ServingCentral Oregonsjnce1903 75III
SATURDAY june15, 201 3
ame o e e or eries,newsa ium SPORTS• D1 TODAY'S READERBOARD
Tiny satellites —NAsAis
experimenting with building
Wyden's bill would
orbiters on the cheap —from smartphone parts.A3
Plus: Mindyour head
limit NSA
— Soccer players should note how often they head the ball to reduce riskto the brain.A3
ar t
By Andrew Clevenger The Bulletin
WASHINGTON — In the wake ofreports ofwi despread surveillance of Americans' phone and Internet usage, two Senate Democrats announced Friday that they will introduce legislation that will curb the National Security Agency's collection of data on citizens with no suspected link to terrorism. As members of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, Sens. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., and Mark Udall, D-Colo., have long warned that the administration's antiterrorism efforts under the Patriot Act and the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act relied on interpretations of classified portions of the law that would shock the American public if they became
Capturing nature —Photographer BruceJackson takes life at his own pace.D1
In dusinessnews —PresidentObama announcesplans to expand wireless broadband networks.C6
In LOCal —CascadesTheatrical Companyadjusts to financial realities after members prevent the theater's sale.C6
Turkey —Two weeksof protests in Istanbul are proving to be a political crisis for the
county's prime minister.A2
public. t
And a Wed exclusiveAcross the country, colleges are under fire for using
antiquated and amateurish
procedures to prevent and investigate sexual assaults.
Ryan Brennecke/ rtte Bulletin
An area of the Deschutes National Forest was blackened last year by the Pole Creek Fire, which covered 40 square miles. A tour Friday took 50 people to the area to survey the damage. Another tour is scheduled today. By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin
Race for cheaper gene tests begins By Robert Langreth and Shannon Pettypiece Btoombert, News
NEW YORK — Companies and a university are moving to offer cheaper and broader genetic testing for breast cancer risk
to a growing group of women, following a Supreme Court ruling that ended Myriad Genetics Inc.'s monopoly over DNA that vastly raises odds for the disease. Within hours of the decision, the University of Washington and Ambry Genetics, a closely held company in Aliso Viejo, Calif., said they would immediately offer expanded testing that included the BRCAI and BRCA2 genes, which Myriad has had under patent since the late 1990s. Quest Diagnostics Inc. said it would sell testing for the genes later this year. By invalidating key parts of Myriad's patents, the court has removed a bar that prevented labs using new technology from developing and selling broader one-time tests that search for all known cancer risks, including the BRCA genes, geneticists said. It could also mean lower prices for the screening, which can cost as much as$4,000 forMyriad's most comprehensive version of its BRCA cancer gene test. SeeGenes /A6
SISTERS — Tom and Linda Davis witnessed the Pole Creek Fire last year from their living room window in the Tollgate subdivision northwest of Sisters. Nine months later, the couple got a closer look at the woods burned in the 40-square-mile fire. They were among 50people who took part Friday in a tour led by the U.S. Forest Service, the Deschutes Collaborative Forest Project and the Deschutes Fire Learning Network. "We've had a lot of interest in the fire, and this is a good opportunityto understand what happened and what happens afterwards," Linda Davis, 68, said. During the five-hour tour, the bus wound up to a ridge with a view of the Three Sisters and the burned area below, down into a charred creek drainage, along the road leading to the Pole Creek Trailhead and finally through a thinning project outside the blackened forest. Another tour, with another 50 people taking part, is set for today. Tour organizers said most of those who signed up were from Bend and Sisters. "First and foremost, we want to bring some larger understanding of (what) fire's role is in the ecosystem and how it affects our forests — good and bad," said John Allen, supervisor for the Deschutes National Forest. The tours also gave people a chance to offer their opinions on Forest Service projects planned in the burnt woods, particularly the cutting of hazard trees along more than 40 miles of roads and
the salvage logging of 1,000 acres. See Fire/A6
~~ — —
stories, photos and video about the fire:
cluding Google, Yahoo, Apple
Pole Creekfir area closur
and Facebook, and monitor emails, chats and other activity. SeeNSA/A5
While trails in th portion of the Three Sisters Wildernes
~Area burned b e
q <P / Pole Creek e last
Syrian allies are uncertain, analystssay
yearare pen,the
U.S. F st Service s keeping the woods there
Burn area
closedto cross-country Pole Creek Trailhead
travel and dispersed travelthrough the
summer. Someroads leading through the
By Hannah Allam
burnt woodsoutside the wildernessareaare also closed.
I 1
i Broken Top
See video from the tour, aswell as previous
Sis rs
Clo s ure area Closedroads Ope n trails within closure area
McCtatchy Washington Bureau
Park Meadow Trallhead
Three reek
Lk ~
Source: U.S. Forest Service
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Luxury student housing:gym, tan, stu By John Eligon New York Times News Service
COLUMBIA, Mo. — Brenden Heiland had breathed the vanilla lavender scented clubhouse air. He had seen the beach volleyball court, toured the game room equipped with billiards, pingpong and air
Mostly sunny High 81, Low44
Page B6
Last week, Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and NSA contractor, leaked classified documents that revealed the NSA was collecting millions of Americans' phone records on a daily basis. He also provided information about PRISM, a classified program that allowed the NSA access to the servers of nine major American Internet companies, in-
hockey tables, and learned with delight of the Friday pool parties with a DJ, free food and snow cones, spiked with rum for those of age. Now, as he and the three friends he was apartment hunting with stood peering at the pool, Heiland, 19, pon-
dered what life might be like if he chose to live in this offcampus complex, the Grove, when his sophomore year at the University of Missouri begins this fall. "It's like a vacation, almost," he said. "I'm not going to go to class — that's how I look at it."
The spas, tanning salons and sprawling pools that these complexes offer students are a far cry from the traditional on-campus residence halls that may house classrooms and faculty and host lectures and academic discussions. SeeLuxury/A5
The Bulletin
INDEX Busines s/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles F3-4 DearAbby D6 Obituaries Calendar B2 CommunityLife Df-6 Horoscope D6 Sports Classified F1 - 8 Crosswords F4 Lo cal/State B1-6 TV/Movies
B5 C1-4 D6
AnIndependent Newspaper
vol. 110, No. 166, 32 pages, 5 sections
WASHINGTON — After concluding that President Bashar Assad's regime has used chemical weapons against rebel forces, the White House pledged Friday to send more military and financial aid to Syrian opposition groups to make them "as strong as possible." But whether they'll ever be strong enough to topple Assad or assertthemselves to govern a post-Assad Syria are unanswered questions. For the past two years, the Obama administration has struggled to identify credible partners among Assad's many opponents and has worked to help shape them into a transitional authority that'sprepared totake charge should the Assad regime collapse. What has emerged instead on the military side is an array of rebel militias heavily infiltrated by radical Islamists and al-Qaida loyalists with no central command. SeeSyria/A5
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn Friday night are:
020>OO®C)9 The estimated jackpot is now $36 million.
ISTANBUL — Two weeks into the demonstrations that have shaken Turkey, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's formerly rock-solid support has begun to soften. S ome loyal p o l itical I s lamists, including an influential civil society movement, have criticized his on-again, off-again crackdown. And in the Istanbul neighborhood that is his political home, many said Friday that they still supported him but w ere uneasy with the methods used against the demonstrators.
Erdogan remains by far the most popular politician in Turkey, and supporters say p ro-government rallies t h i s weekend will give his voters a chance toshow theirstrength. But divisions have opened among his base, with especially harsh criticism coming from a movement led by Islamic scholar Fethullah Gulen, a once-staunch Erdogan backer who has questioned the government's handling of the crisis from self-imposed exile in Pennsylvania. With riot police using tear gas and water cannons on protesters in Taksim Square twice in the past two weeks, many here fault Erdogan's decisions for escalating a crisis that began as a small, peaceful protest against plans to replace Gezi Park, the last green space in central Istanbul, with a replica of an Ottoman-era barracks that once stood on the site. After an initial police crackdown on May 31, demonstrations quickly spread to dozens of cities across the country, and complaints broadened to include more fundamental personal freedoms.
MediCare panel —A federal advisory panel said Friday that Congress should moveimmediately to cut payments to hospitals for many services that can beprovided at much lower cost in doctors' offices. The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission said the cur-
rent payment disparities had created incentives for hospitals to buy physician practices, driving up costs for the Medicare program and for beneficiaries. Hospital buyouts of doctors, turning independent
practitioners into hospital employees, havealso led to higher spending by private insurers and higher co-payments for their policyhold-
ers, the commission said.
eltis e
qsisiAai~ sttratt o'lttstl eg S~~ll
FOrt HOOdShOOting — Daysafter the Army major charged in
lil'rsli s'
the Fort Hood shooting rampage in Texas in 2009 argued that he had carried out the attack to protect Taliban leaders from U.S. soldiers, a military judge ruled Friday that the claim had no legal merit. The judge, Col. Tara Osborn, told Nidal Malik Hasan that no one at Fort Hood posed an immediate threat to anyone in Afghanistan that day. In addition, she told him that the legitimacy of the U.S. involvement in the war in Afghanistan was not at issue in the case, and that as a soldier, he had no justification to kill other soldiers.
'. *
Gulf War iHllOSS —In the two decadessince the1991 Persian Gulf War, medical researchers havestruggled to explain a mysterious amalgam of problems in thousands of Gulf War veterans, including joint pain, physical malaise and gastrointestinal disorders. In some
medical circles, the symptoms werethought to be psychological, the result of combat stress. But recent research is bolstering the view that the symptoms, known collectively as Gulf War illness, are fundamentally biological in nature. In the latest example, researchers at
Vadim Ghirda / The Assoaated Press
Georgetown University say they havefound neurological damage in
Protesters hold hands to isolate an area for others to attend prayers Friday in Istanbul's Taksim Square. A meeting between Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and representatives of anti-government protesters ended early Friday without a clear resolution on how to end the occupation of a central Istanbul park that has become a flashpoint for the largest political crisis of his 10-year rule.
Gulf War veterans reporting symptoms of the disease. Ifall OISCiiOII — Iran's reformist-backed presidential candidate surged to a wide lead in early vote counting today, a top official said,
suggesting a flurry of late support could haveswayed arace that once appeared solidly in the hands ofTehran's ruling clerics. But the strong margin for former nuclear negotiator Hasan Rowhani was not yet enough to give him an outright victory and avoid a two-
In a 4 '/~-hour closed-door meeting with opposition representatives on Friday, Erdogan offered a plan to wind down the protests. He said he would wait for a court to rule whether his plans for Gezi Park were legal. Even if he won the court case, he would put the decision to a citywide referendum, he said in a speech. Many in T a ksim Square and adjoining Gezi Park were skeptical that the concessions were enough to get the protesters to return home. And across Turkey, splits among Erdogan supporters suggested that a new political calculus had begun to emerge. His party won a sweeping parliamentary mandate in 2011, built on a faithful core of conservative Muslims who had long felt disenfranchised. In trying t o p r event one
wrong, "50-fold more wrongs
person runoff Friday. It was unclear whenthefinal count would be
are being committed, sparking more rancor and hatred," Gulen said last week, according to the Gulen-affiliated Today's Zaman newspaper. Of the protests, he said, "don't disregard them." The Gulen Movement's support was vital to E rdogan's initial successes, analysts say, and although there has been tension between Erdogan and G ulen for several years, it has rarely been so open. The Gulen Movement is a civil society group that promotes education and religious tolerance but carries an air of secrecy and mystery akin to the Masons. Despite his absence, Gulen's sermons and proclamations carry outsize weight in Turkey, where many believe his loyalists have a substantial presence in the police force and judiciary.
known. Iran has more than 50 million eligible voters, and turnout was believed to be high. Many reform-minded Iranians who have faced
Firefighters battle most destructive blaze in Colorado history smoke clouds billowed over The Associated Press Colorado. COLORADO SP R I NGS, Within an h our, El Paso Colo. — A uthorities l i fted County had i t s e m ergency evacuations in a wide swath operations center up and runof terrain outside Colorado ning and summoned aircraft Springs on Friday as they said from nearby Peterson Air a surprise rain shower helped Force base. Rep. Doug Lamthem expand containment of a born called the federal center wildfire that has destroyed 400 in Idaho that coordinates westhomes. ern firefighting to speed up the Just one day after clearing process ofclearing the planes. out the Flying Horse neigh- Gov. John Hickenlooper moborhood in n o r thern Colo- bilized the Colorado National rado Springs, officials allowed Guard, and troops began to people back into at least 1,000 help securethe rapidly growhouses. They also re-opened ing evacuation zone. "We've done it all before and an eastern swath of the nearby Black Forest area in El Paso so there was no question," said County. Nicola Sapp, El Paso County Incident Commander Rich budget officer. "Everybody Harvey said the Black Forest jumped right in." Fire — the most destructive in The cause of the blaze is unColorado history — is now 30 der investigation. percent contained. It was only Before the fire got out of 5 percent contained Thursday. hand, authorities evacuated The fire, in which two people people miles away, sending died while apparently trying to deputies door-to-door to enescape their home, began Tues- sure everyone left. They reday during record-setting heat membered the speed at which and tinder-dry conditions. Of- last year's fire spread. "That's one thing I'll never ficials warned it still could flare up again if the weather shifts. forget — how fast that Waldo Crews say they were better Canyon Fire moved," said El prepared to take on the flames Paso County Sheriff Terry Mabecause of l essons learned keta, who was bowled over by fighting last year's Waldo Can- how rapidly help arrived this yon Fire, a similarly devastat- week. ing blaze that devoured hunThe l atest b l az e r a c ed dreds of homes and killed two through the ruralreaches of people only a few miles away. the metro area, doubling in When the Black Forest, a size overnight and charring at thickly wooded rural region least400 homes. The bodies of north of Colorado Springs, be- two people were found inside gan to burn, authorities swiftly their garage Thursday, their evacuated tens of thousands car doors open as if they had of people from an area larger been about to flee. than the Denver metropolitan Developers describe Black area. Forest as the largest contiguThey immediately began ous stretchof ponderosa pine hand-counting dest r o yed in the United States. Once houses to get information out home to rural towns and sumto nervous homeowners. And mer cabins, it is now dotted they rushed federaltroops and with million-dollar homes and aircraft into action, cutting the gated communities as a result red tape that had grounded of the state's population boom those resources a year ago as over the past two decades.
years of crackdowns looked to Rowhani's rising fortunes as a chance to claw back a bit of ground.
SuSpeCted Nazi —After more than three decadesin existence, the Justice Department's Nazi-hunting team is facing what could end up being its last investigation after reports emerged Tuesday that
Michael Karkoc, a 94-year-old Ukrainian immigrant in Minnesota, had led a Nazi SS unit accused of burning villages during World War II. Officials in Germany and Poland said they were interested in find-
ing out more about Karkoc's history. "This is a casethat is definitely worth pursuing," said Efraim Zuroff, who leads the Israeli office of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, one of the most prominent Nazi-hunting
groups in the world. OSPrey airCraft —A U.S. Marine Corps MV-22 Ospreyaircraft made an unprecedentedlandingFridayonaJapanesenavalvessel off the California coast. The tilt-rotor aircraft flew from San Diego's
Marine Corps Miramar Air Station to the Japaneseship Hyuga as part of an18-day drill aimed at improving Japan's amphibious capabilities. The Ospreyhassparked protests in Japan over concerns about its safety record, which includes two crashes last year in Florida and
Morocco. — From wire reports
I i I Onlv'op -
1 ,
By Dan Elliott
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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Saturday, June15, the 166th day of 2013. There are 199 days left in the year.
Soccer playersshould limit 'headers' to avoid brain injury, researcherssay
GOlf — It's the third day of the
U.S. Open.C1
Glodal Wind Day —Events around the world promote
wind energy. By Brad Balukjian Los Angeles Times
HISTORY Highlight:In1775, the Sec-
ond Continental Congress voted unanimously to appoint
George Washington headof the Continental Army. In1215,England's King John put his seal to Magna Carta
("the Great Charter") at Runnymede. In1219, forces led by King
Each orbiter is only about the size of a coffee mug — and they cost less than $8,000 each.
Valdemar II of Denmark defeated the Estonians in the Battle
of Lyndanisse. In1836, Arkansas became the 25th state. In1849, James Polk, the11th president of the United States, died in Nashville, Tenn. In1864, Secretary of War Edwin Stanton signed an order
establishing a military burial ground, which became Arlington National Cemetery. In1902, the 20th Century
Limited, an express passenger train between NewYork and Chicago, beganservice. (The Limited made its last run in
December 1967.) In1904, more than1,000
people died whenfire erupted aboard the steamboat General
Slocum in NewYork's East River.
In1938,Johnny Vander Meer pitched his second consecutive no-hitter, leading the Cin-
cinnati Reds to a6-0 victory over the Brooklyn Dodgers in the first night game at Ebbets
Field, four days after leaving the Boston Bees hitless by a
score of 3-0. In1944, American forces be-
gan their successful invasion of Saipan during World War II.
B-29 Superfortresses carried out their first raids on Japan.
In1962, Students for a Demo-
cratic Society, at the conclusion of a five-day convention in Michigan, issued the Port Huron Statement.
In1978, King Hussein of Jordan married 26-year-old American Lisa Halaby, who
became QueenNoor. In1993, former Texas Gov.
John Connally, who was wounded in the gunfire that killed President John F. Kenne-
dy, diedin Houston atage 76. Ten years ago:With a deadline passed for lraqis to hand in
heavy weapons, U.S.forces fanned out across lraq to seize arms and put down potential
foes. The SanAntonio Spurs won the NBAchampionship, defeating the New Jersey Nets 88-77 in Game 6. Golfer Jim
Furyk won the U.S.Open. Five yearsago:President George W.Bushwent for a bike ride and attended church in Paris, then he and his wife,
Laura, traveled to London for meetings with Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, as well as
Prime Minister Gordon Brown and his wife, Sarah.
One year ago:President Barack Obamaeasedenforcement of immigration laws, offering a chancefor hundreds of thousands of illegal immi-
grants to stay in the country and work. Republican Mitt Romney launchedthe next
phase of his presidential campaign, kicking off a six-state, small-town bus tour and telling
middle-class Americans that President Obama hadn't given them "a fair shot." An armored car heist at the University of Alberta in Canada left three
armed guards dead;suspect Travis Baumgartner faces trial on murder charges.
BIRTHDAYS Former New York Gov. Mario
Cuomo is 81. Rocksinger Steve Walsh (Kansas) is 62. Comedian-actor Jim Belushi is 59. Baseball Hall-of-Famer
Wade Boggs is 55. Actress Helen Hunt is 50. Actress Courteney Cox is 49. Actor-
rapper Ice Cube is44. Actor Neil Patrick Harris is 40. — From wire reports
"couldn't we find a way to use something like (a smartphone) WASHINGTON — NA SA on one of our missions'?" is an agency known for going As it turns out, it's not terbig: big missions, big rockets, ribly complicated to convert big budgets. a smartphone into a satellite But nestled in California's — at least by rocket-science Silicon Valley is one NASA standards. unit headed in the opposite Yost said NASA chose the direction. Its latest mission is Nexus phones because infortiny but has led to big expec- mation on how they work is tations for the Small Satellite readily available, and their "open source" Android opTechnology Program. In April, this NASA team erating system is easily malaunched three l i ttle s atel- nipulated. The biggest change, lites — each about the size of he said, was replacing the a coffee mug — aboard a test phones' cell radios with verrocket from Wallops Flight Fa- sions that could communicate cility in Virginia. The probes from space and adding a bigshared two remarkable traits: ger battery. All were built primarily from The test runs are intended smartphone parts, and each to test the limits of smartcost less than $8,000. phone technology. The goal is The mission was simple. As to give future engineers a lowwith Sputnik — the world's cost option for spacecraft that first sate l l ite, can transmit data launched in 1957 about wea t h er — the go» w» in space — or on The ultimg$e to survive long g p g i fS gp Earth's s u r f ace. enough to r e l ay The team is also s ignals back t o SIBStl ttle w orking t o w a r d Earth. standardizing this cost of fu (Ure But instead of type of satellite to bring costs come p b p SatelliteS beep" sent by by u S ing down even more. "It d oes h a ve S putnik, the s e ]ectlflo/pg so-called Phonethat Silicon Valley Sats (for phone startup kind of feel ated to it " Y ost said satellites) had the SO P I 1IStlC brains to broad- g g d CAegp Still, the $14.9 cast much more billion global satcomplex data, ine llite m a rket i s By Mark K. Matthews
Orlando Sentinel
cluding pictures of CaSe, mO dified Earth. versions
like ly t o r e main
dominated by c ommercial a n d military satellites 1 I eS. that ca r r y to n s around Earth at Sm B I tPI10 about 17,000 mph of ins t r uments, and t r a nsmitted sensors and cominformation about tempera- munications devices and can ture and battery strength, as cost hundreds of millions of well as about 200 photos. Then dollars to build, said Micah the tug of Earth's gravitational Walter-Range, an analyst with field became too much, and the Space Foundation, a major orbits that started about 155 industry booster. miles overhead ended in flashIn the last decade, so-called es of fire as they re-entered the "microsatellites" — weighing atmosphere April 27. less than 200 pounds — have "I would say it was a suc- accounted for about a fifth of cess," said Bruce Yost, head of all satellite launches. Most, the program. however, have been for r eThough his team had hoped search-and-development purthe satellites would stay in poses and not commercial use, orbit for a few more days, he industry officials said. " Short-term, I d o n ' t s e e said the six-day mission was more than enough to prove (PhoneSats) as something P honeSats have a future that changes the way the satperhaps as low-cost weather ellite industry works because satellites or Earth-observation the capability isn't there yet," platforms. he said. "But it's exciting that Up next are two missions people are experimenting and designed to push the enve- trying this." lope even more. A fall launch One worry is whether miwill test the ability of a single crosatellites can achieve and PhoneSat to control its own maintain the p recise orbits spin in orbit. Then this winter, needed for earthbound elecYost and his team hope to send tronics. Another is, lacking a "swarm" of eight PhoneSats a means of propulsion, that to circle Earth and measure they could add to the growing space radiation. problem of space debris in low All nine could stay in orbit Earth orbit — as they won't be for a year or more. able to steer themselves out of The ultimate goal is to slash the way of other spacecraft. the cost of future satellites by Even so, NASA and industry using technology that's soofficials say they may be useful phisticated and cheap — in as weather-observation outthis case, modified versions of posts. Officials at the National Nexus smartphones. Oceanic and Atmospheric AdThe design is "something ministration and NASA say that pretty much everyone can the number of Earth-watching relate to by reaching down in satellites — key to forecasting their pocket and touching their hurricanes and other major weather events — will drop phone," Yost said. Though no one at Ames Re- from 110 in 2011 to 30 or fewer search Center — home to the in 2020 as aging spacecraft PhoneSat program — could fail and aren't replaced. Some pinpoint the exact genesis of type of m i crosatellite could the idea, Yost recalled a ques- help plug that hole — especialtion often asked by Pete Wor- ly because the price tag of one den, the center's director. of these small satellites can be If a smartphone has "hunless than that of a single part dreds oftimes more process- on larger NASA probes. "We're at the start of someing speed and power than the computers used to land (the) thing here," Yost said, adding: Apollo (crew) on the moon," "We're not sure of the final Yost said Worden would ask, answer." F or si x d a y s, the probes zipped Of NeXUS
LOS ANGELES — Heading the ball is a key soccer skill, but a new study finds that players who headed the ball frequently were more likely to suffer brain injury and damage their memory than their fellow players who were a little less headstrong, so to speak. While sports like football (the American variety) and ice hockey garner mostof the attention when it comes to concussions and other forms of traumatic brain injury, or T BI, soccer is an intense physical sport for which the head can be as important as the foot. But since research hasn't linked heading to concussions, players, coaches and medical professionals have g enerally stayed on t h e sidelines with regard to its health risks. "For many people, it's beyond belief that minor injuries could be a problem," said Dr. M ichael Lipton, a neuroradiologist at t h e Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City and lead author of the study published online this week
average scores for a metric start keeping a "head count" to called fractional anisotropy, monitor the number of headers FA, which measures the health players use in a given game. of the brain's white matter — the The head count would be analbillions of nerve fibers that ogous to the "pitch count" in connect different parts of the baseball that ensures pitchers brain. Low FA scores have also don't throw too many pitches been found in people who have in a single outing. suffered concussions. Allen Iverson's objections These findings were inde- aside, practice is also imporpendent of players' concussion tant to consider, Lipton said. history and demographic fac- The number of headers is usuby the journal Radiology. tors, which were controlled for ally greater in practice than in Lipton said h e h a sn't in the study. game situations, although they headed a ball himself since The researchers found no are made at lower speed. he played youth soccer. But linkbetween heading and players' attention, ability to track he is intently interested in the cumulative effects of visual stimuli or ability to manI HI G H DESERT BANK repetitive TBI. Soccer pro- age complex cognitive tasks. vided a nice venue for his Lipton cautioned players not research. to dismiss the potential risks of "With soccer, we know excessive headers. III s s 1 • we have people who are goLipton suggests that soccer ing to experience exposure — who are going to head the ball — and we have awayto quantify that exposure," he sa>d. To investigate the issue, Lipton and his colleagues 0 0 • 4 e 0 interviewed 37 adult league •I soccer players from New I York City and took high~ • sF Fr' • iS I IIIIII I, I sJ g $j ne arlr tech scans of their brains using an MRI technique called diffusion tensor imaging. They also asked the players how often they played soccer andapproximately how often they headed the ball, and they gave the players Bring this ad and receive a battery of neurocognitive a complimentary bottle of wine tests. and two keepsake glasses. They divided the players into three groups — low Yachats, Oregon heading, medium heading •
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and high heading — and f ound that p l ayers w h o headed the ball the most had the lowest scores on memory tests, on average. They also had the lowest
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Luxury Continued from A1 As developers try h arder than ever to outdo the amenities that their competitors offer incollege towns, concern is growing about the academic and social consequences of upscale off-campus student
S Ph'
More amenities With all the competition, developers are looking for ways to set their properties apart. That has led to the construction of student housing complexes with tanning salons;
spas offering manicures, pedicures, facials and massages; 24-hour workout rooms with virtual trainers; and outdoor pools with bars and cabanas. There are washers and dryers that send text messages when
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housing. "These are sort of more social environments," said Arthur Lidsky, the president of Dober Lidsky Mathey, a campus planning consultancy. "It takes away from sort of a community of learners and it creates more of a separate living environment that doesn't support that mission." Even through th e r e cession and the housing crisis, student housing development has remained robust, outperforming other sectors in part because the r i sing c o llege student population increased the demand for accommodations. Construction of student housing, though down from its peak five years ago, continues to boom, and analysts predict growth in the coming years. Here in Columbia, a growing supply of upscale student apartments is the result of private developers meeting the demand that the University of Missouri could not keep up with as its enrollment ballooned. Private d evelopers have created more than 3,800 beds of student housing in town since 2011, according to data compiledby John John, a real estate agent here with Remax Boone Realty.But even that pace of development falls short of the need, which John predicted would grow in the coming years as Missouri's freshman population climbs. (It is currently up more than 28 percent since 2007).
local restaurant. The apartments come with 42-inch flatscreen televisions mounted to the walls, stainless steel appliances, granite countertops and balconies. Academic concerns aside, some developers, market analysts and city and university officials believe that too much student housing is being built in various college towns and that a bubble could soon burst. "I think people are looking too much at historic performance," said Hans Nordby, the marketing director of Property and Portfolio Research, a company that analyzes commercial real estate. "They're working a good horse to death. It's too much supply."
Dan Gill / New York Times News Service
Brenden Heiland, a visitor to a new student luxury apartment complex, looks out toward the pool as he fills out a form at the Grove, in Columbia, Mo. Concern is growing about the academic and social consequences of upscale off-campus student housing. a cycle is complete, and exercise machines that allow users to check their email. The Domain at Columbia, which is set to open here this year, includes a f u l l-swing golf simulator, a video game room and a theater room. On its website, which opens with a two-minute video set to electronic music, the development boasts "the largest resort style pool in Columbia and the most over the top amenities." "We're a lways trying t o make it cooler and more hip than the last one," said Jill Lung, the director of interior design at Sixthriver A rchitects, who has worked on more than 100 student residences. Some of the projects she has worked on, Lung said, have used technology to create a better learning environment. Some study rooms, for instance, h av e f l a t -screen monitors that students can plug their tablets or computers into and use to collaborate on projects. Still, college administrators say, those projects fall short of the academic amenities offered on a campus. "We're trying to integrate our facilities with th e academic mission," said Frankie Minor, M i ssouri's d i r ector of residential life. "You don't see thesame types of educa-
tional programming going on in those facilities as you do in ours." Residence halls at Missouri have classrooms and study rooms; visiting faculty live in
that the U.S.-backed rebels will remain loyal to American Continued from A1 interests or that shipments of On the political side, the op- heavier weapons won't slip position is a fractious coalition into the hands of the Nusra of exiles who can't agree on a Front, which is openly tied to leader and who have little, if aI-Qaida, or Ahrar al-Sham, any, legitimacy in Syria. which shares Nusra's ideolNeither makes a n i d e al ogy — if not its loyalty — to partner, according to analysts aI-Qaida. "It's who monitor the conflict, and definitely d a n geryet the a d ministration has ous territory, and it's going no real alternative as U.S. in- to be hard to moderate now," volvement deepens in a crisis said Shawn Brimley, the vice that threatens the entire Mid- presidentof the Center for a dle East. New American Security and TheObamaadministration's a former strategic planning announcement Thursday that directoron President Barack it would send more military Obama's National Security aid to the rebel Supreme Mili- Council staff. "We need to resist the powtary Council, which is led by defected Gen. Salim I driss, erful gravitational pull of antethers the United States to the other war in the Middle East," crisis in a new way, analysts Brimley said. said. For months, the adminBrimley was involved in the istration has been pivoting White House planning for the quietly from the unpopular, NATO-led intervention in Libineffective Syrian Opposition ya, and he said he had watched Coalition toward Idriss, who as the operation began as a has openly admitted that a h umanitarian m i s sion b u t lack of cohesion, training and turned into a campaign to reweapons plagues his forces. move then-leader Moammar In the conference call in Gadhafi. In Libya, as in Syria, w hich h e a n n ounced t h e he said, the United States was chemical w e apons a ssess- working with exiled opposiment, White House foreign tion figures and "when push policy a d v i ser Be n j amin came to shove, they didn't Rhodes p o r t rayed I d r i ss' have any tactical push on the council as "the military option ground with the rebels." on the ground." In reality, IdBrimley said he agreed riss boasts very little authority with the administration's deover the looseconfederation cision to take more action in of militias known as the Free Syria, but he urged caution Syrian Army and none at all about the breadth of that asover th e a l - Qaida-affiliated sistance, especially when the fighters who have proved to be U .S. partners amount to a "constellation of rebel actors, the mosteffective Assad foes. "Idriss doesn't have an army a constantly shifting mosaic of himself to speak of, but he's personalities." That's also an apt descripthe public face and is becoming theircheerleader and per- tion for the Syrian Opposition suader in chief," said Salman Coalition, which is known for S haikh, the director of t h e its public infighting and memBrookings Institution's Doha bers who resign with great Center in Qatar. "The U.S. fanfare only to show up at the didn't really find their men un- next meeting. After spending til they found Idriss and those more than a week squabbling, around him. It's not perfect by coalition m e m bers a d d ed any stretch, but we have the about 50 names to their roster conditions now for this kind in a bid to dilute the Muslim o f announcement from t h e Brotherhood's dom i n ation White House." with a liberal bloc. Analysts say a chief concern However, the members are is that with the U.S. so overtly still deadlocked over picking a backing one side of a civil war, leader and forming an interim it will be dragged into an es- government, which is one of calating level of support: from the main reasons for a delay in light arms to anti-tank weap- U.S.-Russian plans for a peace ons to a no-fly zone and so on. conference in G eneva next And there are no guarantees month. Once hyped as a last-
'Soulless luxury'
some, and they host lectures, discussions, scientific experiments and o ther academic forums.
As these modern residential
plazas pop up, some say they
Lessening the stress But Greg Henry, the chief executive of Aspen Heights, a developer based in Austin, Texas, that will open a 980-bed property here in August, said it was up to the property managers tocreate an environment conducive to learning. Henry said that his company, which currently has 15 student properties nationwide and hopes to complete as many as seven more by next year, has been designing its clubhouses to serve assuitable study spaces. On-site staff gives the students p ersonalized attention, l i k e birthday greetings or t ending to residents when they are stressed, he said. "I don't think it's doing bad in the world to provide a nicer space for college students to live and study and rest and play," Henry said. Their comforts, some developers argue, will give students less to worry about and allow them to focus more on their school work. "It lessens the stress," said S am Tchen, 22, w h o h a s lived in a m odern complex in downtown Columbia for the past two years. "You just feel more comfortable in your environment." Brookside, t h e c o m plex where Tchen lives, has a tanning salon, and a rooftop pool with a bar and grill run by a
detract from the charm of college towns. "It's sort of this mass produced, soulless luxury," said Miranda Metheny, a recent Missouri graduate who lives acrossthe street from Brookside in the 176-year-old Niedermeyer Building, which was slatedto be razed and replaced with an upscale high rise before public outcry saved the landmark. The rates for the modern units in downtown Columbia generally start at $700 per student per month, about twice the cost of older housing in the area. Yet they are on par with the price of on-campus housing, which e quates to about $1,000 a month, meals included. T he differences in p r i c e and amenities between the old and the new have fed assumptions around Columbia about the type o f s t udents
enjoying the more upscale accommodations. "The people who live there are kind of jerks — not all of them," said Metheny, 23. "I think they have a sense of entitlement. Even people who grew up with a lot of money, student life is supposed to have certain connotations, like you go without some things. And it'salmost fun because you're a student and you know it's not becauseyou're a failure in life and you're working to get further."
ChemiCal weaPOnS SkePtiCiSm —Obamaadministration claims that Syria has Used chemical weapons against rebels encountered skepticism Friday at the United Nations, where the U.N.
secretary general andthe Russian ambassador said the evidence falls short of definitive proof. Speaking to reporters at U.N. head-
quarters, U.N.Secretary General BanKi-moon appeared to break ranks with Washington, warning against a rush to armthe Syrian rebels over assertions that government forces Used chemical weapons. "There is no military solution to this conflict, even if both
the government andthe opposition, and their supporters, think there can be," he said. "The military path points directly towards the disintegration of the country." The administration said its con-
clusion, based onanalysis of evidence gathered by several countries, led to a decision to begin supplying weapons to the rebels. — The IVashington Post
NSA Continued from A1 Wyden and Udall did not release many details about their legislation Friday, or specify when t hey w o uld officially introduce it. They did indicate it would limit the government's ability to collect metadata — the numbers called, duration of calls, and geolocation of the caller — on everyday Americans from domestic phone carriers without previously demonstrating a connection to a terrorism investigation. "The NSA's c o llection of millions of A m ericans' phone call records is the type of overreach I have warned about for years. Although I strongly believe some authorities under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act provide valuable information that helps protect our national security, Americans with no link to terrorism or espionage should not have to worry that their private information is being swept up," Udall said in a prepared statement. "This legislation strikes the right balance in protecting our homeland while a l so respecting our Constitution and Americans' widely cher-
earmarked for the group. Of the money that has been delivered to th e opposition, very little has gone to the coalition itself, the officials said. "It's obviously been a very unstable organization," one official said then, requesting anonymity in order to speak freely. Unless the unarmed opposition gets its act together soon, analysts said, it m ight f i nd itself sidelined as the Obama a dministration a t taches i t self more visibly to the armed
"The disclosures of the last week have made clear to the American people that the lawis being interpreted in a way that damages their civil liberties ..." Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore. classified briefings. So while Congress voted to reauthorize classified portions of the Patriot Act in 2011 and the FISA Amendments Act in 2012,many may not have understood the extent of the programs' surveillance efforts, particularly in the U.S. Earlier this w eek, Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., said he thought m ost l a w m akers were unaware of the breadth of the NSA's activities when they voted on the surveillancelaws. Several senators, including M i k e J o h anns, R-Neb., Suzanne C ollins, R-Maine, and John Hoeven, R-N.D., said publicly they were unaware of how extensive the NSA's surveillance was before Snowden went
Wyden and Udall h ave also challenged the adminW yden added that t h e istration's assertions that the government would still have secret programs have helped broad authority t o i n v es- thwart numerous terrorist t igate terrorism, but l a w - attacks. Testifying this week abiding Americans would before the Senate Appropriabe protected from invasive tions Committee, Gen. Keith surveillance. Alexander, the head of the " The disclosures of t h e National Security A gency last week have made clear and U.S. Cyber Command, to the American people that said the domestic spying efthe law is being interpreted forts had helped avert "dozin a way that damages their ens" of attacks. "We have not yet seen any civil liberties and that the system has been set up to evidence showing that the keep Americans unaware of NSA's dragnet collection of the intrusion," Wyden said. Americans' phone records "When you combine this has produced any uniquely proposed bill with legisla- valuable intelligence. Gen. tion introduced to declassify Alexander's testimony yesFISA court rulings, we are t erday suggested that t h e well on our way to better pro- NSA's bulk phone records tecting those liberties and collection program helped promoting an informed pub- thwart 'dozens' of terrorist lic debate." attacks, but all of the plots F or years, Wyden a n d that he mentioned appear to Udall have been pressing the have been identified using Obama administration to de- other collection m ethods. classify as much of its legal The public deserves a clear interpretations of the Patriot explanation," Wyden and Act and FISA as possible Udall said in a joint stateso that there could be an in- ment. "We look forward to formed public debate about reviewing the analysis that whether they strike an ap- the general has promised propriate balance between to provide showing how the security and personal liber- intelligence community arties. Members of the Senate rived at these numbers. In and House Intelligence and our view, a key measure of Judiciary committees regu- the effectiveness of the bulk larly receive classified brief- c ollection program will be ings, but they are not allowed w hether i t p r o v ided a n y to discuss them publicly. intelligence t ha t c o u ldn't Other members may not be obtained through other fully understand the nature methods." of the covert programs un— Reporter: 202-662-7456, less they specifically request
ished privacy rights."
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ditch effort for a political transition, the peace conference now looks increasingly unlikely, especially with the new chemical weapons charges. Behind the scenes, U.S. officials are exasperated with the coalition members, but very little of the frustration bubbles up publicly. Rhodes, who announced the new assistance, said Thursday that the administration was comfortable working with the opposition coalition, an odd assessment given that U.S. officials told McClatchy only tw o w eeks ago that the State Department was so fed up with the coalition's lack of progress that it was considering diverting millions of dollars in U.S. funds
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Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin
Tom Spies discusses the forest ecology, current forest conditions and the role of fire in the Cascades during a community field tour of the Pole Creek Fire on Friday.
of environmental, economical and social objectives, and in Continued from A1 doing so it will maintain large The roadside cutting is al- snags in the Pole Creek Fire ready underway, and the sal- burn area. "We are certainly not provage logging is planned for the fall. posing to salvage in a reas "I am encouraged and im- were we might have a short pressed that they will try to supply of large snags for birds salvage as much of the timber and cavity nesters and things as they can," said Rick Craiger, like that," he said. Central Oregon regional proA lightning strike into thick gram representative for the woods near the Pole Creek Oregon Watershed Enhance- Trailhead on the night of Sept. ment Board. "It is good for the 8 started the Pole Creek Fire, local economy." the largest in Central Oregon While he is supportive of last year, according to the Forthinning projects on the Sis- est Service. ters Ranger District of the DesWhen it started, the fire dechutes National Forest, Doug stroyed fourcars at the trailHeiken, of Oregon Wild, said head, a popular gateway to salvage logging on the Pole the Three Sisters Wilderness, Creek Fire is a "step back" prompted about30 hikers and from that work. He said the campers to find a d i f ferent trees targeted in salvage log- route out of the forest. Later, it ging are big trees, better left in walloped Sisters with waves of the regrowing woods as snags. morning smoke deemed haz"We are making a bad situ- ardous to health. ation worsefor a rare forest Fighting the f i r e s t arted type," he said, referring to Sept. 9, the day it was first burned dense woods. reported, a n d fi r e f ighters Allen said the Forest Ser- called it contained on Oct. 18. vice is trying to find a balance The fire cost about $18 mil-
lion to fight. Along with Allen, speakers during the tour included a Forest Service wildlife biologist, hydrologist and soil scientist, as well asthe Deschutes County Forester and a forest ecology professor at Oregon State University. Tour-goers included familiar faces from conservation and environmental groups in Central Oregon,as well as people simply curious about the fire. "It's certainly well attended," said John Harper, 72, a retireefrom Bend. "They had overflow. They had more people (interested) than they have room on the bus." Roberta Vallejo, 67, another retireefrom Bend, said she signed up for the Friday tour justbecause she wanted to see the Pole Creek Fire burn area. Traveling through the woods gave her an appreciation for the size of the blaze. "It is kind of hard for me to comprehend when they say 'so many' acres," Roberta said.
its website soon after the decision saying, "Your Genes Have Been Freed." The company also will include the BRCA genes forno extra cost in several broader based cancer risk tests it already offers. At the same time, the closely held Gene ByGene Ltd.,based in Houston, put out a statement saying it would offer BRCA testing for $995 in the U.S. "Anyone who says it willtake a while for companies to offer the test, or that it is uncertain that this ruling will lower the cost, we now have proof that it won't take a while because it is
Continued from A1 The decision "removes the barriers to comprehensive cancer genetic testing," said Elizabeth Swisher, a gynecologic oncologist at the University of Washington in Seattle. "For patients who have cancer or a strong family history of cancer, there is no reason you wouldn't want to get the most comprehensive test available" that would scan all cancer risk genes in a single test, she said. Faster, cheaper DNA testing is revolutionizing medical care. Nowhere has the impact been felt more strongly than in breast cancer. A woman who tests positive using Myriad's testscarries as much as an 80 percent chance that she will get breast cancer in her lifetime. T esting helps w omen t a k e charge of their medical future, providing options that can include preventive surgery and more extensive monitoring. While 348,000 U.S. women carry at least one of the BRCA genes, fewer than 50,000 have been identified through testing, according to a 2012 study. With the publicity surrounding the Supreme Court case and actress Angelina Jolie's May announcement that gene testing led to her double mastectomy, many doctors and genetic counselors say they have been flooded with calls from women asking whether they need to be tested. The bad BRCAI and BRCA2 genes, the most common cause of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer, are p resent in roughly 1 in 400 women and give women an elevated risk of ovarian cancer as well as a higher breast cancer risk. As a resultof the Supreme Court's r u l i n g Thu r sday, women can now undergo onetime testing for a wide band of genes that have been linked to breast and other cancers, said Mary-Claire King, the University of Washington geneticist who first proved that a single gene could vastly raise breast cancer risk, leading to the discovery of BRCA1. That genes are products of nature and can't be patented "has been the view of geneticists for a very long time and now it is the law of the land," King said in a telephone interview. "I fully expect that many firms will enter this market." The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office issued a memorandum following the ruling
that ordered its examiners to reject patent claims on isolated DNA, saying the high court ruling "significantly changes the office's examination policy." Further guidelines will be issued once the agency reviews the decision, according to the memo signed by Andrew Hirshfeld, deputy c o m missioner for patent examination
policy. W hile th e U n iversity o f Washington and Ambry previously sold DNA tests that evaluated a variety of genes linked to higher cancer risk, the screens couldn't include the BRCA genes because of Myriad's p a tents. W o m en who needed additional genetic testing beyond th e B RCAI and BRCA2 genes had to go through multiple rounds of often-expensive testing. "As the leader in women's health and cancer diagnostics, w e arevery interested in offering a BRCA testing service," Wendy Bost, a spokeswoman for Quest Diagnostics, said in an email. "We now intend to validate and offer a BRCAI and BRCA2 test service to physicians and patients later this
year." Some quickly predicted that i mmediate competition f o r Myriad's tests was unlikely, helping to boost the company's shares. As more analysis of the decision was reported, the Salt Lake City-based company declined, ending Thursday 5.6 percent lower. Last year, Myriad had $496 million in sales, largely from its tests for the two genes. The testing business carries an 87 percent gross profitmargin, Myriad said in December. "We don't expect today's decision to impact our business operations," Ronald Rogers, a spokesman for Myriad, said Thursday in a telephone interview. The Supreme Court opinion doesn't affect the vast majority of the company's patent claims on the tests for the two breast cancer genes, he said. "The remaining claims are valid and enforceable," Rogers said, adding that Myriad offers "very high quality tests with fast turnaround times and good customer service." The company also plans to start offering its own cancer-wide gene risk test this fall, which will analyze 25 genes that can
put people at higher risk for various cancers. Ambry, which is offering a basic form of its BRCA test for $2,200, posted a headline on
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happening as we speak," said Sue Friedman,executive director of Facing Our Risk of Cancer Empowered, a nonprofit group that filed a brief in the Myriad patent case. "This will open up opportunity for other labs." The Supreme Court ruling and Jolie's announcement in May that she had both of her breasts surgically removed to prevent cancer because she carries one of the BRCA genes will help d emocratize cancer genetic testing and bring in more at-risk patients for screening,doctors and genetic counselors said. The developments have "put a light on an area of medicine thathas really been under recognized for years," said Ora Karp Gordon, director of the GenRISK Adult Genetics Program at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles, in a telephone interview. "This is the most transformational, most m onumental spring for t h e whole world of genetics and genetic testing." At Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, the waiting list for a healthy woman to see a cancer genetic counselor has soared to five months from two months before the Jolie news, said Kristen Shannon, who leads a team of eight cancer genetic counselors at the Harvard-affiliated hospital. The number of patient and doctor calls following the news about the actress was so overwhelming that the hospital sent a memo to all its affiliated primary-care doctors explaining which woman should be referred for testing, she said. "This is what we had wanted for years but couldn't generate the sustained interest," Gordon said. "We did a lot of community outreach, but we just couldn't get people to pay attention. Now we can't keep up with the volume."
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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B5
Weather, B6
STATE NEWS umapine
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By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin
• Salem:Bill would ban
collection agencies' use of DA letterhead. • Umapioe:Court papers detail Eastern
Oregon robbery plot. Stories on B3
A ground-breaking ceremony Friday signified the beginning of construction of a new K-8 school in Warm Springs, meaning that starting in fall 2014, students there will no longer have to learn in 80year-old classrooms. "It's breaking new ground in more ways than one," said Superintendent Rick Molitor
of the Jefferson County School District. "We haven't found many other examples of a tribe and a school district coming together to jointly fund and build a new school." The school is being built off of Chukar Road near the Warm Springs Museum, and Friday, the U.S. Department of Agriculture officially announced it will fund $6.8 million of the project. The $21.4
Have astoryidea or sudmission? Contactus!
million building is scheduled to be finished in time for the 201415 school year. Plans call for 27 classrooms that will house 720 students, and a gym. The 80,000-square-foot school will replace a school where about 500 K-5 students attend class. BBT Architects designed the school, and Kirby-Nagelhout is the general contractor. The school will be constructed us-
ing solar panels and using an
energy-efficient heating and cooling system to cut down on costs. "One of the driving forces in terms of the school's design has beenlow maintenance and
energy efficiency," said Dave Fishel, a project manager with the Wenaha Group, which is overseeing the construction. "We've been really happy with BBT architects. They've come up with cost-effective ways to
accomplish our goals." The school district and the W arm Springs reservation is sharing the cost. District voters approved a $10.7 million bond last year to fund the school, and the tribes approved a $10.7 million referendum in July 2012. The Agriculture Department officially announced funding of the project during Friday's groundbreaking. See School /B5
The Bulletin Call a reporter: Bend ...................541-617-7829 Redmond ...........541-548-2186 Sisters ................541-548-2186 La Pine...............541-383-0367 Sunriver.............541-383-0367 Deschutes.........541-383-0376 Crook.................541-383-0367 Jefferson...........541-383-0367
State projects....541-410-9207 Salem .................541-554-1162 D.C.....................202-662-7456 Business ...........541-383-0360 Education..........541-383-0367 Health..................541-383-0304 Public lands..........541-617-7812 Public safety........541-383-0387 Special projects...541-617-7831
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• Obituaries, Death Notices: Details on theObituaries page inside. Contact: 541-617-7825,
• Community events: Email event information to communitylife©bend or click on "Submit an Event" at www Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Details: Thecalendar appears inside this section. Contact: 541-383-0351
FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/
firerna.aasp. Bend
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h W :" » 1. Stockade Fire • Startdate: June10 • Acres: 6,613 • Containment: 98%
• Cause: Lightning 2. Crowley Creek Fire • Startdate: June10 • Acres: 12,935 • Containment: 98%
• Cause: Lightning
• Cascades Theatrical Company goes all volunteer By Rachael Rees The Bulletin
The Greenwood Playhouse, which has housed the Cascades Theatrical C ompany since the 1980s, will continue to be owned by the nonprofit. But that's not all. CTC has returned to its original structure: an all-volunteer organization. When the theateropened in 1978, there were about 400 members and morethan 600 season ticket holders, according to the theater's archives. Today, those numbers have dropped significantly, and some members attribute the change to paid staff replacing volunteer involvement. The theater was financially struggling to maintain operationsbecause membership and ticket-holder numbers were down, said CTC board m embers. In an effortto save the theater, the CTC board arranged a tentative deal to sell the theater's only asset — the Greenwood Playhouse — located at 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave. in Bend. But several members disagreed with the decision. So the board decided to leave the sale up to a membership vote. However, before the meeting was held, the deal was taken off the table, said CTC board member Keith Clinton. A reorganization followed that included cutting paid staff and the resignations of board member Martha Samco and board chairwoman Marie Bernardy. Clinton said the theater paid
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Ryan Brennecke i The Bulletin
Volunteers Calvin Jones and Makenzie Whittle check the lighting and sound before the start of "The Fox on the Fairway" at Cascades Theatrical Company on Thursday. staff for office work during the past 20 years, which contributed to the operating debts the theater accrued. To help the theater with immediate expenses, Clinton said a couple, who have been long-term CTC supporters and wanted to remain unidentified, made a $10,000 interest-only loan to CTC. "Out of fiscal necessity, we realizedthere wasn't enough money to run the outfit the
way we had been with employees," he said. "So we're hoping with an all-volunteer situation here, if we have enough people ... we should be able to get in the black pretty soon in this coming year and sustain it all the way through as an all-volunteer organization." Jane Williamson, an actor and member of CTC who has been involved since the start, said she thinks the shift back
to a volunteer operation will breathe new life into the community theater. "The reality of it is the heart of the theater, when it was first started, ... was kind of stripped away over those years. And I really, really believe it will come back," she said Thursday. "The feeling of working as a group to create a show, or create an event, will come back. We just folded and stuffed envelopes last night ...
and it was so nice." On Friday, CTC opened its production, "The Fox On The Fairway," which is scheduled to run through the rest of the month Wednesday through Sunday. And at 5:30 on June 25, CTC will hold a public meeting at the First United Methodist Church for those interested in getting involved with CTC. — Reporter: 541-617-7818,
Judge won't stop I(lamath irrigation shut-ott
The Associated Press KLAMATH FALLS — A judge on Friday denied motions to temporarily stop the state of Oregon from shutting off irrigation on ranches in the upper Klamath Basin to satisfy water rights the Klamath Tribes are using to protect fish. The Herald and News reported that Klamath County Circuit Judge Cameron Wogan denied motions filed by some upper basin ranchers seeking a temporary stay to enforcement of water rights. Proceedings on a permanent stay have not been scheduled, said court administrator Val Paulson. Since the tribes issued what is known as a call this week to enforce those rights, the Oregon Water Resources Department has been notifying ranchers with junior water rights they must stop irrigating. They started Wednesday on the Sprague River, telling ranchers with water rights dating to 1864 they must turn off pumps and shut headgates. Watermastersare expected to move on to the Williamson and Wood rivers in about a week.
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Upper Klamath Basin rancher Becky Hyde stands in a pasture on her ranch in Chiloquin on Thursday after state watermasters told her she had to turn off irrigation. Steve Silton/ Herald and News
Lawyers for the state opposed the motions to stop the shutoffs, filing legal papers that argued the law is clear: when water is in short supply due to drought, junior water rights must be shut off to satisfy the senior rights in areas that have gone through a legal process known as adjudication. The state also argued that there is no provision in the law for a judge to grant a temporary stay. Lawyers for the ranchers, the state of Oregon and the tribes did not immediately respond to telephone calls and
emails seeking comment. The Klamath Basin has been the site of some of the most bitter water battles in the nation as scarce water is shared between protected fish and farms. In 2001, angry farmers confrontedfederal marshals called in to guard headgates shutting off water to the Klamath Reclamation Project, a federal irrigation project straddling the Oregon-California border, to protect fish. The next year, water was restored to farms, but tens of thousands of adult salmon died down-
stream in the Klamath River. The current shutoffs are the first for the upper Klamath Basin, where 38 years of litigation ended in March with recognition by Water Resources that the tribes have the oldest water rights on rivers flowing through lands that were once their reservation. Ranchers in the region are split between some trying to overturn the tribes' senior water rights, and others who favor a negotiated settlement with the tribes over water use and environmental restoration.
County in half for subdivision By Shelby R. King The Bulletin
The Deschutes County Commission cut developers and single-family homeowners in Tetherow a break Wednesday by halving the fee they pay to offset the county cost to upgrade and maintain roads and streets. In the future, fees there will come to $1,522 per new construction, not the $3,044 charged elsewhere in the county. Residents and other representatives of Tetherow, the 700-acre subdivision in southwest Bend, took issue with the commission
June 5, saying they pay full transportation system development fees to both the county and the city of Bend. See Tetherow/BI
DOG SHOW FUNMATCH: Featuring 4-H youth and their dogs; prizes; raffle; free to public; $4 early BUTTE BURNER CHARITY RUN/ registration plus $1 per class for WALK:Featuring a 5K, 10K, kids participant; $5 per person plus $2 fun run and 3:33 Challenge; afterper class day of event; 9:30 a.m., race party with live music, food and 8:30 a.m. registration and check-in; drinks; proceeds benefit Not Alone Crook County Fairgrounds, 1280 S. and Pilot Butte Partners; $50 in Main St., Prineville; 541-280-9674, advance for 3:33 challenge, $35 in or www. advance for 5K and10K runs, add $5 after online registration closes; 4-h-dog-show-fun-match. $10 kids fun run; 7 a.m. and 9 a.m. "ARTS IN THE PARKS": Karuk race starts, 11 a.m. kids race start; Indian basket weaver Wilverna Pilot Butte State Park, Northeast Reece demonstrates her craft; free, Pilot Butte Summit Drive, Bend; 800-551-6949 or www.butteburner. $5 parking fee; 10 a.m.; Smith Rock State Park, 9241 N.E. Crooked River com. Drive, Terrebonne; 541-548-7501 or SUMMER MOVINGSALE natural projects/programs-2/arts-in-parks/. wooden toys, art supplies, craft products, electronic parts and more ALPACAFESTIVAL: Featuring a car and motorcycle show, chili from the school's classrooms and cook-off, food, beverages and closets; fundraiser for the Waldorf entertainment; proceeds benefit School of Bend; free admission; BrightSide Animal Center; free 8 a.m.-1 p.m.; Waldorf School admission, $25 entry fees for of Bend, 19888 Rocking Horse show and cook-off, $8 barbecue Road; 541-330-8841 or www. adults, $5 barbecue children10 and under; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Crescent PRINEVILLEFARMERS MARKET: Moon Ranch,70397 Buckhorn Free; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Road, Terrebonne; 541-923Prineville City Plaza, 387 N.E. 2285 or http://brightsideanimals. Third St.; 541-447-6217 or org/events/alpaca-festival/. prinevillefarmersmarket©gmail. CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY com. MARKET:Featuring arts and BEND PADDLEBOARD crafts from local artisans; free CHALLENGE: A W orldPaddle admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking Association sanctioned paddleboard lot across from Bend Public races and paddling clinics; vendors; Library, Parking Lot, 600 N.W. Hokulea Dancers perform opening Wall St.; 541-420-9015 or www. ceremony; race participant lunch; free, $33 for race participants; COMMENCEMENT:More than 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Riverbend Park, 1,000 graduates receive degrees Southwest Columbia Street from Central Oregon Community and Southwest Shevlin Hixon College; reception follows in the Drive; 541-639-2655 or www. courtyard of the Campus Center; bendpaddleboardchal free;10a.m.; Mazama Field, Central LET'S PULLTOGETHER: Features Oregon Community College, Field, an event to eradicate noxious weeds 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; followed by lunch, music, prizes 541-383-7596. and beverages; bring a weeding REDMONDSTREETFESTIVAL: tool; check website for lunch and Featuring arts and crafts, site location specific to Sisters; antiques, a marketplace, food and free; 9 a.m.-noon for weeding; entertainment; free; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; noon at lunch locations; Sisters downtown Redmond; 541-549-8905 location; 541-610-3309 or www. or PROSPECTING AND PANNING:Stake MADRASSATURDAYMARKET: a claim and panfor gold; $2 plus Freeadmission;9a.m.-2 p.m .; price of admission; $15 adults, $12 Sahalee Park, B andSeventh ages 65and older, $9ages5-12, free streets; 541-489-4239. ages 4 andyounger;11 a.m.-4 p.m.; PORSCHE SHOWAND SHINE:A HighDesertM useum,59800 S.U.S. show of all years and models of Highway 97, Bend;541-382-4754 or Porsches; free, $20 to enter a car; 9 a.m.-1 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical SISTERSWINE & BREW Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., FESTIVAL:A gathering of wineries, Bend; president©highdesertpca. breweries, distilleries and more; com.
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
& Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend;541-388-8331 or www.
Scott Hammers/The Bulletin file photo
Carmen Park, 13, of Bend, pulls weeds during last Saturday's Let's Pull Together weed pull at Cascade Middle School. The event continues 9a.m.-noon today in Sisters. free admission, tokens required for tastings; 11 a.m.-8 p.m.; Village Green Park, 335 S. Elm St.; 541-549-6022 ext. 200 or www. THE BACKYARDFARMERS MARKET:Free;11 a.m.-4 p.m.; Celebrate the Season, 61515 American Lane, Bend; 541-CHICKEN or POKERROUND-UP: Play poker for prizes; proceeds benefit the Redmond Habitat for Humanity home build program; $100 buy-in; noon; St. Thomas Church, 1720 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; 541-3770711 or rhfhoffice© SPRING FATHERDAUGHTER DANCE:Featuring ballroom dancing and dance instruction, appetizers and a photo booth; proceeds benefit EChO;3-5:30 p.m.;Cascade Middle School, 19619 S.W. Mountaineer Way, Bend; 541-517-0534 or www. BRUTALBRIDGES:The Corvallis folk and rock band performs as part of the Brews & Band series; free; 7-9 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop& Ale Cafe,1740N.W. Pence Lane,Suite 1, Bend; 541-728-0703 or www. E MOTION:A dance showcase by Urban Pointe; $12 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. "THE FOXONTHE FAIRWAY": CascadesTheatricalCompany presents a comedy about the denizens of a private country club; $24, $18 seniors older than 60, $12
students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. "THE ZOOSTORY":A one-actplay by Edward Albee about a chance encounter between a transient and a book publisher in NewYork City's Central Park; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881, or "COMPANY":A timeless musical comedy by Stephen Sondheim about a single man in a seaof married couples; $21 adults, $18 students and seniors;8 p.m .;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or BITTERROOT:The folk band performs, with Left Coast Country; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.facebook. com/thehornedhand. BRUDOS:Hard rock from Salem, with Choke the Silence and High Desert Hooligans; $5; 8 p.m.; Big T's, 413 S.W.Glacier Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3864. THA DOGG POUND: The hip hop duo performs, with ACP (All Cash Player) and more; $15 in advance; $25 at the door; 8:30 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-408-4329 or www. POSITIVE VIBRATIONS:The Colorado reggae band performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing
Free admission; 3-6 p.m.; Centennial Park, Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue; 541-550-0066 or redmondfarmersmarket1@hotmail. com. SCIENCEPUB:A presentation by SUNDAY marine geologist Martin Fisk titled "Is There Life on Other Planets? REDMONDSTREET FESTIVAL: How Discoveries on the SeaFloor Featuring arts and crafts, led to the Mars Exploration," antiques, a marketplace, food and hosted by Oregon State University; entertainment; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; downtown Redmond; 541-549-8905 registration requested; free; 5:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. or Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond COMMENCEMENT:Featuring St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. 241 graduates receiving degrees from Oregon State University AUTHORPRESENTATION: - Cascades; free; noon; Les Simmons Buntin and Ken Pirie Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. present "Building Better on the Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541Edge: Innovative New Communities 322-9383 or www.osucascades. in the Pioneering West"; free; 6:30 edu/commencement. p.m.; Discovery Park Lodge, 2868 DEMOLITIONDERBY: The Bend N.W. Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-312Sunrise Lions Club hosts a derby; 9940 or www.buildingabetterbend. proceeds benefit the club's org. charitable causes; $12 in advance at Big Country RV, $15 at gate, $6 ages 7-12, free ages 6 and younger; 1 p.m., gatesopen11 a.m.;Deschutes WEDNESDAY County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; MINIMEET WEST AUTOCROSS 541-997-7606. AND FUNKHANA:Featuring mini cars in a speed and handling events; "THE FOXON THE FAIRWAY": a test of navigator's skill and sense CascadesTheatricalCompany of humor; free; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Mt. presents a comedy about the Bachelor ski area, 13000 S.W. denizens of a private country club; Century Drive, Bend; 541-382-2442 $24, $ l8 seniors older than 60, or $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. admission; 3-7 p.m.;Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenue and Northwest "COMPANY":A timeless musical Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, comedy by Stephen Sondheim bendfarmersmarket© or about a single man in a seaof married couples; $21 adults, $18 studentsand seniors;3 p.m.;2nd MUSIC IN THE CANYON: The Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette concert series kicks off with Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or Countryfied, playing Central Oregon's old time party favorites; free; 5:30-8 p.m.; American LegionCommunity Park,850 S.W . Rimrock Way, Redmond; www. MONDAY musicint MINI MEET WEST PARADE: NO EVENTSLISTED Featuring mini cars from Oregon, Washington, California, Canadaand more; free; 6:30-7 p.m.; downtown Bend; TUESDAY "THE METROPOLITANOPERA MINI MEETWESTSHINE &SHOW: - CARMEN":An encore presentation A car show featuring mini cars of Richard Eyre's production from around Oregon, Washington, starring Elina Garanca as the California, Canada and more; seductive gypsy opposite Roberto free;10a.m.-1 p.m.; Les Schwab Alagna as the obsessed Don Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Jose;$12.50;7 p.m.;RegalOld Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-322-9383 or Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 54 I-382-6347. REDMOND FARMERS MARKET:
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Papersoutline plot to rob E. Oregonwoman, 79
Bi wou a nco ection ractice By Lauren Gambino The Associated Press
SALEM — Debt collectors would have to stop using government stationery to s end letters compelling people accused ofwriting bad checks to pay up, under a bill the Oregon House passed Friday. The bill, which passed 47-2, targets the practice of private companies using a d i s trict attorney's letterhead to send notices to people who write bad checks. The legislation would prohibit all public agencies and public officials from allowing debt collectors to use their seal or letterhead. Critics say th e c ollection practice is deceptive and has misled people to believe they are dealing with a government
agency. "It isn't appropriate," said Sen. Floyd Prozanski, D-Eugene, who spearheaded the legislation. An investigation by The Oregonian last year found that thousands of state residents had received letters from collections companies that bear the name and seal of a local district attorney's office. The
letterhead warns the recipient
"District attorneys are government actors and that a warrant may be issued if he or she doesn't pay up. It perform a public function, but private check also tacks on an additional collection companies are not, and district $125 fee for a "financial trainattorneys should not allow for these companies ing" class. The Lane County district to represent themselves as such."
The Associated Press P ENDLETON — Th e beating of a 7 9 -year-old Eastern Oregon woman in January was the result of a plot to carry out a home invasion robbery of a woman who lived alone in an unincorporated community near the W ashington b o rder, court documents show. In a c o nversation recorded b y i n v estigators, one suspect quoted another as saying the victim "had seen his face, so he had to do something about it," according to affidavits filed by the prosecution. The documents describe the conversation between Jacob Lee White, 19, who agreed to wear a recording device, and Caleb Scott, 20, about the attack on Joyce Key, The East Oregonian reported Thursday. According to the affidavits, Scott told White that he didn't harm Key and didn't see a third suspect, 20-yearold Matthew Raymond Hermann, hurt her. Scott said, however, that Key was in a chair, wrapped in duct tape with atowel over her head, and Hermann was
attorney's office did not return — Becky Straus, Oregon's American Civil Liberties Union calls seeking comment. Chuck Sparks, a Multnomah County chief deputy district notices, however, are not be- Some offices receive a percent- attorney, said he understands ing sent by a state prosecutor age orfee from the companies the Legislature's concerns. "We are considering varibut instead by private compa- for successful collections. nies under contract with the Some letters threaten recipi- ous approaches to addressing attorney's office. ents, warning that they could Sen. Prozanski's concerns and "This system is set up and face jail time if they don't im- will certainly work within the maintained in such a way as mediately pay their debt plus confines of a new law," Sparks to misrepresent which entity additional fees. said. is conducting the collection," The extra fees, which ProP rozanski said t h er e i s Becky Straus o f O r e gon's zanski said can be as much as nothing stopping prosecutors American C i v i l Li b e r ties $300, mostly pay for a finan- from including a letter from Union wrote in support of the cial education class that recipi- the district attorneys' office to bill. "District attorneys are ents are directed to take. The accompany the i n formation government actors and pereducational course provides collection service companies form a public function, but participants with basic finan- send to recipients. private check collection com- cial advice and is intended to The Multnomah County dispanies are not, and district discourage people from writ- trict attorney's office recently attorneys should not allow for ing bad checks in the future. suspended its privatized bad these companies torepresent Prozanski p r ovided l a w- check enforcement program, themselves as such." makers with a copy of a letter Sparks said. A handful of Oregon pros- sent by a debt collection comThe bill now goes to the Senecutors' offices contract with pany contracted by the Lane ate, which approved an earlier private companies to run bad County d i s t rict a t t o rney's version and must sign off on check diversion p r ograms. office. The letter on the DA's changes.
holding a rolling pin. Key's son found his mother the morning of Jan. 30 in her kitchen at Umapine, northwest of M i lton-Freewater. She was "secured to a chair with duct tape, and her wrists and ankles were bound with duct tape as well," the affidavits said. In the attack the previous night, Key suffered multiple skull fractures, intracranial
For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.comiofficials.
CONGRESS U.S. Senate • Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-3753 Web:http:I/ Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone:541-318-1298 • Sen. RonWyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-5244 W eb: http:I/ Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone:541-330-9142
U.S. House efRepresentatives • Rep. GregWalden, R-HoodRiver 2182 RayburnHouseOffice Building Washington, D.C.20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Web:http:I/ Bend office: 1051 N.W. BondSt., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone:541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452
STATE OF OREGON • Gov. JohnKitzhaber, 0 160State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301
Phone:503-378-4582 Fax: 503-378-6872 Web: • Secretary of State KateBrown, 0 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email:oregon.sos© • TreasurerTedWheeler, 0 159OregonStateCapitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4329 Email:oregon.treasurer© • Attorney General EllenRosenblum, 0 1162Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-378-4400 Fax: 503-378-4017 Web: • Labor CommissionerBradAvakian 800 N.E. Oregon St., Suite1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone:971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail@state.or.tts Web:
CITY OF BEND 710 N.W. Wall St. Bend, OR97701 Phone:541-388-5505 Web:
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CITY OF REDMOND 716 S.W.EvergreenAve. Redmond, OR97756 Phone:541-923-7710 Fax: 541-548-0706
City Council • Mayor GeorgeEndicoit Phone:541-948-3219 Email:George.Endicott@ci.redmond .Ol'. tlS
• Jay Patrick Phone:541-508-8408 Email: Jay.Patrick©
• Tory Allman Phone:541-923-7710 • Joe Centanni Phone:541-923-7710 Joe.Centanni© • Camden King Phone:541-604-5402 Email: Camden.King@ci.redmond .OI.US
• Ginny McPherson Phone:to be determined Email: Ginny.McPherson©ci.redmond
bleeding, a broken hip and multiple facial fractures, the Umatilla County sheriff's office said. She was initially hospitalized in a coma but survived. Hermann, of College Place, Wash., is jailed facing accusations of attempted aggravated murder, assault, kidnapping, robbery, burglary and theft. Scott, of Waitsburg, Wash., is also jailed. He's charged with
robbery, kidnapping, burglary and conspiracy. Calls to public defenders for information about their cases and their pleas were not immediately returned. White, o f W a l l a W a l l a, Wash., hasn't been charged. He agreed to wear a hidden microphone and surveillance wristwatch so policecould record the conversation with Scott. Investigators said White drove the two others to the home but dkdn't go ms<de. I nvestigators s a i d t he y tracked H ermann t h r ough DNA on a cardboard roll that likely held the duct tape, and he was questioned in Oklahoma, where he had been jailed on a drug charge. That led them to White and Scott. According to the affidavits, when Scott was questioned by investigators, he told them that "Hermann said he had the whole thing planned out and he claimed no one would get hurt."
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City Council • David Asson Phone:503-913-7342 Email: • Wendy Holzman Phone:541-549-8558 • Brad Boyd Phone:541-549-2471 • Catherine Childress Phone:541-588-0058 • McKibbenWomack Phone:541-598-4345 Email:
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Tetherow Continued from B1 The county Road Department manager, Chris Doty, advised the commission to stick with the full fee, and Commission Chairman Alan Unger cast the lone vote against the measure. Unger said he believed the commission should stick with th e fee schedule — the system development charge — devised by its Road Department. "It's a holistic one," h e said. "Yes, some people may pay more than they feel like they've gotten out of it, but on a whole, it's kept our county's road system functioning and better for all of us." Doty said his department stands by its assertion that T etherow should p a y t h e same rates as the rest of the county.But, he recommended the commission establish the lower rate should it agree to provide relief to Tetherow residents. Fifty percent is "clean and fair," and would give Tetherow residents the opportunity to discuss reduced rates with the city of Bend. "What we're suggesting, if you do decide to provide relief to Tetherow, is you should do it on a percent-reduction basis, rather than on adopting a specific rate within the resolution," he said. "The reason why is we've kind of gone to great lengths to get away from special rates for specific types of uses and have kind of put everyone under one umbrella of residential development." Tia Lewis, an attorney with the law firm Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt, on behalf of the Tetherow homeowners, told the commission they were satisfied with the reduced fee, though they at first sought a
full waiver. "We like staff's language that they suggested because it limits SDC consideration to uses that are subject to the agreement with the city," Lewis said. "We're willing to accept whatever sort of SDC relief the board would be willing to entertain." Paul Dewey, who worked on the committee to establish the system development charge fees, said he felt this issue should bereferred to the committee rather than decided at a public hearing. "I personally believe that what the staff has proposed is fair, and I haven't seen real proof that what the resort is seeking is really warranted," Dewey said. " And if i t h a d been, it s hould have been brought up during that time." During deliberations, Commissioners Tony DeBone and Tammy Baney favored the 50 percentreduction. Baney also said the language of the resolution would allow Tetherow residents the opportunity to have this s ame d i scussion with the city to address duplicate fees. Unger said t hi s i ssue is frustratingbecause the commission has repeatedly addressed theunique problems facing residents of destination resorts. Unger noted the resort bargained with Bend to become part of its water and sewer system. D e veloping that system without city help wouldhaveburdenedallhomeowners choosing to build in Tetherow, he said. "I believe you should be paying some city SDC," he said. "I think you are going to be impacting the city's streets, and you need to own that." Also, the commission extended from two to 10 years,
under certain conditions, the amount of time any county property owner or developer is allowed to delay construction without paying a system development charge. "You don't pay (a system development charge) if you have an existing use. We defined the period by which an existing use exists as something that's happened within the last two years on a property," Doty said. "It was recommended through testimony from Andy High (vice president of government affairs for the Cen-
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tral Oregon Builders Association) we look at extending that specifically for circumstances where a home was destroyed by fire or if it was abated for a public nuisance, or other things of that nature, to 10 years," Doty said. Baney moved that the modified resolution to include the 50 percent reduction to Tetherow residents and the extended existing use clause be added. The modified resolution passed 2-1.
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The Bulletin
ass ur en assin axes
On 0
Fditur in-Clnrf Editor foE tAtorials
he Oregon Liquor Control Commission this week served the Legislature a refreshing shot of push back. The OLCC board rejected a 25-cent-a-bottle increase on distilled spirits. It was a 3-2 vote. Some legislators were hoping the increase of $8 million a year in booze taxes would help close the state's budget hole. Rep. Peter Buckley, D-Ashland, a budget writer in the House, was quoted in The Oregonian as saying that it would help cover costs of alcohol abuse. We sympathize with legislators who now must find other budget solutions. We also admire the reasoning given by one OLCC board member. There's nothing t hat p o liticians like better than a tax voters find easy to swallow. That's why they like taxes on booze. There are built-in biases toward raising them. The OLCC can pass increases without being directly accountable tovoters. The members are appointed by the governor, not elected. There's no special requirement for super majorities for the OLCC board toraise taxes, such as there is when the Legislature wants to raise revenue. And taxes on booze are sin taxes. Taxing a "sin" is much easier politically than taxing broccoli. Booze is not only sinful, but it can
be a danger to abusers and others. Some liquor store operators favored the proposed 25-cent increase, because the proposal had an added sweetener. Store operators would share some of the revenue generated. It would be the first time in 10years their share of the cut was increased, The Oregonian reported. But read what OLCC board member Bob Rice said about the increase. "The Legislature is currently in session and has the full authority, power and, I would argue, responsibility to deal with these revenue issues," Rice said in a phone interview with The Oregonian. Rice added that four years ago, when the state was in a fiscal crisis, he supporteda temporary 50-cent surcharge on booze. The OLCC board recently extended it. "Now, here we are four years later, and the 50 cents that was for a short-term emergency has become essentially institutionalized in government funding, and I don't think that's appropriate," he told The Oregonian. If there is truly a need for new taxes, e lected r e presentatives shouldn't look for ways to pass the burden of raising them.
Changes increase rigor of GED ig changes are coming to the GED test that allows adults to gain a high school credential. The test is moving online and being revised to better align with the new Common Core standards beingintroduced in schools across the nation. The GED is a critical point of access for those who didn't gain a high school diploma but need it for employment or further education. The testhas been updated three other times, in 1978, 1988 and 2002, according to a report in Education Week. The changes are necessary to keep the test from becoming irrelevant, but they are causing confusion and anxiety. Those who have started taking the test but not yet passed all segments will need to finish by the end of the year or start over. The new test will have four sections — math, social studies, science and language arts — instead of the current five, because reading and writinghave been combined. To make them align with the new Common Core standards, they will require analysis of literature and solutions to math problems based on real-life examples. A big change for some students will be the switch to exclusive computer testing, which will also al-
low for quicker results; testers will know within hours if they have achieved the required 600 points to earn the GED credential. A separate score will offer indications of the test taker's readiness for college or career. Some states are going with alternative tests for a variety of reasons, but Oregon is sticking with GED to assure portability and sustainability, according to Marque Haeg, Oregon's statewide GED director. Hague said the state is reaching out to the approximately 16,000 people who have started the testing process and need to pass all five segments this year or start over next year. One result is increased testing activity. Kellie Smith, director of tutoring and testing at Central Oregon Community College, said the number of test takers climbed from 96in February to 246 in May, presumably as people sought to finish before changes take effect. She said the rigor of the new tests will gradually increase over several years to be equivalent to 12th grade. I ncreasing rigor may b e a challenge for test takers, but it's critical to keeping the test relevant and meaningful. Employers and admissions offices need to know that a GED credential is keeping pace.
M Nickel's Worth Our demandsdrive government spending
Los Angeles regional director. This was followed by a letter from her saying how much government has given to us, how government can get us out of this mess and how corporations are responsible for high unemployment numbers. I contacted Rep. Greg Walden's office and they stated that they had contacted L.A. to stop the survey. Two weeks later, we got another home visit from the field representative, as if they had never heard from Walden's office. On March 21,I received another letter from the Bureau, identical to the initial letter. I called the office and a person told me that it was not "possible" to take our name off their list because the program was set up in the halls of Congress this way. She actually told me if we do not wish to participate, just don't answer the phone or door! I am not kidding. She then transferred me to another extension that did not answer. What part of nno" do they not understand? I have contacted Walden's
It never ceases to amaze me how people are so upset about government spending and yet don't seem to bat an eye about business spending that you pay for when you buy products or services. Corporate jets, lavish offices, company outings to Hawaii and generous travel and expense accounts. Governments constantly lose their best people to the private sector because the money is so much better. I'm sure I'm in the minority, but I think our local, state and federal workers and legislators do a fine job under tough conditions. It's my opinion that our spiraling costs are due to our mandates to government! More services (911, etc.), more safety mandates and handicap access (costing Bend hundreds of thousands here alone) just to mention a few. These are all fine things, but you have to pay for them once you get them. In the end, it's we who are deciding to spend the money!
office again.
Pete Knaupp
Carol Orr Bend
La pine
Survey won't take 'no' for an answer
Keats and Shelley on the road
I am just curious if anyone else has been "randomly" picked to be part of a voluntary survey called "Current Population Survey" by the U.S. Census Bureau, but separate from the census?In March, I received a letter prefaced by a call from a field representative, which we declined. She came to our house anyway, a total of four times. She told us that she would need to send our refusal to her
My faith in young people is strong, but the story about Ryan Roemer and his plans to bicycle off to school — in North Carolina! — made it stronger. The spirit of adventure is exhilarating enough, but to make room, when every ounce must be weighed in the balance of its worth with such care, for the complete works of Keats and Shelley? In hard-bound no less!
Oh my, that makes me smile. And so I will imagine a small tent pitched along a blue highway out in the great plains under a big sky, the
glow of aheadlamp and a young man reading the romantic poets. "Ode on a Grecian Urn,n perhaps. Or Shelley's "To a Skylark." "Hail to thee, blithe Spirit." And traveling mercies, too. John Nordquist Sisters
Support protections for hens Americans are animal lovers. In fact, pets outnumber children four to one in the United States. More and more ofus are becoming concerned about the treatment of animals in our food system as well, and for good reason. The overwhelming majority of hens used to lay eggs in this country come from hens that are crowded into cages so tiny they have about as much space as an iPad on which to spend their entire lives. As an animal-loving country, this is just unacceptable. The good news is there's hope for these animals. The Egg Products Inspection Act, H.R. 1731, would require that egg laying hens have more space to move around and would create federal standards to ensure better treatment of these animals that are as unique and sensitive as the animals we love so dearly in our homes. I hope Rep. Greg Walden votes in support of it. You can make your wishes known by contacting Walden at his Bend office. Diana Hunter Enterprise
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Lossof religion hasa cost in the country'sview ofsuccess bout a century ago, Walter Judd was a 17-year-old boy hoping to go to college at the University of Nebraska. His father pulled him aside and told him that, although the family had happily paid for Judd's two sisters to go to college, Judd himself would get no money for tuition or room and board. His father explained that he thought his son might one day go on to become a fine doctor, but he had also seen loose tendencies. Some hard manual labor would straighten him out. Judd took the train to the university, arrived at the station at 10:30 and by 12:15 had found a job washing dishes at the cafeteria of the YMCA. He did that job every day of his first year. Judd went onto become a doctor, a daring medical missionary and a prominent member of Congress between 1943 and 1963. The anecdote
is small, but it illustrates a few things. First, that, in those days, it was possible to work your way through college doing dishes. More important, that people then were more likely to assume that jobs at the bottom of the status ladder were ennobling and that jobs at the top were morally perilous. That is to say, the moral status system was likely to be the inverse of the worldly status system. The working classes were self-controlled, while the rich and the professionals could get away with things. These mores had biblical roots. In the Torah, God didn't pick out the most powerful or notable or populous nation to be his chosen people. He chose a small, lowly band. The Torah is filled with characters who are exiles or from the lower reaches of societywho are,nonetheless, chosen for pivotal moments: Moses, Joseph,
Saul, David and Esther. In the New Testament, Jesus blesses the poor, "for yours is the kingdom of God.n But nwoe to you who are rich, for you have already received your comfort." Under this rubric, your place is not determined by worldly accomplishments but simply through an acceptance of God's grace. This inverse hierarchy took secular form. Proletarian novels and movies made the working class the moral bedrock of the nation. In Frank Capra movies like "Meet John Doe," the common man is the salt of the earth, while the rich are suspect. It wasn't as if Americans renounced worldly suc-
cess (this is America!), but there were rival status hierarchies: the biblical hierarchy, the working man's hierarchy, the artist's hierarchy, the intellectual's hierarchy, all of w h ich questioned success and denounced those who climbed and sold out. Over the years, religion has played a less dominant role in public culture. Meanwhile, the rival status hierarchies have fallen away. The meritocratic hierarchyofprofessional success ispretty much the only one left standing. As a result, people are less ambivalent about commerce. People are less worried about what William James called the "moral flabbiness" of the "bitch-goddess success," and are more likely to use professional standing as a measureof life performance. Words likecharacter,which once suggested traits like renunciation that held back success, now denote traits like self-dis-
cipline, which enhance it. Many rich people once felt compelled to try to square their happiness at being successful with their embarrassment about it. They adopted what CharlesMurray calls a code of seemliness (no fancy clothes or cars). Not long ago,many people covered their affluence with a bohemian patina, but that patina has grown increasingly thin. Now most of us engage in more matter-of-fact boasting: the car stickers that describe the driver's summer vacations, the college window stickers, the mass embrace of luxury brands. When thereisone hegemonic hierarchy, asthere is today, the successful are less haunted by their own status and theless successful have nowhere to hide. — David Brooks is a columnist for The New York Times.
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Mary Ann Durfee, of Crooked River Ranch Nov. 6, 1938 - June 9, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (541-504-9485) Services: Memorial Service: 11am, Sat., June 22 at St. Thomas Catholic Church 1720 NW 19th St., Redmond; followed by reception.
Sentina M. Ryan, of La Pine Dec. 26, 1913 - May 29, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 Services: A Committal Service will be held at a later date at St. Mary's Cemetery in Sacramento, CA. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701, 541-382-5882.
ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around theworld: Arturo Vega, 65: Often called the fifth Ramone for serving as spokesman and omnipresent shepherd for th e 1970s punk quartet. Died June 8 in Manhattan.
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Email: obits© Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
— From wire reports
Miller Barber, golf champion with an unorthodox swing By Richard Goldstein New York Times News Service
Miller Barber, who wielded a famously unorthodox swing to become a leading player on the PGA
FEATURED Tour in the QgiTUARQ 1960s and a dominant one in th e e arly years ofsenior play, died Tuesday. He was 82. His death was announced by the PGA Tour. No other details were given. In his nearly half-century i n pro golf, Barber won l l times on the PGA Tour, then flourished on the Senior (now Champions) Tour in the 1980s, winning 24 events, including five majors. He played in nearly 1,300 tournaments overall and earned more than $5.6 million. Barber didn't seem a prime candidatefor pro golfsuccess.
He was pudgy, he had hay fever and his form was ungainly at best. Barber's right elbow flew outward on his backswing as he raised the club to the outside, bringing it high over his head, the shaft almost perpendicular to the ground. (In a classic backswing, the right elbow remains close to the body and the shaft ends up almost parallel to the ground.) After that he looped the club head inside and produced an orthodox downswing. Fellow players likened Barber's contortions to an octopus falling from a tree or a man trying to open an umbrella on a windy day. But he usually got the club face square to the ball, producing long drives and superb iron shots. "He has a g r eat r elease through the ball, and that's one of the most important things," Arnold Palmer told Newsday in 1989. "And don't let that muscle tone fool you. He is strong." In a 1993 interview with The St. Petersburg Times, Barber said: "When I was young I tried to get more conventional with the way I swung a golf club. It was a total disaster. I just couldn't swing like Jack Nicklaus or Sam Snead." As he once told Golf Digest: "After I loop the club to the inside on the downswing, I look like any other good player. T he downswing is al l t h at matters." An East Texan with a twang and a folksy manner, Barber was a favorite among his fellow pros, though a bit of an enigma.
i rowstora e inste ri taes By Frank Shyong Los Angeles Tnnes
LOS ANGELES — Jose Antonio Diaz dresses with Friday night bravado every day. He saunters into the skid row warehouse where his life is stored in a plastic trash bin, wearing a vivid blue Puma track jacket an d c l ose-fitting black jeans with leather shoes, his eyes hidden by shiny black and red shades. He walks past signs in the lobby spelling out the rules: Bring I D a n d p a perwork. Store nothing illegal, perishable or valuable. No drinking, no fighting, no defecating and no undressing. Come back every week to renew your bin. Diaz's bin is in the back, past neat rows ofhundreds ofblack, brown, blue and green trash bins identical to those found at the end of residential driveways. Squinting in the dimly lit warehouse, an employee finds Diaz's bin: No. 715. There's free clothing available on skid row, but Diaz buys his own t h reads. He keeps them in suitcases in his bin, along with an iron, several pairs of shoes and a receipt for the dry cleaners. Diaz moved from Bakersfield to Los Angeles a few months ago w i t h d r e ams of becoming a professional pianist. With little money and no friends in town, he ended up on skid row and his belongings ended up here, at the Central City East Association's storage center on 7th Street. He's struggling to adjust to being homeless.He often gets a bed in a shelter, but his roommates scare him. He's seen fights, mental i l lness and overdoses. Fashion gives him confidence, says Diaz, 27. He takes pride in his appearance.
MichaelRobinson Chavez/ Los Angeles Times
Central City East Association operates a warehouse in downtown Los Angeles's Skid Row where the homeless and less fortunate can store their belongings safely and without worry of theft. The warehouse uses sanitation bins for storage.
next week. Can he have an extension'? Washington's mouth stretches into a thin line at the word "pharmacy." She's heard a lot of excuses in her seven years here, and she's not sure working in a drugstore is the best idea for an addict. But she will bend the rules to a ccommodate his initiative. "All right," she says, and gives him some extra time. "Come back Thursday." Some of the center's clients are addictsand others face problems she doesn't understand. So she shoots down bad excuses,offers leniency for honest ones and waits. When clients reach the point where they are ready to accept help, she confronts them. "You're dying," she tells them b l u ntly. " Are y o u ready'?" Neverenough bins Every now and then, someThe Central City East As- one finds a job and keeps it, sociation, a nonprofit group or gets housing and stays serving l o ca l b u s inesses, there. That's best part of her opened the center in 2002 job, Washington says. When with about 300 bins for home- someone escapes. less people's belongings, later She measures victories expanding to 600. The city and defeats in two cardboard paid for 500 more bins last boxes along the wall of her year. There are never enough, office. One, labeled "DISsupervisor Peggy Washing- CARDS 2013," holds the paton says. perwork of those who found The bins are free, but cli- jobs or housing and no longer ents have to follow the rules, need their bins. The other, m ost of t h e m w r i tten b y stacked to the brim, contains Washington. But she spends the rental receipts of people much of her day making who never came back. It's laexceptions. beled "GAVE UP 2013." A man knocks at her ofA bandoned i t em s are fice window. He has to travel bagged,tagged and dragged to Commerce for job trainto a fenced storage area in ing at a pharmacy and won't the back. They are held for be around to reserve his bin 90 days. Then they disappear
into a landfill. In the tall metal shelves that hold unclaimed belongings, hints of past lives peek through the plastic bags like puzzle pieces — r o mance novels, new Barbie Princess sets, strings of pearls, blocky old computers and a cardboard advent calendar, the chocolate crumbling inside.
Lots of stories Washington has seen many clients like Diaz — aspiring actors, hopeful artists and businessmen who just need a bit of startup capital. "Lots of people have lots of interesting stories," she says. "What I always ask is, what's next? What are you going to do about it?" F ernando, who is i n h i s mid-40s and like some of the others at the center only wanted to give his first name, k eeps a chessboard in h i s trash bin — printed black and white squares on apiece of paper backed with tape and corrugated cardboard. He used to be a pretty good player, but then he lost his job and apartment last year. It's hard to find a good match on skid row. He hasn't played in months. Fernando was laid off from his job as a Spanish medical translator in February 2012. His application for unemployment benefits was denied because he hadn't worked long
Fernando blames his situation on the economy. The only jobs he can find are backbreaking warehouse jobs, or positions outside the county that require long, expensive commutes. "If someone was to make it easier on me, then yeah I would go," Fernando said. "They tell me, you have to be open to everything, but what is everything?" Washington, 55 , u n d erstands Fernando's pessimism better than most. She spent the better part of her 40s on skid row, addicted to crack cocaine. When a client complains that she doesn't understand his troubles, she fires back quickly: "Gladys and 7th was my home. Where's yours'?" But she's made all of the same excuses. They sound especially hollow to her now, after seven years of being sober. "Skid row i s t o o e asy," Washington says, ticking off
why. The government sends you a check every month — $221 for general reli ef, more for disability. A p o l ice o f ficer wakes you in the morning. Municipal employees keep your section of the sidewalk clean. Homeless service providers give you food, clothing and medical care.And the Central City East Association
gives you a place to keep your belongings.
B ecoming homel e s s Washington compares it stunned him, he says — "like to living in a hotel where evsomeone puts explosives in erything is free. Many of the your house and blows every- center's clients become comthing up." placent, she said.
The Associated Press file photo
Miller Barber takes on iron off the13th fairway on Feb. 21, 1981, during the second round of the Glen Campbell Open golf tournament at the Riviera Country Club in Los Angeles. Barber died Tuesday at 82. He presented a sinister appearance on the course with his dark glasses (tinted prescription lenses) and dark attire, then was nowhere to be found in the evening. "I never told anyone where I was going at night," he related in a Golf Magazine interview in 2005. "I was a bachelor and a mystery man w it h m any girlfriends in many cities. For a while they called me 007the James Bond movies were popular at the time." As Barber recalled it, the tour playerJim Ferree gave him his nickname. "My activities prompted Ferree to start referring to me as 'The Mysterious Mr. X,'"Barber said. That eventually morphed into his being known simply as X. Barber's best year was 1969. He took a three-shot lead into the final round of th e U.S. Open, at the Champions Golf Club in Houston, but faltered with a 78, finishing in a tie for sixth as the virtually unknown Orville Moody captured the title. Barber was also in the top 10 that year at the Masters, the PGA Championship and the British Open and played on the U.S. Ryder Cup team. He joined the Senior Tour in 1981 and went on to win a record three Senior Opens (1982, '84 and '85) along with the Senior PGA Championship ('81) and the Senior Players Championship ('83). His 24 victories as a senior are fourth on the career list.
w ho l iv e o n t h e W a r m Springs Reservation have Continued from B1 had to commute to Madras "This is just the last piece to attend school because the of the funding puzzle," Mo- reservation has no middle litor said. s chool. Th e n e w W a r m The cur r en t War m Springs school will a l low Springs school was built in those students to stay closer the 1930s, said Molitor. It's to home. "Some of those students the oldest building out of all the district's schools. Twen- spend close to two h ours ty-five years ago, the diseach day riding the bus," trict agreed with the tribe to Molitor said. "So the new house theelementary school school brings about huge in the building, and Molitor implications for them. Anysaid even back then there body who's a parent would was talk of a new school. It rather have their k ids atwas not to be, though, and t end school closer to t h e teachers and students have community." b een making do w ith t h e Fishel, w h os e p r o j ect aging building for years. management company was " Anytime yo u h a v e a brought on board in Sepbuilding that old, you end tember, said the partnership up putting m o r e m o n ey between the Confederated into its maintenance, and it Tribes of W a r m S p r i ngs takes away from the educa- and the school district has tional programs we can of- been a key element in getfer," Molitor said. t ing work started on t h e Middle school students school.
A Free Public Service
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i ueashers association
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"The really unique and special component of the school has been the part between the tribe and school district," Fishel said. "We do a lot of projects for t r ibes, and we do a lot of projects for school districts, but this is a really unique partnership between the tw o e n t i ties. T h ey've worked really well together, and it's been fun to be a part of that." — Reporter: 541-383-0354,
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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central, LP ©2013.
I I A Today:1 Mostly sunny;
Get localweather updates I'
P dx i
isolated afternoon
thu n derstorms
WEST Partly cloudy skies can be expected today.
River " ~/
Lincoln City
— ouamIJton 76/37
Chemult 75/36
• Fort Rock 82/39 •
•B 80/46
• Klamath
Ashland zmds E
• 85/54
• Brookings
• 82'
58/50 xt
rants~ Pass
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley
Port Orford
Juntura 85/48
Chr i stmas Valley
I Silver
storm may develop over higher terrain late in the day.
• 26'
• Lakeview
Falls 20/dx
84/45 ~
• Seattle 77/53
(in the 48 contiguous states):
++d+ + + x x + u x xS d - .• I+ d + t ++ + om g d lg ry .taskatoon x++ o +++ x+ + ' 61/45 SLV4g t x +++ Winnipego Thunder Bay QQS 73/54 70/52 Bismarck Billings I 76 953 706 2 • Green Bay ~ Toronto
- +++ + + x k ++ x x o
Halifax 68/54 • ortland
• 108' Needles, Calif.
' RapidCity
I<.++V '+
• 76/S5
• 27' Burns, Ore.
• 2.10 w
San Francisco •
Pawtucket, R.l
Clty 87/59
. , +oo . • x+ ~ •
•F 91/69
~ C> Honolulu ~ 89/74
'. )
+I 'xoetroit I ~~
~ t+
Oklahoma City d 9 ittle Rock Nashville
Mew Orleans lando x .•
Chihuahua 94/73
. . ....
ilade l phia
83/65 • + + 1+ 1+. BOS • Louisvige 85/70 KansasCity.'St.Louis Ii~ -rfy/76-x '67/72+~ ~ a cha r lotte -
Tijuana 71/57
• Bu a o
"-."> " " ".;: „„ ;;( L~ ~ . i -
Denver .
01 7
Los A es
' +' 2
B +++ + x
. 83/66 C bi caoo ' Columbus ~ ,omahaoo, d g d e x , I o
La Paz 99/63
• Miami 88/77 Monterrey 96/72 •
Mazatlan 88/76
Slight chance of thunderstorms
73 45
65 43
61 43
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:11 a.m.....10:26 p.m. Venus......6:53 a.m.....10:23 p.m. Mars.......427 a.m......7:42 p.m. Jupiter......5 34 a.m...... 8 56 p.m. Satum......4:I8 p.m...... 3:02 a.m. Uranus.....1:52 a.m...... 2:29 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 72/32 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........94m1987 Monthtodate.......... 0.04" Recordlow......... 26in1945 Average monthtodate... 0.39" Average high.............. 72 Year to date............ 2.78" Average low .............. 42 Average year to date..... 5.41" 6arometric pressureat 4 p.m30.08 Record 24 hours ...0.72 in1931 *Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday Saturday Sunday Bend,westoIHwy97.. Mod Sisters........................ . Mod Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastoiHwy.97....Mod. LaPine.............................Mod
The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as Redmond/Madras........Low Prineviue........................Mod a service to irrigators and sportsmen. Mod = Moderate; Ext. = Extreme
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
Astoria ........64/51/0.00....65/51/pc......65/53/c Baker City......69/40/0.00.....81/44/s.....86/47/pc Brookings......76/49/0.00....58/48/pc.....57/51/pc 6urns..........69/26/0.00.....82/42/s......82/46/s Eugene........74/41/0.00....78/49/pc.....76/51/pc Klamath Falls .. 73/32/0 00 ....79/44/s ...81/44/pc Lakeview.......72/30/0.00 ....79/48/s.....81/48/pc La Pine......... 71/30/NA....76/41/pc...... 73/37/t Medford.......82/44/0.00.....85/54/s.....84/54/pc Newport.......61/50/0.00....60/48/pc......60/52/c North Bend......64/46/NA....60/51/pc.....63/53/pc Ontario........73/45/0.01 .....86/55/s......92/61/s Pendleton......76/51/0.00.....86/55/s.....88/56/pc Portland .......68/54/0.00....79/54/pc.....76/56/pc Prineville.......74/39/0.00....82/47/pc.....78/50/pc Redmond.......74/33/0.00.....83/44/s.....80/47/pc Roseburg.......79/45/0.00....80/52/pc.....82/54/pc Salem ....... 71/44/0 00 ...79/52/pc ...77/53/pc Sisters......... 75/31/0.00....77/44/pc...... 75/43/t The Dages......77/53/0.00.....86/58/s.....84/58/pc
Reservoir Acre feet C a p acity Crane Prairie..... . . . . . . . 39,003...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 137,116..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 77,472...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 25,876 . . . . 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . 131,282.....153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 416 for solar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . 1,600 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 84 LOW MEDIUM HIGH Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 157 0 2 4 6 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 234 Deschutes RiverAt 6enham Falls ..... . . . . 2,093 Crooked RiverAbove Prinevige Res.. ... . . . . . . 8 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 222 Updated daily. Source: Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. ... . . . . . . 1 5.1 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 157 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LOWI or go to
To report a wildfire, call 911
o www m Vancouver • 70/55
Slight chance of thunderstorms
I.egend: W-weather,Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partialclouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain,t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-iog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace
Yesterday's extremes
Sunsettoday.... 8 50 p.m First Full L a st Sunrise tomorrow .. 5:22 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 8:51 p.m Moonrisetoday...12:15 p.m Moonsettoday ...12:I6 a.m June16 June 23 June 29 July 8
isolated thunder-
Untario EAST 86/55 Mostly sunny skies Valeo 85/56 • will be the rule
o paulina suds
si / d x
L Crescent' • Crescent Lake
6i/49 •
and isolated thunderstorms
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 5:22 a.m Moon phases
ly sunny today. An
Baker Ci
Coos Bay
isolated afternoon thunderstorms
CENTRAL Skies will be most-
80/48 Unio
Sunriver Bend 7 6/43
i La Grande•
• Madras
Eugene •
• Beach
74/ 4 3
Warm 5prings •
• Bandon
Ruggs •
Wallowa • Pendleton I 75/42 • Enterprise 86/55 • Meacham 76/44
• 57/50
oHermiston sz/ss
CamP 68/45
Dalles 6iggs ss/ss •a r l ington 86/58 • • o WaSCO 82/55
Sa n dy
o 80/53
55 •
HjgsboroPortland ~~ 79/54 77/50
Seasideo 58/52 •oCannonPeach
Chance of showers
As t oria
Partly cloudy;
77 49
.++++' ++
d 4 d 3
'* ** * *
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene,TX ......85/71/0.00...92/74/t. 96/74/pc Grand Rapids....80/55/0.00...78/64/t...79/59/t RapidCity.......79/56/000 ..76/55/pc...79/52/t Savannah.......89/75/000...88/68/s. 87/70/pc Akron ..........73/56/0.00..78/60/pc...77/64/t GreenBay.......76/52/0.00..74/60/pc. 83/60/pc Reno...........76/48/000... 85/53/s .. 83/54/s Seattle..........67/55/000 ..77/53/pc. 77/55/sh Albany..........75/55/0.08...77/52/s...74/59/t Greensboro......80/59/0.00...83/65/s. 86/69/pc Richmond.......80/65/0.00...84/63/s...89/69/t SiouxFalls.......84/63/0.00...80/60/c...81/59/t Albuquerque.....93/72/002...91/69/t...92/67/t Harusburg.......79/60/001...81/59/s...81/64/t Rochester, NY....74/52/0.00 .. 74/57/pc...76/64/t Spokane....... 67/45/trace... 79/51/s. 87/54/pc Anchorage ......65/47/0.00...71/51/s.. 74/56/s Hartford,CT .....75/52/0.58...80/53/s...78/57/t Sacramento......89/59/0.00... 88/56/s .. 88/59/s Springfield, MO ..88/64/0.00... 87/70/t...83/68/t Atlanta .........86/68/0.00...87/68/s. 88/68/pc Helena..........65/41/0.00...75/45/s. 77/47/pc St. Louis.........85/63/0.00... 87/72/t...82/68/t Tampa..........88/80/0.00... 93/75/t...92/75/t Atlantic City.....72/55/0.25...76/61/s...78/67/t Honolulu........84/72/0.01...89/74/s.. 89/75/s Salt Lake City....75/54/000... 87/59/s .. 90/60/s Tucson.........103/77/000 ..102/76/s.103/76/s Austin..........93/72/0.00..94/74/pc.93/76/pc Houston ........95/78/0.00..95/75/pc.94/75/pc 580Antoni0.....86/75/000..90/73/pc.91/75/pc Tulsa...........97/71/000... 88/70/t...90/70/t Baltimore .......79/60/0C4...84/69/s...87/73/t Huntsville .......88/66/0 00...90/67/s. 91/70/pc 580 Diego.......73/57/0.00... 68/61/s. 68/62/pc Washington,DC..81/62/0.02... 83/65/s...88/70/t 6illings.........69/50/0.00...77/49/s .. 78/52/s Indianapolis.....80/55/0.00 ..82/68/pc...TI68/I 580 Francisco....78/52/0.00... 66/53/s. 6I53/pc Wichita.........98/70/0.00... 87/71/t...89/69/t Birmingham .. 86/67/000...91/72/s. 91/74/pc Jackson, MS.... 87/74/000. 94/72/s. 93/74/pc 580 Jose........87/55/000 .. 76/54/s 76/55/s Yakima.........78/46/000...84/54/s. 87/59/pc Bismarck........82/59/004...78/53/s.77/54/pc Jacksonvile......93/75/051...87/72/s. 87/74/pc SantaFe........88/59/000 ..85/62/pc 85/60/pc Yuma 105 /77/000 ..103/74/s. 103/74/s Boise...........71/46/000...87/51/s..89/55/s Juneau..........67/48/001...81/47/s .. 80/52/s INTERNATIONAL Boston..........74/53/087...79/57/s. 76/58/sh Kansas City......87/67/0 00... 87/70/t...86/69/t Budgepoit,CT....68/53/0.32... 77/57/s...75/59/t Lansing.........76/55/0.00... 80/64/t...81/61/t Amsterdam......66/55/000 65/52/sh 63/53/c Mecca.........109/86/000 109/82/s. 109/82/s Buffalo.........72/55/000 ..70/59/pc...72/65/t Las Vegas......I02/75/0 00 ..101/75/s. 101/76/s Athens..........77/62/0.02 87/72/pc 87/72/s MexicoCity .....73/59/1.25... 73/55/t...75/54/1 Burlington, VT....78/53/000... 75/55/s...72/59/t Lexington.......82/56/0 00 ..82/64/pc...84/69/t Auckland........59/54/000 ..60/53/sh...56/49/r Montreal........79/55/000... 73/57/s...66/61/r Caribou,ME.....76/49/0.15..72/46/pc. 72/47/sh Lincoln..........92/63/0.00... 86/66/t...86/67/t Baghdad.......104/82/0.00 ..105/80/s. 103/83/s Moscow........75/52/0.00... 83/61/s. 80/60/sh Charleston, SC...87/75/0.00...85/68/s.85/72/pc Little Rock.......89/71/0.00...91/71/s. 92/73/pc Bangkok........93/79/0.70... 86/76/c. 88/79/pc Nairobi.........79/54/0.59... 70/58/t...71/58/t Charlotte........83/60/000...86/66/s.87/69/pc LosAngeles......73/61/000...70/62/s. 71/63/pc Beiyng..........88/68/000 ..91/73/pc. 88/77/pc Nassau.........88/75/030 ..89/76/pc .. 90/78/c Chattanooga.....86/65/0.00...90/67/s.90/69/pc Louisville........85/60/0.00 ..85/70/pc...81/70/t ..78/67/5 New Delh/.......99/77/000 ..104/84/t...96/79/t Cheyenne.......88/55/000 ..78/50/pc...80/53/t Madison WI.....77/51/000... 77/63/t. 82/62/pc Berlin...........68/54/000..81/57/sh.70/55/pc Osaka..........97/73/000...82/71/t.85/71/pc Chicago.........78/56/000...79/68/t. 80/66/pc Memphis....... 88/70/000 92/73/s. 93/75/pc Bogota .........68/45/007... 65/45/t...64/49/t Oslo............66/52/002...67/45/s. 64/51/sh Cincinnati.... 81/55/000 .82/67/pc. 82/69/t Miami . . . . 92/75/00088/77/pc86/77/pc Budapest........82/55/0.00... 87/68/s. 88/64/pc Ottawa.........75/5$/0.00...77/54/s.75/57/sh Cleveland.......70/58/000 ..77/66/pc...77/67/t Milwaukee......67/56/000... 72/62/t. 83/61/pc BuenosAires.....55/45/000... 56/46/s. 52/39/sh Paris............68/46/000 ..74/51/sh.. 72/58/c ColoradoSpnngs.91/67/002...85/56/t...84/56/t Minneapolis.....79/60/000..79/61/pc. 84/61/pc Cabo580Lucas ..93/75/000...90/73/s .. 90/77/5 Rio de Janeiro....82/66/000 .. 70/63/sh .. 75/65/c ColumbiaMO...84/63/000... 87/70/t...82/67/t Nashville........84/60/000 ..90/66/pc. 90/71/pc Cairo...........86/70/0.00... 91/66/s .. 91/67/s Rome...........82/57/0.00... 77/67/s .. 82/68/s Columbia,SC....88/72/000...89/67/s. 90/70/pc New Orleans.....95/79/0.00..92/79/pc. 90/79/pc Calgary.........59/45/0.11... 61/45/c.64/46/sh Santiago........68/37/0.00 .. 58/52/pc.. 55/52/c Columbus, GA...91/72/000...90/69/s.. 91/71/s NewYork.......72/53/041...81/63/s...81/65/t Cancun.........88/73/0.00... 88/77/s.87/78/pc SaoPaulo.......75/59/0.00... 65/57/c...70/61/t Columbus, OH....78/60/000 ..81/65/pc...81/68/t Newark, NJ......72/55/006...82/62/s...81/64/t Dublin..........61/48/0.03 ..61/47/sh.. 58/51/c Sapporo ........73/65/0.01 ..79/63/pc. 81/60/pc Concord,NH.....78/52/008...78/49/s. 77/54/sh Norfolk VA......72/65/000...81/66/s...89/70/t Edinburgh.......64/45/000... 57/41/r. 64/50/sh Seoul...........86/66/000... 83/69/s. 80/69/sh Corpus Christi....95/80/000 ..91/78/pc. 91/80/pc OklahomaCity...93/71/0.00... 88/72/t...90/71/t Geneva.........72/57/0.38...73/58/c. 80/61/pc Shangha/........73/68/0.00..82/73/pc.83/79/pc DallasFtWorrh...96/75/000... 95/76/t. 94/75/pc Omaha.........86/61/000... 84/65/t...85/67/t Harare..........73/39/000... 71/48/s. 64/47/pc Singapore.......90/82/000... 91/81/t...90/80/t Dayton .........78/57/000..81/66/pc...82/68/t Orlando.........92/74/000..93/74/pc.91/75/pc HongKong......81/77/1 51...83/78/r...86/78/r Stockholm.......64/54/000...71/51/s...54/48/r Denver....... 91/72/000... 82/62/t. 85/56/t Palm Springs....105/71/0.00 ..102/70/s. 103/73/s Istanbul.........77/66/086 ..78/67/pc. 81/72/pc Sydney..........68/50/000 ..67/45/pc.60/46/pc DesMoines......78/66/0.56... 83/66/t...83/66/t Peoria..........80/58/0.00... 80/69/t...84/67/t lerusalem.......76/60/0.00... 76/58/s ..76/60/5 Taipei...........91/81/0.00 ..90/78/pc. 89/78/pc Detroit..........79/61/000 ..80/66/pc...81/64/t Philadelphia.....79/57/007...82/63/s...84/67/t Johannesburg....84/66/000...56/35/s .. 55/36/s Tel Aviv.........82/72/000... 83/65/s. 83/65/pc Duluth..........70/50/000 ..76/55/pc...80/56/t Phoeuix........l06/84/0 00 ..107/82/s. 107/80/s Lima...........70/63/0.00 .. 72/61/pc.71/61/pc Tokyo...........77/70/0.00... 77/68/t. 75/67/sh El Paso..........95/70/000... 99/79/t...98/79/t Pittsburgh.......75/54/0 00 ..77/59/pc...78/66/t Lisbon..........79/55/000 .. 77/53/s 74/60/pc Toronto.........72/59/030 .77/55/pc. 73/59/sh Fairbanks........81/52/000...82/55/s.. 81/58/s Portland,ME.....74/55/000...77/52/s. 74/55/sh London.........68/48/0.00...66/50/c ..67/54/c Vancouver.......63/54/0.01 ..70/55/pc. 73/57/pc Fargo...........85/64/000...77/57/s. 80/57/pc Providence......72/53/1.05...80/56/s.78/58/sh Madrid .........93/63/000... 96/66/s .. 94/62/s Vienna..........75/55/000 ..88/68/sh. 83/65/pc Flagstaff........84/45/000 ..80/46/pc.. 81/45/s Raleigh.........80/59/000...84/65/s. 87/70/pc Manila..........91/79/1.29... 90/79/t...92/78/t Warsaw.........77/57/0.00... 79/63/s .. 76/54/c
Geor ia ma orwon ers i arriers cou sto suici e ea s The Associated Press
In Portland, some residents BRUNSWICK, Ga. — As are asking the state to install residents debate i n stalling barriers on the Vista Bridge, barriers on an Oregon bridge known locally as "The Suito prevent suicides, a Georgia cide Bridge"because of recent mayor wonders whether simi- deaths. lar barriers should be installed Portland lawyer K enneth on the Sidney Lanier Bridge Kahn shares an office with near theGeorgia coast. his wife, a life coach, that sits Seven people have plunged almost directly u n derneath to their deaths from the Geor- the bridge.Over the years he gia bridge since it opened a has heard the horrible slam of decade ago, The Brunswick bodies on pavement and disNews reported. covered the remains of eight Brunswick M ayor B r y an strangers. w onders ho w m a n y l i v e s Now the Kahns are leading might be saved if there was a group, Friends of The Vista something the Georgia De- Bridge, that is pressing the partment of T r ansportation city to install suicide-prevencould do to prevent or discour- tion barriers, a step taken at age suicides. bridges throughout the world, A high fence or other barri- from the Cold Spring Canyon er mightprevent some people Bridge in Santa Barbara, Cafrom jumping, but Bryan isn't lif., to the Bloor Street Viaduct sure it would stop those intent in Toronto. "Just imagine a human beon killing themselves.
ing detonating," he said. Members of the Portland group contend that jumping from a bridge is an impulsive act, and that a barrier introduces a pause that may make someone think twice. In Brunswick, the most recent fatal plunge occurred this past Mother's Day, May 12, when a 69-year-old woman left her car at the top of the bridge at about 8:30 a.m. and fell to her death, authorities sard. Police have responded to numerous calls to the bridge this year to deal with people t hreatening t o j u m p . T h e bridge has no fence or barrier to prevent them from doing it, and no nets — such as at San Francisco's Golden Gate Bridge — to catch them if they clo. Brunswick Police Officer
Todd Rhodes is doubtful that such measures would work on the Georgia bridge. "If somebody really wants to kill themselves, they can find another way to do it, other than at the Sidney Lanier Bridge," Rhodes said.
The Georgia Department of Transportation has no formal policy on fencing or barriers
Dale said. "Fencing is a deterrent (to suicide), but it would not necessarily prevent it." on bridges, agency spokesBut if a c o mmunity petiwoman Natalie Dale said. t ioned the d epartment f o r uourbridge office is charged a barrier to deter suicide, it with building bridges that are would consider the request, safe forcars to travel over," Dale said.
,9yp'g' ' p.
Southern Oregondistrict mnsiders armingteaehers The Associated Press EAGLE POINT — A school district in southern Oregon is considering arming teachers and other staff members to protect students from school violence. "The first three minutes of an armed attack require an armed response,"said Scott Grissom, president of the fivemember school board in Eagle Point, a town of about 8,500 north of Medford. Under Grissom's plan, em-
T he board voted 4-1 on Wednesday to have the school superintendent, Cynda Rickert, set up a committee to study the proposaL B ut board m e mber J i m Mannenbach urged the board to consider going after federal grantsto hire more school resource officers. "Trained p o l ice officers know when to shoot and when not to shoot," he said. Board member Mary Olsen said hiring more safety reployees approved by the board source officers isn't possible would be trained in firearm now, so training and a r msafety, the Medford Mail Tri- ing teachers would be a good "temporary stop gap.u bune reported. Those staffers would be Rickert said Grissom had allowed to c a rr y f i r e arms b rought up the i dea a f ew o n s chool p r o perty d u r - months ago. nMy personal inclination is ing school hours, at schoolsponsored events and board real hesitancy," Rickert said. meetings. They would also nAs an educator, in my world, get extra pay an d l i ability this makes me very, very uninsurance. comfortable. But I am willing
to look into it and see where it takes us." Rickert said a c ommittee of law enforcement officers, teachers, staff members, parents and legal counsel would do the research. «We have great partnerships with local law enforcement, so we will rely heavily on their input," Rickert said. Grissom, recently re-elected to a four-year term, said armed teachers would make Eagle Point students "the safest kids in Oregon and probably on the West Coast. "I trust our teachers," Grissom said. "An armed intruder wouldn't come into o ur schools knowing teachers had concealed weapons."
I I ' I '
• '
9 S ER V I N
SI N C E 1 9 9 2
1 1
2 I
Weekly Arts &
I II •
IN THE BACI4: BUSINESS Ee MARIKT NE%S > Scoreboard, C2 ML B , C3 Sports in brief, C2 Golf, C4
Bend defeats Cowlitz again Adam Grantham blasted a three-run home run in the bottom of the first inning Friday night at Vince Genna Stadium to lead the Bend Elks past the Cowlitz Black Bears 6-2 in West Coast League baseball action. Six Bend pitchers scattered eight hits for the Elks, who improved to 6-3 overall with the
• Oregon State returns to Omaha but will play in a newstadium built after its consecutive national titles 1
win. The homesquad tooktwo of three games from the visiting Black Bears over the past
r' "
: ""ttng! c
' haa
three days. Tyler Servais went 2-for-4 with a double and one RBI and Tanner Ring added a 2-for-4
Qi ..
Manu's misfires worrying Spurs SAN ANTONIOWhat's the matter with Manu? Manu Ginobili isn't
scoring. His gameis nowcareless instead of famously
STATE (48-18)
Coach:Pat Casey
"I l-
25 years overall) Road toOmaha:WonCorvallis Regional: beat Texas-SanAntonio
a '
5-3, beat South Alabama 6-2, lost to Central Arkansas 5-2, beat Central
Super Regional: lost to KansasState
Arkansas 6-1. Won Charlottesville
6-2, beat Kansas State12-4, beat Kansas State 4-3.
Super Regional: beat Virginia11-6, beat Virginia 6-5.
Last CWS appearance: 2007. All-time record in CWS:7-16 in 8
1B WesRea(.288, 7, 37), 2BBrett
• When:Today, noon PDT
Rodriguez (.278, 2 HRs, 34RBls), 1B DannyHayes(.269, 6, 39), 2B Andy Peterson (.329, 0, 27), SS Tyler Smith (.311, 2, 27), 3BKavin Keyes (.318, 2, 33), LFMichael
• TV:ESPN2 • Radio:KICE-AM 940
Conforto (.320, 11, 45), CF Max
21), CF C.T. Bradford (.287, 1, 25),
Gordon (.235, 0, 5), RFDylan Davis (.343, 5, 58), DHRyanBarnes (.299,
RF Hunter Renfroe (.360, 15, 61),
placement for Rosenblatt. By the 2011 College World Series, TD Ameritrade Park was ready to go. Featuring a seating capacityofmore than 24,500, room to expandto35,000 and a prime downtown location, the new park looks every bit the professional stadium. After touching down in Omaha on Thursday, Oregon State's players got their first up-close look at TD Ameritrade on Friday morning, a day before they kick off the CWS with a matchup against Mississippi State. SeeBeavers/C4
2, 24). Starting pitchers: LHP Matt
OMAHA, Neb. his time around, the Beavers' quest for college baseball glory comes with a w h ole new backdrop. When Oregon State swept through Omaha six years ago, cruising to a second straight NCAA College World Series title, the team was on familiar turf. Rosenblatt Stadium had played host to the series since 1950, including for OSU's previous appearances in 1952, 2005 and 2006. But in the Beavers' absence from the series, something big happened to the much-loved but aging ballpark: It became history. In 2009, the city of Omaha broke ground on a shiny new $131 million re-
Regional: beat Central Arkansas
5-4, beat Cal Santa Barbara 3-2, beat Texas A&M 6-1. Won Corvallis
All-time record in CWS:11-6 in 4 appearances; national titles in 2006, 2007 Meet the Beavers:C Jake
Oregon State's Michael Conforto (8), Dylan Davis (10), Ryan Barnes (33), Tyler Smith (1) and Andy Peterson (14) await their turn in the batting cage at TD Ameritrade Park in Omaha, Neb., on Friday in advance of the College World Series.
For The Bulletin
Mississippi State; 495-325-1, 14 years overall) Road to Omaha:Won Starkville
Last CWS appearance: 2007 Eric Francis/The Associated Press
By Erin Golden
Cohen (174129, 5 years at
State; 839-500-5,
The Elks and the BlueJackets get started today at 6:35 p.m. — t3ultetin staff report
years at Oregon
3 i@iIII
two runs to lead Bend at the plate. The Elks led 6-0 after six innings before Cowlitz scored two runs in the top of the seventh. Bend, which opens against the Kitsap BlueJackets, sits in second place in the WCL South Division standings, one half game back of the Klamath Falls Gems
A glance at OregonState and its opponent in the opening game ofthe College World Series, Mississippi State:
(668-387-4, 19
performance andscored
anotherthree-game home series today
Oregon State vs. Mississippi State
Boyd (10-3, 2.13ERA),RHPAndrew Moore (14-1, 1.36), LHPBen Wetzler (9-1, 2.11). Relievers: RHP
Scott Schultz (2-1, 2.03, 10saves), LHP Max Engelbrekt (5-1, 1.30), RHP Tony Bryant (1-0, 1.76), RHP
Dan Child (4-1, 3.29).
appearances Meet the Bulldogs:CNick Ammirati (.257, 1 HR, 23 RBls), Pirtle (.306, 2, 33), SS Adam Frazier
(.359, 0, 38), 3BSamFrost (.295, 0,9) orAlexDetz(.323,1,31), LF Demarcus Henderson (.277, 0, DH Derrick Armstrong (.279, 0, 8). Starting pitchers: RHP Kendall
Graveman (7-5, 3.14ERA),LHPLuis Pollorena (6-3, 4.32), LHPJacob Lindgren (4-3, 4.18). Relievers: RHP Trevor Fitts (0-0, 2.42), LHPChad Girodo (8-1, 1.38), Jonathan Holder (2-0, 1.31, 18 saves), Ross Mitchell
(12-0, 1.35), Myles Gentry (4-1, 3.69).
In these NBA Finals,
where LeBron James and DwyaneWadejust
i NI tijt ~t~ tsl, ljLlklg I. "'ttyIvtaaalggg NIItINIIN+~~
delivered a forceful
reminder in Game4 about stars deciding this
~+r r'iat
series, the San Antonio Spurs are still waiting
aa aa I
~ „,~ ~ w H r
on one of their biggest. The impatience is starting to show.
"He's having a tough
playoffs, and hasn't really found a rhythm
or found his gameyet," Spurs coach Gregg Popovich said Friday. "I think that he's obviously not as confident
as usual, and heknows full well he hasn't performed the way he would like and the way he's used to. But it's simplistic to say, 'What
are we going to do to get him going?'" Simplistic, maybe. But their prospects of winning a fifth title may hinge on just that. Ginobili scored five
ca •
points in 26 minutes in a 109-93 loss Thursday night, knotting the
series heading into San Antonio's final home
game Sunday.He's shooting just 34 percent against the Heat and is
averaging 7.5 points, down from his11.8 scoring averageduring the season. Overall, Ginobili has shot 38 percent in the
playoffs, a career worst. "It's not that I've
scored 30 agamethis year," Ginobili said. "I'm
surprised. I wish I could score more. But it's not
happening. I got to try to do other stuff. I've got to move the ball. If the shot is not falling, I've
got to be sharp feeding the bigs and finding the shooters. I don't have to
force the issue. That's not what I do. That's not what I'm asked to do." — The Associated Press
Mickelson, Horschel tied for U.S.Openlead
Terrebonne cowgirl does it all at state finals
By Karen Crouse New York Times News Service
ARDMORE, Pa.— Merion is an old-fashioned beauty, with shapely fairways and greens and a lineage that can be traced to Bobby Jones and Ben Hogan, peerless
By Beau Eastes The Bulletin
Terrebonne cowgirl Riley Rae Sappington loves racing barrels. She is pretty sharp in breakaway roping, too. And pole bending. Oh, and don't forget about goat tying. Or team roping. "Yeah, it's a little crazy," says Sappington, the girls all-around leader heading into today's final go-round of the Oregon High School Rodeo Association state finals at the Crook County Fairgrounds in Prineville. "I have to have my horses saddled all day. Everyone helps out." SeeRodeo/C3
names in golf's
Joe Khne /The Bulletin
Terrebonne cowgirl Riley Rae Sappington rides her horse towards the last barrel while competing in the barrel racing event on Friday at the state finals rodeo in Prineville.
Social Register. Hor s chel She reached maturity in a more genteel time, when decorum prevented any gentleman from insinuating that she was an easy conquest. Merion did not take kindly to the idea, put forth in the weeks leading up to the start of the 113th U.S. Open, that
she was a golf course past her prime, unable to hold off today's players who think that they can shoot any score they please. With an assist from the United States Golf Association, which took a proprietary interest in one of its grande dames, Merion has defended her reputation with the fury of a woman scorned. In response to thosewho predicted scores in the low 60s, she has delivered 22scores in the 80s in the first two rounds. Of the 156 players who started the tournament, by nightfall Friday only Phil Mickelson and Billy Horschel were under
par. SeeOpen /C4
TODAY MOTOR SPORTS Time TV/Radio NASCAR,Nationwide, Alliance Truck Parts 250, qualifying 7:30a.m. ESPN2 NASCAR,Sprjn tCup,QujckenLoans400,practjce 9:30a.m. Speed NASCAR,Nationwide, Alliance Truck Parts 250 1 1 a.m. AB C IndyCar, Firestone Lights Series (taped) noon N B CSN IndyCar, Milwaukee lndyFest 1 p.m. NBCSN Grand-Am, DiamondCellar Classic 1:30 p.m. Speed NHRA, Thunder Valley Nationals, qualifying (taped) 4 p . m . ES P N2 GOLF PGATour, U.S. Open 9a.m. NBC SOCCER Confederations Cup, Brazil vs. Japan 11:30 a.m. ESPN MLS, Dallas at Portland 2 p.m. E S PN BASEBALL College World Series, Oregon State vs. Mississippi State noon E S PN2 KICE-AM 940 MLB, Boston at Baltimore 1 p.m. MLB MLB, Seattle at Oakland 4 p.m. Fox College World Series, Indiana vs. Louisville 5 p.m. E S PN HOCKEY NHL finals, Boston at Chicago 5 p.m. NBCSN MIXED MARTIALARTS UFC161, preliminary bouts 5 p.m. FX
SUNDAY GOLF Time TV/Radio PGATour, U.S. Open 9a.m. NBC MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR,SprintCup,Quicken Loans400 10 a.m. TNT NHRA, Thunder Valley Nationals (taped) 10 a.m. ESPN2 NHRA, ThunderValley Nationals (same-daytape) 8 p.m. ESPN2 BASEBALL MLB, Los Angeles Dodgers at Pittsburgh 10:30 a.m. TBS College World Series, North Carolina St. vs. North Carolinanoon E S PN2 MLB, Seattle at Oakland 1 p.m. Roo t MLB, San Francisco at Atlanta 5 p.m. E S PN College World Series, LSUvs. UCLA 5 p.m. E SPN2 SOCCER Confederations Cup,Mexico vs. Italy 11:30 a.m. ESPN Confederations Cup,Spain vs. Uruguay 2:45 p.m. ESPN BASKETBALL NBAfinals, Miami at SanAntonio 5 p.m. ABC KICE-AM 940 Listings arethemostaccurate avai/ab/e. The Bulletin/snot responsib/e for late changesmadeby TVorradio stations.
SPORTS IN BRIEF BASEBALL Eight suspensionsin draWI —Major LeagueBaseball came down hardontheLos Angeles Dodgersand Arizona
Friday that the restricted free
agent with three years in theNFL had signed the tender while he works on a long-term deal with
the Giants. Cruzskipped aii of New York's offseason program
Djamondbacks on Friday, hand-
but will be required to show up
ing outeightsuspensionsand a
at training campbeginning in
dozen fines as punishment for a bench-clearing brawl. Yet even
late July.
with Arizona pitcher ian Kennedy getting 10 games and infielder Eric Hinske five for their roles in Tuesday's fight, it might not be enough to quell the lingering hostility between the NL West
Sport odsolete in two deCadeS? —Lem Barneyis an NFL legend, a Hall of Famer
who made his living playing football. And he wouldn't do it again. Speaking on Friday at the
rivals. "No, it's not over yet, not
Sound Mind SoundBodyCamp
at aii," Dodgers reliever Ronald Beiisario said. "I don't think any-
in Southfieid, Mich., the Detroit Lions great said the sport will be
body thinks it's over." Beiisario was to serve aone-gamesus-
gone in the next two decades.
pension on Friday night for "ag-
gressive actions" while Dodgers reliever J.P. Howell and infielder
SkipSchumakerappealedthe two-gamesuspensionsthey received from MLB Senior Vice
President JoeGaragioia Jr. Los Angeles managerDonMattingiy and Arizona's Kirk Gibson were
givenone-game bans,while Dodgers hitting coach MarkMcGwire must sit two games.
He said he wishes he would have been a truck driver or a cab driv-
er, anything otherthan a player suffering concussions. "People often ask me do I miss the game, do I wish I could still play with aii the money they're making today. Even with aii of that, I'd say'Heck
no,"' Barney said. "Thegameis
becoming more deadly today. It's a great game, and I think it's the
greatest game if you like giadiators. It's the greatest game for yesteryear's gladiators. But in the
next10 to 20 years, society will
HOCKEY TOewSwinS award —Chicago Biackhawkscaptain Jonathan Toews got another victory on
alleviate football altogether be-
cause of how strong it's becoming, how big it's becoming and the tenacity that it already is. And
it's only going to get worse."
Friday. Thetrophy he wants the most is still up for grabs. Toews won the Frank J. Seike award,
given to the NHL'sbest defensive forward. He emerged from a trio of finalists that included fellow
MOTOR SPORTS Edwards topsqualifying
centers Patrice Bergeron of the
— Brad Keseiowski wasasked to pick one word to describe a
Boston Bruins and Pavei Datsyuk of the Detroit Red Wings.
iap at Michigan lnternational Speedway. "Fast,"thedefending
Toews helped theBiackhawks
Sprint Cup champion said. "This
advance past Datsyuk and the Red Wingsinthe second round
is, to me, the fastest track we have — and it might be in speed, but it definitely is in feei." Cari Edwards, who is second in the
of the piayoffs. He iscurrently competing against Bergeron and finals. The Biackhawks leadthe
Sprint Cup standings, topped qualifying Friday with a iapof
series1-0, with Game 2 scheduied for tonight in Chicago. The
202.452 mph. Kurt Busch was second in qualifying, followed by
the Bruins in the Stanley Cup
25-year-oid Toewswasthird in
the NHL with a plus-28 rating in
47 games in the regular season. Also Friday, PaulMacLean ofthe Ottawa Senators won the Jack Adams Award, given to the NHL's
coach of the year.Thetop execu-
Kasey Kahne.Points leader Jimm ie Johnson was17th,onespot behind Keseiowski.
CYCLING Frank Still leadS — RuiCos-
Penguins general managerRay Shero. TheLadyByngtrophy for
ta of Portugal won the seventh
the NHL's most sportsmanlike
late sprint Friday, while Mathias Frank retained the overall lead.
stage of theTour de Suisse in a
Louis for the third time in four
Costa was part of a four-man group that pulled awaynear
the end of the128-miie stage,
which included four rated climbs
FOOTBALL Cruz re-signswith Giants
and an18-mjle ascent. Costa outsprinted Bauke Moiiema and
Tejay vanGarderen at the finish.
— Wide receiver Victor Cruz has
BMC Racing's Frank kept his overall lead, 13 seconds in front
signed his $2.879 million tender
of Movistar's Costa. Roman
with the New York Giants. Two people familiar with the contract
Kreuziger of Saxo-Tinkoff is third overall, 23 seconds behind. — From wire reports
told The Associated Presson
PGA ToUI' U.S.Open Friday At Merion Golf C lub,East Course Ardmore, Pa. Purse: TBA ($8 million in 2012) Yardage: 6,996;Par: 70
(a-am atuer) Partial Sec ondRound Billy Horschel 72-67—139 Phil Mickelson 67-72 139 68-72—140 LukeDonald 71-69 — 140 SteveStricker 71-69—140 Justin Rose 70-71—141 John Senden 69-72—141 NicolasColsaerts 68-74 — 142 Mathew Goggin 73-70 — f 43 TigerWoods 73-70 — I43 RoryMcffroy 71-72 — 143 GonzaloFernandez-Castano 71-72 — 143 EmieEls 72-71 — 143 Matt Bettencourt 74-70 — 144 GeoffOgilvy 73-71 — 144 Bo VanPelt Edward Loar 73-71 144 RusseIKnox 69-75—144 Scott Langley 75-70—145 71-74—145 KyleStanley K.J. Choi 70-76—146 JamieDonaldson 73-73—146 WebbSimpson 71-75—146 HidekiMatsuyama 71-75 146 Paul Lawrie 76-71—147 LeeWestwood 70-77 — 147 Carl Pettersson 72-75 — 147 AdamScott 72-75 — 147 Bio Kim 72-75—147 BubbaWatson 71-76 — 147 Matt Kuchar 74-73 147 DavidHow el 77-71—148 PeterHedblom 70-78—148 Martin Kaym er 76-72—148 a-MichaelWeaver 74-74—148 KevinChappeff 72-76—148 74-74—148 JoshTeater 73-75 148 StevenAlker 73-75—148 Alistair Presneff 74-74—148 MortenOrumMadsen 76-72 — 148 Jim Herma n 71-77 — 148 DustinJohnson 74-74 — 148 BrandtSnedeker 76-73 — 149 Justin Hicks a-ChrisWiliams 75-74 f 49 71-78 — 149 MichaelThompson 75-75—150 BrianStuard 76-74—150 MorganHofmann 79-71—150 Casey Wittenberg 72-78—150 KevinStreelman 76-74—150 a-StevenFox 74-77 151 ZachJohnson D.A. Points 77-74—151 SangMoonBae 77-74—151 a-GavinHall 74-77—151 a-MaxHoma 73-78—151 Brendan Steele 76-76—152 DavidToms 75-77—152 MarcusFraser 79-73 152 Francesco Molinari 78-74—152 LukeGuthrie 73-79—152 BrandonBrown 75-77—152 Keegan Bradley 77-75—152 MarcLeishman 78-75—153 Graeme McDoweff 76-77—153 ThongchaiJaidee 79-74—153 BrandenGrace 70-83—153 JordanSpieth 77-76—153 Jung-Gon Hwang 75-78—153 71-83—154 EstanislaoGoya Scott Piercy 78-76—154 EddiePeppereff 77-77—154 73-81—154 JesseSmith 80-75—155 DarrenClarke 74-81—155 AngelCabrera 75-81—156 JoseMariaOlazabal 77-79—156 Jim Furyk 75-81 — 156 Joe Ogilvie 77-80 — 157 RussellHenley 81-76 — 157 AdamHadwin 79-79 — I58 ThorbjornOlesen 78-80 — 158 Yoshinobu Tsukada 82-76—158 ZackFischer 78-81—159 Matt Harmon 81-78—159 BrandonCrick 78-84—162 John Nieporte RyanSullivan 81-82—163 a-Grayson Murray 83-81 — I64 Louis Dosthuizen 75 —WD Leaderboard Score Thru -I 1. Billy Horschel F -1 1. Phil Mickelson F 3. Cheng-Tsung Pan E 9 3. SteveStricker E F 3. IanPoulter E 14 3. JustinRose E F 3. Luke Donald E F 8. MichaelKim
a1 a1 a1 al a1
8. CharleyHofman B.JohnSenden 8. JerryKelly B. Nicolas Colsaerts
11 13 F 12 F
BASEBALL College NCAACollege World Series At TD Ameritrade ParkOmaha Omaha, Neb. All Times PDT Double Elimination x-if necessary Today,June 15 Game1 —Mississippi State(48-18) vs. OregonState
(50-11),noon Game 2 Indiana(46-16) vs. Louisville (51-12)), 5 p.m. Sunday,June 16 Game 3—North Carolina(57-10) vs. N.C.State (4914), noon Game 4—UCLA(44-17) vs. LSU(57-9), 5p.m. Monday,June 17 Game 5 Game1loservs. Game2loser, noon Game6—Game1 winner vs. Game2winner, 5p.m. Tuesday,June 18 Game7—Game3loservs. Game4loser, noon Game8—Game3winner vs. Game4winner, 5pm. Wednesday, June19 Game9—Game5winner vs. Game6loser, 5p.m. Thursday, June20 Game10 —Game7wlnner vs.Game8 oser,5 p.m. Friday, June21 Game11—Game6winner vs.Game9winner, noon Game12—Game 8 winner vs Gam e 10winner, 5 p.m. Saturday,June 22 xGame13 Game 6 wmnervs Game9 winner, noon x-Game14 —Game 8 winner vs. Gam e 10winner, 5 p.m. If onlyonegameis necessary, it wil startat5:30 p.m. ChampionshipSeries
Monday,June24.Pairings TBA,5p.m. Tuesday,June25:Pairings TBA,5p.m. x-Wedne sday,June26:PairingsTBA,5p.m.
WCL Leaguestandings NorthDivision VictoriaHarbourcats Bellingham Bels WenatcheeAppleSox WallaWallaSweets KelownaFalcons SouthDivision
1B DennisRabenonaminor leaguecontract Signed RHPCarterHope,RHPAndrew Edwards, LHPJavier Reynoso,LHPTrippDavis, CZaneEvansandCLogan Davis. .OS ANGELES ANGELS — Assigned 3B Chris I In the Bleachers © 2013 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclick Nelsonoutright to SaltLake(PCL). Agreedto terms with RHPs KeynanMiddleton, Harrison Cooney, C/IS' Grant Gordon,RyanEtseff,Brian Loconsole,Trevor Foss, AlanBusenitz, Michae Smith,AlexBlackford, R 0 ClintonSharp,DanTobik andBenjamin Carlson; OFs 3 Riley Good,ChadHinshaw,Mark Shannon, Miguel Hermosiffo,TaylorJohnson,Michae Fish, EricAguilera andBrandonBayardi; LHPsNateSmith, Jonah Wesely, ColeSwanson,Matt Hernandezand Colin O'Keefe;SSsAngel Rosa, AlexAgbritton, JonPeffant and Nathan Goro; CsStephenMcGee, Cambric Moye and EricWeiss;and3BsCalToweyandGarrett Cannizaro on minor leaguecontracts. MINNES OTATWINS—Agreed totermswith RHP CodyEppleyonaminor leaguecontract. NEW YORKYANKEES — Pl acedINF KevinYoukilis on the15-dayDLOptioned3BDavid Adams and RHPAdamWarrento Scranton/Wi kes-Barre(IL). Selectedthecontracts ofOFThomasNeal andRHPChris Bootcheckfrom Scranton/Wilkes-Barre. Transferred INFEduardo Nuneztothe60-day DL.Assigned LHP CesarCabraloutright toTrenton(EL). OAKLANDATHLETICS — Optioned LHP Hideki Okajima toSacramento (PCL). Selectedthe contract of RHPDanOtero fromSacramento. Transferred LHP Brett Anderson to the60-day DL.Agreedto termswith OF Billy McKinney andSSChad Pinder on minor league contracts. SEATTLE MARINERS— Sent I BJustin Smoakto Tacoma (PCL)for arehabassignment.Agreedtoterms with C HenryBlanco.DesignatedC Kely Shoppach for assignmen t. TAMPABAY RAYS— Optioned RHPJakeOdorizzi to Durham(IL). ReinstatedRHPAlex Cobbfromthe / bereavem ent list. SignedSSRieyUnroe TEXAS RANGERS—Sent 2Blan Kinsler to Frisco "That's your second 'No-Eye-Contact' (TL) for arehabassignment. TORONTOBLUEJAYS — Assigned3B AndyLafoul! You're outta here!!" Roche outright to Buffalo (IL). National League ARIZONADIAMONDBACKS— Agreedto terms with OFsZacharyEsquerra andTaylor Ratliff; SSs RyanGebhardt andRandy McCurry; 3BJordanParr; 1B RyanKinseffa;CGrant Nelson; andRHPAlex Byo on minorleaguecontracts. Kitsap atBend, 2:05p.m. 11. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota, 200.406. CHICAGOCUBS — AddedRHP HenryRodriguez. Kitsap atBend, 5:05p.m. 12. (88)DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevrolet,200.1. OptionedLHPBrooks Raley to lowa(PCL). WallaWallaat Medford, 5:05p.m. 13. (56)MartinTruexJr.,Toyota, 200.05. CINCINNATI REDS— Agreedto termswith LHP Victoria atKelowna,6:05p.m. 14. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet, 199.789 ZachDukeonaminor leaguecontract. KlamathFallsatWenatchee,6:05p m. 15. (17)RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,199761 COLOR ADOROCKIES—PlacedINFTroyTulowitCowlitz atCorvaffis, 7:050p.m. 16. (2)BradKeselowski, Ford,199.75 zki onthe15-dayDL.Recaled INFJoshRutledgefrom 17. (48)JimmieJohnson Chevrolet 199689 Colorado Springs (PCL). TradedOFCarl Thomoreto Friday's Linescore 18. (31)JeffBurton,Chevrolet,199.656. the ChicagoWhite Sox. Agreedto termswith RHP s 19. (16)GregBiffle, Ford,199.38. JeradMcCrummen,Matt PierpontandKonnerWade; 20. (51) Bobby Lab onte, Ch e vrol e t,199.358. OFsMichaelTauchmanand Sean Dwyer; 3BMichael Elks 6, Black Bears 2 21. (29)KevinHarvick, Chevrolet,199.231. Benjaminand ; LHPAlex Rodriguez onminor league 22. (55)MarkMartin, Toyota,199214 contracts. Cowlttz 000 000 200 — 2 8 3 23. (9) Marcos A m brose, F o rd, 198. 6 92. LDSANGELESDODGERS— DesignatedC Ramon Bend 401 100 Ogx — 6 8 1 24. (13)CaseyMears, Ford,198.593. Hernandez for assignment. Reinstated CA.J. Ellis from Hatch,Wilkins(2) andArmijo. Raley,Schotens(5), 25. (21)TrevorBayne,Ford,198.429. t h e 15-dayDL. Nilson(6),Borde(7), Jordan(8), Highberger(9) and 26. (38)DavidGigiland,Ford,198.364. MIAMI MAR LINS—Sent RHPHenderson Alvarez Servais. W —Scholtens. L — Hatch. 2B— Bend: 27. (15)Clint Bowyer, Toyota,198.292. to Jupiter(FSL)forarehabassignment. Servais. HR —Bend:Grantham. 28. (1)JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet,19808. NEWYOR KMETS—Agreedto termswith RHPs 29 (24) JeffGordonChevrolet 197922 KevinMcGowan,Ricky Knapp,BrentMcMinn, Gaither 30. (98)MlchaelMcDoweff, Ford,197.217. BASKETBALL BumgardnerandCameron Griffin; OFsChamp Stuart 31. (34)DavidRagan,Ford,196.813. and PatrickBiondi; INFsLuis GuilormeandJeff Mc32. (47) A JAffmendinger, Toyota, 196.791. Neil; CColtonPlaia;and1BZacharyMathieu. NBA 33. (83)DavidReutimann, Toyota, 196.276. PHILADEL PHIAPHILLIES— Optioned RHPTyler NATIONALBASKETBALL ASSOCIATION 34. (30)DavidStremme,Toyota,196.266. CloydandINFCesar Hernandezto LehighValley (IL). All Times PDT 35. (39)RyanNewman, Chevrolet, 195.737. RecalledUTMichael Martinez andLHPJake Diekman 36. (7)DaveBlaney,Chevrolet,195.514. from LehighValley.Agreedto termswith RHPMark NBA FINALS 37. (10)DanicaPatrick, Chevrolet, ownerpoints. Meadors,MarkLeiter, MatthewSouthard, Wil Morris, San Antonio 2,Miami 2 38. (35)JoshWise,Ford, ownerpoints. Christopher Burgess, MattSoren, Tyler Buckley, David Thursday,June6: SanAntonio 92, Miami88 39. (32)KenSchrader, Ford,ownerpoints Whitehead,LeeRidenhour and ShaneMartin; LHPs Sunday,June 9: Miami103,SanAntonio84 40. (36) J. J Yeley, Chevrolet, ownerpoints. ChristopherO'Hare, CodyForsytheandRobMarceffo; Tuesday,June 11:SanAntonio 113,Miami77 41. (93)TravisKvapil, Toyota,ownerpoints. 3BsSamDoveandLoganPierce;OFsCordSandberg, Thursday,June 13:Miami109,San Antonio 93 42. (87)JoeNemechek,Toyota,ownerpoints. Justin Parr andNick Ferdinand; andCsAndrewKnapp Sunday,June 16: Miamiat SanAntonio,5 p.m. 43. (19)MikeBliss, Toyota, ownerpoints. and Corey Bassonminor leaguecontracts. Tuesday,June 18 SanAntonio atMiami, 6 p.m Failed to Oualify PITTSBURGHPIRATES — Sent RHP Jeanmar x-Thursday,June 20: SanAntonio at Miami,6 p.m. 44. (44)ScottRiggs, Ford,184.393 Gomezto Indianapolis (IL) for a rehabassignment. Agreedtotermswlth LHPBlakeTaylor, INFsTraeArbet Playoff Leaders and Danny Collins, RHPShaneCarle andCMaxRosThroughJune13 TENNIS siter onminor leaguecontracts. Scoring ST. LOUISCARDINALS Dptioned RHPMichael G FG FT PTS AVG Wachato Memphis (PCL). Reinstated RHPJakeWestProfessional Durant,OKC 11 112 93 339 30.8 brook fromthe15-day DL.Agreedtotermswith RHPs Anthony,NYK 12 126 77 346 28.8 AEGON Championships Mike Mayers,AndrewPierce, KyleGranaandKyle Harden,HOU 6 45 5 3 158 26.3 Friday Webb;LHPChase Brookshire; OFsJamesBosco and James,MIA 20 181 112 502 25.1 At The Queen'sClub BrianVigo-Suarezand CAlexDeLeononminor league Curry,GOL 12 102 35 281 23.4 London contracts. Paul, LAC 6 49 3 3 137 228 Purse: $1.03 million (WT250) SAN DIEGDPADRES Optioned LHP Tommy Lopez,Bro 7 58 3 9 156 22.3 Surface: Grass-Outdoor LayneandOFJaff DeckertoTucson(PCL).Reinstated Lawson,DEN 6 48 2 8 128 21.3 Singles RHPHustonStreetfromthe15-day DL.Acquired INF Parker,SAN 18 148 71 377 20.9 Ouarterfinals P edro Ci r i a co from Boston for aplayerto benamed Williams Bro 7 4 5 3 7 144 20.6 Marin Cilic (5), Croatiadef. , TomasBerdych (2), or cashconsiderations. DesignatedINFJamesDarneI Green,BOS 6 37 38 122 20.3 CzechRepublic, 7-5,7-6(4) for assignmen t. George,IND 19 119 93 365 19.2 l.leytonHewitt, Australia, def.JuanMartin del Potro SAN FRANCI SCO GIANTS — Designated RHP Pierce,BOS 6 39 2 6 115 19.2 (3), Argentina,6-2,2-6, 6-2. Ramon Ramirez for assignment. Optioned1B BrettPil Parsons,HOU 6 42 9 109 18.2 Andy Murray(1), Britain, def. BenjaminBecker, to Fresno (PCL). Recaled CHector SanchezandRHP Iguodala,DEN 6 3 8 1 8 108 18.0 Germany, 6-4,7-6 (3). DunningfromFresno. Randolph,MEM 15 99 63 261 17.4 Jo-WilfriedTsonga(4), France,def. DenisKudla, Jake WASHINGTON NATIONALS— Sent2B DannyEsDuncan,SAN 18 123 64 310 17.2 UnitedStates,6-3,6 2. pinosa to Syracuse(IL)for arehabassignment. Gasol,MEM 15 93 72 258 17.2 BASKETBALL Jack,GOL 12 78 43 206 17.2 AEGONClassic National Basketball Association Howard,LAL 4 26 1 6 68 17.0 Friday NBA Fined Miami CChris Bosh$5,000 for Rebounds At EdgbastonPriory Club violating the league's anti-flopping rules durlng G DFF DEFTOT AVG Birmingham,England Thursday'sgame. Garnett,BOS 6 9 73 82 13.7 Purse:g235,000(Intl.) FOOTBALL Evans,BRO 7 1 6 7 0 86 123 Surface: Grass-Outdoor Natfonal Football League Gasol,LAL 4 7 39 46 11.5 Singles ATLANTA FALCONS— SignedCBRobert Alford. Asik, HOU 6 21 4 6 67 11.2 Ouarterfinals BUFFALO BILLS — SignedQB EJManuel. Bogut,GOL 12 39 92 131 10.9 DonnaVekic, Croatia, def. SoranaCirstea(3), RoCHICAGOBEARS SignedOT A.J.Lindemanto Howard,LAL 4 10 33 43 10.8 mania,6-2,6-1. a three-year contract. Randolph,MEM 15 59 91 150 10.0 Magdalena Rybarikova (16), Slovakia, def. MadiKANSASCI TY CHIEFS — Claimed DE Austen Hibbert,IND 19 90 98 188 99 son Keys,UnitedStates, 6-3, 6-0. Lane off waivers fromJacksonvile. Released DT Duncan,SAN 18 42 131 173 9.6 Daniela Hantuchova, Slovakia, def. Francesca DanielMuir. Noah,CHI 12 52 63 115 9.6 Schiavone (15), Italy,6-7 (8), 6-4,7-6(3). MIAMIDOLPHINS—SignedOLDallasThomas. Sabine Lisicki (5), Germany,vs. Alison Riske, NEWYORKJETS—SignedTEKellenWinslowJr. UnitedStates,6-7(2), 6-2,2-2, susp.,darkness. to a oneyearcontract. WNBA NEW ENGLANDPATRIDTS — Released PK David Gerry WeberOpen Ruffer. WOMEN'SNATIONAL Friday SEATTLE SEAHAWKS—Agreed totermswith QB BASKETBALLASSOCIATION At Gerry WeberStadion All Times PDT TarvarisJacksononaone-yearcontract. Halle, Germany HOCKEY Purse: $1.03 million (WT250) Eastern Conference NationalHockeyLeague Surface: Grass-Outdoor W L Pct GB DETROI RE T D W IN GS Agreed to termswith F Singles Atlanta 5 1 .B33 DrewMiler onathree-year contract. Ouarterfinals Chicago 4 1 BOO '4 PREDATORS— TradedF BobbyButRogerFederer(1), Switzerland,def.MischaZverev, lerNASHVILLE Washington 3 1 .750 1 to Florida forDTJ. Brennan. Germany, 6-0,6-0. NewYork 4 2 .667 I COLLEGE RichardGasquet (2), France, def.Florian Mayer(8), Connecticut 2 4 .333 3 WESTERNATHLETIC CONFERENCE — Named Germany, 6-3, 7-6 (4). Indiana 1 4 .200 3r/z TommyHaas(3), Germany, def. GaelMonfils, Jeff Hurdcommissioner. WesternConference France,6-7(4), 6-3,6-3. W L Pct GB Mikhail Youzhny,Russia, def. Philipp KohlschMinnesota 4 1 .800 SOCCER reiber(6),Germany, 6-3, 6-2. Los Angeles 2 2 .500 I'/x Phoenix 2 3 .400 2 NuernbergerVersicherungscup MLS SanAntonio 2 3 .400 2 Friday i MAJORLEAGUESOCCER Seattle 1 3 25o zx, At Tennis-Club1. FCNuernberg eV All Times PDT Tulsa 1 6 .143 4 Nuremberg, Germany Purse: $235,000(Intl). Eastern Conference Friday's Games Surface: RedClay-Outdoor W L T P t sGF GA Atlanta68,Seattle59 Singles Montreal 8 2 2 26 22 15 NewYork78, Connecticut 68 Semifinals NewYork 7 5 4 25 23 19 Minnes ota83,Tulsa74 AndreaPetkovic, Germany,def. JelenaJankovic Philadelphia 6 5 4 22 22 24 Phoenix97, LosAngeles81 (I), Serbia, 6-4, 6-3. Houston 6 4 4 22 19 14 Today'sGame Simona Hal e p (7), Rom ani a , def. Luci e Saf a rova S porting KansasCity 6 5 4 2 2 18 13 SanAntonio atLosAngeles,7:30p.m. (5), Czech Republic, 6-3, 0-6, 6-2. NewEngland 5 4 5 20 15 9 Columbus 4 5 5 17 16 16 HOCKEY Chicago 3 7 3 12 11 19 DEALS TorontoFC 1 7 5 8 12 19 D.C. I 10 3 6 6 24 NHL Transactions Western Conference NATIONALHOCKEYLEAGUE W L T P t sGF GA BASEBALL All Times PDT 8 2 4 28 23 17 MAJORLEAGUE BASEBALL — Suspended Ari- FC Dallas RealSaltLake 8 5 3 27 24 16 zonaRHPlan Kennedy10 games, INFEric Hinskefive STANLEY CUPFINALS Portland 5 1 8 23 24 16 gamesandKirkGibsononegameandL.A.Dodgers Seattle (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) 6 4 3 21 19 15 RHPJ.P.Howell, INF/OFSkip Shumaker andhitting Chicago 1, Boston 0 6 6 2 20 22 18 coachMarkMcGwire two gamesand manager Don Los Angele s Wednesd ay,June12:Chicago4,Boston3(3OT) Colorado 5 4 5 20 15 12 Mattingly andRHPRonald Belisario onegamefor Vancouver Today, June15:Boston atChicago,5p.m. 4 5 4 16 18 20 their parts in Tuesday'sbrawl. NamedChris Conroy Monday, June17:ChicagoatBoston,5p.m. San Jose 3 6 6 15 13 23 umpire. Wednesd ay,June19:ChicagoatBoston,5 p.m. ChivasIJSA 3 8 2 11 13 26 American League x-Sat urday,June22:BostonatChicago,5p.m. Threepoints for victory, onepoint for tie. BALTIMOREORIOLES — Optioned RHP Kevin NOTE. x-Monday ,June24:ChicagoatBoston,5 p.m. Today' s Games Gausman to Norfolk (IL) RecalledRHPJake Arrieta x-Wedne sday,June26:BostonatChicago,5p.m. FC Dallas at Portland,2p.m. from Norfolk. BOSTONRED SOX — Optioned RHPs Alfredo TorontoFCat D.C. United, 4p.m. AcevesandAlex Wilsonto Pawtucket (IL). Recalled Montrealat Columbus,4.30p.m. RHPRubby De La Rosa from Pawtucket.Agreed to SanJoseatColorado, 6p.m. MOTOR SPORTS termswith CJakeRomanski; RHP sTaylor Groverand NewEnglandat Vancouver,7 p.m. Kyle Martin; 2B Carlos AsuajeandReedGragnani; and NASCAR OF ForresttAffdayonminorleaguecontracts. FISH COUNT Sprint Cup CHICAGO WHITESOX— Sent OFDewayneWise Quicken Loans400Lineup to Charlotte(IL) forarehabassignment. Upstream daily movement of adult chinook, jack After Friday qualifying; raceSunday CLEVELAND INDIANS — Agreedto termswith chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selectedCoAt Michigan International Speedway RHPCaseyShaneandLHPMatthew Whitehouse on lumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonThursday. Brooklyn, Mich. minor leaguecontracts. SentRHPBlakeWoodto Lake Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Lap length: 2 miles County(MWL)for arehabassignment Bonnevd e 2,244 78 1 61 21 (Car number inparentheses) DETROITIGERS—Reinstated OFAustin Jackson The Daffes 2,21 f 5 9 3 26 8 1. (99)CarlEdwards,Ford, 202.452mph. from the15-day DL.Optioned OFAvisail Garciato To- John Day 2,129 5 2 5 29 5 2. (78)KurtBusch,Chevrolet,201.879. ledo (IL).Agreedto termswith RHPsJonathon CrawMcNary 2 60 2 497 44 3 3. (5) Kasey Kahne,Chevrolet, 201.213. ford, Brett Huber,JohnnieKirkland, ZacReininger, Upstream year-to-date movement of adult chinook, 4. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet, 200.803. TannerBailey,BuckFarmer, Calvin Drummond,Jona- jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadatselected 5. (43)AricAlmirola, Ford,200.764. than MacieAusti l, nPritcherandScott Sitz;LHPsRyan ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedonThursday. 6. (22)JoeyLogano,Ford, 200.725. Beckand JoeMantiply;CsAustinGreenand Duncan Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd 7. (33)Austin Dilon, Chevrolet,200.63. McAlpine;OFsKasey CoffmanandBenVerlander; SS Bonneville 108,362 41,421 4,219 1,105 8. (20)MattKenseth, Toyota, 200.568. Curt Poweff; 1BDominic Ficocieffo;and2B Taylor T he Daffes 88,020 37,253 1,14B 4 18 9. (18)KyleBusch,Toyota, 200.457. Johnson onminor leaguecontracts. J ohn Day 71,876 32,633 1,245 5 6 9 10. (42)JuanPablo Montoya, Chevrolet, 200.445. KANSAS CITY RDYALS Agreed to termswith M cNary 61,636 24,306 1,737 7 3 5
tive honor went to Pittsburgh
player wasgiventoTampaBay Lightning forward Martin St.
W 5 6 2
2 0
KlamathFalls Gems BendElks W 3 4 6 5 CowlitzBlackBears MedfordRogues CorvagisKnights KitsapBlueJackets Friday's Games Bend 6,Cowlitz2 KlamathFalls 6,Wala Waffa1 Corvallis 4,Kitsap3 Bellingham 3,Wenatchee2 Today's Games Kitsap atBend,6:35p.m. WallaWallaatMedford, 6:35 p.m. Victoria atKelowna,6:35p.m. Cowlitz atCorvaffis, 6.40p.m. KlamathFalls atWenatchee,7:05p.m. Sunday's Games
Rodeo Continued from C1 Yep, that's "horses" in the plural. Sappington, who just completed he r s o p homore year at Redmond High, takes four different horses to rodeos. Five if she competes in cutting. "It's fun and I enjoy it a lot," Sappington says about competing in multiple events. Last year as a freshman, Sappington was the OHSRA girls all-around rookie and f inished f irst i n t h e g i r l s cutting standings. This season she has been even more impressive,racking up 273 all-around points before the start of this week's state finals. Stanfield's Kaci Kamm ended the regular season in a distant second place with 161 points. Heading into Thursday's first f i nals go-round, Sappington was tied for second place in breakaway rop-
Terrebonne cowgirl Riley Rae Sappington dismounts her horse while chasing down a goat in the goat tying event on Friday at the state finals rodeo in Prineville.
OHSRA state finals What:Final go-round When:Today, noon Where:Crook County Fairgrounds, Prineville Cost:Admission is free for
spectators ing standings (53 points) and was fifth in the barrel racing
(57 points), fifth in goat tying (57 points), eighth in cutting (10.5 points) and 14th in pole
bending (28 points). She and roping partner Nolan Walker, of Merrill, were tied for second overall in team roping with 122 points. "Breakaway an d b a r rels are probably my two favorites," Sappington says. "My
mom (Laina Sappington) has always been a b r e akaway roper, she taught me how to do it. I've got good competition at home, which helps."
Joe Kune/ The Bulletin
Sappington expects to stay busy this summer, as the top four finishers in each OHSRA event advance to the National High School Finals Rodeo
next month in Rock Springs, Wyo. Contestants who place fifth through 15th are eligible for the Silver State International Rodeo later this month
in Winnemucca, Nev. Last year Sappington competed in both summertime rodeos, taking third in th e average in goat tying at Silver State
before finishing 23rd in the barrelracing average at the NHSFR. "I'd love to make it to nationals in all the events," Sappington says. "Silver State's about a week before.I made it to both last year; we had about three days in between rodeos." W hile Sappington is e x pected to capture her first allaround state title, Redmond roper T.J. McCauley is looking to clinch his third straight boys all-around championship. McCauley, who ended the regular season leading the state t i e-down r o ping standings as well as the team r oping standings w it h h i s brother A.J., posted 17 wins in three different events during the regular season. The final go-round of the OHSRA gets underway today at noon. — Reporter: 54)-383-0305,
Boston Baltimore NewYork TampaBay Toronto
.574 t r/t
37 30 35 32 30 36
.552 3 .522 5
Central Division Detroit Cleveland Kansas City Minnesota Chicago
Oakland Texas Seattle Los Angeles Houston
Pct GB 594
41 28 39 29
W L 37 28 33 33 32 33 29 35 28 36 West Division W L 41 28 38 29 30 38 29 38 24 44
455 9 1/2
Pct GB 569 500 4
.492 5
453 71/2 .438 Br/t
Pct GB .594 .567 2 441 10'/z 433 11 .353 t 6'/t
Friday's Games
Baltimore 2, Boston0 Cleveland 2,Washington1 KansasCity7,TampaBay2 Toronto8,Texas0 Houston 2ChicagoWhite Sox1 Detroit 4,Minnesota0 L.A. Angels5, N.Y.Yankees2 Seattle 3, Oakland2
Today's Games Boston(Lackey3-5) at Baltimore(FGarcia 3-3), I:05 p.m. Toronto(Dickey5-8) at Texas(Lindblom 0-1), 1:05 p.m. KansasCity(Guthrie 7-3) at Tampa Bay (Cobb6-2), I:10 p.m. ChicagoWhite Sox(Joh.Danks1-2) at Houston(Harrell 4-7), 4:15p.m. Detroit (Ani.Sanchez 6-5) atMinnesota(Deduno2-1), 4:15 p.m. N.Y.Yankees(D.Phelps 4-3) at L.A.Angels (Hanson 3-2),4:15p.m. Seattle (FHernandez 7-4) at Oakland(Griffin 5-5), 4:15 p.m.
Washington(Zimmermann 9-3) at Cleveland(Kazmir 3-4),4:15p.m. Sunday's Games Washingtonat 0leveland,1005a.m. Bostonat Baltimore,1035 a.m. Kansas0ity atTampaBay, 10:40a.m. Chicago WhiteSoxat Houston,1110a m. Detroit atMinnesota,11:10am. TorontoatTexas,12:05 p.m. N.Y.Yankeesat L.A.Angels, 12:35p.m. Seattle atOakland, I:05 p.m. NATIONALLEAGUE
East Division
Washington Philadelphia NewYork Miami St. Louis Cincinnati Pittsburgh Chicago Milwaukee Arizona
SanFrancisco Colorado SanDrego Los Angeles
W L 39 28 33 33 33 35 24 38 20 46 Central Division W L 43 41 40 27
Pct GB .582 500 51/2 .485 6r/t
.387 t 2r/t .303 IBr/t
Pct GB 642 .603 2r/z
27 39
.409 t 5'/t
W 37 35 35 33 28
Pct GB 552
L 30 31 33 34 38
.597 3 .415 15
.530 t'/t ,515 2'/t
493 4 424 8'/z
Friday's Games
Pittsburgh3, L.A.Dodgers 0 Cleveland 2,Washington1 Chicago Cubs6, N.Y.Mets3 Cincinnati 4,Milwaukee3, 10innings Miami 5,St.Louis 4 San Francisco 6, Atanta0 Philadelphia 8, Colorado7 San Diego 2,Arizona1 Today's Games Chicago Cubs(Feldman5-5) atNY.Mets(Niese3-5), 10:10a.m. LA. Dodgers(Kershaw5-4) at Pittsburgh(Cumpton 0-0), 1:05p.m. San Francisco(Gaudin 2-1) at Atlanta(Minor 8-2), 1:05 p.m. Milwaukee (Galardo 5-6) atCincrnnati (H.Baiey4-4), 1:10 p.m. Philadelphia(Pettibone3-2) at Colorado(Chatwood 3-1),1:10p.m. St. Louis (Lynn8-1) at Miami (Koehler 0-4), 1:10
p.m. Washington(Zimmermann 9-3) at Cleveland(Kazmir 3-4), 4:15p.m. Arizona(Miley 4-5) atSanDiego(Richard1-5), 7:10 p.m. Sunday's Games Washingtonat 0leveland,1005a.m. Chicago Cubsat N.Y. Mets,10:10 a.m. MilwaukeeatCincinnati,1010am. St. LouisatMiami, 10:10a.m. L.A. DodgersatPittsburgh,10:35a.m.
ArizonaatSanDiego,1:10 p.m. Philadelphia at Colorado,1:10 p.m. San Francisco atAtlanta, 5:05 p.m
American League
Mariners 3, Athletics 2 OAKLAND, Calif.— Mike Zunino hit his first career home run on
a tiebreaking solo shot in the seventh inning and Seattle held on for a win over Oakland. Two
days after making his big-league debut, Zunino connected on a1-1 pitch from Oakland starter Tommy Milone and hit a towering shot to center field to help snap Oakland's 11-game home winning streak. Seattle
ab r hbi Bay rf-It 5 0 I 0 CYoungcf Frnkln 2b 5 1 2 0 S.Smithlf Seager3b 4 0 1 0 Lowriess KMorls dh 4 0 0 0 Cespdsdh Morse lb 3 I I 0 Freimnlb
Thielbar 1 0 0 0 1 1 HBP —byValverde (Wilingham) T—2.49(Rain delay.0:32). A—29,571(39021).
Blue Jays 8, Rangers 0 ARLINGTON, Texas — Mark Buehrle threw seven shutout
Colby Rasmus andJ.P. C.Young(9), Freiman(5), Sogard(8). HR—Zunino innings, (1), C.Young (6). S—Reddick. Arencibia homered, and Toronto Seattle IP H R E R BB SO J.Saunders W,5-6 7 5 1 1 2 4 handed Texas its fourth straight FarquharH,1 1 1 1 1 0 1 loss. O.PerezS,l-l I I 0 0 0 I Oakland Toronto Texas Milone L,6-6 62- 3 5 2 2 3 4 ab r hbi ab r hbi Otero 1 1-3 3 1 1 0 2 Mecarrlf 4 0 0 1 Profar2b-ss 4 0 1 0 Doo ittle I 2 0 0 0 I RDavis f 0 0 0 1 Andrusss 3 0 0 0 T—2:55. A—31,448(35,067). Bautistrf 5 0 0 0 LGarci2b 1 0 1 0
Angels 5, Yankees2
Encrncdh 4 2 2 0 Brkmndh 4 0 1 0 L ind1b 4 1 2 1 Beltre3b 3 0 2 0 C IRsmscf 3 2 1 3 Ncruzrf 2 0 0 0 M lzturs3b 4 0 2 1 G.Sotoc 3 0 0 0 Arenciic 4 1 1 1 McGns1b 3 0 0 0 Bonitac2b 4 1 2 0 Gentryct 3 0 0 0 K awskss 2 1 1 0 LMartnlf 3 0 0 0 T otals 3 4 8 118 Totals 2 9 0 5 0 Toronto 0 00 410 111 — 0 Texas 0 00 000 000 — 0
ab r hbi 313 1 4000 4000 4000 4010
homered off Burke Badenhop with one out in the10th inning, rallying Cincinnati to victory over Milwaukee in a game full of errors
and wasted chances. Milwaukee Cincinnati ab r hbi ab r hbi A okirf 4 0 1 0 Choocf 4 1 1 1 Segurass 5 0 1 0 DRonsnlf 4 0 0 0 CGomz cf 5 0 1 0 Phillips 2b 5 0 1 1 A rRmr3b 5 1 1 0 Brucerf 4 1 1 1 YBtncr1b 5 0 0 0 Frazier3b 4 1 1 0 LSchfrlf 5 0 3 0 Hannhn1b 3 0 0 1 M aldndc 4 1 I 2 Cozartss 4 I I 0 Gennett2b 5 1 3 1 Hanignc 4 0 2 0 Lohsep 2 0 0 0 Arroyop 1 0 0 0 Axfordp 0 0 0 0 Lecurep 0 0 0 0 JFrncsph I 0 1 0 Chpmnp 0 0 0 0 F rRdrgp 0 0 0 0 Vottoph 0 0 0 0 K intzlrp 0 0 0 0 Simonp 0 0 0 0 McGnzlp 0 0 0 0 Badnhp p 0 0 0 0 T otals 4 1 3 123 Totals 3 34 7 4 Milwaukee 001 001 010 0 3 4 Cincinnati 110 001 000 1 Oneoutwhenwinningrunscored. E—Y.Betancourt (4), Gennett (I), Frazier (3), Cozart 2 (6). DP —Cincinnati 2. LOB—Milwaukee 11, Cincinnati 8. 2B —C.Gomez(16), L.Schafer(5),
2-3 2 1 1 0 Qualls H,2 MDunnH,8 1-3 0 0 0 0 CishekS,8-10 1 0 0 0 0 HBP —byWestbrook(Lucas). T—2:48.A—15,403 (37,442).
1 1 1
Pirates 3, Dodgers 0 PITTSBURGH — Jeff Locke allowed just two hits over seven innings and Pittsburgh sent Los Angeles to its fifth loss in six
games. Locke (6-1) struck out five and walked one towin his sixth straight decision while shaving his ERA to 2.19. Los Angeles Pittsburgh ab r hbi ab r hbi P uigrf 4 0 2 0 Presleylf 4 1 1 0
T otals 2 9 1 2 1 Totals 2 92 5 2 Arizona 1 00 000 000 — 1 San Diego 000 0 0 2 0 0x - 2
E—Polock (I), Blanks(2). LOB—Arizona3, San Diego 7.28—G.Parra (22). SF—C.Ross. Arizona IP H R E R BB SO Cahill L,3-8 52-3 5 2 2 3 10 W.Harris 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 Zieg er 1 0 0 0 0 0 San Diego Stults W,6-5 9 2 1 1 1 3 HBP by Cahil(Headley). T—2:17 A—23,364(42,524)
Cubs 6, Mets 3 NEW YORK — David DeJesus hit a bases-loaded triple before injuring his shoulder when he crashed into the outfield wall, and Chicago beat New York behind resurgent starter Edwin Jackson.
P unto3b 3 0 1 0 RMartnc 3 1 1 0 AdGnzllb 4 0 0 0 Mcctchcl 4 1 2 2 HRmrzss 4 0 0 0 GJones1b 3 0 0 0 Chicago New York M.Egis2b 4 0 1 0 GSnchz1b 1 0 1 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi Ethiercl 3 0 1 0 Walker2b 3 0 1 1 DeJesscl 2 0 1 3 Vldspn2b 3 0 0 0 A.Ellisc 3 0 0 0 PAlvrz3b 3 0 1 0 Sweenycf 3 0 0 0 JuTmrph-2b 2 0 0 0 H rstnJrlf 3 0 1 0 Sniderrf 3 0 0 0 Scastross 4 0 0 0 DnMrplb 5 1 2 2 Fifep 1 0 0 0 Barmesss 3 0 0 0 Schrhltrf 4 1 1 1 DWrght3b 3 0 3 0 DP — Toronto 3. LOB—Toronto 3, Texas 3 homethego-ahead run,leading Gennett(1),Choo(18). HR —Maldonado (3), Gennett L .cruz ph I 0 0 0 Locke p 2 0 I 0 A Sorinlf 4 0 0 0 Dudalf 3 0 1 1 2B — Encarnacion 2 (12), M.lzturis (7), Bonifacio Bruce (11). SB—Choo(7), Frazier (4). S—Lohse, Howeg p 0 0 0 0 Inge ph 1 0 0 0 R izzo1b 4 2 3 0 Byrdrf 30 10 Los Angeles past New York. (11). 38 — Kawasaki (3). HR—Col.Rasmus (11), (I), 2.SF—Hannahan. Uribeph 1 0 0 0 Melncnp 0 0 0 0 D Navrrc 4 1 2 0 Buckc 400 0 Arencrbia (13). CS —Bonifacio (3). S—Kawasaki. Arroyo Milwaukee I P H R E R BB SO G uerrirp 0 0 0 0 Grillip 0 0 0 0 Valuen3b 3 1 1 1 Quntngss 3 000 SF — R.Davis. New York Los Angeles Lohse 6 5 3 1 1 3 PRdrgzp 0 0 0 0 Barney 2b 4 1 1 1 Lagars cf 4 1 1 0 Toronto IP H R E R BB SO ab r hbi ab r hbi 1 1 0 0 I I T otals 3 1 0 6 0 Totals 3 03 8 3 EJcksnp 2 0 0 0 Marcmp 2 0 0 0 BuehrleW,3-4 7 4 0 0 1 7 Axlord G ardnrcf 4 0 1 0 Troutlf 502 1 F r.Rodri g uez 1 0 0 0 0 I L os Angeles 0 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 0 B orbonph 1 0 0 0 Ardsmp 0 0 0 0 Loup 1 0 0 0 0 1 J.Nix3b 4 0 1 0 Hamltnrf 4 1 0 0 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 P ittsburgh 002 0 0 0 0 1 x — 3 Russel p 0 0 0 0 Cowgilph I 1 1 0 Oliver 1 1 0 0 0 0 Kintzler Teixeir 1b 2 0 0 0 Puiols dh 5 0 3 0 M ic G on z a l ez 1 3 0 0 0 2 0 DP Pittsburgh 2. LOB —Los Angeles 5, PittsMarmlp 0 0 0 0Edginp 0 0 0 0 Texas C anodh 4 I I 0 Trumolb 4 2 3 I 1 1 1 0 0 burgh 7. 28 —Hairston Jr. (4), Mccutchen(20), H airstn ph 1 0 0 0 Burke p 0 0 0 0 GrimmL,5-5 72- 3 10 7 7 2 4 BadenhopL,0-3 1- 3 VWellslf 4 1 1 0 HKndrc2b 3 0 2 1 Cincinnati PAlvarez(5). CS—Presley(1). SF—Walker. Greggp 0 0 0 0 Niwnhsph 1 0 0 0 1131 1 1 0 1 Nealrf 2 0 1 0 Cagasp3b 2 0 0 0 Mcclellan 72-3 12 3 2 1 5 Arroyo Los Angeles IP H R ER BB SO Totals 3 6 6 9 6 Totals 3 43 9 3 T—2:08.A—37,203 (48,114). I Suzukiph-rf 1 0 0 0 lannettc 3 1 2 2 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 File L,1-2 Lecure 5 6 2 2 3 4 Chicago 1 40 001 000 — 6 D Adms2b 4 0 I 2 Aybarss 4 0 0 0 Chapman 1 0 0 0 0 2 Howell 2 0 0 0 0 I New York 0 01 000 200 — 3 Brignc ss 3 0 0 0 Bourios cf 4 1 1 0 SimonW,5-2 1 0 0 0 0 I Astros 2, White Sox1 Guerrier 0 2 1 1 0 0 DP — Chicago 1. LOB —Chicago 4, NewYork 8. AuRmnc 3 0 0 0 HBP—byArroyo(Maldonado). WP—Lohse. PRodriguez 1 0 0 0 0 2 28 —Rizzo(19), Valbuena(9),Cowgig(2).38—DeJeHafnerph 1 0 0 0 T—3:12. A—35,138(42,319). Pittsburgh sus (2) Lagares (1). HR — Schierholtz (9) Totals 3 2 2 6 2 Totals 3 45 135 HOUSTON — Erik Bedard pitched LockeW,6-1 7 2 0 0 1 5 Chicago IP H R E R BB SO New York 0 00 200 000 — 2 six solid innings and Jose Al t uve MelanconH,20 1 2 0 0 0 2 E.JacksonW,3-8 6 5 1 I 3 7 Giants 6, Braves 0 Los Angeles 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1x — 5 Grilli S,24-24 1 2 0 0 0 2 Russell 1 4 2 2 0 1 E C.Wilson(1). DP Los Angeles2.LOB New hit a go-aheadRBIsingle to give Guerrierpitchedto2 baters inthe8th. MarmolH,5 1 0 0 0 0 1 York 7,LosAngees10. 2B—Puiols (15), H.Kendrick Houston a win overChicago. ATLANTA — Madison Bumgarner WP — PRodriguez. GreggS,B-B 1 0 0 0 0 1 (11) S—Callaspo. SF—lannetta. New York allowed two hits in seven innings T—2:46.A—36878 (38,362). New York IP H R E R BB SO Alexei Ramirez committed two MarcumL,0-8 52 - 3 7 6 6 1 4 PettitteL,54 7 114 4 1 4 errors in the fifth inning to help the and combined with SandyRosario Aardsma 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 Bootcheck 1 2 1 I 2 1 Astros take the lead.Themiscues Phillies 8, Rockies 7 Edgin 1 2 0 0 0 1 for a three-hit shutout in San Los Angeles Burke 1 0 0 0 0 1 C.Wil sonW5-5 7 5 2 2 3 4 ruined a great outing by Chris Sale Francisco's victory over Atlanta. HBP — b y E .Ja ck son (B yrd). WP —Russell. DENVER — Freddy Galvis hit two JepsenH,4 1 1 0 0 1 0 (5-5), who allowed five hits and no Bumgarner (6-4) did not allow a T — 3:16. A — 3 2,208 (41, 922). 2-run triples and scored the goFrieri S,15-16 1 0 0 0 0 2 T—2:53. A—40,621(45,483). earned runs with a season-high14 baserunner for 4/s innings before
ANAHEIM, Calif.— C.J. Wilson outdid Andy Pettitte with seven effective innings, Albert PuIols and Mark Trumbo each had three hits and Chris lannetta singled
strikeouts in eight innings.
24 27 27 38
West Division
I banezlf 4 0 2 1 DNorrsc 3 0 1 0 Enchvzrf 0 0 0 0 Reddckrl 3 0 1 0 Zunino c 3 1 1 1 Rosales 3b 4 1 0 0 MSndrscf 4 0 I 0 Sogard2b 3 0 I I Ryan ss 4 0 1 0 Totals 3 6 3 102 Totals 3 2 2 7 2 Seattle 0 10 000 110 — 3 Oakland 0 00 010 010 — 2 E—Ryan(9), Lowrie (9). DP—Seattle1, Oakland2. LOB—Seattle 9, Oakland6.2B—Morse(7), Ryan(6),
Orioles 2, RedSox0 BALTIMORE — Chris Tillman took a two-hitter into the seventh inning, Chris Davis hit his major
league-l eading22ndhome run and Baltimore blanked Boston in a duel between the top two teams in the AL East.
ab r hbi
ab r hbi Bckhm2b 4 0 I 0BBamscf 4 0 0 0 AIRmrzss 4 0 1 0 Altuve2b 4 0 2 1 Riosrf 4 0 0 0 JMrtnzdh 4 0 0 0 K onerk1b 3 1 2 0 Corprnc 4 0 1 0 A .Dunndh 2 0 0 1 Carterlb 4 0 0 0
Viciedolf 4 0 0 0 Rcedenss 3 1 0 0 Kppngr3b 3 0 0 0 Pareds rf 3 0 0 0 JrDnkspr 0 0 0 0 Dmngz3b 3 0 1 0 C Wellscf 2 0 1 0 Crowelf 2 1 1 0 Gillaspi ph 1 0 0 0
losing his bid for a perfect game in the fifth and shot at a no-hitter in the sixth. San Francisco Atl anta ab r hbi ab r hbi GBlanccf 5 1 2 2 Smmnsss 4 0 1 0 Abreu2b 4 1 0 0 Heywrdrf 4 0 0 0 Poseyc 5 2 3 I J.Uptonlf 4 0 0 0 Pence rf 4 I 2 1 FFrmn 1b 3 0 I 0 Bcrwfrss 3 0 2 1 Mccnnc 3 0 0 0
Belt1b 4 0 0 0 BUptoncf 2 0 0 0 AnTrrs f 4 0 0 0 Uggla2b 3 0 0 0 Arias 3b 4 1 2 0 CJhnsn 3b 3 0 1 0 Bmgrnp 3 0 0 0 Medlenp 1 0 0 0 HSnchz ph 1 0 0 0 RJhnsn ph 1 0 0 0 SRosarip 0 0 0 0 A Wood p 0 0 0 0 Varvar p 0 0 0 0
ahead run on Humberto Quintero's single, and Philadelphia rallied from a five-run deficit to beat Colorado. The Phillies overcame
Baltimore ab r hbi ab r hbi Ellsury ct 4 0 0 0 McLoth lf 2 1 0 0 Victornrf 3 0 1 0 Machd3b 4 0 3 0 Pedroia2b 4 0 0 0 Markksrf 4 0 0 0 D.Ortizdh 3 0 0 0 A.Jonescf 4 0 I I C arp1b 3 0 0 0 C.Davis1b 3 I I I Navalf 2 0 0 0 Wietersc 3 0 0 0 lglesias ss 4 0 2 0 Hardy ss 3 0 0 0 Mdlrks3b 3 0 0 0 Dickrsndh 3 0 0 0 D.Rossc 3 0 0 0 Flahrty2b 3 0 0 0 T otals 2 9 0 3 0 Totals 2 92 5 2 Boston 0 00 000 000 — 0 B altimore 011 0 0 0 0 0 x — 2 DP — Baltimore 1. LOB —Boston 7, Baltimore8.
F lowrsc 4 0 1 0 T otals 3 1 1 6 1 Totals 3 12 5 1 Chicago 0 00 100 000 — 1 Houston 000 020 00x — 2 E—AI.Ramirez 2 (10). DP—Houston 1. LOB -
Indians 2, Nationals 1
home runsbyCarlosGonzalezand Josh Rutledge, whowas recalled
CLEVELAND — Jason Kipnis' run-scoring fielder's choice in the
from Triple A Colorado Springs to fill the roster spot left by the
loss of slugging shortstop Troy Tulowitzki to a broken rib.
Philadelphia Colorado ab r hbi ab r hbi Reverecf 5 0 1 0 Rutledg2b 5 1 1 2 MYong3b 5 0 2 0 JHerrrss 5 0 0 0 D Brwnlf 5 1 1 0 CGnzlzlf 4 2 4 1 Dcrpntp 0 0 0 0 Howard1b 3 1 0 0 Cuddyrrf 5 0 1 0 Chicago 8, Houston6. 28—Konerko (8). SB—Altuve JSchalrph 1 0 0 0 F rndsn2b 4 2 2 0 Helton1b 5 I I 0 (11) Crowe 2(3). SF—A.Dunn. T otals 3 7 6 115 Totals 2 9 0 3 0 Mayrryrf 4 2 1 1 Arenad3b 4 0 1 1 Chicago IP H R E R BB SO G alvis ss 5 2 2 4 Colvin cf 3 2 1 0 SaleL5-5 8 5 2 0 1 14 S an Francisco 111 010 200 — 6 Atlanta 0 00 000 000 — 0 Q uinter c 3 0 1 2 Torrealc 3 1 2 1 Houston E — An T orr e s(4). DP — Sa n F ra nci s co1, Atl a nta1. Rollins ph 1 0 1 1 Nicasio p 2 0 1 2 BedardW,2-3 6 3 1 0 3 6 LOB San Franci s co 7, Atl a nta 3 2B Posey 3 (19), Lerud c 0 0 0 0 Outmn p 1 0 0 0 CisneroH,2 11-3 3 0 0 0 —G.Blanco Kndrck p 2 0 0 0 WLopez p 0 0 0 0 BlackleyH,10 2 3- 0 0 0 0 0 Pence(21), B.crawford(14),Arias(1). HR —B.Upton(4). H orstp 0 0 0 0 Scahillp 0 0 0 0 VerasS,12-15 1 0 0 0 1 1 (1). SB San Francisco I P H R ER BB SO DYongph 1 0 1 0 WRosrph 1 0 1 0 WP — Sale. PB—Corporan. Bumgamer W ,6-4 7 2 0 0 1 1 0 Stutesp 0 0 0 0 Fowlerpr 0 0 0 0 2B — Iglesias (8), Machado2(30). HR —C.Davis(22). T 2'49 A 20,496(42,060). SRosario 2 1 0 0 0 2 L .Nixph I 0 1 0 Belislep 0 0 0 0 SB McLouth(23). Atlanta Diekmnp 0 0 0 0 Boston IP H R E R BB SO Royals 7, Rays 2 Medlen L,3-7 6 9 4 4 0 4 D eFrtsp 0 0 0 0 DempsterL,4-7 7 2 - 3 5 2 2 5 4 A.Wood 1 1 2 2 3 2 MAdmsp 0 0 0 0 uehara 13 0 0 0 0 1 Varvaro 1 1 0 0 0 0 Papelnp 0 0 0 0 — Luis Baltimore ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. D.carpenter I 0 0 0 0 0 Totals 3 9 8 138 Totals 3 8 7 137 TrllmanW,7-2 6 3 0 0 4 3 Mendoza pitched six innings to B alk — A .W ood. O'DayH,11 P hiladelphia 0 0 0 2 0 3 300 — 0 I 0 0 0 0 1 T — 2.44. A — 45 833 (49, 5 86). Colorado 1 20 310 000 — 7 Tom.Hunter H,7 1 0 0 0 0 0 win for the first time in six starts DP — Philadelphia 1, Colorado 1. LOB—PhilaJi.JohnsonS,2428 1 0 0 0 0 1 and Elliot Johnson had another delphia 8, Col o rado 7. 2B—M.Young (9), Mayberry Ti Imanpitchedto I batterinthe 7th. Marlins 5, Cardinals 4 big hit against his former team, (12), Torrealb(5). a 38—Galvis 2(4). HR —Rutledge HBP—byJi.Johnson(Nava). WP—Dempster. (6), C.Gonz alez (19). SB—D.Brown (7), C.Gonzalez T—2:43. A—39,158(45,971). leading KansasCity past Tampa MIAMI — RookieJose Fernandez (13), Fowle(12), r Bay. Johnson had a tying triple Philadelphia IP H R ER BB SO outpitched a rusty Jake Tigers 4, Twins 0 41-3 10 7 7 2 0 K.Kendrick among his two hits. Westbrook, and the team with the Horst 2-3 0 0 0 0 0 S tutes W, 2 -0 I 0 0 0 I 0 MINNEAPOLIS — Prince Fielder worst record in the majors beat Kansas City TampaBay Diekman H,1 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 ab r hbi ab r hbi broke open ascoreless game the team with the best record. De FratusH,2 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 A Gordnlf 4 2 1 0 Joycerf 4 1 2 1 with a two-run double in the Miami's Fernandezhad acareerMi.AdamsH,7 1 I 0 0 0 0 Hosmer1b 4 1 1 0 Zobrist2b 2 1 0 0 apelbonS,13-13 1 1 0 0 0 1 sixth inning, the spark that Rick high10 strikeouts in seven innings P S.Perezc 5 1 2 2 KJhnsn3b 4 0 0 0 Colorado BButlerdh 4 0 2 3 Longori dh 4 0 2 1 against the Cardinals, who got Porcello and Detroit used to beat Nicasio 52-3 7 5 5 2 4 3 0 0 0 Loney1b 4 0 0 0 OutmanH,5 2-3 2 1 1 0 1 Minnesota. Porcello (4-3) breezed L.caincf Westbrook back from an elbow MTeiad3b 3 0 0 0 DJnngscf 3 0 2 0 W.LopezL,1-3 BS,4-4 1-3 3 2 2 1 0 M ostks3b 1 0 0 0 Fuldlf 1000 injury. through seven innings, allowing Scahig 11-3 1 0 0 0 0 Francrrf 3 I I 0 Scottph-It 1 0 0 0 Belisle 1 0 0 0 0 0 just two singles and one double E Jhnsn2b 4 1 2 1 Loatonc 4 0 0 0 St. Louis Miami HBP—byNicasio (Frandsen). WP —Outman. AEscor ss 4 I I I YEscor ss 4 0 0 0 without a walk. ab r hbi ab r hbi T 3:23 A 36,114(50,398). T otals 3 5 7 107 Totals 3 1 2 6 2 M crpnt2b 5 1 1 0 Pierrelf 4 1 2 0 K ansas City 1 0 0 0 4 0 002 — 7 Beltranrf 4 0 1 0 Lucas3b 3 1 0 0 Detroit Minnesota T ampa Bay 2 0 0 0 0 0 000 — 2 ab r hbi ab r hbi 4 2 I 0 Stantonrf 4 0 3 2 Padres 2, Diamoitdbacks 1 E—A.Escobar (9). DP—Kansas Crty 1, Tampa Hogidylf AJcksncf 3 1 0 0 Carrog3b 3 0 0 0 C raig1b 4 1 2 1 Ozunacf 4 0 0 0 B ay1. L OB — K a n s a s Ci t y 7 , T a mp a B a y 7 . 2 8 — Ho s TrHntrrf 4 0 0 0 Parmelph 1 0 0 0 YMolinc 4 0 1 1 Dietrch2b 4 1 1 0 SAN DIEGO — Left-hander Eric mer (11), S.Perez (11), Joyce(11), Longoria (20), Micarr3b 3 1 0 0 EEscor3b 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 1 Hchvrrss 4 2 1 0 Stults threw a career-best twoDe.Jennings(15). 38—E.Johnson (1). HR—Joyce Freese3b F ielder1b 4 1 2 2 Mauerc 3 0 0 0 Jaycf 3 0 1 1 Dobbs1b 4 0 1 1 (13) SB E.Johnson (10). S Fuld. SF 8 Butler. V Mrtnzdh 4 1 1 1 Doumrtrl 4 0 I 0 K ozmass 3 0 0 0 Mathisc 3 0 1 1 hitter and Logan Forsythe hit a Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO Descalsph 1 0 0 0 Frnndzp 3 0 1 1 JhPerltss 3 0 2 1 Wlnghdh 3 0 0 0 bases-loaded, two-run single with MendozaW,2-3 6 6 2 2 2 3 W estrkp 2 0 0 0 Quallsp 0 0 0 0 Tuiassp If 3 0 0 0 Mornea 1b 4 0 0 0 2-3 0 0 0 0 2 J.Kellyp 0 0 0 0 MDunnp 0 0 0 0 CrowH,11 two outs in the sixth to give San D Kegylf 1 0 0 0 Arciall 3010 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 Wggntnph 1 0 0 0 Cishekp 0 0 0 0 Collins H,B Infante2b 4 0 0 0 Thomscf 2 0 1 0 Diego a victory against NL WestI 0 0 0 2 2 K Butlrp 0 0 0 0 Avilac 3 0 0 0 Dozier2b 2 0 0 0 K.Herrera TampaBay leading Arizona. Flormn ss 3 0 0 0 Siegrist p 0 0 0 0 M.MooreL,8-3 5 1 - 3 7 5 5 4 4 MAdmsph 1 0 0 0 T otals 3 2 4 5 4 Totals 2 80 3 0 12-3 0 0 0 0 1 Totals 3 5 4 8 4 Totals San Diego Detroit 0 00 004 000 — 4 J.Wright 3 35 105 Arizona Farnsworth 1 0 0 0 0 2 St. Louis ab r hbi ab r hbi M innesota 000 0 0 0 0 0 0 — 0 2 00 001 010 — 4 Rodney 1 3 2 2 0 0 E—Infante(4), Avila (2). DP—Detroit1 LOBGParrarf 4 1 1 0 Evcarrss 4 0 1 0 Miami 020 120 Ogx — 6 Mendoza pi t ched to 2 b a t e rs i n the 7t h . E — M . c arpenter (5) Detroit 4,Minnesota5.2B—Fielder2(17), VMartinez i Lucas(2). DP—St. Louis 2, Blmqst2b 4 0 1 0 Amarstcf 3 1 1 0 HBP —byM.Moore(A.Gordon). WP—Crow. (11),JhPeralta2(18),Arcia(8). CS Thomas(1) Miami l. LOB —St.Louis 6, Miami6.2B—Freese(9), Gldsch1b 3 0 0 0 Headly3b 3 1 0 0 Detroit IP H R E R BBSO T—2'59.A—13,407(34,078). Jay (9), Pierre(7), Stanton2 (5), Dobbs(6), Mathis CRossIf 3 0 0 1 Quentin lf 3 0 1 0 PorcelloW,4-3 7 3 0 0 0 5 (3). SB —Pierre(18). MMntrc 3 0 0 0 Denorfi If 0 0 0 0 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 Smyly St. Louis IP H R E R BB SO Prado3b 3 0 0 0 Blanks1b 4 0 0 0 National League 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 BenoitH,9 WestbrookL,2-2 5 8 5 3 1 0 Pollockcl 3 0 0 0 Venalerf 4010 Valverde I 0 0 0 1 1 J.Kelly 1 1 0 0 0 0 Gregrsss 3 0 0 0 Forsyth2b 3 0 1 2 Minnesota K.Butler 1 1 0 0 0 1 Cahig p 2 0 0 0 Grandlc 2000 DiamondL,4-6 5 2 - 3 5 4 4 2 1 Reds 4, Brewers 3 (10 innings) Siegrist 1 0 0 0 0 1 WHarrsp 0 0 0 0 Stults p 3 0 0 0 Fien 11-3 0 0 0 0 2 Miami Nievesph 1 0 0 0 Pressly I 0 0 0 0 0 CINCINNATI — Jay Bruce FernandezW,4-3 7 6 3 2 2 10 Zieglerp 0 0 0 0
ninth inning lifted Cleveland past Washington Cleveland ab r hbi ab r hbi S pancf 2 0 0 0 Bourncf 5 0 1 0 B erndnlf 3 0 0 0 Kipnis2b 5 0 2 1 Zmrmndh 4 0 1 0 Swisher1b 3 0 1 0 AdLRc1b 4 0 0 0 Rabumdh 3 1 1 1 Werthrf 4 0 0 0 CSantnc 2 0 1 0 Dsmndss 3 0 0 0 MrRynl3b 4 0 0 0 T racy3b 3 0 0 0 Brantlylf 4 0 0 0 KSuzukc 2 1 0 0 Avilesss 4 0 0 0 Lmrdzz2b 3 0 1 0 Stubbsrf 3 1 1 0 T otals 2 8 1 2 0 Totals 3 32 7 2 W ashington 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 00 — 1 C leveland 000 1 0 0 0 01 — 2 Oneoutwhenwinning runscored LOB —Washington 5, Cleveland11 2B—Kipnis
(14). HR —Rabum(8). SB—Span (7), Bourn(10). S—Span. Washington IP H R E R BB SO G.Gonzalez 7 3 1 1 4 8 Clippard 1 2 0 0 1 2 AbadL,0-1 Cleveland
1-3 2 I
Masterson 7 2 1 1 4 10 Allen 1 0 0 0 0 2 J.SmithW,3-0 1 0 0 0 0 1 WP — Masterson. T—2:49. A—30,824(42,241).
Leaders Through Friday'sGames AMERICANLEAGUE BATTING —Micabrera, Detroit, .354; CDavis, Baltimore,.337, JhPeralta, Detroit, .333, HKendrick, LosAngeles,.328;Mauer,Minnesota,.328,Machado, Baltimore,322;Pedroia, Boston,.320 HOMERUNS —CDavis, Baltimore,22; Micabrera, Detroit,18; Encarnacion,Toronto,18; ADunn, Chicago,17;Cano,NewYork, 16; Ncruz,Texas, 16; Bautista,Toronto,15;Trumbo,LosAngeles, 15. STOLEN BASES —Ellsbury, Boston, 30; McLouth,Baltimore,23;Andrus, Texas,16; Kipnis, Cleveland,14;Trout,LosAngeles,14; Crisp,Oakland, 13 AIRamirez, Chicago,13. STRIKEOUTS —Darvish, Texas,127; Scherzer, Detroit,106;Masterson,Cleveand,102; FHemandez, Seattle, 102;Verlander,Detroit, 101;AniSanchez,Detroit, 98;Shields, KansasCity, 90. SAVES —JiJohnson, Baltimore, 24; Rivera, New York, 23; Nathan,Texas, 20; AReed,Chicago, 19; Ba four, Oakland,17; Wilhelmsen,Seatle,16; Perkins, Minnesota 15Frieri LosAngeles 15 NATIONALLEAGUE BATTING —YMolina, St. Louis,.351; Tulowitzki, Colorado, .347;Segura,Milwaukee,.336;Scutaro, San Francrsco,.332; Mcarpenter,St. Louis, .324; CGomez, Milwaukee,.324; GParra, Arizona,.321. HOME RUNS — DB rown, Philadelphia, 19; CGonzalez,Colorado,19; Tulowitzki, Colorado,16; Goldschmidt, Arizona,15; JUpton, Atlanta, 15; PAIvarez, Pittsburgh,14; Betran, St. Louis, 14; Gattis, Atlanta,14. STOLENBASES —Ecabrera, San Diego, 30; SMarte, Pittsburgh, 20; Segura, Milwaukee,19; Pierre,Miami,18;Mccutchen,Pittsburgh,15; Revere, Phrladelphia,15;CGomez, Milwaukee,13; CGonzaez, Colorado,13;Pence,SanFrancisco,13. STRIKEOUT S—Samardziia, Chicago, 104; Harvey,NewYork, 102; AJBurnett, Pittsburgh, 99; Wainwright,St. Louis,97;Kershaw,LosAngeles, 96; SMiger,St. Louis,91; Lee,Phrladelphia, 89; Bumgarner,SanFrancisco, 89. SAVES —Grili, Pittsburgh, 24; Muiica,St. Louis, 19; Kimbrel, Atlanta,18;Chapman, Cincinnati, 17; RSoriano,Washington,17; Romo,SanFrancisco,16; League, LosAngeles,13; Papelbon,Philadelphia,13.
U.S. Open Continued from C1 Horschel finished his weather-delayed first round of 2-over 72 in the morning and chased it with a 67 in the afternoon for a I-under 139 on Merion Golf Club's East Course. Horschel, a winner at this year's PGA Tour stop in New Orleans, hit every green in regulation. He finished around the time Mickelson, the firstround leader, was teeing off. Mickelson, who opened with a 67, made a bogey at the first hole and two more on the 12th and 13th. His only birdie in his round of 72 came on the 18th hole, after the horn sounded to suspend play because of darkness. Tiger Woods, the world's No. I player and 14-time major champion, posted rounds of 73 and 70. Posting identical scores was Woods' playing competitor and the world's No. 2, Rory McIlroy, who had a hard time accepting the pars that Merion doled out like so many chaste kisses. "It's hard to believe that if you're a couple over par you're not losing ground to the field," Mcllroy said. "I'm thinking I have so many wedge shots, I should be a couple under par." He added, "You have to keep in mind that a 70 is a great score out here." Woods, 37, was well aware that he is well situated for a title run. Asked if he liked his victory prospects, he replied, "Yes." Woods, whose last major victory was th e 2 008 U.S. O pen, which he won in a playoff against Rocco M ediate while competing on a broken leg, was less succinct on the subject of a left elbow injury that left him grimacing after some swings. "It is what it is," said Woods, who sustained the injury during The Players Championship en route to his fourth win of theyear. Tied for s econd, behind Horschel and Mickelson, are
Luke Donald hits out of a bunker on the 15th hole during the second round of the U.S. Open t at Merion Golf Club in Ardmore Pa., on Friday. Donald is in a tie for third
place. Photos by Morry Gash/The Associated Press
put together a streak of 449 holes without a 3-putt. Merion's long rough, and her mercurial streak, which severe pin placements and swirling winds exacerbated, left Donald scathed and scorched Adam Scott, the reigning Masters champion and the No. 3 player in the world. Scott was 3-under par after his first 11 holes when
Phil Mickelson reacts after his birdie putt on the 18th hole during the second round of the U.S. Open on Friday. Luke Donald, Justin Rose and Steve Stricker, who carded a 69. Donald played his first 13 holes Thursday in 4-under and his next 23 Friday in 4-over to stand ateven par with scores of 68 and 72. Donald, the former world No. 1 from England who hasn't recorded a top-10 finish in nine previous U.S. Opens, had at least three 3-putts in his first two rounds, which speaks to the trickiness of Merion's sloped greens. In 2011, when Donald became the first player to win the money titles on the PGA and European tours, he
son said. "It just enhances my d isdain for th e U SGA a nd how they manipulate courses." He added, "Merion's a great golf course if you let Merion be Merion. But that's not the
The order of business at any U.S. Open is to exalt the players who are the most technically efficient and mentally play was suspended Thursday. tough. The layouts value preHe played his next 25 in 10- cision over power and place a over, posting rounds of 72 and premium on course manage75 for a cumulative score of 7- ment and putting. over 147. Two days before the start of "I got off on the wrong foot the tournament, Donald had and just struggled to find my his photograph taken with Darhythm all day," said Scott, vid Graham, who won the U.S. who covered his first six holes Open the last time it was held Friday morning - Nos. 12-17 at Merion, in 1981. "I asked him what's the sein his first round — in 5-over. "I didn't make the putts I needed cret," Donald said. "He said, to kindof save some shots here 'Keep it in the short stuff.'" and there." Donald smiled. "I think most of us know ScottplayedwithWoodsand Mcllroy in the tournament's that," he said. "It's about doing marquee pairing. One of the it." other A-list groupings featured Merion has done her part to Jim Furyk, Zach Johnson and make this week miserable for Graeme McDowell, who have the men who came toconquer c ombined to wi n t w o U . S. her. The winner will be someOpens and one Masters.By the one who shows her the proper time Merion was through with respect, which Woods knows them, they were a combined from his experience with other 40-over-par. Johnson, the 2007 g rande dames like St. A n Masters champion, was the drews and Pebble Beach. "Just keep grinding," Woods low scorer in the trio at plus-11 after rounds of 74 and 77. said. "You just don't ever know "I'd describe the whole golf what the winning score is gocourse as manipulative," John- ing to be."
Golf and 'crime stoppers' a dangerous mix By Jim Litke The Associated Press
ARDMORE, Pa. ello, Merion Golf Club. May I h e lp -
At the U.S. Open on Thursday, the claim by at least one "Yes. Can I speak to a rules viewer that Steve Stricker took official from the U.S. Golf As- an illegal drop at No. 3 found sociation, please? I saw a twig its way to the USGA rules move." committee. Later the same "Sir, thousands of twigs get day, as many as a half-dozen tossed around here every day. other v i e w er s co n t ended It's a golf course." Adam Scott grounded his club " Yeah, but t his one w a s in a hazard at No. 5. After removed by Tiger Woods' back- viewing both shots, the USGA swing, in a fairway bunker on decided no violation occurred. No. 16." So it may take a unique set "Excuse me, but how would of circumstances, but if they you know that? There's no ever align, all this armchair place for fans to see anything officiating is going to test the on 16. There's barely places to notion that golfers are more stand on that hole." honorable than their counter"I'm not there. I'm in Phoe- parts in the other pro sports, nix, watching on an 80-inch where the p r evailing ethic high-def TV. could be summed up as "If you "I'm sure it's very nice, sir. ain't cheatin' you ain't tryin.'" But when did this allegedly Imagine if the caller in the happen? conversation above also hap"Thursday. And there's no pened to be a pal of a golfer 'allegedly' about it. I just got c hasing Woods d ow n t h e home from a n o u t-of-town stretch of a t o urnament on wedding and started watching Sunday; even worse, what if the DVR. I rewound it eight he called in at the direction of times, twice in super slo-mo. Woods' rivaL And I'm on the rules commitA handful of golfers asked tee at my club. He broke Rule that question Friday couldn't 13-4c — moving a loose im- imagine. "It's just a different type of pediment lying in a hazard." "But it's Sunday, sir. And this sport," Jim Furyk said. "Every is the U.S. Open. Mr. Woods is other sport I played, you were on the verge of winning his taught how to cheat, how to first major in five years. He's get away with things. In this on the last hole. sport, you cheat once in your "I know, but he should have life, you get labeled. It sticks been penalized and he needs forever and you're an outcast. to be disqualified. He signed You're taught a totally differan incorrect scorecard Thurs- ent set of rules here. "No one," he added, "wants day. A rule is a rule is a rule." to win when they do someSomeday soon, golf is going thing wrong." to regret letting people watchThe rules of golf were first ing from home phone in rules codified in 1744, and because violations. Consider what hap- of the sprawling field of play, pened atthis year's Masters a the burden of calling fouls was dry run. placed on the players themDuring the second round selves. Let's take the high road there, Woods hit a ball that ric- and assume they have ever ocheted off the flagstick and since, and that the same ethic into the pond at No. 15. Soon holds for another 250 years or after, a viewer — later revealed so. to be David Eger, a Champions It seems as optimistic as Tour golfer who once ran the the claim by most pro golfers USGA's rules committee — no- that no competitor would dare tified tournament officials that use performance-enhancing Woods had taken an improper drugs. It also contradicts evdrop before hitting his next erything we know about hushot. The next day, Masters of- man nature, especially when ficials reviewed the sequence huge sums of money are at a second time and penalized stake, but it's possible. Woods two strokes, but quickYet even that doesn't solve ly cited another rule to avoid the problem. disqualifying him for signing In golf, it d oesn't matter an incorrect scorecard. whether a rule was violated
intentionally. An d a g o l f er can be penalized up until the final ball of the last golfer in the field finds the bottom of the cupand allthe scorecards have been signed. Silly as the conversation above sounds, there's a bsolutely n o t hing t hat would prevent it f r o m
happening. The same golfers who fielded questions about potential cheating said they could live with that scenario. "It's part of the game," Geoff Ogilvy said. "But I don't think anybody likes it." "I don't think it's the best thing," said Scott, who proposed having rules officials watch the coverage the way replay officials in sports like football, and to a lesser extent, baseball and hockey do. "It's always been like that," David Toms said. "If I break a rule, whether I meant to or not, I have no problem having it called." Let's hope so, since the players don't have a choice at the moment. Among all of t h e game's still-antiquated rules, none is more in need of a fix than the one mandating disqualifica-
tion forsigning a scorecard deemed incorrectbecause of something uncovered after the fact — especially as it applies to the majors. The controversy involving Woods at the Masters might have been worse had he been DQ'd, and in either case, it required some very tortured and ultimately unsatisfying logic to keep him in the field. If golf insists on being the only big-time sport running a "crime stoppers" call-in service, the g overning bodies — the USGA and the Royal 8 Ancient — should meet with pro tours around the world and modify the rules governing scorecards at the top level of the game. Let them assess the appropriate penalty for the violation whenever conclusive evidence turns up, but without piling on a disqualification. TV sets, after all, are only going to get bigger and better. If golf aims to do the same, there's no time like the present to fix it. — Jim Lithe is a national sports columnist for The Associated Press. Write tohim atjlitke@ and followhim at Twitter. com!JimLitke.
Beavers Continued from C1 The Beavers were the first team to get practice time on the field, and players were eager to check out the park that sophomore outfielder Michael Conforto labeled "massive." F reshman pitcher A n drew Moore said he has had a photo of TD Ameritrade Park as the background i m ag e o n hi s laptop since the Beavers c linched a b erth i n t h e eight-team CWS field. "I know Rosenblatt was special to a lot of people and they were sad to see it go, but I think they did it right for this one ... I can't even imagine what it will be like when it's full of fans cheering you on," Moore said. While Omaha is a new e xperience for m o s t o f the current Beavers, some l ong-timers in t h e O S U program w er e t h i n k ing about their time at Rosenblatt as they scoped out their new College World Series surroundings. Said head coach P at Casey: "The one thing I always said about Rosenb latt was i f y o u w o n a c hampionship t h e re, i t would become even more special when they build a new yard. I'll miss the old yard, but certainly this is beautiful, and a step up for
college baseball." Infield coach Andy Jenkins, who played with the 2005 Beaverteam thatbecame the first OSU squad in 53 years to reach the CWS, said players don't often get a chance to soak in the small details about stadiums and th e t r aditions that mean so much to fans and teams. "Now that I'm coaching, you realize what it's all about," Jenkins said. "The little things mean more to you. The bags, the balls you get, the logo, what it means to your life going forward." T he team wa s set t o participate in a Friday evening opening ceremony, complete with f i r eworks a nd live music. It is t h e first big moment for an annual event that has helped the new stadium thriveeven though it sits empty for much of the year. Building the park gave Omaha a guarantee that it would keep the CWS; an extension with the NCAA means the series will stay put until a t l e ast 2035. But many longtime fans grumbled about changes to the series. Rosenblatt had been located about 3 miles south of O m aha's d owntown, tucked in an older residential area that transformed into a festival atmosphere each year during the Col-
Closing time? Oregon State closer Max Engelbrekt remains questionable after injuring
his back last Saturday in the Super Regional against
Kansas State. CoachPat Casey said Engelbrekt (5-1, 5 saves) hasmade progress in his recovery but isn't100 percent.
lege World Series. The new park is just a few blocks north of d owntown, next to the city's arena and c onvention center and in a fast-developing a r e a s c a ttered with new r estaurants a nd bars. Gone w ere t h e n eighborhood p a r ties a n d cars parked in front yards, replaced with organized fan events and more rules about everything from parking to alcohol sales. Nostalgia, however, has not kept fans from showing up. Attendance at TD Ameritrade's first College World Series in 2011 was the highest in five years, and the park made $5.6 million in its first year of operation. Traffic during the series far outpaces anything else the stadium sees during the rest of the year. Rosenblatt was also home to Omaha's minor league team, a Kansas City Royals Triple-A affiliate. That team, however, now plays in a second new stad ium: Werner Park, a $ 3 6 million facility that went up just outside of the Omaha city limits in 2010. TD Ameritrade was briefly home to a U n ited Football
L eague (UFL) team, t he Omaha Nighthawks, before the league was disbanded in 2012. A summer concert festival that drew acts ranging from Def Leppard to B r ad Paisley was held at the park for two years before the city's e ntertainment autho r i t y
pulled the plug. O ther events s t aged a t the new b a l l park i n c lude Creighton University baseball games and the Missouri Valley Conference baseball tournament. In February, the facility h osted a n o u t door hockey doubleheader. Mike Parker, the Beavers' veteran play-by-play radio announcer, said he is excited to call his first game in the new ballpark. But while he marveled overthe size and amenities of TD Ameritrade, he admitted that he missed the aura of Rosenblatt Stadium. "It's like going from a Fen-
way (Park) or Wrigley (Field) to one of the new ballparks," Parker said. "It (Rosenblatt) just had s uch a m y t h i cal quality."
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play smart
ama see s o ex an wile ess
EU ministers clear deal for U.S. talks LUXEMBOURG
— European Union ministers thrashed out
a deal to begin trade negotiations with the United States late Friday
after bowing to French demands to protect
state-sponsored film and television industries. The breakthrough,
which cameafter13 hours of tense talks, should enable Britain to hail the start of the trans-Atlantic trade discussions when the
By Edward Wyatt
on a 2010 initiative that aimed to make available some 500 megahertz of electromagnetic spectrum — theairwaves used by cellphone and wireless communications. Those airwaves were intended to come from a combination of federal and private-sector sources. Citing "the skyrocketing demand of consumer and broadband business users," President Barack Obama
New York Times News Service
WASHINGTON — The Obama administration will invest $40 million in the next year and another $60 million over the next five years to free more of the nation's airwaves for use by consumers in wireless broadband networks, the White House announced Friday. The effort is meant to build
directed federal agencies to make more capacity available by enhancing the efficiency of their spectrum use. In addition, government agencies should share data with the private sector about how much spectrum they have and how much they regularly use, which the administration believes will encourage sharing of airwaves between the government and companies.
"These efforts will provide accessto more spectrum for wireless broadband providers and equipment vendors as they respond to increasingly rapid consumer adoption of smartphones, tablets and other wireless devices," the White House said in a statement. But the directive also allows executivedepartments some leeway to continue to hold on to some of their assigned
leaders of the Groupof 8 biggest economies hold a summit meeting
Monday in Northern
Regulators toset bedrail standards WASHINGTON — The Food and Drug
nuclear plants face economic realities
Cherry Ln.
Central OregonSeed
Birch Ln
Administration and the Consumer Product
Safety Commission announced Friday that they
kst L
would form a committee
to develop voluntary standards for adult portable bed rails, which have beenlinkedtothe
deaths of hundreds of elderly patients. Bed rails are used
on hospital beds and inhome care to assist patients in pulling them-
selves up or helping
them out of bed. — From wire reports
Andy Zeigert /The Bulletin
~:-'.-' -' ~etb+%~5ipe nt ~.- e
By Matthew L. Wald
Central OregonSeed warehouse, offices and greenhouse
New York Times News Service
Owner:Central Oregon Seed General Contractor:Rob Birky Contact:541-475-7231 Details:After more than 30 years of operation in Madras, Central
Rob Kerr /The Bulletin
OregonSeed— acompany that cleans and processescarrot and bluegrass seed — is revamping its facility by adding new structures. The expansion project involves Cascades Minerals, a subsidiary of the company that
TUESDAY • Visit Bend board meeting: Reservations requested; free; 8 a.m.; Bend Visitor Center, 750 N.W. Lava Road;541-3828048 or Valerie©visitbend. com. • Business After Hours — Fisher Nicholson Realty: Free; 4:30-5:30 p.m.; Fisher Nicholson Realty, 1515 S.W.Reindeer Ave., Suite B, Redmond; 541-526-5513. • Crooked River RanchTerrebonne Chamder of Commerce Networking Social: Free; 5:30 p.m.; Opportunity Foundation of Central Oregon, 835 state Highway126, Redmond; 541-923-2679. • Workshop on Wealth Transfer: Information about leaving money to heirs; reservations: call 541-382-1795; free; 6 p.m.; Mid Oregon Credit Union, 1386 N.E Cushing Drive, Bend; 541-382-1795. WEDNESDAY • How to Start a Business: Registration required; $15; 6-8 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building,1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 54 I-383-7290. • Network of Entrepreneurial Women meeting: Registration required; $22 members, $27 nonmembers; 5-8 p.m.; St. Charles Bend conference center, 2500 N.E Neff Road; 541-382-4321. • Howto Start a Business: Registration required; $15; 6-8 p.m.; COCC Chandler Building,1027 N.W. Trenton Ave., Bend; 541-383-7290. • Cisco Certified Network Associate: Certification program for network engineers or those with networking background; registration required; class continues Wednesdays through Aug. 14; $949; 6-9 p.m.; COCC - Crook County OpenCampus, 510 S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 54 I-383-7270. • iOS App Development nl, Game Development: Last class in aseries; build games, learn animation, graphic elements and troubleshooting; prerequisite: advanced knowledge of Xcodeand Objective-C or iOSApp II; registration required; class continues Wednesdays through July10; $89; 6-9 p.m.; COCC - Crook County Open Campus, 510S.E. Lynn Blvd., Prineville; 541-383-7270.
For the complete calendar, pick up Sunday's Bulletin or visit bendbulletin.comlbizcal
started operations last July. Since last fall, new offices for Cascades Minerals have goneup in Madras.Two 30,000-
square-foot greenhouseswerefinished last month, and now a 20,000-square-foot steel warehouse is underconstruction, said Rob Birky, project managerandgeneral contractor. Together, the projects will end upcosting more than $750,000, said Scott Andrews,
managing partner of Central OregonBasalt, which doesbusinessasCascadeMinerals.
Construction on the warehouse started
about a month ago to provide the company with more seed storage, Andrews said. The foundations are up and the floor will be
poured soon, hesaid. Heexpects the building, located on Northwest Mill Street, to be completed sometime in August. — Rachael Rees,TheBulletin
Air usA 5 executes irst i t • Wide-bodyclash heats upbetween
"We want more than 50 percent of this market ancf we will have more than 50 percent of this market."
top aircraft makers By Andrea Rothman Bloomberg News
TOULOUSE, France — Airbus's new A350 widebody returnedfrom its maiden flight Friday after a four-hourairborne testofthe long-range airliner, in a show of confidence that the jet can enter service in late 2014 and challenge Boeing. Two test pilots and four engineers returned the A350 to the airfield at Airbus headquarters in Toulouse, southwesternFrance, shortly after 2 p.m., after they had performed the first flight under the gaze of 12,000 spectators that included workers, journalists and senior management. The plane, which cost about 11 billion euros ($14 billion) to develop, is aimed at competing with Boeing's two best-selling wide-body models, the new 787 Dreamliner, and the 20-year-old 777, for which Boeing is now promising a successor model, the 777X. The first flight came days ahead of the Paris Air Show, the annual showdown between the two manufacturers, where long-range plane sales are in the spotlight.
airwaves when necessary "to protectgovernment systems that rely on spectrum to keep Americans safe." Republicans have also pushed the federal government to free more spectrum, particularly around the socalled incentive auctions of airwaves that were authorized as part of the 2012 Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act.
— Fabrice Bregier, Airbus CEO
Bott Edme/TheAssociated Press
The Airbus A350 lands after its maiden flight Friday at Blagnac airport near Toulouse, southwestern France. The flight,sets the stage for intensifying competition with U.S. rival Boeing in the long-haul, wide-body aircraft market. "We want more than 50 percent of this market and we will have more than 50 percent of this market," Airbus Chief Executive Officer Fabrice Bregier said of the estimated 6,000 wide-body plane sales up for grabs over the next 20 years. At stake is leadership in twin-aisle planes, the workhorses of intercontinental flying that Boeing pioneered and in which it remains dominant.The A350-900, the first variant of three in development, will be followed by the A350-1000 stretch in 2017 to challenge Boeing's 777, as well as a smaller A350-800 competing with a smaller Dreamliner.
The 787 will span 210 seats to 320 in three variants and the A350 270 to 350. The largest 777X version will be able to carry more than 400
people. Friday's flight handled as predicted, test pilot Peter Chandler said after a 4-hour, 6-minute round-trip. "It felt more like an aircraft at the end of its flight-test program than one on its first flight," he said, although some glitches will need to be addressed. Powered by Rolls-Royce Holdings engines, the A350 reached 25,000 feet and a speed of Mach 0.8 knots as Airbus used the flight to gather data needed to achieve
certification within about 14 months, flight test engineer Patrick Du Che said. The flight test campaign is expected to clock around 2,500 hours. A flight more than six years in the making was witnessed by A350 program Director Didier Evrard, as well as Tom Enders, CEO of Airbus parent European Aeronautic, Defence & Space Co. The weather in southern France was lightly clouded, and the A350 was escorted by smaller aircraft, with its undercarriage exposed as it disappeared into the sky. "It was an impressive sight," said Airbus sales chief John Leahy after the plane had taken off at 10 a.m. "I knew it was going to be impressive, but I was blown away. Did you hear how quiet it was'? People living around airports won't even know we're taking off."
WASHINGTON — When does a nuclear plant become too old? The nuclear industry is wrestling with that question as it tries to determine whether problems at reactors, all designed in the 1960s and 1970s, are middle-aged aches and pains or end-of-life crises. This year, utilities have announced the retirement of four reactors, bringing the number remaining in the United States to 100. Three had expensive mechanical problems but one, Kewaunee in Wisconsin, was running well, and its owner, Dominion, had secured permission to run it an additional 20 years. It was losing money, though, because of the low wholesale price of electricity. "That's the one that's probably most ominous," said Peter Bradford, a former member of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and a former head of the Public Service Commission in New York. "It's as much a function of the cost of the alternatives as it is the reactor itself." While the other three, San Onofre 2 and 3 near San Diego and Crystal River 3 in Florida, faced expensive repair bills because of botched maintenance projects, "Kewaunee not only didn't have a major screw-up in repair work, it didn't even seem to be confronting a major capital investment," he said. This is a turnaround because until recently the life expectancy of reactors was growing. When the Nuclear Regulatory Commission began routinely authorizing reactors to run 20 years beyond their initial 40-year licenses, people in the electricity business began thinking that 60 was the new 40. After the past few weeks, however, 40 is looking old again, at least in reactor years, with implications for the power plants still running, and for several new ones being built. "They were intended to last for as long as they were commercially feasible," said Robert Curry Jr., who was a member of the New York Public Service Commission from 2006 to 2012. But with low gas prices, additional costs imposed after the Fukushima Daiichi accident of March 2011, and "the general mistrust of nuclear by anyone who saw 'The China Syndrome,'" commercial feasibility now is shorter, he said.
PEOPLE ON THE MOVE Jeff Monson has beenappointed to the Oregon Bicycle andPedestrian Advisory Committee. Monson is the executive director of Commute Options in Bend. Dave MunkshasjoinedSCORE as a volunteer counselor, sharing his expertise in operations management, strategic planning, budgeting, financial analysis and sales management. Munksco-founded and served as CEO of National Tenant Network, providing credit services to
the property management industry. Meredith Mccreight has completed the luxuryhomemarketing training course offered by, and is now a memberof, the lnstitute for Luxury Home Marketing. McCreight is a broker with Bend Premier RealEstate. Anna Ruder has joined Total Property Resources as abroker. Ruder has been alicensed real estate broker in Oregon since 2002, a certified sustainable building adviser since 2011 andhas previously
Munks Mccreight
R u der
worked for Palmer Homes, Woodhill Homes and at the lronHorse in Prineville. Lori Drew has been named the community liaison officer at the Bend Police Department. Drew worked for
the Portland Police Bureau for 25 years and previously supervised the FBI's Northwest Regional Computer Forensics Lab. Stefan Myers has joined the High Desert Museum asvice president of development. Previously with the local chapter of TheAmerican Cancer Society, Myers hasmore than nine years of experience in nonprofit development, volunteer management, marketing and public relations. Jim Boyer has beenpromoted to
president of Parr Lumber Company. Boyer has beenwith Parr Lumber since 1984 andwaspreviously the director of yard operations. Boyer's appointment to president created advancement opportunities for others within the company: Mike Howell to director of operations, Tony Cookston to manager for the Newberg location, Casey Dossto manager for the Forest Grove location and John Friesen to manager for the Northeast Portland location.
IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > Religious services, D2-3 Volunteer Search, D5
Basket weaving at Smith Rock
Dad, so soon after Mom
Arts Central will host
a free Karuk basketweaving demonstration at10 a.m. today at Smith Rock State Park
near Terrebonne. The event is one of several Arts in the Parks events taking
place around the state this summer. Master
By Charles Ornstein
'trp 1" c
artist Wilverna Reece, a Karuk lndian, will
Specral to The Washrngton Post
My sister and I took our positions in the funeral home's family room and greeted hundreds of mourners who had come to pay their respects. Everything seemed as it had four months earlier at our mother's funeral. The ubiquitous tissue boxes. My navy pinstriped suit. The ripped black ribbon, a Jewish tradition, affixed to
demonstrate traditional Karuk lndian basket
weaving and explain the challenges involved in gathering the needed natural materials. A mentor taught Reece the weaving tradition, and she's
been practicing the art for more than15 years,
my lapel.
focusing primarily on ceremonial caps and baby baskets. The event is free and
open to all ages. No advance registration
required. One-time day-use parking permit costs $5.
Roh Kerr /The Bulletin
Nature photographer Bruce Jackson will be showing new work at Tumalo Art Co. in a shared show with artist Alisa Huntley titled "Stretching Our Vision." Behind Jackson is "Sun Salutations," right, a photograph made in the Columbia River Gorge.
Contact: 541-548-
7501 or ofn.uoregon. edu.
Cystic fibrosis walk is today
replayed phone messages
The Central Oregon Great Strides walk
begins at10 a.m. today at Sam Johnson Park in Redmond.
The event is a fundraiser for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation,
which works to find a cure for the disease and to improve the
quality of life for those who have it. On-site registration
and check-in is at 9 a.m. today and the walk is at10 a.m. Cost to
• The path leading to Bruce jackson's new landscape prints has been long, winding and forged by artistic determination
register is a donation. The 5K walk is on the
Dry Canyon Trail. Cystic fibrosis is an inherited, chronic, life-threatening disease that affects the lungs and digestive systems of about 30,000 chil-
dren and adults in the United States, according to the foundation. The Great Strides walks are the foundation's biggest nationwide
fundraiser. Contact: www.cff.
Library night at Elks game June 26 is Library Night with the Bend Elks.
Baseball fans and book lovers are invited to celebrate during
the Elks gameversus the Corvallis Knights at 6:30 p.m. Find out about the Deschutes
Public Library's summer reading program and win free books and other prizes. Discounted, $3 tickets are available only at LIBRARY. Children age
12 and younger are admitted free but must
be accompanied by a paying adult. For more information, contact the library at 541-617-7050.
Museumwill be free for dads Fathers can visit the High Desert Museum for free Sunday, which is Father's Day. Sunday also marks the last
day for the museum's exhibit on John Muir, "Nature's Beloved
Son: Rediscovering John Muir's Botanical
Legacy." The High Desert Museum, located at 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend, is open from 9
a.m. to 5 p.m. — From staff reports
But this time, we were accepting condolences after the death of our dad, who stood next to us such a short time before. It's hard enough to lose one parent. Losing two within months is incomprehensible. When I left my parents' Michigan apartment last month, I couldn't believe it would be for the last time. I've
By David Jasper • The Bulletin
In the early 1980s, Bruce Jackson was fired from a job waiting tables. "It was the first time I'd ever been fired from a job in my life," said Jackson. "I got fired because I wasn't fast enough. And that's when I drew the line in the sand and said, 'That's it. I'm never working for anybody else again, and I'm going to go do whatever I have to do to make a living in photography." He's been keeping his own time ever since. Jackson went on to forge a careerand a name forhimself, patiently awaiting the right moments tocapture landscapes around Oregon and other parts of the Northwest. Over a couple of decades, he soldsome 30,000 posters from a pair of Mt. Bachelor photographs, and his stunning Three Sisters' photo, "Faith, Hope and Charity," shot from a plane, hangs in downtown Bend eatery Alpenglow. A gifted storyteller who once wanted to be a writer, Jackson unspooled the tale of his metamorphosis into a photographer, and other colorful stories of his life, over onecup ofcoffee and two hours ofconversation lastweek at Strictly Organic in the Old Mill District. The 61-year-old sipped his decaf just a few doors down from Tumalo Art Co., an artist-run
gallery he joined eight years ago. This month, he's debuting three new prints as part of a shared show with painter Alisa Huntley. It marks the popular landscape photographer's first new fine-art photographs since he released a single print last fall. His last large show there was in 2010. "He doesn't rush into releasing a new edition ... just like he takes time with the creation of those images. He's a perfectionist, and it shows," said Susan Luckey Higdon, a fellow member of the
gallery. Higdon believes Jackson's work hasbecome "iconicto Central Oregon." "Most important is the quality of the photograph, but he really seems to go with his heart and intuition when choosing which images to release.He has a master's eye for composition, color and capturing the right moment on film," she said.
Submitted photo
Jackson's photo of the Three Sisters, "Faith, Hope and Charity," was shot from a plane.
Intro to photography
taken of me, but I didn't photo-
Growing up in Salem, Jackson flirted with photography, but it w ould take several years forthe interest to solidify. "My first exposure to photography — no pun intended — was in the ninth grade," Jackson said. "I was on the school annual staff, and the supervisor said, 'OK, who wants to be the photographer?' "Nobody raised their hand, and then theylooked over atme and said, 'Bruce, you should be the
graph anything to speak of."
photographer! ' I kind of shrugged my shoulders, and said, 'Oh, OK.' So I was the photographer for the annual that year." Jackson's yearbook work could have been the end of it, but of course, we know it wasn't. By 10th grade, a friend took over yearbook duties. "I got a lot of photographs
But Jackson would decide to attend Central Oregon Community College in Bend. He began studies there in January 1970, later switching his major from business to art. Spring quarter, he and several friends took a black-and-whitephotography class from William Van Allen, a popular photographer and teacher who died in 1977, according to Bulletin archives. "He was a very famous blackand-white photographer from this area," explains Jackson, who bought his first camera, a Neoka 35 mm rangefinder, the first day of class. "We had a great time with it." SeeJackson /D4
If you go What: "Stretching Our Vision,"
newand limited-edition
works by Alisa Huntley and Bruce Jackson When: Through June Where: Tumalo Art Co., 450 S.W.
Powerhouse Drive, Old Mill District, Bend
Cost:Free Contact:www. tumaloartco. com or 541385-9144
so that I could hear their voices again. And each morning, I look at Dad's watch on my wrist, thinking it should be on his. Two days before my dad died, I celebrated the first Mother's Day without my mom. Now, I'm marking the first Father's Day without my dad. As I've mourned my parents, I've been struck by how many stories I've heard about husbands and wives dying soon after their spouses. One of my high school teachers lost both parents within a year; so did a journalist friend in Los Angeles. My rabbi told me his parents died only months apart. My mom buried both of her parents within the same week in April 1979, when I was 5. My zaydee died first, unable to fathom life without his wife, who lay dying in the hospital. My bubbe died during his funeral two days later. I wondered whether there was more to this than coincidence, and sure enough, there's a well-documented "widowhood effect." Those who lose a spouse are about 40 percent more likely to die within six months than those with living spouses. The effecthas been found in a host of countries, across a range of ages, in widows and in widowers — though men are more likely to die soon after losing spouses than women are. S V. Subramanian, a professor of population health and geography at Harvard University, cowrote a review published in 2011 that looked at more than a dozen studies on the effect. "We never say that grief is a disease," he told me. "But what some of this research is showing is that at older ages, grief can make you morevulnerable to mortality." Subramanian said his uncle's parents died within days of one another. There are a variety of theories about why this happens. Perhaps it's the emotional toll — the grief that accompanies a broken heart. Perhaps there's a practical explanation — a wife or husband may have provided support in the form of reminders to take medication. Perhaps it's that a surviving spouse may be less active and feel less of a sense of responsibility after a partner is gone, contributing to a decline in health. See Parents /D5
SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013 • T HE BULLETIN D 3 "Celtic Cross" Christianity
"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism
"Star of David"
536 SW 10th, Redmond
755 NE 2nd Street, Bend 541-389-8888
Messianic Synagogue
Sunday Worship 9:00 am 6 10.30 am
for Jews and Christians alike. If you're
Sunday School for all ages
Sunday School 9:45 am Children F Adult Classes Worship Service — 11:00 am
0 0
You Are TheMost Important Part of Our Services
Kidmo • lunior Church
Hebrew perspective, come join us at: Bear Creek Center
Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor POWELL BUTTE
NEW HOPE KVANGELICAL 20080 Pinebrook Blvd. • 541-389-3436
Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday
Bend, OR. 97701
8:30am- 10:15 am-!1 am
Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church!
• Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery
Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am,
• Hebrew classes • Home groups
Nursery 6 Children's Church •
1049 NE 11th St. • 541-382-8274 SUNDAYS:
9:30am Sunday Educational Classes 10:30 am Morning Worship This Sunday at Faith Christian Pastor Mike Johnson will share his message titled "Smyrna" from the Series 7 in the Sunday service, beginning at 10:30 am. Childcare is provided in our Sunday morning service. On Wednesdays "Restored Youth" service begins at 7:00 pm A number of Faith Journey Groups meet throughout the week in small groups, please contact the church for details and times. The church is located on the corner of Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. REDMOND ASSEMBLY OF GOD 1865 W Antler • Redmond 541-548-4555 SUNDAYS
Morning Worship 8:30 am F 10:30 am Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am Evening Worship 6 pm
COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH AND CHRISTIAN PRESCHOOL 541-593-8341 Beaver at Theater Drive, PO Box 4278, Sunriver, OR 97707
"Transforming Lives Through the Truth of the Word" All are Welcome! SUNDAY WORSHIP AND THE WORD - 9:30 Am.
Coffee Fellowship - 10:45 am Bible Education Hour - ii: 15 am Nursery Care available
Senior Pastor: Glen Schaumloeffel Associate Pastor Jake Schwarze visit our Web site Listen to KNLR 97.5 FM
at 9:00 am each Sunday to hear "Transforming Truth" with Pastor Glen.
Pastor Duane Pippitt •
Sunday 9:15 AM — Prayer Meeting 9:30 AM — Adult Bible Fellowship 9:30AM - Children'sSunday School 10 30 AM — Worship Service 6:00 PM - Growth Groups (call for locatrons) Wednesday 7:00 PM - Prayer Meeting 6 Adult Bible Study 7:00 PM - Kids 4 Truth REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th
Sunday Services 8 am Traditional Service
(No child care for 8 am service) full child care 11 am Service (Full child care) Minister - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844 Associate Pastors
Don Henderson & Mike Sweeney "Loving people one at a time." •
Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are available, call for days and times.
"Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"
"Educating and Developing the Whole Child for the Glory of God" Pre K - 5th Grade 62425 Eagle Road, Bend• 541-382-2049 Principal Lonna Carnahan
FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, 1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100
(South of Portland Ave.)
Tuesday, Wednesday F Friday Mass 9:00 am Sunday Mass — 10:00 am Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00pm
This Sunday, we dig deeper into the concept of the gospel, including the indwelling and empowering presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives. How does the Holy Spirit empower us to live gospel centered? For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond 541-548-4161
Sunday Worship Services: 8:00 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups 9:30 am & 11:00 am Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender:
Worship/Dance - Study-
Rebbetzin Judy Shupack
Food/Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth
Shabbat and High I-Ioliday Services Religious Education Program
Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training Weekly Torah StudyEvery Sat @ 10 am Adult Education
Children Welcome
"Torah Study meets every Saturday
at 10:00 am that there is not a servlce*
1270 NE 27 St. 541-382-5496
Senior Pastor Virgil Askren
Temple Beth Tikvah is a member of the Union for Reform Judaism. Our members represent a wide range of Jewish backgrounds. We welcome interfaith families and Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include
9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10: 15 am Worship Service Nursery Care F Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all
social functions, services, religious education, Hebrew school, Torah study, and adult education
Summer Fundaysbegin in Harmon Park for children ages Pre-K through 5th grade. Childcare available at the Old Stone Church during the service. For more information, visit our website: Meeting place: THE OLD STONE CHURCH 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Mail:PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709
All Peopleswalks in Ifte footsfepsof the 1stcentury Christians ortly with a 21st Centuryprogressiveviewpoint. Share the jcurneywi!Jt us. Worship with us Sunday, June 16th
listing of activities for all ages.
Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm
www.bendnaz org
All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street 541 -388-8826
East Bend Public Library,
Meeting at the Golden Age Club
light andSound of God Experience an Eckankar
Religion of the
MISSION (LCMS) The rttissionoftheChurchis (0forgive srnsthrough the
Gospeltrnd(herebygrant e(errral life. (St. John 20;22-23, Augsburg Confession XXVIII.8, 10)
60280 Dean Swift Rd. ¹170
10 am Sunday School ii am Divine Service
Learn how to sing HU, a love song to God:
The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor.
a loving, uplifting, Spiritual Exercise. HU,
8286 11th St (Grange Hall), Terrebonne, OR
Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to worshipping God and teaching the Bible
truths recovered through the Reformation.
Call for information about other meetings
(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) 680 NW Bond St./541.382.1672 Everyone isWelcome!
541-420-1667 Rev. Thom Larson
pronounced like the word hue, is sung for
Followed by a discussion. singing HU can bring you greater happiness, love, and understanding. Singing HU can draw us closer in our state
21720 E. Hwy. 20• 541.389.8241
Sunday Morning Worship
condordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773
has helped people of many different faiths
WednesdayMid-Week Services Children 8 Youth Programs
2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 382-6862
7:00 pm
Nursery Care provided for all services.
open their hearts more fully to the uplifting
(Child Care Available)
presence and security of God's love.
Education Hour 10:45 a.m.
Singing HU can help you experience:
Men'sBible Study Wednesday 7:30 a.m.
• Expanded awareness
Pastor loel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
• Inner light and/or sound
• Comfort, peace, joy
• Solace during times of grief
CHURCH 529 NW 19th Street
(3/4 mile north of High School)
Worship in the Heart of Redmond
Redmond, OR 97756
• A release of fears
• Answers to your questions For more information please visit or
(541) 548-3367 Sunday Worship Services at !0:00am F 5:01 pm
Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor
Vacation Bible School
9:00 am Contemporary Worship
June 24-28, 9:00 am - Noon
9:00 am Nursery Care
or call 541-728-6476.
Children's Room available during services
9;15 am Children 8 Youth
Come Experience a warm, friendly family of worshipers. Everyone Welcome - Always. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages Coj(ee, snacksand fellowship af!er each service
Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship
469 NW Wall St.• 541-382-5542
"Dur!ng the Week: Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music 6 Fellowship Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson f!
Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241
• A subtle sense of Divine Love
9:00 am - Contemporary Service Sunday School during the 9:00 am service 11:00 am - Traditional Service
Childcare provided on Sunday
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m.
Graduation Sunday Scripture: Matthew 28: 16-20
8:45 am B 10:45 am
of consciousness to the Divine Being. It
• The healing of a broken heart
Redmond, Oregon 97756 541 -923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessions on Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5:15 pm
"Fathers and Courage". Lay-Led service. This morning we will continue the theme from Mother's Day service that was "Mothers and Courage". Several fathers from UUFCO will speak of fatherhood and the courage that comes with it.
541 -388-8826
Jueves 7:00 PM - Misa en Espanol
June 16, 2013 at 11:00 am:
(541 ) 385-3908
8:30 am Sunday
Domingo 12:3 0 PM -M isa en Espanol
Reconciliation Tuesday7:30 AM -8:00 AM -English o Espanol Saturday8:30AM -9:30 AM -English o Espanol
"Diverse Beliefs, One Fellowship" We are a Welcoming Congregation
Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM
Life Groups
Pastor Rev. James A. Radloff Parochial Vicar Rev. Juan Carlos Chiarinoti 541-382-3631
Exposition 8 Benediction Monday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM Tuesday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Wednesday after 7:00 AM Mass - 6:00 PM Thursdayafter7:00 AM Mass -6:00 PM Friday 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday 10:30 am-2 pm
Please visit our website for a complete
62425 Eagle Road, Bend 541-382-5822
Corner of NW Franklin & Lava Masses Sunday 4:30 PM Monday- Friday 7:00 AM & 12:15 PM Saturday 8:00 AM
541 382 4401
1155 SW Division, ffD8, Bend
For information about our education
Regardless of your beliefs or religion,
"A Heart for Bend in the
http:/ /
0 La Roca Church
programs, please call Kathy Schindel at
SundaySchoolclassesare at9:00 am and our Worship Service at 10: 15 am
Our Synagogue is located at 21555 Modoc Lane, Bend, Oregon 541-385-6421 Resident Rabbi Jay Shupack
Reading Room:
Undeniable WaH"
230 NE Ninth Street, Bend
115 NW Minnesota Ave.
period of sacred contemplation.
Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel or contact us at 541-385-5439
at 11 a.m.
KASTMONT CHURCH "DisplayingIfre Reality oj Christ irr
Choirs, music groups, Bible study, fellowship and ministries every week
Visit us on the web at
in the Community Room of Redmond's Ray's Market, 900 SW 23rd Street, just off of Hwy 126. Or, come early at 10 a.m. for discussion of IIOzzupythe Bible, by Rev. Dr. Susan Thistlethwaite. All Peoples meets on the first and third Sundays of each month. On July 7th, All Peoples meets again in the Community Room of Redmond's Ray's Market. For details, directions and possible help with car-pooling, email: allpeoplesucc@gma! or call: 541-390-6864
Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm
Reconciliation / Reconciliacion Saturday3:00 PM -4:45 PM -English. Thursday 6:00 PM -7:00 PM - English o Espanol Domingo 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM - Espanol
Youth Events
about 20 minutes and is followed by a brief
For more information about weekly ministries for the whole family, contact 541-382-5822 or email bendyouthcollective
10:00 am 50+ Bible Study
57255 Fort Rock Rd
Sunday Services Classic (Blended) Service 9:00am Contemporary Service 10:45am Hispanic Service 6:00pm
• Lifecycle Events
go to:
Thursday, June 20, 6:30 pm at the
NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street Masses Saturday- Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30 AM, 10:00 AM8 7:00 PM
12;30 pm Contemplative Prayer
Childcare provided.
Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9;00- 9 15 am
near Christmas Valley
Wednesday Noon Silence8 Supper Worship
Hadashah (New Testament) • Bibhcal Feasts End-times prophecy
Serving Central Oregon for 20 Years, We Are a Non-Denominational Egalitarian lewish Community
Iune is Guatemala Mission Month Help build a better future in San Lucas Toliman. Check out the model home at First Presbyterian. Find information and a video at
6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study
Community HU
Parables of Jesus: The Prodrgal Son Preacher Steven Koski 9:00 am contemporary 10:45 am traditional 5 0 Ipm relaxed Sunday School: 3 yrs to 6th grade Nursery care provided
W ed. TestimonyMeeting: 7:30 pm
Church Service 8 Sunday School: 10 am
HOLY TRINITY, SUNRIVER 18143 Cottonwood Rd.
OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS, Gilchrist 120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass — 12:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00 - 12: 15pm
Lead Pastor
Rabbi Glenn Ettman For the complete schedule of Services 6 Events
Mon. through Fri.: 11 am - 4 pm HOLY REDKKMER CATHOLIC PARISH Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor Parish Office; 541-536-3571
Sundays: 8:30 & 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm YouthGroup:Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided God-Centered Worship Expository Bible Teaching Rich Hymns & Songs Family Oriented Ministries Christ-Focused Living Meaningful Loving Relationships Compassionate Gospel Witness
CENTRAL OREGON BAPTIST CHURCH Currently rrreeting at 500 SW Bond S!. (541) 617-2814
13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte
20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site:
• Teaching from the Torah and the Brit
Pastor Randy Myers
Osborne and Glenn Bartnik
For information, please call ... • Women's Bible Study - Tuesdays, 10 am • Awana Kids Club (4 yrs - 6th gr.) Sept. - May ' Youth Ministry (gr. 7-12) Wednesdays 6: 15 pm • Men'sBibleStudy -Thursdays9 am • Home Bible Studies are also available Preschool for 3 8 4 year olds Call for information
Adult Classes Celebrate Recovery W ednesdayNITE LiveKids Youth Group
Pastors: Chris Blair, Trey Hinkle, Ozzy
9:30 am Contemporary Service with
The church is located at Beaver and Theater Drives in Sunriver Everyone is welcome.
mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries
M usicand the Word 7 pm
Sunday Worship Services
Rev. Dr. Steven H Koski
interested in learning the Bible from a
21300 Bear Creek Rd.
Potluck 6 pm
"Star B Crescent"Islam
We provide a congregational setting
Major's Robert B Miriam Keene
"Yin/Yang" Taoist/
(Across Ninth St. from Bend High) All Are Welcome, Always!
Est. 1994
Greg Strubhar, Pastor
Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays
"Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism
Sundtry Schedule
Youth Groups High School - Sunday !1:00am- 12:30pm
4 Saturdays and TMC: $115 5 Saturdays and TMC: $138 The Bulletin: EVery Saturday OF! the ChurCh
page. $23 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday
MiddleSchool -W ednesday 6:00-7:30pm
CO Marketplace:
One service at 9:00 am
M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am
The First Tuesday of each
Historic St. Francis Church,
Wed. Bible Study at noon 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study
6.30 pm Centering Prayer
I:00 pm 3rdTues.Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach
month. $23 Copy Changes: by Monday
5:30 pm Prayer Service
I Week PriOr to PubliCatiOn
494 NW Lava St. at Franklin, Bend, OR
We are grateful to the community for the outpouring of help
Small Groups Meet Regularly The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector
(Handicapped Accessible) Please visit our website for a complete
All are welcome
1113 SWBlack Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 — 541-923-7466 Pastor Eric Burtness
through our red doors
Call Pat Lynch 541-383-0396
listing of activities for all ages.
• g •
really want to do them, without all t hat much compromise: skiing, photographing, that kind of thing." He's a dancer, too, and can frequently be seen at McMenamins Old St. Francis School on Wednesday nights, He also makes a good partner at Tumalo Art Co., said Higdon. She calls Jackson "an integral part of our group. Lots of people come in specifically to see his work. And it's powerful, so even if they haven't seen his photographs before, they arevery drawn to them. But Bruce works just as hard at connecting art l overs to whatever artist they gravitate to at the gallery. He's a team
Continued from 01 N evertheless, h e w o u l d t ake another b r ea k f r o m
photography, focusing on his first love, skiing. The winter of 1970-71, his second year at COCC, he ski raced for the school. After his second year of school, he j oined a f r i e nd who'd been skiing at Snowbird Ski Resort in Utah it s first year of operations. "It w as incredible. It wa s l i k e h elicopter-powder sk ii n g , because nobody knew about the ski area yet. There were hardly any people there." Jackson wound up spending the next two winters at Snowbird, working the first year atthe resort,the second at his first table-waiting job. "It wasn't really my thing, but it got me through the winter. I skied all the time. That was why we were there; we were ski bums," he said. Back in Bend for the winter of 1976, he joined the ski patrol at Mt. Bachelor. Timing is everything for a p hotographer. At w or k o n e day, he learned famed skifilm director Warren Miller, who's calling card is making a film every year, would be visiting the following week to shoot footage at the mountain for a pair of films. " My boss asked me i f I wanted to work with Warren Miller, and I said, 'Of course I want to work with Warren Miller! '" Jackson said. When Miller arrived, Jackson carried film equipment. "Towards the end of the day, he asked me if I w o uld ski in the footage the rest of the week. That was a 25-year-old, testosterone-loaded ski bum's dream come true." The footage ended up in a small f i l m a b out s k i ing the Cascades, as well as in "Skiing on my Mind," which would premiere in fall 1976. The experience with Miller reawakened his i nterest in photography, w h ic h r e a l ly began to take root in the summer of 1976, when he worked fighting forest fires. It was a l i ght f i r e y ear, and he began borrowing his roommate and fire crew mate Jeff Fox's camera, a Pentax 35 m m s i n g le-lens r eflex camera. "When I knew he hadthat camera and he wasn't using it, I asked if I might be able to borrow it," Jackson said. "He said, 'Of course.' And then he saw how much fun I was having and said, 'Why don't you just keep it for the summer. If I need it, I'll get it from you.'" Between the cabin's setting upstream from Detroit Lake and helicopter flights, there were "a lot o f p h o togenic things going on around me," Jackson said. "I didn't have a clue what I was doing, but I was excited about it." He would closely examine the photographs whenever he had them developed, "trying to figure out what I could do different and better to make a better photograph," he said. "I was real disciplined about that." Back in Salem for the fall, "I didn't have a clue what I was going to do with my life," he said. His mother, a school librarian, would bring home books on photography that he pored over. He also bought his own SLR camera. "Literally, the first frame on the first roll of film, this unbelievable sunset was going on over Salem. We lived up on a hill ... and I took a photo from one of my mom's little decks of this sunset, and it turned out really well. And I thought, 'Maybe this is a sign.'"
Submitted photo
Jackson shoots his landscape photosusing this 4x5 camera.
Submitted photo
"Sun Salutations" is one of the prints Bruce Jackson is debuting in a show at Tumalo Art Co.
up on that till a l ittle while later," he said. "I realized, 'I have to reshoot this. This will not fly.'" His father, a finish carpenter andfirefighter, was a perfectionist, and the y ounger Jackson had inherited that trait. "What Bruce does, is he ties the scene of what he's taking into his feelings on life," friend Robb said. "He really translates the way he personally views life in the form of
his photography."
Poster success
Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Bruce Jackson adjusts the lighting on his work while setting up for a show at Tumaio Art Co.
In 1982, Jackson was working in Blue Sky Gallery and Framing, and knew that the fine art poster business "was
sion can be seen in one of the a h i gher meadow. "I just sensed I needed to newprints,"Sun Salutations," a shot of l upine and other c l i m b h i gher," Jackson said. wildflowers taken at Tom Mc- "I went to the upper meadow. I Call Nature Conservancy in g o t up there and went, 'Wow! the Columbia River Gorge in N o w w e ' retalking." April. He was still using his 35 M issing t he mm camera. He m erits o f B e n d, liked th e r e sulJ ackson m o v e d Whclt 13I'UCe tant shots, but he b ack i n 1 9 80 . d p e S j S g e w anted to m a k e T hat's when h e a big p r int t h at took hi s f a t eful wouldn t lose res-
really flying."
Looking through the poster catalogs, he knew he wanted to turn a not-yet-taken photo of Mt. Bachelor into a poster. Besides taking the shot, he wanted to make and market it himself. M ore s e l f-teaching e n tailed. "Ignorance is b l i ss, you know," he said. He would need money, so he headed to Alaska's Bristol Bay to work second job wait- Of W hat he'S olut io n , and knew in the fishing industry for seving tables, at the thatwouldrequire en months, then spent another tgkjrig jrlgp gjS erstwhile M e x i - f I ' new equipment. five months in 1983 doing fincali R o se . He H e b ought a ish carpentry in A nchorage lasted about four li f e . He r ea lly 4 -by- 5 -inch f i l m with his old buddy Jeff Fox, m onths be f o r e t jclriSlciteS camera at another whose camera Jackson had getting fired. former Bend busi- borrowed. "It wa s r e ally ~~e ®> tle "All I d i d w a s s t ockpile ness, Dot s on's a blessing in dis- Pe l 'SOrlcillg P hoto Cente r . money to publish this poster," " This is al l t r i al Jackson said. He came back guise," he said. yj e y yS Ijfe jj7 Friends and famby fire, learning to Bend in December 1983 to I f f I ily were encouron the run, and so get his photo. aging of his plan PI 1 0tOgl'BPtlg. I'm ma k i ng some "I was really burned out, to make a go of mistakes — but and was really questioning Brian Robb, friend I d o n' t u s u ally whether I could pull this thing photography of Bruce Jackson make them twice, off," he said. "Once I got back T he winter of 1980-81, he joined thank goodness," into the area, I realized, 'Yes. friend and fellow he said. This has to be done.'" photographer B r i a n R obb He w en t b a ck t o T umalo H e kept a n e y e o n t h e o n a planned hike of Tumalo M o u n tain a n d t o o k m o r e weather, and on Jan. 11, 1984, Mountain to shoot neighbor- s h o ts, a n d b e g a n s e l l ing he hiked up Tumalo Mountain ing Bachelor. Robb had struck p r i n ts at ski shops and book- and got the shot that would a deal to exchange a poster s t o res, but the spring lighting become his first poster. photo of Mt. Bachelor for a on t h e m o untain, he knew, His goal was to get the postwasn't quite right. pair of ski boots. er out by February 1. "I had it all mapped out," The two had met ski rac It w as h i s big "a-ha" moing years earlier. "We vied for m e n t with lighting."I was so he said. While the color work seventh place," Robb said. focus e d on getting things out and printing were being done, Robb got his shot — and his o n t he market, and trying to he worked on p oint-of-purboots. Jackson kept hiking to s e l l (them), that I didn't pick chase displays. A loan from
a neighbor who worked as a loan officer at a bank helped him bridge the gap in funds. He borrowed $7,500, but the posters, titled "The SummitMt. Bachelor," sold well, about 80 percent of them in Central Oregon, the rest in Portland. "From the time I s t arted selling the posters, I broke even in seven weeks," Jackson said. "It took off beyond my wildest imagination." In 1986,he made a poster of Mt. Hood, a view of the mountain replicating the view "everyone (in Portland) has this emotional connection with," he said, albeit taken closer to the mountain. In 1989, he did another s uccessful p o ster, t itled "Pine Marten — M t . Bachelor." Decades of travel and phot ography have e nsued f o r Jackson.. Though over the decades h e spent plenty of t im e i n the mountains, knee problems forced Jackson to take a 20-year break from skiing. T he break c o incided w i t h the launch of his career, and Jackson said he was able to "transfer that passion (into
photography) for 20 years." H e never married, but said he'd been in a couple of longterm relat>onsh>ps. "I'm a happy person being by myself. I'm c omfortable spending a lot of alone time, so that's not a detriment," he said of being single. "I love that freedom, and my kind of lifestyle, I love to be ableto do my activities the way I really,
Before releasing a single print at Tumalo Art Co. last fall, his last time releasing several new editions at once came i n N o v ember 2 010, when he released six pieces. Five months earlier, his mother had moved to Bend. His 86-year-old mother was at that opening, and suffered a stroke exactly a week later, he told The Bulletin in a follow-up email. She died two days later. "She was really my r ock growing up," wrote Jackson. "She encouraged me in whatever I wanted to do. We were very good friends, really enjoyed being together. "Who knows, maybe that is partly why I didn't release much new work till now. Her passing was definitely a tough time for me." In 2003, his knee problems resolved, he was able to give skiing another try. "I literally feel 35 when I ski. I feel 17," said Jackson, who, as fate would have it, is contemplating shooting a ski video as his next goal. "It's just a matter of learning," said Jackson, who said his motto in life is "Tune into my intuition, read it clearly, and act on it with courage." — Reporter: 541-383-0349,
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From flowers to landscapes For a few years in the late 1 970s, he m oved i nt o h i s mother Imogene's house and built a darkroom in the garage. "I thought, for s ome reason, I could have a better chance of making a career out of photography in Salem, where there were bigger population areas, than in Bend," Jackson said. Working as a field technician for an agricultural corporation, he would shoot photos of test plots of flowers. "I really got i nt o p h otographing flowers," he said. "That really laid the groundwork for my interest and passion for photographing flowers down the road." That pas-
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VOLUNTEER SEARCH Volunteer Search is compiled by the Department of HumanServices Volunteer Services. Theorganizations listed are seeking volunteers for a variety of tasks. Tosee afull list, and for additional information on the types of help needed, goonline to Changes, additions or deletions should be sent to 1300 N.W.Wall St., Suite103, Bend 97701, email Therese.M.Helton© or call 541-693-8988.
ANIMALS AND ENVIRONMENT BEND SPAY& NEUTERPROJECT: 541-617-1010. CAT RESCUE,ADOPTION & FOSTER TEAM (CRAFT), 541-389-8420 or541-598-5488. CHIMPS, or 541-410-4122. DESCHUTESLANDTRUST: or 541-330-0017. DESCHUTESNATIONAL FOREST: Jean Nelson-Dean, 541-383-5576. EAST CASCADES AUDUBON or 54 I -241-2190. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER: or 54I-385-6908. EQUINEOUTREACH HORSE RESCUE OF BEND: www.equineoutreach. com or joan© or 54 I -419-3717. HEALINGREINS THERAPEUTIC RIDING CENTER: Darcy Justice, 541-382-9410. HUMANE SOCIETYOF CENTRAL OREGON: Jen, jennifer© or 54 I-382-3537. HUMANE SOCIETYOF THE OCHOCOS: 541-447-7178. HUMANE SOCIETYOF REDMOND: volunteer© or 54 I -923-0882. JUNIPERGROUP SIERRA CLUB: 541-389-9115. districts/prineville/recreation/host. php or 541-416-6700. STEWARDSHIPFOR SUSTAINABLE BAGGING: LexaMcAllister, Imcallister© or 54I-914-6676. SUNRIVERNATURECENTER& OBSERVATORY: 541-593-4442. VOLUNTEERCAMPGROUND HOST POSITIONS:Tom Mottl, 541-416-6859.
HEALTH AMERICANCANCER SOCIETY: CharlieJohnson,541-434-3114. AMERICANREDCROSS: 541-749-4111. DESCHUTESCOUNTY HEALTH DEPARTMENT: Tuesday Johnson, Tuesday Johnson©co.deschutes. or 541-322-7425. FRIENDSWITH FLOWERS OF OREGON: www. or 541-480-8700. HOSPICEOF REDMONDSISTERS: www.redmondhospice. org or Volunteer Coordinator at 54 I-548-7483. MOUNTAINVIEWHOSPITAL: JoDee
Parents Continued from 01 For my dad, in subtle and not-so-subtle ways, his heartbreak was evident from the start. I'd never seen him cry as he did in the minutes after we disconnected the ventilator keeping my mother alive back in January. He typically kept his emotions well contained, and it was agonizing to watch him overcome bygrief. "My sweet, sweet wife of 42r/~ years has just passed," he wrote on Facebook hours later. "She was a wonderful wife, mother, and grandma. There is a hole in my heart." Then he stopped talking about it. He changed topics when my sister and I asked how he was coping. Instead, he talked of moving to the Jewish senior apartments, going on a dialysis cruise, starting a new business, visiting our family in New Jersey. My dad's health problems may have caught up with him even if my mom hadn't died. He had heart disease, diabetes, renal failure and conges-
Editor'snote Due to space, organizations in the "children, youth and
education services" and "miscellany" categories were not listed. For a full
listing and additional information on the types
ofhelp needed, seea more detailed listing at volunteer. Tittle, 541-475-3882, ext. 5097. MOUNTAINVIEW HOSPITAL HOSPICE: 541-460-4030 or Tori Schultz, or 541475-3882, ext. 5327. NATIONALALLIANCE ON MENTAL ILLNESS— CENTRAL OREGON: Eileen White, namicentraloregoncN NEWBERRY HOSPICE:541-536-7399. PARTNERS IN CARE:www. or SarahPeterson at 541-382-5882. RELAYFORLIFE:Stefan Myers, 541-504-4920. ST. CHARLESIN BENDAND ST. CHARLESIN REDMOND: 541-706-6354. VOLUNTEERS IN MEDICINE: Kristi, 541-585-9008.
ARTS, MUSIC, CULTURE AND HERITAGE 88.9KPOV, BEND'S COMMUNITY RADIOSTATION:info© or 541-322-0863. ART COMMITTEEOF THE REDMOND FRIENDS OF THE LIBRARY: Linda Barker,541-312-1064. ARTS CENTRALSTATION: 541-6 l7-1 317. CASCADESTHEATRICAL COMPANY: 541-389-0803. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY ASSOCIATION:Julie, 541-383-7779. DES CHUTESHISTORICAL MUSEUM: 541-389-1813, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. DESCHUTESPUBLIC LIBRARY SYSTEM:541-312-1032. FRIENDS OFTHE BEND LIBRARIES: or Meredith Shadrachat 541-6 I7-7047. HIGH DESERTCHAMBER MUSIC:Isabelle Senger, www., infoO or 541-306-3988. HIGH DESERTMUSEUM: 541-382-4754. LA PINE PUBLIC LIBRARY: Cindylu, 54I-3I7-1097. LATINOCOMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: Brad, or 541-382-4366. THE NATUREOFWORDS: or 541-330-4381. REDMOND FRIENDSOFTHE LIBRARY:541-312-1060. REDMONDINTERCULTURAL EXCHANGE (R.I.C.E.): Barb, bonitodia© or 541 -447-0732. TOWER THEATREFOUNDATION: 541-317-0700.
HUMAN SERVICES or 541-388-8103, ext. 217. AMNESTY INTERNATIONAL:Philip Randall, 541-388-1793. ASSISTANCELEAGUEOFBEND: 541-389-2075. BEND COMMUNITYCENTER: Sherry Fisher, volunteerO or 54 I -3 I2-2084. BETHLEHEM INN: www. or 541-322-8768. CENTER FORCOMPASSIONATE LIVING (PREVIOUSLY PEACE CENTER OFCENTRAL OREGON): or Beth Hansen, 541-923-6677. CENTRALOREGONVETERANS OUTREACH:© or 541-383-2793. DEPARTMENTOF HUMAN SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES: Therese Helton, Therese.M.Helton@ state, or 541-693-8988. DEPARTMENTOF HUMAN
tive heart failure. Last summer, his heart stopped and he had to be on a ventilator, but he pulled through. Whether by coincidenceor not, his health began to slide further after my mom's death. He fell in the bathroom and cut his foot, a problem for diabetics like him. When the toes didn't heal properly, he had to have them amputated. He joked that he and his toes had had a good run and wondered if the toe fairy would come for a visit. My father maintained his humor even on the morning of his death. When my sister called to ask him, "Who's the best dad in the world?," he responded, "I don't know, but when you findhim, can you have him give me a call so I can get some pointers?" I can't help but think about the pain behind that facade — how much he missed my mom, the woman he shared his life with and relied on for more than four decades. In the end, I was relieved that my sister and I didn't have to decide whether to disconnect
SERVICES/VOLUNTEERSERVICES CROOK COUNTY:Valerie Dean, 541447-3851, ext. 427. DISABLEDAMERICANVETERANS (DAV):Don Lang, 541-647-1002. FAMILY KITCHEN: Cindy Tidball, cindyt© or 541-610-6511. FAMILY RESOURCECENTER: 541-389-5468. HUMAN DIGNITYCOALITION: 541-385-3320. HUNGERPREVENTION COALITION:Marie, infoO or 541-385-9227. LA PINECOMMUNITY KITCHEN: 541-536-1312. NEIGHBORIMPACT: chrisq@neighbor or 541-548-2380, ext. 106. PEACEBRIDGES, INC., BEND: or JohnC. Schwechten at 541-383-2646. PFLAG CENTRALOREGON: or 541-317-2334. RONALD MCDONALDHOUSE:Teresa, 541-318-4950. SAVING GRACE: 541-382-9227 or 541-504-2550. SOROPTIMISTINTERNATIONAL OF, president© or 541-728-0820. ST. VINCENT DE PAULSOCIAL SERVICES:541-389-6643. VOLUNTEER CONNECT:www. or 541-385-8977. WINNINGOVER ANGER & VIOLENCE: or 541-382-1 943. WOMEN'S RESOURCECENTER OF CENTRAL OREGON:541-385-0750.
GOVERNMENT, CITY AND COMMUNITY THE CITIZENREVIEWBOARD(CRB): crb.volunteer.resources©ojd.state. or 888-530-8999. CITY OFBEND:Cheryl Howard, choward© or 541-388-5505. COURT APPOINTEDSPECIAL ADVOCATE (CASA): www. or 541-389-16 I8. DESCHUTESCOUNTY VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Diane Stecher, 541-317-3186 or 541-388-6525. DESCHUTESRIVER WOODS NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: or Barbara at infoO or 541-382-0561. JEFFERSONCOUNTY CRIME VICTIMS' ASSISTANCEPROGRAM: Tina Farrester, 541-475-4452, ext. 4108. JEFFERSONCOUNTYVOLUNTEER SERVICES:Therese Helton, 541-4756131, ext. 208. LA PINERURAL FIREPROTECTION DISTRICT:Volunteer Coordinator, 541-536-2935. ORCHARD DISTRICT NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION: www. SUNRIVERAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE: 541-593-8149. VISIT BEND: or 541-382-8048.
life support, a decision that caused so much anguish and pain in my mom's final days. My dad died quickly: He went into cardiac arrest and could not be revived. He was 68. There's some solace in the idea that my parents are together again. But that doesn't make this Father's Day any easier. I'll cherish the time with my wife and kids. We'll prob-
ably go for bagels, as we do every weekend, and maybe we'llhead to the Jersey Shore. I wish that I could share the day's highlights with my dad. I want to tell himthat his 6-yearold grandson has learned how to play checkers (and is actually decent) and that our 3-yearold is building symmetrical Lego spaceships. I want him to know that the baby boy my wife is expecting in November seems to be doing well. Could I have made more of mytime with my parents? Will my children remember them? How I can live a life worthy of their legacy'? If I can be as kind and generous a parent as they were, that will be a start.
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' rue oo 're urnswi e ic rama TV SPOTLIGHT By john Crook © Zapzit
R elationship c r i ses a r e nothing new t o t e l epathic w aitress S o o k i e Sta c k -
house (Anna Paquin), but she faces a new one of epic proportions as "True Blood" comes roaring back for its s ixth season on H B O o n Sunday. As fans of the show will remember, Season 5 reached its climax as Sookie's broth-
er, Jason (Ryan Kwanten), led a daring raid on the New Orleans headquartersof the Vampire A u thority, w h ere control had been seized by the Sanguinistas, a r o g ue v ampire f a ction t h a t o p posed mainstreaming with humans and worshipped a primal deity known as Lilith, the mother of all vampires. As carnage reigned throughout th e c o m plex, S o okie and c h a rismatic v a m p i re Eric Northman (Alexander
Skarsgard) confronted her old lover Bill Compton (Stephen Moyer), who in a fit of religious mania downed a large flask of Lilith's sacramental blood, then dissolved into the gruesome puddle of gore that generally signals that a vampire has gone to his "true death." N ot so f ast, though. A s Sookie and Eric kept watching, stunned, the bloody pool suddenly began to coalesce
HBO viaThe Associated Press
Stephen Moyer stars as vampire Bill Compton in "True Blood," which returns for its sixth season on HBO at 9 p.m. Sunday. anew, and a terrifying entity that appeared to be the angry Lilith now reincarnated in Bill's form arose from the
even in this thing anymore. You'll find that out eventually, whether Bill is just completely lost inside." goo and gave chase. W hile Tara m a y b e i n "Oh, y e ah , a l l h e l l is fairly dire straits this seab reaking l o ose w h e n w e son — yes, again — Wesley come back," s ays a c tress herself is tickled pink to be Rutina Wesley, whose charp laying a c h a r acter w h o acter, recently turned "baby got a fascinating reboot last v amp" T ar a T h o r nton, i s season when her best friend, an active participant in the Sookie, made the desperate c haotic action o f t h e f i r st decision to have Pam (Krisepisode. " We all m eet u p tin Bauer van Straten) turn and just get the hell out of Tara into a v a m p ire after D odge, because 'Billith' i s she was critically injured by no joke t hi s season. Seria shotgun blast while trying ously. We don't know what to save Sookie's life. Given to do, because before we can that Tara h ated v a mpires figure out what the next step more than anything else in is, we have to really under- the world, that decision instand what Bill is — in fact, fused this character with a whether Bill Compton still is fresh internal tension that
changed her w h ole d i r ection and gave Wesley some d elightful ne w o p t i ons t o play with. At least, once she recovered from her shock. "When Alan (Ball, the series creator) first told me, I just freaked out," the actress recalls, laughing. "While we were setting up to do another take, he just pulled me into a corner and said, 'Hey, we're really excited about something, and I hope you will be, too. Tara's going to be turned.' And I was like, 'What? That doesn't mean that I'm dying, does it?' Because normally when a character gets t u r ned, th ey've got one more death and then that's it; they're gone. "So Tara w a s c r i t ically injured in the Season 4 fin ale, and a l l d u r i n g t h e hiatus I kept worrying that t hey would d ecide not t o bring m e b a c k , b e c ause people sometimes change their minds over the break. I trusted Alan and I had faith in the writers, but privately, I was so afraid that I wasn't going to be working the next season." Once W esley realized that Tara was, indeed, coming back as a main player, she began to get excited by the possibilities, especially given that Tara's maker was
going to be Pam, a huge fan favorite who gets to w e ar outrageously sexy costumes and indulge in some pretty
omnot wi t co a itation Dear Abby:I am 25, and my boyfriend and I have been together since high school. We have now decided to take our relationship to the next level by living together. When I brought up the idea to my mother a few months ago, she was against it. She said if I do this DEAR it will change my reABBY lationship with her. My boyfriend and I are college graduates, have good jobs and are self-supporting. If things work out between us, we will most likely be getting married next year. I am an only child and I don't want to hurt my mother or have our relationship change, but I want to be able to live my own life. I would like her support, but don't know how to tell her what we have decided or if it would be worth breaking the specialbond between my mother and me. — Only Child in California Dear Only Child: Stop beating around the bush and tell your mother what your plans are. At 25, you are old enough — and this relationship has gone on longenough — that moving in together is a natural progression toward a permanent commitment. Her resistance is based
on fear of what your independence from her will mean — to her. However, if you truly can't decide whether cutting the umbilical cord is worth it, then keep things as they are — and remain her little girl forever. Dear Abby: I a m a teenager who has liked this guy for a long time. We've been best friends forever, and I have liked him for two years. Recently he asked me out, and I was ecstatic — at first. I still like him, but every time I think about him or I'm around him, or anything about him comes up, I get this horrible nausea. I have actually vomited because of it. How can I like him but he makes me feel ill? Is there a way to remedy this? — Lovesick in Phoenix Dear Lovesick: Severe anxiety can cause someone to have the symptoms you have described. It's not unlike the feeling one has when riding a roller coaster. You appear to be suffering from an extreme case of young love, and there is no medication that can cure it. Try to remain calm, and your symptoms should subside over time. Dear Abby: Your column often provides helpful tips to your read-
year you work on your patience. Youwill By Jacqueline Bigar experience a lot of frustration as you discover the difficult nature of this virtue. Sometimes your frustration evolves to to help you with a project. You don't do well anger. Be careful. without company for any length of time. Stars showthe kind You have a lot of Tonight: Make it easy. of day you'll have se lf-discipline21-July22) ** * * * D ynamic use it appropriately. CANCER (June ** * * Keep conversations moving. Your ** * * P ositive I fyou are single, ** * Average exp ect many ups naturally nurturing ways draw others out. Do not feel like you have to fix a situation or ** So-so and downs in a come up with a solution. Others simply like * Difficult new relationship. to be with you; they thoroughly enjoy your The person who feedback and upbeat personality. Tonight: indulgesyouneedsa second look.Ifyou Catch up on others' news. are attached, be morepatient with your LEO (July23-Aug.22) sweetie. There is no need tohavefutile ** * Do not stress yourself out. Relax disagreements. VIRGO gets the job done, with friends, and worry less about the even if it is too slow for your taste. potential problems in your life. Stay ARIES (March 21-April 19) present, and before you know it, you will be ** * O thers might wonder what is going enjoying a quirky friend. Tonight: Your treat. on, asyou seem to fuss about nearly VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) everything. Go out andhandle whatyou ** * * Refuse to get involved inpower a must, and you will feel a great senseof struggle or anangryexchange. You could relief. Tonight: Invite others to your place find a workable solution, butyou might for a party. decide that it just isn't worth getting in TAURUS (April20-May20) the middle of an uncomfortable situation. ** * * You generally feel uptight about Tonight: As you like. Someone is only too spending; however, you likely will accept happy to pleaseyou. a costly invitation. Honor your needs first, because that is the only way something will LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22) ** * You might want some free time to be work. Make yourself at ease, andeveryone fair, you have will become far more jubilant. Tonight: Kick by yourself right now. To be pushed very hard in the past few weeks. up your heels. A loved one also would appreciate time GEMINI (May21-June20) alone with you. Knowthatyou probablywill ** * Whether you're snoozing or getting not be good company right now. Tonight: into a project, you can befound at home. It Indulge yourself. might be a good idea toattend a gathering later in the day.Youalso could ask a friend
SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21)
ers. May I suggest that you remind those who are, or know someone who is, college-bound never to hesitate to apply for as many scholar-
ships as possible — regardless of how small. My local conservation association has been giving scholarships for 11 years. Some years we get no applicants! The amounts are $500 and $1,000. This money could pay for books, lab fees or go toward tuition, but we get few applicants. Many fraternal organizations also give out numerous small scholarships. These all add up and can help to reduce the college debt burden we hear so much about. It's never too soon to start. There are middle school and high school contests, too. NOW is the time for students to start their college funds with all the prizes and scholarships they can accumulate. — Helping TheNext Generation Dear Helping:I rm sure many families will thank you for this reminder. Readers, many small scholarships are available — and the thing to do is talk to your school counselor and research online or at your local library. Indeed, it's never too soon to start looking. — Write to Dear Abby at orP.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles,CA 90069
** * * Keep reaching out to someone you care a lot about. Avoid getting involved in an argument with others, as there appears to be a tiff going on among several close friends or loved ones. Flexwith the moment, and life will be moreexciting as a result. Tonight: Where your friends are.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec. 21) ** * T ension builds as you start thinking about an older relative or your many responsibilities. Handle whatyou must; otherwise, you won't be able to relax. You might discover thatyou have to deal with an unexpected cost. Useyour skills to talk the price down. Tonight: Out late.
CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan.19) ** * * Your ability to get past a problem usually is strong, but right nowyou could find yourself having words with a neighbor or relative. Is there another way? Revise your thinking, and try to take adifferent approach. Tonight: Join friends for dinner.
AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18) ** * * L isten to feedback, and know full well what will be necessaryto make a situation work. Youare exuberant and sure of yourself. Still, make it a point to cater to others a bit more. At times, you might take on a defiant attitude. Tonight: Love the one you are with.
PISCES (Fed.19-IVlarch20) ** * * O t hers clearly needwant and to have control right now. Youhavenothing to lose, so resist getting tense or looking for answers. Just go along for the ride. You might gain more understanding of the personyou are with ifyou do. Tonight: People surround you. Enjoy! ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate
TV TODAY 8p.m. onH A,"Zero Hour" — Better burned off thannever. The episodes of this canceled drama that didn't make it to air will play out over the next few Saturdays so that its fans — and it does havethem! — won't be left hanging. A doubleheadertonight opens with Laila (Jacinda Barrett) persuading White Vincent (Michael Nyqvist) to let her tend his wounds in hopes of finding awayto escape. Hank(Anthony Edwards) comes to realize that peoplearen't always what they seem in"Chain."
over-the-top behavior, even by vampire standards. "I asked, 'Ooh, do I get to dress like her? Do I get to be sexy?' Kristin is j ust awe-
some, and as long as I got to dress like Pam, I was OK with it," Wesley says, "As an a ctor, something l ik e t h i s is the meat, the thing that keeps you inspired and challenged to do something new. I decided that, as a vampire, Tara would walk in a slightly different way, kind of like a panther, and her voice was going to be lower. There was a whole physical transformation that I tried to work in, but it's still Tara." I f there's even a s l i g ht downside to playing a vampire instead of a human, she adds, it's that th e u n dead shoot almost all their scenes at night.
8 p.m.on LIFE, Movie:"Gone Missing" — A mom (Daphne Zuniga) immerses herself in the spring break scene in San Diego after her daughter and a friend (Brigette Davidovici, Gage Golightly) disappear during the festivities. Along the way she picks up some disturbing information that the girl was keeping from her. Lauren Bowles and Nicholas R. Gravaalso star in this new suspense tale. 8 p.m.on HBO, Movie:"The Dark Knight Rises" —Director Christopher Nolan's 2012 conclusion to his Batman trilogy is as stylistically stunning as expected, with returnee Christian Bale's moody portrayal of Gotham City's main protector getting a boost from Anne Hathaway's presence as Selina Kyle — alias Catwoman. The main villain is the masked Bane(Tom Hardy). Morgan Freeman, Michael Caine andGaryOldman also are back. Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard, also of Nolan's "Inception," join the cast.
"Oh, my God, so many
long night shoots!" the actress gasps, t hen l a u ghs. " Sometimes I kind of m i ss being human. In some of the early episodes this season, we were shooting on a beach near the ocean, and we shot, like, all night, and it was very cold, and it sucked. But don't get me wrong; I love my job. And there is an advantage, really, because when you're playing a human character, you can be doing a scene at any time of the day or night, but when you're a vampire, when the sun comes up, you have to stop shooting!"
9 p.m. on ES, "Blue Bloods" — Danny (Donnie Wahlberg) gets a taste of a different line of work when Erin (Bridget Moynahan) arranges for him to protect a key witness in one of her cases: a notorious photographer who was nearly killed in a hit-and-run. Jamie and Vinny (Will Estes, Sebastian Sozzi) take down a drug operation in "Greener Grass." Tom Selleck also stars.
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-D andIMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to changeafter press time. t
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8, IMAX,680 S W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • 42(PG-13) 11:35 a.m. • AFTER EARTH (PG-13) 11:25 a.m., 3: IO,6:25, 9:20 • EPIC(PG) 12:15, 2:50, 6:10, 9:15 • EPIC 3-D(PG)11:50 a.m. • FAST & FURIOUS 8 (PG-13) l2:10, 3:25, 6:40, 9:55 • THE GREAT GATSBY (PG-13) 11:15a.m., 2:30, 6:05, 9:25 • THE HANGOVER PARTIII (R) 11:05a.m., 1:35, 7:35, 10:05 • THE INTERNSHIP (PG-13) 12:20, 3:55, 7:20, 10:05 • IRON MAN 3(PG-13) I2:35, 3:40, 7:15,10:20 • MAN OFSTEEL(PG-13) 11 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 2:35, 3, 4:20, 6,6:30,9: I5,9:45 • MAN OFSTEEL3-D (PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 2:45, 3:15, 6:15, 6:45, 9:30, 10 • MAN OFSTEELIMAX (PG-13) 3:30 • MAN OF STEELIMAX3-D (PG-13) Noon, 7, 10:15 • NOW YOUSEE ME (PG-13)12:30,4:05,7:30,10:20 • THE PURGE (R) 2: IO,4:25, 7:45, 10:25 • STAR TREK INTODARKNESS(PG-13) 12:45, 3:45, 7:10, IO:!5 • THIS IS THE END(R) 12:55, 4:10, 6:50, 9:40 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. •
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • BEFORE MIDNIGHT (R) 12:15, 3: I5, 6:15, 8:40 • THE GREAT GATS8Y (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 8 • LOVE ISALLYOUNEED(R) 11:45 a.m., 2:45, 5:45, 8:15 • MAN OFSTEEL (PG-13)11:30 a.m.,2:30,5:30,8:30 • MUD(PG-13) Noon, 3, 6, 8:45 • THE SAPPHIRES (PG-13) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45, 8:55 I
9 p.m. on HALL, Movie: "Notes From Dad" —Clay Allan (Eddie Cibrian) is a former jazz musician who takes a job teaching music at a disadvantaged local high school after his divorce. Discovering one boy's talent on the trumpet and his need of a father figure, Allan is inspired to mentor him and start a bandto help keepthe school open. Through the journey of leading the band, he reconnects with his own estranged son, becoming the father he always wanted to be in this new drama. ©zap2it
E LEVATIO N Klevation Capital Strategies 400 sw BluA Drive suite 101 Bend Main: 541-728-0321
McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • THE CROODS (PG) 11:30a.m., 2:30 • OBLIVION (PG-13) 6 • THE PLACE BEYOND THEPINES (R) 9:15 • After 7 p.m., shows are 21 and older only. Youngerthan 21 may attend screeningsbefore 7 pm. if accompanied bya legalguardian.
tPzttre &arf.6 Co.
a~ B~ dU Bend Redmond
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • THE ANGELS'SHARE(no MPAArating) 2:45, 8:30 • BERT STERN: ORIGINAL MADMAN(no MPAArating) 5 • STAND(no MPAArating) 7 I
John Day Burns Lakeview
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 541-548-8777
• THE INTERNSHIP (PG-13) 11 a.m., 1:30, 4, 6:30, 9 • MAN OFSTEEL(PG-13) 11:15a.m., 2:30, 5:45, 9:15 • NOW YOUSEE ME (PG-13)11:30 a m.,2,4 30,7,9 30 • THIS IS THE END(R) Noon, 2:15, 4:30, 6:45, 9
Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • THE INTERNSHIP (PG-13) 2:45, 5:15, 7:45 • MAN OFSTEEL (PG-13) I:30,4:30,7:30 • MUD(PG-13) 2:15, 5, 7:45 • THIS IS THE END(R) 3:30, 5:45, 8
•r I
Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • AFTER EARTH (PG-13) 2:40, 5, 7:20, 9:35 • EPIC (PG) 2,4:20 • FAST 8 FURIOUS 6 (PG-13) 6:40, 9:30 • THE INTERNSHIP (PG-13) 1:50, 4:35, 7:15, 9:45 • MAN OFSTEEL(PG-13) 3:45, 9:55 • MANOF STEEL3-0(PG-13) I2:40,6:50 • THIS IS THE END(R) 2:20, 4:40, 7:10, 9:40 •
f• I
IN l
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustable
Pine Theater, 214 N. Main St., 541-416-1014
• THE GREAT GATS8Y (UPSTAIRS— PG-I3) 1:15, 4: I5, 7:30 • MAN OFSTEEL(PG-13) l,4,7:15 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.
G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084
For homes online w w w
b e n d h O m e S . C Om
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Brand new construction in popular Oakview Subdivision. Craftsman style designed homes. 3rd story b o nus r o om, h ardwood fl o ors, wainscoting. Lovely gas fireplace in the living room. Enjoy a truly quality constructed home by well known local builder Kelly Rogers, o wner of C o nstruction Connection, in t h e most popular Northeast neighborhood. 2985 NE Hope Dr., Bend, OR 97701. 2066 sq. ft. 3 b edroom, 2.5 bath. M L S¹ 201301960 Completion and occupancy July 15, 2013. $259,900
Hayden Homes continues its reputation of offering signature quality at exceptional value with its newest Bend community, Obsidian Ridge. Stop by our model home at 21205 Keyte Road and take a tour of this beautiful new community. Contact Valerie Skelton: 541.516.4303. Homes starting in the $190s! From HWY 9 7S- B utler Market exit, east (left) Butler Market, south (right) 27th, east (left) Keyte Road.
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Ramp-a-thon Provides Independence to Homeowners '4c
The AssistanceLeagueof Bend's KitchenKaleidoscope fundraising event features Bend's finest residential kitchensandchefs fromamongthe area's best restaurants. by Gregg Morris, for The Bulletin Advertising Department Every other year, The Assistance League of Bend takes over a handful of spectacular kitchens in both new and lived-in homes to hold its Kitchen Kaleidoscope fundraising event. Saturday, June 22,from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m., marks the 16th running of the signature event. This year's tour will highlight six homes in Tetherow, two of which are recently built. Owners and builders have graciously offered the use of their houses for this worthy cause. Several hundred guests will be treated to local chefs' delicious sampling of treats served from professionally set tables. Each place setting includes fine China and stemware, as well as floral arrangements donated by a local florist. Chefs include Tim Garling of Jackalope Grill, Steve Helt of Zydeco, Baltazar Chavez of Baltazar's, and Bette Fraser of the Well Traveled Fork.
Kitchen Kaleidoscope In addition to the tasty food served up by professional chefs, Kitchen Kaleidoscope is a community effort. AssistanceLeague members host a marketplace filled with a variety of goods available for purchase. Vendors and artisans from the community will be at each home selling their jewelry, artwork and other wares. Participating vendors include
Glass Gathering of Bend, The Rustic Gardens, The Way We Art, PomegranateHome and Garden, photographer Robert Agli, and artist Cindy Briggs. Also participating in this year's event is the Bend High School Life Skills Class. The students created numerous hanging baskets while studying botany and gardening in class. The baskets will be available for purchase throughout the day.
AssistanceLeagueot Bend The Assistance League of Bend became the 92nd chapter of the national Assistance League in 1993. The tax-exempt, nonprofit organization currently operates out of its Southeast Bend chapter house. The Assistance League has roots dating back to the mid 1890s in Los Angeles. Their first major act of assistance was collecting money and sewing clothes after the 1906 San Francisco fire. While the n ational Assistance League boasts26,000 member volunteers, they focus on their local chapters' abilities to effect change locally. Currently, 121 chapters operate throughout the United Sates. "Because the Assistance League is a century-old national organization, we have the necessary stability to offer important programs consistently," said Karen Malanga, broker with the Hasson Company and one of this year's Kitchen Kaleidoscope
~e N~~
organizers. "We reach many differ ent avenues and stages of life, from children to the elderly." According to their website, the all-volunteer nonprofit o r ganization is "committed to making positive changes within our community for those who may need a helping hand." During 2011 and 2012, volunteers donatedalmost 18,000 service hours to the organization. Those volunteers tirelessly worked to expand the Assistance League of Bend's vision of "improving the quality of life for children and adults through philanthropic programs." "My mother was involved with the AssistanceLeague of Los Angeles," said Malanga, a two-year Assistance League veteran. "I saw the work she was doing, and I wanted to follow in her footsteps. I am very proud that my daughter is also involved in the Bend chapter."
For ManyGoot1Causes Kitchen Kaleidoscope is one of three major fundraisers for Assistance League of Bend's various philanthropies. They also produce the Gala ofTrees and Speaker's Forum. Last year was their most active to date. Their flagship program, Operation School Bell, served meals to 1,750 kids during 2012. Started in 1991, Operation School Bell also provides clothing to low-income, at-risk students in kindergarten through
12th grade. These Kids Are Cooking served an additional 30 meals to children. Be There, Be Square honored 100 kids with perfect attendance with local gift certificates. Breakfast with Santa was able to serve 156 foster families For adults, Senior Caring delivered 16 hygiene baskets and 135 Secret Santa gifts. A program serving both adults and children, Hats, Hats, Hats, provided 1,741 hats and 80 gowns to cancer patients. Tickets for Kitchen Kaleidoscope are $25 if purchased in advance and $30 onthe day ofthe event.They can be purchased inBend at Ginger's Kitchenware, Kitchen Complements, Umpqua Bank, and in Sunriver at Merchant Trader Mercantile. They may also be purchased online at All of the money raised by the Assistance League of Bend goes to local residents in need. Tetherow is located at 61240 Skyline Ranch Rd. in Bend, just off of South Century Drive. In addition to providing the homes, they will also be open for no-host lunch. Reservations can be made by calling 541-388-2528. One of the kitchens featured in Kitchen Kaleidoscope is located at the Tripleknot Townhomes in Tetherow, built by Arrowood Development. Photo by Nicole Werner
On Saturday,June 8, select homeowners w it h s p e cial need received renewed independence and access to their homes during th e C entral Oregon Builders Association (COBA) Remodelers Council Ramp-a-thon. "Planning for the event began more than a year ago with the Remodeler's Council w orking to secure funding through sponsorships and donations," said Gretchen Palmer, COBA Director of Education Councils. The event was made possible with funding from the Central Oregon Council on Aging (COCOA), NHance Wood Renewal, Neil Kelly Design/Build Remodel, and Graceful Paths Design. Much of the materials used to build the ramps were contributed by Gary's Vacuflo, Miller Lumber, Mike's Mobile Mix, MH Painting and Cleaning and Parr Lumber. Teams of builders volunteered their time to construct the ramps for the homeowners. Ramp recipients were selected through an application process which included a site review. After the homes were approved, builders and volunteers answered the call to help build the ramps. Five residents located in Prineville, Redmond, Sunriver and Bend wereselected to be ramp recipients. The builder team captains included Ron Webb of Ron Webb Remodeling, Nate Ewen of Neil Kelly Design/ Build Remodel, Steve Buettner of Sunwest Builders, Russ Cooper of Cooper's Custom Carpentry, and Nellie Jorgenson of Home Depot. "The smiles of delight on the faces ofthose who are traveling down the ramps for the first time are priceless, and the rewardsforthose involved are those of the heart," said Palmer. The installation of the ramps allow the homeowners to have greateraccess to areas outside of their homes that proved challenging without ramp access. "Our goal is to create a year round program that is well funded to be able to provide for more recipients in the future," said Palmer.
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Central Oregon Real Estate
RENTALS 603 - RentalAlternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - Roommate Wanted 616- Want To Rent 627 Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 630 - Rooms for Rent 631 - Condominiums & Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634- Apt./Multiplex NE Bend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SE Bend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for Rent General 650 - Houses for Rent NEBend 652 - Houses for Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SE Bend 656 - Houses for Rent SWBend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent La Pine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664- Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 -Mobile/Mfd.Space 682 - Farms, Ranches and Acreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738- Multiplexes for Sale 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale 744 - Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest Bend Homes 747 - Southwest Bend Homes 748- Northeast Bend Homes 749- Southeast Bend Homes 750 - Redmond Homes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - Jefferson County Homes 757 - Crook County Homes 762 - Homes with Acreage 763 - Recreational Homes and Property 764- Farms and Ranches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land
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New Listings
Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Elkhorn Estates [ $239,000 • 1681 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 3 bath • Easy access to Old Mill District • MLS 201304785 Jim Moran, Broker 541-948-0997
La Pine [ $174,000
• 1922 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath
• 1 acre
• MLS 201304830
Darryl Doser, Broker, CRS 541-383-4334 •
d Op
Madras ( $64,900 • 816 sq.ft. • 2 bedroom, 1 bath • Laminate floors, vinyl windows • MLS 201304679
Mark Valceschini, P.C., Broker, CRS, GRI 541-383-4364
NE Bend ] $165,000 • 1113 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .20 acre landscaped lot • MLS 201304694 Margo Degray, Broker, ABR, CRS 541-480-7355 •
d Op
Orion Estates ) $296,000 • 1756 sq.ft. updated kitchen • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .46 acre lot • MLS 201304887 Dawn Ulrickson, Broker, CRS, GRI, CHMS 541-610-9427
00~0~5'D~D ~
I dp
1 yO
d Op
SE Bend [ $139,900 • 996 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 1 bath • .19 acre cul-de-sac lot • MLS 201304780
Darryl Doser,
Want To Rent
Real Estate Services
L ooking for r oom i n Boise, ID Real Estate Bend area. Respon- For relocation info, sible b u s inessman, call Mike Conklin, clean, quiet. Need as 208-941-8458 soon a s po s s ible. Silvercreek Realty (800) 248-8840 630
Rooms for Rent Studios & Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro 8 fridge. Utils & linens. New owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885 634
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Rent /Own Cascade Mountain 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes Views ~ $529,000 $2500 down, $750 mo. • 2896 sq.ft. OAC. J and M Homes • 3 bedroom, 3 bath 541-548-5511 • 5 acres
Furnished 3 bdrm 2 bath,
3 decks, 2-car garage, close to bike bath at 14 Timber, 1-yr lease, $925. James, 541-345-7794
Sunriver, Three Rivers, La Pine. Great Selection. Prices range $425 - $2000/mo. View our full inventory online at I/ 1-866-931-1 061 671
Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 3 bdrm, 2 bath dbl. wide m fd in DR W o n 1 acre., pets ok. $1200 mo. Call after 10 a.m. 541-617-0179
d Op
Lynne Connelley, Call for Speciafs! Broker, CRS Limited numbers avail. 541-408-6720 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks. MOUNTAIN GLEN, 541 -383-931 3 MORRIS Professionally REAL ESTATE managed by Norris 8 I d p d ly O H d op d Stevens, Inc. Just bought a new boat? Cascade Mountain Sell your old one in the Views ~ $515,000 classifieds! Ask about our • 2404 sq.ft. remodeled Super Seller rates! home 541-385-5809 • 2 bedroom. 2 bath • 10.46 acres, barn, 648 pond Houses for • MLS 201304665 Rent General Nicolette Jones, Broker ABR, CSP Rented your 541-241-0432 Property? The Bulletin Classifieds has an "After Hours" Line. Call 541-383-2371 MORRIS 24 Hours to REAL ESTATE «I.
Houses for Rent Sunriver
SE Bend ~ $224,900 • 1795 sq.ft. 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Broken Top ~ $649,000 •• Open floor plan • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath 201304776 • 3347 sq.ft., huge ga- • MLS Michelle Tisdel, PC, rage Broker, ABR, E-pro • On the 7th fairway 541-390-3490 • MLS 201304784 Julia Buckland, Broker, ABR, ALHS, CRS, GRI
Burning Tree Village / $60,000 bdrm, 2 bath, new car- • 636 sq.ft. condo pet, gas heat, fireplace, • 2 bedroom, 1 bath quiet; no smoking. $800 • Vaulted great room
New Listings
Cascade Rental Management. Co. 2210 NE Holliday. A 3
mo; 541-317-0867
Broker, CRS 541-383-4334
• MLS 201304836
Jane Strell, Broker, ABR, GRI 541-948-7998 •
Cascade Mtn Views ( $629,900 • 2420 sq.ft. home • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath • 9.54 acres with irrigation • MLS 201302790 Steve Payer, Broker, GRI 541-480-2966
d Op
I d
d Op«
Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classified
541-385-5809 SW Bend ( $299,900 • 1680 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .49 acre lot • MLS 201304769
Don Kelleher, Broker 541-480-1911 •
llyO R
d o p«
Timber Ridge ( $325,000 • 1922 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Next to Bend Golf & Country Club • MLS 201304846
Darrin Kelleher, Broker The Kelleher Group 541-788-0029 •
d Op
Yardley Estates ( $304,995 • 1832 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .29 acre double lot • MLS 201304866 Greg Miller, P.C., Broker, CRS, GRI 541-408-1511 541-788-0029
I d p d tly a
R dop
Commercial/Investment Properties for Sale 1508 NW 8th - C o m-
mercial property - 2 separate office spaces. $149,900. TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 541-312-9449
www. BendOregon
2811 NW Windham 21080 Tumalo - Quiet 19436 Blue Lake Lp.; $23,000 Price Reduc- 2.5 Acres Vista Del Sol, NW Bend 5300 sq.ft. retreat minutes from Parks at Broken Top, t ion T o w n H o m e ! $600,000. 627 38 w/apt/prof-off & mtn. Bend; mt n vi e w s. bright great room, den 60599 Seventh Mtn. Montara Dr., B end. on main level, hardDrive. 3 bedroom, 3 2682 Sq.ft. in main $1 75,000. Steel framed, metal views!. $619,000 wood floors, across bath, 2505 sq ft. Slate house, 3/2.5 with bosided, war e house TEAM Birtola Garmyn TEAM Birtola Garmyn Desert Realty High Desert Realty f rom p o ol . ML S ¹ floors, vaulted ceilnus and 3 car garage, building, slab f l o or High 541-312-9449 541-312-9449 201304444. i ngs, g reat r o o m, 1 270 s q . ft . gu e s t w/retail area, office, www. BendOregon www. BendOregon maple cabinetry, loft, house, 2/1 with great $359,900. electric FA & HP , The Garner Group decks. $406 , 000 room and loft, RV gao verhead doo r f o r 541-383-4360 value! Mara S t ein, rage with shop and loading/shipping, pos 15855 Sparks - Home & 2959 NE Wild Meadow, P rincipal Brok e r , extra bay, big t u rn sible owner t erms. property on 2 lots, in gorgeous 4 bdrm, 4 Pamir Properties, Inc. around, lots of paveMLS¹20130108 OCall cludes buildable lot. bath, 2795 sq.ft. home 2 0664 C o uples L n ; 541-61 7-61 95 ment, close in - very Nancy Popp, Broker, $139,900. on Bend's Westside. great room plan, teak 541-81 5-8000 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 2 323 NW L e mhi D r ; nice neighborhood. $399,985 floors, vaulted ceilScott McLean, Crooked River Realty High Desert Realty TEAM Birtola Garmyn ings, granite island master on main, bright Principal Broker 541-312-9449 High Desert Realty 13735 SW Commercial top, alder cabinets. interior, solid w hite 541-408-6908 Loop - C o m mercial www. BendOregon 541-312-9449 MLS¹ 201 3 03230. oak floors, knotty alRealty Executives der cabinets, stainwww. BendOregon building with 900 sq. $215,000. less appl., covered $294,000 New On The ft. of office space and 26720 Horsell - 120 The Garner Group MLS¹ porches. M arket! This h o m e 541-383-4360 2400 sq. ft. of ware- vate acres of Central Excellent In201304692. sits on a corner lot house/ manufacturing O regon Beau t y . $129,000 vestment! 3 B d rms, $499,000. with a beautiful covarea. Owner terms or $399,999 2.5 Baths. HOA i nThe Garner Group ered porch. 3 bdrms, Look at: lease option is avail. TEAM Birtola Garmyn cludes water, sewer, 541-383-4360 2.5 baths, master on $179,000 High Desert Realty front landscaping, gas for Complete Listings of main, open floor plan MLS¹ 201109200 541-312-9449 fireplace, & A/C. Juniper Realty, www. BendOregon 2 341 NW F l oyd L n . w/ tons of storage. Area Real Estate for Sale Mike Wilson, Broker Jake & Loretta 541-504-5393 Green building fea541-977-5345 or Moorhead, Brokers tures, bright southern $207,000 Foxborough C ommercial Lot s I n 63059 Fresca, 4 bdrm 541-388-0404 541-480-6790 or H ome 3 b d rms, 2 exposure,large courtCrooked River Ranch: home on Bend's NW Hunter Properties LLC 541-388-0404 baths, open floor plan, yard patio, vaulted & Hunter Great opportunity to side of town. Properties LLC 10' ceilings, inviting gas fireplace, vaulted start a b usiness or 1449 NE Husdpeth Rd.; $349,900. ceiling, gives home a island kitchen, MLS $ 295,000 Cust o m relocate an e xisting TEAM Birtola Garmyn Ironhorse neighborHome In Tanglewood. business. Near resHigh Desert Realty hood, E A P l a tinum spacious feel. Cherry ¹201209164. Radiant heat makes t aurants, hotel a n d 541-312-9449 rated, formal l iving hardwood floors, cov- $419,900. The Garner Group this home efficient & golf course. Owner www. BendOregon room, energy saving ered patio. 541-383-4360 Jake & Loretta c omfortable. Mai n terms available. Busifeatures, st a i nless Moorhead, Brokers floor master with jetness Circle, Lot 82 appl. MLS¹ 61250 King Solomon541-480-6790 or ted tub, new kitchen 1.05 acres - $25,000. Updated Kings Forest 201302404. Need to get an 541-388-0404 c abinets, gran i te Commercial Loop, Lot $214,000. Hunter Properties LLC counters. ad in ASAP? 50 - 1.30 acres & Lot 3 b edroom Home. The Garner Group $285,000 Patty Dempsey, Broker 51 - 1.23 acres still 541-383-4360 You can place it Birtola Garmyn NW High Lakes 541-480-5432 available at $35,000 TEAM 2185 High Desert Realty Lp. Exquisite details, online at: Andrea Phelps, Broker each or purchase both 541-312-9449 hardwood floors, bo1 8615 Pinehurst R d ; 541-408-4770 for $60,000 www. BendOregon home on 4.85 acres, nus room w/bar, art Hunter Properties LLC Juniper Realty deco e ntry g l a ss, two story living room, 541-504-5393 541-385-5809 2 Acres, 2290 sq.ft., me d i a large paver p a tio. 21070 Tumalo - Home f amily a n d 5276 SE David Way Downtown Bend ( MLS ¹ 201 3 01702. rooms, heated RV gain a peaceful setting 2 355 NW F l oyd L n ; Prineville. 3 Bdrm, 2 $2,000,000 $509,900. rage/shop, detached on 1.07 acre w/mtn spacious rooms, pre• Riverfront property b ath, l a rg e op e n The Garner Group studio/cottage, large views, $150,000. mium finishes, maskitchen w / isl a nd, • Commercial develop541-383-4360 w raparound de c k , TEAM Birtola Garmyn ter on main level, wide covered front deck w/ ment MLS¹ 20 1 3 0 0992. High Desert Realty island kitchen, bonus mt. views, detached • .48 acre lot $799,000. 541-312-9449 oft s p ace. M L S ¹ garage, • MLS 201206150 storage $219,500 Great Room l201303807. The Garner Group www. BendOregon building, room for RV Paula Vanvleck, Broker Design! 3 bdrms, 2.5 541-383-4360 $549,900. and toys. $185,000. 541-280-7774 baths, great room with The Garner Group Scott McLean, 2922 Cascade - Light & gas fire. High effi541-383-4360 bright home w/large 1 8738 Choctaw R d ., ciency furnace, cenPrincipal Broker 541-408-6908 backyard, $199,000. private setting, river, tral AC. TEAM Birtola Garmyn Realty Executives mountain views, deep Mike Everidge, Broker 2374 NW Lemhi Pass High Desert Realty 541-390-0098 or Dr. Beautiful wood- $309,000 .44 acre l ot, h ardMORRIS No r t hwest 541-312-9449 541-388-0404 work, vaulted ceilings, Lodge Home. wood floors, high end REAL ESTATE Mounwww. BendOregon Hunter Properties LLC granite c ountertops, finishes. MLS¹ tain views, supenor l& p d ly O d dOp upstairs bonus room, floor plan with penin201304024. Price Reduced; 94402 2203 NW Lemhi Pass luxurious master bath. sula fireplace. Main $449,000. Hwy 97 N. R estau- 54179 Riverland - Big & Dr.; central courtyard, MLS ¹ 20 1 3 01004. level master s u ite, The Garner Group beautiful home on 2 r ant, C-Store, g a s large great r o om, $459,000. 541-383-4360 acres in the p ines, separate jetted tub, station and RV park in master on main level, The Garner Group $249,900. s late, & gran i t e Chemult. M L S ¹ large windows, bonus 541-383-4360 TEAM Birtola Garmyn 1880 NW Shevlin Park loft upstairs; MLS¹ counters. 201301341 High Desert Realty Debbie Tallman, Priscilla Tofte, Broker Rd. West side town- 201301821 $639,900. 2457 NW Dorion Way; Broker 541-312-9449 541-390-0934 541-815-6444 home, two m a ster The Garner Group www. BendOregon master on main level, or 541-388-0404 Fred Real Estate Group 541-383-4360 suites, ope n g r e at large bonus r oom, Hunter Properties LLC room, hard w ood Prime Commercial vaulted ceilings, Bra- $340,000 637 SW Hillwood, defloors, stainless appliDes i rable Center ~ $5,500,000 zilian cherry f loors, Awbrey Butte s irable cottage o n ances. MLS 22555 McCardle Rd. Home. • Convenient location gourmet kitc h en. 20 Acres Cascade corner lot near Old ¹201302292. Teak w oo d f l o ors, • Close to The Old Mill MLS¹ 201 3 03115. Mtn. views frame this Mill District. $220,000. $279,900. granite cou n t ers, District b eautiful 2 0 acr e $499,900. TEAM Birtola Garmyn The Garner Group Knotty Alder cabin• 3.54 acres The Garner Group property. 10 minutes High Desert Realty 541-383-4360 etry, a covered porch. • MLS 201300756 541-383-4360 from Bend's Eastside 541-312-9449 Jon Frazier, Broker, Lisa Campbell, Broker with 15 acres irrigawww. BendOregon GRI 541-610-4626 or 541-419-8900 19177 Park Commons tion, 4 stall barn & 2 2487 N W Dr o u illard 541-389-7910 ponds. Home has 3 Dr.; Mid century modAve. Bi g l u x uriousHunter Properties LLC 15830 Green Forestern, large bright winbdrms, 2590 sq. ft. & home, bedroom living Custom 2000+ sq ft bonus room. wings central court- Where can you find a dows, vaulted great home on 1 acre, cor room, contemporary $595,000. A p r ivate yard, f o rmal l i ving helping hand? ner lot, $155,000 MORRIS finishes, large master oasis! ¹76924. r oom, bonus r o om From contractors to TEAM Birtola Garmyn REAL ESTATE suite. MLS¹ Kathy Caba, Principal upstairs, MLS High Desert Realty I d p d ly O d dOp« d Broker, ABR 201300508. yard care, it's all here ¹201301124. 541-312-9449 541-771-1761 $429,900. The Year of lots and $739,900. in The Bulletin's www. BendOregon John L. Scott The Garner Group land. 1/2 Acre ComThe Garner Group "Call A Service 541-383-4360 Real Estate, Bend m ercial l ot , 1 7 3 3 3 541-383-4360 Professional" Directory Spring River Dr., lo- 17085 Oxnard - Pride of o wnership, 3300 s t , cated Southwest of Sunriver. Great loca- SR area, fully land scaped! $425,000. tion for a variety of TEAM Birtola Garmyn uses. $100,000. High Desert Realty Scott McLean, 541-312-9449 Principal Broker www. BendOregon 541-408-6908 Realty Executives 19717 Mt. Bachelor ¹320E. Gor g eous Multiplexes for Sale river view condo in Mt. Vill a ge, Very well kept Newer Bachelor $49,000. d uplex l o cated i n TEAM Birtola Garmyn quaint smaller comHigh Desert Realty munity of M e tolius. 541-312-9449 Both units are in exwww. BendOregon cellent condition with fresh warm paint colors, washer & dryer 51669 Pine - Private hookups. Great open c edar cabin i n t h e l iving room & n i c e p ines, 1 . 5 acr e s , workable kitchen with $60,000. plenty of storage too. TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty Large bedrooms, gas 541-312-9449 forced ai r h e a ting. Don't miss this great www. BendOregon listing. $189,900 MLS 201104556 D&D Re- Birchwood/Woodriver alty Group LLC 4 lots, 4 homes, 1.48 866-346-7868 a cres across f r o m Wonderful Duplex on park, $795,000. the SW side of town, TEAM Birtola Garmyn close t o s h opping, High Desert Realty nice large lot, each 541-312-9449 unit is 2 bedroom 1 www. BendOregon b ath each w i t h a single ca r g a rage,3149 N E N a t h an new roof. Great in4 bdrm home vestor potential MLS Custom views. 201301089 $149,500. w/mtn $424,900 D&D Realty G roup TEAM Birtola Garmyn LLC High Desert Realty 866-346-7868 541-312-9449 4000 sq. ft. COMMER CIAL BLDG. $169,900
www. BendOregon 3118 NW Maple - 7 acres zoned UH10 3 B EDROOM single w/potential for subdi story condo, 841 sq', viding, $300,000. remodeled, $81,500, TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty 5 41-815-7707 1 7 0 0 541-312-9449 NE WELLS ACRES www. BendOregon ¹54, Bend Attn. Outdoor Enthusiasts. Fully furnished 1 53106 Alps - Peace & quiet on over an acre, bdrm,2 bath condo. Easy resort living with o pen f l oo r pl a n , $209,000. everything you need. TEAM Birtola Garmyn $69,000. MLS¹ High Desert Realty 201300532. Call Purchase price$350,000,20% down,Loan amount$280,000,30yearfixed. 541-312-9449 Paula Mellon, Broker. www. BendOregon 541-977-4009 Central Oregon Realty Group, LLC 16206 Hawks Lair Builders' own custom Coastal Vacation Jumbo purchaseprice/value$800000-20%down/equiy,$640000loanamount. Condo - Wonderful h ome w/garage & Offervahdasof dateoi ad,restrictions mayapply. Bates/feessuifect iochange.OnApprouedCredit. shop. $349,900 vacation location! Remodeled 2 bdrm, 1 TEAM Birtola Garmyn High Desert Realty bath condo. Enclosed 541-312-9449 patio with storage. www. BendOregon Minutes from ColumAcademy Mortgage Achieves ¹1 IndependentLenderRanking bia River, Fort Stevens 8 Shopping 17075 Oxnard - Won for Purchase Business in the United States! Centers. Let's go d erful 2 0 0 2 Bui l t fishing! Candice home on y ~ A c re. Andersen, Broker $199,000 data source — comlo sc Market Trac 541-788-8878 TEAM Birtola Garmyn John L. Scott High Desert Realty You're never alone when rr/e're doing your loan Real Estate, Bend 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon 745 Homes for Sale $849,000 Go r geous custom home on 7th MORTGAG E CORPORATION 17545 Holgate - Up fairway of the Ridge graded chalet in the C ourse. Priv a t e Big Pines, 1+ acre, cul-de-sac l o c ation Casey NMLS 189449 $129,900. with stunning views of TEAM Birtola Garmyn Smith Rock. 3 Bdrm, High Desert Realty 3.5 bath, 3484 sq.ft. CORPORLlc.t CORP 541-312-9449 Home ID 1032 O M L-2421 NMLS ¹31 13 371 SW Upper Terrace Dr., Suite 1, Bend, OR 97702 www. BendOregon Eagle Crest Properties 866-722-3370 740
Condo/Townhomes for Sale
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TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Homes for Sale
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Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
Homes for Sale
$369,500 C o ntempo- Between Bend & Red- Hager Mountain Es- NW Bend l $460,000 River Canyon Estates; Sunriverl $619,500 rary Home in Wood- mond Terrific location tates - 4 lots, $30,000 • 2540 sq.ft. 61188 Foxglove Lp., • 2680 sq.ft. s ide R a nch. V e r y - 4 bdrm, 1 bath in each located in Silver • 3 bedroom, 3 bath 3/3, 2724 sq.ft., town- • 3 bedroom, 3 bath c omfortable & w e l l 2 888y sf home o n Lake. U n derground • 5 acres, 1 irrigated home w / a l the • 1st Fairway Woodmaintained home on 5.75y a c res . A power and conduit for • MLS 201303646 amenities! lands G.C. secluded lot. Heated Country feel but close phone and i nternet. Rookie Dickens, Broker, John Furrow, Broker • MLS 201302081 541-647-0910 24x40 insul a ted to t ow n a m e nities. V iews of Hage r GRI, CRS, ABR Susan Agli, Broker, shop/garage. A great Super fireplace w/rock Mountain. Septic fea541-815-0436 Fred Real Estate Group ABR, ALHS & SRES 541-408-3773 place for your artistic surround for a m bi- sibility for s t andard River's Edge; 2912 NW side. Property backs a nce, plus a L o p i system. The area is a Golf Course S D r ., up to BLM. Woodstove that can sportsman's paradise. Cy 2/2, 1404 sq.ft condo, Tony Levison, Broker heat the whole house. Bobbie Strome, on the edge of the golf 541-977-1852 or Great room floor plan Principal Broker MORRIS course. MLS ¹ 541-388-0404 w/living room & John L Scott Real MORRIS REAL ESTATE 201301376 Hunter Properties LLC kitchen having wide- Estate 541-385-5500 REAL ESTATE y dy d l y o d do y « d Priscilla Tofte, Broker p lank floors of r e $419,000 Sunr i ver claimed pine. D i s- Ideal building location, NW Bend l $725,000 541-815-6444 Gem! Exte n sive tressed maple cabiB roken To p ni n t h • 3658 sq.ft. Fred Real Estate Group The p e rfect s e tting; Remodel... on a large nets in Kitchen with 1 fairway, natural ter- • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath Broken Top first fairSE Bend l $209,900 corner lot. 3 full 1 /2 thi c k slat e rain. .34 acres. Of- • Panoramic river 8 city way, mature pondero• New 1655 sq.ft. m aster s u ites, 3 . 5 counters. If you like a fered at $249,000. views sas, . 35 acr e s . • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath baths. Cate Cushman, • MLS 201203099 cozy c o untry f e e l. offered at ¹275,000. Susan Pitarro, Broker Principal Broker You've got it!! BeauJohn Snippen, Broker, • Open floor plan Cate Cushman, 541-410-8084 or 541-480-1884 tiful Cascade MounMBA, ABR, CRS, GRI • MLS 201209504 Principal Broker 541-388-0404 Carla Powell, Broker tain Views. 2 corrals, 541-480-1884 541-408-6333 Hunter Properties LLC pond, shared lake, 3 Need to get an $419,500 Spa c ious acres of irrigation, 2 The Year of lots and ad in ASAP? T ownhome! T o w n - stall barn. $375,000 land. $ 7 5 ,000 MLS¹201205878 h ouse sits o n 1 7 t h You can place it $82,500. P r o tective Bobbie Strome, f airway a t Widg i C C&R's, powe r , online at: Principal Broker MORRIS MORRIS C reek. 2 mas t e r John phone, well, and sepL Scott Real REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE suites, one on main t ic feasibility all i n l&y & ly O d d y y y d y&y d l yO d dOy level. Alder Cabinets Estate 541-385-5500 place. SE Prineville. and Island Kitchen. 541-385-5809 Broken Topl NW Redmond - w/ boScott McLean, SE Bend l $379,900 Mike Everidge, Broker $1,099,900 Principal Broker nus r o om ; s i n gle• 3366 sq.ft. 541-390-0098 or La Pine l $199,900 • 3814 sq.ft. 541-408-6908 4/2.5, 2 0 1 0 sq . f t ., • 4 bedroom, 3 bath 541-388-0404 • 3 bedroom plus den, • 1557 sq.ft. Realty Excutives wood floors, fireplace, • RV Parking Hunter Properties LLC • 3 bedroom, 2 bath 3.5 bath built ins, office. MLS • MLS 201302530 • 1.07 acre • Golf course views Year of lots and ¹201304478. Judy Meyers, Broker, The $549,900 Park-Like & • MLS 201204424 • MLS 201303449 land. North Wind EsBrad Diggers, Broker GRI, CRS, SRES Private Setting. Un- David Gilmore, Broker Patti Geraghty, Broker tates - 2 r esidential 541-977-2611 541-480-1922 compromised quality, 541-948-5880 541-312-7271 lots, northeast Bend. Fred Real Estate Group beautiful entry leads Ready to build with to an open & inviting utilities available. Lot Ponderosa Pines l floor plan. Stacked Og 2 4757 s q . ft. $329,500 stone fireplace, island • 2137 sq.ft. new con$ 25,000. Lot 1 4 kitchen, cherry cabiMORRIS struction 13,582 sq.ft. $70,000. MORRIS MORRIS nets, s l a b gr a nite REAL ESTATE • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath Scott McLean, REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE counters. I d y d ly O d d yy y d • Boxed & molded ceilPrincipal Broker y dy d l y O H d y y p « d Bill Kammerer, Broker 541-408-6908 ings 541-410-1200 or SE Bend l $825,000 Builder's Last M odel La Pine Gem; custom • MLS 201303869 Realty Executives 541-388-0404 • 4072 sq.ft. Townhome - 60603 builder's home. 1674 Mark Valceschini, P.C., • 5 bedroom, 2.5 bath Hunter Properties LLC Three 10% Seventh Mtn. Drive. sq.ft. home w/ 28x40 • 20 acres with views Equity Shares$ 465,000. G rea t shop on 1.37 acres. 60820 Scotts Bluff Pl. • MLS 201301102 $58,500/Share. 3 BR, 3 BA, Holly Garner, Broker River Rim home ready Room, Sue Conrad, 3 bedroom, 3 bath + 2598 Sq. 541-480-4208 for you! This 2296 sq. Loft/Office, Broker, CRS loft, 2400 sq ft, beaut. G r a nite Sla b Fred Real Estate Group ft. home has master F 541-480-6621 tifully furnished townTravertine on the main, 3 bdrms Counters, home! Mara Stein, Flooring, Knotty Alder LESS T H A N ONE MORRIS plus office 8 bonus Cabinets, Doors, and YEAR OLD!! IncredPrincipal Broker, room, hard w ood Window Surrounds. REAL ESTATE Pamir Properties, Inc. i ble o pportunity t o floors, H e ndrickson Mara Stein, Principal y & y d l y O d dy y y 541-617-6195 own this beautiful 3 high quality shops, Broker, Pamir bedroom home on a Popular Kings Forest MORRIS restaurants, parks all Used as a church for n ice corner lo t i n Neighborhood - This Properties, Inc. REAL ESTATE w ithin t h i s s up e r many years and is va541-617-6195 Northeast Bend. It has custom re m odeled I dy d lyO d d O y d neighborhood! cant and ready for a a great room with fire- 4-bedroom home is $ 399,900. ¹ 12 4 9 4 Crooked River Ranchl new owner. Located place, open kitchen nestled in th e p i ne Shevlin Ridge l Kathy Caba, Principal within the community $299,950 with cook island, tile $529,000 trees on over y2 acre Broker, ABR • 3 bedroom, 3 bath of Christmas Valley. counter tops, pantry in a popular neighbor- • 3353 sq.ft. 541-771-1761 • 1.85 acres Tom Roth, Broker and SS appliances. hood. Brazilian cherry • 4 bedroom, 3 bath John L. Scott • Panoramic views 541-771-6549 The main level has • Oversized 3-car wood floors with tile & Real Estate, Bend • MLS 201304330 John L. Scott hardwood floors plus tandem garage slate accents w ere Pat Palazzi, Broker Real Estate, Bend a master suite with a utilized th r o ughout• MLS 201303727 541-771-6996 bathtub and shower. this neat home. FeaScott Huggin, 62773 Promise Place; There is a un i q ue tures custom maple Broker, GRI open great room, corWant to move in and triple garage, f u lly 541-322-1500 ner gas fireplace, tile kitchen, vaulted living enjoy life? This is your fenced yard and gutroom & m ai n l evel bath finishes, fenced home, and it is loaded ters. It was wired for b ack y a rd , ne a r master. There is room with upgrades and dg MORRIS TV, stereo and comto park your RV plus schools, hos p ital. ready to live in. This REAL ESTATE puters plus two wall MLS¹ 201 3 04162. large decks to enjoy well-maintained home safes. Enjoy all the time o utside. V e ry $199,900. MORRIS boasts a large tiled features this c omfortable The Garner Group ho m e REAL ESTATE entryway, ceiling fans, Crooked River Ranch, custom h ome offers! 2 8 3 6 541-383-4360 with elbow room and y &y d l y O d d ay d recessed lig h ting, 6031 S W Ta r p on, NE Aldrich & open living s pace. l arge loft a r ea , a 3/2.5, 1620 sq.ft., 5.14 wood $249,900 Currently a vacation Spacious & B e autiful master bedroom with Just bought a new boat? acres, 28x30 shop/ Gary Everett, CCIM rental. Call for more property with comfort- ample walk-in closet, g arage, w ell. R e Sell your old one in the Principal Broker details. $398,000. able spaces for var- window cov e rings classifieds! Ask about our duced to $189,000. 541-480-6130 Gary Everett, CCIM ied family interests. throughout. The gaMLS ¹201204594 Super Seller rates! Joan Steelhammer, Principal Broker Exquisite t e akwood rage is finished with Teri Cravens, Broker 541-385-5809 Broker 541-480-6130 flooring in foyer, living ceiling storage rack 541-61 0-7927 541-419-3717 Joan Steelhammer, a rea 8 gour m e t and you have great 63780 Crooked Rocks Fred Real Estate Group Remax Broker kitchen. Kitchen has Rd; elegant log home, views from the back 541-419-3717 granite countertops, deck. 5 bdrm, 4.5 bath, 9.5 Eagle Ridge, 1 0 839 Luxurious G e t away; Village loop. 2/2, 1410 Remax large island, planning MLS¹201304344. VA secluded acres, two Residence Club Villa story g reat r o o m, sq.ft., condo l i ving. at & numerous oak assumable, if eligible. Pronghorn; 3 bdrm, P owell B u t te , Pa n - desk Golf, t e nnis, p o o l, cabinets. Master bed- $129,900. pasture, pond, irrigaCall 3 bath, 2,227 sq.ft., oramic views, 3/2.5, restaurants. room on main level tion. MLS¹ Heather Hockett, PC, one twelfth interest. 1393 sq.ft., o n 6+ with luxurious MLS¹201302966 bath201303153. B roker, Century 21 $35,000. acres, 40x60 room & private deck. Brad Diggers, Broker $699,000. Gold Country Realty, Cate Cushman, shop/RV. 541-977-2611 Large f a mily/media 541-420-9151 The Garner Group Principal Broker Holly Garner, Broker Fred Real Estate Group 541-383-4360 room & ga m e/rec 541-480-1884 541-480-4208 $555 , 0 00Waterfront, three rivers Entertaining or V aca- Fred Real Estate Group room. south, 4/2, 30x52 RV MLS¹ 201303078 tioning? Bea u t ifulM agnificent $685,000 Charming & Bobbie Strome, garage/shop, on .43 View s . PRICE REDUCTION!!! wood beam, o p en Unique Home! Built in acres. Principal Broker Perfect getaway spot P anoramic Vi e w s ! floor plan, spacious 1930 this e x quisite Holly Garner, Broker John L Scott Real for those that l ove Great location 3 miles k itchen, w oo d f i r e 541-480-4208 home has finished atEstate 541-385-5500 rock climbing & hiking. NW o f Re d mond. p lace, 4 Bdrm, 2 tic, basement, artist Fred Real Estate Group Home sits just across Views of Smith Rock Bath, deck for enterloft, 8 large courtyard. Home on road from Smith & Ochocos. Custom Spectacular tainers delight, right the Close to Drake Park! A creage. SE B e nd Where can you find a across the street from Rock State Park. The built 2478 sq.ft. home 4.81 acres near BLM! Debbie Tallman, views are magnificent. helping hand? 4.74 acres. 1536 Broker 541-390-0934 or Big Dechutes! CALL 7x7 s t orage b l d g, on sq. ft. shop w/RV bay. 2885 sq. ft. home with NOW! Shelley Texley, 10'x12' metal shed & From contractors to 541-388-0404 4 Bdrms + Den 8 3 P rincipal Brok e r 6'x6' pump house. RV MLS¹201202726 Hunter Properties LLC B aths, m a ster o n yard care, it's all here $397,000 541-693-8767 main, vaulted great parking. $1 2 9 ,900 John L. Scott Real in The Bulletin's 6 Bdrm, 6 bath, 4-car, John L. Scott room & triple garage! MLS¹201302904 Estate 541-548-1712 "Call A Service Real Estate, Bend 4270 sq ft, .83 ac. corner, Barn, corrals, RV area Bobbie Strome, view. By owner, ideal for - The B e l- and more a must see! Professional" Directory Prineville Principal Broker extended family. dame; 3 bdrm, 2 bath, $529,900. Executive Home! John L Scott Real $590,000. 541-390-0886 covered patio and gas West Hills. 4 bdrm, 3.5 Beautiful home with 17 Estate 541-385-5500 fireplace. Costumize it 5 436 K e llie C o o k, bath in 4040y sq.ft. ft. open beam ceilUSE THE CLASSIFIEDS! ings in great room. Midtown Bend l Broker 541-408-0463 Delightful W e stside today! home with Panoramic $299,999 Holly Garner, Broker John L. Scott Rock fireplace, cusDoor-to-door selling with 541-480-4208 Real Estate, Bend Cascade & City views tom built-ins. Gour- • 2371 sq.ft. fast results! It's the easiest met kitchen, granite, • 3 bedroom, 3 bath Fred Real Estate Group on a spacious lot with High Desert Natural way in the world to sell. stainless appliances. • Adjacent buildable lot Prineville - The Dahlia; Sun Meadow 5 bedLandscaping. 2 g as included Bonus room w/wet 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, cov- rooms, 3.5 baths in a fireplaces, 1 in living The Bulletin Classified bar. Situated on a .38 • MLS 201301952 ered patio, 1480 sq.ft., 3465 +/- sq ft lot. Like room & 1 in master acre l o t . Ba r b ara Becky Brunoe, Broker 541-385-5809 outdoor living space. new Pahlisch home bedroom. Master bed541-350-4772 J ackson, Brok e r Holly Garner, Broker with upgrades room ha s c o f fered $99,000 Home l i v es 541-306-8186 541-480-4208 throughout! Open ceiling & slider to upJohn L. Scott larger than sq. footFred Real Estate Group vaulted ceiling in great per deck with hot tub. Real Estate, Bend age! 3 b d rms., 2.5 room with gas f ireMaster bath has deep Prineville - The King- place and a stone sur- soak baths, extra room for tub, large tiled MORRIS ston; 3 bdrm, 3 bath, round with 2 built-ins o ffice o r d e n . R V Featured Golf course s hower & dou b l e REAL ESTATE covered patio, 1965 parking in back. A Signature Home TV & electronics. sinks. Great room is sq.ft., home warranty for covered patio & large 60691 Golf V i l lage y dy d y y O H d Op d Kitchen with k n otty light & airy with exfenced in backyard. L oop, 3281 sq ft 3 M itchell Get a w a y , included. pine cabinets, extra pansive City & CasHolly Garner, Broker Tony Levison, Broker lighting, stainless ap- cade views. Kitchen is b edroom, 3 b ath + 19.84 acres w/ shop, 541-977-1852 or den & office! Master just $115,000. Com- Fred541-480-4208 pliances, eating bar & efficiently laid out with Real Estate Group 541-388-0404 dining area. Large up- granite tile counters, suite with loft & firefortable 3/2.5 home. Hunter Properties LLC f a m ily/bonus newer ap p l iances, place, vaulted ceilsec l uded stairs 1848 sq.ft. w/ views. Private & room w/fantastic win- pantry & h a rdwood i ngs, open 8 s p a - MLS¹ 201203789 home, yet close to ASTOUNDING c ious g reat r o o m, Teri Cravens, Broker town. All new kitchen dows. Large master f looring. Triple g a CASCADE VIEWS maple floors, walnut a ppliances. Li n e d bedroom w / w indow rage w it h U l t imate 541-610-7927 Gated, westside, inlays, Berber carpet, Fred Real Estate Group pond for swimming & seat, extra room for floor. Wired for secumountain views - The tile r o of , p a v ered rity system. Wired for water fun w/pool filter sitting, sewing or ofHighlands at Broken driveways & p a tios, NE Bend l $255,000 system & water fea- fice, h ug e w a l k-in stereo with speakers Top. 10.28 Acres closet. Master bath triple garage. G o lf • 1700 sq.ft. o n main floor in 4 ture. Passive solar Offered at $495,000 membership included. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath tub, zones. 5-zone heath eat sink p ar t o f w/soaking Cate Cushman, $827,500. Mara Stein, • Single level heating system. Great shower, separate WC, ing system. 2 levels of Principal Broker P rincipal Brok e r , • MLS 201304160 tile counters & floor. cedar decking plus room affords e asy 541-480-1884 g a r age paver patio. Plumbed Properties, Inc. Karin Johnson, Broker family living. Great Triple ca r Pamir 541-617-6195 541-639-6140 door to in humidification sysnatural light from large 2/ext fenced/paved RV tem. $610,000 MLS¹ Awbrey Buttel w indows & do o r s . Great Value on 4 Bdrm prkg. 201301639 $1,270,000 Enjoy the treed surHome. Get ready to Bobbie Strome, Bobbie Strome, • Panoramic Cascade r ounding, pond & pack and move in this Principal Broker Principal Broker views water feature. Huge spacious 4 bdrm John L Scott Real John L Scott Real • Custom contemporary home at an a ffordfamily r e c room MORRIS Estate 541-385-5500 home w/plenty o f b u i lt-in Estate 541-385-5500 REAL ESTATE a ble price. It i s l o • .56 acre lot storage cabinets & cated at the end of a y dy d yyyO R d o y « d • MLS 201008817 counters. 5 bedrooms dead-end street and REAL ESTATE AUCTION Shelly Hummel, Broker, features a main level (2 in main level & 3 on NOTICE: CRS, GRI, CHMS 2nd floor). Small barn master suite plus deAll real estate adver541-383-4361 with 2 s t a lls, t a ck luxe kitchen with ss tised here in is subshop area & appliances, cook is- ject to t h e F e deral room, room. land & pantry. There F air Housing A c t , storage $650,000 MLS¹ is a neat parlor with which makes it illegal 201302745 cozy a fireplace and to advertise any prefBobbie Strome, MORRIS upstairs are 3 bdrms, erence, limitation or Principal Broker REAL ESTATE huge family room and discrimination based John L Scott Real IM~ d ly O d dyy y d large la u ndry/craft on race, color, reli- Estate 541-385-5500 room. The owner just gion, sex, handicap, Awbrey Village l installed new carpet familial status or na- Redmond - Starting $849,900 and all ne w p aint. tional origin, or inten- $ 124,000. W/ z e r o June18th © 1 p.m. • 4043 sq.ft. There is a fenced yard tion to make any such down options. • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath auction preview O 10 a.m. p lus this is on e o f preferences, l i m ita- Holly Garner, Broker • 2007 COBA Tour 48260 Hills St. Oakridge, OR several homes that tions or discrimination. 541-480-4208 Home™ will be available on We will not knowingly Fred Real Estate Group Selling fo highest bidder aboveMin. Bid. • MLS 201300838 this street. 21179 SE accept any advertis2700 sq. ft. Commercial building, formerly used Dana Miller, Broker Philly A ve., B e n d. ing for r ea l e s tate River Canyon Estates; as a medical facility. Located in residential 541-408-1468 $239,950. which is in violation of 61060 Snowberry Pl., area. Possible uses: Gary Everett, CCIM this law. All persons 4/2.5, 2 4 7 5 sq . ft., Satellite office for various clinics, or in-home Principal Broker are hereby informed Bend R i ve r T r a i l, professional business. Previously on market 541-480-6130 that all dwellings adParks, tennis, c l ub for over $400,000 selling to highest bidder Joan Steelhammer, vertised are available house. over opening bid of $75,000. MORRIS Broker on an equal opportu- John Furrow, Broker, 541-419-3717 541 -647-091 0 REAL ESTATE nity basis. The Bulle503-263-7253 Remax tin Classified Fred Real Estate Group ylyO d d O y M d •
OS S d d d ~
uar M "'
Dq > ddUQld. FdylyO AKTU
$395,000 - $759,900
< C R 0 5 5 IN G +
2457 NW Dorion Wy. •
• Master on main level • Luxurious finishes • Daylight bonus room • Mountain views from master deck • Priced at$499,900
DIRECTIONS:West on Shevlin Park Rd left on NW Crossing Dr., nght on NW
D i Wdy.
y• F. j)
Bend R. Central Oregon
1880 NW Shevlin Park Rd. • Deluxe townhome • Bright end unit • 2 master suites • West Side location • Priced at$279,900 DIRECTIONS:West on Shevlin Park Rd. pastCollegeW ay,nghtcn NW Pence Pl, left into parking lot Open House
sign at garage level.
62773 Promise Pl.
• Open great room • Corner gas fireplace • Tile bath finishes • Near schools, hospital • Priced at$189,900
0IRECTIONS:From Hwy. 20 east, north cn NE 27th St., right cn NE Wells Acres Rd., right On NEPromise Pl.
12 Fremont Dr. • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath • Between SHARC & mall • One owner, never rented
• Backs to common area • Priced at$475,000 DIRECTIONS:From Abbott Dr., continue right at Circle 1, right into Fremont
' •
thegarnergroup. com
30 Tan Oak Ln. • Quiet cul-de-sac • Extensive remodel • Two master suites • High quality finishes • Fully furnished • Large deckoverlooks commonarea • Pnced at$349,000
b t
..AII Illl
20664 Couples Ln. • Great room plan • Teak flooring • Alder kitchen cabinets • Solid granite island • Vaulted ceilings • Near community park • Priced at$215,000
Lots and lots of lots Custom homelots and acreage parcels available in many desirable locations including Awbrey Butte, Three Pines and other areas. Mountain, river and forested terrain views. Choices range from residential lots to 40 acres. Whether your dream location is in the center of urban activities or a secluded spot in the country, we can show you a variety of building sites.
~ p,rHw c
Count on our group of local real estate professionals to help you navigate.
Ljg •
• o•
/ '
/ 0
I r '
i • • •
I ' •
• •
~tt e ' .
IIII < =
' Ntiiv.
• Views from Bachelor to Mt. Jefferson on one of the few remaining custom home sites on Awbrey Butte • Gentle slope with large old growth pines • Open and spacious • Westerly views - beautiful sunsets • Offering includes complete set of custom home plans. A must see! MLS¹201301017
Nestled in tall Ponderosa Pines within an hour of Bend 8 Mt. Bachelor & only 20 min. from Championship Golf & Sunriver.
• 53547 Kokanee Way, $395,000: 3 bdrm, 3-car garage & deck overlooking river w/direct view of Pringle Falls • 53557 Kokanee Way, $490,000: This bright 8 open custom-built 1998 home directly overlooks the river • 53610 Brookie Way, $420,000: Beautiful Scandinavian inspired design w/hand blown glass, ironwork & sauna • 53510 Brookie Way, $425,000: Hand-scribed Canadian Spruce log home w/covered porches, backs to N. Forest
• Custom built with attention to details • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath wit h 2446 SF • Designer paint touches • Two gas fireplaces • Master on the main • Wonderful outdoor living
MLS¹201305041 This one won't last long. If you snooze you'll lose.
Video tours at: www.bendpropertysource.comllistings
Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSI 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
' I
Call Brian Ladd, Principal Broker I 541-408-3912
Call Myra Girod, Principal Broker I 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker I 541-788-6767
Call Shelly Swanson, BrokerI 541-408-0086
• i • ti t, + (', '11(iIQ.
• 19321 SW Brookside Way • NW chalet style nestled into the hillside with spectacular mountain views • Private backyard with sunny southern exposure • Beautifully maintained and loaded w/upgrades • 4 bedroom, 3 baths plus den/office • Oversized double car garage w/shop area 8< ample storage • Near National forest, on the way to Mt. Bachelor yet so close to downtown Bend MLS¹201301399
• • •
I •
ljj[..IttL ( - • '
:~ aa
=,a ':.4. • 3 bedrooms/3 bath Mt.
v .~l g y g g
Bachelor Village
• 175 acres • Popular hunting/ recreation area • Lake 8 mountain views • Borders National Forest • Quality lodge/chalet-style home • Guest house, shop, grass runway MLS¹201204205
• Perfect primary home, vacation home or vacation rental • Close to historic downtown and Old Mill District • Enjoy tennis, pool, hot tubs, hiking and biking trails
• Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS I 541-408-0406• Resort Properties Specialist
+Call Ron Davis, Principal Broker ( 541-480-3096+
• Built by Timberline Construction and designed byChristian Gladu DesignGroup ', 't(NI,'„. '"~:i tu • Situated to take advantage "' (',g "'0 ("",' a(V(,'y", of western views &maximize outdoor living areaartd to take advantage of passivesolar gains &wonderful CascadeMtmviews • Interior organizedaroundcentral living areathat visually connectsthe living, diningandkitchenwhile creatingtertiary exterior living spaces • Currently under construction andslated to be complete in June 2013 • Backs upto commonarea MLS¹201301884
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker I 541-408-0086
aa .tllljl-
• CascadeMountainviews , • Property 16 acres with 10
5'-acres COI irrigation • Home — 4925 SF,5 bed, 3.5 bath with a great floor plan • Features: country kitchen, 2 family rooms, formal dining and living room •Paveddrive,landscaped,pond,fenced pastures • Shop/barn is 4368 SF with radiant floor heat 8( RV storage MLS¹201304998
Desert Valley Group I 541-923-1376
i •
• • •
iQ;~ P i /ttj.utv'f t$,
• 19.5 acres with 13 acres IIII(TZ INt fta, COI irrigation • Custom home — single level 2712 SF, 3 bed, 3 bath • Barn with 4 stalls, covered hay/equipment storage • Shop with concrete floors • Property is fenced, landscaped, pond • Great horse/livestock property close to town MLS¹201301913
Call Brook Havens, Broker I 541-604-0788 or Bruce Boyle, Broker I 541-408-0595
• 3 bedroom, 3.5 baths, built by Timberline Construction & designedbyJim TebbsDesignGroup • Seamless integration of indoor and outdoor space, open floor plan • Private courtyard and covered back patio w/mountain views • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • A flex room 8( study allow for maximum versatility • 61533 Meeks Trail MLS¹201208865
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker I 541-408-0086
• •
• Single level on 19.8 acres • Borders BLM land • Close to schools, medical, shopping • Spacious both inside and out • 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 4608 SF
MLS¹201305370 Listed byThe Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers ( 541-312-5151
• Minutes to Bend's popular West Side
• 36X36 shop w/RV ga. e, vt(,' • 10 acres w/7.45 acres of irrigation • Tennis court, barn w/attached greenhouse • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 5965 SF • Thoughtfully re-designed MLS¹201305106 '
Listed byThe Norma DuBois and Julie Moe Team, Brokers I 541-312-5151
• i
• • •
III • ta
• Being constructed by
• Brasada Ranch
R.D. Building & Design • Functional, thoughtfully executed floor plan • 4 bedrooms (2 suites on main), 3.5 bath • Panoramic views • True gourmet kitchen • Family room, den, wine storage • 15 ft. glass sliding doors, 3 water features
• 5400 SF on flat
• PRONGHO RNISBOOMING • Don't let this opportunity pass ycu byto becomeapart of the most
.75 acre!
luxurious resort in Central Oregon
• 5 fireplaces! • Green built, efficient solar system • Finely crafted Gary Norman built custom • Stunning finishes • Unobstructed mountain views
• This home includes retractable windowsin the kitchenandfamily room whichincorporates theoutdoor living space • It has artelevator to take youto the two exquisite master bedrooms cn the secondlevel • Casita for your guestsandall the amenities. • Price includesPronghorn's Premier Membershipdeposit of $115,000 MLS¹201303439. Brokerowned.
Call John Taylor, BrokerI 541-480-0448 or Silvia Knight, Broker I 541-788-4861
Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS I 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
Call Kelly Horton, Broker I 541-508-9163
1 Klamath Lane - Sunriver ) $259,000
Ready for Summer! ( $430,000
8 Quail - Sunriver ~ $524,000
• Large (32acre), privatelot (between
Circles4&5) • Single levelinexcelent shape • 2bd(m,2bath w/spaciouskitchen • Great room,plenty ofwindowsand natural ight • Oversized2-carattachedgarage • Nice outdoorspacewith deck&mature trees(T(rs&aspens) MLS¹201304340
• 9 Sparks Lane - Sunriver • 4 bdrms, 4 baths, 2150 SF i • Furnishings included •Lotsofcommon area outback • 2 bedrooms downstairs, 2 up - • 2-car attached garage
• Complete Remodel • Great room • Sun room
Call Mike Sullivan, Principal BrokerI 541-350-8616
Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker I 541-280-5352•
Stone's Throw to River ( $559,900
5 Oregon Loop - Sunriver ~ $639,000
Quality in Sunriver ~ $775,000
(t,'lI It
• 5 bed, 3.5 bath, 2539 SF <'-":~g "';",;. ' Lodge style home in the North end of Sunriver ,,S • Great rental history • Furnished per inventory • Stainless appliances • Slab granite counters
• Custom built in 2007 • 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath • Gourmet kitchen • Hickory floors • Game room with wet bar
Call Greg Barnwell, Broker I 541-848-7222
Call Keith Petersen PC, Broker I 541-815-0906
• 3644 SF MLS¹201303112 Call Judi Hein, Broker I 541-408-3778 Keith©
t -If(a
' '
• 2 master suites
~ a
• 4 beds, 5.5 baths, 5730 SF • Architecturally unique home with private surroundings • Blends modern technology
and Old World craftsmanship • Gourmet kitchen w/attached sunroom • Game room, office, bonus room, fitness room w/steam shower/bath • Wainscoting, wood floors, Ann Sacks heated floor tiles • Covered outdoor kitchen w/fireplace & amazing views
Call Deb Tebbs Group, Brokers( 541-419-4553 Deb Tebbs Group I Like us on6
9 Trophy - Sunri v er Resort
• Hardwood • SS Appliances • 2 decks, patio, hot tub • Terrific rental history MLS¹201303390
• Dramatic foyer& living area • Exquisite master suite • Towering pondercsas • Beamed cathedral ceilings & loft • 4 bedrooms,2 full,2 halfbaths • Beautiful extensive decks • Tcp end hot tub ' 2 6 SiskinLane MLS¹201304990
• Master on Main Level
Call Kelly Winch, Broker I 541-390-0398
• Timeless Elegance • Expansive golf course view • Custom built in 1992 • Well appointed features • Spacious outdoor living, hot tub • Abundant windows, light & bright • Quiet cul-de-sac, 1/3 acre lot
MLS 201302016
Call Myra Girod, Principal Broker I 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker (541-788-6767
• d' Level Lot in OWW2! ) $25,000
• .48 acre lot • Community water/sewer at street • Community access to boat ramp & dock • Association provides road maintenance & snow
• .D
plowing MLS¹201301231
Call Carol Osgood, Broker l 541-419-0843 or Korren Bower, Brokerl 541-504-3839
5 Acre DeschutesWaterfront Homesite J$127,500
' .
• 3bed, 2 full baths,1705SF,1,0 acre
Charming Cottage on OchocoReservoir J$290,000 • Have your very own vacation cottage on Ochoco Reservoir
• A Private dock is mooredonbeach • Adorable 2 bed, 2 bathhomehas upper & lower decks that take advantage of beautiful views
•The.22 acrelotisfenced andhas auto spnnlders.Storageshed for
toys. Horse shoe pit • Large established trees for shade & privacy. Whygoanywhere else?
R-' • Call/email for appointment • 508 NW Ogden Ave.
Call Joanne McKee, Broker l 541-480-5159
Call Laura Blossey, Brokerl 949-887-4377
Call Natalle Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581
62906 Bilyeu Way ( $308,000
' •
• •
• 2600 SF •
I •
• Great home w/master on main
• Loft plus huge bonus room • Large .23 acre lot • Greenhouse • Raised beds MLS¹201302640
Call us today! Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340 or Erika Stratton-Sanzone, Broker l 541-280-8388
Call Melanie Maitre, Broker ABR, SRES, ePRO
View Homesite - Tetherow ¹142( $349,000
SpectacularMountainViews!¹106 North Rimf $359,900
61123 Kepler ( $368,000
• One acre - great building site • Unobstru cted mountainviews • Backsto common area-privacy • Access to Deschutes River Trail
=. = '
• Gated, west side neighborhood • Community Lodge for
- —.,a I
Call Judy McCombs, Broker l 541-390-1411
I „
Call Rhonda Garrison, Principal Broker l 541-279-1768
Tumalo Park Road Lot 900 ~ $475,000
Pride of Ownership ( $359,900
• No expense spared, highly upgradedandin perfectcondition 'Oesirabe SWneighborhood, nearschools, parks,OldMil &rivertrail • 2724SF,3bedroom,25 bath • Opengreatroom&formal dining, bigbonus roomhascloset. couldbe4th bedroom • Kitchen w/woodfloors, granite, 2pantries, stainless appliances,Si-stonesink • Landscap ed, mahoganydeck,cedarpergola MLS¹20130 4865
homeowners MLS¹201304193
• Beautiful cvl-de-sachomein desirable, establishedTanglewood • Large mastew/gas r fireplace &spa-like ensuite w/soakingtub, doublevanities & shower • Gourmetkitchenw/granite countertops,largeeating barandopen to great roomwith fireplace &built-ins • Main floor denw/french doors • Triple tandemgarage, RVparking • Private backyard w/large paverpatio
Call Chris Goffrier, Broker l 541-788-8105
541-480-4186 l melanie©
• Stunning, unobstructedmountainviews • Best availablesite overlooking ¹2 green • Great privacyno - homesites across fairway • Large, levelsite - greatfor a single story plan • Prelim, designconcepts available • TetherowGolf or Social Membership • Cal for gateaccessand additional details
Cross street: Shevlin Meadows • Great West Side home • 2026 square feet, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Oversized backyard • RV/Boat parking along the side • Lots of naturallight MLS¹201305123
• 4 bedrooms, 2.5 baths
972 SE Briarwood Ct( $428,500
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086
• 2 bedroom, 1.75 bath • Large, fenced backyard • Completely rebuilt in 2001; updated & improved in recent
home when it wasbuilt • Coffered ceilings lined with pine, wood wrappedwindows, large windows • Home is setoff the street with many trees for privacy,in-ground irrigation system, privatewell, paveddriveway, MLS¹201303744
Call Judy McCombs, Broker l 541-390-1411 or Haley Dahlquist, Broker l 541-815-9002
• Close to downtown, markets, shops & restaurants
• Beautiful inside & out, extra attention to detail went into this
Since 1/1/2010 we have closed 235 transactions and have 11 more pending as we speak!
• Expansive northeasterly views of the Ochoco Mountains and Pilot Butte • .29 of acre lot in Rivers Edge • This homesite offers 120 feet in width providing opportunity for many design options • Near river trail, golf, shopping and schools.
West Side Cottage ~ $285,000
16130 Twin Dr., La Pine ~ $185,000
We Have Sold All But Two of Our Listings and Are Taking More Now.
v .-siff dlff ~ M LS¹201208806
v F uIyI renovat ed condo of er • 3 b e d /.52bath f rac b1e 3 bedroom fractions quality tional ownership! • Travertine floors, rock fireplace • Beautiful setting available from $34,900! • All new appliances • Turnkey vacation I~ • Murphy bed offers additional o f fe ring! sleeping room • 2 fractions available. w~ ~' -f • Very comfortable w/balcony • Gr e at rental income views of forest & river • Family fun begins at MLS¹ 201107707 Seventh Mt. Resort Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS l 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist
• 5 acre homesite •Offe rs357'ofhigh bank Deschutes River waterfront • Unobstructed Cascade Mountain views • Private well, septic tank, power installed • Seller terms available
Call Greg Yeakel, Principal Broker l 541-408-7733
Custom Building Site in Rivers Edge( $124,000
• 3 bed, 2 baths on 2.1 acres • Master on main • Formal dining & living rooms, 4442 SF • 1800 SF of unfinished daylight basement • Mature landscaping MLS ¹ 201302413
Rod Hatchell, Broker l 541-728-8812
West Side Park-like Setting ~ $479,000
Awbrey Glen Champion Circle ( $489,900
• Desirable community of Rimrock West • Community access to the Deschutes River • 1904 SF lodge style home • Upstairs loft can be studio or 3rd bedroom • Wrap-around deck to enjoy the sound of the river MLS¹201300623
• Situated on,86 acres on oneof the largest homesites inAwbrey Glen • Home offers privacy & a convenient location within the community • Large view windows embrace the High Desert Landscape from many areas in the home. • Recently updated with beautiful hard wood floors, high end Europeanpellet stove & energy efficient water heater
• Incredible private 39 acre parcel • Minutes from downtown Bend, Deschutes Riverand State Land • Pine trees, some rock formations,
open spaces, grassbanked irrigation canal • Build your own private estate on
secluded parcel MLS¹201304062
Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581
Desert Valley Group l 541-923-1376
Call Bryan Hilts, Broker l 541-771-3200
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086 Call Judy McCombs, Brokerl 541-390-1411
Deschutes River Frontage! $499,000
Private Setting -15th Fairway ~ $521,700
• You'll beonapermanent vacationthe minuteyoucothroughthe doors,four
• Behindthe gates-resortcourse •3 bed,2.5 baths,ofice+ den • Custom built-ins, vaulted ceilings andskylights • Garage - 3rd bay, heated & 1/2 bath • Expansive deck, golf & mountain views MLS¹201304390
Close to shopping, dining, recreation and NWCrossing! •Upgradesabound inthis3700SF homewit h3 mastersuites • Granite slab counters; hardwood floors; hobby/playroom off kitchen • Office with custom built-ins could be used as guest room • Large bonus room and loft area with mini kitchen • Easy care professional landscaping with 50' water feature •3decks,paverpatio,and classicfrontporch • Shop area in garage and 1800 SF of storage • Common area on two sides Call Sue Price, Broker l 541-408-7742
' '>'
-S w
• 3 roundabouts to downtown Bend
xGaze ovt backat amazingrockformations of LavaIslandFals • Gourmetkitchen,granite, doubleoven,
stainless appliances ~ - i+~~«- @+„
mightyOeschutes River- Majestic beauty!
Call C.J. Neumann, Broker, CRSl 541-410-3710 Lisa Lamberto, Broker l 541-610-9697
60439 Snap Shot Loop ~ $589,750
Inspiring Mountain Views ( $625,000
Call Chris Sulak, Broker l 541-350-6164
• Beautiful 3/4 acre pine treed lot
• Luxury new construction
• 3400 SF, 3-car garage • Huge bonus/family room • Forma living & dining, 3 fireplaces
• 4 bedroom, 4.5 bathroom • 2938 SF oversi + zed 2-car garage • Granite, hardwood & tile throughout • C osetoW idgiCreek,Deschutes River trail & Bacheor • A park-like setting MLS¹201304184
• Oneownerhomew/lotsofextras • Wonderful decking, private backyard w/water feature • Very popular ocation! 1684 NW City View
choose from
xRiverrockwoodburning fireplace, vaulted entry,3-cargarage ,' V~j*'-~+> • Huge deck w/hot tub overlooking the
Westside Charmer ~ $550,000
• Gorgeous golf course and mountain views • Customizable finishes • Gorgeous great rooms • 3 Beautiful floor plans to
gg ¹l
Luxury Townhomes ~ Offered from $549,750
' ~ bedroom,3bath29855Fhom e
' •
• • • • •
Sweeping panoramas Charming prairie style Wrap-around veranda Nearly 10 secluded acres Peek-a-boo view of Little Deschutes, bordered by BLM • Oversized 3-bay garage MLS¹201304180
Judy McCombs, Broker 541-390.1411 or Natalie Vandenborn,
Call Mary Stratton, Broker l 541-419-6340
Call Jordan Haase, Principal Broker 541.420-1559 or
Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222
Broker 541.508-9581 l
Stephanie Ruiz, Broker 541-948-5196
Superior Design for Privacy ~ $739,000
• 3106 SF SINGLE LEVEL • 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • 994 SF enclosed courtyard • Wonderful natural light • 1200+ SF garage • .5 acre lot on the 13th fairway -Rivers Edge GC • Call for your private tour!
• • •
Broken Top Beauty ( $799,000
• To be featured in the 2013 Tour of Homes™, July completion • Custom home by Greg Welch Construction • 3078 SF, oversized garage • 3+ bedroom, 2.5 bath, study/loft • Includes Tetherow Golf or Social Membership • Stunning master suite with access to deck/yard • Indoor/outdoor living with gas firepit in yard
• Elegant & spacious(4623SF) • Open great roomfloor plan • 4 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms • Den, theater room, family room • Pnvate setting in the trees
(.44 acre) • Located on the 4th tee at
Broken Top MLS¹201209136
Call Jodi Kearney, Broker l 541-693-4019
Call Brian Ladd, Broker l 541-408-3912
Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRS, GRI l 541-408-4309
jodirebroker©• brian¹¹
Contemporary City Living ~ $820,000
New Sunset View Estates Listing!( $850,000
• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3200 SF
• Custom single level prairie contemporary • Outstanding open floor
- • Immaculate interior • No H,O.A/s
• Heated parking
pa l n • Oversized 3-car garage • Borders common areas and the 4th & 7th fairways!
• Cascade Mountainviews
• Walk to Old Mill/Downtown MLS¹201207761 %p<..„;:<",
Last Available 5+ Acre Homesite ( $319,500 v
Luxury Single Level in Broken Top( $1,150,000
Tuscan-Style with Mt. Views ~ $1,325,000
• 5 bedroom, 4 baths, 5116 sq, ft. • Overlooking Broken Top's 12th fairway and green • One level with upstairs guest suite and private office • Privacy with southern exposure • Bonus & exercise room • 3 car garage w/shop area MLS¹ 201202864
Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086
• 24" TurkisTraverti h ne tile floors
Sl~ il. If liv.
s i ae¹ ® • ExPansivdeck e w/mt. views .:~' ~ ' ! ~II ~ - - • Mainleve master guest & room , ~ • 4bedrooms, 4.5baths, 4900SF • .52acre ot MLS¹201302131
Call Ken Renner, Principal Broker l 541-280-5352
,' p a noramic Cascade Mtn. view! v";; • Nicely treed w/ponderosapinesanda gentle slope,multiplebuildinglocations, power toSite • Pavedroadsandfully fenced • Preliminarywell/septic studycompleted •Pri vatesetting&easyaccesstoBLM • Build yourdreamhome&bringyour horses -
Call Jodi Satko, CSP Broker l 541-550-0819
iil =.
• Step outside & enjoy naturalscenery
Call Patty Cordoni, Broker l 541-771-0931
1910 Historical Residence and Barn
SpaciousExecutive Suitesin Five Pine Campus
• Mexican Canterastonefireplaces/
hood • Custom wrought-iron railings&
• Swwvridvii Iiti vpwxb riairiw
~ jli'3 '-'
Call Carmen Cook, Broker l 541-480-6491 cell
• Beautiful neighborhood onthe banksof WychusCreek • 3 bedroom, 2bath+ office, single level home • Upgraded w/travertine, slate, granite & attractive living rm w/propanefireplace • Kitchen w/abundantpantryspace, hickorycabinets,customlighting
• Large 1.14 acre lot in . pr i v ate gated community
Call Bobby Lockrem, Broker l 541-480-2356
PerfectHom eorVacationGetawayNearDowntownSisters $349,000
• Great established neighborhood «I&~: ", „ • Equine Inendly closeto town&Sisters
• - , ' .
• LocatedinSisters central to shopping, dining, parks andseasonal events • It's proximity to 2 ski resorts, numerous world cassgolf courses,cycling hiking and unparalleedfy fishing makeit the
ulhc i, »i««m" perfect resort destination
• Main residence, historic barn,potential
for 30bungalows/cabins,set amidold growth trees,gardens&ponds
Call Susan Trask, Broker l 541-549-8022
• Break away from work towakthe winding footpathsthroughthe campus and hearthesoothing soundsof streams andwaterfa Is • Suites avaiablefrom200SFto 1200 SF withconferenceroomandkitchen available totenants • Utilities andcommonarea maintenanceincluded in rent •RenttheOn-CampusConference Center for your client events
Call Patty Cordoni, Broker l 541-771-0931 patty.cordoni@sothebysreal
- x• • .
• 8
el l
a I
s¹ r•'
• a • •
Homes for Sale
Northeast Bend Homes
Redmond Homes
Redmond Homes
Redmond Homes
Redmond Homes
Sunriver/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine Homes Crook County Homes
Welcoming Front Porch 1829 NE Yellowstone- V ista Rim w it h S t un Lovely single-level 3 Beautifully Crafted - 4 New construction! NE La Pine S hort S a le. Make this "Old Home- Immaculate and beauV aulted f l oo r pl a n , Lovely NE Bend home n ing Views - 3 b e d bdrms, 2.5 bath, cus- bedroom, 2~/~ bath Redmond $174,900 $ 129,900. 4 bdr m stead" located right off tiful c ustom c r aftsseparate utility, spa- in Tamarack P ark. r ooms, 3 . 5 ba t h s , tom home with great home is perfect for 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, 1466 frame home with atof Hwy 97 your getman style, 2450 sq. ft. cious master, walk-in $189,000. 3260 sq ft, 2 master city views. Pride of your family. Enjoy the sq. ft. 2-story home, tached garage. High away retreat. Original 3 bdrm, 2 bath home. closet. All appliances TEAM Birtola Garmyn suites, great r oom, o wnership is s e e n double-height g r eat Front landscaped with Lakes Realty & Prop- home built in 1 940, RV parking and all the included a n d atHigh Desert Realty vaulted ceilings, dis t hroughout, and l o - room w/corner gas FP sprinkler system MLS erty Man a gement along with original ga- amenities of Ochoco 541-312-9449 541-536-0117 tached double garage. tressed h a rdwoods, cated on a cul-de-sac 8 sliding glass door. ¹201209172 rage an d s t o rage West including t he ¹35995. www. BendOregon wood trim, mouldings, for privacy. Home-ID The k i tchen w / t ileJim Hinton 16068 Green F o rest shed, 1 .6 3 a c r es. pool, fishing lake and Peggy Lee Combs, doors. Bonus room 994. $429,000 backsplash, p a ntry, 541-420-6229 Home is very clean thousands of acres of 1176 sq., Broker 541-480-7653 with ente r taining Eagle Crest Properties eating bar 8 windows Central Oregon Realty $139,900, r ecreation land s . f t., plus 864 sq . f t . yet still has it unique 866-722-3370 John L. Scott 850 NE Robin - Like k itchenette i n b a s e above the sink. Hard- Group, LLC traits. Possible Horse $187,500. MLS guest house. H i gh Real Estate, Bend new home w/2 suites, ment. Luxury finishes wood flooring in the property behind home ¹201204443. John L. Lakes Realty & PropSweeping Views of the NW Redmond neighin Bend. throughout. Offered at kitchen & dining area. open field. $79,900. Scott R ea l E s t ate erty Man a gement in borhood, 1506 sq. ft. Cascades & S m i th The main floor masBirtola Garmyn $599,900 MLS 201300544 541-548-1712 541-536-0117 Westridge j $579,000 TEAM Rock 3 bedroom, 2.5 3 bdrm, 2 bath, fun High Desert Realty Eagle Crest Properties ter s u it e fe a tures decor and architecCascade Realty, • 3059 sq.ft. 762 bath, 324 7 s q ft, 52375 Ammon Road. 541-312-9449 Robyn Fields, vaulted ceilings, an 541-536-1731 • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath luxury finishes attached bath, walk-in tural accents. MLS www. BendOregon Modified AF rame, Homes with Acreage Principal Broker, • .66 acre lot Near La P i n e P a rk. 201304848 $159,900 throughout, c u s tom closet 8 access to the huge shop. $269,900. 971-255-9866 • MLS 201304317 2080 sq. ft . h o me, 464 Pinney St., 2400 AV/media room, ex Redmond RE/MAX High Lakes Realty & 866-722-3370 deck. Fenced yard w/ Lester Friedman, P.C., 2998 NE Pin n a cle 2-car garage, 1 acre. sq.ft., 5 .5 4 a c r es, Land 8 Homes c eptionally wired g i Property Ma n agesprinklers & Ig. storBroker, ABR, CSP, High $209 900. gabit network, home age shed. Real Estate - Well kept Smith Rock Views in Place ment 541-536-0117 $250,000. High E-pro, S.T.A.R. Lakes Realty 8 Prop- shop. 541-923-0855 Highland Parks - 3 office w it h b u i lt-inMLS¹201302871 1994 one-level home Lakes Realty 8 Prop$117,500. Pri d e-of541-330-8491 erty Management w/3 bdrms, 2 baths, bedroom, 2.5 b a t h, work station, custom $210,000 erty Man a gement O utstanding views of ownership shows in 541-536-0117 541-536-0117 1700 sq. ft. on large .2 1993 sq ft great room workshop in garage. John L. Scott Real the Cascades, Home this beautiful 3 bdrm, plan wit h b e autiful Offered at $692,500 acre cul-de-sac l ot Estate 541-548-1712 is fenced on 3 sides 2 bath home. New vi- Wow! $159,900. County Easement leads to this w/fenced b a ckyard. views, built-in enter Eagle Crest Properties BEAUTIFUL well cared with entrance g ate nyl w indows, h e at says 1512' however one of a kind property tainment center & buf Robyn Fields, Guest bath is wheelthere is a bonus room with lush landscaping, and black top drive p ump, new well i n for ranch h ome on MORRIS fet, l uxury f i nishes Principal Broker, chair accessible, w ay. F e atures i n 2 010, m e ta l r o o f , that is 11.5x14' with mature trees, custom .51 acre. 3 bedrooms, throughout, gas fire 971-255-9866 REAL ESTATE kitchen w/center iscond. Plus den, ga r a ge/ air 2 bathrooms and over clude Timber T ech oversized 866-722-3370 t& p d ly O d da p« d skylights, new h e at patio a n d fir e pit, land & breakfast nook, place, expansive Trex decking, central vac, shop. Spacious living 2000 sq. ft., all on one vaulted ceili n gs 2 car garage, Westside Bend; Gated, tile counters. Great deck, tile flooring, wired for area with s eparate pump with c ooling on the Main in level. Home has 9' blue gorgeous pottery barn Master n ewer h o t wat e r throughout, closed to Bend price, $198,000. Highland Parks 3 surround sound in 8 family room. o p en ceilings, 3-car garage buggy pine ceilings, furnishings nego www. DavidFoster. Biz/ heater. 36'x36' shop amenities. The Highout, mstr bedroom on kitchen includes apbedroom, 2.5 b a t h, and views of Smith oak hardwood floors t iable. O f f ered at Pinnacle. lands at Broken Topmain w/jetted tub. De pliances. Covered RV w ith 2 - 1 0 ' doo r s with c arpet i n sets, 2 144 sq ft. Walls o f Rock and the Cas$398,000. w/openers an d a 10 acres. Offered at David Foster, Broker Eagle tached 1 bdrm, 1 bath windows, be a utiful cade Mountains. Tons area with hookups. 12x16' door add-on in granite countertops in Crest Properties 541-322-9934 $550,000. views, built-ins, gas of upgrades makes guest house w/obser Located on a corner back16x36 w/10' door kitchen, rock fireplace Robyn Fields, John L. Scott Cate Cushman, vation deck. f ireplace, 2 bo n u s lot with access from + this a home you will Principal Broker, w o o d sto r age. with juniper mantel, 2 Real Estate, Bend Principal Broker paved Da y R o a d. rooms. Har d wood definitely want to see!! MLS¹201302609 aster suites, 3 r d 971-255-9866 Chain link fenced with m 541-480-1884 Don't let this one get floors, t il e c o u nter $499,000. MLS¹201107890 bdrm with ~/~ bath. 866-722-3370 John L. Scott Real away from you. MLS gate to gov't lands, 30'x38' custom built tops. Expansive Trex $223,500 T wo homes o n t h e G orgeous Setting o n Plus boat s t orage. shop with sealed floor Estate 541-548-1712 deck. 2 car garage, 201301715 John L. Scott Real MLS¹201304458 banks of a large ca15th Fairway - 3 bed 541-536-1731 private location. Of Estate 541-548-1712 f or your t oy s a n d FOR SALE Single level home on nal. Unique s etting Cascade Realty, room, 3.5 bath, 2688 fered at $420,000. Cascade Realty, room f o r hor s es. style! corner lot. Great floor Dennis Haniford, Princ. with two quality single sq ft, master on main. Eagle Crest Properties Craftsman 541-536-1731 $575,000. When buying a home story homes nestled Large lot! F a m ily plan, formal dining Broker P rivate s etting o n Robyn Fields, MLS¹201303430. 83% of Central 152382 Wagon Trail. room, established 1-541-536-1731 o n the banks of a cul-de-sac, expansive room, bonus room, Principal Broker, John L. Scott Oregonians turn to 1849 sq. ft. home on neighborhood of nice large irrigation canal Trex deck with views fireplace and more! 971-255-9866 756 Real Estate 4 bdrm, 3 b a t h , homes. Triple garage. an acre with 46x38 in NE Bend. Both are east, loft, bonus room 866-722-3370 The Bulletin 541-548-1712 shop. $228,000. High Jefferson County Homes MLS 201304052. Ser ng Central Qreqon | nce l903 located on over one 2218 sq. ft., master & tons of extra stor Lakes Realty & Prop$224,900. a cre wit h a par k age. RV garage, tank- $264,500 Bright, open on main. $238,500. 13206 SW Golden Man Call 541-385-5809 to erty Management 541-923-0855 Close to schools! Nice 3 tel. 2470 sq ft, 3 bed across the canal for 201300385. less water heater. Of Great Room plan w/ MLS¹ 541-536-0117 place your Redmond RE/MAX bdrm home in town privacy. One 4 bed- fered at $479,000. floor to c e iling win Redmond RE/MAX room, 2 ~/~ bath on Real Estate ad. Land & Homes room home (2,424 sq. Eagle Crest Properties Land 8 Homes 1.98 acres. Hexagon dows, gas fireplace & 17125 Faun Ln. Cus- L andscaped with a Real Estate Real Estate fenced y a rd , R V built-in buffet opens to shaped great room Woodlands Golf ft.) with triple garage tom finishes, 3 Bdrm, Robyn Fields, parking too! $79,900 541-923-0855 has lots of windows to Course; open great plus a 3 be d room a large deck overlook 2 B a th, $ 1 29,900. Principal Broker, Must See This 3 MLS¹201106963 ing the first green of Cute, well taken care of You enjoy the views. 1600 room with mountain home (1,840 sq. ft.) High Lakes Realty & 971-255-9866 bdrm, 2 bath, fully upwith double garage. and lake v iews, 4 the Challenge Course. home on theNW side dated with designer Property Ma n age- D&D Realty Group LLC sq ft garage/shop with 866-722-3370 866-346-7868 Perfect for two fami4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, of R edmond. 4 /2.5 RV door. Landscaped, bdrm, 6 bath, 5,096 ment 541-536-0117 touches. Natural light sq.ft., o f f ered at lies or a cash flow in- $692,500 Stunning NW 2074 sq. ft. Home-ID with nice large loft Great location wonder- 8 fenced. $239,000 with views of the Cas17627 Cosset L o op. vestment with good C ontemporary p e r 951 Juniper Realty, $1,195,000. ful views, large, large Master on main cades. $174 , 000. $154,900. Custom 3 tenants. Quality con- fectly s i t uated to Eagle Crest Properties area. 541-504-5393 Cate Cushman, lot with almost 1 acre level, open k i tchen MLS 201303912. Gail bdrm, gourmet structed homes near maximize sweeping 866-722-3370 Principal Broker that overlooks dining Day, Broker, kitchen. High Lakes of p r operty. D o n't 86890 Golden L ane. schools and p a rks v iews o f t h e C a s 541-480-1884 living room. 541-306-1018. Realty 8 Pro p erty miss a great opportu- $95,000. G o rgeous Sm i t h Traditional Sale! Great area &bdrms. with all city services. c ades a n d nity! MLS 201303867 views 40 acres. High 3-car Central Oregon Realty Management Call Gary for m ore Rock. T h o ughtfully family home - never in Large $90,900. DBD Realty fully l a nd- Group, LLC 541-536- 0117 Lakes Realty & Prop746 details. 6 3 1 9 2 & incorporated d e sign rental pool. Upgraded garage, Group LLC backyard is erty Man a gement Northwest Bend Homes 63198 Wa t e rcress elements and luxury package, e x tended scaped, C rescent C r e e k 866-346-7868 $24 9 ,999 Looking for your next 541-536-0117 $598,000 f inishes make t h i s tile entry, carpet, light fenced. $159,500. 1716 sq. ft. emp/oyee? 2812 NW Golf CourseGary Everett, CCIM home a one of a kind ing, Alder cabinetry, MLS¹201302289 nicely upgraded. High Home on acreage bring $265,000 - 2 bdrm, 2 D&D Realty Group Place a Bulletin help Immaculate 8 b right Principal Broker masterpiece. Home ID h eat pump w/ p r o 866-346-7868 Lakes Realty & Prop- all your t o ys, l i ve bath, 1188 sq. ft. grammable t h e rmo wanted ad today and townhome in River's 541-480-6130 1031 erty Man a gement closes to town on this home on 5.95 acres 8 stat, room darkening Eagle Crest Home 3 reach over 60,000 2.23 acres with 3 bed541-536- 0117 Edge, $285,000. Joan Steelhammer, Eagle Crest Properties huge 72x60 shop. window treatments in readers each week. room 2 bat h room MLS¹ 201209007 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Broker 866-722-3370 bdrms, 2 baths cha1 7635 Cosset L o op home, split floor plan. all bedrooms. Your classified ad 541-419-3717 let beauty. Golf High Desert Realty Call Linda Lou $111,900. nice home, $89,900. Forest Greens Town $217,500 will also appear on MLS 541-312-9449 Remax Course lot, great Day-Wright, Broker, shop, RV cover. High Home-ID 1007 h ouse on t h e 1 s t ¹201301914 views. Great rental www. BendOregon 541-771-2585 Lakes Realty & Prop- D&D Realty Group LLC Fairway - 4 bedrooms, Eagle Crest which currently history. MLS ¹ 749 Crooked River Realty erty Man a gement866-346-7868 3.5 baths, 20784 sq ft, Properties ceives over 201208881 $244,700. 2083 N W Cas c a de Southeast Bend Homes 2 master suites, great 541-536-0117 866-722-3370 Custom 2000 sq. ft. 3 1.5 million page John L. Scott Real Lot with views. View - NW Bend, bdrm, 2 bath, unbe room plan, kitchen is views every month Estate 541-548-1712 17690 Tell Ct., 1790 sq. Large Great 3 bdrm home 3 050 s q .ft. c e d ar FSBO Tanglewood land, built-in buffet, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Cas c ade at no extra cost. f t. home, 1 ac r e , with l a rg e fa m i ly lievable chalet w/views. $254K. 4 bdrm 2.5 bath, Gentlemen Farm 8 Reviews, attached ga gas fireplace, expan Bulletin Classifieds 24x32 shop. room. Needs carpet. 1766 sq ft, bonus rm, t irement. Cust o m $449,000 sive deck overlooking Door-to-door selling with rage, 35x36 shop with Get Results! $234,900. High Lakes converted garage into vaulted ceilings, Ig TEAM Birtola Garmyn ove r looking Call 385-5809 or 12x24 loft. , $299,000 f airway. Offered a t fast results! It's the easiest home Realty 8 Pr o p erty fenced yd, Ig deck, RV extra office s pace. High Desert Realty Willow Creek w/Cas- place your ad on-line $264,500. MLS¹201203307 Management parking, mature landway in the world to sell. 541-312-9449 Large shop and carcade Mtn. views. 2892 Nany Popp, Broker, Crest Properties at 541-536-0117 scape, new paint in/out, EagleRobyn port. MLS 201302421. www. BendOregon sq.ft. 1-level h o me 541-815-8 500 Fields, well-maintained home. 52200 Lechner Lane. The Bulletin Classified $123,500. D&D R e- Crooked River Realty w/indoor pool, 3360 Principal Broker, 1158 SE Teakwood. 1734 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, alty Group LLC SF shop, 2nd home 8 541-385-5809 971-255-9866 Beautiful NW cottage, 541-385-6559 755 866-346-7868 Beautiful m a i ntained arage, 1.4 a c res, o ther b l d gs . 69 . 8 866-722-3370 c lose to C O C C & mfd ho m e wit h 199,900. High $550,000 One of Sage acres w/62 acres of ir- Sunriver/La Pine Homes Lakes shops Master bdrm w/ Newer home close to 750 Realty mountain views, easy Quality 3 bdrm, 2 bath r ig. Home has t o o B uilders award w i n large walk-in closet. schools on large lot, care landscaping and 1506 sq. ft.. Decking ning homes. 3 b ed many features to list. 16009 Green F o rest 541 -536-01 1 7 Redmond Homes Upstairs perfect for with storage shed and garden area, freshly the entire length of BLM. $72,900, A w esome53335 rooms, 3.5 bath, 3376 Adjoins family room, 2nd bdrm Ali c e Dr., l arge m aster b e d painted ext. $133,900. to enjoy unob sq ft. Faces east, lo MLS¹201206931 furnished cabin. High $139900 2 bdrm 27 or office. Large attic Contemporary C r a fts home room. New carpet in 201303869 structed hillside views c ated on t h e 1 7 t h $795,000 Lakes Realty 8, Prop- acres for storage or easy man with Views - 3 o u t buildings l iving r o om . Til e MLS Call Gail Day, 1.36 acres in Terreb fairway of the C hal John L. Scott Real erty Man a gement High Lakes Realty & conversion to l i ving bedrooms, 2.5 baths, counter t o p s in 541-306-1018 onne $189, 0 00. lenge 541-536-0117 Course. Estate 541-548-1712 space. Oversized ga- 1855 sq ft, banks of Property Ma n age- kitchen. Garage con- Central Oregon Realty Home-ID 941 rage w/ space for your windows, g o rgeous MLS¹201304294 ment 541-536- 0117 verted into play room Home Under construc1204 Ch e ry l Dr. Group, LLC Call Linda Lou car, skis 8 k a y ak. views, built-ins, gas Eagle Crest Properties tion! S i ngle l e v el, or additional family 53535 Big Timber. 3 $174,900. Gorgeous Day-Wright, 866-722-3370 Comes with all appli. fireplace, h ardwood $74,000 MLS 13914 SW RIDGE PL. 1724 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 homes, 2 acres and bdrm home on 1.26 room. Gour m e t Broker, 541-771-2585 i ncluding W/D. A p - f loors. ¹ 201302561 D&D Amazing mtn v iews bath, l a rge kitchen, shop! H i g h L a kes acre with 28x36 shop. 15th Fairway at Eagle Crooked River Realty pointments on week- kitchen w i t h gas Group LLC from this 3 bdrm, 2 SS appliances, two Realty 8 Pr o p erty $199,900. High Lakes Realty Crest Resort. 3 ends only. $218,000 cook-top & SS appli 866-346-7868 bath home on 1 . 13 p antries, ga s f i r e- Management Panoramic Realty bdrms, 2~/~ baths loJohn 503-804-4681. ances. 2 car garage. Astounding which is adja place, front yard land- 541-536-0117 Views - 4 bedrooms, 541 -536-01 1 7 Just bought a new boat? acres cated behind the L uxury finis h es cent to public land. scaping. $1 8 7 ,900 747 bath, 3569 sq ft. Sell your old one in the gates. MLS ¹ throughout. Offered at 3.5 1303 Elk Drive MLS¹ 201300466 Perfect plan for large Need to get an classifieds! Ask about our Short distance to the 201302857. Southwest Bend Homes $329,000. D eschutes Riv e r . Jim Hinton $189,000. Qua l ity Super Seller rates! or multiple fami $377,900. ad in ASAP? Eagle Crest Properties family throughout! 4 b drm, $169,900 541-420-6229 lies. Private setting, 541-385-5809 Broken Top! Golf 8 John L. Scott Real Robyn Fields, You can place it MLS201304388. Central Oregon Realty 2 224 sq. ft . Hig h to BLM, Estate 541-548-1712 More! Spacious cus- Principal Broker, backs Wonderfully loc a ted Lakes Realty 8 PropJuniper Realty, Group, LLC cul-de-sac. N a t ural online at: tom home with 4652 971-255-9866 h ome with a c o m 541-504-5393 erty Man a wood, stone & granite 2 -Story home in N W Large Family Home sq. ft. See virtual Tour 866-722-3370 manding v i e w of finishes, e x pansive Redmond. Large 1705 3000 sq ft, 4 bedroom, 541-536-0117 on 12789 SW Wheatgrass Mount Jefferson and sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 bath. deck with hot tub. Of $1,225,000. Fabulous views of 9th .5 bath, 2 st o r y ,50760 South Fawn the surrounding area. Rd. Well maintained 541-385-5809 Knotty alder cabinets, 2 MLS¹201303060. Resort Course green fered at $599,900. close to shopping in Top-of-the-line 3 bdrm Beautiful, well k e pt 1680 sq. ft., 3 bdrm., SS appliances, front/ Eagle Crest Properties 541-923-0855 NE Redmond. 3 car and Mt. Jefferson. No h ome w i t h sh o p ,53762 Bridge Drive, home with spacious 2 bath, on 1 a c re. Robyn Fields, back landscaped with Redmond RE/MAX maintenance issues garage, fenced yard $169,000. High Lakes $195,000! riverfront 3 rooms. MLS Spacious living room irrigation. M L S ¹ Principal Broker, Land & Homes w ith new T re x o n and paver patio. Realty & Pr o perty bdrm, 2 b a th, 3 .65 201206924 $239,000. downstairs & f a mily 971-255-9866 201209017 $189,900. Real Estate room upstairs. lower & upper decks, Theresa Ramsay, Management acres. Hig h L a k es D&D Realty G roup 866-722-3370 Jim Hinton 541-420- Broker 541-815-4442 541-536-0117 $179,900 MLS w/metal railing. Realty LLC Look at: 6229 Central Oregon 201302119 John L. Scott 541 -536-01 1 7 866-346-7868 $189,000. H o me-ID C reekside Vill a g e Realty Group, LLC 1 49112 Auder i n e Juniper Realty, 1048. Real Estate, Bend with Horse Property Wow! Look a t t h e se $168,900. B e autiful for Complete Listings of Eagle Crest Properties Townhouse 541-504-5393 A MUST SEE! 3 bdrms, Views 2 bedroom, 2 with In-law Quarters v iews! Casc a d e 1340 sq. ft. 2 bdrm, 866-722-3370 Area Real Estate for Sale bath, 1419 sq ft. Cas 2 baths, vaulted ceil- New construction 1'/~ bath home. High F enced home f o r Mountain from your 14198 SW Nine Peaks cade Mountain views, i ngs, k n otty a l d e r $179,500. Large cov- Lakes Realty 8 Prop- horses. 3 bedroom, 2 living room. Home has Pl. Mtn. views from Hillside French C ha- $439,500 Original Ac teau - Copper Cupo- t ive A d u l t Mod e l backs to BLM, banks cabinets, SS a p pli- ered front porch, cov- erty t his 1960 sq. ft., 3 w/ s ho p & been updated w ith Man a gement bath of windows, gas fire ances, RV p arking, ered back patio, fully 541-536- 0117 las, Slate Roof, Stone Home. M a n y mother-in-law q u a rnewer heat pump and bdrm., 2 bath home up l andscaping, o v e r - landscaping, vaulted Exterior. 4 Bedrooms, grades. Newly painted place, built-ins, gran ters. Close to recreall new f loors too. on 1.16 acre. 936 sq. sized ite countertops. Of garage. ceilings, knotty Alder 1 715 Mare Ct . 1 8 0 9 ation area in LaPine. G reat r a nch s t y l e ft. garage has a shop 4 Baths, 4152 sq. ft., e xterior. S hort d i s fered at $220,000. $177,000. MLS cabinetry. sq.ft., 3 large bdrms, All on 1 acre! Offered at MLS¹ h ome with l ot s o f area plus 2 bays. RV tance to sports center Eagle Crest Properties 201302314. J eanne 201208977 30x60 shop, Theresa Ramsay, room to play. covered storage & $2,395,000. and pro shop. Home Robyn Fields, Scharlunch, $13 9 ,500 Cate Cushman, Jeanne Scharlund, Bro- $165,000. High Lakes Broker 541-815-4442 $172,000. MLS carport. ID 1003 541-420-7978. Principal Broker, Realty 8 Pr o p erty Principal Broker ker, 541-420-7978 John L. Scott ¹ 201208213 D&D MLS 201208272 Eagle Crest Properties 971-255-9866 Central Oregon Realty Central Oregon Realty 541-480-1884 Management Juniper Realty, Real Estate, Bend R ealty Group L L C 866-722-3370 Group, LLC 541-536-0117 541-504-5393 866-722-3370 Group, LLC 866-346-78 •
SATURDAY 11-2PM G iv e y o u r ma n d azzling m o u n t a i n views, a place to park his RV & toys, a shop with more storage than he can fill. Ail this plus 63419 Barton View Place a spacious 3 bedroom Directions: From Hw~ 97 take home that lives like a EmPire easl, turn norih on Boyd single level. Acres Rd, ri¹ht on Barton Crossing
$495,000 HOS/ed 6 LiSted byr
CAROLYN BOSTWICK Pri ncipn/ Bvoker
70435 NW Lower BridgeWay Terrebonne Direciioiis: .Vo¹b oii Huy 97 io Louer
Bridl,eWay.Left on Loirer BridgeWay.Left on Louvr Ua/le¹ Turf R¹ ar DeepCnn/vn Presen'esign Folioii' signr io propwy
LiSted 6 HOSted byr
radio show broadcast from 12pm-1pm Saturday.
sq. ft. Extensive attention to
detul throughout this newly constructed 2-story home in Horizon Ridge w/beautiful viewsofrheCascade Mountains.
Fully fenced a landscape<I with a gorgeous water feature 5 knotty alder front door io
HOSTED BY LOHR REAL ESTATE Contact: 541-306-1557
welcome you home. Too many 20772Horizon RidgePlace, Bend upgrades io list. Come have a Directions: Erwn Cooley, bead south look for yourself, on Eoyd Acres, Ie fi on Trisiur, left on Hosred saturday by: Horizon Ridge. Frorri EmPire, head norrh oxBoyd Acres io klorningstN; le JOANNE MCKEE,Broker ft 541-480-5159 on Maje¹icloop, Iefi on Tristar, 6ght on SUE PRICE,Broker Horizon Ridge. 541-408-7742 zisred by: SEMI BARTON,Broker
) bdrm, 2.5 bath~ and 2059
H osted by Ki p L o h r a n d b roadcasting l i v e , h o r s d 'oeuvers, raffles fo r a n iPad Mini and Widgi Creek Golf Course swag. Brokers' O pen i n W i d g i C r e e k . Take part in a luxury home tour mith ch ampagne, Live
' I
Home and barn located next door to the Faith
Hope and Charity Winery. Spectacular Cascade and Smith Rock views on 4 acre parcel. Barn loft would be perfect for an artist or musician studio.
H~ r~~IIIIt
60733 Golf Village Loop, Bend
Listed by DEB TEBBS,Broker/Pr~sidenr
Homes with Acreage
Homes with Acreage
Homes with Acreage
Recreational Homes 8 Property
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
Mfd./Mobile Homes with Land
Fantastic single level 4 Powell Butte! 10 Acres! 8589 S W P a norama7825 SW River Road. Cascade Views in Terbdrm, 2 b ath home Knockout mou n tain21003 Tekarra Lane, R oad. 1 . 169 a c r e, 5.030 acres, canyon rebonne. $192,500 S untree Village ¹ 2 5 $124,999. Must See to with views of valley v iews! 3863 sq . f t . Crescent Lake, OR. close to pasture and views, septic & power Breathtaking views, De- $29 000 - 3 b e d Appreciate, very floor and partial cas custom home, gour- 2-story stunning get- mtn. views! $40,500. on l ot . $84, 9 00. schutes River Canmove-in rooms, 2 baths, 1269 clean, c ade v i ews. T h i s met kitchen, office, MLS¹201300989 yon, and farming val- sq. ft., 1983 Marlette. r eady... 3 B d rm, 2 away i n Cr e s cent MLS¹201105165 home is m o ve-in o utbuildings, s h o p . Meadows. B e autiful Call Melody Curry Call Melody Curry ley below, 5 usable Nice vaulted l i ving Bath, 1512 sq. ft. Man 541-771-1116 541-771-1116 ready and has lots of 360' View / Top of Butte $779,900. acres with well Ideal o ld g r o wt h tr e e s room. Large kitchen Home. New p a int, storage space and a in Terrebonne. Home, MLS¹201106428 Crooked River Realty Crooked River Realty building site with unflo o ring, scattered throughout and separate laundry. laminate 541-350-3418 place for computer at shop, mansion building o bstructed view s the property. Two loft Build your dream home 7 965 SW R i ve r R d . Large covered deck. s late e n t ry , til e d end of hall w ay. site. 2% to broker. See: Redmond RE/MAX MLS¹201205208 bdrms with 2 b a ths in Wagon Trail Ranch! 2.79 acres, near the Pick your own exte kitchen, laundry and F reshly painted i n Land & Homes Day 541-306-1018 d ownstairs. Lar g e Homeowners enjoy a rior paint- $2300 paint bathrooms. M a s ter Deschutes river. Gail s ide and o ut, n e w reo/3838788703.html Real Estate Central Oregon Realty great room has been communityclubhouse, $49,000 credit. and other 2 bdrms are MLS range , dishwasher 7150 SW S WALLOW Group, LLC added to the house Call Marilyn R ohaly, separated with a livswimming pool and 201009429 P owell Butte. Qu i e t included. This p rop with its own sunroom Broker, 541-322-9954 ing room and family Spacious 1804 access to the L ittle Juniper Realty Country Lane. Nice 3 erty still has room for RD. and large wood stove. room. Fro n t/back 541-504-5393 CHECK YOUR AD John L. Scott Real a large shop behind sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 bath Bedroom ranch-style Adjacent to BLM land. Deschutes River. Visit Bend decks. oversized w ith S m i t h Roc k house with a nice floor www.wagontrailranch. $89,500 - 5- flat acres. Please check your ad Estate, the home and is pri Detached garage and 20x24 garage w i th on the first day it runs vate because of rock v iews. B r ight a n d plan, country kitchen storage shed outside. org fo r c o mmunity P erfect f o r hor s e to make sure it is corstorage space above. o pen k i tchen a n d and nice brick fireinfo. O ff e re d at property or privacy. outcropping in b ack nowberry Village ¹ 6 Very close to Cres- $28,000. MLS 201300412. rect. Sometimes in- S $86,000. room. Private place nestled on 4+ yard. $169,000. MLS¹ great 3 bedrooms, Area of shallow well Cascade Realty, location o n 5.62 acres. The property is cent Lake and WilMLS¹201303671. s tructions over t h e 2 baths. 1566 sq. ft. 201301275 depths. Poss i b le l amette Sk i P a s s . 541-536-1731 acres. $219,000. MLS fenced and has a phone are misunder- Silvercrest. Upgrades John L. Scott owner terms. MLS¹ $149,000. Call Linda 201304491 J u n iper 89670. stood and an e rror ral, shed and shop Real Estate newer paint inside & $184,900. Triple wide 201104251 Realty, 541-504-5393 area, along with stor- at 541-815-0606. can occur in your ad. -out Faye Phillips, Broker 541-548-1712 and newer carpet. with very open floor Call Nancy Popp Cascade Realty, 541-480-2945 If this happens to your age rooms. The propHuge with is541-815-8000 541-536-1731 plan. Kitchen has lots 6624 SW FERRET DR. Beautiful and peaceful erty has two acres of ad, please contact us l and kitchen John L. Scott a n d sunn y of storage, tile backsCrooked River Realty Powell Butte home on irrigation, m o u ntainSummer Lake log home Updated 3 bdrm, 2 Real Estate, Bend the first day your ad breakfast area. Enp lash, and i s c o nbath on 6 acres in a 10.36 acres with 8.33 a nd S m it h Roc k on 2.33 acres, 360' - Beautiful el- appears and we will closed back deck. Pri- nected to a sunroom. ir r igation. views. Central locaCrescent Lake Lotj $89,900 private location. Large acres o f evated view a b ove be happy to fix it as views! $229 , 000. vate backyard. ImLaminate flooring in $74,900 garage/shop has This home was re- tion commuting disDeschutes River Can- s oon a s w e ca n . m aculate & High Lakes Realty & • 1.7 acres val u e a ll rooms and s k y plenty of room for all built in 2004 (original tance Deadlines are: Week- priced. to Bend, Property Management yon. Westerly Caslights for an airy light • Riverfront h ouse was b uilt i n yourtoys. $159,000 Prineville, and Red541-536-0117 cade views. 2-acres, days 11:00 noon for Call Marilyn Rohaly, feel. Beautifully land1 975 p e r cou n t y mond. • Year round road Juniper Realty, next day, Sat. 11:00 Not a bad paved rd. Septic apBroker, 541-322-9954 scaped. Huge shop/ records). Open loft package at $289,900! maintenance 541-504-5393 a.m. for Sunday and 764 proved. John L. Scott Real garage, sep. building den overlooks the liv- Call Heather Hockett, • MLS 201304272 Monday. MLS¹201207148 Farms & Ranches Estate, Bend Price Reduced! 8829 u sed as a ho b by ing and dining areas Odette Adair, 541-385-5809 Call Nancy Popp PC, Broker, Century SW Jefferson View Pl. with soaring vaulted room. Newer septic, Broker, S.T.A.R. Thank you! 541-815-8000 Beautiful log home lo ceilings. Spacious oak 21 Gold Country Re- 431 Acre horse/cattle roof, & paved drive541-815-4786 The Bulletin Classified Crooked River FACTORY SPECIAL ranch. 3 bedroom, 2.5 cated in quiet area on kitchen and utility/mud alty, 541-420-9151 way in 2010. Property Realty New Home, 3 bdrm, bath, 2640 sq ft home 1 acre corner lot on a room with tile flooring. is fenced & has a se$46,500 finished gated commu- w/2 car garage/shop, Waters. S hort p aved street. S p a Wrap around porch, Private curity gate. BARE LAND on Hwy 97 Folley on your site. nity. 28 acres backs to barn and corrals. Just distance to Steelhead cious 1280 sq. ft., Fin detached 2 car drive MLS 201302863. - OWC! ALL utilities J and M Homes B LM land o n e a s t minutes from Madras. Falls and famous Dei shed b o nu s rm . through garage and side. Cascade Realty, in. MH to be removed schutes 541-548-5511 MORRIS New construc- Home ID 1047 . fishing. Pnabove garage. Home 1008 SF Barn/Shop 541-536-1731 B4 sale. Build dream REAL ESTATE is being sold fully fur with a 720 SF lean-to, tion, just in time to $499,900 vate an d s e cluded home, run approved LOT MODEL choose your colors & I&p & l y O d d op d Eagle Crest Properties nished. $21 4 ,900 fenced pasture, pond, $ 79,900. O wner w i l l biz. Zoned MUA-Multi- 2 .06 a c res. M L S ¹ LIQUIDATION coverings, up866-722-3370 MLS 201301737 $65,000. c arry with a g o o d l andscaped yar d . floor Lot 14 1 S W C r a ter Use Agri c ultural.R201303503 Prices Slashed Huge grades are available. edmond RE/M A X Juniper Realty, d own p a yment. 2 Panoramic Cascade Loop. 1.01 acre, well $125,000. BRING AN Savings! 10 Year 10 acres, 360' view of Peace and tranquility 541-504-5393 Land 8 Homes Real b drm, 1 bath o n 1 Mountain view. i s hard t o f i n d i n Cascades/Smith treed l ot . $ 3 9 ,900. OFFER! conditional warranty. Estate 541-923-0855 acre in C RR. M LS MLS¹201102205. Finished on your site. 5 498 SW S h a d R d . MLS¹201304104 today's lifestyle. This Rock, 36x36 b a rn, MLS¹201105162 ¹201303870 John L. Scott Call Melody Curry ¹36677. Faye Phillips, Lot 21 SW Chipmunk ONLY 2 LEFT! Bright 8 open 1344 has all that plus views 2304 sq. ft. garage, Linda Lou Day-Wright, 541-771-1116 Real Estate Broker 541-480-2945 Rd. 5.16 acre, comRedmond, Oregon sq. ft., 3 bdrm., 2 bath s hop/hobby ro o m . of the Cascade range. Broker, 541-771-2585 541-548-1712 Crooked River Realty John L. Scott munity water installed. 541-548-5511 home on 1.86 acre Granite countertops, $315,000. Crooked River Realty Real Estate, Bend MLS $60,000 c orner l ot . Gr e e n Cascade views, newer h ardwood floo r s , MLS¹ 201304364 One acre. Driveway in 201300800 Call Nancy Popp house located next to 3214 sq. ft. 4 bdrm, custom cabinets, heat place. 7981 SW High Juniper Realty 541-815-8000. Need to get an the fenced g arden 4'/z bath home, 3-car pump. 3 car garage, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Cone. $29,900. MLS¹ B are r a n g e lan d . 541-504-5393 area. $149 , 9 00 garage, 2 RV bays, fireplace and lap sid- Crooked River Realty ad in ASAP? Fenced and only 18 201003931 MLS201302042 i ng. $499, 0 0 0 . Call Melody Curry miles from Madras. Rainbow Drive C R R. Door-to-door selling with 36x40 shop. You can place it Juniper Realty, MLS201204584 541-771-1116 There are 2 w a t er corner lot with sev- fast results! It's the easiest FIRST CLASS $442,900. online at: 541-504-5393 John L. Scott eral g reat b u ilding Crooked River Realty wells neither of MLS¹ 201304473 way in the world to sell. 20 ACRE Real Estate which are being used. sites. 5.76 acres, rock 16751 SW DOVE RD. Call Nancy Popp 541-548-1712 HORSE RANCH SW Redmond j Electricity is to one of outcroppings, lots of 541-815-8000. The Bulletin Classified One level 2500 sq. ft. $87,500 character, $99,000. them. Mostly gentle 541-385-5809 custom log home on Crooked River Realty S EPTIC, 541-385-5809 WATER , www.bendoregon • .21 acre flat lot s lope w i t h bet t e r MLS¹ 2905671 4.9 acres.Floor to ceil 3 0x40 S H OP ! 1 ' / ~ • Cascade Mountain Redmond RE/MAX Coun t ry acre cul-de-sac grass on the steeper ing windows w/views Charming views Land & Homes Real Snowberry Village ¹6. 3 $ 99,900 Located o n land. Possible owner of the Mtns. Hickory Cottage surrounded tion. Cascade views! bdrms, 2 baths, 1566 over 2 acres 3 bdrm, • Possible owner terms Estate 541-923-0855 terms. MLS¹ by large trees and hardwood & tile floors. sq. ft, - Silvercrest. 2 bath home. Every 1000 gal. septic, CRR Ranch in Powell Butte • MLS 201302049 boasting mo u ntain 201301211 $200,000. $499,999 MLS SW Geneva View Rd. Upgrades - newer b drm has w a l k i n w/back-flow de- $ 925,000. Pride o f Michelle Tisdel, P.C., John L. Scott Real Esviews from this close water 201208751 Level 1.14 acres with p aint inside & o u t , closet, double sinks in Broker, ABR, E-pro to town location on 5 vice. Shop, concrete ownership/Borders tate 541-548-1712 Juniper Realty, ood building sites. newer carpet, huge master bath, light 8 16x10 BLM. Feed Lot, hay 541-390-3490 a cres. This 3 b e d - floors/windows, 541-504-5393 41,500 MLS k itchen w/island & airy f a mily r o o m. door. Barn, Equip. Shed Blue Jay Road. CRR. 201102002 room home is beauti- overhead MLS¹201206082 sunny breakfast area. Kitchen has oak cabiMLS¹ Privacy, great moun6 326 SW S ha d R d . fully decorated with $89,900. Juniper Realty Cg Vicci Bowen Enclosed back deck, n ets, i s land. S pat ain views, lots o f Spectacular views of tasteful colors, has 201203418 541-504-5393 541-41 0-9730 private bac k yard. cious master bath with Call Nancy Popp trees, 4 . 7 4 ac r e s. the C R R C a n yon, lots of character and Central Oregon Realty l arge s hower a n d 541-815-8000 MLS¹ $86,000. $75,000 775 S mith R o cks a n d loads of updates. This MORRIS Group, LLC huge soaking t u b. Marilyn Rohaly, Crooked River 201304811 mountains from every is a must see - even REAL ESTATE Manufactured/ Broker 541-322-9954 Outside is set up for Realty Redmond RE/MAX window of this 2436 has a traditional fire771 I d p d l y O d d op d Mobile Homes livestock and has a John L. Scott Land8 Homes Real sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 3 bath place. Irrigated pasLots Real Estate, Bend barn and double gaEstate 541-923-0855 Wyndemere Lot j home on 1.47 acres. ture for critters and Silver Lake, OR. (2) Suntree Village ¹ 1 65 rage and a new heat $175,000 $229,000. MLS n eat barns & o u t - 1848 sq. ft. homes on N orth P o wel l B u t t e BUILD YOUR DREAM $37,500 2 b e d pump. Ride forever ac r es . Onl y • .55 acre lot 20134899 b uildings a s wel l . 4 0 HOME on this 5.3 rooms, 2 baths, 1188 760 and enjoy the beauty $199,000! High Acreage 3 buildable, • Pine trees for privacy Juniper Realty, MLS¹201304326. A acre parcel just a few sq ft. Beautifully up of na t ur e her e . rare lots. C ascade• Near park & river trail Realty 541-504-5393 lot for the money and Lakes minutes s o ut h of dated: windows, roof, Mfd./Mobile Homes MLS¹201200121 541-536-0117 Mountain views. Quiet • MLS 201302080 hard to find peaceful with Land P rineville. Views o f 10 acre horse property setting. $349,900. Call area. Call Vicci Bo- Virginia Ross, Broker, p aint inside 7 o u t , Cascade Realty, t he Cascades a n d laminate floors, car Dennis Haniford, Princ. in Terrebonne. Gorge Heather Hockett, PC, This beautiful custom wen 541-410-9730 ABR CRS, GRI, Eco $120,000. 3 b drm, 2 easy access off Davis Broker v iews, 2304 s f g a B roker, Century 2 1 home sits up where Central Oregon Realty pet, water heater and Broker, Previews bath, 1564 sq. ft. MH L oop. S eptic a p more! Beautiful yard. 1-541-536-1731 rage-shop w/4 over Gold Country Realty, Bald E agles s o a r! Group, LLC 541-480-7501 near the community proved and p o wer A must see! head doors, shop & b reathtaking v i e w s park in C RR. 1 .43 Just bought a new boat? available. Call Marilyn Rohaly, heated, insu l ated 541-420-91 51 from every window! $48,900 1.04 acres with a view in CRR. MLS201302249 hobby/office. 3 bdrm, CULVER Lg open kit, fantastic Cg Broker, 541-322-9954 acre. MLS ¹201303876 Sell your old one in the irr i gated Linda Lou Day-Wright, classifieds! Ask about our MLS 201206664. $37,750 John L. Scott Real 2 bath home w/cov acres! 60x40 SHOP! living room w / rock Broker, 541-771-2585 Super Seller rates! Call Linda Lou John L. Scott Real ered porches, MLS¹ Close to Lake Billy fplce,family room w/ Estate, Bend Day-Wright, Broker, MORRIS 541-385-5809 Estate 541-548-1712 Crooked River Realty 201304364. Call C hinook, huge built in bar, atlarg e 541-771-2585 REAL ESTATE Linda lou Day-Wright. c ountry tached apt w/its own home , Crooked River Realty I&p d l yO d d op d Broker, at views! $ 3 5 4,500. entrance, lovely for541-771-2585. mal dining room, all 208 2nd Ave., Culver. MLS¹ 201302293 773 Crooked River Realty topped off w/2 beau- Level city lot. $38,200 Redmond RE/MAX Acreages tiful mstr suites. Com- MLS 201203505 Land & Homes Real 10 acres w /custom piete whuge walk thru Estate 541-923-0855 Juniper Realty home and shop in 13601 SW Canyon Dr. closet, & rotating bed 541-504-5393 Powell Butte! 1.13 acres, Mt. Jeffer so that you can pick Country home Unique fl o o rplan Great the view you want to is the premier lot son views, owner will w/indoor spa room, Home has fenced prop- wake up to. $490,000. This left at Eagle Crest: carry. $58,500 MLS f o r ani m als. wide hall w ays, erty MLS¹201201550. 1.03 acres with spec 201106385 Wonderful l o c ation single level. Juniper Realty John L. Scott tacular views of the and nice shop area. $365,000. MLS 541-504-5393 Real Estate s now-capped C a s This is a great coun201108648 541-548-1712 cade Mountains. This Lot 16 SW Shad Rd. try 3 bdr,. 1.50 bath Redmond RE/MAX is a flag lot with plenty 1960 home! Ready for Land & Homes of pote n tial. of privacy. Home ID 2.7 acres, Mt. Jeffer a family wanting to Tons son & S m ith R ock Real Estate N ewer h om e w i t h FM. $250,000. live on acreage and 541-350-3418 views. $78,500 MLS have room to spread open floorplan and Eagle Crest Properties 201208266 large rooms. Close to 866-722-3370 out. $249,900 MLS ¹ 12250 NW Dove Rd. Juniper Realty en t rance of Unobstructed moun- 201209328 D&D Re- the 541-504-5393 Crooked River Ranch. Great Mountain View tain views! immacu- alty Group LLC home site, short dis $102,000. M L S ¹ 866-346-7868 l ate 1841 sq. ft . 3 22 SW Chipmunk tance to the Lakeside Lot 201302557. bdrm, 2 bath, cedar 5.19 acres, level S ports Center a n d Rd. Call Gail Day, sided home on 4.81 Great horse property in l ot, Mt n . view s . Spray Park, come and 541-306-1018 fenced acres. LaPine. 4-stall loafing $69,000 MLS enjoy listening to the $385,000 MLS shed with auto water- Central Oregon Realty 201106095 quiet. Avoid bank clos Group, LLC ing opens to fenced 201101447 Juniper Realty ing costs; the seller is area approx. 40x80 Juniper Realty, 541-504-5393 offering exce l lent Very Secluded Private shed for hay or what 541-504-5393 have you. Property is 10 Acres. Gated cus- terms to a q ualified 5 acres adjoins public 12851 SW Deer fenced and c r oss- t om home, 3 b e d - buyer on this .44 acre land over Deschutes Crossing. Remodeled f enced w it h m a n y room, 2y~ baths, over- lot. $83,500 Home-ID River. Short walk to 3 bdrm., 2 bath, 1440 separate areas. Home sized garage, large 619 river. $ 7 4 ,900 sq. ft. home on 2.29 has 2 bdrms, 2 baths, Trex deck, mtn views, Eagle Crest Properties MLS¹201102328 Call acres. Features gran- both have skylights, 60'x36' insulated shop 866-722-3370 Linda Lou Day-Wright ite counters, hickory and walk-in closets, with attached guest Broker, 541-771-2585 $25,000-$49,000 cabinets, bam b oo dining se p tic,Spectacular a r e a has quarters, 2 Crooked River Realty ots in floors, vinyl windows. built-in hutch. Large loafing s h ed , RV Yarrow S ulbdivision, 12770 NW Dove Rd. The list goes on! Ga- l iving room and a hook-up, private well, newer develop- 5 .12 a c r es , Mt n . r age, carport & R V wood stove to keep plenty of room to park the ment in the East hills views, all utilities incovered park i ng. you cozy. Must see toys and have aniMLS this property to appre- mals, fully fenced. NO of Madras. Very near stalled. $96,500 MLS $109,000 the n e w Aqu a t ic 201204410 ciate all it has to offer. CC&R's or HOA; easy Center, Middle School 20120135 Juniper Realty, a ccess t o Ben d , Juniper Realty $179,900. MLS COCC Campus. 541-504-5393 541-504-5393 Redmond, or Sisters. and 201108032 Home ID YARROW One-of-a-kind p r op- Eagle Crest Properties Cascade Realty, 1 6160 SW Dove R d . 1 3859 S W QUAI L e rty, next d oo r t o 866-722-3370 541-536-1731 TRAIL Private horse 6.1 acre corner lot, Eagle Crest. Included p roperty w it h go r Horse Property! 4.33 in this sale is a time- 13740 SW Canyon Dr. Mtn. views, near Desgeous mountain A cres! C lose t o River. $99,500 share with rights to 1.228 acre. Build your chutes v iews. These 6 . 24 BLM! MLS 201205646 Spa c i ous use all the amenities dream home. acres are fenced and 1878 sq. ft. home. Juniper Realty the resort offers. Call $47,500. MLS¹ 541-504-5393 cross-fenced with Well-maintained, for private showing. 201105164 2-stall barn, insulated landscaped, barns, MLS ¹ 20 1 2 03090. Call Melody Curry 16535 SW Chinook Dr. tack room w/ water detached g a rage, $455,000. H i ghland 541-771-1116 5 .68 a c res, R i v e r Kevin Pangle Linda Fisher-Berlanga Mark Long and 2 loafing sheds. Realty 541-923-2311 reenhouse. Crooked River Realty v iews, o w ne r w i l l $325,000. MLS NMLS¹ 8952! NMLS¹ 2! 0!! 8 NMLS¹ 208965 249,900. MLS carry. $225,000 MLS 201304401. Westside and 17 Acres $29,900 - View beauti- 201106408 201303017 Realty, Redmond Juniper RE/MAX Custom log home with ful C r ooked R i v er Juniper Realty 541-504-5393 portico, 4 bedroom, 4 C anyon walls f r om Land8 Homes Real 541-504-5393 Estate 541-923-0855 bath, 3,381 sq ft. Ofyour new business. 1984 Crescent Cut-Off. fered at $1,295,000. B uild to s u i t y o u r 16685 SW Chinook Dr. Gorgeous 2663 sq. ft. Lovely Home on 9 PriCate Cushman, b usiness. Und e r - 6 .9 a c r es , Ri v e r on 5 acres. $289,000. vate Acres - 2785 Sq Principal Broker ground power & CRR views, all utilities inHigh Lakes Realty & h ome w / vaulted 541-480-1884 water available. stalled, owner carry. Property Management ft. ceilings, fir e place, MLS¹201207341 $189,000 MLS 541-536-0117 formal living & dining, Call Nancy Popp, 201008671 Pin e 541-815-8000 $239,900 - Prow front great room, 4 bdrms, W onderful L a Juniper Realty Brad Haun Lisa Hawes log home on view rim 3 full baths, breakfast acreage set-up for Crooked River 541-504-5393 NMLS¹ 221546 NMLS¹ 404405 Realty lot. 3 bdrm., 2.5 bath, n ook, pantry, o a k horses w it h r o u nd 1.49-acres. J u niper cabinets, two car ga- pen, 4- stall barn with $279,900 - 14.76 acres, c hicken coop, h a y 3 Beautiful Golf Course 1 3.43 i r rigation, 9 floor 8 cabi n ets. rage. Lots ¹2, .4 acres, MLS¹201303982 ¹201301080 storage and complete acres alfalfa, pond Nadine Ash, Broker b unkhouse. 40 x 6 0 level lot, views the fenced x-fenced. MinCall Nancy Popp 541-390-4017 541-815-8000 shop/garage finished pond, 2nd & 7th fair- utes from Redmond. ways; ¹84, .35 acres, Owner will put CUP in John L. Scott with bath. Hot house. Crooked River Realty tree d , place. Irrig. equip. inReal Estate, Bend 2 ponds. Landscaped. b eautifully $279,000.Quality home Mountain & meadow views the pond, on cluded. MLS ¹ the 10th fairway; ¹52, m aster o n mai n , views. 12 f r ost-free 201303402 wood floors. . 9- peak .3 acres, water front Look at: faucets, 2 b d rm, 2 Call Nancy Popp views from composite 541-815-8000 bath home, w r ap- lot, beautifully treed, d ecks. 1 .2 0 a c r e . for Complete Listings of a round decks a n d on the 6th fairway. Crooked River Realty MLS¹ 201302855 more. $375,000 Mara Stein, Principal 685 SEThird Street Area Real Estate for Sale much Call Nancy Popp Broker, Pamir 2 acres w/well, borders MLS 201207852 541-815-8000 Properties, Inc. BLM, great views, power Cascade Realty, NMLS 3182 Crooked River Realty New Listing! 15 y Irri541-617-6195 at prop line, end of road Bend, OR 97702 541-536-1731 gated Acres! Specn ear P r ineville R e s. /vizit, S~ 19f/7™ Pcopk ~ P co pk 8uy Jh $329,000. Outstanding tacular Ca s cade $59,900 - Nicely treed $129,000. 541-350-6173 Where can you find a l ot a djoining C R R golf c ourse/Crooked views, 5-stall barn River canyon views. with heated t a ck, helping hand? greenbelt. C u rrently 7.71 acres near Steel3 bdrm, 2 bath home custom home, very set up for RV use. head Falls. Located From contractors to with dbl attached ga- private but close to Fully fenced. off paved road. Come ML-3213-10 $56 5 ,000. yard care, it's all here MLS¹201205397 build your dream rage, 28x42 RV barn. town. © 2013EvergreenHomeLoansisaregisteredtrade nameof EvergreenMoneysource Mortgage MLS¹ 201302477 MLS ¹ 201304467 in The Bulletin's Call Nancy Popp, home! ¹201106739 CompanyNMLSID3182. Trade/service marksarethe property of EvergreenHome Call Nancy Popp, Redmond RE/MAX 541-815-8000 Linda Lou Day-Wright"Call A Service Loans.All rightsreserved.Licensedunder: OregonMortgage Lending LicenseML-3213 541-815-8000 Land & Homes Real Crooked River Broker, 541-771-2585 Professional" Directory Crooked River Realty Estate 541-923-0855 Realty Crooked River Realty -
e're so ocuse on oca ome oans. Purchase j First-time Home Buyer Investment Loans j Refinance
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I I ' I s
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' Q'.!tf$tew'
1' yrv
• Historic character - renovated
• 498 NW Broadway Street 541-419-8165 • MLS 201301793
21.2 ACRES I $1,300,000
20.13 ACRES I $995,000
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• MLS 201304330
541-420-5170 • MLS 201304926
541-480-2966 •MLS2Q13Q52QQ
• Private serene setting
27.65 ACRES I $980,000
' 4055 sq.ft.home • 5 bedroom, 3 bath • 2 ponds, barn, corrals
• 4 bedroom, 3 bath
IIII I g g g g
' Shop, pond & irrigation
41-280-2147 • MLS 201305082
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541-280-5512 • MLS 201305008
BROKEN TOPI $849,000
• 4700 sq.ft. • 8 bedroom, 7,5 bath
SISTERS I $799,500
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• MLS 201305000
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BRQK[R EPRO ' • 4 bedroom, 4 bath • ' Qeschutes Rwer frontage RES 41-408-7537 • MLS 201009509
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• 3 bedroom, 3 bath • On Glaze Meadow7th green&fairway 541-588-0687 • MLS 201305074
AWBREY GLENI $599,000 • 3 bedroom, 3 bath • .55acre lot • MLS 201303244
SISTERS I $580,000
PANO RAMICCASCADEVIEWSI 5595,000 LYNNE CONNELLEY • 1921 sq.ft. home • 4 bedroorn, 3 bath BRQKERCRS • 30 acres, shop, arena 541-408-6720 • MLS 201305128
• 2148 sq.ft, contemporary
L EAST WOOD • ' 7766 sq.ft. commercial building PRINCIPAL • ' Do w ntown location • Multiple configurations BROKER 541-383.4329 • MLS 201304902
' 2896 sq,ft, ANESTRELI. BROKER,ABR,GRI ' 3 bedroom,3 bath • 5 acres I41-948-799 • MLS 201304836
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NE BEND I $499,950 DEBBIE JpHNSpN • 3 bedroom, I bath home • 39.48 acres, 32 irrigated BROKER • 6 outbuildings 541-480-1293 • MLS 201302441 '
NW BENDI $495,000 ' 40 ac'e' • lumalo Creek flowsthroughproperty • Borders National Forest 541-480-7647 • MLS 201209443
NW BENDI $425,000
PESC HUTESRIVERINBENDI $450,PBP • 3 bedroom, 2 bath
INDAMCKITRICK, ' »93 sq « BROKER, GRI ~ • 3 bt droom • Remodeled in 2011 541-280-6148 • MLS 2QI 3Q393Q
• Cascade Mountain views
• 1.2 acres 541-322-2417 • MLS 201304499
EBQR AHBEHSQHP ' 2434 sq « • 3 bedroom, 2 BRQKER,GRI PREV IEWSPECIALISl' 1.78 acres, 2 stall barn 41-480.6448 • MLS 201300939
SKYLINER SUMMIT I $425,000 NICOLElTE JONES, • 2994 sq.ft. BROKER ABR, CSP • 3 bedroom, 3.5 bath • 2 master bedrooms
541-241-0432 • MLS 201303896
SW BENDI $385,000
' 2601 sq.ft. • 4 bedroom, 2.5 bath
• Cascade & city views
• MLS 201305205
• • • •
TUMALO I $369,000
2576 sq.ft., 1.34 acres 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath Office & bonus room MLS 201304367
RACHEL LEMA5 BROKER 541-383-4359 541-896-1263
' 2266 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom 2 5 bath • .17acre cul-de-saclot • MLS 20130227Q
• Qeschutes Riverfront
BROKER , ABR, CRS ' 1.47 acre • Bu<ld your dream home GREEN 41-383-435 • MLS 201303902
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• • • 541-480-2269 •
Light 8 cheerful 1526 sq.ft. 3 bedroom, 2 bath MLS 201303490
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NW BENDI $349,995
• Smith Rock &Cascade Mtnviews
• 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath 541-948-0997 • MLS 201304520
SW BEND I $285,000 • 1579 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • .97 pine treed acre 541-390-9598 • MLS 201305113
GANNON POINT I $269,900 • 2400 sq.«, new construction • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • Convenient location • MLS 201303817
SOUTH DEERFIELDPARKI $259,950 DARRINKELLEHER, • New 1541 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath BROKER IIKISCISKi9 • Covered front B backporches 541-788-0029 • MLS 201304920
r '~
DIANELOZITO, BROKER 541-548-359, 541-306-9646
• 3 bedroom 3 bath
• Adjacent buildable lot included 541-788-0029 • MLS 201301952
Ilg" • lm I,
GREGMILLERPC • 3 bedroom, 3 bath BRQKERCRS • Completely remodeledin 2007 GRI • 541-408-1511 MLS 201303232
• 1745 sq.ft.
• MLS 201208685
• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • New construction
RIDGE ATEAGLECREST I 5250,000 ' 1419 sq.«. Townhorne • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • On the Creek • MLS 201302108
SUNRIVER I $245,000 ACKJOHNS , BROKER,GRI 41-480-930
• 1230 sq,ft, condo • 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Golf Course view • MLS 201303748
I '
I t
NE BEND I $245,000
RAY BACHMAN ' »34 sq IL BROKER ORI a 3 bedroorn, I bath • 13.74 acres 541-408-0696 • MLS 201305189
•,25 acre lot • Cascade Mountain view
• Close to Shevhn Park 541-480-1911 • MLS 201301093
NE BENDI $192,000
• 1251 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2 bath • Landscaped • MLS 201305217
I • '
• 2 bedroom, 2 bath • Turn-key property 541-410-9045 • MLS 201204680
LA PINEI $174,000 ' 3 bedroorn, 2 bath • I acre
541-383-4334 • MLS 201304830
• .18acre lot • Backs irrigation canal • Borders common area
• MLS 201305010
LA PINEI $120,000 • 1680 sq.ft. • 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath • .94 acre • MLS 201305136
' »04 sq «
• 3 bedroom, 2 bath • 1.08 acres • MLS 201304898
tir aI
SUNRIVER I $33,000
PRINEVILLE I $99,000 JJONES ROKER 41 61p 731 41.788.3678
• 2.04 acres • Cascade Mountain views • Crooked River views
• MLS 2704850
• 15.4% ownershtp 1806 sq ft home • 3 bedroom, 2 bath
• MLS 201304921
ON PAGES 3&4.COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin
Create or find Classifieds at THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, JUNE 15, 2013
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: Business hours:
Place an ad with the help of a Bulletin Classified representative between the business hoursof 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
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: Monday — Friday : 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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ITEMS FORSALE 201 - NewToday 202- Want to buy or rent 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 204- Santa's Gift Basket 205- Free ltems 208- Pets and Supplies 210- Furniture & Appliances 211 - Children's Items 212 - Antiques & Collectibles 215- Coins & Stamps 240- Crafts and Hobbies 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 242 - Exercise Equipment 243 - Ski Equipment 244 - Snowboards 245 - Golf Equipment 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. 248- Health and Beauty Items 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 251 - Hot TubsandSpas 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 255 - Computers 256- Photography 257- Musical Instruments 258 - Travel/Tickets 259- Memberships 260- Misc. Items 261 - MedicalEquipment 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 263- Tools
1 7 7 7
t •
264-Snow RemovalEquipment 265 - Building Materials 266- Heating and Stoves 267- Fuel and Wood 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment 270 - Lost and Found GARAGESALES 275 - Auction Sales 280 - Estate Sales 281 - Fundraiser Sales 282- Sales Northwest Bend 284- Sales Southwest Bend 286- Sales Northeast Bend 288- Sales Southeast Bend 290- Sales RedmondArea 292- Sales Other Areas FARM MARKET 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery 316 - Irrigation Equipment 325- Hay, Grain and Feed 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 341 - Horses and Equipment 345-Livestockand Equipment 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 358- Farmer's Column 375- Meat and Animal Processing 383 - Produce andFood
Q. W .
Cn a n d i e r
Furniture & Appliances
Coins 8 Stamps
A v e . ,• B e n d
Maple round table with leaf good cond, $65. 541-420-2220
O r e g o n
People Look for Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough
HELP YOUR AD 286 stand out from the Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Northeast Bend Sales Redmond Area l rest! Have the top line NEED TO CANCEL in bold print for only H uge Garage S a le Garage-moving s ale- Sale! Sat-Sun 6/15-16, ESTATE/MOVING YOUR AD? $2.00 extra. children's clo t hes, household items of all 8-4. Kids clothes & kids SALE Fri-Sat 9-4 The Bulletin tools, b ab y i t e ms, kind. Saturday only 8 toys, Tupperware & Furniture, garage, Classifieds has an household. Fri. Sat. miscellaneous. a .m. to noon 2 9 7 0 kitchen, glassware & "After Hours" Line 541-385-5809 and Sun., 7:30 a.m. NE Pinnacle Pl., on 1965 NE Jackson Ave. collectibles, dolls 8 Call 541-383-2371 6 5260 94th St., o f f the corner of Wells SAT. 8 2 near PBMS, more! 1936 NW 24 hrs. to cancel 240 Old Bend/Rdmd Hwy Acres 8 Pinnacle Pl. 1672 Crestridge Loads Greenwood off 19th in your ad! Crafts & Hobbies Redmond. Numbers quality girls'/women's Multi-family Garage Sale! Garage Sale - Sat., June of Oven / Range, Maytag, issued @8 a.m. Fri! clothing,furniture 8 more Sat. 8-3, 2957 NW Mer15, 9-2, 1816 NE BobDesigner Fabrics! High hardly used, smooth 541-350-6822 Lane. Tools, camp & bie Court. Furniture, top, paid over $1000; quality - huge variety: lot www.atticestatesanequipment, toys, Yard Sale 5/15 sporting goods, lots of sell $450 (we switched silks, wools, velvets, sports miscellaneous. 8:00 am - 3:00 pm cottons, linings, inter- lots of miscellaneous. to gas). 541-316-1775 Can't miss this onefacing, trims, notions. Multi-Family/Moving Sale GIGANTIC Yard Sale, GARAGE SALE lots of great stuff! Porta crib, $35; queen Days, call 541-550-7214 Tools, furniture, camping Fri. & Sat., 9-5, Lots of UCCO Fundraiser. 63215 Peterman Ln. headboard, new cond. Ranch mink zippered equip Weber gas BBOg good stuff! 2033 NW 62855 Powell Butte off Butler Mkt. Rd. $65. 541-420-2220 JOSHUA TREE CT. jacket (for teddy bear?) engine hoist,compound by the Bend Airport. Highway, Bendbow, bed frame, barn $195/obo. 541-419-9839 Fri 8 Sat 9-2; no early HUGE SALE! Fri/Sat. wood, much more! Sat The Bulletin birds. You name the 288 242 9-5. Misc. household, only 9-3, 2250 NW 7th St recommends extra price, within reason! Sales Southeast Bend Amana fridge/bottom Exercise Equipment I ca i • pe . p . Huge inventory. 284 freezer, furn., clothing, chasing products or • Block Garage Sale! camping equip. Liquidation Sale of services from out of I Exercise bike Peugeot, Sales Southwest Bend 542 SE 4th, Sat 6/15, 1336 NW 16th Ct. Insulation Business, the area. Sending y sturdy platform $40. Bam-? Furniture, appli541-389-9518. 2-family sale, Sat. 8-12 and A-Z Household cash, checks, or ances (freezer, antique Moving. Stuff galore! I credit i n f ormation Inversion table (back- Couches, bookshelves, GARAGE SALE! furniture, an t iques, stove) household, 3X& piano, lots of other Trucks, insulation, ladmay be subjected to stretch) brand new, 4X women's clothes. bikes, tools, books, items. 61062 Snowders, lifts, scaffolding, I FRAUD. For more $85 obo. 541-480-7024 brush Drive. tools, office furniture, Fri. 8 Sat., 8-3. Furn. clothes, Fri. 8 Sat. 9-5 information about an a 245 supplies 8 much more. f arm e q uip., u t i l . 2859 SW Peridot, 208 advertiser, you may I Exercise equip., motor- Household treasures, trailer, holiday stuff, QUILTERS-KNITTERS: / call t h e Or e gon / Golf Equipment Pets 8 Supplies cycle, snowmobile, 8 antiques, art work sport- artwork, household. ' State Att or n ey ' Selling my "stash!" fishing gear. Fri. & ing goods, kitchenware, 61771 Arrow Ave. I O f f ice Golf cart, 2000 Yamaha S at. 8-4 a t 6 1 6 5 0 furniture, lawnmower. Quality fabric 8 yarns. BOXER AKC puppies, Maine Coon kittens, no I General's s, reat litter, 1st shots, papers, 2 boys, 1 girl, 8 Consumer Protec- • gas, custom top, runs Summershade Dr. Fri-Sat, June 14-15, 8-4. Garage / Moving Sale Books,magazines, doll ho t l in e at I g ood. $ 1500 f i r m, jewelry 8 many other Fri-Sat, 8-4. Tools, misc 700. 541-325-3376 wks, $75-$100 each obo. t ion 1304 NE 1st St. items. June 14-15, 9-4, 541-280-3780 Garage Sale - Sat. June (turn north off of Green- household, treadmill & 541-389-0322 or I 1-877-877-9392. Chihuahua male, 8 mo. Call 15, 8-3, lots of goodies, 541-647-3038. more. 59785 Calgary Lp, Cascade View Estates across from MEN'S QUALITY GOLF clothes, cream colored, very 3228 SW 35th St (off lots o f m isc. wood, in Sundance Mission Linen). SET with bag, acces- 60929 Zircon Drive. s mart, $150. Cal l Mixed breed dog, meWickiup( Reservoir s ories. P hotos o n Garage Sale, Sat. 8-2; 541-270-8294 (no text) dium sized, spayed feto 36th St.) Cash only. Moving Sale! Jun 14-15, 60495 Dakota Trail, in male, 2 yrs old, good with craigslist $350. Red9am-5pm. E v e rything Conestoga Hills. Air Seasonal Garage Sale! Holiday Bazaar Diamond Dog Food children, good companmond. 541-526-0897 286 must go! Dressers, dbl Lamb 8 Rice Antiques & ockey an d Pi n g Antique and new furniion, free to good home. 8 Craft Shows Sales Northeast Bend bed, upright freezer, apt. H 246 40 lbs. - $26.99 541-382-7790 ture, other antiques 8 Collectibles size refrigerator, kitchen pong tables, 8 more. collectibles, Quarry Ave. Hay 8 linens, glassGuns, Hunting Hokule'a Hula Dancers shelves, some of Garage Sale, Sat. & ware, handmade POODLE Pups, Toy. Antiques wanted: tools, 2-Family Garage Sale! stuff, Feed. 541-923-2400 crafts, perform 1 pm this Sat. & Fishing everything! Sale inside Also, POMAPOOSHousehold items & colS un., 9-4. 92 4 S E July 4th, western, artfurniture, marbles, beer at Central Oregon So cute! 541-475-3889 lectibles, Fri & Sat, 8-4, house 8 garage at 1348 D ouglas St . B a b y work. Thurs-Sat, 6/13cans, early B/W pho- 1000 rnds of .556-.223 63367 Majestic Loop Saturday Market! NE Thompson Drive. Donate deposit bottles/ items galore & clothes 6/15, Bam-4pm. 4504 Don't miss it! Downtown cans to local all volun- Queensland Heelers tography, radios 8 $750. 2100 rnds 22LR, (off of Morningstar) (both gender), furniSW Minson Rd., Powell lighting. 541-389-1578 $240. 200 rnds .357 mag, Bend, across from teer, non-profit rescue, to Standard & Mini, $150 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! ture and much more. Butte - look for signs! Library. 541-420-9015 help w/cat spay/neuter 8 up. 541-280-1537 $160. 541-647-8931 3 FAMILY. Twin bed, www.rightwayranch.wor Huge sale Fri-Sat., 8 'til vet bills. Cans for Cats Door-to-door selling with Yard & Plant Sale, 205 400 rnds of 45acp, $240. lawn chairs, rugs, 2. 127 SE Airpark, off trailer is at Bend PETCO Fri-Sat, 6/14-15, 9-4. 650 rnds of 9mm $260. drapes, b e d ding, fast results! It's the easiest Pettigrew. Items for Free Je w e lry (near Applebee's). Do- Rodent control experts 1427 SW 17th St. 541-647-8931 neck pump, s kull way in the world to sell. chests, crafting stuff, Misc. nate Mon-Fri at Smith household items, with horns. Fri. 8 22" power lawnmower, Sign, 1515 NE 2nd; or at (barn cats) seek work household, yard 450 rnds of .380 ammo, & plants, plants plants! Sat., 9-4 2 507 NE 1he Bulletin Classified no catcher; large BBQ CRAFT in Tumalo any- in exchange for safe items, knick-knacks. $225. 300 rnds .44 mag, Wintergreen Drive. both free. 541-678-5605 time. 541-389-8420. For shelter, basic c are. 541-385-5809 Truly great stuff. Not a Beautiful hand$275. 541-647-8931 Yard Sale, Fri-Sat, Fixed, shots. Will demore info/map, visit drive-by! carved coffee table 6/14 & 15, Bam-5pm, Birch tree limbs, for deliver! 541-389-8420 500 rnds 40 S&W, $250. (44" x 19'/~" x 17P/2") 1517 NW Redwood Ave. cor or firewood. You rnds of 38spl, $250. Bill 8 Audrey Johnson Lehto Family Bikes, riding lawnmowScottish Terrier p upand 2 matching end 500 haul. 541-382-8973 541-647-8931 Estate Sale ESTATE SALE 34" ers, push mowers, 2 pies, AKC, born 4/2. tables (shown) 24 DO YOU HAVE 60636 SE Tekampe, shots & wormed, par- x 15" x 24'/4". Built in Bend local pays CASH!! 62841 MONTARA DRIVE, Bend SOMETHING TO Gate opens promptly rototillers, generator... ents on site, Ready for all firearms & Taiwan between Pets & Supplies SELL Friday, June 14 • Saturday, June 15 Sat. 6/15, 8-3, 292 now! 541-317-5624. ammo. 541-526-0617 1940-1950, all glass FOR $500 OR Sun. 6/16, 10-3 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. covered, in excelSales Other Areas LESS? St Bernard Pups, PureCASH!! Outdoorsmanls delight! Crowd control admittance The Bulletin recomNon-commercial bred - Ready June 22. lent condition. $1600 For Guns, Ammo 8 Hunting and fishing numbersissued at8:00 a.m. mends extra caution OBO. 541-382-6731 advertisers may 2 girls & 1 boy left. Reloading Supplies. items - cowboy attire, Mary 8 Trudy's Annual (Take Hwy 20 EAST to Hamby Rd. Turn North when purc h asStampin' Up, Scrapplace an ad with 541-408-6900. $450. 5 41.306.0205 riding lawn mower, and go 1.6 miles to Pa/oma Drive. Turn east ing products or serOUI' booking, Craft & Huge Visit ou r f a c ebook firewood, furniture, and follow Pa/oma Vz mile to Monfara Drive vices from out of the "QUICK CASH Garage Sale! This is page for pics and info collectables, other DON'T MI SS I HI S turn north and follow 3/1Os mile fo sa/e site) area. Sending cash, the largest one ever! SPECIAL" https://www.facebook. misc. farm items. checks, or credit in66500 Ponderosa Lp com/pages/Sisters-Sa Dgvltzn BRING DAD! HOME IS ALSO FOR SALE!!! f ormation may b e o p~ eekp pp! ints/234349691708 Bend (off Hwy 20 8 Visit our HUGE Private party sale. DO YOU HAVE subjected to fraud. LARGE HOME ON 4'/2ACRES Ad must include Gist Rd) June 14-15 home decor SOMETHING TO Wolf-Husky-Malamute Just bought a new boat? 9:00-4:00 For more i nformaprice of single item consignment store. SELL pups, only 2 left! $300! tion about an adverUNIQUE SALE: Mid Century Teak Items Include: Sell your old one in the of $500 or less, or New items 541-977-7019 FOR $500 OR Ask about our Moving Sale - Furniture, tiser, you may call Sofa andLoveseat; Desk; Coffee 8 End Tables; classifieds! multiple items arrive daily! LESS? Super Seller rates! the O r egon State clothinq, kitchen/houseSix bookcase units; Cedar lined chest; Stand on whose total does Yorkie pups, AKC, big 930 SE Textron, Non-commercial 541-385-5809 Attorney General's rollers; Magazine rack; Salt and pepper shakers; hold. Sat-Sun, 6/15-16, not exceed $500. eyes, short-nosed, health Bend 541-318-1501 advertisers may Office C o n sumer Serving trays; bowls; utensils; Chairs; Bed with OH BOY, BIG SALE! Bam-2pm. 861 SE Krisguar. Potty training; ready place an ad Protection hotline at futon mattress; Lamps and floor lamp; Dresser; SAT 6/15 - SUN 6/16 tin Way, (take J St. to Call Classifieds at 6/28. 541-777-7743 with our 1-877-877-9392. Shelving unit; and other small teak items; 541-385-5809 9 AM-3PM. 6004 3 Strawberry Ln in Madras) "QUICK CASH Yorkies, beautiful pups, 4 Roseville bowl mauve Other items include: Telescope on tripod; Shafer Edmonton Dr, in Sunwww.bendbu!! SPECIAL" males/2 fem., ready now! Foxglove ¹659-4, $60 &Sons spinet piano; Artwork by Sister Cerita dance. Follow Bright Moving Sale June 14 ser rpp central oregon ppre 1903 &15 8:00-4:00 13892 1 week 3 lines 12 $600 firm. 541-460-3884 541-389-7379 Kent; Sandra Weston; Mary Lee Mc Nutt; and Yellow Signs. OI' prints of other artists; Craftsman 16HP riding Sat.-Sun., 9-4. garden Cinder Dr, CRR. FurAdopt a nice cat from 210 k pp! niture; small a p pliThe Bulletin reserves ~p mower; tow behinds include Trailer; Thatcher; Petco, PetSmart or Ad must the right to publish all Aerator; Brush trimmer; Two fertilizer spreaders; tiller, washer, Amish ances 8 housewares; Furniture & Appliances buggy, asst. housepower, hand tools. Tumalo sa n ctuary! ads from The Bulletin include price of Push lawn mower; Los of rakes shovels, etc. wool/ craft items. Fixed, shots, ID chip, r t I 50 0 newspaper onto The Balalika; Tambourine; drum; Childs zither; Hun- hold, Yard Sale Fri. 8 Sat., A1 Washers&Dryers or less, or multiple tested, more! SancBulletin Internet webdreds of Beta tapes; VHS tapes and Cassette 61865 Dobbin Rd. $150 ea. Full wartuary open Sat/Sun E nglish Mastiff A K C items whose total tapes and the machines to play them on; Bmm Yard Sale! Honda 2400 June 14 & 15, 5 miles site. of the Powell Butte puppies, dam & sire ranty. Free Del. Also 1 -5, other days by does not exceed projector and 8 mm movies; 1000's of books and psi pressure washer, south Office, 9-6 I 14152 wanted, used W/D's a ppt. 6 5 48 0 7 8 t h , fully OFA tested, litter $500. old booksand artbooks; 1929 Time Magazines welding equip, power Post 541-280-7355 Serp>pg Central Oregon since l903 Bend. Photos, map at is champion sired with in mint condition; Christmas items; Thorens small tools, furniture, p aint Lupine Dr., follow signs. incredible pedigrees! Call Classifieds at music box and other music boxes; Lots of china sprayer, 60" color HD TV NOTICE 541-389-8420, or like S mall litter, only 5 Dining chairs Queen 541-385-5809 and pots and pans; Shop vacuum; Eureka & more. Fri 9-5; Sat 9-4. pups avail. $ 2 000. Anne, 4 sides, 2 cpt., Remember to remove www.bendbu!! vacuum; Linens; cleaning supplies; Hand tools; 20604 Brightenwood Ln. us on Facebook. Chris, 503-577-7185. Table Saw; battery chargers; Freezer; Huffy Bike; your Garage Sale signs covered cushions, like A pet sitter in NE Bend, I (nails, staples, etc.) Barbecue; Patio furniture; Christmas items; Suit$2 5 0 obo. Ruger Mark3 stainless cases; warm and loving home Frenchie Faux puppies, new gas stove-cast iron; RECORDS; Sales Redmond Area after your Sale event bull barrel 22, brand ClothesSmall with no cages, $25 day. very coby, 8 wks, 1st 541-549-6523 k Dryer; Nuts and bolts; Hundreds and is over! THANKS! shots/dewormed, $600. GENERATE Linda at 541-647-7308 new, 200 rnd ammo. SOM E Western Wear hundreds of other items; See the pictures on the 10+ Family Garage Sale, From The Bulletin 541-447-0210 $450. 541-815-8658. -Gently UsedEXCITEMENT in your and your local utility Aussie/Border Collie Mix, Park-wide at Desert Terweb page!!!!! companies. 2 males, 1 b lue, 1 Greyhounds - Rescued neighborhood! Plan a * Double D Ranch Taurus 17HMR Tracker, race, 5063 S. Hwy 97. Handled byDeedy's Estate Sales Co. LLC Fri-Sat, Jun. 14-15, 9-4. black. Kennel broke, 8 ex-racers for adoption at garage sale and don't * Patricia Wolf stainless, 6y2" barrel, as 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves wks,1st shots, being C.O. Saturday Market, forget to advertise in * Boots new, amazing pistol tack Garden & patio, furniture, Serving central oregon ppce 1903 * Turquoise h ousetrained. $ 1 5 0this Sat 6/15 across from classified! driver, $500 obo. household, kitchen, tools, each. 541-788-2958 downtown Bend Library. 541-385-5809. 541-549-6950 541-420-3106 electrical 8 misc.
The Snlletin Classifieds
The Bulletin
LThe Bulleting
RB Bzt®
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
To PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 260
541-385-5809 or go to
Ji)) JI'J j Jl)'JjjJ"
Misc. Items
Wild bird feeder w/ 6 feeder stations, NIB. $35. 541-678-5407. 261
Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5500 pm Fri •
Medical Equipment
Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mona Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Tuess
Go-Go Ultra X mobility scooter with accessories, like new, $375. 541-389-8335
Kkl iM R
Qrj Ij 308
Farm Equipment 8 Machinery
l i f t rec l iner, Farm & Ranch equip, call Thursday • • •••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • N oon Wed. Power works perfect, light for info and best offer beige color. $350 Call pricing. 541-389-2636 Fr i d ay . . . . . . • • • • • . • • • • • • • • . • Noon Thurs. 541-504-6010. 263 Tools Saturday Real Estate • • • • • • • • • • • 11:00 am Fri • watt generator, Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . 3 : 0 0 pm Fri. 5000 120/240 Generac, Fresh strawberries! 10hp Tecumseh, $375. Picked daily 7 days 541-416-0652 or • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri • Call541-233-7777 Sunday. • • • • week. Open Mon. -
Ryobi miter chop saw, 10", exc. cond. $50.
Place a photoin your private party ad for only $15.00 per week.
Sat., 9-7, Sun. 10-6 Wholesale avail. Ad-
Can be found on these pages: EMPLOYMENT 410 - Private Instruction 421 - Schools andTraini ng 454- Looking for Employ ment 470 - Domestic & In-Hom e Posit ions 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 486 - IndependentPositi ons
Q0IOI 470
Domestic & In-Home Positions
FINANCEAND BUSINESS 507 - Real Estate Contracts 514 -Insurance 52 8 - Loans and Mortgages 543-Stocksand Bonds 5 5 8 - Business Investments 573 - BusinessOpportunities
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
DO YOU NEED A GREAT EMPLOYEE RIGHT NOW? Call The Bulletin before 11 a.m. and get an ad in to publish the next day!
Housekeeping Seasonal Housekeepers N eeded. M u st work weekends and holidays.
Min i m um
wage while t raining then to p iece rate. Must have r e liable transportation, ODL, current Ins, over 18 years of age. Please call Car o l @
541-385-5809. VIEW the Live-in, full time care for Classifieds at: elderly woman in LaPine Sears Elite Series Gen"UNDER '500in total merchandise OVER '500in total merchandise 541-749-1296; erator, 7000 watts, new area. Help with mobility, Village Properties 7 days .................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 in box, $895 new; sell grooming, meal preparaSunriver $725. 541-306-0166. tion, tran s portation, 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 medications, some light *Must state prices in ed 14 days .................................................$33.50 266 325 housekeeping, house28 days .................................................$61.50 Garage Sale Special hold errands and comBuilding Materials Hay, Grain & Feed NurseManager: panionship. Wages ne(call for commercial line ad rates) Pre-Op/Post-Op/Call Room 4 lines for 4 days.................................. Bend Habitat 1st quality grass hay, Irg otiable and will include 3'x3'x8' bales, approx l ree rent. R e ferences RESTORE B~ S U RGERV C • e • N • T • ia • R Building Supply Resale 750lbs ea. $240/ton, barn required. For interview A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: call 916-216-0162. stored. Patterson Ranch, h krCat ' Ikrae hr Conkn Quality at LOW Sisters, 541-549-3831 Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. PRICES Job Summary: We are looking for a strong 476 * 740 NE 1st leader to fill the Nurse Manager role for the BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( ) Baler Twine Employment Pre-op / Post-Op / Call Room. This position 541-312-6709 Most Common Sizes REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well Open to the public. requires an individual capable of providing diOpportunities Quarry Ave. Hay & Feed rect oversight of Pre-Op, Post-Op and the call as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin 541-923-2400 266 room whilemanaging 20-25 FTE's.The reserves the right to reject any ad at bendbuiletimcom Heating 8 Stoves tion reports directly to the Clinical Director. CAUTION READERS: Duties will include, but not be limited to, perany time. is located at: Wanted: Irrigated farm NOTICE TO ground, under pivot ir- Ads published in "Em- formance evaluations and performance man1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. ADVERTISER riqation, i n C e n tral ployment Opportuni- agement as well as new staff orientation. This Bend, Oregon 97702 Since September 29, OR. 541-419-2713 t ies" i n clude e m - position is a member of multiple committees. 1991, advertising for ployee and used woodstoves has Want to b u y A l falfa, i ndependent pos i - Qualifications: Must be able to demonstrate PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is strong leadership and communication skills. been limited to mod- grass and grain hay, tions. Ads for posineeded. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or els which have been standing, in C entral tions that require a fee Must be a licensed RN in the state of Oregon, reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher c ertified by the O r - Ore. 541-419-2713 or upfront investment or able to obtain licensure upon hire. 3-5 years shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days egon Department of must be stated. With of Peri-Operative experience, preferably in an will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. Environmental Qualany independent job ASC setting. The ideal candidate will have Looking for your ity (DEQ) and the fedopportunity, p l ease management experience in an ASC setting. next employee'? eral E n v ironmental Place a Bulletin investigate thor247 Protection Ag e n cy help wanted ad Position details:This is a full time exempt pooughly. Guns, Hunting Sporting Goods Misc. Items • TV, Stereo & Video I (EPA) as having met sition; Monday through Friday. Competitive today and & Fishing - Misc. emission stanUse extra caution when salary, benefit package, retirement and bonus SAVE on Cable TV-In- Advertise V A CATION smoke reach over dards. A cer t ified applying for jobs on- plan. 60,000 readers Weatherby Mark V 340 Wind Surfing gear, sails, ternet-Digital Phone- SPECIALS to 3 m iloodstove may b e line and never prolion P acific N o rth- w Magnum, Al a s kanmasts, boards, wetsuits, Satellite. You've Got each week. by its certifivide personal inforEmail resume to westerners! 29 daily identified model, com p ositecustom built trailer (best A C hoice! O ptions Your classified ad label, which is mation to any source from ALL major sernewspapers, six cation stock, all weather fin- offers). 541-389-2636 will also attached you may not have revice providers. Call us states. 25-word clas- permanently ish, Burris scope, 4 the stove. The Bulappear on searched and deemed to learn more! CALL sified $525 for a 3-day to boxes of ammo, in 248 letin will no t k n to be reputable. Use Electricians & Millvvrirthts Today. 888-757-5943. a d. Cal l (916) ingly accept advertiscase, like new. $1450 which currently extreme caution when Health & 2 88-6019 o r vis i t (PNDC) OBO. S & W model i ng for the s ale o f r esponding to A N Y receives over for the Beauty Items 686, 357 p lus, l i ke online e m p loyment R 0 s E B U R G 1.5 million page Pacific Nor t hwest uncertified new, 2 speed loaders Just too many ad from out-of-state. views every Daily Con n ection. woodstoves. SIGNING BONUS: holster, ammo, $675 Avon Skin So Soft and collectibles? month at no Bug Guard. Call Patty (PNDC) $3000 FOR LICENSED ELECTRICIANS 267 OBO. 541-419-3262 We suggest you call extra cost. at 330-1836. Avon in$1500 FOR CARDED JL MILLWRIGHTS Bend Indoor Swap Fuel 8 Wood the State of Oregon Sell them in dependent sales rep. Bulletin ROSEBURG FOREST PRODUCTS CO. Meet - A Mini-Mall full Consumer Hotline at Classifieds The Bulletin Classifieds DILLARD, RIDDLE (Scenic, Southern) & of Unique Treasures! 1-503-378-4320 Find exactly what Get Results! Check out the Coquille (near Ocean) OREGON 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. WHEN BUYING you are looking for in the Call 541-385-5809 classifieds online 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. FIREWOOD... For Equal Opportunity 541-385-5809 CLASSIFIEDS or place your ad Roseburg Forest Products Co is a leader in L aws: Oregon B u Boots, 2 pair new men's To avoid fraud, on-line at the wood products industry. We are growreau of Labor & InUpdated daily Hytest, sz 9t/a EE & 9t/aE, The Bulletin ing and looking for individuals to grow with dustry, C i vil Rights $50 ea. 541-678-5605 recommends payour company. If you are a Licensed ElectriComputers Division, • • • I 253 ment for Firewood I Brinkman 4 burner gas 971-673-0764 cian with PLC experience or you currently 341 only upon delivery TV, Stereo & Video T HE B U LLETIN r e - BBq'r, exc. cond. $50. have at least 4 years wood products Jourand inspection. 541-504-3833. Horses & Equipment If you have any quesneylevel Millwright experience, we would Meet singles right now! DirecTV - Over 1 4 0 quires computer ad• A cord is 128 cu. ft. tions, concerns or Buying Diamonds 4' x 4' x 8' like to get to know you. No paid o p erators, channels only $29.99 vertisers with multiple Tennessee Walker reg. comments, contact: ad schedules or those /Gofd for Cash just real people like • Receipts should a month. Call Now! gelding stable-mates: selling multiple sysClassified Department you. Browse greet- Triple Fine Jewelers We offer excellent company paid family include name, black, $3500; Sorrel savings! tems/ software, to dis- Saxon's The Bulletin 541-389-6655 ings, exchange mes- $636.00 in Savings, benefits, pension, 401 (k), and tuition reimphone, price and w ith b l a z e nos e 541-385-5809 close the name of the sages and c o nnect Free upgrade to Gekind of wood bursement for your professional develop$2500. 541-317-8991. BUYING or the term live. Try it free. Call nie 8 2013 NFL Sun- business purchased. ment in our up-grade program. Earn up to Lionel/American Flyer "dealer" in their ads. now: 8 7 7 -955-5505. • Firewood ads 358 The Bulletin $28.14 for Electrician and $25.26 for Milltrains, accessories. day ticket free!! Start Private party advertis(PNDC) MUST include 541-408-2191. wright (plus shift diff) depending on your saving today! ers are defined as Farmers Column species & cost per Thank you St. Jude 8 1-800-259-5140 participation in the above program. those who sell one BUYING & SE L LING cord to better serve CONCRETE Sacred H e ar t of (PNDC) 10X20 STORAGE computer. All gold jewelry, silver our customers. Jesus. j.d. BUILDINGS Please apply online at and gold coins, bars, Experienced for protecting hay, httpt/ rounds, wedding sets, Concrete Finisher/ firewood, livestock class rings, sterling silHuman Resources Serving Central Oregon since l903 Foundation etc. $1496 Installed. ver, coin collect, vinRoseburg Forest Products Co Form Setter 541-617-1133. tage watches, dental All Year Dependable Equal Opportunity Employer needed, for Bend/ gold. Bill Fl e ming, CCB ¹173684. Firewood: Seasoned 541-382-9419. kfjbuilders I Redmond area. Lodgepole, Split, Del. Full-time employCall54I3855809teprOmateyaur S erV iCe AdVertiSefOr 28daySStarting at 'Ifo Imirspecialpackageisror availableonourwebritet COWGIRL CASH Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 ment. Musthave We buy Jewelry, Boots, for $335. Cash, Check For Sale, Lowline reliable transportaVintage Dresses & or Credit Card OK. Angus and Dexter's tion and clean More. 924 Brooks St. 541-420-3484. Heifers. (pregnant or dnwng record. Building/Contracting LandscapingNard Care Landscaping/Yard Care 541-678-5162 with calf) NO steers Advertising Account Executive 269 available except for Call 541-815-8075 NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: Oregon Land- GENERATE SOME Gardening Supplies cow/calf pairs. The Bulletin is looking for a professional and law r equires anyone scape Contractors Law Grass fed/raised. & Equipment driven Sales and Marketing person to help our EXCITEMENT who contracts for Zedf',d' Z gaa8rip (ORS 671) requires all Reasonable prices. customers grow their businesses with an IN YOUR construction work to businesses that adMust sell as NEIGBORHOOD. expanding list of broad-reach and targeted Construction be licensed with the vertise t o pe r form I am retiring. Za~gga e/,. a garage sale and Exp'd framer, 2 months products. This full time position requires a Construction Contrac- More Than Service Landscape Construc- Plan Leo 541-306-0357 don't forget to adverof steady work in Sun- background in consultative sales, territory tors Board (CCB). An tion which includes: Peace Of Mind tise in classified! PROMPT D E LIVERY river, possibly more. management and aggressive prospecting skills. active license p lanting, decks , 542-389-9663 541-385-5809. Wanted: Irrigated farm Send resume 8 wage Two years of m edia sales experience is means the contractor fences, arbors, ground, under pivot ir- to: Job, PO Box 2321, preferable, but we will train the right candidate. is bonded & insured. Spring Clean Up water-features, and in- GET FREE OF CREDIT •Leaves rigation, i n C e n tral La Pine, OR 97739. Verify the contractor's stallation, repair of irCARD DEBT NOW! •Cones For newspaper OR. 541-419-2713 CCB l i c ense at rigation systems to be Cut payments by up The p o sition in c ludes a com p etitive Call The Bulletin At • Needles delivery, call the www.hirealicensedlicensed w i t h the to half. Stop creditors compensation package including benefits, and Want to b u y A l falfa, • Debris Hauling Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5809 Landscape Contrac- from calling. grass and grain hay, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail rewards an aggressive, customer focused 541-385-5800 or call 503-378-4621. tors Board. This 4-digit 866-775-9621. standing, in C entral salesperson with unlimited earning potential. Weed FreeBark To place an ad, call The Bulletin recomnumber is to be inAt: (PNDC) Ore. 541-419-2713 541-385-5809 & Flower Beds mends checking with cluded in all adverEmail your resume, cover letter or email the CCB prior to contisements which indi- Ladies black eel skin and salary history to: tracting with anyone. Lawn Renovation cate the business has high heels, worn 1x, sz General Jay Brandt, Advertising Director Some other t r ades Aeration - Dethatching a bond,insurance and 8B, $25. 541-678-5605 Jefferson Count Job 0 o r tunit also req u ire addiworkers c o mpensaSer mg Central Oregan r nre l903 Overseed Ladies cashmere Mechanic II, $3,235.00 tional licenses and tion for their employ- sweater, OI' Compost burgundy, size DOE Closes July 5th, 2013 certifications. Top Dressing ees. For your protec- M, $10. 541-678-5605 drop off your resume in person at BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS tion call 503-378-5909 1777 SW Chandler, Send, OR 97702; F or c o mplete j o b des c ription a n d or use our website: Motocross boots, helSearch the area's most Landscape Or mail to PO Box6020, Bend, OR 97708; Need to get an application form go to to met, pants, jersey, exc. comprehensive listing of No phone inquiries please. Maintenance ad in ASAP?; click o n H uman check license status classified advertising... $200. 541-923-7384 Full or Partial Service before contracting with real estate to automotive, Resources, then Job Opportunities; or call You can place it • Mowing «Edging EOE / Drug Free Workplace the business. Persons New Bruce Willis movie merchandise to sporting 541-325-5002. Mail completed Jefferson online at: • Pruning «Weeding Blu-Ray and digital goods. Bulletin Classifieds County Application forms to: doing land s cape $15. 541-548-6642. Sprinkler Adjustments maintenance do not appear every day in the r equire an L C B print or on line. Jefferson County Human Resources, *REDUCE YOUR Fertilizer included cense. 66 SE D Street, Suite E, 541-385-5809 CABLE BILL! Get an Call 541-385-5809 with monthly program Madras, OR 97741. All-Digital Sat e l lite SPRING CLEAN-UP! system installed for Aeration/Dethatching Weekly, monthly Jefferson Countyis an Equal Employment Concrete Construction and programOpportunity Employer or one time service. Weekly/one-time service FREE hrvmg ce rtal oregonsmce r903 ming s t a rting at avail. Bonded, insured. JJ & B Construction, $24.99/mo. FRE E Free Estimates! SUPER TOP SOIL EXPERIENCED quality concrete work. COLLINS Lawn Maint. HD/DVR upgrade for www.hershe Commercial Over 30 Years Exp. new callers, SO CALL Screened, soil 8 comCa/I 541-480-9714 & Residential Sidewalks; RV pads; m i x ed , no Web Developer NOW (877)366-4508 post Driveways; Color 8 rocks/clods. High huALLEN REINSCH (PNDC) Stamp wor k a v a il. Senior Discounts Yard maintenance 8 mus level, exc. f or Are you a technical star who can also commuThe Bulletin Offers Also Hardwood floorflower beds, lawns, nicate effectively with non-technical execuclean-up, thatching, straight tives and employees? Would you like to work ing a t aff o r dable 541-390-1466 plugging 8 much more! Free Private Party Ads gardens, • 3 lines - 3 days Call 541-536-1294 s creened to p s o i l. hard, play hard in beautiful Bend, OR, the recprices. 541-279-3183 Same Day Response • Private Party Only CCB¹190612 Bark. Clean fill. Dereation capital of the state? Then we'd like to Nelson Maverick Landscaping • Total of items adver- liver/you haul. talk to you. Landscaping & Mowing, weedeating, yd tised must equal $200 541-548-3949. Debris Removal Maintenance detail., chain saw work, or Less Our busy media company that publishes nuServing Central bobcat excv., etc! LCB FOR DETAILS or to 270 merous web and mobile sites seeks an experi¹8671 541-923-4324 JUNK BE GONE Oregon Since 2003 PLACE AN AD, enced developer who is also a forward thinker, Lost & Found Call 541-385-5809 I Haul Away FREE Residental/Commercial creative problem solver, excellent communiWhere can you find a Fax 541-385-5802 For Salvage. Also Found: Can n ondale cator, and self-motivated professional. We are Sprinkler Cleanups 8 Cleanouts helping hand? Mountain b ik e on redesigning all of our websites within the next VCR movies Activation/Repair Mel, 541-389-8107 5/25. Call to identify couple of years and want you in on the ground From contractors to 25-50C ea Back Flow Testing 541-728-4499 floor. 541-548-6642. yard care, it's all here Maintenance I Han d yman Found small coin purse Fluencywith PHP, HTML5, CSS3, jQuery and in The Bulletin's Vision cookware, 10 Immediate job OPPOrtunity fOr .Thatch & Aerate with contents, along Hwy JavaScript is a must. Experience integrating piece set, $25 "Call A Service • Spring Clean up I DO THAT! 97. Call t o id e ntify: third-party solutions and social media applicaQualified and Trained Person 541-678-5605 Home/Rental repairs •Weekly Mowing Professional" Directory 541-593-6021 tions required. Desired experience includes: Small jobs to remodels & Edging Wanted- paying cash MySQL, Joomla, Java, responService Technician:Must have Honest, guaranteed •Bi-Monthly 8 Monthly for Hi-fi audio & stu- LOST dog on Commer- XML/JSON, Villanueva Lawn Care. web design, Rails, WordPress. Top-notch Maintenance work. CCB¹151573 Maintenance,clean-up, dio equip. Mclntosh, cial St., Madras. Small sive pervious experience in Ag Equipment. deaf, old. Reward. skills with user interface and graphic design an Dennis 541-317-9768 •Bark, Rock, Etc. thatching + more! J BL, Marantz, D y - red, 541-475-3889; 280-3629, added plus. Resume with references required. Free estimates. naco, Heathkit, San~Lanthca in 541-981-8386 sui, Carver, NAD, etc. or 541-325-6212 ERIC REEVE HANDY •Landscape Background in the media industry desired but Call Ron Weatherby, for appointment. Call 541-261-1808 SERVICES. Home 8 REMEMBER: If you Construction not required. This is a full-time position with Commercial Repairs, •Water Feature Painting/Wall Covering WHEN YOU SEE THIS have lost an animal, benefits. If you've got what it takes, e-mail a Carpentry-Painting, don't forget to check Installation/Maint. cover letter, resume, and portfolio/work sample HOLLINGSWORTHS' INC. Pressure-washing, •Pavers WESTERN PAINTING The Humane Society Oo links a n d/o r re p ository ( GitHub) t o ~ Honey Do's. On-time •Renovations CO. Richard Hayman, in Bend 541-382-3537 resume I Burns, Oregon promise. Senior a semi-retired paint- M arePiXatBelldblletii),CO m Redmond, •Irrigations Installation Discount. Work guaring contractor of 45 On a classified ad 541-923-0882 (541-573-7254) This posting is also on the web at www.bendanteed. 541-389-3361 Senior Discounts years. S m a l l J o bs go to Prineville, or 541-771-4463 Welcome. Interior 8 541-447-7178; Bonded & Insured Bonded 8 Insured 541-815-4458 Exterior. c c b ¹ 5184. to view additional OR Craft Cats, EOE/Drug Free Workplace CCB¹181595 LCB¹8759 541-388-6910 541-389-8420. photos of the item.
PRIVATE PARTY RATES Starting at 3 lines
vance orders. We pick or U-Pick K Family Farm 33427 Seven Mile Lane SE, Albany, OR. 541-286-2164.
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
SutIoku High Fives 2 6 9 7 3 4 5 1 8
How to play: Sudoku High Fives consists of five regUlar Sudoku grids sharing one set of 3-by-3 boxes. Each row, column and set of 3-by-3 boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 8 without repetition. The numbers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the indivudual Sudokus.
3 4 8 5 1 7 9 1 6 8 5 2 7 3 2 9 4 6
3 870
Boats 8 Accessories
20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.o. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530
Travel Trailers
NATIONAL DOLPHIN 37' 1997, loaded! 1
Keystone Sprinter 31', 2008 slide, Corian surfaces, wood floors (kitchen), King size walk2-dr fridge, convection around bed, electric 21' Crownline 215 hp microwave, Vizio TV 8 Serving Central Oregon since 1903 awning, (4) 6-volt in/outboard e n g i ne roof satellite, walk-in batteries, plus many 310 hrs, Cuddy Cabin shower, new queen bed. more extras, never sleeps 2/3 p e ople, White leather hide-asmoked in first 6-9-is @ 20132013 UFS, Dist. b Univ. Ucficic for UFS portable toilet, exc. & chair, all records, owners, $19,900. cond. Asking $8,000. bed no pets or s moking. 476 476 860 870 OBO. 541-388-8339 $28,450. Call 541-410-5415 Employment Employment Motorcycles & Accessories Boats 8 Accessories RBiemw Call 541-771-4800 Ads published in the Opportunities Opportunities Q &Hxem "Boats" classification include: Speed, fish- Rv CONSIGNMENTS WANTED! Materials Manager Sales part-time position, ing, drift, canoe, exp. helpful but not All Makes 8 Models! Weiser, iD house and sail boats. Free Appraisals. M ateria's Mana g er r equired, clean r e 16' O ld T o w n For all other types of Sales, Service 8 Parts. n eeded for a fa s t sponsible person. ApCamper c a n o e, watercraft, please see Randy's Kampers ~ Honda Shadow/Aero paced manufactured ply in person, FurniClass 875. exc. cond, $ 750. 8 Kars, 2910 S. Hwy.~ h ousing plant. J o b ture Outlet, 1735 NE 750, 2007 Black, 11K Orbit 21' 2007, used 541-385-5809 54 I -312-8740 514 97, Redmond mi, 60 mpg, new deduties include but not Hwy 20, Bend.. only 8 times, A/C, Snowmobiles • 541-923-1655 • Insurance tachable windshield, limited to: managing oven, tub s hower, Mustang seat 8 tires; purchasing staff, mamicro, load leveler TURN THE PAGE 17.5' Glastron 2002, ( 2) 2000 A r ctic C a t SAVE $$$ on AUTO detachable Paladin t erial h andlers, i n hitch, awning, dual RV For More Ads Chevy eng., Volvo Z L580's EFI with n e w INSURANCE from the backrest & luggage ventory control , and batteries, sleeps 4-5, outdrive, open bow, CONSIGNMENTS The Bulletin m ajor names y o u covers, electric start w/ rack w/keylock.Vancet he ordering of a l l EXCELLENT CONWANTED stereo, sink/live well, know and trust. No reverse, low miles, both Hines pipes, great production material. DITION. All acceswith new 2009 sound. Cruise control, w/glastron tr a i ler, We Do The Work ... forms. No hassle. No excellent; Bachelor's De g r ee sories are included. Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, You Keep The Cash! incl. boat c o v er, audible turn signals obligation. Call preferred with 5 years Sales $16,000 OBO. On-site credit drive off/on w/double tilt, Like new, $ 8 500. We are looking for for safety. $4495. READY F O R MY experience. in materi541-382-9441 Beautiful h o u seboat, lots of accys. Selling due Jack, 541-549-4949 541-447-4876 approval team, experienced Sales QUOTE now! CALL als management. $85,000. 541-390-4693 to m e dical r e asons. web site presence. 1-888-706-8256. Respond if interested to professional to Join www.centraloregon $6000 all. 541-536-8130 We Take Trade-Ins! Central O r e gon's (PNDC) pclark@championhoMotocross boots, Free Advertising. Call a Pro largest n e w car Arctic Cat ZL800, 2001, met, pants, jersey, exc. BIG COUNTRY RV d ealer Subaru o f short track, variable $200. 541-923-7384 GENERATE SOME exWhether you need a Bend: 541-330-2495 Bend. O ffering Loans & Mortgages exhaust valves, eleccitement in your neigRedmond: fence fixed, hedges Medical Assistant in 401k, profit sharing, tric s t art, r e v erse, borhood. Plan a ga541-548-5254 trimmed or a house Bend. F T /40 hr/4 medical plan, split manuals, re c o rds, WARNING rage sale and don't 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 forget to advertise in day work wk at busy s hifts, a n d pai d The Bulletin recomnew spare belt, cover, built, you'll find Volvo Penta, 270HP, classified! 385-5809. internal m e d icine training. Please apmends you use cauheated hand g r ips, professional help in low hrs., must see, practice. Recent MA ply at 2060 NE Hwy tion when you pronice, fast, $999. Call The Bulletin's "Call a $15,000, 541-330-3939 experience with 20, Bend. vide personal Tom, 541-385-7932, Servmg Central Oregon «nce 1903 E MR req. Gr e a t information to compa- • Yamaha 750 1999 Victory TC 2002, Service Professional" benefit pa c kage; nies offering loans or runs great, many Mountain Max, $1400 Directory salary DOE. Fax recredit, especially Service Tech accessories, new • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 Watercraft 541-385-5809 Southwind 35.5' Triton, sume including refthose asking for adImmediate Job opEXT, $1000. tires, under 40K 2008,V10, 2 slides, Duerences to vance loan fees or portunity for q uali4-place miles, well kept. 15' Coleman Canoe pont UV coat, 7500 mi. 541-389-2662 Attn: companies from out of • Zieman fied and trained pertrailer, SOLD! Bought new at $6500 OBO. For 18.5' Sea Ray 2000, 4.3L Good condition, $190 Clinic Administrator. state. If you have son. See the display All in good condition. 541-876-1237 $132,913; m ore i nfo. c a l l concerns or quesad in our classified Mercruiser, low hrs, 190 r ai~~ e Located in La Pine. asking $91,000. 541-647-4232 tions, we suggest you s ection today f o r hp Bowrider w/depth Call 541-408-6149. Ads published in "WaCall 503-982-4745 MOTEL - Housekeeping more information. consult your attorney finder, radio/ CD player, tercraft" include: KaySupervisor 8 H o use- Holiingsfrfrorths'Inc. 860 or call CONSUMER rod holders, full canvas, aks, rafts and motorkeeping staff, full-time. HOTLINE, EZ Loader trailer, exclnt Burns, OR Motorcycles & Accessories ized personal Apply in person at SugOutdoors RV 29' 1-877-877-9392. cond, $11,500. 541-573-7254 watercrafts. For arloaf Mountain Motel 707-484-3518 (Bend) Wind River 250 CRAMPED FOR " boats" please s e e front desk, 62980 N. BANK TURNED YOU RLSW 2011 CASH? Highway 97, in Bend. DOWN? Private party 18.7' Sea Ray Monaco, Class 870. TRUCK DRIVERS Use classified to sel Knight Transportation is will loan on real es1984, 185hp, V6 Mer- R541-385-5809 One owner Winnebago Adventurer those items you no Yamaha Classic 1973 Cruiser, full canvas, life tate equity. Credit, no Receptionist hiring! 48, 11W, NW Lightly used 250 Eunduro. All original, 2003, 35U 20,800 longer need. - Full Time regional or dedicated problem, good equity vests, bumpers, water miles, Chevy Workhorse Perfect condiCall 541-385-5809 • street legal, 11K miles, skis, swim float, extra Long established famCanada Runs! FT/ PT is all you need. Call $995. 541-382-7515 chassis, Allison transtion Sleeps 6 prop 8 more. EZ Loader ily practice seeks for drivers living in WA Oregon Land Mort880 mission, larger 22.5 inch trailer, never in saltwater, full-time Receptionand OR. Ask about gage 541-388-4200. FIND IT! servng central oregon smce i903 Michelin tires, 50amp svc $23,900 always garaged, very Motorhomes ist. Help us provide $1000 bonus*! t SUY IT! w/heat pump, easy care LOCAL MONEY:We buy clean, all maint. records. 541-317-3991 the best care posContact Daisy or g fiberglass roof, 2 slides, secured trust deeds & SELL IT! $5500. 541-389-7329 198830' Class A 4000 4-dr refrig, inverter, rear sible by adding your submit application at note, some hard money The Bulletin Classifieds W gen., new fridge, bi-lingual skills and - the list goes on loans. Call Pat Kellev wheelchair lift. Good camera prior exp with com503-405-1800 541-382-3099 ext.19. and on! Always stored RV 865 cond. $18,000 obo puterized a p pointinside, exceptionally CONSIGNMENTS ATVs 541-447-5504 ment s c h eduling. Truck Drivers with Need help fixing stuff? Harley Davidson Hericlean 8 well maintained. WANTED experience needed. Call A Service Professional tage Softail 2002, Fl, Pick up job packet $49,900. 541-549-2282 We Do The Work ... Seeking dump truck, find the help you need. emerald green 8 black, at office. You Keep The Cash! belly dump, flatbed, lots of chrome & extras, Madras Medical 18'Maxum skiboat,2000, On-site credit lowboy 8 c o ntainer Group inboard motor, g reat 9K, perfect cond. $9995 approval team, d rivers. Local a n d 76 NE 12th St., cond, well maintained, 573 503-999-7356 (cell) web site presence. over the road posiMadras, OR. $8995Obo. 541-350-7755 We Take Trade-Ins! t ions. Must have 2 Business Opportunities Hariey Davidson SoftD odge 2 2' 19 7 8 Free Advertising. Tail De l uxe 2 0 0 7, Yamaha Banshee 2001 years experience and A Classified ad is an Winneba!Po Suncruiser34' BIG COUNTRY RV Registered Nurseclass C, 67K mi., custom built 350 motor white/cobalt, w / pasvalid Class A C D L. 2004, on y 34K, loaded, PACU good cond.$3500. Bend: 541-330-2495 W A Y To senger kit, Vance & race-ready, lots of extras Wages based on ex- EASY too much to list, ext'd 541-389-4873 Redmond: REACH over 3 million Hines muffler system $4999/obo 541-647-8931 1 8' Seaswirl 1984 perience. Benefits inwarr. thru 2014, $54,900 541-548-5254 BitIIDSURGERv clude health i nsur- Pacific Northwestern- & kit, 1045 mi., exc. open bow, V6, en Dennis, 541-589-3243 C • F. • N • T • F . • 8 870 $5 2 5 /25-word c ond, $16,9 9 9 , gine 8 outdrive re ance, 401(k) p lan, ers. hrvr cae ' Ikme kr ccaaas c lassified ad i n 2 9 541-389-9188. Boats & Accessories built, extras, $2495 paid vacation, inspec881 F ull-Time, 4 -1 0 h r . tion bonus program. daily newspapers for 541-546-6920 The Bulletin Travel Trailers shifts, Mon. - Fri. 3-days. Call the PaCall Kenny, To Subscribe call Critical Care or ASC Western Heavy Haul, cific Northwest Daily L experience pre Connection (916) 541-385-5800 or go to 541-447-5643 Fleetwood D i s covery 2 88-6019 o r em a i l ferred, e n doscopy 40' 2003, diesel moSpringdale 27' 2005, 4' experience a p lus. Warehouse po s ition, Harley Heritage torhome w/all slide in dining/living area, Job offers excellent part-time, clean ODL, for more info (PNDC) Softail, 2003 14' a luminum options-3 slide outs, b oat sleeps 6, low mi,$13,000 benefit pac k age. heavy lifting, respon- Extreme Value Adver$5,000+ in extras, satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, w/trailer, 2009 Mercury Interested p e rsons sible & hardworking. tising! 29 Daily news19.5' Bluewater '88 I/O etc. 3 2,000 m i les.Fleetwood 31' W ilder- obo. 541-408-3811 $2000 paint job, 15hp motor, fish finder, new upholstery, new elec Wintered in h e ated n ess Gl 1 9 99, 1 2 ' s hould e mail r e - Apply in person, 1735 papers $525/25-word 30K mi. 1 owner, $2700. 541-815-8797 tronics, winch, much more shop. $89,900 O.B.O. slide, 2 4 ' sume to: NE Hwy 20. aw n ing, classified 3-d a ys. For more information $9500. 541-306-0280 jobs© please call queen bed, FSC, outReach 3 million Pa541-447-8664 486 R 541-385-8090 side shower, E-Z lift cific Northwesterners. 20' 1993 Sea Nympf Fish or 209-605-5537 Independent Positions stabilizer hitch, l i ke Remember.... For more information 8 Ski, 50 hrs on new Find It in new, been stored. A dd your we b a d call (916) 288-6019 or engine, fish finder, chart The Bulletin Glassifieds! $1 Choose your hours, 0,950. 707-688-4253 WEEKEND WARRIOR dress to your ad and email: HDFatBo 1996 plotter & VHF radio with income & reward541-385-5809 readers on The Toy hauler/travel trailer. 14' Seadoo 1997 boat, antenna. Good shape, Choose Avon. Patty, for the Pacific North24' with 21' interior. Bulletin' s web site full cover, heavy duty twin modified engines. 541-330-1836, Avon west Daily ConnecSleeps 6. Self-conwill be able to click independent sales rep 210hp/1200lbs, fast. trailer, kicker and electric Itasca Class C 27' '85, tion. (PNDC) through automatically loaded, $2500. See to tained. Systems/ $5500. 541-390-7035 motors. appearancein good to your site. $7500 or best offer. appreciate. 541-408-4416 541-292-1834 condition. Smoke-free. Delivery Completely Tow with '/6-ton. Strong t l i l t Sales Rebuilt/Customized suspension; can haul Jayco Eagle Furniture salesper2012/2013 Award ATVs snowmobiles, 26.6 tt long, 2000 Supplement Your Income s on n eeded f u l l Winner even a small car! Great 20.5' 2004 Bayliner Showroom Condition 15'8" boat, 40hp Merprice - $8900. t ime, r etail e x p . Sleeps 6, 14-ft slide, Run About, 220 Many Extras Call 541-593-6266 p referred. S o me cury outboard (4-stroke, 205 Monaco Windsor, 2001, awning, Eaz-Lift HP, V8, open bow, Low Miles. h eavy lifting r e Now taking bids for an Independent Contract electric trim, EFI, less loaded! (was $234,000 stabilizer bars, heat exc. cond with very Hauler to deliver bundles of newspapers from than 10 hrs) + electric $17,000 q uired. Apply i n new) Solid-surface 8 air, queen low hours, lots of 541-548-4807 trolling motor, fish finder, Bend to LaGrande, Oregon (with some delivcounters, convection/ person at 2145 S. walk-around bed, I II R . . s i II 'I extras incl. tower, ery drops en route) on a weekly basis. Must $5000 obo. 541-548-2173 micro, 4-dr, fridge, Hwy 97, Redmond, very good condition, Bimini & custom have own vehicle with license and insurance HD Screaming Eagle washer/dryer, ceramic Oregon $10,000 obo. trailer, $17,950. and the capability to haul up to 6000 lbs. Electra Glide 2005, 15' older Seaswirl, tile & carpet, TV, DVD, Tues - Sat., 10-6. 541-595-2003 541-389-1413 Weekend Warrior Toy Candidates must be able to lift up to 50 lbs. 103" motor, two tone satellite dish, leveling, 35HP motor, cover, Ask for Stephen or Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, Selected candidate will be i ndependently s-airbags, power cord candy teal, new tires, d epth f inder, a s fax resume fuel station, exc cond. contracted. reel, 2 full pass-thru 23K miles, CD player, Advertise your car! People Look for Information sorted live v e sts, 541-923-6774. sleeps 8, black/gray To apply or for more info contact trays, Cummins ISO 8.3 hydraulic clutch, exAdd A Picture! $1400. OBO. About Products and i nterior, u se d 3X , Great American Reach thousands of readersi 350hp turbo Diesel, 7.5 James Baisinger at cellent condition. 541-548-7645 or $19,999 firm. Furniture Diesel gen set. $85,000 Services Every Daythrough Call 541-385-5809 Highest offer takes it. 541-408-3811. The Bulletin Classifieds 541-389-9188 The Bulletin Classifieds obo. 541-233-7963 541-480-8080.
The Bulletin
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f'he Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
The Bulletin •
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r •
' Restaurant Reviews/ M o vie Reviews
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BOATS &RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - MotorcyclesAndAccessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies andCampers 890- RVsfor Rent
Antique & Classic Autos Ford Mustang Coupe 1966, original owner, V8, automatic, great shape, $9000 OBO.
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts andService 916- Trucks andHeavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique andClassic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
Ford Ranchero 1979
with 351 Cleveland
modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo. 541 -420-4677
te(eI I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 s p d. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480.
Buick Century Limited 2000, r u n s gr e at, Nissan Frontier 2006 beautiful car. $3400. K ing Cab X E 2 W D 541-312-3085 ¹45579. $12,988 Buick LeSabre 1996. Good condition, Oregon 121,000 miles. AnrnSnnrce Non-smoker 541-598-3750
Travel Trailers 0 0
Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390
Buick LeSabre Custom 2004, rare 75k, $6000, worth way more. leather, heated seats, nice wheels. Good tires, 30 mpg, white. Convinced? Call Bob 541-318-9999
$2200 OBO.
Au t o mobiles
Automobiles •
Nissan Sentra 2012 Full warranty, 35mpg, 520 per tank, all power. $13,500. 541-788-0427
Porsche 911 Carrera 993 cou e
Convertible 2005 Automatic LS2 high performance motor, only 29k miles, Sterling S ilver, b l ack leather interior, Bose premium sound stereo, new quality tires and battery, car and seat covers, many extras. Rec e ntly factory serviced. Garaged. Beautiful car, Perfect cond. $37,000 obo
t The Bulletin t
L'"" '" "
g j~i~
Show Your Stuff. Sell Your Stuff.
Good classified ads tell the essential facts in an interesting Manner. Write from the readers view - not the seller's. Convert the facts into benefits. Show the reader how the item will help them in someway. This advertising tip brought to youby
r- „;.„-,. a
"My Little Red Corvette" Coupe,1996,350, auto, 26-34 mpg, 132K, $12,500/offer.
1996, 73k miles, Tiptronic auto. transmission. Silver, blue leather interior, moon/sunroof, new quality tires and battery, car and seat covers, many extras. Recently fully serviced, garaged, looks and runs like new. Excellent condition. $33,000 obo
engine, power every- Sport Utility Vehicles Buick Lucerne CXS thing, new paint, 54K 2006 sedan,V8, original m i les, runs Toyota Highlander 2008 Northstar 4.6L engreat, excellent condired, 86,342 miles. gine, silver, black tion in & out. Asking 1921 Model T ¹010378 $1 7 , 988 leather, new $36,000; $8,500. 541-480-3179 Delivery Truck 92K miles, 18" wheels Restored & Runs 908 & much more, best $9000. offer over $7900. Aircraft, Parts Oregon 541-389-8963 Bob, 541-318-9999 & Service AutoSource 541-589-4047 541-598-3750 Check out the 1952 Ford Customline 541-589-4047 classifieds online Coupe, project car, flatPorsche 911 Turbo head V-8, 3 spd extra Ford Thunderbird 940 parts, & materials, $2000 1955, new white soft nrrzr Updated daily Vans obo. 541-410-7473 top, tonneau cover and upholstery. New Ford 1-ton extended van, chrome. B e a utiful 1/3 interest in Columbia Chevrolet Cameo CHECK YOUR AO Pickup, 1957, Car. $25, 0 0 0. 1995, 460 engine, set-up Please check your ad 400, $150,000 (located f or co n tractor wi t h disassembled, frame 541-548-1422 O Bend.) Also: Sunrithe first day it runs a shelves & bins, fold-down on 2003 6 speed, X50 powder coated, new ver hangar available for to make sure it is cor- CORVETTE COUPE ladder rack, tow hitch, Glasstop 2010 added power pkg., sale at $155K, or lease, front sheet metal, cab rect. Sometimes in180K miles, new tranny & restored. $9995 firm. Grand Sport - 4 LT 530 HP! Under 10k @ $400/mo. I Fif t h Wheels s tructions over t h e brakes; needs catalytic Call for more info, miles, Arctic silver, loaded, clear bra 541-948-2963 converter & new wind- phone are misunder541-306-9958 (cell) hood & fenders. gray leather interior, CHECK YOUR AD stood and a n e r ror shield. $2200. New Michelin Super new quality t i res, r1 can occurin your ad. 541-220-7808 Sports, G.S. floor and battery, Bose +~ er« If this happens to your mats, 17,000 miles, premium sound steGMC Yeton 1971, Only Ford Aerostar 1994 ad, please contact us Crystal red. reo, moon/sunroof, $19,700! Original low ij Eddie Bauer Edition the first day your ad $45,000. car and seat covers. mile, exceptional, 3rd appears and we will Fully Loaded, 503-358-1164. Many extras. Gainterest i n w e l lowner. 951-699-7171 be happy to fix it as Mint Condition! Please check your ad 1/3 raged, perfect conIFR Beech Bo- Chevy C-20 Pickup s oon as w e c a n . Runs Excellent! on the first day it runs equipped dition $70,000. MOVING - NO ROOM! A36, new 10-550/ Deadlines are: WeekI I't-— g to make sure it is cor- nanza $3000. 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; 541-589-4047 located KBDN. auto 4-spd, 396, model days 12:00 noon for jp= rect. Sometimes in- prop, 541-350-1201 $65,000. 541-419-9510 next day, Sat. 11:00 structions over the CST /all options, orig. a.m. for Sunday; Sat. owner, $19,950, phone are misPorsche Carrera 911 12:00 for Monday. If 541-923-6049 understood and an error 2003 convertible with we can assist you, can occur in your ad. <rre~ Chevy 1955 PROJECT Ford Taurus Wagon 2004, hardtop. 50K miles, please call us: If this happens to your new factory Porsche car. 2 door wgn, 350 GMC 1977 Sierra 120K miles, loaded, in 541-385-5809 ad, please contact us motor 6 mos ago with small block wAglveiand Classic 4x4 nice shape, $3,900. The Bulletin Classified the first day your ad 18 mo factory wardual quad tunnel ram Original owner, a show L umina Va n 541-815-9939 19 9 5 , appears and we will ranty remaining. 1/5th interest in 1973 with 450 Holleys. T-10 truck. Never restored or X LNT c o nd., w e l l be happy to fix it $37,500. Cessna 150 LLC 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, off-road. AT, 400 V8, ex- cared for. $2000 obo. 541-322-6928 as soon as we can. 150hp conversion, low Weld Prostar wheels, cellent mechanical con- 541-382-9835. If we can assist you, Vehicle? time on air frame and extra rolling chassis + dition, many extras + Alplease call us: Call The Bulletin extras. $6500 for all. p ine c a nopy. N o nengine, hangared in Volkswagens: 1970 975 541-385-5809 and place an ad to- Rare 541-389-7669. smoking owners. ColBend. Excellent perKarmann Ghia convertThe Bulletin Classified lectors welcome! Sorry, Automobiles day! formance & affordChevy Nova - 1976, ible, new top & interior no trades. Firm, cash. I A s k about our able flying! $6,500. $3,600. upholstery, $8000. 1974 "Whee/ Deal"! $6995.503-880-5020 541-410-6007 Rebuilt 327 engine. VW Thing, good shape, A udi A 6 se d a n Call Matt 541-280-9463. I f o r private party I $6000. 541-389-2636 Quattro 2003 4wd, advertisers a/c, auto, tilt steer, Subaru Outback 2012 sun & moon roofs, 2 15i P remium. 5 k Chevy Wagon 1957, leather int, disc & M I ¹252888 $ 2 3 ,995 4-dr., complete, tape, good to exc Keystone Montana $7,000 OBO / trades. cond, + 4 mounted 2955 RL 2008, Please call Mercedes 450SL, 1977, studs KBB $8200, Oregon Call The Bulletin At 2 slides, arctic 1974 Bellanca 541-389-6998 113K, 2nd owner, gaAntogouree ask $7500. Chrysler Sebring 2004 insulation, loaded, 541-385-5809 1730A r aged, b o t h top s . Call 541-385-5634 84k, beautiful dark gray/ 541-598-3750 Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe $10,900. 541-389-7596 excellent never used or 541-420-2699. brown, tan leather int., Place Your Ad Or E-Mail www.aaaoregonauto1967, 44 0 e n g ine, condition. $33,500 2180 TT, 440 SMO, At: $5995 541-350-5373 auto. trans, ps, air, 541-923-4707 180 mph, excellent frame on rebuild, recondition, always painted original blue, hangared, 1 owner Find exactly what original blue interior, original hub caps, exc. you are looking for in the for 35 years. $60K. chrome, asking $9000 CLASSIFIEDS Plymouth B a r racuda In Madras, or make offer. 541-385-9350 1966, original car! 300 call 541-475-6302 hp, 360 V8, centerlines, 541-593-2597 Executive Hangar COLLECTORCAR at Bend Airport (KBDN) AUCTION PROJECT CARS: Chevy 60' wide x 50' deep, in Roseburg a 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & w/55' wide x 17' high bi1000 1000 Graffiti Event Chevy Coupe 1950 fold dr. Natural gas heat, Douglas County rolling chassis's $1750 Legal Notices Legal Notices • Le g al Notices Legal Notices • Komfort 2003 offc, bathroom. Adjacent Fairgrounds. Chevy 4-dr 1949, 6' Slideout, 13' awto Frontage Rd; great ~ July 13th - Call Now! ~ ea., torney. Date first pubcomplete car, $ 1949; PUBLIC NOTICE LEGAL NOTICE 2013; plus related ning, A/C, large stor- visibility for aviation busi541-689-6824 Cadillac Series 61 1950, The following units will IN T H E CI R C UIT lished: June 1, 2013. interest, p e nalties age tanks, gas/ elec- ness. Financing avail- I Shirley L Vil d i bill and costs thereto; www.petersen 2 dr. hard top, complete be sold at Public AucCOURT O F THE tric water heater, able. 541-948-2126 or w/spare f r ont cl i p ., tion on June 28, 2013, STATE OF OREGON Personal Representa- plus costs, trustees LED TV, DVD, frig/ email $3950, 541-382-7391 at 11:00 a.m. Bilyeu, FOR THE COUNTY t ive c/o R onald L . fees, attorneys fees freezer, microwave, M. - Unit ¹26; Mills, E. OF DES C H UTES Bryant, Attorney at and accruing interpantry, extra counter - Unit ¹123 8 ¹ 2 8 4 ; Probate Department. Law, Bryant Emerson est incurred herein space, tub/ shower & Fitch, LLP, PO Box Garcia Bolanos, J. In the Matter of the by reason of said bathroom, Queen Unit ¹167; Abreu, J. Estate Of William R. 4 57, Redmond O R d efault; an d a n y bed, 2 skylights, 97756. Unit ¹ 2 4 3 . $ 1 0 .00 Harrin, De c e ased. ceiling fan, Clean, f urther sums a d Entrance fee per perCase No: 13PB0069. vanced by b enefiGood Condition. son. The auction will NOTICE TO INTER$9500 One Half Interest in LEGAL NOTICE ciary for the protecT-BIRD 1988 S p ort FAST '66 Ranchero! 541-325-2220 RV-9A for SALE be held at Hwy. 97 ESTED P E RSONS. TRUSTEE'S NOTICE tion of the abovecoupe, 34,400 orig. $7500 invested, 2005 Vans RV-9A, The undersigned has OF SALE described real propmi., A/C, PW, PL, new Mini Storage, 1600 sell for $4500! 0-320, Dynon, GPS, N. H i g hway 97, been appointed per- The Trustee under erty and his interest tires/brakes/hoses/ Call 541.382.9835 ICOM's, KT-76C, therein. 5. AMOUNT belts & exhausts. Tan Redmond, O r egon. sonal representative t he terms o f t h e Oxygen. Flies great, C ASH O N LY . N O of the Estate of WilT rust D e e d de DUE. By reason of w/tan interior. no damage history. CHECKS, DEBIT OR liam R. Harrin, Described herein, at s aid d e f ault t h e Immaculate! $4,995. 300 plus Hours tach, CREDIT CARDS. ceased, by the Desthe direction of the beneficiary has deDays 541-322-4843, kept in Redmond C chutes County Circuit Beneficiary, hereby clared all sums owEves 541-383- 5043 Look at: Hangar. Reduced to MONTANA 3585 2008 Court of the State of e lects to s ell t h e ing on the exc. cond., 3 slides, $35K, OBOr Oregon, prob a te property described tion secured by said Dick Hansen, king bed, Irg LR, FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, number 1 3 P B0069. in the Trust Deed to trust deed immedifor Complete Listings of 541-923-2318 Arctic insulation, all door panels w/flowers ately due and payArea Real Estate for Sale All persons having satisfy the obligadkhansenObendoptions $35,000. & hummingbirds, c laims against t h e tions secured able, said sums or 541-420-3250 white soft top & hard LEGAL NOTICE estate are required to thereby. Pursuant to ing the following, to Tod, 541-350-6462 top. Just reduced to 113.225 Notice to inpresent the same with O RS 8 6.745, t h e wit: principal amount NuWa 297LK H i tchvouchers following i n forma- of $128,000.00 to$3,750. 541-317-9319 VW BUG 1972 rebuilt terested persons by proper Hiker 2007,All sea- Piper A rcher 1 9 80, eng, new paint, tires, or 541-647-8483 successor personal within four (4) months tion is provided: 1 gether with interest sons, 3 s l ides, 32' based in Madras, alchrome whls, 30 mpg, representative. (1) If after the date of first PARTIES: Grantor: thereon at the rate perfect for snow birds, ways hangared since $3800. 541-233-7272 the personal repre- publication to the un- Andrew G. Mason. of 12% per annum l eft k i t chen, re a r new. New annual, auto sentative dies, is re- dersigned or they may Trustee: First beginning January lounge, extras, must pilot, IFR, one piece moved by the court or be barred. Additional American Title In1, 2013, until paid; see. $25,999 Prineville windshield. Fastest ArP ickups • i nformation may b e resigns after the nosurance Company together with costs, 541-447-5502 days & cher around. 1750 totice to interested pero btained f ro m t h e of Oregon. Succestrustees fees, attor541-447-1641 eves. tal t i me . $ 6 8 ,500.Ford Galaxie500 1963, court records, the un- sor Trustee: Cassie sons required by ORS neys fees and acG MC Sierra S L T 541-475-6947, ask for 1 13.155 ha s b e e n dersigned or the atK. Jones. Beneficruing late charges 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 2006 1500 Crew published but before torney. Date first pub- ciary: Douglas R. a nd i n terest i n 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & Cab 4x4, Z71, exc. e. t Rob Berg. lished: June 8, 2013. Schultz. 2 . REc urred herein b y radio (orig),541-419-4989 cond., 82 k m i les, the expiration of four PERSONAL REPREmonths from the date CORDING. The reason of said deTrucks & F ord Model A 1 9 3 1 $19,900. of first publication, the S ENTATIVE: S c o t t Trust Deed was refault; and any furCpe, $6500. See to ap- 541-408-0763 Heavy Equipment Harrin, 60656 G ossuccessor personal corded as follows: ther s u m s adPilgrim 27', 2007 5th preciate! 541-408-4416 representative s h a ll ney Road, Bend, Or- Date Recorded: Devanced by wheel, 1 s lide, AC, cause notice to inter- egon 97702, PHONE c ember 2 , 2 0 1 0 . beneficiary for the TV,full awning, excelested persons to be (541) 318-4527, FAX: Recording No.: p rotection of t h e lent shape, $23,900. p ublished as i f t h e (541) 610-1835. AT- 2010-047958 O f fiabove- d e s cribed 541-350-8629 successor were the TORNEY: Tony F. De cial Records of Dereal property and his SW schutes County, Ororiginal personal rep- A licante, 4 0 4 interest therein; plus RV resentative. The r eC olumbia Stre e t , egon. 3. any real p roperty 1987 Freightliner COE 3CONSIGNMENTS Suite 206, Bend, Orpublished notice shall DESCRIPTION OF taxes or l iens i naxle truck, Cummins enWANTED state that the original egon 97702, PHONE P ROPERTY: T h e curred. 6 . E L E CWe Do The Work ... gine, 10-spd, runs! $3900 In The Bulletin'S Print Clnd personal representa(541) 390-8961. real property is deTION TO SELL. The obo. 541-419-2713 You Keep The Cash! t ive died, wa s r e scribed as follows: T rustee her e b y online Classifieds. On-site credit moved by the court or L ot 1 4 of Roc k e lects to s e l l t h e approval team, G K E AT resigned, the date of Ridge Cabin Sites of property to s atisfy LEGAL NOTICE web site presence. d eath, r emoval o r Notice Black Butte Ranch, the obligations seof 2013/2014 We Take Trade-Ins! r esignation and t h e Deschutes County, cured by the Trust Budget Meeting Free Advertising. Hyster H25E, runs date of appointment of Special Road District ¹1 Oregon. Commonly Deed. A T rustee's BIG COUNTRY RV well, 2982 Hours, the n e w pe r sonal Date: June 19, 2013 k nown a s 1 3 5 7 1 Notice o f D e f ault Bend: 541-330-2495 $3500, call representative. It also Nine Bark, B lack and Election to Sell Location: Redmond: 541-749-0724 shall state that all perB utte Ranch, O R has been recorded DRRH Club House 541-548-5254 sons having claims 97031. 4. DEin the offi c i al Time: 7:00 p.m. against th e e s t ate F AULT. Both t h e r ecords o f Des shall present them, Beneficiary and the chutes County, Orwithin f ou r m o nths Trustee have egon. 7. TIME OF / Canopies & Campers after the date of the LEGAL NOTICE elected to sell the S ALE. Date: A u GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, first publication of the The undersigned has said real property to gust 15, 2013. Time: We are three adorable, loving republished notice, to been appointed persatisfy the obliga11:00 a.m. Place: Peterbilt 35 9 p o table the n e w p e r sonal sonal representative t ions secured b y 13571 Nine B ark, water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, puppies looking for acaring home. representative, at the of the Estate of ROB- said trust deed and Black Butte Ranch 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Please call right away. $500. address designated in ERT THOMAS a notice of default in the City of Bend, pump, 4-3" h o ses, camlocks, $ 2 5,000. the republished noVILDIBILL, Deceased, has been recorded C ounty o f Des Add tice for the presenta- by th e D e s chutes pursuant to Oregon chutes, State of OrLance Camper 1994, 541-820-3724 tion of claims, or they County Circuit Court Revised S t a t utes egon. The Trustee fits long bed crew cab, 925 Full Color Photos may be barred. (2) No o f the State of O r - 86.735(3); the dewill sell a t p u blic tv, a/c, loaded. $6200 Utility Trailers notice by the succesegon, probate numfault for which the auction to the highOBO. 541-580-7334 For an addifional sor personal repre- b er 13PB0060. A l l foreclosure is made est bidder for cash * s15 per week 1987 Trail-Eze tilt trailer, sentative shall be re- persons having claims is grantor's failure to the interest in t he Get your 25', 26,000-lb cap, new * under against the estate are pay when due the said described real quired s40 for 4 weeks deck & paint, air brakes, business subsection (1) of this required to p r esent following sums: all property which the in excellent cond., $6995. section if the original the same with proper c urrent and p a s t grantor had or had ('Special private partyratesapply io merchandise 541-408-6579 personal representa- vouchers within four due payments and power to convey at andautomotive categories.) G ROW I N G tive dies, is removed l ate charges d u e the time of the ex(4) months after the 2011 Interstate Load by the court, or redate of first publicaand payable as of ecution by grantor of Runner custom utility signs after the expira- tion t o t h e u n der- January 1, 2013 in the said trust deed, with an ad in trailer, 6x12, enclosed, tion of four months signed or they may be t he am o un t of t ogether with a n y rear ramp, c u stom The Bulletin's from the date of the barred. Add i tional $ 128,000.00, p l u s i nterest which t h e wheels, silver & black, "Call A Service first publication of the i nformation may b e a dditional fut u r e grantor or grantor's been stored, towed To place your ad, visit notice to i n terested o btained f ro m t h e payments and late successors in interonly 150 miles. ExcelProfessional" or call 385-5809 lent! $2995. persons. [1969 c.591 court records, the un- charges in c urred est acquired after Directory 541-408-7908 ig 102; 1977 c.187 i31] dersigned or the ata fter J a nuary 1 , t he e xecution o f Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at
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serving central oregon since1903
Legal Notices said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obli g ations thereby secured and the costs and ex-
penses of sale, in-
cluding a r e asonable charge by the trustee. 8. RI G HT TO REI N STATE. Notice i s fur t her
given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this f oreclosure pro ceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire a mount then d u e ( other than s u c h portion of the principal as w ould not then be due had no default o c c urred) and by curing any other default complained of h e rein that is capable of being cured by tendering the p erformance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to p aying said sums or tendering the p erformance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the o b ligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts p rovided by sa i d ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the singular includes the p lural, t h e wo r d grantor" in c ludes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other p erson owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, i f any. Dated this 23 day of May, 2013. GLEAVES SWEARINGEN LLP. By: Cassie K. Jones, S uccessor Trustee, P.O. Box 1147, Eugene, OR 97440, (541) 686-8833. FA IR DEBT CO L L ECTION PRACTICES N OTICE. We a r e debt collectors. This i s a n a t t empt t o collect a debt and any information obtained will be used forthat purpose.
Hours: Friday 8-8 Saturday 9-7 Sunday 11-5
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r P
Air Conditioning, Satellite Radio VIN: 721194
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Call f o r details Call for details 2005 SUBARU IMPREZA WRX STI SEDAN
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Call f o r details
Split Third Row Seat VIN: 213032
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ur uur\
.g o
ON 2013 SllBARll OllTBACKS 8 LEGACYS 2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i 6MT
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i CVT
Satin White Pearl. Option Package 1. Standard Model
Twilight Blue Metallic, Option Package 1, Standard Model
Manual Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T Option Pkg 2: All Weather Pkg. Heated Front Seats,
Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors. Rear Bumper Cover, Cargo Net - Rear - Outback. Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink
Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors. Rear Bumper Cover, Cargo Net - Rear - Outback. Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, 4 All-Weather Floor Mats
MSRP $24,590. Subaru of Bend Discount $2,591. VIN: DI305435. DDA-01
Sale Price
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T Option Pkg 2: All Weather Pkg. Heated Front Seats,
u omatic
MSRP $25,590.Subaru ofBend Discount $2,591. VIN: D3308531.DDB-01
MSRP $28,103.Subaru ofBend Discount $2,773. VIN; D3308010.DDD-02
MSRP $28,103.Subaru ofBend Discount $2,728. VIN; D3291473.DDD-02
Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed options not included.
Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed options not included.
Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed options not included.
Sale Price
Sale Price
Sale Price
I a
Qw 'Qw • • I
Qw • '
' ''' I
I I •
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T Option Pkg 2: All Weather Pkg. Heated Front Seats,
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T Option Pkg 2: All Weather Pkg. Heated Front Seats,
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 2 .5 i P remium C V T Option Pkg 2: All Weather Pkg. Heated Front Seats,
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 3 .6 R L imited 5A T Popular Pkg ¹1B: Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink
Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors. Rear Bumper Cover, Cargo Net - Rear - Outback. Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, 4 All-Weather Floor Mats
Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors. Rear Bumper Cover, Cargo Net - Rear - Outback. Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, 4 All-Weather Floor Mats
Windshield Wiper De-lcer, Heated Side Mirrors. Rear Seat Back Protector, Rear Bumper Cover, Cargo Net - Rear, 4 All-Weather Floor Mats, Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp
4 All-Weather Floor Mats
Splash Guards, Rear Bumper Cover,
u omatic
u omatic
MSRP $28,185.Subaru ofBend Discount $2,799. VIN; D3281991.DDD-02 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.
MSRP $28,185. Subaru of Bend Discount $2,786. VIN: D3280989.DDD-02 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.
MSRP $28,099.Subaru of Bend Discount $2,696. VIN: D3271092. DDD-02 Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed options not included.
MSRP $33,480.Subaru ofBend Discount $3,599. VIN: D2295672. DDK-01 Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed options not included.
Sale Price
Sale Price
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 3 .6 R L imited 5A T Popular Pkg ¹1B: Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink Splash Guards, Rear Bumper Cover, 4 All-Weather Floor Mats
2013 S u b a r u Out b a c k 3 .6 R L imited 5A T Power Moonroof, Auto-Dimming Rear View Mirror w/Homeiink. Navigation
* System. Voice-Activated Control, AuxiliaryAudio USBAPod Port, Rear Vision Camera, AM/FM Stereo with1 CD player, Biuetooth* Hands-free Phone and Streaming Audio Connectivity, XM Sateihte Radio and SinusXM, Nav Traffic - both with 4-month free tnai subscnption, 440-Watt 9-Speaker
Sale Price
Sale Price
o o g
2013 S u b a r u Leg a c y 2 .5 i P remium C V T Standard Model. Rear Bumper Applique
2013 S u b a r u Leg a c y 3 .6 R L imited 5A T Popular Package ¹2: Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink
Auto-Dim Mirror/Comp/Homelink, 4 All-Weather Floor Mats, Cargo Tray
4 All-Weather Floor Mats, Cargo Tray, Splash Guards Rear Bumper Applique
Harman/Hardon PremiumAudio System. Rear Seat Back Protector, Splash Guards, Puddle Lights, 4 Aii-Weather Floor Mats, Trailer Hitch
Sale Price
MSRP $24,088.Subaru ofBend Discount $2,389. VIN: D3028368. DAD-01 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included
MSRP $30,330.Subaru ofBend Discount $3,333. VIN: D2027116.DAK-01 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.
u omatic MSRP $37,715. Subaru of Bend Discount $4,116. VIN: D2227233. DDK-08 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.
MSRP $33,480.Subaru ofBend Discount $3,492. VIN: D2294940. DDK-01 Title, lic. 8. doc. and dealer installed options not included.
Sale Price
Subaru Certified Pre-Owned
Sale Price
Sale Price
7- YEAR,100,000-MILE POWERTRAIN WARRANTY Every Certified Pre-Owned Subaru offers: • 7-year/100,000-mile Powertrain Coverage • $0 deductible
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The Bulletin
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June 15 - 21, 2015
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Anna Paquin stars in "True Blood," which returns for its sixth season Sunday on HBQ. i
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THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. / Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
' II I I II I I II I Jack Hanna's Wild OceanMysteries Born to Explore 'G' Recipe Rehab'G' (11:15) NASCARRacing Nationwide cc(DVS ) Countdown Wi t h Jeff Corwincc (DVS) Seri es: Alliance TruckParts 250(N) (ABC) n (El) Noodle and T h e Chica Show Pajanimals (El) 'Y 2013 U.S.OpenGolf Championship Third RoundFromMerionGolf Club in Ardmore, Pa.(N) n (Live) « KTVZ O O O O Today Today's consumer; triplets. (N) LazyTown 'Y' cc cc Doodle (El) 'Y' (El) 'Y' (NBC) (5:00) CBSThis Morning: Saturday Doodlebops(El) Doodlebops (El) Busytown Myster. Busytown Myster- Liberty's Kids n Liberty's Kids n Paid Program Portable Cook- Paid Program Paid Program KBNZ "/' cc 'Y' cc top 'G' Iran's presidential election. (N)n ies n (El) 'Y' ies n (El)'Y' (EI) 'Y7' (EI) 'Y7' (CBS) Jac k Hanna's Wild Ocean Mysteries Born to Explore 'GSea Rescue'G' « Recipe Rehab'G' Food for Thought (11:15) NASCARRacing Nationwide KOHD O O O O Paid Program Animal Adven- Good Morning America (N) cc cc (DVS) tures Countdown With Jeff Corwin cc(DVS) (DVS) Series: AllianceTruckParts 250(N) (ABC) Make Your CarpetsNo defrosting or Kitchen System! KFXO g} IE) @ Paid Program Paid Program AwesomeAdven- Wild About Ani- Jack Hanna's Into Eco CompanyMr Teen Kids News Paid Program WEN byChaz mals 'G' m the Wild 'G' Eco 'G' tures (El) 'G' (N) 'G' cc Dean New Again! preheating (FOX) S e w It All n 'G' cc Bearenters the Curious George'Y' Cat in the Hat Super Why! n (El) SciGirls n 'G' cc Cyberchase'Y'cc Fetch! With Ruff The Victory Gar P. Allen Smith's Sewing With KOAB ~ gy ~ Ij Sesame Street Baby cc (DVS ) PorridgeArt Contest. n (El) 'Y' Know s a Lot Y « (DVS) Ruffman 'Y' den New'G' Garden Home Nancy 'G' « (PBS) NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 6:00 Sunrise at 7:00 AM PoppyCat (El) 'Y' Noodle and LazyTown n (El) 2013 U.S.OpenGolf Championship ThirdRoundFromMerionGolf Club in Ardmore, Pa.(N) n (Live) « KGW AM(N) cc Doodle (El) 'Y' 'Y' cc (NBC) eLeague JusticeLeague DragonBallZKai DragonBallZKai Yu-Gi-Oh! n Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q Make Your CarPets Healthy Meals in Rescue Heroes n Adventures of Sonic X n 'Y7' cc Sonic X n Y7 « Justic 'Y7' cc 'Y7' cc 'Y7' cc New Again! Min utes! 'G' (El) 'Y' cc Nanoboy Unlimited 'Y7' U n limited 'Y7' (N) n 'Y7' cc (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 B B C Newsnight Washington Asia Insight 'PG' Great Decisions Scully: World I n side Wash'ton McLaughlin Tru th-Money W e althTrack O S U Commencement « KATU
• II • I Good Morning America (N) «
II I KATU News This Morning - Sat (N) n «
Cindy Crawford on Criminal Minds AkidnappedRussian Criminal Minds Retaliation Amanbe- Flip This HouseVeronica's first flip Sell This House: ExtremeMercer Flip This HouseHousefull of hazardous 'PG' cc ageless skin i m migrant. n '14' « gins a killing spree. n '14' « Island, Wash.(N)'PG' « waste. 'PG' « The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman The The Rifleman 'G' ccThe Rifleman 'G' cc The Rifleman'G' cc Rawhide Archaeologistsearchesfor Rawhide Favor is exposedto smallpox. "Once UponTime *AMC 'PG' HomeRanch'G Marshal 'G' artifacts. 'PG' in West" 'ANPL 68 50 26 38 Big Cat Diary 'G' Big Cat Diary 'G' Must Love Cats n 'PG' cc Must Love Cats n 'PG' « America's Cutest n 'PG' « Bad Dog! n 'PG' « BadDog! n'PG' « BRAVO 13 44 Che f Roble&Co.'14 Chef Roble &Co. '14' Tabatha TakesOver '14' Tabatha TakesOver'14' Housewives/OC Housewives/OC CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Social Hour n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' Hot 20 CNBC 54 36 40 52 Get Sub D Get Sub D Cook Safe Tot al Gym No D efrosting L i ke New CarpetForever Young Cook Safe Like NewCarpet Larry King Spc. Healing Power of Juicing 'G' CNN 55 38 35 48 Sat. Morning Y o ur Money (N)CNN SaturdayMorning (N ) CNNNewsroom (N) CNN Newsroom(N) Your Money T h e Next List COM 13 53135 47 ZumbaFit Insanity! SexyBodies C i ndy Crawford Comedy Central Comedy Central (9:08) Scrubs n(9:39) Scrubsn (10:11)Scrubs (10:42) ** "Bever/yHillsCop II" (1987,Comedy) COTV 11 (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Senate Approprations Committee Cybersecurity; government surveillance. (N) Rep. Loretta Sanchez(D-Calif.) (N) (9:35) HouseJudiciary Committee Oversight hearing. *DIS 87 43 1439 Octonautsn ' *** "Up" (2009)Voices of EdAsner. n cc Y' MickeyMouse Mickey Mouse Doc McStuffins Never Land Sofia the First Phineas, Ferb Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G *DISC 15 21 16 37 Insanity! n'G' G e t S ubD DeepClean S exyBodies C ook Safe D e epClean Fast N' Loud n '14' « Fast N' Loud n '14' « Fast N' Loud Trials of aT-Bird '14 *El 13 25 WE N Hair Care Cindy Crawford** "BringIt On:All orNothing" (2006, Comedy)HaydenPanettiere Keeping UpWith the Kardashians E! News (N) The Wanted Life '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter« SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N) Soccer NFL History N A SCAR Racing ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Lombardi's Legacy Gymnastics ProChallenge Gymnastics ProChallenge Gymnastics ProChallenge "Soccer City" (2010,Documentary) ESPNC 23 25 123 25 "Inning by Inning" (8:15) SoccerUEFAU-21, First SemifinaI: Spainvs. Norway(N)(Live) I Scored aGoal Soccer ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsNation S p ortsNation Numbers NeverLie SportsNation Outside Lines SportsCenter (N) SportsNation SportsCenter(N) SportsCenter (N) *** "ALeagueolTheirOwn"(1992,Comedy-Drama)Tom Hanks,GeenaDavis,Madonna. FAM 67 29 19 41 SexyBodies D irt y House?'G'Twisted Pilot n '14' cc The Fosters Pilot n '14' cc FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00) FOX and Friends Saturday Bulls and Bears Cavuto/Business Forbes on FOX Cashin' In (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Journal Editorial FOX News *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Dirty House? 'G Say No to Botox! BarbecueAddi. Guy's Big Bite Best- Made B'foot Contessa Giada at Home Best Thing Ate Best Dishes Best Dishes Pioneer Wo. T r isha's Sou. FX 131 Front Yard SexyBodies How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 Get Sub D Dirty House?'G' West End Sal. West End Sal. West End Sal. West End Sal. West End Sal. West End Sal House Crashers House Crashers House Crashers House Crashers 'HIST 15 42 41 36 Power-Control Nuwave Swamp Peopl eBloodLines'PG' SwampPeopleWagingWar'PG' Swamp PeopleDeadlyChill 'PG' Swamp People NoSurrender 'PG' Swamp People BreakingPoint 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 PaidProgram Nopalea with SummerHair Get Sub D Paid Program Paid Program Dancer's Body Paid Program Paid Program Cindy Crawford Wife SwapCoste/Ives 'PG' cc MSNBC 59 59128 51 (5:00)Upw/SteveKornacki(N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) MSNBCLive (N) MTV 192 22 38 57 Guy Code'14' G uy Code'14 Guy Code'14' Guy Code '14' Guy Code'14' Guy Code '14' Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 2440 FullHouse'G' FullHouse'G Odd Parents O d d Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob SpongeBob O d d Parents SpongeBob S a njay, Craig TeenageMut. Monsters, Alien OWN 161 103 31 103 The Nate Berkus Show 'PG' cc Rachael Ray n 'G' cc Dr. Phil n 'PG' cc Home MadeSimple n 'G' cc Undercover Boss n 'PG' cc Undercover Boss n 'PG' cc PAC12 47 310310310 Pac-12Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Hip Hop Abs n Total Gym Cook Safe Like NewCarpet SexyBodies Cindy Crawford Search/Restore Horsepower TV Trucks! 'G' cc MuscleCar 'G' Tattoo Night. T a ttoo Night. SYFY 13 35133 45 CookSafe More Sex Front Yard WEN Hair Care No Defrosting Cook Safe Total Blackout Exit Are YouReadyto Play?'PG Exit Don't Shred on Me 'PG' « Daybreakers TBN 205 60 130 The Lads TV (El) Auto B. Good'G Come onOver God Rocks! 'Y Monstertruck Mary-Hopkins Lassie 'G' cc Davey 8 Goliath Ishine Knect 'G Insp. Station V e ggieTales 'Y' 3-2-1 Penguins! Married... With The Fresh Prince The Fresh Prince Tyler Perry's Tyler Perry's MeetAre We ThereYet? According to Jim Rules of Engage Rules of Engage- *** "Blades ol G/ory" (2007)Wil Fer *TBS 16 27 11 28 'PG' ment '14' Children 'PG' Children 'PG' of Bel.Air of Bel.Air House of Payne the Browns All the Rage 'PG' ment '14' rell, Jon Heder. cc(DVS) ** "Courage ol Lassie" (1946,Drama) ElizabethTaylor, Frank Morgan,Tom *** "TheDefiant Ones"(1958, Drama) (7:45) ** "The Fa/con Oul West" (1944, Mystery) Tom Con TCM 014410129(615)**"TheWackyWorldo/MotherGoose"(1967,Fan tasy) Voice ofMargaretRutherford. way, CaroleGallagher, BarbaraHale. Drake. A girl tries to rehabilitate a trained-to-kill collie. Tony Curtis, SidneyPoitier. 'A&E 13 28 18 32 Nopaleawith Cheryl Tiegs
Fat Loss 10min Gym B i k ini Season n Say No to Botox! Moving Up n 'G' cc Moving Up n 'G' cc Surreal Estate n 'PG' cc Law & Order Stiff Amanis a suspect in Law & Order VayaconDios Acrucial Law & Order Endurance Aboy dies in a King & Maxwell Pilot Sean represents a Major Crimes Final Cut Adirector's wife his wife's death. n '14' case involves aforeigner. '14' suspiciousfire. n '14' senalkiller 14 cc is found murdered. '14' cc 'TOON 84 Looney Tunes Looney Tunes Scan2Go(N)'Y7' Johnny Test'Y7' Beyblade:Metal Pokemon:BW Ben 10 NinjaGo: Mstrs Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Tom and Jerry Tom and Jerry *TRAV 17 51 45 42 PaidProgram Total Gym When Vacations Attack 'PG' cc My s teries at the Museum 'PG Off Limits 'PG' cc Mysteries at the Museum'PG' Bourdain: NoReservations TVLND 65 47 29 35 TheGoldenGirls The Golden Girls P:12) TheGoldenGirls 'PG' « (7:48) ** "SummerRental" (1985)JohnCandy. Premiere. « The Exes 'PG' The Exes 'PG' Hot in Cleveland Hot in Cleveland USA 15 30 23 30 Fat Loss DeepClean No Defrosting Cook Safe DeepClean Like NewCarpet RoyalPainsHankwatch'PG' Burn Notice Forget Me Not'PG' G r aceland GuadalDog ajara'14' VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown (N) n T o p 20 Video Countdown (N) n Stevie TV '14' I ' m Married 'TNT
17 34 32 34 Fitness-Forbes DeepClean
7 26 I 27 Law &a Order &Low'1Detecti probe stripper'High s death. 4' ves
ENCR 106 401 306401 (5:30)"Whena Stranger Calls" n (7:05) **"The LostWorld: Jurassic Park"1997 Jeff Goldblum. n 'PG-13' « (9:20) *** "TheBourneSupremacy" 2004'PG-13' (11:15) ** RedDawn"1984n * "The Blue Bird"1976ElizabethTaylor. 'G' « FMC 104204104120(5:30) "AHighWindin Jamaica (7:15) *"TheWizardof Baghdad" 1960 DickShawn. 'NR' « (10:45) ** "BartoktheMagnificent" 1999 'G' « FUEL 34 UFC Insider U F C Insider Pinks - All Out 'PG Pass Time 'PG' Pass Time 'PG UFC 161:Weigh-In UFC Countdown UFC: Nogueira vs Werdum GOLF 28 301 27 301 Live From(N)(Live) Morning Drive(N) (Live) In Play Big Break Mexico Big Break Mexico Greatest Game HALL 66 33175 33 ILoveLucy' G' I LoveLucy'G' ILoveLucy'G' I LoveLucy 'G' ILoveLucy'G' I LoveLucy'G' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls "OperationCupcake"(2012)'G' * "DreamHouse"2011 Daniel Craig. 'PG-13' « HBO 425501 425501(4:30) ***"Love Actually"2003 (6:50) *** "Chronicle"2012 n (8:15) ** "Fast Five" 2011,Action Vin Diesel, PaulWalker. n 'PG-13' « IFC 10 1 0 5 Cla sh-Titans Thr e e Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Three Stooges Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle ** "TheChronic/es ol Riddick" 2004 Vin Diesel. MAX 400 508 508 (5:35) ** "Trustthe Man"2005 Shepard. Thetraining of the UnitedStates' first astronauts. n 'PG' « P:15) *** "The RightStuff" 1983, Docudrama Sam NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Bill Dance Bass 2 Billfish Saltwater Fish Hunt/Big Fish Saltwater Exp. Into the Blue 'G Charlie Moore Saltwater Exp. Into the Blue 'G' Fisherman Motorsports Hour '14' NGC 157 15 7 A l aska State Troopers '14' Ultimate Survival Alaska 'PG Ultimate Survival Alaska: T Breakout '14 Breakout '14' «(DVS) Breakout IslandFortress '14' NTOON 89 115189115 Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal OUTD 37 307 43 307 Zona's Show P e nn's Big Buccaneers Velvick's Eyes Spanish Fly H o o k-N-Look Gold Fever Alaskan Alaska Outdoors Major LeagueFishing ** "WhatDreamsMay Come"1998 RobinWiliams. n 'PG-13' « ** "SalmonFishingin the Yemen"2011 EwanMcGregor. n 'PG-13 SHO 500 500 (5:45) ** "SnowFallingon Cedars" 1999Ethan Hawke.'PG-13' « SPEED 35 303125303 Gearz Hot Rod TV 'PG HotRodTV'G' Guys Garage Guys Garage F aster Than N A SCAR Live NASCAR Racing Speed Test Drive: Porsche Dumbest Stuff *** "Freaky Friday" 2003Jamie LeeCurtis. 'PG' STARZ 300 408 300408(5:40) ** "ChristmasWiththe Kranks" 2004'PG (7:25) *** "PremiumRush"2012 n 'PG-13' « (10:40) *** "The Amazing SpidenMan"2012 « ** "Holy Man" 1998,Comedy-DramaEddie Murphy. n 'PG' « ** "New york, I Love you" 2009Shia LaBeouf. 'R' TMC 525 525 (4:30)Daylight (10:15) *** "Ondine" 2009, DramaColin Farrell. n 'PG-13' cc *WE 14 41 174118 Vivica Fox DeepClean Plat. Weddings * "Coyote Ugly" 2000,Romance-ComedyPiper Perabo,AdamGarcia, Maria Bello. 'NR L.A. Hair The Nail Biter '14 L.A. Hair DemotionCommotion '14'
THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013
~ •
W« ~
'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary.
Racing NationwideSeries: Alliance Truck Parts Dr. 0 Weight Loss Cash Cab 'G' « P o rtable Cooktop Paid Program KATU (11:15) NASCAR 'G' Secret! KTVZ (9:00) 2013U.S.OpenGolf Championship Third RoundFromMerion Golf Clubin Ardmore, Pa.(N) n (Live) cc
(ABC) 250 (N)(Live) (NBC)
KBNZ Paid Program
P a id Program P a id Program Paid Program
ESPNSports Saturday (N) Hip Hop Abs'G'
KATU Newsat 5 ABC World News With David Muir (N) n cc Extra (N) n 'PG' cc
P a id Program Exploration W/JarodExplore the North Derm Exclusive- Paid Program Paid Program CBS Evening News Miller Forget Surgery! west (N) cc Today's Hom(11:15) NASCARRacing NationwideSeries: AllianceTruck Parts ESPNSports Saturday(N) (Live) XTERRAAdven. Cars.TV n 'PG' cc Sports Stars of KEZI 9 Newsat 5:00 ABCWorld News tures 'PG' « Tomorrow 'Y7' eowner With David Muir 250 (N)(Live) (N) cc Entertainers: With Byron Allen Russell Paid Program Iron Man! Paid Program P aid Program Outdoorsman/Buck MLB Player Poll n MLB Baseball Seattle Mariners atOaklandAthletics FromO.coColiseumin Oakland Crowe; Beyonce;SamRockwell. 'PG' McNeely (El) cc Calif. (N) n (Live) « Fons & Porter's Quilting Arts Studio Simply Ming n America's Test Martha Stewart's MotorWeek MINI Woodwright's ShopThe American Hometime Plumbing Ask This Old House This Old House The Lawrence Welk 'G' « 'G' cc n 'G' 'G' cc Kitchen Show 'G' Love of Quilting Play! 'G' cc Cooking School Paceman (N)'G' Woodshop n 'G systems. 'G' (9:00) 2013U.S.OpenGolf Championship Third RoundFromMerion Golf Clubin Ardmore, Pa.(N) n (Live) « Pajanimals (El) 'Y' NewsChannel 8 at5PM(N) cc
KTVZDT2ChatRoom n (El) On the Spot n (El) Star Wars: The CloneWars Domino 'G' cc (CW) 'G' cc Squad trains onKamino.'PG' OPBPL (10:30) OSU Commencement cc Before Parks
Paid Program
Tyler Perry's House Tyler Perry's HouseTyler Perry's Meet Tyler Perry's Meet ** "TheAdventuresof BuckarooBanzai" (1984)Peter Weller, JohnLithgow. Space of Payne of Payne the Browns 'PG' the Browns 'PG' hero and teamvs. Dr. LizardoandRedLectroids. « N a t ure The Private Life Deer of n 'G' Pacific Heartbeat 'G' cc(DVS ) Rich a rd Bangs' Adventures Baking With Julia Cooking Class
Flip This HouseTheMontelongoBunch Flip This House Brent's BigBreakAr- Flip This House RoachHouse'PG' ss Flip This House AFlipping Wedding A Criminal Minds The teammust profile a Criminal Minds Murdervictim on theAp Update aretro house. 'PG' mandoputs Brent incharge. 'PG' Cape Cod-style home.'PG' cc senalkiller n 14 cc palachian Trail. n '14' cc ***"OnceUpona Timeinthe West" (1969,Western) HenryFonda,Claudia Cardinale, CharlesBronson.Agunmanattemptstocontrollandin ** " Wyatt Earp"(1994, Biography)Kevin Costner, DennisQuaid, GeneHackman. Portrait traces himfromboy 'AMC (11:30) 19th-centuryKansas. to lawman. *ANPL Tanked FermentingDonuts 'PG' « Tan k ed Nigiri andNBA the 'PG' « Ultimate Treehouses n 'PG' cc TreehouseMasters n 'PG' cc TreehouseMasters n 'PG My Cat FromHell Chubs'PG' cc BRAVO Housewives/OC Housewives/OC The Real Housewives of NewJersey The Real Housewives of New Jersey Million Dollar Listing New York '14' Million Dollar Listing NewYork '14' Reba 'PG' cc "BlueCollar ComedyTour" CMT (11:30) Hot 20Countdown Avisit from singer Tyler Farr. (N) n 'PG' « Hot 20 CountdownFather's DayEdition Avisit from singerTyler Farr. n 'PG' « CNBC Juice and Lose! 'G Get Sub D Like NewCarpet WEN Hair Care Roy Orbison No Defrosting Se xyBodies Ulti mate Factories Peterbilt 'G' American Greed CNN CNN Newsroom(N) Sanjay Gupta, MD CNN Newsroom(N) The Situation Room CNN Newsroom(N) Anderson CooperSpecial Report COM (10:42) ** "Beverly HillsCopli" (12:46) ** "There'sSomethingAbout Mary" (1998)Cameron Diaz, Matt Dilon, BenStiler. cc (3:21) *** "Beverly HilsCop" (1984)EddieMurphy,Judge Reinhold (5:41)Mr.Deeds COTV Paid Program P a id Program Paid Program Paid Program P a id Program E x t reme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW C ity Club of Central Oregon CSPAN (11:55) Public Affairs (1:05) HouseTechnology Subcommittee Thefuture of the Satellite TV Law. (N) Communicators First Ladies: Influence & ImageIdaMcKinley Dingell *DIS Jessie 'G' « A.N. T. Farm 'G' Good-Charlie G o o d-Charlie Good-Charlie Sh a ke It Up! 'G' Shake It Up! 'G Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Austin & Ally 'G Good-Charlie D o g With a Blog *DISC Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Street Outlaws MidnightRiders'14' Deadliest Catch GoodbyeJake'14' D e a dliest Catch n '14' cc Deadhest Catch n 14 cc Alaska: The Last Frontier '14' cc *E! Fashion Police F ashion Police Fashion Police F ashion Police Fashion Police '14 Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians E! News ESPN (11:30) SoccerConfederationsCup:Brazil vs. Japan(N) (Live) MLS Soccer FCDallas at PortlandTimbers(N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « College Baseball: NCAAWorld Series ESPN2 College Baseball NCAA WorldSeries —Mississippi State vs. OregonState Game1. FromOmaha, Neb. (N) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « NHRADrag Racing FordThunder Valley Nationals, Qualifying(N) « *** "Bigger, Stronger, Faster ESPNC Soccer 30 for 30 cc Sport Science(N) 30for30 cc ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter S p o rtsNatton (N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ** "TheSisterhoodol the Traveling Pants2" (2008)AmberTamblyn, Alexis Bledel ** "MrssCongeniality" (2000) FAM *** "TheSisterhoodo/the Traveling Pants" (2005)AmberTamblyn, Alexis Bledel FNC America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Cavuto/Business Cashin' In cc T h e Five (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) F O X Report (N) Huckabee(N) 'FOOD Chopped TakeHeart'G' MysteryDiners MysteryDiners R estaurant:Impossible'G' Restaurant Stakeout 'G Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Iron Chef America 'G' *** "Superbad" (2007,Comedy)Jonah Hil, Michael Cera,Christopher Mintz-Plasse. ** fpineapple Express" (2008,Comedy)Seth Rogen.A stoner fleesafter witnessing amurder FX UFC 161:Prelims HGTV House Crashers House Crashers Love It or List It 'G' « Pets at Home Pets at Home High Low Proj. H igh Low Proj Flea Market Flip Flea Market Flip Staged Perf. Sta ged Perf *HIST Swamp PeopleCursed'PG' cc Swamp People Ride orDie'PG' cc Swamp PeopleDevoured'PG' cc SwampPeopl eYoungBlood'PG Swamp Peopl eDeadlyDuo'PG'cc SwampPeopleLightningStrikes 'PG LIFE Wife SwapFigaratto/Martinez n 'PG' Wife SwapFunderburgh/Warren'PG' Pretty Wicked Moms'14' « Pretty Wtcked Moms 14 « Dead al 17" (2008,Drama)Barbara Niven,JohnBregar. '14' « MSNBC (11:00) MSNBC Live (N) Disrupt With KarenFinney (N) The Ed Show(N) Caught on CameraNarrowEscape Caught on Camera Caught on CameraSurprise! MTV Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n (1:41) *** "8Mile" (2002, Drama)Eminem,Kim Basinger. A Detroit man tries toachieve successasa rapper Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n NICK Monsters, Alien Sanjay and Craig Power Rangers SpongeBob Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents ** "Scooby-Doo"(2002)Freddie PrinzeJr., SarahMichelle Gellar. n cc Undercover Boss BudgetBlinds 'PG Undercover BossChicagoCubs'PG' Undercover Boss Chiquita 'PG' « Undercover Boss BajaFresh n 'PG' U ndercover Boss Subway'PG' « OWN Undercover Boss n 'PG' cc Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 PAC12 Pac-12 Football in 60 SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares (4:15) ** "NationalTreasure:Bookol Secrets" (2007)NicolasCage. n ** "Cirque duFreak:Theyar nPie's Assistant" (2009)JohnC. Reily. « SYFY (11:30) ** "Daybreakers" (2009)EthanHawke. « Houseo/Bones"(2010, Horror) CharismaCarpenter, Corin Nemec. '14' « ** The Mist TBN Paws & Tales Chr. World News ** "A Letter toDad" (1994, Drama)JohnAshton A Father's Heart Gaither: Precious Memories In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley 'G (El) Heroes & Legends of Bible ** "yes Man"(2008,Comedy)Jim Carrey,ZooeyDeschanel,BradleyCooper.A man Everybody Loves Friends n 'PG' cc Friends n 'PG' cc Friends n 'PG' cc Friends TheOne The KingofQueens *TBS (11:00) *** "B/ades o/ Glory" (2007,Com tries to changehis life by saying yesto everything. «(DVS) Raymond n 'PG' With Russ n 'PG' n 'PG' edy) Will Ferrell. «(DVS) Wind"(1956, Drama)RockHudson, LaurenBacall, Robert Stack. A ** "TheOutlaw" (1943,Western) JaneRussell, Jack Buetel, Walter Huston. Bily the **** "ThePalmBeachStory" (1942) (11:00) *** "The DefiantOnes" (1958) ** "Written on the TCM Tony Curtis, SidneyPoitier. newlywedgetsentangled in herhusband's family life. Kid andDocHolliday becomefriends. Claudette Colbert, JoelMcCrea. 'TLC My First Home (N) My First Home (N) Hoarding: Buried Alive n 'PG' cc Hoarding: Buried Alive n 'PG' cc Hoarding: Buried Alive n 'PG' « Hoa r ding: Buried Alive n 'PG' s«s Hoarding: Buried Alive n 'PG' « * "LawAbiding Citizen" (2009)Jamie Foxx, GerardButler, Colm Meaney. A prosecutor (2:15) **"Along Came a Jeopardy" (1999)TommyLee Jones. Jailed for her Spider"(2001, Mystery) MorganFreeman, Monica Potter, Michael Wincott. A detec *** "Double 'TNT gets caught up in avengeful prisoner's twisted scheme. «(DVS) tive and aSecret Serviceagent investigate an abduction. « husband's murder, awomanlearns helives. "TOON JohnnyTest' Y7' JohnnyTest'Y7' JohnnyTest'YT' World ofGumball World of Gumball World of Gumball MAD 'PG' Incredible Crew Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show 'TRAV Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food 'PG' Man v. Food 'PG' Man v. Food 'G Rock My RV R o c k My RV Coa ster Wars C o aster Wars C o aster Wars Coaster Wars S t r eet Eats USA 'G' « TVLND The CosbyShow The Cosby Show (1:12) TheCosby Show n 'PG' cc The CosbyShow (2:24) Roseanne Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls ** "WelcomeHomeRoscoe Jenkins" (2008)Martin Lawrence.« USA * "Little Fockers" (2010,Comedy) Robert DeNiro, BenStiller. «(DVS) NCIS Murderof anaval officer. n '14' N CIS Suspect is presumeddead. '14' VH1 I'm Married to A... (12:40) CouplesTherapy n '14' (1:45) Hit the FloorGameOnJelena targets Ahsha.'14' (2:50) Hit the Floor Out ofBounds'14' (3:55) Saturday Night Live '1 4' cc Sat u rday Night Live n '14' cc *A&E
f (11:15) ** RedDawn"1984 cc
(1:10) *** "Ali" 2001,BiographyWil Smith. Basedonthelife story of legendary boxer MuhammadAli. n 'R' « (3:50) *** "Po/tergeist" 1982Craig T. Nelson. n 'PG (5:45)Bulletproof *** "Megamnin2010, " ComedyVoices of Wil Ferrell, Brad Pitt. 'PG' a«a **"TheSeeker:TheDarklsRising"2007lanMcShane.'PG' « * "Zoom" 2006TimAllen. Anex-superhero mentors ragtagchildren. 'PG (11:00) UFC:Nogueira vs.Werdum UFC Tonight U F C Insider UFC 161: Weigh-In UFC Countdown Strangers Strangers ** "TheGreatestGameEverPlayed" (2005,Drama)Shia LaBeouf, StephenDilane (11:30) ** "TheGreatestGameEverPlayed" (2005, Drama)Shia LaBeouf Live From(N) (Live) *** "C/ass" (2010,Drama)Jodi LynO'Keefe, Justin Bruening. 'PG' « *** "Wedding Daze"(2004)'PG' HALL (11:00) "OperationCupcake" 'G' « TheNear/yweds" (2013)Daniele Panabaker, NaomiJudd. 'G' « *** "Behind the Candelabra" 2013,DocudramaMichael Douglas. n « HBO ** "Trouble With the Curve" 2012, DramaClint Eastwood. n 'PG-13' cc Thunderstruck" 2012KevinDurant. n 'PG' cc (5:45) FastFive * "Crank: High Voltage" 2009 'R IFC (12:15) ** "C/ash oltheTilans"1981,FantasyHarryHamlin, LaurenceOlivier. 'PG (2:45) *** "District9" 2009,ScienceFiction Sharlto Copley, JasonCope, David James. 'R ** "Anacondas:TheHunt for the Biood Orchid" 2004 MAX Chronicles-Ridd (12:45) *** "Primal Fear"1996, CrimeDramaRichard Gere,LauraLinney. n 'R' cc (4:40) ** "Savages"2012Taylor Kitsch. n 'R' cc NBCSN IndyCar Racing IndyCar Racing MilwaukeeIndyFest Fromthe MilwaukeeMile in WestAllis, Wis. (N) (Live) NHL Live (N)(Live) 2013 Stanley CupFinal Breakout Freedom Fighter Escape'14 Alaska StateTroopers '14' NGC Breakout TheRealMacgyver'14' Breakout TunnelBreak'14 Breakout EscapeFromSupermax'14' Alaska StateTroopers'14 NTOON Monsuno: Com. Huntik: Secrets The Penguins T h e Penguins Wild Grinders 'YT' Wild Grinders 'Y7' NFL RushZone NFL Rush Zone Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender Avatar: Airbender OUTD Fishing University Lindners Fish Hook-N-Look Trevor Gowdy The Bassmasters ClassicDay2 Pt. 1 Outdoors Flyrod Chronicles Buccaneers Pro TeamJournal Gridiron Outdoors Steve's Outdoor ** "Knuckleball!"2012, Documentary n 'NR' « SHO ** "Peop/eLikeUs"2012, DramaChris Pine,Olivia Wilde. n 'PG-13' « 60 Minutes Sports n '14' « (4:35) ** "Steel Dawn"1987Patrick Swayze. 'R' « SPEED Monster Jam On the Edge'PG' Rolex Sports Car SeriesRacing Mid-OhioFromMid-Ohio Sports CarCourse, Lexington.(N) (Live) SPEEDCenter(N) TORC:TheOffRoadChampionship STARZ (10:40)"TheAmazingSpider-Man" (1:05) ***"BadSanta"2003Bily BobThornton. 'R' (2:45) *** "PremiumRush"2012JosephGordon-Levitt. n 'PG-13' « (4:20) *** "Moneyball"2011 BradPitt. 'PG-13' « TMC DeadManRunning" 2009DannyDyer. n 'R' « (1:35) ** "RedemptionRoad" 2010 Michael Clarke Duncan.'PG-13' « (3:20) *** "Chicago" 2002,Musical CatherineZeta-Jones. n 'PG-13' « Lega//yBlonde2 "WE House of Curves '14 Bridezillas HaleyandAriel '14' Bridezillas Dezjuanand Ariel '14' Bridezillas AmandaandDekeydra '14' Marriage Boot Camp: Bridezillas '14' Marriage Boot Camp: Bridezillas '14
THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
c II
KATU Newsat 6 Bob Dylan, The Jeopardy! 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune Zero Hour ChainLaila looksfor a Zero Hour SuspensionHankbecomes Mistresses Pilot Savannahis attracted KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle rr 'PG' cc Byrds Hawaii 'G' to a colleague. n '14' (ABC) (N) vr cc chance toescape.(N) 'PG' « confusedaboutLaila. 'PG' (N) r1 cc Saturday Night Live HostBenAffleck; NewsChannel 21 Saturday Night KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel21NBCNightly NewsJeopardy! 'G' « Wheel of Fortune Chicago FireAmbitionCaseyreceives Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (NBC) at 6 (N) cc (N) cc Hawaii 'G' an unexpectedvisit. o '14' Undercover Blue r1 14 « KanyeWestperforms. rr '14' at11 (N) cc Liv e '14' cc BurnNoticeLongWayBackA man New Adventures New Adventures The Mentalist Investigating ayoung Blue Bloods GreenerGrass Danny 48 Hours Murdersanddisappearances KOIN Local 6at11 (11:35) Baggage KBNZ '14' cc from Fiona's past. 'PG' cc on a highway. n '14' « (CBS) of Old Christine of Old Christine botanist's death. n '14' cc protects Erin's keywitness. n '14' (N) cc West andZero Hour Chain Laila looksfor a Zero Hour SuspensionHankbecomes Mistresses Pilot Savannahis attracted KEZI 9 Newsat Paid Program KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment Tonight Kanye Kim Kardashian.(N) n « to a colleague. n '14' (ABC) 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « chanceto escape.(N)'PG' « confusedaboutLaila. 'PG' 11:00 (N) cc Hell's Kitchen Formerrunners-up chal KFXO I(g g} IK! g) (4:00) MLBBaseball Seattle Marinersat Criminal Minds Asuspect impregnates CSE Miami Big Brother Horatio mustfind Bones Mysteriousdeathof anoffice News Channel 21 Two and a Half (FOX) OaklandAthletics (N) « young women. rr '14' « his brother's killer. '14' manager. rr '14' « First on FOX M en '14' cc lenge thechefs. rr (PA) '14' Tigers at Doc Martin GoingBodminMartin's first New Tricks BlueFlower Aman's last Masterpiece Mystery! Wallanderassists KOAB ~ gy ~ gy (5:30)TheLaw- LastoftheSum Art Wolfe's Trav- Rick Steves' Eu- Globe Trekker Bangladesh (PBS) rence WelkShow mer Wine n 'G' els to the Edge rope 'G' cc Sun derban National Park. 'PG' patient. n 'PG' cc words were'blue ilower'. n the police in Riga. n '14' NBC Nightly News Northwest Back Inside Edition Grants Getaways Chicago FireAmbitionCaseyreceives Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Saturday Night Live HostBenAffleck NewsChannel 8 at (11:29)Saturday KGW 'PG' roads'G' Weekend 'PG' KanyeWestperforms. n '14' Night Live '14' (NBC) (N) cc an unexpectedvisit. n '14' UndercoverBlue n '14' « 11(N) cc Cops Fort Worth, Cops Fort Worth, That '70s Show n That '70s Show The Border Kessler iskidnappedby the KTVZDT2 @ ~ @ @ ** "LikeFather,LikeSon" (1987)DudleyMoore, Kirk Cameron.A potionswaps Cheaters In asex shopwithanother '14' « the personalities of asurgeonandhis teenageson. « woman rr 14 cc Texas '14' « Tex as '14' « Holy Craps!'PG Taliban. n '14' cc (CW) *** "ThreeCameHome"(1950) ClaudetteColbert, Patric Knowles. OPBPL 175 17 3 C ONSTITUTION USA-Sagal Just Seen It 'PG' Music Voyager Legends & Lyrics n 'G' cc Austin City Limits Spoon n 'PG' KATU
Longmire UnquietMindEscapedprison Longmire Carcasses A body is discov- Longmire Ashepherdand his dogare (11:01) The Glades Kiler BarbecueA 3 28 1 8 32 Criminal Minds Anrecently Minds Proof Aseries of mur- ers hide on amountain. '14' commits murder. '14' ccparoled man Criminal ders in Okl ahoma. '14' cc ered in acompostheap. '14' found dead 14 cc barbecuebaron is killed. '14' (3:30) ** "WyattEarp"(1994,Biography) Kevin Costner, DennisQuaid, Gene *** "16 Blocks" (2006, Action) BruceWilis, Mos Def. Premiere. A world-weary *** "!6 Blocks"(2006, Action) BruceWilis, Mos Def, DavidMorse. A world 'AMC Hackman.Portrait traces himfrom boyto lawman. cop protects awitnessfromassassins. cc weary copprotects a witnessfromassassins. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 MyCatFromHeffn'PG' cc Too Cute! TinyGiants n 'G' cc My Cat FromHell (N) n 'PG My Cat FromHell: Scratch Tracks Tanked Jurassic Campground'PG' My Cat From Hell n 'PG BRAVO 13 44 Mil l ion Dollar Listing New York '14 Million Dollar Listing New York '14' ** "Walking Tal(2004) l" TheRock,Johnny Knoxvile. Premiere ** "Walking Tal(2004, l" Action) TheRock, JohnnyKnoxvile ** "Ace Ventura:Pel Detective" (1994, Comedy)Jim Carrey. rr « CMT 190 32 42 53 "BlueCollar ComedyTour" Redneck Island(N) n '14 Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt (N)'14' Ron White: A Little Unprofessional CNBC 54 36 40 52 TheSuzeOrmanShow(N) « Debt Do UsPart Debt Do Us Part American Greed The SuzeOrmanShow « Debt Do UsPart Debt Do Us Part SexyBodies Po wer- Control CNN 55 38 35 48 Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anderson CooperSpecial Report Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Anderson Cooper Special Report *** "I Loveyou, Man" (2009) Paul Rudd,Jason Segel. cc COM 13 53 135 47 (5:41) *"Mr. Deeds"(2002,Comedy)AdamSandler (7:43) **"Harold & KumarEscape FromGuanfanamo Bay" (2008)Kal Penn. « COTV 11 Talk of the Town Local issues. Des e rt Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Dingeff (6:35) NewtonAction Affiance (N) The Future of Mobile Technology Cars-Future H o noring Rep. John Dingeff (10:15) NewtonAction Affiance The Future of Mobile Technology *** "Monsters, lnc." (2001), Billy Crystal n « 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin &Affy'G' Jessie'G' « Aus t in I Affy'G Good-Charlie Good-Charlie (9:40) Jessie 'G' Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G Jessie 'G' « *DISC 15 21 16 37 Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Mermaids: TheNew Evidence'PG Al a ska: The Last Frontier n '14' Mermaids: TheBodyFound:TheExtendedCutn 'PG'cc Mermaids: TheBody Found *E! ** "Made ofHonor" (2008)Patrick Dempsey.Premiere 13 25 * * "Th e Lake House" (2006)KeanuReeves, SandraBullock The Wanted Life '14' Fashion Police (N)'14 ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:00)CollegeBaseballNCAA WorldSeries-Indianavs. Louisville(N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Drag Racing B a sebaff Tonight (N) (Live) « Lombardi's Legacy SportsCenter (N) « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « U.S. OpenGolf Championship ***"Bigger, Stronger, Faster"(2008, Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) "Bigger, Stronger,Faster 30for30 cc 30 for 30 cc 30for30 cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter S p ortsNation E:60 E:60 E:60 ** "You Again" (2010)Kristen Bell, Jamie LeeCurtis *"Whenin Rome"(2010)Kristen Bell, JoshDuhamel, Anjelica Huston FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:00) ** "MissCongeniality The Fosters Pilot vr '14' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Justice With JudgeJeanine(N) Geraldo at Large(N) n 'PG' cc Red Eye(N) Justice With JudgeJeanine Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye *FOOD 17 62 98 44 FoodNetworkStar'G Chopped GottaGrill! 'G Chopped Grilltastic! 'G Chopped CleaverFever'G' Chopped Cook Your Butt Off! 'G Iron Chef America 'G *** "IronMan"(2008,Action) Robert DowneyJr. A bilionaire dons anarmored suit to fight criminals ** "Knight and Day"(2010,Action) TomCruise, CameronDiaz. FX 131 UFC 161: Prelims HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I Love It or List It Ramos'G' cc Love It or List It 'G' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36Swamp People Sabotaged' PG' Swamp People 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 "Girl Fight"(2011,Docudrama)AnneHeche, JamesTupper. '14' « GoneMissing" (2013)DaphneZuniga, GageGolightly. Premiere. « "A Mother'sNightmare"(2012, Suspense)Annabeth Gish. '14' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup: HolmanStaff shortages. Lockup: RawNineviolent criminals. Lockup: RawViolence BehindBars Lockup: Raw Hell in a Cell Lockup: Corcoran Lockup: CorcoranGangmembers ** "Jackass3D" (2010,Comedy)Johnny Knoxvile. Premiere. n MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness ** "Jackass3.5" (2011,Comedy)JohnnyKnoxvile, BamMargera. n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S a njay, Craig Odd Parents S a m & Cat 'G' Sam I Cat 'G' Marvin Marvin Big Time Rush Wendeff-Vinnie TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Fri endsn 'PG' (11:33) Friends Golden Sisters Golden Sisters Raising Whitley Raising Whitley OWN 161 103 31 103 Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Life, La Toya Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 Pac-12 Football in 60 PAC12 47 310310310 Pac-12Football in 60 ** "NationalTreasure:Bookol Secrets" (2007) n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:15) ** "NationalTreasure: Bookof Secrets" n (7:36) *** "Rememberthe Tifans" (2000, Drama)Denzel Washington, Will Patton. n ** "The Mist"(2007) « SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:30) ** "The Mist"(2007) ThomasJane, Marcia GayHarden. « Sinbad Pilot 'PG' « Sinbad 'PG' « Primeval: NewWorld Sisiutl '14' TBN 205 60 130 Hour of Power Billy GrahamClassic Crusades "Pendragon: Sword ofHis Father" (2008) AaronBurns, Marilyn Burns ** "A Letter toDad" (1994,Drama)JohnAshton A Father's Heart Tlle Klng of Tll e Blg Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Sullivan & Son'14' Who Gets the Last 'TBS 16 27 11 28 Tlle Klng of Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Laugh? '14' (5:00)"ThePa™(6:45)**"GoldDiggersinParis"(1938)RudyVallee,RosemaryLane,Hugh ** "SweetMusic" (1935,Musical Comedy)RudyVallee, AnnDvorak. A band Now Playing July *** "Nightol theCreeps" (1986)Jason TCM 014410129 BeachStory" H e r bert. Dancers bluff their wayto Francebywinning a contest. leader woos asinger to get her tosign acontract. Lively, SteveMarshall. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « D atel i ne: Real Life Mysteries '14' D a t eline: Real Life Mysteries '14 Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14' D a teline: Real Life Mysteries (N) Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14 (4:30) "Double (6:45) **"Limitless" (2011,Suspense) Bradley Cooper, Robert DeNiro, AbbieCornish.Premiere. A AFI Life AchievementAward: A Tribute to Mel Brooks AFI Life Achievement Award: A Tribute to Mel Brooks cc *TNT Jeopardy"(1999) writer takes a mind-enhancingdrug. « (N) cc *TOON 84 ol a WimpyKid: Rodrick Rules" (2011)ZacharyGordon Regular Show Regular Show ** "Diary Home Movies n King of the Hill Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 Cleveland Show The Boondocks *TRAV 17 51 45 42 StreetEatsAsia'PG' cc Mysteries at the Museum'PG' Mon umental Mysteries 'PG' « GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« F r i ends n 'PG' Friends n 'PGFriends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Friends n '14' Friends n '14' (11:05) Friends (11:36) Friends TVLND 65 47 29 35 TheGoldenGirls TheGoldenGirls Friends 'PG' F r iends 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCISDeliverancen'PG' « NCIS Good Cop, BadCopn '14' NC I S Faith n 'PG' « NCIS Rule Fifty-One n '14' cc NCIS Spider andthe Fly 'PG' cc Graceland GuadalajaraDog'14' *** "InterviewIVith the Vampire" (1994)TomCruise, Brad Pitt. A vampirerecalls the tragic events of his 200-year life. n VH1 191 48 37 54 *** "TheLost Boys" (1987) JasonPatric, Corey Haim. n cc Couples Therapy *A&E
** "Reindeer Games"2000BenAffleck. 'R' « Magic City n 'MA' cc ** Red Dawn 7 10 ) ***"TheBourneSupremacy" 2004Matt Damon. 'PG13' « * "Zoom" 2006TimAllen. An ex-superhero mentors ragtagchildren * "GentlemenBroncos" 2009Michael Angarano.'PG-13' « 104 204104120 *** "Megamind"2010, ComedyVoices of Will Ferrell. 'PG' ©c 34 Strangers Str a ngers Moto rcycle Racing High Point NationalFromMt.Morris, Pennsylvania. Clean Break C l ean Break U F C Post Fight Show (N) (Live) U F C Post Fight Show 28 301 27 301(4:30) Live From Live From Live From Live From HALL 66 33 175 33 (5:00)"WeddingDaze" (2004)'PG' "Be MyValentine" (2013)Wiliam Baldwin, Natalie Brown.'G' « NotesFromDad" (2013, Drama)Eddie Cibrian. Premiere. 'G' « "NotesFromDad" (2013)'G' « *** "The Dark Knight Rises" 2012, Action Christian Bale. Premiere. n 'PG-13' cc HBO 425 501 425501 (5:45) ** "FastFive"2011, Action Vin Diesel. n 'PG-13' « (10:45) Boxing MikeyGarciavs.Juan Manuel Lopez *** "Jarhead" 2005JakeGyllenhaal. Marinesbandtogether duringtheGulf War. 'R * "Crank:High Voltage" 2009, Action JasonStatham, AmySmart. 'R' *** Jarhead IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) * "Cran/cHigh Voltage" 'R' *** "Heat" 1995, CrimeDramaAl Pacino, Val Kilmer. n 'R' cc MAX 400508 508 (4:40) ** "Savages"2012 n 'R (6:50) ** "Sherlock Holmes:A Gameol Shadows" 2011'PG-13' cc Banshee Meetthe NewBoss'MA' NBCSN 27 58 30 209 2013Stanley Cup Final: Bruins at Blackhawks NHL Live (N) Stanley Rewind Stanley Rewind NHL 36 'G ' 100 Years of the TourFrance de 'G Ultimate Survival Alaska: T Ultimate Survival Alaska 'PG Alaska StateTroopers'14' NGC 157 15 7 U l t imate Survival Alaska 'PG' Ultimate Survival Alaska: T DoomsdayPreppers Italy (N)'14' NTOON 89 115189115 Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Sanjay, Craig Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Danny Phantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 307 43 307 Outdoors Trophy Quest Best of West M arc & Todd's Heartland Bow Your Weapon Ted Nugent A m erican Archer Ivan Carter Ma r c & Todd's West. Extremes Best of West ** "Saw" 2004,HorrorCary Elwes,Danny Glover. n 'R' « *** "TheCrow" 1994 BrandonLee. n 'R' acc SHO 500 50 0 * * S t eelDawn * " B rake"2012, Action Stephen Dorff. n'R' « (11:45) Gigolos SPEED 35 303125303 RoadChamp NASCARRacing Richard Petty: A Racer's Life 'PG TORC:TheOff Road Championship Bark River Unique Whips '14' *** "BadSanta" 2003 Bily BobThornton. n 'R' STARZ 300408300408 (4:20) Moneyball (6:40) *** "TheAmazing Spider Man"2012,Action AndrewGarfield. n 'PG-13' « Magic City n 'MA' « Magic City 'MA "Legally Blonde2 *"FromDuskTill Dawn2: TexasBlood Money" 'R' "From DuskTil Dawn3: TheHangman's Daughter TMC 5 25 5 2 5 (7:05) *"The ThreeMusketeers" 2011 MatthewMacFadyen. 'PG-13 *WE 14 41 174118 Marriage Boot Camp:Brideziffas P r egnant & Dating Parties '14 Pregnant 8 Dating Revelations '14' Brideziffas- BootCampCouples M a rriage Boot Camp: Brideziffas * "C oyote Ugly" 2000'NR ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
106401 306401(5 45) *"Bulletproof"1996n 'R' (
THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013
KATU Good Morning America (N) «
'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. II
KATU News This Morning - Sun(N) n «
KTVZ Hip Hop Abs'G'
Your Voice, Your Paid Program This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopoulos Mom Is 57, Looks Made in America Vote (N) 'G' cc 27!'G' 2013 U.S.OpenGolf Championship Final RoundFromMerion Golf Clubin Ardmore, Pa.(N) n (Live) cc
The Chris Matthews TodayDavidGregory;Father's Day.(N) Meet the Press (N) 'G' cc Show 'G' n cc Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program KBNZ Gary Lewis' Adven CBS NewsSunday Morning Thewives of astronauts; JimGaf- Face the Nation (N) n « figan. (N) n cc (CBS) ture Journal Things That Bug Good Morning America (N) « This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopoulos Today's HomDr. 0 weight loss Paid Program Steel Dreams G « Cars.TV n 'PG' cc Sports Stars of KOHD Paid Program You 'G' (N) 'G' cc eowner secret! Tomorrow 'Y7' (ABC) Paid Program A n imal Rescue n The Real Winning FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace Paid Program Paid Program Improve Memory Iron Man! Whacked Out Bloopers n 'PG' cc KFXO Paid Program (El) 'G' cc Edge 'G' cc (FOX) (N) n cc Sports n 'PG' Th omas & Friends Bob the Builder 'Y Rick Steves' EuropeArt Wolfe's Travels Nature Hummingbirdsaretiny andtough NOVA ApeGeniusSecret mental lives of KOAB Betsy's Kindergar Angelina Ballerina: Mister Rogers' D a niel Tiger's n'G' cc n'G' cc (DVS) Neighborhood Y Neighborhood'Y' Y cc (DVS) ©c ( DVS) to the Edge (PBS) ten Adventures Next great apes. n 'PG' cc(DVS) Justin Time (El) 'Y' The ChicaShow Meet the Press (N)'G' « 2013 U.S.OpenGolf Championship Final RoundFromMerion Golf Clubin Ardmore, Pa.(N) n (Live) « KGW NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise (N) «
(EI) 'Y'
P a id Program P a id Program I nTouch With Dr. Charles Stanley The Key of David 'PG' cc Battle Hair Loss 'G' Live Longer! importance ofobedience.(N) 'G' Changing Seas n The Aviators 'G' Bird's Blue World Between, Lines The Back Page Just Seen It 'PG' On Story 'G' cc PSU Commencement'G
KTVZDT2 Joint Pain Relief In Paid Program
(CW) Just 7 Days! OPBPL organic-michele
Paid Program
Animal Science n Elizabeth's Great (El) 'G' cc Big World
Sexy Bodies: Miami Criminal Minds Retaliation Amanbegins a Criminal Minds Hotch hasa hardtime The GladesKiler BarbecueA barbecue Longmire UnquietMindEscapedprisoners Longmire CarcassesA body is discovered Beach killing spree. n '14' cc returning to work. n '14' cc baron is killed. 14 cc hide on amountain. '14' cc in a compostheap. '14' cc MadMenFarAwayPlaces Peggyisupset MadMenDon,RogerandPetedrumup MadMenFavorsBettymakesplansfor (9:05) The Killing Seventeen Sarah joins (10:04) *** "Grease"(1978, Musical) JohnTravolta, Olivia Newton-John. Disparate 'AMC Sally's future. '14' cc by a difficult pitch. '14' « business. '14' cc thetaskforce.n « summerlovers meetagain ashigh-school seniors. « *ANPL The Most Extreme The Most Extreme Weird, True Wei rd, True Unt amed and Uncut n '14' cc Call.Wildman C a ll-Wildman C a l l-Wildman C a l l-Wildman C a l l-Wildman Call-Wildman BRAVO The Week byBravo '14' Below Deck Mil l ion Dollar Listing New York '14' M i l lion Dollar Listing New York '14' N e wlyweds: The First Year '14' Newlyweds: TheFirst Year '14' Newlyweds CMT CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music 'PG' Hot 20 Countdown CNBC Get Sub D Insanity! TRIA Cook Safe No Defrosting D e epClean Cook Safe Like NewCarpet Kitchen Insanity! Healing Power of Juicing 'G' CNN State of the Union Fareed ZakariaGPS(N)'14' Reliable Sources (N) « State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS'14' CNN Newsroom(N) (Live) Paid Program Like NewCarpet Comedy Central Chappelle's Show Chappel COM Hair Re-Growth Paid Program le'sShow Chappel le'sShow (9:52) ** "There'sSomethingAbout Mary" (1998)CameronDiaz. « COTV (5:30) City Club ofCentral Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW Paid Program P a id Program Paid Program P a id Program CSPAN (4:00) WashingtonJournal (N) (Live) Newsmakers Washington This We ek Washington ThisWeek *DIS Octonauts n 'Y Mickey Mouse M i ckey Mouse Doc McStuffins 'Y Never Land Sof i a the First 'Y *** "Monsters,inc." (2001)Voicesof JohnGoodman. Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Au s tin & Ally 'G' *DISC Jillian Michaels The Key of David Paid Program n SexyBodies (7:58) JoelOsteen (8:27) In Touch'G MythBusters n 'PG' « Deadliest Catch n '14' cc North America n 'PG' cc *E! Total Gym Cindy Crawford The Soup '14' True Hollywood Fashion Police F ashion Police Fashion Police F ashion Police F ashion Police '14' E! News(N) ESPN Outside the Lines Sports Reporters SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Soccer ESPN2 NASCAR Now(N) (Live) « Outside the Lines Sports Reporters SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NHRA DragRacing FordThunder Valley Nationals FromBristol, Tenn. « ESPNC A Fighting Chance cc SEC Storied cc SEC Storied cc American Man"(2012, Documentary) « 30for30cc The Dotted Line ESPNN SportsCenter « E:80 Outside the Lines The Sports Re Outside the Lines The Sports Re SportsCenter S p o rtsNation Sp o rtsCenter (N) SportsCenter (N) ***"The Sisterhood ofthe Traveling Pants"(2005) AmberTamblyn, Alexis Bledel FAM JosephPri nce'G' TheSundayMass *** "Hairspray"(2007)JohnTravolta.A BaItimore girl becomes an overnight celebrity. FNC (3:00) FOX Housecall (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday and Friends Sunday(N) News HQ 'FOOD Cindy Crawford Say NotoPain'G' RachaelRay'sWeekina Day 'G' Giada at Home'G' Trisha's Southern Pioneer Wo. Best Dishes Home for Dinner Guy's Big Bite 'G Sandwich King'G' BarbecueAddi. FX Say No to Pain'G' Total Gym Two andHalfMen Two and HalfMen Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two and Half Men Two andHal fMen Two and HalfMen Two andHal fMen Two and HalfMen HGTV Cindy Crawford Say No to Botox! Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins 'G' « Property Brothers 'G' « *HIST Paid Program Live Longer! Modern Marvels Extreme Gadgets 'G Cajun PawnStars Cajun PawnStars Cajun PawnStars Cajun PawnStars Cajun PawnStars Cajun PawnStars Cajun PawnStars Cajun PawnStars LIFE Montel Williams Juice and Lose! In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley 'G Get Sub D David Jeremiah JoelOsteen'PG Unsolved Mystenes 14 « Cindy Crawford Unsolved Mysteries '14' « MSNBC (5:00) Upw/Steve Kornacki (N ) Meli ssa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt (N) Meet the Press cc MTV Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Guy Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' *** "8 Mile"(2002) Eminem.n NICK Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G' Odd Parents Odd Parents Power Rangers SpongeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob Sa n jay and CraigTeenageMut. M o nsters, Alien Rachael Ray n 'G' « Dr. Phil Guestswhoare too sexy. 'PG Dr. Phil n 'PG' acc OWN The Nate Berkus Show n 'PG' cc Super Soul Sunday n 'PG'acc Super SoulSunday (N) n 'PG PAC12 Women's CollegeSoccer OregonState at Oregon Women's CollegeSoccer Oregonat Washington Women's Soccer Women's CollegeSoccerTennesseeatUCLA SPIKE Paid Program n Say No to Pain 'G' LitlGiant Like NewCarpet Paid Programn Insanity! n 'G Search/Restore Horsepower TV Trucks!'G'« Mus c leCarn'G' T attooNightmares BarRescue'PG' SYFY Keurig Brewer Like NewCarpet No Defrosting DeepClean No Defrosting Cook Safe Sinbad 'PG' « Primeval: NewWorld '14' cc Primeval: NewWorld Sisiutl '14' TBN Kingdom Conn David Jeremiah Kenneth Hagin Winning Walk 'G Joseph Prince'G Redemption 'G' Love/Finding In Touch 'PG' PowerPoint cc I t Is Written 'G' B a yless Conley Time-Change My Name Is Earl n My NameIs Earln Fnends n PG cc Friends n (Part1 ofFriends n (Part 2 of Sullivan I Son '14 Who Gets the Last MLB Baseball LosAngelesDodgersat Pittsburgh Pirates From *TBS Married... With Chil Married... With Chil-'14' cc '14' cc dren n 'PG' dren n 'PG' 2) 'PG' cc 2) 'PG' cc Laugh? '14' PNC Park in Pittsburgh.(Li (N) ve) « **** "Fatherofthe Bride" (1950)Spencer Tracy. A family ago (8:45) **** "CitizenKane" (1941,Drama)OrsonWelles, JosephCotten, RuthWarrick. OrsonWelles' classic *** "Aii the King's Men"(1949) Broderick (5:00) *** "The Courtship oiEddie' s TCM Father" (1963)GlennFord. nizes over abride-to-be's immensewedding. about a publisher's risetopower. «(DVS) Crawford, JoanneDru. « 'TLC TapouT XT DeepClean Faith-Dr. Frederick K.C. Price TRIA Summer Hair Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress 72 Hours Theteamsfacemassivesand Falling Skies On Thin IceTomis electedto Falling Skies CollateralDamageTom Countdown to Green(N)(Live) cc N A SCAR Racing Sprint Cup:Quicken Loans400FromMichigan International Speed 'TNT dunes. '14' « a political office. '14' « enlists a nuclearspecialist. '14' « way in Brooklyn,Mich.(N) (Live) « "TOON Looney Tunes'Y LooneyTunes Dragons: Ri ders Johnny Test'Y7' Beyblade:Metal Pokemon: BW Ben 10 NinjaGo: Masters Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! Teen Titans Go! 'TRAV Nopalea with TRIA When Vacations Attack 'PG' cc Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « Off Limits 'PG' Off Limits 'PG' M o numental Mysteries 'PG' « Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « TVLND The CosbyShow The CosbyShow (7:12) TheCosby Show n 'PG' cc T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show TheCosbyShow The CosbyShow The SoulMan The Soul Man Hot in Cleveland Hot inCleveland USA Cook Safe DeepClean Cook Safe David Jeremiah Pastor Chris Joe l Osteen 'PG' Necessary Roughness'PG' Graceland GuadalajaraDog'14' Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n VH1 Jump Start n 'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n Top 20 VideoCountdown n Couples Therapy n '14' Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14 *A&E
WEN HairCare
*** "CoalMiner'sDaughter"1980, BiographySissy Spacek. 'PG' « Stranded n (Part 1 of 2)'PG' « (8:10) ** "Only You"1994, Romance-ComedyMarisaTomei. n 'PG' « (11:35) Stranded *** "FollowtheSun" 1951 Glenn Ford. 'NR' ©c *** "Francis cf Assisi"1981, BiographyBradford Dilman. 'NR' « I Wonder Iyho'sKissing HerNow" (8:45) * "YoungJesse James"1960 RayStricklyn. 'NR UFC Post Fight Show The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG Boxing Rematch:Jannet Perezvs. IrmaGarcia cc UFC Insider UF C : Barao vs. McDonald Live From(N)(Live) Morning Drive(N) (Live) In Play Big BreakMexico Big Break Mexico Greatest Game HALL ILoveLucy'G' I Love Lucy'G' ILoveLucy'G' I Love Lucy'G' I Love Lucy'G' I Love Lucy'G' The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls The Golden Girls *** "Wedding Daze"(2004)'PG' HBO ** The Clearing I H ave Tourette's(7:15) ** "Happy FeetTvro"2011 Voicesof Elijah Wood.n 'PG' cc Boxing MikeyGarciavs. JuanManuel Lopez n cc (11:15) *** "Contagion" 2011 cc IFC (4:15) District 9 'R' Dilbert 'PG' « Dilbert 'PG' « Dil b ert 'PG' « Dilb ert 'PG' « Dilb ert 'PG' « Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Malcolm in Middle MAX (5:50) *"TheArt of Getting By" n (7:15) ** f Hop" 2011,ComedyVoices of James Marsden. n 'PG' cc (8:50) *** "Field of Dreams"1989KevinCostner. 'PG (10:40) ** "We Bought aZoo" 2011 MattDamon. 'PG NBCSN North to Alaska Sport Fishing Fishing/Martin G o od Fishing FLW Outdoors 'G Bill Dance Fishing/Martin O ' Neill Outside 'G' Outdoors Gaff Life 'G' Jim my Houston Ultimate Survival Alaska 'PG Life Below ZeroWolf at theDoor'14' NGC Drugs, Inc. HurricaneBlow'14 Alaska StateTroopers An Intoxicatedminer blocks a road. '14 Alaska StateTroopers'14 NTOON Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal Monsuno: Com. Huntik:Secrets T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F.Puppyn T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn OUTD Lindners Fish. T r evor Gowdy Spanish Fly Bill Dance Salt Facts of Fishing American Archer Archer's Choice Wardens OperationWhitefish Buckmaster Clsc Trophy Hunt Ma g num TV ***"TheConstantGardener"2005RalphFiennes.'R SHO Family Band:TheCowsiis Story (7:05) ** "Earth Girls AreEasy" 1989GeenaDavis. n (8:45) * "Autumn in NewYork" 2000, RomanceRichard Gere. 'PG-13 Moto-Cause: NealeBaylyRides SPEED Two GuysGarage SPEEDCenter (N) NASCAR RaceDay (N)(Live) Top Truck Past Winners' Challenge C e lebrity Race T ruck U STARZ (5:00) Vamps 2012 (8:35) *** "ThePirates! Bandof Misfits" 2012 'PG (8:05) *** "Moneybaii" 2011Brad Pitt. Abaseball managerchallenges old-school traditions (10:20) ** "MeninBlack 3" 2012Wil Smith. 'PG-13 *** "Lymeiife" 2008,DramaAlec Baldwin. n 'R' TMC Happy Accidents ** "S/eepover" 2004,ComedyAlexa Vega. n 'PG (9:35)"Wild Child" 2008EmmaRoberts. n 'PG-13' cc (1115) ** "TheBeaver"2011 cc "WE DeepC!ean TummyTuck R o seanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'G' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Roseanne n 'PG' Marriage Boot Camp: Bridezillas '14 ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD Bend/Redmond/SIsters/Bjack Butte (Djgjtal) PM Prjnevjge/Madras SR SunrjveC L LaPjne
600 0 C
l l
(4:31) NBACount 2013 NBAFinals MiamiHeat at San AntonioSpurs(N)(Live) « (ABC) down (N) Trout TV Castle Punked Amanshot with a 200 KTVZ O O O O year-old bullet. vr 'PG' « (NBC) Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Exploration Wl Explore the North-Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CBS Evening KBNZ Q Q Q Q Paid Program Paid Program (CBS) Jarod Miller west News (N) cc Paid Program Rev 3 Championship JudgeJudy n Judge Joe Brown Inside Edition omg! Insider (N) ABC World News NBA Countdown (4:59) 2013NBAFinals Miami Heatat KOHD O O O O Iron Man! 'PQ' cc n 'PG' Weekend 'PG' cc (ABC) San AntonioSpurs(N) cc (N) Paid Program ** "TheLastSong" (2010, Drama)Miley Cyrus, GregKinnear, LiamHemsworth. Paid Program Paid Program Healthy Meals in Portable Cook- CSE MiamiBait Amurderedwoman KFXO I(g g) @ g) Paid Program top 'G' (FOX) A man tries to reconnectwith his estrangeddaughter. Minutes!'G' becomessharkfood. vr '14' « BBC Newsnight European Journal Religion & Ethics To the Contrary Moyers & CompanyProfessor Law KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Great Performances at the Met AidaLiudmylaMonastyrska plays"Aida." n 'PG' « vr 'G' cc n'G' cc Newsweekly With Bonnie (PBS) rence Lessig. n 'G' cc (9:00) 2013U.S.Open Golf Championship FinalRoundFromMerionGolf Club in Ardmore, Pa.(N)rv (Live) « Northwest Back NewsChannel 8 at5PM(N) cc KGW roads'G' (NBC) KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q LiveLifeandWin! MadeinHolly. Made in Hollywood ** "A PerfectMurder" (1998,Suspense) Michael Douglas, GwynethPaltrow. A *** "TheNegotiator" (1998,Suspense)SamuelL. Jackson, Kevin Spacey, DavidMorse. Atop police 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc wood: Teen man plots to have his wife murderedbyher lover. « negotiator is accusedof committing murder. « (CW) OPBPL 1 75 1 7 3 Lidia CelebratesAmerica n 'G NOVA Secrets of theSun'G' cc Growing Bolder My Generation Burt Wolf PSU Commencement'G' Test Kitchen Say No to Botox Recipe.TV n Food for Thought Sea Rescue'G' «Made in America Paid Program 'PG' 'PQ' cc (DVS) (9:00) 2013 U.S. Open Golf Championship FinalRoundFromMerion Golf Club in Ardmore, Pa.(N)n (Live) cc
Summer Hair- Fat Loss Solutions CashCab'G' « styles!
The Killer Speaks Amanunleashes his The Killer Speaks A coupleact ontheir The Killer Speaks AMissouri mankills Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars 3 28 1 8 32 Longmire A'shepherd 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc found dead. 14' cc andhis dogare murderousrage. '14' cc violent fantasies. '14' cc three people. '14' cc Pilot 'PG' cc ** "Gothika"(2003, Horror) Halle Berry (10:04) *** (12:32) *"TheHaunting" (1999, Horror) LiamNeeson,Catherine Zeta-Jones,OwenWilson. Premiere * "TheGlassHouse" (2001)LeeleeSobieski, Diane Lane. Premiere. Twoor 'AMC "Grease" (1978) Four peoplestay in a reputedlyhaunted house. « phanedsiblings' newguardians haveasinister agenda. Robert DowneyJr. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Call-Wildman C all-Wildman T o pHookern'PG'cc Top HookerWaveRiders n 'PG Off the Hook O f f the Hook O ff the Hook O ff the Hook O ff the Hook O f f the Hook BRAVO 13 44 New lyweds Pri n cesses: Long Island Princesses: Long Island '14' Don't Be Tardy Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... Housewives/OC Housewives/OC *** "Pure Country" (1992,Drama)George Strait, Lesley AnnWarren. vr « CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30) Hot20Countdown AvisitfromsingerTyler Farr. vr 'PG' « Reba Issues 'PG' Reba 'G' cc Re b a 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 Insanity! 'G' La r ry King Spc. Get Sub D Lik e New Carpet WEN Hair Care No Defrosting G aither Sexyff odies Princess n 'PG' On theMoney 60 MinutesonCNBC CNN 55 38 35 48 YourMoney(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) Homeless: Motel Kids COM 13 53 135 47 There's-Mary (12:28) ** "ScaryMovie4" (2006,Comedy)AnnaFaris, Craig Bierko (2:23) *** "Trading Places" (1983,Comedy)DanAykroyd, EddieMurphy (4:57) *** "l Loveycu, Man" COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program E xtreme Desire Adv Journal G e t Outdoors V i sions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Newsmakers Washington ThisWeek Q&A 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Jessie'G' « Jes s ie'G' « Gra v ity Falls'Y7' A.N.T. Farm'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G A.N.T.Farm'G' DogWithaBlog Jessie'G'« Sha k e ltUp!'G' Jessie'G'« Aust i n&Ally'G *DISC 15 21 16 37 NorthAmerican'PG'cc Property Wars Property Wars Fast N Loudn 14 cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Street Outlaws MidnightRiders '14' Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14 *E! 13 2 5 * "Georgia Rule"(2007,Drama)JaneFonda,LindsayLohan Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWiththeKardashians ** "TheLakeHouse"(2006)KeanuReeves,SandraBullock ESPN 21 23 22 23 (11:30)SoccerConfederationsCup:Mexicovs. Italy(N) (Live) Confed Studio (2:45) SoccerConfederationsCup: Spainvs. UruguayFromRecife, Brazil. (N) (Live) MLB Baseball: Giants atBraves ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Baseball NCAA World Series —North Carolina Statevs. NorthCarolina Game3. FromOmaha, Neb SportsCenter (N)(Live) nc c Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « College Baseball *** "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" *** "One Dayin September" (1999)Ankie Spitzer. « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 TheDottedLine 30for30cc 30 for 30 cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter S p ortsNation S p ortsCenter « SportsCenter ©c * "The Hcf Chick"(2002, Comedy)RobSchneider, AnnaFaris ** "You Again" (2010) Kristen Bell FAM 67 29 19 41 ** "TheSisterhood olthe Trave/ing Pants 2" (2008)AmberTamblyn, Alexis Bledel. FNC 57 61 36 50 Journal Editorial FOX News America's NewsHeadquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday FOX Report(N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17 62 98 44 ChefWantedWithAnneBurrell'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G Giving You the Giving You the Restaurant Stakeout 'G' Mystery Diners Freshman Class Diners, Drive Diners, Drive ** "Knight andDay"(2010, Action) TomCruise. A womanbecomesthe reluctant partner of afugitive spy. *** "Iron Man" (2008,Action) FX 131 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G'« LoveltorListlt, Too'G' cc Income Property Jeff & Kirsti 'G Income Property n 'G' cc House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters *HIST 15 42 41 36 Restoration Res toration Restoration R e s toration Restoration Restoration Restoration R e s toration Re s toration Re s toration Restoration R e s toration LIFE 13 39 20 31 UnsolvedMysteries'14' « ** "TheRebound" (2009)Catherine Zeta-Jones,Justin Bartha. « "MyBest Friend's Wedding" « GoneMissing"(2013,Suspense)Daphne Zuniga, GageGolightly. « MSNBC 59 59128 51 MSNBCLive(N) Disrupt With KarenFinney (N) The Ed Show(N) Caught on Camera Caught on Camera Caught on CameraWetandWild MTV 192 22 38 57 (11:00) *** "8Mile"(2002, Drama) Eminem.n Ridiculousness (2:13) Ridiculousness n 'PG Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 2440 Sam&Cat'G' Sam&Cat'G' SpongeBob S pongeBob Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Oprah Presents Master Class 'PG' Oprah Presents Master Class 'PG' Oprah Presents Master Class '14' OWN 161 103 31 103Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' PAC12 47 310310310 Wm.Soccer W o men's College Soccer Oregon State at California Women's CollegeSoccerOregonat Washington Women's Soccer W omen's CollegeSoccer SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Bar Rescue'PG' (12:38) Bar Rescuen'PG (1:45) BarRescueBeachBummer n 'PG' (2:51) BarRescue n 'PG' (3:56) BarRescue n 'PG' (5:02) BarRescue n 'PG' SYFY 13 35 133 45 Warehouse13 vr '14' cc Warehouse13 n '14' cc Warehouse 13The Big Snag'14' W a rehouse 13 vr '14' « Warehouse13 Instinct '14' « Warehouse 13Runaway'14' cc TBN 205 60 130 King Is Coming Kingdom Conn. John Hagee M a rriageToday Miracle For You Gregory Dickow T.D. Jakes 'G' Joyce Meyer L e ading the Way The Blessed Life Joel Osteen 'PG' Kerry Shook (10:30) MLBBaseball LosAngelesDodgersat Pittsburgh Friends n 'PG' cc ** "Overboard" (1987,Comedy)Goldie Hawn,Kurt Russell, EdwardHerrmann.Anamnesiac milion- ** "TheWedding Dale" (2005)DebraMessing.A woman 'TBS Pirates FromPNCPark in Pittsburgh. (N) « airess is dupedby a cunning carpenter. « brings a maleescort to her sister's wedding. (11:00) *** "A/ItheKing'sMen" (1949) *** "TheLastHurrah" (1958, Drama)SpencerTracy, Jeffrey Hunter. A political (3:15) *** "Smokeyandthe Bandit" (1977, Comedy)Burt Reynolds, Sally Field **** "ToKill aMockingbird" (1962) TCM Broderick Crawford. boss wages a final campaignto holdoffice. « A bootleggerburnsrubber toevadea stubbornsheriff. « GregoryPeck. «(DVS) *TLC 17 34 32 34Say Yes,Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Breaking Amish:BraveNew W orld Breaking Amish: BraveNewWorld Breaking Amish: Brave NewWorld Breaking Amish: BraveNewWorld (10:00) NASCARRacing Sprint Cup:Quicken Loans400 TNT Network Pre- TheHeroTeamworkShaunisoff ereda ** "ResidentEvil: Extinction" (2007, Horror) Mila Jovcvich, OdedFehr. Alice and ** "National Treasure" (2004)Nicolas *TNT view « Cage. «(DVS) (N) (Live) « temptation. '14' « her cohorts seek toeliminate anundead virus. cc *TOON 84 Johnny Test 'Y7' Johnny Test 'Y7' Regular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Regular Show *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods America lowa 'PG' B i z arre Foods America 'PG' « Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Fned Chrcken Paradrse G « Deli Paradise 'G' « TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' (1:12) Roseanne Vegas,Vegas'PG' (1:48) Roseanne (2:24) Roseanne Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' The GoldenGirls The Golden Girls USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit VH1 191 48 37 54 T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny T .l . and Tiny: The Family Hustle n T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny T .l . and Tiny T .l . and Tiny T .l . and Tiny T .l . and Tiny: The Family Hustle n T.l. and Tiny *A&E
** "Ext reme Measures"1996,SuspenseHughGrant,vc'R'« (1:10) *** "ThePatriot" 2000MelGibson. A manand hisson fight side byside in the Revolutionary War. *** "B/ack Swan" 2010'R ** "Seven Pounds"2008Wil Smith. A manchanges the lives of sevenstrangers. « 104 204104120 *** "Crad/e Wi/IRock" 1999,Historical DramaHankAzaria, Ruben Blades. 'R' « 106401 306401(11:35) Stranded'PG' cc 34
(11:00) UFC:Barao vs. McDonald
UFC Tonight (N) UFC All Angles UFC All Angles UFC All Angles The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG'
The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG'
** "TheGreatest GameEver Played"(2005, Drama) Shia LaBeouf, StephenDilane 28 301 27 301(11:30) ** "TheGreatest GameEver Played" (2005)ShiaLaBeouf Live From(N) (Live) *** "Dad's Home"(2010)'PG' HALL 66 33 175 33 (11:00) "WeddingDaze" 'PG' « "Notes From Dad" (2013, Drama)Eddie Cibrian, MichaelBeach.'G' « Be My Valentine"(2013)WilliamBaldwin, Natalie Brown. 'G' « HBO 425501 425501(11:15) *** "Contagion" 2011 Real TimeWith Bill Maher n'MA' True Blood * * " D ark Shadows"2012, Comedy Johnny Depp. n 'PG-13' cc (2:15) "Pussy Riot-APunkPrayer" 2013'NR' cc *** "The Shrnrng" 1980 'R IFC 10 1 0 5 M a lcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle *** "City S/ickers" 1991, ComedyBilly Crystal, Daniel Stern, BrunoKirby. 'PG-13 ** "Final Destination 5" 2011Nicholas D'Agosto. MAX 400 508 508 We Bought (12:45) ** "Deep Impact" 1998,DramaRobert Duvall, TeaLeoni. n 'PG-13' cc (2:50) "BeachKings" 2008David Charvet. n 'PG-13' NBCSN 27 58 30209HankParker Sp o rtFishing Formula DRIFT RacerTV (N)'G' Pirelli World Challenge AutoRacing (N) World Series of Fighting 3 Alaska StateTroopers'14 Alaska State Troopers'14' Alaska StateTroopers '14 Alaska StateTroopers '14' NGC 157 157 A l aska State Troopers'14 Alaska State Troopers '14 NTOON 89 115189115 Danny Phantom Danny Phantom Speed Racer S p eed Racer W i ld Grinders n Wild Grinders nNFL RushZone NFL Rush Zone Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. OUTD 37 307 43 307 Timbersports S h ark Series Bottom Feeders Major LeagueFishing The Bass Pros Tracks, Africa Mathew's Dom Mathews The Crush Hunt Adventure Wildgame Nation SHO 500 50 0 C o nstant Gardn(12:45) *** "The Pianist"2002, Historical DramaAdrien Brody. n 'R' « (3:15) "Rock'N' Ro/IExposed: ThePhotography c/ Bob Gruen" 2012 (5:15) ** "DieAnotherDay"n SPEED 36 303125 303 MotoGP Racing The10'PG' NASCAR V.L. MotoGP Raci ng Lucas Oil Off RoadRacing SPEED Center (N) (Live) Wind Tunnel N A SCAR V.L. ** "Laws o/Alfracficn" 2004 PierceBrosnan. « STARZ 300408300408 (12:10) **"Hidalgo"2004, AdventureViggoMortensen, OmarSharif. n 'PG-13' « (4:10) ** "!0 years" 2011,ComedyChanning Tatum. n 'PG-13' « ** "Captain Ccre/li's Mandolin"2001, Drama Nicolas Cage.vr 'R TMC 525 525 (11:15) ** "TheBeaver" 2011 (12:50) "NobleThings" 2008Brett Moses.vr 'R' « Mumford & Sons: Road S/ing B/ade 1996 *WE 14 41 174118 Marriage Boot Camp: Bridezillas C S E Miami Under Suspicion n '14' C SE Miami Felony Flight '14' cc CSh Miami Nailed n '14' cc CSE MiamiUrbanHellraisers '14' C S E Miami Shattered n '14' ©c
THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013
'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •
c II I II I II I I II I Jimmy KimmelLive (8:31) Paid Program Paid Program Cash Cab 'G' « W hat Would You Do? rr 'PG' « KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle n 'PQ' cc (N) '14' « (ABC) Center in SanAntonio. (N) (Live) « (N) rr cc Competition Contestants vie for the crownin the62nd annual competi- NewsChannel 21at Everybody Loves KTVZ NewsChannel 21 at NewsChannel 21 at Betty White's Off Betty White's Off The Voice LiveSemi-Final ResultsTheart 2013 Miss USA (NBC) 6(N) cc 6 (N) « Their Rockers n Their Rockers rr ists face elimination, r1 'pG' « tion. (N) rr 'PG' « 11(N) cc Raymond n 'PG' The Mentalist Red DawnThefirst time KOIN Local 6 at11 (11:35) ColdCase KBNZ Burn Notice Fight orFlight Protection from 60 Minutes Drugtrafficking cartel investiga- The American Baking Competition A "sur The GoodWife Tensionsflare duringa tion. rr cc prise-inside"cakechallenge. 'PG' mock trial. n '14' « (CBS) drug trafficker. '14' « Jane metthe CBIteam. n '14' (N) cc Red Glare n 'PG' (7:59) JimmyKim- Steel Dreams'G' « XTERRAAdventures 'PG' cc What Would You Do? n 'PG' cc KEZI 9 Newsat Paid Program KOHD (4:59) 2013NBAFinals Miami Heatat SanAntonio SpursGame5. Fromthe AT&T mel Live (N)'14' 11:00 (N) cc (ABC) Center in SanAntonio. (N) (Live) « at theAirport Plastic surge The Cleveland A merican Dad n The Simpsons n Bob's Burgers 'PG Family GuyTheGig- Family GuyChris NewsChannel21 Two and aHalfMen The Big Bang The Big Bang KFXO Bones Woman '14' cc(DVS) 'PG' cc(DVS) cc(DVS) (FOX) hides a body's identity. '14' Show rr '14' gity Wife '14' Cro ss rr '14' First on FOX (N) n '14' cc Theory 'PG' cc Theory 'PG' cc Antiques RoadshowPalmSprings, CA A David Suchet in the Footsteps of St. Paul Masterpiece Mystery! InspectorLewis, SeriesVl: DownAmong American Masters Radio show"A Prairie HomeCompanion." n KOAB Oregon ExperienceTomMcCall 'PQ' cc From Jerusalemto Turkey. 'PG' (PBS) 1937 painting byClyfford Still. 'G' the FearfulThedeath oi a psychic. (N) n 'PG' S t r aight Talk Dateline NBC n Betty White's Off The Voice LiveSemi-Final ResultsTheart 2013 Miss USACompetition Contestants vie for the crownin the62nd annual competi- NewsChannel 8 at (11:35) Sports KGW Inside Edition 'PQ' cc Their Rockers n ists face elimination. n 'PG' « tion. (N) n 'PG' « Sunday (NBC) Weekend (N)'PG' 11 (N) cc KTVZDT2 Are We There Yet? Are WeThere Yet? The King of Queens The King of Queens *** "Arlington Road" (1999,Suspense) Jeff Bridges,TimRobbins. Aprofessor learns Seinfeld TheBizarro Seinfeld The Little Rules of Engage- Rules of Engage 'PG' n 'PG' n 'PG' (CW) 'PG' Jerry 'PG' ment '14' cc ment '14' cc his newneighbors have asinister agenda. « Kicks n 'G' cc OPBPL Doc Martin Martin's first patient. 'PG Schools That ChangeCommunities Frontline Dig thePebbleMine. n Moyers & Company n 'G' cc Prohibition Enforcingthe newlawof Prohibition creates problems.'PG
c II
KATU (5:00) 2013NBAFinals Miami Heatat SanAntonio SpursGame5. Fromthe ATIT
Shipping Wars
Duck Dynasty D u ck Dynasty Fowl Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Storage Wars «Storage Wars « (11:01) Storage (11:31) Storage 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Play 'PG' Wars 'PG' cc Wars 'PG' cc The Killing HeadShotsThetask force Mad Men The Quality of MercyThe part- (11:05) The Killing Head Shots Thetask (2009,Horror) Elizabeth Banks, EmilyBrowning, Ariele Kebbel 'AMC (5:00) ** "Gothika" (2003,Horror)Halle ** "The Uninvited" Berry, RobertDowneyJr. Premiere. Aghostwarnsa youngwomanabout herfather's fiancee. shuts down a business. (N) n « ners cannotagree. (N) « force shutsdowna business. n *ANPL Off the Hook OfftheHook Off the Hook Off the Hook Off the Hook O f f the Hook Call of Wildman Caff-Wildman T o p Hooker River Rumble(N) n 'PG' Off the Hook Off theHook BRAVO TheRealHousewivesofNew Jersey The Real HousewivesofNew Jersey The Real Housewives of NewJersey Princesses: Long Island (N) TheRealHousewivesofNew Jersey What Happens Housewives/NJ CMT CopsReloaded Cops Rel oaded Cops Reloaded Cops Rel oaded Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt(N) '14' Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt '14' cc R e dneck Island n '14 Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded *** "TheQueenof Versailes" (2012, Documentary) CNBC *** "TheQueenof Versailes" (2012, Documentary) 60 Minutes on CNBC Cancer: Winning DeepClean CNN Girl Rising"(2013)Narratedby Meryl Streep, Narrated byAnneHathaway Homeless: Motel Kids Girl Rising"(2013) Narratedby Meryl Streep, Narrated byAnneHathaway Homeless: Motel Kids COM (4:57) *** "I LoveYou,Man" ©c Futurama '14' (7:31) Futurama (8:01) Futurama (8:32) Futurama (9:02) Futurama (9:33) Futurama (10:03) Futurama (10:34) Futurama (11:04) Futurama (11:35) Futurama COTV Talk of the TownLocal issues Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions ofNW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Talk oftheTownLocalissues. CSPAN Prime Minister R o ad to the White House Q&A Prime Minister R o ad to the White House Washington ThisWeek *DIS Shake It Up! 'G' Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Go o d-Charlie ** "TheGamePlan" (2007) Dwayne"The Rock"Johnson. n « Good-Charlie Sh ake It Up! 'G' Gravity Falls 'Y7' Gravity Falls 'Y7' *DISC Alaska: The Last Frontier '14' cc Alaska: TheLast Frontier Exposed Alaska: TheLast Frontier (N) n '14' N o rth America Revealed(N) n 'PG' N o rth America Top 10(N) 'PG' cc Nor th America Revealed 'PG' cc *E! ** "MadeofHonor" (2008) Patrick Dempsey,Michelle Monaghan Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Ke e ping Up With the Kardashians (N) The Wanted Life Keeping Up With the Kardashians T h e Wanted Life ESPN (5:00) MLBBaseball San Francisco Giants at Atlanta Braves(N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter cc SportsCenter cc ESPN2 (5:00) CollegeBaseball NCAAWorld Series —LSUvs. UCLA(N) (Live) « NHRADrag Racing SportsCenter (N) « 2013 U.S.OpenGolf Championship Final Round(N) « *** "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" (2008,Documentary) « *** "One DaytnSeptember" « ESPNC (5:00) "Bigger, Stronger, Faster" « 30for30 cc 30for30 cc ESPNN SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « E:60 E:60 ESPNFCPress Pass * "Whenin Rome"(2010,Romance-Comedy) Kristen Bell, JoshDuhamel. ** "Burlesque" (2010, Drama)Cher. A small-town gal finds her nicheat a neoburlesqueclub FAM (4:30) youAgain Twisted Pilot '14' FNC Fox NewsSunday Geraldo at Large(N) rr 'PG' cc Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large n 'PG'cc Fox NewsSunday 'FOOD Chopped 'G' Food Network Star BurgerBash'G Chopped MixandMache(N)'G' Food Network Star (N)'G Restaurant: Impossible (N) 'G Iron Chef America 'G' *** "SupermanReturns" (2006,Adventure) BrandonRouth, KateBosworth.TheManof Steel faces LexLuthor. *** SupermanReturns (2006) FX (5:00) *** "IronMan"(2008, Action) Robert DowneyJr., Terrence Howard. HGTV House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I HGTV Star Lofty Ideas(N)'G' « Love It or List It, Too (N) 'G' « House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I *HIST American Restoration 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Mountain MenInto theWild 'PG Mountain MenTheNight's Watch'PG' Ice Road Truckers Art Attack (N) '14' (11:02) SwampPeople 'PG' cc LIFE (5:00) "MyBest Friend's Wedding" * "BrideWars" (2009,Comedy)Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway. « The Client List The client list hasbeenstolen. (N) '14' « (11:01) *"BrideWars"(2009)« MSNBC Caught on Camera Lockup: RawPredatoryBehavior Lockup OrangeCounty Lockup OrangeCounty Lockup Meet the Press cc MTV Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n ** "Jackass 3D"(2010, Comedy)JohnnyKnoxvile, BamMargera. n NICK SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob S a m & Cat n 'G' See DadRun'PG' Wendell & Vinnie **"The KarateKidPartll" (1986) RalphMacchio, Noriyuki "Pat" Morita. Premiere. rr « (11:33) Friends n Oprah Presents Master Class n 'PG' Oprah Presents Master Class n 'PG' Oprah Presents Master Class(N)'PG' Oprah Presents Master Class (N)'PG' Oprah Presents Master Class n 'PG OWN Oprah Presents Master Class n 'PG' PAC12 W omen's CollegeSoccer Women's CollegeSoccerOregonState at Oregon Women's Soccer Women's CollegeSoccer Stanford atUCLA Wm. Soccer SPIKE (6:08) BarRescue n 'PG (7:14) BarRescueTearsfor Beersn 'PG (8:19) BarRescue n 'PG (9:25) BarRescue n 'PG (10:31) BarRescueChumpsn 'PG' B a r Rescue 'PG' Action) Halle Berry,BenjaminBratt. « *** "TheChronicles of Narnia:Prince Caspian" (2008,Fantasy) Georgie Henley,SkandarKeynes ** "TheGolden Compass" (2007) SYFY * "Catwoman" (2004, TBN Believeryoice C r e flo Dollar 'G' * * *"ThePassion ol the Christ" (2004, Drama)Jim Caviezel, Monica Bellucci, Claudia Gerini Miracles of the Passion ** "A Letter toDad" (1994,Drama)JohnAshton ** "Ghosts olGirlfriendsPast" (2009) MatthewMcConaughey,Jennifer Garner. Spirits ** "Failure to Launch" (2006)MatthewMcConaughey,Sarah Jessica Parker. A man's ** "Failure to Launch" (2006)MatthewMcConaughey,Sarah Jessica Parker. A man's *TBS of ex-lovers showa cad his failed relationships. «(DVS) parents hatch aplanto movehim out of the house. «(DVS) parents hatch aplanto movehim out of the house. «(DVS) **** "The Kid"(1921)Charlie Chaplin, Chaplin Today: The *** "Close-Up" (1990)HossainSabzian (5:00) **** "To Killa Mockingbird" (1962)(7:15) *** "LifeWith Father" (1947,Comedy)Wiliam Powell, Irene Dunne, ElizabethTaylor. An autocrat TCM GregoryPeck. «(DVS) heads his1880s New York household, but his wife runs it. « Jackie Coogan. Kid cc Hassan Frazmand.Premiere. 'TLC Breaking Amish: BraveNewWorld n Island Medium I s land Medium 1 9 Kids and Counting (N) 'PG' « Isla nd Medium I s land Medium B r eaking Amish: Brave NewWorld (N) Island Medium I s land Medium (5:00) ** "National Treasure"(2004) NicolasCage. A mantries to (7:45) **"Limitless" (2011,Suspense) Bradley Cooper, Robert DeNiro, AbbieCornish. Awriter takes amind- Falling Skies Badlands Asniper attack cre- Falling Skies Badlands Asniper attack cre 'TNT steal the Declaration of Independence. enhancingdrug. «(DVS) ates doubts. (N) '14' « atesdoubts 14 « "TOON ** "Diary ol aWimpyKid: Rodrick Rules" (2011)ZacharyGordon. TeenTitans Go! Looney Tunes Squidbiffies '14' King of the Hill n King of the Hill n Cleveland Show Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 'TRAV Pizza Paradise 'PG' « Destination Show Destination Show Waterparks Coa s ter Wars RockMy RV R ock My RV T oy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter'PG' Toy Hunter'PG' CultureCrash TVLND The Golden Girls The Golden Girls Friends '14' cc F r iends '14' cc F r iends n 'PG' F r iends '14' cc Friends n 'PG' Friends 'PG' Fri ends n 'PG' F riends n 'PG' (11:05) Friends (11:36) Friends USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n L aw & Order: Special Victims Unit n L aw I Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n B urn Notice Forget MeNot 'PG VH1 T.l. and Tiny T. l . and Tiny Cou ples Therapy n '14 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' BehindtheMusicLLCoolJ.n 'PG Hit the Floor Out ofBounds n '14 *A&E
'PQ' cc
Shipping Wars 'PQ' cc
Duck Dynasty
'PQ' cc
Duck Dynasty 'PQ' cc
** "MajorPayne"1995 DamonWayans. 'PG-13' « * "Bait" 2000, ActionJamieFoxx,DavidMorse. rr 'R' « (9:40) * "My Baby'sDaddy"2004 Eddie Griffin. 'PG-13 (11:10) ** "Action Jackson"1988 FXM Presents * * " Seven Pounds" 2008, DramaWil Smith, Rosario Dawson.'PG-13' « (5:00) *** "BlackSwan"2010'R' F XMPresents *** "BlackSwan" 2010,DramaNatalie Portman, Mila Kunis. 'R' « The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG UFC161: Evansvs. Henderson Prelims UFC Tonight U F C Insider The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG (4:30) Live From Live From Live From Live From ** "TheNannyExpress" (2009) VanessaMarcil, BrennanElliot. 'PG' « HALL (5:00) *** hgad's Home" 'PG' Notes From Dad" (2013, Drama)Eddie Cibrian, Michael Beach. 'G' « Frasier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « HBO *** "TheDark KnightRises" 2012, Action Christian Bale, AnneHathaway. n 'PG-13' cc TrueBlood: Set True Blood (N) n 'MA' cc Veep (N) n 'MA' Family Tree 'MA' True Blood n 'MA' « IFC (5:00) *** "TheShining" 1980, HorrorJack Nicholson,Shelley Duvall. 'R Maron '14' Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. Arrested Develop. *** "TheShining"1980, Horror JackNicholson, Shelley Duvall. 'R ** "I, Robot"2004, ScienceFictionWill Smith. n 'PG-13' cc ** "Project X" 2012ThomasMann. n 'R' cc MAX ** "TheRevenant" 2009, ComedyDavidAnders, Chris Wylde. n 'R' cc * Showgirls1995 NBCSN **** "RagingBull" (1980, Biography)RobertDeNiro, Cathy Moriarty, Joe Pesci. Premier League (8:45) **** "RagingBull" (1980)Robert DeNiro. Oscar-winningstudy of former boxingchampJake LaMotta Alaska StateTroopers '14 NGC Ultimate Survival Alaska (N) 'PG' Lif e Below Zero'1(N) 4 Ultimate Survival Alaska 'PG Life Below Zero '14 Alaska StateTroopers'14 NTOON SpongeBob SpongeBob Spo ngeBob SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob Spo ngeBob Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD Realtree Outdoors Truth Hunting F r i ends of NRABone Collector U nder Wild Skies Hal & Len Edition Hunt Adventure Realtree Outdoors WildgameNation Steve's Outdoor Mathews Pro Hunter Journ. SHO (5:15) ** LDie AnotherDay" 2002 PierceBrosnan. « The Borgias n 'MA's« a Nurse Jackie 'MA' Nurse Jackie 'MA' Nurse Jackie 'MA' The BorgiasThePrince (N)n 'MA' The Borgias ThePrince 'MA' « Moto-Cause: NealeBayly Rides SPEED Moto-Cause:NealeBayly Rides(N) My Classic Car Hot Rod TV n 'G' SPEEDCenter Wind Tunnel NASCARV.L Unique Whips '14 **"Hidalgo" 2004Viggo Mortensen.A Westerner racesa horse acrosstheArabian desert. n STARZ (6:10) ** "Men in Black 3"2012,Action Will Smith. n 'PG-13' « Magic City n 'MA's« a (11:20) MagicCity *** "Ransom"1996, SuspenseMel Gibson, ReneRusso. o 'R' « TMC (5:40) *** "Sling Blade"1996Bily Bob Thornton. Premiere. rr 'R' « (10:05) *** "Centurion"2010 MichaelFassbender. 'R' Highlander "WE CSh Miami Payback n '14' cc CSE MiamiTheScore n '14' cc CSh Miami UnderSuspicion '14' cc CS E Miami Felony Flight n '14' cc CSU Miami Nailed n '14' cc CSE MiamiUrbanHellraisers n '14 ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
THE BULLETIN 0 JUNE 15 — 21, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' l l 8 8 88 8 8 88 I
• 88 • I (4:30) KATU NewsThis Morning NewsChannel 21 atSunrise KOIN Local 6 at6am KEZI 9 NewsThis Morning First Business AgDay Varied Programs Wild Kratts NewsChannel 8 atSunrise The Daily Buzz Heartland Greener World
Th F
Say No to Pain Teeter HangUps A&E 13028 18 32 W House Flipping Th WEN Hair Care F Paid Program Total Gym Say No to Pain 'AMC 102 40 39 More Sex Th Nopalea with More Sex Orangutan Isle ANPL 68 50 26 38 Housewives/OC T M
Weight Keurig Brewer Cindy Crawford Total Gym Paid Program Get Sub D WEN Hair Care Cindy Crawford Montel Williams Paid Program Chimp Eden
' 68 8 2 68 2 8 Good Morning America AM Northwest The View Live! With Kelly and Michael Today Today Today Live! With Kelly and Michael CBS This Morning Let's Make aDeal The Price Is Right The Youngand the Restless Good Morning America Rachael Ray The View Katie NewsChannel 21 atSunrise The Jeff Probst Show The Dr. OzShow Paid Program Paid Program Curious George Cat in the Hat Super Why! Di n osaur Train SesameStreet Daniel Tiger S i d the Science WordWorld Ba r ney, Friends Today The Jeff Probst Show House of Payne House of Payne TheSteveW ilkosShow The JeremyKyleShow The WendyWilliams Show Newsline Sit and Be Fit Sew With Nancy Love of Quilting Oil Painting Joy/Painting Second Opinion The Piano Guy Jacques Pepin Cooking School Yoga Stretches It's Sew Easy Knit-Crochet Paint This.Jerry Beads, Baubles Garden Home Curiosity Quest Julia's Kitchen Hubert Keller Sit and Be Fit Sewing Room Knitting Daily Painting Scrapbook Soup Victory Garden American Land Primal Grill Primal Grill Yoga Stretches Sew It All Quilting Arts Paint This.Jerry Everyday Edis Garden Home NY Originals Caprial John Baking/ Julia Cook's Country Sit and Be Fit Sew With Nancy Quilt in a Day Color World Joy/Painting This Old House The Visionaries Test Kitchen Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Dog the Bounty Hunter Criminal Minds Criminal Minds CSI: Miami Bio Channel Preview Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Csh NY Dog the Bounty Hunter CSI: Miami Bates Motel Bates Motel Bates Motel Montel Williams Nopalea with WEN HaiCare r Debby Boone Showville ** P.S. I Love You2007Hilary Swank,Gerard Butler. « Dr. 0 says Yes! Get Sub D Three Stooges ** * The Dirty Dozen1967 LeeMarvin. Majorturns 12 Glfelons into commandos Fat Loss DeepClean Say No to Pain WEN Hair Care ** TheLeagueofExtraordinaryGentlemen 2003SeanConnery,ShaneWest.« *** Identity Paid Program Get Sub D Say No to Pain *** The American President1995 MichaelDouglas, AnnetteBening. &4 National Lamp. Paid Program WEN Hair Care (:15) *** Tin Cup1996 KevinCostner. Anundisciplined golferattempts to reach the U.S.Open. « Big Cat Diary Big Cat Diary Meerkat Manor Meerkat Manor Animal Cops Detroit Animal Cops Detroit Pit Bulls and Parolees Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC
Below Deck T a batha Takes Over Tabatha TakesOver Tabatha TakesOver Tabatha TakesOver Style Pop Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT 90 32 42 53 Squawk on theStreet Fast MoneyHalftime Report Power Lunch Street Signs CNBC 54 36 40 52 CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom Paid Program Celebrity Abs Insanity! Hair Restoration Total Gym Paid Program Daily Show Colbert Report Always Sunny South Park ComedyCentral Chappelle Show T M Paid Program Insanity! Dancer's Body Cindy Crawford Amy Schumer Teeter HangUps TapouT XT Paid Program SexyBodies Dr. 0 says Yes! Futurama Futurama Futurama Futurama COM 135 53 135 47 W TapouT XT Zumba Fit Dr. 0 says Yes! No Defrosting Mom Looks 27 Always Sunny South Park ComedyCentral (:20) 30Rock TF Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Insanity! Cindy Crawford The Half Hour The Half Hour The YogaShow The YogaShow Desert Cooking Oregon The YogaShow The YogaShow Workout: Yoga Workout: Ball Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program COTV CSPAN 61 20 12 (4:00) Washington Journal Public Affairs Varied Programs Public Affairs Varied Programs 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Little Einsteins Chuggington Octonauts M ickey Mouse MickeyMouse Never Land Doc McStuffins Sofia the First Varied Programs *DISC 156 21 16 37 Varied Programs James Robison Joyce Meyer Varied Programs I (Almost) Got AwayWith It FBE Criminal Pursuit Unusual Suspects Weight Cindy Crawford The E! TrueHollywood Story Fas h ion Police Fashion Police Fashion Police Fashion Police Fashion Police True Hollywood The Wanted Life Vic-RECLAIM 25 Most Sensational Hollywood Meltdowns The E! TrueHollywood Story ** Bring It On: All or Nothing 2006,ComedyHaydenPanettiere *El WEN Hair Care Get Sub D 50 Cutest Child Stars: All Grown Up Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians 136 25 Paid Program WEN Hair Care **** When Harry MetSally1989 Billy Crystal, MegRyan The E! TrueHollywood Story *** Juno 2007,Comedy-Drama EllenPage,MichaelCera Cindy Crawford True Hollywood *** Pride & Prejudice 2005,DramaKeiraKnightley, MatthewMacFadyen Brooke Burke-Charvet The Soup The Soup Inves SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter SportsCenter ESPN 21 23 22 23 (:45) Soccer First Take First Take Numbers Never Questionable (3:00) Mike &Mike
SportsCenter Questionable
ESPN2 22 24 21 24 W Th
First Take Tennis
(5:00) Tennis
Joyce Meyer Varied Programs America's Newsroom Get Sub D Paid Program WEN Hair Care Dirty House? *FOOD 177 62 98 44 W Summer Hair Th Paid Program HealthFood Keurig Brewer Paid Program Say No to Pain TRIA Paid Program FX 131 Belly Fat? WEN Hair Care DeepClean Supersmile Weight WEN Hair Care 10 Minute Curb/Block Outdoor Room T Get Sub D Decked Out HGTV 17649 33 43 W h Dig In Cindy Crawford Yard - Disney Engineering anEmpire Jillian Michaels Ult. Quarters "HIST 15542 41 36 W Paid Program Teeter HangUps Live Longer! S ay No to Pain Paid Program Paid Program LIFE 138 39 20 31 Varied Programs The Daily Rundown MSNBC 59 59 12851 67 29 19 41 FNC 57 61 36 50 FAM
M AMTV T MTV 19222 38 57 W h
F Girl Code Full House Dr. Phil
ESPNC 23 25 123 25 W (5:30) Tennis Th Tennis
NICK 82 46 24 40 OWN 161103 31 103
Soccer Tennis
Gir l Code Fu l l House
Boy MeetWorld Boy Meet World
Boy MeetWorld Boy Meet World Boy Meet World 700/Interactive The 700 Club Gilmore Girls America Live Happening Now Keurig Brewer Dirty House? Paid Program Cindy Crawford Get Sub D Barbecue Addi Tyler's Ultimate Alex's Day Off Good Eats Unwrapped Top Kitchen! HealthFood Cindy Crawford TRIA WEN Hair Care Grill It! B. Flay Down Home Down Home Younger- Skin Say No to Botox WEN Hair Care Supersmile Hot Dishes Bobby Flay 5 Ingredient Fix Hungry Girl Say No to Botox WEN HairCare Get Sub D Floor Appeal WEN HaiCare r Challenge Paid Program Paid Program Fat Loss Get Sub D Sheer Cover Big Daddy's Smarter Smarter ** The Da Vinci Code2006TomHanks. A religious mysterycouldrockfoundations of Christianity * Deception 2008,Suspense *12 Rounds 2009,ActionJohnCena.Anescapedconvictkidnapsacop'sfiancee * Decept ion2008,SuspenseHughJackman,EwanMcGregor Vantage Point Smarter Smarter * Epic Movie 2007,ComedyKal Penn,AdamCampbell * The Comebacks2007, ComedyDavid Koechner, Carl Weathers * The Comebacks2007, ComedyDavid Koechner, Carl Weathers, MeloraHardin ** Tooth Fairy2010,ComedyDwayneJohnson,AshleyJudd Deuce Bigalow ** Zoolander 2001,ComedyBenStiler, OwenWilson * Deuce Bigalow: MaleGigolo1999, Comedy RobSchneider ** Sugar 8 Spice 2001 My First Place Dear Genevieve Dear Genevieve Dear Genevieve Dear Genevieve Dear Genevieve DearGenevieve Dear Genevieve DearGenevieve Dear Genevieve Real Estate Sarah101 Sarah 101 Sarah 101 Sarah 101 Sarah 101 Sarah 101 Sar ah 101 Sarah 101 Sar ah 101 Room Crashers Room Crashers Room Crashers Room Crashers Room Crashers Love It or List It Love It or List It Bang, Buck Good Buy,Bad Outdoor Room My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale My First Sale Selling NY Selling LA Selling LA Selling LA Selling LA Selling LA Selling NY Sel l ing NY Selling NY Sel l ing NY The RealWest American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Civil War Journal Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Co u nting Cars Modern Marvels Decoding the Past Decoding the Past Decoding the Past Decoding the Past The Most Pawn Stars P a wn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars P a wn Stars Pawn Stars Pawn Stars Save OurHistory Violent Earth: Nature's Fury: NewEngland's Killer Hurricane HowtheEarthW asMade Earth-Made: Ring of Fire Balancing Act Designing Old Christine F r asier Frasier Frasier Frasier Frasier Will & Grace W i ll & Grace Jansing and Co MSNBCLive NOWWith Alex Wagner Andrea Mitchell Reports News Nation AMTV AMTV Girl Code Gir l Code Girl Code Gir l Code Girl Code (:32) Girl Code True Life True Life True Life Hooked, Catfish Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant 16 and Pregnant Girl Code Gir l Code Girl Code Gir l Code Girl Code Gir l Code Guy Code Gu y Code Guy Code (:32) GuyCode Odd Parents S pongeBob SpongeBob D ora Explorer Team Umizoomi Team Umizoomi Peter Rabbit D o ra Explorer Bubble Guppies Bubbl eGuppies Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil Dr. Phil
THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013
WEEKDAY MORNING v II • I II Women's College Soccer Gonzaga atOregon State Women's College Soccer Seattle at OregonState P C12 47 310310310 W Women's Colle e Soccer Seattle at Ore on Women's College Soccer OregonState at Oregon I
SPIKE 13231 34 46 W
33 35 133 45 W
05 60 30 16 27 28
01 44 01 29 W
'TLC 78 34 32 34 'TNT 17 26 15 27 "TOON 84 *TRAV 17951 45 42 TVLND 65 47 29 35 W TII
Women's College Soccer Seattle at Oregon Women's College Soccer OregonState at Oregon Women's Colle e Soccer Gonza a at Ore on State Women's College Soccer Seattle at OregonState
Women's College Gymnastics Ohio State at OregonState Women's College Soccer UCLAat Oregon State Women's Colle e G mnastics Women's College Gymnastics Utah atWashington
Women's CollegeSoccerGonzagaatOregon State Women's CollegeSoccerOregonState at Oregon Women's CollegeGymnastics UCLAat Oregon State Teeter HangUps Montel Williams Like NewCarpet Say No to Pain SexyBodies Cindy Crawford CSI: NY CSI: CrimeScene Investigation C S I: Crime Scene Investigation Paid Program Insanity! DeepClean Cindy Crawford TapouT XT SexyBodies *** First Blood1982, ActionSylvester Stallone, RichardCrenna.n (:15) ** Eraser 1996n Battle Hair Loss Paid Program Like NewCarpet Hip Hop Abs Paid Program Celebrity Abs Repo Games CSE Crime SceneInvestigation * Street Warrior 2008,Action MaxMartini. n No Defrosting SexyBodies DeepClean Cindy Crawford SexyBodies WEN Hair Care DEA DEA DEA Cook Safe Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Celebrity Abs Paid Program Gangland Gangland Gangland Dancer's Body Hair Restoration No Defrosting Montel Williams Total Blackout ** BeyondSherwood Forest2009RobinDunne,JulianSands.« Black Forest 2012Tinsel Korey, BenCross. « More Sex WEN HairCare Battle Hair Loss Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off Teeter HangUps More Sex Montel Williams Battle Hair Loss Destination Truth Destination Truth Destination Truth Destination Truth More Sex Montel Williams Total Gym Front Yard Twilight Zone * * Open Graves 2009,Horror Eliza Dushku,Mike Vogel. The Lost Tribe 2009Emily Foxler, Nick Mennell. cc Paid Program More Sex WEN Hair Care Get Sub D Total Blackout Total Blackout Exit Exit Exit Creflo Dollar John Hagee Joseph Prince This Is Your Day Believeryoice Varied Programs Behind Scenes Varied Programs JamesRobison Today Married... With Married... With Meet, Browns My Name IsEarl Fresh Prince Fresh Prince House of Payne Meet, Browns Fresh Prince FreshPrince Engagement Engagement Headline Shoot (:45) ** Picture Snatcher 1933JamesCa ne (:15) *** Spitfire 1934 KatharineHepburn. « (:45) ** This Man IsMine1934 IreneDunne, RalphBellam The Awful Truth Many Rivers ** Valley of the Kings1954 RobertTaylor (:15) *** Above and Beyond1953Robert Taylor, EleanorParker. « ** Broadway Serenade1939Jeanette MacDonald (5:00) ** The Constant Nymph * * S lightly Dangerous1943 LanaTurner. « (:45) *** Lassie ComeHome1943RoddyMcDowall. «(DVS) *** MyName IsJuliaRoss (:45) Devotion ** Remember? 1939,ComedyRobert Taylor, cc ** Reno1939, DramaRichard Dix, Gail Patrick ** Manpower1941 EdwardG. Robinson, MarleneDietrich. cc *** Conflict 1945 « (5:15) * ** Born Yesterday *** Bells Are Ringing 1960JudyHolliday, Dean Martin. « (:15) ** The Outlaw1943 JaneRussell, JackBuetel. 6« 4 (:15) * YoungWidow1946 Leave to Niecy Leave to Niecy Baby's First Day Rm-Multiples A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story A Baby Story V aried Programs Four Weddings Varied Programs Smallville Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Supernatural L ooney Tunes Hero: 108 Ben 10 BeybladeMetl Pokemon BW Dragons: Riders NinjaGo: Mstrs Varied Programs Varied Programs Tummy Tuck Top Spot Top Spot Street Eats Varied Programs M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H M*A*S*H DeepClean Sheer Cover Say No toPain Montel Williams M'A'8'H Paid Program Say No toPain WEN Hair Care Dick Van Dyke Dick Van Dyke I Love Lucy I Love Lucy Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Andy Griffith Gunsmoke Cindy Crawford No Defrosting Say No to Pain Paid Program SummerHair Sheer Cover Cook Safe Cook Safe Paid Program Paid Program Retired at 35 Retired at 35 Hap. Divorced Hap. Divorced *** Dra Me to Hell 2009, Horror Alison Lohman,Justin Lon . « Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
USA 15 30 23 30 W Royal Pains
Graceland Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Jump Start VH1
TV • PAGE 9 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programmingmayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' ll I I II I I II I
Necessary Roughness Law & Order: Criminal Intent Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Jump Start
* Land of the Lost 2009,Comed Will Ferrell, AnnaFriel. « Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS NCIS
NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS
NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS
Burn Notice Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Jump Start
Burn Notice Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Jump Start
Burn Notice Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta
Burn Notice Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Gossip Table Jump Start
191 48 37 54 W Tli
Train: Saved Morning Drive
I'm Married to A ModelEmployee Hit the Floor
Morning Drive
In Play Big Break Mexico Big Break The Golf Fix Ballantines Highlights Performance I nside PGA Tour Volvo ChinaOpenHighlights GOLF 28 301 27 301 W Big Break Mexico EuropeanPGATour Golf BMWInternational Open, First RoundFromMunich, Germany. (N)(Live) On the Range Golf Central EuropeanPGATour Golf BMWInternational Open, SecondRoundFromMunich, Germany.(N) (Live) PGA Tour Golf Cha mpions: EncompassChampionship, First Round (N) HALL 66 33 175 33 I Love Lucy I L ove Lucy I L o ve Lucy I L o ve Lucy Go l den Girls G o lden Girls Golden Girls Golden Girls Home & Family The DanPatrick Show The Box Score Bill Dance Seasons on Fly American Hero Good Fishing JimmyHouston Good Fishing The Next Bite NA Hunter Saltwater Ex . Into the Blue Hank Parker Fishin Texas Knot Ri ht Fish Lunkerville Bass 2 Billfish NBCSN 27 58 30 20 W The Next Bite American Hero O'Neill Outside Intrepid Outdr Good Fishin Tll Into the Blue Majesty Outd Fishing Adv. Fishing/Martin Bill Dance F Diggers Diggers Alaska State Troopers Wild Justice Diggers Diggers Diggers Diggers Border Wars Polygamy,USA Polygamy,USA Polygamy,USA NGC 157 157 Locked UpAbroad Locked UpAbroad Locked UpAbroad Titanic: How It Really Sank Ghost Ships of the Black Sea GoldRushGhostShips Man-MadeDisasters Naked Science Naked Science Random! Cart. Supah Ninjas Supah Ninjas A dven./Jimmy Adven./ Jimmy T.U.F.F.Pupp T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy NTOON 89 115189115 Power Rangers The Mighty B! The Mighty B! Random! Cart Friends of NRA Paid Program Outdoors Juice and Lose! West. Extremes JackieBushman Bird Hunter O u tdoors In Pursuit With Hunting TV Alaska Outdoors Alaskan TecomateWhi Teeter HangUps Your Weapon Paid Program Outdoors Flyrod Shark Series F i shing Univ. Major LeagueFishing Mathews Magnum TV OUTD 37 307 43 307 W Hunting TV Happy Days! Mathew's Dom Nopalea with Bow Madness Amer. Rifleman Wardens Elite Tactical Unit Midway USA's Impossible Timbersports Paid Program Front Yard Trevor Gowdy Major LeagueFishing SavageWild F acts of Fishing Trophy Quest Ivan Carter Steve's Outdoor Driven TV Penn's Big Bottom Feeders Paid Program Zona's Show The Bassmasters Velvick's Eyes Spanish Fly Flyrod Bill Dance Salt Team Journal
TV Crossword 1
3 s 4
10 12
24 e
23 25
30 3 1 «
3 4 35
Unscramble the letters noted with asterisks within the puzzle to identify the featured celebrity.
27. Suffix for Max or Joseph 28. Role on"NCIS: Los Angeles" (2) 32. Blood type letters 33. Hilda's portrayer on "Ugly Betty" 34. Hope, forone 37. "Every Which Way but Clint Eastwood film 39. Talk show host 40. " Off Their Rockers"
1. Role on "Parks and Recreation" (2) 10. "Resident : A f terlife"; 2010 Milla Jovovich film 11. Caffe ; Starbucks menu item 12. " Pray Love"; 2010 movie for Julia Roberts 13. "Adam's "; 1949 Tracy/ Hepburn film 14. Military address letters DOWN 16. " Wife Swap" 1. "Suburgatory" actor Rex 18. "Gun "; 2000 movie for 2. Ms. Longoria Sandra Bullock 3. " Down Shut Up"; 20. ve r a ; lotion ingredient short-lived animated 21. Uruguayan Uncles 22. Chat room laugh comedy of 2009 23. "I'm With " (2003-04) 4. "Alice" star's initials 24. Barbie or Ken 5. Late actor Jannings 25. Goofs 6. Bryant of basketball
7. Mayberry's state: abbr. 8. Actress Maureen 9. 1973 Dustin Hoffman/Steve McQueen film 13. Prefix for pay or heat 15. Peter or Annette 16. Pitcher Young & others 17. Shout 18. "High "; Humphrey Bogart movie 19. " Bosses"; 2011 Jason Bateman film 21. You, biblically 24. " Another Day"; James Bond thriller 26. Move over a bit 29. " Rider"; Dennis Hopper movie 30. "Friday the 13th: Beginning"; 1985 sequel 31. " Law" (1986-94)
34. "You
Y o u r Life"; Groucho's series 35. " Tree Hill" 36. Derek and Jackson 38. Initials for Dickens' orphan boy 39. RosieO'Donnell's age
Solution Andy Rooney
THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 10 • TV
II General Hospital Days of our Lives B o l d/BeautifulThe Talk General Hospital Extra America's Funniest HomeVideos Charlie Rose Be a Millionaire Days of our Lives Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program SummerHair Zumba Fit Hair Restoration Front Yard Tracy Anderson Like NewCarpet Battle Hair Loss Back Pain Relief DeepClean Paid Program R U SMART? Woodshop Antiques Roadshow Rough Cut-Mac The LawrenceWelk Show Woodwright History Detectives Woodsmith Moyers &Company Wonders-Spain Woodshop The This OldHouseHour M CSU Miami Criminal Minds
The Chew Anderson Live myWindow The Chew TMZ Varied Programs NewsChannel8 Battle Hair Loss T Free Wen! M Q W Hair Restoration Th Facelift Secrets F Paid Program Desert Speaks Rudy Maxa Burt Wolf 73 Th Travelscope
The Ricki Lake Show
The Dr. OzShow Dr. Phil The Dr. OzShow Little House onthe Prairie Andy Griffith A n dy Griffith Judge J. Brown Judge J. Brown Katie The Doctors The Ricki Lake Show Clifford-Dog B o b the BuilderMartha Speaks Cat in the Hat Katie The Ellen DeGeneresShow We There Yet? We ThereYet? The Bill CunninghamShow
Asian Voices Tavis Smiley Asia This Week Arab American
Land of Dragon Beyond 3/11 Criminal Minds
The First 48
KATU NewsFirst at Four The Ellen DeGeneresShow I Love Lucy I L ove Lucy Judge Judy J u dge Judy The People's Court Arthur WordGirl Your Four O'Clock News Meet, Browns Meet, Browns
Nightly Business PBS NewsHour
The First 48
KATU Newsat 5 World News News Nightly News News Evening News KEZI 9 News World News Friends Friends Wild Kratts Ele ctric Comp NewsChannel 8 Nightly News The WendyWilliams Show
Lidia's Italy Caprial-John Chefs A'Field Christina Cooks Ciao Italia The First 48
Laura Mclntosh Simply Ming Korean Kitchen Julia's Kitchen Hubert Keller
T 30 28 18 32 W
Bates Motel Bates Motel Bates Motel Bates Motel Bates Motel Bates Motel *** Krngdom of Heaven2005 (10:00) ** P.S. I LoveYou2007 ** Gothika 2003,Horror HalleBerry, Robert DowneyJr ** The Uninvited 2009,Horror Elizabeth Banks, EmilyBrowning *** Kingdom of Heaven2005 Orlando Bloom.Ayoung knight protects Jerusalemfrominvaders. « *** King Kong 2005,Adventure NaomiWatts,Jack Black.« (9:30) *** The Dirty Dozen *AMC 02 40 39 (11:30) *** Identity 2003JohnCusack. « * The Haunting 1999LiamNeeson.Four peoplestay in areputedly hauntedhouse. CSU Miami CSU Miami (11:45) ** National Lampoon's EuropeanVacation (:45) ** National Lampoon's Vacation1983ChevyChase.Aa (:45) *** National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation1989, Comedy Chevy Chase. A «a *** Blood Diamond2006Leonardo DiCaprio (:15) *** National Lampoon's ChristmasVacation1989, ComedyChevy Chase.Aa *VegasVacation1997ChevyChase,BeverlyD'Angelo.Aa Call-Wildman Call-Wildman ANPL 68 50 26 38 SwampWars North WoodsLaw: Onthe Hunt Untamedand Uncut Weird, True Weird, True Gator Boys: Xtra Bites Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Princesses: Long Island Princesses: Long Island Newlyweds: The First Year Newlyweds: The First Year M T Don't-Tardy H o usewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Chef Roble & Co Chef Roble & Co Million Dollar Listing NewYork Million Dollar Listing NewYork Million Dollar Listing NewYork BRAVO 137 44 W Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC Housewives/OC TF Princesses: Long Island Princesses: Long Island Newlyweds: The First Year Newlyweds: The First Year Newlyweds: The First Year Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Reba Reba T Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition M Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Extreme Makeover: HomeEdition Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen Hell's Kitchen CMT 19032 42 53 W Hell's Kitchen DogandBeth:OntheHunt DogandBeth:OntheHunt DogandBeth:OntheHunt Dog and Beth:OntheHunt DogandBeth:OntheHunt TF SwampPawn SwampPawn SwampPawn SwampPawn SwampPawn CNBC 54 36 40 52 Closing Bell Closing Bell With Maria Bartiromo Fast Money V a ried Programs Mad Money The Kudlow Report Varied Programs (11:00) CNN Newsroom The LeadWith JakeTapper The Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront AndersonCooper360 CNN 55 38 35 48 ChappegeShow Chappelle Show Chappell eShow ChappelelShow (:08) ** Walk Hard: TheDewey CoxStory 2007JohnC. Reily, Jenna Fischer. « (:22) Futurama (4:53) Futurama Always Sunny T (11:50) Tosh.0 (:21) Tosh.0 (12:51) Tosh.0 (:22) Tosh.0 (1:52) Tosh.0 (:22) ** The Promotion 2008,ComedySeannWiliam Scott. « (:21) Futurama (4:52) Futurama Always Sunny COM 135 53 13547 W (11:59) Futurama (:29) Futurama (12:58) Futurama (:28) Futurama (1:57) Futurama (:27) Futurama (2:56) Futurama (:26) Futurama (3:56) Futurama (:26) Futurama (4:56) Futurama (:26) Futurama T (11:51) 30Rock (:21) 30 Rock South Park (:22) South Park South Park (:22) Futurama (4:53) Futurama Always Sunny (:23) ** Scary Movie 42006,ComedyAnnaFaris, CraigBierko F (:15) * National Lampoon's VanWilder: The Rise of Taj 2006 (:15) * Saving Silverman2001,ComedyJason Biggs, SteveZahn,Jack Black. 64 (:17) Futurama (4:48) Futurama Always Sunny Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Extreme Desire Adv Journal G e t Outdoors Visions of NW City Edition Paid Program COTV CSPAN 61 20 12 (9:00) Public Affairs Public Affairs Capitol Hill Hearing ** The GamePlan2007 Dwayne"TheRock"Johnson. rr « Phineas, Ferb Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Wizards-Place Austin & Ally Austin I Ally Austin & Ally ** HannahMontana:The Movie 2009 MileyCyrus.n « A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm A.N.T. Farm Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! *DIS 87 43 14 39 W LetIt Shine2012Tyler James Wiliams, CocoJones. n « Jessie Jessie Jessie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Good-Charlie Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog T LemonadeMouth2011,Musical Bridgit Mendler, AdamHicks. n « Austin & Ally A u stin & Ally Austin & Ally Austin & Ally Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Shake It Up! Gravity Falls Gravity Falls Gravity Falls I (Almost) Got AwayWith It Auction Kings Auction Kings Biker Build-Off Biker Build-Off Biker Build-Off Fast N' Loud Pot Cops Pot Cops Street Outlaws Deadliest Catch 'DISC 15621 16 37 W Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Fast N' Loud Blood & Oil Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Property Wars Property Wars T Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier Alaska: The Last Frontier E! News Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and theCity Sex and theCity Access Hollywood Live Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWiththe Kardashians Fashion Police The Wanted Life ** Bring It On All or Nothing *Fl **** When Harry MetSally 1989 Billy Crystal, MegRyan Keeping UpWith the Kardashians *** Juno 2007 EllenPage 136 25 W Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City Rihanna 777 Keeping UpWith the Kardashians T Pretty Wild Pre tty Wild Pre t ty Wild Pretty Wild Brooke Burke-Charvet ** The Lake House2006 (11:45) SoccerConfederations Cup: Tahiti vs. Nigeria (N) (Live) Around the Horn Interruption SportsCenter MLB Baseball Chicago Cubs at St. Lou is Cardinals (Live) « College Baseball NCAAWorld Series, Game7: TeamsTBA FromOmaha, Neb. (N)(Live) sa SportsCenter FIFA Qualify ESPN 21 23 22 23 W (11:30) SoccerConfederations Cup: Brazil vs. Mexico (N)(Live) Confed Studio (:45) SoccerConfederations Cup: Italy vs. JapanFromRecife, Brazil. (N) (Live) College Baseball College Baseball Th (11:45) SoccerConfederation Cup: Spain vs. Tahiti (N) (Live) (:45) SoccerConfederations Cup: Nigeria vs. UruguayFromSalvador, Brazil. (N) (Live) College Baseball NCAAWorld Series, Game11:TeamsTBA FromOmaha, Neb.(N) (Live) sa SportsCenter College Baseball College Baseball NCAAWorld Series, Game5: TeamsTBA FromOmaha, Neb. (N)(Live) « SportsNation NFL Live College Baseball Outside Lines Football Live NFL Live Around the Horn Interruption College Baseball ESPN2 22 24 21 24 W SportsCenter MLB Basebal lLosAngelesDodgersatNew YorkYankees(Live) « SportsCenter 30 for 30 Th Soccer Numbers Never Outside Lines SportsNation NFL Live Track and Field
Tennis (11:00) Tennis
SportsCentury Boxing Boxing ESPNC 23 25 12325 W Tennis NBA White Shadow Th (10:00) Tennis Tennis Boxing Boxing Friday Night Lights That '70s Show That '70s Show That'70s Show That'70s Show FAM 67 29 19 41 Switched at Birth Secret Life of AmericanTeen Reba Reba Reba Reba The O'Reilly Factor FNC 57 61 36 50 Studio B With ShepardSmith Your World With Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report With Bret Baier FOX Report With ShepardSmith B'foot Contessa Sandra's Res Dollar Dinners Secrets Best Dishes 30-Minute Meals Giada at Home Giada at Home B'foot Contessa B'foot Contessa Best Dishes P i oneer Wo. Money Saving Trisha's Sou. 'FOOD 17762 98 44 W Paula's Cooking Pioneer Wo. Trisha's Sou. Th Sandra Lee Best Dishes Mexican-Easy CupcakeWars CupcakeWars CupcakeWars CupcakeWars (11:00) * Deception 2008 * 12 Rounds 2009,ActionJohnCena.Anescapedconvi ctkidnapsacop'sfiancee ** Takers 2010MattDilon. Skilled thievesplan thebiggest heist of their careers (11:30) ** VantagePoint 2008DennisQuaid ** Takers 2010MattDilon. Skilled thieves planthe biggestheist of their careers Two/Half Men Two/Half Men How I Met How I Met TheComebacks ** ToothFairy2010,ComedyDwayneJohnson,AshleyJudd * Deuce Bigalow: MaleGigolo1999, Comed RobSchneider *WhatHappensinVe as2008 CameronDiaz FX 13 *WhatHappens inVegas2008CameronDiaz,AshtonKutcher (11:30) * Deuce Bigalow: MaleGigolo1999 How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two /Half Men ** ManoftheHouse2005,ComedyTommy LeeJones. (11:00) ** Sugar &Spice How I Met Two/Half Men Tennis
SportsCentury Tennis
THE BULLETIN 0 JUNE 15 — 21, 2013
TV • PAGE 11 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. / Sports programmingmayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
x x l i II I II I II I I II I Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins Property Virgins M T Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I HGTV 176 49 33 43 W Home StrangeHome Home Stran e Home Home StrangeHome Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Th Curb/Block Cu r b/Block Curb/Block Cu r b/Block Cu r b/Block Cur b/Block Cu r b Appeal C u rb Appeal C u rb Appeal C u rb Appeal F Renovation Raiders Top10 IncomeProperty Renos I n come Property Income Property Income Property American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers American Pickers Countin Cars Countin Cars Countin Cars Countin Cars Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Restoration Countin Cars *HIST 155 42 41 36 W (11:00) Decoding thePast Decoding the Past Decoding the Past Decoding the Past Decoding the Past Civilization Lost P a wn Stars Pawn Stars P a wn Stars Pawn Stars P a wn Stars Pa wn Stars Pa wn Stars Pa w n Stars Pa w n Stars Pawn Stars P a wn Stars Th Pawn Stars Earth-Made: Mt. St. Helens How the EarthWasMade How the EarthWasMade How the EarthWasMade Earth-Made: America's Ice Age E a rth-Made: Death Valley Will & Grace W i ll & Grace How I Met How I Met Grey's Anatomy Grey's Anatomy Wife Swap Wife Swap LIFE 138 39 20 31 MSNBC 59 59 12851 TheC cle Martin Bashir Hardball With Chris Matthews Pol i ticsNation Hardball With Chris Matthews All I n With Chris Ha es M (:04) Girl Code (:37) Girl Code (:09) Girl Code (:41) Girl Code (:13) Girl Code (2:46) Girl Code (:18) Girl Code (3:50) Girl Code TBA MindRi ht Mind Right T (:04) True Life (:09) TrueLife (:13) TrueLife (:18) TrueLife (:22) TrueLife MTV 192 22 38 57 W Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Rob Dyrdek's FantasyFactory Fa n tasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy Factory Fantasy FactoryFantasy Factory Th (:04) 16 andPregnant Mind Right (:09) 16 andPregnant (:13) *** Coach Carter 2005,DramaSamuel L. Jackson. Ahigh-school basketball coachpusheshisteamto excel. n Failosoph (:04) Gu Code (:37) Gu Code 09) Failosoph:41 Failoso h (:13) Failosoph (:18) Failosoph Failosoph (:22) Girl Code (4:55) Girl Code SpongeBob S p ongeBob Varied Pro rams Teenae Mut. Teena e Mut. Odd Parents O d d Parents Kun Fu Panda Spon eBob Spon eBob Spon eBob NICK 82 46 24 40 *** Crime After Crime 2010,Documentary n cc Disappeared Disappeared Disappeared Disappeared *** OneLucky Elephant2009,Documentaryn « Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal Unfaithful: Stories of Betrayal The Havesandthe HaveNots OWN 161 103 31 103 W Most Valuable Players 2010 Rita Cortez,AmandaKostalis. n « Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Raising Whitley Th *** Becomin Chaz 2011, Documenta n « Our America With Lisa Lin Our America With Lisa Lin Our America With Lisa Lin Our America With Lisa Lin *** Miss Representation 2011,Documenta n « Police Womenof Cincinnati Police Womenof Cincinnati Police Womenof Cincinnati Police Women ofCincinnati College Water Polo UCLAat California College Water Polo UCLAat USC College WaterPolo USCat Stanford College Wrestling Pac12 Championship College Gymnastics California at Stanford Pac.12 Football in 60 College Football California at OregonState Women's College Gymnastics Ohio State at OregonState Women's Bsk. Women's College Basketball: Sun Devils at Wildcats PAC1 2 47 310310310 W Women's College Gymnastics UCLAat OregonState Colle e Basketball California at Arizona Colle e Basketball USC atUCLA Colle e Basketball Stanford at California Th Women's Colle e G mnastics College Track and Field Pac-12Outdoor Championships Women's College Volleyball Oregon atUSC Women's College Volleyball Stanford at Washington M CSI: Cri. Scene (:20) BarRescue (:27) BarRescue (:33) BarRescue (:39) BarRescue (:45) BarRescue ** Fire Down Below1997,ActionStevenSeagal, MargHelgenberger. n (11:15) ** Eraser 1996Arnold Schwarzenegger,JamesCaan.n Tattoo Night. T a ttoo Night. T a ttoo Night. SPIKE 132 31 34 46 W Street Warrior * * Fighting 2009 ChanningTatum. Ayoungmanbecomesa champion street brawler Bellator 360 Bellator 360 Bellator 360 Th DEA DEA DEA DEA DEA DEA Gangland Gangland Gangland Fight Master: Bellator MMA ** Underworld 2003KateBeckinsale, Scott Speedman.n Black Forest * * T he Golden Compass 2007 Nicole Kidman, DakotaBlue Richards, es * Catwoman2004, Action HalleBerry, BenjaminBratt, es Narnia: Prince Caspian Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off Face Off Destination Truth Destination Truth Destination Truth Exit Exit SYFY 133 35 133 45 W Destination Truth ** The Dead2010, HorrorRobFreeman, Prince David Osei, DavidDontoh. « Defiance Th The Lost Tribe ** * Primal 2010, HorrorKrewBo lan, Ch'askaCubade Reed. « *** Dawnofthe Dead 2004 Sarah Polle ,Vin Rhames.« Dead Season2011, Horror ScottPeat, Marissa Merrill Zombie Apocal pse2011, HorrorVin Rhames, Ta nMannin . « TBN 205 60 130 The 700 Club John Hagee V a ried Programs Praise the Lord Varied Programs Potter's Touch Behind Scenes Varied Programs 'TBS 16 27 28 According-Jim Love-Raymond American Dad American Dad Wipeout Cougar Town Friends Friends Friends Friends King of Queens * ** Sunrise at Campobello1960, Biography RalphBellamy, GreerGarson. e «s (11:30) TheAwful Truth 1937 « ** BoyMeetsGirl1938JamesCagney.« *** Scaramouche 1952 Brdw Sernade ** Bitter Sweet1940 JeanetteMacDonald MGM Parade :45 *** Ma time1937, Musical Jeanette MacDonald,NelsonEdd . « Three Coins in the Fountain 1954 ** The Sign of the Ram1948Susan Peters *** Holiday1938 « TCM 101 44 101 29 W (11:45) *** Devotion 1946IdaLupino. « (:45) ** If Winter Comes1948Walter Pid eon,Deborah Kerr. « *** Ada1961, DramaSusan Hayward, DeanMartin. cc Now Playing * Untamed Youth 1957 Th (11:00) Conflict ** * Cornered1945, SuspenseDick Powell, Walter Slezak.64 ** The French Line1954 JaneRussell, Gilbert Roland. cc ** Underwater! 1955,AdventureJaneRussell, Gilbert Roland. *** Nocturne 1946, LynnBari (11:15) * Young Widow1946 What Not to Wear A Baby Story A Baby Story Island Medium Island Medium What Not to Wear Four Weddings Say Yes:TheBig Day M T I Found-Gown I Found-Gown *TLC 178 34 32 34 W Four Weddings
House Hunters Hunters Int'I
Th F 'TNT 17 26 15 27 *TOON 84 *TRAV 179 51 45 42
Quints-Surprise Quints.Surprise Bones Bones Tom I Jerr Tom andJerr Scared S uirrel Varied Programs *A*S*H (:04) M (:40) Gunsmoke M T Gunsmoke
Say Yes, Dress Say Yes,Dress Bones Almost Naked Scoob -Doo Bourdain: No Reservations (1:50) Gunsmoke
Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Bones Johnn Test Jo h nn Test Varied Pro rams Bonanza
NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS
NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS
Say Yes,Dress Say Yes, Dress Castle Total Drama T o tal Drama Bizarre Foods/Zimmern M'A'S*H *A*S*H (:36) M Bonanza
Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Castle Gro'band Adventure Time Man v. Food M an v. Food *A*S*H (:12) M
NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS
NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS
TVLND 65 47 29 35 W Th
NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit USA 15 30 23 30 W NCIS Th Burn Notice Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (:08) Hit the Floor
NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NCIS Law & Order: Special Victims Unit
Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit (:16) StevieTV (1:50) CouplesTherapy (2:58) *** Waiting to Exhale1995,Comedy-DramaWhitney Houston, AngelaBassett, LelaRochon. n (:16) Behind theMusic (:25) ** The Honeymooners2005Cedric theEntertainer. n (:44) Love &Hip Hop:Atlanta VH1 191 48 37 54 W (:08) ** Little Black Book 2004 Brittany Murphy. Awomaninterviews her beau's formergirlfriends (:01) Hit the Floor (:10) Love &Hip Hop:Atlanta Behind/Music Th (:08) CouplesTherap T.l. and Tin T. l . and Tin T.l . and Tin 40GreatestHi Ho Son s 09 40GreatestHi Ho Son softhe'90s Cou les Thr. F (:08) Model Employee (:17) Love &Hip Hop:Atlanta (:26) CouplesTherapy (:34) I'm Married to A... (:43) I'm Married to A... Big Break Big Break Mexico Bi Break Mexico Performance Golf Central The Golf Fix Big Break Mexico T EuropeanTour Challenge Tour: Big Break Mexico Big BreakMexico Golf Central Inside PGA Tour Big Break Pla y ing Lessons Golf's Greatest Rounds GOLF 28 301 27 301 W Inside PGATour Learning Center Big Break Int h e Bag European Tour School of Golf In Play On the Range Th PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship, First Round From TPC River Highlands in Cromwell, Conn.(N) Big BreakMexico Lee Trevino PGA Tour Golf F PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championshi, Second RoundFromTPCRiver Hi hlands inCromwell, Conn. N LPGA TourGolf Walmart NWArkansas Championship, First Round (N) PGA Tour Golf Marie Marie Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch Brady Bunch The Waltons The Waltons HALL 66 33 17533 Hank Parker B i l l Dance The DanPatrick Show Pro Football Talk The Crossover The Crossover NHL Live 2013 StanleyCupFinal M T Gaff Life Formula DRIFT 2013 Tour deFrance Preview *** The Color of Money 1986 NHL Live World Series of Fighting 3 NBCSN 27 58 30 209 W Hobie Outdoor King of Wake Premier League Soccer Soccergamesat club andinternational level Th FLW Outdoors F Motorsports Hour Track/Field 36 MLS Insider 100 Years of the Tour deFrance Brain Games Brain Games Brain Games Brain Games Brain Games None of the Brain Games Brain Games Brain Games Brain Games Brain Games The Devil's Playground Polygamy,USA Polygamy,USA Taboo USA Taboo USA Sex: How It Works NGC 157 157 Breakout Alaska StateTroopers Alaska StateTroopers Locked UpAbroad Lockdown Lockdown Mountain Movers Life Below Zero Life Below Zero Alaska State Troo ers Mountain Movers Th Alaska State Troo ers Explorer Crossing the Ice Brain Games Best Of Access 360World Heri Explorer Secrets of the Lost Gold Digimon-Digital Yu-Gi-Oh! NTOON 89 115189115 Danny Phantom Power Rangers The Penguins The Penguins Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Legend-Korra Avatar: Air Gold Fever Fisher's ATV Mathew's Dom Amer. Archer A r row Affliction Bow Madness Archer's Choice West. Extremes Whitetail Freaks Bone Collector Hunt Masters Truth Hunting Spring Hunting, Country Bone Collector Trophy Hunt Driven TV Ted Nugent TedNugent Most Wanted Cuddeback's Tecomate Whi Bird Hunter OUTD 37 30743 307 W Shooting USA Shooting Gallery Wardens Best Defense Amer. Rifleman Im ossible Midwa USA's Shooting USA Th Friends of NRA Wild Skies Ult. Adventures Whitetail Freaks Hunt Masters Drop Zone Addicted, Out Tracks, Africa Wardens Sprin Tecomate Whi Zona's Show Realtree WildgameNtn The Crush Hu n t AdventureFacts of Fishing Velvick's Eyes The Bassmasters The BassPros Major LeagueFishing
THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 12 • TV
c II
II Jeopardy! (N)n
(10:01) MistressesTensionsrise be- KATU News at11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc 'Q' cc tween SaviandDom.(N) n '14' Kimmel Live '14 (ABC) (N) n « Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Voice LiveFinal PerformancesThe remaining artists perform. (N) n 'PG' cc (10:01) The Winner Is... Million Dollar NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc 'Q' cc (NBC) Mistake Cash or the game.'PG' at11 (N) « Wit h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30 Rock Tracy How I Met Your Mike & Molly n 2 Broke Girls n (9:31) Mike &Moll Hawaii Five-0 KekoaALuamasteris KOIN Local6at11 Late Show With KBNZ '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine Does Conan'14' Mother n '14' David Letterman (CBS) murdered n 14 cc (N) cc omg! Insider (N) n The Bachelorette Themencompete for Desiree's affection. (N) n '14' « (10:01) MistressesTensionsrise be- KEZI 9 News at (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat Entertainment 'PQ' cc tween SaviandDom.(N) n '14' 11: 00 (N) « Kim mel Live '14 (ABC) 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « Toni ght (N) 'PG The Big Bang Raisin g Hopen The Goodwin New Girl Cabin Anger Manage News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family GuyHoly Family Guy n KFXO I(g IE} IE) IEI TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf TheBigBang '14' cc '14' « Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' ment '14' cc Crap '14' « (FOX) Games(N)'14' n 14 First on FOX Antiques RoadshowTrophy belt buck- History Detectives SpaceExploration Oregon Experi- Oregon Experi IndependentLensAmlanGanguly KOAB ~ gy gy gy This Old House Nightly Business PBS NewsHour(N) n acc 'Q' cc (PBS) Report (N) n 'G' les costumedress 'G' cc Scrap ofmetallic Mylar. n 'G' encecuisine.'G' ence'G' transiormsslumsof India. (N) 'PG' NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) The Voice LiveFinal PerformancesThe remaining artists perform. (N) n 'PG' cc (10:01) TheWinner Is... Million Dollar NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) Mistake Cash or the game.'PG' 11( N) « With Jay Leno That '70s Show Seinfeld ThePack- Rules of Engage. Oh Sit! LucianaLuciana performsas The Carrie Diaries Carrie finds shocking Cops n 'PG' cc Seinfeld TheChap- Rules of Engage. That '70s Shown KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ The King of '14' cc ment 'PG' ment'14' Queens n 'PG' Halloween 'PG' age n 'PG' contestantscompete.(N)'PG' information. n '14' « erone 'G' (CW) OPBPL 1 75 1 7 3 Mexico05ayless Primal Grill Ame rican Masters: Pearl Jam Twenty n '14' « World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU
KATU Newsat 6(N) n «
Wheel of Fortune The Bachelorette Themencompete for Desiree's affection. (N) n '14' «
The GladesMagicLongworth Amale Longmire TheRoadto Hell Theteam (11:01) LongmireTheteaminvestigates 3 28 1 8 32 Criminal Criminal Minds Aseries shockingMinds news. 'Rossi' 14' ccs first wife sharesPhiladelphia. n '14' cc of beatings in Criminal lifeguardMinds towers.Bodies n '14'are cc found in stripper turns updead. '14' investigates acattle heist. '14' a cattle heist. '14' cc (5:00) *** "KingdomofHeaven"(2005)Orlando Bloom,Eva Green,Jeremy *** "KingKong" (2005,Adventure) NaomiWatts, JackBlack, Adrien Brody. A beautytamesa savage beast. « 'AMC Irons. Ayoungknight protects Jerusalemfrominvaders. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Gator Boysn 'PG Call-Wildman Call-Wildman CallofWildman Call-Wildman Of ftheHook O f f t heHook To p HookerRiverRumblen'PG Call of Wildman Call-Wildman BRAVO 13 44 New lyweds: The First Year '14 Housewives/NJ Housewives/OC Housewives/OC What Happens Housewives/OC (10:01) Newlyweds:TheFirst Year Re b a 'PG' « ** "TheKarateKidPartII" (1986)Ralph Macchio, Noriyuki "Pat" Morita. n « CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 40 52 Mob Money: Murdersand American Greed Fast Money Mob Money:Murdersand American Greed Teeter HangUps Cancer: Winning CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 Always Sunny (6:27) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show Ke y & Peele '14' (8:29) Futurama(8:58) South Park (9:29) South Park (9:59) South Park South Park 'MA' Daily Show COTV 11 Paid Program myWindow Desert CookingOregon ExtremeDesire AdvJournal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show myWindow Ci t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie'G' « Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie S h ake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally 'G ** "Hannah Montana:TheMovie" (2009)MileyCyrus. n « Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 FastN'Loudn'14'cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Fast N' Loud: Revved Up(N) '14 Fast N' Loud (N) n '14' cc Street Outlaws (N) n '14' cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc *E! 13 25 Kee ping Up With the Kardashians E! News(N) The Wanted Life ** "BringIt On:A/Ior Nothing" (2006,Comedy)HaydenPanettiere Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 MLBBaseball: CubsatCardinals Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (5:00) CollegeBaseball NCAAWorld Series, Game 6: TeamsTBA(N) SportsNation « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)vc c NASCARNow NFL Live « SportsCenter ESPNC 23 25 123 25 30for30 « NBA Finals Game 6, from June 17, 2008. cc Boxing Boxing Tennis FromJuly 7, 1973.(N) ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Around the Horn Interruption SportsNation Numbers Never Questionable ESPNFCPress Around the Horn FAM 67 29 19 41 TheFostersConsequentlyn'14' Switched at Birth n '14' « Switched at Birth (N) n '14' « The Fosters Hostile Acts(N)'14' Twisted Pilot n '14' « The 700 Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive ** "X-Men Origins:Wolverine" (2009,Action) HughJackman, Liev Schreiber, will.i am ** "X-Men Origins: Wo/verine" FX 131 How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 Property Virgins Property Virgins Love It or List It 'G' cc Love Itor Listlt'G' « Love It or List It Finlay Family 'G House Hunters Hunters Int'I Love It or List It 'G' cc *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickersDukeofOil'PG' American Pickers 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers (N) 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Restoration R e s toration LIFE 13 39 20 31 **"No Reservations"(2007, Drama)Catherine Zeta-Jones. « ** "MissCongeniality 2:ArmedandFabulous" (2005, Comedy)« ** "TheNannyDiaries" (2007, Comedy) ScarlettJohansson. « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 MindRight Min d Right Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Teen Wolf Apossibleclue. n '14 Teen Wolf Fireflies (N) n '14' Hooked, Catfish Teen Wolf '14' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S a m &Cat'G' Victorious n 'G' Figure It Out 'Y' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Disappeared n 'PG'ac c Dateline on OWNn '14' cc Datehne onOWNThe Player 14 Datehne on OWN n '14' « Dateline on OWN n '14' cc OWN 161 103 31 103DisappearedVanishing Bride 'PG' PAC12 47 310310310 Wrestling Wom e n's Soccer Women's CollegeSoccer OregonState at Oregon Women's CollegeSoccerWashingtonat Washington State Women's Soccer Wm. Soccer SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:52) BarRescueBikini Bust'PG (6:58) BarRescueIna Pinch'PG' (8:05) BarRescue n 'PG' (9:11) BarRescueTheBambooBeachTiki Bar. 'PG' (10:18) BarRescue n 'PG' Bar Rescue'PG' SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:00) *** "TheChronicles o/ Narnia:Prince Caspian" (2008) « Defiance '14' « Defiance (N) '14' « Warehouse13 (N) n '14' « Defiance '14' « TBN 205 60 130 Kingdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord 'Y' cc Joel Osteen 'PG' Perry Stone L i v e-Holy Land Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Praise the Lord Seinfeld TheOut- Seinfeld The ShoesSeinfeld The Old Family Guy n Family Guy n Family Guyn Family GuyBlind Deon Cole's Black Family Guy n Conan Seth Rogen;Earthquake. '14' cc 'TBS 16 27 11 28 The King of n 'PG' '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG' ing n 'PG' Man 'PG' cc Ambition n '14' Box (N) **** "Interrupted Melody" (1955)EleanorParker,GlennFord. Australian so *** "Home FromtheHil" (1960, Drama)Robert Mitchum, Eleanor Parker, GeorgePeppard. Infidelity (11:45) ** "Lizzie (5:00) *** "Scaramouche" (1952 TCM 101 44 101 29 Adventure) StewartQranger. and illegitimacyplague a Texas family's ties. « prano Marjorie Lawrencecomesback frompolio. « (1957) *TLC 17 34 32 34 Toddlers&Tiarasn'PG' « Best Funeral Ever n 'PG'acc Cake Boss 'PG' Cake Boss 'PG Cake Boss 'PG' Cake Boss 'PG HoneyDo 'PG' Honey Do 'PG' Cake Boss'PG' Cake Boss'PG Castle NannyMcDeadA nanny's bodyis Castle HedgeFundHomeboys Deathof Major Crimes Final Cut Adirector's wife Major CrimesEmmademands that King & Maxwell SecondChancesMi (11:02) Major CrimesEmmademands *TNT stashed in adryer. n 'PG' a teenageboy. 'PG' « is found murdered. '14' cc Rusty be relocated. (N)'14' « chelle is questioned.(N)'14' that Rusty berelocated. '14' *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Adventure Time Regular Show MAD (N) 'PG King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy 'PG' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food'G' Manv.Food Man v. Food Burger Land(N) Burger Land Bizarre Foods America 'PG' cc Bizarre Foods America 'PG' cc *A*S*H TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:48) M'A'S*H (6:24) M FriendS n 'PG' Friende n 'PG' Frienda n 'PG' Frienda 'PG Friends 'PG' F r iends n '14 Friendsn'14' F r iendsn'14' (11:05)Friends (11:36)Friends USA 15 30 23 30 NCISForcedEntryn'PG' « NCIS Tonygoesunder cover. 'PG' WWE Monday Night RAWWil Triple Hfinally be allowed to compete? (N) n « (11:05) Graceland '14 VHI 191 48 37 54 (5:51) BehindtheMusic'PG' cc Lo v e & Hip Hop: Atlantan'14 Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta(N) '14' H i t theFloor Rebound(N) n'14' Lo v e & Hip Hop: Atlantan'14' Hit t he Floor Reboundn'14' *A&E
*** "Aii"2001 Will Smith. Basedonthe life story of legendary boxerMuhammadAli. (10:40) *** "FridayNightLights" 2004 n 'PG-13' FXM Presents * "10Things /HateAbout You"1999 HeathLedger. 'PG-13' « ** Amenca s Sweefhearfs 34 (5:00) UFC:Struve vs. Miocic BC OneBrazil 2012(N) 'PG' UFC ReloadedUFC68:Sylvia vs. CoutureRandyCouture comesout of retirement. 28 301 27 301 Big BreakMexico (N) Lee Trevino Golf Central Big BreakMexico Lee Trevino The Golf Fix P e r formance HALL 66 33175 33 Little HouseonthePrairie'G' Little House on the Prairie 'PG' Lit t le House on the Prairie 'G' Frasier 'PG' F r a sier 'PG' Fr a sier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' ***"MagicMike" 2012 ChanningTatum,Alex Pettyfer. n 'R' cc HBO 425501 425501 Beyonce: Life Is but a Dream'MA True Blood n 'MA' cc Love, Marilyn" 2012,Documentary Premiere. n 'NR' « **"Teeth" 2007,ComedyJessWeixler,JohnHensley,JoshPais.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) "LittleMissSunshine" 2006 (7:15) *** "LittleMissSunshine" 2006,Comedy-DramaGregKinnear, SteveCarell. 'R ** Teeth2007 * * * f Red Eye" 2005 MAX 400508 508 (605) * "TheApparition"2012 AshleyGreene. cc *** hqay"2004 JamieFoxx.RayCharlesovercomeshardshipstobecomealegend Rachel McAdams. 'PG-13' Banshee'MA' NBCSN 27 58 30 209 2013Stanley Cup Final: Blackhawks atBruins NHL Live (N) The Crossover Stanley Rewind Octane Academy(N)'14 IndyCar Racing MilwaukeeIndyFest Brain Games'G Brain Games Brain Games'G Brain Games Brain Games 'G' Brain Games NGC 157 157 B r ain Games 'G' Brain Games S l ang Hunters Brain Games Slang Hunters Brain Games NTOON 89 115189115 SpongeBob S p ongeBob Sp o ngeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Danny Phantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 30743 307 Heartland Bow Fisher's ATV Savage Wild Bottom Feeders Ivan Carter Best of West Elite Tactical Unit SeasonDebrief Your Weapon Bottom Feeders Fisher's ATV Savage Wild SHO 500 500 Nurse Jackie n The Borgias ThePrince'MA' « 360 2011 'R' (6:15) *** "The BigLebowski" 1998, ComedyJeff Bridges. n 'R' acc (8:25) ** "Gone" 2012 AmandaSeyfried. 'PG-13' SPEED 35 303125303 Faster Than F a s ter Than Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Pinks - All Out 'PG Faster Than F a ster Than Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Unique Whips '14' **"TheLadyki//ers"2004 Tom Hanks.n 'R'« STARZ 300 408300408 (5:30) ** "Boogeyman" 2005n (7:05) *** "FriendsWithBenefits" 2011 Justin Timberlake. 'R' « Magic City n 'MA' « Magic City 'MA' "SpyKids-Timein theWorld *** "TheSchoolo/Rock"2003,ComedyJack Black.n 'PG-13 ** "The Twilight Saga: Breaking DawnPart I" 2011 Kristen Stewart. ** 'ltyrid Cherry" 2009 'R' « TMC 5 25 5 2 5 *WE 14 41 174118 CSEMiami RaisingCaine n '14 CSE Miami n '14' cc CSE Miami Ambush n '14' cc CSE Miami All In n '14' cc CSE MiamiMiamiConfidential '14' C SE Miami RaisingCaine n '14 ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
106401 306401(6:15) **** "Driving Miss Daisy" 1989MorganFreeman.'PG' «
104204104120 FXM Presents * *
" Blast From the Past"1999 Brendan Fraser. 'PG-13' acc
THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013
TV • PAGE 13
'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •
v II
KATU 2013 NBAFinals SanAntonio Spursat Miami HeatGame6. Fromthe AmericanAirlines Arena inMiami. (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live Cindy Crawford on Dr. 0 weight loss Jeopardy! (N) O
Wheel of Fortune KATU Newsat11 (11:35) JimmyKim'Q' cc Game Night ageless skin secret! NBA Week n 'G' (N) rr cc mel Live (N) Jeopardy! (N) n Wheel of Fortune America's Got Talent Hopefulsperformfor The Voice Live FinaleThewinner is announced. (N) n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 21at The Tonight Show KTVZ NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc 'G' « (NBC) NBA Week rr 'G' the judges. (N) rr 'PG' « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno(N) eak- NCIS SquallAmurderonaU.S.Navyship NCIS: Los Angeles HistoryDeeksand Person of Interest 2 Pi RFinch goesunder KOINLocal 6 at11 Late Show With KBNZ AccessHollywood Who Wantsto Bea New Adventuresof 30RockTheBr Mill i onaire 'G' O l d Christine Up n '14' rr '14' cc (DVS) Kensi follow atrail. 'PG' cc (DVS) David Letterman (CBS) (N) n 'PG' « COVer. O 'PG' cc (N) cc (11:01) KEZI 9News (11:35) JimmyKimKOHD 2013 NBAFinals SanAntonio Spursat Miami HeatGame6. Fromthe AmericanAirlines Arena inMiami. (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live (9:01) Entertainment (9:31)omg! Insider (10:01) 20/20 O 'PG' cc Game Night Tonight 'PG' at 11:00 (N) mel Live (N) (ABC) (Live) « (N) n cc aHalfMen TwoandaHalfMen TheBigBang The Big Bang So You ThinkYou CanDance MeettheTop 20The top 20finalists are revealed. (N) News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guy If I'm Family Guy n KFXO Two and rr '14' cc rr '14' cc Dyin' I'm Lyin' '14 'PQ' cc (FOX) rr '14' cc Theory 'PG' cc Theory 'PG' cc First on FOX(N) John D. Rockefeller: American Experience John D.Rockefeller Jr. dedicates his life to Frontline TheRetirementGamble Manag Em>leNorman: By H>sOwn Destgn n KOAB Ask This Old House Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n « 'PQ' cc ing retirementsavings. 'PG' cc (PBS) 'Q' cc Report (N) n 'G' restoring hisfamily's name. n 'PG' cc(DVS) Inside Edition (N) n America's GotTalent Hopefulsperformfor The Voice LiveFinale Thewinner is announced. (N) O'PG' « NewsChannel 8at TheTonightShow KGW NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N)cc 'PQ' cc With Jay Leno(N) (NBC) 6PM (N) cc 6:30PM (N) cc the judges.(N) n 'PG' « 11 (N) cc Seinfeld TheBig Rules of Engage- That '70s ShowThe KTVZDT2 TheKing of Queens That '70s Show n Seinfeld The Fa- Rules of Engage. Hart of Dixie Wade tries toavoid a conver America's NextTop ModelTyra photo- Cops Inebriated 'PQ' cc ment 'PG' « ment '14' « See k er '14' (CW) n 'PG' tigues 'G' « sation. rr 'PG' « graphs themodels. n '14' cc woman. n 'PG' Salad PG cc OPBPL Rachel's-Food Perfect Day 'G Above Yellowstone n 'G' « Tomlinson Hill n 'PG' cc BBC World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n cc PBS NewsHour n cc
(ABC) (Live) «
Storage WarsThe Storage Wars StorageWars(N) Storage Wars(N) Shipping Wars (N) Shipping Wars(N) (11:01) Shipping (11:31) Shipping '14' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Wars 'PG' cc Wars 'PG' cc French Job PG P G cc "League ofExtra. 'AMC (4:00) *** "KingKong" (2005,Adventure) NaomiWatts, JackBlack, Adrien Brody. A *** "TheLast Samurai" (2003,Adventure) TomCruise, KenWatanabe, Timothy Spall. A Westerner learns theways of the samuraiin the 1870s.« beauty tamesasavagebeast.« Gentlemen" *ANPL River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc R i ver Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc N o r th America Revealed n 'PG' North AmericaTop10n 'PG' River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc f BRAVO Housewives/OC Housewives/OC ** How lo LoseaGuyin10Days"(2003)KateHudson,Matthew McConaughey Don't Be Tardy... Don't Be Tardy... W hat Happens Housewives/NJ Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « Reb a 'pQ cc CMT Reba 'PG' cc Blue Collar Comedy:TenYears of Ron White: A Little Unprofessional Thecomedianperforms his newset. '14 Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 60 Minutes on CNBC American Greed Mad Money 60 Minutes on CNBC American Greed Paid Program Hair Re-Growth CNN Piers MorganLive (N) (Live) Anderson Cooper 360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Amy Schumer Col bert Report COM It's Always Sunny (6:25) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show (8:28) Tosh.0 '14' (8:59) Tosh.0 '14' Tosh.0 '14' cc To s h.0 'MA' cc A m y Schumer Daily Show COTV Paid Program myWindow Redmond City Council myWindow Cit y Edition CSPAN (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS Good-Charlie Je s sie'G' « Dog Witha Blog Good-Charlie Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' "Lef It Shine"(2012)Tyler JamesWiliams, CocoJones. n 'G' « Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G' *DISC Deadliest Catch Goodbye Jake '14 Deadliest Catch n '14' cc Deadliest Catch: OnDeck(N) n '14' Deadliest Catch (N) n '14' cc Blood & Oil Live FreeDrill Hard '14' Deadhest Catch n 14 cc *E! (5:00) "BringIt On:All orNothing" E ! Ne ws (N) Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Ke e ping Up With the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Chelsea Lately (N) E! News ESPN (5:30) FIFAWorld CupQualifying United Statesvs. Honduras(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 (5:00) CollegeBaseball NCAAWorld Series, Game8: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) SportsNation s«s Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NBA Tonight (N) NASCAR Now(N) SportsNation N B A Tonight ESPNC Boxing cc Boxing cc Boxing cc Boxing cc Boxing cc Boxing cc Tennis From7/4/93. « Tennis Wimbledon,women'sfinal ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Around the Horn Interruption SportsNation Numbers Never Questionable ESPNFCPress Outside the Lines FAM Twisted Pilot n '14' cc Pretty Little Liars A Isfor A-I-i-v-e '14' Pretty Little Liars (N) n '14' « Twisted (N) n '14' « Pretty Little Liars O '14' « The700Club rr 'G' « FNC Hannity (N) On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The Five 'FOOD Chopped UnsungHeroes'G' Chopped Viewers'Choice! 'G Chopped Orzo ItSeemed'G' Chopped MixandMache'G' ChoppedWheatgrassRoots(N) 'G' Chopped 'G' ** 20!2 (2009) FX How I Met/Mother How I Met/Mother Two andHalfMen Two and HalfMen ** "20/2" (2009, Action)JohnCusack, Chiwetel Ejiofor, AmandaPeet. Aglobal cataclysmnearly wipesout humanity HGTV Hunters Int'I Hun t ers Int'I Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G Property Virgins Property Virgins Flip or Flop 'G' F l ip or Flop 'G House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I Renovate to Rent Renovate to Rent *HIST Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars(N) Counting Cars(N) Restoration Restoration Larry the CableGuy LIFE Pretty Wicked Moms '14' cc Dance Moms 'PG' cc Dance Moms'PG' « Dance Moms(N)'PG' cc Pretty Wicked Moms(N) '14' « (11:01) Pretty WickedMoms'14' MSNBC The RachelMaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews cc MTV Mind Right Hooked, Catfish Teen Wolf Fireflies n '14' Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' Girl Code (N) '14 Awkward. (N)'14' Girl Code (N)'14 The Alectrix 'PG' Awkward. n '14 NICK SpongeBob Sp o ngeBob Victorious n 'G' Figure It Out 'Y' Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends '14' cc (11:33) Friends n The Haves andthe Have Nots 'PG' The Havesand the HaveNots 'PG' The Haves andthe HaveNots 'PG' The Havesand the HaveNots 'PG The Havesand the HaveNots 'PG OWN The Havesand the Have Nots 'PG' PAC12 The12 Best Col l ege Football Oregon at OregonState Spring Football Spring Football SPIKE Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares Tattoo Nightmares SYFY Face Off Immortal Enemies 'PG' « Fac e Off Live Finale 'PG' « Total Blackout T o tal Blackout Total Blackout Total Blackout (N) Exit That SinkingFeeling(N)'PG' Total Blackout Total Blackout TBN Joseph Prince 'G' Rod Parsley Praise the Lord 'Y' « ACLJ This Week Full Flame cc Praise the Lord Secrets.Clement Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes King of QueensSeinfeld TheImplant Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld The Junior The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan PaulRudd; VonGrey. '14' « *TBS The n 'PG' 'PQ' cc Mint n 'PG' Theo ry '14' « Theory '14' « Theory '14' « Theory 'PG' cc Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' (5:00) *** "ThreeCoinsin the Fountain" *** "Tonightand EveryNight" (1945, Musical) Rita Hayworth, (8:45) *** "AnchorsAweigh" (1945,Musical) FrankSinatra, GeneKelly, KathrynGrayson.Twosailors on (11:15) *** "Robin andthe SevenHoods" TCM Lee Bowman, Janet Blair. « shore leavelook for romanceinHollywood.« (1954) CliftonWebb. « (1964) FrankSinatra. « 'TLC Toddlers & Tiaras n 'PG' « My Teen Is Pregnant and So Am I n 19 Kids and Counting n 'PG' « Family S.O.S.With Jo Frost (N) 'PG' My Teen Is Pregnant and SoAmI (N) Family S.O.S.With Jo Frost n 'PG Castle AlwaysBuyRetail Strangemurder Castle High-endhomeinvasions end in Castle GhostsWomanis drowned in motor Castle Little Girl LostCastle competeswith Castle A Death inthe Family Aplastic sur Rizzoli & Isles JaneandMaurainvestigate 'TNT scene. n 'PG' cc murders. n 'PQ' cc oil. rr 'PG' cc (DVS) Beckett's ex. 'PG' «(DVS) geon is brutallymurdered. rr 'PG' afire. '14' cc "TOON Regular Show Regular Show Johnny Test'Y7' TeenTitansGo! Looney Tunes Adventure Time King of the Hill n King of the Hill n American Dad '14' American Dad'14 Family Guy '14' Family Guy 'PG' 'TRAV Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food 'PG' Man v. Food 'G' Bizarre Foods America Austin 'PG Airport 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi Grills Gone Wilder (N) 'PG' « Ribs Paradise 'G' « M*A*S*H 'PG' TVLND M*A*S*H 'PG' Friends '14' cc Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' F r iends '14' cc F r iends 'PG' Fri e nds 'PG (11:36) Friends n USA Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n L aw & Order: Special Victims Unit n L aw I Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n Law & Order: Special Victims Unit n CSE CrimeSceneInvestigation '14' I'm Married to A... (N) n '14 VH1 (5:52) CouplesTherapy n '14 Hit the Floor Out ofBounds n '14 Hit the Floor Rebound n '14' Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14 Couples Therapy n '14 *A&E
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
Storage Wars 'PQ' cc
*** "TheRock"1996 SeanConnery. Alcatraz Island terrorists threaten to gasSanFrancisco (4:35) ** Click (6:25) * "Jack andJil" 2011 AdamSandler. 'PG' « (10:20) * "GhostRider: Spirit o/ Vengeance" 2012« *** "Howto TrainYourDragon" 2010Voices of Jay Baruchel. 'PG' « ** "Daddy DayCare"2003,ComedyEddieMurphy,JeffGarlin.'PG'« * "The Bachelor"1999, Comedy-DramaChris O'Donnell. 'PG-13' « UFC Unleashed UFCTonight(N) UFClnsider UFC 161:Evansvs.HendersonPrelims UFC Unleashed UFC Tonight U F C Insider (5:00) GolpsGreatest Rounds(N) In Play Golf Central Lea r ning Center Golf's Greatest Rounds Twoof golf's biggest namesbattle it out at St. Andrews In Play HALL Little House on the Prairie 'G' cc Little House on the Prairie 'G' cc Little House on the Prairie 'G' « Frasier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Frasier 'G' « Fra s ier 'G' cc HBO (4:45)TheEagle Family Tree 'MA' True Blood n 'MA' cc (6:45) Real TimeWith Bill Maher 'MA' (7:45) *** "TheDarkKnight Rises" 2012Christian Bale. Batmanfaces amasked vilain named Bane. 'PG-13' cc *** "TheFugitive" 1993,SuspenseHarrison Ford, TommyLee Jones, Sela Ward. 'PG-13 IFC (5:00) *** "City S/ickers"1991 Billy Crystal. 'PG-13' (10:15) *** "City S/ickers"1991, ComedyBilly Crystal. 'PG-13' 2, Action Denzel Washington. n 'R' cc ** "TheBoneCollector" 1999,SuspenseDenzel Washington. n 'R' cc ** "TheCampaign" 2012Wil Ferrell. n 'R' cc MAX ** "Safe House" 201 (11:40) Banshee *** "TheCo/oro/Money" (1986, Drama)Paul Newman,Tom Cruise. NBCSN (5:00) *** "TheCo/oro/Money" (1986) Paul Newman. 2013 Tour deFrance Preview Motorcycle Racing 'PG Sex: How It Works '14 NGC (5:00) Sex:HowIt Works (N) '14 Taboo USAOddJobs (N)'14 Taboo USAOddJobs '14' Taboo USASecret Passions '14' NTOON Odd Parents Od d Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents Odd Parents OddParents Rob ot, Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD Hunting, Country Most Wanted Hunting TV King of the Spring Western Extreme Marc & Todd's T r uth Hunting H u nting, CountryDriven TV King of the Spring TecomateWhite Western Extreme ographyoiBob Gruen"2012n 'NR'« SHO Rock'N'RollExposed:ThePhot History of the EaglesExploringthe evolution andenduring popularity of TheEagles. n 'MA' « NurseJackie'MA' TheBorgias'MA' SPEED Stuntbusters 'PG' Stuntbusters 'PG' American Trucker American Trucker Gearz Gearz 'G' Stuntbusters 'PG' Stuntbusters 'PG' American Trucker American Trucker Unique Whips '14' ***"Hitch"2005, Romance-ComedyWil Smith. n 'PG-13' « ** "LittleMan" 2006 'PG-13' « STARZ (5:10) ** "John Carter" 2012Taylor Kitsch. n 'PG-13' (7:25) *** "Brave" 2012Voices of Kelly Macdonald f *** "Our IdiotBrother" 2011 PaulRudd.rr 'R' « TMC ** "BrightonRock" 2010, CrimeDramaSam Riley. O 'R' « * Ma/lrafs"1995 Shannen Doherty. rr 'R' « (11:05) *** "ChasingAmy"1997 'WE Pregnant & Dating Revelations '14 Bridezillas Dezjuan andAriel '14' Bridezillas AmandaandDekeydra '14' Marriage Boot Camp: Bridezillas '14' Marriage Boot Camp: Bridezillas '14 Pregnant & Dating Parties '14 ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
THE BULLETIN o JUNE 15 — 21, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 14 • TV
o II • KATU Newsat 6(N) n «
Jeopardy! (N) n Wheel of Fortune The Middle The Family Tools (N) n ModernFamily How to Live With ABC's The Lookout (N) n « KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy 'Q' cc 'Q' cc 'PG' cc n 'PG' Name n 'PG' Your Parents Kimmel Live '14' (ABC) (N)n cc NBC Nightly News NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc Jeopardy! (N) n Wheel of Fortune To Be Announced NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O (5:00) 2013 Stanle Cup y Final ChicagoBlackhawksat Boston BruinsGame4 'Q' cc 'Q' cc (NBC) From TD Garden in Boston. (N) n (Live) « (N) cc at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodWho Wants to Be New Adventures 30 Rock TheBaby The American Baking Competition TheCriminal Minds The BAUtracks an CSE CrimeScene Investigation Dead KOIN Local 6 at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' a Millionaire Ajr n '14' cc(DVS) David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Show '14' contestantsbakebread. (N)n escapedprisoner. n '14' (N) cc Entertainment omg! Insider (N) The Middle The Family Tools (N) n ModernFamily How to Live With ABC's The Lookout (N) n « KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 Newsat 'PQ' cc n 'PG' Tonight (N) 'PG' cc Name n 'PG' Your Parents Kimmel Live '14 (ABC) 6:00(N) « 6:30 (N) cc 11:00 (N) cc Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang MasterChefTop 15Compete; Top14Compete Usingforeign delicacies. (N) n News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family Guy Love Family Guy '14' cc KFXO ID< IEI |EI IE! Two and aHalf ' 1 4' «(DVS) Men '14' cc Men '14' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' First on FOX Thy Trophy'14' Nature Predatorypythons in Florida. n NOVA Dr.KennyBroaddives intoblue Coal An Earthfix Beneath the Seeking the Greatest Good n 'G' « KOAB aB gy ~ gy Burt Wolf: TravelsNightly Business PBS NewsHour(N) n m ' P G' cc (DVS) Report (N) n 'G' (PBS) & Traditions holes. n 'PG' cc(DVS) Special Surface (5:00) 2013Stanley CupFinal ChicagoBlackhawksat Boston BruinsGame4 Paid Program Paid Program Northwest Back- Inside Edition (N) Dateline NBC A beauty queen's murder. NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc From TD Garden in Boston. (N) n (Live) « roads 'G' cc (NBC) 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show Seinfeld The R u les of Engage Arrow Damaged Oliver is arrested for Supernatural Crowleyunleashesde Cops Screams. n Seinfeld The Rules of Engage. That '70s Shown KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Q The King of '14' « '14' cc Queens n 'PG Van Stock 'PG' Checks n 'PG' ment 'PG' murder. n '14' « monsmatown.n 14 « Pledge Drive'G ment '14' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 G r eat American Great American The Casebook of Sherlock HolmesDoc Martin GoingBodmin n 'PG' World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' « PBS NewsHour n « KATU
Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty 3 28 1 8 32 The First 48 Murder 'PQ' cc willing to talk. '14' ccwitnessesare un- 'PQ' cc CSE Miami InsideOut Horatio goes in CSE Miami Formercolleague maystil 'AMC search of his son. n '14' cc be alive. n '14' cc *ANPL 68 50 26 38 River Monsters: Unhookedn'PG' O ff theHook Off t heHook BRAVO 13 44 Mil l ion Dollar Listing New York '14' Housewives/NJ *A&E
CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 4052 Faki ngtheGrade:Classroom American Greed CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N) Anderson Cooper360(N) « COM 13 53 135 47 (5:56) Futurama (6:27) Futurama Colbert Report Daily Show COTV 11 Bend City Council Work Session B end City Council CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e ssie n « Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 DeadlieStCatChn'14' cc The Big Brain Theory: PureGenius
Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty
Duck Dynasty Theentire familyvaca- Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty «(11:01) Duck Dy- (11:31) Duck Dy'PQ' cc nasty'PG' «nasty 'PG' « tions in Hawaii. 'PG' cc **** "Titanic" (1997,Historical Drama)LeonardoDiCaprio, KateWinslet, Billy Zane. Awomanfalls for anartist aboard the il-fated ship. « 'PQ' cc
'PQ' cc
Swamp'd! 'PG' Swamp'd! 'PG' Housewives/NJ Redneck Island n '14' Mad Money Erin Burnett OutFront (7:58) Futurama (8:29) Futurama
Call-Wildman Call-Wildman Million Dollar Listing NewYork '14 Dog and Beth: Onthe Hunt n '14' Faking the Grade:Classroom Piers MorganLive (8:59) Futurama Futurama n '14'
Call-Wildman Call-Wildman Chef Roble I Co. (N) '14 Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded American Greed Anderson Cooper360 « Futurama(N) n '14' cc
Shake It Up! 'G' Austin & Ally 'G' Outrageous Acts of Science'14' Rihanna 777 n '14' « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsNation (N) SportsNation
Capitol Hill Hearings "LemonadeMouth" (2011)Bridgit Mendler, AdamHicks. n 'G' « MythBusters (N) n 'PG' cc Fast N' Loud n '14' cc Keeping UpWith the Kardashians The Soup(N) '14' SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)sc s NASCARNow NFL Live «
Swamp'd! 'PG Swamp'd! 'PG' What Happens Million Dollar Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded SexyBodies 21 st Century Erin Burnett OutFront Daily Show C o l bert Report myWindow Ci t y Edition
Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally n MythBusters n 'PG' cc *E! 13 2 5 (5:00) *** "Juno" (2007) E! News(N) Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:00)CollegeBasebal!NCAAWorldSeries,Game9:TeamsTBA(N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 MLBBasebalh DodgersatYankees Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « SportsNation ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) TennisFromJuly 5,2008. (N) Tennis FromJuly 5, 2003. (N) Tennis (N) Tennis FromJuly 4, 1988.(N) ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Around the Horn Interruption SportsNation S portsNation Numbers Never Questionable ESPNFCPress Around the Horn FAM 67 29 19 41 Baby Daddy'PG' Baby Daddy'14 Melissa &Joey Melissa I Joey Melissa & Joey Baby Daddy 'PG' BabyDaddy'PG' Melissa&Joey Twisted n '14' « The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G' Restaurant Stakeout (N) 'G' Mystery Diners Mystery Diners ** "JustGo With/I" (2011) AdamSandler. A man'scareless lie spinsoutof control ** "JustGoWith ii (2011) Adam FX 131 What Happens An ger Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Sandler HGTV 17 49 33 43 Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Kitchen Cousins Elbow Room'G' Elbow Room 'G Property Brothers 'G' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I Property Brothers'G' cc *HIST 15 42 41 36 (5:00)C!vilizationLost'PG'« American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc Larry the CableGuy Top Shot All-Stars (N) 'PG' cc (11:02) TopShot AII.Stars 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 UnsolvedMysteries'14' « Unsolved Mysteries '14' « Abduction in America Cleveland House of Horror Cleveland House of Horror Unsolved Mysteries '14' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness *** "Coach Carter" (2005)SamuelL. Jackson. A high-school basketball coachpusheshis teamto excel NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Victorious n 'G' Figure It Out 'Y' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor Thy Neighbor G o lden Sisters Golden Sisters Thy Neighbor T hy Neighbor OWN 161 103 31 103 ThyNeighbor T hy Neighbor PAC12 47 310310310 Women's College Basketball StanfordtaCalifornia Women's CollegeBasketball OregonStateat Oregon Women's CollegeBasketball: Huskies atCougars Women's CollegeBasketball California at UCLA SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Bellator360n'14 Bellator 360 n '14' Bellator MMALive (N) n (Live) '14' Fight Master: Bellator MMA(N)'14' Fight Master: Bellator MMA n '14' SYFY 13 35 133 45 Exit That Sinking Feeling 'PG' Paranormal Witness 'PG' Ghost Hunters n 'PG' « Ghost Hunters (N) n 'PG' « ParanormalWitness (N)'PG' Ghost Hunters n 'PG' « TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince End ofthe Age Praise the Lord 'Y' « AlwaysGood Jesse Duplantis Easter Exper Creflo Dollar 'G' Praise the Lord Y « The King of Seinfeld The Seinfeld ThePilot Seinfeld The Pilot Family Guyn Family Guy Pe The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan StevenYeun;Darius Rucker. 'TBS 'PQ' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG Smelly Car 'PG' 'PQ' cc tarded '14' cc Theory n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' '14' cc i i (5:00) *** HOI'day(1938) Katharlne *** "Keepero/the Flame"(1942, Drama)SpencerTracy, Katharine Hepburn.A ** Wo MoreLadies" (1935, Romance-Comedy)JoanCraw *** "A Woman'sFace" (1941)JoanCrawford. A scarred TCM 101 44 101 29 Hepburn,CaryGrant. « deceasedhero is revealed tohavebeena iascist. « woman's life changesafter facial surgery. ford, RobertMontgomery. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 Toddlers&Tiarasn'PG' « The GoodBuy The Good Buy Breaking Amish: BraveNewWorld Toddlers & Tiaras (N)'PG' « Toddlers & Tiaras (N)'PG' « Toddlers & Tiaras n 'PG' « Castle Fool Me Once AnArctic explorer Castle WhentheBoughBreaksAca Franklin & BashCoffeeandCream Franklin & BashDeadandAlive Peter Franklin & Bash CoffeeandCream *TNT 17 25 15 27 Castle lnventing theGirl A model's reer-changingopportunity. 'PG' corpse appears in afountain. 'PG' dies. n 'PG' «(DVS) Stanton hiresRachelKing. (N)'14' pursues hisnewneighbor. 'PG' Stanton hiresRachelKing.'14' Wrl d , Gumball NinjaGo: Mstrs Teen Titans Go! KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'PG' FamilyGuy'PG Manv.Food'G' Burger Land B u rger Land Toy Hunter (N) Toy Hunter 'PG' Dig Wars 'PG' Dig Wars 'PG' Rock My RV R o ck My RV M*A*S*H 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Hot in Cleveland (10:31) TheExes The Soul Man Hot in Cleveland USA 15 30 23 30 NCISConspiracyTheory'PG' « NCIS Stakeout n '14' « NCIS EnemiesForeign '14' « Royal Pains BlytheSpirits (N) 'PG' (10:01) NecessaryRoughness'PG' (11:02) NCIS:Los Angeles n '14 VH1 191 48 37 54 Behind/Music (6:26)BehindtheMusicNotoriousB.I.G.'14'cc Behind the Music LLCool J.'PG' C o uples Therapy n '14 Couples TherapyOpeningUp'14' Model Employee (N) n '14
*TOON 84 Adventure Time Adventure Time Annoying *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A *S*H'PG' TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H'PG'
*** "Blazing Sadd/es"1974CleavonLittle. n 'R' (9:40) ** "TheA/amo" 2004,War Dennis Quaid, Bily BobThornton. n 'PG-13' « FXM Presents ** "Undis puted"2002,DramaWesleySnipes,VingRhames.'R'« 104204104120LiveFree-Die F X M Presents * * * " L ive Free Dior eHard"2007 BruceWilis. America's computers fall underattack 34 (5:00) UFC ReloadedUFC 137:Pennvs.DiazNickDiazvs.BJPenn. The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG UFC161: Evansvs. HendersonPrelims The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG 28 301 27 301 LeeTrevino Big BreakMexico Golf Central In s ide PGA Tour The Golf Fix On the Range Inside PGATour Learning Center HALL 66 33 175 33 Little House on the Prairie 'G' Little House on the Prairie 'G' Little House on the Prairie 'G' Fra s ier n 'PG' F rasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (5:30) *** "Contagion"2011Marion Cotilard. « ** "American Reunion"2012,ComedyJason Biggs. n 'R' cc Veep 'MA' « Tru e Blood n 'MA' cc Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' *** "Mystic River" 2003SeanPenn.A detective probesthe murderof hisfriend's daughter. 'R *** "The Shining"1980 'R' IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "The Shining"1980, Horror JackNicholson. 'R MAX 400 508 508 (5:50) ** "Sherlock Holmes: A Gameof Shadows" 2011 'PG-13' cc Banshee Pilot n 'MA' cc Banshee TheRaven 'MA' cc (9:50) Banshee (10:45) ** "Deep im pact 1998 Robert NBCSN 27 58 30 209 (5:00) World Seriesof Fighting3 World Series W o rld Series NHL Live (N) S t anley Rewind Volleyball FIVBWorld League Stanley Rewind MLS 36 'PG NGC 157 15 7 L o ckdown n '14 LockdownSexOffenders n 'MA' Lockdown n '14 Lockdown SexOffenders n 'MA Lockdown SurvivingStateville '14' Lockdown Blood onthe Border'14 NTOON 89 115189115 OddParents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 307 43 307 Elite Tactical Unit Finale Amer. Rifleman Shooting Gallery Comin' atCha' B e s t Defense Elite Tactical Unit Finale Shooting USA cc Your Weapon Shooting Gallery *** "Richard PryonOmitthe Logic" 2013 'NR' SHO 500 50 0 / D on't Know ** "PeopleLike Us"2012, DramaChris Pine. n 'PG-13' « The Borgias ThePrince'MA' « Gigolos « Big Money SPEED 35 303125303Wrecked '14' Wrecked '14' Pinks 'PG' P inks 'PG Car Warriors Best of CW '14' cc W r e cked '14' W r ecked '14' Pinks 'PG' Pinks 'PG' Unique Whips '14' *** "Looper" 2012, ScienceFiction Bruce Wilis. n 'R' « * "That'sMy Boy"2012,ComedyAdamSandler. n 'R' « STARZ 300408300408 Starz Studios (6:20) ** "Cellular"2004Kim Basinger. n 'PG-13' f TMC 5 25 52 5 * * "B roken Flowers" 2005, Comedy-DramaBil Murray. n 'R' « 2Daysin New york"2012 Julie Delpy.Premiere.'R' (9:40) ** ffow lo Lose Friends &Alienate People"2008 n'R' « *** Chicago *WE 14 41 174118 L.A. Hair DemotionCommotion'14' Marriage Boot Camp: Bridezillas Marriage BootCamp:Bridezillas P r egnant & Dating Parties '14 Pregnant & Dating Revelations '14' Bridezillas DezjuanandAriel '14' ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
106 401 306401(5:15) *** "ThePatriot" 2000, WarMel Gibson. n 'R' «
THE BULLETIN 0 JUNE 15 — 21, 2013
TV • PAGE 15
'In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. •
c II • I I c II KATU 2013 NBAFinals SanAntonio Spursat Miami HeatGame7. Fromthe American Airlines Arena inMiami. (If
Jimmy Kimmel Live(9:01) Paid Program Madein America Jeopardy! (N) n Wheel of Fortune KATU Newsat11 (11:35) JimmyKim'Q' cc Game Night NBA Week n 'G' (N) n cc mel Live (N) (ABC) necessary).(N) (Live) « Jeopardy! (N) n Wheel of Fortune Parks and Recre- Parks andRecre The Office Livinthe DreamJimcomes (10:01) Hannibal SavoureuxWil is sus NewsChannel 21at The Tonight Show KTVZ NewsChannel 21 at 6(N) cc 'Q' cc (NBC) NBA Week n 'G' ation Bailout 'PG' ation n 'PG' back to Scranton. '14' «(DVS) pected ofmurderingAbigail. '14' 11(N) cc With Jay Leno(N) (8:31) Twoand a (9:01) Person of Interest Fuscomust pro- (10:01) Elementary Joantackles her first KOIN Local 6 at11 Late Show With KBNZ AccessHollywood Who Wantsto Bea New Adventuresof 30RockTheRural The BigBang Mill i onaire'G' Old Christine Jur or'14' « Theo r y'PG' « Half Men n '14' David Letterman (CBS) (N) n'PG' « tect Karolina Kurkova.'PG' « solo case. n '14' cc (N) cc Entertainment To omg! Insider (N) Jimmy Kimmel Live KEZI 9Newsat (10:35) JimmyKimmel Live AnnaPaquin (11:37) Nightline KOHD 2013 NBAFinals SanAntonio Spursat Miami HeatGame7. Fromthe American Airlines Arena inMiami. (If cc 11:00 (N) « Brad KeselowskiMUSE. ; (N) n (ABC) necessary).(N)(Live) « night (N) n 'PG' Game Night (N) cc Hell's Kitchen 5Chefs CompeteSurprised DoesSomeone HavetoGo?TheCEO of NewsChannel21 TMZ n 'PG' cc F a mily Guy DeathFamily Guy '14' cc aHalfMen TwoandaHalfMen TheBigBang The Big Bang KFXO Two and n '14' cc n '14' cc (FOX) Theory 'PG' cc Theory 'PG' cc by familymembers.(N) '14' True Home Value. (N) '14' « First on FOX(N) visits Peter. '14' Art Beat Presents Oregon Field GuideMidsomer Murders Apostman's death (9:48) Midsomer (10:36) TheCasebook of Sherlock Hol Film School Shorts KOAB Expeditions With Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n « 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc mes 'G' cc (PBS) Patrick McMillan Report (N) n 'G' exposes hispast. PG cc Murders 'PG' Inside Edition (N)n Parks andRecre- Parks and Recre The Office Livin theDreamJimcomes (10:01) Hannibal SavoureuxWil is sus- NewsChannel 8 at The Tonight Show KGW NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) « 'PQ' cc ation Bailout 'PG' ation n 'PG' back to Scranton. '14' «(DVS) With Jay Leno(N) (NBC) 6PM (N) cc 6:30PM (N) cc pected ofmurderingAbigail. '14' 11 (N) cc KTVZDT2TheKingofQueens That'70sShow n Seinfeldn 'PG'cc RulesofEngage. The Vampire Diaries TheKiler Klaus and Beauty and the BeastSaturnReturns A Cops Mom's con- Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Rules of Engage That '70s Show n '14' cc '14' cc ment 'PG' cc ment '14' cc (CW) n 'PG' Stefan form analliance. '14' « doctor's fianceegoesmissing. 'PG' cern. '14' « OPBPL Jacques Pepin Cooking School Ocean Keeper 'G' American Masters n 'PG' cc BBC World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n 'PG' « PBS NewsHour n cc
Intervention DanaDrugabusenumbs a Beyond Scared Straight Prison life scares (11:01) BeyondScared Straight A young a 12-year-oldgirl. (N)'14' woman's privatepain. (N)'14' cc street brawlervisits jail. '14' ** "Nat ionalLampoon'sEuropeanVacation"(1985,Comedy)ChevyChase,Beverly * "VegasVacation"(1997,Comedy)ChevyChase,BeverlyD'Angelo,RandyQuaid.TheShowvilleSanMarcos,TexasSanMarcos,Smal lTownSecu- Small Town Secu 'AMC D'Angelo.TheGriswoldfamily winsa freetrip to Europe. « rity '14' « Griswol dsdescenduponthegamblingmecca.« Texas. (N)'14' « rity (N) « *ANPL River Monsters: Unhooked 'PG' cc Wild Amazon n 'PG MadagascarMadagascarwasleft untouchedby manfor 65milion years. 'PG' Wild Serengeti n 'PG Madagascar n 'PG' cc BRAVO Housewives/OC Housewives/OC TheRealHousewivesofNew Jersey The Real HousewivesofNew Jersey Housewives/NJ Tabatha TakesOver(N)'14' W hatHappens Tabatha Tk-Ovr Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Re b a Pilot n 'PG*** "Mrs. Doubt/ire" (1993)RobinWiliams. Anestranged dadposesas a nanny to be with his children. n « CMT Reba 'PG' cc Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC American Greed American Greed(N) Mad Money American Greed American Greed WEN Hair Care Insanity! 'G' CNN Piers MorganLive (N) (Live) Anderson Cooper 360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganLive Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront COM (5:54) South Park (6:25) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show Chappel le'sShow Chappel le'sShow (8:59) Tosh.g '14' Tosh,0 '14' cc South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Daily Show Col b ert Report COTV Paid Program myWindow Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Adventure Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW TheYogaShow The Yoga Show myWindow Ci ty on Editi CSPAN (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS Good-Charlie Je s sie'G' « Dog Witha Blog Good-Charlie Austin & Ally 'G' Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Je s sie 'G' « A.N.T. Farm'G ' Shake It Up! 'G Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G' *DISC Property Wars n Property Wars n Property Wars n Property Wars n Property Wars n Property Wars n Property Wars n Property Wars n Property Wars(N) Property Wars(N) Property Wars n Property Wars n *E! Keeping Up With the Kardashians E! News (N) Miss U.S.A.2013(N) 'PG Brooke Burke-Charvet (N) '14 Chelsea Lately (N) E! News ESPN (5:00) College Baseball NCAAWorld Series, Game10: TeamsTBA(N) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 (5:30) 30 for 30 Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « SportsNation (N) SportsCenter Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) « NBA Tonight (N) NASCAR Now(N) SportsNation Sp o rtsNation ESPNC Friday Night Lights Underdogs'14' Friday Night Lights n '14' cc Bay City Blues « Boxing cc Boxing cc Tenms FromJuly 8, 2007. « ESPNN SportsCenter (N)(Live) ac c SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Around the Horn Interruption SportsNation SportsNation Numbers Never Highly Questionable Outside the Lines ** "Letters to Ju/iet" (2010,Drama)AmandaSeyfried, VanessaRedgrave. ** "Somet hingNew"(2006)SanaaLathan Simon Baker.Premiere FAM The Fosters Hostile Acts '14' cc The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC Hannity (N) On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On the RecordW/GretaVanSusteren The Five 'FOOD ChoppedTheBig Scoop'G' Chopped EasyPeasy?'G Chopped CleaverFever'G Chopped Fry,FryAgain 'G' Chopped Bird inthe Pan'G' Food Network Star 'G' ** "Just Go Withit" (2011) AdamSandler. A man's careless lie spins out of control FX Two and Half Men Anger Anger Wilfred (N) 'MA' Wilfred (N) 'MA' Totally Biased W i lfred 'MA' HGTV Curb Appeal 'G' Curb Appeal 'G' Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G Rehab Addict 'G' Rehab Addict 'G Renovation Raiders (N) 'G' « House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I House Hunters 'G' Hunters Int'I *HIST Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' SwampPeopleBeastof the East 'PG' (11:02) Ice RoadTruckers '14' cc LIFE Trading Spouses:MeetNewMommy Trading Spouses: MeetNewMommy Wrfe Swap n PG « Wife Swap n 'PG' « Wife Swap n 'PG' « (11:01) Pretty WickedMoms'14 MSNBC The RachelMaddowShow (N) The Last Word All In With Chris Hayes The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews cc MTV Mind Right Girl Code n '14' Girl Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' Guy Code n '14' The Show With Zach Stone Is Ridiculousness n Ridiculousness n NICK SpongeBob S a m & Cat n 'G'Sam & Cat n 'G' Figure It Out 'G' Big Time Rush'G' Wendell & Vinnie Full House n 'G' Full House n 'G' The Nanny'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends '14' cc (11:33) Friends n Our America With Lisa Ling n '14' Our America With Lisa Ling n 'PG' Our America With Lisa Ling n '14' Our America With Lisa Ling n 'PG OWN Our America With Lisa Ling n 'PG' Our AmericaWith Lisa Ling (N)'14' PAC12 College Basketball UCLAat Colorado College Basketball ArizonaState at Colorado College Basketball California atOregon College Basketball U CLA at Arizona SPIKE Bellator MMA Live "KingMo" Lawal vs. SethPetruzelli; RenatoSobral. '14' Fight Master: Bellator MMA n '14' iMPACTWrestling (N) n '14' cc Fight Master: Bellator MMA n '14 * "Resident Evil: Afterlife" (2010,Horror)Milla Jovovich,Ali Larter. « SYFY Warehouse13 WhatMattersMost'14' * * * "Dawn o/the Dead" (2004, Horror)SarahPolley, Ving Rhames.« ZombieApocalypse" (2011)'14 TBN Joseph Prince 'G Hillsong TV Praise the Lord 'Y' « Live-Holy Land Turning Point I B A News 'PG' C r eflo Dollar 'G Behind Scenes Praise the Lord King ofQueens Seinfeld TheMango Seinfeld The Seinfeld ThePuffy Family GuyBrian Family Guy n '14' « The Big Bang The Big Bang Sulli van &Son Ac- TheBigBang Conan CharlesBarkley;Macklemore/Ryan *TBS The n 'PG' 'PQ' cc Glasses n 'PG' Shirt 'PG' « the Bachelor '14' Theory 'PG' « Theory '14' « ceptance (N)'14' Theory 'PG' « Lewis. '14' « ** "ViceRaid" (1959)MamieVanDoren, (5:00) * "Untamed * "The BeatGeneration" (1959,CrimeDrama)Steve Cochran (8:15) ** "Born Reckless" (1959)MamieVan Doren. Awoman (9:45) ** "Guns, Girlsand Gangsters" (1959,CrimeDrama) TCM youth" Mamie VanDoren, RayDanton. and a rodeoriderteamup in morewaysthan one. Mamie VanDoren, GeraldMohr, LeeVanCleef. Richard Coogan,Brad Dexter. 'TLC Toddlers & Tiaras n 'PG' « Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Four Weddings (N) n 'PG' « Four Weddings (N) n 'PG' « Four Weddings n 'PG' « (5:00) *** "Transformers" (2007,Action) ShiaLaBeouf, TyreseGibson, Josh Duhamel The HeroTrust Athena's motivesare ques 72 Hours Lana'i HawaiThe i teamsventure The HeroTrust Athena's motivesare ques 72 Hours Lana'i HawaiThe i teamsventure 'TNT Two races ofrobotswagewar onEarth. «(DVS) tioned. (N) 'PG' « through densebrush. (N) '14' t<oned PG « through densebrush. '14' "TOON Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show A nnoying Orange Incredible Crew Regular Show King of the Hill n King of the Hill n American Dad '14' American Dad'14 Family Guy 'PG' Family Guy '14 'TRAV Bizarre FoodsWith AndrewZimmern Man v. Food 'G' Man v. Food 'PG Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « Monumental Mysteries (N) 'PG' « Mystenes at the Museum PG « Mysteries at the Museum'PG' « M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' M*A*S*H 'PG' TVLND M*A*S*H 'PG' Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King of Queens King ofQueens KingofQueens King ofQueens USA NCIS The teamhunts a kiler. '14 NCIS Theteamhunts for a kiler. '14 NCIS EnemiesDomestic '14' « Burn Notice A high-stakestrade. 'PG' (10:01) GracelandHeatRun(N)'14 (11:02) NecessaryRoughness'PG *** "The Last BoyScout" (1991, Action) BruceWilis, Damon Wayans,Chelsea Field. n *** "New Jack City" (1991,CrimeDrama)Wesley Snipes, Ice-T. n cc VH1 Couples Therapy (6:26) Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta n '14' *A&E
The First 48 Avictim's car mayreveal his The First 48 Amanis beaten to death in Intervention Dorothy; Ivan Arap artist is killer. 'PG' cc
public. '14' cc
addicted to PCP.'PG! cc
**** "Babe"1995 JamesCromwell. n 'G' « (6:15) *** "TheMuppets" 2011,ComedyJasonSegel. n 'PG' « (9:40) ** "Confessionso/aTeenageDramaQueen" (11:15) ** "ReindeerGames"2000 ** "Planet o/ theApes" 2001, Science Fiction MarkWahlberg, Tim Roth. 'PG-13' « * "Instinct"1999, DramaAnthonyHopkins, CubaGooding Jr. 'R' s«s (5:00) ** "Planet o/ theApes" 2001 MarkWahlberg Best of PRIDE Fighting Championship UFC Unleashed Clean Break'PG' UFC All Angles The Ultimate Fighter n 'PG' UFC Tonight U F C Insider Bes t of PRIDE Fighting Championship (5:30) PGATourGolf TravelersChampionship, First Round Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) P G A Tour Golf Travel Champi ers onship,First Round HALL Little House on the Prairie 'G' cc Little House on the Prairie 'G' cc Little House on the Prairie 'G' cc Frasier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « Fra sier 'PG' « *** "BigMiracle" 2012, Adventure JohnKrasinski. n 'PG' cc HBO Flight-Phoenix ** "Trouble With theCurve" 2012, DramaClint Eastwood. n 'PG-13' « Veep 'MA' cc Kat i e Does M. V I CE 'PG' cc **** "The ShawshankRedemption" 1994, DramaTim Robbins, MorganFreeman, BobGunton. 'R IFC (5:00) **** "TheShawshankRedemption"1994,DramaTim Robbins.'R Bad Lieutenant: Port ** "Snow Whiteandthe Huntsman" 2012Kristen Stewart. n 'NR' cc MAX (5:05) *** "Troy" 2004, AdventureBradPitt, Eric Bana. n 'R' cc (7:50) ** "Spy Game"2001,SuspenseRobert Redford. n 'R' cc NBCSN (4:30) Soccer(N)(Live) 'MA MLS 36 'PG' Premier League IndyCar 36 'PG' The Grid 'G Pirelli World Challenge Auto Racing 2013 Tour de FrancePreview Life Below ZeroWolf at theDoor'14 NGC Life Below ZeroWolf at the Door'14 Life Below Zero '14 Life Below Zero '14 Mountain Movers '14' Alaska StateTroopers'14' NTOON T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn T.U.F.F. Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppy n T.U.F.F.Puppy n T.U.F.F. Puppyn Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back at, Barnyard Back at, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD Major LeagueFishing Bow Madness U l t. Adventures Bottom Feeders Cuddeback's The Crush Bone Collector Hunt Masters Al a ska OutdoorsTrophy Hunt Un d er Wild Skies *** "TheBigLebowski"1998, ComedyJeff Bridges. n 'R' « SHO (4:45) *** "Melancholia" 2011'R * "About Cherry" 2012,DramaAshley Hinshaw. Premiere. n 'NR' « Gigolos (N) 'MA' The Borgias 'MA' SPEED (5:00) RolexSports CarSeries RacingMid-Ohio Car Warriors Camaro W recked 'PG' Wrecked '14' Pinks 'PG Pinks 'PG' Unique Whips '14' *** "2! JumpStreet" 2012,ComedyJonah Hil, Brie Larson. n 'R' « STARZ (5:00) ** "Hidalgo"2004Viggo Mortensen. n 'PG-13 (7:20) ***"Premium Rush"2012 n 'PG-13' cc (10:50) "ThePackage" 2013'R' « *** "Source Code"2011Jake Gyllenhaal. n 'PG-13 TMC * "The ThreeMusketeers" 2011 MatthewMacFadyen. n 'PG-13' « (9:35) *** "Perfect Sense"2011EwanMcGregor. 'R (11:10) ** "Daylight" 1996'PG-13 "WE L.A. Hair What Happensin Vegas'14' House of Curves (N) '14 L.A. Hair WhatHappensin Vegas'14' House of Curves '14 L.A. Hair WhatHappensin Vegas '14 House of Curves '14 ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF
THE BULLETIN « JUNE 15 — 21, 2013 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine
PAGE 16 • TV
o II
Jeopardy! (N)n
KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Jimmy Kimmel Live n (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n (10:01) RockCenter With Brian Wil NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc 'Q' cc (NBC) liams (N) n cc at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno AccessHollywood Who WantstoBe New Adventures 30 Rock n '14' «Undercover Boss Kampgroundsof Hawaii Five-0 Pa'ani Astar football Blue Bloods NightmaresGarrett shares KOINLoca!6at11 Late ShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' a Millionaire o fOld Christine AmericaCEOJim Rogers. n 'PG' David Letterman (CBS) player helpsthe team. '14' cc a secret with Frank. n '14' (N) cc KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Jimmy KOHD O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News at Entertainment omg! Insider (N) Shark TankKevinmakesa 1 milion What WouldYou Do?(N) n 'PG' «20/20 (N) n « Kimmel Live n (ABC) 6:00 (N) « 6:3 0 (N) « Toni ght (N) 'PG cc offer. n 'PG' cc(DVS) 11:00 (N) cc The Big Bang Bones TheTwist in the Plot InvestigationThe Following MadLove Paulreveals News Channel 21 TMZ n 'PG' cc Family GuyThe Family Guy Peter KFXO III g) @ g) TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf TheBigBang Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' into two deaths. n '14' (FOX) Jacob's secret. n '14' First on FOX King Is Dead'14' has a stroke. '14' Washington Week BBC Newsnight Scott & Bailey A racially-motivated Masterpiece Classic Small Island The lives of two couples Atchafalaya KOAB ~ gy gy gy Wild Photo Adven-Nightly Business PBS NewsHour(N)n m n 'G' intertwine. n (Part 1 of 2)'MA' cc(DVS) (PBS) tures n 'G' Rep ort (N) cc murder. n 'PG' cc Houseboat'PG' NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc InsideEdition(N) DatelineNBC(N)n'PG'cc (10:01) RockCenter With Brian Wil NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) hams(N) n « 11(N) cc With Jay Leno That '70s Show Seinfeld TheAbsti- Rules of Engage. Nikita Amanda's planforces Nikita into Supernatural Deanand Saminvestigate Cops n 'PG' cc Seinfeld The Rules of Engage. That '70s Shown KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ The King of '14' cc ment '14' Queens n 'PG' Hunting n '14' nence n 'PG' m e nt 'PG' danger. n '14' « vampire deaths. '14' « Couch n 'PG' (CW) OPBPL 175 173 T a ste This! 'G' Primal Grill Mas t erpiece Mystery! n '14' «(DVS) On Story n 'G' World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU
KATU Newsat 6(N) n «
'Q' cc
Wheel of Fortune Shark Tank Kevinmakesa $1 milion What Would You Do? (N) n 'PG' « 'Q' cc offer. n 'PG' cc(DVS) Wheel of Fortune Dateline NBC(N) n 'PG' cc
20/20 (N) n «
Storage WarsSan StorageWars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars A Storage Wars Storage Wars (11:01)Storage (11:31) Storage 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Wars 'PG' cc W a r s cc Burrito 'PG' BreathalyzeThis Time to Kiln 'PG' '14' « ** "Con Ai r " (1997, Acti o n) Ni c ol a s Cage, John Cusack, John Malkovich. Vicious convicts hijack their (4:30) *** "Blood Diamond"(2006,Adventure) Leonardo * "TheMarine" (2006,Action) JohnCena, Robert Patrick, Kelly Carlson.Thugs 'AMC DiCaprio, JenniferConnelly. kidnap thewife of asoldier. « flight. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 ToBeAnnounced TreehouseMasters n 'PG Tanked n 'PG' cc Tanked: Unfiltered (N)n TreehouseMasters(N) n 'PG Tanked: Unfiltered n BRAVO 13 44 New lyweds: The First Year '14 Newlyweds: The First Year '14 Newlyweds: TheFirst Year '14' ** "AmericanWedding" (2003,Comedy)JasonBiggs. Premiere ** "AmericanWedding" (2003) R e ba 'PG' cc ** "The Karate Kid(1984) " RalphMacchio. A Japanesehandymanteaches a teenager to defendhimself CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Cops Reloaded Cops Reloaded CNBC 54 36 4052 60MinutesonCNBCThelnventors American Greed Mad Money 60 Minutes on CNBC The Inventors American Greed Paid Program Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganLive(N)(Live) Anderson CooperSpecial Report Stroumboulopoulos (N) Anderson Cooper360 « Anderson CooperSpecial Report Stroumboulopoulos COM 13 53 135 47 (5:49) South Park (6:20) Tosh.0'14' Colbert Report Daily Show (7:53) Tosh.0 '14' (8:24) ** "idiocracy" (2006)LukeWilson, MayaRudolph. « (10:28) TheComedy Central Roast 'MA' cc COTV 11 Paid Program myWindow Desert Cooking Oregon Extreme Desire Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show myWindow Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Po licy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie'G' « Jess i e'G' « Jessie 'G' « Jessie 'G' « Jes sie (N) n 'G' Fish Hooks (N) Gravity Falls 'Y7' Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Jessie 'G' « *DISC 15 21 16 37 Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14' Al a ska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14' Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14 Wild West Alaska (N) n '14' « Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14 *E! 13 2 5 (5:00) ** "The LakeHouse" E! News(N) Fashion Police '14' Kate & Will Kat e & Will Fashion Police (N)'14' Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:00) CollegeBaseball NCAAWorld Series, Game12:TeamsTBA(N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 TrackandField Boxing FridayNight Fights (N)(Live) « Baseball Tonight (N) (Live)sc s c SportsNation « 2012 World Series of Poker « *** "Elevate" (2011,Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Friday Night Lights'14' cc The Announcement 'PG' cc Magic Johnson The Announcement 'PG' cc ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsNation Numbers Never Outside Lines SportsNation 3 0 for 30 FAM 67 29 19 41 America'sFunniestHomeVideos Dancing Fools Dancing Fools Baby Daddy '14' ** "ShallowHai" (2001, Romance-Comedy)Gwyneth Paltrow, JackBlack. The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reiffy Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive Mystery Diners Mystery Diners Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive *** "28 WeeksLater" (2007, Horror) Robert Carlyle, RoseByrne. *** "Zombieiand" (2009)WoodyHarrelson, Jesse Eisenberg *** "Zombieiand" (2009)WoodyHarrelson, JesseEisenberg. FX 131 HGTV 17 49 33 43 Hunters Int'I H unt ers Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Extreme Homes'G' « You Live in What? (N)'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 AmericanPickersMotorCity'PG' American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc (11:02) AmericanPickers 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 Hoarders'PG' « Hoarders 'PG' cc ** "TheElizabeth SmartStory" (2003) DylanBaker. 'PG' « Cleveland House of Horror Abduction in America MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) Lockup: RawKilersAmongUs Lockup Wabash Lockup Wabash Lockup Wabash Lockup Wabash MTV 192 22 38 57 MindRight Min d Right Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness *** "FreedomWriters" (2007)Hilary Swank, PatrickDempsey.n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S a njay, Craig Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut. Teenage Mut. Fuff House 'G' Fuff House'G' TheNanny'PG' The Nanny'PG' FriendsTheOneinBarbados'14' Police Women ofCincinnati '14' Golden Sisters Golden Sisters Golden Sisters Golden Sisters Golden Sisters Golden Sisters Golden Sisters Golden Sisters OWN 161 103 31 103 Police Women of Cincinnati '14' PAC12 47 310310310 Women's CollegeVolleyball California at Oregon Women's CollegeVolleyball Oregonat USC Women's CollegeVolleyball: Sun Devils atHuskies Women's CollegeVolleyball California at Oregon **** "Raiders oftheLostArk" (1981, Adventure) Harrison Ford, KarenAllen. n *** "indiana Jonesandthe Templeoi Doom"(1984, Adventure) Harrison Ford. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (4:00) ** "Underworld" (2003) SYFY 13 35 133 45 * "Resident Evil: After/ife" (2010) Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter. « WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) n 'PG' « Continuum Second Thoughts '14' D e f iance '14' « TBN 205 60 130 The Harvest Perry Stone P r a ise the Lord 'Y' cc Ever Increasing Best of Praise Caff2AI Creflo Dollar 'G' Behind Scenes Best of Praise **** "The Dark Knight" (2008, Action) Christian Bale, HeathLedger, AaronEckhart. Batmanbattles a vicious criminal The King of Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld TheBris Seinfeld The Lip Family Guyn Family Guyn 'TBS 'PQ' cc '14' cc Queens n 'G' Reader n 'PG' '14' cc known asthe Joker. «(DVS) (6:45) *** "They Won'Bel t ieveMe" (1947, CrimeDrama) (8:15) **** "Double indemnity" (1944,CrimeDrama) FredMacMurray. Aninsur- (10:15) *** "ThePostmanAlways Rings Twice" (1946)LanaTurner. A drifter TCM 101 44 101 29 tu~rrie *** Robert Young,SusanHayward. « ancesalesman becomes involvedinadeadlygame.« helps a Greek'swiie becomea widow. «(DVS) *TLC 17 34 32 34 Say Yes, Dress SayYes,Dress IFound-Gown I Found-Gown Four Weddings: Unveiled n 'PG' R andy to the Rescue(N) n 'PG I Found-Gown I Found-Gown Randy to the Rescue 'PG' « Castle Love MeDeadAssistant district Castle TwowomenIDa body in agar ** "Limitless"(2011,Suspense) Bradley Cooper, RobertDeNiro, Abbie Cornish. (10:15) King & Maxwell Michelle is (11:15) Franklin & BashStantonhires *TNT attorney's murder. 'PG' cc bage chute. n 'PG' cc A writer takes amind-enhancing drug. «(DVS) questioned. '14' « Rachel King. '14' « *TOON 84 Adventure Time Regular Show Regular Show Teen Titans Go! Cartoon Planet 'G King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 TheDeadFiles'PG' cc GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG' « GhostAdventures 'PG'« The DeadFiles (N) 'PG' cc The Dead Files 'PG' « M* A *S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' Friends 'PG' F r iends 'PG' TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' Friends n '14' F riends n '14' Friends n 'PG' (11:36) Friends USA 15 30 23 30 Law&Order:SpecialyictimsUnit L aw&Order:SpecialyictimsUnit Law 8 Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit VH1 191 48 37 54 (5:52) I'm Married to A... n '14' VH1 Special 'PG'*** "ThePrincessBride" (1987, Adventure) CaryElwes, RobinWright. n cc Stevie TV '14' Couples Therapy Opening Up '14' Stevie TV '14 *A&E
3 28 1 8 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars
** "Harold &KumarGoio WhileCastle" 2004 'R *** "National Lampoon's AnimalHouse" 1978John Belushi. 'R 106 401 306401 (6:15) *** "Dazed andConfused" 1993Jason London. n 'R' « BadTeacher'R' FXM Presents * * "Across theUniverse" 2007,Musical EvanRachelWood,Jim Sturgess. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents 104204104120(5:00) DateNight FXM Presents ** "DateNight"2010Steve Carell. 'PG-13' « 34 (5:00) UFC:Shogunvs. Vera UFC:Johnson vs. Dodson UFC: Hendersonvs. Melendez UFC Unleashed 28 301 27 301(5:30) PGA Tour Golf Travelers Championship,SecondRound Golf Central (N) 19th Hole (N) PGA Tour Golf Champions:EncompassChampionship, First Round In Play
** "A Kissal Midnight" (2008) Faith Ford, CameronDaddo. 'PG' « HALL 66 33 175 33 Little House on the Prairie 'G' Little House on the Prairie 'G' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' HBO 425 501 425501 (6:15) *"Dream House"2011, SuspenseDaniel Craig. n 'PG-13' cc ** "DarkShadows"2012, ComedyJohnny Depp.n 'PG-13' cc Real TimeWith Biff Maher (N)'MA' Real Time With Biff Maher n 'MA' *** "The Thing"1982, Horror Kurt Russell. 'R IFC 10 1 0 5 Ar rested Dev. A r rested Dev. Maron (N) '14' A r rested Dev. A rrested Dev. A rrested Dev. A rrested Dev. A rrested Dev. Maron '14' MAX 400508 508 (5:30) **** "Saving Private Ryan"1998, WarTom Hanks, Edward Burns. n 'R' cc (8:20) ** "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" 2004 n 'R Banshee n 'MA' cc The Jump Off St rike Back 'MA' NBCSN 27 58 30 209 (5:00)100Yearsofthe Tourde France'G 2013 Tour deFrance Preview Track/Field 36 Volleyball FIVBWorld League Premier League MLS 36 'PG Brain Games Brain Games Secrets of the Lost Gold 'PG' Brain GamesWatchThis! 'G' Brain Games Brain Games Inside the Body of Henry Vffl 'PG NGC 157 15 7 B r ain Games Watch This! 'G NTOON 89 115189115 Kung FuPanda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Kung Fu Panda Robot, Monster Robot, Monster Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard DannyPhantom Danny Phantom OUTD 37 307 43 307 Arrow Affliction Your Weapon Best Defense Elite Tactical Unit Finale Midway USA's Wardens OperationMoonshine Impossible Eli t e Tactical Unit Finale Shooting USA ** "DriveAngry" 2011,Action NicolasCage. n 'R' e«s SHO 500 500 Dave Foley: Relatively Well 'MA' (5:30) ** "Shade" 2003'R' « (7:15) ** "Payback"1999, ActionMel Gibson. n 'R' « SPEED 35 303125303 NASCARRacing Sprint Cup: Toyota/Save Mart350, Practice NASCARLive NASCAR Racing A Racer's Life 'PG' Unique Whips '14 ** "XXX: State ofthe Union" n STARZ 300 408 300408 ColdCreek (6:35) ** "30Minutesor Less" 2011 n 'R' cc Spartacus: War of the Damned n Magic City Angels ofDeath'MA' M a g ic City Angels Death of 'MA' *** "MeanGir/s"2004LindsayLohan.n 'PG-13' TMC 525 525 (5:45) ** "Dr. T & theWomen"2000 RichardGere. n 'R (9:40) *** "Heathers" 1989,ComedyWinona Ryder. n 'R' « Legally Blonde2 *WE
14 41 174118 Marriage Boot Camp:Brideziffas P r egnant & Dating Manhunts'14'
Marriage Boot Camp:Bridezillas
B r i deziffas '14
Pregnant & DatingManhunts'14' M a rriage Boot Camp: Brideziffas