Serving Central Oregon since1903 $1.50
SUNDAY February17, 2013
— The drug that makes cattle beefier
may eventually makeyour steak less tender, juicy and flavorful.A3
Gay rightS —From immigration to the military to domestic
violence legislation, same-sex relationships are thrust into
• l legal kills may outdo legal hunting, vehicle deathsin aswath of Oregon
the debate. Plus, results from a first-of-its-kind nationwide
survey of gaysand lesbians. A5
A global church —Butthe Catholics who choosethe next pope remain, by andlarge, Eu-
The Bulletin
By Ben Botkin •The Bulletin
ropean. Still, does an American
have a shot at the papacy?A7
By Dylan J. Darling
Work is wrapping up on a building addition on the Redmond campus of Central Oregon Community College that will be open in the spring term. The 2,300-square-foot addition will enable
The electric-car mistake
the Redmond campus
"It was based on the information that was available when we retrieved the collar," said DeWaine Jackson, the wildlife research manager in charge of the study for the ODFW. Evidence of poaching included signs of bullet or arrow wounds, and collars cut from deer, outside of hunting season. While the state biologists monitoring deer herds in Central Oregon know that poaching is a problem, it still was startling to see the high percentage of poaching deaths found in the study. See Poaching/A6
— One writer calls the dream
of having a million electric cars on the road by2015 maybe just that — a dream.F1
In world news —ARussian region begins its recovery after the meteor fireball.A2
Plus, in La PineResidents talk of their own meteorite sighting.B1
Whatever your age,
to offer more science classes, said Matt McCoy, vice president for administration at COCC. As the work finishes up, college Photos by Andy Tullis/The Bulletin
administrators are also making plans to build a 34,000-square-foot
A six-year state study shows that poachers could be killing more mule deer than hunters do in the woods around Bend down to the California-Oregon border. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife found that 5-13 percent of the 178 radio-collared mule deer that died in the study period of October 2005 to May 2011 were likely killed by poachers. Hunters killed 11 percent of the deer in the report, part of a study of mule deer population and migration in south-central
With much of the building, even sidewalks, complete, much of the work to be done on the new 2,300-square-foot building is inside — installing floor tiles, ceiling panels, cabinets — project superintendent Pete Showers said Thursday at the construction site.
Technology Education Center, also on the Redmond campus. Among the features of the newest addition are a 52-seat classroom and a 24-seat science lab for chemistry classes. The project also includes remodeling of a32-seatcomputer lab and a 26-seat
Many tagged adult mule deer in parts of Central
Fencei% Fawningi% Coyote2%
Oregon and south to the California border were
found to have been
Disease 2%
killed in illegal
Legal harvest, archery 2% Legal harvest, rifle9%
harvests, or poaching, in a six-year study by the Oregon Department
Illegal 5-i3/.
of Fish and Wildlife.
Cougar6-i4% Unknown46%
Source: ODFW study, October 2005-May 2011
science lab. The remodeling work is
is harder
Cause ofdeerdeaths
Andy Zetgert/The Bulletin
finished, with the remaining efforts To catch poachers, Oregon State Police troopers use deer decoys (left), patrols
focused on the addition. "It gets us a great bit of functionality on
By Michael A. Fletcher The Washington Post
jeopardizing a long era of improved living standards for the nation's elderly, ac-
cording to a growing consensus of new research. The Great Recession and the weak recovery darkened the retirement picture for significant numbers of Americans. And the full extent of the damage is
only now being grasped by experts and policymakers. Liberal and conservative economists worry the decline in retirement prospects marks a historic shift in a countrythat previously has fost ered generations of improvement in the lives of the elderly. It is likelyto have far-reaching implications, as an increasing number of ret ireesmaybe forcedto double up with younger relatives or turn to social-service programs for support. "This is the first time that Americans are going to be relatively worse off than their parents or grandparents in old age," said Teresa Ghilarducci, director of the Schwartz Center for Economic Policy Analysis at the New School for Social Research. SeeRetirement/A8
and night flights.
the Redmond campus,"McCoy said.
For the first time since the New Deal, a majority of Americans are headed toward a retirement in which they will be financially worse off than their parents,
Inside the new building is a science lab. On Thursday, a worker on stilts installed ceiling panels in the new lab.
Without the changes, the Redmond campus would be limited in its science course options and unable to offerany chemistry courses, McCoy said.The upgrade will benefit students starting out in sciencerelated majors as well as those with other majors taking science and chemistry classes as prerequisites. At the construction site on Thursday, project superintendent Pete Showers said tasks that remain before completion include putting down floor tiles and installing ceiling tiles. Workers also need to put in cabinets. The $1.6 million project is on schedule and within budget, McCoy said. It's paid through a combination of money from a 2009 voter-approved bond for COCC improvements and state funding. Kirby Nagelhout Construction Co. of Bend is the general contractor.
The Technology Education Center construction hasn't started yet. The
Redmond campus Vetera ay
week; bids last year came in too high. The redesign effort didn't change
the scope of the center andwhat it can do for the campus, McCoysaid. "It will really be agreat recruiting tool for businesses coming to see this
Redmond Airport
high technology center coming," he said. The goal is for the center to be finished and open in fall 2014, McCoy
said. The newbuilding will serve avaried purpose. It will have a Center
Airport Way
for Entrepreneurial Excellence and Development to train students in business-starting skills. The facility also will have flexible technology
space, a digital arts and media program and anon-destructive testing and inspection program. The latter trains students in tasks such as inspecting
To Bend
airplane rivets for soundness.
High 42, Low 20
Page B6
Editor's note:This is part of a six-month examination of how organized crime is ( corruptingsoccer through match-fixing. Find the full seriesat The Associated Press
college redesigned the$13.1 million project and readvertised for bids last
Sunny, cooler
Most popular sport also the dirtiest?By Sheila Norman-Culp
Next up:Redmond'snew techcenter
Photo by Dylan J. Darling The Bulletin
Andy Zeigert / The Bulletin
INDEX Business/Stocks Ei-6 CommunityLife Ci-8 Milestones C2 Pu zzles c6 Di-6 Calendar B2 Crosswords C6, G2 Obituaries B4 Sp o rts Classified G -i 6 L ocal 8 State Bi-6 Opinion/Books Fi -6 TV/Movies C8
ZURICH — Soccer is falling under a cloud of suspicion as never before, sullied by a multibillion-dollar web of match-fixing that is corrupting increasingly larger parts of the world's most popular sport. Internet betting, emboldened criminal gangs and even the economic downturn have createdconditions that make soccer a lucrative target. Known as "the beautiful game" for its grace, athleticism and traditions of fair play — and "football" in most countries — soccer is under threat of becoming a dirty game. "Football," says Chris Eaton, with the International Centre for Sport Security, "is in a disastrous state." SeeSoccer/A4
We uSerecyCled newSprint AnIndependent
Vol. i10, No. 48, 7 sections
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ew us or eace s a sin ani s a n
including a semi-automatic rifle that is nearly identical to one of the guns used in the bloodiest shootout in FBI history. One model of
that firearm, the Ruger.223 caliber Mini-14, is on the proposed list to be banned, while a different model of the same gun is on a list of exempted firearms in legislation the Senate is considering. The gun
that would be protected from the banhas fixed physical features and can't be folded to be more compact. Yet the two firearms are equally deadly. Both models of the Ruger Mini-14 specified in the proposed
bill can take detachable magazines that hold dozens of rounds of
ASSault WeapenS dan —Congress' latest crack at a newassault weapons banwould protect more than 2,200 specific firearms,
1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR97702 P.o. Box6020 Bend, OR97708
New York Times News Service KABUL, A f ghanistan Suddenly, the effort to strike a deal with the Taliban is very publicly back o n t h e f r o nt burner. F rozen fo r m o n th s l a st year as another fighting season raged i n A f g h anistan, and as election-year politics consumed U.S. attention, diplomats and political leaders from eightcountries are now mounting the most concerted campaign to date to bring the Afghan government and its Taliban foes together to negotiate a peace deal. The latest push came early this month at Chequers, the
country residence of the Britishprime minister, David Cameron, who j oined President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan and President Asif Ali Zardari of Pakistan in calling for fasttrack peace talks. Weeks earlier in Washington, Karzai met with President Barack Obama a nd committed publicly t o have his representatives meet a Taliban delegation in Doha, Qatar, to start the process. Yet so far t h e energized reach for peace has achieved little, officials say, except to cement a growing consensus that regional stability demands some sort of political settlement with the Taliban.
Interviews with more than two dozen officials involved in the effort suggest a fast-spinning process that has yet to gain real traction and seems to have little chance of achieving even its most limited goal: bringing the Afghan government and Taliban leadership together at the table before the bulk of the U.S. fighting force leaves Afghanistan in 2014. The major players however — Pakistan, Afghanistan, the United States and the Taliban — have fundamentally different visions of how to achieve a post-2014 peace, according to accounts of setbacks in the process.
ammunition. "I can't imagine what the difference is," said former FBI agent John Hanlon, who survived the 1986 shootout in Miami.
FOrenSiC SCienCe —The federal government announced Friday that it will commit a scientific agency and launch a national com-
mission to tackle recurring concerns about the quality of forensic evidence used in criminal courts across the country. A new National Commission on Forensic Science will draft proposals for the U.S. at-
torney general andJustice Department and draw from expert groups led by a Commerce Department science agency, the National Institute of Standards and Technology, the departments announced."This
initiative is led by the principle that scientifically valid and accurate forensic analysis strengthens all aspects of our justice system," said Deputy Attorney General JamesCole. Health inSuranCe eXChangeS —Florida, NewJersey andTennessee will not partner with the federal government to create the on-
line insurance marketplaces required under President BarackObama's health-care law, the states' governors announced Friday, ending months of speculation and starting a new chapter in the implementa-
tion of the law.Theexchanges in those states — andothers that have declined to set up their own exchanges or partner with the federal government — will be run by federal officials, at least through 2014.
Cdldhd0 dvL
JaCkSOn in SCandal —Theprospect of prison looms overformer U.S. Rep.JesseJackson Jr.and his wife after they agreedto plead guilty to charges in a scheme to spend $750,000 in campaignfunds on
personal items — including furs, a football signed by U.S. presidents
e dddciidrdd d
andahatonceownedbyMichaelJackson.ProsecutorsonFriday filed one charge ofconspiracy against Jacksonandcharged his wife, Sandra, with one count of filing false joint federal income tax returns for the years 2006 through 2011 that knowingly understated the income
ADMINISTRATION Chairwoman Elizabeth C.McCool...........541-383-0374 Publisher Gordon Black ..................... Editor-in-Chief John Costa.........................541-383-0337
the couple received.Theson of afamed civil rights leader, Jackson, a Democrat, entered Congress in1995 and resigned in November.
Regional airline safety —A federal watchdog says that since a deadly airline crash in 2009, the government hasn't kept its promise to ensure that major airlines are holding their smaller partners to the
same safety standards. TheTransportation Department's inspector
Advertising Jay Brandt..........................541-383-0370 Circulation andOperations Keith Foutz ......................... 541-385-5805 Finance Holly West ...........54f -383-032f
general faults the Federal Aviation Administration for not taking steps to encourage the big airlines "to consistently share safety informa-
Human Resources Traci Donaca ......................
Pakistan domds kill 81 —The death toll from a horrific bomb-
tion and best practices" with regional airlines that operate flights under contract for them. ing that tore through a crowded vegetable market in southwestern Pakistan climbed to 81 with many of the severely wounded dying
overnight, a Pakistani police official said Sunday.Police official FayyazSaumbalsaid164peoplealsowerewounded bytheexplosion Saturday in the city of Quetta just as people shoppedfor produce for their evening meal. Thebombwas hidden in a water tank andtowed
Business ...................,........541-383-0360 City Desk Joseph Oitzler.....541-383-0367 Community Life, Health JulieJohnson.....................541-383-0308 Editorials Richard Coe ......541-383-0353 Family, At Home Alandra Johnson................541-617-7860
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REDMOND BUREAU Street address.......226 N.W.Sixth St. Redmond, OR97756 Mailing address.... Po. Box788 Redmond, OR97756 .................................541-504-2336 .................................54f -548-3203
into the market by a tractor, Quetta police chief Zubair Mahmood told reporters. It was the deadliest incident since bombings targeting Shi-
Laura Mills/The Associated Press
bomb dropped onHiroshima. But it also brought a sense ofcooperation in a troubled region. Large numbers of volunteers came
Cars drive past a zinc factory building with part
of its roof collapsed in Chelyabinsk onSaturday. As a small army of people worked to replaceacres of
ites in the samecity killed 86 people earlier this year, leading to days of protests that eventually toppled the local government.
windows shattered by the enormous explosion from a forward to help fix the damage caused by the ex-
meteor, many jokedabout what had happened in this
plosion and manyresidents cametogether on the
iranian nuclear alms —Iran's supremeleader said Saturday
troubled pocketof Russia. One of the most popular jests: Residents of the
Internet — first to find out what happened and soon
that his country was not seeking nuclear weapons but added that if Iran ever decided to build them, no "global power" could stop it. The
meteor were terrified to seeChelyabinsk approaching.
to make jokes. Chelyabinsk, nicknamedTankograd because it pro-
The fireball that streaked into the sky over this tough industrial city at about sunrise Friday was un-
duced the famed Soviet T-34 tanks, can be as grim as its backbone of heavy industry. Long winters where
deniably traumatic. Nearly1,200 people were report-
temperatures routinely hit minus-22 Fahrenheit add to a general dour mien, as doworries about danger-
wide elimination of nuclear weapons. "Webelievethat nuclear weap-
ous facilities in the surrounding region.
andintendedtopossessnuclearweapons,nopowercould stop us."
edly injured by the shock wave from the explosion, estimated to be 20 times as strong as the atomic
supreme leader,Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, whose 2005 edict banning nuclear weapons is regarded asbinding in Iran, told a group of visitors to his home in Tehran, the capital, that his country favored the worldons must be eliminated," Khamenei said. "... But if we didn't believe so
Pistorius feels 'shock and grief' —oscar Pistorius is "numb
The Bulletin's primary concern is that all stories areaccurate. If you know ofan error in a story, call us at 541-383-0358.
with shock as well as grief" after the shooting death of his model girl-
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
POWERBALL The numbers drawn Saturday night are:
friend at his home inSouth Africa, the runner's uncle said Saturday,
tury and effectively sets the u sed to fill b a lloons of a l l as his family strongly denied prosecutors' claims that he murdered global price for the element, sizes and the production of her. Arnold Pistorius' statement, the first on camera and directly . Why would they build according to The Times. magnetic resonance imaging made in person by Pistorius' family, also cameout strongly against . a ne w c a rgo a i rship H elium p r i ces h av e i n - (MRI) machines, which use prosecutors seeking to upgrade thecharge against Pistorius to one of that runs on helium? I thought creased nationwide, affect- helium to cool magnets in the premeditated murder, which carries a sentence of life in prison. — From wirereports we were having a shortage of ing the cost of th e helium devices. helium? What is the future outlook of helium? Is it really I' g P' in short supply or is the supply being throttled by governlIII 'I»I ment control? . Worldwid e A er os . Corp., Lockheed Martin and Northrop Grumman are among the companies developing lighter-than-air vehicles as a more cost-efficient R Y PARKING W I T H PRIYACY AND SPACIOUSNESS> OYERSIZED 3-CAR GARAG E way to m ov e c argo, ferry 3 bedroom, 2.5 bach, 1636 sq. fL on large, fenced loc with mature landscaping in a quiet Pride of ownership bordering green belted supplies to frontline troops, subdivision. Abundant light, upgrade and large space. Main floor master, extensive upgrades, transport refugees, etc. back deck. $239,900 CALL TERRY StqERSAA spacious bonus room, large kitchen and Aeros' craft is called AerosAT 541-383-1426. MSL:201300730 extensive storage. Minutes to shopping and craft, w hich t h e c o mpany parks. $379,000 CALL CARMEN COOK AT hopes will "revolutionize car541-480-6491. MLS:201207466 go transportation." Contracts with the Pentagon and NASA are funding $35 million of the Aeroscraft project. — RE A L T YThere is a global helium shortage because of a "complex interplay between comYERY SPECIAL BIG DESCHUTES mercial gas companies and RIYER FRONT HOME the f e d eral g o v ernment," I mmaculate custom home nestled o n L 2 which has a helium reserve AWESOME EASTERLYYIE'thrS perfectlylandscaped acres overlooking the northwest of Amarillo, TexLocated on the 15th fairway of Rivers Edge, low bank of the Big Deschuces River. Cathedral 4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 4162 sq. ft home with as, that produces about 30 ceilings, big p i cture w i n dows, manicured lots of hardwoods and natural stone. $595,000 percent of the world's helium, grounds.Includes oversized double car garage CALL JAYNEE BECK A T 5 4 1-480-09BB. The New York Times reportplus RV garage/shop. This home is move-in MLS: 201208687 ready. $499,000 CALL AUBRE CHESHIRE AT ed. The shortage has been 541-598-4583. NLS:201207224 caused by many factors, experts say,including reduced i' .orrtorOL rar: financial incentives for foreign companies to produce helium and delays in the conOPEN HOUSE TODAY I I - I struction of h elium-produc60872YELLOW LEAF ing plants around the world. The U.S. government has Shows like a model home. Gorgeous had a role in helium producwood work throughout, incredible OPEN H O U SE TODAY I -4 tion since the early 20th cen800 NW A RC H I E BRIGGS RD CHARMING WITH PRIYATE BACKYARD gourmet kitchenwith Dacor appliances Adorable 3 bedroom,2 bath home on quiet cul- and granite countertops.Very open This 4 bedroom, 2.5 bach, 3259 sq. fc. home sits del-sac in NE Bend, close to schools, shopping floor plan. Master on main. $399,950 on a one third acre loc backing co the river trail. Bamboo floors, steam shower, theater room Do you have a question and medical.Large deck out back for relaxing or entertaining. $178,500 CALL BECKY OZ- CALL jANE FLOOD AT 541-350-9993. and more. $579,000. HOSTED BY LORETTA about nation or world news? MLS: 201300435 RELIC AT 541-480-9191. MLS: 201300932 MOORHEAD 541-613-7870. MLS: 201207002 Submit it to Cox News Service editors in Atlanta
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at q&a© Include name, phoneandcity.
d •
I .
TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day
It's Sunday, Feb.17, the 48th day of 2013. There are 317 days left in the year.
ow ee is ecomin more i ec ic en
Highlight:In1913, the Armory Show, a landmark exhibit of
European modern art, opened in New York City. (One work in the exhibit that stirred much
controversy was "NudeDescending a Staircase (No. 2)," an abstract painting by French artist Marcel Duchamp.) In1863, the lnternational Red
Cross was founded inGeneva.
The use of a drug to promote muscle growth in cattle is becoming standard practice, meaning the average steak of tomorrow is likely to be less tender, juicy and flavorful.
In1865, Columbia, S.C., burned as the Confederates
evacuated andUnion forces moved in. (It's not clear which side set the blaze.) In1897, the forerunner of the National PTA, the Na-
tional Congress of Mothers, convened its first meeting in Washington. In 1904, the original two-act
version of GiacomoPuccini's opera"MadamaButterfly" was poorly received at its premiere at La Scala in Milan, Italy. In 1933, Newsweek was first publishedby Thomas J.C.
Martyn as "News-Week." (The magazine abandoned its print format at the end of last year in
favor of an exclusively online edition.) In1947, the Voice of America
began broadcasting to the Soviet Union. In1959, the United States
launched Vanguard 2, asatellite which carried meteorologi-
cal equipment. In1964, the Supreme Court,
in Wesberry v. Sanders, ruled that congressional districts within each state had to be
roughly equal in population. In1972, President Richard M. Nixon departed the White House with his wife, Pat, on a historic trip to China. In1983, the Scottish comedy-
drama "Local Hero" was first released. In1988, Lt. Col. William Hig-
gins, a Marine Corps officer
By Christopher Leonard
from the hatchery to the farm and the slaughterhouse. After A new cattle drug called the dawn of vertical integraZilmax is being widely used tion, chickens were raised in in t h e i n d u strial f e edlots barn-like warehouses on the where most of America's beef farm, killed and b utchered comes from, but not because along assembly lines nearby, it produces a better sirloin. and, later, shipped out to big In fact, it has been shown to customers like M c Donald's make steak less flavorful and and Wal-Mart — with every juicy than beef from untreated step of the process dictated cattle. Many feedlot owners, by the same company. In the big meatpackers, and at least 1990s, the same model was one prominent industry group widely applied to pork proresisted the drug, worrying duction, cutting out the midthat the beef industry would dlemen and leading to a drop turn off consumers if it started in pork prices (after adjusting churning ou t l o w er-quality for inflation). steaks. As chicken got cheaper, it So what accounts for the took top billing on fast-food sudden popularity of Zilmax? menus. Beef got pushed aside. Zilmax is a highly effective Some companies have tried growth drug, and it m akes to vertically integrate cattle cattle swell up with muscle in production, but it has never the final weeks of their lives. panned ou t e c o nomically, And despite concerns within thanks to the stubborn biolthe industry, the economics of ogy of cows. Chicken and pigs modern beef production have have offspring in big numbers, made the rise of Zilmax all which lends itself to indusbut inevitable. trial-sized barns. (Hens lay The beef industry has been a steady supply of eggs that shrinking for decades, a prob- yield full-grown chickens in lem that can be traced to cheap about two months; sows bear chicken. Poultry companies big litters of piglets that reach like Tyson Foods figured out maturity in about six months.) in the 1930s and '40s how to But a cow can only have one raise chickens in a f actorycalf at a time, and the gestalike system. Using a business tion period lasts nine months. model called vertical integra- After that, a calf suckles from tion, poultry companies like i ts mother fo r a b out f o u r Tyson began to control every months. It would be exorbiaspect of animal production, tantly expensive to confine Slate
The drugZilmax In 2006, Intervet Inc., the
companythatoriginally made this highly effective
growth drug, wonapproval from the FoodandDrug Administration to use it
in the food supply, even after noting in its FDA application that "overall
tenderness, juiciness, flavor intensity and beef flavor were all statistically different in Zilmax-treated
beef compared tocontrols." The drug waslaunched commercially in the U.S. in 2007 and isnowsold by Merck Animal Health.
that life cycle in a warehouse, since the cow and calf would have to be sheltered and fed for over a year, just to get one f ull-grown heifer out of t h e deal. As a result, the vast majority of calves still are born
ments, the cattle business is still divided in half: On one side are independent ranches and feedlots that raise cattle; on the other side are big meatpackers that buy cattle from feedlots, slaughter them and sell the beef. The relationship between cattlemen and meatpackers veers between amiable and adversarial. Neither can succeed without the other, but both are desperate to increase profits. Enter Zilmax. O r iginally developed to treat asthma in humans, it was later found to be a "repartitioning agent" in cattle, changing the animals' metabolism so they produce Thinkstock more muscle instead of fat. W hile t hi s c a n b o ost t h e and reared o n w i d e-open amount of meat per carcass, it ranchland, where herds of can remove the very qualities them eat free grass and stick that people like about beef, by their mother's side. like the fatty marbling that But cattle producers still adds juiciness and flavor. imitate the heavily industrialThe debate over Zilmax's ized chicken industry to com- impact on beef quality is probpete. Zilmax is part of a new ably moot because administerregime for raising cattle that ing the drug is becoming stanemphasizes higher p r oduc- dard operating procedure at tion and cost-cutting wher- feedlots. What this means for ever possible. This regime is consumers is that the Ameriwhat created the modern-day can sirloin of tomorrow will feedlot, where thousands of be a lot more like the chicken cattle, after being raised on breast of today. There will still open ranchland, are corralled be high-quality steaks, like on muddy hillsides to spend those promoted by Certified the last few months of their life Angus Beef, available in priceating corn. It is also what ne- ey restaurants or upscale grocessitates the battery of phar- cery stores. But the rest of the maceuticals and feed additives beef market will continue to that cattle must consume to drift toward the middle-point, stay healthy and gain weight where meat is standardized, — as Michael Pollan and oth- less flavorful and in need of seers have noted, cattle didn't rious processing to taste good. evolve to digest corn, so they Who knows — maybe a scieneasily become sick on feedlots tist somewhere is working on without careful monitoring. the Beef McNugget at this very Even with these advance- moment.
serving with a United Nations
truce monitoring group, was kidnapped in southern Leba-
non by Iranian-backed terrorists (he was later slain by his captors). In1993, a ferry carrying some 1,000 people sank off Haiti;
at least 700 of the people on board drowned. Ten years ago:Twenty-one people were killed in a stam-
pede at the crowded E2nightclub in Chicago. An estimated 40 million viewers tuned in to
Fertility finding eould lead to the extension Of childbearing years
the finale of Fox's reality show "Joe Millionaire," in which Evan Marriott chose Zora Andrich.
Five yearsago:President George W.Bushrejected proposedDemocrati cchangesto his prized AIDS relief program,
issuing a challenge to Congress from Tanzania to "stop the squabbling" and renew it
as is. (Bush signed acompromise version into law in July 2008.) Kosovo declared itself a nation in defiance of Serbia and Russia. RyanNewman snapped an81-race winless streak, giving car owner Roger Penske his first Daytona 500 victory.
One year ago:Congress voted to extend a Social Security
payroll tax cut for160 million workers and to renewunemployment benefits for millions
more. TheNewYork Knicks saw their seven-gamewinning streak with team sensation
JeremyLincome toanendas they lost to the New Orleans Hornets, 89-85.
BIRTHDAYS Actor Hal Holbrook is 88.
Country singer-songwriter Johnny Bush is 78. Football Hall-of-Famer Jim Brown is
77. Actress ReneRusso is 59. Actor Lou Diamond Phillips is 51. Basketball Hall of Famer
Michael Jordan is 50. Actorcomedian Larry, the Cable Guy is 50. Movie director Michael
Bay is 49. Olympic gold and silver medal skier Tommy Moe is 43. Actress Denise
Richards is 42. Rock singermusician Billie Joe Armstrong
(Green Day) is 41.Actor Jerry O'Connell is 39. TVpersonality Paris Hilton is 32. Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt is 32.
Actor Chord Overstreet (TV: "Glee") is 24. — From wire reports
By Robert Langreth Bloomberg News
NEW YORK — Scientists have found a possible reason why women lose their fertility in middle age, in a discovery that could pave the way for treatments to extend women's childbearing y ears b eyond what is naturally possible. In a series of experiments on eggs from women getting fertility treatments, researchers learned that the function of several DNA repair genes weakens with age. This decline is accelerated in women near the end of their childbearing years, according to the results published in the journal Science Translational Medicine. The experiments hint at why the female biological clock runs out aswomen reach theirearly 40s. The ability to repair DNA
inside their egg cells may become impaired, leading to accumulating damage to the eggs that causes them to die off more rapidly, said Kutluk Oktay, senior author on the study and a professor at New York Medical College in Valhalla, N.Y. "We found a reason behind a ge-related i nfertility, w h y women become infertile as they become older," said Oktay, who is also a fertility specialist at the Institute for Fertility Preservation in Rye, N.Y. "We are saying here is how
women's eggs age." The results suggest it may be possible to safely extend a woman's childbearing years by devising a treatment that preserves the functions of the DNA repair genes inside the eggs. Oktay is beginning to test substances that may accomplish this in his laboratory. Such a treatment might be able to extend a woman's ability to have children into her early 50s, he said. The researchers began the
Agingeggs Women are born with about1 million egg cells
in their ovaries, and the number declines gradually over time. Yetwhen women reach their late 30s the eggs start to degrade at a much faster rate, for
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reasons that have long been mysterious. By age 37, a womanhas perhaps only 25,000 eggcells left. Source: Kutluk Oktay, New York Medical College
work after discovering several years ago that women with the breast-cancer risk gene BRCAl were less responsive to drugs used to stimulate the ovary to produce eggs in fertilitypreservation procedures. "We noticed those women produced fewer eggs t h an those without the mutations," said Oktay. BRCAI is a D N A r e pair gene, and the result caused the researchers to examine more broadly the role it and other DNA repair genes play in female age-related fertility decline. In the new study, the researchers took eggs from 24 women ages 24 to 41. In lab experiments, they found that the BRCAI gene and three other DNA repair genes were much less active in eggs from older women than younger woman, indicating a decreasing ability to repair DNA damage to the eggs that occurs over time. The findings "provide comp elling evidence for a n e w mechanism" why a woman's eggs become dysfunctional with age, researchers David Keefe and Joshua Johnson wrote in a commentary accompanying the study.
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Soccer Continued from A1 Eaton, the director of sport integrity at the center, said the "fixing of matches for criminal
gambling fraud purposes is absolutely endemic worldwide ...
arrogantly happening daily." Europol, t h e Eu r o pean Union'spolicebody, announced it had found 680 "suspicious" games worldwide since 2008, including 380 in Europe. Experts believe that figure may be l ow. Sportradar, a company inLondon thatmonitors global sports betting, estimates that about 300 soccer games a year in Europe alone
could be rigged. "We do not detect it better," Eaton said. "There's just more to detect." Globalization has propelled the fortunes of popular soccer teams like Manchester United and showered millions in TV revenue on clubs that get into tournaments l i k e E u r ope's Champions League. Criminals h av e r e a lized that it can be vastly easier to shift gambling profits across borders than it is to move contraband. "These are real criminals — Italian mafia, Chinese gangs, Russian mafia," said Sylvia Schenk, a sports expert with c o r r uption w a t chdog Transparency International. Ralf Mutschke, FIFA's security chief, admits that soccer officials had underestimated the scope o f m a t ch-fixing. He said there is no realistic way FIFA, soccer's governing body, can tackle organized crime by itself, saying it needs more help from national law enforcementagencies. T he growing t h reat h a s prompted t he Eu ro p ean Union's 27 nations to unite against m atch-fixing. "The scale is such that no country can deal with the problem on its own," said EU Sport Commissioner Androulla Vassiliou.
Billions in gambling profits Gambling on sports generates hundreds of billions of dollars a year, and up to 90 percent of that is bet on soccer, Interpol chief Ronald Noble said. Eaton has cited an estimated $500 billion a year. The total amount of money generated by sports betting would equal the gross domestic product o f S w i tzerland, ranked 19th in the world. Match-fixing — where the outcome of a game is determined in advance — is used by gambling rings to make money off bets they know they will win. Matches also are rigged to propel a team into a higherranking division where it can earn more revenue. FIFA has estimated that organized crime takes in as much as $15 billion a year by fixing matches. In Italy alone, a recent rigging scandal is estimated to have produced $2.6 billion for the Camorra and the Mafia crime syndicates, Eaton said. Soccer officials are w e ll aware that repeated matchfixing will undermine the integrity of their sport, driving away sponsors and reducing the billion-dollar value of lucrative TV contracts. FIFA earned $2.4 billion in broadcast sales linked to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and already has agreed to $2.3 billion in deals tied to the 2018 World Cup in Russia. The U.K.'s Premier League earned $2.8 billion in broadcast rights for Britain alone in it s last multiyear contract. Membership in Europe's Champions League is worth nearly $60 million a year to each team, according to a lawsuit filed by the Turkish club Fenerbahce. FIFA President Sepp Blatter has proclaimed "zero tolerance" for match-fixing, and FIFA has pledged $27 million to Interpol to fight it. Computer experts working for FIFA and UEFA — the European soccer body — monitor more than 31,000 European games and thousands of international matches every year, trying to sniff out the betting spikes that can reveal corruption. So far, however, sports authorities are "proving to be p articularly helpless in t h e face of the transnational resources" available to o r ganized crime, according to a 2012 study on match-fixing. The report warned that the risk of s occer "falling into decay in the face of repeated scandals is genuine and must not be underestimated." Some top soccer officials shy away from the dire warnings of academics and law enforcement officials. UEFA chief Gianni Infantino said in a statement that, on average, 203 games — 0.7 percent ofthe
matches that UEFA monitors a year — show some signs of irregularities, "which does not mean they are fixed." "It is a small problem, but it's like a cancer," Infantino said. "We don't say 0.7 is nothing. We say 0.7 is 0.7 too much. We can say generally that UEFA competitions are very healthy in this respect." M atch-fixing h a s b ee n around for decades, of course, and is not limited to soccer. It has also infected sports like cricket, tennis, horse racing and even volleyball. The U.S. has its ow n s ordid history of gambling scandals, from b aseball's Black Sox in t h e 1919 World Series to a handThe Associated Press file photo ful of point-shaving schemes Naturally a dirty game, soccer — football, as it's called elsewhere — is under threat of becoming even in college basketball over the dirtier. The world's most popular sport is under sustained attack from criminal gangs that corrupt years, to an NBA referee tak- players, referees and soccer officials into rigging matches. ing money from a professional gambler for inside tips on basketball games, including some have discovered, owning a beforethe game starts,gangs that he officiated in 2007. club means players don't need unleash a torrent of bets, someAt least 50 nations in 2012 Still, nothing approaches to be paid extra to fix matches; times employing hundreds of had match-fixing investigathe scale of the match-fixing they can just be ordered to lose. poor workers on laptops. The tions — almost aquarter of allegations now hitting soccer, Corrupt team officials have wave hides the mastermind of the 209 members of FIFA because of the sheer number also dangled career advance- the bet. If there is live wager— involving hundreds of of games played and the enorment instead of money before ing — on what the score will people. At trials in Croatia mous Asian betting interest in vulnerable young players. be at halftime or other topics and Turkey, police wiretaps "There is an increasing wor- — several bets can be made on European games, according to revealed that those trying to David Forrest, an economist at ry about gangs taking over the same fixed game. fix matches usedelaborate the U.K.'s University of Salford football clubs as a way to furNinety or so minutes later, codes to disguise what Business School, one of the cother match-fixing ... and then the bettors hand over their they were talking about. In authors of the 2012 report. they could also use the club to winnings to the boss. Croatia, the codewasbased In January a l one, FI FA launder money," Forrest said. In the past, the perception on food, womenandcars; "It's quite cheap to buy a foot- was greedy players were bebanned 41 players in South in Turkey, onfarming and Korea from soccer for life due ball club because so many of hind match-fixing. Yet a study construction terms. to match-fixing. That follows them are failing." of easternEurope released last 51 worldwide bans last yearyear by the FIFPro union porFROM CROATIA Taking over the clubs 22 of them for life — on playtrayed a region where players Four-wheeled drive:A ers,officials and referees from A diplomatic cable released often are not paid for months fixed game that was rockCroatia, Finland, Guatemala, by WikiLeaks quoted the U.S. but instead are intimidated, solid, its outcome assured. Italy, N i caragua, P ortugal, Embassy in Sofia, Bulgaria, as blackmailed or beaten up. Girls:The police: "We have South Korea and Turkey. reporting that "Bulgarian socBoth Schenk of Transpartwo girls on our tail." FIFA bans i nclude some cer clubs are widely believed ency International and FIFA Keys:Upfront bribes for elite figures in the sport. Antoto be directly or indirectly con- chief Blatter say whistleblowplayers: "They won't sell nio Conte, coach of the Italian trolled by organized crime fig- ers must be protected better. the car without the keys." club Juventus — a team whose ures who usetheirteams as a But the main problem may KulemA kind of local pork winning tradition rivals that of way to legitimize themselves, be referees. Because scoring baseball's New York Yankees sausage, means apackage launder money and make a in soccer is so low, its referees — returned in December after of1,000 euros (about fast buck." have an outsized influence on a four-month ban for failing to $1,275) in payoff money. S erbian p l a ye r Bob a n report match-fixing. Dmitrovic says he saw many Mercedes:Gamesstill in Forrest's report said that afinstances in his home country the process of being fixed: ter the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks "Mercedes is in the shop." where twoclubs simply agreed on the U.S., the war on terror on theoutcome in advance. Passat: A fixedgame: "Right before the match, a relegated the f i ght a g ainst "The Passat is ready to be organized crime to a distinct note was handed to the players. picked up." second place, and that allowed They had to cooperate because Paprika:Pregame bribes. gangs "to invest in new areas theircareers would be jeoparof the economy with relative dized," Dmitrovic told FIFPro, FROM TURKEY impunity for nearly 10 years." the soccer players' union. Buildings under Eaton attributes the surge in T he vast majority of t h e construction:Gamesin match-fixing to an exponential world's wagering originates the process of being fixed. rise in online gambling — "at in Asia, according to Forrest, Crops beingwatered: least 500 percent, and likely far but its own bettors shun that Match-fixing payments to more" — in the last decade. continent's games for those in players or referees. Criminals h av e t a r geted Europe because Asian soccer Goats in the field:Players. every level of the game: the has been so corrupt for years. Plowing/planting/sowing: World Cup, regional tournaIn 2011, China's main TV Efforts by club officials to ments such as the Champions network refusedto broadcast fix games. League, high-powered divithe country's soccer games sions like England's Premier because match-fixing was so Source: The Associated Press League and Italy's Serie A, widespread. Last year, two "friendly" exhibition contests former heads of China's socbetween nationalteams, allthe nario in which players are paid cer federationwere sentenced way down to semipro games to lose or refereesare paid to 10'/2 years in prison. in the soccer wilderness. to make sure one team wins. In Finland, eight Af rican Criminals are always tryWith the rise of online spot players with ties to a Singaing to find the sweet spot be- betting — wagers made during pore crime gang were banned tween how poorly the players the game — criminal gangs in 2012 for match-fixing. Their are paid and how much bet- can predetermine not only the handler, Wilson Raj Perumal, tors want to wager on a game, outcome of the match but also was convicted of fixing games Forrest said. That's why fixers make money on bets like how in Finland and is being investidon't try too hard to target the many goals are scored, when gated for allegedly fixing other Super Bowl, he says, because they are scored, or who will matches in Europe and Africa. "the bribes would be so high to take a penalty kick. On Dec. 15, the South Africa convince the athletes to join." These live bets can "be par- Football Association said PeWorld Cup and European t icularly a d vantageous f o r rumal allegedly used tainted qualifiers that f ace uneven criminals," Forrest's r eport refereesto manipulate games matchups arekey targets be- said,because they increase the for betting purposes in 2010. cause one team may "have no number of wagers placed on Experts say a typical scenarchance of getting into the tour- the same fixed game. io can go like this: Bookies set nament," Forrest said. As former Balkan warlords the odds for a game, not knowThe same scenario applies and C h inese b u sinessmen ing it has been fixed. Right to early rounds of major tournaments or late-season national leagues, where one team is desperately trying t o e ither 8 win a trophy or avoid being • g sent down to a lower league. Those situations propel teams upward into a whole new level of revenue or send them tumbling off a financial cliff. • g 8 M atch-fixing h as al so branched out from traditional hotbeds of corruption — Asia and the Balkans — to places like Canada, Finland and Norway, which rank among the least corrupt nations in the world. "It's liquidity of th e m arkets," Forrest said. "You can
Follow this series online at benddulletin.cem/extras
• The official:A trial in Turkey
shows corruption at the top. • The player:A Croatian regrets getting entangled in the scandal. • The referee:A much-investigated Nigerien denies fixing matches. • The investigator:Match-fixing
keeps an Italian prosecutor busy. • The turncoat:An arrested
Singaporean reveals his secrets. the game. "Our global experience," according to a recent FIFA memo to its members, "is that referees and assistant referees are the primary target of match-fixers." Officials who govern the sport can't stop match-fixing by themselves and need the cooperation of law enforcement bodies and governments across borders, Schenk said. Noble, the Interpol chief, agreed. "It's definitely beyond and above the world of sport, above and beyond FIFA. It's fair to say we haven't caught up to the scale of the problem." During the 2010 World Cup, police in China, Hong Kong, Macau, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand arrested more than 5,000 people in Interpolorganized raids on nearly 800 illegal gambling dens. Interpol organized other raids in 2011 and 2012 but does not make arrests or conduct national investigations itself. Mario Cizmek, the Croatian player who said he took $26,100 but handed back all but about $650 to police, says his scars from match-fixing will last a lifetime. "This turned my life upside down," he said. "I should have just taken my football shoes and hung them on the wall and
An elaboratecode
said 'Thank you, guys' and gone on to do something else."
' I ' /
make serious money only if you can put on (bet) serious money. In most sports, the bet you can make is too small." Goalkeeper Richard Kingson of Ghana says he was offered — but declined — $300,000 tolose a game to the Czech Republic at the 2006 World Cup in Germany. But prices have gone up. Italy's Calciopoli investigation found it cost up to $516,000 to fix a match in the top league of Serie A; $155,000 for a fix in the second division and $64,500 for a t h i r d-division fixed match. In Croatia, court documents show that first-league games in 2010 could be fixed for as little as $25,600. There is also a shift in the traditional match-fixing sce-
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romimmi rationto eense, e atessna on a ri ts By Mike Dorning and Caitiin Webber
"If that issue becomes a central issue in the debate, it's go-
opposes the law as unconstiBecause same-sex spouses aren't treated as married for tutional. The Supreme Court Bloomberg News ing to endanger passage abso- is scheduled to hear the issue federal tax purposes, when WASHINGTON — A Penta- lutely," Rubio said of efforts to this term. The administration's one spouse dies assets don't gon announcement that it will revamp immigration laws. decision not to support the law transfer to the survivor free of open military commissaries Regarding the sexual orileft it to congressional Repub- estate taxes. With heterosexuand child-care facilities this entation language in the Sen- licans, led by House Speaker al married couples, the estate year tothe same-sex partners ate version of th e V i olence John Boehner, to spearhead its tax is applied only upon the of service members further Against Women Act, Rubio defense. death of the second spouse. propelled a wave of gay rights said, "I wish we would have A Supreme Court r u ling issues sweeping onto the na- just reauthorized the existing could alter the legal climate Latest legislation tional agenda. law, which has broad and wide for gay couples and have sigThe legislation the Senate Even as Defense Secretary support." nificant t a x c o n sequences. voted on last week includes Leon Panetta was announcEven when legally married in a provision prohibiting disShifting opinion ing Monday the changes in their home states, same-sex crimination against gays in military benefits, the Senate Public a t t itudes t o w ard couples currently aren't con- grant programs for domestic was debating a renewal of the gay unions have shifted since sideredmarried forfederaltax violence victims. Violence Against Women Act, Obama entered the Oval Office. purposes — either for income Advocates say that explicit which for the first time would Fifty-one percent of Americans or forestates— because ofthe protectionsare necessary to extend federal protection to now support same-sex mar- current law. clarify that programs serving "They will typically file joint gay and transgender victims homosexual partners suffer- riage, compared with 41 pering domestic abuse. It passed cent three years ago, according returnsforstate purposes and are eligible to receive funds the Senate the next day. to NBC News/Wall Street Jour- separate returns for federal authorized under the law. The White House is pressing nal polls taken in December purposes, so obviously a lot The name of the law, the VioCongress to grant immigration 2012 and October 2009. more work," said Theodore lence Against Women Act, can benefitsto same-sex couples, S ame-sex marriage w a s Seto, a tax professor at Loyola cause confusion particularly and the Supreme Court is get- approved by voters in Novem- Law School in Los Angeles. over the eligibility of services ting ready to hear a challenge ber in Maryland, Maine and to a 1996 federal law that de- Washington state, the f i r st fines marriage as solely a union time such unions were enbetween a man and a woman. dorsed at the ballot box. Since "Things are changing," said same-sex marriagesfirstwere Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Ca- granted legal status by a Maslif. "It's slow, but it's happening s achusetts court r u l in g i n here. As states legalize same- 2004, the unions have been ausex marriage, I think this is thorized in Connecticut, Iowa, having a remedial effect all New Hampshire, Vermont and around the nation." the District of Columbia. "With respect to gay rights, President Barack Obama elevatedthe cause of gay rights we have seen the public come to the l evel o f c i v i l-rights very far in their understandstruggles for blacks and wom- ing that gays and lesbians en in his Jan. 21 inauguration should enjoy the same civil speech. rights as anyone else," Rep. "Our journey is not com- Gwen Moore, D-Wis., said in plete," he said, "until our gay an interview. brothers and sisters are treatMoore is sponsoring a ed likeanyone else under the House bill reauthorizing the law, for if we are truly created Violence Against Women Act equal, then surely the love we that includes language to procommit to one another must h ibit discrimination on t h e be equal, as well." basis of sexual orientation and With polls showing public gender identity. sentiment shifting toward acThe military, which until ceptance of same-sex mar- 2011 prohibited gays from servriage, and with the marriage ing openly, will extend benefits movement gathering steam in such aschild care,commissary places like Oregon where just privileges and transportation a decade ago voters chose to to military bases to same-sex ban same-sex marriage in one partners by Aug. 31 and no way or another, some Repub- later than Oct. 1, Panetta said licans are caught between the in a memo. moderating social views of the country overall and the con- Federal benefits tinuing opposition to the gay Other benefits provided for rights agenda by their party's spouses, including health care ,I Iflli' » i i base of evangelicals and cul- and housing allowances, retural traditionalists. main barred because the DeRepublican Sen. Marco Ru- fense of Marriage Act, which bio of Florida, one of his par- prohibits federal recognition ty's potential 2016 presidential of gay marriage, continues to candidates, cautions that ef- apply to the Defense Departfortsto accept same-sex mar- ment, Panetta said. riage could stall legislation. The Obama administration
for gay men, said Sharon Stapel, executive director of the New York City Anti-Violence Project, an organization that advocatesfor services for gay victims of domestic violence. Including n o n-discrimina-
to be treated the same as other couples w h e n pe t i t ioning for spousal visas. Immigration coverage for gay couples wasn't included in principles for a comprehensive overhaul released last month by a bition language "gives everyone partisan group of senators. — legislators, service providRepublican Sens. John Mcers, grant administrators and Cain of Arizona and Lindsey the survivors of violence who Graham of South Carolina, are experiencing this violence who are among a bipartisan every day — a clear message group of eight senators pushthat they are included in this ing for an i mmigration bill, legislation and if they reach out have said that including samefor help, someone will be there sex marriage in the package to help them," Stapel said. would threaten a deal. Sen. Charles Grassley, RThere were an estimated Iowa, the top Republican on 28,500 same-sex couples with the Senate Judiciary panel o ne non-citizen partner i n with jurisdiction over the leg- the U.S. in 2010, according to islation, said he and party col- a 2011 study by the Wilhams leaguesfind the same-sex pro- Institute, a group at the Univisions "superfluous." versity of California-Los AnObama's immigration pro- geles that focuses on lesbian, posal calls for foreign nation- gay, bisexual and transgender als in same-sex relationships research.
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U.s.-widesurveybreaks new groundfor gays found that while LGBT comLos Angeles Times munities are clearly present A new study tracking the nationwide, their visibility is percentage of gay and lesbian generally higher in states with adults in America has estab- greater levels of social acceplished a first-ever demograph- tance and supportive LGBT ic atlas of the group, finding legal climates. that populations range from Researchers said their rea low of 1.7 percent of total sults defied stereotypes that population in North Dakota to portray the LGBT community a high of 10 percent in the Dis- as heavily grouped in urban trict of Columbia. centers. With the exception of The study, conducted by the District of Columbia, LGBT Gallup Pol l E d i tor-in-Chief populations range 3.4 percentFrank Newport and U CLA age points nationwide, with a s cholar Gary Gates, is t h e low of 1.7 percent in North Dalargest population-based sur- kota to 5.1 percent in Hawaii. vey to include a state-by-state measurement of lesbian, gay, State laws bisexual a n d t ra n sgender With the exception of South identification. Dakota, each state with LGBT "This is simply new ground populations of 4 percent and — these are not just new statis- higher ha s l a w s p r o hibittics; they are the only estimates ing discrimination based on we have of these people at the sexual orientation and gender state level," Gates, a demogra- identity. These states have also pher at the Williams Institute taken steps toward more LGBT at UCLA, which studies sexual equality by recognizing sameorientation, said. "There is no sex marriages, civil unions or other data out there to verify domestic partnerships. Six of these numbers, which consti- the 10 states with the lowest tute a s i gnificant advance- LGBT populations are among ment in our understanding of the most conservative states in the LGBT population." the country, researchers found. In all, more than 206,000 C alifornia r a n ke d 1 0 t h , adult Americans were sur- with 4 percent of the populaveyed for the expansive study, tion identifying as belonging with 41 of the 50 states includ- to the LGBT community. On ing polling samples that ex- the high end of the scale, Verceeded 1,000, researchers said. mont and Oregon tallied 4.9 Participants responded to the percent, while Tennessee, Misquestion, "Do you, personally, sissippi and Montana each had identify as lesbian, gay, bisexu- 2.6 percent. al, or transgender?" in surveys Nonwhites are more likely conducted between June 1 and than white segments of the Dec. 30, 2012. U.S. population to identify as Only eight states had less LGBT. The survey results show than 1,000 completed inter- that 4.6 percent of A f r ican views, including the l owest Americans identify as LGBT, sample size of 613 in Alaska. along with 4 percent of Latinos Analyzing t h e s t a t e-by- and 4.3 percent of Asians, acstate breakdown, researchers cording to the study. By John M.Giionna
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"We knew we were losing quite a few (deer),
Continued from A1 "We knew w e w er e l osing quite a few," said Steven George, ODFW district wildlife biologist in Bend, "but to what level we didn't know." While the cause of death for 46 percent of the deer was listed as unknown, Jackson said it would be accurate to assume that the same percentages for the known causes would hold true for those deer. The Oregon State Police troopers of the Fish and WildCourtesy Oregon State Police life Division, who watch for In Central Oregon, one of the worst cases of poaching seen in years poachers in Central Oregon, occurred in the Camp Sherman area in late 2011 and early 2012. OSP w ere also surprised to hear the rounded some of the deer up; more than100 may have been killed. state's findings about poaching. OSP Trooper Travis Ring, who patrols near Bend and La Pine, said 90 percent of the people he encounters during hunting season are following the rules. "Most of the people are on the up and up," he said. D eer-hunting s e ason i n Central Oregon lasts for 10 days in the fall for hunters using rifles or shotgun. Archers hunt during a season about a month long. Each year hunters apply for tags allowing them to kill a deer in different units around the state, with the most popular having lotteries to determine who gets the tags. Ring said much of the poaching during deer season falls into two categories: poachers killing deer in units for which they have no tag; and poachers killing deer and then putting a friend or relative's tag on it. Central Oregon is winter-
ing range for mule deer,so much of the poaching that oc-
Dylan J. Darling /The Bulletin
Oregon State Police Trooper Travis Ring, who patrols near Bend and La Pine, said 90 percent of the people he encounters during hunting season are following the rules. curs here happens out of deerhunting season, he said, when the animals move out of the mountains in search of food. The Metolius Unit, the forest around the Metolius River near Camp Sherman, is prime wintering range and is often the hardest hit by poaching.
That's where Ring, who has been a trooper for seven years, said he saw one of the worst cases of poaching he's ever seen. He said a trio of teenage boys — one from Bend, one from Sisters and one f r om Gold Hill — on as many as three nights a week during late
Who's at the helm? By Curt Anderson The Associated Press
A Byzantine maze of maritime rules and r egulations, fragmented oversight and a patchwork quilt of nations that do business with cruise lines make it tough for consumers to assess the health and safety recordofthe ship they're about to board in what for many is the vacation of a lifetime. Want to know about a ship's track recordfor being clean? Want to assess how sanitary the food is'? It's not that easy to find,in part because there's no one entity or country that oversees or regulates the industry with its fleet of ships that are like mini cities floating at sea. In the c ase o f C a r nival Cruise Lines, the owner of the Carnival Triumph that spent days in the Gulf of Mexico disabled after an engine fire, the company is incorporated in Panama, itsoffices are based in Miami and its ships fly under the Bahamian flag — a matrix that is not unusual in the cruise line industry. For potential p assengers seeking s h i p i n f o r mation, there's no central database that can be viewed to determ ine a track record of safety or health inspections. No one
Tip line To report possible poaching call the Turn-In-Poachers tip line at1-800-452-7888.
2011 and early 2012 illegally shot deer in the Metolius Unit. The teens, Ring said, likely killed more than 100 deer. "For them it was thrill kills," he said. He suspects that's often the motivation for poachers, despite arguments that the deer were taken to supply food to the poachers' families. "They are spending more in gas to get there than (it would cost) to buy the food," Ring said.
Law enforcement In Central Oregon, a team of seventrooperslike Ring spends most of its time enforcing fish and wildlife laws. Along with patrols, they use deer decoys and night flights — employing aircraft to find the spotlights of poachers. Ring said the troopers are shorthanded, with the team c o vering D e schutes, Crook and Jeffersoncounties,
as well as parts of Klamath and Lake counties. In an effort to support the troopers, hunting groups offer rewards for tips that lead to the arrest and conviction of poachers. Mike Whitney, Central Oregon director for the Oregon Hunter's Association, said he's following cases as they go through the court system. Sometimes he even t estifies on b ehalf o f l a w abiding hunters, describing how poaching harms wildlife and ruins hunting opportunities. He said he pushes for the
Whitney said he wasn't surprised to hear the findings in the state's study, that poachers could be killing more deer t han hunters are ki lling i n Central Oregon. "It's just getting rampant," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7812,
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deficiencies in the cruise line i ndustry's compliance w ith federal safety, security, and environmental standards and review industry regulations. "As I remarked then, they seem to have two lives: One is at port, where the Coast Guard can monitor their operations; the other is at sea where, it appears once they are beyond t hree nautical m i les f r o m shore, the world i s t h eirs," Rockefeller said in a letter last week to Adm. Robert Papp, the commandant of the Coast Guard. " The Carnival T r i umph incident only serves to further validate this view."
The Triumph left Galveston, Texas, on Feb. 7 for a four-day cruise to Cozumel, Mexico. An engine-roomfireparalyzedthe ship early last Sunday, leaving it adrift in the Gulf of Mexico. Passengers described nightmarish conditions on board: overflowing toilets, long lines for a short supply of food, foul odors, and tent cities where vacationers slept on deck. Tugboats slowlytowedthe 14-story vessel to Mobile, Ala. It arrived there late Thursday. Before a ship like the Triumph sets sail, it's possibleagency regulates everything but not easy — to find informafrom thecruise line's mechantion about past incidents and ical worthiness to the sanita- safety or health issues. The CDC's Vessel Sanitation Protion of its kitchens. The U.S. Coast Guard in- gram is viewable online. The spects each cruise ship that database shows recent disease docks in the U.S. every year outbreaks aboard cruise ships for arange of issues, from op- and how they were addressed. eration of backup generators Records for th e T r iumph to the lifeboats. The Centers show it was last inspected July for Disease Controland Pre- 7, 2012. It scored 96 out of 100. vention maintains a database The CDC considers scores of of recent disease outbreaks 85 orlower unsatisfactory.The and other health inspection in- lowest score the ship received formationforcruise ships.H ad was an 88, in 2009. Triumph vacationers looked The Coast Guard also has a u p i n formation a bout t h e database, known as the U.S. cruise ship through those two Coast Guard Maritime Inforagencies before boarding, they m ation Exchange, with i n would have found mostly clean spections and any deficiencies marks and few red flags. found aboard ships, dating And when something goes to when the vessels entered wrong, as it did on Triumph, service. there are limitstohowmuchthe The cause of the fire that Coast Guard can investigate. crippled the Triumph is unThese are not new issues der investigation. The U .S. — they had been raised by Coast Guard and the National members of Congress before Transportation Safety Board the Triumph incident. will lend their expertise to the "This horrible situation in- investigation — but in a supvolving the Carnival Triumph port role. The probe will be is just the latest example in led by the Bahamas Maritime a long string of serious and Authority, w h er e C a r nival troubling incidents involving registers or "flags" some of cruise ships," said Sen. Jay its ships. The a rrangement Rockefeller, D-WVa., who led is commonplace under intera committee hearing on cruise national maritime law, and it safety last year. puts U.S. agencies and investiLast year, after the Costa gators in a secondary position Concordia ran aground off even though the Triumph and the coast of Giglio, Italy, Rock- other Carnival ships sail out efeller held a Commerce Com- of U.S. ports with primarily mittee hearing t o e x amine American customers.
ing investigation, involving five dead mule deer found with their heads cut off and another deer left to waste east of Bend in November, also proves the point. "Those were killed for antlers," he said. No suspects have been arrested in that investigation.
Where Buyers And Sellers Meet
ing privileges and jail time.
— Steven George, ODFW district wildlife biologist in Bend
He said an ongoing poach-
Hunting season
strictest penalties for poaching, such as loss of any hunt-
but to what level we didn't know."
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Over the last century, much of the growth of the Roman Catholic Church has been outside Europe, and there are now more than 200 million more Catholics in Latin America than in Europe. Still, European cardinals hold more than half of the votes that will choose the next pope.
Oda y •n
%• nn •
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'>III> America and IP the CaribbeanRI 59 million
,II' • nn n • nS
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UNiTED sTATEs 71 million
Asia 11 million
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I 100 mllhon
I. Oceania 1 million
CANADA 15 million
North America 13 million
• P%
27 7mlllion
CHINA POLAN 15 million IRI 35milli n • nn I Im GERMA Y Ig P H ILIPPINES 25 milli n 72 million • FRANCE • n5 45 mllllon • na nR ITALy R II ~ I ~t ' • 19 mi l lionI I •
North America tl5 million
Latl n Amerlca and the Caribbean
Jln nnn
483 million •
• nn S
137million I >III
Africa 2 million
GUATEMALA~ ng g 12 million ~
VENE ZUELA 25 million i a
Next month, the 117 or so cardinals under age 80 will cast secret ballots until they reach a two-thirds majority and elect a new leader of the world's 1.2 billion Catholics. The chart at right Cardinal electors: Catholic population compares these cardinal "electors" with Number Share : Number S hare the Catholic population of the continents Africa 11 9.4 % .: 17 7 million 15.2% from which they hail. Although no date Asia 10 8. 5% 137 m illion 11.7% for a conclave tochoosethe next pope Europe 62 53% 277 m i l lion 23.7% hasbeenannounced,itmustbegin Latin America 19 16.2 % 483 m i llion 41.3% within 20 days of his Feb. 28 retirement. North America 14 1 2% 85 mill i on 7 . 3 % That means a new pope will likely be elected by the College of Cardinals by Oceania 1 0.9 % 9 million 0.9% Easter — March 31 this year. 117 Total 1.168 million
ANGOLA jl 11 millionII+
• Ien n e A lrl c a n 177million
BRAZIL 150 million
PERU nI 27 million
OF CONGO 3 6 million III II I a sn n n
are labeled individually. Totals are rounded to the nearest million.
ECUADOR 13 million
• Each square represents1 million Catholics. Countries with10 million or more Catholics in 2010
ML n5
' 14 milli n TANZ NIA» 13 mi 'on
COLOMBIA 42 millio
NIGERIA 21 million •
'~' ->™ ~
nnnn n
•nn • n •
9 million
The current pope: Benedict XVI Home country: GERMANY
CHILE jI 12 milhon ARGENTINA • 36 million
Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger was elected the
265th pope in April 2005. Before, he led the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, a
key Vatican office enforcing his predecessor's conservative views. Benedict's central goals have been fortifying the church and fighting secularism in Europe. He will step down at the end of the month due to ill health at age 85, becoming the first pope to resign in six centuries.
PAPAL FRONT-RUNNERS In the run-up to the
conclave, cardinals engage in adelicate dance, speaking in general terms about the qualities of a
future pope andthe particular issues facing the church. It's
rare for anyone to name names, much less tout himself as a candidate. Still, severallikely candidates have
Peter Appiah Turkson, 64
Leonardo Sandri, 69
Marc Duellet, 68
Popular in West Africa, he is president of the Vatican's pontifical council for justice and peace. In 2009, he suggested that condom use wasworth considering for married couples in which one partner is HIV-positive.
Born in Argentina to Italian parents, Sandri leads the Vatican department for Eastern Churches. He has also distinguished himself in diplomatic roles for the Catholic Church.
Head of the Vatican's office for bishops, hewas installed as the archbishop of Quebec in 2002. A solid conservative in the line of the Pope John Paul II, Ouellet, in 2011, said being the pope would "be a nightmare."
Sources World Christian Database, Center for the Study of Global Christianity, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, Brill Online; Salvador Miranda Florida lnternational University; Holy See press office; The Associated Press
By Rachel Zoll
Benedict a ppointed o t hers from the U.S. to handle some NEW YORK — C o nven- of his most pressing concerns, tional wisdom holds that no including rebuilding ties with one from the United States breakaway C a tholic t r a dicould be elected pope, that the tionalists and overseeing the superpower has more than church's response to clergy enough w o r ldl y in f l uence abuse cases worldwide. without an American in the But as Christopher Bellitto, seat of St. Peter. a historian at Kean UniverBut after Pope B enedict sity in New Jersey who studXVI's e xtraordinary a b d i - ies the papacy, said, "There's a cation, church analysts are big difference between letting w ondering whether old a s- somebody borrow the car and sumptions still apply, includ- handing them the keys." "The A m erican c h urch," ing whether the idea of a U.S. pontiff remains off the table. he said, "comes with a lot of Benedict himself has set a baggage." tone for change with his draAmong th e n egatives is matic personal example. He the clergy sex abuse scandal, is the first pontiff in six cen- which has affected every U.S. turies to step down. Church diocese and bishop. The 11 U.S. leaders and canon lawyers are cardinals expected to vote in scrambling to resolve a litany the conclave will include Cardiof dilemmas they had never nal Roger Mahony, the former anticipated, such as schedul- Los Angeles archbishop who ing a conclave without a fu- was recently stripped of pubneral first and choosing a title lic duties by his successor over for a former pope. his record on handling abuse The conclaves that created cases. Also attending will be the last two pontificates had Cardinal Justin Rigali, who already upended one tradition: stepped down as Philadelphia Polish-born Pope John Paul II archbishop after a landmark ended 455 years of Italian pa- indictment of priests revealed pacies with his surprise selec- he had kept several clergy on tion in 1978. Benedict, born in assignment despite claims they Bavaria, was the first German molested children. pope since the 11th century. T he cardinals a r e a l s o "With the election of John struggling against the percepPaul, with the election of Bene- tion, held particularly by Eudict, one wonders if the former ropeans, that most Americans boundaries seem not to have aren't sophisticated enough to any more credibility," New handle the papacy. In a faith York Cardinal Timothy Dolan 2,000 years old, the United said, discussing Benedict's de- States is considered relatively cision this week at SiriusXM's n ew ground. E u rope w a s "The Catholic Channel." still sending missionaries to The election also follows the U.S. to create the church a pontificate that f e atured through the early 1900s. "There really never has been Americans in unusually prominent roles. Cardinal William any American who rises above Levada, the former San Fran- his American-ness and holds cisco archbishop, was the first the esteem of the international U.S. prelate to lead the Con- group of cardinals because of gregation for the Doctrine of his service, because of what the Faith, the Vatican's pow- he's done for the church," said erful guardian of d o ctrine. Brother Charles Hilken, a hisCardinal Raymond Burke, the torian at Saint Mary's College former St. Louis archbishop, is of California, who has studied the first American to lead the the papacy. Vatican supreme court. And Beyond the qualities of inThe Associated Press
dividual candidates, the cardinals take church history into account. The church has tried to keep the papacy separate
from a reigning superpower f or centuries, whether t h e
Christoph Schondorn, 68
Timothy Dolan, 62 UNITED STATES The conservative archbishop of New Yorkand president of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops has struck an aggressive tone to reclaim for U.S. Catholics a role as a national voice on the moral dimension of public policy issues. Whenarchbishop of Milwaukee, Dolan authorized payments to sexually abusive priests as an incentive to leave the priesthood.
Roman Empire, France or Spain, according to the Rev. mas Reese, author of "Inside the Vatican: The Politics and Organization of the Catholic Church." But the role of the United States in t h e w o rl d t o day is what weighs most heavily against an American pope.
e a
Credited with restoring the credibility of the Vienna diocese after a sexscandal tainted his predecessor, Schonborn was criticized for failing to quell dissent for greater reforms.
A theologian of international renown with conservative credentials, especially on family issues and bio-medical ethics, Scola is often considered too intellectual, sometimes incomprehensible.
New York Times News Service
The Vatican navigates complex diplomatic relations within the Muslim world, in China over the state-backed church, in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and beyond. An A merican pope could be perceived asacting in the interests of the United States instead of Catholics. "That would be enough of
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EMPLOYMENT i hear last year's National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) decisions have been invalidated. Do i still need io worry about social media policies and concerted activity rights at my businesst
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a concern for enough cardinals to make them leery about voting for an otherwise good American candidate," Hilken said. "These men come from places. They're citizens of other countries of the world." Despite all t hese factors, Dolan is b e ing m entioned, even if as a longshot.
ro e s s iona s
Angelo Scola, 71
Detinitefy. The law still protects employees, union or not, wbo engage in "concerted activiiy" (i.e., take action for their mutual aid or protection regarding terms and conditions of employment). Last year, the NLRB relentlessly expanded that right —invalidating many seemingly reasonable Kurt Barker social media policies (sucb as poticies with a blanket prohibition Attorney tst Late against criticizing the employer on Facebookl and more. This Karnopp January, though, a court nuflitied the appointment of three NLRB Petersen LLP members who participated in those decisions. That did invalidate but that doesn't mean those decisions 1201 N.W.Wall Street a year's worth of decisions — Suite 200 are necessarily "wrong" (they could be reinstated). And concened Bend, Oregon 97701 activity rights are still around.Businessesneed a clear, careful social media policy: work with counsel and watch out for 541-382-3011
restricting concerted activity rights.
Retirement Continued from A1 Advocates for older Americans are calling on the federal government to bolster Social Security benefits or to create a new layer of retirement help for future retirees. Others want employers and the government to domore toencourage retirement savings and to discourage workers from using the money for non-retirement purposes. But those calls have been overwhelmed b y con c ern about the nation's fast-growing long-term debt, which has left many policymakers focused on ways to trim Social Security and other retirement benefits rather than increase them. There was already mounting concern for the long-term security "There of the count~'s rap-
idly graying popul ation. T h e n th e downturn destroyed
paying about $575 a month, far short of what they will need. Officials a t m o n ey-management firms t hat h andle 401(k)-type investments argue that the tools are in place for Americans to retire comfortably. The problem, they say, isthat employers and workers are not using them correctly. Robert Reynolds, president and chief executive of Putnam Investments, noted that 2006 changes in federal law gave employers the power to automatically enroll workers in retirement accounts. But too few choose to do that and even when they do, companies typically set aside only 3 percent of pay — far less than the estimated 10 percent that experts say workers need to set aside t o fun d a s o u n d retirement. jS 8 "I would be adamant that there is nothing wrong with 401(k)s that c a n't
40 percent of Ameri- I' e tjl'ement cans' per s onal needS wealth, while creat-
ing a long period of m ent high unemployment I' e Ul'e and an e n viron- Qef) ef
— and the vast majority dowill see smaller payouts. James Marzano, 60, was on his way to a comfortable retirement when he lost his job at a telecommunications firm in 2002. "People talk about a lost decade; that's what I've been through," he said. The Tampa, Fla., resident, who is married to a retail worker and has a son who is a high school senior, spent most of the past decade in and out of contract jobs and other posts that paid far less than he was used to. He was forced to dip into his 401(k) account to make ends meet, and even now that he has found a
good job, he says, his savings is maybe 60 percent of what it was 10 years ago. "If everything had stayed status quo from 2002 until 2012, I might be doing what I wanted to do today," he said. "But, as it stands, I am nowhere near ready to retire."
Simple steps toconsider taking right now How much shouldyou savefor retirement? The quick answer is this: more thanyouthink. The harsh fact is that you usually must have both saved and invested more than you believed you'd require in a variety of stocks, bonds, funds, metals and other commodities, in order to lead a comfortable life in retirement.
DIVERSIFIGATIDN Many expert stock analysts believe in an even wider diversification of investments than in the recent past. It often pays to diversify your many investments in relatively small packets. If one or more of these
investments turns temporarily sour at sometime, the investor can take shelter in the other issues or commodities. Working over a period of years, the investor can build a diversified shelter to guard against a bearish assault that is bound to come at any time. Remember: Assume nothing.
INTEREST,SAVINGS AND PLANNING Meanwhile, there areseveral easy steps you cantake right now to protect your assets. Go immediately to your bank and check how much interest you are collecting on your checking, sav-
ings and other accounts. Youprobably canarrange to collect more interest by shifting to other accounts at the same bank that offer the same degree of protection.
How muchshouldyousavenow? Therightanswerforyoudependsonyourageandyourfamily circumstances. But here's a plan that states the bare minimum: Add up your savings of all kinds. If
you're 40 or younger, you should be saving or investing at least 5 percent of your pretax pay every year. If you're between 40 and45, you should step up your saving. After age 45, put away10 percent a year. Also look at online tools such asEBRI's "Choose to Save" calculator (, in addition to making a savings plan and implement it through contributions to a 401(k) retirement plan or an individual retirement account. — MarketWatch
be fixe d by taking better advantage of the current system," Reynolds said.
Daniel Ho u ston,
president of retirement in which savment, insurance and ings accounts pay financial services at — Aiioia Munneii, the Principal Finant oug t e s u r g Boston Coiiege cial GrouP, contending stock market is ed that defined conapproaching record tribution a ccounts highs, most of these gains are are better tailored than oldflowing to well-off Americans fashioned pensions to today's who already are in relatively highly m o b il e wo r k f orce. good shape for retirement. Workers can take them when they switch jobs. But that conOver 30, unprepared trol also is a weakness, allowThe downturn exacerbated ing Americans to tap them for long-term factors that were non-retirementpurposes. already eroding the financial
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standing of aging Americans: Incentives an inexorable rise in health c are costs, g r owing d e b t among older Americans and a shift in responsibility from employers to workers to plan forretirement. The consequence is t h at the nation is facing a huge retirement savings deficit — as much as $6.6 trillion, or about $57,000 per household, according to a U.S. Senate report. Using data on household finances collectedby the Federal Reserve, the Center for Retirement Research estimates that 53 percent of American workers 30 and older are on a path that will leave them unprepared forretirement. That marks a sharp deterioration since 2001, when 38 percent of Americans were at risk of declining living standards in old age. In 1989, 30 percent faced that risk. The center's findings are similar to those recently uncovered by r e searchers at the New School, the Heritage Foundation and the Senate's Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. "There is a mismatch between retirement needs rising and retirement benefits contracting," said Alicia Munnell, director of Boston College's Center for Retirement Research.
The retirement savings shortfall is revealing an economic divide separating those who are well prepared for retirement from those who are not. Recent policy changes aimed at bolstering Americans' retirement prospects have only contributed to the growing inequality. The government grants at least $80 billion a year in tax breaks to encourage retire-
ment savings in 401(k)-type accounts. But the biggest benefits
go toupper-income peoplewho
can afford to put aside the most for retirement, allowing them to reap the biggest tax breaks. Someone making $200,000 a year and contributing 15 percent of pay to a retirement account would receive about a $7,000 subsidy from the federal government in the form of a tax break, whereas workers earning $20,000 making the same 15 percent contribution would get nothing because they don't earn enough to qualify for a deduction. Someone making $50,000 and making the 15 percent contribution would receive only about a $2,100 tax deduction. Even many of the diminishing share of workers who are enrolled in traditional pension programs faceuncertainty as an increasing number of plans are underfunded, causing employers to freeze benefits. Decades of improvement Thehits to retirement income The precarious situation come as many Americans are comes after a long period of living longer and health care change that improved life for costs continue to grow, meanthe nation's seniors starting ing they need to salt away with the enactment of Social more money for r etirement. Security in 1935. And workers have limited opBy the 1960s, retirees also tions for closing the gap. More benefitted f r o m u ni v ersal are going to have to work lonhealth i n s urance t h r ough ger. After many decades of deMedicare and Medicaid, sharp cline, average retirement ages increases in Social Security have already been creeping up benefits and new protections in the past 20 years. enacted bythe federal governA recent survey by the Conment for workers who received ferenceBoard found thatneartraditional pensions, which for ly two-thirds of A m ericans decades were a standard em- ages 45 to 60 say they plan to ployee benefit. delay retirement. Two years The changes rescued mil- earlier, 42 percent said they lions of retirees from poverty, would work longer. while lifting millions of others to prosperous retirements What to do? symbolized by vacation cruisSome lawmakers and other es, recreational vehicles and advocates say the best way second homes. to cope with the growing gap But now problems for future would be to further expand retirees seem to be closing in Social Security and Medicare from all sides. Half of Ameri- benefits, or to add another laycan workers have no retire- er oftaxpayer-subsidized savment plans through their jobs, ings that workers could use leaving people on their own to only for retirement. save for old age. But many policymakers are Meanwhile, four out of five pushing to rein in the nation's private-sector workers w i th debt by trimming Medicare, retirement plans at work have Medicaid and Social Security only 401(k)-type defined con- benefits. Those programs are tribution accounts, rather than the primary drivers of the longtraditional pensions that pay term deficit but are also finanretirees a fixed benefit for life. cial mainstays for the vast maNumerous studies have found jority of the nation's retirees. that workers wit h d efinedBoth Medicare and Social contribution accounts often Security already are on course put aside too l i ttle m oney, to provide reduced benefits make too many withdrawals for future retirees — reducor employ the wrong invest- tions that will grow deeper if ment strategies to save enough lawmakers follow through on for old age. Overall, people new proposals to further trim ages 55 to 64 have a median the programs. With the Social retirement account balance of Security retirement age mov$120,000, Boston College re- ing to 67 under a federal law searchers have found, which passed in 1983, people who is enough to fund an annuity leave the workforce earlier
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Calendar, B2 Obituaries, B4
Weather, B6
esi en s rac oca me eor
Snoozing animals' lessons
inter in Bend triggers the opposite of hibernation: skate-skiing, snowboarding, running in snowshoes. For the non-human mammal, however, hibernation is the norm for this time of year. During a deep freeze,even elk undergo a version of hibernation. Animals hibernate to survive a period when food is scarce and the energy cost of remaining active is high. At first blush, it sounds as monotonous as a long snooze. To scientists, however, hibernation is a hot topic, mysterious and even a little controversial. Doctors think it could hold the keys to curing diabetes and osteoporosis. The Belding's ground squirrel of Oregon's Zumwalt Prairie, in Wallowa County, hibernates for what might be the longest span of any species. These critters scurry around in June and July, then hole up for the remaining 10 months of the year. Every week or two, all winter long, they rouse themselves, shiver to warm up, then eat, urinate and defecate. Bears, on the other hand, go five to seven months, depending on the climate in which they live, without eating, drinking, urinating or defecating. Females rouse to give birth, then spend several months nursing their young, still while fasting. Not all scientists consider this to be true hibernation, however. Daniel Roby, a professor of wildlife science at Oregon State University, saysthe difference isthatbears'body temperatures do not drop to what is sometimes called "physiological zero." "Their body is not in suspended animation," he says. A ground squirrel — unanimously defined as a true hibernator — lets its body temperature dip below the freezing point of its own blood. The animal's heart continues to pump, albeit slowly, and the blood flows. "It's quite a trick," Roby says. Lynne Nelson, a veterinarian and professor at Washington State University, considers the winter state of bears to be hibernation. As a grizzly bear specialist, she acknowledges that the species hibernates differently from, say, ground squirrels. "Hibernating rodents are not conscious," Nelson adds. "You could ... juggle them. Hibernating bears are fully capable of interacting." Only one bird species is known to hibernate: the common poorwilL This insect-eater can be found in the summer across Central and Eastern Oregon. During winters in the southwestern U.S., it can drop into hibernation for just one chilly night, if needed. Hibernation contains some practicallessons for humans. Black bears manage to stave off bone loss despite their long stretches of inactivity. Researchers are studying this in hopes of someday helping humans avoid osteoporosis. In preparation for hibernation, arctic ground squirrels amass muscle faster than any steroid-juicing bodybuilder. Yet the squirrels manage to avoid the harmful physical effects that anabolic steroid use causes in humans. Nelson and others studybears for their abilityto survive astonishingly low heartrates.D uringthe summer, bears haveroughlythe same heartrate as humans: about 70beats per minute. In hibernation, their hearts slow to as few as fourbeats per minute. "You and I cannot function on four or five beats per minute," Nelson says. "But these bears can be walking around, interacting and looking fairly normal at those (heart) rates." Bear hearts, likehuman hearts, contain four chambers. During hibernation, bears essentially shut down two of them. Hibernating bears also appear to develop a reversible form of diabetes. As their fat metabolisms slow, they lose the ability to regulate glucose and insulin. When spring arrives, they regain this ability — something doctors are eager to mimic in diabetes patients. Until scientists can unlock the secretsofhibernation,however,we have little choice but to keep moving. — Lily Raff McCaulou isa columnist for The Bulletin. 541-617-7836,
By Scott Hammers People in at least two different locations spotted the possible meteor that broke up over Central Oregon last Sunday, boosting the odds that researchers may be able to locate meteorite fragments somewhere east of U.S. Highway 97. The Central Oregon sighting was unrelated to a powerful meteor explosion Friday over the Russian city of Chelyabinsk, a rare occurrence that caused a shockwave that smashed windows and left hundreds
— Senate Republicans stalled the confirmation
light appeared only slightly
Scott Hammers/The Bulletin
Chase Fahning, 18, and his father, Richard Fahning, 43, use a compass to determine the path of a possible meteor that went over their La Pine home last Sunday night.
injured by broken glass. The Russian event underscored dramatically the more routine passing of debris through the Earth's atmosphere.
home on Sunrise Boulevard in La Pine with his stepsister and her boyfriend when they spotted the orange light in the western sky. Fahning said at first the
The Bulletin
The Bulletin first reported Saturday that a fireball was seen earlier in the week. Witnesses came
forward the same day to share what they'd seen. Chase Fahning, 18, was on the back porch of his
of former Sen. Chuck Hagel, R-Neb., Thursday
larger and brighter than a star, but quickly grew larger and brighter. The light emitted a whooshing sound like a jet engine, Fahning sard. Though not loud enough to interrupt normal conversation, it became apparent the object was moving toward them, he said. "I had plenty of time to get out my phone and start recording, but that's exactly what was going though my head, 'holy hell, it's coming right at us.'" Fahning said. See Meteor /B2
by requiring 60 votes to advance his nomination.
Several Republicans said they wantedmore time to review past
speechesHagelhadgiven that they hadnotyet seen, and hinted strongly that his nomination to re-
place outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta
would proceedmore easily after theSenate returns to Washington the week of Feb. 25. Needing
60 votes to pass cl aoture vote that would have allowed an immediate
voteonHagel'snomination, the measure failed, 58-40. Four Republicans joined with 54 Democrats to vote for the measure, and Majority Leader
Harry Reid, D-Nev.,voted no to preserve his ability
to promptanother vote on Hagel's nomination at a later date.
U.S. SENATEVOTE • Hagel cloture vote
Merkley (D) ..................Y Wyden (D)....................Y SeeWeek/B2
CLOSURES In observance ofPresidents Day, mostcity,
county, state andfederal offices will be closed. Banks will be closed.
Post offices will be closed, and mail will not be picked up or delivered.
All Central Oregon schools will be closed. Libraries in Des-
chutes, Jefferson and Crook counties will be
closed. Central Oregonliquor
Photos by Joe Kline /The Bulletin
stores will have normal hours.
ix Central Oregon bartenders, including Astro Lounge bartender Ryan Collinsworth, above, went head-to-head Saturday night at WinterFest in the Old Mill District, mixing up their most creative cocktails in the "Bartender's Brawl."
Bendistillery provided bottles of its Crater Lake Gin and various flavored vodkas, while
Shevlin Hixon Drive will be
contestants brought their own glassware, syrups, garnishes and other ingredients to put on a
closed for WinterFestuntil early Mondaymorning.
show in a tent packed with spectators. Bartenders from the D 8 D Bar 8 Grill, Sidelines Sports
Les Schwab Amphitheater
Bar 8i Grill, 900 Wall, Joolz, and the Pine Tavern were also repd Mill
resented Saturday night.
A panel of four judges declared John Souza of 900 Wall and his orange and juniper flavored "Ginepro," at left, the winner. Along
Area of event
with the bragging rights, Souza won a trip to the 2013 Whiskies Of the World Expo in San Francisco in April.
I Greg Cross/The Bulletin
Paid Advertisement
1913 Bendagain in peril as mules run off with dynamite Compiled by Don Hoiness from archivedcopies of The Bulletin at the Des Chutes Historical Museum.
100 YEARS AGO For the week ending Feb. 16, 1913
Mules run away, with dynamite in the rig A puff of steam, two mules, a box of dynamite and a minister figured in a short but exciting runaway Monday on Wall Street. No casualties resulted as the "jarheads" were stopped before they had a chance to wreck the rig and "blow up the town."
YESTERDAY Fireman Louis Dooner, in charge of "steam boiler No. 22" at the intersection of Wall and Ohio streets, got up too big a head of steam and there was a popoff. The mules, hitched to the rig of the Pioneer Telephone Company, were standing nearby, and though usually very meek and safe, got frisky and made a dash to get away from the noise that they did not like to penetrate their long ears. Being mere mules, they did not know that there was a box of dynamite (50 pounds of it!) on the rig and that there was more danger in running than in standing
still, so they ran. They were just getting into a good stride when Rev. E.G. Judd, the Baptist pastor, saw them and became a dramatis persona in this little affair. Having been reared on a farm and therefore acquainted to a slight extent at least with his muleship, Mr. Judd voluntarily assumed the role of missionary to these benighted Balaamites, and while his colleague Dr. Gorby, looked on approvingly, Judd floundered out into the mud of the streetand was successful in halting the runaways before any damage had befallen the mules or the town. SeeYesterday/B3
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Zumba Classes (adult) Happy MOVement ~18 to 35 Months) Intro to Ballet (3 to6years old)
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E VENT TODAY BEND WINTERFEST: Winter carnival featuring a big air show, races, a children's area, live music, a fire pit competition, ice and snowsculptures andmore; a portion of proceeds benefits Saving Grace; $5-$6 for WinterFest button in advance, $8at the gate, free for Mt. Bachelor season pass holders; 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Old Mill District, 661 S.W.Powerhouse Drive; 541-323-0964 or www. "WORKING":Thoroughly Modern Productions and Stage Right Productions present the musical depicting the working lives of everyday people; $21, $18 students andseniors;3p.m .;2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette Ave., Bend;541-312-9626 or JOHN FAWCETTAND AARONPETIT RECITAL:Violinist John Fawcett and pianist Aaron Petit perform classical works; free; 3 p.m.; Foundry Church, 60 N.W. OregonAve., Bend; 541-6476875.
TUESDAY "PUBLISHINGYOUR WORKON THE INTERNET":BendGenealogical Society presents a program by George Larson; free;10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E.Ninth St., Bend; 541-317-9553 or www. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "Will in the World" by Stephen Greenblatt; free; noon; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3764 or www. SCIENCEPUB:Learn about new research at Oregon State University-
AL E N D A R Cascade Campus, titled "Alternative Transportation fuels: What About Natural Gas?"; registration requested; free; 5:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St.FrancisSchool,700N.W.Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.
WEDNESDAY LUNCH ANDLECTURE:Learn about Northern spotted owls in Oregon, bring a sack lunch; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages5-12, free ages 4 andyounger; noon-1 p.m.; HighDesertM useum,59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend;541-382-4754 or CHEW ONTHIS:FOOD FACTS AND CONSIDERATIONS:A presentation by health and humanperformance professor Owen Murphy covering various aspects of food production and consumption; free; 4-5 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way,Bend; 541-383-7786 or ARUN GANDHIPRESENTATION: ThegrandsonofMohandas Gandhi presents, "Nonviolence andSocial Justice: Lessons I Learned from my Grandfather"; followed by aprivate reception that is sold out; free; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Wille Hall, 2600 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7257 or www. "LEGALLYBLONDE: THE MUSICAL": The Redmond High School drama department presents the musical about sorority girl Elle Woods, who enrolls at Harvard LawSchool to winback her ex-boyfriend; $10-$15; 7 p.m.;Redmond HighSchool,675 S.W.Rimrock Way; 541-923-4800 or default.asp. DEAD WINTER CARPENTERS:The California-based roots-rock band performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.
"As soon as I opened my eyes it was gone, and a couple secContlnued from B1 onds later, he came running By the time the object was in, 'You gotta listen to this! '" almost di r e ctly o v e r head, Dick P u gh, di r e ctor o f it was slightly larger than a the Ca scadia M e t eorology quarter held at arm's length, Laboratory at Portland State Fahning said. The light split University, said the cracking into 9 to 15 pieces, he said, noise heard at the Fahning's followed by a cracking noise home was most likely unre— like a piece of wood being lated to the fireball breaking broken — a little less than a apart. second later. The still-glowing A meteor traveling at high fragments co ntinued we s t, speed g e n erates l o w - freeither burning out or disap- quency radio waves, he said, pearing behind the treeline. which are inaudible until they Richard Fahning, 43, Chase reach a solid object like a wire Fahning's father, was trying fence or a metal roof. Upon to sleep in a room just off the reaching such an object, the back porch when the li g ht radio wa ves are co nverted passed overhead. into sound similar to what ob"I figured it was the porch servers at the Fahning's home light," Richard Fahning said. reported.
Email events at least 10 days before publication date to or click on "Submit an Event" at Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
"THE BROTHERSGRIMM SPECTACULATHON"AND "GOLIDLOCKS ONTRIAL": The Summit High School drama department presents two back-toback plays that put a modern spin on classic fairy tales; $5; 7 p.m.; Summit High School,2855 N.W.Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300. JOANNA PRIESTLEYSCREENING:A retrospective screening of filmmaker Joanna Priestley's best works, including "Choking Hazard," "Eye Liner" and "Dear Pluto"; $10; 7 p.m.; Sisters Movie House, 720 Desperado Court; 541-549-8800 or www. "WORKING":Thoroughly Modern Submitted photo Productions and Stage Right The Metal Mulisha motorcycle show is scheduled for today at Bend Productions present the musical WinterFest in the Old Mill District. depicting the working lives of everyday people; $21, $18students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or Club,61999Broken TopDrive, Bend; Street Theater, 220 N.E.Lafayette 541-647-6875. Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or OTT8 THEALL-SEEING I:The KNOW dubstep act performs, with KiloWatts ANXIETY,SEXAND PEEPING TOMS: GRAND OPENINGAND "SLING and G.A.M.M.A; $10 plus fees in A screening of the1953 unrated BLADE" SCREENING: A screening advance, $13 at the door; 8 p.m.; Alfred Hitchcockfilm, "I Confess," of the1996 R-rated film to markthe followed by adiscussion; free; 5:30 Domino Room, 51N.W.Greenwood grand opening of the Volcanic Theatre Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. p.m.; Tin PanTheater, 869 N.W.Tin Pub; $6; 7:30 p.m., doors open at 5 Pan Alley, Bend; 541-241-2271 or p.m.; Volcanic Theatre Pub, 70S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-323-1881 PLATEAUINDIANARTS or THURSDAY PRESENTATION:RebeccaDobkins, THE44S:The Los Angeles-based an anthropology professor, explores blues band performs, with Shade THE LIBRARY BOOKCLUB:Readand the "Vibrant Traditions in Plateau 13; $5;8p.m.; The Horned Hand, discuss"The Swerve" by Stephen Arts" and the relationship between 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend;541Greenblatt; free; noon; La PinePublic traditional and contemporary 728-0879 or www.reverbnation. Library,16425 First St.; 541-312artistry; free; 6 p.m.; High Desert com/venue/thehornedhand. 1090 or www.deschuteslibrary. Museum, 59800 S. U.S.Highway "BIKE CAR":A screening of the org/calendar. 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. cycling and snowboarding film, with KNOW CLUE:CENTRAL OREGON door prizes; proceeds benefit the CSI:Learn how real-life crime scene "LEGALLYBLONDE: THE MUSICAL": Central Oregon Trail Alliance; $5; 9 investigation is done with Bend police The Redmond High School drama p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis officer Canyon Davis; free; 3 p.m.; department presents the musical School, 700 N.W.Bond St., Bend; Downtown Bend Public Library,601 about sorority girl Elle Woods, who 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins. N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www. enrolls at Harvard Law School to com. win back her ex-boyfriend; $10-$15; JOHN FAWCETTAND AARON PETIT 7 p.m.;Redmond HighSchool,675 RECITAL:Violinist John Fawcett and S.W.Rimrock Way; 541-923-4800 FRIDAY pianist Aaron Petit perform classical or works; free; 5:30 p.m.; BrokenTop default.asp. SPIKE 5MIKE FESTIVAL OF
If indeed Chase Fahning saw a me teor break ap art above his head, he probably was unable to hear it, Pugh said. Objects t r aveling a t supersonic speeds create a "cone of silence," he said, that makes them inaudible to an observer directly in front or beneath the object. Tumalo resident Bob Baars also spotted an unusual light in the sky from his hot tub last Sunday. Baars said he and his wife watched the yellowish-orange light pass roughly west to east for maybe five seconds. The light was two to three times brighter th an t he br i g htest star in the sky, he said, and appeared to be slightly south of them, maybe 10 to 15 degrees
the perpetrator is an American citi zen.Themeasurepassed,78-
Contlnued from B1
22, with 23 Republicans joining 53 Democrats and two Independents tary salaries areexemptfrom the in voting yes. All 22 no votes came freeze in Friday's legislation, which
On Tuesday, the Senate votedto reauthorize the Violence Against Women Act, which provides fed-
eral funding for the prosecution and victims of crimes of domestic violence. The law was originally
passed in1994, and its proponents highlighted that rates of
from Republicans.
the House insisted that the government could not afford a raise. Mili-
U.S. SENATEVOTE • Violence Against WomenAct /I/ferkley (D) ................................Y I/I/yden (D) .................................. Y
The House of Representatives then. Republican opponents of the voted Friday to freeze federal emreauthorization maintained that ployees' pay atcurrent levels for anthe bill is unconstitutional because otheryear. Late lastyear, President it grants authority to Indian tribes Barack Obama signedanexecutive to preside over domestic violence order that would give federal em-
gEg) E RSRg p
. • '4 i
0 •
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U.S. HOUSEVOTE • Freeze federal employee pay Walden (R)................................. Y Blumenauer (D).........................I Bonamici (D)..............................I OeFazio(0)................................. Y Schrader (D) ..............................I
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218 Republicans and 43 Democrats voting for it. Ten Republicans and 144 Democrats voted no.
ployees a0.5 percent payraise in
You have what it fakes.
— Reporter: 541-383-0387,
passed by a 261-154 margin, with
domestic violence havedecreased by more than 50percent since
cases on tribal lands, evenwhen
March, but Republican leaders in
offdirectly overhead. "We see meteorites quite often, and this was lower, slower and brighter than most," he sard. Baars said he believes he and his wife saw the light at around 10:45, 15minutes after their hot tub heater is scheduled to automatically switch off. Baars said they heard no sound, though it's po ssfble the hot tub jets could have obscured any noise. Pugh is continuing to seek out additional accounts of last Sunday's fireball, in the hope he can triangulate its position and determine where any meteorites or meteorite fragments might be found.
ANIMATION:An animated film screening of "Spike 8 Mike's New Generation Show" at 6 p.m., followed by"The Sick & Twisted Show" (ages18and older) at 9 p.m., with a reception between shows; proceeds benefit KPOV radio; $13 for one show, $24 for both shows 6 and 9 p.m. screenings reception from 8-9 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-322-0863 or www. "LEGALLYBLONDE:THE MUSICAL":The Redmond High School drama department presents the musical about sorority girl Elle Woods, who enrolls at Harvard Law School to win back her ex-boyfriend; $10-$15; 7 p.m.; Redmond High School, 675 S.W. Rimrock Way; 541-923-4800 or www.redmond. "THE BROTHERSGRIMM SPECTACULATHON"AND "GOLIDLOCKS ONTRIAL": The Summit High School drama department presents two back-toback plays that put a modern spin on classic fairy tales; $5; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-3223300. CHRISTOPHER OFTHE WOLVES: The multi-instrumentalist performs, followed by a sound healing experience; bring pillows and blankets; $10-$15 suggested donation; 7-9 p.m.; Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 N.W. Louisiana Ave., Bend; 541-330-0334 or TELLURIDEMOUNTAINFILM ON TOUR:Screening of films that celebrate mountain people, culture and conservation; proceeds benefit The Environmental Center; $17.50 plusfeesin advance,$20 day of show, $30 in advance for both nights; 7 p.m., doors open at 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.
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Man whosemurder conviction was thrown out returns tocourtroom The Associated Press ROSEBURG Samuel Lawson, a man whose murder conviction was overturned by the Oregon Supreme Court last fall, returned to a Douglas County courtroom this week for the first time since he was awarded a new trial. The clean-shaven Lawson wore a jail-issued hunter orange shirt and pants for the brief hearing on a defense motion to bar Judge William Garrison from presiding over the new trial. Garrison denied a defense motion seven years ago to declare a mistrial. "He's been in custody for 9'rz years for something he didn't do," defense attorney Mark Sabitt told the NewsReview ofRoseburg afterthe hearing. "He's doing better
than I would be." In a unanimous opinion last fall, Oregon's highest court found serious questions about the reliability of the eyewitness testimony presented at Lawson's 2005 trial. He was convicted of killing Noris Hilde and critically injuring Hilde's wife, Sherl, at an Umpqua National Forest campground in 2003. Sherl Hilde could not identify Lawson in the weeks after the shooting, saying she saw the assailant for a few seconds at most. Two years later, at trial, she was certain it was him. The state Supreme Court said the w o man's conflicting statements indicated her memory was influenced by
police suggestion.
The opinion said the standards for the admissibility of eyewitness testimony, established in 1979, needed to be revised in light of developments in law and scientific research. The initial burden is now on the state to show the evidence is reliable. The traditional test puts the burden on the defendant to show the identification was the product of u nduly suggestive procedures. Another shift is that under the traditional test, courts could make only one decision: suppress or admit th e evidence. Now courts will have a range ofremedies to address unreliability, such as limiting the witness's testimony and permittingexpert testimonyto explain the scientific research on memory and identification.
Prosecutor Rick Wesenberg said this week he will work under the new rules to have Sherl Hilde's testimony used at the next trial. "We intend to relitigate that thoroughly," Wesenberg said. On the day of the shootings, the Hildes encountered Lawson, then 27, in a tent the couple had pitched. That evening, Noris Hilde was shot by a rifle at the campsite through the walls of his RV. Lawson was serving a life sentence before his conviction was overturned. Lawson's father, Carl Lawson, told The News-Review that relatives met with Lawson on Tuesday and that his son was "holding up." "I hope he gets a square deal out of this," Carl Lawson said.
AROUND THE STATE WaVe energy equipment miSSing — Awaveenergy company is trying to locate its multimillion-dollar buoy anchor. The World
newspaper of CoosBayreports that Ocean PowerTechnologies installed an anchor for a PB150 PowerBuoy wave energy system about 2.5 miles offshore last fall. Two more anchors were scheduled
for installation this spring, but the companysays it's unsure of the location of the first anchor's subsurface float. The company says the disappearance could indicate a shift in the anchor's position. Another
possibility is the tendon line connecting the float to the anchor has become fouled, pulling the float downward.
Slaying suspect in Nevada jail —OregonState Police say a 34-year-old man jailed in Nevada after a multi-state car chase is a suspect in the death of a 65-year-old Klamath County man. The body
of Larry WayneClarkwas found Tuesday in his home. Aninvestigation by the Klamath County Major Crime Team indicates his death was a homicide. Late Friday, state police identified a suspect in the case as
Zane Sterling Skeen.Skeen, reportedly from Klamath Falls, wastaken into custody on related allegations stemming from a vehicle pursuit with the Arizona Highway Patrol that ended in a crash in Utah.
Astoria faces environmental cleanup — ADepartment of Environmental Quality study found gas and metals on the site of
the former Astoria landfill, which is to bethe homeof a youth sports complex. The study found the highest concentrations of contaminants in groundwater, which flushes significantly slower than on the
surface. Themain contaminants are nondegradable metals, including iron, manganese,arsenic, lead, zinc, mercury and other heavy metals. The Daily Astorian reports that DEQ officials told the Astoria
School Board this weekthat the need for environmental cleanup and corrective action seems limited to the immediate landfill area. — From wire reports
AN N a N. Dishwasher
Man gets 45yearsin cousin's gang-related slaying Find It
The Associated Press
SALEM — An Oregon man who intended to shoot one cousin but fatally shot another was sentenced to at least 45 years in prison, while his accomplice will spend decades
behind bars. Statesman Journal r eported Javier Ivan Sanchez-Perez, Saturday. 21, of Gervais, and Erasmo A jury l ast month found Emilio Lopez, 20, of WoodSanchez-Perez guilty of killburn, stared ahead as a judge ing 19-year-old Tomas Montes, sentenced them in a packed of Woodburn, who was shot c ourtroom i n Sa l em , t h e three times in May 2011. Lopez
pleaded no contest to a murder charge in December. Police said Montes' brother,
by the inrushing gold seekers, the sawmill which he was building in partnership with John A. Sutter failed for want oflaborers. Reduced to gardening for a living, he d ied i m poverished. The rifle he gave to a Dr. Worthington, of Placerville, Calif., once a prosperous mining town. The doctor gave the weapon to George Bailey with the understanding that it should pass to the oldest living male member of the Bailey family. The elder Bailey died recently, and according to the death-bed edict, the gun was passed on to his son.
shocked. Her older brother, Kevin, a Mountain View grad and a former Cougar basketball player, took the news especially hard. "He refused to talk to me for a long time," says Krissy. "He thought she was a traitor," recalls Bill Kukar. According to Bill, he and his wife were not excited about Krissy's plan. "It created some l ogistics problems," he e x plains. "But our philosophy is that we want our kids to think forthemselves and choose for themselves." The Kukars all agree that what mighthave been a powd er-keg situation for s o me families has been a healthy experience for them. Normally, Nicki roots for Krissy against other opponents, and vice versa. But if Nicki makes a big play for Mountain View tonight, don't look for Krissy to lead the applause. And if Krissy is driving to the basket for Bend, don't be surprised to see Nicki step in to take the charge. What you can expect is that after the Civil War on the basketball court, peace will prevail in the Kukar home. Probably. Note to readers: The Lava Bears won the game 51 to
rum, who stomped his way to uncertain glory in 14 hours Continued from B1 and 15 minutes at MontgomHe says he did not know of ery, Ala., when asked if he the dynamite being on the rig cared to volunteer again, said "No Sir. Not on your life." at the time or else he might not have heeded the Macedonian A Marine Corps lieutenant cry to "Stop dem dar mules." in California claimed the national record. First Lieutenant Wage campaign Roger Price, of El Toro Marine on tree beetle Base, made the 50 miles in 10 The Secretary of Agriculhours and 30 minutes. "The first 50 miles were the ture announces that i nvestigations conducted in 1907 toughest," he shrugged. and 1910 to determine the A Texas Air Force officer conditions on the area of more came in a close second, Lt. than 1 million acres in northCol. Ronald Force, from Ohio, eastern Oregon showed that marched round and round a the killing of a large number 4.6 mile course at Amarillo of trees by the mountain pine Air Force in 10 hours, 30 minBig antelope herd beetle has been going on in utes and 45 seconds. reported near Bend this area since 1905. It was Some critics said F orce estimated that 35 percent of Reports of at l east 3,000 ought to be penalized because the lodgepole pine on about I antelope in one herd w ere the Amarillo terrain is so flat. million acres and 50 percent brought to Bend this week Atty. Gen. Kennedy, despite of the matured lodgepole on by stockmen, who said the a nearly 18-hour time, fin800,000 acres of th e s ame pronghorns were in the snow- ished the final 200 yards with area had been killed, or a total covered Millican Valley, only a sprint. The four Justice Deof over 8 million trees. It was about 25 miles east of Bend. partment aides dropped out, also estimated that 140,000 First information about the exhausted. yellow pine had been killed large herd was brought here by this beetle and that the in- by Con Guiney. Later W.A. 25 YEARS AGO vasion was moving south and Rahn, of Millican, said that southeast into the more valu- antelope are now grazing in For the week ending able areas of yellow pine. the Millican-Brothers area. Feb.16,1988
For the week ending Feb.16,1938
For the week ending Feb.16,1963
Gold discoverer's gun is treasured
Kennedy has got country moving again
When Californians observe the anniversary of th e d i scovery of gold by James W. M arshall in 1848, perhaps few know that momentous event was made possible by Marshall's silver-inlaid Kentucky rifle. The gun with which Marshall shot game for food and fought off w il d a nimals on his long trek across the wild Western plains is in the possession of Elton F. Bailey, Merced service station proprietor. M arshall's s u rvival a n d subsequent discovery of gold one January afternoon in the m illrace of Sutter's mill i n California's El Dorado county fired the nation's spirit of adventure. Hundreds of thousands of immigrants poured into California to c r eate a g reat mining i n dustry a n d open new fields ofbusiness and commerce. Into the mints of the national government poured more than $2 billion which history records ashelping finance the north in the Civil War. Beautifully carved, the rifle is inlaid with silver and copper. Its barrel bears Marshall's inscribed name and near the trigger are his initials, worn almost smooth. After he picked up that nugget of gold, worth not more than $5, Marshall's claims to the land on which gold was discovered were disregarded
President Kennedy has got the country moving again. Foot-loose and fancy-free Americans, from Boy Scouts to Air Force majors, hit the open r oa d t h i s w e e kend in response to a p r esidential challenge to the Marine Corps. It all started when Kennedy told Gen. David M. Shoup, Marine Corps commandant, to implement a 1908 order by Theodore Roosevelt requiring officers periodically to hike 50 miles within three days. S ome walked softly a n d some dragged their feet, but most of the hikers covered the back trails of the New Frontier in less than 20 hours. The Marines, of course, led the way. Even President Kennedy turned in a b r i s k q u artermile walk. Atty. Gen. Robert F. Kennedy tramped 50 miles from Great Falls to Harper's Ferry, Va., and left four companions behind. A Marine trainee who went the route in 14 hours, when asked if he would do it again, said "every time the Marine Corps is challenged, Sir." Bobby Hoffman, a 14-yearold Boy Scout who trudged w ith four p al s f r o m D o d geville, Wis., t o D u b uque, Iowa, said "I'm not ready to do it again tomorrow, but give me a month and I'll be ready." Air Force Capt. Fritz A. By-
It's more than sibling rivalry
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who is a gang member, was the intended target, and that Tomas Montes was not part of
the gang.
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Suzi Kukar shouldn't be hard to find in the stands tonight at the girls basketball 48, and a spot in the playoffs. game between Bend High and Krissy Kukar was high scorer Mountain View. She will be at for Bend. mid-court, flanked by L ava Bear fans on one side, Cougar partisans on the other. The outcome of the game will weigh greatly on b oth teams' post-season playoff chances. In fact with a daughter on each team, Suzi Kukar will be watching with greater interest than anybody in the gym. Nicki Kukar is a senior guard for th e cougars and Krissy Kukar is a sophomore guard for the Lava Bears. "It's v ery d i fficult w h en they play against each other," says Suzi Kukar, adding that because it's hard to root for Attend one of our free seminars to learn about one daughter without rooting Medicare Advantage Plans starting as low as $19. against the other, "I just have to hold my breath." But what sounds like a parent's nightmare in reality has Redmond Thursday, February 21, 10:30am been a good experience for the Kukars. at Black Bear Diner, 429 NW Cedar Avenue "A lot of people probably think we go home from the games and fight," says Suzi. 541-241-692 6 "But that's not the case. The girlsare very mature. They've www. Medicare. w orked overtime a t b e i n g
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The Kukars became a twoschool family w hen K r issy bucked family tradition and announced her desire to attend Bend High. Athletics had nothing to do with the decision, she insists. "I'd always followed behind my brother and sister," Krissy relates. "I wanted to do something different." Her parents and sister were
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BITUARIES DEATH NOTICES Carole D. Johnson, of Bend
Mary Lou Thomason, of La Pine
April 28, 1948 - Feb. 10, 2013 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, 541-382-5592
June 19, 1941 - Feb. 12, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 Services: There will be a Public Viewing on Monday, February 18 and Tuesday, February 19, from 9:00 a.m. until 4:00 p.m., at Baird Memorial Chapel, located at 16468 Finley Butte Road in La Pine. A Graveside Service will take place on Thursday, February 21, 2013, at 1:00 p.m., at La Pine Community Cemetery, located at the end of Reed Road in La Pine.
Services: Memorial services for Carole will be held at a later date.
Darrel E. Shereck, of Grand Forks, ND (formerly of Portland and Bend) Jan. 30, 1957 - Feb. 14, 2013 Arrangements: Amundson Funeral Home of Grand Forks, ND, (701) 772-7070 Services: A Celebration of Life memorial service will be held Monday, Feb. 18 at 10:30 am at Hope Church. Contributions may be made to:
Altru Cancer Center or Hope Church both in Grand Forks, ND.
Delores K. Lynn, of Bend April 7, 1931 - Feb. 12, 2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds, 541-382-2471. Please visit the online registry at
Services: Private Family services were held.
Jean T. Williams, of Bend May 13, 1926 - Feb. 13, 2013 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds, 541-382-2471. Please visit the online registry at
Services: Private Family services will be held. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care, Hospice 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701 or First United Methodist Church, 680 NW Bond, Bend, OR 97701.
Julia 'Judy' B. Dobell, of Bend July 16, 1920 - Dec. 13, 2012 Services: Please join us for a Celebration of Life gathering on Feb. 22, 2013, from 2:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m., at the Sunrise Village Lodge, 19560 Sunshine Way, Bend.
Robert "Bob" Franklin Knox, of La Pine Jan. 22, 1933 - Feb. 12, 2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 Services: No Services will be held, per Bob's request. Contributions may be made to:
Partners In Care Hospice, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct., Bend, OR 97701, 541-382-5882.
Rodney Ellsworth Dale, of Redmond Feb. 5, 1923 - Feb. 11, 2013 Arrangements: Autumn FuneralsRedmond (54'I -504-9485) Services: A memorial service will be held at a later date in Middleton, Idaho. Contributions may be made to:
3ABN Planned Giving& Trust Services Po Box 220 West Frankfort, IL 62896
John "Bob" FL Stevens, of La Pine Oct. 21, 1932- Feb. 5,2013 Arrangements: Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 Services: A Memorial Service will be held on Saturday, March 9, 2013, at 2:30 p.m., at the La Pine Pentecostal Church of God, located at 51491 Morson Street in La Pine.
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Shadow Morton, 71: Songwriter and producer who for a brief, luminous period in the 1960s poured the discontents of adolescence into original hit songs, including "Leader of thePack" and "Remember (Walking in the Sand)." Died Thursday in Laguna Beach, Calif. Richard Murphy, 68: Social policy innovator who aided tens of thousands of disadvan-
taged New York City children a nd teenagers through h i s c ommunity organization i n Harlem and as the city's youth commissioner. Died Thursday in Manhattan. Rem Vyakhirev, 78: Former chief executive of the huge Russian energy company Gazprom during the 1990s who resisted efforts by reformers to break up and privatize it, only to become billionaire part owner. Died Monday. — From wire reports
Sheelagh Rose Skinazi liov. 13, 1929- Fed. 1, 2013 S heelagh is s u rvived b y h er s i s t er , J a n i ce ; t w o d aughters, L a u r a M i l n e a nd F e A n d e r son; e i g h t grandchildren and tw o greatgrandchildren. Celebrate her life on M arch 1 , 2013 at 60520 Sheelagh Rose Umatilla Skinazi Circle, Bend, 97702 at 5 p.m. Dinner provided. Contributions m a y be m ade in he r n am e t o t h e Humane Society of Bend or the Ponderosa Elementary School in Bend. RSVP to 541-410-2652.
Barnaby Conradwas novelist, painter, pianist and bullfighter By Bruce Weber
legendary Spanish bullfighter wrote in an essay in The New known as Manolete. It pre- York Times Magazine in 1986. As a 19-year-old art student sented a fictionalized version "In my case the hero was Erone summer in Mexico City, of his final appearance in the nest Hemingway. He shaped Barnaby Conrad attended a ring in 1947, when he came out my life, changed my life and bullfight, and, with a whimsi- of retirement to compete with almost cost me my life." cal bolt of Hemingwayesque a younger torero and was faIn 1953 C onrad o pened bravado, leapt into the ring tally gored. the San Francisco nightclub and challenged a bull himself, In 1958, Conrad h imself El Matador with money he using his B r ooks B rothers nearly suffered the same fate; earned from the novel. It beraincoat as a cape. r eturning to the r ing for a came a city fixture where local He barely escaped, but the charity event, he was gored and visiting celebrities — Holstunt amused and impressed through the leg. He later wrote lywood stars, famous writthe famed bullfighter Felix a memoir of his bullfighting ers, politicians — would pass Guzman, who had been pre- years, "Fun While It Lasted" liquid evenings with the host. paring for his turn in the cor- (1969), in which the ghost of He wrote a jaunty account of rida when Conrad performed Ernest Hemingway, whom he his decade owning the club, "Name Dropping: Tales From his spontaneous, amateurish never met, looms palpable. "I suppose most men who My San Francisco Nightclub" veronicas. Guzman soon bec ame Conrad's tutor in t h e have heroes they've admired (1997). Another memoir, "Time art of the matador — though, since youth have an itch to pass Is All We Have: Four Weeks at Fed. 12, 1919- Fed. 13, 2013 alas, in their first training ses- on their enthusiasm, their hero the Betty Ford Center," was sion together with a live bull, worship, to their children," he published in 1986. Gilbert D. Best died one d ay after c e l ebrating h i s Conrad was gored through 94th birthday. He was one the knee. Just about the time o f seven c h i l dren w h o s e he recovered, he learned he'd parents were Charles and been admitted to Yale UniS adie B e st . T h e y m a d e versity. His flight back to the their home in C h i co, CA., United States crashed on the Death Notices are free and will Deadlines:Death Notices are where Gil was born. H e served i n t h e U S . runway in Burbank, Calif. be run for one day,but specific accepted until noon Monday This eventful summer vaArmy during W W I I , a s a through Friday for next-day guidelines must be followed. cation was a mere prelude to Cannoneer Light A r t i llery. Local obituaries are paid publication and by4:30 Additional duties included Conrad's eventful life. He suradvertisements submitted by p.m. Friday for Sundayand batteryman and c arpenter vived the crash to fight more families or funeral homes. Monday publication. Obituaries in the 146th Field Artillery than 40 bulls in Spain, Mexico They maybe submitted by must bereceivedby5p.m. in the Asiatic Pacific Camand Peru, to write more than Monday through Thursday for phone, mail, email or fax. p aign. H e a l s o e a r ned a 30 books, to earn a living as a The Bulletin reserves the right publication on thesecond day r ibbon w i t h t h e B r o n z e portrait painter and a cocktail to edit all submissions. Please after submission by1 p.m. Star during that time. Upon his return home, he pianist, to own a celebrated include contact information Friday for Sunday orMonday s ettled i n t o b e c o m in g a nightclub and to start a writin all correspondence. publication, and by 9 a.m. l ong-time a l m ond g r o w er ers' conference. He would deFor information on any of these Monday for Tuesday publication. a nd rancher i n t h e c o u n - scend into and re-emerge from services or about the obituary Deadlines for displayadsvary; ties of Butte and T ehema alcoholism and befriend a long policy, contact 541-617-7825. please call for details. in Northern California. He list of boldface literary names, r eceived a l o t o f enj o y - including Sinclair Lewis, John m ent from b e ing a " c o w - Steinbeck, William F. Buckley Phone: 541-617-7825 Mail:Obituaries boy" o n cattle d r i ve s i n Jr. and Ray Bradbury, many of Email: obits© PO. . Box 6020 L assen N a t i o na l Par k . Fax: 541-322-7254 Bend, OR 97708 Upon retiring i n 1 9 91, he whom he painted; his portraits a nd h i s w i f e , M ar i l y n , of Alex Haley, James Michenm oved t o a s m a l l r a n c h er and Truman Capote are in near B e n d t o m ak e t h eir the National Portrait Gallery FUNERALsl BURIALs l cREMATIQN l PRE-PLANNING new home. collection. Perhaps to tempt MQNUMENTsl AIR HEARsE He i s s u r v i ve d b y hi s fate, perhaps to keep it in his w ife, M a r i l yn ; t h ei r c h i l - own hands, he also learned to d ren, J a ne t B e s t , E l l e n fly a plane. Soehner, Donald and Alan Conrad died Tuesday at his Best, Amy 8c Ted Yannello, Janice Y a n n ello H o l d e n; home in Carpinteria, Calif., his sister, Verna Seavers of near Santa Barbara, his son 717 SW6TH STREET ' REDMOND P aradise, CA ; 1 1 g r a n d - Barnaby Conrad III said. He c hildren; an d 1 2 gr ea t - was 90. S41.S48.3219 grandchildren. After graduating from Yale, Graveside services with Conrad went to work for the M ilitary H o n or s w i l l be State Department and in his held T u e sday, F e b r uary, early 20s served as a vice con19, 2013 at 1 1:00 a.m. at sul in Spain, where he re-enD eschutes Memorial G a r d ens. C o n t r i butions a r e tered the world of bullfighting; s uggested to th e H u m a ne became the protege of Juan Society of Central Oregon, Belmonte, considered among 61170 SE 27th S t., B end, the greatest of matadors; and OR 97701. Please visit our fought under the name "El website w w w . d e schutes- Nino de California" — the to ifornia Kid. He wrote about Visit our website to view obituaries and leave condolence l eave condolences for t h e messages on our guestbook. the sportforEsquire and other family. magazines and put it at the center of his first two novels, LocALLY FAMILY OwNED 6L OPERATED "The Innocent Villa" (1948) We honor all pre-arranged plans including Neptune Society. and "Matador" (1952), which s old more t ha n 2 m i l l i on copies. "Matador" was based on the famous death of Manuel reano Rodriguez Sanchez, the ' New York Times News Service
Gilbert Donald Best
Obituary policy
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James Lucien hrthurs
October2T, l9I6- February T,20I3
May 3, 1937 — January 25, 2013
James Lucien Arthurs formerly of Eugene, Oregonpassed away in Bend,Oregon atthe age of 96. He was born to Claude W. Arthurs and Ebel DeAlma Arthurs on October 27, 1916 in Bristow, Oklahoma.
Marvin Glenn McKinney ofCulver, Oregon; much loved husband, father, and grandfather, passed away on Friday, January 25, 2013 in Redmond, Oregon. He was 75.
He graduated from dentalschool in l940 at Kansas City Western. The Army called him to duty in October l940, and he served as Captain in the Dental Corps until December 1945. He was stationed at Pearl Harbor on December 7, 194I. During a special leave he married Olive Valetta Dickson on November 30, l940 in Bristow, Oklahoma. After the service, he established a dental practice at the Springfield Dental Arts Clinic in Springfield, Oregon from l945 until retirement in l979. James was a member of the Masons, charter member of the Springfield Rotary Club,served as President of the Lane County Dental Society for one year, andservedtwo terms on the Springfield School Board. He was also a member of the Eugene Country Club since l949. In addition to golf, he enjoyed hunting, fishing and sports, especially University of Oregon Football. He was preceded in death by his wife, Valetta. He is survived by his son,Fred in Bend,Oregon; grandsons,Tylerand Tim ofEugene;and great-granddaughters, Jadyn and Aiyana. Heartfelt thanks go out to Bend Villa Retirement, Evergreen of Bend and Partners in CareHospice House for their loving and compassionate care. A memorialservicewill be held Friday, February 22nd at the First Congregational Church in Eugene at 2:00pm. Rest Haven Memorial Park and Funeral Home in Eugene is in charge of the arrangements. Memorial contributions may be made to the First Congregational ChurchFoundation, I050 East23rd,Eugene,OR97405.
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A remembrance of Marvin's life will be held Saturday, February 23, 2013 at 11:00 am MST at the Vale Christian Church, located at 450 A St. West, in Vale, Oregon. Marvin was born May 3, 1937, in Ontario, Oregon, to Merrill "Red" and Ruth (Maupini McKinney. He grew up on a small cattle ranch outside of Vale, Oregon. Shortly after graduating from high school, he served in the U.S. Army during which time, he was stationed in Alaska. After returning home, he met and married Linda Joanne Woodward, his partner in life for the past 54 years.
He worked for the Vale road department and the Oakridge sawmill for a number of years before returning to ranching, a vocation he pursued with his wife Linda at his side, for the remainder of his life. He ran a large cattle ranch in eastern Oregon for 33 years. He and Linda then "retired" to a small cattle ranch in Culver, Oregon, where they have happily lived for the past12 years. His greatest joy and personal measure of success, was raising cattle from birth, and adding them to the herd that he and Linda worked together to build. Marvin enjoyed rodeo, hunting, four-wheelers, horses, reading the news, candy, but most especially, family. Marvin is survived by his wife Linda McKinney of Culver, OR;sons, Steve McKinney of West Richland, WA and David McKinney (wife Tami) of Redmond, OR; daughter, Sheila Hite (husband Brad) of Corvallis, OR. Other survivors include his grandson, Bryan, and five granddaughters ,Janet,Shalene,Danielle,Madyson and Hannah. He is preceded in death by his parents; his brothers, Milton and John McKinney; and daughter-in-law Susan. Autumn Funerals Redmond is honoredto serve the family, (541) 504-9485,
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February 20, 1912 — February S,2013 Viola "Vi" passed away at St. Charles, Bend, as a result of a fall. She was just days shy of her 101stbirthday.Born at home to Maggie and Alfred Blake in Mystic, lowa in 1912. She married Lester Chastain in Nebraska in 1933. Lester passed way in 1941, leaving her with 2 sons, 3 years and 6 months old. Vi worked in Nebraska driving school bus for challenged children. Being a widow, her mother moved in with her and Vi rented rooms to borders to provide for her and her sons. Later in the 40s they moved to DeLake on the Oregon moved to Salem, and worked for the Public Utility Commission. She married Ernest Everett"jack" Rodgers in 1951, and had two daughters.She became a homemaker, and she and Jack lived in Klamath Falls, Independence, Millersburg, Scio, briefly in Arkansas, Baker City, Redmond,Alfalfa and Terrebonne.Vi enjoyed garage and estate sales,several cups of coffee a day and looking out the window at Smith Rock. She was a greatcook and loved being surrounded by family and friends. She had an amazing life, heart, and was the best Mother, Grandmother and friend anyonecould ask for.
Viola was preceded in death by her Mother and Father; husbands, Lester & jack,all her siblings,3sisters and 2 brothers. She is survived by sons, Richard (Rose) Chastain, Kennewick,WA, Dennis (Laura) Chastain, Sun Lakes,AZ; daughters, DonnaRodgers, Redmond, OR, Wanda (Arland) Kunz, Bend, OR. Grandchildren: Tammy Kirkwood, Rick Chastain, Mike Chastain, Katie Chastain, Craig Chastain, Phillip Callahan, Paula Head, Michelle Hinton and jason Lovejoy. Greatgrandchildren: Kiara Drake, Austin Head, Cooper Chastain and Tucker Chastain. She leaves many extended family members whoVi opened her heart and home to. Our grateful thanks to Dr. Claridge and Dr. Land of Redmond; Dr. Belza, Sc Charles, ICU; and the 4th floor nursing staff for their compassionate care of Mother. A private family celebration will be held. /
Managerwarnssaety issuesignore at Washington nukesite By Ralph Vartabedian Los Angeles Times
The long-troubled project to clean up radioactive waste in Hanford, Wash., has come under attackfrom another senior manager, the third to assert that top executives are ignoring serious problems in the plant's design. Donna Busche, the manager of environmental and nuclear safety for San Francisco-based URS Corp., alleged in a lawsuit filed this week that executives at the $13.4 billion project attempted tosuppress her warnings and were working to fire her. Busche, a nuclear engineer and health physicist, alleged that pressure to meet deadlines
led the company to retaliate against her for i nsisting on stringent safety practices at the former nuclear weapons complex. Hanford is the nation's most contaminated piece of property, home to 56 million gallons of highly radioactive sludge in underground tanks that pose a long-term risk of leaking into the Columbia River. Dozens of the tanks are already leaking and threatening the l argest river in the western U.S. The Energy Department is in a race to pump out the waste, embed it into glass and ship it to a future dump, but so far not a single gallon has been treated and the project is more than 20 years behind the original
schedule. C onstruction h a s bee n stopped since last year over allegations that the plant's design for mixing radioactive waste could allow explosive hydrogen gas to detonate inside the plant, or allow enough radioactive solids to accumulate in tanks to trigger nuclear fission. The concerns, backed up by panels of outside experts, forced the plant's construction contractors, URS and San Francisco-basedBechtel,to begin a full-scale test of the system to mixthe sludge, but using nonradioactive surrogates. The concerns about the Hanford waste treatment plantwhich resembles a small industrial city with many individual
processing plants, laboratories and ancillary buildings — have been voiced by senior officials on the project. Walter Tamosaitis, a senior URS scientist and manager of a large research staff,has said his warnings about potential hydrogen gas explosions led to his being isolated at work, given no assignments and put in a basement office without furniture. In August, Gary Brunson, then the Energy Department's engineering division director, sent a memo to higher-level officials that alleged 34 instances in which Bechtel had committed factualerrors,pursued unsafe designs or provided equipment that did not meet federal
standards. Brunson said those failures had led to delays and increased costs and that the Energy Department should remove Bechtel as the design authority for the plant. After the Brunson memo, an investigation by the Energy Department's office of nuclear safety found in November that Bechtel had committed potential health and safety violations, a finding that could lead to a multimillion-dollar fine. This month, the Government Accountability Office said the success ofthe entire Hanford project hinged on finding solutions to a wide range of technicalproblems. The report noted that the cost had jumped to $13.4 billion from $12.3 billion,
and would probably increase further. Busche's suit named URS Energy and Construction and Bechtel National. A spokeswoman for URS said the company would notcomment on Busche's allegations as a matter of policy on litigation. Busche had earlier filed a whistleblower complaint with the Labor Department, but elevated the dispute to a formal lawsuit when she filed in federal court in Spokane, Wash. Bechtel National, the lead contractor at the Hanford project, said it took concerns about safety seriously and did not tolerate retaliation or harassment against employees who raised them.
aci ic is eries see recove
By Jason Dearen The Associated Press
H ALF MOON B AY , C a lif. — After one of the West Coast's most valuable commercial fisheries was declared an economic disasterin 2000, California and other Pacific states saw more boats being sold and more fishermen looking for work. But federal statistics show the first signs of a c o m eback among these so-called groundfish fishermen — those who ply deep waters for dozens of different species that fall under the "groundfish" label,such as sablefish,rockfish and thornyheads. Conservation efforts and a 2-year-old contentious quota system called "catch shares" appear to be helping, and fishermen who were losing money in the once-lucrative fishery are inthe black again, according to National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration data. Some fishermen i n itially skeptical of the stricter government oversight say they're now seeing the long-term benefits of this approach — and hard-hit fishing towns are see-
ing signs of recovery. "When the disaster declaration came on line, for several years after that, this fishery was in a very bad situation," Frank Lockhart of th e N ational Marine Fisheries Service said. "A lot of people were losing money, and on average, the fleet as a whole was losing money. "What it looks like now, in 2011, the first year of catch shares,they were able to turn thataround, and more people are making moremoney." Overall, regulators reported the West Coast groundfish fishery yielded $54 million in 2011; the average for the previous five years was $38 million. West Coast fishermen typically catch 10 percent to 21 percent of all U.S.-landed groundfish, a haul comprised of high-value sablefish and Pacific cod.
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I Jeff Chiu /The Associated Press
Geoff Bettencourt, left, owner of the fishing boat Mariah Lee, demonstrates how he sets up a black cod trap with fisherman Steve Fitz this week in Half Moon Bay, Calif.
Still, there are worries in some cornersthat the program in the long run will benefit big operations over small, familyrun fishing businesses. Catch-shares set an overall cap on the number of fish that can be caught in an area without devastating the fishery. That number is then divided into individual quotas for each fisherman or company. The rules are enforced by an observer on each boat who keeps close tabs on what is being caught. The system is new to the West Coast but is in use in more than 200 fisheries in 30 countries. Before catch shares, comm ercial groundfishing w a s more of a free-for-all: Officials set dates for when fish could be caught, then let the fleet catch asmuch as possible,as fast as possible. Monitoring was far less obtrusive, but the resultoften was more dead fish caught u n i ntentionally being thrown overboard so fishermen didn't get fined at the dock. Under the new p r ogram, fishermen cancatch their quota anytime during the year,
giving them more control over costsand labor and less incentive to cheat. In 2000, after two decades of sharp growth in West Coast groundfishing, several species of rockfish plummeted and the federalgovernment declared the fishery a d i saster. The cause is generally believed to be a mixture of overfishing, natural conditions and management mistakes. Standing near his boat, the 55-foot Mariah Lee at Pillar Point Harbor near Half Moon Bay, captain Geoff B ettencourt said he and many other f ishermen o r i ginally w e r e skeptical about more government oversight. But the program so far has given him and other fishers a better dialogue with government regulators, and m ore optimism that the resources they rely on to make a living will be around for the next generation. "The previous type of fishing wasn't a sustainable way to fish," said Bettencourt, a black cod fisherman. "If we kept going that way, we weren't going to exist years from now." Another big change under
catch shares is that quotas also are set for the amount of fish caught u nintentionally — a major problem under the old system. Fishermen's nets would bring in fish they weren't supposed to catch, so they often would throw the dead fish over to avoid receiving government penalties at the docks. "Now, every single pound of fish — no matter what it is — is accounted for," Bettencourt said. "There's no hiding
anything." Under catch shares, government figures show unintentional catches of some species have been reduced by 80 percent or more in both 2011 and 2012.
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vc»~~' NCUA
W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013. • •
Today: More sunshine is expected, temperatures will be cooler.
More sunshine and cool conditions.
ture s .
Rfuer za/31
McMinnvige 49/32
Lincoln City 47/35
41/1 9
cloudy skies today.
41/27 Union
Baker Cf 40/21
•John Day
Yesterday Sunday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W
City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.
Paulina 4//zi 39/28
RedmOnd •
Valeo 4//29
Grove 4%36 •
• Bandon 49/37
Ham ton
La Pine 4U21 43/20 Crescento • Lake g Cr escent • Fort Rock 43/zt
Coos Bay
• 51/31•
• 18'
• Lakeview 42/I 7
F aIls 49/22 ~
• 63'
43/1 9
• BTOOkingS
35/1 I
Yesterday's state extremes
Jordan Valley
Chn s tmas Valley
Silver I.ake
41 /24
Gold • Beach
• Burns
37/1 9
40/2 I
4306 ~
+ + I h x w + 46 + u
9 ' y Saskatoon+ +Winnipeg + w + + 29/9 .w" w' 28/3 'xt ) 30/12 + 'xt o+
(in the 48 contiguous states):
+ tv
,'>Boise 41/23
Fullerton, Calif. • -28 0 Intl Falls, Minn.
h I San Francisco
Cit • "
o xToron o St. Paul ' Green Ba» Q 19/ 1 0 r ~~ 23 / 2 2' " D etroit1++ oB ffal
Rapid City 48/24
Forks, Wash.
Omaha S2/32
51 /31I IF I C;hlcago 22
o CD
2os 4 + txx
Nashvllle 45/29 • ~
L;ttle Rock' 60/45 •
I • A
tla n ta
• Dallas I I 51/34 72/57I 70s New Orleans
71/60 o
pS Anchorage
BOs Juneau 35/31
Mazatlan • 8 1/66
75/53 •
.t++ + '
• Miami 63/48
La Paz 82/55
32/ 18
o 42/23 Oklahoma City 66/44 •
o QH
57/40 •
( Birmingham 47/31
TiJuana 69/40
Kansas City
Honolulu ~ 80/69
I Columbus+~ •
l Ibuquerque os Angeles Ve9as 9 65/53 68/46 • 60/32 Phoenix
alifax 43/23 ortland
Bismar«ko 37/18
Salt Lake
Quebec ' + 16/7 x.
xvI Billings 45/19 •
ortland~ ~
• 86'
• 0.73
Bs Drier, staying cloudy and cool.
A bit of light snowfall through
@Kpdy@+'> the day. Ct
38 23
41 25
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:34 a.m...... 7:14 p.m. Venus......6:44 a.m...... 4:46 p.m. Mars.......7:35 a.m...... 6:43 p.m. Jupiter.....11 00 a.m...... 2 03 a.m. Satum.....lI:35 p.m.....10:02 a.m. Uranus.....8:24 a.m...... 8:43 p.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 54/34 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........70m1977 Monthtodate.......... 0.00" Recordlow......... -1 in1956 Average monthtodate... 0.65" Average high.............. 44 Year to date............ 0.70" Averagelow .............. 24 Average year to date..... 2.1 8"
Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.12 Record24 hours ...0.52 in1958 *Melted liquid equivalent
M onday The higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:
Astoria ........51/45/0.09.....47/38/c.....46/36/sh Baker City......47/22/0.00....40/21/pc.....39/22/sn Brookings......55/38/0.00....57/37/pc.....49/40/sh Burns..........52/23/0.00....35/1 5/pc.....38/20/sn Eugene........ 52/34/0.00....47/33/pc.....47/36/sh Klamath Falls .. 55/23/0 00 ...49/22/pc ...46/26/pc Lakeview....... 52/1 8/0.00 ...42/1 7/pc.....38/1 7/sn La Pine........54/25/0.00....41/21/pc.....42/19/sn Medford.......63/30/0.00....51/31/pc.....50/33/pc Newport.......48/45/0.02.....47/39/c.....47/37/sh North Bend...... 52/45/NA....46/34/pc.....46/37/sh Ontario........55/25/0.00....47/28/pc.....48/27/pc Pendleton......55/27/0.00....46/26/pc......50/31/c Portland .......51/41/0.05....47/35/pc......46/36/c Prinevige....... 51/29/0.00....46/21/pc......46/21/c Redmond.......54/24/0.00....43/20/pc......45/22/c
for solar at noon.
Snow accumulation in inches
ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires
Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .64-66 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . . 72 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .68-1 07 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .96-112 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 93 Mt. HoodSkiBowl...........0.0......54-57 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . . . 122
Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Wigamette Pass ........ . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .42-92
Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Dchoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires
o www m •
A few clouds, some light snow flurries are possible.
Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .29-35 Mammoth Mtn., California..... 0.0... . .90-180 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .48-61 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . . .23-93 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-47 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Roseburg.......52/38/0.00....50/33/pc.....50/38/sh Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .48 55 Salem ....... 51/39/0 01 .47/34/pc ...47/35/sh Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . . 6 . . . . . . . . 40 Sisters.........51/28/0.00....43/19/pc.....43/22/sn For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: The Dages...... 56/28/0.00....48/29/pc.....48/31/pc or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
Yesterday's extremes
EAST Sunny to partly cloudy skies.
oppray 47/24
• Prineville 46»1
Eugene •
37 19
Sunsettoday...... 5 38 p.m F irst Ful l La s t Sunrise tomorrow .. 6:59 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 5:39 p.m Moonrise today...10:41 a.m Moonsettoday ...12:55 a.m Feb.17 Feb. 25 Mar. 4 Mar. I I
CENTRAL Sunny to partly
• Madras
Sh rman
Enterprisq • 36/19
La Grande•
Warm Springs• 46»
Willowdale 46/23
• Meacham
Governmentx CamP 36/24h
35/ 9
• Pendleton
oWaSCO 46/28
Sa n dy
• 48/33
• HermiStun 50I28
Da ges 32
HillsboroPOrt and ~a 47/35 49»2 •
40 2 2
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:01 a.m Moon phases
WEST Partly to mostly cloudy skies and dry today.
Seasideo • C~~~~~Bea~~~
As t oria
Tonight: Mostly clear skies overnight, chilly tempera-
* *
* * *
* *
xt + +
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday Yesterday Sunday Monday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/LolW City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......64/25/0 00...73/51/s.. 66/34/s GrandRapids... 23/17/0 00..25/19/pc...42/32/r RapidCity.......57/24/000..48/24/pc.32/14/pc Savannah.......54/41/0.01... 51/27/s .. 58/47/s Akron ..........31/19/0.1I..23/I5/sn. 42/35/sh Green Bay.......I8/-I/0.00..23/22/pc..36/24/rs Reno...........55/24/0.00...55/26/s. 55/29/pc Seattle..........52/39/0.00... 47/38/c. 46/36/sh Albany..........33/26/000..22/10/pc.. 28/I9/s Greenshoro......41/32/0 I2...38/21/s.. 49/3B/s Richmond.......42/33/0.18 ..35/I9/pc .. 48/35/s SiouxFalls........34/5/0.00... 40/25/c .. 29/5/pc Albuquerque.....58/27/0.00...60/32/s.. 55/28/s Harusburg.......37/30/0.00..28/18/pc.. 35/28/s Rochester, NY....31/22/0.00 ..17/12/sn. 33/30/pc Spokane....... 45/28/trace ..40/24/pc. 42/29/pc Anchorage ......26/10/0 00..I8/1I/sn. 20/I7/pc Hartford,CT.....39/32/0 03..28/1I/pc.. 32/I9/s Sacramento......69/41/0.00... 66/38/s. 63/41/pc Springfield, MO ..36/17/001 ...57/42/s. 53/27/sh Atlanta.........44/34/000...47/31/s.. 58/42/s Helena..........48/24/000..36/19/sn. 35/20/pcSt. Louis.........38/21 /0.00..50/37/pc...49/30/t Tampa..........71/51/000...57/37/s.. 64/55/s Atlantic City.....41/32/004..33/18/pc.. 38/31/s Honolulu........80/71/000...80/69/s .. 80/68/s Salt Lake City....38/24/0 00... 39/22/c.37/24/pc Tucson..........75/45/0.00...74/42/s.. 70/44/s Austin..........67/28/0.00 ..73/54/pc. 77/45/pc Houston ........61/39/0.00...71/60/s...74/55/t San Antonio.....66/31/000 .. 72/58/pc. 77/50/pc Tulsa...........46/22/000... 65/49/s. 62/32/pc Baltimore.......37/34/004.. 35/20/pc.. 39/31/s Huntsvile.......42/29/0 00.. 48/32/pc .. 59/41/c SanDiego.......78/53/0.00... 64/53/s.59/49/pc Wash/ngton, DC.41/36/0.03 .. 35/22/pc.. 41/35/s Bigings.........49/28/000 .. 45/19/rs.33/14/pc Indianapolis.....26/19/0.00..33/26/pc...50/32/r SanFrancisco....66/48/0.00.. 58/42/pc.53/43/pc Wichita.........48/13/0.00... 66/39/s .. 51/27/s Birmingham.....46/33/000... 51/34/s.62/45/pc Jackson, MS.... 48/36/0 00... 62/43/s.. 65/48/c SanJose........68/43/000.. 62/38/s 58/41/pc Yakima.........59/26/000 48/25/pc. 44/27/pc Bismarck........38/19/001... 37/I8/c...19/7/c Jacksonvile......60/40/0 02... 52/28/s.. 62/43/s SantaFe........52/17/000...55/24/s. 49/22/pc Yuma...........81/54/0.00... 77/51/s .. 75/50/s Boise...........57/30/000 ..41/23/pc. 45/27/pc Juneau..........39/32/005 .. 35/31/rs..37/30/rs INTERNATIONAL Boston..........38/33/0.01 ..26/13/sn.. 34/24/s KansasCity......33/17/0.00...57/40/s .. 50/26/c Budgeport,CT....41/33/0.03..29/13/pc.. 33/24/s Lansing.........24/16/0.00 ..23/17/pc...41/32/r Amsterdam......46/39/0 03 .. 38/33/c .. 35/34/c Mecca..........97/75/000 .93/70/s..93/70/s Buffalo.........28/21/000 ..16/13/sn.34/32/pc LasVegas.......66/42/000... 68/46/s .. 65/48/s Athens..........63/50/0.00 ..54/42/sh.51/46/pc Mexico City .....68/48/000... 75/45/s.. 79/46/s Burlington,VT....32/22/000....17/4/c.. 24/16/s Lexington.......34/19/000...37/27/s. 54/40/pc Auckland........73/64/0.00.. 73/59/pc. 75/64/sh Montreal........25/I 2/0 00... I I5/pc .. 14/3/pc Caribou,ME.....30/20/0.06...21/8/sn.. 20/6/sn Lincoln..........40/1I/0.00...57/32/s.41/20/pc Baghdad........64/51/0.00... 70/53/s .. 70/53/s Moscow.........23/7/0 00... 24/1 8/c.. 17/11/c Charleston,SC ...54/37/0.02...49/28/s.. 58/45/s Little Rock.......45/29/0.00...60/45/s...62/38/t Bangkok........95/81/0 00.. 95/78/pc. 98/79/pc Nairobi.........86/59/0.00 ..83/58/pc.. 83/55/s Charlotte........45/30/022...42/23/5.. 54/37/s LosAngeles......80/54/000...65/53/s. 59/49/pc Beifng..........37/18/000... 39/21/0. 31/21/pc Nassau.........77/68/1.14..75/64/pc. 68/65/pc Chattanooga.....42/31/000...46/29/s.. 60/42/s Louisville........37/23/000...40/31/s. 56/39/pc Beirut..........63/54/1.20...59/50/s.61/51/sh New Delh/.......61/55/000..67/53/pc. 71/55/pc Cheyenne.......49/25/000..49/16/pc.34/11/pc MadisonWl......I8/8/0 00...28/21/c...41/18/r Berlin...........37/32/000...35/30/c.34/29/sn Osaka..........41/32/000..45/41/sh. 47/32/sh Chicago.........20/13/000..32/29/pc...45/26/r Memphis....... 41/29/0 00 ..57/45/s.. 63/42/I Bogota .........68/45/0.00... 66/45/t. 73/45/pc Oslo............32/27/000..31/26/sn..30/15/sf Cincinnati.......32/17/000..32/23/pc.. 54/38/c Miami..........76/64/006...63/48/s. 70/64/pc Budapest........45/27/0.00... 37/31/c .. 33/24/c Ottawa ..........16/3/0.00...14/1/pc.. 13/3/pc Cleveland.......28/19/0.09..23/20/pc.. 42/36/c Milwaukee.......20/9/0.00..27/24/pc...43/24/r Buenos Aires.....91/75/0.00... 93/61/t...77/59/I Paris............48/30/0.00..45/30/pc.45/34/pc Colorado Spnngs.58/14/000...58/21/s. 34/I8/pc Minneapol/s......20/2/0 00...30/25/c... 32/6/c CaboSanLucas ..84/59/0.00... 80/59/s .. 79/59/s Rio de Janeiro....95/81/0.00... 89/77/t...89/75/t Columhia,MO...37/18/0.00...53/39/s. 54/27/sh Nashvige........41/24/0.00..45/29/pc...60/46/t Cairo...........68/50/000 .. 68/50/s .. 68/50/s Rome...........55/36/000 ..51/38/pc. 53/38/pc ColumhiaSC....48/36/026...46/26/5 .. 58/40/s New Orleans.....54/45/001... 61/49/s .. 70/58/c Calgary.........50/19/0.00... 29/9/pc.. 16/11/c Santiago........84/57/0.00... 78/57/s .. 78/60/s Columbus GA....50/41/000... 51/30/s. 61/44/pc New York.......40/34/0 02 ..31/18/pc .. 36/27/s 70/64/c .. 74/71/c SaoPaulo.......90/68/0.00... 81/69/t...80/69/t Columbus, OH....29/19/004 ..27/20/pc. 48/37/pc Newark,NJ......41/34/003 ..33/17/pc.. 36/25/s Dublin..........55/37/002... 43/35/c .. 45/38/s Sapporo ........23/18/043...27/16/c. 32/19/sn Concord, NH.....38/29/003...22/9/sn.. 27/14/s NorfolkVA......47/35/022..36/22/pc.. 46/36/s Edinburgh.......48/32/0.00...42/31/c .. 46/34/c Seoul...........34/14/000...36/32/c.. 34/13/c Corpus Christi....69/44/000... 74/63/s. 82/60/pc Oklahoma City...53/26/0 01... 66/44/s .. 59/33/5 Geneva.........41/28/0 00.. 37/26/pc. 35/30/pc Shangha/........52/34/000 ..52/34/sh. 47/31/sh Dallas FtWonh...56/30/000...72/57/s. 75/43/pc Omaha.........33/13/000 ..52/32/pc .. 39/18/c Harare..........79/61/000..80/61/pc...78/59/t SingaPore.......86/77/0.00... 81/77/t...87/77/t Dayton .........27/16/000..29/21/pc.51/36/sh Orlando.........71/51/000...57/37/5.. 67/50/s Hong Kong......68/63/000... 71/59/c. 76/60/pc Stockholm.......34/34/000 30/29/sn. .. 33/28/sn Denver..........58/17/000 ..58/24/pc. 41/21/pc PalmSprings.... 79/54/000... 78/48/s .. 73/47/s Istanhul.........43/39/0.00...44/38/c ..44/38/c Sydney..........73/66/000 ..77/64/sh. 77/64/pc DesMoines......37/12/000..51/31/pc.. 42/17/c Peoria..........29/13/0 00..39/33/pc. 49/24/sh lerusalem.......54/45/0.00 ..56/44/pc.. 58/43/s Taipei...........68/57/0.00... 71/63/s. 75/56/pc Detroit..........27/19/004..23/18/pc...40/33/r Philadelphia.....40/35/002..32/18/pc .. 37/30/s Johannesburg....78/60/0 00.. 79/59/pc.80/61I pc Tel Aviv.........63/50/0.00 ..65/51/pc. 65/50/pc Duluth..........15/6/000...25/22/c. 31/10/sn Phoeuix.........80/52/000...73/48/s.. 73/49/s Lima...........82/70/0.00 .. 76/69/pc...75/70/t Tokyo...........41/32/0.00...41/42/c. 51/31/sh El Paso..........61/29/000...67/44/s .. 65/42/s Pittsburgh.......28/21/000 ..25/I4/su. 42/35/pc Lisbon..........57/45/000 57/49/sh 57/47/sh Toronto.........25/16/002 19/10/pc.. 22/21/c Fairhanks........ 0/24/000...4/15/sf..-4/29/c Portland,ME.... 38/31/0 01..25/11/su .. 30/16/s London.........5007/00045/31/pc. .. 47/33/pc Vancouver.......50/43/0.09...45/39/c. 43/34/sh Farg0...........16/ 3/000...30/20/c ..21/5/sn Providence......36/31/0 05 .. 28/I2/su .. 33/21/s Madrid .........57/32/0.00... 54/43/c .. 56/42/c Vienna..........39/30/0.00...37/29/c. 32/25/pc Flagstaff........52/13/000... 51/19/s .. 48/20/s Raleigh.........44/33/039... 38/22/s .. 50/38/s Manila..........91/75/000..87/74/pc. 87/73/pc Warsaw.........32/27/0.00...29/26/c.. 32/28/c
Amy's Kitehen expandsits plant in the RogueValley By Greg Stiles Medford Mail Tribune
WHITE CITY — T h ere's more to growing an organic foods business than simply buying land, building factories
A conveyor carries food at an Amy's Kitchen facility In White City. The com-
and shipping a high-demand product. You also need access to organic crops, which is largely why Amy's Kitchen is building a $19 million expansion in Oregon instead of in South Carolina. Amy's, the Petaluma, Calif., maker of frozen organic foods, expanded here in 2006, building the company's first plant outside of California. Yet it also wanted a production plant in the Eastern Time Zone, which is where most of its customers live. So the company bought a shuttered Sara Lee pizza-crust plant in Greenville, S.C., two years ago. But that's as far as things went. Because while it was out looking for greener pastures east of the Mississippi, Amy's discovered the Rogue Valley looked better. When it comes to producing organic crops, the company learned, East Coast farmers have a long way to go to match their West Coast cousins. "There really are organic material issues on the East Coast," said Chief Financial Officer Mark Rudolph. "They a re still d eveloping an o r ganic market for th e t y pes and quantities of things we buy. Onions in the South tend be sweet onions, they're just a different product than we use. A tomato is not a tomato is a tomato. We need the same consistency with our onions as our tomatoes. We're committed to consistency and quality of our product and taste." B etween construction o f a 140,000-square-foot warehouse, its overhaul and equipment costs, Amy's Kitchen has spent more than $19 million revamping its local operation the past two years. " We had t o b r i n g m o r e electrical power and expand our ammonia freezing capacity,u Rudolph said. "There was some major heavy lifting over
pany opted
F or your generous support of the 12
a n n ual
Wonderland Express, which provided more than
200 local children and their families a holiday celebration full of lasting memories.
to expand in Oregon rather than South Carolina in order to have betteraccess to organic crops. Jamie Lusch The Medford Mail Tribune
the past 12 months in order to add the production line. The original intent was to have storage on site rather than leasing five off-site warehouses. At the time, wethought we could eliminate those outside warehouses. We've eliminated a couple, but we still have several." The company continues to do all of its soup production here and now has the capacity to rtfn two new soup lines. One will start this month, Rudolph said. As demand increases, a second line will go into operation, leading to another 70 employees and pushing the plant's workforce well past 800 as early as 2014. Rudolph said the decision to expand soup production in Medford was due largely to the availability of organic tomatoes in California and the West. uWe just don't have access to raw materials in the East like we do on the West Coast," Rudolph said. "It didn't make sense toship tomatoes across the country to be made into SOUP.
Weeks before Amy's opened a plant in Corby, England, in 2011, Greenville gave the company a hero's welcome when it announced a $63 million plan to buy and remodel the former Sara Lee plant in Greenville.
But seven months later, that plan was scuttled. "We still own the land, but at the moment we have no plans to do any expansion there," Rudolph said. "There would have been logistical benefits, especiallybecause over 60 percent of our products are shipped and sold on the East Coast." Instead, Amy's reinvested in its Rogue Valley plant, including the addition of a third spiralfreezer, in which products rise through several levels and emerge frozen 50 minutes later. "We were able to address our capacity issues, and now w e're mor e c o mmitted t o building capacity on the West Coast, where we can leverage our existing overhead," Rudolph said. The about-face in South Carolina set into motion a much different scenario than Amy's executives ha d e n v i sioned when they built the warehouse and a 30, 0 00-square-foot freezer here a couple of years ago. The idea back then, said Rudolph, was to gather products that are kept in cold storage around town. The more executives evaluated the costs and logistics of operating i n G r eenville, however, the more appealing Southern Oregon looked.
Aperion Management
Food 4 Less
AscendingLandscape Developments, lnc.
Food Services of America
Ross Stores - Corporate
Ball Janik LLP
Four Seasons Recreational Outfitters
Sage Springs Club and Spa
Balzer Painting
Franz Family Bakeries
Schwindt & Company Selco Community Credit Unit
Rhythm on the Range — Sunriver Resort
Bank of the Cascades
Fred Meyer - Bend
Bend/Lapine School District- Trans-
Fred Meyer — Redmond
Grocery Outlet
Bi-Mart — Corporate
Holiday Marketplace Vendors
Spring River Tree Service, Inc.
Blondie'5 Pizza
Staghorn Construction Services
7 Peaks Paving
Spacemaker Storage
Gabe, Dawn and Alana Bristow
Steven Hultberg
Star Productions
Caldera Springs
Famous Kettle Korn/Rodney Peck
Sunriver Fire and Police Departments
Century West Engineering Corporation Donations in Honor of Kathleen Lahn Sunriver Resort Associates Penny Drive
Charlie's Produce
Maybelle Clark Macdonald Fund
Sunriver Resort Limited Partnership
Chizzy the Clown
Or. and Mrs. Thomas McGranahan
Sunriver Stables
Columbia Distributing
Midstate Electric
Sunriver Utilities Associates
Control Engineers, PA
Mission Linen
SunWest Builders
Morning Star Christian School
SWANK Audio Visuals
Crosswater Club
Mr. Magic
Target Department Store
OKA Architecture & Design
Oregon Wholesale Hardware
Benjamin and Penny Watkins
Eberhard's Dairy Products
Terry and Marsha Penhollow
WH Pacific Inc.
Press Pros
Dorothy Wright
Electrical Mechanics lnc.
Quicksilver Contracttng Co.
Zagt Excavation
Mimi and John Fettig
RCI, Inc.
Travel, C4-5 Puzzles, C6
Film fest asks for local submissions
The Central Oregon Film Festival is accept-
ing entries for its 2013 contest. The deadline to submit a film is March 22.
Central Oregon residents are encouraged to submit films
no longer than15 minutes in one of three categories: adult, ages 15-18 or ages10-14. Film content must be
appropriate for viewers of all ages. Cash prizes, trophies and medals will be awarded to contest win-
ners. Entries must be compatible with a DVD
player, and canbe dropped off at the Jef-
ferson County Library in Madras, the Crook County Library in Prineville or the Redmond
Public Library. Winning films will
be screenedduring a 6 p.m. awards ceremony on April 27 at the Jeffer-
son County Library. Contest rules and details can be found at
www.centraloregon Contact: 541-8063268.
Trivia Bee tickets available Tickets are now
on sale for the eighth annual Trivia Bee, a fundraiser for the Edu-
cation Foundation for Bend-La Pine Schools. The event will take
place March 8 atthe Tower Theatre in downtown Bend. The Bee
features seventeams that compete against each other, sharing their
knowledge of random facts.
Doors open at 6 p.m. Appetizers will be served and live music will be under way before the event. Tickets cost
$21. The Beeraises approximately $40,000 annually to fund art, music, science andtechnology in schools. The foundation is also seeking team sponsors, as well as audience members to share their trivia knowl-
edge. Contact: For tickets, go to www.tower For more information, contact or 541355-5660.
COGC fundraisers coming in March Local residents are invited to attend two fundraisers that support
scholarships from the Central Oregon Community College Founda-
Photos by Barb Gonzalez / For The Bulletin
Snow-cloaked Wizard Island rises above the cobalt-blue waters of Crater Lake on a rare, cloudless winter's day. Thirty-two miles around, America's deepest lake (at 1,943 feet) is surrounded by cliffs that rise more than 1,800 feet above its surface.
• Crater Lake tours arejust oneoption at DiamondLakeResort By John Gottberg Anderson
in awe on the north rim of Crater Lake and embraced a view like none other on Earth. DIAMOND LAKEThere wasnot another soul in sight, save t was a tourist brochure sort of day, a lone raventhat clung silently to the upper one of those rare occasions when bough s of aodgepole I pine. clear skies, modest temperatures, a We were surrounded by February snow. whispering wind and great company L la o Rock an d Watchman Peak,the sheer fall into an almost headlands that flanked our cosmic alignment. NORTHWE5T TRAVEL position, rose about 1,800 Accompanied by guide feet above the 6,173-foot Jack Mattos, photographer In 2 weeks: Portland nights surface of the cobalt-blue Barb Gonzalez and I stood (and all that jazz) lake below. Like the rest of the crater rim, they were cloaked in white. Even Wizard Island, the evergreen-covered red cinder cone that rises on the west side of North America's deepest lake (1,943 feet), wore a snowy mantle. Behind us — north and slightly west, toward Diamond Lake, the winter-sports destination where we began our excursion — we beheld an untracked sheet of ivory extending to the forested Umpqua River watershed. I mused on the path we had traveled across the national park's Pumice Desert, a few miles to the north; it had been a wonderland of white, sun glinting off its crystals as if they were diamonds. Although my Bend home is less than a two-hour drive north of Crater Lake, I had never before visited in winter, when the north entrance is closed to automobile traffic. State Highway 62 from Chiloquin is kept open year-round, but that adds, at minimum, an extra hour of travel time. (Even though Crater Lake Lodge is closed between October and April, park rangers lead short guided snowshoeing tours on weekend afternoons, and hardy nordic skiers undertake the 32mile lake loop — usually spread over two or three days with overnight snow camps.) An average annual snowfall of 44 feet (measuring out to 3 inches a day from November through April) is measured at the A snowmobile rider follows the snow-covered national park headquarters, making it one Crater Lake highway toward Watchman Peak, of the snowiest inhabited places in North one of several clifftops that overlook the America. volcanic wonder. See Lakes/C4
Haley Gravelle, 7, of Klamath Falls, displays a colorful rainbow trout that she pulled from the ice-covered waters of Diamond Lake. The young angler used "PowerBait," an artificial paste favored by many fishermen, to land at least seven fish with her grandfather's help.
For The Bulletin
To Bend
Diamond La e Chemult
Crater Lake Crater
Portion of North Entrance Road where snowmobile use is permitted
Crater Lake National Park
Intersection with Rim Drive
Fort Klamath To KlamathFalls
• Bend
Crater Lake
Rim Village Visitor Center,1 Crater LakeLodge Q (closed inWinter~
Cra t er Lake
0 National Park • Klamath Falls G reg Cross / The Bulletln
tion. The Taste of the Town event will take
place from 6 to 10 p.m. March 1 at Mazama
Gymnasium on the COCC campus. It will
include samplings from
Gan i ran sons aresc i 00
more than 20 local
• Arun Gandhi says nonviolence away of life
restaurants, plus live music and a silent auction. Tickets are $25 in
By David Jasper
advance and $30 at the dool'. Then, on March 2, the foundation offers its Meal of the Year at 5:30
p.m., also at Mazama Gym. The fine-dining event will include a
four-course meal prepared by the Cascade
The Bulletin
Culinary lnstitute, a live auction and music.
Tickets cost $125 per person and are required in advance.
(/jj(,",,),I '
Contact: 541-3187400. — From staff reports Submitted Photo
Arun Gandhi, grandson of Mahatma Gandhi, will discuss nonviolence Wednesday at Central Oregon Community College's Wille Hall.
Mahatma Gandhi knew peace, helping end British rule in India by practicing civil disobedience. But after Gandhi's 1948 assassination, his grandson, Arun Gandhi, knew anger. Months earlier, the South African born and raised Arun, then 14, had been living with his grandfather in India. "I was very angry, because it was just a couple of months after I came back (home), and all those memories of living with him were still very fresh in my mind. So I was very angry, and Iexpressed the anger to my parents," Gandhi told The Bul-
letin last week. "My parents reminded me of thelessons my grandfather had taught me, and they said he wouldn't appreciate that kind of talk. He would rather ... you dedicate your life to seeing that what he lived for will be meaningful, and people will understand that," Gandhi said. The 78-year-old is still helping to spreadhisgrandfather's message of nonviolence. On Wednesday, he'll present the Nancy R. Chandler Visiting Scholar Program lecture "Nonviolence and Social Justice: Lessons I Learned from my Grandfather," at Central Oregon Community College
(see "If you go").
See Gandhi /C6
If you go What: Arun Gandhi presents "Nonviolence
and Social Justice: Lessons I Learned from my Grandfather" When:6:30 p.m.
Wednesday Where:Wille Hall, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend
Cost:Free for lecture; private
reception with Gandhi following lecture has sold out
Contact:www.cocc. edu or 541-382-7257
Formsforengagemeni weddinganniversaryorbirtitdayannouncementsareavaiiabieatTheBugetin i777SWChandierAve.,send orby emailing Forms andphotos must be submitted within one month of the celebration. Contact: 541-383-0358.
BIRTHS Delivered at St. Charles Bend Jesus Caslillo III andRussella Barney,agirl, Simona Donamae Castillo, 8 pounds, 12 ounces, Jan. 28. Chris TschanlzandAlisha Miller, aboy,LincolnAnthonyTschantz,7 pounds, 10 ounces, Jan. 30. Mark andRochelle Born,a boy, Logan Tyler Born, 7 pounds, 3 ounces, Jan.19. Delivered at St. Charles Redmond Daniel andKammie Costa, a girl, Paris Kelly Costa, 6 pounds,14 ounces, Feb.8. Antonio Cruz and Gricelda Drliz, a girl, Amelina Christina Cruz, 8 pounds, 1 ounce,Jan. 30. Daniel ToddandMeganWalker, a boy, CaidenAldrick Todd, 8 pounds, 7 ounces, Feb.4. Skyler and Jessica Auzenne, a girl, Dixi Noel Auzenne, 7 pounds, 9 ounces, Feb.5.
i 's eneticsnot estin w enitcomesto e avioi By Andrea Bonlor
pushy phases that soon work themselves out; other times, I am seeing some signs today's preschool shoving • of aggression in my 4- turns into tomorrow's outyear-old that worry me. His of-control punching. father has had anger issues But the penalty for overre(we are no longer together), acting is a lot milder than the and I wonder if it is too early penalty fo r u n d erreacting to start worrying about this? when it comes to aggressive Some of my friends say I am and perhaps violent behavoverreacting, but they don't ior in young children. Talk see what I see and I wonder with his pediatrician out of if they're just being nice. his earshot and get the name • You m i ght b e o v e r- of a b ehavioral specialist • reacting; it's hard t o — hopefully a psychologist know. Some kids go through — with whom you can geta d evelopmentally nor m a l consult. Special to The Washington Post
But don't view your child's genetics as destiny. The way you raise him (and that, of c ourse, includes how y o u let his father influence his life) will likely be far more important than his DNA in terms ofhis behavior. — Andrea Bonior, a Washington-area clinical psychologist, writes aweelzly mental health advice column in The Washington Post's Express daily tabloid and is author of "The Friendship Fix. n For more information, seewww.
"People forming households based on shared ideologies might lead the next generation
to become even more polarized." — Neil Malhotra, political economist, Stanford Business School Rachel Schwalk and Mark Whitney.
ove our e u icane es
Schwalk — Whitney
in Glendale. She works as a chiropractic and administraRachel Schwalk, of Killeen, tive assistant at MBS WellTexas, and Mark Whitney, of ness Chiropractic Center in Bend, were married Jan. 26 Killeen. at 25th Street Chapel in Fort The groom is the son of Hood, Texas, with a reception Mike and Peggy Whitney, of following at the Hilton Garden Bend. He is a 2009 graduate of Inn in Killeen. Mountain View High School. The bride is the daughter of He is serving in the U.S. Army Melissa Morrison and Terry as a cargo specialist, stationed L edbetter, of K i l l een, a n d in Fort Hood. James O'Neill, of G lendale, The couple honeymooned Ariz. She is a 2008 graduate in San Antonio. of Independence High School They will settle in Killeen.
More womenaretaking their husbands'last names By Jesslca Grose
of pointing out the fact that changing your name like I did NEW YORK — According can actually be a l ogistical to Chloe Angyal at the Cut, nightmare, rather than make I'm a "situational name user" your personal life easier. I — i.e., a married woman who t hought that c h anging my changed her name legally but name on my marriage license uses her maiden name pro- was enough for the DMV, but fessionally. Angyal uses Be- I didn't realize there was a yonce's "Mrs. Carter Show" middle name loophole. My tour as a jumping off point marriage license and tax IDs t o d i scuss t h e have Grose as my fact that the stamiddle name, but t istics — w h i ch a surly l a d y a t show that fewer l C h a n g ed the Kings County married women my name fOr DMV told me that a« k cePing t elr I had to keep my m aiden n a m e s aeSthetiC o riginal mid d l e Slate
than at the high
(yOutry gOlng through
point in the '90s — don't include situational name users l i k e m e , SC h O OI Wl th "the everyday the laSt name Beyonces."
)a When the ac- Gr O Se tual Be y once a t t h e t ime, announced that l th O u g ht s he'd u s e he r m arried nam e
name of Ebenstein on my driver's license. The result? A ccording to t h e N ew Y or k Stat e Department of Motor Ve h i cles, m y i n i t i al s a r e
J.E.W . (Can't wait f or
mon o -
grammed towels!).
for her solo world I k n e W We
When I add up both sides of the l edger, I' m s t i l l g lad I t o o k m y
tour, Slate's Aisha Harris wondered i f t hi s w a s "a
step back in the
an d l t h ought
and it ' s for pretty
ongoing d e bate about "Beyoncea s-feminist." I n -
lt Ifvouid be
idiosyncratic reasons (though possibly similar ones
deed, when I told
Of US ha d the
Beyonc e's).
some of my older Same las colleagues, ones ut w ho married i n the '90s, that I l continue was going to take my hus b a nd's name, they were
Because my profession is so public, I think of my maiden name as my public face. It's almost a mask, really — it allows me
mildly horrified. in Pr OfeSSIOnal «y e a soning circumst for name-chang-
to b e a particular
ing had nothing t o do w i t h t h e patriarchy. As Katie Roiphe pointed out in an essay back in 2004, "Our fundamental independence is not so imperiled that we need to keep our names. The statement has, thanks to a more dogmatic generation, been made." Ichanged my name for aesthetics (you try going through elementary school with the last name Grose), and at the time, I t h ought, convenience: I knew we were going to have kids, and I thought it would be easier if all of us had the same last name. But I continue to use my maiden name in professional circumstances (see by-
line above). Angyal does a good j ob
person that I can keep s o m ewhat separate fr om my personal self. In this age when tweeting an d F a cebooking are part of the job of being a journalist (or a singer), it's important for me to feel like I have a private identity that I don't have to share. Perhaps Beyonce is using "The Mrs. Carter Show" to p r ove the same thing — that she has
By Seth Stevenson Slate
NEW YORK — I wa s about 15 minutes into a date with a woman I met on OkCupid when she boasted that in 2008 she'd voted for John McCain. I hadn't asked. She brought it up. She wanted me to know it was a badge of honor for her. I'd voted the other way. And I was curious about her thinking. BDid you have any reservations about S arah Palin?" I asked, delicately. "She was a disappointment to me," came the answer, cryptically. We left it at that, and she moved on to talking about David C r o nenberg movies. Casting a vote for a Republican is by no means a date deal breaker as far as I'm concerned. (Some of my best friendsare Republicans! Really!) But I c onfess this revelation threw religion could cause a 4.5 a different light across the percent swing in how eager gal's smile. It changed the a subject was to date a ficbackground music playing tional prospect. Education behind her monologues. had a 3 percent effect. And It'salways seemed a de- matched political ideology cent guess that we let po- also had a 3 percent effect. litical affiliations influence Even if the fictional person's our attraction to potential p hoto stayed exactly t h e m ates. But now w e h a v e same, ratings of physical atnumbers. A r e cent study tractivenessincreased by 2.2 d emonstrates t h a t hav - percent if the fake person ing similar political beliefs listed a political preference makes us more likely to be that was the same as the interested in a person when profile viewer's. (Which exwe view his or her online plains why my date suddenly dating profile. looked a little different to me Neil Malhotra, a p o liti- after I learned she'd pulled cal economist at Stanford the lever for the maverick Business School, says he and the hockey mom.) became curious about the In a second analysis, the question as he watched par- researchers partnered with tisan polarization increase OkCupid to gather data from over the past several years. real-life date-seekers. The "It seemed like the country key measurement here was was getting more divided," what Malhotra calls "joint he says. He kept hearing communication behavior." If friends say they would nev- a message was sent from one er datesomeone from across person's profile to another the aisle. One woman ended and it received a reply, that a relationship that was go- was deemed an indication of ing well after she discovered mutual dating interest. the guy was a conservative. On OkCupid, according to "I had a s u spicion," says Malhotra, by far the biggest Malhotra, "this polarization predictor of interest is relawas influencing our l i ves tive age. Being within five in ways that went beyond years ofa dating prospect's elections." age doubles the likelihood In the first experiment, that you'll h av e i n terest. 197 subjects were brought Next comes shared religion, into a Stanford behavioral which predicts a 50 percent lab and shown profiles of interest boost. Shared ethfictional people. The pro- nicity increases interest by files were made to look just 16.6 percent. Education has like those posted on dating a 10.6 percent effect. And websites. The researchers shared political p a r tisancould play w it h d i f f erent ship raises dating interest variables — such as keeping levels by 9.5 percent. " Things l ik e r a c e a n d the photo the same while switching t he fict i o nal education are traditionally person's religion, level of very big factors when we educational attainment or look for our potential partpolitical preference. ners," says Malhotra. "So The results showed that it's notable that political af-
many facets. She's played with identity in this way before, notably with her old alter ego Sasha Fierce. As forme, there's one more benefit to having two names: When I hi t t h e n ext stage of my career as a trashy romance novelist, I'll h ave a
Weekly AWs 5 EnteWainment Every Friday In
ready-made pen name. — Jessica Grose is the author of the novel "Sad Desk Salad."
filiation is having an effect this powerful and is rivaling other forms of sorting." Malhotra's takeaway? He's concerned t h a t pa r t i sanship might intensify if we all keep pairing off with politically like-minded souls. "We see congressional di stricts becoming m or e l o p sided," he says, "as people with the same affiliation choose to live near each other. People forming h ouseholds based on shared ideologies might lead the next generation to become even more polarized. Research shows that if your parents have different political beliefs, you're more likely to be moderate, whereas if
both parents have the same beliefs, it can make you more extreme." — Seth Stevensonis the author of "Grounded: A Down to Earth Journey Around the World." ql f / I Is.
Judq M~
• •
I' N E S
If you would like to receive forms to announce your engagement, wedding, or anniversary, plus helpful information to plan the perfect Central Oregon wedding, pick up your Book of Love at The Bulletin (1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend) or from any of these valued advertisers: AAA Travel Awbrey Glen Golf Club Bend Metro park S Recreation District The Bend Trolley Bend Wedding &Formal Black Butte Ranch Central Oregon Event Professionals Assoc.
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rena a: ocean view wi as ice scen By Amy M. Thomas New York Times News Service
All I wanted to do in Grenada was veg on the beach. I had a stack of paperbacks, SPF 70 and reservations for a Balinese massage. It was my first time back to the Caribbean in 10 years, and my first beach vacation in nearly as long. The prospect of eternal days of sunshine, frothy novels and morning yoga to keep me from morphing into a true sloth seemed like heaven. I had good reason to spend a few nights on this remote island, 100 miles north of Venezuela: It was my 40th birthday. I wanted to retreat and reflect. But after 40 years, you'd think I knew myself better. Day after day of mindless loafing at my bohemian-luxe resort, Laluna, where I bounced between my cottage-sized bungalow — one of 16 on the hillside property — and a chaise longue on the small, private beach, no matter how indulgent and quasi-spiritual it sounds, gets old. I wanted stimulation, not to sit stilL Luckily G r enada's r ising tourism trade offers plenty of activities. With lush rain forests and bustling villages, nutmeg factories and cocoa plantations, the island is filled with natural and agricultural delights. Indeed, Grenada is nicknamed the Spice Isle, and sensory adventures abound.I let my nose lead the way. There are several ways to get around the 120-squaremile island, including rental cars and public buses. But the easiest — and most informative — is renting a taxi with a local driver at the wheeL Which is how I found myself riding shotgun in a minivan next to a guy named Elvis. We were heading to Belmont Estate, a 300-year-old plantation that harvests spices like cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf, ginger, nutmeg and mace, and supplies the Grenada Chocolate Co. with organic cocoa for its chocolate bars. As Elvis navigated the winding, hilly roads up the island's eastern side, taking us past fruit stands stocked with breadfruit, mangoes and bananas, goats tethered to telephone poles, and pastel-colored homes covered inbougainvillea and perched on stilts, he gave me a brief lesson on the island's agricultural history. In 2004, after 49 hurricane-
da's "finest agri-tourism experience," then Dougaldston Estate is its forgotten cousin. With a worn boucan — a building with l ong d r ying trays on rails that can be pushed under the b u i lding d u ring rain — t h e e state has the b roke-down beauty of M i ss Havisham's mansion. Inside, the spiceswere displayed as artfully as if a food stylist had prepped them. Branches of cinnamon and pimento trees were splayed on work stations along with giant cocoa pods and calabash shells filled with allspice, bay leaf, nutmeg and mace: the perfect prelude to our next stop. A short drive away in the fishing village of Gouyave, the nutmeg cooperative enveloped us in the spice's unmistakable citrus-cola scent. Tons of nutMeridith Kohut/ New YorkTimes NewsService megs occupied long, shallow Belmont Estate in St. Patrick, Grenada, is a 300-year-old plantation that harvests spices. Aside from beds on the warehouse's secthe beach, spice co-ops, cocoa plantations and the raIn forest are tourIst destInatIons in Grenada. ond floor, where they soaked up the heat beneath the roof's eaves. Unlike cacao seeds, nutally came to life inside the m egs can't be exposed to direct boutique, where you can buy sun andtake two months to dry. everything from rum truffles They're then fed into a machine to chocolate-covered pineap- that spins and cracks them, and ple to pate de mango, a sweet, workers do the rest by hand: gummy bonbon enrobed in separating the shells and testdark chocolate. ing the nuts for quality before On the way home, Elvis sug- bagging them for export. gested we take the west coast. Having by now explored the "You get a lot of ocean views in full perimeter of Grenada, I the west," he said in response decided it was time to venture to my breathless "Whoa!" as inland, which led me to anothwe rounded a bend and saw er driver: Lenox. As we putted the turquoisewater before us. up the mountainous interior in Not long after, he pulled over a boxy diesel van, lush ferns to a roadside stand and orlined the road and bamboo Ann St. ClaIre separates mace from the nutmeg seed at Belmont dered a couple of local Carib trees bowed overhead, creatEstate last month. Grenada is nicknamed the Spice Isle, and senbeers.Elvis was a sales rep for ing a green tunnel. The air sory adventures abound. the company and, with quiet became dramatically cooler. pride, he handed me a bottle. I We'd enteredthe Grand Etang don't know if it was the choco- National Park. free years, Hurricane Ivan dairy farm grazed in a fenced- late aftertaste or Caribbean Cassava, clove, nutmeg, cinroared across Grenada, dam- in patch. A soft-spoken guide views, but it was one of the namon, hibiscus, passion fruit, aging 90 percent of the island, took a small group of us inside best brews of my life. star fruit, pineapple, avocado, including its nutmeg treesa cavernous barn, where the A couple of days later, I was yam, banana, mango, cocosource ofa chiefexport.Hurri - funky scent of fermenting ca- on my way back up the west nut,soursop,sugarcane—the cane Emily, which hit in 2005, cao beans, still white and goo- coast, this time with a driver worn trail on which we startfurther damaged crops and in- ey, permeatedthe air.As she named Francis and two aded our hike was a botanist's frastructure. In the storms' af- explained the process — dry- dresses that seemed to offer dream. And Lenox, a dream termaths, Grenadians started ing, roasting, pressing, conch- definitive Spice Isle experiguide. ing — she brought us outside, ences: Dougaldston Estate and cultivating more cocoa than He explained how papaya nutmeg sincecocoa trees take where beans were t u rning the Gouyave Nutmeg Process- seeds can e x pel p a rasites half as long to mature. This brown under the tropical sun. ing Cooperative. from the digestive system. He shift in priority was evident at But the estate's expertise reIf Belmont Estate is Grena- d emonstrated how th e t i ny Belmont Estate. T he 4 00-acre e state i s carved into a green hillside. Rows of royal palm trees lined a path through wild vegetaSOLUTION To tion, everything from towerTODAY'S SUDOKU ing tamarind to p etite bergamot trees. Goats from the =
EE C E 0 R
D E AR C R E L A C K AT S E W E S H T A I C R Y P L E S A K O U R S P 0 P T L0 B R Y N LC I S H R P B A S 0 H
F EM M E A R I E N M E R G E I S E S T C P H U M O R I V Y H I N E A V I N G L S R T W H E P O M E T L O O K R O F S A C K P A R R E R I Z O R R O 0 G U E R E S T A R E
57 36 69 12 74 95 48 23
2 1 8 7 9 3 6 4
83 79 3 1 45 2 6 18 92 57
da's — spell, I said yes.
He veered off the path, leading me through branches, over streams and a round f allen trees. Up and away, deeper into the unknown, we finally arrived at a sloping rock wall with water shooting down: the end of the line. Or so I thought. Following L enox's careful instructions, I slid off my shoes and followed him as he started slowly sidestepping up the rocky ridge, through the rushing water. It was an i ntimidating climb, but w e eventually reached the top. The water's roar subsided, and all was calm again. Then I saw my reward: Honeymoon Falls. One of several waterfalls in the park, and rarely reached by tourists, as it is off the welltraveled trails. I didn't entirely eschew the beach. In between chocolate tastings and nutmeg lessons, the forest and the falls, I found time to honor my original intent for visiting Grenada. I watched the sunset each even ing while paddling in t h e warm water. It was, I decided,
a good life in Grenada.
3 2 7 9 8 1 5 6 4
6 1 94 5 84 2 472 5 9 68 3 1 53 8 2 46 7 7 35 1 8 91 6
Mimosa pudica recoils at a human's touch. And passing a guava tree, Lenox plucked a couple of the ripe green fruit, instructing me to bite off and spit out the stem, and enjoy the firm, pulpy insides. As the aromatic vegetation gave way to wild forest, Lenox stopped. "We are going to do a spiritual exercise, OK?" For one full minute, he instructed, we were to close our eyes and just listen. I heard water babbling in the distance. Wind rustled through leaves, and birds chirped. Somewhere, a piece of fruit dropped with a soft thud. "As we go deeper into the forest," Lenox said, "it's important to really listen. It is important to hear what nature has to say." I did keep my ears peeled during our hike, but more to Lenox's continuous observations and instructions. "Do you want to do a little extra'?" he asked, about 45 minutes in. Fully under his — and Grena-
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TH E BULLETIN• SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 'I7, 2013 until April to wet their lines.
Ice fishing Of course, winter fishing is not the same thing as summer fishing. The lake's 10 mph speed limit for boats is of no consequence when the water is frozen solid. So on Jan. 1, ice fishing, more often associated with the upper Midwest, became a winter sport at Diamond Lake. Weekends are especially busy. On one recent Saturday and Sunday, I counted at least a dozen parties, ranging from two to eight people, fishing a few hundred yards offshore. They told me they came
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from Roseburg and Spring-
Photos by Barb Gonzalez / For The Bulletin
The lodge at Diamond Lake Resort, built in 1922, is a relaxed and rustic hideaway that welcomes visitors year-round. Two restaurants and a lounge, a general store and a full-service marina are among the amenities offered by a warm and friendly hotel staff.
store, they made it clear that t hey loved their w or k a n d Continued from C1 were gladto share the resort According to park officials, with visitors. the lake itself is obscured by The food wasn't out of this clouds about 50 percent of the world, but it was better than time through winter and early the norm. Prime rib and wallspring. We were remarkably eye pike in the Bailey Room lucky to arrive on the bluebird and corned-beef hash and day that we did. eggs in the casual cafe were delicious. There was even a Diamond Lake Resort pizza joint three miles down We began our day at the the lakeshore, offering delivDiamond Lake Resort. Locat- eries by snowmobile. ed on the northeastern shore F lanked on t h e e ast b y of the lake, 16 miles from the c raggy, 9 , 182-foot M o u n t crater rim, this relaxed and Thielsen, on the west by genrustic property was built in tler, 8,363-foot Mount Bailey, 1922 as a modest Umpqua Diamond Lake has been wellNational Forest fishing lodge. known for decades to trout Over th e 9 0 -plus y e ars fishermen. Anglers once that have f ollowed, cabins reeled in giant rainbow trout and motel accommodations as a matterof course. — totaling 89 units — have alBut the fishery began to lowed the resort to welcome decline in the 1990s after a y ear-round v i s i tors. T h e main lodge has two restaurants, an upper-floor lounge, meeting facilities and a spacious lobby beside a warm Gas,Bend to Diamond Lake fireplace. An adjacent store (round trip), 192 miles@ sells everything from basic $3.35/gallon .................. $26.13 groceriesto fishing gear, and Sno-park pass (season) ....$25 a full-service marina operSnowmobile-lodging ates in summer. package, Diamond B y my m e mory, I d o n 't Lake Resort .................$199.49 think the resort is a w hole Additional night's l ot different than it wa s i n lodging ..............................$109 the 1960s and ' 70s, when Meals, Diamond Lake m y family o w ned a s u m Resort ....................... $143.94 mer-recreation home on the southwest shore of the lake. Snowmobile guide.............$55 That's a positive statement. TOTAL .................. $558.73 Even though the walls of our far-from-modern motel room were too thin to muffle the voices of n o isy n eighbors, INFORMATION shortcomings were more than Umpqua National Forest. balanced by the warm smiles Diamond Lake Ranger of the staff. From the front desk to the cafe to the general
Expenses fortwo
Ifyou go
non-native species, tui chub, naively introduced by anglers as live bait, was discovered in the lake. The trout population declined along with the insects onwhich they feed and the once-clearwater became murky. In 2006,after much controversy, the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife poisoned the lake with rotenone. Ninety-five million tui chub were eliminated. By the following season, scientists noted dramatic improvements in water clarity, i nsect populations and t h e trout catch. Each subsequent year has been better — to the point that, beginning in 2013, Fish and Wildlife determined that the lake could now be open to fishing year-round. Anglers no longer would have to wait
District, 2020 Tokatee Ranger Station Road, Idleyld Park; 541-498-2531, www.fs.usda.
gov/umpqua/ LODGINGAND DINING Diamond Lake Resort. 350 Resort Drive, Diamond Lake; 541-793-3333, 800-733-7593, Rates from $89
field, Klamath Falls and La Pine. The resort store rented augurs, giant screws with which anglers can drill holes in the ice 8 inches in diameter. That takes effort, as the lake freezes to a depth of 14 to 16 inches beneath a l ayer o f s everal inches of snow. PowerBait, a mol d a ble, artificial paste that c omes in various colors and scents, was the most popular — and a pparently, th e m o s t s u c cessful — bait. Some anglers tried worms, and I watched
A dozen expert skiers disembark from a Sno-Cat on the upper slopes of Mount Bailey before heading downhill. Skiers pay $350 a head for a full day of skiing — typically between 15,000 and 18,000 vertical feet, according to guide Ross Duncan.
as oneunsuccessfull y jigged a hooked lure. Many sat in c ollapsible c h a i rs . So m e constructed canvas shelters to protect them from chilly winds. If there was a common denominator, even at 11 a.m., it was alcohol, by the can or the flask. There was no booze, however, where Larry G ravelle and hi s 7 -year-old g r anddaughter, Haley Gravelle, set up their lines — two apiece, as allowed by law. They had made the 85-mile drive north f rom Klamath Falls in t h e e arly-morning h o u r s an d were among thefirstanglers on the lake. Larry grumbled good-naturedly that after three hours of fishing, he was still waiting for his first fish. Haley, he pointed out, had already caught six, much to the delight of both her and her pet beagle, Chelsea, who made several rounds of sniffing and licking the catch laid out upon the ice.
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Continued next page
ATTRACTIONS Cat Ski Mt. Bailey. Diamond Lake Resort, 350 Resort Drive, Diamond Lake; 541-7933333, 800-733-7593, www.
Crater Lake National Park. Steel Visitor Center, Crater Lake; 541-594-3000, www.
II 'n '
A cross-country skier sets a track through a pine-and-hemlock forest along the Howlock Mountain Trail near Diamond Lake. More than 64 miles of dedicated trails for snowshoers and Nordic skiers extend all the way to the Pacific Crest Trail system.
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Diamond Lake Resort snowmobileguide Jack Mattos rests on the north rim of Crater Lake after a 16-mile ride.
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From previous page A s w e c h atted, on e o f Haley's poles began to n oticeably twitch. The girl had another fish on the line. "It's big, Grandpa!" she exclaimed. "I can hardly pull it in!" Larry encouraged her to keep reeling until he could grasp the line and tug the fish through the hole. Haley wasn't lying. It was easily the largest of her day's catch, a trout perhaps 18 inches long and a pound and a half in weight. "She'll have to stop fishing pretty soon," her grandfather joked. "She's almost hit her limit for the day (eight per angler). I haven't caught one yet."
get dry snow from two different weather patterns — we're far enough south to catch the California fronts as well as the Northwest storms — we average 600 inches a year." Bailey isn't for the timid. Skiersare subjected to a very full day. They meet at the Diamond Lake Lodge at 6:30 a.m., Duncan said. After a breakfast meeting, they travel by SnoCat 10 miles into the backcountry, where a small warming hut at 5,500 feet elevation becomes their headquarters for the day. They don't return to Diamond Lake until about 5:30p.m. "On an average day, we'll get 15,000 to 18,000 vertical feet of skiing," Duncan said. "That's six o r s even r u ns. When conditionsare perfect, we can ski 360 degrees on the mountain. "We do a higher percentage of runs on the north side, which ar e n o t a v a lancheprone like the east slopes. But justin case,we provide everyone with avalanche transceivers. And for those who want them, we offer powder demo skis,free of charge, courtesy of Atomic." As for Duncan, "I prefer to ski in snowstorms. I love it when the mountain is ice-cold and blanketed with perfect powder." Lead guide Rick "Oz" Oswald has been skiing Bailey for 30 years. His son, Ryan Oswald, and Steve Burns are also mountain guides. Duncan, a Colorado native, has been on Bailey for eight years; in summer, he is a SunCountry Tours river guide in Bend.
ttr.ttttrsKI Tptlt +..„, >TMI;t
Photos by Barb Gonzalez/ For The Bulletin
Cross-country ski trails are well marked in the Umpqua National Forest, with bluediamond markers designating routes through wilderness.
Nordic skiing Diamond Lake has become the hub for a very wide range of winter activities. In addition to ice fishing and snowmobiling — more than 300 miles of groomed trails, extending from Crescent Lake to Union Creek,are accessible from the resort — the Northwest's oldest cat-skiing operation, now in its 35th year, takes alpinists to the summit of nearby Mount Bailey. There's a small tubing hill with a rope tow that also welcomes toboggan riders and novice snowboarders. D og sledding is gaining a foothold; as the Cascade Sled Dog Club looks ahead to two days of races on the snow-covered lake next weekend. In addition, cross-country skiers and snowshoers have access to 64-plus miles of dedicated trails, some of them linking in turn to the Pacific Crest Trail system. Despite the opportunities, nordic skiing doesn't appear to have captured the same degree of interest here as it has in theBend area.When Gonzalez and I set out upon the Howlock Mountain Trail for a few hours of Saturday exercise, the only tracks we could follow had been made by snowshoes. When they took off in a different direction, we depended upon blue-diamond trail markers posted on trees to keep us on the right trail. Fortunately, th e p o w d er layer was light, and we didn't have to work too hard to blaze
our own track up the mountainside through groves of spruce and hemlock. Nevertheless, an hour had passed before we reached the Spruce Ridge Trail junction after a 500-foot ascent in two miles. The trail ahead kept climbing. Pleased with our short trek, we reversed course and followed our own tracks back to the trailhead. And we were reminded that going downhill can often be more difficult
than going up.
Cat skiing
d amages done to ou r m a chines. So I installed a basic "The next winter," he proudly recalled, "our damages totaled only $950." Mattos o u tfitted u s in shielded helmets and protective clothing, then carefully walked us through the steps of operating a snow machine. Following his hand signals down serpentine paths and b road s t r a ightaways, w e made our way i nt o C r ater Lake National Park, past the north entrance station that will likely remain closed until June. We revved our machines up to the 45 mph speed limit posted on park roads as we cruised through the Pumice Desert a nd climbed to t h e N o r t h Junction lookout — the only place on the crater rim where snowmobiles are allowed. The winter panorama in itself was worth a modest investment of $199.49 — the cost of a Diamond Lake Resort package which includes the three-hour rental of two snowmobiles and a room with two double beds.Guide service is an additional flat fee of $55. This could easilybecome an annual habit.
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— Reporter: janderson@
With a little more advance planning, we might have spent the day with Cat Ski Mt. Bailey, making turns down the mountain that rises above Diamond Lake on its west side. By snowmobile, we caught up with the group — 12 skiers, three guides and a driveratop the snowy summit. From this windswept vantage point, we could see all the way from Snowmobiling Mount Hood, in the north, to California's Mount Shasta, in But the Bailey skiers' exthe south. perience still doesn't match Guide Ross Duncan, who that of Jack Mattos, the man makes his summer home in in charge of Diamond Lake Bend, told me the company snowmobiles. caters "to advanced and exA Naval engineering veterpert skiers who want to ski un- an of the Vietnam War, where tracked powder — steep open he also served as a Mekong bowls and glades." The day River boat captain, Mattos rate of$350, he said,provides came to Diamond Lake as a an experience "very compa- mechanic in 1974 and began rable to heli-skiing." offering snowmobile rentals "We have fantastic expert two years later. "People didn't know how to terrain and th e b est snow in the Northwest, for sure," drive them," he recalled. "That Duncan said. "Because we first year, we had $27,000 in
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training and safety program.
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by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek
lb ~ ~ Unscramble these six Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form six ordinary words.
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so that every row, column and3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.
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Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.
with adversity (you will meet plenty), a funny bone so you can laugh at
your mistakes (you will make many), and a wishbone for times when you must hope for a magical lie of the cards. Today's North-South zoomed into a thin slam. When North bid three spades, South would have done better to try for slam with a cue bid of four hearts, leaving any further move to his partner. West led a t r u m p , an d S o u th c ounted only 11 tricks even if t h e clubs produced four tricks. He lacked the entries for a dummy reversal, and to win a second heart trick required a miracle. South w i shed f o r a di f f e r ent miracle. He took the ace of trumps, led a diamond to the ace and ruffed a
won the last two tricks with trumps. South used up his wishbone for the entire year, but he had to assume that East had four clubs as well as three trumps. A 3-3 club break wouldn't help South. L et's h op e E a st-West's f u n ny bones were in working order. North dealer Both sides vulnerable
rg Gf Gf
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WEST 464 9 K1053 0 K 10 8 6 4
EAST 4973
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SOUTH 4A Q J 102 9A62 02 41 K Q 10 2
diamond, hoping a defender might hold K-Q-x. When East-West played low, South led a lo w h eart: three, nine, queen. East led a s e cond t r ump, a n d declarer won and cashed the ace of hearts. He took the K-A of clubs and led a third club from dummy, and when East followed low, South ... finessed with the ten. West discarded, so South threw dummy's last heart on the queen of clubs, ruffed his last heart with dummy's last trump, and
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Postcard on the Run: The downside of these postcardmaking apps is that they don't includea stamp from wherever you are, which is arguably the reason to send a postcard in the first place. But the apps deliver a charming blend of old and new media. With Postcard on the Run, you snap a photo of a lighthouse, for instance, and then personalize it by choosing a border and, for 50 cents more, a scratch-and-sniff scent like "ocean breeze," "chocolate" or even "skunk," should you want to share an unfortunate camp-
app, you can begin tracing
ing experience. Then type your
your route on a map, thanks to your phone's global position-
message,select a name from your phone's address book and
ing system. The app also al-
signyour name bymovingyour
lows you to add photos, videos and notes to the journal while it calculates your altitude, latitude and longitude. And you can share those details with others on Facebook, Flickr and Picasa. Cost: $2.99.
fingeracross the screen (forold time's sake). The app sends a
real 4-by-6 glossy postcard for you, so there's no need to find a post office. Cost: $1.49 for a postcard in the United States; $1.69 internationally.
ly. They have looked at it as a strategy, as a weapon for conflict resolution," he said. «It's not a weapon. It's something that you incorporate in your life, and you make it a part of your life. nlf you don't do that, then anger." Gandhi told The Bulletin, you can't really practice non"The racist government came violence. Because it's not just and took power, and there about not fighting. It's about was a lot of hate, it seemed changing your own attitudes, like everybody hated every- your own behavior, your relabody else. For a person of tionships with other people," color, it was a very bad time to he said. grow up in that country." Gandhi believes our culture His family v i sited I n dia is steeped in violence, from regularly, and he recalls with the language to e ntertainsharp clarity living with his ment, sport and even personal grandfather from age 12 to relationships. "Over the c enturies, we 14. "I remember it very well, have built a whole culture of very distinctly, as if it hap- violence, a culture that has pened a few days ago,n he seeped so deeply into us ... said. "India was about to get that every aspect of our life is independence and was about violent," he said. « If we subscribe to t h at to be carved up into India and Pakistan. There were all the kind of violent culture, then riots and killings. It was very practicing nonviolence is not tumultuous." practical. You have to change Gandhi believes the Indian that whole culture. And it's government abandoned his o nly when y o u're able t o grandfather's phi l o sophy change that culture that you "long back," he said. "But peo- can begin to understand his ple at the grassroots level re- philosophy and practice it," ally still appreciate and value Gandhi said. "That's why my g r andfahis teachings." Teaching people to under- ther said we have to become stand nonviolence presents the change we wish to see in something of a challenge, he the world. If we don't become said. the change, then we can't reM I have found that a lot of ally bring peace in the world." people really have not under— Reporter: 541-383-0349,
of South Africa, (Arun) was
stood the philosophy proper-
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These apps do a lot, so a bit of practice is in order — which I recommend before you're wandering through Midtown Manhattan. L ivetrekker: U s in g yo u r smartphone's global positioning system, this app plots your route on a map and can pinpoint the monuments, museums, restaurants and hotels you visit. You can also share y our updates in r ea l t i m e through email, Twitter and Facebook. Cost: free. Trip Journal: When you open the tiny journal icon for this
beaten by 'white' South Africans for being too black and 'black' South Africans for being too white," according to his official website. "Through daily lessons ... he learned about violence an d a b out
Continued from C1 Gandhi worked as a journalist for The Times of India for 30 years before cofounding the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, based in Rochester, N.Y., where he lives. Gandhi is the fifth grandson of India's legendary leader, Mohandas K. "Mahatma" Gandhi. His visit comes as part of C OCC's Season of Nonviolence, which h onors advocates of social justice and nonviolent change. MI'll be sharing the lessons I learned from my grandfather as a little boy ... and how it helped me understand his philosophy," Gandhi said. Gandhi spent most of his childhood in South Africa. M My father, who was (Mahatma Gandhi's) second son, was the only one of the four sons who dedicated his life to continuing with his father's work. So we were in South Africa — that is where (Mah atma) Gandhi started hi s n onviolent m ovement, a n d m y f ather v o l unteered t o stay there and continue with that work. So I was born and brought up there." Life for an Indian under the apartheid system in South Africa was not easy, he said. "Growing up under the discriminatory apartheid laws
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73 7 4 "Yawn!" 69 Plumber's assessment? 79 72 Closely watched Index 83 73 Abbr. usually preceded bya comma
adjustments 77 Tenured coll.
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my Moleskine notebook. But they can m ake multimedia m emories with d etails l i k e miles traveled and ambient sounds heard along the way, whether they're church bells in Florence or Pacific loons in Alaska. And of course eve rything is designed to b e emailed or posted in real-time on Facebook and Twitter, taking vacation-photo sharing to state-of-the-art heights of self-absorption. After testing dozens of apps, I ruled out the ones that were not intuitive (no one wants to be fussing with a phone in the medina of Fez). For an app to make the cut, it had to be relatively easy to use yet able to produce slick maps, blogs, journals or postcards. With that in mind, here are some of the best high-tech methods for chronicling (and over-sharing) each step of the
. ,RR D
55 Spies on,in a way 56 Runs amok 60 Thought: Pref. 61 "Tales From the ": '50s horror comic 62 Small toy? 64 Al Green genre 65 Blisters 67 Apples, e.g.
Off Exploring: Don't have a From Petrarch to Mark blog? Wish you did every now Twain, travelers have been and then so you could share chronicling their journeys for that trip to Bali with family as long as they have climbed and friends? This app and webmountains a nd cr os s ed site enables you to do just that. oceans. Smartphone users can post The impulse appears to be text, photos and video to a Web as strongas ever.Yetthe methaddress created for them by Off ods have changed. Geoloca- Exploring. Cost: free. tion apps are the new leather Travelog: Like Off Explordiaries. With a few taps on a ing, this app enables users to smartphone you can create a blog to a Web address credigital journal with interactive ated for them by, maps, log every glass of Span- though it's a more no-frills afish wine you sip from Rioja fair. The minimalist blog page Alta to Rioja Baja, and turn has a pale gray background your photos into scratch-and- and there's no option to include sniff postcards that smell like video. Cost: free. suntan lotion. (Yes, really)
No app is as foolproof as
No bones about it A human skeleton has scores of bones, but to succeed at bridge you need three extras: a backbone to cope
Tripline: Build your own interactive map with photos and text by adding or checking in at various spots: a park, a theater, a nightclub. Here's the fun part: Your map is uploaded to, where you can set it to music — like "Irish dance," "secluded bay" or "Cape Town welcome" — and then watch as an animated red line zooms about the streets, pausing at the places where you posted photos or text. When it does, thumbnails of the photos and snippets of text pop up (click on them toenlarge).You can keep your map to yourself, or share it with friends and family on the Tripline website. Cost: free.
New York Times News Service
By Stephanie Rosenbloom
oes it take Plc SCIIIW ih
Travel apps move chronicling the trip from paper to pixels
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eew ere resi ens oo eir as rea s By Andrew Clark Special to The Washington Post
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Slowly my fingers slid along the surface. "You know, t h at's m ade of Quincy granite," our tour guide said, as my hand went down the edge of John Adams' tomb. Across the room, my travel partner — an d f u ture best man — Bryan Buckler did the same to John Quincy Adams'. We were standing in a crypt a few stories underneath a church in downtown Quincy, Mass. This was the last stop on a one-week journey that led us up and down the mid-Atlantic visiting any sites related to the U.S. presidents. Or, more precisely, where they died. It all started with a phone call I m a d e m any m o nths before.
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John Quincy Adams died in 1848 in the Speaker's Room at the Capitol. Now it is the Lindy Claiborne Boggs Congressional Women's Reading Room.
ally died — became this tourist mecca, Paul reasoned: "People don'tcome here just because he was shot. It's because of how great he was. It wasn't "Hey, why are you whisperPhotos by Nathaniel Grann/ For The Washington Post James Buchanan who was asing?" Bryan asked. This bedroom in the Petersen House is where Abraham Lincoln died after he was shot across the sassinated here. What Lincoln " Because I s h ouldn't b e street at Ford's Theatre. did in4'/zyears,a lesserperson here," I replied. could not do." "Where are you?" He was right. Infamy leads "Guess." I continued to feed into our sacred touristhavens. People and the Midwest. to preservation and remem"I don't know, man." mutual love of the presidents, collect campaign ephemera brance. It's one of the unwrit"I'm on t h e e ighth f l oor whether it was visiting JFK's and buy countlesspieces of Ford's Theatre t en rules of death w e h ad of the Palace Hotel in San birthplace or placing takeout m emorabilia b e aring t h e ir In our eyes, the tenants and learned during the trip. And Francisco." orders under the name James likenesses. Even their china landlords of al l p residential not all t h e p r esidents had "Wh ?" K. Polk. patterns are kept behind glass. death sites should take a page proved to be popular — take "I wanted to see where WarNaturally, when I c a l l ed How can the death sites of from th e i n f amous Ford's your Martin Van Burens and ren G. Harding died." Bryan from the Palace Hotel, U.S. presidents turn into after- Theatre. William Henry Harrisons and Bryan and I had fostered a his interest was piqued, since thoughts when nearly everyThere's no greater celebra- James Buchanans. friendship based on our paral- we also share a fascination thing else about them becomes tion of death in America. In Still, did that mean they lel upbringings. He spent his with death. Our shelves are an invaluable artifact? fact, without d eath, Ford's should be forgotten? childhood playing with presi- filled with books that explore According to some of the Theatre might not be standing dential jigsaw puzzles. Instead the ins and outs of presidential country's most venerable pres- today. The story is rather well Jersey Shore of "Where the Wild Things assassinations. idential scholars, the paradox known by now. There was a L ong before Snooki a nd Are," my p arents read me When I went to th e Palis understandable. play at Ford's Theatre many the Trump Taj Mahal, the Jer"As a general rule, birth sites years ago. President Abraham sey Shore was something of a bedtime stories from a Funk ace Hotel, I saw nothing that & Wagnalls presidential ency- gripped my h istorical inter- help us understand the forma- Lincoln went to see it. Assas- surrogate Camp David. Long clopedia. Bryan and I were not ests. To my naked eye, it was tion ofone's character," says sination ensued. Theater be- Branch, a small seaside town normal suburban Boston kids simply a hotel — albeit one Jeffrey Engel, the director of came infamous. on the northern coast, was a by any stretch. In fifth grade, I that looked like it could double Presidential History Projects Paul Tetreault, the theater's favorite spot of James Garfield. worked tirel essly on a 20-page as a set for "The Great Gatsby." and an associateprofessor of director, met us shortly after He loved it so much he chose to treatise about Millard Fillmore, But after my visit to Harding's presidential studies at South- tours closedfor the evening. recover there after he was shot our esteemed 13th president death site, I got to thinking: ern Methodist University in In a few hours, the building by Charles Guiteau, a crazed — known mainly for signing There was no obvious plaque, Dallas. "It gives you glimpses would reopen for its evening office seeker who was unhapthe Fugitive Slave Act in 1850 no mention that anything re- into a president's childhood p erformance. T h ough h i s py that he never received an — for a history report. I came motely important happened at experiences and how t hose background is in theater, Paul appointment from Garfield deto school dressed as Fillmore, the hotel on Aug. 2, 1923. (He experiences may have shaped has been fed a steady diet of spite having no qualifications. replete with a mock fat pouch died of a heart attack in Room their views. On the other side, Lincoln books since taking his But Garfieldnever recovered. and a gray wig. I may have 8064.) death sites just capture a cul- post at Ford's in 2004. When As a result, it was also where been the only 9-year-old who Almost everything related minating moment in time." it came down to why Ford's he died. considered himself a Whig. to the U.S. presidents is considThe majority of death sites — and not the quiet and unasA beautiful granite marker T hroughout our d ay s a t ered hallowed. Their birthplac- are on the East Coast, with just suming Petersen House across sits near where the home that U Mass Boston, Bryan a n d es are marked or preserved as a handful in California, Texas the street where Lincoln actu- he died in once stood. A friend
had lent the home to the ailing Garfield during his last stages of life. The stone is simple, yet to the point. It states that he died at this site on Sept. 19, 1881. Unfortunately, it r ests on a narrow residential road in an area canvassed with NO PARKING signs. Bryan and I pulled to the side of the road and hurried over to the site. A chilled saline air blew against us as we huddled around the stone and took pictures. When we got backto Massachusetts, I thumbed through the Garfield section of Sarah Vowell's masterful book "Assassination Vacation," in which she made a study of the assassination sites of p r esidents Lincoln, Garfield and McKinley. Vowell mentions that the m arker Bryan an d I w e r e looking at was the fruit of an 8year-oldboy's campaign more than a half-century ago. Naturally, I wanted to talk to him. After consulting a few newspaper archives and searching the Internet, I was able to track down Bruce Frankel. He is now in his 60s, a retired lawyer living in Fort Myers, Fla. And, as I found out, Frankel is exactly like us. "My parents were driving one day when I was a kid, and I just started reciting the presidents," he said over the phone. "I had memorized them from an encyclopedia we had."
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"Downton" has even been parsed for its political underpinnings. Last m onth, Fox News host (and native Brit) Stuart Varney declared that " Downton" c elebrates r i ch people, who "in America today are reviled.They're dismissed as fat cats who don't pay their fair share." Yet on "Downton" the rich people are "generous," "nice," "classy" and "they've got style," he said, "which poses a threat to the left, doesn't it'?" It is rare when public television is accused of threatening left-wing orthodoxy, especially on "Fox 8 t Friends" (whose co-hosts Gretchen C arlson and Brian Kilmeade voiced surprise at learning the show isn't called "Downtown Abbey"). But "Downton" has a
or the rack, but there always seems to b e s omething of "Downton Abbey" Johnny Foreigner about the 9 p.m. tonight, PBS Catholics," he sniffs to one of his kind during an exchange By Frazier Moore about religion. The Associated Press "I don't think I' d have a NEW YORK — The third huge amount in common season of "Downton Abbey" with Robert if I met him at ends tonight with a bang. a dinner party," Bonneville says. "But I like the guy. I like Exactly what that bang is, we're not going to say, in deferthe fact that while he does ence to the maybe a half-dozen bluster and h e' s p o mpous "Downton" fans who still don't sometimes, and h e m a k es know the shocking truth. mistakes, there's a decency The larger point remains and a love for his family unthat after tonight's "Masterderneath it all." piece Classic," viewers must Impeccably clad in a threesuffer "Downton" withdrawal piece gray suit and pink tie until next season. Josh Barratt/PBS via The Associated Press for this recent interview, the But until then, we'll have Hugh Bonneville portrays the patriarchal Lord Grantham in the 49-year-old Bonneville, even our memories. popular series "Downton Abbey." The season three finale airs firmly planted in a 21st-cenAnd what a s eason this tonight on PBS. tury Manhattan hotel, looks to has been! The beloved valet the manor born. Nonetheless, Mr. Bates was sprung from way of engaging people, both he brands himself a member jail and a t rumped-up murEmmy- an d G o lden-GlobeNow, as then, "Downton" is the 99 percent and the I per- of the British middle class der charge tobegin married winning Maggie Smith) deliv- a plush, penetrating peek into cent alike. — the son of a surgeon and a life with his bride, the plucky ered a barrage of withering, the lives of the aristocratic And, yes, as the wealthy, nurse who once imagined belady's maid A n na . R obert hilarious rejoinders to virtuC rawley f amily a n d t h e i r patriarchal Lord Grantham, coming a lawyer. " There ar e p e ople w h o Crawley, Earl of Grantham, ally every narrative twist. household servants in an Eng- Bonneville does indeed exude "I remember my very first has gotten Downton Abbey lish castle of a century ago. classiness and, at crucial mo- think I've been doing nothing back on its feet financially scene with he r i n S e ason With a cast that also includes ments, generosity. for 25 years, and then sudwith an able assist from his One," says Hugh Bonneville, Michelle Dockery, Elizabeth But that's not the whole pic- denly I get this role on 'Downson-in-law and presumptive who plays Robert, lord of the McGovern, Dan Stevens, Jim ture. Robert Crawley is also ton Abbey,'" Bonneville says heir, Matthew Crawley. Mat- manor. "She's complaining Carter and Brendan Coyle, the confounded by th e m odern with a laugh. "But I've had a thew wed his true love, Lady about the new electric lights, series this season has drawn world of post-World War I as really lovely time for 25 years! Mary Crawley. But another and suddenly she put her fan an average ll m i l lion view- it upsets the social hierarchy. I've played everything from of Robert's daughters, Lady up to her face to shield herself ers each week while spurring Meanwhile, despite his indul- Shakespeare to s itcoms to Sybil, died tragically during from 'the glare,' and spent the a nother surge o f "D o w n - gence of underbutler Thomas period dramas to modern sechildbirth. entire scene like that. It was so ton"-mania, even from f i r st Barrow's shame (i t s e ems rial killers. I consider myself a Through i t a l l , R o bert's funny, and I was just, 'All right! lady Michelle Obama, who Thomas is gay!), Robert isn't character actor, and I do love mother Violet, Dowager Count- There's no point in my even pulled strings to get episodes always the most tolerant of playing different instruments ess of Grantham (played by being here.She'sjustmarched of the new season before it men. in the orchestra when I get "I don't want thumbscrews the chance." the sublimely scene-stealing, off with the scene!'" premiered.
Marria e starts outon wron oot
MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0 and IMAX movies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. t
Dear Abby: I recently married a loving man who works full-time and is studying for his MBA online. A few months ago, he received a promotion and was transferred to another state, so after our wedding I moved here to be with him. While he was living here alone before
our wedding, he got
into some t r ouble with the law and he's ABBY now on probation. He was never in trouble before. I have no family or friends here, and he can't go out and socialize to meet new people now that he's under those strict guidelines. I have always been popular and have many friends back home, but I'm lonely and depressed now. I moved herebecause I love him, but I can't get over the fact that this hasdampened our firstyear as husband and wife. How should I handle the future of our marriage and our life here with all these unsettling issues he has put me in'? — Hurt Wife in Michigan Dear Hurt Wife:Unless your husband is under house arrest — which probation is not — he can socialize. He can make friends through work, and look for volunteer opportunities if he has the time. Both
will help him to make connections with constructive people. The same is true for you to help you connect with the community. I know this is a big adjustment for you, but in time you can both put this unfortunate chapter behind you. I wish you both a future filled with success. Dear Abby: Help! My husband won't wear clothes. When o ur children w e r e young, he walked around naked because he wanted to make sure they didn't have the same hang-ups about nudity that he grew up with. (His father was ultra-conservative.) My husband began w earing clothes again when the kids got older, but now they have all moved out and he has quit. He sits naked in his recliner to watch TV. The recliner is right next to the front door, and there's only the storm door between him and the world. Abby, he literally strips all his clothes off to do the dishes! We live in a NEIGHBORHOOD. It's not like we're out in the country. If I say anything to him, he says I can go into a different room if I don't like it. Is this normal? — Nudie's Wife in Florida
HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORSUNDAY, FEB. 17, 2013:This yearyou move
away from some of your firmly held By Jacqueline Bigar positions. You seethe power of being flexible and giving others their space. Your imagination is nothing less than a gift. to an older relative or friend. Tonight: As Use it positively you like it. Stars showthe kind rather than make 21-Joly22) of day you'll have as sumptions. If you CANCER (June ** * * * D ynamic are single, Cupid's ** * * G o to a movie or someplace else where you will be entertained. You'll enjoy ** * * P ositive ar r ow could hit ** * A verage the bull's-eye this the energythat surrounds the crowd, as well as the pastime itself. You have a way of ** So-so year. A passionate drawing other people close, and you'll do it * Difficult bond could be in again very soon. Tonight: Get someextra the offing. If you RandR. are attached, there might betimes when LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) no one can find the two of you. Youact like your natural newfound lovers. Enjoy! GEMINI can make ** * * You seem to assume role as the leader. Instead, why not let go your mind work overtime. of this responsibility and join friends? You ARIES (March 20-April 19) ** * You might be weighing the pros and always have agood time with this group. Be careful, as tension between youanda cons of using a certain method to handle partner could emerge. Tonight: Maximize your finances. Others will push heavily for the moment. you to choose their method. Besure to choose the right method for you, regardless VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) *** Reachouttosomeoneatadistance, of who it upsets. It is your life, after all. as you havenot visited this person in a Tonight: Hang out with friends. while. Someoneyou care a lot about could TAURUS (April20-May20) add some confusion to your plans. Gowith ** * * O t hers appreciate your the flow, but verify that you are onthe same impulsiveness, as it rarely is experienced. page as others. Tonight: Touch basewith an You can becreative, but putting that gift older friend. into action is uncommon for you. Get together with friends for a ballgame, to play LIBRA (Sept.23-Oct.22) some cards or to do whatever else the gang ** * * Defer to others in the morning — it simply is easier. Usethe afternoon wants to do. Tonight: Out on the town. for getting together with someone ata GEMINI (May21-June20) distance. Meet this person halfway. Confirm ** * Get some extra sleep if that would the time andmeeting place, asconfusion makeyou happy.You need some time drifts through your day. Gowith something to yourself. Your uniqueness separates different. Tonight: Dinner for two. you from others, and it is intriguing many SCORPIO (Oct.23-Nov.21) people. Useyour imagination when relating
Dear Nudie's Wife:It appears to be normal for your husband. Somenot all — families are very relaxed about nudity. As long as your living room isn't visible to the neighbors and you don't have drop-in visitors, your husband is harming no one. If you don't want to look at him, take him up on his suggestion. P.S. I hope you thank him for doing the dishes. Not all husbands are so helpfuL Dear Abby: My daughter was a bridesmaid recently. The bride chose a designer dressthat my daughter had to put a nonrefundable deposit on. A month later, the bride changed her mind about the color and canceled the order, so all six bridesmaids had to purchase another dress. Am I wrong in thinking the bride should reimburse her bridesmaids for the first dress that she insisted they buy ASAP — the one she canceled without talking to any of them? — Bridesmaid's Mom in Elkhorn, Wis. Dear Bridesmaid's Mom: Not in my book you aren't. And shame on the bride for not volunteering to do so. — Write to Dear Abby at or P0. Box69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069
** * * L isten to what others suggest. Before youknow it,youcould have som e interesting plans. A little spontaneity might bring you good luck. Makethe most of every situation you encounter today. Tonight: Say "yes" to someone, andyou will love the outcome.
Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • BEAUTIFULCREATURES(PG-I3) 12:30, 3:30, 6:50, 9:50 • DJANGOUNCHAINED (R) I2:50,4:25,8 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH(PG)3:25, 9:25 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH3-D (PG) 1:05, 7:05 • A GOOD DAYTO DIEHARDIMAX (R) 12: I5, 2:35, 4:55, 7:15, 9:45 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)Noon,2:20,4:40,7,9:40 • HANSEL &GRETEL:WITCH HUNTERS(R) 3, 9:15 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY3-D (PG-13)6 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)I:45, 9:40 • IDENTITY THIEF(R) 12:05, 1:10, 3:55, 6:10, 7:10, 9:55 • LIFE OF PI(PG)12:20 • LIFE OF Pl 3-D (PG)3:20, 6:25, 9:20 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:50a.m., 3:05, 6:20, 9:35 • MAMA(PG-I3) I:35, 4:05, 7:40, 10:10 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 12:40, 3:45, 6:40, 9:35 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 1:20, 3:50, 7:25, 10:05 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) l2:55, 3:35, 6:05, 9:25 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 11:45 a.m., 3:10, 6:35, 10 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. • Today's OscarMarathonscheduleincludes"Beastsof the Southern Wild"(noon),"Lifeof Pi"(150pm), "Les iirfisdrabies"(420pm), "Amour"(720p m) and "Lincoln" (950 p.m). Checkwwrwbendbu/ for more information. t
Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • AMOUR(PG-13) Noon, 3, 6 • ARGO (R) 12:45, 3:45, 6:45 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 12:15, 6:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 1, 4:15 • QUARTET(PG-13) 1:15, 4, 7 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30 • STAND UP GUYS(R) 3:15 I
CAPRICORN (Oec.22-Jan.19)
• BEAUTIFUL CREATURES(PG-13) 11:15a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)Noon,2:15,4:30,6:45,9 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 11 a.m.,1:30, 4, 630, 9 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 11 a.m., 1:30, 4 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) 7,9:15
©20t3 by King Features Syndicate
Upon a Time" —As Mr. Gold (Robert Carlyle) searches for his son in New York, accompanied by Emma and Henry (Jennifer Morrison, Jared S. Gilmore), Cora, Regina and Hook (Barbara Hershey, Lana Parrilla, Colin O'Donoghue) try to track down one of Rumplestiltskin's (Carlyle) most prized possessions. In the fairy-tale world, fighting in the Ogres War helps Rumplestiltskin realize his destiny. Ginnifer Goodwin also stars in the new episode "Manhattan."
9 p.m. onE3, "The Good Wife" — It may be a fake trial, but the tension is real. Will and Diane (Josh Charles, Christine Baranski) get more than they were planning on when they ask Alicia and Cary (Julianna Margulies, Matt Czuchry) to be their opponents in a mock trial. Eli (Alan Cumming) continues his battle with the Justice Department and tries to maintain his role in the campaign in the new episode "Red Team/Blue Team." Archie Panjabi also stars. 9 p.m. on HBO,"Girls" —The good news: Hannah(Lena Dunham) has a deal for an e-book. The bad news: She's got almost no time to write the thing. Marnie (Allison Williams) hosts Booth Jonathan's (Jorma Taccone) art party. Adam (Adam Driver) talks Ray (Alex Karpovsky) into accompanying him to Staten Island for an adventure. Jessa (Jemima Kirke) crashes at Hannah's in the new episode "Boys." 9 p.m. on SHO,"ShameIess" —Frank (William H. Macy) panics when he learns the city is planning to dig up the yard for sewer work, as Aunt Ginger is still buried out there. Fiona's (Emmy Rossum) failure to satisfy her boss gets her picked on at work. Jimmy (Justin Chatwin) turns to Este (Stephanie Fantauzzi) for the support he isn't getting from Fiona. Ian (Cameron Monaghan) is asked to commit a robbery in thenew episode "The Sins ofMy Caretaker." ©Zap2it
DOUBLE SAVINGS NOW! $25-50 rebates on select Hunter Douglas products, and matching instant dealer rebates (thru 4/2/1 3)
Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • BARBARA (PG-I3) 8:30 • A ROYAL AFFAIR (R) 3
** * * You might not feel awake until midafternoon, but once youare, there is no stopping you. Whether you're seeking out a loved one, hanging with a child or laughing with friends, you simply have agreat time. See what a little R and R can do? Tonight: Do your own thing. PISCES (Feb.19-IVlarch20) ** * * Keep asking important questions. Make calls in the morning to loved ones and friends. Inevitably, you will change your plans a few times because of your conversations. Enjoy the moment, but do not feel like you have tosayanything. Tonight: Happiest at home.
8 p.m. on H Cl, "Once
** * * Do something just for you this morning, whether it be sleeping in or reading the Sunday paper. Byafternoon, you will have plans. Whatever you choose to do, you'll have agood time. Make sure there is not a misunderstanding as to when and where. Tonight: To thewee hours.
AQUARIUS (Jan.20-Feb. 18)
5 p.m. on NGC, Movie: "Killing Lincoln" — Narrated by Tom Hanks, this two-hour event stars Billy Campbell as Abraham Lincoln and newcomer Jesse JohnsonasJohnWilkes Booth in a historical story that explores Booth's actions before and after his assassination of Lincoln. Ridley Scott serves as an executive producer.
McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • RISE OF THEGUARDIANS (PG)11:30a.m. • SKYFALL (PG- l3) 5:30 • THIS IS 40 (R)9:15 • THETWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 2:30 • After 7 p.m., shows are21and older only. Younger than 21 may attend screenings before 7 pm. if accompanied by a legal guardian.
SAGITTARIUS (Nov.21-Dec. 21)
** * * Express your enjoyment of a loved one by spending time with him or her. The two ofyou often act like two kids playing in a sandbox together. Share afun hobby or pastime. Schedule time for yourself late this afternoon in order to relieve somestress. Tonight: Play it easy.
• r I
Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777
Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, 541-549-8800 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH(PG) 2, 4:15, 6:30 • AGOOD DAY TO DIE HARD (R)2:30,4:45,7 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 1:45, 4:15, 6:45 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 2,4:30, 7 r /• t
Madras Cinema 5,1101 S.W.U.S. Highway 97, 54'I-475-3505 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH3-D (PG) I2:50, 3, 5:05, 7:10, 9:15 • A GOOD DAYTODIEHARD(R) 12:40, 2:50, 5, 7:20, 9:40 • SAFE HAVEN (PG-13) 2, 4:25, 6:50, 9:20 • SIDE EFFECTS (R) 2:30, 4:45, 7, 9:25 • WARM BODIES (PG-13) I, 3:10, 5:20, 7:25, 9:30 •
Pine Theater, 214 N. Main St., 541-416-1014 • ESCAPE FROMPLANET EARTH(PG) Noon, 2:10,4:30, 6:50 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(UPSTAIRS — R)1, 4, 7 • Theupstairs screening roomhaslimited accessibility.
nrnbello is n verV sweet ond loving 7 month old kitten thot is senrching for n home thnt she cnn coll her own. She cnme to the shelter ns n
stroV so we sndlV know nothing or her historV but she hos been verV willing to show her super sweet personnlitV to the stnrt nnd volvnteers since she orrived. Ir Vou think Vov hove the toerrect rorever home for this grent girl then come bV the shelter nnd odopt Rrobello todoV!
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Scoreboard, D2 Prep sports, D4-D5 Sports in brief, D2 Go l f, D6 College basketball, D3 NBA, D6 NHL, D3 THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2013
U.S. teen Shiffrin rushes to gold
Summit's boys and girls swim teams take to the podium after both squads won the Class 5A state championships at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham on Saturday.
SCHLADMING, Austria — Mikaela Shiffrin
might as well be dancing or flying. That's what skiing
is like for the American teenager thesedays.
The victories and mile-
stones keep piling up, fortifying a U.S. team that is without Lindsey
Vonn and BodeMiller.
,,/ C
A day after Ted Ligety became the first man to
win three gold medals at a world championships
Photos by John Klickeri For The Bulletin
in 45 years, Shiffrin
became theyoungest woman in 39years to win the slalom title
Saturday. At the age of17 years, 340 days, Shif-
frin shookoffa serious bout of nerves to edge local hope Michaela Kirchgasser from the lead before a crowd of 30,000 fans who were
nearly all supporting the Austrian. "Doing what I did on
the hill today, especially in the second run, just skiing, is like dancing
or flying," Shiffrin said. "There's so manyways that I can describe it. But it just is, and it works for me. "It's been17 years in
the making andeverybody says that it comes too fast but it seems like
it's been forever for me.
... I am just doing what I do and I don't want to wait." The only slalom world
champions younger than Shiffrin were Hanni Wenzel of Liechtenstein in1974 and Esme Mack-
innon of Britain in1931. — The Associated Press
Q r/ Mikaela Shiffrin poses with the gold medal she won in the women's slalom at the Alpine Skiing World Championships Saturday.
Beavers suffer road loss toUW Washington outscores OSU in the second half for the victory,D3
• Storm girls repeatin 1-2finish with Lava Bearsin the Class5Astate finals By Beau Eastes
• Brewer leads Summit boys to another Class5Astate title
The Bulletin
GRESHAM — The swimming rivalry between Summit and Bend High has gone to a whole new level. The Storm won their second consecutive Class 5A girls state swimming championship Saturday, this year besting their Juniper Swim & Fitness Center pool mates, the Lava Bears, by a margin of 58-47. Summit sophomore Mackenzie Halligan claimed victory in the 500-yard freestyle and the Storm bookended the meet at Mt. Hood Community College with wins in the 200 medley and 400 free relays to successfully defend their 2012 state title. Halligan also was third in the 200 free and swam on both of the Storm's winning
By Beau Eastes The Bulletin
GRESHAM — Tommy Brewer is just two years into his high school swimming career, and his coach at Summit High is already running out of superlatives. "What can you say?" longtime Storm coach Amy Halligan said after Brewer set two new state records Saturday in leading Summit to its fifth Class 5A boys championship in six years. "He never ceases to amaze." Brewer was hardly a o n e-man show, as the Storm scored 72 points at Mt. Hood Community C ollege, comfortably h old-
ing off runner-up Corvallis (52 points) and
yt, s
relay squads. "This one was definitely harder," she said. "But we like (the bull's-eye). It's fun attention and fun energy." Senior Madi Brewer also came up big for Summit and capped a stellar prep career by posting runner-up finishes in the 100 backstroke and 100 freestyle in addition to swimming on the Storm's 200 medley squad and 400 free relay teams. SeeGirls/D4
third-place Pendleton (41'/s). But the Storm sophomore turned in the performance of the meet Saturday, first winning the 200yard individual medley in I minute, 51.13 seconds — a new 5A state meet record — before recording a new all-classification state mark in the 100 breaststroke — 56.34 seconds — to claim his second individual title of the day. With two years of high school competition still ahead of him, Brewer already holds 5A statemeet records in the 50 free,100 free, 200 IM and 100 breaststroke. Brewer also anchored Summit's winning 400 free relay squad and rallied the Storm to a second-place finish in the 200 free relay after jumping into the pool with his team in sixth place. See Boys/D4
E s A
Bend High's Jennifer Robeson swims her leg of the girls 200-yard relay during the OSAA Class 5A swimming state championships held at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham on Saturday. The Lava Bears won the event.
Inside • The Madras boys swim team takes the Class 4A/3A/2A/1A title,04 PAID ADVERTISEMENT
Oregon forward Arsalan Kazemi (14) controls a rebound against Washington State during Saturday night's game in Pullman, Wash.
Ducks holdoff Cougars inOT E.J. Singler hits two late free throws in overtime
to preserve Oregon's victory,03
Haas takes over lead at Riviera Golfer shoots a 64to take a three-stroke lead in Los Angeles,D6
A useofhormoneadmission by Singh puts PGATour on edge By Karen Crouse
New York Times News Service
PACIFIC PALISADES, Calif. — On the 11th tee box at Riviera Country Club, Vijay Singh was waiting to hit on Friday when a spectator shouted, "Deer hunter!" The cry drew titters among the few fans in the gallery who understood the reference. Singh said last month that he had used deer antler spray, which contains insulinlike growth factor-l, or IGF-I, a muscle-building hormone banned by the PGA Tour. In the weeks since Singh became the most prominent tour player to admit using a
banned substance, he players are randomly has played in two tourselected to supply urine naments, including this samples during tournaweekend's Northern ments, leaving a winTrust Open. His next dow for using banned scheduled tour start, he Sin g h substances for muscle said Friday after makrepair and healing injuing his 16th consecutive cut, is ries during their time off. "I'm worried about livthe Honda Classic, which is the week after his 50th birthday. ing my life every day," said Singh has unwittingly Brandt Jobe, 47, who is playput the tour's anti-doping ing on a major medical exprogram, which has been in emption. "To get healthy, you place for five years, under the have to do whatever you have magnifying glass, exposing its to do to live your life. After flaws. Some performance-enthat you have to consider, 'If hancing drugs like IGF-I can I'm going to go back and play be detected only through blood golf on the PGA Tour, can I testing, which is not included take these things?' " in the tour's program. And SeePGA/D6
Receive A $250 Gift Card Good in our restaurant or golf shop * i TiHRU MrA,RCH 31"'OeFFER GcOeoeo
ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY GOLF 6a.m.:European Tour, Africa Open, final round, Golf Channel. Noon:PGATour, Northern Trust Open, final round, CBS.
Noon:LPGATour, Women's Australian Open, final round, Golf Channel. 4 p.m.:Champions Tour, ACE
Group Classic, final round, Golf Channel. BASKETBALL 9 a.m.:Men's college, Holy Cross at American, CBSSN.
10 a.m.:Men's college, Ohio State at Wisconsin, CBS.
10 a.m.:Men's college, Louisville at South Florida, ESPN.
10:30a.m.:Women'scollege, DePaul at Louisville, ESPNU.
10:30a.m.:Women'scollege, West Virginia at lowa State, Root
Sports. 11 a.m.: Women's college, Temple at Saint Joseph's,
HOCKEY 9:30a.m.: NHL, Pittsburgh Penguins at Buffalo Sabres, NBC.
12:30 p.m.:NHL, Los Angeles KingsatChicago Blackhawks, NBC. 3 p.m.: NHL, W ashington
Capitals at NewYork Rangers, NBCSN.
MOTOR SPORTS 10 a.m.: NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Daytona 500, qualifying, Fox. 5 p.m.: NHRA, Winternationals
(same-day tape), ESPN2. LACROSSE 10 a.m.:Men's college, Denver vs. Penn State, NBCSN.
12:15 p.m.:Men's college, Jacksonville vs. Ohio State, NBCSN.
BOWLING Noon:PBATour, league qualifier, round 3 (tapedj, ESPN. GYMNASTICS 6 p.m.:Women's college, California at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.
11:30 a.m.: Women's college, whip-around coverage: Alabama
atAuburn, Georgia Tech at North
Carolina State, Notre Dameat Marquette and Oklahoma at Kansas, ESPN2.
BASKETBALL 1:30 p.m.:Women's college,
Noon:Men's college, Arizona at
Norfolk State at Hampton, ESPNU.
Utah, Pac-12 Network.
4 p.m.:Men's college, Notre
12:30 p.m.:Women's college,
Dame at Pittsburgh, ESPN.
Stanford at L(CLA, ESPNU.
4 p.m.:Women's college,
12:30p.m.:Women'scollege, Texas at TexasTech, Root Sports.
Kentucky at Texas AB M, ESPN2. 4p.m.: Men's college, Norfolk State at Hampton, ESPNU. 4 p.m.: Men's college, Hofstra at Drexel, NBCSN.
1 p.m.: Women's college, UNLV at San Diego State, CBSSN.
2 p.m.:Women's college, whiparound coverage: Cincinnati
4 p.m.:Men's college, Bucknell
at St. John's, lowa at Purdue, Maryland at Virginia and Vanderbilt at Tennessee, ESPN2.
6 p.m.:Men's college, West Virginia at KansasState, ESPN. 6 p.m.:Women's college, Baylor
2 p.m.:Women's college, Calat USC, Pac-12 Network.
3 p.m.:Men's college, Miami at Clemson, ESPNU. 4 p.m.:Women's college, Washington State at Oregon, Pac-12 Network. 5 p.m.:NBA, All-Star Game, TNT. 5 p.m.: Men's college, Wichita State at lllinois State, ESPNU.
7 p.m.: Men'scollege,USC at California, Root Sports.
at Lehigh, CBSSN.
at Connecticut, ESPN2.
6 p.m.:Men's college, Rutgers at Villanova, ESPNU.
6 p.m.:Women's college, Washington at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network.
6 p.m.:Women's college, Duquesne atDayton, CBSSN. VOLLEYBALL 8 p.m.: UCLA at L)SC, Pac-12 Network.
BASEBALL 1 p.m.:College, Oregon State
BASEBALL 8:30a.m.:College,Oregon
vs. UC Riverside, KICE-AM 940.
State vs. UC Riverside, KICE-AM 940.
BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:NBA, All-Star Game, KICE-AM 940.
Listingsare the mostaccurateavailable. The Bulletinis not responsible for late changes made byTll or radio stations.
Ducks winopenerin Hawaii —Jake Reedand
Central Oregonian competes in WorldGup
Christian Jones combined for a five-hit shutout, leading Oregon
— Bend cross-country skier
to a 3-0 victory over Hawaii on
Dakota Blackhorse-von Jess took 52nd place of 72 ski-
Friday night in the Ducks'2013
ers in a FISWorld Cup men's classic sprint race staged on Saturday in Davos, Switzerland.
4,726 at Les Murakami Stadium in Honolulu. Reed allowed four hits and struck out seven over
Kazakhstan's Alexey Poltora-
six innings before giving way to
nin won the race, followed by Switzerland's Dario Cologna
Jones,who allowed one hitand struck out two to get the save.
and Italy's Federica Pellegrino.
Aaron Payne, Brett Thomasand
Fourth-place finisher Andrew
J.J. Altobelli each drove in a run
Newell was the top American, while Blackhorse-von Jess,
for Oregon in the first gameof the four-game series.
season opener before acrowd of
winner of the men's free sprint at the U.S. national champion-
ships in January, was the third of four participants from the United States. Poland's Justyna
Kowalczyk prevailed in the women's classic sprint.
MOTOR SPORTS Harvick gets NASGAR Wlll — Kevin Harvick won the exhibition Sprint Unlimited race by dominating the final two
segments of Saturday night's Speedweeks opener in Daytona Beach, Fla. It was Harvick's
BeaVerStOPPle GonZaga
third win in the last five years in
— Oregon State sent10 batters to the plate in a six-run fourth
the non-points race at Daytona
inning Saturday to overcomean early 2-0 deficit en route to a 9-
International Speedway.He held off challenges from Tony Stewart and Greg Biffle on the final lap to win in his Richard
2 win over Gonzaga in the Palm Springs (Calif.j Tournament. The Childress Racing Chevrolet. Beavers, now 2-0 in the tourna-
ment and ontheseason,play UC Riverside today at1 p.m. at
Gourtney FOrCe earnStoP
Palm Springs Stadium. In Satur-
Force raced to her first No. 1 qualifying position of the
day's game, OSU failed to get a runner on base in the first three
Pualifying SPOt — Courtney season Saturday at the NHRA
innings against touted Gonzaga left-hander Marco Gonzales.
Winternationals at the Auto Club Raceway at Pomona, Calif.
But the Beavers got rolling in
Tony Schumacher (Top Fuel) and Mike Edwards (Pro Stock)
the fourth against Gonzales, a rally that included RBI singles
by Michael Conforto and Gabe Clark, a sacrifice fly by Danny
Hayes and atwo-run double by Jerad Casper.
also will lead their categories into today's eliminations at the NHRA Drag Racing Series sea-
son opener. — From wire reports
COREBOARD ON DECK Tuesday Boysbasketball:Redmond atBend,7 p.m.;Ridgeview at CrookCounty,7 p.m.; Madrasat Estacada 7p.m; SummitatMountainView,7p.m. Girls basketball: BendatRedmond,7 pmxMountain View at Summit, 7p.mzCrookCounty at Ridgeview ,7p.m.;EstacadaatMadras,7p.m. Thursday Boys basketball: CrookCountyat Summit, 7p.m. Girls basketball: Summiat t CrookCounty, 7 p.m. Friday Boys basketball: BendatMountainView,7p.m. Girls basketball: MountainViewat Bend,7p.m. Wrestling: Statechampionships in Portand,TBD Nordic skiing: OISRA state championships atWillamette Pass,1p.m.
Saturday Alpine skiing: OSSA at Wamer Canyon, Slalom (Lakeview),TBD Wrestling: State championships in Portland,TBD Nordic skiing: OISRA state championships atWillamettePass,10a.m.
EasternConference Atlantic Division
GP W L OT Pts GF GA NewJersey 15 9 3 3 21 41 36 P ittsburgh 1 5 1 0 5 0 20 48 35 N.Y.Rangers 13 7 5 1 15 36 34 N.Y. Islanders 14 6 7 1 13 45 47 Philadelphia 16 6 9 1 13 38 49 Northeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA 14 9 4 1 19 40 34 Montreal Boston 1 2 8 2 2 18 34 29 Toronto 1 5 9 6 0 18 43 36 Ottawa 15 7 6 2 16 35 30 Buffalo 1 5 6 8 1 13 43 50 Southeast Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Carolina 13 8 4 I 17 41 37 TampaBay 14 7 6 1 15 55 45 Florida 1 4 4 6 4 12 35 53 Washington 14 5 8 1 11 40 49 Winnipeg 1 3 5 7 I 11 33 43 Western Conference Central Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Chicago 14 1 1 0 3 25 48 29 Nashville 15 7 3 5 19 30 29 St.Louis 14 8 5 1 17 48 45 Detroit 1 4 7 5 2 16 38 41 Columbus 1 5 4 9 2 10 34 48 Northwest Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Vancouver 1 3 8 3 2 18 38 29 Edmonton 1 4 6 5 3 15 35 38 Minnesota 1 4 6 6 2 14 30 36 Calgary 12 4 5 3 11 35 44 Colorado 1 3 5 7 1 11 31 38 Pacific Division GP W L OT Pts GF GA Anaheim 14 1 1 2 1 23 50 37 Dallas 15 8 6 1 17 38 39 San Jose 1 4 7 4 3 17 37 33 Phoenix 15 7 6 2 16 40 41 Los Angeles 12 5 5 2 12 28 33 NOTE:Twopoints tor a win, onepoint for overtime loss.
Anaheim 3, Nashville 2, SO TampaBay6, Florida5, OT Toronto3,Ottawa0 Montreal 4,Phiadelphia1 N.Y. Islanders 5, NewJersey1 Phoenix5, Columbus3 Edmonton 6, Colorado4 Today's Games PittsburghatBuffalo, 9.30p.m. LosAngelesatChicago,12:30p.m. Bostonat Winnipeg 3p.m. CalgaryatDalas, 3p.m. Detroit atMinnesota,3p.m. Washin gtonatN.Y.Rangers,3p.m. St. LouisatVancouver,6 p.m.
BASKETBALL Men's college Saturday's Games East Albany(NY)75, Harfford49 Army56, Navy55 Butler68,Fordham63 Canisius68,St. Peter's 59 Colgate64,Lehigh60 Cornell69,Brown66 Harvard69, Princeton57 LIU Brooklyn 92, FairleighDickinson67 La Sage 76, Saint Joseph's64 Lafayette63 Buckneg62 Loyola(Md.)80,Siena57 Maine64,Binghamton 60 Monmouth (NJ)73,St Francis (NY)64 Mount St.Mary' s89,CCSU80 NJIT 63,UtahValey 55 Penn67, Dartmouth57 Providence 71, Notre Dame54
Quinnipiac71,St.Francis(Pa.) 55 Rhodelsland67, Duquesne62 RobertMorris68, Sacred Heart 63 Syracuse 76,Seton Hall65 Temple83, LIMass82 Towson 57, Hofstra 50 Vil anova 70,Uconn61 Wagner 89, Bryant75 WestVirginia66,TexasTech64 Yale75,Columbia56 South Alabama 68,SouthCarolina 58 Alabama A&M72, AcornSt 65 Arkansas St.87,Louisiana-Monroe54
Campbel87, l VMI78 CharlestonSouthem73,UNCAshevile 65 Coll. ofCharleston69,GeorgiaSouthern60 Davidson72,TheCitadel 57 Delaware St.57,CoppinSt. 43 E.KentuckyBO,JacksonvileSt.67 Elon 80,W.Carolina 73,OT FIU 87,W.Kentucky82 Florida83,Auburn52 Florida AB M46, Howard45
FloridaSt.69, BostonCollege66 Gardner-Webb 70,Coastal Carolina 63 Georgi aSt.78,GeorgeMason60 Georgi aTech57 WakeForest56 High Poin73, t Liberty68 JacksonSt.77,Grambling St. 38 LSU80, Mississippi St.68 Lipscomb 84, FloridaGulf Coast74 l.ongwood 76,Radford 61 Louisiana-Lafayette 58, FAU57 Maryland83 Duke81 Memphis71,Marshall 59 Mercer71, ETSU54
Mississippi84,Georgia 74,OT MoreheadSt.65,TennesseeTech63 MorganSt.87, Md.-EasternShore 55 Nc State90,Virginia Tech86,OT NorthCarolina93,Virginia 81 NorthTexas63,Troy61
NorthwesternSt.84,Nicholls St. 79 Presbyterian64,Winthrop 57 Richmond83, St.Bonaventure 80,OT SC State72,NCA&T70 SC-Upstate 79,Kennesaw St. 67 SE Louisiana 54, StephenF.Austin 50 SE Missoun96,UT-Martin 74 Samford64, Furman53 Savannah St.44, NCCentral 36 SouthernMiss.86, EastCarolina 82, OT SouthernU.58,AlabamaSt. 49 Stetson 62, N.Kentucky46
Tennessee 88, Kentucky58
Tulane78,SMU67 UAB80,Rice57 UNCWilmington73,Northeastern67 VCU84,GeorgeWashington 57 Vanderbilt 63TexasA8M56 William 8Mary74, DldDominion 62 Wofford78, Chatanooga58 Midwest
Akron67,Bowling Green50 AustinPeay83,SIU-Edwardsville 71 Bradley80, IndianaSt. 68 Buffalo79, Miami(Ohio)71 ChicagoSt.82, Urbana74 Creighton 71 Evansvi le68 Dayton70 Xavier59 DePaul75,Rutgers 69 Detroit 84,Valparaiso74
Tennessee Tech84, MoreheadSt. 70 Troy 86,NorthTexas69 UT-Martin75,SEMissouri 61 Winthrop 67, HighPoint 62 Midwest Akron64, BallSt. 52 AustinPeay67, SIU-Edwardsville 53 Bow ingGreen60, N.Illinois 49 Buffalo79,E.Michigan63 Cent. Michigan 72,Miami (Ohio)60 Creighton56,Wichita St.46 Drake75,Missouri St. 64
E. Illinois79,MurraySt.70 E Michigan56,8allSt 50 IPFW64, SouthDakota51 Indiana83,Purdue55 lowaSt.87,TCU53 Kansas73,Texas47 Kansas St.81, Baylor61 Loyolaot Chicago69,lll.-chicago 60 Marquette79,Pittsburgh69 MichiganSt.73, Nebraska64 N.Arizona74,North Dakota72,OT N. DakotaSt.75,IUPUI39 N. Iowa71,Drake64 Oakland86, UMKC74 Ohio 78,KentSt 75,OT S. Dakota St. 64,W.Illinois 55 S. Illinois62,MissouriSt.54 Saint Louis76, Charlotte 58 Toledo73,Cent Michigan64 W. Michigan 66,N.Illinois 58 Southwest Arkansas73,Missouri 71 HoustonBaptist 53,Texas-PanAmerican48 McNeese St 69,Lamar 62 MiddleTennessee66,UALR61 Oklah omaSt.84,Oklahoma79,OT Oral Roberts56,TexasA8M-CC51 PrairieView80,MVSU77 SamHoustonSt.80, Cent.Arkansas75 TexasSouthern 75,Ark.-Pine Bluff 69 Tulsa101,Houston92,30T UTEP73,UCF58 UTSA73,TexasSt. 62 Far West ArizonaSt.63, Colorado62,OT BYU86, Portland72 Cal Poly67,UCSantaBarbara49 ColoradoSt.89,Air Force86 Denver62,SanJoseSt. 41 E.Washington86,S.Utah 72 Gonzaga 71, SanFrancisco61 LongBeachSt. 75,UCRiverside 35 LouisianaTech67,Idaho61 Montana61,IdahoSt. 54 N. Colorado78,SacramentoSt.64 NewMexico60,BoiseSt.50 Oregon79,Washington St.77, OT Pacific 80,Hawaii 71 SaintMary's(Cal)61, Loyola Marymount50 SantaClara70,Pepperdine 60 Texas-Arlington65,Seattle 63 Uc Davis73,CSNorthridge 61 Uc Irvine86,CalSt.-Fugerton 66 UCLA88 Stanford80 UNLV72,SanDiegoSt. 70 UtahSt.73,NewMexicoSt. 69 Washington72,OregonSt. 62 WeberSt. 69,MontanaSt. 61 Wyoming55, FresnoSt. 51,OT
E. Illinois 73,MurraySt.59 GreenBay60,Youngstown St. 46 IPFW71, SouthDakota64 IUPIJI57, N.DakotaSt. 40 l linois St.64,Evansville 46 Indiana St. 77,S.Illinois 64 Loyola ofChicago79,Wright St.70 Michigan70, MichiganSt. 69 Milwaukee 73,ClevelandSt. 72 N. Iowa70,Bradley45 S. Dakota St. 61 W.Illinois 52 Toledo82,KentSt. 45 W. Michigan 62 Ohio53 Southwest Baylor78,TCU45 Cent.Arkansas71, SamHouston St.51 MVSU58,Prairie View53 McNeese St.65,Lamar46 Oklahoma St.80,Kansas St.45 Oral Roberts81,TexasA8M-CC59 Seattle78,Texas-Arlington64 Texas Southern63,Ark.-PineBluff 59 UALR51,Middle Tennessee43 UTSA74,TexasSt. 65 UtahValley51, Texas-PanAmerican50 Far West BYU67, Pepperdine 44 CS Bakersfield72, ChicagoSt. 54 CS Northridge51,UCDavis 49 Cal Poly65,UCSantaBarbara56 ColoradoSt 67,Air Force60 Denver83,SanJoseSt. 68 E.Washington78 S.Utah70 FresnoSt. 61,Wyoming 47 Gonzaga101, SanFrancisco 65 LongBeachSt.80, UCRiverside 66 Montana 61 IdahoSt.49 Montana St. 69,WeberSt. 65 N. Arizona64,North Dakota60, OT N. Colorado81,Sacramento St.73 NewMexico66, BoiseSt. 58 NewMexicoSt.106, UtahSt. 94 Saint Mary'(Cal s )49, Portland43
Uc Irvine43, CalSt.-Fugerton39
Saturday's Summaries
PGA Tour Northern Trust 0 pen Saturday A(Riviera CountryClub Los Angeles Purse: $6.6 million Yard age:7,349;Par: 71 Third Round
No. 23 Oregon 79, Washington State 77(OTj OREGON (21-5) Kazemi2-2 4-5 8, Singler 6-11 9-1025, Woods
1-30-02, Loyd2-60-24, Dotson6-172-316, RichardsonIII 0-0 0-00,Austin 2-40-04, Moore0-10-0 0, Carter0-00-00,Emory7-135-920.Totals 26-67 20-29 79. WASHINGTON ST. (11-15) Motum3-106-912,Shelton2-7 3-4 9,Lacy2-9 1 2 6, Woolridge10-1510-1136, Kemich-Drew3 7 0-0 9, Leavitt1-2 3-4 5,Dilorio 0-10-0 0, Longrus 0-1 0-1 0.Totals 21-52 23-31 77. Halftime —Washington St. 38-27.EndOfRegulation Tied 71.3-Point Goals Dregon7-24(Singler 4-8, Dotson2-6 Emory1-5, Moore0-1, Loyd0-4), WashingtonSt. 12-28(Woolridge 6-9, Kernich-Drew 3-6, Shelton 2-6, Lacy 1-5, Motum0-2). Fouled
Out—Kemich-Drew. Rebounds—Oregon 39(Kazemi 12), WashingtonSt. 32 (Shelton10) Assists—Oregon 10(Loyd7), Washington St. 13(Woolridge 5). Total Foul— s Oregon 20, Washington St. 19.Technical — Washington St. Bench. A—5,216.
Washington 72, OregonSt. 62 OREGON ST. (13-13)
Starks2-72-28, Barton3-61-28, Burton4-102-3 10, Moreland3-71-27, Nelson3-1611-1319, Robbins 0-00-0 0, Morris-Walker1-2 0-02, Schaftenaar 0-2 0-0 0,Reid0-00-0 0, Collier 3-6 2-5 8.Totals 19-56 19-27 62. WASHINGTON (14-12) Gaddy2-30-04 N'Diaye 2-41-25, Suggs2-70-0 4, Wilcox7-147-824, Kemp,Jr.5-70-010, Andrews 3-9 4-411, Simmons2-52-4 6, Jarreau4-5 0-18. Totals 27-5414-1972. Halftime OregonSt. 34-32.3-Point Goals Oregon St 5-15 (Starks2-5, Nelson2-6, Barton1-1, Morris-Walker 0-1, Schaftenaar0-2), Washington 4-15 (Wilcox3-8,Andrews1-4, Suggs0-3). Fouled
Out—None. Rebounds—OregonSt. 28(Cogier, Moreland6), Wa shington 41(Jarreau7). Assists—Dregon St.11(Nelson4), Washington16 (Gaddy9). Total Fouls—OregonSt. 18,Washington 20. A—8,454. Pacific-12 Conference All Times PST Conference Oregon Arizona
UCLA ArizonaSt Colorado California SouthernCal Stanford Washington
OregonSt. Utah
W 10 8 9 7 7 7 7 6 5 3 3 2
L 3 4 4 5 5 5 5 7 7 9 9 11
Overall W L 21 5 20 4 19 7 18 7 17 7 15 9 12 13 15 11 13 12 13 12 11 13 11 15
Saturday'sGames UCLA88, Stanford 80 Oregon79, Washington State77 ArizonaStateatColorado, 6 p.m. OregonStateat Washington, 8p.m. Today'sGames ArizonaatUtah, noon USC atCalifornia, 7 p.m.
Women's college Saturday's Games East Army 48Navy40 Boston U.59, NewHampshire 45 Bryant71,Wagner53 Cornell 60,Brown58 Fairfield61,St. Peter's49 FairleighDickinson64, LIUBrooklyn 63 Holy Cross73, American U.63 lona 84,Canisius79 Lafayette66, Bucknell 61,OT Lehigh62,Colgate40 Maine74, Binghamton68
Monmouth(NJ)51,St. Francis(NY)47 Mount St.Mary' s50,CCSU 48 NJIT77,HoustonBaptist 48 Penn63,Dartmouth40 Princeton67,Harvard 51
Quinnipiac61, St.Francis (Pa.)50 SacredHeart 59,Robert Morris 52 Syracuse80,Pittsburgh39 Uconn 65Rutgers45 Vermont46, StonyBrook43 Villanova57,Georgetown44 Yale62,Columbia43 South Alabama A8M55, Alcorn St.44 AppalachianSt.77,Woftord 50 ArkansasSt.77,Louisiana-Monroe58 Campbel64, l UNCAshevile 39 Chattanooga 73, Coll. of Charleston58 CoastalCarolina70, Gardner-Webb67,OT CoppinSt.73, DelawareSt. 68 Davidson71, Furman49 E. Kentucky 80, Jacksonville St.69 Elon 70,UNC-Greensboro57 FIU 72,W.Kentucky 53
FloridaGulf Coast89,Lipscomb38 GeorgiaSouthem52,Samford51 Howard58, Florida A8M57 Jackson St. 71,Grambling St.67 Jacksonville57,NorthFlorida55 Liberty69,Radford 60 LouisianaTech64,ldaho 62 Louisiana-Lafayette 72, FAU57 Md.-EasternShore54, MorganSt.50 Mercer67, ETS U58 N. Kentucky73,Stetson68 Nc Central43,SavannahSt. 38 NichollsSt.67, NorthwesternSt.50 Presbyterian79,Charleston Southern 61 SC State68,NCABT57 SC-Upstate57, KennesawSt. 48 South Florida67, SetonHall 56 SouthernU.55,AlabamaSt. 44 Stephe n FAustin83,SELouisiana80,20T Tennessee St. 54,Belmont 53
Bill Haas WebbSimpson Charl Schwartzel JohnMerrick LukeDonald FredrikJacobson JoshTeater CharlieBeljan HunterMahan
SergioGarcia AdamScott RyanMoore Jim Furyk GrahamDeLaet TedPotter,Jr. SangMoonBae KeeganBradley GregOwen Phil Mickelson StewartCink LeeWestwood JimmyWalker JeremiaW h ooding LukeGuthrie Seung-YulNoh BlayneBarber TrevorImmelman Justin Leonard KevinStadler EmieEls RossFisher GregChalmers Matt Kuchar John Rollins AngelCabrera Charlie Wi
DavidLynn BenCurtis Tim Herron BrianDavis Bob Estes Harris English MarcLeishm an Scott Harrington K.J. Choi George McNeil FredCouples Cameron Tringale StuartAppleby MarkWilson BryceMolder BrianHarman Martin Flores Brendan Steele Chris Kirk JesperParnevik KevinStreelman BrandtJobe Matt Every Scott Piercy CharleyHoffman Casey Wittenberg John Mallinger Jerry Kelly Ryo Ishikawa JamesHahn AndresRomero Vijay Singh Pat Perez J.J. Henry Y.E.Yang JohnsonWagner MichaelBradley RetiefGoosen Jeff Maggert MichaelBlock DavidMathis PeterHanson JasonKokrak
70-67-64—201 70-66-68—204 69-67-68—204 68-66-70—204 69-66-70—205 68-65-72—205 70-68-68—206 67-71-68—206 70-69-68—207 65-73-69—207 71-67-70—208 70-67-71—208 68-72-69—209 72-68-69—209 71-67-71—209 68-65-76—209 71-70-69—210 69-71-70—210 71-67-72—210 71-72-67—210 68-68-74—210 70-70-71 211 75-66-70—211 69-71-71—211 70-70-71—211 69-70-72—211 70-69-72—211 70-73-68—211 72-71-68 —211 70-68-73—211 72-71-68—211 69-69-73 211 64-73-74 211 69-65-77—211 69-72-71—212 75-66-71—212 67-74-71—212 68-72-72—212 68-74-70—212 70-69-73—212 68-72-72—212 73-67-72—212 69-75-68—212 73-71-68—212 71-70-72—213 71-70-72—213 68-72-73—213 73-69-71—213 73-69-71—213 71-72-70—213 74-65-74—213 76-67-70—213 74-70-69—213 70-71-73—214 73-68-73 214 70-70-74—214 73-69-72—214 66-75-74—215 70-73-72—215 72-71-72—215 73-70-72—215 71-73-71—215 71-66-78—215 71-73-71—215 71-73-71—215 67-74-75 216 71-71-74—216 75-68-73—216 68-73-76—217 72-69-76—217 70-72-75—217 73-71-73—217 73-71-73—217 71-72-75—218 72-72-75—219 69-73-79—221 71-73-77 221 69-73-80—222 71-72-81—224
LPGA Tour Australian Women'sOpen Saturday At Royal CanberraGolf Club Canberra, Australia Purse: $1.2 million Yardage: 6,680;Par:73 a-emateur Third Roundleading scorers a-LydiaKo,NewZealand 63-69-70—202 JiyaiShin,SouthKorea 65-67-70—202 BeatrizRecari, Spain 68-69-71 208 GwladysNocera, France 74-71-65—210 CarlotaCiganda,Spain 71-70-69—210 MoriyaJutanugarn,Thailand 70-70-70 —210 YaniTseng,Taiwan 68-71-71—210 Mariajo Uribe,Colombia 64-67-79 210 Dewi Caire Schreefel, Netherlands 70-72-69—211 AnnaNordqvist,Sweden 72-70-69 —211 Lee ll-hee,SouthKorea 73-69-69—211 StacyPrammanasudh, UnitedStates70-71-70—211 Vicky Hurst,UnitedStates 6 9 -72-70 211—
AngelaStanford, UnitedStates ThidapaSuwannapura,Thailand KarineIcher,France FlorentynaParker, England BrookePancake, UnitedStates ChristelBoeljon,Netherlands
68-75-71—214 71-72-71 214 72-71-71—214 71-71-72—214 73-68-73—214 72-68-74—214
Champions Tour ACEGroupClassic Saturday At TwinEaglesGolf Club(Talon Course) Naples, Fla. Purse: $1.6 million Yardage: 7,193; Par:72 SecondRoundleading scorers Bemhard Langer 62 70 132 67-68 — 135 ChienSoonl.u 66-69 — I35 TomPerniceJr. 67-69 — 136 MarkO'Meara 67-70 — 137 MarkWiebe 66-71 137 Jay DonBlake 66-71—137 JohnHuston 71-67—138 GeneSauers 68-70 — 138 Jeft Freema n 67-71 — 138 FredFunk 71-68 — 139 JohnCook 72-67 — 139 RoccoMediate 69-70 — 139 SteveElkington 71-69 — 140 Bill Glasson 68-72 — 140 DavidFrost 68-72 — 140 Mike Hulbert 71-70 141 PeterJacobsen 70-71—141 MarkMouland 72-69—141 TomPurtzer 68-73—141 KennyPerry 68-73—141 Gil Morgan 68-73 141 RogerChapman 73-68 — 141 Scott Hoch 68-73 — I41 Mike Goodes 71-71 — 142 Hal Sutton 71-71 — 142 AndrewMagee 72-70 142 Bart Bryant 69-73—142 MichaelAllen 69-73—142 Olin Browne 69-73 — 142 John Harris 68-74 — 142 D.A. Weibring 71-72 — 143 Willie Wood 70-73 — 143 Jeff Sluman 72-71—143 RussCochran 70-73 — 143 BradBryant 69-74 — 143 68-75 — 143 74 69 143 71-73 — 144 71-73 — I44 71-73 — 144 70-74 — 144 72-72 144 72-72—144 68-76—144 73-71—144 65-79 — 144
Duffy Waldorf BradFaxon TommyArmour RI
Scott Simpson GeneJones Jim Rutledge Bob Gilder StevePate Jay Haas LorenRoberts Larry Nelson BobTway
TENNIS Professional SAP Open Saturday
At HP Pavilion San Jose, Calif.
Purse: $623,730(WT250) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Semifinals TommyHaas(4), Germany, def. JohnIsner(2),
UnitedStates,6-3, 6-4.
Milos Raonic(1) Canada def SamQuerrey(3)
UnitedStates,6-4, 6-2.
Brazil Open Saturday At Ginasio doIbirapuera Sao Paulo Purse: $519,775(WT250) Surface: Clay-Outdoor Singles Semifinals David Nalbandian, Argentina, def. SimoneBolegi, Italy, 6-3,7-5 RafaelNadal(1),Spain,det. MartinAlund, Argentina,6-3, 6-7(2), 6-1. ABN AMRO World Tennis Tournament Saturday At Ahoy' Stadium Rotterdam, Netherlands Purse: $1.34 million (WT500) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Semifinals Juan Martindel Potro(2), Argentina,det. Grigor Dimitrov,Bulgaria,6-4,6-4. Julien Benne teau, France, def. Giles Simon(5), France,6-4,7-6(2). Qatar Open Saturday At The Khalifa TennisComplex
Doha, Qatar Purse: $2.369million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles Semifinals VictoriaAzarenka(1), Belarus,def. AgnieszkaRadwanska(4), Poland,6-3, 6-3. SerenaWiliams(2), United States, def. Maria Sharapova (3), Russia, 6-3, 6-2.
MO TO R SPORTS NASCAR Sprint Cup The Sprint Unlimited Saturday At DaytonaInternational Speedway Daytona Beach, Fla. Lap length: 2.5 miles (Start position in parentheses) 1. (17) KevinHarvick, Chevrolet, 75laps, 113.7rating, 0 points,$205,075. 2. (4) GregBiffle, Ford,75,119.1, 0, $101,325. 3.(9)JoeyLogano,Ford,75,91.1,0,$61,325. 4.(15) TonyStewart, Chevrolet,75,98.1,0,$52,325. 5.(12) MattKenseth,Toyota,75,110.7,0,$51,300. 6. (8) AricAlmirola, Ford,75, 60.1,0, $49,900. 7. (3) KaseyKahne,Chevrolet, 75, 81.5, 0,$48,550. 8. (16) DaleEarnhardt Jr., Chevrolet, 75, 64.4, 0, $46,525. 9. (6) MartinTruexJr. Toyota,75,77.9, 0,$44,525. 10. (14) JuanPabloMontoya,Chevrolet, 75,49.8, 0, $43,025. 11. (10) Marcos Ambrose, Ford, 75, 62.5, 0, $42,525. 12. (1)CarlEdwards, Ford,75, 644,0, $42,025. 13. (18)KurtBusch,Chevrolet, accident,15,63,0, $41,525 14. (11) Jimmie Johnson, Chevrolet, accident, 14, 55.5, 0,$40,025. 15. (5) Denny Hamlin, Toyota,accident, 14,65.5, 0, $39,525. 16. (13) KyleBusch, Toyota,accident, 14,372, 0, $39,025. 17. (7) JeffGordon,Chevrolet, accident,14,49.1,0, $36,525. 18. (2) MarkMartin, Toyota,accident, 14, 42.6,0, $34,525 19. (19)TerryLabonte, Ford, vibration, 2, 24.3,0, $31,499.
DEALS Transactions BASEBALL National League CINCINNATIRED S—Agreed to terms with RHP
Sarah JaneSmith, Australia 6 8 -70-73 211 HomerBaileyonaone-yearcontract. StacyLewis,UnitedStates 6 9 -74-69 —212 FOOTBALL AshleeDewhurst, Australia 7 3 -70-69 212— National Football League JenniferRosales,Philippines 74-69-69 —212 NEW ORLEANSSAINTS— Named Dan Roushar Whitney Hilier, Australia 74-69-69 —212 runningbackcoach. Reassigned Bret Ingagsto ofDanielleKang,UnitedStates 71-71-70 —212 fensive line coach. KatherineHull-Kirk, Australia 68-73-71 —212 HOCKEY Giulia Sergas, Itay 67-72-73—212 NationalHockeyLeague GerinaPiler, UnitedStates 7 2 -67-73 —212 CALGARY FLAMES—Recalled G DannyTaylor Rebecca Artis, Australia 72-67-73 —212 from Abbotsford(AHL).AssignedGLeland Irving to PaolaMoreno,Colombia 74-71-68 213 Abbotsford. AustinErnst,UnitedStates 6 9 - 74-70 213 DETROITREDWINGS PlacedF Johan Franzen Lexi Thompson, UnitedStates 72-71-70 —213 on injuredreserve.AssignedGJonasGustavssonto ChellaChoi,SouthKorea 7 4 - 69-70 213— GrandRapids(AHL)for conditioning. BelenMozo,Spain 71-71-71—213 MONTREALCANADIENS— Recalled G Robert a-Minjee Lee,Australia 70-71-72—213 MayerfromHamilton (AHL).Reassigned GPeter DelBrittanyLincicome,UnitedStates 71-70-72—213 masfromWheeling (ECHL) to Hamilton. 71-69-73—213 NEW YOR KRANGERS—Recalled FChris Kreider JennyShin, SouthKorea 66-73-74—213 AyakoUehara,Japan from Conne cticut (AHL). Holly Aitchison,England 70-68-75—213 PHOENIX COYO TES—Reassigned G Louis Kristie Smith,Australia 68-68-77 —213 Domingue fromGwinnett (ECHL) to Portland (AHL). KarrieWebb,Australia 71-74-69—214 WRESTLING JenniferSong,UnitedStates 71 74-69 214 FILA Announcedthe resignation of president CatrionaMatthew,Scotland 6 9-75-70 —214 RaphaelMartinetti.
Huskies pull away late to beat Beavers The Associated Press
SEATTLE — C.J. Wilcox broke out of a shooting slump with 24 points, Shawn Kemp Jr., added all 10 of his points in the second half, and Washington pulled away late for a 72-62 win over Oregon State on Saturday night. The Huskies (14-12, 6-7 Pac-12) had lost three straight and dropped seven of eight overall, coinciding with Wilcox's slump. The Huskies' leading scorer had scored more than 20 points just once in the previous eight games. He finally reached that plateau again on Saturday by hitting seven of 14 shots. Wilcox has been bothered by a left foot injury that has limited his practice time. Kemp's points gave Washington an inside presence, but just as important was the seasonhigh eight points and seven rebounds off the bench by Jernard Jarreau. Roberto Nelson led Oregon State (13-13, 3-10) with 19 points. Joe Burton added 10 points but was shut out in the second half. Wilcox came in averaging 17.3 points on the season,but he shot just35 percent and averaged 13 points over the previous eight games. But he hit his first two shots, a sign that he was in for a far more productive night offensively. During his slump, the only time Wilcox topped 20 points was in a loss to the Beavers on Jan. 23. Washington started the second half on a 14-5 run, taking the lead on Abdul Gaddy's floater in the lane and extending it with a pair of 3-pointers from Wilcox. The lead grew to seven when Kemp slammed a lob from Andrew Andrews, but it was down to 49-47 after Nelson hit a pair of free throws with 10:54 left. Washington answered with consecutive baskets and had a chance to push the lead to eight, but Aziz N'Diaye missed underneath the basket on a fast break. Challe Barton scored for the Beavers, and after a five-second count against Washington on the inbounds play, Nelson was fouled shooting a 3 and made all three shots to trim the lead to 53-52 with 8:51 left. Wilcox scored on a drive, and after the Huskies twice missed a chance to extend the lead, Kemp and Gaddy scored on consecutive possessions to push the lead to 59-53 with less than 5 minutes remaining.
Elaine Thompson I TheAssociated Press
Oregon State's Eric Moreland grabs a rebound in front of Washington's Jernard Jarreau in the first half of Saturday night's game in Seattle.
NHL ROUNDUP Washington State guard DaVonte Lacy, left, fouls Oregon forward Carlos Emory during the first half of Saturday night's game in Pullman, Wash. Oregon won 79-77 in overtime.
By Tim Booth
Dean Hare/The Associated Press
», ce
Ducks get shootout win over Predators The Associated Press NASHVILLE, Tenn. — The N ashville P r edators m a d e Anaheim goaltender Viktor Fasth work hard to continue the perfect start to his NHL career. Nick Bonino and Corey Perry scored in the shootout and the Ducks beatthe Predators 3-2 on Saturday night to earn their fourth straight victory and eighth in their past nine
uc sra o ea ou ars The Associated Press
Then Waverly Austin's basket gave Oregon its first lead since bring WSU within one. early in the game at 44-43 with Singler made a free throw to 14:17 left. "We all just got together and give Oregon a 76-74 lead. After a WSU miss, Emory was fouled on the chemistry started flowing," the rebound and made his first Emory said. Two 3-pointers by K e r nichfree throw but missed his second. Oregon got the rebound but Drew put WSU ahead 52-47. turned the ball over with 29 secThe teams traded baskets, and onds left. Woolridge made a long Austin's layup brought Oregon to 3-pointer to tie the score 77-77. 56-55. Woolridge hit a 3-pointer But Kernich-Drew fouled Sin- for WSU, but Singler replied with gler with 3.8 seconds left and the one for Oregon. Emory's dunk and free throw senior made both free throws for the winning points. put Oregon ahead61-59 with 5:54 The Cougars' first four field left. goals of the game were 3-pointers In other games on Saturday: as they took a 13-11 lead. UCLA ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Oregon center Tony W oods Stanford..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 was called for a flagrant foul for STANFORD, Calif. — Kyle elbowing Motum, WSU's leading Anderson had 18 points and 13 scorer,in the head and was eject- r ebounds, S h abazz M u h a m ed from the game with 9:55 left in mad made a late four-point play the first half and Oregon trailing and UCLA held on to beat Stan19-13. Motum was on the floor for ford. Two days after struggling several minutes holding his head offensively in a D -point loss at but then returned quickly. California, the Bruins (19-7, 9-4 Washington State scored six Pac-12) bounced back behind a head up." "If not for hi m w e w ouldn't consecutive points after that foul stellar effort from their two prized have beeninthe game," Washingto take a 25-13 lead. freshmen. Anderson recorded his ton State coach Ken Bone said of Oregon managed only one field team-leading seventh double-douKernich-Drew, who had several goal over a 13-minute span to fall ble while Muhammad finished key baskets. behind 32-15. with 25 points, eight in the final The Ducks clawed back beCarlos Emory added 20 points I:52. for No. 23 Oregon (21-5, 10-3). hind three baskets by Emory, but Arizona State ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 63 Royce Woolridge scored a ca- Washington State led 38-27 at Colorado..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62 reer-high 36 points for Washing- halftime. Woolridge had 22 points BOULDER, Colo. — Evan ton State (11-15, 2-11), loser of six in the first half. Oregon shot just Gordon's buzzer-beating layup in straight. Woolridge missed a half- 33 percent in the opening half, to overtime lifted Arizona State past court shot as time expired. 46 percent for WSU. Colorado.Gordon's game-winner "We were dead, just standing came after Spencer Dinwiddie's The score was tied 71-71 at the end of regulation time. around with no energy," Oregon bucket with 8.3 seconds left had DaVonte Lacy's free throw put coach Dana Altman said of the given the Buffaloes a 62-61 lead. Washington State up 72-71, but first half. Gordonfinished with 14points. JaJohnathan Loyd replied with a Oregon openedthe second half hii Carson's 18 points led the Sun basket and then Emory stole a with a quick 15-5 run, nine of the Devils (19-7, 8-5 Pac-12), which pass and slammed the ball home points by Singler and six by Da- won for the first time in four tries for a 75-72 Oregon lead. myean Dotson, to cut WSU's lead in Boulder and swept the season Motum sank two free throws to to 43-42. series against the Buffaloes. PULLMAN, Wash. — Oregon's E.J. Singler was prepared for a lot of possiblescenarios as he dribbled the ball up the court with the Ducks and Washington State tied in the final seconds of overtime. What he did not expect was WSU's Dexter Kernich-Drew to reach out and foul him. Singler sank both of the ensuing free throws with 3.8 seconds left in overtime for the winning points in Pac-12-leading Oregon's 79-77 men's basketball victory over the last-place Cougars. "Some of the guys were calling 'foul,' so I don't think he knew what the score was," said Singler, who finished with 25 points. "I was shocked." Washington State players and coaches ralliedaround KernichDrew, saying one mistake did not cause the defeat. "It was just a mistake," the Cougars' Brock Motum said. "It's in the past now. He needs to keep his
No.20u esu ersroa ossto Ma an The Associated Press COLLEGE PARK, Md. — As the final horn sounded and Maryland fans rushed the court to celebrate a rare victory over its bitter rival, weary Duke had just enough energy left to escape the mayhem for the safety of its locker room. Seth Allen broke a tie by making two free throws with 2.8 seconds left, and the Terrapins stunned the secondranked Blue Devils 83-81 Saturday night to end a six-game skid in the series.
In the tiebreaker, Fasth allowed just one of three Nashville shooters to score. The 30-year-old improved to 80-0 on the season, with four of those victories coming in shootouts. "We weren't on it right from the start, but we battled our way into the game," Fasth said. "I'm glad that we got away with a win today." It was the second time in as many games this season that the teams went to a shootout. The first came Jan. 26 in Anaheim in Fasth's NHL debut.
"We played a pretty good game against a pretty good
team," Nashville coach Barry Trotz said. "Both times we have played them, it has gone to a shootout. Unfortunately, we haven't been on the positive side yet on that shootout, but did we play well? Yeah, absolutely." Pekka Rinne stopped one of Anaheim's three shootout attempts. The loss halted Nashville's three-game w i nning streak. David Legwand scored the game's first goal at 13:31 of the opening period when he popped in the rebound of defenseman Jonathon B lum's shot from the point. "Just having t hat 5 - on-5 mentality where you just want to be greasy and get pucks to the netand have people there," Blum said. "Leggy was in the right spot, and I had a good
Matt Beleskey evened the score atI at 17:25 ofthe first. As Beleskey was skating through the slot, Perry hit him with a pass, and Beleskey beat Rinne high for his third goal of the season. The goal was the first puck to get by Rinne in hi s last 155:06 of action, a personal best. Nashville regained the lead at 9:31 when Shea Weber beat Fasth with a wrist shot from the right point. The Nashville captain's goal was his first of the season and 100th of his NHL career. Weber's goal came just after Nashville killed off an Anaheim two-man advantage of I:54 following successive delay-of-game penalties assessed to Rinne and defenseman Hal Gill. Also on Saturday:
M aple Leafs........... . . . . . . 3
No. 17 Oklahoma State...... . . . . . . . 84 Oklahoma ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 shots with 16.7 seconds to go. Quinn No.7Florida ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 STILLWATER, Okla. — Marcus Cook then fouled Allen as the fresh- Auburn ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 Smart scored 28 points,Le'Bryan man guard drove through the lane, AUBURN, Ala. — Mike Rosario Nash added a season-high 26 and and Allen made both shots. scored 22 points, Kenny Boynton had Oklahoma State got its third straight After a Duke timeout, Cook's des- 16 and Florida routed Auburn. down-to-the-wire win at home. peration 30-footer bounced off the No. 8 Michigan State...... . . . . . . . . . 73 No.19 New Mexico....... . . . . . . . . . . 60 back rim. Chaos ensued as the fans N ebraska..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 4 Boise State ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 immediately rushed the court. LINCOLN, Neb. — Keith Appling ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. — Camer"Ithought it was in when I got it off," scored 16 points to go over 1,000 for on Bairstow had 16 points and seven Cook said of his final attempt. his career and Adreian Payne added rebounds, and reserve Jamal Fenton Alex Len had 19 points and nine 15 points and 14 rebounds to lead hit three 3-pointers in the second half to lead New Mexico. rebounds for Maryland, and Allen Michigan State. Coming off a five-day break, Mary- scored 16. No.10Kansas State ...... . . . . . . . . . 61 Providence ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 land notched its most significant win In other games on Saturday: Baylor..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 No. 21 Notre Dame....... . . . . . . . . . . 54 of theseason atthe expense of a tired No. 1 Indiana...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 MANHATTAN, Kan. — Angel RoPROVIDENCE, R.I. — Kadeem Duke playing its fourth game in 10 Purdue..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 driguez scored 22 points and Shane Batts scored 20 points and Vincent B LOOMINGTON, I n d. — W i l l Southwell added 18 on six 3-pointers Council had 11 assists to become days. Providence's career leader. The Blue Devils were worn out, and Sheehey scored a c a reer-high 22 to lead Kansas State. it showed. points and Cody Zeller had 19 as In- No.11 Butler..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 No. 22 Memphis...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Marshall..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Duke was o u trebounded 40-20, diana rolled over Purdue, routing the Fordham...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 never led in the second half and got Boilermakers for the second time in NEW YORK — R o t nei C l arke HUNTINGTON, WVa. — Adonis only four points and three rebounds 2t/2 weeks. scored 22 points and Butler handed Thomas scored a c a reer-high 23 from 6-foot-10 senior center Mason No.5Gonzaga .......... . . . . . . . ... 71 Fordham its sixth straight loss and points and grabbed 10 rebounds to lead Memphis to it s 16th straight Plumlee. San Francisco...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 ninth in the past 10 games. "This has b een a n e x h austing SAN FRANCISCO — Kelly Olynyk No. 14 Kansas...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 vlctory. No. 24 Colorado State...... . . . . . . . . 89 schedulefor our team," coach Mike had 26 points and nine rebounds and Texas...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 Elias Harris added 17points and 13 reLAWRENCE, Kan. — Jeff Withey Air Force ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Krzyzewski said. "We're playing on fumes and I think you could tell that bounds to help Gonzaga snap a three- had 15 points and 11 rebounds while AIR FORCE ACADEMY, Colo. with Mason. I thought he looked ex- year losing streak at War Memorial becoming theBig 12's career blocked Dorian Greenscored 22 points to help shots leader, Elijah Johnson emerged Colorado State get its sixth straight hausted the whole game. He's been Gymnasium. great. Obviously not good tonight." No.6Syracuse.......... . . . . . . . ... 76 from a season-long slump and Kansas win. The Terrapins (18-7, 6-6 Atlantic Seton Hall ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 walloped Texas. Tennessee.......... . . . . . . . . . . . ... 88 NEWARK, N.J. — Brandon Triche No.18 Marquette..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Coast Conference) did not trail after No. 25 Kentucky...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 halftime but never could pull away. scored acareer-high 29 points to go No. 16 Pittsburgh...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 KNOXVILLE, Tenn. — Trae Golden M ILWAUKEE — V a n der B l u e had 24 points and eight assists as TenDuke (22-3, 9-3) was down by 10 with six rebounds and five assists, with 3:39 left but pulled even when leading Syracuse to a tougher-than- scored 19 points to help Marquette get nessee got its most lopsided win in the 216-game history of this series. Rasheed Sulaimon made three foul expected win. a share of first place in the Big East. -
Senators...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 TORONTO — Ben Scrivens stopped 34 shots for his first career shutout and Toronto defeated injury-ravaged Ottawa.
L ightning.......... . . . . . . . . . 6 P anthers...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SUNRISE, Fla. — Benoit Pouliot scored two goals, including the winner in overtime, and Tampa Bay ended a six-game losing streak. I slanders ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 D evils.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 UNIONDALE, N.Y. — John Tavares scored three goals and assisted on another to lead the New York Islanders over New Jersey. Canadiens..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
F lyers .......... . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
MONTREAL Rookie Brendan Gallagher had a goal and assist before leaving the game with an injury and Montreal downed Philadelphia for its third win in a row.
C oyotes .......... . . . . . . . . . . 5 B lue Jackets..... . . . . . . . . . . . 3 GLENDALE, Ariz. — Martin Hanzal had two goals and an assist and Phoenix won for the third time in four games. O ilers ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 A valanche..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 EDMONTON, Alberta Magnus Paajarvi scored the go-ahead goal in the closing minutes as Edmonton used a team-record 56 shots to rally from a three-goal deficit and beat Colorado.
a ras os rin ome
swim i e "It feels amazing to set the bar high," Haney said about earning a state title with Ridgeview in the new Redmond high school's first y ear. "I
By Beau Eastes The Bulletin
GRESHAM — Make way for the White Buffaloes. Knocking off a pair of traditional powers in Cottage Grove and Sweet H ome, M adras High broke through Saturday for its first state swimming
used last year (when she
placed eighth in the 6A state meet swimming for Redmond
High) as fuel. I knewI could do
championship, edging out
runner-up Newport 59-53 in the Class 4A/3A/2A/IA boys state meet at Mt. Hood Community College. The Buffaloes, whose swim program is in only its fourth year, rode the individual performance of Bryce Williams and the collective efforts of their three relay squads. Williams, a sophomore, won the 200-yard freestyle and placed second inthe 500 free. Just as important, Madras' three relay teams all placed, including its 200-yard medley squad made up of Dustin Henderson, Jordan Gemelas, Ian Goodwin and Cade Boston, which opened the boys meet with a victory in a time of I minute, 45.56 seconds. "It's really cool to be a part of this from the ground up," said Gemelas, who along with Henderson, a fellow senior, competed on the very f i r st Madras swim team during the 2009-10 school year. "I'm excited to see this young team grow," added Gemelas, who placed fourth in the 100 b reaststroke, f i nished f i f t h in the 200 individual medley, and swam on the White Buffaloes' 200 free relay squad that placed second. "They only lose two seniors. It will be fun to see what they do in the next few years." Junior Ian Goodwin added third-place finishes in the 100 butterfly and the 200 IM for Madras in addition to swimming on the Buffs' championship 200 medley squad and third-place 400 free relay. "We're definitely going to miss our seniors," Madras coach Bobby DeRoest said. "They've worked hard these last four years. But we've got
Girls Continued from D1 Visibly d isappointed after taking second in the 100 free, Brewer recovered in time to take second in the 100 backstroke to W i l son H igh's Grace C a rlson, a two-time U.S. Olympic Trials qualifier, and swim the anchor le g o n S u m m i t 's winning 400 free relay that secured the Storm's second championship. "Yeah, I was disappointed with my 100 free time," admitted Brewer, who p lans to swim at the University of Idaho next season. "I thought I had cost my team a chance at state. But I pulled myself together for the 100 back and the relay." Ali E pple, a f r e shman, made important c ontributions for the Storm by placing second in the 200 IM and fifth in the 100 breaststroke. S ophomore Jenni f e r
n l,jy
i tl0e
better." Sophie Gemelas turned in the standout performance of the morning for th e W h ite Buffalo girls team, which finished fifth in th e meet and just missed out on a state trophy. Gemelas, asophomore, won the 200 IM, took second in the 100 breaststroke and helped the Buffs' 200 medley
(fifth) and 200 free (sixth) re-
Photos by John Klicker/For The Bulletin
The Madras boys swim team celebrates after winning the Class 4A/3A/2A/1A state championship heldat Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham on Saturday.
Sophie Gemelas, of Madras, receives a first-place medal after her win in the girls 200-yard individual medley in Gresham on Saturday. some great young kids too. We want to make sure Madras is more than just a flash in the
Bryce Williams, of Madras, competes in the boys 500-yard freestyle, taking second place during the OSAA swim meet in Gresham on Saturday.
pan." Ridgeview junior R a chel Haney capped a record-setting championship meet Saturday with a state title in the 100
"Yeah, l was disappointed with my 100 free time. l thought l had cost my team a chance at state. But l pulled myself together for the 100 back and the relay."
backstroke in 58.85 seconds — she set the 4A/3A/2A/IA meet record in the event during Friday's preliminary round with a mark of 58.40 — and a
Mary Stewart, of Sisters, receives her first-place medal after the girls 50-yard freestyle event during Saturday's meet in Gresham. runner-up finish in the 200 IM to Madras sophomore Sophie Gemelas.
lay squads place in Saturday's finals. Sisters High also had an individual champion in Mary Stewart, who won the 50 freestyle. The freshman standout turned in a time of 25.70 seconds to best runner-up Shelby Baker of La Grande (25.88 seconds). Stewart also took sixth in the 100 free. "Her goal is to win the 50free all four years of high school," said first -year Sisters coach Brittany Baldessari. "This has been an incredible first year. The kids did outstanding." A former state champion herself at Sisters, Baldessari, just 22, guided the Outlaws to a tie for seventh place at state on Saturday a week afterhergirls squad won its district meet. North Bend won the girls 4A/3A/2A/IA c h a mpionship with 45 points, barely beating out Phoenix and Henley, which tied for second with 44 points. Valley Catholic of B eaverton was fourth w i t h 27 points, and Madras placed
fifth (23 points). Ridgeview ended the meet in 10th place. "This is 1 0 t i mes better than winning state yourself," Baldessari said at the end of the meet. "It's so much more exciting watching these kids compete." — Reporter: 541-383-0305, beastes@bendbulletinjcom.
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— Summit swimmer Madi Brewer after finishing second in the Class 5A 100 backstroke and helping the Storm win the 400
third in the 200 individual medley at last week's Special District I meet, Robeson u sed a blistering final 5 0 meters to rally and win the multidiscipline event at state in a time of 2 minutes, 12.19 seconds. "She's a fighter," Bend coach Elizabeth Meskill said about Robeson. "You don't want to underestimate her." The Bears' 200 freestyle relay — made up of Chyna Fish, Brooke Walsh, Robeson and BellaWiener — added a win as well, posting a time of I:42.00 to nip West Albany Robeson highlighted a spir- by .03 seconds before the i ted performance b y t h e Bulldogs were disqualified Lava Bears, who surprised after the race. Wiener, yet everyone bu t t h e m selves another sophomore, swam with their runner-up effort, the anchor leg for Bend and the program's highest state held off West Albany's Jocfinish since the 1999 champi- elyn Harding in one of the onship season. After taking afternoon's most e x citing
freesyle relay
races. Mountain View f i n ished seventh overall S a turday.
The Cougars' 400 free relay placed third and their 200 free squad finished fourth. Sophomore Justine Hanway recorded Mountain View's top individual finish with a fifth-place effort in the 100 free. With all three programs in Bend r eturning almost everyone n e x t sea s ons — Brewer and Walsh were the only seniors to s core points for Summit and Bend on Saturday — t h e 2 0 14 and 2015 state meets could resemble the City of Bend championships. "The next tw o y e a rs," Meskill said, "are going to be fun." — Reporter: 541-383-0305
Photos by John Khckeri For The Bulletin
Summit's Tommy Brewer swims to a first-place finish in the boys 200-yard individual medley during the Class 5A swimming state championships held at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham on Saturday.
Boys Continued from D1 (The time for his leg in the 200 free relay — 20.48 seconds — would have been a new allclassification state record had he clocked that mark in the 50
,»' j K
John Klicker i For The Bulletin
Mackenzie Halligan swims her leg of the 200-yard medley relay for Summit as the Storm took first place during OSAA Class 5A swimming state championships held at Mt. Hood Community College in Gresham on Saturday.
"He's fun to watch swim," Halligan said. "And he's always on. Even when he has b ad sw ims, t h ey're g o o d swims for everyone else." Another S ummit s o phomore, John Hartmeier, who has four district titles of his own in two years, won his first individual state title Saturday, claiming this year's 100 free crown in 48.86 seconds. Hartmeier, who also swam on the 200 and 400 free relays, added a second-place finish in the 200 backstroke to help the Storm defend their 2012 team state title. " We've had a g o o d r u n of hard-working kids in the program the last four years," Brewer said about a Summit boys dynasty that now has produced seven c hampionships dating back to 2003. With the Storm underclassmen leading the way in the individual r a ces, Summit's old guard kicked off the meet
John Hartmeier of Summit finished first in the 100-yard freestyle during the Class 5A swimming state championships on Saturday in Gresham. Summit's boys took the overall title. with a v i ctory i n t h e 2 00medley relay. Seniors Connor Brenda, Aidan Soles and Marshall Allen and junior Adrien Calmels posted a w i n n i ng time of I:42.37, just.12 seconds ahead of second-place Wilson
(I:42.49). Mountain View placed 10th as a team on Saturday behind the swims of Joseph Murphy and Kris Sagers. Murphy, a sophomore and last week's Special District I c h amp in the 50 freestyle, placed third in that event, and Sagers, a sen-
ior, turned in a fourth-place finish in the 200 IM after entering Friday's preliminary round as the 12th seed. F reshman B e n Br o c k man led a young Bend High s quad by t a king f ourth i n the 100 butterfly, finishing sixth in the 200 freestyle and anchoring the L ava Bears' 400 free relay, which placed sixth. Bend ended the meet tied for 11th place in the team standings. — Reporter: 541-383-0305,
Haas takes over lead at Riviera The Associated Press L OS ANGELES — B i l l Haas had another bogey-free round at Riviera on Saturday for a 7-under 64 — the best round of the day by t hree s hots — that gave hi m a three-stroke lead going into the final round of the Northern Trust Open. On a warm afternoon off Sunset Boulevard that made the greens even faster, Haas turned ina remarkable score. The key was a seven-hole stretch in the middle of his round that he played in 6-under par, including a 60-foot pitch that dropped for eagle on the scary par-4 10th hole. He was at 12-under 201 and will try to become only the eighth back-to-back winner in the 76-year history of this tournament. All he cares about today is winning. "It's very difficult in this game to just pull away from the rest of the field," Haas said. "You've only seen a few guys ever really do that, and those are guys like Jack Nicklaus, Tiger Woods, Phil Mickelson. So I think I've just got to stay in the moment, don't let my emotions get the best of me." A year ago, Haas was two shots behind going into the final round and wound up winning in a playoff over Mickelson and Keegan Bradley. This time, he has a comfortable margin over U.S. Open champion Webb Simpson and former Masters champion Charl Schwartzel, who each thought they did well for a 68. John Merrick bogeyed the 18th hole for a 70 and joined Simpson and Schwartzel at 9-under 204. Luke Donald overcame a sloppy start — three bogeys in a six-hole stretch — with four birdies on the back nine to salvage a 70 that put him four shots behind, along with Fredrik Jacobson (72). Mickelson was hopeful of making a move and instead went th e o t her d i r ection. He missed three par putts of about 6 feet on the front nine and had a 72, putting him nine shots behind. Ernie Els, playing with Mickelson, also dropped shots early and dropped out of the hunt with a 73. The round started w ith
20 playersseparated by five shots. Thanks to Haas and his flawless play, only eight players were within five of the lead.
PGA Continued from D1 There is also the question of what will happen in 2016 when golf becomes part of the Olympics, whose prospective participants are subject to regular testing outside competition. Another question: What
Reed Saxon /The Associated Press
Bill Haas chips to the 12th green in the third round of the Northern Trust Open at Riviera Country Club in the Pacific Palisades area of Los Angeles, Saturday.
It might not be easy for anyone to catch up to Haas if the sunshine continues to bake Riviera. The fairways were so firm that tee shots were running some 50 yards after they landed, and the greens were firm enough that balls ran out an extra two feet around the hole. "I had a lot of 3- and 4-footers for par," Simpson said. He was pleased with his round of 68 that included only one bogey, but when Simpson pulled out his cell phone to check the leaderboard as he sat down for lunch, he saw Haas atop the leaderboard with a 64.
"So he played great," Simp-
son said. Most i m p ressive a b out how Haas has gone around Riviera in the past few days is 40 consecutive holes without a bogey. The last one he made was on Thursday when he missed a 4-foot putt. But on this day, it was his birdies and one eagle that made the difference.
"I was just kind of plugging
along out there and then all of a sudden, made a nice putt at 9, chip-in at 10, good up-anddown at 11," he said. And off he went. T he birdie putt o n t h e ninth was about 30 feet, and Haas had to play it outside the hole and hit it with purpose. It broke sharply into the cup, and then he hit 3-wood off the tee on the 10th, leaving it some 10 yards short of the green with the left pin. He had seen Greg Chalmers play a pitch from about the same area to 6 feet short of the hole and figured that was a good
a lot of the reason you have
an anti-doping policy is for
the public perception. I assume it's obviously to catch people that are doing stuff they shouldn't do, but it's as much to maintain the image of your sport, I think. You've got someone who's admitted to being guilty and not getting sanctioned; that kind of will happen if Singh plays undermines the point of the on the Champions Tour, the whole thing." PGA Tour circuitfor players Since the anti-doping proage 50 and older, which has gram was instituted in 2008, no drug testing? Ty Votaw, a only one player has been PGA Tour spokesman, said caught. In 2009, the journeyany penalties Singh might re- man Doug B a rron t ested ceive would be upheld on the positive for exogenous testossenior circuit. terone and the beta blocker The t o u r' s a n t i -doping propranolol, both of which he manual states that a player was taking under a doctor's who admits using a banned supervision. Hi s o n e-year substance faces the same suspension was lifted after consequences as someone the tour granted him a therawho fails a drug test: up to a peutic exemption. year's suspension and a fine Commissioner Ti m up to $500,000. But what if Finchem has said he does not the product that was used think a competitive advanby Singh, a three-time major tage can be gained in golf by champion and member of the using performance-enhancWorld Golf Hall of Fame, is ing drugs, a belief that was found not to contain IGF-I? echoed last week by Sergio "I don't think there's any Garcia, an eight-time tour room for gray i n w h ether winner. "It's not the kind of sport he's guilty or not," said Geoff Ogilvy,the 2006 U.S. Open t hat needs much when i t champion and a seven-time comes to enhancing drugs tour winner who was paired or whatever you want to call with Singh for the first two it, p e r formance-enhancing rounds here. "I think the gray drugs," Garcia said, adding: "We started testing — what area is the punishment." What if Singh, whose rig- was it? — 2008, I think, and orous workout regimen has n othing ha s r e ally c o m e been lauded by Tiger Woods, a round. So I t hi n k t h a t another fitness fanatic, is speaks for itself." able to prove the product he Linn Goldberg, a sports used did not contain IGF-I m edicine doctor a n d r e or produces doctors who will searcher a t t he Or e g on testify that taking it orally Health 8 Science University, does not provide any benefit noted that golfers, like other because it must be injected to athletes, lift weights and adbe effective? What if Singh here to off-course conditionends up with no punishment? ing regimens. "What are they "I don't think that would be working out for?" he said in a good," Ogilvy said. "Because telephone interview. "To get
play — anything that rolled by the hole was likely to keep going off the green and down into a valley. Haas hit an even better shot, landing it about 15 feet short of the hole and watching it roll into the cup. He hit his second shot into a bunker near the green on the par-5 11th and got that close for birdie, and later in his round, he splashed out of the sand on the par-5 17th to inside a foot for his final birdie. Simpson, who arrived at Wake Forest the year that Haas g r a duated, f i g ures Haas will have to make a few mistakes for anyone to make
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a big move. Also on Saturday: Shin, Ko share lead CANBERRA, A u s t r alia — Jiyai Shin of South Korea and 15-year-old amateur Lydia Ko both shot 3-under to surge six shots clear of the field heading into the final day of the Women's Australian Open. Born i n S outh Korea and based in New Zealand, Ko jumped to an early lead at Royal Canberra with birdies on the 2nd, 4th and 6th holes. She allowed Shin to regain a share of the lead with bogeys on No. 12 and 14 before making another birdie on the final hole to finish the day at 17-under 202.
Langer on top bythree strokes
NAPLES, Fla. — Bernhard Langer shot a 2-under 70 to take a three-shot lead after the second round of the Champions Tour's ACE Group Classic. Langer, who had a 10-under 62 in the first round, picked up where he left off with a birdie on his first hole. He made 11 straight pars after that, birdied No. 13, and had a par on the last five holes in windy conditions. He is at 12-under 132. Taiwan's Chien Soon Lu and Tom Pernice Jr., who was runner-up last week in Boca Raton, Fla., are tiedfor second at 9-under 135.
Eric Gay/The Associated Press
Damian Lillard of the Portland Trail Blazers participates in the skills challenge during NBA basketball All-Star Saturday Night in Houston. Lillard won the event.
Ross topdunker; Lilard showsskils NBA
By Chris Duncan
The Associated Press
HOUSTON — Terrence Ross had to settle his nerves at the start of the All-Star dunk contest. By the end, he was calming down a ball boy he needed as a prop for his winning slam. The 6-foot-6 Toronto rookie leapfrogged Michael Costolo, the son of Twitter CEO Dick Costolo, whipped the ball between his legs and hammered home a one-handed dunk tobeat defending champion Jeremy Evans in the climax to All-Star Saturday. "I told him the day before that I was going to jump over him, but I never told him I was going to go through the legs," Ross said. "He was kind of nervous. When I first grabbed him, he said, 'You're not going to hit me, right?' I said, 'No, I'm not going to hit you.' " Portland rookie Damian Lillard beat Philadelphia's Jrue Holiday to win the Skills Competition. Players navigated through a dribbling circuit, had to make a jumper from the top of the key and hit passing targets. Lillard finished the course in 29.8seconds. Holiday's time was 35.6 seconds. "I think the biggest thing for me was to try not to be too cool and speed through it," Lillard said, "but take my time with the passes and shots." Ross seemed tobe unsure of himself in the beginning, botching his first three dunk attempts in the first round. The crowd exploded when he finally pulled it off — flicking the ball
behind his back on the way up and hammering home a one-handed dunk. He earned a perfect 50 and immediately relaxed. "This is honestly my first really big dunk contest, so I was nervous," said Ross, the eighth overall pick in last year's draft out of Washington. "And not making a dunk didn't make it easy. I had to get myself together." Ross earned 58 percent of the fan vote in the championship round, outdoing Evans' propfilled display. Evans leaped over a painted portrait of himself and former Jazz giant Mark Eaton, who sat on a box and held up the ball for Evans to swipe on his way to the rim. Earlier, Cleveland guard Kyrie Irving beat San Antonio's Matt Bonner to win the 3-point contest. Irving, who will play in his first AllStar game today, hit his first seven attempts and 20 of 25 overall in the final round to finish with 23 points, two shy of the record held by Craig Hodges and Jason Kapono. In the first competition of the night, the trio of Miami's Chris Bosh, WNBA star Swin Cash and Hall of Famer Dominique Wilkins won the Shooting Stars competition, beating a team of Oklahoma City guard Russell Westbrook, WNBA star Maya Moore and former Houston Rocket Robert Horry.
Two top Africa leaderboard EAST LONDON, South Africa — South A f r icans Darren Fichardt and Jaco Van Zyl share the lead going into the final round of the Africa Open, two shots clear of their nearest pursuers at East London Golf Club. Fichardt had a 65, setting up a great day by firing four birdies and an eagle on the first eight holes, but his second bogey on the 17th dropped him back to 15-under 129 and into a tie with Van Zyl, who had a 68.
weaker?" Goldberg added: "People used to say that of baseball players, that it wasn't going to help you hit if you took performance-enhancing drugs, that you'd just bulk up. Is the skill set for hitting a golf ball that different from hitting a baseball?" Matt Every, a t w o -time runner-up on the tour last year, said he did not believe
GetatNaY ~I
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courtesy of Pleasant Holidays, Getaways Travel and The Bulletin. This fabulous trip for two includes: roundtrip air from Los Angeles on Air Tahiti Nui and five nights'accommodation at Bora Bora Pearl Beach Resort 8t Spa. A prize package valued at $7,000 -0.
cated doping. "That is what we should be testing for out here," Every said. "That is what gives people an advantage out here. And if there isn't a test for it, then I don't even know why we're testing out here." He added: "I think they'll probably look at it and maybe change it a little bit here coming up. Hopefully, they will. I think they should." Athletes in Olympic sports have blood testing and out-ofcompetition testing, and Votaw said that in 2016, golfers on the tour who are identified by their countries as potential Olympic participants will be educated on the process. "We're confident we have a vigorous testing program," Votaw said. People in other sports such as swimming, cycling, baseball and track and field also expressed confidence that their athletes were clean until it became painfully clear that they were not. "If you take a look at other sports, if you go back in time, they all say the same thing, that doping w o uld n ever help," Goldberg said. "It's very curious."
Enjoy a spectacular 5-nighI French Polynesia vacation
doping was a problem in golf, but he wondered why the players were not subjected to blood tests, which can detect human growth hormone and other sophisti-
For complete rules and regulations, visit or stop by The Bulletin at1777 SW Chandler Ave., Bend. Additional entry forms are available in newspapers for sale across Central Oregon and in the lobby of TheBulletin. Entry forms should be delivered or mailed to TheBulletin. Last day to enter is March 22, 2013 at noon. Winner will be drawn March 25, 2013.
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Market Recap, E4-5 Sunday Driver, E6
an'o ma er in sits rove • Skilled workers,'stubborn' attitude help DeeringBanjo hit the right note By Ronald D. White Los Angeles Times
It all started with the Kingston Trio. One day in 1963, a San Diego kid and his friends got their hands on an album by the popular folk group. Greg Deering, 12 at the time, recalls studying the musicians on the cover and thinking, "I've got to get a banjo" — not out o f love for t h e twangy i n strument but mainly because his pal a lready had a guitar. 0. Fifty years later, Greg, his wife, Janet, and daughter, Jamie, preside over th e b e st-
i @1~'
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, If
b a njo-
makingbusiness in the U.S. From a small Spring V a l ley, Calif., f a c tory, t he Dee r i n g Banjo Co. is having its best year ever, defying the
U.S. skills gap and California's manufacturing doldrums. It has expanded and trained its own workforce and expects to top $4 million in sales for the year ending June 30. See Banjo/E3 '47
s ues'
Photos by Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin
'sf t k • 'V.
Outback Manufacturing may add to its 21-member workforce if Oregon lands one of six proposed drone test sites across the country.
• Central Oregon wants to be a part of regional unmanned aerial vehicle hub By Eion Glucklich The Builetin
aunching unmanned vehicles into the High Desert sky may be the tonic Central Oregon's aviation industry has craved since Cessna and its 400 jobs left Bend. While the single-engine planes of Cessna and others drove the aviation manufacturing industry in Central Oregon for years, economic development officials are looking now to the unmanned aerial industry as the next-generation job creator. The Federal Aviation Administration kicked that effort into high-gear Thursday. After months of delay, the agency announced the start of the process to pick six sites across the United States for the testing of drones, called unmanned aircraft systems by industry officials. The site selection is part of an effort to integrate unmanned aircraft into civilian aviation by the end of 2015. The FAA predicts more than 10,000 of these vehicles will be flying over America's skies by 2017, doing a combination of military training, search and rescue,geographical surveying, forest fire detection and other tasks. Central Oregon's business leaders want to bring as many drones here as possible. Their push comes amid increasing national
Photos by Mark Boster/ Los Angeles Times
A finished rim waits for the hardware at the Deering Banjo Co. in Spring Valley, Calif.
When youremailturns from delight to deluge By Jenna Wortham New York Times News Service
Bill Mitchell inspects machine parts at Outback Manufacturing in Bend. The company could be one of many to benefit from a potential drone testing site in the state. concerns over the potential for drones to spy on citizens. Some drones are about the size of piloted military jets, weighing several tons. Others are the size of a kitchen plate, or smaller.
At stake is the chance to recruit new high-tech companies to the region and create a hub for unmanned aerial vehicles in the Pacific Northwest. SeeDrones/E5
In the not-so-distant past, the chipper AOL sound of "You've got mail!" filled me with giddiness and glee. I would eagerly check my inbox, excitedto see what message had arrived. Those days are long gone. Now, when I examine my various email accounts, my main emotion is dread. One morning last week, I sat at my desk and stared at my Gmail inbox; 40,000 unread emails stared back. (That big number is a function of my life as a writer and of having five different accounts, work and personal.) Feeling unusually invigorated, I attacked the mountain, trashing subscription newsletters and social networking alerts en masse. See Email/E2
A box of ThinMints, a sourceof pride • For this Girl Scout, it's about morethan pushing cookies By Ron Lieber New York Times News Service
TUCSON, Ariz. — When you buy a box of Girl Scout cookies and devour 10 in a single sitting, as untold numbers of people will in the next
month, you are propping up a pretty sizable enterprise. During last year's sales season, scouts sold $785 million worth of Thin Mints, Samoas and all the rest, about 215 million boxes in all. Our collective annual binge may well represent the greatest continuing marketing bonanza an American nonprofit group has ever created. But for the 1.5 million or so girls who do the selling, it also
6 Chris Hinkle/ New York Times News Serace
Mary Ruiz, 10, a Girl Scout, and her mother, Pilar Ruiz, pack up after an evening of selling Girl Scout cookies door to door in Tucson, Ariz. Selling Thin Mints and Samoas has brought Mary self-esteem, money skills, a sense of accomplishment and some great electronic gear. represents an opportunity. They handle more money than they might have ever
seen in one place, build sales skills long before they have their first part-time jobs and
earn prizes — commissions, in effect — that their parents might not be able to afford or wouldn't buy for them. Which is how 10-year-old Mary Ruiz managed to stock her small bedroom here with an iPad, laptop and Nintendo DS. Last year, her customers bought 5,007 boxes of cookies. While the national organization does not collect individual rankings, it's doubtful that more than a tiny handful of girls outsold her. To her mother, Pilar, who is also her troop leader, this is asource of pride.To other parents, sales season is a source of dread, when work schedules conspire to keep them from chaperoning their children for after-school sales calls while boxes and order forms consume the weekends. See Cookies/E3
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BUSINESS CALENDAR Email events at least10 daysbeforepublication date to or click on"Submit an Event" at Contact: 541-383-0323. Road; 541-706-6234. NURSINGPROGRAM ORIENTATION:Review the selection BASIC MEDIATION TRAINING: This procedure for students interested four-day training includes theory in applying to COCC'sAssociate and practice in interest-based of Applied Science in Nursing negotiation and provides the tools program as well as the prerequisites to navigate and intervene when conflicts arise; the training meets the for applying and support courses necessaryfor the AASdegree; it requirements for mediators set out is not necessary to be enrolled at in the Oregon Revised Statutes and COCC toattend this orientation, and in the Oregon Administrative Rules; successful completion of thistraining reservations are not needed; Room 305, Building 3; free; 9-10 a.m.; will enable participants to mediate Central Oregon Community College, as a volunteer at Central Oregon Redmondcampus,2030 S.E.College Mediation Inc. as well as many Loop, Redmond; 541-318-3741. other community mediation centers KNOW COMPUTERS FOR in Oregon; registration required; BEGINNERS: For those with little or $495; 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m.; Deschutes experience;2-3:30 p.m.; Children's Foundation East Campus, no computer Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 2125 N.E Daggett Lane, Bend; N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. 541-383-0187, coordinator© or OPEN COMPUTERLAB:3-4:30 p.m .; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. FREE TAXPREPARATION SERVICES:United Way will offer BUSINESSAFTER HOURS, CROSS tax preparation clinics with certified CREEKCAFE:4:30-5:30 p.m.; volunteers to help those who need Cross Creek Cafe, 507 SW8th St., assistance to file both federal and Redmond; 541-504-8900. state tax returns; appointments CROOKEDRIVER RANCHrequested; free; noon-5 p.m.; TERREBONNE CHAMBEROF Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 COMMERCE NETWORKINGSOCIAL: N.W. Wall St.; 541-389-6507. Troy Ford, owner of 5 T's Computer CENTRALOREGONSATURDAY Repair and Video Surveillance, will MARKET 2013 KICK-OFF host the event; food and networking MEETING:Newand returning opportunities; free; 5:30 p.m.; Juniper vendors are invited to plan for and Realty, 14290 S.W. Chinook Road; find out more about the upcoming 541-923-2679. summer market; free; 1 p.m.; SMALL BUSINESSCOUNSELING: Downtown Bend Public Library, SCOREbusiness counselors will be 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-420-9015. available everyTuesdayfor free oneon-onesmallbusinesscounseling;no appointment necessary; free; 5:30MONDAY 7:30p.m.;Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.WallSt.; 541-617AARP FREETAXPREPARATION 7080 or SERVICES:United Way will offer tax preparation clinics with certified HOW TO STARTA BUSINESS: Presented by COCC Business Advisor volunteers to help those who need Robin Mirrasoul; RSVP requested; assistance to file both federal and free; 6 p.m.; La PinePublic Library, state tax returns; appointments 16425 First St.; 541-382-1795 or 541requested; free; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed 383-7290 or Market Road; 541-706-6234. AARP FREE TAXPREPARATION WEDNESDAY SERVICES:United Waywill offer tax preparation clinics with certified BUSINESSNETWORK volunteers to help thosewho need INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER assistance to file both federal andstate WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are tax returns; appointments requested; welcome and first two visits are free; free; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Pentecostal Church 7a.m.; Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. of God, 51491Morson St., La Pine; Reed Market Road; 541-749-0789. 541-536-6237. AARP FREETAX PREPARATION FREE TAXPREPARATION SERVICES:SeeMonday's listing; SERVICES:SeeToday's listing; free; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Senior appointments requested; free; Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket 4-7 p.m.; M.A. Lynch Elementary Road; 541-706-6234. School, 1314 S.W. KalamaAve., FREETAXPREPARATION SERVICES: Redmond; 541-389-6507. See Today's listing; appointments requested; free; 10a.m.-5 p.m.; Downtown BendPublic Library, 601 TUESDAY N.W. Wall St.; 541-389-6507. KNOW COFFEE,KNOW EBOOKS: ORGANIZINGWITH OUTLOOK Learn about eReaders and how to FOR BUSYPEOPLE WEBINAR: download eBooks and audiobooks Online webinar; discover how to from Deschutes Public Library; integrate all the components of Outlook (email, calendar, tasks and eReaders are available or bring your contacts) to makeyour time rich and own; free; 1:30-2:30 p.m.; Bellatazza productive; hosted by SIMPLIFY; Coffee, 869 N.W.Wall St., Bend; registration required; $80; 8-10 a.m.; 541-617-7083. Camp Sherman; 503-260-8714 or FREE TAXPREPARATION info© SERVICES:SeeToday's listing; VISITBEND BOARD MEETING: appointments requested; free; Open to the public; free; 8 a.m.; 4-7 p.m.; M.A. Lynch Elementary Bend Visitor Center, 750 N.W. Lava School, 1314 S.W. KalamaAve., Road; email Valerie© Redmond; 541-389-6507. to reserve a seat; 541-382-8048. NETWORK FORENTREPRENEURIAL BASIC MEDIATIONTRAINING: WOMEN:Jana Owen of Freedom See Today's listing; $495; 8:30 Personal Development will present a.m.-5 p.m.; Deschutes Children's on Discovering Your Entrepreneurial Foundation EastCampus, 2125 N.E. DNA; registration required; $22 for Daggett Lane,Bend;541-383-0187, members, $27 for nonmembers; 5-8 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. coordinator©centraloregon or www.central Neff Road; 541-848-8598 or AARP FREETAXPREPARATION YOUNG PROFESSIONALS SERVICES:SeeMonday's listing; NETWORK:Networking; RSVP free; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Senior required; $5 for members, $12 for Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket nonmembers; 5 p.m.; Jones & Roth
CPAs and Business Advisors, 300 SW Columbia St., Ste 201, Bend; HOW TO DEVELOPA BUSINESS PLAN:First-time business owners can learn how to evaluate their finances, target their market and present their ideas in a written business plan; registration required; $59; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290.
Community Board Room,1130 N.W. Harriman St., Bend. KNOW CRAIGSLIST: 10:30 a.m .; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-3121050. CENTRALOREGONREAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB: Free; 11 a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile© KNOW COMPUTERS FOR BEGINNERS:Forthose with little THURSDAY or no computer experience; 2 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, SMALL BUSINESSTAXUPDATES: 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; Presented by Opportunity 541-3 I2-1 050. Knocks and East Cascades Risk KNOW DIGITALBOOKS: Management Association; an Demonstration on accessing, update on 2012 tax filing rules and commonly missed or misunderstood downloading and transferring library digital books to eReaders; small business credits; registration 2-3:30 p.m.; Sunriver Area required; $25 for Opportunity Public Library, 56855 Venture Knocks members and $35 for nonmembers; 7:30-9a.m.;Bend Golf Lane; 541-312-1080. and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-318-4650 or www SATURDAY AARP FREE TAX PREPARATION FREE TAXPREPARATION SERVICES:SeeMonday's listing; SERVICES:SeeToday's listing; appointments requested; free; appointments requested; free; 9a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Prineville COIC 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; Office, 2321 N.E. Third St.; 541-706-6234. 541-447-3260. AARP FREE TAX PREPARATION 2013 SPRING SHEEP SERVICES:SeeMonday's listing; PRODUCERS WORKSHOP appointments requested; free; — LAMBING TOUR:Central 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Pentecostal Church Oregon sheep producers, in of God, 51491 Morson St., La Pine; cooperation with Oregon State 541-536-6237. University Extension Service will OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER present this three-part series, PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the designed to give all ages and minimum requirements by the levels of sheep producers an Oregon Liquor Control Commission opportunity to connect, observe to obtain an alcohol server permit; and learn first-hand knowledge registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; about lambing techniques, Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E Third pasture management, sheep St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www dairies and parasite control; free; 10 a.m.; Hay Creek Ranch, 1219 SE Haycreek Road, Madras; 541AARP FREE TAX PREPARATION 480-1340 or tcf© SERVICES:SeeMonday's listing; appointments requested; free;10 SMALL BUSINESS a.m.-5 p.m.; Warm Springs Family COUNSELING:SCORE business Resource Center, 1144 Warm counselors will be available Springs St.; 541-553-1626. every Tuesday for free one-onone small business counseling; TAX FILING CLINICS:With Spanish language interpreters; free; 10 a.m.- no appointment necessary; free; 10 a.m.-noon; Redmond Public 4 p.m.; Mike Maier Building, Community Board Room, 1130 N.W. Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050 or www Harriman St., Bend. KNOW EXCELFOR BEGINNERS: FREE TAXPREPARATION Learn basics of this spreadsheet SERVICES:United Way will program and create a simple offer tax preparation clinics with address book; 2-3:30 p.m.; East certified volunteers to help those Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean who need assistance to file both Swift Road; 541-330-3760. OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2-3:30p.m .; federal and state tax returns; appointments requested; free; Downtown Bend Public Library, noon-5 p.m.; Downtown Bend 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall OPEN COMPUTERLAB:2:30-4 p.m.; St.; 541-389-6507. La Pine Public Library, 16425 First St.; 541-536-0515. BUSINESSNETWORK SUNDAY INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Feb. 24 Visitors are welcome and first two FREE TAXPREPARATION visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend SERVICES:United Way will Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S.Highway 20; offer tax preparation clinics with 541-480-1765. certified volunteers to help those who need assistance to file both federal and state tax returns; FRIDAY appointments requested; free; noon-5 p.m.; Downtown Bend AARP FREE TAX PREPARATION Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall SERVICES:SeeMonday's listing; St.; 541-389-6507. appointments requested; free; 9a.m.-4 p.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-706-6234. AARP FREE TAX PREPARATION SERVICES:SeeMonday's listing; appointments requested; free; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Warm Springs Family Resource Center,1144 Warm Springs St.; 541-553-1626. TAX FILING CLINICS:With Spanish language interpreters; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Mike Maier Building,
to clearing out inboxes each day — otherwise known as InContinued from E1 box Zero — but that requires a I t y ped b r ie f c o n firma- level of constant attention and tions for v a rious meetings, maintenancebeyond the scope sent long-overdue RSVPs and of my time and patience. replied to a few friends who I was starting to consider had sent warm notes of hello. email bankruptcy — ditching In an hour, I worked my way my account and signing up through roughly 100 emails. for a new one — until I heard Satisfied by a morning well about a new option inthe email spent, I left for an early lunch. wars, an iOS app called MailBut when I returned to my box, which promises to change desk an hour later, it was as if how we manage our mail. I'd never deleted a thing. There The app lets users sort their were dozens of new messages, inbox into three neat columns, each waiting to be tackled. in a much sleeker and prettier It wasn't always like this. interface than the basic mail Email was once a great tool clients available for the iPhone for communication, one that or most Android phones. It's possible that no techniwas less intrusive than the telephone and faster than the cal fix will ever be enough. Postal Service. No amount of clever sorting Where have we gone wrong? software or folders will stop Part of it has to do with how overzealousemailers who instagnant the format of email sist on hitting "reply-all" on has remained, while the rest of group messages or on nagging communication and social net- you when they haven't heard a working has surged light years response after a day or two. ahead, says Susan Etlinger, an Joshua Lyman, a technoloanalyst at A l t imeter Group, gy consultant and blogger who who studies how people use recently received a master's and interact w it h t e chnol- degree in information systems ogy and the Internet. Email is at Brigham Young University, largely arranged along a lin- says the main problem with ear timeline, with little thought email is a social and cultural given to context and topic. one. "It's not the quantity of She also says that while emails that get us into trouble," most email providers are try- Lyman said. "It's the ones that ing to block spammers and require us to slow down, find phishers from b o mbarding the file, compose a great email people, they have barely be- back. Humans only have a cergun to tackle the problem of tain level of information prosocial spam — a p lague of cessing.We get overloaded." unnecessary and u nwanted Which, he says, is a beacon email that includes alerts from of hope. We can fix this probsocial networks like LinkedIn, lem, he contends; we just need Twitter and Tumblr. to take charge of it. For examSome preliminary answers ple, we might try to keep work to this digital quandary are emails brief, taking inspiration emerging. from Twitter's 140-character Google offered its version of limit. And we might find beta solution with Priority inbox, ter ways to collaborate, so that a feature that tries to automati- organizing an outing or lunch cally identify urgent messages. doesn't rely on 10 back-andAnd Apple recently introduced forth exchanges. a "VIP" tag that will push a notification to the user when an email arrives from a previously / j / designated important person. These help, but they are not YEAR-END CLEARANCE I enough on their own. CONTINUES!! I Even using both systems, I still resort to keeping an eye on I I my inbox through the day and I • I • jotting down a list — on paper I I I — of people to write back. It's arI I chaic at best, and I rarely get to I I everyonebeforethe day isout. I I Of course,there is a regiI I mented, minimalist approach I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I With Coupon, I while supplies last. Elevation Capital Strategies I I ¹Ft
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DEEDS Deschutes County • Preston S. Osteen to ColeA. and Donita A. Cote, Village Point, Phases 2 and 3, Lot 66, $162,000 • Jackie D. Herring Jr. and Victoria L. Herring to Nancy J.Clark, Township 15, Range10, Section 25, $225,000 • Sally A. Klink to Samuel B. Powell and Mandy I. Baker,Eastbrook Estates, Phase 4, Lot 78, $152,000 • Pacific Coast Construction Inc. to Barbara A. Stinchfield, Maplewood, Phase 2, Lot43, $165,000 • Monique K. Kitinojato Joseph K. and Kristen E. Bowles, Homestead, Fifth Phase, Lot 5, Block17, $350,000 • Bright Oak HomesLLCto Brad and Gail Heywood, Rivers EdgeVillage, Phase 3, Lots18and19, $365,000 • Gordon B. and Virginia B. Crews to Jonathan H.andColleen E. Greenleaf, Tetherow Crossing, Phase 7, Lot1, Block 4, $360,000 • Lance and JanetJulander to George F. and BobbyeDarcy, Partition Plat 2002-41, Parcel 3, $285,000 • Federal National Mortgage Association to Robert andKaren Caudill, Sun Dance, Phase1, Lot 4, Block1, $171,000 • Pahlisch Homes Inc. to Jennifer and Mark Forsey, Stonegate P.U.D.,Phase 1, Lot 30, $313,850 • Tetherow Glen 58 LLC to GregWelch Construction Inc., Tetherow, Phase2, Lot 18, $157,000 • Pamela S. Bryson to John A. Baker Jr. and Janet Baker,FairwayCrest Village, Phase 4, Lot 9, Block 30, $525,000 • Mary A. Sorensen, trustee for Mary Ann SorensenTrust, to Mark J. Mueller andSandra L. BurmeisterMueller, Tall Pines, Fifth Addition, Lot 15, Block 30, $174,000 • Annice B. Chadwick, Stephen Chadwick Jr. and Shelly A. Ciszekto Sharon Holland, Highland Addition,
Lot11, Block 9, $232,700 • Robertand Lori Dickeyto Bruce R. and Joanne E.Fournier, Highlands at Broken Top, Phase 3, Lot44, $530,000 • Tetherow Glen 58 LLC to Cushman Construction lnc., Tetherow, Phase2, Lot 40, $274,860 • Christopher E. andShauna M. Rush to Gerald F.and Judy K. Hackett, Tetherow Crossing, Phase 7,Lot 3, Block 6, $210,000 • Gary G. Millerto John D. Bomkamp and Meredith L. Wu, Crosswinds, Lot 6, $178,000 •Dannyel W .Chaseto BennieD.and Christine K. Dahlenburg, Tetherow Crossing, Phase 3, Lot10, Block11, $172,000 • Joann C. Hauckand Tracy Kenna to Mahin A. Schroeder andPatrick A. Brennaman, Boulevard Addition to Bend, Lots 5 and 6, Block16, $316,500 • Steven V. and Samson V. Stanfill to Dana A. andRobert Hill, Ladera, Lot 4, Block1, $220,000 • Floyd C. andChetAntonsen to Pacwest 2 LLC,Madision Park, Lot 23, $165,987 • Pacwest 2 LLC toForrest S. and Francie K.Towne, Madison Park, Lot 23, $165,987 • Meloling Construction LLCto Judith Stahl, NorthWest Crossing, Phase16, Lot 726, $389,000 •HaydenHomes LLCto JamesI. and Alicia J. Wherry, McKenzieRim Estates, Lot 20, $193,810 • Sun Forest Construction Ltd. to 209G Properties LLC,Center Addition to Bend, Lots1-3, Block13, $910,000 • Paul and PamelaK.Van Eikeren to Gary G. Quanstrom, Wyndemere, Lot 1, Block 3, $451,000 • Edward J. and Julie Denfeld to Natalia W. and Brian K. Martin, Township16, Range11, Section 23,
$351,000 • Federal National Mortgage Association to Richard L. andGayle M. Austin, trustees for Richard L. and Gayle M. Austin Trust, Desert Woods 3, Lot39, Block9, $191,600 • C. Alan Hauserto Joan andDanica Curtright, Mountain Gate, Lot10, $595,000 Jefferson County • Kathleen J. Lee, trustee for the Lee Living Trust, to Larry J. Brownell and Judy J. Brownell, trustees for the Larry and Judy Brownell Living Trust, Township13, Range12, Section 25, $265,900 • Steven H.and Glenna R. Sherwood to Chris R. Nelson, First Addition to Three Rivers Recreation Area, Lot12, Block 5, $200,000 • Richard D. Wilson and Ginger A. Van Looto Jan Flattum-Riemers, Canyon View Subdivision, Lot 41, $216,500 • Diane Seyl to Labree R. Tolman, Juniper Butte Tracts, Lot1, Block2, $192,000 Crook County • Randall C. and Kimberli J. Grant to Robert and Joyce Authier, Prineville Lake Acres, Unit 2, Lot 46, Block16, $155,000 • Dale and Janice Brieske to JamesE. and Benita S. Bowden, High Desert Estates Subdivision, Phase 6, Lot165, $277,200 •ToddA.and Holly A.McKinney to Brad W.andStacy E. Freeland, Partition Plat 2006-33, Parcel 2, Twin Lakes Ranch, Lot3, Township15, Range 14, Section 10, $312,500 • Bernice Scanlon to Lawrence D. and Rosemary Putnam,GreenValley Acres, Lot 4, $175,500 •James R.and LouellaCopeland, trustees for TheCopelandTrust, to Richard J. Ralston, RedCloud Ranch, Lot12, Block1, $425,000
~ •
Banjo Continued from E1 Greg Deering, 62, isthe creativeforce behind the banjo design and the machinery used to build them. Janet Deering, 58, handles operations. Daughter Jamie Deering,34, might have the most fun job: liaison with t h e c ompany's big-name roster of professional musician customers. Over the company's 38-year history, it ha s developed a loyal following from the likes of Taylor Swift, Keith Urban, the Dixie Chicks, Steve Martin and Mumford 5 Sons. Artists who play Deering banjos rolled up 13 Grammy nominations this year. Two of Deering's fans illustrate how the company has managed to ride the banjo's renaissance as an instrument that crosses several musical genres as varied as country, reggae and indie rock. "It's great working with a family company, an American company that really cares about the artist and making top-quality banjos," said Jeff DaRosa, singer, bassist and banjo player for the Dropkick Murphys, the B oston-based Celtic punk band. Scotty Morris, lead vocalist of the contemporary swing revival band Big Bad Voodoo Daddy, called Deering Banjo "the quintessential American instrument builder." "When I call Deering, I talk to a Deering, and I like that almost as much as I love the instruments they build," Morris said. That kind of reputation combined with specially crafted m anufacturing tools an d a skilled, veteran workforce has helped the company weather the recession and cheap competition from China. Deering has been able to expand its workforce in a way that other companies have not, growing to 42 workers from 30 a year
Greg and Janet Deering, right, in the showroom at the Deering Banjo Co. in Spring Valley, Calif. The couple started making banjos 50 years ago that are now played by famous musicians like Mumford & Sons and Steve Martin.
Photos by Mark Boster / Los Angeles Times
Tony Morbello strings, tunes andgets the instruments ready to shipat the Deering Banjo Co.
In 1975, after a short-lived partnership w i t h ano t h er banjo maker, Deering Banjo was born. For a w h ile, the company made dulcimers until the banjo business began to gather steam. In fiscal 1983, the company had sales of a little more than $182,000. By fiscal 1997, Deering hit $1 million in sales for the first time. Until the currentfiscalyear,2006 had been the best, with $3.9 million in sales. The twin blows of the recession and Chinese competition hit sales hard, dropping them back to about $2.4 million in 2009. By 2011, the company was back over $3 million in sales as the company tightened its processes and consumers felt more flush. Pricesrange from $499 to $30,000foran elaborate model called the Gabriella. Deering Banjo's main path to success has been "being efficient. Not being afraid to be innovative," Greg said.
As a work-at-home telephone reservations agent for American Airlines, she has f r ee passes for that. Instead, it's the life skills. "It's not important that she necessarily s e ll s c o o kies," she said. "It's simply that she knows how to sell herself. And by learning to sell
with a "No Soliciting" sign (a ing council. This year, Mary friend had tipped her off that it was all right to try), provided reinforcements to University of Arizona freshmen o utside Safeway wh o h a d already consumed multiple boxes in the preceding days and tried to close another deal
stands to earn a trip to a local water park, a visit to Disneyland, a " VI P Club" experi-
twice, as the banjo takes its form. Machines programmed by Greg do some of the first basic cuts. "Working with these machines is more fun than going to Disneyland," he said. A fter on e m a chine h a s carved the neck, a long bolt called a truss rod is inserted to help keep the neck straight. No hammering or nails or staples here. Gluing comes next. "Once the truss rod is glued on, the fingerboard is glued on next," he said. "It's just simple
my own, making models when I was 5. At age 7, he bought me my first set of drafting tools." But it wasn't until he was a student at San Diego State University that he realized just what his father had done for him. There was an assignment ago. to cut a board of certain diIf you ask t h e D e erings mensions from a rough block what their greatest challenge of wood. He was done with the has been, the answer has been assignment quickly and began running the business in Cali- working on a banjo. Weeks fornia, particularly during a later, he realized the other sturun-up in workers' compensa- dents were still working on the tion insurance premiums that block of wood. "That was when it clicked for began under Gov. Gray Davis. "That nearly put us out of me," he said, later adding, "My business. We're still paying father was a very intense menoff some of those debts," Greg tor for me. He was teaching me Deering said, adding that the how to be a craftsman." company has r emained i n Deering's first manufacturCalifornia mostly because the ing gig was a brief stint at a family considers it home. Lemon Grove, Calif., business "And because we are stub- called the American Dream, born. We are so stubborn," where he built and repaired Janet said. banjos and guitars with another entrepreneurial legend Birth of a business of Southern California, Bob Greg credits his father, who Taylor, co-founder and presiworked in the Southern Cali- dent of Taylor Guitars. (On ocforniaaerospace industry,for casion, the two have teamed developing hiseyefordesign. up in a music group they call "He started me out on model the Lemon Grove Band, but airplanes when I was 2," Greg Taylor plays the banjo and said. "He turned me loose on Deering plays the guitar)
Continued from E1 Still, it's hard to i magine a better way for children to learn to pitch, and keep pitching,thanthis. AndsoI t r ailed Mary this week as she politely knocked on the door of a pink house on East 19th Street
Inlays adorn the headstock of a Deering banjo.
All o f t h i s h a nd-to-hand selling takes time. She took just two days off, including w eekends, during t h e s i x week selling season last year and put in about 28 hours each week, on average. In exchange for her efforts, s he earned al l m a nner o f goodiesfrom her local scout-
workshop. He not only d esigns the banjos and many of the machines that make them, he is still personally involved with the fretting work and inlay work on some of the instruments. "We just bring pallets of wood in and raw boards and we turn those into banjos," he said, as if the whole process was simple. It isn't. First stop: the wood-cutting room. "This is the room where we cut up the various sizes, and from here they flow out to the workshop," Janet said. Next, the wood is machined,
Some of the equipment is more than 50 years old, like one made for working on metal parts now used for some of the finishing lathe work. The efficiencies wrought from such a unique work space are unmatched in the industry, Greg said. "We keep track of our man hours per b anjo," he s aid, "and this past week, it was three hours per banjo. That's extremely good. One of the longest takes 20 hours. The Chinese can't build b anjos faster than we do." The manufacturing process isn't the only thing that sets Deering banjos apart. Fifteen years ago, the comp any began w o rking w i t h Jens Kruger, considered one of the top virtuoso players in the world. Since the 1940s, banjos had been madefrom hard maple wood. It was Kruger's idea — heretical at the time — that the kind of soft maple used in Europe for violins would be better, and it was.
Kruger also helped design
a tone ring that has a patent pending that has also helped enhance the sound of Deering banjos. M ostly, Greg c redits h i s workforce for the quality of the finished product. Some of Deering Banjo's employees wood glue." have been at the company for The wood has to be treated 30 years or more and came with care to make the round with considerable skills. drums. One set of machines But he said skills a ren't has been specifically designed necessary fo r t h e n e w est to heat and bend the wood employees, trained through w hile keeping it w e t w i t h an apprenticeship-style steam. program. "Wood becomes very pli"What really matters is that able at 320 degrees," Greg they are conscientious and said. "These drums are heated responsible people," he said. to about 380 to 400 degrees, "That is really the most imbut we have to steam them to portant thing. The rest can be get them wet enough so that taught." they don't burn." Along the way, he said, there The most intricate work, have been moments he said he such as the inlays, is done by never could have imagined. hand. One of them was buying the "We still do a fair amount of Vega Banjo company, makhand work," he said. ers of the banjo he had ogled Next, the banjo is "ready for in a music store as a child, but frets," the horizontal bars on couldn't afford. the neck of the banjo. Another The best might have been machine designed and built by making banjos for the memGreg cuts all of the slots for the bers of a certain singing group frets at once. he once idolized. "We've made banjos for the "We do t h i s e v ery d a y. We make a lot of banjos," he Kingston Trio," he said, "and said, "but it's still kind of like that's something I never could
haveimagined happening."
E nroll toda y VYi thout Regret!
Banjo in the making Inside the 18,000-squarefoot factory, he is like a man
walking through his garage
cookies as a young girl, she's
learned the skill to sell you just about anything." Mary was once quite shy ence (no parents allowed), a and is still prone to occasional beach bike and another iPad bouts of nervousness, ringor laptop. ing doorbells and then tapT here comes a p o int a t ping out a few steps that she's which all of this may begin to picked up in her baile folkin Spanish. seem less like an education- lorico dance classes. "When She pulls an oversize wag- al activity an d f u n draising I first started selling cookies, on stuffed with meticulously m echanism and m or e l i k e I was kind of scared to talk organized boxes and nestles trying to land in the leader's to people I didn't know," she an American flag in between. circle for commissioned sales said. "You just get warmed up A sign explains what's known representatives at Pfizer or to it." in the Girl Scout world as her someplace similar. But Ruiz This sort of thing warms "gift of caring." For her, it's believes it does not cross the t he heart o f D a n iel P i n k , an effortto persuade custom- line. whose new book, "To Sell is "She doesn't have a lot of ers to donate change from Human" was an instant besttheir purchase toward more the other things that other seller when it came out last cookies or to buy extra boxes kids have unless she's earned month. "Quieter kids can get outright for soldiers abroad them," she said. "And I think a little bit more comfortable and firefighters and police of- she gets much more satisfac- with asking for stuff," he said. ficers nearby. This can work tion out of that and takes great "And the more voluble and exmore than half the time, par- pride in owning them when troverted can learn to listen." ticularly when customers are she has worked for them." R uiz said sh e d i d p u sh already expecting just a small Cookie sales don't just ben- her daughter to do her best, amount of change from a $20 efit the individual girls. Some the same way she did in any bill. Last year, she delivered of the money goes to the local activity and the same way 504 boxes to local police offi- Girl Scout council, which ofany other parent would for cers and arranged donations ten uses it to provide scholar- a bright child. "I want her to of 192 boxes to soldiers. ships for lower-income scouts have, which I b elieve she's This has h a d p a r t icular to attend summer camp. Each a cquired, good w o r k e t h resonance in the area in the troop also retains some mon- ics, good values and to really wake of the shooting of Rep. ey, and Mary's troop, which understand that if you want Gabrielle Giffords and several sold more than 12,000 boxes something in t hi s l i fe, you others two years ago. At the last year, has retained $13,000 have to work for it," she said. "I don't want her to be one South Tucson Police Depart- over the years, which it has ment, where Mary volunteers earmarked for group travel. of those kids that spends 20 regularly and brings officers While the perks are nice, hours a week playing video gifts on their birthdays, she Ruiz didn't sign her daughter games and saying, 'Give me, has her own mailbox. up for scouting for the travel. giveme, giveme.'"
Top 5 Reasons Why Families Choose Morning Star Christian School 1. Students develop a love for learning through small class sizes and one-on-one instruction. 2. A solid foundation in reading and mathematics is built through leveled classroom instruction. 3. An enriched education is provided with Spanish, German, music, art and outdoor electives including skiing, kayaking, rock climbing and mountain biking. 4. Students learn to engage their community through relevant field trips and impacting service projects. 5. We teach to the whole child through an innovative approach of instruction in academics, spirituality and creativity. We provide Bus Service, Early drop Off — 7:30, Late Pick Up — 5:30 • We use current research based best practices to instruct students according to their many different learning styles. • We use efficient interactive SMART boards to keep our instruction relevant, flexible and excellent. • Teachers partner with parents to develop passionate learners in a safe and friendly classroom environment.
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drone presence in Oregon
Continued from E1 A 2011 study by Economic Development for Central Oregon estimated that getting a test-site designation would create nearly 500 jobs within
Machinist Mark Hartley inspects finished parts at Outback Manufacturlng in Bend. Among other products,
lalm •
seven years, adding $28 million in payroll to the region and nearly $75 million in total economic benefits. Those projections are still on track today, and could be even higher, said Roger Lee, EDCO's executive director. "I know we've had more than a dozen companies say, 'We will set up operations in Central Oregon if you get one of those sites,'" Lee said. It's far from a given that Central Oregon, or the state as a whole, can successfully lobby for one of them. Thirty states are expected to submit a pplications, according t o a spokeswoman for the Association for Unmanned Vehicle Systems International,
makes parts for unmanned aerial vehicles, or drones.
new drone technology, giving
drone testing. "I think w i t h t h ese pr ivacy concerns, people have in their minds an image of the Terminator taking over the planet," he said, adding that the language of SB 71 is vague enough to potentially restrict large-scale implementation of unmanned vehicles in Oregon. "Most of th e applications
we have inmind are for commercial use," like geographical surveying and forest fire detection, he said. A spokesman for Prozanski said the Senator plans to amend the bill in the coming weeks so that it doesn't hamper development efforts, but applies only to certain uses of drones by police. Advocates for an expanded
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Elephant Talk Comm ETAK
E nphase Energy lnc
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Z67 3.22
0.42 0.48
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14.1 22.9
0.0 -3.3
E N PH Discovery Labs D SCO Navios Maritime Acq N NA
Friday close: S33.02
N $32.D5 ~
D J 52-week range
F $43.43
Wk. vol.: 91.4m (2.9x avg.) PE: 32.4 M kt. Cap: $20.61 b Yield :8.8%
Nanosphere lnc NSPH LogMeln lnc L OGM Amicus Therapeutics FOLD
700 0.6
16. 6 5
eHealth lnc
19. 7 1
6 0.6
Blount Intl
1 4.05
-3.1 9
Endeavour Itttl
P retium Resources
MPG Ofri r t Strayer Education Exone Co (The )
2 63
1 76
51.9 5
056 -9.61
12 6 -4.9
23 -50.2
Markets closedin observance of Presidents Day Dell earnings 4Q est. $0.39 • Year ago $0.51 Housing starts Jan. est. 910k Dec. 954k Producer Price Index Jan. est. 0.5% Dec. -0.2%
s8 P 500
Consumer Price lndex Jan. est. 0.1%• Dec. flat Existing home sales Jan. est. 4.98m • Dec. 4.94m Hewlett-Packard earnings 4Q est. $0.71 • Year ago $0.92 Wal-Matt Stores earnings 4Q est. $1.57 Year ago $1.44 AIG earnings 4Q. est. -$0.08 Year ago $0.82
Sao paolo Bovespa Toronto S&P/TSX
nmn»nt cinr a 9 A A4
1 59
RUSSELL2000 ~ 92315 ~
nd manager Aberdeen agreedto buy the company for $2.75 per share, 34 percent higher than Artio's price before the deal's announcement. Fnday close: $2.73~
D J 52-week range
$1.72 ~
F $5.26
Wk. vol.: 17.0m (6.9x avg.) PE : ... Mkt. Cap: $1S3.76 m Yie l d:2.9%
Endeavour Int'I.
1-week change W $1.94 or -38.9%
The oil and gas producer suspended drilling at a well in the North Sea after it was damaged by a severe storm that lasted v ral days. Friday close $3 05
52-week range $305 ~
S13 4li
Wk. vol.: 6.8m (1.7x avg.) Mkt. Cap: $142.13 m Yield : ...
GlobalMarkets INDEX
thn mnct nnurr hnmrtc
1-week change+ $0.71or 35.1%
Note: Stocks classified by market capitalization, the product of the current stock price and total shares outstanding. Ranges are $100 millionto $1 billion (small); $1 billion to $8 billion (mid); greater than $8 billion (large).
The housing market improved enough last year that and apartments in four years, and sales of previously economistssay its recovery may finally be underway occupied homesrose to their highest level in five years. A pair of reports this week will help show whether Theyjoined encouraging reports on home prices. that's the case. If the housing market continues to improve, On Wednesday,one report will reveal if construcfinancial analysts say it should help consumers feel tion crews broke more confident. That coul d hel p boost ground on more or +Housing starts* vs eXiSting hOme SaleS*q fewer homes in consumer spending, 1,200 thousand January.Another rnjlljort which makes up report onThursday about 70 percent of will show the pace o f 1 , 0 0 0 5 th e ec onomy.It sales of previously could also encouroccupied homes age investors to put duringthe month. more money into In 2012, both those stocks. Investors measures showed 600 3 la s tmonth poured their strongest growth $15.5 billion into in years. HomebuildU.S. stock mutual 400 '08 '09 '11 '12 ers broke ground on funds,the largest 10
1,51 9.79
45, QI
For the week of Feb. 18
S&P 500
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The telecom company cut its dividend by 26 percent, and union leaders representing its workers in 13 states moved closer to allowing a strike.
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the same kind of people you would need for unmanned vehicles. They're already trained to work w it h c a rbon f iber and wiring. A (drone) is still a plane, just without a person inside."
Avon Products
Those (Cessna) workers are
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companies around the state a chance to benefit. The FAA issues certificates of authorization to public groups conducting drone testing research. It's an avenue OSU has been pursuing and plans to follow independent of its test site application, Spinrad said. But the economic impact from the test sites figures to be
Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin
Wilsonville. Other criteria for site selection includes geographic and climactic diversity. The FAA wants a variety of test conditions to fly different kinds of a global advocacy group unmanned vehicles. Oregon for the unmanned systems offers plenty of geographical industry. v ariety, Spinrad said, w i t h Florida has the backing of coastal areas to t h e w e st, a massive aerospace indus- mountainous terrain along the try to help in its push. Ohio Cascades and open desert in announced plans last year to the east. partner with Indiana and esIt also has the airspace. tablish an unmanned vehicle Spinrad pointed to a pair of "test complex" for research- areas in the region that could ers to develop new technology. be suitable for flying. One is The governor of O k lahoma in the northwest corner of an has established an Unmanned area east of Bend called the Aerial Systems Council as its Juniper Operations Area. The catalyst for a test site. space, used for military operaOregon State University is tional training by the Oregon leading the charge here. The Air National Guard, covers u niversity i s w o r king w i t h nearly5,000 square miles over EDCO on what they call a Deschutes, Crook, Lake and multiregion proposal for test- Harney counties. ing drones. OSU formally anThe Confederated Tribes nounced its push to land one of of Warm Springs has also exthe sites in January. pressed interest in using some "The way we want to see of its land for testing. a site set up is with multiple But concerns that law engeographic areas" across Or- f orcement a g encies c o u ld egon for unmanned vehicle invade citizens' privacy has launches, said Rick Spinrad, entered the debate. A leaked vice presidentfor research at l egal memo o u t lining t h e OSU. Obama administration's jusThe Northwest has a net- tification for using drones to work of existing companies potentially target A merican specializing in drone activity. terrorism s u spects a b road Insitu Inc., a Boeing subsid- cast scrutiny on the issue eariary, builds unmanned vehi- lier this month. cles just across the Columbia And Oregon Senate Bill 71, River from Hood River. North- introduced by Sen. Floyd Prowest UAV Propulsion Systems zanski, D-Eugene, seeks to reoperates i n McMi n n ville, strict certain law enforcement and FLIR Systems develops uses for drones. thermal imaging technology Lee said he worries those for multiple purposes, includ- c oncerns could d e rail h i s ing unmanned systems, in group's efforts t o e x p a nd
The effort isn't lost on companies like Outback Manufacturing, a Bend business that makes machine parts, including some for drones. Outback would almost certainly add to its 21-employee workforce if Central Oregon becomes part of atest site, said Vice President John Lynch. "I can't see how it wouldn't," Lynch said. "That's the same with dozens of other manufacturing companies in town ... This effort k in d o f s t arted when Cessna had just closed down and general aviation had sort of c ollapsed here.
said Thursday that they were still reading the 68-page FAA memo outlining the test-site criteria. They said it was too early to comment on many specificsabout what Oregon's s ubmission may l oo k l i k e . States have until May 6 to turn in their applications. Even without a t est site, the requirement to integrate drones into civilian skies by 2015 means universities like OSU will k eep d eveloping
the company
WILSHIRE 5000 16,069.37 ~
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LAST FRI. CHG FRI. CHG WK MO 1519.79 -1.59 -0.10% 7593.51 -37.68 -0.49% 6328.26 +0.90 +0.01% 23444.56 +31.31 +0.1 3% -9.23 -0.25% 3660.37 -1 33.45 -1.18% 11173.83
3295.42 -8.37 44153.70 +275.42 57903.30 -174.01 12686.63 -35.16
-0.25% +0.63% -0.30%
343.45 2535.88 827.29 7500.57 16489.80 40681.34 1183.43
-2.39 -11.50 -9.61 -0.74 -55.15 -51.52 +0.52
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1981.18 3283.07 5054.57 7906.65
vT n +6.56% -0.25% +7.30% +3.48% +0.53% +7.49%
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+z69% +7.20%
ccor cou e: esna o a asmanian evi By Jason H. Harper
2013 Honda Accord EX-L Coupe
Bioomberg News
This car seems alive. The engine crests 6,800 revolutions per minute and the entire frame of the
As tested: $33,140
H o nd a A ccord
Type: 2-door coupe
c oupe t h r u m s as if a w a iting release. My left foot drops onto the clutch and I shift to third. The car t a kes a breath, then the process begins anew. The t ac h o meter needle sweeps right. The f r ont w h e els scrabble madly on the asphalt, power
o vercoming
Engine: 3.5-liter V-6 with 278 horsepower and 252 pound-feet of torque
and a six-speed manual transmission Mileage: 18 mpg city, 28 mpg highway
g r ip.
The dashboard's tract ion control a l ert b l i n k s rapidly, the car's electronic mind trying to intervene. If this Accord really was an animal, it would be a scrappy, jaw-snapping Tas m a n ian Devil. Yes, we're talking about a Honda. An Accord even, that most mild-mannered of family cars. It's been a long while since I felt this good about a Honda. The company once seemed b ullet-proof (the quality o f the cars certainly was), until a rash of recalls and the release of a new generation of Civic w hich wa s r ather substandard. Then there were a bunch of new models that few consumers seemed to want. The Crosstour crossover (and its Acura cousin, the ZDX), the CR-Z sports hybrid and the Insight, which Honda hoped would u n seat t h e T o y ota Prius as the go-to hybrid of choice. All are still available and rather unloved. T he Accord got a h u g e makeover for its 2013 model year. The rejuvenated version
American Honda via Bloomberg News
The 2013 Honda Accord EX-L V-6 Coupe sports a 3.5-liter V-6 engine with 278 horsepower and 252 pounds per foot of torque.
Everyone knows that college kids drive Civics; their parents own the Accord. But the secret has always been that if one is mated to the right equipment, it can be buzzingly fun.
is as unique and special as the rumble of a 5.0-liter V-8 mated to a Ford Mustang or the wailing keen from a midengine Ferrari. A quality and timbre all of its own. The i-VTEC V- 6 d oesn't produce crazy t orque (252 helped push sales to more testing, a combination of op- pound- feet), and its horsethan 330,000 last year, a 40 tions which make it as rare as power, at 278, is modest. Yet percent uptick, making it the a Ferrari. At $33,140, my car there's an inherent rubbercompany's best-selling car. has two doors and a 3.5-liter band elasticity t ha t k e eps The vast majority of t h ose V-6. And look, it's a unicorn! stretching i nt o t h e h i g h er were the m ost p r oletarian A manual transmission. rpms until you're not sure I've always loved a stick version: a four-door with a what will snap first, it or you. four-cylinder engine and an in a Honda, but these days There's that moment when I've got the coupe at redline automatic transmission. they are an utter rarity, with Everyone knows that col99 percent of Accord sedans and I feel as if the entire velege kids drive Civics; their sold as automatics. Only nine hicle is just going to take off parents own the Accord. But percent of t h e c o upes are and launch into the sky. the secret has always been equipped with three pedals. T hat f eeling i s n't m i l d that if one is mated to the Which is a shame, because mannered at all. It's exuberr ight equipment, it ca n b e a Honda i-VTEC engine un- ant and free-wheeling. One buzzingly fun. der full assault (and pushed of my first cars was a manual So it is with the one I'm into the redline by a manual) Honda Civic and I lived for
At higher drivingspeeds,steering can feel stiff in modernvehicles By Paul Brand Star Tribune (Minneapolis)
. I h ave a 2007 Chevy Silverado with 17,000 miles on it. It has two problems. The voltmeter will show discharge and stay this way until I stop the engine. When I restart, it w il l t hen show charging for a while. A new battery didn't help. The dealer says this is normal. Also, the steering at highway speeds feels like it loses power assist — it's stiff when I turn the wheel. Again, the dealer could find nothing wrong. An alignment and new tires did not help. • I'm i n c lined to a g r ee • with the dealer. When was the last time you bought a new vehicle? If it's been a number of years, I think you may well b e e x p eriencing some of the new technology incorporated into modern vehicles to improve efficiency. Specifically, t h e c h a r ging system on your vehicle is designed to reduce alternator output to th e 12.6-13.1 volt range when operating in "fuel economy mode." The lower alternator output means less horsepower requirement for charging. When the system n eeds more output, it w i l l switch to the "charge mode" of 13.9-15.1 volts. Thus, I think you are experiencing a normal characteristic. Y ou didn't m ention t h i s specifically, but I'm assuming your truck is fitted with electro-hydraulic p o wer s t eering, which supplies hydraulic pressure tothe steering gear and brake system. The benefits of this system include i mproved e f f i ciency an d variable effortpower steering, which is precisely what you appear to be experiencing — higher steering effort and better vehicle stability at
I'm assuming your truck is fitted with electro-hydraulic power steering, which supplies hydraulic
pressure to the steering gear and brake system. The benefits of this system include improved efficiency and variable effort power steering, which is precisely what you appear to be
• We have several driv• ers in our family. Some are patient and will let the engine and fluids warm up experiencing — higher for two to five minutes before driving; others start it up and steering effort and drive off in 20 to 40 seconds. better vehicle stability Which isthe preferred proceat highway speeds. dure'? Is the procedure or duration different in winter vs. summer? (no power) steering — is that • Today's m o t o r vepossible? • hicles require little or Surprisingly, yes. Sat- no warm-up before driving. . urn o f f e red m a n u al U nless operating i n t r u l y steeringon certain SL sedans e xtreme c o n ditions, s u c h in 1996-97. The vast majoras temperatures well below ity of f r ont-wheel-drive ve- zero, the preferred warm-up hicles require power-assisted technique is to start the ensteeringdue to engine power gine, let it idle for 10-30 sectransmitted through the front onds, engage the automatic drive shafts and constant ve- transmission, wait a n other locity joints. The higher the few seconds and then drive power level applied through the vehicle up to temperature the drive shafts, the more ef- gently. This will bring the lufort/force required to steer bricants, fluids and catalytic the wheel — thus the need for converter up totemperature power steering. quickly for m a x imum ef fiGM issued a recall in '97 ciency. Longer warm-up pecovering some of these vehi- riods are not harmful to the cles due to a potential failure vehicle, but ar e s omewhat of the pinion bearing cage in wasteful and inefficient. the manual steering gear that — Brand is an automotive could occur during high-eftroubleshooter and former race fort, low-speed maneuvering, car driver. Email questions to such as parallel parking.
some legroom. So I also drove a $24,180 Accord Sport sedan around the rural roads of Michigan. It had a direct-injected, 2.4liter four-cylinder. It got good
gas mileage (24 city, 34 highway) and fit all of my luggage. Adult, right? Right. At least until I put spurs to the thing. The Sport m odel has 189 hp and t h e
smaller engine is still game for a healthy workout. It handles well, too. I spun the car around a series of loops and it gamely followed ever more aggressive cornering. Honda has a ways to go before it's back in top form. The latest Accord proves that the blueprint is still t here. The company just needs to embrace it.
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Include a daytime phone number.
. I have a 2000 Camry . with 81,000 miles on it. The time and temperature highway speeds. Again, I be- d isplay doesn't w or k a n y lieve this is a normal charac- more. The dealer said it could teristic of your vehicle. cost severalhundred dollars to fix. Is there a less costly My son j u s t b o ught fix? • a 1 996 Saturn sedan Do the dome and courthat he claims has manual • tesy lights work? If not,
check the fuse for that circuit located in junction block No. 2 on the inner fender on the driver's side. If this 7.5-amp fuse is blown, the clock won't work. Best I can tell from the electrical schematic, there is no replaceable bulb for the clock display. At more than $300 plus labor t o r e place the clock, a good alternative might be a small button-batt ery clock attached to t h e dash w i t h h o o k -and-loop fasteners.
that feeling. The CR-Z sports coupe, released several years ago, should have delivered that same sensation. As a hybrid, it simply didn't. That's why I'm so thrilled to pilot this Accord. And it still gets 28 miles per gallon on the highway. The interior has leather and is determinedly better than the previous generation. Still, some details are disappointing. Open up the storage compartment between the driver and passenger and you'll find a patch of unattached coarse material — I wouldn't call it carpet — sitting at its bottom, covering up raw plastic and several bolts. I f I b o ught t hi s ca r f o r $ 32,000, that k ind o f s t u f f would drive me t o d i stract ion. Hyundai and Ki a a r e
doing better than that, and so too will Honda if it wants to continue to compete. The most clever trick? Click the right blinker and a camera mounted on the right side of the vehicle activates, broadcasting potential blind spots onto the navigation screen. Most consumers preferthe practicality of the sedan, and I get that. The coupe looks cooler, but you lose easy access to the rear seats and
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INSIDE: BOOICSW Editorials, F2
Commentary, F3 O»
Media must maintain
standards ithout question, we in the newspaper world face tough challenges. Stories appear every day about the headwinds that newspaper organizations face in the developing world of online journalism. The challenges that need to be addressed are real, but so are the opportunities. More often than not, the skeptics of print journalism point to the amount of newspaper advertising moving online. Often disregarded in these analyses is the amount of advertising remaining in print, which is huge. That said, the advertising equation is just one force that has to be addressed. There are other challenges, Ibelieve, that are just as important, if not more so, to the future of newspapers. They center on the credibility of the organization, which, to my mind, isthe newspaper's greatest advantage over what passes for information in much of what the Web offers. A recent story is interesting to consider in this light. It involves former President George W. Bush. A hackermanaged tobreak into the private emails of the former president and members of his family, securing personal messages, photos, even email addresses and phone numbers of extended family members, according to The Washington Post. The website Smoking Gun, which is owned by Time Warner, posted some of the material, which had little or nothing to do with any public or official activity of the Bushes. All of this raises a very good question: Is a public official entitled to a private life of any kind'? Or as the Post, which wrote of the issue without linking to the Bush material, said, "Are there any standards left? From TMZ's revelations about celebrities behaving badly to high school students' test scores popping up on a local online forum, the titillating, the taboo and the personal all seem tobe fairgame forsomeone." I think the Post made the right decision not to publish the link. And the explanation offered by Smoking Gun reeks of convoluted self-justification. William Bastone, the Smoking Gun's editor and co-founder, told the Post, "The nature of the hack was so extensive and extraordinary — considering that two presidents had their emails illegally accessed — that we clearly thought it was newsworthy. We decided to use a tiny portion of the material that was illustrative of the nature of the various incursions and their seriousness." Yes, I would agree, hacking into the personalemails offormer presidents is a big deal and if illegal, as Bastone asserts, clearly newsworthy. Write a descriptive story? Absolutely. But throw in some of the material that is clearly invasive of privacy with no other news purpose? I can't get there and, thankfully, neither can a number of editors beyond the Post. Even prominent people "enjoy some right of privacy," Richard Wald, a professor at Columbia University's school of journalism and the former president of NBC News, told the Post. "If the hack had revealed malefaction of a great nature, you'd say, 'Thank God they published it.' But if it's just (trivial), it injures the notion of civility," he said. If this kind of "news" continues to expand as the competitive value of titillation intensifies, civility won't be the only casualty. Our credibility and respect will be. And sooner or later, there will be a
pushback. What we will be able to get through the appropriate use of online journalism will be reduced and access will become moreand more restricted. As wrong as it is, much of the public doesn't differentiate the way the industry does. As damaging and miscast as the notion may be, many people see the media institutions with high ethical standards existing in the same professional neighborhood as Smoking Gun. And if we desert our higher ethical course, we'll confirm their view. — John Costais editor-in-chief of The Bulletin. Contact: 541-383-0337, jcostaC<
JO .
Mvst .
Photos by John M. Broder / New York Times News Service
The Tesla Model S electric car is unloaded from a flatbed truck at the supercharger station in Milford, Conn., after conking out halfway through an East Coast test drive. Tesla was given $465 million in federal grants and guaranteed loans to help drive the electric car onto U.S. roads. In the past two years, 71,000 Americans bought plug-in hybrids or all-electric vehicles — far short of the one million the Obama administration was shooting for.
• The dream ofhaving a milion electric cars onthe road by2015maybejust that — a dream By Charles Lane sThe Washington Post he Obama administration's electric- vantages, all-electric vehicles will not replace car fantasy finally may have died on the standard American family car in the forethe road between Newark, Del., and seeable future." Milford, Conn. If you don't believe the scientists, listen The New York Times' John M. Brod- to Takeshi Uchiyamada, the "father" of the er reported recently that the Tesla Model S Toyota Prius: "Because of its shortcomingselectric car he was test-driving repeatedly ran driving range, cost and recharging time — the out of juice, partly because cold weather re- electric vehicle is not a viable replacement for ducesthe battery's range by about 10percent. most conventional cars." Broder's trip turned into a nightmare, inEven Nissan chief Carlos Ghosn, whose cluding a stretch with the conked-out car rid- commitment to the all-electric Leaf helped his ing the back of a flatbed truck. firm get a $1.4 billion U.S. loan guarantee, has Tesla chief executive Elon Musk fired back reduced his boosterism in the face of disapon Monday, tweeting that Brodpointing sales. er's report is a "fake" and that Nor do electriccars promise "vehicle logs" show he "didn't much in the way of greenhouseactually charge to max 8c took I aCCePt th gas reduction, as long as they
a long detour." PreSident'S goo d The Times is standing by its jr lteritjpriS He
Charging Complete Charging complete
W.) "
INQ d d.
CU5 M 5 T| IN A 80
rely on a power grid that is still
mostly fired by fossil fuels. As for V ice President Joe Biden's 2009 forecast of "bilBroder is 100 percent wrong rlp Off the PUl7/IC. lions a n d billions and billions — which I doubt — Musk loses. N p r ItygS tQ of dollars in good, new jobs," The TeslaModel S dashboard display shows Who wants a $101,000 car the electric car factory at which the estimated miles of range after charging. that might die just because you he made that statement sits Electric cars have made little dent in the Ameriidle . Ditto the taxpayer-backed can driving experience. feel like taking "a long detour"? a DemOCratS-Only rest ent ama re p eat d eluSiOn. Michigan factory o f b a ttery edly declared that, with enough maker LG Chem. Two Energy P federal aid, we can put a milDepartment-funded li t h i um- blend of sanctimony and technocratic hubris. lion electric vehicles on the Sh cfl'edIt, tOo. ion battery makers have gone He once told journalist Michael Grunwald road by 2015. His administrabankrupt. that photosynthesis is "too damn inefficient," tion has invested about $5 bilThere's simply no denying and that DOE might help correct that particulion in grants, guaranteed loans — including that the administration's electric-vehicle proj- lar error of evolution. $465 million for Tesla — and tax incentives to ect was a mistake. The department has recently backed away buyers. But it's worth asking precisely what kind of from the million-car target, in favor of reducYet Americans bought just 71,000 plug-in mistake (beyond eminently foreseeable and ing battery costs to $300 per kilowatt hour by hybrids or all-electric vehicles in the past two terribly expensive). As Bruce Springsteen 2015 (from $650 today). Even this seems duyears, according to once sang: "Is a dream a lie if it don't come bious, given the APS symposium's view that That's about a third as many as the Energy true, or is it something worse?" "only incremental improvements can be exDepartment forecast in a 2011 report that atI accept the president's good intentions. He pected" in lithium-ion batteries. tempted to explain why Obama's goal was not didn't set out to rip off the public. Nor was the Chu is on his way out but still dreaming. preposterous. electric-car dream a Democrats-only delu- "For the engineers in the room or those who Federal billions cannot overcome the fact sion. Several Republican pols shared it, too. follow this, you might be saying to yourself, that electric vehicles and plug-in electric hyRather, the debacle is a case study in un- 'What are they smoking?'" he remarked at the brids meet few, if any, of real consumers' checked righteousness. The administration Washington Auto Show. "We're not smoking needs. Compared with gas-powered cars, assumed the worthiness and urgency of its anything. They are ambitious goals, but they they deliver inferior performance at much goals. Americans should want electric cars, are achievable goals." higher cost. As an American Physical Society and therefore they would, apparently. I might add that Chu does not own a car. symposium on battery research concluded Energy Secretary Steven Chu, he of the No— Charles Lane is a member last June: "Despite their many potential ad- bel Prize in physics, epitomized the regnant of The Washington Post's editorial board. story. My take is that even if Musk is I00 percent right and
The Bulletin
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down bonuses because they reject the idea that
student test scores should be used to determine t'
how teachers are paid. It's a principled stand, and we admire that, even though we don't share the conclusion on which it's based. The payments would h ave ranged from $95 to$390 before taxes, according to Bend Education Association President Mark Molner. Of the 300-320 teachers affected, Molner said, two-thirds cast votes and 77 percent of those voting said no in secret ballots. The payments were offered to teachers in the district's nine socalled Group 4 schools because they were not eligible for bonuses from the Teacher Incentive Fund (TIF), a federal program involving the district's other 18 schools. The union has not objected to the TIF payments — even though student test scores are involved — because they are federal dollars from a research study. But the Group 4 payments would have come from the district's general fund and also be based in part on student test scores. That crosses a line, said Molner. Molner told school board members Tuesday that Group 4 teachers appreciatedthe sincere effort being made on their behalf. But he said they asked themselves a telling question: Can we say we do not believe in a merit-pay/performance-based system with standardized tests and also say yes to this money? The answer was no. Molner told us there's no evi-
dence that using test scores in determining teacher pay is effective. He said the teachers worry that if increasing scores becomes the main goal, subjects that are not tested — which now include the arts and social studies — willbe neglected. Also, he said studies show many factors affect a student's scores, with a teacher's impact only about 20 percent. In addition, Molner said there's good evidence that money is not what motivates teachers. Without a good answer, he said, merit pay could set a dangerous precedent and move investments in the wrong direction. We agree thereare challenges in making student test scores an effective part of teacher evaluations and pay, and we respect the principled stand of the Group 4 Bend-La Pine teachers. It's certainly true that effective teaching goes far beyond test scores. Nonetheless, test scores are a critical way to judge what knowledge students have gained, and they should be at least one part of judging effective teaching. It's important to keep a focus, though, on the ultimate goal, which is to have highly effective teachers in every classroom. To get there, better teachers must be recognized and rewarded, and weaker ones removed from the classroom. Teachers in Bend-La Pine and across the nation who object to using student test scores need to help find a path that gets us there.
Increased fine could help deter driver cellphone use t's common knowledge that it's dangerous to use a cellphone while driving, but plenty of people still do it. Would a bigger fine help? T he Oregon L egislature i s studying that question, considering Senate Bill 9, which would increase the maximum penalty from $250 to $1,000. House Bill 2790 would go even further, taking the maximum to $2,000. Research is definitive on the risk of driving while using a phone, even comparing it to driving while intoxicated. Studies show drivers using cellphones are four times more likely to crash than other drivers, a likelihood equal to that of adrunk driver,according toThe New York Times. Yet many drivers are undeterred. A history of such use before it became illegal may have given them a mistaken notion of their capacity. Indeed, reports indicate that drivers overestimate their ability to multitask.
Central Oregon has its own horrific example in which 16-year-old Forrest Cepeda died in July 2011 when Erik Conn, distracted by texting, slammed into him while he was riding his bike on Reed Market Road. Bend Police Lt. Chris Carney said his department doesn't track cellphone cases separately, but they see far more violations when they go out in unmarked cars than patrol cars. Speed is still the biggest factor causingaccidents, he said, withfines much lower than those proposed in these bills for cellphone use. The bills would increase the fine but leave other provisions of the law unchanged. Those provisions establish a variety of exceptions, including use of a hands-free device, emergency uses and some work-related circumstances. We support increasing the fine to get drivers' attention, although we think $1,000 is a sufficient level.
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M Nickel's Worth W hy choose the catstory?
whole community's consideration: "Why don't drivers signal anymore Why did the editor choose The when turning or changing lanes? Is New York Times News Service ar- there some way we couldremedy ticle "Your cat is deadlier than you this situation?" think"? It was reported that cats While I k now th e majority of kill 2.4 billion birds and 12.3 bil- drivers probably still do signal, my lion mammals a year in the United friend's question reminded me of States. Do you care? I don't! several times when I delayed turnT he Department of F ish a n d ing becauseitappeared the cars on Wildlife, a government agency, said the road I was turning onto were "We are absolutely stunned by the going straight. In each case, the numbers, and they are shockingly driver just hadn't signaled but did high." turn. When in a hurry, I felt slightly Stunned? Shocked? Come on. annoyed at having to wait longer to Cats do what cats do. Kill birds. turn than needed, but I didn't give it Kill mice, rats, voles. Kill squirmuch thoughtbeyond the moment, rels and rabbits. Perhaps it doesn't except, perhaps, to chide myself for sound like a fair fight. But before having a negative thought about you begin to dislike the cat, here is another. another number: Millions of cats But my friend's concern was reare euthanized each year. Years ago ally more about safety than annoythey were killed, but euthanizing ance. As someone who walks everysounds so much nicer and differ- where, she's had many encounters ent — though the result is the same with drivers who don't signal, and to the cat. Years ago we had "barn some were dangerous and gave her cats" who lived by their wits and quitea scare.We agreed ignorance, on an occasional pan of milk, fresh more than anything else, causes from the cow. Life was hard but they driving laws as well as the laws of w ere free, doing what cats do. courtesy to be disregarded. So again, why di d t h e e ditor If it is ignorance, won't raising choose this article from The New everyone's awareness to the imporYork Times, reporting "12.3 billion tance of signaling when driving be mammals killed by cats"'? a good thing'? So let's all spread the P erhaps it's a t est. If w e a r e word that using signals when you "stunned" or "shocked" we cannot, are a driver of any vehicle, includwe will not focus on the wars, the ing bikes, is still very important. It's poverty, crime, corruption, etc. courteous and a form of love that Buck Blakeley keeps everyone safe! Redmond Wendy Ely Crooked River Ranch
Use signals when driving
Support no-kill policy
The other afternoon, I was having a conversation with my friend, who doesn't have a car, and she asked a question I think is worthy of our
Lori Gleichman continues the public relations spin of the Humane Society of Central Oregon in her
Jan. 27 letter. Instead of glorifying its image, she should ask why HSCO doesn't embrace the no-kill philosophy. If 60 diverse cities across the country can do it, surely Bend can. It is indefensible why HSCO would not want to stop killing pets. Rather than spend time and energy duping the public into believing it is a "wonderful" shelter, HSCO could actually save animals by implementing programs to achieve no-kill. I highly recommend visiting the Best Friends Animal Society website (, the largest no-kill shelter in the country. Read the January/February 2013 issue of BF's magazine. What is your definition of "unadoptable?" Have we b ecome a throw-away society that includes pets? Many behavior issues can be changed with common sense and minimal training. Every a n imal has value. If Michael Vick's severely
abused fighting dogs can be rehabilitated, then those with m i nor behaviorissues, usually created by misguided or lazy humans, can also
be changed. There are capable people in the community w i l ling t o v o l unteer their skills if HSCO would see this as an opportunity to genuinely save animals. If you support the HSCO policy, then I challenge you to witness every single HSCO death for 30 days and then tell me you still support that policy. It's easy to hide behind the PR glitz and glam, but do you have the courage to go behind closed doors and discover the inconvenient truth? Cindi Farmer Redmond
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Arming teachers is not an effective countermeasure By John CushIng ne morning almost 30 years ago, I was sitting with three f aculty c o lleagues i n th e staff lounge at The Evergreen State
College. We were discussing the week's
readings and planning our upcoming student seminar d i scussions. Without warning we heard
shot his ex-girlfriend had wandered outside and dropped his gun on the ground. He was found sitting not far away on the curb at the bus stop smoking a cigarette. He was taken into custody by an unarmed campus security officer, convicted of murder and sentenced to life in prison. It was later discovered that he had been in the Rhodesian army and suf-
what had to be gunfire com- ) N My y[ EW fered from PTSD. ing from the main cafeteria. One shot. Two shots. Then more. Maybe half a dozen in all. When the shots stopped we went to see what was happening and found a person lying on the floor with others trying to assist. I went to look for a phone to call campus security (this
I think of this incident every time there is a tragedy like the ones at the Aurora, Colo., movie theater, the Clackamas mall and Sandy Hook ElementarySchool in Connecticut. I wonder what might have been different if there had been other guns was before everyone had cellphones), in our cafeteria; if I or other teachers but by the time I reached them they had been carrying concealed weapalready knew. ons or if the campus security officer The young man who had fatall y had been armed. Wouldthe woman
still be alive? I don't think so. The attack was unforeseen by everyone in the cafeteria and lasted maybe 20 seconds. If confronted by armed bystanders, would the k iller have started shooting at others'? Maybe. If I had been armed could I, a minimally trained poor marksman, have accidentally shot some other person while trying to stop the shooter? Likely, I think. It is easy to imagine that giving teachers a few hours of f i rearms training can prepare them to protect their students. Likewise it is easy to imagine that ordinary citizens with concealed weapons in a mall or theater will rise to the occasion and take out a gunman without making things worse. But police officers and others who do this kind of work for a living know better. It takes constant drill and men-
We should leave first responding to those who are trained, prepared and
experienced. tal preparation to be ready for such a situation. Even then it can be hard to avoid injuring or killing an innocent bystander. Arriving on the scene and seeing two or more people waving guns or shooting at each other, whom should the officer go after'? There is an important conversation to be had about the causes of gun violence and effective countermeasures. Such a conversation might include the increasing lethality of weapons held by ordinary citizens, the need to insure that every firearms or ammunition purchase include a careful
review of the purchaser's criminal history and mental condition, the role of depictions of violence in media and games in desensitizing all of us to violence, why it is that such developed countries as Japan and Sweden have virtually no gun deaths, and etc. But my experience in 1983 convinces me that arming teachers is not one of the effective countermeasures. I would not want to be an armed teacher nor to have my faculty colleagues armed because we could never be well-enough prepared to be sure we wouldn't make things worse. We should leave first responding to those who are trained, prepared and experienced. Expecting minimally prepared, armed teachers to stop school massacres makes about as much sense asexpecting policemen to teach math to teenagers. — John CuslTinglives in Bend.
osocie ies US hy do once-successful societies ossify and decline? Hundreds o f r e a sons have been adduced for the fall of Rome and the end of the Old Regime in 18th-century France. Reasons run from inflation and excessive spending to resource depletion and enemy invasion, as historians attempt to understand the sudden collapse of the Mycenaeans, the Aztecs and, apparently, the modern Greeks. In literature from Catullus to Edward Gibbon, wealth and leisure — and who gets the most of both — more often than poverty and exhaustion implode civilization One recurringtheme seems consistent in Athenian literature on the eve of the city's takeover by Macedon: social squabbling over slicing up a shrinking pie. Athenian speeches from that era make frequent reference to lawsuits over property and inheritance, evading taxes, and fudging eligibility for the dole. After the end of the Roman Republic, reactionary Latin literature — from the likes of Juvenal, Petronius, Suetonius, Tacitus — pointedto"bread and circuses,"as well as excessive wealth, corruption and top-heavy government. For Gibbon and later French scholars, "Byzantine" became a pejorative description of a top-heavy Greek bureaucracy that could not tax enough vanishing producers to sustain a growing number of bureaucrats. In antiquity, inflating the currency by turning out cheap bronze coins was often the favored way to pay off pub-
VICTOR DAVIS HANSON lic debts, while the law became fluid to address popular demands rather than to protect time-honored justice. After the end of World War II, most of today's powerhouses were either in ruins or still preindustrial — China, France, Germany, Japan, South Korea, Russia and Taiwan. Only the United States and Great Britain had sophisticated economies that survived the destruction of the war. Both were poisedtoresupply a devastated world with new ships, cars, machinery and communications. In comparison to Frankfurt, the factories of 1 945 L i verpool had survived mostly intact. Yet Britain missed out on the postwar German economic miracles, in part because after the deprivations of the war, the war-weary British turned to class warfare and nationalized their main industries, which soon became uncompetitive. The gradual decline of a society is often a self-induced process of trying to meet ever-expanding appetites, rather than a physical inabilityto produce past levels of food and fuel, or to maintain adequate defense. Americans have never had safer workplaces or more sophisticated medical care — and never have so many been on disability. King Xerxes' huge Persian force
of 250,000 sailors and soldiers could not defeat a rather poor Greece in 480-479 B.C. Yet a century and a half later, a much smaller invading force from the north under Philip II of Macedon overwhelmed the far more prosperousGreek descendants ofthe victors of Salamis. For hundreds of years, the outmanned legions of the tiny and poor Roman Republic survived foreign invasions. Yet centuries later, tribal Goths, Visigoths, Vandals and Huns overran the huge Mediterraneanwide Roman Empire. G iven ou r u n s ustainable n a tional debt — nearly $17 trillion and climbing — America is said to be in decline, although we face no devastating plague, nuclear holocaust, or shortage of oil or food. Americans have never led such affluent material lives — at least as measured by accessto cell phones, big-screen TVs, cheap jet travel and fast food. Obesity rather than malnutrition is the greater threat to national health. Flash mobs go after electronics stores, not food markets. Americans spend more money on Botox, face lifts and tummy tucks than on the age-old scourges of polio, small pox and malaria. If Martians looked at the small box houses, one-car families and p rimitive consumer goods of t h e 1950s, they would have thought the postwar United States, despite a balanced budget in 1956, was impoverished. In comparison, an indebted contemporary America would seem
i v e U '? to aliens flush with cash, as consumers jostle for each new update to their iPhones. By any historical marker, the future of Americans has neverbeen brighter. The United States has it all: undreamed new finds of natural gas and oil, the world's pre-eminent food production, continual t echnological wizardly, strong demographic growth, a superb military and constitutional stability. Yet we don't talk confidently about capitalizing and expanding on our natural and inherited wealth. Instead, Americans bicker over entitlement spoils as the nation continues to pile up trillion-dollar-plus deficits. Enforced equality rather than liberty is the new national creed. The medicine of cutting back on government goodies seems far worsethan the disease of borrowing trillions from the unborn to pay for them. In August 1945, Hiroshima was in shambles, while Detroit was among the most innovative and wealthiest cities in the world. Contemporary Hiroshima now resemblesa prosperous Detroit of 1945; parts of Detroit look like they were bombed decades
India's new technology
more than an energy technology (ET)
History has shown that a government's redistribution of shrinking wealth, in preference to a private sector'screation of new sources of it, can prove more destructive than even the most deadly enemy.
revolution that would deliver cheap, reliable power to millions suffering
— Victor Davis Hansonis a classicist and historian at the Hoover Institution,
Stanford University.
Horse meat and the economics of disgust By Joshua KeatIng Foreign Policy
WASHINGTONhe big story out of the British Isles last week was that consumers in Ireland and the U.K. have been unwittingly eating horse meat in several products — including burgers and packaged lasagna — labeled as beef. As The New York Times notes, "Few things divide British eating habits from those of continental Europe as much as a distaste for consuming horse meat." Horse meat is an interesting cultural case. While considered disgusting in Britain and the United States ("So hungry I could eat a horse" is
do well to take seriously rather than dismissing as irrational. He discusses well-known exam-
ples such as organ-exchange mar-
kets and beliefs about the charging of interest in the Islamic world, as well asmore outre practices such as dwarf-tossing. Here's what he has to say about horse meat: "Why can't you eat horse or dog meat in a restaurant in California, a state with a population that hails from all over the world, including some places wheresuch meals are appreciated? The answer is t h at many Californians not only don't wish to eathorses or dogs theman expression here for a reason), selves, but find it r epugnant that over 200,000 horses are slaughtered anyone else should do so, and they for their meat every year in the Eu- enacted this repugnance into Caliropean Union,according to the Hu- fornia law by referendum in 1998. mane Society International. It's also Section 598 of the California Penal a staple in some Central Asian coun- Code states in part: 'Horsemeat may tries — Kazakh Olympians brought not be offered for sale for human along their own supply of h orse consumption. No restaurant, cafe, or sausages to the London Olympics. It other public eating place may offer seems to be something of an Anglo horsemeat for human consumption.' taboo, though an often hypocritical The measure passed by a margin of one. Australians, Canadians and 60 to 40 percent with over 4.6 million New Zealanders don't generally eat people voting for it." horses, but they do slaughter them Notice that this law does not seek for export. to protect the safety of consumers by Economist Alvin R oth, w i nner governing the slaughter, sale, prepaof the2012 Nobel Prize, uses horse ration and labeling of animals used meat as a central example in his fa- for food. It is different from laws mous paper, "Repugnance as a Con- prohibiting the inhumane treatment straint on Markets." The idea of the of animals, like rules on how farm paper is that cultural biases against animals can be raised or slaughcertain transactions serve as market tered, or laws prohibiting cockfights, constraints that economists would or the recently established (and still
Matthew Staver/ New York Times News Service
contested) ban on selling foie gras in Chicago restaurants (Ruethling, 2006). It is not illegal in California to kill horses; the California law only outlaws such killing "if t hat person knows or should have known that any part of that horse will be used for human consumption." The prohibited use is "human consumption," so it apparently remains legal in California to buy and sell pet food that contains horse meat (although the use of horse meat in pet food has declined in the face of the demand in Europe for U.S. horse meat for human consumption). He would argue that laws against horse meat are irrational in a society where eating cows, pigs and other similar animals is considered
perfectly acceptable. After all, the British consumers who are outraged about having been fed Polish horse meat were perfectly willing to buy lasagna made from cows that were likely raised and slaughtered in brutal factory farms and felt few moral qualms about it. But Roth also suggests that the fact that they are irrational doesn't mean such attitudes aren't real factors that should be taken into account by economists designing markets. In other words, if you want to stay in the packaged-lasagna business, don't sell horse meat to the Brits. And certainly don't pretend it's something else. — Joshua Keating is an associate editor at Foreign Policy.
i yam what i yam — but is it really art? By Crispin Sartwell
testify to that effect. Of course, people whine about ne of the biggest problems postmodern art or Jeff Koons or in our politics is that people whatever all the time. But I come don't think for t hemselves. with a cure, for Perelman and for us We let radio and television hosts, all: Stop letting other people tell you pundits and politicians tell us what what to like. to believe. And one of the biggest Believe this: Your own actual prefproblems in our arts is that people erences are more or less as good as don't enjoy for themselves. We let anyone else's. You should start with museum curators,gallery owners, that premise, even if it's false, for if critics and professors tell us what to you don't trust your own taste, you feel. will be surrounded by things you don't like. A recent battle in the art world illustrates the point. The billionaire So if you really do dislike someRonald Perelman is suing the mul- t hing, w h ether i t ' s b y Ro b e rt timillionaire art dealer Larry Gago- Rauschenberg orthe Decemberists, sian on the grounds, among others, Philip Glass or Marcel Proust, Bruce that Gagosian overvalued an unfin- Springsteen or Martha Graham, just ished sculpture of Popeye (yes, the say so. I have a doctorate in aesthetSailor Man) by Jeff Koons. Perelman ics, and I give you permission. purchased this item for $4 million. If, as I often do, you express aloud In parallel to the David of Michel- your viewthat Allen Ginsberg sucks, angelo, I will refer to the disputed you're not hurting anyone. And it's work as the Popeye. A judge will just possible you have a point. Stop eventually decide what the Popeye pretending to like Picasso. is really worth. My own view is that I think the last Taylor Swift alit is worth precisely what its com- bum is a better, more important and ponent materials are worth, or per- more interesting work of art than haps a bit less, due to the costs that "Finnegans Wake." I t h in k " Fast would be incurred in hauling it away Five" — which, amazingly, features and melting it down or crushing it. both Vin Diesel and the Rock — is a If called as an expert witness, I will better film than "Lincoln," obviously Los Angeles Times
and by a long way. There, I said it. I imagine you might despise me now or regard me as a philistine. I'm good with that. One good thing about the authorities at the upper end of the art world — for example the top galleries of New York — is that they can be ignored. I propose we do so. In this, the worst of all possible aesthetic worlds, taste is dictated by people like Gagosian and is commonly confused withcash or cachet. There's art, for example, in Oklahoma, or Gabon; perhaps we should concentrate on that for a while. The basic structure of our aesthetic culture is this: The authorities tell you who's a genius, and because you do not want to appear unsophisticated or uncomprehending, you simulate appreciation. This is a formula for aesthetic disaster on the Popeye scale. If you pretend to like things you don't, you will undergo aesthetic and financial suffering. You'll be paying for things — movie or museum tickets, for example — and getting back only irritation or boredom. You will impoverish your very soul. Of course, people can learn to like something they don't like now, and there can be good reasons to try.
That a top art dealer is telling you it's good, however, or that it costs $4 million, or that it's hanging at MOMA, or that it got a good review in the New Yorker, I propose, does not in itself provide such a reason. The learning can start with an argument, as long as people sincerely say what they actually think. So let's yell a bit at each other about "Lincoln." That is one of the things art, or in this case "att," is for. That would be fun, and it could potentially be clarifying with regard to what "Lincoln" means and whether it's good. But if we're scared to state our actual opinions frankly — or if we reach the terrible point of self-abandonment atwhich we have no idea what we like anymore — no communication about art can take place. We've created a situation in which art is something that cultural authorities merely inflict on peopleno doubt, in their delusions, for those
people's own good. If we let people like Gagosian tell us what art is or what important art is or what good art is, we, like Perelman, deservethe artwe get and the
price we pay. — Crispin Sartwell teaches philosophy at Dickinson College in Carlisle, Pa.
NEW DELHIvery time I visit India, I visit Nasscom, the high-tech association, to meet with the newest crop of Indian innovators. They account for only a tiny fraction of India's 1.2 billion people, most of whom remain painfully poor, but I focus on these Indian innovators because so many of them today are focused on making India unpoor. India is now spawning large numbers of innovators concentrating on solving poor-world problems — and cloud-based technology tools and open-source platforms are enabling Indian innovators to do this with little capital. As a result, they are much more willing to try, fail and try again (the secret sauce of Silicon Valley). And, as a result, we're starting to see a merger here between ET, IT and ID. It doesn't get any better than that. There is nothing that India needs
from energy poverty. If every village had some reliablepower, plus access to high-speed Internet (IT), hundreds of millions of Indians would be able to live locally but act globally — that is, they would be able to remain in their villages, yet have access to the education and markets that could enable them to escape poverty and not have to join the hordes in the megaslums of the megacities like Mumbai or Kolkata. The most exciting ET innovation I saw here was Gram Power. Some 400 million people in India do not have access to grid-based power and, therefore, rely on kerosene, which releases tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere and claims about 1.5 million Indian lives a year. Gram Power has an answer, says its co-founder Yashraj Khaitan: "Our Smart Microgrid system comprisesrenewable-based generation infrastructure installed locally in the village (usually solar panels on a cellphone tower), and a proprietary smart electricity distribution system that tackles the three main challenges of reliable energy access in India: theft and pilferage that forms the root cause for 58percent of energy losses on the utility grid, high capital costs to extend the utility grid to remote low population areas, and intermittent and un-
predictable power supply." The Gram Power system comes at a capital cost, Khaitan added of "less than that of a solar home system, with a prepaid pricing model suited to our consumers' disposable income — forjust20 centsperday ofrecharge, consumers can operate lights, fans, radios, and televisions." The smart meters "prevent peoplefrom overdrawing power and intelligently prioritize different loads based on local conditions." The most interesting IT project I came across was Mettl, which has developed an online assessment platform to help hiring managers "to measure andtrack skill s of prehires and employees" to determine if they can really do a particular job. Mettl can "measure the hard skills which are directly applicable to a job rather than just the knowledge which you have acquired by rote," said its co-founder Ketan Kapoor. Now marry these breakthroughs in ET and IT with one in ID. Nandan Nilekani, a co-founder of Infosys, has been leading India's Unique Identification project, which aims to give every Indian who wants one a unique 12-digit ID number, backed by photographs, fingerprints and iris scansthat can be easily verified online. The system is creating a platform that enables the government to give aid, salaries, health care and pensions much more directly to citizens without worrying it will be siphoned off by corrupt officials or fake IDs. Some 270 miiiion Indians have acquired an ID, with about 1 million signing up per day, or as, Nilekani says, "one Finland a week." Once every Indian has a "robust real identity" based in the cloud, Nilekani told me, you have "a platform" upon which you can build all kinds of services — from cash transfers to health records to open online courses. In sum, when ET meets IT meets ID, you have a virtuous cycle that potentially can compete with the cycle of energy poverty, broken schools and corruption. While success at scale for these start-ups is by no means assured, they are a taste of what is possible when so many more people on the planet can become inventors, makers and problem-solvers. Anyone who thinks the age of innovation is over isn't paying attention. — Thomas Friedman is a columnist for The New York Times.
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in romance seIIes Is
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usse 's aes
not perfect "A Date With Fortune" by Susan Crosby (Harle-
quin, 224 pgs., $5.25) By Lezlie Patterson McClatchy-Tribune News Service
This long-running series can get stale, at times. This is one of those times. Michael is another Atlanta Fortune to venture into Red Rock, Texas, and find love. The ice-veined business man comes to town to convince his cousins to return to Atlanta, and the family business. He also scoffs at the idea of finding love in the small town that seems to lure his siblings and cousins into matrimony faster than Yogi to a picnic basket, and is determined to avoid that. He fails in both instances. M ichael i s b a r ely i n town when he meets Felicity, friend and roommate of Sarah Jane who is blissfully in love with Wyatt Fortune. Felicity is the opposite of Michael in most ways: She's an innocent, small-town girl who works hard as a candy maker and loves her smalltown life and its small-town ways. She wants to f i nd love, and is a huge fan of the emotion. Michael doesn't believe in love. (And boy have we heard that before!) He loves the city, his high-powered job, wearing designer suits, a nd he's d e finitely n o t innocent. But he's drawn to her immediately. Despite his antilove mantra, Michael does
a good job wooing Felicity. Until he doesn't. T here have b een t o o m any Fortune books t o
count, spanning generations, family branches and
geography. So it's only logical that they're hit-or-miss. This one falls somewhere in between. Felicity is sweet, familiar characters reappear, and Michael is adequate if not predictable with his epiphany that "love really does exist, and I found it with Felicity." Of course, that's one thing that really never does get stale.
BEST-SELLERS Publishers Weekly ranks thebestsellers for week ending Feb.9. Hardcover fiction
1. "Until the End ofTime" by Danielle Steel (Delacorte) 2. "Private Berlin" by Patterson/ Sullivan (Little, Brown) 3. "Touch & Go" byLisa Gardner iDutton) 4. "Gone Girl" by Gillian Flynn (Crown) 5. "A Memory of Light" by Robert Jordan(Tor) 6."Tenth of December: Stories" by George Saunders (Random House) 7. "Suspect" by Robert Crais (Putnam) 8. "The Fifth Assassin" by Brad Meltzer (GrandCentral) 9. "A DeeperLoveInside" by Sister soullah iAtria) 10. "The Racketeer" by John Grisham (Doubleday) Hardcover nonfiction
1. "Shred: TheRevolutionary Diet" by lan K. Smith, M.D. iSI. Martin'sj 2. "My Beloved World" by Sonia Sotomayor (Knopf) 3. "Killing Kennedy" by Bill O'Reilly (Henry Holt) 4."Pursued: God's Divine Obsession ..." by Jud Wilhite (FaithWords) 5. "The Future" by Al Gore (Random House) 6. "I Declare" by Joel Osteen iFaithWordsj 7. "The Legend of Zelda" by Shigeru Miyamoto (Dark Horse) 8. "Francona" byTerry Francona (HMH) 9. "The Way" by AdamHamilton (Abingdon) 10. "No EasyDay" byMark Owen iDutton) — McClatchy-TribuneNewsService
Novel set in adworld offer slaughs,lessons "Truth in Advertising" by John Kenney (Touchstone)
for intensity and drama? Speed them up for comedy? Do you rewrite dialogue, if, say, you've had a fight with your boss or your wife or some jackass who cut the line at Dunkin' Donuts? In the rewrites are you far wittier, far more bold? I do and I am. It makes life more interesting for me, gives me a wonderful sense of false empowerment. And yet I know I miss the far more interesting narratives, the narratives I will never know, of strangers ..." Likable, clever, complex Fin
By John Timpane
By Christopher Sullivan
The Philadelphia inquirer
The Associated Press
PHILADELPHIA — What a conversation it was. The Book of Job. Hippos. The road life. The writer's life (which, more and more these days, is the road life). Philly. Iowa. Rutgers. Bryn M awr. Florida. Kafka. Dorothy Day. George Saunders (more on him later). Sharing an apartment with your sister. A bumper-car arcade of ideas and Such is an hour of talk with writer Karen Russell, sitting around her apartment near the Philadelphia Museum of Art. Sparkling notion-eruptions and p r ismed, faceted
A hilarious op-ed column on politics appeared in The New York Times as the 2012 presidential election w as winding down — i n other words, just when we desperatelyneeded comic relief. The off-the-wall columnist was identified as John Kenney, "author of the forthcoming novel, 'Truth in Advertising.'" Better keep an eye out for that book, I figured. As expected, this debut novel reads at times like a laugh-out-loud standup routine. What sustains it, though, is much more sub-
stantial: an engaging, be-
H er 2 01 1 d e bu t n o v e l "Swamplandia!" was both a critical succes d'estime and a best-seller, selling in the hundreds of thousands. Her new collection of stories, "Vampires in the L emon Grove"
lievable plot, a fascinating if jaundiced view inside the contemporary world of New York advertising, and most of all, a lead character you're glad you get to know, even if doing so becomes infuriating at times. Kenney, who spent many years as an ad copywriter, introduces us t o F i n bar Dolan, a l o ngtime toiler in those same vineyards. Encouraged to "make his mark" with promotions for assorted banal p r oducts — including the creation of a Super Bowl ad for a " revolutionary" b rand o f disposable diapers, which drives a central part of the plot — Dolan expresses ambivalence. On the one hand, he wants a promotion and sometimes even catchesa whiff of the creative rush that drew him to advertising in the first place, but basically he's a 39-year-old who knows too much, a realist even in the midst of his natural escapism. "How do yo u see t he world?" Dolan muses at one point. "Is there music underscoring scenes of your life? Do you slow things down
(Alfred A. Knopf, $24.95), has already gotten much praise. Laura Bennett of the New R epublic c a l l s "Vampire" " wonderfully s t r ange a n d sharp." Fellow dazzling fiction writer Joy Williams, in the New York T i mes, says Russell's work "has a velocity and trajectory that is little less than dazzling and a t ough, enveloping, exhilarating voice that cannot be equaled." Although she claims to be uncomfortable with it, Russell is, in fact, very good at "being the used-car salesman for my imagination." She is engaging and engaged, but she cringes at published interviews and photos because they "reveal the hideous depth of y our vanity." Even that sparkles. The stories in "Vampires" often step off from a genre, say, vampire stories (the title story), or war stories (the startling, superb "The New Veterans," which deserves to be called a short novel), or Asian women's memoir ("Reeling for Empire"). But in each case, something ... happens. There's a turning point, a transformation, and suddenly ... where are we? Clyde is a vampire trying to get back into his wife's good graces. The women in a silkspinning factory become their work in unexpectable fashion. In an exquisite modern-day echo of the shield of Achilles, an Iraq vet has his war experience tattooed all over his body. And those horses. Adams, who can't clear th e f ence. Rutherford B . H a yes, w ho wants to. There's a thing happening, a negotiation between a notion of the fantastic (or is it'?) and something universal, something that, as Russell puts it, "maybe doesn't conclude in the conventional way, but opens out at the end." Russell, 31, is aware people sometimes cubbyhole her with other "mashup writers," "slipstream writers," "new-wave f abulists," f i ctionistas w h o combine genres, pop-cult, history, surrealism, and (your material here) to create novel tales. She's not shy about saying writing can sometimes be fun. In one story, "The Barn at the End of Our Term," several former U.S. presidents discover that in the afterlife, they are horses. They aren't quite sure what it all means. "Maybe the Barn itself is God." "I had a lot of fun writing it," Russell says. "Writers get e mbarrassed sometimes i n talking about how much fun writing can be, but drafting is often really enjoyable. Often, you're tumbling in the dark,
David M.Warren/Philadelphia Inquirer
Author Karen Russell, at her Philadelphia apartment, has "a tough, enveloping, exhilarating voice that cannot be equaled," one review said. Her new collection of stories is called "Vampires in the Lemon Grove."
Vamp~~,~ Z'n fgp Orl g -' I
"c~ j
Russell also names George Saunders, a writer suddenly on a lot of people's lists: "He writes storiesthat are their own strange hybrid beings. You can see (Thomas) Pynchon, Barry Hannah in there, but he makes the stories his own. It's funny to watch people trying to come up with language to describe what's
happening." She's in the midst of the writer's life 2013, a world at once traditional (you have to be writing something that oth-
"'""""I'>u'rruparsr/i p'
Dolan — a guy anybody would love to have in the office — is also, we gradually learn, drag-
ging around a major demon: a shattering story of his family life growing up in Boston that he has been trying to leave behind for decades. It forces its way to the surface when he learns that his estranged father is dying and realizes that only he, among the man's children, each damaged in a different way, feels anything like obligation to get involved. It'sa measure of Kenney's writing talent that the regular gusts of delicious, smart-alecky
ad agency banter among Dolan and his witty comrades and the painful-to-read scenes depicting the toxic relations among siblings feel equally real. Another measure is the sophistication of Kenney's commentary, through Dolan, on modern life. Oh, and there's a love story tucked into this novel, too. You like Phoebe as much as you like Fin, you root for them, and it drives you nuts when — no, that would be telling too much. Suffice it to say that the progress of their relationship, like the other plotlines, encounters abrupt, unforeseen turns — but ones you can believe as this smart, cinematic story carries you along.
iPPure Coadk Co.
a~ B~ dU
er people read) and very much
"It remains unbelievable to me that I have any readers beyond my own blood relations — it's a crazy, wild gift." — Karen Russell
and you don't know where the story is going to lead. Sure, there are conscious effects you put in, but then there's the part that's irreducibly mysterious." Russell, who grewup in Florida (the setting for "Swamplandia!"), came to Philly from the American Academy of Berlin, where she was a visiting professor. She's now teaching at both Bryn Mawr College and Rutgers University — and doing her reading tours. Next year she'll go out to the revered Iowa Writers Workshop. But she says, "I'd like to come back to Philly; I'd like to stick around a little." Who is she reading right now? "Dune" by Frank Herbert, "a novel that was tremendously important to me when I was D, not only for what it could tell me about kissing, but also for this whole cosmological order he's able to set up, completely immersive. He sets up the rules in a very consistent and thoughtful way, even when they're bizarre." Not a bad description of Russell's own best work, among the most prominent of a new strain of darkly magical, often wry, often wackily heartbreaking fiction.
of the media moment. Publishing, meanwhile, is looking for a business model that works. "It's cool," she says, "and I'm at a stage where it's still exciting. The dwindling sales numbers for the business are troubling, and yet the Internet is allowing for a more intimate relationshipbetween readers and writers" Ah, the readers. "It remains unbelievable to me," Russell says, "that I have any readers beyond my own blood relations — it's a crazy, wild gift." What does she hope her
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Anti-hero Keller is back 'Houseo Eart ' asno ot in Lawrence Block's'Hit Me'
ut it ta s into a new wor
"Hit Me" by Lawrence Block (Mulholland Books)
stamp collection. So when his old murder broker, Dot, gets in touch about a job, he's ready to get back into the
By Mark Caro Chicago Tribune
By Bruce DeSilva
CHICAGO — Nora Guthrie had put off reading her late father Woody Guthrie's recently unearthed novel, "House of Earth," even after she'd agreed for it to be published. Having devoted much of2012 to preparing events and p r ojects surrounding the centennial of the singer-songwriter-artist's birth, she said, she wanted to read the book at her leisure, w hen it w o u ldn't f eel l i k e "work." So it wasn't until last fall t hat she started in o n t h e manuscript's pages and soon reached the lengthy, graphic sex scene in a cowshed during which the husband and wife discuss the benefits of adobe homes. "I went, 'Dad! Whoa!'" Nora Guthrie, 63, recalled on the phone from the New Yorkbased Woody Guthrie FounMcClatchy Tnhune News Serwce dation 8 A rchives, of which "House of Earth" is a recently uncovered novel by the singershe is the director. songwriter-artist Woody Guthrie. She was encountering what EC. jshe calls the "slightly undomesticated animal side Mississippi Gulf Coast") are o o~ ~ JT of him" — Woody Guthrie credited with editing the novel writing about the time beand writing its lengthy introfore he moved to New York duction, though Guthrie said E p ~ T H: City and became a famous she dealt only with Brinkley in f olk singer and go t i n t o the book's preparation. the habit of wearing clean In their introduction Brinclothes. This was Dust Bowl kley and Depp, who received a Woody, a man earthy not oUGLKE EPINKLEY ~ N NY U EP P Grammy nomination for their only in sensibility and humor liner notes to the 2008 docubut also in philosophy. Evmentary "Gonzo: The Life and erything in "House of Earth" Work of Dr. Hunter S. Thompson" (Brinkley is Thompson's — life, sex, nature, shelter — is intended to spring from literary executor), speculate on why "House of Earth" went the Earth. It's a book that could have unpublished following its combeen written only by somepletion in 1947: Perhaps Guthrie "sensed that some of the one with talent: a keen ear for dialogue, a deep sense of emcontent was passe," or maybe pathy, sharp powers of obserthe graphic sex was too much vation and a lyrical way with in a climate in which Henry words. Paragraph after paraMiller's "Tropic of C a ncer" "House of Earth" graph could have been recast had been banned in the U.S. by Woody Guthrie (Infiniin the kind of epic ballads that But Tiffany Colannino, artum Nihil,288 pgsU $25.99) made Guthrie famous. chivist at the Woody Guthrie Tike's face wassadfor For instance, there's this deArchives in New York's Westa second, but before she scription of the elements' toll chester County, said there's turned her eyes toward on the protagonists' wooden no way to know what Guthrie him, he slapped himself house in t h e T exas upper actually was thinking on this in the face with the back plains: matter. N of his hand, in a way that "Then the long keen rays We don't have him writalways made him smile, of the late spring sun would ing about 'House of Earth' at U glad or sad. Let it be come. They would shine down all, n Colannino said. NWe don't rotten, Lady." He put his against the house for sevhave him making any comhands on his hips and took eral hours out of every day. ment on it.n a step backward, and stood They sucked. They bit. They She is relatively certain that looking the whole house scratched. They clawed and Woody Guthrie, who died in over. "Guess it's got a right they chewed at the boards. 1967 at age 55, sent a complete to be rotten if it wants to And they sipped the wild saps, version of the manuscript to be rotten, Lady. Goldern filmmaker Irving Lerner, who gums, rosins, juices, and wawhizzers an' little jackrabters out again with sunrays, had worked on some socially bits! Look how marty winds, the dry tongue and lips conscious documentariesfamilies of kids that little of the weather that sings, then though how the author imagole shack has suckled Up whispers, then s ucks, and ined that a late-'40s feature from pups. I'd be all rickety kisses all of the little houses film might be crafted from a an' bowlegged, an' bent until they are dry again and story in which the characters over, an' saggeddown, an' brittle. And this was the drydo little other than argue, have petered out, an' swayed in ness of the heat against the sex, contemplate their strugmy middle, too, if I'd stood house." gles and r h apsodize about in one spot like this little ole adobe houses i s a n y one's Idosyncratic fiction shack has, an' stood there guess. At any rate the film for fifty-two years. Let it "House of Earth" also i s never got made, but Lerner's rot. Rot! Rotdown! Fall — let's be honest — a misfit copy of the novel was donated down! Sway in! Keel over! of a novel, taking its place in to the University of Tulsa's You little ole rotten piss a long tradition of i diosynGuthrie collection. soaked bastard, you! Fall!" cratic fiction authored by acBrinkley and Depp w r ite His voice changedfrom complished musicians (among t hat t h e y " stumbled o n e one of good funNinto words "House of Earth" there while them Bob Dylan's "Tarantula," of raging terror. Die! Fall! John Lennon's NIn His Own researching material a bout N ROt! Write" and A Spaniard in the Bob Dylan for a separate projWorks," and assorted works ect. Colannino said the archive by Nick Cave). It dates from had a photocopy of the Lerner 1946 to 1947, which places it sex scene. manuscript as well, and when after he moved to New York, The only characters in the Brinkley called for permission w rote "This L and I s Y o u r novel are Tike — whose crude to edit and publish it, she and Land" and saw the publication humor, plain-spoken yearnNora Guthrie gave the OK. N of his memoir "Bound for Glo- ings and fighting spirit remind I said, 'OK, you're a smart e a book filled with incident Nora Guthrie of her f ather guy. If you t h ink i t's good ry, and drama. More happens on — the spirited, long-suffering enough to publish, I'll trust the train in the first chapter of EllaMay, and a young woman, you on this,'" Nora Guthrie "Bound for Glory" than in all Blanche, who arrives to help recalled. of "House of Earth." with a baby delivery. Nature Brinkley and D epp, who This, no doubt, is by design. and that old not-adobe house, call the novel "a significant Guthrie's interest here lies less with its gaps and cracks for cultural event and a m ajor in constructing a dramatic arc letting in the dust and wind installment in the corpus of than drilling deep into the lives and snow, occupy the rest of his published work," note that of an isolated married couple, the author's attention. editing was minor, with two Tike and Ella May Hamlin, as Nora Guthrie acknowledged paragraphs restructured and they subsist in a rickety wood- the novel's lack of plot or nar- some spellings tweaked and "cosmetic changes" made. Colen house on desolate land that rative momentum. "This is like a lot of nothing they will never own. annino said Guthrie liked to Guthrie, never shy about — a lot of nothing happening," elongate some vowel sounds, sharing his leftist views, fills she said. NI think what kind and some of those were edhis novel with speeches and of got to me is it pulled me as itedfor comprehension's sake platform statements, such as a human being down to that while maintaining the spirit of this exchange between Tike same place, the repetition of the language. and Ella May: it and the unrelenting quality "I wish you'd think up some of it day after day after day: kind of a way to get us a piece nature, people, farm, shelter, of nice good farmin' land, with sex. It's just this repetitive, unan adobe house on it, an' a big relenting existence." adobe fence all around it." "There's not but one way. 'Stumbled on' a book "House of Earth" came out And that is to just keep on working and fighting and Feb. 5 from Infinitum Nihil, fighting and working, and a ctor Johnny D e pp's n ew then to work and to save and to HarperCollins imprint. Depp save and to fight some more," and historian/author Douglas N she said. Brinkley ( Cronkite,n " T h e Mind you, t hi s d i alogue Great Deluge: Hurricane Kacomes in the middle of the trina, New Orleans, and the
The Associated Press
What Keller likes about the work is the meticulous planningthat goes into each hit, so in the early chapters, that is what Block dwells on. The kills themselves are anticlimactic, each carried out with swift efficiency and without remorse. B ut a s B l o c k g e t s deeper into t h e s t ory, the planning, too, takes a back seat to the killer's obsession with his hobby. Keller spends most of his time and energy attending stamp shows, bidding at stamp auctions and negotiating the sale of a seductive widow's extensive collection. In the last third of the book, his professionseems almost an afterthought. In the hands of a lesser writer, the philately passages
When we last left Keller, Lawrence Block's killer-forhire anti-hero, he was on the run after being framed for a political assassination in the 2008 thriller, "Hit and Run. Now, five years later, we find living him living in New Orleans with a new identity, Nicholas Edwards. He's got a charming new wife named Julia, who knows about his past, and d aughter Jenny makes three. Instead of poisoning, strangling, or shootN
ing people, he's making a living rehabbing and flipping houses. But the economy being what it is, there's not much of a market for houses these
days, so Keller is spending a lot of time hanging out with the family and working on his
~'P4 "s
would be i nsufferable, but Block makes them interesting in their own right — a window into the soul of a hit man who can dispatch innocent bystanders without remorse but won't cheat on his wife and insists on being s crupulously honest in t h e buying and selling of collectible stamps.
An excerpt from "House ofEarth"
Find It All Online
'Autopsy' takesgrim look at Detroit "Detroit:
bungalow while he battles an counts how th e p athologies arson fire. The scene shifts from that are d estroying Detroit fire to ice as the reporter pur- have also taken a personal toll. Penguin Press) sues a tip that leads him to the The author and his family are elevator shaft of an abandoned not immune from the broken By Jerry Harkavy building and the discovery of homes, drug abuse, alcoholism, The Associated Press a body encased in ice, its legs prostitution and violence so Detroit has long been the protruding like Popsicle sticks. commonplace in the city. poster child for urban blight, Calls to homicide detectives and In a city where hope is in a city that gives rise to imag- 911 are ignored, and it takes two short supply, the author takes es of crack houses, senseless days and five phone calls before solace in small victories. NIt killings, burnt-out buildings, authorities finally arrive and re- felt righteous," he said, when a civic corruption, high uncover the body. judge handed a longprison senemployment and flirtations There are scathing portraits tence to the man responsible for with municipal bankruptcy. of corrupt politicians, includ- the fire that killed LeDuff's fireC harlie L e Duff, w h o ing Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick fighter friend. grew up i n D e t roit and and City Councilwoman Monmade his mark as a Pulitzer ica Conyers, who meets with Prize winner for The New LeDuff for a surreal interview York Times, later returned in a foul-smelling jazz club. home to immerse himself in Woven into these episodes Q NQRTHWEsT his city's despair. His book, is a family memoir that traces CROSSING based in part on his report- LeDuff's background and reing for The Detroit News, Atuard-cuinning captures the sights, sounds neighborhood and smells of a crumbling, once-proud metropolis that on Bend's Central oregon he views as the template • Derm a tology tuestside. for other American cities in Mark Hall, Mn decline. Readers might feel akin I I . to rubbernecking motorists approaching a 50-car pileup as they accompany LeDuff through neighborhoods whose landscapes tral Oregon seem like the creation of a contemporary Dante. The National Alliance on Mental Illness-Central Oregon author rubs shoulders with the city's best and worst elFebruary 19,2013 Education Meeting ements, arsonists who burn YogaCalm, Acupuncture, Reikibuildings for entertainment The Mind Body Connection and firefighters struggling to protect innocent lives. When: 3rd Tues. 2/19/13, 7-9 PM Fire is cheaper than a Where: St. Charles Medical Center-Bend Conf. Rm. "D" movie, one firefighter explains, noting that Na can of Pleaseattend to learn how these techniques createcalming, awareness gas is three-fifty and a movand healing; techniques that connect mind and body in wellness. Our ie is eight bucks, and there practitioners will discussand demonstrate their specialties. aren't any movie theaters Attending helps you connect with others in supporting, educating and left in Detroit." To LeDuff, advocating for mental health in Central Oregon. the Detroit firefighter Nis the man holding Nero's fiddle." Presenters: Tragedy strikes when a Anna Thedford - Yoga Calm Consultant; Cyndee Overland - Central Oregon Acupuncture; Nancy Montefreddi — Reiki Practitioner firefighter who befriends the author is killed when the roof Meetingis &ee and open to the public collapses on an abandoned
An American Autopsy" by Charlie LeDuff (The
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Vie im'S ae Ghostly doingswith HarryHole
Sa in
I Il S 0
told me in an interview) A • Nordic crime thriller 'Phantom' isn't shy he third, the most ephemeral, is the labels, patently intended as about commenting onsocial realities shorthand for the contempo-
S BIl 8
"Phantom" "Give Me Everything You Have: OnBeing Stalked" by James Lasdun (Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
This lack o f p e r spective crops up earlier in the book. Amid Lasdun's well-articulated feelings of bafflement and 224 pgs., $25) dismay at being stalked, there are stretches of obliviousness: By Carolyn Kellogg to power relationships, to nuLos Angeles Times ance in language, even to how When someone crawls over he tells the story. M adonna's garden wal l o r Early o n , h e de s cribes breaks into Brad Pitt's house, N asreen's appearance in flatI it's unpleasant but not unextering specificity. Her face is "fine-boned, with d elicately pected: the price of fame, if also prosecutable. Imagine, interlocking features" and she though, if i n t h e c ourse of wears "a brown, waist-length your everyday, n onfamous jacket, at once military and life someone emerged with a feminine in its cut, that emsimilar obsession. First they phasized her aura of selfseemed affectionate, then concontainment." The younger vinced of a deep connection, female is objectified, while the then became furiousand set age. But the last quarter of the physicality of the man telling upon destroying your life. book takes an awkward turn the story is not detailed; he reThis is what happened to — to Israel. mains invisible while holding James Lasdun, a writer who Lasdun tells us about his re- all the narrative power. has won a Guggenheim and lationship with his father, Sir As the i r r el a t i onship taught at Princeton. Lasdun, Denys Lasdun, a British mod- evolvesfrom student-teacher a novelist and poet who has ernist architect. One design to friends,Lasdun reveals acpublished tw o tr a v elogues he'd been commissioned to do tions that may have contribwith his wife, has a solid if not but was never built was for a uted to his problems without high-profile career; he can put significant temple in I srael. seeing the c onnection. He together avery fine sentence. Contemplating h i s f a t her's likes their flirtatious emails Elegant writers are not often unseen legacy, Lasdun travels but at o n e p o in t r e a lizes the subject of an obsessive and to the Western Wall, where they'vebecome too much and destructive campaign, but he someone else'sversion of the suggests breaking off contact. was. temple now serves as a center- Nasreen replies that their relaAs he explains in "Give Me piece of the Jewish settlement tionship is "benign," explainEverything You Have: On Be- there. ing, "in a sense I do love you ing Stalked," one of his graduHe writes, "the implications and am in love with you — but ate students became a kind of this building seemed more mainly because you've given of a friend, and then things incendiary than ever ... once me hope thatthere are some 'normal' men out there. turned. She — he calls her again the thought of my (alNasreen — eventually began beit tenuous) connection to it Lasdun, who finds this "lucid" sending dozens of emails a offered acertain gloomy sat- and "gracious," decides all is day, sometimes that many in a isfaction. This had to do with well. single hour, often full of anti- Nasreen, who was a constant Although it's easy for the Semitic invectives. presence in my mind during reader to intuit that Nasreen She waged anInternet camthis trip. It seemed to confer a was unwell, it's i mpossible paign of untruths, including more dignified solemnity on to understand what she was accusations of plagiarism left our conflict, turning me into a thinking. Did she believe the as Amazon book reviews and larger, grander adversary.... lies she spread about Lasdun? on his Wikipedia page. She Better to be found complicit in Did she convince herself that repeated those accusations in the original sins of Israeli his- their friendship had been a letters sent to work colleagues tory than in some act of petty romance? Could Lasdun have and employers. plagiarism." managed hergrowing affecIf this were a movie, next Nasreen is from an immi- tions differently — or is this a a family pet would be boiling grant Iranian family, which nightmare that could happen on the stove — but Lasdun's leads Lasdun to see Arab-Is- to anyone'? stalking was specifically Inraeli overtones in her antiNo one wants to be stalked ternet-bound. N e vertheless, Semitism. Yet when he uses — but we do want to know it was nerve-racking, and he the conflict between Israel and more about why or how somerecounts his experiences with the Palestinians to define and thing like this unravels. Lasthe still-fresh wounds of para- ennoble his feelings of perse- dun seemed poised to explore noia and fear it induced. cution, it's a stretch, verging his stalking more deeply when Had L a s dun's m e m o ir on the vainglorious. People instead he turned his attention stopped there, it might have die in the Israeli-Palestinian to Israel — and all his writerly been a powerful document of conflict; he gets assaulted by skills can't make the connecvictimization in the Internet emails. tion hold. •
By Peter Rozovsky
thetic sociopath, the better to let readers of sound views feel superior. But that may be overanalysis. Perhaps this novel's token racist sexist is just the
The Phiiadelphia 1nquirer
canny Nesbe giving the read-
by JoNesbp (Knopf, 400 pgs., $25.95)
I once suggested that some Nordiccrime novels have enough mildly leftist musing thrown in to make readers feel intellectually respectable. One reply to t hat comment put it t h i s way: "It's why I think 'Downton Abbey' does so well in this country, too. It's basically an absurdly trashy soap opera, a notch or two down from th e m agnificent 'Days of Our Lives,' but because it's on PBS and they're speaking with English accents, it's somehow thought of as being intelligent or classy." Indeed, Jo Nesbg and other Scandinavian crime writers are often praised for the morally improving qualities of t h eir b ooks, for casting a harsh light beneath the idyllic surface of the welfare state, but how idyllic can that surface be after so many years of harsh light-casting'? (Maj Sjowall and Per Wahloo published the first of their superb Martin Beck novels
ers a bit of what they demand in their Scandinavian crime novels before he gets on with his story. As always, there is much good in that story. Our first glimpse ofHarry, freshly back from Hong Kong, is easily the best part of the book, and it reflects Nesbg's interestin ghost stories. And, sneer as one might at easy pop-culture references,Nesbg ingeniously makes one such r eference, the lyrics to a song, part of the plot. As always with this wryly humorous writer, "Phantom" contains funny bits that constitute Nesbg's real social observation. My favorite of these comes as Harry finds one of his superior officers at a tennis club: "In Norway you played soccer and skied. Tennis players attracted whispers and suspicious glances." Nesbg's pop-culture references in "Phantom" fall into three categories. One is the ingenious, integral-to-the-plot example alluded to above. Another is the assortment of popmusic titles sprinkled throughin 1965.) out the book that presumably Nesbg's police and polireflect the author's own wideticians are corrupt, and he ranging tastes. ("Myself, I like portrays that c o rruption jazz, and I like rock, but I like more entertainingly than pop, the smoothest pop mumany writers do (though he sic, easy-listening pop music," may have reached his police-corruption apex with the magnificently evil Tom Waaler in "The Redbreast," "Nemesis" and "The Devil's Star"). And that old standEVERGREEN In-Home Care Servlces by, the right-wing nut, is the Care for loved ones. Comfort for all. 541-389-0006 weakest part of "Phantom," ninth of N e sbg's novels about Oslo police inspector
Harry Hole (pronounced
rary zeitgeist. This is the most dangerous, because it r i sks puzzling readers who have not seen the television shows in question,much lessreaders in the future. What will "Mad Men" and Don Draper signify in five or 10 years'? "Phantom" follows, in order
of English-language publication,Books5,3,4,6,7,and8of the Harry Hole series (next up: Book I). How does Nesbg keep things fresh? A damaged, brilliant, ungovernable police detective can get kicked off the forceonly so many times,lose only so many women he loves because of his own flaws, and d rink himself into only s o many alcoholic stupors. Having placed Harry's onagain, off-again lover, Rakel, in danger in a previous book, Nesbg here puts her son, with whom Harry has formed a bond, in peril. Therein lies the risk of the series form, centered on on e c h aracter, in hard-boiled and noir fiction: How many perils can the author put his protagonist through before the whole thing starts to seem like a
soap opera? Don Bartlett has done his usual fluent, unobtrusive work of translation. There cannot be many better translators of popular fiction working today. 5
IN !
WILSONSof Redmond 541-548-2066 Adjustablg .
G allery- B e n d 541-330-5084
e""""o~ST. PAT RiCK'S DA Y
HEU-leh). The character expounding those views is presumably intended as comic but really is a risible caricature, and p e rfunctory into the bargain. A socially minded critic could say Nesbb sidelines the problems of xenophobia and sexism in Norway by consigning them to a pa-
BEN . OREGOH SK Fun Run benefitting the Boys & Girls Clubs Sunday, March 17 -10:05 am Start and Finish — Deschutes Brewery, downtown Bend
Food, beverage & live music at the Post Dash Bash Wear the green — prize awarded for best costumes
Sign up novv!
Alpert's 'Extinction' is a chilling thriller
Classic Window Coveringsand Shade on Demand are once again proud to sponsor this fun family event and support the youth of our community. We are committed to giving back through our participation in the Mt. Bachelor Rotary Club. We are your local source for interior window treatments, exterior solar screens, retractable awnings, and louvered and retractable patio covers.
"Extinction" by Mark Alpert (Thomas Dunne Books)
must use his wits and cunning while staying away from the modern conveniences the digital age has created. By Jeff Ayers Alpert does a superb job of The Associated Press balancing the action and the A Chinese experiment in- science. He's delivered his best volving the use of p olitical book to date,and compariprisoners and a s u percom- sons to Michael Crichton are puter goes horribly wrong in warranted. Mark Alpert's chilling thriller, "Extinction." Alpert spins a variant of the Frankenstein monster mythos with the terrifying capabilities of current technology. A comp uter n a m e d Supreme Harmony is linked to the loboto-
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ElgWPI~ of test subjects and begins to become selfaware. The test subjects begin to think with one mind, and Supreme Harmony's first task is to insure its survival by eliminating any and all threats. Jim Pierce specializes in designing high-tech prosthetics for wounded veterans. A man arrives at his home and demands to know the whereabouts of Pierce's daughter, Layla. She's a hacker, and she's accidentally downloaded material that reveals Supreme H armony's e x i stence a n d plans. Pierce will do anything to save his daughter, but it's not as simple as finding the
bad guy and stopping him. He has to fight technology, and he
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Create or find Classifieds at THE BULLETIN • SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2013
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: Monday — Friday : 7:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.
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t 7 7 7
C h a n d l e r
Pets & Supplies
w .
Pets & Supplies
A v e .
Pets & Supplies
• B en d
O r e g o n
Furniture & Appliances
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
Guns, Hunting 8 Fishing
American Eskimo, 5 German Shepherds, AKC NEED TO CANCEL mo. old male, pure YOUR AD? CASH!! Remington 270 Model 541-281-6829 white, AKC/UKC reg., The Bulletin For Guns, Ammo 8 770 b o lt-action r i fle, ITEMS FORSALE 264-Snow RemovalEquipment $800. 541-610-2286 Classifieds has an Reloading Supplies. $200. 541-647-8931 Japanese Chin pups, "After Hours" Line 201 - NewToday 541-408-6900. 265 - Building Materials 1M 1F 7 wks, 1st Australian Shepherd Remington 700 - 7mag, Call 541-383-2371 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves shots, $250 ea. 3 x 9 s c ope, 300+ area. Sending cash, AKC Reg'd puppies, red 24 hrs. to cancel 541-447-021 0. 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood 8 blue merle, red tri, rounds ammo. $675 checks, or credit inColfax Tactical your ad! ready to go! $700/up. 204- Santa's Gift Basket obo. 541-419-5060 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers f ormation may b e Lab, black male (9) 8 80% AR-15 lower. or Refrigerator, F rigidaire No F.F.L. required. 205- Free ltems 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment subjected to fraud. www541-420-1580 Ruger Mini 14, .223, with male Chiwenee (6) both 26 cu ft side x side with For more i nformaneutered, current shots. 208- Pets and Supplies 1000 rnds o f a m mo, 270 - Lost and Found She p herd Moving; free to g ood water 8 ice, $250 obo. $350. 541-693-4160 tion about an adver- Australian 210- Furniture & Appliances $1800. 541-280-2815 541-923-8006 GARAGESALES tiser, you may call minis, purebred, no pa- homes. 541-233-3534 211 - Children's Items Fidelis Arms CAR-15 Ruger Mini 14 ranch rifle 275 - Auction Sales the O r egon State pers, 1 blue female, 1 red Labrador, AKC b l ackTV armoire, 6'x3' solid 212 - Antiques & Collectibles M-4 5.56 w/mag. New .223 w/4-16x scope, 150 male. 541-604-6060 Attorney General's 280 Estate Sales oak, 5 Irg drawers, like puppies, family raised, 215- Coins & Stamps $1200. 541-633-7017 rds ammo. E x cellent! Office C o n sumer Automatic cat litter box, parents on site. $300 new, $100. 925-914-3147 281 - Fundraiser Sales 240- Crafts and Hobbies $1150. 541-771-5648 Protection hotline at lightly used, very good each. 541-508-0429 W hirlpool washer & 282Sales Northwest Bend GUN SHOW 241 - Bicycles and Accessories 1-877-877-9392. cond, $50. 541-815-2737 Feb. 23rd 8 24th, 2013 dryer pair, good cond, 284Sales Southwest Bend Labrador Pups, AKC Spring Chinook 242 - Exercise Equipment Deschutes Fairgrounds Chocolate/Yellow/White $350. 541-389-1086 286- Sales Northeast Bend Fishing Trips. 243 - Ski Equipment The Bulletin Buy! Sell! Trade! Hips OFA guaranteed. ger ng Central Oregon r nre lg03 30 ft. N orth R iver 244 - Snowboards 288- Sales Southeast Bend SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 $300-$400. The Bulletin with cabin for any/all $8 Admission, 290- Sales RedmondArea 245 - Golf Equipment 1-541-954-1727 recommends extra weather (Portland 12 & under free! 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 292- Sales Other Areas Adopt a nice CRAFT cat o. MiKi/Chihuahua pups area). $125 per perOREGON TRAIL GUN or kitten from Tumalo 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. chasing products or • SHOWS, 541-347-2120 son. Ask about full FARM MARKET 1st shorts, $250 ea. sanctuary, Pet Smart, or Cavalier King Charles 248- Health and Beauty Items services from out of I 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery Petco! Fixed, shots, ID 541-447-0210 or 541-404-1890 boat special! March Spaniel - $1500 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs y the area. Sending y 15th - early June. 316 - Irrigation Equipment chip, tested, more! 389- 6 week old male. I'm all • c ash, c h ecks, o r • 251 - Hot TubsandSpas HUNTER EDUCATION Call Captain Greg 8 420. P h otos, in f o : snuggles & kisses. Crate 325- Hay, Grain and Feed l credit i n f ormation classes at Bend High 253- TV, Stereo andVideo 541 -379-0362. 8 like trained & b eing potty 333Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies may be subjected to P eople g i ving p e t s beginning Feb. 25th. 255 - Computers us on Facebook. trained. 541-382-7614 341 - Horses and Equipment away are advised to l FRAUD. For more l Sign up online at 256- Photography http://www.companion Stack-Ongun safe,holds be selective about the information about an g 345-Livestockand Equipment Adult companion cats 15 rifles, excellent cond, 257- Musical Instruments new owners. For the advertiser, you may I 347 Llamas/Exotic Animals FREE to seniors, dis$175. 541-815-1523 258 - Travel/Tickets Chihuahuas, 8 wks, long protection of the aniLeupold scope 3x9x40 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers abled 8 veterans! Tame, hair female & male, $250 mal, a personal visit to / call t h e Or e gon / Rifleman, new in box, Strawberry Mountain 259- Memberships ' State Attor ney ' altered, shots, ID chip, ea, cash. 541-876-1028 358- Farmer's Column 260- Misc. Items the home is recom- l General's Gun & Knife Show O f f i ce $200. 541-647-8931 more. Will always take 375- Meat and Animal Processing Sat-Sun, Mar 9-10, 2013 mended. 261 - MedicalEquipment Consumer P rotec- • back for any reason. Grant County Fairgrounds 383 - Produce andFood 262 - Commercial/Office Equip. 5 41-389- 8 4 20 . V i s i t t ion ho t l in e at I John Day, OR The Bulletin l 1-877-877-9392. Sat/Sun 1-5. P h otos, gen tng Central Oregon onre tggg 263- Tools Vendors call 541-575-1900 Largest 3 Day info: or applications online at Pet barrier for car, blksteel 205 GUN & KNIFE rantcount fair adjusts to fit most cars, o AAag». Buy-Seu-Trade USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Alaskan Malamute AKC SHOW Items for Free $50 obo. 541-504-8399 Dachshund mini, AKC Rifle raffle donated tgy p ups, ready to g o . Choc longhaired F. Shots February 15-16-17 John Day Ace Hardware • Queensland Heelers F irst shots 8 d e w g King s i z e Me m o ry Door-to-door selling with Portland Expo done, saving new owner standard & mini,$150 & Antiques 8 Wanted: Collector fast results! It's the easiest ormed. $ 7 00-$800. Foam, mattress/box Center $120! $600. 541-598-7417 up. 541-280-1537 seeks high quality 541-41 0-7563. spring set 5 yrs old . way in the world to sell. 1-5 exit ¹306B Collectibles rightwayranch.wordfishing items. Diamond Country Value 541-647-4031 Admission $10 Dog Food Call 541-678-5753, or Alaskan Malamute The Bulletin Classified Fri. 12-6, Sat. 9-5, 503-351-2746 $17 40 lbs. pups, 2M 3F, $400 Rodent control experts Sun.10-4 541-385-5809 Quarry Ave. Hay 8 each. 541-771-9255 (barn cats) seek work in I 1 - 800-659-3440 I Weatherby, Reminqton Feed. 541-923-2400 exchange for safe shell rifles, ammo, lots of ter, basic care. Fixed, load. 541-401-8989 shots. W e del i ver! Donate deposit bottles/ 541-389-8420. nPump",1900s, Beer cans to local all volun' I ' u • u ' I teer, non-profit rescue, to S cottish Terrier A K C made in England by help with cat spay/neuter male, 1st shots, wormed, Gaskell 8 Chambers, Feb. 23, 2013 • PrinevHle, OR vet bills. Cans for Cats 10 wks, ready to go now! $450. 541-408-4613 trailer at Sheriff's parking 541-317-5624 Divorce Liquidation FAIRGROUNDS. 9:30am Preview8:00am lot, Hwy, 20 W, 2/11-22, Autographed guitar colFurniture• OldGuns• Glassware • Pottery PetSmart 2/23-25. Do- Siberian Husky female, lection: Clapton McCartnate M-F O Smith Signs, AKC, 15 mos, beautiful! ney, Eagles, others. Val- Western Items • Oil LampCollection • Primitives $400. 541-977-7019 286 1515 NE 2nd; or at Tuued over $2500 each; Always agreat auction! Nobuyersfee. malo sanctuary anytime. HUGE--HUGE--HUGE MOVING SALE!! asking $475 each, with Sales Northeast Bend Only 2 Lots of photosonline. Info: 541 - 3 89-8420; left!! authenticity & appraisal. Call or emaifor l moreinfo or toarrangephonebids. 21955 RICKARD RD. Call cell, 561-880-7352. The Bulletin recommends extra caution when purc h a sing products or services from out of the
i The Bulleting
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I I '
** FREE **
Garage Sale Kit
Fri., Feb. 15th, Sat., Feb. 16th, Sun., Feb. 17th
Place an ad in The Bulletin for your ga-
Lower sale opens at 8:00 am Middle sale opens at 8:30 am Lower house sale opens at 9:00am
rage sale and receive a Garage Sale Kit FREE!
• 4 Garage Sale Signs • $2.00 Off Coupon To Use Toward Your Next Ad
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The Bulletin BULLETINCLASSIFIEOS Search the area's most comprehensive listing of classified advertising... real estate to automotive, merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds appear every day in the print or on line. Call 541-385-5809
The Bulletin genmg Centrai Oregon tmte f903
Inside Yard Sale; Fri. S at. & Su n . 8 - 5 . 62069 NE Nate's Pl. Electronics, furniture, c oats, c l othing, & misc. Dean Swift to Carl St. 8 Nate's. Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809
(Directions-Take Rickard Rd. (south of Lanbdfill) and go 1 1/2 miles to sale site. Follow parking guides to field!!!! Lower House Sale Area Items: American Heritage Pool Table; 15' Shuffleboard table; Maytag front load washer and dryer; Electric lift twin beds-makes a king size; Electric leather dual recliner unit; Leather black and cream chairs-swivel rockers; Taupe sofas(2); Taupe Chairs 8 Ottomans (2) Burgundy Red Sofa, Loveseat, Chair & two Ottomans-gorgeous!! 60" Hitachi TV; five older TV's; Scale model Ertl cars; Kitchen ware-pots and pans and dishes; Art gallery-Ducks unlimited; Wonderful linens, down pillows; clothes.
Three Garage Middle Sale Area Items: Post office box units; 12' Mounted SAILFISH; Two side by side refrigerators; 24' freezer & combo refrigerator/ freezer; Cross top refrigerator; Kenmore washer and dryer; Double pillow top Queen mattress and box springs; Queen mattress and box springs; Beige hide a bed; Golds Gym Exercise weight unit; Treadmill; Hang-ups exerciser; Four brand new Kitchen cabinets-8' tall-34" wide; Corner shelf cabinet; 7 air beds; Mahogany Baby crib; Glider rocker and footstool; 14 commercial fans; 50 Fluorescent lights. Lower Area Sale Items: Heartland Sweetheart wood burning cookstove-new!!! Wood "Fort " swing set; 18' by 8' Fiberglass greenhouse; Garden art and birdhouses; Sitting Bear; Eagle Bench; Two Hitachi 46" TV's; Tec infared gas barbecue; Large variety iof Tile and marble pieces; 10' granite countertop; Lateral file cabinet; Dog beds; Several dog crates and cages; Portable dog washer; Fishing poles and reels; Makita 16n beam saw; 9000 Watt Generator; Large gorilla racks; Two new rolls of rug; Husqvarna items include- Lawn mower, three weed eaters 8, chainsaw. Antique Washing machine; Three four drawer metal file cabinets; Lots and lots of garden tools and hoses and sprinklers and Nozzles; Outdoor bar table and stools; 5HP Honda Water pump; Handyman jacks; Rope, Wire, etc; Hand and Power tools; Building materials; Aluminum ramp racks-two sets; Hundreds of other items. Fourth Sales Area: Small paddleboat; Outhouse tool storage; Boat trailer; Lawn sweeper; Spike tooth Harrow; Drag; Water cannon; Stock water tanks; Three old fire alarm units from the Old mill; Old birdhouses; Two fuel tanks with stands; Water hauling tank; Compost tumbler; four wheelbarrows; Large barbecue grates; Building materials; Large water pump; Lots and Lots of other items. This is a must see sale!!!! Handled by...
Deedy's Estate Sales Co. 541-419-4742 days • 541-382-5950 eves
advertisers may place an ad with oui'
e ~
Ad must include price of single item of $500 or less, or multiple items whose total does not exceed $500.
Springer Spaniel Pups Ready to go now! Champion lines, $400. 541-604-6232
Yorkies! Everlasting love just in time for Valentines, 3 puppies left. 541-777-7743 210
Furniture & Appliances A1 Washers&Dryers
$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355
Call Classifieds at
COMPUTER DESK L-shaped,$40. 541-633-7017 Found Dog 2/8 near GENERATE SOME ex12th & G r eenwood, citement i n your Bend. Call to identify, neighborhood! Plan a 541-419-4201 garage sale and don't forget to advertise in FREE Male Black Lab (9 yrs) & Male Chiwe- classified! 541-385-5809. 541-385-5809
nee (6 yrs) both neutered, current shots. Moving 8 can't take with us 541-233-3534
Microwave: over the range, Maytag, white, $30. 541-633-7017
BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! There are over 2,000 folks in our community without permanent shelter, living in cars, make-shift camps, getting by as best they can. The following items are badly needed to help them get through the winter: @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ New/used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. gx WARM CLOTHING:
RC Bzt® A eonsignD'vtgnC'ncspt Visit our HUGE home decor consignment store. New items arrive daily! 930 SE Textron, Bend 541-318-1501
super Blackhawk 44u
FJ Fisher a Ce. crock
Ornate front
SHORT SAMPLE: Furniture: nice selection of unusual pieces- 1900 trolley bench; dry sink; oakshowcase; Victorian dresser 8 mirror, Victorianmarbletop table; wash stands; tables- drop leaf, parlor tables, lamp The Bulletin reserves tables, rounddining & more;1900Dutch spice cabinet; the right to publish all 1930's curio cabinets; cedarchest; JennyLinn cradle; ads from The Bulletin ice creamtables & chairs; oak desk; hoosier cabinet; newspaper onto The oak icebox; chairs; dressers &more Bulletin Internet webCollectibles: clocks; circa 1900 Morris safe; cak site. phones,Feataa;~ail lam aollaalioa- lots at rara and ornate styles and colors; rare crocks; trunks; The Bulletin geretng Centrat Oregon r nre tgte art work; kitchen collectibles & cookware; wooden 215 primitives; advertising items; yard pieces; 1907 48 Coins & Stamps star flag; sporting collectibles; guitars, mandolin; learly glassware;oldtools & more Private collector buying Western Items: wagon wheels; collector saddles; p ostage stamp a l bums 8 c o llections, several UScavalry items; silver bits and spurs; early batwing chaps; silver conchos; bridles; 1940-50's world-wide and U.S. rodeo postcards; Indianitems;plus more 573-286-4343 (local, cell ¹) ~Guas &Wea oaaI846 • . Aston rifle; Hatfia~ld.36half stock; RugerSuperBlackHawk;IverJohnson.44 mag pistol; Winchesters- 1894 3030, 1892 3220, 1886, • Cr afts 8 Hobbies 1873 .32, 1873 .38-40, 1906 8 1890 .22; shotgunsWin model 12 16ga, Win 1897 12 ga, coach guns, Empty brown home Stevens 16ga;Savage30-30; Rem721 .270; Stevens brew bottles, 22 oz Favorite & rolling block .22lr; Rem rolling block 101 each, 5 cases in all, Ranch 16ga;Remrolling block model1867LS .50-45 $60. 541-504-5982 carbine; sword &saver; Colt Lord &Lady.22 derringer set; movie pistols markedStembridge; 1880Ballard t/I Rockhound Equipment octagon barrel .38-55; Marlin 30-30; handcuffs, leg - Saw, grind, sand & irons; beartrap; andmore p olish. L o rtone 8 Car model E825, electric flat bed Highland Park Bend. 2002 Gem Info 541 280-5574
Tbrmon Auction Service Inc. Ramona Huiick, Auctioneer
Guns, Hunting & Fishing Bend local pays CASH!!
for all firearms & ammo. 541-526-0617
541 548-5770 or 541 815-6115
T HE N E W Y O R K T I M E S C R O S S W O R D I HEARD YOU THE FIRST TIME By Patrick Berry / Edited by Will Shortz
10 6 G l i n d a ' s c r e ator
I Wallop
49 Somewhat redundan t size?
107 Clock face number
1 9 Will G e e r ' s r ol e o n "The Waltons"
6 Gray piece
5 4 Roof proj ecti o n
1 08 Repo justi f i c a t i o n
21 Minus
1 0 Cricket cl u b
5 5 Constit u t i o n a l
109 Core philosophy
23 Refined
13 Fair-minded
5 6 Bedtime pr ey e r ?
24 Animal whose head
17 "Funeral B l u e s"
57 "Nick N e ws" ho st Linda
112 Extremely redundant 1963 c aper fi l m ? 118 "Ta-da!"
25 Common check box
writer 1 8 "Pity i s f o r t h e l iving , is f o r t he dead": T w a i n
60 Song featured in "Animal H o use"
1 9 Kaplan of " W e l c o m e B ack, K o t t e r "
62 Reacted to a bad caII
1 20 Cut and co l l e c t
20 Info f ro m a debriefing
63 Mr. Bil l a p peared on i t: Abbr .
122 Job title abbr.
22 Somewhat redundant 1965 country song?
64 Somewhat redundant
2 6 Journalist Cour i c
69 Sound of h e art b reak
72 Picks up
L ang , S uperboy's lo v e
28 1951 Cooperstown inductee 2 9 Increases, wit h " u p "
39 Coti l l i o n a t t e ndee
4 0 Power in sci - f i 4 1 Kneeler's of f e r i n g
43 Ambient musician Brian
4 4 Org. that f i n e s polluters 4 5 Chicken bred fo r i t s meat
For any three answers, call from a touch-tone hone: 1-900-285-5656, 1.49 each minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800814-5554.
64 69 7 0
36 Amendment guaranteeing a speedy trial
3 7 Part of th e f r o n t
4 Comb row
4 6 R&D si t e s
5 Ancient Roman author Quintus
47 Unchanging
65 66
80 83
89 90
110 111
115 116
4 8 Walk wh il e d i z z y
6 In accordance w i t h
50 Wimbledon champ Gibson
7 Goalie's jersey number, often
51 Shakes up
8 A Waugh
66 Perfume sampling spot 67 Roman calendar day
79 Nabisco treats sold only seasonally
95 How bad news is often received
81 Hidden
96 Atte st s
68 Overused
84 Athens's home
69 One way to go to a party
85 1950s TV star Duncan
9 7 "Music fo r t h e Royal Firework s" composer
61 Emergency
7 0 "What a cal a m i t y ! "
86 Do as expected
98 Open conflict
62 Captain who says
7 1 Inclinati o n
87 Old World deer
100 End note?
101 Nickname of jazz's Earl Hines
52 Very impressed
9 Human speech mimickers
5 3 Crystal Cave is o n e
10 Shearing shed sound
58 Common middl e name
94 John of Sali sbury
11 Swallow, as costs
95 Pink lady ingredient
1 2 Clearly lo w o n
96 "The thi ngs I put up
59 E Day debuts
13 Peter Pan rival
99 Buff
14 Not as content
100 Somewhat redundant theater
15 Percussive dance troupe
"Well, ge n t l e m en,
75 Big East sch.
8 9 Body b lo w r e a c t i o n
between ourselves and home are
7 6 Proust's " A l a Recherche du Temps
90 World capital s ituated in w h a t was once ancient Thrace
27,000 sea mil e s"
1 6 Musici a n' s r at e
1 00 101
82 O'Neil l ' s "
with! "
81 Deli appli ance
93 Machiavelli an concerns
and such
45 Not on deck, maybe
92 Flamboyant stole
3 Skull session resul t
91 Brief l a ugh
32 & 33 Plastic shields
4 4 South Dakota Ai r Force base
88 Scrammed
42 Mosaicist's supply
I Not look perky , s a y
2 Visibi l i t y r e d ucer
8 3 Somewhat red u d literary genre?
16 21
35 Tangy salad leaves
125 Chews (out)
in a symphony
13 1 4
34 Equal: Prefix
1 23 Cooper Unio n ' s l ocation, b r i e f l y 1 24 Haute cui s ine i t ' s not
78 Like some passages
35 Show featuring the L.V. P. D. 38 Oktoberfest c ollecti bl e s
121 128-character set
7 4 Hit th e r o o f
80 Elton John nickname
35 3 6
3 1 MT V ' s e a r l i e s t viewers, mostly
73 Cartoon beagle
30 Somewhat redundant Milton Br adl ey game?
on surveys
1960s spy series?
10 1 1
1 19 Patron saint o f
61 Bakery array
doesn't m a k e a
65 Fill up on
77 Sweet meet?
1 05 "
Bod y ? " ( f i r s t
Lord Peter W i m s ey novel) 110 Marine th r eat
113 Satisfied 114 "Breaking Bad" network 115 Great Leap
Forward overseer
102 Joins 1 03 Cheney's fo l l o w e r
116 BlackBerry buy
104 Slow on the uptake
117 Slam
5 41-3 8 5 - 5 8 0 9 AD PLACEMENT DEADLINES
Monday.. . . . . . . . . . Tuesday .. . . . . . . . . Wednesday.. . . . . . . Thursday.. . . . . . . . . Friday.. . . . . . . . . . . Saturday Real Estate .. Saturday.. . . . . . . . . Sunday.. . . . . . . . . .
Starting at 3 lines "UNDER'500in total merchandise
... 5:00 pm Fri ... . Noon Mon Noon Tues .. . Noon Wed ... Noon Thurs ... 11:00 am Fri ... 3:00 pm Fri ... 5:00 pm Fri
or go to w w w . b e n
Place a photoin your private party ad for only $75.00 perweek.
OVER'500in total merchandise 7 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 0 .00 4days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 8 .50 14 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 6.00 7days. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 2 4 .00 *Must state prices in ad 14 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 3 3 .50 28 days.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 6 1.50
Garage Sale Special
4 lines for 4 days... . . . . . . . . . $ 2 0.00 (call for commercial line ad rates)
A Payment Drop Bo x i s CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: available at Bend City Hall. MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. CLASSIFICATIONS BELOW MARKED WITH AN*() REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin ServingCentralOregon since 1903 reserves the right to reject any ad is located at: at any time. 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave., Bend, Oregon 97702
The Bulletin
PLEASE NOTE; Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right Io accept or reject any ad al anytime, classify and index any advertising based onthe policies of these newspapers. Thepublisher shall nol be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 ormoredays will publish in the Central Oregon Marketplace eachTuesday.
Guns, Hunting & Fishing
Building Materials5
Misc. Items
Fuel 8 Wood
Gardening Supplies & Equipment
Meat & Animal Processing
Kiku0mR Bend Habitat WHEN BUYING RESTORE SUPER TOP SOIL Building Supply Resale FIREWOOD... www.hetehe eoilandbattccom Quality at LOW Screened, soil 8 com$45. 541-647-8931 ProFlowers - Enjoy 60 To avoid fraud, PRICES post mi x ed , no percent off T e nder The Bulletin Wolf 7 .62x39 A K -47 BUYING & S E L LING 740 NE 1st rocks/clods. High hurecommends payammo, 240 rds, $200. All gold jewelry, silver Hugs and Kisses with 541-312-6709 mus level, exc. for and gold coins, bars, Chocolates for y our ment for Firewood 541-647-8931 Open to the public. flower beds, lawns, rounds, wedding sets, valentine! Site price: only upon delivery gardens, straight 247 class rings, sterling sil- $49.99, you pay just and inspection. s creened to p s o i l .• Hay, Grain & Feed ver, coin collect, vin- $19.99. Plus take 20 Need to get an • A cord is 128 cu. ft. Sporting Goods Bark. Clean fill. Detage watches, dental percent off other gifts 4' x 4' x B' - Misc. ad in ASAP? liver/you haul. 1st quality grass hay, gold. Bill Fl e ming, over $ 29 ! G o to • Receipts should 70-Ib bales, barn stored, 541-548-3949. 541-382-9419. You can place it www. include name, Hiking boots, L O WA $250/ ton. Also big bales! abulous or call online at: phone, price and 270 Gortex wm's 11, worn Commercial sewing ma- 1-BBB-721-9617. Patterson Ranch, kind of wood purSisters, 541-549-3831 once, retail $179; sell chine, Tacsew T111-155 Lost & Found (PNDC) chased. w/table & m o tor, a s$75. 541-81 5-2737 • Firewood ads sembled, walking foot, SHARI'S B ERRIES FOUND: Child's 541-385-5809 clutch motor installed, 45 Delight all of your valMUST include speLooking for your scooter, Obsidian & min. use on machine, re- entines w i t h our cies and cost per I Com puters next employee? 27th i n Re d mond. cently svc'd, qreat cond! freshly dipped strawcord to better serve P ossibly fell out o f Place a Bulletin $2000 obo. Call or text our customers. T HE B U LLETIN r e berries, dec a dent Heating & Stoves ~ truck. 541-848-9180. help wanted ad 541-777-0972 quires computer adtruffles and today and Found large set of keys vertisers with multiple DISH Network. Starting hand-crafted sweets! NOTICE TO reach over Serving Central Oregon since teaa ad schedules or those at $19.99/month (for SAVE 20 percent on on ring, Indoor Swap ADVERTISER 60,000 readers selling multiple sysMeet parking lot, 2/9. Since September 29, 2 mos ) & Hi g h qualifying gifts over each week. tems/ software, to dis- 1 1 cord dry, split Juniper, Call 541-317-4847 Internet start- $29! Visit www.ber- 1991, advertising for Your classified ad close the name of the Speed $190/cord. Multi-cord r o r used woodstoves has at $14.95/month will also business or the term ing & t/z cords Found: Mini Mag Light, av a i lable.) Call 1-888-718-8479. been limited to mod- discounts, on trail off J a guar "dealer" in their ads. (where appear on available. Immediate els which have been S AVE! A s k Ab o u t (PNDC) Ave., South of RedPrivate party advertis- SAME DAY c ertified by the O r - delivery! 541-408-6193 mond. Call The Bulletin Offers ers are defined as which currently t ion! C A L L Now ! Free Private Party Ads egon Department of All Year Dependable 541-548-5674 those who sell one receives over Environmental Qual1-866-947-7995. • 3 lines - 3 days Firewood: Seasoned computer. 1.5 million page ity (DEQ) and the fed(PNDC) Just too many Lodgepole, Split, Del. • Private Party Only eral En v i ronmental Bend: 1 for $175 or 2 views every 260 collectibles? Garmin Street Pilot GPS, • Total of items adverProtection Ag e n cy for $335. Cash, Check month at no Misc. Items tised must equal $200 barely used, works from (EPA) as having met or Credit Card OK. extra cost. home or a u to, S 90. or Less Sell them in smoke emission stan- 541-420-3484. Bulletin FOR DETAILS or to (2) $100 Budget Blinds 541-504-5863 dards. A cer t i fied The Bulletin Classifieds Classitieds custom order certificates, PLACE AN AD, w oodstove may b e Tamarack seasoned 2 Get Results! sell $70 ea.541-388-0865 GENERATE SOME CalI 541-385-5809 identified by its certifiyears, $225 cord. EXCITEMENT Call 541-385-5809 Fax 541-385-5802 541-385-5809 Advertise V A CATION cation label, which is 541-977-2040 IN YOUR or place your ad SPECIALS to 3 milWanted- paying cash permanently attached NEIGBORHOOD. on-line at 269 Lost little black dog, 25¹ lion P acific N o rth- Plan to the stove. The Bula garage sale and for Hi-fi audio 8 mini Schnauzer, male, westerners! 30 daily letin will no t k nowdio equip. Mclntosh, Gardening Supplies don't forget to adverSunriver. Call newspapers, six J BL, M a rantz, D y - ingly accept advertistise in classified! tk Equipment 503-327-1531 or states. 25-word clasing for the sale of 541-385-5809. naco, Heathkit, San358 541-410-0308. sified $525 for a 3-day sui, Carver, NAD, etc. uncertified Farmers Column a d. Cal l woodstoves. (916) GET FREE OF CREDIT Call 541-261-1808 For newspaper R EMEMBER: If you 2 88-6019 o r vis i t CARD DEBT N OW! delivery, call the have lost an animal, 10X20 STORAGE Cut payments by up Circulation Dept. at don't forget to check Call a Pro ising pndc.cfm for the to half. Stop creditors • BUILDINGS 541-385-5800 Tools The Humane Society for protecting hay, Pacific Nort h west from calling. Whether you need a To place an ad, call in Bend 541-382-3537 firewood, livestock Daily Con n ection. 866-775-9621. 176 sheets of 9 "x11" 541-385-5809 fence fixed, hedges Redmond, etc. $1496 Installed. (PNDC) (PNDC) sandpaper, 408 ea or or email 541-923-0BB2 trimmed or a house 541-617-1133. claeeified I bend Buying Diamonds Highspeed Internet EV- $75 all. 541-410-4596 Prineville, CCB ¹173684. built, you'll find 541-447-717B; /Gotd for Cash ERYWHERE By SatCheck out the Secvme Central Qregan vnre l903 professional help in OR Craft Cats, Saxon's Fine Jewelers ellite! Speeds up to classifieds online 541-389-8420. 541-389-6655 12mbps! (200x faster The Bulletin's "Call a Rafter L F Ranch & than dial-up.) Starting Prompt Delivery Service Professional" Call The Bulletin At FarmSvcs. - Custom Updated daily Find exactly what at $49.95/mo. CALL Rock, Sand 8 Gravel Haying & Field Work 541-385-5809 Directory Multiple Colors, Sizes you are looking for in the NOW 8 G O F A ST! 24 pcs 2 t/z" rubberized Call Lee Fischer, 1-BBB-718-2162. Instant Landscaping Co. Place Your Ad Or E-Mail Cratex wheels, $3 ea; 541-385-5809 54t -4t 0-4495 CLASSIFIEDS 541-389-9663 At: (PNDC) $65 all. 541-410-4596 BUYING
Flyer Winchester 22LR ammo, Lionel/American trains, accessories. high velocity, 500-rd box, 541-408-2191.
POULAN RIDER 42"cut 1s t/z hp, $650 obo. 541-389-9268.
0 jI
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
Eastern Oregon ranchraised, grain-fed quality Summer 2013 delivery. $3.25/Ib hanging wt + processing. For more info call Ed, 541-701-1492.
Schools & Training
Get your buslness
approved p r ogram. Financial aid if quali-
with an ad in The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory
fied - Housing available. Call Aviation Institute of Maintenance. 1-877-804-5293.
Grain-fed beef $2.BB/lb. hanging weight half or whole to be processed m i d-march. $500 deposit. Half Hog Sale, $190 includes cutting wrap-
Garage Sales Garage Sales Garage Sales Find them in The Bulletin Classifieds
ping and cure.
WHILE THEY LAST! 541-573-2677
C O L LEGE 100%. *Medical, *Business, *Criminal J us t i ce, *Hospitality,
Where buyers meet sellers Classifieds Thousands of ads daily in print and online. •
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beef, t/4, t/e or whole, for
Job placement assistance. Com p uter available. F i n ancial Aid if qual i fied. SCHEV a u thorized. Call B6 6 - 688-7078 www.CenturaOnline.c
om (PNDC) People Look for Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin Classifieds 454
Looking for Employment Would love to do child care or in-home adult c are, p a r t tim e . 541-383-2851
I i l
Brand new 2162 sq. ft. P ahlisch home i n T h e Sridges! Great room with cozy fireplace, kitchen with stainless appliances. Large master suite with huge walk-in closet. Big 61168 Lot 75 Sydney g uest rooms & B o n u s Harbor Dr, Bend Room lol't area. Two-car Directions: From the Parkway, garage, fenced yard. )ust east on ReedMarket, south on 15?h d own th e s t r eet f r o m the amazing community Street, io commtsnityon left ieasr). amenities.
HOSted c" LiSted by.
EDIE DELAY Principal Broker
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E V E L Y N R 0 I L S 0 H I 0 A M C
M B A T Y G A B E N G R A S S A N A 0 T H UN GR Y S D E B EP A B A L A R G E W L E L E S B O O D W I L DW 0D I E RE G R T S H 0 R E H B 0 N S H E E A DW A Y S L I E N D MA D M A 0 R E A P S L O P
J U S T I N T E O F H O M T A M P H I P P 0 E S P R0 I L E E A V L E R B E E D S N E S T E R U P S L I C E TS T 0 R A E N D S H N U H 0 W E T H 0 S D W O R L A S C I R E A M
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Caregiver for AFH, 24-hr wknd shift. Must have 2 yrs exp with dementia/ lzheimer's 8 pas s HF.0TH SYSTFVI Local gove r nmentA criminal check. Salary agency in Bend is in nego. 541-382-1284 Certified Nurses need of an AccountAssistant ing Manager. This is a St. Charles Health 2-4 month c o ntract Say "goodbuy" System is currently position with full time to that unused recruiting CNAs to hours. App l icants join our exceptional must have 2-5 years item by placing it in Caregiver team. o f experience in a government setting, a The Bulletin Classifieds A variety of CNA opportunities are availBachelor's degree in a ble a t b o t h o u r Accounting/Finance, 5 41 -385-580 9 Bend and Redmond a CPA is preferred. hospitals, as well as Minimum of 2 years in Home Health. management wit h Caregiver p rogressively m o re Prineville Senior care St. Charles Health responsible positions h ome l o oking f o r required. In addition to Caregiver for multiple System offers combeing a top notch ac- s hifts, p a rt-time t o petitive wages, excountant, the person full-time. Pass cellent career growth for this position also criminal background opportunities and a fantastic be n e fits needs to have dem- check. 541-447-5773. package. onstrated strong leadership cap a bilities CaregiversVisit our website to with excellent comExperienced view full job details munication (written Part-time & 24 -hour and apply: and verbal) skills. caregivers. Home stead Senior Care is EEO Any potential candidate currently k i ng must be able to pass Caregivers to see provide a pr e -employment in-home care to our drug t est, c r i minal seniors. C a ndidates Have an item to b ackground ch e c k must be able to lift, sell quick? and a credit check. transfer, provide perIf it's under sonal care & assist in Please send your various home duties. resume with a cover Alzheimer / Dementia/ '500 you can place it in letter to centraloreexperience is The Bulletin ALS needed. Must h ave Classifieds for: ability to pass background checks & have valid DL 8 insurance. AHumn Rnwrre Manoaement(aseae '10 - 3 lines, 7 days Training provided. Call '16 - 3 lines, 14 days 541-330-6400, or fax Take care of resume to: (Private Party ads only) your investments 541-330-7362. with the help from Kla-Mo-Ya Casino The Bulletin's "Call A Service 34333 Hwy 97 N. Professional" Directory Chiloquin, OR
Accounting Manager (Bend)
St fGharles
Supportive Services Specialist
Recruiting for the following position:
COVO (Bend, Oregon) Candidate will provide support and administrative assistance, serve as a central point of contact, conduct eligibility screening, interviews, intake process, record keeping and case notes. Attention to detail and followup is essential. Degree or equivalent experience; business administration and/or social services. P ositive attitude i s a must. 28 hours per week. Compensation is $14.75 per hour. Veteran status is preferred, although not a requirement. Central Oregon Veterans Outreach (COVO) is a 501 (c) (3) non-profit which advocates for veterans of all eras. Applicants e-mail a cover letter and current resume to
Applications a c cepted until Feb. 22, 2013, 5:00
pm. No phone calls or walk-ins accepted.
Automotive Technic ian Need e d . Mopar exp. desired. Chrysler ce r t ified and ASE certificat ion are a m a j or p lus. V er y b u s y shop. Hard worker and attention to detail. Will be reqarded with top pay. Send replies to: PO Box 6676 Bend, OR 97708
Tick, Tock Tick, Tock... ...don't let time get away. Hire a professional out of The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory today!
(Reports to General Manager) • BA/MS Finance, Accounting, related (req) • 5 yrs. Mgmt. exp. in Fin, Actng, Ops (req) • CPA, CMA, Public Actng exp. (preferred) • 5 yrs. Casino or auditing exp. (preferred) • Salary DOQ with benefits upon eligibility Please visit for more information to or to download an application or contact HR at (541.783.7529). GeneraI
Jefferson Count Job 0 o r tunit
Seasonal Deputy, Salary Depends on Experience and Qualifications Closes February 28th, 2013 F or c o mplete j o b des c ription a n d application form go to; click o n H uman Resources, then Job Opportunities; or call 541-325-5002. Mail completed Jefferson County Application forms to:
Jefferson County Human Resources, 66 SE D Street, Suite E, Madras, OR 97741. Jefferson Countyis an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
Employment Opportunities
f f
Operate Your Own Business
Newspaper Delivery Independent Contractor
® Call Today ®
* Terrebonne *
The Bulletin
Partners /n Care
Preferred candidates will have a M aster's degree in Social Work (MSW) including LCSW certification and previous hospice experience.
Temporary Instructorol Forest Resources Technology Provide instruction in the Forest Resources Technology Program in both classroom and laboratory environments. Master's req. + 3-yr. field exp. Start Fall Term September 2013. Closes April 1.
Partners ln Care / HR Department, 2075 NE Wyatt Ct, Bend OR 97701.
N rsig
Assistant Professor I, French Provide instruction in French and a secondary language. Includes lecturing and guiding classroom activities in first- and second-year lan-
PacificSource HEALTH PLANS
would be responsible for oversight of defined Health Services programs, services, or functions which may include, but not be limited to, condition/disease management program, behavioral health services, complex case management, UM/CM, grievance and appeals, claim review, and/or policy/procedure writing.
To apply, please send a resume to: Box 20281649, c/o The Bulletin, PO Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708 EOE
Assistant ProfessorI, Aviation Provide classroom instruction in aviation. This includes ground instruction for both airplanes and helicopters. Bachelor's req. + CFI Certification. Start Fall Term September 2013.
Qualified applicants are encouraged to send c over letter an d r esume vi a e mail t o or regular mail to:
experience preferred.
Excellent customer service and interpersonal skills are required. Must enjoy working with the public. College degree or previous office experience preferred. Pre-employment drug screening is required prior to hiring.
Assistant Professor I, English Provide instruction in composition and literature/humanities. Prefer specialization in English, American Literature, or H umanities. Master's req. Start Fall Term September 2013. Closes March 18.
Partners In Care, is seeking a full-time Social Worker to provide support to its hospice patients and families.
Help us change healthcare! If you are an RN with a broad clinical background and would like to enhance patients' quality of life, we have two excellent opportunities at PacificSource Health Plans!
Ability to work for long periods of time doing detail-oriented work is necessary. This person must understand the importance of accuracy and thoroughness in all duties.
Food Service The Bulletin Meadow Lakes Golf extra ~ EMPLOYMENT FINANCEAND BUSINESS State of Oregon Judicial Course is looking for I Recommends when pur410 - Private Instruction 507 - Real Estate Contracts Department, J e fferson a w ait s t aff e m - caution products or I 421 - Schools and Training County, Madras, Oregon. ployee. Good work chasing 514 -Insurance Court Operations Super- ethic and excellent services from out of I 454- Looking for Employment 52 8 - Loans and Mortgages f the area. Sending visor 3 8 Mediation Co- customer se r v ice ash, checks, o r 470 - Domestic & In-Hom e Posit ions 543-Stocksand Bonds ordinator. Provides su- skills are essential. f c 55 8 - Business Investments pervision and training of Must be 21 or over credit i n f o rmation 476 - EmploymentOpportunities ~ may be subjected to ~ 486 - Independent Positions 573 - Business Opportunities court staff, and coordiFRAUD. nates the District's me- as you will be exd iation program. R e - pected to be able to For more informa528 573 573 quires associate's degree tend bar periodically. tion about an adver- ~ Loans & Mortgages Business Opportunities Business Opportunities and 3 years supervisory H ours ma y v a r y .f tiser, you may call / experience (or education Pays minimum wage the Oregon State A Classified ad is an Extreme Value AdverWARNING and experience equiva- and tips. Apply on- f Attorney General's The Bulletin recomEASY W AY TO tising! 30 Daily newslent to 4 years). Salary: line at w ww.cityof- Office Co n s umerI mends you use cauREACH over 3 million papers $525/25-word $3801-$6188/mo. p l us Protection hotline at I tion when you proPacific Northwestern- classified, 3-d a ys. benefits. For complete I 1-877-877-9392. vide personal ers. $52 5 /25-word Reach 3 million Paannouncement and apinformation to compa- c lassified ad i n 3 0 cific Northwesterners. What are you plication visit LThe Bulleti ii g nies offering loans or daily newspapers for For more information www.courts.ore on. ov/ looking for? credit, especially 3-days. Call the Pa- call (916) 288-6019 or ~OJD/'obs those asking for adcific Northwest Daily email: or call 541-447-6541, You'll find it in Looking for your next vance loan fees or Connection x 102. Closes March 13, (916) elizabeth© employee? The Bulletin Classifieds companies from out of 2 88-6019 o r e m a il for the Pacific North2013 @ 11:59 pm Place a Bulletin help state. If you have west Daily Connecwanted ad today and Customer Service 8 concerns or quesfor more info (PNDC) tion. (PNDC) reach over 60,000 sales exp. needed. 541-385-5809 tions, we suggest you Masonry, landscape readers each week. consult your attorney Check out the Your classified ad knowledge, fork lift 8 HEALTHCARE or call CONSUMER Find exactly what will also appear on classifieds online heavy lifting required. Case Manager HOTLINE, you are looking for in the Must have good com- Nurse Liaison for 1-877-877-9392. which currently CLASSIFIEDS puter skills. Apply in Updated daily Central Oregon receives over 1.5 p erson a t 632 6 5 Facilities 573 million page views Jamison Rd., Bend. The case manager will every month at Business Opportunities as a liaison beno extra cost. Independent Contractor position Dental Assistant serve tween the healthcare dewith EFDA needed. Send livery teams within the Bulletin Classifieds WARNING The Bulletin Daytime inside sales. resume 8 cover letter to Get Results! recommends that you Regency Pacific skilled Box 20277396, c/o The Call 385-5809 investigate every Mid-South Sales Promotions is seeking to hire Bulletin, PO Box 6020, nursing and assisted livor place phase of investment ing facilities throughout two sales people to work from The Bulletin Bend, OR 97708. your ad on-line at opportunities, espeCentral Oregon. The key circulation offices as Independent Contractors c ially t h os e fr o m to secure sponsorships for the Newspaper in functions are as follows: out-of-state or offered • Act as triage and coorDO YOU NEED Education program. This is not selling subby a p erson doing dinate appropriate care A GREAT scriptions or advertising, but involves having business out of a lotransitions for residents local businesses support The Buiietin's EMPLOYEE Ã~MMQ cal motel or hotel. Inat risk in care partner asNewspaper in Education program. RIGHT NOW? sisted living and home vestment of f e rings Call The Bulletin 8 M@tme must be r e gistered health This is a relaxed environment and approach before 11 a.m. and • Assist with discharge with the Oregon Deinvolving business to business sales. get an ad in to pub- planning at hospitals by partment of Finance. Mid-South offers a brief paid training program lish the next day! providing timely admisWe suggest you conbut the ideal candidates will possess business 541-385-5809. sions decisions and fasult your attorney or to business sales experience. VIEW the cilitate a smooth admiscall CONS U MER Classifieds at: sions process. HOTLINE, Average salesperson earns between BANK TURNED YOU • Ability to make sales 1-503-378-4320, $400 -$700 for less than 30 hours weekly. DOWN? Private party 8.30-noon Mon -Fri calls, spending 80% of The dress code is relaxed and casual. time in the marketplace. will loan on real esDriver - Delivery This is not ad or subscription sales, however tate equity. Credit, no CDL required, must be • Must have 3 years of if you have previous experience in advertising problem, good equity The Bulletin's willing t o w o r k in sales and marketing exsales, I will give you priority consideration. preferably in a is all you need. Call "Call A Service stone yard as well as perience, setting. now. Oregon Land Professional" Directory d eliveries. Fork l i f t healthcare I'm seeking motivated, energetic and articulate Nursing Licensure Mortgage 388-4200. exp. a plus. Must be is all about meeting people with excellent communication skills. required. able to lift 50+ lbs. Please send resume to: Please call Melanie at 541-383-0399. LOCAL MONEY:We buy your needs. Drug free work envitht t 0 secured trustdeeds & r onment. Apply i n re enc - Call on one of the note,some hard money p erson a t 632 6 5 loans. Call Pat Kellev professionals today! Jamison Rd., Bend. Independent Contractor Housekeepers 541-382-3099 ext.13. E xperienced hou s e k eepers needed i n Want to impress the * Supplement Your Income* Sunriver. P a r t-time relatives? Remodel only, must be flexible your home with the and be able to work help of a professional weekends. Must have Central Oregon Community College from The Bulletin's own t r a nsportation. For more information has o p enings l i s te d b e l ow . Go to "Call A Service to view details 8 apply call 541-593-1827. Professional" Directory online. Human Resources, Newberry Hall, ++++++++++++++++++ Plumber, Journeymen 2600 NW College Way, Bend OR 97701; needed for new c on(541)383-7216. For hearing/speech impaired, Field Service H offmeyer Co. is struction, local 8 valley Oregon Relay Services number is 7 -1-1. seeking an energetic areas. Start immediately! COCC is an AA/EO employer. person for long-term Call Gary, 541-410-1655 Part Time Office Specialist 3 employment, Will as- Remember.... - Disability Services sist w it h c o n veyor A dd your we b a d Provide clerical support, bookkeeping, and belting installs, ship- dress to your ad and We are looking for independent condetailed record keeping. Provide corresponping, receiving, cus- readers on The tractors to service home delivery dence, scheduling, and coordination of sertomer service. Job reroutes in: quires flexible work Bulletin' s web site vices for students and public. Associates + schedule in c l uding will be able to click 3yr. exp. $13.47-$16.04 30hr/wk. Closes Feb. through automatically 18. nights & w e ekends; some overnight travel. to your site. Must be available 7 days a week, early mornVice Presidentol Instruction No experience r eing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. Provide strategic leadership for all academic quired; will train. ODL Need to get an ad programs across the college as well as proREQUIRED. $9-$17/ Please call 541.385.5800 or vide guidance to the instructional areas. Dochr. Application necesin ASAP? 800.503.3933 Mon.-Frj., 8-4 or toral Degree req. + 5-yr. administrative, mansary. Please apply in a gement a n d le a d ership e x p . 5- y r . apply via email at person: 20575 Paintexperienced full-time faculty member and 3-yr. ers Ct., Bend, OR, or Fax lt to 541-322-7253 online © exp. in community college. Apply by March 18 9675 SW Commerce Circle, Wilsonville, OR The Bulletin Classifieds to receive first consideration. 97070. Assistant ProfessorI, Mathematics Provide instruction in all levels of community Social Worker (LCSyi/) college mathematics courses (basic math, pre-algebra, algebra I, II, & i n termediate). ~rEs o Master's req. + 1-yr. teaching mathematics. ov" 0 Starts Fall Term September 2013. Closes ~ DESCHUTES COUNTY March 1.
Court Operations Supervisor
Clerical/Office We are looking for a full-time employee that is resourceful and self-motivated to assist a large staff and write daily clerical reports. This person should like working in a fast-paced environment and be able to meet tight deadlines on a daily basis. Prior writing or editorial Organization, flexibility and a high level of computer proficiency are essential. A solid knowledge of keyboard short-cuts and a typing speed of at least 50 WPM is required.
J J<g,/F~> JIP) JI,J j Jl) IJjjJ~ Can be found on these pages:
guage sequences. Master's req. + 2-yr. teaching college level French. Start Fall Term September 2013. Closes March 21. Assistant ProfessorI, Geography
Senior Nurse Care Manager: This position
Provide instruction in Physical, Regional, and Human Geography. Master's req. + 2 - yr. teaching Geography. Start Fall Term September 2013. Assistant Professor I, Computer & Information Systems fCIS) Provide instruction in Computer and Information Systems courses such as Introduction to Computers, Computer Concepts, Software Applications, Programming, and Operating Systems. Master's req. + 2yrs teaching exp. Start Fall Term September 2013. Cl oses March 14
Nurse Case Manager: Provide case management services which promotes quality, cost-effective outcomes by helping selected member populations achieve effective utilization of healthcare services. Incorporate the essential functions of professional case management concepts to enhance patients' quality of life and maximize health plan benefits.
Part Time Instructors Needed NEW! Water Distribution Systems and Veterinary Technician Educ. Looking for t alented individuals to t each part-time in a variety of disciplines. Check our Web site Positions pay $500 per load unit (1 LU = 1 class credit), with additional perks.
Review the full job description and complete our online application at EOE
CAREER OPPORTUNITIES CIVIL TECHNICIAN (2013-00009), Sheriff's Office. Full-time position $3,217 - $4,104 per month for a173.33 hour work month.Deadline: SUNDAY, 03/03/13. BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SPECIALIST II - Older Adult Behavioral Health Specialist (201200076), Behavioral Health Division. Full-time position $4,057 - $5,553 per month for a 172.67 hour work month. Deadline: OPEN UNTIL FILLED. TELECOMMUNICATOR I (2013-00011) 911 Service District. Full time positions $3,085 - $4,I34 per month for a 173.33 hour work month.Deadline: MONDAY, 03/04/13. DESCHUTES COUNTY ONLY ACCEPTS APPLICATIONS ONLINE. TO AP P LY FOR THE ABOVE LISTED POSITIONS, PLEASE VISIT OUR W E BSITE AT All ca n didates will receive an email response regarding their application status after the recruitment has closed and applications have been reviewed. Notifications to candidates are sent via email only. If you need assistance, please contact the Deschutes County Personnel Dept., 1300 NW Wall Street, Suite 201, Bend, OR 97701 (541) 617-4722. Deschutes County p rovides reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities. This material will be furnished in alternative format if needed. For hearing impaired, please call TTY/TDD 711. EQUAL OPPORTUNITYEMPLOYER
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Gambling Too Much? Meet singles right now! 30-yr old male seeks a Free, confidential help No paid o p erators,room; pay up to $250 + is available statewide. just real people like share utils. 541-647-9714 Call 1-877-MY-LIMIT you. Browse greet630 to talk to a certified ings, exchange mescounselor 24/7 or visit sages and c o nnect Rooms for Rent to live. Try it free. Call chat live with a coun- now: 8 7 7-955-5505. Studios 8 Kitchenettes selor. We are not here (PNDC) Furnished room, TV w/ to judge. We are here cable, micro & fridge. to help. You can get Utils 8 l i nens. New your life back. owners. $145-$165/wk 541-382-1885 634
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Cascade Rental Management. Co.
Call for Specials!
Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 & 3 bdrms w/d hookups, patios or decks. Mountain Glen 541-383-9313
+~ ™
Contractor For ALL your dirt & excavation needs • Small jobs for homeowners, by job or by the hour • Concrete • Custom Pads • Driveway gradingLow cost - get rid of pot holes & smooth out your drive! Call 541-639-5282 CCB¹194077
Handyman/Remodeling Residential/Commercial Small JnbS to Entire Room Remodels Carage Organizanon Hnme rnSPeclion RePairS Quality, HOnegl WOrk
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>~- HANm ~~ SERVICES Au Home & Commercial Repairs Carpentry-Painting HOney DO'S.
SmallOr large jObS, no PrOblem. Senior Discount Au work guaranteed.
541-389-3361 541-771-4463 Bonded - Insured Ci B¹149468
do not require a LCB license. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Door-to-door selling with fast results! It's the easiest way in the world to sell. The Bulletin Classified 541-385-5809 COLLINS Call Now to Schedule Spring Cleanup and Aerate/Thatch, Weekly or one time Grounds Keeping Service • Mowing • Edging • Hedge Trimming • Pruning ' Weedeating • Fertilizing • Hauling • De-thatching FREE ESTIMATES
541-480-9714 BONDED & INSURED Painting/Wall Covering
MARTIN JAMES European Professional Painter Repaint Specialist! Oregon L!cense ¹186 147 LLC
541-81 5-2888 Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809
Travel Trailers •
Fifth Wh e els
The Bulletin
•g,,'j~ -Ij -'-'
Commercial General
The Bulletin
Residential/ ~~, , ggci
GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a ga-
The Bulletin
with t h e bu s iness.deck, 17735 NW Lone Persons doing land- Pine Rd., Terrebonne. scape maintenance $500/mo. 541-504-0837
Boats & Accessories
&CHECK YOUR AD Gulfstream Scenic RV CONSIGNMENTS a Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, WANTED Smith Rock area guest Cummins 330 hp dieWe Do The Work ... house, gorgeous setting, rage sale and don't sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 You Keep The Cash! 1 bdrm 1 bath, all utils in. kitchen slide out, On-site credit forget to advertise in incl. $790/mo., 1st/last + classified! 385-5809. new tires,under cover, approval team, dep. No pets; references req'd. Now taking applihwy. miles only,4 door web site presence. Please check your ad 850 fridge/freezer iceWe Take Trade-Ins! cations: 541-480-4645 Saratng Central Oregon since t903 on the first day it runs maker, W/D combo, Free Advertising. Snowmobiles to make sure it is cor659 Interbath tub & BIG COUNTRY RV rect. Sometimes inUsed out-drive shower, 50 amp proBend 541-330-2495 Houses for Rent 2007 Ski-Doo Renegade structions over the parts - Mercury pane gen & more! Redmond: 541-548-5254 600 w/513 mi, like new, Sunriver phone are misOMC rebuilt manow reduced to $4500. $45,000. understood and an error rine motors: 151 541-948-2310 Call 541-221-5221 Need help fixing stuff? VILLAGE PROPERTIES can occur in your ad. $1595; 3.0 $1895; Call A Service Professional If this happens to your Sunriver, Three Rivers, (2) 2000 A rctic Cat 4.3 (1993), $1995. find the help you need. La Pine. Great Z L580's EFI with n e w ad, please contact us 54 I -389-0435 Selection. Prices range covers, electric start w/ the first day your ad reverse, low miles, both $425 - $2000/mo. appears and we will 875 View our full excellent; with new 2009 be happy to fix it Trac-Pac 2-place trailer, inventory online at as soon as we can. Watercraft drive off/on w/double tilt, Monaco Dynasty 2004, If we can assist you, lots of accys. Selling due loaded, 3 slides, die1-866-931-1061 please call us: to m edical r e asons. 2007 SeaDoo sel, Reduced - now 541-385-5809 675 $8000 all. 541-536-8130 2004 Waverunner, $119,000, 5 4 1-923The Bulletin Classifie excellent condition, 8572 or 541-749-0037 Springdale 2005 27', 4' RV Parking • Yamaha 750 1999 LOW hours. Double slide in dining/living area, FIND IT' ram Mountain Max $1750 sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 trailer, lots of extras. RV space for rent Tu- • 1994 Arctic Cat 580 BUY IT! I)I tt obo. 541-408-3811 $10,000 malo. 30 amp + water EXT, $1250. SELL IT! yg).541-719-8444 8 sewer. Gravel lot. • Zieman 4-place The Bulletin Classifieds Avail. 3/1. $350 mo. trailer, SOLD! L~, 541-419-5060 as r All in good condition. Ads published in aWatercraft" include: KayLocated in La Pine. Southwind 35.5' Triton, 693 aks, rafts and motor2008,V10, 2 slides, DuCall 541-408-6149. Ized personal pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Office/Retail Space 860 watercrafts. For Bought new at for Rent Springdale 29' 2 0 07, $132,913; Motorcycles & Accessories " boats" please s e e slide,Bunkhouse style, asking $93,500. Class 870. 623 NW Hill St. sleeps 7-8, excellent Laredo 2009 30' with 2 Call 541-419-4212 • CRAMPED FOR • 541-385-5809 850 sq.ft., classic 1913 condition, $ 1 6 ,900, slides, TV, A/C, table CASH? & c h airs, s a t ellite, vintage office, exc. off WANTED! 541-390-2504 Arctic pkg., p o wer Use classified to sell street p a r king in RV Consignments awning, Exc. cond! downtown l o c ation. those items you no Paid for or Notl $28,000. 541-419-3301 longer need. 880 $ 800/mo. Cal l P a t Call 541-385-5809 B IG ~ ~ KeIIey 541-382-3099 Motorhomes COUNTRY RV sarvmg Central Oregon srnca 1903 • 90% of all RV buyers are looking to finance Harley Davidson SoftSprinter 272RLS, 2009 or trade. Tail De l uxe 2 0 0 7 , 29', weatherized, like • We have a dozen white/cobalt, w / pasn ew, f u rnished 8 MONTANA 3585 2008, finance options. senger kit, Vance 8 L ready to go, incl Winetake anything on exc. cond., 3 slides, Hines muffler system 2003 Fleetwood Dis- • We ard S a t ellite dish, trade, paid for or nob king bed, Irg LR, & kit, 1045 mi., exc. covery 40' diesel mo- • We do all of the work26,995. 541-420-9964 Arctic insulation, all c ond, $16,9 9 9 , torhome w/all you et the CASH options $37,500. 541-389-9188. Look at: options-3 slide outs, 541-420-3250 744 satellite, 2 TV's,W/D, Harley Heritage e tc.32,000 mile s . Softail, 2003 for Complete Listings of Nuyya 297LK H i t chOpen Houses Wintered in h e ated $5,000+ in extras, Area Real Estate for Sale Hiker 2007, 3 slides, $2000 paint job, shop. $89,900 O.B.O. 32' touring coach, left 30K mi. 1 owner, 541-447-8664 Open 12-3 kitchen, rear lounge, For more information many extras, beautiful 1496 NE Saddle please call c ond. inside & o u t, Call Safari Cliff at Rock Ct. 541-385-8090 541-815-6144 $32 900 OBO PrinevNew Interior Paint or 209-605-5537 ille. 541-447-5502 days Handy Flex Room Weekend Warrior Toy 8 541-447-1641 eves. Carol Donohoe, HD Screaming Eagle Broker Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, Electra Glide 2005, 32' Fleetwood Fiesta '03, Advertise your car! fuel station, exc cond. 541-410-1773 103 n motor, two tone no slide-out, Triton eng, Add A Picture! all amenities, 1 owner, sleeps 8, black/gray Reach candy teal, new tires, of readers! i nterior, u se d 3X , Call thousands 23K miles, CD player, perfect, only 17K miles, 541-385-5809 $21,500. 541-504-3253 $24,999. hydraulic clutch, exThe Bulletin Cfasstfieds Winnebago 30A Sight541-389-9188 cellent condition. seer 2012, 31 ft., all Highest offer takes it. options, 2 sli d e s, 541-480-8080. 362HP V10, 10K mi., gg ~ i Fifth Wheels mint cond., $105,900. 865 541-330-551 6 ATVs Econoline RV 19 8 9 , Nrww.thegarnergroup.gom fully loaded, exc. cond, Pilgrim 27', 2007 5t h r 35K m i. , R e duced wheel, 1 s lide, AC, $15,250. 541-546-6133 TV,full awning, excellent shape, $23,900. Open 12-3 541-350-8629 Four Winds Class Winnebaqo Suncruiser34' Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 20125 Cirrus Ct. A 3 2 ' Hurricane 2004, only 34K, loaded, by Carnage, 4 slideGreat Features Yamaha Banshee 2001, 2007. CAN'T BEAT too much to list, ext'd outs, inverter, sateland Finishes custom built 350 motor, THIS! Look before warr. thru 2014, $54,900 lite sys, fireplace, 2 Alison Mata, race-ready, lots of extras, y ou b u y , b e l o w Dennis, 541-589-3243 flat screen TVs. Broker $5500/obo 541-647-8931 market value! Size $60,000. 541-280-6250 881 & mileage DOES 541-480-3923 TURN THE PAGE matter! 12,500 mi, Travel Trailers all amenities, Ford Pilgrim In t e rnational For More Ads The Bulletin V10, Ithr, c h erry, 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, The Bulletin To Subscribe caii slides, like new! New cellent condition, f u ll Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 low price, $54,900. Fall price $ 21,865. roli out awnjng 541-385-5800orgo to 870 541-548-5216 www bendbulletin com 541-312-4466 $5800 541 546 9395 Boats & Accessories
PH tractors Board (CCB). A n active lice n se Margo means the contractor COnStruCtiOn, LLC i s bonded an d i n Professionally managed by s ured. Ver if y t h e Home Repairs & Norris & Stevens, Inc. contractor's CCB Remodeling c ense through t h e 636 CCB Cons u mer Window & Door Apt./Multiplex NW Bend Website Replacement wwwxvreahcensedcontractoc Small studio close to liccn ¹176121 Com brary, all util. pd. $550, or call 503-378-4621. $525 dep. No pets/ The Bulletin recom- 541-480-3179 smoking. 541-330mends checking with the CCB prior to con- Landscaping/Yard Care 9769 or 541-480-7870 tanarw.thegarnetgroup.gom tracting with anyone. 638 Some other t r ades N OTICE: ORE G O N Apt./Multiplex SE Bend also req u ire addi- Landscape ContracOpen 12-3 tional licenses and tors Law (ORS 671) 20536 Gloucester A STUNNING certifications. r equires a l l bu s i 2 BDRM/$615 Ln. nesses that advertise 61545 Parrell Road Woodhill Park Debris Removal to p e r form L a n d- Classy new exterior, Green 8 Affordable scape C o n struction small, quiet complex, Erin Campbell, lots of upgrades, which includes: Broker p lanting, deck s , beautiful new kitchen, 541-410-0872 with slab granite fences, arbors, countertops, large w ater-features, a n d master with 3 closets. installation, repair of private fenced patio, irrigation systems to laundry on site, InWill Haul Away be licensed with the cludes w/s/g. No Landscape Contrac+ FREE t ors B o a rd . Th i s smoking/no pets. Call or text 541-633-0663 For Salvage fr' 4-digit number is to be included in all adver- Call The Bulletin At Any Location ' tisements which indi..«., Removal 541 -385-5809 tarNrw.thegarnergroup.gom cate the business has Also CleanupsI i ' a bond, insurance and Place Your Ad Or E-Mail A8g Cteanouts' > At: workers c ompensa745 tion for their employ642 Homes for Sale ees. For your protection call 503-378-5909 Apt./Multiplex Redmond BANK OWNED HOMES! or use our website: to Country Living - Upstairs FREE List w/Pics! check license status duplex, small kitchenette, Excavating bend and beyond real estate 1 bedroom, den, outside before co n t racting 20967 yeOman, bend Or LEVI'S DIRT WORKS
682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687- Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719- Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730- New Listings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 -Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land '!I
RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Housesfor Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Housesfor Rent SWBend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space
i •
• ggflxf
17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, trolling motor, full cover, EZ - L oad t railer, $3500 OBO. 541-382-3728.
i II
18.5' Sea Ray 2000, 4 3L Mercruiser 190 hp Bowrider w/depth finder radio/CD player rod holders, full canvas, EZ Loader trailer, exclnt cond, $14,500. 707-484-3518 (Bend)
i •
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20.5' 2004 Bayliner 205 Run About, 220 HP, V8, open bow, exc. cond., very fast w/very low hours, lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & custom trailer, $19,500.
'I I
a I a
• •
All real estate adver648 tised here in is sub- 20.5' Seaswirl Spyject to t h e F e deral der 1989 H.O. 302, Houses for F air H o using A c t , 285 hrs., exc. cond., Rent General which makes it illegal stored indoors for to advertise any pref- life $11,900 OBO. PUBLISHER'S erence, limitation or 541-379-3530 NOTICE based All real estate adver- discrimination on race, color, relitising in this newspagion, sex, handicap, per is subject to the status or naF air H o using A c t familial origin, or intenwhich makes it illegal tional to a d v ertise "any tion to make any such l i mitapreference, limitation preferences, or discrimination. 22' Custom Weld Jet, or disc r imination tions We will not knowingly based on race, color, accept any advertis- 2002, 350 Vortec, 210 religion, sex, handigaraged, loaded. for r eal e state hrs, 541-923-0854. cap, familial status, ing which is in violation of marital status or nalaw. All persons Ads published in the tional origin, or an in- this "Boats" classification are hereby informed tention to make any that all dwellings adinclude: Speed, fishsuch pre f erence, ing, drift, canoe, are available limitation or discrimi- vertised on an equal opportuhouse and sail boats. nation." Familial staFor all other types of basis. The Bulletus includes children nity tin Classified watercraft, please see under the age of 18 Class 875. living with parents or 541-385-5809 legal cust o dians, FOR SALE pregnant women, and people securing cus- When buying a home, tody of children under 83% of Central 18. This newspaper Oregonians turn to will not knowingly aci YOUR BOAT... i cept any advertising Sarrtng Central Oregon srnca l903 with o u r sp e c i al for real estate which is rates for selling your I in violation of the law. Call 541-385-5809 to O ur r e aders a r e i boat or watercraft! place your hereby informed that Real Estate ad. i Place an ad in The all dwellings adverB ulletin w it h ou r tised in this newspa773 i 3-month p ackage per are available on Acreages an equal opportunity i which includes: basis. To complain of 51366 Riverland, *5 lines of text and discrimination cal l La Pine. 1 acre, a photo or up to 10 HUD t o l l-free at garage, w/ non livlines with no photo 1-800-877-0246. The able trailer. $28,000. *Free online ad at toll f re e t e l ephone 541-659-1416 I number for the hearing im p aired is *Free pick up into 775 1-800-927-9275. i The Central Oregon Manufactured/ i Nickel ads. Rented your propMobile Homes erty? The Bulletin I Rates start at $46. I Classifieds FACTORY SPECIAL Call for details! has an "After Hours" New Home, 3 bdrm, 541-385-5809 Line. Call $46,500 finished 541-383-2371 24 on your site. C BLmtllettTt hours to J and M Homes l d! 541-548-5511 ~
The Bulletin
The Bulletin
i i i i
PublishingDate: Tuesday, August 20
ONE-STOP SHOPPING FOR HOMEOWNERSLOOKING FOR INSPIRATION The Central Oregon Builders Association (COBA) presents the Remodeling Design /t Outdoor Living Show just in time for autumn and winter home improvements. This guide features information about the vendors at the show, and is a handy resource for finding local home improvement experts and products for the home throughout the year.
tpili!III(iS l uli. tgt
gt tts al
TheNatureofWordsannualliteraryfestival celebrates the literary arts in Central Oregon during a multi-day event each autumn. The event features authors, seminars, workshops and contests. Throughout the year, The Nature of Words, as an organization, supports creative writing t hrough o utreach programs for both students and adults in Central Oregon. The Nature of Words guide is distributed to all Bulletin readers
as well as those who attend the annual PubliShing Date: literary event.
Wg ggsa
Friday October 25
Trucks & Heavy Equipment
o 00
Antique & Classic Autos
THE I3LILLETIN• SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 2013 G5 Antique & Classic Autos
Sport Utility Vehicles
• 8 ~
PROJECT CARS: Chevy 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & Toyota 4x 4 Pi c kup, Chevy Coupe 1950 1983, 8000-Ib Warn BOATS &RVs AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION Chrysler SD 4-Door rolling chassis's $1750 winch, 2 sets of tire 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 805- Misc. Items 1930, CD S R oyal ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, chains, canopy, 22R 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment GMC Envoy 2005, 4x4, 850 Snowmobiles Standard, B-cylinder, complete car, $ 1949; motor, 5-spd transPeterbilt 359 p o table running boards, tinted 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 925 - Utility Trailers Series 61 1950, mission, $2495 obo. water t ruck, 1 9 90, body is good, needs Cadillac window. Vin¹ 260943. Aircraft, Parts r e s toration, 2 dr. hard top, complete 541-350-2859 927 - Automotive Trades 3200 gal. tank, 5hp some 865 - ATVs w /spare f r on t cl i p ., Now $12,688. p ump, 4 - 3 U hoses, runs, taking bids, 929 -Automotive Wanted & Service 870 Boats & Accessories 935 $3950, 541-382-7391 541-383-3888, camlocks, $ 2 5,000. 931 - Automotive Parts, Service S UB A R U . 541-815-3318 875 - Watercraft 541-820-3724 Sport Utility Vehicles and Accessories 880 Motorhomes 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 932 - Antique and Classic Autos Pickups BMW 3 Series 2010, 5k 929 877-266-3821 881 - Travel Trailers 933 - Pickups mi., ¹474934. $37,988 Dlr ¹0354 Automotive Wanted 882 - Fifth Wheels 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4 885- Canopies and Campers 940 - Vans DONATE YOUR CAR1971 new trans, 2 1/3 interest i n w e l l- Fast Free Towing 24 890 - RVs for Rent 975 - Automobiles new t i r es , new equipped IFR Beech Bo- hr. Response - Tax Oregon brakes, 2nd owner, nanza A36, new 10-550/ Deduction U N I T EDFIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, AutoSource 935 r uns/drives g o o d . prop, located KBDN. BREAST C A N C ER door panels w/flowers 541-598-3750 Sport Utility Vehicles Automobiles Automobiles Make good w ood $65,000. 541-419-9510 8 hummingbirds, F OUNDATION P r o truck. $2395 OBO white soft top & hard viding Free MammoGMC Yu kon D e nali 541-350-2859 top. Just reduced to 2005, l oaded, v e r y grams & Breast CanVehicle? $3,750. 541-317-9319 cer Info 888-785-9788 clean. Vin¹ 1 69789. or 541-647-8483 Call The Bulletin Now $15,477 (PNDC) Chevy Sil v erado and place an ad to2000, 1/2 ton, V-B, day! ~+ SUBARU . 932 BMW 740 IL 1998 orig 8' box, bed liner, std Ask about our Lan d cruiser o wner, e xc . c o n d. 1/5th interest in 1973 Antique & cab, auto, 4x4, 54k Buick Enclave 2008 CXL 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend Toyota "Whee/ Deal"! V-6, black, clean, 2000, Au t o, 4x4, 101k miles, new tires, 877-266-3821 Cessna 150 LLC mi., e xc . co n d ., AWD, for private party Classic Autos m echanicall y s ound, 82k leather. Vin¹ 214783 loaded, sunroof. 150hp conversion, low $9000. Dlr ¹0354 advertisers miles. $20,995. Now $18,788. $8900. 541-706-1897 time on air frame and 541-977-6653 Call 541-815-1216 Ford Galaxie500 1963, engine, hangared in RU. ~00 4j@) SUBA 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, iR al BBN Bend. Excellent perBUBBRUOPBRND COM MorePjxattje t 390 vs,auto, pwr. steer 8 Chevy Silverado 2010 ~ C formance & afford• 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 1921 Model T radio (orig),541-419-4989 HD 2500 Diesel Crewrqc z able flying! $6,500. 877-266-3821 Buick Lucerne CXL Cab. Red w/ Blk Lthr. Delivery Truck 541-382-6752 Dlr ¹0354 2009, $12,500, low miles. $46,000. Restored & Runs Ford Mustang Coupe 11,800 low miles; 2003 Le1966, original owner, 541-593-0204 $9000. Honda CRV 2004, Sabre, $4000. You'll Find It in V8, automatic, great $10,495. 541-389-8963 Chevy Tahoe 1999, 4x4, not find nicer Buicks shape, $9000 OBO. The Bulletin Classifiedsl most options, new paint Call 541-610-6150 or see One look's worth a 530-515-8199 541-385-5809 & tires, 159K mi., $4250. thousand words. Call /cto/3617273265.html Nissan Sentra 2012, Call 541-233-8944 Bob, 541-318-9999. KT 5+ for an appt. and take a 12,610 mi, full warranty, Location, Location, Ford Ranchero PS, PB, AC, & more! dnve in a 30 mpg carl Toyota Tacoma 2011, Location! 1979 Ford 250 XLT 1990, 4x4, lift, very clean. Chevy Cobalt 2 0 05, $16,000. 541-788-0427 Executive Hangar with 351 Cleveland at Bend Airport (KBDN) 6 yd. dump bed, V in¹ 0 1 5638. N o w white, 4-dr, 2.2L, 108K modified engine. 60' wide x 50' deep, Body is in 139k, Auto, $5500 $26,988. miles, over 35mpg, auto w/55' wide x 17' high bi- 1966 GMC, 2nd owner, 541-410-9997 excellent condition, many extras to list, trans, AC, CD player, fold dr. Natural gas heat, too 4 @ S U B A R U. $2500 obo. dual airbags, manual obo. Serious buyDodge Durango 2004, Jeep Wrangler Unlimoffc, bathroom. Adjacent $8500 541-420-4677 Limited, leather, tow ited 2008, Hard top, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend locks 8 windows, good to Frontage Rd; great ers only. 541-536-0123 cond in/out, runs/drives pkg. V in ¹ 1 4 2 655. lift, Sweet ! 877-266-3821 Vin¹ visibility for aviation busigreat, non-smkr, always Scion XB 2006, 5 dr., Now $9988 Dlr ¹0354 572535. Now ness. 541-948-2126 or FWD, tinted windows, maintained. $4950. email 1jetjock© $23,988. Call 541-350-9938 Clean. Vin¹ 060269. S UBA R U . Where can you find a Now $9688. Piper A rcher 1 9 8 0, Ford F350 Super Duty 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend +©> SUBARU. helping hand? based in Madras, alKing Ranch 20 04, 877-266-3821 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend S UBA R U . ways hangared since From contractors to Ford T-Bird, 1966, 390 loaded. Vin¹ 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 new. New annual, auto Chevy C-20 Pickup eng, power everything, Deisel, yard care, it's all here 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Dlr ¹0354 Chrysler Sebring Conpilot, IFR, one piece 1969, an orig. Turbo 44; new paint, 54K original A34788. 877-266-3821 Now $23,788. in The Bulletin's vertible, 2004, beautiful windshield. Fastest Ar- auto 4-spd, 396, model miles, runs great, exDlr ¹0354 condition, dark g r ay/ "Call A Service cher around. 1750 to- CST /an options, orig. cenent condition in & 4 @ S U B A R U. brown w/tan leather inteowner, $22,000, out. Asking $8,500. tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. Professional" Directory rior, 84K miles, $5995. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-923-6049 541-480-3179 541-475-6947, ask for I/I/y'o~ Ler! 877-266-3821 541-350-5373 Rob Berg. Dlr ¹0354 '55 Chevy 2 dr . w gn T-Hangar for rent F ord Explorer X L T PROJECT car, 350 • Vans Subaru Loyale at Bend airport. FORD RANGER XLT 2006, 4 x 4, cle a n . Nissan Armada 2007, small block w/Weiand 1991, 4x4, 5-spd, Call 541-382-8998. Vin¹ A1 8448. N o w 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 dual quad tunnel ram 4x4, tow pkg., pw, pl. $1950. with 450 Honeys. T-10 speed, with car alarm, $7,988. V in¹ 7 0 0432. N o w 96 Ford Windstar 8 541-420-3277 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, CD player, extra tires 2000 Nissan Quest, $13,988. both 7-passenger Weld Prostar whls, GMC V~fon 1971, Only on rims. Runs good. + © S U B A R U . M extra rolling chassis + $19,700! Original low Clean. 92,000 miles 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend vans, 160K miles, My Little Red Corvette" S UB ARU. BUBBBUOPBBNDCOM on m o tor. $2600 low prices, $1200 & extras. $6000 for all. mile, exceptional, 3rd 1996 coupe. 132K, Toyota Camrysr 877-266-3821 owner. 951-699-7171 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-389-7669. OBO. 541-771-6511. $2900, and worth 26-34 mpg. 350 auto. 1984, $1200 obo; Dlr ¹0354 877-266-3821 every centl $12,500 541-923-1781 1985 SOLD; Dlr ¹0354 541-318-9999 F ord F reestyle S E L 1986 parts car,
'Qtj tj
~ The Bu.lletin ~
L'"" '" "
+ ©
2006, V6, AWD, AT, AC,
I nternational Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1
front 8 side airbags, 25 Need to get an mpg, 3rd row seating, ad in ASAP? pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, traction control, new tires You can place it 8 brks, maintained exonline at: t remely well, runs & drives exlnt,148K hwy mi, $7200. 541-604-4166 541-385-5809
Diamond Reo Dump Jeep Comanche, 1990, ton dually, 4 s pd. Truck 19 7 4, 1 2-14 owner, 167K, trans., great MPG, yard box, runs good, Chevy Wagon 1957, original 4WD, 5-spd, tags good could be exc. wood 4-dr., complete, $6900, 541-548-6812 9/2015, $3900 obo. $7,000 OBO, trades. till hauler, runs great, 541-633-7761 People Look for Information Please call new brakes, $1950. About Products and 541-389-6998 541-419-5480. Services Every Day through 14P~» The Bulletin Class/T/eds Chrysler 300 C o upe 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, auto. trans, ps, air, G K E AT frame on rebuild, repainted original blue, Plymouth B a r racuda GMC Envoy 2002 4WD original blue interior, 1966, original carl 300 $6,450. Loaded, Hyster H25E, runs original hub caps, exc. hp, 360 VB, center- RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L Leather, Heated well, 2982 Hours, chrome, asking $9000 lines, (Original 273 hemiV8, hd, auto, cruise, seats, Bose sound $3500, call or make offer. am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. system. Ext. roof rack eng & wheels incl.) 541-749-0724 541-385-9350 541-420-3634 /390-1285 541-593-2597 (218) 478-4469
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Toyota 4Ru n n er 1 993, blue, 4 d r . , 4WD, V6, 5 speed, t ow pkg., plus 4 studs tires on rims, r uns g reat. W a s $ 5500, now o n l y $4000.541-659-1416
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Chevy Astro Cargo Van 2001, pw, pdl, great cond.,
Ford Taurus wagon 2004, Toyota Corolla 2004, very nice, pwr everything, auto., loaded, 204k changes, $4500. 120K, FWD, good tires, miles. orig. owner, non Please call $4900 obo. 541-815-9939 smoker, exc. c ond. $6500 Prin e vine 541-633-5149 503-358-8241 Kia Optima EX 2004 WHEN YOU SEE THIS Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 2.7L V6, all power options, moonroof, 7 -pass. v a n wit h spoiler, leather, ~Oo p ower c h a i r lif t , Infinity AM/FM/CD, $1500; 1989 Dodge Turbo Van 7 - pass. alloys, Michelin 8 On a classified ad studded tires, has new motor and go to meticulously maint rans., $1500. I f i n tained, $5500. terested c a l l Jay Bend, to view additional 760-715-9123 503-269-1057. photos of the item. business car, well maint'd, regular oil
Time to deCIUtter? Need Some eXtra CaSh? Need Some eXtra SPaCe the garage?
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j. 1 To receive yourFREE CLASSIFIED AD,call 385-5809 or viSit The Bulletin OffiCe at: 1777 SW Chandler Ave. (Dn Bend'S weSt Side) *Offer allows for 3 lines of text only. Excludes anservice, hay, wood, pets/animals, plants, tickets, weapons, rentals and employment advertising, and all commercial accounts. Must be anindividual item under $200.00 andprice Df individual item must be included in the ad. Ask your Bulletin Sales Representative about special pricing, longer run schedules andadditional features. Limit1 ad per item per 30 days to besold.
Legal Notices
Legal Notices
Legal Notices LEGAL NOTICE
ERTY L O C ATED AT 15847 WOODC HIP L A NE , L A P INE, ORE G O N 97739, Defendants. Case No. 1 2CV0731. S U M MONS BY P UBLI-
97739: In the name of the State of Oregon, y o u are hereby required to
appear and answer
the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court a nd cause on o r before the expiration of 30 days from the date of the first p ublication of t h is summons. The date of first publication in this matter is February 10, 2013. If you fail timely to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the above-entitled court for the relief prayed for in its complaint. This is a ju d icial foreclosure o f a d eed of t r us t i n which the p l aintiff r equests that t h e plaintiff be allowed to foreclose your interest in the f ollowing d e s c ribed real property: LOT 5 IN BLOCK 26, TALL PINES FIFTH ADDITION, DES-
CHUTES COUNTY, O REGON. Comm only known a s: 15847 Wo o d chip Lane, La Pine, Oregon 97739. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS: READ THESE P A P ERS CAREFULLY! A
l awsuit has b e e n started against you in th e a b ove-entitled court by OneWest Bank, FSB, plaintiff. P l a intiff's claims are stated in t he w ritten c o mp laint, a c o p y o f which was filed with the a b ove-entitled C ourt. You mus t "appear" in this case or the other side will win a u tomatically. To "appear" you m ust file with t he court a legal document called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "an-
swer" (or "reply") must be given to the court clerk or ad-
ministrator within 30 days of the date of first publ i cation
s pecified her e i n along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof o f service on t h e plaintiff's a t t orney or, if t h e p l aintiff does not have an a ttorney, proof o f service on the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Ref e rral S ervice online a t www.oregonstate-
Legal Notices or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metrop olitan area) o r toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. This
summons is issued pursuant to ORCP 7. ROUTH CRABTREE OLSEN, P.C. By Michael Botthof, O SB ¹ 113 3 3 7 , mbotthof@rcolegal. com, Attorneys for P laintiff, 51 1 S W 10th Ave., Ste. 400, Portland, OR 97205, P: (503) 459-0140 F: (503) 977-7963. LEGAL NOTICE IN TH E C I RCUIT COURT FOR THE STATE O F OREGON IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF DESCHUTES ONEWEST BANK,
FSB, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff, v.
name of the State of O regon, you a r e hereby required to appear and answer the complaint filed against you in the above-entitled Court a nd cause o n o r before the expiration of 30 days from the date of the first p ublication of t h is summons. The date of first publication in this matter is February 10, 2013. If you fail timely to appear and answer, plaintiff will apply to the above-entitled court for the relief prayed for in its complaint. This is a j u d icial foreclosure o f a d eed of t r us t i n which the p l aintiff r equests that t h e plaintiff be allowed to foreclose your interest in the following d e s c ribed real property: LOT 15 IN BLOCK 6 OF PONDEROSA PINES, THIRD ADDITION, DESCHUTES COUNTY, O REGON. Commonly known a s: 52012 Noble Fir, La P ine, Orego n 97739. NOTICE TO DEFENDANTS: READ THESE PAPERS FULLY! A
CAREl a w suit
has been s t arted against you in the above-entitled court by OneWest Bank, FSB, plain t iff. Plaintiff's claims are stated in the written
complaint, a copy of which was filed with
the a b o ve-entitled C ourt. You mu s t
"appear" in this case or the other side will win a u tomatically. To "appear" you m ust file with t h e court a legal document called a "motion" or "answer." The "motion" or "an-
swer" (or "reply") must be given to the
Legal Notices
court clerk or administrator within 30 days of the date of first publ i cation s pecified her e i n along with the required filing fee. It must be in proper form and have proof o f service on t h e plaintiff's a t t orney or, if t h e p l aintiff does not have an a ttorney, proof o f service on the plaintiff. If you have any questions, you should see an attorney immediately. If you need help in finding an attorney, you may contact the Oregon State Bar's Lawyer Re f e rral S ervice online at or by calling (503) 684-3763 (in the Portland metrop olitan a rea) o r toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. This
summons is issued pursuant to ORCP 7. ROUTH CRABTREE OLSEN, P.C. By Michael Botthof, O SB
1133 3 7 ,
mbotthof © rcolegal. com, Attorneys for P laintiff, 51 1 S W
Legal Notices • Recoating Project WA 12-01.
A mandatory pre-bid and walk- t hru meeting will be held on March 5, 2013. No bid will be accepted by a general c ontractor who i s not on th e p lans h older list o r t h e mandatory pre-bid sign in sheet. T his i s a Pu b l ic Works Contract and s ubject to the O regon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI) Wage Rates, d ated January 1 , 2013 for region 10 as defined u nder ORS 279C.800 to
279C.870. No bids shall be received or considered u nless the bid contains a s tatement by t h e b idder that O R S 279C.838 or 279C.840 shall be complied with. Bidders must identify whether bidder is a resident bidder as defined i n OR S 279A.120.
Legal Notices
Scope of Work: Work generally in10th Ave., Ste. 400, cludes the removal Portland, OR 97205, of the existing inteP: (503) 459-0140 rior surface coating F: (503) 977-7963. of existing Reservoirs 4 and 5 and LEGAL NOTICE IN T H E CIR C U IT t he s u rfaces b e properly p repared COURT O F THE a nd recoated. A s STATE OF OREGON a n a dditive w o rk FOR THE COUNTY item, th e e x terior OF DESCHUTES, In surfaces of r e serthe Matter of the Est ate of WILL I A M voir 4 and 5 are to MAXSON JOHNSON, be cleaned, surface Deceased, Case prepared, and overcoated. Ac t i vities No. 13PB0010. NOT ICE T O INT E R - include all necesESTED P E RSONS. sary and appropriate l abor, e q uipNOTICE IS HEREBY ment and materials GIVEN that the u nfor completion. dersigned has been appointed p e r sonal The City estimates representative of the the interior coating above-captioned esof both tate. All persons hav- cost at ing claims against the reservoirs estate are required to $602,000. p resent them, w i th vouchers attached, to Contract Documents may be examinedat the undersigned perfollowing sonal representative the locations: at 747 SW Mill View Way, Bend, Oregon •City of R e dmond 9 7702, w i thin f o u r Engineering Division 2 43 NE Ant l e r months after the date Avenue, Redmond, of first publication of t his notice, o r t h e Oregon. claims may be barred. •Central O r e g o n Builder's Exchange, All persons whose r ights may b e a f - 1902 NE 4th Street, f ected by t h e p r o - Bend, Oregon. ceedings may obtain item: FILE NUM BE R: additional information Contract Documents TA-13-1. S UBJECT: may be obtained by from the records of An Ordinance the court, the p e r- qualified bidders at Amending Deschutes the City of Redmond sonal representative, County Code 18.04 Engineering or the lawyers for the and 18.113 to Change Division. personal representathe Ratio o f O v e rt ive, H URLEY R E , night to R e sidential The Ci t y may P.C. Dated and first Units in D estination provide solicitation Resorts. APPLICANT: published on Februdocuments by ary 10, 2013. JENNILiz Dickson, Hurley FER LETZ, Personal electronic m e a ns Re, PC,747 SW Mill available on the City representative. View Way, Bend, OR of Redmond 97702. STAFF CONLEGAL NOTICE website. TACT:Will G r o ves, INVITATION TO BID Senior Planner us ( Sealed bids for the . Copies of the staff construction of the All interested prime report, application, all City of R e dmond, bidders must documents and eviReservoir 4 and 5 formally request and dence submitted by or Recoating Project purchase a on behalf of the appliWA 12- 0 1 , a d h ardbound set o f cant and a pplicable dressed to the City project plans and criteria are available R ecorder, City o f specifications, which for inspection at the Redmond, Oregon will register them as Planning Division at will be received una plan holder on the no cost and can be t il 2:00 P M l o c al project. The City of purchased f o r 25 t ime a t t h e C i t y R edmond will n o t c ents a page. T h e Recorder's o f fice, accept any bid that staff report should be City Hall, 716 SW is n o t fr o m a made availableseven Evergreen Avenue, registered plan days prior to the date Redmond, Oregon, holder and set for the hearing. on March 14, 2013 s ubmitted o n th e Documents are also and then p u blicly proposal form from a vailable online a t : opened and read at the Contract 2:00 PM in ConferDocuments us/cdd/. ence Room A, City package. All Hall, Redmond, Orrequests for plans, Good classified ads tell egon. First tier subplan holder list, and the essential facts in an contractor list is rebid documents shall interesting Manner. Write quired to be be made to Kathy from the readers view - not submitted by 4 : 00 Harms, Of fice the seller's. Convert the P M, s a m e da y A ssistant, City o f (Note: The first tier facts into benefits. Show Redmond s ubcontractor l i s t the reader how the item will Engineering may also be subDepartment at (541) help them in someway. mitted w i t h t he 504-2002. This sealed b di at advertising tip contractor's preferRequirements of brought to you by ence). B i d s shall Bidders: be clearly labeled: The Bulletin Reservoir 4 and 5 Each proposal must
The Earned Income
Tax Credit. You may have earned it. Why not claim it?
If you're working hard just to make ends meet and have one or more children living with you, you may qualify for the EITC. Think of it as a reward for doing one of life's most beautiful, most important and most loving jobs. Visit our Web site or ask your tax preparer if you qualify.
Because when it comes to getting more for your family, consider it done. A message from the Internal Revenue Service.
~/ ]
Legal Notices
2012. By reason of Deed, and in addition PUBLIC NOTICE said default, the Bento paying said sums The Bend Park & Receficiary has declared or tendering the perreation District Board all sums owing on the formance necessary of Directors will meet obligation secured by to cure the default by in a work session and paying all costs and m ade by L i s a M . said Trust Deed imregular busi n ess Jensen, as grantor, to m ediately due a n d expenses actually inmeeting on Tuesday, payable, said sums curred in enforcing the W estern Title & E s February 19, 2013, at being the f ollowing, obligation and t r ust the District Office, 799 crow Company, as to-wit: $29,957.45, deed, together with trustee, in favor of SW Columbia, Bend, plus all interest, late Trustee's and O regon. Th e w o r k I NNspired, LLC, a n Oregon limited liabil- charges, fees and as- a ttorney's fees n o t session will begin at exceeding the 5:00 p.m. at w h ich ity company as ben- sessments that b eamounts provided by time the board will eficiary, dated Sep- come due after the ORS 86.753. In contember 21, 2004 and dates set forth above hear pr e sentations recorded on June 1, and prior to the sale. struing this notice, the and interview candiW HEREFORE, n o masculine gender in2010, as Instrument dates interested in cludes the f eminine serving on the board No. 2010-21349 of the tice is hereby given that the undersigned and the neuter, the O fficial Records o f to fill a c urrent vaDeschutes C o u nty, Trustee will on April 2, singular includes the cancy. The board will plural, t h e word also Oregon, covering the 2013, at the hour of d i s cuss a following d e s cribed 11:30 o'clock A.M., in "Grantors" i n c ludes self-assessment proany successor in in- cess and receive an real property situated accord with the stanterest to the Grantors update on the O utin said county and dard of time established by ORS as well as any other door Children's Forstate, to-wit: Unit No. Bidder m us t be 187.110, at the Desperson owing an obli- e st I n i tiative. T h e 687, Building No. 15, registered with the p e r for- board will conduct a Usage Week B, of the chutes County Court- gation, th e Construction mance of which is se- regular Inn of t h e S e venth house steps, 1 164 busi n ess Contractors Board M ountain Con d o - NW Bond, in the City cured by said Trust meeting beginning at (ORS 701.055) or Deed, and the words 7:00 p.m. to consider minium, according to of Bend, County of l icensed with t h e the Decla r ation Deschutes, Oregon, "Trustee" and "Ben- appointing a new State L a n dscape thereof executed Feb- sell at public auction eficiary" include their board member, apContractor B o a rd ruary 13, 1970 and to the highest bidder respective s u cces- point o n e Bu d g et (ORS 671.530), or recorded in Volume for cash the interest in sors in interest, if any. Committee member the bid will not be DATED: October 30, 168, Page 886, Deed said described real and award contracts r eceived o r c o n records of Deschutes p roperty which t h e 2012. Benjamin M. for Big Sky access sidered. Grantors had or had Kearney, Successor improvements and the County, Oregon, unpower to convey at T rustee, 8 0 0 Wil - Mirror Pond consultder at Auditors File The City r eserves lamette Street, Suite No. 467 7 , as the time of the execuant. The board will the right to reject all tion by him of the said 8 00, E ugene, O R meet i n amended and ex e c utive bids or any bids not 97401, 541-484-0188. Trust Deed, together supplemented, as lesession immediately in compliance with gally described in at- with a n y int e rest following th e b u s iPUBLIC NOTICE all the requirements tached Exhibit A. Both which the Grantors or ness session pursuELECTRICAL of t h e Con t ract their successors in the Beneficiary and ant to ORS APPRENTICESHIP D ocuments, an d t he T r ustee h a v e interest acquired after 192.660(2)(h) for the OPPORTUNITIES may reject for good elected to sell the said the execution of said purpose of consulting Registered with the cause all bids upon real property to sat- Trust Deed, to satisfy with legal counsel reState of Oregon finding of the City the foregoing obligaisfy th e o b ligations This is a notice to es- garding current litigathat is in the public secured by said Trust tions thereby secured tablish a po o l of tion or litigation likely i nterest to d o s o , Deed and a Notice of and the costs and ex- eligible's, not to fulfill to be filed, and ORS a nd r e serve t h e Default has been re- penses of s ale, i njob open- 192.660(i) for the purright to postpone the cluding a reasonable immediate corded pursuant to ings. Starting wage of pose of c o nducting awarding o f the by the first period apprentice performance evaluaOregon Revised Stat- c harge contract for a period utes 86.735(3); the T rustee. N o t ice i s is $10 45/hour tions of public officers of not more than 30 further given that any ACCEPTING APPLIdefault for which the and employees. The days from the bid person named in ORS foreclosure is made is February 19, 2 0 13, C ATIONS March 4 , opening date. 86.753 has the right, G rantor's failure t o 2013-March 15, 2013, agenda and meeting abide by the obliga- at any time prior to report is posted on the Monday-Friday 8:00 PUBLISH: five days before the tions set forth in that District's webs i te: 5 p.m. Y O U a.m. Bend Bulletin certain Co-Ownership date last set for the www.bendparksanMUST A P PL Y IN Sunday, Agreement E s t a b- s ale, to h a v e t h i s P ERSON: Work - For m o re February 17, 2013 lishing Fractional In- foreclosure proceed- source of Bend, c/o information call 541-389-7275. terests dated S e p- ing dismissed and the Dave Medina, 1645 Daily Journal of Trust Deed reinstated tember 21, 2004, and NE F o rbes R o ad, Commerce entered into between b y payment to t h e Bend, OR 97701. InHave an item to Once the week of Grantor and Benefi- Beneficiary of the en- formation may be obFebruary 18, 2013 tire amount when due tained at w ww.highciary, including the sell quick? (other than such por- desertapprenticeship. obligation to pay fees LEGAL NOTICE If it's under and assessments set tion of the principal as com. NOTICE OF PUBLIC '500 you can place it in f orth therein in t h e would not then be due HEARING had no d efault oc- Where can you find a total am o un t of The Bulletin The Deschutes $29,957.45, including curred) and by curing helping hand? any o t he r d e f ault Classifieds for: County Plan n ing special assessments From contractors to complained of herein Commission will hold of $17,370.00 as of '10 - 3 lines, 7 days a Public Hearing on September 30, 2012 that is capable of be- yard care, it's aii here in The Bulletin's Thursday, March 14, and regular assess- ing cured by render'16 - 3 lines, 14 days "Call A Service ments of $12,587.45 ing the performance 2013, at 5:30 p.m. in r equired under t h e Professional" Directory (Private Party ads only) the Deschutes County as of September 21, o bligation o r T r u st Services Center, 1300 NW W a l l St r e e t, 1000 Bend, to t ake testiLegal Notices • Leg a l Notices Legal Notices • Legal Notices mony on the following be submitted on the prescribed form and accompanied by a c ertified check o r Bid B o nd (ORS 706.008) executed on the p rescribed form, payable to the City of R e dmond, Oregon, i n an a mount no t l ess than 5 percent of t he a m ount b i d . The successful Bidder w i l l be required to furnish the necessary additional b ond(s) for t he f ait h f ul performance of the Contract, as p rescribed i n t h e Contract Documents.
LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Reference is made to that certain trust deed
City of Bend Urban Renewal Notice The Urban Renewal Agency of the City of Bend, Oregon (BURA), has prepared the annual urban renewal financial report and an analysis of the impact of carrying out the urban renewal plans on the tax collections for other taxing districts that levy taxes within the urban renewal area. The information contained in the statement is on file with the City and the Agency and is available to all interested persons at 710 NW Wall St, Bend, OR 97701. The Statement is summarized here and reproduced in part in compliance with ORS 457.460. Summary ofUrban Renewal Revenues & Expenditures FY 2011-12 Actual FY 2012-13 Budget
Revenue Downtown Area general fund Downtown Area capital projects Downtown Area debt service Juniper Ridge URA capital proiects Murphy Crossing URA debt service Total
Expenditure Downtown Area general fund
Downtown Area capital proiects Downtown Area debt service Juniper Ridge URA capital projects Juniper Ridge URA debt service Murphy Crossing URA debt service Total
The Internal Revenue Service
478,612 $ 7,950 823,069 230 912,855 57,767 ,28 0 ,483 $
Juniper Ridge URA debt service
4,127,250 910,000 63,300 5,102,650
28,477 $ 460,742 2,581,145 24,192 375,076
4,127,250 910,000 63,300 5,102,650
¹,469,632 $
Impact onOverlappingTaxingDistricts of Property TaxLevied byUrbanRenewal Districts for FiscalYear2011-12 Downtown Urban Renewal Area
R te
T~ a xI D \ t O sch tescou ty Co ty d L a E n force e t
17,344.950.556 $ I7.344.950.556
Jail 6* d
F gw u d 8 d C ty Lbay
17,344 950,556
12783 1.2500
5 9 , 075.536 $7 59,0 7 5,536 59,0 7 5 ,536
0 1441
59,0 7 5 ,536
5!t .075,536 59 0 7 5 .536 59 0 7 5 ,536
0 0224
0 MCO 0 0868 0 0224
0 1618
0 16 1 8
59.0 7 5 ,536
2 8035
0 2300 2 8035
59, 0 7 5,536 59 ,0 7 5.536
8 282,413.808
1 4610
Sch I Detna tl1 School¹1 B d 1 9 93 School ¹1 Bo 4 1998 S hoole1 Bo d2002
12 275,869 475
4 76&1
1 4610 4 7641 5 0 I080
59 ,0 7 5,536 9 ,07 5 .536 59 ,0 7 5 ,536
Sch le 1 Bond2007 H gh Desert ESD
12,355,410,059 17,344,950,556 17.344,950,556 17,567.092.894
Co nty E ts s 911
911 L ml Opt on 2008 C ity*f B d Be d Met o Pwk a R
12,275.869.475 12,275 869,475
12,355,410,059 0 0964
T* Le led A
0 4767
59 ,0 7 5 ,536
0 5722 0 5958
59 . 0 75,536 59.075,538
59,075,536 59.075,536 59,075,536
0 6204 0 0001
0 34'k 0 34%
0 34%
5.5 1 6 $ 22, 1 72.050
0 34%
0 34%
5,128 1,323
0 60% 0 34'k
9,558 13,5S7 165,6I8
388,527 4.040.431
22 546 883
12 1 0 0 607 58.483 470
0 71'Y
0 48'/
28.161 33,803 35,197 5,695
0 48% 0 48'Y 0 48'/
36.650 8
10.760.807 2 270
~ lu V
R i
Wo f
Dl lslon 1
~ T
I t I
aeschute C ne C nlywde Ls E f o Jal Bo d
en t
Fa groundsBo d C Aty Llb a~
8 d Library C o ty E te * Cty ofBe d
B* dM t
17.344.950,556 $ I 7 344,950,556 17.344.950, • 56 17,344 950,556 17,344.950,55ft
1.2783 $ 0 9500 0 l395
74, 8 73.298 $ 9 74,8 7 3.298 74,87 3 . 298
o w~~
~ 4 .s~xzqe
0 55M 0 0868
74,8 7 3 ,298
0 0224 0 16I8 2 8035
0 0224 0 16 1 S 2 80 3 5
I 27 83
/4 H
S ch I D
sed s ed
0 34'/ 0 34% 0 34'/
A lOUht
Ralsed for Bllli gAsses
0 48'k
7,069,766 7,361,353 1.672,053
Juniper Ridge Urban Renewal Area
T~ I D
P ec6 t o I T llo t d
V al e u s e d
1 2783 1 0 9500 0 l395
17,344,950,556 9,790.797,472
Be dL|
R i* df or
BURAE S II| gAsses
Legal Notices
P a e d R e c eatio t N $1
S hoolN1 Bo& 1993 5 h l e 1 Bo d 1998
17,344.950,556 17,344.950,556 8,042,405,062
17,344 950.556
74.873.298 74,8 7 3,298 74,8 7 3 298
0 1080 0 4767
12,275,869.475 17,344,950,556
74.87 3 .298 74.87 3 ,298 74,873.298
8.282.413.808 12.275,869,475 l2.275,869.475
H gh D sed ESO
0 0964
2,4 I 9,621
10.789 41,180 6,499 1,677
I 2,I 14 209,907 109,390
9,539,723 849,841 388.527
22 546.883 12 1 0 0 607 58 483 470 1,325 794 5,851,907 1.672.053
Amount BURA Excess
Tatal Permanent d V a lu
Murphy Crossing Urban Renewal Area
5x 11 $2 2 172,050 71.130
Bi l l lngAsses
0.76'/ 0 43'k 0 43'/ 0 93'/
0 61'/ 0 61%
Tares Levied
A l l ocated
onTAV 1
4. 6 67,286r
5,9 6 6$22,172,050
0 03%
0 03'lC
ofTaxes 1 V a l ue Used ~
0 43'k 0 43% 0 43'/
P4IC4At Of
Ral84d fop
0 43%%u 0 43%
~Taxin D sthc
Deschutes County
1 7 344,950 556 $
1 21 8 3
Countywde Law Enforcemsnt
17 344.950.556
1.2500 0
Jaii Bond
0 1395
F8ifgfOUIIds Bond
17,344 950,556
0 1441
0 03%
COuhg Llbfilp
17,344 950,556
0 5 5 00
0 03%
Bend Library Counly E tenaonl4H Cily of Bend Bend Metro Park 4 Recreation
0 5500
9 500
0 0868
0 05 k
0 0224
0 0224
0 03%
0 \61$
0 .1 6 18
0 03%
2 8035
2 80 3 5
I 4610
1 461 0
12, 1 00,607
School Dstnct $1
4 7641
• 7 641
School ill Bond 1993
0 1080
School81 Bond 1998
0 4767
High Deserl ESD
17 344.950.556
0 0964
0 0964
0 6204
0 6 2 D4
0 04 k