Serving Central Oregon since1903 75 $
WEDNESDAY November14,2012
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Petitioners call for separate nation of Oregon
case raises concerns ovel pllvag on Internet By Scott Shane New Yorh Times News Service
The FBI investigation that toppled the CIA director and now threatens to tarnish the reputation of the top U.S. commander InSide in Afghani• White stan unHouse der s c o res a voices its d a n ger that faith in civil liberGen. John t a r i ans have Allen,A3 lon gwarned about: that
By Hillary Borrnd
take morewater fromthe creek inthe future, it would have to offset that impact, Eager said. This often involves purchasing water rights from other agencies or individuals. M ayor Pro Tem Jodie Barram said city officials considered how the project might impact streams. "It was important to me as we were looking at the environmental impacts of our project, to know that we take that very seriously here at the city," Barram said. A federal judge issued an injunction in October that halted the project until the legal issues surrounding it were resolved. In its lawsuit, the nonprofit Central Oregon LandWatch alleged the city and Forest Service failed to adequately consider how the water
The Bulletin
Bend officials announced a new strategy Tuesday to obtain environmental approval for the $20 million Bridge Creek water intake facility and pipeline project. The current city proposal would allow Bend to take more water from Bridge Creek after the project is built. But that plan stalled after opponents sued in federal court to overturn the permit issued for the project by the U.S. Forest Service permit. Under the plan announced Tuesday, the city will submit a new proposal to the Forest Service that maintains the current cap on city water withdrawals from Bridge Creek, said Mayor Jeff Eager. If the city wants to
project might impact fish and wetlands. Eager said the city's decision to pursue a new strategy was largely based on concerns raisedby U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken of Eugene. LandWatch Executive Director Paul Dewey said Tuesday that the new city plan includes "the same basic problem" as LandWatch saw in the past. "They can say they're going to take out 18.2 (cubic feet of water per second) for 20 years or so, but this system is for a 100-year project and so installing carry 36 (cubic feet
By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin
WASHINGTON — Since PresidentBarack Obama won re-election last week, citizens from 40 states, including Oregon, have submitted petitions to the White House's "We The People" website requesting a vote to secedefromthe United States. The website
per second) and saying we'lljustuse 18 (cubic feetper second) forthe first20 years doesn't really answer our concerns," Dewey said. SeeWater /A4
giving "all Americans a
way to engage I N D.C. their government on the issues that matter to them." The Oregon petition, created Nov. 10 by "Kristopher W." of Tillamook, had around 4,500 signatures at the close of business on Monday, but more than doubled the number on Tuesday, surpassing 11,100. That number is still short of the 25,000virtual signatures the Obama administration requires before it will review the petition and respond. The petition reads verbatim as follows: "With the Federal Govenrment increasing it's size much larger than our Founding Father's intended, and it's abuse of power trumping over the rights of State constitutions, and the forcing of unconstitutional laws over it's own citizens, the people of Oregon would like the chance to vote on leaving the Union immediately," the petition states. It goes on: "The Federal Government has imposed policies on Oregon that are not in Oregon's best intrests, and we as citizens would respectively and peacably seperate ourselves from a tyranical Government who cares nothing about creating a sustainable future for our children. SeeSecession/A4
in policing the Web forcrime, espio-
nage and sabotage, government investigators will unavoidably invade the private lives of Americans. On the Internet, and especially in email, text messages, social network postings and online photos, the work lives and personal lives of Americans are inextricably mixed. Private, sensitive messages are stored for years on computer servers, available to be discovered by investigators who may be looking into unrelated matters. In the FBI case, Jill Kelley of Tampa, Fla., a friend both of David Petraeus, the former CIA director, and Gen. John R. Allen, the top NATO commander in Afghanistan, was disturbed by a half-dozen anonymous emails she had received in June. She took them to an FBI agent whose acquaintance with Kelley (he had sent her shirtless photos of himself — electronically, of course) eventually prompted his bossesto order him to stay away from the investigation. But a squad of investigators at the bureau's Tampa office, in consultation with prosecutors, opened a cyberstalking inquiry. SeeAnalysis /A4
t l ItCtt|IIff |(s 'Ci' tP
Rob Kerr / The Bulletin
As Thanksgiving Day approaches and their population decreases, these pasture-raised turkeys at Pine Mountain Ranch — on U.S. Highway 20 east of Bend — are wary of visitors.
Struggle for Nilewater is key toEgypt'sfuture
Climate changeonceagain a hot topic By Seth Borenstein The Associated Press
WASHINGTON — Climate change is suddenly a hot topic again. The issue is resurfacing in talks about a once radical idea: a possible carbon tax. On Tuesday, a conservative think tank held discussions about it while a more liberal think tank released a paper on it. And the Congressional Budget Office issued a 19page report on the different ways to make a carbon tax less burdensome on lower in-
come people. A carbon tax works by
making people pay more for using fossil fuels like coal, oil,
and gas that produce heattrapping carbon dioxide. The idea was considered so radical that in 2009, when President Barack Obama tried to pass a bill on global warming, that he instead opted for the more moderate approach sions and trading credits that allowed utilities to pollute more. That idea, after passing the House, stalled in the Senate in 2010 and has been considered dead since. The whole issue of climate change was virtually absent during the presidential campaign until Hurricane Sandy hit the East Coast. See Climate/A4
Los Angeles Times
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CAIRO — Overwhelmed by cascading economic and political problems since the overthrow of Hosni Mubarak, Egypt teeters from within even as it biggest threat may lie hundreds of miles away in the African
s r
BenFogletto/The Associated Press
High school students form a "bucket brigade" Tuesdayto help clear ruined items from a storm-damaged home in Brigantine, N.J. The impact of superstorm Sandy has revived political talk about trying to control climate change.
' IIIIIIIIIIIIII 88267 02329
By Jeffrey Fleishman
of capping power plant emis-
8 P We userecycled newsprint
B usiness E1-4 Comics B 4 - 5 Local News C1-6 Sports D1 - 6 C alendar B 3 C r osswords 85, F2 Obituaries C 5 S tocks E2 - 3 Classified F1-4 Editorials C 4 S h opping B1-6 TV& Movies B2
Buried in the headlines is the future of the Nile River — and thus the fate of Egypt itself. Mubarak longneglected the security danger posed by other nations' claims to the timeless pulse that provides 95 percent of this desert country's water, without
ToDAY's wEATHER 50 L 28
which its delta farmlands would wither and its economy die. As poor African capitals
increasingly challenge Cairo, however, the struggle has become one of the most
pressing foreign policy tests forEgypt's new president, Mohammed Morsi. African countries at the river's source, notably Ethiopia, no longer feel bound by colonial-era agreements on water rights and are moving to siphon away larger shares of water for electricity, irrigation and business to meet demands of burgeoning populations. See Nile/A5
TQp NE~S CHINA:Wealthy wield power, A3 SYRIA:Francerecognizes rebels, A3
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Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day.
It's Wednesday, Nov.14,
errein oLi aCe OO By Somini Sengupta
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ulustration by James Best Jr. New York Times News Serwce
t he trust of advertisers, who want clicks from real people t o whom they can sell and on whom Facebook now relies to make money. Fakery also can r uin the credibility of search results for the social search engine that Facebook says it is
Tackling the problem Facebook says it has always taken the problem seriously, and recently stepped up efforts to cull fakes from the site. "It's pretty much one of the top priorities for the company all the time," said Joe Sullivan, who is in charge of security at Facebook. S ullivan declined t o s a y what portion of the company's now 1 billion-plus users are false, duplicate or undesirable. The company quantified the problem in June, in responding to an inquiry by the Securities and Exchange Commission in the process of going public. At
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Postmaste rSendaddresschangestoThe Bulletin arculation department, BO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. TheBulletin retains ownership and copyr ght protection of all staff-prepared news copy,advertising copy andnewsor ad illustrations. Theymaynot be reproduced without explicit prior approval.
Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn
Tuesday night are:
O6O12 @ 1@ 6~@ lg The estimated jackpot is now $26 million.
less than I percent of its fans. "When a page and fan connect on Facebook, we want to ensure that connection involves a real person interested
••• • e •
brand's content," Facebook wrote in a blog post. The electionseason seems to have swelled the market for
Highlights: In1862 during the Civil War President
Abraham Lincoln gavethe goahead for Maj. Gen.Ambrose
fakery. In Washington state, two
Burnside's plan to capture the Confederate capital of Richmond; the resulting Battle
groups fighting over a gay
of Fredericksburg proved a disaster for the Union. In1889,
inspired by Jules Verne,New York World reporter Nellie Bly set ottt to travel around the
world in less than 80days. (She madethetrip in 72 days.) Ten years ago: Aimal Khan Kasi was executed by injection ata prison in Jarratt, Va., for the slayings of two CIA
employees in1993. Five years ago: Michael Mttkasey took a ceremonial oath as the new LI.S. Attorney General, five days after he was
privately sworn in. One year ago: Former Penn State football assistant coach Jerry Sandusky, in an interview with NBC News' "Rock Center," denied allegations he'd sexually
abused eight boys.
BIRTHDAYS Former LI.N. Secretary-General Botttros Boutros-Ghali is 90. Writer P J. O'Rourke is 65. Britain's Prince Charles is 64. Pianist Yanni is 58. Former
Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice is 58. Rapper Reverend Run (Rttn-DMC) is 48. Retired MLB All-Star pitcher Curt Schilling is 46. Actor Josh Dtthamel is 40. — From wire reports
B • B • e • • • • • Ol e OOO • • • 0 • • 0 1 0 • • 0 0 • e • • • 0 • B Ol e
own solar system. But Jones Los Angeles Times did say that HD 40307g is far LOS ANGELES — By takenough way from its star to ing a fresh look at old data, be able to rotate freely and an international team of aspossibly have a proper night tronomers has discovered a and day, making it even more possible super-Earth planet likely to have an Earth-like relatively nearby that could climate. The closer-in planets p otentially hold l i quid w a - are gravitationally locked into ter, scientists announced last the star's motion, just as the week. moon is locked into Earth's, The research, released by which is why we only see one the journal A s t ronomy side of it. Astrophysics, used a n ovel Although the p l anet aptechnique to analyze previous pears somewhat closer to measurements of a n e arby its star than Earth is to the star. The paper drew some sun, the dwarf star i s also praise even as other experts smaller and dimmer than the in the field expressed caution one atthe center of our solar about the results. system. T he f i nding a dd s t h r ee Jones and hi s c ollaboraplanet candidates around the tors found the new planet by dwarf star HD 40307, about l ooking t h rough ol d m e a 42 light-years away. Coms urements collected by t h e bined with three others that 3.6-meter telescope at La Silla were discovered in 2008, they Observatory in C hile. They bring the total to six. Five are used a technique called the clustered close to th e star, radial velocity method, which nearer than Mercury's orbit takes advantage of the Doparound the sun. pler effect. But one of thethree new The finding has yet to be finds lies far enough away confirmed by other analysis to be in what's known as the or observations. Not everyone habitable zone, where a plan- is convinced this particular et could support liquid water planet exists. — and perhaps life. Francesco Pepe of the GeneThat c a n d idate p l a net, va Observatory said his team dubbed HD 40307g, has seven already had seen the signals times the mass of Earth, the describedin the new paper. In scientists reported. fact, they originally produced "It's likely that it's sufficient the data in question. "These signals are, howevin mass that it does have an atmosphere," said co-author er, at the edge of detectability Hugh Jones, an astronomer and some doubts remain(ed) at the University of Hertfordon their planetary nature," shire in England. "But we Pepe wrote in an email. "It is don't know." our policy to exclude any posIt's difficult to draw exten- sible other explanation and to sive conclusions about such collect sufficient data to consuper-Earths because no such firm the (possible) additional mid-range planet exists in our planets."
brings its conclave to aclose, a day before unveiling its leaders for the cornnn decade.
in hearing from a specific page and engaging with that
PossibleEarth-likeplanet could hold liquid water
• China's Communist Party
marriage referendum locked horns over "likes" on Facebook. The pro-gay marriage side pointed to the Facebook page of its rival, Preserve Marriage Washington: It collected thousands of "likes" in a few short spurts, and during those peaks, the pro-gay marriage s group said, the preponderance of them came from far-flung "Is this your friend's cities like Bangkok and Vilni-' real name?" they are us, Lithuania, whose residents would likely have little reason to care about a state referpending on what they do endum in Washington. The on the site, accounts can be "likes" then fell as suddenly as suspended. they had emerged, as though In October, Facebook anthey had been purged. nOuneed neW p a rtnerShipS The accusations were levwith a n ti-virus c ompanies. eled on the pro-gay marriage F a cebook u s ers c a n n o w group's website. Preserve Mard o w n load free or paid anti- riage Washington in turn dev i r u s c o v erage t o gu a r d nied them on its Facebookpage: "We have told our vendors exa g a inst malware. "It's s omething we h a v e plicitly, 'Do not buy likes.' We b e e n p retty effective at a l l are investigating these claims." a l o ng,"Sullivansaid. A spokesman for the group, Chip White, said this week that Keeping 'likes' legitimate he had nothing more to add. Facebook's new aggressive- Facebook declinedto comment ness toward fake "likes" be- on the contretemps. came noticeable in September, The research firm Gartner when brand pages started see- estimates that while less than ing their total number of fans 4 percent of all social media indip noticeably. Rihanna lost teractions are false today, that 22,000 on one day, out of 60 figure could rise to more than million, according to an ana10 percent by 2014. The templytics company, PageData. An tations are too great, Gartner average brand page, Facebook argued, as brands compete for said at the time, would lose popularity.
CORRECTIONS The Builetin's primary concern is thatali stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at541-383-0358.
that time, the company said that of its 855 million active users,8.7 percent, or 83 million, were duplicates, false, or "undesirable," forinstance,because they spread spam. Sullivan said that since August, the company has put in place an automated system to purge fake "likes." The company said it has between 150 and 300 staff members who apply machine learning and human skills to weed out fraud. Flags are raised if a user sends out hundreds of friend requests at a time, Sullivan said, or likes hundreds of pages simultaneously, or — most obvious of all — posts a link
New York Times News Service
SAN FRA N C I SCO — The Facebook page for Gaston Memorial Hospital, in Gastonia, N.C., offers a chicken salad recipe to encourage healthy eating, tips on avoiding injuries at Zumba class, and pictures of staff members dressed up at Halloween. Typical stuff for a hospital in a small town. But i n O c t ober, another Facebook page for the hospital popped up. This one posted denunciations o f P r e sident Barack Obama and what it derided as "Obamacare." It swiftly gathered hundreds of followers, and the antiObama screeds picked up "likes." Officials at the hospital, scrambling to figure out who was behind it and how to get it t aken down, turned to their real Facebook page for damage control. "We apologize for any confusion," they posted on Oct. 8, "and appreciate the support of our followers." The fake page came down 11 days later, as mysteriously as it had gone up. The hospital says it has no clue who was behind it. Fakery is all over the Internet. Twitter, which allows pseudonyms, is rife with fake followers, and has been used to spread falserumors, as it w as during Hurricane Sandy. False reviews are a constant problem on consumer websites. Gaston Memorial's experience is an object lesson in the problem of fakery on Facebook. For the world's largest social network, it is an especially acute problem, because it calls into question the site's basic premise. Facebook has sought to distinguish itself as a place for real identity on the Web. As the company tells its users: "Facebook is a community where people use their real identities." It goes on to advise: "The name you use should be your real name as it would be listed on your credit card, student ID, etc." Fraudulent "likes" damage
the 319th day of 2012. There
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China's 'princelings' Allen gets backingfrom White House becomeking-makers PETRAEUS AFFAIR
By Ellsabeth Bnmiller
New York Times News Service
President Barack Obama has "faith" in Gen. John Allen, the top U.S. and NATO commander in A f ghanistan, the White House spokesman said Tuesday, after it was disclosed that the general was under investigation for what the Pentagon called "inappropriate communication" with the woman whose complaint to the FBI set off the scandal involving David Petraeus' extramarital affair. "The president thinks very highly of G en . A l l en," the spokesman, Jay Carney, said at a White House news briefing. "He has faith in Gen. Allen," and believes that he has d one "an excellent job" a s commander in A f ghanistan,
Carney added. Allen's recent nomination to become supreme alliedcommander in E u rope, Carney said, has been delayed at the request ofDefense Secretary Leon Panetta pending the investigation's outcome. Panetta and other officials disclosed overnight the investigation into A l len's emails with Jill Kelley, the woman in Tampa, Fla., who was seen by Paula Broadwell, Petraeus' lover, as a rival for his attentions. Petraeus' affair led to his resignation as head of the CIA on Friday, and the FBI's investigations into emails in the matter apparently led in turn to Allen's correspondence. In a statement released to reporterson hisplane en route to Australia early Tuesday,
Panetta said the FBI on Sunday had referred "a matter i n v olving" Allen to the Pentagon. P an e t t a turned the matter over to the Pentagon's inspectorgeneral to conduct an investigation into what a defense official said were thousands of pages of documents, many of them emails between Allen and Kelley. A senior law enforcement official in W ashington said Tuesday that FBI investigators, looking into Kelley's complaint about anonymous emails she had received, examined all of her emails as a routine step. "When you get involved in a cybercaselike this,you have
to look at everything," the official said, suggesting that Kelley may not have considered that possibility when she filed the complaint. "The real question is why someone decided to open this can of worms." T he o f f icial w o ul d n o t d escribe the content of t h e e mails between A llen a n d Kelley or say specifically why FBI officials had decided to pass them on to the Defense Depattment. "Generally, the nature of the emails warranted providing them to DOD," he said. Under military law, adultery can be a crime. T he defense official o n Panetta's plane said that Allen, who is also married, told Pentagon officials that he had done nothing wrong.
Syrian rebels recognized by French government By Steven Erlanger and Rick Gladstone New York Times News Service
PARIS — France on Tuesday became the first European countryto recognize the newly formed Syrian r ebel coalition and raised the possibility of arming the group as it begins taking charge of the opposition's role in the civil war. The French announcement, conveyed by President Francois Hollande at his first news conference in office, went beyond other Western pledges of support for the new Syrian rebel group, which was officially created on Sunday and calls itself the National Coalition of Syrian Revolutionary and Opposition Forces. Though the United States and Britain have welcomed the rebel group's formation, they have nonetheless held back on whether to recognize it as the legitimate government of Syria for now and have expressed reluctanceto provide it with lethal military aid in their struggle to oust President Bashar Assad. That is in part because ofuncertainties over how weaponry would be used and fears it would fall into the hands of the radical jihadists in Syria who are also fighting to topple Assad.
Army seeks death penalty in court martial By Kirk Johnson
Matt Kryger/The lndianapolis Star via The Associated Press
Workers look for clues to a gas explosion ln Indianapolisthat killed two people and devastated a neighborhood. The cause of the explosion is still unknown.
Officials look at appliances in searchforcause ofblast By Charles Wilson and Rick Callahan The Associated Press
I NDIANAPOLIS — I n v estigators i n t h e I n d i anapolis explosion that killed two people and decimated a neighborhood believe natural gas was involved and
are focusing on appliances as they search for a cause, a city official said Tuesday. Indianapolis H o m eland S ecurity D i r e ctor G a r y Coons made the announcement after t h e N a t i onal T ransportation Safet y Board s ai d i n v estigators had found no leaks in the gas main o r p i p e s l eading into the house that exploded. The explosion Saturday leveled two h omes a nd l e f t do z e n s m o r e uninhabitable. Coons said his "investigators believe natural gas is involved" and were "recovering the appliances from destroyed homes to help de-
termine the cause." " Based o n t h e NTS B statement, our focus is on the houses and appliances," Coons said in a statement. The blast showed some signs that a r en't t y p i cal of a natural gas explosion caused by an appliance, experts said, but it still could have been tied to a faulty furnace — i f c o n d itions were right. An owner of the house believed to be at the center of the explosion has said the home's furnace had been h aving problems, but his estranged wife, Monserrate Shirley, said the furnace was fine. Monserrate Shirley was living at the home but was not there when the explosion happened. She told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the thermostat was replaced recently, correcting a problem heating the home. She also said she smelled a strange odor outsidebefore
New York Times News Service
JOINT BASE LEWIS-MCCHORD, Wash. — A military prosecutor on Tuesday said the evidence against Staff Sgt. Robert Bales, presented over the last week here in a pretrial inquiry into the killings of 16 Afghan civilians, was so damning that the case should go forward as a capital crime. "Terrible, terrible t h i ngs happened — that i s c l ear," said the prosecutor, Maj. Rob Stelle. "The second thing that is clear," he added, "is that Sgt. Bales did it." But a l a w yer f o r B a les, Emma Scanlan, making the defense team's final argument, said the lingering questions about the crime, and especially the defendant's mental and physical state, were far too great to proceed with anything but caution. The Army has charged that Bales, 39, who was serving his fourth combat tour, walked away from his remote outpost in southern Afghanistan and shot and stabbed members of several families in a nighttime ambush in the villages. At least nine of the people he is accused of killing were children.
the blast, but didn't know if it was natural gas. Experts s ai d h o m eowners shouldn't be worried that their furnaces are about to explode. John Erickson, vice president of the American Public Gas Association, said it would take a far more serious malfunction than just a pilot light
going out. The natural gas lines inside the house would be under the oversight of the utility or the state, said NTSB spokesman Keith Holloway. Citizens Energy s p okeswoman Sarah Holsapple said the utility had found no leaks in its underground facilities in the neighborhood.
By lan Johnson New York Times News Service
BEI JING — When Maoists were trying to k eep c ontrol of C h ina i n t h e 1970s, a powerful general from the south came to the aid of moderates, helping to arrest the radicals and throw them in jail. The bold actions of the
Others are heavily involved in finance or lobbying, where p ersonal c o n nections a r e important. Many of the oldest among t hem — t h ose now set t o take power — share some-
thing else: an upbringing
d uring s o m e o f Chi n a ' s most difficult years. Many w ere children d u r in g t h e general, Ye Jianying, paved Great Leap Forward, when the way for the country's upward of 30 million people move to a more market- died of f a m ine f ro m 1958 oriented economy and cre- to 1962, and teenagers durated a political dynasty that ing the Cultural Revolution still plays king-maker, able from 1966 to 1976, a period to influence national policy many spent as outcasts or and protect its sprawling in exile after their parents business empire in south- w ere attacked b y M a o i st ern China. radicals. "This is a volatile generaOver the past year, according to party insiders tion, one that didn't have a familiar with the situation, systematic education and ofYe's children — the gen- ten saw the worst side of the eral died in 1986 at age 89 Communist revolution," said — have helped organize a senior party journalist who meetings to criticize the grew up with some of China's country's current course, princelings and asked for aninfluenced to p mi l i t ary onymity because ofpressure appointments and helped from China's security appablock a vocal economic ratus. "They've learned one reformer from joining the thing, and that's all you can Politburo's Standing Com- count on is your family." mittee, the small, powerful The princelings are distinct group at the top of the party from the current top rulers hierarchy, because they felt of China, most of whom owe that he was not attentive to their a llegiance t o i n stitutheir interests. tions in the Communist Party. The rise o f s o - called The outgoing party general princelings — like the Ye secretary, Hu Jintao, rose up family — will reach a cap- through the Communist Youth stone this week, when Xi League, one of the party's key Jinping, himself the son bodies. Likewise, the premier, of a Communist Party pio- W en Jiabao, who leaves office neer, is to be unveiled as next year, is an organization China's top leader at the man with few outside sources conclusion of the 18th Par- of power. Hu's l e gitimacy d e r ives ty Congress. Xi is likely to be joined by at least two f rom b eing a p p ointed b y o ther princelings on t he Deng Xiaoping, the last leadseven-member S t a nding er to have played a central Committee. role in the Chinese RevoluDespite rising c ontro- tion and a dominant figure versy over their prominent until his death in 1997. Deng role in government and had a series of general secrebusiness — highlighted by taries and premiers whom he recent corruption cases, dismissed before settling on including one that led to Jiang Zemin after the 1989 the downfall of Bo X ilai, Tiananmen uprising. Later, the once-powerfulprince- he gave Hu the nod as Jiang's ling whose wife was found successor. guilty of murder — China's princelings, who number in the hundreds, are emerging as an aristocratic class that has an i n creasingly important say in ruling the country. W hile they f eu d a n d fight among t hemselves, m any p r i ncelings h a v e already made their mark in the established order, playing i m portant r o l es in businesses, especially state-owned e n terprises.
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in support of the water project. Barram said the new city counContlnued from A1 cilors will have an opportunity City officials have said the to help decide what to do about new pipeline was designed to other portions of the water carry up to 21 cubic feet of wa- project after they take office. ter per second, the maximum Eager said the other options amount the city proposed to available to the city, which intake under its first plan. cluded appealing the injuncThe pipeline and intake fa- tion to the 9th Circuit Court cility are part of a larger water of Appeals or continuing with project that could cost a total the U.S. District Court case, of $68 m i l lion. Opponents would be more expensive and have criticized th e p r oject the outcomes more uncertain. for its cost; some said the city Kevin L a r k i n , di s t r i ct and Forest Service did not do ranger for the Bend-Fort Rock enough to study the potential Ranger District, said that alenvironmental impacts. though the city's new proposal Some vocal opponents of will be similar to its previous the water project won seats on application, federal r e gulathe City Council in the Nov. tions require the Forest Ser6 election but when they are vice to undertake a fresh resworn into office in January, view before deciding whether a majority of the council will to issue a new permit. The relikely still support the pipe- view process might be faster line and intake portion of the the second time, however, and project. the ForestService could reach One newly elected oppo- a decision by early summer, nent of the project, Sally Rus- Larkin said. sell, could be sworn into office T he Forest Service w i l l Monday to take the seat left also bring in expert Sherri vacant by City Councilor Ka- Johnson, who works at t he thie Eckman, who resigned agency's Pacific N o rthwest last week. Research Station in Corvallis, City Manager Eric King said to help with the environmental Tuesday the decision to pursue review, Larkin said. a new strategy to move the City Attorney Mary Winters project forward is in line with said the city could have used a previous votes by the council faster Forest Service review
process for the new proposal, but that would not have allowed an opportunity for public comment. "We did d ecide together that, partly because the project is what it is, that having a longer processwith the opportunity for public comment is the better way to go, which brings some consternationbecause of the timing," Winters said. Delays are already increasing the project's cost. If the city cannot install a section of its water pipeline under Skyliners Road by 2014, when Deschutes County plans to rebuild the road in time to qualify for federal funding, the city costto resurface the road may reach $2.9 million. "We would hope to begin construction next s ummer," said City Engineer and Assistant Public Works Director Tom Hickmann. "We have to hit the fall work window." Hickmann said the city will turn in the new proposal to the Forest Service as soon as possible; Winters said the proposal may be ready in a few days. If the Forest Service once again issues a permit for the project and opponents still have concerns, the opponents could go through the same appeal processes they used on
the first version of the project: an administrative appeal to the ForestService and eventually a federal lawsuit. City officials worked Tuesdayto put the water project in a more positive light, in response to opponents' concerns. Eager and Hickmann said c ontrols designed into t h e new i ntake f a cility w o u ld result in the city taking less water from Bridge Creek: as little as 8 cubic feet of water per second duringthe winter, instead of 18.2 cubic feet per second the city currently takes year-round. Patrick Gr i f f i ths , the city'swater resources manager, said project opponents "didn't understand the benefits the project was bringing environmentally." King said the new pipeline and intake facility cost ratepayers only between 85 cents and $1.70 additionally each month, for a total of between $10.20 and $20.40 annually. Dewey said it was "premature for the City Council to be acting on this before the new City Council takes office." " We don't think t hi s r e ally changes the fundamental problems," he said.
tigation not of the personal behavior of Gen. Petraeus and Continued from A1 Gen. Allen but of what surveilAlthough that investigation lance powers the FBI used to is still open, law enforcement look into their private lives," officials have said that crimi- said Anthony Romero, execunal charges appear unlikely. tive director of the American In the meantime, however, Civil Liberties Union. "This there has been an earthquake is a textbook example of the of unintended consequences. blurring of lines between the What began as a private, and private and the public." far from momentous, conflict Law enforcement officials between two w o men, K el- have said they used only orley and Paula Broadwell, Pe- dinary methods in the case, traeus' biographer and the re- which might have included ported author of the harassing grand jury s ubpoenas and emails, has had incalculable search warrants. As the compublic costs. plainant, Kelley presumably The CIA is suddenly with- granted FBI specialists access out a permanent director at to her computer, which they a time of urgent intelligence would have needed in their c hallenges i n S y r ia , I r a n , hunt for clues to the identity of Libya and beyond. The leader the sender of the anonymous of the U.S.-led effort to pre- emails. While they were lookvent a Taliban takeover in Af- ing, they discovered Allen's ghanistan is distracted, at the emails, which FBI superiors least, by an inquiry into his found "potentially i n approemail exchanges with Kelley priate" and decided should by theDefense Department's be shared with the Defense inspectorgeneral.For privacy Department. advocates,the case sets off In a parallel process, the alarms. investigators gained access, "There should be an inves- probably using a search war-
rant, to B r oadwell's Gmail account. There they f ound messages that turned out to be from Petraeus. Marc Rotenberg, executive director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center in Washington, said the chain of unexpected disclosures is not unusual in computer-centri ccases. "It's a particular problem with cyb e r i nvestigations — they rapidly become openended, because there's such a huge quantity of information available and it's so easily searchable," he said, adding, "If the CIA director can get caught, it's pretty much open season on everyone else." For years now, as national security officials and experts have warned of a Pearl Harbor cyberattack that could fr ay the electrical grid or collapse stock m arkets, p o licymakers have jostled over which
the National Security Agency, whose expertise is unrivaled but whose immense surveillance capabilities they s ee a s frightening. They h a ve s uccessfully urged that t h e Homeland Security Department take the leading role in cybersecurity. That is i n p a r t b e cause Homeland Security, if far from entirely open to public scrutiny, is much less secretive than the NSA, the eavesdropping and code-breaking agency. To this day, NSA officials have revealed almost nothing about the warrantless wiretapping it conducted inside the United States in the hunt for terrorists in the years after 2001, even afterthe secret program was disclosed by The New York Times in 2005.
ready lost their jobs because of it") and the Defense of Marriage Act, cease drone strikes and end the "War on Coal." Two petitions push back against the would-be secessionists. One urges the administration to "strip the citizenship" of anyone who signed a secession petition and exile them. Another asks President Obama to deport every signer of a petition asking for their state to leave the union. So far, the White House has not responded to either of the secession petitions with the required number of signatures. In r esponse t o a n o ther recent p e t i tion, ho w ever — which had only 12,240 signatures — the White House published the beer recipes that Obama used to make his own home brew.
cumulatedthe required 25,000 electronic signatures within Contlnued from A1 the White House's 30-day re"At any time that the citisponse deadline. zens of Oregon felt the Federal In 2009, Republican Texas Government was no l onger Gov. Rick Perry quipped that imposing on t h e C o nstitu- Texas joined the United States tion we could re-vote to again on the understanding that it join the Union under a new could leave whenever it wantagreement." ed, and "we're kind of thinkThe petition signers are ing about that again." identified by first name and On Monday, Perry's press last initial, and many list their secretary,Catherine Frazier, home city and state, although clarified to the Dallas Mornsome have left t ha t s pace ing News that Perry does not blank. The Oregon petition support his state's petition, and lists familiar addresses includ- "believes in the greatness of ing Bend, Corvallis, Joseph, our union and nothing should Beaverton, Albany and Salem. be done to change it... . But It also has many from out-of- he also shares the frustrations state, such as Boise, Idaho, and many Americans have with Amarillo, Texas, as well as Las our federal government." Vegas and Miami. Other active petitions on the Of the 40 secession petitions "We The People" site urge the filed so far, only two — rep- White House to repeal Obamresenting Texas (83,200) and acare ("It is killing jobs in this Louisiana (30,514) — have ac- country. Thousands have al-
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PRESENTER: Carla Figgins-Roberts; Grief Support Counselor
Bend 501 NE Bellevue Drive / 541-312-1800 88 SW Scalehouse Loop / 541-312-1842
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SW Highland Avc
Seating is limited.
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Lisa Hurley at Partners In
Care 541-382-5882
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Bend, OR 97701
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or email her at
Energy industry lobbyist Scott Segal said many utilities will fight a carbon tax. "The conditions are far from ripe for a carbon tax, if for and is suddenly appearing no other reason than a carin newspaper and magazine bon tax is a tax on economic opinion pieces and in quiet growth." dlscusslons. But environmental advo"I think t h e i m possible cates are seizingthe moment, may be moving to the inevi- determined not to let the intable without ever passing terest in climate change subthrough the probable," said side with the floodwaters. former Rep. Bob Inglis. The Today, former Vice PresiSouth Carolina Republican dent Al Gore launches a 24lost his seat in 2010 in a pri- hour online talkfest about mary fight, partly because global warming and disashe acknowledged that global ters. Another group, 350. warming exists and needs to org, headed by environmenbe dealt with. Now he heads tal advocate and author Bill a new group that advocates McKibben, is in the midst of a carbon tax and the idea is a 21-city bus tour. endorsed by former Ronald Gore compared the link Reagan economic adviser between extreme weather a nd "dirty e n ergy" f r o m Arthur Laffer. The right-leaning Ameri- coal, oil and natural gas to can Enterprise Institute held the links between cigarette an all-day discussion of it smoking and lung cancer or Tuesday. At the same time, the useof steroids and home the Brookings Institution re- runs in baseball. "Mother Nature is speakleased a "modest carbon tax" proposal that w ould r aise ing very loudly and clearly," $150 billion a year, with $30 Gore said in a phone interbillion annually earmarked view from San Francisco. for clean energy investments. "The laws of physics do Brookings senior policy fellow apply and when we put 90 Mark Muro called it a "perfect million tons of global warmstorm" of science and politics. ing pollution into the atmoThe conservative Compet- sphere every day, it traps a itive Enterprise Institute is so lot of heat." concerned about a carbon Climate change worries tax that on Tuesday it filed have had a high profile in a lawsuit seeking access to New York, post-hurricane. Treasury Department emails Mayor Michael Bloomberg, discussing the idea. who had not planned to enThere's no question a car- dorse a presidential candibon tax would stir huge op- date, changed his mind after position. A tax of $20 per ton Sandy struck, throwing his of carbon dioxide emissions support to Obama and citing would add I or 2 percent to climate change as an issue. the price of g asoline and On Monday, New Y ork electric power, said Muro of Gov. Andrew Cuomo in a Brookings. news conference said he had Experts on all sides of the seen extreme weather with issue have watched climate Hurricane Irene and Tropiproposals fail in t h e past. cal Storm Lee in 2011 and Congress is still split and now Sandy: "I get it, I've seen many in the Republican par- this movie three times."
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• The uniqueness of your grief and ways to navigate the season • Grief is cumulative; what are you doing with yours? • Grief is messy; there is no road map
~i~ ~
greenhouse gases.
— Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevenger®
KEY POINTS: • Healing your grief; bringing light into the darkness
Contlnued from A1 The devastating supers torm — a r a r ity fo r t h e Northeast — and an election that led to Democratic gains have shoved global warming back into the conversation. So has the hunt for answers to a looming budget crisis. So the carbon tax i dea has been revived by some on both the right and left
agencies should be assigned
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 ~ 2:00to 3:00 pm
Partners In Care Redmond Station 755 SW 7th Street Redmond, Oregon
ty deny the existence of manmade climate change, despite what scientists say. Congress also on Tuesday blocked the European Union from imposing a tax on American airliners flying to the continent as part of an effort to reduce
the sensitive task of monitoring the Internet for dangerous intrusions. Advocates for civil liberties have been especially wary of
— Reporter: 541-617-7829,
Redmond 825 SW17'" Street / 541-312-1859
Inside Walmart / 541-312-1881
~ i
ome Demssee ains 'isca ci '
in rivin o By Charles Bablngton and Andrew Taylor
provision: Unless Congress acts, all Bush-era tax c uts The Associated Press would expire, raising 2013 W ASHINGTON — S o m e tax bills for most Americans. Democrats are pushing an un- Obama wants to end those tax orthodox idea for coping with cuts only for households makthe "fiscal cliff": Let the gov- ing more than $250,000 a year. ernment go over, temporar- Republicans insist on no tax ily at least, to give their party rate increases anywhere. more bargaining leverage for If the "fiscal cliff" takes efchanges later on. fect, congressional RepubliThe idea has plenty of skep- cans would feel pressure to tics, and the W h ite H ouse give ground in several areas to regards it frostily. But it illus- achieve their top goal: restortrates the wide range of early ing tax cuts for as many people negotiating positions being as possible. That's why Sen. staked out b y R e publicans Patty Murray, D-Wash., and and Democrats as lawmak- other Democrats have said ers gatheredTuesday fortheir their party's leaders should first postelection talks on how seriously consider letting the to avoid the looming package Jan. I deadline pass and then of steep tax hikes and pro- negotiate wit h R e publicans gram cuts. under sharply different cirJust as brazen, in the eyes cumstances. Some or m o st of many Democrats, is the of any new agreements could GOP leaders' continued insis- be made retroactive to Jan. I, tence on protecting tax cuts they say. for the rich. President Barack If Republicans refuse to let Obama just won re-election, tax cuts expire for the wealthy, campaigning on avow to end M urray t ol d A B C ' s "This those breaks. Week," "we will reach a point Democrats an d R e publi- at the end of this year where cans appear heading toward all the tax cuts expire and another round of brinkman- we'll start over next year. And ship that will test who blinks whatever we do will be a tax first on questions of major im- cut for whatever package we portance. It's a dance that has put together. That may be the infuriated many Americans, way to get past this." shaken financial markets and Murray's allies say voters drawn ridicule from foreign would blame Republicans for commentators. refusing to yield, especially on In late 2010, after big GOP tax rates, given that Obama m idterm ele c tio n wi ns , won re-election. A recent Pew Obama backed off his pledge Research poll supports that to raise taxes on the rich. In view. More than half of the the summer of 2011, House respondents said they would Republicans pushed Congress chiefly blame congressional within a hair of refusing to Republicans if there's no comraise the debt ceiling, leading promise on the fiscal cliff; 29 to the first-ever downgrade of percent would blame Obama. It's questionable whether the government's credit rating. And last December, it was Obama and Congress' Demothe Republicans' turn to blink, cratic leaders would let the yielding to Obama's demand government go over the fisto extend a payroll tax break. cal cliff. Numerous financial The "fiscal cliff" deadline analysts say the event would comes in seven weeks. One frighten markets, alarm em-
Nile Continued from A1 Itis a skirmish involving diplomats, engineers and veiled threats of war over geography's blessings and slights and how nations in a new century will divvy up a river on whose banks civilizations have risen and tumbled. "All of Egyptian life is based on the Nile. Without it there is nothing," said Moujahed Achouri, the representative for the United Nations' Food and Agricultural Organization in
system Med. Sea
' Cairo
Red~ Sea 200 miles
Egypt Morsi's a c k n owledgment of the water crisis and his deSUDAN sireto reach a compromise to rtol™ ERITRE protect his country's strategic A mara * and historical claim is evident: The Islamist leader has visited key Nile countries twice since his inauguration in June, and his prime minister, Hesham Kandil, is a former water and Addis * irrigation minister with conAbaba UTH nections to officials in African S N governments. A n E g y ptian ETHIOPIA delegation recently toured the Juba region, listening to how Cairo might help b u il d h o spitals CONG and schools in villages and Lake NPA jungles. AIDO ampala An adviser to the president KENYA quoted in Al-Ahram Weekly LaIte Nal~obl said this of Morsi: "The man Vic ria * was shocked when he received a review about the state of ties Source: ESRI, CIA World Factbook we have with Nile basin coun- Graphic: Paul ouginski, Los Angeles Times tries. The p revious regime © 2012 McClatchy- rribune NewsService should be tried for overlooking such a strategic interest." countries, including Ethiopia, For decades, Egypt had con- Uganda, Kenya and Tanzania, centrated onproblems closer have seasonal rains and other to home, including keeping the water sources. Arab-Israeli peace and tendBut economic pressure and ing to wars from Lebanon to increasing demand for energy Iraq. Mubarak, who survived and development haveturned a 1995 assassination attempt African countries' attention to by Islamic extremists in the the Nile. Since 2010, Ethiopia, Ethiopian capital, Addis Aba- which now gets only 3 percent ba, had paid little attention to of its water from the Nile, and East Africa. But his regime five other upstream countries was adamant — at one point have indicated they would dihinting at military action — in vert more water and no longer preserving the existing Nile honor Egypt's veto power over treaties. building projects on the river. That echoed a warning from The biggest challenge to his predecessor, President An- Cairo is the Grand Ethiopian war Sadat, in 1979: "The only Renaissance Dam. E x perts matter that could take Egypt estimate that the hydropower to war again is water." project, which is under conIn a 1929 treaty and through struction and is expected to o ther pacts, Egypt an d i t s cost at least $4.8 billion, could southern n eighbor, S udan, r educe the r i ver's f low t o were granted the bulk of the Egypt by as much as 25 perNile's flow. The logic — filtered cent during the three years it through decades of politics would take to fill the reservoir and power struggles — was behind the dam. The project that Egypt could not survive faces a number of potential without the river. Nile basin setbacks and lost its biggest
ployers and probably trigger a new recession. However, there's a school of thought that the cliff is actually a slope, and the economy could withstand the effects of the automatic spending cuts and the renewal of Clintonera tax rates for at least a few weeks to give time for negotiations to continue. Liberals note that tax rate increases would be felt gradually. "In the first paycheck of the year, people will see that their withholding is up, but it's not the like the whole amount of their tax bill for the course of the year takes place in their first
Jo . 400o/o - • •
paycheck. It happens gradual-
ly," said Chad Stone, an economist with the liberal Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. The second part of the cliff package includes across-theboard spending cuts of $109 billion a y ear, split equally b etween military a n d d o mestic programs and known i n Washington-speak as a sequester. Some budget experts say t he spending c ut s w o u l d
phase in gradually. Also, Social Security, Medicare and food stamps are exempt. And agency fiscal chiefs have flexibility to mitigate the effects of the sequester. But such tools are limited. They might buy only a little time before the spending cuts
begin to bite harshly, requiring agencies to furlough employees and causing delays in awarding government contracts. Many say even talk of going over the cliff is sheer folly.
"You're going to have big fi-
nancialmarket repercussions to this," warned economist Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office. "Those sorts ofconfidence measures you don't control — and they happen abruptly."
proponent when E t h iopian Prime Minister Meles Zenawi died in August. Ethiopia has sought to reassure Cairo that Egypt's annual share of 55.5 billion cubic meters of Nile water — about two-thirds of the river's flow — will not be disrupted and that the new dam may provide low-cost electricity to its neighbors. But the Egyptians are suspicious. "Egypt has entered a stage w here its resources are depleting and population is rapidly increasing," said Hani Raslan, an expert on the Nile basin for Al Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies in Cairo. "If the dam is complete, this will mean Ethiopia will turn into an enemy for Egypt because it w i l l e s sentially threaten the country's safety, development and livelihood of its people." He added, "Egypt would legally have the right to defend itself by going to war." The struggle over the river highlights decades of strained relations. Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni was quoted as saying before Morsi's visit in October: "Despite the Nile River supporting livelihoods of millions of Egyptians from the ancient times t o d a te, none of the country's presidents has ever visited Uganda to see the source of this lifeline." Egypt and the other Nile nations are seeking to calm the rhetoric. Officials say a r esolution may include Cairo entering into long-term economic and energy resource agreements with n e ighboring c a pitals. The Egyptian delegation that recently toured the region included doctors and representatives of food banks, hospitals and charities. Egypt, however, faces deep economic problems and is trying to attract foreign investment, which dropped sharply during last year's uprising and ensuing political unrest. "Morsi is trying to send signals to the African world that Egypt is opening up now, that he wants to improve relations and i n crease cooperation," Raslan said. Morsi's visits to Africa "are all just gestures." "No real agreements have been reached yet," he said. "More needs to be done. Egypt wants and needs to reach its influence in the region."
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I I •
2003 Ford
STK¹P2002, VIN:629822
ST K ¹ P2QQ5 VIN 12Q558
Aveo LT
I i
Awo ~!
I •
STK¹P1977, VIN:06144
I •
I I •
STK ¹ P 1999, VIN:226636
I •
I I •
ST K ¹ 1 2100J, VIN:513295 S T K¹P1986A, VIN:A77008 S T K¹P1974A, VIN:178384 S T K¹P1967A, VIN:205548
I •
Art for illustration purposesonly. All prices shownbefore License, Title tt Doc fees. Onapproval of credit. Subject to Prior Sale. Expires 11/1 7/1 2.
Tv 5 Movies, B2 Dear Abby, B3 Comics, B4
us-size an
Another pop up in the Old Mill
Another pop-up store is joining Bend's Old Mill District for the holidays. A gallery dubbed
"mapping contemporary" will open Nov. 14 in the spaceacross
from REI. The gallery will feature artists' work ranging from jewelry to
By Sylvia Rector
large-scale sculptures.
• Fashion bloggers becomerole modelsfor the curvycommunity
Artists slated to participate include Mark Rodriguez, who works
in mixed-media; Galen Rudd, sculpture; and Pat Clark, print making.
By Marisa Meitzer
The name,according
New York Times News Service
to the news release, is
arlier this year, Gabi Gregg, a Chicago fashion blogger
a nod to "setting coordinates for Central Oregon's contemporary art
who wears a size 18, posted a photo of herself wearing a bikini. It caused such a ruckus that Gregg, 26, was invited on the "Today" show. "The general public is not used to someone my size wearing a swimsuit publicly," she said recently in a phone interview. Gregg is one of an increasing num-
scene." Trunk and fiber
shows are also expected to take place throughout
the season. The gallery is located at 425 S.W. Powerhouse Drive. It will be open
from11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Wednesdays through
ber of plus-size fashion bloggers.
These are mostly young women who worship the sartorial flair of Alexa Chung, Solange Knowles and Chloe Sevigny, but who are proud to wear a size in the double digits. "I really do love fashion and love being a voice for plus-size women, but I want to be known for being stylish and fashionable," said Gregg, who received largely positive comments on her bikini post (the one she wore, a black-and-white striped version from Simply Be, sold out, she said). It has been noted that plus-size women are having a moment inthe spotlight. Comedians like Rebel Wilson and Melissa McCarthy are becoming stars in their own right, Adele has conquered the a i rwaves, and television shows like "Parks and Recreation" and MTV's "Awkward" feature plus-size characters with active love lives. Stars a few dress sizes shy of plus-size, like Lena Dunham and Mindy Kaling,have become known for their proudly curvy physiques, and Lady Gaga has unapologetically put on a few pounds. But the fashion world is not known for being particularly hospitable to anyone above a sample size, so plussize bloggers have banded together to form a community of sorts. See Plus-size/B6
Dec. 30. Other pop-up stores in the Old Mill are
Nashelle andDANI Naturals. Contact: 541-3308759.
Be smart about giving gift cards Gift cards can make flexible and easy holiday presents, but it's wise to knowa bitaboutthe
companybeforemaking a purchase. There are generally two types of gift cards: store-branded cards
and all-purpose cards issued by banks or credit card companies. In Oregon, state law says it's illegal to reduce the value of a card, whether for inactivity,
maintenance, service fees or otherfees. That isn't true in other states, however.
A recent
national survey noted that eight cards from banks and credit card
companies had purchase fees ranging from
ing to the Federal Trade
Commission website, says gift cards cannot
l(ids may
expire within five years
of purchase. Also, the expiration must be disclosed on the card and the fees must be noted on the card or its
mistake detergent
h' h
packaging. When buying gift cards, the FTC and the Oregon Department of Justice recommend that
for candy
shoppers avoid online auction sites, as there
are regularly incidents of fake cards reported. Shoppers should also inspect the card to make sure the pin number
By Sandy Kleffmaa Contra Costa Times
hasn't been scratched off or that stickers re-
DeidreSchooi New York Times News Service
Nicolette Mason is the authorof a plus-size fashion blog and a column.
The government
agencies also advised shoppers to give the
card receipt to the recipient, who should verify the amount on the card with the first purchase. In addition, this will allow the recipient to still use it if it's lost or
closes, there isn't any way to recoup moneyon unused gift cards. Oregon law allows people to get cash back
DETROIT — We were in a restaurant in another city far from home. No one could possibly know me. So why not just do this? I asked myself. What do I care what these people think? I'll probably never see them again anyway. Besides, I scolded myself, all kinds of people do it for all kinds of legitimate reasons. I turned to my husband, looked him straight in the eyes and made a daring proposal: "Let's split an entree." It was something I had never done before because of worries about a whole litany of things that, in retrospect, sound foolish: What would the server think — that I was too cheap or broke to pay for two meals? That we should have gone to a diner instead of this nice place if we weren't ordering like othercustomers? Would we have poor service because it was assumed we would be lousy tippers'? Would the people at the next table think we were pitiful'? And in fairness to the business, shouldn't we be ordering two meals because two of us were drinking water, using silverware, eating bread and occupying two chairs'? See Split/B6
The Associated Press file photo
store-branded cards surveyed,five had a purchase fee. Federal law, accord-
also be cognizant of the financial condition of the business, as well. If it goes bankrupt or
Detroit Free Press
A warning label is attached to a package of Tide laundry detergent packets. Doctors across the country say children are confusing the tiny, brightly colored packets with candy.
$2.95 to $6.95. Of 55
stolen. Shoppers should
Spitting an entree: Fruga or
Raymond Mccrea Jones/ New York Times News service
Chastity Garner is a plus-size fashion bloggerfor "The Curvy Girl's Guide to Style." New or Times NewsService
gornershglc ==-:==-= ==-==='=-=:==-:===
ChastityGamer'satlvice • Be adventurous:Black isn't the only color. Experiment with classic prints, like leopard, polka dots and plaids.
• Forgetaboutlookingthin: Flatter your shapeby creating an hourglass silhouette. Peplum tops and skirts are ideal for this. Add abelt to define your waist.
if their gift card has less than $5 of value left. — Heidi Hagemeier, The Bulletin im
• Get to knowyour tailor: Off-therack garments arerarely aprecise fit. • Knowyour measurements: The Internet is your greatest resource, butdon'tbetoo hung up on size
This will allow your clothes to drape in a flattering
numbers. • Balance proportions:Horizontal stripes, ruffles and white all are your
• Wear your appropriate dra size: Don't be afraid to wear your shapewearasa daily part of your look. or
They're brightly colored, squishy and bite-sized, and may look like candy to young children. And that's the problem. Toddlers often can't resist popping the small detergentpackets for dishwashers and washing machines into their mouths and are having serious health problems as a result. Since March, the California Poison Control System has received429 callsabout children who were exposed to the packets, including 191 who needed to be treated in an emergency room or other health care facility. Nineteenwerehospitalized. Children who swallow detergent from the packets often have profuse vomiting, wheezing and breathing difficulties and may get very sleepy. Some need to be placed on a ventilator. Others accidentally squirt liquid detergent into their eyes as they bite into and burst a packet, causing severe eye irritation. See Poison/B6
Rolling Stones caught in anniversary 'Hurricane'
"Crossfire Hurricane:"
duced by the Stones themselves, focuses heavily on the years from the band's formaBy David Wiegand tion through the next two deSan Francisco Chronicle cades m ining material and Backinthe day, if you asked outtakes from previous docua Rolling Stones fan if they m e n tarie s, including "Gimme envisioned the band still rock- S h elter," "Charlie Is My Daring out in their 60s — or, in l i n g" and"C-sucker Blues." t he case of Charlie Watts, his The f ilm begins with the 70s — they probSTP tour stop at Madison Square TV SPOTLIGHT laughed in your Garden, w h ere face — not b eDick Cavett and cause the band wasn't great, h i s TV film crew follow the b ut because at the time rock 'n b a n d into their d r essing rollwas considered to be mu- room, cr owded with the likes sic by, for and about youth. of Trum an Capote and Andy Many '60s bands wer e W a r h ol.Later, we see the about rebellion in one form b a n d 'splane heading skyor another, but the Stones, w a r d. When it lands again, perhaps more than any other w e 'r e back in England in group, epitomized the theme. t h e earl y '60s to retrace the At one point in " Crossfire j o u r neyof how the band was Hurricane,"Brett Morgen's formed and became wildly 50th anniversary tribute film p o p ularalmost overnight. airing Thursday on HBO, a If you don't know much y oung Mick Jagger is asked a b out th e band an d a r e b y a T V i n t erviewer why l o o k i n gfor a kind of RollB ritish youth are so dissat- i n g S t ones 101, "Crossfire i sfied with their lives. It i s Hu r r i c ane" probably i sn't s imply that they are pushing t h e b e st place to start. To back against "the generation a p p reci a te the f i l m , y o u which they think controls n e e d abasic knowledge of them," Jagger said. the band, of the decline and Today, the band members d e ath ofBrian Jones, and of are a few generations be- J a g ger a nd Richards' rolleryond the age their parents c o a ster relationship o v er were when the Stones were t h e year s. "Hurr i cane" is a w h i r l formed in 1962. The surviving Stones reached the age of in g impressionistic paint"the generation that controls i n g of h t e band, beautifully them" decades ago. conveyi ng the energy, drive O ver time, t h e S t ones a n d g e nius of the Stones, transitioned to becoming the m o r e orless chronologically w orld's greatest rock 'n' roll w i t h i n the basic flashback band, but what's clear in the s t r u ctur e. kaleidoscopic overview MorTher e i s n o n e e d f o r gen provides in "Hurricane" "Crossfi re Hurricane" to ask i s that, except for age and w h y t h e Rolling Stones are some personnel change, the t h e w orId's greatest rock 'n band never changed its tune, r o l l ban d: The answer is in so to speak. the mu sic and the energy, Taking its title from a lyric a n d notjust because, unlike o f "Jumping Jack F l ash," t h e B e atles, they survived "Crossfire Hurricane," pro- a n d arestill together.
Accessibility devices are
available for somemovies at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI /MAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-Oand IMAX films. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.
Regal Pilot Butte 6
9 p.m. Thursday, HBO
2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347
ARGO (R) 12:15, 3:15, 5:50 THE PERKSOF BEING A WALL FLOWER(PG-13) 1, 4, 6:45 SAMSARA (PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 7 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:30 SKYFALL (PG-13) Noon, 3, 6 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
ARGO (R) 12:40, 3:45, 7:10, 10 CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 6:55, 9:45 CLOUDATLAS(R) 12:30, 4:20, 8:05 FLIGHT (R) 12:15, 1:15, 3:25, 4:45, 6:35, 7:55, 9:50 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)1:25, 4:30, 7:20, 9:55 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG)1:30, 3:55, 6:45 THE MANWITHTHE IRONFISTS (R) 1:45, 5, 7:45, 10:15 THE METROPOLITANOPERA: OTELLO (no MPAArating) Wed: 6:30 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4(R)9:25 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 1:10, 4:05, 7:30, 10:15 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 12:20 SKYFALL (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3:05, 3:35, 6:25, 7, 9:40, 10:10 SKYFALL IMAX (PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 3, 6:20, 9:35
Courtesy Warner Bros
Zach Galifianakis, left, and Will Ferrellstar in "The Campaign," playing at McMenamins Old St. Francis School in Bend.
TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 1:40, 4:55, 7:40, 10:05 WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Noon, 1, 3:15, 4:15, 6, 9:05 WRECK-IT RALPH3-D (PG) 12:05, 3:20, 6:10, 9:15
McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562
THE CAMPAIGN(R) 9 THE ODDLIFEOFTIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 2:30 PREMIUM RUSH(PG-13) 6 After7p.m., shoyvsare21and older only.Youngerthan21may attend screenings before 7 p.m.if accompaniedby a legalguardian.
Tin Pan Theater
As of press time, the IVestern film has not been selected.
MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505
REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535S.W. DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineviiie, 541-41 6-1014
SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800
ARGO (R) 6:30
869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271
The Tin Pan Theater will host "Spaghetti Ififestern Wednesdays" beginningthis Wednesday.The event begins at6p.m. andincludes anall you-can-eatspaghetti dinner.
PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) 4, 7 WRECK-IT RALPH(UPSTAIRS — PG) 6 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
Pbethlehem gI g P
shetter ' heip ' rtope
Donate your vehicle today!
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Warehouse Prices
on Bend's vyuestside.
HAVEN HOME STYLE 856 NW Bond• Downtown Bend• 541-330-5999
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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/BiackButte Di ital PM-Prineviiie/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine
fRRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEHf EHK~RDiRH f 1RK KATU News World News KATU Newsat 6 (N)rt cc Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune The Middle 'PG' The Neighbors Modern Family Suburgatory (N) Nashville (N) n '14' cc KATU News (11:35) Nightiine
KTvz 0 0 0 0 News
Nightly News News Evening News KEZI 9 News World News Videos KFXO iDi ID IEIS America's Funniest Home Koae O B Q B Wild Kratts ae Electric Comp. NewsChannei 8 Nightly News KGW 0 KTVZDT2IEI 0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? Baking Made Taste This! 'G' OPBPL 175 173
KBNZ 0 KOHD Q 0 0 0
Newsohannel21at6(N) « Access H. Old Christine KEZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Equitrekking Business Rpt. Newsohannei8 News King of Queens King of Queens Outnumbered Last of Wine
Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Whitney (N) '14' Guys With Kids Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire (N) n '14' « How I Met 30 Rock n '14' Survivor: Philippines (N) n cc C r iminal Minds TheFallen (N)'14' CSI: CrimeScene Investigation Entertainment The Insider (N) The Middle 'PG' The Neighbors Modern Family Sttburgatory (N) Nashville (N) n '14' « Big Bang Big Bang The X Factor LivePerformanceThe finalists performlive. (N) cc News TMZ (N)rt 'PG PBS NewsHour(N) n « Nature (N) n 'PG' cc(DVS) NOV A (N) n 'G' cc (DVS) Nova scienceNOW (N)n 'PG' Live at 7 (N) I nside Edition Whitney (N) '14' Guys With Kids Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire (N)n '14' cc Engagement Engagement Arrow Legacies(N) n '14' « Sup e rnatural (N) n '14' « Seinfeid 'PG' Seinfeid n 'G' Sherlock Holmes 'G' cc Doc Martin Onthe Edge'PG' W o r ld News T a vis Smiiey (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' cc
Jay Leno Letterman (11:35) Nightiine The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Independent Lensrt 'PG'cc Newsohannei8 Jay Leno 'Tii Death 'PG' 'Tii Death '14' PBS NewsHour nCC News News KEZI 9 News
Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty DuckDynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty DuckDynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty *** "TheTrumanShow" (1998,Comedy-Drama) JimCarrey, LauraLinney. (10:15) *** "ShanghaiNoon"(2000)Jackie Chan,OwenWilson. A robberg CSI: Miami At Risk A popul a r tennis CSI: Miami Law 8 Disorder Horatio CSI: Miami Anenemyof the CSis *AMC 102 40 39 coach isnearly killed. n '14' uncovers ascandal. '14' « turns up dead.n '14' « Camerasbroadcast anunwitting man's iiie. « and a ChineseImperial Guardsmanrescuea princess. a« *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me'PG' cc Rattlesnake Republic '14' cc Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG' cc Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG' cc Tan ked: Unfiltered n 'PG' cc Tanked Onthe RoadAgain 'PG' Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG' cc BRAVO1 37 4 4 Real Housewives/Beverly The Real Housewives of Atlanta Top Chef: Seattle Life After Top Chef Life After TopChef (N) (10:01) TopChef: Seattle (N) (11:01) LDLwork What Happens Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R edneck Island n 'PG' *** "Rocky ii" (1979)Sylvester Staiione,Taiia Shire. n cc CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG'cc Reba 'PG'cc Reba Pilot 'PG' Reba 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 Marijuana: America's Pot Industry BMW: A Driving Obsession American Greed Mad Money 'MA' BMW: A Driving Obsession American Greed Quit Your Job! 21st Century CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper380 (N) cc P i e rs Morgan Tonight (N) Anderson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47(4:58) Futurama Always Sunny South Park '14' (6:29) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show Chappell eShow Key8 Peeie South Park'MA' South Park'MA' South Park 'MA' Key & Peeie (N) Daily Show C o lbert Report COTV 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition B e nd City Council Work SessionBend City Council Kristi Miller Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 Jessie 'G' ac Jessie 'G' cc p h ineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm 'G' Shake it Up! 'G' *** "Ratatouille" (2007)Voices ofpatton Oswait. n cc Gravity Falls n Phineas, Ferb Shake It Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' cc *DISC 156 21 16 37 Extreme DrugSmuggling n '14' Alaska Marshals n 'PG' « Moonshiners A Price toPay'14' Moonshiners n '14' « Moonshiners (N) n '14' « Moonshiners (N) n '14' « Moonshiners n '14' « *E! 1 36 2 5 A-List Listings A-List Listings ice Loves Coco ice Loves Coco The Soup '14' E! Special '14' Chelsea Lately E! News Horrifying HollywoodMurders N i cki Minai: My Nicki Minai: My E! News (N) ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBA Basketball MemphisGrizzlies at OklahomaCity Thunder (N)(Live) NBA Basketball MiamiHeatat LosAngeles Clippers (N) (Livei Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Livei « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball College Football Toledo atNorthern iiiinois (N)(Live) SpottsCenter (N)(Live) I NBA Tonight (N) NASCARNow NBA Basketball ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Boxing FromFeb. 16, 1985 inReno,Nev. « Stories of... L o ng Way Down « White Shadow Sparethe Rod A W A Wrestling « College Football From12/4/04. « ESPNN 24 63 124203SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc H-Lite Ex. H-L ite Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. *** "Harry Potter andtheOrder ofthe Phoenix" (2007, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, RupertGrint. FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:30) *** "Harry Potter and the Goblet oi Fire" (2005,Fantasy)Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. The700Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reiiiy Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reiiiy Factor cc Hannity On Record, Greta VanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes B est Dishes D i ners, Drive D iners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible'G' Restaurant: Impossible'G' Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant Stakeout (N) Restaurant: Impossible 'G' ** "The TwilightSaga: NewMoon" (2009,Romance)Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. FX 131 (4:30) ** "Twilight"(2008)Kristen Stewart, RobertPattinson. American Horror Story: Asylum American Horror Story: Asylum HGTV 176 49 33 43 Holmes Inspection 'G' « Holmes Inspection 'G' « House Hunters Renovation 'G' P r operty Brothers Kate Col& e'G' Buying and Selling 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I P r operty Brothers 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Cities of the Underworld 'PG' C i t ies of the Underworld 'PG' P a wn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Restoration R e storation R e storation R e storation C a jun Pawn C ajun Pawn L o ve-1880's L ove-1880's LIFE 138 39 20 31 My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' M y Life is a Lifetime Movie 'PG' My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' T he Houstons The Houstons The Houstons The Houstons My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' M y Life is a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Totally Clueless Pranked n '14' Ridiculousness Ridiculousness The Challenge: Battle of Seasons The Challenge: Battle of Seasons Teen Mom 2Walkthe Line'PG' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob Spongeaob Spongeaob Drake & Josh Drake &Josh Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn 'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Prison Diaries n '14' cc Pnson Dtanes n 14 « Prison Diaries n '14' « Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Und e rcover Boss n PG « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Planet X Square Mark FewShow Seahawks P l a net X Square Planet X Square (N) Supergirl Pro Surf 2012 Boat Racing H1Unlimited Series World Poker Tour: Season10 T h e Dan Patrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:53) *** "BeverlyHils Cop" (1984)EddieMurphy, JudgeReinhold. n (7:17) *** "Coming ioAmerica" (1988)EddieMurphy, Arsenio Hall. n « Eddie Murphy: One Night Only (N)n '14' Deal-Dark Side Deal-Dark Side Ghost Hunters n cc SYFY 133 35 133 45Viral Video T o t al Blackout Total Blackout Total Blackout Ghost Hunters n cc Ghost Hunters HeiAppari r tion n Ghost Hunters (N) n cc TBN 05 60 130 (2:00) Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeid 'PG' Seinfeid 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Big Bang Big Bang Con an (N) '14' cc ****"The Ma/teseFalcon" (1941)HumphreyBogart. Detective SamSpade *** "TheBig Sleep" (1946)HumphreyBogart, LaurenBacaii. Philip Marlowe *** "Ten Little indians"(1966,Mystery) HughO'Brian, Shirley Eaton.Alpine *** "inCold Blood" (1967)Robert TCM 101 44 101 29 searchesfor ajewel-encrusted statue. «(DVS) investigates blackmaiand l murder. «(DVS) houseguestsareslain, andthen there werenone. Blake, Scott Wilson.arj *TLC 178 34 32 34 Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Island Medium Island Medium Breaking Amish rt '14' « Breaking Amish PartyTime'14' B reaking Amish Finale '14' « Bre a king Amish: The Shunning Breaking Amish Finale '14' « *TNT 17 26 15 27 Castle Countdown'PG' arj The Mentalist RedMenace'14' T h e Mentalist Red Scare n '14' Ca s tle Love Me Dead 'PG' arj C a st le One Man's Treasure 'PG' Castle The Fifth Bullet 'PG' c~ P e r c eption Nemesis '14' « 'TOON 84 MAD 'PG' Re g ular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Lego Star Wars NiniaGo: Mstrs Dragons: Riders Ben10 King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: NoReservations Biz a rre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food 'G' Bggage Battles Bggage Battles Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Chili Paradise (N) 'PG' c~ Hamburger Paradise 2'G' ~c M*A*S'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot, Cleveland Hap. Divorced King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 Bonanza 'G' ~~ NCIS AnEyefor an Eye n 'PG' N C IS Bikini Wax n 'PG' c~ NCIS RedCell n 'PG' cc NCIS Twilight n 'PG' ~c Covert Affairs Quicksand'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Ducky iskidnapped. n 'PG' NCIS Pop Life n 'PG' cc Behind the Music Pink'PG' « Cou ples Therapy rt '14' Couples Therapy rt '14' Couples Therapy (N)tt '14' Coup l es Therapy tt '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 (4:55) You're Cut Off!tt '14' Stor y tellers Pink rt 'PG' *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 '14'cc
** "Legend" 1985Tom Cruise,rt'PG'« ** "Dante's Peak" 1997,Action Pierce Brosnan. rt 'PG-13' « Co/ombiana rt ENCR 106401 306401(4:40) ** "Colombiana"2011Zoe Saidana. « (9:50) *"Bulletproof" 1996DamonWayans. 'R' **'WhiteChicks"2004, ComedyShawnWayans. 'PG-13' a« FXM Presents **"Lit tleMan"2006,ComedyShawnW ayans.'PG-13'« ** TwinDragons 1991 a« FMC 104204104120(400) **"WhiteChicks" 2004 F X M Presents UFC ReloadedUFC79: St-Pierre vs. HughesGeorgesSt-Pierre vs Matt Hughes. UFC154 UFC Primetime UFC Fight Night UFC:Franklin vs. LeFromCotai Arena in Macao,China. FUEL 34 European PGA Tour Golf GOLF 28 301 27 301PGA TourGolf Australian Masters,First RoundFromMelbourne. (N)(Live) ***"The Night BeforetheNight BeforeChristmas" (2010) 'PG' "Love atthe Thanksgiving DayParade" (2012) AutumnReeser. 'G' HALL 66 33175 33 (4:00)"OnceUpona Christmas" ** "T wice Upon Chriastmas" (2001)KathyIreland. 'G' « ** "Mr. Popper's Penguins" 2011,ComedyJim Carrey, (7:45) 2 Days: ** "Tower Heist" 2011, ComedyBenStiler. Condoemployees plot revenge Boardwalk Empire Nuckyvowsto Real TimeWith Bill Maher Political HBO 25501 425501(4:15) * "Envy" 2004,ComedyBen Stiller. n 'PG-13' cc Caria Gugino. n 'PG' cc Seth Mitchell n against a WallStreetswindler. n 'PG-13' cc eliminate his nemesis. 'MA' cc strategist JamesCarviiie. 'MA' RudyYoungblood. The endof the Mayancivilization draws near. 'R' **"The Libertine"2005,Historical DramaJohnny Depp,Samantha Morton. 'R' *** "StarTrekiii: The Search forSpock" 1984 I FC 105 1 0 5 *** "Apocalypto"2006 Hunted MortSamHunter returns to Hunted LB Surveillance of Jack H u nted Hourglass Sammeets some- Hunted Kismet Aidanuncovers some *** "Harry Potter and theSorcerer's Stone" 2001, Fantasy Daniel Radciiffe, RupertGrint. An (11:35) Skin to M AX 00508 5 0 8work. n 'MA' cc Turner continues, rt 'MA' « one fromherpast. n 'MA' of Sam's secrets. rt 'MA' orphan attends a school of witchcraft and wizardry, rt 'PG' « the Max 'MA' Cocaine Wars '14' Border WarsTraffic (N)'14' Hell on the Highway(N) '14' Bor d er Wars Traffic '14' Hell on the Highway '14' Cocaine Wars '14' Cocaine WarsAirport Sting '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 A v atar: Air. Pl anet Sheen Planet Sheen Spongeaob S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Ddd Parents Odd Parents A vatar: Air. Outdoorsman Amer. Rifleman Impossible G u n Nots Mid w ay USA's Shooting USA 'PG' « Best Defense Midway USA's Impossible Am er. Rifleman OUTD 37 307 43 307Midway USA's Shooting USA 'PG'a« **" valkyrie" 2008,Historical DramaTomcruise. Coi. claus vonstauffen- Homeland The clearing carrietriesto Insidethe NFL(N) rt 'pG' « ins i de NAscAR (N) rt 'pG' « Ins i dethe NFL tt 'pG' « S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:20) *** "50/50"2011 Joseph Gordon-Levitt. n 'R' « berg attempts toassassinate Hitler. n 'PG-13' « regain control. n « SPEED 35 303125303Pinks - Aii Out 'PG' Drag RaceHigh Drag RaceHigh Barrettdackson Special Edition Pinks - Aii Out 'PG' Drag RaceHigh Drag Race High Barrett.Jackson Special Edition Unique Whips '14' * "JackandJill" 2011 AdamSandier. 'PG' cc STARZ 00408 00408(5:10) *** "As Good asit Gets" 1997JackNichoison, Helen Hunt. n 'PG-13' « (7:35) ** "Carnage" 2011Jodie Foster. 'R' « (10:35) ** "Honey" 2003Jessica Alba.'PG-13' ** "The Accidental Spy" 2001,Action Jackie Chan, Eric ** "Sleepover" 2004,ComedyAiexa Vega. Fourteens ** "Suburban Girl" 2007, Romance-ComedySarah Mi- (9:40) ** '%ild Cherry" 2009,ComedyTania Raymonde, (11:10) ** "Real Steel" 2011 Hughg TMC 2 5 25 find adventure on ascavenger hunt, rt 'PG' cheiie PG-13 « Rumer Willis. rt 'R' « Jackman. rt 'PG-13' « Tsang, Vivian Hsu. rt 'PG-13' « Sports lllustrated 'PG' NFL Turning Point (N) 'PG' NFL Turning Point 'PG' Caught Looking 'G' NFL Turning Point 'PG' Poker After Dark 'PG'a« NBCSN 27 58 30 209College Basketball *WE 143 41 174118Brideziiias Tasha & Tracy '14' Br i dezillas Tasha Remy 8 '14' B r i dezillas Remy &Bianca '14' W edding- Dava Unveiled WeddingDavaUnveiled My Fair Wedding My Fair Wedding
Writing skills learnedearly pay big long-termdividends Dear Abby: I am delighted that you still offer the booklet "How to Write Letters for All O ccasions." When I wa s i n my early teens, I ordered this booklet from you. It taught me not only how to write letters, but it gave me confidence to write — letters and more. I have continued to write letters throughout my life. My skills, honed at such a young
age, helped me in completing the often required writing during college and in my working life. I am called upon to write many letters, reports and memoranda. I am always complimented on my style and form, as well as the speed with which I am able to produce the needed documents. Although I often use email for communication, my writing skills serve me well. I now do some creative writing as well, having built on the skills I attained through your booklet. Most important of all, it is a wonderful feeling to have stayed connected with friends and family over the years. A letter is an enduring reminder of love and friendship — one that exists far longer than a phone call. I owe so much to the booklet I o r dered from Dear Abby years ago. Thank
DEAR ABBY or email by following a few basic rules. My booklet, "How to Write Letters for All Occasions," contains not only the fundamentals, but also examples for almost every occasion. It can be ordered by sending your name and mailing address, plus check or money
order for $7 (U.S. funds), to Dear Abby — Letters Booklet, P.O.Box 447, Mount Morris, IL 61054-0447. Shipping and handling are included in the price. With the holiday season upon
us and people sending greet-
ings and thank-you's through the end of the year, this is the perfect time to send a handwritten letter or a well-written email. W hile l e t t er-writing o r emailing may always be a chore to some people,there are occasionswhen the most appropriate, sensitive and elegant means of communicating one's thoughts is by the written word. Dear Abby: Why don't men wear their wedding rings? I can understand if they work in construction or something. you! — Katherine But I see men at my medical in Stockton, Calif. office wearing suits, and while Dear Katherlne: Thank you they wait for t heir appointfor your beautiful letter and for ments they talk about their letting me know how helpful wives, with no ring in sight. my booklet has been for you. What gives? — Single and Wondering Letter-writing and emailing can be difficult for many peoin Kansas ple who aren't used to organizDear Single And Wondering: ing their thoughts on paper or What "gives" is that some men while viewing their computer are not comfortable wearing screen. jewelry, and their wives don't Some don't know what to insist upon it. — Write Dear Abby at say, while others are afraid they'll say the wrong thing. or P.O. Box But anyone can write a letter 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Wednesday,Nov. 14, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar This year you express how unusuall y savvyyoucan bewith your finances, though you might want to be more willing to take risks. You brainstorm easily with others, andyou alwaysseem to come up with more ideas as a result. Express your concern for a child or loved one. Allow your imagination to flow, and you will express a more resourceful side. You seem to drop words like "impossible" and "no" from your vocabulary, which creates more possibilities than you could have imagined. If you are single, you might fuss a lot as you spruce up for dates. Toss yourself into the excitement of the moment. If you are attached, most of your problems stem from misunderstandings. SAGITTARIUS always encourages you to take risks. The Stars Showthe Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * C ommunicate an unusual idea, yet be willing to accept suggestions. A brainstorming session could be fruitful. The unexpected plays a large role in how events unfurl. You will respond in what might be considered a startling manner. Tonight: Nearly anything is possible. TAURUS (Apr!120-May 20) ** * * * Y ou might keep pushing the limit with a partner. A discussion about ideas could be more important than you realize. A friend confuses plans without meaning to. Relax and work with the changes, if you can. Note a sudden insight. Tonight: Dinner for two. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * O thers seek you out; try to remain responsive. Your imagination could take you in a new direction. Share some of these thoughts with a close associate. You could be surprised bythis person's reaction. You can't predict what he or she will do. Tonight: Go with the program. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * You might be unusually focused on your daily life. Somehow, someone shakes up the status quo, and you'll realize how accustomed you have become to a tried-and-true routine. Allow yourself to be uncomfortable and let some new elements into your life. Tonight: Get some Rand R. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * * L et your mind expand to other ways of thinking. You will notice the difference and be more positive as a result. A partner could surprise you with an idea, which
might be hard to grasp. Your fiery personality emerges when facing the unexpected. Tonight: Let your hair down. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * Stay centered, and know what you want. Take some time to get grounded before heading into whatcould bean unusually busy day. A partner continues to be vague. This fugue state is authentic, but there really isn't a reason for it. Give this person some space. Tonight: Order in. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * S tay on top of your work, an important situation or simply the day's events. A friend or associate inadvertently could confuse plans or a conversation. You might decide to go off and do your own research in order to confirm what you are hearing. Tonight: Talk up a storm. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * Know that you could change your budget and priorities if you so choose. You mightnotbe sure as to what your expectations are with a creative option or dynamic personality in your life. Think less and enjoy more. Tonight: Treat yourself well. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * * Y ou are energized, and you zoom right through any confusion. You'll come out on top, no matter what. Your impulsiveness, mixed with your ingenuity, carries you easily through any hassles. A child or loved one could surprise you. Tonight: Let the fun begin. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * Your intuition tells you that more information is coming. Rememberto assume a passive stance. Though this trait is not innate to you, it could work. Your resourceful mind cannot be turned off, so note the ideas that inevitably come forward. Remain positive. Tonight: At home. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * Y our immediate concern goes from others' evaluation of your work or performance to simply letting go and being yourself. You can't push to the extent thatyou have without integrating some lighter and easier interactions. Tonight: A friend makes life far more appealing. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * P ull back and examine what is happening. Be careful not to make judgments or become triggered. Your eyes will open up to a new perspective, especially if you can accept responsibilityfor your side of the issue. Tonight: In the limelight. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
Pleaseemail event information to or click on "Submit an Event" at Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
TODAY "REEL INJUN":A screening of the 2009 documentary film, with a panel discussion on stereotypes of Native Americans in film and cinema; free; 6:30-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7700. "THE METROPOLITAN OPERA:OTELLO":Starring ReneeFleming,Johan Botha and Michael Fabiano in an encore performance of Verdi's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. MOVIENIGHT AND POTLUCK: A screening of "Julie and Julia," with a potluck; free; 6:30 p.m.; Cascade Culinary Institute, 2555 N.W. Campus Village Way, Bend; 541-279-0841. CAS HALEY: The Austin, Texas-based singer songwriter performs, with Brent Alan; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626, 2ndstreettheater@gmail .com or www.2ndstreettheater .com. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about m ixing loveand money;$24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 54 I-389-0803 or www KITES &CROWS:The Ashlandbased indie-folk group performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverb hornedhand.
Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin file photo
Greg Thoma, center, playing Sam Byck, sings with fellow cast members during a rehearsal for "Assassins," showing at 2nd Street Theater through Nov. 24. Tickets start at $18.
series; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-593-4394. "TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD": A screening of the1962 unrated film based on Harper Lee's book, with an introduction by Robert Osborne; $12.50; 7 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3826347 or AUDUBON SOCIETYBIRDERS' NIGHT:Learn how to invite birds for viewing and play a "Mystery Bird" photo game; free; 6:30 p.m. social; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend;541-385-6908. "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, or "IT'S ONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 THURSDAY students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. Read and discuss "The Sisters Brothers" by Patrick deWitt; IN THE MOOD:A1940s musical free; noon; La Pine Public revue featuring The String of Pearls Library, 16425 First St.; 541Big Band Orchestra, singers and 312-1090 or www.deschutes swing dancers; $35-$59 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. IN THE MOOD: A1940s musical Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or revue featuring The String of Pearls Big Band Orchestra, BOBBYJOEEBOLAAND THE singers and swing dancers; $35-$59 plus fees; 3 p.m.; Tower CHILDRENMACNUGGITS: The California-based rock Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., group performs; $5; 8 p.m.; Bend; 541-317-0700 or www The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728THE CALDECOTTAWARD: 0879 or www.reverbnation. Learn about the process and com/venue/thehornedhand. criteria for selecting the annual "ROAD TO PARIS": A screening award recipient; free; 4:30 p.m.; of the 2001 unrated documentary Sunriver Area Public Library, film about Lance Armstrong's 56855 Venture Lane; 541-617preparations for the third Tour 7099 or www.deschuteslibrary de France in 2001; $5; 9 p.m.; .org/calendar. McMenamins Old St. Francis "EL MARIACHI":A screening School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; of the1992 R-rated film about a 541-382-5174 or www traveling mariachi mistaken for a murderous criminal who must hide from a gang; free; 6 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, FRIDAY 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; HUMANESOCIETYART 541-318-3782. FUNDRAISER: Featuring fine art CHICKSWITH PICKS:Featuring sale and a social; proceeds benefit performances by four local the Humane Societies of Central female-fronted bands; proceeds Oregon and Redmond; free; benefit Saving Grace; $5; 4-7 p.m.; Jewel Images Portrait 6-10 p.m.; The Summit Saloon Studio, 550 S.W. Industrial Way, & Stage, 125 N.W.Oregon Ave., ¹45, Bend; 541-330-7096. Bend; 971-570-7199. "SUPERHEROES OFSTOKE": SERENDIPITYWEST A screening of the Matchstick FUNDRAISER: A dinner Productions ski film; $12 plus fees; and a silent auction, with a 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. demonstration by local teens; Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or registration requested; all proceeds benefit the antibullying program Challenge Oay, "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical organized by the Serendipity comedy portraying history's most W est Foundati on;$40;6 p.m . famous presidential assassins; dinner, 5:30 p.m. cocktail $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 hour and auction; Chow, 1110 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-382-1093. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, or SUSTAINABLERESOURCE LECTURESERIES: "IT'S ONLY MONEY": Cascades Environmental activist and Theatrical Company presents the journalist Ed Marston talks musical comedy about mixing love about Oregon's conflict resolution between ranchers and and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood environmentalists; free; 6 p.m.; Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www 382-4754 or www "THE LASTEMPEROR":A screening nHOW DIDWE GET HERE?" of the PG-13-rated 1987 film; free; LECTURESERIES:Featuring 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., a presentation on "Monkey Business: The Impact of Madras; 541-475-3351 or www Global Change on Humanand Monkey Evolution in Africa"; "SUPERHEROES OFSTOKE": $10, $8 Sunriver Nature Center A screening of the Matchstick members, $3 students, $50 for Productions ski film; $12 plus fees;
9 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or JIVE COULIS:The funk-rock act performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3888331 or www.silvermoonbrewing .com.
3 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater© or "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring stand-upcomedian'sexperience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or SATURDAY WHITE FORT: The Russian jam "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern band peforms; free; 8 p.m.; Broken Productions presents a dark musical Top Bottle Shop & Ale Cafe,1740 comedy portraying history's most N.W. Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; famous presidential assassins; 541-728-0703. $2 I, $18 students and seniors; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater© or MONDAY "FIXING THE FUTURE": A screening VFW DINNER: A dinner of ham of the 2010 documentary about new and scalloped potatoes; proceeds benefit local veterans; $8; 5-7 p.m.; opportunities that have emerged in the wake of the 2008 financial VFW Hall,1503 N.E. Fourth St., meltdown; $6; 6 p.m.; Tin Pan Bend; 541-389-0775. Theater, 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, SOUND ANDVIBRATION Bend; 541-410-9944 or www MEDITATION:Seattle-based artist Pamela Mortensen plays the "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A didgeridoo, featuring chanting and screening of unrated comedy by instrumental music by local artists; Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring $15 suggested donation; 6 p.m.; Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, stand-upcomedian'sexperience 39 N.W. Louisiana Ave., Bend; with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 541-330-0334. 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 54 I-317-0700 or "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring stand-upcomedian's experience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; TUESDAY 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or "PLACESYOU'VE NOT LOOKED FOR YOUR RELATIVES": Bend SMITH AND HAYES:Rock and blues Genealogical Society presents guitarists Clay T. Smith and Bill a program by Philip Wittboldt; Hayes perform; RSVP requested; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian $15 suggested donation; 7 p.m.; Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; private residence, 69077 Chestnut 541-317-9553 or www.orgenweb. Place, Sisters; 541-549-2072. org/deschutes/bend-gs. THE NORTHSTAR SESSION:The THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB:Read California-based roots-rock band and discuss "The Immortal Life of performs; $10 in advance, $12 at Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot; the door; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 free; noon; East Bend Public Library, p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or 3764 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern "BRINGOUT YOUR DEAD!" Productions presents a dark musical LECTURE SERIES: Featuring a comedy portraying history's most presentation on "Create Your Own famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 Zombie: Bringing the Resilient Undead to Life"; free; 5-6 p.m.; p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. or College Way, Bend; 541-383-7786. "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades screening of unrated comedy by Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about mixing love Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring stand-upcomedian'sexperience and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or DEAR RABBIT: The Colorado-based indie-folk artist performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. WEDNESDAY Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or Nov. 21 thehornedhand. SHANE SIMONSEN:The LOOK GOOD,FEEL GOOD TOUR: Washington-based singerFeaturing hip-hop music by Zyme, songwriter performs, with Selfless Jay Tabletand The Knux; $5; Riot; 6 p.m.; Green Plow Coffee 10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Roasters, 436 S.W. Sixth St., Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or Redmond; 541-516-1128. "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring SUNDAY stand-upcomedian'sexperience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Theatrical Company presents the Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Productions presents a dark musical Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 Productions presents a dark musical p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, 2ndstreettheater© or $18 students and seniors;
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Cy the Cynic says the only thing worse than hearing "Trust me, I'm a lawyer" is hearing "Trust me, I'm your lawyer." At bridge, trust your partner but beware of opponents. At five spades doubled, South ruffed the second heart and took the ace and nine of trumps. When East discarded, declarer tried a club to his jack. Say West takes the queen and leads another heart. South ruffs and leads the king of clubs, discarding from dummy if West plays low. South can continue clubs to ruff out the ace, draw the missing trump and claim.
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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
Unscramble thesefour Jumbles, one letter to eachsquare, to form four ordinarywords.
We're lucky he was so alert. Aww! Just missed it.
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© LaughingStock International Inc, Dist by Universal UClick for UFS,2012
"Have any of you slaves seen my sandwiches?"
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Youhold: 4s7 3 2 Q A KJ43 Cr 6 4 AQ 5 2 . Y o u o penoneheart, Opening lead — 9 K your partner responds INT, you try two clubs and he bids two spades. (C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
Edit ed by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis
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CLAIM A6 Afltt' it OIrt)) .
© 20t2 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. Worldrights reserved
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At the table West won the first club with the ACE and led a heart. South ruffed, cashed the king of clubs and l ed another c l ub . W h e n W e s t f ollowed l o w , S o ut h r u f fe d i n dummy, expecting "East's" queen to fall. When East showed out, South couldn't use the clubs, and down he went. West defended well, but South erred. If he draws no trumps but leads a diamond to dummy at Trick Three to start the clubs, he can get home against any defense.
Ss rbrs.vrlrerrvv- rw ii r(
+ Q 10 9 4
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What do you say? ANSWER: Partner doesn't have spades; he would have responded one s pade to your o pening bid. H i s "impossible" bid l o gically shows spade strength and a hand that your second bid improved: hence, club support. S i nc e y o u r si n g l eton diamond looks good, bid five clubs. P artner may hold A 6 5, 2, 8 7 5 , K J8 6 4 3 . South dealer Both sides vulnerable
Answer ~ here:
Jumbles REBEL GLOAT LIZARD SPLASH Answer: When KingKongagreed to buythe Empire State Building, It was a —BIGDEAL
ACROSS 1 Harebrained prank 6 Casino freebie 10 Slow-cooked entree 14 End of a series 15 Away from the breeze 16 The gallbladder is
shaped like one 17 Noted storyteller 18 Circulate, as library books 19 Like some borrowed library books 20 Blast cause 21 Good name for a Gateway City gun dealer? 24 Slugging pct., e.g.
DOWN 1 Winter wear 2 "You said it, sister!" 3 Crop threat 4 It might need a boost 5 Andre 3000, for one 6 Beckon 7 Pats on pancakes, maybe
8 Array of choices
9 Dog's breeding history 10 Impact sounds 11 Result of a sad story? 12 Invitation on a fictional cake 13 Take forcibly 22 Place for a price 23 Appear to be 25 Be ready (for) 24 Read quickly 26 Good name for a 26 Pull an all-nighter, Windy City nudist maybe festival? 27 Contain 31 Air traffic control 28 One put on a device pedestal 32 Thing 29 Sitcom noncom 33 "Holy Toledo!" 30 Off-rd. conveyance 36 The Bard's river 33 User-edited site 37 Dig (into) 34 Broken mirror, say 39 Andean capital I 2 3 4 40 Actress Harris of 'thirtysomething" 14 41 Stink 17 42 World Series
game 43 Good name for a Motor City butcher shop? 46 Certifiable 49 Civil disturbance 50 Good name for an Empire City comedy club? 53 Geologic time frame 56 Colorless 57 Fall from above 58 Swinelike beast 60 Just sitting around 61 Hamburg's river 62 Are 63 Didn't let out of one's sight 64 They're below
average 65 Floors
35 Serious hostilities 46 Many a lowbudget film 37 Dissuaded 38 Racket or rocket 4 7 Totally square extension 48 Low, moist area 39 Booty 51 Leafyveggie 41 Gambling town 52 C o rrespond on I-80 53 Many a high42 Schemed budget film 43 Convertible sofa 5 4 Game of world 44 Castle and Cara domi n ation 45 "Whether 55 Skills nobler ...": 59 Cut from the Hamlet staff
25 29
33 3 4
53 5 4
42 44
46 4 7
11/1 4/1 2 10
24 26
M U E E M A H A P G O I L E A R E V E M O S MO N E C S A H R I T A U T H F A E 0 F T A D O D S P
By Dan Schoenholz (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
11/1 4/1 2
Continued from B1 I know I'm not the only one in the world who has ended up with more food than they wanted to eat, leftovers that weren't all that great the next day and a bill exceeding what they had intended to spend. Portions a r e be c o ming more reasonableat some restaurants, especially chef-driven places whose guests come primarily for the quality — not quantity — of the food. But at too many restaurants, serving sizes are a bsurdly
Continued from 61 Bethany Rutter, 23, of the London blog Arched Eyebrow, said she often hears from girls who "say they never thought they could wear a jumpsuit or a bikini or printed trousers before, but afterseeing me wear-
ing one they gave it a go." "Sometimes, though, it's really big stuff," she said, "like examining their relationship with their body for the first time, questioning why they feel they should lose weight or why t hey feel they don't deserve to
large. Some people like having leftovers for lunch, but many dishes don't h a ndle b eing carted home in a box, stuck in the fridge and microwaved on high for90 seconds the next
you'refashionable regardless of size." Posts showing outfits tend to be the most popular. "People like to see what you wear to work, out with your friends, what you wear to the gym," said Samantha Rasmussen, 26, of the blog Stiletto Siren. "They want to say, 'I love that jacket,' and go to the link and find it for themselves." Rasmussen, who lives in Boise, Idaho, started the blog as a place to chronicle her dieting. "It was making me feel horrible about myself," she said. "I
thought, I should be blogging
for the curvy girls out there, enjoy fashion." who are having confidence, Tiffany T u c k er , 22 , l ooking cute, living l if e a t writes the blog Fat Shopa- their weight, not an imaginary h olic from her h ome i n weight they cannot reach." Chicago and dreams that D iscussing weight i s u n the designers Jeremy Scott avoidable, but not taboo. "People around me get unor Rick Owens will start a plus-size range. comfortable when I refer to "I get a lot of messages myself as fat," said Amanda that I i n spire readers to Valdez, 27, of Fresno, Calif. dress well," Tucker said. "In She writes for the blog Fashthe grand scheme of fash- ion, Love and Martinis. "I emion blogs, there really isn't brace the word 'fat.' Fat does a lot of plus-size blogs. I not define me, it doesn't define want to help people see that my character, or where I've plus-size blogging is a valid been in my life. I am just anform of blogging." other girl who is posting about Nadia Aboulhosn, 24, her life and style, and I happen is a blogger and model in to be fat." West Harlem in New York These bloggers said they City who, at a size 10-12, often bypass traditional stores has posed for A m erican like L an e B r y ant, A s hley Apparel an d S e venteen Stewart or Avenue in favor magazine. of m o r e up - t o-the-minute "Sometimes I see myself styles at ASOS Curve, Forever as a rolemodel," she said. 21(PLUS) and vintage shops. "American women are size " I don't shop a lot of t h e 10, 12, 14. I'm very relat- stores like Lane Bryant," said able. People aren't used Chastity Garner, 32, who lives to seeing the clothes on i n Dallas and blogs at t h e somebody with the curves I Curvy Girl's Guide to Style. "I have. If you're fashionable, feel like those clothes are al-
day. And there's the issue of the bill: The two of you spent $50 on dinner when you really wanted only $20 or $25 worth of food. Ordering a split plate can be the ideal solution, especially w he n y o u 're t r aveli ng. After w o rking u p m y nerve to try it once, I know I'll do it again under the right circumstances. I'vecome to some conclusions that make sense and feel fair to me. In a restaurant, some tables spend a lot and some don't. That's just the way the business works. My table's split entree won't make or break the house that night, so I won't feel guilty about it. If I spend a little less this time and have a good experience, I'm likely to go back when I plan to spend a lot more. If a server tries to make me feel awkward, uncomfortable or unwelcome for any reason, I won't return. And if my service is poor, the server will get even less than the lower tip he or she assumed to get. The restaurant's extra costs for serving one meal to two people is a legitimate issue, depending on how it handles split-plate requests. More upscale restaurants often add an extra charge to the entreeprice because they end up serving bread and two salads (if they're included) and use extra garnishes and sauces when d i v iding and plating the dishes in the kitchen. That's absolutely fair; it 's still a lovely meal and a better value than ordering two entrees. (A split-plate charge should be shown on the menu, and your server should mention it to avoid surprises.) More casual places usually don't charge extra for dividing an entree because the food and plating tend to be simpler. As for tips, I think anytime split plates are ordered and service is good, the gratuity should reflect the server's work for two people, not just one. The entree m y h u sband and I split when we were out of town w a s a h a l f-pound burger andfriesat the Green Well in Grand Rapids, Mich. I told the waitress we would like to share it, and she said, "No problem!" I expected it to arrive on one plate for us to divide, but when it came out, the kitchen had split it for us, given each of us plenty of fries and made it look terrific. Our server got a great tip, and I got over my embarrassment about splitting an entree now and then.
Poison Continued from 61 "I've been really concerned about this since I first started to see these calls come in in M arch," said Dr. Rick Geller, medical director for the California Poison Control System at Children's Hospital Central California in Madera. " We haven't had a ki d die yet, but these are far more dangerous products to children than laundry detergent powder," he said The liquid in the packets is concentrated, so toddlers often ingest more of it than they do powder, Geller said. He noted that if children try to eat laundry powder, much of it will slip through their fingers before they get a handful to their mouth. Children who swallow powdered detergent typically have only a mild upset stomach. The packets, introduced to the U.S. market in 2010, contain liquid detergent, or a mixture of liquid and powder, ina clear membrane that dissolves as it comes into contact with water. The packets are designed for a single load and are attractivetoconsumersbecause they are easy to use — people just pop them into a machine, no measuringrequired. "This is definitely something parents need to put on th e u p pe r s h elves," said Dr. Bernard Dannenberg, director of pediatric emergency medicine at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital.
Poison control Call a poison control center immediately at 800-2221222 if your child swallows
detergent from a packet or gets it in his or her eyes.
Even that m a y n o t b e enough for some children who can climb, however, said Ray Ho, a clinical toxicologist for the California Poison Control System in San Francisco. He
most for the woman that just wants to put on something and not think about what they're wearing. They look like fatgirl clothes. I want to bring out the body rather than hide the
new already and, God forbid, on trend." Trends can take as long as two years to trickle down to plus-size lines. "I would love Marc Jacobs or Topshop or Zara or Urban Outfitters to carry plus sizes,"
Gregg, who wants to start her own clothing line, said she has found her calling in fashion as a plus-size woman. "Once I sized out of mainstream stores, I loved shopping more," she said. "It was a challenge. Just because I was a certain size didn't mean I was going to wear frumpy clothing. I want to show them there are other options. I say there are no rules for plus-size dressing." A p r e vious g e neration's rules (no horizontal stripes, bright colors, fitted shapes or bold prints) have been tossed
Gregg said.
Rutter of Arched Eyebrow said plus-size shoppers are conditioned to buy only cheap clothing. "We don't have aspirational designer fashion under our noses everytime we pick up a magazine," she said. "There aren't pages and pages of Miu Miu or Isabel Marant to set the tone for the quality and price of clotheswe could wear." One problem is that plussizes areoften considered a transient state, a s h ameful stop before heading back to away by these bloggers, who smaller sizes. "When you feel that your e mbrace m i n i skirts, j e g -
current body i s t e mporary, why spend money dressing it well'?" said Ragini Nag Rao, 27, who writes for the blog A Curious Fancy from England and India. "Fat women need to realize that their bodies are worth dressing well." Nicolette M a son s t a rted buying fashion magazines at age 12 and told her mother she wanted to be Anna Wintour when she grew up. Now 26 and living in W i l liamsburg, Brooklyn, she is Marie Claire's plus-size columnist and has her own blog. Mason said she found a r adical element in
plus-size blogging.
"We s houldn't hide o u rselves, be ashamed or be invisible," she said. "Posting photos of yourself on th e I nternet and saying, 'Hey, I'm fashionable, even if the fashion media doesn't recognize me' is hyperpolitical."
gings, peplum tops and sheer blouses. "I tell my readers to throw the rules out the window," said Alissa Wilson, 30, who blogs at Stylish Curves from Bayside, Brooklyn. "The goal is not to look smaller; the goal is to find clothes that make you
Ar-.tistr'y in D~esign
look good." Most plus-size designers still haven't gotten the memo, it seems. "Retailers seem to t h i nk that once you are over a certain size, you don't care about fashion and w a n t n o t hing more fashionable than yet another midlength mock wrapfront jersey dress in an ugly print," wrote Diane Dennis, 37, who blogs at Fat Girls Like Nice Clothes Too and lives in the West Midlands region of England. "Give us something
The American Cleaning Institute, which represents manufacturers, has been in contact with safety officials and is cooperating with the Consumer Product Safety Commission as it looks into the issue, the organization said in a statement. The industry is intensifying initiatives to educate the public about keeping the packets out of reach and out of sight of children, including warnings on packaging, the i nstitute said.
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suggestedkeeping thepackets in a locked area or in a cabinet with child-resistant latches. Nationwide, 485 exposures to laundry detergent packets were reported to poison control centers from May 17 to June 17 of this year, the national Centers for Disease Control and Prevention noted in a report this month. More than 90 percent of the cases involved children 5 or younger. In early May, a20-monthold North Carolina child swallowed detergent from a punctured packet and within 10 minutes began vomiting profusely, the CDC said. He had troublebreathing, became unresponsive and had seizures. After he was placed on a ventilator, he improved and was discharged from the hospital 36 hours later. Gelleris so concerned about the problem that he has contacted the Consumer Product Safety Commission and has talked to detergent manufacturers about m a king t h eir packaging more difficult for children to open, as companies did several years ago with pill bottles.
+gYRALO RZgg ®
HOUDAY P~D~ G I IFT I'KSTIVAI. November 16, 17, R I 8 Friday, Saturday, Sunday! EX p CENT
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~ o
Editorials, C4 Obituaries, C5 News of Record, C5 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN a WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 2012
LOCAL BRIEFING Police seeksuspect in gun-flashing
Ba ley resigns rom oar
Bend police officers
are looking for a driver who reportedly waved a gun at another driver Monday night. The motorists tried to merge into the same lane about 8:50 p.m.
t y ~ re
near U.S. Highway97
• il
and Empire Boulevard, police said. The driver
of a white Ford Mustang reportedly flashed a
gun, police said. No other details were available Tuesday.
By Ben Botkin
Sgt. Dan Ritchie said
The Bulletin
the case is still under investigation, and police still need to talk to the
driver of the Mustang. Police have noreason to believe the public is in
any danger, Ritchie said. Anyone with information about the incident
may call police dispatch at 541-693-7911.
VFW recognizes Redmond teacher
Rcb Kerr /The Bulletin
Dan Smith, right, of the U.S. Forest Servicetalks about time-lapse imagery projected on a screen Tuesday showing the early stages of the Pole Creek Fire during an open house event at the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District Community Hall. Two of the visitors watching the powerpoint demonstration are Kirsten Clarke, left, and Kelly Renwick, second from left.
Redmond High Schoolteacher Mark
Winger has beennamed the Deschutes Veteran's
of Foreign Wars Post 4018 Teacher of the
Year. The award honors educators who display community involvement and patriotism through their work with youth. Wingerteaches
eminar o ers in o on oe re e i r e cause
as judge in January. She has served on the school board since 2008, when she was appointed to the office. She was elected in 2011 to another term on the school board. See Board/C2
construction and wood technology at the school, and works with his students to create wooden signs that
adorn manyarea fire and police stations. — From staff reports
Roseburg Port Orford
• Rosedurg:Teen convicted of rape, murder of 5-year-old
gets life. • Port Orford:Fishermen
hope "prop wash" will
substitute for dredging. Stories on C3
Have astoryidea Or SudmiSSion?
Contactus! The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend................541-617-7829 Redmond ........ 541-977-7185 Sisters.............541-977-7185 LaPine...........541-383-0348 Sttnrit/er.........541-383-0348 Deschutes ......541-617-7837 Crook ..............541-633-2184 Jefferson ........541-633-2184
By Dylan j. Darling The Bulletin
SISTERS — Dan Smith made his case for what caused the Pole Creek Fire to all who were curious Tuesday night during an open house about the biggest wildfire of the year in Central Oregon. Smith, a patrol captain with the U.S. Forest Service in Bend, said lightning at twilight Sept. 8 was the most likely cause of the 26,795acre fire. The fire, which started near the Pole Creek Trailhead, was first reported at 6:30a.m. the next day. A months long investigation ruled out equipment use, a flicked cigarette, uncontrolled campfire and other possible wildfire causes. Smith said he was left with lightning. "IwishI had a suspect photo for you," he said. The fire cost the Forest Service about $18.5 million, with more restoration costs yet to be added, said District Ranger Kristie Miller of the Sisters Ranger District. Roads and trails through part of the burned forest remain closed. "It's just too dangerous to let people go out there right now," he said. About 30 people attended the open house at the Sisters-Camp Sherman Fire District office in Sisters. Many of them clustered around Smith to hear him explain the investigation into the fire cause. Smith shared accounts collected from two unnamed witnesses of light-
' ilig
bullying policy
ar r
,f •
By Ben Botkin Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin file photo
Dave Hoffman, with Patrick Hughes Trucking & Excavation,works last month on rehabilitating a dozer line created during the Pole Creek fire near Park Meadow trailhead.
• Civic Calendar notices: Emaileventinformation to news©, with "Civic Calendar" inthe subject, artd includea contact nameandphonenumber. Contact: 541-383-0354
The Bulletin
Bend-La Pine Schools is reworking its policy on
bullying, cyberbullying, ning strikes around the trailhead at dusk Sept. 8. He also played time-lapse footage from a web cam at Brasada Ranch in Powell Butte, pointed toward where the fire started, which he said showed thunderclouds building that day before dark. After hearing Smith's presentation, Tim Clawson, 56, who lives along Three Creeks Road south of town, was still skeptical. "I told him I'm not convinced," he said. He said the early first report of the fire makes him wonder if something other
than lightning caused it, but he's not sure what else might have started the blaze. Kirsten Clarke, 20, of Bend, was more accepting to the idea of lightning as the cause of the fire. "It could be," she said. "There is no reason for it not to be." Along with discussing the investigation of the cause with Smith, many open house attendees talked with Terry Craig, the resource team leader with the Forest Service on the fire, about what happens now in the burnt woods. Restoration work on the
13 '/2 miles of hand-dug fireline and 24 miles of bulldozer line ended last week, he said. Nowthe focus is on dropping wood chips on slopes above watersheds,beefing up culverts and replanting. These efforts will start in the next couple of weeks. To bring wood chips to remote sections of the woods, Craig said a helicopter equipped with a claw device will be flown in from Missoula, Mont. "We are hoping to get it done, if we can, before any more snow," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling~bendbulletin/com
harassment and teen dating violence.
The policy proposal comes in response to state laws put in place by the Oregon Legislature in the 2012 session that focus on teen dating, harassment, and bullying — in person or online. The school board on Tuesday looked at a draft of the proposed policy. The board is expected to talk more about the proposal at its Dec. 11 meeting, possibly voting to implement it.
Cyberbullying is considered the use of any electronic device to harass, intimidate or bully. See Bullying/C2
Bend High senior will follow 4 older sisters to U of 0 By Megan Kehoe
Sudmissions: • Letters and opinions: Mail:My Nickel's Worth or In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR97708 Details on theEditorials page inside.Contact: 541-383-0358,
Salem ..............541 -554-1162 D.C..................202-662-7456 Business ........ 541-383-0360 Education .......541-977-7185 Public lands .....541-617-7812 Public safety.....541-383-0387 Projects ..........541-617-7831
Bend-La Pine Schools Board Member Beth Bagleyresigned from her post, effective in December, as she transitions into her new role as Deschutes County circuit judge. The school board Tuesday accepted her resignation and declared a vacancy for her Zone 3 seat. The resignation comes just one week after Bagley's election to the bench. She bested attorney Andy Balyeat to replace retiring Deschutes County Circuit Judge Michael Sullivan. "We can't tell you how much we appreciate everything you've done," board Chairman Ron Gallinat said at the meeting. Bagley will be sworn in
The Bulletin
Unlike a lot of high school seniors, Molly Maloney doesn't have to think too hard about which college she's going to next
OUR SCHOOLS, OUR STUDENTS Educational news and activities, and local kids
and their achievements. • School Notes and submission info,G2
year. The Bend High School student is green and yellow, through and through. Next year, Molly plans to be the fifth kid in her family to attend the University of Oregon. All of Molly's four older sisters have attended, or are attending, the university, and Molly isn't about to ruin the tradition. "It's kind of fun that
it's something we can all share," said Molly, 17. "I like being able to carry on that
legacy." Molly, who has already been accepted to the school, shines for her hardworking and resilient nature. She maintains a 4.2 GPA while
playing on the school's varsity basketball and volleyball teams. She's also been a leader of the school's student council for the past three years, and works to organize events like prom and homecoming,while also helping to coordinate the community service aspect of the organization.
This month, she has helped collect food for the school's annual Thankful Families program, in which the club helps families of Bend High students who are unable to afford a Thanksgiving feast. "It's really opened my eyes to the fact that I grew up very fortunate," Molly said. "I realize that other families have a lot less than I do." Molly said she feels fortunate for what she has, even though her own family has had to overcome difficulties. SeeStudent /C2
Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Bend High School senior Molly Maloneysays that she is going to follow her siblings' footsteps and attend the University of Oregon and pursue a career in the medical field. She has a 4.2 GPA and is active in student council, and also plays volleyball and basketball.
News of Record • Today only, on page CS
'I ' ' • •
Under the proposal, teen dating violence is defined as Continued from C1 either person in the relationBefore t he l egi s lation ship using physical, emotional passed, the school d i strict or mental abuse to control had a rule on cyberbullying in the other person, or using or place, said Assistant Superin- threatening sexual violence. tendent Jay Mathisen. Mathisen noted that the porFor the last several years, tion for teen dating violence school resourceofficers have doesn't extend to students untalked to students in class- der 13 years old because the rooms and school assemblies legislation is written with a about cyberbullying, which focus on teens. includes inappropriate texting School employees who have and online behavior, Mathisen witnessed or have information said. about bullying, violence or The most noticeable change harassmentarerequired to rewill be a r e quirement that port that to the superintendent schools provide an education or school principal. program about teen dating Schoolsalso are required to violence, Mathisen said. provide training and educaMathisen noted that dating tion for students and employviolence has been recognized ees about bullying of all types already as a n i s sue under and harassment. the broader parameters of — Reporter: 541-977-7185; harassment. bbotkinC<
Canyou work a camera, and capture a great picture? And canyou tell us a bit about it? Email to your color or black-andwhite photos and we'll pick the best for publication in the paper and online. Submission requirements:Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
~j .'
Continued from C1 "Thank you everyone for your support for my election and all of the work that went on through that," Bagley said at the board meeting. "I really appreciate that, so resigning is a little bit bittersweet." Bagley, 38, is a lawyer who has worked as a supervising attorney and senior prosecutor with the Deschutes County District Attorney's Office. Married with two children, Bagley has lived in the Bend area for 10 years. She holds a bachelor's degree from the University of California, Santa Barbara, and a law degree from the University of Minnesota Law SchooL The judge-elect during the campaign season had said her
ll gs '
- -~
).s r M
"Thank you everyone for your support for my election and ali of the work that went on through that. I really appreciate that, so resigning is a little bit bittersweet."
( +W~.;-;;.I sep.,tiLf<.'q~wp
— Beth Bagley, resigning schoolboard to become judge service on the school board prepared her for service on the bench. Gallinat said the open board seat will be advertised and no time line is set for filling the position. Zone 3 is in southwest Bend. — Reporter: 541-977-7185;
Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate •
Liz Weeks took this photoof a statue covered in snow in Sisters over the weekend using her Canon Power Shot ELPH 100 HS.
Continued from C1 W hen Molly wa s i n t h e sixth grade, she suffered the loss of her dad, Dennis Maloney, from a heart attack. "It forced me to mature very quickly," Molly said. "It was really difficult. All of us just had to take one day at a time after that." However, Molly said she's thankful for the time that she had with her father. She remembers him as a f r iendly person with a boisterous laugh who made a point ofopening his doors to anyone who needed help. As the director of the Deschutes County Department of Community Justice, her dad made a big impact on the community, Molly said. Through his work, she said he taught her the importance of giving back. Another thing Molly's dad imparted to her was a strong sense of pride in the family's Irish heritage.
Molly Maloney Age:17 Activities:student council, varsity basketball, varsity volleyball
Favorite Movie:"It's a Wonderful Life" Favorite TV Show:"The Office"
Favorite Book:"ALong W ay Gone, "ByIshmael Beah Favorite Artist:Frank Sinatra
Shortly before he died, Molly's dad took the entire family on a trip to Ireland. It was a trip that Molly said she'll remember for the rest of her life. Molly also looks up to her mom, she said, for having the strength to carry on after her father's death. "She's the strongest lady I've ever known," Molly said.
TheB u lletin n
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"She's managed to take care of all of us while still being a doctor." One of M o l ly's teachers, Bryan Tebeau, said that one of Molly's greatest strengths is her resilience. "She has this can-do attitude and just works through any problems," Tebeau said. "When a lot of kids might just throw up the flag and say 'I'm done,' Molly has a positive attitude and mature perspective about whatever she's facing." Once Molly finishes college, she plans on becoming a veterinarian. Not surprisingly, all of Molly's older sisters work in the dental or medical fields, or plan to. "Sometimes we joke about opening a f a mily p r actice," Molly said, smiling. sYou can bring your dog or your dental problems, or whateverother problems you have, and we'll fix it."
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— Reporter: 541-383-0354, mlzeboeC<
ScHooL NoTEs TEEN FEATS Alex Nizinskihas been crowned the 2013 La Pine Rodeo Queen. Nizinski enjoys horseback riding, fishing, hunting and being outdoors. She is a senior at Mountain View High School and is an active member of the Oregon
High School Equestrian Team. After high school Nizinski plans to study animal science. She is the daughter of Chris Nizinski, of Portland, and Cindy Edwards, of Bend.
How to submit
Phone: 541-383-0358 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.
Teen feats:Kids recognized recently for academic
achievements or for
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Teen gets life inrape, killing of girl. 5 is ermen o e The Associated Press R OSEBURG — A te e n -
age boy convicted of raping and killing a 5-year-old girl in Southern Oregon has been sentenced to life in prison. Judge Randy Garrison said Tuesday in Roseburg that 18year-old Dustin Wallace poses too great a risk to the public evertobe allowed free. "Justice dictates that Dustin Wallace not be released on parole," Garrison told a packed courtroom. The Roseburg News-Review r eported Garrison had t w o choices: life without parole, or life with the possibility of parole after 30 years. In the courtroom were members of Wallace's family and relatives of the victim, 5-yearold Sahara Dwight. Wallace was a juvenile in 2010 when he killed Sahara
to im rovise ort re in
lace has suffered from mental healthproblems since he was 5, and a psychiatrist testified that Wallace probably would not have killed Sahara if he had been taking medication, which he left at home in Oklahoma when he came to Oregon to visit his father. The medication relieved insomnia, helped Wallace think more clearlyand lowered his sexualurges,the doctor said. Prosecutors said he's shown no remorse. The sentence came aftera Nicholas Johnson/The News-Review weekend of deliberation for Tyler Dwight, father of 5-year-old Sahara Dwight, hugs famGarrison, who said he needed ily and friends Tuesday after hearing Douglas County Circuit to weigh arguments from Wallace's defense attorneys that he Court Judge Randy Garrison's sentence of life in prison for his daughter's killer, Dustin Michael Wallace. be allowed the possibility of parole after 30 years. Wallace's mother made a Dwight, so he was not eligible h i s father, who was living with similarplea, but prosecutors arfor the death penalty. the girl's mother. gued that Wallace would pose A t the time, he was visiting His att o r neys said W a l - a risk even after incarceration.
The Associated Press PORT ORFORD — Federal officials have told a small Oregon port that i t w o n 't be dredged anytime soon, so fishermen are planning to make their own channel through sand that's now deep enough to keep them from coming in or going out except at high tide. The plan is to tie up their boats in a line and run their propellers as the tide recedes, in hopes that it will clear a channelforcrab season later in the year. It's called a "prop wash," the World n ewspaper at Coos Bay reported. "It's been done in the past, but never to t hi s extent," said Port M a nager Gary Anderson. "It should create a channel for them. Hopefully, it will last a while." The $5 million worth of fish that Port Orford lands annually is a mainstay of the local economy, but the port's r elatively small s iz e a n d distinct features work to its disadvantage. The por t o n Or e gon's southern cost sits directly on the ocean, not upstream on a river like others in Oregon. So, it's more vulnerable to ocean storms. A jetty th e U .S. A r my Corps of Engineers built in 1969 to provide storm protection traps sand, though.
Easter nOregonhighschoolclosesdamagedgym The Associated Press PILOT ROCK — An Eastern Oregon high school has found severe damage in the roof supports of its gym, now closed until an engineer can say what went wrong and what fix will be needed. Many of the wooden trusses at the Pilot Rock High School
Munck told the East Oregonian newspaper. "It's more than just cracked — it's shattered," Munck said. "It's definitely come undone." The school expects a report from an engineer from the Willamette E ducation S ervice District by the end of the week. "It could be a s i mple as gym have been damaged, and one was b r oken complete- fixing that one t r uss ... to ly, Superintendent G ordon r eplacing th e w h ol e d a r n
thing," Munck said. "Roof or
gymnasium." The damage became noticeable because ceiling tiles along the wall were displaced and concreteon the outside of the building next to the gym entrance was cracked where it supportsthe broken truss,athletic director Shane Leasy said. A c onstruction company has used a metal pipe to prop up the broken truss.
Basketball teams will practice elsewhere until the problem is resolved, as they did in 2005 when the school had to replace the gym floor. It had been damaged by steam from rusty pipes beneath it. The Pilot Rock teams will play their h ome games at Pendleton High School, about 15 miles north. Gym classes have moved to
the junior high gym.
Parts of Interstate 84 close due to weather
reported Tuesday she was on a Horizon Air flight from Seattle on Saturday evening. PORTLAND — I n terstate The Medford police said 84 between La Grande and flight attendants called for Pendleton has been closed help with a p assenger who because wintry weather has w as apparently drunk, u scaused many vehicles to spin ing her cellphone while the out and block the roadway. plane was aloft, screaming The Oregon D epartment profanely, and, as the plane of Transportation said Tues- approached the airport, refusday morning the eastbound ing to stow the tray table in the lanes areclosed for about 20 upright, locked position. miles north of La Grande to After she was handcuffed, the Meacham area, where ve- police said, she kicked one ofhicles blocked the highway. ficer in the chest and spat on The westbound lanes were two others. closed from about 7 miles east Police said they booked 32of Pendleton to the Meacham year-old Melisa Lynn Levario area. on charges of attempting to assault an officer, harassment, Woman arrested disorderly conduct and resistafter scuffle on plane ing arrest. MEDFORD — Authorities in Jackson County say a Central Point woman was arrested after flight attendants reported a disturbance on a flight. The Medford Mail Tribune
cused of possessing nearly 39 pounds of marijuana for sale. The Nebraska State Patrol says the men were headed east on Interstate 80 Sunday afternoon when their pickup was pulled over on the northwest side of Lincoln for a t r affic violation.
The patrol says a drug dog taken to th e scene alerted troopers to the odor of drugs. Troopers say they found sealed bags of pot in an external fuel tank sitting in the pickup bed. The two men were identified as 43-year-oldGregory Miller, of Tualatin, and 38-year-old Britt Bones, of Eagle Point. A Lancaster County jailer said both remained in custody on Tuesday.
Police sayjaywalker assaulted officer PORTLAND — P o r t land police say one of their officers was bashed in the head with a beer mug by a man who couldn't be stopped by a stun
gun or pepper spray. The offer's head was stapled, and the man was accused of assault and resisting arrest. Police said t h e of f i cer, Jakhary Jackson, warned a jaywalker in north Portland, and the man charged. In a struggle, the man hit the officer with a mug, and the two covered about 50 yards as the officer tried unsuccessfully to subdue the man.
"We don'tcompete
well (for funding for dredging) at the national level." — Port Manager Gary Anderson
Without regular dredging, the port will continue to fill. In the long term, Anderson said, putting a hole in the jetty might allow enough sand to escape that dredging wouldn't be needed. But, he said, 'There needs to be some modeling on that concept." And if that doesn't work, the port will head back to the drawing board. Members o f Co n g ress used touse earmarks to get money for projects such as dredging Oregon's smaller ports, said U.S. Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Ore. But in 2010 such specific appropriations to a member's district were banished. The Corps of Engineers currently uses a rating system that accounts for how much money a port earns in annual exports to determine which ones get dredged. DeFazio said Coos Bay to the north is just busy enough to warrant dredging. "We don't compete well at the national level," Anderson sa>d.
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2 Oregonians busted with pot in Nebraska
LINCOLN, Neb. — Two Oregon men have been arrested in southeast Nebraska, ac-
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en ma essmart c oice on water
he City of Bend has taken a commendable step to re-
vise its surface water project. It announced Tuesday it's
going to propose to the U.S. Forest Service to take the same maximum amount of water that it takes now from Bridge
Creek — 18.2 cubic feet per second. The city had originally proposed taking a maximum of 21 cubic feet per second. It could take more water than 18.2 cfs under the new proposal, but it would have to mitigate for it. The city's $20 million water intake facility and pipeline project had ground to a dead stop in October. U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken of Eugene granted a preliminary injunction after Central Oregon Landwatch filed a lawsuit. The city had t hree choices, Bend Mayor JeffEager explained Tuesday. It could appeal the judge's decision. That process could be lengthy and uncertain. It could try its case in court. That process could be lengthy and uncertain. Eager said the city decided, instead, to revise its application to satisfy what it believes is the judge's concern — keepmore water in the creektokeep thewater temperature down. The revision may also win over some opponents of the project who thought the city was making a grab for more water. The city's decision still has its share of length and uncertainty. The Forest Service will have to analyze the new proposal anew. There will be a new public comment period and opportunities for new administrative appeals and lawsuits. If all goes well, though, the city hopes it will be on track to begin construction in the summer. There was already new uncertainty about the project cost. Submitting a new proposal to the Forest Service adds perhaps $40,000 to the
price. Because of the delays in the project from the lawsuit, the dates for construction to begin have been missed and the project must be rebid. So, it's hard to say if it's still a $20 million project or not. There is uncertainty about what direction the newly elected members of the council will advocate. And there is uncertainty about what Landwatch thinks about this new proposal. We called Landwatch Tuesday but didn't hear back by our deadline. At least, though, the city's new proposal to take less water at its diversion point on Bridge Creek should help the health of the regional water system. Bridge Creek feeds into Tumalo Creek and Tumalo Creek into the Deschutes River. It is also important to remember that even before the city decided to divert less water, by doing the surface water project the city stood to gain an important new ability to adjust how much water it takes from Bridge Creek. The city now essentially takes 18 cfs from the creek unless it shuts it down. If construction is able to proceed on the new project, the city will be able to modulate how much it takes from the creek based on need. For instance, to handle peak demand in the summer, the city can take the full amount. Duringthe winter months, the city could cut the amount it takes in half. The city's new proposal is not likely to satisfy all the critics of the water project. It may well drain the concern that stopped the project, and itpreserves access to an important water source for the city's future.
Transfers hurt students he teacher transfer mess going on in the Beaverton School District is proof positive that our educational system is not about the students. A few cases in point: • A high school history teacher was transferred to teach algebra to seventh graders. • International B a ccalaureate teacherswere transferred out and untrained teachers t r ansferred in, costing thousands of dollars in training. • An elementary music teacher moved to teach English language development. These are just a few of the cases, as reported in The Oregonian, in which the district has reassigned teachers to roles they are less competent to fulfill. Damage was sure to be great as financial pressures forced the district to cut 344 positions. But this
particular added insult to student learning comes gratis state law and unionrulesregarding licensure and seniority. Lots of rules and laws and contract language apply, apparently none concerned with putting the most competent teacher at the head of every class. The district estimates 160 teachers have landed in "significantly different positions," according to The Oregonian. This fiasco is unfolding at the same time the state and nation are focused on improving the evaluationprocessforteachers,in service to the supposedly newly proved notion that the most important factor for student learning is the caliber of the teacher. Most of us didn't need a study to tell us that. The absurdity in Beaverton has prompted some parents to start exploring changes at the legislative and union level. They want to require districts to consider competency when they transfer teachers. Good idea.
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M Nickel's Worth Elected officials need tocompromise To the president and ladies and gentlemen ofthe Congress: Here's your post-election assignment from all your fellow citizens. Compromise. Internalize this word and put it into practice. C — is for country. Put your country's needs above your own. That's what we elected you for. 0 — Overlook the loud ranting of those who think their way is the only way. M — Make aserious effortto really understand the other side's point of view. P — be proactive and pass decent, workable and fair legislation to keep America from falling over that yearend fiscal cliff. R — Remember you created this problem by refusing to compromise earlier; now you solve it. 0 — Occupy your office and the floor of the House or Senate, all day, every day until this issue is resolved. M — Make a commitment to your f ellow citizens and work for t h e
good of all of us. I — Have integrity; admit that both tax increases and decreased expenses are necessary to put us back on the path to prosperity and find a way to make that work. S — Show the world America's greatness was founded on a political system that works for the people and isn't for sale any longer. E — Earn our respect. Give the middle class a fair chance, respect the needsof every citizen, and have the courage to stand up to special interests and say, nNo more." It's the people's turn.
Please get busy before the day is over. Time is running out.
us now with mercy and grace. Carol Orr Judy Osgood Bend Bend
Republic reachespoint of no return Our constitutional Republic appears to have died on Nov. 6. Having reached the point of no return in a comatose state after years of progressive assaults coupled with a silent media has completely unraveled America. After 236 years of existence, a new country emerged, run by secular progressives who openly reject our constitution. Remember, in the future our Supreme Court will be forever altered after its last conservative will be replaced by the liberal academics. The rule of law will be implementedby executive orders, making Congress irrelevant. The welfare-dependent Americans, unions, out of control immigration policies and the complicit mainstream media have chosen for therest of us the dark path of serfdom. Who would have guessed that Americans were as ignorant and irresponsible as to choose fiscal destruction over fiscal sanity for their children and grandchildren, secularism over faith, dependence over personal responsibility and self-reliance? I am writing this on Veterans Day and am saddened by the loss of all those American soldiers who have died topreserve freedom thatwe are quickly losing. Have we no honor for their blood and treasure? Mediocrity,godlessness, dependence and cowardice will define the future country. Only divine providence can save
Congratulations and advice for Walden
An open letter t o R ep. Greg Walden: Congratulations on your re-election. You do represent all of us in D eschutes County w h ether w e voted for you are not. By staying in Congress for many years, you have proved that you can work with our other r e presentatives, i n cluding our Democratic senators. You have moved up in p ower significantly within the Republican Party. Our district needs tw o b a sic things — education and transportation. We are a farm/market/tourist economy, having migrated from a wood products industry economy.
We have agood beginning in education with our public schools and colleges, but they need more federal dollars. Our labor force needs to be trained for the 21st century. You are in a position to make that happen. We have a network of roads, but we also need a transportation system that includes rail and bus availability for our economy. You are in a position to help us get it. It is also my hope that you will exert some influence within the Republican Party. You need not fear those who believe compromise is to be forbidden. We need you to vote for the good not only of this district but of the country. And some compromise will be necessary. Make us proud, Congressman Walden.
Marjorie Turner Black Butte Ranch
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Demographics mean GOP needs to change strategy By Nicholas Saraceno An open letter to my Republican friends: What now'? If you're not at least lightly pondering that question, you should be. Republicans got trounced. Obama won re-election handily and Republicans lost seats in both houses of Congress, which isn't just salt in the wound — it is the wound. The analyses and polls predicting the Obama victory that right-wing pundits were so quickto write off, well, they turned out to be quite accurate. The polls were based on a model that showed a significant uptick in Democratic registrations and alignment among the voters. The right (Le. Fox News) scoffed at the model. That model, however, was pretty much dead on. And the Democratic congressional victories are the proof in the pudding. Republicans need to broaden their
base,andhere arethetw o majortrends that are solidifying themselves as facts that Republicans need to strongly consider going forth: 1. The white vote is becoming a smaller and smaller percentage of the vote with each election. The white vote also makes up the large majority of the Republican base, in fact, more and more sowith each election.These trends coupled together spell a major problem for the Republican Party. Meanwhile the Latino vote is on a steepascent as a percentage ofvoters. The key issue here is obvious: immigration. What conservative Republicans needtorealize,however, is there will never be a mass deportation. It'll never happen. The borders can only be so protected.And Mexico is our neighbor, always will be. The fact is, conservatives simply need to come to grips with reality. They need to listen to the Bushes of
What's fascinating about t hose examples, however, is th e degree the world and get behind comprehen- "freedom of choice" is encapsulated sive immigration reform. It's in every- there. The gut check here is simple: body's best interest. The sooner this Can conservative Republicans align issue gets resolved, the sooner Latinos themselves with positions that may go will start listening to the other social against what is being preached in the and economic arguments that they are pulpits, but conversely, seem to be the largely aligned with conservatives on. bedrock ofAmerica — freedom and 2. The "youth" vote (ages 18-35) liberty? voted at a clip of 60-39 for President The sooner versions of morality are Obama. They made up 19percent of communicated in apersonal way — i.e. the electorate. They showed up again; through more effective and traditional they're engaged and they care. methods of proselytizing, as opposed Republicans face a major roadblock to outmoded Falwellian legislative with this voting group, however. Still and electoral agendas — the easier it clinging to the echoes of Jerry Falwell, will be for Republicans to capture that Republicans are on the wrong side youth vote. of 90 percent of the social issues this There is modern precedent for cutbloccares deeply about en masse, the tinglossesto become stronger.Demolargest and most important being gay crats lost the fight for gun control. It marriage (Le. gay rights), marijuana becamepolitically nonviable. Despite a legalization and abortion rights (i.e. lot of passion, it was roundly removed female reproductive rights). from the Democrat's National Party
platform. It wasn't easy, but it was necessary. And here's a hint: If your argument gets muddled on rape, you've lost the argument politically and it's time to cut your losses. Furthermore, images of radical, and at times woefully misinformed, tea-partying adults acting like tempertantrum-throwing toddlers at town hall meetings during the Obamacare debate turned off their children as much as anything else. Simply — entrenched, radical, right-wing conservatives constitute an anchor that must be cut. America spoke. True, real, meaningful compromise must be achieved. If Republicans hope to find political success in this new day, then they must come to terms with a changed and shifting reality and cut ties with their most stringently radical elements. Or become content with losing. — NicholasSaraceno li vestn Bend.
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Aaron John Rosebrook, of Bend Mar. 25, 1982 - Nov. 11, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) Services: Viewing: 1:00-5:00pm, Friday, Nov. 16 at Autumn Funerals, 485 NW Larch Ave., Redmond; Memorial Service: 'I:00pm Sat., Nov. 17 at Terrebonne Horse Club, 9249 NW 31st, Terrebonne.
David S. Ellis, of Klamath Falls July 24, 1968 - Nov. 9, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home, 541-382-0903 Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NW Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701
Eugene Alan Erickson, of Sunriver May 2, 1949- Nov. 10,2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: A Celebration of life will be held Friday, November 16, 2012 from 3:00 - 5:00 P.M. at the Sunriver Resort Great Hall Fireside Room, 17600 Center Drive, Sunriver, Oregon 97707.
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all
correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Mondaythrough Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits© Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
Aaron John Rosebrook Mar. 25, 1982- Nuv. 11, 2812 Aaron J o h n R o s ebrook p assed away o n N o v e m ber 11, 2012. He was born M arch 25, 1982, in B e n d , O regon to Cl ar en c e (Butch) Rosebrook and Annette Gage Rosebrook. He s pent h i s e ntire l i f e in Central Oregon. Aaron H is p a s Rosebrook s ion w a s cooking. H e was a c hef a t T at e R T ate Catering fo r a n u m ber of years. He loved bask etball, m u si c a n d c o m p uters. He i s s u r v ived by his parents, on e b r o t her, B rian R o sebrook, g r a n d p arents, J oh n a n d W i l b urma G a g e of Pow e l l B utte, an d n u me r o u s aunts, uncles and cousins. I n l i e u o f fl o w e rs , t h e f amily requests you m ak e contribution s to th e American L u n g A s s o ciation, 1 3 0 1 P e n n sylvania A ve. N . W . , Su i t e 800 , Washington, DC 20004. A pr ivate b u r ial s e rvice will b e h el d a t R e d m ond M emorial C e m e t er y on S aturday, N o v e mber 1 7 , 2 012, at l l : 0 0 a .m. A m e m orial service w il l f o l l ow at 1:00 p.m. at the Terrebonne Horse Club, 9249 NW 31st Street, Terrebonne.
Forest Arnold "Arnie" Brandt May 21, 1931 - Nuv. 3, 2812 F orest A r n o l d "Arnie" B randt, age 81 , o f B e n d , O regon, wa s r e c eived i n H eaven o n N o v e mber 3 , 2012. Tha t d a y h e w a s lovingly surrounded by family. li Arn i e w as b orn in Dalhart, T exas, t o Verna Blake and Clifford Forest "Arnie" Brandt He w as the oldest of three sons, his brothers b eing C a r l an d Ol i v e r B randt. A r n i e w a s h a r d w orking an d h a d a l a r g e c ountry h e a rt . W h i l e h e lived in Texas, he worked as a farm hand and drove cattle trucks. Arnie was a parent figure to many foster children and was a very influential person to all the c hildren in th e f a mily. H e w as a g enerous and c a r ing man who couldn't help b ut t o o f f e r s u p p or t t o w homever nee d e d i t . A rnie i s s u r v i ved b y h i s brother, Oliver Brandt, two children, eight g r a n dchild ren, an d t w e l v e g r e a t r andchildren. T h ere w i l l e a celebration of his life h eld o n Nov e m be r 2 1 , 2012, at Hollinshead Park, located at 1235 NE J ones R d. in B e n d , O r e gon, a t 2:30 p.m.
PsychologistJeffers wrote self-help books By Dennis Hevesi New Yorh Times News Service
Susan Jeffers, a psychologist who wrote 18 self-help books, the first of which, "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway," became an international phenomenon, died Oct. 27 at her home in Santa Monica, Calif. She was 74. The cause was cancer, her husband, Mark Shelmerdine, said. Jeffers' thesis in most of her books was simple: If we wait to stop feeling scared before trying to do what frightens us, we could wait forever; pressing ahead is the only way to erase fear. "Whatever happens to me, given any situation, I can handle it," is one of her aphorisms in "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway," published in 1987. Anotheris:"There's no such thing as a bad decision. Each path is strewn with opportunities, despite the outcome." Translated into more than three dozen languages, the book has sold millions of copies worldwide. In "Embracing Uncertainty" (2003), Jeffers wrote, "When we finally are able to let go of
FEATURED OBITUARY the need for control, for the first time we are truly in control." Her other titles include "The Little Book of Peace of Mind" (2001) and "The Little Book of
Confidence" (1999). In "I Can Handle It" (2002), written with Donna Gradstein, Jeffers offered stories of children dealing with difficulties like fear of the dark, the loss of a favorite toy and their parents' divorce. In "I'm Okay, You're a
California cap-and-trade auction starts today The Sacramento Bee S ACRAMENTO, Cal i f . — Despite fierce opposition from much of the business community, Cali f o r nia's grand experiment in taming global warming begins in earnesttoday. State officials are set to auction tens of millions of dollars worth o f c a r b on-emission
allowances to scores of oil refiners, cement manufacturers and other large industrial polluters. The c omputerized a u ction marks the beginning of California's "cap-and-trade" market. The market is the c enterpiece of A B 3 2 , t h e state's 2006 law aimed at re-
ducing greenhouse gases,
and today's kickoff is being closely watched. "A lot of eyes are on us," said Harold Pestana, a senior manager at Pacific Gas and Electric Co., one of the companies affected by the state law. Cap and trade will force affected companies to scale back their carbon pollution
— or purchase allowances to get into compliance. State officials and environmentalists say the market-
based approach gives companies flexibility in how they reduce emissions. Many affected businesses call it a cleverly disguised tax that will cost them upwards of $1 billion in the first year.
POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered and anarrest made at11:28 a.m. Oct. 30, in the 2200 block of Northeast11th Place. Theft —Atheft was reported at 10:54 a.m. Nov. 5, in the 900 block of Northwest Bond Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:28 a.m. Nov. 7, in the area of Northwest Shields. Burglary —A burglary was reported at10:49 a.m. Nov. 7, in the 300 block of Northeast Dekalb Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:57 a.m. Nov. 8, in the area of Southeast15th Streetand Reed Market Road. Theft —Atheft was reported and an arrest made at 2:54 p.m. Nov. 8, in the 700 block of Northeast Greenwood Avenue. DUII —Mitchell Thomas Maxwell, 32, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:49 p.m. Nov. 8, in the area of Southeast Fourth Street and Southeast Miller Avenue. Theft —Atheft was reported at 4:03p.m.Sept.28,inthe800 block of Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:53 a.m. Sept. 29, in the 61100 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 9:07 p.m. Oct. 31, in the 500 block of Northeast Irving Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 2:09p.m.Nov.3,inthe300 blockof Northeast Burnside Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:51 a.m. Nov. 4, in the 1400 block of Northeast First Street. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 8:56 a.m. Nov. 8, in the 300 block of Southeast Dell Lane. Theft —Atheft was reported at 9:53a.m.Nov.8,in the 300 blockof Southeast Dell Lane. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 2:02p.m.Nov.8,inthe61200 block of King Jeroboam Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:08 p.m. Nov. 8, in the area of Southwest Columbia Street and Southwest Theater Drive. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 6:09a.m.Nov.9,inthe600 blockof Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 6:36p.m.Nov.9,in the 20100 block of Wapiti Court. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 5:49 a.m. Nov. 10, in the 100 block of Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:36a.m. Nov.10, in the1400 block of City View Drive. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at11:15 a.m. Nov. 10, in the 300 block of Northwest Sisemore Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at12:17 p.m. Nov. 10, in the 100 block of Southeast Craven Road. Unauthorizeduse —A vehicle was reported stolen at10:02 a.m. Nov. 4, in the 200 block of Northeast Irving Avenue.
Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:22 a.m. Nov. 10, in the1500 block of Northwest Vicksburg Avenue. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 4:28 p.m. Nov. 10, in the100 block of Northwest Greeley Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 2 p.m. Nov.11, in the 500 blockof Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 9:38 a.m. Nov. 12, in the 20300 block of Penhollow Lane. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at11:50 a.m. Nov. 12, in the 20300 block of Aberdeen Drive. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:07 p.m. Nov. 12, in the19000 blockof Park Commons Drive. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 9:52 a.m. Nov. 9, in the 3100 block of North U.S. Highway 97. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 7:47 a.m. Nov. 8, in the 800 block of Southeast Third Street. Redmond Police Department
Unauthorized use —A vehicle was reported stolen and an arrest made at11:14 a.m. Nov. 3, in the 600 block of Southwest10th Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:08 a.m. Nov. 5, in the1300 block of Southwest16th Street. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 9:53 a.m. Nov. 5, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at12:03 p.m. Nov. 5, in the 2400block ofSouth U.S.Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:15 p.m. Nov. 5, in the1500 block of Southwest Odem Medo Road. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:22a.m.Nov.6,inthe600 blockof Northwest Cedar Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:14a.m. Nov. 6, inthe 2400 block of Southwest Umatilla Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:34a.m. Nov.6,inthe400 blockof Southwest Fifth Street. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at1 p.m. Nov. 6, in the 400 block of Southwest Fifth Street. Theft —A theft was reported and two arrests made at 2:38 p.m. Nov. 6, in the 900 block of Southwest Veterans Way. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 2:53 p.m. Nov. 6, in the area of Southwest 35th Street and Southwest Highland Avenue. DUII —Virginia A. Darden, 52, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 3:27 p.m. Nov. 6, in the area of Southwest 35th Street and Southwest Highland Avenue. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at3:41 p.m. Nov.6, in the area of South U.S. Highway 97 and Southwest Veterans Way. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:55p.m.Nov.6,inthe2600 block of Southwest Fourth Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at1:18 p.m. Nov. 7, in the 800 block of West Antler Avenue. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 2:08 p.m. Nov. 7, in the 700 block of Southwest Deschutes Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:11 p.m. Nov. 7, in the1600 block of Southwest Obsidian Avenue. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 3:07 p.m. Nov. 7, in the area of South U.S. Highway 97 and Southwest Veterans Way.
Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 4:01 p.m. Nov. 7, in the 2700 block of Southwest Wickiup Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:58a.m.Nov.8,inthe3500 block of Southwest 21st Place. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:39p.m.Nov.8,inthe 400 blockof Southwest Glacier Avenue. Unauthorizeduse —A vehicle was reported stolen at 6:53 a.m. Nov. 9, in the 3000 block of Southwest Pumice Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 7:21 a.m. Nov. 9, in the 3200 block of Southwest Indian Place. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at12:43 p.m. Nov. 9, in the area of South U.S. Highway 97 and Southwest Pumice Avenue. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 3:05 p.m. Nov. 9, in the1000 block of Northwest19th Street. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest madeat4:12 p.m. Nov. 9, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 5:48 p.m. Nov. 9, in the 300 block of Northwest OakTree Lane. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 9:05 p.m. Nov. 9, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost 147. Theft —A theft was reported at 9:57a.m. Nov.10, in the1600 block of Southwest 33rd Street. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at1:41 p.m. Nov.10, in the 300 block of Northwest OakTree Lane. DUII —Richard Anthony Christiansen, 22, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 12:03a.m. Nov.11, in the area of Southwest Canal Boulevard and Southwest Obsidian Avenue. DUII —Ryan James Carter, 21, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2:26 a.m. Nov. 11, in the area of South U.S. Highway 97 and Southwest Veterans Way. Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at12:17 p.m. Nov. 11, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Theft —A theft was reported at 1:52 p.m. Nov. 11, in the1700 block of South U.S. Highway 97. DUII —James T. Layman, 32, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 8:08 p.m. Nov. 11, in the area of Northwest Sixth Street and Northwest Larch Avenue. Prineville Police Department
Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 2:58 p.m. Nov. 9, in the area of Southeast Lynn Boulevard. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 5:12 p.m. Nov. 9, in the area of Northeast Beaver Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:14a.m. Nov.10, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Jefferson County Sheriff's Office Burglary —A burglary and theft were reported Nov. 4, in the 3700 blockofEastAshwood Road in Madras. Theft —A theft and an act of criminal mischief were reported Nov. 4, in the 5100 block of Southwest ClubhouseRoad in Crooked River Ranch. DUII —Tristan Casey, 26, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 8:23p.m.Nov.4,in the 6200 block of Southwest Mustang Road in Crooked River Ranch. Theft —A theft was reported Nov.
5, in the 800 block of Southwest Holly Lane in Culver. Burglary —A burglary was reported at 9:56 a.m. Nov. 5, in the 5500 block of North Adams Drive northwest of Madras. Theft —A theft was reported Nov. 5, in the 3400 block of Southwest Eureka Lane in Madras. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported Nov. 6, in the area of U.S. Highway 26 East near milepost 7. Theft —Tools were reported stolen from a vehicle Nov. 8, in the 8900 block of Southwest Sandridge Road in Crooked River Ranch. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported Nov. 11, in the area of Southeast Dry Gulch and Southeast Sagebrush drives. Oregon State Police Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 7:01 a.m. Nov. 9, in the area of Powell Butte Highway near milepost14. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at10:53 a.m. Nov. 9, in the area of East U.S. Highway 20 near milepost10. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 6 p.m. Nov. 9, in the area of Service Road 22 near milepost 81. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at10:01 a.m. Nov.10, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost161. Vehicle crash —Multiple vehicle slide-offs were reported Nov. 9-10, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near mileposts 75-88. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at12:25 p.m. Nov.10, in the area of U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 87. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 9:12 p.m. Nov. 9, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost147. DUII —Brenda Jane Skelton, 42, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:17a.m. Nov.11, in the area of Cinder Butte and Baker roads in Deschutes River Woods. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 5:17 p.m. Nov. 9, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 79. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 6:50 p.m. Nov. 12, in the area of North state Highway126 and 101st Street. DUII —Albert Lucky Rollins, 35, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 6:50 p.m. Nov. 12, in the area of North state Highway126 and 101st Street. DUII —Shawn Mark Todd, 29, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at1:44 a.m. Nov. 13, in the area of Northeast Fourth Street and Northeast Quimby Avenue in Bend. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported Nov. 9, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost 200. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported Nov. 9, in the area of state Highway 31 near milepost 24. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported Nov. 9, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost183. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at11:10 p.m. Nov. 9, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost183. DUII —Phillip R. Shields, 51, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 2 a.m. Nov. 10, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost174. Vehicle crash —Anaccident was reported at 8:19 a.m. Nov. 10, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost184. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 8 a.m. Nov. 12, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost199.
Brat!" (1999), she challenged the thinking in many books that she felt promoted overinvolvement in children's lives. A reviewer in The Philadelphia Inquirerpraised Jeff ers for assuring parents, "You're OK, even though you go to work (not necessarily because you have to but because you like to) and send your children to day care." It was an early bout with breast cancer and a difficult first marriage that led Jeffers to become a writer. "These were actually enriching experiences," she wrote in "Feel the Fear."
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: David Durk, 77: New York City police detective who with Officer Frank Serpico shattered the infamous blue wall of silenceto expose widespread corruption in the city's Police Department in the 1960s and '70s. Died Tuesday at his home in Putnam County, N.Y.
Jack Gilbert, 87: Prize-winning poet and novelist known for his clear and subtle verse in collections including "Views
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Mike LeRoux
of Jeopardy" and "Refusing
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Heaven"; he wrote often about Pittsburgh and his childhood, food and sex, and personal pain. Died Tuesday in Berkeley, Calif.
— From wire reports
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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012. •B4
Today:A few peeks CHANNE
of sunshine, a mild and near-aver-
age day.
More dry and partly cloudy weather.
Tonight:A few clouds through the night, staying close to
aver age.
Seasideo 52/43 •ocannonPeach
Da g es 51/38 ~ x / krlington 53/34
• Wasco
C 54/38 4/ • • Sa n dy • 53/44 McMinnvige 5 • 54/38 • 7 Government Lincoln City P S~l~m 53/42 • Tigamook•
• John )
Nyssa 50/30
Lake 50/25
North Bend • 27 0 Lakeview
• 54I35
• Klamath
• Lakeview
Falls 49/26
TRAVELERS' FORECAST NATIONAL YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX......55/33/000...64/41/s. 69/41/pc Grandilapids....38/29/0.00...43/27/c. 45/30/pc RapidCity.......51/20/000...48/29/c .. 44/27/s Savannah.......76/55/000... 60/49/c. 62/48/sh Akron..........37/29/000...42/28/s. 45/28/pc Green Bay.......36/22/0.00...42/31/c. 46/31/pc Reno...........60/25/000...59/30/s. 58/34/pc Seattle..........52/46/018...52/40/c.. 51/42/c Albany..........63/35/078...45/25/s .. 46/29/s Greensboro......62/43/019...52/34/s. 53/36/pc Richmond.......65/38/012... 51/35/s. 52/37/pc Sioux Falls.......46/17/000 ..49/29/pc. 46/22/pc Albuquerque.....55/25/000... 55/34/s. 58/37/pc Harnsburg.......48/38/0 51...48/31/s. 50/33/pc Rochester, NY....48/37/0.02... 41/28/s. 45/32/pc Spokane........38/33/0.05... 40/31/c .. 40/35/c Anchorage......27/19/000 ..30/23/sn. 29/17/sn Hartford,CT.....64/42/0.18...48/29/s .. 47/32/s Sacramento......6267/0.00... 71/44/s. 70/50/pc Springfield, MO ..54/25/0.00... 54/31/s .. 58/34/s Atlanta.........58/35/000 ..53/4vsh.55/43lsh Helena..........41/26/0.00...42/23lc. 43/25/pcSt. 55/35/pc Tampa..........82/66/000..81/64/pc. 81/62/pc Atlantic City.....61/43/015... 52/38/s .. 52/43/s Honolulu........81/73/007... 85/72/s. 83/70/pc Salt Lake City....4U25/000...43/29/c. 46/36/pc Tucson..........74/38/000...80/49ls. 81/51/pc Austin..........57/33/000...65/38ls.69/40lpc Houston ........61/40/000...67/41/s. 70/46/pcSanAntonio.....54/46/001...65/43/s.70/47/pc Tulsa...........58/32/000...60/33/s.61/33/pc Baltimore .......55/41/044...48/30/s .. 51/38/s Huntsville.......54/30/0 00..53/37/pc .. 58/38/s SanDiego.......76/48/0.00... 71/55/s .. 70/58lc Washington, DC..57/43/0.50... 50/36/s.. 54/4us 6illings.........46/29/000...43/26/c.46/27/pc Indianapolis.....40/25/0.00...45/30/s. 50/32/pc SanFrancisco....65/47/0.00... 69/55/s.67/53/pc Wichita.........$5/27/0.00... 61/33/s. 59/36/pc Birmingham.....56/32/000 ..56/41/pc.. 57/42/s Jackson, MS.... 57/33/0.00. 59/34/s .. 62/40/s SanJose........69I39/000... 71/51/5 65/49/pc Yakima........ 44/40/000 ..48I27/pc. 46/32/pc Bismarck.........32/3/000...36/20/c .. 29/16/s Jacksonvile......79/57/0 00..68/57lsh. 68/54/sh SantaFe........53I20/000... 54/33/s 57/33/pc Yuma .76/48/000...BU55ls,81/55/pc Boise...........46/36/001 ...52/30/c. 52/31/pc Juneau..........32/32/048... 40/34/r...37/32/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........63/43/029...47/35/s .. 45/37/s Kansas City......57/26/0.00 ..56/36/pc. 59/32/pc Bndgepoit,CT....61/41/005...49/33/s .. 49/37/s Lansing.........34/27/000 ..42/26/pc. 45/30/pc Amsterdam......52/45/000 51/41/pc 52/42/pc Mecca..........95/77/000 .90I73/pc.. 92/74/5 Buffalo.........39/35/000...43/29/s. 46/33/pc LasVegas.......66/41/000...67/48/s. 69/51/pc Athens..........68/55/000 66/59/pc 62/56/c MexicoCity .....66/55/000 .74/48/pc. 73/48/pc Burlington,VT....65/34/075...41/24/5 .. 42/27/s Lexington.......45/23/000 ..48/26/pc. 51/34/pc Auckland........66/52/000 ..61/51/sh.64/53lsh Montreal........48/30/000...41l30ls. 37/29/pc Caribou,ME.....61/34/015...36/21/s.. 38/26/s Lincoln..........58/14000 ..55/30/pc. 56/29/pc Baghdad........99/54/0.00 ..71/51/pc.. 73/51/s Moscow........41/36/0.00... 34/27/c .. 36/32/c CharlestonSC...78/53/000..60/49/pc. 62/48/sh Little Rock.......55/32/000...57/32/s.. 57/35/s Bangkok........93/77/000... 93/78/t. 92/77/pc Nairobi.........81/59/000 ..79/57/pc. 80/59/pc Charlotte........63/24/015... 54/36/s .. 52/38/c LosAngeles......80/52/0 00... 78/56/s .. 73/56/c Beifng..........45/34/000... 37/24/s. 41/25/pc Nassau.........81/73/000... 81/70/t...82J72/t Chattanooga.....54/37/000 ..56/39/pc.60/40/pc Louisville........49/29/0.00...49/28/s. 53/33/pc Beirut..........72/61/000... 73/6vs .. 75/64/s New Delh/.......81/59/000... 78/58/s .. 77/57/s Cheyenne.......47/28/0.00..49/27/pc.42/26/pc Madison,WI.....40/22/0.00...46/30/c.. 48/27/c Berlin...........50/32/000...47/33/s .. 49/33/s Osaka..........63/46/000 ..54/44/pc. 55/42/pc Chicago.........41/24/000 ..46/34/pc.. 49/35/c Memphis....... 54/33/000 ..54/36/s .. 58I38/s Bogota.........68/52/000 ..63/49/sh. 61/50lsh Oslo............45/21/000...43/39/c. 41/29/pc Cincinnati.... 46/25/000...45/27/s.50/30/pc Miami . . . . 81/71/000 82/69/pc 81I70/pc Budapest........54/41/000...50/35/s .. 50/37/s Ottawa.........43/28/000...43/26/s. 38/28/pc Cleveland.......36/31/000...43/34/s. 45/33/pc Milwaukee......38/22/0.00 ..,45/34/c .. 48/35/c BuenosAires.....73/50/000 ..74/62/pc.. 76/63/s Paris............46/41/000..51/41/pc. 57/48/pc Colorado Spnngs.56/23/000... 55/32/s. 49/31lpc Minneapolis.....43/I8/0 00...49/32/c .. 48/24/5 CaboSanLucas..82/63/0.00..85/65/pc.. 87/66/s Riode Janeiro....73/68/0.00..77/67/sh. 79/69/sh ColumbiaMQ...52/23/000... 54/32/s. 59/34/pc Nashville........51/28/000 ..54/31/pc. 57/34/pc Cairo...........75/59/000.. 76/63/5.77/63/pc Rome...........73/57/000..68/56/pc.65/51/pc Columhia,SC....64/53/000 ..53/41/pc. 53/41/sh New Orleans.....59/45/000... 59/45/s .. 63/48/s Calgary.........41/30/000..41/29/pc. 35/I8/pc Santiago........82/50/000... 82/57/s.. 81/55/s Columbus, GA...64/40/000..57/43lsh.60/44/pc NewYork.......62/44/004...49/37/s.. 50/39/s Cancun.........84/64/0.00... 82I72/t. 83/72/sh SaoPaulo.......70/59/0.00..72/58/sh...74/60/t Columbus,OH....41/28/0.00...46/28/s.. 50/3vs Newark,Nl......63/44/0.07...50/34/s. 50/38/pc Dublin..........55/54/0.00... 53/48/c. 51/46/pc Sapporo ........55/55/0.00 ..52/36/pc. 47/35/pc Concord,NH.....61/34/022...48/25/s .. 46/30/s Norfolk VA......65/45/032... 51/41/s. 54/44/pc Edinhurgh.......57/48/000 ..55/41/sh.. 47/36/c Seoul...........48/34/000... 47/33/s .. 47/32/s Corpus Christi....62/54/009 ..68/57/pc. 72/58/pc Oklahoma City...57/28/0.00...60/35/s. 61/33/pc Geneva.........50/39/000..61/47/pc.. 63/48/s Shangha/........64/45/000...60/45/s.63/51/pc Dallasftwonh...59/35/000...64/33/s.66/38/pc Omaha.........53/23/000..54/34/pc.54/31/pc Harare..........90/64/000 ..86/60/pc. 85/60/pc Singapore.......88/77/000... 86/80/t...87/79/t Dayton .........39/27/000...44/26/s.48/29/pc Orlando.........82/61/0.00..81/61/pc.81/60/pc HongKong......79/70/000..82/73/pc. 82/7vpc Stockholm.......45/27/000...49/42/c.46/35/pc Denver..........52/28/000 ..56/29/pc. 50/26/pc PalmSprings.... 76/45/0.00. 83/54/s. 83/57/pc Istanbul.........64/50/0.00 61/56/sh. .. 62/56lsh Sydney..........68/61/0.00... 69/59/c. 80/64/sh DesMoines......52/23/000..54/36/pc. 54/31/pc Peoria..........43/23/0.00...48/29/s. 52/33/pc lerusalem.......64/51/0.01... 69/55/s .. 71/56/s Taipei...........79/64/0.00 ..76/67/pc. 75/69/pc Detroit..........36/32/000 ..40/32/pc. 44/33/pc Philadelphia.....63/44/014...50/34/s .. 50I36/s Johannesburg....81l61/000... 73/55/t...76/59/t Tel Aviv.........72/59/000... 74/61/s .. 76/59/s Duluth..........35/18/000...42/29/c.43/27/pc Phoenix.........77/47/000...83/55/s. 82/57/pc Lima...........70/63/000...71/64/c. 71/65/pc Tokyo...........66/54/000..60/44/pc. 57/43lpc El Paso..........63/37/000...70/41/s. 72/43/pc Pittsburgh.......38/31/000...44/28/s. 49/30/pc Lisbon..........61/46/000 57/48/5 63/56/pc Toronto.........37/34/000 . 41/32/s. 42/33/pc Fairbanks...... -10/27/000... 8/6/pc..l/18/pc Portland,ME.....58/42/013...48/30/s.. 47/31/5 London.........59/50/0.00 .. 53/35/pc.52/41/pc Vancouver.......50/46/0.00... 48/38/c. 46/37/pc Fargo...........33/14/000...39/24/c.34/19/pc Providence......65/44/0.18...49/33/s .. 47/34/s Madrid.........63/34/000 ..64/47/pc. 64/47/pc Vienna..........52/37/000... 43/32/s .. 53/37/s Flagstaff........50/14/0.00...58/21/s.59/25/pc Raleigh.........65/46/0.18...53/35/s. 52/38/pc Manila..........86/79/000..89/76/pc.89/77/pc Warsaw.........45/34/000...43/31/s..46/33/s
o www m Vancouver+ •
(in the 48 contiguous states):
2/30 '
Dillon, Colo. w
Las Vegas
~jx Tijuana
tx~ o
Denver 56/29
54/34 o
Chlcaoo ~ Columbus
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' Oklahoma City 55/34 60/35 •
47/35 • Buffalo I 43/29 I ewY ork
Kansas Clty
L;ttle Rock' 57/32
ilad elPhia W n g ton, D.C.
$Jgg • Louisville • 49/28 ,"
Ch rlott
54/31 •
• D anasl 64/33I
New Orleans
Houston 67/41 o
Chihuahua 69146
Juneau 40/34
• Miami 82/69
j.a Paz
q 83/61
orage 30/23
3" ' ~ I' Des Moines
QS r
Salt Lake
/67/48 ~
Honolulu ~
QRap>d Qty P
4o g ' 8 / 29 Cheyenne '
San Francisco
Quillayute, Wash
Halifax 43/38 ~S o ortland 48/30
Quebec 37/26 Toronto
• 1.37
• 87 0 Fullerton, Calif. •
C a lgary Saskatoon 41/29 33'/I'7'
• 48/3 8
1 egend Wweather, Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,hhaze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstormssf snowflurries,snsnow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace
Ye tS d er ay S
• 59'
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 48/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 72 m 1933 Month to date.......... 0.27" Recordlow......... -3in1978 Average monthtodate... 0.49" Average high.............. 48 Year to date............ 7.30" Average low .............. 29 Average year to date..... 8.26" 6arometric pressureat 4 p.m30.11 Record 24 hours ...0.66 in1941 *Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley
V II „
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:28 a.m...... 4:47 p.m. Venus......4:13 a.m...... 3:25 p.m. Mars......10:01 a.m...... 6:39 p.m. Jupiter......5 38 p m...... 8 48 a.m. Satum......5:19 a.m...... 3;57 p.m. Uranus.....2:35 p.m...... 253 a.m.
a service to irrigators and sportsmen.
Ch t
rants ~ Pass
45 30
Astoria ....... . 54/46/0.25....53/37/pc.....54/42/pc Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Baker City..... . 37/29/0.01.....48/24/c.....45/27/pc To report a wildfire, call 911 Crane Prairie..... . . . . . . . 37,376...... 55,000 Brookings..... . 57/51/0.00....57/49/sh.....58/49/sh Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 139,406..... 200,000 6urns......... . 42/28/0.01 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 73,107...... 91,700 Eugene .56/46/0.03 ss/41/pc.'.' .''.56/44/pc Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 16,547 . . . . 47,000 Klamath Falls .. 49/32/0 00 ...49/26/pc ...51/28/pc The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 81,823..... 153,777 Lakeview...... .45/27/0.00 ....48/28/c.....49/30/pc R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec La Pine....... .43/33/0.00.....49/26/c.....48/24/pc the need for eye and skin protection. Index is Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 163 Medford .52/46/0.01....54/35/pc.....58/42/pc for ar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 250 Newport .54/46/0.00....55/42/pc.....56/45/pc Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 23 MEDIUM HIGH North Bend.... ..59/52/NA....57/47/pc.....59/48/pc Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 151 Ontario....... . 39/33/0.03.....50/30/c.....50/32/pc 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 651 Pendleton..... .51/41/0.00.....49/33/c.....51/34/pc Deschutes RiverAt 6enham Falls ..... . . . . . 818 Portland . 54/46/0.00 Crooked RiverAbove Prinevige Res.. .. . . . . . . 3 5 Prineville .49/32/0.01 49/3ilc 54 /33/pc Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 76.7 Redmond . 50/31/0.00 Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . 4.330 Roseburg 57/48/0 00 54/41/» 55 / 43/0 Updated daily. Source: Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 151 Salem 54/44/0 00 ...56/40/pc ...57/42/pc ~~ Sisters.........49/29/0.00.....50/29/c.....52/27/pc ~YLOIN Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM The Dages......50/44/0.01 ....53/34/pc.....53/38/pc • or go to
o paulina 45/27
• Brothers 48/26
• Brookings
47 35
Some light snow flurriesarea possibility.
Yesterday Wednesday Thursday Bend,westofHwy97......low Sisters...............................low The following was compiled by the Central City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Bend,eastofHwy.97.......low La Pine................................low Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as Precipitationvaluesare24-hourtotals through4 p.m. Redmond/Madras.........low Prineviue...........................low
Mostly cloudy and seasonable.
u n ity
Baker Ci 48/24
o 49/29 fg Ham ton • Bul'HS La Pinede/26 47/27 • 50I28 Cr escent • Riley Lake g Cr eSCent• FOrtROCk50/28
51 33
Port Orfor 57/47
• 7pray 55/28
then becoming partly cloudy.
46/28 Union
Prineville 48/3
O a kridgrII
Grove ~c
La Grande•
52 32
Sunsettoday...... 4 39 p.m First Full L a st Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:01 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:38 p.m Moonrise today.... 7:58 a.m Moonsettoday .... 5:32 p.m Nov. 20 Nov. 28 Dec. 6
CENTRAL IVlorning clouds,
• 42/25
• Mit h II 51/32
Eugene •
• Meacham
• Pendleton
56/47 •
• Hermiston 49/32
4 9 /33
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:00 a.m Moon phases
WEST Morning clouds, then becoming partly cloudy.
As t oria
Off-and-on rainfall throughout the day.
Sunshine in the morning, clouds in the eve-
Mazatlan • 8 9/66
68/51 •
• +++Q
* *
.++++ '
* * *
* *
vr o h oe
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Calif. towns, lacking political dout, get unsafe tap water By Patricia Leigh Brown New Yor/2 Times News Service
SEVILLE, Calif. — Like most children, the students at Stone Corral Elementary School rejoice when the bell rings for recess and delight in christening a classroom pet. B ut while growing up i n this impoverished agricultural community of numbered roads and lush citrus orchards, young people have learned a harsh life lesson: "No tomes el agua!" — "Don't drink the water!" Seville, with a population of about 300,is one of dozens of predominantly L atino u n incorporated communities in the Central Valley plagued for decades by contaminated drinking water. It is the grim result of more than half a century in which fertilizers, animal waste, pesticides and other substances have infiltrated aquifers, seeping into the groundwater and eventually the tap. An estimated 20 percent of small public water systems in Tulare County are unable to meet safe nitrate levels, according to a U.N. representative. In farmworker communities like Seville, a place of rusty rural mailboxes and backyard roosters where the average yearly income is $14,000, residents like Rebecca Quintana pay double for water: both for the tap water they use only to shower and wash clothes, and for the five-gallon bottles they must buy weekly for drinking, cooking and brushing their teeth. It is a life teeming with worry: about children accidentally sip-
ping contaminated water while cooling off with a garden hose, about nothaving enough clean water for an elderly parent's medications, about finding a rock while cleaning the feeding tube of a severely disabled daughter, as Lorie Nieto did. She vowed never to Lfse tap water again. Chris Kemper, the school's principal, budgets $100 to $500 a month for bottled water. He recalledhis astonishment, upon his arrival four years ago, at encountering the "ghost" drinking fountains, shut off to protect students from "weird foggyish water," as one sixth grader, Jacob Cabrera, put it. Kemper said he associated such conditions with third world countries. "I always picture it as a laptop a month for the school," he said of the added cost of water. Here in Tulare County, one of the country's leading dairy producers, where animal waste lagoons penetrate the air and soil, most residents rely on groundwater as the source for drinking water. A study by the University of California, Davis, this year estimated that 254,000 people in the Tulare Basin and Salinas Valley, prime agricultural regions with about 2.6 million residents, were at risk for nitrate contamination of their drinking water. Nitrates have been linked to thyroid disease and make infants susceptible to "blue baby syndrome," a potentially fatal condition that interferes with the blood's capacity to carry oxygen. Communities like Seville, where corroded piping runs
through a m u rk y i r r igation ditch and into a solitary well, are particularly vulnerable to nitrate contamination, lacking financial resources for backup systems. Fertilizer and other chemicals applied to cropland decades ago will continue to affectgroundwater foryears,according to the Davis study. Situated off the state's psychic map, l acking p olitical clout and even mayors, places like Seville and Tooleville to the south have long been excluded from regional land use and investment decisions, said Phoebe Seaton,the director of a community initiative for California Rural Legal Assistance. Residents rely on county governments and tiny resident-run public utility districts. The result of this jurisdictional patchwork is a f r agmented water delivery system and frequently deteriorating infrastructure. Many such c o mmunities started as farm labor camps without i n frastructure, said John Capitman, a professor at California State University, Fresno, and the executivedirector of the Central Valley Health
Policy Institute. Today, 1 in 5 residents in the Central Valley live below the federal poverty line. Many spend up to 10 percent of their income on water. "The laborers and residents of this region have borne a lot of thesocial costs of food production," Capitman said. Last month, G ov. J erry Brown signed the Human Right to Water bill, which directs state agenciesto make clean water a
financing priority. "Clean water ought to be a right," said Bill Chiat, who educates government officials on water issues. "The question is, how are you going to pay for it?" The answer is sometimes a twisted tale: In Lanare, in Fresno County, the local community services district received $L3 million in federal money to construct a treatment plant for arsenic-tainted water. But when the systembegan operating, the cost of water skyrocketed — the result of lowball estimates by construction engineers, as well as the siphoning of treated watertonearby farms. "Before, it was dirty water,"
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might be partnering with Alta Irrigation District, which has deliveredsurface water for agriculture from the Kings River for 130 years. Conserved water in upstream reservoirscould also bea source for Seville and elsewhere. Meanwhile, the state is allocating $4 million for interim solutions like filters that can remove arsenic and nitrates.
said Isabel Solorio, a part-time housecleaner. "But at least it wasn't expensive dirty water." The plant currently sits unused. But there is a gromng recognition by state and local officials that rural communities needregional solutions. One option is consolidation, in which small systems band together to create a larger system with a biggercustomer base.Another
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• •
Scoreboard, D2
College football, D5 College basketball, D3 Tee to Green, D6 NBA, D3
PREP FOOTBALL Local refs get state assignments Crews representing the Central Oregon Football Officials As-
sociation have been assigned to work
two Oregon School Activities Association state playoff games this
weekend. Tim Huntley, COFOA
commissioner, announced the assignments Tuesday. The Central Oregon crew for the Class 5A
quarterfinal gamebetween WestAlbany and Silverton, set for Friday at 7 p.m. at Silverton High School, consists
of referee JohnCox, of La Pine; umpire Steve Knauss, of Sisters; head
ummitto s orva is, earns state ina ert
"I don't think that we've been in Bulletin staff report CORVALLIS — M u dd y c o ndi- that situation before this season, to tions forced Summit to adjust its the point where it kind of got a little style of play, but a pair of goals early bit panicky," Summit coach Jamie in the second half propelled the InBrock said, referring to a 1-1 tie termountain C onference champiscore at the half. "For us to rally back ons past Corvallis 3-1 in a Class 5A like that is pretty big, especially gosemifinal contest on Tuesday night, ing into a finals game where you earning the Storm their second trip may see that. It should be a tough to the state final match in t h r ee game, and you've got to be prepared years. for a team to score on us. We haven't Summit will play reigning state been scored on alotthis season, so champion Sherwood, a team the it's hard to know how you're going Storm tied earlier this season, on to reactifyou haven't been scored Saturday at Hillsboro Stadium for on a bunch." the 5A state crown. SeeSummit/D4
linesman DaveCurfew, of Bend; line judge Rick Torassa, of Redmond;
Long putters should remain
Jesse Skoobo/ Corvallis Gazette-Times
Summit's Meg Meagher slides tokick the ball away from Corvallis' Rachel Kermoyan during Tuesday night's Class 5A semifinal match at Corvallis High School.
and backjudge Kurt
Renstrom, of Bend. Assigned to the Class 4A quarterfinal between
Baker and Scappoose,
legal s if the stigma from using a long putter was not enough. The desperate golfing souls who resort to use of such devices once were subject only to the e ridicule of his ••ee or her play-
which kicks off at noon
ing partners.
Saturday at Scappoose
But a number
High, is the COFOAcrew of referee Chuck Aldred,
of professional golfers
of Culver; umpire Ken
(most notably Tiger Woods) have recently voiced their objection to long putters, particularly those increasingly popular flat sticks that are anchored to the body, such as belly putters in which the club is pressed into the golfer's midsection as a mechanism to stabilize the club. Add a little push back from devoteesof anchored putters — even some who are threatening a lawsuit if a ban is implemented — and wehave a controversy. Funny what happens when three of the past five major championships on the PGA Tour are won by golfers wielding long putters. See Putters/D5
White, of Bend; head linesman Terry Cash-
man, of Bend; line judge Jason Powell, of Bend; and backjudge Mike Durre, of Bend. — Bulletin staff report
MLB Marlins, jays make blockbuster trade MIAMI — The Miami
Marlins' spending spree a year agodidn't work, so now they're trying another payroll purge, shedding some of their
biggest stars and their multimillion-dollar salaries in one blockbuster
"a $g
.~ ' ~ + g@
Rebranded in a new ballpark at the start of
2012, the Marlins were up to their old ways
Tuesday, swapping high-priced talent for top prospects. Miami traded All-Star shortstop Jose
Photos byRyan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Mountain View's Curtis Markle jumpsinto the arms of teammate Mike McLean to celebrate the Cougars' win over Summit in a Class 5A semifinal match on Tuesday night at Summit High School.
Reyes, left-hander Mark Buehrle and ace righthanderJosh Johnsonto
the Toronto BlueJays, a person familiar with the
agreement said. The person confirmed the trade to The Associated Press on condition
• Mountain View beats Summi1-0 t in an intracity showdown to reachthe state final
the teams weren't officially commenting. The
By Beau Eastes
person said the trade
The Bulletin
sent several of the Blue
These guys just keep getting better. Three days after rallying from a two-goal deficit in the state quarterfinals, Mountain View, which went 0-3-1 in its first four games this season, upset Summit 1-0 on Tuesday in the Class 5A boys soccer semifinal round to earn a spot in Saturday's 5A state final. Cougar junior midfielder Takuro Nihei scored the
Jays' best young players to Miami.
The stunning agreement came lessthana year after the Marlins added Reyes,Buehrle and closer Heath Bell
in an uncharacteristic $191 million spending
binge as theymoved into a newballpark. The acquisitions raised high hopes, but the Marlins
game's only goal, a 35-yard
instead finished last in the NL East. The latest paring of
salary actually began in July, when the Marlins parted with former
Mountain View's Takuro Nihei (8) fires a kick past several Summit defenders to score the winning goal late in the second halfon Tuesday night.
loft shot in the 75th minute that just cleared the outstretchedarms ofStorm goalkeeper Hayes Joyner.
The loss stunned the Storm, the Intermountain Conference champions and one of two No. I seeds in the 5A state playoff
bracket. The Cougars (11-4-2), who are unbeaten in their past nine games, will play two-time defending state champion Woodburn on Saturday at Hillsboro Stadium. Mountain View will be making its third state final appearance in school history this weekend. The Cougars tied Jesuit 0-0 in the 1999 4A state final — the two were crowned co-champions — and they lost to Corvallis 3-2 three years ago in the 5A title match.
The deal gavean immediate boost to the Blue Jays, who have not
reached the playoffs since winning their second consecutive World Series in 1993. — The Associated Press
NBA Trail Blazers roll past Kings,103-86 Portland ends its four-
game losing streak,03
player to
NAPLES, Fla.— The website for Stacy Lewis refers to her as the "Next Great American Golfer." That's about
and right-hander Anibal Sanchez, amongothers. to Arizona last month.
From next great U.S.
The Associated Press
baseman Omar lnfante Bell, the team's high-
By Doug Ferguson
NL batting champion Hanley Ramirez, second
profile bust, was traded
Ktn Cheong /The Associated Press
Adam Scott is oneof many pro players that uses a long style of putter.
The BCS isane not campaignf Qf Q 5PQf~
m 'g+'
with quarterback Collin Klein, left, is one of three U~s~i~«~c , ~~J,„
By Ralph D. Russo The Associated Press
magine having an election in which c andidates w e r e cr i t i cized fo r
t campaigning.
Strange, right? Unless it's the Bowl Championship Series. Notre Dame coach Brian Kelly, who was an aspiring politician before settling into a very successful football coaching career, is currently in the unenviable position of being the third wheel in the race to the BCS title game.
Oregon and Notre
Inside • Oregon's defense will try to overcome injuries,05
~ '
K ansas State leads the B C S standings. Oregon is second. Notre Dame is third. If the Ducks and Wildcats win out, they likely will play for the BCS title on Jan. 7 in Miami, even if the Fighting Irish also finish unbeaten. See BCS/D5
<j .j
/I, ,
. -
: .
'= ~Q 'r;~
vying for a spot in the national title
as high as any American on the LPGA Tour had reason to aim. It has been Lew i s 18 years since an American was LPGA player of the year, and go back one more year to find the last American to win the LPGA money list. Even though the phrase "global golf" is now in vogue, the LPGA Tour was ahead of its time. It has been a magnet for the very best from every corner of the globe forthe better part of two decades. See LPGA/D5
7 a.m.:Men's international friendly, United States vs. Russia, ESPN2.
11:25a.m.: Men's international friendly, Netherlands vs. Germany, ESPN2. BASKETBALL 5p.m.:NBA, Memphis Grizzlies at Oklahoma City Thunder, ESPN. 7 p.m.:College, Utah Valley at Washington State, Pac-12 Network. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Miami Heat at
Los Angeles Clippers, ESPN. GOLF 5:30 p.m.:PGA Tour of Australasia, Australian Masters, first round, Golf Channel.
10:30 p.m.:European Tour, Hong Kong Open, first round, Golf Channel. FOOTBALL
6 p.m.:College, Toledo at Northern lllinois, ESPN2.
Thursday GOLF
6a.m.:European Tour, South African Open, first round, Golf Channel. 10:30 a.m.:LPGA Tour, Titleholders, first round, Golf
Channel. 5:30 p.m.:PGA Tour of
Australasia, Australian Masters, second round, Golf Channel. 10:30 p.m.:European Tour, Hong KongOpen,second round, Golf Channel. SOCCER
9:30a.m.:Men'scollege, Stanford at Cal (tapedj, Pac-12 Network. BASKETBALL
2 p.m.:Men's college, Puerto Rico Tip-Off, quarterfinal, North Carolina State vs. Penn State, ESPN2.
4 p.m.:Men's college, 2K Sports Classic, semifinal,
Alabama vs. OregonState, ESPN2. 4 p.m.: Men's college, lllinois State at Drexel, NBC Sports Network. 5 p.m.: NBA, Boston Celtics at
Brooklyn Nets, TNT. 6 p.m.:Men's college, 2K Sports Classic, semifinal,
Purdue vs. Villanova, ESPN2. 6 p.m.:Men's college, Alcorn State at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.
7 p.m.: Men'scollege,Texas-El Paso at Arizona, Root Sports. 7:30 p.m.:NBA, Miami Heat at Denver Nuggets, TNT.
8 p.m.: Men'scollege,James Madison at UCLA, Pac-12 Network. FOOTBALL
4:30 p.m.:College, North Carolina at Virginia, ESPN. 5 p.m.:NFL, Miami Dolphins at Buffalo Bills, NFL Network.
Friday Football: Class 5Astate playolls: CrescentValley at Redmond, 7 p.mcMountain Viewvs. Marist at WillametteHighin Eugene,7p.m.
4 p.m.:Men's college, 2K Sports Classic, semifinal, Alabama vs. Oregon State, KICE-AM 940,KRCO-AM 690. Listings are themost accurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by TV or radio stations
In the Bleachers Cr 2012 Steve Moore. Dist. by Umversal Uctick www.gocom>
Saturday Boys soccer: Class 5Astate final, Woodburnvs. MountainViewin Higsboro, TBA Girls soccer: Class 5Astate final, Sherwoodvs. Summit in Hillsboro,TBA
PREP SPORTS Soccer OSAAState Playoffs BOYS CLASS 6A Semifinals Tuesday's Results
Lincoln 3,Clackamas2 (2-0 PKs) Jesuit 4,Sunset2 Final Saturday's Game Lincoln vs.Jesuit at HigsboroStadium,TBA CLASSBA Semifinals
Tuesday'sResults Woodbum 2, HoodRwer Valey1 MountainView1,Summit0 Final Saturday's Game Woodburnvs.MountainViewat Higsboro Stadium, TBA
CLASS4A Semifinals Tuesday's Results Philomath3, McLoughlin 2(4-2 PKs) La Salle4, Phoenix0 Final
Philomathvs. LaSale at Llberty HS,Higsboro, TBA CLASSSA/2A/1A Quarterlinals Semifinals
OregonEpiscopal3, Catlin Gabel2 Riverdale3, Riverslde I Final Saturday's Game Riverdalevs. OregonEpiscopal at LibertyHS,Hilsboro,TBA GIRLS CLASS6A Semifinals
Tuesday's Results Clackamas 3, Lakeridge 2 (4-3 PKs) Thurston 1, Grant0 Final Saturday's Game
Thurstonvs. ClackamasatHilsboro Stadium, TBA CLASSBA
Semifinals Tuesday'sResults
Summit 3,Corvallis1 Sherwood 2, Wigamete1 Final Saturday's Game Sherwoodvs. Summit at HigsboroStadium,TBA CLASS4A Semifinals Tuesday'sGames Mazama 4, Philomath 0
Gladstone 4, Scappoose1 Final Saturday'sGame Mazama vs. Gladstoneat Liberty HS,Higsboro,TBA CLASSSA/2A/1A Semifinals Tuesday's Results OregonEpiscopal3, St Mary's,Medlord0 ValleyCatholic1, Glide0 Final Saturday's Game Valley Catholicvs. OregonEpiscopal at Liberty HS Hillsboro,TBA
Football OSAAState Playoffs CLASS6A Round 2
Friday's Games
ThurstonatJesult, 7 p.m. Spragueat Tualatin, 7 p.m. Roseburgat Sheldon,7 p.m. Centuryat Southridge,7 p.m. SouthMedfordat LakeOswego, 7p.m. WestSalematAloha, 7 p.m. CanbyatTigard, 7p.m. Sunset at Central Catholic (HigsboroStadium), 7
Quarterlinals Friday's Games CrescentValleyat Redmond,7 p.m. MountainViewat Marist (WilametteHS),7p.m. WestAlbanyat Silverton, 7 p.m. Springfield atSherwood,7 p.m. CLASS4A
Querterlinals Friday's Games PhilomathatCascade,7 p.m. North Bend/OR Coast Tech atGladstone, 7p.m. Saturday'sGames BakeratScappoose,noon Ontario at LaSalePrep,1 p.m. CLASSSA Quarterlinals Friday's Games Wigamina at Dayton SantiamChristian at HorizonChristian, 7p.m. Rainier atScio(North SalemHS), 7 p.m. Saturday's Game PleasantHill at CascadeChristian,1 p.m. CLASS2A
Quarterlinals Friday's Game OaklandatGold Beach (Marshfield HS),7p.m. Saturday's Games Central Linnat Kennedy, 1p.m. PortlandChristianatHeppner,2 p.m. GrantUnionat LostRiver 1p.m. CLASS1A
Guarterlinals Saturday's Games Triad atSt. Paul,1 p.m. Dufur atLoweg,1p.m. ShermanatCamasValley, 1p.m. Perrydaleat Imbler,noon
WISCONSIN 2 3 Ohio St LSU 19.5 19 Mississippi Utep 35 4 S MISSISSIPP I ARIZONA ST 20.5 22.5 Washington St ArkansasSt 3 3 TROY UL-MONROE 9 5 10 N. Texas Mid TennSt 1 0 10 S. ALABAM A U L-LAFAY ETTE 3.5 3 . 5 W. Kentucky (Fl) - FloridaInternationalopenedastheIavorite.
BASKETBALL Men's college EAST Buckneg61, George Mason56 MountSt.Mary's70,Hartford 63 NewHampshire 72,Dartmouth 58 Niagara 86,St Francis(Pa.)69 Northeastern 67, Princeton66 St. John's77,Detroit 74 StonyBrook54, Rider46 UConn67,Vermont49 UMass67,Harvard64 SOUTH Belmont88, Maryvige (Mo.)49 Charlotte66, Georgia Southem53 Duke75,Kentucky 68 EastCarolina87, Methodist 51 Elon95,Bridgewater (Va.) 51 FloridaGulfCoast63, Miami51 Furman90,Southern Wesleyan71 High Poin86, t AppalachianSt. 64 Jacksonville78, Trinity Baptist48 LSU73,McNeeseSt. 48 Michi ganSt67,Kansas64 Middl eTennessee58,SavannahSt.55 Mississippi90,CoastalCarolina72 MississippiSt.78, FAU58 Richmond101,UNCWilmington 58 Stetson88,Florida A&M66 "Yes! Thank you. It's about time." Tulane65, Bethune-Cookman55 UCF85,AlabamaSt. 56 VMI 116,Cent.Pennsylvania81 WKentucky74,Austin Peay54 WichitaSt.53,VCU51 MIDWEST Chicago St. 81,Concordia(RI.) 65 Cincinnati102,MVSU60 All Times PST All Times PST IPFW 73, Rochester (Mlch.) 56 IndianaSt. 66,Winthrop55 AMERICANCONFERENCE North Marquette64, SELouisiana53 East Conf. Overall Miami(Ohio)80,Grambling St.54 7-0 10-0 Missouri91,AlcornSt.54 W L T P c t PF PA Oregon 6-1 8-2 NewEngland 6 3 0 . 6 67299 201 Stanford Northwestern 79,TexasSouthern49 5-2 7-2 Miami 4 5 0 . 4 44173 186 DregonState S. Dakota St. 78,TennesseeSt. 71 N.Y Jets 3 6 0 . 3 33175 228 Washington 43 64 Temple80,Kent St.66 2-6 3-8 Buffalo 3 6 0 . 3 33211 285 Califomia UMKC 99, Lincoln(Mo.) 64 0-7 2-8 South WashingtonState Valparaiso 69, N.Illinois 46 W L T P c t PF PA South W. Michigan 85,Marygrove40 Houston 8 1 0 . 8 89250 143 Conf. Overall Wright St.56, E.Illinois 44 5-2 8-2 Indianapolis 6 3 0 . 6 67186 201 UCLA Xavier 62, But er47 5-3 7-3 Tennessee 4 6 0 . 4 00219 311 USC SOUTHWES T 3-4 6-4 Jacksonvile 1 8 0 . 1 11127 246 Arizona Arkansas St. 76,Ark.-Monticego47 3-4 5-5 North ArizonaState Cent.Arkansas108,Hendrix 65 2-5 4-6 W L T P c t PF PA ulah 1-6 1-9 PrairieView91, Arlington Baptist 38 Baltimore 7 2 0 . 7 78254 196 Colorado SamHoustonSt.82, Hardin-Simmons31 Pittsburgh 6 3 0 . 6 67207 177 Saturday'sGames Texas St. 86,Texas-Tyler 66 Cincinnati 4 5 0 . 4 44220 231 WashingtonatColorado, 10:30a.m. FAR WEST Cleveland 2 7 0 . 2 22169 211 WashingtonStateat ArizonaState, noon Albany(NY)63,Washington 62 West USC atUCLA,12:05p.m. BYU 80, Ge orgi a St. 62 W L T P c t PF PA Stanford atOregon, 5p.m. Boise St.88,Oakland 80 Denver 6 3 0 . 6 67271 189 Arizonaat Utah,7 p.m. California79,Pepperdine62 SanDieg o 4 5 0 .44 4 209 191 CalifomiaatOregonState, 7:30 p.m. Gonzaga 84,West Virginia 50 Oakland 3 6 0 . 3 33191 284 Hawaii73,HoustonBaptist 60 Kansas City 1 8 0 111 146 256 Houston 77,SanJoseSt. 75 NATIONALCONFERENCE NewMexico86, Davidson 81 Betting line East San Diego St.91, SanDiegoChristian 57 W L T P c t PF PA NFL San Francisco 73, CalSt.-Hayward 58 N.Y.Giants 6 4 0 . 6 00267 216 (Hometeamsin Caps) Southern Cal 62,LongBeach St. 44 Dallas 4 5 0 . 4 44188 204 Favorite Open Current Underdog UCLABO, UC I r vine79,0T Philadelphia 3 6 0 . 3 33156 221 Thursday TOURNAMEN T Washington 3 6 0 . 3 33226 248 BILLS I 15 Dolphins NIT SeasonTipoff-East South Sunday Championship W L T P c t PF PA REDSKINS 3 .5 3 . 5 Eagles Atlanta 8 1 0 . 8 89247 174 Packers 3 3. 5 LIONS Pittsburgh78, Lehlgh53 Third Place TampaBay 5 4 0 . 5 56260 209 FALCON S 10 10 Cardinals RobertMorris74,Fordham58 NewOreans 4 5 0 . 4 44249 256 Buccaneers 2 15 PANTHE RS NIT Season Tipoff-Midwest Carolina 2 7 0 . 2 22163 216 COWBO YS 7 .5 7 . 5 Browns Championship North RAMS 3 3 Jets K ansas S t . 8 7 , A l a . Hu n t s vige26 W L T P c t PF PA PATRIOT S 9 .5 9 . 5 Colts Third Place Chicago 7 2 0 . 7 78242 133 TEXANS 16 16 Jaguars GreenBay 6 3 0 . 6 67239 187 Bengals 3 .5 3 . 5 CHIEFS NorthTexas74, Lamar59 NIT SeasonTipoff-North Minnesota 6 4 0 . 6 00238 221 Saints 5 .5 4 . 5 RAIDERS Championship Detroit 4 5 0 . 4 44216 222 BRONC OS 7 7. 5 Chargers West STEELE RS NL NL Ravens Michigan77, ClevelandSt. 47 W L T P c t PF PA Third Place Monday SanFrancisco 6 2 1 . 7 22213 127 49ERS NL NL Bears IUPUI80 BowlingGreen66 Seattle 6 4 0 . 6 00198 161 NIT SeasonTipoff-South Arizona 4 5 0 . 4 44144 173 Championship College St. Louis 3 5 I .3 8 9161 210 Delaware 59, Virginia 53 Today Third Place BALLST 3 .5 6 Ohio U Thursday's Game N. ILLINOIS 10.5 10.5 Toledo Fairfield62,Penn53 Miami atBuffalo,5:20p.m. Thursday Sunday'sGames N. Carolina 4 35 VIRGINIA ClevelandatDalas, 10a.m. Friday Women's college N.Y.JetsatSt. Louis, 10a.m. AIR FOR CE 23 23 Hawaii EAST JacksonvilleatHouston,10a.m. FLORIDA ATL 1 (FI) 1.5 Florida Int'I Albany(NY) 67, LIUBrooklyn50 Cincinnati atKansasCity,10 am. Saturday BYU58, Dartmouth57 Philadelphia at Washington,10 a.m. GEORG IATECH 1 3 13 Duke College71,Holy Cross52 GreenBayat Detroit,10 a m. ARMY 2 .5 3 . 5 Temple Boston CCSU78, UMass69 Arizona at Atanta,10 a.m. BOWLINGGREEN 3 2. 5 Kent St Fairfield49,Brown34 TampaBayatCarolina, 10a.m. VirginiaTech 9 9. 5BOSTONCOLLEGE Hartford64, Marist 53 NewOrleansatOakland,1:05 p.m. NEBRAS KA 18.5 19.5 Minnesota Pittsburgh75,Siena50 San Diego atDenver,1:25 p.m. MIAMI-FLA 6.5 7 S. Florida Island65,Bryant 50 Indianapolisat NewEngland,1:25p.m. Purdue 7 7 ILLINOIS Rhode 68, Maine44 Baltimoreat Pittsburgh,5:20p.m. lowa St 6.5 6 KANSAS Syracuse Towson 61,MorganSt. 57 Open:Minnesota,N.Y.Giants, Seattle, Tennessee MARSHALL 3 3. 5 Houston Youngstown St. 60,Buffao50 Monday, Nov. 19 FloridaSt 30.5 3 1 MARYLAN D SOUTH Chicag oatSanFrancisco,5:30p.m. Buffalo 10 11 UMASS A kron 78, Te nnesseeTech67 MICHIGAN ST 6 .5 6 . 5 Northwestern Furman 64 Hi g h Poi n t 62 CLEMSDN 1 7.5 1 7 Nc State College Mason64,Md.-EasternShore38 CINCINNTAI 6 65 Rutgers George Top 25 Schedule PENNST 17.5 18.5 Indiana GeorgiaTech80 KennesawSt. 51 All Times PST VANDER BILT 3.5 4 Tennessee NichogsSt. 80,NewOr eans66 Saturday C. MICHIGAN 3 35 Miami-Ohio Old Dominion77,SC-Upstate 46 No.1Oregon vs. No.14Stanford,5 p.m. UAB 10 10 Memphis Radford76,UNC-Greensboro64 83,Mobile 53 No. 2KansasStateat Baylor, 5p.m. W. MICHIGA N 13 13 E. Michigan SE Louisiana No. 3NotreDamevs WakeForest,12:30 pm. Dklahoma 10.5 11 W. VIRGINIA SouthFlorida75,Clemson 73,OT MIDWEST No. 4Alabamavs. WesternCarolina, 9:21s.m. Usc 4 3. 5 UCLA Butler 70,BallSt. 62 No. 5Georgiavs.Georgia Southern,1030a m. BOISEST 28.5 28 ColoradoSt Cent.Arkansas59, S.Illinois 46 No. 6OhioStateatWisconsin,12:30 p.m. NAVY 13 13 TexasSt No. 7Floridavs.Jacksonville State,10a.m. KansasSt 11.5 11.5 BAYLOR Detroit 65,Canisius54 68, Grace52 No. 8LSUvs Mississippi,12:30 pm. Nevada 1 0 1 0 NEWMEXICO IPFW Ohio 63,ClevelandSt.56 No. 9TexasA8Mvs.SamHoustonState,12 30pm NOTRE DAME 24 24 WakeForest St. 74,Missouri St.71 No. 10FloridaStateatMaryland, 9a.m. OREGO N 22 2 0.5 Stanford Oklahoma No. 110lemsonvs. NCState, 12:30p.m. OREGO NST NL NL Califomia W. Illinois 85,Clarke35 SOUTHWES T No.12 South Carolinavs. Wofford,10a.m. Smu 3 3. 5 RICE 83, Houston 74 No.13 Oklahoma at West Virginia, 4 p.m. E. Carolina 9 .5 9 . 5 TULANE Alabama No.15 Oregon State vs.California, 730 p.m. TULSA 3 3 C Florida Baylor85,Kentucky51 No. 16Nebraskavs. Minnesota,1230p.m MICHIGAN NL NL lowa Stephen F.Austin 62, PrairieView55 No.17 UCLA vs. No.21Southern Cal, noon Washington 20 2 0.5 COLOR ADO Texas-PanAmerican77,TexasA&M-CC65 No.19 LouisianaTechvs. UtahState,1 p.m. Byu 4 3. 5 SANJOSEST FAR WEST No. 22Rutgersat 0incinnati, 9 a.m. UNLV NL NL Wyoming Arizona83,UNLV82 No. 23Michiganvs. Iowa,9 a.m. Tex-S.Antonio 5 .5 6 . 5 IDAHO BolseSt. 80,N. DakotaSt. 61 No. 23Texas TechatDklahomaState,12:30 p.m. UTAH NL NL Arizona ColoradoSt.56,N. Colorado43 No. 25KentStateat Bowling Green, 9a.m. MISSOUIR 5 4. 5 Syracuse Montana 75, MontanaSt.-Northern 45 OKLAHOM AST 10.5 10.5 TexasTech Montana St. 73, Denver55 Pac-12 Standings Utah St 2 .5 3 . 5 LOUISIANA TECH Utah79,S.Utah61
EASTERNCONFERENCE Championship Sunday,Nov.11:Houston3, D.CUnited1 Sunday,Nov.18.D.C.Unitedvs. Houston,1 p.m. WESTERNCONFERENCE Championship Sunday,Nov.11:LosAngees3, Seattle 0 Sunday ,Nov.18.Seattlevs.LosAngeles,6p.m. MLS CUP Saturday,Dec.1. Eastern championvs. Western champion,1:30p.m.
TENNIS Professional ATP WorldTourRankings Through Nov.11 Singles 1. Novak Djokovic, Serbia,12920 2. RogerFederer, Switzerland, 10265 3. AndyMurray,Britain, 8000 4. RafaelNadal,Spain,6795 5. DawdFerrer, Spain, 6430 6. Tomas Berdych,CzechRepublic,4605 7. JuanMartin delPotro,Argentina,4480 8. Jo WilfriedTsonga,France, 3490 9. JankoTipsarevic, Serbia,2990 10. RichardGasquet, France,2515 11. NicolasAlmagro,Spain,2515 12. JuanMonaco, Argentina, 2430 13. MilosRaonic,Canada,2380
14. JohnIsner,UnitedStates, 2215 15. MarinCilic, Croatia,2210 16. GillesSimon,France,2165 17. Stanislas Wawrinka, Switzerland,1900
18 AlexandrDolgopolov,Ukraine,1855 19 Kei Nishikori,Japan,1830 20. PhilippKohlschreiber,Germany,1770 21.Tommy Haas,Germany,1695 22. Sam Querrey,UnitedStates,1650 23. Andreas Seppi, Italy,1560 24. Fernando Verdasco,Spain,1490 25. MikhailYouzhny,Russia, 1335
MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR Sprint Cup Points Leaders Through Nov.11 1. BradKeselowski, 2,371. 2.JimmieJohnson,2,351. 3 KaseyKahne 2321 4. Clint Bowyer,2,319. 5. DennyHamlin, 2,309. 6. MattKenseth,2,297. 7. GregBiffle,2,293. 8. KevlnHarvick,2,285. 9. TonyStewart, 2,284. 10. JeffGordon,2,281. 11. MartinTruexJr., 2,260. 12. DaleEarnhardt Jr., 2,211. Money Leaders Through Nov.11 1. JimmiJohnson, e $8,016,243 2. MattKenseth,$7,409,161 3. DennyHamlin, $6,808,160 4. TonyStewart, $6,472,650 5. KyleBusch,$6,361,073 6. BradKeselowski, $6,118,870 7. JeffGordon,$5,778,968 8. KevinHarvick,$5,653,795 9. GregBiffle, $5,540,938 10. ClintBowyer,$5,282,333 11. CarlEdw ards, $5,224,999 12. Ryan Newman, $5,203,183 13. MartinTruexJr.,$5,160,427 14. DaleEarnhardt Jr., $5,078,170 15. JeffBurton,$5,050,905
DEALS Transactions BASEBALL National League CHICAGO CUBS Agreedtotermswith RH PScott Bakeronaone-yearcontract. COLORADOROCKIES Named Dante Bichette hitting instructor. LOS ANGELESDODGERS NamedChuck Crim bullpencoach,KenHowell assistant pitching coach and JohnValentin assistant hitting coach. PHILADELP HIAPHILLIES—Agreed to terms with INF Kevin Frandsenonaone-yearcontract. ST. LOUIS CARDINALS—Agreedto termswith C Rob Johnsonon a minor leaguecontract. Released RHPKyleMcCleganunconditionally. BASKETBALL USABASKETBALL—Re-eletedchairmanandmanaging directorJerry Colangelo. NamedKim Bohuny, Mark Tatum, DanGavitt, MarkLewis, Chris Plonsky, Bob Gardner,Billy Hunter,JimCarr, Chauncey Bigups and KatieSmithto theboardof directors. National Basketball Association CHARLO TTEHORNETS—Traded GMatt Carroll to NewOrleansfor FHakimWarrick FOOTBALL National Football League ATLANTAFALCONS— Placed TETommyGagarda on injuredreserve.SignedWRTim Tooneand TE ChaseCoffman.SignedTEAndrewSzczerba to the
practicesquad. CHICAGOBEARS— Signed QB Josh McCown. Released TEBrodyEldridge. CLEVELANDBROWNS— Signed DL Ricky Elmore to thepracticesquad. DENVER BRONCOS—Released SDukeIhenacho. INDIANAPOLI S COLTS— Signed LB Shawn LoiseauandTEMartegWebbtothe practice squad. NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS— Signed G Mitch Petrus. SignedLBJeff Tarpinian to thepractice squad. ReleasedLBJerrell Harrisfromthepractice squad. NEW YORKJETS— Waived LB Aaron Maybin. PlacedDBIsaiah Trufanton injuredreserve. PITTSBURGHSTEELERS— Released DT Alameda Ta'amu.SignedWRDavid Gilreath from the practice squad. TAMPA BAY BUCCANEERS— Placed LB Quincy Black oninjured reserve.ReleasedWRDaleMossand TE LaMarkBrownfromthe practice squad. SignedDE EmestOwusuandWRDiondre Borel to thepractice
HCOLLEGE SAN DIEGOSTATE— Announced the NCAA has suspendedmen'sbasketball F WinstonShepard three
Baseball •Nats'Johnson, A's M elvin
assault ing U.S.women'ssoccer teamgoalkeeperHopeSoloaday
Tomlin called Pittsburgh's fran-
expansion to Europe is probably
chise quarterback "questionable"
before their planned wedding day,
but otherwise offered little detail Tuesday, less than 24 hours after Roethlisberger was pounded into the ground by Kansas City Chiefs linebackers Tamba Hali and Justin Houston in the third quarter of Pittsburgh's16-13 overtime victory.
at least a decade away and that it likely would make sense to add
picked asmanagers ofthe year: DaveyJohnson oftheWashing-
according to police andcourt re-
ton Nationals and Bob Melvin of the Oakland Athletics have been
judge releasedStevens after a court appearanceTuesday, saying there was noevidence connecting Stevens to anyassault, according to news reports. Hewas arrested early Monday for fourth-degree
chosen as managers of the year. Johnson easily won the NL honor on Tuesday after the Nationals
bolted to the best record in baseball. Melvin was picked narrowly for the AL award over Baltimore's Buck Showalter in voting by the Baseball Writers' Association of America. Johnson, who turns 70 in January, was honored for the
second time.
Football • Ex-Seahawkarrested; Hope Solo ID'd asvictim: Former Se-
cords. A Kirkland Municipal Court
domestic violence assault but
wasn't charged. Solo appeared in the courtroom Tuesdayafternoon, but left without saying anything to reporters, according to KING-TV. Stevens, 33, and Solo, 31, applied
Basketball • Stern estimates revenue Up 20 percent:NBA Commissioner
David Stern estimates revenuewill be a record $5 billion in the current season, an increase ofabout for a marriage licenseThursday, according to King County records. 20 percent from the league's last • Roethlisderger has sprained full season in 2010-11. Speaking shoulder:Ben Roethlisberger
Tuesday at Beyond Sport United,
Twitter during a lengthy delay in theDaytona 500. Keselowski was the center of attention, and NAS-
ories, and said drivers had been told after the Daytona 500 that
several clubs there at once. • T'wolves' Budingerout3-4
CAR seemedtrendy and hip —a description its executives surely
electronic devices — including cellphones — could not becarried inside the racecars going forward.
months:Minnesota Timberwolves swingman Chase Budinger will
adored. Turns out, tweeting from the car isn't cool with NASCAR.
wasfined$25,000on miss the next three to four months Keselowski Monday for tweeting during the while recovering from surgery to red flag at Phoenix lnternational repair a torn lateral meniscus in Raceway. Thepunishment was his left knee. Dr. James Andrews confusing to fans whovented performed the surgery Tuesday, three days after Budinger was injured in a game against the Chi-
cago Bulls. Minnesota is already playing without Kevin Love, Ricky Rubio, JJ Barea and Brandon Roy
• Vonn still hospitalized:Lind-
sey Vonn remained hospitalized in Colorado on Tuesdaywith "severe
on Twitter, of course, wondering
intestinal pain" that has been affecting her for the past two weeks.
why Keselowski was punished for Sunday's tweets when hewas
wrote in an email that the four-
celebrated by NASCAR for doing the exact same thing in February's
because of injuries.
season-opening race. Some
Motor sports
points leader wasactually being
alleged the Sprint Cup Series
Vonn's spokesman, Lewis Kay, time overall World Cupchampion was "awaiting results from diagnostic testing for severe intestinal pain." Vonn's ski technician, Heinz
disciplined for his profanity-laced
Haemmerle said that Vonn hasn't trained since going out in the
left Heinz Field on Mondaynight
a gathering of global team, league
• NASCAR'sKeselowski
outburstafter Sunday's crash-
second run of the season-opening
and industry executives at Yankee Stadium that focuses on social
can't tweet ify car anymore:
and fight-marred race. NASCAR
giant slalom Oct. 27 in Soelden,
ahawks tight end Jerramy Stevens
with his sprained right shoulder in a sling. When he walks back in
was arrested on suspicion of
ready to play is anybody's guess.
responsibility. Stern said NBA
Brad Keselowski became a social media darling after hopping on
spokesman Kerry Tharp onTuesAustria. day dismissed the conspiracy the-
— From wire reports
ConferenceGlance All TimesPST EASTE RN CONFER ENCE W L Pct GB d-New York 5 0 1.000 d-Miami 6 2 750 I/2 d-Milwaukee 4 2 .667 1'/z Brooklyn 4 2 667 I'/z Philadelphia 4 3 571 2 Boston 4 3 571 2 Chicago 4 3 .571 2 Charlotte 3 3 .500 2'/z Atlanta 3 3 .500 2'/z Indiana 3 5 .375 3'/z Orando 2 5 .286 4 Cleveland 2 6 .250 4'/z Toronto 2 6 .250 4'/z Washington 0 6 000 51/2 Detroit 0 8 000 6'/z WEST ERN CONFE RENCE W L Pct GB d-SanAntonio 7 1 875 Memphis 5 1 833 1 d-Oklahoma City 6 2 750 1 d-L.A.Clippers 5 2 714 1'/z Minnesota 5 2 714 1'/z NewOrleans 3 2 600 2i/z Lltah 4 4 500 3 Phoenix 4 4 500 3 Denver 4 4 500 3 Dallas 4 4 500 3 GoldenState 3 4 429 3'/z Houston 3 4 429 3'/z Portland 3 5 375 4 L.A. Lakers 3 5 375 4 Sacramen to 2 6 250 5 d-divisionleader
Charlotte92,Washington 76 Toronto74,Indiana72 NewYork99,Orlando89 Brooklyn114,Cleveland101 Port and103,Sacramento86 SanAntonio84, LA. Lakers82
Today's Games Detroit atPhiladelphia,4p.m. Lltah atBoston,4:30p.m. NewOrleansatHouston, 5 p.m. CharlotteatMinnesota,5p.m. MemphisatOklahomaCity, 5p.m. Indianaat Milwaukee,5p.m. Washington at Dallas,5:30p.m. Chicag oatPhoenix,6p.m. Atlanta at GoldenState, 7:30p.m. Miami atLA. Clippers,7:30p.m. Thursday'sGames Bostonat Brooklyn,5 p.m. NewYor katSanAntonio,5:30p.m. Miami atDenver, 7:30p.m.
Trail Blazers103, Kings 86 PORTLAND (103) Batum6-131-215, Aldridge 5-149-1019, Hickson 5-100-010, Lillard7-103-4 22,Matthews6-9 4418, Price3-50-08, Leonard0-02-2 2, Pavlovic2-4 0-0 6, Freeland0-20-0 0, Jeffries 0-20-0 0 Smith 1-2 0-0 3,Babbitt0-10-00, Claver0-0 0-0 0 Totals 36-72 19-22 103.
Johnson7-132-316, Thompson3 92-28, Hayes 3-70-06, Brooks0-10-00, Evans4-82-410,Thornton 6 14 2 214, Fredette5 123 413, Robinson5 7 2-412, Salmons 3-6 0-0 7.Totals 36-77 13-19 86. Portland 25 21 28 29 — 103 Sacramento 18 24 16 28 — 86 3-PointGoals—Portland14-27 (Lillard 5-6, Price 2-3, Matthews 2-3, Pavlovic2-4, Batum2-8, Smith
1-2, Babbitt D-t), Sacrame nto 1-11 (Salmons1-1, Brooks0-1, Johnson0-1, Evans0-2, Thornton0-3, Fredetteg-3). FouledOut None. Rebounds Portland 50 (Hickson13), Sacramento 37 (Thompson t ). Assists —Portland 20 (Ligard 9), Sacramento 19 (Hayes,Fredette 6). Total Fouls—Portland 18, Sacramento20. FlagrantFouls—Babbitt. A—10,153 (17,317).
Spurs 84, Lakers82 SANANTONIO(84) Leonard 3-6 0-0 7, Duncan9-19 0-2 18, Splitter 4-81-2 9, Parker8-18 3-319, Green4-120-011, Jackson 2-7 0-06, Diaw1-2 0-0 3, Ginobdi1-8 1-2 3, Blair 2-4 2-2 6,Neal0-30-0 0, Mills 1-30-0 2. Totals 35-90 7-1184. L.A. LAKERS (82) World Peace 4-142-212, Gasol3-104-410, Howard 5-9 3 613, Morris 0-5 1 4 1,Bryant12-192-2 28,Duhon2-40-05,Hill3-82-48,Meeks0-10-00, Jamison 2-40-05 Totals 31-7414-22 82. SanAntonio 18 20 22 24 — 84 L.A. Lakers 24 19 16 23 — 82
Bodcats92, Wizards76 WASHINGTON (76) Ariza 7-183-419, Booker4-8 0-0 8, Okafor1-2 6-6 8 Price 2-121-2 6, Beal1-115-5 8, Seraphin 2-41-2 5, Crawford 3-101-37, Singleton1-30-02, Pargo0-4 0-0 0, Webster 1-53-4 6, I/esely0-00-4 0, Martin1-40-02, Barron 2-31-25. Totals 25-84 21-3276. CHARLO TTE(92) Kidd-Gilchrist 6-11 3-3 15, Mullens3-8 2-4 9, Haywood4-6 0-0 8,Walker5-13 6-7 17,Taylor2-7 2-2 6, Thomas 2-7 6-610, Sessions7-186-821, Biyombo0-10-00,Wiliams 2-42-2 6 Higgins0-20-0 0, Diop 01 000.Totals 31-78 273292. Washington 27 12 22 15 — 76 Charlotte 23 29 18 22 — 92
Nets114, Cavaliers 101 CLEVELAND (101) Gee2-70-04, thompson6-11 2-514, I/areiao1621 3-335, Irving9-1914-1434, Waiters3-161-28, Leuer2-70-04, Gibson0-10-0 0, Sloan0-22-2 2, Samuel s0-30-00,Casspi0-00-00,Walton0-00-0 0.Totals 38-87 22-26101. BROOKLYN (114) Bogans0-3 0-00, Humphries 4-54-6 12,Lopez 10-14 3-523, Wiliams10-20 5-526, Johnson9-16 4-525, Watson2-72-27,Childress1-2 0-0 2,Evans 0-0 2-2 2,Blatche4-7 5-613, Stackhouse2-3 0-04, Shengel ia0-00-00.Totals 42-77 25-31 114. Cleveland 30 12 33 26 — 101 Brooklyn 29 36 21 29 — 114
KniCks 99, MagiC 89 NEWYORK(99) Brewer1-3 1-2 3, Anthony11-222-3 25, Chandler 4-64-412, Kidd2-4 0-05, Felton 9-230-021, J.Smith 9-141-2 21, Prigioni 2-3 0-0 5,Novak1-2 0-03,Wallace2-70-04,Camby0-00-00.Totals 41-84 8-11 99. ORLANDO (89) Afflalo 4-143-513, Davis5-50-010, I/ucevic610 0-012, Moore5-140-012, Redick7-133 418, McRoberts1-21-23,Harkless5-70-210,I.Smith0-2 0-00, Ayon 0-1 0-00, Nicholson4-73-411. Totals 37-7610-17 89. New York 27 22 28 22 — 99 Orlando 23 30 23 13 — 89
Raptors74, Pacers72 TORONTO (74l McGuire1-10-02, Bargnani3-130-08, Valanciunas4-81-29, Calderon5-101-1 13,DeRozan 5-13 5-615, A.Johnson 2-93-47, Keiza2-96-610 Lucas 1-3 0-0 3 Davis0-1 0-00, Ross3-5 0-0 7. Totals 26-72 16-1974. INOIANA(72) George3-144-412, West3-125-811, Hibbert3-9 0-0 6, Hill 8-20 2218, Stephenson3-6 0-0 7,Green 2-71-2 6, THansbrough 0-2 5-65, Mahinmi1-31-2 3, Augustin1-21-1 4.Totals 24-7519-2672. Toronto 29 17 23 5 — 74 Indiana 21 15 22 14 — 72
Leaders ThroughTuesday's Games SCORING G FG FT PTS AyG Anthony, NYK 5 48 2 9 134 26.8 Bryant,LAL 8 7 5 4 6 211 26.4 Harden,HO U 7 5 7 5 6 181 259 Irving, CLE 8 6 7 4 4 194 24.3 James,MIA 8 7 7 2 4 191 239 Durant,OKC 8 6 4 4 9 184 23.0 8 5 7 2 7 171 21.4 Mayo,DAL Westhrook,OKC 8 60 3 9 169 21.1 Bosh,MIA 8 6 2 4 2 167 20.9 Ellis, MIL Aldridge,POR
6 8
46 2 5 124 20.7 67 3 0 164 20.5
No. 9 Duke knocks off No. 3 Kentuc
Portland Trail Blazers guard Ronnie Price, left, and Sacramento Kings guard Marcus Thornton chase down a loose ball during the first half of Tuesday night's game in Sacramento, Calif.
The Associated Press ATLANTA — Seth Curry did some schooling on Kentucky's latest group of heralded freshmen, showing that experience does matter — especially in November. The senior guard scored 23 points and No. 9 Duke held off a furious comeback by the third-ranked Wildcats, beating the defending national champions 75-68 Tuesday night in th e f i r st matchup between the storied programs since 2001. Duke coach Mike Krzyzew ski likes the mix o f h i s team, while Kentucky's John Calipari conceded that his youngsters still have a lot of
Rich Pedroncetn / The Associated Press
rai azers to in s oen our- ameS i The Associated Press S ACRAMENTO, Ca l i f . Modest and u n assuming off the court, Damian Lillard has no problem taking charge when placed in a leadership role for the Portland Trail Blazers. The rookie point g uard led the way Tuesday night in a game the Blazers needed badly for morale purposes. Lillard had 22 points and nine assists to h elp Portland stop a four-game losing streak with a 103-86 victory over the short-handed Sacramento Kings. "We had lost four games, so this one was really important," Lillard said. "It felt like a game we had to win." Even though Lillard had a strong pre-draft workout for Sacramento, Thomas Robinson was chosen by the Kings a t No. 5 o v erall an d L i l lard went to Portland as the sixth pick. Nicolas Batum is grateful that Lillard was still available. "Damian is the perfect fit for us," said Batum, who had 15 points, seven rebounds and five assists. "He knows how to p lay a n d a l r eady p lays lik e a v e t eran. H e scores, he passes, he attacks, and he plays defense." A gainst th e K i n gs, p atience in making the right play and taking the appropriate shot were the most noticeable aspects of Lillard's game. He shot seven of 10 from the field, including five of six on 3-pointers. "Last game I didn't shoot the ball so well, but I took the same shots. They just fell tonight," Lillard said. "I'm really comfortable. I have to give a lot of credit to them (his teammates) for allowing me to be comfortable because they've been in the league a
few years." Portland used a s t r ong t hird quarter t o b u il d i t s lead to 16 points and pushed the cushion to 22 early in the fourth. The Blazers outrebounded the Kings 44-33 and connected on 14 of 27 attempts from 3-point range. LaMarcus Aldridge scored 19 points for Portland and Wesley Matthews had 18. J.J. Hickson added 10 points and 13 rebounds. James Johnson s c ored 16 and Marcus Thornton 14 for the Kings, who dropped their third straight. Jimmer Fredette had 13 points and a career-high six assists, while Robinson scored 12. The Kings played their second consecutive game without leading scorer and rebounder DeMarcus Cousins, suspended following a verbal altercation last week with San Antonio Spurs television announcer Sean Elliott. Cousins lost an appeal Tuesday to reduce the suspension to one game. I t didn't h el p t h a t t h e Kings were further depleted, missing starting point guard Isaiah Thomas and backup Aaron Brooks, who injured his left ankle i n t h e f i r st quarter and didn't return. A r o oki e f r o m W e b er State, Lillard h a s s c ored 20 points or more in five of Portland's eight games. "In college he was an aggressive player who was a high-volume scorer,"Fredette said. "He's doing that here in this league as well. His game is translating very well to the NBA." Portland o p e ne d th e fourth quarter by outscoring the Kings 8-2, hiking its lead to 22 points on a pair of free throws by M a tthews. The margin was never less than
17 the rest of the game. Lillard continued to shoot well in the third quarter following a p r o ductive f i r st half. He made all three shots, including a pair of 3s, and had eight points in the third for the Blazers, who outscored Sacramento 28-16 to assume a 74-58 lead heading into the fourth. Also on Tuesday:
Spurs........ . . . . . . . . . . . .84 L akers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 2 LOS ANGELES — Danny Green hit the go-ahead 3pointer with 9.3 seconds left, Tony Parker scored 19 points and San Antonio beat Los Angeles in the Lakers' first loss since firing coach Mike Brown. K nicks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9
Magic........ . . . . . . . . . . . .89 ORLANDO, Fla. — Carm elo Anthony s cored 2 5 points, J. R. Smith and Raymond Felton each added 21, and New York held off Orlando. The Knicks remained the NBA's only u n beaten team. B obcats ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2 W izards..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6 CHARLOTTE, N.C. — Ramon Sessions scored 21 points a n d C h a r lotte beat winless Washington to get back-to-back v i ctories for the first time since last December. Raptors..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 74 P acers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 I NDIANAPOLIS — D e M ar D eRozan scored 1 5 points and Jose Calderon had 13 points, 10 rebounds and 10 assists to lead Toronto. Nets.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 14 Cavaliers..... . . . . . . . . . . . 101 NEW YORK — Deron Williams had 26 points and 10 assists, Joe Johnson scored 25 points, and Brooklyn beat road-weary Cleveland for its third straight victory.
cluding a brilliant drive with 13.5 seconds left, and Michi-
gan State (1-1) rebounded from a season-opening loss with an u pset of K a nsas
No.13UCLA .... . . . . . . . . 60 UC Irvine..... . . . . . . . . . . . 79 LOS ANGELES — Jordan Adams scored 26 points, making all 16 of hi s f r ee throws, and U C L A ( 2 - 0) edged UC Irvine in regional play of the Legends Classic. N o. 14 Missouri..... . . . . . . 9 1 A lcorn..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 COLUMBIA, Mo. — Phil Pressey scored 21 points and Laurence Bowers added 14 — all in the second half — to help Missouri (2-0) rout Algrowing up to do. corn State. "Veterans a n d ta l e nt," No. 23 Connecticut ..... . .67 Krzyzewski said. "Now, I V ermont..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 wouldn't mind having some STORRS, Conn. — Shaof their guys. And I'm sure bazz Napier scored 13 points they would like to have some and freshman Omar Calof our guys." houn added 12 to lead ConDuke (2-0) appeared to necticut (2-0) over Vermont. be in control, even with Ma- No. 24 Cincinnati ..... . . .102 son Plumlee on the bench in M VSU ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 0 foul trouble. The Blue Devils C INCINNATI — Se a n ripped off a 13-3 run, capped Kilpatrick scored 20 points by Rasheed Sulaimon's 3- and Cheikh Mbodj had four pointer that made it 58-44 of Cincinnati's seven blocks with 9'/z minutes remaining. to help lead the Bearcats But Kentucky (1-1) wasn't (2-0) done, rallying like the deN o.25SDSU ..... . . . . . . . . 9 1 fending champ even though San Diego Christian.......57 this is essentially a whole SAN DIEGO — Jamaal new team in Calipari's one- Franklin scored 19 of his 28 and-done system. The Wild- points in the first half and cats outscored Duke 17-6 had 12 rebounds as San Diover the next six m inutes ego State rolled. and actually had a chance to C alifornia..... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 9 tie it. Julius Mays missed a 3- Pepperdine ......... . . . . .62 pointer with the Blue Devils BERKELEY, Calif. — Alclinging to a 64-61 lead. lan Crabbe scored 24 of his Curry made sure youth- career-high 33 points in the ful Kentucky didn't get any second half, and California closer. He blew past Archie (2-0) pulled away with a 14-4 Goodwin on a drive that es- run after halftime. sentially clinched the win. A lbany...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 3 Also on Tuesday: W ashington..... . . . . . . . . . 6 2 No.5Michigan ...... . . . . . 77 SEATTLE — Mike Black Cleveland State ...... . . . . 47 scored on a driving layup A NN A R B OR , Mi c h . with 3.7 seconds left and Al— Tim Hardaway Jr. had 17 bany stunned Washington points and six rebounds, and (1-1), rallying from a sevenMichigan (3-0) advanced point second half deficit. to the semifinals of the NIT U SC..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 2 Season Tip-Off. Long Beach State...... . . . 44 No. 21 Michigan State.....67 LOS ANGELES — Eric N o. 7 Kansas..... . . . . . . . . 6 4 Wise scored 10 points and ATLANTA — Keith Apg rabbed 12 r e bounds as pling scored 19 points, in- USC (2-0) won.
Dave Martin /The Associated Press
Duke guard Seth Curry (30) shoots over the defense of Kentucky's Julius Mays during the second half of Tuesday night's game in Atlanta. Duke beat Kentucky 75-68.
Blame starts at top for Lakers'bungling of Jackson'sreturn By Bill Pfaschke
perhaps the actual Lakers, who are 3-4 and preparing for what could be LOS ANGELESa difficult transition to a track coach n the final minutes of practice they refused to bring him back. who has never made the NBA Finals, Monday, the Los Angeles Lakers T hey hired a c o ach lacking i n has never coached defense, and has were playinga pickup game. The championship credentials, fired him never been willing to slow down to fit rich and gifted athletes were running just five games into his second season, histeam's old sneakers. D'Antoni's biggest p r oblem, of up and down the gym floor like chaot- then immediately replaced him with ic children on a playground, gunning another coach lacking in champion- course, is that he is not Phil Jackson. and fouling and arguing. ship credentials. This is where this latest bit of Lakers They were playing like a team withThey unceremoniously dumped looney tunes begins. The hiring of out a coach or a vision, which was two of their championship veterans D'Antoni late Sunday night when forappropriate because, at that moment, and Lakers favorites from a team that mer coach Jackson expressly wanted hasn't made it past the second round of the job is the sort of arrogantly tonethey had neither. Has it really been less than three the playoffs in the past two seasons. deaf move that has marked the bafyears? Was it really just June of 2010 And, oh yeah, they just signed a fling transfer of power from Jerry when they experienced one of the deal to place most of their games on Buss to Jimmy Buss. greatest triumphs in franchise history a television network that millions of L ike other bad decisions in t h e with a Game 7 NBA Finals victory their fans cannot watch. past threeyears, this one was made over the Boston Celtics? Have they Is it any wonder that Lakers fans on impulse rather than insight, a gut really fallen this far, this fast? have become so upset that even one move instead of a basketball move, a Less than three years ago, the Lak- of their best courtside customers was son perhapstrying to impress a father ers were in the discussion of the great- recently involved in a heckling inci- who wants the kid to still know who's est franchises in the history of Ameri- dent with nice guy Steve Blake? Is it boss. can professional sports. Today, they any wonder that interim coach Bernie It was also a move like last week's are a drifting, dysfunctional mess. Bickerstaff could only laugh when firing of Mike Brown without havLess than three years ago, Jerry asked Monday about his conversation ing Jackson already hired. Who does Buss was arguably the best sports with new coach Mike D'Antoni? that? Who leaves a city treasure vul"When I talked to him, I told him owner ever. Today, hi s d eclining nerable and exposed in the middle of health, combined with his decision to hurry up and come on and get this a season by canning a coach without to delegate his power to curious son seat," Bickerstaff said. "Because it's having a replacement already signed Jimmy, has left the Lakers looking hot." up? That was Jerry Buss' call, and it uncertain, unsettled and increasingly Even though Mitch Kupchak did was a lousy one. unstable. a great job assembling perhaps the All of these problems, plus the fans They allowed the NBA's greatest most talented starting lineup in the chanting and Kobe Bryant begging, coach to walk away while scrubbing league, his Buss bosses have done a gave Jackson plenty of leverage in the organization clean of his memory. lousy job with everything else, and ev- this weekend's negotiations, and I'm Then, when they needed him most, eryone around the Lakers is as heated sure he used it. The question is, did he and when he would have returned, as Bickerstaff's seat. The exception is go too far in perhaps trying to make Los Angeles Times
Jimmy Buss look bad after Buss embarrassed him two years ago by firing everyone close to him? The answer is, who cares? Hiring Jackson was the only thing that could have made sense of the Brown firing. Jackson is the only coach with the credibility to immediately convince this potential championship team that it can play like a champion. Short of a larger ownership slice than the 4.5 percent that Magic Johnson was once allowed to buy, Jackson was worth every bit of the Lakers' time, money and pride. That Jim Buss suddenly turned to a quirky offensive mind with a losing playoff record and smoldering New York Knicks wreckage on his resume makes itseem like Buss was angrily running from Jackson. J ackson wa s a brt d g e w h t l e D'Antoni is a ladder, and now the Lakers have less than a full season to climb out of this morass before Dwight Howard becomes a free agent and Bryant moves to within one year of retirement and Steve Nash starts pushing 60 and they risk having to start from scratch again. "I took philosophy of logic at the University of San Diego, and after I left, I abandoned it," Bickerstaff said Monday. "So now I'm not surprised at anything." Sadly, in the wake of this latest bit of Buss madness, neither is anyone else around here.
ams- ers tie i e notenou to a ter ru es By Dave Campbell
wide receiver Eric Decker sald. When St. Louis and San Overtime was introduced Francisco couldn't produce at the college level in 1996, a winner during 75 minutes and there the teams trade of play, the complaints came possessions from the 25from all corners of the NFL. yard line until there's a winTie games, after all, aren't ner. But the time when ties much fun for the fans or the were permitted below the players, who finish just as NFL was so long ago that unsatisfied as anyone else. current players never expe"I never had to think about rienced that. it until now, and I sure don't D enver s a fety R a h i m like it," Rams defensive end Moore dug deep in his memChris Long said. "I think ev- ory bank to Pop Warner ball erybody on the field would to recall one. "I believe we went triple have liked t o h av e g one back out and j ust settled overtime and we ended up it, but that's where we are. winning and I don't rememThat's the rule right now, so ber how it all went down," it is what it is." Moore said. "It was like the The Rams-49ers game 90s, so I forget. Also, I would Sunday finished at 24-all, say it was in the rain." the first tie in four years and Even the NHL has abolonly the fifth since 1990. So ished ties, using a penalty the rule right now that limits shot competition after scoreregular-season overtime to less overtimes in a regular one period is likely to stay season game with m i x ed the same for a while. reviews. (Imagine the NFL "It's an occasional event. switching to a p u n t-passThere is no real concern we kick contest to settle the need tochange the system," score.) "I would've loved to see said NFL e x ecutive v i ce president of football opera- a shootout," Seattle coach tions Ray Anderson, who Pete Carroll said, joking. "A happened to a t tend Suncouple of guys firing the ball day's game in San Francisco at the goal posts. Anything and was also present for the to settle the thing." Atlanta-Pittsburgh draw in Uh, don't count on that. 2002. The other recent ocAnderson said the NFL's currence was Nov. 16, 2008, competition committee will when Philadelphia and Cinconsider the overtime rules cinnati played to 13 apiece. annually, but i n a l e ague Eagles quarterback Don- where injuriesare common ovan McNabb infamously the likelihood of a change is acknowledged afterward he slim. "To have these guys going was unaware tie games were still possible. San Francisco into an additional overtime safety Dashon Goldson said period or more, we would be taking on some risk we don't the same Sunday. "When I saw both sides think is prudent to take on," walking onto the field, I was Anderson said. The NFL Players Associalike, 'Where's everybody going?'" Goldson said. "Did tion didn't respond to a resomebody quit'? Forfeit?" quest for comment. Another factor working Goldson, forthe record, knew about the new wrinkle against a change is game that now gives one team the quality. With the promise of chance to match if the other endless overtimes, if necesteam gets the ball first in sary to determine a winner, overtime and makes a field teams could be tempted to goal. (Touchdowns still implay conservatively down mediately end the game.) the stretch and bog a con"But I didn't know there test down in safe runs and wouldn't be a second over- punts. time i f n o b od y s c ored," There's also the stake the Goldson said. t elevision n etworks h a v e Now he does, due to a rare in this m u lti-billion-dollar sequence of events during business to consider. CBS the extra period that kept and Fox already have to the two teams even. push back lucrative Sunday The Rams had an 80-yard night shows if games run pass on the first play nelong during the afternoon. gated by an illegal forma- The possibility — even if it's an improbability — of a tion penalty. Then stalwart David Akers missed a 41- three-overtime game, then, yard field goal for the 49ers. is not ideal for them even Rams kicker Greg Zuerlein though they'd undoubtedly made onefrom 53 yards,but keep fans glued t o t h eir that didn't count because sets for more time in that of a delay-of-game call. His scenario. next attempt from 58 yards Anderson said the NFL was wide right. has no t s o u ght o p i n ion By then, the anticlimactic f rom t h e ne t w o rk s o n ending seemed inevitable. the potential of a f o r m at "Ties just don't seem to switch, though he said of make sense in football," said squeezed programming, "I Bengals left tackle Andrew am sure those are legitimate Whitworth, who played in concerns." that previous draw in 2008. Anderson s ai d pl a y er "There's too much effort, health and safety is the drivtoo much sacrifice that goes er of such discussions. NBC's " Sunday N i g ht into this game to end in a tie, that's for sure." F ootball" p r o ducer F r e d The 49ers (6-2-1) now Gaudelli said he didn't see have a h a r d-to-figure-out the need for a change belead on the Seahawks (6cause of the rarity of ti es 4) in the NFC West, which and echoed Anderson's conmakes Sunday's outcome all cern of greater injury risk the more maddening. with longer games. "A division game? Oh, But, Gaudelli said, "from wow. I g u ess that c ould a TV p erspective, I d on't make it interesting at the know what th e d ownside end of the year," Broncos would be." The Associated Press
Photos by Ryan 6rennecke/The Bulletin
Mountain View's Takuro Nihel, right,celebrates with his teammates after scoring late in the second half against Summit on Tuesday. Nihei scored the game's only goal in the Class 5A state semifinal match.
Cougars Continued from 01 "This is just great for Central Oregon soccer," Mountain View c oach Chris Rogers said after the game at Summit High. "Central Oregon is the w i nner here.I'd have been happy to see Summit and their great program to go to state too, just not as happy." After a scoreless first half and a tightly contested second period,the game appeared to be headed for overtime and possibly penalty kicks. In the 69th minute, though, Cougar freshman Zach Emerson beat Storm defender Samuel Buzzas on a through ball and looked to have a one-on-one opportunity with Summit's Joyner. With little choice, Buzzas pulled Emerson's jersey to prevent the likely score, earning him a yellow card. Unfortunately forthe Storm, itwas Buzzas' second yellow of the night, which resulted in an ejection, leaving Summit down a man for the rest of the match. Mountain View did not convert the ensuing free kick. "It was a smart play," Emerson said about Buzzas' grab. "It saved them a
Mountain Vlew's Zach Emerson, left, fights for possession of the ball with Summit's Nigel Jones (7) during the first half against on Tuesday night.
With 11 minutes left in regulation and a one-man advantage,though, Mountain View began playing at a faster pace. Seeing Joyner creep up the field just a hair, Nihei, from 35 yards out, perfectly placed a ball just out of his reach and into the back of the net in the 75th minute to give the Cougars the lead. "They had us on th e r opes there,"
Summit coach Ron Kidder said about Mountain View and its attack with a one-player advantage. "They smelled blood." The Storm (12-2-3), who also bowed out in the state semifinals last season, scrambled desperately in the final five minutes of the game to score. With two seconds left on the scoreboard — the
official time — Summit took a corner kick. About a half second after the head official waved his arms to signify the match was over, Storm defender Cameron Weaver headedthe ball into Mountain View's goal. That would have sent the game into overtime, if the score had been allowed. "We had a couple of shots," said an emotionally spent Kidder after the loss. "That was some good soccer today." Summit's best opportunity came with four minutes left in the first half. Glenn Sherman snatched a M ountain View miscue behind the Cougars' back line and blasted a shot toward goal. Mountain View goalkeeper Levi Schlapfer made the defensive play of the match — and possibly the season — for the Cougars, jumping up and to his right to knock theballover the crossbar. "We knew this was going to come down to a couple of plays," Rogers said. "They had chance in the first half, but Levi made aphenomenal save." Despite having to replace eight seniors from last year's squad that went 10-2-2, and standout junior Logan Riemhofer, who is playing on the Portland Timbers' developmental squad, the Cougars will be playing for their first outright state championship on Saturday. "No, we weren't thinking about this at all," Mountain View forward Zel Rey said about his team's early goals. "We didn't play well early on. But we've gelled
and really come together (lately)." — Reporter: 541-383-0305,
Jesse Skoubo/ Corvallis Gazette-Times
Summit soccer players celebrate a goal by Marina Johannesen (No. 13) on Tuesday night at Corvallis High School.
Summit Continued from 01 Marina Johannesen gave the Storm (14-0-2) an early lead with a goal less than five minutes into the match, but a Corvallis penalty kick in the 10th minute erased the deficit, knotting things up 1-1, which the score would remain heading into halftime. Summit is used to "stretching the f i eld," Brock said, but a narrow, cramped and muddy field took away the Storm's passing game, one that usually sees them force the ball through the middle of the field. At the half, Summit adjusted its strategy, opting to play the ball over the top of the defense and being more aggressive on50-50 balls,according to Brock. The Storm shifted momentum back in t h eir f avor 11
minutes into the second half, when S h annon P a t terson was credited with a score after blasting a direct kick that fumbled around in f r ont of the goal and eventually found its way into the net to put Summit ahead 2-1. About one minute later, according to Brock's estimation, Johannesen connected on her second goal of the night, collecting a Raja Char pass and unleashing a shot to the far post to all but seal the victory
against Corvallis (12-5). Brocksaid normally in high school sports, when teams'
leads disappear, players can panic, wondering what would happen if they lost that game. Not this season's Storm, she
says. "This team from the beginning, they've just been workers," Brock said. "They play, they're relentless, they just
keep going, going, going, go-
ing. That fear kind of dissipates over a period of time." Defender Me g M e a gher earned praise from B r ock, making important tackles at the right times, stopping balls that would have been dangerous for Summit goalkeeper Rachel Estopare. Simply put, B rock said M eagher " w as awesome." The win puts Summit in position to claim its second state championship in three years, but to do so, the Storm will have to get past the Bowmen, who defeated Eugene's Willamette High 2-1 on Tues-
a turf field, Brock said she's confident in her squad. "Sherwood's a good team, I'm not going to deny that, but I t h ink th e momentum we've had, Sherwood's had a couple wobbles in the end," Brock said. "I'm not going to claim to be an easy game, but I think we're ready for it. We're going to work our hardest and whatever hap-
pens, happens."
Brock said the title match is "one more game we need to play," and that one can't r eally predict what w il l b e seen in the final contest of the day night. season. Summit a n d S h e r w ood "I know that we're peaking played to a 2-2 draw in the at the right time, and that's Storm's second match of the probably all t h a t m a tters," Brock said. "We need to worseason. Brock said Summit had plenty of chances to win ry about ourselves. Whatever that contest. Sherwood brings, Sherwood This time around, with the brings. It doesn't really matBowmen and Storm compet- ter to us. We've got to play for ing at a neutral site and on us.
Marcio Jose Sanchez/The Associated Press
San Francisco 49ers kicker David Akers, right, reacts with holder Andy Lee after missing a field goal during overtime of Sunday'sgame against the St. Louis Rams. The game ended in a 24-24 tie.
In uries test Duc s' e ense • Oregon's depth is thin at severalpositions By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press
The Oregon Ducks rarely, if ever, talk about injuries — even season-
ending ones. So it's hard to say how depleted i. gr the AP's No. I team is going into r'i' Saturday's game against No. 14 Stanford. But it's clear the Ducks I have taken a h it, especially on defense. The latest casualty is free safety Avery Patterson, who seriously injured his left knee in the second quarter of Oregon's 59-17 victory at California last Saturday night. Patterson was seen on the sideMarcio Jose Sanchez/The Associated Press lines on crutches and in sweats fol- California running back Isl Sofele, left, is brought down by Oregon delowing the game. Although there fensive lineman DeForest Buckner (44) during the first half of Saturday's was no official word from the pro- game in Berkeley, Calif. The Ducks' defense slowed Cal in the second gram, The Oregonian newspaper half of a 59-17 win, but the unit was decimated by injuries. cited an unnamed source as saying Patterson was out for the season. P atterson had taken over a s starter for senior John Boyett, who was hurt early this season. BoySTANFORD, Calif.— Stanford The one true measuring stick for ett played in the opener against coach David Shaw often referhow close — or far — the teams Arkansas State, but was in street ences Oregon if his players get really are nowwill come Saturday clothes the next week. Later he complacent in practice. Trainers night, when No. 14 Stanford (8-2, revealed to his hometown newsbark out the results of the past two 6-1) faces top-rankedOregon(10-0, paper that he needed surgery to matchups to them in the weight 7-0) at ear-piercing AutzenStadium repair the patellar tendons in both room. During offseason workouts, with the league's North Division knees. While the Ducks never forthe defensive huddle would somelead at stake. mally announced Boyett's injury, it "This is pretty much our Pac-12 times break with the chant: "Beat ended his career at Oregon. the Ducks." championshi pgame,"Thomas said. Sophomore James Scales reIt's no secret who Stanford is In everything but name, it has p laced Patterson a gainst C a l . after. been the past two seasons. Senior defensive linemen Dion For the past two years, the Stanford lost 53-30 at home last Jordan (right shoulder) Isaac RemCardinal have been the Pac-12's November inagameOregonnever ington (foot) and Ricky Heimuli second-best team. All along they've trailed — nor was seriously chal(right knee) were dressed on the
No. 14Stanfordeagerforshotat NL1 Oregon
sidelines in Berkeley but did not play. As a result, the Ducks relied at times on three true freshmen — Arik Armstead, DeForest Buckner and Alex Balducci — on the defensive line. S tarting n os e g u ar d W a d e Keliikipi never made the trip to Strawberry Canyon because of an undisclosed injury and was seen using crutches on Monday. Defensive end Taylor Hart also hurt an ankle or foot against Cal and wore a boot. The injuries tested coach Chip Kelly's "next man in" philosophy. "It's part o f c o llege football," Kelly said. "Can you handle it, or can you not handle it?" The Ducks were already hurting in the secondary with sophomore backup cornerbacks Dior Mathis and Troy Hill absent against Cal for unclear reasons. The situation has become so seriousthat there was speculation this week that the Ducks might use wide receiver Keanon Lowe or even multi-purpose back De'Anthony Thomas on defense. Lowe played at safety at Jesuit High School in Portland, and came to Oregon, in part, because he wanted to play offense. Thomas played on both sides of the ball at Crenshaw High School in Los Angeles. "We're getting thinner, but we'll find a way to make it work," defensive coordinator Nick Aliotti said without naming names. The Ducks already moved redshirt freshman Koa Ka'ai, who had played at tight end this season, back to defensive end, which he
BCS Continued from 01
"Nobody is jumping anybody at
this point, barring voter epiphany or election fraud," said Jerry Palm, who analyzes the BCS standings and basketball RPI for CBSSports. com and runs You see, for all the talk about computer ratings, the BCS standings formula is really all about the polls. Two-thirds of a team's grade comes from two polls — the USA Today coaches' poll and the Harris poll. The voters in the Harris poll range from former players and college athletic administrators to current members of the media. T he system is set up for t h e polls to essentially set the national championship game and for the computers only to come into play when the polls are so close there is no clear consensus on Nos. I and 2. The votersdecide, but for some reason the candidates (i.e., coaches) who get dragged into this mess
are looked down upon for publicly making a case for their teams. Some coaches — such as Urban Meyer when he was at Florida and Mack Brown at Texas — have been more aggressive about advocating. Others, such as Oklahoma's Bob Stoops, have been more subtle and tried to steer clear. Oklahoma State's Mike Gundy took that tack last year when his Cowboys were jockeying with Alabama for a spot in the title game.
lenged. Twoyears ago, the Ducks
and — like everybody else in the
rallied from a 21-3 deficit in the first quarter to blow past the Cardinal 52-31 in Eugene. Both losses cost Stanford the league title and a spot in the BCS
conference —havebeen unableto keep pace. Just how far Stanford is from
unseating Oregondepends onwho you ask. LasVegasbookies believe
national championship game.
it's 21~/s points. Cardinal linebacker Chase Thomas called the difference between the teams "a second half."
"They do this thing where they play close for a half and then they just take off," Stanford senior defen-
Shaw said "the gap is asbig as the score the last two years," with
sive tackle TerrenceStephenssaid. "It's going to takeour best game
Stanford losing by anaverage of 22
to win."
dominant hand) is because of the short putts," Garza says. "It takes their hands Continued from D1 out of the stroke." "Until professionals started w i nAny golfer who has experienced the "yips" knows that jumpy hands can be ning major championships with the longer putters this was mostly a non- the bane of any short putt. issue,"says Tam Bronkey, the director But using a long putter does not come of instruction at Eagle Crest Resort in without a cost. "You sacrifice distance control," and Redmond. This controversy, though, could have that makes lag putts much more diffisome realconsequences forevery golf- cult, Garza says. er, including those of us who consider For those ofus recreational golfers bogey a victory. who consider any shot that settles on Golf's governing bodies — the United the green a decent play, those long lag States Golf Association and The Royal putts are an essential ingredient to a re8 Ancient — are reportedly mulling a spectable score. ban on long putters that anchor against In addition, hours of practice are rea golfer's body. quired for a golfer to become proficient Reports indicate that a decision on in the use of a long putter, says Bronkey, such aban could come before the end who considers himself "somewhere in of this year, though any change would the middle" of the debate. likely not take effect until 2016, the next A piece of equipment with such clear scheduled revision in the Rules of Golf. positives AND negatives to using it, So why all the fuss, especially over a though, seems to have an argument for club that has been used legally by golf- remaining legal. "If it (a long putter) was such a huge ers for decades? "The main benefit of a long putter is advantage, how come so few guys are the handle is anchored, which arguably using it'?" asks Andy Heinly, a longtime eliminates an essential skill of putting: area professional and co-owner of recontrolling the handle of the putter," tailer Pro Golf of Bend. Even if a ban is issued, little can stop says Bronkey, a former pro golfer who played one time on the PGA Tour, in a golfer from playing an illegal golf the 2001 Nissan Open in Los Angeles. club. (I have an old Bullet Hollow Point "This is Tiger's main argument against 5-wood, banned years ago, that I still them." bring out for fun from time to time.) If long putters are banned, it would Golfers are left to their own devices to hardly be the first time that an equip- enforce the rules of this game. ment debate sparked by the world's best But illegal clubs can be more chalplayerscascaded down to the restofus. lenging to find on the market, and they The USGA is still phasing in a ban on typically are barred from any legitibox grooves, which had been the tech- mate competition. nology of choice on nearly every wedge This game is tough enough for most in every golfer's bag. of us, without taking a tool out of our And golf legend Sam Snead's croquet toolbox. style of putting was banned decades And let's be honest, those of us reago. sorting to belly putters have likely tried This, though, seems different. just about all else to conquer putting Box grooves are almost universally surfaces. "I think it just becomes such a last considered an advantage that helps a golf club "grip" the ball better from the resortfor some people mentally," Garrough and helps golfers spin the ball za says of golfers who choose the long more from the fairway. In turn, those putter. "They are basically wearing a wedges changed the way the game was T-shirt that says, 'Yeah, I am a (bad) played to a more reckless, bomb-and- putter.'" If the PGA Tour wants to ban profesgouge style. But long putters? sionalsfrom using anchored putters, "There are pros and cons to it," says fine. Bob Garza, director of instruction at But last I checked, most in golf were Bend's Lost Tracks Golf Club. still trying to grow the game by making Garza explains that using an anit more appealing to a wider swath of chored putter helps golfers control potential players. shorter putts. To do that, the game should remain "The reason guys go to long putters fun for lousy putters, too.
or claw grips (a way of holding a putter that minimizes the effect of a golfer's
The bright side in all of this for the Ducks is t hat even though they've had injuries, their backups — and eventhird stringers — have had plenty of work this season. In addition to Oregon's practice of heavy player rotation on defense to wear down opponents, the Ducks often sat their starters after build-
ing up big leads against opponents this season. "(That's) kind of the byproduct of winning some of those games early, getting a lot of those guys reps," Kelly said. "It wasn't like you turned around and said, 'Hey,
the nation's fourth-leading rusher with an average of 136 yards a game, finished with 65 yards rushing at Cal. And quarterback Marcus Mariota also left the game after a hard fall injured his left shoulder late in the first half, but returned and finished with 377 yards passing and six touchdowns. Barner and Mariota say they're fine for Saturday's game against Stanford. Cardinal coach D avid S h aw
said Oregon is going to be tough no
matter who they have on the field. "Those guys are good football you guys gotta play.' They'd been players. Everybody that they put in games beforeand they had an in knows their scheme. They still understanding, and we had an op- play fast, they still play physical portunity to correct mistakes." and they get after you. "As a college football fan, I was Against the Golden Bears, the injuries were not limited to the de- saddened to see when the quarterfense.There were two major scares back got hurt against Cal. I was on offense. hoping that he'd take about 10 days Senior running back K enjon to nurse that injury," Shaw added Barner left the game briefly during with alaugh. "But he popped back the first quarter after an apparent in there and only threw four touchinjury to his right thumb. Barner, down passes after he got hurt."
Not until all the games had been played did Gundy make a strong pitch. "I think that each coach has to make a decision based on what gives his team the best opportunity to play in the championship game," Gundy saidMonday. "Idon'tknow that there's a perfect time." While the coach can do only so much, a school's sports information staff plays a big role. Kenny Mossman, the f ormer s ports i nformation d i rector a t O klahoma now w orking as a n associate athletic director for the school, has been part of a couple of close BCS races. In 2008, Oklahoma beat out Texas in a close vote that determined which team played for the Big 12 title, with a spot in the national championship game on the line. "I always felt like we had a very fine line to walk there between overtly campaigning and providing the type of information that allowed us to be viewed fairly," he said. Mossman and his staff would send email blasts to members of the college football media with stats and facts accentuating the strengths of Oklahoma's resume. Most of the people on the receiving end of those emails did not have a vote in either of the BCS polls, but they had platforms that could alter the public debate and maybe sway a voter or two. "What you're trying to do is get to the influencers," Mossman said.
— Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhaIIC<
— The Associated Press
played in high school.
"Some may be voters and some, maybe not." Mossman said he would always c onsult with S toops about t h e
message. "Ultimately, he's the face of the program and you don't want to make him feel uncomfortable," he said. Kelly, after saying he would stay away from lobbying a week earlier, decided to tout the Irish on Sunday. And why not? He pointed out that the Irish have the No. 1 scoring defense in the country, and they are the only contender that has not played an FCS team. "If you want style points, look at our defense, look at the schedule that we played: 10 FBS teams," Kelly said. "We'll just keep working on one at a time and let other people figure out where that puts us. T he odd t h in g a b out N o t r e Dame's BCS position is that it belies the perception among many college football fans that the Irish are media darlings and are consistently overrated. The Notre Dame brand is not going to help the Fighting Irish in this race, and neither will the voters, no matter how much Kelly
campaigns. "Notre Dame is not going to jump (Oregon and Kansas State) without their help," Palm said. "They're way too far behind in the polls. The voters are not on board with Notre Dame."
golfers that focus entirely on the golf course. They're making money off the Continued from 01 golf course. Stacy is one of those people The Americans had to contend with who can hold her focus." There werehigh hopes for Michelle the power of Laura Davies, the precision of Annika Sorenstam, the athleti- Wie, who played in the final group of cism of Karrie Webb and the influence an LPGA major at 13 and had a chance of Se Ri Pak, who inspired a nation of on the back nine to win three majors South Korean golfers. at 16. Those turned out to be her best Who would have guessed that when years on the golf course. Paula CreamSorenstam won player of the year in er won herfirst LPGA event before go1995, she would be retired for four years ing to her high school commencement, beforean American won the award'? and she starred in a U.S. win at the SolAnd that's where Lewis comes in. heim Cup as a teenager. But her lack of Sick of hearing that American wom- power, occasional lapses in putting and en didn't work hard enough or were injuries have kept her from reaching not as dedicated or simply not as good, the top. Lewis set what she thought was a reaHow fitting that this would fall to sonable goal for this year. She wanted Lewis, who is r arely anyone's first to be the top American in the women's choice. world ranking. And when she won her She madeherpro debut atInterlachen second eventof the year in June, she in 2008 at the U.S. Women's Open and moved past Cristie Kerr to No. 3 in the had a one-shot lead going into the final world, officially making her the "Great- round, though all the attention was on est American Golfer." At least for that Creamer, who was one shot behind going into a final round that wasn't kind week. But she didn't stop there. to either of them. Later that year, all the Lewis won in Alabama and started buzz at LPGA Q-school was Wie trying building a big lead in the points-based to earnher card after years of taking award for player of the year. Inbee Park so many handouts. Wie made it, and it made a run at her with a win and run- was a big story. ner-up finish in Asia, and it figured to The footnote that day was Lewis wincome down to the wire. Lewis, though, ning the tournament by three shots. delivered her fourth and biggest win of Then again, she's used to that. the year at the Mizuno Classic that efLewis wasn't the best on her high fectively wrapped it up. school team. She had to earn her spot And when Park failed to win in Mex- on the traveling squad at Arkansas, ico last week, Lewis became the first and despite winning six times her senAmerican since Beth Daniel in 1994 to ior year, she lost out on NCAA player of be LPGA player of the year. the year. She played the Kraft Nabisco Championship as an amateur and tied Lewis closesout her dream season this week at the LPGA Titleholders, for fifth, though no one noticed because which now is more of a victory lap than Pressel won that year at age 18. a sprint to the finish line. "At the U.S. Open I was overshad"All last year, there were all these owed by Paula, and at Q-school it was questions of where the Americans were even worse with Michelle," she said. "I and why weren't they playing well," think I've always been second fiddle. Lewis said. "I got tired of answering the I don't know if they just don't expect questions. The only thing I could do is anything from me or don't pay attenplay better and put a face to American tion. But it fires me up when I play well golf." and all anyone talks about is someone American gol f d i d n't d i sappear else. That motivates me. That's been entirely. the story for me the whole way." Juli Inkster, who as a rookie won No one can overlook her now. It's a big moment for American golf two majors, returned from having her second daughter and won five majors, on the LPGA Tour. It's a bigger moment completing the LPGA Grand Slam. for Lewis, a compelling story long beMeg Mallon added a pair of majors, as foreshe became thetop American. did Kerr.Morgan Pressel became the Lewis was diagnosed with scoliosis youngest LPGA major champion. Hilas a kid and wore a back brace 18 hours ary Lunke became the most surprising. a day forseven years to correctthe curBut no American could claim to be vature ofher spine — taking the brace the best in women's golf for a single off long enough to practice golf. When season until now. it didn't heal properly, she had surgery Daniel got so sick about hearing and after finishing high school to install a reading how she was the last American steel rod and five screws in her verteto be player of the year that "it started to brae. That didn't stop her from playing feel like part of my name." at Arkansas, from winning an NCAA "Here's my take," Daniel said. "So title, from winning an LPGA major, many American fans are looking for and now winning LPGA player of the an American superstar so bad that year. "This was not even on my mind," when someone starts playing well, they get grabbed and offered to do out- Lewis said. " I was trying to win a side things. To win player of the year, couple of tournaments and be the top you have to focus on playing all year American. Everything else has been a long. And there's not a lot of American bonus."
a er's anic ea s o os ia,an e no i e OUr
By Karen Crouse and Bill Pennington
pguov cs
New York Times News Service
On the practice range last Friday, before t h e s e cond round of Charlie Beljan's final chance to avoid having to requalify for the PGA Tour, his throat tightened and his heart began hammering. What happened next was one of the more frightening — and remarkable — rounds of golf ever caught on video. Beljan, 28, endured a five-hour stress test, staggering through 18 holes at the Children's MirReinhold Matay/The Associated Press acle Network Hospitals Classic Charlie Beljan celebrates his victoryon the 18th green after in Lake Buena Vista, Fla. He making the winning putt at the Children's Miracle Network Hossat down in the grass to catch pitals Classic in Lake Buena Vista, Fla., on Sunday. his breath. Medical personnel in his gallery monitored his racing pulse. The fear of a posThere have been instances airplane that needed to make sible heart attack dominated of players leaving the course an emergency landing as a his thoughts. in distress. During a competi- result. He carded a 64, the second- tive round in 2005, David Toms He said h e b elieved the lowest score of his rookie sea- experienced arapid heart rate stress of dealing with so many son, to take the lead, then left that caused him to drop to one life-changing events in so few the grounds in an ambulance. knee and clutch his chest. He months caused his panic atHe spent the night in a hos- was hospitalized and found to tack on the course. "I don't think it's been the pital, with machines hooked have supraventricular tachyup to his limbs and his golf cardia, which he underwent golf that's done it at all," he shoes still on his feet. A battery surgery t o c o r rect. Robert said. "I've had a lot of people of tests revealed nothing physi- Karlsson withdrew abruptly try to diagnose me who have cally wrong with him. It was a on the eve of this year's Brit- told me they've had the same panic attack. And when Beljan ish Open after experiencing problem, but I don't think it's was released Saturday, he de- the golf equivalent of an actor the stress of the tour. It's evcided to put his nerves to the forgetting his lines: Every time erything I've had going on this Karlsson tried to take the club year." test for the final 36 holes. When he returned to the back on his swings during a Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman, the golf course, he said, "I was practice round, he froze. c hief of psychiatry at N ew crying on the (practice) range Beljan came into the PGA York P resbyterian/Columbia because Iwas so afraid these Tour season finale r anked hospital, said a panic attack is feelings would come back." 139th on the money list. With a neurochemical disturbance For the next two r ounds, only the top 125 players as- in parts of the brain and is Beljan f o ught b o n e-crush- sured of retaining their tour related to the fright-flight reing fatigue and worry about privileges for next year, he sponse. A number of t reathis health to hang on for his needed a top-10 finish to se- ments are effective, he said, first PGA Tour victory, a tri- cure his tour card. In his first including Valium-type medicaumph over the most mental of 21 events, he had two top-10 tions, beta blockers and other games. showings. After a strong open- drugs, some of which are pro"I was just thinking about ing round, he felt a high finish hibited on the PGA Tour. Other my health, one shot at a time, was in his reach. He said he felt options include nonpharmaone hole at a time," he said relaxed. cological treatments like be"I've never tried to make golf havior therapy and relaxation Monday in a telephone interview from his home in Mesa, something more than it is," he techniques. Ariz. "And shoot, it worked out said. Speaking in general about pretty well." Beljan did not think the high B eljan, whom h e h a s n o t B eljan's peers wh o s a w stakes of the moment caused treated, Lieberman said, "It's him on the course Friday or his attack. His first go-round impressive that he had the cogwatched the drama unfold on on the PGA Tour was only nitive wherewithal to manage the telecast said they had nev- one of the challenges he had to his emotions and play winning golf." er seen anything like it, which confrontthisyear.He married "The average golfer can feel was itself a shock. in the beginning of 2012 and "It's amazing that it doesn't in September his wife, Merisa, his hands tremble just standhappen m or e i n sp o r t s," gave birth to their first child, a ing over a 4-foot putt to win a Keegan Bradley, the 2011 PGA boy. Beljan had his first panic weekend match, and for them, Championship winner, said attack a month before the birth all that's at stake is their ego," of his son, passing out on an Monday. said Joe Parent, a psychologist
and author of the best-seller "Zen Golf." "The pros are playing for their careers and their lives. It's a different category of mental stress — an extreme version of stage fright." There is no relief for the
struggling golfer on the course.
for amateurs.Gostincludesgrossandnetskinscompetitions.Cartcostsextra. All playersmustsign up by noon on theThursdaybeforetheevent. Toregister orior more information,call PatHuffer,headpro at Crooked RiverRanch,at541-923-6343or email himatcrrpat@ . Feb. 1 — CentralOregonWinter Series eventat MeadowLakesGolf club in prinevile. Triple-sixtourClub Results nament beginswi thanu a.m.shotgun.Two-person teamswithno morethanoneprofessional allowedper EAGLECREST team. Cost is $30 for professionals, $50for amateurs. Men's Club, Nov.7 Cost includesgrossand netskins competitions. Cart at RidgeCourse costsextra.All playersmustsign upby noononthe Two NetBest Balls Plus RedDohSfableford 1, Bill Olson/Jerrycoday/Mattconner/BrooksGun- Thursdaybeforethe event. To register or ior more sel,131. 2,ReedSloss/RogerPalmer/LeeRoehlke/Dan information, call Pat Huffer, headpro at Crooked Myers, 127.3, Randy Myers/Mike Bessonette)Joe RiverRanch,at541-923-6343or email himatcrrpat@ . Kosanovic/Bill Houck124. 4(tieI, JimHawkes/Roger Feb. 2 —SuperBowlScramble at MeadowLakes Edgerly/DonGreermar/Jerry Decoto,122; BobMowlGolf Course i n Pri n evi lle is a tour-personscramble. dsioennisFlirn/JerryVolf)Larrr Rygalski,122.6, Dan Broadly/TomJohnson(Terry Black/MacHeitzhausen, Eventteesor with a10a.m.shotgun. Gost is$15 plus greenfee Formoreinformation or to register, call the 12a Meadow Lakesproshopat 541-447-70a Feb. 22 —CentralOregonWinter Serieseventat THE GREENS ATREDMOND Crooked RiverRanch. Aggregateshamble begins with Ladies of theGreens an u a.m.shotgun.Two-personteamswith no more 2012 Year-EndAwards than one professional allowedperteam. Cost is$30tor LowestGross—DianeMiyauchi,34. , tor amateurs. Cost includesgross Lowest Net —AnitaEpstein, 25; DorothyFuller, professionals$50 and net ski nscompetitions. Cartcostsextra. All piayers 25; LindaKanable,25; NancySmith,25; CaroleWolfe, must signupbynoonontheThursdaybeforetheevent. 25. Lowest Putts — Michelle Oberg,12; Margie To registerorfor moreinformation, call PatHuiter, head pro atcrookedRiver Ranch, at541-923-6343or emai Rose,12;JanSaunders,12 him atcrrpat© Birdies —DeeBaker, 4, March 2 — Polar BearOpenis an individual chip-ins —DeeBaker,4. stroke-playtournamentat MeadowLakes Golf Course Most Improved —AnitaEptein. in prineville.Individualstroke-playtournament teesor with a10 am.shotgun.Costis$20plusgreeniee. For Calendar more informationor to register,call theMeadowLakes shopat541-447-7113. The Bulletin welcomes contributions to proMarch15 —CentralOregonWinter Seriesevent at its weekly local golf events calendar. Items JuniperGolfCoursein Redmond. Better-ball tournament shouldbe mailedto P.O.Box 6020,Bend,OR withan0 a.m.shotgun.Two-person teamswith 97708; faxed to thesports deparlment at 541- begins more thanoneprofessional allowedper team.Cost is 385-0831; or emailed fo sporls@bendbslletin. no $30 forprofessionals,$50for amateurs. Costincludes com. grossandnetskinscompetitions. Cart costsextra. All playersmustsignupbynoonontheThursdaybefore TOURNAMEN TS Nov. 16 —CentralOregonWinter Serieseventat the event.Toregister orfor moreinformation, call Pat Huffer,headpro at CrookedRiver Ranch, at 541-923Lost TracksGoli Club in Bend.Triple-six tournament 6343 rxemail himatcrrpat©crookedriverrarch com. begin swithanu a.m.shotgun.Two-personteams March 22 —Central OregonWinter Serieseventat with nomorethan oneprofessional allowedperteam. pronghorn club's Nicklauscoursenear Bend. scrambe Costis$30for professionals, $50tor amateurs. Cost beginswithan11a.m.shotgun.Two-personteamswith includesgrossandnet skins competitions. Cartcosts no more thanoneprofessional allowedper team.Cost is extra.AllplayersmustsignupbynoonontheThursday $30 forprofessi onals,$50for amateurs Costincludes beforetheevent. Toregister or for moreinformation, grossandnetski nscompetitions Cartcostsextra All call Pat Huffer,headproat CrookedRiver Ranch, at players must si g nupbynoonontheThursdaybefore 541-923-6343or email him atcrrpat@crookedriverthe event.Toregister orfor moreinformation, call Pat Huffer,headpro at CrookedRiver Ranch, at 541-923Nov. 17 —TheTurkeyShootat Kah-Nee-TaHigh 6343 rxemail himatcrrpat©crookedriverrarch com. DesertResortnearWarmSprings. Toumament begins with an u a.m. shotgun.Costis $40pergolfer, ard includesgolf, cart andlunch. Formoreinformation or Professional to register, visit www.kahneeta.comor call thepro shop PGATour at 541-553-4971. MoneyLeaders Nov. 30 —CentralOregonWinter Series eventat Final EagleCrestResort's RidgeCourseinRedmond. ShamPlayer Trn YTD Money ble beginswithanu a.m.shotgun. Two-personteams Rank 1. Rory Mcl l r oy 16 $a047,952 with nomorethanoneprofessional allowedperteam. 2. Tiger Wo ods 19 $6,133,158 Costis$30for professionals, $50foramateurs. Cost a Brandtsnedek er 22 $4,989,739 includes grossandnetskins competitions. Cartcosts 22 $4,869,304 extra.Allplayersmustsignup bynoonontheThursday 4.JasonDufner Watson 19 $4,644,997 beforetheevent. Toregister or for moreintormation, 5. Bubba 25 $4,504,244 call Pat Hufier,headproat CrookedRiver Ranch, at 6.ZachJohnson 7. Justin Rose 19 $4,290,930 541-923-6343or email him atcrrpat@crookedsvera phil Mickelson 22 $4,203,821 23 $4,019,193 Dec. 8 — ChristmasGoose Golf Tournamentat 9. HunterMahan Bradley 25 $3,910,658 MeadowLakesGolf Course in Prinevile. Chapm an 1a Keegan u. Matt Kuchar 22 $3,903,065 isior two person-teams and teesoff with an10a.m. 12. JimFuryk 24 $3,623,805 shotgunCostis$20 plus greenfee Toregister orfor 26 $3,538,656 more information,call theMeadowLakesgof shopat 1a carl pettersson 14. Luke Do n al d 17 $3,512,024 541-447-711a 15. Loui s Oo s t h ui z en 19 $3,460,995 Jan. 18 — CentralOregonWinter Serieseventat 22 $3,453,u 8 Kah-Nee-Ta High Desert ResortnearWarmSprings. 1a ErnieEls 17. Webb S>mpson 22 $3,436,758 Better-balltournamentbegins withanu a.m.shotgun. 1a steve stricker 19 $3,420,021 Two-person teamswith nomorethanoneprofessional 1a Dustin Johnson 19 $3,393,820 allowedperteam.Cost is$3ij for professionals,$50
26 $3,206,530 23 $3,066,293
2a Bovanpelt 24. LeeWestwood
26 24 15 16
25. Adam Scott
2a Ryan Moore 27. ScottPiercy 28 JohnHuh 29. SergioGarcia 3a Ben curtis 31. Graeme McDowel 32. KyleStanley 3a Bill Haas 34. Jonas Bixt 35.JohnsonWagner 3a MartinLaird 37. Mark Wilson 3a KevinNa 39.BresdondeJonge 4a MattEvery 41. MarcLeishman 42.JohnSenden 4a charliewi 44. Bud cauley 45. lanPoulter 46. BenCrane 47. DavidToms
4a Jimmy walker 49.Seung-YulNoh 5a Jonathan Byrd 51. ViiaySingh 52. JeffOverton 5a padraigHarrington 5t KevinStadler 55.TommyGainey 5a D.A.points 57. KenDuke
5a Ryanpalmer 59.JohnRollins 6a MichaelThompson 61. TimClark 62. Ted Poter, Jr.
6a charlie BIlian 64. BrianDavis 65. J.J.Henry
6a scottstallings 67. CharleHo s well III 6a spencer Levin 69. CharleyHoffman 7a Dickypride 71. GeoffOgilvy 72. Tom Gilis 7a Blake Adams
74. WilliamMcGirt 75. Cameron Tringale
76. Aaron Baddeley 77. TroyMateson 7a ChrisKirk 79. HarrisEnglish 8a J.B.Holmes 81. GregChalmers 82. BryceModer
Ba sang-Moon Bae 84.SeanO'Hak 85. GregOwen 8a JohnMallinger 87. BrianHarman
Ba JasonDay 89. Charlschwartzel 9a Rorysabbatini 91. George McNeil 92. DanieSum l merhays 9a JohnMerrick 94. PatPerez 95. Graham DeLaet 9a MartinFlores 97. DavidHearn 9a JoshTeater 99. BobEstes 100. Davils.oveIII 101. AndresRomero 102. K.J.Choi 103. Brian Gay
intheeventin 2008 and 2009 and
sixth in 2010.... The European Tour finale is next week in Dubai.
Site:Naples, Fla. Schedule: Thursday-Sunday. Course:TwinEagles Club, Eagle Course (6,529 yards, par 72).
European Tourl Sunshine Tour
Purse:$1.5 million. Winner's
share: $500,000. Television:Golf Channel (Thursday-Saturday, 10:30 a.m.-1 p.m.). Last year:South Korea's Hee Young Parkwonthe season-
Course:Serengeti Golf & Wildlife
Estate (7,761 yards, par 72). Purse:$1.27 million. Winner's
Players cannot be r emoved from competition in the middle of a bad round or take a timeout to regain their composure. There are no coaches to offer comfort or teammates to help erase their mistakes. "The only c o m p arable thing might be a heavyweight championship fight," said Jim McLean, an instructor to various touring pros, including Bradley and LPGA star Cristie Kerr. "The personal pressure is enormous." McLean, who i s r a n k ed among Golf Digest's top five teachers nationally, said he saw panic attacks on the golf course from pros and recreational golfers alike more often than one would imagine. If it is a rare sight on the PGA Tour, he said, it is because being calm under pressure is part of the Darwinian weeding-out
processin professionalgolf. "Anxiety under pressure has driven a lot of golfers out of the game," McLean said. "They're people you don't know of and never heard about because they couldn't handle it. That includes some very talented guys. It's part of the game that is underestimated and just as important as hitting the ball. It can be pretty scary and it's an incredible story that Charlie won." Beljan also picked up a paycheck of $846,000. Now 63rd on the money list, with almost $1.4 million in earnings this year, his playing privileges for next season are secure. Still, Beljan a r ranged to have a f ul l p h ysical exam this week at Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, near his home. He said he also arranged to meet with a psychologist. In the 24 hours after his win, Beljan watched replays of his second round and was aghast to see himself between shots struggling to remain upright, stooped over on his knees and
slumped on top of his golf bag. "I can't believe that was me to be honest with you," he said.
$3,044,224 $3,043,509 $3,016,569 $2,899,557
24 $2,858,944 28 $2,699,205 28 $2,692,0 3 16 $2,510,116 19 $2,494,153 16 $2,408,279 27 $2,351,857 23 $2,349,951 21 $2,255,695 27 $2,225,007 22 $2,172,883 25 $2,144,780 25 $2,029,943 31 $2,015,252 25 $1,972,166 23 $1,933,761 22 $1,916,651 25 $1,845,397 28 $1,774,479
104. FredrikJacobson 105.ChrisStroud 106. Chad Campbel 107 KevinStreelman 108 BooWeekley 109. ColtKnost 110. Brendan Steele 111. RobertAllenby 112 RickyBarses
0 3 Jhonattan vegas 0 4 JasonBohn 115. HenrikStenson 116. TroyKelly 117. will claxton 08 Robertocastro 09 JasonKokrak
17 28 27 26 25 29 24
$953,494 $903,570 $895,199 $893,736 $848,347 $848,197 $840,965
27 28 25 28 15
$ 808,927 $805,408 $801,803 $795,549 $791,107
23 28 27 27 29 20 27 27 27 29
120. DavidMathis 121. HarrisonFrazar 122. James Driscoll 123. JeffMaggert 124. TimHerron
125. Kevinchappel
$786,832 $ 780,969 $755,095 $ 750,221 $736,765 $73ij,203 $687,338 $ 6B2,742 $660,279 $647,510
SOUTH AFRICANOPEN Site: Ekurhuleni, South Africa.
and SandraGaltied for second, two strokes. Last week:Cristie Kerr won the Lorena Ochoa Invitational in Mexico for her first tour
victory in more thantwo years and15th overall. Stacy Lewis tied for fourth to wrap up the
share: $201,090. Television:Golf Channel
(Thursday-Sunday, 6-10a.m.). Last year:South Africa's Hennie Otto closed with an even-par 72 for a one-stroke victory over Austria's Bernd Wiesberger at Serengeti. Notes:South Africans Charl Schwartzel, Tim Clarke, Branden Grace and Otto are in the field
along with Germany's Martin Kaymer. Gracehas four European
player of the yearaward. Notes:Lewis is the first
American player of theyear since Beth Daniel in1994. The Texan leads the tour with four victories.... Inbee Park leads the money list with $2,266,638 and the Vare Trophy standings with an adjusted scoring average of 70.1975. Lewis
is second on themoney list
Tour victories this year.... First played in1893, the tournament is the second oldest national championship behind the British
Open (1860).... Gary Player wona record13 times, the first in 1956 and last in1981.... Jack Nicklaus
designed the course.
is second in theVareraceat
PGA Tourof Australasia
70.2459, and Lewis is third at 70.2584.
AUSTRALIAN MASTERS Site: Melbourne, Australia.
European Tourl Asian Tour
Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:Kingston Heath Golf Club (7,116 yards, par 72). Purse:$1.04 million. Winner's
with $1,863,956. Jiyai Shin
share: $187,395. Television:Golf Channel
Site:Hong Kong. Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:Hong KongGolf Club (6,734 yards, par 70). Purse:$2 million. Winner's
(Wednesday-Saturday, 5:30-10:30
p.m.). Lastyear:England's lan Poulter won at Victoria Golf Club, beating Australia's Marcus Fraser by three strokes. Last event:Australian teen Oliver Goss won the Western Australia Open on Oct. 28 at Royal Perth, beating fellow amateur Brady Watt on the fifth hole of a playoff.
share: $333,330. Television:Golf Channel
(Wednesday-Saturday, 10:30 p.m.-2:30 a.m.). Last year:Northern lreland's Rory Mcllroy rallied to win,
holing out from a greenside bunker on the final hole for a 5-under 65 and atwo-stroke
Notes:Poulter and fellow European RyderCupplayer
victory. Last week:Italian teen Matteo
Graeme McDowell are in the field along with Australians Adam Scott, Stuart Appleby, Robert Allenby, Craig Parry and the18-
Manassero won theSingapore Open, beating South Africa's
Louis Oosthuizen with an eagle year-old Goss. on the third hole of a playoff. All Times PST The top-ranked Mcllroy finished third to wrap up the European Tour money title. Mcllroy joined Luke Donald as the only players to top the PGA
Tour and Europeanmoneylists inthesame season.Donald
$ '„""'" > perfectcolorssince1975
accomplished the feat last
7:30 AM - 5 :30 PM MON-FRI 8 AM - 3 PM SAT.
year. Notes:Mcllroy is in the field along with Manassero, Matt Kuchar, Padraig Harrington, Paul Lawrie, Paul Casey, Y.E. Yang, Michael Campbell and
2a Robert Gasigus 21. RickieFowler 22. NickWatney
ending event at Grand Cypress in Orlando, Fla. Paula Creamer
GOLF SCOREBOARD The Bulletin welcomescontributions to us weekly local golfresults listings and events calendar. Clearly legible items should be faxed to the sports department, 541-3850831, emailed to, or maile dto P.o.Box6020;Bend,OR 97708.
541-a82-4171 541-548-7707 2121 NE Division
64 1 N W F ir
R ed m o n d
& THE GREENSXTREDMOND O 1 8 HOLES j' oe Lv l2.00PM P~vQ~54I 9) j QQ94onspace
15 $1,71 5,271 23 $1,701,365
19 $1,65a428 28 $1,63a419
28 $1,629,751 21 $1,61 6,789 27 $1,586,3ij5 29 $1,563,670 18 $1,546,272 25 $1,546,036 32 $1,540,749 29 $1,533,361 3ij $1,511,628 24 $1,501,215 26 $1,489,155
25 $1,40a374 20 25 22 29 28
$1,407,028 $1,383,170 $1,373,528 $1,318,032 $1,297,802
29 26 27 19 20
$1,284,578 $1,283,61 6 $1,276,663 $1,259,712 $1,255,223
32 30 26 22
$1,234,345 $1,228,947 $1,225,737 $1,215,753
Btiy thiS StiCk-built garage fOr WaydelOWretail! Bidding StartS at juSt 50% Of the retail Value - 824,850 This could beyours for just S12,425!
27 $1,29a739
23 $1,23a058 •
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16 $1,13a844 29 $1,12a820
25 $1,09,535 26 $1,111,522 26 $1,084,628 23 $1,064,053 23 $1,051,951 3ij $1,035,569 28 $1,012,575 30 $1,011,430 23 $1,009,769 2ij $ 989,753 22 $970,919 21 $969,057 28 $960,658
For illustration purposesonly
22' x 22' stick-built garage with 36' x 7' overhead door, 1 man door, 3 -4' x 4' window. Upgrades are available, including changing dimensions, COmPOnentS and layOut of garage.
K~QE r
Stock listings, E2-3 Calendar, E4 Bankruptcies, E4
v NASDA QCHANGE-20.37-.70% V DOWNJO ES CHANGE-58.90-.46% v S&P500CHANGE 55Q 4Q% IN BRIEF W indowschief leaves Microsoft In a move that sur-
prised many,Microsoft announced lateMonday that Steven Sinofsky, the
exacting andcontroversial president of Windows and Windows Live, had left the company just
weeks after delivering the radical revamp of its flagship software product,
Windows 8. The announcement
came barely twoweeks after Microsoft unveiled Windows 8 with launch events in New York City
in which Sinofskyfigured prominently.
v BONDS Ttess"8CH'ANGE124%
Revenue guarantees a gamble for small airports
Win ener a vocates wor to rotecttax rea settoex ire Bulletin wire reports WASHINGTON — Wind energy advocates have just weeks to save a multibilliondollar tax break, arguing half the jobs in the industry will be lost if Congress allows it to expireas scheduled atthe end of the year. But opponents are boosting their efforts to kill the tax credit as Congress resumes work this week to grapple with the nation's huge deficit problem. A group tied to the
oil industry is circulating a study saying it's time for wind to stand on its own without the help. Warning that tens of thousands of jobs are at stake, governorsinwind energy states Tuesday called on Congress to renew the tax break. Oregon Gov. John Kitzhaber and Iowa Gov. Terry Branstad said at a teleconference that uncertainty over the future of the wind energy production tax credit already
Julie Larson-Green, Microsoft's corporate vice president of program managementfor
has hurt the industry — which employs 75,000 people and drives more than $10 billion a year in economic development. Branstad and Kitzhaber lead the Governor's Wind Energy Coalition, which represents 28 states. The credit was first signed byPresident George H.W. Bush and backed by a number of prominent Republicans. But legislation to renew the tax break stalled in Congress this summer amid
opposition from conservative House Republicans, who argued it was wasteful spending. Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney opposed it. In a letter to leaders in Congress, the governors wrote that 37,000 jobs and the chance to drive $10 billion in private investment will be lost if the credit expires. They estimated the wind industry employs 75,000. SeeWind/E3
By Alan Scher Zagier The Associated Press
COLUMBIA, Mo. — Road-weary travelers forcedto drive two hours to St. Louis or Kansas City to catch big-city flights were ecstatic when Delta Airlines announced plans to expand service at a regional airport in central Missouri. University of Missouri officials in Columbia, where the airport is located in the heart of the state, eagerly awaited the new Columbia-Atlanta route. Their excitement was short-lived. Weeks after city leaders boasted in mid-October about luring American Atrhnes to Columb>a w>th a two-year, $3 million revenue guarantee, Delta quickly decided to pull out of the market, saying it could no longer operate in Columbia at a competitive disadvantage. The Atlantabased airliner held firm after Columbia floated a deal similar to its pact with American,partly because the city had first committed its available incentives to American. SeeGuarantees/E4
Windows, will take his
Home Depot profit beats expectations Providing a positive
signal for the housing market, the world's largest home-improvement retailer, Home Depot Inc., reported a better-than-expected fiscal-third-quarter profit
Tuesday and raised its outlook for the year.
Among its upbeat indicators, the company cited continued improvement in Florida and California, both of which were among the states hardest hit by the
housing downturn, as well as increased sales to professional contract customers, another key barometer of housingmarket demand.
Google: Requests for censorship up
Google says gov-
Bad hires eat up many of managers' work hours, study says
ernment requests to remove content from its search results and other
services rose 71percent in the first half of the
year, according to a new
Bulletin file photo
Hillsboro-based Aero Air will take over the leasefor Butler Aircraft's hangar, seen here last year, at Madras Airport and set up a tanker base for aerial firefighting.
report. The owner of the
world's largest search engine said there were 1,791 requests in the six months through June, up from 1,048 during the last six months of 2011, according to its
By Tiffany Hsu Los Angeles Times
Transparency Report. Turkey's government
Subpar employees don't pull their weight. But they do a great job attaching it to their bosses.
made 501 requests to
remove content, up from 45 in the previous period, while the United States followed with 273, up from 187. — From wire reports
The economy More than 460,000 U.S. jobs related to the development of
applications for mobile devices havebeen created since 2007
when the iPhonewas first introduced.
TOP STATESFORAPP ECONOMY JOBS Percentof total, in 2Q11 Calif.
Managers spend nearly
• The Hillsbara-basedCamPany'SleaSeCOuld bring 36 ta 60 meChaniCjabs to the City By Elon Gluckbch The Bulletin
A Hillsboro aviation company plans to use Madras Municipal Airport as its base of operations for aerial firefighting in Central Oregon and across the country. Aero Air and Redmond-based Butler Aircraft Co. agreed this month to have Aero Air take over Butler's lease of the 44,000-square-foot hangar in Madras. Aero Air's arrival in M a dras could also mean jobs — 36 to 60 mechanic jobs at the airport, maintaining firefighting tankers as the company gets ready for next year's fire season. The lease runs through 2015, but can be extended until 2030. The change of lease, approved by the
Madras City Council on Nov. 1, marks Butler's exit from Madras, making way for Aero Air to bring in seven air tankers able to drop water and fire-retardant on wildfires across the country. "For about two years, we've been talking about developing the next-generation ( firefighting) tanker," said Kevin M c C ullough, co-owner of A ero A ir. T he company has purchased seven MD-87 jets, which can be modified to hold up to 4,000 gallons of water or retardant. Aero Air also bought Butler Aircraft's two DC-7 planesunder the terms of the agreement, which were not disclosed. The agreement gives Aero Air control of all of Butler Aircraft Co.'s firefighting services, McCullough said. The company
17 percent of their working hours dealing with
poor performers, ac-
has contracted with Oregon Department of Forestry for decades. It also has had contracts with the federal government. Butler Aircraft officials did not respond to several requests forcomment. The move has no impact on Butler Aircraft Co.'s sister company, Butler Aircraft Services, McCullough said. Butler Aircraft Services provides plane maintenance and flight instruction at Redmond Airport and serves as the fixed-base operator. Aero Air has specialized in airplane sales and maintenance since the company was founded in 1956. But the entry into Madras is its first effort in fighting fires, McCullough said. SeeAero Air/E3
cording to a report from staffing firm Robert Half International. That's basically a full day a week that could have been spent being productive. And sucking up supervisors' time isn't the only downside to subpar workers, according to the report. Of the more than 1,400 chief financial officers interviewed by Robert Half, 95 percent said
laggards can bring down office spirits. SeeBad hires/E4
3.8 N.Y.
~ 6.9 Wash. ~ 6.4 Texas ~ 5.4 N.J. m 4.2 & 4.0 Mass. ~ 3.9 Ga. ~ 3.7 va. H 3. 5 Fla. %3.i
• $2Q billion revenue createdby spp economyin 2011; expected to be $1QQ billion by 2015
• Total apps 8,QQQin 2QQ8; 1.3 million in 2Q12
Sliding doors.Seats 7.Butdon't call it a minivan, Ford says By Dee-Ann Durbin The Associated Press
DEARBORN, Mich. — It looks like a minivan. It has sliding doors like a minivan. So why isn't Ford calling its new seven-seater a minivan'? For the same reason you don't wear mom jeans or listen to Barry Manilow: It's not cool. The Transit Connect Wagon will debut later this month at the Los Angeles Auto Show. It's set to go on sale late next fall. To the average buyer — or, in fact, to everyone outside of Ford Motor Co. it will appear that Ford is getting back into the minivan business after a sixyear hiatus. The Transit Connect Wag-
© 20 1 2 MCT Source. TechNet Graphic. Judy Treible
on, which is based on Ford's Transit Connect commercial van, has the high roof of the van but trades its industriallooking hood for the tapered nose and trapezoid grille of Ford's cars. It has sliding doors on both sides and comes in five-seat and seven-seat versions. The new vehicle will have two fourcylinder engine options, one of which will get 30 miles per gallon or more on the highway. That would make it the most fuel-efficient minivan on the market — if it was a minivan. But Ford insists it's not. "It's anything but a minivan," said David M ondragon, Ford's general
manager of marketing. SeeFord/E3
Ford's Transit Connect Wagon has the high roof of the Transit Connect commercial van but borrows a tapered nose and trapezoid grille from Ford's cars.
Ford via The Associated Press
Ford Continued from E1 "In our mind, it's a people mover. We think of it as more of a utility, or kind of a hybrid sport utility, than a minivan." M ondragon says th e m word is too polarizing and turns off Ford's target customers: 30- to 42-year-old p arents who grew up w i t h minivans and like their utility but don't want to sacrifice style. At one point, Ford even considered calling the wagon a "you-tility," but it turned out another c armaker a l r eady had dibs on that one. "A lot of consumers in this s egment ar e p a rents w h o still want their own identity," Mondragon s a id. "There's a lot of blandness in the industry, especially in r egard to multi-passenger vehicles. They want something fresh and uniquely styled." The Transit Connect Wagon has a different look than t he average minivan. T h e roof is higher, the windshield has a steeper slant and it's got a sturdier, more i ndustrial look. But more importantly for Ford, the T r ansit C onnect Wagon will be priced like a minivan. The company's current seven-seaters, the Flex wagon and E x plorer SUV, cost $30,000 or higher. While Ford isn't releasing a price for the new vehicle yet, Mondragon says it will compete at the lower end of the market with vehicles like the Dodge Grand Caravan, a m i nivan that starts at $19,995. Dealers say the vehicle fills a void in Ford's lineup. The
Aero Air
clunky, inefficient Freestar, which had trouble competing with industry leaders like the
Aero Air i s now t alking with the Forest Service and Continued from E1 state Department of ForestThe company saw an op- gar large enough to house ry to get its planes certified portunity rise over the past its new firefighting planes. and ready forthe 2013 fire several years, as o f f icials A ero Air's h angar a t t h e season. "We plan on Central Orwith the U.S. Forest Service Portland-Hillsboro A i r p ort started putting out f eelers wouldn't f i t t h e M D - 8 7s, egon being a major base for for new planes to join fire- along with th e c ompany's our planes to go into other fighting efforts. for-saleaircraft. states and fight fires," Mc" We looked at a l o t o f Cullough said. P rogress u p dating t h e tanker fleet has been too l ocations along t h e W e st A ero A i r ' s a r r i va l i n slow for some, including U.S. Coast. But we're obviously Madras is a boon for the muSen. Ron W y den, D - Ore. an Oregon company, and nicipal airport and the city During a stop at the Butler preferred to stay in Oregon," as a whole, said Mayor MelaAircraft Madras hangar in McCullough said. M a dras nie Widmer. May, Wyden criticized the Airport's giant hangar, built A 36-employee operation Forest Service's slow work just two years ago,seemed would make Aero Air one of putting more modern planes to fit the bill. Madras' 25largest employ"We asked (the Garnicks) ers, according to Economic into action. Aero A i r h a d al r e ady if they were interested in sell- Development for Central Oregon's 2012 rankings. A 60r eached out to Butler A i r ing off their fire tanker opcraft co-owners Travis and eration. They indicated they employee operation would N an Garnick by t h e t i m e were," McCullough said. put it in the top 15.
Honda Odyssey.
Ford has been selling a five-passenger version of t he T r ansit C o n nect v a n since 2010, but it's designed for commercial use and has few creature comforts.The new version will offer lots of bells and whistles, including a panoramic sunroof, leather seats, third-row seats that slide back and forth and the MyFordTouch entertainment system. Its second- and thirdrow seatsfold down to create 100 cubicfeet of cargo space behind the first row, or about 20 cubic feet less than the Nissan Quest minivan. U.S. minivan sales peaked at 1.37 million in 2000; by last year, they had fallen to 472,398. About 3 percent of new vehicle buyers are purchasing minivans now, down from 6 percent a decade ago, according to Strategic Vision, a consulting firm. Alexander Edwards, who heads Strategic Vision's automotive division, says Ford can move that needle, but it needs to show what makes the Transit Wagon different — its optional rear cargo doors, for example — and target nontraditional minivan buyers like aging parents and outdoor enthusiasts. "Yes, the term minivan is polarizing, but for those who are open to a minivan-styled vehicle, most do not care or worry about such stigma," he sa>d. The Transit Connect Wagon will be made in Valencia, Spain, and exported to the company stopped making U.S., Asia and Europe. Ford the Freestar minivan in 2006, currently sells about 35,000 c iting f a l l in g d e m and a s Transit Connects in the U.S. customers swarmed to new each year, and about 15 percrossovers like the Ford Es- cent of those are the five-pascape. But the decision cost it senger wagon versions, which some customers who needed are used by taxi companies the utility of a minivan, says and others. It expects to douTerry Kidd, who owns Kidd ble that with the new wagon. Ford Lincoln i n M o r r i son, Rebecca Lindland, an auTenn. t omotive analyst w it h I H S "We still sell used miniGlobal Insight, thinks Ford is vans. It's a very popular body worrying too much about fostyle," he said. cus groups. Cave in and call it Kidd says the Transit Con- a minivan, she says. "It's a great-looking ven ect Wagon should b e a s good — if not better — than hicle," she said. "I think they other minivans on the mar- should celebrate the utility of ket. That's a far cry from the it."
Wyden came to visit. McCullough said his company was looking for a han-
Wind Continued from E1 " It is time to turn t h e page on the recent election and work together to get Americans back to work," Kitzhaber, a D e m o crat, said in a statement. Kansas Repu b l ican Gov. Sam Brownback told reporters Tuesday that the booming wind development in his state is headed t oward z er o n ex t y e a r without the tax break. "That shows you how dramatic the i mpact is," Brownback said. "With the extension of the production tax credit there will be much more wind investm ent, much m ore w i n d electricity that's produced." But m a rkedly a b sent f rom th e "Governors' Wind Energy C oalition" is Texas Gov. Rick Perry, whose state is the national leader in w i n d i n stallations and home to four of the top five wind f arms in the nation. Perry has called for an end to federal energy subsidies, including for oil and renewables. The wind tax break allows power producers to lower their tax payments by 2.2 cents for each kilowatt-hour o f e l e c tricity they produce in the first
decade of a wind project. It can cut the costs of a project as much as a third. Navigant Consulting has estimated that loss of the tax credit could cost 37,000 jobs. That's nearly half the wind industry jobs in the United States. The study was commissioned by the American Wind E n ergy A s sociation, a trade group that has spent more than a million dollars on lobbying this year to save the tax credit. I owa R e p ublican S e n . Charles Grassley is the wind i ndustry's champion in t h e Senate. H e s a i d T u e sday that a one-year extension of the tax credit would cost the treasury around $4 b i l lion or $5 billion. "The credit has been tremendously successful for renewable energy development and job creation," Grassley said. Grassley said the fate of the tax break hinges on the deficit talks between the president and congressional leaders on the nation's looming "fiscal cliff." "Right now all the strategy and process is on hold to see
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Preeious metals
government watchdog. The group is tied to the Institute (Barack) Obama go," he said. for Energy Research, which W ind energy i s h a r d l y in the past has received oil inalone in getting federal help. dustry funding. Obama has said he wants to But the wind tax break also end $4 billion in annual tax has opponents in Congress breaks for the oil i ndustry, such as Kansas Republican and the American Petroleum Rep. Mike Pompeo. He calls it an "enormous government Institute is launching an ad campaign trying to preserve handout" despite how big the its tax status in the deficit wind industry is in his state. talks. Even some supporters of C onservative groups ar e the wind industry talk about ramping up p r essure on phasing the tax c r edit out Congress to kill the wind tax over thenext few years. But b reak. The A m e rican E n - Grassley said getting rid of it ergy Alliance commissioned on Dec. 31 is too soon. "We have 20 years' investa study of whether the tax credit is necessary for wind ment in this. It would be terenergy by L o u isiana State rible to throw away that inUniversity professor David vestment," Grassley said. Dismukes, saying the wind industry doesn't need a government subsidy and it's time to remove "Big Wind's train-
91.47 -.82 -5.1 54.89 +.20 +10.4 4Z50 +.11 -11.3 8.41 +.38 +85.2 42.79 -.25 +14.2 1.22 +.04 -36.1 1.68 37 42.67 -.01 +16.7 .12 20 177.55 -2.14 +7.7 .70 8 16.28 -.38 -2z6 .75 29 28.31 -.38 -33.0 1.56 28 152.05 +Z99 +70.3 .89l 11 33.02 -.30 -1 0.1 .84f 28 50.31 -.16 +9.3 4.68 +.04 -3.9 .36 13 11.43 -.11 -7.7 .78 11 31.71 -.35 +17.2 .32 13 16.61 ... +18.7 .88 10 32.02 -.35 +16.2 .20 13 21.55 -.17 +38.1 .68l 45 26.30 -.13 +40.9
1.44 20 1.08 17 1.82l 19 .08 2 .80 13
The president of the Americ an Energy A l l i ance i s a former directorof federal affairs for Koch Industries and was lobbyist for the National Petrochemical and Refiners Association, according to the Center for Public Integrity, a
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— Reporter: 541-817-7820, egiuchlichC<
how talks between Speaker (John) Boehner and President
Bringing A e r o A ir to Madras shows that r ecent upgrades to the small airport are paying off, Widmer said. A Federal Aviation Administration g r ant h e lped fund construction of the airport General Aviation Building in 2 0 06, an d O r egon Department of Transportation funds helped build the 44,000-square-foot h a n gar in 2010. Both gave Madras' air operations some muchneeded visibility, she said. Now, it could be poised to pay off with jobs. "Aero Air is a terrific, wellr espected c o mpany, a n d we're very excited to have them in M a dras," Widmer said.
Diary 127 Advanced
301 Declined 32 Unchanged 460 Total issues 7 New Highs 23 New Lows
793 1,662 98 2,553 22 133
52.Week High Lo w
Net Last Chg
N ame
13,661.72 11,231.56 Dow Jones Industrials 5,390.0 4,53t79 DowJonesTransportation
499.82 42z90 8,515.60 6,898.12 2,509.57 2,IOz29 3,196.93 2,44t48 1,474.51 1,158.66 15,432.5412,158.90 868.50 666.16
DowJonesUtilties NYSE Composite AmexIndex Nasdaq Composite S&P 500 Wilshire5000 Russell2000
World markets
12,756.18 5,054.71 445.83
-58.90 -3.76 +1.83
-30.83 -1z23 -20.37 -5.50 -61.66
2,373.79 2,883.89 1,374.53 14,370.70 789.01
YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % Chg -.46 +4.41 -.07 + . 70 +.41 -4.06 -.38 +7.31 -.51 +4. l9 -.70 +1 0.70 -.40 +9.30 -.43 +8.95 -.60 +6.49
+5.46 +1.45
-.64 +6.85 +3.79 +7.36 +9.28 +8.68 +6.18
Hereis how keyinternational stockmarkets KeycurrencyexchangeratesTuesday compared with late Monday inNewYork. performed Tuesday. Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x changeRate Pvsoay Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich
334.04 2,359.60 3,430.60 5,786.25 7,169.12 21,188.65 41,073.89 15,333.15 3,983.99 8,661.05 1,889.70 3,007.57 4,404.20 6,176.81
+.51 s +.19 s +.56 s +.33 s +.01 s -1.13 t e52 s +1.40 s +1.79 s -.18 t -.59 -.07 -1.47 t +.23 s
AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar
Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar
1.0439 1.5874 .9987 .002064 .1604 1.2705 .1290 .012593 .075808 .0315 .000918 .1475 1.0555 .0345
1.0429 1.5882 1.0007 .002082 .1604 1.2714 .1290 .012585 .075598 .0316 .000917 .1480 1.0549 .0344
Selected mutual funds YTD HiYldBd 7.94 -0.01 +136 Lgcap p 16.60-0.02 +11.0 Name NAV Chg%Ret Cohen &Steers: FPA Funds: Rltyshrs 6617 -006 +105 Newlnco 10.63 +2.1 Amer Centuy Inv: FPACres 28.20-0.07 +6.2 Eqlnc 7 .74 -0.02 +8.4 ColumbiaClassZ: Gro|Nthl 26.90 -0.07 +9.5 AcomZ 3021 -010+1'IO Farholme 29.82-0.60 t28.8 Ultra 2 5.12 -0.10 i9.6 AcomlntZ 39.55 -0.09 +15.9 FederatedInsll: Credit SuisseComm: TotRetBd 11.66-0.01 +6.6 American FundsA: +l.5 AmcpAp 20.78 -0.09 +10.8 comReu 813+003 -06 StrValDvlS 4.92 DFA Funds: Fidelity AdvisorA: AMutlAp 2773 -0.04 +9.1 BalAp 1991 404 +109 IntlcorEq 984 -004 +88 Nwlnsghp 2t92 -0.03 +1t2 1183 -005 +1t1 StrlnA 12.72 -0.01 +8.8 BondAp 1298 401 +58 USCorEq1 CaplBAp 5191 -005 +84 USCorEq211.70 -0.05 +1t6 Fidelity AdvisorI: Davis Funds A: Nwlnsgtl 22 23-0 03 +11.4 CapWGA p35.53 -0.05 +13.0 CapWAp 21.52 -0.02 +6.9 NYVenA 35.02 -0.16 +7.8 Fidelity Freedom FF2010 14 10-002 +7.9 EupacAp 39.24 -0.06 n1.6 Davis FundsY: FdinvAp 3923 -0.11 +1t9 NYVenY 3545 -016 +8.0 FF2010K 1292-002 +S1 Delaware Invest A: FF2015 u 78- 002 +81 GovtAp 1459 401 +22 GwthAp 3296 4u +147 averlncp 9.46 -0.01 +6.6 FF2015K 1298-002 +82 FF2020 14.23-0.03 +88 Hl TrA p 11 21 4.02 +11 9 Dimensional Fds: 1885 414 +108 FF2020K 13.37-002 +89 I ncoA p 17.75 +8. 9 EmMCrEq EmMktV 2792 -026 +89 FF2025 11 81-003 +95 IntBdAp 13.79 -0.01 +2.7 ICAA p 29.80 -0.09 n1.5 IntSmVa 14.73 -009 +10.3 FF2025K 13.47-003 +96 NEcoAp 27.96 -0.16 +17.6 USLgVa 2t76 -0.11 +15.1 FF2030 14 05-004 +97 NPerAp 2984 -0.04 +14.1 US Small 22.44 -0.11 +10.1 FF2030K 13.60-0.03 +9.9 NwWrldA 5213 413 +130 USSmVa 25.86 -0.13 +12.1 FF2035 11.59-0.03 +10.1 SmcpAp 3821 418+152 IntlSmco 14.86 -0.09 +9.2 FF2035K 13.63-0.03 +10.2 1 0 .3 5 +0. 9 FF2040 8.09- 0.02 +10.1 TXEXAp 1326+001 +93 n xd WshAp 30.46 -0.06 +9.0 IntVa 15.25 -009 +62 FF2040K 13.66-0.03 +10.2 Glb5FXlnc u 31 +47 Fidelity Invest: Arlisan Funds: 2YGIFxd 1014 +t o AIISectEq 1256-004 +11.8 Intl 23 . 19 -0.04 +16.9 AMgr50 16.12-0.03 +8.6 IntlVal r 28.89 +0.02 n5.1 Dodge&cox: AMgr20r 13.30-0.01 +5.8 Balanced 75.01 -0.32 +12.7 Midcap 36.96 +0.02+12.2 MidcapVal2088 -0.03 +6.0 Income 13.94 -0.01 +7.8 Balanc 19.76- 0.04 +10.0 Bernstein Fds: Intlstk 32.36 +1 0 .7BalancedK19.75- 0.05 +10.1 Intour 14 29 401 +5 6 Stock u532 -067 +150 BluechGr 47.52-0.11 +12.0 CapAp 28.82 +17.1 avMu 14 98 +0.01 +3 7 Doubleune Funds: BlackRockA: TRB(I I 11.39 NA Cplncr 9.32- 0.02 +12.9 EqtyDiv 1934 406 +81 TRBdNp 11.39 NA Contra 75.19-0.10 +1t5 ContraK 75.21-0.10 +1t6 GIAIAr 1918 4.05 +6.3 Dreyfus: BlackRock 8&C: Aprec 42.99 -0.17 +7.3 avlntl 28.67- 0.02 +12.3 GIAICt 17.82 -0.05 +5.6 Eaton Vance I: DivrslntK r28.67- 0.02 +12.5 BlackROckInsll: FltgRt 9 1 0 +7.4 DivGth 28.94-0.10 +12.6 EquityDv 19.39 -0.05 +8.3 G blMacAbR 9 81 i 3 . 3 Eq Inc 45.60-0.23 +12.6 GlbAllocr 19.29 -0.04 +6.6 FMI Funds: EQII 19.00- 0.07 +11.0
Fidel 34.66 -0.12 +11.9 TotMktAdr4005 -0.16 +11.2 CapApp 41.08 -0.23 +10.5 Lord Abbelt C: RisingDivA16.77 -0.06 NA EmMktS 3t91 0.24 +11.9 R tRateHi r 9.93 + 5 . 9USBondI 1t96 -0.01 +4.4 IVA Funds: S hDurlncct4.68 + 5 . 4S&MdcpVI30.70 -0.14 +3.6 Eqlnc 25.49 0.11 +12.3 GNMA 1t77 -0.02 +2.7 First Eagle: Wldwide ln607 -003 +46 Lord Abbelt F: Oppenheimer8: Eqlndex 37.13 0.13 +11.2 Govtlnc 1066 +30 GlblA 48 28 -0.12 +7 0 InvescoFundsA: ShtDurlnco 464 as>ngavB1515 -0 06 NA Groe(h 36.24 0.07 +13.9 Groco 91 47 -018 +131 OverseasA 2188 -0.02 +7.5 CmstkA 16.89 -0.15 +12.3 MFS FundsA: S&MdcpVI2594 -012 +29 HlthSci 4t44 0.07 +27.1 Grolnc 20.39 -010 +134 Forum Funds: EqlncA 9.01 -0.03 +9.8 TotRA 14.91 -0.03 +8.5 OppenheimerC&M: HiYield 6.87 0.01 +12.4 GrowCOF9151 -018+133 Absstrlr 1t21 +0.01 +t4 GrlncAp 20.29 -0.11 n03 ValueA 24.67 -0.09 n 1.5 RisingDvcp1509-006 NA InstlcpG 18.000.05 +11.7 Frnk k OppenheimerRoch: GrovrthCO K9149 -018 +132 Frank/Temp HYMuA 10.19 +0.01 +13.9 MFS FundsI: IntlBond 10.09 t5.7 Valuel 2479 -008 +1t8 RcNtMuA 7.65 +0.01 +18.3 Intl G&l 12.33 0.05 +7.0 aghlnc r 9.23 -0.02 +12.2 FedTFAp 12.87+0.01 +95 Ivy Funds: IntBd 11.18 +5. 0 GrwlhAp 48.63 -0.12 +8.9 AssetSCt 24.10 -0.16 +1t4 M FS FundsI nslt oppenheimerY: IntlStk 1368 006 +n.3 IntmMu 10.74 +0.01 +5.4 HYTFA p 11.04 + 11.5 AssetStAp24.95 -0.17 +12.1 IntlEq 17.89 + 1 2.4 DevMktY 3330 -031 +149 Midcap 57.42 006 +89 IntlDisc 31A3 -0.01 +13.8 I ncomAp 2.17 +9. 6 AssetStrl r 25.21 -0.17 +12.3 MainStay Fundsk IntlBdY 6.53 -0.01 +9.2 McapVal 2430 0.11 +136 InvGrBd 1t72 -0.01 +5 8 R>sDvAp 3677 -0.12 +5.7 JPMorgan AClass: avldBA 6 08 +1 1 .2IntGrowY 2910+001 +14.0 NAsia l6.17 012 +162 InvGB 803 -0.01 +64 Stratlncp 10.67 -001 +104 CoreBdA 1217+0.01 +5.1 ManagersFunds: PIMCOAdmin PIMS: NewEra 41 81 020 -06 LgcapVal 1098 -006 +90 USGovAp 681 -001 +11 JP MorganInsll: Yacktman p18.54 -0.08 +7.2 TotRtAd 11.60 -0.01 +9.4 N Horiz 34.12 009 +10.0 LowPr 3809 -016+u 6 Frank/TmpFrnk Adv: MdcpVal 27.63 -0.03 +16.3 YacktFoc 19.93 -0.09 +6.7 PIMCOInstl PIMS: N Inc 9 9 7 001 +58 Manning&Napier Fds: LowPnKr 3807 -0.17+u.7 GlbBdAdv 13.39 -0.02 +12.6 JPMorgan RCl: AIASetAutr11 24 -0 02 +14.7 OverSSF 807 004+102 2.1 R2010 16.40 004 +92 Magelln 71.09 -0.22 +13.1 IncmeAd 2.15 -0.01 +9.8 CoreBond 12.17 +0.01 +5.5 WldoppA 733 -003 +10.6 AIIAsset 12 65 -0 02 +1 Midcap 28.73 -0.09 +10.0 Frank/TempFrnk C: ShtourBd 11 02 +t 9 MergerFd 1580+001 +1.3 ComodRR 680+0.02 +6.4 R2015 12.73 003 +99 Metro WeslFds: Divlnc 1224 -0.01 +13.0 R2020 17.59 005+106 Munilnc 13.68 +0.01 i8.3 Incomct 2.19 -0.01 +90 JPMorganSelCls: NwMktr 17.74 -0.04 +17.0 Frank/Temp Mll A&B: CoreBd 12.16 +0.01 +5.3 TotRetBd 11.11 + 1 0.8 EmgMkcurl0.42 -0.02 +6.4 R2025 12 85 005+u 0 + 1 1 .0EmMkBd 12.36 -0.02 +14.2 R2030 18 43 007 +u 4 OTC 56.30 -0.28 +2.9 SharesA 2t72 -0.10 +10.4 aghYld 8.09 -001 +12.1 totRtBdl 11.11 ShtourBd 11.02+0.01 +1.7 Mutual Sesies: HiYld 9 .52 -0.02 +11.7 R2035 13 01 005 +u 6 100lndex 987 -005 +119 Frank/Temp Tempk USLCCrPl s 22.25 -0.13 +127 GblD>scA 2908 -011 +S.8 InvGrCp 11.38 + 1 4.1R2040 18 50 007 +u 6 Puritn 1908 -005 +106 GIBdAp 13.43 -002 +123 PuritanK 1908 -005 +108 GrwthAp 18.43 +001 +13.1 Janus TShrs: GlbDiscZ 2951 -012 +9.1 Lowou 10.M -0.01 +5.7 ShtB[I 4 85 001 +26 SAIISecEqF1258 -004+120 WorldAp 15.31 -0.02 +11.4 PrkMCVal T2134 -0.08 +57 SharesZ 21 94 -010 +10.7 RealRtnl 1272 -0.03 +9.7 SmcpStk 3458 019 +107 SCmdtyStrl 893 +003 -0.3 Frank/Temp Tmp8&C: John HancockCI1: Neuberger&BermFds: ShortT 991 +0.01 +3.3 SmcapVal3780 015 +96 SCmdtystrF8.96 +0.03 -0.1 GIBdCp 1346 -0.02 +120 LSBalanc 13.28 -0.03 +10.0 Geneslnst 49.25 -0.23 +6.1 TotRt 11 60 -0 01 +9.7 Specln 1294 001 +88 SrslntGrw 11.37 + 12.5 GMOTrusl III: LSGrwth 13.13 -005 +10.2 Northern Funds: PIMCOFundsA: Value 25 47 0.12 +13.0 HiYFxlnc 745 NA AIIAstAutt 11.17 -0.02 +14.3 Principal Inv: SerlntlGrF11.40 -001 +12.6 Quahty 22.58 -0.10 +8.3 Lamrd Instl: OakmarkFundsl: SrslntVal 9.01 -0.01 +11.5 GMO TmslIV: EmgMktl 1902 410 +132 RealRtAp 12.72 -0.03 +9.3 LgGGI In 985 003 +109 Eqtylncr 28.71 -0.02 +6.1 TotRtA 11.60 -0.01 +9.3 Putnam FundsA SerlntlValF 9.04 -0.01 +11.7 IntllntrVI 1968 -007 +53 Longleaf Partners: SrlnvGrdF'It73 +58 GMO Trusl Vl: Partners 25.78 +0.02 +12.7 Intl I r 18.99 +0.05 +14.7 PIMCOFundsC: GrlnAp ru9 NA Oakmark 4817 -015 +155 TotRtC t 11 60 -0.01 +86 RoyceFunds: STBF 8 6 0 +2 2 EmgMkts r1t01 -0.11 NA Loomis Sayles: LSBondl 1501 402+123 Old Weslbury Fds: Stratlnc 1t39 -001 +91 GoldmanSachsInsl: PIMCOFunds 0: PennMul r 1t49 005 +68 TotalBd 1105 -001 +64 H>Yield 7.32 -0.02 +12.9 Strlncc 1527 404 +91 Glob0pp 747 -001 +1t1 TRtn p 11 60 -0.01 +9.4 Premierlr 1978 005 +68 LSBondR 14.95 -002 +120 GlbSMdcap14.50 -0.06 +9.6 PIMCOFunds P: USBI 1196 -001 +43 HarborFunds: SchwabFunds: Value 72.29 -0.36 +13.9 Bond 13 04 -0.01 NA StrlncA 15.19 -0.03 +9.9 Lgcapstrat 9.51 -0.03 +8.4 AstAIIAuthP11.23 -0.02 +14.6 1000lnvr 3926 015 +11.0 Fidelity Sparlan: CapAplnst40.60 -0.14 +10.0 Loomis Sayles Inv: Oppenheimerk TotRtnP 11.60 -0.01 +9.6 S&P Sel 21 790.08 +11.3 500ldxlnv 48.82 -0.18 +11.3 Intllnvt 57.69 -0.10 +10.9 InvGrBdY 12.75 -001 +109 DvMktA p 3360 -0 32 +14.6 Perm PortFunds: ScoutFunds: 500ldxI 48.83 -0.18 +11.4 Intlr 5 8 .38 -0.11 +11.3 Lord Abbetl A: GlobAp 6034 -013 +1t7 Permannt 4871 -011 +5.7 I ntl 3t 1 0-0.02 +12.0 Fidelily Sparl Adv: Harllord FdsA: AffilAp 11.51 -0.05 +10.5 G blQrlncA 4.32 + 1 t 6 Price Funds: Sequoia 16t91+0.20 +11.3 ExMktAd 38.76 r -0.20 +10.6 CpAppAp32.26 -0.21 +u 9 BdDebAp 802 -002 +107 IntBdAp 6.53 -0.01 +8.7 BIChip 43.87 -0.12 +135 TCW Funds: 500ldxAdv48.83 -0.18 +11.4 Harllord HLSIA: S hDurlncA p4.65 + 6 .1 MnstFdA 36.01 -0.10 +12.0 CapApp 22.89 -0.05 +11.0 EmMktln 9.28 0.02 +18.1
TotRetBdl 10.30 + 12.0 Windsor 48.45 0.20 +13.6 Templeton Inslit: WdsrllAd 50.59 0.29 +11.9 ForEqs 18.68 i0.01 +9.8 VanguardFds: Thornburg Fds: Capopp 32.81-0.11 +11.2 IntValAp 25.91 -0.05 +8.9 avdGro 16 25-007 +6.6 IncBuildC p18.38 -0.11 +7.2 Energy 58 34-039 -'I 1 IntValue I 26.50 -0.05 +9.3 Eqlnc 23 54 -009 +98 Tweedy Browne: Explr 76 84 -0.30 +76 GblValue 24.76 +0.06 +13.3 GNMA 10.99 tt9 VanguardAdmiral: HYCorp 6.03 -0.01 +12.0 BalAdml 23.31 -0.05 +8.7 Hlthcre 144.13-0.49 +12.1 CAITAdm 1t84 i0.01 +7.2 Inflapro 15.04t0.01 +7.5 Cp0pAdl 75.81 -0.25 +11.2 IntlGr 18.16-0.08 +11.1 EMAdmr34.19 r -0.29 +9.3 IntlVal 29.22-0.13 +9.7 Energy 109.57 -0.73 -to ITIGrade 10.52 +9.2 EqlnAdmn4934 -020 +99 Lifecon 17 09-0.01 +71 ExtdAdm 4359 -0.18 +10.8 LifeGro 22 94-007 +95 500Adml 12708 -0.47 +u 4 LifeMod 20 58-004 +83 GNMAAd 1099 +20 LTIGrade u.23+001 +140 GrwAdm 35.42 -0.09 +125 Morg 19.23 -0.06 +10.1 Hlthcr 6083 -021 +121 Mulnt 14.50 +0.01 i6.2 H>Yldcp 603 -001 +121 Prmcpcor 14.73-0.05 +9.2 InfProAd 2953+0.02 +76 Prmcpr 67.89-0.27 +10.0 ITBdAdml 12.26 +0.01 +7.4 SelValur 20.66-0.03 +11.1 ITsryAdml 1t84 +0.01 +3.1 STAR 20 39 -005 +98 IntGrAdm 57.81 -0.27 +11.2 STIGrade 1089+001 +44 ITAdml 14.50 i0.01 +6.2 StratEq 20 52-004 +119 I TGrAdm 10.52 + 9 . 3TgtRetlnc 1216401 +68 LtdTrAd 11.20 +0.01 +2.1 TgRe201024.19 -003 +78 LTGrAdml 1t23 +0.01 +14.1 TgtRe201513.32-0.02 +8.3 LTAdml 1t91 +0.01 +8.6 tgRe202023.56 -0.05 +8.6 MCpAdml9789 -0.21 +98 TgtRe202513.39-0.03 i9.1 MUHYAdm1137+0.01 +97 TgRe2030 22.91 -0.07 i9.5 Prmcap r 7048 -028 +101 TgtRe203513.75-0.05 +9.9 ReitAdmr 90.09 -0.03 +123 TgtRe204022.56-0 08 +'I0.0 S TsyAdml 10.79 + 07 TgtRe204514 17 -005 +'I01 STBdAdml 1067 + 2 0 USGro 20 40 -007 +130 ShtTrAd 1594 +t 1 Wellsly 24 40402 +90 STIGrAd 1089+0.01 +4.5 Welltn 33 68 -010 +9.7 SmCAdm 36.83 -0.19 +10.3 Wndsr 14.36 -0.06 +13.5 TtlBAdml 1t22+0.01 +4.5 Wndsll 28.50 -0.16 +11.8 TStkAdm 34.34 -0.14 +11.3 Vanguard IdxFdS: WellslAdm59.11 -0.05 +9.0 ExtMktI 107.60-0.44 +10.8 WelltnAdm58.17 -0.18 +9.8 MidcplstPI106.67-0.23 i9.8
TotlntAdmr23.47 -0.10 t9.3 Totlntllnst r9385 -0.42 +9.3 TotlntllP r 93.87-0 42 +9.3 500 1 27.07 -0.46 +11.3 TotBnd 11.22+0.01 +4.4 Totllntl 14 03-006 +9.2 Totstk 34.33 -0.13 +11.2 VanguardlnstlFds: Ballnst 23.31-0.05 +8.7 DevMklnst 922-0 02 +9.5 Extln 43.59 -0.18 +10.8 Grwthlst 35.42-0.09 n 2.5 InfProlnst 12 03+0 O'I +7.6 Instldx 126 24-0 47 +11.4 InsPI 126.25 -0.47 +11.4 t4 InsTStPlus31.08 -0.13 +1 M>dCplst 21 63-004 +9.9
STIGrlnst 10.89+0.01 +4.5 Sclnst 36.83-0.19 +10.3 T Blst u 22 +0 O'I +4.5 Tslnst 34 34 -0.14 +11.3
Valuelst 22.12-0.12 +10.2
VanguardSigna 500Sgl 10497-039 +1t4 M>dCpldx 30.89-0.07 +9.8 STBdldx 10.67 t2.0 SmcpSig 3318-0.17 +10.3 TotBdsgl 11.22+0.01 +4.5 TotstkSgl 33.14-0.13 +11.3 Virlus Fundst EmMktl 9 81 0.02 +13.6
Weslem Asset: CorePlus I 11.71 0.01 +8.4
If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email or click on "Submit an Event" at Pleaseallow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.
NIARI<ETPLACE BUSINESS CALENDAR KNOW DIGITAL DOWNLOADS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30 a.m.; Sunriver Area Public BUSINESSNETWORK Library, 56855 Venture Lane; INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER 541-617-7050 or www.deschutes WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are CENTRAL OREGONREAL ESTATE free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 541-749-0789. Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 BUSINESSSUCCESS PROGRAM: or bobbleile© This presentation will cover the LEADERLUNCH: Reservations top 10 common mistakes made required; cost of your lunch and by employers, from hiring through termination, and howto comply with tip; noon; Awbrey Glen Golf Club, the law and hopefully avoid liability; 2500 N.W. Awbrey Glen Drive, Bend; 541-382-3221 or www.bend reservations recommended; free; 7:30 a.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; KNOW INTERNETFOR BEGINNERS: 541-382-3221 or www.bend Reservations recommended; free; 2:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: 7050 or Reservations recommended; free; 9:30 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, DIGITALDOWNLOADS: 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-617-7050 or Reservations recommended; free; 2 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-617THRIVE LIVE:Bring out the best; 7050 or cutting edge performance reviews and how to leverage team talent; FREETAXFRIDAY: Freetax return $35 includes lunch; 11:30 a.m.-1:30 reviews; schedule an appointment at p.m.; Awbrey Glen Golf Club, 2500 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax. N.W. Awbrey Glen Drive, Bend; 541- com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 388-8526 or http://moementum S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; .com/webinars.php. 541-385-9666. UNDERSTANDINGAND MANAGING KNOW CRAIGSLIST:Reservations CREDIT:Call 541-318-7506, ext. recommended;free;3-4:30 p.m.; 309 to reserve a seat; 5:30-7:30 Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 20310 Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or Empire Ave., Suite A110, Bend; 541-318-7506. NEWBERRYEGSPUBLIC OUTREACH MEETING: AltaRock SATURDAY Energy is nearing completion of OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER hydroshearing at the Newberry PERMITTRAINING:Meets the Geothermal demonstration project minimum requirements by the to create geothermal reservoirs at Oregon Liquor Control Commission the site; this meeting will have a to obtain an alcohol server permit; presentation on this phase of the registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; project as well as an open forum to Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third discuss questions and concerns; St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or free; 6-8 p.m.; La Pine Senior Activity Center, 16450 Victory W ay; 855-872-4347 orinfo@
THURSDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. EFFECTIVEWINTERIZATION: Oregon CAI invites association managers to attend breakfast and a presentation on effective winterization; registration required; $10 for CAI-CORCmembers and $15 for nonmembers; 7:30-9 a.m.; The Oxford Hotel,10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; www.cai OUTCOMES ANDOUTLOOKS, FROM THE ELECTIONTO THE ECONOMY: A post-election look at global and local economies and capital markets; $45 per individual member and $55 for nonmembers; 7:30-9:30 a.m.; TheRiverhouseConvention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-382-3221 or EXPLORETHEBENEFITS OF WORKING WITH SCHWAB:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318-1794. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177050 or BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765.
FRIDAY HEALTHCAREREFORM2014, THE NEXTBIG WAVE OF CHANGE, WHAT DOESYOUR BUSINESS NEED TOBEREADY?: Town hall breakfast forum; $30 for members and $40 for nonmembers; 7:30 a.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-3221. COFFEE CLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-548-6325.
KNOW DIGITAL DOWNLOADS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30a.m.; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-617-7050 or FORECLOSUREPREVENTION CLASS:Learn about Neighborlmpact's Housing Center tools and services that can assist individuals struggling to paytheir mortgages; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541-318-7506, ext. 309, karenb© or
TUESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 3-4:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschutes BUSINESS AFTER HOURS:4:305:30 p.m.; DynaCore Fitness, 444 S.W.SixthSt.,Redmond; 541-706-0760. CROOKEDRIVER RANCHTERREBONNE CHAMBEROF COMMERCE NETWORKINGSOCIAL: Hosted by Judy LaPora, owner of Artistic Letter Photography; you do not have to be achamber member to attend; free; 5:30 p.m.; Crooked River Ranch Administration Building, 5195 S.W. Clubhouse Drive; 541-548-8939. SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free oneon-one small business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www.scorecentral
WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 9:30-11 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-617-7050 or
Chapter 7 Filed Nov. 6
Phillip E. McCormick,601 S.W. 33rd St., Redmond Bryan G. Leonard,20587 Shaniko Lane,Bend Filed Nov. 7
David A. Moore,8120 N.W.19th St., Terrebonne Melanie Rhoads,1823 N.E. Wichita Way, Bend Sean H. Drsborn,20874 Nova Loop
Unit No.1, Bend Filed Nov. 8
Aaron W. Hamlin,6362 S.E. David Way, Prineville Filed Nov. 9
Charles H. Rystedt Sr.,3342 S.W. Reservoir, Redmond Michael D. Grass,705 S.W. 11th St., Redmond Sandra A. Reid,435 N.W. Federal St., Bend Jon W.Remmerde, P.O.Box 8569, Bend Jimmy 0. Dougan,P.O.Box 529,
slumps as workers become m ore distracted and t a k e Continued from E1 more time off, according to "Bad hires are costly not consulting firm Challenger just for the drain they place Gray 8 Christmas. on the budget but also in S o, how b est t o a v o i d terms of lost morale, pro- bringing aboard Peter Gibd uctivity an d t i m e," M a x bons, the disgruntled proMessmer, chief executive g rammer m a d e fa m o u s o f Robert Half, said i n a f rom t h e m o v i e "Office Space"? statement. They're like the human First, managers shouldn't embodiment of a holiday or try to lone-wolf the hiring March Madness, except not process, according to Robnearly as enjoyable. During ert Half. Instead of relying such periods, productivity solely ontheir own instincts,
they should ask employees what they're looking for in a teammate. And supervisors should extend an offer immediately after making a hiring decision to avoid losing promising workers to competitors, according to the report. Finally, lowball salaries won't get a good worker, according to the study, which reasons that if a company pays employees what they deserve, they're more likely to want to work harder.
you a deal."
Nov. 22 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-610-9125. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177050 or BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765.
FRIDAY Nov. 23 CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or FREETAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax .com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541-385-9666.
TUESDAY Nov. 27 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER PERMITTRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E.Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or SIMPLIFIEDSOLUTIONS:A workshop from Bethanne Kronick, with practical strategies and tools to help time-stressed workers improve focus and productivity at work and in their personal lives; registration required; $175; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Sisters Art Works, 204 W. Adams Ave.; 503-260-8714 or info@ KEEP YOURCUSTOMERS COMING BACK:Business success program; reservations required; $25 for chamber members and $45 for nonmembers; 11 a.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-3221 or OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 23:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-6177050 or OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 3-4:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschutes OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 5:30-7p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschutes SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free oneon-one small business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or www.scorecentral
Corp., which helped broker a deal that assures the airline Continued from E1 at least receives minimum From northern California profits if it doesn't fill enough to the Florida Keys, the airline seats. "There are enough courtship an d s u bsequent places where they can build break-up is both familiar and traffic where they don't have cautionary to local elected of- to take the risk." ficials and business brokers Rantala and his Missouri who say that airlines are in- counterparts emp h asized creasingly insisting on local that their contracts differ government subsidiesbefore from th e t a x payer-backed they will expand service to federalguarantees under the smaller cities and rural areas. national Essential Air Service "We wanted a level play- program, which since 1978 ing field," Delta spokesman has subsidized flights to more Anthony Black said of t he than 100 communities from Columbia deal, which would Muscle Shoals, Ala., to Larahave required the a i rliner mie, Wyo., along with dozens to provide larger jets and of remote Alaskan towns. wouldn't have started until Republicans in Congress last 2014. year targetedthe program for In Texas, Fort Worth-based elimination, but it survived American Airlines recently budget negotiations. agreed torevive commercial Still, local b oosters acservice at the Jack Brooks Re- knowledge the risk. Three gional Airport in Nederland, hundred miles from Columwhich had b een d o rmant bia, the University of Illinois since United Airlines closed quickly lost both money and its regional jet service, Colgan air service after a 2011 deal Airlines, over the summer. with Vision Air fo r t w i ceThe return required a $1.5 weekly flights from Chammillion guarantee from local p aign-Urbana to Punt a governments in Port Arthur, Gorda, Fla., collapsed at the Beaumont and other coastal university-operated regional Gulf of Mexico communities a irport. Th e f l i ghts w e r e in a region where two larger available for just three weeks. airports sit just 90 miles away Columbia Mayor Bob Mcin Houston. David said the city was told "I don't think it would have by its airport consultant that happened without" the guar- a "$1 million guarantee gets antee, said Mark Rantala, ex- you on a list, $2 million might ecutive director of the Neder- get you a phone call and a $3 land Economic Development million guarantee could get
McDavid said the city has lost innumerable corporate investments due to its inadequate air service. Until 2010, when Delta added limited jet service through Memphis, Tenn., it had been a decade since Columbia passengers could travel on bigger planes on now-defunct Ozark Airlines, which offered flights to Chicago and Dallas.
The city is ponying up $1.2 million toward the revenue shortfall fund, with the local Chamber of Commerce p roviding $ 6 0 0,000 a n d county government another $500,000. The University of Missouri is also shelling out $500,000, with neighboring Cole County and Jefferson City, the state capital, each
pledging $100,000. I n return, A m erican i s bringing two daily nonstop flights to and from Dallas/Fort Worth, and one daily nonstop route to Chicago O'Hare Int ernational Airport o n 5 0 seat regional passenger jets, starting in mid-February. The city will also waive two years of landing fees and facility rents, valued at $250,000, and chip in$400,000 of free advertising through a deal with a local broadcaster. American spokesman Matt Miller d eclined c o mment, citing a company policy of not discussing its r evenue guarantees.
Show your appreciation to your customers by them in a group space ad that vvill run
Nov. 22nd, Thanksgiving Day, the most-rend peper of the yenv! This special one page group ad will showcase your business along with a message of thanks to your customers.
Ad sizes are 3.33" x 2.751" and are only 8 9
in cl u d ing full colof".
ONLY 18 SPOTS WILL BE AVAILABLE! Deadline for ad. spaceand. copy: Thursday, November 15, 2012 Publishes on Thursday, November 22nd
I La Pine RandaH A.Carlson, 64682 Cook Ave. No. 49, Bend Filed Nov. 12
Linda E. Adee,738 N.E. Ute Court, Redmond David G. Miller,15240 S.W. Quail Road, Terrebonne
Contact your Bulletin Advertising Representative for more information Tonya McKiernan: 541-617-7865 email:
Nena Close: 541-383-0302 email:
Chapter 13 Filed Nov. 8
ReggieL Holcomd, PO.Box2341, Redmond Guy D. Lent,61698 S.E. Daly Estates Drive, Bend
The Bulletin
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Pets 8 Supplies
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60" Phillips-Magnavox, $400. CASH ONLY.
Employment Opportunities
ESTATE SALE Sat 11/I 7, Bam-4:30pm. Variety of goods! Since September 29, 1991, advertising for 324 SW Roosevelt Ave (Old Mill Dist.) in Bend. used woodstoves has been limited to mod266 els which have been c ertified by the O r - Sales Northeast Bend egon Department of Environmental Qual-
Q0~0 ~
Remember.... A dd your we b a d dress to your ad and FOR $500 OR readers on The LESS? Computers Bulletin' s web site Non-commercial will be able to click advertisers may Dining room set, dark T HE B U LLETIN r e 202 421 605 through automatically place an ad with oak round table, claw- quires computer adWant to Buy or Rent Schools & Training to your site. OUI' foot design, matching vertisers with multiple Roommate Wanted chairs, with c u stom- ad schedules or those ity (DEQ) and the fed"QUICK CASH ** FREE ** SALES Wanted: $Cash paid for made protection pad. All selling multiple sys- eral Oregon Medical Train- Growing dealership seek- Sharecozy mobil e home SPECIAL" E n v ironmental Garage Sale Klt vintage costume jew- 1 week ing PCS Ph lebotomy excellent condition. $350 tems/ software, to dis- Protection Terrebonne, $275+ ya 3 lines 12 ing salespeople looking in Ag e n cy Place an ad in The elry. Top dollar paid for classes begin Jan. 7, obo. 541-322-9833 utils. 503-679-7496 ~ 2 k 20 ! close the name of the (EPA) as having met Bulletin for your gaGold/Silver.l buy by the 2013. Registration now for a performance-based Ad must include pay p l an , po t ential business or the term smoke emission stan- rage sale and reEstate, Honest Artist P USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! 630 price of single item c ommissions of up to "dealer" in their ads. dards. A cer t ified ceive a Garage Sale Elizabeth,541-633-7006 medicaltrainin .com of $500 or less, or 35% equaling $100,000 Rooms for Rent Private party advertisw oodstove may b e 541-343-3100 Kit FREE! Door-to-door selling with WANTED: RAZORS, multiple items plus, Retirement Plan, identified by its certifiare defined as fast results! It's the easiest ers Double or singlewhose total does Paid Vacation, and a Room with a view in SW TRUCK SCHOOL those who sell one cation label, which is KIT INCLUDES: competitive med i cal Bend! Own bath, healthy edged, straight not exceed $500. way in the world to sell. www. computer. permanently attached • 4 Garage Sale Signs benefit package. Look- lifestyle preferred; garazors, shaving Redmond Campus to the stove. The Bul- • $2.00 Off Coupon To ing for a team player raqe. $500 includes most brushes, mugs 8 Call Classifieds at The Bulletin Classified Student Loans/Job letin will no t k n ow- Use Toward Your scuttles, strops, 541-385-5809 with a positive attitude, uti1ities. 541-905-9247 Next Ad 541-385-5809 Waiting Toll Free ingly accept advertisPhotography • shaving accessories to operate with energy • 10 Tips For "Garage 1-888-387-9252 i ng for the s ale o f and to be customer ser- Studios & Kitchenettes 8 memorabilia. Sale Success!" GENERATE SOME ex- Sony NEX-7, 24.3mp uncertified vice oriented. Will pro- Furnished room, TV w/ Fair prices paid. citement i n your digital camera w/4 lenses woodstoves. 470 vide training. Call 541-390-7029 cable, micro & fridge. neighborhood! Plan a + many other extras, call Domestic & between 10 am-3 pm. PICK UP YOUR Send resume' to: Utils 8 l i nens. New Check out the garage sale and don't for info. Sacrifice, $1500. GARAGE SALE KIT at In-Home Positions bcrvhire@ owners.$145-$165/wk classifieds online forget to advertise in 541-410-3702 541-382-1885 1777 SW Chandler classified! Holiday Bazaar Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Will do housecleaning in The Bulletin 541-385-5809. 267 Updated daily 634 Terrebonne & Crooked I Recommends extra 8 Craft Shows Frenchton pups, ready Musical Instruments The Bulletin River Ranch. Have caution when purApt./Multiplex NE Bend now! Registered par- The Bulletin 267 openings Tues, Wed. chasing products or l Artisan, Crafters, ~ ents on site. Puppy recommends extra Monarch upright Piano, Fuel 8 Wood Thurs. 541-379-1741 services from out of $2991st mo rentu * Antiques 8 More! package incl. $700p. -I good cond., $ 300. 290 I the area. Sending GET THEM BEFORE Saturday Market thru $750. 5 4 1-548-0747 chasing products or • Jenni 714-495-0597 Sales Redmond Area c ash, c hecks, o r TURN THE PAGE THEY ARE GONE! March 30, 9- 4. Maor 541-279-3588 services from out of I WHEN BUYING I credit i n f o rmation 2 bdrm, 1 bath sonic Building, be- KuusMore Pix at Bendbdlletin.c t the area. Sending t For More Ads FIREWOOD... COZY INSIDE HOME $530 8 $540 hind 7-11 at 8th 8 I may be subjected to • c ash, c h ecks, o r • The Bulletin Shepherd pups, garage sale! 1890s orFRAUD. I Carports & A/C included! Greenwood, Weekly German To avoid fraud, I credit i n f o rmation Ready Thanksgiving! gan. Housewares, pics, For more informaFox Hollow Apts. The Bulletin $25 drawing gift cermay be subjected to $400. 541-620-0946 b edroom set . Sa t . tion about an adver476 (541) 383-3152 tificate. 541-977-1737 recommends payI FRAUD. For more 11/17, 9-5; Sun. 11/18, I tiser, you may call Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co ment for Firewood GRIFFON P O INTER information about an g Employment 9-noon, 635 SW 23rd. "Upsta!rs only with lease the Oregon State g ood h unter, n e u advertiser, you may I Piano, SteinwayModel only upon delivery Opportunities I Attorney General's and inspection. I P ets 8 Supplies tered male, 5 yrs. old l call t h e 0 Baby Grand 1911, Ore g onl Call for Specials! Office C o n sumer r A cord is 128 cu. ft. $250. 541-389-0268. ' State Attor ney ' gorgeous, artist qual- • 4' x 4' x 8' Protection hotline at I Limited numbers avail. ity instrument w/great I General's O f fi c e CAUTION READERS 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. The Bulletin recom- Kittens/cats avail. thru Consumer P r otec- • action 8 S t einway's • Receipts should I 1-877-877-9392. W/D hookups, patios mends extra caution rescue group. Tame, t ion include name, ho t l in e at I warm, rich sound. Will Ads published in "Em- LThe Bulleti>i or decks. when purc h as- shots, altered, ID chip, adorn any living room, phone, price and ployment OpportuniMOUNTAIN GLEN, ing products or ser- more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call I 1-877-877-9392. kind of wood purchurch or music stut ies" i n c lude e m other days. 65480 541-383-9313 vices from out of the re: dio perfectly. New re- chased. Bend. and Looking for your next ployee Professionally area. Sending cash, 78th, tail $69,000. Sacri- • Firewood ads 541-389-8420 or i ndependent po s i managed by Norris & employee? checks, or credit in- 541-598-5488; Info at fice at $26,000 OBO, MUST include spetions. Ads for posiStevens, Inc. Place a Bulletin help f ormation may b e cies and cost per call 541-383-3150. 325 tions that require a fee wanted ad today and subjected to fraud. cord to better serve or upfront investment 636 Hay, Grain & Feed reach over 80,000 For more i nforma- Labradoodles - Mini & our customers. must be stated. With readers each week. tion about an adver- med size, several colors Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Misc. Items • any independent job 541-504-2682 Your classified ad tiser, you may call Blue Grass Hay The Bulletin opportunity, p l e ase will also appear on Antique adult r o cker Ser mg Central Oregan s nce l903 the O r egon State 3x4 bales, 2 Bdrm, frplc, micro, DW, investigate Attorney General's Labradors: beautiful pup- c irca 1 8 00 s go l d Buying Diamonds 1300-Ib avg, $80/bale. W&D incl. W/S/G & cable /Gold for Cash oughly. which currently pd. Completely remod. Office C o n sumer pies, born 9/11, ready for damask, exc. cond. 541-41 9-2713 Split, Dry Saxon's Fine Jewelers receives over 1.5 $700/mo, $700 dep. no Protection hotline at loving families. Shots $500. 541-317-1207 Lodgepole 541-389-6855 Good horse hay, barn Use extra caution when million page views smkg. 541-383-2430 1-877-877-9392. $20 / ord, current, vet checked. 1 The Bulletin reserves applying for jobs onstored, no rain, $225 every month at Delivery included! black female, 1 brown the right to publish all BUYING ton, and $8.25 bale. line and never prono extra cost. 2 bedroom oak The Bulletin male, 5 b lack males, ads from The Bulletin Lionel/American Flyer 541-923-6987, Iv msg. Delivery ava i lable. vide personal infor- Bulletin Classifieds Quiet Sewing Central Oregons>nce 1903 cabinets, DW, W/S/G 8 $300. 541-610-2270 newspaper onto The trains, accessories. 541-410-4495. mation to any source cable paid, laundry facili269 Get Results! 541-408-2191. Bulletin Internet webties. $650, $500 dep. No you may not have reAdult companion cats Large Pet Porter, $60. site. Call 385-5809 Gardening Supplies Wanted: Irrigated farm smkg. 541-617-1101 and deemed FREE to seniors, dis- Large fully insulated dog or place BUYING & S E L LING ground, under pivot ir- searched 8 Equipment house, $50. Avery boatto be reputable. Use abled 8 veterans! Tame, your ad on-line at All gold jewelry, silver rigation, i n C e n tral Bulletin 648 extreme caution when altered, shots, ID chip, ers hunting dog parka, The SerwngCentral Oregon c nre f9tB OR. 541-419-2713 and gold coins, bars, r esponding to A N Y more. Will always take $20. 2 Avery dog trainHouses for rounds, wedding sets, For newspaper Wheat Straw: Certified 8 back if c ircumstances ing bumpers, $10. Avery online e m p loyment class rings, sterling sildelivery, call the Rent General Bedding Straw 8 Garden ad from out-of-state. change. 389-8420. Visit dry storage dog food Bicycles & ver, coin collect, vinCirculation Dept. at Straw;Compost.546-6171 . Pjl~ Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, bag, $10. 541-504-7745 tage watches, dental 541-385-5800 Accessories PUBLISHER'S info: Lhasa Apso/ShihTzu Pup We suggest you call gold. Bill Fl e ming, To place an ad, call 8 Dm5iwe NOTICE Looking for your the State of Oregon Simply gorgeous! $275. Cannondale Optimo car- 541-382-9419. 541-385-5809 All real estate adverBULLETINCLASSIFIEOS 503-888-0800 (Madras) Consumer Hotline at next employee'? bon comp., 27-spd, hand or email tising in this newspaCOWGIRL CASH Search the area's most 1-503-378-4320 classifiedObendbulletin com Place a Bulletin USA, new cond w/ We per is subject to the comprehensive listing of Maremma Guard Dog made buy Jewelry, Boots, help wanted ad F air H o using A c t pups, purebred, great pdls, $950. 541-550-6498 Vintage Dresses & classified advertising... The Bulletin For Equal Opportunity today and $35 0 e a c h, Serwng cenual oregons>nre l903 which makes it illegal real estate to automotive, dogs, More. 924 Brooks St. L aws: Oregon B u reach over 541-546-6171. to a d vertise "any 541-678-5162 merchandise to sporting reau of Labor 8 In• G o lf Equipment • 60,000 readers preference, limitation 528 Prompt Delivery dustry, C i vil Rights goods. Bulletin Classifieds Papillon Pu p s,AKC each week. or disc r imination appear every day in the Reg, 3 males left! Par- Golf cart Club Car, full Greenwood Cemetery Rock, Sand 8 Gravel Division, Loans & Mortgages Your classified ad based on race, color, Multiple Colors, Sizes ents on site, $350. Call top,windshield, new batt, 971-673-0764 print or on line. religion, sex, handigrave space (1), $650 Instant Landscaping Co. will also 541-480-2466 WARNING $1175. 541-497-3858 Call 541-385-5809 cash. 1-507-835-0909 cap, familial status, 541-389-9663 appear on If you have any quesThe Bulletin POODLE pups, AKC toy marital status or tions, concerns or mends you use cauWanted- paying cash SUPER TOP SOIL pups, toy. tional origin, or an inwhich currently comments, contact: tion when you prowww.hershe The Bulletin POM-A-POO for Hi-fi audio & stuSo cute! 541-475-3889 tention to make any receives over Classified Department vide personal dio equip. Mclntosh, Screened, soil 8 comsuch pre f e rence, 1.5 million page The Bulletin information to compaPOODLE TOY PUPPIES post m i x ed , no J BL, Marantz, D y Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, all Parents on site, $300limitation or discrimiviews every 541-385-5809 nies offering loans or naco, Heathkit, San- rocks/clods. High hucolors, starting at $275. $350 ea. 541-520-7259 12g Mossberg h o me nation." Familial stacredit, especially level, exc. f or month at no Parents on site. Call defense sho t gun, sui, Carver, NAD, etc. mus tus includes children flower beds, lawns, those asking for adextra cost. 541-598-5314/788-7799 Call 541-281-1808 $200. 541-647-8931 under the age of 18 The Bulletin straight vance loan fees or Find exactly what gardens, Bulletin Servtng Central Oregon swce1903 living with parents or Aussie-Shepherdpuppies you are looking for in the Buy/Sell/Trade all fires creened to p s o i l. companies from out of Classifleds legal cus t o dians, arms. Bend local pays 1st shots/dewormed, CHILDCARE Daycare state. If you have Bark. Clean fill. DeGet Results! Commerc!al/Off!ceg CLASSIFIEDS pregnant women, and cash! 541-526-0617 $150. 541-771-2606 Assistant needed. Must liver/you haul. Call 541-385-5809 concerns or quespeople securing cusEquipment & Fixtures love children! Some ex- tions, we suggest you 541-548-3949. CASH!! or place your ad tody of children under QueenslandHeelers perience required. Call consult your attorney For Guns, Ammo & on-line at 18. This newspaper s4 ~s 'ap ey • standard & mini,$150 & 270 541-322-2880 or call CONSUMER Reloading Supplies. File cabinets: letter size, will not knowingly acup. 541-280-1537 http:// locking, no dents or Aussies, Mini & Toy 541-408-6900. Lost & Found HOTLINE, cept any advertising scratches, 4-drawer, sizes, all colors, 7 1-877-877-9392. DO YOU NEED for real estate which is $70, 2 drawer, $45. weeks $300 cash. Call The Bulletin At Found Bunny, black & DON'TMISSTHIS A GREAT BANK TURNED YOU 541- 389-6167 in violation of the law. 541-678-7599 white, in S E B e nd. 541-385-5809 EMPLOYEE DOWN? Private party O ur r e aders ar e Call to iden t ify: Place Your Ad Or E-Mail will loan on real esBarn/shop cats FREE, RIGHT NOW? hereby informed that 208-939-2921 (Bend). At: DO YOU HAVE some tame, some not. Call The Bulletin tate equity. Credit, no all dwellings adverTools SOMETHING TO We deliver! Fixed, shots. problem, good equity before 11 a.m. and tised in this newspaFOUND man's w e dSELL 341 541-389-8420 is all you need. Call ding band at Lake get an ad In to pubper are available on G enerator 6000W 3 0 Schnauzer AKC miniaFOR $500 OR now. Oregon Land Horses & Equipment an equal opportunity lish the next day! amp, 110V multiple cir- Billy Chinook Call to Border Collie/New Zeal- ture pups, black & silver, LESS? Mortgage 388-4200. basis. To complain of ID. 541-948-6029. 541-385-5809. cuit, $375. 541-497-3858 and Huntaways, 2 male 4 M's, 3 F's, ready 12/4. Non-commercial 2 Registered Paints, 13 discrimination cal l VIEW the LOCAL MONEY: We buy pups, wonderful dogs, $350. 541-977-4369 Found set of keys, in advertisers may Jet Pro series table saw yrs & 9 yrs, $800 each. HUD t o l l-free at Classifieds at: secured trust deeds 8 working parents, $300 Shepherd/Wolf mix feplace an ad D rake P a r k ne a r with dust collector, $500. 541-639-1376 note,some hard money 1-800-877-0246. The each. 541-546-6171 with our male 1~/~, free to good Call Allen, 541-536-9120 pond, 11/10. Call to toll f re e t e l ephone loans. Call Pat Kellev SE Bend Boarding home. 541-325-3114. "QUICK CASH identify, 541-382-1135 number for the hear541-382-3099 ext.13. $195/mo. Top Quality Livestock Truck Driver SPECIAL" ing im p aired is REMEMBER: If you grass hay, pen/shelter. Must have CDL,2yrs exp, 573 Building Materials~ 1-800-927-9275. have lost an animal, Over 1000 acres to ride. progressive co., 401k, OI' don't forget to check 541-419-3405 $50,000/yr, insurance Business Opportunities ~2 e e k s 2 0 ! La Pine Habitat 650 The Humane Society NW only 541 475 6681 Ad must RESTORE 358 in Bend 541-382-3537 Houses for Rent include price of Looking for your Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, Building Supply Resale Redmond, Farmers Column NE Bend 1st shots, very social Shih-Tzu puppy 10 wks next employee? ~sl e t e o f $500 Quality at The Bulletin is your 541-923-0882 $700. 541-325-3376 or less, or multiple Place a Bulletin help LOW PRICES old, shots, wormed, Prineville, Wanted: Irrigated farm items whose total Employment wanted ad today and Newer Home, 3 bdrm, 52684 Hwy 97 AKC parents. $400. 541-447-7178; ground, under pivot irBull Terrier-mix, 6 mos 2.5 bath, loft/TV area, does not exceed reach over 80,000 541-536-3234 541-280-8069 OR Craft Cats, rigation, i n C e n tral Marketplace shots current, free to lov near Forum shops & $500. readers each week. Open to the public . OR. 541-419-2713 ing home. 541-610-3304 Shih-tzu purebred male, 541-389-8420. medical centers, No Your classified ad Call Classifieds at smoking. $1095/mo. will also appear on Call Bunny, free t o g o od 10 weeks old, $475. 541-385-5809 Independent Contractor Call 541-550-0333. home. 208-939-2921 Call 541-788-0326 which currently re(SE Bend) 5 41 -385 - 5 8 0 9 658 ceives over 1.5 milChihuahua pups, very lion page views Marlin 1895SBL 45-70 Houses for Rent to advertise. tiny, 1st shots/dewormed. every month at stainless lever rifle w/ Redmond 2 O $250. 541-977-4686 no extra cost. ammo, $1075. Taurus Bulletin Classifieds 24/7 45acp, $375. Ruger 1550sq ft 3 bdrm 2 bath, Get Results! Call Springer Spaniel pup- 45LC stainless rev, LNIB W/D hkup, gas frplce, 385-5809 or place close to RHS, fenced yd pies, AKC, ready12/6! $750. 541-647-8931 your ad on-line at 1st shots, dewormed, 8 w/garden, 2-car garage. serving central oregon unce see dewclaws removed. $925. 541-604-4694 Get your $500 ea. 541-771-8221 business $150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355
j The Bulleting
*Supplement Your Income* Operate Your Own Business
AKC 1 female left! $800. Champ 8 Obed lines, Dam tracable 33 gen., ready Nov12. Vax/ Micro/Vet check.
Yorkie AKC male pup, small parents, health uar., B-wks, adorable! 541-604-4858 950. 541-316-0005 Dachshund AKC mini Yorkie, purebred female, black/tan, 8 mos, $500. $425. 541-508-4558 541-419-1318
BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are still over 2,000 folks in our community without permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift camps, getting by as best they can. The following items are badly needed to help them get through the winter: @ CAMPING GEARof any sort: @ New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. S WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m.
For Special pick up please call Ken @ 541-389-3296
The Bulletin
G ROW I N G with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory Mossberg Maverick 88 12g pump shotgun, $200. 541-647-8931 OREGON'S LARGEST GUN & KNIFE SHOW Nov.17 & 18 Sat. 9-6 • Sun. 9-4 ADM: $9 Portland Expo Center 1-5 Exit 306B For Info: 503-383-9584 WIN pre 364 Model 70 Featherweight 30-06, $850. 541-548-4774
Newspaper Delivery Independent Contractor
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The Bulletin
Private art ads onl
31 Sedona automaker the lyric "Easy 33 On-the-spot as ..." appraisal 36 " 4 Last option, directed" often 39 Sun-kissed 9 Equally poor 40 Tea-growing Indian state 14 Miracle41 Classic 15 Soap genre mountain bikes 16 Macbeth or Macduff 44 H.R.H. part 45 Alternative to 17 Surgically replaceable texts body parts 46 Manhattan's crosstown 19 With 49-Across, arteries: Abbr. jumble 49 See 19-Across 20 Sop up 52 Cards, on 21 Many a scoreboards corporate plane 53 Green "pet" 23 On videotape, say 54 Bar musicians may put them 24 Supposed skill out of some hotline 56 Total nonsense operators 58 " the 27 The sun, in loneliest Spain number" 28 Some INTs 59 Serving with result in them syl'up 29 When 62 Lee and Laurel mammoths roamed 63 As such
64 Merry Prankster
Kesey 65 The hotheaded Corleone 66 Protected from
rainouts, say 67 Sellout sign
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33 "Casablanca" 53 "The Bourne 42 Give the pianist Supremacy" org. raspberry 43 Basic orbital 34 Needle-nosed 54 Eject from the path swimmers game 46 Tases, say 35 Ed.'s workload 55 Dirty Harry's 47 Bygone Wall Ol'g. 36 Work the aisles, Street device 22 Action hero's informally 57 Handled the underwater 48 Refuses music at a rave breathing aid 37 Put on, as pants 50 Spirit of Islamic 25 Body part that 60 DiCaprio, to pals myth 38 Like some Turks may be deviated and Georgians 51 Like a blowhard 61 Escort's offering 26 Nightwear ... or a hidden feature For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit of 17-, 21-, 33-, 41-, 54- and
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Houses for Rent Redmond
Redmond Homes
Boats & Accessories
[ / [
gThe Bulleting
10 HOUSESin BurnsAll rented,$231,000 for all 10.Any offers considered — must liquidate now. 541-413-1322
Mobile Homes
FACTORY SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm, $46,900 finished 870 on you site,541.548.5511 BANK OWNED HOMES! Boats 8 Accessories
S pringdale 2005 27', 4' slide ln dining/living area, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000
FREE List w/Pics! bend and beyond real estate 20967 yeoman, bend or
Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales
13' Smokercraft '85, good cond., 15I-IP gas Evinrude + Minnkota 44 elec. motor, fish finder, 2 extra seats, trailer, extra equip. $3200. 541-388-9270
All real estate advertised here in is subFind them ject to t h e F e deral in F air Housing A c t , which makes it illegal The Bulletin 14' boat & trailer, $275 to advertise any prefClassifieds or best offer. No moerence, limitation or tor. 541-389-1324 discrimination based 541-385-5809 on race, color, reli17' 1984 Chris Craft gion, sex, handicap, New Construction - 3 - Scorpion, 140 HP familial status or na- bdrm, 2 b ath, 1548 tional origin, or inten- sq.ft., vaulted, gas inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, trolltion to make any such furnace-range-water ing motor, full cover, preferences, l i m itafenced, landEZ - L oad t railer, tions or discrimination. heater, scaped. $16 2 ,900 We will not knowingly MLS $3500 OBO. ¹ 20 1 2 07750 541-382-3728. accept any advertis- Pam Lester, Principal ing for r ea l e s tate B roker, Century 2 1 which is in violation of Country Realty, this law. All persons Gold 17' Seaswirl 1988 are hereby informed Inc. 541-504-1338 open bow, rebuilt that all dwellings adRent /Own Chev V 6 e n g ine, vertised are available 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes new uph o lstery, on an equal opportu- $2500 down, $750 mo. $3900 obo. Bend. nity basis. The BulleOAC. 541-548-5511 707-688-4523 tin Classified
Oo 4
4 studded Toyota tires on rims, 205/65R15 $125. 541-420-9989
4 Studless winter traction tires on 5-lug 4.5" wheels, 225/60R-16, $350. 541-410-0886
Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, excellent cond. in 8 out. Asking $8 500. 541-480-3179
Cooper winter studded 215/60/1 6 t i re s + GMC 172 tOn 1971, Only chains $150. Toyo all $19,700! Original low season 205 / 60/16mile, exceptional, 3rd tires $125. Low mileage. 541-330-8285. NEED HOLIDAY $$$? We pay CASH for Junk Cars & Trucks! Also buying batteries & 1965, Exc. All original, catalytic converters. 4-dr. sedan, in storServing all of C.O.! • age last 15 yrs., 390 High C o m pression Call 541-408-1090 • engine, new tires 8 liStudded tire, mounted, c ense, reduced t o 5 bolt, P235/75R15 off $2850, 541-410-3425. Chevy 1/2 ton Pickup. L ike N e w , $3 5 0 .
obo. 541-408-3811
Qrj jI Aircraft, Parts
& Service
541-593-2247 1/3 interest in ColumWinter Tires 4 Bridgebia 400, located at tone 2 2 5/55 R 1 6 Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. s95W on alloy rims, Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 Call 541-647-3718 like new, tire pres- Plymouth 29', weatherized, like B a r racuda sure monitors incl. 1966, original car! 300 n ew, f u rnished & (Retail©$1900) $650. ready to go, incl Wine- j ~ a ~ ~ hp, 360 V8, centerIn Bend 619-889-5422 lines, (Original 273 ard S a t ellite dish,
eng & wheels incl.)
26,995. 541-420-9964
Econoline RV 1 9 8 9, fully loaded, exc. cond, 35K m i. , R e duced
1 /3 interest i n w e l l equipped IFR Beech Bo$17,950. 541-546-6133 nanza A36, new 10-550/ prop, located KBDN. CAN'T BEAT THIS! Weekend Warrior Toy $65,000. 541-419-9510 Look before you Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, Hangar buy, below market fuel station, exc cond. Executive at Bend Airport vafue! Size & milesleeps 8, black/gray (KBDN) age DOES matter! i nterior, u se d 3X , 60' wide x 50' deep, Class A 32' Hurri$24,999. w/55' wide x 17' high cane by Four Winds, 541-389-9188 bi-fold door. Natural 2007. 12,500 mi, all amenities, Ford V10, gas heat, office, bath882
Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low price, $54,900. 541-548-5216
Antique & Classic Autos
1921 Model T Delivery Truck Restored 8 Runs $9000. 541-389-8963
room. Parking for 6 c ars. A d jacent t o Frontage Rd; g reat visibility for a v iation bus.
Fifth Wheels 28' HR Alumascape 1998 with slider, very
PROJECT CARS: Chevy 2-dr FB 1949 8 Chevy Coupe 1950 - rolling chassis's $1750 ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, complete car, $1949; Cadillac Series 61 1950, 2 dr. hard top, complete w/spare front c l ip., $3950, 541-382-7391
DON'TIHI$5 THIS VW Karman Ghia 1970, good cond., new upholstery and convertible top. $10,000. 541-389-2636
=-:-rj clean. $6500. 541-948-2126 Gulfstream Sce n i c nice, Bend, 206-915-1412. Chevy C-20 Pickup Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; Cummins 330 hp dieauto 4-spd, 396, model sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 CST /all options, orig. e44514tjiir in. kitchen slide out, owner, $22,000, new tires,under cover, 541-923-6049 hwy. miles only,4 door f ridge/freezer ice ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP maker, W/D combo, Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 • SHA RE LEFT! VW Thing 1974, good by Carriage, 4 slideInterbath t ub & cond. Extremely Rare! Economical flying in outs, inverter, satelshower, 50 amp proOnly built in 1973 & our ow n C e s sna pane gen & m ore! lite sys, fireplace, 2 1974. $8,000. 72/180 HP for only flat screen TVs. $55,000. 541-389-2636 $ 10,000! Based a t Chevy Wagon 1957, 541-948-2310 $60,000. BDN Call Gabe a t 541-480-3923 4-dr., complete, 933 Professional Air! Need help fixing stuff? $7,000 OBO, trades, Pickups 541-388-001 9 • please call Call A ServiceProfessional 541-389-6998 find the help you need. Chevy t/2-ton 1992, PS, Trucks 8 Chrysler 300 C o upe PB, AT, new plates, runs 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, grt, $1500. 541-923-4338 Heavy Equipment auto. trans, ps, a l r, Fleetwood Wilderness frame on rebuild, re36', 2005, 4 s l ides, painted original blue, Hunter's Delight! Packrear bdrm, fireplace, original blue interior, age deal! 1988 Winoriginal hub caps, exc. nebago Super Chief, AC, W/D hkup beauchrome, asking $9000 3 8K m i les, g r e at tiful u n it! $30,500. or make offer. Dodge 2500, 1996, V10, shape; 1988 Bronco II 541-815-2380 541-385-9350 WITH 1979 Conestoga Diamond Reo Dump 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K camper, great cond, Truck 1 974, 12 -14 mostly towed miles, $5500. 541-420-2323 ard box runs good nice rigl $15 000 both. $6900, 541-548-6812 541-382-3964, Ieave msg. Chrysler SD 4-Door K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 EkK E A T 1930, CD S R oyal slide, AC, TV, awning. Standard, B-cylinder, NEW: tires, converter, body is good, needs batteries. Hardly used. some r e s toration, Hyster H25E, runs $15,500. 541-923-2595 Ford 250 XLT 1990, runs, taking bids, well, 2982 Hours, 6 yd. dump bed, 541-383-3888, $3500,call 139k, Auto, $5500. 541-81 5-331 8 541-749-0724 Jayco Seneca 2 007, 541-410-9997 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy 5500 d i e sel, to y hauler $130 , 000. 541-389-2636. I
%%%JY X
MONTANA 3585 2008,
exc. cond., 3 slides, king bed, Irg LR, Arctic insulation, all options $37,500.
Oregonians agree
541-280-2014 l . 6 4' < v
with 351 Cleveland modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo.
Country Coach Intrigue 541-390-2504 2002, 40' Tag axle. 400hp Cummins Diesel. tw o s l ide-outs. 4 1,000 miles, n e w tires & batteries. Most options. $95,000 OBO
Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover, new paint (2004), new inverter (2007). Onan 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, parked covered $35,000 obo. 541-419-9859 or
4 studded tires on rims for Toyota Camry, used 1 y ear, $ 3 50. C a ll
0 0
2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.
Ford Ranchero 1979
Elkhorn 8.5' 2003, self used Hankook studded contained, oven, ste- 4snow tires, 205/65R15's r eo, v e r y cle a n . mounted on custom $8500. 541-389-7234 black modern wheels, $475. 541-382-6773
slide,Bunkhouse style, sleeps 7-8, excellent condition, $ 1 6 ,900,
$17,000 Call Don I 541-410-3823
530-515-81 99
old, P19 5 - 65R15, $270. 541-410-0206
Canopies & Campers
2950, 541-410-6561
4 bdrm 21/2 bath, 3-car
(4) Snow tires, 3 mo.
Prowler AX6 ExPioneer Spirit 18CK, Regal Edition 38' '05, 2007, used only 4x, AC, 4treme slides,2 fireplaces, all electric tongue j ack, maple cabs, king bed/ $8995. 541-389-7669 bdrm separated w/slide glass dr,loaded,always ROUA Digorgio 1971 fridge, heater, propane garaged,lived in only 3 & elec. lights, awning, mo,brand new $54,000, still like new, $28,500, 2 spares, extra insulation for late season will deliver,see, hunting/cold weather ad¹4957646 for pics. camping, well maint, Cory, 541-580-7334 very roomy, sleeps 5, reat f o r hu n t ing,
card, 1-800-814-5554.
32.42 Acres in Urban Growth Bou n dary, The garage, fresh paint, 2640 Adjacent t o Greens, kitty corner to NE 9th. $1250/mo.; new Ridgeview High $1500 security dep.; no $59 9 ,000. pets. Call 503-804-5045 School. 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 MLS ¹ 201 2 03193 Volvo Penta, 270HP, 850 Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe Pam Lester, Principal low hrs., must see, home, 3/3, gas fire- B roker, Century 2 1 Snowmobiles place, 7500' lot, fenced Gold Country Realty, $15,000, 541-330-3939 yard, 1655 SW Sara- Inc. 541-504-1338 soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. CUTE! 3 bedroom, 2 541-350-2206 bath home, close to Cat (2) 2005 F7 the lake on over an Arctic 675 20.5' 2004 Bayliner Firecats: EFI Snowacre. This is a must 205 Run About, 220 RV Parking pro & EFI EXT, exlnt see! MLS¹201206076 HP, V8, open bow, cond, $3700 ea; $45,000 exc. cond., very fast RV Space for rent, 50 D&D $7000 both. Realty Group LLC w/very low hours, 541-410-2186 amp, cable, dump, pav866-346-7868 lots of extras incl. ers, n e a r O l d M ill. tower, Bimini & $475/mo + e lectricity. Fieldstone crossing, 4 541-389-9268 custom trailer, bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2130 $19,500. sq.ft., gas fireplace, 676 541-389-1413 tile countertops, slate Snowmobile trailer Mobile/Mfd. Space entry, hardwood, huge 2002, 25-ft Interd eck, f e nced, R V state & 3 sleds, • Space rent $180 mo. area. $189,900. MLS Need to get an $10,900. ¹ 2012059483. P a m • Homes for rent 541-480-8009 ad in ASAP? $350 - $495 mo. Lester, Principal BroYou can place it • Large treed lots ker, Century 21 Gold • J.D. Riverfront lots Country Realty, Inc. 860 online at: 541-504-1338 • Playground and Motorcycles & Accessories Community Center Large Lot In SW Red• Next to Thriftway mond. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, Harley Davidson Soft541-385-5809 • RVs Welcomed, 1108 sq.ft, 9148 sq.ft. TaiI Deluxe 20 0 7 , Riverside Home Park lot, hot tub, sprinkler white/cobalt, w / pas677 W. Main, system, greenhouse. senger kit, Vance 8 John Day, Oregon Hines muffler system MLS¹201207599. Call Lisa 541-575-1341 $84,000. Pam Lester, 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. P rincipal $19,9 9 9 , 20.5' Seaswirl SpyBrok e r , c ond, Century 2 1 Gol d 541-389-9188. der 1989 H.O. 302, 687 285 hrs., exc. cond., Country Realty, Inc. Harley Heritage 541-504-1338 stored indoors for Commercial for Softail, 2003 life $11,900 OBO. Rent/Lease $5,000+ in extras, NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, 541-379-3530 $2000 paint job, 2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., 30K mi 1 owner Restaurant Pu b for triple garage, office, lease. SW corner of bay f ront w i n dow, For more information please call 3rd and Greenwood. large patio, mature 541-385-8090 Formerly Cheerlead- landscaping, fenced or 209-605-5537 I YQURBoAT... I ers, now Taylors Sau- yard. $128,000. MLS with o u r spe c i al sage. Over 3000 sq 201207127 Look at: rates for selling your I feet. Lottery r oom, Pam Lester, Principal boat or watercl'alt! wired 8 running 4 ma- B roker, Century 2 1 chines now. 20-ft bar, Gold Country Realty, for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale / Place an ad in The 10 tap handles. 4-pan Inc. 541-504-1338 Bulletin w it h ou r hot well, Ansell hood, / 3-month p ackage automatic dishwasher. Single level on 1 acre, 3 HD FAT BOY bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 ~ which includes: Terry, 541-415-1777 1996 sq.ft., master Completely rebuilt/ tion, office, fenced, I *5 lines of text and customized, low f lower garden, R V a photo or up to 10 parking. $1 4 5,000. miles. Accepting of- [ lines with no photo. fers. 541-548-4807 MLS ¹ 20 1 0 07848. *Free online ad at Pam Lester, Principal I HD Screaming Eagle B roker, Century 2 1 *Free pick up into Electra Glide 2005, Gold Country Realty, 103" motor, two tone ~ The Central Oregon ~ Inc. 541-504-1338 candy teal, new tires, f Nickel ads. 771 23K miles, CD player, I Rates start at $46. I Lots hydraulic clutch, exCall for details! cellent condition. 732 541-385-5809 Three 9148 Sq.ft. Iots, Highest offer takes it. Commercial/Investment cul-de-sac, u t i l ities 541-480-8080. s tubbed i nt o P U E , Honda Elite 80 2001, Properties for Sale close to West Can1400 mi., absolutely Prime Hwy 97 commer- yon Rim Park and ac- like new., comes w/ cial updated in 2006, cess to the dry can- carrying rack for 2" Used out-drive yon t rail. $ 3 5,000, receiver, ideal for use 850 sq.ft., plenty of parts - Mercury parking in rear, cen- $35,000 8 $ 5 0 ,000. w/motorhome, $995, 201 2 07692, 541-546-6920 OMC rebuilt matral a i r . $ 1 1 9,900. MLS¹ and rine motors: 151 MLS ¹ 20 1 0 0 3034 201207694, Pam Moped, elect w/charger, $1595; 3.0 $1895 Pam Lester, Principal 201207687. street-equipped, like new, Lester, Principal BroB roker, Century 2 1 4.3 (1993), $1995. Gold Country Realty, ker, Century 21 Gold $600. 541-497-3858 541-389-0435 Country Realty, Inc. Inc. 541-504-1338 541-504-1338 Softail Deluxe 745 775 2010, 805 miles, Homes for Sale Black Chameleon. Watercraft Manufactured/
,rp -, j
Ford Galaxie 500 1963, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 radio (orig),541-419-4989 Ford Mustang Coupe 1966, original owner, V8, automatic, great shape, $9000 OBO.
Service & Accessories
groans 12 Actress Jolie 13 Bug repellent ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 18 Stewart in the "Wordplay" RA F T C C C P S L O B documentary I NL A W A L O E H A R E M A O R I
Int e rnational Southwind 35.5' Triton, Pilgrim 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, 2008,V10, 2 slides, DuModel¹M-349 RLDS-5 pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Big TexLandscapFall price $ 2 1,865. Bought new at ing/ ATV Trailer, 541-312-4466 $132,913; dual axle flatbed, asking $93,500. 7'x16', 7000 lb. The Bulletin Call 541-419-4212 GVW, all steel, To Subscribe call $1400. 881 541-385-5800 or go to 541-382-4115, or Travel Trailers 541-280-7024. -
Puzzle by Pete Muller
11 Elicitors of
Monaco Dynasty2004, Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th loaded, 3 slides, die- wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Peterbilt 359 p o table FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, sel, Reduced - now TV,full awning, excel- water t ruck, 1 9 90, door panels w/flowers $119,000, 5 4 1-923- lent shape, $23,900. 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 8 hummingbirds, pump, 4-3" h oses, 8572 or 541-749-0037 541-350-8629 camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. white soft top & hard top. Just reduced to 541-820-3724 $3,750. 541-317-9319 +I i 1 or 541-647-8483 Utility Trailers • I
39 42
Antique & Classic Autos
So l o (Ford role) 7 Defib operator
8 Sing like Tom Waits 9 Playwright
DOWN 1 Terror-struck 2 Greased the palm of 3 Thickets 4 Foot problem 5 Manhattan film festival locale
Trucks & Heavy Equipment
Fifth Wheels
No. 1010
Edited by Will Shortz 1 1970 ¹1 hit with
Nuyya 297LK Hi tchHiker 2007, 3 slides, 32' touring coach, left kitchen, rear lounge, many extras, beautiful c ond. inside 8 o u t , $34,499 OBO, Pnnev llle. 541-447-5502 days & 541-447-1641 eves.
SNOWM OBILES ,.It(/p25L~N 8t ATVs ONLY! Call theBulletin ClassifiedDept. 541-385-5809or541-382-1811 forratestoday!
(I I
, j,fiIfiII(I Youhavearight toknowwhat your government is doing. Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in 8 newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper.
If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to took, and what to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly.
Less than 10% of the U3L population currently visits a government web site daily,' but 80% of all Oregon adults read 8 newspaper at least once during an ** average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.
Keeppublic noticesinthenewspaper! 'ul censusBureauMay2009 "AmencanOpreee Rereer x preeran rt serzemerr2010
TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Pickups
Sport Utility Vehicles •
541-923-2582 eves.
Ford F250 XLT 4x4 L ariat, 1990, r e d ,
80K original miles,
Ford F250 2002
Supercab 7.3 diesel, 130,000 miles, great shape with accessories. $14,900. 541-923-0231 day or
Aut o m obiles
Lincoln Navigator 2005 great cond., 124k mi., 3 rows seats, DVD player, $11,500 cash only. 541-475-3274
~ Oi:i
4" lift with 39's, well
maintained, $4000 obo. 541-419-5495
Ford Crown V i ctoria 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., V 8, o r i g . own e r , 70,300 mi., studs on, reat condition. 3000. 541-549-0058. Honda Civic LX 2006 4-dr sedan, excellent cond, 31K miles, AC, power steering, dr locks & w indows, premium wheels, new s tudded tires, chains, AM/FM-CD, an records from 2009, 24-40 mpg, $13,000/ofr.
Legal Notices • LEGAL NOTICE ADOPT-Abundance of love to offer a child in stable, secure & nu r turing home. Contact Jen (800) 571-4136.
LEGAL NOTICE CIRCUIT COURT OF OREGON FOR DESCHUTES C O UNTY. HSBC BANK U SA, N.A., AS T R USTEE ON BEHALF OF ACE SECURITIES CORP. H OME EQUI T Y L OAN TRUST A N D FOR TH E R E GISTERED H O L DERS OF AC E S E CURITIES CORP. HOME EQUITY LOAN T RUST, SERI E S Nissan Sentra, 2012Chevrolet G20 SportsA SSET BAC K E D Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, man, 1993, exlnt cond, 12,610 mi, full warranty, PASS-THROUGH 71K, X- c ab , X LT , $ 4750, 541-362-5559 or PS, PB, AC, & more! CERTIFICATES, $16,000. 541-788-0427 auto, 4 . 0L , $ 8 4 0 0 5 4 1-663-6046 P laintiff, v . DI A N A OBO. 541-388-0232 NOVOTNY; LARRY F UDENNA; M O R T ChevyAstro GAGE ELECTRONIC Cargo Van 2001, REGISTRATION pw, pdl, great cond., I nternational Fla t SYSTEMS, INC.; CObusiness car, well Bed Pickup 1963, 1 LUMBIA RIVER maint'd, regular oil Porsche 911 1974, low ton dually, 4 s pd. BANK D B A CRB changes,$4500. trans., great MPG, mi., complete motor/ M ORTGAGE T EAM; Please call trans. rebuild, tuned AND PERSONS OR could be exc. wood 541-633-5149 suspension, int. & ext. PARTIES hauler, runs great, UNrefurb., oil c o oling, KNOWN CLAIMING new brakes, $1950. 1994 Chev full size van, shows new in & out, 541-41 9-5480. ANY RIGHT, TITLE, seats 7, sleeps 2. Suerf. m ech. c o n d. LIEN OR INTEREST per condition, 128K, uch more! IN THE PROPERTY famous 35 0 m o t or, $28,000 541-420-2715 DESCRIBED IN THE runs & looks like a mil- PORSCHE 914 1974, COMPLAINT lion! Ready for fun & Roller (no engine), HEREIN, Defendants. travel. Limit 1! $4000. 12CV0 7 2 2. lowered, full roll cage, NO. Bob, 541-318-9999 5-pt harnesses, racSUMMONS BY PUBRAM 2500 2003, 5.7L ing seats, 911 dash 8 L ICATION. TO: D I 975 hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, NOV O T NY; instruments, d e cent ANA Automobiles am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. shape, v e r y c o ol! LARRY F U D ENNA; 541-420-3634 /390-1285 $1699. 541-678-3249 AND PERSONS OR Buick Lucerne CXL PARTIES UN2009, $12,500, low FIND ITr KNOWN CLAIMING low miles; 2000 Buick Sport Utility Vehicles BUY IT! ANY RIGHT, TITLE, Century $2900. You'll SELL IT! LIEN OR INTEREST not find nicer Buicks THE PROPERTY One look's worth a The Bulletin Classifieds IN DESCRIBED IN THE thousand words. Call COMPLAINT Bob, 541-318-9999. Toyota Camry'sr HEREIN, I N THE for an appt. and take a 1984, $1200 obo; NAME OF THE drive in a 30 mpg. car 1985 SOLD; STATE OF OREGON: Buick Enclave 2008 CXL Local: 503-806-9564
Where can you find a Porsche Cayenne 2004, Mercury Tracer 1996, 4 helping hand? 86k, immac, dealer dr., 91K, auto, exc. From contractors to maint'd, loaded, now $2000. 541-389-6167 $17000. 503-459-1580 Mitsubishi 3 00 0 yard care, it's all here GT in The Bunetin's 1999, auto., p e arl 940 w hite, very low m i. "Call A Service Vans $9500. 541-788-8218. Professional" Directory
AWD, V-6, black, clean, Cadillac Seville STS m echanicall y sound, 82k 2003 - just finished miles. $21,995. $4900 engine work Call 541-815-1216 by Certified GM meChevy Tahoe LS 2001 chanic. Has every¹x4. 120K mi, Power thing but navigation. seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd Too many bells and row seating, e xtra w histles t o l i st . I tires, CD, pnvacy tint- bought a new one. ing, upgraded rims. $4900 Fantastic cond. $7995 541-420-1283 Contact Timm at 541-408-2393 for info or to view vehicle. Chevrolet Lumina 1997 4-door, Ford Explorer 4x4, One owner, low mile1991 - 154K miles, age, clean interior. rare 5-speed tranny Tires, body, paint in & manual hubs, good condition. clean, straight, ev$3050. eryday driver. Bring 541-350-3109 2200 donar bills! Bob, 541-318-9999
1986 parts car, $500. Call for details, 541-548-6592
Toyotas: 1999 Avalon 254k; 1996 Camry, 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of miles left in these cars. Price? You tell
You are hereby required to appear and d efend against t h e allegations contained in the Complaint filed a gainst you i n t h e above entitled p roceeding Within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Summons upon you. If you fail to appear and defend this matter Within thirty (30) days from the date of publication specified herein along with the r equired filing f e e , H SBC B an k U S A , N.A., as Trustee on behalf of ACE Securities Corp. Home Equity Loan Trust and for t h e re g istered holders of ACE Securities Corp. Home Equity loan Trust, Series 2 005-HE6, Asse t Backed Pass-Through Certificates will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. The f irst date of publication is November 14, 2012. NOTICE TO DEFEN-
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Wright, de c eased; Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Lorena K. Wright, dec e ased; and Persons or Parties Unknown Claiming Any Right, Title, Lien, or Interest in the Property Described in the Complaint Herein, I N THE NAME O F THE STATE OF ORE GON: Y ou ar e h ereby required t o appear and d efend against th e a l legations contained in the Complaint filed a gainst you i n t h e above entitled proceeding within thirty (30) days from the date of service of this Summons upon you. If you fail to appear and defend this matter within thirty (30) days from the date of publication specified herein along with the r equired filing f e e , OneWest Bank, FSB will apply to the Court f or t h e r e l ief d e manded in the Complaint. The first date of publication is November 7, 2012. NOTICE T O D E F ENDANTS: READ T HESE PAP E R S CAREFULLY! You must "appear" in this case or the other side will win automatically. To "appear" you must file with the court a legal paper called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "answer" must be given to the court clerk or administrator w i t hin thirty days along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof o f service o n t h e plaintiff's attorney or, if the plaintiff does not have a n at t orney, proof of service on the plaintiff. IF YOU HAVE ANY Q U ESTIONS, YOU S HOULD SE E A N A TTORNEY IMMEDIATELY. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may call t he O r egon S t a te Bar's Lawyer Referral S ervice a t (503) 684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. The object of the said action and the relief sought to be o btained therein i s fully set forth in said complaint, an d is briefly stated as follows: Foreclosure of a Deed of T r ust/Mortgage. Grantors: The Estate of Lorena K. Wright, dec e ased; Unknown Heirs and Devisees of Lorena K. Wright, de c eased; Persons or P a rties Unknown C l a iming Any Right, Title, Lien, o r I nterest i n th e Property Described in the Complaint Herein. Property address: 309 South Locust Street, Sisters, OR 9 7 759. P ublication: Ben d Bulletin. DATED this 30th day of October, 2012. Craig Peterson, OSB ¹120365, Robinson Tait, P.S., Attorneys for Plaintiff.
L e g al Notices
B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y S heriff. Krist a Entities intending to Mudrick, Civil Techsubmit a pr o posal nician. Date: Octoshould register with ber 29, 2012. Pubthe Central Oregon lished i n Bend Builders Exchange as Bulletin. D at e o f a planholder in order First and Succesto receive addenda. sive Pu b l ications: T his can b e d o n e October 31, 2012; on-line or by contact- November 7, 2012; ing Central Oregon November 14 2012 Builders Exchange at: Date of Last Publi(541) 389-0123, Fax cation: November 21, 2012. Attorney: (541) 389-1549, or email at admin@plan- Erik Wilson, OSB Propos- ¹ 095507. Rout h ers are responsible for C rabtree Ols e n , m aking sur e t h e y P.C, 621 SW Alder have an addenda be- St., Ste. 800, Portfore submitting proland, OR posals. 97205-3623,
p erson at 1902 NE 4th St., Bend, Oregon.
A m a ndatory p r esubmittal meeting will be held at City Hall Council C h ambers, 710 NW Wall Street, Bend OR on: Novemb er 27, 2010, 10 00
PM. P r oposals will only be accepted from
attendees o f t his meeting. An optional site visit will be conducted i m mediately following the mandatory pre - s ubmittal
Sealed pro p osals must be submitted by December 13, 2012 at 3:00 PM, at City Hall, 710 NW Wall Street, 2nd Floor, Bend, Oregon, 97701, Attn.: Gwen Chapman, Purchasing Ma n ager. Proposals will not be accepted after deadline. The outside of the package containing the proposal shall identify the p r oject: "Existing Plant Interceptor Condition Assessment Pro j e ct Number SW10AA". The City of Bend reserves the right to: 1)
reject any or an proposal not in compliance with public solicitation p rocedures and requirements, 2) reject any or an proposals in accordance
Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S. c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I R CUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY
Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Walter E. L ee; Angela T. Lee; and O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e fendant/s. Case No.:
11CV1018. NOT ICE O F SAL E U NDER WRIT O F EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on November 27, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he
Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 3) select consultant me! I'd guess 20, Bend, Oregon, on the basis of the $2000-$4000. proposals or to con- sell, at public oral Your servant, Bob at auction to the highduct interviews with 541-318-9999, no the highest qualified est bidder, for cash charge for looking. proposers after scor- or cashier's check, ing, 4) seek clarifica- the following real VW Beetle, 2002 tions of any or an pro- property further de5-spd, silver-gray, black p osals, and 5 ) t o s cribed in th e a t leather, moonroof, CD, select the p roposal tached Exhibit "A": loaded, 115K miles, 2579 Nort h east which appears to be well-maintained Longfellow C o urt, in the best interest of (have records) B end, Oreg o n the City. extremely clean, 97701. Said sale is $4850 obo. made under a Writ 541-546-6920 Published: o f E x ecution i n November 14, 2012 Foreclosure issued Looking for your out of t h e C i rcuit Gwen Chapman next employee? Court of the State of Purchasing Manager Place a Bulletin help Oregon f o r the 541-385-6677 Chrysler Sebring 2006 wanted ad today and C ounty o f Des Fully loaded, exc.cond, reach over 60,000 chutes, dated OctoG MC Yukon XL S L T LEGAL NOTICE very low miles (38k), readers each week. ber 15, 2012, to me 2004, loaded w/facIN THE C I RCUIT always garaged, Your classified ad directed i n the tory DVD, 3rd seat, C OURT O F T H E transferable warranty will also appear on a bove-entitled a c $6950.. 541-280-6947 S TATE O F OR incl. $8600 tion wherein Wells EGON DES541-330-4087 which currently reFargo Bank, NA, as DANTS: READ CHUTES COUNTY. ceives over 1.5 milplaintiff/s, re c o vT HESE PAP E R S Wells Fargo Bank, lion page views ered Stip u lated Ford Crown Vic. CAREFULLY! You N.A., its successors every month at General Judgment 1997 4 door, 127k, must "appear" in this in interest and/or no extra cost. Buneof Foreclosure and d rives, runs a n d case or the other side assigns, Plaintiff/s, tin Classifieds S hortening of R e will win automatically. v. Patrick A. Rose; Jeep Winys 1947,custom, looks great, extra Get Results! Call d emption Per i od To "appear" you must small block Chevy, PS, set of winter tires on and Occupants of 385-5809 or place Against Defendant: file with the court a lethe Premises, DeOD, mags+trailer. Swap rims, only $3000. your ad on-line at 1) Walter E. Lee on gal paper caned a for backhoe.No am cans 541-771-6500. fendant/s. Case No.: J une 4, 2012 , "motion" or "answer." 11 CV0671. NOplease. 541-389-6990 a gainst Walter E . The "motion" or "anT ICE O F SAL E Lee, as defendant/s. swer" must be given UNDER WRIT OF BEFORE BIDDING to the court clerk or EXECUTION AT THE SALE, A administrator W i thin REAL PROPERTY. thirty days along with Notice i s h e r e by PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD the required filing fee. given that I will on INDEPENDENTLY It must be in proper December 6, 2012 INVESTIGATE: (a) Call 54I 385 5809 topromoteyour service Advertise for 28 daysstarting at'l40in esrecralpackageisnoravaiiableonourwekitej form and have proof' at 11:00 AM in the The priority of the o f service o n t h e main lobby of t he lien or interest of the plaintiffs attorney or, if Deschutes County the plaintiff does not S heriff's Off i c e, judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws Building/Contracting H o me Improvement Landscaping/Yard Care have a n at t o rney, 63333 W. Highway and regulations approof of service on the 20, Bend, Oregon, plicable to the propNOTICE: Oregon state Kelly Kerfoot Const. N OTICE: O RE G O N plaintiff. I F YOU sell, at public oral erty; (c)Approved law req u ires any- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! Landscape Contrac- HAVE ANY Q U ESauction to the highuses for the propone who c o n tractsQuality & honesty, from tors Law (ORS 671) TIONS, YOU est bidder, for cash e rty; (d) Limits o n for construction work carpentry & handyman r equires a l l bus i - S HOULD SE E A N or cashier's check, farming o r f o r est to be licensed with the jobs, to expert wall cov- nesses that advertise A TTORNEY IMMEthe following real p ractices o n th e C onstruction Co n - ering install / removal. to p e rform L a n d- DIATELY. If you need property, known as property; (e)Rights tractors Board (CCB). Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 scape C o nstruction help in finding an at25221 Deer Lane, of neig h boring A n active lice n se Licensed/bonded/insured which inclu d es: torney, you may call B end, Oreg o n property o w n ers; means the contractor 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 p lanting, decks , the O r egon S t a te 9 7701, to w it , L o t and (f)Environmeni s bonded an d i n - Autumnridge Const. fences, arbors, Bar's Lawyer Referral Eighty-Seven (87) in tal laws and regulas ured. Ver if y t h e Quality custom home w ater-features, a n d S ervice a t (503) u nit Three (3) o f tions that affect the contractor's CCB installation, repair of 684-3763 or toll-free Bend Cascade View improvements. No job p roperty. L A R RY c ense through t h e too big or sman. Vet & Sr. irrigation systems to in Oregon at (800) E states, T ract 2 , B LANTON, Des be licensed with the 452-7636. The object CCB Cons u mer Discounts! CCB¹198284 Deschutes County, c hutes Coun t y Website Landscape Contrac- of the said action and Oregon. Said sale is Call 541-300-0042 Sheriff. Ant h o ny www.hireaocensedcontractor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s the relief sought to be made under a Writ Com Raguine, Civil 4-digit number is to be o btained therein i s o f E x ecution i n Landscaping/Yard Care or call 503-378-4621. T echnician. D a t e: included in an adver- fully set forth in said Foreclosure issued The Bulletin recomOctober 19, 2012. tisements which indi- complaint, a n d is out of t h e C i rcuit mends checking with Published in Bend cate the business has briefly stated as folLEGAL NOTICE Court of the State of the CCB prior to conBulletin. D at e of a bond,insurance and lows: Foreclosure of a CITY OF BEND Oregon f o r the tracting with anyone. Z~r/dd zQuaEiip First and Succesworkers compensa- Deed of T rust/MortC ounty o f Des Some other t r ades sive P u b lications: tion for their employ- gage. Grantors: Dlchutes, dated OctoExisting Plant also req u ire addi- Za~<0a ~/,. October 24, 2012; ees. For your protec- ANA NOVO T NY; Interceptor Condition ber 15, 2012, to me tional licenses and October 31, 2012; tion call 503-378-5909 LARRY F U DENNA; Assessment - Project directed in t he More Than Service certifications. November 7, 2012. AND PERSONS OR or use our website: Number SW10AA a bove-entitled a c Peace Of Mind Date of Last to PARTIES tion wherein Wells Debris Removal cation: N o vember check license status KNOWN C LAIMING NOTICE OF Fargo Bank, N.A., 14, 2012. Attorney: Fall Clean Up before con t racting ANY RIGHT, TITLE, i ts successors i n REQUEST FOR Don't track it in an Winter Erik Wilson, OSB JUNK BE GONE with th e b u s iness. LIEN OR INTEREST PROPOSAL interest and/or as•Leaves ¹ 095507, Rou t h I Haul Away FREE Persons doing land- IN THE PROPERTY signs as plaintiff/s, •Cones Crabtree Olsen, PC, For Salvage. Also scape m a intenance DESCRIBED IN THE The City of Bend rerecovered General • Needles 6 21 SW Alde r Cleanups & Cleanouts do not require a LCB COMPLAINT quests proposals from Judgment of Fore• Pruning Street, Suite 800, license. HEREIN. Pr o p erty qualified consultants closure on June 18, Mel, 541-389-8107 • Debris Hauling Portland, OR address: 2792 North- for professional engiagainst People Look for Information west Fairway Heights neering services. This 2012, 97205-3623, (503) Handyman Patrick A. Rose as 459-0104. C o n d iAbout Products and Gutter Drive, B e nd , OR project will develop a d efendant/s. BE tions of Sale: PoServices Every Daythrough 97701. P u b lication: condition assessment FORE BIDDING AT ERIC REEVE HANDY Cleaning tential bidders must Bend Bulletin. DATED for app r oximately THE SAL E , A SERVICES. Home & The Bulletin Classifieds arrive 15 m i nutes this 2nd day of NoCommercial Repairs, 20,000 linear feet of PROSPECTIVE Compost prior to the auction Nelson Landscape vember, 2012. Craig sanitary sewer pipe- BIDDER SHOULD Carpentry-Painting, to allow the DesApplications Peterson, OSB l ine i n cluding a p - INDEPENDENTLY Pressure-washing, Maintenance c hutes Coun t y Use Less Water ¹120365, R o binson proximately 41 manINVESTIGATE: (a) Honey Do's. On-time Serving S heriff's Office t o Tait, P.S., Attorney for holes and an inverted The priority of the promise. Senior $$$ SAVE $$$ Central Oregon review bidd e r's Plaintiff. siphon. lien or interest of the Discount. Work guarImprove Soil f unds. Only U . S . Residential anteed. 541-389-3361 judgment creditor; c urrency and / o r & Commercial The request for proor 541-771-4463 Good classified ads tell (b)Land use laws 2013 Maintenance c ashier's ch e c ks Bonded 8 Insured posal, plans, specifi- and regulations apthe essential facts in an Package Available m ade payable to cations, add e nda, plicable to the propCCB¹181595 weekly, monthly interesting Manner.Write Deschutes County planholders list, and erty; (c)Approved and from the readers view not Sheriff's Office will I DO THAT! notification of results uses for the propone time service the seller's. Convert the be accepted. PayHome/Rental repairs for this project may be e rty; (d) Limits o n • Snow Removal ment must be made Small jobs to remodels facts into benefits. Show viewed, printed or or- farming o r f o r est • Sprinkler Repair EXPERIENCED in full immediately Honest, guaranteed the reader howthe itemwil dered on line from p ractices o n th e • Back Flow Testing work. CCB¹151573 Commercial upon the close of help them insomeway. Central Oregon Build- property; (e)Rights • Fall Clean up the sale. Dennis 541-317-9768 & Residential e rs E x c hange a t of neig h boring This • Weekly Mowing http://www.plansonproperty o w n ers; People Look for Information Just bought a new boat? advertising tip Senior Discounts by clicking on and (f) EnvironmenSell your old one in the brought to you by About Products and Senior Discounts Bonded & Insured "Public Works tal laws and regulaclassifieds! Ask about our Services Every Daythrough 541-390-1466 Super Seller rates! 541-815-4458 Projects" and then on tions that affect the Semmg Cent al Oregons nce l903 Same Day Response LCB¹8759 "City of Bend" or in 541-385-5809 p roperty. L A R RY The Bulletin ClassiNeds
The Bulletin
with ORS 279B.100,
Legal Notices
C OURT OF T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Chandra L. Perry A/K/A Chandra L. E ggleston A / K/A Chandra G u t hrie; Selco C o mmunity Credit Union, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0648. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION -REAL P ROPERTY.
No -
tice is hereby given t hat I w ill o n N o vember 27, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM i n t h e main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Of fi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 16088 Lava Drive, La Pine, O r egon 9 7739, to w it , L o t
T hirteen, Bloc k N inety-One, D e s chutes River Recreation Ho m esites, Unit 8, Part II, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on May 9, 2012, against Chandra L. P e rry A/K/A Chandra L. E ggleston A/ K / A Chandra G u t hrie; and Selco Community Credit Union as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H OULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in Bend B u lletin. Date of F irst a nd Successive Publications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2 012. Attorney: Erik W i lson, OSB ¹095507, Routh Cra b t ree O lsen, P.C., 6 2 1 SW Alder St., Ste. 800, Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459-0104. C o n d itions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the D esc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A R RY B LANTON, D esc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 19, 2012.
C OURT OF T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, NA., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Cheri J . H u nt; M icky L . Hun t ; American General Financial Services
(DE), Incq and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0788. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM in the main lobby of t he
Deschutes County S heriff's Of fi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 52260 Nati o n al Road, La Pine, Or-
Legal Notices egon 97739, to wit, Lot Nine (9), Block Five (5), C o nifer Acres, D e schutes County, O r e gon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, d a ted October 15, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA., its successors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment o f F o r eclos ure on J uly 1 6 , 2012, against Cheri J. Hunt, Micky L. Hunt, Ame r ican General F i nancial
Services (DE), Inc., and Occupants of t he P remises a s d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER S H OULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b)Land use l aws and regulations applicable to the prop-
erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the
property. Published in B en d B u l letin. D ate of F irst a nd Successive Publications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2 0 12. A ttorney: Amb e r Norling, OSB ¹ 094593, Rou t h C rabtree Ols e n , P.C., 511 SW 10th St., Su i t e 4 00, Portland, OR 97205,
(503) 459 - 0115. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will
be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of
the s ale. L A RRY B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 19, 2012.
LEGAL NOTICE IN THE C I RCUIT C OURT OF T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Warren J. Klemz Jr.; Carol D. Klemz; and Occupant of the Premises, D e f endant/s. Case No.: 12CV0320. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on November 27, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Off i c e, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 21071 P i n ehaven Avenue, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, Lot Eleven (11), Block Two (2), Reed Market East, Second Addition, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of th e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed in t he a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as p laintiff/s, rec o v-
ered Gener
L e gal Notices
Legal Notices
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. L A R RY B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e: October 19, 2012. Published in Bend B ulletin. Dat e o f First and Successive P u b lications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 14, 2012. Attorney: Amber Norling, OSB ¹ 094593, Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW Alde r Street, Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0115. C o n d itions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the Desc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bid d e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E S TATE O F OR EGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Andrew N ash; O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e fendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0460. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Off i c e, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 5 9620 Nava j o C ircle, Bend, O r egon 97702, to wit, Lot Three (3), Block C, DES C HUTES RIVER W O O DS, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., as plaintiff/s, recovered Corr e cted General Judgment of Foreclosure on May 2, 2012 , a gainst And r e w Nash and O c cupants of the Premises as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT T HE
SA L E ,
PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;
(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regula-
low the Deschutes County Sheriff's Off ice to rev i e w bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cas h ier's checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office w il l b e accepted. P a y ment must be made in full i mmediately u p on t he close o f th e sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE C IRCUIT C OURT O F T H E S TATE O F OR DESEGON CHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Tory R. Lester; Lauren J. L e ster; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0724. NOT ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 1250 Sou t hwest W heeler Pla c e , B end, Oreg o n 9 7702, to w it ,
24, Summ e rhill Phase 2 , Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 15, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as plaintiff/s, re c o vered General Judgment o f F o r eclos ure on M a y 3 , 2012, against Tory R. Lester, Lauren J. Lester, and Occupants of the Pre-
mises d efendant/s.
BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;
(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, D esc hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e:
October 19, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and S uccessive P u b lications: October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012. Date of Last Publi-
cation: November 14, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB ¹ 095507, Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW Alde r Street, Suite 8 0 0, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0104. C o n d itions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 m i nutes prior to the auction to allow the D esc hutes Coun t y S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.
FIND YOUR FUTURE tions that affect the p roperty. L A R RY HOME INTHE BULLETIN B LANTON, D esYour future is just a page c hutes Coun t y away. Whether you're looking Sheriff. Ant h ony for a hat or a place to hangit, Raguine, Civil The Bulletin Classified is
Technician. D a te: October 29, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and Successive P u b lications: October 31, 2012; November 7, 2012; November 14, 2012. Date of Last Publication: November 21, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB ¹ 095507, Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW Alde r Street, Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0104. C o n d itions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to al-
your best source. Every day thousandsof buyers and sellers of goods and services do business in these pages.Theyknow you can't beat TheBulletin Classified Section for selection and convenience - every item isjust a phone call away. The Classified Section is easy to use. Everyitem is categorized andevery cartegory is indexed onthe scction's front page. Whether youare lookingfor a home orneed aservice, your future is in the pagesof The Bulletin Classified.
The Bulletin
L e g al Notices • LEGAL NOTICE
C OURT OF T H E STATE O F O RDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest a nd/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Eli s s e M. M claughlin; S u n trust Mortgage, Inc.; O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e f endant/s. Case No.: 11CV0970. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on December 6, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2327 Sou t hwest 31st Street, Redm ond, Oreg o n
Legal Notices • s entative, wh o a r e Karnopp Pe t e rsen LLP, 1201 NW Wall S treet, S u ite 3 0 0 , Bend, Oregon 977011 957. DATED a n d f irst p ublished N o v ember 1 4 , 20 1 2 . Nancy Whittier Pabotoy, Personal Representative. PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE:
Nancy Whittier Pabotoy, 4073 Championship Court, Annadale, Virginia 22003. ATTORNEY FOR PERSONAL REPRESENTATIVE: K A RNOPP PETERSEN LL P,
Brent S . OSB¹
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
C OURT OF T H E STATE O F ORDESEGON CHUTES COUNTY. Federal Na t i onal Mortgage Association, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. R e b ecca L. Lorentz; L yl e E. L orentz, Jr. ; a n d O ccupants of t h e Premises, D e f endant/s. Case No.: 11CV1007.
Ki n kade, REAL PROPERTY. 933301, Notice i s h e r e by bsk©, given that I will on 1201 NW Wall Street, December 4, 2012 Suite 300, Bend, OR at 1 1:00 AM in the 97701-1957, TEL: main lobby of t he (541) 382-3011, FAX: Deschutes County (541) 388-5410. Of S heriff's Of fi c e , A ttorneys fo r P e r - 63333 W. Highway sonal Representative. 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral LEGAL NOTICE auction to the highIN TH E C I RCUIT est bidder, for cash C OURT O F T H E or cashier's check, STATE O F O Rthe following real EGON DESproperty, known as CHUTES COUNTY. 106 Southeast 15th Wells Fargo Bank, S treet, Bend, O r N.A., its successors 9 7756, to w it, L o t egon 97702, to wit, in interest and/or T wo, Block T w o , Lot Six (6), Ramsay assigns, Plaintiff/s, Autumnglen SubdiEstates No. 1, City v. Edward M. Provision, Phase I, Deof Bend, Deschutes tas; and Occupants schutes County, OrCounty, O r e gon. of th e P r e mises, egon. Said sale is Said sale is made Defendant/s. Case made under a Writ under a Writ of ExNo.: 1 1C V 1 005. o f E x ecution i n ecution in ForecloNOTICE OF SALE Foreclosure issued sure issued out of U NDER WRIT O F out of t h e C i rcuit the Circuit Court of EXECUTION Court of the State of the State of Oregon REAL PROPERTY. Oregon f o r the for the County of Notice i s h e r eby C ounty o f Des Deschutes, d a t ed given that I will on chutes, dated OctoOctober 22, 2012, to December 13, 2012 ber 15, 2012, to me me directed in the at 11:00 AM in the directed in t he a bove-entitled a c main lobby of t he a bove-entitled a c tion wherein FedDeschutes County tion wherein Wells eral National MortS heriff's Offi c e , Fargo Bank, N.A., gage A ssociation, 63333 W. Highway i ts successors i n i ts successors i n 20, Bend, Oregon, interest and/or asinterest and/or assell, at public oral signs, as plaintiff/s, signs, as plaintiff/s, auction to the highrecovered General recovered Corest bidder, for cash Judgment of Forerected S t i p ulated or cashier's check, closure on April 3, General Judgment the following real 2012, against Elisse of Foreclosure and property, known as M. Mclaughlin, SunShortening of Re544 S o ut h Oak trust Mortgage Inc. d emption Pe r i od Street, Sisters, Orand Occupants of Against Defendants: egon 97759, to wit, t he Premises a s 1 ) R e becca L . Lot Three (3), Block d efendant/s. BE Lorentz, 2) Lyle E. Two (2), Loe BrothFORE BIDDING AT Lorentz, Jr., on Auers Town N' CounTHE SA L E , A gust 9, 2012, try Second Addition PROSPECTIVE against Rebecca L. to the City of SisBIDDER S H OULD Lorentz and Lyle E. ters, Des c hutes Lorentz, Jr., as deINDEPENDENTLY County, O r e gon. INVESTIGATE: (a) fendant/s. BEFORE Said sale is made The priority of the B IDDING AT T H E under a Writ of Exlien or interest of the SALE, A PROecution in Foreclojudgment c r editor; S PECTIVE BID sure issued out of DER SHOULD IN(b) Land use laws the Circuit Court of and regulations apDEPENDENTLY the State of Oregon plicable to the propINVESTIGATE: (a) for the County of erty; (c)Approved The priority of the Deschutes, d a t ed uses for the proplien or interest of the October 25, 2012, to e rty; (d) Limits o n judgment creditor; farming or f o rest me directed in the (b)Land use laws a bove-entitled a c practices o n th e and regulations aption wherein Wells property; (e) Rights plicable to the propof neig h boring Fargo Bank, N.A., erty; (c)Approved property o w ners; its successors in uses for the propinterest and/or asand (f) Environmene rty; (d) Limits o n signs, as plaintiff/s, tal laws and regulafarming o r f o r est recovered General tions that affect the p ractices o n th e Judgment of Foreproperty. Published property; (e) Rights in Bend B u lletin. closure on April 6, of neig h boring 2012, against EdD ate of F irst a nd property o w n ers; ward M. Protas and Successive Publicaand (f) EnvironmenO ccupants of t h e tions: October 24, tal laws and regulaPremises as defen2012; October 31, tions that affect the d ant/s. BEF O R E 2012; November 7, p roperty. L A R RY B IDDING AT T H E 2012. Date of Last B LANTON, D esSALE, A PROPublication: Noc hutes Coun t y S PECTIVE BID vember 14, 2 012. Sheriff. Ant h o ny DER SHOULD INAttorney: Erik WilRaguine, Civil DEPENDENTLY son, OSB ¹095507, Technician. D a te: INVESTIGATE: (a) Routh Cra b t ree November 2, 2012. The priority of the O lsen, P.C., 5 1 1 Published in Bend lien or interest of the SW 10th St., Suite Bulletin. D at e of judgment creditor; 400, Portland, OR First and Succes(b) Land use laws 97205, sive P u b lications: (503) and regulations ap459-0104. C o n d iNovember 7, 2012; plicable to the proptions of Sale: PoNovember 14, 2012; erty; (c)Approved tential bidders must November 21, 2012. uses for the proparrive 15 m i nutes Date of Last Publie rty; (d) Limits o n prior to the auction cation: November farming o r f o r est to allow the D es28, 2012. Attorney: p ractices o n th e c hutes Coun t y Tony Kullen, OSB property; (e)Rights S heriff's Office t o ¹ 090218. Rou t h of neig h boring Crabtree Olsen, PC, review bidd e r's property o w n ers; 5 11 SW 1 0th A v f unds. Only U . S . and (f)Environmenc urrency and / o r e nue, Suite 4 0 0 , cashier's c h e c ks tal laws and regulaPortland, OR 97205, tions that affect the m ade payable t o (503) 459 - 0101. property. Published Deschutes County Conditions of in B en d B u l letin. Sheriff's Office will Sale:Potential b idDate of F irst and be accepted. Payders must arrive 15 Successive Publicament must be made minutes prior to the tions: November 14, in full immediately auction to allow the 2012; November 21, upon the close of Deschutes County 2012; November 28, the s ale. L A R RY S heriff's Office t o 2012. Date of Last B LANTON, D e s review bidd e r's Publication: Dec hutes Coun t y f unds. Only U . S . c ember 5 , 2 0 1 2 . Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, c urrency an d / or Attorney: Erik WilCivil Tec h nician. cashier's ch e c ks son, OSB ¹095507, Date: October 19, m ade payable t o Routh Crab t ree 2012. Deschutes County O lsen, P.C., 5 1 1 Sheriff's Office will SW 10th Ave, Suite LEGAL NOTICE be accepted. Pay400, Portland, OR IN T H E CIR C U IT ment must be made 97205, (503) COURT O F THE in full immediately 459-0104. C o n diSTATE OF OREGON upon the close of FOR THE COUNTY tions of Sale: Pothe sale. OF DES C H UTES tential bidders must PROBATE DEPART- arrive 15 m i nutes LEGAL NOTICE prior to the auction MENT. E s t at e of IN TH E C I RCUIT to allow the DesROBERT E DWARD C OURT OF T H E c hutes Coun t y W HITTIER, De STATE O F ORS heriff's Office t o DESc eased. Case N o . EGON review bidd e r's 12PB0110. NOTICE CHUTES COUNTY. TO INT E RESTED f unds. Only U . S . Federal N a t ional and / o r PERSONS. NOTICE c urrency Mortgage Associach e c ks tion, its successors IS HEREBY GIVEN c ashier's that the undersigned m ade payable to in interest and/or has been appointed Deschutes County assigns, Plaintiff/s, Sheriff's Office will Personal Representav. Mary S. McGlynn; be accepted. Paytive. All persons havand Occupants of ing claims against the ment must be made the Premises, DeEstate are required to in full immediately fendant/s. Case No.: 12CV0015. NOp resent them, w i th upon the close of vouchers attached, to the s ale. L A R RY T ICE O F SAL E Des the undersigned Per- B LANTON, UNDER WRIT OF Coun t y sonal Representative c hutes EXECUTION Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, at Karnopp Petersen REAL PROPERTY. Civil Tec h nician. LLP, 1201 NW Wall Notice i s h e r e by S treet, S u it e 3 0 0 , Date: November 9, given that I will on Bend, Oregon 2012. December 13, 2012 9 7701-1957, wi t h i n at 1 1:00 AM in the four months after the main lobby of t he Have an item to date of first publicaDeschutes County sell quick? tion of this notice, or S heriff's Of fi c e , the claims may be 63333 W. Highway If it's under barred. All p e r sons '500 you can place it in 20, Bend, Oregon, whose rights may be sell, at public oral affected by the proauction to the highThe Bulletin ceedings may obtain est bidder, for cash Classifieds for: additional information or cashier's check, from the records of the following real '10 3 lines, 7 days the court, the P e rproperty, known as sonal Representative '16 - 3 lines, 14 days 1884 Nor t h east or the attorneys for (Private Party ads only) Carson Way, Bend, the Personal RepreO regon 97701, t o
wit, Lot Twenty (20) in Block Two (2) of The Win c hester, City of Bend, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated October 25, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Federal National Mortgage Association as plaintiff/s, re c o vered General Judgment o f F o r eclosure on August 1, 2012, against Mary S. McGlynn as defendant/s. BEFORE B IDDING AT T H E SALE, A P ROS PECTIVE BID DER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;
(b) Land use laws
and regulations applicable to the prop-
erty; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n
farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e
property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, Des -
c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: November 9, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and Successive P u b lications: November 14, 2012; November 21, 2012; November 28, 2012. Date of Last Publication: December 5, 2012. Atto r ney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218, Rou t h Crabtree Olsen, PC, 5 11 SW 1 0th
e nue, Suite 4 0 0 , Portland, OR 97205, (503) 459 - 01 01. Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d ders must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r cashier's c h e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will
be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E S TATE O F OR EGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Stanley C. Paroz; M arlo H . Pa r o z; M ortgage Ele c tronic R egistration Systems, Inc., Solely as Nominee for Northwest Mortgage Group, Inc; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV1083. NOT ICE O F SAL E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on December 18, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 3040 S W Q u a rtz Place, R e d mond, Oregon 97756, to w it, Lot on e ( 1 ) , B lock F o ur (4), Summerfield Phase II, Deschutes County, O r e gon. Said real property being more accurately described as:
Lot one (1), Block Four (4), Summer-
field Phase II, recorded October 22, 1992, in Cabinet C, P age 7 07 , D e s chutes County, Or-
egon. Said sale is made u n de r a A mended Writ o f Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County
of Deschutes, dated November 2, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, as plaintiff/s, recovered Cor r ected Stipulated General Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against Defendants: 1) Stanley C. Paroz, 2) Marlo H. Paroz on J une 1 3 , 201 2 , against Stanley C.
L e g al Notices • Paroz and Marlo H. Paroz as d efendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT T HE SA L E , A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor;
(b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prope rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e)Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f)Enwronmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in B en d B u l letin. Date of First and Successive Publications: November 14, 2012; November 21, 2012; November 28, 2012. Date of Last Publication: Dec ember 5 , 2 0 1 2 . A ttorney: Cal v i n Knickerbocker, OSB ¹ 050110, Rout h
C rabtree
Ols e n ,
P.C., 511 SW 10th A ve., S t e 400, Portland, OR 97205, 503-459-0104.
Conditions of Sale: Potential bi d d ers must arrive 15 minu tes prior t o t h e auction to allow the Deschutes County S heriff's Office t o review bidd e r's f unds. Only U . S . c urrency and / o r c ashier's ch e c ks m ade payable t o Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the s ale. L A R RY B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: November 9, 2012.
Call a Pro Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809 LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF INVITATION TO BID NOTICE IS HEREBY G IVEN that s e aled
bids will be accepted by Shawn Gerdes, Manager, at the Arnold Irrigation District o ffice, 19604 B u c k Canyon Road, Bend, OR 97702, until 2:00 pm, We d n esday, December 5, 2012, at which time and place bidding will be closed, and the bids opened and read. No bids will be r e ceived a f t er closing. The work includes, but is not limited to, the installation o f approximately 1160 lineal feet of 30 inch diameter PVC c a nal pipe. Included with the construction are clearing, connections, manholes,excavation, trench spoil disposal, backfill, a c o n crete i nlet structure, a n d related de m o lition. The work w ill t a ke place primarily west of US97 (the Parkway) near t h e pl a nned Murphy Road interchange in Bend, OR 97702. Work shall be s ubstantially com pleted within 90 days from written Notice to P roceed f ro m th e District.
Legal Notices
"Posted Pr o j ects." Bidders are responsible for checking with the D i strict's E n gineer, M at t S t e e le ( 541-389-9351) f o r the issuance of any addenda p r io r to submitting a bid. This is a public works project to which ORS 279C.800 to 279C.870 and/or the Davis-Bacon Act (40 USC 3141 et seq.)
Legal Notices able upon written request to the successor trustee. On June 8, 20 0 9 Ron a l d Ringer filed a Chapter 13 Bankruptcy petition as B ankruptcy Case No. 09-34416-elp13 in the United States Bankruptcy Court District of Oregon. The Bankruptcy Court entered an Order of Dismissal o n A pril 3 , 20 1 2 . W HEREFORE, n o tice hereby is given that the undersigned successor trustee will on WED N ESDAY, JANUARY 9, 2013 at 10:00 o'clock a.m., in accord with the standard of time established by ORS
OF SALE. Reference is made to that certain Deed of Trust (the "Deed of Trust") made by Ronald Ringer as Grantor(s), to Amer- 187.110, at the front iTitle, as Trustee, in e ntrance o f Des favor of West Coast chutes County CourtBank, as Beneficiary, house, 1100 Northdated May 30, 2007, west B on d S t r eet, recorded J un e 1, B end, State o f O r 2007, in t h e m o r t- e gon, which is t h e gage records of Des- hour, date and place chutes, Oregon, as last set for the sale, Document No. sell at public auction 2007-31268, and cov- to the highest bidder ering the following de- for cash the interest in scribed real property the Rea l P r operty, situated in t he without warranty, exabove-mentioned press o r imp l ied, county and state, to which the Grantor had wit: Lot One Hundred or had power to conSeventy-three, vey at the time of the NORTHPOINTE-PHA execution by Grantor SES IV and V, Des- of the Deed of Trust, chutes, County, Or- together with any inegon. Property Tax terest w h i c h t he Account No.: 253701. Grantor or Grantor's Real property or its successors in interest address is commonly acquired after the exk nown a s 637 6 8 ecution of the Deed of Wellington Str e et, Trust, to satisfy the Bend, OR 97701 (the foregoing Promissory "Real Property"). The Note secured by the undersigned hereby Deed of Trust and the disclaims any liability costs and expenses of for any incorrectness sale, including a reaof t h e ab o v e-de- sonable charge by the s cribed s t reet a d - successor tr u s tee. dress or other com- The successor trustee mon designation. The intends to foreclose u ndersigned as t h e upon the Real Propsuccessor tru s t ee erty. Notice is further hereby certifies that given that any person no assignments of the named in ORS 86.753 Deed of Trust by the has the right, at any Trustee or by the cur- time not later than five rent Beneficiary, West days before the Coast Bank, and no a ppointments of a successor tru s t ee have been made except as recorded in the mortgage records of the county or count ies i n wh i c h t h e above-described Real Property is s ituated together w it h ap pointing Shannon R. Martinez as the current successor trustee; further, that no action has been instituted to r ecover the debt, or any part thereof, now remaini ng secured by t h e Deed of Trust, or, if such action has been instituted, such action has been dismissed except as permitted by ORS 8 6.735(4). The Real Property will be sold to satisfy the Promissory Note identified below secured by the Deed of Trust and a Notice of Default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default(s) for w hich t he f o reclosure i s made is/are the foll owing: L oa n No . 48013337. Failure to pay the balance owing on the m aturity date on April 1, 2009 pursuant to the terms of the Deed of Trust securing that certain Promissory Note dated May 30, 2007 and refer e nced therein ("Promissory Note") and the supp orting Rela t e d D ocuments as d e fined in the Deed of Trust. By reason of the(se) default(s), the current B e n eficiary has and does hereby declare all sums owing on the Promissory Note secured by the Deed of Trust immediately due and payable, those sums being the following, to wit: Principle Balance: $368,000.00. Accrued Interest: $52,185.01. Late Charges: $1,192.85.
Plans, specifications, addenda and notifications of bid results for this project may be viewed or bid set acquired for fee at the Total: $421,377.86*. C entral Oreg o n * Total does not i n Builder's E xchange, clude accrued inter1902 NE 4th Street, e st at t h e r a t e o f B end, O R 9770 1 $66.44 per diem after (phone June 26, 2012, addi541-389-0123). Plans, tional late c harges, specifications and ad- expenditures, or denda may also be trustee fees, and adviewed, printed or or- ditional attorney fees dered o n l in e at and costs. A t o t al http://www.plansonpayoff amount as of a, then click on specific date is avail-
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