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New rules may make bigger hole 1n pens1on funding I

State grant opens way for airport upgrades


By Michael A. Fletcher The Was hington Post

Already-strapped state and local governments are coming under increasing pressure to reduce pension benefits or increase taxpayer contributions that help pay for them because of n ew rules that would require them to report those obligations more honestly, Inside advocates say. • Mitt The latest Romney rules come on says his line from the income tax bond-rating rate was firm Moody's never below at the end of 13%,A5 this month. They are • Research projected to suggests triple the gap very few between what voters states and are truly municipalities undecided, report they A5 have in their funds and what they have promised to pay out to retirees. That hole would stand at $2.2 trillion. For the worst -off cities, the new pension debt calculations could mean bond rating downgrades and increased borrowing costs when localities try to raise money for new projects, Moody's has warned. The accounting changes themselves will not force policymakers to alter how they fund pensions. See Pensions I A5

In Scrabble competition, 'cheat' is a 4-letter word By lynn Zinser New York Times N ew s Service

Bending the rules in sports and games may have just gotten its biggest global exposure at the Olympics, where we learned, among other things, that losing in badminton and soccer is an actual strategy (and one the International Olympic Committee officially frowns upon). But now cheating has moved into a more puzzling arena: competitive Scrabble. The game's national championship tournament, held over the last five days in Orlando, Fla ., was shaken by the disqualification of one young player for pocketing blank tiles in an attempt to cheat. Suspicious opponents flagged him, and the young man fessed up, tournament officials said. They would not release his name because he is under 18, but in the small world of the game's culture, the n ews is already a bombshell. See Scrabble I A6


We use recycled ne wsprint

By Holly Pablo The Bulletin

Sisters Eagle Air Airport is soaring to new heights. A ConnectOregon IV grant is paying for improved ru nways and come November, Sisters residents can vote to incorporate the airport into city limits. The Oregon Transportation Commission's ConnectOregon IV awarded the airport $599,710 for t he ru nway impr ovement p roject, announced Thursday by the Oregon Department of Transportation. The ConnectOregon grant is helping 38 transportation projects totaling $40 million. "The runways are in deterior ated condition," said Eileen Stein, Sisters city manager. "There's a lot of cracks in the runway and it's not in the best condition to fly out of, so this project will make it safer and more attractive for additional flights in and out of the area." The proposal was submitted in late 2011 and went through a rigorous statewide application process. Stein said it's rare for a privately owned project toreceive ConnectOregon funding. Earlier in the day, the Sisters City Council unanimously agreed to refer to voters Nov. 6 a proposal to annex the airport into the city. Airport and city leader s are preparing informational packets to be mailed to voters. Stein said the plan can move forward with a simple majority vote. "It makes sense for t he propert y to be inside the cit y limits to allow future companies to expand and grow," said Liz Dickson, of the Bend law firm Hurley Re, and an airport shareholder. See Sisters I A6

88 26 7 0 232 9

For hospital staff, Colorado shooting tested skill, stamina

S ubmitted photos

In the above images, provided by Josh Thompson, co nservation planner with the W asco C ounty S oil and W ate r C onservation District , pigs are show n tagged with rad io collars. Dis trict officials tag the pigs and release th em to track their mov ements . Landowners complain that the pigs root up pas tures, among other destru ctive tende nc ies.

By Erica Goode New Y ork Times News S ervice

AURORA, Colo. - More than three weeks have passed, but Daryl Johnson still begins his emergency room shift at the University of Colorado Hospital here with a sense of foreboding. "I walk through that doorway every day and it hits me - oh my God, the ER's full, is it going to happen again?" Johnson, a paramedic, said. "It's always in the back of my mind." The events that played out in this Den- "The thing none ver suburb on July 20 of us have gotten have shifted the course of many lives. The vic- over is, we tims and their fa milies made it through. will never be the same, We really, truly of course. Nor will the University of Colorado's shined." Anschutz Medical Cam-Dr. Comilla Sasson, pus, where James Eagan University of Colorado Holmes, the 24-year-old Hospital charged w ith killing 12 and wounding 58 at a midnight showing of the new Batma n movie, was until June a graduate student . But for the doctors, nurses a nd other s taff at the hospital - which received 23 of the injured, one of them dead on arrival - t he shootings were not only a trauma but also a test of their skills. their stamina a nd their teamwork, as the simulated disaster drills they had practiced turned abruptly into rea lity. Looking back, many said that having come through the experience, they now felt prepared for anything a violent and unpredictable world might throw at them. See Hospital I A6

• State officials worry their numbers could grow despite efforts to eradicate the invasive species ByJoeiAschbrenner The Bulletin


ildlife officials around the Northwest are stepping up efforts to eradicate feral pigs, an invasive species that roams throughout a large portion of Central Oregon . Oregon , Washington and Idaho launched their joint "Squeal on Pigs" initiative in July, encouraging landowners, hunters and hikers to report wild pig sightings. Central Oregon is home to the state's largest population of feral pigs. It's where state wildlife officials - who say the animals damage the land and push out native species - have concentrated their efforts to eradicate the pigs. But the largely nocturnal animals have remained elusive, and with the ability to reproduce quickly, the pig population could continue to spread and grow, said Rick Boatner, invasive species wildlife integrity coordinator with the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife.

Vol. 109, No. 230, 72 pages, 7 sections

Source: Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife

Andy Zelgert I The Bullet in

You can help If you see feral swine, caii SSS-268-9219.


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• Voters will decide in November if the city should annex the airport


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TOP NEWS IRAQ: Attacks kill at least 67, A3 DROUGHT: Some relief seen, A3



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Why fly when you can take the train? • Passengers fed up with the hassles of air travel are opting instead for Amtrak By Ron Nixon

Challenges ahead But success is taking a toll. Most days, trains in the Northeast are full. Several locomotives and railcars are 30 years old or more. Aging rails, bridges and tunnels hold down top speeds and limit expansion of the network. Last month, Amtrak unveiled an ambitious $151 billion proposal lo speed up trains and upgrade bridges and tracks. But the plan is opposed by conservatives in Congress who say the government-sub sidized railroad has been a failure and should be privatized. Amtrak gets about $1.3 billion a year from the government but still loses money - $1.2 billion last year. "Money has always heen an issue, and it will be," said Joseph Boardman, president and chief executive of Amtrak. "But we realize we can't stand still. We have a plan in place, and we have to keep moving forward." Trains vs. planes Part of Amtrak's success reflects the inconvenience of air travel, experts say, which does not easily allow travelers to work as they move. Even if the air shuttles worked perfeclly, lhere is slill the cost and time of traveling to the airport, waiting at the gate, sitting on the taxiway and finally getting into the air. Amtrak's fastest train makes the trip between Washington and New York in 2 hours 45 minutes,while planes travel the distance in 1 hour 20 minutes. Equivalent times for the New York-Boston trip are 3 hours 40 minutes for train, and l hour 15 minutes for plane. But transportation experts say adding in the ground travel and waiting times for air travel erases the difference. On a recent trip to Boston from New York, Fernando Valdes, a management consultant, said airport security was a main reason he decided to

HAPPENINGS • The LPGA Safeway Classic tees off at Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club west of Portland. Temperatures are expected to be near 100 degrees. 01 • The verdict is due in Moscow for three members of a punk band who face prison terms for their protests against Vladimir Put in.

New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON - Long a punch line for harried Northeast travelers, Amtrak has come to dominate commercial travel in the corridor connecting Washington, New York and Boston, and this summer its trains are packed. A decade ago, Delta and US Airways shuttles were the preferred mode of travel between the cities. But high fares, slow airport security and frequent flight delays - along with Amtrak's high-speed Acela trains, online ticketing and workstation amenities -have eaten away at the airlines' share of passengers. Between New York and Washington, Amtrak said, 75 percent of travelers go by train, a huge share that has been building steadily since the Acela was introduced in 2000 and airport security was tightened after 2001. Before that, Amtrak had just more than a third of the business between New York and Washington. In the same period, Amtrak said, its market share between New York and Boston grew to 54 percent from 20 percent. Nationally, Amtrak ridership is at a record 30 million people; the Northeast accounts for more than a third of that and is virtually the only portion of Amtrak's system that makes money. "On the train, you've got power outlets and Wi-Fi, you can talk on the phone - it's usable time," said George Hamlin, an aviation writer and airline consultant who frequently rides Amtrak between Washington and New York. "Even I'm guilty of it," he said of taking the train. By 2040, given the trends, Amtrak said traffic in the corridor could reach 43.5 million passengers, almost four times the level today.

It's Friday, Aug. 17, the 230th day of 2012. There are 136 days left in the year.


Photos by Luke Sharrett / New York Times News Service

Amtrak Acela passengers walk down a platform at Union Station in Washington earlier this month . Amtrak ridership is at record levels, especially in the Northeast

Business travelers Braden Robinson, left, and Fernando Valdes dine in the Amtrak Acela food service car during a trip from Boston to New York. take the train. "It's easier. I don't have to take my shoes off," he said as he shared a drink with a friend in the Acela cafe car. Frequent flight delays, often caused by weather or congestion, have also played a role in the switch from planes to trains. Amtrak arrives on time 90 percent or more of the time, according to its data. Delta said the shuttle's on-time percentage is "in the mid-80s," and US Airways said its record was a little higher. The Acela has played a big role in attracting passengers in the Northeast. The trains averaged about 80 percent full and earned an operating profit of more than $200 million last year on nearly $500 million in revenue. The railroad spends about $350 million a year keeping bridges, tunnels and rails in working condition, said Drew

Galloway, chief of Northeast Corridor planning and performance for Amtrak. It has replaced some older bridges like the 100-year-old Niantic River bridge in Connecticut so trains can operate at greater speeds. Still, Amtrak faces a $6 billion backlog in maintenance projects nationwide. The Obama administration has pushed for more money for Amtrak. But Congress has been less accommodating. The transportation bill passed last month did not include money for rail projects. Transportation advocates like Repass said this left Amtrak's budget subject to annual appropriation bills in Congress. The most recent transportation spending bill has not been approved. Ground competition The lack of money, an aging

infrastructure and congressional opposition could provide an opening for Amtrak's competitors. BoltBus and MegaBus, two downtown, curbside services in the Northeast, have increased ridership since they began operating in 2008. The buses generally make the New York-to-Washington run in 4lf2 hours and offer free Wi-Fi. Tickets range from $1 to $40, far less than Amtrak or the airlines. Research suggests that they are eating into Amtrak's market share. According to a study by the Chaddick Institute for Metropolitan Development at DePaul University, 34 percent of bus riders said they would have taken Amtrak if not for the bus. Delta and US Airways are also making bids to get passengers back. Still, many Northeast passengers say security lines and the potential for weather delays enhance Amtrak's appeal to them. On a recent trip to New York, Peter Mirijanian, a Washington public relations consultant who usually takes Amtrak, took the plane instead to make a morning meeting. "I get to the airport and get on the plane, and it's delayed for two hours because of weather," Mirijanian said, describing his trip, "so I missed the meeting. I called to say that I would not be able to get to be there, and the first thing they say to me is, 'That's why you should have taken the train."'

Highlights: In 1807, Robert Fulton's North River Steamboat began heading up the Hudson River on its successful round trip between New York and Albany. In 1943, the Allied conquest of Sicily was com pleted as U.S. and British forces entered Messina. In 1960, the newly renamed Beatles (formerly the Silver Beetles) began their first gig in Hamburg, West Germany, at the lndra Club. The West African country of Gabon became independent of France. In 1982, the first commercially produced compact discs, a recording of ABBA's "The Visitors," were pressed at a Philips factory near Hanover, West Germany. In 1987, Rudolf Hess, the last member of Adolf Hitler's inner circle, died at Spandau Prison at age 93, an apparent suicide. Ten years ago: In Krakow, Poland, tens of thousands of adoring Poles gave Pope John Paul II a joyous welcome home as the ailing pontiff began the ninth- and last-visit to his native country during his papacy. Five years ago: Hurricane Dean roared into the eastern Caribbean, tearing away roofs, flooding streets and causing at least three deaths on small islands as the powerful storm headed on a collision cou rse with Jamaica and Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula. Adike on a river in eastern China broke, flooding three coal mines and killing 181 miners. One year ago: Vice President Joe Biden arrived in Beijing to meet with his Chinese counterpart, Xi Jinping.

BIRTHDAYS Actor Robert DeNira is 69. Author Jonathan Franzen is 53. Actor Sean Penn is 52. Singer Donnie Wahlberg is 43. Former NBA player Christian Laettner is 43. - Fmm wirereports

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Wikileaks founder gains asylum By William Neuman and Maggy Ayala New York Times News Service

CARACAS, Venezuela - Ecuador rejected pressure from Britain and announced Thursday that it was granting political asylum to Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, who has been holed up for two months in the Ecuadorean Embassy in London trying to avoid extradition to Sweden. The decision, citing the possibility that Assange could face "political persecution'' or be sent to the United States to face the death penalty, escalated the unusually sharp strains between Ecuador and Britain,

and drew an angry rebuttal from Sweden. The Ecuadorean move protects Assange from Assange British arrest, but only on Ecuadorean territory, leaving him vulnerable if he tries to leave the embassy to head to an airport or train station. Ecuador's foreign minister, Ricardo Patino, made the announcement at a news conference in the Ecuadorean capital, Quito. "The government of Ecuador, faithful to its tradition of protecting those who seek ref-

uge in its territory or in its diplomatic missions, has decided to grant diplomatic asylum to Julian Assange," he said, reading from a government communique. Patino also said he hoped Britain would permit Assange to leave the embassy for Ecuador. But at a news conference Thursday in London, the British foreign secretary, William Hague, repeated the government's stance that Britain was legally bound to extradite Assange to Sweden, where he is wanted for questioning over accusations that he sexually assaulted two women. The British Foreign Office

said it was disappointed by the Ecuadorean announcement but remained committed to a negotiated outcome to the standoff. A spokesman for Sweden's Foreign Ministry, Anders Jorle, said the country's legal system had been impugned and that the Ecuadorean ambassador had been summoned. Patino said his government had made its decision after the authorities in Britain, Sweden and the United States refused to give guarantees that, if Assange were extradited to Sweden, he would not then be sent on to the United States to face other charges.


Natl Harnlk I The Associated Press

Drought-stunted corn, grown for seed, stands in a parched field near Nickerson, Neb., Thursday.

Some drought relief in forecast, but it might be too late for farmers By Jim Suhr The Associated Press

Hantavirus death linked to Yosemite FRESNO,Calif.-Aman died and a woman became seriously ill after contracting a rare rodent-borne disease that might have been linked to their stay at a popular lodging area in Yosemite National Park, officials said Thursday. The man was the first person to die from hantavirus pulmonary syndrome contracted in the park, though two others were stricken in a more remote area in 2000 and 2010, officials said. Testing by the Centers for Disease Control and the California Department of Public Health showed the virus was present in fecal matter from deer mice trapped near Curry Village, a historic, family-friendly area of cabins.

2 deputies killed, 2 hurt in shootout LAPLACE, La. (AP) Authorities say two sheriff's deputies were killed and two other officers were wounded in an early morning shootout west of New Orleans. Michael Tregre, sheriff in St. John the Baptist Parish, said a man shot an off-duty deputy Thursday morning while the deputy worked a traffic detail near a busy industrial corridor along the Mississippi River. That deputy was wounded. Officers tracked the suspect to a trailer park, where someone opened fire with an assaull rifle, killing lwo deputies and wounding another. Tregre said five suspects are in custody, including two who were wounded in the shootout. None has been identified. The deputies killed were Brandon Nielsen and Jeremy Triche. The wounded deputies were Jason Triche and Michael Boyington.

Gunman criticized politics, guard says WASHINGTON A Virginia man charged with shooting a security guard at the headquarters of a prominent conservative organization told the guard "words to the effect of 'I don't like your politics,' " according to an affidavit filed in the case Thursday. The defendant, Floyd L. Corkins II, 28, appeared briefly in U.S. District Court here, the day after he was wrestled to the ground in the lobby of the Family Research Council after shooting a guard who tried to stop him from proceeding further into the building, the authorities said. Corkins faces charges of transporting a gun across state lines and assault with intent to kill. He was ordered held without bond, and a detention hearing was scheduled for Aug. 24. The Family Research Council advocates socially conservative and Christian causes. - From wire reports

Monitor map released by the ST. LOUIS - The worst National Drought Mitigation drought in the U.S. in de- Center at the University of Necades may be leveling off braska in Lincoln. Brewer's update showed the or even be easing ever so slightly in some lucky drought worsening in Kansas locales, federal weather and Nebraska even as it eased in forecasters announced other key farming states. Overall,the Thursday in a report of little area of the comfort for contiguous farmers and U.S. mired in ranchers who drought re• NOAA's latest seasonal already have mained about drought outlook: www begun tallythe same at .cpc. ncep.noaa.gov/ ing this year's 61.8 percent products/expertlosses. as of Tuesassessment/seasonalWhile the day. The pordrought.html latest foretion enduring • NOAA's Climate cast from extreme or Prediction Center: the National exceptional www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov Oceanic and drought • U.S. Drought Monitor: Atmospheric the two worst www.droughtmonitor Administraclassifica.unl.edu tion's Climate tions - also Prediction remained viltually unCenter calls for the drought to linger in changed at 24.14 percent. the nation's breadbasket In Iowa, the nation's leader and pa1ts of some mountain in corn production, there was states at least through No- good news, with the amount vember, it provided a silver of land in the two worst catlining with the news that egories of drought dropping 7 conditions aren't expected percentage points in the past to get worse. week to 62.05 percent, thanks Conditions may even im- to recent storms. prove in the Southwest and Conditions also got slightly in a band sweeping from better in Illinois, another key South Dakota through a supplier of corn and soybeans, section of Iowa and east with the amount of land in the to southern Indiana, then two worst drought categories south to Texas. Some areas slipping from 81.18 percent to have seen rain and cooler 79.54 percent. temperatures in recent But in Nebraska, the amount weeks, although one fore- of land in exceptional drought caster cautioned he doesn't spiked by 19 percentage points expect enough extra rain to to 22.5 percent, and in Kansas, it jumped from 38.6 percent to end the drought. Ed O'Lenic, a seasonal 63.3 percent. forecaster at the center, said The U.S. Agriculture Dehis September-through- partment twice has slashed its November outlook "is tak- forecast for this year's corn and ing away the dry, but not soybean output because of the necessarily making it wet." drought and now expects the Illinois slale climalologisl nalion lo produce 10.8 billion Jim Angel, a drought ex- bushels of com , the lea:;t since pert, said he would describe 2006. If that estimate holds, the the drought as "leveling off;' federal government says it will rather than easing. be enough to meet the world's The rain and break in needs and avoid shortages, but 100-degree temperatures experts say food prices will alcomes too late for most most certainly climb as corn is farmers and ranchers, who an ingredient in many products. already have seen crops This January through July wither and pastures dry has been by far the hottest up. Corn farmers in some start of the year in U.S. weathareas cut their fields weeks er records dating to 1895, and ago, giving the year up as a there's about a two-out-ofloss. Many ranchers have three chance that 2012 will sold livestock because they set a new record for the U.S.'s had no grass for grazing or warmest year, NOAA climate money to buy feed. scientist Jake Crouch said. Even farmers who still NOAA records sav that 1998 have crops in the field aren't was the warmest year on relikely to benefit from rain cord in the United States. this late in the growing season. In some areas, farmers who planted corn early in the unusually warm spring have started harvesting. "The impact in a lot of places has been done for lhis year, and any easing will just help things out a little next year," said Mike Oreck® I3rewer, a National Climatic Data Center scientist Airlnstinct who put together the latest weekly U.S. Drought


Emad Matti I The Associated Press

Iraqi security personnel and others inspect the scene of a car bomb attack Thursday in Kirkuk, 180 miles north of Baghdad. Bombings and armed assaults in central and northern Iraq killed and wounded scores of people early Thursday, police said.

Wave of attacks in Iraq leaves at least 67 dead By Yasir Ghazi New York Times News Service

BAGHDAD - A wave of attacks across Iraq on Thursday killed at least 67 people and wounded more than 100, security and medical officials said. The attacks, a series of car bombings, roadside bombings and armed assaults, killed army security officers, police officers and civilians in Baghdad and cities in five other provinces. The attacks came as the Muslim holy month of Ramadan drew to a close. More than 200 people have been killed since Ramadan began. On Thursday, two car bombs exploded in norlhern Baghdad, targeting people who had gathered near a government building to file docu ments. The attacks left at least seven dead and 42 wounded, according to police. Later Thursday in Baghdad, around 8 at night, a parked car wired with a bomb exploded near a crowded cafe about 300

feet from a military checkpoint in Sadr City, a Shiite neighborhood. Eleven civilians were killed and 40 wounded, security officials said. And 10 Iraq( soldiers were killed at a military outpost in Meshahda, north of Baghdad, by gunmen carrying weapons with silencers . Two roadside bombs detonated in east Baghdad on Thursday evening, killing two civilians and wounding 11. Earlier in the day, in Kirkuk, north of Baghdad, six car bombs exploded: four targeting a Kurdish party headquarters as Kurds were celebrating the anniversaryofthe Kurdish revolulion, and lhe olher lwo exploding inside the North Oil Co. building. Seven were killed in those two attacks. South of Kirkuk, a suicide bomber detonated himself inside a police anti-terrorism office, killing 11 security officers a nd wounding 25. In Diyala province, northeast of Baghdad, police said

four Iraqi soldiers were killed and two wounded when a roadside bomb targeting their patrol exploded. The attack was followed by heavy gunfire northeast of Raqouha, and a few minutes later a car bomb exploded and wounded four civilians. Police said they killed an al-Qaida leader in a clash between militants and security forces in western Baqouba. Insurgents a lso attacked several police checkpoints in Baqouba, killing four policemen and wounding four others. In Fallujah, west of Baghdad, gunmen using weapons with silencers attacked a police checkpoinl early in lhe morning. Four people were killed, including two policemen. In Mosul, gunmen killed two civilians and kidnapped another when they stormed a house looking for policemen. Later Thursday, in a cafe north of Mosul, a suicide b omber killed five a nd wounded 24, police officials said.

Taliban claim responsibility for helicopter crash that kills 7 U.S. troops, 4 Afghans By Laura King and DavidS. Cloud Los Angeles Times

KABUL, Afghanistan - A U.S. Black Hawk helicopter crashed in restive Kandahar province Thursday, killing seven American troops and four Afghans, U.S. and Afghan military officials said. Afghan officials said the crash site was in Shah Wali Kot, a volatile district where insurgents have long been active. The NATO force said the cause of the crash was under investigation, and was tightlipped about whether insurgent fire had been reported in the area. Usually, the military makes a quick announcement if there is no indication the craft was brought down by en emy fire, and if factors such as weather or mechanical failure are suspected. The Taliban claimed responsibility for bringing down the helicopter, but the group

routinely boasts of shooting down any NATO aircraft that crashes. The Taliban and other militant groups have only rarely been able to bring down Western helicopters during the decade-old war, bul manage lo do so occasionally, often with significant fatalities. A U.S. military officer in Afghanistan said it was possible the helicopter had been shot down. "It's conceivable. There were enemy in the area," he said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because an investigation of the crash is under way. The Black Hawk burned when it crashed, making it more difficult to determine the cause. Afghan fighters were seen moving toward the burning crash site but were dr iven off by another U.S. helicopter, the officer said. The bodies of those on board were recovered, he said. The casualties included

three U.S. special operations troops, four American crew members, three Afghan special operations soldiers and a civilian interpreter. The war's most lethal single incidenl for U.S. lroops came a year ago when insurgents shot down a Chinook in Wardak province, killing all 38 aboard, including 30 Americans, many of whom were Navy SEALs.



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Romney says tax rate at least 13°/o By Michael Finnegan Los Angeles Times

GREER, S.C.- Under fire from Democrats for refusing to release more than two years of tax returns, Mitt Romney said Thursday that he had paid federal income taxes at a rate of at least 13 percent for each of the last 10 years. President Barack Obama's Republican challenger told ABC last month that he was happy to check whether he had ever paid less than the 13.9 percent. But since then, his campaign has refused to answer the question. At a news conference on Thursday, Romney was asked

again. "I just have to say, given the challenges that America faces - 23 million people out of work, Iran about to become nuclear, one out of six Americans in poverty- the fascination with taxes I paid I find to be very small-minded," Romney responded at an airport outside Greenville, S.C., where he was raising campaign money. Romney said that following the ABC interview, he went back and checked what tax rates he had paid. "Over the past 10 years, I never paid less than 13 percent," he said. "I think the

most recent year is 13.6 or something like that." He added: 'And if you add in addition the amount that goes to charity, why the number gets well above 20 percent." In presidential battleground states, Obama's re-election campaign has been airing ads questioning whether Romney had paid his fair share of income taxes and highlighting his refusal to release income tax returns for years prior to 2010. In an interview broadcast Thursday on NBC's "Rock Center," the candidate's wife, Ann Romney, declared: "There's going to be no more

tax releases given." Any further disclosures, she said, would only give ammunition to Romney's opponents. Nonetheless, the Obama campaign has called for more, saying the public should not take Romney at his word on his tax rates prior to 2010. "Since there is substantial reason to doubt his claims, we have a simple message for him: Prove it," Obama campaign spokeswoman Lis Smith said. "Even though he's invested millions in foreign tax havens, offshore shell corporations, and a Swiss bank account, he's still asking the American people to trust him."


Some Dem incumbents plan to skip convention By Thomas Kaplan New York Times News Service

ALBANY, N.Y. - Rep. Timothy Bishop of Long Island is visiting the Rocky Point Civic Association. Rep. Kathy Hochul of Erie County is meeting with small business owners. And Rep. Bill Owens of the North Country is discussing agriculture policy with the New York Farm Bureau. With President Barack Obama set to accept his party's renomination in three weeks, excuses are plentiful among Democratic members of Congress from New York state - or at least those who are gearing up for tough re-election battles in November - for why they cannot attend the Democratic National Convention. A number of Democratic elected officials across the country have also sent their regrets. But the absences from New York are striking, because Obama is still popular in the state and is expected to win its electoral votes easily in November. The four incumbent Democrats facing the toughest challenges in New York - Reps. Bishop, Hochul, Owens and Louise Slaughter of Rochester - are all skipping the convention, which begins Sept. 4 in Charlotte. N.C. The late timing of the convention, after the traditional Labor Day kickoff to the fall campaign season, may be a factor in discouraging some lawmakers from attending. And a court-ordered redistricting plan has forced many incumbents in New York to woo voters they have not previously represented. ':>\!most any candidate is better off staying home," said Lawrence Levy, an expert on suburban politics at Hofstra University. "It's Labor Day - there are parades, there are barbecues, there are block parties. These are the staples of retail campaigning. Why would you want to take time away?" But the decisions, in some cases, also reflect the reality that even in some pockets of a state as reliably blue as New York, Democrats do not see the president as a political asset. "Half the electorate is really not happy at this point with the president's leadership, and so that doesn't provide members of the House with much of a basis for thinking there will be coattails for them to ride on;' said James Campbell, a professor of political science at the University at Buffalo. "I don't think they're running away from him, but I don't think they're running to be seen as a close ally of his, either!' In the past, some elected officials have skipped conventions for a variety of reasons, and this year, Democratic congressional leaders have given an explicit blessing for rank-and-file lawmakers notto attend. "Iftheywantto win an election, they need to be in their districts," said Rep. Steve Israel, a New York Democrat and the chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.

Justin Merriman I The Associated Press

The presumptive Republican vice presidential candidate, Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., greets sup-

porters Thursday at Walsh University in North Canton, Ohio. Ryan used the appearance to talk tough on trade, promising that a Romney-Ryan administration would level the playing field between the United States and China. Ryan also talked up his running mate, praising Mitt Romney for his business background, helping to turn around the Salt Lake City Olympics, and working with Democrats when he was Massachusetts governor to balance the budget without raising t axes. "It's the kind of experience you want to have in Washington," he said.

Pensions Continued from A1

But finance experts say that by simply highlighting greater funding gaps, the rules will intensify pressure on state and local governments to allocate more of taxpayers' dollars to their pension funds. More likely, public workers may have to contribute more to their retirements or see promised benefits curtailed, measures that have already been implemented in more than 40 states. "It is hard to believe that higher numbers would not put increased pressure on governments to deal with this," said Scott Pattison, executive director of the National Association of State Budget Officers. "If you only have so many dollars, if you are going to put more into pensions, that means less for other things."

A difficult time The new rules come at a difficult time for state and local governments struggling with weakened tax revenue and stronger demand for services in the wake of the recession. In addition, states and localities face the prospect of substantial reductions in aid from the federal government beginning in January unless Congress and the White House come up with an alternative to automatic budget cuts. The changes add to the growing tensions over the often generous retirement b en efits that public employees receive. Union leaders argue the packages compensate for lower pay, but critics, including GOP governors, say the pensions are unfair and have become unaffordable for taxpayers. "It is what we call pension envy," said David Urbanek, spokesman for the Teachers' Retirement System of Illinois. "You have an economy that is not performing the way people are used to. For a lot of people, their standard ofliving is being held steady or declining. Then they see a group of people getting pensions that they've earned and it ma kes them uncomfortable. They ask, 'Why not me?' Or, more to the point, 'Why them?'" Retired Illinois teachers earn annual p ensions of a little more than $46,000 a

year on average; they do not participate in Social Security under a state opt-out. Under the old accounting rules, their pension fund has $37 billion in assets and $81 billion in future liabilities - making it among the most poorly funded large public plans in the country. Under the new accounting rules, the assets would be counted even lower, leaving an unfunded liability that one estimate put at 83 percent. "The new standards are essentially a public relations problem," Urbanek said. "It doesn't change the fact that we owe a total liability of $81 billion over 30 years." But the situation could get worse, he added. Illinois faces $9.2 billion in unpaid bills, and lawmakers could be tempted to reduce pension funding.

Shaky stock market Pension systems are financed through a combination of annual budget allocations and employee contributions. They also greatly rely on investment earnings. But the stock market's erratic performance over the past decade or more has contributed to a worrisome gap between the amount of mon ey pension funds are projected to have on hand and what they have pledged to pay retirees. The problem grows even greater when governments factor in the soaring cost of retiree health benefits, for which many of them have not set money aside. Under current rules set by the Governmental Accounting Standards Board, public pensions are estimated to be about 75 percent funded. This June, like Moody's, GASB approved new guidelines that would shrink that estimate to 57 percent. GASB's rules take full effect by 2015. "Government entities are trying to move toward full funding; that is the goal," said Cathie Eitelberg, senior vice president for the Segal Company, an employee-benefits consultancy. "Having different sets of numbers out there is going to be a communications challenge. It could also require public officials to look at these plans and make decisions about how to best finance them over time."

Among other things, the new accounting rules from Moodv's and GASB limit the rate of return on future investments that pension funds can assume for accounting purposes. Most government pension funds assume a 7 to 8 percent return, which critics say overstates future investment income.

Disputed critique Unions and many pension fund managers dispute that critique, pointing out that investment returns have surpassed that over the past several decades, even if recent history has been more difficult. Still, others say the changes are long overdue and will better reflect the funding situations of public employee pension funds. "The action by GASB and Moody's will convince people they can't continue to wait to rein in these costs," said Chuck Reed, mayor of San Jose, Calif., where voters in June overwhelmingly ratified a far-reaching pension reform plan. "These costs are enormous and nobody can afford them. To the extent that the real costs are obvious, it provokes people into action." In San Jose, retirement costs have more than tripled in the past decade and now consume one-fifth of the city's general fund budget. Reed said the ballooning cost of pensions and retiree health benefits has forced the city to cut 2,000 jobs. Under the recently approved plan, new city workers would b e forced into a less expensive pension plan. Incumbent workers have the choice of joining the less expensive plan or paying much more for the old one. That plan allows workers to retire when they are as young as 55 or have put in 30 years on the job, and they can receive up to 90 p ercent of their salaries. In addition, they receive a 3 percent cost-ofliving increase every year. Under the reform plan, the city can suspend those increases if it declares a fiscal emergency. "The retiree costs were going to affect service delivery or cause insolvency," Reed said. "So we had to do something to reduce them."


Few voters really up for grabs, research suggests By Rebecca Berg New Y ork Times News Serv ice

WASHINGTON - Curtis Napier, a 52-year-old father of two in Lima, Ohio, belongs to a much-discussed group of Americans that is far smaller than is often realized. He is a true swing voter. He voted for George W. Bush in 2004 and for Barack Obama in 2008. With three months remaining in the campaign between Obama and Mitt Romney, Napier said, "I may not just vote for either one of them." About one-third of Americans describe themselves as independent voters, creating a widespread impression that a large group of Americans will provide the decisive swing votes in this year's presidential election. But that impression is misleading, polling experts and political scientists say. Many self-described independents - close to half, according to surveys - reliably vote for one party or the other. And many true swing voters live in states, like California or Texas, where no analyst doubts the outcome in November. In spite of cliches about NASCAR dads and Walmart moms, the actual share of voters nationally who are up for grabs is probably between just 3 percent and 5 percent in this election, polling experts say. The Obama and Romney campaigns are expected to spend on the order of $2 billion, in part to try to sway this tiny share of the electorate. "There's a very small slice of people who are genuinely undecided, but it's enough to win the presidency," said Rich Beeson, the political director for Romney's campaign. The share of swing voters might even have declined in recent years, as many voters have become more reliably partisan. A recent report by the Pew Research Center found that self-identified Democrats are more liberal than in the past and selfidentified Republicans are more conservative. A decline in swing voters would help explain why Obama and Romney have remained within just a few points of each other, across many polls, despite months of a gyrating economy and attacks on both candidates. It is still unknown whether the selection of Rep. Paul Ryan of Wisconsin as Romney's running mate will provide him with a bump in the polls. But so far, the Gallup tracking poll has not indicated any immediate bump, even though vice-presidential choices have historically provided such a bounce. In close races in particular, cable news pundits and enthusiastic political observers revel in swing-voter guesswork, but the ensuing portrait is often more composite sketch than photograph. "There is so much pop psychology surrounding swing voters, but there is very little evidence that there are key demographics in the population that are inherent-

ly swing voters," said John Sides, an associate professor of political science at George Washington University. "That doesn't mean that in a particular election you can't drill down, down, down, down and identify a group of swing voters. I3ut how big is that group really, and is that group a swing group in a chronic sense? Probably not." Part of the difficulty in identifying swing voters derives from confusion about the term "swing voter" itself. These voters might describe themselves as "undecided," for example, or as "persuadable." Often, they call themselves "independents," although many who identify that way are not. Myths about the behavior of these voters are pervasive and persistent: for example, that undecided voters break for the challenger as Election Day nears. Data have shown this is often not the case. Among those whose past behavior suggests they are actually up for grabs this year, a few demographics are especially well-represented. Many of those swing voters will be younger, or will not have graduated from college. More swing voters will be women than men. In three toss-up states - Colorado, Florida and Nevada - Hispanics could make up as much as onefifth of the swing vote. And non-college graduates will make up a particularly hefty group, roughly 57 percent of swing voters in battleground states this year, according to one Democratic pollster, whose estimates were confirmed within a few points by a Republican. Of likely swing voters, white non-college voters are "particularly low-information voters who don't pay attention to the daily political back-and-forth, so their opinions are driven by their economic situation," said Jefrey Pollock, the president of Global Strategy Group, one of the polling firms for Priorities USA Action, a pro-Obama super PAC. Many, he said, are "fond of the president personally, but skeptical about their economic prospects." A senior aide working for Romney's campaign, who requested anonymity discussing strategy, says the campaign's microtargeting has identified specific swingvoter-rich counties in swing states: In Virginia, for example, a large number of swing voters are concentrated in Fairfax County, just outside the District of Columbia; in Ohio, by contrast, undecided or persuadable voters are scattered throughout the state. In some cases, demographic patterns emerge: In Arapahoe County, Colo., just outside Denver, the majority of swing voters will likely be women, the aide said. Among these swing voters, only some are genuinely torn about whom to support but are certain they will vote, and a significant number favor a political party and will vote for the candidate of that party or not at all.

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Continued from A1 "We went into emergency medicine because we know it's crazy- you never know what's goingto come through the door;' said Dr. Camilla Sasson, one of two attending doctors in the emergency room that night. "But the thing none of us have gotten over is, we made it through. We really, truly shined." April Koehler, the emergency department's nurse manager, said that for days after the shooting, she woke up in the middle of the night with the urgent feeling she had to go out and help someone -just as she did when her emergency pager went off at 12:56 a.m. that Friday, the message reading simply: "Mass shooting." Jason Kennedy, a paramedic, served in Iraq with the First Armored Division. and little fazes him. But he finds himself replaying the images of those hours in his mind: the flashing lights of police cruisers bearing the wounded, the screaming and the blood, the hallways filled with bandaged patients lying on stretchers or standing in a daze, baffled survivors of an unexpected battlefield. "You catch yourself thinking about it for no good reason," Kennedy said. "Just out of nowhere." All 22 patients who arrived at the emergency room for treatment survived - "Everyone who came in with a pulse left with a pulse," said Becky Davis, the emergency room charge nurse. Only one, Caleb Medley, 23, who was shot in the head and lost an eye, remains in the hospital, in critical but stable condition. Three other local hospitals, including Denver Health, the area's only Level 1 trauma center, received smaller numbers of injured patients from the shootings. Sasson arrived for her shift at 11 p.m. that Thursday. Filling in for another doctor at the last minute, she had skipped the two-hour nap she usually takes before a night shift. As her colleague ran through the list of patients, she thought, "I can just power through till8 a.m." Avery MacKenzie, 28, remembers that she was focused "on increasing my efficiency and being able to clearly communicate my plan to the patients and the other doctors." Fresh out of medical school, she had begun the first year of her residency only three weeks before. In the first hour and a half of her shift. she examined a man with chest pain, a woman with pulmonary hypertension and another patient with a bloodstream infection. "It was typical emergency medicine;' she said. But soon afterward, with the ER already full to capacity, news of a shooting began to filter in. Davis, the charge nurse, thought it was probably a gang shooting - they had happened before at the theater - and she began preparing for one to three new patients, the usual number from such an event. But at 12:45 a.m.,

Continued from A1 The 34.3-acre property is located in a rural residential zone. That county zoning designation for nonresidential uses makes obtaining permission for changes to the property difficult, Dickson said. Benny and Julie Benson, the airport owners, located another business, Energyneering Solutions, a renewable energy company, in a temporary building at the


Photos by Matthew Staver I New YorKTimes News Service

airport, Dickson said. But they endured a complicated land use and development review process with Deschutes County. That experience showed that any future development at the Eagle Air Airport was better accomplished within the city limits, she said. The privately owned airport is used publicly for general aviation, Life Flight and summer firefighting. The city is not expecting a boost in tax revenue directly

as a result of the annexation, but expects it to spur long-term economic growth in Sisters. Stein said a major benefit of bringing the airport within the city limits is the potential for future green projects. "It's the kind of thing we certainly want to facilitate in our community for job creation and the area our country is headed, in terms of renewable energy resources," Stein said.

interested in the story. "But the Scrabble players are taking it very seriously. The only sympathy he's getting is from people who know him well and believe he got caught up and made a bad decision like young teenagers do." Williams, who has been the tournament director for 25 years and is an author of the book "Everything Scrabble," said it was the first case of confirmed cheating at the national championships. There have been instances at lesser tournaments, of which there are about 200 a year. Matt Graham, who was a top-level competitor and is a New York-based comedian, said he remembered one national championship in which a $1,000 prize was being offered for the highestscoring word including the letters "M" and "B," in honor of the game maker Milton Bradley. "Two players from the same club in Texas formed the same winning word: 'jumbles,' " Graham said. "You couldn't prove it, but the odds against it were astronomical." Graham once finished second in the world championships, in 1997, and he said he made enough money to keep living in New York instead of moving back to Indiana. He tells that story in his biographical show that he is performing in the Fringe Festival in New York. The prize money has shrunk over the years as the current game owner, Hasbro, h as decreased its financ-

ing of the competitions. But players say the competition has not gotten any less intense. Players come from all walks of life, Williams said, and all levels of income and education. "People ask me all the time to describe the typical Scrabble player," he said. "You can't." Players describe the national championships as exhausting. Competitors play 31 games over five days, having spent much of their free time preparing by studying words and game strategy. There are Scrabble clubs and weekend tournaments, online games and lists of high-scoring words to memorize. "It is the hardest thing I will do all year, and that includes any physical activity I do," Fatsis said of the championships. He also said he was crushed by his performance this year. Competing in Division 2, he had a chance to finish in the top 10 before faltering on the final day, Wednesday. "I'm wounded," he said. "You put so much into it, work so hard." That is part of what fueled the outrage against the boy who was disqualified. It is not so much that a lot of money was at stake, or that no one has ever cheated before. It is the mental challenge of matching wits with others for five days, only to find someone trying to tip the scale in his favor. "The top guys, I know they wouldn't cheat," Graham said. "I can play them online, and they won't cheat; it's a matter of honor."

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Dr. Gordon Lindberg, a surgeon who operated on a victim of the mass shooting in July at the University of Colorado Hospital in Aurora. For the doctors, nurses and other staff at the hospital, the shootings were not only a trauma but also a test of their skills, their stamina and their teamwork.

Scrabble Continued from A1

Dr. Comilla Sasson was one of two attending doctors in the emergency room at the University of Colorado hospital on the night of the mass shooting in July.

she got a call from a police officer at the scene telling her of "multiple wounded," and that the victims were being transported by police car. Kennedy, listening to the police scanner, could hear the terror in the voices of the police officers at the scene. "It basically sounded like absolute chaos," he said. "It sounded just like a war zone." First it was a few injured, "then it was four, five, six and then it was 15 and then it was unknown , and crowds of people covered in blood. We were like, 'Oh man, what's going on?' " The first police cruiser screeched into the ambulance bay at 1:06 a .m., followed closely by others, each bearing two or three victims. "It was a nother car, another car," Sasson recalled. "We were standing out here literally pulling out bodies and putting them onto stretchers." By 1:21 a.m., 15 minutes later, nine patrol cars and an ambulance had pulled up, discharging 13 patients, many with disastrous injuries. "I think a lot of us h ave seen very bad gunshot wounds before," Sasson said. "But some of the pictures that I think many of us have stuck in our heads to this day are just some of the most horrible injuries, people with their guts hanging out, people with their brains coming out." A storeroom just inside the doors was quickly transformed into a treatment room. The two trauma rooms were already full, and stretchers

with early settlers and there have been wild pigs ever since, Boatner said. In fact, Continued from A1 "We're at a point where we in century-old diaries Astoria could go either way," he said. residents complain about wild "If we don't stay on top of them pigs running through town, we could see a hig population he said. boom or we could keep them The state lists feral pigs controlled." as one of its top 100 worst inThe pigs could number any- vasive species. Landowners where from 1,000 to 5,000 in lament the damage pigs do Central Oregon, - rooting up pasthrough accurate tures, destroying estimates are dif- "When (feral crops and chasing away native ficult to come by, pigs) come wildlife. The pigs, Boatner said. into an area, which are omniThe pigs roam vores, have even the valleys and it looks like creek beds north someone took been known to kill sheep, calves of Madras to Grass a rototiller to and young deer, Valley, mostly between the Des- it." said Josh Thompchutes and John - Josh Thompson, son, conservation Day rivers. conservation planner with the Fish & Wildlife County planner, Wasco Soil and Water officials began Wasco County eradicating the pigs Soil and Water C o n s e r v a t i o n in 2008. Since then, Conservation District. they have killed District The pigs also tear up riparnearly 300, Boatner ian areas, leaving said. bare earth prone Shooting the pigs from a helicopter has to erosion and the invasion proved most effective, but of noxious weeds, Thompson wildlife officials have also said. "When (feral pigs) come into trapped dozens of pigs and fitted some with radio collars to an area, it looks like someone track their movements, Boat- took a rototiller to it," he said. Environmental groups are ner said. Hunters can shoot the pigs also behind the efforts to eradyear-round without a permit, icate the pigs. Oregon Wild is but the pigs have remained concerned the pigs could root mostly on private property up creek beds and riparian arand remote public lands. eas that have been restored in Pigs arrived in Oregon an effort to bolster salmon and

lined the hallways. One man sat in the waiting room holding up his bleeding arm. "I'm OK. Take care of the other patients first," he told the doctors. Throughout the hospital, people were reacting. A command center was set up. Calls went out to neurosurgeons, chest and vascular specialists, orthopedic surgeons, who sped in to work, as did more than 100 other staff members, from radiologists to housekeepers. Nurses came down from the intensive care unit. Residents hurried to the emergency room from other floors . Operating rooms were opened up. Nine operations were carried out over the next hours. Dr. Gordon Lindberg, a surgeon and medical director of the hospital's burn unit, who coordinated surgery through the night and operated on a patient with 18 shotgun holes in the small bowel, said that since the shooting he had often thought how lucky it was that the gunman's semiautomatic rifle jammed. Shotgun pellets, smaller and traveling at a lower velocity, inflict less damage, he said. "As good as we were in mobilizing everyone and getting everyone here and opening the operating rooms," he said, "if it had been mostly an automatic rifle to people's heads, bellies, vessels, you name it, I don't see any hospital handling it; I really don't. There would have been deaths." At 7 a.m., with 22 patients examined, triaged and treated, Sasson and her colleagues looked up to see the morning shift trickling in. Some of the a rriving workers had not yet heard the news. "How was your night?" they asked. Over the course of the night, Sasson said, adrenaline, training and instinct had pulled them through. But by the next Tuesday, an immense sadness had set in. On the spur of the moment, a group of the ER workers went upstairs to visit a young woman who had been severely injured. They wanted to see that she was alive, to comfort her if they could. But the tea rs that flowed were theirs. "We walked into the room and all of us just started bawling," Sasson said. "And she was the one saying, 'It's going to be OK."'

steelhead populations, said conservation director Steve Pedery. "It's a little scary to think that one invasive species could negate years of work by volunteers;' he said. Diseases are also a concern. Feral pigs can carry up to 13 diseases communicable to humans, Boatner said. Thompson said the feral pigs killed in Central Oregon have been disease-free, except one that tested positive for swine flu. Wildlife officials spent 11 days shooting pigs from helicopters last year and made a significant dent in the population, Thompson said. But some are concerned the population could rebound. Most of Oregon's feral pigs are a hybrid of domestic hogs and Russian boars, with black hair and straight tales, Boatner said. Theycanhavetwotothree litters a year and start breeding as young as six months. And the pigs spread quickly. One fitted with a radio collar traveled 13 miles in a day, Thompson said. The pigs have crossed the John Day River but haven 't yet moved west of the Deschutes. Boatner said the pigs could cause more financial damage if they move southwest of Madras, where farmers grow expensive crops like carrots, onions and mint. - Reporter: 541-633-2184, jaschbrenner@bendbullet in.com

"People were just appalled," said Stefan Fatsis, author of the book "Word Freak," about competitive Scrabble, who was competing at the tournament. "It's easy to poke fun at Scrabble, but people who play it competitively take it very seriously. The community prides itself on integrity and honesty and sportsmanship." But as with anything that involves winning and losing - particularly with money involved - it is not above cheating. The national tournament is the biggest in the country, with 350 competitors ranging in age from 11 to 81 playing in four divisions. The experts, in Division 1, vied for a $10,000 top prize, won this year by Nigel Richards, a 45-year-old from New Zealand who has won four times. The boy in question, playing in Division 3, apparently pocketed two blank tiles before a game to use in that game. Blank tiles are the game's wild cards and are used to complete words . When his opponent suspected he had done so, he called for a tile recount before the new game. The boy was confronted by the tournament director and admitted it. "The reaction has been a combination of amused and appalled," said John D. Williams Jr., executive director of the National Scrabble Association, who said British media outlets had been particularly

·· c.





N &Movies, 82 Calendar, 83 Dear Abby, 83



Horoscope, 83 Comics, B4-5 Puzzles, B5

G) www.bendbulletin .com/family


IN BRIEF Teens talk about sex in survey Parents have significant influence over teens' decisions regarding sex, according to a recent survey from the National Campaign to Prevent Teen and Unplanned Pregnancy. The survey included more than 1,000 teens age 1219 and more than 1,000 adults 20 and older. Eighty-six percent of teens said they had all the information they needed in order to not become pregnant, yet 66 percent said they knew nothing or little about condoms. Forty-two percent of teens said they agreed with this statement: "It doesn't matter whether you use birth control or not, when it is your time to get pregnant, it will happen." Teens expressed an interest in being able to talk more openly with parents about these issues, with 87 percent saying it would be easier for them to avoid pregnancy and postpone sex if they were able to have more open talks with their parents.






): ,'


Meet local doulas at event Local women who are expecting a child -as well as their partners -are invited to attend afree eventto meet local doulas, or childbirth coaches. From 6to 8 p.m. Tuesday, attendees can ask questions and receive information. There will be prize drawingsfor a prenatal yoga class and a prenatal massage. The event will be held at Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 N.W. Louisiana Ave., Bend. Contact and RSVP: Tabitha at 541-5985591.

Goodbye familiar, • Parent involvement is essential to easing a child's transition into middle school

When does adorable stop?

By Alandra Johnson • The Bulletin ike many adults, Bend mom Rachel Thebiay doesn't have warm fuzzy memories of middle school. "They are hard years. I remember middle school, and it wasn't fun." Now that it's time for her son, Nolan, to enter middle school, she is feeling a little nervous. "It is kind of all hitting us in the chest. It happens really fast." Nolan, 11, is going from the comfort of Ponderosa Elementary School, which he has attended since second grade, to Sky View Middle School, where everything will be new. "I'm nervous for him because it's such a difficult transaction," Thebiay said. "The newness of it is making us a little nervous." Thebiay is probably right to feel some unease.

File this one under news-that's-interestingbut-not-really-news: A new study shows that children stop being crazy cute at age 4!12. The study, conducted in China and at the University of Toronto, involved 60 men and women who were shown pictures of the faces of infants and children. They were then asked to say how much they liked theface and how attractivetheface was. Babies, to no one's surprise, were deemed thecutest, followed by toddlers.

Questions tor parents to ask kids IN PREPARATION FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL: •How do you think middle school will be different from elementary school? Get specifics.

ONCE MIDDLE SCHOOL HAS STARTED: •How are kids in middle schoo l different? •How arethings similar to last year? • What haveyou noticedthat has surprised you? •How do you want me to be engaged?

Source: Joshu a Smith and Carl Pickhardt

"This is a major change .... It's not just in your head," said Carl Pickhardt, a psychologist in Texas who has a weekly blog for Psychology Today called "Surviving (Your Child's) Adolescence." Middle school means added homework, social pressures, potential bullying, academic intensity, multiple teachers, heightened responsibility, going from being the

oldest in the school to the youngest - not to mention the onset of puberty for most kids, which brings with it a whole host of issues. While parents can't make middle school easy, they can offer some assistance. Parents can help kids wade through many of these challenges by staying awa re and involved. S ee Transition I B6

- Alandra Johnson,

The Bulletin Illustration by Greg Cross I The Bulletin



Munch & Movies

How do I get my reluctant toddler to eat vegetables?

The end of summer may seem likea bum mer, but here's one good side effect. Earlier sun sets mean watching movies outside, thanks to Munch & Movies in Bend's NorthWest Crossing. This fun annual series kicks off tonight with a showin g of "The Lorax," an animated feature based on th e Dr. Seuss story.

Star party If you have some stargazers in your family, consider checking out Oregon's star party at Pilot Butte StatePark. It should be afun and educational outing.

Editors Note: Good QuesLion is a biweekly feature in which a local expert in a particular field answ ers a question related to family life. Have a ques tion about your family? S end it to family@bendbulle tin.com. By Megan Kehoe Lori Brizee, a registered dietitian,

has a private practice in nutrition consultation in Bend.

The Bulletin

My toddler is reluctant to eat vegQ.• etables. How do I get her to?


Lori Brizee is a registered dieti• tian and certified specialist in pediatric nutrition and pediatric and adolescent weight management. She is also the author of "Healthy Choices, Healthy Children: a Guide to Raising Fit, Happy Kids." She has a private practice in nutrition consultation in Bend. Brizee says it's a myth that all kids hate vegetables. The dietitian says it

may be that the child is u nfamiliar with veggies. Brizee says kids will eat what their parents are eating. "If the parents aren't doing it, then forget about the kids doing it," Brizee said. Toddlers, in particular, struggle with eating raw vegetables, Brizee said. She recommends steaming them lightly to make them go down easier, but to keep an eye on the cooking process. Overcooking vegetables not only kills important nutrients, but can cause them to be unappetizing when the texture becomes soggy and mushy. Brizee savs that if a toddler is refusing to eat vegetables, parents shouldn't force it. "That will start a battle that you can't win," Brizee said. See Question / B6

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Find local movie times and film reviews inside today's GO! Magazine.

Fun competition, dull hunt "OhSit" 8 p.m. Wednesdays, CW


"Toy Hunter" 10 tonight, Travel Channel By Neil Genzlinger New York Times News Service

Wednesday night's unintentional television contrast: one new show aboutthe childhood you actually had and another about the childhood you wish you'd had. You remember childhood: long, drab days full of adults whose main job was to forbid you to do anything remotely exciting while they themselves indulged in all manner of delicious excess. Occasionally, you might have been given a cheap action figure and instructed to go play with it. You spent countless hours just hoping that something, anything interesting might happen that would make use of your repressed rambunctiousness. It rarely did. CW's "Oh Sit!," a raucous competition show, is a hilarious return to the childhood you never had - the fun, danger-filled, almost-anything-goes one. The show's starting point is the old game of musical chairs, which in its original format embodies everything awful about being a kid: young players marching around a group of chairs like automatons, and a teacher or other authority figure barking, "No pushing" and "No running," although any child could see that the game clearly demanded both. In "Oh Sit!" pushing and running are more or less mandatory, as a group of grown-up contestants accumulates cash values while navigating a "Wipeout"-style obstacle course. When the music stops, they scramble for a chair, with the odd man

or woman out being eliminated. The chairs have hidden dollar amounts assigned, and once everyone is seated, the player who has garnered the least amount of money in the round is also booted. Shoving a competitor off a ramp or a climbing wall is encouraged. But, as one contestant finds out in the premiere, endangering an opponent's life isn't. That spontaneity-killing authority figure has been banished; instead Jessi Cruickshank and Jamie Kennedy provide their version of color commentary, which is drolly hilarious. This version of the game, not the one from your youth, is what children ought to be playing to prepare for the adult world. The obstacle course and attacks from fellow competitors would teach them that life is hard and that, especially when money is involved, people can be cruel. And fighting for a seat only to find that your chair is worth $200, while the guy next to you randomly sat on one worth $10,000- that would teach youngsters that life is often unfair and inexplicable. Educational television at its finest. The not-very-exciting childhood that you actually had is conjured by the notvery-exciting "Toy Hunter" on the Travel Channel. The series, another in the seemingly endless line of shows in which people seek gold in America's attics, chronicles the toy-buying missions of Jordan Hembrough, a collector and dealer. The problem, at least in the first episode, is that Hem-

brough is not engaged in the kind of hunting that makes for good television. He doesn't go pawing through flea markets and abandoned storage lockers; he merely drops in on other collectors who have accumulated rooms full of classic toys. It's the difference between a scholar who does original research and one who regurgitates someone else's findings. The show also doesn't expend enough effort making clear why Hembrough spurns one toy and pounces on the next. He seems entranced with one collector's pile of boring Colorforms stick-ons ("the very first plastic-based creative toy," the Colorforms website brags) but spurns some pristine Manimals action figures from the same guy. Why? And why bother with either when they're all over various auction websites? "Toy Hunter" might give some older viewers unpleasant flashbacks, reminding them that their childhoods were numbingly uneventful, especially when compared with the frenetic childhoods of today. Sure, you can argue that playing with a clunky Gobots toy or a Mr. Potato Head encouraged kids to use their imaginations, but here's the thing: A 10-year-old's imagination doesn't really go very far. lt took a grown-up to imagine the Harry Potter books. Try spending the whole afternoon playing with Colorforms and see how stimulated you feel.

70 SW Century Dr. Suite145 Bend. OR 97702 t: 541-322-7337



This guide, compiled by Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel film critic Roger Moore, should be used along w ith the Motion Picture Association of America rating system for selecting movies suitable for children. Films rated G, PG or PG-13 are included in this weekly listing, along with occasional R-rated films that may have entertainment or educational value for older children with parental guidance.


Rating: PG for mild thematic elements and brief language What it's about: A childless couple discover their ideal child growing in their garden. The kid attractor factor: Cute kids doing cute things, atouch of magic. Good lessons/ bad lessons: "It's a hard world to be different in." Violence: Death. Language: The mildest of mild profanities. Sex: A bit of tweenage flirting. Drugs: None. Parents' advisory: Suitable or all ages, though kids 9and older will get more out of it. 1


Rating: PG for scary action and images, thematic elements, some rude humor and language. What it's about: A boy who hears and sees dead people is a town's only hope when witch trial victims return to life to

Courtesy Focus Features

"Ghoul whlsperer" Norman (voiced by Kodi Smit-McPhee) gets spooked by his zombie lamp in " ParaNorman." See the full review in today's GO! Magazine. terrorize the place. The kid attractor factor: Stop motion animation, a "Coraline"/ "Corpse Bride" scary sensibility. Goodlessons/badlessons:Fear makes "stupid people do stupid things," like accuse others of witchcraft. Violence: Some scary stuff involving witch trials and the dead returning to life. Language: A couple of mildly off-color double entendres. Sex: Sexual preference as a punch line. Drugs: A few drunks show up.




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Crush on teacher troubles student headed for college Dear Abby: I'm a male who

has graduated from high school and is about to start college in another state. I'm ready for a new challenge. The only thing holding me back is a romantic attraction I have toward one of my high school teachers. He and I are best friends, but I love him more than as a friend. I have bought him many meals and gifts since he taught me, and I have found every opportunity available to be with him. I'm not sure if he's aware of my feelings, although l wonder whether I unconsciously make myself obvious. Regardless, we have a great relationship. It kills me inside to know I can never be with him. I have never told anyone how I feel, and I know if I ever told him, it would destroy everything we have. I can't forget about him. He's on my mind constantly. Having to leave him soon is killing me. Do you have any advice for me? -Dreading It in Louisiana Dear Dreading It: Yes. Go away to college and open yourself to new experiences and relationships. Correspond with this special person, and when you return for school breaks, continue the friendship. Your feelings may or may not b e reciprocated, but it is important that you let some time - years - elapse before trying to pursue anything closer with him. If you don't wait, it could be damaging to his career. Dear Abby: Two days before my 75th birthday, I did something very uncharacteristic of me. I went to a tattoo parlor 25 miles away and had a t1ower put on my right buttock. I don't intend to tell anyone. It was my birthday present to myself. This was not a spur-of-themoment impulse. I have told my husband many times that if I made it to 75, I might celebrate it with a tattoo. He just laughed it off. No one in our family has one, and in the past, I have been critical of them. But this one does not show. Now I have to find a way

DEAR ABBY to tell my husband. He has an explosive temper that goes on and on, and he never drops an issue - ever. I need advice, and soon. Help me, will you? -Sitting on a Secret Dear Sitting on a Secret: How do you know you are the first in your family to get a tattoo? If someone else also got one in a place that doesn't show, would they have told you after you told everyone you didn't like tattoos? You can't hide this from your husband forever, so don't try. If he reacts badly, remind him that the buttock with the flower belongs to YOU and that at 75, you're a big girl who didn't need anyone else's consent. Now it's time to give yourself a nother birthday present: Refuse to listen to your husband's verbal abuse, and you'll be much happier. Dear Abby: What are you supposed to do when you are sitting in a salon having your hair cut and styled , and the next appointment shows up early and engages your stylist in nonstop conversation? My wife says this happens often in beauty parlors and I should suck it up. I wanted the stylist 's full attention. She's not cheap. Am I right? What would you do? -Perplexed in California Dear Perplexed: For the stylist to carry on an ongoing conversation with the next customer was unprofessional. If it happened to me, I would take my stylist aside and explain my feelings. For the next customer to monopolize the stylist 's attention was rude. The per son should have been asked to sit somewhere and make him- or herself comfortable until you were finished. - Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.com or P.O. Dox 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope: Happy Birthday for Friday, Aug. 17, 2012 By Jacqueline Bigar Thisyear marks a new beginning in your life, and youfeel as if nothing can stop you. Use this powerful time to manifest a key desire or long-term goal. Your ability to focus defines your success. If you are single, you certainly will be noticed. Sometimes you overspend in an effort to impress others. Be your authentic self, and you could meet someone significant to your life history. If you are attached, thetwo of you might have very different approaches to reaching your goals. You'll learn not only to respect, but alsoto help each other achieve what he or she wants. VIRGOcan be intrusive about your finances. The Stars Show the Kind of Day You'll Have: 5-Dynarnic; 4-Positive; 3-Average; 2-So-so; 1-Diffi cult ARIES (March 21-April19) **** Your spunk comes out no matter what you do ri ght now. Your humor and grace appeal to many people; however, usethesetraits with care. If you're out and about, complete errands first in order to havesome free time later. Tonight: Out with pals you see often. TAURUS (Aprii2D-May 20) *** Your focus is on home and perhaps an emotional or financial investment in a property or domestic matter. You might betoo seri ous as you look at the pluses and minuses of this situation. Lighten up by choosing afun activity or spending time with a child. Tonight: Get loosened up for the weekend. GEMINI (May 21-June 2D) **** Keep communication fl owing, and know what is necessary to accomplish what you want. It would be easier witl1 rnoresupport. A child or particular situation rains on your parade and throws some heaviness intothe moment. Tonight: Home is where the action is. CANCER (June 21-July 22) * *** Balanceyour budget before you make any decisions to spend more money. You need to tame the wild-spending child within that sometimes comes out. A lateafternoon discussion brings new information forward. Tonight: Let the discussion continue. LEO(July 23-Aug. 22) * * * * Make the extraeffort to understand an unhappy friend or somber situation. You can say everythingyou want, but you cannot change the prevailing mood. At this point, resolutions have momentum. Do not hesitate to verbalize more of

your desires. Tonight: Know when to call it a night. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) *** Enjoy a short period of being in the background, where you can ponder and observe what is happening. Beforeyou know it,you must take a proactivestance. Make su rethat you are very clear as to the ramifications of heading in a certain direction. Tonight: The world is your oyster ... finally. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) **** You get through a situation quickly with certainty and direction. You also have style and determination. Just the same, you see a matter differently from and perhaps even a bit more negatively than others. Open up to new possibilities . Tonight: Take some much-needed personal time. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) **** Others bend - with some diffi culty- to your way of thinking. You mightfeel some resistance from someone, but ultimately this, too, will pass. Bring others together toward the end of theday. You just might be able to celebrate. Tonight: The more, the merrier. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) **** An overview helps you gain understanding. You might not be ready to takethe lead just yet. Realize the opportunities that lie in the near future. Make a call to someone at a distanceto discuss plans for the short term. Tonight: You might be more visible than you would like. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) **** Reach out fo r someone you care about, and do more listening. You could be challenged by someone wlw considers l1irn- or herself to be your supervisor. Sometimes you are overwhelmed by all the demands that surround you Tonight: Loosen up to good music. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) *** * Others come toward you. Clearly they know what they want and will ask you for exactly that. Honor who you are, and askfor more feedback. One-on-one relating takes you down a new path. Tonight: Go for togetherness. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) * *** You might be overwhelmed by what remains on your plate. Dig in, and get as much done as possible. You will show the results of ahard day's work, andyou will beeven happier to greet theevening. Tonight: Go with someone's suggestion. © 2011 by King Fea1ures Syndica1e



A weekly com pilation of family-friendly even ts throughout Central Oregon.

Please email event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at ww w.bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

Find alull community events calendar inside today's GO! Magazine.

FRIDAY OREGON STAR PARTY: Gather at Indian Trail Spring for night sky viewing, with speakers and rnore; registration required; directions to site available on website; $75, $25 ages 12-17,$15 ages 6-11 ;; www .oregonstarparty.org. HIGH & DRY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL: Festival includes live music, instrument workshops, food and more; directions to venue, Runway Ranct1 in Bend, on website; $1 5 for weekend; 12:30-1 0 p.m.; www.hadbf.com. BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 2-6 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.com or http://bendfarmersmarket .com. BEND BREWFEST: Event includes tastings from more than 50 breweries, food vendors and more; children admitted until? p.m.; ID required for entry; free admission, rnust purchase mug and tasting tokenstodrink;3-11 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive; 541-3128510 orwww.bendbrewfest .com. SISTERS FARMERS MARKET: 3-6 p.m.; Barclay Park, West Cascade Avenue and Ash Street; www.sistersfarmersmarket .com. SUNRIVER FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 4-7 p.m.; Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive; www.sunriverchamber.com. HARVEST RUN: Drifters Car Clu b presents a car show with approximately 200 autos, hot rods and more; with live music and a barbecue; proceeds benefit Make-AWish Foundation of Oregon, Redmond-Sisters Hospice and Sparrow Clubs USA; free admission; 6 p.m.; downtown Redmond; 541-548-6329. MUNCH & MOVIES: An outdoor screening of "The Lorax"; with food vendors and live music; free; 6 p.m., movie begins at dusk; Compass Park, 2500 N.W. Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-389-0995 or www .northwestcrossing.com. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Noah Strycker talks about his book "Among Penguins: A Bird Man in Antarctica"; with a slide show; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL CLASSICAL CONCERT II: Featuring selections from Schubert and Beethoven, featuring Steven Moeckel; $30$60, $10youth; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-593-9310, tickets@ sunrivermusic.org or www .sunrivermusic.org. STARGAZING PARTY: View the night sky using telescopes; free; 9 p.m.; Pilot Butte State Park, Northeast Pilot Butte Summit Drive, Bend; 541-388-6055, ext. 27.

SATURDAY OREGON STAR PARTY: Gather at Indian Trail Spring for night sky viewing, with speakers and more; registration requi re d; directions to site available on

umversal Pic1ures v1a The Assoc1a1ed Press

Families can enjoy a free screening of "The Lorax" in NorthWest Crossing in Bend tonight as part of the Munch & Movies series .

website; $75, $25 ages 12-17, $15 ages 6-11; ; www.oregonstarparty .org. CENTRAL OREGON GREAT GIVEAWAY: Pick up clothing and household items; free; 8 a.m.-1 p.rn.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints, 2555 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-598-6584 or www.cogga.org. PRINEVILLE FARMERS MARKET: Free; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.rn.; Prineville City Plaza, 387 N.E. Third St.; 503-739-0643 or prinevillefarmersmarket@gmail .com. LA PINE COOP &GARDEN TOUR: Tour homes throughout La Pine and see hothouses, hen houses and gardens; proceeds benefit La Pine Little Deschutes Grange and the Newberry Habitat for Humanity ReStore; $10 per car; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; www.lapinecoopandgarden.com. MADRAS SATURDAY MARKET: Free admission; 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, Band Seventh streets; 541-489-3239 or madrassatmkt@ gmail.com. CENTRAL OREGON SATURDAY MARKET: Featuring arts and crafts from local artisans; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. ; parkin g lot across from Bend Public Library, 600 N.W. Wall St.; 541-420-9015 or www .centraloregonsaturdaymarket.com. HARVEST RUN: Drifters Car Club presents a car show with approximately 200 autos, hot rods and more; with live music, a show and shine and more; proceeds benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation of Oregon, Redmond-Sisters Hospice and Sparrow Clubs USA; free admission; 10 a.rn.; downtown Redmond; 541 -548-6329. HIGH &DRY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL: Festival in cludes live music, instrument workshops, food and more; directions to venue, Runway Ranch in Bend, on website; $15forweekend; 10a.m.-10 p.m.; www.hadbf.com. NORTHWEST CROSSING FARMERS MARKET: Free; 10 a.m.2 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing drives, Bend; 541-382-1662, valerie@brooksresources.com or www.nwxfarmersmarket.com. SOLAR VIEWING: View thesun using safe techniques; included in the pri ce of admission; $15 adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 11 a.m.2 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-3824754 or www.highdesertmuseum .org.

BEND BREWFEST: Event includes tastings from more than 50 breweries, food vendors and more; children admitted until ? p.m.; ID required for entry; free admission, must purchase mug and tasting tokens to drink; noon-11 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive; 541 -312-8510 or www. bendbrewfest.com.

SUNDAY OREGON STAR PARTY: Gather at Indian Trail Spring for night sky viewing, with speakers and more; registration required; directions to site available on website; $75, $25 ages 12-17, $15 ages 6-11 ;; www .oregonstarparty.org. HIGH &DRY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL: Festival includes live music, instrument workshops, food and rnore; directions to venue, Runway Ranch in Bend, on website; $15 for weekend; 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; www.had bf.com. CHUKKERS FOR CHARITY: Featuring the USPA Officer's Cup polo match; proceeds benefit the Tower Theatre Foundati on, Bend Paddle Trail Alliance and Healing ReinsTherapeutic Riding Center; $10, free ages 12 and younger; 2 p.m., gates open noon; Camp Fraley Ranch, 60580 Gosney Road, Bend; www.cascadepoloclub.com. SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL PIANO RECITAL: Elizabeth Joy Roe performs selections from Corigliano, Chopin and Beethoven; $30-$50, $10 youth; 7:30 p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-593-9310, tickets@sunrivermusic.org or www.sunrivermusic.org.

MONDAY SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL CLASSICAL CONCERT Ill: Featuring selections from Bach, Theofanidis and Vivaldi; $30-$60, $10 youth; 7:30p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-5939310, tickets@sunrivermusic.org or www.sun rivermusic.org.

TUESDAY REDMOND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 2-6:30 p.m.; Centennial Park, Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue; 541 -550-0066 or redmondfarmersmarket1@ hotmail.com. TUESDAY FARMERS MARKET AT

EAGLE CREST: Free admission; 2-6 p. m.; Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-633-9637 or info@ sustainableflame.com. BROOKSWOOD PLAZA FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-7 p.m.: Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541323-3370 or farmersmarket@ brookswoodmeadowplaza.com.

WEDNESDAY BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-7 p.m.; Brooks Alley, between North west Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.com or http://bendfarmersmarket.com. DREAM RIDE: Decorateyour bicycle then parade through the Old Mill District; ride ends at the Les Schwab Amphitheater; proceeds benefit Shine Global and Art Station; $10; 4 p.m.; Art Station, 313 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-410-5513 or www.campcatalyst.wordpress.com. MUSIC ON THE GREEN: Featuring big band music by the Notables Swing Band; vendors available; free; 6-7:30 p.m.; Sam Johnson Park, Southwest 15th Street, Redmond; 541-923-5191 or http:// visitredrnondoregon.corn. PICNIC IN THE PARK: Featuring an a cappella performance by The Coats; free; 6-8 p.m.; Pioneer Park, 450 N.E. Third St., Prineville; 541-447-6909. MICHAEL FRANTI & SPEARHEAD: The rock and soul act returns to Bend; with Amanda Shaw; $35 plus fees; 6:30p.m., gates open 5 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-3185457 or www.bendconcerts.com.

THURSDAY TREEHOUSEPUPPETS IN THE PARK: With a performance of "Cory Coyote Holds an Election! "; followed by a coordinated activity; free; 11 a.m.-noon; Compass Park, 2500 NW Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-389-7275 orwww .bendparksandrec.org. SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: Featuring a performance of "Romeo & Juliet" by Cat Call Productions; S20-$75; 6 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 NW Riverside Blvd., Bend; 541 -323-0964 or www .bendticket.com.

STORY TIMES AND LIBRARY YouTH E v ENTS For the week of Aug. 17-23 Story times are free unless otherwise noted. Barnes & Noble Booksellers 2690 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242

ONCE UPON A STORY TIME: All ages; 11 a.m. Fri day. C.E. Lovejoy's Brookswood Market 19530 Amber Meadow Drive. Ben d; 541-388-1188

STORYTIME: All ages; 11 a.m. Thursday. Crook County Public Library 175 s.w. Meadow Lakes Drive , Prin eville; 541-447-7978

PRESCHOOL STORY TIME: Ages 3 and older; 6:30p.m. Tuesday

and 11 a.m. Thursday. WEE READ: Ages 0-3; 10 a.rn. Monday and Wednesday. Downtown Bend Public Library 601 NW Wall St.; 541-617-7097

Story times resume in September. East Bend Public Libra ry

treasure hunt; 12:30 p.m. to close Wednesday. BACKPACK EXPLORERS:Ages 3-4; explore museum's animal habitat, share stories and songs; 10to 11 a.m. Thursday; $15 per child nonmembers, $10 per child members. TOTALLY TOUCHABLETALES: Ages 2-5; storytelling about animals and people of the High Desert; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.

62080 Dean Swift Road ; 541-330-3760

SATURDAY STORIES: Ages 0-5; 10 a.m. Saturday. High Desert Museum 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; www. highdesertmuseum org; 541 -382-4754; unless noted, events include d with admission ($15 adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younge r)


La Pine Public Library 16425 FirstS!. ; 541-312-1090

Story times resume in September. Redmond Public Library 827 s.w. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1054

Story times resume in September. Sisters Public Library

.Jefferson County Public Library 241 S.W. Seventh St. , Madras; 541-475-3351

BABIESAND TODDLERS STORY TIME: 10:10 a.rn. Tuesday. PRESCHOOL AND OLDER STORY TIME: Ages 3-5; 10:30 a.m. and 6:30p.m. Tuesday. SPANISH STORY TIME: All ages; 1 p.m. Wednesday.

110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070

Story times resume in September. Sunriver Area Public Library 56855 Ventu re Lane; 541-312·1080

Story times resume in September.






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SUDOKU Complete the grid so that every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.


4 9 3 6 7

2 8 1


8 6 7 5 1 2 5 3 4 1 9 8 6 4 3 7 2 9

2 9 5 3 8 1 7 6 4 4 2 8 5 3 9 1 7 6 9 5 3 8 4 2 6 17

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Friday, August 17, 2012

Facts and figures


B y FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services

Cy the Cynic had lost at Chicago and was unhappy. He told me that the mathematically correct play had failed him three times . "From now on , I trust my instincts," Cy grumbled. "Statistics take reliable figures and tum them into unreliable facts ." Cy was declarer at 3NT, and West cashed three spades (not best) and led a fourth spade to Cy's jack. The Cynic then led a diamond to dummy's jack. East won and returned a heart, and Cy won and led another diamond. When West discarded , Cy had only eight winners and had to lose a fifth trick.

GET FUZZY \1111.\T•. . \<; 1\{Cl(l;


"f.fc" 11-l "OUTf;fOE"?


one spade, and the next player passes. What do you say? ANSWER: I suggest a j ump-shift to three hearts, planning to support the spades next. Although the hand has only 16 high-card points, slam chances are so bright that you should inform partner and solicit his cooperation. If he has a minimum hand such as A Q 10 4 3, 7 6,A Q 6 3, 8 7, making six spades may depend on winning one of two finesses. West dealer Both sides vulnerable NORTH .10 4 \) 7 3

<)AK J 753 tlt 973


8·1 7

"My play was best," Cy fumed. "I win if diamonds break 3-2 or if West has the queen: an 84 percent chance. "Using the A-K of diamonds to take two club finesses was attractive," I observed. "That's not quite as good." Cy's figures were (barely) correct. His facts were not. Cy forgot that West hadn't opened the bidding but had shown the A-K-Q of spades. Since he couldn't hold the K-Q of clubs, Cy should have doublefinessed in clubs. DAILY QUESTION

I; &

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You hold: • J 9 6 5 \) A K Q J <> 9 4 tit A J 10. Your partner opens


WEST . AKQ3 \) 10 8 6 2

EAST . 872 \) 9 54 <> Q 10 8 2 .t. K64


.t. Q852 SOUTH

• J965

\) AKQJ <> 9 4 .t. AJ 10 West Pass Pass

North Pass 3NT

East South Pass 1 NT All Pass

Opening lead - • K (C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

LOS ANGELES TIMES DAILY CROSSWORD Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS



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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

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©2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

All Righis Reserved.






NOYKEM 'l A 1 1 -

"That's your second drink, Agnes. Let's face it: You're an alcoholic."



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Now arrange the circled letlers to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.

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I Jumbles: HILLY


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(Answers tomorrow) MOVED DETECT WIN ERY Answer: After his pine tree died, his neighbor did this NEEDLED HIM

1 Unlikely hits 7 Hiring may accompany one 11 Classic Pontiac 14 Unkeyed 15 Lead-in to a congratulatory cry 16 Punch lines? 17 Berserk flutterer? 19 Pen name 20 Sacred carving, perhaps 21 Place with pintsize servings? 22 Source of silky wool 24 Trans-Alaska pipeline repairer? 27 Central American port named for an explorer 30 Rhein tributary 31 Kwik-E-Mart owner 32 Like most people 35 Skewed 39 Jacuzzi feature 40 Like one afflicted with the added elements in 17-, 24-, 53- and 55Across? 43 Widesize 44 Cousin of a toe loop 46 Operative 47 Body wrap offerer 48 'T his _ outrage!" 51 Something that matters 53 Alluring facial feature? 58 "Yay!" 59 Community property word 60 Campus appointment 64 Dash sizes 65 Assembly celebrating digestion? 68 1mitate 69 Pound or pint 70 About 2% of the Earth's surtace 71 Not likely to pipe up 72 Family nickname 73 Surcease

DOWN 34 Diamond no. 52 Chest sources 1 Indonesian resort 36 1940 Fields 53 Large flightless island co-star birds 2 Body-piercing 37 Certain seizure, 54 Flair choice for short 55 Go casually 3 Prefix with sphere 38 Wine datum 56 Literally, "baked" 41 Natural 57 Rapa _ 4 Swab analysis site 42 Some stops: Abbr. 61 Wells race 5 Dispose of a 45 One who 62 Brenner Pass course embroiders to locale 6 Boxed-set box excess 63 Novgorod no 7 Disney classic set 49 Grab 66 Doozy in a forest 50 Aegis wielder 67 Be penitent 8 Nebraska native ANSWERTO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 9 River separating Ontario and Quebec 10 "Resurrection Symphony" composer 11 Stink up the fridge 12 Doubly 13 Thespian honor 18 Sever 23 Defendant's response 25 Reddish equine 26 Where rocking is not suggested 27 Mexicali's peninsula 28Top 29 Mandolin kin 08117/12 xwordeditor@aol.com 33 Native of Shiraz

By Chuck Deodene (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.

08/ 17/12




Transition Continued from 81

Transitions Transitions are hard on students, according to Joshua Smith, dean at Loyola University Maryland, School of Education, who has been studying and thinking about education transitions for more than a decade. A poor transition from one school to another can spell long-term trouble for some kids. "It really only takes one or possibly two poor transitions to really derail an individual in terms of academics," Smith said. Furthermore, one bad transition often foreshadows another, says Smith. A poor transition into middle school could portend a poor move into college. "The consequences get pretty high," Smith said. He said this period of transition doesn't just occur in August and September. Smith says it really starts about April and lasts until the students receive their first set of grades. A difficult adjustment can take place when a child's expectations are far different from his or her experiences, Smith said. "Try not to have a huge shock factor," Smith said. Offering children as much information as possible- visiting the school, talking with peers, and discussing the setting- are all good ideas. Often, Smith said, students are most worried about physical or organizational issues, such as opening lockers and finding their classrooms. Meanwhile, parents worry more about social issues like bullying and fitting in. Stacy Smith, principal at Crook County Middle School, said the school has tried to create as much structure as possible for new students, including one day with just sixthgraders to help them adjust. "It takes about two weeks (to adjust). We tell them, don't get anxious, don't get nervous."

External challenges Simply put, middle school is bigger than elementary school. This means children have to shed the comfort and familiarity they have grown used to with their friends as well as teachers and staff. Middle schoolers have to adjust not only to new teachers, new rules, new classrooms and a n ew building, but also to new peers. Smith said one of the biggest changes kids encounter is more freedom. "Freedom creates challenges." Social pressures can increase, as can social cruelty, Pickhardt said. "Kids' treatment of each other is much more aggressive and much more difficult." Smith said this is the time when kids become aware of who is popular. "The social aspect is challenging." It can cause heartache, Smith said. Middle school is also the first time many students may face a more competitive extracurricular environment. Many sports teams have tryouts, for instance. "It may be the first time they are exposed to some kind of letdown," Joshua Smith said. Academic achievement also frequently drops in middle school, according to Pickhardt. Internal challenges A lot is going on internally with middle schoolers, according to Pickhardt. Between the ages of 9 and 13, kids move from childhood into adolescence. Pickhardt said this often manifests in children becoming "increasingly messy, disorganized and forgetful" as their brains change. Pickhardt said this transformation is destabilizing as students "start pulling away, pushing against and getting around adult authority in order to create more freedom." There's more limit testing, arguing and complaining. This change comes at a time when more responsibility and organization is being expected of kids. Pickhardt calls it the "middle school crunch" because students are trying to act more independently, yet more pressure is being put on them to act in a more orderly and self-managed way. While parents may be dismayed by this behavior - feeling the child is simply distracted - Pickhardt said parents should try to be understanding about this developmental change. "All of that (messiness and disorganization) is essentially the kid coming apart,"

Pickhardt said. Most adolescents go through some kind of angst and social drama. That is normal. How do parents decipher real problems versus typical social issues'? Pickhardt encourages parents to be on the lookout for whether their child is in pain due to social cruelty. Is the student able to talk about what's going on? Can parents help the child process it? "Is the child managing pain in some way they can work it out, or are they getting stopped by it?" Pickhardt said. If the latter, then that is a problem and not just typical middle school behavior. Puberty is another big challenge for middle schoolers. Pickhardt said kids can feel out of control when their bodies begin to change. It can make them feel more vulnerable to teasing. He suggests parents be upfront and honest with children about the physical changes and be willing to talk about it as it progresses.

Role of parents "Parents have a big, big job to do in middle school," said Pickhardt, who says the role is "supervisory and supportive." Pickhardt suggests parents keep tabs on students' work and make sure they are keeping up in their classes. Many times parents may hear the advice to let children fail - to let them manage their own homework assignments, projects and tests even if it means a poor performance. Pickhardt believes this is poor advice to follow in middle school, when children are not ready for failure. If kids fail in middle school, they may learn to accept failure rather than to self-correct, says Pickhardt. Parental involvement tends to drop off from elementary to middle school, likely because kids no longer think it's cool or fun for their parents to be at school. But Pickhardt says joining the PTA or finding a way to be present at the school can be helpful. Then parents have other sources of information about what is going on at school beyond what their child tells them. Making sure kids go to school is essential to their success, Stacy Smith said. "Get your kids to school every day." He said there is a direct correlation between attendance problems and students who don't meet academic standards. "We can't do anything for kids who are not in school." His rule of thumb is one day's absence per month is acceptable; if a child is missing more than that, it's a problem. Otherwise, Smith would like to see parents be nosy and involved in their child's life. And also provide quiet time each evening for homework. Joshua Smith suggests parents talk with teachers and administrators and ask what they expect in terms of parental involvement. He suggests pa rents keep a close eye on the student's reaction during the first month and the first set of grades as well as the first sports or other extracurricular tryouts. Challenges aside, Thebiay is excited to watch her son grow and for him to discover more about who he is as a person. But that's also a little scary. Her goal is to continue to talk to Nolan about school every day and to try to visit the school often. She also wants to stay in contact with his teachers, although now there will be many instead of just one. For his part, Nolan is feeling a little better about the move after having talked with his older friends. ''At first, I was a little nervous, but I am getting a little more comfortable." His biggest worries include math (which he has been studying this summer) and learning to open his locker. Nolan is excited to see his friends. "I'm just ready to go." - Reporter: 541-617-7860, ajohnson@bendbulletin.com


Grief over spouse can be simple or complex

Continued from 81

Instead, Brizee recommends serving a small portion of vegetables when it's time to eat, allowing children the opportunity to try them. It communicates that vegetables are part of each meal. One way to get children to eat veggies is to disguise the vegetables. She recommends blending healthful greens, like chard or kale, into spaghetti sauce. Also, grated carrots or zucchini work well in spaghetti sauce. Another technique is to accentuate the flavors of the vegetables in simple and healthy ways. Sauteing veggies in olive oil and garlic is a technique Brizee has used often with successful results. "I can get my kids to eat almost anything that's prepared in that way," Brizee said. In addition, Brizee says kids will be more apt to eat vegetables if it's fun for them. Dips are a popular choice with kids, and I3rizee says there are several healthy dips that parents can make or buy, such as hummus. She recommends substituting a calorie-laden ranch dressing with a homemade version that uses yogurt, cottage cheese, a little bit of mayonnaise, dill and garlic or garlic powder for dipping broccoli, cauliflower or carrots. Brizee says children may not be hungry at mealtimes if they've been snacking all day. She recommends parents make sure their children eat every two to four hours, but to not let them graze constantly - even if it's on healthy snacks. Another way to get kids enthusiastic about the prospect of veggies on the plate is to involve them in the cooking process. Also, if parents grow vegetables in a garden, having children involved in the caring of the plants will help them become more interested in vegetables. Brizee says parents should not give up on the notion of their children eating and enjoying vegetables. "Just because your child didn't like broccoli last week doesn't mean he won't like it next week," Brizee said.

By Anita Creamer McClatchy Newspapers

SACRAMENTO, Calif. - Almost four years after her husband's death from Parkinson's disease, former Sacramento County, Calif., supervisor Sandra Smoley has reinvented her life. She rented out the Fair Oaks home where she lived with her late husband, architect Walter Rohrer, and she moved to a cozy midtown house in the thick of things. ln July, she even served as a judge for the Bastille Day waiters' races in midtown. Having emerged from the long shadow of her husband's 12-year illness and death, she savs she loves her life now. ''I think some of that has to do with my outgoing, social personality," said Smoley, 76. "I don't want other women to feel that if they're not happy in widowhood, there's something wrong with them. Everybody is their own person in how they handle widowhood." And grief has its own timetable. For the almost 11 million Americans age 65 and older who have losttheir spouses, the emotional landscape of older age is defined at least in part by grief. In 2009, some 290,000 men in that age group and 648,000 women became widowed, U.S. Census data show. Every year, at least 1 million people live through the death of a spouse, the Social Security Administration estimates. But all widowhood experiences are not the same: Some people seem to remain caught inanongoingloopofmourning for years, while others manage to find new hope and energy in a relatively short time. Why? Answers have been hard to come by in the past, but research into bereavement is starting to gain new momentum, just as the enormous age wave of the baby boomer generation edges into the territory of widowhood. As it turns out, the late psychiatrist Elisabeth KublerRoss' widely known five stages of grief - denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance, which together have become a cultural road map for moving through grief - arose from her observational research on what the dying experience, not the bereaved. What we think we know about grieving, in other words, is flawed, despite the fact that for most people, widowhood is the most significant turning point of older adulthood. "Many of these people have been married 50 or 60 years," said Linda Tucker, a Sacramento clinical psychologist who directs the Widowed Persons Association of California's grief recovery workshops. "God love them, your heart wants to break for them sometimes. They've been together all their lives, and suddenly, that person's gone." She knows. Her husband, Dr. William Tucker, died of an a neurysm in his 60s in 1989. Six months later, her daughter was diagnosed with a brain tumor, and not long after, her sister died. "It all came crashing down," she said. "That first year was a terrible time. I didn't think I'd survive it." But she did, in part because she found new purpose from

Dick Schmidt / Sacramento Bee

Sandra Smoley and her husband, architect Walter Rohrer, were married 31 years. "When it's over, it's like it's a big hole," she said.

her grief: She returned to school for her doctorate in psychology, specializing in working with the bereaved. Despite the pain of losing a spouse, most people move forward. More than 60 percent of widows and widowers handle bereavement with resilience, finding moments of solace, even laughter, alongside their sadness, according to Columbia University clinical psychology professor George Bonanno, who researches the science of bereavement. "We found that most people when a spouse dies are deeply pained and sad but essentially fine," said Bonanno. ''And older people cope better than younger people. They're more likely to be resilient. We used to think it was the opposite - that an older person would die of a broken heart. That's nottrue." According to Bonanno's research, about 30 percent of the bereaved suffer intense, deep grief for a year or more before beginning to recover.

Depths of grief Only about lO percent of the grieving seem to get stuck in their grief, he has found, drowning in daily yearning for a spouse who has been deceased for years. While the resilient are at peace with the idea of death long before a loved one dies, his research shows, the opposite is true of people who remain mired in grief: Death alarms them so deeply that they don't want to acknowledge it. They also score highest in terms of being overly dependent on their spouses. "There's a sense that they depended on the person who died for too ma ny things, and the widow or widower can't be the same person without them there," Bonanno said. So deep is this prolonged grieving - variously called complicated bereavement, unresolved grief and delayed grief reaction - that an American Psychiatric Association panel earlier this year floated the idea of including extended grief in the definition of major depression in its revised diagnostic manual, the DSM-V, to

be published next spring. The panel has since reconsidered. The problem is that normal grief can look a lot like depression. But grief is a reaction, not a disorder, and it has a beginning, middle and end. The grieving typically experience overwhelming sadness, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, anger, guilt, loneliness and helplessness. They can feel hollow inside. They can be overly sensitive to noise, preoccupied, unable to concentrate. With complicated grieving, those symptoms become so intrusive over a long period of time that people can hardly function. "They think about the deceased spouse constantly," said psychologist Dr. Florina Yuger, Sutter Center for Psychiatry's training director. "They can't be present in their life. They can't stand to be by themselves. There's an extreme denial of death and a desperate loneliness, and they often want to die themselves." Researchers know that the circumstances of death can add a difficult element to bereavement. Survivors of someone who fades slowly from life - from Parkinson's or Alzheimer's, for example have time to mourn the loss of their loved one for months or years before the actual death. The suddenness of traumatic death, on the other hand, can bring greater emotional suffering to survivors. And a survivor's own emotional history, including past bouts with depression and post-traumatic stress disorder, can cause normal grief to lapse into a long bout of complicated grief, Yuger said.


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-Reporter: 541-383-0354, mkehoe@bendbulletin.com


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Shot Clinics Ready Your Child for School Walk-in Back to School Shot Clinicstake place from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. on the following date and at the locations below: August 27 - La Pine Sc ho ol Based He a lth C ente r August 28 - M.A. Lync h Sc ho o l Base d He alth Cente r August 29 - Ensworth School Based Health C e nte r August 30 - Sisters School Base d He a lth Center Ple a se bring c h ild 's immunizatio n records and insu rance in formatio n with y ou . C ost per shot for uninsure d c hildre n is $15.1 9. No c hild will be denied services due to an inability to

___ OCAL


News of Record, C2 Editorials, C4

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Grant will help police traffic A $10,000 Oregon Department of Transportation grant awarded to the Bend Metropolitan Planning Organization in July will go toward enforcing traffic laws in Bend. The organization will use the grant to schedule additional Bend Police Department traffic officers through September. Money from the grant will also be used to implement safety outreach programs. Traffic officers will look for motorists who fail to yield to pedestrians, overtake stopped vehicles at a crosswalk, and drive while distracted. Laws pertaining to bicyclists riding the wrong way and driving at night without headlights will also be enforced. Police will pay special attention to bicyclists riding on downtown area sidewalks and in the Centennial Parking Garage, which are both prohibited. More information: www.bendmpo.org.


Obituaries, C5 Weather, C6

Pac -12 brings changes to cable channel lineup By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Don't panic, local C-SPAN fans. Your favorite book talks and Senate subcommittee hearings are still available on BendBroadband. The network is one of 11 standard and nine highdefinition channels that were moved Wednesday evening to make way for the newly launched Pac-12 Network channels, available on BendBroadband. Effective Wednesday, each network between channels 50 and 60 has moved up by three, to channels 53 through 63. Those affected channels are: The Weather Channel,

CNBC, CNN, CNN Headline News, Fox News Channel, Fox Business News, MSNBC, Bloomberg Television, CSPAN, C-SPAN2 and C-SPAN 3. So CNN, typically on Channel 52, will be available on Channel 55 from now on. Bloomberg Television, formerly on Channel 57, is now on Channel60. The move was made to keep news and sports networks on consecutive channel numbers, BendBroadband Vice President of Business Operations John Farwell wrote in an email. See Channels I C2

Medical tests delay chimp's travel plans By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

A chimpanzee expected to arrive at a Central Oregon sanctuary Wednesday night has been stuck in Nevada, pending the results of medical tests required for her to cross state lines. C.J., a 13-year-old female that has escaped from her handlers twice in recent weeks, was due to be relocated to the Chimps lnc. sanctuary in Tumalo earlier this week. According to a blog maintained by Chimps Inc., C.J. made it as far as Winnemucca, Nev., where

her journey was put on hold due to delays at the lab where her tests were to be processed. Lesley Day, founder of Chimps Inc., could not be reached for comment Thursday night. On Tuesday, Day said sanctuary staff were in Las Vegas, preparing to head north with C.J. the following morning. Sanctuaries belonging to the North American Primate Sanctuary Alliance -which was due to hold its annual meeting at Chimps Inc. this week- decided the

Tumalo sanctuary would be an appropriate new home for C.J. following two recent escapes that led her owner to agree to give her up. On July 12, C.J. and a male chimp named Buddy escaped from a cage in a residential neighborhood in Las Vegas. News reports from the incident indicate the two animals were jumping on cars an d had attracted a crowd of curious spectators when Buddy m ade aggressive moves toward a police officer and was shot dead. See Chimp I C2


-From staff reports


• Portland: Some try to beat the heat, but others enjoy it. • Corvallis: Farmers seek injunction against canola growing. Stories on C3

FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb .us/information/ firemap.aspx. Joe Kline / The Bulletin

D 1. Barry Point Fire • Acres: 84,684 • Containment: 30% • Cause: Lightning 2. Holloway Fire • Acres: 436,560 • Containment: 71 % • Cause: Lightning 3. Ten Mile Complex • Acres: 14,036 • Containment: 90% • Cause: Lightning 4. Buckhead Complex • Acres: 271 • Containment: 50% • Cause: Lightning 5. Waterfalls 2 Fire • Acres: 2,723 • Containment: 0% • Cause: Lightning

Have astory idea or submission? Contact us! The Bulletin

ebra Lucas, right, hands a sample from Wandering Aengus Ciderworks to Anna Williams, of New Jersey, during the first day of the ninth annual Bend Brewfest on Thursday at the Les Schwab Amphitheater. Offerings from 51 breweries are available from 3-11 p.m. today and noon-11 p.m. Saturday.

Incumbent unopposed in La Pine's first mayoral election By Erik Hidle The Bulletin

La Pine Mayor Ken Mulenex is looking to keep his spot on the City Council this November in La Pine's first mayoral election. Mulenex, a 73-year-old retired computer engineer, filed his candidacy for office with the city earlier this month. La Pine, incorporated in 2007, adopted its first set of election rules earlier this year. Under the new laws, the mayor is elected separately and serves a two-year term as

Details onthe Obituaries page inside. Contact: 541-617-7825, obits@bendbulletin .com

ELECTION: NOV.6 For our complete coverage, visit www.bendbulletin.com/election.

rience and understanding to bring forward to completion," Mulenex said. The city recently completed an acquisition of the water and sewer districts, and a rate study is under way to determine how to plan for growth. "That study is going to tell

us a lot about what we charge for the water and what we get for that rate," Mulenex said. ·~nd we need to bring that study into what works best for La Pine." Mulenex has also been active with the regional Trip97 project, which seeks to decrease travel time on the Highway 97 corridor between La Pine and Madras, and with several Oregon Dep artment of Transportation projects planned for La Pine. "I've been working (on those projects) and I understand what

is going on;' Mulenex said. "I think it's important for the city that I stay on board and see this through. My vision is that we keep our small-town feel, our small-town ways about us. But also that we move into the future where we can develop an industrial base that will support that small-town feel and still bring jobs to town:' City Council positions currently held by Don Greiner and Dan Varcoe are also up for reelection in November. Neither incumbent has filed. See Mayor I C2

Plainclothes officers at SUV crash arrived by coincidence, police say By Scott Hammers The Bulletin

Submissions: • Obituaries, Death Notices:

a member of the council. The four council p ositions are elected to four-year terms. Mulenex Mulenex first became mayor under the city's old laws, under which the council voted on who among them would take the top seat. He was appointed mayor after he was elected to the council in 2010. "The reason I am running now is primarily that we have started a lot of things (at the city) that I feel I have the exp e-

Two vans full of plainclothes p olice officers who showed up at the scene of an SUV that crashed into a home in southwest Bend on Wednesday night had not

b een following the driver, police said Thursday. Lt. Ken Mannix of the Central Oregon Drug Enforcem ent team said the officers w ere traveling through the area w orking on an unrelated investigation when they

came across the crash at the intersection of Blakely Road and Doanna Way. " The officers stopped, becoming the first law enforcement personnel to arrive on the scene . The driver of the vehicle

that crashed, a 33-year-old Bend man, is believed to have suffered a medical condition that caused the crash . He was tested Wednesday night for signs of intoxication a nd examined at St. Charles Bend, then released to friends. The

driver is not facing charges . The American Red Cross is providing tempor ary shelter to the residents of the home that was damaged in the crash . - Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletin.com




POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department

Theft- A theft was reported at 7:13p.m. Aug. 11, in the area of Northwest Riverside Boulevard and Northwest Broadway Street. Theft- A theft was reported at 9:48a.m. Aug. 14, in the area of North U.S. Highway 97 and Empire Avenue. Unlawful entry- A vehicle was reported entered at 6:07p.m. Aug. 14, in the 61300 block of Fairfield Drive. Criminal mischief -An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:09p.m. Aug. 14, in the 800 block of Northeast Seventh Street. DUll- Suzanne Jeannette Rush, 43, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 9:28p.m. Aug. 14, in the area of Southeast Second Street and Southeast Wilson Avenue. DUll- Ethan Garrett Barbeau, 18, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 11:52 p.m. Aug. 14, in the area of Northeast Neff Road and Northeast Providence Drive. Criminal mischief -An act of criminal mischief was reported at 7:05 a.m. Aug. 15, in the 100 block of Southwest Industrial Way. Theft- A theft was reported at 7:21a.m. Aug. 15, in the 1000 block of Northeast Seventh Street. Theft- A theft was reported at 7:31a.m. Aug.15, in the 1200 block of Northeast Medical Center Drive. Unlawful entry- A vehicle was reported entered at 9:43a.m. Aug. 15, in the 61000 block of Amethyst Street. Unlawful entry- A vehicle was reported entered at 11:22 a.m. Aug. 15, in the 700 block of Northwest Hill Street. Theft- A theft was reported and an arrest made at 2:28a.m. Aug.11, in the 100 block of Northeast Third Street. Theft- A theft was reported at 10:58 a.m. Aug.13, in the 400 block of Southwest Powerhouse Drive. Prineville Pollee Department

Criminal mischief -An act of criminal mischief was reported at 9:56a.m. Aug. 15, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Unlawful entry- A vehicle was reported entered and items stolen at 10:57 a.m. Aug. 15, in the area of Northwest Fourth Street. Burglary - A burglary and an act of criminal mischief were reported at 10:31 a.m. Aug. 15, in the area of Northeast Steins Pillar Drive. Criminal mischief -An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:18 p.m. Aug. 15, in the area of Northwest Cains Road.

BEND FIRE RUNS Wednesday 19- Medical aid calls.

Submissions: • Letters and opinions: Mail: My Nickel'sWorth or In My View PO Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Details on the Editorials page Inside. Contact: 541-383-0358, bulletin@bendbulletin.com • Civic Calendar notices: Email event informati onto news@bendbulletin com, with "Civic Calendar" in thesubject, and includea contact name and phone number. Contact: 541383-0354 • School news and notes: Email newsitems and notices of general interest to news@bendbulletin.com. Email announcementsof teens' academic achievements to youth@bendbulleti n.com. Email collegenotes, military graduationsand reunion infoto bull etin@bendbull etin .com. Details: School coverage runs Wednesday in thi ssecti on. Contact: 541 -383-0358 • Comm unity events: Email event information to communitylife@bend bulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" at www bendbulletin.com. Allow at least 10 days beforethedesired dateof publication. Details The calendar appears on Page3 in Community Life. Contact: 541-383-0351 • Births, engagements, marriages, partnerships, anniversaries: Details:TheMilestones page publishes Sunday 111 Community Life. Contact: 541 -383-0358


Mayor Continued from C1

For The Dulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.com/officials.

STATE OF OREGON Gov. John Kitzhaber, Democrat 160 State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-378-4582 Fax: 503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon. gov Secretary of State Kate Brown, Democrat 136 State Capitol Salem, OR 97301 Ph one: 503-986-1616 Fax: 503-986-1616 Email: oregon.sos@state.or.us Superintendent of Public Instruction Susan Castillo 255 Capitol Street N.E. Salem, Oregon 97310 Phone: 503-947-5600 Fax:503-378-5156 Email: superintendent.castillo @state.or.us Web: www.ode.state.or.us Treasurer Ted Wheeler, Democrat 159 Oregon State Capitol 900 Court St. N. E. Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer @state.or.us Web: www.ost.state.or.us Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum, Democrat 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-378-4400 Fax: 503-378-4017 Web: www.doj.state.or.us Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian 800 N.E. Oregon St., Suite 1045 Portland. OR 97232 Phone: 971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli .mail@state.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli


Sen. Ted Ferrioli, R-District 30 (indudes Jefferson, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state. or. us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ ferri oli Sen. Chris Telfer, R-District 27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1727 Email: sen.christelfer@state. or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/telfer Sen. Doug Whitsett, R-District 28 (includes Crook, portion of

Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-303 Salem , OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett House

Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem , OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1 454 Email: rep.jasonconger@state. or. us Web: www.leg .state.or.us/conger Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem , OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman@state. or. us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman Rep. Mike Mcl ane, R-District 55 (Crook, portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane@state.or.us Web: www.leg .state.or.us/mclane Rep. GeneWhisnant, R-District 53 (portion of Deschutes County) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR 97301 Phone: 503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant@state. or. us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant

DESCHUTES COUNTY 1300 N.W Wall St. Bend, OR 97701 Web: www.deschutes.org Phone: 541 -388-6571 Fax: 541 -382-1692 County Commission

Tammy Baney, R-Bend Phone: 541-388-6567 Email: Tammy_Baney@ co.deschutes.or.us Alan Unger, D-Redmond Phone: 541-388-6569 Email: Alan_Unger@co.deschutes. or. us Tony DeBone, R-La Pine Phone: 541 -388-6568 Email: Tony_DeBone@ co.deschutes.or.us

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Kathy Agan, who was appointed to fill a vacant council position earlier this year, must also run for a permanent spot on the council as a result of the new election rules. The change in the mayor's status will open a council seat. The council will then appoint a fifth member. Agan has filed her intent to run with the city, but has yet to submit the necessary signatures to become a candidate. Agan, a 69-year-old retired mental h ealth worker and human resource specialist, said she is running to keep her seat at the request of community members. "I thought I wouldn't run, but people kept saying they wanl me on Lhere," Agan said. "I'm not one that likes to stand up and say, 'Vote for

Channels Continued from C1

"Our channel lineup is organized by programming genre;' Farwell said. "When we added the seven Pac-12 networks to our channel lineup, we didn't have seven sequential open channel numbers in the Sports section of the lineup. In order to provide seven,we moved the news and information block of channels up several positions:' The Pac-12 National network is now on Channel 46 for standard-definition, 646 for high-definition. The Pac-12 Oregon network is on channels 47 and 647. Channels 48 through 52 carry regional Pac-12 matchups for schools in Washington, California, Arizona, Colorado and Utah, and are available only through a

me because I'm the greatest.' That's tough for me, as I'm low-key." Agan said she hopes to usher the city through its continued growing years. "We still have a lot to do," Agan said. "Everything from roads, to water to lights. We are 100 years old as a community, and we don't even have lights in the area at night. I want to help with the basic things, and with molding this into a city that thrives and flourishes." The deadline to file with the city is Aug. 28. Council positions are not zoned in La Pine. and are elected from one ·candidate pool. A voter may choose two candidates for council from the pool, and the top two vote getters are elected. Councilors are elected to four-year Lerms. - Rep ort er: 541-617-7837 ehidle@bendbulletin.com

sports subscription package with Bend Broadband. The move is permanent, Farwell said. But he added that it does not impact Sunriver subscribers to Chambers Cable. BendBroadband acquired Chambers in July, and is expected to phase BendBroadband programming there over the next 14 months. The following high-definition channels have also been moved to accommodate the addition of Pac-12 Network programming: Weather HD, CNBC HD, CNN HD, Headline News HD, Fox News Channel HD, Fox Business News HD, MSNBC HD, CSPAN HD, C-SPAN2 HD. Those networks, formerly on channels 650 to 659, are now available on channels 653-662. - Reporter: 541-617-7820 eglucklich@bendbulletin.com

OLD BACK NINE At Mountain High We've been serving the local market for 62 yrs! Come check out this week's specials!

Chimp Continued from C1

C.J. was tranquilized and returned home, but escaped again Saturday. Blog entries posted in recent days suggest C.J. has been an agreeable passenger in the van sent to bring her to Tumalo. "She has heen spotted 'reading' her magazine and playing with her baby doll," reads one entry. "She was spotted combing her hair with a small comb that belongs to the baby doll. Almost there, C.J. ... thanks for your patience sweet girl!" In the most recent entry, the staffers sent to pick up C.J. indicate they hope to receive the results of the lab tests any time. "C.J. says 'OK ... lel's go home already.' We plan to spoil her at dinner time and buy more toys to keep her busy ... the other toys are now old news! Good night from C.J. and the gang." Upon her arrival, C.J. will be the eighth chimpanzee in residence at Chimps Inc. Day said C.J will be kept in a caged area adjacent to the other chimps initially, and merged into the communal area where the other animals live as she adjusts to her new surroundings. - Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletin.com




'Bring it': Some Oregonians embrace triple-digit temps By Steven Dubois and Nigel Duara The Associated Press

PORTLAND- Some said, "Bring it." Others took it with grim acceptance. Biologists fretted over the fates of fish, and families fled to fresh water. Oregon is not used to heat like this. While the rest of the nation has done a long, slow burn this scorched summer, the Pacific Northwest has managed to slip around that blanket of heat. The coastal pressure system that keeps Portland and Seattle in a cold, wet cocoon for most of the year went upsidedown this week. Instead of moist Pacific Ocean air blowing east, Portlanders got a taste of the blast furnace usually reserved for their Eastern Oregon brethren. The National Weather Service said it hit 106 degrees Thursday in Tualatin, about 15 miles south of Portland. It wasn't much better in the rest of the Willamette Valley: 96 degrees in Salem, 94 in Eugene and 98 in Roseburg. Some brave the heat by choice, like Natalie Lamothe, who lives in a basement apartment in Portland. "I love sitting outside when it's hot. I can sit out there with the tank top - it's fantastic," she said. "I love the heat. I say bring it." Oregonians can be picky about their temperatures. "Anything over 75," said Erika Monge, "is a little hot." Monge was in line to see "Brave" on Thursday at a downtown movie theater, one of the many ways people in the Beaver State chose to dodge the sun. Ryan Blaszak, who lives in Portland with his wife, Fara, and 3-year-old daughter, has a strict system for when the outdoor temperature gauge exceeds the indoor temperature gauge. "We're not allowed to open

Brent Wojahn I The Oregonian

Salvador Larios, 16, releases from a rope Thursday into the Molalla River in Canby Community Park in Canby. While many Oregonians are trying to keep cool, others are enjoying the heat.

the windows until it gets cooler outside than inside," Fara Blaszak said. "Even if you're visiting," added her mother, Chan Anaya, who was here from out-ofstate Thursday. But even the best system can be tested in record-breaking heat, so the family spent Thursday at a swimming hole along the Sandy River in Troutdale. "We decided we needed to go to some kind of water to cool off," Fara Blaszak said. At night, people without air conditioning have various ways of coping. Some seek refuge in remodeled basements. Some do the best they can with fans. Some just tough it out. Western Oregon is known more for its seemingly interminable winter rainy season than oppressive summer heat. Many residents don't have air conditioning because they don't need it in any month except.luly and August, and even

"/love sitting outside when it's hot I can sit out there with the tank top - it's fantastic." -

Natalie Lamothe, Portland resident

those months can be cool. This year, the National Weather Service put the July high at a jaw-dropping 88 degrees - this, while the rest of the nation alternately baked a nd roasted under triple-digit temperatures. The forecast calls for the extreme heat to wane Saturday. Until then, officials are warning people to be careful. Several senior centers have extended their hours to serve as "cooling centers" for older people who can't otherwise afford to get to a cooler place. Amber Kern Johnson, executive director of the Hollywood Senior Center in northeast Portland, said 15 people took advantage of the extended hours Wednesday. The center planned to show the film "Extremely Loud & Incredibly

Close" to keep people entertained on Thursday. Meanwhile, the Oregon Humane Society warned people to protect their pets and the state Department of Fish and Wildlife asked anglers to take special care when catching and releasing fish. Warm water does not hold as much oxygen as cooler water, so fish such as trout and salmon are getting less oxygen while they are being caught, and take more time to recover once released. Carrie Wolfe sat on a street corner under the scorching sun. Wolfe had a sign that said she was homeless and needed money to stay in a cheap hotel. "I'm trying to raise money so I don't have to sleep in the heat tonight," she said. "I'm about to give up."

Firefighting crews save houses near Lakeview The Associated Press

PORTLAND- Fire cr ews dug and burned protective strips around two houses in south-central Oregon to save them from a wildfire that was pushed out of the hills and into a valley near Lakeview by shifting winds. The operation Wednesday included coating the houses with protective gel, said Renee Snyder, spokeswoman for the firefighting agencies. "Everything was successful, and the homes were saved," she said. Almost all the residents of the two houses fl ed - the authorities can't order people to go, "but we highly encourage it," Snyder said. The fire, named Barry Point, is southwest of Lakeview and straddles the Oregon-California border. The fire area is about 123 square

miles, or 79,000 acres, Snyder said. Lines have been estab lished around about a third of that, and officials said they had moved personnel and equipment to the southern side of the fire where the potential for spreading was extreme. Western Oregon is expected to have extraordinarily hot weather the next few days, but slightly cooler and less arid conditions were expected Thursday at the Barry Point fire. That will give crews a better shot at getting lines around the fire, Snyder said. That favorable forecast applied to another of the fires under way in Oregon to the east named Holloway. It straddles the Oregon-Nevada border and has burned over about 680 square miles.

Firefig hters reported Thursday they had b een able to stop it from spreading in the upper Kings River Valley in Nevada and had made good progress on the Oregon side, as well. Il was about 70 percent contained. Other significant fires in Oregon: • Hikers and campers near Bobby Lake in the Cascade Range and the nearby Pacific Coast Trail were warned to stay away from the area b ecause of a new wildfire, and campers in the Waldo La ke a rea wer e put on alert. The fire was small, hut the area is a popular summer recreation area. Fire agencies said they were putting more people to work on it Thursday, hoping to control it before the weather turned unfavorable. It is part of a complex of fires

Josephine County saving timber money The Associated Press

GRANTS PASS - One of Oregon's rural counties struggling with declining federal timber payments has decided to bank what may be the final infusion of federal safety net money rather than make room for more crooks in the jail. The Grants Pass Daily Courier reports Josephine County commissioners voted 2-l Wednesday to save almost all the $4.7 million authorized by Congress to spend next year on maintaining the current level of jail space, sheriff's patrols and county prosecutors. They have yet to decide what to do with $700,000 of the money and are likely to take up the issue next week.

There had been talk about using $500,000 to open up more room in the jail, which has been cut back to just 30 beds for local use since taxpayers turned down a tax increase for public safety. Commissioner Don Reedy's motion to fund 19 more fail beds and add a half-time deputy for court security died for lack of a second. Commissioner Simon Hare said he couldn't support spending the money when the sheriff's office has failed to get the federal government to pay a higher rate for renting jail beds. The county jail had to turn lose 100 inmates last May due to layoffs and budget cuts after

voters turned down a $12 million levy to pay for law enforcement. Sheriff's patrols, juvenile justice services, and the district attorney's office were cut to the bone. Since the cutbacks, the numbers of people facing criminal charges who fail to come to court has skyrocketed. People arrested on burglary charges get cited and released because there is no room to hold them. In 1991, the county saw a sharp drop in its share of federal timber revenues due to logging cutbacks on federal lands to protect the northern spotted owl and salmon, resulting in similar cuts. Subsidies in place of the payments that were enacted by Congress in 2000 expired last year.

called Buckhead that's burning on about 270 acres in the area between Eugene and Bend. • Firefighters continue struggling with the difficult terrain around the Red Bulles Wilderness Area on the Oregon-California border south of Grants Pass. The containment estimate for the Fort Complex fires was about 25 percent. • In the southeast corner of the state, near McDermitt, Nev., fires covering about 22 square miles were reported nearly contained. • A fire of about 4 square miles on the Warm Springs Reservation was described in a summary as burning on "steep, rocky n early inaccessible terrain." Firefighters said they hoped to contain it within existing roads and trails.

Farmers aim to block growing of canola of Universal Seed Co. Molalla-based Friends of Family Farmers filed the suit with the Center for Food Safety, a national sustainable agriculture organization. Joining them were Oregon specialty seed producers Universal Seed, Wild West Seeds and Wild Garden Seed. Seed producers said they also fear that because most canola is a genetically modified organism, organic seed producers might be shut out of markets that prohibit GM 0 contamination of any kind. Agriculture Department director Katy Coba said the agency was trying to find a balance between the two sides in what has been a dispute spanning the last decade, and its decision includes safeguards to prevent cross-pollination and the accidental spread of canota seed. The U.S. Department of Agriculture has approved genetically modified canola as a crop, she said. Coba's action was an emergency order to allow farmers to make planting decisions this fall. That's to be followed by a hearing in September on a permanent rule.

The Associated Press

CORVALLIS - Specialty seed producers and some agricultural organizations have gone to court hoping to block state approval of canola production in the Willamette Valley on grounds it threatens Oregon's $32 million specialty seed industry. Some farmers want to grow canola for processing into cooking oil or biodiesel fuel. Seed-crop farmers fear canola will cross-pollinate related plants such as cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, kale and turnips, and that could contaminate the seeds they sell to production growers and gardeners. The suit asks for an injunction against a Department of Agriculture rule from last week that permits farmers to plant canota around the edges of the valley in part of a district off limits to canota since 2009. ·~ number of our domestic and international seed purchasers have already made statements that they will no longer purchase Oregon seeds if more canota comes to the Willamette Valley," said Nick Tichinin, president

State wildlife officials seek elusive wolverines The Associated Press

GRANTS PASS - Oregon wildlife biologists are heading into the Cascades next month to set out dozens of automatic tr ail cameras in hopes of capturing a photo of a wolverine. Tim Hiller of the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife said Thursday they hope to develop information that will help federal authorities decide whether to list wolverines under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Oregon has listed them as threatened since 1987. The last known wolver-

ine in the high Cascades in Oregon was shot by a hunter in 1963 on Three-Fingered Jack. But three were photographed last year in the Eagle Cap Wilderness in the northeastern corner of the state. Cameras baited with roadkilled deer will be set out in the Mount Jefferson, Mount Washington and Three Sisters wilderness areas.




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The Bulletin







] oHN CosTA

F.ditnr-in- ChiPj


Editor ofEd~orials

Bend police's false alarm fix a good compromise

""~~ '~


alse alarms are a serious problem for Bend Po-

lice. The department says it responds to some 2,167 false alarms a year, costing the department

$110,000. The last thing a resident of gesting a better compromise that Bend needs when a real emergen- could win council support. cy comes through the back door is If the council gives the new for police to be scurrying around ordinance final approval, we enafter false alarms. - - - - - - - courage businesses and The Rend City homeowners to sign up. Alarms may First of all, police will Council took the first step in approving a bring security be able to more quickly track you down if somesolution Wednesday and peace night and it should of mind for thing is really wrong. help. And second, if there is homeowners no actual emergency, Police would issue and the police are going fines for more than to have more time for one false alarm a year, businesses. much more important giving everybody a They can also matters. break if there is a mis- bring hours of take. The department Alarms may bring is also going to set up a unnecessary security and peace of voluntary registration work for mind for homeowners program, so police the police and businesses. They know whom to con- department. can also bring hours of unnecessary work for tact about an alarm. The registration prothe police department. gram could significantly shorten Police are compelled to respond to the time police spend now, trying a false problem that they certainly to find who is responsible for an didn't create. The police are part of alarm system. the city and, like the city, they are This solution is much better trying to do more with less money. than earlier proposals that would have started fining on the first offense. Thank you, Bend City Councilor Scott Ramsay, for sug-

This new ordinance might not save the full $110,000 a year or eliminate all the wasted time. It should help.

Hunters and ranchers help improve habitat wo Crook County ranches will do something few ranchers h ave been willing to do this fall when they open their lands to appointment-only hunting as part of the state's Access and Habitat Program. They will b e rewarded for doing so with cash to help them improve habitat on their lands. The Access and Habitat Program, run by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, got its start in 1993. Its goal was, and is, twofold -to increase hunting opportunities on private land and to improve habitat in the process. It is funded la rgely, but not exclusively, by a $2 surcharge on hunting licenses a nd the annual auction a nd raffle of special deer and elk tags. Combined, those sales gen erate about $1.6 million every biennium for the program. It has funded about 400 grants in the 17 years since the program began and op en ed some 7 million acres of private land to hunters.


The two Crook County ranchers will, in exchange for opening their la nd, each receive money to do everything from removing junipers to finding n ew water sources and

improving old ones to treating invasive plants. The two will receive upwards of $500,000 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Farm Services Administration as p art of the agreement, according to ODFW's website. Healthy habitat is critical to the health of species that live in the High Desert and elsewhere in Oregon, and good water supplies and control of invasive species are critical to keeping habitat healthy. Juniper, which will be removed on both properties, can damage watersheds in two ways, by absorbing water through extensive root systems and by preventing rainwater from reaching the ground . That's why the land under juniper trees so often is bare of other vegetation. Hunters often have a bad reputation among ranchers, and vice versa. This program, on these two ranches and elsewhere around Oregon, can help change that as the two sides discover they have a mutual interest in a healthy la ndscape. The program's goals themselves are valuable, and better understa nding of the other guy's difficulties an important bonus.

Aphorisms point way to success for incoming college freshman By Carlo Rotella

The Boston Globe

When I left home at 18 to attend college, my older brother gave me four aphorisms to live by that he received when he went off to college. He got them from Rocco Caponigri, a family friend, who got them from his father when he went to college. They were: 1. It is better to be alone than in bad company. (George Washington) 2. If you would have leisure, you must use time well. (Ben Franklin) 3. Everything yields to diligence. (Thomas Jefferson) 4. Disgrace your family and I'll break your head. (Sebastiana Caponigri) When I remembered to heed them they served me well- and as I prepare "to enter what I calculat~ to be the 40th grade come September, they still serve me well. A lot of incoming freshmen are getting ready to leave home for the first time. College is more necessary and more expensive than ever, and the postcollegiate job market isn't very encouraging, so they're feeling pressure not to waste the opportunity. Or they should he, anyway. I pass along Rocco's father's aphorisms in the hope that they may prove useful. In my case, number one periodically reminded me to remove myself from the company of thirsty wiseacres and go to the library or to bed. Numbers two and three helped me discover a secret of undergraduate life: If you do four hours of schoolwork every Monday morning and Friday afternoon, the week opens up like a flower. And number four infused the other three with authority: The prospective

shame of screwing up badly enough to bring dishonor to my family kept me mostly in line on the way to graduation. And here are a few additional pieces of advice to new collegians, things I've picked up along the way as I navigate through university life a nd watch a lot of other people do it alongside me. • Hard work is much more important than talent. A graduating senior, an eternally game fellow who wasn't the most gifted of students but did all right on the strength of excellent study habits and a willing mind, came to see me a nd said, "I think I get it: It helps if you're smart, but it's more important to never let a nybody outwork you." How consistently and diligently you work is the single most important factor under your control in determining your success in school and beyond. It's an obvious point, but you can lose sight of it when you're feeling intimidated by the credentials and self-presentation of your fellow scholars. • Hit the marks, but find opportunities to flounder purposefully. A number of tendencies in child-rearing these days, chief among them the predominance of coaching and lessons and other formal instruction, make for kids coming out of high school who are terrifically good at hitting the marks. A teacher tells them what to do and how to do it, they do it and get praise for it (because positive reinforcement really work s), the teacher gives them something a little more advanced to do, and so on. This is great, on bala nce, but the price of all that coachability is that students are often not as comfortable when learning in an

A lot of incoming freshmen are getting ready to leave home for the first time. College is more necessary and more expensive than ever, and the postcollegiate job market isn't very encouraging, so they're feeling pressure not to waste the opportunity. open-ended, less-guided style. College is a good place to do both. Yes, look for teachers who'll set challenging marks and show you exactly how to reach them, but you can also seek out teachers who identify the objective and leave you to figure out how to get there on your own. And you don't have to rely on teachers at all: Collaborate with motivated peers on do-it-yourself projects, anything from a reading group to a publication to a radio station. • Beware of people who think they're smarter than everybody else. In both professors or fellow students, it's at best an unfailing sign of mediocrity a nd at worst a symptom of delusional grandiosity or even low-grade psychopathy. Shun them. • When in doubt, and even (perhaps especially) when you're certain, double-check everything. It turns out, for instance, that Antiphanes, not Jefferson, usually gets credit for "Everything yields to diligence." - Carlo Rotella is director of American Studies at Boston College.

Letters policy

In My View policy

How to submit

We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain no more than 250 words and include the writer's signature, phone number and address for verification. We edit letters for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject poetry, personal attacks, form letters, letters submitted elsewhere and those appropriate for other sections of The Bulletin. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words, signed and incl ude the writer's phone number and address fo r verification. We edit submissions for brevity, grammar, taste and legal reasons. We reject those published elsewhere. In My Vi ew pieces run routinely in the space below, alternating with national columnists. Writers are limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.

Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or In My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin@bendbulletin.com

Online retailers might be selling black-market pet meds t 's official. Bend is the top dog, according lo Dog Fancy magazine, the dog-friendliest city in the country. I don't doubt that, nor do I doubt that love of dogs extends past the city limits across Central Oregon. All this love of dogs can be a decidedly mixed blessing, however, and both sides of the story are pretty easy to find: Bend is a community loaded with dog parks, one of the things that won it attention from Dog Fancy. That's a far cry from just a few years ago, when dog lovers bedeviled the Bend City Council with requests to create that first special area where dogs can run unleashed. At the same time, unfortunately, Bend is a community where folks assume dogs are welcome absolutely everywhere, no matter what those pesky signs might say. Thus, though it's illegal to have anything but a


service animal in the grocery store, I frequenlly see small furry faces peeking out from under owners' arms at my neighborhood supermarket - and downtown, there are still people who believe those "no dogs allowed" signs at street festivals surely don't apply to their furry friends. Then there's a problem that's not limited to Bend and that, at first glance, may not seem like a problem at all. That's the sale of prescription pet medications online and perhaps at other stores. First, understand that it's not all about the money. Yes, some veterinarians make a nice profit from prescription medications, though that isn't always the case. At Deschutes Veterinary Clinic in Bend, for example - where I take my animals - prescription drugs are sold at cost , according to Dr. Scott Kramer. Instead there's a nother problem,

JANET STEVENS one that's borne out by the folks at the Oregon Veterinary Examining Board and by successful actions against one Internet company in Florida and Texas. In both cases, 1-800-PetMeds, without admitting guilt,paid substantial fines for illegal sales of prescription medications. Also in both cases, it was state boards of pharmacy, not a veterinarians group, that took action against the site. Here's why. Prescription medications are, by law, supposed to be sold only to patients whose doctors and veterinarians have actually seen them, whether they're human or canine. Clearly, an online pharmacy or other store has no way of assuring that.

From a consumer's standpoint lhere's a bigger problem, however, and it's not just limited to the Internet. Prescription drugs are sold by manufacturers - not middlemen - to pharmacies, physicians and veterinarians. That assures that what you buy is what has been prescribed, that it has been handled properly and remains fresh and effective. Yet there's a thriving black market in pet medications, and, Deschutes' Kramer says, veterinarians are routinely approach ed by distributors who ask them to purchase prescription medications in bulk from manufacturers and sell them to the distributors. Presumably, the latter turn a round and sell the drugs to outlets that could not buy them legally on their own. You may wonder, as I did, what's so bad about that. It might b e all right if there were some way to assure that

distributors and those purchasing from lhem sold only lhe real lhing and took care of it properly. There isn't, however, and both Kramer and state Veterinary Examining I3oard officials say it's a real problem when dogs receive outdated drugs of dubious strength or drugs that are not what the labels say they are. I don't think anyone would seriously consider buying black market antibiotics for a sick kid. Yet when we purchase pet medications from online stores, we may be doing just that for our dogs. We have no way of knowing. And that, says Kramer, is the real problem. We think we're doing the right thing and saving a few bucks in the process. We may not be, however, and it's our dogs - or cats - that suffer from our penny pinching. - Janet Stevens is deputy editor of The Bulletin.





DEATH NoTICES Alfred Ruch, of Bend Sept. 14, 1929- Aug. 13, 2012 Arrangements:

Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471' www.niswonger-reynolds.com Services:

A Celebration of Life and family gathering at a time to be decided.

William "Bill" J. Jeffrey, of San Marcos, CA April18, 1958- Aug. 11, 2012 Arrangements:

Baird Memorial Chapel, La Pine, 541-536-5104 www.bairdmortuaries.com Services:

Burial will take place on Tuesday, August 21, 2012, at Oak Hill Memorial Park, in Escondido, California.

Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will be run for one day, but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They may be submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information in all correspondence. For information on any of these services or about the obituary policy, contact 54i-6i7-7825. Deadlines: Death Notices are accepted until noon Monday through Friday for next-day publication and noon Saturday. Obituaries must be received by 5 p.m. Monday through Thursday for publication on the second day after submission, by i p.m. FridayforSundayor Monday publication, and by 9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday publication. Deadlines for display ads vary; please call for details. Phone: 54i -6i7-7825 Email: obits@bendbulletin.com Fax: 54i -322-7254 Mail: Obituaries P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708

DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the w orld:

Joan Roberts, 95: Actress who originated the female lead role of Laurey in the 1943 Broadway production of Rodgers & Hammerstein's longrunning hit musical "Oklahoma!" and made a final relurn to Broadway after a more than five-decade absence in a 2001 revival of Stephen Sondheim's "Follies." Died Monday at her home in Stamford, Conn. Burl Osborne, 75: Former chairman of the Associated Press and editor of the Dallas Morning News as it won multiple Pulitzer prizes and rose to national prominence. Died Wednesday at a hospital in Dallas of unknown causes. Maideh Magee, 90: Author of "In a Persian Kitchen," one of the first English-language Persian cookbooks, as well as a lecturer on French and Russian art who traveled the world with her husband, a U.S. diplomat. Died Aug. 7 at a hospital in Washington. Peter Morrissey, 59: Public relations professor at Boston University who made his name in the early 1980s as an adviser to the makers of 1Vlenol during Lhe lampering ~md poisoning case. Died Aug. 3 at a hospital in Boston of complications from brain cancer. William Wallace, 88: Sports reporter for the New York Times who was among the first to cover professional football beyond the local team, writing about issues affecting both the National and American Football Leagues, including their merger in 1970. Died Saturday in Norwalk, Conn. Johnny Pesky, 92: Star Red Sox shortstop in the 1940s who spent seven decades at Fenway Park as a player, manager, coach, broadcaster and instructor, becoming one of Boston's most beloved figures. Died Monday in Danvers, Mass. - From wire reports

Longshore union sues Port of Portland

Kubert was comics artist, founder of trade school By Geoff Boucher Los Angeles Times

Joe Kubert was never a superstar comics artist - his work didn't have the necessary bombast or polished edges - but the man who drew ragged, soulful soldiers in "Sgt. Rock," "The Haunted Tank" and "Enemy Ace" did something his characters would have admired: Kubert marched farther and longer than anyone else and proved himself a natural leader. Kubert, 85, who died Sunday in Morristown, N.J., of multiple myeloma, leaves behind a legacy spread across comic books published in eight decades and built into the walls of the Kubert School. The school, founded in 1976 in Dover, N.J., by the artist and his wife, Muriel, is the nation's only accredited trade school for"comic book artists. Its inspiration came from Kubert 's earliest days in the business when he was a preteen protege in a comic book production shop in Manhattan in the late 1930s. By age 13, Kubert was sweeping floors and erasing the pencil lines on pages of inked artwork in Harry Chesler's bustling production studio, which was handling the demand surge that followed the June 1938 debut of Superman in "Action Comics" No. 1. Kubert's own artwork was first published in March 1942 with a six-page tale of Volton the Human Generator, who traveled through electrical wires and protected Empire City. Volton fizzled but, 70 years later, Kubert was still energized and working at a high level - the octogenarian had been working in recent months with his son , Andy, on the high-profile DC Comics mini-series "Before Watchmen: Nite Owl." Andy's brother, Adam, is also a comic hook artist; both teach at the Dover academy. "We are saddened to learn of the death of our colleague and friend Joe Kubert," DC Comics said in a statement. "An absolute legend in the industry, his legacy will not only live on with his sons, but with the many artists who have passed through the sto-

Libra do Romero I New York Times News Service

Joe Kubert, a comic book artist, sits in 2009 at the Kubert

ried h alls of his celebrated school." Instead of the majestic a nd the muscle-bound, Kubert's art seemed tattered at the edges and populated by rangy heroes with haunted eyes. That didn't suit Metropolis or Gotham City duty, but it made him perfect for the vines of jungle adventure ("Tarzan of the Apes," "Korak," "Tor," "Rima the Jungle Girl") and the foxholes of war comics, none more famously than "Sgt. Rock." Sgt. Frank Rock, the everyman leader of Easy Company, was introduced in 1959 by Kubert and writer Robert Kanigher, and he would continue fighting World War II on a monthly basis well into the MTV era. Kubert would correct people who mentioned his success in war comics - he considered them "anti-war" comics - and that view was pinned to the page starting in 1967 when the words "Make War No More" became a familiar motto on the closing page of Sgt. Rock stories. "Joe, in his way, was a primitive; he drew from his gut," said Neal Adams, the artist who shook up comics in the 1960s with a sleek style leaning toward photorealism. "Joe, because of his gritty style, because of his down-in-the-dirt approach, mixed the heroic with the terribleness of war, and the dirt ofwar, and the grit of war. He never made it seem appeal-

of overpopulation - inspired the 1973 film "Soylent Green" LONDON - American au- starring Charlton Heston. thor Harry Harrison, whose Born in Stamford, Conn., in space-age spoofs delighted 1925, Harrison served in the generations of science fiction U.S. Army Air Corps during fans, has died, a friend said World War IT hefore working freelance as a commercial Wednesday. He was 87. Irish science fiction writer artist and eventually embarkMichael Carroll said in a ing on a long career as one of telephone interview that he science fiction's leading writlearned of Harrison's passing ers, turning out more than 70 from the author's daughter, books and short stories. Among them was Moira, earlier in the day. He said Harrison FEATURED "Bill, the Galactic died in southern Eng- OBITUARY Hero" a send-up of Heinlein's Robert land, but didn't have hard-edged "Starship much further detail. Harrison was a prolific writ- Troopers," and 'The Techer whose works ranged from nicolor Time Machine," which tongue-in-cheek intergalactic took aim at Hollywood. action romps to dystopian fanOther works included anlasies, wilh delours Lhrough Lhologies, colleclions, and chilchildren's stories and sham- dren's stories - including one bolic crime capers. Carroll said particularly goofy tale about most of the works delivered a an intergalactic guerilla force stream of sly humor with a big of mutant pigs. bucket of action. Harrison's publisher, Tom "Imagine 'Pirates of the Ca- Doherty, described him as an ribbean' or 'Raiders of the Lost illustrator, an anthologist, a Ark,' and picture them as sci- critic, and a friend. "In 'The Stainless Steel Rat' ence fiction novels," he said. "They're rip-roaring adven - and 'Bill, The Galactic Hero' he tures, but they're stories with a created two of the great comic series of the genre. In 'Make lot of heart." Harrison was best known Room! Make Room!' he made for his "The Stainless SteelRat" us consider the consequences series, starring the free-spirited of over-population and overanti-hero Slippery Jim DiGriz, consumption of the world's a quick-witted conman who resources," Doherty said in a travels the universe swindling statement. humans, aliens and robots "He believed science fiction alike. His 1966 work, "Make was important, that it caused Room! Make Room!" - a sci- people to think about our world ence fiction take on the horrors and what it could become." By Raphael SaHer

PORTLAND - The International Longshore and Warehouse Union filed a federal lawsuit Thursday over money the Port of Portland recently agreed to pay to its terminal operator to help cover losses caused by the work slowdowns and cargo diversions that highlighted this summer's labor strife. The suit names the port and its executive director, Bill Wyatt. It seeks an injunction against the $4.7 million payment to ICTSI Oregon Inc., which operates the Port's container terminal. The suit contends it is illegal for a public agency such as the Port of Portland to help one side or the other in

a public sector labor dispute. "The Port's handout to ICTSI is not only illegal, it's wrong," said Leal Sundet, an ILWU coast committeeman. "Our lawsuit aims to stop the port's direct interference in a private labor dispute and to keep the money in public hands, where it can be invested in local infrastructure." The port said in a statement the lawsuit is "without merit." The ILWU and the terminal operator have been in a dispute over whether Longshoremen or union electricians should perform the work of plugging and unplugging refrigerated shipping containers. The terminal operator, citing the terms of its 25-vear lease with the port, sa!d the electricians should have the work.

School, an academy he founded with his wife, in Dover, N.J. Kubert , whose work stretched from the Golden Age of the superhero to the gritty realism of the graphic novel, died Sunday in Morristown, N.J . He was 85.

Harry Harrison wrote science fiction, satire The Assodated Press

By Steven Dubois The Associat ed Press

ing, but, to men , the nature of war is that you can be a h ero. The cost, however, is one of the things th at Joe showed in his work." YosaifKubert was 2 months old when he, his older sister and their parents a rrived at New York's Ellis Island in 1926. The family hailed from a village called Ozeryany in what was southern Poland and is n ow Ukraine. The family settled in Brooklyn, where Kubert's father worked as a kosher butcher. One day he brought home a life-changing treasure: an artist table for his son, who was obsessed with comic strips, especially Hal Foster's "Tarzan." Decades later, Kubert would draw Edgar Rice Burroughs' jungle hero, and earlier this summer he reflected on the power of those newsprint images. "Reading Foster's 'Tarzan' back in the stone age was one of the very important things that occurred in my life that pointed me toward the things I do today," Kubert said in June phone interview. "When I was a kid, I didn't know why it was so powerful or why I enjoyed it so much. Rut as I got older and I got into the business myself, I tried to analyze it. It was his ability to tell a story and do it with images that were still - they weren't moving, not animated at all - but they were living. That character was alive, and for me those images moved even if they didn't."

DARRELL GoRDON THOMPSON JuNE 28, 1924- AuGuST r3, 2or2

Darrell Gordon Thompson was born June 28, 1924 in Minneapolis, Minnesota and grew up on a farm during the depression era in Flora, N o rth Dakota. H e had m any fond memories of life growing up on the farm and greatly enjoyed relating them to all of us. He was an exceptional athlete, and basketball was his prima ry pursuit. H e was t he star player in t he area and many would turn out to root for "M ush". At 19 he tried to join the Navy but was d iverted into the U.S. Arm y because of his color blindness, and ended up serving in the 508th as a paratrooper ... (more great stories) in the European t heater, and was p resent at the "Battle of the Bulge", and the taking of the Remagen Bridge, considered the greatest ever battle of the U.S. military. After WWII ended he returned to the farms in N o rth Dako ta and shortly afterward came o ut to Central Oregon, following other family members. Jane Nilson soon followed and th ey married at the courhouse in Bend , on April 16, 1947. Darrell wo rked on the constructio n of W ickiup Dam and t hey lived at the site in the middle of what is now W ickiup Reservoir. H e late r moved in to Bend where he was em ployed in the parts department at Bend Garage. O n Au gust 16, 1948 twins Ron and Ro nda were born. Four years later they moved t o the Oregon coast for a better pay ing jo b and raised their family there, returning to Bend in 1969, where they lived o ut their remaining years. Darrell was p redeceased by his wife Jane, on January 29; and his dau ghter Ronda, o n June 10 of this year. H e is su rvived by h is son Ron; 5 grandchildren, Jeff Scott of Scottsdale, AZ, Jessica Katsura ofVancouver, B.C, Jordan Thompso n ofVancouver, B.C ., G alen Thompson ofKamloops, B.C., and Stephen Thompso n o f Bend, OR; a nd great grandchildren boy/g irl twins, Sasha Katsura and Aya Sofia Katsura, ofVancouver, B.C. A celebratio n w ill be held in Darrell's ho nor at G race Lutheran C hurch on N ewport Avenue in Bend, on Saturday, August 18th at 3:00 p m. It is Darrell's and the family's wish that donatio ns be made to Partners in Care in Bend, O regon .

}ULY 16, 1978 - AUGUST 12, 2012

A Celebration of Dominic's life will take place on Saturday, August 18 at 5:00p.m. at the Sisters High School Auditorium in Sisters, Oregon.

Donations may be made in his honor to any ofthe folbJwing charities. Please add the memo line '1n memory ofDominic Fouts": • Sisters Schools Foundation, P.O . Box 2 155, Sisters, OR 97759 • Providence Porcland Medical Foundation, 4805 NE Glisan, Portland, OR 97229 (please indicate on the memo line "Integrative Medicine Fund - in memory of Dominic Fouts") • OHSU Knight Cancer Institute payable to the OHSU Foundation, Mail Stop 45, PO Box 400, Portland, OR 97208-9852. Dominic Daniel Fouts passed away on Sunday, August 12, in Portland, O regon, at the age of 34. He was born in San Diego, California on July 16, 1978, where he lived until he moved to Sisters in 1991, and in later years lived in Seattle and Penland. He is survived by his loving family: father, Daniel F. Fouts, mother, Julianne M. Fouts, wife, Sally Fouts, stepmom, Jeri Fouts, sister, Suzanne Krueger, brother-in-law, Jesse Krueger, brother, Ryan Burbank, sister, Shannon Fouts and niece, Lily Krueger. He graduated from Sisters High School in 1996 and from the University of San Diego with a degree in Communications in 2001, and attained the degree in Masters of Arts in Teaching from Seattle Pacific University in 2009. Whether you called him Dominic, Dom, Nick, the Dominator, Nitro or Dominicolus it didn't matter to him. What you could call him for sure would be extraordinary. A true student-athlete, Nick excelled in both the classroom and the athletic arena. He achieved the rare triple honor of being named the Student of the Year in both math and science at Sisters High School, while also earning honors as Athlete of the Year. An outstanding leader, he quarterbacked the Outlaw football team, was point guard on the basketball team, and was a member of the 1996 3A state champion 4x400 meter relay team. After receiving his Masters, Nick settled in as a science teacher in the greater Seattle school system. He was a devoted and innovative teacher throughout the school

year and camp counselor in the summertime. Teaching and mentoring children was always the highest priority for him. Outside the classroom, his passion was for the outdoors and for adventure. It was not uncommon to see Nick and his pals scaling one of the Sisters Mountains and snowboarding down, only to go back for more. His love of the surf rivaled that of his winter sports as he braved the chilly waters of the Oregon Coast and savored the warm swells of Southern California and Mexico. He was also an avid traveler, and loved exploring new places and cultures. His travels took him to France, Spain, London, the Dominican Republic, Canada, and most recently, a return trip to Italy, in May and June. He was wise, fearless, intelligent, courageous, sentimental and thoughtful, and he possessed an exceptional sense of humor. He was a man of loyalty, heart and depth. And it is all these traits and more that served him so well during his three year battle with cancer. We are blessed by his life and knowing that in his later years his fight allowed all of us to come together in a way that it is not always possible for family and friends. Adversity has a way of altering perspective, sometimes in ways that surprise us, just like Dominic. Dominic is survived by his loving family, many dedicated friends and a phenomenal team of doctors and health professionals. Our entire family expresses our deepest thanks to the wonderful circle of people who cared so much about Dominic, and who continue to give us comfort, support and love during these difficult days .. . we are truly blessed.



17, 2012


Ma ps and nationa l fo recast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012 .



Today: A sunny and exceedingly hot day.

Tonight: A few storms in the late evening and early night.




WEST Partly to mostly sunny with a few thunderstorms. Hot inland .


~ ••Hermiston 97/60 <Aolington Wallowa _..,....,........,R~G~• ~· • Pendleton rnM 101161 R~~~~ b~iles ~igs ~







Corvallis• 991i9 Yachats• 66155

Camp She~~ ~n •


Eugene • 1001)7



Grove 96i57

Coos Bay 63154 •


• Bandon




CENTRAL Variably cloudy and hot with a chance of thunderstorms.

Union 92152 .


•Baker City 93!50


•John Day

• Prineville 9JIS~ I 99.~5 Redmond • Paulina 89/48 96151 Sunriver • Bend 92148 0 96" 1 •Brothe~ 93/47 • Oakridge 93150 • Burns • La Pine 93147 94/49 Riley Cres9~~~J Fort Rock W49 951i8 •


• emuit

EAST Abundant sunshine w ith hot temperatures.





•Juntura 101/56



• Rome

. 97162



•chiloquin 941i6

Yesterday's state extremes



Pass 101/62

Jordan \:'alley 911i6 .

•christmas Valley

Silver Lake 95/48

Port Orford

Gold • Beach 60154



• 671')_~





Florence •


Willowdale 9865 Warm Springs • • 99156 • Madras

• Meacham •





R~2~ •

98160 • Lincoln City- , Salem 66155 • I 1OO!i9e

· Klamath


• 40°

Fields •

• Lakev iew




















Yes.terday's extremes (in the 48 contiguous states):



Thunder Bay 66/41


St. Paul

• 108°

71 /55.

Lake Elsinore, Calif.

• 34° West Yellowstone, Mont.

• 2.28" Terre Haute, Ind.


Honolulu ~ 88172


BOs o




A sunny

li ngering morn ing thunderstorms possible.





FRONTS ............_ _...__._ Cold







Rise .. .4:39 am .. .2:34am .. t133 am .. !2:30 am .. !1:18 am .. .9:31pm


Mercll'f Venus ..

Mars .. JlJI]ter .. SatiJn. . Urarus.

Set .. .. . 7:12pm. . .. . .5:26 pm. . ... !0:14 pm. .. .. .3:35 pm. . .. . !0:24pm. .... . 9:59am.

WATER REPORT Sisters ..................... ......Ext

Bend, eas1 of H"Y· 97_.....Ext

La Pine ...........................Ext

Redmond!Madras .........Ext. MOO.= MOOerale; Ext= Exlreme

Prineville ............ .......Ext

The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaste r and irrigation dist ricts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen. Reservo ir Acre feet Capacity

To report a wildfire, call911

Crane Prairie . .

ULTRAVIOLET INDEX The hig her the UV Index numbe r, the g reater the need fo r eye and skin protection. Ind ex is for so lar at noon. MEDIUM


TEMPERATURE PRECIPITATION Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. in Bend High/Low . .. ... .. . . .. . Bllf.iS 24 hours ending 4 p.m.' .0.00" Record !;~ .. .... t02 in 2008 Month1o da1e . .... .. . 0.04" Record low ........ 32 in 1935 Average month to date . .. 0.23" Year to date .. .. .... ... 6.61" Average tigh .... .. ... .. . B2 Average low ............ . 47 Average year to date .... 6.51" Barometric pressure at 4 p.m30.03 Recocd 24 hoLrs . .0.53 in 1968 ' Melted liquid equivalent

Bend, west of Hwy. 97......Ext.



83 48


Yesterday Friday Saturday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Precipitation'/alues are 24-hour totals through4 p.m. As1ocia . . ... . .. 66151/0.00 . . . . .75/58/s . . . . .67{;7/c Baker City .. . .. B8/47/0.00 . . . . .93/50/s . .. .95!54/pc Brookings ..... 57/53/trace . . . . .58151/c . .. .5Bt54/pc Burns. .93152/0.00 .95/58/s .92!57/pc Eugene . . ... . . .94/61/0.00 . . .100,57/pc . .. .86155/pc Klamath Falls ... 94155/0.00 ..... 94f>3/t . . . .89!50/pc Lakeview ... . .. 90152/0.00 . . . .95,56/pc ... . . B8f> tit La Pine .. .. .. .. 92/4B/O.OO .... 93147/pc .. ... 91/42/t Medford . ... . . I 04/68/0.00 . . .104166/pc . . . .97161/pc Newport . ... . .. 61150/0.00 . . . .63,53/pc ... .62!53/pc North Bend . . .. 64152/0.00 . . . .63,54/pc . .. .63/54/pc Ontario . ... . .. 96/70/0.00 . . . . .98/59/s . . . . .98/67/s Pencleton .. . . .. 91!57/0.00 ... . .96/58/s ... .100/62/s Portland . .. .. 100/65/0.00 .... 100/64/s . .... 87/61/t Prineville ... . .. 89!55/0.00 . . . .93,52/pc ... . .96/52/t Redmond .. .. .. 92/47/0.00 ..... 96/53/s .. ..94t54/pc Roseburg ... . .. 97/66/0.00 . . . .95161/pc . . . .89157/pc Salem .. . ... . . .97/63/0.00 . . . .100/59/s ... .86!58/pc Sisters . ... . ... 90/47/0.00 .. . .94!50/pc . .. .. 94/49/t The Dalles .. . . I 00/60/0.00 . . . .103/61/s ... .98!64/pc

Mo re su ns hi ne and very comforta ble.

85 50

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrise today .. . . 6:12a.m. Moon phases Sunset today .. . . 8:1Xip.m. New First Full Last Sunrise tomorrow . 6:13a.m. Sunset tomorrow . . 8:04p.m. MOO!Yise today . . 6:23 a.m. Moonset today ... 7:48p.m. Aug.17 Aug.24 Aug. 31 Sep1. 8



A few

86 53


POLLEN COUNT Updated daily. Source: pollen.com


. . . 35,964 . .. . . 55,000

Wickiup . ... .. . ... . .. .. 131,705 Crescent Lake . . .. . . . . . . . 73,107 Ochoco Reservoir . ... . . .. 26,125 Prinevi lle . . .. . .. ... .. . 109,822 River flow Station

.... 200,000 . . .. . 91,700 . . . . . 47,000 . .. . 153,777 Cubic ft./sec

Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie


Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup . ... ..... . 1,730 Crescent Cree kBelow Crescent Lake .. .. . . . 137 Little Deschutes Nea r La Pine ... . ... . .. ... 75.7 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend . .. . . . . . ... . . 144 Desch utes RiverA! Ben ham Falls ... .. . .. . 2,151 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res. NA Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res. . . . ... . . 228 Ochoco CreekBelow Ochoco Res.


Crooked RiverNea rTerrebonne . . . . ..... . . 75.7 Contact : Watermaster, 388-6669 or go to www.wrd.state.or.us legend:W-weather, Pep-precipitation, s-sun, pc-partial douds, c-douds, h-haze, sh-showers, r;-ain, t-thunderstorms, sf-snowflurries, sn-snow, i-ice, rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind, f-fog, dr-drizzle, tr-trace



Widespread showers a nd thunderstorms, mostly in t he after-



.Astoria 75158



Yesterday Friday Saturday Gty Hill.o/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, IX .. . ..94117/0.00 .96112/pc . ..9417tit Ahon .. .. ... ..84/6010.00 .. 77/52n. 74153/i< Albany .. ...... .B3/64/0.0B .. B415~t. 78152/i< Ali>J<pJe~ue ... .9211310.00 .. 87/67/1 ...89/£7/t An<horage .. .. .6453/0.116 .64150/sh .64/50/i< Alanta .... .. ..91111/0.00 .. 90172/t. ..86/£7it AlanticCity ... .86/6510.00 .93112/pc ...80/£711 Austin .. ......10011510.00 .9BII3/pc .. .97113it Baltimore .. .. .. 8816510.00 .. 92/67/t. 81/67/i< Bill1ngs .. .... . .76/47/0.110 .81.'it/pc .. 84154/s Birmingham .. ..91/6810.00 .. B9/70/t . ..B6/£8it Bismar<k ...... .72/4810.00 .. 76148/s. 79153/i< Boise ... .. ... ..93/62/0.00 .. 92155/s .. 92/60/s Bostoo .. ... .. ..B5/67/0.00 .92110/pc . . .7B/£3it Biidgepat CT. ..86/69/0.110 .88/£8/pc . 78163/i< Buffalo ..... .. ..83/6010.00 .. 74157/1. 72/56/i< Burlingtoo,VT. ..83/6310.00 .. 82157/t. 75151/i< Cariboo, ME .... 73/64/0.01 .. 76/61h .. 77.'i7/c Oiarlesto~SC ..92114/0.00 . 93114/pc .. .90/73/t Oiarlotte .. ..... 87/61/0.01 .. 91/70/t . ..85/£9it Oiattanooga ....90/6510.110 .. 8816811 . ..84165/t Oiey01ne .. ....68151/0.00 .81!52/pc .. 76/49/s Oicago ....... .76/6610.39 .. 77f>8/s .. 77/61/s Or.:ima~ .. .. ..87/61/0.00 .80f>4/pc .. 76156/s ae~aand .......86/61/0.oo .. 74156/s .. 73/60/s Colorado Spfings .745210.01 .80,';3/pc .. 77154/s C~um~a, MO . . 93175/trace .80f.it/pc .. 80156/s Columbia, SC ... .92/69/0.00 .9617t/pc . ..89/70it C~umbus GA. . 93175/trace .. 92171/t. ..88171it C~umbus 00. ..88/64/0.00 .77f.i3/pc .. 74155/s Concor~ NH .. ..82/64/0.77 .90/60/pc. 79152/i< Corpus Oristi .. .99111010.00 .99/781pc . 98/78/i< Da!asFtWorth ..91/79/0.00 .. 98176/t. ..93/74/t Dayton .... ....8616210.110 .76f>3/pc .. 741551s Deriver. ...... ..82/iOIO.OO .86f>7/pc .. 82156/s Des Moines .... .80/64/0.03 .. 76150/s . 77f>3/i< Delrort ... . .... .83/63/0.110 .. 76157/s.. /3159/s Duluth .. ... .. ..66156/0.l B .70f.i0/pc . 72152/i< EI Paso. " .. " .9&77/0.00. .91/73/t . ..93/74it Fairbanks ...... 66f.i3/0.11 .. 68147/c 71/48/i< Fa~o ... .. ... . .72f.i410.00 .. 75149/s. 77153/i< Flagstaff .. .. .. .821i9/0.04 .. 8215~t . ..81.'i6it


Yesterday Friday Saturday Gty Hi/Lo/Pcp Hiflo/W Hill.o1W GrandRa~ds .. .77/6610.30 . . 70t;2/s. 73Mpc Green Bay.. .... 7516610.34 .. 7tli1/s . 74M i< Greensboro. . . ..87/64/0.00 .90169/pc ...84/65/t Harrisburg.. .. .. 85163/0.00 .. 85164ft .. 80161/s Hartford,CT . ...85167/0.07 . 901651pc. 77Mpc Helem .. .. .. .. 82/44/0.00 .. 80t;3/s. 89/55/s Hon~ulu .88176/0.00 .. 8802/s . 87/74/s Houston .... .. 9817810.00 .. 951/Bft ..93/76/t Hun~ville .. .. .. 9016610.00 .. 88166ft ..84/651t lncianap~is . .. .82/6510.41 . 76154/pc. 76156/s Jackson MS .. .. 96/7510.00 .. 901/Jft ..B7/72n JackSOf!lille. .. .. 93173/0.00 .. 911/lft ..91/74h Juneau. .. . .. .. 64153/0.00 . . 59/49k. 57/48rpc KansasCily . .. . 82/69ftrace . . 7B64/s. B1Mpc Lansing . .76165/0JJi . . 71/481s . 72Mp< LasVegas . .. .103/87/0.00 . 1041115ft . 102/85/t Lexingtoo . .. .. 86/60/0.00 .. 79/60L 79/57/s L01c~o ... .. ..7716210.00 . . 80t;21s ...81156/t Little Rock .. .. .. 97172/0.00 . . B8/67ft ...B7/65/t LosAngaes . " .. 77/6610.00 . 76169/p<:. 741£7rp< Lolisvi~e .. .... 91/6510.00 .. 8tf.i9ft. 79157/s MadiSCl\ W1 .. .. 75166/0.64 . . 72/49/s . 76f.i&pc Memphis .. .... 97173/0.00 . . 88165ft ...83/64/t Mami ...... .. 89180/0.00 . . 9t/78ft ...91/80/t Milwaukee . .. .. 7616610.70 . . 7162/s. 73f.i91pc Minneapolis .. .. 71{;9/0.00 .71155/pc. 75{;5/pc Naslrime .... .. 91/64/0.00 . . 82/63ft ...8t/60h New Orleans .. .. 92/74/0.18 .. 92/78ft. .92/75/t Ne,v York . .... 8516610.00 . . 90/70ft. 79f67rpc Ne,vari, NJ. .. .. 88168/0.00 .9017D/pc ..83/66/t Nortoi~ VA .. . .. 84172/0.00 . . 93111/s ...85170h O~ahoma Ci~ .. 9617610.00 . . 87/64ft ...85166/t Omaha .. . .. .. 77/62/0.00 . . 80t;2/s...80/56/t Orlando .. ..... 9417510.07 . . 94/75ft ...93/75/t Palm Springs . . .100/86/0.00 . 1071115ft . 109/84h Peoria .... .... 76164/1.02 .. 76/49/s .. 77155/s Philadapt;a . . ..87/69/0.00 .. 9t/68ft. 81f641pc Phoerix .. . .... 99186/0.00 .. 991112ft. 101/86/t ~ttsburgh. .. . ..83159/0.00 . .78154ft . 72Mp< Portland, ME .... 7616411 .63 .86/64/pc . .8015/h Providmce . .... 84/6610.00 . 9 1 /6~pc . .79/6311 RalEigh .. . .. .. 89/69/0.00 .9317>)/pc ...80/68/t

Yesterday Friday Saturday City H>Lo/Pcp Hiflo/W Hi/Lo/W RapidGty .. .. 74/47/0.00 . 7967/pc .. 78.~ 6/s Reno ..... .... 97/£31trace .99/70/pc.. .9~64ft Richmond .. .. .. 91/68/0.00 .93/70/pc .. .B~66ft Rodles1a; IN .. .81159/0.00. . 77157/t. 731551pc Sacramento .... .96159/0.00 .. 97/651s. 94/63/pc Stlcxis. .. .. .. .9&'75/0.51 .. 811551s . 80157/pc SaltlakeCily .. .97/71 /0.00 .. 95169/s.. 9WOis SanAntooio ...101177/0.00 . 9&77/pc. 99177/pc San Dego ..... .81172/0.00 . 78169/pc. 77/69/pc San Francisco .. .70157/0.00 .691.i5/pc. 701551pc San Jose .. .... .Bt/6D/0.00 . BJ/60/pc. B2/58Jpc Santa Fe .. .... .88157/0.89 .83159/pc. 841581pc

Yesterday Gty Hi/Lo/Pcp Savamah ... ..9W2/0.91 Seattle.. .. ....94!6510.110 Sioux Falls ... .. 73.53/0.110 Spokane .... ..87.5810.110 SprOlgfiad, MO .94.71/0.09 Tampa.. .. .. ..92,8010.110 Tucson.. . . .90.7610.110 Tulsa ... .... .10W9/0.IIO Washingto~ DC . .91 !69/0.110 Wictna ..... ..88,71/0.110 Ya•ma . .... ..94.53/0.110 Ytm .. .... ..98,8610.110

Friday Saturday Hi/Lo/\V Hrlo/W .'1.il4/pc ...90173/t .. 95/62/s. 81/59/pc .. 75150/s. 75150/pc .. 93/62/s .. 95167/s .811581pc . 81158/pc .. 9117Wt. ..91/78/t .. 8911411.. .91177/t .. B7/£3/t ...86/64/t .. 91/7~1. 82/68/pc .84/60/pc ...84/62/t .. 96157/s 100/65/pc .. 99/81/t . 10211!2/t

INTERNATIONAL Amsterdam ..... 72157/0.00. 81/63/pc. 84/661p< Mecca .. .. .. .109.9310.110 .1116188/s. 107188/s Athens .... .... .93/71/0.00 .. 93174/s.. 8m 51s M&icoCity .... 79.54/0.110 .. 74153/t ...69154/t Auddancl .. .... .59/48/0.00 .61151/sh . 62/53/pc Montr<lll .... ..81!6310.110 .81/60/sh .. 72154/s Baghdad .. ....107/73/0.00. 1 10/84/s . 1 13.~4/s Moscow .. . . 72.59/0.110 .69154/sh 66.'i1/c Bangkok .. .... .91/79/0.00 .. 92/79/t ...91/79ft Nairobi . .. .... 77.5410.110 .711551sh. 68f.i31sh Beijirg .... .... .8816810.00 .8&71/pc. 83171/lh Na~au . .. ....90,7910.110 .90180/pc . 91181 /pc Beirut .... .... .88181 /0.00 .. 90/80/s.. 90.~ 1/s NewDahi .. . ..90.79/0.110 .99/84/pc ...96184/t Berlin .. .. .. .... 73154/0.25 . 77/61/pc. BJ/64/pc Osta . .... ..93,79/0.110 .. 92/77/t .. .90/77/t Bogota .. ..... .66145/0.00 .641,;2/sh . 64/St kh Oslo ... .. .. ... 72!4810.110 .71f>2/pc . 6i.S9/sh Budapest ..... .86154/0.00 .85/61/pc. 85163/pc Ottawa . .. .. ..82.59/0.110 .111!581sh . 73/54/pc Bu01osAires .... .66/57/0.00 .70i601sh . 68/5Skh Pans .. . .... ..BtS9/0.IIO .88/651pc .. 89/69/s Cabo San Lucas .75f7':127.52 . '031761t. 88/J7/pc Riode Janeiro. . 84!6810.110 . 111/62/pc 80/62/pc Cairo ... ... ... .. 93177/0.00 .. 97/76/s.. 98r781s Rome .. .. ....86!66/0.110 .. 89/68/s .. 90/7t/s Calgary ... ..... .75/43/0.00 .. 78154/s .. 80r601s Sarliago .. ....55!4610.110 .49134/sh .. 59/44/c CanoJn .... .... .88181 /0.00 .. 831781t .. .87/79ft Sao Paulo .. . .. 75!63/0.110 .77157/pc .. i81S81s Dublin ..... .... .68157/0.00 .. 72156/r. 70/541pc Sappoco .... .. 73,7010.110 .76/681pc 76/68/pc Edrburcj1 .. .... .70155/0.00 .68161/sh . 71/57/p<: See>J ...... ..84,7010.110 .. 91/7Wt ...91/781t Gene•Ja . ... . . .. .75/61/0.00 .. 8~63/s .. 90r681s Shancjlai .. .. ..95.~210. 110 .93179/pc . 91/79/pc Harare .. ... .... .Bt/54/0.00 .. 7&48/s . 70/46/pc Singapore ... ..88.7510.110 .. B7111~t .. .86180/t Hong Koog ..... .93181/0.00 .. 91/761t .. .8W79ft Stockholm ... . .73.54/0.08 .75156/pc i2f>51c lstanbtJ .... .... .88173/0.00 .. 851721s . 83/74/pc Sydney.. ......68.5210.110 .61 /4lilsh . 67/47/pc Jerusalem .. .... .85/65/0.01 .. 8~69/s .. 90q11s TaipEi .... ....91,82/0.110 .. 91/7911 . 90/78/pc Johannesburg... .70141/0.00 .. 72/4li/s .. 67r451s TdAviv . .. .. ..90.77/0.110 ..91175/s .. 90175/s Lima ... ... .... .64/61 /0.00 .. W60/s.. 68r601s Tokyo .. .... ..93.~1/0. 110 .. 88/l~t .. .89/76/t Lisbon..... ... ..82/63/0.00 .. 82/631s . 85169/p<: TorOnto. .... ..81!61/0.110 .69f>2/sh . 73/59/pc Loodon .... .... .72/61/0.00 . 76/65/pc. 83/651pc Vall:ouver .. . ..81!61/0.110 .. 84/64/s. 79/62/pc Madrid .... .... .91/63/0.00 . tOt/67/s. 103r69fs Vienna.. .... .. 79.54/0.110 .. 80161/s .. 83/63/s Manila .. ...... .90/75/0.00 .. 89/781c.. 89!79/c Warsaw . " .. ... 70.54/0.110 .731551pc . 7~64/pc

Oregon rider gets stolen bike back By Gene Johnson The A ssociated Press

SEATTLE - Jake Gillum loves his bike. So when it got stolen in Portland while he was on a date, he was determined to get it back. The quest seemed hopeless, but a week of poring over online postings for his 2009 carbon fiber Fuji paid off when he spotted the road bike offered for sale in Seattle. That sparked an elaborate interstate sting operation last week end in which Gillum not only got his bicycle back but used it to chase down the suspect b efore police arrested him. Gillum documented it all on YouTube under the username Simon Jackson. "This is why you don't steal from bicyclists!" Gillum shouts as h e trails the suspect while recording with his phone. "Because we care about our rides! Because I will go 160 miles to get my $2,500 bike back! You are going to jail!" In an interview Thursday, the 28-year-old added: "Best feeling in the world, seeing that guy get locked in the police car." The success of the sting heartened bicyclists around the world as the video spread_ Such stings are far from unheard of - there h ave b een at least four in Seattle alone recently, two involving the same suspect - but they don't typically wind up on video that goes viral. In May, Dave O'Hern gol one of his two stolen bikes back when its new owner took it to a repair shop that recognized a crack in the fra me. The new owner, University of Washington law student Noel Merfeld, helped O'Hern set up a sting to catch the guy Merfeld bought it from. Police showed up and arrested a man who had been arrested in a similar bust two months earlier. Also in Seattle, Matt Goyer retrieved his stolen bicycle last month after seeing it on Craigslist. The seller let him take it for a test spin - and Goyer n ever looked back. "People have a right to reclaim their stolen property_ It belongs to them ," said Se-

attle p olice spokesman Sean Whitcomb. "Obviously, the first and best method to do that is through the police," he added. Gillum's ordeal began Aug. 3 in Portla nd when he realized his bike was missing and filed a police report. He has no car and uses it to travel to odd jobs and yard work around town, as well as for exercise. Over the next week, he checked online obsessively and on Aug. 9 saw it advertised in Seattle. "I flipped out - just started jumping in the air and yelling," Gillum said. "Immediately I thought, 'I have to go up there and get it, no matter what.' " He talked it over with friends, as well as his dad, who gave him some sage advice: Don't be an idiot. Don't beat up the guy. A plot began to take shape. Gillum and two friends, Chris Williams and Williams' younger brother, Shannon Hardie , created the online persona Simon Jackson with a fake email account. They also used a cellphone app to call the seller and make it ap pear they were calling from Seattle_When the seller sent photos of the bike, Gillum became even more certain it was his. The trio drove north and met the seller outside a grocery store. The others called police as Gillum started chatting with the seller, later iden tified as Craig Eric Acker man, also of Portland. Gillum said that about 40 minutes later, police still hadn't a rrived and the seller seemed to be getting nervous, so Gillum agreed to buy it and said he needed to walk inside a nearby bank. A teller told him she would call security, and Gillum walked b ack outside and began filming_ "Here's the deal. I live in Portland, and you stole my bicycle," Gillum says . "All right," the nervous seller replies. "I don't know what you want me to say." "I would like you to apologize." "For what?" "For stealing my bicycle." The seller insisted he lives

in Seattle a nd bought the bicycle off Craigslist, though he acknowledged knowing it w as stolen. When Gillum says police are on the way, Ackerman runs away, so Gillum hops on his newly recovered bike, starts chasing and repeats: "He cannot get away from me!" Police arrived and arrested Ackerman for investigation of possessing and trafficking in stolen property. He has not been charged, and his lawyer,

Bolli Giffin, declined to comment because of the pending investigation, except to say, "We have a lot of concerns ahout the way things have been portrayed." Whitcomb, the police spokesman, cautioned people against using stings without being absolutely sure they're right, which can be difficult using a picture on an Internet message b oard. "Personal injury is not worth your bike," he said.

Jake Gillum I The Associated Press

Seattle police arrest a suspect in t he

theft of J ake Gillum's bike

in an image taken from a YouTube video. G illum not only got his bicycle back but used it t o chase down the suspect before police arrested him.

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Scoreboard, D2 Galt D3 Motor sports, D3



MLB, D4,5 NFL, DS Adventure sports, D6






Pettersen relaxed in Safeway Classic • Norwegian star won last year's event near Portland in a playoff

the players get going, with Nos. 8, 9 and 10 all playing as par 5s. Last year, No. 9played as a 371-yard, par 4. It has been lengthened to 474 yards. Two of the three par 5s are reachable in two shots by many players. "You can really make a move there," said secondranked Stacy Lewis, a twotime winner this year who leads the money list with $1,222,479.

Terrell Owens

T.O. to play for Seattle vs. Denver RENTON, Wash. -Peyton Manning's debut in Denver won't hog all the attention. Terrell Owens will be taking some himself. Owens will make his return to the NFL when the Seattle Seahawks play the Broncos on Saturday night. Seattle coach Pete Carroll didn't give specifics on how many snaps Owens will get in the second preseason game for the Seahawks, but he did say it would be early in the game. "I'm not going to tell you how many plays it will be," Carroll said. "We'll see how it goes." Owens joined the Seahawks on Aug. 6 and had just a couple of

The Associated Press

NORTH PLAINS- Suzann Pettersen hopes to make herself right at home again in the Safeway Classic. A year ago, northwest of Portland on Pumpkin Ridge's Ghost Creek Course, the Norwegian star won the latest of her eight career LPGA Tour ti-

tles, overcoming a nine-stroke deficit with a 7-under 64 and beating Na Yeon Choi with a par on the first hole of a playoff. The 54-hole tournament, set to begin today, is in its fourth year at Pumpkin Ridge after 18 years at Columbia Egdewater in Portland. Pettersen tied for second at Pumpkin Ridge

tt"\. t

., ' ,.,., •s

in 2009 and tied for fourth in 2010. "It kind of feels like being back at home. Ever since they moved from Columbia Edgewater, I've done a little better," Pettersen said. "It's one of those tracks where you can really get it going." The course is set up to help


- The Associated Press

Lakers' four on the floor shifts landscape By Ben Bolch Los Angeles Times

M ark M orlcal I The Bulletin

Dustin Gouker, of Bend, rides Forest Road 370 on his mountain bike with Broken Top in the background earlier this week.


Road 370 loop • The forest service road takes riders through some spectacular high country

Road 370 mountain bike ride


Tourney slated for Portland in '17 Michigan State's Mark Hollis has come up with his next big idea. The athletic director who put basketball and hockey games on the 50-yard line of afootball field and a hoops match up on an aircraft carrier expects 24 Nike-backed basketball teams to be in two tournaments in November 2017 that will celebrate Phil Knight. Nike's billionaire cofounder turns 80 during that season, on Feb. 24, 201 8. "Phil and Nike have done a lot to support a lot of programs," Hollis said. "I think it's going to be great for basketball." Thetournament might set up a Final Four preview. Hollis said heand athletic directors at Duke, North Carolina, Kentucky, Florida, Ohio State, Connecticut, Georgetown, Oklahoma, Texas, Oregon, Stanford, Butler, Xavier, Gonzaga and Portland have agreedto participate He's contacting eight more to be involved with the three-gameformat that will have some schools hosting a game before playing two more matchups in Portland, near Nike headquarters. - TheAssociated Press

See Safeway ! D6


days of practice before the preseason opener against Tennessee. Carroll said he didn't think it was fair to run Owens out there that quickly, but feels he's ready after two weeks of work. Owens arrived in camp in excellent shape and has looked impressive at times during practice. But if he's to make the Seahawks final roster, Owens will need to show in a game that he's fully recovered from a knee injury that kept him out of the NFL for the entire 2011 season. Saturday against the Broncos will be his first NFL game action since Week 15 of the 2010 season with Cincinnati. Owens went without a catch in that final game against Cleveland."He's ready to go," Carroll said. "He had two good weeks of work, and he came in in great shape so he's ready to go."

Lewis is trying to cut the gap on top-ranked Yani Tseng, the Taiwanese star who is mired in a slump after winning three times early in the season. "Yani won so many times last year (seven). It would take a year like Yani had last year to catch her," Lewis said. "I know I'm getting closer, but she hasn't been in a slump for a long time."

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(~Metoli us/Windi go Trail





ountain biking is not always about the trail itself. Sometimes, it's about where that trail takes you. Forest Road 370 is not even a trail - it's a dirt road. But it leads riders to some pretty unbelievable places in the Cascade mountains of Central Oregon. In Bend, with 300-plus miles of singletrack just out the backdoor, many mountain bikers don't MARK even think about riding MORICAL forest roads. I had avoided dirt roads (often called "doubletrack" in mountain bike parlance) for years. But I knew Road 370 held something special. On my map I could see that the road basically skirts the base of Broken Top. On Monday, I made the 30-minute drive from Bend to Todd Lake with co-worker Dustin Gouker. Road 370 starts at the lake and begins with a steep, grueling climb. So much for easing into it.



4"-_,•.Trail 99

Editor's note: Mountain Bike Trail Guide, by Bulletin outdoor writer Mark Morical, features different trails in Central Oregon and beyond. The trail guide appears on aiLe rna Ling Fridays Lhrough Lhe riding season.

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~Metolius/Wi ndigp Trail ''






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Road370 Singletrack

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Greg Cross /The Bulleti

See Road / D6

LOS ANGELES - Miami's Big Three has been outnumbered. San Antonio's savvy veterans have been outsmarted. Oklahoma City's freakish athletes have been ... well, let's not get ridiculous here. The Lakers are not a perfect team, nor are they foolproof picks to win the 2013 NBA title just because Dwight Howard now graces a roster that also includes Kobe 13ryant, Pau Gasol and Steve Nash. But any bet on them to edge out top challengers involves smarter money than it did a few days ago. RJ Bell of Pregame.com bumped the Lakers ahead of the Thunder and into the No. 2 spot in his odds to win the NBA title, trailing only the defending champion Heat. Howard gives the Lakers the game's best two-way center, a lockdown defender who has led the league in rebounding in six of the past seven seasons and is capable of averaging 20 points per game. He also does so much more. You say Howard can't address the Lakers' deficiencies in three-point shooting and perimeler defense? I say otherwise. His muscular 6-foot-11, 265pound frame will draw such a crowd underneath the basket that his teammates will often find themselves open around the three-point arc. And although it's true that Haward can't rejuvenate the aging legs of Bryant, about to turn 34, and Nash, 38, he will provide an unrivaled second line of defense on the occasions when speedsters such as Russell Westbrook blow past their Lakers counterparts. Nash might just be the happiest new Laker. He gets to run the pick-and-roll with Howard and Gasol, quite the upgrade over former Phoenix Suns teammates Marcin Gortat and Channing Frye. See Lakers I D6

Breaking down the trail: Forest Road 370 DIRECTIONS From Bend, drive22 miles along Century Drive (expect delays dueto road construction) tothe entrance to Todd Lake. Continue along the dirt road for half a mileto a wide parking area. Ride up Forest Road 370 from there. DISTANCE An out-and-back ride from Todd Laketo Three Creek Lake is 28 miles. Loops with the Metolius-Windigo trail and/or Trail 99 singletrackvaryfrom 10 miles to considerably longer. FEATURES Challenging climbs and fast descents through som e breathtaking high-alpine country. RATING Aerobically strenuous. Technically intermediate.

Dustin Gouker I The Bullet in

Bulletin reporter Mark Morical carries his mountain bike

throu gh a deep creek crossing along the Metolius-Windigo trail.

Anne Cusack I The Associated Press

Dwight Howard, newly acquired by the Los Angeles

Lakers from th e Orlando Magic, holds his jersey during a team news conference on Aug. 10 in El Segundo, Calif.





TELEVISION Today TENNIS 8 a.m.: ATP, Western & Southern Open, quarterfinals, ESPN2. 4 p.m.: ATP, Western & Southern Open, quarterfinals, ESPN2. GOLF 9:30a.m.: Champions Tour, Dick's Sporting Goods Open, first round, Golf Channel. Noon: PGA Tour, Wyndham Championship, second round, Golf Channel. 3:30p.m.: LPGA Tour, Safeway Classic, first round, Golf Channel. 5:30p.m.: USGA, U.S. Amateur, quarterfinals (same-day tape), Golf Channel. BASEBALL 10 a.m.: Little League World Series, Canada vs. Mexico, ESPN. Noon: Little League World Series, Mid-Atlantic vs. Southwest, ESPN. 2 p.m.: Little League World Series, Latin America vs. Middle East and Africa, ESPN2. 4 p.m.: MLB, Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees or Texas Rangers at Toronto Blue Jays, MLB Network. 5 p.m.: Little League World Series, Great Lakes vs. Northwest, ESPN. 7 p.m.: MLB, Minnesota Twins at Seattle Mariners, Root Sports. MOTOR SPORTS 1 p.m.: NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Pure Michigan 400, qualifying.

FOOTBALL 5 p.m.: NFL Preseason, Detroit Lions at Baltimore Ravens, Fox. BOXING 7 p.m.: Donovan George vs. Adonis Stevenson, ESPN2. SOCCER 7 p.m.: Women's college, Santa Clara at Stanford, Pac-1 2 Network.

Saturday MOTOR SPORTS 6:30a.m.: NASCAR, Camping World Truck Series, VFW 200, qualifying, Speed. 9 a.m.: NASCAR, Camping World Truck Series, VFW 200, Speed. 11:30 a.m.: NASCAR, Nationwide Series, NAPA Auto Parts 200, ESPN.

Noon: Motorcyc le racing, AMA Motocross Series, NBC. 8 p.m.: National Hot Rod Association, Lucas Oil Nationals qualifying (same-day tape), ESPN2. SOCCER 6:50a.m.: English Premier League, Arsenal vs. Sund erland, ESPN. 1 p.m.: Major LeagueSoccer, Vancouver Whitecaps at Seattle Sounders, Root Sports. BASEBALL 8 a.m.: Junior League, final, ESPN2. 9 a.m.: Little League World Series, Game 9, teams TBD, ESPN. Noon: Little League World Series, Game 10, teams TBD, ABC. 1 p.m.: MLB, regional coverage, Pittsburgh Pirates at St. Louis Cardinals or Boston Red Sox at New York Yankees, Fox. 3 p.m.: Little League World Series, Game 11, teams TBD, ESPN. 4 p.m.: MLB, Los An geles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves or New York Mets at Washington Nationals, MLB Network. 5 p.m.: Little League World Series, Game 12, teams TBD, ESPN. 7 p.m.: MLB, Minnesota Twins at Seattle Mariners, Root Sports. TENNIS 10 a.m.: ATP, Western & Southern Open, semifinals, ESPN2.

4 p.m.: WTA, Western & Southern Open, semifinals, ESPN2.

GOLF 10 a.m.: PGA Tour, Wyndham Championship, third round, Golf Channel. Noon: PGA Tour, Wyndham Championship, third round, CBS. Noon: Champions Tour, Dick's Sporting Goods Open, second round, Golf Channel. 1 p.m.: USGA, U.S. Amateur, semifinals, NBC. 3:30p.m.: LPGA Tour, Safeway Classic, second round , Golf Channel. SOFTBALL 2 p.m.: Junior League, final, ESPN2. HORSE RACING 2 p.m.: Alabama and Sword Dancer Invitational, NBC Sports Network. FOOTBALL 4 p.m.: NFL, preseason, New York Giants at New York Jets, NFL Network. 6 p.m.: NFL, preseason, Seattle Seahawks at Denver Broncos, Fox. 7 p.m.: NFL, preseason, Dallas Cowboys at San Diego Chargers, NFL Network. RODEO 5 p.m.: Bull riding, PBR Bass Pro Shops Chute Out, NBC Sports Network.

Sunday BASEBALL 9 a.m.: Little League World Series, Game 13, teams TBD, ESPN2. 10:30 a.m.: MLB, Los Angeles Dodgers at Atlanta Braves, TBS. 11 a.m.: Little League World Series, Game 14, teams TBD, ABC. 1 p.m.: MLB, Minnesota Twins at Seattle Mariners, Root Sports. 2 p.m.: Little League World Series, Game 15, teams TBD, ESPN. 4 p.m.: Little League World Series, Game 16, teams TBD, ESPN2. 5 p.m.: MLB, Boston Red Sox at NewYorkYankees, ESPN.

TENNIS 9:30a.m.: ATP, Western & Southern Open, final, CBS. 1 p.m.: WTA, Western & Southern Open, final, ESPN2. GOLF 10 a.m.: PGA Tour, Wyndham Championship, final round, Golf Channel. Noon: PGA Tour, Wyndham Championship, final round, CBS. Noon: Champions Tour, Dick's Sporting Goods Open, final round, Golf Channel. 1 p.m.: USGA, U.S. Amateur, championship match, NBC. 4 p.m.: LPGA Tour, Safeway Classic, final round, Golf Channel. MOTOR SPORTS 10 a.m.: NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Pure Michigan 400, ESPN. 11 a.m.: American Le Mans Series at Road American (taped), ESPN2. 6 p.m.: National Hot Rod Association, Lucas Oil Nationals (same-day tape), ESPN2.

SOCCER 2 p.m.: Major League Soccer, Philadelphia Union at D.C. United, NBC Sports Network. 4 p.m.: Major League Soccer, Portland Timbers at New York Red Bulls, CW. 7:30p.m.: Major League Soccer, Portland Timbers at New York Red Bulls (same-day tape), Root Sports. FOOTBALL 5 p.m.: NFL, preseason, Indianapolis Colts at Pittsburgh Steelers, NBC. Ustings arethe most accurate available. The Bulletin is not responsible tor late changes madeby TV or radio stations.

115. Colt Knost 116. Harrison Frazar 117. Troy Kelly 118. Billy Mayfair 119. Davis Love Ill 120. Jerry Kelly 121 BooWeekley 122. Trevor lmmelman 123. Jason Bohn 124. Jhonattan Vegas 125. Rod Pam piing 126. Brendan Steele 127. Relief Goosen 128. HeathSlocum 129. Y. E. Yang 130. GaryWooo land 131. Chris DiMarco 132. Chez Reavie 133. Vaughn Taylor 134. Frik Compton 135. Stewart Cink 136. David Mallris 137. .lolmDaly 138. Kris Blanks 139. TimHerrm 140. Bill Lunde 141 Bobby Gates 142. Stua~ Appleby 143. J.J. Killeen 144. Brendon Todd 145. Kyle Reilers 146. Camilu Villegas 147. Billy Horschel 148. Hilly Hurley Ill n 9. Hunter Haas 150. Nathan Green


PREPS Calendar To submit information tothe Prep Galendar. email TheBulletin al spo~s<Qibendbulletin .com Bend High tootball . . Daily doubles: Aug. 20-30 at Bend H~h; Varsrty/ JV from 9 to 11:30 a.m. and 5 to 7:30 p.m. Freshmen fromBto10:30 a.m. and 4 to 6:30p.m. Note: Paperwork is available at the Bend High's athletics office starting Aug. 6. Paperwork and fees are not necessary to check oot equipment but must be completed before practice starts Aug. 20. Mountain View football Daily doubles: Aug. 20-24; varsityiJV 9 to 11:30 a.m.and 3 to 5:30 p.m.; freshmen Bto 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. . Paperwork: Will be available .tor final cllllrance staring Aug. 6 in the Mountam Vrew Hrgh athletrcs office. All poperwork and physrcals must be on frle beforeAug. 20. summit toot ball Daily doubles: Aug. 20-24, varsity/JV B to 11 a.m. and 4 to 6 p.m.; lreshnen 9 to 11 a.m. and 4 . . to 5:30 p.m. Paperwork: Available at theSummrt Hrgh athletics office. Mountain VIew girls soccer Preseason training: Aug. 6-17at Muuntairr View soccer fields; 6 to 7:30 p.m. e;Jchdaywith additiona19 a.m. workouts today; $70; lor girls entering grades six llrruuglr 12; lor more inlurnraliun go to www.cuugargirlssuccer.webs.com . Summit girls soccer Tryouts: Aug. 20-24, B-9:30 a.m. and 5-7 p.m. at Summit High. Players must lrll out appropnate paperwork prior to Monday mornmg; paperwork rs available in the athlelics ollrce at Summn. For more information go to hllp:/jwww.ruad9spurts.comfteam/ SummitGirlsSoccer/. Ridgeview boys soccer .. All incoming Ridgeview and Redmund ProfiCiency Academy students living within the Ridgeview boundary are welcome to allend all of the following events. For moreinformation go to ridgeviewsuccer.com . Ravens daily-double tryouts: Aug. 20-24 at Ridgeview High; check-in Aug. 20, 9-10 a.m., rn TV production lab inside school. Sess1ons run 10 to 11:45 a.m. each day. Players should bnngshrnguards and running shoes Cascade Middle School football Contact camp: At Summit Stadium lor incoming seventh-graders and eighth-,Jraders; Aug. 20-23,6:30 to 5:30 p.m. Cost $00 for two-week camp. Contact Summit High head coach Joe Padrlla at (Oe.padrlla@ bend.k12.0r.us or ca11 54H10-9866 to sign up or lor more information.

FOOTBALL NFL NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE Preseason Glance All Times PDT Thursday's Games Cleveland 35, Green Bay 10 Cindnnati 24, Atlanta 19 Today's Games Tennessee at Tampa Bay, 4:30p.m. Buffaloat Mimesota, 5p.m. Jacksonvilleat New O rleans, ~ p.m. Detroit at Baltimore, 5 p.m. Miami at Carolina, 5 p.m. Oakland at Arizona, 7 p.m. Saturday's Games N.Y. Giants at N.Y. Jets, 4 p.m. San Francisco at Houston, 5 p.m. Kansas City at St. Louis, 5 p.m. Washingtonat Chicago, 5 p.m. Dallas at San Diego, 6 p.m. Seattleat Demer, 6 p.m. Sunday's Game Indianapolis at Pittsbur,Jh, 5 p.m. Monday's Game Philadelr;/1ia at New England, 5 p.m.

BASEBALL WCL WEST COAST LEAGU E All Times PDT Championship Series Wednesday's Game Wenatchee 9, Corvallis 8 (Wenatmee ~<Ids series 1-D) Today's Game Corvallisat Wenatchee, 7:05 p.m. Saturday's Game Corvallisat Wenatchee(if necessary), 7:05p.m.

SOCCER MLS MAJOR LEAGUE SOCCER All Times PDT Eastern Conference W L T Pis GF SjXJrting Kansas City 13 7 4 43 30 12 7 5 41 40 New York Houston 11 6 7 40 35 Chicago 11 7 5 38 28 11 8 3 36 36 D.C. Montreal 10 13 3 33 36 B 8 5 29 21 Columbus Philadelphia 7 12 2 23 23 New England 6 12 5 23 26 Toronto FC 5 13 5 20 27 Western Conference W L T Pis GF San Jose 14 5 5 47 47 Real Salt Lake 13 9 3 42 3G Seattle 10 6 7 37 32 Los Angeles 11 11 4 37 44 Vancouver 10 8 7 37 28 FC Dallas 7 11 B 29 31 7 9 5 26 14 Chivas USA Colorado B 15 1 25 31 Port~nd 5 12 6 21 22 NOTE: Three points lor victory, one point lor tie.

GA 22 34 27 25 29 43 22 27 29 42 GA 29 30 24 40 31 34 25 35 39

Wedn esday's Games Columbus 1, Los Angeles 1. tie Toronto FC 2, Portland 2, tie FC Dallas 2, Vancouver 0 Saturday's Games VanccJ.JVer at Seattle FC, 1 p.m. SjXJrting Kansas City at Toronto FC, 1:30 p.m. San Joseat Montrllll, 4:30p.m. New tngland at Chirago, ~:30 p.m. FC Dallas at Real Salt Lake, 6 p.m. Chi vas USA at Colorado, 6 p.m. Sunday's Games Philadelphia at D.C. United, 2p.m. Portland at New York, 4 p.m. Columbus at Houston, 6 p.m.

TENNIS Professiona I Western & Southern Open Thursday AI The Lindner Family Tennis Ge nter Mas on, Ohio Purse: Men, $3.43 million (Masters 1000); women, $2 .17 million (Premier) Surface: Hard-Outdoor Singles


Mardy Fish (10), United States, del. Radek Stepanek, Czech Republic, 6-3,,?--3. . . Juan Martin del Potro (o), Argerlrna, del. Vrktor Troid<i, Serbia, 7-6 (2), 2-6, 6-1. Jeremy Chardy, France, del. fvldy Murray (3), Britain, 6-4, 6-4. . . Marin Cilic(12), Croatia, del. PabloAndujar, Sporn, 7-6 (4), 6-2. . Roger Federer (1), Switzerland, del. Bernard Tomrc, Australia, 6-2, 6-4. . . . . stanislas wawrinka, Switzerland, del. Ker Nrshrkon (H ), Japan, 6-3, 6-3. Milos Ramie, Canada, del. Tomas Berdych (5), . Czem Republ ~. 6-4, 2-Q, 6-2. Novak Djokovic (2), Serbra, del. Nrkolay Davydenko, Russia, 6-0, 0-Dretired. Women Third Round Angelique Kerber (5), Gennany, del. Andrea Hlavackova, Czech Republic, 6-4, 7-6(5). Agnieszka Radwanska (1 ), Poland, del. Sloane Stephens, Un ited States, 6-1, 4-6,6-4: . Petra Kvitova (4), Czech Republic, del. PengShuar, China, 6-2, 6-2. Ur•' ula Serena Williams (2). United States, del. ~ Radwanska, Poland, 6-4, 6-3.

In t he BleaGhers © 20 12 Steve Moore. Dist. by Universal Uclick: www.goccmics.com/inthebleachers


390 387 386 386 376 366 365 364 363 361 356 330 330 327 321 321 316 316 312 311 310 307 298 297 297 294 287 286 286 281 281 266 265 2J6 251 245

$759,651 $730,203 $747,984 $559,102 $650,134 $486,567 $660,709 $552,782 $643,972 $744,874 $526,758 $700,045 $571 ,174 $394,055 $432,956 $443,338 $452,526 $487,935 $494,319 $111,%5 $433,645 $575,980 $479,5.95 $390,059 $363,694 $347,759 $385,193 $326,668 $371 ,001 $474,295 $353,582 $347,422 $403,082 $46J,210 $399,36~


BASKETBALL "Well, there goes Carl. I don't know what's dragging everyone under the sand, but maybe we should move to the other end of the beach."

Sam Stosur (3), Australia, del. Ekaterina Makarova, Russia, 6-1, 6-3. . Venus Williams, United States, del. Sara Erranr (7), Italy, 6-3, 6-0.

GOLF PGA Tour PGA Wyndham Championship Thursday At Sedgelleld Country Club Greensboro, N.C. Yardage: 7, 117; Par: 70 (35-35) First Round (a-amateur) Carl Pettersson 31-31- 62 31-32- 63 David Mathis 32-31- 63 Tim Clark Tom Gillis 32-32- 64 34-30--64 Scott Stallings 32-32- 64 Troy Matteson Matt Every 33-32- 65 33-33---66 Chris Kirk 33-3:}---66 Webb Simpson Gary Woodland 34-32- 66 32-34- 66 Bud Cauley 31-35--66 Tommv Gainey 32-34-66 Arjun iltwal 32-34- 66 Nick Watney 34-32- 66 JimmyWalker 32-34-66 John Merrick 32-34- 66 Harris English Richar,j H. Lee 32-34- 66 33-3:}---66 Jason Kokrak 34-33---67 Gavin Coles 34-33---67 Trevor lmmelman 3j -3:}-67 Angel Cabrera Davis LoveIll 32-35--67 34-33---67 Charles HaNell lll 35-32- 67 Y.E. Yang Ryuji lmada 34-33---67 34-33---67 Nicolas Colsaerts Kvle RDilers 33 34 67 35-32- 67 Josh Tlllter 35-32- 67 Chez Reavie Brandt Snedeker 33-34-67 Chari Schwartzel 34-33---67 32-35--67 SergioGarcia 34-3:>---67 Bryce Molder Stuart Appleby 31-36--67 33-34- 67 Gary Christian 33-34- 67 Colt Knost 34-3:>---67 Blake Adams 33-35--68 Matt Jones 32-30--68 Chris StroiJJ 34-34-68 Henrik Stenson 34-34- 68 Heath Slocum 34-34- 68 Brendan de Jonge Nick O'Hern 33-35--68 34-34- 68 Kevin Kisner 34-34- 68 Chesson Hadley 36-32- 68 Russell Knox 34-34- 68 Kevin Streelman 33-35--68 Justin Leonard 33-35--68 .lason nutner Bill Haas 34-34-68 34-34- 68 DA Points 34-34-68 Rory Sahbatini Lucas Glover 34-34-68 32-36--68 Paul Casey Rod Pampling 32-36--68 Jell Maggert 33-35--68 32-36--68 JamieDonaldson 35-3:}---68 Alexal'llre Rocha Brian Hannan 32-37- 69 33-36--69 Nathan Green 32-37- 69 Derek Lamely Michael Bradley 33-36--69 37-32- 69 John Hull 34-35--69 Bill Lunde Billy I-I.Jrschel 33-36--69 3/-32- 6'9 Will Claxton 35-34- 69 Rvo Ish ikawa 33-36--69 Biendon Todd 33-36--69 BobbyGates 36-3:}---69 Chris DiMarco 33-36--69 Robert Karlsson 34-35--69 Jell Overton 34-35--69 Graham DeLaet 34-35--69 Dicky Pride 34-35--69 Billy Mayfair 35-34- 69 Kvle Thon1pson StevenBowditch 33-36--69 Garth Mulroy 34-35--69 33-37- 70 Vaughn Taylor Daniel Summerhays 33-37- 70 Chris Coum 36-34-70 35-35--70 Brian Gay 34-36--70 Rocco Mediate Jason Bohn 36-34-70 34-30--70 Tom Pernice Jr. 36-34-70 Kevin Chat:Pell 36-34-70 CharlieBelJan 34-36--70 Ken Duke 35-35--70 Bob Estes Todd Hamilton 35-35--70 34-36--70 Scctt Dunlap 33-37- 70 Charley Hollman 35-35--70 Boo Weekley Andres Rom ero 35-35--70 I B H0I 33-37- 70 · · · mes 35-35--70 Roland Thatcher Patrick Garilay 35-35--70 a-Matthew NeSmith 35-35--70 Martin Flores 35-36--71 Roberto castro 36-35--71 John Rollins 35-36--71 36-35--71 Jhonattan Vegas 36-35--71 Brian Davis Rvan Moore 36-35--71 o'ean Wilsm 36-35--71 Erik Campton 35-36--71 Billy fi.Jrley Ill 35-36--71 DannyLee 35-36--71 oaniel Chopra 3o-36-f1 Chad campbell 36-35--71 Harrison Frazar 37-34- 71 Hank Kuehne 35-36--71 Troy Kelly 36-35--71 David Sanmez 34-37- 71 William Mci3irt 32-40--72 John Daly 36-36--72 Brendan steele 34-3&--72 OJ. Trahan 34-3&--72 Charlie Wi 36-36--72 JonasBlixt 36-36--72 Ben Kohles 35-37- 72 Mark Anderson 33-3s--72 Matt Bettencourt 33-3s--72 Jerry Kelly 34-3&--72 Camilo Villegas 36-36--72 Greg owen 35-37- 72 Stephen Gang lull 33-3s--72 Peter Tomasulo 35-37- 72

Miguel Angel Garballo Savio Nazareth Patrick Sheehan Kevin Stadler Cameron Beckman George McNeill Robert Allenby Mathew Goggin Tyler Rody J.J. Killeen Nllll Lancaster James Driscoll David Hearn Joey Snyder Ill Ricky Barnes John Mal linger Vaita Guillaume David Turns David Duval SteveWheatcrott Gus Ulrich Edward Lmr Tommy Biershenk Marco Dawson Scctt Brown TimHerron Sung Kang FedEx Cup Standings Through Aug. 12 Rank Player Points 1. Tiger Wuoos 2269 2. Rory Mcilroy 2:012 3. Jason Dufner 2,025 2,019 4. ZachJohnson 5. BubhaWatson 1,777 6. Hunter Mahan 1,739 7. Keegan Bradley 1,670 B. Matt Kuchar 1,6'Xl 9. Carl Pettersson 1,576 1,456 10. Steve Stricker 11 . Ernie Els 1,447 12.Justin Rose 1,426 13. Webb Simpson 1,378 1,373 14. Phil Mickelson 1,304 15. Scott Piercy 16. LukeUonald 1294 17.Jim Furyk 1'234 18. Rickie Fowler 1:246 19.Johnson Wagner 1,181 20. Kyle Stanley 1,177 21. Bo Van Pelt 1,1 75 22. Robert Garrigus 1,1 55 23. Brandt Snedeker 1,152 24. Dustin Johnson 1,097 25. Bill Haas 1 096 26.John Huh 1:072 27. Graeme McOcwell 1,037 28. Marc Leishman 1,003 29. Ben Curtis 997 30. Mark Wilson 986 31. Martin Laird 976 32. Adam Scott 966 33. Louis Oosthuizen 928 34. CharlieWi B90 35.JohnSemen 067 36. Kevin Na 866 37. Ben Crane B49 38. Seung-Yul Noh 827 39. Ken Duke 776 40. Brendan deJunge 760 41.RyanPalmer 745 42. Spencer Levin 735 43.John Rollins 732 44.Jonathan Byrd 732 45. Rrian navis 7?R 46. Lee Westwood 713 47.J.J. Herrry 713 48. Bud Cauley 712 49.1an Poulter 698 50. Cameron Tringale 669 51. NickWatney 688 52. D.A. Points 684 53. VijaySingh 669 54. Matt Every 656 55.Jimmy Walker 648 56. Ted Pctter, Jr. 647 57. Padraig Harrington 646 58. SeanO'Hair 644 59.Jell Ovenon 637 60. Aaron Baddeley 635 61. Michael Thompson 634 62. Charley Hollman 628 63. Charles Howell Ill 628 64. Geoff Ogilvy 624 6o. Uavid lams 62'3 66. Ryan Moore 6D5 67. Sang-MoonBae 6D4 68. Pat Perez 603 69. Rory Sabbatini 6D2 70. Will amMcGirt 6D2 71. George McNeill 599 72. K.J. Choi 597 596 73. Kevin Stadler 74. Troy Matteson 595 569 75. Greg Chalmers 76. BlakeAdams 588 77.J.B. Holmes 568 78. Daniel Summerhays SG7 79. Dicky Pride 567 BO. Greg Owen 556 B1. Martin Flores SSG B2.John Mallinger 543 83. Chris Kirk 528 84. Tum Gillis 51 1 B5. Andres Romero SD6 B6.John Merrick 504 B7. Fredrik Jacobson 5'Xl BB. Scott Stallings 499 B9. Bryce Molder 495 90. Brian Harrrrarr 493 91 Will Claxton 493 92. Ricky Barnes 489 93. Chris Stroud 483 94. Harris English 481 95. Roberto Castro 477 96.Josh Teater 476 97. Chari Schwartzel 464 98. Bob Estes 458 99.Jonas Blixt 455 100. Kevin Chappell 447 101. Ton1myGainey 445 102. Sergio Garcia 435 103. David Hlllrn 432 427 104. Jell Maggert 10J. ~rian Gay 424 417 106. Robert AIIenby 107. Jason Day 417 108. James Driscoll 408 4D7 109. Tim Clark 11 0. Chad Campte II 4D2 395 111. GrahamDeLaet 11 2. Henrik Stenson 394 113. Kevin Streetman 394 11 4. Gary Christian 392

37-35--72 35-37-72 39 34 73 36-37- 73 38-35--73 36 37 73 36-37- 73 36-37-73 36-37- 73 36-37- 73 35-3&--73 34-3s--73 38-36--74 38-36--74 35-3~74

37-37- 74 36-3&--74 33-41-74 36-3&--74 36-3&--74 36-3&--74 36-3&--74 37-37- 74 33-42-75 37-3&--75 41-35--76 41-3s--BO

YTD Money $4,957,158 $4,905,492 $4,386,037 $4,1 11,284 $4,01B,10B $3,720,793 $3,606,658 $3,606,525 $3,080,862 $3,046,421 $3,122,173 $3,297,250 $2 949 232 $2:948:621 $2,321,950 $2,11o,491 $2,702,205 $2,823,193 $2,183,300 $2,280,657 $2,518,605 $2,151,923 $2,324,019 $2,094,060 $2,124,704 $2,254,787 $2,349,879 $1,889,041 $2,342,873 $2,019,100 $2,139,923 $2,189,477 $2,066,595 $1,638,469 $1,483,21 1 $1,911,815 $1,648,415 $1,359,31 1 $1,434,946 $1,155,504 $1,332,227 $1,283,616 $1,430,087 $1,601,909 $1,?79,1/ 0 $1,757,969 $1,280,442 $1,170,946 $1,491,551 $1,215,397 $1,220,817 $1,362,223 $1,024,433 $1,401,693 $1,046,324 $1,356,708 $1,322,952 $1,024,897 $1,028,183 $1,187,753 $1,226,834 $1,203,(39 $928,202 $1,086,236 $1,2'26,428 $1,086,924 $1,151,232 $954,729 $1,106,270 $986,045 $1,002,852 $953,617 $1,110,276 $862,166 $791,627 $989,825 $985,650 $1,027,305 $1,142,903 $949,884 $873,554 $910,490 $889,649 $801,325 $951,996 $837,239 $937,254 $903,07? $790,555 $786,676 $696,040 $723,283 $883,194 $865,309 $623,968 $671 ,215 $919,024 $744,593 $873,798 $610,948 $743,681 $869,316 $741,859 $572,634 $612,440 $801,807 $842,786 $649,588 $666,939 $545,294 $685,878 $701,103 $728,289 $557,322

WNBA All Times PDT Eastern Conference L 15 5 Connectirut 11 7 Indiana Atlanta 9 10 0 9 Chicago New York 7 12 Washington 4 15 Western Conterence L Minnesota 15 4 SanP.ntonio 13 5 Los Angeles 15 6 10 10 Seattle Phoenix 4 16 Tulsa 3 15 Thursday's Ga mes Indiana 84, Washington 66 ~lew York 79, Connecticut 66 Seattle 72. Plwenix SB Today's Games Washington at Minnesota, 5p.m. SanP.ntonioatTulsa, 5 p.m. Atlanta at Chicago, ):30 p.m. Saturday's Games Atlanta at Indiana, 4 p.m. New York at Connecticut, 4 p.m. Los AngeiDs at Seattle, 7 p.m.


Pet GB .750 .611 3 .474 5'h .471 5~ .368 l'h .211 11J1h


Pet .789 .722 .714 .500 .200 .1 67

GB 1~


5'h 11~ 1 1~

DEALS Transactions BASEBALL COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE- Suspended minor league free agents RHP Ywjis Penalo. RHP Mi_guel Polanco and RHP vladimil Suero 50 games lor vrolations of the Minor League Drug Prevention and Treatment Program. MAJOR LEAGUE BASEBALL- Approved the sale of theSan Diego Padresto a group controlled by Ron Fowler that includestheSeid ler/O' Mal~ y lamilies. American League BALTIMORE ORIOLES- Placed INF Wilson Betemit on the15-day DL, retroactive to Aug. 12. Recalled 1BJoe Mahoney from Norfolk (IL). BOSTON RED SOX- Acquired RHP Pedro Beato from the N.Y. Mets to wmplete and eJrlier trade, and optioned himto Pawtucket (IL). Transferred RHPScott Atchison to the60-day DL. . MINNESOTA TVi/INS- Optioned RHP Jeff Manship and RHPLuis Perdomo to Rcchester (IL). OAKLAND ATHLETICS- Agreed totenns with RHP Jeremy Accardo on a minor league contract and assigned himto Sacramento (PCL). TORONTOBLUEJAYS- Sent RHPKevin Cornerto Houston to completean earlier trade. National League COLOHAOO HOCKilS- Heinstate,j Or Michael Cuddyer from the 15-day DL. Optioned INF Matt McBrideto Colorado Springs (PGL)..Agreed toterms wrth RHPAustin Bibens-Dirkx on a mrnor leaguecontract LOS ANGELES DODGERS- Sent RHP Ryan O'Sullivan to Philadelphia to complete an earlier trade. MIAMI MARLINS Placed 2B Nick Green on the 15-day OL, retroactive to Aug. 13. Transferred OF Loqan Morrison to the 60-day DL. Selected the contract oi 2B Gil Velazquez fromNewOrleans (rCL). MILWAUKEE BREWERS- Reinstated RHP Mark Rogers from the poternity list. Optioned SSJeff Bianchi to Nashville(PCL). PITTSBURGH PIRATES- Agreed toterms with INF Dallas McPherson on a minor league contract and assigned him to Indianapolis (IL). Recalled RHP Jared Hughes and INF/OFYamaico Navarro fromIndianapolis. Placed RHP Chad Qualls on the bereavement list. Optio11ed LHP Jell Locke to lnd~napolis. Prom oted RHP Phil Irwin from Allcona (FI) to lndranatxJirs. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NEW ORLEANS HORNETS- Signed G Br~n Roberts. FOOTBALL National Football League NFL- Suspended San Diego DT Garrett Brown lor the first lour regular-season games lor violating the league's policy on perlormance.,nhancrng substances. CLEVELAND BROWNS- Placed RB Eddie Williams on injured reserve DALLAS COWBOYS- Signed TEHarry Flaherty. Ol l HOI I LIONS- Placed CH Orew Coleman on injured reserve. Claimed GBil l Nagy off waivers from Dallas. INDIANAPOLIS COLTS- Signed RBAlvester Alexander and LB Mike Balogun. Waived LB Scott Lutrus and CB Buddy Jackson. MIAMI DOLPHINS- Signed LBJosh Linam. NEW YORKGIANTS- Signed DB/KR Laron Scott and DT Bobby Skinner. Placed LB Clint Sintim on the waived-failedphysical list and DEJust~ Trattou on the waived-injured list. OAKLANDRAIDERS- Signed LB KoreyBosworth. PITTSBURGH STEELERS- Piaced RB John Clay on injured reserve. ST. LOUIS RAMS- Waived TE Jamie Childers. Signed WRBrandyn Harvey andWR Charles Gilbert. SANFRANCISCO49ERS- Waived TEGijon Robinson. Signed LB lkaika Alama-Francis. Placed TE NateByhamon thewaived-injured list. TENNESSEE TITANS- Signed T Jonatlran Palmer and GMimael.lasper. WASHINGTON REDSKINS- Signed DL Marion Favorite. HOCKEY National Hockey League PHILADELPHIA FLYERS- Agreed to terms with F Wayne Simmonds on a six-year contract. SOCCER Major League soccer D.C. UNITED-Traded M Danny Cruz to Philadelphia lor F Lionard Pajoy and an international roster spot. NEWYORKRED BULLS- Signed M Lloyd Sam. COLLEGE INDIANA- Annoonced freshman men's basketball GRon Pattersm will tranler. MARSHALL- Announced WR De·1on Smith has transfe rred from Penn State. NORTHWESTERN Announced the NCAA ruled that freshman basketball C Chier Ajou is el igible lor theupcoming Slllson.

FISH COUNT Upstrlllm daily movement ol adult chinook, jack chinook, steelhead and wild steelhead at selected Colomb~ River dams last updated on Wednesday. Chnk Jchnk Sffhd Wstlhd Bonneville 665 132 3,494 1,002 600 130 1.436 590 The Dalles 305 74 B70 367 John Day 366 90 1,033 . 376 McNary Upstrlllm year-to-date movement of adult chinook, jack chinook, steelhead and wild steelhead at selected Columbia River dams last updated on Wednesday. Chnk Jchnk Sffh d Wstlhd Bonneville 249,058 22,105 140,136 56,905 The Dalles 192,223 19,201 90,139 39,593 John Day 171,706 18,140 56.637 26,121 169,688 10,337 46,877 19,240 McNary







• MLB owners approve sale of Padres: The O'Malleys are back in the baseball business. Back in Southern California, too, just down the road in San Diego instead of Los Angeles. In a quick vote Thursday, Major League Baseball owners approved the sale of the Padres to a group that includes Kevin and Brian O'Malley, the sons of former Dodgers owner Peter O'Malley. Commissioner Bud Selig announced the endorsement after the conclusion of the owners meetings in Denver. Under the deal, the group will buy the franchise from owner John Moores for around $800 million. The final closing of the sale will be on or before Aug. 31. Ron Fowler, a local businessman in San Diego, will become the executive chairman. The new ownership group also consists of Peter and Tom Seidler, the nephews of Peter O'Malley, along with golfer Phil Mickelson. • Giants GM shocked by Cabrera sus· pension: San Francisco Giants general manager Brian Sabean says his club has two suspended veteran players who should know better than to use performanceenhancing drugs. A day after outfielder and All-Star game MVP Melky Cabrera received a 50-game suspension for a positive testosterone test, Sabean says he was "so taken aback it was deflating" when he received word from Major League Baseball. Gregor Blanco will move into the regular role as left fielder in place of Cabrera, who joins reliever and teammate Guillermo Mota as two of the four big leaguers suspended this season.

U.S. captain faces 'gut decision' on choices for final Ryder Cup spots

Football • NFL files evidence in Vilma case: The NFL on Thursday provided afederal judge with what it says is evidence Commissioner Roger Goodell did not improperly pre-judge the four players suspended in the bounty investigation. The evidence includes a copy of a letter the NFL Players Association sent the league on March 7 asking Goodell to delay punishment of players implicated in the bounty probe. It also includes a sworn declaration from Goodell in which he states he was prepared to hand down player discipline at the same time he announced suspensions for coaches and executives on March 21. Goodell's declaration states he held off after verbally agreeing to do so in a phone conversation with union head De Maurice Smith. Attorneys for Vilma, who has sued separately, and NFLPA lawyers representing the three other punished players have argued Goodell showed improper bias with comments he made before sending the players notice of their suspensions on May 2. Attorneys for the players have been given until Friday to file their own evidence and briefs on the matter. • Cowboys TE Witten hopeful to play in opener: Dallas Cowboys tight end Jason Witten is hopeful that he will be ready to play in the season opener in three weeks. Witten is dealing with a lacerated spleen sustained in the preseason opener. "I'm doing all right. ... Stay optimistic. Take it one day at a time. Get healthy and regroup when we get back to Dallas," Witten said Thursday. "Obviously I would be hard pressed thinking I am not out there for the Giants game Again, there is no timetable." The seven-time Pro Bowler got hurt in the preseason opener Monday night when he got hit after he caught a pass from a scrambling Tony Ramo. • NFL wants full-time officials, more crews: Full-time on-field officials and adding new crews are at the center of the dispute between the NFL and the NFL Referees Association. The officials have been locked out by the league, and replacements are being used for exhibition games. The NFLRA said Thursday that the NFL wants to add three crews totaling 21 officials without increasing "aggregate compensation." Instead, that would cause a reduction in pay. NFL spokesman Greg Aiello says the proposal would allow each official to work fewer games, reduce travel, and allow the league to do more intensive training. As for full-time officials, the NFLRA says the league has not made salary offers, but it isn't opposed to full -time officials if they are fairly compensated. The league says the proposal "also focuses on improving the quality of officiating long term."

By Greg Stoda Palm Beach Post

Gerry Broome I The Associated Press

Carl Pettersson hits from a sand trap on the 15th hole during the first round of the PGA Tour's Wyndham Championship in Greensboro, N.C., on Thursday.

Pettersson fires 62 for early PGA Tour lead at Wyndham By Joedy McCreary The A ssociated Press

GREENSBORO, N.C. - If any member's bounces went Carl Pettersson's way Thursday at Sedgefield Country Club, well, there's a good reason for that. "That's right - I am a member," Pettersson said, laughing. "I forgot." Pettersson shot an S-under 62 to take the first-round lead in the Wyndham Championship. David Mathis and Tim Clark were a stroke back, Tom Gillis, Scott Stallings and Troy Matteson shot 64, and Matt Every had a 65 in the final event before the Fed Ex Cup playoffs. The top of the leaderboard had a decidedly local flavor. Pettersson went to high school in Greensboro and lives in Raleigh, and both he and Clark played at North Carolina State. Mathis grew up in Winston-Salem, played collegiately at Campbell and lives north of Raleigh in the town of Wake Forest. Pettersson, a Swede who became an American citizen during the offseason, had the best first round of his PGA Tour career and his best round at this event since 2008, when he set the tournament record with a second-round 61 and went on to win in his adopted hometown. Starting on the back nine, he reeled off consecutive birdies on Nos. 5-8 to move to 8 under. He had a chance to match his record on No. 9, but pushed his 30-foot birdie putt roughly a foot to the right of the hole. Despite that, it was yet another strong round for Pettersson, who won the RBC Heritage in April and has five top-10 finishes this year. That included a tie for third at the PGA Championship last week -which would have been a second-place finish had he not been assessed a twostroke penalty in the final round for grazing a leaf with his backswing while hitting out of a lateral water h azard. "I think this game is very streaky," Pettersson said. "We get on a good run, you've got lo keep going and il seems like when you're playing well, you never think you're going to play bad. When you're playing bad, you never think you're going to play well!' Pettersson was part of one of the most closely followed threesomes of the day, joining U.S. Open champ Webb Simpson (Wake Forest) and Davis Love III (North Carolina) as previous winners of this tournament who played for schools in the Atlantic Coast Conference - which was founded here in EJ53. They helped make the first round feel a

Tennis • Williams sisters advance, Murray upset: Serena and Venus Williams moved into the quarterfinals of the Western & Southern Open in Mason, Ohio, by handling the afternoon heat, humidity and wind. The conditions were too much for Andy Murray. Murray's off-day turned into the biggest upset of the tournament, a straight-sets loss Thursday that left him with hardly any hard-court time heading into the U.S. Open. Murray lost 6-4, 6-4 to France's Jeremy Chardy, an opponent he'd beaten easily the four previous times they'd played. Murray had trouble controlling his shots on a breezy, 85-degree afternoon. "I was a little bit uncomfortable with those balls bouncing extremely high," said Murray, who left the court as soon as the match ended and headed directly to the interview room. "It was fairly hard to control." Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic, Mardy Fish and Juan Martin del Potro also reached the quarterfinals Thursday. On the women's side, Serena Williams won her 19th straight match - her last 12 in straight sets- by beating Urszula Radwanska of Poland 6-4, 6-3. Will iams hasn't lost a set since the Wimbledon final, which shewon. Venus Williams beat Sara Errani 6-3, 6-0, a quick match after two long ones the past two days. - From wire reports

bit like the ACC tournament. "Playing with two ACC guys, there's a lot of 'Go Pack!' and 'Go Heels!"' Simpson said. Some of those N.C. State cheers could have been saved for Clark, a star with the Wolfpackin the mid-1990s before Fettersson enrolled. He was bogey-free and had an eagle on the par-5 fifth. He landed his second shot roughly 8 feet from the flagstick and sank the ensuing putt for one of the 11 eagles on that hole. "I've got to keep pace with Carl," Clark said. "When he goes low, he really goes low. If I'm able to hang in there, it's going to be a lot of fun." Mathis may not have those ties to the ACC, but he did have a nother reason - aside from the obvious - for wanting to leapfrog Pettersson: They b oth play the same Hasentree course in north Raleigh. "Man, I sure would have liked to have clipped him by a shot today," Mathis said, laughing. That bit of levity masked the sense of urgency he's facing in his final chance to qualify for the playoffs. Mathis, who has just one top-10 finish this year, arrived at No. 136 on the FedEx Cup points list and the top 125 qualify for The Barclays. Mathis was bogey-free and had three straight birdies on Nos. 13-15 to move to 7 under before closing his round with three pars. "I tried not to think about it, but it's really difficult not to think about because it's such a big part of the year," Mathis said. "Your life can change really quick in the FedEx Cup if you play well." Also on Thursday: Alabama teammates square off in U.S. Amateur round of 16

CHERRY HILLS VILLAGE, Colo. - In a close, tense match between teammates and friends, Justin Thomas beat fellow University of Alabama player Bobby Wyatt to advance to the quarterfinals of the U.S. Amateur championship at Cherry Hills. The 19-year-old Thomas won 1 up in the match-play contest against the topseeded Wyatt, who equaled a tournament record in stroke-play qualifying by shooting 9-under 132. Thomas will face Australian Oliver Goss, a 2-and-1 winner over Bobby Leopold of Cranston, R.I. Chris Williams of Moscow, Idaho, who is first in the world amateur rankings, also got in to the quarterfinals by defeating Edouard Espana of France 3 and 2. Williams will face Steven Fox of Hendersonville, Tenn., who advanced with a 2-up victory over Zack Munroe of Charlotte, N.C.

PALM BEACH, Fla. Now comes the difficult part -perhaps the most difficult part -w of Davis Love's job as captain of the U.S. Ryder Cup team. He has to fill out the final four spots on the squad. The eight automatic qualifiers, via a points system, were set with Sunday's completion of the PGA Championship, and Love will announce his captain's picks Sept. 4 with the match-play competition against Europe taking place Sept. 28-30 at Medinah in suburban Chicago. "Hopefully they will relax and just play," Love said of candidates under consideration who will compete in PGA Tour events before he makes his selections. The eight players already on the team, in order of points earned: Tiger Woods, Bubba Watson, Jason Dufner, Keegan Bradley, Webb Simpson, Zach Johnson, Matt Kuchar and Phil Mickelson. "Our top 12 to 15 guys seem to be playing very, very well," Love said. Not really, but the numbers mentioned by Love probably serve as the best barometer regarding his field of study. Again in order of points earned, the players through the 15th sp ot are: Hunter Maha n, Steve Stricker, Jim Furyk, Rickie Fowler, Brandt Snedeker, Bo Van Pelt a nd Dustin Johnson. It's a reasonable guess that Love's four choices will come from among those seven players, and, in fact, he already has said Mahan, Stricker and Furyk are "high on the list." That can't be coincidence. Love said h e figures it will come down to making a "gut decision" based on Ryder Cup experience, a player's momentum, and potential partnership compatibility for the alternate-shot and better-ball formats. But let's assess each of the seven presumptive candidates: • Mahan: He has played in the past two Ryder Cup meets and lost the clinching singles match to Graeme McDowell the last time around. He did win the Accenture Match Play title early this season by beating PGA Championship winner Rory Mcilroy in the final. • Stricker: He also has played in the past two Ryder Cup competitions and is a valu able asset as a calm and steady personality amidst the pressur e. Mostly, though, he's a natural pairing with Woods. • Furyk: He'd bring loads of experience (on the team for the past seven Cups) and is 4-2-1 in singles. But he's 4-13-3 in partnerships and has had mor e than a little

Already in The eight players who have already qualified for the U.S. Ryder Cup team that will compete against Europe on September: 1. Tiger Woods. Won three tournaments. 2. Bubba Watson. Got himself a fancy new green jacket. 3. Jason Dufner. Perhaps the steadiest player on Tour, an irony considering how he lost last year's PGA. 4. Keegan Bradley. Staying strong and quickly developing into one of the best young Americans in the game. 5. Webb Simpson. Won the U.S. Open. That'll do. 6. Zach Johnson. Victories at Crowne Plaza and John Deere highlight a resurgent year. 7. Matt Kuchar. A top-10 machine, with a highlight win at The Players. 8. Phil Mickelson. Barely squeaked in during an unspectacular one-win year for him. Probably saved himself from a humiliating exclusion.

trouble closing the deal with chances to win this year. • Fowler: He made his Ryder Cup debut two years ago in the most recent matches and rallied from a late deficit to get a singles halve. But he hasn't played well recently on the PGA Tour, which might put him on the bubble unless he comes up with the goods in an upcoming event. • Snedeker: He'd be a Ryder Cup rookie, and there already are three of them among the automatics (Dufner, Bradley and Simpson). But he does have an easygoing style that would make him easy to pair (with Zach Johnson?) • Van Pelt: He'd he a rookie, too, but has played as well as almost anybody recently with the exception of a missed cut at the British Open. He is an extraordinary shot shaper, which is a handy tool under pressure. • Dustin Johnson: He has the power game Love says he's looking for and won in a singles rout in his 1-~.yder Cup debut two years ago. But he otherwise lost twice in partnerships with Mickelson and once with Furyk. He sometimes looks disinterested. So who gets the spots? Let's call Stricker a lock, Furyk pretty close to it and Mahan a probable. That would leave four players Fowler, Snedeker, Van Pelt and Dustin Johnson - for one position. It's likely a beauty pageant until early September with Fowler a slight favorite ahead of Johnson at the outset.


Driver Keselowski, crew chief Wolfe turning into dynamic duo Cup series, and a force in the NASCAR garage. "I tried to learn from everyWATKINS GLEN, N.Y. body," said Wolfe, who did When Paul Wolfe decided to give NASCAR a lry, he made drive in lhe Camping World sure h e had a backup plan. Keselowski East and Nationwide Series "! became a certified weldfrom 2000-05, notching eight er," Wolfe said. "! never really top-fives but no wins before thought driving would ever provide concentrating on becoming a crew me a chance. The opportunity to chief. "You can never stop learning work on cars was more realistic. I in this sport. It's always changing." wasn't really thinking about driving After also working for Fitz Racing when I got into it." and CJM Racing, Wolfe signed in It's good to be a realist. November 2009 with Fenske, which Since moving from baseball coun - was starting a new Nationwide team try in upstate New York - Wolfe for Keselowski. "Paul was taking less and doing a grew up in Milford, a stone's throw from Cooperstown - to North Car- lot more with it at other race teams olina in 1996 to give stock car racing before he got the opportunity to go a try, Wolfe has put in long hours to a team like Fenske Racing, where working for Joe Gibbs, Tommy Bald- they've got good equipment," said win, and Ray Evernham, among Steve Addington, crew chief for others, gaining valuable hands-on reigning Cup champion Tony Stewart and a close friend of Wolfe. "I experience. Now, he's crew chief of the No. 2 think he was showing everybody Dodge driven by Brad Keselowski that he kind of knew what he was for Penske H.acing in the Sprint doing. He's got a good, core group By John Kekis

The Associated Press

that's been with him through the steps. He's keeping that group together, and that's the smart thing to do. You know they've got your back. That's lhe cool parl of having learn chemistry from the bottom to the top." That chemistry has been magical. During the 2010 Nationwide season, Keselowski scored six wins, five poles and a series-record 26 top-five finishes on the way to a 445-point victory in the final point standings behind the wheel of Wolfe-prepared cars, giving Roger Fenske his first NASCAR championship. "Paul's verv confident in what he does with a race car, and Brad believes in everything he does," Addington said. "That's a pair to watch in this sport for a long time." Wolfe moved up to the Sprint Cup series last year and Keselowski, despite a broken foot suffered in testing at midseason, posted three victories to qualify for the Chase for the Sprint Cup championship, NAS-

CAR's version of a postseason. "We had success right away," said Wolfe, now 35, whose dad raced modifieds and put him in a go-kart al age 11. "From there we continued to build our relationship and understand each other more and more. We're still learning. 13rad pushes me to be better." Keselowski, whose rise in the sport has been impressive - he has eight top-fives this season, just three fewer than Jimmie Johnson, who tops the Cup standings - knows he has something special. "Racing is such a team sport that a crew chief plays the role almost more of a head coach and the driver more like a starting quarterback ," Keselowski said. "I'm nothing without him calling the right plays, in a sense. He's the leader of the team who sets the direction ... for everything we do. His position is of extreme value and perhaps one of the most underrated in all of sports as it pertains to its difficulty.




2,700 AND COUNTING ...

Rays 7, Angels 0 Tampa Bay De.Jennings If B.Upton cf Joyce rf Longoria dh Lobrist ss-2b Keppinger 3b E.Johnson ss C.Pena lb R.Roberls 2b-3b J.Molina c Totals

Braves 6, Padres 0

AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. 5 0 0 0 0 2 .251 4 1 1 1 0 1 .243 310010.266 4 2 2 2 0 1 .304 422101

San Diego Forsythe2b Ev.Cabrera ss Headley 3b Quentin II Afonso 1b Venablerf Maybin cf Jo.Baker c Marquisp Boxberger p Laynep a-Amarisla ph Burn s p Totals


3 11 2 0 0 .320 1 0 0 0 0 1 .244 3 0 1 0 1 2 .192 3 0 0 1 0 0 .197 4 0 1 0 0 1 .202 3478729

Los Angeles AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. Trout cf 3 0 1 0 1 2 .340 Tor.Honler rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .291 Pujols lb 4 0 0 0 0 0 .278 Trumbodh 4 0 1 0 0 2 .289 H. Kendrick 2b 4 0 1 0 0 2 .285 Callaspo 3b 4 0 2 0 0 0 .248 V.Wells If 2 0 0 0 1 1 .222 P.ytmss 3 0 0 0 0 0 .268 lannella c 3 0 0 0 0 1 .208 Totals 31 o 5 o 2 9 Tampa Bay 01 o 420 ooo - 7 8 o Los Angeles ooo ooo ooo - o 5 o LOB- Tampa Bay 3, Los Angeles 6. 2B- Zobrist (29), H.Kendrick (18), Gallaspo (13). HR-Zobrist (13), off Haren; B.Uplon (14), off Haren; Longoria (5), off Williams. DP- TampaBay I. Tampa Bay IP H R ER BB Price W, 16-4 3 oo 2 Badenhop 1 0 0 0 VI.Davis 1 0 0 0 Los Angeles IP H R ER BB Haren L, 8-10 32-3 7 5 5 0 Williams 41 -3 1 2 2 1 Geltz 1 0 0 0 1 T- 2:40. A- 38,591 (45,957).

SO NP ERA 9 20 NP 61 60 16

3.55 2.49 ERA 1.90 4.76 0.00

Rainier Ehrhardt I The Associated Press

Atlanta Braves' Chipper Jones, right, follows through as he gets a home run on his 2,700th career hit in the fifth inning against the San Diego Padres, Thursday, in Atlanta.


Athletics 3, Royals 0 Oakland Crispcl J.Weeks 2b Reddick dh Ces[J€des If Carter lb Moss rf nonaldson 3b D.Norris c Pennington ss Totals Kansas City J.Dyson cl AEscobar ss AGordon If Buller dh S.Perezc Moustakas 3b Francoeur rf Hosmer 1b Getz 2b Totals Oakland Kansas City

American League

AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. 4 1 1 1 0 1 .250 3 0 1 1 1 2 .221 4 0 1 0 0 2 .251 3 1 1 1 1 0 .301 300 012 .268 4 0 1 0 0 1 .230 4 0 0 0 0 ? .167 2 1 00 10 .200 3 0 0 0 0 1 .197 30 3 5 3 4 11 AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. 4 0 0 0 0 1 .272 4 0 1 0 0 0 .301


o o o o



1 0 1 0 0 0 .301 4 0 1 0 0 0 .297 3 0 1 0 1 0 .251 4 0 0 0 0 2 .242 2 0 2 0 1 0 .233 3 0 0 0 0 0 .280 32 o 6 o 2 4 ooo 001 110 - 3 5 o 000 000 000 - 0 6 0 Lm-Oak~nd 4, Kansas City 7. 20- Moss (7). HR- Crisp (6), oil Hochevar; Ces[J€des (15). off Hochevar. SB- D.Norris (5). DP- Kansas City 2.

Oakland IP H R ER BB SO SlrailyW, 1-0 61-33 0 0 2 2 Doolittle H, 6 1-3 2 0 0 0 1 Blevins H, 9 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 R.Cook H, 12 2-3 1 0 0 0 0 8alfour S,9-11 1 0 0 0 0 0 Kansas City IP H R ER BB SO HuctJevarL,l-11 4 3 3 3 5 Collins 1 0 0 0 3 Jeffress 1 0 0 0 1 3 Hcchevar pitched to I baller In the Blh. T- 2:57. A- 14,345 (37,903).

Texas P.ndrus ss Mi.Young 2b Hamilton dh Beltre3b Dav.Murphy If Solo c Morekmd 1b Gentry cf Oft rf a-N.Cruz ph-rf Totals

AB R H Bf BB SO Avg. 5 1 2 1 1 0 .298 5 2 2 0 1 0 .270 4 3 2 0 1 2.293 3 22 300.303 5 1 32 01 .300 4 0 2 1 0 1 .189 300020.282 5 0 1 3 0 0 .321 2 0 1 0 1 0 .267 2 11 000 .266 38 10 16 10 6 4

New York AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. Jelerss 5 1 2 1 0 0 .320 Swisl1 er rf 4 1 1 1 1 0 .263 Teixeira 1b 5 0 1 1 0 1 .?5' P.n.Jones If 4 1 1 2 0 2 .214 CIJamherlain p 0 0 0 0 0 0 Rapadap 000000 e-Granderson ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .235 McGehee 3b 3 1 o o o o .250 c-Er.Chavez ph-3b 1 0 0 0 0 1 .302 R.Martin dh-c 4 0 1 1 0 0 .19' J.Nix 2b 3 0 1 0 0 2 .262 d-Cano ph-2b 0 0 0 0 1 0 .311 !.Suzuki cf 3 1 3 0 0 0 .269 C.Stewart c 2 0 o o o o .263 b-lbanez ph-If 2 1 0 0 0 1 .250 Totals 37 6 1o 6 2 7 Texas 200 002 321 - 10 16 1 New York ooo 005 100 - 6 10 1 a-grounded into a lielder's cho~e for Oft in the 7th. b-grounded into a fielder's choice for C.Stewart in the 7th. c struck out for McGeheein the8th. d walked for J.Nix in the8th. e-grounded out for Rapada in the 9th. E- Oit (3), Swisher (3). LOB- Texas 10, New York 7. 2B- Andrus (27), Hamilton 2 (21), Dav.Murphy (21), Oft (1), N.Cruz (30), I. Suzuki (20).HR- An.Jones (13), off D.Holland. SB- R.Martin (4). DP- New York 2. Texas IP H R ER BB SO D.Holland 52-3 5 S 4 0 3 ScheppersW, 1-0 1-3 2 1 1 0 1 Kirkman H, 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 MiAdams H, 21 1 1 0 0 1 2 Nathan 1 1 0 0 0 0 New York IP H R ER BB SO NO\fd 52-3 7 4 4 4 2 Eppley 1-3 1 1 1 0 0 Logan L, 4-1, 1-2 1-3 2 2 2 0 1 Chamberlain 11-3 4 2 2 2 1 Rapada 11-3 2 I 1 0 0 E~ley pitched to 1 batter in the 7th. Schep1J€rs pitched to 1 baiTer in t11e7th. T- 3:34. A- 47,645 (50,291).

NP ERA 88 4.98 10 5.16 19 4.56 24 2.77 14 ?.7? NP ERA 103 4.76 9 3.24 14 3.86 36 9.00 10 3.03

Red Sox 6, Orioles 3 AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. Boston Ellsburydh 4 0 0 0 1 2.263 C.Crawford If 5 2 2 0 0 0 .208 Pedroia 2b 5 2 2 1 0 1 .281 M.Gonzalez 1b 402 2 0 1 .308 c.noss rf 5 0 3 1 0 1 .279 Saltalamacchia c 40 101 2.229 4 1 0 0 1 2 .193 Punta3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .327 Ciriaco ss Podsednik cl 41 2 1 0 1 .384 38 6 13 5 4 11 Totals Baltimore AB R H Bf BB SO Avg. Maikakis rt 4 1 1 0 0 0 .282 Hardy ss 3 1 2 0 1 0 .22' McLoolh If 4 0 1 0 0 1 .278 M.Jones cf 3 0 1 2 0 1 .296 Vlieters c 4 o o o o 2 .244 4 0 0 0 0 3 .250 C.Davisdh Mar.Reynolds lb 4 1 2 1 0 1 .220 Machado 3b 3 0 1 0 1 1 .308 Quintanilla2b 2 0 0 0 1 1 .307 Totals 31 3 8 3 3 1o Boston 010 023 ooo - 6 13 o Baltimore 21o ooo ooo - 3 8 o LOB- Boston 10, Baltimore 5. 2B- C.Crawlord (9), Pedroia (25), Ad.Gonzalez (37), C.Ross (24), Podsednik (4), Mclouth (4), Ad.Jones (29), Machado (2). HR- Mar.Reynolds (12), off Buchholz. SBC.Crawlord (4), Ciriaco (7). DP Boston 3. Boston BucbholzW, 11-3 P.ceves S, 24-30 Baltimore Tillman Gregg P.yafa L, 4-4

IP H 8 8 1 0 IP H 42-3 6 1-3 1 1 4

R 3 0 R 3 0 3

ER BB 3 3 0 0 ER BB 3 0 1 3 1

SO 7 3 SO

w New York Baltimore Tampa Bay Boston Toronto

10 61 64 58 55

L 48 51 54 61 63

Chicago Detroit Cleveland Kansas City Minnesota

W 65 63 54 51 50

L 52 55 64 66 67

Texas Oakland Los Angeles Seattle

68 62 G2 55

W L 49 55 57 64

East Division Pet GB WCGB L1 0 1-3 .~93 .512 6 7-3 B-2 .542 6 6'12 4-6 .487 12'12 .~66 15 9 2-8 Central Division Pet GB WCGB L1 0 .556 64 .534 2'12 1 5-5 .458 11'12 10 4-6 .436 14 12'h 6 4 .427 15 13'h 3-7 West Division Pet G6 WCG6 L10 .:01 5-5 .530 6 1'12 4-6 .521 7 2'h 4-G .462 14 9'h 4-6

Thursday's Games Texas 1D, N.Y. Yankees 6 Boston 6, Baltimore 3 Cl1icayo WliileSox 7, Torunlo 2 Oak land 3, KanSils \, ily 0 Tampa Bay 7, L.A. Angels 0

NP ERA 107 4.19 15 4.07 NP ERA 110 3.65 0 16 4.10 1 27 2.9'

National League Sir Home Away L-1 31-ZJ 33-2~ L-1 32-29 32-25 W-1 32 27 32-27 W-1 29-34 29-27 L-3 30-28 25-35 Home Away 32 26 33 26 W-2 3323 30-32 L-2 30-29 24-35 L 1 23 33 28 33 L-2 24-37 26-30

Washington AllanIa New York Philadephia Miami

W 13 69 56 54 53

19 62 64 66

Cincinnati Pittsburgh St. Louis Milwaukee Chicago Houston

W 71 65 64 53 46 39

L 47 53 54 64 70 80

Los Angeles San Francisco Arizona San Die,Jo Colorado

65 G4 59 52 45


L 54 54 59 68 71



Sir W-1 W-1 L-1 W-2

Home Away 36-22 32-27 34-26 28-29 33-2G 29-31 27-30 28-34

Today's Games Rallimore (Tom.Hunler 4-7) al Oelroit (Verlander 12-7), 4:05p.m. Bostun (F.Morales 3-3) al N.Y. Yankees (P.Hnghes 11-10), 4:05p.m. Texas (Darvish 12-8) at Toronto (Happ 1-1),407p.m. Chicago WhileSox (Sale 14-3) at Kansas City (Mendoza 6-B), 5: 10p.m. Cleveland (McAllister 5-4) at Oakland (M ilone 9-9), 7:05p.m. Tamf'J Bay (Shields 10-7) at L.A. Angels (Weaver 15-2), 7:05 p.m. Minnesola (Blackburn 4-8) at Seattle (lwakuma 3-3), 7:10p.m.

NP ERA 99 3.18 14 3.6' 6 2.52 12 2.68 16 2.62 NP ERA 1035.24 19 2.90 22 0.00

Rangers 10, Yankees 6

R 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

H 1 0 2 0 1 0 0 0

Bl 0 0 0 0

BB 0 0 0 0

SO Avg . 0 .269 1 .226 2 .274 0 .263 0 0 0 .213 0 0 0 .240 0 0 2 .214 0 0 0 .244 2 0 1 0 0 1 .290 0 00000 0 00000 1 0 0 0 0 0 .257 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 3205006

Atlanta AB R H Bl BB SO Avg . Bourn cl 5 1 1 0 0 2 .290 Prado If 4 0 0 0 1 0 .300 Heyward rf 4 1 3 1 0 1 .275 C.Jones31J 4 2 2 3 0 1 .315 F.Freeman 1b 2 1 1 0 2 0 .277 Uggla2b 4 1 1 0 0 2 .215 2 0 0 0 2 1 .229 McCann c Janish ss 4 0 2 2 0 0 .210 Medlen p 4 0 0 0 0 1 .13.1 Totals 33 6 10 6 5 8 San Diego ooo ooo ooo - o 5 1 Atlanta 200 040 oox - 6 1o o a-grounded out for Layne in thellth. E-Burns( 1). LOB- San Diego 5, At~nta B. 2BMarquis (3), Bourn (22), Heyward (23), Uggla (21). HR- C.Jones 2 (12), oil Marquis 2; Heyward (20), oil Marquis. SB- Ev.Gabrera (20), Venable(16).

8 103 2.39 0 1 SO 2 6 1

AB 4 4 4 4 4 3 3 3

L 4~

East Division Pet GB WCGB .619 .585 1 .475 17 9 .458 19 11 .1 ~ 5 20'12 12'/1 Central Division Pet GB WCGB .602 .551 .542 1 .453 17h 11Y1 .397 24 18 .328 32'h 26'12 West Division Pet GB WCGB .546 .542 J.>l 1 .500 5Y2 6 .433 13'12 14 .388 181-'2 19

Thursday's Games Pillshur,Jh 10, I A Oodgers 6 N.Y. Mels 8, Cindnnali 4 AllanIa 6, Sari Diego 0 Milwaukee 7, Philadelphia 4 Arizona 2, St. Louis 1 Colorado 5, Miami 3

L10 8-2 7-3 3-7 5-5 1-6

Sir W-1 W-3 W-1 L-2 L-1

Home Away 32-22 41-23 35-27 31-22 28-30 28-32 26-33 28-31 29-31 21-35

L10 55 3-7 5-5 55 3-7 3-7

Sir L1 W-1 L-1 W1 W-1 L-1

Home Away 38 21 33 26 37-23 28-30 36-24 28-30 3426 1038 30-28 16-42 27-32 12-4B

L10 6-4 5-5 4-6 6-4 7-3

Sir L-1 L-1 W-1 L-3 W-4

Home Away 33-25 32-29 35-2G29-28 31-26 28-33 27-30 25-3B 25-37 2D-34

Today's Games NY Mels (.!Santana 6-B) at Washingion (Detwiler 6-5), 4:05p.m. Clrica'J OCubs (T.Wood 4-8) al Cincinnati (Arroyo B-7), 4:10p.m. L.A. Dodgers(Capuano 11-8) at Atlanta (Hanson 12-5), 4:35 p.m. Arizona (Miley 12-8) at Hooston (Keuchel l-4), 5:05 p.m. Philadelphia (Worley 6-7) at Milwaukee (Gallardo 11-B), 5:10p.m. PittsiJJrgh (Ja.McDonald 10-5) at St. Louis (Westbrook 12-8), 5:15p.m. Miami (LeBlanc 1-2) at Colorado (Francis 4-4), 5:40p.m . San Frandsco (M.Cain 11-5) at San Diego (Ohlendorf 4-3), 7:05p.m.

American League roundup

National League roundup

• Rangers 10, Yankees 6: NEW YORK- Craig Gentry, starting for the first time in two weeks, hit a two-out, two-run single in the seventh inning that put Texas ahead in a 10-6 victory over New York. Adrian Beltre had three RBis while Josh Hamilton doubled twice and scored three times for the Rangers, who avoided a four-game sweep in a matchup of AL division leaders. • Red Sox 6, Orioles 3: BALTIMORE- Clay Buchholz shook off a rocky start to earn his 11th win , Dustin Pedroia singled in the tiebreaking run in the sixth inning, and Boston beat Baltimore to avoid athreegame sweep. Adrian Gonzalez had two RBis, and Cody Ross chipped in with three hits to help Boston to its third win in nine games. Serving as designated hitter for the first time this season, Jacoby Ellsbury went zero for four to end his 38-game hitting streak against Baltimore. • White Sox 7, Blue Jays 2: TORONTO - Alex Rios hit a three-run homer against his former team , and Francisco Liriano earned his first victory as Chicago Whitetopped Toronto. Tyler Flowers, Dayan Viciedo, Alexei Ramirez and Dewayne Wise all hit solo home runs as the White Sox matched a season high by going deep five times. • Athletics 3, Royals 0: KANSAS CITY, Mo.- Coco Crisp and Yoenis Cespedes homered, and Dan Straily earned his first major league victory in Oakland's win over Kansas City. Crisp, who played for the Royals in 2009, was two for 27 this season against Kansas City before the home run. His drive hit high off a green wall beyond the fence and caromed back onto the field. It was first ruled a double, but after A's manager Bob Melvin disputedthe call, umpires viewed replays and changed it to a home run. • Rays 7, Angels 0: ANAHEIM, Calif.- David Price pitched three-hit ball over seven innings for his ALIeading 16th victory, and Tampa Bay got home runs from Evan Longoria, B.J. Upton and Ben Zobrist in a win over Los Angeles.

• Pirates 10, Dodgers 6: PITTSBURGH- Garrett Jones hit two three-run homers, A.J. Burnett became the first Pirates pitcher with 15 wins in 13 years, and Pittsburgh avoided a four-game sweep with a 10-6 victory over Los Angeles. Jones had a career-high six RBis, and Pedro Alvarez homered for the Pirates, who had lost six of seven. • Mets 8, Reds 4: CINCINNATI- Rookie Matt Harvey drove in one more run than he allowed in the longest outing of his short major league career, and New York snapped Cincinnati's five-gamewinning streak. Harvey (2-3), who had lost three straight starts after winning in his major league debut, allowed one run and four hits in 7 ¥:3 innings. • Braves 6, Padres 0: ATLANTA- Chipper Jones homered twice on a night when a big crowd turned out to get his bobblehead, and Atlanta won its 15th straight game with Kris Medlen as a starter. Jones came out of the dugout for a curtain call after both drives, the second of which was his 2,700th career hit. • Brewers 7, Phillies 4: MILWAUKEE - Corey Hart's grand slam with two outs in the eighth inning led Milwaukee and prevented Philadelphia's Cliff Leefrom getting a rare win. Livan Hernandez (4-1) pitched a scoreless eighth for th evictory. Jim Henderson recorded the final two outs for his third save in four chances, getting Erik Kratz to ground out with the bases loaded to end the game. • Rockies 5, Marlins 3: DENVER - Michael Cud dyer homered and OJ LeMahieu had two hits for streaking Colorado. Eric Young Jr. and Josh Rutledge had a hit and an RBI apiece for the Rockies, who won their fourth straight game. Rafael Betancourt tossed a perfect ninth for his 22nd save. • Diamondbacks 2, Cardinals 1: ST. LOUIS - Paul Goldschmidt and Chris Young homered on consecutive pitches from Jason Mottewith oneout in the ninth inning, lead ing Arizona over St. Louis.

Lindstrom 1 0 0 0 1 11 2.36 S.Jobnson 2 1 0 0 0 4 28 2.70 HBP-by Buchllo~ (Ad .Joms). WP- Tillman 2. T- 3:22. A- 25,483 (45,971).

White Sox 7, Blue Jays 2 Chicago Wisecl Youkifis 3b A.Dunn1b Rios rl Pierzynski dh AI.Ramirez ss Viciedo II Flowers c Olmedo 2b Totals


5 1 4 1 2 1

4 1 4 0 4 1

3 1 4 1 4 0 34 7

Bl BB SO Avg. 1 0 1 .282 001 .239 0 2 2 .207 3 0 0 .309 000 .296 1 0 0 .260 1 1 1 .256 1 0 1 .221 0 0 1 .182

7 3 7

Toronto AB R Bl BB SO Avg . R.navis If 4 o o o 1 .?60 McCoycf 4 0 0 0 1 .190 Rasmus df1 4 0 0 1 .245 YEscobar ss 3 0 1 0 .247 Coo1J€r lb 3 1 0 1 .294 o o 0 0 .191 1-Gose pr YGomes 1b 1 0 0 1 .171 Sierra rf 3 1 0 1 .359 K.Jobnson 2b 3 0 0 I .229 Mathis c 3 0 0 1 .226 2 0 0 1 .1 25 Hechavarria 3b 1 o o o .221 a-Vizquel ph-31J Totals 31 2 5 2 1 9 Chicago 001 020 040 - 7 6 o Toronto 020 ooo ooo - 2 5 1 a-grounded into a double play for Hecl1avarria in the8th. 1-ran lor COOIJ€r in the lth. E- Y.Escobar (10). LOB-Chicago 3, Tor0f11o 3.

28- R.Davis (20). HR- Wise (5), off Laffey; Viciedo (19), off Laffey; Flowers (4) off Laffey; Rios (19), off Oliver; AI.Ramirez (6), off Lyon; Sierra (2), oil Liriano. SB- Gose (8). DP- Chicago 1. Chicago IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Liriano W, 4-10 6 1-3 3 2 2 1 6 86 5.22 CrainH,7 2-3 0 0 0 0 1 12 1.95 Myers 1 2 0 0 0 0 10 0.73 Humber 1 0 0 0 0 2 11 5.84 Toronto IP H R ER BB SO NP ERA Laffey L, :\-4 6 3 3 3 1 5 91 4.70 Defabar 1 0 0 0 1 0 16 3.97 2-3 2 3 3 1 0 21 1.87 Oliver Lyon 1-3 1 1 1 0 1 11 1.74 Janssen 1 0 0 0 0 1 6 2.31 T- 2:34 (Rain delay: 0:04). A- 19,855 (49;260).

NL Boxscores

Mets 8, Reds 4 New York Tejada ss tlaxterrl D.Wrigl113b I. Davis l b Hairston cf-ff Ju.Turncr2b Bay If F. Francisco p Rauch p Shopf'lch c Harvey p Parnell p An.Torres cf Totals

AB R H Bl BB SO Avg . 5 1 1 1 0 0 .318 ~ 0 1 1 0 2 .306 1 1 1 0 1 0 .320 4 2 2 2 1 2 .216 40 1 0 1 0 .266 4 0 0 0 1 0 .270 5 2 2 1 0 2 .159 000000 000000 3 2 0 0 1 2 .000 3 0 1 2 0 1 .333 000000 0 0 0 0 0 0 .237 37 8 9 7 5 9

Cincinnati AB R H Bf BB SO Avg . Cozart ss 5 0 1 1 D 1 .248 Stubbs cf 3 0 0 0 1 0 .228 Arredondo p 0 0 0 0 0 b-Vafdez ph 1 0 0 0 1 .210 B.Pilillips 2b 4 1 1 0 2 .294 Lucr.vick If 3 1 1 1 0 .268 Bruce rf 4 1 2 1 2 .250 Frazier 1b-3b 3 1 0 0 2 .283 Rolen 3b 2 0 1 0 0 .248 Sinonp 0 0 0 0 0 .000 a-Paul ph 1 0 0 0 0 .333 Ondrusek p 0 0 0 0 0 Heisey cl 1 0 0 0 1 .267 Mesoraco c 4 0 1 0 0 .214 1 0 0 0 1 .140 H.Bailey p Cairo 1b 3 0 1 1 1 .161 Totals 35 4 8 4 2 11 New York ooo 303 002 - B 9 o Cincinnati ooo ooo 103 - 4 8 3 a-lined out for Simon in the 7th. b-struck out for Arredondo in the 9th. E- Rolen (B). B.Phillips (3), Cozart (12). LOBNew York 8, Cincinnati 7. 2B- Tejada (19), I.Davis (19), Harvey (21, Cozart (28), B.PI1illips (23), Bruce 2 (30). HR- I.Davis (21). off H.Bailey; Bay (61. oil H.Bailey; Ludwick (22), off F. Francisco. New York IP H R ER Harvey W, 2-3 72-3 4 1 1 Parnell 1-3 0 0 0 F.Francisco 2-3 4 3 3 RauchS, 3-6 1-3 0 0 0 Cincinnati IP H R ER H.Bailey L,10-8 52-38 6 4 Sinon 11-3 0 0 0 Ondrusek I 0 0 0 Arredondo 1 1 2 1 T- 2:56. A- 23,137142,319).

BB 1 0 1 0 BB 3 1 0 1

SO NP ERA 8 89 3.00 1 5 3.02 1 27 6.25 1 3 3.12 SO NP ERA 6 101 4.16 2 16 2.20 I II 3.12 0 14 2.64

San Diego IP H R ER Marquis L, 6-1 4 2-3 8 6 6 Boxberger 11-3 2 0 0 Layne 1 0 0 0 Burn s 1 0 0 0 Atlanta IP H R ER Medlen W, 4-1 9 5 0 0 T-2:30. A- 33,1 57 (49,586).

BB SO NP ERA 4 4 1D3 4.00 1 1 27 3.11 D 2 18 0.00 D 1 18 540 BB SO NP ERA D 6 1D4 2.03

Pirates 10, Dodgers 6 Los Angeles Victorino lf-ct M.EIIis 2b Kemp cf E.He rrera If b-J.Rivera ph-If tlh ~ r rf H.Ramirez ss Loney l b A.Kennedy 3b J.Wrighl p Choatep d-Uribe ph Sh.Tolleson p A.EIIis c Blanton p Guerra p a-LCruzph-3b Totals

AB 4 5 1 2 1

R 0 1 0 0 0

H 0 2 0 1 0

Bl 0 1 0 0 1

BB 0 0 0 0 0

SO Avg . 1 .263 1 .265 1 .355 1 .246 0 .242

4 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 2 2 0 1 4 2 2 1 0 1 2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 0 0 0 0 0 000000 4 1 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 000000 2 0 0 0 0 0 3668517


.260 .255 .250 .000 .185 .275 .093 .262

Pittsburgh AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. S.MarteIf 5 0 1 0 0 1 .247 Mercer 2b 5 2 1 0 0 2 .171 ? ? 1 0 3 0 35.q A Mc\,utrhen cf G.Jones rf 3 2 2 6 1 0 .283 G.Sanchez l b 4 1 o o o 2 .210 P.Aivarez 3b 4 2 3 1 0 0 .235 Barajasc 3 1 1 0 1 0 .196 Barmes ss 4 o 2 3 o o .221 A.JBurnell p 3 0 0 0 0 1 .068 Watson p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 c-Snider ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .333 Grilli p 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Hanrahanp Totals 34 10 11 10 5 6 Los An geles 010 300 200 - 6 8 o Pittsburgh 300 140 20x - 1o 11 2 a-llied out lor Guerra in the 7th. b-was hit byapitch for E. Herrera in the 7th.c popped out for Watson in the 71h. d-grounded out for Choate in the Blh E- P.Aivarez 2 (20). LOB- Los Angeles 6, Pillsburgh 5. 2B- M.EIIis (9), P.Aivarez(17). 38- Barm es (1). HR- Loney (3), off A.J .Burnett; H.Ramirez (16), oil A.J.Burnell; G.Jones 2 (19), oil Blanton2; P.Aivarez (22), off Glanton. SG- A.Kennedy (1). Los Angeles L, 8-11 Guerra J.Wrighl Choate Sh.Tolleson Pittsburgh Bunrett W, 15-4 Watson H, 13 Grilli Hanraliar1 T- 3:07. AB~nlon

IP H R ER 41 -3 7 8 8 1 2-3 0 0 0 2-3 4 2 2 1-3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 IP H R ER 6 2-3 7 6 6 1-3 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 25,073 (38,362)

BB SO NP 4 4 9l D 2 25 1 0 16 D 0 2 D 0 11 BB SO NP I 7 94 0 4 0 21 0 12

ERA 4.9G 2.68 408 2.93 3.20 ERA 3.54 4.19 249 2.56

Rockies 5, Marlins 3 Miami Petersen If G.Hernandez cf Reyes ss Ca.Lee lb Stanton rf Dobbs 3b D.Solano 2b Branllyc No~sco p b-Kearns ph Totals

AB R H Bl BB SO Avg . 4 0 0 0 1 0 .181

4 0 0 0 0 2


4 0 0 0 0 0 3 2 2 1 1 0 41? 1 0 1 4 0 2 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 1 0 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 3 I 0 0 0 0 0 34 3 7 2 3 6

.285 .287 /86

.304 .250 .167 .150 .246

Colorado AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. E. Yoongcf 3 0 1 1 0 0 .323 Col;in rf 4 0 1 0 0 1 .284 C.Gonzalez If 4 1 1 0 0 2 .3Z2 Cuddyer lb 1 1 1 2 0 3 .260 W.Rosario c 4 0 0 0 0 1 .243 ~acheco 'lll 4 o 1 o o o .ooo R.Belancourt p 0 0 0 0 0 0 LeMahieu 2b 4 2 2 0 0 0 .298 J.Herrera ss 1 0 1 0 1 0 .247 While p 1 0 0 0 0 0 .100 Ottavinop 0 0 0 0 0 0 .250 a-Rutledge ph 1 1 1 1 0 0 .321 Bel~ le p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .000 Nelson 3b 0 0 0 0 0 0 .269 Totals 30 5 9 4 1 7 Miami 010 101 000 - 3 7 2 Colorado 010 002 20x - 5 9 1 a-tripled lor ottavino in the 7th . b-Illed out lor Nolasco In the 9th . F- Nolasco (1), Rranlfy (1), .!Herrera (1). I ORMiam i 7, Colorado 5. 2B- Brantfy (1). 38-LeMahieu (1), Rutledge (31. HR- Ca.Lee (7), off Wliile; Stanton (22), off Ollavino; Guddyer (16), off Nolasco. SB- Petersen (5). DP- Miami 2; Colorado 1. Miami

R ER BB SO NP ERA 55 I 7 ID7 4.94 Colorado R ER BB SO NP ERA White 2 2 3 74 5.74 2 1 1 41 4.05 OttavinoW, 4-1 3 Bel~ le H, 19 1 2 0 0 11 325 Betancourt S,22-271 0 0 0 12 2.70 w~-Nolasco 2, While. T- 2:35. A- 21,807 (51,398). No~sco l, 9- 1 2

IP 8 IP 4

H 9 H 3

Brewers 7, Phillies 4 Philadelphia Rollins ss Pierre II Mayberry cf Utley 2b Howard lb D.Brown rf L.Nix cf-lf c-Wigginton ph Frandsen 3b Kratzc CI.Leep Lindblom p Totals

AB R H 5 1 1 5 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 0 5 I 3 4 1 1 3 1 1 1 0 0 5 0 3 4 0 0

Bl 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 3 0

BB 0 0 0 2 0 1 1 0 0 1

SO Avg . 2 .246 0 .308 0 .229 1 .236 I .230 1 .255 0 .268 1 .232 1 .333 0 .273 4 0 1 0 0 2 .200 0 00000 39 4 12 4 5 9

Milwaukee Aoki rf R.Weeks 2b Braun If Ar.Ramirez 3b Hart lb Lucroy c L.He mandezp b-Morgan ph M.Parrap Henderson p C.Gornez cf

AB R H Bl BB SO Avg . 4 0 0 0 0 1 .284 4 1 1 0 0 1 221

3 3 2 2 1 1


3 4 3 0 1 0 0 3

.293 .265 .319 .000 .231 .000

2 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00000 0 1 0 0 0


Segura ss 3 0 .253 Estrada p 1 0 .0&1 a-Ransom ph 1 0 .213 Yerasp 0 0 1 0 .2B2 M.Maldonado c Totals 31 7 6 7 2 12 Philadelphia 001 030 000 - 4 12 1 Milwaukee 200 100 04x - 7 6 1 a-grounded out for Estrada in the5th. b-fouled out for L.Hernandez in the 8th. e-st ruck out for L.Nix in the9th . E-Frandsen (3), Segura (1). LOB-Phi ladel ph~ 13, Milwaukee 2. 2B- Frandsen (2). HR-Braun 2 (31), off CI.Lee 2; Ar.namirez (16), off CI.Lee; llart (23), oil Lindblom. SB- Rollins 2(20), Pierre (29), Philadelphia IP H R ER BB CI.Lee 72-3 5 4 3 0 Lindblom L, 2-3,3-31-3 1 3 3 2 Milwaukee IP H R ER BB Estrada 5 8 4 4 3 Veras 2 1 0 0 2 Hemandez W, 4-1 1 0 0 0 0 M.Parra II, 0 1-3 2 0 0 0 HendersonS, 3-4 2-3 1 0 0 0 T-323. A- 30,117(41 ,900)

SO 12 0 SO 1 4 2 1 1

NP ERA 1113.83 18 3.76 NP ERA 108 4.52 45 4.68 8 5.03 10 4.44 12 5.01

Diamondbacks 2, Cardinals 1 Arizona G.Parra If A.Hill2b J.Upton rf M.Monlero c Goldschmidllb C.Young cl n.Wheeler 3b Elmore ss Cahill p a-Drew fll b-C.Johnson f.ll Ziegler p D.Hernandez p d-Kubel ph Pulz p Totals

AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. 4 0 1 0 0 0 .277 3 0 0 0 10 .291 4 0 0 0 0 1 .271] 10 1002.286 3 1 2 1 1 0 .293 4 1 1 1 0 2 .21 1 3 0 0 0 1 1 .194 4 0 2 0 0 0 .401 2 0 0 0 0 0 .098 0 00 0 0 0 . 203 1 0 0 0 0 1 .277 0





0 0 0 0 0 0 1.001 1 0 0 0 0 1 .276 00000 0 3327238

St. Louis AB R H Bl BB SO Avg. Jay cf 3 0 0 0 0 1 .308 Craig l b 3 o 1 1 1 1 .302 Holliday If 4 o o o o 1 .3m Mottep 0 0 0 0 0 0 Salas p 0 0 0 0 0 0 .OOJ Beltran rf 4 0 0 0 0 1 .278 Freese 3b 4 0 2 0 0 2 .299 Descalso 2b 4 0 0 0 0 1 .234 T.Cruz c 4 0 1 0 0 1 .231 Furcal ss 2 0 2 0 0 0 .269 Lohse p 1 1 0 0 0 0 .OB3 Rzepczynski p o o o o o o c-M.Carpenler ph 1 0 0 0 0 0 .314 Boggsp 0 00 000 S.Robinson II 0 0 0 0 0 0 .251 Totals 30 1 6 1 1 8 Arizona ooo ooo 002 - 2 7 1 St. Louis 000 010 000 - 1 6 0 a-was annoonced for Gaf1ill in the 7111. b-slruci\ out for Drew in the7th. c-grounded out for Rzepczynski in the 71h . d-sl ruck out for D.Hernandez in t11e9th. E- G.Parra (3). LOB-Arizona 7, St. Louis 6. 2B- Eimore (1), Furcal (16). HR- Goldschmidl (181, off Motte; C. Young (12), off Molte. DP- Arizona 1; St. Louis 1. Arizona IP H R ER BB Cahill 6 5 1 1 1 Ziegler 1 1 0 0 0 HernandezW, 2-2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Pulz S, 23-26 St. LOUIS IP H R ER BB Lohse 6 2-3 1 0 0 3 Rzepczynski H, 15 1-3 0 0 0 0 BoggsH,22 1 0 0 0 0 MotteL, 4-4, 5-32 2-3 3 2 2 0 Salas 1-3 0 0 0 0 T- 2:51 . A- 36,75B (43,975)

SO NP ERA 4 88 3.75 0 17 2.47 3 19 2.47 1 16 3.26 SO NP ERA 5 91 2.61 1 4 4.97 0 14 2.1 7 1 22 2.84 1 6 4.4D

Leaders Throug h Thursday's games AMERICAN LEAGUE BATTING-Trout, Los Angeles, .340; MiCabrera, Detroit, .327; Mauer, Minnesota, .320; Jeter, New York, .320; Revere, Minnesota, .319; Konerko, Chicago, .316; Ortiz, Boston, .316. RUNS-Trout, Los Angeles, 93; Kinsler, Texas, 62; Grandcrsoo, New York, 79; MiCabrcra, Detroit, 77; Hamilton, Texas, 75; AJackson, Detroit, 75; Cano, New York, 74. RBI- MiCabrera, Detroit, 103; Hamilton, Texas, 101; Willingham, Minnesota. 88; Fielder, Detroit, 84; AdGonzalez, Boston, 82; Pujols, Los Angeles, 82; ADum, Chicago, 81. HITS-Jeler, New York, 159; MiCabrera, Detroit, 153; Cano, New York, 141; MGonzalez, Boston, 141; AdJones, Baltimore, 138; AGordon, Kansas City, 137; Rios, Chicago, 137. DOUBLES-AGordon, Kansas City, 38; AdGonzalez, Boston, 37; Choo, Cleveland, 35; Brantley, Cleveland. 34; Cano, New York, 32; Kinsler, Texas, 32; Pujols, Los Angeles, 32. TRIPLES-AJackson , Detroit, B; JWeeks, Oakland, 8; Andrus, Texas, 6; R1os, Chicago, 6; !Suzuki, New York, 6; ?lied at 5. HOME RUNS-ADunn, Chicago 34; Hamilton, Texas, 34; MiCabrera, Detroit, 30; Encarnacion, Toronto. 30; Granderson, New York, 30; Willingham, Minnesola, 30; Trumbo, Los Angeles, 29. STOLEN BASES-Trout, Los Angeles, 38; RDavis, Toronto, 35; Revere, Minnesota, 28; Crisp, Oakland, 25; Kipnis, C leve ~nd, 23; .JDyson, Kansas City, 22; Aiscobar, Kansas City, 22; DeJennings, Tamf'J Bay, 22; BUtJon, Tampa Bay, 22. PITCHING-Price, Tamf'J Bay, 16-4; Weaver, Los Angeles, 15-2; Sale, Chicago, 14-3; MHarrison, Texas, 13-7; Varoas, Seattle, 13-8; Sabalhia, New York, 12-3; Schwer, "oetroil, 12-6; Verlander, Detroit, 12-7; Darvish. Texas. 12-8. STRIKEOUTS-Scherzer, Detroit, 178; FHernandez, Seattle, 174; Verlander, Detroit, 174; Darvish, Texas, 162; Price, Tampa Bay, 159; Shields, Tamf'J Bay, 153; Peavy, Chicago, 144. SAVES- Rodney, Tampa Bay, 37; JiJohnson, Baltimore, 35; CPerez, Clevel1nd, 32; RSoriano, New York, 29; Aceves, Boston, 24; Nathan, Texas, 23; Broxton, Kansas City, 23. NATIONAL LEAGUE BATTING-McCutchen. Pittsburgh, .359; MeCabrera, San Francisco, .346; Votto, Cincinnati, .342; Posey, San Francisco, .330; CGorualeL, Colorado, .322; DWrighl, New York, .320; YMolina, Sl. Louis, .312. RUNS- MeGabrera, San rrancisco, 84; McCutchen, Pittsburgh, 84; Bourn, Allanla, 82; CGonzalez, Colorado, 78; JUrxon , P.rizona, 77; Braun, Milwaukee, 76; Holliday, Sl. Louis, 75. RBI- Bellran, St. Louis, 83; Holliday, St. Louis, 81; Braun. Milwaukee, 79; CGonzalez. Colorado, 78; Kubel, Arizona 77; LaRoche, Washington, 77; FFreeman, Atlanta, 76; Posey, San Franciscc, 76. HITS- MeCabrera, San Francisco, 159; McCutchen, Pittsburgh, 153; Bourn, Atlanta, 144; CGonzalez, Colorado, 131; Holliday, Sl. Louis, 136; Prado, Atlanta, 136; DWrighl, New York, 135. DOUBLES- ArRam irez, Milwaukee, 39; Votta, Cincinnati, 36; DWright New York, 35; Goldschmidt, Arizona, 34; DanMurphy, New York, 33; Alonso, San Diego, 31 ; Bruce, Cincinnati. 30; Cuddyer. Colorado, 30; Prado, Atlanta, 30. TRIPLES- Fowler, Colorado, I I; MeCabrera, San Francisco, 10; Bourn, Atlanta, 9; SCaslro, Chicago, 8; Reyes, Miami, 8; Colvin, Colorado, 7; DeJesus, Chicago, 7; Pagan, San Francisco, 7. HOME RUNS-Braun, Milwaukee, 31; Beltran, St. Loois, 28; Kubel, Arizona, 25; Bruce, Cincinnati, 24; McCutchen, Pittsburgh, 24; Hart, Milwaukee, 23; Holliday, St. Louis, 23; LaRoche, Washington, 23. STOLEN BASES-Bourn. Atlanta. 31 ; Bonilacio, Miami, 30; DGordon, Los Angeles, 30; Pierre, Philadelphia, 29; Reyes, Miami, 28; Stubbs, Cincinnati, 28; Victorino, Los Angeles, 27. PITCHING- AJBurnett, PittsiJJrgh, 15-4; Dickey, New York, 15-4; GGonzalez, Washington, 15-6; Cueto, Cincinnati, 15 6; Slrashorg, Washington, 14 5; Lynn, St. Louis,1 3-5; Hamels. Ph i~del phia, 13-6; Bumgarner, San Francisco, 13-7. STRIKEOUTS- Dickey, New York, 175; Strasburg, Washington, 173; Kershaw I os Angeles, 165; GGonzalez, Washington, 158; Hamels, Philadelphia, 158; Bumgarner, San Francisco 150; MGain, San Frandsco, 148. SAVES- Hanrahan, Pittsburgh, 33; Kinbrel, Atlanta, 31; Chapman, Cincinnati, 28; Molle, St. Louis, 27; Papelbon, Philadelphia, 26; Clippard, Washington, 25; Jansen. Los Angeles. 24; SCasilla. San Francisco. 24.




Players take BP. but would rather leave it By David Waldstein New York Times News Service

Baseball is a sport defined by routines and traditions, and there are few more entrenched than batting practice, a pregame ritual that is far older than most teams that engage in it. For two hours before almost every game, each team dutifully rolls out the batting cage and hits slowly pitched balls to outfields across North America. But despite its almost sacred place in the game, there is one little secret about batting practice: many players think it is a colossal waste of time, a mindnumbing, flaw-producing, strategically empty exercise. Eric Chavez of the New York Yankees is a veteran of 15 years of major league batting practice, but he thinks it has helped him about as much as staring at a wall for an hour. "BP is part of baseball tradition," Chavez said. "It's fun for the fans; you try to hit a couple of balls in the stands. But in terms of work, what are you working on? It's a 30-mile-perhour pitch." Bobby Valentine, the manager of the Boston Red Sox, thinks players get almost nothing out of traditional batting practice and would be better served working on specific drills in the indoor cages at each stadium. "Batting practice?" he said. "I hate batting practice." Not that it has stopped him from nonetheless overseeing it game after game. Traditions die hard in baseball. And no one is predicting an end to batting practice. But, hey, baseball was never going to use instant replay, either. Dreams can come true. And no one is dreaming harder for the end of batting practice than the game's pitchers, for if some in baseball see the value of batting practice as a bit of a myth, pitchers, who are required to pick up the scattered balls in the outfield, universally despise it. "Those guys are just having fun, laughing and hitting home runs," said Jason Isringhausen, the 16-year veteran relief pitcher of the Los Ange-

Jason szenes/ The New Yo rK T imes

Two young fans watch batting practice from the bleachers at Yankee Stadium in New York on July 13. Many players dislike batting practice, though it continues because of tradition.

les Angels, "and we're standing out there picking up the balls and getting stiff backs. I guess it's nice to get outside in the sunshine, but it's a waste oftime for everybody." As with any enduring tradition, however misguided, the routine does have its durable devotees, players who have grown up doing it every day and who at least think they rely on it to hone their skills. Derek Jeter, the Yankees' shortstop, believes that his adherence to batting practice has helped him amass more than 3,200 hits, and loathes the occasional days when it is washed out by rain. "I think it's vital," he said. "I like to hit every day." And Albert Pujols, the most feared hitter of the last decade, still insists that batting practice can affect how he hits in a game. "Whatever you bring to BP is what's going to show in the game," he said.

But, really, are Jeter and Pujols just kidding themselves? Many think that traditional outdoor batting practice is a routine that has little technical value and, in some cases, actually retards success by reinforcing bad habits. But like so much else in baseball, batting practice continues to be done because, well, that's the way it has always been done. "And the fans like it," Yankees manager Joe Girardi said. "It has some value because players are very routine-oriented. But 1 think guys can hit too much." In batting practice, a pitcher, usually a coach, stands behind an L-shaped screen placed about halfway between the mound and the plate. The goal is to throw straight, hittable pitches to the batter, pitches that bear little resemblance to the cutting, diving missiles they will face later in the game. Chavez explains that hitting a ball high and far in bat-

ting practice may excite the ha ndful of early-bird fans in attendance, but it can delude a player into thinking he has the right swing, when he might not. "You may hit a ball out, but you may hit it at the wrong angle because it's a slower pitch," he said. "Therefore, you can use a longer swing and pretty much do whatever you want with the ball. That won't work against live pitching." The real work for hitters is done indoors, off tees and against high-velocity pitching machines. When the slugger Jason Giambi played for the Oakland Athletics, he would go weeks without taking batting practice when his swing was good for fear of developing bad habits. Instead, he would work in the indoor cages to hone his mechanics. But outdoor batting practice? Giambi and others think it's just baseball's version of basketball's layup lines - a

mostly mindless, half-speed routine in which hoopsters take the easiest shot in the game with no defensive resistance. But layup lines last maybe five minutes, and teams do it simultaneously. Batting practice lasts 50 minutes for each team, and it involves infielders taking ground balls and outfielders chasing down fly balls. "We're the only sport in the world that has a full-scale practice before every game," Yankees third baseman Alex Uodriguez said. But lest you think he was saying that critically, Rodriguez asserts that he relishes every moment of batting practice. Angels manager Mike Sciascia says it is an important way for players to loosen up before a game, much like layup lines. But in this case, the pitchers are told to do the rebounding. Shagging. It's a dirty word



Pittsburgh's Polamalu embracing newly increased leadership role By Will Graves The A ssociate d Press

LATROBE, Pa. - The most famous hair in football is now flecked with more than a few strands of gray, and Troy Polamalu knows it. Entering his lOth season, the perennial All-Pro Pittsburgh Steelers safety talks openly about being closer to the end of his Hall-of-Fame career than the beginning. He repeats the phrase ''I'm trying to just take each day as it comes" it's almost as if it's on a loop. The thoughtful 31-year-old has always been about more than football - at one point during Organized Team Activities he and free agent safety Myron Rolle engaged in a spirited talk about overpopulation - yet he understands he's at the point in his career where he needs to start thinking about those who will be around long after he's gone. Il's why he broke from tradition and showed up at OTAs this spring rather than work out in California. It's why he spent time at wide receiver yes, wide receiver - during a drill earlier this week to give rookie defensive backs some insight into how things will look in Sunday night's preseason home opener against the Indianapolis Colts. "He could be back sitting on a water cooler hamming it up but he's not," secondary coach Carnell Lake said. "He's adding his input, 'This is what I see. You might want to see this or that."' Even if there have been few players in NFL history who have done it quite like Polamalu, whose combination of

APAie Photo

Pittsburgh Steelers strong safety Troy Polamalu sits on the bench during the third quarter of a game against the Cleveland Browns, in Pittsburgh on Dec. 8, 2011.

athleticism and instincts have made him one of the best players of his generation. The Steelers have relied on h is playmakingto make them a perennial Super Bowl contender. Now they're relying just as heavily on his leadership afler a mass exodus in the offseason left Polamalu as one of the most experienced players in a locker room in the midst of a transformation. Aaron Smith, Chris Hoke, James Farrior and Hines Ward are gone. Suddenly, the guy who still vividly rememb ers being the anxious rookie in 2003 is one of the oldest guys in the huddle. He knows it's time to start acting like it, both in deed and in words. Leading by example has n ever been an issue for Polamalu. Now, however, h e knows his words and his off-the-field habits are just as important. It's one of the reasons he traveled crosscountry for three weeks of OTAs, sacrificing valuable

in baseball. Among the many things that divide the dual fraternities of pitchers and hitters, there are few sources of friction more contentious than batting practice, because of the shagging. Batting practice is designed and maintained for hitters. For one hour each day, pitchers are their servants. Unless they are working in the bullpen, pitchers are expected to stand in the outfield and pick up the balls. It causes a simmering resentment, which can fester as the pitchers stand in groups of twos and threes, their arms folded, yammering about everything under the sun. "Nothing good comes from boredom and baseball players," Isringhausen said. "We stand there and talk about stuff that we shouldn't be talking about. Heaven forbid they have microphones on pitchers shagging. It would just be bleep, bleep, bleep for an hour and a half. It's gossip hour, looking in lhe slands, gelling into mischief, throwing baseballs to people. That's all it is." And for all the griping and the joking, shagging, like any physical activity, can suddenly turn dead serious. On May 3, Yankees closer Mariano Rivera, the career saves leader, tore a knee ligament while chasing a fly ball in batting practice and is expected to miss the rest of the season. Then, there can be the just plain strange and unlikely, and all of it risked for what? Girardi said that when he played for the Chicago Cubs, a teammate was struck by a batted ball in batting practice at Candlestick Park in San Francisco as he was running around the bases. When the trainer went out to attend to him, he was hit, too. "We sent both of them to the hospital;' Girardi said. But if batting pradice carries so little value, why don't skeptical managers like Valentine shorten it, or do away with it altogether? Oh, but what would players do, then? "I don't think I could break the routine," he said. "Guys wouldn't know what to do."

time with his family during the offseason so he could help the newcomers get a feel of what's required at a place that lives by the motto "the standard is the standard." "We lost some great leaders this past year and Troy realizes lhal and he realizes he has to take a bigger, not necessarily a more vocal role, but a visible one," safety Ryan Mundy said. "Things that are voluntary, he's making a point to be atto show that 'Hey I am one of the leaders on the team and you'll see my face.'" Polamalu, in typically understated fashion, brushes off the idea that he was trying to prove a point by being at OTAs. The way he figures it, it's better to get to know the new guys sooner rather than later. "From a standpoint of understanding and getting to know the younger rookies, yeah (OTAs) helped," he said. "Usually (training camp) would be the second time

I see them after a 2-3 day minicamp. I don't know (if it helps) lhe learn camaraderie part. There's no formula for that either." Maybe, though it has never been an issue in the secondar y. Veteran Ryan Clark is the spokesman. Cornerback Ike Taylor is the trash talker. And Polamalu is the quiet straight-A student. Even though he's seen just about every wrinkle of defensive coordinator Dick LeBeau's 3-4 scheme, he still spends most meetings taking copious notes. There are times when LeBeau will be talking and Mundy can see Polamalu out of the corner of his eye furiously scribbling away. "That keeps me sharp," Mundy said. "Ma n, if Troy's doing it, why am 1 not doing it?" Though Polamalu is making it a point to help the Steelers get prepared for the fulure, he remains very much an integral part of their present. He was his typically brilliant self last season, helping Pittsburgh finish with the NFL's top-ranked defense for the fourth time in his nine seasons. While he looks a little bulkier than normal, Polamalu joked it's just his stomach. When asked if he's starting to feel like a guy who's spent a decade playing with a ferocity few in league history have matched, he just laughed. "You complain about being 31 but at 29 I was complaining about being 29," Polamalu said. "At 27 I was complaining about being 27. You just deal with the soren ess as it comes:'

297-pound Texas boy too big to play peewee By linda Stewart Ball The A ssociated Press

MESQUITE, Texas - A suburban Dallas boy has been barred from playing peewee football because the league says he is just too big at nearly 300pounds. Mesquite Pee Wee Football Association President Ronnie Henderson said the rules are clear and 12-year-old Elijah Earnheart is not eligible. The 6-foot-1-inch boy exceeds the 135-pound limit for seventh-graders, and he got the bad news last Sunday when the league held its official weigh-in. Henderson said he asked El~jah whether he was in sixth or seventh grade, then told him "no need going" any further. Cindy Earnheart, the boy's mother, said she was incensed and Elijah was humiliated. "They would not even let him weigh in on the scales like every single boy out there ," she said. "He might be lhe size of a grown man bul he's 12 years old and he has feelings, too." Elijah, who describes himself as a "gentle giant" and dreams of someday playing pro football, said the turn of events was unfair. "I'm not sad, I'm mad that I don't get to play," Elijah said. "I've been practicing for three weeks." Henderson said three other boys were turned away that day because of safety concerns for other players. "We've got little boys that play against him that are 85, 95 and 100 pounds," Henderson said. "We have to look out for all the kids, not just him." Cindy Earnheart said her son was feeling self-conscious

about his size until he discovered peewee football. His barber happened lo coach a learn, the Mesquite Vikings, and suggested the boy join. Coach Marc Wr ight said a passage in the rulebook seemed to indicate that youths who weigh more than 135 pounds could play, but only on the offensive or defensive line. At his physical last month, Elijah's doctor said he weighed 297 pounds and stood 6-feetJlh inches tall. His mother said they special-ordered his helmet, shoulder pads, pants and jersey because of his size, which she said is hereditary in her family. Elijah took the practice field, looming over boys more than half his size, and was thrilled. When he's playing football Elijah said, "I feel energetic. I feel happy." He practiced with the Vikings for three weeks and even took part in a scrimmage. Then came the weigh-in. Henderson said lhe exception in the rulebook was meant for sixth-graders who can weigh as much as 160 pounds. He suggested Elijah play for his middle school team, but the boy doesn't have much football experience and was hoping to feel his way in peewee first. Cindy Earnheart said barring her son was discrimination. "No one is telling boys who are too thin or too small that they can't play football," she said. 'Why tell my kid he's too big? She added: "Isn't bigger better in football? Football is a contact sport. If you don't want your son tackled, get him off the field."




Running • X-Man Advenlure Weekend returns to Redmond: The X-Man

Adventure Weekend is set to return to the Bearly There Ranch in Redmond Aug. 25-26. The weekend includes camping, barbecue, music and outdoor athletic adventure. Festivities will kick off Saturday, Aug. 25, at 10 a.m. with the Triumph Fitness Boot Camp Challenge, whichfeatures farm-style challenges mixed with multiple gym activities. The Sagebrush Skedaddle is

scheduled for Sunday, Aug. 26, at 10 a.m. The Skedaddle is a 5-6 mile scramble and cross-country race on high desert terrain with several obstacles, including mud pits, canal crossings and tunnel crawls. The Race for the Bounty kids' race will follow the Sagebrush Skedaddle on Sunday at noon. The Bearly There Ranch is located at 4772 Highway 126 in Redmond. Aportion ofthe proceeds will benefit the Boys & Girls Club of Central Oregon. For more information, call541-480-6415. -Bulletin staff report

ADVENTURE SPORTS CALENDAR Please email Adventure Sports event information to sports@ bendbulletin.com or click on "Submit an Event" on our website at bendbulletin.com.ltems are published on a space-availability basis, and should be submitted at least 10 days before the event.


Bend's Midtown Ballroom; drop-in fee of $7; loaner gear available; contact nmonroe94@gmail.com.

Through August for both road biking (age 12 and older) and mountain biking (age 8 and older); 541-3880002, mbsef@mbsef.org, www. mbsef.org.

PRACTICE WITH THE LAVA CITY ROLLER DOLLS ALL-FEMALE ROLLER DERBY LEAGUE: 3 to 5 p.m. on Sundays and 8-10 p.m. on Tuesdays; at Central Oregon Indoor



Mark Morlcal / The Bulletin

Views of Mount Bachelor are frequent along Forest Road 370.

Road Continued from 01

Dustin hammered the climb, and I followed. We climbed from an elevation of about 6,300 feet to close to 7,000 feet. By the time we reached the lush green grass of Big Meadow, I was gasping for air. (On the other hand, Dustin, who is in fullthrottle training for the Portland Marathon in October, handled the ascent with relative ease.) A small creek trickled through the meadow, and Broken Top rose high in the distance, partially blocked by the trees. "Where's the payoff?" Dustin lamented. We continued our uphill slog, and finally the road

flattened out. There, about four miles into the ride, was the payoff for the climb: snow-dotted Broken Top jutting into the blue sky in all its glory. We spotted South Sister farther to the northwest. Mountain bikers can take Road 370 some 14 miles all the way to Three Creek Lake, just below Tam McArthur Rim, if they are so inclined. Tired from the strenuous climbing (even Dustin was sucking wind by then), we decided to turn back about five miles into the ride. But instead of turning around and taking H.oad :no back downhill, we linked up to the Metolius-Windigo singletrack trail that would take us back south to Todd Lake. We rumbled down the

trail, a narrow strip of pineneedled dirt in the high-alpine forest. The trail continued with fast, twisty turns, and then suddenly we arrived at a clearing, where the path crossed through a not-so-shallow creek. I carried my bike through the foot-high water while Dustin pedaled his bike through the stream and lived to tell about it. Back on the trail, we came to a connection and made a right turn that would take us back to Big Meadow a nd Road 370. It was a challenging climb through thick sand, but we made it back to the road. From there, we could cruise down the precipitous section of the path that we had climbed up to start the day.

While I maintained control, I cannot remember having ever reached such a high speed on my mountain bike. Singletrack tends to be more twisty and so is harder to ride fa st. But dirt roads are more open, with more straight sections that allow bikers to gain considerable speed going downhill. We flew down the road in just a fraction of the time it had taken us to climb up. We completed the 10-mile loop in little more than two hours. Back at the car, we reflected on the ride - a satisfying variety of roads and trails and gorgeous mountain scenery high in the Central Oregon Cascades. - Reporter: 541-383-0318, mmo rical@bendb ulle tin. com

Lakers Continued from 01

Let's also not forget that Gasol is one of the best passing hig men in the league and Bryant is still one of the game's most dynamic talents who remains hell-bent on collecting a ring for his other hand. Even the Lakers' bench is better. Sixth man Antawn Jamison is capable of scoring on any given night the 21 points the Lakers' reserves cumulatively averaged last season. Newly acquired shooting guard Jodie Meeks should allow Coach Mike Brown to give Bryant more extended breathers than he received in their first season together. Of course, it's been less than a decade since the Lakers assembled a team with four probable Hall of Famers that went on to become one of the all-time flops. Remember the Fab Four of Gary Payton, Karl Malone, Shaquille O'Neal and Bryant? The team that was supposed to challenge the Chicago Bulls' record 72 regularseason victories on the way to a sure NBA title during the 2003-04 season? The 40-year-old Malone proved to be too brittle, Payton too selfish, Bryant too distracted by flights to Colorado and O'Neal too adrift at the free-throw line in his final season with the Lakers before being traded to Miami.

Safeway Continued from 01

In Tseng's past five starts, she tied for 59th in the LPGA Championship, missed the cut in the NW Arkansas Championship, tied for 50th in the U.S. Women's Open, and missed the cuts in the Evian Masters and last week in the Jamie FarrToledo Classic. "I try everything I can," Tseng said. ''I'm working hard. I just work on location. This week, I feel very good, I feel like the old Yani is getting close and I feel like I need to get started on what I'm here for. This is a sport I love and there is no way I can be more

options in youth development, junior teams, U23/collegiate teams, camps, races and shuttles; age 6 and older; mountain biking, road cycling and cyclocross; info@ bendenduranceacademy.org; www. bendenduranceacdemy.org.


Oregon is an off-road triathlon consisting of a 1Kswim in Suttle Lake, a 30K mountain bike on Cache Mountain , and finishing with a 12K trail run around the lake; early entry $75, August entry $1 00; 541-3857413; xterracentraloregon.com. RIDE ROW RUN: Sunday, Sept. 23;

in Maupin; 1-mile run, 26-mile loop bike ride in north Central Oregon, 3112-mile kayak down the Deschutes River, and til en 5-mile run along tile river to finish; solo event costs $60, relay is $85; starts at Imperial River Company; xdog@xdogevents.com; www.riderowrun.com. THE URBAN GPS EGO-CHALLENGE:

Trips on paths and trails along Deschutes River through Old Mill District shops and Farewell Bend Park daily at 9 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.; like a scavenger hunt with clues and checkpoints; $65, includes guide, GPS and instruction, water, materials; 541-389-8359, 800-9622862; www.wanderlusttours.com.


through Aug. 29;free; series designed to encourage the fun aspect of paddling, while allowing a casual atmosphere to compete; series runs the same nights that Tumalo Creek hosts the Pickin' &Paddlin' Music Series; www. tumalocreek.com. YAK-A-TAK KIDS SUMMER PADDLING CAMPS: Kids ages 816; whitewater camp Aug. 20-23;

Reed Saxon I The Associated Press

Newly acquired Los Angeles Lakers guard Steve Nash poses at center court for team photog-

rapher Andrew Bernstein afte r a news confe re nce at the team's headqua rte rs in El Segundo, Calif., Wednes day. The Lakers acquired two-time MVP Nas h from the Phoenix Suns in exc ha nge for first-round draft pic ks in 201 3 and 201 5 as we ll as s econd-round draft picks in 2013 a nd 2014.

practice in pooland then work on technique and reading currents on the Deschutes River and at Elk Lake; flatwater camp Aug. 27-30; explore river trails and alpine lakes while learning how to paddle own boat; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. dally;$295; transportation and gear provided; Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe; 541 397-9407; tumalocreek.com.

Sports Center; $6 per session, S40 per month; deemoralizer@ lavacityrollerdolls.comor 541-306-7364.

RUNNING WALDO 100K: Saturday, Aug. 18, 5 a.m. to 9 p.m.; supports the

Willamette Pass Ski Patrol; the challenging mountainous race takes runners over three major climbs of more than 2,000 feet eachfor a total of 11 ,000 feet of elevation gain and an equal amount of loss; contact 541-513-1533; rdthornley@gmail. corn; waldo1 OOk.org. XMAN ADVENTURE WEEKEND/ SAGEBRUSH SKEDADDLE: Aug.

26, 10 a.m.; a 5 to 6 mile adventure foot race; terrain is hi gil desert and many obstacles have been added; an event where scramble meets cross-country and adventure; 4772 Highway 126, Redmond; bradc@bendbroadband.com; www. xdogevents.com. SUNRIVER MARATHON FOR A CAUSE: Saturday, Sept. 1-Sunday, Sept. 2; 5K fun run/walk, 10K

run/walk and kids run on first day, marathon and half marathon runs/walks on second day; $12S105; Sunriver; 800-486-8591; sunrivermarathon.com. NOON TACO RUN: Wednesdays at noon; meet at FootZone; order a Taco Stand burrito before leaving and it will be ready upon return; teague@footzonebend.com; 541-317-3568. WEEKLY RUNS: Wednesdays at 6 p.rn.; Fleet Feet Sports Bend , 1320 N.W. Galveston Ave.; 3 to 5 miles; two groups, different paces; 541-389-1601. REDMOND RUNNING GROUP: Meets at 8 a.m. on Saturdays for

a 4-to 8-mile run; contact Dan Edwards at rundanorun1985@ gmail.com or 541-419-0889. TEAM XTREME'S RUNNING CLUB IN REDMOND: Meets at 8 a.m. on Saturdays at Xtreme Fitness Center,

1717 N.E. Second St.; 2- to 5-mile run;free; 541-923-6662.

OLD BACK NINE At Mountain High

ROLLER DERBY The Lakers won 56 games and reached the Finals before drying up during three consecutive defeats against the Detroit Pistons. Howard is still dealing with his own injury concerns, coming off surgery to repair a herniated disk in his back that could keep him out beyond the Lakers' Oct. 30 opener. The sooner he returns, the worse it will be for the rest of a league that will struggle to match up against the Lakers' new fearsome foursome.

appreciative than anyone else. I feel that I have a lot of advantage this week and I can do it. Just enjoy more than anybody on the course this week." South Korea's So Yean Ryu is coming off a victory Sunday in the Toledo Classic, where she closed with a 9-under 62 . The victory moved Ryu, the U.S. Women's Open champion last year, into the points lead for LPGA rookie of the year. Or so she's been told. "I n ever check the points b ecause it would make me crazy," Ryu said. Japan's Ai Miyazato, a twotime winner this year, won the 20l0 event.

Miami's one discernible weakness during its title run was its post game, where it has Chris Bosh and so little else that the 6-8 LeBron James often posted up as a power forward in the playoffs. That won't work against Howard and Gasol. San Antonio's recent edge over the Lakers was rooted in the smarts of point guard Tony Parker and center Tim Duncan, but Nash and Howard negate that advantage. That leaves Oklahoma City

as the Lakers' most likely stumbling block on the way to a victory parade. Westbrook and Kevin Durant still present problems for which the Lakers have no easy answers. Then again, the Thunder has never had to deal with a team featuring Howard and Nash. It will be June before the NBA's new pecking order is affirmed after a summer the Lakers spent outdoing themselves.


Practice with the Renegades SUndays from 6:30 to 8:30 p.m. at

Oregonians agree**:

You have aright to know what your government is doing. Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local govern· ment agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. If they did that, you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to look for, in order to be informed about gov· ernment actions that could affect you directly. Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,' but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there." AP Ale Photo

Suzann Pettersen, of Norway, tees off during last year's LPG A

Safeway Classic, in North Plains, Ore.

Keep public notices in the newspaper! · US Cemus Bureal.(. May 2009. •• Amenwn Op·mon ~eseardl, Prmwon NJ. September 2010.


Stock listings, E2-3 Calendar, E4 News of Record, E4



.._ S&PSOO IN BRIEF The Blacksmith is on the market Gavin McMichael, owner of The Blacksmith Restaurant in downtown Bend, has put the business up for sale, according to Compass Commercial Real Estate Services. The listing price for the Blacksmith, at 211 N.W. Greenwood Ave., is $250,000, which includes all of the restaurant and bar's inventory and equipment. Attempts to reach McMichael on Thursday were unsuccessful. At least two parties have expressed interest in buying the restaurant, said Bruce Kemp, principal broker at Compass Commercial. One of the interested parties is local, while the other is from out of the area. The sale of Blacksmith is for ownership of the restaurant business, not the building, Kemp said. The restaurant is expected to continue normal operations until a new owner is found, he said. In November, McMichael filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy as an individual, indicating that the debts were primarily from business. Bankruptcy documents indicated more than $2.4 million was owed to food-product com panies, phone companies, utilities and others.

CLOSE 1,415.51 CHANGE +9.98 +.71%


1C)·year Treasury

CLOSE 1.84 CHANGE + 1.66%

... GOLD


CLOSE $1616.10 ... CHANGE +$12.40

Wai-Mart report suggests wary shoppers • The retailer's sales grew, but at a rate that showed people are buying based on needs By Stephanie Clifford New York Times News Service

U.S. consumers still seem to be holding their breath. Wal-Mart Stores, the nation's largest retailer by far, reported quarterly results Thursday that its executives said reflected a strained consumer, adding a sober note to more upbeat earnings reports from other retailers this week. "Consumers aren't panicked

about the economy, but they are worried," Craig Johnson, president of Consumer Growth Partners, wrote in a research note. Sales growth for top retailers slowed to 3.4 percent in the second quarter of 2012 compared with a year ago, according to Johnson's analysis. In the first quarter, sales rose 6.2 percent compared with a year earlier. (Thirty ofthe 40

major retailers he tracks have reported quarterly results so far.) Consumers "are still buying, but they're buying less and they're buying closer to need," he wrote. Wal-Mart's results suggested that shoppers in the United States - particularly low- and middle-income shoppers - remained stretched thin and wary about splurging. Sales at the company's U.S. stores open at least a year rose 2.2 percent, which was its fourth consecutive quarter of same-store sales growth domestically. However,

executives said that did not mean the American shopper was feeling especially cheery. "!don't think the economy's helping us," Charles Holley Jr., Wal-Mart's chief financial officer, said in a call with reporters. Customers are still very concerned about employment, gas prices and food inflation, he said. "If anything, our consumer's probably being a little more stretched because of gas prices," Holley said. See Wai-Mart I H3


Sll"ER ,y


Circuit board maker plans to expand By Jordan Novet The Bulletin

A Bend manufacturer of circuit boards and other computer equipment is looking to construct a building of its own next door to the one where it currently leases space. Sistech Manufacturing Inc. has seen sales increases each year since starting in 2009, and it needs more space, said Brad Kennedy, the company's vice president of operations. "We've tried to grow the company space and equipment as need be;' Kennedy said. Last week Sistech requested a pre-application meeting with Bend city planners to discuss the idea of erecting a 22,000-squarefoot facility near Empire Avenue in the North Brinson Business Park. See Sistech IE3




Verizon gets OK to buy spectrum The Justice Department on Thursday approved Verizon Wireless' $3.9 billion purchase of wireless spectrum from four of the nation's largest cable companies but applied conditions to the deal to protect consumers from reduced competition. Most significantly, the agency said it will not allow Verizon Wireless stores to sell TV and broadband services from the cable companies - Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Bright House Networks and Cox- in areas where Verizon sells its own TV and broadband service. - Staff and wire reports

central oregon fuel prices Price per gallon for regular unleaded gas and diesel, as posted Thursday at AAA Fuel Price Finder (www.aaaorid.com).

CLOSE $28.205 CHANGE +$0.400

Brinson Blvd.

Andy Zeiger! I The Bulletin

Cricket Trailer New York Times News Serv ice

The Cricket trailer is designed with angles that make it structurally sturdier and cause less mileage-sapping aerodynamic drag.

• More companies are breaking away from basic designs and adopting bold, risky looks By Jim Nash New York Times News Service

or a long time, travel trailers came in two basic varieties: the big white shoebox or the Chiclet-shape popup; Airstream's iconic aluminum bubble was a notable exception. The shoebox still makes a large footprint in the travel-trailer market, but as overall sales have grown since 2005, to 165,100 conventional and pop-up trailers last year, some manufacturers have found success with more adventurous designs. Yet finding the market's sweet spot is trickier than backing into a campsite. A Dutch startup, Your Suite In Nature, attracted attention in 2010 with a pop-up that opened into a canvas approximation of the Sydney Opera House. The Opera was stunning and well-appointed, but at 33,000 euros (more than $40,000) it was quadruple the average price of a pop-up. Manufacturing ceased in March after only nine Operas were produced. In an email, the company's founder,


EverGreen Recreational Vehicles via New York Times News Service

The Element from EverGreen makes

heavy use of composite materials, which will increase longevity and keep the resale value high, the company says.

Rob Vos, cited high production costs as well as low sales. Yet the passing of the Opera hasn't prevented other trailer companies from trying to break out of the box. Here are five other head-turning trailers:

Evergreen Element

make this trailer, from EverGreen Recreational Vehicles of Middlebury, Ind., a bit more aerodynamic than most. Inside, the Element looks like a crew compartment on "Star Trek: The Next Generation": There is a lot of blond wood, rounded edges and flush-set appliances. The manufacturer's suggested retail price is $40,000, about twice the price of the average conventional trailer. But EverGreen's chairman, Kelly Rose, said the price re11ecled lhe use of composite malerials, rather than wood and particleboard. "Composite won't mildew or rot," Rose said. "It just won't break down, and that keeps the Element's resale value high."

Facebook stock dives as insiders sell shares By Barbara Ortutay and Michael Liedtke The Associated Press

Part traditional hard-walled camper and part canvas pop-up, the 15-foot Cricket was created by an architect who helped design the living quarters of the International Space Station.

SAN FRANCISCOFace book's stock plunged to a new low Thursday as some of the social networking leader's early backers got their first chance to sell their shares since the company's initial public offering went awry. Analysts interpreted the unusually high trading volume as a clear sign that at least a few of the insiders were seizing on a fresh selling opportunity.

See Trailers I E3

See Facebook / E3

Taxa Cricket

A radically raked front end helps to

GASOLINE • Space Age, 20635 Grandview Drive, Bend ............ $3.78 • Chevron, 1210 U.S. Highway97, Madras ......... $3.89 • Chevron, 2005 U.S. Highway97, Redmond .. . . .. . $3.89 • Gordy's Truck Stop, 1704 5Whitney Road, La Pine . .. .. . . .. . $3.92 • Chevron, 398 NW Third St., Prineville ........ $3.96 • Chevron, 1001 Rail Way, Sisters . . . .. $3.98 • Texaco, 539 N.W. Sixth St., Redmond .... $3.99 • Chevron, 1400 N.W. College Way, Bend ............ $4.06 • Quick Way, 690 N.E. Butler Market Road, Bend ............. $4.16

DIESEL • Chevron, 1095 S. E. Division St., Bend .. $4.19 • Texaco, 178 Fourth St., Madras .......... $4.19 Ashley Brothers I The Bulletin

Customer service push at Lowe's, Home Depot and rivals paying off By Dalina Castellanos

Home Depot supervisor Dave Hauer answers questions

Los Angeles Times

LOS ANGELES - Flipping through door after door on display at her neighborhood Home Depot as iflhey were pages in a magazine, Debbie Megliorino envisioned her next home improvement project: a bedroom upgrade for her 1950s-era home in Burbank, Calif. But for the 53-year-old postal clerk, the shopping excursion was a bit of a surprise. Instead of a frustrating amount of time finding "the guy in the orange vest" to help her, she said she got attention right away. ':A.. lot of times, it's been hard to get someone to help me," Megliorino said. "Today, I've been asked three times if I needed anything. One guy even walked me over to the screen corners."

from a customer in the Burbank, Calif., store. Lawrence K. Ho

Los Angeles Times

Her experience was no fluke. Home improvement giants such as Home Depot Inc. and Lowe's Cos. are ramping up their customer service in a big way, and it's paying off in sales, profits and shopper satisfaction. In the past year, the prices of Home Depot shares have increased 75 percent and Lowe's shares have gained 36 percent, while Standard & Poor's 500 index

has climbed 17 percent. On Tuesday, Home Depot's shares gained 3.6 percent after reporting an increase in net income for its fiscal second quarter compared with the same quarter last year. The company, citing the uncharacteristically warm spring, said consumers spent more money fixing up their homes.

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See Home i E 4

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Consolidated stock listings Drv


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EClla!>J EHouse

7378 35 02 1242 111 118 2382 5819 3005 44 91 17 62 5068 431 167 231 5056 2702 1328 6669 14 00 8355 3107 19 22 367 1032

+57 +39 10 +02 + 09 +04 +115 +38 13 23 +145

Here are th e 2 578 mo st a ct v e stocks o n th e Ne w Yo rk S to ck E xc ha ng e Nasdaq Nat a nal Ma rkets a nd Amer ca n S toc k Exch ange Mutu al funds a re 415 1a rgest Sto cks 1n bold cha ng ed 5 pe rce nt or mo re n pr ce

Name S tocks a re I sted a lphabetically by the compa ny s full name (n ot ts abbrev a t o n ) Com pany n ame s m ade up of n t als a ppe a at th e be g nn ng of e ac h letters list DIV C urrent a n nua l d v dend ra te pad on s tock based on late st qua rte rly o r semr a nn ual de c larat o n unl e s s ol he rw s e fo otnoted Last Pr ce s lack w a s tradin g at w hen ex c hange c losed fo r t he day Chg Los s or g a n for t he d ay No c hange nd cate d by ma rk

e rnvesled

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+ 11 +26 till +89 +483 +143 + 02

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I 20 GFI Grp J 20 GMAC CpT >03 GMXRs ]44 GNC GTAdvTc + 02 GabDvtrc ] 96 17 GallenET ]58 0 24 +88 + 33 + 28 05 +05

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49 98 11 0 20610 261 48 21 11 5 68 23 7 62 1 73 2189 1015 24 87 4 31 15 71 41 08

7 67 +44

ltnl..n..C:Vc n 120

1239 24 90 409 428 24 27 2240 8779

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t 15

176 141 2 3101 108 11 977 076 1081 125 3531 11 97

+18 17 +1 78 +20 +55 +11



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) 04

lasl 979 28 23 4280 29 24 84 78 3578 614 1634 560 356 1 72 3582 1435 1793 1552 3434 61 63 41 15 4830 12 1 78 3973 34 885 2189 2858 6536 21 05 1873 3849 21 33 12 47 6395 3610 251 1821 1823 1082 6402


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]32 ] 83 I 04

5 00

2347 72 3283 51 55 26 3 26 23 2811 3260 45 29 35 2 3621 44 49 2796 44 57 54 3 825 3530 599 3033 3252 12 97 1 02 4241 45 87 448 1026 46 110 40011 1342 21 88 1778 953 3824 2853 610 702 60 1 2646 21 55 691 24 09 2159 2228 2918 1351 8997

V5 4 90 3524 1260 5554 1894 48 54 43 5306 4 22 4 96 7225

1276 5001 1952 24 24 687 20110 61 60 11 29 3305 27 27 1879 2550 1070 4050 905 1982 56 31 24 32 1576 6315 24 80 1229 3281 5876 730 4 24 28 39 4247 9 25 3385 23 71 15 63 981 2 64 32 10 668 704 6793

Chg +01 +197 +42 09 +01 04 142

1-..1-K-L IAC irler AMG d9 ICICIBk ldexxlabs IHS irx: II VI NG QbDv lNG INGPIRTr ION Geoph lPG Photon RobCJt ShGcld SAsto

+14 +119 +1 09 +04 +180 +01 28 +27

096 52 49 02o 11 81 062 3444 9377 11 337 1849 112 914 720 042 575

+02 +47 31 +I 00 +206 +03 +03 +11 01


6211 2560 1571 2374 5550 2765 2883 2103 17 11 11 50 927 5830 1466 63110 1801 1331 4383 25 67 28 01 2387 1280 1728 5631 7176 27 37 6536 SlilJDv 195 5781 SlilTips 248 11 869 SM•aexJ 090 54 44 ShCiim25 093 3462 SliJJI 124 9238 SSP500 266 14256 Slil!9B 301 11 110 ShEM~s 0 82 40 67 SliBxB 4 72 11 830 Sh ACWI 1 06 45 98 SIHIBd 547 11 777 Shlndones 046 30 10 SSPGti1 141 76 92 Sli\la!Res 049 3842 ShSPLaiA 1 31 43 38 Sli'JMuBd 333 11 087 Sli320T 346 12101 Slil7 10T 253 106J9 ShlniSefDv 1 62 3160 Still 3T 040 84 38 SEafu 172 5223 SRusMCV 0 92 4821 SRusMOG 0 52 611 7 stllsMd 164 10936 SSPMd 121 9733 Shl OjCBd 2 67 6103 SliBxHYB 6 85 9154 Shs sox 044 55 55 ShMI9 1 70 1461 Sli'JsdqBio 004 13370 ShC&SR 2 24 79 67 Slilf?<Bd 289 10834 SRI KV 152 70 92 SRI KG 082 6590 SRusl K 1 39 78 30 SR2KV 146 71 86 Slilarcl 3 214 10527 SR2KG 0 76 9292 ShR2K 1 23 8114 Slilar3-7 I SO 12247 Stli~vEq 1 73 61 23 ShBShtT 002 11 021 SttJSPfd 222 39 50 SlJSAWinV 0 25 29 51 SliJJTef 067 2444 SliJJTch 044 7559 stffst 221 6508 SlilJHm 007 1791 092 7532 022 5327 714 151 72 81 036 2080 3203 1885 132 4260 584 080 4062 152 5967 4126 2107 301 1401 399 2406 4652 mnsg 377 lncyte 1877 IndoTel 160 3977 lnergy I SO 1959 lnfi wa 586 nfilt;Ph 1730 Informal 3149 lnfOS)s 092 4208 lngerRd 064 4630 lfl(,fmM 1561 fl(,fedon 080 5393 lrlandPE 057 822 lmerWkgs 1212 lnphr 1143 lnstgtiErt 1845 nsuet 2011 Irig[) 552 lrleg~sE 272 57 01 Iriel 090 26 59 lriPafum 032 1728 1989 lrleractB if 040 1360 13563 060 2605 040 32 64 010 1389 795 340 20084 136 6226 024 1180 105 3488 1874 8334 024 11 08 048 947 040 1908 538 2199 060 6007 51495 1376 2406 1970 1222 492 824 052 817 759 108 3336 1213 1355 92 081 1717 4446 70 1510 088 29 14 99

3029 1184 37 10 4002 2304 3710 2591 4088 106 229 259 024 844 4869

4777 030 1357 510 1619 Jotnln 244 68 20 JotnsnCtl 0 72 27!XI

, 26 , 12 +58 , 02 +ll +17 +05 , 46 , 129 , 11 , 19 +11 +09 , 23 +03 +40 +44 +2B 29

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Name Drv Masco 030 Maomo Mastec MasterCrd 120 MatadorRn Mat •So Matsoo 060 Mattei 124 Mattrssf n Mattsoo Max mnlg 096 Maxmus 036 Maxlinear Maxv.tiT Maxygen 360 McCorm 124 McDrm lnt McC\1ds 280 McGrv.t1 102 McKesson 080 McMoRn McEwenM MeadJohn 120 MeadWco 100 Mechel MedAssels MedProp 080 MedCo Med os 040 Medwat on MedeyCar 144 Medmx Medtmc 104

Lasl 13 78 2223 19 06 428 52 968 1110 598 3567 30 71 1 05 2880 o288 560 763 6 13 o9 84 II 69 87 46 49 12 8867 13 61 3 47 73 08 2873 6 72 16 01 1000 '4 84 32 84 98 10 1287 a9 85 4047 Me~Me 256 MelcoCrwn 11 50 Melono 10893 MensW 072 2973 Merlor{;r 1593 044 168 153

+26 +12 t66 +22 +58 +61 +05 + 12 42

'554 44 27 1116 13 72 ~84


180 025

036 036 068 120

146 311 056 048 036 158

3561 3832 6026 7 10 ~ 14 39 22 1459 o964 48 17 7 63 809 399 1606 j4 78 3 74 2420 1 61 '272 3855 17 50 14 37 3118 643 773 800 2099 1682 1823 5 74 5 64 1621 338 '3 42 1 66 50 77 o5 17 629 7821 897 3041 2842

Navarre +08 Navrdea8ro +12 Nav gCorrs 024 +64 ~~: +4~~ NektarTh +32 NeoSiem +62 NeptuneT9 +1 17 N~pp +115 ~=:~e +76 +07 Nettist +75 Nt&out

1 17 3 86 1147 361 538 8 14 67 4 81 3297 49 56 6431 153 4 31


+17 +12 +34 06 +1 32 +24 +03 +05 05 +16 49 +83 16 +77 +26 +67 +33 +10 44

+31 +27 12 01 03 +1 50 +72 +40 +26 +01 +65 +66 +86 +04 04 +119 +91 +I 02 +17 +2 18 +34

+61 +168 +1 48 +21 01 t 35 +01 +1 29 +07 24


+168 +22

+12 + 11!1

+07 +35 +05 t1 59 +07 +28 +111


~ +~

0 25 40 52 873 2056 LonePineg 620 129~ 13 05 Loii<S 0 l>l 2 45 lullin 050 5 07 kllulemn gs 60 66 Lumberl~ 45 58 lumnex 18 22 +32 LyonBas I 1 60 48 52 t 72 +01 +283 280 86 84 +01 1369 10 74 +03 27 056 4 52 16 100 3374 +2 44 067 2233 +83 269 +28 099 807 t 54 053 649 +31 19 +283 1037 +36 611!1 +22 2 57 39 22 09 +19 100 69 64 +03 3627 +87 2041 220 5 56 236 23 180 26 63 +27 250 4 99 +03 3874 +01 8322 01 2 91 t28 4526 +08 1421 3113 439 032 894 180 2 81 73 1590 1377 008 1297 232 37 48 1 70 2 36 49 71 512 015 4565 4 29 33 90 28 02 26 17 2056 5079 3850 2339 32 60 3293 5 56 3 81 34 16 7808 1228

Chg +59 +18 +&I +143 +02

949 NetSu te 5651 NBRESec 024 4 71 Neuralslem 49 7 51

Neu cnne

NeuSta 37 20 Nevsun g 0 10 3 77 Nv.Go~ 9 1067 Nv.ilriEds 030 1390 N\&Co 3 80 N\ Cm~B 100 13 19 N\ W19li 108 6 67 N\ Times 939 Newc:aste 080 7 65 NeweiRub 040 17 21 3296 NewlldExp Ne11mtM 140 47 59 Newpi<Res 7 14 Nev..CpA 017 351 Nev..CpB 017 >3 66 Nexen9 020 '573 NexPrtCrd 042 6 52 NextEraEn 240 o9 58 NSource 096 482 NelsenH 28 77 NkeB 144 94 78 Nppoo TT 4 16 Ncl>eCorp 056 38 50 Ncl>eEn 088 90 70 N<oCp 026 2 64 Ne<anda~l 016 628 120 1264 060 o505 108 5656 200 7469 1 64 148 36 15 137 3877 1771 120 47 18 220 68 79 064 5 56 048 1183 1 88

NovaCpp n

NovaGidg NcAJartis


N ~o~avax

NcvoNod 250 NuSkin 080 NuVaswe

NuanceCm Nucor NutriSyst NvCredll Nv[lvAdv NuvMJVal

146 070 080 090 047 NvPfd nco 076 NuvPI 092



SiwcpMg SimonP q> Sina Sincor Si•sXM SirnaDert Sixflags Skechers Slcu lcandv ':JojWest ':JojNksScl SmartBal SmlhW" Smihl\0 Smlhff Smucker SnapOn Socl&M SodaStrm

010 557 420 15971 5619 060 1126 259 5209 240 56 44 1941 1606 016 835 2963 1173 8 06 0 80 53 35 1940 208 78 97 136 6986 104 6025 38 82 41 00

+18 +199 +529 13 +04

+117 •••~mmil•l


5607 040 4377 283 30 99 010 1 98 903 120 3085 185 032 1184 032 33 14 200 1454 50 20 196 4607 166 32 81 0 04 9 07 1104 32 62 Spans~on 1236 Spo;t aEn 112 2934 Speo!Ph 1268 SpriAero 2545 SpriAr 2026 Splunkn 3066 Sproadtrm 040 19 25 Spr.-INex 515 SprottSilv 1150 Sprott(;cjd 14 10 STAG lml 108 1516 StageStrs 040 2055 SP Matls 074 3629 SP HIIhC 074 3868 SP CnSt 091 3587 SP Consum 0 64 45 26 SPErq; 115 72 60 SPDRFnd 023 1508 SPklcls 074 3700 SPTech 040 3058 SP Uta 141 3719 StdPac 647 Stan~I<Dk 196 6 78 StanB&D o2 144 2600 Staples 044 1138 StarBulkh 0 06 51 StarScienl 438 Startucks 0 68 48 40 Starwclltl 050 5525 StarwciPT 176 2270 StateStr 0 96 41 57 StatoASA 112 2520 Stl[\imm 040 1309 Stedcse 0 36 9 33 StemCI sh 162 Stencycle 9151 Stens 076 3380 Sterff WA 0 60 20 67 Sterlte OIJ 788 StewEnt 016 23 Stewlnfo 005 1819 Sti'"F n 3117 StrllwtrM 973 StoneEngv 24 77 Strala"fS 65 49 StralHotels 5 94 Sb)<er 085 5450 Studerili9 056 650 StumRuo 105 4483 SubPpne 341 3 71 SumiMtsu 619 Sun'ilh 845 Suriffn9 144 2304 SunCokeE 1676 Surcor 9s 052 32 45 SuneosPh 3 30 Sunoco 080 4758 SunocoLs 188 4461 SunCpta 511 Surl'owe 4 50 SUrrseSen 861 SunstrH 1021 Sunlech I 01 SunH 020 2526 SupEnr9y 2284 Sul"'alu 035 242 SusqBnc 0 24 10 62 SwllCmATR 9 65 swt:RCrnTR 8n SwiiEng 2123 S111ftlians 889 Symartec 1 99 SymelraF 028 1234 Symmet~ 897 Symcorn 807 Symptcs 3004 Syol'lon 22n Syn gyP~ 4 62 SyflJPSyS 31 20 SyflJVus 0 04 2 00 SyntaPhn 6 74 Sysco 108 30 40 TALirll 240 3489 TGFFncf 020 1053 TDAmer tr 024 1693 TE Comect 084 35 66 TECO 088 1 83 TICCGap 116 981 TIM Part 2155 TJXs 046 4519 lRV/Auto 4352 TTM Tch 944 twtelecom 2427 liriwSem 050 14 45 TakeTwo 987 lillsmEg 027 1355 lilnge fac 084 3324 lilngoe 2046 lilnflj9 447 lirigaRes 158 4420 lil gaRslP 257 4031 lil gacept 488 lil 9cl 144 6391 Taseko 2 69 TASER 554 liltaMotors 036 21 15 lilubmn 185 79 11 lilu bp~ 163 2498 Team 3188 Techlllta 5081 Tec~Res 9 080 2977 Tee~ay 127 31 66 Tee~•yTrl 053 426 TICmSys 151 To la o 057 929 Tdelllras I 186 24 68 Tde~sp 12 87 TefDala 049 24 40 TdeTech 16 82 To abs 008 329 Temp,.P 32 76 Tena• 076 4158 Tenetfflh 529 Tenneco 31 04


SotaMed Somaxon h SondeR grs SoocAut SoocCorp SonocoP Somrs SoojCp Sothel>js Soufun Sou cefire SoulroCo SthnCoppe SW-!Airt Sm!Bc Sm!r£1191

+02 + 02 +03 +19 09 +31 + 10 +45 +90 +14 + 75 32 +31 +05 +26 +82 t35 09 +18 +32 06 +1 37 +103 24 +16 +10 +25 +43 +53 10 +09 +37 +64 +10 +37 +41 09


+05 +14 +3!1 19 +42 12 +86 +226 +16 +02 +23 12 +34 +02 +12 +28 +03 +06 +29 +10

4593 ~dN&p 036 1293 ~dRe~b 071 8 95 0n 080 21 07 OmegaHI I 68 2386 Om eros 904 Omnc D28 31 68 Om~com I 20 5162 OrmlVsn 14 82 OnAsogn 1673 OnSmcnd 663 Oncothyr 4 63 ONEOKs 132 4453 OneolcPt s 2 64 56 33 OnyxPh 68 55 OpenTxt 54 30 Openlb e h 4341 Opkoflth 429 OpiriC 14 26 OpbBkrsh 51 Orade 024 32 03 OraS e 1048 OrbiaiSc 13 63 Orbiz 302 42 883 25 2 2 11 71 7 2836 Owens om 3091 Owens ll 1875 PDC Engy 27 70 PDLBo 060 731 PG&ECp 182 44 30 PHHCorp 1831 PmcoTR 089 106 42 PmShMat 1 531 01 32 Pm25yZro 322 10912 PLXTch 584 PMCSa 594 PNC 1 60 61 55 PNM Res 0 58 20 76 PPG 236 11004 PPLCc<p I 44 29 50 PSSW~ 2121 PVHCo p 015 8756 Pacca 0 80 4172 181 918 30 204 3216 55110 66 50 16 38 971 15610 14 59 49 95 2210 2 35 27 64 485 1 64 83 14 234 050 39 248 7354 056 35 91 020 1611 128 3328 034 223 0 48 23 60 012 28 29 048 718 3863 PennVa 0 23 74 PennVaRs 212 2454 Penn\\ist 9 I 08 1435 Penrnn!Pk 112 10 91 PenrleiJ 2431 PennaRE 0 64 1525 Pen"}Mac 2 20 2180 Pensfce 048 25 59 PensonWh 07 Pentr 0 88 43 10 PeoplJidF 0 64 1214 PepBoy 975 PepcoH~d I 08 1941 PepsiCo 215 7358 PeregrnP 2 84 Pe fectiMd 200 1109 Peficient 11 20 Pe kErn 028 2730 0 32 lOll !ll 18 80 0 66 70 53 0 60 9 76 1 03 21 23 I 03 2223 180 1340 643 0 88 24 02 6161 1272 9329 2301 4118 374 632 422 120 320 080 17 11 016 178 481 20 09 26 76 1393 11 15 210 5334 8 04 008 100 0 150 1345 357 426 8712 4199 040 3646 86 032 39 33 ~umCk 168 4040 PlunstemT 4 75 Pobriss 148 7519 Poo/com 10 06 Poo/(lne 020 1601 Po\'Jloe 34 03 Popula s 1573 PortGE I 08 2736 PortsjTel 0 85 4 39 PostP p 1 00 5038 Polash 056 44 50 Pollatsh I 24 35 52 ~dDomFrt


E1 ade


248 10583 +33 C~lctvBnl 2 63 C~cri'T 07 2 73 +09 C~ccyfnd 141 1856 +07 Columlb h 99 + 11 C~Sprtw 0 83 50 60 147 Corneas! 06o 34 14 05 C001c spcl 0 6o 33 24 01 Comenca O&J 3088 15 CmcBMO 09 3953 +1 3 CmdMtis 048 1360 +33 CmwPI:IT 2DJ 1514 35 Cmt;FrJ 554 03 Cmt;~ 2524 +53 C001mV1t 5 27 +74 CBD Pao 02> 42 11 +1 27 Cm~Gnom 253 +05 CompCred 646 1 44 CompSci O&J 3207 +73 C001puv.re 9 96 +16 C001stkRs 1 80 +60 Comverse 6 02 +10 Con Way 041 30 90 Con\(,fa 0 9o 24 66 Con hoRe; 9 00 Con uTsh 7 38 CorocPhi s 21>l 5 55 Cons~Engy 0 S<J 32 20 ConEd 24' 6 80 ConstartC 18 79 Constefl'\ 3 93 CoriiRes 73 89 Crwgys 021 1531 CooperCo 000 8 70 Cooper lnd 1 24 74 09 CooperTi e 04> 20 15 CopaHo~ 21l 7 86 CopanoEn 2 ~J 29 77 Coparts 26 05 Cop l 094 2043 CoreLlbs 1 I' 12 44 CoreLogrc 24 39 Cor nlhC 234 CorOnDem 25 14 Cornng O~J 1 75 CorpOffP Ill 22 47 CorectnCp O&J 3324 CosanLW 028 1364 Co Inch 84 Coslco I ll 96 48 CottCp 849 +09 Crtwd piB 1/o 25 00 +07 CousPrp 018 81 +10 Covar<e 4848 17 CovartaH O&J 1 55 +13 CoventryH0 50 34 71+1 99 Covoen 091 5 59 +34 Crane 11 40 80 +40 Craylnc 1 54 t 04 Credcp 2~1 11410 +166 CSVL9NGs 23 52 98 CS S3x~v 2297 +91 CSVS2xV S 2 62 08 CSVei~St 14 01 t 28 CSCUsh30 201 36 24 52 +15 CredSuss 08' 1790 +50 CrSuHY OS 325 +02 Creelnc 2835 +55 Crel us 119 1015 +09 Crocs 16 79 +15 CrosstexE 048 1288 +47 CrosstxLP IS 1498 +20 Cr\\llCste 62 61 69 Crovrliod 3679 +07 Clllpcon 1411 +19 Cub Smart 03' 1277 +09 Cul>stPh 43 27 54 Cummrns 2DJ 102 82 +206 CumMed 2 66 01 Cu s 429 +1 6 CuEu o OP 122 81 +69 CurtisWrt 036 3001 +1 2 Cyme 6 26 +1 44 CypSem 044 1234 +47 Cytec OS<J 6535 +49 Cytokinet h 77 00 Cytcr 297 +05 DCT nd 028 617 +02 DDRCorp 048 14 94 +05 DNP Sefct 078 1075 +08 DRHorton Olo 1892 +81 DSTSys O&J 5 63 +73 DSV/nc 07 6043 +1 93 DTE 248 6039 +1 5 Damffd9 021 1446 +39 Damher Oil 53 39 18 Daden 2DJ 5384 +48 Da lng 1 23 +1 6 DaVIa 9829 +1 6 DeV~ O~J 2002 +1 5 Deanfds 16 38 08 DeckrsOut 48 42 +222 Deee 1 84 7551 +41 D~coE9 20 00 Delcath 1 88 14 Odek Olo 2427 +07 Dellhlc OS 1223 +02 DdpliAu n 2937 +89 DellaAr 9 03 23 DemndMda 1 20 +05 DerlluryR 15 73 +21 Dndern 481 16 DensrMg 44 +05 Oemjs 4 78 +II Derisply 02 39 07 +02 Depomed 5 35 + 29 Deu~ 09 32 01 +1 23 DB~dDL 4905 +62 DBGtJdD< 4 88 06 Devor£ O&J 5889 +49 Dex One 25 +03 DexCool 1284 +01 o~aeo 268 10 15 42 D~mndf ~f 1855 +23 OS<J 6 81 +40 03' 978 +14 08J 597 +06 03 15 824 +04 O>J 5076 +91 114 3334 +05 932 +63 29' 7644 +33 1607 +37 2 OS +16 021 7506 +87 5 50 03 16 01 5898 +1 54 DxEM~"009 85 54 214 DxFnBullrs 9569 +1 68 Drx cllu 5 56 +222 DrSCBea 1668 52 DrSOXBear 30 59 1 70 D~nBea 20 46 42 DrSPBear 18 43 38 DrrDGidBr 1 98 41 43 -4 71 DrrDGidBII 1 02 II 22 tl 06 DrxTcBea 861 34 DrxErllea 816 26 DrxSOXBII 33 38 +1 65 DrEMBea 12 64 34 DrxSCBul 5632 +1 78 DrxSPBul 85 68 +1 89 DrxEr&l 5 55 +1 53 Dscover 041 3 81 +96

060 140 128 136

353;:, t113


Ghg +38 08 +101 65 66 84 98 1 33 144 33 +06 +64 02 + 76 +31 29 24 +1 13 + 82 + 02


095 1518 NuvOP~ 066 949 14 78 Nv~• NxStageMd 1323 5 25 OCZTech OGEEngy I 57 54 5 OM Group 1823 ORetlyO.u 8721 OasisPet 3084 1333 ObawMed Occi'el 216 8926 1560 OceanRi9o Oceanee g 0 n 55 79 Och-Zff 047 8 25 271 Ocbro Ocv.orfn 243 382 OdysM!r 161 OfficeDpt OffrceMax 0 08 5 32 ~ SAs 201 442 ~I States 80 74



t 42

1 24 4449 6 72 4 52 3926 2396 4 20 3923 1902 11 56 2882 34 2033 7685 4866 62 1413 56 63 507 74 42 42 72 21 1 95 8 82 5683 24 03 121 81 3955 29 40 21 02 64 92 3580 1 89 1085 51 88 53

211 300 180 036 104


How to Read the Market in Review


5 96


ProsfclCap 1 22 PospBech 0 78 Protl fe 0 72 ProvrdSvc Prudenti 145 PrudUK 080 PSEG 142 PubS g 440 P~teGrp



last 1983 1980 16 32 4857 2891 3382 4108 4162 3856 2552 1129 4104 28 45 11113 5431 2554 3246 14496 13 60 832

+1 12


+20 +05 +25 +38 +08 01 +19 +35 +39 06 + 33 +16 47 213 +16 +33 +08 +66 +07 +48 +35 +05 03 +06 +25 +1 03 45 03 +08 +92 +40 04 03 61 +40 26 +03 277 +05 +16 +58 +06 +61 20 +02 +78 +63

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Continued from E1 The manufacturer says the creases and angles of the exterior make the Cricket structurally sturdier and cause less mileage-sapping aerodynamic drag. They also make it look like the crumpled box an expensive wedding gift came in. The company's founder, Garrett Finney, an architect and former NASA employee, is quick to admit that the Cricket isn't for everyone. I3ut he said it was sold out through November. Prices run from $14,500 to $18,000.

Continued from E1 The company's overall revenue increased 4.5 percent, to $114.3 billion, for \Val-Mart 's second quarter, which ended July 27. Analysts had expected higher sales, of $115.8 billion, according to Bloomberg data, and \Val-Mart said currency fluctuations were largely to blame for the difference. Profit increased to $4.02 billion, or $1.18 a share, from the second quarter of 2011, a penny above what analysts were expecting. The company increased its earningsper-share guidance for the full year to $4.83 to $4.93, up from the $4.72 to $4.92 it had issued earlier. \Val-Mart said that currency fluctuations lowered net sales by $2.2 billion. Without currency fluctuations, net sales, excluding membership and other revenue, would have been $115.7 billion, about in line with analysts' estimates. Shares in the company fell about 3 percent Thursday. Sears, which also reported quarterly earnings Thursday, cited several reasons for its big drop in same-store sales, which declined 2.9 percent at Sears stores and 4.7 percent at

Most Mobile Specials via New York Times News Service

The Futuria Sports +Spa is a party-ready tractor-trailer that can be ordered with a built-in garage, a king-size bed and a soaking tub built into the rooftop deck.

Airstream International Sterling While not averse to innovative design, Airstream has been stung when it strayed from its polished aluminum shells. In 2005, it teamed up with Nissan Design America to create the Basecamp, which resembled Boba Fett's helmet in "Star Wars." Bob Wheeler, the president of Airstream, said the Basecamp was discontinued when it failed to attract buyers. Although Wheeler said he wouldn't rule out another experiment like the Basecamp, his focus for innovation is now on interiors. This includes a radical new interior design introduced last spring for the 2013 International Sterling, which starts at $84,000. The Sterling began more than a decade ago as a commissioned concept by the

designer Christopher Deam. The interior is strikingly unAirstream, with high-contrast color combinations, electric hues, brushed aluminum and pregnant curves.

Jayco Seismic The innovation here is room. A virtual McMansion on wheels, the Seismic has its own garage at the rear, though that space - from 80 to 112 square feet, depending on the model - can be used instead as a spare bedroom or a workshop. The back wall can be swung down to do double duty as a patio. Seismic prices range from $71,000 to $130,000. A so-called fifth-wheel trailer, the Seismic is pulled by a pickup using a hitch similar to those used on semitrailers.


tant "because if you are an investor who has been sitting on the sidelines waiting for a good time to buy the stock, you might decide to stay on the sidelines for a little longer after seeing which insiders decided to sell their stock," CapStone Investments analyst Rorv Maher said. All told, investors who owned a combined 271 million Facebook shares could have sold their holdings Thursday with the expiration of a ban known as a lock-up period. The restrictions were imposed on a group of venture capitalists, companies and Silicon

Continued from E1 That is stirring a debate over whether they're simply locking in long-awaited gains on investments made many years ago or bailing out of a company that has lost its luster. A breakdown on just how many major Facebook Inc. shareholders sold their stock probably won't be available until next week at the earliest. Securities regulations give them at least three days before they have to disclose such transactions. The information is impor-

Most Futuria Sports+Spa Speaking of big rigs, this 48.6-foot-long trailer may be the closest thing to a bachelor penthouse on wheels. A product of MOST, a German maker of custom mobile showrooms and conference centers, the Futuria has a garage big enough for a Dodge Viper and a heated spa tub sunk into the "rooftop viewing area." Options include king-size beds, under-floor illumination and a fog machine. In an interview over Skype, Gunter Hotbauer, MOST's founder, said he sold three or four of the models a year, starting at $850,000. "It's a crazy product!" Hofbauer said with a laugh. "Where is the kitchen? Men don't need a kitchen. They need a microwave, refrigerator, a sink. We have that."

Sistech Continued from E1 It would have space for manufacturing equipment, workbenches, offices, a lab and a second tenant, according to plans on file with the city of Bend. If the city approves the building, Sistech would do all of its current work and also start making its own schematics for circuit boards, rather than produce boards based on clients' schematics, Kennedy said.

Valley cognoscente who invested in Facebook during its formative years and sold some of their holdings three months ago when the company went public at $38. The highly anticipated IPO had valued the company at $104 billion, similar to those of Amazon.com Inc. and Pepsico lnc. The shares have plunged by nearly 50 p ercent since then amid concerns about whether Facebook is destined to become a passing fancy and worries about whether it will be able to sell more advertising on mobile devices as users gravitate there.


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Last Chg %Chg

116 04 44 176

12 17 9 36 13

34.19 26.30 7.93 25.97 73.64 5.10 49.91 50.60 96.48 7.80 20.82 19.52 10.15 26.59 8.33 22.13 4 02 13.05 22.33 15.93 30.78


88 110 28


10 17 27 52 14 7

22 .901 20 46

67 80

11 8 21 10 20 15 15

+.08 t.02 +.06 t .31 +.57 +.13 t 2.82 -1.47 +.01

-.14 -.02 +.23 t.01 +.32 +.1 0 t .04 +.1 9 +.32 +.24 +.26 +.58


NY HSBC Bank US NY Mere Gold NY Mere Silver

$1616.00 $1616.10 $28.205



Last Chg %Chg

--------------~~ NikeB 1.44 20 94.78 +.56 -1.6

-8.9 +2.1 t 42.6 t30.1 +.4 t1 6.4 t5.8 t8.7 +15.8 t 29.6 -17.0 -24.2 -2.4 t9.6 t 8.3 -8.6 -32.3 t 61.7 +4.1 +17.5 +18.6

Nordstrm NwstNG OfficeMax Paccar


1.78 08


18 21 12 12


PlurrCrk PrecCastpt Safeway Schnitzer Sherwin Stancrpfn Starbucks TriQuint Umpqua USBarap WashFed WellsFargo WstCstBcp Weyerhsr

Precious metals Metal


YTD Name

1.68 .12 .?Of .75 1.56 .891

.68 .361 .78 .32

.88 .60

Not all of the signs are dour. Quarterly reports from Target, Macy's, Home Depot and other large retailers this week, and a government report showing strength in consumer spending in July, painted a more optimistic picture. Target p osted a samestore sales increase of 3.1 percent and said that shoppers were starting to buy discretionary items again, though it said staples were still very popular. "We believe our guests will continue to be both cautious and resilient, shopping and spending at Target in disciplined ways," the company's chief executive, Gregg Steinhafel, told analysts. At Home Depot, which reported a 2.6 percent rise

In April, Sistech's owners bought the 1.5-acre lot where the new building is being proposed for $210,000, according to the deed on record with Deschutes County. The project should cost between $1.5 million and $1.8 million. The property is located in Bend's enterprise zone, and Sistech plans to file for state property tax breaks on capital investments, Kennedy said. Adding employees is a qualification for the program, and Kennedy said Sistech plans to hire two to five new

37 18 9 13 28 10 27 15 12 13 11 12 38

56.56 49.66 5.32 41.72 129 4D.40 16191 16.06 30.29 139.1 3 30.36 48.40 5.77 12.30 33.21 16.1 3 34.13 2044 24.45

+.05 +.25 t .29 +.63 -.04 +.20 +1 .72 +.04 +1.00 t .76 +.17 +.30 +.04 +.03 +.04 +.12 +.16 +.22 +.59

+13.8 t3.6 +17.2 t 11.3 -32.5 +10.5

-1.7 -23.7 -28.4 t55.9 -17.4 t 5.2 t 18.5 -.7 +22.8 +15.3 t 23.8 t 310 t 31.0

Prime rate

Pvs Day

nme period


$1605.00 $1603.70 $27.805

Last Previous day A weekago

3.25 3.25 3.25

Most Active ($1 or more) Name


Last Chg

SpnrtNex 1D510D4 5.15 S&P500ETF 95&'154 141.9il BkofAm 760176 7.'if3 iShR2K 402676 81.14 3522[13 40.67 iShEMkts

-.24 +1.04 +.06 +.84 +.37

Gainers ($2 or more) Name


Chg o/oChg

Blyth s iP LEEmM Venoco GMolwtB EG Tech

43.36 +6.27 84 .01 +12.01 10.98 t1.45 7.56 t .79 16.83 +1.73

+16.9 +16.7 t1 5.2 +11.6 +11.4

Losers ($2 or more) Name


CSVl gBrnt DirDGidBr iPBelaSfts DBCmdDS iP SER2K

45.30 41.43 34.72 24.47 24.54

Chg %Chg

Renlech NovaGid 'l Vringo Nl'hold g


Last Chg

44238 2.35 40588 14.31 39272 4.76 31488 3.25 25928 10.67

+.10 -.20 t.26 +.17 +.33


Chg %Chg

Medgenwt USAntimny lncOpR SaratogaRs NavideaBio

5.10 +1.00 +24.4 2.65 +.24 t1 0.0 2.11 +.19 t 9.9 6.01 t .43 +7.7 3.86 +.26 +7.2 Losers ($2 or more)


-14.70 -24.5 CKX Lands -4.71 -10.2 Vic on -3.71 -9.7 lmpacMig -2.37 -8.8 Daxor -2.28 -8.5 Gree nHntr

Diary Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows


Gainers ($2 or more) Name

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workers. Some of the company's clients are primary military contractors, such as the Northrop Grumman Corp., based in Falls Church, Va., but it also has commercial clients not associated with the military, Kennedy said. Rather than work directly with the military, Sistech focuses more on making products the military and anyone else can purchase, Kennedy said.

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Most Active ($1 or more) Most Active ($1 or more) Name

in same-store sales in the United States, consumers were pursuing small projects around the house, and executives said the housing market appeared to be stabilizing. Macy's reported a 3 p ercent increase in revenue. Strong results from both Nordstrom and Saks this week suggested that wellheeled shoppers were fe eling confident. And Commerce Department data for July, released this week, showed an increase of 0.8 percent in retail sales, which exceeded analyst expectations and followed three months of negative figures. In a reminder of just how giant \Val-Mart is, William Simon, chief executive of Walmart U.S., said in prepared remarks that the U.S. division's 0.4 percent increase in comparable-store traffic from a year ago represented 80,000 additional customers each day of the 13-week quarter. Still, \Val-Mart's results suggested that midrange and low-end U.S. consumers were still hesitant about spending money. Customers are responding to marketing emphasizing cheap prices, Simon said, and executives said customers here were still living paycheck to paycheck.


Market recap

YTD Name

Some positive signs

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Kmart stores. The company said that was because of lower volume in its clearance sales and less demand for electronics and lawn and garden items. Revenue at Sears Holdings declined 6.6 percent to $9.5 billion for the quarter. The company's loss of $132 million, or $1.25 a share, was improved from its loss of $146 million a year ago, thanks to cost-cutting.



Chg %Chg

14.25 -1 .35 2.84 -.22 3.99 -.20 8.75 -.40 2.03 -.08

-8.7 -7.2 -4.8 -4.4 -3.8



Face book n 1514136 19.87 -1 .33 Ci&:o 14DIA03 19.02 t1.67 SinusXM 844008 2.59 +.04 Mkrosoft 347054 30.78 +.58 Groupon n 324992 5.00 -.32

Gainers ($2 or more) Name


Chg %Chg

BFCCp pf CompCred AirMedia GeronCp BioMimetic

36.20 +8.69 t31.6 6.46 +1.44 t 28.7 2.39 t.49 t25.8 2.03 +.32 +18.7 4.01 +.53 +1 5.2 Losers ($2 or more)



ldenixPh Otelco un PerryEIIis NeiEase AtiCstFin

5.84 -2.47 -29.7 2.11 -.45 -17.6 18.80 -3.47 -15.6 49.56 -8.62 -14.8 2.08 -.33 -13.7

Diary 2,157 Advanced 835 Declined 137 Unchanged 3,129 Total issues 151 New Highs 10 New Lows

Last Chg

Chg %Chg

Diary 263 174 25 462 6 4

Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues New Highs New Lows

1,689 734 117 2,540 87 21

52-Week Low



13,338.66 10,404.49 Dow Jones Industrials 5,390.11 3,950.66 Dow Jones Transportatkm 499.82 4t 0.92 Dow Jones Utilities 8,327.67 6,414.89 NYSE Composite 2,498.89 1,941.99 Amex Index 3,134.17 2,298.89 Nasdaq Composrte 1,422.38 1,074.77 S&P500 14,951 .57 11,208.42 Wilshire 5000 847.92 601.71 Russeii 200J

Net Chg


YTD %Chg


last 13,250.11 5,167.51 479.82 8,090.00 2,430.53 3,062.39 1,4t5.51 14,756.26 813.08

+85.33 +25.48 -1.55 +60.99 t9.63 t 3146 +9.98 +105.16 t8.82

+.65 +.50 -.32 t .76 t.40 t 1.04 t .71 t .72 +1.10

+8.45 +2.94 t 3.26 +8.20 +6.68 +17.55 +12.56 +11.88 t 9.74

+20.56 t20.19 t 14.27 +1 4.28 +9.12 t28.65 +24.10 +23.09 t 22.73


World markets


Here is how key intern ati onal st ock markets pe rf ormed Thursday.

Key currency exchange rates Thursday compared with late Wednesday in New York.

Mall<et Amstercllm Brussels Pars London Frankfurt Hong Kong Mexico Milan New Zealand To~;o

Seoul Singapore Sydooy Zurth

Close 333.75 2.370.22 3.480.49 5.834.51 6.996.29 19.962.95 40.716.97 14.930.30 3.616.20 9092.76 1957.91 300289 4.353.50 6.020.56

% Change +.17 t.79 t .91 +.03 t.71 -.45 -.19 t 1.87 -.41 t 1.88 t.05 +.03 t1.08 +.15

s s s s s

t t s t s s s s s

Dollar vs: Australia Dollar Brrtain Pound Canada Dollar Chile Peso ChinaYuan Euro Euro Hong Kong Dol~r JapanYen Mex~o Peso Russia Ruble So. KoreaWon Sweden Krona Switzerlrd Franc Tarwan Dollar

Exchange Rate

PVs Day

1.0521 1.5740 1.0140 .002064 .1571 1.2362 .1289 .012618 .076095 .0314 .000882 .1494 1.0291

1.0508 1.5687 1.01 12 .002071 .1571 1.2290 .1289 .012678 .076069 .0314 .000883 .1496 1.0232 .0334


Selected mutual funds YTD Name NAV Chg %Ret Amer Century lnv: Eqlnc 7.92 .om +10.2 Growth I 28.03 t0.21 +14.1 Utra 26.11 t0.19 +13.9 AmericanFundsA: AmcpAp 21.01 t0.10 +1 2.0 AMuUAp 28.41 t0.14 +11.1 BaiAp 2000 tO lD +109 BondAp 12.81 -0.01 t 3.8 CapiBAp 52.94 t0.18 t9.6 CapWGAp35.52 +0.23 +12.4 CapWAp 21.11 -0.02 ;4.4 Eupaa\ p 33.74 t023 +10.2 FdlnvAp 39.54 +0.30 +12.5 GovtA p 14.51 -0.01 +1.4 G\vlhAp 32.94 t024 +14.7 HI TrAp 11 04 -001 +8.4 lncoAp 17.88 t0.08 t 8.7 lniBdAp 13.71 t1 .7 ICAA p 30.59 +0.22 +13.9 NEcoAp 27.61 t 0.13 +16.1 NPerAp 29.74 t020 +13.7 ~WrtdA 50.89 +0.28 +10.3 SmCpAp 37.68 t0.33 +13.6 t6.4 TxExAp 13.02 WshAp 31 .22 +0.18 +lt.t Artisan Funds: lnU 23.11 t021 +16.5 lniValr 27 91 +0 20 +11 2 MidCap 38.31 t0.38 t1 6.3 MidCapV~21 .08 t0.14 t 7.0 BaronFunds: Growth 56.67 t044 t11 .1 Bernstein Fds: lntDur 1404 -002 +30 OvMu 14.83 -001 +2.0 BlackRod<A: Eqty~v 19.79t0.09+10.1 GI/>JA r 1922 t0.10 t 6.5 BlackRod< B&C: GIJlJCt 17.89t0.09 t 6.0 BlackRod< lnstl:

EquiiJDv t9.84 tO.IO tl02 Qb/>Jioc r 19.31 tO.IO +6.7 Cohen & Steers: Pl1yShrs 68.86 .0.47 +14.4 Columbia Class A: TxEA p 14.19 +6.6 ColumbiaCiass Z: AcomZ 30.41 .0.25 +11.7 AcomlniZ 38.13 .0.31 +11 .7 LgCapGr t3.42 .0.15 t l1 .6 Credit Suisse Comm: ComRel I 8.23 .0.03 +0.6 DFAFunds: lnUCorEq 9.75 .0.12 +7.3 USCorEql 12.05 tO.IO +12.7 USCorEq211.84 tO.IO +12.5 Davis Funds A: NYV01A 35.74 .0.29 +10.0 Davis Funds Y: NYVenY 36.16 .0.30 +102 Delaware invest A: ~ver Inc p 9.35 -D.01 f4.5 Dimensional Fds: EmMCrEq 18.68 .0.09 +9.1 EmMktV 27.83 .0.15 t7.8 lntSmVa 14.46 .0.16 +8.0 LargECo 11.20 .0.08 +14.1 USlgVa 21.66 .0.14 +14.1 US Small 22.74 .0.26 t 11.3 USSmVa 26.03 .0.29 +12.7 lnUSmCo 14.60 .0.14 t 7.1 Rxd 10.34 tO.? ln!Va 15.19 .0.22 t 5.3 l>b5Fxlnc 11.23 -D.01 t 3.4 2YQFxd 10.13 t 0.8 Dodge& Cox: Balanced 75.73 t0.34tl3.7 Income 13.73 -D.01 t 52 lniStk 31.90 .0.46 t 9.1 Stock 117.37t0.70tl 6.7 Doobleline Funds: TRBdl 11.32 NA TRBdNpl1 .32 NA Dreyfus:

Aprec 44.95 t0.17 tll .8 Eaton Vance 1: RlgRI 9.02 t 52 GbiMarAbR9.83 +2.6 FMI Funds: LgCapp 17.19 t0.09 +12.7 FPA Funds: Newlnco 10.64 -D.01 +1.4 FPACres 28.47 t0.21 +72 Fairholme 30.47 t0.60 t 31.6 Federated lnstl: ToiReiBd 1I .47 -D.01 t4.0 Strl'aiDviS 5.15 t8.4 Fidelity Advisor A: Nwlnsghp 22.47 t0.13 +13.9 StrlnA 12.51 t6.t Fidelity Advisor 1: Nwlnsgll 22.78 t0.13 +14.1 Fidelity Freedom: FF2010 14.07 t0.04 t 7.7 FF2010K 12.89 t0.04 +7.8 FF2015 11.76 t0.04 +7.9 FF2015K 12.95 t0.04 +8.0 FF2020 14.23 ~.05 +8.8 FF2020K 13.36 t0.04 t8.8 FF2025 11.85 t0.06 +9.9 FF2025K 13.50 ~.06 +9.9 FF2030 14.11 t0.07 t 102 FF2030K 13.65 t0.07 +10.3 FF2035 11.68 ~.06 +10.9 FF2035K 13.73 t0.07 t11 .t FF2040 8.15 t0.04 t10.9 FF2040K 13.77 ~.08 +11.1 Fidelitylnvest: AISociEq 12.82 t0.08 t 14.2 AMgr50 16.11 ~.05 +82 AMg120r1 3.22 t0.01 t4.8 Baanc 19.91 t0.08 +10.4 BoancedK 19.91 ~.08 t l0.5 BlueChGr 49.30t0.46 t 162 C<1JAp 29.06 t0.27 +18.0 Cplncr 9.23 ~.02 t l0.4 Contra 77.12 t0.46 t l4.3 ContraK 77.12 t0.45 +14.4

DisEq Divlntl

24.39 t 0.19 tl 3.4 28.21 +0.17 +10.5 Divr~niK r 28.20 t 0.18 +10.7 DivG111 29.65 t 0.27 +14.6 Eq Inc 46.31 t 0.21 t 13.7 EOII 19.48 t 0.09 t1 3.2 Rdel 35.46 t 0.2t t14.5 RtRateHi r 9.87 t4.4 GriMA 11.92 t O.OI +2.3 Govtlnc t0.83 ·O.ot +1.5 GmCo 96.34 ti .OO +19.1 Grolnc 20.76 t 0.14 t 14.9 GrowthCoK96.33 t1 .00 t19.2 Highlncr 9.15 +9.8 lntBd 11.03 -0.01 t 3.0 lnlmMu t0.61 +3.4 lniDisc 30.61 +0.19 +10.9 lnvGrBd 11.91 -0.01 t 3.6 lnvGB 7.89 -O.ot +3.9 l gCapVal 11.14 +0.07 t10.6 LowP r 40.24 t 0.37 t1 2.6 l owPnKr 40.24 t0.37 +12.7 Mag~ln 72.26 t 0.52 t1 5.0 MidCap 29.23 t 0.22 t1 1.9 Munilnc t3.44 -O.ot +5.5 NwMkt r 17.25 -0.02 t12.5 OTC 60.50 t 0.64 t10.6 tOOindex t0.19 t0.07 t1 5.5 Puriln 19.46 t 0.08 t 11.0 PuritanK 19.46 t 0.08 t1 1.1 SAIISocEqFt2.84 t0.08 t14.3 SCmdlyStrt 9.04 t 0.02 t0.9 SCmdlyStrF9.06 t 0.01 +1.0 SrslntGrw l l .30t0.08 t1 1.8 SrslntViJJ 8.84 t 0.06 t 9.4 SrlnvGrdF 11.91 -0.02 t 3.6 STBF 8.57 +1.6 Stratlnc 11.20 +0.3 Tot>Bd 11.17 -0.01 t4.2 USBI 11.90 -0.02 +2.6 Value 72.52 t0.57 t14.3 Fidelity Spartan: 5001dxlnv50.29t0.35 t14.1 5001dx I 50.30 +0.36 +14.1

FideliiySpartAdv: ExMktAd r 3929 .0.36 +12.1 5001dxAdv 50.30 t0.36 +14.1 TotMktAd r40.96 t0.31 t t3.7 USBood I 11 90 -0 01 +2.7 First Eagle: GlbiA 48.77 t0.42 t8.1 OverseasA 21.79 +0.16 +7.0 Forum Funds: PbsStrlr 11 25 -0.01 tt.8 Frank/Temp FrnkA: FedTii\ p 12.63 -0.01 t 6.4 GIWihAp 49.43 t 0.38 +t0.7 HYTFAp 10.83 -0.01 +8.3 lncom'\p 2.20 t9.3 ~sDvAp 3728 t020 +7.1 Stratlnc p 10.55 t 7.7 USGovAp 6.86 -0.01 t 1.2 Frank!Tmp FmkAdv: GlbBdAdv 13.15 -0.01 t 9.8 lncmeAd 2.19 tO.DI +10.0 Frank/Temp Frnk C: lncom:: t 222 t 8.9 Frank!fempMIIA&B: SharesA 22.06 tO.t4 +tt.4 Frank[TempTempA: GIBd Ap 13.20 t 9.7 GIWihAp 18.14 tO.t6 +tt.4 Wo~dA p 1521 t 0.13 +10.7 Frank!fempTmp B&C: GIBdCp 1322 -0.01 t9.4 GE EllunS&S: USEqly 44.29 t0.40 +14.3 GMOTrustlll: Quality 23.73 t 020 t 13.8 GMO Trust IV: lnUintM 19.63 t022 t 5.0 GMOTrustVI: EmgMkts rl1 .03 t 0.04 t 7.0 Quality 23.74 t020 +13.8 Goldman Sachs Ins!: ~Yi~d 723 -0.01 t 9.7 MidCapV 37.96 +0.30 +13.1 Hamor Funds:

Bood t 2.75 -0.01 t5.9 Capf>lllnst 42.11 .0.35 +14.1 lntlln'l t 57.46 .0.49 t 10.5 lnU r 58.t0 .0.49 t l0.8 Hartfonl Fds A: CpAppAp 31.70 .0.21 tiO.O Hartfonl HLSIA : Capf>w 41 .24 .0.33 +10.9 HussmanFunds: StiGrowth 11.04 -0.07 -11.2 IVA Funds: l'ildwidel rl 5.90 .0.08 t3.5 lnvesco FundsA: Chart p 17.69 .0.13 +10.2 CmstkA 17.02 .0.12 +12.8 EqlncA 9.05 .0.03 t9.7 GrtnrA p 20.57 tO.I 1 +11.5 HYMuA 10.01 tl0.4 Ivy Funds: Asse\SCt 23.98 .0.20 +10.9 Asse!S1Ap24.80 .0.22 tll .4 Asse!Strt r 25.04 .0.22 +11.5 JPMorganA Class: CoreBdA 12.01 -0.01 t 3.1 JPMorgan R Cl: CoreBond 12.01 -0.01 t 3.4 JPMorganSeiCis: Core8d 12.00 -0.01 t 3.2 righYld 8.01 .0.01 t9.1 ShiDurBd 10.99 t l .l USLCC.As22.73 .0.25 tl5.t Janus TShrs: PrkMCVaiT21.70t0.19 t7.5 JohnHar<:ockCI1 : LSBiJJanc 13.27 .0.05 t 9.5 LSGrw111 13.17 .0.08 tl0.6 l azardlnstl: EmgMktf 18.98 .0.02 tl 3.0 Longleaf Partners: Partners 30.03t0.20tl2.7 Loomis Sayles: LSBoodl 14.74 .0.03 +9.0 StrtncC 15.10 .0.05 t 7.0 LSBondR 14.68 .0.03 t8.7

StrlncA 15.02 t0.05 t 7.5 loomis Sayles lnv: lnvG rBdY 12.46 t0.01 +72 lortl Abbett A: AffiiAp 11.67 +0.09 t 11.5 BdDebAp 7.94 t8.1 ShDurlnrA p4.61 t4.2 LortiAbbettC: ShDurlnd; t4.64 t 3.7 lortiAbbettF: ShtDurlnco 4.61 t4.3 MFS Funds A: TotRA 14.99 t0.05 +8.4 ValueA 25.08 +0.14 +13.0 MFS Funds 1: Valuel 25.20 t0.14 t 13.2 MainStay Funds A: HiY1dBA 6.02 t 82 Managers Funds: Yacktmanp18.97 +0.15 +9.7 Yacktfoc 20.42 +0.17 +9.3 Manning& Napier Fds: WldllppA 7.34 +0.10 +10.7 MergerFd 15.92 t0.01 t 2.1 Metro West Fds: TotRetBd 10.80 -0.02 +0.8 ToiRtBdl 10.30 -0.01 t 6.9 MorganStanley Ins!: MCapGrl 34.79 t0.34 t5.7 Mutual Series: G~~scA 29.79 t0.17 t 9.8 Glb~scz 30.20 t0.16 t9.9 SharesZ 22.27 ~. 14 t l1 .6 Neuberyer&Benn Fds: Geneslnst 48.94 t0.47 t5.4 Northern Furxls: HiYFxlnc 7.35 t92 Oakmarf<Funds l: Eqtylncr 28.81 ~. 1 7 t 6.5 lnUir 18.26 t0.27tl0.3 Oakmark 48.39 +0.39 +16.1 OldWestbury Fds: GlobOpp 7.35 t0.01 t 9.3 GlbSMdCapl 4.48t0.14 t9.4

Oppenheimer A: DvMktAp 32.59 +0.11 +11.2 GlobAp 59.36 t 0.62 +9.8 GbiStrlnrA 4.25 +8.3 lntBdA p 6.44 +0.3 MnStfdA 36.70 t 0.26 t14.1 Ri.ng~vAt 7. 29 t 0.14 t 1t.O S&MdqJV130.48 +0.32 +2.9 Oppenheimer 8: Ri.ng~vB t 5.63 t0.13 t 10.3 S&MdqJV125.79 +0.26 +2.3 Oppenheimer C&M: Ri.ng0vCpt5.57t0.13 t 10.; OppenheimerRoch: RcNIMuA 7.48 t1 3.8 OppenheimerY: DwMktY 32.28 +0.12 +11.4 lniiBdY 6.43 -0.01 +11.5 lniGrowY 28.20 t 0.24 t1 0j PIMCOAdmin PIMS: TotRIAd 11.35 -0.02 +11.4 PIMCO lnstl PIMS: A~setAutr10.91 +0.02 +10.4 A!Asset 12.38 t 0.02 +0.9 ComodRR 6.77 t O.Ot +5.1 Di'llnc 11.99 -0.02 +9.5 EmgMkCur10.28 t 0.02 t4.6 EmMkBd t2.08 -0.02 t10.4 HiYld 9.41 ·0.01 t9.0 lnvGrCp 10.99 -0.03 +9.1 l owDu t0.51 -0.01 +3.8 ReaiRinl 12.24 ·003 t 5.3 ShortT 9.84 +2.3 TotRt 1135 -002 +06 PIMCOFunds A: ReaiRtA p 12.24 -0.03 +5.0 TatRIA 11.35 -0.02 +0.3 PIMCOFundsC: To!RICI 11.35 -0.02 +5.8 PIMCOFunds O: TRin p 11.35 ·0.02 +0.4 PIMCOFunds P: TatRtnP 11.35 -0.02 .u,; Perm Port Funds:

Permmnt 47.63 t0.28 t3.3 Pioneer FundsA: PionFdA p 41.65 t 0.30 t8.5 Price Funds: ~Chip 44.97 t0.43 +16.4 CapAr!J 22.83 +0.08 +10.7 EmMkiS 312t t 0.20 t9.5 Eqlnc 25.78 +0.18 +13.0 Eqlndex 3824 +0.28 +13.9 Growth 37.19 .0.32 t t6.8 H~hSd 41 .51 -0.13 +27.3 HM~d 6.78 t9.1 lnsUCpG 18.56 t0.17 +t5.1 lnUBond 9.83 +2.4 lnUG&l 12.39 t 0.13 t 7.6 lnUStk 13.54 tO.t3 +t0.2 MidCap 58.34 +0.54 +10.6 MCapVal 24.36 t0.14 +13.9 NAsia 15.64 t 0.04 +t2.4 NwEra 42.91 .0.55 t 2.0 NHoriz 35.60 t0.29 +14.7 NInc 9.82 -0.01 t3.5 OverS SF 8.04 .0.08 t 9.8 R2010 16.34 tO.DI t8.8 R20t 5 12.7t t0.07 t9.8 R2020 17.60 t 0.11 +10.6 R2025 12.88 t 0.08 +11.2 R2030 18.50 t0.13 +tl .9 R2035 13.08 t0.10 +12.2 R2040 18.62 t0.15 +12.4 ShtBd 4.84 tl .9 Sm::pStk 35.41 .0.37 t 13.3 Sm::apVal37.99 t0.42 +10.2 Specln 1279 +001 +65 Value 25.57 .0.19 t 13.4 Principallnv: LgCGIIn 1020 t0.09+14.9 PutnamFundsA: GrlnAp 14.15 t0.12 +12.2 RoyceFurxls: PennMul r 11.56 .0.14 t 7.4 Premierlr 19.39 t 0.22 +4.7 Scl-.vabFunds: 10001nv r 40.19 +0.29 +13.6

S&PSel 22.33 .0.16 t l4.1 Scout Funds: lnU 30.71 .0.25 t l0.6 SeqlKia 158.89 tO.;s t 9.2 TCW Funds: ToiReiBdl 10.08 +8.5 Templeton Instil: FortqS 1825 .0.14 +7.1 Thornbury Fds: lntVaiA p 25.88 .0.12 t 8.4 lncBuildCpl 8.78 .0.03 +7.9 lntValueI 26.46 .0.12 +8.7 Tweedy Browne: GbiValue 24.55 tO.Q9 +12.4 VanguardAdmiral: BaiAdm 23.57 tO.IO +9.3 GAITAdm 11.1'4 f4 5 CpOpAdl 76.15 .0.59 +11.7 EMAdmrr 34.44 .0.16 t8.8 Energy 113.98 +1.26 +3.0 EqlnAdmn50.70 .0.28 +12.1 ExldAdm 44.t2 .0.45 +12.t 500Adm 130.88 .0.93 +14.1 GNMAAd 11.02 -O.ot +1 .7 GIWAdm 36.73 .0.33 tl 6.2 H111Cr 60.02 .0.02 +10.6 fiY1dCp 5.96 +9.1 lnfProAd 28.55 -0.07 t 3.6 ITBdAdm 11.98 -0.02 f4.2 ITsryAdm 11.69 -0.02 +1.5 lntGrAdm 57.54 .0.63 tl0.7 ITAdrrJ 14.30 ;40 ITGrAdm 1027 -O.ot +5.8 LtdTrAd 11.17 t 1.3 LTGrAdm 10.64 -0.05 t 6.9 LTAdm 11.70 +5.8 MCpAdm 9924t0.92tl 1.3 MuKYAdm11.1i t 6.8 PrmCapr 71.65 .0.54 +11.9 Rei1Admr 93.91 t0.62 t l6.2 STsyAdm 10.77 t 0.4 STBdAdm l 0.63 -O.ot tl .2 ShtTrAd 15.93 t 0.8 STIGrAd 10.79 t 3.0

Sm::Adm 37.37 t 0.36 t l 1.9 TtlBAdm 11.08 -0.02 +2.6 TStkAdm 35.28 t 0.27 +13.8 Wa'"Adm58.84 +0.05 +7.7 WallnAdm58.34 +0.22 t 9.4 1'>1ndsor 48.30 t0.52 t14.4 WdsriiAd 51.35 t 0.28 t13.6 Vanguartl Fds: CapOpp 32.96 +0.26 +11.7 ~vdGro 16.73 t 0.10 t9.7 Emrgy 60.70 +0.67 +3.0 Eqlnc 24.19 +0.14 +12.1 Elqjr 78.11 t 0.84 t 9.3 GNMA 11.02 -O.QI +1.6 HYCmp 5.96 +9.0 HthCre 142.21 t 0.03 t10.6 lnflaPro 14.;3 -0.04 +3.4 lnUGr 18.08 t 0.20 tl 0.6 lnUVal 28.93 t 0.26 +8.6 ITIGrade 10.27 -O.QI +5.8 LifeCoo 17.09 +0.04 +6.4 LifeGro 23.08 t 0.14 +10.2 LifeMod 20.;8 +0.10 +8.3 LJIGrade 10.64 -0.05 t6.8 Mory 19.96 t 0.21 t14.3 Mulnt 14.30 t 3.9 PrmcpCor 14.93 t 0.11 tl0.7 Prmcp r 69.03 t0.52 t1 1.8 SeiValu r 20.32 t 0.20 t9.3 STAR 20.29 +0.10 +9.3 STIGrade 10.79 t 2.9 StratEq 20.78 t 0.18 t13.3 TgiReUnc 12.07 t O.OI t5.5 TgRe2010 24.00t0.07 +7.0 TgtRe201513.28 t0.05 t 8.0 TgRe2020 23.59 t0.12 t8.8 TgtRe202513.43 t 0.07 t9.5 TgRe203023.04 +0.14 +10.1 Tg1Re203513.86 +0.09 tiO.B TgtRe204022.77 t0.16t11.1 TgtRe204514.30 +0.10 +11.1 USGro 20.75 t 0.15 tl5.0 Walsly 24.29+0.03 t 7.7 Wolin 33.78 +0.13 t9.3

Wndsr t4.47 t 0.16 t 14.4 Wndsll 28.93 t0.16 t 13.5 Vanguanlldx Fds: ExiMkt 1 108·88 +1·09 MdCplsiPI108.13+1.00 TatlntAdmr23.63 t 0.23 TatlnUinstrll4.49 t 0.89 TatlnUIP r 94 .52 t 0.89 . t 0. 500 130 86 93 M<ICap TatBnd TalllnU TatSik

+122 +11.3 +8.2 +8.2 +11.2 + .0 14

21.85 +0.20 +1I .2 t i .08 ·0.02 +2.5 14.12 t 0.13 +8.1 35.26 t 0.26 +13.7

Vanguanllnslf Fds: B>lnst 23.57 +0.10 +9.3 DevMklnst 9.13 t 0.09 +8.4 Extln 44.11 t 0.44 t 12.1 Grwlhlsl 36.73 t 0.33 • 162 lnfProlnst . -O.o3 + . 36 1163 lnstldx 130.04 +0.92 +14.1 lnsPI 130.05 t 0.93 t 14.t lnsTStAus31 .93 t0.24 t1 3.9 M<ICplst 21.92 +0.20 t 11.3 STIGrlnsl . 30 10 79 SCinsl . +0.3.6 +~1. 3737 TBist t i .08 ·0.02 +2.6 TSinst 35.28 t 0.26 +13.8 Valuelsl 22.57 +0.13 t 11.i


Vanguanl Signal: 500Sgl 108.11 +0.77 M<ICpldx 31.32 t 0.29 STBdldx 10.63 ·001 TatBdSgl 11.08 -0.02 TatSikSgl 3405 026 · +· Western Asset: CorePiusl t l .51 ·0.02

+14.1 t 1t.4 t 1.2 +2.6 138 + · +5.7



MARI(ETPLACE If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323, email business@bendbulletin .com or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Please allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication.

DISPATCH West Side Barber Shop has opened at NorthWest Crossing in Bend. The new shop specializes in cuts for men and boys and offers complimentary beer to adult customers. For information contact 541-647-6911.

Home Continued from E1 The big home improvement companies have been busy directing store clerks to spend more time with customers, improving the information and advice they offer in online catalogs, installing Wi-Fi computer service in stores and improving do-it-yourself instructions. They are coming up with ways to reach consumers with smaller budgets through multiple avenues, mostly online. How-to workshops have largely moved to YouTube channels, and photos on Facebook and Pinterest, an online photo-sharing pin board, have replaced clippings from a magazine or catalog. "Take a step back and see where the two major players were seven years ago when the housing market was booming," said Peter Wahlstrom, a senior analyst at Morningstar Inc. "There was a lot of new construction, and the stores were so busy that they didn't have to cater to the r egular customer and bend over backward for them." "Then we get into the economic downturn and people stop spending. Construction goes from bigger projects to smaller renovations, and customers shift from contractors to those wanting to do it themselves," he said.

Catching up In term s of customer service, the giant home improvement chains are catching up with smaller competitors such as Ace Hardware Corp., which has r anked highest in customer service for the last six years in an annual survey by J.D. Power & Associates. In the most r ecent survey of home improvement retailers, Ace ranked first, followed respectively by Lowe's, Midwest chain Menards, Home Depot, True Value Co. and Sears Holdings Corp. Home Depot moved up from No.6 to No. 4 in the last year. "While many r etailers have struggled to right-size their staff with the down economy, Ace Hardware and Lowe's clearly have kept the focus on their customers." said Christina Cooley, senior manager at J.D. Power. "What's been pretty clear with Home Depot is they're trying to address their problems and making progress."

High-tech help Mooresville, N.C.-based Lowe's Cos. said it has upgr aded its stores with Wi-Fi and 25 iPhones each for associates to help customers with their shopping during its last holiday season. Now, an idea sparked from a Pinterest board can be pulled up on the iPhone or a custom er 's Wi-Fi-enabl ed device. Instead of customers' giving p ossibly inaccurate descriptions of materials needed and dimensions using hand signals, the products can be searched for immediately and boughlonlhespol. "We know customers are going to spend a lot of time on social channels, sharing ideas and inspiration with each other," said Brad Walters, Lowe's social media director. "We want them to come into the stores with ideas and questions and talk with our store associates. They're a wealth of inspiration." Lowe's online effort has also led to cross-refer ences on its Facebook and Pinterest posts to link back to the chain's website, complete with cost estimates and product numbers. Lowe's reported a profit of $527 million for the fiscal quarter that ended May 4, up 14 percent from $461 million in the same quarter in 201 1.


TODAY TOWN HALL FORUM: Job creation in Central Oregon; registration required; 7:30a.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; www.bendchamber.org. CENTRAL OREGON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTCLUB: Free; 11 a.m.; Service Master Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.com. LEADER LUNCH: Lunch with Bend Chamber leadership for members; reservations required; cost of lunch; noon; Awbrey Glen Golf Club, 2500 N.W. Awbrey Glen Drive, Bend; 541-382-3221. FREE TAX FRIDAY: Free tax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.my zoomtax.com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite 100, Bend; 541 -385-9666.

SATURDAY OREGON ALCOHOL SERVER PERMIT TRAINING: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain the alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www.happyhour training.com. TECH PETTING ZOO: Take a hands-on look at some of the populare-reader and tablet devices on the market today; free; 1-3 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050.

TUESDAY BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL HIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377. VISIT BEND BOARD MEETING: Open to the public; 8 a.m.; Bend Visitor Center, 750 N.W. Lava Road; 541 -382-8048 orvalerie@ visitbend.corn. OPEN COMPUTER LAB: Practice computer skills and learn about e-readers; free; 3 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541 -312-1050. PARTNERS IN CARE BUSINESS AFTER HOURS: Registration required; 4:30p.m.; Partners in Care, 755 S.W. Seventh St., Suite C, Redmond; 541-280-4187. CRR-TERREBONNE NETWORKING SOCIAL: Free; 5:30p.m.; Desert Meadows Clubhouse, 520 N.E. Shoshone Ave., Redmond; 541 -923-2679 or www.crrchamber.com. SMALL BUSINESS COUNSELING: Free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-31 2-1037.

WEDNESDAY BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL BEND CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541749-0789. STONE LODGE BUSINESS AFTER HOURS: Registration required; 5 p.m.; Stone Lodge, 1460 N.E. 27th St., Bend; 541-382-3221 orwww. bendchamber.org. UNDERSTANDING AND MANAGING CREDIT: Call541 -3187506, ext. 309 to reserve a seat; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighbor!mpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541-548-2380.

THURSDAY BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL DESCHUTES BUSINESS NETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.rn.; Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541-610-9125. GETTING THE MOST OUT OF SCHWAB.COM: Free;noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201 , Bend; 541-318-1794. BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-480-1765.

reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 orwww.my zoomtax.com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite 100, Bend; 541-385-9666.

MONDAY Aug. 27 OREGON ALCOHOL SERVER PERMIT TRAINING: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain the alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www.happyhourtraining.com. FORECLOSURE PREVENTION CLASS: Learn about Neighborlmpact's Housing Center tools and services that can assist individuals struggling to pay their mortgages; free; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541-318-7506, ext. 309, karenb@neighborimpact.org or www.homeownershipcenter.org.

TUESDAY Aug. 28 BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL HIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Starts at 7:1 5a.m.; visitors are wei co me and first two visits are free; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541 -420-7377. BUSINESS SUCCESS PROGRAM: "What 2 Say & How 2 Say It: Using Social Media & the Legal Ramifications"; registration required; $25 for Bend Chamber of Commerce members, $45 for nonmembers; 11 a.m.; Bend Golf and Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-3221 or www.bendchamber.org. OPEN COMPUTER LAB: Practice computer skills and learn about e-readers; free; 3 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541 -312-1050. HOW TO SCREEN TENANTS: $10 COROA members or $15 nonmembers before Aug. 24,$15 members or $20 members after; 68 p.m.; Central Oregon Association of Realtors, 211 2 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-480-9191.

WEDNESDAY Aug. 29 BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL BEND CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are wei co me and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541749-0789.

THURSDAY Aug. 30 BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL DESCHUTES BUSINESS NETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Starts at 7 a.m.; visitors are weicome and first two visits are free; Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541-610-91 25. BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are wei come and first two visits are free; 3:30p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541 -480-1765.


THURSDAY Sept. 6 BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL DESCHUTES BUSINESS NETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541-610-9125. GETTING THE MOST OUT OF SCHWAB.COM: Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541 -3181794. BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541 -480-1765. BE A TAX PRE PARER: Registration required. Tuesday evening and Saturday morning course Sept. 6 through Nov. 15; $389; 6-10 p.rn.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7270 or http:// noncredit.cocc.edu.

SATURDAY Sept. 8 HOME BUYING CLASS: Registration required; free; 9 a.m.5 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 20310 Empire Ave., Suite A11 0, Bend; 541 -318-7506, ext. 309.

BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL HIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are wei come and first two visits are free; 7:1 5a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541 -420-7377.





_, C ROSS IN G ~




2326 NW Frazer Ln. • Green home • Premium finishes • Formal living room Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd.. left on NW Crossing Dr., left on NW Frazer Ln.

2321 NW Dorion Wy. $444,900 OPEN SUNDAY 12-3 • Master on main level • Bonus room & den • Custom cabinetry Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd., left on NW Crossing Dr., left on NW Dorion Way

all around


OPE N SAT & SUN 12-3

19159 Park Commons Dr. 479 •900 • Master on main level $ • Premium fin ishes • 3-car garage Directions: West on Shevlin Park Rd . right on NW Park Commons Dr.

TUESDAY Sept. 11 BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL HIGH DESERT CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7:15 a.rn.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541-420-7377.

1700 NW Iow a Ave. • Spectacular city view $539,000 • Large windows, skylights • Unique design featu res Directions: West on Newport Ave .. right on NW 9th St., becomes NW 12th St. , - - - ' left on NW West Hills Ave, follow uphill to left, horne on corner of NW Iowa Ave.


Aug. 24



Sept. 7 COFFEE CLATTER: Redmond Chamber of Commerce meeting; free; 8:30-9:30 a.m.; Centennial Park, Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue, Redmond. OREGON ALCOHOL SERVER PERMIT TRAINING: Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain the alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www.happyhour training.com. CENTRAL OREGON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CLUB: Free; 11 a. m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.com. FREE TAX FRIDAY: Free tax return reviews; schedulean appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax.com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite 100, Bend; 541 -385-9666.

BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL BEND CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541749-0789. UPGRADE YOUR SALES TEAM IN 2012: Dennis Hungerford , President of Sandier Training Oregon, presents; registration required; free; 8:30-11 a.m.; Phoenix Inn Suites Bend, 300 N.W. Franklin Ave.; 541-382-4316 or www.hcc.sandler.com.

Sept. 4



COFFEE CLATTER: Redmond Chamber of Commerce meeting; free; 8:30-9:30 a.m.; U.S. Cellular, 355 N.W. Oak Tree Lane, Redmond; 541 -526-5945. EDWARD JONES COFFEE CLUB: Current market and economic update including current rates; free; 9 a.m.; Ponderosa Coffee House, 61292 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite 105, Bend; 541-61 7-8861. CENTRAL OREGON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CLUB: Free; 11 a.rn. ; Service Master Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.com. FREE TAX FRIDAY: Free tax return reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 orwww. myzoomtax.com; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave. , Suite 100, Bend; 541-385-9666.


and at our office rea dy to answer your questions.

$339,900 OPEN SAT & SUN 12-3

Aug. 31

FRIDAY COFFEE CLATTER: Redmond Chamber of Commerce meeting; free; 8:30-9:30 a.m.; City of Redmond Public Works Training Room, 243 East Antler Avenue. CENTRAL OREGON REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT CLUB: Free; 11 a.m.; Service Master Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere.com. FREE TAX FRIDAY: Free tax return

INTERNATIONAL BEND CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541749-0789.

THURSDAY Sept. 13 BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL DESCHUTES BUSINESS NETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541 -610-9125. EXPLORETHEBENERTSOF WORKING WITH SCHWAB: Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318-1794. BUSINESS NETWORK INTERNATIONAL WILDFIRE CHAPTER WEEKLY MEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 3:30p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 541 -480-1765.

19777 Chicory Ave. • 5 bedrooms+ loft $424 ,900 • Designer colors, finishes • Three car garage Directions: From SW Brookswood Blvd., right on Lodgepole Dr., left on Hollygrape - - - - ' St., right on Gooseberry Pl., right on Chicory Ave.


20913 Kodiak Ct. • Large bonus room $329 ,950 • Extra large garage • Elaborate outdoor living area Directions: From Butler Mkt. Rd ., north on Purcell Blvd., left on Empi re Ave. (lo1---=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~ cal traffic OK). right on Brookstone Ln., right on Kodiak Ct.

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9 7 7 0 2

--~@!]1--- ---;~t--- ---;~t--- --~~~--- --~~~---- --~~~---- --~~~---- ----;~1---Pets & Supplies Pets & Supplies Furniture & Appliances Guns, Hunting Computers Misc. Items Fuel & Wood Auction Sales & Fishing

~ Want to Buy or Rent

Wanted: $Cash paid for v intage costume jewelry. Top dollar paid for Gold/Silver. I buy by the Estate. Honest Artist Elizabeth,541-633-7006 WANTED : RAZO RS, Double or singleedged, straig ht razors, shaving b rushes, mugs & scuttles, strops, shaving a ccessories & memorabilia. Fair prices paid. Call 541-390-7 029 between 1 0 am-3 pm.

DO YOU HAVE SOM ETHING TO SELL FOR $5000R LESS? Non-commercial advertisers may p lace an ad with o ur " QUICK CASH SPECIAL" 1 week 3 lines. $12 or 2 weeks, $20! Ad mus t include price of single item of $500 or less , or multip le items whose t otal does not exceed SSOO. Call Classifieds at 541 -385-5809 www.bendbulletin.com

Yorkie - Adorable 9 w eek old purebred M ale pup for sale. $500. Will be approx Sib full grown First shots, tail l!ildocke d, dewclaw s remove d, health g uarantee and w orming . Ready for his new forev er home now . Call to schedule a meetin g to fa ll in love with your new fur baby! 541-678-3105.

Yorkie male 7 mo. neutere d & microchipped , $250. 541-41 9-8938. Yorkie male pup AKC potty trained, loves kids, shots, heath guaranteed. $650. 541 -316-0005.

~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Yorkie

male puppy, 6 mos. shots, vet check, $600. 541-792-0375

G IANT yard sale to benefit rescued animals! Every Sat/Sun in Aug, 10-4. Yorkie Puppies, ready Nonprofit, no-kill, all volnow, 1 little male left! ---;~t--­ unteer, all proceeds for $500, 541 -536-3108 vet bills . Tax ded. 8950 Pets & Supplies Hwy 97 , Redmond, 2 mi. ---1~1--N of Tumalo Rd over- Furniture & Appliances The Bulle tin recom- pass. 541-788-4170, or mends extra caution 541-389-8420. when purcha swww.craftcats.org A1 W ashers&Dryers ing products or ser$150 ea. Full warpuppies, Jack Russell ranty . Free Del. Also vices from out of the purebred, born 7/2, $350 wanted , used WID's area . S ending cash, ea. 541 -420-0739 541 -280-7355 c hecks , or c red it information may be s ubjected to fraud . Bookcase, 1 shelf, 28" H For more informax 24'' W x16" deep, $10. tion about an adve r541 -383-1811 /420-6753 tiser, you m ay call Bookcase, with d raw er the Oregon State .~ fil es, $200, call A ttorney General's Kittens, 2 male , 1 fe 541 -788-7372 O ffice Consumer male, $10 ea., only to Pro tection hotline a t a good hom e! 8 wks . C omputer desk, good 1-877-877-9392 . old, 541-290-9395 condition, $20 . 541 -383-1811 /420-6753 Kittens/cats avail. thru Serving Central Oregon ;ince 1903 rescue group. Tame , Desk, Executive with shots, altered, ID chip, glass to p, $200, more. Sat/Sun 1-5, 541-788-7372 . Aussie's mini AKC, red other days by appt. tri's/rnerle's, rnales / fe65480 78th Bend, Desk, oak o ffice, w/ file males parents on site visit 54 1-389-8420; drawers , $20 0, call some toy size . Call www.craftcats.org for 541 -788-7372 541 -598-53 14/788-7799 photos & more. Fridge , white , ne w, Australian Shepherd 2-yr Lab Pups AKC , b lack 28"x64-3/4" $200, male , free to approved & ye llow, Master 541-788-73'72. home . 541 -383-4552 Hunter sired , performance pedigree, OFA Find exactly what Barn/shop cats FREE, cert hips & elbows , you are looking for in the some tame , some not. Call 541-771-2330 We deliver! Fixed, shots , www.kinnamanretnevers.com CLASSIFIEDS etc . 541 - 389-8420 Labradoodles - Mini & med size, several colors GENERA TE SOM E ex54 1-5 04-2662 citement in your USE TH E CLASSIFIEDS! www.alpen-ridg e.com neighbo rhood! P lan a Door-to-door selli ng with garage sale a nd don't forge t to advertise in fast results! It's the easiest Maltese Toy AKC (1 ), Champ bloodlines, 1.75 class ifie d! way in the world to sell. lb, $685. 541-420-1577 541-385-5809 . The Bulletin Classified Papillon tiny male pup. Lift chair, beige color, 541-385-5809 9 wks Ready for lov barely used, like ne w, $375. 541-24 1-4446 ing home. Many re ferences $295 . Call LOTS of great antique , 54 1-3 50- 1684 vintage & new furniture, mirrors & lamps Pitbull Purebred Pups , fawns & seals . $250 - Shop our Summer Sale! $300, 54 1-362-5133. Aug .16-31, 855 NW Wall Mon-Sat 10-6; Sun 12-4 Phone 541-480-6122 POO DL E (TOY) PUPS Well-socialized & lovLoveseat & Sofa, Misable. 54 1-475-3889 sion style, g reen, good oond. $250. Queensland Heelers 541-504-5362 standard & min i,$ 15 0 & up. 541-280-1537 http :// rightwayranch.wordpress.com Micro, Sharp Carousel II, works great, 24'' wide, S chnauzer Miniature $10, 541-318-4577 Family puppies. raised, pa rents o n Mov ing --M ust sell: site, 1st/2nd vacc ina Oak hutc h $350; tio ns, m ales & fe Maple Table & 6 males available , $350 chairs $1 00; each. 54 1-771-1830. Grandfather Clock

The Bulletin

Siamese kittens, raised in home. Gorgeous ! only $15. 541-977-7019 Buddha needs a f urever THANKS to Dr. Peterson home! Playful 8-yr old & staff of Companion boy LOVES people & Pet Clinic , Bend , for the kids! Call Jefferson Co. long- time support & Kennels (541 -475-6889) ex pert guidance given or visit Buddha's Faceto Cat Rescue, Adopbook page (Wanted : A tion & Foster Team Home for Buddha the Pit while they help the forBull) to learn more about gotten & abused cats & adopting Buddha. kittens of Central OR. www.craftcats.org Dachshund AKC mini puppy, ready 8/25, $350. W olf-Husky Pup, sw ee t, www .bendweenies.com playful, ru nt male, 541-508-4558 $275. 54 1-977-70 19

$900; Antique Oak Secretary $500; Eng lish Oak bookcase w/glass doors $100; W urlitzer spinet piano & bench $350 ; 50+ salt dip (dishes) oollection - $250. 541-350-2 650 N EED TO CANC EL YO UR A D? The B ulle tin C lassifieds has an "After Hours" Line Call 54 1-383-2371 24 hrs . to cancel y our ad!


1reco !~e Bulletin mmends

I l



extra caut1on when purc hasing produc ts or services from out of the a rea. Sending cash, c hec ks, or c redit information may be subjected to FRAUD. For more information a bout an a dvertiser, you may call the Oregon State Attorney General's Office Consu mer Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392 .

1 I I

1 C olt


1 1 I I







1 L..:Ih~J?M!kti. ____ n ::.J1 ---t@DI--Antiques & Collectibles Antique Safe , great condition, $ 1800. 949-939-5690 (Bend) Antiques wanted: tools, furniture, fishing, marbles, old s igns , toys, costume jewelry . Call 541 -389-1 578

Franciscan Hacienda Gold, 50+

Di shes,

pieces, incl . plates, c ups & saucers, c reamers , coffee pot, milk pitc he r, gravy boats, covered butter dishes, divid ed bowls , mugs, salt & pepper, platters ,bowls & much more! Exc. cond., $ 350, 541-617-5051 Check out the classifieds online

www.bendbulletin.com Updated daily The Bulletin reserves the right to pub lish all a ds from The B ulletin new spaper onto The Bulletin Internet webs ite .

The Bulletin Serving Central Or!!gon since 1903

Wanted: Ceramic Gas Pump Salt & Pepper Sha ke rs, " Flying A Service, Brothers, Ore gon" 70 1-238-4039

---;~t--Coins & Stamps Priva te co llector buying postage stamp albums & collectio ns , world-wide and U .S . 573-28 6-4343 (local, cell #)

---;~!--Bicy c le s & Accesso ries Breezer Villager women's bike, 17", blue, li ke new, $400. 541 -330-1972 Mtn Bike, 17Yz" Gary Fisher Marlin, blk & silver, $200. 541 -330-1972

---;~t--Golf Equipment Easy Go Golf Carts 08 & 07, 36V , $ 2100/ea . 5 41-280-3 848.

---1~1--Guns, Hunting & Fi shing 1953 Winchester Model 12 Field G un, 30" bbl, full choke , 95-98% cond, $500 firm. 541 -382-8723 .257 and .30-.378 Weatherby's, MarkV with Leopolds. 54 1-771-6768. Bend local pays CAS H!! for G uns , K nives & Ammo . 541-526-0617 CASH !! For Guns , A mmo & Reloading S upplies. 54 1-408-6900.

Python 357, REM 1911 45acp, S & W 19 357, Ruger Mini 14, REM 1903A 3 30-06, SPFD Carbine trap door 4570, LC Smith 16 ga SxS.

H & H FIREARMS 541-382-9352 DO YOU HAV E SOM ET HING TO SELL FO R $5000R LESS? Non-commercial advertisers may p lace an a d with our " QUICK CASH SP ECIA L " 1 week 31ines S12 or 2 w eeks $20! Ad must include price of single item of $50 0 o r less, or multiple items w hose total d oes not exceed $500.

TH E BULLETIN re- Wanted- paying cash quires computer adfor Hi-li audio & stuvertisers with multiple dio equip. Mc intosh, ad schedules or those JBL, Marantz, Dyselling mu ltiple sysnaco, He athkit, Sante ms/ software , to dissui, Carver, NAD, etc . close the name of the Call 54 1-261-1 808 business or the term "dealer" in their ads. Have an item to Private party advertissell quick? ers are defined as those who sell one If it's under computer. 1500 you can place it in

3 lines, 7 days · 3 lines, 14 days (Private Party ads only)

To avoid fraud, The Bulletin recommends payment for Firewood only upon delivery and inspection. • A cord is 128 cu. ft. 4' X 4' X 8' • Receipts s hould includ e name, phone, p rice and kind of w ood purchased. • Firewood ads MUST include spe cies a nd cost per cord to b etter serve our customers.


The Bulletin

@!:]1--Travei/Tickets DU CK TIC KETS (4), grea t seats, $125 & up. 541-573-11 00.

@£::] Misc. Items


The Bulletin Classifieds for: 110 -


Serving Cent ral Or egon sin<e 1903 22' alum. semi-truck trlr, Medical Equipment best used for sto rage, $500. 541-447-4405 ATTENT ION DIABET- Dry Lodgepole: $ 175 ICS with Me dicare. cord rounds; $210 cord Bend's Indoor Swap Get a FREE talking split. 1 V2 Cord Minimum Meet - A M ini-Mall full me ter and diabetic 37 yrs service to Cent. of Treasures ! O re. 54 1-3 50-2859 testing supplies at NO 3rd St. & Wils on Ave. COST, plus FR EE 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. Ne ed to get an home delivery! Best BOXES- Great for movof all, this meter elimiad in ASAP? Call Classifieds at ing/storage , $25 cash. nates painful finger You can place it 54 1-385-5809 Call 541-318-4577. pric king! Call www.bendbulletin .com online at: 888-739-71 99. Brake Buddy RV tow car (PN DC) braking system, $90. www.bendbulletin.com Gam o Hunter Extreme Stowmaster 5000 holdrifle . up tow bar, .177 pellet $125. --~~~--541·385·5809 3-9x50 scope. Near 54 1-548-3610 Tool s new. List $550, ask Buying Diamonds W E BUY $3 00. 54 1-389-7379 10" Craftsman Ra dial / Gold for Cash FIREWOOD L OGS arm saw, 2.4hp. Older, GUN SHOW Juniper, Pine, Saxon's Fine J ew elers but new cond, $175. Sept. 1 & 2 541 -38 9-6655 541-550-70 36 after 6 pm Tamarack , 500+ cords . Deschutes Fairgrounds 503-519-5918 BUYIN G Buy! Sell! Trade! Lionel/American Flyer Attn: Hunters & RV'ers Like new Yamaha ----~~~----SAT. 9-5 • SUN. 10-3 trains , accessories . EF3000 generator $8 Admission, Gardening Supplies 541-408-2 19 1. w /cover, electric start, 12 & under free. & Equipment BUYING & SELLING quiet running. New OREGON TRAIL GUN All gold jewelry, silver $2250; asking $1500 SHOWS 541-347-2120 and gold coins, bars, obo. 54 1-8 15-5409 B a rkTurfSoil.com rounds, wedding sets, Sig model 228 9mm class rings, sterling silT U RN T H E PAGE 4 clips, night sights , ver, coin collect , v inPROMPT DELIVERY Fo r Mo re Ads ho lster, extra trigger, tage watches, dental 541-3 89-9663 $500. Great gun. gold. Bill Fle ming, The Bulletin 54 1-4 20-9487 541-382-941 9. Husqvarna 272XP chainFor news paper GEN ERATE SOME saw w/20" & 32" bars & Take the Riflem an 's delivery, call the EXC IT EM EN T chain, $150. Chainsaw Challenge! Place a C irculation Dept. at IN YOUR mill, Granberg A las kan one-inch black square 541 -385 -5800 N EIGBO RHOOD. down range at 25 Plan a garage sale and MKIII 30" chainsaw jig, To place an ad, call $75. 541-548-3610 meters and put 1 0 541 -385-5809 don't forget to adverround s inside the or email tise in classified! Scaffolding: Safeway classified ,t11b endbulletin.com bla ck , can you do it? If 5 41-385-5 809. light-weight , 3 sections not, com e join us at all attachments high, & 4 Appleseed GET FRE E O F CR EDIT planks incl. $3200 new; The Serving Central Or egon sin<e 1903 CARD DEBT NO W! Project at Re dmond sell $ 950. 541-41 9-9233. C ut payments by up Rod and Gun C lub, to half. Stop cre ditors ---1~1--SUPER TOP SOIL Sat. & Sunday, Auwww he rsheysollandbar k.co m calling. from gust 25 & 26 . Visit Building Material s Screened, soil & com866-775-9621. www.app leseedinfo .org post mixed, no (PNDC) for more info . Call Paul MADRAS Habitat rocks/clods. H igh h uat 360 -953-323 2 MA NT IS Deluxe Tiller. R ESTO RE mus level, exc . for N EW! FastStart en- B uildin g Supply Resale flower beds, lawns , UTAH + OR CCW : Orgine . Ships FREE. Q ua lity at ga rdens, straight eg on & U tah ConO ne -Year MoneyLOW PRIC ES screened top soil. ceale d Lice nse C lass. Back Guarantee when Bark. Clean fill. De84 SW K St. Sat. Aug 25, 9:30 am, you buy DIRECT. C all 541-475-9722 liv er/y ou haul. Madras Range. Utah fo r the DVD and O pen to the public . 54 1-548-3949 . $65, OR+UT - $ 100. FREE Good S oil lncl photo for Utah, Prineville Habitat book! 877-357-5647. ---1~1--Call Paul Sumner ReStore (PNDC) 54 1-4 75-72 77 for pre Lost & Found B uildin g Supply Res ale reg, email, map, info Call The Bulle tin At 142 7 NW Murphy C t. FOU N D: Bicycle , Wall 541 ·385·5809 54 1-447-6934 WANTED: 20 ga. shotSt. area. Call to idenOpen to the public . gun, youth model, short Place Your Ad Or E-Mail tify 541 -388 -3645. stock, pump action for At: www.bendbulletin.com young hunter of small ~ Found Fly Rod, on East MASSAGE TABLE porstature. 541-480-7298 Heating & Stoves La ke Hwy, call to table "Master'' w/case , identify. 541-6 10-9832 W inchester 3 0-30, pre - new condit ion, $100. NOTIC E TO 64 , exc . cond . $575, 541-848-7707 A DVERTISER Lost Cat, 8/ 10, longhair Ruger, 10-22, S tainSince September 29, 5-toe tabby , female , & Womens less, exc . cond ., $200, Men 1991, advertising for C imarron C ity, "Tinkcloth ing ; jeans. 50 3-830-65 64 used w oo dstoves has erbell," 5 41-771-9 548 . shirts, coats . Exc. been limited to mod--~~~--- cond . 54 1-318-6919 Lost diamond earring els w hich have been Sporting Go ods bed w ith Pedestal Sat. 8/4, Costco area. certifie d by the Or- Mis c . draw ers and 2 twin Reward! 541-526-565 1 ego n Department of mattress, oak SOL D. Environmental Q ualRoad Trip G rill, many Solid Mahoga ny comREM EMBER: lf y ou ity (DEQ) and the fedex tras,$295 value; sell puter cabinet/desk, have lo st an animal, l era l Env ironmenta $300. 541-815-1 828 $1 oo. 54 1-504-7040 don't forget to check Protection A gency The Humane Soc iety The Bulletin Offers (EPA) as having met --~~~--­ Fr ee Private Party Ads smoke emission stan- in Bend 541 -38 2-353 7 Redmond, Healt h & • 3 lines - 3 day s dards . A certified 5 41-923-0882 • Private Pa rty Only w oodstove may be Beauty Item s Prinev ille , • Total of items adveridentified by its certifi541 -447 -7178; tised must equal $200 O ver 30 Million Women cation label, w hich is O R C raft Cats , or Less permanently attac hed Suffer From Ha ir 54 1-389 -8420 . to the stove. The BulLo ss! Do y ou? If So • Limit 1 ad per month

The Bulletin

We Have a S olution! • 3-ad limit fo r same item ad vertise d within CALL KERANIQ UE 3 months TO FIN D OUT MORE 877-475-2521. Call 541 -385-5809 Fax 541 -385-5802 (PNDC)

letin will not knowingly accept advertising fo r the sale o f unc ertified woods toves.

Look at : Bendhomes.com for Complete Listings of Area Real Estate for Sale

Estate Auction Sat., Aug.18, 10 a.m. 15500 SW Quail Rd. Crooked River Ranch (Follow signs from Hwy 97 at Lower Bridge Rd.)


1964 C hevelle, completely restored: 1929 Model A High Top w/ Mustang running gear; 1895 Colt Lightning 4440 hex bbl pump rifle; 24' Reinell c-.abin cruiser; Seaswirl jet boat , very low hrs; 2003 30' 5th wheel w/3 slides. Guns, cars, tractors , implements, shop, antiques, glassware, household, craft supplies, much Very clean, more! top-quality offering . Call Fred Bewley, Auctioneer, 541 -923-3586 or email bid2by @g mail.com 10% buyers premium will apply on all purchases.

Need help fixing stuff? Call A Service Professional lind the help you need . www.bendbulletin.com

------------Brush Hog 72", good cond ., $600. 54 1-548-3818 or 541-480-8009.

---1~1---Hay, Grain & Feed Wheat Straw: Certified & Bedding Straw & Garden Straw;Compost.546-6171 Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today a nd reach ov er 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will als o appear o n bendbulletin.com which currently re c e ives o v e r 1.5 millio n page views every month at no extra cost. B ulle tin C lassifie d s Get Results! C all 541 -385-5809 o r place your ad o n -line at b endbulletin.com ~~----

Livestoc k & Equip ment

1977 14' Blake Trailer, refurbished by Frenchglen Blacksmiths, a C lassy Classic. Great des1gn for multiple uses. Overhead tack box (bunkhouse) with side and easy pickup bed access; manger with left side access, windows and head divider. Toyo radial tires & spare; new floor with mats; center partition panel; bed liner coated in key areas, 6.5 K torsion axles with electric brakes, and new paint, $7500 O BO ! Call John at 541 -589-0777. D More Pix at Bendbulletin.c1





---1~1--- ---1~1--- ---1~1---


32 Exemplar of masculinity

Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities


DO YOU NEED A GREAT EMPLOYEE RIGHT NOW? Call The Bulletin before 11 a.m. and get an ad in to publish the next day! 541 -385-5809. VIEW the Classifieds at: www.bendbulletin.com

Employment Opportunities


57 "Star Wars" catchphrase

Summer Jobs J L Ward Company has 5 to


Ads published in "Em10 positions to fill ployment Opportuniw ithin the next two emties" include 35 Sounds off? weeks. ployee and DOWN 12 Unregulated independe nt posi37 Some modern 1 "My heart All applicants must tions. Ads for posisubscriptions 14 The same old, bleeds" meet the following tions that require a fee same old 39 Neil or upfront investment requirements: 2 Lusts Armstrong's 16 Skillfully must be stated. With ·High School middle name 3 Skye of "Sa¥ snatched Graduate any independent job Anything .. . 40 Look opportunity, please -Valid Oregon 17 Grinding away investigate thor- Finance Direc tor - LivDriver's license 4Ran 41 Home of the 18 Way with a no. ·Ability and desire to oughly . Aztec Ruins ingston H ealthCare in 5 Inits. for Mitt do physical work Nail. Monument Livingston, Montana 19 Logical Romney Use extra caution wh en has an excellent opconjunctions, in 421.0.U. applying for jobs onIf you meet 6 Frank Rich portunity for a mathematics these requireline and never propiece 45 Chero-Cola, well-qualified Finance 20 Certain ments, please apvide personal inforafter a name Director. For more 7 Lower leatherworker mation to any source change ply weekdays info rmatio n or to apyou may not have rebetween 8:00 a .m. 8 P.L.O.'s Arata! ply go to www.Living21 "Don't Look 49 Blues guitarist and 11 :00 a.m. at searched and deemed stonH ealthcare .org Now" diretcor Mahal 9 Stuck in 20 505 Murphy Road to be reputable. Use (PNDC) 22 Feature of the 50 Trick or treat, extreme caution when Bend Oregon 97702 ; 10 Targets for QBs e.g. previous clue 541-382-0491 . responding to ANY Operations Manager 11 Worrywarts, employment Big Country RV, Inc. online 51 Kato who 25 Ignore e.g. Successful Central Orad from out-of-state. testified against egon RV Dealership Where can you find a 26 "1 ~, my opinion O.J. 12 Sir Trevor helping hand? We suggest you c all seeks Operations Manof the Royal 53 Vinaigrette the State of Oregon ager to oversee 3 locaShakespeare From contractors to 30 1950s alternative Company Puzzle by Jim Horne and Jeff Chen Consumer Hotline at tions. Ideal candidate heartthrob will have proven experi- yard care , it's a ll here 56 Lab figure who 1-503-378-4320 ence in management, 48 Dutch-based in The Bulletin's 31 Dean Martin might cackle in 13 Young, alluring 28 "This somehow 42 It's clear budgeting, accounting, sort feels familiar banking giant when danger pe rsona glee For Equal Opportunity computers & production. "Call A Serv ice " subsides Laws: Oregon Bu- Excellent compensation 14 Youth org. 50 Locale of a Pro fessional" Direc tory since 1910 reau of Labor & In- & benefit package, in29 Recipe abbr. Horatio Nelson ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE 43 Feeling dustry, Civil Rights cluding: Medical insur- . - - - - - , victory 30 Sparkle a little N 15 Robi n Hood Division, 51 Casino activity less ance, v acation, Simple 1 _ The Bulletin 44 Kind of rock .::-l..::::.t-:+=-LA and Helen of 971-673-0764 Recommends extra IRA. Please apply with Troy 52 Phy~ics dept. 33 Very, very caut1on when pur46 Ludwig wrote resume & cover letter to: offenng 20 Bump off 36 Kind of nut If you have any quesfur her chasing products or 1 qmail.com bcrvhire@ 54 Easter fleur ijo ns, concerns or or 111 person at 63500 N services fro m out of 38 Like Bourne in 21 Gray figure? comments, contact: Hwy 97, Bend. 47 Help for a 55 Target of fans' the area. Sending "The Bourne Kevin O'Conn ell 23 The heel of a scorn Identity" guesser cash, checks, or FIND IT! geographical Classified Department credit information BUY IT! boot For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit Manager may be subjected to card, 1-800-814-5554. SELL IT! The Bulletin FRAUD. Annual subscriptions are available for the best ol Sunday 541-383-0398 The Bulletin Classifieds For more informa-l crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. 25 Renaissance lion about an adverAT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit Parts Counter Clerk 1 tiser, you may call fair sight S~rving Ce ntral Off'gon since 1903 nytimes.com/mobitexword for more information. Big Country RV, Inc. 26 "Foolish" Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past The Bulletin Central Oregon's larg- l ~t~orn~~egoGen~r':l~~ singer, 2002 puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year) . est RV dealer is lookTo Subscribe call Office Consumer 1 Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. ing for a Parts Protection hotline at 541-385-5800 or go to Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learn inglxwords. Counter clerk. Cus- 11-877-877-9392 . 1 www. bendbulletin .com tomer se rvice experif ence, and previous 1 im_,,,~,_ ,,,:'¢_ ,""~'_ .I,U ---l~I--­ Banking parts ex perience a 1Produce & Food plus; computer skills Advertise your car! necessary . Good pay 1 Attempt to appear alert, say





The Bulletin

Th B U


---1~1--- - - - l @ ! ] I - - Sales Northwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend

Complete Moving 2 Person Garage Sale: Sale: Sat. 8-5, 2487 Fri. Aug . 17th, 8-3, NW Crossing Dr., 2 2648 NEWintergreen y r o ld. LG Front load Dr, lots of great items !

Washer/Dryer, futon, lots of bedding, glass Beach House Tag Sale: end ta bles, 2 yr. old Fabulous Painted & treadmill , gas BBQ & Distressed Furniture , patio furniture, very shelves, desk, dresser, console, side table, linnice clothes & more . ens, clothing, books, DVD's, CD's, etc. Call a Pro Come & Take it away! Sat. Only 9-2, 653 NE Whether you need a 12th St. 541-383-8852 fence fixed. hedges trimmed or a house Big Yard Sale: Thur. built , you'll find -Sun., 8-3, 64004 Deschutes Mkt. Rd., professional help in Medical eq uip., hosThe Bulletin's "Call a pital bed , Hoy a lift to Service Professio nal" sta nd, w heelchair, wa lke r, scooter , toilet Directory chairs, m uch more .


Downsizing Estate/Garage Sale: Fri, & Sat, 7am-close, Antiques, vintage clothes, turn. 63058 Angler Ave

Sale! Fri. Noon-5, Sat. , 9-3, 912 NE Revere Ave, Furniture, tools, fabric, househo ld goods, & much more!

LOTS of great antique, vintage & new furniture, Estate/Moving Sale, Sun. mirrors & lamps only, 8-4. Various home Shop our Summer Sale! furnishings, kids' /adult Aug.16-31, 855 NWWall Mon-Sat 10-6; Sun 12-4 clothing, household & gardenmg items, toys, Phone 541 -480-6122 camping equip, appliMulti-Family Fri-Sat 8-6, ances, much more ! 63663 Ranch Village Dr. 65430 Swalley, Black powder rifles, desk, trundle bed , youth **FREE** quad, 32" TV, carved Garage Sale Kit bears, clothes, misc. Place an ad in T he Bulletin for your gaMulti-Family Garage rage sale and resale , Sat. Aug . 18, ceive a Garage Sale 9-4, in a lley behind 1982 S hevlin Park Rd . Kit FREE ! S po rting goods , furKIT INCLU DES: niture, tools & more. • 4 Garage Sale Signs • $2.00 Off Coupon To Sat. Garage Sale: 9 am, Use Toward Your 2428 Todds Crest Dr.. Next Ad off Mt Washington,shop hand tools, treadmill, • 10 Tips For "Garage Sale Success!" art , bikes, kayaks,

---1~1--Sales Southwest Bend Gilt Store Garage Sale 19827 Porcupine 8-2 Fri!Sat Christmas Gift Trees ++ 541-383-2250

PICK UP YOUR GARAGE SALE KIT at 1777 SW C ha ndle r Ave. , Bend, OR 97702

The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since 1903


50 yrs in Drake Park home! Bea utiful a ntiqu e furnit ure fro m the 180 0's to Mid C entu ry M odern . Paul F ra nkl liv in g room set, a ntiq u e gla ss & c hina , q uilts , line ns , o ld toy s & gam es, c lo c k s, A rt D ec o la m ps , vinta ge kitc he n , a rtw o rk & de co r , vintage j ew elry & s ilv e r, coppe r & brass , fish ing , P LU S q ueen be d , Mis s io n Oak d es k & d re s se r, 2 s ofas, ca mpin g , cy c ling item s , lo ts of big & ta ll cloth in g, d ie c ast toy co ll ect io n , la rg e f lat s c reen T V , ga rage f ull of tools , c om p resso r, ro lling tool box, outdoor ite m s, elect ron ics , pia no , 1 OO's book s, bedd ing & lin e ns , sewi ng , la rg e home pa ck e d full!

FRI . - SUN. 9 a.m . - 4 p .m . crowd c on trol # 's Fri. 8 a .m . 498 NW Broadway Attic Estates & A ppraisals 541-350-6822 for pies & more info go to atticestatesandappraisals.com

Fri. & Sat. 8-2 , Corner of NE Moonlight & Jackson. Multi-fa mily/ way to much to list.

HUGE Moving Sale, everything goes! Sat, 8-3, 2956 SW Indian Circle. From quality furniture to electronics to kids stuff Multi-family Yard Sale! to housewares & more! Books, tools, antiques, baby stuff, much more. HUG E yard sale to Saturday only, 7-3, 1460 benefit an imal rescue NE Williamson Blvd . group. 8950 Hwy 97, 2 mi N of Tumalo Rd Yard Sale, Friday & ove rpass. Each Sat/ Saturday, Aug us t 17th Sun in A ugust, 10-4. & 18th . *8:00am Furniture, toys, sport4:00pm. 21566 N E ing goods , art, more! Butle r Market Road. Vintage dishes, lawn Multi-Family Neighmow er, saddle, horse borhood Yard Sale: gear, baby clothes/ Sat. O nly , 8-3, Wilblankets, table line n, liams Lp(off of Northappliances, children's west Way & Willia ms books, tables, and Way) follow signs. much more . Sat.-Sun . 8/18-19 , 9-3, ---l~I--­ Downsizing, some antiques & collectibles . Sales Southeast Bend 2215 NW 19th St. Estate Sale: Sat. 8/18, Sun. 8/ 19, 8-4, Furni- Tools, appl., sporting, plumbing, elec, hardture, household, kids ware, household , garcloth es, bedding, auto den, pet, decor, sew/ ite ms, collectibles, crafts, wood, bldg ma61077 Ferguson Ct. terials,more!A ug 18/19, Gara~e Sale ! Antiques, 9 AM, 21st SW & Pumclothing, kitchen... you ice Ave , No Early Birds name itl Sat. 9-4, 61288 King Solomon Lane Yard Sale - Fri-Sat-Sun (follow signs from Reed 9-5, 2639 SW Yew Ave. Market/15th/Ferguson). Women's & children's clothes,household items, GARAGE SALE - SAT crafts, and LOTS more. ONLY 8-2 61225 SaMulti-family Yard Sale Thurs-Sun, 9-? rah Dr. sale. TONS of baby 7200 SW 51st St. Furitems: clothes, exer- niture, household, glasssaucers, front packs, ware , collectibles, art infant carseat, stroller, work - Give-aw ay prices! & more! LOTS of quality maternity clothes. Year s of Collecting • Paintball equip., baseMulti-family Sale, anball cards, furniture, tiques,collectibles, die tools, suitcases, kitcast cars, dolls , 1974 chen items & more! VW Thunde rbug, old trunks, 7-Up Machine , Huge Garage Sale furniture, automotive , Fri., Sat., & Sun., 9-4, household m isc ., Sat. 60441 Ta ll Pine Ave., 8-4. Sun . 9-2, 2564 Lots o f good stuff, SW Volcano Ave. artist supplies & books, small appl., books, dishware ,some ---l~I--tools, bike & ski equip. Sa les Other Areas

Ready Picked: Freestone canning peaches S unbright; Lonng Elberta, Nectarines, Santa Rosa Plums. U-Pick only - by Fri. 8/17, S uncrest Peaches. Ready Picked Only-Gravenstien Apples BRING CONTAINERS Open 7 days/wk 8am-6 pm only 541 -934-2870. Visit us on Facebook for updates Also we are at Bend Farmer's Mkt at Drake Park & St. Charles

---l~I--­ Sc hools & Tra ining


Add A Picture!


We are excited to announce an availposition in able Bend , Oregon . Branch Supervisor Salary Range: $ 29 ,000 - $40,0 00 EO E. For more de tails, please apply online : www.sofcu.com

and be ne fits. Apply to Reach thousands of readersI bcrvhire@gmail.com Call 541-385-5809 or in person at 63500 The Bulletin Classifieds N Hwy 97 , in Bend. TRUCK DRIVERS Rernernber .... Harney Rock & Paving Add your web adCo. is hiring experidress to your ad and enced truck drive rs for readers on The summer. Requires valid Bulletin ' s web site COL & Medical Card. will be able to click Call 541-573-7855 for through automatically more info. Pay DOE. to y ou r site. EOE. CCB #51289.

RN Case Managers Branch Manager Pacific Northwest, Family Owned Wholesale distribution company seeking experienced manager in Redmond, OR. Must have demonstrated supervisory and branch operation skills. Knowledge of underground waterworks products preferred. Generous compensation and benefit package. To apply send resume to dianej@hdfowler.com. No phone calls please.

Partners In Care Home H ealth and Hospice is seeking for applicants full-time RN Case Managers to provide care to our hos pice and home health patients. Hospice experience Applipreferred. can ts MUST have a current O regon RN license . Qualified are candidates asked to submit a resume to 2075 N E Wyatt Court, Bend OR 97701 Attn : HR, or via email to H R@ partnersbe nd. org .

---1~1--Loans & Mortgages WARNING The Bulletin recommends you use caution w hen you provide personal information to companies offering loans or credit, especially those asking for advance loan fees or companies from out of state. If you have concerns or questions, we suggest you consult your attorney or call CONS UMER HOTLIN E, 1-877-877-9392. Ever Consider a Reverse Mo rtgage? At least 62 years old? Stay in your ho me & increase cash flow! Safe & Effective! Call Now for your FREE DVD! Call Now 888_785_5938 _ (PNDC) ---'-----'-----

LOCAL MONEY: We buy secured trust deeds & note , some hard rnoney loans. Call Pat Kelley 541-382-3099 ex1.1 3. Reverse Mortgages by local expert Mike LeRoux NMLS57716 Call to learn more. 541 _350_7839 Securitv1 Lending NMLS981 61

I -----1~1---I Business Opportunities


Look What I Found! Moving Sale: 60439 You'll find a little bit of Zuni Rd., Sat. & Sun., 9-5 , Ford 8N tractor, everything in misc. antiques & colThe Bulletin's daily lectibles, household & garage and yard sale office items, snowmosection. From clothes biles & gear, some to collectibles, from clothes & jewelry. ho usewares to hardw are, classified is always the first stop for Get y o ur cost-conscious business consume rs. And if you're planning your own garage or yard sale, look to the classifieds to bring in the buyers. You won't find with an ad in a better place The Bulletin's for bargains! "Call A Service Call Classifieds: 541-385-5809 or Professiona l" email Directory classffied @bendbulletin.com

541 -385-5809

Looking for your next employ ee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each w eek. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulle tin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page v iew s ev ery month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin .com

A Classified ad is an EASY WAY TO REACH ov er 3 million Pacific Northwesterners. $525/25-word classified ad in 30 daily newspapers for 3-days . Call the Pacific Northwest Da ily Connection (916) 288-6019 or e mail elizabeth @cnpa.com for more info (PN DC) Advertise VACATION SPECIALS to 3 million Pacific Northwesterners! 30 da ily newspapers, six states. 25-word classified $525 for a 3-day ad . Call (916) 288-6019 or v isit www.pnna .com/advert ising_pndc.cfm for the Pacific Northwest Connection. Daily (PNDC) Extreme Value Advertising! 30 Daily newspapers $525/25-word 3-days. classified, Reach 3 million Pacific Northwesterners. For more information call (916) 288-6019 or ema il: elizabeth @cnpa.com fo r the Pacific Northwest Daily Connection. (PNDC)

AIRLIN ES AR E HIRING - Train for hands on Aviation Mainte- Caregiver - All Shifts avail. Apply in person. In small frie ndly North na nce Career. FAA Interviews this week. Centra l Oregon town program. approved Ju st too many N E Watt Way, 1099 on John Day River. Financial a id if qualiBend . 2800 sq. ft. commerc o llect ibles? fied - Housing availcial bldg. o n state hwy able. Ca ll Aviation InCaregivers in Spray . Has been stitute of Sell the m in - Experienced bar & restaurant, Maintenance. Part time & 24 hrs The Bulletin Classifieds could be anything . 1-877-804-5293. caregivers. Home In$125,000 by owne r, (PNDC) stead Senior Care is 541-468-3201 or In Care 541-385-5809 currently seeking 541-468-2071 COLLEGE A TTEND Caregivers to provide RV Salesperson ONLINE from Home . in-home care to our Ho me Delivery Advisor *Medical, *Business, seniors. Ca ndidates Big Country RV, Inc., *Crimina l Justice, Central Oregon's m ust be ab le to lift, Largest RV Dea ler*Hospitality. Job ~ Home Delivery Advisor ~ transfer, pro vide pership, is growing and placement assistance . sonal care & assist in adding to our strong Compute r available . The Bulletin Circulation Department is various home duties. Financial Aid if q ualisales staff. We are seeking a Home Delivery Advisor. This is a A lzheimer I Dementia/ looking for th e right fied. SCHEV certified. full time position and consists of managing a A LS experience a 866-688-7078 Call perso n w ho wants a de livery area and working with an adult carneeded . Must have www.CenturaO nline.c caree r in one of the rie r fo rce to ensure our customers receive suability to pass backfastest growing inom (PNDC) pe rior service. Must be able to create and ground checks & have dus tries in Centra l pe rform strategic plans to meet department valid DL & insurance. Great opOregon. Oregon Medical Trainobjectives such as inc reasing market share Training provided . Call portunity for someone Ing PCS Phlebotomy and route by rou te penetration. Ideal candi541 -330-6400, o r fax classes begin August with prior vehicle da te will be a self-starter who can work both in resume to: 27. Registration now sales experience. Exthe office and in their assigned territory with 541-330-7362 . open: www.oregonceptional inventory of minimal supervision. Early a.m. hours are medica~raining .co m Dental Assistant, OrthNew and Used RVs. necessary with company vehicle provided. 541-343-3100 odontic: Full time OrthUnlimited e arning Strong c ustomer service skills and manageodontic A ssistant potential with an exment skills are necessary. Computer experineeded for established, TRUCK SCHOOL cellent benefit packence is helpful. We offer be nefits in cluding high quality office. Expewww.IITR .net age to include: medical, dental, 401(k), paid vacation and sick rience preferred . ComRedmo nd Campus •IRA time. We believe in promo ting from within so petitive w ages & benStudent Loans/J ob • Dental Plan advanceme nt within the company is available. efits. E-mail resume to Waiting Toll Free • Medical Insura nce If you enjoy dealing with people from diverse str8bite @bendcable .com 1-888-387-9252 • Up to 35% co mmisbackgrounds, and you are energetic, have or fax, 541-389-5046 Garage/Shop Sale. lvARD-SAL-;sion great organizational skills and interpersona l LOTS OF TOOLS & • Grea t Training Treadmill, furniture , communication skills , please fill out an applimise! Fri-Sun 8/17-19 tires, w heels, patio cation at The Bulletin or send y our resume to: 10-5 . 17315 Guss Must be a ble to w ork fu rmture , storage Data Center Ne twork Way, S unriver weeke nds and hav e a shelf, clothing & J ob Opening-Circulation Tec h nicians passio n for the RV shoes, clocks, The Bulletin business. Please ap1 household & bath- 1 Garage Sa le s PO Box 6020 Facebo o k is hiring! W e' re seeking a highly ply in person, o r drop roo m 1te ms, and Bend, OR 97708 motiv ate d Data Cente r Netw ork Technic ian more . Free water & resume off at: or Garage Sales to he lp us build a w orld-c lass fac ility at our donuts. Sat.-S un., Big Country RV , Inc. circ ulation @bendbulletin.corn Prine ville , Oregon location . 8 .30-5 p.m 20665 3500 N. Hwy 97 Garage Sales Bend , O R 97701 No phone calls, please. The Bulletin is a ~xboroug~~ The idea l ca ndidate will h av e 3 + ye ars' Find the m or email a resume to drug-free workplace, EO E. ex pe rience in da ta ce nte r netwo rk deploy bcrvhire@gmail.com in ---1~1--ment, strong tro ubleshooti ng skills, a solid Sales Redmond Area The Bulletin un de rsta ndin g o f Lay er 2 and Laye r 3 Indepe ndent Co ntractor ne two rk sw itc hing/ ro uting, a nd expe rie nce Classifieds Big Garage Sale , Fri and in configu rin g and suppo rting Cisco, Sun only, 7am-5pm . 821 Junip er, and F5 device s. 541 -385-5809 NE Larch Ave. (follow signs from Hwy 97 & Fo r m ore information Maple). See craigslist for Just bought a new boat? please visit o ur caree rs page details on items, to in- Sell your old one in the https://www . facebook .com/ ca reer clude 1940-1960 Pyrex, classitieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! or ema il ristine@ fb .co m . Sorel & Columbia boots, 541 -385-5809 Oriental pieces, Canon copier, hunting camp Electrician General Jo urneyman stove , household items, La Pine Sale! Fri & Sat. 8-1, 52651 Rainbow Wa rm Springs Co mposite Products is looking & some furniture. We have provided shade for for an individual to help a growing innovative Dr. From Hwy 97 take avid shoppers I light manufacturing plant. Burgess Rd., follow balloons. Studded tires, Basic Duties: Assis t in troubleshooting and Garage Sale: Fishing, fishing poles, king size repairs of plant equipment. Install, repair and reloading, guns, 8 water bed, yarn, Come maintain all electrical and electro nic equiptables, Fri. & Sat. 8-5, say "Hi Glendora !" ment. Able to read a nd rev ise electrical sche3340 NW Odem Ave, matics, Must be able to perform bo th electriTerrebonne . Motor Home - '98 Safari; cal and mechanical preve ntive mainte nance 2009 Roadmaster Tow requirements and report, PLC experience. Good classified ads tell W e a r e loo kin g f o r ind epe n d e nt co ntra ct o rs to Dolly; 2001 Sportsman the essential facts in an Minim um Skills: A minimum of 5 years in the s e rvice ho m e d e l iv e ry ro ut e s in : A TV 500 Polaris ; Honda industrial maintenance field with a valid Orinteresti ng Manner. Write 15hp 4-stroke short egon State Electricians License in Ma nufacfrom the readers view - not shaft boat motor; Flat turing . A strong mec hanical a ptitude with the Bed Trailer, double axle; the seller's. Convert the ability to perform light w eld ing and fabrication Kenmore Dryer, 110 facts into benefits. Show du ties. S uccessful a pplicant sha ll supply the the reader how the item will stackable; Heavy Duty no rmal hand tools required for both electrical Mise Gas Chipper; help them in some way. Mu s t b e a v a ila b le 7 da y s a w ee k, ea rly mo rnin g ho urs. Household/Garden Vaand mechanical maintenance. This Must have reliable, insured vehicle. riety Yard sale -- clothBenefits: Full Family Medical, Visio n, Dental, advertising tip ing, books, etc., elecLife, Disability, S alary Incentives, Company brought to you by tronics; camping; fishing P le a s e c a ll 5 4 1 .3 8 5.5800 o r 8 00 .50 3.3933 Bonuses , Pension and 401 K w/Company ...antiques -- You name Pay Rate Sc ale. d u rin g b us in ess h o u rs Matching and Above it , we probably have it!! Strving C6ttnl Oregon since t9fB a p p ly v ia e m a il a t o n lin e@ b e n db ull e tin .co m Please re mit resume to: Prineville, Juniper CanWarm Springs Com po site Produc ts Gun Sale: Military rifles & yon towards Prine. Res. handguns, U.S., Ger- Upper Davis Loop to PO Box 906, Warm Springs, OR 97761 Pho ne : 54 1-553-1143, Fax: 541-553-11 45 many France, Japan, etc PLA2, 15051 SE CayServing Centr al Oregon since 1903 Fri-Sat., 8-5. 3340 NW use, Thurs-Sun,8/16-19 Attn : Mac Coombs, mcoombs@ wscp.com Odem Ave, Terrebonne. 9-5. 541 -977-4288



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The Bulletin

T0 PLACE AN AD CLASSIFIED • 541-385-5809 ---1~1--- ----~~ ~1--Business Opportunities Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Apt./Multiplex Redmond Duplex, very clean & priSOCIAL SECURITY CHECK OUT THIS vate, large 1300 sq ft 2 DISABILITY BENHOT DEAL! EFITS. WIN or Pay $299 1st month's rent! * bdrm 2 bath, garage w/opener, fenced backNothing! Start Your 2 bdrm, 1 bath yard, deck, fridge, DW, Application In Under $530& 540 WID hkup, extra park60 Seconds. Call ToCarports & A/C incl! ing, w/s/g paid, $710 + day! Contact DisabilFox Hollow Apts. dep. 541-604-0338 ity Group, Inc. Li(541) 383-3152 censed Attorneys & Cascade Rental M9mt. Co Just bought a new boat? BBB Accredited. Call *Upstairs only with lease* Sell your old one in the 888-782-4075. classifieds! Ask about our Call for Specials! (PNDC) Super Seller ratesr Limited numbers avail. 541-385-5809 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. Looking for your W/D hookups, patios ---1~1--next employee? or decks. Houses for Place a Bulletin help MOUNTAIN GLEN, wanted ad today and Rent General 541-383-9313 reach over 60,000 Professionally readers each week. PUBLISHER'S managed by Norris & Your classified ad NOTICE Stevens, Inc. will also appear on All real estate adverbendbulletin.com tising in this newspa---1~1--­ which currently reper is subject to the Apt./Multiplex NW Bend ceives over 1 .5 milFair Housing Act lion page views which makes it illegal Fully furnished loft Apt every month at to advertise "any on Wall Street in no extra cost. preference, limitation Bend, with parking. All Bulletin Classifieds or discrimination utilities paid. Call Get Results! Call based on race, color, 541-389-2389 for appt 385-5809 or place religion, sex, handiyour ad on-line at cap, familial status, RIVER FALLS APTS bendbulletin.com marital status or naLIVE ON THE RIVER tional origin, or an inWALK DOWNTOWN tention to make a ny 1 bdrm. apt. fully fursuch preference, nished in fine 50s style. limitation or discrimi1546 NW 1st St., ~ nation." Familial sta$790 + $690 dep. tus includes children Nice pets welcomed. under the age of 18 541-382-0117 living with parents or legal custodians, Small studio downtown pregnant women, and area, all util. pd. $550, people securing cus$525 dep. No pets/ tody of children under smoking. 541 -330---1~1--18. This newspaper 9769 or 541-480-7870 Roommate Wanted will not knowingly accept any advertising Share cozy mobile home Find It in for real estate which is in Terrebonne, $275 + The Bulletin Classifieds! in violation of the law. utilities. 1-503-679-7496 Our readers are 541-385-5809 hereby informed that ---1~1--dwellings adverRooms for Rent ---lm!)I--- all tised in this newspaApt./Multiplex SE Bend per are available on Mt. Bachelor Motel has an equal opportunity rooms, starting $150/ 2 Bdrm 1 bath, new carbasis. To complain of week or $35/nt. lncl pet, hdwd, all appls, W/D call discrimination guest laundry, cable & hkup, 1 car garage, 15th/ HUD toll-free at Wi Fi. 541-382-6365 Bear Crk, avail 9/1. $790 1-800-877-0246. The incl W/S. 541-330-0053 Studios & Kitchenettes toll free telephone Furnished room, TV w/ number for the hearcable, micro & fridge. A sharp, clean 2Bdrm, ing impaired is Utils & linens. New 1¥2 bath apt, NEW 1-800-927-9275. owners.$145-$165/wk CARPETS, neutral colors, great storage, pri541 -382-1885 Rented your propvate patio, no pets/ erty? The Bulletin smkg. $555 incl w/s/g. Classifieds Call 541 -633-0663 has an "After Hours" Line. Call SHARP 541-383-2371 24 I have a lot of ques2 BEDROOM $585 hours to 61545 Parrell Road tions about God. cancel vour ad! Classy new exterior, Can anyone help? small quiet complex, www .icon fessit.com lots of upgrades, beau- ---1~1--Houses for Rent Meet singles right now! tiful new kitchen cabiNE Bend No paid operato rs, nets and countertops, just real people like dishwashe r and microyou. Browse greet- wave, large master with 4 Bdrm 2.5 bath, 1700 sq closets, private ft, appls, fenced yd, on ings, exchange mes- 3 culdesac. No smoking. sages and connect fenced patio, laundry Pets? 2400 NE Jeni Jo live. Try it free. Call on site, includes W/S/G Ct., near hospital. now: 877-955-5505. no smoking/no pets . $1 050. 503-680-9590 Call 541 -633-0663 PNDC



Landscaping/Yard Care

NOTICE: Oregon state NOTICE: OREGON law requires anyLandscape Contracone who contracts tors Law (ORS 671) requires all busifor construction w ork to be licensed with the nesses that advertise Construction Conto perform Landscape Construction tractors Board (CCB). includes: which An active license planting, decks, means the contractor is bonded and infences, arbors, water-features, and sured. Verify the contractor's CCB liinstallation, repair of irrigation systems to cense thro ugh the CCB Consumer be licensed with the Landscape ContracWebsite www. hirealicensedcontractor. tors Board. This corn 4-digit number is to be or call 503-378-4621 . included in all adverThe Bulletin recomtisements which indimends checking with cate the business has the CCB prior to cona bond. insurance and tracting with anyone. workers co mpensaSome other trades tio n fo r th eir employalso require addiees. For your protectiona l licenses a nd tion call 503-378-5909 certifications . or use our website: www.lcb.state.o r.us to High Standard Const. check license status Full Service general before contracting contractor, post frame with the business. construction #181477 Persons doing land541-389-4622 scape maintenance do not require a LCB Debris Removal license. JUNK BE GONE

I Haul Away FREE For Salvage. Also Cleanups & Cleanouts Mel, 541-389-8107

Nelson Landscape Maintenance

Serving Central Oregon Residentia l & Commerc ial Handyman •Sprinkler Repair •Sprinkler ERIC REEVE HANDY Installation SERVICES. Home & •Back Flow Testing Co mmercial Repairs, •Fire Prevention, Carpentry- Painting, Lot Clearing Pressure-washing, • Summer Clean up Honey Do's. On-time •Weekly Mowing promise. Senior Discount. Work guar- •Bi -Monthly & Monthly Mainte nance anteed. 541 -389-3361 • Flower Bed Clean Up or 541-771-4463 •Bark, Rock, Etc. Bonded & Insured •Senior Discounts CCB#181595

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Aeration I Dethatching BOOK NOW! Weekly I one-time service Home Improvement avail. Bonded, insured, free estimates! Kelly Kerfoot Canst. COLLINS Lawn Maint. 28 yrs exp in Central OR! Ca/1541 -480-9714 Quality & honesty, fro m carpentry & handyman Maverick Landscaping Mowing, weedeatrng, jobs, to expert wall covyard detailing, chain ering install I removal. saw work & more! Sr. discounts CCB#471 20 Licensed/bonded/insured LCB#8671 541 -923-4324 541-389-141 3 I 410-2422 Holmes Landscape Main! • C lean-up • Aerate BULLETIN GLASSIFIEDS • De-thatch • Free Est. • Weekly I Bi-wkly Svc. Search the area's most comprehensive listing of call Josh 541 -610-6011 classified adverti sing .. real estate to automotive, Painting/Wall Covering merchandise to sporting goods. Bulletin Classifieds WESTERN PAINTING CO. Richard Hayman, appear every day in the a semi-retired paintprint or on line. ing contractor of 45 Call 541 -385-5809 years. Small Jobs www.bendbulletin.com We lcome. Interior & Exterior. ccb#5184. Sff'\lfng Cettrrll Ortgon slnce 801 541 -388-6910

The Bulletin Classifieds

The Bulletin

Ll®® ---1~1--Commercial/lnvestment Properties for Sale

---1~1--- ---1~1--Manufactured/ Boats & Accessories Mobile Homes GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigNew 3 bed homes start borhood. Plan a gaat $34,160 delivered rage sale and don't and set up J&M forget to advertise in Homes 541-548-5511 classified! 385-5809. www.JandMHomes.com In mfd. section.

The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since 1903

Used out-drive parts- Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435

Biz Opp. North Central Oregon on John Day River, 2800 sq. ft. commercial bldg. on state hwy Spray. Has been bar & restaurant, could be anything. $125,000 541-4683201 or 541-468-2071

---1~1--Multiplexes for Sale FSBO: 4-Piex, 5665 sq. ft., Built 1996, 1471 NE Tuscon Way, all rented , $399,000 541-480-8080.

CRAMPED FOR CASH? Use classified to sell those items you no longer need. Call541-385-5809

The Bulletin Servin':} Central Oregon since 7903

---1~1--­ Harley Davidson SoftHomes for Sale Tail Deluxe 2007, white/cobalt, w/pas4270 sq It, 6 bdrm, 6 ba, senger kit, Vance & 4-car, corner, .83 acre Hines muffler system mtn view, by owner. & kit, 1045 mi., exc. $590,000 541-390-0886 cond, $19,999, See: bloomkey.com/8779 54 1-389-91 88. BANK OWNED HOMES! Harley Heritage FREE List w/Pics! Softail, 2003 www.BendRepos.com in extras, $5,000+ bend and beyond real estate $2000 paint job, 20967 yeoman, bend or 30K mi. 1 owner, For more information NOTICE: please call All real estate adver541 -385-8090 tised here in is subor 209-605-5537 ject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal HD FAT BOY to advertise any pref1996 erence, limitation or Completely rebuilt/ discrimination based customized, low on race, color, relimiles. Accepting ofgion, sex, handicap, fers. 541-548-4807 familial status or national origin, or intention to make any such HD Heritage Classic 2003, 100 yr. Anniv. preferences, limitamodel. 10,905 Miles, tions or discrimination. new tires, battery, We will not knowingly loaded w/ custom exaccept any advertistras. exhaust & ing for real estate chrome . Hard/soft which is in violation of bags & much more. this law. All persons $11 ,995, are hereby informed 54 1-306-6505 or that all dwellings ad503-819-8100. vertised are available on an equal opportu---1~1--­ nity basis. The Bu lieATVs tin Classified ----1~1---Redmond Homes

Great neighborhood. wonderful floor plan with large bonus room or cou ld be considered another bedroom, fenced back yard. Master bedroom is on the main floor as w ell. Yamaha Grizzly 700 Fl Take care of 2009, 543 mi, 2WD/ $130,000 your investments 4WD, black w/EPS, MLS#201 205216 fuel injection, indepenwith the help from D&D Realty Group LLC dent rear suspension 866-346-7868 The Bu lletin's winch w/handle controls & remote, ps, "Call A Service Looking for your next auto, large racks, exc. Professional" Directory employee? cond., S7850, Place a Bulle tin help 541-322-021 5 wanted ad today and Spotless , Light, Bright ! reach over 60,000 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath, dbl. gar, readers each week. gas fireplace, fenced, Your classified ad large pat1o, RV parking. $1095. 541 -480-7653 will also appear on bendbulletin.com which currently reYamaha Kodiak 400, Tick, lock ceives over 2005 4x4, 2500 lb winch, 1.5 million page gun rack & alum loading Tick, lock ... views every month ramp, only 542 miles, at no extra cost. ... don't let time get show room cond, S4800. Bulletin C lassifieds 541-280-9401 away. Hire a Get Results! professional out Call 385-5809 or ---1~1--place your ad on-line of The Bulletin's Boats & Accessories at "Call A Service bendbulleti n.com Professional" 17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP Directory today! ---1~1--inboard/outboard , 2 Homes with Acreage depth finders, trollWhen buying a home, ing motor, full cover, 83% of Central 1592 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 2 EZ - Load trailer, O regonians turn to bath, site-built, 2 car $3500 OBO. garage, 24x36 shop 541 -382-3728. w/10' ceilings & 220V Serving Central Oregon since 1903 power, all on 1.22 treed Call 541-385-5809 to 17' Boston Whaler, acre lot in CRR . place your with trailer, $6500, $195,000. 619-733-8472. Real Estate ad. http :1/bend.craigsl ist. org/ reo/3069581828.html Call541 -633- 9613 Looking for your next employee? PEACE & SERENITY Place a Bulletin help Beautiful 4 bdrm 3 bath, wanted ad today and 17' Seaswirl, 4100 sq ft home overreach over 60,000 17 5HP in/ outboard, looking Crooked River readers each week. open bow, new up(Pri neville) from private Your classified ad holster, $2900, hillside 45-acre propwill also appear on 54 1-389-9684. erty (with approx 10 bendbulletin .com, acres in irrigation). Sevcurrently receiving eral outbuildings, hay over 1.5 million page storage, barn, large 3views, every month bay shop w/separate at no extra cost. beautiful 1 Bdrm apt Bulletin Classifieds above. Landscaped, lrg Get Resu lts! decks, hot tub . One of a Call 541 -385-5809 o r kind property is fenced 18.5' '05 Reinell185, V-6 place your ad on-line & cross-fenced; too Volvo Penta, 270HP, at much to list! $659,000. low hrs., must see, Call 206-909-3014 for bendbulletin .com $17,500, 541-330-3939 appt, or email Jayneheyne3@msn.com 18.5' Bayliner 185 ---1~1--2008. 3.0L, open bow, Houses for Rent ---1~1--slim deck, custom SE Bend cover & traile r, exc. Acreages cond .. 30-35 total hrs ., RENT OWN, $850/mo, incl. 4 life vests, 3 bdrm, 2 batll , fresh ropes, anchor, stereo, CHECK YOUR AD paint, new carpet, Please check your ad depth finder, $ 12,000, 541 nice, easy quality, -729-9860. on the first day it runs $34,900, $2000 down, to make sure it is corCall 541-548-5511 rect. Sometimes instructions over the ---1~1--phone are misunder20 .5' 2004 Bayliner Houses for Rent stood and an error 205 Run About, 220 can occur in your ad. Redmond HP, VB, open bow, If this happens to your exc. cond., very fast ad, please contact us NW Redmond - Nice 3 w/very low hours, the fi rst day your ad Bdrm, 2 bath home on lots of extras incl. appears and w e will HUGE lot, dbl garage, tower, Bimini & be happy to fix it as landscaped, fenced, custom trailer, soon as we can . underground sprin$19,500. Deadlines are: Weekklers, nice neighbor541 -389-1413 days 11 :00 noon for hood, taking applicanext day, Sat. 11 :00 tions, $850/mo + dep., a.m. for Sunday and 541-419-191 7. Monday. ---1~1--541-385-5809 Thank you! 20 .5' Seaswirl SpyCommercial for The Bulletin C lassified der 1989 H .O. 302, Rent/Lease 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for Warehouse - Industrial Powell Butte 6 acres, life $11 ,900 OBO. unit for rent. 5600 360 views, great horse 54 1-3 79-3530 sq.ft., S2250/month, property, 10223 Housnear Bend High. ton Lake Rd. $99,900. 541 -389-8794. Ads published in the 541 -350-4684 "Boats" classification ---1~1--- ----1~1---­ include: Speed, fishing, drift, canoe, 0ffice/Retai l Space Manufacturedf ho use and sail boats . for Rent Mobile Homes For all othe r types of watercraft, please see Office space, high vis- FACTORY SPECIAL Class 875. ibility on Highland Ave. New Home, 3 bdrm, 1026 541 -385-5809 in Redmond. $425 sq.ft., $46,900 finished mo., incl. W/S/G, call on your site,54 1.548.5511 541 -419-191 7. www.JandMHomes.com Serving Central Oregon since 19')3

The Bulletin


The Bulletin

Volvo Props (2), good cond ., right & left propel, $20 ea or 2 for $30, 541 -350-3124 Water ski assistant, Rave Aquabuddy, used once, cost $50, asking $20, 541-350-3124

I 2004 M-1341 35', gas, 2 power slides, upgraded queen mattress, hyd. leveling system, rear camera & monitor, only 6k mi. Reduced to $41,300! 541-480-0617

1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at I Sunriver. $ 138,500. 36', 2005, 4 slides, Call541-647-3718 rear bdrm, fireplace, AC , WID hkup beau- 1/3 interest in welltiful unit! $30,500. equipped IFR Beech 541 -815-2380 Bonanza A36, located KBDN. $55,000. 541-419-9510

RV CONSIGNMENTS WANTED Executive Hangar We Do The Work, You at Bend Airport Keep The Cash, (KBDN) Ads published in "WaKomfort 25' 2006, 1 On-Site Credit tercraft" include: Kayslide, AC, TV, awning. 60' wide x 50' deep, Approval Team, w/55' wide x 17' high aks, rafts and motorNEW: tires, converter, Web Site Presence, bi-fold door. Natural batteries. Hardly used. ized personal We Take Trade-Ins. $19,500.541-923-2595 gas heat, office, bathwatercrafts. For Free Advertising. room. Parking for 6 "boats" please see BIG COUNTRY RV cars. Adjacent to C lass 870. Bend 54 1-330-2495 Frontage Rd; great Redmond : 541-548-5254 541 -385-5809 visibility for aviation bus. 1 jetjock@q.com Serving Cen tral Orego n si'1ce 1903 541-948-2126 Montana 3400RL 2008, 4 slides, no smokers or . pets, limited usage, 5500 watt Onan gen, 2008,V10, 2slides, Du- solar panel , firep lace, dual A/C, central vac, pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Kawasaki 900 STS elect. awning w/sunBought new at 2001 3-man jet ski, low screen arctic pkg, rear ONLY 2 OWNERSHIP $132,9 13; hours, new battery SHARES LEFT! receiver, alum wheels, 2 asking $94,900. Ready for fun! $2850. Eco nomical flying in TVs, many extras. 541-617-0077 Call5~-2774 $35,500. 541-416-8087 your own Cessna 172/180 HP for only Travel Trailers $ 10,000! Based at BDN. Call Gabe at Professional Air! 541-388-0019


The Bulletin


2007, year round living, 8' closet, 2 slides, 2 TVs, surround sound, $22,800. In Prineville, 509-521 -0369




Fleetwood 28' Pioneer Dancers,1 boats, all equip incl., 2003, 13' slide, sleeps paddles, personal flo- 6, walk-around bed with tation devices,dry bags, new mattress; power very clean spray skirts, roof rack w/ hitch, towers & cradles -- Just $11 ,500. Please call 541 -548-4284. add water, S1250/boat Firm. 541-504-8557.

Wenonah canoe Spirit II 17' Kevlar Ultralight, $1500. 541-330-1972

MONT ANA 3585 2008, ---1[!!!)1--exc. cond., 3 slides, Trucks & king bed, lrg LR, ArcHeavy Equipment tic insulation, all options $37,500. 541 -420-3250 Freightliner 2000, 24' van box, 8.3L Open Road 37' 2004 2 10 HP e ng. in 3 slides, W/ D hookup, good cond . $9000, large LR w!rear win541-749-0724. dow. Desk area. Asking $19,750 OBO Call (541 ) 280-7879 visit rvt.com ad#104243920 for pies Hyster H25E, runs People Look for Information well, 2982 Hours, call $3500, About Products and 541-749-0724 Services Every Day through



The Bulletin Classifieds


water truck, 1990, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp pump, 4-3" hoses, camlocks, $25,000. 541 -820-3724

Allegro 2002, 2 slides, 22K mi, workhorse chassis, 8.1 Chev en---1~1--­ gine, like new, $41,900 Springdale 29' 2007, Utility Trailers slide,Bunkhouse style, obo. 541-420-9346 sleeps 7-8, excellent condition, $16,900, 541-390-2504 Pilgrim Big Tex Landscap2005, ing! ATV Trailer, wi d hookup, dual axle natbed, grades, $24,440. 7'x16', 7000 lb. 541 -31 2-4466 GVW, all steel, 2002, 40' Tag $1400. 400hp Cummins DieSay "goodbuy'' 541 -382-411 5, or sel. Two slide-outs. Sprinter 272RLS , 2009 541-280-7024 . to that unused 41 ,000 miles. Most 29', weatherized, like options. $110,000 new , furnished & item by placing it in OBO 541 -678 -57 12 ready to go, incl WineThe Bulletin Classifieds gard Satellite dish, CAN'T BEAT THIS! $26,995. 541-420-9964 Look before you buy, below market GREAT value ! Size & mileage DOES matter! Class A 32' HurriTerry 23' 1990 cane by Four Winds, self-contained, sleeps 2007. 12,500 mi, all 6, in good condition, amen ities, Ford V10, $3495. lthr, cherry, slides, Please call Regal Prowler AX6 Exlike new! New low 541 -419-5495 treme Edition 38' '05, price, $54,900. 4 slides,2 firep laces, all 541-548-5216 maple cabs, king bed/ CALL~ bdrm separated w/slide Gulfstream Scenic glass dr,loaded,always Viking Tent trailer Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, garaged, lived in only 3 2008, clean, self Cummins 330 hp diemo,brand new $54,000, contained, slee p 5, sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 still like new, $28,500, easy to tow, great in. kitchen slide out, will deliver,see rvt.com, cond. $6500. new tires, under cover, ad#4957646 for pies. 541-383-7150. hwy. miles only,4 door Cory, 541 -580-7334 fridge/freezer icemaker, W/ D combo, SPRINTER 36' 5th lnterbath tub & wheel, 2005, dual shower, 50 amp proslides, queen bed pane gen & more! air mattress, fold out $55,000. couch. $10,500 obo. 541-948-2310 Weekend Warrior Toy 541 -382 -0865, Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, leave message! fuel station , exc cond. sleeps 8, black/gray used 3X, interior, Hunter's Delight! PackSPRINTER 36' 5th $24,999. age deal! 1988 Winwheel, 2005, dual 541 -389-9188 nebago Super Chief, slides, bunk, 2 38K miles, great baths, queen bed air shape; 1988 Bro nco II Looking for your mattress, fold out 4x4 to tow, 130K next employee? couch. Very clean! mostly towed miles, Place a Bulletin help $10,500 obo. nice rig! S15,000 both. wanted ad today and 541 -382-0865, 541-382-3964, leave reach over 60,000 leave message! readers each week. msg. Your classified ad Itasca Sun Cruiser will also appear on 1997, 460 Ford, Class bendbulletin .com A, 26K mi. , 37', living which curre ntly reroom slide, new awceives over 1.5 milnings, new fridge, 8 lion page views ev Tau rus 27.5' 1988 new tires, 2 A/C, 6.5 ery mo nth at no Onan Gen., new batEve1ything works, Bulletin extra cost. teries, tow pkg., rear $1750/partial trade for Classifieds Get Retowing TV, 2 tv's, new car. 541 -460-9127 sults! Call 385-5809 hydraulic jack springs, '10 Chrysler Town & o r place you r ad Country tandem axel, $15,000, ---1~1---Quad Seating on-line at 541-385-1 782 Canoples & Campers #232518 .. bendbu lletin .com





Arctic Fox Silver Edition ---1~1---­ 1140, 2005. 5 hrs on Fifth Wheels gen ; air, slideout, dry bath, like new, loaded! Alta Ideal 2001 , 31 ', 3 $16,900. Also 2004 slides, island kitchen , Dodge Ram 3500 quad AC/heat pump, gen- cab dually 4x4, 11 ,800 erator, satellite sys- mi, SuperHitch, $26,950. OR both for $39,850. tem, 2 fla tscreen TVs, Lazy Daze 26' 2004, Call 541-382-6708 hitch & awning incl. 14K mi., $42,000. $16,000. (Dodge 3500 Campe r Shell 1985, 8'x 619-733-8472 . 1 ton a lso available) 73" wide, good cond., 541 -388-1529;408-4877 $100 OBO, 678-5575. Jayco Greyhawk 2004, 31' Class C , 6800 mi., hyd. jacks, new tires, slide out, exc. cond, $49,900, 541 -480-8648

Through 8/22/12 All vehicles subject to prior sale, does


Beaver Coach Marquis Alpha "See Ya" 30' Lance 945 1995, 11 '3'', 1996, 2 slides, A/C, 40' 1987. New cover, all appl., solar panel, heat pump, exc. cond. new paint (2004), new new battery, exc. cond., solid oak cabs, day & inverter (2007). Onan $5995, 541 -977-3181 night shades, Corian, 6300 watt gen, 11 1K mi, tile, hardwood. $9750 Palomino Pop-up Camper parked covered $35,000 OBO/trade for small obo. 541 -419-9859 or 1996, $2800, call after 5 pm , 541 -279-7562. 541-280-2014 trailer, 541 -923-341 7

nol include tax, license or titleandreg· istration processing lee of $100. Villi's posted at dealership. See Hertz Car Sales of Bend lor details. Oealer#4821

Hertz car"~~~.~~ 541-64 7-2822 535 NESavannah Dr, Bend HertzBend.com


~~---- ----~~~--~ :----~~~---­ -----~~~---- -----1~1---- -----1~

----~~ Utility Trailers

Utility Trailer, 1O'x5'x5'

Antique & Classic Autos

high, enclosed, ramp Chrysler 300 Coupe on back, 3000 lb. , 1967, 440 engine, $500,541-604- 1519. auto. trans. ps, air, frame on rebuild, re-----l~t----painted original blue, Automotive Parts, original blue interior, original hub caps, exc. Service & Accessories chrome, asking $9000 or make offer. 4 hwy tires, P205170R541-385-9350. 15, <6000 miles on rims that fit a 2000 Lumina. $100. 541-382-8723 4 Toyo 70,000-mile tires, 205-65-R15, bought new 7/11, used 5 mos, wow! $60 ea. 541-999-4561 Honda Accord 1981 parts car, $250. 541-447-4405

:-----i~t----­ Antique & Classic Autos

Chrysler SD 4-Door 1930, CDS Royal Standard, 8-cylinder, body is good, needs some restoration , runs, taking bids, 541-383-3888, 541-815-3318

1964 Ford Pickup, original owner, 6-cyl, 4-spd, 135,000 miles, all original, excellent cond., $10,200. 541-548-3089

Antique & Classic Autos


Sport Utility Vehicles

Dodge 1500 2001, 4x4 sport, red, loaded, rollbar. AND 2011 Moped Trike used 3 months, street legal. call 54 1-433-2384

Chevy HHR LT 2007,

GMC %ton 1971, Only Ford F250 XL T '95, 4WD auto, long bed, 3/4 ton, $19,700! Original low mile, exceptional, 3rd owner. 951-699-7171

8600 GVW, white,178K mi, AC, pw, pdl, Sirius, tow pkg., bedliner, bed rail caps, rear slide window, new tires, radiator, water pump, hoses, brakes, more. $5200, 541-322-0215


500 1963,

$10,995 OF BEND

541-647-2822 HertzBend.com DLR4821

Chevy Suburban 2500 1995, 120K.

Ford Excursion 2005, 4WD, diesel,

exc. cond., $19,900, call 541 -923-0231 .


2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & Chevrolet 2500, 1991 , radio (orig),541 -419-4989 2WD, ext'd cab, full size GMC Denali 2003 bed, 61,400 mi. 454 V8, Ford Super Duty F-250 loaded with options. I Ford Mustang Coupe spray-on bedliner, elec- 2001 , 4X4, very good Exc. cond., snow 1969 Chevrolet Pickup, shape, V10 eng, $8800 1966, original owner, tric windows & door OBO. 541-815-9939 tires and rims in1 owner, all original, locks, cruise, AC, set up VB, automatic. great looks like new, seeing is cluded. 130k hwy shape, $9000 OBO. for 5th wheel or hitch believing' $26,000 obo. miles. $12,000. trailer, wired for lights, 530-51 5-81 99 541 -923-6049 541 -419-4890. exlnt cond, runs great, $3250. 541-382-6028 Chevy 1954,5 window, GMC Yz-ton Pickup, Ford Ranchero 350 V-8, auto/ps, 1972, LWB, 350h i Find exactly what needs minor meWONT/.11$7/ 1979 motor, mechanically you are looking for in the chanical work, extewith 351 Cleveland A-1, interior great; Chevy 3/4 ton 4x4, rior good, new paint; modified engine . CLASSIFIEDS body needs some 1995, extended cab, needs some gauges, Body is in TLC . $3131 OBO. long box, grill guard, gun metal grey, $6100 excellent condition , Call 541-382-9441 running boards, bed obo. 503-504-2764, $2500 obo. rails & canopy, 178K CRR. 541-420-4677 miles, $4800 obo. 208-301 -332 1 (Bend)


Chevy Wagon 1957, 4-dr., complete, $15,000 OBO, trades, please call 541-420-5453.

-----l~t----­ Legal Notices

LEGAL NOTIC E Auction Notice: G-1 , rented by: 1Ox20 C hristine A. Perris of Bend, OR; A-8, 1Ox24 rented by: Edward L. Owens of La Pine, OR . Aug . 25, 2012, 9 :00 a .m., Bend Self Star, 63273 Nels Anderson Rd., Bend, OR 97701, 541 -389-1 664. LEGAL NOTIC E City of Bend Purchasing Division PUBLIC NOTICE OF COOPERATIV E PROCUREMENT The City of Bend Street Department intends to enter into a contract with McCoy Freightliner for the purc hase of two 2013 Freightliner M2-1 06 C hassis not to exceed $188,000.00 through an interstate cooperative procurement established by the HoustonGalveston Area Council (H-GAC),

Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, excellent cond in & o ut Asking $8,500. 541-480-3179

Legal Notices Houston, Texas, and in accordance with ORS 279A.220. It is in the best interest of the City to ac2013 quire the Fre ightliner M2-106 Chassis through the existing H-GACBuy contract to obtain cost and time savings associated with expediting the procurement process using a cooperative procurement selection . The purpose of this notice is to provide information to the public and invite interested persons an opportunity to submit written comment. Any person may submit comments specific to this notice within seven days of the date of this public notice. The protest shall provide a detailed statement of the legal and factual grounds to support he

Chevy Silverado 1998, black and silver, pro lifted, loaded, new 33" tires, aluminum slot wheels, tow pkg., drop hitch, diamond plate tool box, $12,000, or possible trade for newer Tacoma. 541-460-9127

Legal Notices protest, demonstrate how the procureme nt process is contrary to law, and the relief requested. Protest shall be handled pursuant to OAR 137-046-0470; ORS 279A.225, and ORS to 279B.400 279B.425. Any person may submit comments specific to this notice by August 24th, 2012 at 4:00pm. The protest shall provide a detailed statement of the and factual legal grounds to support the protest demonstrate how the procu reme nt process is contrary to law, and the relief requested. Protests shall be handled pursuant to OAR 137-046-0470; O RS 279A.225, and ORS 279B.400 to 279B.425.

Dodge Caravan Sport 2003

Jeep Wrangler 1999, TJ Sahara Ed. , 4.0L, exlnt tires, body & paint. 69,700+ mi. hardtop + new full buckskin soft & bikini tops, Warn winch, motorhome tow pkg, stinger, alum wheels, $13,000.541-617-9176 Check out the classifieds online

www.bendbulletin.com Updated daily

SL-AWD 2004, 75k, all-weather tires, tow pkg, gold metallic, beige leather int. , moonroof, $14,990. 541 -31 7-5693

L EGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE Loan No: xxxxxx0553 T .S. No. : 1350743-09.

1j4,278 miles, great cond, very comfortable, $5000 OBO. 541-848-8539. guera_blt@yahoo.com

Legal Notices Chapman, Purchasing Manager, PO Box 431, Be nd, O regon 97709. This notice is given in accordance with provisions of the Oregon Statutes, Revised 279A.220, and Oregon Administrative Rules, 137-046-0400 to 137-046-0480. Published August 17, 201 2 Lynnsey Bondi Purchasing Analyst LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE TO INTERESTED PERSONS RICHARD E. FORCUM has been appointed perso na l representative of the Estate of MAXINE V . MOORE, Deceased, by the Circ uit Court, State of Oregon, Des-

Jeep Cherokee 1990, 4WD, 3 sets rims & tires, exlnt set snow tires, great 1st car! $1800. 541-633-5149

Ford Thunderbird 1988,

541-385-5809 3.8 V-6, 35K actual mi., new hoses, be~s. tires, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail battery, pb, ps, cruise, At www.bendbulletin.com A/C, CD, exc. cond . in & out, 2nd owner, ;;;e;;;;e;; maint. records, must Vehicle? 1 see & drive! I Call The Bulletin Reduced! Now $3500, obo. 541-330-0733 and place an ad today! Ask about our


INFINITI M30 1991 Con-

vertible, always garaged, Most options: $2,900. 541-350-3353 or 541 -923-1096

AWD, auto, power all Fue1Saver#09276A, $19,985

Hertz car Sales


541-647-2822 HertzBend. com DLR4821 Want to impress the relatives? Remode l your home w ith the help of a professional from The Bulletin's "Call A Service

2004, silver/silver, exc. cond, below Blue Book, $13,500 Call 541-788-4229

miles, blue, new tires, brakes and air, $2900 firm. Others available, like a 1996 Regal with Mercury Grand Marquis 2004, runs excellent, 86,000 miles, only very clean, 1 owner, $3500. Call Bob clear title, $4800. 541-31 8-9999. 360-508-87 48 (in Bend)

Mini Cooper 2008, auto, power all, low mi. Vin#T61498, $ 16,225


Hertz car Sales

Hertz caroSales =-='----=-=--=-==-F B EN0

Legal Notices

Toyota Matrix 2009,


AWD, 83K mi. , VIN #052545

Legal Notices


PORSCHE 9141 974, Roller (no engine), lowered, full roll cage, 5-pt harnesses, racing seats, 911 dash & instruments, decent shape, very cool! $1699. 541-678-3249


Buick LeSabre Limited 1997 111 ,000

541-647-2822 Hertz Bend. com

"Wheel Deal"! for pnvate party advertisers




Jeep Compass 2009, 25K, 5-spd, 1-owner, $13,400, 541-280-5866


IIh~J?ll!!~tin I

Porsche Cayenne 2004, 86k, immac, dealer AutoSource maint'd, loaded, now 541-598-3750 $17000. 503-459-1580 aaaoregonautosource.com

Toyota 4-Runner 4x4 Ltd, 2006, Salsa Red pearl, 49,990 miles, exlnt cond, professionally detailed, $24,599.541-390-7649


GT Chryser LeBaron 1990 Mitsubishi 3000 convertible, 5 spd , 1999, auto., pearl new paint, top, tires white, very low mi. and rims. $1800. $9500.541-788-8218. 54 1-41 6-9566 Call The Bulletin At

NISSAN QUEST 1996, 3-seat mini van, extra nice in and out $3,400. Sold my Windstar, need another van! 541-318-9999, ask for Bob. Ask about free trip to D.C. lot WWIIvets.

REDUCED! Ford 1978 truck, $11 oo abo. V8 4 spd, runs good, new battery, spark plugs, rebuilt carb. Ex U-Haul, 541-548-7171

541 -385-5809




Toyota Rav4 2001, International Flat Bed Pickup 1963, 1 ton dually, 4 spd. trans., great MPG, could be exc. wood hauler, runs great, new brakes, $1950. 541-419-5480.


BMW 201 1 x5 xdrive 3.5i premium, loaded # 406123. $48,995


Legal Notices

- - - - - - O F BE N D

Volvo 740 '87, 4-cyl,auto

541-647-2822 HertzBend.com DLR4821

86k on eng.,exc. maint. $2895, 541-301-1 185. www.youtu.l:.e/ycOn6zVIbAc

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

chutes County, Proalte rnatives that regular bu siness be honored to th e hours (7:45 a.m. to would address the exte nt allowed by bate No. 12 PB 0066. RICHARD E. FO RCUM, All submisissue, including eslaw. OSB #640340 4: 15 p.m .), Monday All persons having through Friday, extablishing seasonal sions from organ iclaims against the Attorney and Personal zations or busiestate are required to Representative cept holidays. closures covering 141 NW Greenwood present them with Commen ts may be nesses, and from different lengths of proper vouchers atindividuals identifytime and "buffer" Ave ., Ste. 101 published as part of the EA or other redistances. EnviBend, OR 97701 tached, to the pering the mselves as Tel: 541 -389-6964 ronmental Assessrepresentatives o r documents. lated sonal representative officials of organizaFax: 541 -389-6969 Individual responc/o Richard E. ment DOI-BLM-OR-P060Forcum, Attorney at E-mail: tions or businesses, de nts may request Law, 141 NW Greeninfo@ forcumlaw.com for 2012-0028-EA will be made availconfidentiality. If you wish to withable for public inwood Ave . Ste. 101, this proposal will be PUBLIC NOTICE spection in their enho ld your name or Bend, OR 97701, The Prineville Disavailable for review street address or within four months and comment tirely. trict of the Bureau of from public reboth from th e date of first through September Land Management publication of this noview, or from discloTo request a copy of 15, 2012. (BLM) is requesting the Environmental tice as stated below, sure under the public input on how Freedom of InforComments, includAssessment, please or the claims may be to solve issues reing names and mation Act, you barred. All persons write to the BLM, lated to human disstreet addresses of whose rights may be must state this 3050 NE Third turbances around affected by this proprominently at the respondents. will be Street Prineville. nesting golden available for public Oregon, 97754, o r beginning of your ceeding may obtain eagles in the Trout call 541-416-6700. review at the above comment. additional information w ritte n C reek Rock Climbthe court address during Such requests will from ing Area, located 10 records, the personal miles north of Marepresentative, or the -----IITQQQ]t----- ------~~~---- -----ii:IQQQ]~---dras, O regon . The attorney for the perBLM has prepared Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices sonal representative . an Environme ntal DATED and first pubA ssessment (EA) LEGAL NOTICE lished: August 17 , that analyzes the TR USTEE'S NOTICE OF SALE 2012 . effects of several Loan No: 0145970422 T .S. No.: 12-01476-5

Written protest must -----IITQQQ]t ----- -----I[IQQQ]t ----- -----II:IQQQ]I ----be delivered to Gwen Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices

----t~I---­ ----ti:IQQQJI---~ :-----ti:IQQQJI---~ Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices


pw, pdl, great cond., business car, well maint, regular oil changes, $4500. please call 541-633-5149

Hertz car Sales

auto, 4WD, pw/ps, CD, alloy wheels, extra set tires, roof cargo box, A/C , exc. cond., $3299, 54 1-325-2408


Chevy Astro Cargo Van 2001,

Vin #597750

Mercury Monterrey 1965, Exc. All original, 4-dr. sedan, in storFord Lariat XL 4x4 2005 age last 15 yrs., 390 Like new , low miles. High Compression Lots of extras. Tow engine, new tires & liChevy Tahoe LS 2001 pkg. 541-419-6552 cense, reduced to 4x4. 120K mi. Power $2850, 541-410-3425. seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd row seating, extra tires, CD, privacy tinting, upgraded rims. Fantasttc cond. $7995 Contact Timm at 541-408-2393 for info Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, or to view vehicle. 71K, X-cab, XLT, Plymouth Barracuda auto, 4.0L, $7900 1966, original car! 300 Chevy Trailblazer OBO. 541-388-0232 hp, 360 V8, center2005, gold, LS 4X4, lines, (Original 273 Ford Ranger XL T 6 cyl., auto, A/C , pdl, eng & wheels inc l.) new tires, keyless 1998 X-cab 541-593-2597 entry, 66K mi., exc. 2.5L 4-cyl engine, cond. $8950. 5-spd standard trans, VW Bus '67, Rare Re541-598-5111 long bed, newer mostored, walk thru , orig. tor & paint, new clutch camper, white, orig. & tires, excellent conice box. privacy tent, dition, clean, S4500. & racks, $19,500, call Call 541-447-6552 541-41 0-6238


Sport Utility Vehicles


LEGAL NOTICE TRUSTEE'S NOTIC E OF SALE Loan No: 0099774481 T.S. No.: 12-01509-5

Reference is made to that certain deed made by Gregory T Molitor, A Married Man , as Grantor to First American Title Insurance Company Of Oregon, as Trustee, in favor of World Savings Bank, Fsb, Its S uccessors and/or Assignees, as Beneficiary, dated April18, 2007, recorded April 26, 2007, in official records of Deschutes, Oregon in book/reel/volume No . xx at page No. xx, fee/file/ lnstrumenVmicrofilm/reception No. 2007-24047 covering the following described real property situated in said Cou nty and State, to-wit: Lot nine (9), Ridge at Eagle Crest 45, Deschutes County, Oregon. Commonly known as: 111 85 Desert Sky Loop Redmond OR 97756. Both the beneficiary and the trustee have elected to sell the said real property to satisfy the obligations secured by said trust deed and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of O regon Revised Statutes: the defau lt for which the foreclosure is made is the grantor's: Failure to pay the monthly paymen t due July 15, 201 1 of principal and interest and subsequent installments due thereafter; plus late charges; together with all subsequent sums advanced by beneficiary pursuant to the terms and conditions of said deed of trust. Monthly payment $658.39 Monthly Late Charge $28 .03. By this reason of said default the benefic iary has declared a ll obligations secured by said Deed of Trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to-wit; The sum of $267,523.42 together with interest thereon at 2.605% per annum from June 18, 2011 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon; and all trustee's fees , foreclosure costs and any sums advance by the benefic iary pursuant to the terms and conditions of the said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that, Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation the undersigned trustee will on November 01, 2012 at the hour of 1:OOpm, Standa rd of Time, as established by Section 187.110, Oregon Revised Statutes, At the Bond Street entrance to Deschutes County Courthouse 11 64 NW Bond, City of Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public a uction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real properly which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution by him o f the said trust deed, together with any interest which the g rantor or his successors in interest acquired after the execution of said trust deed, to satisfy the foregoing obligatio ns thereby secured and the costs a nd expense of sale, including a reaso nable charge by the trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86.753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the beneficiary of the entire amount th en due (other tha n such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occurred), together with the costs, trustee's a nd attorney's fees and c uring any other default compla ined of in the Notice o f Default by tendering the performance required under the obligatio n or trust deed, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale . In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, th e singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an ob ligation , the perfo rmance of which is secured by said trust deed, the words "trustee" and "beneficiary" includes their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: June 25, 2012. Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation 525 East Main Street P.O . Box 22004 El Cajon CA 92022-9004 Cal-Western Reconveyance Corporation Signature/By: Tammy Laird

Reference is made to that certa in Deed of Trust dated as of June 1, 2009 made by, TOM I RA E HOLDEN , A SINGLE PERSON AND LAWR ENCE A SHEPHERD , A SINGLE PERSON, as th e original grantor, to FIDELITY NATIO NAL T ITLE INS CO, as the original trustee, in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as the original beneficiary, recorded on June 5, 2009, as Instrument No. 2009-23691 of Official Records in the O ffice of the Recorder of Deschutes Cou nty, Oregon (the "Deed of Trust"). T he current beneficiary is: Wells Fargo Bank, NA, (the "Beneficiary"). APN: 192522 LOT 18, CANAL VI EW , PHASES TWO AND THREE, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON . Commonly known as: 20904 C RYSTAL CT, BEND, O R Both the Beneficiary and the Trustee have elected to sell the said real properly to satisfy the obligations secured by the Deed of Trust and notice has been recorded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default(s) for which the foreclosure is made is that the granto r(s) : failed to pay payments which became due; together with late charges due; together with o ther fees and expenses incurred by the Beneficiary; and which defaulted amounts total: $8,097 .73 as of June 30 , 201 2. By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all o bligations secu red by said deed of trust immediately due and payable, said sums being the following, to wit: The sum of $207,426 .03 together with interest thereon at the rate of 5 .00000% per annum from January 1, 2012 until paid; plus all accrued la te cha rges thereon; and all Trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any sums advanced by the Beneficiary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that FIDELITY NAT IONAL TITL E INSURANCE COMPANY, as the duly appointed Trus tee under the Deed of Trust will on November 9 , 2012 at the hour of 11 :00 AM , Standard of Time, as established by section 187 .11 0, Oregon Revised Statues, at the front entrance of the Courthouse, 1164 N.W. Bond S treet, Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described real property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution of the Deed of Trust, together with any interest which the grantor or his successor(s) in interest acquired after the execution of the Deed of Trust, to satisfy the foregoing obligations the reby secured and the costs and expenses of sale, inc luding a reasonable charge by the Trustee. Notice is further given that any person named in Section 86 .753 of Oregon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding d ismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other tha n such portion of said principal as would not then be due had no default occ urred), together with the costs, Trustee 's or attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the pe rformance required under the obligation or Deed of Trust, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sa le. FOR FURTH ER INFORMATION , PLEASE CONTACT FIDELITY NATIO NAL TITLE INS URANCE COMPANY, 11 000 Olson Drive Ste 101, Rancho Cordova, C A 95670 916-636-01 14 FO R SALE IN FORMATION CALL: 714.730 .2727 Website for Trustee's Sale Information: www.lpsasap.com In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter. the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in interest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performance of which is sec ured by said Deed of Trust , the words "Trustee" and 'Beneficiary" inc lude their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated: July 9, 2012 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COM PANY, Trustee Megan Curtis, Authorized Signature

R-414109 07/27,08/03,08/10,08/17

A-4270275 07/27/201 2, 08/03/2012, 08/10/201 2 , 08/ 17/2012

Reference is made to that certa in Deed of Trust dated as of August 17. 2005 made by, LUCILLE E. STANG, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN, as the original grantor, to FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, as the original trustee, in favor of Wells Fargo Bank, NA, as the original beneficiary, recorded on August 18, 2005, as Instrument No . 2005-54613 of Official Records in the Office of the Reco rder of Deschutes County, Oregon (the "Deed of Trust"). The current beneficiary is: Wells Fargo Bank, NA, (the "Beneficiary") . APN: 120200 Lots 2 and 3 in Block 15, TILLICUM VILLAGE THIRD ADDITION, Deschutes County, Orego n, Except that portion of said Lot 2 described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Lot 2 ; thence South 86 degrees 26'47" East along the South line of said Lot 2, a distance of 68.18 feet; thence North 14 degrees 18'31" W est, a distance of 91 .77 feet to the North line of said Lot 2; thence South 89 degrees 35'07" West along said North line, a distance of 66 .88 feet to the Northwest corner of the said Lot 2; thence South 14 degrees 18'31" East along the West line of said Lot 2 , a distance of 87.00 feet to the Point of Beginning . Commonly known as: 20381 CHASE ROAD, BEND, OR Both the Beneficiary and the Trustee have e lec ted to sell the said real pro perly to satis fy the obligations secu red by the Deed of Trust and notice has been rec orded pursuant to Section 86.735(3) of Oregon Revised Statutes: the default(s) fo r which the foreclosure is made is that the grantor(s) : failed to pay payments which became due; together with late charges due; together with o ther fees and expenses incurred by the Beneficiary; and which defaulted amounts total : $6,584.78 as of June 30, 2012. By this reason of said default the Beneficiary has declared all obligations secured by sa id deed of trust immediately due and pay able, said sums being the following , to wit: The sum of $194,634.93 together with interest thereon a t the rate of 3.25000% per ann um from December 1, 2011 until paid; plus all accrued late charges thereon ; and all Trustee's fees, foreclosure costs and any su ms advanced by the Benefic iary pursuant to the terms of said deed of trust. Whereof, notice hereby is given that FIDELITY NATIONAL TITL E INSURANCE COMPANY, as the duly appointed Trustee under the Deed of Trust will on November 9, 2012 at the hour of 11 :00 AM, Standard of Time, as established by section 187 .110, Oregon Revised Statues, at the front entrance of the Courthouse, 1164 N.W. Bond S treet, Bend, County of Deschutes, State of Oregon, sell at public auc tion to the highest bidder for cash the interest in the said described rea l property which the grantor had or had power to convey at the time of the execution of the Deed of Trust, together with any interest whic h the grantor or his successor(s) in interest acquired after the execution of the Deed of Trust, to satisfy the foregoing obligations the reby sec ured a nd the costs and expenses of sale, including a reasonable charge by the Trustee. Notice is furth er g iven that any perso n named in Section 86.753 of O regon Revised Statutes has the right to have the foreclosure proceeding dismissed and the trust deed reinstated by payment to the Beneficiary of the entire amount then due (other than such portion of said p rincipal as would not then be due had no default occ urred), together with the cos ts, Trustee's or attorney's fees and curing any other default complained of in the Notice of Default by tendering the performance required under the obligation or Deed of Trust, at any time prior to five days before the date last set for sale. FOR FURTHER IN FORMATION, PLEAS E CONTACT FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSU RANCE COMPA NY, 11000 Olson Drive Ste 101, Rancho Cordova , CA 95670 916-636-011 4 FO R SALE INFORMATION CALL: 714.730.2727 Website for Trustee's Sale Information: www.lpsasap.com In construing this notice, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the ne uter, the singular includes plural, the word "grantor" includes any successor in inte rest to the grantor as well as any other persons owing an obligation, the performa nce of which is secured by said Deed of Trust, the words "Trustee" and 'Beneficiary" include their respective successors in interest, if any. Dated : July 9 , 2012 FIDELITY NATIONAL T ITLE INSURANCE COMPANY, Trustee Megan Curtis, Auth orized Sig natu re A-4270280 0 7/27/201 2 , 08/0 3/2012, 08/10/2012, 08/17/2012




Cover design by Greg Cross I The Bulletin

Ben Salmon, 541-383-0377 bsalmon@ bendbulletin.com




Breanna Hostbjor, 541-383-0351 bhostbjor@ bendbulletin .com David Jasper, 541-383-0349 djasper@ bendbulletin .com Alandra Johnson, 541-617-7860 ajohnson@ bendbulletin.com Jenny Wasson, 541-383-0350 jwasson@ bendbulletin.com

• Review of 7th Street Brew House and Red Dog Depot in Redmond

• "Memphis" opens in Portland • A guide to out of town events



• Exhibit celebrates collaborative art • High Desert Rendezvous is Saturday • A class for young filmmakers • Auditions for Youth Choir of C.O. • Volcanic Theatre Pub hunts for talent • Art Exhibits lists current exhibits

• A review of "Dead light" • What's hot on the gaming scene

DESIGNER Althea Borck, 541-383-0331 aborck@ bendbulletin.com

SUBMIT AN EVENT GO! MAGAZINE is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if appropriate. Email to: events@bendbulletin.com Fax to: 541-385-5804, Attn: Community Life U.S. Mail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702

MUSIC • 3 • Eight Dollar Mountain visits the sixth annual High & Dry Bluegrass Festival • Feedback checks out Norah Jones • Michael Franti & Spearhead return • Sara Jackson-Holman's CD release show • Silver Moon Brewing hosts Jet West • Zoe Muth plays The Horned Hand • Northwest Best brings Hooves to town

• Great ways to enjoy the outdoors



• Brown Chicken BrownCow String Band • What's up at area nightspots

• A week full of Central Oregon events


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TALKS & CLASSES • 24 • Learn something new

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Advertise Your Business In U MAGAZINE Publishes Saturday, September 8

MOVIES • 31 • "The Odd Life of Timothy Green," "Para Norman," "Ruby Sparks," "The Expendables 2," "Sparkle" and "Neil Young Journeys" open in Central Oregon • "The Hunger Games" and "The Raid: Redemption" are out on Blu-ray and DVD • Brief reviews of movies showing in Central Oregon

The Bulletin





Submitted photo

The energetic quintet Eight Dollar Mountain will be picking up the pace at High &

Dry Bluegrass Festival this weekend east of Bend. Peter Koelsch is second from left.

• Ashland quintet plays the High & Dry Bluegrass Festival By David Jasper The Bulletin

ight Dollar Mountain, the band, got its name from Eight Dollar Mountain, the geographic feature, located in the Cave Junction area of Josephine County's Illinois Valley. "We took the name because we loved it, and we heard a great story about how it got the name," said Peter Koelsch, bass player and one of the vocalists for the quintet, pur-


veyors of high-energy bluegrass straight out of Ashland. Several of the members are "ski bums," Koelsch said, and he's pretty sure at least some of them have ridden Mt. Bachelor in the past. This weekend's trek to the High & Dry Bluegrass Festival, however, marks the band's first trip to Bend as a unit (see "If you go" and schedule). Now, back to geography and what's in a name.

"There are two different stories" for how Eight Dollar Mountain earned its name, Koelsch said. "The first one ... was that there was this old prospector who was out looking for gold and he found a lump of gold that was worth $8. This is back in the mid-1800s or something, so adjusted that's like, a good 150 bucks or something, to current standards. "But what we've heard more of is that it was actually this prospector or surveyor, and he wanted to walk the outer length of the mountain, just to do it. Continued Page 5

11 you go What: High & Dry Bluegrass Festival When: 12:30 today through 5 p.m. Sunday Where: Runway Ranch east of Bend, directions at website below Cost: $15, camping is $10 per vehicle Contact: www.hadbf.com Note: Eight Dollar Mountain will also play the Pic kin' & Paddlin' series near Tumalo Creek Kayak & Canoe (805 S.W. Industrial Way, Bend) at 7 p.m. Aug. 29.





Rob Kerr I The Bulletin

Norah Jones performs Wednesday before a crowd of about 5,000 at Les Schwab Amphitheater in Bend, plus hundreds more on and across the Deschutes River.

on the river • Norah Jones shines like a star in front of 5,000 people at Les Schwab Amphitheater orah Jones wasted no time endearing herself to the crowd of 5,000 or so people who blanketed Les Schwab Amphitheater's lawn Wednesday night. The 33-year-old jazz-pop superstar kicked off her first-ever show in Bend with one of her most rec-


ognizable songs, "Come Away With Me," and then charmed her way through a well-paced, 90+ minute set that showcased her enormous talent and ever-growing catalog of great songs. The evening was a vivid demonstration of the difference star quality can make in a concert. Af-


BEN SALMON ter all, there was nothing particularly flashy about the show. Jones and her band played the songs sans frills, and the guest of honor kept her banter to a minimum, only a couple times saying more than "thanks for coming."

In the hands of a lesser leader, it could've been boring. But besides oodles of talent, Jones possesses star quality in spades. So it was mesmerizing. Under 24 large, origami-style decorative birds hanging from the lighting rig, the band moved gracefully from one four-minute slice of heaven to another, stocking the set list with nine songs from her first two albums and eight from her newest, "Little Broken Hearts," a brooding, beat-

oriented collaboration with superproducer Danger Mouse, he of Gnarls Barkley, Black Keys and Broken Bells fame. The new ones were the most adventurous - "All a Dream" had a woozy, noir-ish feel, "After the Fall" rode a skittish trip-hop rhythm and "Happy Pills" rocked (relatively speaking) - but the old ones were simple, beautiful reminders of Jones' considerable chops. Continued next page



Eight Dollar From Page3 "It's a pretty wide mountain," Koelsch said. "And by the time he got to the point where he'd started, he'd broken his $8 pair of boots. And that made him so angry that he decided to name the mountain Eight Dollar Mountain, because he lost a brand new pair of $8 boots. "That one is the more accurate story. If you go out and talk to people in Cave Junction, they're all like, 'Yep. That's what happen(ed),"' he finished with a laugh. Accordingto the book Oregon Geographic Names, either of the stories could be true explanations of how the 3,992-foot peak earned its name. As for the music, Eight Dollar Mountain recently played at the Northwest String Summit festival in North Plains, where the guys competed in the band competition. "We did well;' Koelsch said. "We didn't win, but ... we certainly turned a lot of heads. We sold quite a few CDs, and I think we'll be asked back to perform there again." Besides, his favorite part of the weekend was "staying up all hours of the night and just pickin' all night. It was days and nights of real bluegrass. And I'll tell you, we'll definitely be bringing that up to High & Dry this week(end)." Pickin' real bluegrass is what High

Feedback From previous page "The Nearness of You" gave her a chance to show off on the piano, while "Don't Know Why" was one of those stunning-at-sunset moments the amphitheater hosts from time to time. Jones did offer one comment on Bend, worth repeating here: "Looks like a very nice town from my inner tube floating down the river. I did not expect to do that today when I woke up this morning. That was fun." From there, Jones covered Tom Waits' "Long Way Home" and then moved to the piano for Gram Parsons' "She," a song with a "hallelujah'' in the bridge that gave her a chance to harmonize with her band. She stayed at the piano for the next



High & Dry Bluegrass Festival schedule Schedules for the second stage and workshops can be found at www.hadbf.com.

TODAY 12:30 p.m.- Quincy Street 1:35 p.m.- Wild Rye 2:40p.m.- CinderBiue 3:45p.m.- Bare Roots 4:50p.m. -Big Pine & the Pitchtones

5:55p.m. -The Pitchfork Revolution 7 p.m.- Sugar Pine 8:05p.m.- Oly Mountain Boys 9:10p.m.- Bass+ Mandolin

SATURDAY 10:30 a.m.- workshops 12:15 p.m.- High & Dry Workshop Megaband

& Dry is all about, after all. The sixth

annual gathering of bluegrass lovers will feature three days of performances by out-of-town bands like the Oly Mountain Boys, Fern Hill, Sugar Pine and The Loafers, locals such as The Anvil Blasters, Bare Roots and Wild Rye, and lots more, plus instrument workshops and plenty of jam sessions. Koelsch promises that Eight Dollar Mountain's live show at the festival will be "energetic and entertaining:'

12:45 p.m.- Bend'N Strings 1:50 p.m.- Burn in' Moonlight 2:55p.m.- Blackstrap 4 p.m.- Runway Ranch 5 p.m.- Eight Dollar Mountain 6:05p.m.- Fern Hill 7:10p.m.- Fad in' By 9 8:15p.m.- The Loafers 9:20p.m.- Oly Mountain Boys SUNDAY 11 a.m.- Sonshine Mountain Band 12:05 p.m.- Banjo Gallimaufry 1:10 p.m.- Truir Amadan 2:15p.m.- Fern Hill 3:20p.m.- The Prairie Rockets 4:25p.m. -The Anvil Blasters "If you like bluegrass music, you're going to love the music we play;' he says. "We have a lot of strong, driving rhythms, nice vocal harmony arrangement, and plenty of low-end thump, I like to say. "People who come out to High & Dry are not going to be let down when Eight Dollar Mountain hits the stage, I'll tell you that much. It will be a real fun time:'

three songs: the sunny, ambling "Out on the Road," the organ-powered twang of "What Am I To You?" and "Miriam," whose roller-coaster piano riff and blooming wall of guitar feedback shined brightest on a night of understated brilliance. A quick note about the crowd: Despite having 5,000 people in an 8,000-capacity venue, the Schwab was packed pretty tightly thanks to a larger than normal section for reserved seats and three VIP tents that squeezed the general admission folks into a smaller space than usual. Officials responded by removing a huge banner touting the season's lineup from the back of the soundbooth, creating a view of the stage for a previously blocked swath of grass. That was the first time I've noticed

Sailing Clinic- Sun, Aug 79-$25 Sign up online: tumalocreek.com

-Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasper@bendbulletin.com

them doing that, and it was a smart move. Still, this was a crowd ripe for some epic showdowns between people who wanted to sit and people who wanted to stand. And that happened; I was near one particularlynasty confrontation. The Schwab should put up signs at shows like this that say something like "People are allowed to stand and dance wherever they'd like:' I understand the sitters' frustration, but that's just how it is. Period. And if you're the type of person who'll sit in your chair and yell "move!" and "sit down!" at a group of people standing and obscuring your view of the stage, do everyone a favor and stop doing that.

Tickets and Information: www.towertheatre.org 541.317.0700

-Reporter: 541-383-0377, bsalmon@bendbulletin.com



Pedal, paddle and sail Hobie's line of kayaks featuring their hands-free MirageDriveÂŽ technology. Demos: Sat, Aug 78, 10-4, Elk Lake Little Fawn Campground

T 0










PAGE 6. GO! MAGAZINE Jet West lands at the Silver Moon After a couple years when Bend was getting regular visits from SoCal rock 'n' reggae bands like Slightly Stoopid, Tomorrows Bad Seeds and Pepper, the island vibes have been relatively quiet recently. If you're missing them, you should hit up Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom on Wednesday, where San Diego's Jet West will play its first show in Bend (that we can remember). Per its bio, Jet West was formed in 2008 and is "inspired by great waves, strong drinks, and tan women." The band combines the rockabye rhythm of reggae with buzzy alt-rock and a vibrant horn section, and the result is laid back and ready to party. You can find samples of that sound at www.jetwest band.com. Jet West; 9:30p.m. Wednes-



day; $5; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.silver moonbrewing.com.

Liquid Lounge welcomes Hooves The new Northwest Best concert series continues tonight with Hooves, an interesting band out of Bellingham, Wash., that draws from all across the musical spectrum for its sound. Take a hefty dose of The Band's ramshackle Americana, mix in some spirited carnival-barkin' blues, a ray of pop-rock light, occasional gospel leanings and a very straightforward, almost droning sense of momentum, and you're in Hooves' oddball wheelhouse. The whole thing somehow sounds both up-to-date but also shipped in from some dark, dusty, decades-ago place. If you can't tell, I'm having trou-

MICHAEL FRANTI Courtesy James M1nch1n Ill

ble getting my arms around it, so why don't you give it a shot at www.reverbnation.com/ hooves or www.hooves.band camp.com. Also on the bill: Bend's own purveyors of soulful, throwback folk-blues, Avery James and The Hillandales.

Schwab on Wednesday must be the king. Michael Franti is a poet and songwriter, a political activist and yoga enthusiast, a reggae-rocker and positive viber. And today, he's a long way from his glowering, confrontational work in the Beatnigs and the Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy, his two politically charged industrial-punk-hop bands from more than two decades ago. That's probably just as well. As Franti has aged, he has found a way to express his firmly held beliefs through a more positive and accessible style of music, a bouncy fusion of funk, rock, hip-hop, blues and reggae that's hard to resist, as evidenced by the growing crowds at his increasingly

Hooves, with Avery James and The Hillandales; 9 tonight, doors open 8 p.m.; $5; Liquid Lounge, 70N.WNewportAve., Bend; www.liquidclub.net.

All smiles with Michael Franti If Les Schwab Amphitheater's headliner Sept. 1, Brandi Carlile, is the reigning not-from-here queen of the Central Oregon music scene, then the man who'll play the

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frequent shows in Bend. Channeling all that positivity also gives him time and energy, no doubt, for other things he enjoys; a quick trip around his website finds Franti doing yoga, writing children's books, fighting for people who need someone to fight for them and, of course, playing his songs for smiling faces everywhere. Keep up with this busy fella at www.michaelfranti.com. Michael Franti & Spearhead, with Amanda Shaw; 6:30 p.m. Wednesday, gates open 5 p.m.; $35 plus fees, available in advance at the website below or The Ticket Mill (541-3185457) in Bend; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www .bendconcerts.com. -Ben Salmon

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FREQUENCY: OUR TOP PRIORITY IS CENTRAL OREGON'S MUSIC SCENE • Bonus photos of the Norah Jones show at Les Schwab Amphitheater • Did Hot Chelle Rae draw the biggest crowd ever in Central Oregon? • Asong to sample from Sara Jackson-Holman's new album • Areview of The Moondoggies at McMenamins Join in the fun and stay informed at:

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Upcoming Concerts Aug. 24- ZZTop (blues), Les Schwab Amphitheater, Bend, www.bendconcerts.com. Aug. 24- Rare Monk (rock), Liquid Lounge, Bend, www. liquidclub.net. Aug. 24- Carrie Nation and the Speakeasy (Americana), The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. Aug. 29- Tartufi (rock), The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. Aug. 30- Madeleine Peyroux (jazz), Athletic Club of Bend, www.c3events.com. Aug. 31 - Estocar (pop-rock), Silver Moon Brewing &Taproom, Bend, www.silvermoonbrewing. com. Aug. 31 -Everyday Prophets (reggae-rock), Liquid Lounge, Bend, www.liquidclub.net. Sept. 1 -Brandi Carlile (roots-rock), Les Schwab Amphitheater, Bend, www. bendconcerts.com. Sept. 6- Tony Smiley (oneman rock), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com. Sept. 7 - Black Beast Revival (hard rock), Liquid Lounge, Bend, www.liquidclub.net. Sept. 7-9- Sisters Folk Festival (folk), throughout Sisters, www.sistersfolkfestival. org. Sept. 8- Jason and The Punknecks (thrashicana), The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand Sept. 11 - Huey Lewis and the News (soul), Les Schwab Amphitheater, Bend, www. bendconcerts.com. Sept. 11- The White Buffalo (roots-rock), The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. Sept. 12 - Casey Neill & The Norway Rats (folkrock), McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com. Sept. 12 - Buckethead (singular shredder), Domino Room, Bend, www. randompresents.com. Sept. 14 -Shadows On Stars (pop), Liquid Lounge, Bend, www.liquidclub.net. Sept. 18- Scott H. Biram (blues), The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand.

ZOE MUTH Submitted photo

the twang of

ZoeMuth • Seattle-based country group visits The Horned Hand ith no big country stars at Les Schwab Amphitheater this season and only Chris Young at the Deschutes County Fair, local fans of the traditionally twangy genre must have more tears in their beers than usual. Here is the antidote: Tonight, The Horned Hand will host Zoe Muth and the Lost High Rollers, a Seattle-based band that does true country music as well or better than anyone else visiting our region anytime soon. Muth is a celebrated young songwriter from Seattle's Ballard neighborhood, a haven for Americana artists. She's equally skilled at old-school honky-tonk songs or more contemporary folk-rock tunes, and her band


-named after a 40-year-old Townes Van Zandt turn of phrase - sounds mighty skilled. The star of the show, though, is Muth's beautiful voice, a smooth and stirring instrument that has been compared to Iris DeMent and Kitty Wells. And if that isn't enough, how 'bout this: Seattle Weekly called Muth "our own Emmylou." Yeah, she's pretty good. Catch up with her at www .zoemuth.com.


rnwmu~ pfu.,

J>Jlr~~~ Ivan &Alyosha

Zoe Muth and the Lost High Rollers, with Hawkmeat; 8 tonight; $5;


The Horned Hand, 507 N.W Colorado Ave., Bend; www.reverbnation .comlvenuelthehornedhand.

SAT SEPT 1 www.brandicarlile.com

-Ben Salmon

new album 'Bear Creek' in stores June 5



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SEPTEMBER 11 q.,_.,tHII,._...,..

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Tickets at BENDCONCERTS.com, TICKETFLY. com, 877-435-9849, at the T1cket Millln Be nd's Old M1ll Dis tr1ct.






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Submitted photo

Sara Jackson-Holman graduated from high school in Bend and now lives in the Portland area.

Change of heart • Sara Jackson-Holman holds a CO-release show By Ben Salmon The Bulletin

wo years ago, Sara JacksonHolman was a 21-year-old college student and classical pianist whose foray into writing pop songs had serendipitously caught the attention of Portland-based Expunged Records. Back then, Jackson-Holman sat "wide-eyed" in a studio, she said in an interview last month, as those songs bloomed into a wonderful debut album called "When You Dream:' My, how things have changed. Tonight, Jackson-Holman will celebrate the release of her second album, "Cardiology," with a show at Greenwood Playhouse (see "If you go"). It's a homecoming of sorts for the Portland-area resident, who graduated from Mountain View High School in 2007. "Cardiology" is a more lush, beatdriven and fully realized collection of Jackson-Holman's breathy pianopop songs than the debut, for a bunch of reasons. Here are three of them: • The learning curve. "For the first (album), my approach to songwriting was very organic," Jackson-Holman said. "I would sit outside in a grassy field and have a little notebook and write poems and put them to music.


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It was very much a songwriter thing. "And there still is that, but . . . I wasn't even thinking about other elements or textures or anything. And then I get in the studio and I see all these options that are available to me." As a result, "Cardiology" has a couple of songs that are essentially just piano and voice, but the rest are draped with effects and the electronic touches of producer Keith Schreiner. Speaking of which ... • Keith Schreiner. Inspired by her blossoming love of hip-hop (she cites Kanye West's "My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy" as an influence), Jackson-Holman connected with Schreiner, a Portland-based producer gifted with an ear for electro-pop. (You may know his work with Stephanie Schneiderman.) "I knew I wanted to go more in an electronic direction," she said. "(Keith) was super good at seeing where I wanted to go and listening to me and my vision for the song, and then helping me create it. His experience was so helpful:' The debut's producer, Skyler Norwood, also worked on the new one, helping Jackson-Holman keep some of her more organic sound. "I don't really want a box to be put

11 you go What: Sara Jackson-Holman CD release, with Matt Brown When: 8 tonight, doors open 7 p.m. Where: Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend Cost: $10 in advance, available at the website below, $12 at the door Contact: www.sarajackson holman.com

around my music," she said. "I love writing those little songs, too. Retaining that is important to me:' •Good ol' maturity. Jackson-Holman is now 23, which isn't old, but it is older. Over the past two years, she has moved, played shows, lived her life and learned a lot. '"Cardiology' feels like a very personal album to me. I can take a lot of ownership of it, both the production and the songs themselves. They're very representative of growing up over the past couple years," she said. "My only hope is that it resonates with people on some sort of personal level, because that's really why I write songs. I want to communicate with people in that way:' -Reporter: 541-383-0377, bsalmon@bendbulletin.com




going out Looking for something to do? Check out our listing of live music, DJs, karaoke, open mics and more happening at local nightspots. Find lots more at www.bendbulletin.com/events.

-~•• 1 BROWNCHICKEN BROWN COW Brown Chicken BrownCow String Band is from the forested hills of southern West Virginia, deep in the heart of Appalachia, where bluegrass isn't just a thing you dance to at bars, but a way of life. And silly name aside, BCBCSB is a serious bluegrass band, with skills sharpened during lightning-fast jams on porches and around campfires. This is the real stuff, with just a hint of jazz and Celtic influence here and there. On Saturday, the band will visit Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom. Details below.

TODAY CANAAN CANAAN: Folk-pop; 5 p.m.; Strictly Organic Coffee Co., 6 S.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-330-6061. LISA DAE: Jazz; 6 p.m.; Country Catering Co., 900 S.E. Wilson Ave., Bend; 541-383-5014. LITTLE BLACK DRESS: Jazz; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 9570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 190, Bend; 541-728-0095. SHOW US YOUR SPOKES: Hip-hop with Mosley Wotta and Cloaked Characters; proceeds benefit Commute Options; $5; 7 p.m.; Parrilla Grill, 635 N.W. 14th St., Bend; 541-617-9600. LINDY GRAVELLE: Country and pop; 7 p.m.; Brassie's Bar at Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-548-4220. DENNIS MCGREGOR AND FRIENDS: Folk-pop; 7 p.m.; Angeline's Bakery, 121 W. Main, Sisters; 541-549-9122. OJ CHRIS: 8 p.m.; Checkers Pub, 329 S.W. 6th St., Redmond; 541-548-3731. KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill &Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. SARA JACKSON-HOLMAN: Piano-pop and CD release, with Matt Brown; $10$12; 8 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www. sarajacksonholman.com. (Pg. 8) THE RIVER PIGS: Rock, blues and folk; 8 p.m.; Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. ZOE MUTH AND THE LOST HIGH ROLLERS: Country, with Hawkmeat; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.com/venue/ thehornedhand. (Pg. 7) EMERALD CITY: Rock and blues; 8:30

p.m.; Northside Bar &Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. HOOVES: Blues-rock, with Avery James and The Hillandales; $5; 9 p.m.; Liquid lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; www.liquidclub.net. (Pg. 6) ULTRADJGIRL: Live OJ; 9 p.m.; Seven Nightclub, 1033 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-760-9412. HILST & COFFEY: Chamber-folk; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing &Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331. OJ STEELE: 10 p.m.; The Summit Saloon &Stage, 125 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-749-2440. FIVE PINT MARY: Celtic rock; 10 p.m.; Astra Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.

SATURDAY ALLAN BYER: Folk and Americana; 10 a.m.; Chow, 1110 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-728-0256. ACOUSTIC CAFE WITH FREDE AND WATSON SWAN SONGS: 6 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 9570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 190, Bend; 541-728-0095. PAUL EDDY: Twang-pop; 6 p.m.; Scanlon's, 61615 Athletic Club Drive, Bend; 541-382-8769. CASEY PARNELL: Pop; 7 p.m.; portello winecafe, 2754 N.W. Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-385-1777. LINDY GRAVELLE: Country and pop; 7 p.m.; Brassie's Bar at Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-548-4220. KARAOKE: 8 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. KARAOKE WITH BIG JOHN: 8 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill & Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. BRADLEY WIKAND THE CHARLATANS: Roots-rock; 8 p.m.; The Horned

Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/ven ue/thehornedhand. SAW MY DEVIL: Americana; 8 p.m.; Checkers Pub, 329 S.W. 6th St., Redmond; 541-548-3731. EMERALD CITY: Rock and blues; 8:30 p.m.; Northside Bar &Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. DJATL: 9 p.m.; Seven Nightclub, 1033 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-760-9412. RUCKUS: Rock; 9 p.m.; Village Bar and Grill, 57100 Mall Drive, Sunriver; 541-593-1100. FIVE PINT MARY: Celtic rock; 9 p.m.; M &JTavern, 102 N.W. Greenwood, Bend; 541-389-1410. BROWNCHICKEN BROWN COW STRINGBAND: Bluegrass; $5; 9:30p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing &Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3888331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.com. OJ BYRNEt OJ mixes the Dazed and Confused soundtrack, costume contest; $3; 9:30p.m.; Astra Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. OJ STEELE: 10 p.m.; The Summit Saloon &Stage, 125 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-749-2440. METAL SHOW: with Embrace the Fear, Thorns of Creation, Death Agenda and more; 8 p.m.; Third Street Pub, 314 S.E. Third St., Bend; 541-306-3017.

SUNDAY HILST & COFFEY: Chamber-folk; 10 a.m.; Chow, 1110 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-728-0256. BIG PINE AND PITCHTONES: Americana; 5 p.m.; Aspen Lakes Golf &Country Club, 16900Aspen Lakes Drive, Sisters; 541-549-4653. LISA DAE AND ROBERT LEE TRIO: Jazz; 5 p.m.; Northside Bar &Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. THE PITCHFORK REVOLUTION:

• MOSLEY WOTTA, NECKTIE KILLER Each of the first two Last Band Standing champs will play outdoor shows on Bend's west side this week. Tonight, Mosley Wotta will bring hip-hop to Parrilla Grill's Show Us Your Spokes series, with Cloaked Characters also on the bill. And on Monday, it'll be a ska party along Newport Avenue as Necktie Killer plays in Cuppa Yo's patio area. Sounds like summer in Bend, doesn't it? Details for both shows are below.

Bluegrass; 5 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery & Public House, 1044 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-9242. GREG BOTSFORD: Jam-pop; 6 p.m.; 5 Fusion &Sushi Bar, 821 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-323-2328. ALLAN BYER: Folk and Americana; 7 p.m.; Bend Yogurt Factory, 744 NW Bond St.; 541-977-9292. THE QUONS: Folk-pop; 7 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop &Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite 1, Bend; 541-728-0703.

MONDAY KARAOKE: 6:30p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. NECKTIE KILLER: Ska; 7 p.m.; Cuppa Yo, 937 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; www. facebook.com/cuppayo.

TUESDAY UKULELE JAM: 6:30p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop &Ale Cafe, 1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite 1, Bend; 541-728-0703. RED FLANNEL BANDANA: 7 p.m.; Good life Brewing Co., 70 S.W. Century Drive, 100-464, Bend; 541-728-0749. BEATS & RHYMES: Local hip-hop; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend.

WEDNESDAY ALLAN BYER: Folk; 5:30p.m.; Level 2 Global Food &Lounge, 360 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, #21 0, Bend; 541-323-5382. KARAOKE WITH JACKIE: with Texas Hold'em or Omaha games; 6 p.m.; Rivals Sports Bar, Grill &Poker, 2650 N.E. Division St., Bend; 541-550-7771. TRAVIS EHRENSTROM: Folk, with Jaimee Simundson; 6 p.m.; The Depot Cafe, 250 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; 541-549-2572.

-Ben Salmon

OPEN MIC: 6:30p.m.; M &J Tavern, 102 N.W. Greenwood, Bend; 541-389-1410. OJ AND KARAOKE: 7 p.m.; Sandbagger Dinner House, 5165 Clubhouse Drive, Crooked River Ranch; 541-923-8655. LAURIE MORVAN BAND: Blues; 7 p.m.; Northside Bar &Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. YOUR BIRTHDAY: Jam-rock; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174. KARAOKE: 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. REGGAE NIGHTW/MC MYSTIC: 9 p.m.; Astra Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. JET WEST: Reggae; $5; 9:30p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing &Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.com. (Pg. 6)

THURSDAY OPEN MIC: 6:30p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 9570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite 190, Bend; 541-728-0095. THE ROCKHOUNDS: Acoustic; 7 p.m.; Kelly D's, 1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. OPEN MIC: 8 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. ACORN PROJECT: Jam-rock; 8 p.m., $5; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; www.liquidclub.net. THETWANGSHIFTERS: Country; 9 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar &Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-382-4270. DISCOTHEQUE DJS: Alt-electroncia; with Critical Hit and more; 9 p.m.; The Blacksmith Restaurant, 211 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-318-0588. SCRIBBLED RHYMES: 9:30p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing &Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331. • TO SUBMIT: Email events@bendbulletin.com. Deadline is tO days before publication. Please include date, venue, time and cost.



music releases Christian Scott



Concord Records The declarative mode comes easily to Christian Scott, a fiendishly gifted young trumpeter born and raised in New Orleans, and now residing in New York. "Christian aTunde Adjuah" announces a new name and look for Scott, drawing from his Mardi Gras Indian heritage and beyond, to his roots in West Africa. Scott has been a force on his instrument since his early teens, and at 29 he's still growing as a narrative improviser. He can manage breathy tension as well as clarion confrontation, (and his impressive young band) oozes style, employing chord progressions suggestive of atmospheric indie-rock and layering devices adapted from hip-hop. On a tune like "Spy Boy/Flag Boy," their balance of elements - driving rhythm, minor-chord intrigue, stirring melody - feels fully realized. "Of Fire (Les Filles de la Nouvelle Orleans)" convincingly echoes the most recent sonic strategies of Radiohead. And a trio of ballads dedicated to his twin brother ("Kiel"), his mother ("Cara") and his fiancee ("I Do") achievepoignancywithouttipping too far toward sentimentality. But the album's unity of mood becomes a haze over the course of its nearly two-hour running time. That's a problem, especially given


Emblem Records When Gloriana arrived on the scene in 2009, they played like a country Fleetwood Mac, complete with tight harmonies and rock leanings. On "A Thousand Miles Left Behind," Rachel Reinert and brothers Tom and Mike Gossin turn down the rock and the burden of individuality bestowed by song titles that allude to Florida's Stand Your Ground law ("When Marissa Stands Her Ground"); U.S.-bred Islamic extremism ("Jihad Joe"); a case of mass sexual assault in Sudan ("Fatima Aisha Rokero 400"); and a breakthrough in HIV treatment ("The Berlin Patient (CCR5)"). And on an album so ostentatious about its social convictions, Scott seems to have grappled most with insular matters. "Pyrrich Victory of aTunde Adjuah" refers to the skepticism he has encountered (or sensed) since adopting an African name; it follows a track titled "Who They Wish I Was," which refers to the jazz traditionalists who would have him sound more like Miles Davis or Wynton Marsalis. If that makes him seem like a touchy solipsist, comfort yourself with the thought that Scott doesn't actually budge from his moorings, not an inch.


Secretly Canadian If Antony Hegarty had a dime for every goose bump he's raised with his emotive voice, he could pay off the national debt. His haunting,

-Glenn Gamboa, News day

Hank Williams Jr. "OLD SCHOOL, NEW RULES"

Bocephus Records Last year, if you'll recall, Hank Williams Jr. lost his longtime gig on ESPN's "Monday Night Football" after making an analogy involving Hitler and President Obama. Bocephus doesn't go quite that far here, but he still fills "Old School, New Rules" with noxiously reactionary and dim-witted rantings. "Hey, Barack, pack your bags," Williams sings on "Takin' Back the Country," which includes the refrain "Don't tread on me." He complains about "the United Socialist States of America" in "Keep the Change" and warns

that "We Don't Apologize for America." (It's sad to hear Merle Haggard join in on the latter, even if it does include a bit of his old hit "The Fightin' Side of Me." In his twilight years, the country immortal has taken on more thoughtful and less belligerent

views in matters like these.) It's a shame Williams lets his worst traits run free here because he really is a talented musician who has done a lot of fine work, and the music here smokes the pants off most commercial country. His pungently bluesy take on his father's "You Win Again" is an inspired reworking, and "I'm Gonna Get Drunk and Play Hank Williams" (with Brad Paisley) is an irresistible honky-tonker. Of his originals, though, best of all is "That Ain't Good," a scorching country-rocker and workingman's lament that skirts partisanship - and is all the more powerful for it. -Nick Cristiano, The Philadelphia Inquirer

-Nate Chinen, The New York Times

Various Artists

Antony& the Johnsons

turn up the harmonies, with sunnier, upbeat results. Their sophomore album is packed with radio-ready country, songs like the lovely current single "(Kissed You) Good Night," the sassy "Go On ... Miss Me" and the vulnerable "Can't Shake You," which have a sweet core and enough power to help them challenge Lady Antebellum as Nashville's reigning trio.

expressive cry gets the backing of the Danish National Chamber Orchestra on his new album "Cut the World," which was recorded live in Copenhagen, Denmark. On it, songs from Antony & the Johnsons' four previous albums are gloriously worked over to spine-tingling effect. "You Are My Sister," "I Fell in Love With a Dead Boy," and "Kiss My Name" all shimmer magnificently in the orchestral light. "Another World" - Hegarty's conservationist plea to save the planet while we still can - is so profound here, listeners may actually take up its cause. Antony's voice has always had the power to move mountains. On "Cut," it moves something altogether more impressive: people. -Brian McManus, The Philadelphia Inquirer


RCA Records Time for real talk: The "Sparkle" soundtrack was never going to be Whitney Houston's comeback. Houston appears on only two songs - the lackluster single "Celebrate" with Jordin Sparks, where she takes a backseat to the younger singer, and the stunning version of the gospel classic "His Eye Is on the Sparrow," where she showed how the power (if not the range) had returned to her voice. Despite her one-time superstar status, Houston wasn't supposed to carry "Sparkle," Sparks was. And this album, completed before Houston's death in February, sounds like it was created for a modest, midlevel project, not the return of a superstar.

Cee Lo Green's contribution, "I'm a Man," comes off as a likable castoff from one of his albums, while the movie's fictitious trio - played by Sparks, Carmen Ejogo and Tika Sumpter - handles Curtis Mayfield's "Something He Can Feel" less like Aretha Franklin and more like an "X Factor" tryout. It's not that they're bad, it's just that they sound a bit uninspired on that song, as well as on "Jump" and "Hooked on Your Love." Sparks does shine on the gospel number "One Wing," showing how she was able to win "American Idol" so easily and why she certainly had the voice to build this remake around. "Sparkle" may end up being a

nice movie, but the quality of this soundtrack shows that the unplanned attention that the project received from Houston's untimely death probably won't help it in the long run. -Glenn Gamboa, News day

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cover story

Ryan Brennecke/ The Bulletin file photo

Julie Grobbel samples a beer at last year's Bend Brewfest. It's a classic way to soothe your throat after you sing a drinking song.

• Annual celebration of craft brews returns to Les Schwab Amphitheater By Breanna Hostbjor The Bulletin

f you've lived in Bend for a while - say a month - you've probably noticed that it's a town that has a fairly committed love affair with beer. Central Oregon has, at last count, 14 operational breweries with four more on the way. It has a brew bus. It has a cycle pub. And it has the Bend Brewfest. This weekend will bring 51 breweries to the Les Schwab Amphitheater (see "If you go") where pale ales, porters, stouts and lagers will be available for sampling. Each brewery will bring two beers to pour through-


out the festival, and a select few will offer special brews on the X-Tap. The X-Tap, according to Marney Smith, the director of the Les Schwab Amphitheater, is an opportunity for breweries to present low-production specialty beers - beverages that they wouldn't want or be able to produce in large enough volume to serve throughout the festival. Instead, these brews are poured starting at a set time and day (see schedule), and are offered either until they run dry or the next scheduled beer is tapped. "Some of them run out way faster than we anticipated," said Smith. "They all seem to go fairly fast:'

So take the X-Tap schedule into account when planning your Brewfest trip, and be sure to plan around children or pets that you want to take with you. Minors and dogs are allowed in the event until 7 p.m. each night, so if you want to stay for something that's only served in the late evening, you'll need to send the young ones home. "Plan your route," said Smith. "This year there's over 125 beers from 51 breweries. It's not possible, I don't think, to sample them all. So you can go through the guide and read about each beer and map out where you'd like to go:'

'This year there's over 125 beers from 51 breweries. It's not possible, I don't think, to sample them all." - Marney Smith, director of Les Schwab Amphitheater

Also be sure to stay hydrated at the water taps and buy some food from the carts on site (outside food and beverages are not permitted) to minimize the chances that your experience will be soured by the morning after. -Reporter: 541-383-0351, bhostbjor@bendbulletin.com

II vou go What: Bend Brewfest When: 3-11 p.m. today, noon-11 p.m. Saturday. Children welcome until? p.m. each day. Where: Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend Cost: Free admission, tasting mug and beer tokens ($1 0) required to drink. Contact: www .bendbrewfest.com


What are the locals looking lorward to? Overwhelmed by the list of beers offered at the festival? We don't blame you. That's why we asked a few local beer aficionados which beers they were looking forward to this year and which styles of beers they prefer. If your tastes match theirs, keep an eye out for the brews they're hoping to try.

EVAN HENDRIX, specialty team leader and beer specialist at Whole


Foods Market in Bend Prefers: Belgian ales and saisons, which are crisp, floral and malty Looking forward to: Woo key Jack from Firestone Walker Brewing Co., as well as beers from Vertigo Brewing, Shade Tree Brewing and Flyers Brewing. JEFF HAWES, co-owner of The Brew Shop and Platypus Pub in Bend Prefers: IPAs, which are happy, bitter and citrusy beers. Looking forward to: Beers from Flyers Brewing and Crux Fermentation Project, as well as new IPAs.

JON ABERNATHY, Bend-based beer blogger at www.thebrewsite.com Hawes


Prefers: Seasonal beers: pilsners and cream ales in the summer, spiced seasonals and porters in the winter, and happy beers yearround. Looking forward to: Beers from Crux Fermentation Project, Hop Lava from Double Mountain Brewery, Portlandia Pilsner from Laurelwood Brewing, Jingo Jango San Diego from Silver Moon Brewing, Apricot Cream from Vertigo Brewing and Yakima Valley Dry Hopped Cider from Tieton Cider Works.

X-Tap schedule TODAY 4 p.m.- Hellcat from Fort George Brewery and TBD from Oakshire Brewing 6 p.m.- Big Bourbon Fin from Flat Tail Brewing and Saison the Beach from Lompoc Brewing 8 p.m.- Demolition Man from Silver Moon Brewing and Gaffe-Infused FivePine Chocolate Porter from Three Creeks Brewing 9:30p.m.- Steam Fired Stout from Fire Mountain Brewery and Beer Camp/Imperial Red from Sierra Nevada

6 p.m.- Silver Back from Cascade Lakes Brewing Co. and Pass Stout in a Wine Barrel from Good life Brewing Co. 8 p.m.- Wild 5 Black from Flat Tail Brewing and Beer Camp/FioraiiPA from Sierra Nevada 9:30p.m.- Caldera Mogli from Caldera Brewing Co. and Torrent Pale Beet Bock from Elysian Brewing Co.

SATURDAY 1 p.m.- Saison from 21st Amendment Brewery and MacTarnahan's Barrel Aged Grifter from North American Breweries 2:30p.m.- Ching Ching from Bend Brewing Co. and Oaked Dry 2011 from Wandering Aengus Ciderworks 4 p.m.- Kentucky Christmas from Hop Works Urban Brewery and Beer Camp/Oatmeal Stout from Sierra Nevada

The Bulletin file photo

cover story


Does your beer get low As you wander to and fro Clutching tokens and your mug As you join up with the flow Of aline where volunteers Trade your tokens for their beers Does your beer get low?


Brewers and brews at the lestival Visit www.bendbrewfest.com for more on the lineup. TBD =to be determined

10 Barrel 21st Amendment Brewery Alameda Brewing Co. Anderson Valley Brewing Co. Bayern Brewing Inc. Bend Brewing Company Big Sky Brewing Boneyard Beer Brew Werks Brewing Caldera Brewing Company Cascade Lakes Brewing Company Crispin Cider Company Crux Fermentation Project Deschutes Brewery Double Mountain Brewery Elysian Brewing Company Everybody's Brewing Fearless Brewing Co. Fire Mountain Firestone Walker Brewing Co. Flat Tail Brewing Flyers Restaurant & Brewery Fort George Brewery Gilgamesh Brewing Goodlife Brewing Company Hopworks Urban Brewery Klamath Basin Brewing Company Kona Brewing Co. Laurelwood Brewing Co. Lompoc Brewing Lost Coast Brewery Mad River Brewing Company McMenamins New Belgium Brewing Ninkasi Brewing Company North American Breweries Oakshire Brewing Pelican Pub & Brewery Phat Matt's Brewing Company Seven Brides Brewing Shade Tree Brewing Company Sierra Nevada Silver Moon Brewing Stone Brewing Co. Three Creeks Brewing Tieton Cider Works Vertigo Brewing Wandering Aengus Ciderworks Wasatch Beers Widmer Brothers Brewing Woodchuck Cider Source: www.bendbrewfest.com

Bend Brewlest drinking song


Yes my beer gets low Since I filled it long ago First with amber then with stout Then an IPA, you know All these beers are just the best And I'II put them to the test Till my beer gets low.

TBD Hell or High Watermelon Yellow Wolf lmperiaiiPA Summer Solstice Bayern Pilsner Hop Head Moose Drool Hop Venom Neurotic Blonde Caldera IPA IRA Crispin Original TBD Chainbreaker White IPA Hop Lava Night Owl Pumpkin Ale Country Boy IPA Fearless Scottish Ale Bad Henry IPA Union Jack Tailgater Kolsch Pacemaker Porter Vortex Vader Sweet As Organic HUB Lager Vanilla Porter Longboard Lager Organic Free Range Red Kick Axe Pale Ale Great White Steelhead Double IPA My Sunshine Pilsner Sunshine Wheat Believer Double Red Outburst lmperiaiiPA Overcast Espresso Stout Kiwanda Cream Ale Phat Matt's IPA Becky's Black Cat Porter Mustang Tumbler Autumn Brown Ale Jingo Jango San Diego Stone IPA Stonefly Rye Apricot Cider Smokestack Red Anthem Hops Squatters Outer Darkness Rotator IPA Series- Shaddock IPA Woodchuck Hard Cider Granny Smith

Note: Beer selection subject to change.

Does your beer taste great Would you take it on adate Will you sip it on the lawn Will you wander by the gate And gaze out upon the river As you loosen up your liver Does your beer taste great?

TBD Bitter American Klickitat Pale Ale Hop Ottin' IPA Dragon's Breath Outback X Summer Honey Diablo Rojo Audacious Amber Hop Hash Paulina Lake Pilsner Fox Barrel Blackberry Pear Cider TBD Fresh Squeezed IPA The Vaporizer lmmortaiiPA Big Brother Mjolnir IPA Tan Line Summer IPA Woo key Jack Rough Cut IPA Afterburner IPA Quick Wit OJ Jazzy Hef Descender IPA Ace of Spades Crystal Springs IPA Wailua Wheat Portlandia Pilsner Cnote Tangerine Wheat Jamaica Red Ale Copper Moon 1554 Maiden The Shade Mactarnahan's Amber Ale Line Dry Rye Pale Ale Mac Pelican's Scottish Style Ale Phat Matt's Kolsch Kili's Kolsch Challenger Torpedo Extra IPA Hop Fury IPA Stone Smoked Porter Firestone Red Yakima Valley Dry Hopped Cider Apricot Cream Anthem Cherry Wasatch White Label Citra Blonde Summer Brew Woodchuck Hard Cider Amber Greg Cross I The Bulletin

Yes my beer tastes great Happy zing and malt await Every taste bud wants to try The best brews man can create So I think I'll have one more And enjoy my perfect pour Since my beer tastes great!



Alex McDougall I The Bulletin

Scores of photos of dogs fill the walls at Red Dog Depot, Cascade Lakes Brewing Company's pub on the south side of Redmond.

• Food and drink at the 7th Street Brew House and Red Dog Depot don't disappoint By John Gottberg Anderson For The Bulletin

n these days of rapid growth in Central Oregon's craft-brewing industry, the Cascade Lakes Brewing Company has taken on the appearance of a senior citizen. In fact, it was as recently as 1994 that the company was established in Redmond as the first craft brewer in that city. Although Cascade Lakes' impressive Lodge, built 10 years later on Bend's west side, gave the company a major presence in the regional center, it remains rooted


in Redmond - as suggested by the two popular brewpubs it maintains there. Both the 7th Street Brew House, a Redmond fixture since 1996, and the Red Dog Depot, which opened in 2007, have several taps dedicated to such Cascade Lakes beers as Monkey Face Porter and Blonde Bombshell Pale Ale. But they also present beers from other Central Oregon breweries - including Deschutes, 10 Barrel, Silver Moon, Boneyard and Phat Matt's on a recent visit - as well as a limited selection of Oregon

and Washington wines. And both pubs serve wide-ranging menus of quality food to appeal to patrons of all ages.

7th Street Brew House Unwittingly, I made my visit to the 7th Street Brew House on Taco Wednesday, and the place was packed. With garage doors rolled open to let the outside in, the pub must have accommodated at least 120 drinkers and diners beneath its roof and on a spacious patio. Beer and sports memorabilia, including Oregon Ducks and Oregon State Beavers banners, adorn the interior walls. Outside, a horseshoe pit extends beside the patio, at the heart of which is

Next week: Schlotzskv's Visit www.bendbulletin.com /restaurants for readers' ratings of more than 150 Central Oregon restaurants.

built a fire pit for warmth on cold evenings. Naturally, I ordered tacos, which on this one night of the week are priced at three for $3.50. The only restriction is that the trio must all have the same fillings; there's no mix-and-match, as is available on the everyday entree menu. I considered pan-seared

cod and dry-rub pork before settling upon blackened chicken. A generous amount of bird was wrapped into soft flour tortillas with chopped iceberg lettuce, minced tomato and shredded cheddar cheese. It was served with pico de gallo and sour cream, as well as guacamole sauce that didn't meet the standard of the other ingredients. I also had fish and chips, made with Alaskan cod battered in India Pale Ale. The beer batter locked moistness into the flaky fish, which had a nice flavor even though the filets were pre-frozen. The accompanying "chips," or French fries, however, were very ordinary. Continued next page


7th Street Brew House Location: 855 S.W. Seventh St., Redmond Hours: 11:30 a.m.-11 p.m. Monday to Saturday, noon-10 p.m. Sunday Price range: Starters $3.25 to $9.25, soups and salads $4.25 to $10.50, sandwiches and burgers $8 to $9.50, pizzas $12.75 to $17.25 Credit cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa Kids' menu: Plates priced $4 to $5 Vegetarian menu: Choices include a garlic hummus platter and a grilled veggie roll-up Alcoholic beverages: Full bar Outdoor seating: Large front patio overlooks popular horseshoe pits Reservations: No Contact: www.cascadelakes .com or 541-923-1795

Scorecard OVERALL: B Food: B-. Both the tacos and the fish and chips were good, but far from great. Service: Bt. Food delivery may be a little slow at busy times, but the beer keeps flowing. Atmosphere: B. Very casual sports-bar decor extends to a horseshoe pit beside the patio. Value: Bt. Prices are reasonable for burgers and other fare. From previous page

Coleslaw was peppery but lacked distinction, especially as it was soupier than I like.

Red Dog Depot Across town -just off the road to the Redmond Airport -is the Red Dog Depot. It has a comfortable home in the original grey-stone Oregon Trunk and Deschutes Railroad station, which was relocated here from downtown Redmond in September 2005. Cascade Lakes took over in 2007 when a previous restaurant went out of business. More than 350 framed photographs of patrons' dogs line the walls inside the brewpub, between a high-peaked ceiling and dark-wood paneling. Although there is an all-




Red Dog Depot Location: 3716 S.W. 21st Place, Redmond Hours: 11 a.m.-9 p.m. Sunday to Thursday, 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Friday and Saturday Price range: Starters $7.75 to $9.75, soups and salads $4 to $9.95, sandwiches and burgers $7.75 to $10.25, entrees $9.75 to $10.75 Credit cards: American Express, Discover, MasterCard, Visa Kids' menu: Several items priced at $3.50 Vegetarian menu: Choices include vegetarian spring rolls and a veggie burger Alcoholic beverages: Full bar Outdoor seating: A few tables beneath the porte-cochere Reservations: No Contact: www.cascadelakes. com or 541-923-6400 Alex McDougall I The Bulletin

Scorecard OVERALL:Bt Food: B. Good salad, but the clam chowder was a curiously meaty concoction. Service: A-. Friendly and reliable if not overly responsive. Atmosphere: Bt. Dark interior of historic railroad station is filled with photos of dogs. Value: Bt. Reasonable prices are equivalent to those of its 7th Street sister.

ages pool table in the middle of the room and five televisions mounted in its corners, the vibe is not as clearly "sports pub" as at 7th Street. Classic rock provides a musical backdrop. The restaurant seats about 60 inside, including 10 at the bar, and five tables accommodate another 20 guests outside beneath a porte-cochere. As at the 7th Street, I had two separate dishes here: clam chowder and Cobb salad. It's well that I am not a pescatarian, as the Manhattanstyle clam chowder - surprise! - had as many bits of roasted beef as it did small clams. They served to make this stew a heartier dish, but I don't know that they added anything to the flavor. It

A tuna melt and fries at Cascade Lakes Brewing Company's 7th Street Brew House in Redmond.

would have been helpful for the menu or server to let the diner know about the added meat. Mildly spicy, the soup also had big chunks of carrots plus celery, onions, tomatoes and potatoes. It was sprinkled with parsley and served with a couple of packets of saltine crackers. I was more pleased with the Canine Cobb Salad, which despite the name, gratefully, contained no dog. Chunks of turkey breast meat, crispy bacon, bleu cheese crumbles and slices of hard-boiled egg and Roma tomatoes were served on a bed of fresh young greens. My choice of honey-mustard dressing was presented in a cup on the side. Service was friendly and reliable, both at the Red Dog and the Brew House, despite the near-overflow crowd at the latter. Given the circumstances, the wait for food was a little longer at 7th Street, but that was certainly not painful, given the ready availability of good Central Oregon beer. -Reporter: janderson@ bendbulletin.com

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SMALL BITE Common Table closed Aug. 8 after less than two years in business. The restaurant in the Penney Galleria building, at 150 N.W. Oregon Ave. in Bend, was well known for its "pay-as-you're-able" gourmet meals. According to

executive director Bob Pearson, "In addition to the dayto-day challenges of running a very unique restaurant, we've been informed that additional building renovations would completely shut us down for the next four months. This makes normally challenges grow to be untenable."






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*BUY ONE MEAL, GET 2ND 1/2 OFF -Choose from Spaghetti w/meatballs, meat sauce or sausage OR Lasagne. Includes salad & garlic bread.



fine arts p I

Alex McDougall I The Bulletin

Judy Hoiness, left, and Jean Wells pose in front of a collaborative work using textile, paint, paper and fabric at Atelier 6000. Their works will be on display through August.

• Jean Wells and Judy Hoi ness show their collaborative work at A6 By David Jasper The Bulletin

hen two accomplished artists of different disciplines decide to combine their talents, the process is going to be new and interesting. In the case of painter Judy Hoiness and fabric artist Jean Wells, so too are the results. When a nowdefunct gallery suggested the two work together, Wells and Hoiness pooled their talents into a series ti-


tled "Abstract Landscapes," works that capture the colors and evoke the feeling of Oregon landscapes. "We had agreed on the idea of 'Abstract Landscape,"' Wells said, "and we both love Central Oregon and the feeling of Central Oregon. So that was our common ground." Nevertheless, going into the collaboration, Wells was a bit nervous. "I own several of Judy's pieces,

and just dearly love her work, have for years. So I felt a bit nervous the first time we were going to meet," said Wells, the Sisters author of many books about quilting. "I was feeling really intimidated ... because I (hold) her so in awe. I didn't know what it would be like working with someone else." Award-winning multimedia artist and former Central Oregon Community College art instructor Hoiness, now retired after a 36-

year teaching career, has collaborated on some collage work in the past and has sewed all her life. "I'm not a perfectionist, so that was the ... thingiwaskindofworried about," she said. "I don't like to make fabric and quilts and stuff that look real perfect. I'm kind of like a loose painter, so I was a little worried about that too." In practice, their process went something like this: Wells would give to Hoiness pieces of fabric she'd produced, and Hoiness in turn would give Wells paintings. Continued next page

11 you go What: "When Paint and Fabric Merge- Abstract Landscapes," featuring works by Jean Wells and Judy Hoi ness When: Through August Where: Atelier 6000, 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite 120, Bend Cost: Free; all works for sale Contact: www.atelier6000.org or 541-330-8759

fine arts


From previous page They'd each work on the piece at hand, then return it to the other. "We would go back and forth, back and forth," Hoiness said. Some of the challenges they ran into involved combining their materials, such as how to attach fabric to paintings, or paint over the fabric. "We didn't go to a book and say, '0 K, this is how you do it," she said. For one of the pieces in the "Abstract Landscape" series, Hoiness tried to iron on fabric. "Off it came. I said, 'Guess what, Jean? It's not going to work,"' Hoiness said.

Eventually, they worked out the kinks, allowing them to see their vision for the project through. "When Paint and Fabric Merge - Abstract Landscapes" opened earlier this month at Atelier 6000 in Bend's Old Mill District (see "If you go"), and the two received positive feedback from their curious art-world peers, they say. The two artists learned plenty about each other's methods of composing their works. "You know, do you work horizontally, do you work vertically?" Wells said. "And I would never plan anything," added Hoiness, laughing.

"I usually get some color up and go from there," Wells said, not being one to plan much herself. "I found out Judy does the same thing. So it was an affirmation that, ah, I'm doing it right." Along with their collaborations, the 43-piece show also includes individual paintings and fabric works by the artists in their usual disciplines. Atelier 6000 founder Pat Clark said that with the studio and gallery's new nonprofit status, "When Paint and Fabric Merge" is the right show for the moment. "Our goal is to educate the community, and this is a perfect show for us to have. We're


trying to become more of an educational hub for people to understand fine art," Clark said. "About two years ago I couldn't have sold an abstract show for anything," she added. "But since we've been showing more work (with) design elements ... it's awakened this whole group to knowthatthere is such a thing that is abstract but still comes from something real:' Wells and Hoiness both say they're open to future collaborations. "I found with the collaborative work, I wasn't as married to it as I get when I'm doing my own piece," Wells said. "You

have joint ownership instead of single ownership. I loved how we were able to build off of each other's work, and make something that was maybe better than I would have done alone:' Hoiness said that having a collaborator - along with the deadline pressures of an exhibit - makes it easier to call a piece done. A little easier, that is. "I never know when it's done. I've had paintings for years that I'm still working on," she said. "If I took all these home, I would probably keep tinkering." -Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasper@bendbulletin.com





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Rendezvous returns to its rodeo roots In the early days of the High Desert Rendezvous, the popular event was held at Hooker Creek Ranch. For the last 11 years, the gala has been held at the High Desert Museum. Recently, supporters began reminiscing about the Western rodeo nights of the Rendezvous, prompting the museum to bring its signature event back to its roots. For the first time in more than a decade, the High Desert Rendezvous, the High Desert Museum's annual fundraiser and gala, will return to live rodeo events and games. The event will be held at 4 p.m. Saturday at Horse Butte Equestrian Center (60360 Horse Butte Road, Bend), at the ranch of museum trustee Elizabeth McCool. The event will feature team riding, roping, quick-draw shooting, frying-pan tossing, card games, Western barbecue, open bars and a live and silent auction of global getaways and adventures, Western art and private dinners. "This signature 23rd annual event will rival the legendary excitement of Rendezvous galas of the past, combining rugged Western fun with incomparable community spirit to raise funds for the museum's renowned educational programs," Janeanne A. Upp, the museum's president, is quoted in a press release for the event. Tickets are $150 each for museum members. Individ-

ual tickets for non-members are $200 (includes individual membership). Tickets for couples are $350 (includes family membership). Contact: www.highdesert rendezvous.org, hdr@high desertmuseum.org or 541382-4754, ext. 365.

Class offered for young filmmakers Film Production 101, offered in association with Bend Experimental Art Theatre and 2nd Street Theater, will offer a hands-on introduction to shooting a short film for students ages 13-20. Two classes will be held from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Aug. 24 and Aug. 27-31. On the first day of class, students will meet at 2nd Street, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend, and on location the other four days. Skip Clark of Captnskipper Productions and Corey McEuin of Verruckt Productions will teach planning, organizing and preparing a short film, as well as offer students the opportunity to act on camera and use professional video equipment. The staff also includes a certified Oregon K-12 teacher. After filming, students will be given a DVD of their finished film as a keepsake of their accomplishments. A film screening for friends and family will be held in September at 2nd Street Theater. Cost for each one-week course is $300 and includes

lunch. Course is limited to 20 students. Contact: Skip Clark, captn skipper@gmail.com or 541330-6149; 2nd Street Theater, 2ndstreettheater@gmail.com or 541-312-9626.

Youth Choir plans member auditions The Youth Choir of Central Oregon (YCCO) is holding auditions for membership in the 2012-13 season. There are openings in the Debut Choir, for singers in grades 5 through 8, and the Premiere Choir, for singers in grades 8 through 12. The community-based choir is celebrating its 23rd year of providing instruction and opportunity to talented vocalists in Deschutes, Jefferson and Crook counties. The YCCO also offers a non-auditioned program, the Singers' School, for children in grades 1 through4. To make an audition appointment, contact www.ycco .org or 541-385-0470.

Volcanic Theatre looking for talent Volcanic Theatre Pub (VTP) is holding auditions by appointment in search of local theater, music and film talent.

Find Your Dream Home In

Real Estate

Every Saturday TheBulletin

On Thursday, VTP began holding auditions of actors, directors, writers, musicians, designers, artists, lighting and sound operators and others interested in being involved in the new venue at Bend's Century Center. VTP is a for-profit organization, and those involved will be compensated, according to a press release.

VTP seeks to enhance "Central Oregon's cultural environment by providing a unique artistic venue and making an essential contribution to the High Desert community," according to the release. Contact: derek@volcanic theatrepub.com or 541-215-0516. -David Jasper

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to all the students, families, friends, volunteers, and our business sponsors for helping John Tuck PTO raise over $11,000 during our May 2012Walk-aThon. These funds will help the PTO sponsor so many wonderful things for our students, teachers, and school.

FeRtured Sponosors: Marks Auto Body, N the Zone Ink, Mazatlan, Frisinger Dental Contributing Sponsors Dr Keener, Dr Parsley, Peak Performance, Cinder Rock, Les Schwab, Kawanis, Body & Sole, Denfield Paint, Printing Post & Exquisite Limousine


fine arts


"Interview with Raven," by Dawn Emerson, will be on display through August at Mockingbird Gallery in Bend.





AMBIANCE ART CO-OP: Featuring gallery artists; 435 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-548-8115. ARTISTS' GALLERY SUNRIVER: Featuring works by Nancy Cotton, Diane Miyauchi, Dottie Moniz and Tina Brockway; through August; 57100 Beaver Drive, Building 19; 541-593-4382 orwww. artistsgalle rys un river. com. ATELIER 6000: Featuring "When Paint and Fabric Merge -Abstract Landscapes," works by Judy Hoi ness and Jean Wells; through Aug. 30; 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite 120, Bend; 541-330-8759 or www. atelier6000.org. BEND CITY HALL: Featuring "INSIDE:: OUT" works exploring how Bend's external environment inspires its internal environment· through Sept. 28; 710 N.W. Wall' St.; 541-388-5505. CAFE SINTRA: Featuring "3 Points of View," a continually changing exhibit of photographs by Diane Reed, Ric Ergenbright and John Vito; 1024 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-8004. CANYON CREEK POTTERY: Featuring pottery by Kenneth Merrill; 310 N. Cedar St., Sisters; 541-549-0366 or www. canyon creekpotte ryll c. com. DON TERRA ARTWORKS: Featuring more than 200 artists; 222 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541549-1299 or www.donterra.com. DOWNTOWN BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring "Portraits"; through Nov. 4; 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1037. FRANKLIN CROSSING: Featuring "Art in the Atrium," works by Leslie Cain, Ann Ruttan and Gary Vincent; through August;

Submitted photo

photography by Mike Putnam; 920 N.W. Bond St.; 541-382-6694. QUILTWORKS: Featuring quilts by Joan Metzger and a group show of quilts from the Portland and Central Oregon Modern Quilt Guilds; through Sept. 5; 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Suite B, Bend; 541-728-0527. RED CHAIR GALLERY: Featuring "Hot Creations," works by Jacqueline Newbold, Shelly Wierzba and Megan Hazen; through August; 103 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-306-3176 or www.redchairgallerybend.com. SAGEBRUSHERS ART SOCIETY: Featuring "Then and Now," works by Rosalyn Kliot; through Sept. 27; 117 S.W. Roosevelt Ave., Bend; 541-617-0900. SAGE CUSTOM FRAMING AND GALLERY: Featuring works by John O'Brien; through Sept. 1; 834 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884.

SISTERS AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE: Featuring fiber art by Rosalyn Kliot; 291 E. Main Ave.; 541-549-0251.

550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398.

FURNISH.: Featuring works by Marjorie Wood Hamlin; 761 N.W. Arizona Ave., Bend; 541-617-8911. GHIGLIERI GALLERY: Featuring original Western-themed and African-inspired paintings and sculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; 541-549-8683 or www.artlorenzo.com. THE GOLDSMITH: Featuring pastel art by Nancy Bushaw; 1016 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-647-2676. HELPING YOU TAX AND ACCOUNTING: Featuring paintings by Carol Armstrong; 632 S.W.

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"Tt7ke 3"

Saturday, September I * II am - 6pm at Maragas (located 4 Y2 miles north ofTerrebonne on Hwy 97) Come celebrate the beginning of the grape harvest with us. Great Fun, Stomp Contests and Barrel Raffle! As usual, a portion of the proceeds will be donated to a local non-profit organization- this year it goes to the Terrebonne Community School. Tickets are $10 at the door or $8 in advance. Food available by "Traveling Chefs". This is a BYOG event- Bring your own glass. Live bluegrass music by "Back from the Dead".

Kids get For details or to purchase tickets, in (reel www.nnar;!!!'<t!swi11en•.rnm or call 541-546-5464

Sixth St., Suite 2, Redmond; 541-504-5422. HIGH DESERT MUSEUM: Featuring "Art of the West Show"; through today; 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754. HOME FEDERAL BANK: Featuring photography by Larry Goodman; through August; 821 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-548-9977. JENNIFER LAKE GALLERY: Featuring paintings by Jennifer Lake; 220 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; 541-549-7200 or www. jenniferlakegallery.com. JILL'S WILD (TASTEFUL) WOMEN WAREHOUSE: Featuring works by Jill Haney-Neal; Tuesdays and Wednesdays only; 601 North Larch St, Suite B, Sisters; 541617-6078 or www.jillnealgallery. com. JUDI'S ART GALLERY: Featuring works by Judi Meusborn Williamson; 336 N.E. Hemlock St., Suite 13, Redmond ;

360-325-6230. KAREN BANDY DESIGN JEWELER: Featuring fine art and custom jewelry by Karen Bandy; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 5, Bend; www.karenbandy.com or 541-388-0155. LAHAINA GALLERIES: Featuring paintings and sculptures by Frederick Hart, Robert Bissell, Alexi Butirskiy, Aida Luongo, Daria Campanile, Hisashi Otsuka, David Lee, Mollie Jurgenson, Katherine Taylor, Donna Young and more; 425 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 307, Old Mill District, Bend; 541-388-4404 or www. lahainagalleries.com. LUBBESMEYER FIBER STUDIO: Featuring fiber art by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 423, Old Mill District, Bend; 541-330-0840 or www.lubbesmeyerstudio.com. MARCELLO'S ITALIAN CUISINE AND PIZZERIA: Featuring several local artists; 4 Ponderosa Road Sunriver; 541-593-8300. ' MOCKINGBIRD GALLERY: Featuring "Visions and Observations," works by Dawn Emerson and Fran Kievet; through August; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-388-2107 or www. mocking bi rd-gallery.com. MOSAIC MEDICAL: Featuring mixed-media collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; 910 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite 101, Madras; 541-475-7800. PATAGONIA@ BEND: Featuring

SISTERS ART WORKS: Featuring the fourth annual Dog Show; through September; 204 W. Adams St.; 541-420-9695. SISTERS GALLERY & FRAME SHOP: Featuring landscape photography by Gary Albertson; 252 W. Hood Ave.; 541-549-9552 or www.garyalbertson.com. SISTERS PUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring "Whychus Creek Watershed Botanical Drawings"; through Aug. 30; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar Ave.; 541-312-1070. ST. CHARLES BEND: Featuring "Arts in the Hospital"; through September; 2500 N.E. Neff Road Bend; 541-382-4321. ' SUNRIVER AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY: Featuring "The Quilted Life," works by Nancy Cotton, Betty Vincent, Carol Webb and Joe Glassford; through Sept. 8; 56855 Venture Lane541-312-1080. , SUNRIVER LODGE BETTY GRAY GALLERY: Featuring works by Yuji Hiratsuka and Mike Smith· through August; 17600 Cente~ Drive; 541-382-9398. TOWNSHEND'S BEND TEAHOUSE: Featuring works by Sandra Greba; through August; 835 N.W. Bond St.; 541-312-2001 or www. townshendstea.com. TUMALO ART CO.: Featuring "An Uncommon Beauty," works by Janice Druian and Vicki Shuck· through August; 450 S.W. ' Powerhouse Drive, Suite 407, Bend; 541-385-9144 or www. tumaloartco.com.




outdoors Outing shorts are trimmed versions of stories published in The Bulletin in the past several weeks. For the complete stories, plus more photos, visit www.bendbulletin.com/outing.

Summer at Crater Lake

Secluded lakes


chance to see Crater Lake's deep blue surface shimmer on a summer afternoon

is worth waiting until August, when the national park's main road is finally clear of an entire winter's worth of snow. -Bulletin staff

If you go Getting there: From Bend, take U.S. Highway 97 to the East Diamond Lake Highway (state Highway 138) and turn right. Head west for 15 miles and then turn left on Crater Lake Highway, which becomes the North Entrance Road and Rim Drive. Follow Rim Drive to the Rim Village Visitor Center. Difficulty: Crater Lake National Park offers several hikes,

including the Garfield Peak Trail, which is considered a strenuous hike. The 33-mile road around Crater Lake's shoreline can be toured by bicycle or car. There are also boat and trolley tours available. Cost: $10 fee per vehicle, paid at the park's North Entrance Gate. Contact: For more information, www.nps.gov/crla/index.htm or 541-594-3000.

David Jasper I The Bulletin file photo

Doris Lake boasts a few prime spots where weary hikers can cool off with a swim.


ou can count on Elk and Cultus lakes to draw large crowds when it's



hot. If you're willing to hike a few miles, clear, cool Lucky, Teddy and Doris lakes offer secluded escape. It's amazing what a little legwork can accomplish. -Bulletin staff

If you go Getting there: • Doris Lake- From Bend, take Cascade Lakes Highway to Six Lakes Trailhead, on the west side of the highway just south of Elk Lake. Doris Lake is approximately 2.2 miles down the trail. •Lucky Lake- Take Cascade Lakes Highway to the Lucky Lake Trailhead, located on the west side of the highway just south of the

turnoff for Lava Lake Resort. • Teddy Lake- Follow signs to Cultus Lake campground and day use area. Campground will be on your left as you proceed straight to the parking area and trailhead. (Lowclearance vehicles should use caution.) Difficulty: Easy to moderate Cost: Northwest Forest Pass or $5 day fee Contact: 541-383-5300

.&. Union Peak

· Greg Cross I The Bulletin

46 Greg Cross I The Bulletin


TODAY OREGON STAR PARTY: Gather at Indian Trail Spring for night sky viewing , with speakers and more; registration required; directions to site available on website; $75, $25 ages 12-17, $15 ages 6-11; www. oregonstarparty.org. GARAGE SALE FUNDRAISER: Proceeds benefit the Bend Fire Department Historical Committee; free admission; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; North Fire Station Training Room, Bend; 541-350-9878. HIGH & DRY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL: Festival includes live music, instrument workshops, food and more; directions to venue, Runway Ranch in Bend, on website; $15 for weekend; 12:30-10 p.m.; www. hadbf.com. (Story, Page 3) HIGH DESERT BRIDGE SECTIONAL TOURNAMENT: Central Oregon Bridge Club presents a duplicate bridge tournament; $9 or $8 ACBL members; 1 and 7 p.m.; 1 p.m. free for players with less than 5 MPS; Deschutes County Fair &Expo Center, South Sister, Three Sisters Conference and Convention Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; 541-322-9453 or pldouglas@bendbroadband.com. BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 2-6 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.com or http:// bendfarmersmarket.com. BEND BREWFEST: Event includes tastings from more than 50 breweries, food vendors and more; children admitted until? p.m.; ID required for entry; free admission, must purchase mug and tasting tokens to drink; 3-11 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive; 541-312-8510 or www. bendbrewfest.com. (Story, Page 12) SISTERS FARMERS MARKET: 3-6 p.m.; Barclay Park, West Cascade Avenue and Ash Street; www.sistersfarmersmarket. com. SUNRIVER FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 4-7 p.m.; Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive; www. sunriverchamber.com. HARVEST RUN: Drifters Car Club presents a car show with approximately 200 autos, hot rods and more; with live music and a barbecue; proceeds benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation of Oregon, Redmond-Sisters Hospice and Sparrow Clubs USA; free admission; 6 p.m.; downtown Redmond; 541-548-6329. MUNCH & MOVIES: An outdoor screening of "The Lorax"; with food vendors and live music; free; 6 p.m., movie begins at dusk; Compass Park, 2500 N.W. Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-389-0995 orwww. northwestcrossing.com.


"HOW DID WE GET HERE?" LECTURE SERIES: Dennis Jenkins talks about "Oregon's Earliest Inhabitants; Archaeological Investigations at the Paisley Caves"; $10, $8 Sunriver Nature Center members, $3 students, $50 for series; 6:30p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center &Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394. AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Noah Strycker talks about his book "Among Penguins: A Bird Man in Antarctica"; with a slide show; free; 6:30p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-549-0866. "THE TEMPEST": Innovation Theatre Works presents Shakespeare's play about a sorcerer trapped on an island; free; 7 p.m.; Village Green Park, 335 S. Elm St., Sisters; 541-504-6721 or www. innovationtw.org. SHOW US YOUR SPOKES: Featuring a performance by Mosley Wotta and Cloaked Characters; proceeds benefit Commute Options; $5; 7 p.m.; Parrilla Grill, 635 N.W. 14th St., Bend; 541-617-9600. SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL CLASSICAL CONCERT II: Featuring selections from Schubert and Beethoven, featuring Steven Moeckel; $30-$60, $10 youth; 7:30p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-593-9310, tickets@sunrivermusic.org or www.sunrivermusic.org. SARA JACKSON-HOLMAN: The Portlandbased singer-songwriter performs a CO-release show, with Matt Brown; $10 in advance, $12 at the door; 8 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.sarajacksonholman.com. (Story, Page 8) ZOE MUTH AND THE LOST HIGH ROLLERS: The Seattle-based country band performs, with Hawkmeat; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation.com/venue/ thehornedhand. (Story, Page 7) HOOVES: The blues band performs, with Avery James and The Hillandales; $5; 9 p.m., doors open 8 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; www.liquidclub. net. (Story, Page 6) STARGAZING PARTY: View the night sky using telescopes; free; 9 p.m.; Pilot Butte State Park, Northeast Pilot Butte Summit Drive, Bend; 541-388-6055, ext. 27.

SATURDAY Aug. 18 OREGON STAR PARTY: Gather at Indian Trail Spring for night sky viewing, with speakers and more; registration required; directions to site available on website; $75, $25 ages 12-17, $15 ages 6-11; www.

oregonstarparty.org. CENTRAL OREGON GREAT GIVEAWAY: Pick up clothing and household items; free; 8 a.m.-1 p.m.; Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 2555 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541-598-6584 orwww. cogga.org. YARD SALE FUNDRAISER: Proceeds benefit the Motorcyclists of Central Oregon Toy Run; free admission; 8 a.m.4 p.m.; 22 N.W. Gordon Road, Bend; 541-350-2392. PRINEVILLE FARMERS MARKET: Free; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Prineville City Plaza, 387 N.E. Third St.; 503-739-0643 or prinevillefarmersmarket@gmail.com. GARAGE SALE FUNDRAISER: Proceeds benefit the Bend Fire Department Historical Committee; free admission; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; North Fire Station Training Room, Bend; 541-350-9878. LA PINE COOP & GARDEN TOUR: Tour homes throughout La Pine and see hothouses, hen houses and gardens; proceeds benefit La Pine Little Deschutes Grange and the Newberry Habitat for Humanity ReStore; $10 per car; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; www.lapinecoopandgarden.com. MADRAS SATURDAY MARKET: Free admission; 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, Band Seventh streets; 541-489-3239 or madrassatmkt@gmail.com. YARD SALE FUNDRAISER: Proceeds benefit the museum; free admission; 9 a.m.-4 p.m.; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541389-1813 or info@deschuteshistory.org. CENTRAL OREGON SATURDAY MARKET: Featuring arts and crafts from local artisans; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lot across from Bend Public Library, 600 N.W. Wall St.; 541-420-9015 or www.centraloregonsaturdaymarket. com. HARVEST RUN: Drifters Car Club presents a car show with approximately 200 autos, hot rods and more; with live music, a show and shine and more; proceeds benefit Make-A-Wish Foundation of Oregon, Redmond-Sisters Hospice and Sparrow Clubs USA; free admission; 10 a.m.; downtown Redmond; 541-548-6329. HIGH & DRY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL: Festival includes live music, instrument workshops, food and more; directions to venue, Runway Ranch in Bend, on website; $15 for weekend; 10 a.m.-1 0 p.m.; www.hadbf.com. HIGH DESERT BRIDGE SECTIONAL TOURNAMENT: Central Oregon Bridge Club presents a duplicate bridge tournament; $9 or $8 ACBL members; 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, South Sister, Three Sisters

TODAY THRU SUNDAY High & Dry Bluegrass Festival: So ... no getting down & dirty?

TODAY & SATURDAY Bend Brewfest: Coffee drinkers unite! Somewhere else!

THROUGHOUT WEEK Sunriver Music Festival: Bach-analia has really changed since the Greeks.

SATURDAY Season Showcase: Winter. Spring. Fall. Drama. One of these is not like the others.

WEDNESDAY Michael Franti & Spearhead: Crushing Parrotheads in costume contests.

THURSDAY Shakespeare in the Park: Romeo. Juliet. Geese.

Conference and Convention Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; 541-3229453 or pldouglas@bendbroadband.com.

NORTHWEST CROSSING FARMERS MARKET: Free; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing , Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing drives, Bend; 541-382-1662, valerie@brooksresources.com or www. nwxfarmersmarket.com. QUILT SHOW IN THE PARK: Mount Bachelor Ouilters Guild presents an outdoor quilt show, with two featured quilters, a boutique sale, sale table and a raffle; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; Pioneer Park,

1525 Hill St., Bend; 541-728-1286.

SOLAR VIEWING: View the sun using safe techniques; included in the price of admission; $15 adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 11 a.m.-2 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 orwww. highdesertmuseum.org. BEND BREWFEST: Event includes tastings from more than 50 breweries, food vendors and more; children admitted until? p.m.; ID required for entry; free admission, must purchase mug and


W, AUGUST 17, 2012

a sorcerer trapped on an island; free; 7 p.m.; American Legion Community Park, 850 S.W. Rimrock Way, Redmond; 541504-6721 or www.innovationtw.org. SEASON SHOWCASE: See scenes and musical numbers from upcoming shows at 2nd Street Theater; $10 suggested donation; 7:30p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; 2nd StreetTheater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. TRIAGE: The comedy improvisational troupe performs; $5; 7:30p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-771-3189. BROWNCHICKEN BROWNCOW STRINGBAND: The West Virginia string band performs; $5; 9:30p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing &Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.com.

tasting tokens to drink; noon-11 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive; 541-312-8510 or www. bendbrewfest.com.

DINNER FUNDRAISER: A steak dinner and silent auction; proceeds benefit the Honor Flight of Eastern Oregon and Prineville's Band of Brothers; $10 for dinner; 4 p.m.; Elks Lodge, 151 N. Main St., Prineville; 541-447-5451. HIGH DESERT RENDEZVOUS: A Western auction and gala featuring live music, games and dinner; proceeds benefit the High Desert Museum's

educational programs; $200, $150 for museum members; 4 p.m.; Horse Butte Equestrian Center, 60360 Horse Butte Road, Bend; 541-382-4754, ext. 365, hdr@highdesertmuseum.org or www. highdesertrendezvous.org. (Story, Page 17)

AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Les Joslin talks about his book "Uncle Sam's Cabins"; with a slide show; free; 6:30p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 422 S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-526-1491. "THETEMPEST": Innovation Theatre Works presents Shakespeare's play about

p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-593-9310, tickets@ sunrivermusic.org or www.sun rivermusic. org.

MONDAY Aug. 20 SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL CLASSICAL CONCERT Ill: Featuring selections from Bach, Theofanidis and Vivaldi; $30-$60, $10 youth; 7:30p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-5939310, tickets@sunrivermusic.org or www. sunrivermusic.org. JOKERS AND FOOLS: A night of improv and stand-up comedy; $8; 8 p.m.; 2nd StreetTheater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626.



Aug. 21


THE LIBRARY BOOK CLUB: Read and discuss "The Ape House" by Sara Gruen; free; noon; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3764 or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. REDMOND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 2-6:30 p.m.; Centennial Park, Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue; 541-550-0066 or red mondfarmersmarket1 @hotmail.com. TUESDAY FARMERS MARKET AT EAGLE CREST: Free admission; 2-6 p.m.; Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-633-9637 or info@ sustainableflame.com. BROOKSWOOD PLAZA FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-7 p.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541323-3370 or farmers market@ brookswoodmeadowplaza.com. NATURAL HISTORY PUB: Joe and Cordi Atkinson talk about rehabilitating , flying and hunting with falcons; free; 7 p.m., doors open 6 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com.

OREGON STAR PARTY: Gather at Indian Trail Spring for night sky viewing, with speakers and more; registration required; directions to site available on website; $75, $25 ages 12-17, $15 ages 6-11; www. oregonstarparty.org. HIGH DESERT BRIDGE SECTIONAL TOURNAMENT: Central Oregon Bridge Club presents a duplicate bridge tournament; $9 or $8 ACBL members; 10 a.m.; Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, South Sister, Three Sisters Conference and Convention Center, 3800 SW Airport Way, Redmond; 541-3229453 or pldouglas@bendbroadband.com. HIGH & DRY BLUEGRASS FESTIVAL: Festival includes live music, instrument workshops, food and more; directions to venue, Runway Ranch in Bend, on website; $15 for weekend; 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; www.hadbf.com. "THE TEMPEST": Innovation Theatre Works presents Shakespeare's play about a sorcerer trapped on an island; free; 2 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-504-6721 or www.innovationtw.org. CHUKKERS FOR CHARITY: Featuring the USPA Officer's Cup polo match; proceeds benefit the Tower Theatre Foundation, Bend Paddle Trail Alliance and Healing Reins Therapeutic Riding Center; $10, free ages 12 and younger; 2 p.m., gates open noon; Camp Fraley Ranch, 60580 Gosney Road, Bend; www.cascadepoloclub.com. SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL PIANO RECITAL: Elizabeth Joy Roe performs selections from Corigliano, Chopin and Beethoven; $30-$50, $10 youth; 7:30

WEDNESDAY Aug. 22 BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-7 p.m.; Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.com or http:// bendfarmersmarket.com. DREAM RIDE: Decorate your bicycle then parade through the Old Mill District; ride ends at the Les Schwab Amphitheater;


proceeds benefit Shine Global and Art Station; $10; 4 p.m.; Art Station, 313 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-410-5513 or www.campcatalyst.wordpress.com. MUSIC ON THE GREEN: Featuring big band music by the Notables Swing Band; vendors available; free; 6-7:30 p.m.; Sam Johnson Park, Southwest 15th Street, Redmond; 541-923-5191 or http:// visitredmondoregon.com. PICNIC IN THE PARK: Featuring an a cappella performance by The Coats; free; 6-8 p.m.; Pioneer Park, 450 N.E. Third St., Prineville; 541-447-6909. MICHAEL FRANTI & SPEARHEAD: The rock and soul act returns to Bend; with Amanda Shaw; $35 plus fees; 6:30p.m., gates open 5 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-318-5457 or www.bendconcerts.com. (Story, Page 6) THE LIBRARY BOOK CLUB: Read and discuss "The Beekeeper's Apprentice" by LaurieR. King; free; 6:30p.m.; Sisters Public Library, 110 N. Cedar St.; 541312-1074 orwww.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. SUNRIVER MUSIC FESTIVAL CLASSICAL CONCERT IV: Featuring selections from Beethoven and Mozart, with performances by Elizabeth Joy Roe; $30-$60,$10 youth; 7:30p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728Abbott Drive; 541-593-9310, tickets@sunrivermusic.org or www. sunrivermusic.org. JET WEST: The San Diego-based reggae band performs; $5; 9:30p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing &Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 orwww. silvermoonbrewing.com. (Story, Page 6)

THURSDAY Aug. 23 TREEHOUSE PUPPETS IN THE PARK: With a performance of "Cory Coyote Holds an Election!"; followed by a coordinated activity; free; 11 a.m.-noon; Compass Park, 2500 N.W. Crossing Drive, Bend; 541-3897275 or www.bendparksandrec.org. SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: Featuring a performance of "Romeo &Juliet" by Cat Call Productions; $20-$75; 6 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 N.W. Riverside Blvd., Bend; 541-323-0964 or www.bendticket.com. READERS SHOWCASE: Central Oregon Writers Guild members read from their works; free; 6:30-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; www. centraloregonwritersguild.com. • SUBMIT AN EVENT at www.bendbulletin.

com/submitinfo or email events@bendbulletin.com. Deadline is fO days before publication. Questions? Contact 541-383-0351.



planning ahead

Submitted photo

Cars line up at the End of Summer Cruz at Jake's Diner in Bend. This year's event takes place Aug. 29.

AUG. 24-30 AUG. 24-26- ART IN THE HIGH DESERT: Juried fine arts and crafts festival showcases art from more than 100 professional artists; free; 10 a.m.-6 p.m. Aug. 24-25, 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Aug. 26; banks of the Deschutes River, across the footbridge from the Old Mill District, Bend; 541-322-6272 or www. artinthehighdesert.com. AUG. 24-25- SHAKESPEARE IN THE PARK: Featuring a performance of "Romeo &Juliet" by Cat Call Productions; $20-$75; 6 p.m., doors open 5 p.m.; Drake Park, 777 N.W. Riverside Blvd., Bend; 541-323-0964 or www.bendticket.com. AUG. 24- BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 2-6 p.m.; St. Charles Bend, 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-4084998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.com or http://bendfarmersmarket.com. AUG. 24- SISTERS FARMERS

MARKET: 3-6 p.m.; Barclay Park, West Cascade Avenue and Ash Street; www. sistersfarmersmarket.com. AUG. 24- SUNRIVER FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 4-7 p.m.; Village at Sunriver, 57100 Beaver Drive; www.sunriverchamber.com. AUG. 24- ROD AND CUSTOM CAR SHOW: A display of vintage vehicles, with food, music and more; registration requested; proceeds benefit the inn; $15 suggested donation for participants and guests; 5-8 p.m.; Bethlehem Inn, 3705 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-3228768, kim@bethleheminn.org or www. bethleheminn.org. AUG. 24- ZZ TOP: The classic rock band performs, with Nashville Pussy; $42 or $79 reserved, plus fees; 6:30 p.m., gates open 5 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541-318-5457 orwww. bendconcerts.com. AUG. 24- RARE MONK: The indie rock

band performs, with Necktie Killer; $5; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. AUG. 25- PRINEVILLE FARMERS MARKET: Free; 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m.; Prineville City Plaza, 387 N.E. Third St.; 503-739-0643 or prinevillefarmersmarket@gmail.com. AUG. 25- MADRAS SATURDAY MARKET: Free admission; 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sahalee Park, Band Seventh streets; 541-489-3239 or madrassatmkt@gmail. com. AUG. 25- CENTRAL OREGON SATURDAY MARKET: Featuring arts and crafts from local artisans; free admission; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; parking lot across from Bend Public Library, 600 N.W. Wall St.; 541-420-9015 orwww. centraloregonsaturdaymarket.com. AUG. 25- GARDEN PARTY: With garden tours, garden presentations and more; free; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; Hollinshead Community Garden, Hollinshead Park,

1235 N.E. 12th St., Bend; 541-548-6088. AUG. 25- NORTHWEST CROSSING FARMERS MARKET: Free; 10 a.m.2 p.m.; NorthWest Crossing, Mt. Washington and Northwest Crossing drives, Bend; 541-382-1662, valerie@ brooksresources.com or www. nwxfarmersmarket.com. AUG. 25- SUMMER CARNIVAL: With games, food and prizes; free admission; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; St. Thomas Academy, 1720 N.W.19th St., Redmond; 541-5483785 or www.redmondacademy.com. AUG. 25- VFW DINNER: A dinner of Asian food; $7; 5 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. AUG. 25- HOT AUGUST NITES: Featuring a dinner, parking lot dance and a cruise in; proceeds benefit the Diabetes Research Center; $13.50 in advance, $15 at the door, $5 for dance only; 7 p.m., 8 p.m. dance; Eagles Lodge &Club, 235 N.E. Fourth St., Prineville; 541-447-7659. AUG. 25- NIGHTSOUNDS-

WOODSTOCK EDITION: A night of music from Woodstock, with cast members from "The Tempest" providing trivia; $5 in advance, $6 at the door; 7-10 p.m.; Innovation Theatre Works, 1155 S.W. Division St., Bend; 541-504-6721, brad@ innovationtw.org or www.innovationtw. org. AUG. 25- SHOW US YOUR SPOKES: Featuring a performance by The Autonomies and Cadence; proceeds benefit Commute Options; $5; 7 p.m.; Parrilla Grill, 635 N.W. 14th St., Bend; 541-617-9600. AUG. 26- FIDDLERS JAM: Listen or dance at the Oregon Old Time Fiddlers Jam; donations accepted; 1-3:30 p.m.; VFW Hall, 1836 S.W. Veterans Way, Redmond; 541-647-4789. AUG. 28-REDMOND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 2-6:30 p.m.; Centennial Park, Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue; 541-550-0066 or redmondfarmersmarket1@hotmail.com.

planning ahead


AUG. 28- TUESDAY FARMERS MARKET AT EAGLE CREST: Free admission; 2-6 p.m.; Eagle Crest Resort, 1522 Cline Falls Road, Redmond; 541-633-9637 or info@ sustainableflame.com. AUG. 28-BROOKSWOOD PLAZA FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-7 p.m.; Brookswood Meadow Plaza, 19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541323-3370 or farmersmarket@ brookswoodmeadowplaza.com. AUG. 29-BEND FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-7 p.m.; Brooks Alley, between Northwest Franklin Avenue and Northwest Brooks Street; 541-408-4998, bendfarmersmarket@gmail.com or http://bendfarmersmarket.com. AUG. 29- PICKIN' AND PADDLIN' MUSIC SERIES: Includes boat demonstrations in the Deschutes River and music by bluegrass act Eight Dollar Mountain; proceeds benefit Bend Paddle Trail Alliance; free; 4-7 p.m. demonstrations, 7-10 p.m. music; Tumalo Creek Kayak &Canoe, 805 S.W. Industrial Way, Suite 6, Bend; 541-317-9407. AUG. 29- MUSIC IN THE CANYON: Jazz Under the Stars performs jazz music; free; 5:30-8 p.m.; American Legion Community Park, 850 S.W. Rimrock Way, Redmond; www. musicinthecanyon.com. AUG. 29- END OF SUMMER CRUZ: Event features classic cars, live music by the Taelour Project and a barbecue; proceeds benefit the High Desert A's COCC automotive scholarship fund; free admission; 6-8 p.m., barbecue begins at 5:30p.m.; Jake's Diner, 2210 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-419-6021. AUG. 29- PICNIC IN THE PARK: Featuring an Americana performance by The Sugar Beets; free; 6-8 p.m.; Pioneer Park, 450 N.E. Third St., Prineville; 541-447-6909. AUG.30-TREEHOUSEPUPPETS IN THE PARK: With a performance of "Afraid of the Dark- Whose Eyes Are Out There Anyway?"; followed by a coordinated activity; free; 11 a.m.-noon; Columbia Park, 264 S.W. Columbia St., Bend; 541-389-7275 or www. bendparksandrec.org. AUG. 30- TUMALO FARMERS MARKET: Free admission; 3-6 p.m.;

Tumalo Garden Market, off of U.S. Highway 20 and Cook Avenue; 541728-0088, earthsart@gmail.com or http://tu mal ogarden market. com. AUG. 30- AUTHOR PRESENTATION: Kim CooperFindling reads from her book "Chance of Sun: An Oregon Memoir"; free; 6 p.m.; The Nature of Words, 224 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; 541-647-2233, info@ thenatureofwords.org or www. thenatureofwords.org. AUG. 30- MADELEINE PEYROUX: The jazz act performs; $25; 6:30 p.m., doors open 6 p.m.; Athletic Club of Bend, 61615 Athletic Club Drive; 541-382-3940 orwww. c3events.com.

Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. AUG. 31- ESTOCAR: The Seattlebased pop-rock band performs, with The The The Thunder; $5; 9:30p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing &Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.com. SEPT. 1-2- SUNRIVER SUN FEST WINE FESTIVAL: Featuring wines from more than 50 wineries , art vendors, live music, food and more; free admission, signature glass required fortastings; noon-7 p.m. Sept.1, 11 a.m.-6p.m. Sept.


2; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic &Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; 541-385-7988 or www.sunriversunfest.com. SEPT. 1- GRAPE STOMP: Stomp grapes for wine; with live music and food; bring your own glass; a portion of proceeds from wine produced will benefitTerrebonne Community School; $8 in advance, $10 at the door, free for children; 11 a.m.-6 p.m.; Maragas Winery, 15523 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Culver; 541-546-5464 orwww. maragaswinery.com. SEPT. 1- BRANDl CARLILE:

The rootsy singer-songwriter performs, with Blitzen Trapper and Ivan &Alyosha; $34 plus fees; 6 p.m., gates open 5 p.m.; Les Schwab Amphitheater, 344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; 541318-5457 or www.bendconcerts. com. SEPT. 5- MUSIC ON THE GREEN: Featuring traditional Hawaiian dancing by the Hokulea Dancers; vendors available; free; 6-7:30 p.m.; Sam Johnson Park, Southwest 15th Street, Redmond; 541-923-5191 or http:// visit red man do reg on .com.

AUG. 31-SEPT. 6 AUG. 31-SEPT. 1-LIBRARY BOOK SALE: Friends of the Sunriver Area Public Library hosts a sale of books; bag sale Sept. 1; free admission; 10 a.m.7 p.m. Aug. 31, noon-5 p.m. Sept. 1; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. AUG. 31-SEPT. 2- DIXIELAND PARTY BAND AND FRIENDS: Musicians from the Northwest and California perform; refreshments available; donations accepted; HO p.m. Aug. 31, noon-10 p.m. Sept. 1 and 11 a.m.-8 p.m. Sept. 2; La Pine Moose Lodge, 52510 Drafter Road; 541-548-0679. AUG. 31-SEPT. 1-LITTLE WOODY BARREL AGED BREW FESTIVAL: Craft beer and rye whiskey tastings from Oregon breweries, with live music; ages 21 and older only; a portion of proceeds benefits the Deschutes County Historical Society; $6, $15 beer tasting package; 5-10 p.m. Aug. 31, noon-1 0 p.m. Sept. 1; Des Chutes Historical Museum, 129 N.W.IdahoAve., Bend; www. thelittlewoody.com. AUG. 31- VOLUNTEER EXPO: Community organizations will be on hand to talk about volunteering options; free; 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-6177080 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. AUG.31-EVERYDAY PROPHETS: The Portland-based reggae-rock band performs, with All You All; $5; 9 p.m.; Liquid

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talks, classes, musewns & libraries EDUCATION BULLY BUSTER SKILLS CLASS: Learn practical skills and techniques to deal with bullies; registration requested; $1 0; multiple classes divided by age beginning at 10 a.m. Saturday and 4:30p.m. Wednesday; Bend Martial Arts Club, 222 S.E. Reed Market Road; www.bendmartialartsclub.com or 541-617-3949. ABRAHAM INSPIRATION GROUP: A video screening and discussion of the "art of allowing" and "law of attraction"; donations accepted; 5-8 p.m. Saturday; Rosie Bareis Community Campus, 1010 N.W.14th St., Bend;

www.goldenbridgeseminars.com or 541-389-4523. NUTRITION IN THE GARDEN: Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-eligible clients learn to make a stir fry from garden produce; groceries provided; RSVP required; free; 10-11 a.m. Tuesday; Hollinshead Community Garden, 1235 N.E. Jones St., Bend; 541-548-6088. COOKING CLASS WITH CHEF BETTE FRASER: Learn to cook Hawaiian food; registration required; $50; 6-9 p.m. Tuesday; register for Bend location; www.welltraveledfork.com, chefbette@ welltraveledfork.com or 541-312-0097. LUNCH & LEARN: Learn about native plants; free; 12:15 p.m. Thursday; OSU Demonstration Garden, Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center, 3800 S.W. Airport Way, Redmond; 541-548-6088. AARP DRIVER SAFETY PROGRAM: Through senior centers; Bend, 541-388-1133; Redmond, 541-548-6325. CENTRALOREGON COMMUNITY COLLEGE: www. cocc.edu or 541-383-7270. COMPASSIONATE COMMUNICATION: www. katyelliottmft.com or 541-633-5704. KINDERMUSIK: www. developmusic.com or 541-389-6690. LATINO COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION: 541-382-4366 or www.latca.org.


learn to cook Hawaiian food

at the Cooking Class with Chef Bette Frasier. See the Education section for details. Courtesy Tony Cenlcola I New York Times

MOTORCYCLE SAFETY: http:// teamoregon.orst.edu. NEIL KELLY CO. REMODELING SEMINARS: 541-382-7580. PARTNERS IN CARE PRESENTATIONS: loriew@partnersbend.org or 541-382-5882. SPIRITUAL AWARENESS COMMUNITY OF THE CASCADES: www. spiritualawarenesscommunity.com or 541-388-3179. THE STOREFRONT PROJECT: 541-3304381 or www.thenatureofwords.org. WOMEN'S RESOURCE CENTER CLASSES: www.wrcco.org or 541-385-0750.

PARKS& RECREATION BEND PARK & RECREATION DISTRICT: www.bendparksandrec.org or 541-389-7275. BEND SENIOR CENTER: 541-388-1133. CAMP TUMALO: www.camptumalo.com or 541-389-5151. REDMOND AREA PARK AND RECREATION DISTRICT: www.raprd.org or 541-548-7275. SISTERS ORGANIZATION FOR ACTIVITIES AND RECREATION: www. sistersrecreation .com or 541-549-2091.

OUTDOOR RECREATION DESCHUTES LAND TRUST: www.deschuteslandtrust.org or 541-330-0017. THE ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER: www. envirocenter.org or 541-322-4856. OREGON PALEO LANDS INSTITUTE OUTDOOR EXCURSIONS: www. paleolands.org or 541-763-4480. OUTDOORS SKILLS WORKSHOPS: 800720-6339, ext. 76018. PINE MOUNTAIN OBSERVATORY: pmo-sun.uoregon .ed u. SILVER STRIDERS: strideon@silverstriders.com or 541-383-8077. SUNRIVER NATURE CENTER & OBSERVATORY: www. sunrivernaturecenter.org or 541-593-4442. TRADITIONAL MOUNTAINEERING MAP, COMPASS AND GPS SKILLS: 541-385-0445. WANDERLUSTTOURS: www. wanderlusttours.com or 541-389-8359.

ARTS & CRAFTS ART IN THE MOUNTAINS: www. artinthemountains.com or 541-923-2648.

ART STATION: www.artscentraloregon. org or 541-617-1317. ATELIER 6000: www.atelier6000.org or 541-330-8759. CINDY BRIGGS WATERCOLORS: www. cindybriggs.com or 541-420-9463. CREATIVITY RESOURCE FOUNDATION: 541-549-2091. DON TERRA ARTWORKS: 541-549-1299 or www.donterra.com. JENNIFER LAKE GALLERY ART ACADEMY: 541-549-7200. KEN ROTH STUDIO: www.kenrothstudio. com or 541-317-1727. KINKER ART STUDIO: 541-306-6341. SAGEBRUSHERS ART SOCIETY: http://sagebrushersartofbend .com or 541-617-0900.

PERFORMING ARTS FILM PRODUCTION 101: Ages 13-20 learn to plan, organize and prepare a short film; registration required; $300; 10 a.m.-4 p.m. Monday through Aug. 24 or Aug. 27-31; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 2ndstreettheater@gmail.com or 541-312-9626. ACADEMIE DE BALLET CLASSIQUE: 541-382-4055. ACTOR'S REALM: 541-410-7894 or val cani ctheatre@ben dbroad band. com. AN DAIRE ACADEMY OF IRISH DANCE: www.irishdancecentraloregon.com. BEND EXPERIMENTAL ARTTHEATRE: www.beatonline.org or 541-419-5558. CASCADE SCHOOL OF MUSIC: www. ccschoolofmusic.org or 541-382-6866. CENTRAL OREGON SCHOOL OF BALLET: www.centraloregonschoolofballet.com or 541-389-9306. CHILDREN'S MUSIC THEATRE GROUP: www.cmtg.org or 541-385-6718. DANCE CENTRAL: danceforhealth. dance@gmail.com or 541-639-6068. GOTTA DANCE STUDIO: 541-322-0807. GYPSY FIRE BELLYDANCE: 541-420-5416. JAZZ DANCE COLLECTIVE: www.jazzdancecollective.org or 541-408-7522. REDMOND SCHOOL OF DANCE: www.redmondschoolofdance.com or 541-548-6957. SCENE STUDY WORKSHOP: 541-9775677 or brad@innovationtw.org. TERPSICHOREAN DANCE STUDIO: 541-389-5351.

MUSEUMS A.R. BOWMAN MEMORIAL MUSEUM: Exhibits about Crook County, the City of Prineville Railroad and the local timber industry; 246 N. Main St., Prineville; www.

bowmanmuseum.org or 541-447-3715. DES CHUTES HISTORICAL MUSEUM: Explores the history, culture and heritage of Deschutes County; 129 N.W.Idaho Ave., Bend; www.deschuteshistory.org or 541-389-1813. FORT ROCK HOMESTEAD VILLAGE MUSEUM: A collection of original buildings from the early 1900s homestead era; open Memorial Day through Labor Day; $4; Fort Rock; http://fortrockoregon. com or 541-576-2251. HIGH DESERT MUSEUM: Featuring exhibits, wildlife and art of the High Desert, plus "Pervasive lnvasives: Animals" through Jan. 6 and "Art of the West Show" through today; 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; www.highdesertmuseum.org or 541-382-4754. THE MUSEUM AT WARM SPRINGS: Cultural, traditional and artistic heritage of the Confederated Tribes of Warm Springs; 2189 U.S. Highway 26, Warm Springs; www.museumatwarmsprings. org or 541-553-3331. REDMOND MUSEUM: Featuring exhibits on early lumbering in Redmond ; 529 S.W. Seventh St.; 541-316-1777. SUNRIVER NATURE CENTER & OBSERVATORY: Featuring live birds of prey, hands-on exhibits, nature trail, telescopes, night sky viewing and more; 57245 River Road, Sunriver; www.sunrivernaturecenter.org or 541-593-4394.

LIBRARIES BEND GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY LIBRARY: Williamson Hall at Rock Arbor Villa, 2200 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-317-9553 orwww.orgenweb. org/deschutes/bend-gs. DOWNTOWN BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY: 601 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-617-7040. CROOK COUNTY LIBRARY: 175 N.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-447-7978. EAST BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY: 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3760. FAMILY HISTORY LIBRARY: 1260 N.E. Thompson Drive, Bend; 541-382-9947. LA PINE PUBLIC LIBRARY: 1642 51st St., La Pine; 541-312-1091. JEFFERSON COUNTY LIBRARY: 241 S. E. 7th St., Madras; 541-475-3351. REDMOND PUBLIC LIBRARY: 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave., Redmond ; 541-312-1050. ROBERT l. BARBER LIBRARY: 2600 N.W. College Way (COCC), Bend; 541-383-7560. SISTERS PUBLIC LIBRARY: 110 N. Cedar St., Sisters; 541-312-1070. SUNRIVER AREA PUBLIC LIBRARY: 56855 Venture Lane, Sunriver; 541-312-1080.







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out of town The following is a list of other events "Out of Town."


• Tony Award-winning musical kicks off Broadway series By Jenny Wasson The Bulletin

n 1996, playwright Joe DiPietro gained critical acclaim for "I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change." A series of vignettes centered around every stage of a relationship, the musical was one of the longest running shows off-Broadway. With the help of Bon Jovi founding member David Bryan on lyrics and music, DiPietro is turning his attention to the birth of rock 'n' roll in "Memphis." Winner of four Tony Awards, "Memphis" kicks off the "Broadway Across America" series in Portland. The musical runs Sept. 11-16 at Keller Auditorium. According to the show's educational guide, "Memphis" centers around Huey Calhoun, "a young white man determined to bring 'race music' into mainstream culture, and break a segregated society's racial barriers;' and Felicia Farrell, "a young up-and-coming black singer at the Beale Street Club:' Songs include "The Music of My Soul;' "Scratch My Itch;' "Ain't Nothin' But a Kiss;' "Change Don't Come Easy" and "Steal Your Rock 'n' Roll:'


"Memphis" opened Oct. 19, 2009 at the Shubert Theatre on Broadway inN ew York City. After 1,165 performances, it finally ended its run earlier this month, according to the Internet Broadway Database. The production won Tony Awards for Best Musical, Best Book of a Musical, Best Score and Best Orchestrations. The national touring cast stars Bryan Fenkart as Huey and Felicia Boswell as Felicia. Charles Isherwood of The New York Times wrote that "Memphis" is "a new musical with plenty of energetic choreography and a talented, appealing, hard-charging cast that holds the attention. It evokes the powerhouse funk of James Brown, the hot guitar riffs of Chuck Berry, the smooth harmonies of the Temptations, the silken, bouncy pop of the great girl groups of the period:' Ticket prices range from $28.75 to $68.75 plus fees, depending on seat location. To purchase tickets, visit www.pcpa.com or call503-241-1802. -Reporter: 541-383-0350, jwasson@bendbulletin.com

ThroughAug.19-Willamette Country Music Festival: Lineup includes Rodney Atkins, Sugarland, Martina McBride, The Band Perry and Trace Adkins; Brownsville; www. willamettecountrymusicfestival.com or 541-345-9263. Aug. 17- Buddy Guy/Jonny Lang, Oregon Zoo, Portland; TM* Aug. 17- Norah Jones, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; SOLD OUT; CT* Aug. 17- Luis de Ia Tota & Company, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Aug. 18- Polica, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Aug.18-19- Pink Martini, Oregon Zoo, Portland; TM* Aug. 19- Jovanotti, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Aug. 19- "Weird AI" Yankovic, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Aug. 20- The Cult, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Aug. 21 -Michael Franti & Spearhead, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www.brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Aug. 22- ZZ Top, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; CT* Aug. 23- Cannibal Corpse, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Aug. 23- fun., Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www.brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Aug. 23- Michael Franti & Spearhead/Trombone Shorty, Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene; TW* Aug. 23- The Very Best, Holocene, Portland; www.brownpapertickets.com or 800-838-3006. Aug. 24- The Avett Brothers, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www.brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Aug. 24- Colbie Caillat and Gavin DeGraw, Oregon State Fairground, Salem; www.oregonstatefair.org or 877-840-0457. Aug. 24- El Tri, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Aug. 24- fun., Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Aug. 24- Husky, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Aug. 24- Soul Vaccination, Skamania Lodge Amphitheater, Stevenson, Wash.; www.tickettomato.com or 503-432-9477. Aug. 24- Trombone Shorty and Orleans Avenue/Robert Randolph and the Family Band, Oregon Zoo, Portland;

TM* Aug. 25 -Joe Walsh, Oregon State Fairground, Salem; www. oregonstatefair.org or 877-840-0457. Aug. 25- Super Diamond, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Aug. 25-26- The Avett Brothers, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; CT* Aug. 26- DesaparecidosNirgin Islands, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Aug. 26- Esperanza Spalding and the Divas of Jazz, Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.tickettomato. com or 503-432-9477. Aug. 26- Roseanne Cash/Madeleine Peyroux, Oregon Zoo, Portland; TM* Aug. 26- Trombone Shorty & Orleans Avenue/Ozomatli, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www.brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Aug. 27- The Royal Concept, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLD OUT; CT* Aug. 28- Atlas Genius/Tu Fawning, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; SOLD OUT; CT* Aug. 28- Hank Ill, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Aug. 28- Rosanne Cash, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Aug. 29- Refused/Sleigh Bells, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Aug. 29- The Yardbirds, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland ; CT* Aug. 30- Mac Miller with Travis Porter & YG, Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene; TW* Aug. 31 - Colbie Caillat and Gavin DeGraw, Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene; TW* Aug. 31 -Brandi Carlile, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www.brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Aug. 31 -Diana Krall, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Aug. 31 -Divas of Soul- Linda Hornbuckle, Sonny Hess and Lady Kat, Skamania Lodge Amphitheater, Stevenson, Wash.; www.tickettomato. com or 503-432-9477. Sept. 1 - Demi Lovato/Hot Chelle Rae, Oregon State Fairground, Salem; www. oregonstatefair.org or 877-840-0457. Sept. 1 -lan Hunter, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Sept. 1 -Why?, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Sept. 2- Amon Tobin, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 2- Gotye, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; CT*


out of town

Sept. 2- The Wombats, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Sept. 3- Jake Owen, Oregon State Fairground, Salem; www.oregonstatefair.org or

*Tickets TM: Ticketmaster, www .ticketmaster.com or 800-


877-840-0457. Sept. 4- Jane's Addiction, Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Sept. 4- Missy Higgins, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Sept. 5- Bonnie Raitt, Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene; TW* Sept. 5-9- MusicfestNW: Featuring Silversun Pickups, Passion Pit, Beirut, Dinosaur Jr., Girl Talk, A-Trak and The Hives; various locations in Portland; www. musi cfestnw. com. Sept. 6- Beirut, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Sept. 6- Slightly Stoopid, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Sept. 7- Bonnie Raitt, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; SOLD OUT; TW* Sept. 7- Silversun Pickups, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; VENUE CHANGE;TW* Sept. 8- My Morning Jacket, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; CT* Sept. 9- AI Stewart, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Sept. 9- Don Omar, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 11 -Crosby, Stills & Nash, Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene; TW* Sept. 11 - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Sept. 11- Heart, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www.brittfest.org or

800-882-7488. Sept. 11 - Pat Metheny Unity Band, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Sept. 12- Crosby, Stills & Nash, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Sept. 12 - Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Sept. 13- Buckethead, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Sept. 13- Hot Chip/YACHT, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Sept. 13- Pretty Lights, Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene; TW* Sept. 14 - Buckethead, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Sept. 14- Chicago, Oregon Zoo, Portland; TM* Sept. 14 - Dillon Francis, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 14 - Huey Lewis & the News, Britt Pavilion,


TW: Tickets West, www .ticketswest.com or 800-

992-8499 TF: Ticketfly, www.ticket fly. com or 877-435-9489 CT: Cascade Tickets, www .cascadetickets.com or


Submitted photo

Belgian-Australian singer-songwriter Gotye will perform Sept. 2 at McMenamins Edgefield in Troutdale. His chart-topping hits include the 2011 single "Somebody I Used to Know." Jacksonville; www.brittfest.org or

800-882-7488. Sept. 14-15- The Be Good Tanyas, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Sept. 15- Anthrax, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 15- Huey Lewis & the News, Maryhill Winery, Goldendale, Wash.; www. maryhillwinery.com or

877-627-9445. Sept. 16- Atmosphere, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 17- The Gourds/James McMurtry, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Sept. 18- Big Time Rush, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Sept. 19- Bob Mould Plays Copper Blue & Silver Age, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Sept. 20- Animal Collective, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Sept. 20- Father John/Misty, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Sept. 20- Serj Tankian, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 22- Dispatch, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 22- Matisyahu/Dirty Heads, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Sept. 22- Portland Cello Project, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Sept. 22- Train, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; SOLD OUT; CT* Sept. 22-23- The Doobie Brothers, Chinook Winds Casino

Resort, Lincoln City; www. chinookwindscasino.com or

888-244-6665. Sept. 25- Grouplove, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 25- Wilco, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www.brittfest.org or

800-882-7488. Sept. 26- Hatebreed, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Sept. 26- Odd Future, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 26- The Shins, Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Sept. 26- Train, Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene; TW* Sept. 27 - Charlie Daniels Band, The Ross Ragland Theater, Klamath Falls; www.rrtheater.org or 541-884-5483. Sept. 27- Garbage, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 27- Kimbra, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Sept. 27-29- Furthur featuring Phil Lesh & Bob Weir, McMenamins Edgefield, Troutdale; only Thursday tickets are still available; CT* Sept. 28- Amanda Palmer & The Grand Theft Orchestra, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Sept. 28- The Shins, Cuthbert Amphitheater, Eugene; TW* Sept. 28- Willy Porter, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Sept. 29- Ariel Pink's Haunted Graffiti, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Sept. 29- Beach House/Dustin Wong, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Sept. 29- George Thorogood,

Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Sept. 30- Beach House, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Sept. 30- Citizen Cope, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Sept. 30- George Thorogood & The Destroyers, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www. craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Sept. 30- Patrick Wolf, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 2- Aimee Mann, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 2- Nightwish, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 2- Stephen Marley, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Oct. 3-Shpongle, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT*

Oct. 4- Ben Howard, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Oct. 4 - Glen Hansard, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 4- Grizzly Bear, Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Oct. 4 -Natalie Merchant: Performing with the Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or


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800-228-7343 . Oct. 4 - Psychedelic Furs,



Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 5- Calobo, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 5- Greg Brown, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 5- Ed Sheeran, Roseland Theater, Portland; VENUE CHANGE;TW* Oct. 5- Phoenix Blues, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Oct. 5- Steve Kimock, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Oct. 6 -An Evening of Bollywood Music, Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Oct. 6 - Michael Kiwanuka, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Oct. 6- Steve Vai, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW*

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Continued next page

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PAGE 28. GO! MAGAZINE From previous page Oct. 7- Alfie Boe, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 7- Carrie Underwood, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Oct. 7- The XX, Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLD OUT; TW* Oct. 8- Justin Bieber, Rose Garden, Portland; SOLD OUT; www.rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Oct. 9- Tom Rush, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TM* Oct. 10- Gossip, McMenamins

• Ill




out of town Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 10 - The Head & The Heart/ Blitzen Trapper, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Oct.11- Macklemore & Ryan Lewis, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Oct. 12- Big Gigantic, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Oct. 12- Project Trio, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Oct. 15- Bob Dylan, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673.

LECTURES &COMEDY Aug. 18-19- Sylvia Browne, Chinook Winds Casino Resort, Lincoln City; www. chinookwindscasino.com or 888-244-6665. Aug. 31 -Jeff Dunham, Oregon State Fairground, Salem; www.oregonstatefair.org or 877-840-0457. Sept. 8- Jim Galligan, Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Sept. 9 -Ira Glass, Arlene


Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Sept. 11 -Henry Rollins, Elsinore Theatre, Salem; TW* Sept. 11 - Ralphie May, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Sept. 14- Ralphie May, Newmark Theatre, Portland; TM* Sept. 20- Mark Bittman, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Sept. 21 -Lisa Lampanelli, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Sept. 28- San Francisco lnt'l Comedy Competition, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Oct. 6- Kathy Griffin, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; TM* Oct. 10- Wayne Brady, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Oct. 11 -Brian Regan, Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000.

SYMPHONY &OPERA Aug. 17- Westwater Photochoreography/Sara Daneshpour/Britt Orchestra, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Aug. 18- Symphony Pops/ Britt Orchestra, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www.brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Aug. 19- Farewell Concert/Aiisa Weilerstein/Britt Orchestra, Britt Pavilion, Jacksonville; www. brittfest.org or 800-882-7488. Aug. 30- Waterfront Concert: Featuring the Portland Youth Philharmonic and the Oregon Symphony; Tom McCall Waterfront Park, Portland; www.orsymphony. org or 503-228-1353. Sept. 8- "Opening with a Bang!": Featuring percussionist Colin Currie; music by Sibelius, Aha and Respighi; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Sept. 15- "Here to Stay: The Gershwins": Featuring pianist Kevin Cole; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Sept. 20- "Rhapsody in Blue": Featuring pianist Jon Nakamatsu; music by Bernstein, Ravel, Gershwin and de Falla; Eugene Symphony; Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000.

Sept. 22- "An Evening with John Williams": Featuring music from "Harry Potter," "Schindler's List" and "Star Wars"; Eugene Symphony; Hult Center, Eugene; www.hultcenter.org or 541-682-5000. Sept. 22-24- "Parker Plays Mozart": Featuring pianist Jon Kimura Parker; Music by Alfven, Mozart, Andrew Norman and Rachmaninoff; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Oct. 7- "Trains, Trams, Trolleys and more": Part of the Kids Series Concert; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Oct.13- Tien Hsieh, The Ross Ragland Theater, Klamath Falls; www.rrtheater.org or 541-884-5483.

THEATER &DANCE Through Oct. 12- Oregon Shakespeare Festival: "Party People" (through Nov. 3) and "Trail us and Cressida" (through Nov. 4) are currently running in the New Theatre. "All the Way" (through Nov. 3), "Medea/Macbeth/Cinderella" (through Nov. 3), "Animal Crackers" (through Nov. 4) and "Romeo and Juliet" (through Nov. 4) are currently in production at the Angus Bowmer Theatre. "Henry V" (through Oct. 12), "The Very Merry Wives of Windsor, Iowa" (through Oct. 13) and "As You Like It" (through Oct. 14) are currently running at the Elizabethan Stage; Ashland; www. osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Aug. 20-24- OBT Exposed: Weeklong public choreographic institute featuring acclaimed choreographer and filmmaker Pontus Lid berg; www.obt.org or 888-922-5538. Sept. 4-0ct. 7- "And So It Goes": Play by Aaron Posner; world premiere; presented by Artists Repertory Theatre; Alder Stage, Portland; www.artistsrep. org or 503-241-1278. Sept. 6-8- "3 Viewings": Playwright Jeffrey Hatcher explores love, money and loss in atrio of mordantly witty narratives; Craterian Ginger Rogers Theater, Medford; www.craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Sept. 1H 6- "Memphis": Musical features a book by Joe DiPietro ("I Love You, You're Perfect, Now Change); Keller Auditorium, Portland; www.pcpa. com or 503-248-4335. Sept. 13-16- Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey, Rose Garden, Portland; www.rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673.


out of town



Sept. 26- L.A. Dance Project: Part of the White Bird Dance Series; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.whitebird.org or 503-245-1600. Oct. 9-Nov. 11- "Seven Guitars": Play by August Wilson; Portland premiere; presented by Artists Repertory Theatre; Morrison Stage, Portland; www.artistsrep. org or 503-241-1278.

EXHIBITS Through August- "Sense-ational Summer: Perceiving the World Around Us," The Science Factory, Eugene; www. sciencefactory.org or 541-682-7888. ThroughAug.19-JordaSchnitzer Museum of Art: The following exhibits are on display: "Russel Wong: The Big Picture" (through Aug. 19) and "Tough by Nature: Portraits of Cowgirls and Ranch Women of the American West" (through Sept. 9); Eugene; jsma.uoregon.edu or 541-346-3027. ThroughAug.19-0regonMuseumof Science and Industry: The following exhibits are currently on display: "Wild Minds: What Animals Really Think" (through Aug. 19) and "Simply Beautiful: Photographs from National Geographic" (through Feb. 10); Portland; www.omsi.edu or 800-955-6674. Through Aug. 31 -"Persistence in Clay: Contemporary Ceramics in Montana," Crossroads Carnegie Art Center, Baker City; www.crossroads-arts.org or 541-523-5369. Through Sept. 2- Portland Art Museum: The following exhibits are currently on display: "Figure Writing Reflected in Mirror" (through Sept. 2), "California Impressionism: Selections from The Irvine Museum" (through Sept. 16), "Ellsworth Kelly/Prints" (through Sept. 16) and "Cornerstones of a Great Civilization: Masterworks of Ancient Chinese Art" (through Nov.11); Portland; www.portlandartmuseum.org or 503-226-2811. Through Sept. 3- "Nature Unleashed: Inside Natural Disasters": New interactive exhibition takes a look at natural disasters; Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Portland; www.omsi.edu or 800-955-6674. Through Sept. 3- "The Subject is Light: The Henry and Sharon Martin Collection of Contemporary Realist Paintings": Featuring 23 paintings by living artists of Cape Cod; Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, Wash.; www.maryhillmuseum. org or 509-773-3733. Through Oct. 7- "Outdoor Sculpture Exhibition": Featuring works by Pacific Northwest sculptors; Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, Wash.; www. maryhillmuseum.org or 509-773-3733. Through Nov. 15- Maryhill Museum of Art: The following exhibits are currently on display: "British Painting from the Permanent Collection" (through Nov. 15) and "Ceramics from the Permanent Collection" (through Nov. 15); Goldendale, Wash.; www. maryhillmuseum.org or 509-773-3733. Through Dec. 31 - "Timberrr! ANostalgic Look Back at Working in the Woods": Featuring vintage photographs and rare motion picture films; World Forestry Center Discovery Museum, Portland; www. worldforestry.org or 503-228-1367.

Courtesy Ian Nichols, National Geographic

A silverback gorilla soaks in a swamp while munching on water plants in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The photograph is part of "Simply Beautiful: Photographs from National Geographic," a traveling exhibition on display through Feb. 10 at the Oregon Museum of Science and Industry in Portland.

Through Feb. 16- "Reflecting on Eric Gronborg": Works employ archetypes of functional ceramic traditions as conceptual vehicles to explore contemporary culture; Museum of Contemporary Craft: Portland; www.museumofcontemporarycraft.org or 503-223-2654. Through Dec. 2013- "The Sea & Me": A new children's interactive exhibit; Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport; www.aquarium. org or 541-867-3474. Aug.17-Jan. 5-"Designwiththe Other 90%: Cities": Exhibit explores design solutions that address the challenges created by rapid urban growth in informal settlements; Museum of Contemporary Craft: Portland; www. museumofcontemporarycraft.org or 503-223-2654. Sept. 6-16 -Time-Based Art Festival: A convergence of contemporary performance and visual arts; various locations, Portland; www.pica.org/tba or 503-242-1419. Sept. 1-3- 26th annual Reptile Show, Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Portland; www.omsi.edu or 800-955-6674. Sept. 15-Nov. 15- "David Hockney: Six Fairy Tales": A compilation of 39 etchings inspired by the works of the Brothers Grimm; Maryhill Museum of Art, Goldendale, Wash.; www.maryhillmuseum.org or 509-773-3733. Sept. 22 -Jellyfish Jubilee: ACelebration of Food and Wine, Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport; www.aquarium.org or 541-867-3474. Sept. 22-23- Corvallis Fall Festival, Corvallis Central Park, Corvallis; www. corvallisfallfestival.com or 541-752-9655. Sept. 29- Smithsonian Magazine Museum Day Live: Free admission at participating venues; various locations in Oregon; www.smithsonianmag.com/ museumday or 800-766-2149. Sept. 29-Jan. 1 - "RACE: Are We So Different," Oregon Museum of Science

and Industry, Portland; www.omsi.edu or 800-955-6674. Sept. 29-Jan. 6- "Grossology: The (Impolite) Science of the Human Body," Oregon Museum of Science and Industry, Portland; www.omsi.edu or 800-955-6674.

MISCELLANY Through Aug. 18- Grant County Fair, John Day; www.gcfairgrounds.com or 509-765-3581. Aug. 18- Pirate Treasure Hunt, Depoe Bay; www.treasuredepoebay.org or 888-393-6833. Aug. 23,30- Top Down Film Series: Film series takes place outside atop the Hotel deluxe's parking garage; Portland; www. nwfilm.org or 503-221-1156. Aug. 24- Klamath Tribes Restoration Celebration, Chiloquin; www. klamathtribes.org or 800-524-9787. Aug. 24-Sept. 3- Oregon State Fair, Oregon State Fairgrounds, Salem; www. oregonstatefai r.org or 800-833-0011. Aug. 25- Mother Earth Festival, Stillpoint Farm, Veneta; www. stillpointfarmsfestival.com or 541-968-1999. Aug. 26- Car Show, The Oregon Garden, Silverton; www.oregongarden.org or 503-874-8100. Sept. 20-23- Feast Portland: A celebration of food, drink and everything else that makes Portland awesome; presented by Bon Appetit; www. feastportland.com. Sept. 22- Tour of Gymnastics Champions: Featuring members of the 2012 U.S. Olympic Team and Nastia Liukin; Rose Garden, Portland; www.rosequarter. com or 877-789-7673. Sept. 29- Hood River Hops Fest, Hood River; www.hoodriver.org or 541-386-2000.











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A fresh take on zom.bies • Fun platforming action meets intense zombie outbreak in 'Deadlight' By Tim Turi Game Informer Magazine

ust when you think we've seen everything the zombie genre has to offer, another worthwhile adventure lurches forth. "Deadlight" mixes "Shadow Complex's" impressive 2.5-D visuals, "Limbo's" rewarding platforming puzzles, and "The Walking Dead's" grim atmosphere. The resulting cocktail is potent. "Deadlight's" side-scrolling action lets players dispatch and evade zombies in new, interesting ways. The game struggles with some McCiatchy-Tribune News Service storytelling issues along the way, but emerges as a fresh take on the "Deadlight" has a bleak and moody art style that adds to the suspense of the zombie attack. staling zombie concept. "Deadlight's" storytelling is its biggest flaw. Randall Wayne on his linear quest. He can also 'DEADLIGHT' is searching for his family after whistle to attract zombies. StandCheap-looking graphic 8 (out of 10) a zombie outbreak hits Seattle. ing on the opposite side of a pit novel cutscenes attempt Players explore Randall's fragile from a pack of zombies, taunting to stitch the narrative psyche through a few flashbacks them, then watching them fall to Xbox360 and some heavy-handed mono- their doom is a sadistic joy. Other together with flimsy Microsoft Studios, Dead light logues. Cheap-looking graphic improvisational highlights include ESRB rating: M for Mature characters and voice novel cutscenes attempt to stitch pushing a precariously parked car acting, but fail. The the narrative together with flim- off a ledge onto a pack of undead, sy characters and voice acting, and hanging off a third-storywinpredictable twist and but fail. The predictable dow while zombies fling ing zombie apocalypse is fresh whimpering conclusion REVIEW themselves outside like and fun. twist and whimpering Most of the game is spent leap- are complete letdowns. conclusion are complete lemmings. I enjoy seeing zombies wander the ru- ing across ledges and studying Not even the scattered letdowns. Not even the scattered pages of Randall's long- ined streets in the background, the surroundings to progress, but pages of Randall's longwinded, meandering diary are then shamble towards the fore- sometimes you just get cornered. enough to give this zombie infes- ground. Juking zombies and navi- Zombies are physical barriers, winded, meandering gating the basic environmental and you can't simply run through diary are enough to give tation deeper context. Despite Randall's tenuous puzzles is the core of the game them on the 2-D plane. No matter how proficient I became wield- this zombie infestation motivations, working through a and never gets old. Zombies aren't always the main ing Randall's axe, two or three deeper context. ravaged Seattle and its suburbs in a 2.5-D space is a fascinating obstacles. Sometimes they simply zombies could routinely take me experience. Deadlight's bleak harass you while you deduce a down if I tried attacking them all art style and detailed visuals in- route through the simple puzzles. at once. Randall's limited stamina is the exception to the rule. crease suspense. The foreground These puzzles rarely require you meter holds players back from reCreating a compelling zombie is heavily shadowed at times, giv- to do more than flip a switch or lentlessly wailing on the undead. game in a generation with too ing Randall and his surroundings push a box to reach a ledge, but I had less trouble once I started many of them is a hard task. Tea dreary, "Limbo"-like silhou- occasionally you have more inter- maiming zombies and leaving quila Works manages to do this etted look. Rooms behind locked esting tasks, like knocking down them behind. A select number while successfully merging it with doors are covered in an obscuring a water reserve to put out a rag- of firearms allow you to take out the unlikely action-platforming blackness, keeping their contents ing fire. The path to your goal is small packs by aiming with the genre. The lame narrative and rarely challenging and the lack of right analog stick, but ammo is lack of consistent challenge can't a mystery. Randall can do the basics like a death penalty takes the sting out scarce. Sections late in the game overshadow the fun I had with sprint, leap from ledges, and push of failure. It may be a cakewalk at toss players extra ammunition for Deadlight. I'm crossing my finboxes to progress between areas times, but enduring a side-scroll- some brief empowerment, but this gers for a sequel.


TOP10 ON THE PS3 The editors of Game Informer Magazine rank the PlayStation 3 games for July: 1. "NCAA Football13" (EA Sports) 2. "Quantum Conundrum" (Square Enix) 3. "The Walking Dead" (Telltale Games)

4. "The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Dawnguard" (Bethesda Softworks) 5. "Dragon's Dogma" (Capcom) 6. "Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes" (Warner Bros. Interactive)

7. "Dyad" (Independent) 8. "Max Payne 3" (Rockstar Games)

9. "Spec Ops: The Line" (2K Games) 10. "Rainbow Moon" (EastAsiaSoft) McCiatchy-Tribune News Service

Mini review 'LEGO BATMAN 2' Let's face it, Traveller's Tales Lego series has been treading water for some time now. The novelty and humor of the franchise was wearing thin as the developer released solid but unspectacular titles. The series needed a revamp, and just in time, the studio has come out with "Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes," a game that rewrites the blockbuster formula that it has mastered over the past seven years. The developer eschews the hub and spokes model that it has used since "Lego Star Wars" and creates a more organic space for players. Players have the ability to explore the city's nooks and crannies as Batman and other heroes at set points, but Traveller's Tales' narrative and levels are more compelling. Lex Luthor and the Joker team up, letting loose all sorts of super villain havoc in Gotham, and it's up to Batman to stop them. Of course, he'll need a little help from Robin, but in a huge change, the developer also added Superman and other DC heroes to the fold. In "Lego Batman 2," the team shows off the culmination and expertise of years of level design. - Gieson Cacho. Contra Costa Times





Phil Bray I Disney I The Associated Press

Jennifer Garner, left, CJ Adams and Joel Edgerton become a family in "The Odd Life of Timothy Green."

This film will grow on you • 'The Odd Life of Timothy Green' is a sweet fantasy that keeps things simple and emotional "

The Odd Life of Timothy Green" is a warm and lovely fantasy, the kind of full-bodied family film that is being pushed aside in favor of franchises and slam-bang confusion. On a picture-postcard farm in the middle of endlessly rolling hills where it is always Indian

summer, a lovable boy comes into the life of a childless couple and brings along great joy and wisdom. Timothy isn't born and he isn't adopted. He seems to have grown in the garden. The movie very wisely makes no attempt to explain how this happened. His

new parents have tried everything to conceive a child of their own, and one desperate night they open a bottle of red wine and start making a list of the things their perfect child should have. This they put in a box and bury in their garden, and after a torrential downpour and a lightning storm- why, there's Timothy (CJ Adams), covered with wet earth and with leaves growing from his legs. Makes perfect

sense to me. How about you? "You can call us Cindy and Jim," say the bewildered Greens (Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton). Timothy says he'll just call them Mom and Dad. Awww. This clear-eyed, beautiful little boy has a knack for saying tactful things, but a tendency to lack information you might think he'd know - for example, the difference between the two goals in a soccer game. Continued next page


"The Odd Life of Timothy Green" 104 minutes PG, for mild thematic elements and brief language




'Expendables' is too bloody this time around 0

f course, "The Expendables 2" is all good fun and games and recycled catchphrases. Until somebody gets hurt. A lot of somebodies. When you're filling the screen with every big-screen action star of the past 25 years - except for Mel Gibson, Wesley Snipes and Steven Seagal- and every one of them needs his own body count, you see the problem. You run smack up against the Maximum Mayhem Threshold. "The Expendables 2" is a sillier wallow in excess, a too-cute trip down '80s Action-Film Lane with one past-his-expiration-date action hero too many for its own good. It's a "Road Runner" cartoon for the bloody-minded, a wise-cracking cavalcade of carnage that hurls bullet-proof heroes at the huddled masses of villains, defies the laws of physics and treats us to so much bloodshed that it's only natural that some of it should spatter on the lens. Irresponsible as a first-person shooter video game? You bet. But it holds together, more or less, right up to the moment Chuck Norris and his dyed beard make their preposterous appearance. It's a moment that lowers the bar on stupid for the rest of the picture. Sly Stallone and his team bring their soldier-for-hire thing to Nepal, Albania and environs this time around. There's a debt to be paid - to the spy boss played by Bruce Willis, one more assign-

From previous page

The Greens hardly even attempt to explain his appearance in their house. During an untimely family reunion the very next day, Timothy is so direct and friendly people sort of accept him. Not so much his grandfather (David Morse, who was a demanding parent for Jim), but certainly his lovable Uncle Bub and Aunt Mel (M. Emmet Walsh and Lois Smith). The supporting


"The Expendables 2" 102 minutes R, for strong bloody violence throughout

ment for "your little gang of psychotic mutts." There's a friendly rivalry with this big Austrian dude who says "I'll be back." Again. And there's a Belgian-accented heavy (Jean Claude VanDamme), all sunglasses and big knives and a high kick waiting to happen. His name? Jean Vilain. That's with one "L," mon frere. "Respect is everything," he purrs. "Without respect, we're just PEOPLE." He pauses, dramatically. (Or as dramatically as JCVD can manage.) "But respect must be TAUGHT." These Expendable mercenaries -Stallone, Jason Statham, Terry Crews, Randy Couture, the redeemed Dolph Lundgren, the absent (better things to do, he checks out early) Jet Li - avenge their own. When somebody in their ranks dies, Barney (Stallone) has three things to say about the bad guy who did this: "Track 'em. Find 'em. Kill 'em." Liam Hemsworth is a sniper, "The Kid," who joins the crew.

cast is rich with not only those actors, but a welcome selection of other familiar faces: Dianne Wiest as the mean-spirited supervisor of the local Pencil Museum, Shohreh Aghdashloo as an official of the state adoption agency, Ron Livingston and James Rebhorn as the son and father who own the pencil factory, and Common as the soccer coach. About those pencils. The movie is set in Stanleyville, "the Pencil

Frank Mast I Lionsgate-Millennium Films I The Associated Press

Sylvester Stallone, Jason Statham and Terry Crews are armed and ready in the sequel "The Expendables 2."

"The Expendables 2" is a sillier wallow in excess, a too-cute trip down '80s Action-Film Lane with one past-his-expiration-date action hero too many for its own good. Maggie (Nan Yu) is the Chinese "weapons-proficient" expert brought along for the ride. The "Road Runner" analogy really works here, as director Simon West ("Con Air") doesn't bother with explaining how this or that

character shows up, how boats and planes magically appear and how a plane crash into a mountain is supposed to be survivable. Bugs, Daffy, Elmer and the Coyote just get up, dust off and hop back into action.

Capital of the World." Times are hard. Computers are making it tough on pencils, and the factory is threatened with closure. Timothy saves the day with an inspiration from his closest friend, a teenage girl named Joni Jerome, played by the transcendent Odeya Rush. She rides around with her bicycle basket filled with brightly colored leaves, and although her origin is not mystical as Timothy's is, she's an open-hearted na-

ture girl who completely agrees that if you have leaves growing from your calves, you must sometimes spread your arms and lift your face to the sun. "The Odd Life of Timothy Green" is accessible for all but the youngest children, and I suspect their parents will enjoy it, too. It respects the integrity of its story by dealing with real emotions of loss and parting. It's intelligently constructed by writer-director

Norris' entrance is no sillier than anything else in it, but his arrival, an hour in, signals the moment when screenwriters, director, cast and crew just threw up their hands, laughed and said "What the hey?"' Which is fitting, because that's the arc that the careers of these guys -to a one -took. Serious action pictures, followed by performances that turned into caricatures, ending with movies that were one big muscle-bound joke. -Roger Moore is a film critic for McClatchy-Tribune News Service.

Peter Hedges (who wrote "What's Eating Gilbert Grape" and "About a Boy"), and instead of being simpleminded like too many family films, it treats the characters with care and concern. Jennifer Garner and Joel Edgerton are appealing together as far-fromperfect parents, and CJ Adams has that ability of so many child actors to be pitch-perfect. -Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.





'Ruby Sparks' is truly intriguing • A novelist, his muse and a collection of characters bring clever touches to the film he magical event that happens in the life of a young novelist named Calvin Weir-Fields is a dream come true for him, but it becomes a nightmare. Calvin (Paul Dano) had the misfortune to write, in his late teens, a book that was loved and treasured by just about everyone. He's been blocked ever since. I imagine J.D. Salinger having gone through torture like this. Calvin makes the mistake of seeing a psychiatrist, although anyone who writes for a living would tell him there is only one thing to do when you're blocked, and that is to start writing again anyway. Calvin never needed to write for a living. A windfall came to him essentially through no effort, and now he expects the Muse to dictate another perfect novel immediately. Turns out the shrink (Elliott Gould) is not needed because the Muse appears in the flesh and gets right to work. This is an ethereal backlit beauty named Ruby (Zoe Kazan), who materializes in Calvin's life and represents his ideal romantic partner. Surely she's too good to be real? Not at all. She is absolutely real, as Calvin's disbelieving brother, Harry (Chris Messina), discovers after he comes over to see for himself. Calvin discovers that he can control this young woman, however, by the words that he writes. In a sense, that takes all the fun out of it - but there's no use trying to reason with Zoe Kazan's original screenplay, which (perhaps wisely) makes no effort to explain how this happens. Instead, Kazan and the co-directors (Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris of "Little Miss Sunshine") use the existence of Ruby as a device to introduce more characters, who are entertaining as themselves and don't really need to further the plot. These include Calvin's mother (Annette Bening), her lover (Antonio Banderas), and Calvin's long-suffer-


Courtesy Merrick Morton

Calvin (Paul Dano) talks with Ruby (Zoe Kazan) and wonders if she is real or a product of his imagination in "Ruby Sparks."


"Ruby Sparks" 104 minutes R, for language including some sexual references, and for some drug use

ing literary agent (Steve Coogan). They all add color and humor, but the movie's real activity is between Ruby and Calvin. The

would-be novelist finds that controlling a woman by writing about her is about as easy as being that guy who keeps all the plates spinning on top of the poles. I imagine most people seeing "Ruby Sparks" will consider it to be about a writer and his fictional creation. There may be another way to approach it. Zoe Kazan, of course, is an actress as well as a writer, and in her career she must have often felt tugged this way and that by the fantasies and requirements of the (mostly) men who wrote and directed her roles. Surely one of the most dreaded things an actress can hear is, "We've made a few changes to

The movie's intriguing in its fanciful way, and there are times when both Calvin and Ruby seem uncannily like they're undergoing remodeling at the hands of some uber-writer above them both. your character." But if characters have lives of their own on the page, they also take on a reality in the minds of those who portray them, and the finished character we see in a film may be more of a compromise than anyone's personal vision. The movie's intriguing in its fanciful way, and there are times

when both Calvin and Ruby seem uncannily like they're undergoing remodeling at the hands of some uber-writer above them both. If the film has a message, and I'm not sure it does, it may be: As long as you're alive, you're always in rewrite. -Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun- Times.




Courtesy Focus Features

"Ghoul whisperer" Norman (voiced by Kodi Smit-McPhee) gets spooked by his zombie lamp in "ParaNorman."

It's be1Mitchingly edgy, kids orman, the young hero of the animated delight "ParaNorman," hears dead people. He sees them, too. So there's no sense trying to comfort him because you think he's missing his dead grandma too much. "Grandma's in a better place." "In the LIVING room?" Since Norman has grown up in Blithe Hollow, a town with a rich history of witches and witch trials, it's only natural that Norman is a little "ParaNorman." But it gets him teased, and his creepy-crank of an uncle (voiced by John Goodman) won't leave him alone. Norman has a destiny, his uncle says, a duty to lift the 300-year-old curse that's



"ParaNorman" 93 minutes PG, for scary action images, thematic elements, some rude humor and language

hung over the town since one infamous witch trial centuries before. The witches are coming back to haunt the town. Only "ParaNorman" can save it. "ParaNorman" is a stop-motion animated marvel from some

of the same folks who gave us "Coraline" and "Corpse Bride," and it wears its bloodlines with pride. It's that rare kids' movie with edge, a witchy, witty romp that could frighten the very youngest moviegoers and makes parents blanch at some of the jokes. This isn't "Ice Age," children. Norman, voiced by Kodi SmitMcPhee of "The Road," has a plump pal, Neil (Tucker Albrizzi). He has a shallow teen sister, Courtney (Anna Kendrick). And he has a nemesis, the kid who torments him at school, and after school. That would be Alvin, voiced by Christopher Mintz-Plasse. But if Norman has a prayer of

figuring out this curse and stopping the dead from taking over Blithe Hollow, he'll need all their help- and that of Neil's car-obsessed, muscle-bound brother (Casey Affleck). "ParaNorman," written by Chris Butler, an artist who worked on "Corpse Bride" and "Coraline," and co-directed by Butler and Sam Fell ("Flushed Away"), wears its anarchy well. They've made a genuinely spooky movie. But it's a spooky picture with a morbid sense of humor. The ghosts of those murdered by the town during its witch trials have more to fear from the armed, beer-swilling rubes they haunt than the town does from

the ghosts. The odd faintly offcolor remark passes the locals' lips - as you'd expect - when the dead return to life. Norman enlists friends, family and foes in his quest. He makes them take a vow keep it secret -"Swear!" Equal parts scary, intense, emotional and humorous, "ParaNorman" is also a movie of messages, about what "scared, stupid people" are capable of (witch trials), of misjudging the "different" and the consequences of intolerance. That makes "ParaNorman" almost paranormal in its kids-movie ambitions, and that's a good thing. -Roger Moore is a film critic for McClatchy-Tribune News Service.





A trip down memory lane with Neil Young ou can't go home again, even if you're Neil Young. The new documentary "Neil Young Journeys" opens with the rock legend driving the streets of Omemee, the southern Ontario town where he grew up. He's tooling in a '56 Ford Crown Victoria, following another classic car driven by his brother, Bob. He approves of Bob's driving: "Not too fast. Not too slow." There used to be the school he attended. There lived three sisters, "too old for me." Here is the school named after his father, Scott Young. Here is where his home once was, and he and Bob get out of their cars and walk across a grassy lawn that was his mother's pride. In the summers he slept every night on a cot in a pup tent, "to be closer to my chickens." In the morning his dad would shout out the back door, and he'd have to wave his arm through the flap of the tent to show he was awake. Nobody is ever gone, he says. You keep them in your memory. But on street after street, he looks out the Ford's window and says, "All of this has changed." There's something in his tone that helps explain his singing voice, so often plaintive and mournful. Even when he sings "Hey hey, my my, rock and roll can never die," it doesn't sound like a victory. "Neil Young Journeys" is the third documentary about Young by Jonathan Demme, and follows close after "Neil Young Trunk Show" in 2009. "Neil Young: Heart of Gold" came in 2006. With the exception of the Omemee footage, it's mostly a concert film, made in 2011 at Massey Hall in Toronto, his hometown. It would be for the songs that you'd probably want to see it. It's an intimate performance portrait, divided among new material from his 2010 album, "Le Noise," and many of his classics. Demme adopts a straightforward approach for the first half of the concert. He mostly avoids audience reaction shots,




"Neil Young Journeys" 87 minutes PG, for language including some drug references, and brief thematic material

and even the sound of applause seemed dampened. This is all deliberate, and the opening moments of the film show two of Young's sound mixers setting up their boards. The digital sound, I learn from Variety, was recorded at "twice the normal sampling rate" and foregrounds the lyrics and the powerful force of his guitar instead of embedding them, as sometimes happens in the chaotic noise of a concert. Young stands alone on the Massey stage. No backup. Derome's cinematographer, Declan Quinn, has rigged a small camera on the post of Young's microphone so Demme can depend on unlimited high-quality close-ups. It is close to a fault; at one point, a little spit gets on the lens. Demme uses a little outside footage, particularly during the song "Ohio," whichintercuts footage of the Kent State massacre and photos of the four students who were killed. More than 40 years later, the fact of live ammunition being used against the unarmed students remains shocking. I do not understand why the order to fire was ever given. But more than that, I don't understand why the guardsmen, many of them the same age as their victims, pulled their triggers. Don't talk to me about military discipline, not in a context like this. Nobody is ever gone. You keep them in your memory. -Roger Ebert is a film critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.

Courtesy TriStar Pictures

Sparkle (Jordin Sparks) and Emma (Whitney Houston) star in "Sparkle."

'Sparkle' is a sparkling swan song for Houston


parkle" commands attention because it's the last movie for Whitney Houston and the first for "American Idol" winner Jordin Sparks. The film tells the story of three sisters who want to become the next Supremes over the protestations of their church-going single mom (Houston), a former R&B singer who got burned by the music biz. No, this isn't a redo of "Dreamgirls." This is a makeover of 1976's "Sparkle," which starred "Flashdance" singer Irene Cara. Houston was 13 when it came out, and the film reportedly inspired her so much that she watched it over and over as a teenager, and later secured the remake rights. Houston, who died three months after filming wrapped, holds her own, though she looks a bit out of it at times. The camera adores Sparks, though she is no Jennifer Hudson. The music and characterizations are strong. But what prevents "Sparkle" from shimmering is a predictable plot. In short: The oldest daughter and lead singer, Sister (the tough and sultry Carmen Ejogo), moves in with a highliving comedian (the pimpish


"Sparkle" 116 minutes PG-13 for violence, drugs, domestic abuse and language

Mike Epps). When Sister ends up in jail for accidentally killing her abusive beau and the middle sister goes off to college, Sparkle (Sparks), a reluctant singer but gifted songwriter, steps up to the microphone solo. And - guess what? - Houston, the conflicted but proud mama, is clapping in the theater. "The Bodyguard" star gives a curious performance in her final role, which is a modest one. At times, she looks to be in a glassy-eyed haze, which doesn't befit a rehabbed, Bible-teaching dress-shop owner. Her lone vocal performance comes on "His Eye Is on the Sparrow," an old spiritual, and her once-gorgeous, stratospheric voice sounds weathered and dulled. But she looks clear-eyed and handsome when she shows up at Sparkle's big concert. As the insecure, innocent in-

genue, Sparks, 22, seems a bit tentative at first. But, like her character, she gains her footing. The scene in which she and Houston have the big argument about Sparkle moving out of the comfortable family home to pursue her musical dreams is so powerful that it doesn't feel like acting. One disconnect throughout the movie, though, is Sparks' hair, which is too long and luxe for a black woman of that era (the film is set in 1968 Detroit); most of the other characters look more authentic. As a singer, Sparks shines. Her payoff tune is the R. Kellypenned "One Wing," which could be a female answer to his "I Believe I Can Fly." Kelly wrote three new numbers for Sparks. The film also reprises some Curtis Mayfield-written selections from the original "Sparkle," including "Something He Can Feel." Sparks already has started shooting her second film, a music-free indie drama with former "Idol" finalist Hudson, who won a best supporting Oscar for her debut in "Dreamgirls." If Sparks goes on to enjoy success on the screen, "Sparkle" will be remembered as her first film; otherwise it's destined to be known only as Houston's last role. -Jon Bream is a film critic for the Minneapolis Star Tribune.




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Reviews by Roger Ebert unless otherwise noted.

HEADS UP "Hit and Run"- Written, produced and directed by comic talent Dax Shepard (NBC's "Parenthood"), "Hit and Run" is the story of Charlie Bronson (Shepard), a former getaway driver who busts out of the Witness Protection Program to drive his girlfriend (Kristen Bell) to Los Angeles so she can land herd ream job. Their road trip grows awkwardly complicated, when they are chased by the feds (led by Tom Arnold), and increasingly dangerous, when Charlie's former gang of criminals (led by Bradley Cooper) enter the fray. The film opens Wednesday at local theaters. (R) -Synopsis from Open Road Films

"The NeverEnding Story"- From famed director Wolfgang Peterson ("Outbreak," "In the Line of Fire") comes this 1984 family fantasy/adventure epic based on the acclaimed best-seller about a boy who is drawn into a timeless and wondrous world of fantastic beings that only he can save from total destruction. With music from Oscar-winner Giorgio Moroder ("Fiashdance, "Midnight Express"). The film screens at 12:30 p.m. Saturday at the Tin Pan Theater in Bend. (PG) -Synopsis from Warner Bros. Studios

"Singin' in the Rain" 60th Anniversary -In celebration of its 60th anniversary, "Singin' in the Rain" returns to the silver screen. The event includes a special interview with Turner Classic Movies host Robert Osborne and Debbie Reynolds. The encore screens at 2 and 7 p.m. Wednesday at Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX in Bend. Cost is $12.50. 120 minutes. (G) -Synopsis from National CineMedia


~~~£~ ARTISTS &


"The Expendables 2"- Of course, "The Expendables 2" is all good fun and games and recycled catchphrases. Until somebody gets hurt. A lot of somebodies. When you're filling the screen with every big-screen action star of the past 25 years- except for Mel Gibson, Wesley Snipes and Steven Sea gal- and every one of them needs his own body count, you see the problem. You run smack up against the Maximum Mayhem Threshold. "Expendables 2" is a sillier wallow in excess, a too-cute trip down '80s Action-Film Lane with one past-his-expiration-date action hero too many for its own good.lt's a "Road Runner" cartoon for the bloody-minded, a wise-cracking cavalcade of carnage

Mary Cybulski I Universal Pictures I The Associated Press

Rachel Weisz stars as Dr. Marta Shearing and Jeremy Renner stars as Aaron Cross in the action drama "The Bourne Legacy." that hurls bullet-proof heroes at the huddled masses of villains, defies the laws of physics and treats us to so much bloodshed that it's only natural that some of it should spatter on the lens. Rating: One and a half stars. I 02 minutes. (R) -Roger Moore, McCiatchy-Tribune News Service "Neil Young Journeys"- Jonathan Demme's documentary shows the rock legend in concert at Toronto's Massey Hall in 2011. Using high-quality digital sound and a camera so close it catches a drop of spit on the lens, it's an intimate performance portrait, divided among new material from his album "Noise" and some of his classics. There's also a nostalgic tour of his birthplace, Omemee, in southern Ontario. Rating: Three stars. 87 minutes. (PG)

"The Odd Life of Timothy Green" -A warm and lovely fantasy, the kind of fullbodied family film that's being pushed aside in favor of franchises and slambang confusion. On a picture-postcard farm in the middle of endlessly rolling hills where it is always Indian summer, a lovable boy comes into the life of a childless couple and brings along great joy and wisdom. Jennifer Garner, Joel Edgerton, young CJ Adams and a rich supporting cast. Written and directed by Peter Hedges ("What's Eating Gilbert Grape"). Accessible for all but the youngest children, and I suspect their parents will enjoy it, too. Rating: Three and a half stars. 104 minutes. (PG) "ParaNorman"- "ParaNorman" is a stop-motion animated marvel from some

of the same folks who gave us "Coraline" and "Corpse Bride," and it wears its bloodlines with pride. It's that rare kids' movie with edge, a witchy, witty romp that could frighten the very youngest moviegoers and makes parents blanch at some of the jokes. This isn't "Ice Age," children. "ParaNorman," written by Chris Butler, an artist who worked on "Corpse Bride" and "Coraline," and co-directed by Butler and Sam Fell ("Flushed Away"), wears its anarchy well. They've made a genuinely spooky movie. But it's a spooky picture with a morbid sense of humor. This film is available locally in 3D. Rating: Three stars. 93 minutes. (PG) -Roger Moore, McCiatchy-Tribune News Service

over the protestations of their churchgoing single mom (Houston), a former R&B singer who got burned by the music biz. No, this isn't a redo of "Dreamgirls." This is a makeover of 1976's "Sparkle," which starred "Flash dance" singer Irene Cara. Houston, who died three months after filming wrapped, holds her own, though she looks a bit out of it at times. The camera adores Sparks, though she is no Jennifer Hudson. The music and characterizations are strong. But what prevents "Sparkle" from shimmering is a predictable plot. Rating Two and a half stars. 116 minutes. (PG-13)

"Ruby Sparks"- Paul Dana plays a novelist who wrote a great best-seller as a teenager and has been blocked ever since. Through unexplained magic, he creates the woman of his dreams (Zoe Kazan) on the page, and she materializes in flesh and blood. This turns out to be a confusing development, because he can either control her or live with her, but not both. Co-starring Annette Bening, Antonio Banderas and Steve Coogan. Written by Kazan, directed by the "Little Miss Sunshine" duo of Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris. Rating: Three stars. I 04 minutes. (R) "Sparkle"- This film commands attention because it's the last movie for Whitney Houston and the first for "American Idol" winner Jardin Sparks. The film tells the story of three sisters who want to become the next Supremes

"Beasts of the Southern Wild" -Cut off from the Louisiana mainland, surrounded by rising waters, the Bathtub is a desolate wilderness of poverty where a small community struggles to survive. A small girl named Hushpuppy (Quvenzhane Wallis) fiercely asserts herself in this wasteland, in a film of great imagination and beauty. One of the year's best films. Directed by Benh Zeitlin. Rating: Four stars. 93 minutes. (PG-13) "The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel" -A charming , funny, heartwarming movie making good use of seven superb veteran actors. They're Brits on limited incomes who have taken their chances on a retirement hotel in India, run on a shoestring with boundless optimism by Dev Patel (he was the quiz show contestant in "Siumdog Millionaire").


Continued next page


From previous page An amazing cast, including Judi Dench, Maggie Smith, Bill Nighy, Penelope Wilton and, in the best, most surprisingly moving role, Tom Wilkinson. Rating: Three and a half stars. 124 minutes. (PG-13) "The Bourne Legacy"- Jeremy Renner plays another secret super agent like Jason Bourne, who realizes he's been targeted for elimination. To save himself and the experimental medication that gives him great physical and mental power, he travels from Alaska to Manila, fighting off wolves, drone missiles and assassination, while hooking up with Dr. Marta Shearing (Rachel Weisz), a biochemist who knows all about the medication. The action scenes are gripping in the moment, but go on too long and don't add up; the dialogue scenes (with Edward Norton, Stacy Keach and Scott Glenn), are well-acted; the plot is a murky muddle. Rating: Two and a half stars. 135 minutes. (PG-13) "Brave"- The new animation from Pixar poaches on traditional Disney territory. Instead of such inventive stories as "Up" and "WALL-E," we get a spunky princess, her mum the queen, her dad the gruff king, an old witch who lives in the woods and so on. The artistry looks wonderful. Kids will probably love it, but parents will be disappointed if they're hoping for another Pixar ground-breaker. With the voices of Kelly Macdonald, Billy Connolly, Emma Thompson, Julie Walters and Robbie Coltrane. Rating: Three stars. 100 minutes. (PG) "The Campaign"- Raucous, bawdy comedy starring Will Ferrell and Zach Galifianakis as opponents in a North Carolina GOP congressional primary. Ferrell is the incumbent, and Galifianakis is a doofus bankrolled by billionaire brothers who want to buy the district and resell it to China. The movie uses their campaign as a showcase of political scandals and dirty tricks that have become familiar in both parties. Sad fact: Some of the scandals in the movie would have been hard to believe until recent years, when- well , they've happened. Rating: Three stars. 85 minutes. (R) "The Dark Knight Rises" - Leaves the fanciful early days of the superhero genre far behind and moves into a doomshrouded, apocalyptic future that's close to to day's headlines. As urban terrorism and class warfare envelop Gotham, and its infrastructure is ripped apart, Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) emerges reluctantly from years of seclusion in Wayne Manor and faces a soulless villain named Bane (Tom Hardy), as powerful as he is. The film begins slowly with a murky plot and too many new characters, but builds to a sensational climax. It lacks the nearperfection of "The Dark Knight" (2008); it needs more clarity and a better villain, but it's an honorable finale. This film is available locally in IMAX. Rating: Three stars.164 minutes. (PG-13) "Hope Springs"- Tommy Lee Jones and Meryl Streep play a couple whose marriage has frozen into a routine. Every day starts with his nose buried in the newspaper and ends with him asleep in front of the Golf




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Universal Pictures I The Associated Press

The Lorax (voiced by Danny DeVito) fights to protect his shrinking

habitat in "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax."

Munch & Movies is back in Bend Central Oregonians can enjoy the waning days of summer with thereturn of the Munch & Movies series. Featuring music, food, fun activities for the kids and a family-friendly film, the popular four-week series kicks off tonight with "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" at Compass Park in Bend's NorthWest Crossing neighborhood. Pre-movie entertainment will be provided by Apple Siders. The events are free and begin at 6 p.m. Movies will be screened at dusk. Channel. They haven't slept in the same room for years. She convinces him over his own dead body to attend a couples therapy session at a Maine clinic run by Steve Carel I. The movie contains few surprises, but one of them is Jones' excellent performance- vulnerable, touchy and shy. Rating: Three stars. 100 minutes. (PG-13) "Ice Age: Continental Drift"- Will perhaps be a delight for little kids, judging by their friendly reaction at a Saturday morning sneak preview I attended. Real little kids. I doubt their parents will enjoy it much, especially after shelling out the extra charge for the 3-D tickets. In this fourth outing for the franchise, familiar characters are joined by a few new ones as continental drift breaks up families and the 3-D threatens to give them whiplash as they zoom back and forth and up and down. Not recommended for unaccompanied adults. Rating: Two stars. 87 minutes. (PG) "Kumare: The True Story of a False Prophet"- Fascinating documentary in which an American-born Hindu from New Jersey moves to Arizona and pretends to be a guru and yoga master from India. His teachings are fabricated, his sayings are nonsense, but he gathers sincere followers and learns much for himself about the nature of truth. What begins as a experimental deception ends in an unexpected way. Directed by Vikram Gandhi, who plays the fake guru Kumare. Rating: Three stars. 86 minutes. (no MPAA rating) "Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted"

Here is the 2012 schedule: Tonight- "Dr. Seuss' The Lorax" (PG); music by Apple Siders Aug. 24- "School of Rock" (PG-13); music by Cascade School of Music's School of Rock Aug. 31 -"Kung Fu Panda 2" (PG); music by JLavik Band Sept. 7- "Hugo" (PG); music by Chris Beland Contact: www.c3events.com or 541-383-3026 -Jenny Wasson

-"Madagascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted" is a riot of splashy colors, silly 3-D gimmicks, big, broad kid-friendly gagsand those professionally pesky penguins. And for adults, there's the charming spectacle of Oscar winner Frances McDormand as a French-accented animal control officer. The third film in this unlikely animated franchise takes those New York refugees from remote Africa, where they've been stranded, to Monte Carlo and other points in the Eurozone as they try to get back to the friendly and confining Central Park Zoo. It's repetitious, as animated sequels usually are. It's running low on new ideas, though some of the conclusions these critters -lion, zebra, hippo and giraffe- reach about their fates may surprise you. But it's also funny, a farce closer to "Shrekthe Third" than, say, "Toy Story 3." Rating: Two and a half stars. 90 minutes. (PG) -Roger Moore, McC!atchy-Tribune News Service

"Magic Mike"- Steven Soderbergh's film is a crafty mixture of comedy, romance, melodrama and some remarkably well-staged strip routines involving hunky, good-looking guys. I have a feeling women will enjoy it more than men. Channing Tatum stars as the title character, Matthew McConaughey is the no-nonsense impresario, Alex Pettyfer is a kid recruited into the business, and Cody Horn is his protective sister. Starts as a backstage comedy, and enters darker realms. Rating: Three stars.110 minutes. (R)

Continued next page


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From previous page "Moonrise Kingdom" - Wes Anderson's enchanted new film takes place on an island that might as well be ruled by Prospera. Sam and Suzy (Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward) are young teens who set out on a trek and pitch camp in a hidden cove. Her parents (Bill Murray and Frances McDorman d) and the Scout master (Edward Norton) follow, aided by the police chief (Bruce Willis) and Social Services (Tilda Swinton). Meanwhile, a hurricane approaches . Whimsical magic realism painted on a gorgeous palette. Rating: Three and a half stars. 94 minutes (PG-13) "Nitro Circus: The Movie" - When something that was originally slapdash and spontaneous becomes big business, part of the fun always seems to go out of it, a phenomenon that you can feel throughout "Nitro Circus: The Movie 3-D." Hurtling skyward off a rickety ramp to do a crazy flip on a tricycle, once the kind of nutty daredevilry that gave the Nitro Circus stunt troupe its

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signature attitude, feels like work here more than it does play. Maybe that's because extreme sports have gone mainstream since Nitro Circus first gained television exposure on MTV and other outlets. Or maybe it's because the film is structured around the creation of a live Nitro Circus stage show at the MGM Grand. Nothing says "forfeiting our rebel status" like a Las Vegas casino show. Not that some of the stunts in this film aren't impressive. "Nitro Circus" is availalbe locally in 3-D. This film was not given a star rating. 80 minutes. (PG-13) -Neil Genzlinger; The New York Times "Snow White and the Huntsman" -"Snow White and the Huntsman" reinvents the legendary story in a film of astonishing beauty and imagination. It's the last thing you would expect from a picture with this title. Starring Kristen Stewart, capable and plucky, as Snow White, and Charlize Theron as the evil Queen , with Chris Hemsworth as the Huntsman and Sam Claflin as the loyal Prince William. Two

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extraordinary locations, the Dark Forest and afairyland, are triumphs of special effects. Rating: Three and a half stars.127 minutes. (PG-13) "Take This Waltz"- Romantic triangle in a dreamy version ofToronto, involving Michelle Williams as the angelic wife of unpublished cookbook author Seth Ragen, and who is slowly and skillfully seduced by Luke Kirby, an artist and rickshaw puller. A little precious, and how do they afford that neighborhood? Some realism comes in with Sarah Silverman as the husband's alcoholic sister. Only lovable Williams could make this work. Written and directed by Sarah Polley. Rating: Three stars. 116 minutes. (R) "Ted"- The funniest movie character so far this year is a stuffed teddy bear. And the best comedy screenplay so far is "Ted," the saga of the bear's friendship with a 35year-old man-child. Mark Wahlberg stars as the teddy's best friend, Mila Kunis is his long-suffering girlfriend, and director Seth MacFarlane ("The Family Guy") does Ted's pottymouthed Beantown accent. The movie doesn't run out of steam. MacFarlane seems unwilling to stop after the first payoff of a scene and keeps embellishing. (Definitely not for kids. Trust me on this.) Rating: Three and a half stars. 106 minutes. (R)

"That's My Boy"- The film is a no-holds-barred raunch-fest that combines bits of "Saturday Night


Magnolia Pictures I AP

Seth Rogen and Michelle Williams star in "Take This Waltz." Live" skits and "The Hangover" with every ugly Adam Sandier Iaugher ever made. When your comedy starts with a criminally "inappropriate" sexual relationship between a 13 year-old boy and his bombshell teacher, the scariest thought is "Yeah, they're going to have to top that." Which they proceed to do. Sandier has made worse movies, but never one as grotesque as this . Rating: One star.111 minutes. (R) -Roger Moore, McCiatchy-Tribune News Service "To Rome With Love"- Woody Allen follows Barcelona, London and Paris with another European setting for intercut (but not interlocking)

stories. Four sitcomish episodes involve romantic misunderstandings and embarrassments, taking advantage of the willingness of seemingly every actor to work with him. Three good stories, one not so hot. Alec Baldwin, Roberto Benigni, Penelope Cruz, Judy Davis, Jesse Eisenberg, Greta Gerwig, Ellen Page and Allen himself. Rating: Three stars.111 minutes. (R) "Total Recall"- Colin Farrell stars in a retread of the 1990 sci-fi classic, about afactory worker of the future who has his life pulled out from under him when he discovers none of his memories can be trusted. Well-crafted, high energy, but lacking the emotional tug I felt from Arnold Schwarzenegger's earlier performance. Co-starring Kate Beckinsale, Jessica Biel, Bryan Cranston, Bokeem Woodbine, Bill Nighy and John Cho. Rating: Three stars.121 minutes. (PG-13) "Your Sister's Sister" -A spontaneous, engaging character study of three people alone in a cabin in the woods. Jack (Mark Duplass) is offered the cabin by his best friend, Iris (Emily Blunt), only to arrive and find her sister (Rosemarie Dewitt) already there. Both are in fragile emotional states , and when Blunt arrives unexpectedly in the morning, many truths are revealed. Benefits from good semi-improvised performances. Directed by Lynn Shelton ("Humpday"). Rating: Three stars. 90 minutes. (R)

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The following movies were released the week of Aug. 14.





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"The Hunger Games"- Jennifer Lawrence is strong and convincing as the lead in a science-fiction parable set in a future where poor young people are forced into deadly combat for the entertainment of the rich. The earth-toned naturalism of forest hunting scenes is in odd contrast to the bizarre oddballs at the top in this society. An effective entertainment, but too long, and it avoids many obvious questions about this society's morality. DVD Extras: Sixfeaturettes; Blu-ray Extras: An additional featurette. Rating: Three stars. 142 minutes. (PG-13) "The Raid: Redemption"- A visualized video game sparing the audience the inconvenience of playing it. A gangster lord has his headquarters on the top floor of a 15-story building. A SWAT team

Courtesy Murray Close/ McCiatchy-Tribune News Service

Jennifer Lawrence stars as Katniss Everdeen and Liam Hemsworth stars as Gale Hawthorne in "The Hunger Games."

enters on the ground floor. Their assignment: Fight their way to the top, floor by floor. Wall-to-wall violence. Against many of those walls, heads are pounded again and again, into a pulpy mass. If I estimated there are 10 minutes of dialogue, that would be generous. DVD and Blu-ray Extras: Eight featurettes, video blogs and audio

commentary. Rating: One star. 101 minutes. (R)

COMING UP: Movies scheduled for national release Aug. 21 include "Bernie," "Chimpanzee," "The Dictator" and "A Separation." - "DVD and Blu-ray Extras" from wire and online sources



M 0 V I E T I M E S • For the week of Aug. 17



EDITOR'S NOTES: • Open-captioned showtimes are bold. • There may be an additional fee for 3-D movies. •!MAX films are $15.50 for adults and $13 for children (ages 3 to 11) and seniors (ages 60 and oldetj. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.

MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505

Courtesy DreamWorks Animation

Marty the Zebra (voiced by Chris Rock) is safe in the arms of Vitaly the Tiger (voiced by Bryan Cranston) in "Mada-

gascar 3: Europe's Most Wanted."

BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347

BEASTS OFTHE SOUTHERN WILD (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:45, 3:45, 6:30, 9:10 Sun-Thu: 12:45,3:45,6:30 THE BEST EXOTIC MARIGOLD HOTEL (PG-13) Fri-Sat: Noon, 2:45, 6, 8:55 Sun-Thu: Noon, 2:45, 6 THE BOURNE LEGACY (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:05 Sun: 12:15, 3:15, 6:15 Mon-Thu: 12:15, 3:15, 6:15 MOONRISE KINGDOM (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 1:15,4,7:15,9:20 Sun-Thu: 1:15,4,7:15 NEIL YOUNG JOURNEYS (PG) Fri-Sat: 1, 3:30, 7, 9 Sun-Thu: 1, 3:30,7 RUBY SPARKS (R) Fri-Sat: 12:30, 3, 6:45, 9:15 Sun-Thu: 12:30,3, 6:45

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

BRAVE (PG) Fri-Thu: 12:55,3:35,6:10, 9:10 THE BOURNE LEGACY (PG-13) Fri-Tue: 12:05, 12:45,3:10,4:05, 6:20, 7:10, 9:30, 10:10 Wed-Thu: 12:45, 4:05, 7:10, 10:10 THE CAMPAIGN (R) Fri-Tue: 12:40,2,3:45,5,6:30, 7:15, 9:40, 10:30 Wed: 9:40

Thu: 12:40, 3:45, 6:30, 9:40 THE EXPENDABLES 2 (R) Fri-Tue: 12:25, 1:50,3:25, 4:55, 6:50, 7:50, 9:25, 10:25 Wed-Thu: 12:25,3:25,6:50, 9:25

THE DARK KNIGHT RISES IMAX (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 12:30, 4:15, 7:55 THE DARK KNIGHT RISES (PG-13) Fri-Thu: Noon, 4, 7:45 HIT AND RUN (R) Wed-Thu: 1:40, 4:45, 7:35, 10:05 HOPE SPRINGS (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:05, 3:55, 6:40, 9:15 ICE AGE: CONTINENTAL DRIFT (PG) Fri-Tue: 12:10,3,6 NITRO CIRCUS: THE MOVIE 3-D (PG-13) Fri-Tue: 9 THE ODD LIFE OF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) Fri-Thu: 12:20, 3:15, 6:15, 9:05 PARANORMAN 3-D (PG) Fri-Thu: 1:20, 7 PARANORMAN (PG) Fri-Thu: 3:40, 9:20 SINGIN' IN THE RAIN 60TH ANNIVERSARY (G) Wed:2, 7 SPARKLE (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 1:15,4:20,7:05, 9:50 TED (R) Fri-Tue: 1:40, 4:45, 7:35, 10:05 TOTAL RECALL (PG-13) Fri: 1:30, 4:35, 7:25, 10:15 Sat: 1:30, 4:35, 7:25, 10:15 Sun: 1:30, 4:35, 7:25, 10:15 Man, Wed: 1:30, 4:35, 7:25, 10:15 Tue, Thu: 1:30,4:35, 7:25, 10:15

McMenamins Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

MADAGASCAR 3: EUROPE'S MOST WANTED (PG) Sat-Sun: Noon, 3 Wed:3 SNOWWHITEANDTHE HUNTSMAN (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 6 THAT'S MY BOY (R) Fri-Thu: 9 After 7 p.m., shows are 21 and older only Younger than 21 may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompanied by a legal guardian.

Tin Pan Theater 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271

YOUR SISTER'S SISTER (R) Fri-Sat: 3, 8 Sun, Thu: 8 Man-Wed: 5:30, 8 TAKETHIS WALTZ (R) Fri-Sun: 5:30 KUMARE: THE TRUE STORY OF A FALSE PROPHET (no MPAA rating) Mon-Thu: 3 THE NEVERENDING STORY (1984-PG) Sat: 12:30

REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535 S.W. Odem Me do Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777

THE BOURNE LEGACY (PG-13) Fri, Mon-Thu: 3:15,6:15, 9:15

Sat-Sun: 12:15,3:15,6:15,9:15 THE EXPENDABLES 2 (R) Fri, Mon-Thu: 2:15,4:30,6:45, 9 Sat-Sun: Noon, 2:15,4:30, 6:45, 9 THE ODD LIFE OFTIMOTHY GREEN (PG) Fri, Mon-Thu: 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 11:15 a.m., 1:45,4:15, 6:45, 9:15 PARANORMAN (PG) Fri, Mon-Thu: 2, 4:15, 6:30, 8:45 Sat-Sun: 11:45 a.m., 2, 4:15, 6:30, 8:45

SISTERS Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800

THE BOURNE LEGACY (PG-13) Fri, Mon-Thu: 7 Sat-Sun: 4, 7 THE CAMPAIGN (R) Fri: 7:45 Sat-Sun: 5:30, 7:45 Mon-Thu: 7:30 MOONRISE KINGDOM (PG-13) Fri: 5:15 Sat-Sun: 3, 5:15 Mon-Thu: 5 PARANORMAN (PG) Fri, Mon-Thu: 5, 7:15 Sat-Sun: 3, 5, 7:15 TO ROME WITH LOVE (R) Fri: 5:15 Sat-Sun: 3 Mon-Thu: 5 TOTAL RECALL (PG-13) Fri-Sun: 7:30 Mon-Thu: 7

THE BOURNE LEGACY (PG-13) Fri-Sun: 12:50,3:40, 6:30, 9:25 Mon-Thu: 3:40, 6:30 THE CAMPAIGN (R) Fri-Sun: 12:25, 2:35, 4:45, 7, 9:10 Mon-Thu: 2:35, 4:45, 7 DIARY OF AWIMPY KID: DOG DAYS (PG) Fri-Sun: 12:20, 2:25, 4:30 Mon-Tue: 2:25,4:30 THE EXPENDABLES 2 (R) Fri-Sun: 12:15, 2:30,4:55,7:20, 9:35 Mon-Thu: 2:30, 4:55, 7:20 HIT AND RUN (R) Wed-Thu: 2:25, 4:40, 6:50 PARANORMAN 3-D (PG) Fri-Sun: 12:30,2:45,5,7:10,9:20 Mon-Thu: 2:45, 5, 7:10 TOTAL RECALL (PG-13) Fri-Sun: 6:40, 9 Mon-Tue: 6:40

PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1014

THE BOURNE LEGACY (UPSTAIRS- PG-13) Fri-Sat: 3, 6, 9 Sun: 3, 6 Mon-Thu: 6 MAGIC MIKE (R) Fri-Sat: 4, 9:30 Sun: 4 Mon-Thu: 7 TED (R) Fri: 7 Sat-Sun: 1, 7 Mon-Thu: 4 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.

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