale, Fri. kitche'n, way'morel Sat.' Sales Southwest Bend • 4 Garage Sale Signs www.bendbulletin.com Sept 14, 8AM or call 94 680 NE Homer Laughlin Moss $400. 541-410-6596. • $2.00 Off Coupon To HELP YOUR AD Quince Ave., R e dFamily Downsizing! Sat R ose d ishes a n d POODLE Toypups & Use Toward Your stand out from the Sales Redmond Area 541-385-5809 mond. Guns, furniture Just bought a new boat? only, Sept 14, 8-2, 60986 Next Ad serving pieces; bow teens. rest! Have the top line Also,POMAPOOS and more. Sell your old one in the Granite Dr. Household 8 • 10 Tips For "Garage front china hutch, VicCall 541-475-3889 in bold print for only COLLECTORS classifieds! Ask about our a variety of other itemsSale Success!" torian chairs, double NEED TO CANCEL $2.00 extra. PRE-ESTATE SALE Super Seller rates! Lots of good buys! Newton-Everson HUGE bed. Glassware: Fos- Queensland Heelers YOUR AD? 2044 NW 20th Ct. off toria Camb r idge, Standard & Mini, $150 Estate Sale - Fri-Sat, 541-3 8 5-5809 The Bulletin PICK UP YOUR 19th & Poplar, north Serving Central Oregon cnte t903 9-4,22885 Donna Lane 1536 NW Quincy Ave. Fri., Sat. & Sun. 10-? Westmoreland, Impe8 up. 541-280-1537 Classifieds has an GARAGE SALE KIT at of Maple in Redmond. rial, Fenton, Fry - cut, www.rightwayranch.wor Antique & primitive items, Sat. 8-3 Early Ameri- 60958 8 60953 Ash"After Hours" Line 541-385-5809 ford Drive i n RoJewelrY, Bauer, Fran1777 SW Chandler L ots o f a n t iques & pattern & opalescent dpress.com Call 541-383-2371 can hooked rug, pair maine Village. ciscan, Flow Blue, westhousehold. F r i.-Sat. glass, oil lamps. RV Private collector buying Ave., Bend, OR 97702 24 hrs. to cancel dressers, lamps, issues? Free ern items, trunks, roll-top of 9 -4 numbers Fri 8 sofa; B r ake Buddy, Rodent p ostage stamp a l your ad! trum et Beanie BaGARAGE SALE! adult barn/shop cats, desks, antique wagon, a.m. For details 8 pics waste disposal tote, bums & c ollections, bies, Barbies, collectDownsizing fixed, shots, s o me vintage iron bed & patio plus '06 Tacoma drive world-wide and U.S. go to atticestatesan26 cf Frigidable's & AT,' AIPine, Fri. 13th, Sat. 14, 8-5 friendly, some n o t. Refrigerator, table horsetack elk& 573-286-4343 (local, dappraisals.com shaft, queen hide-aaire, water/ice in door, Nordic skis. Sun. 15th, 8-12 noon. cell ¹) Large Moving/Yard Sale Contents of storage unit! bed; new C olumbia Will deliver. 389-8420 $200. 541-379-3530 60955 Zircon Drive. list! See pics and info on Giant Moving Sale! jackets; WWII helmet; St. Bernard Puppies, Lots of great stuff! 63220 Power tools, antiques, farmhouseestatesales.com Fri Sat 8 3 2810 NW Roll-top desk, wood, 8 framed 1800s Appen- 1st shots, wormed. Silvis Rd, near Equine n (Take Hwy 20 east - from Windham Lp. Furniture, Garage Sale for men 8 Outreach Horse Rescue, furniture, canning jars, drawers 50 nx54 x22 n zell lace runner; Old $400. 541-977-4686 Crafts & Hobbies women! fishing gear, Fri-Sat., 9/13-14, 9-4. books, knickknacks & Costco go approx 4 miles, toys, golf clubs, flshing,' kitchen ceramics; $75. 541-390-4324 bldg supplies, tools, misc. Fri-Sat-Sun, 8-4, left on Bear Creek left on' tools, lawn equip, lots & Yorkie pups AKC: 1 boy, treen; boo k cases; RTF Steerman airplane 2780 SW 49th St. Cody Ln. right on Donna) lots of household items. antiques, craft sup- LAST MOVING SALE! Sofa bed/hideabed, work benches; glass $350; 1 tiny boy, $950; 1 60" wingspan, OS91 plies,etc. Sat. 8:30-3. girl, $650. Health guar, good cond burgundy Former antique store displays. Shaniko Lane off Boyd $200. 541-548-5648 ready now! 541-777-7743 JIM & PATTI PETERSON 720 SW Silver Buckle $10. 541-815-2042 Acres 8 Emp i re,.owners are liquidating collection Seasonal Garage Sale MOVING SALE Multi Family M o ving Loveseat recliner, din- personal Stove/oven, electric, selfing hutch, 3 pc. twin store stock, bldg materi- Fall Sale!Thurs-Sat, Sale! Sept 14/15 8am Furniture & Appliances cleaning, works good, Exercise Equipment l 2031 NW RIMROCK DRIVE, b ed with s heets 8 als & misc. Sept 13-14, 9/12- 9/1 4, 8am-4pm. 4pm. 19166 Buck cover. 1 small roll-up 8-2, 887 NW 74th St., Antique and collectibles, 24" 8 36" glass & brass $125. 541-604-1908 off Cascade View Drive Canyon Rd Bend 2 b o o kcases,West from Redmond on copper, handmade crafts, tables, $50 for both. TV Stand, glass doors, Friday, Sept. 13 • Saturday, Sept. 14 F urniture, Tool s , desk. Elliptical Cross boys' and mens hood- Hwy 126, take NW 74th amber glassware, old 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Crowd control admittance 2 sh e lves, $20 . trainer, profesSports Equip, Camp- ies 8 jackets. womens St. exit, turn left on 74th and new furniture. no 541-390-4324 541-390-4324 numbers issuedat8:00 a.m. ing, Appliances, Fire clothing. and misc. Fri. St, follow pink signs, ap- clothes, no junk!4504 3-pc dark brown wood sional-type quality electronic monitor(Take Newport to Co//ege Wayto Saginaw Equip, Everything! prox 1 mile. SW Minson Rd., Powell c hest/dresser 8 Sat. 9am-4pm, set , Washer 8 dryer full size to Cascade View to top at Rimrock) ing, Costco purButte Call Sue Dunn, HUGE Multi-Famil $100. 541-390-4324 Whirlpool, very good Really nice kids' clothes, chased $1000+, 541-416-8222 LOVELYHOME FOR SALE, ALSO! Treasures For All! Garage Sale, Sat9/14, coats, shoes, boots, up condition. $300. like new cond. $295. 4 drawer filing cabinet, Unique Hexagon Italian inlaid wood Music box to Jr. sizes. Guy stuff. Large 8 small. 1 day 9am-3pm, Sun 9/15, n n 541-617-5939 541-350-0898 solid oak, 54 x27i/e x19", Sunriver Community coffee table; Lenox Rose set of dishes; Tho- Homeschool 8 e d ucasale, 9-4, Sun. Bring 11am-2pm, 2531 SW In- Garage Sat 9/14, $150. 541-390-4324 masville plaid sofa and loveseat; Floral sofa; tional books. Kids' chairs. utility trailer, make dian Lane. Power tools, 9am-3pmSale! at the SHARC Long Buffet; Unique curio cabinet; Nice bed- T oys. B i kes. W o o d offer 8 best takes it pressure washer, airless parking lot. Multiple A1 Washers&Dryers room set includes Queen headboard- triple shelves. 60029 Agate all. Snowberry Village paint sprayer, carpenter east families. 541-585-3147 $150 ea. Full wardresser; two nightstands; Armoire style chest Rd., DRW. Fri-Sun, 7-7. 1188 NE 27th ¹10. tools, home repair items. ranty. Free Del. Also Men's, women's 8 and Mirror; King-size bed foundation - no matPeople Look for Information wanted, used W/D's tress Maytag washer and Kenmore dryer; Large SAT. & SUN. 9-5. Old Y ard Sale F r i . S a t . children's name brand 541-280-7355 About Products and We're selling half a oak office desk; 1918 period Baby Buggy; Bas- wagon, plows, freight Sun., 9-4 great vari- clothing, all sizes, winter Ironman Premier sinet; 1950s wood dinette; Lots of glassware s cales, I r g wat e r ety, 743 NE Lafayette. jackets 8 snow boots, Services Every Daythrough house full of very nice furniture, infant changing Chihuahua/Yorkie feature, 3 c o p y/fax furniture! Teak side¹5402 Inversion and collectibles; Armand Marseille Antique dollThe Bulletin Classifieds table, child's train table mix puppies, beautiful! board, $400; w/hutch, Table with memory restored; Costume jewelry; WWII pilot's helmet; machines, womens 3x 288 carseat, child's $250. 541-977-0035 $800. Large maple exec. foam. 3 months old; Lots of Prints and artwork; Sewing/computer clothes & more. Pine- Sales Southeast Bend w/train, NOTICE stationary game bike. assembled; perfect desk, $1000. Oak desk; Fishing poles and reels; Small desk; Oak brook to Deer Valley Child's solid wood twin corner Remember to remove Snow boards, fishing $500. 3 Tiffany cond. Smokin' deal coffee table; Patio set with chairs and umbrella; to 61101 Rustic Lane. bed frame & headboard, armoire, your Garage Sale signs Garage/Moving Sale! poles, books CDs lamps, $125 ea. Oak @ $150. New food saver unit; Porch swing; Push Lawn (nails, staples, etc.) $50. 541-379-3530 Tools, furniture, AND much more! computer desk & chair, 541-385-5641 mower; Flowers; Receiver; DVD player and CD Tons of household, miscellaneous items. after your Sale event $350. Small antique player-two sets of speakers; Classical records; kitchen & bedding Sat. 9:30-5:30, 21052 HUGE SALE Fn. and is over! THANKS! painted desk, $100. Sat. 6316 S. Hwy 97, Kitchen items; Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys tools, toys, yard furSE Desert Woods Drive. From The Bulletin Large beautiful area rug, Pro-Form ST Whirlwind Books; Child craft books; Printers tray with small niture and much fishing rods, f u rn., and your local utility $700. 541-593-8921 or bike exerciser, $150. books, tools, toys. items; Exercycle; 8-drawer dresser; Lots of more. Fri. 13th, 8-8, companies. 541-410-2911 Redmond 503-313-8257 Garage Sale! Christmas, other items.Handled by Sat. 14th, 8-5 Easter, Halloween decor, Sat. 9-2. 2056 NW 20th Deedy's Estate Sales Co. LLC Ct. Household items, D ryer, Samsung, gas, Wicker set- white: chair, Treadmill, Pro f o rm 61083 Chuckanut golf clubs, other intergererng Central Oregon ttnce tggg 541 -41 9-4742 days • 547 -382-5950 eves 541-977-5266 esting items! Sat., 9-3. sporting good, crafts white, n ew . $ 4 00 . t a ble, TV stand, mirror, 6 3 5CW, belt included. www.deeedysestatesales.com 448 SE Craven Rd. and camping. www.bendbulletin.com 702-328-5557 local. $200 541-388-0853 $125. 541-388-4850


1 ' 1


The Bulletin

The Bulletin

The Bulletin

The Bulletin


541 a385-5809


or go to www.bendbulletin.com



Misc. Items

Gardening Supplies & Equipment

Just in time for Oktoberfest! Custom made German Lederhosen, black elkhide w/green embroidery, 36-40" waist, $200.


Employment Opportunities


Employment Opportunities


IT Professional Needed! Full-time position available starting on Oct. 541-318-3354 541-385-5800 2 1, 2 0 1 3 . Sm a l l , chasing products or I Kodak photo printer with To place an ad, call full-service computer services from out of 541-385-5809 421 brand new pkg'd paper, r etail, r e pair an d I the area. Sending or email $25. 541-390-4324 Internet Service Pro- c ash, checks, o r Schools & Training classified@bendbulletm.com vider business estab- I credit i n f o rmation *REDUCE YOUR • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • s Noon Tuess CABLE BILL! Get an l ished i n 1 9 8 5 i n I may be sub!ected to H EALTHCARE M A N FRAUD. All-Digital Sat e llite ten s cental 0 eso s ce 1%8 AGEMENT T R A IN- Lakeview, OR. Must For more informaEES NEEDED! Earn have excellent netsystem installed for ma n agement tion about an adverFREE and program- Lawn mower 22" Toro, your Associates De- work you may call ming s t a rting at self propelled, $285. g ree online at A d - skills and experience. I tiser, Computer repair ex- the Oregon State vanced College! NO $24.99/mo. FRE E 541-312-2448 I Attorney General's perience re q u ired. HD/DVR upgrade for R iding l aw n m o w e r EXPERIENCE Office C o n sumer ~ new callers, SO CALL Craftsman, 17HP, 42" NEEDED! Job Place- Starting salary comHS mensurate with expe- Protection hotline at I NOW (877)366-4508. cut, bag, $650; Roto- ment! Diploma/GED & rience. Health insur- I 1-877-877-9392. (PNDC) tiller rear tine Yard ance benefits avail. LTl~e Bulleti ii g PC/Internet needed! man, $350; S t ring The Bulletin Offers Call Marcia at Goose 1-888-528-5176. mower, $200; alsoFree Private Party Ads Lake Comp u ting (PNDC) push mowers. 1517 • 3 lines - 3 days 541-947-4513. Email NW Redwood, Red• Private Party Only Looking for your next resume to Good classified ads tell mond 541-548-4029 employee? • Total of items adverjobs@gooselake.com the essential facts in an Place a photoin your private party ad Place a Bulletin help tised must equal $200 PRIVATE PARTY RATES SUPER TOP SOIL interesting Manner. Write wanted ad today and for only $15.00 perweek. or Less www.harshs sotlandbariccom Starting at 3 lines Journeyman Screened, soil & com- from the readers view - not reach over 60,000 FOR DETAILS or to Diesel Mechanic "UNDER '500in total merchandise the seller's. Convert the OVER '500in total merchandise post m i x ed , no readers each week. PLACE AN AD, facts into benefits. Show rocks/clods. High huYour classified ad Call 541-385-5809 7 days .................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 mus level, exc. f or the reader how the item will will also appear on Fax 541-385-5802 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 flower beds, lawns, help them in someway. bendbulletin.com *Must state prices in ed 14 days .................................................$33.50 Wanted- paying cash gardens, straight which currently This for Hi-fi audio & stus creened to p s o il. receives over 1.5 28 days .................................................$61.50 advertising tip Garage Sale Special dio equip. Mclntosh, Bark. Clean fill. Demillion page views brought to youby (cell for commercial line ed rates) 4 lines for 4 days.................................. J BL, Marantz, D y liver/you haul. every month at www hohcountrydisposal com naco, Heathkit, San- 541-548-3949. The Bulletin no extra cost. •Min. 5-7 yrs. experisui, Carver, NAD, etc. Bulletin Classifieds 270 ence Call 541-261-1808 A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Get Results! 476 • Volvo, Cummins Lost & Found Call 385-5809 WHEN YOU SEE THIS Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. engine knowledge Employment or place • Hydraulic, electrical BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( *) Found: 2 keys on Hall your ad on-line at Opportunities & electronic knowlTrail, Call to identify. REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well bendbulletin.com edge a must. 541-227-1766 Add your web address •Field service & reas any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin On a classified ad to your ad and readFound cat, young female, pair go to reserves the right to reject any ad at bendbuhetin.com on The Bulletin's •Welding www.bendbulletin.com very slim, multi-colored, ers R~Mzse) web site, www.bendany time. is located at: 9/11, Deschutes River •Excellent troubleto view additional bulletin.com, will be 8 !3EHKcs@ Woods in Bend. Call to shooting skills photos of the item. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. able to click through identify, 541-390-9661 • Self motivated automatically to your Bend, Oregon 97702 •Need to have own Found light colored pug website. tools Medical Equipment female a t Tu m a lo •Class A or B CDL or PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is 29" bathing stool with Store, Sept. 9. Has Automotive ability to obtain needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or back, for tub or shower b een taken t o H u Servlce Techs within 90 days of mane Society. Busy, independent au- hire reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher use, $48. 541-548-8177 514 tomotive repair facility is *s shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days Found women's wedding Garbage truck Insurance Medical Alert for S ebusting at the seams with will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. niors - 24/7 monitor- rinq at Wanoga Ski Park. work. We are looking for equipment knowl309-453-8677 w/deedge a plus ing. FREE Equipment. Ca(l SAVE $$$ on AUTO & contact. Will qualified, energetic tech- •Monday-Friday 246 FREE Shipping. Na- scription INSURANCE from the nicians with a s t rong 12:30 pm-9:00 pm hold until 12/1 0/2013. m ajor names y o u Golf Equipment Guns, Hunting Guns, Hunting Computers tionwide Serv i ce. work ethic and a drive to Competitive pay and $ 29.95/Month C A LL Lost: Cat near 15th and provide the highest level know and trust. No 8 Fishing & Fishing a great benefit forms. No hassle. No CHECK YOUR AD T HE B U LLETIN r e - Medical Guardian To- Reed Mkt, tabby, 15 of customer service and package. obligation. Call 85 5 - 345-7286. yrs. old, indoor cat, no satisfaction. Prior autoMossberg 30-06 blt act, quires computer ad- day collar. 541-408-9885. motive drivability diagnoREADY F O R MY 5 boxes CCI 22WMR Leupold 3x9x40, sling, vertisers with multiple (PNDC) Apply at our office sis 8 repair is a must. 40gr, $65. 10 boxes bi-pod, ammo-sleeve ad schedules or those QUOTE nowi CALL location at: This is a flat-rate pay poCCI 22LR 40gr, $85. $400. 334-477-2354 1-888-706-8256. selling multiple sysGet your Ed, 503-888-7660 sition. Tech n icians 1090 NE Hemlock, tems/ software, to dis- Commercial/Office (PNDC) Redmond, OR New Brass: 100 22 Hor- close the name of the Equipment 8 Fixtures business should be proficient with on the first day it runs Or 528 net, $40; 200 44 Special, business or the term repair of multiple vehicle to make sure it is cor- Bend local pays CASH!! $50. 541-389-1392 brands. Potential techs Mail your resume to: "dealer" in their ads. Loans & Mortgages for all firearms & Desktop paper shredder, rect. "Spellcheck" and must provide their own Bend Garbage 8 ammo. 541-526-0617 New, unfired Winchester Private party advertis- 12-sheet cross-shred, a ROW I N G human errors do octools and be ready to Recycling, P.O. WARNING Mod. 1895 Take Down, ers are defined as NIB, $30. 541-306-6275 cur. If this happens to work. All applicants must Box 504, CASH!! with an ad in The Bulletin recomcal. 405 Win, w/2 boxes those who sell one your ad, please conpass drug screen test Bend, OR 97709 For Guns, Ammo & factory ammo. $1100 obo. computer. 263 mends you use cauThe Bulletin's tact us ASAP so that prior to hire. All referOr Reloading Supplies. 541-382-3135 after 5pm tion when you proTools ences will be checked corrections and any 257 541-408-6900. "Call A Service Fax resume to: vide personal adjustments can be and verified. Please ap541-383-3640 Musical Instruments Professional" information to compaCraftsman 16" scroll 700 Factory new un-fired. Remington ply in person at: made to your ad. Attn: Molly nies offering loans or saw, NEW! $60. Henry Golden Boy SPS, left hand 243 Directory B&B Autoworks, Inc. 541-385-5809 An Equal 541-388-3870 credit especially AO Keyboard, Radio Shack 2163 South Hwy 97, The Bulletin Classified 22LR $400. Browning ca.with 6 -2 4 Opportunity brand w/stand, 37" high, those asking for adRedmond. BLR Lightning 300 scope, $ 70 0 . Employer $75. 541-390-4324 vance loan fees or Win mag $700. Jack 541-536-7924. Check out the B2B Service Franchise companies from out of 541-923-7428 classifieds online LivestockTruck Driver Promo, Digital Print state. If you have Ruger ¹1 .25-06, nice Must have CDL,2yrs exp, wwwttendftulfetin.com & Advertising. Well concerns or quesGUN SHOW condition, $650. progressive co., 401k, tions, we suggest you Established, Owner Updated daily Sat. Sept. 14, 9am-5pm 541-548-4774 $50,000/yr, insurance consult your attorney Retiring. No Exp. Sun. Sept. 15, 9am-3pm MISSING:Tan/White DeWalt 750 Saw, 2HP NW only. 541-475-6681 Douglas County Fair- Ruger ¹1 H, 7x57, ammo; or call CONSUMER 3" CUT with steel floor Chihuahua Friday Aug. Necessary! Financing & Support Call: HOTLINE, grounds • 541-530-4570 Winchester M70/s, .257 Medical 2nd (night) in Crooked Piano, Baldwin upstand, excellent con1-877-877-9392. Roberts 8 270. 1-800-796-3234 River Ranch. Male, 8 Jefferson County EMS dition, $150 obo. right, with b e nch H 8( H FIREARMS Call 541-389-1392 541-633-7856 years old, about 7 lbs. District currently has BANK TURNED YOU e xc. cond. $ 6 0 0 Buy, Sell, Trade, Meet singles right now! a position open for an DOWN? Private party 541-41 0-4087 4000 cash reward Carpet Call The Bulletin At Consign. RV Generator, 3600 LP No paid o p erators, Immediateo enin s: no questions asked. EMS Chief. JCEMS is will loan on real esAcross From 541-385-5809 +2, 119 hrs, all ac- Call just real people like Carpet Shampooers, 503-805-3833 or a 3rd service special tate equity. Credit, no Pilot Butte Drive-In cess. for RV. $800. you. Browse greetSet Up 8 Display, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 541-325-6629 district serving small problem, good equity 541-593-1455 541-382-9352 ings, exchange mesMisc. Items Drivers. $1800 mo. At: www.bendbulletin.com communities i n a is all you need. Call sages and c o nnect Call today for interview large rural area. In265 Oregon Land Mortlive. Try it free. Call Model 700 Remington R uger 7 7 S T Tan g Advertise V A CATION 541-389-0154 quires can be made at gage 541-388-4200. S afety 7m m m a g , SPECIALS to 3 m ilBuilding Materials now: 8 7 7-955-5505. BDL 338 Win. Mag 541-475-7476. Dead$600 5 4 1-280-6546 REMEMBER: If you VXII 3-9x40, $ 675. (PNDC) lion P acific N o rthline for application is have lost an animal, Flight Nurse Just too many Remington 700 BDL REDMOND Habitat westerners! 29 daily Sept. 27, 2013. don't forget to check RESTORE Mercy Flights in .300 Win mag (new newspapers, six collectibles? The Humane Society Medford, OR is seek- Social Services unfired) (1982) VXII states. 25-word clas- Building Supply Resale ing qualified, dedi3-9x40, $850. Many Quality at Bend sified $540 for a 3-day I Sell them in cated RN's for our Air 541-382-3537 other rifles (No crap). a d. LOW PRICES Cal l (916) • • Medical Transport The Bulletin Classifieds 1 1242 S. Hwy 97 Redmond (New) Leopold scopes 2 88-6019 o r vis i t BisT(ARK service. EOE Send 541-548-1406 541-923-0882 at wholesale price ttfATHtNttttyl(tt www.pnna.com for the resume to: Sean Pi e ille VX-III's, VX-L, Mark 4, Pacific Nort h west Open to the public. Call 54 I -385-5809 Gooding, Flight Alcohol 8 Drug Preven- 541-385-5809 541-447-7178; M8. 541-447-4101. Daily Con n ection. to r omote our service 266 Supervlsor at tion Specialist Grant or Craft Cats (PNDC) seen. oodin @ ehoo.com Ruger LCR Revolver 22 f unded position 4 0 LOCAL MONEYrWe buy Heating & Stoves 541-389-8420. secured trustdeeds & hrs/week w/benefits. IBuilding/Contracting Landscaping/Yard Care magnum, NIB with pocket Buying Diamonds holster & 1 box ammo. Salary range $29,120 note,some hard money /Gold for Cash NOTICE TO loans. Call Pat Kelley $425 firm. 541-306-6275 - $37,440. Prefer deSaxon's Fine Jewelers ADVERTISER NOTICE: Oregon state Food ServiceNelson 541-382-3099 ext.13. 541-389-6655 gree or e xperience, law r equires anyone Since September 29, Landscaping & Scoped hunting rifles: Server public speaking, comwho con t racts for 1991, advertising for 573 M auser 98 , s m m , Whispering Winds Maintenance BUYING p uter s k i lls, w o r k construction work to used woodstoves has $200. Springfield 03, Lionel/American Flyer Retirement is hiring Serving Central Business Opportunities w/youth, bi-lingual a be licensed with the been limited to mod30-06, $300. C a sh a part-time Server 8 trains, accessories. Oregon Since 2003 Construction Contrac- Residental/Commercial plus. Mail o r e mail A Classified ad is an els which have been 541-382-4537 541-408-2191. part time Busser for tors Board (CCB). An cover letter, resume, EASY c ertified by the O r our dining room. PoW A Y TO BUYING & SE L LING and reference letters active license Sprinkler Repair Various Outdoor Items, All gold jewelry, silver egon Department of sition includes eveREACH over 3 million means the contractor Back Flow Testing Fishing to H u nting/ to: Environmental Qualnings 8 weekends. Pacific Northwesternis bonded & insured. Plinking. Contact Jack and gold coins, bars, ity (DEQ) and the fedBestCare Treatment 325 B enefits after 9 0 ers. $5 4 0 /25-word rounds, wedding sets, eral Verify the contractor's at 541-593-9116 Services Maintenance E n v i ronmental Hay, Grain & Feed days. M u s t be c lassified ad i n 2 9 class rings, sterling sil- Protection CCB li c ense at sThatch & Aerate Attn: Mandi Puckett friendly & enjoy seA g e ncy Wanted: Collector daily newspapers for www.hirealicensedver, coin collect, vin- (EPA) as having met niors. Please apply 125 SM/ C Street • Summer Clean up Beautiful, green 3-days. Call the Paseeks high quality tage watches, dental smoke emission stancontractor.com in person at 2920 •Weekly Mowing Madras, OR 97741 mixed hay, barn-stored, cific Northwest Daily fishing items. gold. Bill Fl e ming, dards. A mandmObestcareprsvsntion org or call 503-378-4621. & Edging NE Conners Ave., cer t ified Call 541-678-5753, or $230/ ton. 541-382-9419. (916) The Bulletin recom- •Bi-Monthly 8 Monthly Bend. Pre-employ- Job description and info Connection w oodstove may b e 503-351-2746 Patterson Ranch 2 88-6019 o r em a i l mends checking with Maintenance posted at www.Bestment drug test reComputer, with mouse, identified by its certifi- Sisters, 541-549-3831 elizabeth©cnpa.com Careprevention.org the CCB prior to con- •Bark, Rock, Etc. quired. Wanted: Membership to tower, de s k . $ 1 50. cation label, which is for more info (PNDC) tracting with anyone. •Lot clearing/brush cut Closes: 9/30/13 at 5pm waterfowl club. Also 541-306-6903 333 permanently attached Some other t rades willing to lease land/ to the stove. The BulCorner shelf, 5 shelves, letin will no t k n ow- Poultry, Rabbits, also req u ire addiAutomotive Sales Opportunity water for waterfowl INTERNET SALES ~uandsca in t ional licenses a n d •Landscape & Supplies Looking for a career change? Currently in IT season. Would consider 59"x15" across. $15; ingly accept advertisMANAGER certifications. 541-306-6903 Construction long-term lease. Refs but bored? Are you in a telephone sales enviRapidly expanding i ng for the s ale o f available. 541-408-0014 Deschutes Memorial Purina chicken food pel- large local dealerronment but unhappy? Consider an exciting •Water Feature uncertified lets, brand new bag, $12. ship seeks a highly I D e bris Removal Installation/Maint. and fast paced career with a large local dealwoodstoves. Winchester 9 4 AE, Gardens, C atholic 541-388-8198 •Pavers motivated I n t ernet ership. We are looking for a qualified indiGardens, lot 41 C, 30-30 w/ scope $400 267 •Renovations vidual to manage our internet sales departJUNK BE GONE Sales Pro. This is space 2. Bargain at 375 cash, 541-382-4537 ment. NOT an entry level Fuel 8 Wood I Haul Away FREE •Irrigations Installation $750. Call Meat & Animal Processing position. You must For Salvage. Also 541-504-8868 Senior Discounts Whatare we lookin for? Cleanups 8 Cleanouts A-1 DRY JUNIPER Top quality natural beef have proven autoTV, Stereo & Video Bonded 8 Insured GENERATE SOME •Exceptional phone skills motive internet exMel, 541-389-8107 $190split,or$165rnds 541-815-4458 EXCITEMENT $3/lb. cut & wrapped •Ability to manage a diverse group perience, str o ng multi-cord discount, del. DirecTV - Over 1 40 LCB¹8759 IN YOUR 541 480 8185 •Strong computer knowledge work ethic, well deCall 541-977-4500 Domestic Services NOTICE: Oregon Land- channels only $29.99 NEIGBORHOOD. •Willingness to take on new ideas veloped c o mputer a month. Call Now! 383 Plan a garage sale and Where can you find a 8 responsibilities scape Contractors Law Triple skills, and an ability A ssisting Seniors a t savings! don't forget to adverProduce 8 Food •Experience with retail sales 671) requires all $636.00 in Savings, to perform in a high helping hand'? Home. Light house- (ORS tise in classified! businesses that a dpressure, high volkeeping 8 other ser- vertise t o From contractors to 541-385-5809. pe r form Free upgrade to GeTHOMAS ORCHARDS We provide a very competitive compensation ume sales environv ices. Licensed & Kimberly,Oregon Landscape Construc- nie & 2013 NFL Sunyard care, it's all here package for this 40 hour a week (including ment. Enjoy an agBonded. BBB Certi- tion which includes: day ticket free!! Start TURN THE PAGE Saturdays, with a mid week day off). Position 541-934-2870 gressive commission in The Bulletin's fied. 503-756-3544 saving today! p lanting, deck s , 1-800-259-5140. provides a full benefits package including a For More Ads plus salary pay plan U-pick or "Call A Service fences, arbors, 401k. Do you believe you have what we are with a 90 day R ead Picked The Bulletin ~ BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS water-features, and in- (PNDC) Professional" Directory • Freestone canning l ooking for? Send y our r esume t o B o x start-up guarantee. stallation, repair of irSearch the area's most 20395829, c/o The Bulletin,PO Box 6020, Position includes a DISH T V Reta i ler. GET FREE OF CREDIT peaches:Monroe, comprehensive listing of rigation systems to be Starting All Year Dependable Bend, OR 97708. full benefits packat CARD DEBT NOW! Firewood: Seasoned ZeeLady, O'Henry licensed w i t h the $19.99/month (for 12 classified advertising... age including 401k. real estate to automotive, Landscape Contrac- mos.) 8 High Speed Cut payments by up Lodgepole, Split, Del. • Bartlett Pears If you've got what it to half. Stop creditors Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 • Gala apples tors Board. This 4-digit I nternet starting a t merchandise to sporting t akes to j oi n o u r Accounting from calling. for $335. Cash, Check • Prunes (U-Pick only) goods. Bulletin Classifieds number is to be i nt eam, s en d y o u r $14.95/month (where 866-775-9621. LIS gileIA8 cluded in all adveror Credit Card OK. BRING CONTAINERS appear every day in the resume to us at: Box available.) SAVE! Ask (PNDC) tisements which indi541-420-3484. print or on line. for U-PICK!!! 20395832, c/o The About SAME DAY Incate the business has stallation! CALL Now! Hovvto avoid scam Open 7 days wk, 8-6! B ulletin, P O Bo x Call 541-385-5809 268 GTOSS PrOfit SPeCialiSt bond,insurance and www.bendbulletin.com a and fraud attempts Trees, Plants & Flowers See us on Facebook 6 020, B end, O R workers c o mpensa- 1-800-308-1563. & Bend Farmers Mar97708. sr'Beaware of internaResponsibilities include working with store tion for their employ- (PNDC) ket on Wed., 3-7 p.m. management to identify and analyze invenees. For your protec- Panasonic 45" LED HD tional fraud. Deal lo- 2 2 l a rge b l u e oa t Seoag Central Owgos saw l903 tory variances; performing month-end finantion call 503-378-5909 TV w/remote, $199. cally whenever pos- grasses, you dig, $6.75 Catering Operations Coordinator cial closing duties; preparing monthly invenor use our website: 541-390-4324 sible. each. 541-408-0846 Handyman (fitt:I/hr.uore on.edu/ obs sy'Watch for buyers tory reports; and providing support to store www.lcb.state.or.us to Title: Food Service Coordinator) 269 personnel. Must have a high school diploma check license status SAVE on Cable TV-Inwho offer more than I DO THAT! Any caterer can offer you a job. But UO Catering or GED; prior accounting experience; ability to before contracting with ternet-Digital Phoneyour asking price and Gardening Supplies Home/Rental repairs and Conference Services proposes a gratifying work independently; and strong communicathe business. Persons Satellite. You've Got who ask to have 8 Equipment Small jobs to remodels career as distinct as our reputation. At UO Ca- tion, analytical and problem solving skills. doing land s cape A C hoice! O ptions money wired or Honest, guaranteed tering, the largest catering operation in Lane Proficiency with Excel strongly preferred. maintenance do n ot from ALL major serhanded back to them. work. CCB¹151573 County, you will experience top notch training r equire an L C B vice providers. Call us Fake cashier checks BarkTurfSoil.com Dennis 541-317-9768 and strategic career development. You are in- Les Schwab has a reputation of excellent cense. to learn more! CALL and money orders spired to achieve their goals while positively im- customer service and over 400 stores in the Today. 888-757-5943. are common. Schedule Fall Clean-up ERIC REEVE HANDY PROMPT D E LIVERY pacting the lives of our guests. Your role is as Northwest. We offer a competitive salary, ex(PNDC) VNever give out perand Aeration now! SERVICES. Home 8 542-389-9663 important as it is rewarding. At UO Catering, you cellent benefits, retirement, and cash bonus. Weekly/one-time service sonal financial inforCommercial Repairs, can learn,grow and succeed. Exceptional benavail. Bonded, insured. Sony Trinitron TVs: 27", mation. Carpentry-Painting, efits and training provide the basis for a renew- Visit us at: www.LesSchwab.com. Resumes $75; 20", $50. Both exHaye Gravel, Free Estimates! Pressure-washing, COLLINS cellent. 541-390-4324 YTrust your instincts ing work experience. Be a significant part of the will be accepted through September 16, 2013. Will Travel! Lawn Maint. and be wary of Honey Do's. On-time Oregon Ducks! Cinders, topsoil, fill Ca/l 541-480-9714 someone using an promise. Senior material, etc. Driveway 8 Complete announcement including application Please send resume and salary requirements escrow service or Discount. Work guar- ALLEN REINSCH • instructions and job requirements available Com p uters • road work, excavation 8 to: ZYLSHuman. ResourcesI lesschwab.com. agent to pick up your anteed. 541-389-3361 Yard maintenance & septic systems. on the web at: htt://hr.uore on.edufobs/ Emails must state "Gross Profit Specialist" in merchandise. or 541-771-4463 Application deadline: 9/23/13. clean-up, thatching, HP Laptop Pavillion G6, Abbas Construction the subject line. No phone calls please. Bonded 8 Insured plugging & much more! Windows 7, like new, w/ Thc Bullctin CCB¹78840 The UO is an AA/EO/ADA institution EOE CCB¹181595 Call 541-536-1 294 Call 541-548-6812 committed to cultural diversity case, $150. 541-306-6275

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The Bulletin




0 rj


The Bulletin






sa t urday,septe> nber 14,2013

ACROSS 1 Title trio of a 1980 Pulitzer

Spectacular defense

winner 16 One-on-one with a big shot 17 Gist 18 French preposition 19"Justwhat I need" 20 Stamp purchases 23"Cooldad" on "Modern Family" 24 Hill minority: Abbr. 28 Top honors for atletas ollmpicos 29 They're often taken on horses 30 Happening 31". .. w e'll a cup o' kindness ...": Burns 32 First name in Harlem Renaissance literature 33 Quail

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Content Agency

"Minnie put m e i nt o th e l ensgrinding machine again," Cy the Cynic told me grimly. "She made a spectacleof me. " Minnie Bottoms, my club's senior member, wears old bifocals that make her mix up kings and jacks, often to her opponents' dismay. Cy has been Minnie's chief victim. As today's West, Minnie led the jack of spades against Cy's four hearts. (North-South were using a forcing club system.) East overtook and ledthe king and ace. Cy ruffed with the jack of trumps, and Minnie ... discarded! (She thought Cy's jack was the king.)

You double, and your partner bids three diamonds. What do you say? ANSWER: Y our doubl e compelled partner to bid; his hand may be weak. Bi d t h ree hearts, showing great strength but giving him an out. Many experts use a 2NT response as a conventional show of weakness. In that style, partner's three diamonds would deny a poor hand, so you could bid more. South dealer Both sides vulnerable

"Fool that I was, I assumed East had the queen of trumps," the Cynic told me. "I took the ace of trumps and, instead of finessing with the jack of clubs, I led to the ace and let the ten of trumps ride. Minnie won, and I lost a club to her queen at the end. Down one." Minnie's glasses nailed Cy again. If Minnieoverruffswith herqueen of trumps at Trick Three, Cy will win the return, draw trumps and finesse in clubsto make hisgame.


EAST 4 AKQ 9 3 Q 865


0 J 8 76 5 4 Q10 6 3

t4 102

4987 SOUTH 4 102 9 AK J 42 0 AKQ 4K54


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All P a s s



P ass

3 I v(


P ass

Y ouhold: 4 1 0 2 ( v> AKJ 4 2 Opening lead — 4> J 0 A K Q A K 5 4. Th e d ealer,at your right, opens two spades (weak). (C) 2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC



Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

38 Son of 30-Down 39" wise guy, eh?" 40 Very little (of) 41 A quarter of acht 42 Second-largest city in Nicaragua 43 Tree-hugger?

2 Sch.founded by a Pentecostal preacher

3 Turn down 4 Dances around 5 Dangerous things to weave on 6 Ballparks at J.F.K.?

7 Her, to Henriette














5 N E A K











16 17 18












8 Grabbed some 34 35 36 sack time 9 Self-confidence 37 38 night announcer to a fault 41 46 Breakout 10 Vehicular bomb? company of 1976 11 Romance 43 44 48 Spearfishing novelist's award need 46 47 48 12 Looking ecstatic 49 Moment's notice? 49 50 51 52 130ne of the 56 Vetoes Romneys 56 57 Some 14 New Deal inits. government 57 checks 15 Snicker bit 20 Home of Sanssouci Palace PUzzLE BYcHRls >L McGLOTHLIN DOWN 33K. J. 1 It might tell you 21 Wind River 44 Russian retreat Reservation 2011 Players where to get off 450ne trying to native Championship avoid a banking champion ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 22 Hiawatha's crisis? grandmother in 35 Univ. in 47 Loss from a O MA H A E M5 5 E R F "The Song of Manhattan guillotine H E L E N K C KB O X E R Hiawatha" 36 Smaller cousin of 48 They're issued to C AP R I G R AL D I N E 23 Philatelist's a four-in-hand? A T H O ME I TU A T E D cruisers, briefly concern, briefly L E A N ER S B E EP 41 100 bits? 49 Little chances? 25 Clean type C A B S R E B OO S T 26 Lab growth need 42 San Diego suburb 50 Fruitcake

NORTH 4>7654 ~v>1093 0943 IBIA J2


34 Winged it 37 Napkin material

No. 0810

44 Youthful and fresh 45 Longtime late-





R I 27 Designer C Gabbana of Dolce & Gabbana O R E O R D E R 29 Stamp purchase T H E F E D


30 Father of A L I K E 38-Across R A R E R 32 Limoncello EW E R S


39 42 45


51 It's H-shaped 52 First year of the Liang dynasty

53"Kung Fu" actor Philip 54 Part of U.S.S.R.: Abbr. 55 Charlotte-toRaleigh dir.

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX Io 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.



N o l 476

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Complete the grid so that

V/ould BJou mind " removiytg tIour hat,'? ' It,'< eatiYLg mvJ »(I popcorn. »(>

every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from1 to 9 inclusively.

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by David L.Hoyt and JeffKnurek

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter 10 each square, to form four ordinary words.

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H(5 ALL-YDU-CAN-EAT BLIFFET WA5 GOIN& —Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

0 Laugh n98tOCk Intemauanal InC, DiSt W UniVerSal UC/Ck far UFS. 2013

"Do yoLI sell those invisible hearing aids?"

17 Coliseum team, once 18 March Madness event 19 What busy

people are on?


~n t erfrg%e

destination 15 Written to last 16 Member of DC

Comics' Legion of Super-Heroes

T2(2 Ijo(fH 75CH.


ACROSS 1 s h i rt 7 Catholic

Print answer here: (Answer6 MOnday) S WISH SN E AK Y DIL U T E Yesterda 8 ~ J umbles: CRIMP Answer: The careless driver needed toWRECK LESS

DOWN 1 Softens 2 Pioneer Day celebrant 3 Hunter with a distinctive cry 4 1963-'64 painter of the Paris

Opera ceiling 5 1937 title

gangster Pepe 6 Life support syst.? 7 Collective feeling

of oppression 8 Recess

20 WBA decisions 21 Dos' followers 9 East German 22 Special secret police screening 10 Portfollo element 26 Trauma sufferer's 11 Fail to keep up 12 Structural beam goal 27 Yellowstone 13 Canine order grazer 14 Some votes 31 Comic who wrote 20 Ranking suit 23 "Bah!" jokes for Kennedy 24 Selling point? 33 Start of a 25 III. neighbor response to a 28 It may precede a brainteaser cold front 34 Language "jai 29 KiCk Out alai" comes from 30 Emulate bees 31 "The Storyteller" 35 Latin 101 word 36 Jersey Shore storyteller resort 1 2 3 4 5 38 Nautilus letters 39 Show deference 15 41 7and11:Abbr. 17 42 Stuffing material 43 Mullah's faith 19 44 Regular guest on "The O'Reilly 22 Factor" 26 46 Where funnels are often seen 31 32 50 Spot at the bridge table 35 36 53 Slick 39 40 54 Its capital is Valletta 55 Big name in racing 46 58 "Turn Me Loose" 50 5 1 52 singer, 1959 59 Cut across 55 56 57 60 Double-edged 61 1980 hit with the 59 line "I longed to speak but did not 61 dare" 62 Just By Barry C. Silk

32 Book by a prophet 34 Low man 36 Interrogacion word 37 Hardly chipper 40 Use a shuttle 42 Over-explain 44 Rat 45 City on the Volga 47 Basic teaching techniques

48 Net biz 49 '50s TV adventurer Derringer 50 Way 51 D i ctator's phrase 52 Mo d ern info holders 56 BP checkers 57 T h at, in Tijuana 58 Bit of fiction

ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: G L I B T R M YR A T O O CR A B M O R S E QU I P S ST A Y I S H I H T Z U TU S K B I R E L A Y R A C 0 D E E E N I O L D Z Z T O P C L A E A R P R A M L X I V O Y A D I P I S U Z A S S A S P E xwordeditor(eaol.com 6














09/1 4/1 3 11




16 18 20





28 2 9








42 45




(c)2013 Tribune Content Agency, LLC


54 58 60 62

09/1 4/1 3


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


SutIoku High Fives 9 5 7 6 4 3 1 8 2

3 How to play: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regular Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 9 without repetition. The numbers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the indivudual Sudokus.


2 4 6 1 8 3 7 9 1 8 5 2 9 5 4 7 3 6

3 Note to Readers: Last Saturday's Sudoku High Fives was a duplicate of the previous week's puzzle. The above solution solves both puzzles. The Bulletin regrets the error. 870

Boats 8 Accessories


Serving Central Oregon since 1903


GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809.


The Bulletin

Motorhomes •

Fleetwood D i s covery KOUNTRY AIRE 40' 2003, diesel mo1994 37.5' motortorhome w/all home, with awning, options-3 slide outs, and one slide-out, satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, Only 47k miles Watercraft etc. 3 2 ,000 m i l es. and good condition. • Wintered i n h e ated $25,000. Ads published in "Washop. $89,900 O.B.O. 541-548-0318 tercraft" include: Kay- 541-447-8664 (photo above isof a aks, rafts and motorsimilar model & not the ized personal ' t~ actual vehicle) watercrafts. For ' boats" please s e e ,I lass 870. • 541-385-5809 What are you looking for? Four Winds 5000, 2003, 24-ft, Model 22RK. Ford You'll find it in E350 Triton V10, 50K 880 miles, new vinyl in The Bulletin Classifieds kitchen/bath, toilet, awMotorhomes ning & 23" flat screen 541-385-5809 LCD TV. Clean. $22,500. e~l SOLD! M innie W innie 1 9 9 7 s-x . or e-mail Class C 3 0 ' motori am1324.m @ mail.com home. Excellent condition. $14,750 or best Alfa See Ya 2005 40' offer. View it on Varco excellent cond, 1 owner, Road in Bend or call 4-dr frig w/icemaker, gas 541-390-8493 if interstove/oven, convection oven, washer/dryer ested. combo, flatscreen TV, all electronics, new tires, many extras. 7.5 diesel gen, lots of storage, G ulfstream S u n basement freezer, 350 sport 30' Class A Cat Freightliner chassis. 1988 ne w f r i dge, Asking $86,500. See at Crook County RV Park, TV, solar panel, new refrigerator, wheel- Monaco Windsor, 2001, ¹43. 520-609-6372 loaded! (was $234,000 c hair l i f t 400 0 W new) Solid-surface g enerator, Goo d counters, convection/ BOUNDER 1993 condition! $18,000 34.6', 43k miles, micro, 4-dr, fridge, obo 541-447-5504 washer/dryer, ceramic loaded, $13,900. Info - Call tile & carpet, TV, DVD, satellite dish, leveling, 541-536-8816.

The Bulletin

serving central oregon since tggs

@ 20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Ucficft for UFS




Motorcycles & Accessories Motorcycles & Accessories

:Qps Health Forces Sale! 2007 Harley Davidson FLHX Street GlideSnowmobiles Too many extras to list! 6-spd, cruise control, ste• 1994 Arctic Cat 580 reo, batt. tender, cover. EXT, $1000. Set-up for long haul road • Yamaha 750 1999 trips. Dealership svc'd. Mountain Max, SOLD! Only 2,000 miles. • Zieman 4-place PLUS H-D cold weather trailer, SOLD! gear, rain gear, packs, All in good condition. helmets, leathers Located in La Pine. & much more. $15,000. Call 541-408-6149. 541-382-3135 after 5pm Look at: Bendhomes.com HDFat Bo 1996 for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale 860

Motorcycles & Accessories Buell 1125R, 2008 15k

miles, reg. s ervice, well cared for. factory Buell optional fairing kit, Michelin 2cc tires, will trade for ie: Enduro DR 650, $5700 obo. 541-536-7924.

Completely Rebuilt/Customized 2012/2013 Award Winner Showroom Condition Many Extras Low Miles.


Street Glide 2006 black cherry metal f lake, good extras, 8 ,100 miles, will take some trade of firearms or small ironhead. Suzuki powered custom $14,000. Dune Buggy, twin 650 cc 541-306-8812 motor, S-spd, with trailer, $3500. 541-389-3890 Suzuki DRZ 2007, 400 SM, 14K mi., Want to impress the 4 gal. tank, racks, relatives? Remodel recent tires, your home with the $4200 OBO. 541-383-2847. help of a professional from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory



Boats & Accessories

Boats 8 Accessories

16'9" Larson All American, 1971, V-hull, 120hp I/O, 1 owner, always garaged, w/trlr, exc cond, $2000. 541-788-5456

17' Cris Craft Scorpion I/O & trolling motor. I'm too old - Wife says sell it. Help me o ut ! $ 4800 541-318-7473.

Victory TC 2002, runs great, many accessories, new tires, under 40K miles, well kept. $5000. 541-647-4232

Yamaha Banshee 2001 350 custom sports quad $4500 obo. 541-647-8931 870

Boats & Accessories

Say "goodbuy"

541-548-4807 Take care of to that unused your investments item by placing it in with the help from Need help fixing stuff? The Bulletin Classifieds 14' LAZER 1993 sailCall A Service Professional The Bulletin's boat with trailer, exc. find the help you need. "Call A Service c ond., $2000 o b o . 5 41 -385-580 9 www.bendbulletin.com Call 503-312-4168 Professional" Directory

20' Seaswirl 1992, 4.3L V6 w/OMC outdrive, open bow,Shorelander trlr, nds some interior trim work. $4500. 541-639-3209

18'Maxum skiboat,2000, inboard motor, g r eat cond, well maintained, $8995obo. 541-350-7755

21' Crownline Cuddy Cabin, 1995, only 325 hrs on the boat, 5.7 Merc engine with outdrive. Bimini top & moorage cover, $7500 obo. 541-382-2577 Ads published in the "Boats" classification include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, house and sail boats. For all other types of watercraft, please go to Class 875. 541-385-5809

The Bulletin

Seeng Central Oregon since l903

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The Bulletin

20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.o. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., Beautiful h o u seboat, The Bulletin stored indoors for To Subscribe call l ife $ 8 900 O B O . $85,000. 541-390-4693 www.centraloregon 541-379-3530 541-385-5800 or go to houseboat.com www.bendbulletin.com

JAMEE 1982 20',

low miles on it, self-contained. Runs Great, everything works. $3,000. 541-382-6494

e-airbags, power cord

reel, 2 full pass-thru trays, Cummins ISO 8.3 350hp turbo Diesel, 7.5 Diesel gen set $85 000 obo.503-799-2950

Time to decltjtter? Need some extra cash? Need some extra space the garage?

n se




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j. 1 To receive yourFREE CLASSIFIED AD,call 385-5809 or visit The Bulletin office at: 1777 SW Chandler Ave. (Dn Bend's west side) *Offer allows for 3 lines cf text only. Excludesall service, hay, wood, pets/animals, plants, tickets, weapons, rentals and employment advertising, and all commercial accounts. Must be anindividual item under $200.00 andprice of individual item must be included in the ad. Ask your BulletinSalesRepresentative about special pricing, longer runschedules andadditional features. Limit1 ad per item per 30 days tc be sold.


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Travel Trailers

Fifth Wheels


Trucks & Heavy Equipment

Antique & Classic Autos


You Keep The Cash! On-site credit approval team, web site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! Free Advertising. BIG COUNTRY RV Bend: 541-330-2495

Monaco Lakota 2004 BK5th Wheel Chevy Wagon 1957, — Backhoe 34 ft.; 3 s lides; im4-dr., complete, • L e g al Notices Aircraft, Parts 2007 John Deere wood floors (kitchen), maculate c o ndition; $7,000 OBO / trades. 310SG, cab 4x4, 2-dr fridge, convection & Service l arge screen TV w / Please call LEGAL NOTICE 4-in-1 bucket microwave, Vizio TV 8 entertainment center; 541-389-6998 Estate of Matthew D. Extendahoe, roof satellite, walk-in reclining chairs; cenTuro. NOTICE TO INRedmond: shower, new queen bed. hydraulic thumb, ter kitchen; air; queen T ERESTED PER 541-548-5254 White leather hide-aloaded, like new, bed; complete hitch SONS. Case Number: bed 8 chair, all records, 500 hours. and new fabric cover. 13PB0080. N o t i ce: no pets or s moking. Springdale Bunkhouse New $105,000. $22,900 OBO. The Circuit Court of $28,450. 2007, 29-ft trailer, sleeps Sell $75,000. the State of Oregon, (541) 548-5886 Call 541-771-4800 6-8, great shape, 1/3 interest in Columbia 541-350-3393 for the County of DesH~ $13,999. 541-948-0578 400, $150,000 (located Corvette Coupe 1964 c hutes, h a s apMontana 2006 3400 I Bend.) Also: Sunri530 miles since frame pointed JoAnn Turo RL, 37', 4 slides, Arver hangar available for Ford 1965 6-yard off restoration. Runs as Personal RepreI tic options, K/bed, I sale at $155K, or lease, dump truck, good and drives as new. sentative of the Esw/d combo. M ust I $400/mo. paint, recent overSatin Silver color with tate of M atthew D. ~ sell $22,990.OBO. ~ 541-948-2963 haul, everything black leather interior, Pontiac G6 2007, low T uro, deceased. A l l Call f o r det a i ls works! $3995. mint dash. PS, P B, miles, excellent tow car, I 805-844-3094 persons having claims 541-815-3636 AC, 4 speed. Knock against said e state has Brake Buddy, shield, La Pine Address offs. New tires. Fresh T owmaster to w b a r , are re q uired to Tango 29.6' 2007, 327 N.O.M. All Cor$10,000. 541-548-1422 p resent th e s a m e, Rear living, walkMitsubishi Fuso vette restoration parts Find It in with proper vouchers around queen bed, 1995 14' box truck in 8 out. Reduced to RV to the Personal RepThe Bulletin Classifieds! central air, awning, with lift gate, $59,500. 541-410-2870 CONSIGNMENTS resentative, c/o Mel1 /3 interest i n w e l l541-385-5809 184,000 miles, 1 large slide, WANTED equipped IFR Beech Boissa Lande, Bryant, needs turbo seal. We Do The Work ... $15,000 obo (or nanza A36, new 10-550/ Lovlien & Jarvis, PC, Ford Ranchero 1965 $3500 or best offer. You Keep The Cash! trade for camper prop, located KBDN. Rhino bedliner cus5 91 SW M i l l V i e w 541-420-2323 On-site credit that fits 6/~' pickup $65,000. 541-419-9510 Way, Bend, Oregon tom wheels, 302V-8 approval team, bed, plus cash). a uto. Runs g o od 9 7702 w i t hin f o u r web site presence. months from the date 541-280-2547 $9,995. We Take Trade-Ins! 541-771-4778 of first publication of Free Advertising. this notice as stated MONTANA 3585 2008 BIG COUNTRY RV exc. cond., 3 slides, below, or they may be Bend: 541-330-2495 king bed, Irg LR, barred. Al l p ersons Redmond: Arctic insulation, all whose rights may be Peterbilt 359 p o table 541-548-5254 affected by this prooptions $35,000 obo. water t ruck, 1 9 90, 1/5th interest in 1973 541-420-3250 ceeding may obtain 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Cessna 150 LLC FIND IT! WEEKEND WARRIOR 150hp conversion, low pump, 4-3" h oses, Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 additional information BVY ITS Toy hauler/travel trailer. Garage Sales time on air frame and camlocks, $ 2 5,000. engine, power every- from the records of 24' with 21' interior. 541-820-3724 thing, new paint, 54K the court, the P e rSELL IT! engine, hangared in Sleeps 6. Self-conoriginal m i les, runs sonal Representative, Garage Sales Bend. Excellent perThe Bulletin Classifieds 931 tained. Systems/ great, excellent condi- or the Attorney for the formance & affordStowmaster 5000 tow bar appearancein good Garage Sales Automotive Parts, tion in & out. Asking Personal Representaable flying! $6,500. (new $229) w/hardware, condition. Smoke-free. $8,500. 541-480-3179 tive. Dated and first 541-410-6007 Service & Accessories exlnt cond, $150. Find them Tow with '/~-ton. Strong published September 541-233-7003 7, 2 0 13 . P e r sonal suspension; can haul in Car ramps, hold 10,000 ATVs snowmobiles, Representative: lbs., UR6520. $ 4 0. The Bulletin JoAnn Turo, 4049 SW even a small car! Great c 541-388-4850 price - $8900. Summit Ave., R edClassifieds mond, OR 97756. AtCall 541-593-6266 Wild Country 541-385-5809 GMC 'i~ ton 1971, Only torney for P ersonal Sar. LT255-85R16 mud & MelLooking for your Original low Representative: 1974 Bellanca TIFFINPHAETON QSH snow tires on 8-hole $19,700! issa P. Lande, OSB Nui¹ra 297LKHitchnext employee? mile, exceptional, 3rd 1730A rims, 80% tread. ¹91349, Bryant, Lov2007 with 4 slides, CAT Hiker 2007,All seaPlace a Bulletin help owner. 951-699-7171 350hp diesel engine, $500. 541-923-0442 lien & Jarvis, P.C., sons, 3 slides, 32' wanted ad today and $129,900. 30,900 miles, 5 91 S W M i l l V i e w perfect for snow birds, 2180 TT, 440 SMO, reach over 60,000 great condition! left kitchen, rear 180 mph, excellent Way, Bend, Oregon readers each week. 932 Extended warranty, 97702, Te l e phone: lounge, extras, must Your classified ad condition, always Antique & dishwasher, washer/ see. Prineville (541) 382-4331, Fax: will also appear on hangared, 1 owner dryer, central vac, roof 541-447-5502 days 8 Classic Autos (541) 389- 3 386, bendbulletin.com for 35 years. $60K. satellite, aluminum 541-447-1641 eves. Email: lande@bljlawwhich currently rewheels, 2 full slide-thru over 1.5 milG MC S i e rr a 197 7 yers.com. In Madras, basement trays & 3 TV's. ceives shortbed - exc. cond., lion page views evLEGAL NOTICE call 541-475-6302 Falcon-2 towbar and ery month at no runs & drives great. IN TH E C I R CUIT Even-Brake included. 1921 Model T V8, new paint a nd extra cost. Bulletin COURT FOR THE Call 541-977-4150 Executive Hangar t ires. $ 5 ,250 o b o . STATE O F Classifieds Get ReDelivery Truck ORat Bend Airport (KBDN) 541-504-1050 sults! Call 385-5809 Restored 8 Runs EGON IN AND FOR 60' wide x 50' d eep, or place your ad OPEN ROAD 36' $9000. Just bought a new boat? THE COUNTY OF w/55' wide x 17' high bion-line at 2005 - $28,000 DESCHUTES. 541-389-8963 Sell your old one in the bendbulletin.com King bed, hide-a-bed fold dr. Natural gas heat, FA R G O classifieds! Ask about our W ELLS sofa, 3 slides, glass offc, bathroom. Adjacent BANK, N.A., its sucSuper Seller rates! to Frontage Rd; great Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' 1952 Ford Customline shower, 10 gal. wacessors in interest Advertise your car! 541-385-5809 2004, onjy 34K, loaded, ter heater, 10 cu.ft. visibility for aviation busi- Coupe, project car, flatAdd A Picture! and/or ass i g ns, too much to list, ext'd Reach thousands of readers! fridge, central vac, ness. Financing avail- head V-8, 3 spd extra Plaintiff, v. UNwarr. thru 2014, $54,900 Call 541-385-5809 s atellite dish, 27 " able. 541-948-2126 or parts, 8 materials, $2000 KNOWN HEIRS OF Dennis, 541-589-3243 obo. 541-410-7473 The Bulletin Classifieds TV/stereo syst., front email 1jetjock@q.com D AN DUND A S ; front power leveling JOHN DU N D AS; Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, Buick 1983 Regal, 882 jacks and s c issor D EANNA LO B E ; T-type, Project Car I T r a vel Trailers based in Madras, alFifth Wheels stabilizer jacks, 16' JAMES D U NDAS; Transmission rebuilt 8 ways hangared since awning. Like new! 1959 - $19,999 MARY F . C H R ISnew. New annual, auto 3000 rpm stall converter; MGA 541-419-0566 Convertible. O r igiT IANSON; OR750 Holley double pilot, IFR, one piece Alpenlite 2002, 31' body/motor. No EGON A F F ORDwith 2 slides, rear windshield. Fastest Ar- pumper w/milled air horn nal rust. 541-549-3838 ABLE HO U S ING cher around. 1750 to- (flows 850 cfms); turbo kitchen, very good ASSISTANCE condition. tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. rebuilt. Have receipts for all 3 items. $3300. CORPORATION; Non-smokers, 541-475-6947, ask for ~ OO Call for addtional info STATE O F ORno pets. $19,500 Rob Berg. Mare P i X a t B e i j d b j l e ti l j . (mm 541-480-5502 Cougar 33 ft. 2006, E GON; OCCU or best offer. (leave ¹ 8 message). PANTS O F THE 14 ft. slide, awning, 541-382-2577 Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th easy lift, stability bar, P REMISES; A N D wheel, 1 s lide, AC, THE REAL PROPbumper extends for CAMEO LXI 2003, 35 ft. TV,full awninq, excelextra cargo, all acERTY LO C A TED O nan g e n . 36 0 0 , lent shape, $23,900. AT 1 921 9 KIOWA cess. incl., like new 541-350-8629 wired & plumbed for condition, stored in ROAD, BEND, ORW/D, 3 slides, FanEGON 97702-8918, RV barn, used less SuPerhat/I/k tastic fan, ice maker, Mustang 1966 2 dr. t han 10 t i mes l o Defendants. Case Ownership Share Chev P/U 1968, custom r ange top & o v e n coupe, 200 cu. in. 6 No. 13CV 0 276. c ally, no p et s o r cab, 350 crate, AT, new Available! (never been used) cyl. Over $12,000 insmoking. $20,000 SUMMONS BY Economical flying paint, chrome, orig int, gas vested, very nice; $29,500. asking $9000. PUBLICATION. TO obo. 541-536-2709. tank under bed, $11,950 in your own 541-548-0625. All receipts, runs THE DEFENobo. 541-788-9648 IFR equipped good. 541-420-5011 DANTS: UNRecreation by Design Cessna 172/180 HP for 5I, I CHECK YOURAD 2013 Monte Carlo, 38-ft. KNOWN HEIRS OF fy only $13,500! New Top living room 5th DAN DUNDAS: In Garmin Touchscreen wheel, has 3 slideouts, 2 t he name o f t h e avionics center stack! 3) A/Cs, entertainment State of O r egon, Exceptionally clean! center, fireplace, W/D, you are hereby reHangared at BDN. garden tub/shower, in quired t o a p pear Call 541-728-0773 on the first day it runs great condition. $42,500 Chevy C-20 Pickup Must Sell! Health forces a nd a nswer t h e Jayco Eagle to make sure it is coror best offer. Call Peter, 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; sale. Buick Riviera 1991, complaint file d 26.6 ft long, 2000 rect. "Spellcheck" and 307-221-2422, auto 4-spd, 396, model classic low-mileage car, against you in the human errors do ocCST /all options, orig. garaged, pampered, ( in La Pine ) Trucks & above-entitled Court Sleeps 6, 14-ft slide, owner, $22,000. See to non-smoker, exclnt cond, a nd cause on o r cur. If this happens to WILL DELIVER Heavy Equipment awning, Eaz-Lift believe! 541-923-6049 $4300 obo 541-389-0049 your ad, please conbefore the expirastabilizer bars, heat tact us ASAP so that RV tion of 30 days from Chevy 1955 PROJECT & air, queen corrections and any CONSIGNMENTS the date of the first walk-around bed, car. 2 door wgn, 350 adjustments can be WANTED p ublication of t h is very good condition, small block w/Weiand made to your ad. We Do the Work, summons. The date dual quad tunnel ram $10,000 obo. 541-385-5809 You Keep the Cash! of first publication in 541-595-2003 with 450 Holleys. T-10 The Bulletin Classified On-site credit t his matter is A u 4-speed, 12-boltposi, approval team, 1987 Freightliner COE 3- Weld Prostar wheels, Plymouth B a r racuda g ust 24, 2013. I f axle truck, Cummins en- extra rolling chassis + 1966, original car! 300 you fail timely to apweb site presence. We Take Trade-Ins! gine, 10-spd, runs! $3900 extras. $6500 for all. hp, 360 V8, center- pear and answer, obo. 541-419-2713 Free Advertising. 541-389-7669. lines, 541-593-2597 plaintiff will apply to BIG COUNTRY RV the a b ove-entitled Bend: 541-330-2495 court for the relief Redmond: ELK HUNTERS! p rayed for i n i t s 541-548-5254 Keystone Laredo 31' C ompanion Ki t Su n complaint. This is a RV 2 0 06 w i th 1 2 ' chaser 1 9 9 2 22' judicial foreclosure MOTORCYCLE: Custom Harley slide-out. Sleeps 6, n on-smoker, ver y 885 of a deed of trust in queen walk-around Davidson 1997 Sportster 1200 XL. clean, roof weather Canopies & CampersI which the p l aintiff bed w/storage under5000 Miles. Lots of chrome. $10,000. r equests that t h e ized in 2012, queen neath. Tub 8 shower. Great ride, but noroom for the softball bed, t w o pul l -out plaintiff be allowed 2 swivel rockers. TV. to foreclose your beds, indoor outdoor team. Contact Cheryl at 000-0000. Air cond. Gas stove & showers. Very nice. interest in the f olrefrigerator/freezer. lowing de s c ribed $4,000 obo. Hitch in Microwave. Awning. YCLE:Gently s cluded. 541-549-6970 real property: LOT Outside sho w e r. 5 4, BLOCK K K K , or 541-815-8105 Slide through storBigfoot Camper1993H, DESCHUTES a ge, E a s y Lif t . R IVER W O O DS , 9.5 ft., great cond. $29,000 new; Rebuilt fridge, shower DESCHUTES Asking $18,600 COUNTY, ORand toilet, furnace and 541-447-4805 oven. always parked EGON. Commonly known as : 1 9 2 19 undercover. $ 4 500. 541-388-3095. Kiowa Road, Bend, Mallard 22'1995, Fleetwood Prowler O regon 9770 2 ready for hunting 32' - 2001 8918. NOTICE TO season!Sleeps 7, .~ .= Q i 2 slides, ducted DEFENDANTS: two twin beds, fully heat & air, great READ THESE PAequipped, very good condition, snowbird tl~f PERS CA REcond,$4000 obo. ready, Many up541-678-5575 FULLY! A l a w suit Lance 8y~' camper, 1991 grade options, fihas been s t arted Great cond; toilet & fullnancing available! against you in the size bed. Lightly used. $14,500 obo. above-entitled court Recently serviced, b y W e ll s F a r g o ~e • %ll - I $4500. 503-307-8571 Call Dick, 541-480-1687. NATIONAL DOLPHIN 37' 1997, loaded! 1 slide, Corian surfaces,








~i ~em



Monte Carlo 2012 Limited Edition, 2 slides, 2 A/Cs, 2 bdrm, sleeps 6-8 comfortably, has w/d, dishwasher, many extras, fully l o aded. $29,600 obo. Located Keystone Challenger in Bend. 682-777-8039 2004 CH34TLB04 34' fully S/C, w/d hookups, new 18' Dometic awning, 4 new tires, new Kubota 7000w marine diesel generator, 3 slides, exc. cond. ins ide & o ut . 27 " T V Orbit 21'2007, used dvd/cd/am/fm entertain center. Call for more only 8 times, A/C, details. Only used 4 oven, tub s hower, times total in last 5y~ micro, load leveler y ears.. No p ets, n o hitch, awning, dual smoking. High retail batteries, sleeps 4-5, $27,700. Will sell for EXCELLENT CON$24,000 including slidDITION. All accesing hitch that fits in sories are included. your truck. Call 8 a.m. $15,000 OBO. to 10 p.m. for appt to 541-382-9441 see. 541-330-5527.



Legal Notices • Bank, N.A., plaintiff. Plaintiff's claims are stated in the written

complaint, a copy of which was filed with the a b o ve-entitled C ourt. You mus t "appear" in this case or the other side will win a u tomatically. To "appear" you m ust file with t he court a legal document called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" (or "reply") must be given to the c ourt clerk or a dministrator within 30 days of the date of first publ i cation s pecified her e i n along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof of service on t he plaintiff's a t t orney or, if t h e p l aintiff does not have an a ttorney, proof of service on the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Ref e rral S ervice online a t www.oregonstatebar.org or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metrop olitan area) o r toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. This

Legal Notices

Street, Bend, Oregon. To view the legal description of the b oundaries o f th e proposed annexation, c ontact t h e Des chutes County Counsel's Office at 388-6623.

The purpose of the proposed annexation is to provide fire protection services for the area proposed to be annexed. All interested persons may appear and be heard. Deschutes C o u nty c onducts publi c meetings in locations which are wheelchair accessible. Deschutes County also provides reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. For persons who are deaf, or who have

hearing or speech im-

pairments, dial 7-1-1 to access the State transfer relay service for TTY. At meetings of t h e Bo a r d of County Commissioners the c ounty will

provide an interpreter for hearing impaired persons who give at least 48 hours notice of the request. Written information will be m ade available i n large print or audio format. To r e quest these services, please call (541) 388-6571.

summons is issued BOARD OF COUNTY pursuant to ORCP COMMISSIONERS 7. RC O L E G AL, FOR DESCHUTES P .C., Michael B o tCOUNTY, OREGON thof, OSB ¹113337, mbotthof © rcolegal. Alan Unger, Chair com, Attorney for LEGAL NOTICE P laintiff, 51 1 S W NOTICE TO 10th Ave., Ste. 400, INTERESTED Portland, OR 97205, PERSONS P: (503) 977-7840 The undersigned has F: (503) 977-7963. been appointed PerLEGAL NOTICE sonal Representative IN TH E C I R CUIT of the Estate of Aaron C OURT O F T H E Jeffrey Beatty, D eSTATE O F ORceased, by the Circuit E GON FOR T H E C ourt, State of O r COUNTY OF DESegon, County of DesCHUTES D e part- chutes, Probate No. 13-PB-0093. All perment of Probate. In the Matter of THE sons having claims AMENDED AND against the estate are RESTATED required to p r esent THELMA M. WARt heir c l a im s wit h REN TRUST, u/a/d vouchers proper January 24, 1991, within four m o nths A LLEN T RUS T from this date, to the COMPANY, undersigned, or they Trustee, Petitioner. may be barred. AddiCase No. tional information may 12PB0045. NObe obtained from the TICE T O C R EDIcourt records, the unTORS. NOTICE IS dersigned, or the atH EREBY GIV E N torneys named below. t hat A l le n T r u s t Dated and first pubCompany has filed a l ished: August 3 1 , Petition for Determi2013. Ashley Joy Benation of Claims of atty, Personal RepreCreditors of the Setsentative C/0 tlers. A l l p e rsons S TEVEN H . LEV h aving claim s ENTHAL, OSB against the trust are ¹023653 required to present ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, them, with v ouch231 Scalehouse Loop, e rs a t tached, t o Suite 203, Bend, OR Allen Trust C o m97702, 541-382-9368. pany, c/o Margaret LEGAL NOTICE A. V i ning, D a vis Pacific Ca s c ade Wright Tr e m aine Communications LLP, 1300 SW Fifth Corporation o p e rAvenue, Suite 2400, ates FM t ranslator Portland, OR 97201 K257DT o n FM within four months Channel 257 after the date of first (99.3mHz) serving p ublication of t h is Sunriver f ro m a notice, or the claims transmitter site on may be barred. All Table Rock with an p ersons who s e effective r a d iated r ights may be a f power of 19 watts. fected by the proThis translator receedings may obbroadcasts FM statain additional tion KVIP-FM which information from the operates o n FM records of the court, channel 2 5 1 in the trustee, or the Redding, CA. a ttorneys fo r t h e On September 10, trustee, Margaret A. 2013, Pacific CasVining, Davis Wright cade CommunicaTremaine LLP, 1300 tions filed an appliSW Fifth Avenue, cation to renew the Suite 2400, P o rtlicense o f this l and, OR 97 2 0 1. t ranslator with t h e Dated and first pubFederal Communilished August 3 1 , cations Co m mis2013. DAVIS sion. Any individual W RIGHT TRE M who wishes to adAINE LLP, /s/Marv ise the F C C o f garet A. Vining Atfacts relating to the torneys for Trustee. renewal application LEGAL NOTICE a nd whether t h e station has o p erNOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ated in the public interest should do BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISso by f iling comments with the FCC, SIONERS OF DESCHUTES W ashington, D . C . 20554 of COUNTY, OREGON www.fcc.gov by A public hearing re- January 1, 2014. garding a p roposed annexation, M o orePowers Annexation, Need to get an ad to th e D C RFPD¹2, in ASAP? will be held on September 30, 2013, at 1 0:00 a.m. i n t h e B oard o f Cou n ty Fax it to 541-322-7253 Commissioners' Hearing Room, First The Bulletin Classifieds Floor, 1300 NW Wall


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Chevy 2500 HD 2003 4 WD w o r k tru c k , 140,000 miles, $7000 obo. 541-408-4994.


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2009, 33k mil e s , original owner, auto transmission, leather interior, s un r oof, exc. tires, optional F350 4-dr diesel 2004 sport package, with p ickup, auto, K i ng r oof c a rg o b ox, Ranch, 144K, excel- dealer serviced lent, extras, $16,995 s ince n ew , F l a t , obo. 541-923-0231 towable. $20,995.

The Bulletin

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$5000, 541-593-4016.

L'"" '" "


CHECK YOUR AD ss Please check your ad on the first day it runs CORVETTE COUPE to make sure it is corGlasstop 2010 rect. Sometimes inGrand Sport - 4 LT s tructions over t h e loaded, clear bra phone are misunderhood & fenders. Nissan Versa S 2011, stood and an e rror New Michelin Super Gas saver, auto, air, can occur in your ad. Sports, G.S. floor CD, a lloys, Vin If this happens to your mats, 17,000 miles, ¹397598 ad, please contact us Crystal red. $11,988 the first day your ad $42,000. appears and we will 503-358-1164. f@ ) SU B A R U . be happy to fix it as s oon a s w e ca n . 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Deadlines are: Week- Hyundai Tiburon 2003, 877-266-3821 days 12:00 noon for Arizona tags, clear title, Dlr ¹0354 next day, Sat. 11:00 $5000. 541-639-5878 a.m. for Sunday; Sat. 12:00 for Monday. If we can assist you, please call us: Br99 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified Kia Roi 2011, Auto, gas Pontiac Grand Prix SE s aver, cruise, 1 4 K 2001, V6, 3 . 1 l i t er, Find exactly what a uto, F W D , Al l o y you are looking for in the miles.' Vin ¹927'546 Wheels, rear spoiler. CLASSIFIEDS Vin ¹111417. $3,888 4@3SUBARU 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. S UB A R U .

2003 6 speed, X50 added power pkg., 530 HP! Under 10k miles, Arctic silver, gray leather interior, new quality t i res, and battery, Bose premium sound stereo, moon/sunroof, car and seat covers. Many extras. Garaged, perfect condition $5 9 ,700.

Automobiles •

Toyota Corolla 2011, Bee t l e auto, air, t ilt, M P3. Volkswagon GLS 1999, 5 Speed, FWD, 1.8 l iter, V in leather, air, roof rack, ¹630707


AUDI 1990 V8 Quattro. Perfect Ski Car. Jeep CJ5 1979, orig. LOW MILES. $3,995 owner, 87k only 3k on obo. 541-480-9200. new 258 long block. C lutch p kg , W a r n Buick 2006 silver CXS hubs. Excellent runLucerne. Northstar ner, very dependable. 93k, black leather Northman 6y2' plow, special wheels & tires, Warn 6000¹ w i nch. Guaranteed you'll be $9500 or best rea- happy with this fine car. sonable offer. Come drive & see for 541-549-6970 or yourself! $7,500 will do 541-815-8105. it. Bob, 541-318-9999 ELK HUNTERS!

Vin ¹439189

$13,788 S UB A R U .



2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354


2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354





Porsche Carrera 911 2003 convertible with hardtop. 50K miles, new factory Porsche motor 6 mos ago with 18 mo factory warranty remaining. $37,500. 541-322-6928


Saab 9-5SE 1999, 97K miles, pristine condition, all leather, all power options including front & rear heated seats. Sunroof, 2 .3 L t u r b o, 5-spd manual, front wheel drive, a lloy wheels; non-smoker, always gar a ged, $4900.541-549-2282

On a classified ad Toyota Matrix S 2009, go to FWD, power window, www.bendbulletin.com p ower locks, A / C . to view additional Vin ¹023839 photos of the item. $14,888 Have an item to S UB A R U . sell quick? 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. If it's under 877-266-3821 '500 you can place it in Dlr ¹0354 The Bulletin Classifieds for:



'10 - 3 lines, 7 days '16 - 3 lines, 14 days Toyota Prius Hybrid (Private Party ads only) 2010. 35K mi; 48-52

mpg; winter gray ext; leather i nt ; F U L LY Looking for your next employee? LOADED: navigation, Place a Bulletin help backup camera; bluewanted ad today and tooth; moonroof; soreach over 60,000 lar ventilation; rear each week. spoiler; CD/multidisc; readers Your classified ad keyless entry; add'I will also appear on set winter tires; bike bendbulletin.com tow package; original which currently reowner; dealer s e rceives over 1.5 milviced. $18 , 750. 877-266-3821 lion page views 541-390-3839 every month at Dlr ¹0354 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 877-266-3821 no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Dlr ¹0354 Get Results! Call Subaru Legacy Sedan Chevrolet Impala L S 385-5809 or place 2008, 6 cyl., spoiler, 2007, 4 Door sedan, Porsche 911 your ad on-line at "ll Ro leather under 45k mi auto, ps, pw, pl, A/C, Carrera 993 cou e bendbulletin.com Vin ¹207281 CD. Volkswagen Jetta GLI $23,888 Mazda MX5 M iata Vin ¹186346 2004, 4 Cyl., Turbo, 6 Call The Bulletin At 2006 Grand Touring, $8,388 S UBA R U . speed, FWD, A lloy 541-385-5809 13,095 easy miles. wheel, moon roof. S UBA R U Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Copper red w/tan up2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. Vin ¹041213. holstery. Bose deAt: www.bendbulletin.com 877-266-3821 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. luxe sound. 6-spd $6,288 1996, 73k miles, Dlr ¹0354 877-266-3821 auto trans w / dual Tiptronic auto. S UBA RU. I The Bulletin recomH Dlr ¹0354 m ode shifting. A l BOBBROOBBRBD COR Subaru Outback 2008 transmission. Silver, mends extra caution t w ays garaged & 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. I when Immaculate! blue leather interior, p u r chasing < washed by h a n d. 877-266-3821 Original owner. 82K moon/sunroof, new f products or services Power brakes, steerDlr ¹0354 miles, 2 new sets of quality tires and from out of the area. ing, mirrors, d oor tires, service records, battery, car and seat J S ending c ash , locks. Like new car! new brakes & struts, covers, many extras. checks, or credit inSelling due to health Tick, Tock leather seats, loaded! Recently fully serformation may be I issues.$14,895 (Photo forillustration only) $15,900. viced, garaged, 503-807-1973 / sublect to FRAUD. Tick, Tock... Chevy ImpalaLS 2000, 541-693-3975 looks and runs like For more informaV6, 3.8 l i ter, a utonew. Excellent con...don't let time get f tion about an adverToyota Avalon LTD matic, FWD, power dition $29,700 tiser, you may call Mercedes Benz 2007 Silver, 29k, away. Hire a seats, 541-322-9647 I the Oregon State E500 4-matic 2004 ¹179439 $19,988. Vin ¹212021. professional out Attorney General's t 86,625 miles, sun$3,488 Office C o nsumer I roof with a shade, of The Bulletin's S UB A R U . Check out the f Protection hotline at loaded, silver, 2 sets Oregon "Call A Service 1-877-877-9392. classifieds online Aurogouree of tires and a set of 2060 NE Hwy 20, Bend. 541-598-3750 Professional" chains. $12,500. www.bendbulletin.com 877-266-3821 www.aaaoregonauto541-416-1949 Updated daily Directory today! Serving Central Oregon since 9903 Dlr ¹0354 source.com B OBBROOBBR R D C O R

Volkswagen Karmann Ghia 1970 convertible, very rare, new top & interior upholstery, $7500.

Automo b iles




541-550-71 89

I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 t on dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950.



Jeep Grand Chero- Buick LeSabre 2 0 03 custom, low mileage, kee 1996 4x4, autogreat shape, $5000. matic, 135,000 miles. 541-410-8849. Great shape - exc. cond., $3,600. People Look for Information Cadillac E l D o r ado 541-815-9939 1994, T otal C r e a m About Products and Services Every Daythrough Mazda CX9 2009 Tour- Puff! Body, paint, trunk as showroom, blue ing, 60,212 mi. The Bulletin Claeeifieds leather, $1700 wheels ¹175588. $20,995 w/snow tires although car has not been wet in 935 8 years. On t rip t o Sport Utility Vehicles Oregon Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., AuroSouree

Ford Exp e dition: 2003 Eddie Bauer Loaded, 84K Miles, $10,500. Car Fax


"f0y little red Corvette" Coupe

PROJECT CARS: Chevy 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & Chevy Coupe 1950 rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, Tundra 2011 4x4, complete car, $ 1949;Toyota Cadillac Series 61 1950, double cab, 5.7L V 8, 2 dr. hard top, complete loaded, SR5 pkg, $28,500 w/spare f r on t cl i p .,In Bend, 678-333-5204 $3950, 541-382-7391





f J



f f




The Bulletin





NEW20$3 FordEscapeTitaniam Tita4ittrn Pkg, iyl$RP $38 085 TstuPkg, TS&S Discount ...........................-$2,155 Ford Bonus Cash.........................-$1,000 pattplama Roof,ParkTech Retail Customer Cash..................— 1 000 $33,930 Stk e FT3391, Ford Credit Retail CustomerCash... -$1,000 viN. pssss2'


NEW2D13Ford F15DSuperCrew NENI2013FordF250CrewLongaed NENf2013FordF350LariafLongBed VS, 4x4, ChromeMSRP.........................................$41,665 Discount ..........................-$2,870 Pkg, XLT, Conv. TS&S Retail Customer Cash...................-3,750 Pkg, Tail Step Ford Bonus Cash............................-$500 Sikr FT3341, viN:A68233


4x4, XL Value MSRP.............................................$39,045 Discount--------------- -$2'386 Pkg.TowPkg Ts&s Ford Bonus Cash............................-$3 500 $ik r rr335Q ViN: A92491

Ford Credit Retail CustomerCash...-$1,000


$33,159 Ford Credit Retail CustomerCash...... -$2,000

MSRP.............................................$63,755 4x4, Lariat Discount ..............................-$4,500 Ultimate Pkg, TS&S Ford Bonus Cash............................-$3000 5th Wheel Pkg $56,255 Stk.A' FT3380, viN: B24270

Your Price

Ford Credit Retail CustomerCash...... -$1,500


32,930 -»- ¹470"-" ~33,545 -en-¹480mr..u.. ~31,159 -oe- ¹442ss„„, ¹54,755 en ¹815str„-., 72 Months, 4.29%A.P.RD$3500CashorTrade. OnApproved Credit

...................$50,635 Lariat,Ultimate MSRP Ts&s Discount $3,500 pkg Nav Ford Customer Cash -2,250

4 Doors, Winter Pkg



$44,885 Ford Credit Retail CustomerCash... -$1,000


MSRP......................... $21,250 TS&S Discount ...........-$1,855

Stkà FC722,

72 Months,4.29%A.P.RD$3500Cashor Trade.OnApproved Credit

72 Months, 429% A.P.R D$3500Cashor Trade. Oii ApprovedCredit

Moonroof, Park MSRP.............................................$37,340 Discount ..............................-$1,900 Assist, Navigation, TS&S Ford Customer Cash ......................-$1 500 Driver Assist $33,940

Hands Free Tech Pkg, M SRP.........................$31,185 TS&S Discount ...........-$1,400 petuerLjft Qate Ford Boniis Cash.........-$1,000

Stk¹ FC755, viN:326342

Your Price

¹43,885 -on-¹643"„...



2011 Ford F150 Extra Cab XLT


¹1 9,395 en ¹256"„.-u.-¹33,440 en ¹478"-„.u. -¹28,785 nn $405t4„-... 72 Months, 4.29%A.P.RC$3500Cashor Trade. OnApproved Credit

2013 Ford

Sikr FC750, viN: 500233

Ford Credit Retail Customer Cash......... -$500

2008 Honda Civic

72 Months, 429% A.P.R.,$3500Cashor Trade. Oii Approved Credit

2004 Ford F150

2012 Ford

Crew Cab FX4

Raptor 4x4 e

2006 Ford F250 Crew Cab

72 Months, 429% A.P.R C$3500Gashor Trade. OnApproved Credit

2010 Toyota Camry

2005 Nlercedes E500




PremiumPackage, LeatherSeats

4x4 CleanTruck

A/C, 4-Door Low Miles


Front/RearViewCamera, Leather, AMustSeel

XLT Package, Low Miles






SII<.A'U T7537,VIN: B28528


On ly 26,877 Bn fy 11,493

2000 Ford


Bn ly 17,259 Bn fy 53,995 Bn 19,995 ly

Sale ends September17'", 2013

4-Door, PowerWindows/ Locks, A/C,VeryClean SII(.¹1049,VIN.546147


Moonroof, Fully Loaded Stl<.il 010,VIN:68B743

Bn fy 12,177 On ly15,197 O

Eddie Bauer Edition, Leather, NiceWheels Slk!1037,VIN:A73040

n ly 6~991



I •





'''' O ' i




I I' i i






C on f i d e n c e i n M o ti o n

2013 S u b a r u X V Crosstre k 2 .0i Pre m iu m 5 M T

2013 S u b a r u Im p r e z a 2 .0 i P remium 5 M T Alloy Wheel Package: 17-Inch Alloy Wheels, Leather-Wrapped Steering Wheel & Shift Knob, Power Moonroof

2013 S u b a r u Im p r e z a 2 .0 i Sport Premium 5MT Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, Bumper Applique 5 Door, Cargo Tray 5D, AH Weather Floor Mats

Option Pkg 01: Standard Model. Popular Pkg ¹2: Seat Back Protector, Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink,

2013 S u b a r u Leg a c y 2 .5 i L imited C V T Power Moonroof. Popular Pkg ¹2: Auto-Dim Mirror/ Comp/Homelink, 4 Aff Weather Floor Mats, Cargo Tray

Rear Bumper Cover, Splash Guard

'- Wi& ' Manual



Manual O



Lease MSRP $23,147. Sale Price $22,488. VIN: D1886211. DLC-22. Cap reduction $2,387.11. Acquisition fee $595. Doc, fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 56% $12,962.32. No Security Deposit. *Tier I financing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.



2014 S u b a r u Leg a c y 2 .5 i CVT Option Pkg 21: 17" Alloy Wheels, 215/50 R17 90V AH Season Tires, Fog Lights with Chrome Trim



MSRP $23,902.Subaru ofBend Discount $893 VIN: H465630. EFB-01 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

MSRP $23,612 Subaru of Bend Discount $1,613. VIN: E3010529. EAB-21 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

Sale Price




Sale Price




Lease MSRP $22,147. Sale Price $20,549 VIN: D1897964.DLI-01. Cap reduction $2,227.07. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 54% $11,959.38. No Security Deposit. *Tier I financing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8, doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.


2014 S u b a r u Fore s t e r 2 .5 i CVT Standard Model, Aff-Weather Floor Mats


MSRP $23,447. VIN:D1897740.DRA-01. Cap reduction $2,358.66. Acquisition fee $595. Doc, fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 57% $13,364.79. No Security Deposit. *Tier I financing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. 8, doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.

2,900:-":.- .


2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i Premium CVT

Power Moonroof, Popular Package ¹2 Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink 4 All Weather Floor Mats, Cargo Tray

De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors, Power Moonroof, AutoDimming Rear View Mirror w/Integrated Rear Vision Camera & Homelink, Rear Bumper Cover Puddle Lights, Cargo Net

Sale Price



2014 S u b a r u Fore s t e r 2 .0 X T P remium C V T Option Pkg. 01: Standard Model. Popular Pkg ¹2: Mirror w/Compass 8 Homelink, Ext. Mirror w/Appro Lt/Compass, Rear Bumper Cover, Cargo Net Seat Back, Cargo Tray, AH Weather Floor Mats


Automatic MSRP $29,608.Subaru ofBend Discount $1,709. VIN; EH471839.EFM-01 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included



Subaru Certified Pre-Owned

Sale Price







Sale Price







MSRP $29,499.Subaru of Bend Discount $2,500. VIN; D3310534.DDD-06 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.


• '



MSRP $37,536.Subaru ofBend Discount $3,537 VIN: D2309664. DDK-28 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.



I a

Automa Ic

MSRP $28,628.Subaru ofBend Discount $2,626. VIN:D3044485. DAF-04 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

Sale Price


AM/FMStererowith1 CDplayer, BluetoothHands-freePhone&Streaming Audio Connectivity, XM Satelite Radio8 SiriusXMNavTraffic- both with 4-monthfreetrial subscription,Auto-dimmingRearViewMirror w/Homelink, I 440-watt9-speakerHarman/Kardon PremiumAudio System, Aha SmartPhoneIntegration


2013 S u b a r u Leg a c y 2 .5 i L imited CV T


MSRP $28,625.Sale Price $25,999 VIN: D3039599. DAF-04. Cap reduction $2,660.49. Acquisition fee $595. Doc, fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 51% $14,598.75. No Security Deposit. *Tier I linancing, 720 Beacon or higher. Title, lic. IL doc. and dealer installed options not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit.

2,750:;":.;. 2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 3 .6 R L imited 5A T Voice-ActivatedControl, AuxiliaryAudioUSB/IPod Port, RearVision Camera,



2014 S u b a r u Fore s t e r 2 .5 i P remium C V T Aff Weather Package, Heated Front Seats, Windshield Wiper, De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors, Mirror w/Compass8 Homelink, Exterior Mirror w/Appro Lt/Compass, Rear Bumper Cover, Cargo Net Seat Back.

Automatic MSRP $27,033.Subaru ofBend Discount $1,545. VIN; H465883. EFF-02 Title, Iic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.

Sale Price


7- YEAR,100,000-MILE POWERTRAIN WARRANTY Every Certified Pre-Owned Subaru offers: • 7-year/100,000-mile Powertrain Coverage • $0 deductible

• Factory-backed coverage • 152-point safety inspection


• CARFAX® Vehicle History Report • 24/7 roadside assistance

sy •




The Bulletin

For channels, radio stations and latest programming, visit


September 14 - 20, 2015


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I e

• I

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' '




• g •






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I I . II


I s I








I II ''I



• • •I ' I I I





I' I' I ' r 'I

I ' I


Tom Mison stars in "Sleepy Hollow," premieringMonday on Fox.






II '





I I I r


rl '


I •


THE BULLETIN 0 SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. / Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine





• II • I Good Morning America (N) «

II I KATU News This Morning - Sat (N) n «





' II I I II College Football UCLA at Nebraska (N)(Live)





The Chica Show Pajanimals (El) 'Y Justin Time (El) 'Y' English Premier LeagueSoccer Everton FCvs Chelsea FCFromGoodison Park in Liverpool, Mersey Doodle (El) 'Y' (EI) 'Y' side, England.(N) n (Live) « (5:00) CBS This Morning: Saturday Doodlebops (El) Doodlebops (El) Busytown Myster. Busytown Myster Liberty's Kids n Liberty's Kids n Paid Program Lucas Oil Off RoadRacing FromSan College Football KBNZ "(' cc 'Y' cc ies 'Y7' (N) n cc ies n (El) 'Y' (EI) 'Y7' (EI) 'Y7' Bernardino, Calif. « Special (N) « (CBS) Jack Hanna's WildOcean Mysteries College Football UCLA at Nebraska (N)(Live) KOHD O O O O The Nutrition Ex- Animal Adven- Good Morning America (N)cc traction Secret tures Countdown With Jeff Corwin (ABC) Pregame(N) MLB Baseball NewYork Yankeesat BostonRedSox FromFenwayPark in BosKFXO g} IEI @ No Defrosting or Teen Kids News AwesomeAdven- Wild About Ani- Jack Hanna's Into Eco Companyn MLB Player Poll n MLB 'G' ©c Preheating 'PG' (N) 'G' « tures (N) 'G' mals (N)'G' the Wild 'G' (El) 'G' cc (El)'G' cc ton.(N) n (Live) « (FOX) Elvis, Aloha FromHawaii n 'G' cc Burt Bacharach's Best (MyMusic KOAB ~ gy gy Ij SesameStreetn(EI)'Y' cc (DVS) CuriousGeorgen CatintheHat Downton AbbeyRevisited 'G' « (El) 'Y' « Knows a Lot Presents) n 'G' « (PBS) NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 6:00 NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N)cc Tree FuTom Justin Time (El) 'Y' English Premier LeagueSoccer EvertonFCvs Chelsea FCFromGoodison Park in Liverpool, Mersey KGW AM(N) cc (EI) 'Y' side, England.(N) n (Live) cc (NBC) KTVZDT2 @ ~ Ij @ Hidethe Fat'G' Curl Secret - for Adventures of Rescue Heroes n Sonic X n 'Y7' «Bolts & Blip 'Y7' The Spectacular Justice League Dragon Ball Z Kai B-DamanCrossfire Yu-Gi-Oh! 'Y7' «Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL 'Y7' « perfect curls C h uck & Friends (El) Y « Spider-Man 'Y7' Unlimited 'Y7' (N) n 'Y7' (N) 'Y7' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 B B C Newsnight Washington Asia This Week Great Decisions Downton AbbeyRevisited 'G' « Burt Bacharach's Best KTVZ O O O O Today A paperlelib ss rary; entertainment. (N) n «

Noodle and


Nopalea with 'A&E 13 28 18 32 Cheryi T!egs G

Proactiv for acne Criminal Minds Aschool busfull of kids Criminal Minds FourmenfromOregon Criminal Minds A kiler in Miamitargets Flip This HouseTheteamruns into Flip This HouseEstate of Affairs Ar prevention goe s missing. n '14' « go missing. n '14' « prostitutes. n '14' « some unforeseentroubles. 'PG' mando buys ahome.'PG' « The Rifleman 'G' «The RiflemanThe The Rifleman The The Rifleman 'G' ccRawhide Favorand Rowdydeliver (9:15) Hell onWheels OneLess Mule (10:15) *** "McLintock!" (1963, Western) JohnWayne, MaureenO'Hara. A cattle *AMC Promoter 'G ' ll l ustrator 'G' prisoners. 'PG' Durant files aninjunction. baron meetshis matchin a strong-wiled woman.cc 'ANPL 68 50 26 38 Big Cat Diary 'G' Big Cat Diary 'G' Cats101 n 'PG' « Must Love Cats n 'PG' « Incredible DogChallenge (N) n D o g s101 n 'PG' « Dogs101 n 'PG' cc BRAVO 13 44 Bel ow Deck '14' Below Deck'14' Below DeckReunion'14' Below DeckTheCrewTells All '14' The Real Housewives of Miami '14' The Real Housewives of Miami '14' CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG' CMT Social Hour n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' CMT Crossroads 'PG' cc Hot 20 CNBC 54 36 40 52 CookSafe WEN HairCare Cook Safe Sa y No to PainCook Safe Foc us T25 DeepClean N o Defrosting Cook Safe Larry King Spc. Sexiest Bodies of 2013! CNN 55 38 35 48 NewSaturday Your Money(N) CNN SaturdayMorning (N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Your Money T h e Next List COM 13 53 135 47 No.1Kitchen I n s a nity! Proactiv System Focus T25'G' (8:11) ** 'Weekend atBernie's" (1989)AndrewMcCarthy, JonathanSilverman. « (10:23) * "SavingSi/verman"(2001)JasonBiggs COTV (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adv Journal G e t Outdoors V i sions of NW Pre-Game Show High School Football Hood River at Redmond CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Newsmakers W ashington ThisW eek *DIS 87 43 14 39 Octonautsn'Y' Henry Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Never Land So f ia the First Jessie 'G' cc J e ssie n 'G' Jes sie n 'G' cc Liv & Maddie 'G' Good-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 Cindy Crawford Bra Reinvented Get Hot! n 'PG' WEN Hair Care Montel Williams Brazil Butt Lift Fast N' Loud n '14' « Fast N' Loud n '14' « Fast N' Loud n '14' « *El 13 25 Tot al Gym Cin d y CrawfordWho Wore It S e crets of Fash Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Fashion Police '14 E! News(N) Secrets of Fash Who Wore It ESPN 21 23 22 23 College GameDayFromCollege Station, Texas. (N)(Live) « College Football Louisville atKentucky(N)(Live) ESPN2 22 24 21 24 SportsCenter (N) (Live) cc College Football Tulsa atOklahoma(N)(Live) ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Boys of Summer SportsCenter Flashback « SportsCenter Flashback cc 30 for 30 cc Battle Lines mc Battle Lines cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 Olbermann SportsNation Numbers NeverLie SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc ** "Snow Dogs"(2002, Comedy)CubaGooding Jr., JamesCoburn. ** "Little Giants" (1994)RickMoranis, EdO'Neil FAM 67 29 19 41 Time- Workout Luminess * "Yogi Bear" (2010)Voices of DanAykroyd. FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00) FOX and Friends Saturday Bulls and Bears Cavuto/Business Forbes on FOX Cashin' In cc America's NewsHeadquarters America's NewsHeadquarters Journal Editorial News HQ *FOOD 17 62 98 44 FloorAppeal'G WEN Hair Care Sandwich King Guy's Big Bite Best- Made Be s t Thing Ate BarbecueAddi. Pioneer Wo. Trisha's Sou. H eartland Table B'foot Contessa Giada at Home FX 131 Total Gym Luminess Buffy the Vampire Slayer Ted'PG' Buffy the Vampire Slayer n 'PG' Ellen 'G' « Elle n 'G' « Ellen 'G' « Elle n 'PG' « Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 WENHairCare Cleaner Carpets Love It or List It Colin andBeth'G' Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « Bath Crashers Bath Crashers Bath Crashers Bath Crashers 'HIST 15 42 41 36 Power-Control Cook Safe Big Rig Bounty Hunters '14' « Big Rig Bounty Hunters '14' « Big Rig Bounty Hunters '14' « Big Rig Bounty Hunters '14' « Big Rig Bounty Hunters '14' « LIFE 13 39 20 31 LookYounger! Keurig Rivo HOPE Fit She e r Cover Cancer: Winning Paid Program Cindy Crawford Paid Program Paid Program WEN Hair Care Unsolved Mysteries '14' cc MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) UpW/Steve Kornacki (N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) MSNBCLive (N) MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 2440 FullHouse'G' FullHouse'G' Odd Parents O d d Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S a njay, Craig TeenageMut. RabbidsInvas OWN 161 103 31 103 The Nate Berkus Show 'PG' cc Rachael Ray n 'PG' cc Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc Home MadeSimple n 'G' cc Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal '14 Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal 'PG PAC12 47 310310310 College Football FromNov.18,2000. Women's CollegeSoccerUNLVatWashington State Pac-12 Football Football Pre-GameShow (N)(Live) SPIKE 132 31 34 46 CebriaSolution Cook Safe Live Longer! Focus T25 'G' Cindy Crawford Focus T25n Xtreme 4x4'G' Horsepower TV Trucks! (N) 'G' MuscleCar 'G World's Wildest Police Videos '14' SYFY 13 35 133 45 No Defrosting Feel Better! No Defrosting WEN Hair Care Cook Safe DeepC!ean Ghost Mine 'PG' Ghost Mine TheLost Chamber Supergator" (2007,Suspense) '14 TBN 205 60 130 The Lads TV (El) Auto B. Good'G Come onOver God Rocks! 'Y Monstertruck Mary-Hopkins Lassie 'G' cc D a vey 8 GoliathIshine Knect 'G Insp. Station VeggieTales 'Y' 3-2-1 Penguins! Married... With The Fresh Prince The Fresh Prince Tyler Perry's Tyler Perry's MeetAre We ThereYet? According to Jim Rules of Engage Rules of Engage *** "BladesofGlory" (2007) Wil Fer *TBS 16 27 11 28 'PG' n 'PG' cc ment 'PG' ment '14' Children 'PG' Children n 'PG' of Bel.Air of Bel.Air House of Payne the Browns rell, Jon Heder. cc(DVS) ** "The Night theWorldExploded" ** "F/ipper's NewAdventure" (1964, Adventure) LukeHal (10:45) ** "Coroner Creek" (1946,Western) RandolphScott, (7:45) ** vgky Murder" (1940,Mystery) Walter Pidgeon, ' * » TCM 101 44 101 29 Sea Wolf" (1957) KathrynGrant. DonaldMeek,KarenVerne. pin PamelaFranklin HelenCherry acc MargueriteChapman,GeorgeMacready. 'TLC 17 34 32 34 WeightLoss2.0 Cleaner Carpets Brazil Butt Lift TriaRemov. Focus T25'G' Say No toBotox! My First Home My First Home My First Home My First Home My First Home My First Home ic's baby is dropped Law &Order Hindsight Awoman's body Law &Order PublishandPerish Aporn Law & Order FluencyFakeflu vaccine. Cold Justice MotherSiegler and Mc Rizzoli & Isles Thesquadtries to solve 'TNT 17 26 1 27 Law&OrderAcom n '14' cc (DVS) from a window. n '14' is in Falco's bathroom.'14' actress is killed. n '14' Clary reopena case. '14' « ahomxnde 14 « 'TOON 84 Looney Tunes LooneyTunes Teen TitansGo! TenkaiKnights Beyblade-Steel Pokemon:BW Legends, Chima Ben 10 Batman Teen Titans Go! Uncle Grandpa Cartoon Planet *TRAV 17 51 45 42 The Nutrition Max! When Vacations Attack 'PG' cc Mon umental Mysteries 'PG' cc Extreme Hawaiian Escapes'PG' B i z arre Foods America 'PG' cc Ma n v Food Ma n v. Food 'G TVLND 65 47 29 35 TheNanny'PG (6:36) The Nanny P:12) The Nanny n 'PG' « (7:48) TheNanny (8:24) The Nanny The Nanny'PG' (9:36) TheNanny (10:12) TheGolden Girls n 'PG' T h e Golden Girls The Golden Girls USA 15 30 23 30 WeightLoss2.0 Cleaner Carpets Cook Safe Co o k Safe Lik e New Carpet Paid Program Royal Pains Bones to Pick'PG' Bu r n Notice Reckoning 'PG Suits Bad Faith '14' «(DVS) VH1 191 48 37 54 VH1PlusMusicn'PG VH1 Plus Music n 'PG VH1 Plus Music n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown (N)'PG' Top 20 Video Countdown (N) 'PG' Saturday Night Live n '14' « *** "Maverick"1994,WesternMel Gibson, Jodie Foster. 'PG' « ENCR 106 401 306401(5:20) ** "Stepmom"1998Julia Roberts. 'PG-13' (9:45) *** "TheLord ofthe Rings: TheReturn ofthe King" 2003Elijah Wood.'PG-13' FS1 35 303 303 FOX Sports Live cc FOX CollegeSaturday Insights andopinions onthe day's top games. College Football VirginiaTechat East Carolina(N) (Live) « FS2 34 Best of PRIDEFighting FOX Sports Live NASCARRacing NASCARRacing Mayweather N A SCAR Racing **"FiveWeeksina Balloon"1962,ComedyRed Buttons.'PG'« FXM 104204104120 ** "State Fair"1962, Musical Pat Boone,Bobby Darin. 'NR' « * "TheWizard ofBaghdad"1960,Fantasy DickShawn.'NR'« GOLF 28 301 27 301(3:30) LPGA Tour Golf Evian Championship, Third RoundFromFrance. (N)(Live) Golf Central Pregame(N)(Live) PGA TourGolf BMWChampionship, Third Round(N)(Live) HALL 66 33175 33 ILoveLucy' G' I LoveLucy'G' I LoveLucy'G' I LoveLucy'G' I LoveLucy'G I Love Lucy 'G' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls t HBO 425501 425501(425)DieHard2 ** Here on Earth" 2000Chris Klein. 'PG13' « Face Off, Max ** "The is/and" 2005,ActionEwanMcGregor, Scarlett Johansson. n 'PG-13' cc Wynton Marsalis LesMisdrab/es IFC 10 1 0 5 Bu n k '1 4 Portlandia « Por t landia '14' P ortlandia '14' P ortlandia '14 Portlandia '14' Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Comedy Bang! Escape-A/ctraz MAX 400 508 508 (5:30) ** "SlidingDoors" 1998Gwyneth Paltrow. (7:20) ** "Garfieid"2004 'PG (8:45) ** "I, Robot" 2004, ScienceFiction Will Smith. n 'PG-13' cc (10:45) *** "The Five-YearEngagement" 2012 'R NBCSN 27 58 30 209 EPLSoccer P r e mier League English Premier LeagueSoccer SunderlandAFCvs Arsenal FC(N) Premier League Wild Skies Blitz TV 'PG' W h itetail SLAMBill Dance FLW Outdoors NGC 157 15 7 U l t imateSurviva!Alaska'PG' DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayCastle '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14' NTOON 89 115189115 Digimon-Digital Digimon-Digital Digimon-Digital Digimon-Digital NFL RushZone T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard OUTD 37 307 43 307 Buckmasters R i dge Reaper Commander B u cks Tecomate King of Bucks Ram Outdoors Gold Fever Alaska Outdoors Spanish Fly The Flush Tri p Gone Bad SHO 500 500 * * * "D ick Tracy" 1990, CrimeDramaWarren Beatty, Madonna. 'PG Inside the NFL n 'PG' cc Jrm Rome onShowtrme 'MA' « All Access 'MA Web Therapy n (11:05) DexterGoodbyeMiami 'MA ** "Here Comes the Boom"2012Kevin James. n 'PG' « STARZ 300408300408(5:40) ** "Home ontheRange" (8:50) ** "After theSunset" 2004Pierce Brosnan (10:35) *** "2! Jump Street" 2012JonahHill. 'R TMC 525 525 (5:55) ** "The Prince &Me" 2004Julia Stiles. 'PG' (7:45) *"HoodwinkedToo!Hoodvs. Evil" 2011 'PG (9:15) ** "Vi. Warshawski"1991 KathleenTurner (10:45) ** "JudgeDredd" 1995Sylvester Stallone. *WE

14 41 174118 Vivica Fox

Hea l th Beauty * * " Sister Acl"1992, Musical Comedy Whoopi Goldberg, MaggieSmith. 'PG

** "Sister Ac!2:BackintheHabit"1993, MusicalComedyWhoopi Goldberg. 'PG







«« ~

i"' " ' " ' "'""""' ~

~ I


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary.


KATU College Football College Football Tennesseeat Oregon(N) (Live) (ABC) UCLA atNebraska Championship, Third RoundFromConwayFarms Golf Club inLakeForest, III. (N) n (Live) cc KTVZ PGA Tour Golf BMW



II Paid Program

Cash Cab n 'PG' « College Football NotreDameat Purdue

(N) n (Live) cc Secrets of Brain Tree Fu Tom(El) 'Y LazyTown n (El) Paid Program Extra (N) n 'PG' cc 'Y' cc (NBC) Health at TexasA&M(N) (Live) « Exploration W/JarodExplore the North- Paid Program CBS Evening News KBNZ College Football College Football Alabama Miller (CBS) Today(N) « west (N) cc at Oregon(N) (Live) College Football Gameday College Football NotreDameat Purdue KOHD College Football College Football Tennessee (ABC) UCLA atNebraska (N) n (Live) cc KFXO (10:00) MLBBaseball NewYorkYankees Make Your Carpets Portable Cooktop Sexiest Summer No defrosting or Outdoorsman/Buck FOXCollege Satur College Football OhioState at California (N) n (Live) cc 'G' (FOX) at BostonRedSox (N) « New Again! Beach Bodies p r eheating McN eely day (N) cc Bacharach's Rock, PopandDooWo p(MyMusic)JonRBowser" Bauman andRonnie Spector bring Frank Vignola: Four Generations of Guitar Signatureguitar Michael Buble MeetsMadison SquareGardenBackstagewith Easy Yoga for KOAB Burt Michael, his bandandfamily. n '14' cc Arthritis (PBS) Best backsongsfrom the1950sand1960s.'G' styles. 'G' LazyTown n (El) Noodle andDoodle The ChicaShow Pajanimals (El) 'Y' NewsChannel 8 at5PM(N) cc KGW PGA TourGolf BMWChampionship, Third RoundFromConwayFarms Golf Clubin LakeForest, III. (N) n (Live) « 'Y' cc (EI) 'Y' (EI) 'Y' (NBC) KTVZDT2ChatRoom n (El) On the Spot n (El) The CW2013 Fall Tyler Perry's House Tyler Perry's House Tyler Perry's Meet Tyler Perry's Meet *** "TheManchurian Candidate" (2004,Suspense)Denzel Washington, MerylStreep, Liev Schreiber. A Gulf 'Q' cc (CW) 'G' cc First Look n 'PG' of Payne of Payne the Browns 'PG' the Browns 'PG' War vet is suspicious of apolitical candidate. « OPBPL Burt Bacharach Rock, PopandDooWo p(MyMusic)'G' Frank Vignola: FourGenerations of Guitar 'G' Michael Buble MeetsMadison SquareGarden'14' « Yoga-Arthritis Flipping Boston The flippers renovate Flip This House It'll *** "TheBourneIdentity" (2002, Suspense)Matt Damon,Franka Potente, Chris Cooper.Anamnesiac agent Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Pete's pizzashop. 'PG' cc Cost You 'PG' i s marked for death after a botched hit. cc N McLinfock!9(1963) John (1:15) ** "The Quickandthe Dead" (1995,Western) SharonStone, GeneHackman, Russell Crowe. Afemale (3:45) *** "Smokey andtheBandit" (1977, Comedy)Burt Reynolds,Sally Field, Jackie Gleason. Abootleg'AMC (10:15) *** Wayne,MaureenO'Hara. « gunslingerenters adeadly quick-drawcompetition. « ger burnsrubberto evadea stubbornsheriff. « *ANPL BadDog!DownandDi rtyDogs'PG' Bad Dog! NaughtybyNaturen 'PG America's Cutest Dog2010 n 'PG America's Cutest Dogs:Cutified 'PG TooCute!Puppi esandaPiggy'PG Too Cute! n 'G' cc BRAVO The Real Housewives of Miami '14' T h e Real Housewives of Miami '14 Bidding War'PG' Property Envy Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Tamra's O.C.Wedding CMT (11:30) Hot 20Countdown Acountdownof thebiggest musicvideos. (N) 'PG CMT Crossroads n 'PG' cc ExtremeMakeover: HomeEdition n ExtremeMakeover: HomeEdition n Dallas CowboysCheerleaders CNBC Cleaner Carpets Kitchen Get Sub D Live Longer! WEN Hair Care Dean Martin Cook Safe Cook Safe Best Jobs Ever American Greed CNN CNN Newsroom(N) Sanjay Gupta, MD CNN Newsroom(N) The Situation Room The 2013Style Awards (N) Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown R N COM Saving Silverman (12:29) ** MySuper Ex-Girllriend (2006) Uma Thurman. Premiere. cc (2:33) South Park (3:15) South Park (3:35) South Park (4:06) *** "FerrisBueller's DayOfi" (1986)Matthew Broderick. « COTV (10:30) High School Football HoodRiver at Redmond Paid Program P a id Program E x t reme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW C ity Club of Central Oregon CSPAN (11:00) Washington ThisWeek The Communicators First Ladies: Influence &Image 0 & A AdrewBacevich's book *DIS Jessie 'G' « Jess ie 'G' « Jess i e 'G' « Aust i n & Ally 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Good-Charlie G o o d-Charlie Good-Charlie G o o d-Charlie Go o d-Charlie Do g With a Blog *DISC Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Tickle '14' cc Turn & Burn MemoryLane'PG' « Porter Ridge '14' Porter Ridge '14' Tickle '14' cc Tic k le '14' cc Tickle 14 cc Turn & Burn TheCrownJewel 'PG *E! ** "Bring ItOn:All or Nothing" (2006, Comedy)HaydenPanettiere. Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Ke e ping Up With the Kardashians Ke e ping Up With the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians ESPN College Football College Football Nevada atFlorida State College Football College Football Vanderbilt at SouthCarolina(N) (Live) cc ESPN2 College Football NASCAR RacingNationwideSeries: DollarGeneral 300FromChicagoland Speedwayin Joliet, III. College Football Scoreboard (N)(Live) College Football MississippiState atAuburn(N) (Live) « *** "CatchingHell" (2011,Documentary) « ESPNC Battle Lines cc 30for30 cc 30for30 cc 30 for 30 cc ESPNN SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « College Football ** "TheLittle Rascals" (1994,Comedy)Travis Tedford, BugHall. ** "BringingDowntheHouse" (2003) Steve Martin, QueenLatifah. ** "Good Burger" (1997,Comedy) FAM (10:30) ** "Little Giants" (1994) FNC (11:30) America's NewsHeadquarters Healthy You Ne w s HQ The Five America's NewsHeadquarters FOX Report Huckabee 'FOOD Rachael vs. Guy Kids Cook-Off 'G Cutthroat Kitchen 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G' Restaurant Stakeout 'G' Diners, Drive Di n ers, Drive Iron Chef America 'G' Science Fiction) NicolasCage,Julianne Moore FX Two and HalfMen Two and HalfMen ** "SixDays, SevenNights" (1998) Harrison Ford, AnneHeche. 17th Annual Prism AwardsShowcase ** "Next" (2007, HGTV Bath Crashers 'G' Bath Crashers 'G Love It or List It Matthews-Rooney 'G Embarrassing E mbarrassing Candice Tells All Candice Tells All Candice Tells All Candice Tells All Candice Tells All Candice Tells All *HIST Big Rig Bounty Hunters '14' cc Big Rig Bounty Hunters '14' cc The Lost Pyramid 'PG' cc Civilization Lost Theexistence of previously unknowncivilizations. 'PG' cc LIFE NHer Perfect Spouse"(2004)Tracy Nelson Michael Riley 'PG' cc Adopting Terror" (2012, Suspense) SeanAstin, SamaireArmstrong. « Social Nightmare" (2013,Drama) Daiyl Hannah,Kirsten Prout. « MSNBC (11:00) MSNBC Live (N) Disrupt With KarenFinney (N) Caught on CameraWetandWild Caught on CameraCollision! Caught on CameraTheThin Blue Line Caught on CameraTeensGoneWild MTV Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n NICK Monsters, Alien SpongeBob Power Rangers Digimon Fusion SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob Rabbids Invasion Sanjay andCraig Sam I Cat cc S a m & Cat n 'G'Hathaways Hathaways Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal n '14' Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal n '14' Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal n '14 Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal n '14 Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal n '14' OWN Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal n '14 PAC12 College Football BostonCollege at USC(N) (Live) College Football SouthernUtahat WashingtonState (N) (Live) Cops'PG' « C o p s'PG' « Cop s'PG' cc C o ps'PG' cc Cops'PG' « Cop s'PG' « Cop s'PG' cc C ops'PG' cc Cops'PG' cc Cops 'PG' « Cops 'PG' « SPIKE Cops 'PG' cc N R SYFY (11:00)NSupergatcrN (2007) '14' ** Dinocroc vs. Superga!or (2010) David "Lake Placid 2" (2007,Horror) JohnSchneider, SamMcMurray. '14 Lake Placid 3" (2010,Horror) '14 Carradine, DeliaSheppard. '14' TBN Paws & Tales Chr. World News Anaheim Harvest Crusade2013 In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley 'G (El) Heroes & Legends of Bible Gaither: Precious Memories A Friends Rachelbe- Friends Rachelbe TheKingofQueens TheKingofQueens *TBS (11:00) *** "Blades of Glory" (2007,Com-** TalladegaNights: TheBallad cl RickyBobby" (2006, Comedy)Wil Ferrell, JohnC. Friends n '14' cc Friends n '14' cc '14' cc Reilly. A NASCAR driver has anewrival. «(DVS) edy) Will Ferrell. «(DVS) R gins childbirth. '14' gins childbirth. '14' n 'PG' *** "Lifeboat" (1944,Drama)Tallulah (10:45) ** "Coroner *** Demefrius andthe Gladiators" (1954)Victor Mature, SusanHayward. The gladia- *** "The Flight cithe Phoenix(1965, " Adventure) James Stewart, Ri c hard Attenborough, Peter Fi n ch. Crash TCM Creek" tor vies withEmperorCaligula for Christ's robe. « survivors build aplanefromthewreckage. « Bankhead. Premiere.Oc 'TLC My First Home n My First Home n Untold Stories of the E.R.'G' « Untold Stories of the E.R. '14' « Unto l d Stories of the E.R. 'G' « Untold Stories of the E.R. '14' « Untold Stories of the E R '14' cc * "Wild WildWest" (1999,Action) Will Smith, Kevin Kline, KennethBranagh. Secret (2:15) *"BikerBoyz" (2003,Action) LaurenceFishburne, DerekLuke,Orlando Jones. Ayoungmanjoins the * "Rush Hour3" (2007)JackieChan,Chris Tucker.Carter and 'TNT agents fight to stop apresidential assassination. « world of illegal motorcycle racing. « Lee battle Chinesegangsters inParis. « "TOON Cartoon Planet Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Uncle Grandpa Regular Show R egular Show T o tal Drama MAD 'PG' Annoying Orange Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time 'TRAV Man v. Food Miami'PG' cc Man v. Food'PG' Man v.Food'G' Food ParadiseChiliParadise'G' Food Paradise 'PG' « Food Paradise MeatloafParadise'G ' F ood Paradise Deep-fried foods. 'PG TVLND The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls (1:12) TheCosby Show n 'G' cc The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show *** RAs Good as II Gets" (1997) R * G.I. Joe:TheRiseoi Cobra" (2009) ChanningTatum, Dennis Quaid. « ** "TheFast andthe Furious" (2001,Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. « USA Graceland HappyEndings '14 Covert Affairs HangWire '14 R ** D/d School" (2003, VH1 Saturday Night Live n '14' cc Saturday Night Live n '14' cc Saturday Night Live n '14' cc Miami MonkeyMiamiMonkey n '14' Comedy) LukeWilson, Will Ferrell. n *A&E

R R Ace Ventura:WhenNature Calls" (1:10) *** "Jurassic Park"1993, AdventureSamNeill, Laura Dern. n 'PG-13' « (3:20) ** Ace Ventura: PefDetective"1994 'PG-13' Bei ng 'PG' a« Football College Football lowa atlowaState (N)(Live) « Best of PRIDE Fighting Championship UFC Unleashed UFC Fight Night GloverTeixeira vs. RyanBader Dog" 2007,ComedyJosh Hutcherson. 'PG' « FXM ** "Firehouse FXM Presents * * * " Save theLast Dance" 2001, RomanceJulia Stiles. 'PG-13' cc FXM Presents * * " Soul Surfer" 2011 'PG' cc GOLF PGA Tour Golf BMW Championship, Third RoundSpotlight Coverage(N) Feherty RaymondFloyd Golf Central (N) PGA Tour Golf LPGA Tour Golf HALL ** "Before YouSay/ Do" (2009)Jennifer Westfeldt. 'PG' « Accidentallyin Love" (2010,Drama)Jennie Garth, EthanErickson. 'G' « * "Uncorked"(2010) Julie Benz,JoBethWiliams, Elliott Gould. 'PG' cc N R N ** Glickman 201 2, HBO (11:30) *** LesMiserabl es"2012HughJackman.n 'PG-13'« (2:15) *** "Life clPi"2012,Adventure Suraj Sharma,Irrfan Khan, Tabu. n 'PG' cc Documentary n 'NR' « * "House oi 1000Corpses" 2003 IFC (11:45) *** "Escape FromAlcatraz" 1979, SuspenseClint Eastwood.'PG (2:15) *** NBadBoys" 1982,DramaSeanPenn, Reni Santoni. Streetfighter becomeskingof reformschool. 'R N N ** "The Edge"1997, Adventure AnthonyHopkins. n 'R' « MAX (10:45)"TheFive-Year Engagement" esovercomeshardshipstobecomealegend. (12:55) *** Ray 2004JamieFoxx.RayCharl (5:35) Sanctum'R' World Series World Series World Series of Fighting 4 NBCSN FLW Outdoors 'G' Yachting America'sCupWorldSeries, Final: Race9 &10 FromSan Francisco. (N)(Live) NGC DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers'14 DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' Alaska State Troopers '14 Alaska State Troopers'14' NTOON DannyPhantom Danny Phantom The Penguins The Penguins Wild Grinders 'Y7' Wild Grinders 'Y7 Wild Grinders 'Y7' Wild Grinders 'Y7' Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Legend-Korra OUTD Reel in, Outdoors The Bassmasters TrokarQuest Real Hunting Showcase Best of West RMEFTeamElk Dirt Trax TV Fisher's ATV Michaels MRA Ducks Unlimited Steve's Outdoor SHO Ray Donovan FiteNite 'MA' All Access 'MA' All Access 'MA' All Access 'MA' All Access 'MA' Boxing Boxing Mayweather vs. Canelo: Countdown ** "TheVow"2012 Rachel McAdams.n 'PG-13' « STARZ 21 Jump Street T h e White Queen n 'MA' « (3:15) TheWhite Queen'MA' « (4:15) ** "Here Comes the Boom"2012 KevinJames. n 'PG' « R TMC ** Judge Dredd (12:25) ** Manon a Ledge"2012SamWorthington. (2:10) ** "TannerHall" 2009RooneyMara. n 'R' cc (3:45) ** "DangerousMinds" 1995,DramaMichelle Pfeiffer. n 'R' « * TheReunion "WE ** "Sister Act" 1992,Musical ComedyWhoopi Goldberg, MaggieSmith, KathyNajimy.'PG ** "Sister Act 2:Backin the Habit"1993, Musical ComedyWhoopi Goldberg. 'PG David Tutera: Unveiled 'PG

ENCR Lord cltheRings: TheReturn FS1 College Football FOX College FS2 UFC Tonight

THE BULLETIN «SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine




v I II (5:00) CollegeFootball NotreDameat Purdue(N)n (Live) «


v II


Precision Induc- Cash Cabn Cash Cabn Jeopardy! 'G' «Wheel of Fortune KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Onthe Red 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'Q' cc tion Cooktop (ABC) (N)n cc Carpet (N) Finals LasVegas finals. n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 21 Saturday Night KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21NBC Nightly News Jeopardy! 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune The Million SecondQuiz Contestants American Ninja Warrior Vegas 'Q' cc at6 cc at11 cc Live '14' cc (NBC) (N) cc compete inbouts oftrivia. 'PG' Burn Notice EntryPointMichaeland To Be Announced Mike & Molly Yard Two and aHalf Under the DomeThe huntfor Barbie 48 Hours Cold asIce Amemoryhelps a KOIN Local 6 at 11 To BeAnnounced KBNZ Sale 'PG' Men '14' cc continues. n '14' cc 55-year-old case. '14' cc (CBS) Jesse capture akiler. 'PG' (N) cc College Football Sports Stars of Steel Dreams Entertainment Tonight New York Fash KEZI 9 Newsat College Football KOHD O O O O (5:00) College Football Notre Dameat Purdue(N)n (Live) « 'G' « Tomorrow 'Y7' ion Week.(N) n « 11:00 (N) cc (ABC) Game Night Game Night The Big Bang Bones Pulverizedhumanremainsare News Channel 21 Two and aHalf Animation Domination High.Def n KFXO I(g IE! @ IEI (4:00)CollegeFootball OhioState atCalifornia (N) n (Live) News Channel 21 The Big Bang 'MA' cc CC (FOX) First on FOX Theory n '14' Theory n '14' found n 14 « First on FOX M en '14' cc 60s Girl Grooves(My Music) Performancesspotlight girl groupsandsingers of Elvis, Aloha FromHawaii n 'G' « Rick Steves' EuKOAB ~ gy ~ gy Easy Yogafor DowntonAbbey Revisited'G' « Arthritis rope Travel (PBS) the 1960s. n 'G' cc NBC Nightly News Straight Talk I n side Edition Grants Getaways The Million Second Quiz Contestants American Ninja Warrior VegasFinals LasVegasfinals. n 'PG' « NewsChannel 8 at (11:29)Saturday KGW 'PG' Weekend 'PG' Night Live '14' (NBC) (N) cc compete inbouts oftrivia. 'PG' 11(N) cc boyfriend sells Cops Reloaded n Cops Reloaded n That '70s Show That '70s Show I'm TheBorder Spoils of War n '14' cc KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ ** "Last Action Hero" (1993, Action) Arnold Schwarzenegger, Austin O'Brien. A Cheaters A salesman '14' cc '14' cc magic movieticket plunges a boyinto on-screen action. « out. n 14 cc Christmas '14' a Boy n '14' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 Y o ga-Arthritis Downton AbbeyRevisited 'G' « 60s Girl Grooves(My Music) n 'G' cc Elvis, Aloha FromHawaii n 'G' « Travel Skills KATU


Storage Wars

Storage Wars

Storage Wars

Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Modern Dads

Modern Dads On Modern Dads Modern Dads

(11:01) BadInk

(11:31) BadInk

3 28 1 8 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc '14' cc the Juice 'PG' Poker Night 'PG' 'PG' cc ** "NationalTreasure" (2004,Adventure) NicolasCage, HunterGomez, DianeKruger. A mantries to stealthe Declaration Hell on Wheels Cholera A cholera epi- Hell on Wheels Cholera Acholera epi- ** "NationalTreasure" (2004)Nicolas 'AMC of Independence. demic breaks.(N)'14' « demic breaks. '14' « Cage, HunterGomez. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 TooCute!n'G'« Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! (N) n 'PG Too Cute! n 'PG' cc Too Cute! n 'PG BRAVO 13 44 Tam ra's O.C. Wedding ** "Honey" (2003,Drama)Jessica Alba,Mekhi Phifer, Lil' Romeo ** "BadBoysII" (2003)Martin Lawrence.Twodetectives battle a drugkingpin in Miami. BadBoysII ** "Happy Gilmore" (1996)AdamSandler, Christopher McDonald. n CMT 190 32 42 53 Dallas CowboysCheerleaders Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt n '14' Dog and Beth: On the Hunt n '14 Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt '14 CNBC 54 36 40 52 TheSuzeOrmanShow(N) « Debt Do UsPart Debt Do Us Part American Greed The SuzeOrmanShow « Debt Do UsPart Debt Do Us Part Brazil Butt Lift Cleaner Carpets CNN 55 38 35 48 Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown *** "Ro/e Mode/s" (2008)SeannWiliam Scott, Paul Rudd. « COM 13 53135 47 FerrisBueller (6:25)***"Dumb & Dumber"(1994,Comedy)JimCarrey, Jeff Daniels. cc Gabriel Iglesias: I'm Not Fat COTV 11 Talk of the Town Local issues. Des e rt CookingOregon ExtremeDesire AdvJournal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Washington This Week W ashington ThisWeek 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Austin 8 Ally 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Jessie n 'G' « Austin & Ally 'G' Wander-Yonder Austin 8 Ally'G' Austin 8 Ally'G' Good-Charlie D o g With a Blog *DISC 15 21 16 37 Airplane RepoNarrowEscape'14' Airplane RepoMid-Air Collision '14' Airplane Repo n '14' cc Airplane RepoMid-Air Collision '14' Airplane Repo Alone in Alaska'14' Airplane Repo n '14' cc *E! * "Geor gi aRu/e"(2007,Drama)JaneFonda,LindsayLohan. ** "MaidinManhattan" (2002)Jennifer Lopez, RalphFiennes 13 25 E! N e ws Fashion Police '14 ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeFootball College Football College Football Wisconsin atArizonaState (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Football Final ESPN2 22 24 21 24 CollegeFootball SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) m SportsCenter (N) College Football Final (N)acc Baseball Tonight ESPNC 23 25 123 25 30for30 « 30 for 30 cc 30for30 cc 30for30 cc 30 for 30 cc 30for30 cc ESPNN 24 63 124203(5:00) CollegeFootball Central Florida atPennState (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N) SportsNation SportsCenter (N) SportsNation S portsCenter (N) SportsNation SportsCenter (N) SportsNation ** "Liar Liar"(1997)JimCarrey. A fast-talking lawyer cannottell a lie ***"The Blind Side"(2009) FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:00)**"Good Burger"(1997) * "B i lly Madison"(1995,Comedy)AdamSandler, DarrenMcGavin. FNC 57 61 36 50 Justice With JudgeJeanine Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye Huckabee Justice With JudgeJeanine Red Eye *FOOD 17 62 98 44 The Great Food Truck Race 'G' D ine rs, Drive D i n e rs, Drive CupcakeWars (N)'G' Cutthroat Kitchen 'G' Chopped TakeHeart 'G Iron Chef America 'G' *** "Unstoppable" (2010,Action) DenzelWashington, Chris Pine. ** "Colombiana" (2011,Action) ZoeSaldana, Jordi Molla ** "Colombiana" (2011,Action) ZoeSaldana,Jordi Molla. FX 131 HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I H ou s e Hunters Hunters Int'I Love Itor Listlt Too'G' cc Love It or List It 'G' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 "A Sister'sNightmare" (2013, Suspense)Kelly Rutherford. '14' « "Sins olthePreacher" (2013) GailO'Grady. Premiere. '14' « "EscapeFromPolygamy"(2013, Drama)MaryMcCormack. « MSNBC 59 59128 51 Lockup: RawDuesandDon'ts Lockup Lockup: Raw APrivate Hell LockupInside Folsom Lockup InsideAnamosa Lockup Miami'sprisonsystem Chicks"(2004)ShawnW ayans,MarlonWayans.n ** "ThePacifier" (2005,Comedy)Vin Diesel, LaurenGraham.n MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness ** "White NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob Sam 8 Cat'G' Hathaways Dra ke & Josh n Drake & Josh nSee DadRun n The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG' Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG' W elcome to Sweetie Pie's (N) 'PG Six McGhees Six McGhees Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG OWN 161 103 31 103Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG' PAC12 47 310310310 College Football Football Report College Football Texas-SanAntonio at Arizona(N) (Live) Football Post-Game Report (N) Cops '14' cc C o ps '14' cc Co p s (N) n 'PG' Cops 'PG' cc Cops'PG'cc Cops 'PG' «Cops 'PG' «Cops 'PG' cc Cops '14' cc Co p s 'PG' cc SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Cops'PG' « Cop s 'PG' « SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:00) "Lake Ragin' CajunRedneck Gafors" (2013,Horror) Jordan Hinson.'14 Rohocroc" (2013)CorinNemec,StevenHartley, DeeWallace. Premiere Mega Pythonvs. Gaforoid" '14 Placid 3" (2010)'14' TBN 205 60 130 Hour of Power Billy Graham Classic Crusades N o t a Fan Travel the Road Welcome toParadise" (2007, Drama)Crystal Bernard, BobbyEdner Live at OakTree Virtual Memory 'TBS




GuyDa- Family Guy Brian The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang ** "RoadTrip" (2000)SeannWiliam ,6,7 „,8 Everybody Gu« y«Iy Family Raymond Loves Famii Crapy'14' Boom '14' « in Love n '14' T h eory n 'PG' T heory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Scott, Breckin Meyer. « *** "AbandonShip!" (1957,Adventure) TyronePower, Mai Zetterling. Short ra *** "Titanic"(1953, Docudrama)Clifton Webb, Barbara Stanwyck. Peoplemingle *** "DirtyMary Crazy Larry" (1974 101 44 101 29Bankhead. 5'00 *** Premi LIIeboaf" (1944) Tal l u lah ere. « tions force a lifeboatofficer tosacrifice the weak. and couplebicker ondoomed1912 luxury liner. « Action) PeterFonda.« 17 34 32 34 UntoldStoriesoftheE.R.n'14 Untold Stories of the E.R. n 'PG' U n told Stories of the E.R. n '14 Untold Stories of the E.R. n '14' U n t old Stories of the E.R. n '14 Untold Stories of the E.R. n '14 ** "Pirates oithe Caribbean: At World's (4:30) * "Rush ** "TheBookoi Eli" (2010,Action) DenzelWashington, GaryOldman, Mila Kunis. A lonewarrior car ** "Clashol theTilans" (2010, Fantasy) SamWorthington, Liam Neeson.Per End"(2007)Johnny Depp. Hour 3" (2007) ries hope across apost-apocalyptic wasteland. «(DVS) seus, son ofZeus, embarksona dangerous journey. «(DVS) 84 Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball * * "Percy Jackson the 8 Olympians: TheLightning Thief" (2010) King of the Hill American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 Cleveland Show The Boondocks 17 51 45 42 Food Paradise Steak Paradise 'PG' Mysteries at the Museum 'PG' M yst e ries at the Museum 'PG' GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« 65 47 29 35 (5:00) *** "As Good as ItGets" (1997)Jack Nicholson, cc Love.Raymond Love.Raymond (9:12)EverybodyLovesRaymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens ** "FastFive"(2011,Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker, JordanaBrewster. «(DVS) ** "Faster" (2010)DwayneJohnson. Premiere 15 30 23 30 **"2Fast2Furious"(2003,Action) PaulWalker, Tyrese. « 191 48 37 54 ** "Jackass:TheMovie" (2002)Johnny Knoxvile, BamMargera. n Miami MonkeyMiamiMonkey'14' 4 0 Greatest Viral Videos (N) '14' 4 0 Greatest Viral Videos (N) '14' *** "8 Mile"(2002) Eminem.n

*** "Live and Lef Die"1973, Action RogerMoore. n 'PG' « ENCR 106401 306401 Ace Ventura *"Bulletproof"1996 Damon Wayans. n 'R' « (10:05) *** "Maverick" 1994,WesternMelGibson. 'PG' « FS1 35 303 303 College Football FOX College C o l l ege Football OregonStateat Utah (N)(Live) « FOX Sports Live(N) (Live) « FOX Sports Live FS2 34 UFC Tonight The Ultimate Fighter n NASCARRacing NASCARRacing Lucas Oil DragBoat Racing Lucas Oil Off RoadRacing FXM 104 204104120(5:00) ** "SoulSurfer"2011 FXM Presents * * " Soul Surfer" 2011, Drama AnnaSophia Robb. 'PG' cc FXM Presents * * "M umlord" 1999, ComedyLoren Dean, HopeDavis. 'R' « GOLF 28 301 27 301 LPGATour Golf Evian Championship, Third Round PGA Tour Golf BMW Championship, Third RoundFromConwayFarms Golf Club inLakeForest, III Golf Central (N) European PGATour Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 "IMarriedWho?"(2012) Kellie Martin, Ethan Erickson. 'G' cc Cedar Cove(N)'PG' « Garage SaleMystery" (2013) Lori Loughlin. Premiere. 'PG' cc Cedar Cove 'PG' « i ** "Parental Guidance" 2012Billy Crystal. 'PG HBO 425 501 425 501 (5:55) ** We Bought aZoo" 2011Matt Damon. n 'PG' « (9:45) TheNewsroom 'MA' « (10:45) Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' P arental Gdnc *** "Joy Ride"2001,SuspenseSteveZahn,PaulWalker.'R * "House o/1000Corpses" 2003,Horror SidHaig, Bill Moseley. 'R * "Bangkok Dangerous"2008'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) "Houseol 1000Corpses" ** "Taken 2" 2012LiamNeeson. n 'NR' « ** "I, Robot" 2004, Science Fiction Will Smith. n 'PG-13' cc MAX 400 508 508 (5:35) ** "Sanctum" 2011Richard Roxburgh. 'R (9:10) Strike Back n 'MA' « NBCSN 27 58 30 209 World Series of Fighting 5 AndreiArlovskivs. Mike Kyle. FromAtlantic City, N.J. (N)(Live) World Series English Premier LeagueSoccer Matchof the Day(N) NFL Turning Point 'PG NGC 157 15 7 S n ake Salvation Snake Salvation Life Below Zero '14 Snake Salvation Snake Salvation Life Below Zero '14' Alaska State Troopers'14 Alaska State Troopers '14' NTOON 89 115 189115Legend.Korra Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Sanjay, Craig NFL Rush Zone Odd Parents O d d Parents O d d Parents O d d Parents OUTD 37 307 43 307 Raglin Outdoors Ultimate Hunting Trophy Quest M ost Wanted Heartland Bow West. Extremes Ted Nugent Cr a ig Morgan T he Bassmasters Trokar Quest Co m mander Ha n k Parker ** "Step UpRevolution"2012 RyanGuzman.« SHO 5 00 50 0 * * "T he Twilight Saga: Breaking DawnPart I" 2011 Kristen Stewart (9:45) RayDonovan Fite Nite'MA' (10:45) Dexter GoodbyeMiami 'MA' Builetprool Monk STARZ 300408300408 (6:05) *** "21 JumpStreet" 2012, ComedyJonah Hil. n 'R' cc The White Queen n 'MA' « The White Queen(N) 'MA' « The White Queen n MA « The White Queen n 'MA' « ** "BloodRayne:TheThird Reich"2010 'R' « TMC 525 525 (5:30) *"TheReunion" 2011 « (7:10) ** "Manon aLedge" 2012SamWorthington. n 'PG-13' « TheFrankenstein Syndrome"2010 EdLauter. 'NR *WE

14 41 174118 David Tutera: Unveiled (N) 'G'

David Tutera: Unveiled 'G

David Tutera: Unveiled 'G

David Tutera's Top Ten'14

David Tutera: Unveiled 'PG

David Tutera: Unveiled 'G





c II • I KATU Good Morning America (N) cc





'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary.








KATU News This Morning - Sun(N) vi «

Your Voice, Your Jack Hanna's Wild Ocean Mysteries Born to Explore 'G' Recipe Rehab'G' «Food for Thought Vote Countdown Wit h Jeff Corwin «(DVS) (ABC) (DVS) LPGA TourGolf EvianChampionship, Final RoundFromEvian- PGA Tour Golf BMWChampionship, Final RoundFromConway KTVZ Precision InductionThe Nutrition Ex. Today "The Soundof Music" castingcall Meet the Press (N)'G' cc les-Bains, France.(N) rr « (NBC) Cooktop 'PG' traction Secret (N) n cc Farms GolClub f in LakeForest III. (N) « The NFLToday (N) (Live) « NFL Football SanDiego Chargers at PhiladelphiaEaglesFromLincoln Financial Field in KBNZ Gary Lewis' Adven CBS NewsSunday Morning RickyGeivais; Eileen Rockefeller Face the Nation (N) n « Philadelphia. (N)(Live) cc (CBS) ture Journal (N) rr cc Paid Program Good Morning America (N) « This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopoulos Today's Hom- P a id Program BorntoExplore'G' SeaRescue'G'«Recipe Rehab'G'«Food forThought KOHD Paid Program (N) 'G' cc eowner (ABC) «(DVS) (DVS) (DVS) Larry King Special Animal Rescue(N) The Real Winning FOX NewsSunday With Chris Wallace FOX NFLSunday (N) n (Live) 'PG' « NFL Football WashingtonRedskins atGreen BayPackers FromLambeauField in KFXO Paid Program 'G' cc (FOX) Report 'G' Edge (N) 'G' cc (N) rr 'PG' cc GreenBay,Wis. (N) rr (Live) « Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder 'Y Easy Yoga for Arthritis With Peggy Rick Steves' EuropeTravel Skills Planning afun, affordableandculturally broadening KOAB Betsy's Kindergar Angelina Ballerina: Mister Rogers' D a niel Tiger's Neighborhood Y Neighborhood 'Y Y cc (DVS) © (DVS) c Cappy n 'G' cc trip to Europe. n 'G' cc (PBS) ten Adventures Next NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 7:00AM Meet the Press (N)'G' cc LPGA TourGolf EvianChampionship, Final RoundFromEvian- PGA Tour Golf BMWChampionship, Final RoundFromConway KGW NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise (N) « les-Bains, France.(N) n « FarmsGolf Club in LakeForest, III. (N) m (NBC) (N) cc Paid Program P aid Program Paid Program I n Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley A Key of David 'PG' cc Paid Program P a id Program Ammal Smence n Ehzabeth's Great KTVZDT2 CleanFloors - No Paid Program (El) 'G' cc (CW) Residue! Strong Family(N) n 'G' cc Big World OPBPL organic-michele Changing Seasn TheAviators'G' Bird's Blue World Between, Lines The Back Page Easy Yoga for Arthritis Rick Steves' EuropeTravel Skills n 'G' « Proactiv for acne Paid Program Criminal Minds TheGoodEarth Fourmen Criminal MindsTheApprenticeship Akiler Criminal Minds Amotivational speaker is Criminal Minds Perennials Someonetracks *** "TheBourneIdentity" (2002)Matt prevention from Oregongomissing. n '14' in Miami targetsprostitutes. '14' investigated. n '14 cc cases andcopies crimes. '14' Damon, FrankaPotente. cc *** "TheGreenMile" (1999,Drama)Tom Hanks, David Morse. Aguard thinks an Mad MenLoveAmongthe Ruins Betty's Mad Men MyOld Kentucky HomeWorking Low Winter Sun Alow-level murder is Hell on Wheels Cholera Acholera epi 'AMC father visits.'14' cc after hours.'14' cc linked to McCann.'14' « demic breaks. '14' « inmate has a supernatural powerto heal. « *ANPL The Most Extreme The Most Extreme Weird, True Wei rd, True Untamed andUncut n '14' cc Untamed andUncut n '14' cc Untamed andUncut n '14' cc Caff-Wildman Caff-Wildman BRAVO Interior TherapyWith Jeff Lewis '14' I n terior Therapy With Jeff Lewis '14' Top Chef Masters LuchaVavoom'14' Bidding War 'PG' Below Deck The CrewTells All '14' HousewivesINJ Top Chef Masters '14' « CMT CMT Music n 'PG' Hot 20 Countdown CNBC Cook Safe Cook Safe Tria- Remov. P a i d Program DeepClean Like NewCarpet Cook Safe The Perfect Yard DeepClean Cle aner Carpets Cook Safe Kitchen CNN State of the Union Fareed ZakariaGPS(N) Reliable Sources (N) « State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS CNN Newsroom(N) (Live) COM llllontel Williams Focus T25 Focus T25'G ' W E N Hair Care (8:12) RENO911! CopSchool '14' (8:46) RENO911! (9:19) *** "FerrisBueller's DayDff" (1986)MatthewBroderick. cc (11:42) Community COTV (5:30) City Club ofCentral Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW P aid Program P a id Program Paid Program P a id Program CSPAN (4:00) Washington Journal Newsmakers Washington ThisW eek Washington ThisWeek *DIS Octonauts n 'Y' Henry Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins 'Y Never Land Sof i a the First n Jessie 'G' « Jess ie 'G' « Shak e It Up! 'G' A . N.T. Farm 'G' Jessie n G « *DISC Celebrity Hair T h e Key of David Paid Program n Free (7:58) Joel Osteen (8:27) In Touch'G' The Presidents' GatekeepersChiefs ofstaff illustrate their jobs. n '14' cc The Presidents' Gatekeepers n '14' *E! **"BringIt On:All or Nothing" (2006, Comedy)Hayden Panettiere. Total Gym WEN Hair Care E! News Total Divas Welcometo the WWE'14' Total Divas 'PG' ESPN SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Sunday NFLCountdown (N)(Live) « NASCARCountdown (N)(Live) NASCARRacing ESPN2 Colin's NewFootball Show (N)(Live) SportsCenter (N) (Live) « Fantasy Football Now(N)(Live) « ESPNRadio (N)(Live) *** "CatchingHell" (2011,Documentary) « "Boys ofSummer"(2010) « ESPNC Bassmasters (N)cc SportsCenter Flashback cc SportsCenter Flashback cc ESPNN Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « **"Nanny McPhee"(2005,Comedy) EmmaThompson, Colin Firth. ** "Nanny McPheeReturns" (2010) FAM JosephPri nce'G' TheSunday Mass ** "RamonaandBeezus"(2010,Comedy)JoeyKing,SelenaGomez FNC (3:00) FOX Housecaff(N) MediaBuzzHosted byHoward Kurtz America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday and Friends Sunday(N) News HQ 'FOOD Cindy Crawford Dirty House?'G' Rachael Ray'sWeekina Day 'G Giada at Home'G' B'foot Contessa Pioneer Wo Heartland Table Home for Dinner Guy's Big Bite 'G' Sandwich King'G' BarbecueAddi. B u ff y the Vampire Slayer 'PG' cc Buffy the Vampire Slayer 'PG' « ** "TwinDragons" (1991,Comedy)Jackie Chan,Maggie Cheung. ** "Vantage Point" (2008) FX Montel Williams Tria- Remov. HGTV Top Kitchen! 'G Say No to Botox! House Hunters Renovation 'G' « HouseHunters Renovation 'G'« HouseHuntersRenovation 'G' «My Renovation My Renovat ion Property Brothers 'G' « *HIST Knife Live Longer! America Unearthed 'PG' cc Amenca Unearthed 'PG « Amedica Unearthed 'PG'« America Unearthed 'PG' cc Modern Marvels Alaska'PG' cc LIFE Mom Looks 27 NewFIRM! In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley 'G' WEN Hair Care David Jeremiah Joel Osteen 'PG' Cindy Crawford "JamesPallerson's Sundays af Tiffany's" (2010) Alyssa Milano. PG « MSNBC (5:00) UpWISteve Kornacki (N) Mel i ssa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) Meet the Press cc MTV Guy Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' Ridi culousnessn Ridi culousnessn Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n NICK Fuff Housen 'G' Fuff Housen 'G' ThePenguins Odd Parents Power Rangers SpongeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob Sa n jay and CraigTeenageMut. Rabbids Invasion Rachael RayMysterytaster. n 'PG Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc Dr. Phil n 'PG' scc s OWN The Nate Berkus Show n 'PG' cc Super Soul Sunday n 'PG'scs Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' cc PAC12 Football Post-GameReport College Football BostonCollege at USC Football Post-GameReport College Football SPIKE Men's Health No Defrosting D e epClean Focus T25n SexyBodies Pa i d Program n Xtreme 4x4 n 'G' Horsepower TVTrucks!'G' « MuscleCar n 'G' Bar RescueMeatSaunan 'PG' SYFY Keurig Rivo Focus 25 'G ' W E N Hair CareCleaner Carpets No Defrosting D e epClean The Phantom '14' The Phantom '14' TBN Kingdom Conn David Jeremiah Kenneth Hagin Winning Walk 'G' Joseph Prince 'G' Redemption 'G' Love/Finding It I s Written 'G' Bayless In Touch 'PG' PowerPoint « Conley Time-Change ** "Gef Smart" (2008,Comedy)SteveCarell, AnneHathaway,DwayneJohnson. Agent MLB Baseball KansasCity Royalsat Detroit Tigers FromComerica Parkin Detroit. (N) *TBS Married... With Chil Married... With Chil- Friends n 'PG' cc Friends n 'PG' cc dren Pilot 'PG' dren n 'PG' Maxwell Smartbattles the KAOScrime syndicate. « (Live) « *** "Number Seventeen" (1932,Sus(5:00) **** "King Kong" (1933)Fay (8:15) *** "TheTroubleWithHarry" (1955) EdmundGwenn, Shirley MacLaine. Rural (10:15) *** "FamilyPlot"(1976, Suspense)BruceDern, KarenBlack, Barbara Harris TCM Vermonters try tobury acorpse, morethanonce. « Couples 'pathscrossastheyseekawoman'sheir. Wray, BruceCabot. «(DVS) pense) LeonM.Lion,AnneGrey. 'TLC Say No to Pain 'G' Bra Reinvented Paid Program n s«s Focus T25 « Bra z il Butt Lift 'GBorrowed, New Borrowed, New Borrowed, New Borrowed, New Borrowed, New Borrowed, New Law I Order ArmedForces A Vietnam Law & Order For Loveor MoneyA hit man Law & Order Soldier ofFortuneDiamonds Law & Order Awomanis mauledto death Law I Order BodiesThe detectives investi Law & OrderBountyFamousfugitive 'TNT veteran is murdered. n '14' is murdered. '14' «(DVS) link to twomurders. ri '14' by a dog. n '14' «(DVS) gate a murder. '14' «(DVS) eludes capture. ri '14' «(DVS) "TOON Looney Tunes'Y LooneyTunes Dragons: Ri ders Tenkai Knights Beyblade-St eel Pokemon: BW Legends of Chima Ben 10 Batman Teen Titans Go! Cartoon Planet 'Y7 'TRAV Paid Program Brainetics When Vacations Attack 'PG' cc Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « Off Limits Buffalo 'PG' cc Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « TVLND The CosbyShow The CosbyShow (7:12) TheCosby Show n 'G' cc The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The CosbyShow The Cosby Show (10:12) TheCosby Show'PG' cc Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland USA Cook Safe DeepClean Cook Safe David Jeremiah Pastor Chris Joe l Osteen 'PG * "G.l. Joe:TheRiseof Cobra" (2009,Action) ChanningTatum, Dennis Quaid. « ** FastFive VH1 VH1 Plus Music n 'PG' VH1 Plus Music n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG' 40 Greatest Viral Videos n '14' 40 Greatest Viral Videos n '14' *A&E

AdamSandler, KateBeckinsale. rr 'PG-13' « ENCR ** "C/ick"2006, Comedy FS1 NASCAR RaceDay (N)(Live) « FS2 FOX Sports Live FOX Sports Live cc

Mama Flora's Family n (Part1 of 2) '14' cc Mama Flora's (7:50) ** "ThinkLike aMan"2012 Michael Ealy. Premiere.n PG-13 « FOX NFLKickoff (N) (Live) « Crowd Fantastic Finishes Lucas Oil DragBoat Racing Auto Racing FOX Sports Live cc Best of PRIDEFighting Championship UFC Reloaded UFC150:Henderson vs. Edgar II cc FXM (5:35) ** "Rings onHerFingers" (7:05) ** "Do NofDisturb" 1965, ComedyDoris Day, RodTaylor. 'NR' cc (8:50) ** "AFlea in HerEar" 1968RexHarrison. 'PG (10:25) ** "A Walk WithLoveand Death"1969 'PG' GOLF (5:30) LPGA PGA TourGolf BMWChampionship, Final Round(N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Tour Golf EvianChampionship, Final RoundFromFrance. (N) HALL ILoveLucy'G' I Love Lucy'G' I Love Lucy'G' I Love Lucy'G' ILoveLucy'G' I Love Lucy'G' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls **"Ice Age: ContinentalDrift"2012n 'PG' « HBO * "BattlefieldEarth" 2000, ScienceFiction JohnTravolta. n 'PG-13' « 2013 Rockand Roll Hall of FameInduction Ceremony n '14' « IFC Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop * "Annaandthe King"1999, Historical DramaJodie Foster, ChowYun-Fat. n 'PG-13' « *** "TheDark Knight Rises" 2012, Action Christian Bale. n 'PG-13' « MAX (5:20) *** "North Country" 2005Charlize Theron.'R' English Premier LeagueSoccer SouthamptonFCvsWest HamUnited FC(N) Prem GoalZone Whitetail SLAM Biff Dance FLW Outdoors 'G' NBCSN EPL Soccer Eng l ish Premier League Soccer cc P r emier League NGC Inside 9I11: War onAmerica 'PG' Inside 9I11: ZeroHour 'PG Alaska State Troopers Knife Fight '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' NTOON Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda NFL Rush Zone Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Yu.Gi-Oh! Zexal T.U.F.F. Puppy n T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn T.U.F.F. Puppy n Danny Phantom OUTD L.L. Bean Guide Sasquatch Ridge Reaper O p tik Quests Drop Zone Cab e la's Archer's Choice Excalibur's Out RealHunting J. Bushman Show Trophy Hunt Sp e argun Hunter *** "Far and Away"1992, DramaTomCruise. rr 'PG-13' « JoshuaJackson. rr 'PG-13' « SHO * "The Skulis"2000, Suspense Inside the NFL n 'PG' cc Jim Rome onShowtime 'MA' cc STARZ AmazingSpdr (6:40) **"TheLost World:Jurassic Park"1997, AdventureJeff Goldblum. n 'PG-13' « (8:50) ** "The Vocv"2012RachelMcAdams.'PG-13' (10:35) "Austin Powers:InternationalManof Mystery" n * "Apoiio!8" 2011 LloydOwen. ri 'PG-13' « TMC (5:00) *** "TheParent Trap"1961 (7:10) *** "Knucklehead"2010MarkFeuerstein. rr 'PG-13' « Barricade" 2012Eric McCormack. n 'PG-13' cc 'WE WEN Hair Care Vivica Fox Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'PG Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG'

THE BULLETIN 0 SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD Bend/Redmond/SIsters/Black Butte (Djgjtal) PM Prjnevjge/Madras SR SunrjveC L LaPjne




600 0 C













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Precision Induc- Wipeout Newlyweds tackle obstacles. Wipeout TheCat-FaceShirt Obstacles This WeekWith George Stephanopou- KATUNewsat 5 ABC World News tion Cooktop n ' P G' « include Fail Boat. 'PG' « (ABC) (DVS) los (N) 'G' « (N)o cc NBC Nightly News Football Night in America BobCostasandothers recap the NFL Football KTVZ O O O O (10:30) PGA Tour Golf BMWChampionship, Final RoundFromConwayFarmsGolf Club in LakeForest, III. (N) n (Live) cc Trout TV 'G' day's NFL highlights. (N) n (Live) '14' « (NBC) (N) cc (10:00) NFLFootball SanDiegoChargers at Philadelphia (1:25) NFLFootball DenverBroncos at NewYork Giants FromMetLife Stadiumin East Rutherford, N.J.(N) (Live) « Exploration WI Explore the North- Paid Program KBNZ (CBS) Eagles (N)(Live) cc Jarod Miller west Sports Stars of Wipeout Newlywedstackle obstacles. Wipeout The Cat-FaceShirt Obstacles On the Red Carpet omg! Insider (N) KEZI 9 Newsat ABC World News KOHD O O O O The Nutrition Ex- Portable Cook Judge Judy n 'PQ' cc traction Secret top 'G' Tomorrow 'Y7' n 'PG' « cc (ABC) include Fail Boat. 'PG' « (N) ri cc 5:00 (N) « Fox Sports1on1 Greatest Sports Legends: AYear to Paid Program Paid Program Bones Titan ontheTracksAtrain wreck ** "Swing Vote"(2008,Comedy)Kevin KFXO I(g IEj @ IEI (10:00) NFLFootball Washington Red- FOX NFLPost. (FOX) skins at Green Bay Packers (N) ga m e (N) « rr 'PG' cc Remember'PG' leads to mystery. '14' « Costner, MadelineCarroll. KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Great Performances: Andrea Bocelli Live in Central Park The popular Italian tenor performsclassical John Denver Rocky Mountain High Live in Japan n 'G' «ThePianoGuys: Live at RedButte Garden Cellist Steven Downton Abbey favorites. n 'G' cc Revisited 'G' (PBS) Sharp andpianist JonSchmidt perform. 'G' cc (10:30) PGATour Golf BMWChampionship, Final RoundFromConwayFarmsGolf Club in LakeForest, III. (N) rr (Live) «Paid Program Joint Pain Relief In Football Night in America BobCostasandothers recapthe NFL Football KGW Just 7 Days! d a y's NFL highlights. (N) n (Live) '14' « (NBC) Made in Hollywood MattDamon;Logan * "Shriek If YouKnow What/Did Last Fridaythe 13th" (2000)TomArnold. More ** "Romeo Must Die" (2000,Action) Jet Li, Aaliyah, IsaiahWashington.Asian and KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q LiveLifeandWin! MadeinHolly 'Q' cc wood: Teen Lerman. n 'PG' cc mayhemresults as areporter probes amurderspree. black gangstersvie for control of primeproperty. « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 G r eat Performances: Andrea Bocelli Live in Central Park n 'G' cc JohnDenverRockyMountain High LiveinJapan'G' Pianoguys: Live at RedButte Garden'G' Downton Abb KATU

Sea Rescue 'G' «Paid Program Paid Program

for a snowcat. Barter Kings Tradingfor a mixedmartial Modern Dads ModernDads On ModernDads Bad Ink '14'« Bad Ink '14' cc (11:00) *** "TheBourneIdentity" (2002, Suspense)Matt Barter Kings Trading up 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Damon, FrankaPotente. cc arts cage. 'PG' cc the Juice 'PG' Poker Night 'PG' (10:00) *** "TheGreenMile" (1999,Drama)Tom Hanks, David Morse. Aguard ****"The Shawshank Redemption" (1994, Drama)TimRobbins, MorganFreeman, BobGunton. Aninnocent mangoes to ** "Angels & Demons" (2009) Tom 'AMC thinks aninmate hasa supernatural powerto heal. « a Maine penitentiary for life in 1947.ac Hanks. Premiere. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Call-Wildman C all-Wildman C a lloftheWildman: Viva TreehouseMasters n 'PG' cc TreehouseMasters n 'PG' cc Tanked. Unfiltered n PG cc Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG' cc BRAVO 13 44 Hou sewives/NJ The Real Housewives of Miami '14' Tamra's O.C. Wedding Tamra's O.C.Wedding The Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta H o usewives/Atl. **"Happy Gi/more" (1995)AdamSandler, Christopher McDonald. rr CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30) Hot 20Countdown 20Sizzling HotVideosrr 'PG Dallas CowboysCheerleaders CMT Crossroads n 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 Focus T25 DeepClean Focus T25 Ca n cer: Winning WEN HairCare Cook Safe DeepClean Co o k Safe DebtDo UsPart On theMoney The Facebook Obsession CNN 55 38 35 48 YourMoney(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown COM 13 53 135 47 Community '14' Community 'PG' (1:15) Community n 'PG' cc Community '14' Community 'PG' Community '14' Community '14' Community '14' Community 'PG' (4:52) ** "Waiting..."(2005) cc COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Extreme Desire Adv Journal G e t Outdoors Visions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Newsmakers W ashington ThisWeek Q&A 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Gravity Falls 'Y7' Gravity Falls 'Y7' Gravity Falls 'Y' A.N.T. Farm 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G A.N.T. Farm'G' Dog With a Blog Jessie 'G' « Sha ke It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie G ood-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 The Presidents' Gatekeepers '14' Secrets of the SecretService 'PG' Airplane RepoAlonein Alaska '14 Airplane RepoMid-Air Collision '14 Airplane Repo n '14' cc BermudaTriangle: NewEvidence *E! 13 25 Tot a l Divas '14 Total Divas The"Fat"Twin '14 Total Divas '14 Total Divas DivaLasVegas '14 Total Divas A LegUp'14' Keeping UpWith the Kardashians ESPN 21 23 22 23 (11:00) NASCARRacingSprintCup: GEIC0400FromChicagolandSpeedwayin Joliet, III SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc MLB Baseball :YankeesatRedSox ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (10:00) ESPNRadio(N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N) Drag Racing "Inning by Inning: Poifraitofa Coach" (2008, Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (11:00) "Boys ofSummer" (2010) 30for30 cc 30 for 30 cc 30for30 cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter S portsNation SportsCenter « SportsCenter ©c ** "BringingDownthe House" (2003) Steve Martin, QueenLatilah. ** "Liar Liar"(1997)Jim Carrey. A fast-talking lawyercannot tell a lie. FAM 67 29 19 41 (11:00) ** "NannyMcPheeReturns"(2010) Pretty Woman FNC 57 61 36 50 Journal Editorial FOX News Healthy You News HQ Med iaBuzz Fox NewsSunday FOX Report(N) Huckabee *FOOD 17 62 98 44 ChefWantedWithAnneBurrell'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G The Great FoodTruck Race'G' Restaurant Stakeout 'MA Mystery Diners Thieves, Inc. 'G' Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive ** "X-Men:TheLast Stand" (2005,Action) HughJackman, Patrick Stewart. *** "Unstoppable" (2010,Action) DenzelWashington, Chris Pine X-Men Origins FX 131 (11:00) ** "VantagePoint" HGTV 17 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G'« Property Brothers'G' « Property Brothers Sarah 8Mari'G' Property Brothers'G' cc Property Brothers 'G' cc Property Brothers Marla &Adam *HIST 15 42 41 36 ModernMarvels Winter Tech'PG' Modern MarvelsSwampTech'PG' Modern Marvels Dredging 'PG Modern Marvels Engines'G' cc Modern Marvels 'G' « Modern Marvels 'PG' cc *** "FriedGreenTomatoes" (1991,Drama)Kathy Bates, JessicaTandy. « LIFE 13 39 20 31 **"Waitress"(2007, Comedy-Drama)Keri Russell, NathanFillion, CherylHines. « ** "SomeoneLikeYou" (2001) MSNBC 59 59128 51 MSNBCLive(N) Disrupt With KarenFinney (N) Caught on CameraNickof Tim e C a ught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on CameraWild Rides ** "The Pacifier"(2005,Comedy)Vin Diesel, LaurenGraham.n MTV 192 2238 57 ** "WhiteChi cks"(2004)ShawnWayans,MarlonWayans.n 16 and Pregnant Revisiting former stories. 'PG' « Girl Code n '14 NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p ongeBob Wi n x Club (N) n SpongeBob Sam 8 Cat'G' Hathaways San jay, Craig R abbids Invas SpongeBob S p ongeBob Sp ongeBob Sp ongeBob The Best of the OprahShow'PG Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG'ac c Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' « Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « PAC12 47 310310310(11:00) CollegeFootball SouthernUtahat WashingtonState College SoccerAir Forceat OregonState(N) (Live) College SoccerSanDiegoat UCLA(N) (Live) SPIKE 13231 34 46 BarRescueABarFullofBull'PG Bar Rescue n 'PG Bar Rescue n 'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' BarRescue CorkingtheHole'PG' Bar Rescuen 'PG' **** "Childrenof Men"(2006) Clive Owen,Julianne Moore * "RepoMen"(2010) JudeLaw.Agents repossesstransplanted organsfor nonpayment SYFY 13 35 133 45 (11:00) ThePhantom '14 Terminator 3 TBN 205 60 130 Christ/Prophecy Kingdom Conn John Hagee M a rriageToday Miracle For You Gregory Dickow T.D. Jakes 'G' Joyce Meyer L e ading the Way The Blessed Life Joel Osteen 'PG' Kerry Shook 'TBS 16 27 11 28 (10:00) MLBBaseball KansasCity Roy Friends n 'PG' cc Friends n 'PG' cc * "Cop Duf" (2010,Comedy)BruceWilis, Tracy Morgan,AdamBrody. TwoNYPD* "Blue Streak" (1999,Comedy)Martin Lawrence, LukeWilson, Peter Greene als at Detroit Tigers (N) « detectives mustretrieve avaluable baseball card. « Thief tries to retrieve acache froma police station. «(DVS) (10:15) *** "Fam-**** "The Man WhoKnewTooMuch" (1956) JamesStewart. Plotters kidnap a (2:45) **** "Vertigo" (1 958, Suspense)James Stewart, KimNovak, BarbaraBel Geddes. A detective **** "Rear Window"(1954) James TCM 01 44 101 29iiy Plot" U.S. couple'ssontohideaLondonassassination.« with a fear ofheightsfalls for his quarry. « Stewart, GraceKelly. « *TLC 17 34 32 34Borrowed,New Borrowed, New Who Do You ThinkYouAre?'PG' Undercover Bossn 'PG'« Undercover BossWhite Castle 'PG' Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss 7-Eleven n 'PG Law & Order PatientZero Preventing an Law &Order ShrunkSongwriter sus- ** "Pirates of the Caribbean:DeadMan's Chest" (2006, Action) JohnnyDepp, Orlando Bloom,Keira Knightley. Capt. Jack ** "Pirates of the Caribbean:At World's *TNT End"(2007)Johnny Depp. outbreak. '14' «(DVS) pected. ri '14' «(DVS) Sparrowowesa blooddebt to aghostly pirate. « *TOON 84 Scooby-Dooandthe Witch's Ghost" (1999) Dragons: Riders Dragons: Riders Dragons: Riders Regular Show Regular Show Adventure Time Adventure Time Uncle Grandpa Uncle Grandpa *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods America 'PG' « B izar re Foods America 'PG' « Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Food Paradise CheeseParadise'G' Food Paradise 'G' cc TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' (1:12) Roseannen'PG' cc (1:48) Roseanne (2: 24)Roseanne Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' The GoldenGirls TheGoldenGirls ** "Faster" (2010,Action) DwayneJohnson, Billy Bob Thornton. « USA 15 30 23 30 (11:30)**"FastFive"(2011)VinDiesel, PaulWalker. «(DVS) NCIS South bySouthwest n '14' NC I S Gibbs works with Kort. '14 VH1 191 48 37 54 Miami Monkey Miami Monkey'14' B a s ketball Wives n '14' T.l. and Tiny M a rrying, Game (3:15) Marrying theGamen 'PG' Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Marrying, Game *A&E

*** "Blazing Sadd/es"1974CleavonLittle. rr 'R' ENCR 106401 306401(11:30) MamaFlora's Family '14' (2:40) ** "TheTransporter" 2002Jason Statham. 'PG-13' « (4:20) *"TheBenchwarmers" 2005David Spade. TheJonesand MoseleyShow 'PG' NASCAR V.L. UFC Insider UFC Unleashed (N)« FS1 35 303 303 MotoGPRacing Moto2:SanMarino Continental Tire Sports Car Challenge Laguna Seca « FS2 34 (10:00) UFCReloaded cc UFC Insider U F C Insider Boxing ShawnPorter vs. Julio DiazFromLas Vegas, Nevada Continental Tire Sports CarChallenge LagunaSeca ** "Hereafter" 2010 'PG-13' FXM 104204104120 *** "Save the Last Dance" 2001 Julia Stiles. 'PG-13' cc FXM Presents * * "T he Soloist" 2009, DramaJamie Foxx, Robert DowneyJr. 'PG-13' cc GOLF 28 301 27 301 PGATour Golf BMWChampionship, Final RoundSpotlight Coverage (N) Feherty DavidDuval Golf Central (N)(Live) PGA Tour Golf *** "The WisLi hst" (2010,Romance)Jennifer Esposito. 'PG' « HALL 66 33 175 33 "GarageSaleMystery" (2013)Lori Loughlin, AndrewDunbar. 'PG' « I MarriedWho?"(2012) Kellie Martin, Ethan Erickson. 'G' cc *** "GameChange"2012,DocudramaJulianne Moore. n « HBO 425 501 425 501 (12:15) **** "MillionDollar Baby" 2004, DramaClint Eastwood. n 'PG-13' « Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' Parental Gdnc *** "DulofSight" 1998, CrimeDramaGeorgeClooney, Jennifer Lopez. Premiere. 'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (12:15) *** "ThePledge" 2001JackNicholson. A detective promises to find a younggirl's murderer. 'R Starsky & Hutch ** "Cowboys&Aliens" 2011n MAX 400 508 508 DarkKnight Strike Back n 'MA' « (12:45) *"TheWatch" 2012,ComedyBenStiler. n 'R' « (3:20) ** "Wanderlust" 2012Paul Rudd.'R' « NBCSN 27 58 30 209 FLWOutdoors Yachting America's Cup WorldSeries, Final: Race11 & 12FromSan Francisco. (N) (Live) Wild Skies Whi t etail DiariesEye of Hunter North to Alaska Motorsports Hour '14 NGC 157 15 7 A l aska State Troopers'14' Alaska State Troopers'14 Alaska State Troopers '14 Alaska State Troopers '14' Alaska State Troopers'14' Drugs, Inc. High inHouston'14'

Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Avatar: Air. Po w er Rangers Buck Zone Tra cks, Africa Live 2 Hunt Mathew's Dom Mathews The Crush Hunt Adventure Wildgame Nation (2:15) *"TheSkui/s" 2000JoshuaJackson. rr 'PG-13' « (4:05) *** "GangsofNewyork" 2002 LeonardoDiCaprio. 'R' « STARZ 300408300408 (1210) TheWhite Queenn'MA' (1:10) *"GhostRider: Spiritof Vengeance"2012 NicolasCage. « (2:50) *** "TheAmazingSpider-Man" 2012AndrewGarfield. acc (5:10) TheWhite Queen'MA' « ** "Paycheck"2003 ri 'PG-13 TMC 525 52 5 * * " Blues Brothers 2000"1998 Dan Aykroyd. ri 'PG-13' « (2:05) "SeeGirl Run"2012 RobinTunney. 'NR' « (3:35) "Barricade"2012 EricMcCormack. ri 'PG-13' *WE 14 41174118Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG

NTOON 89 115189115Danny Phantom Danny Phantom The Penguins The Penguins OUTD 37 307 43 307 RMEF Team Elk West. Extremes Magnum TV P rofess SHO 500 500 Fa r and Away * * * " M yWeek With Marilyn" 2011 ri 'R' «




'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •


II I c II I I II I II I I II I America's Funniest HomeVideos The 20/20 Miss America hopefuls prepare. The 2014 Miss America Competition Youngwomenfromall overthe country vie for KATU News at 11 (11:35) Castle The the crown.(N) n 'PG' « Fifth Bullet 'PG' (ABC) grand prizewinner isannounced. 'PG' (N) n « (N) rr cc NewsChannel 21 Castle TwowomenIDa body in a garbage Dateline NBC Copssuspect a dead NewsChannel 21 at CSEMiamiAddiction KTVZ (5:20) NFLFootball SanFrancisco 49ers at Seattle Seahawks(N) n (Live) cc rr '14' cc (NBC) Special Edition c hute. n 'PG' cc woman shusband. zt PG « 11(N) cc Big Brother Contestantsface eviction The GoodWifeZach thinks hewitnessed The Mentalist Jane pares downthe Red KOIN Local 6 at11 KBNZ CBS Evening News Burn Notice ComradesMichael helpsa 60 Minutes BasharAl-Assad; Barack vote tampering. n '14' cc (CBS) (N) cc Russian woman.'14' « Obama.(N) n cc (N) zr cc John suspects. n '14' « (N) cc 30 America's Funniest HomeVideos The 20/20 Miss America hopefuls prepare The 2014Miss America Competition Youngwomenfromall overthe country vie for KEZI 9 News at Paid Program KOHD KEZI9Newsat6:00 KEZI9Newsat6: the crown.(N) n 'PG' « 11:00 (N) cc (ABC) (N) cc (N) cc grand prizewinner isannounced. 'PG' (N) n « The Big Bang KFXO (5:00) ** "Swing Vote"(2008, Comedy) American Dad n The Simpsons n The Simpsons PulpitBob's Burgers Boyz Family GuyRoadto Family Guy Call Girl News Channel 21 Two and aHalf MenTheBig Bang ' 1 4' «(DVS) ' P G' «(DVS) n '14' 4 Now '14' (FOX) Kevin Costner,Madeline Carroll. Friction 'PG' Vegas n '14' First on FOX (N) n '14' cc Theory 'PG' cc Theory '14' cc Last Tango in Halifax Childhood sweethearts reunite. n '14' « Inside Foyle's War Interviewswith thecast andcrew of the se- Masterpiece Mystery! Foyle's War, Series Vll: The Eternity Ring Ed Sullivan's Top KOAB (5:30) Downton AbbeyRevisited 'G' « Foyle investigatesRussianspy network.(N) 'PG' Performers (PBS) ries; host LenCariou. n 'G' cc Sports Sunday cc Paid Program D a teline NBC n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 8 at (11:35) GrantsGetKGW (5:20) NFLFootball SanFrancisco 49ers at Seattle Seahawks(N) rr (Live) « aways 'PG' (NBC) 11 (N) cc Seinfeld TheScoff- Seinfeld The Kiss Rules of Engage- Rules of Engage KTVZDT2 Are We There Yet? Are WeThere Yet? The King of Queens The King of Queens Community Social Community Debate Community Physical Community n 'PG' n 'PG' n 'PG' 'PG' « (CW) 'PG' 109 n '14' law n 'PG' ment 'PG' cc ment 'PG' cc Psychology'PG' Education '14' Hello n 'G' cc OPBPL (5:30) DowntonAbbeyRevisited 'G' Last Tango in Halifax Childhoodsweethearts reunite. '14' Inside Foyle's War n 'G' cc Masterpiece Mystery! (N) n 'PG' « Top Performers c II


(N) /r « KATU KATU News at 6

DuckDynasty Plan DuckDynasty Duck DynastySi- Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty DuckDynasty B a d lnk(N)'14' «Badlnk(N)'14' «(11:01)Badlnk (11:31)Badlnk 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc '14' cc '14' cc Bee 'PG' Yonara 'PG' cc ** "Angels& Demons"(2009,Suspense)Tom Hanks,EwanMcGregor.Pre- (7:57) Breaking BadTo'hajiilee Things Breaking BadOzymandiasVastly changed (10:04) LowWinter Sun Franksearches (11:05) Talking Bad (11:35) Breaking 'AMC (5:00) Bad '14' « miere. RobertLangdonconfronts an ancient brotherhood. « heat up for Walt. '14' « circumstances.(N)'14' « unfamiliar territory. (N)'14' (N) '14' cc *ANPL Tanked n 'PG' cc Gator Boys BittenandBlue n 'PG' C a l l-Wildman C a l l-Wildman Call of Wildman Call-Wildman G a tor Boys (N) n 'PG' cc Call of Wildman Call.Wildman BRAVO Housewives /Atl. NeNe-Wedding The Real HousewivesofNew Jersey The Real HousewivesofNew Jersey TheRealHousewivesofNew Jersey The Real HousewivesofNew Jersey What Happens Housewives/NJ ** "Bewitched" (2005, Romance-Comedy)Nicole Kidman,Wil Ferrell, ShirleyMacLaine. n CMT ** "Bewitched"(2005, Romance-Comedy)Nicole Kidman,Wil Ferrell. Premiere. n Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC The Twitter Revolution American Greed Money Talks Crime Inc. HumanTrafficking American Greed Paid Program C l eaner Carpets CNN Crimes of theCentury (N) '14' Prince William's Passion: NewFather Crimes of the Century '14 Crimes of the Century '14 Inside Man '14' Crimes of the Century '14' i Kevin Hart: Laugh at MyPain 'MA' COM (4:52) ** "Waiting..."(2005) cc (6:56) *** Ro/e Mode/s" (2008)SeannWiliam Scott, Paul Rudd. cc Dave Chappelle: Killin' ThemSoftly K ey 8 Peele '14' (11:35) Tosh.0 '14' COTV Talk of the TownLocal issues Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW TheYogaShow The Yoga Show Talk oftheTownLocalissues. CSPAN British Commons Road to the White House Q&A British Commons Road to the White House Washington ThisWeek *DIS Austin & Ally 'G' Jessie n 'G' « Good-Charlie Liv & Maddie 'G' Austin & Ally 'G Shake It Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' « Good -Charlie Dog With a Blog Jessie 'G' « Shake It Up! 'G *DISC Mermaids: TheBodyFound:TheExtendedCutn 'PG'cc Mermaids: TheNew Evidence 'PG Megalodon: TheMonster Shark Lives n 'PG' cc Megalodon: TheMonster Shark Lives *E! Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Ke e ping Up With the Kardashians **"Maidin Manhattan" (2002)Jennifer Lopez, RalphFiennes. Total Divas (N)'14' Total Divas '14' T otal Divas '14 ESPN (5:00) MLBBaseball NewYorkYankees at Boston RedSox(N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter cc ESPN2 (5:30) NHRA NASCARNow(N) (Live) « ESPN FC (N) (Live) NASCARRacing Sprint Cup:GEICO400(N) Drag Racing Carlyle Tools Carolina Nationals FromConcord, N.C.(N) « *A&E

Bad Ink '14' «

ESPNC 30for30 cc

Bad Ink '14' «

30 for 30 cc

30for30 cc

30for30 cc

30for30 cc

30 for 30 cc

Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Pass *** "The Blind Side" (2009, Drama)Sandra Bullock. A well-to-do white couple adopts a homeless blackteen. America's Funniest HomeVideos rr Huckabee FOX NewsSpecial Stossel Fox NewsSunday Rachael vs. Guy Kids Cook-Off (N) 'G' The Great Food Truck Race(N) 'G ' C u t throat Kitchen Wing'G It (N) ' Iron Chef America (N)'G' ** "X-Men:TheLast Stand (2006) *** "X-Mem First Class" (2011,Action) JamesMcAvoy. Theearly years of CharlesXavier andErik Lehnsherr. Extreme Homes(N) « Loveltor Listlt, Too(N)'G' « House Hunters Renovation (N) « House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I Mountain MenSettling the Score 'PG' Mountain Men JudgmentDay(N) Great Santinis G r eat Santinis Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' "Sinso/the Preacher" (2013)GailO'Grady, ChristopherGartin. '14' « (10:01) DeviousMaids(N) 'PG' « (11:02) Devious Maids 'PG' « Lockup InsideAlaska Lockup Inside IndianaState LockupInsi deHolman Meet the Press cc Teen Mom 3Growing UpFast 'PG' Teen Mom 3 n 'PG Being Maci BeingMaci n 'PG' Catfish: The TVShow n Sam 8 Cat n 'G' Sam & Cat n 'G' Hathaways Hathaways See DadRun'PG' Wendell & Vinnie ** "TheKarateKidPart /I" (1986, Drama)RalphMacchio, Noriyuki "Pat" Morita. n cc (11:33) Friends n Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' « Oprah's Lifeclass n 'PG' cc Oprah's Lifeclass 'PG' Oprah's Lifeclass (N)'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG' O p rah's Lifeclass 'PG Pac-12 Footballin 60 (N) Pac-12 Footballin 60 (N) Pac-12 Footballin 60 (N) Pac-12 Playbook(N) Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Footballin 60 (N) Pac-12 Playbook Bar Rescue n 'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' BarRescueBarelyAboveW ater'PG' Tattoo RescueDevilofaJob(N)'PG' Bar Rescue Rock'N Roachesn 'PG' *** "X-Men 2" (2003) Patrick Stewart, HughJackman. Premiere. A power-madmilitarist pursues themutants "Terminator 3:Rise o/ the Machines" (5:30) *** "Terminator 3: Rise o/theMachines" (2003), Nick Stahl Believeryoice C r eflo Dollar 'G' * * "Jesus" (1979) BrianDeacon, Rivka Neuman,Yossef Shiloah. Thelife of Jesusaccording to theGospel of Luke Evolution: The GrandExperiment Behind Scenes Andrae Crouch ** "Road Trip" (2000,Comedy)SeannWiliam Scott, Breckin Meyer, D.J.Qualls. Four *** "TheHangover" (2009,Comedy)BradleyCooper, EdHelms. Threepals mustfind (10:15) ** "yes Man" (2008,Comedy)JimCarrey, ZooeyDeschanel. A mantries to college palsset out to retrieve an incriminating tape. cc a missing groomafter a wild bash. «(DVS) changehis life by sayingyesto everything. «(DVS) (5:00) **** "RearWindow"(1954,Sus- *** "To Catch aThief" (1955,Romance-Comedy)CaryGrant, GraceKelly. A former ** "TheFarmer's Wife"(1928,Comedy)JamesonThomas, Lilian Hall-Davis, Gordon (11:15) *** "SummerWith Monika" (1952 thief is suspectedwhencrime plaguesthe Riviera. « Harker. Premiere.Silent. WidowedBritish farmer seeks awife. Drama) Harriet Andersson. pense) James Stewart. « Undercover Boss n 'PG' cc Sister Wives AWife Decides n 'PG Sister Wives (N) n 'PG' « My Five Wives(N) n 'PG' « Breaking Amish: LA (N) n '14'acc M y Five Wives n 'PG' « Knight" (2008, Action)Christian Bale,HeathLedger,Aaron Eckhart. Batmanbattles a vicious criminal knownasthe (11:15) ** "Pirates o/the Caribbean:Dead (5:00) ** "Pirateso/the Caribbean:At World's End"(2007, Action) JohnnyDepp, Or **** "The Dark Man's Chest" (2006) « lando Bloom.Jack Sparrow'sfriendsjoin forces to savehim. « Joker. «(DVS) ** "Percy Jackson & the Olympians: TheLightning Thief" (2010) World of Gumball Teen Titans Go! King of the Hill n King of the Hill n Cleveland Show Family Guy 'PG' Bob's Burgers '14' Family Guy '14 Food Paradise 'G' cc Food Paradise 'G' « RIDE-iculous 'PG' RIDE-iculous 'PG Adam Richman's Man v. Food 'G' Making Monsters 'PG' « Making Monsters 'PG' cc The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls (9:12) TheGolden Girls n 'PG' cc Th e Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls NCIS Endgame n '14' « NCIS Masquerade n 'PG' « NCIS Spiderandthe Fly 'PG' « NCIS Pyramid n '14' «(DVS) NCIS Life BeforeHis Eyes n '14' Burn Notice Reckoning'PG Marrying, Game *** "8 Mile" (2002,Drama)Eminem.ADetroit mantries to achievesuccessas a rapper. n Hollywood Exes(N) n '14 Miami MonkeyMonkeyWrench'14' H o l lywood Exes n '14'

ESPNN SportsCenter « SportsCenter « FAM (5:30) *** "Pretty Woman"(1990) Richard Gere, Julia Roberts. FNC FOX News Special Stossel 'FOOD The Shed 'G Bubba-Q 'G ' Rac hael vs. Guy Kids Cook-Off 'G FX (5:30) ** "X-MenOrigins: Wolverine"(2009) HughJackman, Liev Schreiber. HGTV House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I *HIST Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE (5:00) ** "SomeoneLike you" « Devious Maids 'PG' cc MSNBC Caught on CameraExtremeRescues Lockup Inside lowa State Penitentiary MTV Caffish: The TVShow n Catfish: The TVShown



*** "Tomorrow NeverDies"1997, Action Pierce Brosnan. rr 'PG-13' « ENCR (5:50) ** "ThinkLike a Man"2012 MichaelEaly. rr 'PG-13' « (10:05) ** "TheTransporter" 2002Jason Statham. « (11:45) Mobsters FS1 Being 'PG' cc The Ultimate Fighter n « FOX Sports Live (N)(Live)©c FOX Sports Live « FOX Sports Live ©c FS2 UFC Insider Crowd TheJonesandMoseleyShow 'PG' UFC Reloaded UFC145:Jonesvs.Evanscc College Football lowa atlowaState * "Lost Souls"2000WinonaRyder. FXM (5:00) ** "Hereafter" 2010Matt Damon.'PG-13' « FXM Presents * * " Hereafter" 2010 Matt Damon.Death touchesthree people in different ways.'PG-13' « FXM Presents GOLF LPGA Tour Golf EvianChampionship, Final RoundFromFrance PGA Tour Golf BMWChampionship, Final RoundFromConway Farms Golf Club inLakeForest, III Golf Central (N) Euro PGA

Frasier 'PG' « F r a sier 'PG' « Boardwalk Empire Resignation'MA' * "VeryBad Things" 1998 'R' R' cc Girl's Guide Motorcycle Racing 'PG' Alaska State Troopers'14' NTOON Power Rangers SpongeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob NFL RushZone Rabbids Invasion The Penguins T h e Penguins The Penguins T h e Penguins OUTD Realtree Outdoors Truth Hunting J.Bushman Show Bone Collector Craig Morgan R ed Arrow Hunt Adventure Realtree Road Live 2 Hunt WildgameNation Ult. Adventures The Season SHO (4:05) *** "Gangs oi NewYork Dexter Goodbye Miami n 'MA' « Ray Donovan FiteNite 'MA' Dexter Monkeyin a Box(N) rr 'MA' Ray DonovanBuckyF... Dent(N) 'MA Ray DonovanBuckyF... Dent'MA * "GhostRider: Spirit o/ Vengeance" 2012 'PG-13' « STARZ (6:10) ** "The OddLife o/ Timothy Green" 2012Jennifer Garner. 'PG' « The Whrte Queen n 'MA' « The White Queen n 'MA' « The Whit eQueen *** "Eternal Sunshine o/the SpotlessMind" 2004Jim Carrey. 'R' « 360" 2011, Drama Anthony Hopkins, BenFoster. rt 'R' « *** "Born onthe Fourth o/ July TMC (5:00) ** "Paycheck" 2003'PG-13' "WE Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG Roseanne n 'PG' Roseannen 'PG' Roseannen 'PG' Roseannen 'PG' Roseannen 'PG' Roseannen 'PG' HALL UndercoverBridesmaid" (2012)BrookeBurns, GregoryHarrison. 'PG' « Cedar Cove 'PG' « Garage SaleMystery" (2013) Lori Loughlin,AndrewDunbar. 'PG' cc ** "TheCampaign" 2012Will Ferrell. n 'R' « HBO (5:45) ** "Parental Guidance"2012 Billy Crystal. 'PG Boardwalk Empire Resignation 'MA' T h e Newsroom (N) n 'MA' « IFC (5:45) ** "Starsky &Hutch" 2004, ComedyBenStiler. Premiere. 'PG-13 Comedy Bang! Comedy Bang! * * * "Van Wilder: FreshmanYear" 2009Jonathan Bennett. Premiere. 'NR * "The Watch" 2012,ComedyBenStiler. n MAX (5:00) ** "Cowboys &Aliens" 2011 (7:15) *** "TheDarkKnight Rises" 2012Christian Bale. Batmanfaces a maskedvilain named Bane. 'PG-13' « English Premier LeagueSoccer NBCSN Territories Wild Deer Hunting TV Outdoor Secrets No. Amer. Hunter English Premier LeagueSoccer cc NGC Drugs, Inc. RockyMountain High'14' Alaska State Troopers (N) '14' Drugs, Inc. RockyMountain High'14 Alaska State Troopers '14' Drugs, Inc. High inHouston'14'

THE BULLETIN «SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine


WEEKDAY MORNING • II • I (4:30) KATU NewsThis Morning NewsChannel 21 atSunrise KOIN Local 6 at6am KEZI 9 NewsThis Morning Paid Program First Business Varied Programs Wild Kratts NewsChannel 8 atSunrise The Daily Buzz Heartland Greener World

II I I II I I I II I I II I Good Morning America AM Northwest The View Live! With Kelly and Michael Today Today Today Live! With Kelly and Michael CBS This Morning Let's Make aDeal The Price Is Right The Youngand the Restless Good Morning America Rachael Ray The View Katie NewsChannel 21 atSunrise TheQueen LatifahShow The Dr. OzShow Paid Program Varied Programs Curious George Cat in the Hat Super Why! D i n osaur TrainSesameStreet Daniel Tiger S i d the Science WordWorld Barney, Friends Today Paid Program Be a Millionaire KGW 'Til Death House of Payne House of Payne TheSteveW ilkosShow The WendyWilliams Show We ThereYet? We There Yet? TVZDT2 Newsline Sit and Be Fit Sew With Nancy Love of Quilting Oil Painting Joy/Painting Second Opinion The Piano Guy Jacques Pepin Cooking School T M Yoga Stretches It's Sew Easy Knit-Crochet Paint This.Jerry Beads, Baubles Garden Home Curiosity Quest Julia's Kitchen Scandinavian OPBPL 175 173 W Sit and Be Fit Sewing Room Knitting Daily Painting Start Up Victory Garden American Land Primal Grill Primal Grill Th Yoga Stretches Sew It All Quilting Arts Paint This.Jerry Everyday Edis Garden Home Natural Heroes Caprial John Baking/ Julia Cook's Country Sit and Be Fit Sew With Nancy Quilt in a Day Gary Spetz Joy/Painting This Old House Well Read Test Kitchen F Like NewCarpet Bra Reinvented Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami T M Teeter HangUps Say No to Pain A&E 13028 18 32 W No Defrosting Sheer Cover Th WEN Hair Care Kitchen Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Longmire Longmire Longmire F Cindy Crawford Paid Program Total Gym More Sex Montel Williams Nopalea with Cindy Crawford Malibu Reunion Three Stooges ** Smokey and the Bandit 111980,ComedyBurt Reynolds, JackieGleason. cc Powerful DeepClean WEN Hair Care Paid Program The Pitch *** Runaway Jury 2003JohnCusack, GeneHackman. « 'AMC 102 40 39 More Sex Luminess WEN Hair Care HOPE Fit Total Gym ** Rumor Has It... 2005Jennifer Aniston, Kevin Costner. « ** Housesitter 1992 « Th Total Gym Montel Williams Protect Family Focus T25 WEN Hair Care Three Stooges Three Stooges *** TheNegotiator1998SamuelL.Jackson,KevinSpacey.m Powerful More Sex Cindy Crawford Like NewCarpet Paid Program (:15) **** The Searchers1956,WesternJohnWayne, Jeffrey Hunter, Natalie Wood.« Orangutan Isle Chimp Eden Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary Meerkat Manor Meerkat Manor Animal CopsHouston Animal CopsHouston Pit Bulls and Parolees ANPL 68 50 26 38 Watch What Happens:Live The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Watch What Happens:Live Before TheyWere Housewives The Real Housewives of Atlanta Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Bravo's Top10 Weddings Tamra's O.C.Wedding Top ChefMasters Top ChefMasters Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off BRAVO 137 44 * Bubble Boy 2001,ComedyJake Gyllenhaal, SwoosieKurtz Tabatha's Salon Takeover Tabatha's Salon Takeover Tabatha's Salon Takeover Tabatha's Salon Takeover Inside the Actors Studio Inside the Actors Studio The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami Housewives/NJ Housewives/NJ CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT 90 32 42 53 Squawk on theStreet Fast MoneyHalftime Report Power Lunch Street Signs CNBC 54 36 40 52 CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Newsroom Legal ViewWith Ashleigh Banfield Around the World CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Hair Restoration NewFIRM! Focus T25 Get Hot! Hair Restoration Focus T25 Daily Show Colbert Report Always Sunny South Park ComedyCentral Chappelle Show T M Cebria Solution Paid Program SexyBodies Brazil Butt Lift Focus T25 Brazil Butt Lift Balls of Fury Teeter HangUps Say No to Pain Cook Safe Insanity! Tummy Tuck Key & Peele Key I Peele COM 135 53 135 47 W SexyBodies Paint Like A Pro I Hate MyHair! Best SleepEver No Defrosting Brazil Butt Lift Focus T25 ComedyCentral (:24) 30Rock TF Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Cook Safe Insanity! Proactiv System Donald Glover The YogaShow The YogaShow Desert Cooking Oregon The YogaShow The YogaShow Workout: Yoga Workout: Ball Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program COTV CSPAN 61 20 12 (4:00) Washington Journal U.S. House of Representatives Varied Programs 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb Jessie Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Mickey Mouse Never Land Mickey Mouse Sofia the First Doc McStuffins Henry Never Land O c tonauts *DISC 156 21 16 37 Varied Programs Paid Program James Robison Joyce Meyer Varied Programs FBE Criminal Pursuit Unusual Suspects Sheer Cover WEN Hair Care Fashion Police Total Divas Total Divas Total Divas Total Divas Se c rets of Fash True HollywoodStory Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWiththe Kardashians *El Total Gym *VegasVacation1997,ComedyChevyChase,BeverlyO'Angelo True Hollywood Kristin Cavallari True Hollywood Story True Hollywood Story 136 25 Cindy Crawford Get Sub D The E! TrueHollywood Story The E! TrueHollywood Story E! Entertainment Special Keeping UpWiththe Kardashians Paid Program Sheer Cover Khloe & Lamar Khloe & Lamar Khloe & Lamar Khloe & Lamar Khloe & Lamar Khloe & Lamar Khloe & Lamar Khloe & Lamar True Hollywood Story SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN 21 23 22 23 First Take First Take Numbers Never Lie SportsCenter (3:00) Mike &Mike KATU KTVZ KBNZ KOHD KFXO KOAB

Numbers NeverLie

First Take

ESPN2 22 24 21 24 W Th



College Football

College Football

ESPNC 23 25 123 25 W Th

SportsCentury Joyce Meyer Varied Programs 10 Things I Hate That '70s Show That 70s Show That '70s Show America's Newsroom Happening Now Powerful Top Kitchen! Cleaner Carpets 10 Minute Focus T25 Sheer Cover Proactiv System Keurig Rivo Floor Appeal Behind the Sc. Get Sub D WEN Hair Care *FOOD 177 62 98 44 W Paid Program Top Kitchen! Cindy Crawford Drop Ibs Sheer Cover Keurig Rivo Th Keurig Brewer Paid Program Kitchen Floor Appeal Paid Program Cook Safe Paid Program Paid Program Get Sub D Like NewCarpet Total Gym Buffy the VampireSlayer Buffy the VampireSlayer Total Gym Paid Program FX 131 Luminess Proactiv System DeepClean Say No to Pain WEN HaiCare r Homewreckers My First Place My First Place My First Place My First Place Get Sub D Professional Real Estate Ca n dice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Carter Can HGTV 17649 33 43 W Sheer Cover Bang, Buck Ki t chen CousinsKitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Floor Appeal Over Your Head Born Sellers F o r Rent For Rent For Rent Paid Program HammerHeads Outrageous Bathrooms HGTV UrbanOasis 2013 How the EarthWasMade The RealWest God, Guns & God, Guns & T Nopalea with N o Defrosting Civil War Journal Ape to Man "HIST 15542 41 36 W DeepClean Modern Marvels Lost Worlds T e eter HangUps Proving God h NewsWatch Teeter HangUps Paid Program Save OurHistory NostradamusEffect LIFE 138 39 20 31 Varied Programs Balancing Act Designing Old Christine O l d Christine The Daily Rundown Jansing and Co MSNBCLive MSNBC 59 59 12851 Girl Code Gir l Code Girl Code Gir l Code Girl Code Gir l Code Sweet16 Blingest Bash Sweet16 Blingest Bash Sweet16 Blingest Bash AMTV AMTV MTV 19222 38 57 W AMTV 67 29 19 41 FNC 57 61 36 50 FAM


NICK 82 46 24 40 OWN 161103 31 103

Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Girl Code Gir l Code Full House Fu l l House Rabbids Invas. SpongeBob SpongeBob Max & Ruby Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil

College Football That '70s Show 700/Interactive WEN Hair Care Focus T25 WEN Hair Care Proactiv System WEN Hair Care Ellen

Barbecue Addi Grill It! B. Flay Bobby Flay Emeril's Florida Big Daddy's Ellen

The 700 Club America Live Tyler's Ultimate Alex's Day Off

College Football Gilmore Girls V aried Programs

Good Eats Unw rapped Cookfor Real Down Home Sweet Genius 5 Ingredient Fix Hungry Girl Cupcake Wars 3Daysto OpenWithBobbyFlay Sweet Genius Challenge CupcakeWars Ellen *** Rocky Balboa2006 SylvesterStallone Ellen The Twilight Saga: NewMoon ** The Forgotten 2004 Ellen Social Network * Are We DoneYet? 2007 My First Place My First Place My First Place My First Place My First Place My First Place Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Candice Tells Color Splash Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Love It or List It Love It or List It, Too For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent For Rent House Hunters Coast to Coast House Hunters: Beachfront House Hunters: Great Escapes God, Guns & God, Guns & God, Guns 8 God, Guns & American Pickers How the EarthW asMade How the EarthW asMade Lost Worlds Lost Worlds Lost Worlds Secret Access: TheVatican Nostradamus Effect NostradamusEffect Nostradamus Effect Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier NOWWith Alex Wagner Andrea Mitchell Reports News Nation Girl Code Gir l Code Girl Code Gir l Code Girl Code Cat f ish: The TV Sweet16 Blingest Bash Sweet16 Blingest Bash 16 and Pregnant Being Maci Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom3 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Girl Code Gir l Code Teen Mom 3 Teen Mom3 Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Bubble Guppies Bubbl eGuppies Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil


TV • PAGE 9 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programmingmayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' ll I I II I I II I


' v II • I II I e II • I Pac-12 Playbook Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Playbook College Soccer Air Force at OregonState Pac-12 Playbook Pac-12 Sports Report Pac-12 Football Varsity Days Pac-12 Sports Report Pac-12 Classics College Football Pac-12 Sports Report Pac-12 Classics Pac-12 Football in 60 P C12 47 310310310 W Pac-12 Classics Colle e Soccer Air Force at Ore on State Pac-12 Football Varsity Days Pac-12 Football Weekl Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Weekly Th Pac-12 Football Weekly Women's CollegeSoccerUNLVat Washington State Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Weekly College SoccerAir Force atOregonState Teeter HangUps Battle Hair Loss Hair Re-Growth Say No to Pain Insanity! Paid Program CSI: NY CSI: NY CSI: CrimeScene Investigation Hair Re-Growth SexyBodies Proactiv System TummyTuck Focus T25 Tattoo Rescue Tattoo Rescue Tattoo Rescue T Focus T25 DeepClean Hip Hop Abs Like NewCarpet Proactiv System Ways to Die Resident Evil n SPIKE 13231 34 46 W No Defrosting (:19) ** Gamer2009,ActionGerard Butler, Michael C.Hall. n Paid Program Paid Program Tummy Tuck Insanity! Weight Loss 2.0 * Resident Evil 2002Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez. n Th (:01) ** Pitch Black 2000n F Paid Program Battle Hair Loss Like NewCarpet Proactiv System Paid Program Gangland Gangland Gangland Say No to Pain Free Like NewCarpet Battle Hair Loss Haven * Pandorum 2009,Science Fiction DennisQuaid, BenFoster, CamGi andet Star Trek: M.P. Like NewCarpet WEN HairCare No Defrosting Malibu Reunion Back on theMountain Ghost Mine Ghost Mine Heroes ofCosplay YFY 33 35 133 45 W Say No to Pain Free Hair Restoration Protect Family ParanormalWitness ParanormalWitness ParanormalWitness ParanormalWitness Th Like NewCarpet Focus 25 Like NewCarpet No Defrosting Revolution Revolution Revolution Revolution Paid Program Proactiv System Battle Hair Loss ** Super Cyclone 2012,Action NicholasTurturro, Ming-Na. ** Metal Tornado 2011GregEvigan, LouDiamondPhilips. m Creflo Dollar John Hagee Joseph Prince This Is Your Day Believeryoice Varied Programs Behind Scenes Varied Programs JamesRobison Today TBN 05 60 30 *TBS 16 27 Engagement My Name IsEarl Married... With Married... With Married... With Fresh Prince H o use of Payne Meet, Browns Fresh Prince F r esh Prince F r esh Prince F r esh Prince 28 ** The Return of the Scarlet Pimpernel1938 *** Elephant Bo 1937 Sabu,Walter Hudd Fire Over En (:45) *** The Divorce of Lad X1938, Comed MerleOberon The Challen e *** Dancing Lady1933JoanCrawford. « (:15) ** This Modern Age1931JoanCrawford. ** Today WeLive1933, WarJoanCrawford, GaryCooper. « (:15) TheGorgeousHuss 1936 TCM 01 44 01 29 W ** Gambling House1950Victor Mature. « *** Million Dollar Mermaid 1952,Biography EstherWiliams. « ** The Las VegasStory 1952JaneRussell. Ks *** The Robe 1953 « Th The Lusty Men ** Ride, Vaquero1953 RobertTaylor. cc *** The Man From Laramie1955 cc Saddle the Wind (:45) ** Great Day in theMorning 1956, WesternVirginia Mayo (5:15) *** Merrily We Live m ** There Goes MyHeart1938 Fredric March ** Remember? 1939,ComedyRobert Taylor. « *** Little Men 1940,DramaKayFrancis. cc Lady BeGood 'TLC 78 34 32 34 Varied Programs Baby's First Day Rm-Multiples A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story K n ow-Pregnant Varied Programs Brides-Hills Bri des-Hills 'TNT 17 26 15 27 Smallville Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural "TOON 84 Tom & Jerry Scooby Ben 10 Beyblade: Metal PokemonBW NinjaGo: Mstrs A nnoying Mov i e Looney Tunes *TRAV 17951 45 42 Paid Program Paid Program Varied Programs FoodWars Food Wars B B Q Crawl BBQ Crawl Va r ied Programs M Larry King Sp Cindy Crawford Protect Family WEN HairCare Gunsmoke (:10) Gunsmoke (:20) Gunsmoke Gunsmoke T Nopalea with Free Money Forever Young Montel Williams TVLND 65 47 29 35 W Weight Loss 2.0 No Defrosting HOPE Fit Focus T25 Gunsmoke T Nopalea with Cook Safe Sheer Cover Battle Hair Loss WEN Hair Care Cindy Crawford AntiAging-Youth Curl Secret Bonanza Bonanza (:10) Bonanza (:20) Bonanza Covert Affairs Suits * Resident Evil: Afterlife 2010 Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter. « ** The Mechanic 2011Jason Statham, BenFoster. «DVS) Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit **Funn People2009AdamSandler.A ravel illcomicmentorsastru lin performer. « USA 15 30 23 30 W Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent NCIS T Burn Notice Burn Notice Burn Notice Burn Notice House House House Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Criminal Intent CSI: CrimeScene Investigation VH1 Plus Music VH1 Plus Music VH1 Plus Music VH1 Plus Music VH1 Plus Music Basketball Wives

Hollywood Exes Tough Love: Co-Ed *** How She Move2007n Morning Drive PGA Tour Golf EuropeanPGA TourGolfKLM Open,FinalRound Morning Drive The Golf Fix LPGA TourGolf Golf Academy Inside PGATour Open de France Highlights GOLF 28 301 27 301 W Th EuropeanPGATour Golf Lindt Italian Open, First RoundFromTurin, Italy. (N) (Live) Golf Central PGA TourGolf TheTour Championship, First Round (N)(Live) EuropeanPGATour Golf Lindt Italian Open, SecondRound FromTurin, Italy. (N) (Live) PGA TourGolf TheTour Championship, SecondRound (N)(Live) HALL 66 33 175 33 I Love Lucy I L ove Lucy I L o ve Lucy I L o ve Lucy Go l den Girls G o lden Girls Golden Girls G o lden Girls Home & Family The DanPatrick Show SportsDash With Yahoo! Sports Bill Dance Seasons on Fly Outdoor Secrets Premier League Blue Collar NA Hunter Deer Hunting TV Love of the Hunt Whitetail Diaries Wild Skies Deadl Passion Colle iate Fish NBCSN 27 58 30 209 W Outdoors O'Neill Outside Intrepid Outdr Outdoor Secrets h Dan Patrick F o rmula One Racing SingaporeGrand Prix, Practice The DanPatrick Show Nock Out Territories Wild Whitetail SLAM Fishing/Martin Inside the AmericanMob Alaska State Troopers Wild Justice Inside the AmericanMob Inside the AmericanMob Border Wars CIA Confidential CIA Confidential CIA Secret Experiments NGC 157 157 Hooked Hooked Hooked Chasing UFOs Chasing UFOs The Truth Behind: UFOs World's Toughest Fixes World's Toughest Fixes World's Toughest Fixes Random! Cart Supah Nin'as Supah Ninjas The Penguins The Penguins T.U.F.F. Pupp T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy NTOON 89 115189115 Power Rangers Power Rangers The Mighty B! Random! Cart Winchester Leg The Nutrition Drop Zone Paid Program Cabela's Beyond the Hunt Ducks Unlimited Winchester Mathews Ram Outdoors Dirt Trax TV Fisher's ATV Ultimate Hunting Henry Rifles Ducks Unlimited Dirty House? Red Arrow Commander Showcase The Season Excalibur's Out Magnum TV Hank Parker Craig Morgan Raglin Outdoors Mathew's Dom High Places OUTD 37 307 43 307 W Buckmasters Paid Program Trophy Hunt Paid Program RealTree's Realtree SOLO Hunters Primal Instinct Winchester Leg h Archer's Choice RMEF TeamElk Addicted, Out. The Flush Trophy Quest The Hunt Headhunters TV L.L. BeanGuide Buckmasters King of Bucks F Mathews Reel, Outdoors The Bassmasters Primal Instinct Speargun Hunt Best of West Huntin' World Steve's Outdoor Outdoors TV Bucks Tec. 27. Bialystok resident 6. " Your Voice"; 2004 29. Get rid of VH1

191 48 37 54 W T


TV Crossword t

8 2





1. Actress on "Hawaii Five-0" 5




14 8


6 8 7

16 18

17 19

20 2 t 24



29 3 0 ~ 36



2s 33





ss 37 8


Unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle to identify the featured celebrity.

8. " Lady Down"; 1978 Charlton Heston movie 9. Actor Morales 10. Smith of "NCIS: Los Angeles" 14. " Of Chucky"; 2004 film for Jennifer Tilly 15. Lennie Briscoe or Rey Curtis: abbr. 16. "Vanilla "; 2001 Tom Cruise movie 17. "The Loves of Dobie Gillis" 18. 90 degrees from NNE 19. Univ. Of Utah athletes 20. "It's Mad Mad Mad World" 24. Hallucinogen, for short

28. Paul's cousin on "Mad About You" 29. "Island " (1989-90) 32. "If "; 2004 movie for Jennifer Love Hewitt 33. Actress on "How to Live with Your Parents (For the Rest of Your Life)" (2) 36. Monty Python's Eric 37. Singer Campbell 38. Recent, short-lived Chi McBride series (2)

DOWN 1. Actor on "Bonanza" 2. Jackson and Travis 3. Certain vote 4. Actress Amanda 5. American Soccer League, for short

Hilary Duff movie 7. out; e victs 8. "Oz the a n d Powerful"; 2013 film 11. Bradley, for one T r a il"; 1940 Errol 12. "Santa Flynn movie 13. "Red "; Greg Gutfeld's talk show 14. Dallas school, for short 13"; Tom Hanks movie 20. " 21. " Business"; Marx Brothers classic 22. Steve or Gracie 23. Actress Susan 24. Magnum and others, for short 25. Mr. Ferguson 26. Don ; longtime announcer on "The Price Is Right"

30. "The "; former series for Adam Brody 31. John Shea's state of birth: abbr. Night" 34. "Up 35. Monogram for inventor Bell




Solution Chi McBride


THE BULLETIN 0 SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 10 • TV





The Chew General Hospital Extra Varied Programs Days of our Lives News Bold/Beautiful The Talk The Chew General Hospital RightThisMinute RightThisMinute The People's Court Varied Programs Charlie Rose NewsChannel8 Varied Programs Days of our Lives Focus T25 Best SleepEver Larry King Like NewCarpet T Battle Hair Loss Stop Anxiety M Floor Appeal Stop Anxiety Total Gym FREE TV! Like NewCarpet Q W Larry King Th Hair Restoration Paid Program HOPE Fit DeepClean F Paid Program Paid Program Burt Wolf: Taste Woodshop Antiques Roadshow Rudy Maxa Rough Cut-Mac Outdoor Idaho Burt Wolf Woodwright History Detectives 73 Th Travelscope Woodsmith Moyers &Company Wild Photo Adv Woodshop The This OldHouseHour M CSE Miami Criminal Minds





The Dr. OzShow Dr. Phil The Dr. OzShow Andy Griffith A n dy Griffith I Love Lucy I L ove Lucy Access Hollywood Live Katie The Doctors Bethenny Clifford-Dog B o b the BuilderMartha Speaks Cat in the Hat Katie The Ellen DeGeneresShow King of Queens King of Queens The Bill CunninghamShow

Tavis Smiley

Criminal Minds

World News


The First 48

KATU NewsFirst at Four The Ellen DeGeneresShow Be a Millionaire myWindow Judge Judy J u dge Judy The Middle Th e Middle Arthur WordGirl NewsChannel 8 at4PM Meet, Browns Meet, Browns

Nightly Business PBS NewsHour

The First 48



KATU Newsat 5 News News KEZI 9 News Friends Wild Kratts NewsChannel 8 Cops Reloaded

World News Nightly News Evening News World News Friends Electric Comp Nightly News

Eat! Drink Italy Caprial-John Chefs on Tour Christina Cooks Ciao Italia The First 48

Julia/Jacques Simply Ming ChefJohn Besh Julia's Kitchen

Cops Reloaded


T *A&E

30 28 18 32 W T

Longmire Longmire Lon mire Longmire Longmire Lon mire *** Grease * Mission to Mars 2000,Science Fiction GarySinise, Tim Robbins. « ** Angels & Demons 2009Tcm Hanks.RobertLangdonconfronts anancient brotherhood sa (10:00) *** Runaway Jury 2003 * * * Grease1978, Musical John Travolta, Olivia Newton-John. « ** Stripes 1981 BiIlMurray. Ajoy ride takestwoArmy recruits across enemylines *AMC 02 40 39 (11:00) ** Housesitter 1992Steve Martin. « ** Hackers1995 JonnyLeeMiler. Teen computer freaks vs. embezzler. « CSE Miami CSE Miami *** The Perfect Storm 2000George Clocney. Afishing boat sails into thestormof the century. cc *** Erin Brockovich 2000, DramaJulia Roberts, Albert Finney. « (10:00) *** The Negotiator *** Death Wish 1974Charles Bronson,HopeLange. cc * Death Wish II1982CharlesBronson,Jill Ireland. cc * The Marine 2006,ActionJohnCena, Robert Patrick. cc ANPL 68 50 26 38 Pit Boss Untamedand Uncut North WoodsLaw SwampWars Gator Boys: Xtra Bites RattlesnakeRepublic The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami Housewives/NJ Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy for the Wedding Watch What Happens:Live The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Face Off WhatHappens What Happens Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles The New Atlanta Tamra's O.C.Wedding BRAVO 137 44 Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Tabatha's SalonTakeover Tabatha's SalonTakeover Tabatha's SalonTakeover Tabatha's SalonTakeover Housewives/NJ Tamra's O.C.Wedding Tamra's O.C.Wedding Tamra's O.C.Wedding The New Atlanta Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Reba Reba T CMT Music M Ex t reme Makeover: Home Edition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition * * Bewitched 2005, Romance-ComedyNiccle Kidman,Wil Ferrell. n Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders Dal las Cowboys Cheerleaders * CoyoteUgly2000,Romance-Comedy PiperPerabo,Adam Garcia. n « CMT 19032 42 53 W Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: Home Edition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition T F Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen CNBC 54 36 40 52 Closing Bell Closing Bell With Maria Bartiromo FastMoney Varied Programs MadMoney The Kudlow Report Varied Programs (11:00) CNNNewsroom The LeadWith JakeTapper The Situation Room Anderson Cooper360 CNN 55 38 35 48 (:28) Crossfire Erin Burnett OutFront Always Sunny Always Sunny (4:58) Futurama (:29) Futurama (11:54) * Fired Up2009, ComedyNicholas O'Agosto. 64 (1:54) ** Scary Movie 42006AnnaFaris, Crai Bierko. « (11:24) ** Balls of Fury 2007DanFogler. « (:24) Tosh.0 (1:54) Tosh.0 (:24) Tosh.0 ( 2 :54) Tosh.0 ( :25) Tosh.0 (3:56) Tosh.0 COM 135 53 13547 W Key 8Peele Key & Peele Key 8 Peele Key & Peele Key 8 Peele S o uth Park Sou th Park South Park South Park Always Sunny Futurama Futurama T (11:54) 30Rock (:24) 30 Rock (12:54) * Superstar 1999Molly Shannon, Will Ferrell. « (2:54) Futurama (:25) Futurama (3:56) Futurama Always Sunny (4:58) Futurama (:29) Futurama Donald Glover (:25) ** Fletch 1985ChevyChase, DanaWheeler-Nicholson CC Always Sunny (4:59) Futurama Futurama (:25) ** Fletch Lives1989 ChevyChase, HalHolbrook. cc Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Extreme Desire Adv Journal G e t Outdoors Visions of NW City Edition Paid Program COTV CSPAN 61 20 12 (11:00) U.S.Houseof Representatives U.S. House ofRepresentatives Varied Programs Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins A.N.T. Farm Gravity Falls A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A . N.T. Farm Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally Austin I Ally Liv & Maddie ** Judy Moody and theNOTBummer Summer Wander-Yonder Jessie Jessie Jessie *DIS 87 43 14 39 W ** Princess Protection Program 2009 n « Wander-Yonder Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Never Land Jessie Jessie Jessie Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog T Never Land Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins LemonadeMouth2011,Musical Bridgit Mendler, AdamHicks. n cc Good-Charhe Good.Charhe Good-Charlie I (Almost) Got AwayWith It MythBusters Turn & Burn Turn & Burn Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Texas DrugWars ExtremeDrugSmuggling Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Tickle Tickle Tickle Tickle 'DISC 15621 16 37 W ExtremeSmuggling ExtremeSmuggling Turn & Burn Turn & Burn Turn & Burn U.S. Drug Wars Tickle Tickle Amish Mafia Amish Mafia T U.S. DrugWars Alaskan Steel Men Alaskan Steel Men Alaskan Steel Men Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Turn & Burn E! News Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Keeping UpWith the Kardashians E! Entertainment Special Total Divas *VegasVacation1997,ComedyChevyChase.Premiere Keeping UpWiththe Kardashians *El Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians 136 25 W Total Divas Total Divas Kardashian Kardashian T *** National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation 1989ChevyChase. Keeping UpWith the Kardashians NFL Insiders NFL Live Around the Horn Interruption SportsCenter Monday Night Countdown NFL Football NFL Insiders B e st of the NFL SportsCenter E:60 Hispanic HeritageMonth Special ESPN 21 23 22 23 W NFL Insiders MLB Baseball TeamsTBA (NSubject tc Blackout) (Live) t«s Football Live C ollege Football Clemson atNorthCarolina State (N) Th SportsCenter College Football Live SportsNation Questionable Outside Lines Football Live ESPN FC Around the Horn Interruption E:60 World Series W orld Series NFL's Greatest Games NFL Live ESPN2 22 24 21 24 W Hispanic HeritageMonth Special WNBA Basketball First Round,Game1: TeamsTBA (N)(Live) ~c Th NFL Kickoff CFL Football College Football College Football SportsCentury SportsCentury Global Supercard Wrestling ESPNC 23 25 12325 W Th FAM FNC

67 29 19 41 57 61 36 50

(11:00) CollegeFootball Reba Reba Studio B With ShepardSmith B'foot Contessa B'foot Contessa

College Football 8 Simple Rules 8 Simple Rules Your World With Neil Cavuto Money Saving Dollar Dinners

SportsCentury Boy MeetWorld Boy Meet World Boy MeetWorld Boy Meet World Reba Reba The Five Special Report With Bret Baier FOX Report With ShepardSmith B'foot Contessa B'foot Contessa Secrets 30-Minute Meals Giada at Home Giada at Home

Friday Night Lights The Middle The Middle The O'Reilly Factor

Pioneer Wo. B a rbecue Addi. Trisha's Sou. 'FOOD 17762 98 44 W Sandwich King Trisha's Sou. Th Sandra Lee Mexican-Easy Unwrapped Unwrapped Unwrapped Unwrapped Rocky Balboa ** X.Men Origins: Wolverine 2009,ActionHughJackman, Liev Schreiber, will.i.am How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men The Twilight Saga: NewMoon (11:00) ** The Twilight Saga:NewMoon2009 Kristen Stewart Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * Legion 2010,HorrorPaulBettany, LucasBlack, DennisQuaid How I Met How I Met Anger Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * * * The Social Network 2010,Drama FX 13 (11:00) ** The Forgotten 2004 * L e gion 2010, Horror PaulBettany, LucasBlack, DennisQuaid (11:30) *** The Social Network 2010,DramaJesse Eisenberg Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * Are We DoneYet? 2007, ComedyIce Cube, NiaLong How I Met How I Met (11:00) * Are WeDoneVet? Two/Half Men Two/Half Men * * Knowing 2009,ScienceFiction NicolasCage, RoseByrne,Chandler Canterbury. Anger



SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013



House Hunters

I Hunters Int'I


«« ~

TV • PAGE 11 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead./Sports programming mayvary.

x x l i II I II I II I I Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Love It or List It Income Proper Income Pro ert Income Proper Income Pro ert Income Proper Income Pro ert Income Proper Income Pro ert Buying and Sellin Buying and Sellin Buying and Sellin Buying andSellin



Love It or List It Income Proper Income Pro ert

Buying andSellin Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Hunters Int'I H u nters Int'I Hu n ters Int'I Hu n ters Int'I Hu n ters Int'I Hu n ters Int'I Hu n ters Int'I Hu n ters Int'I Hunters Int'I H u nters Int'I American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers How the EarthWasMade How the EarthWasMade How the EarthWasMade How the EarthWasMade Histor of the World in TwoHours *HIST 155 42 41 36 W Cities of the Underworld Cities of the Underworld Cities of the Underworld Cities of the Underworld Cities of the Underworld Cities of the Underworld P a wn Stars Pa wn Stars Pa wn Stars Pa w n Stars Pa wn Stars Pawn Stars P a wn Stars Pa w n Stars Pa w n Stars Pawn Stars P a wn Stars Th Pawn Stars NostradamusEffect NostradamusEffect Bible Battles Restoration Restoration Restoration R e storation How I Met How I Met Grey 's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Wife Swap Wife Swap LIFE 138 39 20 31 MSNBC 59 59 12851 TheC cle Martin Bashir The Ed Show PoliticsNation Hardball With Chris Matthews All In With Chris Ha es M Caffi sh:TheTV (:37) Catfish: The TVSho w (:41 ) Catfish: TheShow TV (2:46) Catfish: The TVShow (3:50) Catfish: The TVShow (4:55) Girl Code (:27) Girl Code T (:04) 16andPregnant (:09) 16andPregnant (:13) 16andPregnant (:18) * What aGirl Wants 2003,Comedy-DramaAmanda Bynes, Colin Firth. n MTV 192 22 38 57 W (:04) TeenMom3 Parental Control Parental Control (:13) Parental Control Parental Control Parental Control Parental Control Parental Control (4:55) Girl Code (:27) Girl Code Th Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness The Challen e: Rivals II The Challen e: Rivals I The Challen e: Rivals I The Challen e: Rivals I The Challen e: Rivals I The Challen e: Rivals I PAW Patrol Pe t er Rabbit Dora Explorer Dora Explorer Spon eBob S p on eBob TeenaeMut. Odd Parents Odd Parents S p on eBob Spon eBob S p on eBob NICK 82 46 24 40 Dr. Phil All My Children One Life to Live Dateline on OWN Dateline onOWN Dateline onOWN Dateline onOWN M T lyanla, Fix My Life lyanla, Fix My Life lyanla, Fix My Life lyanla, Fix My Life HGTV 176 49 33 43 W Th F

Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse One Life to Live All M Children Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN Dateline on OWN F *** The Birdcage1996,ComedyRobinWiliams, GeneHackman. n « *** Top Gun 1986,ActionTomCruise, Kelly McGilis, AnthonyEdwards. n Pac.12 Football in 60 Pac.12 Playbook Pac.12 Football Women's CollegeSoccerUNLVat Washington State Pac-12 Football Pac.12 Playbook Pac.12 Sports Report College Soccer Air Force atOregonState Pac.12 Sports Report Pac.12 Football in 60 Varsity Days C o llege Soccer Air Force at OregonState Women's College Soccer UNLV at Washington State Pac-12 Football PAC1 2 47 310310310 W Pac-12 Sports Report Pac-12 Football Weekl Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Weekl Varsit Da s Th Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Women's College Soccer St. Mary's at Stanford College Field HockeyCalifornia at Stanford (N) (Live) W omen's CollegeSoccerGonzagaatWashington Bar Rescue CSI: CrimeSceneInvestigation C S I: Crime Scene Investigation B a r Rescue Bar Rescue Bar Rescue Tattoo Rescue Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master Ink Master SPIKE 132 31 34 46 W (11:22) * Resident Evil 2002Milla Jovovich. n (:23) ** Pitch Black 2000,ScienceFiction RadhaMitchell, Vin Diesel. n (3:55) ** Doom2005,ScienceFiction TheRock, Karl Urban. n Th 11:01 ** Pitch Black 2000Radha Mitchell. n 33 **Doom 2005,Science FictionThe Rock,KarlUrban.n :37 Co s Cops Cops Cops Cops Gangland Gangland Gan land Gangland *** X-Men 2 2003,Fantasy (11:30) ** Star Trek: TheMotion Picture1979 WiliamShatner, Leonard Nimoy *** Sin City 2005,ActionJessica Alba, DevonAoki, Alexis Bledel Heroes ofCosplay Heroes ofCosplay Heroes ofCosplay Heroes ofCosplay Face Off Face Off Paranormal Witness Paranormal Witness Paranormal Witness Paranormal Witness Paranormal Witness SYFY 133 35 133 45 W Paranormal Witness Revolution Revolution Revolution Revolution Revolution Th Revolution *** Ice Twisters 2009MarkMoses, Camille Sullivan. « ** Ice Quake 2010BrendanFehr, Holl Di nard, Victor Garber. « Seattle Superstorm 2012Esai Morales, OnaGrauer. « TBN 205 60 130 The 700 Club John Hagee Varied Programs Praise the Lord Varied Programs Potter's Touch Behind Scenes Varied Programs 'TBS 16 27 28 According-Jim Wipeout Cleveland Show American Dad American Dad Friends Friends Friends Friends KingofQueens King ofQueens **** Sunrise1927, Drama (11:30) ** The Challenge *** Vacation From Marriage1945 RobertDonat. « ** An Ideal Husband1948Paulette Goddard. « (11:15 The Gor eous Huss 1936:15) *** Mannequin 1937JoanCrawford, SpencerTrac . « 15) ** The Last of Mrs. Che ne 1937 JoanCrawford. « La Roue 1923Severin-Mars ** The Sharkfighters1956, Action Victor Mature ** The Long Haul 1957,CrimeDramaVictor Mature, DianaDors. ** The Seven Hills of Rome TCM 101 44 101 29 W (11:00) *** The Robe 1953RichardBurton. « * * * T h e Badlanders 1958 Alan Ladd. cc *** Rio Bravo1959, WesternJohnWayne, DeanMartin, Ricky Nelson. cc ** Bell, Book andCandle Th (11:30) *** Saddle the Wind ** Swing Shift Maisie 1943AnnSothern ** Never Wave at aWAC1952, Comedy« Now Playing La Jetee (11:30) *** Lady Be Good1941Eleanor Powell (:45) Rollerball What Not to Wear Quints by Surprise: 16 Island Medium Island Medium What Not to Wear Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress M T Quints-Surprise Quints-Surprise 19 Kids and Countin 19 Kids-Count 19 Kids-Count 19 Kids and Countin 19 Kids-Count 19 Kids-Count *TLC 178 34 32 34 W Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Toddlers & Tiaras Th Island Medium Island Medium What Not to Wear Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes,Dress Say Yes, Dress F Quints By Surprise: Turning 2 Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride 'TNT 17 26 15 27 Bones Bones Bones Bones Castle Castle *TOON 84 Tom I Jerr Tom andJerr Codename: Kids Coura e/Do J o h nn Test Johnn Test W r l d, GumballT otal Drama M A D Adventure Time Adventure Time *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Varied Programs Bourdain: No Reservations Dangerous Grounds Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food M an v. Food Gunsmoke Gunsmoke Andy Griffith Andy Griffith (:40) Gunsmoke (1:50) Gunsmoke (:12) TheAndy Griffith Show M T OWN 161 103 31 103 W Th

TVLND 65 47 29 35 W Th


F (11:30) Bonanza Bonanza


Gunsmoke Bonanza

Gunsmoke Bonanza

Andy Griffith

(:09) TheAndy Griffith Show

Bonanza And Griffith Andy Griffith A n d Griffith NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS NCIS USA 15 30 23 30 W NCIS Th Burn Notice CSI: Crime SceneInvestigation CSI: Crime SceneInvestigation CSI: CrimeSceneInvestigation CSI: CrimeScene Investigation Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit T.l. and Tiny M arrying, Game Marrying, Game (:40) MiamiMonkey (:45) HollywoodExes (3:50) Love 8 HipHop:Atlanta (4:55) Love 8 HipHop:Atlanta Marrying, Game T.l. and Tiny T.l. and Tiny (:40) 40 Greatest Viral Videos (:45) 40 Greatest Viral Videos (3:50) MiamiMonkey (4:55) HollywoodExes VH1 191 48 37 54 W Shocking HipHopMoments Shocking HipHop Moments T.l. and Tiny: TheFamily Hustle (2:50) Basketball Wives Marrying, Game Marrying, Game ** Malibu's Most Wanted 2003 Th ** TheDukesofHazzard2005,Comed Johnn Knoxvil le.n 15 Miami Monke (:20 Miami Monke (:25) Tou h Love: Co-Ed Bsktb Wives (11:00) *** How SheMove n Ma r rying, Game (:45) Tiny Tonight! ATLLadiesNight Special (2:50) HollywoodExes (3:55) ToughLove: Co-Ed Tough Love: Co-Ed PGA Tour Golf BMW Championship, Final Round FromConwayFarmsGolf Club in LakeForest, III Golf Central The Golf Fix FedExCupPlayoffs Highli hts T (11:00) LPGA Tour Golf EvianChampionship, Final RoundFromFrance Golf Central I n s ide PGA Tour Golf Academy Learning Center Golf's Greatest Rounds GOLF 28 301 27 301 W Inside PGATour Learning Center Performance Performance F edExCup Playoffs Highlights EuropeanTour School of Golf On the Range Th (10:00) PGA Tour Golf TheTour Championship, First Round FromEast LakeGolf Club in Atlanta. (N)(Live) PGA Tour Golf TheTour Championship, First Round F 10:00 PGATour Golf TheTour Cham ionshi, Second RoundFromEast LakeGolf Club inAtlanta. (N) PGA Tour Golf PGA Tour Golf Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. Home Improve. The Waltons The Waltons The Waltons The Waltons HALL 66 33 17533 English PremierLeagueSoccer SwanseaCity AFCvs Liverpool FC(N) The Crossover Pro Football Talk The Crossover World Series World Series World Series of Fighting 4 ONTV Blue Y a chting America'sWorld Cup Series, Final: Race13 & 14FromSanFrancisco. (N)(Live) Pro Football Talk Minor LeagueBaseball Triple.A Championship: TeamsTBA (N)(Live) FNIA: Playbook Star-SpangledSundays Star-SpangledSundays NBCSN 27 58 30 209 W Blitz TV Outdoor Secrets Outdoor Secrets King of Wake The Crossover Pro Football Talk Pro Ftb Talk F a ntasy Ftb Premier League Match Pack The Grid Auctions Ame Th Jimmy Houston Yachting America's CupWorld Series, Final: Race15 & 16FromSan Francisco. (N)(Live) Bill Dance Bli t z TV Motorsports Hour The Crossover Pro Football Talk FNIA: Playbook League Preview MLS Insider Premier LeagueDownload Border Wars Inside the GreenBerets America vs. Iraq Alaska StateTroopers Alaska StateTroopers Omens of theApocalypse DoomsdayCastle Snake Salvation Snake Salvation The Devil's Playground DoomsdayCastle Snake Salvation Snake Salvation NGC 157 157 9/1 t: Voices Fromthe Air G. Bush: The9/11 Interview 9/1t: WhereWereYou? Witness: DC9/t t CIA Secret Experiments Unabomber: TheSecret History Drugs, Inc Drugs, Inc Let it Ride Yukon Gold Drugs, Inc Th Yukon Gold Diving Into Noah's Flood Sex in the StoneAge None of the Name Science The NumbersGame TheWhaleThatAteJaws Secret Life of Predators Fanboy-Chum Fanboy-Chum Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Avatar: Air Avatar: Air Digimon-Digital Legend-Korra NTOON 89 115189115 Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Gold Fever Alaska Outdoors Hunting TV Dobbs Alive Cabela's Bow Madness Archer's Choice Headhunters TV Whitetail Freaks Legends of Fall Gregg Ritz Truth Hunting Hunt Adventure Hunting, Country Bone Collector Trophy Hunt Hank Parker The Hit List Legends of Fall Ted Nugent Cuddeback's Outdoors TV Ted Nugent OUTD 37 30743 307 W Your Wea on Shootin USA Red Arrow Commander Tracks, Africa Optik Quests Amer. Rifleman Your Wea on Field & Streams Gun Stories Shootin USA Th Live 2 Hunt B e y ond the Hunt Ultimate Huntin Driven TV Dream Season Drop Zone Addicted, Out Biologic/Drury Grateful Nation High Places Beyond the Hunt The Hunt Ult. Adventures The Hit List Wil dgame Ntn Realtree Realtree Road Whitetail Freaks The Crush Gregg Ritz SOLO Hunters Sasquatch Trip GoneBad Winchester Leg.

THE BULLETIN «SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 12 • TV



c II



KATU Newsat 6(N) n «



II Jeopardy! (N)n


Wheel of Fortune Dancing With the Stars Thecouples performfor thejudges. (N) n 'PG' «





Storage Wars

Storage Wars





(10:01) Castle WatershedBeckett recon-KATUNewsat11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' sidershercareer. PG « Kimmel Live '14 (ABC) (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Million SecondQuiz Contestants American Ninja Warrior VegasFinals (10:01) Siberia ... Into the OvenThe NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) compete inbouts oftrivia. 'PG' Las Vegasfinals. (N) n 'PG' contestants reunite. (N) '14' « at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Inside Edition (N) Access Hollywood WhoWants to Be 30 Rock Future How I MetYour 2 Broke Girls n 2 Broke Girls n The Big Bang Underthe DomeCurtains Secretsare KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ 'PQ' cc '14' cc '14' cc (N) 'PG' a Millionaire Theory n '14' David Letterman (CBS) Husband n '14' Mother n '14' revealed.(N) n '14' « (N) cc omg! Insider (N) n Dancing With theStars Thecouples performfor thejudges. (N) n 'PG' « (10:01) CastleWatershedBeckett recon- KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment 'PQ' cc 11:00 (N) « Kim mel Live '14 (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Toni g ht(N) n siders hercareer. 'PG' « The Big Bang Bones Anaccountant's remainsare Sleepy Hollow Pilot IchabodCraneends NewsChannel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc The Arsenio Hall Show Seth Greenand KFXO IIg IEI@IE! TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf TheBigBang Men 'PG' cc M e n '14' cc The o ry n '14' Theory n '14' (FOX) found. (N)'14' «(DVS) up in the future. (N) '14' « First on FOX Giovanni Ribisi. (N) '14' « Antiques Roadshow A1967letter from Oregon ExpenenceHanford Oregon ExperienceOregon'sWil POV TwoIndian womenlead difierent KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Ask This Old N i g htly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n acc lamette Valley. lives. (N) n 'PG' cc (PBS) House 'G' cc R eport (N) n 'G' Gerald Ford G cc NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) The Million SecondQuiz Contestants American NinjaWarrior VegasFinals (10:01) Siberia ... Into the OvenThe NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) compete inbouts oftrivia. 'PG' Las Vegasfinals. (N) n 'PG' contestants reunite. (N) '14' « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno Community Pilot n Community Biolog KTVZDT2 @ ~ Q @ King of the Hill The Cleveland Seinfeld TheBeard Rules of Engage Hart of Dixie MaxandRoseplay match Breaking Pointe Thedancers travel to Rules of Engage- Seinfeld The 'PG' « 'PQ' cc ment 'PG' ment '14' 101 n 'PG' Pilot 'PG' « Sho w Pilot '14' maker for Zoe. n PG « Los Angeles.(N) n 'PG' Money n 'PG' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 M e xico05ayless Primal Grill Cuba MIA: Portrait Eternal CubaWith Enrique Chia 'G' World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU


3 28 1 8 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Storage Wars Storage Wars « Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Storage Wars «Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

(11:01) Storage (11:31) Storage Wars '14' cc

Wa r s 'PG' cc

(5:30) *** "Grease" (1978,Musical) JohnTravolta, Olivia Newton-John. Disparate *** "Meet theParents" (2000,Comedy)RobertDeNiro, BenStiler, Blythe Danner. Premiere. A man *** "Meet theParents" (2000, Comedy)Robert DeNiro, summerlovers meetagainas high-school seniors. « spends adisastrousweekendwithhis lover's family. Ben Stiller, BlytheDanner. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MonstersInside Men'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me n 'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me n 'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me n 'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me n 'G' cc Monsters Inside Me n 'PG' cc BRAVO 13 44 Tam ra's O.C. Wedding Tamra's O.C.Wedding Tamra's O.C.Wedding(N) The Real Housewives of Miami '14' Tamra's O.C. Wedding WhatHappens Tamra-Wedding R e ba 'PG' cc ** "Bewitched" (2005,Romance-Comedy)Nicole Kidman,Wil Ferrell. n CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 4052 60MinutesonCNBCTechTitans American GreedArthur Nadel Mad Money 60 Minute sonCNBCTechTitans American GreedArthur Nadel Free Cook Safe CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live) AC 360Later (N) Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront S o uth Park 'MA' Daily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53135 47 SouthPark'MA' Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show Futurama n '14' Futurama n '14' Futurama n '14' South Park 'MA' Brickleberry COTV 11 Paid Program myWindow Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show myWindow Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 First Ladies: Influence & Image Capitol Hill Hearings First Ladies: Influence &Image Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e ssie'G' « Sha k e ltUp!'G' D ogWitha Blog** "Judy Moodyand theNOTBummer Summer" Wander-Yonder Austin I Ally 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'Y7 Jessie 'G' « Aus t in & Ally 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Fast N' Loud n '14'cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Fast N' Loud CoolCustomline '14' (10:05) Turn &Burn(N) 'PG' « (1105) Fast N Loudn 14 cc *E! 13 25 Tot a l Divas '14 E! News(N) Secrets of Fash Keeping Up With the Kardashians True Hollywood Story 'PG' « Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:25)NFLFootballPittsburghSteelersatCincinnatiBengals(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « NFL PrimeTime (N) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 World Series B a seball Tonight (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N) Olbermann(N)(Live) Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (N)(Live) « NFL Presents C ollege Football ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Ali Rap cc AKA Cassius UWF Wrestling cc UWFWrestling Global SupercardWrestling (N) Global SupercardWrestling (N) Global SupercardWrestling (N) H-Lite Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "Cheaper bythe Dozen2" (2005) SteveMartin, Bonnie Hunt. FAM 67 29 19 41 TheMiddle'PG' TheMiddle'PG ** "Cheaper bythe Dozen" (2003)Steve Martin, Bonnie Hunt The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive ** "The TwilightSaga:Eclipse" (2010) Kristen Stewart. Bella mustchoosebetween EdwardandJacob. ** "The TwilightSaga:Ec/ipse" FX 131 (5:00) ** "The TwilightSaga:NewMoon (2009) KristenStewart. HGTV 17 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G'« Love It or List It Renton 'G' cc Love It or List It Dan &Rich 'G ' Lo v e It or List It Julis & Sherry 'G House Hunters Hunters Int'I Love It or List It 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickers'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc God, Guns & God, Guns & LIFE 13 39 20 31 UnsolvedMysteries'14' « Unsolved Mysteries '14' « "Sinso/the Preacher"(2013, Suspense)Gail O'Grady.'14' « ** "TheBook of Ruth" (2004)Christine Lahti, Nicholle Tom.'14' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Fri endzone 'PG' Friendzone 'PG' Being Maci BeingMaci n 'PG' Teen Mom 3Growing UpFast 'PG' Teen Mom 3 n 'PG' Teen Mom 3Moving Forward'PG' (11:02) TeenMom3 n 'PG NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Victorious cc D r ake & Josh n Awesomeness Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Dateline on OWN n '14'acc Dateline on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWN n '14' « Datehneon OWNn 14 « Dateline on OWN n '14' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Dateline on OWN n '14' « Pac-12 Football in 60(N) Pac-12 Football in 60(N) Pac-12Sports Report (N)(Live) Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Sports PAC12 47 310310310 Pac-12Football in 60 (N) * "Law Abiding Citizen" (2009,Suspense) Jamie Foxx, GerardButler, ColmMeaney. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Bar RescueInaPinchn'PG' Bar Rescue ABar Full of Bull 'PG' (10:31) *** "16 Blocks" (2006)BruceWilis ** "Underworld: Evolution" (2006)Kate Beckinsale, Scott Speedman ** "Underworld: Rise o/the Lycans" (2009,Horror)MichaelSheen SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:00) *** "X-Men2"(2003) PatrickStewart, HughJackman TBN 205 60 130 Kingdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord 'Y' cc Li v e-Holy Land Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord JoelOsteen'PG Perry Stone Guyn Family GuyThe Family Guy n The Big Bang TheBigBang The Big Bang Conan ZooeyDeschanel;KirkFoxand 'TBS ,6 27 «28 SeinfeldTheBar- Seinfeldn'PG'«SeinfeldTheMas- FamilyGuyLove Family '14' cc '14' « ber'G' « seuse'PG' ThyTrophy'14' King Is Dead'14' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Jason Isbell. (N) « (5:00) **** "Sunrise" (1927)George The Story of Film: An Odyssey Interna- (8:15) **** "TheBattleship Pofemkin" (1925,Historical (9:45) *** "TheGoddess"(1934)Lingyu Ruan.Silent. A (11:15) *** "TheCabinetof Dr.Ca/ig TCM O'Brien, JanetGaynor. tional films. (N) '14' « Drama) AleksandrAntonov, Vladimir Barsky. womansells herself to supporther son. ari"(1919)WernerKrauss. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Toddlers&Tiarasn'PG' « My Five Wives n 'PG' « Here Comes Here Comes Here ComesHoney BooBoo: Fam Here ComesHoney Boo Boo: Fam Here Comes Here Comes Castle Punked Amanshot with a200- Castle An unknownwomanfalls out of a Castle 3XKSearching for a notorious Castle AlmostFamousMurdervictim is Major Crimes FinalCut Adirector's wife CSE NYScared Stiff A female seemsto *TNT year-old bullet. n 'PG' « casket.n PG « serial killer. n 'PG' « a male stripper. 'PG' « is found murdered. '14' « have died offright. 'PG' *TOON 84 Regular Show Regular Show Adventure Time Regular Show Uncle Grandpa MAD (N) 'PG King of the Hill Cleveland Show Bob's Burgers American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food Bizarre Foods Amenca 'PG' « Bizarre Foods America 'PG' « Hotel Impossible (N) 'PG' « Hotel Impossible 'PG' « An d y Griffith Bo s t onLegaln'14' cc Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 AndyGriffith Boston Legal n 14 cc USA 15 30 23 30 NCISBorderlandn'14' cc NCIS: Los Angeles Deliverance'14 WWE MondayNight RAWDid RandyOrton remainthe faceof the WWE?(N) n « (11.05) Surts BadFaith 14 « VH1 191 48 37 54 Love&HipHop:Atlantan'14' B ask e tballWivesn'14' Basketball Wives (N) n '14' T.l. and Tiny M a rrying, Game Basketball Wives n '14' T.l. and Tiny M a rrying, Game 'AMC

*** "TheLiving Daylights" 1987 TimothyDalton. n 'PG' « ENCR 106 401 306401 (6:10) *** "TheBourneSupremacy" 2004 Matt Damon.'PG-13' « (10:15) *** "Risky Business" 1983TomCruise. n 'R' « FS1 35 303 303 Boxin gGoldenBoy:ShawnPortervs.JulioDiazFrom LasVegas.« FOX Sports Live (N)(Live) « FOX Sports Live (N)(Live) sc cs FOX Sports Live(N) (Live) « FOX Sports Live « FS2 34 MotoGPRacing World PokerTour: Season 11 Mission October UFC Insider U F C Reloaded UFC145: Jonesvs. Evans cc *** "TheFighter"2010, DramaMarkWahlberg, Christian Bale, AmyAdams. 'R' cc * "12 Rounds" 2009,Action John Cena,AidanGilen. 'PG-13' « FXM 104204104120(5:00) *** "TheFighter" 2010MarkWahlberg. 'R GOLF 28 301 27 301 Feherty RaymondFloyd Feherty DavidDuval Golf Central Feherty RaymondFloyd Feherty DavidDuval The Golf Fix HALL 66 33 175 33 Little House on thePrairie 'PG' "TheSevenyear Hitch" (2012)Natalie Hall, Darin Brooks. 'G' cc Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Lit t le House on the Prairie 'PG' *** "Les Miserab/es" 2012,Musical HughJackman, Russell Crowe. n 'PG-13' « Day-Tomorrow HBO 425 501 425501 TheGrudge « (6:45) *** "Life ofPi" 2012,AdventureSuraj Sharma,Irrfan Khan, Tabu. n 'PG' « IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) C/overfie/d (6:45) *** "Master andCommander: TheFar Side of the World" 2003,Adventure RussellCrowe.'PG-13 (9:45) *** "Clover/ie/d" 2008Michael Stahl-David. 'PG-13 Suicide Kings *** "Danger ousLiaisons"1988,DramaGlennClose.n 'R'« ** "Cruel Intentions" 1999Sarah Michelle Gellar. MAX 400508 508 ChasingMav. Strike Back 'MA' (6:35) *"The Sitter" 2011Jonah Hill. n 'R' « NBCSN 27 58 30 209(5:00) World Seriesof Fighting4 Premier LeagueDownload'G' Premier LeagueDownload'G English Premier LeagueSoccer Premier LeagueReview Show 'G' NGC 157 15 7 A l aska State Troopers '14 Alaska State Troopers '14 Alaska State Troopers '14 Alaska State Troopers '14 Alaska State Troopers'14' Alaska State Troopers '14'

NTOON 89 115189 115SpongeBob Spongegob SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob S p ongegob T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy OUTD 37 307 43 307 Profess Heartland Bow Addicted, Out. Primal Instinct Ridge Reaper Mathews Headhunters TV Heartland Bow Best of West O p tik Quests "TheBangBang Club" 2010, DramaRyan Philippe. n 'R' « SHO 5 00 5 0 0 Dexter Monkeyin a Boxn 'MA' Ray DonovanBuckyF... Dent'MA Dexter Monkeyin a Box n 'MA' ** "ThePrincessDiaries2:RoyalEngagement"2004n 'G'« STARZ 300 408300408 (5:35) *** "Layer Cake" 2004Daniel Craig. n 'R (7:25) *** "PremiumRush" 2012 n 'PG-13' « TMC 525 525 ** "The United States ofLe/and"2003 Don Cheadls.n 'R'« Botched" 2007Stephen Dorff. n 'NR' « (9:35) *"Brake"2012Stephen Dorff. n 'R' « *WE 14 41 174118CSEMiami On theHOOk'14' cc C SEMiami Happy Birthday n '14' CSEMiami Blood Sugar'14' cc C Sh Miami Match Made in Hell '14' CS E Miami Reality Kills '14' cc

T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Dirt Trax TV Fisher's ATV Ray DonovanBuckyF... Dent 'MA ** "John Carter" 2012 'PG-13 (11:10)"TheWayofthe Gun"2000 CSEMiami On the Hook'14' cc



TV • PAGE 13

SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •

I I I at 6 (N) n « KATU KATU News


II Jeopardy! (N)n










KATU Newsat11 (11:35) JimmyKimmel Live '14' (ABC) ances andconfront a powerful enemy.n (N) n cc The Million SecondQuizContestants America's Got Talent Sixacts performfor the final time. (N) n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 21at The Tonight Show KTVZ (NBC) compete inboutsof trivia. (N) n 'PG' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno(N) NCIS DamnedIf YouDoSearching for Eli NCIS: Los Angeles DescentSearchingfor Person of Interest Finchand Reeserace KOIN Local 6 at11 Late Show With KBNZ to fix the machine. n 14 « David Letterman (CBS) and Jackie's killer. n '14' stolen nuclearweapons. n '14' (N) cc **%on Man2" (2010, Action) Robert DowneyJrNGwyneth Paltrow,DonCheadle. Premiere.Thesuperhero must forgenewalli- KEZI 9 News at (11:35) JimmyKim KOHD 11:00 (N) cc mel Live '14' (ABC) ances andconfront a powerful enemy.n Dads Pilot (N) n '14' Brooklyn Nine.Nine New Girl All In (N) The Mindy Project News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc T he Arsenio Hall ShowAllisonJanney; KFXO ' 1 4' «(DVS) cc(DVS) (N) n '14' (FOX) Pilot (N) '14' First on FOX(N) David Oyelowo.(N) '14' « Latino Americans Foreigners inTheir OwnLand; Empireof DreamsThe history and Frontline Egypt in Crisis Egypt's Muslim POV Ping PongOver 80 WorldTable Ten KOAB 'Q' cc Brotherhoodandmilitary. (N) cc nis. n 'PG' cc (PBS) Report (N) n 'G' people from1565-1880.(N) n '14' cc (DVS) Inside Edition (N) n The Million SecondQuizContestants America's Got Talent Sixactsperformfor the final time. (N) n 'PG' « NewsChannel 8at TheTonightShow KGW NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N)cc 'PQ' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) cc 6:30PM (N) cc compete inboutsof trivia. (N) n 'PG' 11 (N) cc With Jay Leno(N) The Cleveland Seinfeld TheDoor- Rules of Engage Whose Line Is It Whose Line Is It Capture ThePeanutButter Pact Astrong Rules of Engage- Seinfeld The Van Community Spanish Community n KTVZDT2 King of the Hill 'PQ' cc Show '14' cc man n 'PG' ment 'PG' cc Anyway'?(N) n Anyway? n '14' ment '14' « Bure n Boys 'PG' 101 'PG' « (CIN) Square Peg'PG' team is sabotaged.(N)n OPBPL Clodagh Irish Hidden China August to June: Bring Life to School Is School Enough? n 'G' cc BBC World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n cc PBS NewsHour n cc Wheel of Fortune 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' cc NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' cc Inside Edition (N) n Access Hollywood Who Wants to Be a30 Rock n '14' « 'PQ' cc (N) n 'PG' cc Mil l ionaire 'PG' KEZI 9 Newsat 6:00 KEZI 9News at 6:30 Entertainment To omg! Insider (N) cc (N) cc (N) cc night(N) n « Two andaHalfMen TwoandaHalfMen TheBigBang The Big Bang 'PQ' cc n '14' cc Theory '14' cc Theory '14' cc Ask This Old House Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n «

**%on Man2" (2010, Action) Robert DowneyJrNGwyneth Paltrow,DonCheadle. Premiere.Thesuperhero must forge newalli-

Storage Wars

Storage Wars

Storage WarsTexas StorageWars Texas Barter Kings DrivingHometheDeal Kend- (11:01) Barter KingsTradingfor a mixed 'PQ' cc (N) 'PG' all needs areliable vehicle. 'PG' martial arts cage. 'PG' cc N ** Sfarsky 8 Hutch" (2004, Comedy)BenStiler, OwenWilson, Snoop"Doggy" Dogg *** "MeettheParents" (2000, Comedy)Robert DeNiro, BenStiler, Blythe Danner. A manspends adisas- (10:31) *** "Meet theParents" (2000, Comedy)RobertDeNiro 'AMC Two detectivesinvestigate acocainedealer. « trous weekendwith hislover's family. Ben Stiller, BlytheDanner. *ANPL River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc River Monsters Goes Tribal n 'PG' MadagascarMadagascarwasleft untouchedby manfor 65milion years. 'PG' Wild Serengeti n 'PG Madagascar n 'PG' cc BRAVO The Real Housewives of Atlanta '14' The Real Housewives of Atlanta '14' The Real Housewives of Atlanta '14' I Dream of NeNe:TheWedding '14' T h e New Atlanta (N) '14 WhatHappens NeNe-Wedding Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « Reb a 'pQ cc * "Coyote Ug/y" (2000,Romance-Comedy)Piper Perabo,AdamGarcia, Maria Bello. n « CMT Reba 'PG' cc Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC Treasure Det. T r easure Det. Buried Treasure n 'PG' « Mad Money Treasure Det. T r easure Det. B u r ied Treasure n 'PG' « Paid Program Like NewCarpet CNN Piers MorganLive (N) (Live) AC 360Later(N) Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Workaholics '14' Tosh.0 '14' cc To s h.0 '14' cc To s h.0 '14' cc To s h.0 (N) '14' B r i ckleberry 'MA'Daily Show Col bert Report COM South Park 'MA' Tosh.0 '14' cc Colbert Report Daily Show COTV Paid Program myWindow Redmond City Council myWindow Cit y Edition CSPAN Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS Good-Charlie Jes sie 'G' cc Shake It Up! 'G' Dog With a Blog ** "Princess ProtectionProgram"(2009) n 'G' « Dog With a Blog (10:05) Jessie 'G' Good-Charlie Austin 8 Ally 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G *DISC Amish Mafia Paradise n '14' cc Amish Mafia SacrifimalLamb(N) 14 Amish Mafia Brother'sKeeper n '14' Amish Mafia: TheDevil's Cut (N)'14' Tickle (N) n '14' Tickle: Unfiltered Amish Mafia Sacrificial Lambn '14 *E! Keeping UpWith the Kardashians E! News(N) True Hollywood Story n 'PG' « Total Divas A LegUp'14' Total Divas '14' T otal Divas '14 Chelsea Lately (N) E! News ESPN 2013 World Series of Poker 2013 World Series of Poker SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 NFL's Greatest P rofile: 60 Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « Olbermann(N)(Live) Olbermann Baseball Tonight (N)(Live) « Profile: 60 NASCAR Now(N) ESPNC Global SupercardWrestling (N) Global SupercardWrestling (N) Global SupercardWrestling (N) Global SupercardWrestling (N) Global SupercardWrestling (N) Global SupercardWrestling (N) ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Highlight Express ** "Legally Bionde" (2001,Comedy) ReeseWitherspoon, LukeWilson ** "Fai luretoLaunch"(2006,Romance-Comedy) MatthewMcConaughey FAM The Middle 'PG' The Middle 'PG' The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC Hannity (N) On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The Five 'FOOD Chopped WhenChefsCollide 'G' Chopped CannedCheese, Please!'G Chopped Momumental'G Chopped AmazingAmateurs 'G' Chopped We LoveLeftovers!(N)'G Cutthroat Kitchen Wing It 'G' N N FX Two and HalfMen Two and HalfMen * * * Moneybaii (2011) BradPitt, JonahHill. Premiere. A baseball managerchallenges old-school traditions Sons of Anarchy Jaxdeals with collateral damage. 'MA Sons of Anarchy HGTV Income Property Income Property Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I Power Broker (N) G « *HIST Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Counting Cars Counting Cars Top GearOffRoadRacing (N)'PG Counting Cars Counting Cars (11:02) TopGear 'PG' cc LIFE Abby's Ultimate DanceCompetition Abby's Ultimate DanceCompetition Dance Moms(N)'PG' « Abby's Ultimate DanceCompetition Double Divas '14' Double Divas '14 Double Divas '14' Double Divas '14' MSNBC The RachelMaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews cc MTV Friendzone 'PG' Friendzone 'PG' Teen Mom 3 n 'PG' Teen Mom 3Moving Forward n 'PG' Catfish: The TVShow Mike &Felicia Caffi sh:TheTVShow Jesse&Brian Nikki 8 Sara Live! (11:32) True Life NICK SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob Victorious n 'G' Drake & Josh 'Y?' Full House 'G ' F u ll House 'G' Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends n lyanla, Fix My Life n '14' cc The Havesand the HaveNots 'PG' The Haves andthe HaveNots 'PG' The Havesand the HaveNots 'PG The Havesand the HaveNots 'PG OWN lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' « Pac-12 Football in 60(N) Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 PAC12 Women's CollegeVolleyball BYUat Utah (N) (Live) College Soccer: Falconsat Beavers SPIKE Ink Master Animal Instinct '14' « Ink Master MonumentalMistakes'PG' Ink Master BabyDon't Go n '14' Ink Master Skulls andVilains n 'PG' Ink Master Eyelidtattoos. (N) n '14' Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares SYFY Face Off MotherGoosecharacter Face Off Artists exploretunnels. '14' Face Off MotherEarth Goddess'14' Face Off Trick orTreat (N) '14' Heroes of Cosplay PlanetComicon Face Off Trick orTreat '14' TBN Joseph Prince 'G' Rod Parsley Praise the Lord 'Y' « ACLJ This Week Full Flame cc Secrets.Clement Creflo Dollar 'G Behind Scenes Praise the Lord TheStall n The Cleveland Family Guy If I'm Family Guy RunningThe Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan AtlasGenius. (N) cc *TBS Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld TheCon- Seinfeld 'PQ' cc version 'PG' « Show '14' « Dyin' I'm Lyin' '14' Mates n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' N N N (5:00) La Roue" (1923,Drama)Severin-Mars, Ivy Close, Pierre Magnier.Silent. Thesonof anengineer falls for hisadoptedsister Un Chien Andalou * * * Umarete WaMita Keredo (1932, Comedy-Drama) Tatsuo Saito,Takeshi SakaTCM moto. Silent. Aman'ssubservient behavioroutrages his twosons. 'TLC 19 Kids-Count 1 9 Kids-Count 1 9 Kids and Counting n 'G' « 19 Kids and Counting n 'PG' « 19 Kids and Counting (N) 'PG' « The Little Couple The Little Couple 19 Kids and Counting n 'PG' « Castle Last Call Abodyis found in the East Castle Nikki Heat Investigating amatch Rizzoli & Isles WeAre Family Acommunit Rizzoli & Isles Partners inCrimeThe Cold Justice Home TownHero Siegler and CSENYDepartment store manageris 'TNT River. n 'PG' cc maker's murder. n 'PG' cc parade turns deadly. '14' « squad tries tosolve ahomicide. '14' McClary travel toTexas. (N) « found dead. n '14' « "TOON Regular Show R egular Show T o tal Drama Wor ld of GumballUncle Grandpa Adventure Time King of the Hill n Cleveland Show American Dad'14' American Dad '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 'TRAV Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food 'G' Bizarre Foods America 'PG' « Airport 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi Extreme Yachts 'G' « Extreme Yachts 'G' cc TVLND Andy Griffith Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens Andy Griffith Bos ton Legal n '14' cc Boston Legal n '14' cc USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n L aw & Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n Covert Affairs Levitate Me(N) '14 (10:01) Suits Stay(N)'14' (11:02) Graceland Pawn'14' N VH1 Basketball Wives n '14 Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Marrying, Game T.l. and Tiny * * Maiibu'sMost Wanted" (2003)JamieKennedy,Taye Diggs. n Miami MonkeyMonkeyWrench'14' *A&E

'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

'PG' cc

Storage Wars 'PQ' cc

** "DemolitionMan"1993,Science Fiction Sylvester Stallone. n 'R' « ENCR (5:40) *** "Open Range"2003, Western Robert Duvall. n 'R' « * * * NyouOnlyLive Twice" 1967, Action SeanConnery. 'PG' « FS1 UEFAChampionsLeagueSoccer Being 'PG's «a FOX Sports Live(N) (Live)s« a FOX Sports Live(N) (Live) « FOX Sports Live (N)(Live) s« a FOX Sports Live s«a FS2 UEFAChampionsLeagueSoccer CONCACAF Champions LeagueSoccer:I mpactatEarthquakes Champ. UFC Insider Be s t of PRIDE Fighting Championship The Ultimate Fighter n N ** "She's Aii That" 1999Freddie PrinzeJr., Matthew Lillard. 'PG-13' cc ** "She's Aii That" 1999Freddie PrinzeJr., Matthew Lillard. 'PG-13' cc FXM ** iceAge:Dawnoithe Dinosaurs" 2009Voicesof RayRomano.'PG' GOLF (5:00) Golf's Greatest Rounds(N) Golf Central Gol f Academy G o lf's Greatest Roundsunexpected An herosinks a clutch putt to helpdecide atightly contested match HALL Little House on the Prairie 'PG' « Litt l e House on the Prairie 'PG' cc *** "Wedding Daze" (2004)JohnLarroquette, Karen Valentine. 'PG' cc Frasier 'PG' « F r a sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « ** "Parental Guidance" 2012Billy Crystal. 'PG' « HBO (5:00) "Behindthe Candelabra" 2013 Real Time With Bill Maher 'MA' « Enough Said REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel (N) The Newsroom n 'MA' « ** "SWAT."2003 Samuel L.Jackson. ALos Angeles SWATteammust protect acriminal ** "Domino" 2005,ActionKeira Knightley, Mickey Rourke.'R IFC (500)** "S WAT."2003SamuelL.Jackson.' PG-13' ** "TowerHeist" 2011, ComedyBen Stiler, Eddie Murphy. n 'PG-13' « MAX (4:45) Closer2004 ** "Journey 2:TheMysterious Island" 2012 'PG' « (8:05) *** "Magic Mike"2012ChanningTatum,Alex Pettyfer. n 'R' « Cycling Arctic Raceof Norway English Premier LeagueSoccer Premier LeagueReview Show 'G' NBCSN (4:00) Minor LeagueBaseball Triple-A Championship:TeamsTBA(N) (Live) NGC Snake Salvation Snake Salvation Doomsday Castle (N) '14 Snake Salvation Snake Salvation Doomsday Castle '14 Snake Salvation Snake Salvation Doomsday Castle '14 NTOON Odd Parents O d d Parents Od d Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Spongegob Sp o ngeBob Spo ngegob Spo ngeBob Spongegob Sp o ngeBob OUTD Hunting, Country Driven TV Biologic/Drury D ream Season Hunting TV Mic h aels MRA Hunting, Country Truth Hunting B i o logic/Drury O u tdoors TV Bow Madness S OLO Hunters ** "Gone"2012 Amanda Seyfried.n 'PG-13'« SHO (5:45) ** "Adventuresin Babysitting" 1987 n 'PG-13 (9:15) *"TheDouble" 2011, Action Richard Gere,Topher Grace. 'PG-13 Web Therapy '14' Dexter 'MA' cc STARZ (6:05) ** "Blade: Trinity" 2004,HorrorWesleySnipes. n 'R' « The White Queen n 'MA' « The White Queen n 'MA' « (1005) ***"Hitch"2005, Romance-Comedy Wil Smith. n'PG-13' « N N ** "DangerousMinds"1995 Michelle Pfeiffer. 'R' « TMC Source Code 2011 * Spy Kids: Aiithe Timein the World" 2011 'PG' « (9:40) "Before i Self Destruct" 2009 50 Cent. n 'R' « * Dei Jam's Howto Be aPlayer" 'WE (5:00) ** "Sister Act 2: Backinthe Habit" 1993 'PG ** "Sister Act 2: Backinthe Habit" 1993,MusicalComedyWhoopi Goldberg. 'PG' Tamar 8 Vince lt's a Herbert '14' Tamar & Vince '14

THE BULLETIN G SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 14 • TV



c II


II Jeopardy! (N)n












Modern Family Modern Family Nashville Deaconconfronts Rayna KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy 'G' cc (N) n 'G' about a secret.'PG' «(DVS) Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) (DVS) Skills n 'PG' Career Day'PG n 'PG' (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Million SecondQuiz Contestants America's Got Talent The winner is announced.(N) n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'G' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) compete inbouts oftrivia. 'PG' at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Inside Edition (N) Access Hollywood WhoWants to Be 30 Rock Floyd n Survivor Blood IsThicker ThanAnything Lovedonescom Big Brother Thejury votesfor the winner ofthe $500,000first KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late ShowWith KBNZ 'PG' cc '14' cc (N) 'PG' a Millionaire David Letterman (CBS) pete againsteachother. (N) n cc prize. (N) n cc (N) cc omg! Insider (N) The Middle 'PG' «The Middle Life Modern Family Modern Family Nashville Deaconconfronts Rayna KEZI 9 News at (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment ' P G' «(DVS) cc 11:00 (N) « Kim mel Live '14 (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Toni g ht(N) n (DVS) Skills n 'PG' C a reer Day 'PG' n 'PG' about a secret. The Big Bang The X Factor AuditionsNo. 3 Auditionscontinue. (N) n '14' cc News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc The Arsenio Hall Show Dr. Phil Mc KFXO gi) g} (K} g) TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf The Big Bang Men 'PG' « Men ' 14' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' First on FOX Graw; comicBill Bellamy.'14' Earthflight, A Nature Special PresentaNOVA Completion ofOneWorld Trade Brains on Trial With Alan Alda Neuro- Brains on Trial With Alan AldaThe KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Burt Wolf: Travels NightlyBusiness PBSNewsHour(N) nm tion North America n 'PG' (PBS) & Traditions R e port (N) n 'G' Center. (N) n 'PG' cc scienceandcriminal law.'PG' sentencing ofdefendants. (N)'PG' NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) TheMiffionSecondQuizContestants America's GotTalent Thewinner is announced.(N) n 'PG' « NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PG' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) compete inbouts oftrivia. 'PG' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ King of the Hill n The Cleveland Seinfeld The R u les of Engage. Arrow DarknessontheEdgeof Town Supernatural SacrificeDeanandSam Rules of Engage- Seinfeld The Susie Community n Community n 'PG' cc 'PG' cc 'PG' cc 'PG' cc Show '14' « Jim my n 'PG' m e nt 'PG' ment '14' Laurel makes adecision. '14' are cornered. n '14' « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 M i nd of a Chef Mind of a Chef Restoring Masterpiece-Eastman S t ory of the Costume Drama World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n «


Wheel of Fortune The Middle 'PG' «The Middle Life

Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty(N) (10:31)BadInk (N) (11:01)Bad Ink (11:31) BadInk 3 28 8 1 32 down. TheFir'14' st48 sgunned 'PG' Duckcc Dynasty 'PG' cc 'PG' cc 'PG' cc 'PG' cc 'PG' cc 'PG' cc 'PG' cc '14' cc '14' cc ccAnunarmedmani CSE MiamiCollateral DamageFamily CSE Miami Dissolved Julia spins out of *** "ErinBrockovich" (2000,Drama)Julia Roberts, Albert Finney, AaronEckhart. A womanprobes a powercompany (11:01) ** "National Treasure" (2004, 'AMC targeted in grenadeattack. '14' control. n '14' « cover-upover poisonedwater. r« Adventure)NicolasCage. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 RiverMonsters:Unhookedn'PG' MonsterslnsideMen'PG'cc Monsters Inside Me n 'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me n 'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me n 'G' cc Monsters Inside Me n 'PG' cc BRAVO 13 44 Hou sewives/NJ I Dream of NeNe:The Wedding Mil l ion Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles Top Chef Masters (N)'14' « W hatHappens Top ChefMaster N N Reba'PG' « Reb a 'PG' « Reb a 'PG' « ** RV (2006, Comedy)RobinWiliams, Jeff Daniels. n « CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'G'cc DogandBeth:OntheHuntn '14' Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 40 52 RiseoftheMachines(N) American Greed MarkWeinberger Mad Money Rise of the Machines American GreedMarkWeinberger Like New Carpet Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live ) AC3 6 0 Later (N) Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront COM 13 53 135 47 South Park 'MA' Tosh.0 '14' Col b ert Report Daily Show Sou t h Park '14' South Park 'MA' South Park Imaginationland: The Trilogy 'MA' cc Key 8 Peele '14' Daily Show Colbert Report COTV 11 Bend City Council Work Session B end City Council myWindow Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capito!Hiff Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie'G' « Shake It Up! 'G' Dog With a Blog Jessie n 'G' « Liv & Maddie 'G' Good-Charlie Shake It Up! 'G' Austin I Ally 'G Dog With a Blog Jessie 'G' « *DISC 15 21 16 37 Tickle'14' cc Tic k le'14' cc BermudaTriangle Exposed n 'G' The Mystery of Flight 800(N) n A r g o: Inside Story n 'PG' cc America's HiddenSecrets (N) 'PG Argo: Inside Story n 'PG' cc *E! 13 25 Tru e Hollywood Story 'PG' « E! News(N) E! Entertainment Special Keeping UpWith the Kardashians The Soup '14' The Soup '14 Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (4:00) MLB Basebaff TeamsTBA MLB Baseball LosAngelesDodgersat Arizona DiamondbacksFromChase Field in Phoenix. (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 2124 Hey Rookie,WelcometotheNFL RGffh Will to Win SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Olbermann(N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NASCARNow NFL Presents ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Global SupercardWrestling (N) Global SupercardWrestling (N) G l obal Supercard Wrestling (N) G l obal Supercard Wrestling (N) Global SupercardWrestling (N) College Football From10/19/01 H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. N ** "Burlesque" (2010)Cher. A small-town gal finds her niche at a neoburlesqueclub. FAM 6 7 29 19 41 TheMiddle'14' * * Fai/uretoLaunch"(2006)Mat thew McConaughey. The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren T h e O'Reiffy Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant Stakeout (N) 'G Mystery Diners Thieves, Inc. 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G' N N * * * Moneyba// (2011, Drama)BradPitt, JonahHill. A baseball managerchallenges old-school traditions FX 131 (4:30) "TheSocial Network" (2010) The Bridge (N)'MA' The Bridge 'MA HGTV 17 49 33 43BuyingandSeffi ng'G'« Buying and Selling 'G' « Buying and Selling 'G' cc Property Brothers (N) 'G' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I Property Brothers 'G' cc *HIST 15 42 41 36 Citiesofthe Underworld'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc Mountain MenJudgment Day« Great Santinis Great Santinis N LIFE 13 39 20 31 Trading Spouses Trading Spouses *** Juiie&Julia" (2009)MerylStreep. A womanvows to makeevery recipe inJulia Child's cookbook. (11:01) Devious Maids 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word Aff In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Fri endzone 'PG' Friendzone 'PG' Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness The Challenge: Rivals I n '14 The Challenge: Rivals II (N) n '14 (11:02) TheChallenge: Rivals II (N) NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Victorious n 'G' Drake & Josh n Full House 'G' Fuff House'G' Fuff House'G' Fuff House'G Fuff House'G' FuffHouse'G Fuff House'G' Full House'G Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse B e tter Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse Better Worse OWN 161 103 31 103 Better Worse B e tter Worse Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Football Weekly Pac-12 Football in 60 PAC12 47 310310310 Pac-12Football Weekly (N) (Live) *** "TheRundown"(2003, Adventure) TheRock, SeannWiliam Scott. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:59) ** "Walking Tall"(2004)TheRock, JohnnyKnoxvile. n (10:35) ** "WalkingTall" (2004)TheRock. n SYFY 13 35133 45 Ghost Mine'PG Ghost Mine TheLost Chamber Par anormal Witness ParanormalWitness (N) Ghost Mine PhantomIntruder (N) P a ranormal Witness TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince End of the Age Praise the Lord 'Y' cc Always Good Jesse Duplantis Easter Exper. Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord Seinfeld TheDin- Seinfeld The Pie n Family Guy n Family Guy n Family Guyn The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang TheBigBang Conan SethGreen;LizzyCaplan 'TBS 16 27 11 28 Seinfeldn 'G' 'PG' « '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc ner Party 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Sammy Obeid.(N) « N *** "The GreatCaruso" (1951,Biography) Mario Lanza,AnnBlyth, Dorothy ** "The StudentPrince" (1954)Ann (5:00)** TheSevenH///so/ Rome"** "For theFirst ™e"(1959,Musical)MarioLanza,ZsaZsaGabor.Ornery TCM 014410129 opera singermeetsdeai girl who changeshis life. « Kirsten. Theliie of operatic tenor EnricoCaruso. « (1958) MarioLanza. « Blyth, EdmundPurdom.« *TLC 17 34 32 34 Toddlers&Tiarasn'PG' « Toddlers & Tiaras n 'PG' cc Toddlers & Tiaras (N) 'PG'cc Cheer Perfection (N) n 'PG' « Her e Comes Honey Boo 'PG' Toddlers & Tiaras n 'PG' « Castle LuckyStiff A murderedlottery Castle The Final Nail Investigating a Castle SetupFederal agent takesover a Castle CountdownPreventing acity- Castle One Life to Lose Awriter on a The Mentalist Investigating ayoung *TNT girl's murder. n '14' « winner. n 'PG' «(DVS) friend of Castle's. n '14' murder case. 'PG' wide catastrophe.'PG' soap opera iskilled. 'PG' « *TOON 84 Regular Show Regular Show Johnny Test'Y7' TeenTitansGo! Annoying Total Drama King ofthe Hill Cleveland Show American Dad American Dad Family Guy'14' Family Guy'14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food M a n v. Food 'G' DigFeffas 'PG' DigFeffas 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter Fo o d Paradise 'G' « Food Paradise'G' « An d y Griffith BO StOnLegaln'14' cc Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland TheExes'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:36) Friends TVLND 65 47 29 35 AndyGriffith Boston Legal n '14' cc USA 15 30 23 30 NCISEnemiesForeign'14'« NCIS EnemieDomesti s c '14' « NCIS Ships in theNight '14' « NCIS Recruited n 'PG' « NCIS n '14' « Suits An oldnemesisreturns. '14' N VH1 191 48 37 54 (5:00) Maiibu'sMost Wanted" n 4 0 G reatest viral videos n '14' 40 Greatest Viral Videos n '14' Mia mi Monkey Monkey Wrench '14' Tough Love: Co-Ed (N) n '14' Tough Love: Co-Ed n '14' *A&E

N *** "Never SayNeverAgain"1983, Action SeanConnery. n 'PG' cc ENCR 106401 306401 Pirates!Misfits * * NAce Ventura:PetDetective"1994 JimCarrey (10:20) ** "Think Likea Man 2012 MichaelEaly. The Ultimate Fighter (N) n « The Ultimate Fighter n ©c FS1 35 303 303 The Ultimate Fighter n « FOX Sports Live (N)(Live) « FOX Sports Live(N)(Live) « FOX Sports Live(N) (Live) « FS2 34 UEFAChampionsLeagueSoccer CONCACAFChampions LeagueSoccer Champ. Fantastic Finish The Ultimate Fighter n FOX Sports Lwe N ** "Extract" 2009, ComedyJason Bateman, Mila Kunis. 'R' cc ** "Extract" 2009, ComedyJason Bateman, Mila Kunis. 'R' cc FXM 104 204104120 ** "Are We ThereYel? 2005, ComedyIce Cube.'PG' « GOLF 28 301 27 301 FedExCupPlayoffs Highlights On the Range Golf Central In s ide PGA Tour The Golf Fix On the Range Inside PGATour Learning Center HALL 66 33175 33 Little HouseonthePrairie'G Little House on the Prairie 'PG' "GarageSale Mystery" (2013)Lori Loughlin,AndrewDunbar. 'PG' zu Frasier 'G' « Fr a sier n 'PG' F rasier 'G' « Fra sier n 'PG' N ** in Time"2011 Justin HBO 425 501 425501 (5:30) %eAge: Continental Drift Timberlake,Cillian Murphy. n 'PG-13' « The Newsroom n MA « Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' « Real TimeWith Biff Maher n 'MA' * "Broken LizardsClub Dread" 2004, ComedyBill Paxton. 'R' IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00)**"St. Elmo's Fire"1985 (7:15) ** "St. Elmo's Fire"1985, Drama RobLowe, DemiMoore, AndrewMcCarthy. 'R My BioodyVai ** "Battleship" 2012, ScienceFiction Taylor Kitsch. n 'PG-13' « MAX 400508 508 Strike Back 'MA' Strike Back 'MA (7:10) Strike Back n 'MA' « Stnke Back n MA « Girl's Guide E r otic Karma n NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Star-Spangled Sundays 'G' NFL Turning Point 'PG' FNIA: Playbook Motorcycle Racing 'PG' NFL Turning Point (N) 'PG FNIA: Playbook NFL Turning Point 'PG NGC 157 15 7 T h e Skyjacker That Got Away 'PG'The Real Bonnie andClyde '14 The Skyjacker ThatGot Away 'PG' The Real Bonnie andClyde '14 Unabomber: TheSecret History CIA Secret Experiments '14' NTOON 89 115189115 T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda OUTD 37 30743 307 Shooting USA Impossible Amer. Rifleman Field & Streams Gun Stories Grateful Nation Shooting USA « Impossible Amer. Rifleman Gun Stories Field & Streams SHO 500 50 0 * " The Skui/s"2000, Suspense Joshua Jackson. n 'PG-13' « Ray DonovanBuckyF... Dent'MA Inside the NFL(N) n 'PG' « Dexter Monkeyin a Box n 'MA' Inside the NFL n 'PG' cc STARZ 300 408300408 (5:50) ** "Scary Movie 3" 2003AnnaFaris. 'PG-13 (7:20) *** "Zero DarkThirty" 2012, DocudramaJessica Chastain. n 'R' « The Wh>teQueen n MA « (11:05) "TheWedding Planner" n N ** "The GoodDoctor" 2011Orlando Bloom. « *** "Born on the Fourth o/ July"1989 TomCruise. n 'R' « TMC 525 52 5 S y mpathy ** Manon a Ledge"2012 SamWorthington. n 'PG-13' « *WE 14 41 174118Tamar & Vince'14 Tamar & Vince '14 Tamar 8 Vince '14 Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values



TV • PAGE 15

SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013


'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •

v II

at 6 (N) n « KATU KATU News


II Jeopardy! (N)n











Wipeout Obstacles includePooperScoo- Grey's Anatomy Resources dwindle asthe Scandal White Hat's BackOn Olivia and KATU Newsat 11 (11:35) JimmyKimher teamfacedanger. '14' « mel Live '14' (ABC) per. (N) n 'PG' « storm rages. n '14' « (N) n cc The Million SecondQuiz FinaleChampionsvie for the prize. (N) n 'PG' cc Valerie's Story: A Meredith Vieira SpecialNewsChannel 21at The Tonight Show KTVZ (NBC) (N) n cc 11(N) cc With Jay Leno(N) The Big Bang (8:31) Twoand a (9:01) TheBig Bang (9:31)Twoand a (10:01) Elementary HeroineJoanand KOIN Local 6 at11 Late Show With KBNZ Theory 'PG' cc H alf Men n '14' Theory 'PG' Hal f Men n '14' S herlock are in danger. n '14' « David Letterman (CBS) (N) cc Wipeout Obstacles includePooperScoo Grey's Anatomy Resourcesdwindle asthe Scandal White Hat's BackOn Olivia and KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) JimmyKimKOHD 11:00 (N) cc mel Live 14 (ABC) per. (N) n 'PG' « stormrages n 14 cc her teamfacedanger. '14' cc The X Factor AuditionsNo. 4Solo artists Dads Pilot n '14' cc Brooklyn Nine-Nine News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc The Arsenio Hall Sho wRussell Simmons; KFXO (FOX) and vocalgroupsaudition. (N) '14' (DVS) Pilot n '14' First on FOX(N) Stacy Keibler.(N) n '14' cc Art Beat Presents Outdoor Idaho n cc Midsomer Murders Apostman's death (9:47) Midsomer (10:35) TheMemoirs of Sherlock Holmes Film School Shorts KOAB 'PG' cc R e port(N) n 'G' (PBS) Travelscope exposes hispast. 'PG' cc Murders 'PG' T h e Cardboard'GBox ' cc Inside Edition (N)n The Million SecondQuiz FinaleChampionsvie for theprize. (N) n 'PG' « Valerie's Story: A Meredith Vieira Special NewsChannel 8at The Tonight Show KGW NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc 'PG' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) cc 6:30PM (N) cc (N)n cc 11 (N) cc With Jay Leno(N) Seinfeld TheDoodle Rules of Engage The Vampire Diaries During aviolent America's NextTop Model Oneof the Rules of Engage- Seinfeld The Pothole Community Social Community n KTVZDT2 King of the Hill n The Cleveland n 'PG' cc 'PG' cc '14' cc Show '14' cc ment 'PG' cc ment '14' cc (CW) PG cc storm, ghostsappear. n '14' « guys breaksdown. n 14 « Psychology'PG' OPBPL Jacques Pepin Cooking School Latino Americans Thehistory andpeople from1565-1880. (N) n '14' BBC World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n 'PG' « PBS NewsHour n cc Wheel of Fortune 'G' cc (N) n 'G' cc NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune 'G' cc (N) n 'G' cc Inside Edition (N) n Access Hollywood Who Wants to Be a30 Rock n '14' « 'PG' cc (N) n 'PG' cc Mil l ionaire 'PG' KEZI 9 Newsat 6:00 KEZI 9News at 6:30 Entertainment To omg! Insider (N) cc (N) cc (N) cc night(N) n « Two andaHalfMen TwoandaHalfMen TheBigBang The Big Bang 'PG' cc n '14' cc Theory '14' cc Theory 'PG' cc JosephRosendo's NightlyBusiness PBS NewsHour(N)n «

The First 48 Brutal BusinessPolice probe The First 48 Fatal stabbing at aTexasstrip The First 48 Birthday Girl Gunmenopen The First 48 Ayoungfather dies in acar- The First 48 DesperateMovesA manis (11:01) TheFirst 48 Fatal shooting inan mall '14' cc the murder oftwofriends. '14' fire at a birthdaypaity. '14' jacking. '14' cc gunned down inhis car. '14' cc apartmentcomplex.'PG' cc ** "National Treasure" (2004,Adventure)NicolasCage, Hunter Gomez,DianeKruger. A mantries to steal the Declaration ofInde- Owner's Manual Owner's Manual The Pitch GibsonBrandsThe business of 'AMC (4:00) *** "ErinBrockovich" (2000, Drama)JuliaRoberts. « pendence. Carnival (N) « Rock Quarry(N) Gibson Brands. (N)'PG' « *ANPL River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc Gator Boys: Xtra Bites n 'PG Gator BoysScott'sRevenge n 'PG' North Woods Law:OntheHunt'PG' North Woods Law:Onthe Hunt'PG' Gator BoysScott'sRevengen 'PG N BRAVO Million Dollar Listing: Los Angeles E a t , Drink, Love Taste Test (N)'14 Inside the Actors Studio (N) 'PG' ** 2 Fast 2Furious" (2003,Action) PaulWalker, Tyrese, EvaMendes WhatHappens NeNe-Wedding N Reba 'PG' ** "Happy Gilmore CMT Reba 'PG' cc Reba pG (1996) Adam Sandler, ChristopherMcDonald. n Fat Cops n 'PG' Fat Cops n 'PG' Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC American Greed:The Fugitives American Greed:TheFugitives Mad Money American Greed:TheFugitives American Greed:TheFugitives Battle Hair Loss Paid Program CNN Piers MorganLive (N) (Live) AC 360Later (N) Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront T o s h.0 '14' « Dai l y Show Colb ert Report COM South Park 'MA' Tosh.0 '14' cc C o l bert Report D a ily Show Chappel le'sShow Chappel le'sShow It's Always Sunny It's Always Sunny Tosh.0 '14' cc COTV Paid Program myWindow Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors V i s ions of NW TheYogaShow The Yoga Show myWindow Ci ty on Editi CSPAN Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Sha k e It Up! 'G' Dog With a Blog"Lemonade Mouth" (2011, Musical) Bridgit Mendler, AdamHicks. n 'G' « Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Shake It Up! 'Y7' Austin & Ally 'G' *DISC Amish MafiaSacrificial Lambn '14' A i r plane Repo Alone in Alaska n '14' A irplane Repo Mid-Air Collision '14 Airplane RepoNoRescue Repo'14' Airplane RepoFlying Blind(N) n '14' Airplane RepoNoRescue Repo'14' *E! Kardashian Kardashian E! N ews (N) The Soup '14' H e l lo Ross 'PGKeeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Chelsea Lately (N) E! News ESPN (4:30) College Football Clemsonat North CarolinaState SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 WNBABasketball First Round,Game1: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) « Olbermann(N)(Live) Olbermann Baseball Tonight (N)(Live) « NASCARNow(N) Profile: 60 ESPNC Friday Night Lights n '14' cc Friday Night Lights Always'14' cc Lo n g Way Down '14' cc SportsCentury cc Global SupercardWrestling (N) College Football FromOct. 18,2003 ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express Highlight Express ESPNFCPress Highlight Express *** "Pretty Woman(1990, Romance-Comedy)Richard Gere,Julia Roberts, RalphBellamy FAM ** "Burlesque" (2010,Drama)Cher. A small-towngal findsher nicheat a neoburlesqueclub The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC Hannity (N) On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The Five 'FOOD Chopped SportsStars 'G' Chopped 'G' Cutthroat Kitchen Wing It 'G' Chopped HeroChefs 'G' Chef WantedWith Anne Burrell 'G' The Great FoodTruck Race'G' ** "TheGreenHornet" (2011,Action) SethRogen, JayChou. FX How I Met/Mother How I Met/Mother Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Anger Anger Anger Anger HGTV Property Virgins Property Virgins Hunters Int'I Hou se Hunters 'G'HouseHuntersRenovation'G'« Flip or Flop 'G' F l ip or Flop 'G' House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I *HIST Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Hatfields I McCoys: White Lightning LIFE Project Runway ShoesFirst! 'PG Project Runway 'PG' cc Project RunwayLet's DoBrunch 'PG' Project RunwayThedesigners createlooks for fans. 'PG' Su p ermarket Superstar (N) 'PG' « Dou ble Divas '14 MSNBC TheRachelMaddow Show ( N) T h e Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews cc MTV Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Money, Strangers Ridiculousness n NICK Spongegob S p ongeBob V ictorious n 'G' Drake & Josh'Y7' iCarly n 'G' cc Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends n Dateline on OWN Mean Girls n '14' Datehne on OWN n '14' « Undercover Boss n 'PG's« s OWN Dateline on OWN n '14' cc The Customer Is Always Right? 'PG' Dateline on OWNn '14' « Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 PAC12 Pac-12 Football in 60 Women's CollegeSoccer St.Mary's at Stanford(N)(Live) Women's CollegeSoccer Cops 'PG' « Cops 'PG' « Cops 'PG' cc Cops '14' cc Cops 'PG' « SPIKE Cops '14' cc iMPACTWrestling n '14' « Bellator MMALive n '14' SYFY Revolution Home (N)n '14' « Revolution TheLoveBoat(N) n '14' R evolution The LongestDay(N) '14' Revolution Clue(N) n '14' « Revolution Children ofMen(N)n '14' Revolution TheDarkTower (N) '14' TBN Joseph Prince 'G' Hillsong TV Praise the Lord 'Y' « Live-Holy Land Turning Point 'G' IBA News 'PG' C r eflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord SeinfeldTheWifen SeinfeldTheFiren FamilyGuyLet'sGo FamilyGuyDammit FamilyGuyn'14'« The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan Thompson Squareperforms. (N) « *TBS SeinfeldTheStand-'PG' cc 'PG' cc In n 'PG' to the Hop'14' J a net n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' " Comedy)DeanMartin, KimNovak,RayWalston. Song- (10:15) *** "TheNotoriousLandlady" (1962,Suspense) KimNovak, Jack Lemmon. A (5:00) ** "Bell, Book and Candle" (1958, Kim Novak: Live From the TCMClassic ** "Kiss Me, Stupid(1964, TCM Comedy)JamesStewart. « Film Festival 'PG' cc writer has floozyposeaswife to pleasefamous singer. cc man setsout to prove his landlady is innocent ofmurder. 'TLC Toddlers & Tiaras n 'PG' « Say Yes: ATL S ay Yes: ATL S a y Yes: ATL S a y Yes: ATL Four Weddings: Unveiled (N) n 'PG' Four Weddings (N) n 'PG' « Four Weddings Unveiled 'PG' cc Castle TheDeadPoolA swimmerturns up Castle ToLoveandDie in L.A. Beckett's Castle Pretty DeadBeauty pageant contes Castle Heroes &Vilains A vigilante is sus- Hawaii Five-0 KeKinohi McGarrett's sister Hawaii Five.0 Theteammakesa gruesome 'TNT ex-partner is murdered. n 'PG' dead in a pool. n 'PG' « tant is strangled. n 'PG' « pected of murder. n 14 « is kidnapped. '14' «(DVS) discovery. n '14' «(DVS) "TOON Regular Show Regular Show L e gends of Chima Dragons-Berk N i njaGo: Masters Teen Titans Go! King of the Hill n Cleveland Show American Dad '14' American Dad'14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy 'PG 'TRAV Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food 'G' Mysteries at the Museum 'PG' « Mysteries at the Museum(N) 'PG' My s teries at the Museum 'PG' « Myst eries at the Museum 'PG' « TVLND Andy Griffith Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens Andy Griffith Bos ton Legal n '14' cc Boston Legal n '14' cc USA NCIS Tony searchesfor answers. '14' NCIS The Penelope Papers n 'PG' NC I S Enemy theonHil n 'PG' NCIS Thirst n '14' cc (DVS) NCIS Rekindled n '14' «(DVS ) Cove rt Affairs Levitate'1Me 4' VH1 Basketball Wives Marrying, Game T.l. and Tiny T.l . and Tiny T.l. and Tiny T.l . and Tiny T.l . and Tiny T.l . and Tiny Tiny Tonight! ATL Behind the Music Ludacris. n 'PG' *A&E

*** "Licence foKill"1989, Action TimothyDalton. n 'PG-13' « ENCR *** "TheWitches olEasfwick" 1987 JackNicholson, Cher. n 'R' « (10:15) *** "Maverick"1994,Western MelGibson, Jodie Foster. 'PG' « FS1 (5:00) HighSchool Football Coppell at Garland(N)« FOX Sports Live (N)(Live) cc FOX Sports Live(N) (Live) « FOX Sports Live « FOX Sports Live ©c FS2 UEFAEuropaLeagueSoccer UEFA EuropaLeagueSoccer TottenhamHotspur FCvsTroms IL (N) UEFA EuropaLeagueHighlights (N) UFC Tonight The Ultimate Fighter n N ** "Love&Other Drugs" 2010, DramaJake Gyllenhaal. 'R' « FXM (5:00) ** "Love& OtherDrugs" 'R' F XMPresents F XM Presents * !0 Things /Hate About you" 1999, ComedyHeath Ledger. 'PG-13' cc GOLF (3:30) PGATour Golf TheTour Championship, First RoundFromEast LakeGolf Club inAtlanta Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) Eu r opean PGA Tour Golf Lindt ItalianOpen,First RoundFromTurin, Italy HALL Little House on the Prairie 'G' cc Little House on the Prairie 'G' cc ** "LittleJohn" (2002,Drama)Ving Rhames,Gloria Reuben. 'PG' cc Frasier 'PG' « F r a sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « *** "Argo"2012,Historical DramaBen Affleck, Alan Arkin. n 'R' « HBO Les Miserables Be y once: Life Is but a Dream n 'MA' « The Newsroom n MA « Real Sex n 'MA' « IFC (5:00) *** "ScarlaceN 1983, CrimeDramaAl Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer, StevenBauer. 'R (8:45) *** NScarlaceN 1983,CrimeDramaAl Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer. A Cubanimmigrant fights to the topcf Miami's drugtrade. 'R' **"Deep Impact"1998, DramaRobert Duvall, TeaLeoni. n 'PG-13' « ** "Wanderlust" 2012, ComedyPaulRudd. n 'R' « MAX (5:30) *** NRedEye"2005'PG-13' Stnke Back n MA « Zane's Sex NBCSN (5:30) Auctions America Translogic 'PG' Translogic 'PG' The Will to Win NFL Turning Point 'PG' NGC Drugs, Inc. High inHouston '14' Let it Ride (N)'PG' Drugs, Inc. High inHouston'14' Let it Ride 'PG Drugs, Inc. Crack'14 Yukon Gold 'PG NTOON Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda KungFu Panda Kung Fu Panda Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Od d Parents Odd Parents Od d Parents OUTD Realtree Road R ealTree's Bow Madness U l t. Adventures The Season Cuddeback's J. BushmanShow The Crush Dobbs Alive Steve's Outdoor Gold Fever N N *** "Gangs ol NewYork" 2002 LeonardoDiCaprio. A manvowsvengeance onthegangster whokiled his father SHO ** * Transsiberian 2008, Suspense Woody Harrelson. n 'R PolyamoryMr. Web Therapy '14

**"Here ComestheBoom"2012, ComedyKevin James. n 'PG' « STARZ (5:35) ** "The WeddingPlanner" 2001Jennifer Lopez. (7:20) *** "RushHour"1998Jackie Chan. n 'PG-13 N *** "Your Sister's Sister" 2011EmilyBlunt. 'R' « ** "SavetheDate" 2012Lizzy Caplan. n 'R' « TMC Howro Lose (9:40) SeeGirlRun" 2012RobinTunney. n 'NR' « "WE Tamar I Vince Posh &Pregnant '14' T a mar & Vince Posh & Pregnant '14' T amar I Vince Posh & Pregnant '14' T a mar & Vince Posh &Pregnant '14' T amar I Vince '14

(10:50) "XXX:State ol the Union" n (11:10) * "Public Sex" 2009 n 'NR Tamar & Vince It's a Herbert '14

THE BULLETIN 0 SEPTEMBER 14 — 20, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 16 • TV









II Jeopardy! (N)n 'Q' cc




(N) n 'G'

(N) n 'PG'

NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc






On Story n 'G'

KATU Newsat11 (11:35) High School Blitz (N)n cc Datehne NBC n PG cc NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show at11(N) cc With Jay Leno Hawaii Five-0 A visit to WoFat leads to Blue Bloods Someone close to the KOIN Local 6 at 11Late Show With David Letterman a discovery. n '14' cc Reagans isslain. n '14' cc (N) cc Shark TankSavorycake balls; gourmet (10:01) 20/20(N) n cc KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy 11:00 (N) cc Kimmel Live '14' pickles. (N) n 'PG' Sleepy Hollow Pilot IchabodCraneends News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' ccThe Arsenio Hall Show Terry Brad up in the future. n '14' « First on FOX shaw; TiaandTamera Mowry. '14' DCI Banks InnocentGravesThe murderof ateenager. n Masterpiece Classic Upstairs Down Masterpiece Clas 'PQ' cc stairs 'PG' cc sic 'PG' Datehne NBC n PG cc NewsChannel 8at Tonight Show 11(N) cc With Jay Leno America's Next TopModel Onemodel Rules of Engage- Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Community n Community n 'PQ' cc '14' cc ment '14' is distracted by acrush. '14' World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n «

Storage Wars

Storage Wars

bor s (N) n

Jeopardy! (N)n 'Q' cc

n 'G' cc

Report (N) « NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) BettyWhite'sOff 'PQ' cc Their Rockers (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q King of the Hilln The Cleveland Seinfeld TheFusilli Rules of Engage. Perfect Score It's 'PQ' cc Show '14' « Jer ry n 'PG' ment 'PG' Raining Men (CW) OPBPL 175 173 T a ste This! 'G' Primal Grill Mas t erpiece Mystery! n 'PG' « KGW



Wheel of Fortune Last Man Standing (8:31) TheNeigh Shark TankSavorycake balls; gourmet (10:01)20/20(N) n «

Wheel of Fortune Betty White's Off Betty White's Off (N) n'G' Their Rockers Their Rockers Inside Edition (N) Access Hollywood WhoWants to Be 30 RockKhonanin UndercoverBossBostonMarketAn 'PQ' cc '14' cc (N) 'PG' a Millionaire employee isterminated. n '14' O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment omg! Insider (N) Last ManStanding (8:31)TheNeigh cc (N) n 'PG' bo r s (N) n 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) « Toni g ht(N) n I(g IE! @IEI TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf TheBigBang The Big Bang Bones Anaccountant's remainsare Men 'PG' cc M e n '14' cc The o ry n '14' Theory n 'PG' found. n (PA) '14' cc(DVS) Washington Week Charlie Rose~ gy ~ gy GranniesonSafari NightlyBusiness PBSNewsHour(N) nm




KATU Newsat 6(N) n «



v II

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars

The Week(N) n Betty White's Off Their Rockers Perfect Score n 'PQ' cc

pickles. (N) n 'PG'

Storage Wars

Storage Wars

Storage Wars


(11:31) Storage

3 28 1 8 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Wars 'PG' cc W a rs 'PG' cc ** "Mercury Rising" (1998,Suspense) BruceWilis, Alec Baldwin. Anoutcast FBI *** "The GreenMile" (1999,Drama)TomHanks, David Morse, Michael Clarke Duncan. Aguard thinks aninmatehas a supernatural power to heal. « 'AMC agent goes on the run with an autistic boy. « *ANPL 68 50 2638 RiverMonster s:Unhookedn'PG To Be Announced Tanked: Unfiltered (N) n 'PG To Be Announced ***"Bad Boys" (1995,Action) MartinLawrence, Will Smith BRAVO 13 44 I D r eam of NeNe: TheWedding ** "BadBoysII" (2003)Martin Lawrence.Twodetectives battle a drugkingpin in Miami. BadBoysII R e ba 'PG' cc Dallas CowboysCheerleaders * "Coyote Ug/y" (2000)Piper Perabo,AdamGarcia. n « CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Dallas CowboysCheerleaders CNBC 54 36 4052 The CostcoCraze:Insi dethe American Greed Mad Money The Costco Craze:Inside the American Greed Battle Hair Loss Cook Safe CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live) Anderson CooperSpecial Report Stroumboulopoulos (N) Anderson Cooper360 « Anderson CooperSpecial Report Stroumboulopoulos Tosh.O '14' Tos h .O '14' COM 13 53135 47 SouthPark'MA' Tosh.0'14 Colbert Report Daily Show Community 'PG' Community 'PG' Community 'PG' Community 'PG' The ComedyCentral Roast 'MA' COTV 11 Paid Program Pre-Game Show High School Football TheDalles at Summit(N)(Live) The YogaShow The Yoga Show myWindow Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e ssie'G' « Liv I M addie'G' DogWitha Blog A.N.T.Farm'G' Dog Witha BlogWander-Yonder Fish Hooks (N) Liv & Maddie 'G' Austin I Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « A.N .T. Farm 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 Turn & Burn n cc To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced To Be Announced *E! 13 25 Kee ping Up With the Kardashians E! News (N) Fashion Police '14' Fashion Police (N)'14' Hello Ross '14' The Soup '14' Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeFootballBoiseStateatFresnoState(N) (Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00) CFLFootball EdmontonEskimosat Winnipeg Blue Bombers(N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Olbermann(N) (Live) Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NFL Live (N) cc ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Friday Night Lights Always '14' The Clemente Effect cc 30for30 cc The Clemente Effect cc 30for30 cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex ESPNN 24 63 124203 Soccer Soccergamesat club andinternational level. 'MA SportsCenter (N) H-Lite Ex. ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "Sixteen Cand/es" (1984)Molly Ringwald, AnthonyMichael Hall. FAM 67 29 19 41 The Middle 'PG' *** "Pretty Woman" (1990,Romance-Comedy) Richard Gere, Julia Roberts The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren T h e O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Mystery Diners Thieves, Inc. 'G' *** "X-Men:FirstClass" (2011,Action) JamesMcAvoy, RoseByrne. FX 131 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men *** "X-Men:FirstClass" (2011)JamesMcAvoy. Theearly years ofCharles Xavier andErik Lehnsherr HGTV 17 49 33 43 Hunters lnt'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hawaii Life 'G' Hawaii Life 'G' I sland Hunters Island Hunters House Hunters Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration R e s toration Re s toration Re s toration Restoration R e s toration Th e Fugawis T h e Fugawis LIFE 13 39 20 31 "SocialNightmare"(2013, Drama)Daryl Hannah, Kirsten Prout. « "Escape From Polygamy" (2013,Drama)MaryMcCormack. « "Sins ofthePreacher"(2013,Suspense)Gail O'Grady.'14' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) Lockup Lockup InsideBrushyMountain Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup: SanQuentin Lockup: SanQuentin MTV 192 22 38 57 Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14 Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Legend-Korra Teenage Mut Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now? '14 Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'14 OWN 161 103 31 103 Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Pac-12 Football Pac-12 Classics Pac-12 Footballin 60 PAC12 47 310310310 Wm.Soccer P a c -12 FootballCollege Soccer FloridaGulf Coastat Washington (N)(Live) Wm. Soccer Cops'PG' cc C o p s'PG' cc Co p s '14' cc Cop s '14' cc SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Cops'PG' « Cop s 'PG' « Bellator MMALive BenSaunders vs. Douglas Lima;fromPhoenix. (N) Bellator MMALive n SYFY 13 35 133 45 ** "Snowmageddon" (2011)Michael Hogan, David Cubitt. « WWEFriday Night SmackDown!(N) n 'PG' « Haven Survivors(N) Being Human'14' TBN 205 60 130 The Harvest Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise Lord Pe r ry Stone Pra ise the Lord 'Y' cc Frederick Price Best of Praise Call2AII 'TBS




Seinfeld The Rain- Seinfeld The Rain- Seinfeld The Op- The Cleveland ** "Monsler-in-Law" (2005,Romance-Comedy)Jennifer Lopez,Jane Fonda. A *** "My Big Fat GreekIVedding" (2002)NiaVardalos, JohnCorbett. Thedaugh coats 'PG' coats 'PG' posite n 'PG' S h ow '14' « shrewishwomanclashes with herson's fiancee. «(DVS) ter of traditional Greeks isengagedto a WASP.« (5:45)***"Roi/erbaii"(1975,ScienceFiction)JamesCaan,JohnHouseman.The***"A.iuAriiiiciai lntelligence"(2001,ScienceFiction)HaleyJoel Osment,JudeLaw.Premiere.An (10:45)***"Tola/ Recall"(1990)ArnoldSchwarzenegger 014410129 star player in abrutal sport is askedto retire. « android boyembarks onajourney to discover his truenature. « Rachel Ticotin Premiere cc 17 34 32 34 Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress What Not to Wear Carly S. (N)'PG Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress i Castle Head CaseA crimescene with- Castle Kick the Ballistics A womanis *** A TimeIoKil" (1996, Drama)Sandra Bullock, SamuelL.Jackson, MatthewMcConaughey.Alawyer's defenseof a ** "PracticalMagic" (1998)Sandra out a victim. n 'PG' cc shot with Ryan'sstolengun. 'PG' bl a ck man arouses the Klan's ire. «(DVS) Bullock. Premiere. « 84 (5:00) ** "Diaryoi a WimpyKid" Unc l e Grandpa Wrld, Gumball Regular Show Dragons-Berk K i ng of the Hill Cleveland Show American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy 'PG' 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food M a n v. Food 'G' Ghost Adventures 'PG' « Ghost Adventures (N) 'PG' cc The Dead Files 'PG' « Dead Files Revisited 'PG' cc 65 47 29 35 AndyGriffith An d y Griffith Bo s t onLegaln'14' cc Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Boston Legal n '14' cc ** "Paul"(2011)SimonPegg.Premiere. «(DVS) 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit * * * "Bridesmaids" (2011,Comedy)Kristen Wiig, MayaRudolph. Premiere. «(DVS) *** "Prettyin Pink" (1986)Molly Ringwald,JonCryer. n 191 48 37 54 Tough Love: Co-Ed n '14 Tough Love: Co-Ed n '14 BestWeek Ever Miami Monkey MonkeyW rench'14' Best Week Ever

***"TheSpyWhoLoved Me"1977RogerMoore.n 'PG'« ENCR 106401 306401(5:30) *** independenceDay"1996Will Smith. n 'PG-13' « FS1 35 303 303 ARCA RE/MAX Series Racing UFC Tonight cc FOX Sports Live (N)(Live) « FOX Sports Live (N)(Live) sc cs FS2 34 UFC Tonight cc TheJonesandMoseleyShow 'PG' UFC Reloaded UFC 145:Jonesvs.Evans i ** WhatWomenWant" 2000, Romance-ComedyMelGibson, Helen Hunt. 'PG-13' cc FXM 104 204104120(5:00) ** "What Women Want" 2000 MelGibson GOLF 28 301 27 301 (5:30)PGATour Golf TheTour Championship, SecondRoundFromEast LakeGolf Club inAtlanta

(10:10) ** "Total Reca/I" 2012Colin Farrell. n 'PG-13' « FOX Sports Live(N) (Live) « FOX Sports Live « UFC CountdownFromToronto * "Aii About Steve" 2009Sandra Bullock. 'PG-13' « Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) PGA Tour Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 Little House on thePrairie Fred'G' Little House on the Prairie 'G TheWatsonsGoIo Birmingham" (2013) Anika NoniRose.'PG' cc Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG HBO 425 501 425501 (5:45) *** "Life oi Pi" 2012, Adventure SurajSharma. n 'PG' « REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' « Real TimeWith Bill Maher (N)'MA' Real TimeWith Bill Maher n 'MA' ** "The Blair WitchProject" 'R' IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (4:45) *** "Hanna" 2011,Action C o medy Bang! Whitest Kids Arrested Dev. Arrested Dev. A rrested Dev. A rrested Dev. Comedy Bang! Whitest Kids ** "ConAir"1997 NicolasCage. Viciousconvicts hijack their flight MAX 400508 508 (510) *** "TheDarkKnight Rises" 2012Christian Bale. n 'PG 13 Strike Back (N) n 'MA' « Stnke Back n MA « NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Premier LeagueDownload (N)'G Premier LeagueDownload 'G' Formula OneRacing SingaporeGrandPrix, Practice MLS SoccerColoradoRapidsat PortlandTimbers FromJELD-WENField in Portland, Ore NGC 157 157 S e cret Life of Predators (N)'PG Secret Life of Predators 'PG Secret Life of Predators 'PG Secret Life of Predators 'PG Secret Life of Predators 'PG The Whale That Ate Jaws 'PG NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Par ents Odd Parents SpongeBob SpongeBob S pongegob S pongeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob OUTD 37 30743 307 FearNo Evil Dobbs Alive Driven TV Win c hester RealTree's Buc k Zone Rid g e Reaper B one Collector Profess. Cuddeback's Magnum TV High Places SHO 500 500 (6:15) ** "Bulletproof Monk"2003Chow Yun-Fat. n 'PG-13' « LT:The LifeandTimes'MA LT:TheLifeandTimes'MA Ray DonovanBuckyF... Dent 'MA *** "Wreck-It Ralph" 2012Voices of JohnC. Reily. 'PG' « STARZ 300408300408 JohnCarter « (6:40) *** "TheAmazing Spider Man"2012,Action AndrewGarfield. n 'PG-13' « (10:50) TheWhite Queen n 'MA ** "People Like Us"2012, DramaChris Pine. n 'PG-13' « Eden" 2012 Jamie Chung. n 'R TMC 525 525 (5:05)Barricade ** "Vanity Fair" 2004, DramaReeseWitherspoon, EileenAtkins. n 'PG-13' « *WE 14 41 174118 Bridezillas (N) '14 Kendra onTop Kendra on Top Kendra on Top Kendra on Top Bridezillas '14 Kendra onTop Kendra on Top Bridezillas Ariane 8Roxy'14

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