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THURSDAY November15,2012
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Wyden hods up inte igence egis ation
a en es e
By Andrew Cleverlger The Bulletin
WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., blocked the Intelligence Authorization bill from passing the Senate via unanimous consent
A microphone sits atop two cameras on Roda, a robot that allows for remote consultations between physicians and patients.
or the
Wednesday, saying provisions of the law designed to stop leaks of classified information are overbroad and unnecessarily restrictive. Introduced in July by Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the California Democrat who chairs the Senate Intelligence Committee, the Intelligence Authorization Act for Fiscal Year Wyden 2013 f u nds intelligence operations in multiple government agencies, including the Central Intelligence Agency, the Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security. On Wednesday, Wyden announced on the Senate floor that he is placing a hold on the legislation, meaning that it could not breeze through via a unanimous consent agreement. Instead, the bill will now be open for discussion and debate on the Senate floor, and senators may offer amendments. "In particular, I think Congress should be extremely skeptical of any anti-leaks bills that threaten to encroach upon the freedom of the press, or that would reduce access to information that the public has a right to know," he said. Wyden, who is also a member of the Intelligence Committee, singled out three provisions designed to curtail the leaking of classified information that he finds objectionable. The first would bar any government employee with a "top secret" clearancefrom contracting to provide commentary or analysis with the media for one full year after leaving government service. See Wyden /A6
OSi ion in • He's now the fifth-ranking Republican in theHouse By Andrew Cleverlger The Bu(letin
WASHINGTON — Running unopposed, Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River, was unanimously elected chairman of the National Republican Congressional Committee by his House colleagues Wednesday. Walden, just re-elected to an eighth term representing
Oregon's 2nd congressional district, becomes the fifth-rank- W a lden ing Republican in the House of Representatives. He is the only Republican in Oregon's congressional delegation. "I'm honored and humbled by the unanimous support for this position," Walden said after his election. He suspects he is the first House member from Oregon of either partyto take a seat at the leadership table in decades. Walden's party standing has risen steadily since 2010, when Republicans won control of the House and his friend and ally John Boehner, R-Ohio, claimed the Speaker's gavel and tapped Walden to head up his transition team. See Walden /A6 Photos byAndyTnllis/The Bulletin
Anita Boucher, a hospital volunteer, poses as a patient Wednesdayat St. Charles Redmond as caregivers test a new robot that will allow doctors in Bend to help assess patients from afar. Redmond intensive care unit nurse Emilie Bonney holds a stethoscope attached to the robot to Boucher's chest while Dr. Kevin Sherer, seen on the screen, listens through the headphones at a station at St. Charles Bend. Caregivers expect to start using the robot with Redmond patients next week.
• Robotics allow St. Charlesdoctors to assesspatients from a distance By Heidi Hagemeier The Bulletin
REDMOND — Sitting at a station more than 20 miles away, Dr. Kevin Sherer performed a quick exam Wednesday on a volunteer in a Redmond hospital bed. Sherer, a pulmonologist and critical care specialist in Bend, popped up on a screen that serves as the head of a roughly 5-foot-tall robot. He listened to Anita Boucher's breathing through a stethoscope and, deftly pivoting the screen, turned to observe her heartbeat on a monitor overhead. He then piloted the robot out of the room and down the hall. The scene was a test run for both Sherer and one of St. Charles Redmond's newest caregivers. Roda, which stands for Robotic Office Diagnostic Assistant, might start meeting patients as soon as Monday. The robot will allow doctors at St. Charles Bend to speak with and assess patients in Red-
mond's intensive care unit. The ultimate goal, said Redmond ICU Supervisor Daniel Davis, is to better judge whether patients can remain in Redmond or should be moved to another facility. "The goal is to better utilize our critical care beds in Central Oregon," he said. "It's to keep them here if we can rather than sending them to Bend or Portland or Eugene." The Bend hospital offers specialties and services not available in Redmond. When a person's condition is borderline, Redmond caregivers might transfer the patient to Bend to be on the safe side. That scenario gets more complicated if the 17 beds at St. Charles Bend's ICU are full, which happens on occasion. In those instances, patients must be transported over the Cascades. See Robot /A6
Deadline looms for states to start
insuranceexchanges By Tony Pugh McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — With the prospect of outright repeal all but gone, the nation's health care overhaul is proceeding, and states that once resisted the politically divisive law now must decide how to implement its most innovative aspect: the online health insurance
shopping mallsknown as exchanges. Beginning nextyear, the law requires states to establish Internet marketplaces in which individuals can compare and purchase private health insurance or, if eligible, enroll in public Medicaid coverage. States that want to run their own exchangeswithout federal involvement have until Friday to notify the Department of Health and Human Services. See Exchanges /A5
Attack on power grid couldcripple U.S. By Matthew L Wald New Yorh Times News Service
WASHINGTON — T errorists could black out large segments of the United States for weeks or months by attack-
ing the power grid and damaging hard-
Allison V. Smith i The New York Times
Terrorist attacks on power lines,such as these near Dallas, Texas, could black out large segments of the United States for weeks or months by damaging vital components that could take considerable time to replace.
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to-replace components that are crucial to making it work, the National Academy of Sciencessaid in a report released Wednesday. By blowing up substations or transmission lines with explosives or by firing projectiles at them from a distance, the reportsaid,terrorists could cause cascading failures and damage parts that would take months to repair or replace. In the meantime, it warned, people could die
from the cold or the excessive heat and the economy could suffer hundreds of billions of dollars in damage. While the report is the most authoritative yet on the subject, the grid's vulnerability has long been obvious to independent engineers and to the electric industry itself, which has intermittently tried, in collaboration with the Department of Homeland Security, to rehearse
responses. Of particular concern are giant custom-built transformers that boost the voltage of electricity to levels suited for bulk transmission and then reduce voltage for distribution to customers. Very few of those transformers are manufactured in
INDEX F 1-6 Sports D1 - 6 Business E1-4 Comics B 4 - 5 Health Calendar B3 Crosswords B5,G2 LocalNews C1-4 Stocks E2-3 Classified Gf -4 Editorials C 4 O u ting B1 - 6 TV & Movies B2
TODAY'S WEATHER Mostly sunny High 52, Low 34
Page C6
the United States, and replacing them can take many months. In a preparedness drill in March, technicians shipped three specially designed transformers from St. Louis to Houston and rapidly installed them in a marathon effort. The transformers were the electric equivalent of a Swiss Army knife, with multiple attachments so that they could be used in a variety of jobs. They are functioning well, said one of the experiment's supervisors, Richard Lordan, a senior technical expert at the Electric Power Research Institute, a nonprofit consortium based in Palo Alto, Calif. See Power /A5
TOP NEWS ISRAEL: Hamasleader killed, A3 PETRAEUS:He'll testify on attack, A4
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
POWERBALL The numbers drawn Wednesday night are:
cientists: tone toos emonstrate creativit o ear umans in rica
It's Thursday, Nov. 15, the 320th day of 2012. There are 46 days left in the year.
HAPPENINGS • Xi Jinping, who spent much of his youth living in a dugout
cave after his father fell out
of Communist Party favor, in Africa "were early and enis expected to be introduced New York Times News Service during." Other archaeologists as the party's new general At a rock shelter on a coastal who reached diff erent conclusecretary and China's new cliff in South Africa, scientists sions may have been misled by leader. A3 the "small sample of excavated have found an abundance of advanced stone hunting tools sites," they said. with a tale to tell of the evolving Richard Klein, a paleoanIN HISTORY r,i .sl mind of early modern humans thropologist at Stanford Uni;t at least 71,000 years ago. versity who has favored a more Highlights: In 1777, the The discovery, reported in sudden and recent origin of Second Continental Congress the current issue of the journal modern behavior, about 50,000 approved the Articles of Nature, lends weight to the hyyears ago, questioned the reli, \' . Confederation. In 1937, the pothesis that not only did anaability of the dating method for ;gg.I House andSenatechambers tomically modern Homo sapithe tools, noting that "there is of the U.S. Capitol were ens emerge in Africa but also, another team that has already air-conditioned for the first to a previously unsuspected exargued for a m uch l onger" time. In1942, the Battle of tent, their cognitive capacity for time period for the toolmaking Guadalcanal endedwith abstract and creative thought culture. a decisive U.S. victory and the conception of increasThe new report, Klein said over Japaneseforces. In "does illustrate, ingly complex technologies asin an email, 1969, a quarter of a million sociated with modern human as have many others, that protesters staged apeaceful behavior. the archaeological evidence demonstration in Washington The report describes the for modern human origins is against the VietnamWar. stone tools as microliths, thin controversial." Ten yearsage: Hu Jintao blades only about an inch long simen oestmo/ New YorkTimes News service The hypothesis of earlier replaced JiangZemin asChina's that could be affixed to wood or Three microlith blades date back to around 71,000 years ago. African origins of modern huCommunist Party leader. bone. These tipped projectiles Hunting tools found in South Africa suggest modern humans man behavior and cognition were eitherarrows propelled had a well-developed capacity for abstract and creative thought has been gaining strength over Five years age: During a by bows or, more likely, spears and a grasp of complex technologies, a new study argues. the past decade or two. Two feisty Democratic debate in launched by atlatls, wooden archaeologists, Alison Brooks Las Vegas, Hillary Clinton extensions of the throwing arm of George Washington Univeraccused her closest rivals, "Every time we excavate a new site in coastal that act as a lever, imparting sity and Sally McBrearty of the Barack ObamaandJohn greater speeds and distances South Africa ... we discover new and surprising University of Connecticut, led Edwards, of slinging mud "right out of the Republican to the weapon. This technolthe charge with publications ogy, the researchers said, may results that push back in time the evidence for of their analysis of increasing playbook" and sharply have been pivotal to the success uniquely human behaviors." evidence of African art and criticized their records. of Homo sapiens as humans ornamentations expressing a One year ago: Hundreds of — Curtis Marean, paleoanthropologist and research director modern cognitive capacity and left Africa and entered Eurasia police officers in riot gear some 50,000 years ago, encounsymbolic thinking. raided the Occupy Wall tering Neanderthals who were In a commentary accompaStreet encampment in New "Ninety percent of s cien- nying the Nature report, Mclimited to hand-thrown spears. Origins at Arizona State UniYork City in the pre-dawn The new evidence appeared versity, said, "Every time we tists are comfortable that fully Brearty, who was not involved darkness, evicting hundreds to answer some critics who excavate a new site in coastal modern humans and human in the research, wrote that she of protesters and then have contended that previous South Africa with advanced cognition developed in Africa," believed that "modern cognidemolishing the tent city. findings of early modern hu- field techniques, we discover Marean said. "Now they have tive capacity emerged at the man behavior in Africa have new and surprising results that moved on. The questions are, same time as modern anatomy been spotty and short-lived push back in time the evidence how much earlier than 71,000 and that various aspects of huBIRTHDAYS — a "flickering" pattern of ex- for uniquely human behaviors." years di d t h ese b ehaviors man culture arose gradually" perimentation with little or no The lead author of the report emerge? Was it an accretion- over the course of subsequent Statesman Howard Baker Jr. continuity over time and across was Kyle Brown, a specialist in ary process, or was it an abrupt millennia. is 87. Actor EdAsner is 83. regions. The rock shelter exca- ancient stone tools who is as- event? Didthese people have McBrearty gave a cautious Actor Sam Waterston is 72. vations at Pinnacle Point, near sociated with the University of language by this time?" endorsement of the new rePop singer Frida (ABBA) is 67. Mossel Bay, east of Cape Tovtm, Cape Town. Priorinvestigations Like many other archae- search from Pinnacle Point Former NewMexico Gov.Bill showthat this micro-bladetech- showed that this microlithic ologists, Marean and his team relating complex technologies Richardson is 65. Actor Jonny nology continued over 11,000 technologyappeared brieflybe- have concentrated their inves- to the evolution of modern beLee Miller is 40. Golfer Lorena years, until 60,000 years ago. tween 65,000 and 60,000 years tigations in the caves and rock havior in Africa. She said the Ochoa is 31. The report says the technol- ago and then seemed to vanish. shelters overlooking the Indian findings "go some way to sup— From wire reports ogy was also "typically coupled Such thin blades had not been Ocean. In a global ice age be- porting this hypothesis." to heat treatment" processes found in abundance until about ginning72,000years ago, many in shaping sharp and durable 20,000 years ago. Africans fled the continent's blades that persisted for nearly Marean said in a telephone arid interior, heading for the 100,000 years. interview that while some ar- more benign southern shore. In their article in Nature, the chaeologists were still skepti- Access to seafood and more researchers conclude, "Early cal of a strong African role in plentiful plant and animal rem odern humans i n S o u t h modern human behavior, there sources may have increased Africa had the cognition to was diminishing support for populations and encouraged design and transmit at high the more Eurocentric "creative technological advances, MarZndoor and Outdoor fidelity these coupled recipe explosion" concept, born of be- ean said. technologies." dazzlement overthe cave art The well-preserved artifacts One of the authors, Curtis and fine tools of Upper Paleo- at Pinnacle Point, collected =' ' Marean, director of the re- lithic Europe, which became over arecent 18-month period, search and a paleoanthropolo- widespread after the arrival of ledthe researchers to conclude gist at the Institute of Human modern humans. that the advanced technologies ZZ2 SF Reed ktarket Road 3BB-0022 By John Noble Wilford
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Sunlight used to prep surgical instruments New York Times News Service Solarpower can steam-sterilize surgical instruments, according to a new study — but the contraption needed to do so is not pocket-size. Sterilizing instruments needed in surgical emergencies like caesarean births or appendectomies can be a problem in rural clinics in Africa: There may be no electricity, jugs of bleach or tanks of propane. So a Rice University team modified a prototype of an old solar stove to power a simple autoclave — a pressure-cooker for instruments — and tested it in the Texas sun. On all 27 attempts, it reached U.S. government sterilization standards. How practical it is awaits African trials; it is nearly 12 feet long and 6 feet tall, and has bright curved mirrors to focus sunlight on a water-filled pipe. On sunny days, it can make steam at 302 degrees Fahrenheit from about 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The initial setup costs about $2,100. But sunlight costs nothing, making five years of operationabout $2,000 cheaper than
using propane.
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European workersstrike againstausterity measures New York Times News Service MADRID — W o r k ers across Europe mounted coordinated protests Wednesday against government austerity policies in a time of economic malaise. In Spain and Portugal, workers s t aged g e neral strikes. Unions in Greece, Italy, France and Belgium joined in protests and work stoppages to show solidarity with striking workers elsewhere. The breadth of the demonstrations, which affected scores of citi es, reflected widespread u n h appiness with high unemployment, slowing growth and worseningeconomicprospects in Europe, and the resistance that European governments confront as they push plans for more belt tightening. Occasional clashes with p olice were r eported i n some cities. Among those striking Wednesday were railroad workers in Belgium; airline, autoworkers and teachers in Spain; civil servants in Italy; and transitworkers in Portugal. Union leaders called the coordinated actions historic. Government of fi c i als generally played down the disruptions caused by the actions and said their countries had no alternative but
Israeli Defense Force via The Associated Press
In these video images released Wednesday by the Israeli Defense Force, the car of Hamas military chief Ahmad Jabari, circled, is shown moments before an Israeli airstrike, right. Israel killed the commander of the Hamas military wing in one of some 20 airstrikes on the Gaza Strip. The heaviest barrage on the Palestinian territory in four years came in retaliation for renewed rocket attackes from Gaza on southern Israel.
Israel kills Hamas military chief in Gaza By Ibrahim Barzak and Josef Federman
fense." Israeli defense officials said a ground operation was a The Associated Press strong possibility in the comGAZA CITY, Gaza Strip ing days, though they stressed — Israel carried out a blister- no decisions had been made ing offensive of more than 20 and much would depend on airstrikes in the Gaza Strip Hamas' reaction. on Wednesday, assassinating The attack came at a time Hamas' military c ommand- when Israelseems to be under er and targeting the armed fire from all directions. Relagroup's training facilities and tions have been deteriorating rocket launchers in I s rael's with Egypt's new Islamist govmost intense attack on the ter- ernment, Egypt's lawless Sinai ritory in nearly four years. deserthas become a staging Israel said the a irstrikes, ground for militant attacks on launched in response to days Israel and the Syrian civil war of rocket fire out of Hamas- has begun to spill over Israel's ruled Gaza, were the begin- northern border. Earlier this ning of a broader operation week, Israelfired back at Syragainst the Islamic militants ia — for the first time in nearly c odenamed "Pillar o f De - 40 years — afterstray mortar
Syria calls French 'immoral' for stance onrebels By Steven Erlanger, Alan Cowell and Rick Gladstone New Yorh Times News Service
PARIS — Syrian authorities ordered airstrikes for a third consecutive day close to the tense Turkish border on Wednesday, and said a French decision to recognize and consider arming a newly formed Syrian rebel coalition was an "immoral" act "encouraging the destruction of Syria." The French move was depicted by analysts as an attempt to inject momentum into a broad Western and Arab effort to build a viable and effective opposition to hasten the end of a stalemated civil war which has further destabilized the Middle East. For its part, the United States on Wednesday signaled a reluctance to go beyond its characterization of the rebel alliance as a legitimate representative of the Syrian people, rather than as their sole representative. Speaking in Perth, Australia, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said Washington first wanted to see the coalition influencing events on the ground. "As the Syrian opposition takes these steps and demonstrates its effectiveness in advancing the cause of a unified, democratic, p luralistic Syria, we w i l l be prepared to work with them to deliver assistance to the Syrian people," news reports quoted her saying. At the same time, she announced $30 million in U.S. humanitarian aidto feed people affected by the civil war, bringing the total U.S. assistanceto almost $200 million.
fire landed in the Israeli-controlled Golan Heights. With at least 10 Palestinians dead, including tw o y o ung children, Wednesday's offensive was certain to set off a new round of heavy fighting with Gaza militants, who have built up a formidable arsenal of rockets and missiles. It also threatened to upset Israel's relations with neigh-
boring Egypt and shake up the campaign for Israeli elections in January. In a preliminary response, Egypt recalled its ambassador to Israel in protest. In a n a tionwide address, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel could no
longer stand repeated attacks on its southern towns. Days of rocket fire have heavily disrupted life for some I million
people in the region, canceling school and forcing residents to remain indoors. "If there is a need, the military is prepared to expand the operation. We will continue to do everything to protect our citizens," Netanyahu declared. The Israeli m i litary s aid it was ready, if necessary, to send ground troops into Gaza. The defense officials who said a ground operation was likely in the coming days spoke on condition of anonymity because they were discussing sensitive military plans.
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Obama: Voterssupport mytax plan a.. A<' By Lesley Clark McClatchy Newspapers
WASHINGTON — President BarackObamasaidWednesday that his re-election showed that the majority of voters agreed with him t hat taxes should be raised on the wealthiest Americans as part of a solution to reduce the nation's gaping budget deficit. Speaking to reporters for the first time since he was reelected,Obama was pressed on the widening scandal that's ensnared recently r esigned CIA Director David Petraeus and Marine Gen. John Allen, but he said he didn't thinkthere had been anynegative national security disclosures and that he'd withhold judgment on whether he should have been alerted sooner to the FBI investigation. He also was quizzed about his administration's handling of the Sept. 11 attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya — and he delivered a heated defense of his United Nations ambassador, Susan Rice, whose name has been floated as a potential successor to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Reflecting the heightened importance of the H ispanic vote, he called on a reporter for the Spanish-language television n etwork T e lemundo and told her he expected a comprehensive i m migration bill would be introduced "very soon after my inauguration." He gave some of his most extensive remarks since he's been president o n c l i mate change, though he concluded that there's not t h e p o litical will in Washington to get much done, saying it would involve tough choices. "I think the American people right now have been so focused, and will continue to be focused, on our economy and jobs and g rowth t h at, if the message is somehow we're going to i g nore jobs and growth simply to address climate change, I don't think anybody's gonna go for that,"
Obama said. "I won't go for that." The president, who hadn't fielded questions from an official news conference since June, opened his remarks by calling on Congress to extend middle-class tax cuts immediately, before starting work on a larger package to address the deficit. " We should not hold t he middle class hostage while w e debate tax cuts for t h e wealthy," he said in his opening remarks. Obama infuriated Democrats two years ago by siding with Republicans to extend t he Bush-era tax c ut s f o r the wealthiest, but h e s aid Wednesday that it was a "onetime proposition" and "what I'm not going to do is to extend Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest 2 percent." He argued that voters had endorsed his position, even if congressional Republicans do not. "This shouldn't be a surprise to anybody," the president said. "When it comes to how we reduce our deficit, I argued for a balanced, responsible approach, and part of that included making sure that the wealthiest Americans pay a little bit more." But he stopped short of setting a "red line" on raising taxes for the wealthiest, saying he was "open to new ideas" and that he realized "we're going to have to compromise." He's invited c ongression al leaders t o t h e W h i t e House on Friday for negotiations aimed at a v erting an impending "fiscal cliff." The Bush-era tax cuts are set to expire at the end of this y e ar, a n d a u t omatic s pending cu ts tota l i n g $109 billion i n f i s cal 2013 that could affect a host of g overnment s e r vices a n d functions are slated to take effect Jan. 2. The voters, Obama said, "want to make sure that middle-class folks aren't bearing the entire burden and sacrifice
revered revolutionary leader, who will face the task of guiding Chinaover the next decade. For this nation of 1.3 billion, the leadership transition culminates a particularly tumultuous period plagued by scandals and intense political rivalry that presented the party with some of its greatest challenges since the student
uprising of 1989. This morning, after a confirmation vote by the party's new Central Committee, Xi, 59, is expectedto march onto a stage at the Great Hall of the People accompanied by at least six other party officials who will form the Politburo Standing Committee, the elite group that makes crucial national policy decisions.
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Communists end party conclave in China
when it comes to some of these big challenges. They expect that folks at the top are doing their fair share as well, and
New York Times News Service BEIJING — Moving to complete only its second orderly leadership transition in more than six decades of rule, the Chinese Communist P a r ty ended a weeklong conclave on Wednesday as its departing general secretary,Hu Jintao, prepared to hand the reins of power to Xi Jinping, son of a
to cut spendingand reduce their deficits. The Spanish economy minister, Luis de Guindos, said his government "is convinced that the path we have taken is the only possible way out." The Spanish police reported that 82people had been arrested by late afternoon, and 34 were wounded, including 18 police officers, mainly during violence on picket lines.
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FBI agent in Petraeus probe described as'bulldog' By Michael S. Schmidt, Scott Shane and Afain Defaqneriere
office but was not assigned to the case. He was later admonished by supervisors who thought he was trying to insert himself improperly into the investigation. Convinced that th e case was being stalled for political reasons, Humphries in late October contacted Rep. Dave R e i chert, R - W ash., w here the FB I a g ent h a d worked previously, to inform him of the case. Reichert put him in touch with the House majority leader, Eric C antor, who passed the message to the FBI director, Robert Mueller. Lawrence Berger, the general counselfor the Federal Law E n forcement O f f icers A ssociation, w ho spok e with H umphries, said t h at Humphries o n l y re c e ived the information from Kelley and never played a role in the investigation. Berger said that Humphries and his wife had been "social friends with Ms. Kelley and her husband prior to the day she referred the matter to him." "They a lways socialized and corresponded," he said. Berger took issue with news media reports that have said his client sent shirtless pictures of himself to Kelley. "That picture was sent years before Ms. Kelleycontactedhim
Feinstein: Petraeus will testify on Benghazi
New Yorh Times News Service
WASHINGTON — The head of the Senate Intelligence Committee says former CIA Director David Petraeus has agreed to testify to Congress about the Sept. 11 attacks on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya, that killed the U.S. ambassador and three other
DOVER, Fla. — The FBI agent who helped start the investigation that led to the resignation of David Petraeus as CIA director is a " h ardcharging"veteran counterterrorism investigator who used his command of French in investigating the foiled "millennium" terrorist plot in 1999, colleagues said Wednesday. The ag e nt , Fr e d erick Humphries, 47, took the initial complaint from Jill Kelley, the Tampa, Fla., hostess who was socially active in military circles there, about emails she found disturbing that accused her of inappropriately flirtatious behavior t o ward Petraeus. The subsequent cyberstalking investigation uncovered an extramarital affair between Petraeus and Paula Broadwell, h i s b i o grapher, who agents determined had sent the anonymous emails. It also ensnared Gen. John Allen, who now commands troops in Afghanistan, after the investigation discovered that he had sent "inappropriate communication" to Kelley. Colleagues and news r eports described the role of Humphries, in just his third year at the FBI, in building the case against Ahmed Ressam,
Americans. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said Wednesday that Petraeus, who resigned from the CIA post on Friday because of an extramarital affair, indicated his willingness to testify. "He is very willing and interested in talking to the committee," she said. No date for his testimony has been set.
Feinst einhasbeenamong thoseinCongresswhohavecomplained that lawmakers should have been notified about an FBI investigation that led to the disclosure of Petraeus' affair with his biographer, Paula Broadwell. But she said that Petraeus' testimony to her committee will be limited to the Benghazi attacks that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three others. Petraeus was CIA director at the time of the attacks and visited Libya afterward. — The Associated Press
who was detained as he tried to enter the United States from Canada in 1999 with a plan to set off a bomb at Los Angeles International Airport. In May 2010, after he had moved to the Tampa field office,Humphries was attacked outside the gate of MacDill Air Force Base by a disturbed knife-wielding man. He fatally shot the man, and the shooting was later ruled to be an appropriateuse of force, according to bureau records and
colleagues said H u mphries was a solid agent with experience incounterterrorism, conservative political views and a reputation for aggressiveness. "Fred is a passionate kind of guy," said one former colleague. "He's kind of an obsessive type. If he locked his teeth onto something, he'd be a bulldog." That description would appear to fit his involvement in the current investigation. Humphries p a s sed on Kelley's complaint to the cybersquad in the Tampa field
colleagues. Two formerlawenforcement
about this, and it was sent as part of a larger context of what I would call social relations in which the families would exchange numerous photos of each other," Berger said. The photo was sent as a "joke" and was of Humphries "posing with a couple of dummies." Berger said the picture was not sexual in nature. In regard to his client speaking with Cantor, Berger declined to address the issue, saying only that his client "had followed FBI protocols." "No one tries to become a whistle-blower," he s a id. "Consistent with FBI policy, he referred it to the proper component." A law enforcement official said that disclosing a confidential investigation even to members of Congress could violate FBI rules. But the official said Humphries' conduct was under review and that he had not been suspended or punished in any way. On Tuesday afternoon, a man standing in the driveway of Humphries' home who appeared to be him said, in response to questions from a reporter for The New York Times, that his first name was not Fred. The man then walked into the house, closed the front door and did not respond to the doorbelL
White House,Congresstake acloser look at FBI'sinquiry By Greg Miller and Sari Horwitz
said he has seen no evidence that the scandal exposed classified information that might harm national security. But he stopped short of approving the FBI's handling of the inquiries into the personal email communications of Petraeus and U.S. Marine Corps Gen. John Allen. The White House and Congress were kept in the dark about the probes until election night last week. When asked
The Washington Post
The FBI's handling of the investigation that forced CIA Director David Petraeus to resign came under new scrutiny Wednesday as FBI Director Robert Muellerfaced questions on Capitol Hill and President BarackObama alluded to lingering questions about the course of the inquiry. In his first public comments on the controversy, Obama
at a news conference whether he should have known sooner that his CIA chief's personal transgressions had surfaced, Obama said he was "w ithh olding judgment w it h r e spect to how the entire process surrounding G e neral Petraeus came up. You know, we don't have all the information yet." Obama's remarks signaled t hat th e a d m inistration i s grappling with f u ndamental
questions surrounding an investigation that has implicated the U.S. military commander in Afghanistan, blindsided the president and still not determined whether classified material was mishandled. Petraeus,a retired four-star general, resigned as CIA director last week after acknowledging an affair with his biographer,Paula Broadwell. Both are married. Obama's comments coincid-
g • •
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ninga$5miilion Bloomberg Philanthropies grant. It 's one of 20 Mayors Challenge finalists named last week. The city h a s a l r eady completed a youth well-being study that found most students were healthy and felt safe at school. — From wire reports
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ed with new disclosures that Broadwell had a significant quantity of c lassified material and that the FBI's initial concern centered on how an anonymous sender of menacing emails knew so much about the official schedules of the CIA director and the commander of allied forces in Afghanistan. The a n onymous e m ails e ventually w er e t r aced t o Broadwell.
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Exchanges Continued from A1 However, they get until Dec. 14 to provide the details. "We expect that they (the department) will be very flexible with states and try to give them as much leeway as possible, both to move forward with an exchange if they miss the deadlines and also to make any modifications after that deadline," said Caroline Pearson, the health reform director for Avalere Health, a Washington health care consulting firm. "So I do expect there'll be a fair amount of flux." Small businesses also will use the exchanges to offer their employeesa choice ofcoverage plans at group rates under the law's Small Business Health Options Program. Federal tax credits tied to income will help many shoppers pay for coverage on the exchange. Further, competition among insurers and a groundswellof customers are expected to keep premiums in check when enrollment in the exchanges begins next October and coverage takes effectin January 2014. Thelaw,whichcriticshavederisively referred to as "Obamacare," requires all Americans to have health insurance in 2014 or pay a fine. More than 9 million people are expected to get coverage through the exchanges in 2014, and 25 million in 2017, according to Avalere's projections. Many states that opposed the health care overhaul didn't prepare for the exchanges, hoping that a Mitt Romney presidential victory and a Republican takeover of the Senate would deal the law a death blow. But President Barack Obama won and Democrats expanded their Senate majority, injecting it with new strength and forcing resistant states to fall in line. On Tuesday, Florida Gov. Rick Scott, a Republican critic, said he now wanted to negotiate withthe Obamaadministration, after previously blocking all advance work on an exchange for
Thestatesandhealthexchanges By Nov. 16, states must indicate if they will set up health insurance markets, or exchanges, where millions of Americans
will shop for private coverage.Thestatus of the state exchanges: • State-run L ik e ly state-run S tat e-federally run ~/p Likely state-federal • Federally run • Li k ely federal
. r Q (/gg ~yr~.,f R.l.• D.C.• •
NOTE: Alaska and Hawaii are not to scale
Source: Avelere
© 2012 McCtatcny-Trittune News Service 4
his state. "The election is over e xchanges run e n tirely b y and President Obama won," Washington. Among them are Scott told The Associated Press. Kansas, Missouri, South Caro"I'm responsible for the families lina, Texas and Alaska, the only of Florida. If I can get to 'yes,' I state not to accept $1 million in want to get to 'yes.' " federal seed money to study States may operate and ad- building its own exchange. minister their exchanges themBrett Graham, the managselves or in partnership with ing director at Leavitt Partners, the HHS. which advises Republican-led While the numbers might states on the health care law, change, at least 14 states and said control was "really critical the District of Columbia will when you start thinking about have state-run exchanges, ac- your individual (state) insurance cording to Avalere. California market." Otherwise, the federal was the first state to pass leg- government regulates the local islation creating an exchange. insurance market. "So you've The others are Colorado, Con- ceded that to them," he said. necticut, Hawaii, K entucky, But even with the federal Maryland, Mas s achusetts, government's new f lexibility Minnesota, Nevada, New York, on deadlines, it may be too late Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont for states such as Florida and and Washington. Wisconsin to develop state-run States that run their own ex- systems now. "They may have changes have the authority to waited to the point where they make operational decisions on need to start being realistic and how they'll be built, who builds quickly move towards other opthem and what health plans tions, so they don't find themwill be featured. In partner- selves in a federally facilitated ship exchanges, states divide exchange," Graham said. operational and management These states may be better responsibilities with the federal served in a p a rtnership exgovernment. change, in which they could Not every state is moving control decisions on planning aggressively. and contracting while leaving At least ll that opposed the eligibility and enrollment ishealth care law probably will sues to the federal government, end up withfederal insurance Pearson said.
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Power Research Institute who is one of the report's authors. Continued from A1 For example, th e r e port But follow-up steps — like broaches the development of figuring out how many such submersible electric switches transformersshould be stock- that could be operated after a piled, developing storage de- terrorist attack or a hurricane pots, financing purchases of that left switches inoperable the equipment and planning elsewhere. Some of the other how to allocate it in an emer- technologies suggested, like gency — have yet to be taken. more sensorsto help operators Changes in the electric in- determine the status of transdustry have made the grid formers a n d t r a n smission more vulnerable i n r e cent lines, would also help the grid years, experts say. The grid on an average summer day. was mostly built to serve the The report urges that cheapneeds of individual utilities, er ways be found to put power but regulators have cut the l ines u n derground, w h i ch generation companies loose would protect them from some from t h e c o m panies t h at effects of storms, and also calls transport and distribute pow- for changes in infrastructure er, to foster a competitive mar- that would reduce the kind ket. That has resulted in far of mutual dependencies that more electricity being shipped result in wider blackouts. For m uch greater distances and in example, more traffic lights difficulty winning consensus could run on high-efficiency to build new lines. Meanwhile, LED lamps and be equipped the Sept. 11 attacks and weath- with batteries, and small gener catastrophes like Hurricane erators could be p l aced in Sandy have underlined the spots where power is needed need for ever more vigilant for pumping water. monitoring and technological The natural ga s s y stem
upgrades. "I don't think we pay quite enough attention to the technology fixes that would allow us to make the power system more resilient," said Clark Gellings, a researcher at the Electric
conservative political following recently, with Newt Gingrich, who sought the 2012 Republican presidential nomination, championing a novel that imagines the crippling of the nation and the starvation of millions by u n i dentified enemies using high-tech methods to fry components of the grid with an electromagnetic pulse.The report does not discuss that possibility, but the appendix does include "electromagnetic p ulse" a m ong other technical terms. The National Academy report mainly refers to less sophisticated attacks but also warns of cyberattacks or infiltration of the grid's transmission operators. "Even a few pernicious people in the wrong place are a potential source of vulnerability," it said. The report was completed in 2007, and after reviewing it the Department of Homeland Security decided to classify its contents. The version released Wednesday is redacted to avoid handing terrorists a could be equipped with pumps "cookbook" on how to disrupt that run on natural gas instead the grid, the report said. of electricity so that the system Gellings said that despite would survive an extended the delay, most of the points it blackout. makes are still valid, although The notion of a looming at- a chapter on cyberattacks is tack on the grid has gained a out of date.
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Robot Continued from A1 It's those situations caregivers want t o a v oid, said Janet Seibold, director of inpatient services at St. Charles Redmond. Transferring p atients can be risky, depending on their condition, and is s t ressful f o r e v e r yone involved. "It's better to keep patients in their communities and near their families," she said. R edmond c aregivers a l ready regularly consult their counterparts i n Be n d b y phone, Davis said. With Roda, Bend-based physicians wi ll be better able to offer their expertise. " More tha n a n y thing, I think it's going to provide support to the Redmond ICU to give them assistance and confidence with their patients," said Susan Kinney, a nurse supervisor at St. Charles Bend. The technology has been around for a few years even if it isn't yet ubiquitous, said Emilie Bonney, a Redmond ICU nurse. Rural hospitals have used such robotics to access expertise over great distances. Roda provides that assistance t h r ough i m p r essive technology. Physicians with a screen and joystick can examine the dilation of a patient's pupils and watch the capillaries refill after pressure is applied to a fingertip. "The picture is amazing," Seibold said. "It shows great detail." To listen to a patient's heart and lungs, Roda comes with a high-tech stethoscope attached by a cord. The doctor puts on headphones to listen. Davis anticipates at some
Andy Tullie/The Bulletin
St. Charles Redmond intensive care unit nurses Emilie Bonney, left, and Shoshanna Egbert watch as telemedicine robot Roda approaches Anita Boucher on Wednesday. Boucher, who volunteers at the hospital, posed as a patient to help caregivers test the robot. point plugging the robot directly into equipment through its USB port to show readings to doctors remotely. S ince Rod a a r r i ved i n Redmond about a month ago, caregivers in both the Bend and R e dmond I C Us have been training with the technology. Nurses in Redmond assist the physicians in Bend with consultations. For i n stance, a nurse helped Sherer on W ednesday by p l acing t h e stethoscope on the patient. At one point, Sherer displayed the patient's body on the screen and used a red arrow to show where to put it. Staff in Redmond have already adopted Roda into the family. They picked the name for the robot and refer to it as
a girl, since it says things like "I'm ready" in a polite, female voice. Down the line, other robots could be purchased to provide similar assistance at the hospitals in Prineville and Madras, the latter of which is expected to come into the St. Charles Health System i n J a nuary. The robots do, however, cost roughly $95,000 apiece. While the use of Roda is starting with the ICU, eventually doctors with other specialties might be trained to use the robot, Seibold said. For instance, Roda could be used to help examine strokeor emergency room patients. "This will be a good thing for patients," she said. — Reporter: 541-617-7828,
PeloSi deCideS to Stay and lead HOuSeDemOCratS New York Times News Service Rep. Nancy Pelosi of California has decided to stay in Congress and serve as House Democratic leader for another two years, an aide said
Wednesday. House Democrats had made it clear that she could stay in the position if she decided not to retire, which had been considered a possibility.
In January 2007, Pelosi became the first woman to serve as speaker of the House. She ceded that post to Rep. John Boehner, R-Ohio, with the Republican victories in 2010.
ligence agency analysts and
expertsare a useful way to Continued from A1 help inform the press and the Wyden argued that t h is public about a wide variety of would lead to a less-informed issues, and there will often be debate, as media often relies good reasons to withhold the on retired oNcials to explain full names of the experts givcomplex and secretiveissues ing these briefings," he said. "I haven't seen any evidence to the public. "I am also concerned that that prohibiting the intelliprohibiting individuals from gence agenciesfrom provid'commentary' ing these briefings would providing could b e a n unc o nstitu- benefit national security in tionalencroachment on free any way, so I see no reason to speech," Wyden said. "For ex- limit the flow of information ample, if a retired CIA direc- in this manner." tor wishes to publish an opThe third provision gives ed commenting on a public agency heads the ability to policydebate,Isee no reason strip pensions from employto try to ban him from doing ees orformer employees who so, even if he has been retired have been "determined" as less than a year." the source of a leak. Wyden The second provision pro- said heisconcerned thisdoes hibits most intelligence and not offer proper due process security officials from speak- for government employees. ing with the press "on backI n addition t o a les s ground" —the term reporters i nformed p u b lic, W y d e n and sourcesuse for informaargued that the new r ules tion that can be used with- would lead to a less-informed out identifying its source by Congress. name — even when discuss"While many members of ing unclassified issues. Congress don't like to admit "It seems to me that au- it, members often rely on the thorized, unclassified back- press to inform them about ground briefings from intel- problems that congressional
ca," he said. During th e c l osed-door Continued from A1 s ession W e dnesday, t h e Walden was also deputy House Republican conferchairman of t h e N a tional ence returned Boehner, MaRepublican C o ngressional jority Leader Eric Cantor, Committee under outgoing R-Va., and Majority W h ip chair Rep. Pete Sessions, R- Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., to Texas, for nearly four years. their posts. The National Republican In a c ontested election, Congressional Committee is Rep. Cathy McMorris Rodthe campaign arm of House gers, R-Wash., beat Rep. Republicans, and works to Tom Price, R-Ga., to become recruit and elect as many chair of t h e H o use GOP Republicans as possible. conference. Walden said he will conIn 2010, the first election tinue Sessions' approach of during which Walden served recruiting candidates who as deputy chair, Republicans w ill ably r epresent t h e i r scored a sweeping victory, constituents and have the gaining more than 60 seats ability to get elected in their to take a 242-193 majority. districts. Walden allowed that the What works in the North- 2012 election was a setback west may not be successful for Republicans, but said that in the Southeast, he said. House Republicans weath"It's about understanding ered the storm better than the complexities of the politi- GOP presidential nominee cal landscapeacross Ameri- Mitt Romney and Republi-
overseers have not discovered on their own. I have been on the Senate Intelligence Committee for 12 years now and I can recallnumerous specific instances where I found out about serious government wrongdoing — such as the NSA's warrantless wiretapping program, or the CIA's coercive interrogation program — only as a result of disclosures by the press," he said. Wyden raised these same issues in July, when he was the only member of the Intelligence Committee to vote against passing the bill out of committee. He has also publicly expressed concerns about extending the FISA Amendments Act, which authorizes the U.S. to conduct e lectronic s u rveillance o f foreign nationals' emails and phone calls, until the Obama administration can provide more information about how many l aw-abiding A m ericans have had their communications monitored this way. — Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevengerC<
can candidatesforthe Senate. "We need tolearn from our losses. We lost eight seats net," he said. "That still left us with the second-largesthouse majority since 1942." In the future, it will be important to reach out to Hispanics, Asians, A f rican-Americans and other minority voters with a message of inclusiveness in the Republican party. "We're one country, and we need to figure out how to be a stronger Republican brand and party," Walden said. "We offer America a positive agenda, and we need to do a better job of communicating that." — Reporter: 202-662-7456, aclevengerC<
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TV&Movies, B2 Horoscope, B3 Calendar, B3 Com ics, B4-5 Dear Abby, B3 P u zzles, B5
TRAIL UPDATE Winter will come — be patient "We're not ready to
jump into winter yet, apparently," said Chris Sabo, U.S. Forest
• Deschutes Land Trust opens a5-mile trail in the picturesqueWhychusCanyon Preserve
Service trails specialist. "With the recent little bit of warming
and the melting of the
By Heidi Hagemeier
snow from last week, things are still in a fall
arm spell, cold patch, rainy day: Shoulder season in Central Oregon makes for variable conditions, sometimes within the same 24-hour period. My knee-jerk reaction during this time of year is to look to the east. But a spot just as ideal for all-weather outings lies to the north of Bend. The Whychus Canyon Preserve is a 450-acre parcel along Whychus Creek. The Deschutes Land Trust purchased it at the end of 2010, in
There is a touch of winter up in the
high country — a few inches of snow above 5,000 feet and up to
a foot or so above 6,000 feet, said Sabo.
"We'vegotsomeskiers out touring around Dutchman, but it's not really in gear yet," with
low-snow hazards still in abundance, hesaid. Most high-eleva-
tion areas, including Dutchman Flat, are still closed to snow-
the process opening up land that had long been inaccessible to the public. Since adding the property to its portfolio, the nonprofit land trust has been busy building trails and restoring habitat. The last time I visited there, in June, trail markers were few and parking ad hoc. The route into the canyon was a bit of a scramble. Now, the land trust has completed a roughly 5-mile loop trail that leads down into the
mobiles. Seasonalroad closures in effect include
McKenzie PassHighway, CascadeLakes Highway from Mount
Bachelor to Deschutes Bridge, and the New-
berry Crater area. There is still some access to LavaLands andthe Deschutes
River Trail at Black Rock trailhead, located just south of Lava
I/I/hychus Creek sleterS Goodnch Rd.
canyon, along the creek and back up to a spot with generous mountain views. A kiosk greets arrivals and parking spots were fine for even my low-clearance Prius. I got lucky on a recent morning out at the preserve — High Desert junipers and sage were basking in what was probably the last intense warmth of the year. One of my companions for the hike, Sarah Mowry from the land trust, wore shorts. Brad Chalfant, the land trust's executive director, wished aloud that he had too. We took the trail straight across the road from the kiosk and started weaving our way down into the canyon. The land trust rates the trail as difficult. I get it, as it is a knee-crunching descent. But otherwise the journey is quite moderate. Rock lines the trail down. Mowry warned that rattlesnakes are regularly spotted through here, although they will soon disappear to hibernate. SeeOuting/B6
The Bulletin
Whychns Canyon Preserve
BLM land
George Cyrus Rd
Trails Jl
Private land
Canyon Preserve Cascade military wagon road
Trailhead Goodrich Rd.
0.5 Andy Zeigert /The Bulletin
Source: Deschutes Land Trust
Lands, said Sabo.
Forest Road 60 in
the Crescent Lakearea will close either with substantial snow or on Dec. 1. Also on Dec. 1, many other roads that become winter trails will be closing. That includes most of the
side roads around
the Virginia Meissner,
Wanoga, Swampyand Dutchman sno-parks, s
said Sabo. The Forest Road16 to Three Creek Lake will be closing when there is substantial snow.
'q+1., i'
See Trails/B6
,' 4e,: Photos by Heidi Hagemeier/The Bulletin
Whychus Creekwinds through the W hychus Canyon Preserve. It provides habitat for numerous birds and other animals, and is open to catch-and-release fishing inside the preserve.
The Education Foundation for Bend-La
Pine Schools is seeking Central Oregon business and civic leaders to participate in the "Prin-
cipal of the Day" event Nov. 30.
Each participant
will shadow a school principal during the
morning hours. The
r~f, t~4
event culminates with a leadership and network-
. „ g ~c' e~>'q;"t il:,'i "
, II I;. I'/r .$.
„ '
-. j . ' j '
ing luncheon at11:30 p.m., according to a news release. "Principal of the Day" interest forms are available online at www
, ',';Ie;.trnt&lll„+ The Education Foundation would like applications
$ I'
d V (»' it,
returned by today.
Contact: education.
g'1 r
b or 541-355-5660.
Tell us about your gift drives The Bulletin is collecting information about
"'.ytr, I•
Like the Badlands, the Whychus Canyon Preserveoffers High Desert hiking throughout most of the year.
Central Oregon toy drives, gift drives and
other holiday-season charity efforts. Does
your organization have a drive, giving tree or
With the right tools, everyone canobserve the sun
other event or opportunity to help the needy? Let us know. Email details, including dates, contact information and a short description, to community
— From staff reports
By Bill Logan For The Builetin
Our sun is a huge, with a diameter 109 times that of the Earth. About 1.3 million Earths can fit
ins i de the sun. The sun's energy
comes from nuclear reactions in its core. And while the sun gives us life,
it can also be harmful and needs to be monitored closely if we are to have the opportunity to forecast any changes that might affect us. The good thing about studying the sun is that anyone can do it. Solar astronomy is one of the few remaining areas of astronomy in which amateurs can make obser-
vations that are of use to professionals without the need for expensive equipment. To watch sunspots, all one needs is a good pair of binoculars or a small refractor telescope with a solar filter. (Never, ever look at the sun through binoculars or a telescope without a good solar filter, which are avail-
able online and at specialty stores. Irreversible eye damage will occur instantly without proper filters.) If you want to spend a bit more, you may want to consider a special hydrogen telescope. With such a scope, you'll be able to see the sun's surface in detail. See Sky Watch/B3
'Mankind':Yes,abig topic — want to fight about it'? "Mankind: The Story of All of Us" 9 p.m. Tuesday, History
stay-awake soundtrack and a narrator (Josh Brolin) who intones the important points in i m p o sing, w r i t e-thisBy Neil Genzlinger down fashion. New York Times News Service Nothi ng wrong with that. If you run a documentary- A s a tea ching tool, the series oriented television channel, h a s much to recommend it, apparently you are periodi- e s pecial ly the way it emphacally overcome with an ir s i z es ho w one historical deresistible urge to velopment influences another, a TV SPOTLIGHT thing program: cause and effect a program, usuoften missed in ally a m i n i series, whic h t h e dry dates-and-places t ries to capture the totality m e t h odof someclassrooms. o f an impossibly big subject. The mastering of agriculThe BBC and the Discovery t u r e ledto a sense of territoC hannel had the acclaimed r y t h a t e I d to wars. Domesti"Planet Earth," followed a cationo f livestock led to livf ew years later by " L i fe." i n g i nproximity to animals, The National G eographic w h i ch le d to more diseases. Channel has had projects Th at last point is made like the sumptuous "Great b y D r . Mehmet Oz, the teleMigrations." vision personality, one of I n 2010, History checked m a n y well-known faces who i n with the 12-hour "Amer- t u r n u p here. It also draws ica: The Story of Us," and, o n a sor t of pop-culture cast on Tuesday nights, it ap to underscore i m portant plies the formulas used in d e v elop ments — the newsthat miniseries to the even c a ster Brian Williams, for more all - e n compassing i n s tance , and the chef An"Mankind: The Story of All thony Bourdain. o f Us." That preposterously Th is t'sn't as gimmicky as grandiose title really needed i t s ounds. The observations t o be strung out a bit to give f r o m t hese folks are just as an accurate picture of th e tr e n cha nt as those from the program. Something l i ke , c o l l egeprofessors, and they "Mankind: The Story of All he l p ma ke theseries feelless o f Us, Delivered Somewhat l i k e a l ecture. S uperficially by People You The series, though, seems Know and Love, Because We to o eag er to focus on warD on't Want to Bore You." far e, p erhaps because that The series, at least judg- a l l ows or f lots of imagery of i ng from the first two hours, m e n s winging swords and f eels as if its broadcast in- t a k i n g an arrow to the heart. carnation is a s e condary I t ' s true , as the series notes, c oncern. What it i s r eally th a t w ar has often driven aiming for is the high school t e c hnological in n o v ation. market. It's a quick survey B u t as th is series goes along, of our species' high points t h e testf oits ambition will be — walking upright, culti- wh e t herit lets other strands v ating seeds, learning more o f h i s t ory that are harder e fficient ways to k i l l o n e to i ll u strate religious another — delivered in stu- t h o ught scientific inquiry dent-friendly fashion with a — havean equal place.
available for somemovies
Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347
ARGO (R) 12:15, 3:15, 5:50 THE PERKSOFBEINGA WALLFLOWER(PG-13) 1, 4, 6:45 SAMSARA (PG-13) 1:15, 4:15, 7 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:30 SKYFALL (PG-13) Noon, 3, 6 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG13) I2:30, 3:30, 6:15
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & 1MAX 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
ARGO (R)12:40, 3:45, 7:10 CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 6:55, 9:45 CLOUDATLAS(R) 12:30, 4:20, 8:05 FLIGHT (R) 12:15, 1:15, 3:25, 4:45, 6:35, 7:55 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)1:25, 4:30, 7:20 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG)1:30, 3:55 THE MANWITHTHE IRONFISTS (R) 1:45, 5, 7:45 PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4(R)6:45 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 1:10, 4:05, 7:30 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 12:20 SKYFALL (PG-13) 3:35, 7, 10:10 SKYFALL IMAX (PG-13) 11:45 a.m., 3, 6:20, 9:35 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 1:40, 4:55, 7:40 TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD 50TH ANNIVERSARY (no MPAArating) Thu: 7
n-. Universal Pictures via New York Times News Service
Mary Badham and Gregory Peck in the 1962 film "To Kill a Mockingbird." The film, based on the Harper Lee novel, is playing at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX in Bend. THETWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) Thu: 10, 11, Midnight THE TWILIGHTSAGA MARATHON (PG-13) Thu: 11:25 a.m. WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Noon, 1, 3:15, 4:15, 6, 9 WRECK-IT RALPH3-D (PG) 12:05, 3:20, 6
McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562
Redmond Cinemas 1535S.W. DdemMedo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777
After 7p.m.,showsare2t and older only. Younger than21 may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompaniedby a legalguardian.
MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505
PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4(R)7:30, 9:35 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 7:10, 9:25 SKYFALL (PG-13) 6:30, 9:20 THE TWILIGHTSAGA:BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 10 Thu night/Fri morning: 12:15 a.m. WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 6:50, 9:10
WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) 4:15, 6:45
SISTERS 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800
Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014
PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) 4, 7 WRECK-IT RALPH(UPSTAIRS — PG) 6 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.
Tin Pan Theater
e~®~e CMSSIC
869 N.W. Tin PanAlley, Bend, 541-241-2271
28 HOTELROOMS(no MPAArating) 6, 8:30
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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. I sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Slsters/BlackButte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-LaPine
i EHK~RDiRH i 1RK~RRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEH KATU News World News K A TU News at 6 (N) n in Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Last Resort Nuke ItDut (N)'14' Grey's Anatomy (N) n '14' in (10:02) ScandalSpiesLike Us'14' KATU News (11:35) Nightline
Nightly News Newschannei 21 at 6 (N) « Jeop ardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune 30 Rock (N) '14' Up Ail Night (N) The Office '14' Parks/Recreat Rock Center With Brian Williams News Jay Leno News Evening News Access H. Ol d Christine How I Met 30 Rock n '14' Big Bang Two /Half Men (9:01) Person of Interest (N)'14' Letterman KBNZ 0 ( 10:01) Elementary (N) '14' in Ne w s K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The insider (N) Last Resort Nuke it(N) Out'14' G r ey's Anatomy (N) n '14' « KOHD Q 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News (10:02) ScandalSpiesLike Us'14' KEZI 9 News (11:35) Nightiine Big Bang The X Factor Live Resul (N) ts n Glee Glease (N) n 'PG' in News KFxo iDi ID IEI S America's Funniest HomeVideos Two/Half Men Two/Haif Men Big Bang TMZ (N) n 'PG' The Simpsons Family Guy '14' Dregon Art Beat Dre. Field Guide Doc Martin Onthe Edge'PG' She rlock Holmes 'G' « The Journey of Sacagawea'G' Koae O B Q B Wild Kratts Y Electric Comp. Traveiscope B u siness Rpt. PBS NewsHour (N) n « NewsChannel 8 NightlyNews Newschannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I nside Edition 30 Rock (N) '14' Up All Night (N) The Office '14' Parks/Recreat Rock Center With BrianWilliams Newschannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 B e auty and the Beast Worth'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeid 'PG' 'Tii Death 'PG' 'Tii Death 'PG' KTVZDT2IEI 0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement T he Vampire Diaries (N) n '14' Chef John Besh Sara's Time Goes By My Family Lo s t Treasures of Ancient World Lost Treasures of Ancient World World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose (N) n 'PG' in PBS NewsHour n in OPBPL 175 173
KTvz 0 0 0 0 News
The First 48 '14' in The First 48 '14' « The First 48 '14' « The First 48 FatalCall(N) 'PG' B e yond Scared Straight (N) '14' (11:01) BeyondScaredStraight ***"The GreenMile" (1999)Tomg CSI: Miami A tornado tears through a Csi: Miami Look Who' s Taunting The ***"The Green Mi l e " (1999, Drama) Tom Hanks, Davi d Morse, Mi c hael Cl a rke Duncan. Aguard thinks aninmate hasa supernatural power to heal. « *AMC 102 40 39 murder scene.n 'PG' team pursues a kiler. n '14' Hanks, DavidMorse. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me 'PG' in Swa mp Wars n 'PG' in Rattlesnake Republic '14' in Rat t lesnake Republic 'PG' in Rat t lesnake Republic Mutiny 'PG' Rattlesnake Republic '14' in Rat t lesnake Republic 'PG' in BRAVO1 37 4 4 The Real Housewives of Miami Real Housewives/Beverly Top Chef: Seattle The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami What Happens Housewives ** "Starsky8 Hutch" (2004)BenStiler, OwenWilson. n CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba 'PG' in R eba 'PG' in R e ba 'PG' in R e ba 'PG' in R eba 'PG' in R e ba 'PG' in R e dneck Island n 'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 Trash inc: TheSecret Life of Cri me inc. Synthetic drugs. American Greed Mad Money 'MA' Crime inc. Syntheticdrugs. American Greed Paid Program Never-Rake CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N)in Pie rs Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande rson Cooper360in Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360in Erin Burnett OutFront COM 135 53 135 47(4:57) Futurama Always Sunny South Park '14' (6:29) Tosh.0 Colbert Report Daily Show (7:59) ** "OfficeSpace" (1999,Comedy)RonLivingston. « Tosh.0 '14' To s h.0 '14' Dai ly Show Co l bert Report COTV 11 Dept./Trans. C i ty Edition P a i d Program Kristi Miller D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW The Yoga Show The YogaShow Kristi Miller C i t y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie Good.Charlie Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' **** "Toy Story" (1995)Voices oi TomHanks. Dog With a Blog Gravity Falls n Phineas, Ferb Good.Charlie A.N.T. Farm 'G' *DISC 156 21 16 37 Property Wars Property Wars Jungle Gold n 'PG' « Jungle Gold ShotsFired n '14' M o onshiners Rise 'n Shine! '14' M oonshiners n '14' « Ghost TownGold (N) 'PG' « Moo n shiners n '14' « *E! 1 36 2 5 Nicki Minal: My Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco E! News (N) The Soup '14' Kardashian K a rdashian K e eping Up With the Kardashians Kardashian C h elsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (4:30) CollegeFootball NorthCarolina atVirginia (N) (Live) Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « sportscenter (N)(Live) « sportscenter (N)(Livel « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball College Basketball 2KSports Classic —Purduevs. Vilanova (N) (Live) SportsNation (N) NFL Live (N)(Live) in SportsNation SportsNation E:60 ESPNC 23 25 123 25 White Shadow in Friday Night Lights n '14' « Frid ay Night Lights n '14' « Car Auctions C ar Auctions AWA Wrestling « College Football Played 11/17/90. « ESPNN 24 63 124203SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Sportscenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter H.Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Prese H-Lite Ex. *** "Harry Potter andthe Half-B/oodPrince" (2009, Fantasy)Daniel Radciiffe, RupertGrint, EmmaWatson. FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:30) *** "Harry Potter andthe Orderof thePhoenix" (2007) Daniel Radciiffe. The700Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) in Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor in Hannity On Record, Greta VanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes P a uia's Cooking Chopped i'm YourHuckleberry C u pcake Wars CupcakeWars Sweet Genius BabyGenius Sweet GeniusTurkey Genius(N) The Next Iron Chef: Redemption FX 131 How I Met Ho w I Met How I Met How I Met Two /Half Men Two/Half Men ** * "Easy A" (2010, Comedy)EmmaStone, PennBadgley. Always Sunny The League (N) BrandX With Russell Brand 'MA' HGTV 176 49 33 43 House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Hunters int'I H o use Hunters Buying and Selling 'G' « Extreme Homes(N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I E x t reme Homes 'G' in *HIST 155 42 41 36 The MenWho Built America 'PG' The Men Who Built America Bloody Battles 'PG' in The MenWhoBuilt America Changingthe Game'PG' « The MenWho Built America Thechangingface of America. 'PG' LIFE 138 39 20 31 Wife Swap n 'PG' « Wife SwapParker/Robinson'PG' Wife Swap n 'PG' « Project RunwayAli Stars 'PG' P r o ject Runway Aii Stars (N) 'PG' Abby's Ultimate Dance Project RunwayAii Stars 'PG' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 (4:50) Jersey Shore n '14' « Ridi cuiousness Ridiculousness Totally Clueless Pranked n '14' Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore(N) n '14' « Restore the Shore(N) n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S pongeBob S p ongeBob S p ongesob D r ake & Josh Drake & Josh Kung Fu Panda: Legends Full House'G' Full House 'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn 'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103Breaking Downthe Bars n '14' B r eaking Down the Bars n '14' B r eaking Down the Bars n '14' 4 8 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 ( 4:30) UFA U F A Brawl Call Co l lege Basketball Texas-El Pasoat Arizona (N) (Live) Bensinger Mark FewShow Seahawks S eahawks T he DanricPat kShow Tatt oo Night. T a ttoo Night. T a ttoo Night. T a ttoo Night. T a ttoo Night. i MPACT Wrestling (N) n « SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Jail '14' « ink Master StarWars Forever'14' Tattoo Night. GT Academy n "Rise ofthe Zombies" (2012, Horror) Mariel Hemingway.'14' in *"Pulse" (2006,Horror) Kristen Bell, ian Somerhalder, in SYFY 133 35 133 45** "HalloweenH20: 20 yearsLater" (1998) JamieLeeCurtis. * ceeardotCom"(2002) in TBN 05 60 130 (2:00) Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n 'PG' Friends n 'PG' King of Queens King of Queens Seinfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Big Bang Con a n (N) '14' in ***"TheUnsinkable MollyBrown"(1964) DebbieReynolds,EdBegiey. A (715) *** "Babesin Arms"(1939)MickeyRooney, JudyGarland. Thechil- **"The AdmirableCrichton"(1957, Comedy)Kenneth (1045) ** "Wickedas TheyCome"(1957) Ariene Dahi. TCM 101 44 101 29 nouveau richecouplearesnubbedbyhighsociety.« dren of touringvaudevillians take tothe stage. «(DVS) Gold diggerworks her wayto ruin. More, DianeCilento, Cecil Parker. *TLC 178 34 32 34 Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Island Medium Island Medium Little People Big World: Wedding Say Yes, Dress Say Yes, Dress Four Weddings (N) rt 'PG' « Jer s ey Brides Jersey Brides Four Weddings rr 'PG' « *TNT 17 26 15 27 NBA Basketball BostonCeitics at Brooklyn Nets(N) (Livei « NBA Basketball Miami Heatat DenverNuggets Fromthe Pepsi Center inDenver. (N ) insi de the NBA(Li (N) ve) in The Mentalist n '14'in 'TOON 84 Wrid, Gumball Wrid, Gumball Wrid, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Annoying MA D (N) 'PG' Regular Show King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: NoReservations Biz a rre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food'G' Man v. Food 'G' Mysteries at the Museum'PG' M ysteries at the Museum (N) 'PG' Mysteries at the Museum'PG' T he Dead Files 'PG' in *A*S*H M*A'S*H 'PG' CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 (5:11) BonanzaTheFlannel-Mouth Gun'G' « (6:22) M NCIS CollateralDamagen '14' NCIB False Witness n 'PG'in N C I S Restless 'PG' in (DVS) N CI S Enemy onHithe l n 'PG' Bur n Notice Over the Line'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Murder2.0 n '14' (11:01) NCISCapitol Offense'PG' ChrissyaJones Chrissy8 Jones Chrissy& Jones Chrissy& Jones Chrissy& Jones Chrissya Jones Chrissy8 Jones Chrissy& Jones VH1 191 48 37 54 (4:45) Basketball Wives LA'14' (5:50) Basketball Wives LA '14' Couples Therapy rr '14' *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 'PG' in
** "Batman Returns"1992 MichaelKeaton. rt 'PG-13' « ENCR 106401 306401(4:30) *** "Analyze This'"R' (6:15) * "Zookeeper" 2011,ComedyKevinJames. rt 'PG' « (10:10) *** "Open Range"2003 Robert Duvaii. n 'R' in ham 123"2009DenzeiWashington.'R'« FXM Presents **"TheTakingofPe/ham 123"2009DenzeiW ashington.R a « FXM Pres ents ** "RulesofEngagement"2000Tommy LeeJones.'R' in FMC 104204104120** "TheTakingofPe/ B. Lee Lives! B. Lee Lives! B. Lee Lives! B. Lee Lives! B. Lee Lives! B. Lee Lives! UFC Roundtable UFC insider T he Ultimate Fighter n UFC Tonight UFC Primetime Best of PRIDEFighting FUEL 34 European PGA Tour Golf GOLF 28 301 27 301LPGA TourGolf PGA Tour Golf AustralianMasters,SecondRoundFromMelbourne. (N)(Livel *** "Moonlight and Mistletoe" (2008), TomArnold 'PG' « "DebbieMacomber's Trading Christmas" (2011)TomCavanagh. 'G' "TheChristmasSecret" (2000, Fantasy) RichardThomas. 'G' « HALL 66 33175 33 "Night BeforeNight Before" ** "Arthur" 2011,Romance-ComedyRussell Brand. Anirresponsible playboy *** "Crazy, Stupid, Love." 2011SteveCareii. A suddenlysingle 40-some- "Crossfire Hurricane" 2012,DocumentaryPremiere. Thewilder side of rock'n' Taxicab Confessions: New York, HBO 25501 425501 must choosebetweenloveandmoney.n 'PG-13'in thing needshelpfinding his grooveagain. n 'PG-13' in roll legendstheRolling Stones. n 'NR' in New York Part 3 n 'MA' in *** "StarTrek IK TheVoyage Home"1986, Science Fiction Wiliam Shatner. 'PG' I FC 105 1 0 5 * "TheSpirit" 2008, Action Gabriel Macht.Premiere. 'PG-13' (7:15) *"TheSpirit" 2008, Action Gabriel Macht, SamuelL Jackson. 'PG-13' ***"The Rundown"2003The Rock. Abountyhunter (645) ***"Chronicle" 2012DaneDeHaan. Astrange (815) *"This MeansWar"2012, Action ReeseWitherspoon, Chris Pine.Two ***"Oie Hard 2"1990, Action BruceWilis, Bonnie Bedelia. Policehero • M AX 00508 5 0 8must find hisboss'son inthe Amazon. in substancegives threefriends superpowers. CiA agents battle over thesamewoman. rt 'PG-13' « spots military terrorists at D.C. airport, rr 'R' « Taboo Addiction '14' Drugs, inc. Hawaiianice 'PG' Su p erstorm 2012 (N) '14' Taboo Addiction '14' Superstorm 2012'14' N GC 157 1 5 7 Drugs, inc. Hawaiianice 'PG' Ta b oo Freaky Remedies A v atar: Air. Pl anet Sheen Planet Sheen Spongesob S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Planet Sheen Planet Sheen Odd Parents Odd Parents A vatar: Air. in Pursuit With Reaitree ReaiTree's Bo w Madness Uit. Adventures The Season W i ld Outdoors Bushman Show The Crush Wi l d Outdoors Steve's Outdoor Fear No Evil O u tdoors TV OUTD 37 307 43 307Hunt (6:15) ***"Lostin Translation"2003, Comedy-Drama Bil Murray. Amiddle- ***"Wish Me Away"2011Premiere. Countrysinger (9:35) JoanRivers: Don't Start With MeJoanRivers Dave's Old Porn Reality Show (N) S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:45) **** "FiveFingers" 2006 'MA' « LaurenceFishburne.'R' « aged actor falls for ayoungwomanin Tokyo. n 'R' « Cheiy Wrightcomesoutas a lesbian. 'NR' performs.(N) n « (N) 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125303Kurt Busch Special Championship Week The Hendrick Racing Story Inside Michael Waltrip Racing K u r t Busch Special The Hendrick Racing Story Uni q ue Whips '14' *** "21 JumpStreet" 2012, ComedyJonah Hil. n 'R' « ** "Manof the House" 2005 STARZ 00408 00408(5:10) *** "TheThomasCrownAffair" 1999PierceBrosnan.'R' (7:10) ** "You Again"2010Kristen Bell. n 'PG' « ** "Deception" 1993 MysteryAndieMacDowell Liam "Flesh Wounds"2011Kevin Sorbo. A predator stalks a "Before Sel / f Destruct" 200950Cent. A manturns to a ** "Barbershop" 2002 ComedyIce (4 55) "Momentum" 2003 Lou Gossett Jr. Government TMC 2 5 25 agents pursuepeoplewhohave telekinesis. Neeson, ViggoMortensen. rt 'PG-13' covert opsteamat a remote facility. rr 'R' life of crime tosupport hisyounger brother. 'R' Cube. rt 'PG-13' « Caught Looking 'PG' Sports iiiustrated 'PG' Game On! M L S 36 'PG' N F L Turning Point 'PG' Sports liiustrated 'PG' Poker After Dark 'PG' in NBCSN 27 58 30 209College Basketball *WE 143 41 174118Tamar &Vince Gagafor Gaga Tamar & Vince (N) Tamar & Vince Tamar & VinceGagafor Gaga T amar 8 Vince Roadto Recovery Tamar & Vince Braxton Family Values '14'
Church'sfamiliar routine may comfort Alzheimer'spatient Dear Abby:I'm vviting about a letter you published Sept. 23 from "Friend in Arizona." She wrote that after her friend "Blanche" was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, Blanche had asked not to be "paraded around for others to gawkat" after she reached a certain point. You advised that continuing to take herfriend to church every Sunday was going against her wishes. I disagree. I'm an LPN and specialize in Alzheimer's. I have been doing this for more than 25 years, and have headed Alzheimer's care units. One of the things we strivefor is some sense of normalcy. These people lose their short-term memory at first. But many have strong, vivid memories of years ago. Going to church every Sund ay is probably one of t h e few things Blanche actually remembers, and it most likely brings her a sense of comfort. Most of the parishioners p robably have k n ow n h e r for years. This isn't walking through a mall full of strangers; it is enjoying fellowship with old friends. I'm sure they are not "gawking." Nursing homes are often frightening to Alzheimer's patients — full of strange sounds and people. Church, however, is full of beloved hymns and friends. U nfortunately, there w i l l come a time when her disease will progress to the point that these trips will become stressfulforher,and possibly her behavior will become too difficult for church. But until that time comes, Ihope this dear friend continues to do such a wonderful thing for this woman. I only hope that I have such caring friends in my later years. — Jenniferin Carthage, Mo. Dear Jennifer:I would like to thank you and the many readers who urged me to change my answer to that letter. Some pointed out that Blanche had elicited the promise when she was a "different person," far different from the woman she is today. However, I am torn. While I think it's brutal for older people who suffer from
DEAR ABBY dementia to be treated as pariahs and isolated (and many are), and clearly this friend is well-meaning, I also feel strongly that a person's wishes stated in advance should be respected. Blanche mayhave wanted to be remembered as the person she was, and entrusted her friend to carryouther wishes "after she reached a certain point." The writer of t h a t l etter asked me if I thought she was wrong todisregard her friend's wishes. I apologize if anyone was offended by my telling her I thought she was. Dear Abby: My wife and I have a disagreement. No matter what we are doing, she's constantly checking her cellphone for texts or emails. Then she'll get into text conversations and talk to herself while I sit there wondering what's so funny. It happens a lot — anytime, anywhere. Her cellphone is a constant companion and usually the center of attention. Am I too sensitive in thinking that the phone should be put away sometimes when we're together? Or is this the world in which we now live? — Like I'm Not There in Richland, Wash. Dear Like I'm Not There:You are not being overly sensitive. Have you told your wife that
you feel she's neglecting you because she pays more attention to her cellphone? If you haven't, you should. If she has a ny consideration for y o ur feelings, she will turn it off for an agreed period of time so she can spend that time with
you. M arriages take w or k i f they're going to last, and communication is crucial. If she refuses to listen to you, deliver the message via text or email, or with the help of a licensed marriage counselor. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.comor P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Thursday,Nov. 15,2012 By Jacqueline Bigar This year, emotional extremes mark your year. Know that whatever your mood might be, it could be subject to change. You could gain financially through a partner, the lottery or even the IRS. Managethese moments well and you will be just fine. If you are single, you could meet a foreigner or someone unusual who piquesyour interest. Spend some time getting to know this person. If you are attached, take a workshop or go on atrip thatyou have beentalking about. SAGITTARIUScan be provocative. The Stars Showthe Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES (March 21-April 19) ** * * P ush past the obvious, and be willing to clear up adisagreement. You could feel emotionally naked, in a sense, by the time you fixthe issue. Your ability to read between the lines helpsyou understand whatsomeone might not be revealing. Tonight: Break down a barrier. TAURUS (April 20-May 20) ** * * * D eal with a certain someone directly. You might have difficulty understanding what is going on with this person, as heor she believes that you tune him or her out. You havefound yourself drowning in empathetic feelings in the past when dealing with this person. Tonight: Make nice. GEMINI (May 21-June 20) ** * * Others declare their strength and power in away you can relate to. You might be overwhelmed becauseyoufeelthe needto respond to the many different situations that come forward at this time. Tonight: Make the most of the moment. CANCER(June 21-July 22) ** * Focus on your effectiveness and on getting the job done.Youcould be overwhelmed beyondyour norm, as there will be a flood of paperwork on top ofyour regular workto get through. Do not makethis a big deal — just get it done. Tonight: Choosea favorite way of relaxing. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * Your powerful personality emerges because you have somuch to handle. Onceyou get through the hectic part of your day, you can kick back and enjoy a loved one. Makea point of sharing your feelings with this person. Be understanding. Tonight: Where your friends are.
VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) ** * You might want to touch base with a roommate orfamily member midday. Whetheryou senseor actually know that a lot isabout to happen, it makes adifference to cluethis person in to what is going on. Be available to others. Tonight: Happy to behome. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * * C alls, emails and conversations whirl around you at a hectic pace. Sorting through all of your messages, responding to them and prioritizing them could makeyouwishyouwerea computer. Remember the importance of expressing your feelings. Tonight: Swap tales of the day. SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * Be aware of the expense of entertaining a friend in style. You might want to rethink that decision. You have atendencytogetlucky when you deal with this person so you don't have to go overboard to impress him or her. Trust in your desirability. Tonight: Opt for togetherness. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)
* ** * You have somany
opportunities falling into yourlap thatyou might not besurewhich one youwould like tojump onfirst. Communication with friendsand business associatesinforms you of the state of affairs. Aloved one is expressive.Tonight: Whateveryou want. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** The less you disclose, the better off you will be ... even if someone is asking for feedback. This person might not be OKwith what you have to say. Strong feelings emerge with someoneyou look upto. Be willing to discuss whatever you want. Tonight: Play it low-key. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) ** * * * Z e ro in on whatyou want. At the last minute, you might realize thatyou have alternatives that you had not considered. Allow more lightness to enter your life and try not to take yourself so seriously. A friend helps you laugh at asituation. Tonight: Where the fun is. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * * You are on top of your game and others sense thatyou are centered. Do only what you want and don't sell yourself short. Recognize that others are observing the wayyou handle various situations. Many of them might follow in your footsteps. Tonight: Could be late. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
Pleaseemail event information to or click on "Submit an Event" at Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
TODAY THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Sisters Brothers" by Patrick deWitt; free; noon; La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541312-1090 or www.deschutes IN THE MOOD: A1940s musical revue featuring The String of Pearls Big Band Orchestra, singers and swing dancers; $35-$59 plus fees; 3 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www THE CALDECOTTAWARD: Learn about the process and criteria for selecting the annual award recipient; free; 4:30 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-6177099 or www.deschuteslibrary .org/calendar. "EL MARIACHI":A screening of the 1992 R-rated film about a traveling mariachi mistaken for a murderous criminal who must hide from a gang; free; 6 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Boyle Education Center, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-318-3782. CHICKSWITH PICKS:Featuring performances by four local female-fronted bands; proceeds benefit Saving Grace; $5; 6-10 p.m.; The Summit Saloon 8 Stage, 125 N.W.Oregon Ave., Bend; 971-570-7199. SERENDIPITYWEST FUNDRAISER: A dinner and a silentauction, with a demonstration by local teens; registration requested; all proceeds benefit the antibullying program ChallengeDay, organized by theSerendipity W est Foundation;$40;6 p.m. dinner, 5:30 p.m. cocktail hour and auction; Chow, 1110N.W.Newport Ave., Bend; 541-382-1093. SUSTAINABLERESOURCE LECTURESERIES: Environmental activist and journalist Ed Marston talks about Oregon's conflict resolution between ranchers and environmentalists; free; 6 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541382-4754 or www "HOW DIDWE GET HERE?" LECTURESERIES:Featuring a presentation on "Monkey Business: The Impact of Global Change on Humanand Monkey Evolution in Africa"; $10, $8 Sunriver Nature Center members, $3 students, $50 for series; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-593-4394. "TO KILLAMOCKINGBIRD":A screening of the 1962 unrated filmbased on Harper Lee's book, with an introduction by Robert Osborne; $12.50; 7 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347 or www AUDUBON SOCIETYBIRDERS' NIGHT:Learn howto invite birds for viewing and play a "Mystery Bird" photo game; free; 6:30 p.m. social; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-385-6908. "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents adarkmusicalcom edy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626, 2ndstreettheater@gmail .com or www.2ndstreettheater .com. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about m ixing loveand money;$24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or IN THE MOOD: A1940s musical revue featuring The String of Pearls Big Band Orchestra, singers and swing dancers; $35$59 plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St.,
Sky Watch Continued from B1 All of the fossil fuels that we burn — wood, oil, gasoline, coal etc. — are stored energy from the sun. The sun is a middle-aged star at 4.5 billion years old. Although the sun consumes 6 55 million tons of h y drogen per second, it has enough fuel to last another 4.5 billion years. The sun rotates once every 2538
Submitted photo
The Russian jam band White Fort will perform a free show at 8 p.m. Sunday at the Broken Top Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe in Bend. Bend; 541-389-0775. SOUND ANDVIBRATION MEDITATION:Seattle-based artist Pamela Mortensen plays the didgeridoo, featuring chanting and instrumental music by local artists; $15 suggested donation; 6 p.m.; Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 N.W. Louisiana Ave., Bend; 541-330-0334. "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of the unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring stand-upcomedian's experience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or SMITH AND HAYES:Rock and blues guitarists Clay T. Smith and Bill FRIDAY Hayes perform; RSVP requested; $15 suggested donation; 7 p.m.; HUMANESOCIETYART private residence, 69077 Chestnut FUNDRAISER: Featuring fine art sale Place, Sisters; 541-549-2072. and a social; proceeds benefit the THE NORTHSTARSESSION: humane societies of Central Oregon The California-based roots-rock and Redmond; free; band performs; proceeds benefit 4-7 p.m.; Jewel Images Portrait Innovation Theatre Works; $7 plus Studio, 550 S.W. Industrial Way, fees in advance, $10 at the door; 7 ¹45, Bend; 541-330-7096. p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; The "SUPERHEROES OFSTOKE": Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second A screening of the Matchstick St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www Productions ski film; $12 plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern famous presidential assassins; $21, Productions presents a dark musical $18 students and seniors; comedy portraying history's most 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 famous presidential assassins; $21, N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312$18 students and seniors; 9626, 2ndstreettheater© 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 or N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312- "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades 9626, Theatrical Company presents the or musical comedy about mixing love "IT'S ONLY MONEY": Cascades and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 Theatrical Company presents the students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood musical comedy about mixing love Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood and money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or students; 7:30 p.m.;Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood DEAR RABBIT: The Colorado-based Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www indie-folk artist performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. "THE LASTEMPEROR":A screening Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 of the PG-13-rated 1987 film; free; or 7:30 p.m.; Jefferson County Library, venue/thehornedhand. Rodriguez Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., LOOK GOOD,FEEL GOOD TOUR: Madras; 541-475-3351 or www Featuring hip-hop music by Zyme, Jay Tabletand The Knux; $5; "SUPERHEROES OFSTOKE": 10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. A screening of the Matchstick Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116 or Productions ski film; $12 plus fees; 9 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or SUNDAY JIVE COULIS:Thefunk-rock act performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver THANKSGIVINGBREAKFAST:A Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. meal of pancakes, biscuits and Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388gravy,eggs,sausage and more; 8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing free; 8-11 a.m.; Bend's Community .com. Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-3122069 or www.bendscommunity THANKSGIVING DINNER:A meal SATURDAY of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern stuffing, vegetables and more; free; Productions presents a dark musical noon-4p.m.;Bend'sCommunity comedy portraying history's most Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312famous presidential assassins; $21, 2069 or www.bendscommunity $18 students and seniors; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, Theatrical Company presents the or musical comedy about mixing love and money; $24, $18 seniors, VFW DINNER:A dinner of ham $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood and scalloped potatoes; proceeds Playhouse, 148 N.W.Greenwood benefit local veterans; $8; 5-7 p.m.; Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St.,
"ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 3 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, or "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of the unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring stand-upcomedian'sexperience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or WHITE FORT: The Russian jam band performs; free; 8 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop & Ale Cafe,1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703.
days at its equator, but once every 30 days near the poles. This "differential rotation" is the primary cause of the sun's electrical c u rrents, electromagnetic disturbances and coronal mass ejections that affect Earth's climate, communications and electrical grid. The sun i s t h e b r ightest object in the sky, with an apparent visual magnitude of -27 (full moon: -13; Venus: -4). (Apparent visual magnitude is a measure of an object's
turn off. In the meantime, it's fun and educational to observe the sun, with the right tools. Would you like to get solar storm alerts?Just send me an email and I'll add you to my list.
Bend; 541-317-0700 or www BOBBYJOEEBOLAAND THE CHILDRENMACNUGGITS:The California-based rock group performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www thehornedhand. "ROAD TO PARIS": A screening of the 2001 unrated documentary film about Lance Armstrong's preparations for the third Tour de France in 2001; $5; 9 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www
brightness as seen from Earth, adjusted to the value it would have with no atmosphere.The brighter an object appears, the lower the value of its magnitude.) The surface ofthe sun is about 10,000 degrees, but the sunspots are relatively cold, with a temperature of only 7,000 to 8,000 degrees. At a distance of 93 million miles, if we could install a light switch on the sun, it would take eight minutes, 22 seconds to see it
MONDAY "FIXING THE FUTURE": A screening of the 2010 documentary about new opportunities that have emerged in the wake of the 2008 financial meltdown; $6; 6 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-410-9944 or www "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of the unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring stand-upcomedian'sexperience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
TUESDAY "PLACESYOU'VE NOT LOOKED FOR YOUR RELATIVES": Bend Genealogical Society presents a program by Philip Wittboldt; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-3179553 or deschutes/bend-gs. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot; free; noon; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-3303764 or www.deschuteslibrary .org/calendar. "BRINGOUT YOUR DEAD!" LECTURE SERIES: Featuring a presentation on "Create Your Own Zombie: Bringing the Resilient Undead to Life"; free; 5-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7786. "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring stand-upcomedian'sexperience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or
WEDNESDAY SHANE SIMONSEN:The Washington-based singersongwriter performs, with Selfless Riot; 6 p.m.; Green Plow Coffee Roasters, 436 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-516-1128.
— Bill Logan is an expert solar observer and a volunteer amateur astronomer with University of Oregon's Pine Mountain Observatory. He lives tn Bend.
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Deceiving partner By FRANK STEWART CZl
Tribune Media Services
The intent of a falsecard is to fool declarer. A defender should avoid pointless falsecards that may fatally mislead his partner. Still, you can a fford to decei v e par t n e r occasionally. (For instance, if you're defending 3NT and you know his hand is worthless and he will play no part in the defense, dispense with i nformative f o u r th-highest a n d sequential leads. Lead what card you like.) Today's West led the king of hearts against four spades, and instead of s ignaling w i t h t h e e i g ht , E a st overtook with the ace and returned the deuce. West took the queen and led a third heart; he thought East had no more hearts.
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CASHES ACE South also thought so, which was just what East wanted. South ruffed with the ace of trumps to avoid an overruff and took the K-Q. When West discarded, South started the diamonds, but East ruffed the third diamond and cashed the ace of clubs. East fooled his p artner, but I suspect West was forgiving. If East defends routinely, South will easily make game.
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overcalls one heart. What do you say? ANSWER: A r e s ponse of o n e spade would be routine for many casual players. (A response of two diamonds would be eccentric.) In most expert partnerships, the correct call is a negative double, showing enough strength to respond and four cards in spades. A response of one spade would promise a five-card or longer suit. East dealer Both sides vulnerable
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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff KnureIi
Unscramblethese four Jumbles, one letter to eachsquare, to form four ordinary words.
GANTE ©2012 TnbuneMedia services, Inc.e All Rights Reserved.
Do you have these in a What? Size I7! Wedon't size17'I carry size I7. Weh have to special order these. No telling hoWlang it will take.
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35 Lopez:chess opening
19 Cheap sauce 23 Keep from going
36 Mickey D's breakfast item 39 In 40 Before, to the Bard 42 "Actually, that's not true" 43 Reasons for returns 45 Easily identifiable teams, in casual
higher 24 Subway addition? 25 Club with the motto "To Make the Best Better" 26 Beset 27 Milan's La 28 Fully committed
games 48 Shared currency 49 Really quiet, in music 50 USS Missouri nickname 52 Digital image unit 55 Through 58 1885 Van Gogh
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Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested bythe abovecartoon.
© Laughingstock International Inc., Dist by Universal Uclick for Ui=s, 2012
"What's the Mozart like this evening?"
(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: AWFUL WHEEL BULLET MOTION Answer: He was able to recover the fumblebecause he was — ON THEBALL
47 W W I German vice admiral say 50 USAF stealth 30 Has met before plane 51 " to do it!" 31 JFK listings 32 College srs.' tests 52 Trail 37 Soup with a bento 53 Brangelina, e.g. 38 Named for a prez, 54 Tic-tac-toe option Philly public 55 Quash square also known 56 Element in as Love Park hemoglobin 41 Master card? 57 Eg y ptian dangers 44 Golf hole's edge 5 9 Dick 46 Uniformed forces 60 Philosopher Mo-
11/1 5/1 2
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By Juhan Lsm (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, inc.
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OMMUNITY D A T EBOOI4 or click on "Submit an Event"at Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Contact: 541-383-0351.
BEND KNIT-UP: $2; 10 a.m.-noon; Rosie Bareis Community Campus, Bend; 541-728-0050. BINGO:6 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. NATIONAL ACTIVE AND RETIREDFEDERALEMPLOYEES ASSOCIATION, CENTRAL OREGON CHAPTER:10a.m.; Redmond Senior Center; 541-548-2228. RED ROCKSQUAREDANCE: 7-10 p.m.; Redmond Grange; 541-923-8804.
INTERCAMBIOSPANISH/ENGLISH CONVERSATIONGROUP: 9:30-11:30 a.m.; Green Plow Coffee Roasters, Redmond; 541-279-7298.
ARCHAEOLOGICALSOCIETY OF CENTRALOREGON:7 p.m.; Central Oregon Association of Realtors, Bend; CENTRAL OREGONWRITERS GUILD:6:30-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond; 541-350-6583. CLASSICSBOOK CLUB:6 p.m .8 p.m.; Bend Public Library; 541-312-1046. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; THE GOLDEN AGECLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. 541-389-1752.
SUNDAY BINGO:12:30p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-5 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752.
MONDAY CASCADE CAMERACLUB:7 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; www.cascade or 541-312-4364.
CENTRAL OREGONRETIRED EDUCATORSASSOCIATION: 11:30 a.m.; Zion Lutheran Church, Redmond; 541-382-7044. CRIBBAGECLUB: 6 p.m.;Bend Elks Lodge; 541-317-9022. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Double deck pinochle;11 a.m.-5 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. ORDER OF THE EASTERNSTAR: 7:30 p.m.; Masonic Lodge, Redmond; 541-504-0444. SWEETADELINES:6:30 p.m.; Redmond Senior Center; 541-447-4756.
TUESDAY BELLAACAPPELLA HARMONY:6 p.m.; Bend SeniorCenter;541-388-5038. BINGO:6 p.m.; Eagles Lodge & Club, Prineville; 541-447-7659. GO CLUB: 4-7 p.m.; Whole Foods Market, Bend; 541-385-9198. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Canasta; 9:45 a.m.-2 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. HIGH DESERTRUG HOOKERS: 10a.m.-2 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; 541-382-5337.
WEDNESDAY SCOTTISHCOUNTRYDANCE: 7-9 p.m.; Sons of Norway Hall, Bend; BEND KNITUP:5:30-8 p.m.; 541-549-7311 or 541-848-7523. Barnes & Noble Booksellers, Bend; 541-728-0050.
Outing Continued from B1 Houses rim the other side of the canyon. They don't, however, mar the beauty of the basalt rock rim, the twisting juniper trunks or the willows and aspen lining the creek. The land trust has cleared encroaching junipers along the steep hillside. The purpose, of course, wasn't to create grander Cascade views. But the work at times has created that happy result. O n t h e ca n y o n f l o o r , Whychus Creek rushes and burbles, with perfect sit-withHeidi Hagemeieri The Bulletin a-book rocks punctuating the North Sister and Middle Sisterare framed by the Whychus Canyon rim on a recent sunny day. edge. Birds chatter among Such views pop out regularly in the Whychus Canyon Preserve, a stretch along the creek of the shrubs that u ndoubtedly a same name owned bythe Deschutes Land Trust. week or two earlier sported lovely yellow leaves. "The wildlife usage is just autopilot, for the markers still Chalfant speaks glowingly to return in greater numbers to about what he believes the pre- spawn. That activity, plus the going to be off the charts com- largely consist of pink tape serve will be like in the future. planned revival of aspens along pared to other places in Cen- tied to trees, logs pulled across The land trust plans to bring the canyon floor, will make the tral Oregon," he added. false trails and cairns. the creek back to its more nat- preserve a haven for wildlife A fter strolling along t h e There's a fine view where ural, meandering state. Parts ranging from deer to birds. canyon f loor, w e c l i m bed the trail emerges, and another "Steelhead and salmon are back up tothe rim. A perma- vista point a quick jog to the of it were straightened some decades ago by private prop- the funding, but they're driv- nent post is expected to be in- north. On the return, the trail erty owners. ing opportunities for new rec- stalled where the trail leaves largely follows old roads along Steelhead a n d chi n o ok reation and hiking," Chalfant what had once been a road in through desert terrain. It passsalmon, reintroduced herein said of the land purchase and the canyon. But for right now, es by a segment of the Santiam the last five years, are expected habitat improvements. hikers should not switch into Trail wagon road.
more quickly than expected, and cellphone reception is Continued from B1 frequently absent in the wilTumalo Falls was "a hopderness. Take a map as well ping spot this last weekend," as therest ofthe essentials. but the road (which is quite The Pole Creek Fire closure potholed and not scheduled will be in effect through the for grading until next year) winter, though a trail may be will be closing within the next for emergencies, including opened for skiers and snowmonth, said Sabo. "From a becoming lost or injured, said shoers at some point, said biker perspective, it's snowed Sabo — the days are getting Sabo. Most trails are too hazout," he said, but hikers with shorter and the n ights are ardous for use, as fire-damappropriate footwear can still getting colder. "This time of aged trees are expected to enjoy the trails despite the 3-4 year whenever you go out, keep falling throughout the don't take your outing lightly, winter. inches of snow. Summer access to wilder- pack for it ... We can't stress The winter transition is exness trails for hiking is near- enough the i m portance of pected over the next weeks ly over: m an y w i l d erness not relying on your cellphone and local nordic ski clubs have areas — especially along the but going prepared with adbeen stocking warming shelCascade Lakes Highway equate emergency supplies ters with wood. More winter are "either snow challenged and equipment," he said. Elec- preparation will be going on or blocked by s now," said tronics are only as good as for the next few weeks. Sabo. the battery, which can drain — Lydia Hoffman, The Bulletin
If yougo
The Deschutes Land Trust
Getting there:From Bend, drive northwest
will offer a guidedhike ofthe Whychus CanyonPreserve loop from10 a.m. to 2p.m. Nov. 23. It's free but registration is required. The 4- to 5-mile hike is rated as difficult by the land trust. Contact: www.deschutes or 541-3300017
Down the line, Chalfant said, the land trust is interested in creating a trail that would cross the middle of the rim, offering views without the descent. The organization has been also working with the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, which owns adjacent land. For now, however, the preserve remains relatively undiscovered. We were the only visitors on t his r are sunny morning. And depending on where you launch from in Bend, the drive takes about as long as that jaunt east.
Goodrich Road for about 1.5 miles until the paved
road turns sharply right. Instead of following the curve, go straight onto the
gravel road, following it for about 1.3 miles. Continue
going straight where a sign says "Turin." Keepgoing straight north for another 0.4 mile to the trailhead. Difficulty: Easy if you
stay on the canyon rim, intermediate to difficult if you follow the 5-mile loop
down into the canyon. Cost:Free Contact:www.deschutes or 541-3300017
November 16, 17, R I 8 Friday, Saturday, Sunday! EXp CENT
380 SW Airport Way Redmond
Arts 9 Craft S
Sat. <a 1O 5
(eBlack Diamond
Goodrich Road. Follow
Ready to ascend on skins and bomb some deep powder stashes? Then allow us to ease your burden by giving you 5100 off all new boots and skis from Black Diamond through Dec 2nd. Save up to 5200!
north on Fryrear Road and continue 5.5 miles to the intersection with state Highway126. Turn left on Highway 126, travel 1 mile, then turn right on
— Reporter:541-617-7828, hhagemeier®
F„id ,fO 6
on U.S. Highway 20 for about13 miles. Turn
+gYRALO RZgg ®
Good fall hiking and biking can still be found on lower-elevation trails. The Deschutes River Trail and Phil's Trail up to about 5,000 feet are good choices, said Sabo. Wherever the destination, it is important to plan ahead
BEND SUNRISELIONS CLUB: 7a.m.; Jake's Diner, Bend; 541-286-5466. BINGO:6 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. CRUX DISCUSSIONGROUP: 8-9 p.m.; Crux Fermentation Project, Bend; or 541-728-7264. GAME DAY:Noon; Bend's Community Center; 541-323-3344. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. KIWANISCLUB OF REDMOND: Noon-1 p.m.; Juniper Golf and Country Club, Redmond; 541-5485935 or WEDNESDAY MORNINGBIRDERS: 8a.m.; Nancy P's Baking Co., Bend; or jmeredith@
C-i G.~g.t
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Admission A4ults fs
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(e Black Diamond SWIFT WOMEN'5 AT BOOT
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News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN • THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 2012
LOCAL BRIEFING Sewer line gets emergency repair A contractor toiled Wednesday night to re-
pair a collapsed15-foot section of 80-year-old
sewage pipe onOlney
Avenue, the Bend Public Works director said. Paul Rheault said the 16-inch diameter
clay pipe carries the main sewageflow from downtown Bend. Had Public Works not discovered the break, a
sinkhole or further line collapse might haveoccurred, he said. Neither the break nor the work to repair it
interrupted sewageservice, Rheault said. He said work by contractor
Jack Robinson 8 Sons Inc. closed off about
200 yards of eastbound Olney Avenue to traffic.
The westbound lane remained open, hesaid. Robinson expected to complete repairs by midnight Wednesday.
The collapsed, "completely missing" section caused sewage to flow
a ineresi en sairconcerns Stu ent overex erimen a ew er housing
By Dylan j. Darling The Bulletin
LA PINE — Efforts to create a potential geothermal power source deep within Newberry Volcano south of Bend over the past month have triggered more than 20 small earthquakes. All the temblors have been about magnitude 1 or less, Susan Petty, president of AltaRock Energy of Seattle, said at a public meeting Wednesday night at the La Pine Senior Center. "The events we create are so small you can't feel them on the ground," she said. Since the middle of October,
the company has been pouring
have said minor earthquakes are an intended result of the project and they will be used to measure the spread of cracks in the rock. The well is northeast of La Pine and been a cause for concern for residents there. Along with the possibility of triggeringlarger-than-expected earthquakes,regular questions include possible impacts to
What'sshaking To keep track of seismic activity created by the AltaRock geothermal
experimentat the Newberry test site near La Pine, as monitored by
the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, go online to http://esd.lbl.
groundwater supply and qual-
induced seismicity/egs/ newberry.html.
ity as well as the economics involved.About 25 people were at the meeting, and many of those questions surfaced again. Ken Forsythe, 69, came to the meeting with his wife and asked how much water would be going down the well
cool water down a 10,600-footdeep well, seeing if it can open up aweb offractures in the hot rock below. Company officials
and whether it would affect groundwater used by neighbors. He said he lives in Newberry Estates, at the base of the broad volcano. "We are right at the foot of it," he said. Petty said the project is using groundwater separate from what residents in and around La Pine rely on for drinking water. So far, the company has used about 5 million gallons in
11 days of pumping. Soon, another 5 million gallons will be pumped into the well, along with plastics to block the newly created fractures in the rock so more fractures will open. See Newberry/C2
eroding the soil around it, Rheault said. He said the repair crew diverted the flow around the break by sucking it into
a hose and running the hose through amanhole, along 200 yards of the Olney surface and
into another manhole downstream. Rheault described it as a major line that
sometimes runs 80 percent full, lies15 feet
deep and is adjacent to another major line that
carries sewagefrom the city's west side to the wastewater treatment plant. Had the break
gone undiscovered, the flow might have undermined the adjacent line and broken it, too. In fact, that line broke in 1979, Rheault said. — From staff reports
y~ ('
~ 'nn,
More briefingand News of Record, C2 Andy Tullis / The Bulletin
Hola! restaurant manager Atberto Rodriguez,left, sets up a display of donated kids' bikes Wednesday in front of the Hola! restaurant in the Old Mill District in Bend. Hola! restaurants will be accepting donated bikes there and at its two other Bend locations, downtown at 920 N.W. Bond St. and on the east side at 2670 N.E. Highway 20, through Nov. 18 for the Bikes for Kids program. The program takes working bikes and gives them to needy Central Oregon children. People who donate a bike will receive a voucher for a free dinner at Hola!
• Medford
• Portland:Three people accusedof repeatedly traveling to
the area to burglarize homes are arrested. • Medford:Gymnastics
coach accusedof filming youth was previously investigated. • Statewide:Public universities graduate
a record number of students. Stories on C3
Correction In a Local Briefing item headlined "VFW
orwar By Ben Botkin The Bulletin
The board of Central Oregon Community College on Wednesday approved the next step toward a potential student
housing project.
around the broken end,
project moves
Re mon schools get 900ICsettlement
rom contractor in lawsuitoverleakyroo By Leslie Pngmire Hole The Bulletin
REDMOND — The Redmond School District voted unanimously Wednesday night to accept $900,000 to settle its lawsuit against the general contractor for Elton Gregory Middle School, a northwest Redmond building with that has had roof leaks since it opened in 2005. The settlement by Robinson Construction of Hillsboro comes after a yearlong mediation and years of ne-
gotiations, inspections and temporary repairs. "This settlement will give you a brand-new roof with a much better warranty than you had before," said attorney Mark Reinecke of the Bend firm Bryant Lovlien 8 Jarvis. Replacing the roof is estimated to cost about $1 million. According to schools Superintendent Mike McIntosh, the metal roof itself was not defective; the problem occurred with installation.
"This has been a long time in the making but we've finally arrived at best possible outcome," said McIntosh. Cascade Heating Specialists Inc., the roofing subcontractor for Elton Gregory, is not party to the settlement. Robinson made multiple, unsuccessful repair efforts beginning almost immediately after the school opened and the leaks were discovered, according to McIntosh. More recent repairs by the district itself seem to have
stopped the leaks, but the district considers those temporary measures as they must be reinforced every season. The settlement does not include a provision for legal costs or expenses, tallied at $165,000 and $40,000 thus far.Those items were paid for with contingency funds from Elton Gregory's construction; that capital projects fund will provide the remaining amount needed to finish the project. See Roof /C2
The board's unanimous vote authorizes the college administration to negotiate a contract with Mahlum Architects for completion of project construction drawings. That contract will need board approval. The board action doesn't guarantee the college will build more student housing; officials need to take further action on contracts for it to come to pass. COCC President Jim Middleton compared the estimated $22 million project to a down payment for building a house that will be rented out for income. "We don't have $22 million sitting in a drawer in my office," he said. It's estimated that within fourto seven years,the housing project would be supported by the income generated by students living there. To pay for the project, the college would need to issue bonds. COCC's existing student housing is a 103-bed facility at Juniper Hall, which was built in 1967. The proposed 325-bed housing project would replace housing at Juniper Hall, which has access issues for disabled students, said Ron Paradis, college spokesman. The college has been planning for housing needs for more than a decade. This project, if it becomes a reality, would be ready for students in 2015 under the college timeline. The possible project site is southwest of the athletic field on campus. Middleton said he will be working with the architect for the next couple of months on the contract proposal. The board also authorized a $1 million reserve account for startup expenses. That consists of $200,000from the Juniper Hall account, $400,000 from the college bookstore account and $400,000 from the summer school account. That fund was created in responsetostaff concerns about the project's impact on operational budget funds, according to a collegememo. — Reporter: 541-977-7185, bbotkinC<
recognizes Redmond teacher," which ap-
peared Wednesday, Nov. 14, on Page C1, the post number for Deschutes Veterans of Foreign Wars Post4108 was listed incorrectly due to incorrect information provided to The Bulletin. The Bulletin regrets the error.
Former Bendmortgage broker pleads guilty to fraud By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin
A former Bend mortgage broker has pleaded guilty to committing fraud, admitting he falsified loan documents and padded borrowers' bank accounts, ultimately causing banks to lose between $2.5 million and $7 million. Peter Wilkinson, 43, owned and operated Deschutes Mortgage Group in Bend. According to a federal case filed against him in August 2011,
Wilkinson prepared false loan applications, making various claims so that borrowers could get financing to buy real estate. Wilkinson's attorney Robert Rainwater did not return calls Wednesday for comment. The maximum sentence for the crimes is 30 years in prison and up to $1 million in fines. Wilkinson is set for sentencing at 10 a.m. Jan. 29 in Eugene by U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken.
The original August 2011 indictment pointed to just one incident, in 2006, in which Wilkinson allegedly helped Bend resident Amy Ridley obtain loans for a rental property on Northeast Ninth Street. At the time, the indictment states, Ridley was studying to be a real estate agent and
working irregularly. The indictment states the pair provided false information to GreenPoint Mortgage Funding to get two mortgages for
the property, telling the company she worked for Rent-AHusband and earned $13,000 each month, and that her bank accounts had more than $15,000 in them. Wilkinson bought two cashier's checks, one for $10,000 and onefor $5,000, forR idley for her to deposit, inflating her bank accounts. After they'd provided the verification of deposit to GreenPoint, the indictment states, Ridley repaid Wilkin-
son $10,000. Using that verification of deposit and the fraudulent home loan applications, GreenPoint provided mort-
gages of about $221,000 and $27,000 to Ridley. "Ridley was unable to pay her mortgages, and the home was foreclosed upon," the indictment states. The pair was charged with wire fraud and conspiracy to commit wire fraud. See Broker /C2
' I •
Continued from Ct
Canyou work a camera, and capture a great picture? And canyou tell us a bit about it? Email your color or blackand-white photos to and we'll pick the best for publication in the paper and online. Submission requirements:Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number. Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
DeschutesBrewery wins awards Bend-basedDeschutes Brewery brought home
more gold Wednesday, taking the top prizefor two brews and silver for a third beer in the 2012 European
Beer Star competition in Nuremberg, Germany. Twilight Summer Ale and
Mirror Pond Pale Ale both won gold in the English-style
Madras after the 3:45 p.m. collision on northbound state Highway 361. Her injuries were not life-threatening,
said police. Nooneaboard the Jefferson County school
bus was injured, according to OSP Lt. Carl Rhodes. The bus, with 43 aboard, had stopped to allow students off; two other vehicles had stopped behind it, ac-
cording to anewsrelease by Rhodes. The 2010 Prius ap-
Golden Ale(summer ale) and proached but failed to stop, the English-Style PaleAle swerved along theroad categories, respectively. The shoulder past the stopped
Abyss received a silver in the vehicles and crashed in the Imperial Stout category. right rear of the bus, Rhodes The Pelican Pub 8 Brewreported. A secondbusreery in Pacific City won gold trieved the students. in two categories andsilver The county Sheriff's in two. Bridgeport Brewing Office, Fire District No. 1, OrCo., of Portland, won one egon Department of Transgold and RogueAles, of portation and county school Newport, took home silver. district lent assistance. The In its ninth year, the Euro- highway was blocked for
pean BeerStar bills itself as Europe's largest beercompetition. This year, 1,366
beers from 45countries were entered.
Bus collisioninjures Prius driver A Toyota Prius driver was
injured Wednesdaywhen she rear-ended anunloading school bus three miles south
MIRROR POND DUCK Mariah Wilson, of Redmond, took this photoof a duck in Drake Park with her Canon EOS 5D Mark II. "It was a cloudy and rainy day and I was delighted to come across this colorful duck hanging out in Mirror Pond," she wrote.
of Madras, according to Oregon State Police. Police did not immediately identify the 62-year-old
woman, whowastreated at Mountain View Hospital in
Roof Continued from C1 The dispute echoes another lawsuit over a defective roof, one brought by the Lake Oswego School District against the same contractor for a high school built in 2005. The Lake Oswego School Board accepted a $2.3 million
Newberry Continued from C1 T he plastics quickly b e came a hot topic at the meeting as Petty said they would dissolve into the water once the rock increases the heat. In environmental documents, the company didn't give details on
settlement from Robinson in October 2011. The district received another $4.4 million from projectsubcontractors. Unlike the L ake Oswego school, which had to close its gymnasium at one point, Elton Gregory lost the use of just one classroomforrepeated periods during leaks and repairs. Due to this negative expe-
rience, the Redmond district hired an independent roofing expert tohave oversight over all of the more recent school construction and renovations. McIntosh and school board C hairwoman C a th y M il l er c o mplimented a t torney ReineckeandformerRedmond School District Director of Operations Doug Snyder for their
work over the span of the dispute, citing their professionalism and doggedness. Ideally, bids will be accepted and a new contractor chosen by the first of the year, said McIntosh, and the new roof will be in place by the time school resumes inSeptember 2013.
the plastics, saying that was proprietary information. Wednesday night, Petty said they were the same kind of plastics used to make bottles for bottled water. "You are drinking out of
Oct. 16 and should be done by December, Petty said. The goal of the experimental stimulation is to see if AltaRock can create severallayers of fractured rock, building a geothermal source that could feed a power plant. There are no current plans to build a power plant on the
Newberry Volcano, but there could eventually be, depending on the results of the ongoing experiment, said Doug Perry,president of Davenport Newberry. T h e com p any owns the well where AltaRock is conducting the experiment.
what we are (going to be) putting down there," she said. The stimulation started on
— Reporter: 541-548-2184,
— Reporter: 541-617-7812,
NEws OF REcoRD POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department Griminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at12:43 a.m. Nov. 4, in the1600 block of Northwest Second Street. DUil —Richard W. Johnson, 42, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 3:35 p.m. Nov. 11, in the area of 0. B. Riley Road and Northeast Third Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 7:53 p.m. Nov. 11, in the 1300 block of Northwest West Hills Avenue. DUII —Paul Noel Ribbens, 25, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at7:59 p.m. Nov.11, in the area of Blakely and Powers roads. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at10:09 a.m. Nov. 12, in the1300 block of Commerce Avenue. DUil —Jacob Douglas Uehara, 32, was arrested on suspicion
of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:18 a.m. Nov. 13, in the area of Southeast Aune and Southeast Scott streets. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 8:19 a.m. Nov. 13, in the100 block of Northwest Oregon Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at 12:03 p.m. Nov. 13, in the 900 block of Bond Street. DUII —Vicki Jean Mack, 63, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at12:16 p.m. Nov. 11, in the 1000 blockof Northeast Rambling Lane. Unauthorized use —A vehicle was reported stolen at 7:52 a.m. Nov. 12, in the 20700 block of Carmen Loop.
state Highway126 near milepost 6.
BEND FIRE RUNS Friday 22 —Medical aid calls. Saturday 1:30 p.m.— Authorized controlled burning, 20990 Yeoman Road. 7:39 p.m.— Gas leak, 3705 N. U.S. Highway 97. 22 —Medical aid calls. Sunday
9:14 a.m.— Unauthorized burning, 2655 N.E. Altair Court. 1:26 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 61496 Admiral Way. 3:08 p.m.— Building fire, $300,000 loss, 65100 block of Gerking Market Road. 22 —Medical aid calls. Monday 19 —Medical aid calls. Tuesday 17 —Medical aid calls.
Ar.tiStI'. j in D~esign
Broker Continued from C1 According to court records, Ridley is due to go to trial Nov. 27 in Eugene. This month, the scope of the charges against Wilkinson widened. In court documents filed Tuesday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Scott Bradford alleged that between October 2005 and June 2007, Wilkinson and others conspired to commit loan application fraud, wire fraud and bank fraud. He "knowingly prepared and submitted f r audulent home loan applications and other false documents to lending institutions" by inflating monthly incomes and leaving out liabilities on the applications, claiming the financing was fora primary residence, using "straw buyers" to get financing, and, as in the Ridley case, depositing money into borrowers'accounts to tem-
over an hour. Police are waiting to write a citation until the investigation is finished.
Reed Market closing tonight for work A portion of Reed Market Road will be closed tonight
while crewsworkto replace a failing water main. The road will be closed between Southeast Third Street and Southwest Division Street from 8 p.m. to 4 a.m. A
detour will be inplaceduring the work hours. — From staff reports
porarily inflate them. Banks and lending institutions would then approve loans for the borrowers. The documents list 26 occasions on which Wilkinson falsified information for borrowers between November 2005 and June 2007. In total, Wilkinson helped b orrowers o b t ai n mor e than $9 million in financing through false loan applications during that time. He also inflated borrowers' bank a ccounts with m or e t h an $500,000 over the nearly two-
year period. Then, the U.S. Attorney's Office states, Wilkinson tried to commit bank fraud in late 2007, filing a false home loan application to M8 T Bank for a $270,000 line of credit on his home at Jack Lake Court in Bend. Wilkinson couldn't repay it and MBT Bank suffered "a total loss." — Reporter: 541-617-7831,
Prineville Police Department
Griminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 11:18 a.m. Nov. 13, in the area of Southeast Second Street.
Oregon State Police
Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at11:10 p.m. Nov. 13, in the area of state Highway126 near milepost 6. DUII —Bryan Robert Craig, 43, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at11:10 p.m. Nov.13, in the areaof
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REGON NEWS IN BRIEF Homicide victim's remains identified ROSEBURG — D o u glas County authorities say skeletal remains found west of Roseburg this summer have been identified as those of 55year-old Deborah Schneider, o f Myrtle C reek, an d h e r death is being investigated as a homicide. Sheriff's spokesman Dwes Hutson says Schneider was reported missing Jan. 24, 2011. Her remains were discovered 17 months later on p r ivate property off Coos Bay Wagon Road. Hutson says the Center for Human Identification at the University o f N o r t h T exas identified Schneider through the use of DNA testing.
Eugene working on homelessshelter EUGENE — The city of Eugene is considering a village for homelesspeople on a cityowned site as well as other measures t o a c c ommodate
growing numbers of people seeking shelter this winter. The Eugene Register-Guard reports that City Council members indicated Tuesday they're willing to provide money to prevent peoplefrom becoming homeless, increase vehicle and tent camping spaces, and find storage for the belongings
of homeless people. City Manager Jon Ruiz says those three ideas combined could cost a bout $ 100,000 annually. He says the staff will come up w i t h r e f ined estimates. The city's largest homeless shelter, the Eugene Mission, is adding beds but can't keep up with the growing homeless population. A warming center that holds 200 on the coldest nights may attract up to 300 people this winter.
Dungenesscrab season delayed NEWPORT — Fishery managers in Northern California, Oregon and Washington have d elayed the opening of t h e commercial Dungeness crab season by at least two weeks to allow the crabs to fill with more meat. The D u n geness s eason along the Oregon Coast typically opens Dec. I, but it can be pushed back to improve product quality. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife says more tests on crab quality will be done in November or early December, and managers will determine if the season should open Dec. 16 or be f urther delayed.
State halts timber sales over sea bird SALEM — T h e O r egon Department of Forestry has quietly withdrawn more timber sales that are the target of a lawsuit by conservation groups trying to protect nesting trees for a t h r eatened sea bird called the marbled murrelet. The annual operations plan for the Coos District, dated Sept. 19, says the Elliott State Forest will look for alternative timber to sell while the lawsuit over protections for marbled murrelet habitat moves t hrough federal court. T h e move comes on top of a decision to withdraw other timber last July.
Hood River brewery prevails in dispute WESTERLY, R .I. — A s lightly revised name of a Rhode Island microbrewery has helped settle a trademark dispute. The Westerly Sun reports that Alan and Jennifer Brinton changed the name to Grey Sail Brewing of Rhode Island from Grey Sail Brewing, which Full Sail Brewing Co. of Hood River had claimed was too similar to its own name. The W e sterly bu s i ness opened in November 2011 and filed a federal lawsuit against Full Sail Brewing Co. after the Oregonbusinessclaimedtrademark infringement. Grey Sail initially sought a court ruling declaring it had not infringed on Full Sail's legal rights. — From wire reports
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value of the stolen gold, jewelry and currency, both foreign PORTLAND Police and domestic, is b etween have arrested three Texans $500,000 and $1 million. who investigators say periodDetective John B ennett ically arrived in the Portland said the burglars rented cars area to commit waves of bur- in Texas and drove more glaries before driving home than 2,000 miles to the Portto sell the loot. land area. They bought tools The suspects focused on from localhardware stores stealing gold and jewelry, and broke into homes when and investigators have linked they suspected the places them to similar crimes in were empty. Twice, however, Colorado, Georgia, Virginia, the burglars unexpectedly Washington and their home encountered residents. The state, said Sgt. Bob Ray, a burglars bound the victims Washington County sheriff's but did not injure them. At spokesman. the conclusion of a breakAna Maria Gutierrez, 32, in spree, they returned to Deenys Yossimar Ramos, 24, Texas. "For lack of a better word, and Rodney Riascos Portocarrero, 18, were arrested late they were doing team drivlast month in Houston. Guti- ing," Bennett said. errez was flown to Oregon, Investigators were uncerwhere she was arraigned on tain how many times the burburglary, theft, robbery and glars visited Oregon. Ray said kidnapping charges. She it was difficult to track where remained in a Hillsboro jail the stolen property was sold Wednesday in lieu of $1.5 because peoplecan sellgold million bail. Ramos and Por- at many spots with few regutocarrero were in a Houston lations. They believe most of jail awaiting extradition. it was unloaded in Texas. A fourth suspect, 30-yearThe investigation remains old Vanderley Ortiz, is a Ca- active, and detectives think nadian resident who may be there are more victims. Dehiding in British Columbia. tectives, for example, recovThe string of more than 40 ered a 50-ounce silver ingot residential burglaries started that has yet to be tied to a rein April 2011. The estimated ported burglary, Ray said.
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By Steven DuBois
The Associated Press
Public universitiesset record for graduates The Associated Press PORTLAND — O r e gonians went back to school in large numbers during the Great Recession, leading to a record for graduates in 201112 from the state's public universities. Schools are also doing a better job helping students get the credits they need to graduate, officials said, and dramatic numbers of community college students are making the transition to four-year schoolsand getting degrees. The result was 20,209 graduates last school year from the sevenuniversities, The Oregonian reported Wednesday. State officials said it's a sign the state could realize at least one element of its ambitious 2025 educational attainment
Universitygrowth Eastern Oregon University:619, or 15
percent Oregon Institute of Technology:564, or 6
percent OregonState University: 3,929, or 13 percent Portland State University:4,320, or 10
percent Southern Oregon University:770, or 2
percent University of Oregon: 4,272, or12 percent
Western Oregon ijniversity:1,018,or 21
percent — The Associated Press
"It's great news, and it certainly helps demonstrate that we are getting on the right trajectory," said Ben Cannon, education adviser to G o v. John Kitzhaber. E xamples of uni v e r s ity s t r ategies t o bo o st graduation: • Western Oregon University saw the biggest percentage yearly growth in bache-
lor's degrees year over year, 21 percent. Graduates this year were the first to get the "Western promise" that locked in tuition at the same rate for four years. Not only did that make it affordable to stay in college, but also it gave students a huge incentive to finish before higher tuition kicked in, Associate Provost
David McDonald said. • Portland State University saw the number of bachelor's degrees rise 10 percent. Two terms before graduation, officials checked transcriptsof arts and sciences students and planned courses to make sure they would earn a diploma. They contacted hundreds to encourage them to remake their schedules. As many as 300 who would not have graduated on schedule did so and got their degrees, said Robert Mercer, an assistant dean. "It's exciting but also a little daunting to realize we need to do this kind of outreach systematically for all students, and how are we going to do that?" he said.
Coach accusedof filming youth had beeninvestigated before The Associated Press MEDFORD — A Southern Oregon gymnastics coach accused of filming his students in changing rooms without their knowledge had been the subject of previous sexual abuse allegations. The Medford Mail Tribune reports that 54-year-old Jeffrey Scott Bettman was sued over allegations of sexual abuse in Santa Barbara, Ca-
lif., in 2000, where he was a coach for more than 20 years. Bettman was arrested earlier this month in Oregon and arraigned last week on charges of encouraging child sex abuse. He was ordered to stay away from minors and from gymnastics facilities. A representative of the university regents says the California lawsuit went to trial and was dismissed.
-' iHeat -= I
• 48 H O UR DISTRIBUTION BEGINS: Distribution hotlines open at 9:00am this morning for Bend residents only. Trucks are being loaded with new, leading brand, energy saving, infrared heaters and soon will be delivered to lucky state residents who find their zip code on the distribution list below.
Bend residents set to get new infrared heaters to save up to 50% on heating bills for only $159 and free shipping Compared to the Suggested Retail Price of $499.95 this is a great opportunity for our residents to own one of the highest quality, energy saving, cool-to-the-touch, portable infrared heaters available today, and stop spending a fortune on heating bills. The first 362 callers who beat the 48-hour deadline are getting these money saving portable infrared heaters. BEND, OR - If you or a loved one has difficulty paying for heating bills, then this distribution of brand new portableinfrared heaters is your chance to make life a little easier.These infrared heaters warm the room evenly an d e f f iciently without drying out the air. They never get hot to the touch, like other heaters, so they are safe for pets and children. Company spokesman, David Brinkman, says, "We have 362 of these brand new, high quality infrared heaters reserved for B end residents right now, so those who find their zip code listed in today's paper need to call the zip code Distribution Hotline immediately to get theirs." These revolutionary infrared heaters are changing the lives for many that find it difficult to pay for the high cost of heating a home. Infrared heat warms in a way similar to the warmth we feel from the sun, it's been described by many as "bone warming" heat. It is completely safe and does not deplete oxygen from the air, which would make you tired, nor dry out the air, which irritates your skin. The iHeater brand is said
to be the most sought after brand of infraredheaters.iHeaters have been selling strong for many years, they have in-house customer service located in Indianapolis, Indiana. The iHeater infrared heating elements are backed by a lifetime warranty and don't burn out, like other lowend brands of infrared heaters that use bulbs. Similar infrared heaters of this quality are expensive, the suggested retail on this unit i s $499.95, but state residents are being urged to call the Toll F ree hotlines at 1-855-300-6920 because the first 362 callers who beat the 48-hour deadline will be able to claim one of theseinfrared iHeaters and have it delivered directly to their door for only $159 and the shipping is free. This is an extraordinary opportunity for those in need of help on winter heating bills to take advantage of this zip code distribution. "We're bracing ourselves for all the calls because aprogram like this,for an infrared heater of this quality, has never been released before. So if the lines are busy, keep trying. We'll answer every call in the order they are received" Brinkman said. . ae to 1MO sq a. HeatingcapacaY 1 s mcles x 16 inche5 x 17 inches
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The Toll Free Distribution Hotlines open at 9:00am this morning for Bend residents only. You must be one of the first 362 callers who beat the 48-hour deadline to have your infrared heater delivered to your door for only $159 and free shipping. ( i a".s'4gg gs )
Zip Code Distribution List: If your Zip Code appears below call toll free:
1-855-300-6920 97701
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9773 3
97 73 7
97 7 30 977 3 4 977 3 9
9774 1
9775 3
9775 6
9 7760
977 5 0 9 77 5 4
977 5 9
977 6 1
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he Bend-La Pine school district is prepared to spend about $100,000 on bonuses for educators, but union opposition to merit pay may prevent the payouts. Bend Education A ssociation a s $4,242, but educators in schools President Mark Molner said he ap- with the lowest scores can get nothpreciates the district's motivation, i ng. Someschoolsintheprojectare but fears the slippery slope ofletting a ssigned to the control group and general fund money be used for in- get a flat percentage. The union has not objected to those payments, centive-based pay. because they result from a federal It's a principled stand, but o that flies in the face of the best in- bene 'ts to t e district said o ner. terests of the Bend-La pine district But the nine schools not included as well as a growing movement in in the study because of federal reeducation. quirements get nothing from the TIF Two seParate tyPes of Payments program, and resentment has been are involved in the disPute, one from high about the resulting inequity. a federal grant and the other from Trying to address that concern, the school district's own funds. the district came up with the idea The district is getting ready to of making payments from its own make Payments from the federal funds to educators in those nine Teacher Incentfve Fund (TIF) to schools based on their VAM scores. educators from 18 of its 27 schools. For the union, that amounts to merit The disPuted Payments from the p a y,whichitstronglyopposes. The district's own general fund would unionwouMn'tobjectif VAMscores give some compensation to educa- weren't considered, but the district tors at the nine schools not included says that violates the whole notion in the federal program. Without an behind the TIF project that created OK from the union, the district says it could face an unfair labor pracIronically, the union and district agree on some of the limits of the The TIF project has provided VAM. Superintendent Ron Wilkinfunds for planning and collabora- son said it's just one more lens for tion, as well as development of the evaluating schools, and he thinks Value Added Method (VAM) of itmay prove to have more value on judging the district's success. The aschoolwidebasisthanforjudging VAM attempts to give an accurate individual teachers. measure of a school's success by adjustingscores to compensate for egon and across the nation, is the more than two dozen factors such need to identify and reward great teachers. Manybelieve that requires using student achievement to evaluIncentive payments are based on the performance of the whole school, and educators in schools with better VAM scores get larger payouts. Payments range as high
best teachers more makes sense. U nions, however, are in firm resist ance. VAM may not be the final answer,butthenotionthatteachers can't or shouldn't be judged and rew a rdedwon'tholdup.
Intelligence bill is a failure
.S. Sen. Ron Wyden, DOre., put a freeze Wednesday on the new budget for the nation's intelligence efforts to force the Senate into a needed discussion about the bill's flaws. As it's written, the bill is going to make it unnecessarily more difficult for the public to find out what the nation is doing on national security issues. It also introduces an erratic punishment system for some leakers but not others. The bill is a budget bill, allocating some $52.6 billion for intelligence activities next year. The problem that concerns Wyden and us has to do with the changes it puts in place to close leaks. Two of the proposed changes are going to make it harder for the public to find out what the government is doing. One provision requires former government employees who had Top Secret clearances to wait a yearbefore entering into a contract to provide commentary or analysis to the media. It's already against the law for these officials to make an unauthorizeddisclosure ofclas-
sified information. The only thing this surely accomplishes is to make news coverage less well informed. The second prohibits almost anybody in the intelligence community from speaking on background on unclassified matters. That would be a nother strike against the media's ability to provide information. The bill also creates a new ability for the leaders of intelligence agencies to strip pension benefits from current orpast employees that an agency head "determines" are responsible for unauthorized disclosure of classified information. "The Director of National Intelligence has said that this provision would not help deter leaks, would not help identify leakers ..." Wyden said in a statement. It's also odd, as Wyden pointed out, that the special punishment applies only to employees who work for an intelligence agency — not the thousands of other federal employees who see sensitive information. Leaks can seriously damage national security, but the bill fails.
M Nickel's Worth Poor choice of cartoon after election results
honest, transparent way, then it's OK to publish that the newspaper isn't endorsing either candidate. You've lost my respect foryour journalism standards.
clear. One would expect the exact opposite, since familial relationships should enhance one's respect There were many clever, amusfor life. Regardless, I hope that The ing editorial cartoons in the press Bulletin can find sufficient wisdom the morning following President Ann Plummer to recognize the inhumanity and Barack Obama's re-election, but Bend evil of abortion, and to become The Bulletin's was not among them. supportive of law that protects life You chose to run an anti-Obama Editor's support at every stage, rather than law that cartoon implying that B enghazi permits its destruction. for abortion appalling is an albatross around the neck of James Strelchun this administration. Yet the AmeriI was puzzled why the editorBend in-chief proudly proclaimed the can people have clearly shown what is of paramount importance Bulletin to be "pro-choice" and felt Have faith in American to us: an able, honest, honorable compelled to defend its Romney people, political system leader to guide our beloved country endorsement. Whilethe endorsethrough both foreign and domestic ment was commendable, I found A few people may be deeply difficulties. it appalling that The Bulletin supfearful because of Obama's 332Couldn'tyou have taken the op- ports abortion, which is the cor206 election victory. Perhaps the portunity to celebrate the demo- rect translation for the euphemism following ideas may be helpful. c ratic process, if n o t t h e m a n "pro-choice." Some sources predicted a "huge" himself'? Was it that necessary to defend R omney v i ctory, a l t hough t h e I'm sure it i s disheartening to against some annoyed pro-choice many nonpartisan polls forecast back a loser, but this petty out- subscribers, meanwhile alienating a very tight race, mostly with the burst of negativity makes you look those who advocate for the protec- odds on Obama. What might that small-minded, mean-spirited and tion of innocent, defenseless hu- suggest about the "huge victory" just a tad unpatriotic. man life? talk? Toni Weir Does The Bulletin not u nderS ome sources p r edicted a n Bend stand that abortion is the killing Obama dictatorship, even though a of an unborn human being? For- president cannot even dictate to his Limited endorsement tunately, our society is slowly rec- own party, much less to the other this biological fact and party or to the judiciary. of Romneywasn'thonest ognizing will eventually demand that the Some sources predicted that "Obamacare" will mandate "death I was angered when I read the existing law that allows this act of editorial section Sunday, Nov. 4, to butchery be overturned. panels," which may allow sick senlearn that The Bulletin's endorseUnderlying each "choice" to neior citizens to simply die without ment of Mitt Romney for president gate a natural birth is some perhelp. Does this sound realistic'? wasn't a f u l l e n dorsement. The sonal misjudgment and/or failed My point is that the above predicBulletin violated the very tenets contraception; then, the u n ique, tions may not fit into a thoughtful of journalism: honesty, integrity, h uman life that is extant in t h e understanding of how our Ameritransparency. Did you state that womb becomes the victim of the can system actually works, or an it was a limited endorsement? No, mother's "choice." Every abortion understanding of t h e w o nderful "choice" pre-empts the respect for you didn't. Constitution that has stabilized our You, in reality, misled your read- a human life, enabling the desired great nation for two centuries. I ening public. If newspapers are going end to justify the immoral means. courage all of us to reflect on the to continue to endorse candidates, Are such "choices" worthy of pride long history of our political system, then you need to endorse them 100 and support in a civilized society? and to have faith in the American percent and all they stand for, or The logic behind why John Costa people and their common sense, in not endorse them at all. And better cited his status as husband, father, spite of political differences. Allan Smyth yet, if you can't endorse any can- etc., as reasons why the right to didate for a particular office in an abortion makes him "happy," is unPrineville
Letters policy
In My Viewpolicy How to submit
We welcome your letters. Letters
In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and include the writer's phone number and address for verification.
should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number
and address for verification. Weedit letters for brevity, grammar, taste
We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons.
and legal reasons. Wereject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters
We reject those published elsewhere.
submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one
the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are
letter or Op-Edpieceevery 30 days.
In My View pieces run routinely in
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©
limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Support school bond for our mmmunity's future By Kay Bondurant was very saddened by the In My View letter from A nd y N i edzwiecke on Nov. 12. Niedzwiecke feels that the upcoming school bond for new buildings would unfairly tax seniors. Sir, are you an educated person from the United States? If so, I'm sure that the community that you grew up in educated you in school buildings that were supported by the local community. Did you know that there might have been seniors that paid taxes to support your education'? I have recently joined the ranks of the seniors and find the schools in our community to be excellent. As Central Oregon residents, we should be proud of our schools that educate our leaders of tomorrow. These are the people who will be caring for us in our old age.
I'm sure you would want them to be educated to their highest potential, as they will be making decisions for you very soon. They are our community's treasures. L et me address a few of y o ur thoughts that I found concerning: l. You state that n on-property owners are not paying property tax. People who are not property owners are typically paying rent or living with their parents. Both of these
groups are paying taxes through their rent payments or their parents who are supporting our community by paying taxes. As for the unemployed, that is an issue in itself that we don't have time to address. 2. As far as how many schools a city our size needs, that depends on how many peoplecontinue to move to our fabulous area. Unfortunately,
IN MY VIEW we don't have the right to hang a sign on the Bend city limits stating nWe are out of school space, please continue through our town!" If you can come up with a solution to our population growth, share it with the rest of us. I've lived in Bend for 34 years and would love to have it like it was in 1980. 3. As for the families that opt out of public education, it is their right to do so. There are many reasons that public education does not fit into their f amily v alues or t h eir child's needs. Thank goodness we are Americans and have choices. Thank goodness there are alternatives available for children who don't fit in the traditional setting of school.
4. Our buildings stay with us for much longer than a l ifetime. The following buildings are still in use today in our d i strict: our district administration building (Old Bend Senior High) wa s b uilt i n 1 9 25. Bend Senior High School was built in 1956; Amity Creek, aka Thompson (1949); Highland, aka Kenwood
(1918). As for elementary schools, Niedzwiecke needs to take a tour of our schools.In 1992-93, Elk Meadow, Three Rivers and Lava Ridge were opened to students.The district used the same design for Pine
Ridge (2002), High Lakes (2002), Miller (2009), Ponderosa (2008) and Rosland (2010). Just think how much we have saved in the last 20 or more years on design costs. The o nly elementary school that h a s not followed the same model is En-
sworth Elementary due to a limit on acreage available at that site. If we don't build buildings at a "state-ofthe-art" level, how will they serve us in the years to come? Technology is changing as fast as it is released on the market. We must educate our students with the most current technology available for them to be hired in the competitive job market that lies ahead of them. As for supporting our Bend-La Pine Schools in a bond measure next year, I encourage everyone to put the students of our community at the top of your list. Remember, they will be caring for us in our old age, and I, for one, want to make sure that the children in the Bend-La Pine District are educated in "state-of-the-art" schools. — Kay Bondurant lives in Bend.
BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Arlys Jewel Phillips, of Redmond Aug. 18, 1923 - Nov. 12, 2012 Arrangements: Redmond Memorial Chapel 541-548-3219 please sign our online guestbook Services: Memorial Service will be held Monday November 19, 2012 at 11:00 AM at Highland Baptist Church, Redmond, OR.
Berniece Pauline Everett, of Bend June 27, 1916 - Nov. 12, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend, 541-3'I 8-0852, Services: A celebration of her life will be held Friday, November 16 at 1:00 PM at Grace First Lutheran Church, 2265 Shevlin Park Road.
Hilda Gattenby, of Redmond Nov. 5, 1915- Nov. 3, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592;
Services: 11:00 AM, Sunday, November 18, 2012, A Celebration of Life Service will be at Summer Creek, 3660 SW 29th Street, Redmond. Contributions may be made to:
Kids Center, 1375 NW Kingston Ave., Bend, OR 97701.
Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeralhomes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all
correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 541-617-7825. Deadlines:Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and by 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday and Monday publication. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Monday publication, and by 9a.m. Mondayfor Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 541-617-7825 Email: obits© Fax: 541-322-7254 Mail:Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Marshall Bouldin, 89: Portrait artist whose paintings have been displayed in the White House and more than 400 collections throughout the country. Died Monday in Tennessee. — From wire reports
Berniece Pauline Everett June27,1916- Nuy.12,2012 B erniece was a t r u e O r e gonian. She was born i n Gaston, Oregon, where she l ived u n t i l s h e fi n i s h ed High School in 1934. S he w e nt to work in Portland for tw o years, and w hile o n vacation in Central Oregon in 1936, she met h er Berniece future Everett husband, Vernon Everett. Vernon was a U.S. F orest S e rvice g u ar d a t C rescent L ake, an d a f t e r dating for tw o y e ars, they were married in March, 1936. They spent their first y ear at t h e l a k e ' s g u a r d s tation and t h e n ex t t w o years a t th e Cr es c e nt Ranger Station. During the war years, the Everetts w e r e i n B end w here B e r n i ec e vo l u n t eered at t h e R e d C r o s s and the R ationing B oard. As th e y e ar s p r o gressed, Bernice worked in the Filt er C e n t er , w h e r e t h e y k ept track of ai r t r a f fic in the area. She also v olunt eered i n t h e X - r a y d e p artment o f S t . Ch a r l e s H ospital, w o r ke d o n t h e E lection B o a r d , a n d f i n ally r e t i re d a f t e r b e i n g chairperson in Precinct 11. S ubsequently, Ber n i e c e worked at the Smart Shop for ten years in l adies apparel. She and V e r n a c q u ired some p r o p ert y on th e l ower Metolius River a n d built a cabin. When Round B utte Da m w a s b u i l t , i t flooded their cabin, so they b uilt a l a r ger on e o n t h e l ake. Fo r 1 7 y e a r s t h e y u sed t h e cab i n ev e r y w eekend. Th e y fi sh e d , b oated an d h a d a "ball." After selling the cabin and b oat, th e y b oug h t a fifth-wheel and traveled to Arizona for winters as well a s back an d f o r t h t o t h e coast. A f t e r r et i r e ment, w hile V er n s t ayed h o m e, Berniece t r a v e le d w i th g roups and fr iends to Eu r ope, New Z e a land, A u s t ralia, and C h i na, as w e ll a s H a w a ii , A l a s k a a n d Canada. Berniece c o n t i n ue d to v olunteer a t c h u r c h a n d w as an A l tar G u il d m e m ber for 40 years. They both w ere a c t i v el y i n vo l v e d with the "Sons of Norway" l odge fo r o v e r 5 0 y e a r s . Vern passed away in 2001. A fter t w o a nd a h alf years of trying to keep up t he house, y ar d a n d h e r n earby r a s p berry p a t c h , Berniece sold her property and moved to W h i spering Winds in 2003, where she resided until her passing. S he is s u r v ived b y h e r nephews, Ronald Hoodenpyl, o f G a s t on , O r e g on, and A r t h u r L ar s o n of A loha, Or e g on ; gr a n d nephews, Ronald I. H oodenpyl and Douglas Steven Hoodenpyl of G aston, Oregon, Mark Allan Hoodenp yl o f O r e m , U t a h , a n d grandniece, Debbie Pfettscher of Green Valley, A rizona, as w e l l a s f o u r g reat-grandnephews an d one great-grandniece. She will be sorely missed by her w o n d erful " a ngel" caregivers of Th e V i siting Angels, as well as the entire Leyerzaph family. A celebration of he r l i f e w ill b e h e l d F r i d ay , N o vember 16, at 1:00 p.m. at G race Fi r s t L uth e r a n Church, 2265 Shevlin Park Road.
an counci s ea on o ice re orms
Durk battled
N.Y. police corruption By Robert D. McFadden New York Times News Service
David Durk, a New York police detective who with Officer Frank Serpico shattered the infamous blue
FEATURED wall of silence
widespread corruption in the city's Police Department in the 1960s and '70s, died Tuesday at his home in Putnam County, N.Y. He was 77. The cause was cardiac arrest, his wife, Arlene, said. He had been treated for mesothelioma for the past two years, she said. An Amherst College graduate who studied law at Columbia University, Durk joined the Police Department in 1963. He imagined a life of public service, as he put it rosily years later, to help "an old lady walk the streets safely" and "a storekeeper make a living without keeping a shotgun under his cash register." But what he found was a culture of corruption: of officers and superiors taking payoffs
from gamblers,drug dealers, merchants and mobstersfor protection an d i n f ormation, like the names of informers they wanted to kill; of officers stealing and dealing drugs, riding shotgun for pushers and intimidating witnesses. Durk refused to join in, and became a pariah. While he made many arrests and was promoted to detective sergeant, he was shuttled among assignments, often just to get rid of him. In 1966, while attending classes for new plainclothes investigators, he met Serpico. He too had refused to take payoffs, and had been shunned — and threatened — by fellow officers. Beyond hating graft, they had little in common. Durk was a clean-cut collegian with friends in government and the news media, wore conservative suits and lived on the Upper West Side of Manhattan with his wife and two daughters. Serpico was a shaggy, bearded loner who grew up in Brooklyn, served in the Korean War, joined the police in 1959 and lived in Greenwich Village. But in 1967 they became allies, and over the next few years they complained to highranking police and City Hall officials, including Jay Kriegel, Mayor John Lindsay's police liaison, and Arnold Fraiman, the commissioner of investigation. They provided names, dates, places and other information, but were told that nothing could be done. Fraiman later said the information was not specific enough. Kriegel said City Hall was worried about alienating the police in a period of civil disturbances. Frustrated, they went to The New York Times. In a series of articles based on a six-month inquiry, David Burnham reported in 1970 that drug dealers, gamblers and merchants were making "illicit payments of millions of dollars a year to the policemen of New York."
The Associated Press PORTLAND — The Portland City Council has approved a settlement with the Justice Department on police reforms that some of its members think the city may not be ableto afford. Federal investigators found in September that police engaged in a pattern of excessive force against people with mental illness. The vote on the five-member council was unanimous Wednesday, The Oregonian reported. I t came two and a h a lf weeks after Mayor Sam Adams and Oregon's U.S. Attorney Amanda Marshall publicly released the agreement calling forchanges to use offorce and stun gun policies, training and oversight. Several community activists and attorneys have urged the council to slow down and complained that the agreement didn't go far enough. Civil rights attorney Tom Steenson says there a "disconnect" between the way Police Chief Michael Reese defines an"immediate threat" that can allow officers to use deadly force and how his police train-
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Portland Police Chief Mike Reesespeaks about the federal investigation into his department's use of force during a September news conference at the Justice Center in Portland. ersinterpretthe same words. He cites an officer's killing of Aaron Campbell, shot in the back while running away. In recent years, Steenson won major settlements against the city on behalf of the families of Campbell and James Chasse Jr., a 42-year-old man with paranoid schizophrenia who died in police custody in 2006. Today, the council is to consider an Adams proposal to tax on land-line phone service
providers to help cover the costofthe reforms. Members of the council said they were concerned about the costs. Commissioner Nick Fish said the city may be locking itself into commitments when there isn't enough money. "I have a real concern about committing long-term money in this way," Fish said. "I'm going to vote 'aye' today because I think it moves the ball forward."
Bonneville selectsroute for high-voltage line The Associated Press L ONGVIEW, Was h . — The Bonneville Power A dministration h a s s e lected a preferred route for a 79-mile high-voltage transmission line between Castle Rock, Wash. and Troutdale. The preferred route runs mostly t h r ough W e yerhaeuser and state-owned timberlands. T he D aily N e w s r e ports s o m e l andowners wanted the power line to run through more remote areas farther east. The publiccan comment on the preferred route and three other options listed i n an i m p act study r e leased Tuesday. Six meet-
ings are planned before the end of the year. The BPA plans to make a decision on the $459 million project by the end of 2014. The agency hopes the 500kilovolt line will be operating by 2018 to help meet the demand for electricity in the
region. The Ladies of Elks Holiday uazaar i Sunday, November 18th,2012from Sam - 4>00pm: Selling handcrafted items , made dy members of our community All proceeds go towards local charities and scholarsh<ps Bend ElksLodge63120 Boyd Acres Rd, Bend, OR:
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Nature Shop
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On May 8, 2 0 1 5 , t hi s single drop of w a t e r w i l l lead m i llions of other drops f ro m a b r o k e n p ip e t o a r o o m f u l l of m e r c h a n d i se.
Y ou can't a v oi d t h e u n k n o w n , b ut wit h t h e r i gh t b u s i n ess in s u ra nce yo u ca n b e r e ad y f o r i t .
Gilbert wasunconventional poet ByJohn Penner
his li terary career.He earned a bachelor'sdegree in English Jack Gilbert, a poet who esfrom the University of Pittschewed conventions of career (literary) school or group. He burgh in 1954 and a master's and writing style to develop a went his own way, and he lived from San Francisco State in singular voice that combined pretty much entirely for his life 1963. intellectual heft with a spare and his art." Gilbert arrived in the Bay specificity of l a nguage that A writer who knew fame and Area in the 1950s and attended made him among the major fig- obscurity, Gilbert produced five Jack Spicer's Magic Poetry ures ofAmerican poetry over collections of poetry, relatively Workshop, a seminal experithe last half-century, has died. few given a career that spanned ence in his writing life. The poHe was 87. more than five decades. But the etry of the Beat Generation was Gilbert, who was in the ad- poems that he produced were in full flower all around him, vanced stages of dementia, died starkly original, an uncommon but Gilbert and his work were Tuesday at a nursing home in combination of intellect, craft, no fit. He rebelled, not only Berkeley, Calif., after develop- clarity and emotionality that against the Beats, but against ingpneumonia, said Bill Mayer, often appeal to general readers the avant-garde language exa poet and longtime friend. of serious literature far beyond perimentsand other endeavors Calling Gilbert "America's the close-knit world of poetry. in verse in vogue at the time greatest living poet," Mayer Born in Pittsburgh, Gilbert — chiefly, he stood against any said his friend "was unique in worked as a steelworker and poetry that he considered to be that he was not a part of any exterminator before launching ephemeral or inconsequential. Los Angeles Times
rnft u d
S erving Central o r e gon since 19 1 4
Liberty 'Northwest. A Liberty Mutual Company
5 4 1 -3 8 2 -2 4 2 1
F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
I B4
Today: Mostly sunny skies,
Tonight:A few clouds through the night.
warmest CHX4NNE
day of the
wee k.
WEST Mostly cloudy and mild conditlons
Seasideo 52/44 •ocannon Peach
Hjlisbprp Hi s oro •POrtland 57/45 L
CamP nese1%
46/35 Union
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• Pri n eville49/31
Paulina 45/27
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56/43 •
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Port Orford
• Beach 57/53
J 5ilver
Frenchglen 54/32
• 24o
• Lakeview
FaIIs 52/29
• BrOOkingS
Brookings Redmond
o rtland~ 57/4S
Punta Gorda, Fla • Qo Fraser, Colo.
Daytona Beach, Fla.
• z ~~~
Salt.kake I
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Tijuana 72/55
' 4EV36 '
51 L oujsh 7 ' 56/35 ' '
Los Angeles»
P h oenix I' 79/56
60/37 , Oklahoma City 63/35 •
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o um us ~~ 51/36 o 50/32 r/' W n g ton, D.C. •
Lo uisville
52/33 . C harlottex
Little RockL - Nashvine 57/34 59/35
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o ortland 45/27
38/29 4&/30 +
Kansas City 61/32 I
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Omaha, 54/27 x
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Thunder Bay 40/21
Raprd «rt
' I
San Francisco 66/54
Quebec Winnipeg 29/19
Binings Bisrna'ck 29/18 o 48/28
• 0.76 w
Honolulu ~ 83/71
• 83'
Birm ingham 53/4t
<L Anchorage 30/15
50 34
45 3 2
47 30
.++ o4 :i ++ +++ + d 8 d V+x 3 d 4 d
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrise today.... . 7:01 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday...... 4 38 p.m F irst Ful l La s t Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:03 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:37 p.m Moonrise today.... 9:06 a.m Moonsettoday .... 6:34 p.m Nov. 20 Nov. 28 Dec. 6 •
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:17a.m......4:41 p.m. Venus......4:15 a.m...... 3:24 p.m. Mars......10:00 a.m...... 6:38 p.m. Jupiter......5:34 p m...... 8 43 a.m. Satum......5:15 a.m...... 3;53 p.m. Uranus.....2:31 p.m...... 2:49 a.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 48/28 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........69m1929 Monthtodate.......... 0.27" Recordlow......... -9in1955 Average monthtodate... 0.54" Average high.............. 48 Year to date............ 7.30" Average low .............. 28 Average year to date..... 8.31"
Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.21 Record24 hours ...0.85 in1942 *Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday Thursday Friday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastof Hwy.97......Low
Sisters..............................Low La Pine...............................Low Redmond/Madras........Low Prinevine..........................Low
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
Astoria ........54/42/0.14.....54/42/f.....53/46/sh Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme Baker City......45/29/0.02.....43/28/f.....48/29/sh To report a wildfire, call 911 Brookings...... 62/45/0.00..... 60/50/f.....57/52/sh Burns......... 43/24/trace....45/25/pc.....48/26/sh Eugene........57/40/0.00.....58/45/c.....57/46/sh Klamath Falls ..48/34/irace ....52/29/c ...49/28/pc The higher the UV Index number, the greater Lakeview.......54/36/0.00 ...51/30/pc.....49/33/sh La Pine........43/24/0.00....49/26/pc.....48/30/sh the need for eye and skin protection. Index is Medford.......51/45/0.00.....58/42/c.....57/42/pc for ar at noon. Newport.......55/46/0.01 .....55/44/c.....56/48/sh MEDIUM HIGH North Bend.....61/45/0.00.....59/43/c.....56/51/pc Ontario........45/34/0.01 ....46/32/pc......50/34/c Pendleton......51/35/0.05.....51/38/c......54/38/c Portland ...... 57/47/trace..... 57/45/f......56/47/c Prineville....... 50/28/0.01 ....49/31/pc.....53/35/sh Redmond.......51/24/0.00.....52/35/c.....53/35/sh Roseburg....... 56/46/0.00..... 57/44/f.....60/46/sh Updated daily. Source: Salem ....... 56/49/0 05 ..56/43/c ...55/46/sh Sisters.........51/27/0.00....50/29/pc.....52/32/sh ME DI UM The Dages..... 58/41ltrace.....52/40/c.....54/39/sh~LOWI
The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen. Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 37,462...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 140,068..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 73,145...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 16,540 . . . . 47,000 Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 81,784..... 153,777 R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 163 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 250 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 23 Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 148 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 649 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 822 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res..... . . . . . 39 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 76.7 Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 4.33 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 148 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 or go to
o www m (in the 48 contiguous states):
and evening
HIGH LOW hours.
Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstorms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
More showers are expected.
but mostly rain.
• 62'
• 58/42
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley
Chn s tmas Valley
rants~ "
Juntura 46/28
o Bandon
expected in the afternoon
ing in by the afternoon.
i ii,
Valeo 45/32
Coos Bay
Mostly cloudy and seasonable conditions.
clouds mov
rainfall is
• Spray 54/33
Warm SPrings •
Mostly cloudy and mild conditions.
La Grande•
' qm~
Willowdale I
48 / 36
Maupin 3/38
Wallowa • PendletOn 4i/30 • Enterprisq 51/38 • Meacham 44/28
Sa n dy
o 56/45
Da g es sp/42
McMinnville. 5 J • 54/41 • ~ G over n ment 5
Lincoln City 53/42
The Biggs
54/41 57/42
As t oria
Morning sunshine,
49 36
x 4 x
C old
W a r mStationary
Showers T-storms Rain
Flurries Snow
Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday Yesterday Thursday Friday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/LolW City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX......63/34/000 ..66/39/pc. 64/41/pc Grandilapids....43/23/0.00...45/30/c. 50/28/pc RapidCity.......48/21/000...45/28/s. 54/34/pc Savannah.......54/50/0.09 .. 58/45/sh. 63/48/pc Akron..........39/32/000 ..45/29/pc.47/30/pc Green Bay.......46/28/0.00...48/30/c .. 45/32/5 Reno...........63/30/0.00..58/36/pc...55/41/r Seattle..........52/46/0.03... 49/40/c...50/46/r Albany......... 44/29/000...45/28/s. 46/28/pc Greensboro......48/33/0 00... 50/35/c. 56/35/pc Richmond.......50/33/0.00 ..52/36/pc.55/36/pc SiouxFalls.......52/20/0 00.. 46/19/pc.. 46/30/s Albuquerque.....59/28/000...60/37/s. 57/38/pc Harnsburg.......48/36/0 00... 50/31/s. 52/34/pc Rochester, NY....40/36/0.00... 44/32/s. 46/32/pc Spokane........37/33/000 ..41/36/pc. 43/36/sh Anchorage......28/24/006 ..30/15/sn... 23/9/s Hartford,CT.....47/33/0.00...49/31/s. 50/31/pc Sacramento......64/41/0.00..69/52/pc...66/53/r Springfield, MO ..55/32/0.00.. 58/34/pc.. 58/34/s Atlanta.........51/41/000 ..53/41/pc.60/43/pc Helena..........43/22/0.00...41/25/s .. 46/30/c St.Louis.........49/33/0.00..56/35/pc.. 57/38/s Tampa..........76/64/0 00 ..80/61/pc. 78/59/pc Atlantic City.....49/30/0.00... 52f38/s. 52/41/pc Honolulu........83/73/0.00... 83/71/s.. 84/71/s SaltLake City ....46/31/0.00..44/33/pc..JW36/r Tucson..........83/44/0.00 80/52/pc .. .. 79/52/s Austin..........67/42/000 ..67/41/pc. 67/40/pc Houston........67/50/0.00...70/42/s. 70/41/pc San Antonio .....60/50/0.00..65/50/pc. 66/43/pc Tulsa...........59/34/0.00...63/33/s .. 63/37/s Baltimore .......48/30/000 ..50/34/pc. 54/34/pc Huntsville.......57/33/0.00..58/37/pc. 60/37/pc SanDiego.......71/51/0.00...67/56/c.. 69/57/c Washington, DC.49/36/0.00 .. 52/37/pc. 55/35/pc Bifings.........48/35/000...48IJIs. 54/31/pc Indianapolis.....41/27/0.00 ..41!/32/pc.. 50/34/s SanFrancisco....68/50/0.00..67/55/pc...65/55/r Wichita.........58/33/0.00 ..62/34/pc.. 5I38/s Birmingham.....56/34/000 ..57/42/pc. 62/43/pc Jackson, MS.... 58/37/0.00. 61/40/s 63/39/s SanJose........70/44/000..67/53/pc...64/52/r Yakima.........46/41/000 45/32/pc.. 44/33/c Bismarck........41/14/000...29/lis. 38/24/pc Jacksonvile......62/56/0.00 ..64/51/sh. 65/53/pc SantaFe........56/24/0.00..56/32/pc.. 51/36/s Yuma...........81/49/0 00 .. 79/55/pc.. 80/56/s Boise.......... 44/36/0.00...53/34/c.. 53/35/c Juneau..........40/32/0.46... 37/32/r...37/25/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........45/36/000...48/36/s. 48/36/pc Kansas City......57/32/0.00 ..61/32/pc.. 58/35/s Bndgeport,CT....49/35/0.00...49/36/s. 52/36/pc Lansing.........41/20/0.00...45/30/c .. 48/27/s Amsterdam......55/39/0 00 .. 50/40/s 49/40/pc Mecca..........93/73/000 .93/75/s.95/77/pc Buffalo.........40/34/000...46/32/s. 47/32/pc LasVegas.......66/42/0 00..70/50/pc. 69/49/pc Athens..........62/55/0 00 .. 66/56/pc. 66/59/sh MexicoCity .....68/48/000 ..71/51/pc. 73/49/pc BurlingtonVT....43/25/000...42/23/s. 43/27/pc Lexington.......44/26/0 00..52/32/pc. 53/31/pc Auckland........63/55/0.00 .. 63/53/sh.64/53/sh Montreal........41/23/000.. 37/26/pc. 38/25/pc Caribou,ME.....39/26/000...38/23/s. 40/26/pc Lincoln..........58/29/000..56/23/pc.. 54/34/s Baghdad........99/52/0.00... 74/53/s .. 74/50/s Moscow........37/32/0.00 ..43/37/sh.. 39/30/c Charleston, SC...53/47/000..59/45/sh. 62/47/pc Little Rock.......57/37/000...59/35/s.. 61/36/s Bangkok........93/81/0 00.. 92/77/pc. 92/79/sh Nairobi.........84/59/0.00 ..80/61/pc. 79/61/pc Charlotte........53/32/000 ..50/36/sh.57/39/pc LosAngeles......79/53/0.00...67/56/c .. 64/58/c Beiling..........46/25/0 00 .. 49/30/pc. 51/27/pc Nassau.........79/73/0.00..81/70/pc. 81/71/pc Chattanooga.....55/38/000 ..59/37/pc. 62/37/pc Louisvile........49/30/0 00 ..52/33/pc .. 55/32/s Beirut..........73/63/0.00... 74/62/s ..75/65/c New Delh/.......79/55/0.00...79/59/s.. 80/59/s Cheyenne.......52/24/000..43/24/pc.54/31/pc MadisonW1.....47/31/000..50/28/pc.. 48/28/s Berlin...........46/28/0.00... 49/33/s .. 45/33/s Osaka..........55/46/0.00..54/41/sh.. 57/43/s Chicago.........45/29/000...48/36/c.. 50/36/s Memphis....... 53/37/000 58/39/s .. 62/38/s Bogota .........68/48/0.00 63/49/sh. .. 63/50/sh Oslo............48/43/0.00..43/29/pc. 40/32/pc Cincinnati...... 44/21/000 ..51/31/pc.. 52/30/s Miami..........82/67/016..81/68/pc. 81/67/pc Budapest........50/27/0.00... 50/37/s .. 50/38/s Ottawa .........41/23/0.00..38/25/pc. 37/23/pc Cleveland.......40/34/000 ..45/34/pc.. 46/36/s Milwaukee......45/29/000...48/35/c .. 48/37/s BuenosAires.....73/52/000 ..77/62/pc. 80/61/sh Paris............41/36/000..51/41/pc. 57/47/pc ColoradoSpnngs.52/22/000..49/29/pc. 58/32/pc Minneapolis.....51/34/0.00...47/22/s .. 42/31/s CaboSanLucas ..82/64/000... 87/66/s. 89/67/pc Rio deJaneiro....72/68/0.00..79/69/sh.77/67/sh Columhia,MO...56/33/000 ..58/34/pc.. 59/33/s Nashvife........53/32/0 00... 57/34/s. 59/36/pc Cairo...........75/61/0.00 ..77/63/pc.. 79/69/c Rome...........70/55/0.00..65/53/pc.. 64/51/s Columhia,SC....54/45/000 ..50/41/sh. 59/42/pc New Orleans.....62/46/000... 63/48/s .. 66/49/s Calgaiy.........41/30/000.. 38/22/s 33/19/pc Santiago........79/50/0.00..80/53/pc.75/49/pc Columbus, GA... 55/47/trace... 57/42/s. 62/43/pc New York.......47/37/0.00...48/37/s. 52/39/pc Cancun.........81/68/0.00... 80/70/t. 83/71/sh SaoPaulo.......64/59/0.00... 72/59/t...74/61/t Columbus OH....43/26/000 ..50/32/pc. 51/32/pc Newark Nl......49/35/0 00...48/36/s. 53/37/pc Dublin..........55/46/0.00... 52/39/c .. 49/38/c Sapporo ........46/45/0.00..46/37/pc. 44/37/sh Concord,NH.....47/25/000...46/23/s. 48/25/pc Norfolk VA......49/43/000...55/44/c. 55/43/pc Edinburgh.......50/39/0.00... 50/44/c .. 51/38/c Seoul...........43/30/0.00...50/34/s. 51/34/sh Corpus Christi....66/55/0.00..69/57/pc.. 68/55/c OklahomaCity...61/32/0.00...63/35/s .. 60/36/s Geneva.........52/37/0.00... 56/48/s .. 59/45/s Shangha/........61/43/0.00..61/47/pc. 60/49/sh DallasFtWprih...63/42/000...67/40/s .. 66/41/s Omaha.........58/32/000 ..54/27/pc.. 52/34/s Harare..........84/66/0.00..84/59/pc. 87/64/pc Singapore.......90/77/0.00..86/78/pc.87/78/pc Dayton .........41/22/000..49/31/pc. 50/31/pc Orlando.........78/63/0.23..79/58/pc. 77/58/sh Hong Kong......81/72/000...81I71/c. 81/72/sh Stockholm.......52/43/0.00...44/33ls.44/36/pc Denver..........55/22/046..49/28/pc. 60/31/pc PalmSprings.... 80/46/0.00. 80/55/pc. 78/57/pc Istanbul.........63/55/0 00..65/57/pc. 62/57/pc Sydney..........66/61/000...81/63/c. 71/61/sh DesMoines......58/36/0.00..56/30/pc.. 52/33/s Peoria..........47/30/0.00...51/33/c .. 52/31/s lerusalem.......66/55/0.02...68/54/s. 70/56/pc Taipei...........77/68/0.00..76/67/pc. 79/70/sh Detroit..........41/25/0.00..44/32/pc.. 46/34/s Philadelphia.....50/35/0.00...51/36/s. 52/36/pc Johannesburg....77/59/0.00...73/60/t...78/61/t TelAviv.........73/59/0.00...74/59/s.. 75/62/c Duluth..........43/31/000...42/22/s .. 38/29/s Phoenix.........82/51/0.00..79/56/pc.. 81/56/s Lima ...........72/64/0.00...70/64/c.. 71/64/c Tokyo...........64/50/0.00..55/46/pc.. 59/47/s El Paso..........68/33/000 ..70/43/pc. 70/45/pc Pittsburgh.......38/33/0 00 ..48/30/pc. 50/31/pc Lisbon..........50/50/0 0065/55/sh61/56/sh Toronto.........43/34/0 00 .38/29/pc. 43/31/pc Fairbanks......... 8/-5/000 .. 2/-17/pc-10/-25/pc Portland,ME.....46/30/0.00...45/27/s. 49/29/pc London .........57/43/000..47/37/pc. 58/51/pc Vancpuver.......48/46/0.00...47/38/c.. 45/40/c Fargp...........47/18/000...31/17/s.. 35/27/s Prpvidence......48/37/000...49/35/s. 51/35/pc Madrid .........68/46/0 00..65/45/pc. 63/47/pc Vienna..........45/28/0.00..50/37/pc.. 49/37/s Flagstaff........56/15/000... 57/26/s. 55/23/pc Raleigh.........51/33/0 00 .. 52/37/sh. 57/38/pc Manila..........90/77/0.00... 89/76/t...85/78/t Warsaw.........41/32/0.00... 42/30/s .. 44/31/s
Camp eendleton Marines work to save endangered species By Louis Sahaguff
During a recent tour of the area's green hills artd windSAN DIEGO — The U.S. swept beaches, Marine enviMarines at Camp Pendleton ronmental officials said the care most about two things: corps is working with federal keeping America safe and sav- agencies to create formal safeing a thumb-sized mouse from guards for the mouse. "A comprehensive martextinction. ln rugged terrain used in a agement planwould be much training exercise known as the broader in scope and depth Crucible, for instance, food- than simply telling Marines to and sleep-deprived M a rine watch out for the mouse while Corps recruits push themselves they are training," said Maj. Dathrough s i mulated c o mbat vid Roen, head of environmenstress scenarios — and try to tal compliance for Marine Corp avoid disturbing the Pacific installations in the Southwest. pocket mouse, an endangered Environmental laws hold milianimal that clings to existence tary commanders accountable by its tiny sharp claws. for activities on their bases. Los Angefes Times
Historically, the r ange of the mouse extended along the coast from Los Angeles County to Mexico. By the 1990s, it was feared wiped out by coastal development. In 1993, however, a small population was discovered in the Dana Point headlands. The species, listed asendangeredby the federal government in 1994, was later discovered at Camp Pendleton, whose 17 miles of northern San Diego County coastline make it the Marine Corps' premier amphibious assault training center. Today, the largest known population of the mice inhabits
a portion of the Crucible training grounds adjacent to a firing range and bivouacking area. That is not necessarily bad for the mouse. Habitat restoration efforts combined with environmental training and intense monitoring by biologists have resulted in strong comebacks forseveral of the 16 threatened or endangeredspeciesthatshare the base. "As Southern California has continued to develop, the value of Camp Pendleton as habitat for endangered species has soared," Roen said. The base hosts one-fourth
'i o.
of the state's endangered Califorrtia least terns. The number of endangered least Bell's vireos has risen over the last two decades from a few dozen to more than 2,500.One of the last known nesting areas of the endangered Southwestern mllow flycatcher lies just south of Camp Pendleton's air station. nOur Marines know about every species on base, be it a bird, mouse or plant," said Dan Felkin, environmental training section head at Camp Pendleton. Every operation on the base that touches on the environment takes those species into account, he said.
Erxsyg Slort
5 7IH L ~
Oon Barttettt / Los Angeles Times
A Pacificpocket mouse peeks otft from a small plastic pipe in its cage at the San Diego Zoo Institute for Conservation Research in Escondido, Calif.
w aA
MS 250
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Sisters Rental 506 N. Pine St. 541-549-9631
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" consumer research of2009-2011 US.salesandmarket share data for thegasoline poweredhandheldoutdoorpowerequipmentcategory combmedsales to consumersandcommercial landscapers.
Ig ~me f /QCI
Scoreboard, D2 Motor sports, D4 College basketball, D2 College football, D4 NBA, D3 NFL, D3
MLB, D4,
Hunting 5 Fishing, D6
PREP SOCCER Times set for state finals A full day of Oregon School Activities Association state champion-
ship soccer in Hillsboro kicks off Saturday morning at Hillsboro Stadium, where Summit of Bend meets Sherwood for the Class 5A girls title. Summit takes on Sherwood starting at 10:30 a.m. That match will be followed at the stadiumbythe 5A boys final, in which Central
Oregon's other state finalist, Mountain View of Bend, will face Woodburn starting at1 p.m. In later matches Saturday at Hillsboro Stadium, Thurston
ant erS, Ou arSSee • Intermountain Conference rivals Redmondand Mountain View face tests onFridayandcould meeteachother in the semifinals Class 5A footdall state puarterfinals Central Oregon teams will play in two of the four
quarterfinal games: Who:Crescent Valley (8-3) at Redmond (10-0) When:Friday, 7 p.m.
Admission:$6for adults, $4 for students Who:Mountain View
(7-4) vs. Marist (9-1) at
Clackamas for the 6A
Willamette High in Eugene When:Friday, 7 p.m.
girls championship at
Admission:$6for adults,
of Springfield plays
3:30 p.m., and Lincoln
$4 for students
squares off against
By Beau Eastes The Bulletin
Earlier this fall, Mountain View coach Brian Crum argued that the Intermountain Conference was one of the top Class 5A football leagues in the state. The Cougars' first-year coach was onto something. Headed into Friday's state quarterfinal round, Redmond High and Mountain View from the four-team IMC are still alive. Only the eight-team Mid-Willamette Conference has moreteams — three — than the IMC still playing in the 5A state playoffs.
Jesuit in an all-Portland 6A boys final starting at
"We only went over to the west side (of the Cascades) one time this season," Redmond High coach Nathan Stanley said about the statewide perception that the IMC was down this season. "And Mountain View lost early to Wilsonville over there ... Whenever you lose a head coach, there's
4'q '
Also Saturday at nearby Liberty High School, Valley Catholic takes on
ii' "OUSAPP u
going to be some changes and some growing pains.... It's interesting. I've watched their game against us again and I've seen Marist and Silverton both play on film. To me, Mountain View looks as good as anybody in the state." SeeState /D5
Josh Kullai Wilsonville Spokesman
Mountain View's Kyler Ayers, left, celebrates a touchdown with teammate Kyle Shaver in Friday's Class 5A playoff game against Wilsonville. The Cougars won to advance to the quarterfinal round this Friday against Marist.
6 p.m.
Marlins fans must
Oregon Episcopal for the Class 3A/2A/1A girls title at10:30 a.m., and
$I k
Riverdale facesOregon Episcopal in the 3A/2A/ 1A boys final at1 p.m. At 3:30 p.m., Mazama plays Gladstone for the 4A girls crown, and at 6 p.m., Philomath meets La Salle Prep in the 4A boys final. All tickets for the state
feel like fools now
soccer finals are general admission andareavailable at the finals sites. Cost is $8 for adults,
By Tim Dahlberg
$5 for students (age5
eople in Miami had begun to wise up about the time their new baseball stadium was being completed and Marlins owner Jeffrey Loria wanted them to shell out $10,980 for some wine so he and his buddies could celebrate. That wasn't all. The team also wanted taxpayers to buy office furniture, drapes and even fabric for pillow covers before public officials decided they had already spent
The Associated Press
through high school senior). Ticket booths open at 9:30 a.m. at both Hillsboro Stadium and Liberty High. Tickets are
good for all gamesat each site. — Bulletin staff report
MLB Price, Dickey win Cy Young awards
Mark Morical / The Bulletin
Kathi Berry, of Oregon City,casts her fly while fishing the Crooked River below Bowman Dam on Tuesday.
NEW YORK — David Price of the Tampa Bay Rays and knuckleballer R.A. Dickey ofthe New York Mets won base-
By Mark Morical
Tuesday. "They (trout) are rising to
be sitting behind the whitefish pick-
By then, of course, it was too late. The stadium was ready and they were on the hook for about 80 percent of the $634 million it cost to build. Imagine what fools they must feel like now. They've got their barely used stadium, complete with a $2 million psychedelic home run thingy and fish swimming behind home plate. Some may even find it attractive in a baseball- meets-tropicallounge-show sort of way. Unfortunately, there's no
The Bulletin
dry flies."
ing off eggs."
longer a real major league
Trout made small splashes at the w ater's surface allacross the river as Bruce Berry, standing waist-deep in the stream below the canyon, hooked fish after fish. The angler moved on to another spot farther d o w nriver, f i guring he had worn out his welcome after catching and releasing eight small rainbow trout on a m i ld, overcast
November can be a hot month for fishing on the Crooked River. The whitefish are spawning this time of year, and the rainbow trout in the river feed on the whitefish eggs. River flows earlier this week were running at a relatively low 77 cubic feet per second, which are prime flows for
The population of native rainbow trout in the eight-mile stretch of the Crooked River below Bowman Dam has also surged recently. Based on surveys conducted thispast June, Porter estimated 5,244 trout per mile in that stretch of river, up from 1,220 fish per mile in June 2011. That dramatic increase in population no doubt has helped to improve fishing, but biologists are trying to determine what caused such a spike in trout numbers. SeeCrooked /D5
team to put in it. Barring some sort of action by baseball commissioner Bud Selig — not likely — the Marlins will ship what is left of the team Loria trotted out on opening day to the Toronto Blue Jays. His thank you to the citizens of Miami-Dade County ended with a salary dump that would be stunning if only the Marlins weren't so practiced in the art of dumping salary. SeeMarlins/D5
ball's Cy Youngawards on Wednesday.
Price barely beat out 2011 winner Justin Verlander for the American
League prize inoneof the closest votes ever. Dickey was aneasy choice for the NL honor in balloting by the Baseball Writers' Association of America. The 38-year-old Dickey became the first knuckleball pitcher to win the Cy Young Award,
an achievementmentors such as Hall of Famer Phil Niekro are quite
proud of. Dickey went 20-6 with a 2.73 earned run
average, leading the league in innings (233N), strikeouts (230), complete games(five) and shutouts (three). Runner-up two years ago, Price wasthe pick
• November is good a month to tackle the CrookedRiver, and the trout population hasincreased becauseof a variety of factors
fishing and wading. "November is always a popular
day. time for people to fish the Crooked," "Fishing's been good," said Berry, said Tim Porter, fish biologist for standing on the bank of the Crooked River near Big Bend Campground on
the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife in Prineville. "The trout will
this time by the slimmest
of margins. Hereceived 14 of 28 first-place votes and finished with 153 points to149 for Verlander, chosen first on13 ballots. Price went 20-5 to tie Jered Weaver for the
Injuries, inconsistencyplague somePac-12quarterbacks
American Leaguelead
By Anne M. Peterson
in victories and winning
The Associated Press
percentage. The27-year-
Oregon State's quarterback shuffle is emblematic of what has been happening around the Pac-12 Conference all football season. Injuries and inconsistency havedogged many teams in a league that has always been known for its strong quarterbacks. The No. 15 Beavers started out the season with Sean Mannion under center. Because of injury they went to Cody Vaz. Then it was back briefly to Mannion. The OSU starter this week is
old lefty had the lowest ERA at 2.56 and finished sixth in strikeouts with 205. Verlander, also the
league MVPayear ago, followed that up by going 17-8 with a 2.64 ERA and pitching the Detroit Tigers to the World Series. He led the majors in
strikeouts (239), innings (238/~) andcomplete games (six). — The Associated Press
Next up Cal at Oregon State
• When: Saturday, 7:30 p.m. • TV:Pac-12 Network
undetermined. Other Pac-12 teams that have switched quarterbacks include No. 14 Stanford, which started with Josh Nunes but swapped him for dual threat Kevin Hogan, and beleaguered Colorado, which started the season with Kansas transfer Jordan Webb but is now looking toward Connor Wood and Nick Hirschman. Washington State has gone back and forth between Jeff Tuel and Connor Halliday. Injuries are also an issue. Cal senior Zach Maynard is nursing a sprained left knee. Arizona
quarterback Matt Scott missed a game with a concussion and might not be back in time to face Utah on Saturday. They Utes are expected to start true freshman Travis Wilson, who unseated Jon Hays. This week, as Oregon State
(7-2, 5-2) prepares to host California (3-8, 2-6), the starting quarterback is still up in the air — on both sides. SeePac-12/D5
Oregon State has not named a starting quarterback for Saturday's game. It could be Cody Vaz, pictured, or Sean Mannion. Don Ryani
The Associated Press
6a.m.:European Tour, South African Open, first round, Golf Channel. 10:30 a.m.:LPGA Tour, Titleholders, first round, Golf
6a.m.:European Tour, South African Open,second round, Golf Channel. 10:30 a.m.:LPGA Tour, Titleholders, second round, Golf
5:30 p.m.:PGA Tour of Australasia, Australian Masters,
5:30 p.m.:PGA Tour of Australasia, Australian Masters, third round, Golf Channel.
second round, Golf Channel. 10:30 p.m.:European Tour, Hong KongOpen,second round, Golf Channel. SOCCER
9:30a.m.:Men'scollege, Stanford at Cal (taped), Pac-12 Network. BASKETBALL
2 p.m.:Men's college, Puerto Rico Tip-Off, quarterfinal, North Carolina State vs. Penn State, ESPN2.
Hong Kong Open, third round,
Golf Channel. MOTOR SPORTS 10:30 a.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Ford EcoBoost 400,
practice, ESPN2. Noon:NASCAR, Nationwide Series, Ford EcoBoost 300, final practice, ESPN2. 3 p.m.:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Ford EcoBoost400, qualifying,
Speed network.
Oregon State, ESPN2.
2 p.m.:Men's college, 2K Sports Classic, consolation, teamsTBA,
State at Drexel, NBC Sports Network. 5 p.m.:NBA, Boston Celtics at Brooklyn Nets, TNT.
6 p.m.:Men's college, 2K Sports Classic, semifinal, Purdue vs.
4p.m.:Men's college, 2K Sports Classic, final, teams TBA, ESPN2. 4p.m.: NBA, Utah Jazzat
Villanova, ESPN2.
Philadelphia 76ers, ESPN. 5 p.m.:Men's college, Calat
6p.m.:Men's college, Alcorn
Denver, Root Sports.
State at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.
6 p.m.:Men's college,
7:30 p.m.:NBA, Miami Heat at Denver Nuggets, TNT.
Sacramento State at Utah, Pac12 Network. 6:30 p.m.:NBA, New York Knicks at Memphis Grizzlies, ESPN.
7 p.m.: NBA,HoustonRocketsat
Madison at UCLA, Pac-12 Network. FOOTBALL 4:30 p.m.:College, North Carolina at Virginia, ESPN. 5 p.m.:NFL, Miami Dolphins at Buffalo Bills, NFL Network.
Portland Trail Blazers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest 8 p.m.: Men's college, Vanderbilt at Oregon, Pac-12 Network. HOCKEY 4:30p.m.: College, Harvard at Cornell, NBC Sports Network. FOOTBALL 6:30 p.m.:College, Hawaii at Air Force, ESPN2.
7 p.m.: Men'scollege,Texas-El Paso at Arizona, Root Sports.
4 p.m.:Men's college, 2K Sports Classic, semifinal, Alabamavs. Oregon State, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690.
Friday FOOTBALL 7 p.m.: High school,Class5A
quarterfinal, Mountain Viewat Marist, KICE-AM 940. 7 p.m.: High school,Class5A quarterfinal, Crescent Valley at Redmond, KBND-AM 1110.
Listings are the mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changes made by Tl/or radio stations
• Texans LB Dobdinsfined $30K:Houston Texansline-
• Vonn released fromhospital: LindseyVonnwasreleased
backer Tim Dobbins was fined
from a hospital in Colorado on Wednesday, although details of her illness remain unclear and there is no indication of when
$30,000 on Wednesdayfor a helmet-to-helmet hit that gave
Chicago quarterback JayCutler a concussion. Dobbins said he plans to appeal. Thehit came in the second quarter of Houston's 13-6 win on Sundaynight when Dobbins hit a scrambling Cutler after he threw a pass. Cutler was past the line of scrimmage and
she can begin skiing again. n Lindsey is feeling much better today and hasbeen released from the hospital," Vonn's publicist,nLewis Kay, wrote in an email. She is resting comfortably at home. Doctors are
on the play, and Dobbins was
still working to determine what specifically was the cause of her
flagged for unnecessary roughness. • QB Smithpractices for 49ers:San Francisco 49ers
illness, but thankfully she has responded well to their treatment.... We do not know when she will be able to return to the
quarterback Alex Smith went through position work in a non-
mountain and will update asher
called for an illegal forward pass
contact black jersey Wednesday, his status still unclear for Monday night's NFC showdown with the Chicago Bears after he
sustained a concussion Sunday against the Rams.CoachJim HarbaughkeptaneyeonSmith from several yards awayas he worked with backup Colin
Kaepernick andNo. 3 QBScott Tolzien to get his reps. Harbaugh said Smith experienced blurred vision on a1-yard quarterback sneak early in the second quarter of Sunday's 24-24 tie.
• Roethlisberger outvs. Ravens:Ben Roethlisberger's sprained right shoulder is just the start of his problems. The Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback
saidWednesday healso dislocated a rib while getting sacked in the third quarter of Monday night's win against Kansas City. Roethlisberger sprained the SC joint in his shoulder on the
play but says the rib issue is a bigger concern. Roethlisberger said doctors are concerned the rib could cut into his aorta. He's already been ruled out of
Sunday's game againstthe Baltimore Ravens. Backup Byron Leftwich will start in his place, though Roethlisberger doesn't
believe the injuries will end his season.
Friday Football: Class 5Astate playoffs: CrescentValley at Redmond, MountainViewvs. Marist at WillametteHighinEugene, 7p.m.
health improves." The four-time overall World Cup champion and Olympic downhill gold medalist was admitted to the hospital in Vail on Monday and stayedtwo
Free agent outfielder Torii Hunter has agreed to a $26 million, twoyear deal with Detroit, giving
the Tigers a capable corner outfielder coming off an impressive season at age37. Aperson with knowledge of the negotiations, speaking on condition of ano-
nymityWednesday becauseno announcement hadbeen made, confirmed the dealand said Hunter has aphysical scheduled for Friday. Hunter hit a careerbest.313 last season for the Los Angeles Angels with16 home runs and 92 RBls. — From wire reports
Women's college
Semifinals Tuesday's Results Philomath3, McLoughlin 2(4-2 PKs) La Salle 4,Phoenix0 Final Saturday's Game Philomathvs. La Salle at Liberty HS,Hillsboro, 6
CLASS3A/2A/1A Quarterfinals Semifinals Tuesday's Results OregonEpiscopal3, Catlin Gabel2 Riverdale3, Riverside1 Final Saturday's Game Riverdalevs. OregonEpiscopal at Liberty HS,Hil-
sboro, 1p.m.
Semifinals Tuesday's Results Clackamas 3, Lakeridge 2(4-3 PKs) Thurston 1,Grant0 Final Saturday's Game Thurstonvs. Clackamasat Hilsboro Stadium,3:30 p.m CLASS5A
Semifinals Tuesday'sResults Summit 3,Corvallis1 Sherwood 2,Wilamette I Final Saturday'sGame Sherwoodvs. Summitat Hillsboro Stadium, 10:30 a.m. CLASS4A
Semifinals Tuesday's Games Mazama 4, Philomath0 Gladstone 4, Scappoose1 Final Saturday's Game Mazama vs. Gladstoneat Liberty HS,Hilsboro, 3:30 p.m. CLASS3A/2A/1A Semifinals Tuesday'sResults OregonEpiscopal3, St. Mary's,Medford0 ValleyCatholic1, Glide0 Final Saturday'sGame Va leyCatholic vs.OregonEpiscopal at Liberty HS, Hillsboro,10:30a.m.
Football OSAAState Playoffs CLASS6A Round 2 Friday's Games Thurstonat Jesuit, 7p.m. Sprague atTualatin, 7 p.m. RoseburgatSheldon, 7p.m. CenturyatSouthridge, 7p.m. SouthMedfordatLakeOswego, 7p.m. WestSalematAloha, 7p.m. CanbyatTigard, 7 p.m. Sunset at CentralCatholic (HillsboroStadium), 7
Quarterfinals Friday's Games CrescentValleyatRedmond, 7p.m. MountainViewatMarist (WilametteHS), 7p.m. WestAlbanyatSilverton, 7 p.m. Springfield atSherwood,7p.m.
NewEngland Miami N.Y.Jets Buffalo
L 3 W 3 5 4 6 6 6
T 0 0 0 0
Houston Indianapolis
Tennesse e Jacksonville
L T Pct PF PA 1 0 .889 250 143 W 1 3 0 .667186 201 4 6 8 6 0 .400 219 311 8 0 .111 127 246
Baltimore Pittsburgh Cincinnati Cleveland
W 2 3 0 .667207 177 6 7 5 0 .444 220 231 7 0 .222 169 211
Pct PF PA .667 299 201 .444173 186 .333 175 228 .333 211 285
North L T Pct PF PA 2 0 .778 254 196
L T Pct PF PA W 3 3 0 .667 271 189 4 6 5 0 .444209 191 6 0 .333 191 284 1 8 0 1 11146 256 NATIONA L CONFERE NCE East L T Pct PF PA N.Y.Giants 4 0 .600 267 216 Dallas W 3 5 0 .444 188 204 4 6 Philadelphia 6 0 .333 156 221 Washington 6 0 .333 226 248 South L T Pct PF PA Atlanta 1 0 .889 247 174 Tampa Bay W 2 4 0 .556 260 209 4 5 8 NewOrleans 5 0 .444249 256 Carolina 7 0 .222 163 216 North W 7 L T Pct PF PA Chicago 2 0 .778242 133 GreenBay 3 0 .667 239 187 Minnesota 4 4 0 .600 238 221 6 Detroit 5 0 .444 216 222 West L T Pct PF PA SanFrancisco 2 1 .722213 127 Seattle W 3 4 0 .600 198 161 4 6 Arizona 5 0 .444144 173 St. Louis 5 1 .389 161 210
Denver San Diego Oakland KansasCity
Today's Game Miami atBuffalo,5:20p.m.
Clevelandat Dalas,10 a.m. N.Y.Jetsat St.I.ouis,10a.m. Jacksonville atHouston, 10a.m. Cincinnati atKansasCity, 10a.m. PhiladelphiaatWashington,10 a.m. GreenBayat Detroit,10 a m. ArizonaatAtlanta,10 am. Tampa Bayat Carolina 10 am NewOrleansat Oakland, I:05p.m. San Diego at Denver,1:25 p.m. IndianapolisatNewEngland,1.25 p.m. BaltimoreatPittsburgh, 5.20p.m. Open:Minnesota,NY Giants, Seatle, Tennessee Monday, Nov.19 Chicag oatSanFranci sco,5:30p.m.
Quarterfinals Friday's Games Phi omathat Cascade, 7p.m. North Bend/OR Coast Techat Gladstone, 7 p.m. Saturday's Games BakeratScappoose,noon Ontario at La Salle Prep,I p.m. CLASS3A
Quarterfinals Friday's Games WillaminaatDayton SantiamChristianat HorizonChristian, 7 p.m. Rainier atScio (North SalemHS), 7p m. Saturday'sGame PleasantHill at CascadeChristian,1 p.m. CLASS2A
Guarterfmals Friday's Game Oakland at GoldBeach(Marshfield HS),7p.m. Saturday'sGames Centra LinnatKennedy, I p.m. PortlandChristianat Heppner,2 p.m. GrantUnionat LostRiver,1 p.m. CLASS1A Guarterfinals Saturday's Games Triad atSt.Paul,1 p.m. Dufur atLowel, I p.m. Sherman at CamasValley,1 p.m. Perrydale at Imbler, noon
College Wednesday'sGames
MIDWEST Ball St.52, Ohio27 N. Illinois31,Toledo24
Top 25 Schedule AH TimesPST Saturday No. 1Oregonvs. No.14 Stanford,5p.m. No. 2KansasStateatBaylor, 5pm. No. 3NotreDamevs.WakeForest, 12:30p.m. No. 4Alabamavs. Western Carolina, 9:21s.m. No. 5Georgiavs. GeorgiaSouthern, 10:30a.m. No. 6OhioStateatWisconsin, 12:30p.m. No. 7Floridavs. Jacksonville State,10 a.m. No. 8LSU vs Mississippi,12:30 p.m. No. 9TexasABMvs. SamHouston State, 12:30p.m. No. 10FloridaStateat Maryland, 9a.m. No. 110lemsonvs. NCState, 1230 pm. No. 12SouthCarolinavs. Wofford,10 a.m. No. 13Oklahomaat West Virginia, 4 p.m. No. 15OregonState vs. California, 7:30pm. No. 16Nebraskavs. Minnesota, 12:30p.m. No.17UCLAvs. No.21Southern Cal, noon No.19 Louisiana Techvs. UtahState,1 p.m. No. 22Rutgers atCincinnati, 9 a.m. No. 23Michiganvs. Iowa,9a.m No. 23TexasTechat OklahomaState,12:30 p.m. No. 25KentStateatBowling Green,9a.m.
Pac-12 Standings AH TimesPST
• Hunter agreeswith Tigers:
EHr zAE!!
Tuesday'sResults Woodburn 2, HoodRiverValey1 MountainView1, Summit0 Final Saturday'sGame Woodburnvs. MountainViewat Hilsboro Stadium, 1 p.m.
national goal in the third minute of injury time, giving the United States a 2-2 tie against Russia on Wednesday in an exhibition
OSAAState Playoffs BOYS CLASS6A Semifinals Tuesday's Results Lincoln 3,Clackamas2(2-0 PKs) Jesuit 4,Sunset2 Final Saturday's Game Lincoln vs.Jesuit atHilsboro Stadium,6p.m. CLASS5A Semifinals
ute for the Americans.
In the Bleachers © 2012 steve Moore Dist by Universal Uchck
• U.S. mentie Russia: Mix Diskerud scored his first inter-
game at Krasnodar. Michael Bradley scored in the 76th min-
Holy Cross 57, Maine54 Loyola(Md.) 86, UMBC70 Navy75,Binghamton 52 St. Bonaventure 72, Cornell 68 SOUTH Delaware St.73,Wagner 69 OT Florida74, Wisconsin56 GeorgiaTech52, Presbyterian 38 Lipsc omb66 Gardner-Webb62 LouisianaTech70,UALR52 Savannah St.54, North Florida47 SouthAlabama82,Wiliam Carey64 The Citadel62,Montreat45 UT-Martin84, Fontbonne58 MIDWEST Creighton77,UAB60 N. Iowa84, Toledo81,OT SIU-Edwardsvil e 62, W.Illinois 50 SantaClara74,Saint Louis 62 Texas-Pan American74 Rochester (Mich.) 65 SOUTHWES T OralRoberts90, St.Gregory's 41 Rice 75,St.Edward's 63 TexasTech91, Nebraska-Omaha63 FAR WEST Denver68, TexasA&M-CC51 FresnoSt.39, UCRiverside 30 Montana 82 MinotSt.53 SacramentoSt.85, CSBakersfield 67 San Diego65,N Kentucky 61 SouthernU.83,South Dakota79 WashingtonSt.72, UtahValey 49 Wyoming73,NCCentral 60
Saturday Boys soccer: Class 5Astatefinal, Woodburnvs. MountainViewinHilsboro,1 p.m. Girls soccer: Class 5Astate final, Sherwoodvs Summit inHillsboro, 10:30a.m.
10:30 p.m.:European Tour,
4 p.m.: Men's college, 2K Sports Classic, semifinal, Alabamavs. 4 p.m.: Men's college, lllinois
Oregon Stanford OregonState
Wednesday'sGames EAST Cornell 60,Binghamton56 Durtuesne 51, Delaware 47 Lehigh62,St. Peter's60 Manhattan68,VCU63 NewHampshire57, Yale51 Providence 92, Vermont 76 Rutgers56,GeorgeWashington 52 Saint Joseph's47, Drexel45 St. Francis(Pa.)62, Bucknell 54 Temple 54, Seton Hall 38 UMBC 83, Coppin St. 75,DT 4-3 6-4 Villanova73, Lafayette34 Washington 2-6 3-8 Wagner61, Coiumbia47 California 0-7 2-8 WashingtonState SOUTH South CharlestonSouthern84,Southern Wesleyan52 Conf. Overall Chattanooga 84, Belmont54 5-2 8-2 UCLA E. Kentucky 56, KentSt.42 5-3 7-3 USC FloridaGulf Coast69,FIU45 3-4 6-4 Gardner-Webb Arizona 84,Montreat 50 3-4 5-5 ArizonaState Georgia66,Presbyterian38 2-5 4-6 utah 1-9 GeorgiaSt.79,Jacksonville St 50 Colorado 16 Mercer96, Troy90 Saturday'sGames UCF53,North Florida41 Washingtonat Colorado, 10:30a.m. VirginiaTech71, Appalachian St 68 WashingtonStateatArizona State, noon WakeForest60,UNCWilmington 59 USC atUCLA,12.05 p.m. William 8Mary78,Virginia Union44 Stanfordat Dregon,5p.m. MIDWEST Arizonaat Utah,7p.m. Creighton 63, S.DakotaSt. 54 Ca ifornia atOregonState, 7:30p.m. Dayton79 Toledo76 Kansas68,SEMissouri 58 Milwaukee 88,W.Michigan 79 Betting line Ohio St.87,Cincinnati 49 NFL Valparaiso76,Purdue-Calumet59 (Hometeamsin Caps) Wright St. 75IUPUI71 Favorite Open Current Underdog SOUTHWES T Today Charlotte82,TCU68 BILLS 1 15 Dolphins PennSt.63, TexasA8M58 Sunday UCLA86,Oklahoma80 REDSKINS 3 .5 3 . 5 Eagles FAR WEST Packers 3 3. 5 LIONS San DiegoSt.63,UCIrvine 53 FALCON S 10 10 Cardinals San Francisco72,UCDavis 65 Buccanee rs 2 15 PANTHE RS UC Santa Barbara 43,NewMexico St. 41 COWBO YS 75 75 Browns Washington77,Seatle 75,DT RAMS 3 3 Jets TOURNAMEN T PATRIOT S 9 .5 9 . 5 Colts PreseasonNIT TLXANS 16 16 Jaguars Semifinals Bengals 3 .5 3 . 5 CHIEFS lowa69,MiddleTennessee63,DT Saints 5 .5 4 . 5 RAIDERS NorthCarolina63,Georgetown48 BRONC OS 7 75 Chargers STEELE RS 3 .5 3 . 5 Ravens Monday SOCCER 49ERS NL NL Bears
N. Carolina
College Today
3. 5 Friday 23 23
EASTERNCONFERENCE Championship Sunday,Nov.11:Houston3, D.C.United I GEORGIA TECH 1 3 13 Duke Sunday,Nov18 DC United vs Houston,1p.m. ARMY 2 .5 3 Temple WESTERNCONFERENCE BOWLINGGREEN 3 3 Kent St Championship VirginiaTech 9 10 BOSTONCOLLEGE Sunday,Nov.11 LosAngees3, Seattle 0 NEBRAS KA 18.5 18.5 Minnesota Sunday ,Nov.18.Seattlevs.LosAngeles,6p.m. MIAMI-FLA 6 .5 7 S. Florida MLS CUP Purdue 7 7 ILLINOIS Saturday,Dec.1 Eastemchampionvs. WesternchamlowaSt 6 .5 6 KANSAS pion,1:30p.m. MARSHALL 3 3. 5 Houston Florida St 30.5 31 MARYLAN D DEALS Buffalo 10 11 UMASS MICHIGAN ST 6.5 7 Northwestern CLEMSDN 17 5 17 Nc State Transactions CINCINNA TI 6 6. 5 Rutgers BASEBALL PENN ST 17.5 18 5 Indiana American League VANDER BILT 3 .5 4 Tennessee B OSTON R E D S D X—Agreedtotermswith CDavid C. MICHIGAN 3 3. 5 Miami-Ohio atwo year contract. UAB 10 10 Memphis Ross on National League WMICHIGAN 1 3 1 3 E Michigan MIAMI MARLINS —ClaimedLHPScott Maineoff Oklahoma 10 5 11 WVIRGINIA waivers from T oronto. Usc 4 3. 5 UCLA MILWAU KE E B R E WERS—Agreed to termswith 0 BOISE ST 28.5 28 Colorado St BlakeLalli onaminor leaguecontract. NAVY 13 13 Texas St SANFRANCISCOGIANTS Agreedto terms with Kansas St 11.5 13 BAYLDR LHPJeremyAffeldt onathree-year contract. Nevada 1 0 1 0 NEWMEXICO WASHING TON NATIDNALS—Announced first NOTRE DAME 24 24 WakeForest OREGO N 22 2 0.5 Stanford basecoachTrentJewett with bethe third basecoach OREGO NST NL NL California for the 2013season. Named TonyTarasco first base Smu 3 3. 5 RICE coachandGary Thurmanminor leagueoutfied/basE. Carolina 9 .5 9 . 5 TULANE erunningcoordinator. TULSA 3 2. 5 C. Florida FOOTBALL MICHIGAN NL NL lowa National Football League NFL —FinedHouston LBTim Dobbins $30,000 for Washington 20 2 0.5 COLOR ADO Byu 4 3 SANJOSEST ahelmet-to-helmethitto ChicagoQBJay Cutler. UNLV NL NL Wyoming CAROLINAPANTHERS— Signed G Jeremy BndgTex-S.Antonio 5 .5 6 . 5 IDAHO es. Placed DEThomasKeiseroninjured reserve. UTAH NL NL Arizona KANSASCITY CHIEF S—Signed TE DeMarco MISSOUR I 5 5 Syracuse Cosbytothepracticesquad. OKLAHOM AST 10.5 I0.5 TexasTech NEW YORKJETS—Signed RBKahlil Bell. Utah St 2 .5 3 LOUISIANA TECH OAKLAND RAIDERS—Signed LB Omar Gaither. WISCON SIN 2 3 Ohio St PlacedLBTravis Goethel oninjured reserve. LSU 19.5 18.5 Mississippi SEATTLESEAHAWKS— Released WR PhilBates Utep 3 .5 4 S MISSISSIPPI from thepractice squad.PlacedWRLavasier Tuinei to ARIZONA ST 2 05 2 2 Washington St the practice squad. Arkansas St 3 3 TROY ST. LDIJISRAMS—ReleasedDT KellenHeard. UL-MDNRD E 95 10 N. Texas TAMPA BAY BUCCAN EERS—Promoted DE Mid TennSt 10 9 S. ALABAM A MarkusWhitefromthepractice squad.SignedLBJoe UL-LAFAY ETTE 3 .5 3 . 5 W. Kentucky Hollandtothe practice squad. (Fl) - Florida Internationalopenedasthefavorite. SOCCER AIR FOR CE FLORIDA ATL
Hawaii FloridaInt'I
1 (FI) 1.5 Saturday
Major League Soccer
BASKETBALL Men's college
Conf. 7-0 6-1 5-2
10-0 8-2 7-2
EAST Colgate74, Marist 60 Georgetown 68, Liberty 59
MLS —Fined D.C.UnitedGBil Hamidan undisclosedamountfor tailing to leavethefield inanorderly mannerafter receivinga redcardand D.C. UnitedF LionardPajoy anundisclosedamount for "deliberately marringthepenalty mark" in aNov.8 game against NewYork. COLLEGE MISSISSIPPI STATE—Suspended junior F Colin Borchertforviolating teamrules.
No.10 Florida handles No.22 Wisconsin74-56 The Associated Press GAINESVILLE, Fla. — Erik Murphy is no longer just an outside threat. Murphy tied a c areer-high with 24 points days after dealing with a migraine headache, and No. 10 Florida beat 22ndranked Wisconsin 74-56 on Wednesday night. The 6-foot-10 power forward made all 10 of his shots, including several in the post and just two from 3-point range, as the short-handed Gators enjoyed a double-digit lead most of the night. He also had seven rebounds. "That's the one dimension that I told Erik that he needed to add to his game: being able to catch the ball inside against a smallerperson and score,"coach Billy Donovan said. "Tonight he really did a
MEN'5 COLLEGE BASKETBALL good job of that." Murphy became just the fourth player in school history and 18th in Southeastern Conference history to take at least 10 shots in a game and make them alk "Mr. Versatility is what you should call him," teammate Pat Young said. "He knocked down 3s. He knocked down pullups. He was in the post. He was making moves. He was getting offensive rebounds and putting them back up. That was just really cool just seeing him play the way. "I know he's been able to play like that for a long time. It's just been a matter of time for him to get the opportunity to actually do it, and I'm really proud of him."
Mike Rosario added 15 points, four rebounds and four assists for Florida (2-0), and Kenny Boynton chipped in 10. Sam Dekker and Jared Berggren had 11 points apiece for Wisconsin (1-1). Also on Wednesday: N o. 15 Creighton ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77 U AB..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 OMAHA, Neb. — Josh Jones scored all 18 of his points in the second half to compensate for Doug McDermott's quiet night in Creighton's comeback victory over UAB. W ashington State ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72 U tah Valley...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49 PULLMAN, Wash. — Brock Motum scored 15 points on six-of-11 shooting from the field to help Washington State
(2-0) roll.
Grizzliesoutlast Thunder, 107-97 6lg
Tom Uhlmaa/The Associated Press
Denver Broncos wide receiver Trindon Hollidayreturns a kickoff 105 yards for a touchdown against the Cincinnati Bengals, on Sunday, Nov. 4, in Cincinnati. Denver has scored 11 touchdowns on defense or special teams in the past season and a half.
ears, ronces e in s rom eve e r e By Arnie Stapleton The Associated Press
— It's a big boost and ENGLEW O O D, Colo. a back-breaker all rolled into one, the touchdown that comes while the offense is catching its collective breath on the sideline. Nobody's been better at that lately than the Chicago Bears and the Denver Broncos. "Touchdowns can come from anywhere," linebacker Von Miller said after the Broncos got TDs on a punt return and an interception last week, making things a whole lot easier for Peyton Manning and a Denver offense that was off its game in a 36-14 blowout win at Carolina. Trindon Holliday's 76-yard punt return for a score — whichcame a week afterhis 105-yard kickoff return for a touchdown at Cincinnati — and Tony Carter's 40-yard interception return marked the 10th and 11th TDs from Denver's defense or special teams since 2011. "I can't tell you what that does for the entire team, especially an offense," Manning said. "It can be deflating for the other side." While Denver's 11 non-traditional TDs over the past season and a half lead the AFC, they pale in comparison tothe Bears'18 such scores over the past two seasons, including eight so farthis year. Those electrifying scores have propelled the Bears (7-2) to the top of the NFC North, a game behind Atlanta for the best record in the conference. "I think with any team, you have a pick-6 or momentum changes on your kickoff return, it's just huge for your team in general," Broncos wide receiver Eric Decker said. "And the offense, it takes some pressure off you." Unless they come in bunches like with the Bears, where it actually puts pressure on the offense to keep pace. Chicago quarterback Jay Cutler said recently that the team needed to get off to better starts but added that with the way his defense is dominating, "I think we're going to be OK." "At the end of the day, it's not the Bears defense making it to the playoffs and the offense not," added wide receiver Brandon MarshalL "You know, we're a team, so whether it's the special teams getting it done that week, or the offense or the defense, we're a team. "But you have to give respect where it's due: Our defense is playing lights out. They're making it a lot easier for everyone in this building." Although a TD on a punt or kickoff return or afumble recovery, blocked punt or interception can fire up a team, NFL players tend to downplaythe source ofthe score. "Sometimes the media will divide a team into three different teams," Manning said. "Broncos offense, Broncos defense, Broncos special teams. And you write about them as
if they are three separate teams, but it's actually the same team. So, the BRONCOS scored those touchdowns." And he'll take them from anyone. "Anytime anybody on th e t eam w ants to score a touchdown, I'm for it," Manning cracked. Five of the six defensive/return TDs this season by the Broncos (6-3) have come during their four-game winning streak that began with a comeback from a 24-point halftime deficit at San Diego last month. After the Bears and Broncos, the Jets with 10 and the Ravens, Bills and Packers, all with nine, have had the most return/defensive touchdowns since 2011, although Buffalo and Green Bay have had just two this season after scoring seven non-traditional TDs a year ago. So farthis year,there have been 76 return/ defensive touchdowns, according to STATS LLC, putting the league on pace for 106, just shy of the 114 TDs the NFL has averaged over the past three full seasons. Interestingly, the total TDs on kick returns haven'tchanged much, although most are coming on punts and not kickoffs anymore, a direct result of a rule change. In an attempt to reduce injuries caused by players sprinting the full length of the field on special teams, the NFL moved kickoffs up five yards at the start of 2011. There were just nine kickoff returns for TDs last season — but eight already this seasonafter there were 23 in 2010. The punt returns for TDs jumped from 13 in 2010 to 20 last year and therehave been nine so farthis season, according to STATS. Those numbers would be down a bit had replay officials seen what Denver's dynamic returner did at the goal line the past two weeks, when Holliday casually let the ball flip from his hands and out of bounds rather than spiking it or holding onto it for a keepsake. The NFL said this week that Holliday's 76yard punt return against the Panthers should have beenruled a touchback and not a touchdown. TV replays showed the ball coming out of his right hand just before he reached the goal line and then bouncing out of the end zone. "Actually it happened last week, too, and I thought I was actually in the end zone this time, but they told me I wasn't," Holliday said this week ofhis first two career touchdowns. So, theBroncos have implemented a new rule with Holliday, a former track star at LSU. "He's got full instructions from Jeff Rodgers, our special teams coach, to bring the ball all the way back to him," Denver coach John Fox said. "Bring it to the sideline, hand it to your coach." It's a nice problem for some teams to have.
Patriots preparefor rookie QBLuck By Howard Ulman The Associated Press
FOXBOROUGH, Mass. — Steve Gregory has seen enough of Andrew Luck from afar to realize the challenge the quarterback presents. Poise. Strong arm. Ability to run and throw on the move. A rare knack for reading pro defenses in his rookie season. You name it. Now Gregory and his teammates in the New England Patriots secondary must try to stop all that. The starting safety knows that Sunday's game against the resurgent Indianapolis Colts will be a test for one of the NFL's worst pass defenses. "We'll have to be on top of our game in order to contain the things that he does," Gregory said Wednesday. "You could tell the guy's a leader. He's taken on the job and he's been a true professional about it, so he's definitely doing a great job over there." And he's improving as the season goes on. In his last game, Luck completed a seasonbest 69.2 percent of his passes. In the one beforethat,he threw for a season-high 433
yards. The Colts have won their past four games — after winning just two all last seasonand Luck has three of his top four completion percentages in that stretch. "He's gotten better each week," Patriots
coach Bill Belichick said. "He does a real good job of avoiding the rush but also keeping his eyes downfield and not just pulling the ball down and trying to run or kind of panicking in the pocket. "He has a lot of poise." Luck's ability to buy time by scrambling away from pass rushers puts a greater burden on defensive backs to stay with their receivers, but the Patriots have allowed the fourth most yards passing in the NFL and have been vulnerable to long completions. They're coming off a 37-31 win over the Buffalo Bills in which Ryan Fitzpatrick threw for 337 yards despitebeing sacked three times. "Just like every week," Gregory said, "you want toget pressure on the quarterback." The two Patriots who have done the best job ofthat are defensive ends Chandler Jones, with six sacks, and Rob Ninkovich, with five. Defensive tackle Vince Wilfork sometimes occupiestwo blockers,giving the ends more space to operate. "Their front four is incredibly stout. Wilfork is one of the best nose tackles/interior guys in the league," Luck said. "They have very good edge rushers on the sides. They do get to the quarterback and even if it's not a sack, they sort ofharass, force a quarterback out of the pocket. So, that'll be a focus all week."
The Associated Press OKLAHOMA CITY — As they've risen simultaneously into Western Conference contenders, the Oklahoma City T hunder and Memphis Grizzlies have quickly learned to dislike each other. In their latest slugfest, it was the Thunder who came out swinging but Zach Randolph and the Grizzlies got the win. Rudy Gay scored a season-high 28 points, Randolph added 20 points and 11 rebounds before getting ejected along with Oklahoma City's Kendrick Perkins during a late-game altercation and Memphis beat the Thunder 10797 on Wednesday night. Despite notching wins against defending champion Miami and runner-up Oklahoma City during their current six-game winning streak, Randolph said the Grizzlies aren't claiming to have made any statements early on and are still fueled by an underdog mentality. "This is one of the best teams in the West," Randolph said. "We're trying to get where they're at." Maybe that's why every meeting between the two seems to turn into a k nock-down, drag-out fight. This one saw Perkins and Randolph confronting each other between Russell Westbrook's free throw attempts, drawing each an ejection from referee Ken Mauer with 2:05 left in the game. The two tried to approach each other while being restrained by teammates before finally heading out tunnels at opposite ends of Chesa-
peake Energy Arena. After the game, Randolph said all was settled between him and Perkins. "There's a lot of bluffing going on on the court, that's all," Randolph said. "And I don't bluff." By the time the ejections took place, the Grizzlies had all but put the game awaywith Randolph and fellow big man Marc Gasol answering an Oklahoma City comeback bid punctuated by Perkins' two-handed slam that cut the deficit to 97-89 with 4:18 to play. Coach Lionel Hollins called for a timeout and sent his team back out with Gasol isolated against Perkins, and Gasol twisted his way in
for a layup. After a missed jumper by Serge Ibaka at the other end, Gasol set up Randolph for a layup
off a designed play. That all but sealed the latest round for Memphis, which won its second straight in Oklahoma City's home gym to add more fuel to the budding rivalry. "That's what makes it fun," Gay said. Memphis ended up losing a seven-game series that featured a couple overtime thrillers two seasons ago against Oklahoma City and has been trying to claw its way ahead of the Thunder, who have been one step ahead in their progression so far. Wednesday: Clippers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Heat.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 LOS ANGELES — Blake Griffin and Chris Paul had double-doubles, with Paul keying a third-quarter spurt that helped carry Los Angeles past Miami. Griffin had 20 points and 14 rebounds and Paul had 16 points and 10 assists.LeBron James scored 30 points for the Heat.
Sue Ogrocki /The Associated Press
Memphis Grizzlies forward Rudy Gay (22) shoots in front of Oklahoma City Thunder forward Serge Ibaka, right, in the first quarter of Wednesday night's game in Oklahoma City. Bulls ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Suns ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 PHOENIX — Carlos Boozer had 28 points and 14 rebounds to help Chicago outlast Phoenix in overtime. W arriors ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92 H awks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 OAKLAND, C alif. — Rookie H a rrison Barnes scored 19 points and grabbed 13 rebounds, making a pair of critical free throws in the final minute to help Golden State hold off short-handed Atlanta. C eltics..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 J azz.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 93 BOSTON — Paul Pierce hit two free throws with 19.5 seconds left and finished with 23 points, lifting Boston over Utah. Jeff Green and Leandro Barbosa each scored 16 points for the Celtics, who won for the fifth time in six
games. P istons ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 7 6ers.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 PHILADELPHIA — Greg Monroe had 19 points, 18 rebounds and six assists to help Detroit beat Philadelphia for its first win of the season. Rockets .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 H ornets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96 HOUSTON — James Harden scored 30 points and Omer Asik added 15 points and 12 rebounds as Houston held off New Orleans. Mavericks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107 Wizards..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101 DALLAS — Chris Kaman had 23 points and eight rebounds in his second start for Dallas, who held on to beat winless Washington. B obcats ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 T imberwolves.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 MINNEAPOLIS — Kemba Walker's jumper with 0.7 seconds left lifted Charlotte over Minnesota. Walker finished with 22 points, five assists and four rebounds, and his 19-footer over the outstretched arm of Alexey Shved helped the Bobcats to their first three-game winning streak since March 2011. B ucks ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 P acers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 MILWAUKEE — Brandon Jennings and Monta Ellis scored 16 points apiece to help Milwaukee cruise past struggling Indiana.
ConferenceGlance All Times PST
EASTERNCONFERENCE tN L Pct GB 5 0 1.000 5 2 .714 1 6 3 .667 1 4 2 ,667 tr/r 5 3 .625 1'/r Chicago 5 3 ,li25 1~/r Charlotte 4 3 .571 2 Philadelphia 4 4 .500 2'/r Atlanta 3 4 .429 3 Indiana 3 6 .333 4 Orlando 2 5 .286 4 Cleveland 2 6 .250 4'/r Toronto 2 6 .250 4'/r Detroit 1 8 .111 6 Washington 0 7 000 6 WESTERN CONFERENCE tN L Pct GB d-SanAntonio 7 1 875 Memphis 6 857 r/2 d-LA. Clippers 6 2 750 1 d-Oklahoma City 6 3 667 1'/r Minnesota 5 3 625 2 Dal as 5 4 556 2rir Denver 4 4 500 3 Houston 4 4 500 3 GoldenState 4 4 500 3 NewOrleans 3 3 500 3 Phoenix 4 5 444 3 1/2 Utah 4 5 444 3'/r LA. Lakers 3 5 375 4 Portland 3 5 375 4 Sacramento 2 6 250 5 d-divisionleader d-NewYork d-Milwaukee d-Miami Brooklyn Boston
Detroit 94,Philadelphia76 Boston98, Utah93
Houston100,NewOrleans96 Charlotte89,Minnesota87 Memphis107,OklahomaCity 97 Milwaukee 99, Indiana85 DallaS107,WaShingtclt101 Chicago112,Phoeitix106,OT
GoldenState92,Atlanta88 LA. Clippers107,Miami100
Today'sGames BostonatBrooklyn, 5p.m. NewYorkat SairAntonio, 5:30 p.m. Miami atDenver, 7:30p.m. Friday's Games Utah atPhiadelphia,4p.m. Dallas atIndiana,4 p.m. OrlandoalDetroit, 4.30p.m. GoldenStateatMinnesota 5p.m. OklahomaCity atNewOrleans,5 p.m. NewYorkat Memphis, 6:30p.m. Houstonat Portland,7p.m. AtlantaatSacramento, 7p.m. Phoenixat LA. l.akers,7:30p.m.
Clippers107, Heat100 MIAMI (100) Battier 3 60 09, James12236 930, Bosh 313 5-511, Chalmers2-5 0-05, Wade2-10 2-2 6,Allen 465614, Haslem1-31-33, Cole24004, Iewis 4-40-2 t 1,Anthony1-10-02, Jonest-t 0-03, Harris 0-1 2-2 zTotals35-7721-29100. LA. CLIPPERS (107) Butler 5-0 2-215, Griffin 8-164-620, Jordan4-6 O-t 8, Paul3-9 7-716, Green2-61-2 7, Crawford
7-11 6-622,Odom0-0 0-0 0, Barnes1-5 4-4 6, Hol- hirrmi 1-23-45, Ai/gustiit1-4 0-0 3,Young3-61-48, lins 0-01-21, Bledsoe 5-82-212, Ttiriaf0-00-00. Plttmlee0-1 2-22 B.Hansbroi/gh0-00-00, PenderTotals 35-7227-32107. graph2-40-04. Totals30-8020-31 85. Miami 24 30 20 26 — 100 MILWAUKE E(99) LA. Clippers 25 2 7 33 22 — 107 Harris 4-53-4 11,lyasova2-9 1-25, Dalembert 5 7 4 414,Jennings612 2 216, Ellis 615 4416, Udrih 3-7 3-3 9,Udoh1-62-2 4, Dunleavy2-9 0-0 Warriors 92, Hawks88 5, Sanders4-61-49, Daniels0-40-00, Heiison5-8 0-010, Przybilla0-0 0-0 0,Lamb0-3 0-00. Totals ATLANTA (88) 38-91 20-2599. Stevenson 3-9 0-0 7, Smith6-164-416, Pachtr- Indiana 17 17 19 32 — 85 lia2-4004, Teagr/e4-12009, Korver5-62-214, Milwaukee 33 27 22 17 — 99 Johnson7-81-415, Williams5-145-718, Morrow 1-51-1 3, Tolliver 0-30-00 Petro 0-00-00, Scott 1-1 0-02 Totals34-7813-1888. Bodcats 89, Timderwolves 87 GOLDEN STATE(92) CHARLO TTE(89) Barnes 6-116-819,Lee8-17 2-318,Ezeli1-2 0-0 Kidd-Gilchrist l 4 0 0 Z Mullens 5-12 2 2 12, 2, Curry4-124-412,Thompson2-11 2-2 7, Biedrins 0-0 0-0 0,Laitdry3-6 4-410,Jack3-3 2-3 9,Greeit Haywood 3-6 0-0 6, Walker9-193-3 22, Taylor3-7 2-3 0-0 5,C.Jenkins0-00-0 0,Jefferson4-61-110. 0-2 7, R.Wiliams3-7 0-08, Sessions8-20 2-5 18, HiggirIs 0-10-0 0,Thomas 4 62-210, Biyombo2-2 Totals 33-7121-25 92. 0-0 4.Totals38-84 9-14 89. Atlanta 21 25 14 28 — 88 MINNESOTA (87) GoldenState 2 2 32 1 7 21 — 92 Kirileltko 9-12 5-9 26, DWiliams 3 124-7 10, Stiemsma 0-61-41, Ridnour 6-163-516, Lee3-12 Bulls112, Suns106 4-610, Shved 5-10 2-213, Cunningham4-9 0-0 8 Amtrltdsorr l 21-4 3, Conroy 0-2 0-00. Totals 31GHIGAG0 I112) 81 20-37 87. Deng8-143-3 21,Boozer11-20 6-628, Noah9- Charlotte 28 23 18 20 — 89 19 3-621, Hinrich1-31-2 3,Hamilton5-114-615, Minnesota 24 14 15 34 — 87 Gibson 2-30-04, Robinson4-91-211, Belinelli t-4
0-03, Mohammed0-20-00,Butler3-30-06,Teague 0-0 0-0 0.Totals 44-88 18-25112. PHOENIX(106) Beasey4-154-512, Scola12-220-024,Gortat483-3 0, Dragic5-102-212, Dudley2-50-05, Morris 3121-1 8,Brown415 33 n, Telfair 5-133317, Tucker 3-5 0-06. Totals 42-105 16-17 106. Chicago 29 28 26 17 12 — 112 Phoenix 27 24 18 31 6 — 106
Mavericks107, Wizards101 wAsHINGT0N I101)
Ariza 2-70-04, Booker3-51-2 7, Okator 4-B0-0 8, Price 4-70-011, Beal3-14 0-0 8,Seraphiii 8-10 0-0 16, Singleton 0-2 0-0 0, Crawford6-0 6-6 21, Webster 2-6 3-38, Barron1-10-02, Vesely O-t 0-0 0, Pargo1-30-02, Martin5-60-014.Totals39-81 10-11 101. DALLAS (107) Da.Jones1-20-0 2, Brand4-t0 3-5 11, Kaman 10-12 3-323,Collison 2-105-6 9, Mayo9-156-8 25, Murphy3-5 4-410, Carter2-8 2-3 7, Beaubois 2-70-04,James2-40-04 Crowder4-53-412,Cunniii gham 0-00-00.Totals39-7826-33 107. Washington 19 26 22 34 — 101 Dallas 23 40 22 22 — 107
Grizzlies107, Thunder 97
Rockets100, Hornets 96 NEWORLEANS (96)
Amiitu 6-15 2-2 14,Davis2-7 4-4 8, Lopez2-5 1-2 5, t/asrttie/8-15 5-524,Rivers3-8 2-210, Anderson 9-190-020,Roberts3-82-29, Miller0-1 0-00, Mason0-10-00,Jsmith 0 34-44, Heitry1-20 02. Totals 34-84 20-2196.
Parsons4-14 3-4 13,Patterson3-4 0-0 6, Asik 6-10 3-415, Lin2-100-0 4, Harden10-209-11 30, Delfino0-51-1 1, Douglas4-60-012, G.Smith2-2226,Morris5-90-013.Totals36-8018-22100. NewOrleans 27 1 8 31 20 — 96 Houston 25 39 21 15 — 100
Celtics 98, Jazz93 UTAH (93)
Ma.Williams2-62-2 7, Milisap9-212-420, Jefferson 6-121-2 13, M.Wiliams 6-190-1 14, Hayward 5-92-214, Favors2-510-1414, Foye2-63-3 9, Kanter1-40-0 2,Tiitsley 0-00-00. Totals 33-82 20-28 93.
Pierce 7-176-723, Bass4-80-08, Garitett4-103411, Rondo 3-90-06, Terry0-13-33, Wilcox3-31-2 7, Green5-9 6-716, Sulliltger1-1 0-0 2, Lee3-6 0-0 6, Barbosa 6-8 3-616 Totals 36-7222-2998. u'tatt 25 21 24 23 — 93 Boston 20 24 29 25 — 98
MEMPHIS(107) Gay12-212-2 28,Randolph8-14 4-4 20,Gasol 6-142-414, Conley4-120-08,Allen2-62-26, PoirPistons 94, 76ers 76 dexter4-102-213,Speights0-30-00 Bayless5-80012, Ellinglon 3-50-06. Totals 44-93 12-14107. DETROIT I94) OKLAHOMA CITY(97) Prince7-131-215, Maxiel 2-3 4-68, Monroe7Durant12-219-934, Ibaka7-103-417, Perkins450-2 8,We stbrook6-193-517, Sefolosha3-40-0 8, 16 5-619, Knight5-9 4-6 15, Singler7-141-216, e2-34-49,Drummond3-60-26,Jerebko Collison2-50-04, Martin1-44-47, Maynor0-32-2 Maggett 0-3 0-0 0, WBylrtrm2-6 2-3 6, English 0-0 0-0 0, 2, Thabeet 0-10-00. Totals 35-7221-2697. Middl e t o n0-00-00.Totals 35-73 21-3194. Memphis 20 36 25 26 — 107 PHILADELPHIA (76) Oklahoma City 3 0 1 5 26 26 —97 Turner1-61-2 3, TYoung2-0 0-0 4, Brown1-2 1-2 3, Holiday4-134-9 12, Richardson3-120-0 9, Bucks 99, Pacers 85 wright 1-5 3-3 6,Hawes1-5 3-4 5, Allen 6-102-2 14, Ivey3-70-0 7, N.Young2-9 5-6 9, Moultrie 0-1 INDIANA(85) 2-4 z Wilkiirs 0-10-0 0, Wayiis 1-20-0 z Totals George 5-17 1-1 12, West3-9 1-2 7, Hibbert 25-84 21-32 76. 3-6 1-4 7, Hill 1-10 1-2 3, StePheltSOn 1-3 2-2 4, Detroit 23 29 17 25 — 94 THansbrolIgh6-8 5-617, Green4-10 3-413, Ma- Philadelphia 17 17 2 0 22 — 76
Formula One is back in the U.S., but can it last'?
g ' arrr
The Associated Press
The latest location Austin is the 10th American city to host Fl since the first U.S. Grand Prix in Sebring, Fla., in 1959. Watkins Glen, N.Y., hosted a Grand Prix from 1961-80 and other Fl races have been held in Long Beach, Las Vegas, Detroit, Dallas, Phoenix and other cities on street courses. As NASCAR grew into the dominant motorsport in the U.S., demand and interest for openwheel racing took a hit and Fl didn't even race in the U.S. from 1992-1999 before making its return at Indianapolis Motor Speedway, the cradle of American racing. Even there, it couldn't last and track officials and Formula I boss Bernie Ecclestone parted ways. Formula One stuck to its global circuit and had seemingly abandoned the U.S. until Ecclestone made the surprise announcement in May 2010 that it would return with a 10-year deal to race at a track that hadn't even been built yet. Austin seemed an odd choice. A trendy city of about 1.5 million, Austin bills itself as the "Live Music Capital of the World" and is the capital of Texas. But it hardly fits in with the other cosmopolitan Fl hosts like Melbourne, Shanghai or Singapore. Earlier this month, Austin Mayor Lee Leffingwell joked that Austin hosting Fl was "sort of like Mayberry having the Super Bowl." The U.S. Grand Prix achieved its mandatory goal of getting the track built, but the challenge will be how to succeed and keep drawing fans beyond the initial excitement of the race. "It looks like they have got a beautiful circuit down there. The challenge is going to be maintaining that in year two, three that kind of thing, because that's where Formula One in the States has struggled," said Eddie Gossage, president of Texas Motor Speedway, which hosts NASCAR and IndyCar races about three hours north of Austin. "They had great crowds in Indianapolis, for instance, to start with and just couldn't sustain that."
No match for NASCAR? Bruton Smith, chairman of Speedway Motorsports Inc. which owns and operates eight tracks, was dismissive of Formula One's future in the U.S. and the possibility of it picking off fans from NASCAR. There's already head-tohead competition. The NASCAR season finale in Homestead, Fla., is on the same day the U.S. Grand Prix makes its debut. "Formula One has never been anything in this country. Go back and check it. Go back as far as you want to and Formula One has never worked in this country," Smith said. "We've checked andabout 10 people that we know are going to it, so we're not really concerned." Zak Brown, chief executive and founder of the Just Marketing International firm that caters to auto racing, sees a different scenario. The return of Fl to the U.S. at the Circuit of the Americas is the footprint the sport needs in the American landscape. "It's massively important," Brown s a id. "North America has been the one market where they've really struggled." Brown noted Formula One recently signed a new, four-year broadcast deal with NBC Sports Group. The exclusive rights deal, which begins next season, will provide more than 100 hours of programming across NBC and cable channel NBC Sports Network.
American behind the wheel? "You need a great home base, they have that. You need a good TV package, they've got an enhanced TV package," Brown said. "Ideally, all they need now is an American driver." That hasn't happened yet. This season's championship chase is down to two drivers, Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel and Ferrari's Fernando Alonso, who are separated by 10 points with two races left. Andretti said he hopes FI's return to the U.S. will nurture a homegrown driver of the future. "I always say Fl is like the Olympics. There's a lot of national pride and to have an American representing his country would be fabulous," Andretti said. Several Fl drivers said this week they are excited about the return to the U.S. Kimi Raikkonen of Lotus, who won the 2007 Formula One championship and sits a distant third in the current standings, raced seven U.S. Grand Prix at Indianapolis and drove twice in NASCAR Trucks and Nationwide events in 2011. "I like the American atmosphere. It's just a relaxed environment, they know how to have fun, and most of all, they love racing," Raikkonen said. "After seeing the excitement of the American NASCAR fans, I hope Formula One gets people as eager to enjoy our racing in Texas, too."
Ca rera or AL MVP is
By Jlm Vertuno AUSTIN, Texas — Formula One, the world's most popular motorsport, is trying once again to conquer its final frontier: the United States. This time, the Europeans aim to make it stick. The glitzy sport with ultra-fast cars and a flair for the exotic has landed deep in the heart of Texas, of all places, with a gleaming new track, a down-to-the-wire championship race and hope that it can grab the attention of American race fans who rarely look up from the NASCAR standings. The U.S. Grand Prix makes its grand return after a five-year absence on Sunday at the $400 million Circuit of the Americas, a course built expressly for Fl on rolling scrub land just a few miles southeast of downtown Austin. "This is what was needed," said Mario Andretti, the Formula One champion in 1978. "Now we can compete with the rest of the world and some of those new venues that have gone up in the last few years in the Middle East and Asia. That's the ingredient that was missing here in the United States."
Trout or
a closecall By Bob Brookover
The Philadelphia Inquirer
Dave Martin/The Associated Press
Texas A&M quarterback Johnny Manziel (2) runs through the tackle of Alabama defensive back Deion Belue (13) during the first half of Saturday's game in Tuscaloosa, Ala. Manziel is getting Heisman Trophy buzz despite being a redshirt freshman.
exas e eisman e • Freshman quarterback JohnnyManziel is a contenderfor the award, despite the fact that the Aggiesdon't let him talk to the media
blowout victories during which Manziel played only part of the game. But nothing beyond that. Manziel spent last summer in competition for the starting job, in part because of an offseason By Greg Bishop and his popularity skyrocketed, arrest. Since jersey orders are New York Times News Service Texas A8tM faced a decision it placed in January and FebruOver the years, as Heisman never expected to confront this ary, the university and retailers Trophy campaigns came to season. It could carry out the did not order any of Manziel's resemble political campaigns, wishes of coach Kevin Sumlin now famous No. 2. universities took a m or e ac- and largely protect M anziel Adidas stepped in t o h e lp tive role in extolling the virtues from an adoring football pub- meet demand, once there was of their c o ntenders. Tactics lic. Or it could go with the more some. By the time A8 M played included mailing neckties to typical late push. LSU on Oct. 20, there were 504 voters (Brigham Young for Ty Ultimately, A8 M decided the No. 2 j e r sey-T-shirt h y brids Detmer), paying for a towering best campaign was no formal available. The initial order sold billboard in New York's Times campaign at all. out in roughly two weeks. Square (Oregon for Joey HarCook described the situation The firstreplica jerseys arrington) and sending binocu- as uncharted territory. rived on campus Friday after"Part of it i s th e exposure noon. All 50 of them were sold lars (Rutgers for Ray Rice) that urged voters to "See Ray Run." that college athletics has these by noon Monday. More than This season, Texas A&M and days," he said. "It's wall-to-wall, 700 orders are expected to be Johnny Manziel took a s u b- 24/7. Our approach is somewhat filled in the next two weeks. tlerapproach, in part because old-school." None of this is lost on John Manziel surged only recently Heisman promotions have David Crow, Texas A8 M's only into contention. A8 M's method become more prevalent, more Heisman recipient, who won it lacks what would seem to be over-the-topand more creative in 1957. "I didn't know before that an essential element: an actual in recent years. This w eek, campaign. Southern California launched a season that the Heisman even In this era of advertisement, campaign for its electric receiv- existed," Crow, 77, said. "I was where universities build plat- er, Marqise Lee, that included a just trying to get to school, get forms and solicit votes for play- highlight video with music from my blessings and live through ers,this is a rare strategy. Less the Beatles and clips from op- practice." "look at me." More "look at me posing coaches extolling Lee's H istory says M anziel w i l l — if you feel like it." talents. not win. History says the HeisManziel's Heisman noncamA&M took the opposite ap- man rarely goes to defensive paign also lacks what would proach. In most cases, Cook players,almost never goes to seem to be an essential voice: said, the more gimmicky prosophomores and never goes to M anziel's. Because he is a fresh- motions came f ro m s m aller freshmen. Oklahoma's Adrian man, Texas A&M does not aluniversities, or bigger universi- Peterson finishedsecond as a low him to speak to the media. ties in conferences that received freshman in 2004. No freshman He speaks to the public only in less exposure, like those on the has come as close. person or on Twitter. No inter- West Coast. A&M will re-evaluate its apviews. Only mystery, wrapped The Aggies are banking on proach this o f fseason, since in a homespun narrative. the visibility of the Southeastern Manziel, a redshirt freshman, "There's a tremendous ap- Conference, college football's could play three more years. petite among this fan base to pre-eminent conference, which Cook said the university's apsee billboards an d b l i mps," Texas A8 M joined this season. proach would likely be similar said Jason Cook, Texas AacM's The Aggies' win over Alabama to what Florida did with Tim vice president of m a r keting garnered a 6.6 overnight TV Tebow, who won the Heisman and communications. "But if rating, the second-highest this in 2007, his sophomore year. you watch ESPN, if you look season, behind only Alabama's That would, of course, inat Twitter, if you read what the last-minute triumph over Loui- clude an actual campaign, a media is writing about, the buzz siana State on Nov. 3. departure from this season's is already there." In addition to t hat built-in approach. But if M anziel has After Manziel, a quarterback, exposure, university officials proved anything so far this sealed the Aggies to an upset of top- planned to note other points son, it is that he has not needed ranked Alabama last weekend, to voters, like the number of one.
Tedford plansthorough evaluation at Cal ByJosh Dubow
straight games — the longest skid since Tedford arrived — capped bya 59-17 loss lastweek to OrBERKELEY, Calif. — California coach Jeff egon that was the most lopsided for the school Tedford said he expects to meet next week with since 1999. "Teams go through adverse moments," defenathletic director Sandy Barbour to discuss his future after the Golden Bears finish their worst sea- sive back Steve Williams said. "This is one of our son during Tedford's tenure. adverse moments. Coach Tedford has been here a Tedford said Tuesday he will begin a thorough long time. He's been with us a long time. I'm beevaluation of what went wrong for the program as hind him 100 percent." soon as the season ends Saturday night at No. 15 The recent struggles led Tedford to this thorOregon State. ough evaluation, where he said he will look at ev"The first place I will look is in the mirror," ery aspect of the program from recruiting to acaTedford said. "We'll do a deep dive and figure out demics to practice format and scheme. "We'll evaluate all of that and take coaches' inwhere we can improve." Tedford said he will meet with assistants and put and all the coaches and figure out where we each player to get their input on how to improve feellike we can improve in every phase," he said. the situation at Cal. The Bears (3-8, 2-6 Pac-12) "You really have to put a microscope on it. How are having their worst season since finishing with can I be better as a head coach? What can I do to a 1-10 mark in 2001 that led to the firing of Tom help the staff? What can I do to help our players'?" Holmoe and the hiring of Tedford. Whether Tedford will get that chance remains After a bright start to his tenure with seven to be seen. If Cal decides to get rid of Tedford, the wins his first year, a school record-tying 10 wins school would owe him $6.9 million for the final in 2004 and a share of the conference title in 2006, three years of his contract. things began falling off the rails during what With recruiting season picking up in December, startedas a promising 2007 campaign. a decision on Tedford's status would likely come The Bears won their first five games that sea- soon after the season ends. For now, Tedford is son and were poised to move into the top spot in operating as though he will be back and is ready the AP poll before losing at home to Oregon State. to start looking in depth at recruiting needs next Starting with that loss, Tedford has a 34-36 mark week. "We're moving forward as we have work to do,e over hislast70 games. Cal failed to become bowl eligible for the first he said. "We're moving forward making plans time under Tedford in 2010 and has been even to get where we need to be and do the things we worse this season. The Bears have lost four need to do." The Associated Press
PHILADELPHIAhe mayor of M i l lville, N.Je was sure his town would have something to celebrate when the American League rookie of the year announcement was made Monday night. "I'd bet my house, my wife, and my kids on it," Tim Shannon said a few hours before Mike Trout, his town's favorite son, unanimously won the rookie award. Nobody can be quite that sure what will happen when the American League MVP is announced tonight, because the race between the Los Angeles Angels' Trout and Detroit's Miguel Cabrera is too close to call. Votes for the AL MVP had to be cast by the end of the regular season, but the debates have continued for more than a month. A lot of years, the numbers posted by the 21-year-old Trout during his rookie season would have made him a runaway winner of the MVP. But Cabrera had a magical season with his bat for a team that rallied to win its division. With 44 home runs, 139 RBIs and a .330 batting average, Cabrera became the first player since Carl Yastrzemski in 1967 to win his league's triple crown. The Tigers' 29-yearold superstar also led the league
in slugging percentage (.606) and OPS (.999). Throw in the fact he selflessly moved from first base to third base after the Tigers signed free-agent superstar Prince Fielder, and it's impossible to denigrate any BBWAA member who cast a firstplace vote for Cabrera. Even Trout admits that Cabrera is an artist at work when he has a bat in his hand. "When he's up at the plate, he's fouling off pitcher's pitches," Trout said. "You leave that one over the plate, and he doesn't miss it. It's pretty cool to be in center field and watch him hit." Cabrera is baseball's 12th triplecrown winner since the establishment of league MVPs in 1911. Nine of the 11 others have been voted league MVPs with the only exceptions being the Yankees' Lou Gehrig in 1934 and the Phillies' Chuck Klein in 1933. Trout admits he'd love to be the third player to deny a triple-crown winner the MVP award. "For me, I'm not going to vote for anybody else," he said. "I would definitely vote for myself." He said t hose words w i thout a trace ofarrogance. He is quiet but confident, and his rookie resume was good enough to support anybody who believed he was the league MVP. Eventhough he didn't win the batting title, hit the most home runs, or drive in the most runs, he was the game's most complete player in 2012. Trout hit .326 and led the American League in runs scored and stolen bases despite spending most of April in the minor leagues. His MVP supporters will point to a more abstract number, his 10.7 WAR, which is a sabermetric calculation that weighs a player's offensive and defensive ability. Trout's WAR — wins above replacement — was the highest since Barry Bonds posted consecutive 11.6 numbers in 2001 and 2002, when he hit 119 home runs and had consecutive seasons with on-base percentages above .500. "This was the first time I ever heard about (WAR) this year," Trout said. "I didn't really pay attention to those statistics, but about midway through the year they started bringing it up to me that I was ranked pretty high. But I still haven't figured out what it meant. Wins above replacement, I think." It means that Trout was one of the best rookies in baseball history. You could also make an argument that hedeserves the MVP because of how much better he made the Angels even though his team fell short of a postseason berth. The Angels were 6-14 when he joined the team on April 28. They were 80-58 in his 138 starts. The feeling here is that Cabrera will win the MVP and deservedly so. He was terrific all season and at his absolute best in September, when the Tigers overcame a threegame deficit to win the American League Central. As for Trout, I'd venture to guess there are going to be a few MVPs in his future. In fact, I'd bet my house on it.
Crooked Continued from D1 Porter said th e i n c rease might be a result of the cooperative m u l t i m illion-dollar effort by the ODFW and Portland General Electric to r eintroduce steelhead a n d chinook salmon into the Upper Deschutes and Crooked River basins. As part of that project, steelhead fry have been placed in the Crooked River over the past several years. But Porter and other biologists have questioned if some of those fish — instead of makingtheir way to the Pacific Ocean like most steelhead — have stayed in the Crooked River and "residualized" as rainbow trout, adding to the population. "The fry that were placed in there, instead of migrating to the ocean, they find that the habitat is good enough, that they just hang out and live the rest of their life there in the river," Porter explained.
Mark Mcricat /The Bulletin
Fly angler Bruce Berry showshis box of dry flies while fishing the Crooked River on Tuesday.
reproduction. "With the last couple years of good water years, we may have seen some good production and recruitment to the population," Porter said. "It is a little early to tell, but I think it may be a combination of both (the good water years and the steelhead reintroduction)." Some Crooked River steelhead have made their way to the ocean and are now back n ear Opal Springs, in t h e Crooked River arm of Lake Billy Chinook, according to Porter. "I think it'll be a pretty big boost to the economy, if we
get steelhead fishing here (on
the Crooked)," Porter said. But for now, the trout fishing is red-hot on the Crooked, Genetic clips of C r ooked results. as evidenced by my experiR iver r ainbow t r ou t w e r e But the population increase ence on Tuesday. sent to a lab in Washington to could also be a result of other After landing two fish on determine whether they are factors, such as recent win- a pheasant tail nymph, I nonative rainbows or released ters with h eavy snowpack t iced the fish rising to t h e steelhead, Porter said. Biolo- that have made for improved surface, so I tied on a small gists are still waiting on the water flows, which aid in fish blue-wing olive. Before long, I
No one can blame Loria for trying to tweak the team of Continued from D1 underachievers he assembled No more Jose Reyes or Josh last winter with a goal of makJohnson. Bye-bye Mark Bueh- ing a big splash in the new rle. They cost money, serious ballpark. During the course of money that Loria would rath- one offseason he brought in a er keep stuffed inside his deep new manager, nearly doubled pockets. the team's payroll and trotted Think of it t his way: The out new uniforms. $150 million Loria will save On opening day he even with the trade could pay off hired Muhammad Ali to take his share of the new ballpark, a victory lap around the field with money left over. in a golf cart with him. "We have a glorious new If only the people of South Florida could be s o l u cky; ballpark, and we want to be they'll be stuck paying the good," Loria declared. "We other $500 million for years. want to win." T hey're o u t r aged, a n d The words sure sounded they're not alone. Giancarlo good. The new Marlins looked Stanton still works for cheap g ood, too, until a b out t h e so he remains a Marlin, but time manager Ozzie Guilthe budding superstar knows len praised Fidel Castro and a fire sale when he sees one. things started going downhill "Alright, I'm (mad)!!! Plain fast. 8 Simple," he tweeted shortly They ended up f i n ishing after the news broke. last in their division, but not
before L ori a s en t H a n l ey Ramirez and some other talent packing. Th e m essage then was he was giving up on the season; the message now is even clearer. "If you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not going to figure it out for you," Loria told reporters Wednesday in Chicago at baseball's owner meetings. It's nothing new for Loria, who spent the better part of the last decade trying to squeeze a profit out of the Marlins. According to the Miami Herald, the Marlins got more from Major League Baseball's revenue sharing than the team paid for player salaries for at least two years. At the time, Loria was crying poor while trying to get Miami-Dade to pick up most of the tab for the new ballpark. Meanwhile, Forbes e stimated earlier this year that
the Marlins were worth $450 million — $300 million more than Loria paid for them 10 years ago. If Selig had anything on his agenda other than making owners as much money as possible, he would step in. That doesn't mean vetoing the trade, but it does mean taking a stand for baseball fans in Miami. The Marlins will have an
both good players. They don't really bring something different than the other guy, nor do we have to tone some things down in regard to either guy. That's the beauty of the thing, they both — in spring practice and fall camp — basically sharedthe turns fortwo years. We justrun our offense." On the other side, Maynard was also iffy for Cal. If he cannot go, Allan Bridgford will start for the Golden Bears. If Hirschman is not cleared from a concussion, Colorado ( 1-9, 1-6) wil l s t ar t W o o d against Washington (6-4, 4-3) on Saturday. Washington State c oach Mike Leach, who has plenty of otherissues to worry about this week, has said he plans to start Tuel this weekend when the Cougars (2-8, 0-7) visit Arizona State (5-5, 3-4). If Scott is unable to go for Arizona (6-4, 3-4), junior college transfer B.J. Denker will start for the Wildcats at Utah
(4-6, 2-5).
r eturned to s t art t h e n e x t w eek a t W a s h ington. H e Continued from D1 struggled, however, throwing The Beavers' situation is four interceptions in the Beavers'first loss of the season. certainly unique. Mannion tookoverthe BeaSo Oregon State turned back vers as a redshirt freshman to Vaz, who helped the team last season when the team to a victory against Arizona finished just 3-9 overall. He State. got off to a strong start this Vaz started last week in a year, leading Oregon State 27-23 loss to Stanford, but he to four straight wins while injured his left ankle during passing for an average of 339 the game's waning moments. yards per game. Mannion was taking snaps But M a n nion's f o r t unes in practice earlier this week took a turn when he injured while the Beavers waited to his left knee on a h a ndoff see if Vaz would be cleared to against Washington State on play. Oct. 6. Two days later, the BeaOregon State is lucky. Since vers announced he needed Vaz has had a few quality surgery, and the timeline for starts, the Beavers know what his return was uncertain. So they're getting w it h e i ther Oregon State turned to Vaz, quarterback. "With either guy, we just who had not started since high school but coolly led the decide what's going to be best Beavers in victories over BYU to do against the upcoming and Utah, helping the team to team," OSU coach Mike Riley its best start since 1907. said. "They're both passers Mannion made an u nex- first, they both manage the pectedly quick recovery and offense, and I think they're
fense. Sanders has passed western L eague c hampion for 2,226 yards and 15 touch- Marist in a game to be played Continued from D1 downs againstseven intercep- at Willamette High School. Should the t w o C e n tral tions this season, averaging The Cougars, who knocked O regon squads b ot h w i n 202.4 yards per game through off Wilsonville on the road — the 10-0 Panthers host the air. Nick Pozzesi, a 5-foot- last Friday, 21-14, face a SparC rescent Valley ( 8-3) a n d 9-inch, 185-pound r u nning tan team that i s averaging the Cougars (7-4) are on the back has highlighted Cres- 45.7 points per game. Marist road against 9-1 Marist of Eu- cent Valley's ground game, and Mountain View met in gene — Mountain View and totaling 1,166 yards and 13 last year's semifinal round, Redmond would face one an- touchdowns rushing. a game the Cougars won 31other in a semifinals matchup, W ith a w i n a g a inst t h e 14 at Willamette University which, according to Oregon R aiders, R e dmond w o u l d in Salem en route to the 2011 School Activities Association advance to the state football state championship. "The kids have hit t h eir officials, could be played at semifinal round for just the Bend's Summit High. second time in school history. stride," Mountain View coach "Locally, that'd be nice for The Panthers lost to Rose- Brain Crum said about his people to see," Stanley said. burg 35-27 at Autzen Stadium team that dropped three of its "We're just hoping to play in in Eugene in the 1988 Class first five games but have won that game." AAA semifinals under then- five of its past six. "We knew A week after topping Eu- coach Jerry Hackenbruck. going in (to the season) we had "When it's all over, I think gene's Churchill High 40-15 some inexperience and needin the snow, th e Panthers you can take a look back and ed thatgame experience." face the Raiders of Corval- see the significance," Stanley Kamerun Smith, the same lis. Crescent Valley, which said about Redmond's hisquarterback t h e Co u g ars finished third in the Mid-Wil- toric run. "Right now, though, faced a year ago, leads the lamette League, won a defen- the kids are really just enjoy- Maristoffense, having passed sive struggle over Portland ing themselves. They enjoy for 30 touchdowns and 2,026 Interscholastic League cham- practiceand the atmosphere yards in j u s t e i ght g ames pion Wilson last week, 14-7, in that there's not a lot of other this fall. Senior receiver Josh Portland. teams in th e state playing Harper has caught 43 passes "What jumps out i s t h at right now." for 772 yards and 15 touchthey've got a good core group O n the other side of the downs, while do-everything of football players, and defen- mountains in Eugene on Friback Austin Baird, who has sively their front six are all day, Mountain View h opes committed to Portland State, pretty big kids," Stanley said. to pull off another upset this has rushed for 885 yards and "For the most part, they've week, this time against Mid10 touchdowns and caught 33 controlled the line of scrimmage this year. That was the case against Wilson." Junior quarterback Tanner Sanders, the son of Crescent Valley coach Scott Sanders, •• The CCullelinMAGAZINE leads a balanced Raider of-
Weekly Arts S Entertainment
opening day payroll of $34 m illion, barely m or e t h a n what the New York Yankees will pay Alex Rodriguez next season. It would be their lowest since 2008, and well below the $53 million Oakland payroll that was the lowest in the majors last year. If Selig ordered the Marlins to double that payroll next season, he could say he was acting in the best interests of baseball. That is, ordering Lo-
Probably the most daunting task this weekend belongs to Stanford's Hogan, who will face No.I-ranked Oregon at Autzen Stadium. If the r edshirt f r eshman h as any advantage at t h i s point against the Ducks, it may be that last season he led Stanford's scout team in their preparation for Oregon. "Obviously, you ca n only do so much in a week. They're doing it all the time," he shrugged. "So it's pretty hard to simulate." With a v i ctory, Stanford (8-2, 6-1) would claim the Pac12 North title and knock the Ducks out of national championship contention — something Oregon did to the thenNo. 3 Cardinal last season with a 53-30 victory in Palo Alto. A few Pac-12 teams have been lucky with their quarterbacks this season. Two of them are in Los Angeles and
passes for 482 yards and another seven TDs. "Baird's the kid you've got to find on every play," Crum said. "They'll line him up all over the field." The Cougars are likely to go as far as Kyler Ayers' legs will carry them. The Mountain View senior tailback is averaging 156.7 yards per game rushing, having totaled 1,724 yards and 23 touchdowns on the ground in his first season as astarter on offense. Ayers has been spectacular in the postseason, rushing for 344 yards and six touchdowns in Cougar wins over Parkrose and Wilsonville. Mountain View, the reign-
had caught and released three more rainbow trout. The fish were not huge by any means, but the nonstop action made for a thrilling day of fishing. Rainbow t r o u t i n t he Crooked River below Bowm an Dam average in the 8-to 11-inch range, with some fish in the 14- to 16-inch range, according to Porter. Numerous campsites along the river provide access, and the most popular stretch for fly anglers is from Big Bend Campground do w n stream to Lower Palisades. (The use of bait is prohibited until late May of next year) "Below that, th e h a bitat seems to favor the whitefish more," Porter said. The Crooked River typically fishes well year-round w hen th e f l o w s a r e l o w enough — but November on the Crooked can offer some of the best fishing anywhere in Central Oregon. — Reporter: 541-383-0318,
ria to spend enough money to put a competitive team on the field. It's the least Selig could do after all the work that went into making sure Loria got his tricked-out new stadium. It would give fans reasons to hope, and reasons to come back. Then again, maybe Loria has a plan of his own. Maybe he's going to use the money he'ssaving to sign free agent J osh Hamilton, add a f e w pitchers and make a run for the playoffs. Maybe this was all some necessary tidying up to get the house inorder for some new stars in Miami. And maybe this time the wine will be on him. — Tim Dahlbergis a national sports columnistfor The Associated Press. Write to him at
face off this weekend in a battle for the Pac-12 South. USC senior Matt Barkley has not lived up to some expectations this season, but he still ranks 14th in the nation with an average of just over
297 yards passing per game for the No. 21 Trojans (7-3, 5-3). He leads the conference with 33 touchdowns, but he has also thrown a l e aguehigh 13 interceptions. U CLA f r e s hman B r e t t Hundley is not f a r b e hind Barkley with an average of
274 yards passing per game for the Bruins (8-2, 5-2). The other stalwarts among the l e ague's q u arterbacks thisseason are steady Washington junior K e it h P r i ce, Arizona S t at e s o phomore Taylor Kelly, and undefeated Oregon's redshirt freshman, M arcus Mariota — wh o i s hearing H e i sman T r o p hy candidacy whispers prior to his final two regular-season
ing 5A state champion, is back in the quarterfinal round for the seventh consecutive season. A win would put the Cougars in the semis for the third year in a row. "The kids are buying into what the coaches are doing," Crum said. "Our goal is to continue to keep that confidence going."
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HUNTING R FISHING CALENDAR Please email Hunting tyr. Fishing event information to or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at 1tems are published on a space-availability basis, and should be submitted at least 10 days before the event.
Bir hunting on theYakamaReservation I; -
here is an axiom about quail hunting repeated wherever quail hunters gather: Bust up the covey and then it is easier to hunt up the singles. That, we say, is the way to hunt quail. It is a theory fueled by the optimism of well-breakfasted hunters and dogs with boundless energy. I heard it again in Toppenish, Wash., last week. Toppenish. The word is derived from the Indian "Xuupinish" which means slopping and spreading. You get a sense of it in the marshes of the Yakima Valley. W ell after d ar k m y o l d f riend Jerry M i t c h a n d I rolled through Toppenish and crossed the river into Zillah. Our headlights carved t h e dark and we found ourselves in the parking lot of an old w arehouse called Th e O l d Warehouse. Inside we saw Elvis and the Blues Brothers and Marilyn standing on a fan. Up on a mantle were two African lions ready to do battle, musty in the poses imagined by a taxidermist 60 years ago. We stayed the night in the 25,000-square-foot b u i l ding that o nc e h o u sed f r o zen cherries an d n o w i s an auction house, a t avern, a r estaurant, a h om e an d a bed-and-breakfast. I n the m o r ning, w e r e c rossed the r iver onto t h e Y akama R e servation, a t e breakfast, then dropped in at the Blue Sky Market to buy our licenses. A three-day license costs $21.50 and allows a hunter to hunt upland birds
GaryLewis / For The Bulletin
Mfd-mornfng, on a quail hunt near Toppenish, Wash., Loren Dunbar, left, and Gary Lewis stop to admire two quail. and waterfowl, with permisheard quail in the sagebrush sion, on reservation lands in and, when we had thumbed the Yakima Valley. cartridges into our guns, DunOn a November morning bar turned to his dogs, Cabela when the sun cast a golden and Radar. Brother and sister, glow on the standing corn, they are large munsterlandwe admired the murals for ers, a breed of versatile huntw hich the t ow n i s k n o w n ing dog from Germany. With then pointed the truck into the their long legs and well-muscountryside. cled torsos, they looked like T here were not a l o t o f brush busters. We would find rocks in that ground. Beneath out. our boots, the soil was wet Pheasant and quail hunting with recent rains, deep with on Yakama Nation lands runs glacial sediment and ash from from the second Saturday of ancient v o l canoes. M o u nt October through the end of Adams and the top of Mount December. In the Yakima RivRainier were visible from the er corridor, an extended quail valley floor. season runs through Jan. 16. Here the prairies are plantThe daily bag limit is three ed to corn, asparagus, hops, roosters with 15 in possession. grapes and mint, but for evFor valley quail, the limit is 10 ery cultivated field there is with 30 in possession. another grown to wild rose, When the hunter buys the teasel, wild rye, saw grass, license, it comes with a map sagebrush and cattails. keyed to areas posted "Feel Mark Stevenson and Loren Free to Hunt," areas open to Dunbar lease a few parcels hunting Wednesdays, weekof land for duck hunting, and ends and holidays, non-trust with it comes some great quail lands, trust lands and refuge a nd pheasant habitat. W e areas.
At the first flush, 30 birds buzzed out and away toward a stand of Russian olive trees. When the next bird busted out, a gun cracked but the bird kept flying. We smiled at each other.There was a lot of sage left to work and we could hear the birds call back and forth. "Whit-whit-whoo." Here, the sage stood chinhigh. We had to bust our way through patches of brush or f ind our way a round it o n rabbit trails. Through it, the quail ran and behind them, the munsterlanders crashed. C abela went on p o int a n d I walked in. When the bird flushed I missed it. Minutes later, she pointed another and I connected. Yellowed l e aves r a t t led down through the branches of the cottonwoods and quail c alled from up ahead in a thicket of fiery willows and R ussian olives. We fell f o r their siren song, and it drew us deeper into the thickets. Down along the creek in the late afternoon, we pushed a field and watched six longtailed roosters make their getaway and saw six hen pheasants, which held for the dogs then flushed while we held our fire. Toppenish o r Xu u p inish m ight h ave d escribed m y shooting. On three separate properties, we flushed six coveys of between 10 and 60 birds
and bagged an average of one from each bunch. You couldn't prove that old quail hunter's axiom by our final score.
now well dispersed throughout the
for selected areas inandaround
river, with good numbers of fish
Shevlin Pond is fishing well and
Central Oregon, provided by fisheries biologists for the Oregon
found by anglers from the mouth
typically fishes well throughout
Department of FishandWildlife: CENTRALZONE ANTELOPEFLATRESERVOIR: Fishing has been fair. There are still plenty of large trout up to 22 inches long available. The
changing weather maymaketravel difficult, so be prepared for muddy
or snowy road conditions. BEND PINENURSERYPOND: The
most recent stocking was in late September, with a number ofonepound rainbow released. Fishing for these fish should be fair to
good through the fall. CRESCENTLAKE: Opportunities for rainbow and brown trout are gootf. CROOKED RIVERBELOW BOWMAN DAM: Fishing for trout has been
upstream to theWarmSprings Area. Somelarge B-run steelhead have beenobserved in recent creel samples in the lower river nearthe
— Gary Lewis is the host of "Adventure Journal" and author of"JohnNosler — Going Ballistic," "Black Bear Hunting," "Hunting Oregon" and other titles. Contact Lewis at www.
winter if not iced over. WALTONLAKE: Fishing has been fair.
ASSOCIATION: Meets the third Tuesdayofeachmonth at7 the Redmond VFWHall.
SHOOTING BEND TRAPCLUBTURKEY SHOOTS: Saturday, Nov. 17, and Saturday, Dec. 15; 9:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. each day; all skill levels welcome; $5 per round or five rounds for $20; club located east of Bend off U.S. Highway 20at milepost 30; www.bendtrapclub. com. BEND BOWMEN INDOOR ARCHERYLEAGUE: Traditional league Wednesday evenings, call Lenny at 541-480-6743 for information; indoor 3-D league Thursday evenings at 7 p.m. (except Thanksgiving), call Bruce at 541-410-1380 or Del at 541389-7234 for information. COSSAKIDS: The Central Oregon Shooting Sports Association's NRA Youth Marksmanship Program is everythird Saturday of the monthfrom10 a.m. to noon at the COSSARange; the range is east of Bend off U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 24; contact Don Thomas, 541-389-8284. BEND TRAP CLUB: Trap shooting, five-stand and skeet shooting are all open Thursdays and Sundays from10 a.m. to 2 p.m; located east of Bend off U.S. Highway 20 at milepost 30; contact Bill Grafton at 541-383-1428 or visit www. CENTRAL OREGONSPORTING CLAYS ANDHUNTINGPRESERVE: 13-station, 100-target course and 5-stand open Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to dusk, and Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Fridayfrom11 a.m. to dusk (closed Wednesday); located at 9020 South Highway 97, Redmond; or 541-383-0001. REDMOND ROD &GUN CLUB: Three miles east of Redmond on the north side of state Highway 126 archery pistol rifle skeet sporting clays and trap; visit for further information, open hours and contact numbers; club is open to all members of the community and offers many training programs.
has beengood. Insect hatches should offer lots of opportunities for good dry-fly fishing. Angling for post-spawning bull trout should be excellent. Large streamer flies fished in the deeper pools and slots are the best bet. NORTH TWIN:Excellent fall fishing
excellent. Theuse of bait is prohibited until May 2013. DESCHUTES RIVER(Mouth to
sampling shows thereare plenty
the lower Deschutes should be improving, as water clarity has improved significantly. Fish are
mouth. DESCHUTESRIVER (Lake Billy Chinook to Bend):Flows have increased with the end of irrigation season. This will make the river more difficult to wade but often triggers trout to feed more heavily and seek out new territories. FALL RIVER:Fishing is good. METOLIUSRIVER:Trout fishing
opportunities are available.
the Pelton RegulatingDam): Summer steelheadfishing on
CENTRALOREGONBASS CLUB: Meets on the first Tuesday of eachmonth atAbby's Pizza in Redmond; 7 to 9 p.m.; new members welcome; DESCHUTESCHAPTEROFTROUT UNLIMITED: Meets on the first Monday of eachmonth at the ONDA offices in Bend; meeting starts at 6:45 p.m. for members to meet and greet, and discuss what the chapter is up to; 541306-4509; communications©; www. BEND CASTINGCLUB: The Bend Casting Club is a group of local fly anglers from around Central Oregon who are trying to improve their casting technique; club meets on the fourth Wednesday of each month, from 6 to 8 p.m., at the Orvis Casting Course in Bend's Old Mill District; 541-306-4509 or THE SUNRIVERANGLERSCLUB: Meets on the third Thursday of each month (except July and August) at 7 p.m. at the Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic 8 Recreation Center (SHARC); contact THECENTRALOREGON FLYFISHERSCLUB: Meetsonthe third Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Bend Senior Center, 1600 SE ReedMarket Road; contact:
LEARN THEARTOFTRACKING ANIMALS: Guided walks and workshops with a certified professional tracker; learn to identify and interpret tracks, sign and scat of the animals in Central Oregon; two or more walks per month all year; $35; ongoing, 8 a.m. to noon; 541-633-7045;; THE OCHOCOCHAPTER OF THE OREGON HUNTERS ASSOCIATION: Meets the first Tuesdayofeach monthat7 p.m . at the Prineville Fire Hall, 405 N. Belknap St.; contact: 447-5029. THE REDMONDCHAPTER OF THEOREGON HUNTERS
FISHING REPORT Here is the weeklyfishing report
OCHOCO RESERVOIR: Recent of trout available ranging from 8 to
16 inches long. Thelow water may make launching a boat difficult. PRINEVILLEYOUTHFISHING POND:Fishing should be great.
WORLD. The Bulletin To start a subscription, call
541-385-5800 Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin •
Egg-SuckingStone, courtesy The Hook FlyShop.
It looks like a salmonfly with a salmon egg, a distracted
golden stone. Trout can find these big nymphs throughout the year, and that makes a pattern like the Egg-Sucking Stone a
solid choice for large trout (and steelhead) in cold water. Its rubber legs andtail give the illusion of life, plenteous pteronarcys protein for the taking. Bump it along the bottom under an indicator or, at close
range, hold the rod high andwatch the leader for signs of a take. The bite can be subtle. Set the hook at the slightest tremor or hesitation in the drift.
. p' i
Tie the Egg-Sucking Stonewith orange thread on aNo.4-8 extra long streamer hook. Bend the hook slightly, about onefifth of the way back behind the eye. Lay a base of lead wrap
and put extra weight at the head.Tie in antennae, feelers and tail with gray rubber legs. Build the body with black chenille. Finish with a chartreuse head. — Gary Lewis
Stock listings, E2-3 Calendar, E4 News of Record, E4
T NASDAQ cHANGE37 oe t 2go/ IN BRIEF Bend median home price rises The median price for a single-family home in
Bend rose to $230,000 in October, a $10,000
increase over September's median, according to figures released Tuesday by the Bratton
Appraisal Group. Sales of single-family homes in Bendreached 177 in October, 10more than in September, according to the Bratton
Report. Inventory as of Tuesday stood at 2 months.
In Redmond, the median price dropped in October for the sec-
ond straight month, to $139,000. It was $145,000 in Septem-
V DOWNE JO S cHANGEtes 23 f 4so/o V S&P 500 cHANGE fgo4
Western oi com anies ace a eicate Report aancin actas in Llstr ooms in Ira blames By Stanley Reed New York Times News Service
LONDON — The re-emer-
gence of Iraq as an oil-producing powerhouse is sending inevitable ripples through the Middle East and the industry as a whole. The country has surpassed Iran as the second-largest member of the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, after Saudi Arabia, raising questions about whether other oil-producing countries will need to trim their production to accommodate a rising Iraq.
But more immediate tensions are evident between the federal government in Baghdad and the semi-autonomous Kurdistan Regional Government, which is based in the northern Iraqi city of Erbil. The Kurds, who suffered terribly under Saddam Hussein, are determined to maintain their autonomy from Baghdad — not least by developing their own oil resources. Baghdad insists that only the federal government has the authority to grant access to the country's natural resources. But the Kurds are succeed-
ing in attracting some of the world's top oil companies. Strains between the regional and federal governments were on display Wednesday at the Oil and Money Conference convened in London by the International Herald Tribune and Energy Intelligence Group, a provider of independent analysis and data to the global energy industry. Hussain al-Shahristani, the Iraqi deputy prime minister, who has been instrumental in drafting contracts to rehabilitate Iraqi oil fields, said Tuesday that Exxon Mobil was in
the advanced stages of organizing a sale of its 60 percent stake in a premier Iraqi project, the West Qurna 1 field, to buyers approved by the Iraqi government. Exxon and Iraq have been at loggerheads since the oil company signed an exploration deal with the Kurdistan government last year. Shahristani said Baghdad does not recognize the validity of Kurdish contracts with the oil companies. An Exxon Mobil spokesman, Patrick McGinn, declined to comment. SeeOil /E4
ber and $155,000 in
August. Single-family
home sales increased in Redmond by nine, from 43 in September to 52 last month, and
inventory was at 2~/~ months.
Oregon jobless rate remains flat
More indications
emerged in October that Oregon's sluggish economic recovery has slowed evenmore. The state Employment Department said Wednesday that payroll
employment for the month dropped byan
estimated 2,400 jobs on
a seasonally adjusted basis. The losseswere evenly divided between
public and private employment. The department said
the unemployment rate for the month was 8.7 percent, statistically
unchanged from the
previous month, at 8.6
Starbucks to buy tea company Starbucks wants to
make the teashop as
Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
Matt Smlth and Sarah Cota, co-founders of the Bend-based company Jettstream Inc.,were inspired by Cota's 7-year-old son, Jett, to create the JettPak, a device that administers medicine to treat Jett's asthma while he sleeps.
ubiquitous as its name-
sake cafes. The Seattle-based
company said Wednesday that it will pay
$620 million in cash to buy Teavana Holdings lnc., which sells
high-end loose-leaf
teas in 300 shopping
mall locations. The plan is to expand Teavana's footprint beyond the suburban mall with
stand-alone shops around the world, while adding tea bars where
customers can buy hot and cold drinks. — Staffand wire reports
• Bend-based startup JettStream makes a device that delivers asthmamedication to children while theysleep By Rachael Rees
U.S. attracting affluentChinese For affluent Chinese emigrants, the United
States is a popular destination. In 2011,
people from mainland China received more than twice as many investment-based green cards than all other nationalities put together. To qualify for this type of permit to live in the United States,
foreigners need to
The Bulletin
Tired of making multiple trips to the emergency room each year because of her son's asthma, Bend resident Sarah Cota created the JettPak, a device that delivers his asthma treatment while he sleeps. The JettPak,expected to reduce emergency room visits and cut costs for heath care and insurance companies, landed her startup company, JettStream Inc., a $30,000 investment at the Bend Venture Conference last month. The money will help create100 Oregon-made prototypes
to be used in a clinical study with Bend Memorial Clinic that's expected to start early next year. Emergency room visits for a sthma treatment can generate significant health care costs, Matt Smith, JettStream cofounder and chief technology officer, told the audience at the venture conference. "We are going to show a reduction in that cost, at which point it becomes very attractive for insurance companies and the state-funded networks like Medicare, Medicaid and (the Oregon Health Plan) to push this, because it's a cost savings."
For Cota, the JettPak stems from a personal experience. Five years ago, doctors diagnosed her son, Jett, then age 2, with asthma, requiring him to receive regular treatments and ER visits when it flared up. One in 11 children suffer from asthma, according to 2010 data from the National Center for Environmental Health, and in 2009 there were 479,300 asthma-related hospitalizations and nearly 2 million emergency room visits. The ER at St. Charles Bend has D4 asthma-related visits per year from those age 18and younger, Lisa Goodman, communications coordinator for St. Charles Health System, wrote in an email. The average direct cost for each visit is $740. See JettStream /E3
Corzine in firm's
collapse By Bea Protess New York Times News Service
Congressional investigators took aim Wednesday at aformer colleague, Jon Corzine, blaming the onetime senator's risk-taking at MF Global for accelerating the brokerage firm's demise. In excerpts from a broader MF Global report to be released today, Republican members ofa congressional panel outlined a withering critique of Corzine's 19month tenure at the firm. Corzine, a former Democratic senator and governor from New Jersey, resigned as MF Global's chiefexecutive last fall after the firm raided customer accounts during a futile fight for its life. While the Republican report avoided pinning blame on Corzine for the missing customer money, sidestepping whether a crime was committed, it argued that his fixation with risk positioned him as a central player in the firm's collapse. In a senes of potent>al mtssteps, the report sa>d, Corzine missed warning signs about MF Global's weak liquidity position and he torpedoed an overhaul of the firm's risk controls. Citing "a dereliction of his duty," the report claims that the moves arguably left customers vulnerable to the invasion of their accounts. The frndkngs from the oversight panel of the House Financial Services Committee show that Corzine was the architect of a $6.3 billion bet on European debt — a trade so big that it spooked the markets and forced a run on the firm. When subordinates challenged Corzine's European gamble, according to the report, he imposed an "authorrtar>an atmosphere" in which he ejected the aides and installed sympathetic executives he knew from his days at Goldman Sachs. "Choices made by Jon Corzine during his tenure as chairman and CEO sealed MF Global's fate," Rep. Randy Neugebauer, R-Texas, who is overseeing the report as chairman of the oversight panel, said in a statement. The report is an aggressive rebuke of Corzine, a former co-head of Goldman who was a longtime confidant of Washington and Wall Street elite. SeeCorzine /E3
invest at least $500,000.
From Joplin, Mo., lessons on preparing for the worst
By Tess Vigeland
I 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 92
Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Secuoty New York Times News Service
New York Times News Service
left a 14-mile scar last year. "Here we are, 18 months later, and we're still not b a ck in our home." Eve nt oday, you can stand on what p a sses for a hill in Joplin's midsection, at 23rd Street and Penn-
JOPLIN, Mo. — If you didn't live through Hurricane Sandy and it s aftermath, it's hard to fathom the extent of the destruction. Photos and videos go only so far. You sim- PERQONAL sy lvania Avenue, look east ply cannot understand it if you look west and see empty FINANCE and haven't been through it. space. The trees are still gone. U nfortunately, p lenty o f A partment c o mplexes a r e Americans have been through it, in g o n e. The hospital is gone. The high one form or another. And their empa- s c hool is gone. thy about the length of the recovery That ' s what happens when an EF-5 runs deep. tornado touches down, eviscerating "I hope they don't get discoura ged, e v erything in its path, as it did here on because it does take a long time,'' said S u n day, May 22, 2011. Raye Frerer, ofJoplin,where a tornado SeeDisasters/E3
Fred, right, and Raye Frerer are building a new home, which still isn't complete 18 months after their old one was destroyed by a tornado in Joplin, Mo. Steve Hebert New York Times
And C orzine ha s n o ted that hi s b e t o n E u r opean Continued from E1 debt, while alarming to some, Yet his defenders are likely proved profitable for the firms to dismiss the excerpts, which that took over the positions. s hed little new light on h i s Corzine, his supporters say, actions, as a political attack placed the wager after inheron the f o rmer D emocratic iting a firm that faced extincofficial. tion following five consecutive The report is also unlikely quarters of losses. to chip away at Corzine's legal Corzine's spokesman did defense. Federal authorities not immediately respond to a have all but officially removed request for comment. the darkest cloud looming over The e x c erpts d i v u l ged Corzine: the threat of criminal Wednesday offer a preview charges. of a l ong-awaited congres-
sional report that is expected to deconstruct the firm's downfall. T he H ouse p a nel's f u l l findings, built on more than 50 witness interviews and an analysis of more than 243,000 documents, is likely to strike at an a r ray o f r e g ulatory and management failures in the lead up to M F Global's bankruptcy in October 2011. The report will also examine the role that credit rating agencies played in the firm's
vice to sell for $150, she told the audience at the Bend Venture Conference. Sales of JettUtilities — the disposable plastic cups and tubing that must be replaced every couple of months — are expectedtogenerate nearly 80 percent of the company's revenue. The package is expected to cost $40. "It's like when you buy a razor," she said. "You spend money on purchasing the razor blades." Cota also plans to start a r ecycling program that wi ll allow customers to send back the ol d d i s posable plastic materials. Cota hopes the product will be on the market by May, she said. While there are other potential uses for the device, she said, the company's market is families with children ages 10 and younger who have asthma and struggle with wearing the nebulizer mask. The plan is to partner with physicians a n d i n s u rance companies and sell directly to consumers, as well as through medical-device d i s t ribution and licensingagreements, she said. "Everything is a balancing act," she said, referring to the challenge of being a startup company. " Balancing o u r time spent raising money and working on the project, balancing critical meetings with our need to work on the company, balancing our need to get the project to market and our need to preserve funds — everything is competing for the same critical resources."
tion as the mask and nebulizer, she said. The device is Continued from E1 registered with the U.S. Food With state and national ef- and Drug Administration and forts under way to r eshape has a utility patent pending, heath care and minimize un- Cota said. necessary costs, Cota said, Resistance to inhaled medithe timing of her product is cations is a large barrier, said perfect. Dr. Adam Williams, an allergy Studies show i f c h i l dren and asthma specialist for Bend with a sthma r eceive t heir Memorial Clinic, which is dodaily maintenance medication nating the services of doctors consistently, the need for ER and research coordinators for visits drops drastically, said the JettPak's clinical trial. Cota, the president and coA child may have to unfounder of JettStream. dergo a 10- to 15-minute nebu"Asthma is like drowning lizer treatment twice a day. It's in air," she said. "There's no more effort than swallowing a treatment for asthma; there's pill or eating cereal with medijust treatment every day." cation sprinkled on top. "Poor a dherence to p r eBut administering it can be difficult. scribed medicines is associGenerally, children get their ated with worse outcomes in treatment via a nebulizer, a asthma, more ER visits, hospimachine that turns the medi- tal visits and day-to-day sympcation into a mist delivered toms," Williams said. "We can through a mask worn by the write the prescription, but unchild, she said. But getting less the medicine can be adyoung children to wear the ministered to the child, it's not mask can result in a struggle going to help." that keeps the child from getWilliams, who will be the ting enough medication to pre- principal i n vestigator, said vent attacks. the first clinical trial will deJettPakeliminatesthemask. termine if parents prefer the T he medicated mist f l o w s JettPak over current treatment through a disposable plastic options, and document whethtube inside an adjustable arm er it improves their children's that can be positioned to al- asthma. "Its really exciting to have a low the child to breathe in the medication while sleeping. If local company coming up with the child moves, a parent can such an innovative design and reposition the arm during the device that could really help a 10- to 15-minute treatment. lot of children," Williams said. Treating children when they The JettPak ha s h e lped are asleep, she said, eliminates Cota. She's made no emergency the resistance and they receive their prescribed dosages. room visits since her son startTests conducted with Bend ed using the device in FebruR esearch earlier t hi s y e ar ary, she said. showed the JettPak delivered Once the JettPak hits the the same amount of medica- market, Cota expects the de-
didn't want to get her hair wet, so maybe it was time to head Continued from E1 home. Winds reaching 250 mph Fred Frerer, 60, is retired, tore homes and other build- and Raye Frerer is a teacher. ings from their foundations When they got to their house and sent debris flying for in Joplin, Fred Frerer stood miles, and 161 people died. in the road to check the sky. As Joplin's residents make When he came back in, he their way through the stages grabbed a twin mattress from of grief,they are eager to one of the beds, and the two of talk about it. They want to them settled onto the floor of share how they survived and their small bathroom with the how they're preparing for the mattress on their heads. next one, because they now The house shook, objects understand that this kind of pummeled the walls outside disaster can happen to any- the bathroom, and then, as one, anywhere, at any time. suddenly as it had arrived, the We all know the risks, and we storm ended. promptlylearn to ignorethem. They stood up from under After all, you can't function the mattress and opened the very well if you live in daily bathroom door. Raye Frerer fearof disaster. could see that the nearby But you can prepare your- middle school had been deself for the possibility, howev- stroyed, and she wondered er remote, that something like w hether t h ere w o ul d b e what happened to the people school tomorrow. Then she reof Joplin — or New Orleans, alized she shouldn't be able to or Northridge, Calif., or New see outside. "1 stepped into the hall, and York City and the surrounding areas last month — will the only part of that house still happen to you. And one of the standing was the bathroom easiest steps you can take is to that we were in," she said. disaster-proofyour finances. Money issues take an obviThe tornado here caused ous back seat to the imminent nearly $3 billion in damage. possibility of death at m oSome 61,000insurance claims ments like this. But they surwere filed, with a total payout facefairly soon after. of more than $2 billion. Of The Frerers were m ore that, 31 percent went to ho- prepared than many people meowners and 5 percent to are, and for that they credit Fipeople who lost their cars and nancial Peace University, the trucks. biblically tinged educational But many people did not enterprise of Dave Ramsey, get as much relief as they had a nationally syndicated talkexpected. The long road back radio financial adviser. One to financial wellness has been of the so-called baby steps more difficult than it perhaps Ramsey recommends is to set had to be. And those lessons aside $1,000 where it is eashave stayed with them. ilyaccessible.The Frerers had some of that amount stashed An approachingstorm in a small safe in their bedFrerer, 58, was at her moth- room closet. The closet wasn't er's home south of Joplin that there after the tornado, but the Sunday afternoon. They were safe was. celebrating Mother's Day a They kept another portion week late,and her mother, of the money in an envelope who is close to 80, looked thatended up embedded in a out the window from a small vent. breakfast nook a n d s a i d, Disaster preparedness ex"That's the blackest cloud I've perts say cash is an important everseen!" element of any emergency Frerer turned to her hus- planning, because you don't band, Fred, and told him she know if banks will still be
— Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees®
I' 541 322 7337
Northwest stoeks Name AlaskAisr Avista BkofAm BarrettB Boeing CascdeBcp CascdeC p
Colsprtw Costco
CrattBrew FLIRSys HewlettP HmFedlD Intel
Keycorp Kroger Lattice LaPac MDURes
Mentorsr Microsoft
YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg
10 40.52 -.80 +7.9 NikeB t16 16 23.36 -.21 -9.3 Nordstrm .04 24 8 .99 -.34 +61.7 NwstNG .52f 28 31.03 -.82 +55.5 OfficeMax t76 13 71.29 -2.07 -z8 Paccar 4.77 -.22 +8.9 PlanarSy t40 13 64.91 . . . +37.6 PlumCrk .88 19 53.62 —.81 +15.2 PrecCastpt 1.10 24 94.47 —.94 +13.4 Safeway 44 5.70 —.36 -5.3 Schnitzer .28 13 18.97 -.32 -24.3 Sherwin .53 5 1 3.14 -.01 -49.0StancrpFn .24f 53 10.55 +.04 +1.4 Starbucks .90 9 1 9.96 -.32 -1 7.7TriQuint .20 9 8. 0 4 - J 4 +4.5 Umpqua .60f 23 24.47 -.30 +1.0 US Bancrp 14 3.91 -.09 -34.2 WashFed 15.61 -.48 +93.4 WellsFargo .67 17 19.93 -J1 -7.1 WstCstBcp 12 14.15 —.95 +4.4 Weyerhsr .92f 15 26.84 —.25 +3.4
I •
1.44 20 90.60 -.87 -6.0 1.08 17 54J1 -.78 +8.9
1.827 19 4z17 -.33 -1 zo
2121 NE Division
NY HSBC BankUS NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver
$1727.00 $1729.50
$1727.00 $1724.20
Last Previousday Aweekago
3.25 3.25 3.25
neighborhood on Bend's westside.
641 N W Fir
R ed m o n d
Indexes 52.Week High Lo w
Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg
Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues NewHighs NewLows
out what kind of financial assistance they would get from theirhomeowners' insurance and the Federal Emergency Management Agency. When the insurance adjuster arrivedtwo days later,she gave the Frerers a check for about $1,000. Several weeks later, another adjuster told them theywere about $30,000 short of what they needed to rebuild their home to what it had been. That was in large part because the cost of supplies and materials skyrocketed in the Joplin area after the storm. The couple looked into buying an existing house, but prices for those also went up because of high demand and diminished supply — the tornado had destroyed 7,000 homes. The Frerers are now living in a small rental while they build a new, large house less than a mile from the one that blew apart. Because of the insurance shortfall, they are dipping into their savings and retirement funds. They say their financial recovery was helped by the fact that they had paid off their mortgage and had no debt
Diary 316 Advanced 2,772 Declined 69 Unchanged 3J57 Total issues 24 New Highs 221 New Lows
Diary 113 337 19 469 6 37
Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows
499 1,955
n6 2,570 16 142
Net Last Chg
N ame
13,661.72 11,231.56 Dow Jones Industrials
CheniereEn 41321 14.26 +.15 Facebook n 2162025 22.36 +z50 Vringo 3 6 736 367 +.05 Cisco 9 2 1885 1766 +.81 NwGOld g 27204 10.u -.42 Microsoft 747666 26.84 -.25 NovaGld g 27158 4.19 -.33 SiriusXM 655905 z70 -.09 Sandstg rs 26034 1z53 -1.25 Pwshs QQQ 562896 6z24 -.74
.08 2 8. 2 3 -J8 +8t3 .80 13 41.57 -1.02 +10.9 1.14 -.08 -40.3 1.68 36 41.20 -1.05 +1z7 GainerS (S2ormore) Gainers IS2or more) .12 19 173.30 -4.25 +5.2 L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg .70 8 1 6.06 -.22 -23.7 Name .75 28 27.24 -t07 -35.6 Teavana 15.45 +5.32 +5z5 crexendo z69 +.54 +25.1 ChiAutL rs 4.24 +z67+170.1 1.56 27 149.51 -z15 +67.5 AberFitc 41.92+10.74 +34.4 Accelr8 3 . 8 9+.27 +7.5 Facebookn 2z36 +z50 +1z6 .93I 10 3Z73 -.29 -1 0.9 Frontline 3 . 82 +.60 +18.6GreenHntr 2.02 +.12 +6.3 Synacor n 5.12 +.56 +12.3 .84f 27 48.84 -1.47 +6.2 Barcshtj; 25.45 +3.50 +15.9 PacBkrM g 4.14 +.23 +5.9 Magal 3. 9 7 + .37 +10.3 4.62 -.06 -5.1 DirDGldBr 3z28 +3.95 +13.9 FullHseR 3.16 +J4 +4.6 Woodward 34.53 +z46 +7.7 .36 13 11.38 -.05 -8.2 LOSerS (S2ormore) LOSerS (S2or more) LOSerS (S2or more) .78 11 31.33 -.38 +15.8 L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg .32 13 16.24 -.37 +1 6.1 Name .88 10 31.43 -.59 +14.0 lAMGld g 11.97 -z89 -19.4 GoldResrc 1z67 -z06 -14.0 OnlineRes z17 -.53 -19.6 .20 13 21.33 -.22 +36.7 -.68 -12.4 A'jtEO PI1 6.20 -1.02 -14.1 Trinasolar z63 -.62 -19.1 MGTCap rs 4.82 .68f 44 25.33 -.97 +35.7 DirDGldBII I1.62 -1.84 -13.7 Medgenics 7.21 -.97 -u.9 Caesars n 4.54 -.60 -1I.7 LSB Inds 3304 -5.10 -134 Aerosonic 2 64 -.35 -u.7 2436 -3.00 -u 0 -.34 -u.3 GlbshipLs z68 GasNatural 8.73 -1.09 -u.1 AssetAcc 4.61 -.55 -10.7
Preeious metals P r ime rate
and family, trying to figure
541-382-4171 541-548-7707
Most Actlve (Sc or more) Most Acttve (Ss or more) Most Acttve (St or more) BkofAm 1935458 8.99 -.34 SB P500ETF 1702896 13593 -1 86 SPDR Fncl 657135 15.15 -.28 GenElec 643940 20.01 -.67 iShEMkts 612460 40.16 -.63 GellleIS (S2 or more)
The Frerers spent the first few days staying with friends
7:30 AM — 5:30 PM MON-FRI 8 AM - 3 PM SAT.
Insurance payouts
p "9' pcrfcctcolorssince1975
Market recap
YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg
standing or if ATMs will be operationaL But a common question is how much you should have on hand. Ted Beck, president of the National Endowment for Financial Education, suggests the same amount as emergency officials recommend for food and water: three days' worth.
70 SW Century Dr. Suite145 Bend, OR 97702 •
DowJonesTransportation DowJonesUtilities NYSE Composite AmexIndex Nasdaq Composite
5,390.u 4,53t79 499.82 42z90 8,515.60 6,898.12 2,509.57 2,IOz29 3196.93 z44t48 1,474.51 1,158.66 15,43z54 12,158.90
S&P 500 Wilshire5000
12,570.95 -I85.23 4,925.95 -1 28.76 -4.40 441.43 7,903.42 -119.81 2,3I6.15 -57.64 2,846.81 -37.08 1,355.49 -19.04
14,16z10 -208.60
868.50 666.16 Russell2000
World markets
YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % Chg -1.45 +z89 -z55 - 1.87 -.99 -5.00 -t49 + 5.70 -z43 + t 6 6 -1.29 +9.28 -1.39 +7.78 -t45 + 7.37 -z00 +4.36
+5 . 59 + . 86 -.20 +6 . 92 +1 . 99 + 7 .85 + 9 .59 +8 . 89 + 5 .94
Here is how key internationalstock markets Key currencyexchangerates Wednesday compared with lateTuesday inNewYork. performed Wednesday. Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x changeRate Pvsoay Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich
330.67 2,339.23 3,400.02
7,101.92 21,441.99 40,750.42
15,25z93 3,983.99 8,664.73 1,894.04 2,978.03 4,410.67 6,136J5
-t01 -.86 t -.89 -1.11 t -.94 +t20 s -.80 -.52 t +t79 s +.04 s +.23 s -.98 t +.15 s -.66 t
AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar
Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar
1.0380 1.5854 .9970 .002064 .1605 1.2745 .1290 .012474 .075443 .0315 .000920 J 475 1.0589 .0345
1.0439 1.5874 .9987 .002064 .1604 1.2705 .1290 .012593 .075808 .0315 .000918 J 475 1.0555 .0345
Selected mutual funds YTD Name NAV Chg%Ret Amer Centuy Inv: Eqlnc 7 .67 -0.07 +7.5
HiYldBd 7.92 -0.02 +133 LgCap p 16.40-0.20 +9.7 Cohen &Steers: FPA Funds: Rltyshrs 6488 -1 29 +83 Newlnco 10.63 +2.1 ColumbiaClassZ: FPAI:res 28.03-0.17 +5.6 Gro|Nthl 26.53 -0.37 +8.0 AcomZ 2980 -041 +95 Fa<rholme29.26- 0.56 t26.4 Ultra 2 4.78 -0.34 i8.1 AcomlntZ 39.20 -0.35 +14.9 Federated Insll: Credit SuisseComm: TotRetBd 11.66 +6.6 American FundsA: AmcpAp 20.52 -0.26 +9.4 jomRet t 816 +003 -02 StrValDvlS 4.88-0.04 +3.6 DFA Funds: Fidelity Advisor A : AMutlAp 2737 -0.36 +7.6 BalAp 1968 423 +97 IntlCorEq 9 13 -0.11 +15 Nwlnsghp 21.65 -0.27 +9.8 11.65 -018 +94 StrlnA 12.71 -0.01 +8.7 BondAp 1298 +58 USCorEq1 CaplBAp 51 48 -043 +75 USCorEq211.51 -0.19 +9.8 Fidelity AdvisorI: Davis Funds A: Nwlnsgtl 21 96-0 27 +10.0 CapWGA p35.11 -0.42 +11.6 I:apWAp 21.48 -0.04 +6.7 NYVenA 34.54 -0.48 +6.3 Fidelity Freedom FF2010 14 02-008 +7.3 EupacA p 38.83 -0.41 +10.4 Davis FundsY: FdinvA p 38 66 -0.57 +10.3 NYVenY 34 97 -0 48 +6.6 FF2010K 1284-008 +7.4 Delaware Invest A: FF2015 11 71-007 +7.4 G OVtA p 14 59 +22 GwthAp 3252 444 +132 averlncp 9.45 -0.01 +6.5 FF2015K 1290-008 +7.5 FF2020 14.14-0.09 +81 HITrAp 1119 402 +11.8 Dimensional Fds: IncoAp 17.58 -0.17 +7.9 EmMCrEq1868 -017 +98 FF2020K 13 28-009 +82 EmMktV 2764 428 +78 FF2025 11 72-009 +87 I ntBdA p 13.79 +2 . 7 ICAA p 29.38 -0.42 +9.9 IntSmVa 14.59 -014 +92 FF2025K 1336-011 +87 NEcoAp 27.70 -0.26 +16.5 USLgVa 21.37 -0.39 +13.1 FF2030 1394- 011 +88 NPerAp 29.43 -0.41 +12.5 USSmall 22.03 -0.41 +8.1 FF2030K 13.48-0.12 +8.9 NwWrldA 51 57 456 +11 8 USSmVa 25.36 -0.50 +10.0 FF2035 11.48-0.11 +9.0 SmCpAp 3773 448 +137 IntlSmCo 14.73 -0.13 +8.3 FF2035K 13.50-0.13 +9.2 +0. 9 FF2040 8.01- 0.08 +9.0 TxExAp 1328+002 +9.4 F>xd 10.35 WshAp 29.99 -0.47 +7.3 Intjta 1 5.07 4 18 +4.9 FF2040K 13.53-0.13 +9.1 G lb5Fxlnc 11 31 + 4 . 7Fidelity Invest: Arlisan Funds: 2 YGIFxd 1014 +1. 0 AIISectEq 1239-017 +10.3 Intl 22 . 99 -0.20 +15.9 AMgr50 16.02-0.10 +8.0 IntlValr 2872 -0.17 +145 Dodge&Cox: AMgr20r 13.26-0.04 +5.5 Balanced 74.15 -0.86 +11.4 MidCap 36.45 -0.51 +10.7 MidCapVal 20.64 -0.24 +4.8 I ncome 13.94 +7. 8 Balanc 19.57- 0.19 +9.0 Bernstein Fds: Intlstk 32.04 -0.32 +9.6 BalancedK19.57- 0.18 +9.1 Intour 14 29 Stock 11348 -1 84 +13.2 BlueChGr 46.84-0.68 +10.4 CapAp 28.32-0.50 +15.0 avMu 14 98 Doubleune Funds: BlackRockA: TRB(I I 11.39 NA Cplncr 9.30- 0.02 +12.7 Eqtyav 1909 425 +67 TRBdNp 11.38 NA Contra 74.27-0.92 +10.1 ContraK 74.29-0.92 +10.2 GIAIAr 1903 4.15 +5.5 Dreyfus: BlackRock8&C: Aprec 42.49 -0.50 +6.1 avlntl 28.41- 0.26 +11.3 GIAICt 1768 -014 +48 Eaton Vance I: DivrslntK r28.40- 0.27 +11.5 BlackROck Insll: FltgRt 9 1 0 +7.4 DivGth 28.47-0.47 +10.8 EquityDv 19.13 -0.26 +6.9 GblMacAbR911 -004 +29 EqInc 45.04-0.56 +11.3 GlbAllocr 19.14 -0.15 +5.8 FMI Funds: EQII 18.72-0.28 +9.4
Fidel 34.14 -0.52 +10.3 RtRateHir 9.92 -0.01 +5.8 G NMA 11.77 +2. 7 Govtlnc 1066 +30 GroCO 8994 -153+112 Grolnc 2012 -027 +119 GrowCOF8999 -1 52 +11.4 GrovrthCO K89 96 -1 53 +11.3 aghlnc r 9.21 -0.02 +11.9 IntBd 11.18 +5. 0 IntmMu 10.75 i0.01 +5.5 IntlDisc 31.13 -030 +12.7 I nvGrBd 1'l.72 +5 8 I nvGB 8 03 +6 4 LgCapVal 10.82 -016 +74 LowPr 37.77 -032+106 LowPnKr 3776 -031 +108 Magelln 70.01 -1.08 +11.4 MidCap 28.26 -0.47 +8.2 Munilnc 13.70 +0.02 i8.5 NwMktr 17.73 -0.01 +16.9 OTC 55.69 -0.61 +1.8 100lndex 9.74 -0.13 +104 Puritn 1889 -019 +9.5 PuritanK 1889 -019 +97 SAIISecEqF1241 -017 +105 SCmdtyStrl 896+003 SCmdtystrF8.99 +0.03 +0.2 SrslntGrw 11.24 -0.13 +11.2 SerlntlGrF11.27 -0.13 +11.4 SrslntVal 894 -007 +10.6 SerlntlValF 8.97 -0.07 +10.9 SrlnvGrdF'I'l.73 +58 STBF 8 6 0 +2 2 Stratlnc 1138 -001 +90 T otalBd 11 05 +6 4 U SBI 11.96 +4 3 Value 71.35 -0.94 +12.4 Fidelity Sparlan: 500ldxlnv 48.16 -0.66 +9.8 500ldx I 48.17 -0.66 +9.9 Fidelily Sparl Adv: ExMktAd38.06 r -0.70 i8.6 500ldxAdv48.17 -0.66 +9.9
TotMktAd r39.48 -0.57 +9.6 CapApp 40.53 -0.55 +9.0 Lord Abbelt C: RisingDivA16.55 -0.22 i6.6 EmMktS 31.59 0.32 +10.8 U SBond I 11.96 + 4 . 4IVA Funds: Shourlncct4.67 -0.01 +5.2 S&MdCpVI30.34 -0.36 +2.4 Eqlnc 25.16 0.33 +10.9 First Eagle: Wldwidelr1598 -009 +40 Lord Abbelt F: Oppenheimer8: Eqlndex 36.63 0.50 +9.7 GlblA 47.89 -0.39 +6 1 InvescoFundsA: S htDurlnco 4 64 + 6 . 0asingavB1495 -020 +5.7 Groe(h 35.70 0.54 +12.2 OverseasA 2175 -0.13 +6 8 CmstkA 16.66 -0.23 +1 0.8 MFS FundsA: S&MdCpVI25 63 -0 31 +1.7 HlthSci 40.64 0.80 +24.7 Forum Funds: EqlncA 8.92 -0.09 +8.7 TotRA 14.79 -0.12 +7.6 OppenheimerC&M: HiYield 6.86 0.01 +12.3 Absstrlr 11.23 +0.02 +1.6 GrlncAp 20.01 -0.28 +8.8 ValueA 24.35 -0.32 +10.1 RisingDvCp1489-020 +58 InstlCpG 17.720.28 +9.9 Frank/Temp Frnk k OppenheimerRoch: HYMuA 10.20 +0.01 +14.0 MFS FundsI: IntlBond 10.05 0.04 +5.3 FedTFAp 12.90+0.03 +91 Ivy Funds: jtaluel 2446 -033 +10.3 RcNtMuA 7.66 +0.01 +18.4 Intl G&l 12.22 0.11 +6.1 GrwlhAp 48.05 -0.58 +7,6 AssetSCt 2379 -0.31 +10.0 MFS FundsInsll: oppenheimerY: IntlStk 13.51 0.17 +9 9 HYTFA p 11.06 <0.02+11.7 AssetStAp24.64 -0.31 +10.7 IntlEq 17.70 -0.19 i11.2 DevMktY 3288 -042 +135 MidCap 5667 0 75 +7.5 IncomAp 2.15 -0.02 +8.5 AssetStrl r 24.90 -0.31 +10.9 MainStay Fundsk IntlBdY 6.52 -0.01 NA MCapVal 2395 035 +120 R>sDvAp 3640 -037 +46 JPMorgan AClass: avldBA 607 -001 +11.0 IntGrowY 2890 -020 +13.2 N Asia 16 05 012 +154 S tratlnc p 10.67 + 1 0 4 C oreBdA 1217 +5. 1 ManagersFunds: PIMCOAdminPIMS: NewEra 41.13 068 -22 USGovAp 680 -001 +09 JP MorganInsll: Yacktman p18.44 -0.10 +6.7 T otRtAd 11.60 +9. 5 N Horiz 3356 056 +82 Frank/TmpFrnk Adv: MdCpVal 27.27 -0.36 +14.8 YacktFoc 19.84 -0.09 +6.2 PIMCOInstl PIMS: N Inc 9 9 7 +58 Manning&Napier Fds: GlbBdAdv 13.41 +0.02 +12.7 JPMorgan RCl: AIASetAut r11 24 + 14.7 OverSSF 800 007 +93 IncmeAd 2.14 -0.01 +9.3 C oreBond 12.17 +5 . 5 WldoppA 726 -007 +9.6 AIIAsset 12 63 -0 02 +11.9 R2010 1629 011 +85 Frank/TempFrnk C: S htourBd 11 02 +1 . 9 MergerFd 1577 -003 +1.2 ComodRR 6.82+0.02 +6.8 R2015 12.62 011 +90 Metro WeslFds: Divlnc 1223 -001 +129 R2020 17.43 016 +96 IncomCt 2.17 -0.02 +80 JPMorganSelCls: Frank/Temp Mll A&B: C oreBd 12.16 +5 . 3 TotRetBd 11.10 -0.01 +10.7 EmgMkCurl0.41 -0.01 +6.3 R2025 12.72 013 +98 SharesA 21.48 -0.24 +9.2 HighYld 8.08 -0.01 +11.9 totRtBdl 11.10 -0.01 +10.9 EmMkBd 12.35 -0.01 +14.1 R2030 18 23 020 +102 S htourBd 11.02 + 1 . 7Mutual Sesies: HiYld 9 .51 -0.01 +11.7 R2035 12 86 015 +103 Frank/Temp Tempk GIBdAp 13.45 +002 +125 USLCCrPls21.96 -0.29 +11.2 GblascA 2876 -032 +7.6 InvGrCp 11.37 -0.01 +14.0 R2040 18 28 022 +103 GrwthAp 18.24 -0.19 +12.0 Janus TShrs: GlbDiscZ 2919 -032 +7.9 Lowou 10.63 -0.01 +5.6 ShtB[I 4 85 +26 T21 10 -0.24 +45 SharesZ 21 69 -025 +9.4 RealRtnl 1271 -0.01 +9.6 SmCpStk 3404 054 +89 WorldAp 15.17 -0.14 +10.4 PrkMCVal Frank/TempTmp8&C: John HancockCI1: Neuberger&BermFds: ShortT 99 1 +3.3 SmCapVal3712 068 +77 GIBdC p 1347 +0.01 +12.1 LSBalanc 13.18 -0.10 +9.2 Geneslnst 48.53 -0.72 +4.5 TotRt 11 60 +9. 7 Specln 1290 004 +84 GMOTrusl III: LSGrwth 13.00 -0.13 +92 Northern Funds: PIMCOFundsA: Value 2511 036 +11.4 HiYFxlnc 744 NA AIIAstAut t 11.17 + 14.3 Principal Inv: Quahty 22.41 -0.17 +7.5 Lamrd Instl: OakmarkFundsl: GMO TmslIV: EmgMktl 1879 -023 +118 RealRtAp 12.71 -0.01 +9.2 LgGGI In 9.71 014 +93 Eqtylncr 28.42 -0.29 +5.1 T otRtA 11.60 IntllntrVI 1953 -0.15 +45 Longleaf Partners: +9. 3 Putnam FundsA GMO Trusl Vl: Partners 25.44 -0.34 +11.2 Intl I r 18.84 -0.15 +13.8 PIMCOFundsC: GrlnAp 1390 020 NA Oakmark 4745 -072 +13.8 TotRtCt 1160 EmgMkts r10.91 -0.10 +6.1 Loomis Sayles: +87 RoyceFunds: LSBondl 1497 404+120 Old Weslbury Fds: GoldmanSachsInsl: PIMCOFunds0: PennMul 11.29 r 020 +49 aYield 7.31 -0.01 +12.7 StrlncC 1521 -006 +87 Globopp 745 -0.02 +10.8 T Rtn p 11 60 +9. 5 Premierl r 1949 029 +52 HarborFunds: LSBondR 1490 -0.05 +11.7 GlbSMdCa p14.37 -0.13 +8.6 PIMCOFunds P: SchwabFunds: Bond 1303 -001 +86 StrlncA 15.12 -0.07 +9.4 LgCapstrat 9.41 -0.10 +7.3 AstAIIAuthP11.23 + 14.6 1000lnvr 38 72054 +95 CapAplnst 40.02 -0.58 +8.5 Loomis Sayles Inv: Oppenheimerk T otRtnP 11.60 +9. 6 S&P Sel 21 50 0.29 +9.9 Intllnvt 57.08 -0.61 +9.8 InvGrBdY 12.73 -002 +107 DvMktAp 3318 -042 +13.2 Perm PortFunds: ScoutFunds: Intl r 5 7 .76 -0.620.1 +1 Lord AbbetlA: GlobAp 5977 -057 +10.6 Permannt 4852 -019 +5.3 Intl 3 0 . 83 0.27 +11.0 Harllord FdsA: AffilAp 1133 -0.18 +8.7 GblQrlncA 4.3I -0.0I +11.4 Price Funds: Sequoia 159.96 1.95 +9.9 CpAppAp31.76 -0.50 +102 BdDebAp 801 -001 +106 IntBdA p 6.52 -0.01 NA BIChip 43.20 -0.67 +11.8 TCW Funds: Harllord HLSIA: S hDurlncA p4.65 + 6 .1 MnstFdA 35.46 -0.55 +10.3 CapApp 2273 -0.16 +102 EmMktln 9.27 0.01 +18.0
TotRetBdl 10.30 + 12.0 Windsor 47.81 0.64 +12.1 Templeton Inslit: WdsrllAd 49.85 0.74 +10.2 ForEqs 18.62 -0.06 +9.4 VanguardFds: Thornburg Fds: Capopp 32.38-0.43 +9.7 IntValAp 25.70 -0.21 +8.0 avdGro 16.05-020 +5.3 IncBuildC p18.20 -0.18 +6.2 Energy 57 68-0.66 -22 IntValue I 26.29 -0.21 +8.4 Eqlnc 23 27 -0.27 +85 Tweedy Browne: Explr 75 57 -1.27 +58 GblValue 24.64 -0.12 +12.8 GNMA 10 98 -001 +1.8 VanguardAdmiral: HYCorp 6.02 -0.01 +11.8 BalAdml 23.11 -0.20 +7.7 HlthCre 142.35-1.78 +10.7 CAITAdm 11.85 i0.01 +7.3 InflaPro 15.02-0.02 +7.4 CpopAdl 74.82 -0.99 +9.8 IntlGr 17.96 -0.20 i9.8 EMAdmr33.86 r -0.33 +8.3 IntlVal 28.90-0.32 +8.5 Energy 108.33 -1.24 -2.1 ITIGrade 1052 +9.2 EqlnAdmn4878 -056 +86 Lifej'on 16 99 -0.10 +64 ExtdAdm 42.82 -0.77 +88 LifeGro 22 69-0.25 +83 500Adml 125.37 -1.71 +99 LifeMod 20 41417 +74 GNMAAd 1098 -0.01 +1 9 LTIGrade 11.22-001 +139 GrwAdm 3495 -0.47 +110 Morg 18.98 -0.25 +8.6 HlthCr 6008 -0.75 +10 S Mulnt 14.51+0.01 i6.2 aYldCp 602 -001 +119 PrmcpCor14.53 -0.20 +7.7 InfProAd 2950 -0.03 +75 Prmcp r 66.94-0.95 i8.4 I TBdAdml 12.26 +7 . 4 SelValur 20.35-0.31 +9.5 I TsryAdml 11.84 +3 . 1 STAR 20 22 -0.17 +8.9 IntGrAdm 57.19 -0.62 +10.0 STIGrade 1088-001 +43 ITAdml 14.51 i0.01 +6.3 StratEq 2014 -038 +98 I TGrAdm 10.52 + 9 . 3TgtRetlnc 1210406 +63 L tdTrAd 11.20 +2. 1 TgRe20102404 -015 +7.2 LTGrAdml11.22 -0.01 +14.0 TgtRe201513.22-0.10 +7.5 LTAdml 11.93 +0.02 +8.8 tgRe202023.36 -0.20 +7.7 MCpAdml 9639 -1.50 +81 TgtRe202513.26-0.13 i8.1 MUHYAdm1139+0.02 +99 TgRe2030 22.67 -0.24 i8.4 PrmCapr 69.49 -0.99 +85 TgtRe203513.59-0.16 +8.6 ReitAdmr 8835 -1.74 +102 TgtRe204022 29 -0.27 +8.7 STSyAdml10.80 +0.01 +0 S TgtRe204514 00 -017 +88 STBdAdml 1067 + 2 0 USGro 2018 -022 +118 S htTrAd 1594 +1. 1 Wellsly 24 29-011 +85 STIGrAd 1088 -0.01 +4.4 Welltn 33 38 -0.30 +8.7 SmCAdm 36.13 -0.70 +8.2 Wndsr 14.17 -0.19 +12.0 TtlBAdml 11.21 -0.01 +4.4 Wndsll 28.08 -0.42 +10.1 TStkAdm 33.85 -0.49 +9.7 VanguardIdx FdS: WellslAdm58.85 -0.26 +8.5 ExtMktI 105.69-1.91 t8.9 WelltnAdm57.65 -0.52 +8.8 MidCplstPI105.03-1.64 i8.2
TotlntAdmr23.22 -0.25 t8.1 Totlntllnst r9288 -0 97 +8.2 TotlntllPr 9290-0.97 +8.2 500 1 25.35 -1.72 t9.8
TotBnd 11.21-0.01 +4.3 Totllntl 13 SS-0 15 +S.O Totstk 33.83 -0.50 +9.6 Vanguard Instl F EIs: Ballnst 23.11-0.20 +7.7 DevMklnst 913-0 09 +S.4 Extln 42.82 -0.77 +8.9 Grwthlst 34.95-0.47 +11.0 InfProlnst 12 02-0 O'I +7.5 Instldx 124 54-1.70 +9.9 InsPI 124.55 -1.70 +9.9 InsTStPlus30.64 -0.44 +9.8 M>dCplst 21 29-0 34 +S.1 STIGrlnst 10.88-0.01 +4.4 SClnst 36.13-0.70 +8.2 TBlst 11 21 -0 O'I +4.4 Tslnst 33 85 -0 49 +9.7
Valuelst 21.81-0.31 t8.7
VanguardSigna 500Sgl 10356-1 4'I +9.9 M>djlpldx 30.42-0.47 +8.2 STBdldx 10.67 t2.0 SmCpSig 3255-063 +8.2 TotBdsgl 11.21-0 01 +4.4 TotstkSgl 32.67-0.47 t9.7 Virlus FundsI: EmMktl 9 12 0.09 +12.5 Weslem Asset: CorePlus I 11.70 0.01 +8.3
If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email or click on "Submit an Event" at Pleaseallow at least 10days before the desired date of publication.
TODAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E Reed Market Road; 541-610-9125. EFFECTIVEWINTERIZATION: Oregon CAI invites association managers to attend breakfast and a presentation on effective winterization; registration required; $10 for CAI-CORCmembers and $15 for nonmembers; 7:30-9 a.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; OUTCOMES ANDOUTLOOKS, FROM THEELECTION TO THE ECONOMY:A post-election look at global and local economies and capital markets; $45 per individual memberand $55 fornonmembers; 7:30-9:30a.m.; The Riverhouse Convention Center, 2850 N.W. Rippling River Court, Bend; 541-3823221 or EXPLORETHE BENEFITS OF WORKINGWITH SCHWAB:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318- I794. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177050 or BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E U.S. Highway 20; 541-480- I765.
FRIDAY HEALTHCAREREFORM 2014, THE NEXTBIGWAVE OF CHANGE: WHAT DOESYOUR BUSINESS NEED TO BE READY?: Town hall breakfast forum; $30 for members and$40 fornonmembers;7:30 a.m .; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-3221. COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Redmond Senior Center, 325 N.W. Dogwood Ave.; 541-548-6325. KNOW DIGITALDOWNLOADS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30 a.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541617-7050 or www.deschutes CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile© LEADERLUNCH:Reservations required; cost of your lunch and tip; noon; Awbrey GlenGolf Club, 2500 N.W. Awbrey Glen Drive, Bend; 541382-3221 or KNOW INTERNETFOR BEGINNERS:Reservations recommended; free; 1-2:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or DIGITALDOWNLOADS: Reservations recommended; free; 2 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-6177050 or FREE TAXFRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax .com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W.Simpson Ave.,Suite100,Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW CRAIGSLIST:Reservations recommended;free;3-4:30 p.m .; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or
SATURDAY OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza,1552 N.E Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or
16425 First St.; 541-617-7050 or FORECLOSURE PREVENTION CLASS:Learn about Neighborlmpact's Housing Center tools and services that can assist individuals struggling to pay their mortgages; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541-318-7506, ext. 309, karenb© or
TUESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E U.S. Highway 20; 54 I-420-7377. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 3-4:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschutes BUSINESS AFTER HOURS:4:305:30 p.m.; DynaCore Fitness, 444 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-7060760. CROOKEDRIVER RANCHTERREBONNECHAMBEROF COMMERCE NETWORKING SOCIAL:Hosted by Judy LaPora, owner of Artistic Letter Photography; you do not have to be a chamber member to attend; free; 5:30 p.m.; Crooked River Ranch Administration Building, 5195 S.W. Clubhouse Drive; 541-548-8939. SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free one-on-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or
WEDNESDAY BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E Reed Market Road; 541749-0789. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 9:30-11 a.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-617-7050 or
THURSDAY Nov. 22 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E Reed Market Road; 541-610-9125. OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 2-3:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-6177050 or BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765.
KNOW DIGITALDOWNLOADS: Reservations recommended; free; 10:30 a.m.; La Pine Public Library,
Nov. 28 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541749-0789. ORGANIZINGWITH OUTLOOK FOR BUSY PEOPLEWEBINAR: Discover howto integrate all the components of Outlook (email, calendar, tasks and contacts) to make you time rich and productive; hosted by SIMPLIFY; registration required; $65; 8 a.m.9:30 p.m.; CampSherman; 503-2608714 or BUSINESSAFTERHOURSAT THE OXFORD HOTEL: Reservations required; $25 for chamber members and $45 for nonmembers; 5 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-3823221 or
PERMITS City of Bend
Timothy B. MohrRevocable Trust,2443 N.W. Wyeth, $343,985 Brookswood BendLLC, 19741 S.W. Aspen Meadows, $219,851 Cousins Construction Inc., 61628 Kaci, $192,087 Pacwest II LLG,61715 S.E. Yarrow, $203,868 RPP Bend ILLC,3194 N. U.S. Highway 97, $120,000 Building Partners forAffordable Housing,20060 S.E Calvin, $189,030 Deschutes LandingLLC,909 S.W. Theater, $338,374 Deschutes LandingLLC,901 S.W. Theater, $285,053 Deschutes LandingLLC,897 S.W. Theater, $338,374 ML Bend U.S.A. Limited Partnership,20776 N.E Smoke Stack, $236,843 PahlischHomes Inc.,20358 Penhollow, $282,107
SimplyLand LLC,1689 N.W . Precision, $211,480 Stonegate Development LLC, 20114 Stonegate, $201,809 2001 Stephen B. Dandurand Revocable Trust,20253 S.E Hufflepuff, $184,905 SimplyLand LLC,1685 N.W . Precision, $200,345 Pahlisch HomesInc., 3310 N.W. Fairway Heights, $295,910 Richard L. Carpenter Revocable Trust,20294 S.E. Knightsbridge,
$197,716 Deschutes County Kathleen O'Reilly,2121 N.W. Ice Ave., Terrebonne, $147,977.60 Kenneth D. Gerhart,65175 94th St., Bend, $143,218.08
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Nov. 23 CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile© FREE TAX FRIDAY: Freetax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax .com;free;2-4 p.m.;Zoom Tax,963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite100, Bend; 541-385-9666.
TUESDAV BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend
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ket or truck it to Turkey. Kurdistan's success in atContinued from E1 tracting the big oil companies S hahristani w a rned t h e does seem tohave influenced French oil giant Total and thinking in Baghdad. Shahother companies that they ristani said there was nothing faced the prospect of being in Iraqi law that prevented the forced out of their Iraqi projaward of contracts that give ects if they have their feet in companies a slice of the outboth camps. put of fields for exploration. "They must either decide to Companies prefer these conpresent their contract to the tracts to the service deals that federal government for apBaghdad has offered so far, proval or they are in breach which give companies a perof their contract" with Iraq, barrel fee for renovating old he said. fields like West Qurna. But Shahristani is losing A promising future At the conference, Shahthe battle to persuade the Southern Iraq is far more ristani dismissed suggestions large Western oil companies. important to the global oil that Iraq would have trouble Exxon Mobil, Total, Chevron picture today, with more than replacing Exxon Mobil, sayand Gazprom have all decid- 3 million barrels a day of pro- ing that serious international ed that Kurdish oil deals have duction, while Kurdistan is companies were interested. sufficient potential for profit struggling to export 200,000 He indicated that he had dito be worth risking the ire of barrels per day. But explora- aled back his expectations Baghdad. tion in Kurdistan is still at a for Iraqi oil production over Philip Lambert, head of the relatively early stage, having the next few years to about 9 London-based advisory firm started only after Saddam's million barrels per day from Lambert Energy, said at the ouster in 2003. Companies the 12 million that Iraq would conference that the surge in looking for oil in the north achieve if the oil companies deals in Kurdistan, compared have enjoyed a high success delivered on all the contracts to a relatively moribund envi- rate. they have signed. Iraq's apronment in Iraq proper, was a Despite Shahristani's prick- proach c o ul d j e o p ardize sign that the environment in liness, there are signs that Baghdad's ambitions to triple Kurdistan is healthier. Baghdad and the Kurdistan its current level of output on O ne reason: A s S h a h- government could soon reach oil, a herculean task. ristani acknowledged, Bagh- an u n derstanding. U n der Iraq, although it is an OPEC dad'scontracts are among the an agreement last summer, member, does not have a quotoughest in the world. They Kurdistan has been putting ta, in recognition of its need offer such low returns thatoil into the main Iraq-Turkey for revenue to rebuild. Shahalong with continued security pipeline. These exports had ristani said that once Iraq had risks and infrastructure prob- been suspended over pay- reached 4 million to 5 million lems — Western companies ment disputes between Bagh- barrels per day, it could start are deciding that they would dad and Erbil, leaving compa- discussing its production with be better off making deals nies like Genel Energy, now other OPEC members. "We don't think that Iraq with the Kurds. led by the former BP chief, Under Kurdistan contracts, Tony Hayward, with no other is going to be squeezing any oil companies can earn $3 to option than to sell their oil country out of the market," he $5 perbarrel,compared with cheaply in the Kurdish mar- said.
Nov. 27
Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or SIMPLIFIED SOLUTIONS:A workshop from Bethanne Kronick with practical strategies and tools to help time-stressed workers improve focus and productivity at work and in their personal lives; registration required; $175; 9 a.m.-3 p.m.; Sisters Art Works, 204 W. Adams Ave.; 503-260-8714 or info@ KEEP YOURCUSTOMERS COMING BACK:Business success program; reservations required; $25 for chamber members and $45 for nonmembers; 11 a.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-3221 or OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 23:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-6177050 or OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 3-4:30p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschutes OPEN COMPUTERLAB: Reservations recommended; free; 5:30-7p.m.;Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-617-7050 or www.deschutes SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: SCORE business counselors will be available every Tuesday for free one-on-one small-business counseling; no appointment necessary; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080 or ID THEFT, WHO'S GOT YOUR NUMBER?:Identity theft and scamscancostyou money;learn precautions that can keep you safe; registration required; free; 6 p.m.; Mid Oregon Credit Union, 305 N.E Hickey Farms Road, Prineville; 541382-1795.
about $1 per barrel under contracts with the Iraqi federal government, according to Wood Mackenzie,a consulting firm i n E d inburgh, Scotland. So far the large companies have been signing exploration deals with Kurdistan, not production contracts. That leaves several years for the governments in Baghdad and Erbil to reach an accommodation before the fields in the north start producing.
The Bulletin
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Health Events, F2
N u t r ition, F3
People, F2 Money, F2
Medicine, F5 Fitness, F6
7 ways to save
blockers may not help some patients
on your
'13 plan By Marcia Heroux Pounds
• Study raises doubts about drugs'usein cases ofheart disease
Sun Sentinel (Fort Lauderdale, Flal
In choosing health insurance, Cariann Moore used an online spreadsheet tool
provided by her employer to compare health insurance plans. She found that a high-deductible plan with a lower price tag would save her money. "For me, it
makes it so
By Anne Aurand The Bulletin
New research suggests that beta blockers, a widely prescribed class of drugs used for treating high blood pressure, may not help lower the risk of heart attacks, strokes and death in people with heart disease. This is concerning, considering that beta blockers are the current
much easier and demystifies what can be a little overwhelming when you have all these options," said Moore, who works for C3 customer-service firm in Plantation, Fla. With health insurance premiums up an average 7 percentfor2013,employees are finding they need to be savvier consumers. To deal with rising costs, employers are putting the onus on workers "to take control over what their health expenses are," said Terri Byers, national benefits enrollment manager for West Palm Beach, Fla.based Oasis Outsourcing, which handles payroll and benefits for companies. Here are seven tips on choosing health insurance and reducing costs:
coronary • Common artery disbeta blockers ease, said prescribed, Dr. Sripal FS
Bangalore, assistant
professor inthe Department of Medicine at the Leon H. Charney Division of Cardiology at New York University Langone Medical Center and lead author of the study.
Doctors read Dr. Michael Widmer, a cardiologist with Heart Center Cardiology in Bend, said the study was not
Make sure you enroll. • If you don't re-enroll in yourbenefitsorare given new plan options, you could end up without coverage for 2013. Check your enrollment dates, often in early November or in the spring, and make sure
surprising. "There are lots of instances in medicine where we've done things in the past that we found later were not good," he said. Beta blockers have been an area of concern recently, Widmer said. Physicians may be thinking twice about to whom they prescribe the drugs. See Beta /F5
you sign up. Most people who are offered employer-sponsored health insurance should take it, said Keith Mendonsa, consumer insurance specialist for eHealth, which provides insurance quotes online. And people with preexisting conditions should definitely take it, since they could be declined on their own, he said.
Work a strollerand infant — into a workout
"It's really understanding
your plan."
~'Goodbacteria' foundinyogurt, fermentedveggies
— Terri Byers, a national benefits enrollment manager
Pay attention to your insurance costs. Look at three things: your premium cost contributions this year compared to last; your maximum"out-of-pocket," which is your financial obligation for a catastrophic health issue; and your deductible. Byers offered an example: "If my deductible is $2,500 and my out-of-pocket max is $5,000, I know I'm going to have to pay $2,500 if I go into the hospital. Can I afford that?" But if the deductible and outof-pocket are both $2,500, then all your health care expenses will be covered by your insurance after the deductible is met. Consumers make the mistake of picking what they think is the "richer" plan, Byers said. But check whether your doctors are on the less-expensive HMO plan, as well as the pricier PPO insurance. See Save/F2
of care for people with
and supplementscan aid in digestion andmore By Anne Anrand • The Bulletin
our yogurt is teeming with live microorganisms — bacteria. So is your sauerkraut.
By Danieba Braff Chicago Tribune
These bacteria are similar .to the microorganisms naturally found in our intestines Scientists are starting to unravel how beneficial bacteria in food or supplements . . might help manage human health and some diseases Researchers use the term probiotic p i l l s. They're added to juice drinks, ' to.describe the microbes that have pizza crusts and even candybars. been shown i n c o ntrolled huma n W hi le t h eir medical value is still . studies to i mpart health benefits,. I argely speculative, they are genertheoretically, when "good" 'bacteria . ally considered safe, and they're bloslo-K4' trump the harmful kinds. Probiotics s o m inginpopularity. Promohs HeaRhy Dc on have shown to improve some gastro80 i' intestinal distress. They have been APrOmiSin9f"t"re Qlll associated with cardiovascular health A cen t ury ago, scientists proposed and immune system responses. the idea that some foods fermented Considered foods or supplements, w i t h certain bacteria could improve probiotics are not regulated by the a p e rson's health. In the 1960s; such "good bacteria" became known as FoodandDrugAdministration. They Andy Tullis / The Buretin can be purchased in stores, in the p r o biotics, a word intended to contrast Nature's General Store owner Debbie form of naturally fermented foods, as a ntibiotics. Sloan shows a variety of probiotic powders, in packets or freeze-dried See Probiotics/F3 supplements.
l iy
~utututauu O
lllustration by Jennifer Montgomery/The Bulletin
Once you have a baby, it's easy to let exercising fall to the wayside. After all, if you can barely fit in time to shower, then making time to workout may seem as extravagant as taking a quick trip to the moon. But while
FITNE55 h i t ting the gym daily with an infant or a toddler may be nearly impossible, getting your workout done doesn't have to be. Sim-
ply pop your baby into the stroller and hit the streets. Jennifer Lungren, an instructor in Virginia for Stroller Strides (a fit-
ness program for moms), shared her best tricks to working out with a baby on board. See Stroller /F6
HEALTH HIGHLIGHTS MONEY: Medicaid will increase some reimbursement rates, F2
MEDICINE: Making the case for 'whole-person care,' F5
MEDICINE: Three genes pinpointed in uterine cancer, F5
FITNESS:Improveyour poling power with this triceps workout, F6
HEALTH EVENTS Editor's note:Ongoing support groups now appear online only. See www.bendbulletin. comlsupportgroups. To submit an entry for either list, see instructions below.
Raymond, a naturopathic physician; registration required; free; 5:306:30 p.m. today; Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 N.W. Louisiana Ave., Bend; or 541-330-0334.
FOOD DRIVE:Chiropractic services offered in exchange for CLASSES nonperishable food donations to benefit Neighborlmpact; call for an appointment; 9 a.m.-noon Saturday; MENTALHEALTHSCREENING: Lind Chiropractic Clinic, 444 N.E. Screenings offered by licensed Norton Ave., Bend; 541-389-3072. professionals, with referrals; registration required; free; 9 a.m.BONE MARROW DONOR DRIVE: 5;390 S.W .Columbia, Register to be a bone marrow donor Suite 210, Bend; 541-610-4597. through the National Marrow Donor Program; 10 a.m.-3 p.m. Saturday; GREAT AMERICANSMOKEOUT: Patient counseling for those wanting Newport Avenue Market, 1121 Newport Ave., Bend; www.bethe to quit smoking, and a lunch presentation, "Advise the Quit," for medical professionals; free; 10 a.m.- NO PAINLIFEGAIN: Learn about 3 p.m. counseling andnoon managing stressfrom physical luncheon, today; Bend Memorial therapist Allison Suran; registration Clinic Physician's Lounge,1501 requested; free; 5:30-6:30 p.m. N.E. Medical Center Drive; Monday; Healing Bridge Physical 541-317-4506. Therapy, 404 N.E. PennAve., Bend; 541-318-7041. MEDICARE SEMINAR: Learn about Medicare plan options; free; 3 p.m. RESTORATIVEGENTLE YOGA: today; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Remove stress and release gripped Reed Market Road; 541-504-1507. muscles through yoga; $15; 6-7:30 HEALTHYHOLIDAYEATING: Learn p.m. Wednesday; Safeway Center, about healthy holiday eating, recipes 660 N.E. 3rd St., Suite 5, Bend; 541318-1186 or and menu plans from Dr. Kerie
How to submit Health Events:Email event information to healthevents© or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bend Allow at least10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing class listings must be updated monthly and
will appear at Contact: 541-383-0358.
People:Email information about local people involved in health issues to healthevents© Contact: 541-383-0358.
PEOPLE Dr. Ann-Bridget Birdrecently joined St. Charles Health System's clinics in R edmond a n d Prineville as an obstetrician/gynecologist. Bird is a graduate of the University of B l r d North Carolina at Chapel Hill and completed a residency at th e G reater Baltimore Medical Center in Maryland. KevlnSchitoskey has recently joined AirLink Critical Care Transport in Bend as the program manager. AirLink is an emergency air medicalcompany. Schitoskey is a graduate of the University of New Mexico andisa licensed emergency medical technician. Dr. Bonnie Skakel has recently joined Collins Orchard Wellness Center in Bend as a naturopathic physician. Skakel's areas of specialty include women's health, cancer care, Chinese medicineand stress
management. She is also a licensed acupuncturist. Anna Thedford has recently joined Collins Orchard Wellness Center as a mental health counselor.Thedford specializes in working with children and families.
Dr. Colleen Amannhas recently joined Collins Orchard Wellness Center as a naturo-
pathic physician practicing primary care. Amann's areas of specialty include integrated aesthetic and anti-aging medicine, chronic pain and hormonal imbalances. Marijane Boyd has recently joined Collins Orchard Wellness Center as a licensed massagetherapist. Dr. Terry Fong has recently joined Collins Orchard Wellness Centeras a naturopathic physician. Fong is a graduate of Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine in Tempe, Ariz. Her areas of specialty include chemical sensitivities and multiple sclerosis.
Medicaid to increase reimbursementrates Medicaid will increase its reimbursement rates for certain primary care services starting in January, the U.S. Department of Health
andHuman Servicesrecentlyannounced. Qualifying caregivers will be paid at Medicare rates for Medicaid patients in 2013 and 2014, instead of at Medicaid rates, which are often lower. Medicaid is operated by the states and serves low-income individuals, including children, people with disabilities and seniors. Medicare is the federal health insurance pro-
By Melissa Healy
When a person takes on the DNA of another, as happens, For decades after a woman for instance, in bone marrow has carried a male child in her transfusions, she is called a womb or shared her mother's "chimera" — in mythology, a womb with a brother, she car- beast that is the fusion of two ries a faint but unmistakable or more creatures. The discovecho of that intimate bond: ery that a person can carry the male fetal DNA that lodges fetal DNA of another person itself in the far recesses of her has given rise to a variant: This brain. is dubbed microchimerism. That astonishing f inding, This line of research, says published in the journal Public rheumatologist J. Lee Nelson, Library of Science One (PLoS coauthor of the study,"suggests One), suggests that the act of we need a new paradigm of the having a child is no mere one- biological self" and how it is way transmission of genetic formed. Wethink of ourselves material and all that goes with as the product of two biologiit: There is an exchange of cal parents and a one-time roll DNA that passes into the part of the genetic dice. That, says of us that makes us who we Nelson, appears to be wrong: are. That, in turn, may alter In the womb, we may also pick a woman's health prospects up the DNA of older siblings in ways her own DNA never left over from their stay, or of intended. a fetal twin who never made it In the study, researchers to daylight. In the course of our from th e F r e d H u tchinson lives, we may take on the DNA Cancer Research Center and of the sons we bear, or even the University of Washington of the sons we conceived and examined, post-mortem, the miscarried. And that DNA can brainsof 59 women. In 63 per- stay with us long after our big cent of the brains, they found brothers have moved on and fetal DNA that could only have our sons have grown up and come from a male. While scat- moved away. tered throughout the brain, the The sources of our DNA"are genetic traces of this other in- much more diverse than we dividual were clustered heav- know," said Nelson in an interily in the brain's hippocampus view. And these exchanges of — a region crucial to the con- DNA may play an evolutionsolidation of memories — and ary rolefar greater than we in the parietal and temporal have ever imagined, she addlobes of the brain's prefrontal ed. Walt Whitman once wrote, cortex, areas that play roles "I contain multitudes," and in sensation, perception, sen- Nelson says she and her colsory integration and language leagues now glean new meancomprehension. ings from the observation. Los Angeles Times
ment Advisory Board, which was
doing it now because she is over 70.
"Obamacare" won't pay for surgery for people after 70. Is this true? •
It's not true. "There is no provision in the
the IPAB will make recommendations
to lower costs if Medicare spending exceeds established targets. Proposed changes must be considered by Congress and implemented by
health care law that makes changes in the administration within designated Medicare benefitsbasedonage,"says timeframes The IPAB is prohibited from ration-
of the Medicare Policy Program at
ing care, from making decisions about
the Kaiser Family Foundation. (Kaiser Health News is an editorially indepen-
what benefits will or won't be covered,
eral Affordable Care Act, says a Health and
Human Services news release. It applies to primary care services delivered by aphysician who specializes in family medicine, gen-
discussion about whether the Afford-
eral internal medicine, or pediatric medicine or related subspecialists. — Heidi Hagemeier, TheBulletin
dent program of the foundation.) There has been a great deal of able Care Act will result in rationing
and from increasing beneficiaries' premiums or cost sharing, Cubanski says. It could recommend reducing payments to certain providers and service suppliers, however.
of seniors' care. Much of this has
— Michelle Andrews, Special to TheWashington Post
centered on the lndependent Pay-
High-deductible planstempting but risky By Michelle Andrews Special to The Washington Post
Alison Mitisek was at a Denver pediatrician's office with her 15-month-old son last August when she passed out. The doctor's office staff called an ambulance, which rushed her to a nearby emergency department. Doctors were not able to determine why Mitisek, a 30year-old schoolteacher, lost consciousness. Still, the bills for the ambulance and the diagnostic testing and other care came to $5,800. Mitisek's g roup health p lan h a d a $5,600 annual deductible, on which she and her husband, Mark, had already paid $800. Their share of the $5,800 bill before their insurance kicked in was $4,800. In general, the higher a health plan's deductible, the lower the premium. "Taking
that gamble is appealing," M ark Mitisek says of t h e choice to pay lower premiums and hope to avoid needing pricey medical care. "But when you lose the gamble
Save Contlnued from F1 "It's really understand-
ing your plan," she said. Compare traditional • with high-deductible
On OLlbi r OIOgiCalmakeuP
I have a friend who is due to
• have a knee replacement soon. authorized to help control the growth Her doctor told her it is good she is in Medicare costs. Starting in 2014,
Juliette Cubanski, associate director
gram open toAmericans age65and older. Thechangewasmadeaspartofthefed-
3 plan options.More employ-
DNA findingsshedlight
Benefit sdon'tchange based on age
ers are offering a h i ghd eductible p l an , w h i c h
generally offers a lower premium. But be prepared to pay t he amount o f t h e d e ductible i n t h e c o m i ng year if you have serious health care i ssues, said Mendonsa. Moore, 34, chose a highdeductible plan b e cause she's relatively healthy and doesn't have to buy many prescription d r u g s. "It made more sensefor me," she said. "Knock on wood; I haven't been in an emergency room for a very long time." But a family that has frequent visits for the children to the pediatrician or even
an emergency room may prefer the co-payments and lower deductible of an HMO, Byers said. Ask your employer if there's a "gap" plan available, which is combined with high-deductible insurance to offset the cost if an employee lands in the hospital. Under a high-deductible plan, the employee has to pay the deductible, which can be $5,000 or more, beforesurgery or other major health care expenses are covered. U se incentives t o • reduce costs. "Employees should think about how they can b e b etter consumers with the services acarrier offers," said Heather Leck, president of C orporate Benefit A d v isors in Delray Beach, Fla. Some plans offer a hotline to a nurse or doctor, price checks on tests ordered by a doctor, or where to find
and you're stuck with that expense, it makes you think twice." "People get caught all the time," says Martin R osen, co-founder of Health Advocate, a company that helps consumers resolve medical billing problems and provides supportfor health-care decisions. "If you come from a traditional health plan and you paid a flat $100 co-pay for a visit to the emergency room, the assumption is that you're
these accountsto help cover medical expenses. Fifty-nine percent of employers o f f ered s o - called account-based health plans thisyear,up from 53 percent in 2011, and ll percent said they will begin offering them by next year, according to an annual employer survey conductedby benefits consultant Towers Watson and the National Business Group on Health. Some employees d o n't have a choice: Twelve percent of employers who responded to the survey said accountbased plans are the only type of plan they offer. "When people are considering a high-deductible plan, I always say, 'Could you come up with the whole deductible all at one time?'" says Amelia Haviland, an associate professor of statistics and health policy at C a rnegie Mellon University who has published studies on the effect of highdeductible health plans on health-care spending. "If it's
going to pay the same in a high-deductible plan." In a high-deductible plan, preventive care is typically not subject to the deductible. But all other care, including prescriptiondrugs and emer-
gency care, may be. During this year's annual enrollment season, more people than ever will have the option to choose a health plan with a deductible that may exceed $1,000. These plans are often also linked to a savings account that offers tax benefits; employers and the employee may contribute to
going to keep you from going
the best deal on a prescription.
money must be used by yearend, while a health savings Set pre-tax dollars aside. account rolls over to the next • Use a flexible spending year. If you have a number of account either from your em- healthy years where you don't ployer or a third party, such use what you d eposit, you as a bank, to deposit money to could rack up extra retirement coverhealth costs not covered savings. "Take advantage of the serby insurance. Find the list of IRS-approved expenses on vices that can help you save your health insurer's website. money," she said. Note that contributions in 2013 for flexible spending acMlx and matchcoverage. counts have been lowered to • Your spouse or domes$2,500 in 2013, but Byers said tic partner may have less exshe doesn't think it will affect pensive coverage. Or it may most people. "I don't see many be less expensive for certain people using the full $5,000," family members to be insured she said. on an individually purchased Employers that offer highhealth plan. Note that employd eductible plans also m ay er-basedplans are more likely have the option of a health to cover pregnancy, according savings account, which also to eHealthlnsurance. allows pre-tax dollars to be Mendosa said some employsocked away. The difference: ees may find their employer's In a flexible spending account, health plan no longer meets
to the emergency department when you really need to go, don't choose that plan." Families that enrolled in a high-deductible health plan spent 14 percent less on care, on average, than families in traditional plans, according to a Rand study of claims data for 53 large employers published in the A m erican Journal of Managed Care that was co-authored by Haviland in 2011. Proponents o f hi g h -deductible health plans say that requiring consumers to pay a larger share of their own healthcare costs helps reduce spending o n u n n ecessary care. But the Rand study and others have found that when people haveto pay more out of pocket for their care, they also skimp on care they need, such as preventive cancer screenings. The emergency d epartment is one of the most expensiveplaces to receivecare, and reducingits overuse is an important goal of h i gh-deductible plans.
their needs — perhaps they need a brand-name prescription and the plan only covers generics. Or perhaps the monthly cost for premiums is more than the employee can afford. If you have no pre-existing conditions, look at options to purchase insurance on your own. But don't cancel or disenroll from existing coverage until approved for a new one, he sa>d. R evlew coverage o p • tlons for adult children. Since 2010, the health care law has allowed adult children to retain coverage under a parent's health insurance policy until age 26. But make sure adult children who live in another state have access to your in-network health care providers.
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NUTRITION Probiotics Continued from F1 The body of solid, sciencebased knowledge about how these microorganisms may improve our immune systems or fight pathogens is still in its infancy, but experts say probiotics look promising. "Scientists are interested in anti-pathogenic activity that some of them have," said Colorado-based Mary Ellen Sanders, executive director of the International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics and an internationally recognized consultant in the field of probiotic microbiology. Evidence already supports probiotics in some clinical conditions, wrote Dr. Matthew Ciorba, aprofessor of medicine at Washington University at St. Louis, in a September 2012 article published in the journal Clinical Gastroenterology and
Hepatology. "Ongoing investi-
Beforeyouduyprodiotics l
Read the label closely. It shouldtell you: • Stein. Whatprobiotic isinside? • Suggestedserving size. Aprobiotic is defined byits genus How muchdoI take? (e.g. Lactobacillus), species Different probiotics have (e.g. rhamnosus)andstrain been shown to be effective designation (often a combination at different levels. It is not of letters or numbers).For possible to provide onecount example: Lactobacillus for all probiotics. Scientific rhamnosusGG,onewell-studied literature has documented
Suttt ttt|tt
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Andy Tnllie /The Bulletin
Debbie Sloan, the owner of Nature's General Store,displays a selection of probiotic products in the refrigerated case. When Sloan opened the natural foods business in 1983, the main probiotics on the market were Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium. "Over the years I have seen it grow from those two to more than I can count," she said. Now, she sells a wide variety of probiotic strains daily, from naturally fermented foods to drinks to pill-form supplements.
Consumer information
The human body contains trillions of m i croorganisms. They outnumber human cells 10 to 1, according to the National Institutes of H e alth. T hese microorganisms i n clude bacteria, fungi and viruses. Some microorganism can be harmful. Others are crucial to human health. Some bacteria, for example, extract vitamins from food, calm gut inflammation and break down toxins. A consortium of researchers recently completed the
Because probiotics are considered a food and dietary supplement,
"(The Microbiome Project) is going to be a driving force in helping us understand the role ofbacteria in our gut, and from there, understanding probiotics," said Jeannie GazzanigaMoloo, a spokeswoman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and instructor of nutrition at California State University in Sacramento.
not a medicine, the Food and Drug Administration doesn't verify manufacturer's claims or test products. Product quality, purity
and viability can bevariable. Here are afew different reviews of probiotic products that have been clinically tested.
From "Comparison ofCommonProbiotics Products," published inthe July2012 Pharmacist's Letter, a trade publication:
• Culturelle (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG)was backed by research and deemed "likely effective" as a treatment for rotavirus diarrhea in infants and young adults. Culturelle is "possibly effective" for the treatment of eczema in infants and the prevention of allergies in infants. Other "possibly effective" probiotics include: • Align, (Bifidobacterium infantis 35624) for abdominal pain, bloating, difficult bowel movements. • Bio-K, (Lactobacillus acidophilus CL1285, Lactobacillus casei LBC80R) for reducing antibiotic-associated diarrhea,
and C. diff colitis, an inflammation from C.diff that causes diarrhea, cramps andfever. • DanActive, (Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Streptococcus thermophilus, Lactobacillus casei) for antibioticassociated diarrhea in children and infants.
• Florajen, (Lactobacillus acidophilus) for preventing antibiotic-associated diarrhea in hospitalized adults. • Florastor, (Saccharomyces boulardii lyo) prevention in many types of diarrhea. • Howaru, (Lactobacillus acidophilus NCFM, Bifidobacterium lactis Bi-07) for preventing and reducing
cold and flu symptoms. • Jamieson probiotic sticks, (Lactobacillus helveticus and Bifidobacterium longum) for stress-related digestive
symptoms. • RepHresh Pro-B andFem-dophilus, (Lactobacillus
rhamnosus GR-1, Lactobacillus reuteri RC-14) for bacterial
vaginosis and for the prevention of urinary tract infections. • VSL¹3, (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus pantarum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacteriuminfantis, Bifidobacteriumlongum
and Streptococcus thermophilus) for remission of pouchitis, symptoms of irritable bowel syndromeand
remission of ulcerative colitis.
When illness or antibiotics disturb the balance of microorganisms in one's gastrointestinal tract, it often results in symptoms such as diarrhea or a b d ominal d i s comfort. Probiotics can restore healthy bacteria and improve those symptoms.
• Yogurt, (content varies) for the prevention of antibioticassociated diarrhea or recurrent vaginal candidiasis.
"(Probiotics) help with gas-
trointestinal problems, gas, bloating, diarrhea and constipation. They're touted as helping the immune system, c ancer risk r e duction a n d weight management, although (studies on the latter are) less conclusive," said GazzanigaMoloo. "I have seen patients get relief from probiotics. It's very difficult to determine the degree of an enhanced immune system from probiotics. That's something that might be subtle." But the flow of published studies on probiotics is rapid, and many indicate some value in introducing certain bacteria into the gut. Studies h av e s u p ported therapeutic use of probiotics for irritable bowel syndrome, i nflammatory b o w e l d is eases, a n tibiotic-associated diarrhea and Clostridium difficile-associated diarrhea. (C. difficile is a bacterium that can cause symptoms ranging from diarrhea to life-threate ning inflammation of t h e colon, and i n fections have
been growing in frequency in recent years.) Some probiotic strains may fight a stomach infection from a type of bacteria called Helicobacterpylori,a cause ofpeptic ulcers. A study recently presented at the American Heart Association's Scientific Sessions 2012 said that daily doses of a certain strain of probiotic bacteria lowered cholesterol-bearing molecules in the blood as well as LDL ("bad") and total cholesterol, suggesting that
and in alleviating somebowel
more than1 trillion CFUper day. • Health benefits. What can
same species can be different. A consumer can't assume
this product dofor me?
that different strains of the
improving symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome.Others may reducevaginal bacterial
Some strains are effective for
same species will have similar
Human Microbiome Project
crobial makeup o f h e althy humans, known as the Human Microbiome Project, a $150 million project organized by the National Institutes of Health. Like the Human Genome Project, it developed a snapshot of the human condition, but in this case, of microorganisms instead of genes. From that baseline, scientists can study how changes to the microbiome — the collection of microorganisms in our bodies — may be related to illness and disease.
health benefits for products ranging from 50 million to
dysfunction. Different strains of even the
gationsoffer greatpromise for the future," he wrote.
mapping of the normal mi-
strain that's been found to be useful in reducing diarrhea
From "AGastroenterologist's Guide to Probiotics" by Dr. Matthew Ciorba, published in the September 2012
journal Clinical GastroenterologyandHepatology. Effectiveness forgastrointestinal disorders, ranked "strong, positive" bywell-conductedstudies: • BioGaia (Lactobacillus reuteri protectis) • Culturelle (Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG) • Danactive (Lactobacillus casei DN-114001)
• Florastor (Saccharomyces boulardii) • VSL¹3, (Lactobacillus acidophilus, Lactobacillus pantarum, Lactobacillus bulgaricus, Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacteriuminfantis, Bifidobacteriumlongum
and Streptococcus thermophilus) From ConsumerReports: Three of thefour brands that Consumer Reports tested
strains of E. coli can mean the difference between health and illness. One is a pathogen and one isn't.) Some probiotic strains have been studied for almost 100 years, Sanders said. Others have only recently been isolated forresearch. She estimated that probably only about 30 strains have been clinically studied on humans for health benefits. Variousspecies ofthe genus Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium are the most studied and most consumed, butthere are myriad others.
Choosing probiotics When choosing a probiotic, it's important to pick one that contains the strain that's been clinically tested on humans for the specific condition. "Unfortunately, there's no easy way for consumers to know what products are backed by human studies or not. They might need to do some contacting of companies on their own," Sanders said. Some consumer organizations have tested various types and brands of probiotics (See "Consumer information" ). Neither Sanders nor Gazzaniga-Moloo said that people in general needtotake probiotics. Both said certain people with certain health concerns could benefit from them especially, Sanders said, anyone with irregular bowel movements or gastrointestinal d i s comfort. Some say it could take a year to show results, Sanders said, but, "I'd say a month is a good period of time to try. If it's not working, you can change probiotics or format — from a supplement to yogurt — or just say it's not for you." Both Sanders and Gazzaniga-Moloo noted that anyone with a weakened immune system, for example, an infant or
effects. Probiotic names are complicated, but are important to connecting the specific strain to the strain's published scientific literature.
infections. Others improve cold
and flu symptoms. • Proper storage conditions. Where do I keep it to ensure
• CFU,a unit of measurement
maximum survival of the
that means "colony-forming
probiotic? Many require
units" and represents how refrigeration. many live microorganisms are • Corporate contact in each serving. information.Who makesthis The label should say when the
product? Where to do I go for more information?
product expires andensure an effective level of live bacteria through the "best by" or expiration date.
Source' "Probietice: A Consumer Guide for Making Smart Choices," by the International Scientific Association for Prebioucs and Prehiotics.
that really needs to be defined through research." G azzaniga-Moloo i s no t opposed to th e supplement form of probiotics, but primarily recommends getting them from dairy sources, such as kefir, a fermented milk drink, or yogurt. Probiotics have a short shelf life and are easily destroyed by heat. The same goes for dairy products. If someone is lactose intolerant, they can try fermented products such as kombucha, a fermented tea drink; tempeh, a soy product; or fermented vegetables such as raw sauerkraut. Processing and cooking probiotic food items will kill some organisms, soit's questionable when a pizza crust or a nutrition bar claims to contain probiotics. Make sure the p r oduct's container says "live and active cultures," she said. And, she said, consider the food source. "Probiotics added to a chocolate bar doesn't negate
unhealthy ingredients," she sald. To make sure the l i ving organisms stay alive, watch the expiration dates. Probiotics that require refrigeration might have a shelf life of three to six weeks, she said. Freezedried supplements might last 12 months. "Over that time, the number of viable organisms will decrease, which gets me back to why I recommend dairy products," GazzanigaMoloo said. Ideally, consume some probiotics daily, she said, perhaps one serving of yogurt a day. "There's no prescription out there." — Reporter: 541-383-0304,
M ED I l ase r
ce n t er
Rebecca Nenweiler, MD, Board Certfied
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We're moving upstream. To better serve you, we're moving our east side office up the river to 929 SW Simpson Avenue. Just follow the fish. Now located at: 929 SW Simpson Ave., Suite 220 Bend, Oregon 541.317.5600
Endocrinology NoithWesf ,~,) t
someone undergoing cancer therapy, should not take probiotics without direction from a
gg II'
physician. "Bacteria is st ill b acteria and when someone has a weak immune system, it's not quite clear as to whether we should be introducing bacteria, good or bad," GazzanigaMoloo said. "This is an area
g I -"
— Culturelle, Phillips'and Align — all disintegrated, meaning the pills will break down and release the bacteria. The fourth
product, Enzymatic Acidophilus Pearls, did not do as well in Consumer Reports tests. •Culturelle, Phillips, Align andEnzymatic Acidophilus Pearls supplementsall containedless probioticcontentthan yogurt
• •
products. •Align had the fewest beneficial bacteria and cost the most. • Yogurts have more probiotics and cost less than pills for
comparable amounts of bacteria.
• •
Tuesday, November 20, 2012 ~ 2:00to 3:00 pm KEY POINTS: • Healing your grief; bringing light into the darkness
gut bacteria may play a role in heart disease, said Dr. Mitchell Jones, lead author of the study and a research assistant in the Faculty of Medicine at McGill University in Montreal. One recent study showed that babies were less likely to get eczema if their mothers took probiotics while pregnant and breast-feeding. Another showed improvement in urinary tract infections in postmenopausal women who took probiotics. In light of the obesity epidemic, several studies have looked at the influence of intestinal microorganisms on obesity. Obese individualstend to have different microbial profiles in their intestines than lean individuals, and scientists have learned that the bacteria
common to obesity may metabolize food differently.
Many different strains Probiotics ar e i d e ntified by genus, species and strain, which ends up being a mouthful to say: Lactobacillus acidophilus CL1285 or Bifidobacterium infantis 35624. But the names are important to connecting the specific probiotic strain to the its published scientific literature. Sanders, the microbiologist, said different strains — even closelyrelated ones such as Lactobacillus casei CRL431 versus Lactobacillus casei F19 — might function differently and react with pathogens differently. (Take the bacterium E. coli, found in the lower intestine, for example. Different
• The uniqueness of your grief and ways to navigate the season • Grief is cumulative; what are you doing with yours? • Grief is messy; there is no road map
PRESENTER: Carla Figgins-Roberts; Grief Support Counselor
Partners in cn
Partners In Care Redmond Station 755 SW 7th Street Redmond, Oregon
lacier Av
SW Highland Avn (
Seating is limited. Lisa Hurley at Partners In
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Bend, OR 97701
Look for a vacant parking totwestof the building.
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u$ j D
QUESTioN: What are the symptoms
of dry eye? ANSWER: The most common symptoms of dry eye include stinging and burning, watering, itch, and blurred vision. In our clinic, blurred vision seems to be the most significant and common symptom. Blurred vision caused by dry eye is typically intermittent in nature, fluctuating between clear functional vision and streaked or "ghosted" vision. For people who spend a lot of time on a computer, the combination of a reduced blink rate and the closed, forced-air environment of many work places leads to rapid evaporation of the tear film. When the tear film evaporates, it's analogous to driving in a rain storm with a bad set of windshield wipers. We need a nice, smooth tear film to see clearly. There are multiple treatment options for dry eye. Consult your eye care physician to see what is best for you.
QUESTloN:Why a colonoscopy? ANswER: Coloncancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in both men and women in the United States today. A colonoscopy is the primary preventative tool used by doctors to detect colon cancer, and is highly recommended because this is one cancer that Jana VanAmburg, screening not only detects but helps prevent M p EAcs colon cancer. Colon cancer is a fast growing cancer and early detection inhibits this deadly cancer from becoming untreatable. A lighted camera called a colonoscope, is used to visually examine the patient's colon and rectum. During a colonoscopy removal ofcancerous and non-cancerous polyps, diagnosis of diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease, biopsies of tissue and repair of abnormalities such as gastrointestinal bleeding are also performed. If you are 50 or older contact your primary care physician and ask to be referred to our office. The message is clear: COLONOSCOPIES SAVE LIVES
IHFOCUS EYE CARE 94509NEMRppR<>MPI,514110 5440
QUEsTIQN: I'm always tired, don't sleep
Dr. Azure Karli Naiurppathic
Dr, Jana M, VanAmburg, MD, FACS VanAmburg Surgery Care r 2275 NE Doctors Dr. Suite 7, Bend, OR 97701 541-323-2790 Offices in Bend & Redmond
well andhave mood swings. I don't want to take pharmaceutical drugs. Can I use my insurancefor Naturopathicservices? ANswER: Usually the answer to this is yes. All insurance companies and their specific plans are a l i t tle d i fferent. Individual providers also vary in which insurance COmpanieS theyaCCept.At OurOffiCeWeWill get your insurance information from you over
the phone and check on your specific plan to determine the extent of your coverage before you come in for your first appointment. Often the individual deductible is waived. Insurance coverage for gynecological exams, sports physicals, and general physicals are often covered 100% once yearly. General office visits about a specific problem usually require a co-pay or co-insurance payment. We have found that often there is even insurance coverage for some of the more "out of the box" testing often utilized by many Naturopaths. Please feel free to call for specific information on your individual plan. healthy + natural
Adam Angeles,
being promoted. The latter seems too dramatic and costly. Are there any longterm solutions aimed at reducing facial wrinkles with minimum downtime?
ANswER: You arein the sam e 'boat'as m any men your age. The m ost important thing you can do is take care of your skin by avoiding sun exposure. It has a devastating effect on your skin. You may only need a little 'freshening up' such as a chemical peel or skin maintenance on a daily basis with creams. Lasers are another option, depending on your expectations. Botox and fillers help efface wrinkles and volumize the face but they are temporary. Facelifts address structural issues of the face and neck i.e. loss of cheek volume and sagging neck skin. Whatever your ultimate choice, make sure your plastic surgeon reviews the advantages and disadvantages of each technique.
Adam Angeles, M.D.
Medical Director, Bend Plastic Surgery PC It460 HE Heff Rd., Suite B • Bend, drangeles© 541-749-M89
QUESTION:My Doctor just ordered physical therapyfor my back pain. What can Iexpect from aphysicaltherapy session?
Allison Suran, PT Founder
QUESTION: I'm a typical 58-62 male with okay skin for my age. Wrinkles? Sure but skin is still firm enough. I would like to keep my skinfairly close to its current situation or maybe take a "few years off in wrinkles". Nothing too dramatic though. The thought o f doing anything like fillers that have to be done every6 months or yeardoesn'tm ake any sense to me. I've seen various lasers and mini facelifts
ANSWER: Your physical therapist will fully evaluate your skeletal alignment, muscle strengths and w e akness, postural habits and imbalances, and range-of-motion limits. Physical Therapists implement a wide variety of techniques to create a comprehensive program to assist in your recovery.
At Healing Bridge Physical Therapy you get an hour of undivided attention for interventions that may include manual techniques for joint alignment and mobilization, specific region massage and stretching, education for healthy posture and movement training, and an emphasis on teaching you what you can do to maintain changes with an individualized home program. When you've completed a course of physical therapy you should know how to alter long habits of poor body use and muscular weakness with a goal of completing therapy in better condition than before you injured yourself.
QUESTloN: I w a n t t o h ave permanent makeup! What are the best questions lo ask? ANSWER: Choose a technician carefully by considering experience, training and portfolio. Oregon requires we MUST be licensed (as some states have little to no regulations ). Training certificates don't always translate into skill. The Society of Permanent Makeup Susan GruberP Professionals is the largest organization in the Cosmetic Professional industry and a CPCP (Certified Permanent Cosmetic Professional) is a mark of excellence and demonstrates the indi v i d ual has the knowledge to provide a higher level of proficiency. Ask about years of experience,continued education,blood borne pathology training, sterile (CDC) Center for Disease Control standards. Good questions should help you make a good decision. Ask to see before and after pictures. Interaction between you and the technician should be of utmost importance. Questions....Please feel free to call for a personal consultation.
Permanent Makeup By Susan, CPCP 1265 NW Wall Street • Bend 541-383-3387 www,permanentmakeupbysusan,com
family practice medicine
541-389-9750 0 www,bendnaturopath,com
ett lÃg p v g e ' ParslcALc5THE RAPYc5 404 HE Penn Ave, Bend, OR CPPpr tli49ri + tp 'Bcffep 541-318-7041 A44tat tt X'Pt?444P
QUEsTIQN: The holidays are coming. Yikes! How can I manage Holiday Stress? ANSWER: Stress at the holidays seems inevitable, but can be managed. Three big factors that contribute Ip holiday stress are: your expectations, time limits and financial limits. If ypu want Normal Rockwell holidays, ypu may be setting yourself up for disappointment and stress. Stephanie Costello, Sp why np t approach the holidays by deciding MS>~ACSK what's really important tp ypu? Clarify the values that are important tp ypu and use them to guide your planning. Give yourself permission tp do things differently this year. If ypu don't want a live tree, don't get one. If ypu can't afford gifts for everyone,be selective or make a donation tp charity in everyone's name. If ypu want joy, then decide what will allow that tp happen. And, I'll bet that you and everyone else whp cares about ypu will be happier if ypu don't wear yourself out trying tp dp tpo much.
I hope the holidays will be a wonderful time ot rest, gratitude, good personal relations and joy for you and yours. Best wishes, Stephanie Costello
Stephanie Costello MSW is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Private Practice in Bend, OR. She offers Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for stress management and other problems such as anxiety and depression. For more information, call 215-917-0032 pr gp Ip www.ste haniecpstellp.cpm.
stephaniecostello© www.stephaniecostello,com
QUEsTIQN:I read last week that ADHD c an b e
linked to a person's airway and that the dentist may be able to help. How can the dentist help with someone diagnosed with ADHD? ANswER: The role of the airway plays a huge role in dentistry. In fact, I believe that having an adequate airway is the most important factor to having optimal dental health. Although ADHD is Kelley Nltngus not directly related to dentistry, they both share a strong connection to the airway. Recent studies D.M.D. now support a very strong connection between ADHD and a person's airway. If a child has ADHD and a compromised
airway, it is very possible that the severip of ADHD can be reduced by addressing their airway. Many times an inadequate airway should first be recognized by a dentist. A compromised airway will often result in a person becoming a mouth breather while sleeping. A dentist should be able to recognize mouth breathing at a very early age. Some common signs are crowded teeth, narrow dental arches, high palate, and poor facial balance to name just a few. When a dentist recognizes these signs, a referral to an ENT for an airway evaluation should follow. Besides contributing to ADHD, a poor airway is also the leading factor in malocclusion. TMJ disorders and sleep apnea. As more is learned about the role of the airway, the public and professional awareness will result in the improvement in many medical conditions, including ADHD.
DISTIHCTIYE DEHTISTRY AT BROKEH TOP 1475 SV/ Chandler Ave., Suite 201, Bend DlsTINcTIVF DENTIsTIIY www.bendcosmeticdentist,com W AT bROKEN TOP W
54$ 38$ 6565
QUESTION: I recently heard that professional athletes are receiving stem cell therapy and PRPfor knee problems, including osteoarthritis. Can you elaborate? ANSWER: Recent scientific research has shown the primary stem cells needed in tissue repair are most concentrated in the fatty tissue. These cells are harvested a minimally invasive technique and combined q g using with HD-PRP (high density platelet rich plasma), payspn Haitery gro w th factors found in a patients blood. This mix is then injected under ultrasound guidance to the areas pf injury pr degeneration. Scientific research has shown that stem cells improve the overall health pf cartilage and meniscus tissue in the knee, perhaps add better blood supply tp certain areas, and modulate chronic inflammation. Although experimental, just like PRP injection and Prolotherapy, this technique is showing promise for getting players back on the field more quickly and reducing pr eliminating the pain associated with tissue injury and degenerative arthritis. For more information of stem cell therapy pr Regenerative Medicine please contact the Center for Integrative Medicine located in Bend pr Redmond or visit us pn the web at www.CenterfprlntegrativeMed.cpm.
gLintegrated medicine 916 SW17thST.• Suite 202 •Redmond • 541-504-0250 NEW CLINIC IN NW CROSSING - 745 NW Mt. Washington Dr., Suite 104, Bend • 541-323-3358
ASk any Health QueStiOn in the area Of: • Ho m e opathic/H o l i stic Medicine • Pl a s tic Surgery • Pe r m a nent Make-up • Chiropractic • Op h t h a lmology • Pa i n M e dicine • El e c trolysis • Op t o m e try • Wellness • Co s m etic Dentistry • Fa m i l y M e dicine • Ae s t hetics Send, fax or email your question to:
ASk a Health PrOfeSSiOnal, The Bulletin, P.O. BOX 6020, Bend, OR 97708
Fax: 541-385-5802 • Ask a Health Professional
My question is:
in acase Ol' W
Genes pinpointed in uterine cancer A recent study has found new genetic links to the most lethal form
of uterine cancer. Researchers from the National Institutes of
Health pinpointed three genes that frequently altered in their study in
a type of uterine cancer called serous endometrial cancer. The finding
suggests that those genes drive the development of the tumors.
Scientists already knew that uterine cancer had genetic links. This
study pinpointed additional potential triggers.
Researchers involved in the study said in anews release that it's too early to discuss how the find-
ings affect prospects for treatment.
Uterine cancer, also called endometrial cancer, is the most
commonlydiagnosed gynecological cancer in the U.S., according
to a NIH newsrelease. About 47,000 American
women are diagnosed annually, leading to roughly 8,000 deaths.
By Micheffe Boorsteln The Washington Post
WASHINGTON — A lot has changed in the nearly two decades since Christina Puchalski pioneered the country's first requiredmedical school course on spirituality and health, at George Washington University. Today almost all medical schools have such a course, but many on-the-ground health workers still report feeling uncomfortable when the subjects of faith and spirituality arise on the job. Puchalski, founder and director of the GWU Institute for Spirituality and Health, is a coeditor of the "Oxford Textbook of Spirituality in Healthcare," which she hopes will become a must-have reference for medical, nursing and public health students, among others. Puchalski is a professor of medicine, an internist and a palliative-care physician. Her background is Catholic, and she is a lay member of the contemplative Carmelite order. She meditates and is influenced by Eastern and Native American spiritual traditions.
Washington Post r eligion reporter Michelle Boorstein spoke to her about the book and where the movement is headed.
• How d oes the t y p ical • m edical s t u d ent g e t taught about this subject? By 2004, three-quarters • of medical schools had some element of this. Initially What drew you into this they learn ethics and communi• field? cation. But by the time they get • In the early 1990s, there into the later years of medical • was an article about how training, this gets lost because people pay out of pocket for our health care system is so spirituality-based t reatments focused on the physical. All the like acupuncture, but complain psychosocial stuff gets lost. about a $10 co-pay for traditionWe just want doctors and al health care visits. It stuck out nurses to ask patients about to me. I was very interested in their spirituality. Surveys show whole-person care. patients want this.
Howhavethings changed • in the years you have been pursuing this subject? • One of the greatest barri• ers I had to overcome was the disagreement about the definition of "spirituality." It's very personal for people. That's no longer a question. If it was, we wouldn't have atextbook.... It's very broadly defined: religion, philosophy, relationship, compassion, love, dignity, respect,
What would that look • like? • Spiritual distress should • be a diagnosis.... Spirituality should be a vital sign. If people are in spiritual distress, they shouldn't suffer alone. And health care officials should look at their own spirituality. When we talk about where we at George Washington and others see the future of health care, where we'd like to see it, a person's search for purpose, is a whole-health concept. Wellmeaning, nature, rationalism, ness isconsidered as part of the arts. the focus. Where patient care
erson care
is d i gnity-centered. Justice and accessibility are priorities. Peopledeserve not just access to disease management but whole-person care. Medicine is an avocation, not a job. reaction do you get a •• What from doctors?
• M ost p eople say " O f • course I agree with being respectful and values play a role." But they don't know: How will I a ctually address this? One person said to me, "I have no philosophy degree, no theological background — what do Isay?" We said, "You don't need to focus on it all the time. Just ask the question. Primary-care doctors ask about diet, seat belts, domestic violence; it doesn't mean we're experts on those things."
know if there's some spiritual stress. If it's inpatient, they need to bereferred to a board-certified chaplain. Or outpatient, their clergy. We need to integrate these people because it becomes a supportsystem.... Or it might impact their health care decisions. End-of-life care is the most obvious, but perhaps the use of blood products, or naturalists who don't use medications. You need to know that. bookstores can seem a •• The full of books about things
like meditation and yoga and prayer. What's reallynew about this, though? • S omeone wrote to m e • and said, "This is a very strategic book, it legitimizes your field." And that's true. But the other issue is accessibility. People need something tangiWhat would clinicians ble. Here's a textbook they can • say? use to teach it. • It's just important to listen More and more we're recog• to the patient's story. It's nizing the whole team of health important to know what's re- care providers, art therapists, ally meaningful to a patient's board-certified chap l ains. life. And not having to do any- Chaplains have much greater thing about it. Also you want to recognition.
Roughly 2 to10 per-
cent of uterine cancers are the serous type. It doesn't respond well to therapies and the
five-year survival rate is roughly45 percent. It quickly advances beyond the uterus. An article on the
study recently appeared in the advance online issue of Nature Genetics. — Heidi Hagemeiec The Bulletin
Aging signs linked to heart risks Visibly aging but young at heart? Don't
Beta Continued from F1 Research still supports the use ofbeta blockers for some types of patients, he said. Dr. A l bert C a macho, a clinical associate professor of c ardiovascular medicine a t Oregon Health & Science University, agreed. He said overall, "betablockers remain extraordinarily useful medications for many patients that have heart disease." The study helps clarify which patients will benefit the most. "Beta blockers are most helpful for treating the symptoms of
angina (chest pain), preventing
medications ~ strokes in heart disease patients. Here are some beta blockers found on the market: GENERIC NAME
The research was presented at the Ameri-
can Heart Association's Scientific Sessions in Los Angeles andwas conducted in Denmark
by University of Copenhagen biochemist Dr.
Anne Tybjaerg-Hansen and colleagues. The
disease, noting whether
subjects developed heart diseaseand also
whether they had any of
six signs of aging: baldness at the crown of the head, receding hairline
at the temples, gray hair, wrinkles, earlobe crease and fatty deposits around the eyelids.
The amount of gray hair and wrinkles subjects had didn't make a
difference, but people who had at least three of the other four aging traits studied had a 57
percentincreased risk for heart attack and a 39
percentincreased risk for heart disease when other risk factors were
taken into account. In a statement issued by the American Heart Association, the
researchers reported that the risks of heart attack and heart disease went up with each additional aging trait — in
men and in women,and across all age groups. People in their 70s had the highest risk. In the AHA statement,
study leader TybjaergHansen said that the findings suggested that "checking these visible
aging signs should be a routine part of every
doctor's physical examination." — Eryn Brown, Los Angeles 1(mes
Acebutolol ..........................................................Sectral Atenolol ......................................................... Tenormin Betaxolol ...................................................Generic only Bisoprolol...........................................................Zebeta Carvedilol .........................................Coreg, Coreg CR Labetalol.........................................................Trandate Metoprolol succinate long-acting...................Toprol XL Metoprolol tartrate ........................................ Lopressor Nadolol ............................................................ Corgard Nebivolol.......................................................... Bystolic Penbutolol ........................................................ Levatol Pindolol.....................................................Generic only Propranolol ........................................................ Inderal Propranolol long-acting ........ Inderal-LA, InnoPran XL Timolol......................................................Generic only
in a large study of heart
an increased riskof heart attack and heart disease.
By Meredith Cohn
A new study said beta blocker medications, the standard of care for patients with coronary artery disease, weren't associated with a lower risk of heart attacks, death and
team analyzed data collected from participants
In a study follow-
ing more than10,000 people over 35years, the presence ofvisible signs of aging signaled
to stroke, heart diseaserisk
beta blocker
death shortly after a large myocardial infarction, when there has been permanent damage to the heart, when the heart has been weakened and to treat rhythm problems," he wrote in an email. In contrast, he said, there is little if any benefit from beta blockers for patients who had a treated artery obstruction more than one tothree years prior, who don't have symptoms of Source: Consumer Reports Health angina and who are clinically stable. For people with only high increased cholesterol levels and blood pressure, beta block- weight gain, which may be esers have been downgraded pecially troubling in patients to a "fourth line" drug, which w ho are trying to reduce risk means thereare other medica- factorsfor coronary artery distions that should be used first, ease through weight loss and Camacho said. increased exercise.
count on it, suggested researchersTuesday.
Study linksearly menopause
Greg Cross/The Bulletin
The Baltimore Sun
Early menopause may mean a higher risk of heart disease and stroke, according to a study from Johns Hopkins Medicine. The researchers say the risk can be twice as high, and doctors should h e lp women avoid early menopause if possible. "If physicians know a p atient has entered menopause before her 46th birthday, they can be extra vigilant in making recommendations and providing treatments to help prevent heart attacks and stroke," Dhananjay Vaidya, an assistant professor in the Division of General Internal Medicine in the John Hopkins School of Medicine and leader of the study, said in a statement. T he findings were u n changed whether a woman
entered menopause naturally or when her reproductive organs were removed surgically, according to the study, published in the October issue of the journal Menopause. T he r e searchers s a i d
avoiding organ removal may help. Quitting smoking could be another way because research s h ows smokers reach menopause t wo y e ar s e a r l ier t h a n nonsmokers. Most women reach menopause between ages 45 and 55, but a variety of factors from diet and exercise to heredity can influence the timing. P ast studies ha d o n l y found a link to cardiovascular disease — the No. I killer of American women among white w omen. This study found the risks were more universal.
Coronary a r tery d i sease The study divided patients is the leading cause of death into three groups: those who among both men and women sufferedfrom a prior heart atin the U.S., according to the tack (31percent), those who had American Heart Association. coronary artery disease but no Coronary artery disease, or prior heart attack (27 percent) coronaryheart disease, accord- and those who had coronary ingto the U.S. National Library artery disease risk factors only of Medicine, is a narrowing of (42 percent) such as high blood the blood vessels that supply pressure, diabetes and smokblood and oxygen to the heart. ing. The study found that none It's caused by the buildup of of the patients showed any benplaque in the heart's arteries. efit from taking beta blockers. This slows or stops blood flow The patients on beta blockers didn't have significantly lower to the heart. Symptoms vary by individual but chest pain is ratesof heart attack, stroke or common. cardiac death than those not on The largest proportion of the drugs. people with coronary artery The study, published in the diseaseare men older than 65, Oct. 3 Journal of the Amerialthough women also experi- can Medical Association, was ence the disease at high rates. conducted by researchers at Risk factorsfor heart disease the Cardiac and Vascular Instiinclude high blood pressure, tute at NYU Langone Medical smoking, h i g h c h o lesterol, Center. It was an observational stress and poor diet. analysis of morethan 40,000pa"The current standard of tients from a register known as care for patients with coronary the Reduction of Atherothromartery disease, especially when bosis for Continued Health. It they have had a heart attack, is intended to assess the associatreatment with beta blockers. tion between beta blocker use However, this guidance has and long-term cardiovascular been extrapolated from older outcomes including death from studies," said Bangalore. heart disease, nonfatal heart B eta blockers, o r b e t a - attacks and nonfatal strokes. adrenergic blocking agents, Patients were followed and work to reduce blood pressure studied for 44 months. The last by blocking the effects of the updated data collection was in hormone epinephrine, a l so April 2009. known as adrenaline. Taking Widmer said there are weakbeta blocker medications slows nessesin this type of observathe heart's rate of beating and tional methodology, and a betdecreasingthe heart's demand ter standard for testing the effifor oxygen. cacy of beta blockers would be Beta blockers can come with a placebo-controlled, doublesome unpleasant side effects, blind trial, the gold standard for including f atigue, headache scientific research. and upset stomach, said Banga— Reporter: 541-383-0304, lore. The drugs can also cause
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FITNESS Improveyour polingpowerwith this tricepsworkout It takes strength to cross-country ski.
WEEK ONE:DIPS In a four-part, weekly series, StephaHands grasp aboxor chair, about nie Howedemonstrates important shoulder width apart, withfingers exercises that cross-country skiers pointed forward. Start with arms can do at home.Theexercises target straightand the knees bentat muscles groupsthat are specific to EX ERCISE ab out a 90-degree angl Lower e. cross-country skiing and that don't get used much in other activities.
Strengthening thetriceps with this exercise will improve askier's poling power.
and is an elite cross-country skier with XC
— Anne Aurand, The Bulletin
Continued from F1 Before you start, warm up with a 5-minute jog or power
The Bulletin
degree angle.Repeatdips until the muscles feeltoofatigued to con-
tinue. Then rest and repeat two more times. To add challenge, straighten the legs.
nique andhelpprevent injury. Howe has aPh.D.inexercisephysiology, coaches running and cross-country skiing
Photos by Ryan Brennecke
the body until the arms form a 90-
Strengthening thesemuscles before and throughout ski season can improve tech-
Stephanie Howe demonstrates the dip workout.
walk. After each exercise, repeat the run or power walk for 3-5 minutes. If any of the exercises are p ainful, stop immediately.
Face the stroller with your right side, standing with your feet no more Photos by Jonathan Ernst / Chicago Tribune
8 SauAT
Starting in a standing position with your hands onthe stroller handlebar,
place your feet hip-width apart with your feet and knees facing forward. Sit
Lie on your back next to the stroller facing your baby with your feet
than hip-distanceapart with your toes facing out. Useyour right handto
flat on the ground, knees bent at 90 degrees. Put your hands behind push the stroller away while reaching overhead with your left arm. Your your head, keeping your elbows back. Squeeze your belly button to right arm should extend out straight. Use your abs, focusing on the left side, your spine and crunch up. As you come up, peek into your stroller, saying"Peek-a-boo"toyourbaby,and lowerbackdown. Exhaleasyou to pull the stroller back. Go through all the repsandthen switch sides. Reps: 15 come up, keeping your elbows back.
down as if you're moving backward into aseat, andsqueezeyour glutes and thighs to bring yourself back into thestarting standing position. Push
the stroller out as you sit, and pull it back in as you come up. Reps:15-25
8 CARDIO DRILLS Standing in front of the stroller, bend atthe kneesandpush your hips back, running with your feet staying as low as possible.
Reps: Run for20secondsand restfor10seconds.Repeatfourtimes.
Weekly Arts 5 Entertainment Every Friday In
Standing in front of the stroller with your feet
With your right side facing the stroller and right hand on the stroller, stand
with your toesfacing outand takea large step awayfrom thestroller. Squat down, droppingyour bottom aslowasyoucanwith your bodyweight in your heels, pushingthe stroller awayfrom you. Asyou comeup, pull your right legin to meet theleft leg. Repeatall the repson this side,andthen switch sides.
together, jump your legs apart and lower your bot-
tom into a squat position with your body weight in your heels. As you lower,
reach forward with your
arms and doatickle motion
toward your baby, but don't actually touch your baby,
• •
as this could put stress on your lower back.
• •
Reps: Oo this for20 sec-
onds and rest for 10seconds. Repeat four times.
Find Your Dream Home In
forward with your right leg. Thestroller will move forward as you move
Standing behind the stroller with your hands on the handlebar step
forward. Bend your front knee to a 90-degree angle so that your right thigh is parallel to the ground and your right shin is perpendicular to the
ground. Your back legshould bealmost straight. Keep your torso upright with your hips and shoulders facing forward. Use your right leg to return to your starting position. Don't use your stroller to help lift you; it may
tip backward if you put too muchweight on it. Instead, use thepower of
your front leg. Alternate with the other leg.
East Cascade Women's Group is pleased to welcome Lindy Vraniak, M.D. to our practice. Dr. Vraniak loves all aspects
of obstetrics and gynecology with a special interest in
adolescent gynecology and
A • •
obstetrics. Dr. Vraniak was
recently married and is thrilled to be living in Bend with her
husband, dog and cat. She and her husband are avid trail runners, mountain bikers, and
skate skiers. You may see her
Medicare Moving Health Forward
occasionally compete in one
L indy Vraniak , M . D .
of the local half marathons.
' ll s •
C East Cascade Women's Group
Supporting the Health and Well-Being of Women of All Ages. • II
' •
l l
PacificSource Community Health Plans, Inc. is a health plan with a Medicare contract. Premium may change on January 1 of each year. Youmust continue to pay your Medicare Part B premium. Y0021 MRK1264 CMS File 8 Use 09092012
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German Shepherd pups, Ready Thanksgiving!
The Bulletin recommends extra
$400. 541-620-0946
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Adult companion cats FREE to seniors, disabled & veterans! Tame, altered, shots, ID chip, more. Will always take back if c ircumstances change. 389-8420. Visit Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, info: I Want to Buy or Rent Aussie Mini/Toy AKC, an Wanted: $Cash paid for colors, starting at $275. vintage costume jew- Parents on site. Call elry. Top donar paid for 541-598-5314/788-7799 Gold/Silver.l buy by the Aussie-Shepherd puppies Estate, Honest Artist 1st shots/dewormed, Elizabeth,541-633-7006 $150. 541-771-2606
Check out the classifieds online Aussies, Mini 8 Toy sizes, all colors, 7 Updated daily weeks $300 cash. WANTED: RAZORS,
Double or singleBarn/shop cats FREE, edged, straight some tame, some not. razors, shaving We deliver! Fixed, shots. brushes, mugs & 541-389-8420 scuttles, strops, shaving accessories Border Collie/New Zeal& memorabilia. and Huntaways, 2 male Fair prices paid. pups, wonderful dogs, Call 541-390-7029 working parents, $300 between 10 am-3 pm. each. 541-546-6171 208
Pets 8 Supplies The Bulletin recommends extra caution Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, when purc h asshots, very social ing products or ser- 1st vices from out of the $700. 541-325-3376 area. Sending cash, Call The Bulletin At checks, or credit in541-385-5809 f ormation may b e Place Your Ad Or E-Mail subjected to fraud. For more i nforma- At: tion about an adver- Bull Terrier-mix, 6 mos, tiser, you may call current, free to lovthe O r egon State shots ing home. 541-610-3304 Attorney General's Office C o n sumer Bunny, free to g o od Protection hotline at home. 208-939-2921
(SE Bend) Chihuahua pups, very The Bulletin tiny, 1st shots/dewormed. Serving Central Oregon f pte 2903 2 @ $250. 541-977-4686 BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are still over 2,000 folks in our community without permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift camps, getting by as best they can. The following items are badly needed to help them get through the winter: @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. S WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT 1-877-877-9392.
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P O INTER, good hunter, n e utered male, 5 yrs. old. Shih-Tzu puppy 10 wks $250. 541-389-0268. old, shots, wormed, AKC parents. $400. GSP puppies AKC 1st 541-280-8069 shots and worming. parents on site. Males Shih-tzu purebred male, $400, female $ 450 10 weeks old, $475. Ready 11/24. See fa- Call 541-788-0326 541-306-6766 Shih Tzu-Toy Australian Shepherd mix (1/2 each) Kittens/cats avail. thru designer puppies! 1st vet rescue group. Tame, check & ready to go shots, altered, ID chip, now. $425. Call Kelly at more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call 541-604-0716 or re: other days. 65480 541-489-3237 Bend. 78th, 541-389-8420 or 541-598-5488; Info at
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Mustcal Instruments
Monarch upright Piano, good cond., $ 300. Jenni 714-495-0597
gThe Bulleting 211
Children's Items
Baby boy bouncy seat, $5. Stroller, $5. Call
Springer Spaniel puppies, AKC, ready12/6! 541-639-6656 1st shots, dewormed, & Baby boy clothes, 0-12 dewclaws removed. $500 ea. 541-771-8221 mos, 200 pcs, 75C ea. 541-639-6656
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TV, Stereo & Video 60" Phillips-Magnavox, $400. CASH ONLY. 541-548-9686
Sylvania 19a TV & JVC
Piano, Steinway Model 0 Baby Grand 1911, gorgeous, artist quality instrurnent w/great action 8 S t einway's warm, rich sound. Will adorn any living room, church or music studio perfectly. New retail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacrifice at $26,000 OBO, call 541-383-3150.
DVD player, asking $25 for both. 541-923-7264 Labradoodies - Mini 8 med size, several colors 541-504-2662 Misc. Items ~Oo place an ad Computers • changing table MorePjxattIjenrttlnletjn.eom Baby with our Air conditioner GoldLabradors: beautiful pup- Yorkie AKC male pup, with drawers, $ 10. "QUICK CASH HP color Printer, works star, works great! $60. pies, born 9/11, ready for small parents, health 541-639-6656 SPECIAL" reat, needs c o rd, Call 541 639 6656 loving families. Shots 1 week3lines 1 2 uar., 8-wks, adorable! 40. 541-639-6656 212 current, vet checked. 1 OJ' Bend's Indoor Swap 950. 541-316-0005 black female, 1 brown Antiques & ~2 k 20 ! H P computer 8 K D S Meet - A Mini-Mall full male, 5 black males, Yorkie, purebred female, Ad must m onitor, $ 45 . C a l l of Treasures! Collectibles $300. 541-610-2270 black/tan, 8 mos, $500. include price of 541-639-6656 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. 541-419-1318 ft f $5 0 0 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. Large Pet Porter, $60. Antique adult r o cker T HE B U LLETIN r e Large fully insulated dog Good classified ads tell c irca 1 8 00 s go l d or less, or multiple Bissell Rug C leaning quires computer adhouse, $50. Avery boat- the essential facts in an items whose total damask, exc. cond. vertisers with multiple Machine, good cond, ers hunting dog parka, interesting Manner. Write does notexceed $500. 541-317-1207 ad schedules or those $45. 541-382-4289 $20. 2 Avery dog train- from the readers view - not $500. selling multiple sysing bumpers, $10. Avery Buying Diamonds the seller's. Convert the dry storage dog food tems/ software, to disCall Classifieds at CDRGI pupsl /Gofd for Cash facts into benefits. Show close the name of the bag, $10. 541-504-7745 541-385-5809 AKC 1 female left! $800. /J ConVIJZJI . < CoJJckPJ Saxon's Fine Jewelers the reader how the item will Dtkgtizn business or the term Champ & Obed lines, Lhasa Apso/ShihTzu Pup help them in someway. 541-389-6655 "dealer" in their ads. Visit our HUGE Dam tracable 33 gen., Simply gorgeous! $275. This Private party advertishome decor ready Nov 12. Vax/ BUYING 503-888-0800 (Madras) Mossberg Maverick 88 ers are defined as Lionel/American advertising tip consignment store. Micro/Vet check. Flyer 12g pump shotgun, brought to you by those who sell one 541-604-4858 Maremma Guard Dog New items trains, accessories. $200. 541-647-8931 computer. arrive daily! 541-408-21 91. pups, purebred, great Dachshund AKC mini $350 e a ch, The Bulletin 930 SE Textron, dogs, 541-546-6171. Bend 541-318-1501 $425. 541-508-4558 210 POODLEpups, AKC toy Furniture & Appliances POM-A-POO pups, toy Get your The Bulletin reserves So cute! 541-475-3889 business the right to publish all POODLE TOY PUPPIES A1 Washers&Dryers ads from The Bulletin $150 ea. Full warParents on site, $300newspaper onto The ranty. Free Del. Also a ROW I N G $350 ea. 541-520-7259 Bulletin Internet webwanted, used W/D's site. 541-280-7355 Queensiand Heelers with an ad in standard 8 mini,$150 8 The Bulletin The Bulletin's up. 541-280-1537 or Ien fap Central Oregon ance 2903 Bissell vacuum, fairly http://rightwayranch. "Call A Service new, $20. 241 541-639-6656 Professional" 2" 5 Bicycles & Dining room set, dark Directory D EA D L I N E S Accessories oak round table, clawfoot design, matching DO YOU HAVE chairs, with c u stom-Cannondale Optimo carSOMETHING TO made protection pad. An bon comp., 27-spd, hand SELL excellent condition. $350 made USA, new cond w/ Schnauzer AKC miniaFOR $500 OR obo. 541-322-9833 pdls, $950. 541-550-6498 ture pups, black & silver, LESS? 4 M's, 3 F's, ready12/4. GENERATE SOME ex245 Non-commercial RETAIL, CLASSIFIED & LEGALNOTICEADVERTISING citement i n your $350. 541-977-4369 advertisers may Golf Equipment neighborhood! Plan a place an ad with S cottish Terrier A K C garage sale and don't OUI' male pup, shots, dew- forget to advertise in Full set D unlop golf "QUICK CASH clubs with bag, $30. claws, wormed, $400; will classified! DAY DEADLINE SPECIAL" 541-923-7264 deliver, 541-447-1304. 541-385-5809. 1 week 3 lines 1 2 Thursday 11-22 ............................ Monday 11-19 Noon c r 2~eeke 2 0 t Shepherd/Wolf mix fe- Vacuums Gen 3 KJrby Golf cart Club Car, full GO! Magazine 11-23 .................... Monday 11-19 5 pm Ad must include male 1 2/2, free to good $60 Dirt Devil dual cy t op,windshield, new batt, price of single item Friday 11-23.................................. Tuesday 11-20 Noon home. 541-325-3114 clonic $20,541-639-6656 $1175. 541-497-3858 of $500 or less, or Saturday 11-24............................. Tuesday 11-20 Noon multiple items 0 8 • • Sunday 11-25 ............................... Tuesday 11-20 4 pm whose total does • notexceed $500. Monday 11-26........................ Wednesday 11-21 Noon
We will be closed Thursday, November 22nd
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German Shepherd Puppies - World-class import, show/working, f a m i ly raised, sweet temperaments. Deliver 11/16/12. Call 541-956-1924 or 530-451-6139
your ad can run in the
Frenchton pups, ready now! Registered parents on site. Puppy package incl. $650.
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At Home Tuesday 11-27 ......... Wednesday 11-21 Noon
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Edited by Will Shortz ACROSS 1 Tarzan's realm
62 Kwanza spender 63 "True"
33 Pickup point at an amusement
37 One spotted at the Rodeo Drive Taco Bell? 14 Some gala wear 40 They have 16 Tr e n ch schedules (deepest ocean spot on earth) 41 Narrow
DOWN 1 From Z 2 Mug site 3 Woman with great will power? 4 Hip-hop's Soul 5 Taking too much 6 Idaho city 7 College QB, often 8 Cro f t, comic book heroine 9 Algeria's second-largest city
openings 42 Put into play
hieroglyphics, maybe 45 Tips 18 California export 46 May V.I.P. 19 Bach work performed at the Moulin
48 Toon with a
singing map 50 Name shared Rouge? by a Broadway quintet 21 URL ending 51 North African 23 Attend counterpart 24 Rock producer to an Italian Brian Baroque sculptor? 10 Post-Christmas 25 Winston's clearance, 56 Top celeb biggest fear in maybe "1984" 57 Rear-end, say 11 Baal worshiper, 27 Massenet opera 60 State with a say based on a work bison skull on its of Goethe quarter 12 Just before the top of the hour 31 Neutral shades 61 As you wish? 13 Simon & ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Garfunkel's "El Condor ABC GRO H I P l A BS O 5 E E N TDS 5 U SE A S T U M HER POD T I P l ONE I S T A N S ON N
7 Composite candy treat
17 Locale for
O D 0 R
Monday • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5:00 pm Fri •
Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mons Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tuess
16 19
24 27
33 36
41 42
49 52
50 55
Starting at 3 lines
30 All gold jewelry, silver amp, 110V multiple cirand gold coins, bars, cuit, $375. 541-497-3858
rounds, wedding sets, The Bulletin class rings, sterling silTo Subscribe call ver, coin collect, vintaqe watches, dental 541-385-5800 or go to gogjd. Bill Fl e ming, 541-382-9419.
Jet Pro series table saw COWGIRL CASH dust collector, $500. We buy Jewelry, Boots, with Call Allen, 541-536-9120 Vintage Dresses &
More. 924 Brooks St. 541-678-5162 Greenwood Cemetery
grave space (1), $650 cash. 1-507-835-0909
Building Materials Bend Habitat RESTORE
Building Supply Resale Quality at LOW USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! PRICES 740 NE 1st
Fuel & Wood •
WHEN BUYING FIREWOOD... To avoid fraud, The Bulletin
recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' x 4' x 8'
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The Bulletin
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Gardening Supplies & Equipment •
Screened, soil 8 compost m i x ed , no rocks/clods. High humus level, exc. f or flower beds, lawns, 325 gardens, straight Hay, Grain & Feed s creened to p s o i l . Bark. Clean fill. DeBlue Grass Hay liver/you haul. 3 x 4 bales, 541-548-3949. 1300-Ib avg, $80/bale. 541-419-2713
Can be found on these pages: Will do housecleaning in Terrebonne & Crooked FINANCEAND BUSINESS River Ranch. Have EMPLOYMENT openings Tues, Wed. 410 - Private Instruction 507 - Real Estate Contracts
Find them in The Bulletin
541-385-5809 270
Lost & Found
Sat 11/17, Bam-4:30pm. Variety of goods! 324 SW Roosevelt Ave. (Old Mill Dist.) in Bend. Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service
Professional" Directory
• 4 Garage Sale Signs • $2.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your Next Ad • 10 Tips For "Garage Sale Success!" PICK UP YOUR GARAGE SALE KiT at
1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend, OR 97702
The Bulletin
MATTRESS FACTORY CLEARANCE SALE Frlday & Saturday Nov. 16th & 17th 8:30 a.m. - 5:30 p.m.
New and useditems with fantastic prices! Includes: Mattress sets or singles, sleeper sofas, dining tables and chairs, chairs w/ottomans, coffee tables, twin and king bedspreads, pictures, wall decor, pillows, queen sheets, lawn chairs, mattress fabrics and headboards, entertainment center, twin XL adjustable bed, end tables, mirrors, dressers, many one of a kind items priced to go.
571 NE Azure Dr., Bend • 541-382-9091
Sell them in The Bulletin Classifieds
Horses & Equipment
ID. 541-948-6029. FIND IT! BUY ITl SELL IT!
...don't let time get
away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!
541-419-3405 358
Employment Opportunities
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Schools 8 Training
www. Redmond Campus Student Loans/Job Waiting Toll Free 1-888-387-9252
K0~0~ 528
Loans & Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recom-
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Farmers Column DO YOU NEED The Bulletin Classifieds Wanted: Irrigated farm A GREAT ground, under pivot irEMPLOYEE Found set of keys, in C e n tral RIGHT NOW? D rake P ar k ne a r riqation, i n OR. 541-419-2713 Call The Bulletin pond, 11/10. Call to before 11 a.m. and identify, 541-382-1135 get an ad in to pubR EMEMBER: If you lish the next day! have lost an animal, 541-385-5809. don't forget to check VIEW the The Humane Society Classifieds at: in Bend 541-382-3537 Redmond, 541-923-0882 Prineville, Say "goodbuy" OR Craft Cats, 541-389-8420.
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Looking for your next Leading M a n ufacemployee? turer of Fishing 8 Place a Bulletin help H unting Wad e r s wanted ad today and looking for an Eastreach over 60,000 ern Regional Sales readers each week. Manager. Must have Your classified ad Significant e x periwill also appear on ence i n Sp o rting Goods, Sales and which currently Management fields. receives over 1.5 Location open, but million page views m ust be a b l e t o every month at travel when needed. no extra cost. Salary package with Bulletin Classifieds Benefits. Get Results! Mail Resumes to SMI Call 385-5809 PO Box 1410, La or place Pine, OR 97739 your ad on-line at The Bulletin
Tick, Tock...
208-939-2921 (Bend). SE Bend Boarding FOUND man's w e d- $195/mo. Top Quality ding band at Lake grass hay, pen/shelter. Billy Chinook Call to Over 1000 acres to ride.
514 -Insurance 528 - Loans andMortgages 543 - StocksandBonds 558 - Business Investments 573 - Business Opportunities
TiCk, TOCk
Registered Paints, 13 whit e , i n S E B e n d.2 yrs & 9 yrs, $800 each. Call to iden t ify: 541-639-1376
Sale sNortheast Bend Sales Southeast Bend Sales Redmond Area
Just too many collectibles?
Opportunities Wanted: Irrigated farm ground, under pivot ir- CHILDCARE - Daycare riqation, i n C e n tralAssistant needed. Must OR. 541-419-2713 love children! Some experience required. Call Wheat Straw: Certified 8 541-322-2880 Beddinq Straw 8 Garden Straw;Cgompost.546-61 71
421 - Schools andTraining 454- Looking for Employment 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 476 - EmploymentOpportunities 486 - Independent Positions
ceive a Garage Sale
Thurs. 541-379-1741
Garage Sales 541-385-5809 Good horse hay, barn Garage Sales stored, no rain, $225 ton, and $8.25 bale. 476 Garage Sales Delivery ava i lable. Employment
medicaltrainin .com 541-343-3100
/ JV Jiff Jij'll JJ~ i.3~+~ 3S
Domestic & In-Home Positions
Oregon Medical Training PCS Ph lebotomy classes begin Jan. 7, 2013. Registration now
Sales Southwest Bend
(call for commercial line ad rates)
The Bulletin
Estate Sale Thurs-Fri- A-Xmae Outdoor decoSat, 9-4, 1544 SW Obrations sale!Trees sidian, Redmond. AnSantas, snowmen, tique glassware & furnisleighs, stars, lights, ture, lots of p r imitive train, more! Sat.-sun. furniture, cabin decor, 9-2, 1658 NE Matson hutch, pub table/2 tall Rd. off Bear Creek. chairs, shelves, lamps, CDs, DVDs, e l ectric ** FREE ** lawnmowers, weedeater, BBQ, household goods, Garage Sale Kit enamelware, other fur- Place an ad in The niture, lots more! See Bulletin for your gacraigslist for photos. rage sale and re-
Garage Sale Special 4 lines for 4 days..................................
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Door-to-door selling with 541-312-6709 Open to the public. fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. Sisters Habitat ReStore Building Supply Resale 20 ton gas wood splitThe Bulletin Classified Quality items. ter, runs great, first 541-385-5809 LOW PRICES! $500/cash. Call 150 N. Fir. 541-633-0909 or Wanted- paying cash 541-549-1621 541-318-7555 for Hi-fi audio & stuOpen to the public. dio equip. Mclntosh, 266 J BL, Marantz, D y Gardening Supplie naco, Heathkit, SanHeating & Stoves sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Call 541-261-1808 NOTICE TO ADVERTISER WHEN YOU SEE THIS For newspaper Since September 29, delivery, call the OO 1991, advertising for ~ Circulation Dept. at used woodstoves has MOre PiXatBelidbljletin,COm been limited to mod- To 541-385-5800 place an ad, call On a classified ad els which have been 541-385-5809 go to c ertified by the O r or email egon Department of to view additional Environmental Qualphotos of the item. ity (DEQ) and the fedE n v ironmental Wmng Central Oregoninw e!u Women's clothing size eral A g e ncy 16-18, 100 pcs O 50e Protection (EPA) as having met Where can you find a ea. 541-639-6656 smoke emission stanhelping hand? Women's shoes, sizes dards. A cer t ified From contractors to 9 -10, 2 0 p a ir s @ w oodstove may b e $2/pair. 541-639-6656 identified by its certifi- yard care, it's all here cation label, which is in The Bulletin's permanently attached "Call A Service Commercial/Office to the stove. The Bulquipment & Fixtures letin will no t k n ow- Professional" Directory ingly accept advertisPrinter table with shelf, ing for the sale of Lawnmower, Briggs 8 4 -ft. hi g h , $15. uncertified Stratton, works good, 541-923-7264 woodstoves. $40. 541-639-6656
Estate Sales
OVER '500in total merchandise 4 days .................................................. $18.50 7 days .................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50
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SE L LING G enerator 6000W
'UNDER '500in total merchandise 7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days ................................................ $16.00 *Must state prices in ad
Puzzle by Byron Walden
32 Attempt 44 Verdi opera set 53 Soap actress in Aragon Sofer 34 Girl Scout offering 46 bal l 54 Muffin ingredient 35 Best 47 Certain gasket 55 Not finalized, at 36 Old-hat 49 Draw a bead on law 15 Runner's place 38 Tyrant Amin 51 N.C.A.A. football 58 Profs' aides 20 Area of Chicago champs of '09 39 Animation where Wrigley and '11 collectible 59 Metal in Field is located 60-Across's 43 Silver screen 52 Citation 21 Put up swashbuckler shortener motto 22 Vacation home For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit abroad card, 1-800-814-5554. 26 Is overwhelmed Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. by
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to that unused item by placing it in The Bulletin Classifieds
5 41 -385-580 9 Livestock Truck Driver Must have CDL,2yrs exp, progressive co., 401k, $50,000/yr, insurance NW only. 541-475-6681
Remember.... A dd your we b a d COZY INSIDE HOME * ESTATE SALE* dress to your ad and garage sale! 1890s orSofa, leather recliner, gan. Housewares, pics, readers on The oak roll-top desk, di- b edroom s et . Bulletin' s web site Sa t . CAUTION READERS: nette, electric bed, full will be able to click bed, 2 dres s ers, 11/17, 9-5; Sun. 11/18, Ads published in "Em- through automatically tables, lamps, 3 cu- 9-noon, 635 SW 23rd. ployment Opportuni- to your site. rios, bookcases, 5 t ies" i n c lude e m dish sets, full kitchen, Call a Pro ployee and SALES 20 glass sets, Fosto- Whether you need a dealership seeki ndependent po s i -Growing ria, antique crocks, tions. Ads for posi- ing salespeople looking fence fixed, hedges cedar chest, silhoutions that require a fee for a performance-based ettes and glassware, trimmed or a house p l an, p o tential or upfront investment pay Lladros, lots c ollecof up to built, you'll find must be stated. With commissions tors plates, Norman equaling $100,000 any independent job 35% Rockwell/Hummel/Kin professional help in Retirement Plan, opportunity, p l ease plus, caid/Elvis collectibles, The Bulletin's "Call a Paid Vacation, and a investigate thor- competitive pewter & crystal minmed i cal oughly. i atures, lots of c o l- Service Professional" benefit package. Lookl ectibles, 1 0 0 s al Directory ing for a team player bums, books, many Use extra caution when with a positive attitude, 541-385-5809 new items, jewelry, applying for jobs on- to operate with energy yard 8 outd o o r, line and never pro- and to be customer serhandicap items elecvide personal infor- vice oriented. Will protric scooter, tools, full Sales Other Areasi mation to any source vide training. garage, house you may not have reSend resume' to: packed! 6 086 4 searched and deemed bcrvhire@ NOTICE Brosterhous Road, Remember to be reputable. Use to remove off Knott your Garage Sale signs extreme caution when Fri/Sat /SUN! 9 to 4 r esponding to A N Y (nails, staples, etc.) Crowd control online e m p loyment after your Sale event numbers Fri. at 8 a.m. ad from out-of-state. is over! THANKS! Attic Estates& From The Bulletin Appraisals We suggest you call and your local utility www.atticestatesanthe State of Oregon companies. Consumer Hotline at 541-350-6822 1-503-378-4320
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DOWN? Private party will loan on real estate equity. Credit, no problem, good equity is all you need. Call now. Oregon Land Mortgage 388-4200.
With an ad in The Bulletin's
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LOCAL MONEyrWe buy secured trustdeeds & note,some hard money loans. Call Pat Kellev 541-382-3099 ext.13.
Independent Contractor
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Newspaper Delivery Independent Contractor
© Call Today ® We are looking for independent contractors to service home delivery routes in:
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The Bulletin
Clearance.Cleapance. Cleapance.
The Bulletin
5er ng Ceneacregosznw l903
Pottery Studio Sale by Equal Opportunity Wendi Steele - Fine & For L aws: Oregon B uUtilitarian Pottery! Sat. Nov. 17, Sam-2pm. BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS reau of Labor 8 Industry, C i vil Rights Find us on Twin Lakes Search the area's most Division, Lp, east of SE 15th, 1 comprehensive listing of 971-673-0764 block South of Reed classified advertising... Market, 1st bldg on left. real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting If you have any questions, concerns or Need to get an goods. Bulletin Classifieds comments, contact: appear every day in the Classified ad in ASAP? Department print or on line. You can place it The Bulletin Call 541-385-5809 online at: 541-385-5809 5 41 -385 - 5 8 0 9
The Bulletin nnng Cesaa Oregon wce f903
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""OC ttc e cre/. 'a/eS 77cr/ Caa ch eve/ 8 Ot(O anye ' Loh og Sas re//aa ~Rs c ya+ B0 oooee, rea asoo~'0e, /5 aaon 85S. e, b 6XC .Pe/7 ooye a/ eK " 4D/rvG Perte
4/Or 0" 077O
4 /0
f •
Redmond Homes
Motorcycles & Accessories Boats & Accessories I
NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, 4 .38 Acre v i e w l o t Harley Heritage 2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., backs BLM, Cascade Softail, 2003 triple garage, office, mtn 8 S m it h R o ck $5,000+ in extras, bay f ront w i n dow, views. Corner lot, ap$2000 paint job, 682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage RENTALS 30K mi. 1 owner, large patio, mature proved for standard 603 - Rental Alternatives 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease For more information landscaping, fenced septic. $199,000. MLS 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent please call 604 - Storage Rentals yard. $128,000. MLS ¹2809381 Pam 541-385-8090 732 201207127 Lester, Principal Bro605 - RoommateWanted REAL ESTATE 850 or 209-605-5537 Commercial/Investment Pam Lester, Principal ker, Century 21 Gold 616- Want To Rent 705 - Real Estate Services Snowmobiles B roker, Century 2 1 Country Realty, Inc. 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 713 - Real Estate Wanted Properties for Sale Gold Country Realty, 541-504-1338 HD FAT BOY 630- Rooms for Rent 719- Real Estate Trades Inc. 541-504-1338 Prime Hwy 97 commer1996 Nice flat lot in Terreb631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 726 - Timeshares for Sale cial updated in 2006, Single level on 1 acre, 3 onne, .56 a c res, Completely rebuilt/ 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 730- New Listings 850 sq.ft., plenty of bdrm, 2 b ath, 1716 customized, low p aved s t reet, a p - Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 732- Commercial Properties for Sale parking in rear, cen- sq.ft., master separa- proved fo r miles. Accepting ofca p -fill Firecats: EFI Snowpro 8 EFI EXT, exlnt 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 738 - Multiplexes for Sale tral a i r . $1 1 9,900. tion, office, fenced, septic, utilities are at fers. 541-548-4807 cond, $3700 ea; MLS ¹ 201 0 03034 f lower garden, R V the lot line. $42,000. 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale $7000 both. Pam Lester, Principal parking. $ 1 4 5,000. MLS 3 2 0 12001172 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 744 - OpenHouses HD Screaming Eagle 541-410-2186 B roker, Century 2 1 MLS ¹ 20 1 0 07848. Pam Lester, Principal Electra Glide 2005, 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 745- Homes for Sale Gold Country Realty, Pam Lester, Principal B roker, Century 2 1 103" motor, two tone 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 746- Northwest BendHomes Inc. 541-504-1338 B roker, Century 2 1 Gold Country Realty, Just bought a new boat? candy teal, new tires, 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 747 -Southwest BendHomes Gold Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-1338 Sell your old one in the 23K miles, CD player, 745 Inc. 541-504-1338 classifieds! Ask about our 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 748- Northeast BendHomes hydraulic clutch, exHomes for Sale The Highlands at BroSuper Seller rates! 652- Housesfor Rent NWBend 749- Southeast BendHomes cellent condition. The Bulletin's ken top, 10 a cres, 541-385-5809 Highest offer takes it. 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 750- RedmondHomes 10 HOUSES in Burns"Call A Service gated, private well, 541-480-8080. 656- Housesfor Rent SWBend 753 - Sisters Homes All rented, $231,000 for Professional" Directory utilities at lot, app for all 10. Any offers concap-fill 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes septic. Honda Elite 80 2 001, is all about meeting sidered — must liqui$535,000. MLS 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 756- Jefferson CountyHomes 1400 mi., absolutely yourneeds. date now. 541-413-1322 Snowmobile trailer ¹ 201200937. Pam like new., comes w/ 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 757- Crook CountyHomes Lester, Pnncrpal Bro2002, 25-ft Inter1 Acre w/studiocarrying rack for 2" Call on one of the 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 762- Homes with Acreage ker, Century 21 Gold state 8 3 sleds, La pine Stick b uilt receiver, ideal for use professionals today! 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 763- Recreational HomesandProperty Country Realty, Inc. $10,900. home. 3 bed/2 bath, w/motorhome, $995, 541-504-1338 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 764- Farms andRanches 541-480-8009 w ood stove i n L a 541-546-6920 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 771 - Lots Pine. M o ther-in-law Looking for your next Three 9148 Sq.ft. Iots, emp/oyee? Moped, elect w/charger, quarters w/bath, 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 773 - Acreages cul-de-sac, ut i l ities kitchen & pellet stove Place a Bulletin help 675 - RV Parking 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes s tubbed i nt o P U E , on ow n d r i veway. wanted ad today and s&Accessorles $600.541-497-3858 close to West Can- Motorcycle 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land reach over 60,000 MLS:201207856 yon Rim Park and acreaders each week. Theresa Ramsay, Brocess to the dry can- Harley Davidson Soft848 858 Your classified ad Softail Deluxe ker 541-815-4442 Tail De l uxe 2 0 0 7 , yon t rail. $ 3 5,000, white/cobalt, will also appear on 2010, 805 miles, Houses for Houses for Rent John L. Scott w / pas$35,000 & $ 50,000. senger kit, Vance & Black Chameleon. Real Estate, Bend Rent General Redmond MLS¹ 20 1 2 0 7692, which currently re$17,000 Hines muffler system 201207694, and ceives over Call Don © PUBLISHER'S & kit, 1045 mi., exc. 1550sq ft 3 bdrm 2 bath, BANK OWNED HOMES! 201207687. Pam 1.5 million page NOTICE W/D hkup, gas frplce, $19,9 9 9, 541-410-3823 FREE List w/Pics! Lester, Principal Bro- c ond, views every month 541-389-9188. All real estate adver- close to RHS, fenced yd ker, Century 21 Gold at no extra cost. tising in this newspa- w/garden, 2-car garage. bend and beyond real estate Country Realty, Inc. Bulletin Classifieds 20967 yeoman, bend or per is subject to the $925. 541-604-4694 541-504-1338 Get Results! F air H o using A c t 4 bdrm 2t/s bath, 3-car NOTICE: Call 385-5809 or 605 which makes it illegal garage, fresh paint, 2640 All real estate adver- place your ad on-line 773 to a d v ertise "any Roommate Wanted NE 9th. $1250/mo.; Acreages tised here in is subat preference, limitation $1500 security dep.; no or disc r imination pets. Call 503-804-5045 ject to t h e F e deral bendbuffeti Share cozymobile home F air H o using A c t , in Terrebonne, $275+ t/s based on race, color, which makes it illegal CHECK YOUR AD 782 utils. 503-679-7496 religion, sex, handi- Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe to advertise any pref- Homes with Acreage Please check your ad cap, familial status, home, 3/3, gas fireerence, limitation or on the first day it runs People Look for Information marital status or naplace, 7500' lot, fenced 1000 based West Powell Butte Es- to make sure it is corAbout Products and tional origin, or an in- yard, 1655 SW Sara- discrimination rect. Sometimes inLegal Notices Legal Notices tention to make any soda Ct. $ 1 195/mo. on race, color, reli- t ates. $ 4 79,000. 6 Services Every Daythrough gion, sex, handicap, bdrm, 3.5 bath home s tructions over t h e such pre f erence, 541-350-2206 The Bulletin Classifieds familial status or nareal property deare misunderLEGAL NOTICE limitation or discrimin 2 0 a c re s w i t h phone and 676 s cribed above i s tional origin, or inten- o an e rror ADOPT-Abundance nation." Familial stashop, 2 master suites, stood 830 tion to make any such purported to be: can occurin your ad. of love to offer a tus includes children Mobile/Mfd. Space 4-car garage, water 51808 PINE LOOP Rooms for Rent preferences, l i mita- feature, gated com- If this happens to your child in stable, seunder the age of 18 tions or discrimination. ad, please contact us cure 8 nu r t uring DRIVE, LA P I NE, living with parents or • Space rent $180 mo. MLS¹ OR 97739 The Room with a view in SW legal We will not knowingly munity. the first day your ad • Homes for rent home. Contact Jen cust o dians, 201207133 Pam Bend! Own bath, healthy pregnant women, and $350 - $495 mo. accept any advertisundersigned appears and we will (800) 571-4136. Lester, Principal Brolifestyle preferred; ga- people securing cus- • Large treed lots Trustee d i sclaims ing for r eal e state ker, Century 21 Gold be happy to fix it as LEGAL NOTICE raqe. $500 includes most tody of children under • J.D. Riverfront lots which is in violation of any liability for any s oon as w e c a n . OREGON Country Realty, Inc. utilities. 541-905-9247 incorrectness of the this law. All persons 541-504-1338 Deadlines are: Week- T RUSTEE'S N O 18. This newspaper • Playground and are hereby informed a bove s t reet o r days 11:00 noon for Community Center will not knowingly acStudios & Kitchenettes SAL E other common that all dwellings adnext day, Sat. 11:00 T ICE O F Furnished room, TV w/ cept any advertising • Next to Thriftway T.S. No: D537928 Find It in vertised are available designation. By a.m. for Sunday and OR Unit Code: D cable, micro & fridge. for real estate which is • RVs Welcomed, reason of said deon an equal opportu- The Bulletin Classifieds! Monday. Utils & linens. New in violation of the law. Riverside Home Park Loan No: fault, th e b e n efinity basis. The Bulle541-385-5809 541-385-5809 owners. $145-$165/wk O ur r e aders a r e 677 W. Main, 112244929-1/HERciary has declared tin Classified Thank you! 541-382-1885 hereby informed that John Day, Oregon N ANDEZ A P ¹ 1 : all s 1/4 Mi. Deschutes River The Bulletin Classified all dwellings adver- Call Lisa 541-575-1341 750 1 14826 Tit l e ¹ : ums owing on the 634 f rontage. Cus t o m tised in this newspa- 6 934001 Refe r obligation secured Redmond Homes single level 3 bdrm, 3 R EADY T O per are available on Apt./Multiplex NE Bend BUI L D ! ence is made to that by said T r u st 687 bath, 3 9 6 2 sq . f t., 5.07 acres, flat an equal opportunity certain Trust Deed l ot, 32.42 Acres in Urban Deed i mmediately * 1 2.72 a c r e ga t e d mature trees, paved basis. To complain of Commercial for $299 1st mo. rent!! made by MARIO N Growth Bo u n dary, community, p r i vate due and p ayable, discrimination cal l GET THEM BEFORE HERNANDEZ, Rent/Lease road, 1/3 interest in Adjacent t o The setting. said sums being the $99 7 ,000. well, HUD t o l l-free at THEY ARE GONE! INEZ LOPEZ applied for stanGreens, kitty corner to MLS f ollowing, t o wi t : 1-800-877-0246. The ¹ 20 1 2 05961. 2 bdrm, 1 bath RAMIREZ as Light industrial space, dard septic. $99,900. Ridgeview High Pam Lester, Principal Principal toll f re e t e l ephone 800 sq.ft., overhead new $530 & $540 MLS¹ 2 012 0 4695 Grantor, to WESTSchool. $5 9 9 ,000. $62,389.27, B roker, Century 2 1 Carports 8 A/C included! number for the hear- d r, office & ba t h . MLS ERN TITLE 8 E SPam Lester, Principal together with ¹ 20 1 2 0 3193 ing im p aired is Avail. Dec. 15th. $344 Pam Lester, Principal Gold Country Realty, B roker, Century 2 1 Fox Hollow Apts. CROW COMinterest as provided 1-800-927-9275. Inc. 541-504-1338 (541) 383-3152 PANY as Trustee, in mo., 1st & last req. B roker, Century 2 1 Gold Country Realty, in the note or other Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co favor o f GOLF Off Boyd Acres Rd. Gold Country Realty, 5 A c res w / mountain Inc. 541-504-1338 instrument secured 'upstalrs only with lease What are you SAVINGS BANK, A 541-382-4918 views. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, from 11/ 0 1 / 11, Inc. 541-504-1338 775 WASHINGTON 1620 sq.ft., irrigated, a nd s uc h o t h e r looking for? CUTE! 3 bedroom, 2 S TATE STOC K Want to impress the 36x40 shop, fenced, Manufactured/ costs and fees are bath home, close to extensive sp r i nkler You'll find it in Need to get an ad SAVINGS BANK as relatives'? Remodel due under the note Mobile Homes the lake on over an Beneficiary. Dated system. $ 2 7 9,000. or other instrument your home with the in ASAP? The Bulletin Classifieds acre. This is a must MLS ¹2809225 Pam June 12, 2007, Res ecured, and a s help of a professional see! MLS¹201206076 FACTORY SPECIAL c orded June 1 5 , Lester, Principal Broa re p rovided b y New Home, 3 bdrm, from The Bulletin's $45,000 2007 as Instr. No. Fax it to 541-322-7253 D&D Realty Group LLC ker, Century 21 Gold statute. 541-385-5809 $46,900 finished "Call A Service 2 007-33779 in Country Realty, Inc. on you site,541.548.5511 WHEREFORE, 866-346-7868 -Page Book 541-504-1338 Professional" Directory The Bulletin Classifieds notice i s h e r eby of Official Records 850 Fieldstone crossing, 4 9.33 acres in P owell given th a t t he Houses for Rent in the office of the bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2130 Butte - 4 bdrm, 2.5 New Construction - 3 undersigned trustee 838 Recorder of D ESRestaurant Pu b for sq.ft., gas fireplace, NE Bend bdrm, 2 b ath, 1548 will, on December lease. SW corner of tile countertops, slate b ath, 1928 sq . f t . , s q.ft., vaulted, g a s CHUTES C o unty; Apt./Multiplex NW Bend 17, 2012, at t he 3-car garage, barn, OREGON c o v e rNewer Home, 3 bdrm, 3rd and Greenwood. entry, hardwood, huge shop, with RV door. Ir- furnace-range-water hour of 10:00 A.M. Formerly Cheerleading the following de2 Bdrm, frplc, micro, DW, 2.5 bath, loft/TV area, d eck, f e nced, R V in accord with the $35 9 ,000 heater, fenced, land- scribed real propW8 D incl. W/S/G 8 cable near Forum shops 8 ers, now Taylors Sau- area. $189,900. MLS rigated. $1 6 2 ,900 Standard Time, as MLS ¹ 20 1 2 037129 scaped. sage. Over 3000 sq erty situated in said pd. Completely remod. medical centers, No ¹ 2012059483. P a m Pam Lester, Principal MLS ¹ 2 01 2 07750 established by ORS county and state, to $700/mo, $700 dep. no smoking. $1095/mo. feet. Lottery r o om, Lester, Principal BroPam Lester, Principal 1 87.110, IN S I DE smkg. 541-383-2430 wired & running 4 ma- ker, Century 21 Gold B roker, Century 2 1 wit: LOT 72, PONCall 541-550-0333. B roker, Century 2 1 THE MAIN LOBBY Country Realty, D EROSA PI N E S chines now. 20-ft bar, Country Realty, Inc. Gold THE Gold Country Realty, OF Inc. 541-504-1338 Quiet 2 bedroom, oak Need help fixing stuff? DES10 tap handles. 4-pan 541-504-1338 EAST Inc. 541-504-1338 DESCHUTES cabinets, DW, W/S/G 8 CHUTES COUNTY, hot well, Ansell hood, 784 COUNTY cable paid, laundry facili- Call A Service Professional automatic dishwasher. I mpeccable cus t om Possible owner terms. 3 O REGON . B o t h COURTHOUSE, ties. $650, $500 dep. No find the help you need. Farms 8 Ranches home. 3 B drm, 2.5 the beneficiary and Terry, 541-415-1777 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1107 1164 NW B O N D, smkg. 541-617-1101 bath, bonus r o om, the t rustee h a ve sq.ft., laminated wood BEND , County of den, 2633 sq.ft., 5+/- Turn-key ranch. Cas- flooring, carport w/ elected to sell the DESCHUTES, State acres, har d wood, cade mtn views, built storage, fenced, land- said real property to of OREGON, (which l arge r e a r de c k . in 1993, 38+ a cres satisfy the o bligascaped, sprinkler is the n e w d a te, with 26 + i r r igation, system. $33,000. MLS t ions secured b y $300,000. MLS time and place set barn, shop, hay shed, ¹ 201205974 ¹ 201201384 Pam said Trust Deed and for said sale) sell at $55 0 ,000. Lester, Pnncrpal Pam Lester, Principal Bro- fenced. a Notice of Default Bropublic auction to the ¹ 20 1 0 03925 ker, Century 21 Gold has ker, Century 21 Gold MLS been rehighest bidder for Call54I 385 5809topromote your service Advertisefor 28daysstarting at'l40 Irtss!rerralpackageir norarvtrbleonourwebritej Country Realty, Inc. Pam Lester, Principal Country Realty, Inc. corded pursuant to cash the interest in 541-504-1338 B roker, Century 2 1 Oregon Re v ised the said described 541-504-1338 Gold Country Realty, Statutes 86.735(3); Advertise your car! real property which Inc. 541-504-1338 Rent /Own t he de f a ul t f or Add A Prcture! the Grantor had or Building/Contracting H o m e Improvement L a ndscaping/yard CareReach 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes thousands of readers! which the f oreclohad p o w e r to BULLETIN CLASSIFIEOS $2500 down, $750 mo. s ure is m ad e i s CaII 541-385-5809 convey at the time NOTICE: Oregon state Kelly Kerfoot Const. N OTICE: O RE G O N The Bulletin Classifteds Search the area's most OAC. 541-548-5511 Grantor's failure to of execution by him law req u ires any- 28 yrs exp in Central OR! Landscape Contraccomprehensive listing of pay when due, the of the sa i d Trust one who c o n tractsQuality 8 honesty, from tors Law (ORS 671) Large Lot In SW Red- classified advertising... f ollowing sum s : Deed, together with for construction work carpentry & handyman r equires a l l bus i - mond. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, real estate to automotive, UNPAID P R I NCIany interest which to be licensed with the jobs, to expert wall cov- nesses that advertise 1108 sq.ft, 9148 sq.ft. merchandise to sporting USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! P AL BA LA N C E the Grantor or his C onstruction Co n - ering install / removal. to p e rform L a n d- lot, hot tub, sprinkler goods. Bulletin Classifieds Door-to-door selling with $62,389.27 INTERsuccessors in tractors Board (CCB). Sr. discounts CCB¹47120 scape C o nstruction system, greenhouse. appear every day in the interest a c q uired fast results! It's the easiest EST @ 8.3750 A n active lice n se Licensed/bonded/insured which inclu d es: MLS¹201207599. print or on line. FROM 11/ 0 1/11 after the execution way in the world to sell. means the contractor 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 p lanting, decks , $84,000. Pam Lester, Call 541-385-5809 THRU 08/ 0 7 / 12 of said Trust Deed, Brok e r , i s bonded an d i n - Autumnridge Const. fences, arbors, P rincipal $4,020.43 ACto sa t i sf y the C entury 2 1 Gol d The Bulletin Classified s ured. Ver if y t h e Quality custom home w ater-features, a n d CRUED LATE foregoing o b l igaCountry Realty, Inc. contractor's CCB installation, repair of 541-385-5809 improvements. No job CHARGES $270.63 541-504-1338 sen«ngrenl~al oregons nce 19$ tions thereby c ense through t h e too big or small. Ver tr Sr. irrigation systems to A PPRAISAL F E E s ecured an d t h e be licensed with the CCB Cons u mer Discounts! CCB¹198284 $ 361.00 PROP costs and expenses Website Landscape ContracCall 541-300-0042 ERTY INS P EC- of sale, including a www.bireahcensedcontractor. t ors B o a rd . Th i s TION $182.00 DEcom reasonable charge YOUR ADWILLRECEIVE CLOSE To 2,000,000 4-digit number is to be Landscaping/Yard Care MAND FEE $35.00 or call 503-378-4621. Classified by t h e tru s tee. EXPOSURES FORONLY$250! included in all adverSubTotal of Notice i s fu r t her The Bulletin recomtisements which indiAdvertising oegonclassedddverswgrsrworrsaserrce%heoegoaNe spope ablsherssssuaaeon Amounts in mends checking with given t h a t any cate the business has Arrears:$67,258.33 Week of November 12, 2072 the CCB prior to conp erson named i n Network a bond,insurance and Together with any tracting with anyone. O .R.S.86.753 h a s Z~r/dd zQuaEiip workers compensadefault in the paythe right, at any time Some other t r ades tion for their employment of r e curring prior to f i v e days also req u ire addi- Za~<0a ~/,. ees. For your protecobligations as they Serving Central Oregon since 1903 tional licenses and before the date last tion call 503-378-5909 More Than Service become due. certifications. set for the sale, to 541-3S5-5S09 or use our website: ALSO, if you have Peace Of Mind this have to failed to pay taxes foreclosure Debris Removal check license status on t h e p r o perty, proceeding Fall Clean Up before con t racting provide i n surance DIVORCE $155, $175with children. Complete preparation. Includeschildren, custody, dismissed and the JUNK BE GONE Don't track it in all Winter with th e b u s iness. Trust •Leaves support, property and bills division. No court appearances. Divorced in 1-5 weeks on the property or Deed I Haul Away FREE Persons doing landother senior pay •Cones reinstated by possible. 503-772-5295. Iegalalt© For Salvage. Also scape m a intenance liens o r en c u m• Needles payment t o the Cleanups & Cleanouts do not require a LCB brances as required • Pruning b eneficiary of t h e Mel, 541-389-8107 license. i n th e n o t e a n d • Debris Hauling entire amount then T rust D e ed, t h e Just bought a new boat? due (other t h an DRIVERS:Getonthe ROADFAST! IMMEDIATEOPENINGS!! TOPPAY,FULL BENEFITS, Find exactly what beneficiary may Sell your old one in the such portion of the Gutter CDL-A,Hazmat,Doubles Required!Haney Truck Line,CALL NOW1-888-414-4467. classifieds! Ask about our insist that you do so you are looking for in the principal as would Super Seller rates! Cleaning in order to reinstate notthen be due had CLASSIFIEDS 541-385-5809 y our a ccount i n no default occurred) DRIVER: $0.03 enhancedquarterly bonus. Get paid for any portion you qualify for: good standing. The Compost and by curing any Nelson Landscape safety, production, MPG,CDL-A, 3 months current OTRexperience. 800-414-9569 Handyman beneficiary may other default Applications Maintenance require as a complained herein Use Less Water ERIC REEVE HANDY Serving tion t o re i nstate- that is capable of SERVICES. Home 8 $$$ SAVE $$$ ment that you proDRIVERS:Experienced Drivers - $1000 Sign-on Bonus! Excellent Regional Truckload Central Oregon being c u re d by Improve Soil Commercial Repairs, vide reliable written Opportunities in Your Area! Be HomeEvery Week. Run Up to 2,000 miles/week. tendering the Residential Carpentry-Painting, evidence that you performance 866-333-1021 & Commercial Pressure-washing, 2013 Maintenance have paid a l l se- required under the DRIVERS: Inexperienced/Experienced Unbeatable Career Opportunities. Trainee, Honey Do's. On-time nior liens or encumPackage Available obligation o f th e promise. Senior Company Driver, LEASE OPERATOR, LEASE TRAINERS 877-369-7104 www. brances, p r operty weekly, monthly Trust Deed, and in Discount. Work guartaxes, and hazard and addition to paying anteed. 541-389-3361 insurance p r e mi- said one time service su m s or or 541-771-4463 ums. These re• Snow Removal I I ' tendering the I Bonded 8 Insured quirements for rein• Sprinkler Repair performance EXPERIENCED CCB¹181595 statement should be L UXURY OCEANFRONT CONDOS 2BR/ 2BA, was $ 85 0k n o w $3 9 9, 900 . Re s or t Sp a • Back Flow Testing necessary to cure Commercial confirmed by conthe default, by pay•Fall Clean up Restaurant Golf Marina 1-888-998-2746x5465. & Residential I DO THAT! tacting the u ndering all c osts a nd •Weekly Mowing Home/Rental repairs signed Tru s t ee. expenses a ctually Senior Discounts Small jobs to remodels The street or other incurred in Senior Discounts Honest, guaranteed Bonded & Insured common designaPUBLICAUCTION -Thomson Machinery Co.Wednesday, November 28th 10:00am enforcing the work. CCB¹151573 541-390-1466 541-815-4458 tion if any, of t he 2236NW21stAve,Portland OR obligation and Trust Dennis 541-317-9768 Same Day Response LCB¹8759 •
The Bulletin
The BuHetin
13' Smokercraft '85, good cond., 15HP gas Evinrude + Minnkota 44 elec. motor, fish finder, 2 extra seats, trailer, extra equip $3200 541-388-9270 14' boat & trailer, $275 or best offer. No motor. 541-389-1324
People Look for Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin Classifieds 17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, trolling motor, full cover, EZ - L oad t railer, $3500 OBO. 541-382-3728. 17' Seaswirl 1988 open bow, rebuilt Chev V 6 e n g ine, new uph o lstery, $3900 obo. Bend. 707-688-4523
18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Volvo Penta 270HP
low hrs., must see,
$15,000, 541-330-3939
Legal Notices Deed, together with trustee's and
attorney's fees not exceeding the amounts p r ovided by sa i d ORS 86.753. I t w i ll be necessary for you to contact the undersigned prior to the time you tender reinstatement or payoff so that you may be advised of the exact amount, including t rustee's costs and fees, that will be you r equired t o p a y . Payment must be in the full amount in the form of cashier's or certified c heck. T he effect of t h e sale w il l b e to deprive you and all those who hold by, through and under you of a l l interest in t h e pro p erty described a b ove. In construing this notice, the masculine g ender includes the f eminine and t h e neuter, the singular includes the plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the g rantor as well as a n y other p erson owing a n obligation, the performance of which is secured by said Trust D e ed, a nd the w o r ds "trustee" and "beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, i f any. The Beneficiary may b e attempting t o collect a debt and any info r mation o btained may b e used for that purpose. If the Trustee is unable to convey title for any reason, the successful bidder's sole and exclusive remedy shall be the return of m o nies paid to the Trustee, and the successful bidder shall have no further recourse. If available, the expected o pening bid and/or postponement information may be obtained by calling the following telephone n umber(s) on t h e day before the sale: (714) 480-5690 or you may a c cess sales information at DATED:
0 8 / 07/12
COMPANY FORECLOSURE DEPARTMENT 4000 W. Metropolitan Drive Suite 400 Orange, CA 92868 (800) 843-0260 TAC¹ 960399 PUB: 11/01/12, 11/08/12, 11/15/12, 11/23/12
Haveanitemto sell quick? If it's under '500 you canplaceit in The Bulletin Classifiedsfor: '10-3 lines, 7days '16-3lines,14days (Private PartyadSOnly)
~Boats & Accessories I
t l
l l
Motor h omes
T r a vel Trailers • 0 D
l l
Look before you buy, below market value! Size & mileage DOES matter! Class A 32' Hurricane by Four Winds, 2007. 12,500 mi, all amenities, Ford V10, Ithr, cherry, slides, like new! New low price, $54,900.
20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini 8 custom trailer, $19,500. 541-389-1413
Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories
Antique & Classic Autos
NEED HOLIDAY $$$? We pay CASH for Junk Cars & Trucks! M o n terreyBOATS &RVs Also buying batteries 8 Mercury 1965, Exc. All original, 805- Misc. Items catalytic converters. 4-dr. sedan, in stor- 850 - Snowmobiles Serving all of C.O.! age last 15 yrs., 390 860 - MotorcyclesAndAccessories Call 541-408-1090 High C o m pression Studded tire, mounted, engine, new tires 8 li- 865 - ATVs 5 bolt, P235/75R15 off c ense, reduced t o 870 - Boats & Accessories Chevy 1/2 ton Pickup. $2850, 541-410-3425. 875 - Watercraft L ike N e w , $3 5 0 . 880 - Motorhomes •
Weekend Warrior Toy Hauler 28' 2007,Gen, fuel station, exc cond. sleeps 8, black/gray i nterior, u se d 3X , $24,999. 541-389-9188
Aircraft, Parts & Service
AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts andService 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 -Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique andClassic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles
541-593-2247 ~ Looking for your 881 - Travel Trailers next employee? Gulfstream Sc e nic Studded tires like new 882 - Fifth Wheels Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Place a Bulletin help (4) 195-60-14 on '01 885- Canopies and Campers Corolla wheels, $200/ Cummins 330 hp die- wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 1/3 interest in Colum- obo 541-408-1389 sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 890 - RVs for Rent 20.5' Seaswirl Spyreaders each week. in. kitchen slide out, bia 400, located at Winter Tires 4 Bridge- Plymouth B a r racuda der 1989 H.O. 302, Your classified ad new tires,under cover, Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. 935 940 285 hrs., exc. cond., s tone 2 2 5/55 R 1 6 1966, original car! 300 will also appear on hwy. miles only,4 door Call 541-647-3718 stored indoors for 95W on alloy rims, hp, 360 V8, center- Sport Utility Vehicles Vans Automobiles f ridge/freezer ice life $11,900 OBO. like new, tire preslines, (Original 273 which currently remaker, W/D combo, 541-379-3530 sure monitors incl. eng 8 wheels incl.) Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 1994 Chev full size van, Mercury Tracer 1996, 4 ceives over 1.5 milInterbath t ub 8 (Retail@$1900) $650. 541-593-2597 4x4. 120K mi, Power seats 7, sleeps 2. Su- dr., 91K, auto, exc. lion page views evshower, 50 amp proIn Bend 619-889-5422 Tow Pkg, 3rd per condition, 128K, $2000. 541-389-6167 ery month at no PROJECT CARS: Chevy seats, Need to get an pane gen & m o re! row seating, e x tra famous 350 m o tor, 932 2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy extra cost. Bulletin GT $55,000. ad in ASAP? CD, pnvacy tint- runs & looks like a mil- Mitsubishi 3 00 0 Coupe 1950 - rolling tires, Classifieds Get Re541-948-2310 Antique & 1999, a uto., p e a rl 1 /3 interest i n w e l l ing, upgraded rims. lion! Ready for fun & You can place it chassis's $1750 ea., Fantastic cond. $7995 travel. Limit 1! $4000. w hite, very low m i . sults! Call 385-5809 equipped IFR Beech BoClassic Autos Chevy 4-dr 1949, com- Contact Tim m or place your ad online at: $9500. 541-788-8218. at Bob, 541-318-9999 nanza A36, new 10-550/ plete car, $1949; Ca- 541-408-2393 for info on-line at prop, located K BDN. dillac Series 61 1950, 2 Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 $65,000. 541-419-9510 Hunter's Delight! Packdr. hard top, complete or to view vehicle. 7 -pass. v a n wit h age deal! 1988 Winw/spare front c l ip., Ford Explorer 4x4, 541-385-5809 Executive Hangar p ower c h a i r lif t , nebago Super Chief, 1921 Model T $3950, 541-382-7391 $1500; 1989 Dodge at Bend Airport 1991 154K miles, 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t Delivery Truck Ads published in the Fifth Wheels Turbo Van 7 - pass. (KBDN) rare 5-speed tranny shape; 1988 Bronco II DDN'Z MISS TH I S "Boats" classification 60' wide x 50' deep, Restored & Runs has new motor and Nissan Sentra, 20128 manual hubs, 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K include: Speed, fishw/55' wide x 17' high $9000. t rans., $1500. I f i n- 12,610 mi, full warranty, clean, straight, evmostly towed miles, ing, drift, canoe, VW Karman Ghia bi-fold door. Natural terested c a l l Jay 541-389-8963 eryday driver. Bring PS, PB, AC, 8 more! rig! $15,000 both. 1970, good cond., house and sail boats. nice gas heat, office, bath503-269-1057. 2200 dollar bills! $16,000. 541-788-0427 541-382-3964, Ieave For all other types of new upholstery and room. Parking for 6 Bob, 541-318-9999 watercraft, please see msg. convertible top. c ars. A djacent t o Class 875. $10,000. Frontage Rd; g reat Automobiles Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 541-385-5809 541-389-2636 visibility for a viation by Carriage, 4 slidebus. Buick Lucerne CXL outs, inverter, satel541-948-2126 2009, $12,500, low lite sys, fireplace, 2 Chevy C-20 Pickup low miles; 2000 Buick flat screen TVs. Century $2900. You'll Porsche 911 1974, low 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; Jayco Seneca 2 007, $60,000. mi., complete motor/ auto 4-spd, 396, model not find nicer Buicks GMC Yukon XL S LT mi., 35ft., Chevy 541-480-3923 trans. rebuild, tuned CST /all options, orig. One look's worth a ) YOURBOAT... ( 17K 2004, loaded w/fac5500 d i e sel, to y suspension, int. & ext. owner, $22,000, thousand words. Call with o u r spec i al hauler $130 , 000. refurb., oi l c o o ling, VW Thing 1974, good tory DVD, 3rd seat, 541-923-6049 Bob, 541-318-9999. rates for selling your I 541-389-2636. cond. Extremely Rare! $6950.. 541-280-6947 shows new in 8 out, for an appt. and take a ~ boat or watercraft! Check out the ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP perf. m ech. c o n d. Only built in 1973 8 drive in a 30 mpg. car SHARE LEFT! classifieds online Much more! 1 974. $8,000 . f Place an ad in The $28,000 541-420-2715 Economical flying in 541-389-2636 B ulletin w i t h ou r Cadillac Seville STS ow n C e ssna Updated daily Fleetwood Wilderness your PORSCHE 914 1974, / 3-month p ackage 2003 - just finished 933 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, 172/180 HP for only Roller (no engine), a $4900 engine work ~ which includes: 10,000! Based a t Pickups rear bdrm, fireplace, $ lowered, full roll cage, by Certified GM meBDN. Call Gabe at Jeep Willys 1947,custom, 5-pt harnesses, racAC, W/D hkup beau- Professional Air! chanic. Has everyI *5 lines of text and ~ Immaculate! Chevy y2-ton 1992, PS, small block Chevy, PS, ing seats, 911 dash & a photo or up to 10 Beaver Coach Marquis tiful u n it! $30,500. OD, mags+trailer. Swap thing but navigation. PB, AT, new plates, runs instruments, d ecent 40' 1987. New cover, ) lines with no photo. grt, $1500. 541-923-4338 for backhoe.No am calls Too many bells and shape, v e r y c o ol! *Free online ad at new paint (2004), new whistles to l i st. please. 541-389-6990 $1699. 541-678-3249 Chevy Wagon 1957, inverter (2007). Onan bought a new one. I 4-dr., complete, 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, *Free pick up into $4900 Kia Sportage 4x4 $7,000 OBO, trades, 541-420-1283 ~ The Central Oregon ~ parked covered $35,000 Toyota Camry'st 1996, full power, air, obo. 541-419-9859 or please call f Nickel ads. 1 50K, hitch, S t o 1984, $1200 obo; 541-280-2014 541-389-6998 master tow bar, lights K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 1985 SOLD; Chevrolet Lumina I Rates startat$46. I slide, AC, TV, awning. Chrysler 300 C o upe Dodge 2500, 1996, V10, for towing, studded 1986 parts car, 1997 4-door, NEW: tires, converter, Call for details! 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, WITH 1979 Conestoga tires. Paint rough, but $500. One owner, low milebatteries. Hardly used. great! $3200 auto. trans, ps, air, 541-385-5809 camper, great cond, runs Call for details, obo. 541-280-0514 age, clean interior. $15,500. 541-923-2595 frame on rebuild, re- $5500. 541-420-2323 Tires, body, paint in 541-548-6592 painted original blue, Diamond Reo Dump gThe Bulleting good condition. Truck 19 7 4, 12 -14 original blue interior, $3050. M onaco Dynasty 2004, Toyota Corolla 2004, yard box, runs good, original hub caps, exc. 541-350-3109 loaded, 3 slides, dieauto., loaded, 204k chrome, asking $9000 GENERATE SOME ex$6900, 541-548-6812 Reduced - now miles. orig. owner, non or make offer. citement in your neig- sel, $119,000, 5 4 1 -923541-385-9350 smoker, exc. c ond. borhood. Plan a gaG K E A T 8572 or 541-749-0037 $6500 Prin e ville rage sale and don't MONTANA 3585 2008, Ford 250 XLT 1990, 503-358-8241 Lincoln Navigator 2005 forget to advertise in exc. cond., 3 slides, 6 yd. dump bed, great cond., 124k mi., classified! 385-5809. king bed, Irg LR, ArcWhere can you find a Hyster H25E, runs 139k, Auto, $5500. 3 rows seats, DVD tic insulation, all opChrysler SD 4-Door well, 2982 Hours, 541-410-9997 helping hand? player, $11,500 cash tions $37,500. 1930, CD S R oyal Serving Central Oregon smce 1903 $3500 call only. 541-475-3274 Chrysler Sebring2006 From contractors to 541-420-3250 Standard 8-cylinder 541-749-0724 Ford F250 2002 Fully loaded, exc.cond, body is good, needs ~Ci yard care, it's all here Southwind 35.5' Triton, NuWa 297LK H i tchvery low miles (38k), Supercab 7.3 diesel, Used out-drive some r e s toration, M Ore p jxaj t j f I!(j j ) iilleti n C O m 2008,V10, 2 slides, Duin The Bulletin's always garaged, Hiker 2007, 3 slides, 130,000 miles, great parts - Mercury runs, taking bids, pont UV coat, 7500 mi. 32' touring coach, left shape with accessotransferable warranty "Call A Service OMC rebuilt ma541-383-3888, Bought new at ~jg®%3 kitchen, rear lounge, ries. $14,900. incl. $8600 541-81 5-331 8 rine motors: 151 Professional" Directory $132,913; 541-923-0231 day or 541-330-4087 many extras, beautiful $1595; 3.0 $1895; asking $93,500. c ond. inside 8 o u t , 541-923-2582 eves. Toyotas: 1999 Avalon 4.3 (1993), $1995. Call 541-419-4212 $34,499 OBO, Prinev- Peterbilt 359 p o table 541-389-0435 254k; 1996 Camry, Ford Crown Vic. ille. 541-447-5502 days water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of Porsche Cayenne 2004, 1997 4 door, 127k, 8 541-447-1641 eves. 3200 gal. tank, 5hp miles left in these Travel Trailers d rives, runs a n d 86k, immac, dealer pump, 4-3" h o ses, cars Pnce~ You tell looks great, extra maint'd, loaded, now camlocks, $ 2 5 ,000. Ford F250 XLT 4x4 I Wat e rcraft me! I d guess set of winter tires on $17000. 503-459-1580 541-820-3724 L ariat, 1990, r e d, FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, $2000-$4000. rims, only $3000. 80K original miles, door panels w/flowers Your servant, Bob at 541-771-6500. 4" lift with 39's, well 2007 SeaDoo 541-318-9999, no & hummingbirds, • Vans Utility Trailers maintained, 2004 Waverunner, $4000 white soft top & hard charge for looking. excellent condition, obo. 541-419-5495 top. Just reduced to 27', 2007 5th 90NrINISS IHIS V W Beetle, 2002 LOW hours. Double Pioneer Spirit 18CK, Pilgrim wheel, 1 s lide, AC, $3,750. 541-317-9319 trailer, lots of extras. 5-spd, silver-gray, black 2007, used only 4x, AC, TV,full awning, excelor 541-647-8483 electric tongue j ack, lent shape, $23,900. $10,000 Ford Crown V i ctoria leather, moonroof, CD, Big Tex Landscap loaded, 115K miles, 541-719-8444 $8995. 541-389-7669 541-350-8629 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., ing/ ATI/Trailer, well-maintained International Fla t V 8, o r i g . own e r, ROUADigorgio 1971 dual axle flatbed, (have records) Bed Pickup 1963, 1 Chevrolet G20 Sports70,300 mi., studs on, Ads published in "Wa- fridge, heater, propane 7'x16', 7000 lb. extremely clean, ton dually, 4 s pd. man, 1993, exlnt cond, reat condition tercraft" include: Kay- 8 elec. Iights, awning, GVW, all steel, $4850 obo. trans., great MPG, $4750. 541-362-5559 or 3000. 541-549-0058. aks, rafts and motor- 2 spares, extra insu541-546-6920 $1400. 541-663-6046 could be exc. wood ized Ford Galaxie500 1963, personal lation for late season 541-382-4115, or Honda Civic LX 2006 WHEN YOU SEE THIS hauler, runs great, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, watercrafts. For hunting/cold weather 541-280-7024. 4-dr sedan, excellent new brakes, $1950. camping, well maint, Pilgrim 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 Chevy Astro " boats" please s e e In t e rnational cond, 31K miles, AC, very roomy, sleeps 5, radio (orig),541-419-4989 541-419-5480. Cargo Van 2001, Class 870. ~OO steering, dr locks reat f o r hu n t ing, 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, pw, pdl, great cond. power 541-385-5809 Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Ford Mustang Coupe & w indows, premium More P ixa 2950, 541-410-6561 business car, well Fall price $ 2 1,865. Automotive Parts, • 1966, original owner, wheels, new s tudded On a classified ad maint'd, regular oil Service & Accessories V8, automatic, great 541-312-4466 tires, chains, AM/FM-CD, go to changes, $4500. all records from 2009, shape, $9000 OBO. Please call (4) Snow tires, 3 mo. 530-515-8199 24-40 mpg, $13,000/ofr. to view additional 541-633-5149 4 old, P 19 5 - 65R15, Local: 503-806-9564 photos of the item. Motorhomes
The Bulletin
f f
%%tJY T
The Bulletin
kYo~ Lesr!
The Bulletin
$270. 541-410-0206
S pringdale 2005 27', 4' slide in dining/living area, sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 Regal Prowler AX6 Exobo. 541-408-3811 treme Edition 38' '05, 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all Country Coach Intrigue 2002, 40' Tag axle. 400hp Cummins Diesel. two slide-outs. 41,000 miles, new tires 8 batteries. Most options. $95,000 OBO
slide,Bunkhouse style, sleeps 7-8, excellent condition, $ 1 6 ,900,
~ OO MOrePiXat Bendbulletili,COm
I ' Annsr
4 studded tires on rims for Toyota Camry, used 1 y ear, $ 3 50. C a ll 541-593-2134
studded Toyota tires maple cabs, king bed/ 4 on rims, 205/65R15 bdrm separated w/slide $125. 541-420-9989 glass dr,loaded,always garaged,lived in only 3 4 Studless winter tracmo,brand new $54,000, tion tires on 5-lug 4.5" still like new, $28,500, wheels, 225/60R-16, will deliver,see, $350. 541-410-0886 ad¹4957646 for pics. Cory, 541-580-7334 4 used Hankook studded
Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS
snow tires, 205/65R15's mounted on custom black modern wheels, $475. 541-382-6773
Chrome Wheels (4) off 1999 Acura TL, $80.
Ford Ranchero 1979
RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L
hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro.
with 351 Cleveland
modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo.
Sport Utility Vehicles
Toyota 4Runner SR5
2011 29,553 mi. ¹042626. $33,995
Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, excellent cond. in & out. Asking $8,500.
q~ g((L<R &ATVS ONLY!
Oregon AutoSouree 541-598-3750
Call theBuletin ClassifiedDept. 541-385-5809or541-382-1811 forratestoday!
Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 Canopies & CampersI Cooper winter studded 215/60/16 t i r e s + 29', weatherized, like 8.5' 2003, self chains $150. Toyo all GMC y2ton 1971, Only Econoline RV 19 8 9, n ew, f u rnished & Elkhorn fully loaded, exc. cond, ready to go, incl Wine- contained, oven, steseason 205 / 60/1 6$19,700i Original low 35K m i. , R e duced ard S a t ellite dish, r eo, v e r y cle a n . tires $125. Low mile- mile, exceptional, 3rd $8500. 541-389-7234 $17,950. 541-546-6133 age. 541-330-8285. 26,995. 541-420-9964 owner. 951-699-7171
h ow You r
Buick Enclave 2008 CXL AWD, V-6, black, clean, mechanicall y sound, 82k miles. $21,995. Call 541-815-1216
t u . e l lY o u r t u .
In The Bulletin's p r int a n d
o n l i n e C l a s sifieds.
Full Color Photos For an actditional ' 15 per w e e k * ' 40 for 4 we e k s * ('Special private party ratesapply to merchandise and automotive categories.)
GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES, We are three adorable, loving puppies looking fora caring home. Please call right away. $500.
QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! Modern amenities and all the quiet you will need. Room to grow in
your own little paradise! Call now.
FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, and a tough VB engine will get the job done on the ranch!
The Bulletin
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w w w . b e n d b u ll e t jn . c o m
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