Serving Central Oregon since 190375i t
MONDAY October15,2012
88 8ll S ll8W FQC CIS Greendryceaners SPORTS• D1
o Xeno Ackerman /New York Times
Linda McMahon's home in Wisconsin was seized by Wells Fargo.
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SeeS I e
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Reverse mortgages cost seniors their homes
ousi e S enin c
• Super PACs andother donors focus onmoreheatedcontests
By jessica Suver-Greenberg
By Andrew Clevenger
New York Times News Service
The Bulletin
The very loans that are supposed to help seniors stay in their homes are in many cases pushing them out. Reverse mortgages, which allow homeown ers 62 and older to bor row money against the value of their homes and not pay it back until they move out or die, have long been fraught with problems. But fed eral and state regulators are documenting new instances of abuse as
W ASHINGTON — W i t h l ess than a month to go before November's general elec tion, outside spending in Oregon's five con gressional races remains fairly low-key. Earlier this month, Republican Super PAC, a conservative political action committee based in Indiana, spent more than $115,000 on a television ad supporting Art Robinson, according to the Washington, D.C.-based, nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics. Robinson, a Cave Junction biochemist who co-founded the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, is running against Rep. Peter DeFazio, D-Springfield, in Oregon's 4th Dis trict in a rematch of 2010's race. Spending by outside groups, rather than by the candidates themselves, can be one in dication that the race is viewed as competi tive by the political establishment in Wash ington, said Russ Choma, who follows mon ey and politics for the Center for Responsive Politics. "It is definitely a sign that there is interest from outside the district," he said. This year, outside groups have spent more than $2.16 million in Oregon's 1st District, but almost all of that was during the special election in January that saw Democrat Su zanne Bonamici defeat Republican Rob Cor nilles to serve the remainder of Rep. David Wu's term. Wu, a Democrat, resigned in Au gust 2011 after allegations surfaced that he had made improper sexual advances on the teenage daughter of a longtime supporter. SeeSpending /A5
smaller mortgage bro kers flood the market af ter the recent exit of big banks and as defaults on the loans hit record rates. Some lenders are pitching loans to seniors who cannot afford the fees associated with them, not to mention the property taxes and maintenance. Others are wooing seniors with promises that the loans are free money that can be used to finance long coveted cruises, without clearly explaining the risks. Some widows are facing eviction after they say they were pressured to keep their name off the deed. Now, as the vast baby boomer generation headsforretirement and more seniors grapple with dwindling sav ings, the newly minted Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is working on new rules that could mean better disclosure for consumers and stricter supervision of lenders. More than 775,000 of such loans are outstand ing, according to the fed eral government. SeeSeniors /A4
Dylan J. Darling /The Bulletin
Terry Van Cleave, a log truck driverwith Mark Stafford Logging in Prineville, stamps the ends of Lookout Mountain logs with "FS," for Forest Service. Opponents of the project say it is being used to harvest old-growth trees; for est officials and loggers insist that the trees are too young to qualify for that designation.
• The controversycenters on whether old-growth trees arebeing cut By Dylan j. Darling The Bulletin
SUNRIVER — Experimental logging in the Deschutes Nation al Forest southwest of Bend has revived old arguments about the size of trees being toppled. Opponents of the project on Lookout Mountain say it's a raid of one of the last stands of old growth ponderosa pine in Cen tralOregon. U.S. ForestService officials involved with the proj ect and loggers doing the cut ting say it isn't old growth. "That is a term that is widely used and very misunderstood," said Andrew Youngblood, a re search forester with the Pacific Northwest Research Station in La Grande. The head scientist on the proj ect, Youngblood said the trees are too young to be labeled old
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Burgess Rd.
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Greg Cross/The Bulletin
growth. Ponderosa pine can grow for 700 years here, he said, while the trees in the project are about 165 years old. A wildfire burned through the woods in 1845, but there has been little disturbance since, ac cording to briefing documents
about the project written by Youngblood. "This stand has grown excep tionally well and may represent some of the most productive ponderosa pine sites in Central Oregon," he wrote. SeeLogging /A4
Ben Tray wick is an expert on the history of Tomb stone, Ariz. Randi Lynn
Beach Los Angeles Times
Quick onthedraw
"That is a term that ts widely used and very misunderstood."
when it comesto Tombstone history
— Andrew Youngbfood, research forester, about the term "old growth"
By john M. Glionna Los Angeles Times
New leader, old hardshipsfor many N.Koreans North Korea's Kim Jong Un, right, took the reins 10 months ago after the death of his fa ther, Kim Jong II.
By Andrew Jacobs New York Times News Service
— On her weekly shopping trips to downtown Pyong yang, the capital of North Korea, a 52-year-old pig farmer who gave her name as Mrs. Kim tries to ignore the dusting of prosperity that has begun to transform the city in recent years:l~ the newly built apartment
blocks, the increasing num ber of Mercedes-Benzes that zip along once-empty boulevards, the smartly dressed young women who conspicuously gab on their newly acquired cellphones. She has never been to the Rungna People's Pleasure Ground, a new amusement park where children of the elite howled with delight this summer as they shot
down a waterslide. "Why would I care about the new clothing of govern ment officials and their chil dren when I can't feed my family?" she asked tartly, wringing her hands as she recounted the chronic mal nutrition that has sickened her two sons and taken the lives of less well-off
neighbors. See Korea/A5
TOMBSTONE, Ariz. — Sometimes, Ben Traywick feels like one of those quick-draw gunslingers who once prowled the wood planked sidewalks of this Old West town. One by one the challengers come, each seeking to test his skills. No shots are fired because these are factual face-offs aiming to define the true history of the town once home to such dangerous characters as Doc Holliday, Wyatt Earp and Billy Clanton. For nearly half a century, Traywick was Tombstone's official historian. He's written three dozen books, such as "Death's Doings in Tombstone," and published 2,400 articles on such diverse topics as the infamous gun fight at the OK Corral and why lawman Wy att Earp never smiled. SeeTombstone/A5
The Associated Press file photo
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Rain showers High 70, Low 48
SKYDIVER:Jump sets record, A3
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Discoveries, brealzthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you needto hnow to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.
It's Monday, Oct. 15, the 289th day of 2012. There are 77 days left in the year.
in s ama an omne S OLl consi ei or n eae
HAPPENINGS • Vice President Joe Biden
campaigns in Nevadaas Republican vice presidential
nomineePaulRyancampaigns in his home state of Wisconsin. • A military tribunal is set to resume at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for Khalid Sheikh
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By Michael D. Shear New York Times News Service
The most important time for th e p r esidential candi dates this week may be after Tuesday. True, the 90 minutes that they spend in the town hall style debate on Long Island on Tuesday nightcould be a game changer if one candidate per forms terribly, like President Barack Obama was perceived to have done in their first de bate on Oct. 3. But if this debate is seen to be more of a draw, then the winner will be decided in the hours and days after — with perceptions shaped by which ever c a m paign ma n a ges the post-debate time m o re effectively. Here are five aspects both campaigns must consider:
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Carolyn KasterI The Associated Press
g- af
Twitter. • In t h e old days (mean
ing four years ago), cam paigns would sent out emails to reporters during the debate, hoping to shape their coverage afterward. Years earlier, runners would drop printednews releases at each desk in the cavernous filing center where reporters were working. Now, none of that is fast enough. Both campaigns have armies of supporters tweeting as soon as the debate begins. They are armed with hashtags and snarky observations as they seek to guide the early re action to the debate. In the vice presidential de bate Thursday, Republicans quickly seized on Vice Presi dent Joe Biden's grin. The week earlier, they were tweet ing about Obama's listless ness, even before the debate ended. On Tuesday, D emocrats will be ready to tweet about what they hope will be a re energized president. And Mitt Romney's team will be stand ing by to do the opposite. Nei ther side can control Twitter and its millions of users. But they can try to influence it.
Both presidential candidates were busy campaign ing over the weekend. Above left, President Barack Obama arrives with pizza at an Organizing for America field office in Williams burg, Va., on Sunday, where he also pitched in by helping volunteers make phone calls. Bot tom left, Republican presidential candidate and former Massachu setts Gov. Mitt Rom ney greets
Mohammed, the al-Qaida operative accusedof orchestrating the 9/11 attacks,
and four other suspects.
IN HISTORY Highlights:In1917, Dutch dancer Mata Hari, convicted
of spying for theGermans, was executed by aFrench firing squad outside Paris. In 1945, the former premier of
Vichy France, Pierre Laval, was executed for treason. In 1946, Nazi war criminal Hermann
Goering fatally poisoned himself hours before he was to have been executed. In1951, the classic sitcom "I Love Lucy" premiered on CBS.ln1964, it was announced that Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev had
been removed from office. Ten years agn:Iraqis turned out for a national referendum on whether Saddam Hussein
should remain their president for another sevenyears; Hussein won with a reported
100 percent of the votes cast. Five years agn:Americans
a young supporter at The Golden Lamb restaurant in Lebanon, Ohio, on Saturday.
Leonid Hurwicz, Eric Maskin
and Roger Myerson wonthe Nobel economics prize. One year age:Italian riot police fired tear gasandwater cannons in Rome as violent
protesters hijacked apeaceful demonstration against corporate greed, smashing bank windows, torching cars and hurling bottles.
Charles Dharapak /The Associated Press
debate or a primary night vic tory. Both candidates will need to avoid making any news that might take away from a victory.
Tuesday's debate and the fi nal one, which will take place the following Monday. The What:Second presidential campaigns will need to try to debate between Barack shape perceptions from the Obama and Mitt Romney first, even as they prepare for (town hall format) The ads. the next. When:6 p.m. Tuesday • As ef fe c tive as f r e e Both campaigns have shown media is, the campaign is still Watch live:ABC, NBC, a willingness to sequester their being waged in the seven or CBS, Fox, CNN, Fox News, candidate for large chunks of MSNBC, C-SPAN eight battleground states. Most time as they prepare. Obama of the voters there are not like s pent the weekend in W i l ly to attend a rally this week. liamsburg, Va., trying to get However, they will see the ads he has provided specifics to ready. Romney has continued produced by the candidates. voters. to spend parts of each day in Obama produced an attack Bet on more ads — quick prep sessions. ad just hours after his debate ly — a f ter Tuesday night' s No matter how much the The spin room. with Romney, and another contest. candidates and their staff try • Jus t because Twitter is — the famous Big Bird ad — a to respond to the aftermath of faster does not mean the cam few days later. Romney went More debate prep. Tuesday's debate this week, paigns can forget about the up quickly with ads promot • On e big challenge for they can't forget the reality: journalists. ing his f ive-point economic both campaigns will be the Another is right around the T he o l d -fashioned s p i n plan, to reinforce the idea that short amount of time between corner. room — which used to be in a separateroom from the report ers — is now just a designated
Ifyou watch
BIRTHDAYS Former auto executive Lee
lacocca is 88.Jazzmusician Freddy Cole is81. Actress Linda
Lavin is 75. Actress-director Penny Marshall is 69. Baseball
Hall of FamerJim Palmer is 67. Singer-musician Richard
Carpenter is 66.Tennisplayer RoscoeTanner is61. Singer Tito Jackson is 59. Actor comedian Larry Miller is 59.
Britain's Duchess ofYork, Sarah Ferguson, is 53. Chef Emeril Lagasse is 53. Actor Dominic West is 43. Rhythm-and-blues singer Keyshia Cole is 31. Actor
Vincent Martella ("Everybody Hates Chris" ) is20. — From wire reports
area where campaign offi cials and surrogates eagerly make themselves available to reporters. After O b a m a's p e r f or mance in the first debate, Mitt Romney's spinners were out in force, grinning from ear to ear. Obama's advisers sulked out late, hardly able to contain their gloom. The goal on Tuesday will be for Democrats to argue that Obama was more f orceful, without veering into Biden like territory. Both campaigns will try t o shape the news paper stories and the early morning conversations, which can help to set the tone for the rest of the day.
The candidates. • Th e b e st way to slow down a negative narrative or enhance a helpful one — is for their campaigns to use the candidates themselves quickly after a debate. After Obama's performance on Oct. 3 rattled his support ers,the Democratic campaign f ollowed through w it h t w o huge, preplanned rallies. De spite the damage he had done to his campaign the night be fore, Obama was feisty and ag gressive. That helped dampen the criticism a bit. Likewise, Romney added a brief campaign stop in Colo rado that morning, showing off his energy and enthusiasm
coming off a good night. But there are risks. During the n ominating c a mpaign, R omney often s tepped on his own success by making a
gaffe the morning after a good
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3 jailed in shooting
of young activist By Alex Rodriguez aud Zulfiqar Ali Los Angeles Times
ISLAMABAD — As pres sure mounted on Pakistani po lice to track down militants be hind last week's assassination attempt of Malala Yousafzai, authorities confirmed Sunday the arrests of three brothers suspected of involvement in the attack on the 14-year-old Swat Valley girl. Authorities have detained more than 100 p eople for questioning, though a l most all were released. Police took the three brothers into custody early Saturday after a raid on their house in Akbarpura, a small village outside of the northwest city of Peshawar. The three men, Qari Inam ullah, Obaid Ullah and Abdul Hadi, are originally from the Swat Valley, a tourist haven t hat was u nder control o f Taliban insurgents until the summer of 2009, when the P akistani army r e took t h e territory. Authorities do not believe any of the three men were the gunmen who tried to kill Malala, but they would not discuss what role the men may
Fowo wea onsto riaissai toai i a ists By David E. Sauger
into doubt whether the White House's strategy of minimal WASHINGTON — Most of and indirect intervention in the the arms shipped at the behest Syrian conflict is accomplish of Saudi Arabia and Qatar to ing its intended purpose of supply Syrian rebel groups helping a democratic-minded fighting the government of opposition topple an oppres Bashar Assad are going to sive government. "The opposition groups that hard-line I slamic j i hadists, and not the more secular op are receiving the most of the position groups that the West lethal aid are exactly the ones wants to bolster, according to we don't want to have it," said U.S. officials and Middle East one U.S. oNcial familiar with ern diplomats. the outlines of those findings, That c o nclusion, w h i ch commenting on an operation President Barack Obama and that in American eyes has in other senior officials have creasingly gone awry. been briefed about in classi The United States is not fiedassessments of the Syrian sending arms directly to the conflict that has now claimed Syrian opposition. Instead, it more than 25,000 lives, casts is providing intelligence and New York Times News Service
other support for shipments of secondhand light weapons like rifles and grenades into Syria. U.S. officials have been try ing to understand why hard line Islamists have received the lion's share of the arms shipped to the Syrian oppo sition through the shadowy pipeline with roots in Qatar, and, to a lesser degree, Saudi Arabia. The officials, voic ing frustration, say there is no central clearinghouse for the shipments, and no effective way of vetting the groups that ultimately receive them. Those problems were cen tral concerns for the director of the CIA, David Petraeus, when he traveled secretly to Turkey
against civilians through out the country in recent
months, HumanRights W atchsaid Sunday.Clus ter munitions explode in
the air, sending dozens or more smaller bombs over a large area. But the smaller bombs often don't explode on impact, leaving the munitions to act like
landminesandexplode when handled. — Los Angeles Times
hampered by lack of good in telligence about many rebel figures and factions.
before," said Polina Vlasenko, an economist at the Ameri can Institute for Economic Research, based in Great Bar rington, Mass. This year, Social Security recipientsreceived a 3.6 per cent increase in benefits after getting no increase the previ ous two years. Some of next year's raise could be wiped out by higher Medicare premiums, which are deducted from Social Se curity payments. The Medi care Part B premium, which covers doctor visits, is ex pectedto rise by about $7 per month for 2013, according to government projections. The premium is currently $99.90 a month for most se niors. Medicare is expected to announce the premium for 2013 in the coming weeks. "The COLA continues to be very critical to people in keeping them from falling behind," said David Certner, AARP's legislative policy di rector. "We certainly heard in those couple of years when there was no COLA at all how important it was." H ow i m portant i s th e COLA? From 2001 to 2011, h ousehold incomes in t h e U.S. dropped for every age group except one: those 65 and older.
The Associated Press
banning girls from getting an Red Bull Stratos via TheAssociated Press
Felix Baumgartner, of Austria, celebrates after landing safely in the eastern New Mexico des ert about nine minutes after jumping from his capsule roughly 24 miles above the Earth.
are evi ree-a s i n o ere<or o p S • Austrian skydiverbreaksthe soundbarrier with a leapfromthe stratosphere'sedge By WJ. Henuigau Los Angeles Times
LOS ANGELES — With a short salute and a small step forward, Felix Baumgartner leaptfrom a capsule perched more than 24 miles above a barren New Mexico desert and landed safely, setting a world record for the highest sky dive. "Sometimes you have to
go up really high to under stand how small you are," Baumgartner s ai d b e f ore
stepping off a small ledge on
The Associated Press I SLAMABAD — A P a k i stani official says more than 100 militants have attacked a police station in the northwest, killing si x p o l icemen. Two of the killed policemen were beheaded. P olice officer I shrat Y a r says the attack near the main northwest city of Peshawar started late Sunday night and triggered a gunbattle that last ed for several hours. The militants were armed with heavy m achine guns, rocket-propelled gr e n ades, hand grenades and assault rifles. Yar also says 12 policemen were wounded in the attack in the small town of Matni, some 12 miles south of Peshawar. One of the beheaded police men was a senior official who commanded several p o lice stations in the area. Yar s ay s t h e mi l i t ants burned the police station and four police vehicles before they escaped.
The Syrian military
has used cluster bombs
By StephenOhlemacher
Malala was 11 when she rose to prominence in early 2009, blogging for the BBC Urdu Service about l iving u nder Taliban rule. The Taliban had taken over much of the valley a year earlier, imposing their will by blowing up schools,
Militants attack police station
Cluster bombs used against civilians?
ocia ecurit ene it increase i e to esma
have played.
education, and forcing men to grow long beards. Malala defi antly advocated education for girls in her blog entries, and detailed the atrocities commit ted by Taliban fighters. Last Tuesday, she was in a van heading home from school in Mingora, Swat's largest city, when two gunmen on a motor cycle forced the van to stop. One of the men boarded the van and asked the girls inside which of them was Malala. The girls didn't answer, but the gunman fired his pistol at Malala, hitting her in the head. Two other girls were also shot — one of them remains in crit ical condition, and the other was not seriously hurt. Doctors say Malala's condi tion is serious but improving. Last week, surgeons removed the bullet that had struck her temple and lodged in her neck. The United A rab E m irates has supplied Pakistan with an aircraft equipped with medi cal equipment that could be used to fly her to Dubai, but no decision has been made yet on whether she will be flown there for further treatment.
last month, oNcials said. The CIA has not comment ed on Petraeus' trip, made to a region he knows well from his days as the Army general in charge of Central Com mand, which is responsible for all U.S. military operations in the Middle East. Officials of countries in the region say that Petraeus has been deeply involved in trying to steer the supply effort, though U.S. offi cials dispute that assertion. According to U.S. and Arab officials, the CIA has sent offi cers to Turkey to help direct the aid, but the agency has been
the outside of a capsule lifted into the stratosphere by a he lium-filled balloon. "I'm go ing home now." Baumgartner,43, hit speeds of nearly 834 mph, becoming the first free-falling human to crack the sound barrier. He also set a record for the high est altitude manned balloon flight at 128,100 feet above the Earth — about one mile
H e popped open
capsule door and sunlight streamed in. It was a sight that Baumgartner had not higher than expected. seen in the 2 '/z half hours he The event also scored a re spent alone climbing toward cord for social media. aerospace history. The mission had more than Not long after he stepped two-dozen cameras, includ into the stra t o sphere, ing a helmet cam, to catch the Baumgartner began wildly action on the way up and the spinning as h e d escended jump itself. at hig h s p eeds. O f ficials It was webcast live on the had feared a so-called "flat event website and on You spin" — a horizontal spin Tube. More than 8 m i llion that can lead to a l oss of computers and other digi consciousness. tal devices were tuned in to The spinning was appar the live stream on YouTube ent even in a live video shot alone, making the jump the taken by a long-range cam most-watched live event ever era. But Baumgartner righted on the site. himself. There were a couple of dic Before the feat, there had ey moments. been concerns about how a While Baumgartner was human body might respond ascending, he told mission to supersonic speeds without control about a "serious" is benefit of aircraft. sue with the heat in his visor But at a post-event news faceplate. He couldn't feel conference, B a u m gartner warmth on his face, and the said he didn't know when he visor was fogging up. But of sped through the sound bar ficials gave Baumgartner the rier. "I didn't feel it at all," he go-ahead for the jump. said.
New st udyonHPV vaccinationscould ease parents'concernsabout youth sex By Anahad O' Connor
vaccinated. New York Times News Service "We' re hopeful that once Since public health officials physicians see this, it will give began recommending in2006 them evidence that they can that young women be routinely give to parents," said Robert vaccinated against HPV, many Bednarczyk, the lead author parents have hesitatedover of the report and a clinical in fears that doing so might give vestigator with the Kaiser Per their children license to have manente Center for Health Re sex. But new research pub search Southeast in Atlanta. lished in the journal Pediatrics "Hopefully when parents see m ay help ease those fears. this, it' ll be reassuring to them Looking at a sample of near and we can start to overcome ly 1,400 girls, the researchers this barrier." found no evidence that those HPV, the most common who were vaccinated begin sexually transmitted virus in ning around age 11 went on the United States, can cause to engage in more sexual ac cancers of the cervix, anus tivity than girls who were not and parts of the throat. Fed
eral health officials began recommending in 2006 that girls be vaccinated as early as age 11 and last year made a similar recommendation for preadolescent boys. The idea is to maximize the vaccine's protective effects. According to research, near ly a third of children 14 to 19 are infected with HPV. But de spite the federalrecommenda tions, vaccination rates around the country remain low. In addition to the HPV vac cine, federal guidelines also call for 11-year-olds to be immu nized against meningitis, teta nus, diphtheria and pertussis.
WASHINGTON — Social Security recipients shouldn' t expect a b i g i n crease in m onthly b e n efits co m e January. Preliminary figures show the annual benefit boost will be between I p ercent and 2 percent, which would be among the lowest since auto matic adjustments were ad opted in 1975. Monthly ben efits for retired workers now average $1,237, meaning the typical retiree can expect a raise of between $12 and $24 a month. The size of the increase will be made official Tues day, when the government releases inflation figures for September. The announce ment is unlikely to please a big group of voters — 56 mil lion people get benefits — just three weeks before elections for president and Congress. The cost-of-living adjust ment, or COLA, is tied to a government measure of infla tion adopted by Congress in the 1970s. It shows that con
sumer prices have gone up by less than 2 percent in the past year. "Basically, for the past 12 months, prices did not go up as rapidly as they did the year
Mayor of Bend, 1991, 2009, 2010 Bend City Councilor, 22 years Rotary Club of Bend, President 09 — 10 Bend Sister City Foundation, Non-Profit, Founder Bend-La Pine Public Schools, Human Resources Deschutes County Field Representative, US Senator Ron Wyden I
• i l
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Paid for by Kathie Eckman for City Council
Logging Continued from A1 The result is large-diameter trees that are more than 150 years old, said Tim L i llebo, Eastern Oregon field repre sentative for Oregon Wild, a Portland-based conservation group. That's old growth, he said, and reason not to cut. "We don't have many of the big trees around," he said. "Let's keep them around." The ForestService rejected appeals to the project and the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Ap peals earlier this year support ed the decision, allowing the logging to continue. The recent
logging prompted protesters to hang banners earlier this month in Bend on overpasses crossing busy roads, such as Greenwood Avenue. The project covers about 2,500 acres, a quarter ofit
logged last year, Youngblood said. Logging is currently un der way again, with the timber being hauled to the Interna tional Forest Products Limited (Interfor) mill in Gilchrist. In all about 28 million board feet of timber are being cleared off the land, according to For estService documents. Many of the trees being cut are 12 to 28 inches in diameter, Youngblood said, while larger trees are being left behind. The experiments are designed to test how thinning stands may increasethe growth rate and resiliency of t h e r emaining trees while also lowering the
risk of wildfire and likelihood of insects killing them. What is learned through the experiments will be used in managing pine stands along U.S. Highway 97 , a c cord ing to Youngblood's briefing document. "I'm more interested in what trees are being left on the site," Youngblood said. "And those are the larger trees." Lillebo contends the Forest Service could be doing more useful research and doesn' t have to conduct an experiment to see what happens when there are harvestslike those under way on LookoutMountain. "I think we cut big trees for 100 years, and we saw the re sults," Lillebo said. The project is a "hoax" to get old-growth logging done under the guise of an experiment, said Karen Coulter, director for the Blue Mountains Biodiver sity Project in Fossil. "This is an old-growth liq uidation sale," she said. "And that is the kind of logging that should be r elegated to our past." Afterthe Forest Service re jected Blue Mountains appeals to the project, the group filed a federal lawsuit in Septem ber 2010 against the agency. In May 2011 a U.S. District Court judge in Eugene ruled in favor ofthe Forest Service so the group took the case to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, which sided with the Forest Service in July. "The Service proposes a
forest management research project in a n e x p erimental forest specifically set aside for such study," wrote Judge Wil liam Fletcher of the 9th Circuit Court. Lookout Mountain is a part of the Pringle Falls Experimen tal Forest near Sunriver, which has been used as a "diverse natural laboratory" since the 1930s, according to the Pacific Northwest Research Station web site. The forest was set aside for science, and that is what is be ing done, said Anne Forest Burns, vice president of the American Forest R esource Council. The Portland-based group r epresents members of the forest product industry in Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana andWashington. "It is on an experimental for est that was designed for ex periments," she said. "... If we can't do that, how are we going to have good science on which we base our decisions?" Having been a logger for 30 years, Brian Hickson, of Crooked River Ranch, said it' s a shame logging critics still want to put people out of work. He is among the loggers cutting trees at Lookout Mountain.
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The loggers are doing a proj ect that's been approved by the federal government, Hickson said, so that's where any com plaints should be directed. "We are just trying to make a living," he said. — Reporter:541-61 7-7812, ddarling®bendbulletin.corn
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Dylan J. Darling/The Bulletin
Brian Hickson, a logger with B&S Logging in Prineville,cuts down a tree Friday on Lookout Mountain in the Pringle Falls Experimental Forest near Sunriver.
nance and insurance. Reverse mortgage l e nd Continued from A1 ers and brokers note that the Concerns about the multi loans are highly regulated and billion-dollar r everse mort require potential borrowers to gage marketecho those raised speak to a certified housing in the lead-up to the financial counselor about the potential crisis when consumers were pitfalls before taking out the marketed loans — oftencar loans. Bell adds that his trade rying hidden risks — that they group strictly monitors the could not afford. advertising of its roughly 400 " There are many o f t h e members to ensure that it is same red flags, including ex accurate. plosive growth and the fact Since the financial crisis, that these loans are o ften the reversemortgage market peddled aggressively without has been in flux, dampened regard to suitability," said Lori by a drop in property values, Swanson, the Minnesota at complaints about the l oans torney general, who is work and the recent departure of big ing on reforming thereverse lenders. Originations backed mortgage market. by the f ederal government Although the number of re peaked at about 115,00 in 2007 verse mortgageshas declined and totaled about 51,000 loans in recent years, the rate of last year. default is at a record high MetLife was the latest ma roughly 9.4 percent of loans, jor player to exit the market, according to t h e c onsumer in April. That followed the p rotection bureau, up f r o m d eparture last year o f t h e around 2 percent a decade two biggestreverse mortgage earlier. And b o rrowers are lenders, Bank of America and putting their nest eggs at risk Wells Fargo, which cited fall by increasingly taking out the ing housing prices and dif loans at younger ages and in ficulty assessing borrowers' lump sums, federal data and a ability to repay the loans. recent bureau report show. Smaller lenders Peter Bell, president and chief executive of the Nation Into the void left by the big al Reverse Mortgage Lenders banks have moved smaller Association, a t r ade group, mortgage brokers and lenders. said he met with officials from Some of them steer seniors the Department of Housing into expensive, risky l oans and Urban Development to with deceptive sales pitches begin hashing out a way for and high-pressuretactics, ac lenders to adopt a u n iform cording to regulators, hous standard to determine wheth ing counselors and elder-care er seniorscan afford to take advocates. on the loans. Mark Diamond, a former subprime mortgage broker Why reverse mortgages? in Chicago, who has been Used c o r rectly, r e v erse sued for fraud by the Federal mortgages can be a valuable Trade Commission and the Il tool for seniors to stay in their linois attorney general, faces homes and gain access to a federal lawsuit filed in June money neededforretirement. by seniors who claim that he Seniors who have built up sold them reverse mortgages equity in their homes can bor and either pocketed their loan row against a percentage of amounts or promised to put that and take out a lump sum the proceeds toward home re or a line of credit. The loan pairs that never materialized. doesn't have to be repaid until A lawyer for Diamond did the homeowner moves out or not return calls for comment. dies, but borrowers still have Regulators worry that some to pay property taxes, mainte of the s ame h i gh-pressure
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tactics deployed during the subprime lending crisis are
showing up again. Some solici tations reviewed by the Con sumer Financial P rotection Bureau present reverse mort gages as"free money" or mis takenly tell seniors that they could never lose their home. Officials a t t h e b u r eau, which issued a report on the industry in June, said they heard from a number of se niors who claimed that lend ers encouragedthem to make their older spouses the sole borrower on the loan. The bro kers earn more money when they make larger loans with the older spouse as the only borrower. Some surviving s p ouses complained that brokers told them they could be added later, but they were not. The bureau says those seniors are at greater risk of losing their homes. The complaints, according to elder-care advocates and federal officials, have been rising during the past year, although there are no exact numbers.
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'Devastated' and renting Linda McMahon, a 65-year old widow, watched helplessly as the locks were changed on her home in St. Croix Falls, Wis., last month. She said that in 2005, when her husband was 82 and she was 58, a mortgage broker from Wells Fargo promised her that she could add her name to the mortgage once she turned 62. That never happened be cause that year, in 2009, she didn't have time to deal with it as her husband's health quick ly deteriorated and he died from a heart condition, she said. Soon, she was unable to pay any of the property taxes and insurance. "I am devastated," said Mc Mahon, who is retired, living on Social Security income and now renting an apartment. A spokeswoman for t h e bank declined to comment.
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Korea Continued from A1 In the 10 months since Kim Jong Un took control of his des perately poor nation following the death of his autocratic fa ther, North Korea — or at least its capital — has acquired more of the trappings of a function ing society, say diplomats, aid groups and academics who have visited in recent months. But in rare interviews this month with four North Ko reans in this border city on government-sanctioned stays, they said that at least so far, they have not felt any improve ments in their lives since the installment last December of their youthful leader — a senti ment aid workers and analysts say they have also heard. In fact, the North Koreans said, their lives have gotten harder, despite Kim's tantaliz ing p r onouncements about boosting people's livelihoods (and time spent at a S w iss school) that have fueled outside hopes that the nuclear-armed nation might ease its economi cally ruinous obsession with military hardware and dab ble in Chinese-style market reforms. Food prices have spiked, the result of drought and North Korea's d e fiant l a u nching of a rocket in April that shut down new offers of food aid from the United States. De velopment organizations also blame speculators who have hoarded staples in anticipation of reforms that have yet to ma terialize. The price of rice has doubled sinceearly summer, and chronic shortages of fuel, electricity and raw materials continue to idle most factories, leaving millions unemployed. "People were hopeful that Kim Jong Un would make our lives better, but so far they are disappointed," said a 50-year old named Mrs. Park, who like Mrs. Kim spoke on the condi tion that only her last name be used, fearing retribution when she returned home. Heightened security on both sides of the border since Kim took power has made sneaking into China much harder than in recent years. Aid workers who helpferry refugees to freedom in South Korea say sweeps by Chinese police and a crack down on North Korean smug glers who guide the way to the borderhas reduced toa trickle those who try to leave. Even if their lives are stalked by deprivation and a fear of
North Korea's omnipresent
W ild W est c h r omcler H e grew up in the Cumberland Mountains of T ennessee, a chemist with a background in explosives. He stumbled into Tombstone on a cross-country road trip. For three nights he walked around, avoiding the tourists, marveling at the his tory around him. He liked the fact that Tomb stone was one tough town in its day. "It wasn't a place where you pushed people around," he said. "Nobody here got pushed around." Traywick, who lived in Cali fornia at the time, returned home and told his wife and children to pack their bags. "I just belong down there," he said. They arrived Thanksgiv ing Day 1968. He soon landed a job as a safety engineer at a nearby gunpowder plant. That's when Traywick be gan his Tombstone education. He scoured Boothill Grave yard and visited historic spots outside of town — by horse, Jeep or on foot. He examined the archives of longtime local residents to confirm stories that often had numerous ver sions. He consulted newspaper obits, court records and coro ner's reports — hardscrabble research has never included the Internet. " Ever t h in k th a t wh a t you take of f t h e I n t ernet is only as good as the fella who put i t t h ere'?" he said matter-of-factly. Most ofhis research centers on the OK Corral fight. In the gunbattle — which lasted only 30 secondswith 30 shots fired — lawmen Virgil Earp and his brothers Morgan and Wyatt, aided by Doc Holliday, con fronted outlaw cowboys Billy Clanton, Tom McLaury and his brother Frank. The law men had f inally responded to repeated threats from the
Continued from a1
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North Koreans dancein front of the Pyongyang Indoor Stadium in Pyongyang, North Korea, on Wednesday to mark the 67th founding anniversary of the ruling Workers' Party of Korea. security apparatus, the people who made it to Dandong are a privileged lot: All of them ar rived on two-month visas that allow them to visit relatives here — allowing their govern ment to charge steep fees that bring it much-needed foreign currency. All of them said they overstayed their visas in the hope they might earn enough money in Chinese factories or breweries to feed their fami lies and repay black market loans that financed the official paperwork. With little information seep ing out of the tightly controlled police state, their accounts, told from a safe house rented by a Christian group, provided a glimpse into how North Kore ans are living under the reign of Kim, whose family has ruled the country for decades. Although it is possible the North Koreansinterviewed are more disenchanted than others — given their affiliation with Christians, who are generally very critical of the Communist state — their accounts, told sep arately, largely dovetailed with one another's and with the as sessments offered by foreign aid workers and academics who recently spent time in the country. Daniel Pinkston, a N orth Korea expert with the Interna tional Crisis Group, said much of the talk about change was fueled by K i m's pronounce ments about improving the standard of living. It is also driven by a public persona that
appears far more amiable than his mirthless father, Kim Jong Il, whose disastrous economic policieshelped produce a fam ine in the 1990s that claimed as many as 2 million lives. "People leapt to very sweep ing conclusions about reform, but it's not a switch that hap pens in a day," said Pinkston, who visited North Korea this summer. "On the other hand, the privileged few who have a monopoly on certain sectors are making out like bandits." In two days of interviews with the N orth K oreans, a thinly concealed disgust over inequality that has risen in re cent years — and a realization that the national credo of juche, or self-reliance, was a carefully constructed lie — was striking. While such feelings appear to be fed by the creeping avail ability of at least some infor mation from the outside world, disillusionment mounted last spring after the government's promised era of prosperity, slated to begin in April, went unfulfilled. T h e d i s content s eemed to solidify with t h e government's rare admission of the failed rocket launching. "We were led to believe that even dogs would eat rice cakes in 2012," said Mrs. Kim, the pig farmer. Asked if she thought there were those who still be lieved in North Korea's Stalin ist, brutally enforced single party system, she shook her head and said "zero." She and the o thers sug gested that the i n formation
vacuum had been eased by the spread of cellphones (though sanctioned phones cannot call outside the country) and by South Korean soap operas that are smuggled across the border and secretly viewed despite the threat of prison. While the North Koreans are not foolish enough to openly question their leaders at home, their personal reactions to the death of their former leader last December were telling. Upon hearing th e n ews, Mrs. Kim instinctively bought a bouquet of white flowers and headed to a local government building, where throngs wailed before a large portrait of their Dear Leader. Mrs. Kim followed their lead, but admitted that her tears were not genuine. At home, she has precious little time to think about poli tics. She wakes up each day at dawn to scavenge for ed iblegreens, then returns home to tend the family's pigs. Her other vocation, carried out in secret, is making homemade spirits, brewed from acorns and corn cobs, that she sells to wholesalers. But th e t w o e n t erprises barelyprovide sustenance for her husband and sons. The family subsists on the greens, cornmeal porridgeand the oc casional potato or radish. Food shortages are so widespread that one son had to r eturn home from the military be cause he was ill. His doctors at home say he was starving.
Over the years, the self taught Traywick has done c onsulting work fo r N a tional Geographic, the Dis covery Channel and movie producers. He's been hon ored by city officials. Still, the wannabes seek their duels — amateur Wild W est experts itching t o match their stuff against the best. With a sigh, the 85-year old Traywick, wearing his snakeskin-ringed cowboy hat, patiently hears them out. Then he unloads. Like the guy who said Traywick didn't know half as much as he thought he did. The newcomer insisted that Indian Chief Cochise raided Tombstone in 1880. The historian cut him off at the pass: Didn't happen, Traywick deadpanned. Co chise died in 1874. "Everybody who comes to Tombstone becomes an instant expert as soon as they hit the nearest bar stool," Traywick said. "It makes it hard to p ursue real history." I n 2010, Traywick o f f icially r etired a s t o w n historian, but he can't quit his history habit. Each day, Traywick sits in his book s tore surrounded by h i s tomes, news clippings and memorabilia, debating and answering questions from anyone who walks through the door. Tray wick still r e lishes trading barbs with the ac tors decked out in Western attire who ru n r e -enact ment groups like the one he started asa tourist attrac tion. Years back, he played Earp in the ensemble he named "The Wild Bunch," gang. "I have spent my life making until, he said, his belly got too big. sure I knew what happened in Then his son took over that gunfight," he said. "I took for two decades. it apart, move by move." "I told him, 'When you' re Four things sealed the bat playing Wyatt Earp, you tle's place in Old West history: never smile, because Wyatt Tombstone, OK Corral, Earp never smiled. He just didn' t and Holliday. "Those names were magic," have it in him.'" On a recent day, he teased he said. "Without them, this Terry "Doc" Najarian, who town would have crumbled up runs a re-enactment show, and disappeared in the desert because his cowboys were a long time ago." smoking factory-made cig arettes. The real boys rolled their own, he insisted. r4sea~a Dishwasher "Ben knows his history," Najarian said. "When I see
him, I'm like a sponge." Traywick is an unlikely
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Spending Continued from A1 In the post-Citizens United political l a ndscape, groups without a p r o minent voice within the national party can spend money directly on be half of candidates who sup port a certain position, Choma said. In 2010, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in th e Citizens United case that certain politi cal action committees, called super PACs, can spend unlim ited sums on behalf of candi dates as long as they do not coordinate directly with the campaign. Some super PACs d on' t have to disclose their donors or other funding sources.
"Some (super PACs) are
definitely party affiliated, or working on the interests of the party. But there are also a few that are ... independent, and representing groups that haven't had a say in the power structure before," he said. In the special election to replace Wu, the Democratic Congressional Cam p a i gn Committee, the campaign arm of House Democrats, spent al most $1.32 million in support of Bonamici and in opposition to Cornilles, according to the Center for Responsive Poli tics' figures. By contrast, the National Republican Con g r essional Committee spent $85,000 in support of Cornilles. The House Majority PAC, a l iberal s uper PA C t h a t has spent th e v ast m ajor ity of its almost $12 million in expenditures this election on criticizing R epublicans,
supported Bonamici with almost 3300,000. Women Vote!, another liberal super PAC, chipped in more than
$240,000. That kind of spending, both by the p arty a n d s t alwart Democratic supporters, is "a sign that you' ve got the Demo cratic Party l eaders' atten tion," said Choma. Since then, outside spend
"Some (super PACs) are definitely party affiliated ... but there are also a few that are ... independent, and
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representing groups
— Russ Choma, Center for Responsive Politics
— Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevenger@bendbulletin.corn
• •
gRv H N S ON
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that haven't had a say in the power structure before."
ing has been very modest in Oregon. In two of the state' s five congressional races — the 2nd and 3rd Districts, seats currentlyheld by Reps. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, and Earl Blumenauer, D-Portland outside groups h aven' t spent a dime. All told, the Republican Su per PAC has poured almost $145,000 into Robinson's effort to oust DeFazio, the longest serving member of Oregon's delegation who has been in Congress since 1987. The Democratic Congres sional Campaign Committee has spent $13,369 in the 5th District in s upport of R ep. Kurt Schrader, D-Canby, ac cording to the Center for Re sponsive Politics. By comparison, the highly competitive race in Califor nia's 7th District between in cumbent Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Gold River, and Democratic challenger Ami Bera has at tracted more than $5.2 million in outside spending. The par ties' campaign committees ac count for almost $2 million of that total. Overall, super PACs have spent more than $348 million on all elections, including the presidential race, in 2012. The parties have spent al most $120 million, and other groups, which include corpo rations, unions and individu als, have spent almost $202 million.
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Art for illustration purposesonly. All prices shownbefore License, Title tt ooc fees. Onapproval of credit. Subject to Prior Sale. Expires 10/20/1 2.
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It's fall and the hive is buzzing t's a myth that a bee suit will pre vent stings. The thick jumpsuit and brimmed veil offer some thing of a barrier, sure, but a barbed stinger can penetrate fabric and skin. The suit is worn mainly for psy chological reasons, a white cotton placebo. Its wearer is less likely to panic and flail, provoking the bees. This is what Allen Engle, a lo cal beekeeper, told me last week as I zipped a suit over my jeans and sweater, in preparation for my first ever glimpse inside a hive. "You' re not allergic to bee stings, are you?" he asked. I hesitated. From what Engle had told me, there's a good chance I' ve never been stung by a bee. What we call "bee" stings usually come from misidentified wasps or hornets. "I don't think so," I answered. Protective of their stockpile for winter, honeybees are more aggres sive than usual in the fall. Though we saw no flowers in bloom, bees were arriving with loads of foraged pollen. The ground near the box was littered with dead bees. In the winter, a colony shrinks to about 20 percent of its peak popula tion. Males are escorted out of the hive by female worker bees and left to die. Many females die off, too. Bees do not hibernate. Inside the hive, they huddle in a ball and shiver to keep warm. They take turns on the outside of the ball, moving in to warm up. The box stays about the same tem perature as the air outside — below freezing for much of the year. But the center of the cluster, where the queen remains,is a balmy 98 degrees. On a warm winter day, a bee will relieve itself on what beekeepers po litely dub a "cleansing flight" outside. Last week was Engle's last honey harvest of the year. And it was time to treat the bees for mites believed to cause colony collapse disorder, in which a hive is abandoned abruptly. Justbefore he closed the box up, Engle crumbled a green citronella scented substance inside, to kill any mites clinging to the bees' backs. Inever did see the queen, who is twice as long as a worker bee, with short wings that make her unable to fly. She mates once in her lifetime, with 10 or 15 drones, then keeps the sperm todole out as she layseggs. Unfertilized eggs become males, or drones. Drones don't collect pol len,don'tmake honey, don't make wax and can't sting. They only mate. Fertilized eggs become females, nearly all of whom are workers. A female larva fed only a rich sub stance called "royal jelly," however, becomes aqueen. All other larvae eat both royal jelly and pollen. Adult worker bees start out as cleaning ladies. They haul dead bees and chunks of wax out of the hive. As they get older, they become guards, foragers and honey makers. For Engle, this intricate social structureis what makes beekeeping fun. It's a chance to witness the inner workings of an exotic civilization a sort of real-life "Game of Thrones." H e watches, forexample, as a bee flies to the entrance of the hive, carry ing pollen or nectar on her hind legs. A guard greets the forager and sniffs her carefully before allowing her in. The pollen is then placed in a wax cell. Another worker bee processes the pollen by repeatedly eating and regurgitating it. The resulting sub stance is left in the cell to dehydrate into ... honey. Engle hoisted the box to make sure the colony had enough honey — at least 100 pounds — for winter. Bees are responsible for pollinat ing an estimated one-third of what we humans eat. I reminded myself of that fact as bees tried to defend the hive by flying at me, bouncing off my white suit like pellets of hail. One out of every three bites of food'? That's worth a sting or two. As it turned out, I didn't get stung once, although Engle — who re moved about 20 pounds of excess honey as I stood by and watched — did. One sting brings death to a bee,and most of the bees decided we weren't worth it. With winter com ing, there was too much work to do.
— Lily Raff McCaulou isa columnist for TheBulletin. 541-617-7836, traff@bendbutletin.corn
anarrese a ere ase • Authorities cornerCalifornian at hotel for 4 hoursafter high-speedpursuit, carcrash By Dylan j. Darling
Sheriff's Office. He was arrested on suspicion of REDMOND — A C a lifornia man attempt to elude, possession of a con allegedly driving a stolen car led Des trolled substance and unauthorized chutes County sheriff's deputies on a use of a motor vehicle, all felonies, as chase along U.S. Highway 97 on Sunday well as misdemeanors of attempt to morning before crashing the car, run elude on foot, reckless driving and ning from it and hiding in a Redmond criminal trespass. hotel. Deputies, along with Oregon State Jacob Christopher Roy, 30, was held Police and R edmond Police, sur without bail Sunday night at the Des rounded the Best Western Plus Rama chutes County jail, according to the Inn at 2630 S.W. 17th Place for nearly The Bulletin
Rainfall heralds cooler temps After a weekend of
gray clouds threatening possible precipitation, rain is likely to fall today and tonight in Bend.
four hours before deputies found Roy hiding in a bathroom, said Lt. Kevin Dizney of the Sheriff's Office. "We ultimately went room to room
There is a 70percent chance of rain today and a 60percent chance tonight, according to
(to find him)," he said.
the National Weather
The hotel has 74 rooms and deputies searched nearly all of them, Dizney sard. He said deputies may have been tipped to Roy's hiding place by the sound of a flushing toilet. SeeArrest/B3
Service. There isalso a 50 percent chanceof rain Tuesday. Rainfall should be light,
though, saidRobBrooks, a forecaster with the weather service in Pend
leton. Heexpected only a tenth of an inch of ra>nto fall on Bend over the next
couple ofdays. The latest weather system will likely bring
winds, he said. Winds today should be around15 mph from
the southwest, according to the weather service.
Tuesday windsareex pected to bearound 18 mph from the west, with
gusts up to 28mph. As the systempasses through, temperatures
are expected tocool off. The high todayshould be 70 degrees and the low 48. Tuesday's high
should be 58degrees, and the low is expected
to drop below freezing to 28, as theclouds are expected to part. — Bulletin staff report
FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central
and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/
at: ' ta~,$-'<LaGrande-~'er--~---'. , >n''
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Joe Kline / The Bulletin
Maria Madden, left, of Bend, and Meissner Nordic member Kathy Baker-Katztalk about some of the skis and poles avail able in the raffle during the Meissner Nordic Fall Fete and Equipment Fundraiser on Sunday at Shevlin Park's Aspen Hall in Bend.
0 w . a0 ~ 'I
1. Pole CreekFire
• New trail groomer for Virginia MeissnerSno-park ison its waythanks to fundraiser
• Acres: 26,795 • Containment: 90%
• Cause: Under By Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin
Winter is on the way, and so is a new groomer for Meissner Nordic. The Bend-based nonprofit expects a snow mobile and Ginzu groomer to arrive in the next couple of weeks. The snowmobile will tow the groomer. "It will be ready for the first snow," said Cynthia Engel, president of the group. The new groomer will complement a larger snowcat groomer the group has had for four years. While the group has to pay trained drivers for the snowcat, volunteers will be
able to drive the much smaller snowmobile. "It will save us gas, time," Engel said. And it will make solid tracks on the close to 25 miles of trails maintained by Meissner Nordic at Virginia Meissner Sno-park, 14 miles from Bend on Century Drive, said Bob Madden, trails coordinator for the group. As the "Ginzu" name suggests, the new groomer will slice through snow while creating par allel trails for skate- and classic-style nordic
skiing. "It has a bunch of knives that cut up the snow," Madden said. See Meissner /B5
"(The Ginzu
groomer is) going
Well shot!
to definitely step up the quality of the trails up there."
reader PhOtoS • We want to see your best photos capturing the colors of fall in
Central Oregon for publication in a special
— Rich Gross, interim nordic coach, Summit High School
version of Well shot!
Send your best work to readerphotos© bendbulletin.corn by Oct. 20 and we' ll pick
the best for publication.
State barfiles complaint against Bendattorney By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin
The Oregon State Bar has filed a formal complaint against Katherine C. Tank, the head of Schwabe, Wil liamson 8 Wyatt's Central Oregon law office, alleging she violatedrules ofprofes sional conduct by creating backdated corporate records and presenting them as evi dence in a case. The complaint, issued Sept. 24, means the bar will conduct a disciplinary hear ing against Tank, who if found guilty of misconduct may face sanctions. According to the formal complaint, Tank represented Marvin andDeanna Wooten in a federal case involving Central Electric Coopera tive. The Wootens, the regis teredagents ofan associated company called Northwest Utility Services, had been
summoned by the court to produce evidence in a law suit between the co-op and its former CEO. The complaint alleges that in January 2009, Tank asked her staff and at least one associate at the firm to "create backdated bylaws, organizational minutes, stock subscription agreements, stock share certificates, a stock ledger, corporate maintenance min utes a/k/a consent of direc tors and shareholders, and other corporate records for (Northwest Utility Services) purporting to evidence Wootens' sole and continu ous ownership of NUS since 1988." But those records didn' t previously exist and de scribed events that never occurred, according to the complaint. SeeComplaint/B2
~ Bend road cltnttres ( , I / Detour —
orni gstatI
R o ad closed - - - - Local traffic only
Blnppre Ave.
The intersection of 18th Street and Empire Avenue is closed through October for the construction of a new roundabout. Traffic will be detoured around the intersection.
6 SIMPSON AVENUEAND MT. WASHINGTON DRIVE The intersection of Simpson AvenueandMt. Washington Drive is closed through October for the construction of a new roundabout. Traffic will be detoured around the intersection. ewpor ve. 8 BROOKSWOOD
evere ve
enwood ve. ra klan Ave.
The intersectio of
-B a Cre kRd.
Brookswood Boulevard and Powe s Road is closed
through O
the construction of new roundabout. Traffic will be detoured around the intersection.
ed Powers Rd. MILES c
g Broovs '
Murphy Rd. lt) 1
Sources: City of Bend, Oregon Department of Transportation
Andy Zeigert / The Bulletin
violating several rules of pro fessional conduct, including
Continued from B1 Tank then mixed the new files with already existing files and turned them over to the co-op without disclosing that they'd been recentlycreated and backdated, the complaint continues. When Deanna Wooten was deposed in February 2009, the complaint states, she "stated or implied" that the records had existed before 2001 and were not backdated. Tank d idn' t clarify or c o rrect the testi mony, according to the formal complaint. In July 2009, Tank filed a lawsuit against CEC in Des chutes County Circuit Court on behalf of Northwest Util ity Services. At depositions in March 2010, Deanna Wooten was asked about the records allegedly created at T ank's direction. "Deanna stated or implied that these records were not backdated," th e c o m plaint states. "She further stated that she could not recall when these documents were creat ed, or when her attorney/client relationship with the Schwabe
falsifying evidence, engaging
of Oregon Department of Revenue, complaint, $167,654.16 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1013:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. successor in interest by purchase from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver of Washington Mutual Bank v. Randall Pozzi,AccessBusiness Finance LLC, Tim Hess CPAPC, State of Oregon and Marti W. Pozzi, complaint ,$549,884.54
12CV1014:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. successor in interest by purchase from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver of Washington Mutual Bank fka W ashington MutualBankFA v.Hank R. Elliott aka Hank Elliot, complaint, $343,408.1 3 12CV1015:Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Eric J. Porter, complaint, $167,083.78 plus interest, costs and fees
in dishonest conduct, failing to use candor with legal authori ties and not being truthful in statements. The formal com plaint also alleges Tank vio lated state law by tampering with physical evidence, which is a Class A misdemeanor. Thomas Triplett, assistant general counsel of Schwabe, Williamson & Wyatt's Central Oregon office,defended Tank in a written statement. "We take allegations against attorneys and the firm very se riously. From our review, we believe that the actions taken by Ms. Tank were appropri ate, permissible and lawful," Triplett wrote. "Ms. Tank is an upstand ing and valued member of our firm, the profession and the Bend community, where she has played important leader ship roles with our Central Or egon office, and in numerous leading non-profits a r ound Central Oregon," he contin ued. "We support her contin ued leadership role with the firm's Central Oregon office, and stand behind her." firm began. (Tank) took no With the formal complaint action at th e deposition or filed, the next step is to con thereafter to clarify or correct duct a trial panel hearing. The Deanna's testimony." panel consists of two attorneys The complaint goes on to and a member of the public state that i n O ctober 2010, and listens to both sides before during a court hearing, Tank providing a written opinion. If again "stated or implied to the found guilty of the violations, court" that the records were the panel w il l r e commend not backdated and had been s anctions, ranging f ro m a prepared b e fore l i t i gation public reprimand to a license started. suspension to disbarment. "These assertionswere false The bar or Tank can appeal and (Tank) knew that they the panel's decision to the Or were false when she made egon Supreme Court. — Reporter: 541-617-7831, them," the complaint states. Tank stands accused of smillerlbendbulletin.corn
' I •
Can you work a camera, and capture a great picture? And can youtell us a bit about it? Email your color or black and-white photos to readerphotos@bendbulfetin.corn and we'll pick the best for publication in the paper and online. Submission requirements:Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
SAY A LITTLE PRAYER FOR ME Mike Gallagher, of Redmond, shot this picture of a praying mantiswith his Nikon D5000 on a macro setting while hiking the Broken Top Trail recently. "Near the high point at 8,200 feet," Gallagher wrote,"we came across this little guy I call Sam seemingly joining our group, awed by the panoramic views of the Three Sisters and the crater lake below. No fear, he/she patiently posed for my photos."
NEWS OF RECORD Bank N.A., Deschutes County and Credit Associates Inc., complaint, $245,457.09 plus interest, costs Filed Oct. 2 and fees 12CV0982:Leah Custard v. Walter L. Ruddiman, complaint, $198,368.12 12CV0991:Citimortgage Inc. v. Deanna Sison and Andrew Olsen, 12CV0983:Bryan Micnhimer v. complaint, $92,014.62 plus interest, Charles H. Chamberlain, complaint, costs and fees $300,000 12CV0992:Citimortgage Inc. v. Filed Oct. 3 Joseph B. Shearer and Brentwood 12CV0984:Midfirst Bankthrough Owners Association Homeowner's its loan servicing agent Midland Association, complaint, $196,000 Mortgage a division of Midfirst Bank plus interest, costs and fees v. Mark L. Ayres, Carrie VanGelder 12CV0993:Citimortgage inc. v. and Ray Klein Inc. dba Professional Dennis C. Morton Jr. and Janice M. Credit Service, complaint, Morton, complaint, $181,449.83 $168,194.70 plus interest, costs and plus interest, costs and fees fees 12CV0994: GMAC Mortgage LLC 12CV0985:Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Billy D. Williams, GenaWilliams, v. Nicholas Olson andNational City Jennie L. Williams nka Jennie Bank, complaint, $149,791.98 plus L.Gatesand DeschutesCounty, interest, costs and fees complaint, $148,159.90 plus 12CV0986:Deutsche Bank National interest, costs and fees Trust Company as trustee for GSAA 12CV0995:American Express Home Equity Trust 2006-16 v. Serena Centurion Bank Corporation dba M. King, complaint, $213,125.82 American Express Centurion Bank 12CV0987:Jane Doev. Providence v. Donald Buckner, complaint, Health Plans, complaint, $34,365.53 $14,689.97 12CV0988:FIA CardServices Filed Oct. 5 N.A.v. Sherry T. West, complaint, 12CV0996:U.S. Bank N.A. as $18,071.92 trustee relating to Chevy Chase 12CV0989:Melissa A. Weller v. Funding LLC Mortgage Backed James A. Stephens, complaint, Certificates Series 2006-3 v. $280,000 Myron L. Ace II and Liberty Heights Homeowners' Association Inc., Filed Oct. 4 complaint, $281,505.27 12CV0990:Citimortgage Inc. v. Jodi L. Bailey aka Jodi A. L. Bailey, 12CV0997:Nationstar Mortgage David W. Bailey, Wells Fargo LLC v. Shelby Ceniga, complaint,
$374,983.48 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV0998:Kevin Sawyer and Tamara Sawyer v. Philip R. Hatch, complaint, $812,000 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1004:Sabr Mortgage Loan 2008-1 Reo Subsidiary-1 LLC v. Laura McConnell and Frances McConnell, complaint, $494,599.20 12CV1005:Citibank N.A. as trustee of the LMT 2006-4 Trust Fund v. SamuelLa Duca,JenniferLaDuca, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. and Mortgageit Inc., complaint, $305,160.73 12CV1006:Travis Tuma v. Alena Hoyer, complaint, $49,999.99
v.MichaelL.Schmieland Jane M. Olivier, complaint, $142,664.09 Filed Oct. 9
12CV1011:Nationstar Mortgage LLC v.StantonM. Brodieand Suzanne A. Brodie, complaint, $237,550 plus interest, costs and fees 12CV1012:Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Craig C. Coyner III, Sun Trust Mortgage Inc., Suntrust Bank, Capital One Bank N.A., First Financial Investment Fund and State
Filed Oct. 8
12CV1007:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. v. Marcia Daggett, complaint, $87,007.38 12CV1008:Nationstar Mortgage LLC v. Donald W. Noldge, Shari J. Noldge, Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc. and American Broker Conduit, complaint ,$949,489.45 12CV1009:JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A. successor in interest by purchase form the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation as receiver for Washington Mutual Bank fka Washington Mutual Bank FAv. Bennette M. Kuntz and Capital One BankN.A.dbaCapitalOne Bank U.S.A. N.A.,com plaint,$306,004.60 12CV1016:GMACMortgage LLC
PUBLIC OFFICIALS For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit w w w.bendbulletin.corn/officials.
Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-Ore.: 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C.20510 Phone: 202-224-3753 Web: http: // Sen. RonWyden, D-Ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone: 202-224-5244 Web: U.S. House of Representatives
Rep. GregWalden, R-Hood River 2182 Rayburn HouseOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20515 Phone:202-225-6730 Web: http: //
STATE OF OREGON Gov. John Kitzhaber, Democrat 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4582 Fax: 503-378-6872 Secretary of StateKateBrown, Democrat 136 State Capitol Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: Superintendent of Public Instruction Susan Castillo 255 Capitol Street N.E. Salem, Oregon97310 Phone: 503-947-5600
Fax: 503-378-5156 Email: superintendentcastillo ©
Treasurer TedWheeler, Democrat 159 Oregon State Capitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Email: oregon. treasurer Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, Democrat 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-378-4400 Fax: 503-378-4017
Labor Commissioner BradAvakian 800 N.E. OregonSt., Suite1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone: 971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail©state.
Sen. Ted Ferrioli, R-District 30 (includesJefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: Web: www.leg.state.
Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District 27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.christelfer©state.
Web: www.leg.state. Sen. DougWhitsett, R-District 28 (includes Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: Web: www.leg.state. House
Rep. JasonConger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1454 Email: Web: www.leg.state. Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman©state. Web: www.leg.state. Rep. Mike McLane, R-District 55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: Web: www.leg.state. Rep. GeneWhisnant, R-District 53 (portion of Deschutes County) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: Web: www.leg.state.
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8 Ue I
I'0 weiR
pillars 6 feet in diameter 55 feet into the earth. The Register-Guardreports The Associated Press highway project. bridges in varying stages of problems of failing to accu EUGENE — A new section The 5.5-mile stretch through construction have had to be rately assess the l a ndslide of U.S. Highway 20 that was the crest of the Coast Range demolished. risk were exacerbated by the designed to replace a deadly was supposed to replace high The department now esti state's rush to meet a deadline 10-mile section between Pio way that contained sharp turns mates the project cost at $300 to acquire federal construction neer Mountain and Eddyville and tempted driversto cross million. money and by a c ontractor has been dogged by cost over double yellow lines to pass. ODOT representatives and with no experience in unstable runs and is not scheduled to The state in 2003 issued a the agency's original contrac terrain of the Coast Range. open until 2015, according to $130 million contract, its larg tor, G r a nite C o n struction, The state and the company the Oregon Department of est ever, to replace the dan blame most delays on unstable are no longer working on the Transportation. gerous section. The proposed earth deep beneath the sur project together under a de The Register-Guard reports alignment cut straight through face that was left by landslides sign-build contract. construction is six years be slopes as steep as 66 percent that occurred thousands of The agency has redesigned hind schedule with cost over and included nine new bridges years ago. the remaining portion of the runs of $170 million, and the over fish-bearing streams. The company discovered project using its own staff. new section has turned into But construction challenges the seriousness of the stability Granite officials declined Oregon's most expensive state have meant four of the nine problem when it sank bridge interview requests.
• Work on stretch of Highway 20 near the coast is state's costliest
Vernonia boy saves grandmother in fire
The Associated Press BEAVERTON — A V a n couver, Wash., businessman who pledged $400,000 to a Beaverton School District arts program failed to make his scheduled payment this year. The O r egonian r e ports that the district might have to scramble to find additional private money for the five-year Arts for Learning Program, a collaboration with research ers at the University of Wash ington and Young Audiences Arts for Learning of Oregon/ SW Washington to infuse art into literacy in grades three through five. The donor, John Wolosek, told district staff in August and September he would re schedule his payments, but he hasn't so far, said Jon Bridges,
Elderly man killed in Milwaukie fire
By Ryan Pfeil
MILWAUKIE — An elderly m an isdead after a house fire in Milwaukie. KGW-TV reports that the fire began early Sunday in a house full of debris. Investigators discovered 76 year-old Eric Y oungfellow's b ody shortly before I p . m . Sunday after u s ing h eavy machinery toremove burned remodeling debris and house hold products from the home. Natural gas flowed from a broken supply line and fed the flames, which took more than two hours to put out. One Clackamas firefighter suffered abroken nose after falling off an unsteady sec ond-floor perch. Neighbors said Youngfellow didn't have garbage service and used to burn his trash. Investigatorswere on scene trying to determine the cause of the blaze.
Bystanders save soccer player, 60
v 1 Joe Kllne/The Bulletin
Jacob Christopher Roy, 30, is Ied handcuffed to an Oregon State Police car by Deschutes County sheriff's person nel Sunday outside the Best Western Plus Rama Inn in Redmond. He was being held without bail Sunday night at the Deschutes County jail.
Donor's failure topaythreatens Beavertonschoolarts program
VERNONIA — A 12-year old boy is r ecovering from burns to his face and hands after carrying h i s g r a n d mother to safety after an ex plosive fire at their home in Vernonia. The fire erupted Friday after a propane heaterstarted leak ing. Seth Cutright told KATU TV that he could smell the gas but didn't know what it was just before his grandmother, Rose Cutright, lit a cigarette and ignited the blaze. The boy says it was "like 'boom,' a flash before your eyes." He says his grandmoth er was on fire, but then it went out and hecarried her outside and set her on the ground. Then he went next door to a neighbor's house. The two are recovering at the Oregon Burn Center in Portland. Seth's father, Roger Cu tright, says he's proud of his son. They said they wanted to talk about the fire on televi sion and show Seth's burned face toraise awareness about the danger, and because they are sogratefulfor the doctors at the burn center.
Beaverton School District ad ministrator of accountability. The 48-year-old stepped forward in September 2010, as the district rushed to find private donors to help meet an $800,000 match within five weeks to secure a $4 mil lion federal education grant for the program. Beaverton was among only 49 educa tiongroups chosen from 1,700 grant applicants in the U.S. for the Investing in I nnovation Fund, known as the i3 grant. Wolosek and The Giving Stream were relatively un heard of at the time, but he pledged more than several other well-known donors, in cluding Intel and Meyer Me morial Trust. He signed an agreement to pay the pledge in increasingly larger increments
R edmond, according to t h e Sheriff's Office. The man driv Continued from Bl ing the car allegedly tried to During the search, the pass traffic by going onto the hotel's seven employees right shoulder of the highway huddled in the continental and crashed into a ditch. He b reakfast room, with a n then ran from the car, across officer guarding the door, the highway and into the hotel. said Amy K r ueger, lead At about I:50 p.m., deputies desk associate at the hotel. brought the man out of the ho It was near checkout time tel in handcuffs. Dizney said when the man entered the he was found unarmed and hotel. surrendered to deputies once "Somehow he got inside," found. she said. The Sheriff's Office identi He may h ave come fied the man late Sunday. In through a back door that addition to the charges related was left open, according to to the chase and search, Roy the Sheriff's Office. During also faces a parole violation the search, deputies asked and is allegedly wanted on hotel guests to lock their warrants from California. rooms and stay in them. The car was reported stolen A couple of hours before, from Tulare, Calif. Roy was at about 8:15 a.m., depu booked into th e D eschutes ties received the report of County jail under an alias and a man driving a red 2011 listed as being from Fresno, Dodge Charger at nearly Calif. He is due to make his 100 miles per hour on U.S. first court appearance at I:30 Highway 97 near China p.m. today. Hat Road south of Bend, — Reporter: 541-617-7812, according to the Sheriff's ddarlingC< bendbutletin.corn Office. Deputies weren' t able to find the car. Just after 10 a.m., the Weekly Arts & northbound car sped past Entertainment a deputy on the highway at inside MJL G AZINE Deschutes Junction north of Bend, Dizney said. As the • • The Bulletin car closed in on Redmond, another deputy clocked it at 96 mph and gave pursuit. During the brief chase, +~~a C tt. the vehicle reached nearly 125 mph before slowing to COVERINGS around 40 mph as it entered
every April until he paid it off with $150,000 in 2015. Wo losek made good on the first payment of $25,000 in 2011 but didn't make a promised $50,000 donation for 2012. Washington state court re cords list Wolosek as a debtor in a civil case filed in Clark County in November 2010 in which he owes $249,000 on a line of credit agreement. And in Wisconsin, where his business American Bark is located, Wolosek's company was ordered to pay Associated Bank about $350,000. After multiple attempts, the district reached Wolosek over the summer. Bridges said he and Wolosek discussed a re vised payment schedule for years 2013-15, which the district needed in writing by Oct. 10.
Scarecrow Festreturns to historic
farm nearMedfordfor 2ndyear Mail Tribune
"This ts one time where the clothes don't have to necessarily match. You can just let it go."
MEDFORD Hands clutching a sizable amount of straw, 6-year-old Sam Cer ekas got to work on what he referred to as "surgery on Humpty Dumpty." Translated, the youngster — Angi Lango, whose meant he was stuffing and 8-year-old daughter, Bryn, dressing a scarecrow. worked on a scarecrow Sam and his mother, Kim, dressed in pink joined a crowd of other farm field designers at the Historic Hanley Farm on Saturday for try," Mullaly said. "This is one time where the the second annual Scarecrow Fest, put on by the Southern clothesdon'thave to necessar Oregon Historical Society. ily match," said Angi Lango, Proceedsfrom the event go to as her 8-year-old daughter, support SOHS. Bryn, worked on a creation "People had such a great dressed in pink. "You can just time," said Alice Mullaly, vol let it go." unteer event coordinator. "It' s Nearby, 6-year-old Daphne a great way to enjoy the farm Peterson ran back and forth in the fall." between her scarecrow and Mullaly said some SOHS nearby tables, where boxes of volunteers got the idea for the donated clothes from St. Vin festival after attending simi cent de Paul waited to be used. lar events on the East Coast, Daphne finally decided on a including Lindenhurst, NY., black-and-white striped shirt "which is Sleepy Hollow coun and proclaimed her scarecrow
would be a soccer coach. "Mine's going to be called Bob," she said. Scott Croucher and his 3 year-old son, Nathan, opted for a more traditional look. They chose a flannel shirt, jeans and polyester hat. "He's into it," Croucher said while Nathan concentrated on stuffing hay into the open sleeves. When they were finished, the scarecrows were displayed on the farm's Scarecrow Row. The c r eations a r e on d isplay tonight during t h e season's final Haunted Field Tours, which will be held from 7 to 9 at Hanley Farm; $5 for adults and $3 for children and Southern Oregon Historical Society members. Other Scarecrow Fest ac tivities i n cluded p u mpkin
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painting, apple bobbing and a chance to tour the historic farm's grounds. "It's just so much fun to see families working together," Mullaly said.
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PORTLAND — Clackamas
County emergency respond
ers say bystanders saved the life of a 6 0 -year-old soccer
The man collapsed while
playing a game early Sunday afternoon. A doctor and off-duty para medic used CPR and an Au tomatic External Defibrillator on the man, who was uncon scious and not breathing. The Oregonian reports the bystanders delivered one life saving shock to bring the pa tient back into a viable heart rhythm. C lackamas C ounty F i r e crews used an Advanced Life Support to stabilize the pa tient. He was transported to Kaiser S unnyside M e dical Center.
• • •
I 'jl '
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— From wire reports
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ov. John Kitzhaber has given the matter of reform of the state's retirement system neither heat, light nor legislation. And he recently found a new way to give less. He just swept off the last experi enced, independent member of the five-member Public Employees Re tirement System board that makes certain policy decisions for PERS. If that removal had a sound, it'd be the blubbering hiss of air going out of a balloon. Kitzhaber effective ly weakened the knowledge base of the board. It will make it more diffi cult for the board to take any action on a system of dizzying complexity. The PERS board has five mem bers. It was long packed with public employees who had a vested inter est in the system. When the stock market boomed in the 1980s, the PERS board did things like grant credits to retirees above the as sumed rate of return — sometimes by 20 percent in a single year. That begets a peachy financial latitude for PERS employees, but it's not at all wonderful for their employers — the taxpayers. The market does not always soar. As it stands, PERS faces a $16bil lion hole. The Legislature took the smart step of changing the makeup of the PERS board in 2003. Three mem bers ofthe board are to be people who are not in PERS but who do have experience in business man agement,pension management or investing. James Dalton,a 53-year-old for mer Tektronix executive, offered to stay on the PERS board because the two other longtime, independent members also left this year, The Or egonian reported. Kitzhaber chose to replace him with Krystal Gema, a 28-year-old financial analyst at Portland General Electric. She' ll be the chairwoman of the board. Dalton was vocal as he left.
He criticized employers of PERS members — school boards, city governments — as being shoddily organized to protect taxpayers. He called on managers to give up the so-called 6 percent pickup and then ask their employees to do the same. "Employers have been less pres ent, less organized and less effective in protecting their interests," he told The Oregonian. "I ask my fellow independent board members that they have to make a special effort to protect the mostly unrepresented in terests of the unaffiliated taxpayer." He ticked off the case for several specific changes, The Oregonian sard. • Halt the 9 percent benefit pre mium to older members to cover their Oregon tax liability if they move out of state. Why give them a benefit for a tax they are not paying? • Change the annual cost-of-liv ing adjustment so it only applies to the first $24,000 of annual benefits. Some PERS retirees already have a built-in formula that takes into ac count inflation. • Reduce the interest rate used to calculate PERS money match an nuities. The key thing to remember about this one is that Dalton said it currently provides double the bene fit members could buy in the private sector. Dalton offered more. Represen tatives of PERS members have been dismissive of any and all. Kitzhaber, well, he has been avoiding PERS reform like it's a stain that can never be cleaned. The $16 billion will never look any shini er if our governor leaves it attention deprived.
Bend Research deserves property tax exemption end city councilors will vote Wednesday on a proposal to grant Bend Research a five year break from a portion of its property taxes. The council should say yes. The region's best-known re search firm plans to expand its current in-city facilities by about 4,000 square feet, allowing it to expand laboratories, storage and office space and adding 60 employ ees in the process. The land lies within a busi ness enterprise zone, and because it does, the city can grant Bend Research relief from three years' taxes on the additions. Doing so will cost the city just under $15,000
annually in property tax revenues for that period, though without the additions it would not collect the added money in any event. The exemption could be for five years if Bend Research lives up to additional requirements, creat ing the jobs and paying new em ployees at least 150 percent of the average 2011 wage in Deschutes County. That means new workers will make at least $54,220 a year. Bend Research comes to the City Council as a known entity and good community citizen. It pays its workers well, and its presence is a draw for other businesses of its kind. Those are all solid reasons for the tax relief it seeks.
M nickel's Worth Parks bond will preserve the community's legacy
their dogs. The butte is a state park, so it' s paid for by all Oregonians, and it We have a unique opportunity should remain available to all. Most this November to continue a com drivers and most hikers and even munity legacy that started in 1921 cyclists are considerate. But, in when Drake Park was permanently evitably, there is frustration when preserved for the use and apprecia a narrow, winding road and shoul tion by generations of Central Ore der is shared by so many people on gonians. The time is now ripe to ex foot and in cars. I'm sure the state' s pand upon that legacy by securing money is very limited these days additional land for future park and for improvements even if safety trail development, by completing comes first. projects that will i ncrease recre Even withoutthe money, we can ational opportunities and tourism encourage and be a part of a "share in our community, and by combin the butte" culture. People are more ing public investment with private inclined to cooperate if we appeal contributions to leverage our in to their best nature and we are vestment and get the most bang for considerate ourselves: hikers mov our buck. ing over to the right of the roadway Based on extensive public input, as far as possible; drivers slowing the keystone projects that would be down. The view will still be there funded by Measure 9-86 represent when you reachthe top. We could the highest community priorities make it "Polite Butte." and address the greatest recre Nate Lund ational needs. These projects will Bend be used and enjoyed in perpetuity by residents and tourists alike who Balyeat is the experienced love Bend for the amazing array of choice for judge recreational opportunities it has to offer. Please join me in support of Andy Balyeat is the best choice people, parks and nature by voting for Deschutes County Circuit Court yes on Measure 9-86. judge. Here's why. First, at 52, Baly Joanne Richter eat has considerably more life ex Bend perienceand legalexperience than his 38-year-old opponent. Yet he is
Consideration is needed on Pilot Butte
young enough to serve as judge for many years tocome. Second, in a recent poll conducted by the Oregon State Bar Association, Deschutes County attorneys stated their prefer ence for Balyeat to be our next judge by more than a two-to-one margin. This shows that he is outstanding in his field. Third, unlike his op ponent, Balyeat has wide-ranging depth of experience in both civil and criminal matters. Fourth, Balyeat has been selectedby the court and litigants to serve as an arbitrator, a
Pilot Butte is one of th e best things about Bend. It has the best 360-degree view of Bend, and on a clear day, you can see all the way to Mount Hood and beyond. It's also free —one ofthe bestdealsaround. And, obviously, it is very popular. I look forward to my frequent hikes, and the challenging trail sure keeps my blood pressure down. I l ove meeting "butte-iful" f r iends and
judge-like position, in well over 100 cases. So Balyeat already has con siderable legal experience acting as a judge. Finally, since this is telling about his character and dedication, Balyeat believes in the rule of rea son and law so much that he named his youngest son Atticus. I have known Balyeat for well over a decade, and I have been a
practicing lawyer in De schutes County for almost 25 years. I have worked with Balyeat, against him on cases, and have observed him working as an arbitrator. What 1 know about Balyeat is that he will be a fair, knowledgeable, experi enced, impartial and hardworking
judge. Ron Roome Bend
Bagley, a great prosecutor, would be a great judge My sister Brenda was murdered b y he r h u sband D a r rell M i d dlekauff in the summer of 2002. The pain of that event will always be with me. Beth Bagley was the prosecutor on the case from the beginning to the end, and 1 am so grateful that she was. Bagley treated me with kindness, dignity a n d re s pect throughout the legal process. She was extremely tough and poised in the courtroom. Bagley was always prepared and in control throughout the long trial. She made sure that my sister's murderer will be locked up for the rest of his life. Bagley's intelligence and work ethic make her a fantastic choice for Circuit Court judge. Deschutes County is very fortunate to have the chance to elect Bagley to that position. Rita Ege
ozark, Mo.
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcome your letters. Letters
In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification.
should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number
and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste
We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons.
and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters
We reject those published elsewhere.
submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one
the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are
letter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.
In My View pieces run routinely in
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or in My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.corn
limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Mitt Romney is best choice for our muntry's future By Jan Woodward itt Romney is our best bet to save this country. He has greatmanagerialexperience in the public sector as governor of Massachusetts and the private sector as one of the founders of Bain Capital and the rescuer of the 2002 Winter
Under Romney's leadership, the struggling O l y m pi c Co m m i ttee became successful and ultimately sistently fell below a passing grade, brought in tens of millions in profits. then the state could step in, remove He also refused to take a salary while its leadership and actually remove managing the Winter Olympics. elements of the union contract if it Romney made a greatchoice by believed those elements interfered selecting Paul Ryan as his running Olympics. with the education of a child. mate. Ryan is chairman of the House As the governor of a heavily Demo In 1990 Bain 8 Company was ex Budget Committee and is the most cratic state, Romney, working closely periencing financial difficulties. The knowledgeable person in Congress with both parties, eliminated a $3 bil leaders of Bain asked Romney to re to get us back on track. He is also a lion deficit. He refused to take a sal turn and get them back on track. In senior member of the House Ways ary as governor. just one year he turned a company and Means Committee which has ju Under his leadership the Massa that was on the brink of failure to risdiction over tax policy, Social Se chusetts school system improved. profitability. He reined in spending, curity, health care and trade laws. He Based on the National Assessment made executives more financially has put forward a plan to tackle our of Educational Progress, which tests accountable, and put the focus back looming fiscal crisis — "The Path to kids every two years, the students on the customer. Today, Bain & Com Prosperity." were No. 1 in all four of the federal pany has morethan 5,000 employees As President, Romney will: measures that evaluate the effec — and is ranked No. 1 on the "best • Ap p rove the Keystone pipeline. tiveness of schools. If a school con places to work" lists. • Dr i ll for oil in America, creating
millions of jobs and making us less dependent on the Middle East and so cialist countries in South America. • Re duce federal spending and government regulations. • Co nsolidate government agen cies,and align federal workers' com pensation with that of private-sector
the government sector. Romney will address this issue along with those governors who want to get this coun try back on the right track. • Op pose any extension of Irani an or jihadist influence in the Middle East.
• Support groups and govern
ments across the Middle East to ad • Reduce taxes for s mall vance the values of representative businesses. government, economic opportunity • Pr otect w o r k ers f r o m th e and human rights. strong-arm tactics of labor unions. I really like this quote by Romney: "...The American people are the • Re place retiring justices of the Supreme Court with those who will greatest people in the world. What support the Constitution. makes America the greatest nation H • Re place Obamacare" through in the world is the heart of the Ameri efficient management by the medical can people: hardworking, innovative, profession rather than government risk-taking, God-loving, family-ori bureaucrats. ented Americanpeople." • Address theissue of excessive — Jan WOOdIAtard, a farmer Bend reSident, benefits awarded to union retirees in lives in SunCity West, Ariz.
Prescription drug abuse still an issue despite gains By Chris Conrad Mail Tribune
MEDFORD — Prescrip tion drug abuse continues to be a problem in Jackson County, though local law enforcement and treatment officials say the area might be turning a corner. Dr. Jim Shames, medical director of Jackson County Health and H uman Ser vices and the medical of ficer for Josephine County, said overdose deaths from prescription drugs have de clined since 2006. The reason for this is lo cal doctors are developing better treatment guidelines and are not overprescrib ing painkillers that are very addictive. "It's still a problem here, just as it's still a problem ev erywhere," Shames said. Federal drug officials re cently reported that abuse of prescription drugs is on the decline nationally. The Department of Health and Human Services noted that the number of adults ages 18 and 25 who abuse pre
scription drugs dropped by 14 percent, from 2 million to 1.7 million, in 2011. Lt. Brett Johnson, who su pervisesthe Medford Area Drug and Gang Enforce ment Team, said local law enforcement officers still are finding illegal prescrip tions on the streets, but the number is lower than in pre vious years.
How tojoin MeissnerNordic Meissner Nordic
members receive a monthly newsletter and other club benefits
while supporting grooming at Virginia
Meissner Sno-park. Suggested donations for membership start at
$30 for students, $75 for individuals and $125 for families. For more information go to
www.meissnernordic .org/membership.
Meissner Continued from B1 To help cover the $18,500 in costs for the new equip ment, Meissner Nordic held a dinner fundraiser Sun day at Aspen Hall at Shev lin Park. Engel said the goal at the Meissner Nordic Fall Fete and Equipment Fundraiser was t o r a i se about $3,000. The new groomer will also be able to groom when there is less snow on the ground, meaning the trails could be ready earlier than before, and i t s s m a ller size allows it to travel on more narrow trails. The new groomer is7 feetwide while the one on the snow cat is 14 feet wide. "It will give us more op p ortunities," said M a r i a
Madden, Bob Madden's wife and a board member for the Bend Endurance Academy. She said the new equip ment will allow volunteers to create trails in places that haven't been groomed before at the sno-park. The Bend E n d urance Academy i s a s e p arate Bend-based nonprofit that
offers nordic skiing, cycling and rock climbing. Madden said the nordic program p articipants train at V i r ginia Meissner Sno-park. About 40 to 50 Summit High School students on the school's nordic skiing team also regularly glide over the trails at the sno park during w i n tertime, said Rich Gross, interim nordic coach at the high school. He is among the ski ers excited about the new
"It's going to definitely step up the quality of the trails up there," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarling@bendbulletin.corn
ecter,a orn
ter, iesat
• Former senator from Pennsylvania was part of many intense legalbattles
ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world:
Mary Janney, 91: A former history teacher who was a founder of Wider Opportu nities for Women, a Wash ington, D.C.-based career resource center that h as helped thousands of women find work. Died Oct. 7 in Washington from complica tions from a hip fracture. Ulrich Franzen, 91:A Ger man-born architect whose f ortresslike bu ild i n gs seemed to buttress the inte rior landscape of New York City during the 1970s. Died Oct. 6 in Santa Fe, N.M. John Hoffman, 62: A for mer federal environmental official whose innovative program to identify and re ward energy-efficient prac tices became the Energy Starprogram. Died Sept.24 in Washington, D.C.
By Sheryl Gay Stolberg New York Times News Service
W ASHINGTON — A r l e n Specter, the irascible senator from Pennsylvania who was at the center of many of the Senate's most divisive legal battles — from the Supreme Court nominations of Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas to the impeachment of Presi dent Bill Clinton — only to lose his seat in 2010 after quitting the Republican Party to be come a Democrat,died Sun day morning at his home in Pennsylvania. The cause was complica tions from non-Hodgkin's lym phoma, said his son Shanin. Specter had previously fought Hodgkin's disease and had survived both a brain tumor and heart bypass surgery. He was 82. Hard-bitten and tenacious yet ever the centrist, Specter was a patt of American public life for more than four decades. As an ambitious young lawyer for the Warren Commission, he took credit for originating the theory that a single bullet,
— From wire reports tamte Rose / New York Times News Service file photo
Sen. Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, pictured at his office on Capitol Hill in 2005, was a member of the U.S. Senate for almost 30 years until he lost his seat in 2010, after quitting the Republican Party and joining the Democratic majority. Specter died Sunday at age 82.
Obituary policy Death Notices arefreeand
"I' ve gone back and looked at everyframe of the videos on Professor Hill, and I did not ask her on e u nprofessional question," he said in a 2004 interview with The New York Times. Of both the Bork and Thomas co n f i rma
want a "young Tom Dewey as groups, who had considered will be run for one day, but D.A." — a reference to the for Specteran ally,never forgave specific guidelines must be mer New York governor and him for accusing Anita Hill of followed. Local obituaries racket-buster Thomas Dewey, perjury. U l timately, Specter are paid advertisements a Republican. So Specter ran expressed contrition, saying he submitted by families or on the Republican ticket as a had come to understand why funeral homes.Theymay Democrat. He switched his par Hill's complaint of sexual ha be submitted by phone, fired by a lone gun ty registration after he won. rassment had "touched a raw mail, email or fax. The man, had killed Presi- FEATU RED tions, he said, "I maybe Thus began what Specter nerve among so many women." Bulletin reserves the right to dent John F. Kennedy. pgpUARy wr o ng, but I'm satisfied liked to call "the continuing Though Specter was known edit all submissions. Please In the Senate, where with what I did in both effort I have made to pull the mostly for his contributions to include contact information he was long regarded those cases." Republican Party to the center." domestic policy — along with in all correspondence. as its sharpest legal mind, he Brash confidence and out He won his first election to the Sen. Tom Harkin, D-Iowa, he For information on any of led the Judiciary Committee size ego were characteristic Senate in 1980. successfully fought to double these services or about the through one of its most tu of Specter, a man so feared by As he recounted in his 2000 the budget of the National Insti obituary policy, contact multuous periods, even while his own aides and so brusque autobiography, "Passion for tutes of Health for medical re 541-617-7825. battling H o dgkin's d i sease with colleagues that he earned Truth," he immediately began search during the Clinton years Deadlines:Death Notices in 2005 and losing his hair to the nickname Snarlin' Arlen courting Sen. Strom T h ur — he dipped into foreign policy are accepted until noon chemotherapy. on Capitol Hill. In 1992, when mond, the deeply conservative as well. Feldbaum, Specter's Monday through Friday for Yet he may be remembered Specter's Senate seat was in South Carolina R epublican former chiefofstaff,recalled a next-day publication and best for hi s q u ixotic party danger after the Thomas hear who was chairman of the Sen trip they made to Baghdad in noon Saturday. Obituaries switch in 2009 and the subse ings, Paul Weyrich, a founding ate Judiciary Committee. 1990 to meet the Iraqi leader must bereceived by5p.m. quent campaign that cost him fatherofthe modern conserva In the Senate, Specter, put Saddam Hussein. Monday through Thursday the Senate seat he had held tive movement, campaigned ting his prosecutor's skills to Specter took a camera along for publication onthe second for almost 30 years. After 44 for him. Hi s r ationale was use, was a relentless interroga — "out of caution, he wanted us day after submission, by years as a Republican, Spec expressed in a statement he tor in judicial confirmations. to have our own pictures," Feld 1 p.m. Friday for Sundayor ter, who began his career as made to fellow conservatives, Tom Korologos, a former am baum said — but palace guards Monday publication, and by a Democrat, changed sides as quoted by the conservative bassador and lobbyist who was wrested it out of Feldbaum's 9a.m. Monday for Tuesday again, because he feared a magazine National Review. often called upon by Repub hands. When Saddam arrived, publication. Deadlines for "Arlen Specter is a jerk," he lican presidents to shepherd the senator demanded his cam challenge from the right. He display ads vary; pleasecall wound up losing in a Demo was said to have remarked, their nominees through the era back. for details. "It wasn't the camera; it was cratic primary; the seat stayed "but he's our jerk." Senate, said that no matter how Phone: 541-617-7825 in Republican hands. Those close to Specter say much information a nominee the principle," Feldbaum said. "It wasn't only that he was a there was a softer side to him, provided,Specter wanted more Email: obits©bendbulletin.corn A Republican moderate but no one denied that as a — "the Ph.D. treatment," in Ko United States senator and a Fax: 541-322-7254 One of the few remaining lawmaker he was all business, rologos' words. representative of the United Mail:Obituaries Republican moderates on Capi with little patience for the false Never was that more true States of America. He was Ar P.O. Box 6020 tol Hill at a time when the party pleasantries of politics. Terry than during the Bork hearings. len Specter." Bend, OR 97708 "Bork, I have said manytimes, had turned sharply to the right, Madonna, a political scientist Specter confounded f ellow at Franklin & M arshall Col was the Einstein of the law," Ko Republicans at every turn. He lege who followed Specter's rologos said, "and Specter was unabashedly supported Roe v. career, once described how the Einstein of the Senate, and A REVERSE MORTGAGE... Wade, the Supreme Court deci the senator would c onduct they used to talk past each other Now's the Time sion that made abortion legal, constituent meetings: like two trains. Specter would • New saver programs "He' ll say, 'I'm delighted to ask these long convoluted ques and championed biomedical • New lower fee programs and embryonic stem cell re be here,' and give his standard tions, and Bork would give these search long before he received 10- or 15-minute opening. Then long convoluted answers." • Interest rates are still low he' ll say, 'I' ll take questions his cancer diagnosis. The Senate rejected the nomi And pay NO monthly mortgage payments...ever! When he made a bid for the now; whoever has a question, nation, and conservatives never White House in 1995, he de put up their hands.' He will forgave Specter.Bork called Mike LeRoux nounced the Christian right count the hands — one, two, him "generally a bit shifty" in (541) 35D 7839 SECURITY L E N D IN G as an extremist "fringe" — an three, four, to 20. And when 20 an interview with the Times (sss) st7-s558 unorthodox tactic for a can is over, he's out of there." in 2004. Likewise, women' s NMLS 57716 61310Columbine Lane Bend,OR 97702 didate trying to win votes in a Arlen Specter was born on Republican primary. The cam Feb. 12, 1930, in Wichita, Kan., paign was short-lived; Specter the fourth and youngest child ended it when he ran out of of Harry and Lillian Specter. cash. Years later, he said wry Harry Specter, a Jewish emi ly, "I was the only one of nine gre from Ukraine, moved his people in New Hampshire who family back and forth between wanted to keep the Depart the East Coast and the Mid ment of Education." west, seeking work before set He enjoyed a good martini tling in Kansas as a peddler. and a fast game of squash, and Carl Feldbaum, a friend and S • S I was famous for parsing his a former chiefof staff to the words to wiggle out of tight senator, traced Specter's gruff spots. During Clinton's im ness to those days. "There's a hard-bitten qual peachment on charges of per W e lost a great man, b u t fo jury and obstruction, Specter, ity that came out of being an objecting to what he called a immigrant," Feldbaum said, gained a bearded angel. Mike "sham trial" without witness "of being the only Jewish fam loved the outdoors, hunting, es, signaled he would vote to ily in a small Midwestern town camping, fishing and wildlife. acquit. and living through the Depres But a simple "not guilty" vote sion/war era." H e was b or n i n B e n d , r a ised i n t h e would have put him directly The Specterslater moved ' =" ' +' „.':<f ';-."",%4".' Bend/Redmond area. He graduated from at odds with Republicans; in to Philadelphia — "so my sis Redmond High School. stead, citing Scottish law, Spec ter could meet and marry a ter voted "not proven," adding, nice Jewish boy," Specter ex He was great with animals. He had a "therefore not guilty." plained — where he enrolled built-in compass and never got lost. He relished his work on the in the U niversity of P enn Judiciary Committee. In 1987, sylvania. He graduated Phi Mike had a sparkle in his eyes, a mischievous grin, a good sense of humor and a he enraged conservatives by Beta Kappa in 1951, served in heart of gold. derailing Bork's nomination to the Air Force, then got a law the Supreme Court and then de degree from Yale. He gradu You will always be in our minds and forever in our hearts. lighted them four years later by ated in 1956; by 1959, he was I will miss my best friend. backing Thomas. The Thomas an assistant district attorney confirmation nearly cost Spec in Philadelphia, prosecuting Mike is survived by wife, Bessie,his beloved dogs, Star 8c Duke of Redmond. Moth ter his Senate seat; even now, union racketeers and attract er, Kay Strickler of Prairie City. Sisters, Debbie (Steve) Corwin, Canyon City; Tori millions of American women ing the attention of some lead remain furious with him for his ers in Washington. (Mike) Carter, Todos Santos, Mexico. Neice Shylo (Mike) Walker, Crooked River aggressive questioning of the Ranch, Nephew Dusty (Beth) Corwin, Culver, "Uncle Jerry" Strickler, Burns. Eight 'To the center' law professor Anita Hill, who great-nieces and nephews and many friends. had accused Thomas of sexual His parents were Democrats, harassment. and so was he, until he tried At his request, no service will be held. A remembrance will be held in the spring to run for district attorney in Snarlin' Arlen In lieu of flowers donation may be made to the Hospice House in Bend, or any 1965. As Specter recalled, the If hehad any regrets,Specter local Democratic chairman Humane Society. rarely admitted them. told him that the party did not J
F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
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HjgsboroPOrtland x 64/56 L ea/"•• • Sand y
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Hampton Riley
Yesterday' s state extremes
Jordan Valley 68/39
Frenchgle 76/47
• 77'
Paisley 71/aa
56/54 xt
rants ~ Pass
• Beach
• Chr i stmas Valley Silver l.ake
Port OrforJt 73/53
• John
EAST Expect a good Ontario chance of showers 75/48 today. Valeo
• Fort Rockeeiaa
• Mit c hell69/48
La plrleez/M
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58/53 •
• Brothers 67/42
Rome • 25 0 Lakeview
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• 2.60 w Quillayute, Wash
Denver 77/47 w •
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Os 4
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:26 a.m...... 7:01 p.m. Venus......4:03 a.m...... 5:01 p.m. Mars......11:12 a.m...... 8:11 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 66/41 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Record high........ 83m1976 Month to date.......... 0.00" Record low......... 11 in 1969 Average month todate... 0.1 9" Average high.............. 63 Year to date............ 6.74" Average low ..............33 A verageyearto date..... 7.37"
Jupiter......a 46 pm..... 1 158a.m.
Saturn......7:58 a.m...... 6;46p.m. Uranus.....5:35 p.m...... 556 a.m.
6arometricpressureat 4 p.m30.08 Record24 hours ...0.18 in 2009 *Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday Monday Tuesday Bend,westof Hwy 97....High Sisters............................. High The following was compiled by the Central Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastofHwy.97.....High La Pine..............................High Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as
Astoria ........ 60/57/0.47..... 62/54/r..... 56/43/sh Baker City...... 70/29/0.00....69/43/sh.....60/27/sh Brookings...... 58/56/0.03..... 58/53/r.....64/45/sh 6urns......... 75/26/trace....70/43/sh.....63/28/sh Eugene........ 66754/0.00..... 68/55/r..... 62/39/sh Klamath Falls .. 70/31/0 00 .69/45/sh ...63/29/pc Lakeview.......75/25/0.00 ...69/45/sh.....62/29/sh La Pine........ 66/27/0.00....67/42/sh..... 57/1 6/sh Medford....... 67/47/0.00....75/54/sh.....69/39/sh Newport....... 59/55/0.10..... 59/52/r..... 56/43/sh North Bend..... 64/57/0.00..... 58/54/r..... 57/45/sh Ontario........ 75/38/0.00....75/48/sh.....67/39/sh Pendleton......71/47/0.02....72/48/sh.....67/37/sh Portland ...... 66/56/trace..... 64/56/r.....61/45/sh Prineville....... 68/37/0.00....67/47/sh.....60/27/sh Redmond....... 67/40/0.00....68/46/sh.....60/31/pc Roseburg....... 72/52/0.00....71/55/sh.....64/39/sh Salem ....... 66/55/trace ..64/55/r ...62/40/sh Sisters......... 67/33/0.00....68/45/sh.....60/23/sh The Dages...... 65/51/0.00....71/54/sh.....63/41 Ish
Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme
a service to irrigators and sportsmen.
Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 33,902...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 108,841..... 200,000 Crescent Lake ...... . . . . . 71,000 ...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir ....... . 1 6,927 ...... 47,000 The higher the Uv Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 83,411..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 313 for ar at noon. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 476 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 26 MEDIUM HIGH Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 212 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 354 Deschutes RiverAt 6enham Falls ..... . . . . 1,090 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res.. ... . . . . . 12 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 136 Updated daily. Source: pollen.corn Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 15.1 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 212 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM LOW I or go to www.wrd.state.
To report a wildfire, call 911
• 99'
65 38
Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,b haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
o www m (in the 48 contiguous states):
68 40
Yesterday' s extremes
58 33
Pi •
Baker City
Sunriver Bend
68/ 55
• Bandon
• Paulina 63/43
Eugene •
Coos Bay
• 5 pray 70/ae
Sunsettoday.... 6 20 p.m New First F u ll Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:22 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 6:19 p.m Moonrise today.... 7:41 a.m Moonsettoday .... 6:20 p.m Oct. 15 Oct. 21 Oct. 29 Nov. 6
Mostly cloudy with a good chance of showers.
5 8/aa
Mostly sunny.
58 28
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:21 a.m Moon phases
WEST Expect cloudy and blustery conditions with periods of rain. CENTRAL
61/50 Unjo~
71/49 p
La Grande
Camp Sherman
Yachats• ~ r 67/56
Q /35
Warm Springs ~o
• Meacham
• 65/50
7 Wallowa • PendletOn X, 55/ai • Enterprise 72/48
• Hermiston " 70/48
3 ea /az Ma u pin
66/53 D a lles 65/54 Arlington ri/54 zi/50 • i oW asco
TiBamook • 62/53
Seasideo 6i/52 •oCannonPeach
Chance of showers.
Tonight: Rain showers.
txy' 4i'btxy 4i fir CHANNE
• o
.++ .+++ + + ++ + ++
d 4 4 3 d 4 x
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain
Flurries Snow
Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday Yesterday Monday Tuesday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W AbileneTX......81 /54/000... 83I59/s. 87/61/pc Grand Rapids....72/57/1 33.. 54/38/sh . 61/48/pc RapidCity.......71/39/000..75/49/pc . 72/43/pc Savannah .......78/60/0 00... 83/57/t.. 75/53/s Akron..........74/61/005..56/40/sh. 57/44/pc Green Bay.......50/46/1.96..52/40/pc. 60/48/sh Reno ...........80/43/0.00 ... 77/48/s. 79/44/pc Seattle..........64/56/0.35... 60/52/r . 57/45/sh Albany..........66/45/043 ..69/45/sh .. 56/39/s Greensboro......72/46/0.00... 72/46/t .. 67/42/s Richmond.......75/45/0.00... 76/49/t .. 68/42/s Sioux Falls.......64/42/0.00 .. 72/49/pc. 79/52/pc Albuquerque.....72/44/000... 75/48/s .. 78/50/s Harnsburg.......71/48/0 00.. 70/45/sh . 62/41/pc Rochester, NY....76/53/0.28 .. 61/42/sh.51/43/pc Spokane....... 66/50/trace.. 62/50/sh. 58/36/sh Anchorage......40/32/0.00 .. 41/32/rs .. 44/28/c Hartford,CT.....67/47/0.01... 74/49/t .. 60/39/s Sacramento......80/51/000...83/58/s. 88/56/pc Springfield, MO ..69/58/230...73/49/s.. 79/55/s Atlanta.........75/59/0 00 .. 74/50/pc.. 72/51/s Helena..........66/46/0 00 ..66/44/sh. 60/36/sh St Louis.........75/62/0 89 ..69/48/pc. 76757/pc Tampa..........90/70/000... 89/69/t .. 83/64/s Atlantic City.....72/43/0.00... 74/53/t .. 64/48/s Honolulu........87/74/0.00... 87/72/s.. 86/71/s Salt Lake City....68/45/0 00 .. 71l49/pc. 68/43/sh Tucson..........90/52/0 00... 92/58/s .. 92/62/s Austin..........87/71/006...82/Sis. 80/61/pc Houston ........84/74/004... 86/65/s. 84/66/pc SanAntonio.....89/68/0 26.. 82/62/pc. 82763/pc Tulsa...........79/57/0 01... 85/55/s .. 84/58/s Baltimore.......74/45/0.00... 75/48lt .. 66/41/s Huntsville.......77/64/0.01... 72/45/s. 74/45/pc SanDiego.......80/61/0.00... 80/65/s.. 83/66/s Washington, DC.76/52/0.00... 74/50lt.. 67/46/s 6illings.........72/47/000...72/47/c.70/aolsh Indianapolis.....74/61/001 ..60/40/pc. 67/51/pc SanFrancisco....71/56/0.00.. 71/57/pc.75/55/pc Wichita.........77/55/0.00... 81/57/s.. 83/55/s Birmingham .. 80/65/000... 74/49/s. 73/51/s Jackson, MS.... 82/70/000. 79/53/s. 78/55/pc SanJose........71/51/000.. 78/59/s 82/55/pc Yaklma.........70/49/000 68/44/sh. 66/36/pc Bismarck........67/27/000... 76/46/c.. 69/45/c Jacksonvile......83/66/043... 86/58/t .. 78I56/s SantaFe........68/35/0.00... 69/42/s .. 72/43/s Yuma...........94/65/0.00... 95/70/s .. 97/71/s Boise...........78/50/000 ..71/46/pc. 65/37/sh Juneau..........47/39/0.07... 44/38/r...42/32/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........67/47/0.19... 74/55/t .. 62/44/s Kansas City......68/58/0.25... 75/55/s .. 80/56/s BndgeportCT....69/56/000... 73/50/t .. 62/44/s Lansing.........70/63/0 37.. 53/37/sh . 61/48/pc Amsterdam......54/45/000 52/45/sh49/44lsh Mecca.........1 04/82/0 00 102/80/s. 101/81/s Buffalo.........75/55/0 50 ..55/41/sh. 53/45/pc Les Vegas.......82/58/000... 83/65/s .. 86/64/s Athens..........80/60/000 ..82/71/pc.. 84/71/s Mexico City .....79/48/000 ..73/47/pc. 74/52/pc Burlington,VT....58/41/018..68/45/sh. 53/35/sh Lexington.......73/59/000..61/40/pc.. 64/47/s Auckland........61/52/000.. 63/53/sh. 62/53/pc Montreal........50/39/0 00.. 66/40/sh.. 47/34/c Caribou, ME.....39/31/002... 60749/r.52/43/sh Lincoln..........70/51/014... 78/48/s.. 83/54/5 Baghdad........99/54/0.00... 98/68/s .. 98/71/s Moscow........46/32/0.00... 51/40/c .. 48/42/c Charleston, SC...82/54/0.00... 81/57/t .. 73/52/s Little Rock.......80/64/0.89... 79/53/s .. 81/57/s Bangkok........95/81/0.00... 94/73/c .. 92/76/c Nairobi.........73/63/0.0077I55/pc .. .. 77/55/s Charlotte........74/44/0 00.. 74/47/sh.. 70/45/s Los Angeles......82/61/0 00... 82/65/s .. 85/65/s Beifng..........64/37/000..61/43/sh. 66/43/pc Nassau.........86/79/000...85/76/t.85/77/pc Chattanooga.....74/60/0 00... 73/46/s.. 71/45/s Louisvile........77/62/000 .. 65/42/pc. 68/49/pc Beirut..........82/73/000...86/78/s ..89/80ls New Delhi.......95/70/000...95/73ls .. 94/72/s Cheyenne.......62/37/000... 72/46/s ..70/3iw Madison Wl.....63/47/1 74 ..57/42/pc .. 66/50/c Berlin...........55/45/000 ..51/40/sh.. 59/42lc Osaka..........72/59/000...72/65/s.73/57/sh Chicago.........71/50/0.77 ..58/44/pc. 66/54/c Memphis....... 77/65/0.37... 76/53/s 80/59/pc Bogota .........66/52/0 00 .. 62/50/sh...6151lr Oslo............41/34/0 00 .. 40736/sh. 38/31/sh Cincinnati.......74/63/021...59/40/c.64/49lpc Miami..........88/77/037... 88/75/t. 86/72/pc Budapest........55/52/0 00.. 68/52/pc.. 62/50/c Ottawa.........46/3970 00.. 60739/sh. 47/34/pc Cleveland.......74/62/01456/42/sh. .. 56/47/pc Milwaukee......67/49/044 .. 55/45/p..c63/53/c BuenosAires.....77/57/000..78/60/sh.63/54lsh Paris............48/41/000...57/47lc.56/46/sh ColoradoSpnngs.64/42/000... 76/44/s.. 77/44/s Minneapolis.....59/45/0 00..63/52/pc .. 70/52/c CaboSanLucas ..84/77/0.00... 86/71/t...85/74lt Rio de Janeiro....77/72/0.00.. 76/61/pc. 81/66/pc Columbia,MO...68/60/080.. 71/49/pc.. 78/56/s Nashville........76/64/0 00... 70/44/s. 70/48/pc Cairo...........88/68/0 00.. 90/72/s 94/72/pc Rome...........72/55/0 00... 72/58/r. 64/53/sh Columbia,SC....81/50/000... 81/51/t .. 74/48/s New Orleans.....87/72/0 00.. 84/62/pc. 80/62/pc Calgary.........M/43/000 ..60/44/pc 56/33/sh Santiago........63/50/000... 62/52/s. 71/57/pc Columbus GA....81/62/0 00.. 81/54/pc.. 77/55/s New York.......70/53/000... 73/52/t .. 62/46/s Cancun.........86I72/0.00... 83I77/t. 85/74/pc SaoPaulo.......63/57/0.00.. 74/55/pc. 80/64/sh Columbus, OH....78/63/0.12 ..59/40/sh. 61/46/pc Newark, Hl......73/50/0.00... 74/51/t ..64/46/s Dublin..........50/41/0 00.. 49/42/sh .. 54/41/c Sapporo ........63/61/0 00.. 59/44/pc. 61/52/pc Concord,NH.....57/39/035... 73/46/t. 56/35/pc Norfolk VA......79/49/000... 79/56/t .. 67/49/s Edinburgh.......50/41/000... 48/36/s.48/37/pc Seoul...........70/48/000... 68/41/s. 69/45/sh Corpus Christi....90/77/000 ..87/68/pc. 87/69/pc Oklahoma City...78/58/0 00... 84/57/s .. 86/57ls Geneva.........59/43/0.00... 50/34/c .. 59/45/c Shanghai........79/64/0.00... 75/65/s. 76/53/pc DallasFtWorth...83/64/0 96... 86/59/s. 84/66/pc Omaha.........68/51/044 ..75/51/pc.. 79/53/s Harare..........77/57/0 00 .. 79/57/sh.81/61/eh Singapore.......88/75/0 00... 86/79/t...86/78/t Dayton .........71/63/001 ..57/39/sh. 62/48/pc Orlando.........88/70/0.00... 89/67/t .. 83/62/s Hong kong......84/75/000..85/70/pc. Q/72/sh Stockholm.......46/36/000..53/47/sh. 46/40/sh Denver..........68/45/0.02... 77/47/s. 78/46/s PalmSprings.... 95/65/0.00... 99/66/s. 100/69/s Istanbul.........79/66/0.00... 78/70/s. 80/70/pc Sydney..........66/55/0.0079/60/pc. .. 88/58/pc Des Moines......62/53/020..69/51/pc. 77/56/pc Peoria..........71/53/0.96..64/45/pc. 71/55/pc lerusalem.......84/63/0.00... 85/63/s .. 88/66/s Taipei...........82/68/0.00 ..79/70/pc. 80/65/pc Detroit..........70/61/014 ..53/37/sh. 59/50/pc Philadelphia.....75/51/000... 74/51/t .. 65/47/s Johannesburg....70/52/0 00.. 75/59/pc. 77/57lsh Tel Aviv.........84/72/0 00... 90/73/s .. 92/75/s Duluth..........54/39/0 00 .. 55/49/pc. 58/46/sh Phoenix.........94/63/000... 94/69/s .. 94/70/5 Lima...........66/61/0 00 .. 67/61/pc. 66/61/pc Tokyo...........66/61/0 00.. 73/57/pc. 66/59/sh El Paso..........80/55/000... 79/57/s.. 83/59/s Pittsburgh.......76/58/0 00 .. 57/40/sh . 58/40/pc Lisbon..........72/59/0 00 70/54/pc 70/56/pc Toronto.........70/46/0 00 .. 51/40/sh 52/44/pc Fairbanks........30/21/002 ..27/17/sn .. 26/15/c Portland, ME.....55/42/019... 71/51/t. 61/40/pc London.........54I36/0.00..56/46/sh.56/47/pc Vancouver.......59/57/0.00... 57/46/r. 50/38/pc Fargo...........56/32/0.0068/48/pc .. . 71/49/pc Providence ......69/41/0.01 ... 74/53lt .. 62/43/s Madrid .........66/46/0.00...65/46/s. 68/44/pc Vienna..........61/43/0.00..61/47lsh.53/49/sh Flagstaff ........63/32/0.00 ... 70/32/5.. 72/34/s Raleigh .........78/44/0.00 ... 74/48lt .. 68/44/s Manila..........86/77/0 00 ..86/74/pc .. 88/76/s Warsaw.........59/39/0 00.. 64/50/pc.. 56/49/c
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The solar trade war is getting messier
"Now a 'dry-clean only' label to us is meaningless. If it says 'dry-clean only,'it doesn't mean it is going in our dry-cleaning machine. In most cases, it doesn' t." — Eyal Goldman, Cathy's Cleaners, Bend
Eyaf Gold man, co-own er of Cathy's Cleaners, points out the new wet-cleaning machines. After being washed in the wet cleaning machine, clothes go into the ac companying drying ma chine across the aisle or into the dry room behind Goldman. It's heated using leftover heat from the boiler room.
By Keith Bradsher New York Times News Service
HONG KONG — The solar panel manufactur ing industry in the United States and Europe has begun a volley of trade cases against imports, following the same track as the steel industry be fore it — and for many of the same reasons. "Back in the '60s and '70s, all over the world, governments o g wer e i nvest ing in steel mills," said
Ni c holas
Tolerico, a retired U.S. trade official and steel ex ecutive. "These days, they invest in solar panels, and you end up with the same overcapacity and cut throat pricing." The Commerce De partment issued a final ruling last week that would impose tariffs of 24 to 36 percent on solar panels imported from China. The department concluded, despite Chi na's denials, that manu facturers had received government subsidies and had "dumped" solar panels on the U.S. mar ket for less than it cost to manufacture and ship them. Solar panel manufac turers in the U.S. are now lobbyingthe Obama ad ministration to broaden the tariffs to include solar panels made partly in China and partly in other places, notably Taiwan. And the U.S. industry is not ruling out more trade cases against other Asian solar panel exporters. SeeSolar /C6
Andy Tullie
The Bulletin
• Local dry cleaners seekalternatives to a solvent that's beenthe industry standard
Streamlining solar plans for the West
tt, X
By Jason Dearen
tI,', . Il
tttttL'), I
The Associated Press
SAN FRANCISCO — Federal officials have approved a plan that sets aside 445 square miles of public land forthe development of large-scale solar power plants, cementing a new government approach to renewable energy devel opment in the West after years of delays and false starts. At a news conference in Las Vegas on Friday, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar called the new
Cathy's Cleaners employee Nicholas Davidsonoperates a shirt press machine. Between 85-90 percent of the items brought to Cathy's are wet-cleaned with the new machinery.
plana "roadmap ... that will lead to faster, smarter utility-scale solar development on public lands." The plan replaces the department's previous first-come,first-served
system of approving solar projects, which let developers choose where they wanted to build utility-scale solar sites and allowed for land speculation. The department no longer will decide proj ects within the zones on a case-by-case basis as it had since 2005, when so lar developers began fil ing applications. Instead, the department will di rect development to land it has identified as having fewer wildlife and natu ral-resource obstacles. See West/C6
By Rachaef Rees
Other federal and state rules restrict how dry cleanersuse the chemical. For a ving a work shirt in by 9 ex ample,Oregon law requires dry clean a .m., cleaned and pressed e r sto handle pere in a closed-loop sys by 5 p.m. isn't the only goal tern, where the solvent is never handled. for dry cleaners in Central I t ' sdelivered directly from the truck into Oregon these days. machine. They' re also striving The regulations have prompted to be green. cleaners to search for alternatives to "There's a lot of influence from the pere,such as other solvents consid consumers to go green," said Mackey ered tobe less toxic, and a process Carlson, co-owner and CEO of the called wet cleaning, which fuses tra Bend-based dry-cleaning company, ditional laundry ingredients — water A Greener Cleaner. GREEN and detergent — with computer-pro Along with consumer demand, grammed washing machines. Cathy's Cleaners recently spent the federal and state government h as cracked down on cleaners, prompting $ 6 0,000 to install wet-cleaning machinery changes towards greener practices. at its Northeast Second Street location. H istorically, dry cleaners have used a W hile the company still dry-cleans with s olvent called perchloroethylene, or pere, p e r c, Eyal Goldman, co-owner of Cathy's, to clean "dry-clean-only" items. said 85-90 percent of the items now go B ut in the early 1990s, the U.S. Environ- t h rough thewet-cleaning process. 'Now a 'dry-clean only' label to us is mental Protection Agency began efforts to r educe the use of pere. The chemical has m eaningless," Goldman said. "If it says health risks for workers and the environ 'dr y-clean only,' it doesn't mean it is go m ent if dumped on the ground or released i n g in our dry-cleaning machine. In most i nto the air. Earlier this year, the agency c a ses, it doesn' t." ruled pere a likely carcinogen. SeeCleaners/C6 The Bulletin
Mars'cart ysur rise, inroad orm By Amy Hubbard Los Angeles Times
The more Curiosity gets to know Mars, the more it seems like a big red Earth. Curiosity recently exam ined what appeared to be an ancient riverbed and conglom erate rocks similar to those at home. Now comes "Jake Mati
jevic" — a pyramid-shaped chunk of rock that's proved to be a surprise, even to NASA. The space agency says that
Jake (named for a legendary
NASA engineer) is
Jake was the first unique — unlike any rock analyzed by the rocks examined before rover's arm-mounted on Mars. Alpha Particle X-Ray And that's saying Spectrometer; it was something. Previous about the 30th on this rovers have examined SCIENCE mission examined by hundreds of Martian the Chemistry and rocks. Camera (ChemCam) When Curiosity team memi n s t r ument. "It's a strength of Curiosity bers picked Jake, they were just hoping for a "simple and to h a ve instruments that use uniform" rock that would help di f f erent techniques to get at them compare results from the same answers," Ashwin two chemistry instruments Vasavada, Curiosity deputy
project scientist, said Friday. "But it's also a challenge for the science team, like trying to understand the plot of a story when one person saw the mov ie and another read the book. We were hoping that Jake M. had a simple plot." But NASA got more than it expected. The rock was di
verse, surprisingly so. Testing results so far reveal a good match, Vasavada said, for a type of Earth rock. See Rock/C6
NASAi The Associated Press
This pyramid-shaped rockwas the first that NASA's rover Cu riosity picked up on Mars. It is no ordinary Martian rock.
Rare look at awitnessto history „„.,„,„„„„
"Ethel" 9 p.m. Thursday, HBO
available for somemovies
Regal Pilot Butte 6
By David Wiegand
2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347
San Francisco Chronicle
One of the most striking ele ments in Rory Kennedy's affec tionate and revealing documen tary about her mother is that those old enough to remember the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in 1968 perhaps re member as well a shattering sense of grief and hopelessness that the shooting brought. And yet, Ethel Kennedy, 84, seems tohave never lost hope and certainly not her faith. She believes her husband and his brother, John, are in a glorious place. She knows she will see them all again, believes it with all of her considerable heart. The subject of HBO's "Ethel" has not given an i nterview in 25 years. While some may think sitting down with t he youngest of 11 children behind the camera is unlikely to yield a detailed or objective portrait, you will come away from the film understanding a g r eat deal about an extraordinary woman who played much more than just a supporting role in a significant period in our his tory. Perhaps more important, you will get a better sense of that historic period as well. From the election of John F. Kennedy onward, the nation got to know the two most visi ble of the Kennedy women: the reserved, patrician Jacqueline, who spoke in Marilyn Mon roe-like near whispers, and the fun-loving, girl-next-door Ethel Skakel Kennedy, the wife of the president's closest confi dant, his brother Bobby. As different as they were, the two women had things in common: Although they understood that their grief over the assassina tions of their husbands was shared by the nation, they each found ways to shield their fam ilies from too much scrutiny.
• Accessibility devices are
ATLAS SHRUGGED:PART II (PG-13) 12:30, 3, 6:30 BEASTS OFTHESOUTHERN WILD (PG-13) 1, 7:15 THE BESTEXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL (PG-13) 4 INTHE FAMILY (no MPAA rating) Noon, 3:30, 7 THE MASTER(R) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15 THE PERKSOFBEINGA WALLFLOWER(PG-13) 12:45, 3:45, 6 SEARCHINGFOR SUGAR MAN (PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 6:45
Inwsion / rhe Associated press
Ethel Kennedy, Robert Kennedy's widow,is the subject of the HBO documentary "Ethel," directed by her daughter Rory. Jackie, not always comfortable in the role of a political wife and shaken by Robert Kenne dy's death, married a Greek ty coon and moved with her two kids to Skorpios. Ethel doubled down to raise her family, in cluding Rory, born six months after Bobby's death. To the public, Ethel has seemed tobe the keeper of the flame of her husband's legacy of crusading for social justice. We understand from the film, how ever, that if anything, Ethel's commitment to social causes was even deeper than her hus band's. That's why the younger children, who barely remember their father, say Ethel's passion has beenthe primary source of inspiration for them. Ethel Skakel had little inter est in politics growing up, but once she got married in 1950 and found herself part of the very political Kennedy clan, she took to campaigning as if she'd been born into the fam ily business. Her own family was Republican and thought she was "a little communist." Although Rory Kennedy is the director, she doesn't always have a willing "star" in front of the camera. Asked about that June night at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles in 1968, Ethel says simply, "talk about
something else." Rory's narra tion mentions the deaths of her brothers, David, from a drug overdose, and Michael, from a skiing accident, but these aren't subjects Ethel wants to talk about. She does talk about time after the assassination of John Kennedy, though, as "six months of just blackness." N ext year wil l m ar k t h e 50th anniversary ofthe Ken nedy assassination, an event that has been extensively re searched, documented and written about as few events in American history ever have. The deaths of Martin Luther King Jr. and RFK were every bit as shocking to the nation. But t o y o u nger g enera tions, these events may be merely history — significant, of course, but not occurrences they personally remember. That's one of the reasons "Ethel" is an important film: We are hearing the voice of someone who was there and someone who is still with us.
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
ARGO (R) 12:40, 3:50, 6:55, 9:45 THE BOURNELEGACY(PG-13) 3:40, 6:40, 9:50 END OFWATCH(R) 1:35, 4:35, 7:35, 10:10 FRANKENWEENIEIMAX (PG) 1:55, 4:45, 7:40, 10 FRANKENWEENIE(PG) 12:15, 3:15, 6, 9:05 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 12:35, 3:30, 6:25, 9:15 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 12:25, 1:25, 3:25, 6:15, 7, 9 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3-D (PG) 3:45, 9:20 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHE STREET(PG-13) 1:40, 4:30, 7:05, 9:45 LOOPER(R) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:05 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 1:10, 4:10, 6:50, 9:40 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 1:45, 4:25, 7:10, 9:55 SINISTER(R) 12:50, 3:35, 7:20, 10:20
movies. • IMAX films are $15.50 for
Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
adults and $13 for children
(ages 3 to 11)andseniors (ages 60 andolder). • Movie timesaresubject to change after press time.
TAKEN 2 (PG-13) Noon,1, 3, 4, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 10:15 TROUBLEWITH THE CURVE (PG-13) 12:10, 3:10, 6:05, 9:10 W ON'T BACK DOWN (PG)12:55
McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562
Oue to Monday Night Football, no movies will be shown today. After7p.m., shows are 21 and olderonly.Youngerthan 21may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompani ed by alegalguardian.
Tin Pan Theater 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271
SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 DesperadoCourt, Sisters,541-549-8800
MADRAS Madras Cinema5 1101 S.W.Highway 97,Madras, 541-475-3505
PRINE VILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville,541-416-1014
LOOPER(R) 4, 7 As of press time, the complete movie TAKEN 2 (UPSTAIRS —PG-13) 6 ti mes for the Tin Pan Theater were unavailable. For morei nformati on, Pine Theater's upstairs screening visit t/vt/i/t/t/t room has limited accessibility. inpantheatercorn.
WIL SONS of Redmond 541-548-2066
At4/ard-t4/innin g
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Call us today 541-728-0850
at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 tI lMAX. • There may be an additional fee for 3-O
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on Bend's t4/estside. www.northwestcrossini,/corn
M ATTRES S G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084
*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. l Sports programming mayvary. BD-BendlRedmondlSisterslBlack Butte Di ital PM-PrinevillelMadras SR-Sunriver L-La Pine
tRRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEHt EHK~RDiRH t 1RK KATU News World News KATU Newsat 6 (N) n ce Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Dancing With theStars: All-Stars Guestjudge PaulaAbdul. (N) « KATU News (10:01) Castle (N)O 'PG'« (11:35) Nightline
Nightly News Newsohannel 21 at 6(N) « Jeop ardy! 'G' Wheel FortuneThe Voice Thevocalists performfor thecoaches. (N) n 'PG' « Jay Leno (10:01) Revolution Soul Train '14' News News Evening News Access H. Ol d Christine How I Met 30 R ock n '14' How I Met Pa r tners (N) '14' 2 Broke Girls Mike & Molly n Hawaii Five-0 Popiikia (N) n '14' News Letterman KBNZ 0 KEZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider 'PG' Dancing With theStars: All-Stars Guestjudge PaulaAbdul. (N) « KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightline KOHD Q 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News (10:01) Castle (N) n 'PG' « Fam i ly Guy 'PG' Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang Big Bang New s TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy 'PG' KFXO i' IEI IEIIEI (4:30) MLBBaseball National LeagueChampionshipSeries, Game2: TeamsTBA(N) Antiques Roadshow n 'G' « Mar k et Warriors (N) 'G' « "Money andMedicine" (2012) n Hi s tory Detectives n 'PG' « Koae o B Q B Wild Kratts Y Electric Comp. This Old House Business Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n « Newschannel 8 Nightly News Newsohannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I nside Edition The Voice Thevocaiists performfor thecoaches. (N) n 'PG' cc KGW 0 (10:01) Revolution SoulTrain '14' Newsohannel 8 Jay Leno 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' KTVZDT2IEI 0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? KingofQueens KingofQueens Engagement Engagement 90210 TheSeaChange(N) '14' G o ssip Girl High Infidelity (N) '14' Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Lidia's Italy C h efs A'Field My Family Ti m e Goes By From Dust to Dreams: OpeningNight at the Smith Center World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n cc PBS NewsHour n cc OPBPL 175 173
KTvz 0 0 0 0 News
The First 48 '14' « Hoarders Wiima;Nora'PG' « Hoarders Charles & Alvin 'PG' H o arders Joni Milie &(N) 'PG' I n t ervention Ryan (N)'14' « (11:01) Intervention '14' « * "House onHauntedHil" (1999)Geoffrey Rush,FamkeJanssen. Amogul ** "Friday the 13th" (1980,Horror) Betsy Palmer, AdrienneKing, Harry (4:15) ** "Return to House on (10:15) * "Friday the13th, Part 2" (1981)AmySteel, John Furey. Ahulking *AMC 102 40 39 HauntedHil" (2007, Horror) « ofiers guestsmoneyto stay in a haunted asylum. « Crosby. Counselorsdieviolently at CampCrystal Lake. « killer stalks counselors atCampCrystal Lake. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' cc Fatal Attractions n '14' cc Polar Bear: Spy onthe Ice 'PG' Frozen Planet n 'PG' cc Yellowstone: Battle for Life n 'G' cc Frozen Planet n 'PG' cc BRAVO1 37 4 4 Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Housewives/NJ Housewives/NYC Housewives/NYC What Happens Housewives R e ba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Dallas Cowboys Cheerleaders D a llas Cowboys Cheerleaders C h eer n 'PG' CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' cc R eba 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 Ultimate Factories 'G' American Greed: TheFugitives A merican Greed Mad Money American Greed: TheFugitives American Greed Teeter Hang Hair Restoration CNN 55 38 35 48 AndersonC Piers MorganTonight (N ) Ande rson Cooper 360 cc ErinBurnettoutFront Piers MorganTonight Andersonoooper360ca ErinBurnettoutFront ooper 360 (N) cc COM 135 53 135 47(4:58) Futurama Always Sunny Always Sunny Tosh.0 '14' Co l bert Report Daily Show Futurama '14' Futurama '14' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Brickleberry S o uth Park 'MA' Daily Show C o lbert Report COTY 11 Dept. /Trans. C i ty Edition Paid Program Morning Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The YogaShow Morning Oregon City Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today *DIS 87 43 14 39 A.N.T.Farm'G' A.N.T.Farm'G' Phineas,Ferb Good-Charlie A.N.T.Farm'G' Shakeltup!'G' Austin 8 Ally n *** "Twitches" (2005)Tia Mowry. n 'G' cc Shake It Up! 'G' Phineas, Ferb A.N.T. Farm 'G' My Babysitter *DISC 156 21 16 37 American Chopper n 'PG' « Ove r haulin'1965 Impala n 'PG' Overhaulin' n 'PG' « Overhaulin' 1967Camaro(N)'PG' American Chopper (N) 'PG' « F a s t N' Loud (N) n « American Chopper n 'PG' « *E! 1 36 2 5 Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Fashion Police '14' E! News(N) Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Jonas Jonas Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 MondayNight NFL Football DenverBroncosat san Diegochargers (N)(Live) sportscenter (N)(Live) « NFL PrimeTime(N) « Sportsoenter (N) (Lit/ei « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 CrossFit Games CrossFit Games CrossFit Games CrossFit Games 2012 CrossFit Games (N) Sportsoenter Football Live Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) cc S p ortscenter (N) (Live) cc NFL Presents NASCAR Now ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Battle of the Network Stars cc AWA Wrestling cc UWF Wrestling PBA Bowling « AWA Wrestling « NBA FromApril 4, 2012. (N) H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Press H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc R e b a 'PG' « Switched at Birth n '14' a« FAM 67 29 19 41 Reba 'PG' « Switched at Birth n '14' « Switched at Birth TheTrial '14' (9:01) **"Alice inWonderland" (2010,Fantasy)JohnnyDepp. The 700 Club n 'G' « The O'Reilly Factor cc FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren Hannity On Record, Greta VanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes P aula's Cooking Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive $24 in 24 (N) Diners, Drive Diners, Drive *** Hellboy(2004 Fantasy) FX 131 (4:00) ** "Invincible"(2006) H owI Met H owI Met T wo/ Half Men Two/Half Men *** "Hellboy"(2004)RonPerlman, JohnHurt. Theson of the devil lights paranormalcreatures. HGTV 176 49 33 43 Hunters Int'I H u nters Int'I H u nters Int'I H u nters Int'I Lo ve It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « Love It or List It (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I L o ve It or List It 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers FastEddie'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' (11:02) AmericanPickers cc ***"MeanGirls"(2004)LindsayLohan,RachelMcAdams.« ** "Made of Honor"(2008)Patrick Dempsey,Kevin McKidd. « LIFE 138 39 20 31 Celebrity Ghost Stories 'PG' My Ghost Story Screamville 'PG' My Ghost Story: Caught MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Made CircusPerformer (N)'PG' H ow I Made It Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Inbetweeners Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob SpongeBob FigureI tOut'Y' SeeDad Run NewsW/Linda FullHouse'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' The Nanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Fre indsTheLastOne'14'ac OWN 161 103 31 103Dallas DNAMoral Dilemma'14' D a llas DNA Lost Time '14' « Dall as DNA Righting Wrongs'14' Undercover Boss UniFirst n 'PG' Undercover Boss n 'PG' cc Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Und e rcover Boss UniFirst n 'PG' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 (4:00) HighSchool Football Rogersat Bethel College Football EasternWashington at MontanaState World Poker Tour: Season 10 T h e Dan Patrick Show *** "StarWarsVl: Returnof the Jedi" (1983) MarkHamii. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 CSB CrimeSceneInvestigation CSB Crime Scene Investigation * * * "Star WarsVl: Returnof the Jedi '(1983, ScienceFiction)Mark Hamiil, HarrisonFord. n ** "B/ade ll" (2002,Horror)WesleySnipes, Kris Kristoflerson,RonPerlman. SYFY 133 35 133 45The Village cc ** "The Mist" (2007) ThomasJane. A deadly fog engulfs terrified townspeople, ac Alphas NeedtoKnow(N) '14' Alphas (N)'14' TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Living Edge K i ngdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis Praise the Lord 'Y' « Joel Osteen M anna-Fest L i v e-Holy Land Creflo Dollar P r aise the Lord se « *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friendsn '14' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Conan (N) '14' cc *** "Boys Town" (1938,Drama) SpencerTracy. A new (8:45) **** "Father of the Bride" (1950,Comedy) Spencer Tracy. Afamily *** "Bad Day al Black Rock"(1955,CrimeDrama) *** "Captains Coura "The Old Man andthe Sea" (1958,Adventure) TCM 101 44 101 29 arrival disrupts ahomefor waywardboys. agonizesover abride-to-be's immensewedding. «(DVS) SpencerTracy, Robert Ryan. «(DVS) Spencer Tracy,FeiipePazos. arj geous"(1937)• *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings rt 'PG' « Island Medium Island Medium Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes (9:11) HereComesHoney Boo Boo: Family Sized Down South DanceExtended (N) Here Comes *TNT 17 26 15 27 The Mentalist RedGold n '14' The Mentalist n '14' c~ The Mentalist n '14' « Major Crimes '14' rt~ j Major CrimesLongShot(N) '14' The Mentalist The RedMile '14' Major Crimes LongShot '14' 'TOON 84 MAD 'PG' Re g ular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show Annoying Kin g of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdaim NoReservations Biz a rre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food 'G' Bourdain: NoReservations Bou r daim No Reservations Bourdaim NoReservations Airp ort 24/7: Mi Airport 24/7: Mi *A*S'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' Cosby Show CosbyShow Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 BonanzaHalia Rogue 'G'«M NC IS RednCell 'PG' cc NCIS: Los AngelesBorderline'14' WWEMondayNight RAWCMPunk is forced tochoosehis Hell in aCell challenger. (N) n c~ USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS ConspiracyTheoryn 'PG' (11:05) *"Mr.Deeds" (2002) Basketball Wives LA rt '14' Basketball Wives LA o '14' Basketball Wives LA(N) O '14' T. l . and Tiny C h r issy & Jones Basketball Wives LA O '14' T.l. and Tiny C hrissy & Jones VH1 191 48 37 54 Basketball Wives LA rt '14' *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 '14' «
Gulliver's Travels o (Part 1 of 2)'PG' « To Live8 Die ENGR 106401 306401Silver Streak (5:40) *** "The Mask ol Zorro" 1998Antonio Banderas. n 'PG-13' « (9:35) ** "YoungGunsII" 1990 Emilio Estevez. n 'PG-13'« ** "Dr. Dolitt/e 2" 2001,ComedyEddie Murphy. 'PG' « ** "Daddy DayCare" 2003, ComedyEddie Murphy. 'PG' a« **"TheSeeker:TheDarkIsRising"2007lanMcShane.'PG'« FMC 104204104120(4:00) ** "Dr.Dolittle 2" 2001 Best of PRIDEFighting UFC153: Silva vs. BonnarPrelims Answers UF C Tonight UFC Reloaded UFC144:Edgarvs.HendersonFrankieEdgarvs.BensonHenderson. FUEL 34 Chasing Cha s in g Big B reak Greenbrier Big Break Go l f Central C h asing Chas in g Big B reak Greenbrier The Golf Fix GOLF 28 301 27 301Top 10 (N) T o p 10 Lit t le House on the Prairie 'PG' L i ttle House on the Prairie 'PG' NUMB3RSSabotage 'PG' « NUMB3RS SniperZero 'PG' « F r a sier rt 'PG' Frasier o 'PG' Frasier o 'PG' Frasier o 'G' HALL 66 33175 33 The Waltons TheSong'G' cc ** "The The Weight of the Nation Part1: (8:45) TheWeight of the Nation Part 2:Choices Expior Real TimeWith Bill MaherActor Ben ** "A Very Haro/d 8 Kumar3DChristmas" 2011,Com- George Lopez: It's Not Me, It's You Boxing HBO 25501 425501(3:30) n 'MA' cc Eagle" n Cons e quences 'PG' cc ing methods ofweight loss. 'PG' cc Affleck. n 'MA' cc edy JohnCho,Kal Penn. n 'R' cc * "Unearthed" 2007Emmanueiie Vaugier. 'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 *** "OpenWater"2003BlanchardRyan.'R' (6:45) "OpenWater2: Adrift" 2006, SuspenseSusan MayPratt. 'R' (8:45) *** "OpenWater"2003,SuspenseBianchardRyan.'R' ***NMyCousinVinny"1992,ComedyJoePesci,MarisaTomei. Aninept * "Beyond" 2011JonVoight. A psychic helps inthe * * * (5:05) * "VampiresSuck" 2010, ComedyMatt Lanter, "Troy" 2004, Adventure Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, OrlandoBloom.Achiles • M AX 00508 5 0 8Jean Proske,Chris Riggi. rt 'PG-13' « lawyer tries to freehis cousinfrom a Dixiejail. o 'R' « search for amissing girl. rt 'PG-13' « leads Greekforces in theTrojan War. rt 'R' « Alaska State Troopers '14' To Catch aSmuggler (N)'14' Dr u gs, Inc. Marijuana '14' To Catch a Smuggler '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' Wild Justice Born to Kill '14' N GC 157 1 5 7 Drugs, Inc. Marijuana'14' A v atar: Air. Odd Parents Odd Parents S pongeBob S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Mam Armor NTOON 89 115189115Monsuno 'Y7' Odd Parents P lanet Sheen Planet Sheen Avatar: Air. Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D estination Pol. PBR Outdoors Best ol West Headhunters TV Grateful Nation Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D estination Pol. Savage Wild OUTD 37 307 43 307Legends ol Fall Hunt Masters Profess. (6:15) *** "50/50" 2011JosephGordon-Levitt. Learning that hehas cancer, Dexter Dextertries to bringDebraon Homeland State ofindependence Dexter Dexter tries to bringDebraon Homeland State of Independence S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:30) ** "TheStory ol us" 1999 rt 'MA'cc rt 'MA'cc Bruce Willis. 'R' a youngmanvows to beat theodds. n 'R' « board. n 'MA' « board. n 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125303Gearz 'PG' Gea r z 'G' Hot R od TV '14' Hot Rod TV 'G' Truck U (N) 'G' Truck U 'G' Gearz 'PG' G e arz 'G' Hot Rod TV'14' Hot Rod TV '14' Truck U 'G' T r uck U 'G' Un i que Whips '14' "Lord of theRings: TheReturn" STARZ 00408 00408(4:05) ** "CountryStrong" n (6:10) BossConsequencen 'MA' (7:10) Boss Clinchn 'MA' « (8:10) ** "TheVow"2012RachelMcAdams.n 'PG-13'« Boss Clinch n 'MA' « * "NineLives" 2002, HorrorParis Hilton. Strangeevents (6:25) * "As Goodas Dead" 2010Cary Eiwes. Funda * "29Palms"2002Rachaei LeighCook.A hit manchases (9:35) ** "Flypaper" 2011 Patrick Dempsey.A mantries (11:05) ** "Leaves ofGrass" 2009g TMC 2 5 25 mentaiists kidnapthewrong man. o 'R' « an FBI agentandabagolmoney.'R' to protect a bankteller. rt 'NR' « Edward Norton. rt 'R' « plague friends at aScottish mansion. o 'R' Onward Notre Dame College Football Stanford atNotre Dame Poker After Dark 'PG'a« NBCSN 27 58 30 209Return to London: XXXOlympiad Return to London: The Gamesof the XXXOlympiad *WE 143 41 174118Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'G' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Ghost Whisperern 'PG'cc Joan & Melissa: Joan
Bachelor's dating game is fodder foroffice gossip Dear Abby:I work in a pro fessional office where nearly all my co-workers are mar ried and live rather unevent ful lifestyles. I was divorced a few years ago and have not remarried. I have dated a lot of women, and it has become an issue with my co-workers. They in sist on hearing about the dates I go on and ask for the details of what took place, and I usu ally oblige them. Lately, there has been more and more gossip about my so-called "wild lifestyle," and I have become the talk of the office.Some co-workers have called me names like "skank" because I refuse to settle down with one girl. I'm looking for the right one, and it may take many wrong ones to get there. I think my co-workers are jealous. I'm living my life to the fullest and having fun and be cause they can't do what I do, they resort to gossip and name calling. It really frustrates me. How can I make this stop with out causing unnecessary ten sions in my workplace? — Man In Motion in Indiana Dear Man in Motion:You are not a "skank." You are a bach elor. I hope you realize that you started this by regaling your co-workers with the intimate details of your "adventures." None of it w a s appropriate workplace conversation. If you want this to stop, you' ll have to draw an iron curtain between your work life and your social life. Start today.
Dear Abby:I am engaged and have been for a while. From the
beginning I knew my fiance and I would have to pay for our own wedding. During a recent discussion with my father (who is divorced from my mother), he offeredto chip in a reason able amount and asked me to see if my mother would match it. My mother thought it was a great idea and agreed. A week or solatershewrote me a check for the amount and I deposited it into my savings account. At the time, I had a high-pay ing job and a " r oundabout" wedding date set. I have since
Please email event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
DEAR ABBY left my job and the wedding has been postponed indefi nitely. My mother has now re quested that I return the money becauseshe'sbehind on bills. Frankly, I think it is inap propriate for her to ask me to return "her" money when it was a gift that I did not request at the time. Am I wrong, or should she leave the money be? — Engaged in Virginia
Dear Engaged:When your mother gave you the money toward your wedding, BOTH of your f i nancial situations were differentthan they are today. This isn't a question of etiquette. Because you won' t be needing it in the near fu ture, return the money to your mother so she can pay her bills. It's not as if she' ll be us ing it for a Caribbean cruise. She needs the money! Dear Abby:My daughter and her husband have a wonderful little boy, "Matthew," who is 3. They say they don't plan on having any more children. I am upset that they won't be giving
my grandson a sibling. They claim the reason is to be earth friendly, but I think it is selfish. I know my urging won't change the situation, but i t w e ighs heavily on my mind and makes me sad for Matthew. My daughter has a brother she is close to. Her husband has two siblings. I think the main reason they don't want any more children is my son in-law is 17 years older than my daughter. Is there any good way for me to tell her how up set this makes me? — Disappointed in Oregon
Dear Disappointed:No, there isn' t. There may be reasons that go beyond your son-in law's age for their decision to limit the size of their family to one child. And they are none of your business. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.corn or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Monday,Oct. 15, 2012 VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) By Jacqueline Bigar This year your birthday falls on a New ** * * You remain caring with Moon, signifying a new beginning in a relative or neighbor. Others note at least one segment of your life. Your yourcompassion.A long-wished creativity and magnetism intertwine, for opportunity to realign another important relationship might occur which will open you up to more out of the blue. Anewbeginning is possibilities. As much asyou might possible. Tonight: Accept an invitation, forge ahead, you also could feel as hang out and visit with friends. if you are lacking either financially or emotionally. If you are single, a LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) relationship is yours, if you want it. ** * * Do your thing in the morning. In fact, you' ll have quite a selection of You could becomerather frustrated admirers. If you are attached, the two by a situation that keepsemerging. of you need more personal time as Detach by doing something totally a couple, but be careful to not get to unrelated to your present thoughts, me-oriented. It takes two to tango. A and a solution will emerge.Tonight: fellow LIBRA demonstrates his or her Take a hard look atyour budget. creativity in a totally different way. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) The Stars Show the Kind of Day ** * You might be slow to start, You' ll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; like the turtle, with the hare leading 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult in front. Don't worry — your endurance and steadiness will pay ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * S ometimes others see your off. By the day's end, you' ll be the winner. Your process and style in actions and decisions as bold. But the evening allow you to catch up someone could become angry. An and succeed in whatever you deem apology or explanation is in order. important. Tonight: Out on the town. Consider adapting your style for more- sensitive folks. Tonight: With SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) a favorite person. ** * Check out what's happening behind the scenes. Youhave so much TAURUS (April 20-May 20) energy, and it is close to impossible ** * A friend or loved one knows to hold you back. Howyou see a your Achilles' heel and will use situation could change radically. A thatweakness.You do notneedto retaliate; instead, use this moment to child or loved one might behave in an unexpected manner. Tonight: Let the look within yourself. Consider his or her commentary and internalize what good times happen. is viable. Tonight: Join a friend or two. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * In an attempt to be GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * Y our creativity emerges in nonreactive, you might have swallowed a lot of anger. If you the presence of others' energized, find that you are doing or saying and sometimes bold, actions. You understand the forces at work here. something unusual or subtly hostile, look within yourself. You could Determine if and where you want to become involved. Your instincts will experience a newbeginning. Tonight: guide you with a loved one. Tonight: Catch up on afriend's news. Time for a brisk walk. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * You are in the limelight, and CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * You have a tendency to be you' ll make an impression on a boss. The trail you blaze easily could lead moody. You acknowledge that fact, to a new beginning. Your creativity but when you look around, you flourishes, yet the cost of this self might decide that you currently are on more solid ground than many of expression could be high. Tonight: Could go into the wee hours. your comrades. Tonight: A child or loved one pulls you into a fun scene. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * Use timing to facilitate your LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * Use the morning to the max desires. Conversations will flourish in the morning and midday. Take a in order to deal with others. In the afternoon, an investment or domestic serious look at what is happening around you. You might want to do issue emerges. Give thought to how more research. Tonight: Let your you could use this pivotal situation, mind wander. Daydream away. which couldbea new beginning. Tonight: Home is your palace. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
TUESDAY "THE DAUGHTERSOFTHE AMERICANREVOLUTION": Bend Genealogical Society presents a program by Alice Miles; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541 317-9553 or www.orgenweb. org/deschutes/bend-gs. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Readand discuss "Stitches" by David Small; free; noon; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330 3764 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. "THE JUNGLEERSIN BATTLE": A screening of the documentary film about the World War II 41st Infantry Division; $10 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
Submitted photo
This year's Corn Maizein Terrebonne has a Pacman theme. The maze is open Friday through Saturday.
WEDNESDAY PUMPKIN PATCH: Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. IGNITE BEND: A series of five minute presentations on a range oftopics, each chosen by the presenter; SOLDOUT; 7p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St.; 541-480-6492 or www.ignite bend.corn. SARA JACKSON-HOLMAN: The Portland-based piano-pop artist performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. mcmenamins.corn. ZION I:The BayArea-based hip-hop duo perform, with Graft, Minnesota, Diego's Umbrella and Vokab Kompany; $15 plus fees in advance, $18 at the door; 8:30 p.m., doors open 7:30 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. randompresents.corn.
PUMPKINPATCH: Freeadm ission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504 1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; 3-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company,1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. BETHLEHEM INNBENEFIT DINNER: The eighth annual dinner, titled "The Perfect Pair," features gourmet dining, handcrafted beers and fun; proceeds benefit Bethlehem inn; $45; 5-8 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery & Public House, 1044 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-322-8768 or www. CANDLELIGHTDINNERDANCE: Dinner and dancing featuring the Notables Swing Band; $12; 6 p.m. dinner, 7 p.m. dancing; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-388-1133. "HOW DIDWE GET HERE?" LECTURESERIES:Featuring a presentation on "To Siberia and Beyond"; $10, $8 Sunriver Nature Center members, $3 students, $50 for series; 6:30 p.m.; Sunriver THURSDAY Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394. PUMPKINPATCH:Free AUTHORPRESENTATION: William admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central Sullivan talks about his book "The OregonPumpkin Company,1250 Case of D.B. Cooper's Parachute"; N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs 541-504-1414 or www. Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; pumpkinco.corn. 541-549-0866. THE LIBRARY BOOKCLUB:Read "FIDDLERON THE ROOF":The and discuss "State of Wonder" Summit High School drama by Ann Patchett; free; noon; department presents the musical La Pine Public Library, 16425 aboutaJewish peasantwh o must First St.; 541-312-1090 or www. marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 SMARTARTFUNDRAISER: students, seniors and children; 7 Featuring an art show, art sales p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 and a social; proceeds benefit the N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; nonprofit SMART; free; 5 p.m.; 541-355-4000 or http: //bend.k12. River Run Event Center, 1730 Blue Heron Drive, Redmond; MACKLEMORE Ill RYANLEWIS: The 541-355-5600 or www. hip-hop group performs; $18 plus fees in advance, $20 day of show; AUTHORPRESENTATION: 7 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. William Sullivan talks about his Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788 book "The Case of D.B.Cooper's 2989 or www.midtownbend.corn. Parachute"; free; 6:30 p.m.; "WINCHESTER'73": A screening Paulina Springs Books, 422 of the 1950 unrated film; free; 7:30 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; p.m.; Jefferson County Library, 541-526-1 491. Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., AUDUBON SOCIETYBIRDERS' Madras; NIGHT:Nature photographer 541-475-3351 or Terry Steele presents "Birding "EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": 2nd up the TexasGulf"; hosted Street Theater presents the musical by East Cascades Audubon comedy about five college students Society; free; 6:30 p.m. social; who accidentally unleash an evil The Environmental Center, force; contains adult language; $21, 16 N.W. KansasAve., Bend; $25 splatter zone, $18 students and 541-385-6908. seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, WOODYPINES:The ragtime 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; and blues band performs; free; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreet 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. theater.corn. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www. JAZZ ATTHEOXFORD: Featuring a performance by the Linda mcmenamins.corn. Hornbuckle Quintet; $35 plus fees "EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": in advance;8 p.m .;The Oxford 2nd Street Theater presents Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., the musical comedy about five Bend; college students who accidentally 541-382-8436 or www.oxfordhotel unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter bend.corn. THE AUTONOMICS:The Portland zone, $18 students and seniors; rock band performs, with Black 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, Pussy; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreet Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; theater.corn. 541-728-0879 or www.reverb FRUITIONAND DEAD WINTER nation. corn/venue/thehornedhand. CARPENTERS: A night of jammy ADVENTURE GALLEY: The indie string-band music; $8 plus fees rock band performs, with Necktie in advance, $12at the door; Killer; $5; 8:30 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 8:30 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or 389-6999 or JON WAYNE ANDTHE PAIN: The MARK SEXTON BAND:The Reno-based funk-soul act Minneapolis-based reggae-rock performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver act performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388 8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing. Bend; 541-388-8331 or www. silvermoonbrewing.corn. corn.
SATURDAY FRIENDSOF THE FOREST: Half-day volunteer conservation projects along Whychus Creek; projects include planting, scattering seeds, mulching and more; free; 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Creekside Park, U.S. Highway 20 and Jefferson Avenue, Sisters; 541-549-0253 or www.national PUMPKINPATCH:Freeadmission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541 548-1432 or CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m.-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504 1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. JAN BRETT: Children's author and illustrator will discuss her latest book, "Mossy," with a drawing demonstration and book signing; presented by Deschutes Public Library; free; 10 a.m.-noon; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 54 I-3 I7-0700. SENSATIONAL SATURDAY:Learn about nocturnal creatures and how some animals are adapted for life in the dark; included in the price of admission; $15 adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or GREATOREGONDIVOT:A shotgun style tournament; includes lunch, dinner, a skill contest and more; registration required; proceeds benefit Kilns College; $150; 1 p.m., noon registration; Aspen LakesGolf & Country Club, 16900 Aspen Lakes Drive, Sisters; 541-389-9166 or www.godivot.corn. AUTHOR PRESENTATION:John C. Driscoll talks about his book "Gilchrist, Oregon: The Model CompanyTown";included inthe price of admission; $15 adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4 andyounger; 2 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or THE VOTERS HAVESPOKEN:A lecture discussing Oregon's ballot initiatives and how it relates to the state's political and social landscape; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312 1034, tinad© or JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring a performance by the Linda Hornbuckle Quintet; $35 plus fees in advance; 5 p.m .;TheOxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436 or www.oxfordhotel bend.corn. "FLOW STATE":A screening of Warren Miller's ski film; $20 plus fees; 6 and 9 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317 0700 or KEEPERS OFTHEFAITH: The gospel quartet performs; free; 6 p.m.; Redmond Assembly of God Church, 1865 W. Antler Ave.; 541-548-4555. "FIDDLERON THE ROOF": The Summit High School drama department presents the musical aboutaJewishpeasantwh o must marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-355-4000 or http: //bend.k12 DANIELWHITTINGTON:The Austin-based Americana-rock artist performs, with Mike Biggers; House concerts at the Glen at Newport Hills, 1019 N.W. Stannium, Bend; $10-15 donation; 7 p.m.doorsopenat6:30 p.m.; 541-480-8830. BEND COMMUNITYCONTRADANCE: Featuring caller Rich Goss and
music by the Steeltones; $7; 7 p.m. beginner's workshop, 7:30 p.m. dance; Boys & Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W. Wall St.; 541-330-8943. CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY FALL CONCERT: The Central Oregon Symphony performs a fall concert, under the direction of Michael Gesme; featuring Dan Franklin Smith; free but a ticket is required; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E.Sixth St.; 541-317-3941, info@cosymphony. corn or www.cosymphony.corn. TRIAGE:The comedy improvisational troupe performs; $5; 7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-771-3189. "EVIL DEAD:THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.corn. JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring a performance by the Linda Hornbuckle Quintet; $35 plus fees in advance; 8 p.m.;TheOxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436 or www.oxfordhotel bend.corn.
SUNDAY PUMPKINPATCH:Freeadmission;9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DDRanch, 3836 N.E. Smith RockWay, Terrebonne; 541-548-1432 or CORNMAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5and younger; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250N.E.Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 orwww. pumpkinco.corn. PUMPKINPATCH:Freeadmission; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250N.E.Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 orwww. pumpkinco.corn. "FIDDLERON THE ROOF":The Summit High School drama department presents the musical aboutaJewishpeasantwho must marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors andchildren; 2 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-355-4000 or http: //bend.k12 CENTRALOREGON SYMPHONY FALLCONCERT:The Central Oregon Symphony performs afall concert, under the direction of MichaelGesme; featuring DanFranklin Smith; free but a ticket is required; 2 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541 317-3941, info©cosymphony.corn or www.cosymphony.corn. REDMOND COMMUNITY CONCERTASSOCIATION PERFORMANCE: Marie-Josee Lord performs classical and popular music; $50 seasonticket, $20 students, $105 family ticket; 2 and 6:30p.m.;Ridgeview HighSchool, 4555 S.W.ElkhornAve.; 541-350 7222, redmondcca©hotmail.corn or "EVIL DEAD: THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash anevil force; contains adult language;$21, $25 splatter zone,$18students and seniors; 4 p.m.; 2ndStreet Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave.,Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreet theater.corn. OUT OFTHE DARKNESS COMMUNITY WALK:Walkthe butte's Larkspur Trail in honor of suicide prevention; walk begins at the parkshelter near thetrail; registration required; free; 4p.m., 2 p.m. opening ceremony; Pilot Butte State Park, Northeast Pilot Butte Summit Drive, Bend;541-419-5303 or
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Tribune MediaServices
When I watched today's deal in a penny game at my club,South was the infamous Joe Overberry, who t hinks it's nobler to g o d own i n pursuit of an overtrick than to make his bid. Against 3NT, West led the deuce of hearts, and Joe saw a chance for THREE overtricks. He played low from dummy, expecting West to have led from the queen. Instead, East won and shifted to a diamond. West took Joe's ten with the queen and returned a diamond to the king. A t h ir d d i amond went through Joe's jack to West's A-9, giving the defense five tricks, as North put his head in his hands. EVERY CHANCE
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By FRANK STEWART opens three spades. What do you say? ANSWER: Preempts can give you headaches, and this one is worse than most. If you double (for takeout), partner may respond in diamonds, leaving you i n t h e s o up. Some players would try 3NT, but the hand looks better for defense. I would pass, satisfied to collect a plus score at 50 points per undertrick. North dealer Neither side vulnerable
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Joe's play was egregious even for him. To give himself every chance to make 3NT — what he bid — Joe should take the ace of hearts and test the clubs. When the jack doesn't fall, Joe tries the spades, cashing the ace, king and queen. That suit breaks evenly, so he has nine tricks. If th e spades produced onlythree tricks, Joe could try for a ninth trick by taking a heart finesse with the jack. DAILY QUESTION
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THE LIBRARIANWOULD eE LATE FOR WC /RK IF 5HE PIC/N'T — Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as sugges ted by the abovecartoon.
Print your answer here: io-is
© LaughingStockInternational Ino, Dist by UniversalUCirckfor ure, 2C12
"My kid ripped Upthe ace of diamonds."
(Answers tomorrow) Saturday' s
Jumbles: FABLE DRAWL MISERY EXCUSE Answer: When the Jumblecreators realized they'd for gotten to turn ln apuzzle, they —SCRAMBLED
ACROSS 1 Trot or gallop 5 Home with a domed roof 10 Stylish 14 Earth Day sci. 15 Playground chute 16 Avatar of Vishnu 17 Four-to-midnight production
4 Tiny toymaker 36 Seasideswooper 47 Alaskan native 38 Contented 48 Outplays 5 Periodical 51 "Goodness publisher sounds 6 Sound from a 41 Exams for sophs grac i ous!" or jrs. 52 Earth sci. water cooler 42 Winter Olympics 5 3 O' Hara 7 Fat-reducing entrant homestead pro c e dure, briefly 54 Opinion website 8 P oem of praise 44 Swank of "Amelia" 55 IRS form entries 9 " the ramparts 45 Move furtively 57 I n experienced, as 46 Scandalous recruits overseer, say 10 Punishment's newsmaker of 58 G o wrong 20 Bill of Rights partner 2001-'02 59 Moral wrong amendment 11 Is wearing count 12 Poker concession ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 21 "Les Miserables" 13 Have in stock author Victor S K A T E B O A R D A R MS 18 Midafternoon 22 Parisian love hour P A L M R E A D E R S E A T 2 3 "What t h e 19 p a rking F RO Z E N R O P E W E R E odds?" 23 Winesap, e.g. S A P C E S W H E N C E 24 In liberal amounts 24 Most capable O T T E S C A L L OP 26 Dead battery 25 Draw up a F A L L S A P P A L L I N G hookup schedule for A R I D S N E E R S S I R 31 Get hitched in a 26 Kid around hurry A D E L E A T R A 27 Oscar-nominated C T N S 32 Without warning W A R I L Y R E I D Peter Fonda role E F T 37 Unload for cash 28 " Flanders": S O RC E R E S S L O D G E 38 Colorado ski city Defoe novel P RO H I B I T N E O 39 Secure in the 29 Social divisions O G L A L A M E N S E C harbor 30 Wolf pack leader N E L S S A B E R T O O T H 40 Mind readers 33 Muscat resident G R E S I N 0 R D I N A T E 42 Luxurious 34 "Surely you don' t E Y R E N A N C Y L O P E Z bedding material mean me" 43 Encased dagger 35 Hairdo 10/15/12 xwordeditor@aol.corn 45 Popular 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 13 restaurant fish 49 18-Down, on a 14 15 16 sundial 18 19 50 Shoreline feature 17 51 Stare at impolitely 20 21 22 53 Time Warner "Superstation" 23 24 25 56 Dry runs, and a hint to the starts 26 2 7 28 29 30 of 17-, 26- and 31 32 33 3 4 35 36 43-Across 60 Clumsy one 37 38 39 61 Mail for King Arthur 41 42 62 Wrinkle remover 44 63 MDs for otitis sufferers 45 4 6 47 48 49 64 With tongue in cheek 50 51 52 53 5 4 55 65 Maddens with reminders 56 57 58 59 DOWN 1 Bothersome insect 2 Exercise woe 3 Nickel or dime
By Nancy Kavanaugh (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
10/1 5/1 2
as an all-natural detergent for his laundry. "If (the solvent) is poured Continued from C1 In the wet-cleaning process, out onto the ground, it would water, instead of a dry-clean turn to water, sand and carbon ing solvent, is used with deter dioxide in less than 30 days," lI he said. gent, Goldman said. j In the past, "dry-clean only" Silicone solvent doesn't have items could not be w ashed the same degreasing power as in water because they would pere, he said, but that makes it shrink, he said. gentleron clothes. To remove The technology in the new stains, he said, clothes are pre w et-cleaning m achines, h e spotted with a small amount said, provides about 30 pro of chemicals, which never go yr into the machines or down the grams, allowing operators to select different load sizes, drain. Instead, he said chemi water temperature, detergent cals are vacuumed down into a combinations, tumble speeds separate container, put in a 50 and direction. Andy Tullis gallon drum and hauled away The Bulletin "It's as green as you doing by a waste disposal company. "Ten years ago, not many laundry at home," Goldman said."Even the greenest ofdry people were talking about be cleaning can't compare. It' s vironment, it mandates waste from the chemical, believing cited by the DEQ for improper ing green," he said. "Now, ev still a chemical, not water." management practices, such it's an important part of being ly storing, labeling and dispos erybody is claiming it." The company uses pere for as closed-loopsystems. green. ing of dry cleaning solvent. Because there are so many items that can't be wet-cleaned, Dick DeZeeuw, program co John Madding, owner of Chad Allred, manager ofop different practices in the in garments made with dyes that ordinator for DEQ, said nearly Cascade Cleaners, said his erations at Mirror Pond Clean dustry, and no standards for will bleed in water, those with 150 dry cleaners in Oregon use company has been using wet ers, said changing solvents what i s c o nsidered green, decorations glued on with a pere, according to the DEQ's cleaning machines since 1997. had benefits beyond helping Carlson said unless a custom water-soluble adhesive and 2011 data. If they follow state About 70 percent of the items the environment. er goes behind the scenes to "The clothes felt softer," All see how it' delicate wools, he said. and federal regulations, he go through the wet-cleaning sdone,the customer Despite the reputation of said, pere will usually stay out process, he said.For items red said. "They were easier to doesn't know what makes one pere, Goldman said when used of the environment. that require dry cleaning, he press, and there was no smelL place more eco-friendly than "California has a plan to properly it does not harm the said, he uses a hydrocarbon The lint was less, so it's mak another. environment. phase pere out, but Oregon is machine with a solvent called ing the clothes last longer on To Carlson, having an envi In 1995, Oregon passed leg taking a different approach," DF-2000, instead of pere. the consumer end, (and) the ronmentally-friendly s olvent islation requiring dry cleaning DeZeeuw said. "Oregon is In 2006,Mirror Pond Clean colors are staying." and detergent are the most im to become a zero-releasein monitoring the dry cleaners ers, located o n N o r t hwest Carlson, o f A Gr e e n er portant aspects of being green dustry, according to the DEQ. and their operations." Franklin Avenue, made the Cleaner, said hi s c ompany in the dry cleaning industry. To eliminate the release of S till, some O r egon d r y switch from pere to a silcone also uses liquid silicone as But, Ann Hargrove with the hazardous waste into the en cleaners have moved away based solvent a f ter b e i ng dry-cleaning solvent, as well National Cleaners Associa
tion, a New York-based pro fessional trade a ssociation, said being green goes beyond the solvent used or cleaning method. "For a cleaner to be green, they have to be green from the front of the store to the back of the store," she said. "People just put a sign in the window. That's not green." In addition to using a silicone solvent, Allred of Mirror Pond said thestore recycles hang ers and plastic and switched to more energy-efficient light bulbs in the lobby.
three weeks at Rocknest, the patch of dirt where it recently made its first scoop. After that, the rover team will direct Cu riosity 100 yards to the east to do some rock drilling as the pursuit of information on pos sible previous microbial life on Mars continues.
4 .l t
— such as endangered desert tortoise habitat — that have Continued from C1 plagued other projects. The government is estab Environmental groups like ritftj, lishing 17 new "solar energy the Nature Conservancy that zones" on 285,000 acres in had been critical of the fed six states: California, Nevada, eral g s previous Arizona, Utah, Colorado and approach to solar development gk New Mexico. More than half )' r in the desert applauded the of the land — 153,627 acres new plan. Some solar develop — is in Southern California. ers that already are building Interior also established 19 projects were complimentary million acres — nearly 30,000 of the new approach, saying it Map of new solar energy square miles — of so-called will help diversify the country' s "variance zones" that will al energy portfolio more quickly. low developers to propose so Still, some cautioned that the lar projects in those areas. En new plan could still get mired vironmental and other review is a global race to develop re in the same pattern of delay of projectsproposed in vari newable energy technologies a nd inefficiency that h a m ance zones would be handled — and this effort will help us pered previous efforts,and on a case-by-case basis. win this race by expanding they urged the government to The Obama administration solar energy production while continue pushing solar projects has authorized 10,000 mega reducing permitting costs," he forward. watts of solar, wind and geo said in a statement. Salazar said the country thermal projects that, when The new solar energy zones four years ago was import built, would provide enough were chosen because they are ing 60 percent of its oil, and energy to power more than 3.5 near existing power lines, al that number has dropped to million homes, Salazar said. lowing for quick delivery to 45 percent today. "We can see Energy Secretary Steven energy-hungry c i ties. A l so, the energy independence of Chu said the effort will help the the chosen sites have fewer of the United States within our U.S. stay competitive. "There the environmental concerns grasp." "
overnm ent'
On theWeb
will be faced with more press ing domestic issues," he said. T he tari f f s i mpo s ed W ednesday cover about $3 bil lion a year in imported solar panelsand were imposed after a quasi-judicial process at the Commerce Department. U.S. law does not allow the White House to intervene in the pro cess of calculating duties. But the duties can be r eplaced with a negotiated settlement that also satisfies the domestic industry.
Continued from C1 In Brussels, the European Union has started a trade in vestigation into solar panel imports from China, a case covering imports worth $26.5 billion last year. And the Eu ropean industry is seeking a second case against Chinese solarpanel exports, accusing them of benefiting from gov ernment subsidies. Shen Danyang, a spokes man for China's commerce ministry, said in a statement Chinese industry Thursday that the U.S. had To the dismay of Chinese disregarded "the r e a son regulators,hundreds of solar able defense of the Chinese panel manufacturers in their government and Chinese en country have followed a pat terprises," and he expressed tern of using lavish loans from "strong dissatisfaction" with state-owned banks to buy and the Commerce Department's install as much foreign-made decision. factory equipment as possible He also said that the U.S. while setting aside little for re decision to put import tariffs search and development. "They made quite a lot of on a category of renewable energy imports was harmful money but did not invest," Li to global efforts to address cli Junfeng, a director general mate change. And he warned for energy and climate policy that the U.S. action was likely at the National Development to result in reduced Chinese and Reform Commission, said imports of raw materials and in an interview last month in factory equipment for the so Beijing. The commission is lar panel industry. China's top economic plan He Weiwen, a co-director of ning agency. the China-U.S.-EU Study Cen Li, who is also the president ter at the China Association of of the Chinese Renewable En International Trade, which is ergy Industries Association, part of the Commerce Minis also said that the solar indus try, said his opinion was that try's problems were the direct China was likely to call for result of overcapacity in China consultations with th e U . S. and not the fault of overseas to reach a settlement on the trade restrictions. tariffs. Yet he insisted that if the Such settlements have been Chinese government c ould reached in trade disputes in revisit past renewable energy the past, leading to outcomes decisions, it would not do any like price floors for tomatoes thing differently because the imported from Mexico and the business community in China so-called voluntary restraints is prone to overinvestment in that Japan imposed on its car many industries. exports in the 1980s, which Asked what he was telling were anything but voluntary. Chinese banks to do about But He said it was unlikely their continued loans to solar that negotiations could start panel manufacturers,he re quickly, given t h e c o m ing plied, "I say, 'Just stop.'" p residential election i n t h e But Frank Haugwitz, a so United States, and he worried lar industry consultant in Bei that settling a trade dispute jing, said last week that there with China might not be at the were signsthat Chinese banks top of the agenda of whoever would sharply increase lend is sworn in as president. ing, at least to the country' s "The new administration largest solar panel manufac
Eyal Goldman walks along the rear of the dry-clean ing machines at Cathy's Cleaners. Because of the complex ity of the machines, Goldman said they cost from $500-$1,000 a month to maintain.
turers, a step that could allow them to delay taking losses on previous loans to t hose companies. W hen China b egan t h e rapid expansion of its solar industry several years ago, many in the global industry expected that technological breakthroughs would result in more cost reductions. But C hinese c o mpanies h a v e driven costs down sharply, mainly through greaterecon omies of scale from the con struction of larger factories to produce conventional solar panels, and few industry ex ecutivesforesee further cost reductions by building even larger factories. At the same time, few new technologieshave been devel oped. Some experts attribute that to China's rapid expansion of capacity for conventional polycrystalline solar panels, which has driven prices down so quickly that investment in newer thin-film solar technol ogies has faltered, particularly in Europe. "The artificially low prices resultingfrom Chinese over production have nearly de stroyed a second generation of photovoltaic technologies based on thin film," said Ken Zweibel, the director of the George Washington Univer sity Solar Institute in Wash ington. "This has been a huge setback for the U.S. competi tive position." But Sebastian Meyer, a part ner at Azure International, a renewable energy consulting firm in Beijing, said he thought the U.S. decision on tariffs was a mistake. The U.S. is still strong in making factory equipment for manufacturing solar panels, Meyer said, and should let Chi na actually make the panels as long as Chinese banks and local and provincial govern ments refuse to admit defeat and continue covering most of the costs. "If you buy a solar panel from China, China is paying for part of it," he said. "If I were the U.S., I would let Americans milk it."
entists can't be certain Jake formed in the same way as Continued from C1 rocks on Earth. "Our laser i n strument "Like many aspects of plan saw a s l i ghtly d i f ferent etary exploration," the scien composition at every point tist noted, "we use the long it a n a lyzed," V a savada history of E arth studies to said."...We see a composi form our best ideas to explain tion that is a good match to Mars." a rare but widespread rock Scientists say the rock is type on Earth, one that more likerare volcanic rocks forms deep inside the Earth seen in places like Hawaii as magma moves around — those rocks are formed un and partially crystallizes, der high pressure, deep under l eaving basalts that a r e ground and once contained rich in alkali elements like water. They don't know how potassium." old the Martian rock is. H e stressed that s c i Curiosity is spending about
Goldman said
Cleaners also recycles hang ers but has also started a pilot
program using reusable gar ment bags and wooden hang ers with about 15 customers. The DEQ doesn't have long term data onthe newer dry cleaning solvents, DeZeeuw said. So the department can' t rank which solvents are bet ter for the environment. And while wet cleaning doesn't use a chemical solvent, he said it uses more water. "The word green seems to be primarily a marketing word that is used within the indus try," DeZeeuw said. "There' s constantly t r ade-offs w h en you' re making these environ mental choices." — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulteti n.corn
— The Associated Press contri buted to this report.
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Terrebonne man finishes Ironman Lew Hollander defied
age once again, finish ing the lronmanWorld Championship on Sat urday in
Kailua Kona,
Redmond football teams makingsomenoise • Panthers andRavensare having a solid 2012 seasonsofar he Friday night lights
Hawaii. At 82
years of age, Hol Hollander lander is the oldest triathlete to com
plete the world cham pionship race, breaking the mark he set in 2011.
This year, the Terre bonne resident finished the 2.4-mile swim, 112
a re shining a l it t l e brighter in Redmond. Redmond High is 7-0 and looking to make the state foot ball playoffs for the first time since 2007 — the last year the Panthers posted a winning record — and Ridgeview's firstyear program is 5-2 and in line to host a Class 4A play
in game. Through the firstseven games of the 2012 season, the
See a slideshow of local
O bendbnlletin.corn/preppics
prep sports from this week:
Panthers have posted more wins than they did the previ ous three years combined. The
Ravens have a shot at the state postseason despite competing with zero seniors on their ros ter. Both teams came up with signature victories on Friday. Redmond held off age-old rival Bend High 47-41 in over time, and Ridgeview blew out Crook County 40-8 for the 4A Special District I league title. "This is huge," said Panther linebacker Brock Lash, who preserved Redmond's vic tory Friday by batting down a
fourth-and-goal pass near the end zone. "It was senior night, it keeps us undefeated and it was against Bend High." While both programs were expected to be solid if not spectacular this fall, few if any predicted the two Redmond schools would be a combined 12-2 with two weeks left in the regular season. Redmond High was coming off its sec ond consecutive three-win season, and Ridgeview was rolling out a new program made up entirely of under classmen. But under the guid
ance of new head coaches Nathan Stanley and Andy Codding, the two Redmond schools have thrived. (Both coaches were assistants last year at RHS under Dan Elliott, who moved from Redmond High to Ridgeview this sum mer tobecome the Ravens'
head wrestling coach.) "It all starts with him," Redmond High lineman Sum ner Saulsbury said earlier in the season about Stanley. "He sets the tone for everything we do. SeeRedmond/D5
mile bike ride and26.2 mile run in16 hours, 45
minutes, 52 seconds. A model of consistency,
Hollander reached the finish line three seconds
faster than the mark he posted ayear ago
Two-run homers pace Cards
in the event. Hollander, who said Sunday that
this year's race washis
23rd world champion
ship, took third place in the men's 80-plus age division, behind
Japan's Hiromu lnada (15:38:25) and fellow
American Lyle Roberts
over Giants
(16:40:46). About 1,900 participants completed
Saturday's race.
— Bulletin staff report
By janie McCauley The Associated Press
NFL Falcons Raiders
23 20
Browns Bengals
34 24
Dolphins Rams
17 14
Jets Colts
35 9
Lions Eagles
26 23
Buccaneers Chiefs
36 IO
Ravens Cowboys
31 29
Bills Cardinals
19 16
Seahawks Patriots
24 23
Giants 49ers
26 3
Redskins Vikings
38 26
Packers Texans
42 24
Rob Kerr /The Bulletin
Professional cyclist Barry Wicks movedto Bend earlier this year from the Midwest and is coming off of a solid mountain bike season. Now into the cyclocross season, he is competing in the U.S. Grand Prix of Cyclocross series of races around the United States this fall.
• Mountain bike and cyclocrosspro Barry Wicks is enjoying his moveto Bend arry Wicks' move to Bend so far seems to be a good one. Wicks, a pro cyclist, took up residence in Central Oregon this past January after a two-year stint in Chicago. After a successful 2012 racing season in his primary disci pline, mountain biking, the 30-year old Wicks is switching gears this fall and winter to cyclocross. "It's been really good, I think, for me, just psychologically to be back into that sort of environment and
riding with guys like (fellow pros and Bend residents) Ryan (Trebon)
and Carl (Decker)," explains Wicks, who grew up in Corvallis and spent five years living in Santa Cruz, Ca lif., before the move to Evanston, Ill.,
globe, the Mongolia Bike Challenge. He also placed fourth behind Todd AMANDA Wells, Decker and another Bend i pro, Adam Craig, in the USA Cy MILES cling Mountain Bike Marathon Na tional Championships, staged last month in Bend. "I really enjoy that stuff," says just north of downtown Chicago. This mountain bike season, the Wicks, referring to endurance rac Kona team member — distinctive ing. "To me, that's more what moun for his lanky 6-foot-5-inch frame tain bike racing is — it's big, long and a mop o f c u rly l i ght-brown epic loopswhere you're sort of re hair — won the Lumberjack 100 in lying upon yourself to get through Michigan and the High Cascades it. It's beautiful, especially the race 100 in Bend, and f i nished third in Bend was just beautiful trails up in three multiday stage races: the around Mount Bachelor. It t akes Tran-Sylvania Mountain Bike Epic seven hours, but it's like the best in Pennsylvania, the BC Bike Race bike ride in your life." in Canada and, on the far side of the SeeWicks /D6
coach Pete Carroll stands on the sidelines against the New England Patriots on Sunday.
The Associated Press
Seattle scores 14 points in the final minutes to overtake New England 24-23 on Sunday,P3
• Scoreboard,P4
GOLF PGA rookie wins Frys.corn Open Former hockey player Jonas Blixt wins his first PGA Tour event,P3
dinals came -o S tL„ ' ac rom a deficit, using a C a rdinals at four-run rally in San Francisco the ninth inning G iants, today, 5 at W a shington p m Fox in the deciding Game 5 of the di vision series /<Side "The way we Detroit takes a we have been in New yorkp5 this type of situ ation before in the regular season," Beltran said. "These guys have this mentality
of not panicking." The St. Louis bullpen delivered with 5 t/s scoreless innings after starter Lance Lynn was chased early. Edward Mujica, the fifth St. Louis pitcher, struck out the side in order in the seventh for the win. Jason Motte finished for his second save of the postseason. The Cardinals gave first-year manager Mike Matheny a win against his former club. Matheny's crew hardly looked road weary after a cross-country trip. The Giants dropped to 0-3 at home so far during these playoffs, outscored 20-6 at AT8 T Park. Game 2 in the best-of-seven series is tonight. Chris Carpenter pitches for the Cardinals against See Cards /D5
Ducks, Beavsbehind SECin first BCS By Ralph P. Russo
Seahawks rally to beat Patriots
earlier the Car-
Ryan Vogelsong.
COLLEGE FOOTBALL Seattle Seahawks head
S AN FRANCISCO — T h i s t ime, C a rlos B e ltran, D a v id Freese and the St. Louis Cardi nals took a six-run lead — and held onto it, barely. Beltran and Freese hit two-run homers and these wild, wild-card Cardinals beat the San Francisco Giants 6-4 on Sunday night in Game I of the NL championship series. The defending World Series c hampions took a n e a rly 6 - 0 cushion and made it stand up. Only two nights
Alabama and Florida are at the top of the season's first BCS stand ings, making it yet another all-SEC top two, with Oregon and Kansas State close behind the Gators. The Crimson Tide in first was no surprise. Alabama is an overwhelm ing No. I in both polls used in the BCS formula. Florida in second was less anticipated. The Gators are No. 3 in the polls, but rated best by the computer rankings. That gave them a slight edge over Oregon and Kan sas State when the numbers were crunched. Florida's BCS average is .9092. Oregon's is .8993 and Kansas State's is .8963. Notre Dame is fifth and not too far back at .8774.
Despite the strong showing by the Southeastern Conference, an other all-SEC national champion ship game is still a long shot. Ore gon's schedule is backloaded with strong opponents and the Ducks will likely be able to c lose the gap in the computers if they keep winning. The Ducks play Arizona State on
Thursday (5-1) and still have games against Southern California and Oregon State left, and a possible Pac-12 title game. Florida has some tough games left, too, starting Saturday against South Carolina. With half the season still to play, there are plenty of possibilities and teams still alive. See BCS/D5
Bcs standings List Pct. 14, 2012 Harris USA Comp. BGS 1. Alabama 1 1 3 .9761 2. Florida 3 4 1 .9092 3. Oregon 2 2 6 .8993 4. Kansas St. 4 3 4 .8963 5. Notre Dame 5 5 2 .8774 6. LSU 6 6 9 .7522 7. S. Carolina 7 8 7 .6930 8. Oregon St. 1 0 11 5 .6808 9. Oklahoma 9 7 10 .6664 10. USC 11 9 15 .5959 (Listings with ranking in Harris poll, USA
Todaycoaches poll,computer and overall BCS)
David J. Phillip/The Associated Press
St. Louis Cardinals' Carlos Beltran (3) is congratulated in the dugout after hitting a two run home run during the fourth inning of Game 1 of baseball's National League championship series against the San Francisco Giants Sunday in San Francisco.
Today SOCCER 1 p.m.:English Premier League, Newcastle United vs.
Manchester United (tapedj, Root Sports. BASEBALL 5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL Championship Series, St. Louis
Cardinals at SanFrancisco Giants, Fox. FOOTBALL 5:30 p.m.:NFL, Denver
Broncos at SanDiego Chargers, ESPN.
Tuesday SOCCER 11:55a.m.: FIFA W orldCup qualifier, Spain vs. France, ESPN2. 3:30 p.m.:FIFA World Cup qualifier, United States vs. Guatemala, ESPN2. BASEBALL 5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Championship Series, New York Yankees at Detroit Tigers, TBS. FOOTBALL
ON DECK Tuesday Boys soccer: MountainViewat Ridgeview,4:30 p.m.; Culverat Burns,4 p.m.; SistersatJunction City, 430 p.m.;Redmond atCrook County,4:30 p.m.; Bendat Summit, 7:30 p.m.; Gladstoneat Madras,4:30p.m. Girls soccer: MountainViewat Ridgeview JunctionCity atSisters, 4.30 p.m.;Redmond at Crook County, 3p.mcBendat Summit, 4 p.m.; Elmira at LaPine, 3 p.m.;Madrasat Gladstone, 6:30 p.m. Volleyball: Redmond at Mountain View6:30p.m.; Bend atCrookCounty,6:30 p.mzRidgeviewat Summit, 7p.m.;Sistersat Elmira,7p.mJ LaPineat Cottage Grove,6:45p.m.; Madrasat North Marion, 6 p mcQuiverat Central Linn, 4 p.m.; Quivervs. Waldport rnHalsey, 5:30 p.m. Boys water polo: BendatSummit, TBA
Cross-country: Bend, Mountain View, Summit, Redmond,Ridgeview, Madras, La Pine,Crook CountyattheCentral OregonCross-country Relays in Bend'sPineNursery Park, 3 p.m.; Sistersat the CountryFairClassic inVeneta,4:30 p.m.
Thursday Boyssoccer:Ridgeview atCrookCounty,4:30p.m4 La Pineat Quiver, 4p.m.; CottageGroveatSisters, 4:30 p.m.;Summitat MountainView,4:30 p.m.; RedmondatBend,4:30p.m. Girls soccer: Ridgeviewat CrookCounty, 3 Sisters atCottageGrove, Summit at Moun tain View, 3pm.; Redmond at Bend, 3 p.mzLa Pine at Junction City, 4:30p.m. Volleyball: Summiatt Bend, 6:30p.m.;CrookCoun ty at Redm ond, 6:30 p.m.; Ridgeviewat Mountain View,6:30p.msSisters at LaPine,6:45 p.m.; La Salle atMadras,6p.m.; Central ChristianatSher manCounty,5.30 p.m. Boys water polo: MountainViewatBend,TBA
Friday Football: Bend,bye;Redmondat Mountain View,7 p.m.; Summiat t CrookCounty, 7p.mzRidgeview at Cleveland,7 p.m.; Madrasat Gladstone, 7p.m4 Sisters atCottageGrove, Elmira at LaPine, 7p.m.;Culverat Kennedy, 7p.m.; Gilchrist atButte Falls, 3p.m. Cross-country: Madrasat theKyle BurnsideWild horseMeetin Pendleton, 3 p.m. Volleyball: Gilchrist at ButteFalls, 5 p.m; Trinity Lutheranat Paisley, 2 p.m.;Central Christian at HorizonChristian,5:30p.m. Boys water polo: MadrasatSummit, TBA,Bend at Redmond,TBA
BASEBALL 5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL Championship Series, St. Louis Cardinals at San Francisco Giants, KICE-AM 940.
Saturday Volleyball: Summit, CrookCounty at WestLinn tourney, LaPineat Philomathtourney, 10 a.m.; Culverat Corbetttourney, Paisley at Gilchrist, NorthLakeat Trinity Lu theran, 4p.m. Boys soccer: Umatigat a Central Christian, I p.m.
6 p.m.:College, Louisiana Lafayette at North Texas, ESPN2.
5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Championship Series, New York Yankees at Detroit Tigers, KICE-AM 940. Listings are themost accurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for latechanges made by TV or radio stations.
Indiana 1, Minnesota 0 Sunday,Oct.14: Indiana76, Minnesota70 WednesdayOct.17:IndianaatMinnesota, 5p.m. Friday,Oct. 19 Minnesotaat Indiana,5 p.m. x-SundayOct.21:MinnesotaatIndiana, 5p.m. x-Wedne sday,Oct.24:IndianaatMinnesota,5p.m.
E. KentuckyatTennesseeTech, 5p.m. MIDWEST PurdueatOhioSt., 9 a.m. N. Illinois atAkron,9a.m. Minnesota at Wrsconsin, 9a.m. Valparaiso at Dayton,10 a.m. Army atE.Michigan, 10a.m. Marist atDrake,11a.m. Missouri St. atlginois St., 11a.m. UT-Martin atSEMissouri, 11 a.m. Michigan,12:30 p.m. Nebraska atNorthwestern, 12:30 p.m. Ball St. atCent.Michigan, 12:30p.m. WMichiganatKent St., 12:30p.m. MontanaatNorth Dakota, 12:30pm. BYU atNotreDame, 12:30 p.m. S. I linois atYoungstownSt., 1p.m. S. Dakota St. atN. Iowa,2 p.m. Morehead St. atButler, 3p.m. N SouthDakota, 4 p.m. Cincinnati atToledo,4p.m. IndianaSt. atW.Illinois, 4 p.m. Iowa,5 p.m. SOUTHWEST IowaSt. atOklahomaSt., 9a.m. LSU atTexasA8M,9am. San UTSA,11a.m. PrairieView,noon StephenF.Austin, noon Texas TechatTCU, 12:30 p.m. Rice atTulsa,12:30 p.m. Lamarat Cent.Arkansas,4p.m. KansasatOklahoma,4 p.m. Baylor atTexas, 5p.m. McNeese St.atSamHouston St., 5p.m. TulaneatUTEP,5 p.m FAR WEST StanfordatCalifornia, noon WeberSt at S.Utah,noon NewMexicoSt. atUtahSt., noon UNLVatBoiseSt., 12:30p.m. N Colorado,12:35p.m. ColoradoatSouthernCal, 3p.m. NewMexicoat Air Force,4p.m. SacramentoSt.atE.Washington, 4:05 p.m. UC Davisat N.Arizona,4:05 p.m. CalPoly,6:05p.m. WashingtonatArizona,7 p.m. Wyoming at FresnoSt., 7:30p.m. Utah atOregonSt., 7.30 p.m. SanDiegoSt. atNevada,7:35 p.m. Polls The APTop25 The Top 25teamsin TheAssociated Presscollege football poll, with first-placevotes in parentheses, records throughOct. 13,total points basedon 25 points for a first-placevotethrough onepoint for a 25th-place vote, andprevious ranking: Record Pts Pv 1 Alabama (60) 6-0 1,5 0 0 1 6-0 1 ,436 2 2. Oregon 6-0 1 ,361 4 3. Florida 6 -0 1 ,296 6 4. Kansas St. 6-0 1 ,283 7 5. NotreDame 6-1 1 ,153 9 6. LSU 7-0 1 ,071 8 7. OhioSt. 8. Oregon St. 5 -0 1 ,050 1 0 9. SouthCarolina 6-1 1,0 4 2 3 4-1 10. Oklahoma 994 13 11. SouthernCal 5-1 8 7 4 11 I 2. FloridaSt. 6-1 8 3 6 12 13. Georgia 5-1 7 5 3 14 14 Clemson 5-1 6 7 3 16 15. MississippiSt. 6 0591 19 16. Louisville 6-0 5 7 4 18 17 WestVirginia 5-1 552 5 18. Texas Tech 5-1 4 4 4 NR 19. Rutgers 6-0 4 0 5 20 20. Texas A8M 5-1 3 7 9 22 21. Cincinnati 5-0 2 9 4 21 22. Stanford 4-2 2 4 2 17 23. Michigan 42 177 25 24. Borse St. 5-1 1 3 3 24 25. Ohio 7-0 1 0 4 NR Others receivingvotes ArizonaSt. 92, TCU88, Louisiana Tech38,Texas25, NCState11, Northwest ern 6,Washington6 Wisconsin6 Nebraska4, North Carolina 2, Tulsa2, Arizona1, IowaSt.1, PennSt.1.
Motor sports • Red Bull driver Vettel wins Korean GP:Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel won the Korean Grand Prix in
Yeongam, South Korea, on Sunday to moveaheadof Ferrari's Fernando Alonso in the Formula One champion ship standings by six points
with four races remaining. Vettel started second on the
grid behind Mark Webber, but overtook his teammate on the first turn and never re linquished the lead, finishing 8.2 seconds ahead of Webber. Alonso was third, 13.9 sec
onds off the pace.
Basketball •FeverstunLynxinGame 1, 76-70:Erlana Larkins had 16 points and 15 rebounds and the Indiana Fever stunned defending champion Min nesota with a 76-70 victory
over the Lynx in Game 1of the WNBAFinals on Sunday night in Minneapolis. Tamika Catchings added 20 points for the Fever, who played without
leading scorer Katie Douglas because of a sprained left ankle. Seimone Augustus scored 23 points and Rebek kah Brunson added 10 points and 10 rebounds forthe Lynx,
who are looking to become the WNBA's first repeat cham pion in 10 years.
Tennis • Djokovic rallies to beat Murray in Shanghai final: Novak Djokovic saved five match points in the second set before outlasting two-time
defending champion Andy Murray 5-7, 7-6 (11j, 6-3 on Sunday in the ShanghaiMas ters final.
• Azarenka deats Goerges to win Generali Ladies:Top
ranked Victoria Azarenka won her sixth WTA title of
the season Sunday by beat ing Julia Goerges 6-3, 6-4 at the Generali Ladies in Linz,
Austria. Azarenka, who now has 14 career titles, has won 13 straight matches without
dropping a set since los ing the U.S. Open final last month. — From wire reports
L.A. Clippers99,Miami 89 SanAntonio116,Houston 107 Memphis110,Atlanta102
Boston atPhiladelphia, 4p.m.
Orlandovs.ClevelandatCincinnati, 4 p.m. WashingtonatBrooklyn, 4:30 p.m. Houstonat Dallas,5:30 p.m. GoldenStateat Denver,6 p.m. Portlandat Sacramento, 7p.m. Tuesday'sGames Atlanta atIndiana,4 p.m. Brooklynat Boston,4:30 p.m. Orlandoat Detroit, 4:30p.m. Milwaukee at Chrcago,5p.m. Charlotte atOklahomaCity, 5 p.m. Utahvs.L.A.LakersatAnaheim, 7p.m.
FOOTBALL College Schedule
(Subject to change) Tuesday'sGame
SOUTHWEST Louisiana-Lafayetteat NorthTexas, 6 p.m.
SOUTH HamptonatNCCentral, 4:30p.m. SOUTHWE ST Houstonat SMU,5p m FAR WEST OregonatArizonaSt., 6 pm.
Friday's Games EAST
UconnatSyracuse,5 p.m.
Saturday's Games EAST
SacredHeart at Durtuesne, 9a.m. NewHampshire atMaine, 9a.m. CCSU at Robert Morris,9a.m. Wagner at St. Francis(Pa.), 9a.m. RutgersatTemple, 9a.m BowlingGreenat UMass, 9a.m. Penn atYale,9 a.m. Cornell atBrown,9:30a.m. Bucknell atLehigh,9:30 a.m Georgetownat Colgate, 10a.m. Holy Crossat Lafayette,10 a.m. Bryant atMonmouth(NJ), 10a.m. Harvardat Princeton, 10a.m.
Dartmouthat Columbia,10:30a.m. PittsburghatBuffalo, 12:30p.m. RhodeIslandatDelaware, 12:30p.m. IndianaatNavy, 12:30p.m. Gardner-Webb atStony Brook,1 p.m.
Old DominionatTowson, 4p.m. KansasSt atWest Virginia, 4p.m. SOUTH
VirginiaTechatClemson, 9a.m. Tennessee St atJacksonville St., 9a.m. Auburn atVanderbilt, 9:21 a.m. WakeForestatVirginia, 9:30a.m. Howard, 10a.m. San DiegoatJacksonvile,10 a.m. FIU atTroy,10a.m. Presbyterianat CharlestonSouthern, 10.30a.m. NC ABTat DelawareSt., 1030a.m. GeorgiaSouthernat Furman, 10:30a.m. CoastalCarolinaatVMI, 10:30a.m. EdwardWatersat SavannahSt., 11a.m. WCarolinaat Eton,noon BostonCollegeatGeorgiaTech, noon Va. Lynchburg at Grambling St., noon SouthCarolinaatFlorida, 1230p.m. FAU atSouthAlabama,12:30p.m. Wofford atAppalachianSt., 12:30p.m. Viganova atGeorgiaSt.,12:30 p.m. ConcordatLiberty,12:30 p.m. SouthFloridaatLouisville, 12:30 p.m. NC Stateat Maryland,12:30 p.m. JamesMadison atRichmond, 12:30p.m. Bethune-cookman, 1p.m. MVSUatJacksonSt., 1p.m. Louisiana-Monroe atW.Kentucky, 1p.m. Davidsonat Campbel, 3 p.m. Samfordat Chatanooga,3 p.m. SC StateatFlorida A8M,3p.m. Alabama atTennessee,4p.m. North Carolinaat Duke,4p.m. Georgiaat Kentucky,4p.m. Idaho atLouisianaTech, 4 p.m. MiddleTennesseeat Mississippi St, 4p.m.
Marshalat l SouthernMrss.,4 p.m.
Ark.-PineBluffat SouthernU.,4 p.m. EastCarolinaat UAB,4 p.m. UCF atMemphis, 5p.m. Florida St.atMiami, 5p.m.
USA TodayTop25 Poll The USA Today Top25 football coachespoll, with first-place votes in parentheses,recordsthroughOct 13, total points basedon 25 points for first place throughonepoint for 25th,andpreviousranking: Record Pts P vs 1. Alabama (59) 6-0 1,4 7 5 1 2. Oregon 6-0 1 ,414 2 3. Kansas St. 6-0 1 ,307 5 4. Florida 6-0 1 ,297 6 5. NotreDame 6-0 1 , 251 7 6. LSU 6-1 1 ,179 8 4 -1 1 ,021 1 0 7. Okahoma 8. SouthCarolina 6-1 1,0 1 2 3 5-1 995 9 9. Southern Cal 10 FlorrdaSt. 6-1 9 1 9 11 5-0 8 3 9 14 11. OregonSt. 5-1 8 0 6 12 12. Georgia 5-1 7 4 1 13 13. Clemson 6-0 6 9 5 I6 I 4. Louisville 5-1 15. West Virginia 6 77 4 16. MississippiSt. 6 0671 18 6-0 4 9 5 1 9 17. Rutgers 5-0 4 5 6 20 18. Cincinnati 19. TexasA8M 5-1 3 9 7 21 20. Texas Tech 5-1 2 7 4 NR 21. TCU 5-1 2 7 2 23 22. BoiseSt. 5-1 2 7 1 22 23. Stanford 4-2 2 1 5 17 24. Arizona St. 5-1 1 3 3 NR 25 Michigan 42 96 NR Othersreceivingvotes:Northwestern77, Ohio54, Texas 54,LouisianaTech24,W isconsin16,Nebraska 10, Nevada 7, OklahomaState6,Western Kentucky6, IowaState5, Louisiana-Monroe2, Northern Rlinois 2, Toledo2,Tulsa1, UCLA1. Harris Top25 The Top 25teamsin theHarris InteractiveCollege FootballPoll,withfirst-placevotesin parentheses,re cords through Oct. 13,total pointsbasedon25 points for a first-placevotethroughonepoint fora25th-place vote and previousranking: Record Pts P vs 1. Alabama (110) 6-0 2,8 7 0 I
2. Oregon (5)
2 , 758 2
3 Florida 6-0 2 , 554 6 4. Kansas State 6-0 2 ,538 5 5. NotreDame 60 24 2 7 7 6 LSU 61 2 , 263 8 7. SouthCarolina 6-1 1,9 9 2 3 8. FloridaState 6-1 1 ,898 9 9 Oklahoma 4 -1 1 , 860 1 3 10. OregonState 5 -0 1 ,850 1 2 11. SouthernCal 5 -1 1 ,820 1 0 12. Georgia 5 -1 1 , 574 1 1 13. Clemson 5 -1 1 ,437 1 4 1 4. MississipState pi 6- 0 1, 348 1 7 15. West Virginia 5-1 1,2 9 1 4 16. Louisville 6 -0 1 ,228 1 8 17. Rutgers 6-0 9 4 7 19 18. Cincinnati 5-0 7 9 3 20 19. Texas A8M 5-1 6 7 4 23 20. Stanford 4-2 6 3 4 16 21. Texas Tech 5 -1 534 22. TCU 5-1 5 1 4 21 23. BoiseState 5-1 4 8 8 22 24. Arizona State 5 -1 22 5 4-2 1 8 8 15 25. Texas Othersreceiving votes:Michigan I72, Ohio I53, Northwestern 95, LouisianaTech81, Wisconsin 27, IowaState24, Nebraska24, Michigan State21, Oklahoma State 19, N.C.State18,Western Kentucky 11, Tulsa10,UCLA5, Nevada4, Baylor 3, Louisiana Monroe1,VirginiaTech1 Washington1.
16 7), 5:07p.m. x ThursdayOct. 18:NewYorkat Detroit,1 07 p m. x-Saturday,Oct.20: Detroit at NewYork, 5:07 p.m. x-SundayOct.21: Detroit at NewYork, 5:15 p.m.
National League
AH gamestelevisedbyFox St. Louis 1, SanFrancisco 0 Sunday,Oct.14:St. Louis 6,SanFrancisco4 Today,Oct.15. St.Louis(Carpenter 0-2) at SanFran cisco (Vogelsong14-9),5:07p.m. Wednesday, Oct. 17:SanFrancisco at St. Louis, 1:07
Thursday,Oct. 18:SanFranciscoat St. Louis, 5:07
x-Friday,Oct. 19 SanFrancisco at St. Louis, 5:07
x-SundayOct.21:St. Louis atSanFrancisco, 1.45
x Monday ,Oct.22:St.Louis atSan Francisco,5:07
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) AH gamestelevisedbyFox WednesdayOct.24:at National League(n) Thursday,Oct.25: atNational League(n) Saturday,Oct.27: atAmericanLeague(n) Sunday,Oct.28: atAmericanLeague(n) x-Monday, Oct. 29: atAmerrcanLeague(n) x-Wednesday, Oct. 31: atNational League(n) x-Thursday,Nov.1:at National League(n) Sunday's Boxscores
Tigers 3, Yankees0 Detroit A.Jackson cf
Berry If a-A.Garciaph-rf Mi.cabrera3b Fielder1b DrYoungdh Dirks rf-If Jh.Peraltass Avila c
AB R H BIBB SD Avg. 4 1 1 0 0 1 .300 3 1 1 0 0 0 .200 I 0 I I 0 0 .400 4 0 2 1 0 1 .375 3 0 0 0 1 2 .222 4 0 0 1 0 3 .300 4 0 0 0 0 1 .100 4 0 2 0 0 1 .556 4 0 0 0 0 2 .167 4 1 1 0 0 2 1 11 353 8 3 1 13
CamiloVigegas,$31,792 70-66 72 68 —276 BrianDavis,$31,792 72-69-69-66 —276 Jerry Kelly,$31,792 69-68-67-72 —276 NicolasColsaerts,$24,125 65-68-71-73—277 Tim Herron,$24,125 70-65-73-69—277 MattJones,$24125 70-66-70-71 —277 Davis LoveIII, $24,125 69-67-72-69—277 Bill Lunde,$24,125 69-67-69-72 —277 John Rogins, $24,125 71-69-64-73—277 DerekErnst,$20,000 65-72-72-69 —278 RoccoMediate, $20,000 67-71-69-71—278 J.J. Kigeen,$17,000 67-72-70-70—279 RichardH. Lee,$17,000 71-67-69-72 —279 John Merrick,$17,000 72-68-68-71 —279 RodPampling, $17,000 70-68-69-72 —279 MarkAnderson,$12,843 71-70-68-71—280 PatrickCantlay,$12,843 67-70-68-75 —280 FrankLickliter II, $12,843 71-64-72-73—280 HeathSlocum,$12,843 70-70-69-71 280 D.J. Trahan, $12,843 73-66-69-72 —280 Scott Brown, $12,843 73-68-69-70 —280 Chris Riley,$12,843 70-69-73-68 —280 70-68-72-71 281 RobertKarlsson,$11,600 69-67-75-71 —282 CharlieBellan,$11,250 68-72-71-71 —282 Bud Cauley, $11,250 67-69-71-75 —282 Will Claxton,$11,250 69-71-72-70 —282 Erik Compton,$11,250 72-66-68-76 —282 NathanGreen,$11,250 67-74-70-71—282 VaughnTaylor, $11,250 72-69-69-73 —283 Kelly Kraft,$10,850 72-69-72-70 —283 Billy Mayfair,$10,850 71-68-70-75 —284 AngelCabrera,$10,700 71-68-73-73 —285 Stephen Ames,$10,450 CameronBeckman,$10,450 71-70 72-72 285 70-67-74-74 —285 Stephen Ganguff, $10,450 70-70-77-68—285 Ryuji Imada, $10,450 MiguelAngelCarballo, $10,200 73-65-74-75—287 72-69-72-75—288 KevinStreelman,$10,050 GarrettWillis, $10,050 67-70-78-73 —288 73-67-72-78—290 ToddHamilton, $9,900 J.B. Holmes, $9,800 71-70-79-72 292
Jay Don 8 ake(69), $68800 John Cook (69), $68,800 DanForsman(69), $68,800 PeterSenior(69), $68,800 DavidFrost(42), $41,600 Bernhard Langer(42), $41,600 LorenRoberts (42), $41,600 Larry Mize(0),$31,600 MarkO'Meara(0), $31,600 GeneSauers(0), $31,600 Jeff Sluman (0), $31,600 MichaelAllen(0), $26,400 Hale Irwin(0),$26,400 BobbyClampett(0), $23,200 StevePate(0), $23,200 RogerChapman(0), $19,200 TomJenkins(0), $19,200 Dick Mast(0), $19,200
MarkM cNulty (0),$19,200
RussCochran(0), $14,300 TomKite(0), $14,300 TomLehma n (0), $14,300 Frys.cornOpen Andrew Magee(0), $14,300 Sunday KennyPerry(0), $14,300 At CordevaffeGolf Club Scott Simpson (0), $14,300 San Martin, Calif. RodSpittle(0), $14,300 Purse: $5 million BruceVaughan(0), $14,300 Yardage: 7,368;Par 71 Jeff Hart(0), $11,040 Final Jim Rutledge (0), $11,040 JonasBlixt, $900,000 66- 68-66-6826— 8 Willie Wood (0) $11040 Olin Browne (0), $9,400 JasonKokrak,$440,000 6 8-66-67-68—269 TimPetrovic,$440,000 70-68-67-64 269 Joe Dale(0), y $9,400 RickFehr(0), $9,400 John Ma linger, $196,875 66-62-70-72—270 Bob Tway (0), $9,400 AlexandreRocha,$196,875 69-67-66-68—270 70-66-66-68 —270 MarkCalcavecchia(0), $8000 Betting line Vijay Singh,$196,875 JimmyWalker,$196,875 73-68-67 -62 270 Joel Edwa rds(0), $8,000 NFL Jeff Overton, $155,000 68 - 69-68-66 271— CoreyPavin(0), $8,000 (Hometeamsin Caps) Mike Rei d (0), $8,000 Knox,$140,000 7 0 -68-65-69 —272 Favorite Opening Current Underdog Russell Tommy Armour RI(0), $6,560 GaryWoodland,$140,000 66-72-66-68—272 Today DavidEger(0), $6,560 Flores, $106,000 7 1 -67-68-67 273 CHARGERS 3 1 Broncos Martin BobGrlder(0), $6,560 CharlesHowellIII, $106,000 66-69-66-72—273 GaryHagberg(0), $6,560 Zack Miller,$106,000 70- 69-66-6827— 3 SteveLowery (0),$6,560 Bryce Mol d er, $106,000 7 1 -67-66-69 — 27 3 BASEBALL Bill Glasson (0), $5,280 PatrickReed,$106,000 7 3 -67-70-63 —273 StevenBowditch,$72,500 71-64-71 68 274 TomPurtzer(0), $5,280 MLB Scott Dunlap,$72,500 70 - 63-70-71 —274 Lance TenBroeck(0), $5,280 MAJORLEAGUEBASEBALL 71-68-69-66 —274 ErnieEls,$72,500 MarkBrooks(0),$4,200 PostseasonGlance 69-67-67-71 —274 DannyLee,$72,500 RobinByrd(0), $4,200 AH TimesPDT Jeff Maggert,$72,500 67 - 71-67-69 274— LarryNelson(0), $4,200 73-65-68-68 —274 ChezReavie, $72,500 BobbyWadkins (0),$4,200 69-71-65-70 —275 LEAGUECHAMPIONSHIP SERIES BenCurtis,$45,071 Wayne Levi(0), $3,280 (Best-of-7; x-if necessary) Mathew Goggin,$45,071 69-70-6 9-67— 275 ChienSoonLu(0), $3,280 American League David Mathis,$45,071 68-70-67-7 0— 275 MarkMouland(0), $3280 62-71-71-71 275 DavidPeoples(0), $3,280 AH gamestelevised byTBS Nick O'Hem,$45,071 68-67-69-71 —275 Detroit 2, NewYork 0 D.A. Points,$45,071 Jim Thorpe (0), $3,280 Saturday,Oct.13: Detroit 6,NewYork 4,12 innings JhonattanVegas,$45,071 65-67-71-72—275 D.A.Weibring(0), $3,280 66-69-68-72 —275 Sunday,Oct. 14:Detroit 3, NewYork0 GregOwen,$45,071 Allen Doyl(0), e $2,400 69-71-67-69 —276 Tuesday, Oct. 16.NewYork(Hughes16-13) atDetroit BrianGay,$31,792 Jay Haas (0), $2,400 (Verlander17-8), 5:07p.m. Billy Horschel$31,792 , 6 7 -65-73-71 276— SandyLyte(0), $2,400 Wednesday,Oct. 17: NewYork at Detroit (Scherzer GarthMulroy,$31,792 73 - 67-67-69 276— Eduardo Romero (0), $2,400
PGA Tour
70-74-77 221 75-74-73 —222 76-76-70 —222 72-72-79—223 69-72 82 223 74-74-75 —223 74-71-78—223 72-76-76—224 77-74-73 —224 70-79-76 —225 77-75-76—228 78-79-71 —228 78-75-75 —228 80-75-75 —230 82-79-77 —238
LPGAMalaysra Sunda y At Kuala LumpurGolf and CountryClub Infante2b Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia Totals Purse: $1.9million Yardage: 6,246; Par:71 New York A B R H B l BB SD Avg. ut' a-amate I .Suzuki If 4 0 0 0 0 0 .40 0 Final Rou ntI Canc2b 4 0 0 0 0 0 .00 0 I n bee Park, $285, 0 00 69-68-65-67 —269 T eixeira I b 4 0 1 0 0 0 .25 0 Na Yean C hoi , $179,747 65-67-68-71—271 I banez dh 2 0 1 0 2 1 .42 9 65-71-68-68 —272 R .Martin c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .22 2 KarrieWebb,$130,394 A I.Rodriguez 3b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .14 3 CatrionaMatthew,$100,870 68-68-70-67—273 S o Yean R yu, $81,1 89 68-73-67-66 —274 G randerson cf 3 0 0 0 1 3 .00 0 70-66-72 S wisher rf 3 0 1 0 0 2 .25 0 LindseyWright, $61,014 er,$61,014 JNixes 3 0 0 0 0 1 .00 0 PaulaCream JessicaKorda,$48,714 Totals 31 0 4 0 3 10 Candie Kung, $38,749 Detroit 000 000 120 — 3 8 1 LizetteSalas,$38,749 New York 000 000 000 — 0 4 0 a-AriyaJutanugarn a-singledforBerry inthe8th. Mika Miyazato,$38,749 E—A.Sanchez (1). LOB —Detroit 6, NewYork 7. Ai Miyazato,$38,749 28 Berry(1),Teixeira(1).SB Gra nderson(1). AzaharaMunoz,$31,294 Yoo, $31,294 Detroit IP H R E R BB SDERA NP Sun Young A.Sanchez W,1-0 7 3 0 0 3 7 110 0.00 KarineIcher,$27,030 CokeS,1-1 2 1 0 0 0 3 2 80.00 gheeLee,$27,030 Ji, $27,030 NewYork IP H 1 E RBBSONP ERAEun-Hee Feng, $21,875 KurodaL,O-I 72-35 3 3 0 1 1 1033.52 Shanshan Logan 0 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 . 00 StacyLewis,$21,875 BeatrizRecari,$21,875 Chamberlain 0 1 00 0 0 4 R apada 0 0 0 0 1 0 9 0. 0 0 I K Kim,$21,875 Eppley 11-31 0 0 0 2 1 7 0.00 SydneeMichaels,$21,875 BrittanyLang,$21,875 Loganpitchedto1 batterin the8th. SuzannPetersen, $21,875 Chamberlainpitchedto 1bater inthe8th. Cristie Kerr,$18,108 Rapada pitched to1 batter inthe8th. AmyYang,$18,108 T—3;18. A—47,082(50,291) HeeYoungPark,$18,108 MomokoUeda,$16,729 Lexi Thompson,$14,860 Cardinals 6, Giants 4 Mina Harigae, $14860 GerinaPiler,$14,860 St. Louis AB R H Bl BB SD Avg. SandraGal,$14,860 Jay cf 5 1 I I 0 1 .20 0 Chega Chai, $14,860 Beltranrf 4 I 1 2 0 0 .2 5 0 CindyLacrosse,$12,596 Holliday lf 4 0 1 0 0 0 .2 5 0 Mo Martin,$12,596 Craig 1b 3 0 0 0 1 1 .0 0 0 Karin Sjodin,$12,596 Y.Molinac 4 1 1 0 0 1 .2 5 0 Michege Wie,$10,687 Freese3b 4 I 1 2 0 1 .2 5 0 Pornanong Phatlum, $10,687 Descalso2b 4 1 2 0 0 1 .5 0 0 AnnaNordqvist, $10,687 Kozma ss 4 1 1 1 0 1 .2 5 0 CarolineHedwag,$10,687 Lynn p 1 0 0 0 1 1 .0 0 0 Jiyai Shin,$10,687 J.Kel yp 0 0 0 0 0 0 NicoleCastrate,$9,448 Rzepczynski p 0 0 0 0 0 0 JenniferJohnson,$8,857 b-Schumaker pIi 1 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 Meena Lee,$8,857 Rosenthalp 0 0 0 0 0 0 Daniege Kang,$8,069 Mujica p 0 0 0 0 0 0 BrittanyLincicome,$8,069 Boggsp 0 0 0 0 0 0 KatherineHull, $8,069 d-S.Robinsonp h 1 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 AlisonWalshe,$7,061 Motte p 0 0 0 0 0 0 YaniTseng,$7,061 Totals 35 6 8 6 2 7 Hee-Won Han,$7,061 JulietaGranada,$7,061 SanFrancisco AB R H Bl BB SD Avg. Jodi Ewart,$6,495 Pagancf 5 0 1 0 0 1 .20 0 a-Ssu-ChiaCheng S cutaro 2b 5 1 2 0 0 1 .40 0 MariajoUribe $6101 S andoval 3b 3 0 0 0 1 2 .00 0 Haeji Kang, $6,101 Poseyc 3 0 0 0 I 1 .00 0 JennyShin,$6,101 Pencerf 4 1 1 0 0 0 .25 0 ophie Gustafson,$5,707 Belt 1b 4 1 1 1 0 0 .2 5 0 GrulraSergas,$5,413 G .Blanco If 4 1 1 2 0 0 .25 0 VickyHurst,$5,413 B .crawford ss 4 0 1 I 0 1 .25 0 Amanda Blumenherst,$5,019 B umgarner p I 0 0 0 0 1 .00 0 AngelaStanford,$5,019 Kontosp 0 0 0 0 0 0 a-ArethaPan a-A.Huff ph 0 0 0 0 1 0 Carly Booth, $4,773 Lincecump 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ainil Johani$4,773 , c-Theriot ph 0 0 0 0 I 0 JeanChua,$4,625 Affeldtp 0 0 0 0 0 0 MorganPressel,$4,528 S.casigap 0 0 0 0 0 0 a-SarfinaVinota Mijaresp 0 0 0 0 0 0 e -H.Sanchez ph I 0 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 Champion s Tour Totals 34 4 7 4 4 7 St.Louis 020400000 — 6 8 0 Greater HickoryClassic SanFrancisco 000400000 — 4 7 1 Sunday a-walkedfor Kontos in the 4th b-lined out for At Rock BarnGolf andSpa (JonesCourse) Rzepczynski inthe6th. c-walkedfor Lincecumin the Conover, N. C. 6th. d-linedout for Boggsin the9th. e-flied outfor Purse: $1.6 m iHion Mijares inthe9th. Yardage: 7,090;Par: 72 E—Sandoval (1) I.OB—St. Louis 4, SanFran Final cisco 7. 2B —Descalso (1), Kozm a (I), B.crawford Charles SchwabCuppointsin parentheses (1). 3B —G.Blanco(1). HR —Freese (1), off Bumgar FredFunk(240), $240,000 66-66-69 —201 ner; Beltran(1), off Bumgarner. SB—Hogiday (1), DuffyWaldorf(141), $140,800 69-67-66—202 Kozma(1). MarkWiebe(115), $115,200 67-69-70—206 DP — SanFrancisco 1. Chip Beck (69), $68,800 69-67-71 —207 St. Louis IP HRER BB SD NPERA 3 2-35 44 2 3 85 9.82 Lynn J.Kel y 1 1 00 1 0 13 0.00 Rzepczynski 1-3 0 00 0 0 3 0.00 RosenthalH, 1 1 0 00 1 1 16 0.00 Mujica W,1-0 H,11 0 00 0 3 13 0.00 BoggsH, 1 1 0 00 0 0 10 0.00 Motte S,1-1 1 I 0 0 0 0 17 0.00 San Francisco IP HRER BB SO NPERA BumgarnerL,0-1 32-3 8 66 1 2 73 14.73 1-3 0 00 0 0 2 0.00 Kontos Lincecum 2 0 00 1 1 24 0 00 Affeldt I 0 00 0 0 8 0.00 S.casiga 1 0 00 0 2 19 0.00 M ijares 1 0 00 0 2 12 0.00 T 3:21. A 42,534(41,915)
CraigStadler(0),$2,400 WalterHal (0),$1,840 JohnHarris(0), $1,840 BradFaxon(0), $1,456 Jeff Freeman (0), $1,456 MikeGoodes(0), $1,456 Jerry Pate(0), $1,456 Gil Morgan(0), $1,168 Esteban Toledo (0), $1,168 PeterJacobsen(0), $1,056 Jim Gallagher,Jr. (0), $928 P.H.HorganRI(0), $928 JamesMason(0), $928 DanaQuigley(0), $800 Jay Sigel(0), $736
67-72-68—207 68-71-68 —207 65-72-70—207 68-69-70 —207 66-71-71 —208 70-69-69 —208 70-70-68 —208 66-67-76 —209 70-69-70 —209 69-68-72 —209
69-71-69 —209 69-75-66—210 71-72-67 —210 69-71-71—211 70-70-71 211 74-69-69 —212 69-74-69 —212 72-68-72 —212 71-73-68—212 70-72-71 —213 68-77-68—213 68-74-71 213 73-71-69 —213 74-70-69 —213 68-72-73 —213 71-71-71—213 68-73-72 —213 75-70-69—214 73-75-66 —214 70-71-73—214 74-70-71 —215 74-70-71—215 74-69-72 215 71-72-72 —215 74-76-66 —216 73-71-72—216 71-74-71—216 68-76-72 —216 73-70-74—217 74-71-72 217 72-69-76 —217 74-71-72 —217 70-74-73—217 75-72-71 218 71-74-73—218 72-73-73 —218 75-69-75 —219 76-72-71—219 73-75-71 —219 70-74-75—219 70-77-73—220 73-76-71 —220 70-72-78 —220 75-71-74—220 74-75-71 220 73-78-69 —220 75-75-71 —221 73-74-74—221 70-77-74—221 79-67-75 —221
Jamaica Antigua
Wednesday's Game RealSaltLakeatSeattle FC,8p.m.
Saturday's Games
Montrealat TorontoFC,10:30a.m. SportingKansasCity atNewYork, 4p.m. PhiladelphiaatHouston, 4.30p.m. Columbusat D.C.United, 4:30p m. Chicag oatNewEngland,4:30p.m. Color adoatChivasUSA 730 pm Sunday, Oct. 21 Portlandat Vancouver, 4p.m. Los AngelesatSanJose, 4p.m. FC DallasatSeatle FC,6p.m.
Drivers Standings (After 16 of 20races)
1. SebastianVetel, Germany, Red Bull, 215points. 2. Fernando Alonso, Spain, Ferrari, 209. 3. KimiRaikkonen,Finland, Lotus,167. 4. LewisHamilton, England,McLaren,153. 5. MarkWebber, Australia, RedBug,152. 6. Jenson Buton, England, McLaren,131. 7. NicoRosberg,Germany Mercedes, 93. 8. Romarn Grosjean, France,Lotus, 88 9. FelipeMassa,Brazil Ferrari 81. 10. SergioPerez,Mexico, Sauber, 66. 11. Kamui Kobayashi, Japan,Sauber,50. 12 NiceHulkenberg,Germany,ForceIndia, 45. 13 Paul diResta,Scotland, ForceIndia, 44. 14.MichaelSchumacher,Germany,Mercedes,43. 15. PastorMadonado,Venezuela, Wiliams, 33. 16 BrunoSenna,Brazil, Wiliams,25. 17. Jean-EricVergne,France,Toro Rosso, 12. 18. DanieRi l cciardo, Australia,ToroRosso, 9.
Blixt gets one-stroke PGA Tour
victory The Associated Press SAN MARTIN, Calif. — Jo nas Blixt is a frustrated hockey player turned golfer. He's also a winner in his first season on the PGA Tour. "I was more interested in hockey. I wanted to be a hock ey player," the Swede said Sun day after his b reakthrough victoryin the Frys.corn Open. "I never really got big enough
or good enough to play. Golf kind of suited me pretty well." Blixt was a defenseman and played hockey well into his teens. "It's the greatest sport ever," he said. "The lockout just kills me." The third PGA Tour rookie to win this season, Blixt holed a 4-foot par putt on the final hole for a 3-under 68 and a one stroke victory in the Fall Series event at CordeValle. He earned $900,000and a tour exemption through the 2014 season. "The weird part is I' ve been working on some stuff with my swing, and I wasn't feeling completely 100 percent about my swing," Blixt said. "I just told myself, 'Just give it a good hit every time and see what happens. Just focus. You can' t do anything better than your best.' That's what I did on ev ery shot." He finished at 16-under 268.
Tim Petrovic and Jason Kokrak tied for second. Petro vic had a 64, and Kokrak shot a 68. Third-round leader John Mallinger had a 72 to tie for fourth at 14 under with Jimmy Walker, Vijay Singh and Alex andre Rocha. Walker closed with a 62, and Singh and Ro cha shot 68. Blixt made a 9-foot birdie putt on the par-5 15th for a share of the lead, and holed a 7 I/2-footer on the short par-4 17th to pull ahead. He set up the birdie on 17 with an ap proach shot from the rough. "It was a bad lie, but the ball came out well," Blixt said. T wo str o k e s behi n d Mallinger entering the round, Blixt birdied the first two holes, but gave back the strokes with bogeys on the next two. The 28-year-old f o rmer F l o rida State player made a birdie on the par-4 sixth, then had eight straight pars before the birdie on 15. Blixt was making his 19th PGA Tour start. He finished third last week in Las Vegas. Also on Sunday: Park rallies for LPGA victory K UALA L U M P UR, M a laysia — Inbee Park rallied to win th e L PGA M alaysia for hersecond victory of the year, closing with a 4-under 67 to beat fellow South Korean player Na Yeon Choi by two strokes. Park took the lead with a tap-in birdie on the par 4 13th and moved two shots ahead wit h a n other s h ort birdie putt on the par-4 14th. She got away with bogeys on the final two holes when Choi made a double bogey on the par-3 17th in her closing 71.
Funk scores Champions win CONOVER, N.C. — Fred Funk won the Greater Hickory Classic for his second Cham pions Tour title of the year and eighth overall, holing a 2-foot birdie putt on the final hole to beat Duffy Waldorf by a stroke. The 56-year-old Funk closed with a 3-under 69 on Rock Barn's Jones Course to finish at 15-under 201. He also won eight times on the PGA Toun Lowry takes Portugal title VILAMOURA, Po r t u gal — Ireland's Shane Lowry won the Portugal Masters for his second European Tour victo ry, finishing with a 5-under 66 to beat England's Ross Fisher by a stroke. Fisher had one last chance after Lowry bogeyed the 18th, but the Englishman also had a bogey.
Stefani gets secondWebwin MIAMI — Shawn Stefani won the Miccosukee Cham pionship for his second Web. corn Tourvictory of the year, closing with a 3-under 68 for a five-stroke victory over Aus tralia's Alistair Presnell. Ste fani finished at 15-under 269 at Miccosukee Golf and Coun try Club, and earned $108,000 to jump from 16th to fourth on the money list with $303,311.
OO IeeB S eB BW S B S The Associated Press SEATTLE — Tom Brady and the best offense in the NFL got upstaged by an un dersized rookie. In the final minutes, it was Russell Wilson and the Seat tle Seahawks making all the
a aaaa
big plays. "If guys didn't believe in h im," Seattle s afety E a r l Thomas said, "I guarantee they believe in him now." Wilson found Sidney Rice behind the secondary for a 46-yard touchdown with I:18 remaining, and the Seahawks rallied for 14 points in the fi nal 7:31 to stun the New Eng land Patriots 24-23 Sunday. The matchup between the Patriots' No. I ranked offense and Seattle's No. I defense in stead turned in to a starring performance for Wilson. And a shocking rally that gave Pete Carroll a win in the first matchup against the franchise he coached for three seasons in the late 1990s. Carroll was bouncing around the sideline in celebration after one of his biggest pro victories. "I h adn't e ve n t h ought about that. That was a long time agoand there have been a lot of games," Carroll said. "I really love Robert Kraft, he's a great man and he' s been great throughout the years about our separation of sorts. I respect the heck out of him. But I'm a competitor and, heck yeah, I want to win against those guys." W ilson hi t B r aylon E d wards on fourth down f or a 10-yard TD to get the Se ahawks within 23-17. After a pair of holds by Seattle's defense, Wilson found Rice streaking open on a double move for his third touchdown pass of th e g ame. Steven Hauschka's extra point gave Seattle (4-2) the lead with 78 seconds remaining. Brady had a final chance to make up for all the opportuni ties the Patriots (3-3) squan dered. Starting at his 20 with I:14 left, Brady missed Bran don Lloyd then was sacked by JasonJones,the first sack all day by Seattle. His pass for Aaron Hernandez, back after being out since Week 2 with an ankle injury, was incomplete, and Wes Welker was stopped short on fourth down. Seattle's winning t o uch down came a f te r C a r roll showed confidence in his de fense. The Seahawks went three-and-out with 3:20 left and Carroll risked never see ing the ball again and punted. Even though Seattle had three timeouts and the two minute warning, it was still a
Elaine Thompsoni The Associated Press
Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson scramblesagainst the New England Patriots in the first half of Sunday's game in Seattle. Giants..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 49ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 SAN FRANCISCO — An risky proposition. home game. Dallas ran for trel Rolle i n tercepted two "I wasn't surprised. As a 227 yards,most ever against passes by Alex Smith, Prince defense we want the game on the Ravens, and totaled 481 Amukamara picked off an our shoulders," Seattle line yards offense. But the Cow land snapped an 11-game los other and th e Giants shut backer Bobby Wagner said. boys (2-3) missed a 2-point ing streak that dated to last down San Francisco in a vic "We have the confidence in conversion after closing to season. Cleveland had not won tory over the 49ers in a re us; we know Pete has the con two points with 32 seconds since Nov. 20, matching a fran match of last season's NFC fidence in us." left. Dallas recovered the on chise recordfor consecutive championship game. A f t er Also on Sunday: side kick, and Dan Bailey was losses. But for the first time outscoring the Bills and Jets Lions...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 wide left on a 51-yard field this season everything fell into by a combined 79-3 the past Eagles...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 goal try with 6 seconds left. place for the Browns (1-5). two weeks, the 49ers (4-2) met PHILADELPHIA — Jason Buccaneers.......... . . ... 38 Dolphins...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 their match again with El i Hanson kicked a 45-yard field Chiefs ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Rams...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Manning and New York's top goal in overtime and Detroit TAMPA, Fla. — Josh Free MIAMI — Ryan Tannehill team. rallied from a 10-point fourth man threw for 328 yards and threw two touchdown pass Redskins..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 quarter deficit to beat Phila three touchdowns and Ronde es and Miami w ithstood a Vikings..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 delphia. Held in check most of Barber scored on a 78-yard late rally. The Rams faced a LANDOVER, Md. — Rob the game, Matthew Stafford interception return. Freeman fourth-and-8 at the Miami 48 ert Griffin III ran for 138 yards led Detroit to 17 points in the teamed with Mike Williams yard line with 30 seconds left, and two touchdowns, includ fourth quarter. He threw a TD on a 62-yard scoring play in and rather than go for a first ing a 76-yard scamper with pass and ran for a score. the first quarter and threw TD down, coach Jeff Fisher sent 2:43 to play, and Washington Falcons...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 passes of 19 and 17 yards to out rookie Greg Zuerlein to snapped aneight-game home Raiders...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 VincentJackson inthe second try a 66-yard field goal, which losing streak with a win over ATLANTA — Matt Bryant half as the Bucs (2-3) stopped missed wide left. Minnesota. One week after kicked his second game-win a three-game losing streak. Bills ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 he left the game early with his ning field goal in three weeks, Jets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Cardinals ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 16 first NFL concussion, Griffin a 55-yarder with I second re Colts..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 G LENDALE, A r i z . also completed 17 of 22 passes maining. Overcoming Matt EAST RUT H E RFORD, Jairus Byrd's second intercep for 182 yards with one touch Ryan's three i nterceptions, N.J. — Shonn Greene ran for tion of the game set up Rian down and one interception. the Falcons (6-0) extended the a career-high 161 yards and Lindell's 25-yard field goal Packers ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 best start in franchise history. three touchdowns, Mark San 3:50 into overtime that gave Texans ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 But it wasn't easy against the chez was efficient and Tim Buffalo a victory over Arizo HOUSTON — Aaron Rod pesky Raiders (1-4). Tebow made a few big plays. na. The loss ended Arizona's gers set a career high and tied Ravens..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31 Even the Jets' maligned de eight-game home winning a franchise record with six Cowboys..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 fense was able to shut down streak. Byrd picked off a pass touchdown passes, three to BALTIMORE — J a coby Andrew Luck and the Colts' from John Skelton, who had Jordy Nelson, and Green Bay Jones tied an N F L r e cord offense as New York snapped replaced the injured Kevin routed previously unbeaten with a 108-yard kickoff re a two-game losing streak that Kolb, and returned it 29 yards Houston. James Jones caught turn and Baltimore won its had many wondering if the to the Arizona 6 to set up the two touchdown passes for the 14th straight regular-season season was about to spiral out winning kick. Packers (3-3).
of controL Browns...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Bengals ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 CLEVELAND — R o okie Brandon Weeden threw two touchdown passes and Cleve
Win puts Bowyer back inchampionship hunt By jenna Fryer The Associated Press
CONCORD, N.C. — One of these d ays, Clint B o w yer m i gh t h a v e enough gas in his tank to do a celebra tory burnout. Until then, he's just fine walking to Victory Lane. Bowyer and crew chief Brian Pattie stretched a final tank of fuel to the fin ish for a win at Charlotte Motor Speed way that pushed the Michael Waltrip Racing team back into the champion ship picture. It was its third win of the season, and Bowyer has run out of gas after taking the checkered flag all three times. "It's fun to walk to Victory Lane, that's the best walk you could ever have," he said after Saturday night' s win. "I think that's my new trade mark. I' ll walk home if it means Vic tory Lane." Bowyer didn't expect to be in this position at this time last year, when talks on a contract extension broke down with Richard Childress Racing. Neither did Pattie, who was stuck at home unable to work because he had been fired as Juan Pablo Montoya's crew chief but was still under contract to the race team. And team owner Waltrip, he want ed them both because they'dbe an upgrade to his organization and allow him to expand to a third team. But he wasn'tsure either would even consid erjoining MWR. Somehow, it all came together and clicked faster than anyone expected. The cars were fast, the chemistry was good and they were inVictory Lane for the first time in June on the road course at Sonoma. They did it again on the short track at Richmond to end
It won't be easy for Bowyer to over come this deficit and win the cham p ionship. Standing in front of h i m is Keselowski, a two-time winner in the Chase so far, five-time NASCAR champion Jimmie Johnson and Den ny Hamlin, who nearly won the 2010 title but fumbled it away to Johnson in the finale. In 2009, when Pattie led Montoya into the Chase, the crew chief played a game of math to make a run at the title. He chased points and finishes and played it safe, and while it worked for the best season in Montoya's NAS CAR career, it wasn't enough to win Nigel Kinrade /Autostock the title. Glint Bowyer celebrates his winin With Bowyer, and with five races to Victory Lane after the NASCAR go, Pattie has a different strategy for Sprint Cup Series auto race at Char catching Keselowski, Johnson and lotte Motor Speedway, Saturday in Hamlin. "We' re going for trophies," he said. Concord, N.C. "That's the only way you' re going to beat (them). That mid-pack, fourth, the regular season. fifth, sixth in points, we' re gapped a Saturday night's victory came on little bit from the leaders, so you had to the 1.5-mile intermediate Charlotte do something special to get back into track and marked that halfway point it. This definitely helps." of the 10-race Chase. It pushed Bow Maybe it will w ork for th e f irst yer up one spot in the Chase standings championship for driver, crew chief to fourth, just 28 points behind leader and owner. But if it doesn' t, nobody at Brad Keselowski as the Sprint Cup MWR should be disappointed. Series shifts to Kansas — Bowyer's This was, after all, an organization home track. that nearly folded midway through "That's probably the biggest thing, its 2007 inaugural season. A cheat to come off this win, going into your ing scandal involving Waltrip at the hometown," Bowyer said. "It's just season-opening Daytona 500 nearly so important to be able to roll in on a destroyed his career. positive note. And to be able to win Facing bankruptcy and the loss there some day, we' ve gotten close, if of everything he had built, he was we could possibly pull this off again thrown a lifeline by Rob Kauf fman, an in Kansas — it would be, that's my, do investment fund manager and racing you dare say, Daytona 500? But it truly enthusiast who stepped in late in that is. That's the biggest race you can pos season to pump cash into an organiza sibly win, in front of your hometown." tion nobody in their right mind should
have partnered with. It literally saved MWR, and Kauffman continued to an swer the call at every level of Waltrip's plan to grow the organization into one of NASCAR's top teams. "We went to Rob with a plan that cost a lot of money above budgets, a lot of money that I didn't have," Waltrip said. "We told Rob we really felt like this plan would enable us to improve our cars so our drivers could go win races. And Rob endorsed the plan, said 'I want to win, I want to be up front, I want to be a contender.' It enabled us to build the cars that we have today that Clint is able to drive so wonderfully and Brian is able to make those calls. "So I think the main thing that hap pened at MWR was we came up with a plan and Rob said, 'I' ll fund that plan.'" It has worked to perfection with MWR earning its first Chase berths this year with both Bowyer and Mar tin Truex Jr., and on Saturday night, the organization had Bowyer, Truex and Mark Martin in the top 10 — the third time this season all three of its cars have finished inside the top 10. And itcame on a night when manu facturer Toyota took six spots in the top 10, in a fuel mileage race, a mere two weeks after Kyle Busch blasted the manufacturer for the poor mileage the his engine got at Dover. No prob lem at Charlotte. "I' ll just be honest — at the begin ning of the year I heard a lot of things, a lot of rumors about the engines, the engines, the engines," Bowyer said, "let me tell you something, in a short amount of time, from the beginning of the year until right now, they' ve slow ly and steadily become the best engine program in the sport."
Giants 26, 49ers 3 N.Y.Giants San Francisco
0 10 13 3 — 26 3 0 0 0 — 3 First Quarter SF — FGAkers42, 2.00
W L N.Y.Jets 3 3 N ew England 3 3 Miami 3 3 Buffalo 3 3
10:04. NYG —FGTynes34,2:56 Third Quarter
Houston Indianapolis Tennessee Jacksonvile
NYG —Bradshaw1run (Tyneskick),11:48. NYG —FGTynes30,9:51. NYG —FGTynes22,6.10 Fourth Quarter NYG —FGTynes32,1:56. A—69,732.
KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —N.Y. Giants: Bradshaw 27-116, Wilson7-35,Manning3-(minus 2). San Francisco: Gore8-36, Hunter4-26, Manningham1-7,Kaepernick 2-6, AleSmith2-5. PASSING —N.Y. Giants: Manning15-28-0-193. Sau Francisco: Ale.Smith1930-3-200, Kaepernick 4-7-0-82. RECEIVING —N.Y. Giants: Cruz 6-58, Hixon 4-78, Nicks3-44, Bennett1-9, Bradshaw1-4. San Francisco: Manningham5-72, KWilliams 4-40, Gore4-20,V.Davis3-37,Crabtree3-26,Moss2-75, Celek1-6,Hunter1-6. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— N.Y.Giants:Tynes
Baltimore Cincinnati Pittsburgh Cleveland
Redskins 3B,Vikings 26 Minnesota Washington
9 0 3 1 4 — 26 0 17 7 14 — 38 First Quarter Min — FGWalsh 20, 11.31. Min — FGWalsh27, 6:18.
Min — FGWatsh27,147 SecondQuarter Was —FGForbath50, 10.51.
Was —Morris 1run(Forbath kick), 2:27. Was —Young6passfrom Griffin III(Forbathkick), 2:14.
Third Quarter Was —Griffin III 7run(Forbathkick), 9.37. Min FG Walsh 37, 418 Fourth Quarter Was —M.Wiliams 24 interception return (Forbath kick), 12.40. Min Jenkins 9passfromPonder (Rudolphpass from Ponder), 8:02. Min — Rudolph 1passfrom Ponder (passtailed), 3:36. Was Griffin III 76 run(Forbathkick), 2:43. A—78,476. M in 27
1 -(-2)
KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time oiPossession
3-100 0-0 1 -0 2 - 24 35-52-2 17-22-1 4-25 1-4 2-50.5 3-38 3 2-1 1-0 5 -29 7 - 66 31:32 28:28
2-(minus 2). PASSING— Minnesota: Ponder 35-52-2-352. Washington: Griffin11 117-22-1-182. RECEIVING —Minnesota: Harvin 11-133, Peterson7-50, Jenkins6-67, Rudolph6-56, Gerhart 2-10, Ellison1-16, Aromashodu 1-13, Garison1-7. Washingt on:Moss4-46,F.Davis3-46,Morgan3 42, Hankerson 2-23, Banks2-3, Morris 1-9, Royster 1-7, Young1-6 MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.
Seahawks24, Patriots 23 7 10 3 3 — 2 3 10 0 0 1 4 — 24
First Quarter Sea —FGHauschka34, 7:35. NE — Welker 46 pass from Brady (Gostkowski kick), 5:49. Sea —Baldwin 24passfrom Wilson(Hauschka kick), 1:50. SecondQuarter NE — Hernandez 1 passfrom Brady(Gostkowski kick), 10:33. NE —FG Gostkowski25,212 Third Quarter NE — FGGostkowski 35,9.21. Fourth Quarter NE— FG Gostkowski35,9;21. Sea —Edwards 10 pass from Wilson (Hauschka kick), 7:21. Sea —Rice46 passfromWilson (Hauschkakick), 1:18. A—68,137. First downs
W 5 2 2 I
L 1 3 4 4
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .8 3 3 .4 0 0 .3 3 3 .2 0 0
W 5 3 2 1
L I 3 3 5
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .8 3 3 .5 0 0 .4 0 0 .1 6 7
133 141 188 137 120 117 137 192
2 - 2- 0 1 - 1-0 2 - 1-0 1 - 1-0
PF 173 100 114 65
PA 11 5 14 5 20 4 138
PF PA 1 6 1 11 8 1 4 9 16 3 1 1 6 11 5 1 3 4 16 3
San Diego Denver Oakland KansasCity
T P c t PF
3 2 1 1
0 0 0 0
102 11 4 148 183
2 3 4 5
600 .4 0 0 .2 0 0 .1 6 7
1 - 1-0 2 - 2-0 1 - 2-0 2 - 2-0
3-2-0 3-1-0 2-2-0 2-2-0
0-1-0 0-2-0 1-1-0 1-1-0
Di v 2-0-0 1-0-0 0-1-0 0-2-0
Ho m e 2- 1- 0 2- 1- 0 2- 1- 0 0- 3 - 0
A w ay 3 - 0-0 0 - 2-0 0 - 3-0 1 - 1-0
A FC NF C Di v 5-0-0 0-1-0 2-0-0 0-2-0 2-1-0 0-1-0 1-3-0 1-1-0 0-1-0 1-2-0 0-2-0 1-1-0
Ho m e 4- 0- 0 1- 1- 0 2- 0- 0 1- 2- 0
A way 1 - 1-0 2 - 2-0 0 - 3-0 0 - 3-0
A FC 4 - 0-0 2 - 3-0 1 - 3-0 1 - 3-0
N FC D i v 1-1-0 2-0-0 1-0-0 1-2-0 1-0-0 0-0-0 0-2-0 1-2-0
12 4 135 87 104
Ho m e A w ay A FC NF C 1- 1 - 0 2 - 1 0 3-0 0 0-2 0 2- 1- 0 0 - 2-0 2-2-0 0-1-0 1-1 - 0 0 - 3 -0 1-3-0 0-1-0 0- 3 - 0 1 - 2-0 0-3-0 1-2-0
Di v 2-0-0 1-0-0 0-2-0 0-1-0
NATIONAL CONFERENCE East W N .Y. Giants 4 P hiladelphia 3 W ashington 3 Dallas 2
L 2 3 3 3
T 0 0 0 0
Pc t .66 7 .50 0 .50 0 .4 0 0
PF PA 178 114 103 125 178 173 94 119
H o m e A way 2 - 1-0 2 - 1-0 2 - 1-0 1 - 2-0 1 - 2-0 2 - 1-0 1 - 1-0 1 - 2-0
NFC AFC 3-2-0 1-0-0
Di v 0-2-0
1-2-0 2-1-0 1-0-0 3-2-0 0-1-0 0-0-0 2-2-0 0-1-0 1-0-0
South Atlanta
TampaBay Carolina NewOrleans
W 6 2 1
L 0 3 4
T 0 0 0
P c t PF PA 1. 000 171 113 .4 0 0 1 2 0 10 1 .2 0 0 92 1 2 5 0 .2 0 0 1 4 1 1 5 4
Chicago Minnesota GreenBay Detroit
W 4 4 3 2
L 1 2 3 3
T 0 0 0 0
Pct .8 0 0 .6 6 7 .5 0 0 .4 0 0
PF PA 149 7 1 1 4 6 11 7 1 5 4 13 5 1 2 6 13 7
Ho m e 3 - 0- 0 2- 1- 0 1- 2 - 0
A w ay 3 - 0-0 0 - 2-0 0 - 2-0
NFC AFC Di v 2-0-0 4-0-0 1-0-0 1-3-0 1-0-0 1-0-0 1-4-0 0-0-0 1-2-0 1- 2 - 0 0 - 2-0 0-3-0 1-1-0 0-1-0
Ho m e 2-0 - 0 3- 0- 0 2- 1- 0 1- 1- 0
A w ay 2 - 1-0 1 - 2-0 1 - 2-0 1 - 2-0
NFC AFC Di v 2-1-0 2-0-0 0-1-0 2-1-0 2-1-0 1-0-0 2-2-0 1-1-0 1-0-0 2-2-0 0-1-0 0-1-0
West W A rizona 4 San Francisco 4 Seattle 4 St. Louis 3
L 2 2 2 3
T 0 0 0 0
Pct . 667 . 667 . 667 . 500
PF 110 152 110 110
PA Hom e Away NFC 97 3-1 - 0 1-1-0 2-1-0 94 2-1 - 0 2-1-0 2-2-0 93 3-0 - 0 1-2-0 3-2-0 1 1 1 3- 0 -0 0-3-0 3-2-0
Thursday'sGame Tennesse e26,Pittsburgh23 Sunday's Games
AFC 2 -1-0 2 -0-0 1 -0-0 0 -1-0
Thursday,Oct. 18 SeattleatSanFrancisco,520p.m Sunday, Oct. 21 ArizonaatMinnesota, 10a.m. GreenBa yat St.Louis, 10am. BaltimoreatHouston,10a.m. WashingtonatN.Y. Giants,10 am. DallasatCarolina, lga m. NewOrleansatTampaBay, 10a.m. Cleveland atIndianapolis,10 a.m. Tenne sseeatBuff alo,10am.
N.YJetsatNewEngland,1:25p.m. Pittsburgh atCincinnati, 5:20p.m. Open: Atlanta,Denver,KansasCity, Miami, Philadelphia,
Monday, Oct. 22 DetroitatChicago,5:30p.m.
Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int
Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
475 368 26-87 2 6-85 3 88 28 3 4 -68 2 - 29 2 -43 2 - 40 0 -0 2 - 23 36-58-2 16-27-0 1 -7 2 - 10 3-44.3 4 60.0 0-0 3-2 6 -80 4 - 35 34;00 26:00
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —New England: Ridley 16-34, Bolden 6-28,Woodhead4-25.Seattle:Lynch15-41, Turb in5-27, Wilson5-17, Ryan1-0. PASSING —NewEngland: Brady36-58-2-395 Seattle: Wilson16-27-0-293. RECEIVING —New England: Welker10-138, Lloyd 6-80, Gronkowski 6-61, Hernandez6-30, Woodhead5-46 Felts 1-35, Branch1-5, Ridley 1-0. Seattle: Rice3-81, Tate3-47, Baldwin 2-74, Miler 2-29, Edwards 2-21, Turbin 2-21,Lynch1-11, Wash ington1-9 MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.
Falcons 23, Raiders 20 Oakland Atlanta
3 10 0 7 — 2 0 0 7 6 1 0 — 23 First Quarter Oak — FGJanikowski52,:24. SecondQuarter Atl White 4passfromRyan(Bryantkick), 9:51. Oak —FGJanikowski 22,4:11. Oak —Moore 25 passfrom Palmer(Janikowski kick), 1:50. Third Quarter Atl —FGBryant 41,5:06. Atl FG Bryant20,2:31 Fourth Quarter Atl —Samuel 79 interception return (Bryant kick), 2 40.
Oak —McFadden2 run(Janikowski kick),:40. Atl —FGBryant 55,:01. A 69,383
KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards l.ost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
22 16 474 286 32-149 15-45 325 241 2-0 0-0
2+16) 1 - 29
SecondQuarter Cle — Gordon71passfrom Weeden(Dawsonkick),
CinMreen 4 pass fromDalton (Nugent kick), 1:54. Third Quarter Cle FG Dawson 41, 8:25. Cle — FGDawson 38, 6:27
Fourth Quarter Cle — Hardesty 1run(Dawsonkick), 1456. Gin — FGNugent 44, 11:11. Cle — Watson 3passfromWeeden(Dawson kick), 8:00. Cle — Brown 19interception return(Dawsonkick),
Dolphins17, Rams14 St. Louis Miami
6 0 0 8 — 14 0 10 7 0 — 1 7
First Quarter
StL — FGZuerlein 48, 12.25. StL FG Zuerlein32, 508.
SecondQuarter Mia — Mar.Moore29passfromTannehil (Carpen ter kick),5:27. Mia — FGCarpenter 42,4:19. Third Quarter Mia Fasano 1 passfromTannehig (Carpenter kick), 9:40. Fourth Quarter StL Bradford1run(JacksonpassfromBradford),
KansasCity TampaBay
0 3 0 7 — 10 7 0 14 17 — 38 First Quarter
TB — Williams 62passfromFreeman(Barth kick), :18.
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Kansas City: Charles 12-40, Eachus5-18, Draughn11-11, Quinn2-11. Tampa Bay:Martin 13-76, Blount7-58,Ware1-6, Freeman 35 PASSING — Kansas City:Quinn 22-38-2-180. Tampa Bay:Freeman15-26-1-328. RECEIVING —Kansas City: McCluster 6-39, Maneri 4-45,Bowe3-21, Draughn3-12, Baldwin2 19, Charles2-7, Eachus1-19, Moeaki1-18.Tampa Bay: Williams4-113,Jackson4-66, Underwood2 68, Martin2-55,Ware2-10, Lorig 1-16 MISSEDFIELD GOALS— Tampa Bay:Barth
55 (WL).
5:21. A—67,060.
Ravens 31, Cowdoys29
Cin — Green 57 passfrom Dalton (Nugentkick),
Cle Dallas 7 3 10 9 — 2 9 20 16 Baltimore 3 14 7 7 — 3 1 4 38 32 8 First Quarter 20-76 34-110 Bal FG Tucker 38, 750 3 62 21 8 Gal — FJones22run (Bailey kick), 3:18. 4 -58 2 - 60 SecondQuarter 4 -80 263 Dal — FGBailey 42,11:29. 1 -3 3 - 33 Bal — Rice 1run (Tuckerkick), 7:29. 31-46-3 17-29-1 Bal TSmith 19passfrom Flacco(Tuckerkick), 2 -19 2 1 3 :41. 7-50.6 8-44.3 Third Quarter 2-1 1-0 Dal — FGBailey 43,11.37. 7 -50 535 Bal — J.Jones 108kickoff return (Tucker kick), 30;03 29:57 11:24.
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Cincinnati: Green-Ellis 16-62, Peerman1-7, Dalton2-5, Hawkins1-2. Cleveland: Hardesty15-56, Richardson14-37,Cribbs1-8, Og bonnaya1-6, Weeden3-3 PASSING —Cincinnati: Dalton 31-46-3-381. Cleveland:Weeden17-29-1-231. RECEIVING —Cincinnati: Peerman 8-76, Green 7-135, Hawkins 5-35, Gresham 3-68, M.Jones2-21, Binns2-12, Charles1-12, Tate1-11,
Jets 35, Colts 9 Indianapolis N.Y.Jets
3 3 0 3 — 9 0 21 7 7 — 3 6
NYJ—Greene2 run(Folk kick), 1:05.
PASSING —Oakland: Palmer23-33-1-353. At lanta: Ryan 24-37-3-249. RECEIVING —Oakland: Moore 5-104, Myers 5-62, Hagan4-85, McFadden3-28, Streater3-24, Goodson 1-37, Ausberry1-12, Recce 1-1. Atlanta: White 6-72,Douglas 5-37,Jones 4-63,Gonzalez4 42 Rodgers 3-21 Polite1-8,Turner1-6. MISSED FIELDGOALS —Atlanta: Bryant43
BIIccaneers 38, Chiefs 10
First Quarter 3 -32 1 - 79 Ind —FGVinatieri 20,6.02. 23-33-1 24-37-3 Second Quarter 3-28 1-8 NYJ —S.Hil 5 pass irom Sanchez(Fok kick), 5-48 2 4-52 8 14:13. 2-2 0-0 NYJ—Greene10 run(Folk kick), 9:47. 1 2-110 2 - 25 Ind —FGVinatieri 50,6:06. 36;26 23:34 NYJ —J.Hil 5 passfromSanchez(Folk kick),:27 Third Quarter INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS NYJ —Greene4 run(Folk kick), 1:36. RUSHING —Oakland: McFadden27-70, Good Fourth Quarter son 4-59,Heyward-Bey1-20. Atlanta: Turner11-33, Ind —FGVinatieri 47,14:40. Ryan1-15, Snelling1-(minus1), Rodgers2-(minus
Total NetYards
KC — FGSuccop38, 7:45. Third Quarter TB — Jackson19passfrom Freeman(Barth kick), 12:46. TB Barber 78 interceptionreturn (Barthkick), 9:36. INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS Fourth Quarter RUSHING —St. Louis: D.Richardson 11-76, KC — Jones 11 fumble return (Succop kick), Jackson12-52, Bradford4-34. Miami: Bush12-17, 14:01. Clemons1-3,Tannehil 5-(minus1) TB — FGBarth 27,10:34. PASSING —St. Louis: Bradford 26-39-0-315. TB — Jackson17passfromFreeman(Barth kick), Miami: Tannehill 21-29-0-185. 6:43. RECEIVING —St. Louis: Gibson 7-91, TB — Blount12 run(Barth kick),1:53. Kendncks 4-40, Givens 3-85, Jackson 3-28, A—46,500. D.Richardson2-23, St Smith2-18, Mulligan 2-15, Pettis 1-11,Pead1-3, Quick1-1. Miami: Bess6 KC TB 42, Bush5-44, Fasano4-33, Mar.Moore 3-46, Lane First downs 15 19 2-12, Clay1-8 TotalNetYards 2 60 46 3 MISSEDFIELDGOALS—St. Louis: Zuerlein Rushes-yards 30-80 24-145 52 (WL),37(WL), 66(WL). Passing 180 31 8 PuntReturns 2 -11 3 - 21 0 -0 2 - 36 KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. 1 -32 2 - 90 Browns 34, Bengals 24 Comp-Att-Int 22-38-2 15-26-1 0 -0 1 - 10 Lost Cincinnati 7 7 0 1 0 — 24 Sacked-Yards 6-46.0 3-35.3 Cleveland 0 7 6 2 1 — 34 Punts 0-0 2-1 Fumbl e s-Lost First Quarter Penalties-Yards 7 -55 6 - 3 3 Cin — Gresham55passfrom Dalton (Nugentkick), Time oiPossession 33:11 26:49 7:07.
Green-Ellis 1-8, Leonard1-3. Cleveland: Gordon 3-99, Little 3-18, Cooper 2-39, Cameron2-38, Richa rdson 2-17 Watson 2-6,Ogbonnaya 2-5, Hardesty1-9.
AH TimesPDT Total NetYards
StL Mia 22 12 4 62 19 2 27-162 18-19 3 00 17 3 6-21 0-0 2 -33 2 - 69 0-0 0-0 26-39-0 21-29-0 3 -15 2 - 12 3-45.0 6-53.8 3-1 1-0 1 2-94 5 - 40 33;23 26:37
First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing
Div 1-1-0 0-0-0 First downs 0-2-0 Total NetYards 2-0-0 Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
Keller 1-6,J.Hill 1-5, Powell1-1. MISSEDFIELDGOALS—None.
1- 1
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Minnesota: Peterson 17-79 Pon der 4-13, Harvin 2-1, Gerhart 1-1. Washington: Griffin Ig 13-138,Morris16-47, Royster1-0, Banks
New England Seattle
H ome Away A FC NFC
Atlanta23,Oakland20 Tampa Bay38,KansasCity10 N.Y.Jets35,Indianapolis 9 Cleveland 34,Cincinnati 24 Detroit26,Philadelphia23,OT Miami17,St. Louis14 Baltimore31,Dallas29 Buffalo19,Arizona16,OT Seattle24,NewEngland23 NY.Giants26SanFrancisco3 Washington38,Minnesota26 GreenBay42,Houston24 go,Jacksonvile, NewOrleans W a s Open:Carolina, Chica Today's Game
4 21 36 1 24-94 32-183 327 178
40 (BK)SanFrancisco: Akers43(WR),52(WL)
First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards
Pc t .50 0 .5 0 0 .5 0 0 .500
NYG SF 19 14 3 42 31 4 37-149 17-80 1 93 23 4 2 -2 2 - 22 2-93 6 -116 3-42 0-0 15-28-0 23-37-3 0 -0 6- 4 8 4-49.8 4-49.8 0-0 1-0 2 -20 6 - 35 32;15 2 7:45
T 0 0 0 0
SecondQuarter NYG —Cruz 6 passfrom Manning (Tyneskick),
First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing
8:30. A—52,983
Sunday's Games
First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing
PuntRe turns
KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
I nd 21 2 98
Dal — Bryant7passfromRome(Baieykick), 3:19. Fourth Quarter Dal — FGBailey 34,8:22. Bal — Rice 1run (Tuckerkick), 4:41. Dal Bryant 4 passfromRorno (passfailed),:32. A—71,384.
First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
30 19 481 316 42-227 22-86 2 54 23 0 2-10 0-0 1-14 3-159 0-0 1-0 25-36-1 17-26-0 1-7 1-4 1-32.0 3-45.0
0-0 0-0 13-82 10-76 40;03 19:57
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Dallas: Murray 14-93 F Jones 18-92, Tanner 9-31, Dunbar1-11. Baltimore: Rice 16-63, Pierce 4-21, Flacco2-2. PASSING —Dallas: Ro rno 25-36-1-261. Balti more:Flacco17-26-0-234. RECEIVING —Dallas: Bryant 13-95, Witten 6 88, Austin2-31, Philips 1-19, FJones 1-13, Vickers 1-11, Murray1-4. Baltimore: Boldin5-98, Pitta4 33, TSmith2-24, J.Jones2-15, Rice1-43, Dickson 1-8, Leach1-7, Pierce1-6. MISSED FIELD GOALS —Dallas: Bailey 51
Lions 26, Eagles 23(OT)
NYJ 22 Detroit 35 1 P hiladelphia
6 0 0 17 3 — 26 0 7 6 10 0 — 2 3 17-41 44-252 First Quarter 257 99 Det—FGHanson46, 11:03. 0-0 0-0 Bet —FGHanson34, 358. 4 -71 2 - 54 SecondQuarter 0 -0 2 - 13 Phi — McCoy 2 passfrom Vick (Henerykick), 22-44-2 12-19-0 1:16. 4-23 1-6 Third Quarter 3-43.7 5-52.0 Phi — FGHenery26,8:23 2-2 0-0 Phi — FGHenery32,3:39. 3-27 8 -110 Fourth Quarter Phi — FGHenery49, 13.39. 26;20 33:40
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Indianapolis: Ballard 8-25, Carter
4-13, Moore3-5, Avery1-(minus1), Luck1-(minus 1). N.Y.Jets:Greene32-161,McKnight 3-71, Powell 4-14, Tebow 4-7, Sanchez1-(minus1). PASSING— Indianapolis: Luck 22-44-2-280. N.Y. Jets: Sanchez 11-18-0-82, Tebow1-1-0-23. RECEIVING —Indianapolis: Wayne5-87, Avery 4-60, Fleener4-42, Hilton3-31, Allen2-33, Ballard 2-17, Brazill 1-14,Palmer1-(minus 4). N.Y. Jets: Kerley3-24, S.Hill 3-23, Schilens2 23, Bellore1 23,
Det—Stafford 1run(Hansonkick), 10:30. Phi — Maclin 70 passfromVick (Henerykick),
Det—Burleson 17 pass fromStafford (Hanson kick), 3:32. Det—FGHanson19,:03. Overtime Det — FGHanson45, 11:00. A—69,144. First downs
Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
449 357 28-138 29-71 3 11 28 6 4 -72 3 - 12 2-26 5 - 122 2-0 1-0 22-45-1 28-46-2 0 -0 3 - 25 7-42.7 5-56.6 1-0 2-1 1 6-132 9 - 60 30:41 33:19
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Detroit: LeShoure 15-70, Bell 7-38, Burleson2-22, Stafford3-7, K.Wit iams1-1. Philadelphia: Vick 959 McCoy14-22,Brown5-4,
PASSING —Detroit: Stafford 22-45-1-311. Philadelphia: Vick28-46-2-311. RECEIVING —Detroit: Johnson6-135, Burleson 4-24, Scheffter 3-81, Pettigrew3-38, LeShoure 3-24, TYoung2-6, Bell 1-3. Philadelphia: McCoy7-26, Macli n6-130,Jackson5-74,Celek4-33,Avant2-21, Cooper2-18, Harbor2-9. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.
Bills 19, Cardinals 16 (OT) Buffalo Arizona
90 7 0 3 — 19 37 3 3 0 — 16 First Quarter Ari —FGFeely 49,13:50.
Buf — Kelsaysafety, 8:36. Buf — Spiler 10 run(Lindell kick),3:35. SecondQuarter Ari Fitzgerald 9 pass fromKolb (Feely kick), 4.47.
Third Quarter Ari —FGFeely 49, 3:12. Buf — FJackson 1run (Lindell kick),:27. Fourth Quarter Ari —FGFeely 61, I:09. Overtime Buf — FGLindell 25, 11:10. A—60,385. Buf
First downs
Total NetYards
Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns Interceptions Ret. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
19 20 3 06 33 2 33-165 30-182 141 150 2 -10 3 - 36 4 -86 2 - 49 2 -36 1 - 15
18-33-1 16-36-2
2 -12 5 - 23 8-44.0 5-51.8 1-1 0-0 5 -39 7 - 67 31:22 32:28
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Buffalo: Spiler 12-88, F Jackson 16-53, B.Smith2-19,Fitzpatrick3-5 Arizona: Powell 13-70, Kolb5-66,Johnson 1-24,Stephens-Howling 11-22. PASSING —Buffalo: Fitzpatrick 18-32-0-153, B.Smith 0-1-1-0. Arizona: Kolb14-26-1-128, Skel ton 2-10-1-45
RECEIVING —Buffalo: St.Johnson 6-82, FJackson5-30 Spiler4-22,Jones1-9,Graham1-6, Chandler1-4. Arizona: Fitzgerad6-93, Roberts2 18, Housler2-12, King2-10,Floyd1-24, Powell1-8, Maui'a1-7,Doucet1-1. MISSED FIELDGOALS—Arizona: Feely 38
Packers 42, Texans24 GreenBay Houston
1 4 7 7 1 4 — 42 0 10 7 7 — 2 4
First Quarter GB — Nelson41 passfromRodgers (Crosbykick),
Hou—Foster 1run(S.Grahamkick), 10:13.
GB — Nelson21 passfromRodgers (Crosbykick),
6:45. Hou — FGSGraham51 215
Third Quarter GB — Nelson 1 passfromRodgers(Crosby kick),
Hou Foster 1run(S.Grahamkick),: 17. Fourth Quarter GB — Crabtree 48 passfrom Rodgers(Crosby kick), 14:46. GB Ja.Jones 18 passfrom Rodgers(Crosby kick), 12.16. Hou—Posey blockedpunt recovery in endzone (S.Graham kick), 5 30. A—71,702.
First downs Total NetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-YardsLost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession
25 23 427 321 31-99 28-90 3 28 23 1 3 -23 1 - 19 3 -86 3 - 65 3-37 0-0 24-37-0 22-38-3 2 -10 3 - 24 5-34.2 4-51.5 0-0 1-0 4 -51 7 - 69 27:59 32:01
INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Green Bay: Green22 65, Rodgers 2-17, Starks5-11,Kuhn2-6. Houston: Forsett7-47, Foster17-29Tate3-14, Schaub1-0. PASSING —Green Bay: Rodgers 24-37-0 338. Houston: Schaub20-33-2-232, Yates2-5 1-23. RECEIVING —Green Bay: Nelson9-121, Cobb 7-102, Ja.Jones3-33, Crabtree2-62, Finey 2-12, Green1-8.Houston:Johnson8-75,Daniels3-46, G.Graham 3-25, Waiter2-28, Casey2-27, Martin 2 24, Forsett1-18,Foster1-12. MISSEDFIELD GOALS— None.
un imes or By Tim Dahlberg
three games. Still, five games into his ascendant n drew Luck's f i r s t w o r k career, Luck has already shown that ing trip to New York didn' t the Colts made the right — if ex exactly go to p l an, though tremely painful — decision to let Pey some punishing defense by the Jets ton Manning find work elsewhere. had a lot to do with that. All part of Barring injuries, Luck is going to be the learning curve for rookies, who a very good quarterback for a very sometimes have difficulty u nder long time, which is not something standing that big second-half come that can be assumed for either of the backs can't be pulled off every week top two quarterbacks for the Jets. "I'm glad we play him this year and in the NFL. The leap from collegewas never not two years from now," Jets coach going to be without some setbacks, Rex Ryan said. "He's got all the talent even for a quarterback with Stan in the world." ford smarts and a receiver like Reg So does Robert Griffin III, who gie Wayne. In the Meadowlands on returned from a concussion Sunday Sunday that wasn't nearly enough to play for the Washington Redskins as Luck's rookie touchdown streak against the surprising Minnesota ended in a 35-9 romp by the Jets that Vikings. Griffin might have learned showed the quarterback aztd the In a few things himself last week, espe dianapolis Colts are still a work in cially about the career longevity of progress. NFL quarterbacks who wait a half Dampening expectations in India second too long to go into a slide or napolis isn't such a bad idea because get out of bounds. entire football teams can't be over Playing rookie quarterbacks isn' t hauled overnight. It was easy to for nearly as risky as it used to be. Rule get in the wake of last week's thrill changes havemade the NFL more of ing comeback win over Green Bay a passing league, quarterbacks get that this was a team that was well ozt more protection from officials, and its way to a winless season last year the rookies themselves have been before rallying to win two of its last playing in passing leagues since they The Associated Press
r o o ie ua er aC Cro were in middle school. Five of them lined LTP behind cen ter Sunday, and four of them walked away winners. Luck had a rough day, throwing two interceptions and fail ing in his bid to become the first Colts rookie quarterback to throw touch down passes in five straight games, but he was the only one to lose. That included Griffin's impressive return against the Vikings, a week after suffering a m il d c oncussion when he was hit while scrambling against Atlanta. Griffin might be the most fortunate of the five rookies because he landed on a team with a lot of talent, but he's winning with a team that has struggled mightily to win in recent years. And how many quarterbacks can claim a 76-yard touchdown run to seal a game, like Griffin did to finish off Minnesota? Brandon Weeden wasn't too bad, either, bringing a sliver of hope to long suffering Cleveland fans who could be forgiven for losing hope. He's an old rookie, but not too old to celebrate his 29th birthday by leading the Browns to an upset win over the Cincinnati Bengals, the first win in 11 months for the hapless Browns.
Another q u a r terback d r a f t ed to save a franchise also delivered. Ryan Tannehill had a rookie mo ment with a backward pass that went out of bounds for a loss, but threw two touchdown passes and did just enough to make up for a miserable Miami running game in a win over the St. Louis Rams. Anyone who watched HBO's preseason training camp series "Hard Knocks" may have a hard time believing it, but the Dolphins are 3-3 and tied for the lead — albeit a four-way one — in the AFC East. And would anyone expect Seattle rookie Russell Wilson to outplay Tom Brady in the fourth quarter izt an up set win over New England? The NFL has always been a young league, but the quarterback position keeps getting younger. Coaches once thought holding a quarterback out for a year to better learn the position was the only way to go, but you'd be hard-pressed to find one who thinks that way anymore. To show how things have changed, it took 48 years for a quarterback to win The Associated Press offensive rookie of the year award when Ben Roethlisberger won it in 2004. Since
then, four out of seven winners have been quarterbacks — a figurethat will almost surely go up after this season. Now, nearly a third Of the starting quarterbacks in the NFL have less than two full years of experience, a startling statistic considering it is the most important position on the field. Luck was the most celebrated of the group coming out of Stanford, and he still could end up being the best. But if you watched Griffin break off a long run when it was needed most or saw Wilson throw a 46-yard touchdown pass with 1:20 left to beat the Patriots, you know he's got competition. T hat i n cludes Tannehill, w h o wasn't as dramatic, but was remark ably mistake-free for a quarterback playing in his sixth NFL game. "His growth from game to game has been critical and incredible," Dol phins tight end Anthony Fasano said. "He has a very bright future." The same could be said of the rest of the rookie crop, too. — Tim Dahl bergis a national sports columnist for The Associated Press.Write to him rzt tdrzhlbergC< or http: //
Detroit Tigers' Anibal Sanchez reacts after strik ing out New York Yankees' Jayson Nix, in back ground, to end the seventh inning of Game 2 of the American League champi onship series Sunday in New York.
Continued from D1 This is the first time the previous two World Series winners are facing off in the postseason since the 1958 World Series be tween the Braves and Yankees. Beltran's fourth-inning drive into the seats in left-center chased San Francisco starter Madison Bumgarner, who has been a far cry from the impressive pitcher he was during the 2010 World Series run. It was Beltran's 14th career postseason home run and third this October.
"Right now I'm really enjoying myself,"
Beltran said. "Right now I'm seeing the ball well. I feel like I have a good approach at the plate, I feel like I'm not trying to do too much,
and good things are happening." Beltran spent the second half of the 2011 season with San Francisco after a trade from the Mets, but the Giants missed the playoffs last fall a year after capturing an improb able championship. The orange towel-wav ing sellout crowd of 42,534 let him have it with boos at every opportunity — during pregame introductions and each time he stepped into the batter's box. Both teams were well rested a day after a rough night of travel. The Giants barely beat the Cardinals to the Bay Area early Satur day afterthey were delayed three hours on the tarmac in Cincinnati on Friday night to refuel and for a mechanical problem after waiting out the Cardinals-Nationals game to know where they were headed next. Matheny stuck with the same winning lineup that he sent out for Game 5, and some of the same faces came through again. "They put together some better at-bats than us," Giants center fielder Angel Pagan said. "They hit some homers and were up 6 0. That's a pretty good lead in the playoffs. We tried to battle back. We did our best but it wasn't our night." Daniel Descalso, who hit a tying, two-out single in Friday's 9-7 win, added two more hits with a double. D escalso hit a o ne-out double in t h e fourth, then rookie Pete Kozma drove him home with a double of his own. In the ninth inning Friday, Kozma followed Descalso with a go-ahead, two-run single. Descalso shined playing in hi s native Northern California. He spends his offsea sons in San Francisco's Marina district. Beltran and Freese each had two strikes when they homered. "I think that's been very much of a strong suit for us all season," Matheny said. "And it's a beautiful thing when these guys trust themselves when they get to two strikes. They can be a little more selective early in the count and then they' re not going to panic when we do get to two strikes. I give the guys a lot of credit." St. Louis 18-game winner Lynn didn't al low a hit until Marco Scutaro's single to left leading off the fourth. Hunter Pence singled two outs later and Brandon Belt drove him home with a single. Gregor Blanco followed with a two-run triple, then Brandon Craw ford hit an RBI double. Pinch hitter Aubrey H uff — a2010 postseason starnow in a di minished role — drew a walk to cheers of "Aubrey! Aubrey!" And, just like that, Lynn was done. Bumgarner and Lynn each lasted only 3 '/3 innings. That made for a long night on both bullpens. The pressure is now on for the Giants not to fall behind 2-0 at home again. They lost the first two games of their division series here to the Reds last weekend before win ning three in a row at Cincinnati. They went 48-33 at AT&T Park this season.
gsal a
Jose Luis Villegas /The Sacramento Bee
St. Louis Cardinals third baseman David Freese (23) and shortstop Pete Kozma try to play a foui ball from San Francisco Giants' Angel Pagan during Game 1 of the NLCS, Sunday in San Francisco.
Matt Slocum / The Associated
Continued from D1 The Panthers, wh o m o v ed from the 6A classification to 5A this year with the addition of Rid geview, have improved in every statistical way imaginable com pared with last year. After giving up 26.9 points per game a year ago, Redmond is now allowing just 16 points a contest in 2012. The Panthers' offense is also scor ing at a much higher rate this fall,
averaging 44.9 points a game, more than double the 18.2 points they scored per game in 2011. At Ridgeview, Codding has not only set the foundation for a strong initial season, but also built the beginnings of what looks to be a very competitive 4A program this year and next. (The Oregon School A c t ivities A s sociation will reorganize after the 2013-14 school year, making it anyone' s guess as to where Ridgeview or anyone else will be placed.) The Ravens have scored the fourth most points in all of 4A this sea
son (280) in large part because of a rushing attack that is averaging 338.7 yards per game. Boomer
Fleming (135 yards per game),
i sse ca e s i e rs on an eeS OLl By Howie Ramberg The Associated Press
NEW YORK — The Detroit Ti gers got a big boost from Anibal Sanchez's arm. They got a help ing hand from an umpire, too. The reward: a c o mmanding 2-0 lead in the AL championship series, and a trip home with their ace ready to start. Sanchez shut down a Yankees lineup minus injured Derek Jeter, Detroit scored twice after an ad mitted missed call by an ump and won without any e x tra-inning d rama, beating New York 3 - 0 Sunday. "He was terrific," Detroit man ager Jim Leyland said. "This is a tough place to pitch with a tough lineup and a short porch. And a whole bunch of left-handed hit ters, it is not easy. That was quite a feat." New York starter Hiroki Ku roda pitched perfect ball into the sixth inning to keep pace with Sanchez. But R o binson Cano and the slumping Yankees hitters were no match for the 28-year-old right-hander a day after their cap tain broke his ankle in the 12th inning of a 6-4 loss. "I try to think backwards," San chez said. "If the count calls for a fastball, I throw a different pitch. If the count calls for a different pitch, I throw a fastball. I try to
(ii))Ii Ji,
"iIIiji Matt Slocum /The Associated Press
New York Yankees manager Joe Girardiargues with umpire Jeff Nelson in the eighth inning of Game 2 of the ALCS against the Detroit Tigers Sunday in New York.
Next up ALCS, New York Yankees
at Detroit Tigers • When:Tuesday, 5:07 p.m. • TV:TBS • Radio:KICE-AM 940
mix my speeds."
fante made a head-first dive back To get out of a jam in the first to second. Cano missed Infante's inning, he thought backward, all arm but brushed his body, replays right: try r eaching around his clearly showed. But Nelson called back to snare a grounder for the Infante safe. "I think the umpire got con final out. Making his second postseason fused 'cause he saw my hand, start, Sanchez threw t h ree-hit something with my hand made ball deep into the game to make him think I w a s safe," Infante Leyland'sjob easier.Closer Jose sard. Valverde gave up four runs in the Was he out? "Of course," Infante said. ninth Saturday and, only hours later, Leyland said th e r i ghty Cano and Girardi pleaded the wouldn't close Game 2. call to no avail. Boone Logan re Delmon Young gave Sanchez placed Kuroda and gave up an his first run of support in these RBI single to pinch hitter Avisail playoffs with a f i elder's choice Garcia to make it 2-0. "It's frustrating. I don't have a in the seventh. The Tigers then scored twice in the eighth after problem with Jeff's effort, I don' t, second base umpireJeffNelson because he hustled to get to the missed a call on a two-out tag at play. But in this day and age when second base. Yankees manager we have instant replay available Joe Girardiargued and was eject to us, it's got to change," Girardi ed on his 48th birthday. sa>d. "The hand did not get in before "These guys are under tremen the tag," Nelson said after seeing dous amounts of pressure. It is a a replay. "The call was incorrect." tough call for him because the tag Game 3 in the best-of-seven se is underneath and it's hard for ries is Tuesday night in Detroit, him to see. And it takes more time with reigning A L M V P J u stin to argue and get upset than you Verlander starting for the Tigers get the call right. Too much is at against Phil Hughes. Verlander stake," he said. went 2-0 in the division series ver Girardi returned to lift Logan sus Oakland, including a four-hit for Joba Chamberlain,and then shutout with 11 strikeouts in the he remained on the field to re decisive Game 5. sume the argument. Red-faced The Tigers led 1-0 in the eighth with neck muscles bulging, Girar and had Omar Infante on first di could be seen shouting at Nel with two outs. Austin Jackson son, "You were right there. How singled and when Infante took a could you miss it?" He was tossed wide turn at second, right fielder by Nelson for his first postseason Nick Swisher threw behind him. ejection. Cano made a swipe tag as In Miguel Cabrera added a run
scoring single after the ejection. Cano had no luck at the plate, ei ther. The All-Star's slump extend ed to a record 26 hitless at-bats in a single postseason, breaking the mark of 24 set by Baltimore's Bobby Bonilla in 1996, STATS LLC said. "I feel good at the plate," Cano said. "So, all I can do is stay posi tive and play good Tuesday." There were many empty seats near the foul poles, and a sub dued crowd spent much of the day venting its frustration, booing the punchless Yankees. The 47,082 in attendance reserved its biggest cheers early for Jeter, who broke his ankle in the last inning of the Game I loss. "I don't know what's going on here, it seems like something is going onhere,"Tigersreliever Oc tavio Dotel said. "I mean, I don' t want to wake them, I don't want them to get loud. I don't know what's going on, but I like it." The "Bleacher Creatures" in cluded the captain in their roll call and fans let out a modest cheer pregame when Jeter was shown in video thanking fans on the scoreboard. While the Yankees are headed to Detroit for what they hope will be three games, their captain will
fly to Charlotte, N.C., to visit a foot specialist. Jhonny Peralta singled in the sixth for the Tigers' first baser unner against Kuroda, who was pitching on short rest for the first time in his big league career. Del mon Young then gave Detroit the lead with a forceout grounder in the seventh, a night after putting the Tigers ahead in the 12th in ning with a double. Sanchez has had quite the suc cess in the Bronx. He made his big league debut at the old Yan kee Stadium when it was across the street, and pitched 5'/s shutout innings for the Marlins in 2006. The only player to notch two hits against him in t hat game was Jete r. Pitching for the first time in this 4-year-old ballpark — and in front of his parents — Sanchez limited the slumping Yankees to just three hits and three walks, one an intentional pass to Raul Ibanez. When Ichiro Suzuki reached o n Sanchez's fielding error t o open the sixth and advanced to third with two outs, Peralta was there to bail out his pitcher with another nifty play, bare-handing a slow grounder for the third out. Leyland took Valverde out of consideration for the closer role on Sunday. Valverde gave up a pair of two-run homers in the ninth inning Saturday night and also blew a save in the division series. Former Yankees reliever Phil Coke pitched two innings for the save.
Recce Rollins (87.1) and Wesley
Johns (53.8) all are rushing for more than 50 yards a game for Ridgeview. "He's a great coach, a great guy," Ravens quarterback Ja cob Johnson said about Cod ding, who before his one-year stint as an assistant at Redmond High was the head coach at The Dalles Wahtonka. "He's strict at the right times, keeps everyone going. He definitely knows what
he's doing."
Redmond and Ridgeview both have two regular season games re maining before their playoff fates will be determined. The Panthers face Mountain View on Friday and can clinch their first football league title since winning the old Class 4A IMC in 2001. Redmond's final game before the postseason is a nonleague road contest at Portland's Roosevelt High. The Ravens, abandoned by the OSAA along with Crook County in the two-team Special District I, close out the regular season with away games at Portland's Cleve land High and Summit. — Reporter: 541-383-0305,beastes@ bendbulletin.corn.
LOOKING BACK Athlete of the week:Mountain View's John Carroll caught
seven passesfor 177 yards and three touchdowns Friday in leading the Cougars to a 50-12
romp over host Summit. Two of Carroll's three scores went for more than 50 yards.
Game of theweek:Redmond High stayed undefeated in football Friday with 47-41 overtime victory against longtime rival Bend High. Panther quarterback Andrew
Leeiand passedfor 202 yards and three touchdowns, and Trevor Genz rushed for 111
yards and onetouchdown on 20 carries. Redmond trailed 18 13 late in the second quarter, but Ty George intercepted Bend quarterback Jonah Koski with six seconds left in the first half, setting up a last-second touchdown that sparked the Panthers and gave them a 21 18 lead at half. The final three minutes of regulation saw two
lead changes, asuccesssfui hook-and-lateral play on fourth
and 14, and acontroversial catch that appeared to be an interception.
LOOKING AHEAD Contests af the week:
Tuesday Bend at Summit girls soccer, 4
p.m.: TheLavaBearscanclaim a share of the Intermountain Conference title with a road
win against the Storm. Thetwo teams, both ranked in the top five by the OSAA, were tied 0-0 at halftime in their earlier meeting this season before Summit rolled to a 3-1 victory.
Thursday Summit at Bendvolleyball, 6:30 p.m.: The No. 4and 5 teams in the OSAA's Class 5A rankings
at the end of last weekendplay against one another for the
second time this season.The Storm swept the LavaBears in three games earlier this year.
Aladama,Oregonmaintain topspots inAPpoll The top five in The Associated Press college football poll has been rearranged for a second straight week, with Florida, Kansas State and Notre Dame moving up. No. 1 Alabama and No. 2 Oregon hold the top two spots for a fourth straight week.
Thechangescome behindthem,wheretheGatorsmoveuponespottoNo.3,and the fourth-ranked Wildcats and fifth-ranked Fighting Irish both jump two places.
The shuffling comesafter a second straight Saturday in which multiple top-five teams lost. South Carolina fell 23-21 at LSU on Saturday night and drops from No. 3 to No. 9. West Virginia slides from No. 5 to No. 17 after getting routed 49-14 at Texas
Tech. TheRedRaiders move into the rankings at18th. — The Associated Press
and third in four seasons. Alabama has never before been Continued from D1 first in the initial standings. Seven Teams with one loss, such as times since the Bowl Champion sixth-place L SU , s e venth-place ship Series was implemented in South Carolina, ninth-place Okla 1998, the team that was first in the homa and 10th-place USC are still initial standings went on to play in very much in the race as long as the BCS title game. they keep winning. Seven times the team that start Oregon State is in eighth, the low ed second played for the BCS title. est rated of the unbeaten teams. And only twice has neither of the This is safe to say: If Alabama teams that were in the top two spots keeps winning, the Tide will play in the first standings reached the for its second straight national title, title game.
Friday Redmond at Mountain View football, 7 p.m.: The undefeated Panthers face
arguably their toughest test of the season in the reigning
5A state champion Cougars. Mountain View is 4-3 this year, but has won three of its last four. Redmond can clinch the
Intermountain Conference with the win.
Rob Kerr/The Bulletin
Professional cyclist Barry Wicks is switching his focus to the cyclocross season after a suc cessful spring and summer of mountain biking.
able to have the access and opportunity to ride in Bend," Continued from 01 Wicks notes. "It's world-class F or Wicks, t r a ining i n riding, it really is. Maybe one C entral Oregon, w it h i t s aspect or a n other doesn' t plethora of trails, has been compare tosome other places quite a contrast to training ... but as a whole, the amount in Chicago, which according of riding and the variety and to Wicks has relatively few what you can really access options for mountain bikers. from town is by and far more In fact, Wicks did not move than anywhere else I' ve ever to Chicago for the riding, but been." rather because his wife, Sar This fall, Wicks has turned ah Robinson, had secured a his attention to cyclocross, postdoctoralresearch posi a discipline in which he has tion there. experienced co n s iderable "That's the luxury of my success over his cycling ca job is that I can really do reer. He finished second to it from a nywhere," Wicks yet another Bend pro, Chris explains. "Chicago wasn' t Sheppard, in the men's Cat ideal because of the weather. egory A division at the first Especially after Santa Cruz Cross Crusade race of the (where Wicks described the season on Oct. 7 in Portland, riding as "amazing"), the rid and this past weekend he ing wasn't quite the same, but raced at the U.S. Gran Prix of we made the sacrifice and it Cyclocross Smartwool Cup paid off forher." in Fort Collins, Colo. Also The plan, Wicks says, was on his race schedule for this for the couple to stay in the 'cross season are the final Midwest for two years. Rob two USGP stops — the Derby inson is also from Oregon, City Cup in Louisville, Ky., s o they decided to m o v e and the Deschutes Brewery back. Robinson, who has a Cup in Bend Dec. 8-9 — and doctorate in organic chemis the Boulder Cup in Colorado try, found employment as a later this month. "I really enjoy ' cross. I scientist for a Bend biotech company, Wicks says. think back when I was really And Wicks is back in more successful at cyclocross, it familiar territory. He raced in was a bit of a different sport Bend while he was growing than it is now," says Wicks, up here, he recalls, and had the USGP overall champion visited to train with friends. for the 2005-06 'cross sea "It's been a real treat to be son. "Now, there's guys that
are so focused on 'cross. You used to be able to kind of come off of a strong moun tain bike season and go into 'cross and do pretty well, but now you really have to focus on 'crossspecifically and be a 'cross racer. You can't just sort of dabble." Local cycling fans can get to know Wicks a little better on Oct. 25, when he will be in attendance at the screening of the film "The Cyclocross Meeting," scheduled to play at the McMenamins St. Francis School theater in downtown Bend as part of the "Movie Night at McMenamins" bi cycle film series. The film chronicles the ex periences ofWicks and an other American rider, Adam McGrath, while competing in two cyclocross races in Japan in 2008. Tickets, available to adults 21 and older, are avail able for $5; the film is sched uled to begin at 9 p.m. A little insight into what it's like to be Barry Wicks. "For me, it's more that I am just stoked to be able to share that experience with people because, I get to do all this cool stuff, and I ex perience it," he says. "So the film, I think, is a really good way toshare that experience with me and see what I get to really do and what it's like."
INDOOR CYCLINGCLASSES: At Powered by Bowen, 143 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; limited to eight riders per class; classes are based on each rider's power output for an individual workout in a group setting; sessions from noon to1 p.m. on Mondays and Fridays, and from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 a.m. and 5:15 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. on Tuesdays and Thursdays; $15 per class, discount available for purchase of multiple sessions; www.poweredbybowen. corn; 541-585-1500. RESTOREPROPER MOVEMENT YOGA: Restorative yoga for busy athletes such as cyclists, runners and triathletes already training; no strength poses, just restorative yoga for active recovery; Mondays; 5:30 p.m.; Powered by Bowen, 143 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 30 minutes per class; five points on Power Pass or $5 per class; 541-585-1500.
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT BEND ENDURANCE ACADEMY CYCLOCROSS TEAM: Ages 10-18; Tuesdays through Thursdays through Nov. 25, option to extend to Jan. 6; 4 p.m.-6 p.m.; for beginners to advanced riders; teaches bike handling skills, fitness workouts and race strategy in a fun and safe environment; beginner participants may use mountain bikes; team offers weekly training sessions and fully supported travel to Oregon Junior Series races; bill ©bendenduranceacademy. org or enroll online BEND ENDURANCEACADEMY CYCLINGCYCLOCROSS TEAM:
Ages10-18; Tuesdays through Thursdays through Nov. 25, option to extend through Jan. 6; 4 p.m.-6 p.m.; for beginners to advanced riders; teaches bike handling skills, fitness workouts and race strategy in a fun and safe environment; beginners may use mountain bikes; weekly training sessions and fully supported travel to Oregon Junior Series; bill@bendenduranceacademy. org or enroll online at
$15-$45; usgpcyclocross. corn/races/deschutes-brewery-cup.
MOVIE NIGHTATMCMENAMINS: "The Cyclocross Meeting"; Thursday, Oct.25;9 p.m .;Old St. Francis School theater, Bend; $5 (cash only), 21 and older; film chronicles the U.S. and Japanese cyclocross scenes and includes Bend pro Barry Wicks; fundraiser for Central Oregon Trail Alliance; pinemountainsports.corn.
CROSSCRUSADE:Eight-race cyclocross series; each day, first race starts at 8:40 a.m. and last race starts at 3:15 p.m.; race No. 3 is Sunday at Portland International Raceway; divisions for men, women, masters, Clydesdales, single speed, juniors, unicycles and kids (age 12 and younger); $5-$30 per race, $40 $210 for series; OBRAmembership required; crosscrusade.corn. SOUTHERN BAJA,MEXICO SINGLETRACK TOURS: Dec. 8-12, Feb. 2-7 and Feb. 16-20; Baja, Mexico; includes four days of riding and five nights of accommodations, all meals and a Specialized full suspension bike rental; tours limited to 12 riders; $925 (airfare not included); 541-385-7002; cogwild. corn/multi-day-vacations/baja singletrack.
HALLOWEENCROSSCRUSADE: Saturday and Sunday, Oct. 27 28 (Sunday is official costume day, optional on Saturday); 8:40 a.m.; Old Mill District, Bend; races Nos. 4 and 5 of the Cross Crusade Series; divisions for men, women, masters, Clydesdales, single speed, juniors, unicycles and kids (age 12 and younger); $5-$30 per race, $40-$210 for series; OBRA membership required; crosscrusade.corn. U.S.GRAN PRIX OF CYCLOCROSS DESCHUTESBREWERYCUP: Saturday and Sunday, Dec. 8-9; 8 a.m.-4:30 p.m.; Old Mill District, Bend; divisions for juniors, Categories 2-4, masters, single speed and professional
THE EVENTFORMERLY KNOWN AS BIKETOBERFEST:Saturday; 9 a.m.; former Mt. Bachelor ski area park and ride lot at corner of Southwest Simpson Avenueand Columbia Street in Bend; trail work party hosted by Central Oregon Trail Alliance; go to cotamtb.corn/2012/ the-event-formerly-known-as biketoberfest-102012 for a list of items to bring to the work party. COG WILDSHUTTLES: Tuesdays and Thursdays; 5:30 p.m.; from Cascade Lakes Brewery to Swampy Lakes and Dutchman sno-parks; $10 per person; available weekly, call Cog Wild Bicycle Tours & Shuttles to reserve seat; 541-385-7002; other shuttle times available, call for details.
Find It All Online bendbulletin.corn
CYCLING SCOREBOARD Category A —3, LauraWinberry, Bend,1:00:41. 5, Brenna Lopez-utero, Bend,1:01:32. Masters A35+—1,Sarah Max, Bend,37:19. Women B 8, AimeeFurber,Bend,42:02. Masters 8 35+ 1, CarySchwarz, Bend,43:21. 3, Holly PfeifferBend,43:50. 4, NicoleStrong Bend,
Cyclocross CrossCrusade Race No. 2 Sunday, Rainier Central Oregontop-10 finishers Melt
Category A — 1,CarlDecker,Bend,54:37.2, BrennanWodtli, Bend, 55:44. 4, Scott Gray,Bend, 56:22. 6,DamianSchmitt, Bend. Masters A 35+ — 1, AndrewSargent, Bend, 1:00:11. 3,TimJones, Bend,1:01:47. 5,JohnRollert, Bend,1:0211. Masters C 35+ — 1, AndrewSteiner, Bend, 38:14. Masters 50+ — 2, Eric Schusterman,Bend, 48.28. Junior — 1,LanceHaidet, Bend,25:56. 3,Javier Colton,Bend,26:41.
Providing unparalled service across a variety of industries since 1983.
Masters 45+ — 3, MichelleBazemore, Bend,
541-389-1 505
Junior — 1,IvyTaylor, Bend,25:43.
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Vote for Charles Baer
Bend City Council www.globalinternetgovernment.corn Libertarian
Paid for by Charles Beer for City Council
— Reporter: 541-383-0393, ami lesC<bendbulletin.corn.
in Louisville, Ky.
Ryan Trebon finished second to
their respective races at the
A women) placed third in their respective divisions. Results of Central Oregon
• Central Oregonians win • Area pros race in U.S. Gran at Gross Crusade: Seven Bend Prix: Bend professional cyclist cyclists topped the fields in Jeremy Powers onSaturday at
top-10 finishers are listed in
Community Sports Scoreboard,
second Cross Crusadeevent
the U.S. Gran Prix of Cyclocross Smartwool Cup in Fort Collins,
above, right. Complete results
of the eight-race series, staged
Powers. The two results moved Trebon into second place in the USGP elite men's overall stand ings behind Powers, who has now won three of the four USGP
races to date this season. Bend resident Barry Wicks was 13th on Saturday, picking up his first
• Area youth wins California
race: Bend's Carson Westberg has won the male junior cat egory for the 2012 Team Bigfoot
Endurance Series. Category winners were determined by the number of miles ridden during three races staged in Northern California in May, July and Oc tober. Westberg rode 184 miles throughout those races to win
other Bend finishers, Brennan Wodlti, took second place to Decker, Eric Schusterman was
USGP point softheseason,and 27th on Sunday. After finishing 19th among 80 riders on Sat
secondinthemastersmen50+ race, and Tim Jones (masters men A 35+), Javier Colton (ju nior men), Michelle Bazemore (masters women 45+), Holly Pfeiffer (masters women B35+) and Laura Winberry (Category
urday, another Bend pro, Adam Craig, placed seventh of 74 finishers in Sunday's race. The Derby City Cup, the next USGP event, is schedule for Nov. 10-11
his category for boys age 17and younger. Carson's father, Steve Westberg, won the single speed category. — Bulletin staff reports
Do tjIa a
L SN 6
M ~
available at
Mountain biking
We' ve taken the names of some school names from the Bend/LaPine area and created a fun and challenging local game.
of Sunday's Cross Crusadeare
on Sunday in Rainier. Divi sion winners were Carl Decker (Category A men), Sarah Max (masters women 35+A), An drew Sargent (masters men A 35+), Cary Schwarz (masters women B 35+), Lance Haidet (junior men), Ivy Taylor (junior women) and Andrew Steiner (masters men C35+). Among
Colo. Trebon, who rides for Cannondale, placed seventh in Sunday's race, also won by
First, find all the hidden school names. Second, deliveryour answers to our office (in person or by mail byOctober 29th) and you' ll be entered to win a
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QB R J W Y B B T D E A P W W L C U X N Q E L Y Q W P U 0 L E I T D H G I S G J H A L C A M K G E E S D F W K C R W S E U R
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Mag, $650; Vintage Dresses 8 for Hi-fi audio & stu call 541-383-3150. Whether you need a forget to advertise in Browning A-Bolt Medal whose total does More. 924 Brooks St. dio equip. Mclntosh classified! l ion with Boss 3 0 0 not exceed $500. fence fixed, hedges 541-678-5162 J BL, Marantz, D y 260 541-385-5809. Win. Mag with 3x9 www.getcowgirlcash.corn naco, Heathkit, San trimmed or a house Leupold, $800; Misc. Items Call Classifieds at sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Leather Ethan Allen re Ruger M77 .243 with Custom made female 541-385-5809 built, you' ll find Call 541-261-1808 cliner c hair, $ 2 45. Leupold 3x9, $400. black-powder wool www.bendbulletin.corn Buying Diamonds Owens Aluminum Dog Culver, 541-546-9008 professional help in squaw dress 8 leggings, 541-280-1 898 /Gold for Cash Boxes. Great for sport Saxon's Fine Jewelers unadorned, with acces Snow Removal Equipmentl English Bulldog "minia Maple bdrm dresser w/ Bend local pays CASH!! ing dogs. Various sizes The Bulletin's "Call a sories. $150 obo. 541-389-6655 ture" puppies. $800 mirror & Hi-Boy, exc. for G uns, Knives & and style. Call for infor Service Professional" 541-280-0112 or obo. 2 Male, 2 Fe $175. 541-593-8749. Amm o .541-526-0617 mation 503-538-5047 MTD 22" 2-stage Yard 541-536-2412 BUYING male 2 brindle, 2 tan. Machine snowblower, Directory B ulgarian AK-74, 5 Rem. Woodmaster mdl 541-233-8096 Refrigerator / freezer, Lionel/American Flyer Freedom 2-wheel elec 179cc OHV, $125. m ags, 300 r nds o f 742 . 3 0 8 cal i ber, 541-385-5809 stainless steel SxS, wa trains, accessories. tric scooter w/charger, MTD 21" single stage, English Bulldog cu s t om ter/icemaker, 25cf, ex ammo. Excellent cond. s emi-auto, 541-408-21 91. $125. 541-923-8271 $95. 541-389-8963 Puppies black stock, 2 clips, $650. 541-350-9052 cellent cond, $495. AKC registered, 1st Bushnell 3x9 Sports Culver, 541-546-9008 I CASH!! shots 8 microchipped. man scope, 3 boxes For Guns, Ammo 8 Ready to go! shells, hard gun case, The Bulletin Reloading Supplies. $2000. 541 416-0375 $400. 541-548-0426. recommends extra 541-408-6900. German Shorthair AKC I cato n Ruger .22 LR, Mark III e p Pups, FC Tonelli's Ris chasing products or • C Z 550 S a fari, 4 16 SS competition target ing Sun bred, 4 females, services from out of I Rigby, $1,050, c a ll p istol, $ 5 00 , ca l l 541-548-4774. 3 males, $600 ea. 541-390-8000 l the area. Sending l 541-598-6988 ' cash, checks, or Ruger M77 7mm mag D ON'T MI S S T HI S i credit i n f o rmation num, Leupold scope, may be subjected to custom all-weather fin i FRAUD. For more ishes on scope, barrel & DO YOU HAVE information about an r stock. Ammo included. SOMETHING TO advertiser, you may $750. 541-317-0116 SELL l call t h e Ore g onl FOR $500 OR Ruger Red Label 20g Attor ney ' German Shorthairs ' State LESS? o/u English stock 26" AKC - females $500, i General's O f fi ce Non-commercial choke tubes - $1,000. males $400. Home Consumer P r otec- • advertisers may Browning Citori 12g o/u raised, mom on-site, t ion ho t l in e at l 28" choke tubes place an ad 1st shots dewormed. i 1-877-877-9392. with our $1,000. 541-408-2114. "QUICK CASH Both in beautiful condi This special one page guide will feature an option of three different ad sizes. G erman Wireh a i r SPECIAL" tion 541-977-7006 Pointer pups, ready 1 week3 lines 12 The guide will run 8 consecutive Fridays beginning November 2nd in our 10/27, AKC/NAVHDA, S&W 9mm model 659 OI' silver, great c o nd. jcallisOeoni.corn, Classifieds Section. ~2 e e k s 2 N 541-805-9478. Antiques & w/case & 3 cartridges Ad must $450. 541-420-9599 Collectibles include price of Kittens/cats avail. thru I r w I rescue group. Tame, s~ le te af $500 Wanted: Collector shots, altered, ID chip, The Bulletin reserves or less, or multiple seeks high quality more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call the right to publish all items whose total fishing items. re: other days. 65480 ads from The Bulletin does not exceed Call 541-678-5753, or 78th St ., Bend , newspaper onto The $500. 503-351-2746 5 41-389-8420; 598 Bulletin Internet web Wanted: WWII M1 Car 5488; photos, etc. at site. Call Classifieds at bine, Colt Commando, 541-385-5809 Colt 1911, S&W Vic www.bendbulletin.corn Kittens - Looking for a Sewrng Central Oregon vnce 1903 tory, 541-389-9836. companion not just a cat? Then Lester and Guy are looking for you. Two five month old kit tens need homes they can share. For more **: information call Linda at DO YOU HAVE SOMETHING TO
Cobra ZL a d justable d nver, 1 0 .5 , $ 9 5 . 541-923-8271
A1 Washers & Dryers
$150 ea. Full war ranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355
8,0I'e I eiqow iis...
i i i
Winter is on it's way and now is the time to promote your business in our special Service Guide page in Classifieds!
LThe Bulleting
The Bulletin recom mends extra caution w hen purc h a s ing products or ser vices from out of the area. Sending cash, checks, or credit in f ormation may b e subjected to fraud. For more i nforma tion about an adver tiser, you may call the O r egon State Attorney General' s Office C o n sumer 541-647-4280 Protection hotline at Lab Puppies, yellows & 1-877-877-9392. b lacks, males 8 f e males, $200 ea., no papers, 541-771-5511 Serv ng Central Oregon s>nce 1903 Labradoodles - Mini & Adult companion cats med size, several colors 541-504-2662 FREE to seniors, dis abled 8 veterans! Tame, www.alpen-ridge.corn altered, shots, ID chip, Labradors, quality! AKC, more. Will always take 2 black, 2 choc; 1 white back if c ircumstances fern., $500. Suitable for change. 389-8420. Visit svc dogs. 541-536-5385 Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, http: //www.welcomelabs.corn info: Maltese pups, 7 weeks, 2 AUSSIES, M I N I/TOYmales, $350, 2 females, ea., adorable lov AKC, all colors, $325 $450 frisky & flu f fy! & up, parents on site. ing, 541-678-0120 541-598-5314 or 541-788-7799 Pit Bull puppies, born A ug. 28th. $20 0 . Barn/shop cats FREE C ontact T iffany a t some tame, some not 541-728-1416 Call or We d eliver! F i xed text and I can email or shots. 541-389-8420 text you with Pictures. POODLE pups, AKC toy POM-A-POO pups, toy.
The Bulletin
Oregonians agree tg
The Bulletin
So cute! 541-475-3889
Poodles, standard AKC, black 8 apricot, $800 Chihuahua Pups, as $1000, happy, healthy & sorted colors, teacup groomed. 541-367-8822 1st shots, w ormed Poodle Toy Puppies $250, 541-977-0035 2 males, 5 females. 8 wks. 541-520-7259 Dachshund AKC minis wheaton, red, choc, dpi Queensland Heelers parents here, vet check standard & mini,$150 & www.bendweenies.corn up. 541-280-1537 http: // $375-425 541-508-4558 nghtwayranch.wordpress.corn
• Weatherization • Home imProvement • CarPet cleaning • Automotive • And much more!
I Deadline for ad space ancl cop)f: Fri., oct. 26, 20I2
Youhavearighttoknowwhatyourgovernmentisdoing. Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed ia a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local government agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly. Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a govern ment web site daily,' but 80% of all Oregon adults read a news paper at least once during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there.**
Keeppublic noticesinthenewspaper! Us. census sureou Moy2009 "Amencon apronRe+arch. stncetonN/. septemw 2010
Publishes on Friday, Nov. 2, 9, l6 & 23 Additional publish dates:
Nov. 30, Dec. 7, l4, 2I
Ad Size
1.120" x 2.6511"
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2.4715x 2.6511"
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2.4715x 5"
$240.00(4 runs)
PLUS 4 FREE/ Contact your Bulletin Advertising RePresentative for more information Nena Close: 54I-383-0302 • email: nclose@wescompapers.corn Tonya McKiernan: 54I -6I7-7865 • email: tmcklernan@wescompapers.corn
www.ben dbulletim.corn The
Bu l l et i n
541 -382-1811
541-385-5809 or go to www.bendbulletin.corn
Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 Outrageous comedy 6 Big galoots 10 "Play It Again
36 Start of a Ray Bradbury title
67 Falling apart 68 Big Apple inits. 69 Price 70 Fails to mention
Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Sate
... or a hint to 13 14 15 16 the ends of 17n 26-, 49- and 17 18 62-Across 43 New York State' s Down 19 20 21 22 Canal 13 Plan B 1 Queries on the 23 24 25 Internet, for short 16 "I' ll take that as 44 Supermodel Campbell 2 His: Fr. 26 27 28 29 3 0 31 32 17 Leona Helmsley 45 Frequent "S.N.L." 3 Blvds. and rds. host Baldwin 4 Not-so-impressive 33 epithet 34 35 49 One of the Sex grade 18 Tree with needles Pistols 37 38 39 4 0 41 42 5 Suffix with north 36 19 Bro's sibling 52 A funny thing or south 43 20 Uno y dos happened on the 6 "Stop staring way to this, in an 21 Quayle: Bush:: 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 old musical Biden: 7 Slapstick props 54 Utopia 52 53 23 Entr' (musical 8 One of the 55 Little guy in the interlude) Gabors garden 55 56 57 58 5 9 60 9 Mister in Mexico 25 Urban's opposite 56 Rank below a 10 African hunt 26 Words under a 61 6 2 6 3 64 65 marquis monkey with his 58 Football passers, 11 Zebra or zebu hands over his 66 67 12 Esprit de corps for short ears 14 "What' s 61 All up 68 69 70 32 Go the extra like?" (agitated) 15 "It's co u ntry!" 33 Samuel on the 62 1956 01 Elvis hit Puzzle by Andrea Carla Michaela Supreme Court 22 Mooch, as a 66 "Float like a cigarette 35 Look that may 5 7 Going t o o t h 45 Kabul native 34 Again from the butterfly, sting and nail accompany a top like a bee" boxer 23 Johnson who 46 Feeling friendless groan 58 Paris's said "Ver-r-r-ry 47 XXX-rated d'Orsay 37 Mins.and mins. ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE interesting!" 59 " 48 Summa ever so 38 Jr.'s junior 24 Bill worth 100 G A B Y S T O O D IN F O R laude humble ..." smackers 39 Brother of Abel 60 Some cameras, OM O O K E P T A D I A R Y 50 Words after 40 "Kitchy for short T ON G O R E O C O O K I E 26 Possesses nouns k itchy- ! " 63 Singer Yoko C R E A M R I N S E B E E S 27 "Don't Bring 51 Do-nothing 64 Corp. bigwig Me Down" rock 41 Aussie bird HE RM I T P EN N E 53 Combat doc group, for short 42 Run down, in 65 331/3, 45 or 78, A SS A D P A R D O A T E slang 56 Terminates briefly 28 Order between T WE E Z E R S M AD "ready" and "fire" For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit O RB I NS T A NT E L S 29 Equipped with card, 1-800-814-5554. M I L V I C E C O P S Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday sails, as a EC U E D I C T A P E RS crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. windmill L E E D S
30 Gerund suffix CH O P H O T O D IO D E 31 Al c indor H E O R I OL E S T I LE (Kareem Abdul EN N E S S E A N U SED Jabbar's birth XS E N A T O R S P E GS name)
Lost 8 Found
• Hay, Grain & Feed •
Found: Toy Horses in Looking for your Orig. Boxes, etc., Hwy next employee? Building Supply Resale 20 W. of Bend, 10/5, Place a Bulletin Quality at 541-382-2682. help wanted ad LOW PRICES LOST: Cat, white, long 52684 Hwy 97 today and haired, name is Leo, 541-536-3234 reach over large male, left ear Open to the public . 60,000 readers gray, gray patch on each week. Prineville Habitat fuzzy tail, has collar 8 Your classified ad ReStore tags, n ea r J e w ell will also Building Supply Resale School. Please call appear on 1427 NW Murphy Ct. 541-420-8883.
QOrj O re
Redmond Homes
541-385-5809. VIEW the Classifieds at:
Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS
Long term lease on 40+ irrigated acres in Alfalfa. Available now for fall or spring planting. 541-548-0040
The Bulletin
4' x 4' x 8'
• Receipts should include name,
phone, price and kind of wood pur chased. • Firewood ads MUST include spe cies and cost per cord to better serve our customers.
Need to get an ad in ASAP? You can place it online at: www.bendbulletin.corn
Qrj s
Two rolls of field fenc ing: 1 n ew, 1 used
The Bulletin Serv>ng Central Oregon since 1903
Farm Equipment & Machinery
30+ cord s e asoned, split, p iled. S e ll-all only $3250. P oss. trade for motorcycle, New Holland p/up, car, quad, La Ford Tractor, Di e sel, Pine, 928-581-9190 2300, hours, 32HP, Incl. push hog, post Dry Juniper Firewood hole auger, blade, $200 per cord, split. $12,000, 1/2 cords available. 541-410-0929 Immediate delivery! 541-408-6193 Look for Information FIREWOOD seasoned People Lodgepole, p r ofes About Products and sional quick delivery. Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin Classifleds Rounds $180 c ord; Contact A n d y at 325
Housekeeping World Mark E agle Crest is taking appli cation for a part time housekeeping posi tion, some hotel re sort cleaning exp. preferred. Must be able to work week ends. Please c a ll Tammy or Lisa at
$100 541-389-9844
Wanted: Irrigated farm ground, under pivot ir riqation, i n C e n tral OR. 541-419-2713
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Our winning team of sales & promotion professionals are making an average of $400 - $800 per week doing special events, trade shows, retail & grocery store promotions while representing THE B ULLETlN newspaper as an independent contractor H/E OFFER:
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FOR THE CHANCE OF A LIFETIME, Call Adam Johnson 541-410-5521, TODAY!
a ROWIN G with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory or contact Linda Childers, (541)426-5313
Hay, Grain & Feed
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delivery, call the Circulation Dept. at 541-385-5800
To place an ad, call 541-385-5809
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The Bulletin
Serving Central Oregon srnce 1903
"P/ease discontinue this l ad as the vehicle has beenso/d.Iam p/eased l to tell you that 1 had postedit on Craig's List on 6 different locations butit was the Bulletin ad S'L'A wo 2004 75k that sold it!" all-weather tires, tow Lee, G. pkg, gold metallic,
beige leather int.,
moonroof, .........
Screened, soil & com post m i x ed , no rocks/clods. High hu mus level, exc. f or flower beds, lawns, straight gardens, s creened to p s o i l . Bark. Clean fill. De liver/you haul.
Want Results from qualified local buyers? Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask about our Whee/ Deal special!
Operate Your Own Business
Newspaper Delivery Independent Contractor
© Call Today © We are looking for independent contractors to service home delivery routes in:
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THEY ARE GONE! 2 bdrm, 1 bath
$530 & $540 Carports & A/C included! Fox Hollow Apts. (541) 383-3152
Loans & Mortgages
Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co *Upstairs only with lease
WARNING The Bulletin recom
LeRoux NMLs57716 Cail to learn more.
541-350-7839 Security1 Lending
Remember.... 573 A dd your we b a d dress to your ad and Business Opportunities readers on The Bulletin' s web site Looking for your will be able to click next employee? through automatically Place a Bulletin help to your site. wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Where can you find a Your classified ad helping hand? will also appear on From contractors to bendbulletin.corn which currently re yard care, it's all here ceives over 1.5 mil in The Bulletin's lion page views "Call A Service every month at no extra cost. Professional" Directory Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call Sales 385-5809 or place Telephone prospecting your ad on-line at position for important bendbulletln.corn professional services. Income pote n tial $50,000. (average in come 30k-35k) op portunity f o r ad vancement. Base 8 Commission, Health and Dental Benefits. Will train the right per son. Fax resume to:
*Supplement Your Income*
KOrj O re
NMLS981 61
Independent Contractor
Log truck loads of green 375 lodgepole del. to Bend Wanted: Irrigated farm Meat & Animal Processing $1000. Mixed loads ground, under pivot ir lodgepole, $1 1 0 0. rigation, i n C e n tral Grass fed, all natural 541-815-4177 OR. 541-419-2713 BEEF. No hormones, antibiotics, etc. Wheat Straw: Certified 8 $2.50/lb. + cut & Gardening Supplies Beddinq Straw & Garden wrap. 541-389-5392. Straw;Compost.546-6171 & Equipment
$299 1st mo. rent!!
mends you use cau Apt./Multiplex Redmond tion when you pro Duplex 2 bdrm/1 bath, vide personal appl., W/D hookup, information to compa fenced yard, storage nies offering loans or shed, $599+dep., credit, especially 2812 SW 24th. those asking for ad 541-815-1146. vance loan fees or companies from out of 650 state. If you have Medical concerns or ques Houses for Rent Chief Nursing tions, we suggest you NE Bend Officer consult your attorney Wallowa Memorial or call CONSUMER HOTLINE, Looking for your next Hospital 1-877-877-9392. employee? Place a Bulletin help Located in BANK TURNED YOU wanted ad today and Enterprise, OR DOWN? Private party reach over 60,000 will loan on real es readers each week. 25 Bed critical ac tate equity. Credit, no Your classified ad cess hospital. Or problem, good equity will also appear on egon RN licensure, is all you need. Call bendbulletin.corn, CPR, ACLS, now. Oregon Land currently receiving T.E.A.M. (TNCC) Mortgage 388-4200. over 1.5 million page Certifications. BSN views, every month Required/Masters LOCAL MONEY:We buy at no extra cost. Preferred. Minimum secured trust deeds & Bulletin Classifieds 5 years acute care & note, some hard money Get Results! 2 y e ar s n u r sing loans. Call Pat Kelley Call 541-385-5809 or m anagement. E x 541-382-3099 ext.13. c ellent Bene f i t place your ad on-line Reverse Mortgaqes at Package. EOE by local expert Mike bendbulletin.corn Visit our website at
Looking for Employment
• Farmers Column •
1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend, OR 97702
Seeking individual with mechanical ap titude & clean driving record. Drug-free workplace; must pass drug screen and criminal background check. Clean, profes sional appearance. No experience nec essary. Pay $11 per hour. Apply in person: 20584 Painters Ct., Bend, between 10am-2pm, Monday-Friday.
lish the next day!
Next Ad
Installer I Glass Glazier
DO YOU NEED A GREAT EMPLOYEE RIGHT NOW? Call The Bulletin before 11 a.m. and get an ad in to pub
Seeking position as Pri vate Caregiver, over 10 yrs. exp. in medical/ sur gical floors. Very com passionate, professional caregiver. 541-294-5440
is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend
The Bulletin
721 NE 3rd St.
CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. SATURDAY by telephone 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Employment Opportunities
TRUCK SCHOOL Redmond Campus Student Loans/Job Waiting Toll Free
A Payment Drop Box is available at Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( * ) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin reserves the right to reject any ad at any time.
Bend, OR 800-868-1816 www.nw-rei.corn
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Employment Opportunities
Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds
Best Western
Garage Sale Special 4 lines for 4 days..................................
PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. Wewill gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace eachTuesday.
Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales
October 17th 2:00PM OR 7:00PM
OVER '500in total merchandise 4 days .................................................. $18.50 7 days .................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50
Tired of Your Boring, Dead-End Job?? Power Your Career with WIND! Six Month Turbine Technician Program
'UNDER '500in total merchandise 7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days ................................................ $16.00 *Must state prices in ad
l person. Interviews l
Schools & Training
Environmental Qual 541-923-0882 ity (DEQ) and the fed Prineville, Good classified ads tell eral En v ironmental 541 -447-71 78; the essential facts in an Protection A g e ncy OR Craft Cats, interesting Manner. Write 541-389-8420. (EPA) as having met from the readers view - not smoke emission stan the seller' s. Convert the 286 dards. A cer t ified facts into benefits. Show w oodstove may b e Sales Northeast Bend the reader how the item will identified by its certifi help them in someway. cation label, which is This permanently attached ** FREE ** advertising tip to the stove. The Bul Garage Sale Kit brought to youby letin will no t k n ow an ad in The ingly accept advertis Place Bulletin for your ga The Bulletin i ng for the sale of rage sale and re uncertified ceive a Garage Sale wood stoves. 345 Kft FREE! Livestock 8 Equipment KIT I NCLUDES: Fuel & Wood • 4 Garage Sale Signs Goats - Quality young • $2.00 Off Coupon To bred does, 5 © $100/ Use Toward Your head. 541-548-0501 WHEN BUYING
To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends pay ment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspect!on. • A cord is 128 cu. ft.
Starting at 3 lines
— All Caregiver Shifts avail. Apply in '
Place aphotoin your private party ad for only $15.00 perweek.
this week. 1099 NE, Watt Way, Bend.
bendbulletln.corn 541-447-6934 Lost Jezebel, a small which currently Open to the public. scruffy female Chi receives over huahua, brown, long 1.5 million page ish-hair, w e s t of views every I Heating & Stoves Brookswood on trails month at no north of main COI ca NOTICE TO extra cost. nal. $1000 reward. ADVERTISER Bulletin 541-41 0-2887. Since September 29, Class! f leds 1991, advertising for REMEMBER: Ifyou Get Results! used woodstoves has have lost an animal, Call 541-385-5809 been limited to mod don't forget to check or place your ad els which have been The Humane Society on-line at c ertified by the O r in Bend 541-382-3537 bendbulletin.corn egon Department of Redmond,
• 10 Tips For "Garage Sale Success!"
puzzles, nytimes.corn/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.corn/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.corn/learning/xwords.
La Pine Habitat RESTORE
Thursday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Fr i d ay. . . .. . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . . 1 1:00 am Fri. Saturday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e 3:00 F r i e Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Sate
AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.corn/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past
I Building Materials
Tuesday • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Mone Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Tuese
* Prineville *
00rj0rj 605
Roommate Wanted
seeks furnished rental in Bend area for Nov. thru Apr. Non-smok
ers, no pets, excel lent references. Con tact 806-374-5675 or nemarsh@hotmail.corn 630
MuSt have reliable, inSured VehiCle.
NE Bend, private bath &
during business hours
The Bulletin
culdesac. storage econ heat. R60 ins. $750+ last+ dep. No pets 1977 NW 2nd. Local refs. 660
Houses for Rent La Pine La Pine - Nice 3 Bd, 2.5 Ba, in Crescent Creek subdivision. Gas appli ances 8 fireplace, dbl garage, fitness center, park. $800 mo; $900 deposit. 541-815-5494 687
Commercial for Rent/Lease
Huge Landscaped Lot Move in Ready! 800-451-5808 ext 819
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.corn which currently re ceives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.corn 762
Homes with Acreage 5 Acres, 2 irrigated, E. side of Bend, 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath, small shed, must be pre-qualified, $350,000, 541-389-7481 773
Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is cor rect. Sometimes in s tructions over t h e phone are misunder stood and an e rror can occur in your ad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as s oon a s w e ca n . Deadlines are: Week days 11:00 noon for next day, Sat. 11:00 a.m. for Sunday and Monday. 541-385-5809 Thank you! The Bulletin Classified 775
Manufactured/ Mobile Homes
FACTORY SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm,
$47,500 finished on your site,541.548.5511
www.JandMHomes.corn Spectrum professional i • d building, 2 5 0 ' -500', ~u $1.00 per ft. total. No $19,900 2 bdrm, 2 bath N NN. C a l l An d y , $23,900 2 bdrm, 1 bath 541-385-6732. $38,900 3 bdrm, 2 bath $39,999 3 bdrm, 2 bath 541-548-5511
X'Or)0 rj
Just too many collectibles? Sell them in The Bulletin Classifieds
541-385-5809 Movers! $7,999 2 bdrm, 1 bath, $19,999 Office/ Studio, $32,900 3 bdrm, 2 bath, 541-548-5511
Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours.
apply via email at online©bendbulletin.corn
Classic Irg. 2 bdrm on
Room for rent, Just bring our toothbrush, one 1 drm, full bath, office, 745 k itchen u s e , fu l l y Homes for Sale stocked with utensils. Beautiful home at The Greens Golf Course in BANK OWNED HOMES! FREE List w/Pics! Redmond. $500/mo. + small utility bill. Own www. BendRepos.corn and beyond real estate ers are absent often. bend 20967 yeoman, bend or
Rooms for Rent
Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933
Houses for Rent NW Bend
Redmond Worry Free Certified Home $149,000
entrance, fenced pa tio,new carpet 8 paint, $495. 541-317-1879
Studios & Kitchenettes Furnished room, TV w/ cable, micro & fridge. Utils & linens. New
owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885
NOTICE All real estate adver tised here in is sub ject to t h e F e deral F air Housing A c t , which makes it illegal to advertise any pref erence, limitation or discrimination based on race, color, reli gion, sex, handicap, familial status or na tional origin, or inten tion to make any such preferences, l i m ita tions or discrimination. We will not knowingly accept any advertis ing for r ea l e s tate which is in violation of this law. All persons are hereby informed Thousands ofadsdaily that all dwellings ad in print andonline. vertised are available on an equal opportu nity basis. The Bulle ' 8 el » tin Classified
Where buyers meet sellers Classifjeds •
Motorcycles & Accessories Boats & Accessories
2010, 805 miles, $17,000 Call Don © 541-410-3823 870
Harley Davidson Soft Boats & Accessories Tail D eluxe 20 0 7 , white/cobalt, w / pas 13' Smokercraft senger kit, Vance 8 1985, good cond., Hines muffler system 15HP gas Evinrude 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. c ond, $19,9 9 9 , + Minakota 44 elec.
541-385-8090 or 209-605-5537
HD FAT BOY 1996 Completely rebuilt/ customized, low miles. Accepting of fers. 541-548-4807 HD Screaming Eagle Electra Glide 2005, e 103 motor, two tone candy teal, new tires, 23K miles, CD player, hydraulic clutch, ex cellent condition. Highest offer takes it. 541-480-8080. Honda Elite 80 2 001, 1400 mi., absolutely like new., comes w/
carrying rack for 2" receiver, ideal for use w/motorhome, $995, 541-546-6920 •
To the bicyclist who I invertantly cut off at the Mill Mall round about last Saturday, my apologies.
motor, fish finder, 2 extra seats, trailer, extra equip. $3200. 541-888-9270
17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, troll
I ll
20.5' Seaswirl Spy der 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO. 541-379-3530
Black Chameleon.
Motorcycles & Accessories
Harley Heritage Softail, 2003 $5,000+ in extras, $2000 paint job, 30K mi. 1 owner, For more information please call
Softajl Deluxe
541-389-91 88.
gThe Bulleti
18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 • Volvo Penta, 270HP,
r r
t l
r t
20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow,
exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini 8 custom trailer, $19,500. 541-389-1413
Antique & Classic Autos
2007 Sea Doo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.
S pringdale 2005 27', 4' slide rn dining/living area, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 obo. 541-408-3811 t T"t /
$10,000 541-719-8444 Ads published in eWa ercraft" include: Kay ks, rafts and motor Ized personal atercrafts. For
"boats" please see lass 870.
Taurus 27.5' 1988 Everything works, $1750/partial trade for car. 541-460-9127
Sport Utility Vehicles
Autom o b i les
Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 Cadillac E l D or a d o 4x4. 120K mi, Power 1 994, Total c r e am seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd puff, body, paint, trunk row seating, e xtra as showroom, blue tires, CD, privacy tint leather, $1700 wheels 6t ing, upgraded rims. w/snow tires although Fantastic cond. $7995 car has not been wet 1999 Ford F250 XLT at Super Duty S u per Contact Timm in 8 years. On trip to Cab. V10, 6.8L, auto, 541-408-2393 for info Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., or to view vehicle. 4x4, 90k miles, AC, $5400, 541-593-4016. winch, grille, many ex tras, 2 extra tailgates Cadillac Seville STS and 5th wheel set-up. 2003 - just finished $9900 541-31 7-0554. Ford Excur s ion $4900 engine work Chevy Silverado 1500 2005, 4WD, diesel, by Certified GM me LTZ crew, 2011, sexy exc. cond., $18,900, chanic. Has every black, loaded! 12k mi, call 541-923-0231. thing but navigation. $36K. 541-325-3735 Too many bells and Ford Expedition 4WD, whistles to l i st. Chev Silverado 1500 2000, 137K, new tires, bought a new one. LT 4x4 2009, crew $5500. 541-419-1317 $6900 firm. cab. $34,995 ¹1451th
Oregon AutoSource 541-598-3750
GMC Denali 2003 loaded with options. Exc. cond., snow tires and rims in cluded. 130k hwy miles. $9,500 obo. 541-419-4890.
Chrysler Sebring 2006 Fully loaded, exc.cond, very low miles (38k), always garaged, transferable warranty incl. $8600
1980 Chevy C30, 16K original miles, 400 cu in, auto, 4WD, winch. $7000 obo. 541-389-2600 " *.tft
Ford 250 XLT 1990,
6 yd. dump bed,
139k, Auto, $5500. 541-41 0-9997
Canopies & Campers Chevy Wagon 1957, Caribou Cam p er 4-dr., complete, 1995, model 11M, $15,000 OBO, trades, A/C, electric jacks, please call micro, 2.5K propane 541-420-5453. gen, awning. Ford F-350 X L T 1 9 99, Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, 7 .3L d i esel, 4 x 4 auto. trans, ps, air, crewcab, 162K mi., frame on rebuild, re $ 13,000 pkg. W i ll painted original blue, sell camper sepa rately fo r $ 4 5 00. original blue interior, original hub caps, exc. 541-548-3610 chrome, asking $9000 or make offer.
G MC Yukon XL S L T 2004, loaded w/fac tory dvd, 3rd s eat, $8900. 541-280-6947
Ford F250 XLT 4x4 L ariat, 1990, r e d ,
80K original miles, 4" lift with 39's, well maintained, $4000 obo. 541-419-5495
Ford Crown Vic. 1997 4 door, 127k, d rives, runs a n d looks great, extra set of winter tires on rims, only $3000. 541-771-6500.
Jeep Willys 1947,custom, small block Chevy, PS, OD, mags+ trailer. Swap for backhoe. No am calls
please. 541-389-6990 Mercedes E420 1994,
great cond., all ser vice records, 152K Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, $5,250 541-610-9986 n 7 1K, Xc ab , X L T, Say ogoodbuy auto, 4 . 0L, $ 8 4 00 M itsubishi 300 0 G T to that unused OBO. 541-388-0232 Porsche Cayenne 2004, 1 999, a u to., p e a r l item by placing it in 86k, immac, dealer w hite, very low m i . TURN THE PAGE maint'd, loaded, now $9500. 541-788-8218. The Bulletin Classifieds $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 For More Ads 541-385-9350
slide, Bunkhouse style, sleeps 7-8, excellent condition, $ 1 6 ,900, 541-390-2504
Q» 908
541 -385-5809
The Bulletin
Aircraft, Parts 8 Service
gert ng Central 0 agon once t903
Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 29', weatherized, like n ew, f u rnished & ready to go, incl Wine ard S a t ellite dish,
Ca/I 54 I -385-5809 to r o m ot e o u r s ervice
r~e' $4e
leave message!
The Bulletin •
Fifth Wheels
~ Ile
The Bulletin
r l
Southwind 35.5' Triton, Regal Prowler AX6 Ex 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du treme Edition 38' '05, Chev Corvair Monza con pont UV coat, 7500 mi. 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all vertible,1964, new top & Bought new at maple cabs, king bed/ tranny, runs great, exlnt $132,913, bdrm separated w/slide cruising car! $5500 obo. Check out the asking $93,500. glass dr,loaded, always 541-420-5205 classifieds online Cali 541-419-4212 garaged, lived in only 3 mo,brand new $54,000, w ww.bendbuttetin.corn Ager jar Q ttg& still like new, $28,500, Updated daily will deliver,see rvt.corn, Ads published in the ad¹4957646 for pics. "Boats" classification Gory, 541-580-7334 include: Speed, fish Chevy C-20 Pickup ing, drift, canoe, • Winnebago Class C 27' SPRINTER36' 2005, 1969, all orig. Turbo 44 house and sail boats. $10,500 obo. Two 1992, Ford 460 V8,64K auto 4-spd, 396, model For all other types of slides, sleeps 5, good cond., $7000 CST /all options, orig. watercraft, please see mi., queen air mattress, OBO 541-678-5575 owner, $24,000, Class 875. small sgl. bed, couch 541-923-6049 541-385-5809 folds out. 1.5 baths, 541-382-0865, Travel Trailers
16-ft 2005 Spirit ing motor, full cover, GENERATE SOME ex Casita EZ - L oad t railer, citement in your neig Deluxe, awning, AC, heater. Excellent cond. $3500 OBO. borhood. Plan a ga $11,000. 541-383-3886 541-382-3728. rage sale and don' t forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809. 17' Seaswirl 1988 open bow, r ebuilt gererng Central Oregon since 1903 Chevy V6 engine, new uph o lstery, Used out-drive Pioneer Spirit 1 8CK, $4500 or best offer. parts - Mercury 2007, used only 4x, AC, 707-688-4523 OMC rebuilt ma electric tongue j ack, $8995. 541-389-7669 rine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435
low hrs., must see, $15,000, 541-330-3939
Chrysler SD 4-Door 1930, CD S Royal Standard, 8-cylinder, -ttvger
Ford Super Duty F-250 body is good, needs 2001, 4X4, $7900 OBO some r e s toration, trades considered. runs, taking bids, 541-815-9939
Toyota 4Runner 4f/I/D 1986, auto, 2 dr., needs work $995, 541-923-7384
Porsche 911 1974, low mi., complete motor/ trans. rebuild, tuned suspension, int. 8 ext. refurb., oi l c o oling, shows new in 8 out, erf. m ech. c o n d. uch more!
26,995. 541-420-9964 Sea Kayaks - His & 1/3 interest in Colum 541-383-3888, Vans Hers, Eddyline Wind bia 400, located at 541-815-3318 G A L L W $28,000 541-420-2715 Dancers,17', fiberglass Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. TODAY 0 gree boats, all equip incl., Call 541-647-3718 PORSCHE 914 1974, /1 NOTICE: Oregon state N OTICE: O R E G O N paddies, personal flo Viking Tent t railer I nternational Fla t Roller (no engine), law req u ires any Landscape Contrac tation devices,dry bags, 2008, clean, s e lf 1 /3 interest i n w e l l Bed Pickup 1963, 1 lowered, full roll cage, equipped IFR Beech one who c o n tracts tors Law (ORS 671) spray skirts, roof rack w/ contained, sleeps 5, ton dually, 4 s p d. 5-pt harnesses, rac for construction work r equires a l l bu s i towers & cradles — Just easy to tow, great B onanza A 36 , l o trans., great MPG, seats, 911 dash 8 to be licensed with the nesses that advertise add water, $1250/boat cond. $5200, obo. cated KBDN. $55,000. could be exc. wood Chevrolet G20 Sports ing instruments, d e cent C onstruction Con to p e r form L a n d Firm. 541-504-8557. 541-383-71 50. 541-419-9510 hauler, runs great, man, 1993, exlnt cond, shape, FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, v e r y c o ol! tractors Board (CCB). scape C o nstruction new brakes, $1950. $4750. 541-362-5559 or $1699. 541-678-3249 Executive Hangar door panels w/flowers 541-41 A n active lice n se which includes: 9-5480. 541-663-6046 8 hummingbirds, at Bend Airport means the contractor p lanting, decks , white soft top 8 hard (KBDN) itI >I I I t i s bonded an d i n fences, arbors, Toyota Camry's 60' wide x 50' deep, top. Just reduced to Chevy Astro s ured. Ve r ify t h e w ater-features, a n d w/55' wide x 17' high $3,750. 541-317-9319 Cargo Van 2001, 1 984, $ 1 2 00 contractor's CCB installation, repair of door. Natural or 541-647-8483 pw, pdl, great cond., obo;1985 SOLD; Ijj CCQ I c ense through t h e irrigation systems to Weekend Warrior Toy bi-fold I nternational Fla t gas heat, office, bath business car, well 1986 parts c a r, CCB Cons u m er be licensed with the Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, room. Parking for 6 Bed Pickup 1963, 1 m aint, regular o i l $500; call for de Website Landscape Contrac fuel station, exc cond. c ars. A djacent t o ton dually, 4 s p d. changes, $4 5 0 0, www.hirealicensedcontractor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s tails, sleeps 8, black/gray trans., great MPG, corn please call 4-digit number is to be Country Coach Intrigue i nterior, u se d 3X , Frontage Rd; g r eat 541-548-6592 could be exc. wood or call 503-378-4621. included in all adver 2002, 40' Tag axle. visibility for a viation 541-633-5149 hauler, runs great, The Bulletin recom tisements which indi 400hp Cummins Die $24,999. bus. 1jetjock@q.corn 541-389-9188 new brakes, $1950. Chevy G-20 c u stomT oyota C a mry X L E mends checking with cate the business has sel. tw o s l ide-outs. 541-948-2126 Ford Galaxie 500 1963, 541-41 9-5480. the CCB prior to con a bond, insurance and 4 1,000 miles, n e w 2 dr. hardtop, fastback, 1994 V6, 4 dr, leather conversion travel van tracting with anyone. workers c ompensa tires & batteries. Most 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & interior, AM/FM radio 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear Fifth Wheels • radio (orig),541-419-4989 Some other t r ades tion for their employ options.$95,000 OBO CD/Tape player, sun elect. bed, 75% tires. a also req u ire addi ees. For your protec 541-678-5712 real beauty in & out! roof, a uto., p s /pb, Ford Mustang Coupe tional licenses and Travel in economy and c ruise, A / C , ver y tion call 503-378-5909 1966, original owner, certifications. ix style and under $4000. clean, great condition, or use our website: V8, automatic, great Bob, 541-318-9999 $3150. 541-593-2134 re www.lcb.state. to ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP shape, $9000 OBO. Debris Removal check license status SHARE LEFT! 530-51 5-81 99 975 RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L Look at: before con t racting n! Economical flying in hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, JUNK BE GONE Automobiles Bendhomes.corn Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 with t h e bu s iness. your ow n C e s sna Ford Ranchero am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. I Haul Away FREE by Carriage, 4 slide 172/180 HP for only Persons doing land Econoline RV 19 8 9 , 1979 541-420-3634 /390-1285 Audi S4 Cabriolet 2005 for Complete Listings of For Salvage. Also outs, inverter, satel scape maintenance fully loaded, exc. cond, $ 10,000! Based a t with 351 Cleveland 49K mi, red w/charcoal Area Real Estate for Sale Cleanups & Cleanouts lite sys, fireplace, 2 do not require a LCB 35K orig. mi., $18,750. BDN. Call Gabe a t 935 modified engine. interior, 2 sets tires, Toyotas: 1999 Avalon Mel, 541-389-8107 flat screen TVs. license. Call 541-546-6133. Professional Air! Body is in Sport Utility Vehicles exc. cond., $19,950 $60,000. 541-388-0019 254k; 1996 Camry, excellent condition, 541-350-5373. Handyman 541-480-3923 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS CAN'T BEAT THIS! $2500 obo. 916 miles left in these L ook before y o u Search the area's most Buicks! 1996 Regal, 541-420-4677 ERIC REEVE HANDY Trucks & cars. Price? You tell buy, below market comprehensive listing of 87k; 1997 LeSabre, SERVICES. Home 8 me! I d guess value! Size & mile classified advertising... 112k; and others! Heavy Equipment Commercial Repairs, real $2000-$4000. You' ll not find nicer Ford T-Bird 1966 estate to automotive, age DOES matter! Carpentry-Painting, Your servant, Bob at Class A 32' Hurri Buicks $3500 & up. merchandise to sporting 390 engine, power Pressure-washing, goods. 541-318-9999, no cane by Four Winds, everything, new Buick Enclave 2008 CXL One look's worth a Bulletin Classifieds Honey Do' s. On-time appear every day in the 2007. 12,500 mi, all Fleetwood Wilderness charge for looking. thousand words. Call paint, 54K original AWD, V-6, black, clean, promise. Senior amenities, Ford V10, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, miles, runs great, mechanicall y sound, 82k Bob, 541-318-9999. print or on line. Jetta SE, Discount. Work guar Ithr, cherry, slides, miles. $22,900. for an appt. and take a Volkswagen rear bdrm, fireplace, excellent cond. in & Call 541-385-5809 40,500 mi, Great anteed. 541-389-3361 like new! New low Call 541-815-1216 drive in a 30 mpg. car 2008. out. Asking $8,500. AC, W/D hkup beau www.ben dbulletin.corn condition FWD ABS or 541-771-4463 price, $54,900. 541-480-3179 tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500.Diamond Reo Du mp 541-548-521 6 CHEVY K-5 BLAZER Cadillac CTS S e dan automatic AC moon Bonded & Insured 541-81 5-2380 Truck 19 7 4, 1 2 -14 The Bulletin 1985 Hunters Special 2007, 29K, auto, exc. roof, CD/MP3 8 much CCB¹181595 SerenaCentralOregon ence i903 yard box, runs good, ~ N E more~ $12 950 4x4 V-8 Tow Package cond, loaded, $17,900 G ulfstream Sce n i c I DO THAT! $6900, 541-548-6812 541-771-2312 $1900.00 541-977-8696 OBO, 541-549-8828 Nelson Landscape Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Home/Rental repairs Cummins 330 hp die Small jobs to remodels Maintenance sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 Honest, guaranteed Serving in. kitchen slide out, work. CCB¹151573 Central Oregon new tires, under cover, K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 GMC ttg t on 1971, Only Dennis 541-317-9768 Residential hwy. miles only,4 door slide, AC, TV, awning. $19,700! Original low & Commercial NEW: tires, converter, f ridge/freezer ice Home Improvement E conoline trail e r mile, exceptional, 3rd Reserving spots maker, W/D combo, 16-Ton 29 ' Bed, owner. 951-699-7171 for sprinkler Interbath t ub 8 Kelly Kerfoot Const. w/fold up ramps, elec. winterization shower, 50 amp pro 28 yrs exp in Central OR! brakes, P i n tlehitch, 8 snow removal pane gen & m o re! Quality 8 honesty, from $4700, 541-548-6812 •Sprinkler Repair $55,000. carpentry & handyman 1000 541-948-2310 Call The Bulletin At jobs, to expert wall cov • Back Flow Testing 1965, Exc. All original, • Leg a l Notices Legal Notices • Legal Notices ering install / removal. Lot Clearing 541-385-5809 4-dr. sedan, in stor •Fall Clean up Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail age last 15 yrs., 390 MONTANA 3585 2008, LEGAL NOTICE Licensed/bonded/insured •Weekly Mowing High C o m pression At: www.bendbulletin.corn exc. cond., 3 slides, TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 •Bark, Rock, Etc. Hunter's Delight! Pack engine, new tires 8 li king bed, Irg LR, Arc The Trustee under the terms of the Trust Deed described herein, at the •Senior Discounts age deal! 1988 Win c ense, reduced t o tic insulation, all op G R E A T direction of the Beneficiary, hereby elects to sell the property described in Landscaping/Yard Care nebago Super Chief, Bonded & Insured $2850, 541-410-3425. tions $37,500. the Trust Deed to satisfy the obligations secured thereby. Pursuant to 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t 541-81 5-4458 541-420-3250 ORS 86.745, the following information is provided: 1.PARTIES: Grantor: shape; 1988 Bronco II LCB¹8759 ANDREW JOHNSON AND LORI A. JOHNSON. Trustee:AMERITITLE. 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K NuWa 297Ltt H i t c h Hyster H25E, runs well, 2982 Hours, Successor Trustee: NANCY K. CARY. Beneficiary:SIUSLAW BANK. 2. mostly towed miles, Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Z~r/C zQuadri@ $3500, call DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY: The real property is described as fol nice rig! $15,000 both. 32' touring coach, left 541-749-0724 lows: Lot Five (5) in Block Twelve (12) of MOUNTAIN VILLAGE EAST II, Eau< Par e /',, 541-382-3964, leave kitchen, rear lounge, Deschutes County, Oregon. 3.RECORDING. The Trust Deed was re msg. many extras, beautiful Plymouth B a r racuda corded as follows: Date Recorded: September 21, 2005. Recording No.: More Than Service Discounts available c ond. inside 8 o u t , 1966, original car! 300 2005-63691 Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 4.DEFAULT. Peace Of Mind Call Cutting Edge Itasca Spirit Class C $34,499 OBO, Prinev hp, 360 V8, center The Grantor or any other person obligated on the Trust Deed and Promis Lawnworks: ille. 541-447-5502 days 2007, 20K miles, front lines, (Original 273 sory Note secured thereby is in default and the Beneficiary seeks to fore & 541-447-1641 eves. 541-815-4097 • entertainment center, Fall Clean Up eng 8 wheels incl.) close the Trust Deed for failure to pay: Monthly payments in the amount LCB ¹8451 all bells 8 whistles, Don't track it in all Winter 541-593-2597 of $1,541.27 each, due the first of each month, for the months of Decem extremely good con Take care of Peterbilt 359 p o table • Leaves ber 2011 through July 2012; plus late charges and advances; plus any Call The Yard Doctor water t ruck, 1 9 90,PROJECT CARS: Chevy • Cones dition, 2 s l ides, 2 your investments for yard maintenance, HDTV's, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp 2-dr FB 1949 8 Chevy unpaid real property taxes or liens, plus interest. 5.AMOUNT DUE. The • Needles $48,500 thatching, sod, sprin OBO. 541-447-5484 p ump, 4 - 3 e hoses, Coupe 1950 - rolling amount due on the Note which is secured by the Trust Deed referred to • Pruning with the help from camlocks, $ 2 5,000. chassis's $1750 ea., herein is: Principal balance in the amount of $226,709.91; plus interest at • Debris Hauling kler blowouts, water The Bulletin's 541-820-3724 features, more! Chevy 4-dr 1949, com the rate of 6.3750% per annum from November 1, 2011; plus late charges Allen 541-536-1294 "Call A Service plete car, $1949; Ca of $539.42; plus advances and foreclosure attorney fees and costs. 6. Gutter 925 dillac Series 61 1950, 2 SALE OF PROPERTY. The Trustee hereby states that the property will LCB 5012 Professional" Directory Cleaning Utility Trailers dr. hard top, complete be sold to satisfy the obligations secured by the Trust Deed. A Trustee's Aeration/Fall Clean-up w/spare front c l ip., Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed has BOOK NOW! $3950, 541-382-7391 been recorded in the Official Records of Deschutes County, Oregon. 7. Compost Weekly/one-time service Jayco Seneca 2007, TIME OF SALE. Date:December 13, 2012. Time:11:00 a.m. Place:Des Applications avail. Bonded, insured, tj MISS THIS chutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. 8. DDN 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy Use Less Water free estimates! Big Tex Landscap RIGHT TO REINSTATE. Any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, 5500 d i e sel , toy COLLINS Lawn Maint. ing/ ATV Trailer, VW Karman Ghia at any time that is not later than five days before the Trustee conducts the $$$ SAVE $$$ hauler $130 , 000. Ca/i 541-480-9714 dual axle flatbed, Improve Soil 1970, good cond., sale, to have this foreclosure dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by 541-389-2636. Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th 7'x16', 7000 lb. new upholstery and payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such wheel, 1 s lide, AC, Bend Landscaping GVW, all steel, convertible top. portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, 2012 Maintenance TV,full awning, excel Sprinkler Blowouts, $1400. by curing any other default that is capable of being cured by tendering the $10,000. Package Available lent shape, $23,900. and Winterization 541-382-4115, or 541-389-2636 performance required under the obligation or Trust Deed and by paying all weekly, monthly 541-350-8629 541-382-1 655 541-280-7024. costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust and LCB¹ 7990 Deed, together with the trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the one time service amount provided in ORS 86.753. You may reach the Oregon State Bar's 931 Lawyer Referral Service at 503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Immaculate! EXPERIENCED Automotive Parts, 800-452-7636 or you may visit its website at: Legal as Beaver Coach Marquis Commercial Door-to-door selling with 40' 1987. New cover, Service & Accessories sistance may be available if you have a low income and meet federal pov & Residential erty guidelines. For more information and a directory of legal aid pro fast results! It's the easiest new paint (2004), new In t e rnationalH onda Accord 2004 4 VW Thing 1974, good grams, go to http: // Any questions regarding this inverter (2007). Onan Pilgrim way in the world to sell. Free Estimates cond. Extremely Rare! matter should be directed to Lisa Summers, Paralegal, (541) 686-0344 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, 16 e RIMS for sale, 2 Senior Discounts Goo d Only built in 1973 & parked covered $35,000 Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 s now tires (TS ¹07754.30495). DATED: July 24, 2012. /s/ Nancy K. Cary. Nancy K. The Bulletin Classified 541-390-1466 obo. 541-419-9859 or Fall price $ 2 1,865. cond. $250 OB. 541 1974. $8,000. Cary, Successor Trustee, Hershner Hunter, LLP, P.O. Box 1475, Eugene, 541-385-5809 Same Day Response 541-280-2014 541-312-4466 350-1684 541-389-2636 OR 97440. •
&o~ &sr/
4fatu g e,
L e gal Notices
Legal Notices
L e g al Notices •
q uired filing fee. I t PERSONAL REPRE i n p r o per SENTATIVE: Irma E. Brosig, 3 3 32 9 N. C OURT FOR T H E form and have proof o f service o n t h e Santiam Hwy., Gates, STATE OF OREGON Oregon 97346. I N AND FO R T H E Plaintiff's attorney or, ATTORNEY FOR C OUNTY OF D E S if the Plaintiff does not PERSONAL at t o rney, CHUTES. Deutsche have a n Bank Trust Company proof of service on the REPRESENTATIVE: KARNOPP Americas as Trustee Plaintiff. If you have PETERSEN LLP, R ALI 2005Q A 3 , any questions, you Thomas J. Sayeg, P laintiff, v . Mar t i n should see an attor OSB¹ 873805, Kuba; Pheasant Run n ey immediately. I f tjs@karnopp.corn, Homeowners Asso y ou need h el p i n ciation; Wells Fargo finding an a t torney, 1201 NW Wall Street, Suite 300, Bank, N.AJ and Oc you may contact the cupants of the Pre Oregon State Bar's Bend, OR 97701-1957, mises, D e fendants. Lawyer Referral Ser TEL: (541) 382-3011, onl i n e at FAX: (541) 388-5410. Case No. 12CV0405. vice Of Attorneys for SUMMONS BY PUB www.oregonstatebar. Personal org or by calling (503) LICATION. TO THE 684-3763 ( in t h e Representative DEFENDANTS: MARTIN KUBA: In the Portland metropolitan LEGAL NOTICE area) or toll-free else IN THE CIRCUIT name of the State of Oregon, y o u are where in Oregon at COURT OF THE (800) 452-7636. This STATE OF OREGON h ereby required t o appear and answer summons is issued FOR THE COUNTY pursuant to ORCP 7. the c omplaint f iled OF CROOK a gainst you i n t h e ROUTH CRABTREE In the Matter of the OLSEN, P.C. By Chris above-entitled Court Estate of O SB ¹ and cause on or be Fowler, GAREN EUGENE fore the expiration of 052544, Attorneys for BALLARD, 30 days from the date Plaintiff, 621 SW Al Deceased. of the first publication der St., Suite 800, Case No. 12-PB-0093 of this summons. The Portland, OR 97205, NOTICE TO date of first publica (503) 459-0140; Fax INTERESTED 425-974-1 649, tion in this matter is PARTIES O ctober 8, 2012. I f cfowler@rcolegal.corn NOTICE IS you fail timely to ap H EREBY GI V E N LEGAL NOTICE pear an d a n s wer, IN T H E CIR C U IT t hat G erald J o h n Plaintiff will apply to B allard has b e e n COURT O F T HE the abo v e-entitled STATE OF OREGON appointed personal court for t h e r e lief FOR THE COUNTY representative of the prayed for in its com OF DES C H UTES a bove-entitled e s plaint. This is a judi PROBATE DEPART tate. Al l p e rsons cial foreclosure of a claim s MENT. Estate of ED h aving deed of trust in which WARD CHANCE, JR., against the estate the Plaintiff requests Deceased. Case No. a re r e q uired t o that the P laintiff be 12PB0074. N O TICE present them, with allowed to foreclose TO INT E RESTED vouchers attached, y our interest in t he PERSONS. NOTICE to the undersigned following d e s cribed IS HEREBY GIVEN personal represen real property: LOT 2 that the undersigned tative at 60865 Emi OF PHEASANT RUN has been appointed grant Drive, Bend, P HASE I, C ITY O F 9770 1 , Personal Representa O regon BEND, DESCHUTES tive. All persons hav within four months COUNTY, OREGON. ing claims against the after the date of first Commonly known as: Estate are required to p ublication of t h is 61192 Lod g epole p resent them, w i t h notice, or the claims Drive, Bend, Oregon vouchers attached, to may be barred. 97702. NOTICE TO the undersigned Per All persons whose DEFENDANTS: sonal Representative rights may be a f R EAD THESE P A at Karnopp Petersen fected by the pro PERS CAREFULLY! LLP, 1201 NW Wall ceedings may ob A lawsuit has been S treet, S u ite 3 0 0 , tain additional started against you in Bend, Oregon information from the the abo v e-entitled 9 7701-1957, wi t h i n records of the court, court b y D e u tsche four months after the the personal repre Bank Trust Company date of first publica sentative, Jonathan Americas as Trustee tion of this notice, or G. Basham, 300 SW R ALI 2005Q A 3 , t he claims may b e Columbia St r e et, Plaintiff. Pla i n tiff's barred. All p e r sons Suite 101 , B e n d, claims are stated in OR 97702. whose rights may be the written complaint, affected by the pro D ATED an d f i r st a copy of which was ceedings may obtain published this 15th filed with the additional information day o f Oc t o ber, above-entitled Court. from the records of 2012. You must "appear" in t he court, th e P e r Gerald John Ballard, this case or the other sonal Representative Personal side will win automati or the attorneys for Representative c ally. T o "appear" the Personal Repre 60865 Emigrant Drive, you must file with the s entative, wh o a r e Bend, Oregon 97702 court a legal paper Karnopp Pe t e rsen called a "motion" or 1201 NW Wall What are you "answer." The "mo LLP, S treet, S u ite 3 0 0 , tion" or "answer" must Bend, looking for? Oregon be given to the court 97701-1957. DATED You' ll find it in clerk or administrator and first p u blished within 30 days of the October 1, 2012. Irma The Bulletin Classifieds date of first publica E. Brosig, Personal tion specified herein Representative, FAX: a long with th e r e (541) 388- 5 4 10. 541-385-5809 LEGAL NOTICE AMENDED TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE (after release from stay)
Legal Notices •
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
L e g al Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
CIR C U IT must be
The trust deed to be foreclosed pursuant to Oregon law is referred to as follows (the "Trust Deed" ): Grantor: Michael E. Kasper and Michele E. Kasper. Trustee: Deschutes County Title Company. Beneficiary: River mark Community Credit Union. Date: June 30, 2008. Recording Date: July 8, 2008. Recording Reference: 2008-29079. County of Recording: DeschutesCounty. The Successor Trustee is Miles D. Monson and the mailing address of the Successor Trustee is: Miles D. Monson, "TRUSTEE", Anderson 8 Monson, P.C., Cascade Square, Suite 450, 8625 SW Cascade Avenue,Beaverton, OR 97008. The Trust Deed cov ers the following described real property in the County of Deschutes and State of Oregon, ("the Property" ): See Exhibit "A" attached hereto and in corporated herein which describes the Property The default for which foreclosure is made is: Exhibit A - PARCEL I: Beginning at the Northeast corner of the Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 22 South, Range 10 East of the Wil lamette Meridian, Deschutes County, Oregon; thence South 0'21' West, 331.84 feet to the Southeast corner of the North half of said Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section 16; thence South 89'10' West along the South line of said North half, 131.31 feet; thence North 0'21' East parallel with the East line of said Southwest quarter, 331.76 feet to the North line of said Southwest quarter; thence North 89'08' East, 131.31 feet to the point of beginning. EX CEPTING THEREFROM the North 30 feet for roadway easement pur poses. PARCEL II: Beginning at a point on the North line of the South west quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of Section 16, Township 22 South, Range 10 East of the Willamette Meridian, Des chutes County, Oregon, said point being 131.31 feet South 89 08 West from the Northeast corner of said Southwest quarter of the Northeast quarter of the Southeast quarter of said Section; thence South 0'21' West parallel with the East line of said Southwest quarter, 331.76 feet to the South line of the North half of said Southwest quarter; thence South 89'10' West along the South line of said North half, 131.39 feet; thence North 0 21' East, 331.67 feet to the North line of said Southwest quarter; thence North 89'08 East, 131.39 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT ING THEREFROM the North 30 feet for roadway easement purposes. The Grantor's failure to pay when due the following sums: Monthly install ments of $466.99 beginning April 1, 2011 through the installment due No vember 1, 2011, plus late charges. The sum owing on the obligation that the Trust Deed secures (the "Obligation" ) is: $69,906.99, plus interest of $2,752.61 through October 1, 2011, plus interest on the principal sum of $69,906.99 at a variable rate of interest which is at the rate of 6.75 per cent per annum from October 2, 2011 until paid, together with Trustee's fees, attorney's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the Trust Deed. The Notice of Default and original Notice of Sale given pursuant thereto stated that the Property would be sold on September 11, 2012 at the hour of 1:00 P.M. at the Deschutes County Courthouse, Front West Entrance, 1164 NW Bond Street, in the City of Bend, County of Deschutes and State of Oregon. Subsequent to the recording of the Notice of Default the original sale proceedings were stayed by the Grantors filing a chapter 7 bankruptcy case on June 7, 2012. The Beneficiary did not participate in obtaining such stay. The stay terminated on September 11, 2012, when an Order Re: Relief From Debtor Stay was signed by the court. The Property will be sold to satisfy the Obligation. The date, time and place of the sale is: Date: DECEMBER 12, 2012. Time: 1:00 P.M. Place: DESCHUTES COUNTY COURT HOUSE, FRONT WEST ENTRANCE, 1164 NW BOND STREET, CITY OF BEND, COUNTY OF DESCHUTES AND STATE OF OREGON. RIGHT TO CURE - The right exists under ORS 86.753 to have this fore closure proceeding dismissed and the Trust Deed reinstated by doing all of the following at any time that is not later than five days before the date last set for the sale: (1) Paying to the Beneficiary the entire amount then due (other than such portion as would not then be due, had no default oc curred); (2) Curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the Trust Deed; and (3) Paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforc ing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with Trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "Grantor" includes any successor in interest to the Grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by the Trust Deed, and the words "Trustee" and "Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. We are a debt collector attempting to collect a debt and any infor mation we obtain will be used to collect the debt. Cashier's checks for the foreclosure sale must be made payable to Miles D. Monson, Successor Trustee. Bankruptcy Information: The personal liability of the grantors to pay the debt owed to Beneficiary was discharged in the grantors' chapter 7 bankruptcy case, however, the Trust Deed lien against the real property described above remains in existence and is in full force and effect. Ben eficiary will not seek to enforce any debt obligation as a personal liability of the grantors as a discharge order was entered in their bankruptcy case. Beneficiary is merely foreclosing its lien which was not be effected by any bankruptcy discharge. DATED: September 27, 2012. /s/ Miles D. Monson. MilesD. Monson, Successor Trustee, Cascade Square -Suite 450, 8625 SW Cascade Avenue,Beaverton, Oregon 97008,Telephone: (503) 646-9230.
LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Pursuant to O.R.S. 86.705 et seq. and O.R.S. 79.5010, et seq. Trustee's Sale No. 09-CC-120876 NOTICE TO BORROWER: YOU SHOULD BE AWARE THAT THE UN DERSIGNED IS ATTEMPTING TO COLLECT A DEBT AND THAT ANY INFORMATION OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR THAT PURPOSE. Ref erence is made to that certain Deed of Trust made by, WILLIS E ALBIN, JR., AN UNMARRIED MAN, as grantor, to DESCHUTES COUNTY TITLE COMPANY, as Trustee, in favor of MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGIS TRATION SYSTEMS, INC.AS NOMINEE FOR SOUTHWEST STAGE FUNDING, LLC DBA CASCADE LAND HOME FINANCING, ITSSUC CESSORS AND ASSIGNS, as beneficiary, dated 8/5/2010, recorded 8/12/2010, under Instrument No. 2010-31398, records of DESCHUTES County, OREGON. The beneficial interest under said Trust Deed and the obligations secured thereby are presently held by SOUTHWEST STAGE FUNDING, LLC DBA CASCADE LAND HOME FINANCING. Said Trust
Deed encumbers the following described real property situated in said county and state, to-wit: LOT FOURTEEN, BLOCK SEVEN, TALL PINES 2ND ADDITION, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON The street address or other common designation, if any, of the real property described above is purported to be: 16061 ELKHORN LANE LA PINE, OR 97739 The undersigned Trustee disclaims any liability for any incorrectness of the above street address or other common designation. Both the benefi ciary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and a notice of default has been recorded pursuant to Oregon Revised Statutes 86.735(3); the default for which the foreclosure is made is grantor's failure to pay when due, the following sums: Amount due as of October 9, 2012 Delinquent Payments from April 01, 2012 7 payments at $1,120.00 each $7,840.00 (04-01-12 through 10-09-12) Late Charges: $403.20 Beneficiary Advances: $ 645.00 SuspenseCredit:$ 0.00 TOTAL: $8,888.20 ALSO, ifyou have failed to pay taxes on the property, provide insurance on the property or pay other senior liens or encumbrances as required in the note and deed of trust, the beneficiary may insist that you do so in order to reinstate your account in good standing. The beneficiary may require as a condition to reinstatement that you provide reliable written evidence that you have paid all senior liens or encumbrances, property taxes, and hazard insurance premiums. These requirements for reinstatement should be confirmed by contacting the undersigned Trustee. By reason of said default, the beneficiary has declared all sums owing on the obligation secured by said trust deed immediately due and payable, said sums being the following: UNPAID PRINCIPAL BALANCE OF $165,687.92, PLUS interest thereon at 5.500% per annum from 3/1/2012, until paid, together with escrow advances, foreclosure costs, trustee fees, attorney fees, sums required for the protection of the property and additional sums secured by the Deed of Trust. WHEREFORE, notice hereby is given that the undersigned trustee, will on February 8, 2013, at the hour of 11:00 AM, in accord with the standard of time established by ORS 187.110, at MAIN ENTRANCE TO THE DESCHUTES COUNTY JUSTICE CENTER, 1100 NW BOND STREET, BEND, County of DESCHUTES, State of OREGON, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the interest in the said described property which the grantor had, or had the power to convey, at the time of the execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for the sale, to have this foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred) and by curing any other default complained of herein that is capable of being cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, and in addition to paying said sums or tendering the performance necessary to cure the default, by paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and trust deed, together with trustee's and attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts provided by said ORS 86.753. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other person owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, and the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Anyone having any objection to the sale on any grounds whatsoever will be afforded an opportunity to be heard as to those objections if they bring a lawsuit to restrain the same. NOTICE TO RESIDENTIAL TENANTS: The property in which you are living is in foreclosure. A foreclosure sale is scheduled for February 8, 2013. Unless the lender who is foreclosing on this property is paid, the foreclosure will go through and someone new will own this property. The following information applies to you only if you occupy and rent this property as a residential dwelling under a legitimate rental agreement. The information does not apply to you if you own this property or if you are not a residential tenant. If the foreclosure goes through, the business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale has the right to require you to move out. The buyer must first give you an eviction notice in writing that specifies the date by which you must move out. The buyer may not give you this notice until after the foreclosure sale happens. If you do not leave before the move-out date, the buyer can have the sheriff remove you from the property after a court hearing. You will receive notice of the court hearing.FEDERAL LAW REQUIRES YOU TO BE NOTIFIED IF YOU ARE OCCUPYING AND RENTING THIS PROPERTY AS A RESIDENTIAL DWELLING UNDER A LEGITIMATE RENTAL AGREEMENT, FEDERAL LAW REQUIRES THE BUYER TO GIVE YOU
THAT REQUIRES THE BUYER TO GIVE YOU THIS NOTICE IS EFFECTIVE UNTIL DECEMBER 31, 2012. Under federal law, the buyer must give you at least 90 days notice in writing before requiring you to move out. If you are renting this property under a fixed-term lease (for example, a six-month or one-year lease), you may stay until the end of your lease term. If the buyer wants to move in and use this property as the buyer's primary residence, the buyer can give you written notice and require you to move out after 90 days, even if you have a fixed-term lease with more than 90 days left. STATE LAW NOTIFICATION REQUIREMENTS: IFTHE FEDERAL LAW DOES NOT APPLY, STATE LAW STILL REQUIRES THE BUYER TO GIVE YOU NOTICE IN WRITING BEFORE REQUIRING YOU TO MOVE OUT IF YOU ARE OCCUPYING AND RENTING THE PROPERTY AS A TENANT IN GOOD FAITH. EVEN IFTHE FEDERAL LAW REQUIREMENT IS NO LONGER EFFECTIVE AFTER DECEMBER 31, 2012, THE REQUIREMENT UNDER STATE LAW STILL APPLIES TO YOUR SITUATION. Under state law, if you have a fixed-term lease (for example, a six-month or one-year lease), the buyer must give you at least 60 days notice in writing before requiring you to move out. If the buyer wants to move in and use this property as the buyer's primary residence, the buyer can give you written notice and require you to move out after 30 days, even if you have a fixed-term lease with more than 30 days left. If you are renting under a month-to-month or week-to-week rental agreement, the buyer must give you at least 30 days notice in writing before requiring you to move out. IMPORTANT: For the buyer to be required to give you notice under state law, you must prove to the business or individual who is handling the foreclosure sale that you are occupying and renting this property as a residential dwelling under a legitimate rental agreement. The name and address of the business or individual who is handling the foreclosure sale is shown on this notice under the heading "TRUSTEE". You must mail or deliver your proof not later than 1/9/2013 (30 days before the date first set for the foreclosure sale). Your proof must be in writing and should be a copy of your rental agreement or lease. If you do not have a written rental agreement or lease, you can provide other proof, such as receipts for rent you paid. ABOUT YOUR SECURITY DEPOSIT Under state law, you may apply your security deposit and any rent you paid in advance against the current rent you owe your landlord. To do this, you must notify your landlord in writing that you want to subtract the amount of your security deposit or prepaid rent from you rent payment. You may do this only for the rent you owe you current landlord. If you do this, you must do so before the foreclosure sale. The business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale is not responsible to you for any deposit or prepaid rent you paid to your landlord. ABOUT YOUR TENANCY AFTER THE FORECLOSURE SALE The business or individual who buys this property at the foreclosure sale may be willing to allow you to stay as a tenant instead of requiring you to move out. You should contact the buyer to discuss that possibility if you would like to stay. Under state law, if the buyer accepts rent from you, signs a new residential rental agreement with you or does not notify you in writing within 30 days after the date of the foreclosure sale that you must move out, the buyer becomes your new landlord and must maintain the property. Otherwise, the buyer is not your landlord and is not responsible for maintaining the property on your behalf and you must move out by the date the buyer specifies in a notice to you. YOU SHOULD CONTINUE TO PAY RENT TO YOUR LANDLORD UNTIL THE PROPERTY IS SOLD TO ANOTHER BUSINESS OR INDIVIDUAL OR UNTIL A COURT OR A LENDER TELLS YOU OTHERWISE. IFYOU
NOTICE YOU GIVE OR RECEIVE CONCERNING THE APPLICATION OF YOUR DEPOSIT OR YOUR PREPAID RENT. ITIS UNLAWFUL FOR ANY PERSON TO TRY TO FORCE YOU TO LEAVE YOUR HOME WITHOUT FIRST GOING TO COURT TO EVICT YOU. FOR MORE INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR RIGHTS, YOU MAY WISH TO CONSULT A LAWYER. If you believe you need legal assistance, contact the Oregon State Bar at 800-452-7636 and ask for lawyer referral service. Contact information for the Oregon State Bar is included with this notice. If you do not have enough money to pay a lawyer and are otherwise eligible, you may be able to receive legal assistance for free. Information about whom to contact for free legal assistance may be obtained through Safenet at 800-SAFENET. DATED: 10/9/2012REGIONAL TRUSTEE SERVICES CORPORATION Trustee By: LISA HACKNEY, AUTHORIZED AGENT 616 1st Avenue, Suite 500, Seattle, WA 98104 Phone: (206) 340-2550 Sale Information: http: //www.rtrustee.corn A-4313832 10/15/2012, 10/22/2012, 10/29/2012, 11/05/2012
County, Oregon, in book / reel / volume number fee / file / instrument / microfile / reception number 2009-42439, , covering the following de scribed real property situated in said County and State, to wit: APN: 107523 - LOT 9, BLOCK QQ, DESCHUTES RIVER WOODS, DES CHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Commonly known as: 19260 SHOS HONE ROAD, BEND, OR 97702. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default for which the foreclosure is made is the grantors: The installments of principal and interest which became due on 11/1/201L and all subsequent installments of principal and interest through the date of this Notice, plus amounts that are due for late charges, delinquent property taxes, insurance premiums, advances made on senior liens, taxes and/or insurance, trustee's fees, and any attorney fees and court costs arising from or associated with the benefi ciaries efforts to protect and preserve its security, all of which must be paid as a condition of reinstatement, including all sums that shall accrue through reinstatement or pay-off. Nothing in this notice shall be con strued as a waiver of any fees owing to the Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust pursuant to the terms of the loan documents. Monthly Payment $1,103.00 Monthly Late Charge $55.15 By this reason of said default the beneficiary has declared all obliga tions secured by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: The sum of $153,672.54 together with interest thereon at the rate of 5.5000 per annum from 10/1/2011 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees, fore closure costs and any sums advanced by the beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that Quality Loan Services Corporation of Washington, the undersigned trustee will on 2/19/2013 at the hour of 01:00 PM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187.110, Or egon Revised Statutes, at At the front entrance to the Deschutes County Courthouse, 1164 NW Bond St., Bend, OR 97701 County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of execution by him of the said trust deed, together with any interest which the grantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligations thereby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, includ ing a reasonable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in section 86.753 of Or egon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's and attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. For Sale Information Call: 714-573-1965 or Login to: www.priorityposting.corn. In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is secured by said trust deed, the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective suc cessors in interest, i