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WEDNESDAY October 17,2012
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bendbulletin.corn IBBL= ELECTION:
n unction iva seas in ense IS 8 uts en • Town hall format features both candidates at times talking over eachother for the last word water roect on o 2ND DEBATE
By Karen Tumulty
The Washington Post
By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin
A federal judge with an injunction Tuesday put a $20.1 million city of Bend project to cap ture and deliver drinking water to the city on indefinite hold. The preliminary injunction that U.S. District Judge Ann Aiken of Eugene granted will stand until the judge rules on a lawsuit that opponents of the project filed against the U.S. Forest Ser vice last month, or until the two sides reach agreement. The Forest Service had issued a permit for the city water project, part of which passes through federal lands. The nonprofit Central Oregon LandWatch claimsthe Forest Service failed to adequately study what effects the proj ect will have on fish and wetlands. In an order Tuesday, Aiken wrote that the Forest Service failed to "take a hard look" at potential impacts of the project, particularly on water tempera tures and fish. A contractor for the city was unable to start work while the city was under a temporary restraining order pending the judge's decision on therequest by Central Oregon LandWatch for the preliminary injunction. The city is run ning out of time to build this section of the wa ter project this year. The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife set July I through Nov. I as the period during which the contractor can work in Tumalo Creek. The city has estimated that a delay could cost $24,000 per day and an additional $2.9 million to resurface Skyliners Road if the pipeline does not go in before Des chutes County rebuilds the road next spring. The city may appeal the injunction to the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals, said City Attorney Mary Winters on Tuesday. "We' ll be reviewing the decision and looking at our op tions," she said. See Water /A5
HEMPSTEAD, N.Y.— A far more aggressive President Barack Obama showed up for his second debate with Mitt Romney on Tuesday, and at moments their town-hall-style engagement felt more like a shouting match than a presidential debate. The two men insistently chal lenged each other on the facts, talked over each other and stalked each other across the stage.
Moderator Candy Crowley of CNN faced a difficult task all night in trying to keep to the intended format as both canOba m a didates insisted on answering nearly every charge from hisopponent, regardless of the time limits. The president, looking for an opportunity to recharge his campaign after a lackluster per formance at their first debate two
weeks earlier, con tended that the Re publican nominee's policies and values are extreme and out of touch with the concerns of the
by questions from the audience, ranged into topics that had not been broached in any depth at the earlier one — including immigra tion, women's issues, gun control and foreign policy. In one of the sharpest ex changes of the night, Obama and Romney clashed over whether the White House misled Americans about the nature of the Sept. 11 at tack on a U.S. diplomatic outpost in Benghazi, Libya. See Debate/A4
middle class. Romney, having rallied his sup porters with his performance in Denver, was seeking to keep that momentum going. Neither one held back. The debate, which was framed
7'. E
Dirty shoes?How did steroidsget contaminated?
Joe Kllnei The Bulletin
Eddy Jo Cole, of Bend,cheers with others gathered Tuesday at a pro-Republican debate watch party at the Shilo Inn in Bend. By Mike Stobbe The Associated Press
NEW YORK — Was it some moldy ceiling tiles? The dusty shoes of a careless employee? Or did the contamination ride in on one of the ingredients? There are lots of ways fungus could have gotten inside the Mas ' inEitiiry ot sachusetts compounding phar company macy whose steroid medication soLIght, has b een linked to a lethalout As break of a rare fungal form of meningitis. The outbreak has killed at least 15 people and sickened more than 200 others in 15 states. Nearly all the victims had received steroid injections for back pain. See Meningitis/A5
The Bulletin
On a white board in the corner of the Shilo Inn lounge, tea party activist John Carrigg kept a scorecard of Tuesday night's debate between Presi dent Barack Obama and for mer Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney. On the Romney side of the board, Carrigg tallied up "butt
kicks" — strong points for the Republican challenger. On Obama's side, the president scored a combination of "sissy slaps," "lies," and later in the evening,a third category added by Carrigg, "Biden smirks." "We need to change presi dents, and thank God Romney's making it happen," Carrigg said. "Actually, thank God, Romney and Obama are mak
By Dennis Overbye New Vorh Times News Service
Bringing the search for an other Earth about as close as it will ever get, a team of Europe an astronomers was scheduled to announce today that it had found a planet the same mass as Earth's in Alpha Centauri,
The AssociatedPress
8 P We userecycled newsprint
ing it happen." At both the pro-Republican tea party event and an event hosted by the Deschutes County Democrats at the Broken Top Bottle Shop, local partisans cheered on their preferred can didates in Tuesday's debate, the second of three meetings for the two leading candidates for president. The briskly paced, often con
S ect s i ons
a triple star system that is the Sun's closest neighbor, only 4.4
light-years away. The planet is the lightest one ever found orbiting another star and — in the words of its discoverer, Xavier Dumusque, a graduate student at the Geneva Observatory — "it will surely be
An Independent
88267 02329
By Scott Hammers
frontational tone of the debate resonated with viewers on both sides of the aisle, especially as compared to the more formal posture the two candidates struck two weeks earlier in Denver. "I think the moderator should just stay out of it and allow these two guys to debate," said Rom ney supporterDarlene Gaines. "Who cares what she has to say? I don' t." See Partisans /A4
New planet next door,astronomicallyspeaking
This artist' s impression made available by the Euro pean Southern Observa tory shows a planet, right, orbiting the star Alpha Centauri B.
• The confrontational, less-restrained tone fires up local partisans
Calendar B3 Crosswords B5,F2 Obituaries C5 Stocks E2-3 Classified F1-6 Editorials C 4 S h opping B1-6 TV & Movies B2
the closest one ever." It is presumably a rocky ball like our own, but it is not habit able. It circles Alpha Centauri B, a reddish orb about half as lu minous as the Sun, every three days at a distance of only about four million miles, resulting in hellish surface temperatures of
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1,200 degrees. So this is not "Earth 2.0." Yet. Astronomerssaidthe discov ery raised the possibility that there were habitable Earthlike planets right next door and that methods and instruments were now able to detect them. See Planet/A5
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Oregon Lottery results As listed at
MEGA MILLIONS The numbers drawn
Tuesday night are:
Qa@ O40 ©6®©o The estimated jackpot is now $12 million.
Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day. Until Election Day, this page will focus on politics.
By Dan Balz The Washington Post
W ASHINGTON — A f t e r the economy, no subject gen erates more debate among voters than health care. Presi dent Obama and Mitt Romney have sharply opposing views on the issue and have been ar guing about it throughout the campaign. Two issues are now front and center. T h e f i rst is O bama's A f f ordable C a r e Act, passed against Republi can opposition in 2010. The biggest applause line at any R epublican rally t h i s y e ar has been the pledge to repeal " Obamacare." The law h a s come to symbolize all that conservativeRepublicans be lieve is wrong with Obama's presidency, including the cost of the legislation and the gov ernment's role in the health care market. The other issue is Medicare. It flared up in August after Romney chose House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan, R-Wis., as his running mate. Ryan's federal budget blueprint calls for the govern ment to eventually provide fixed payments forMedicare beneficiaries, who could then buy insurance on the private market.
Affordable care act Obamahas said he would be open to making small changes in the 2010 health-care law, but the president has also said he would vigorously defend its main planks and press for its implementation in a s econd term. One of hi s b i ggest chal lenges: trying t o i n c r ease cooperation from the states, several of which adamantly oppose the law. The legislation calls on states to expand their Medicaid programs, but the Supreme Court ruled in June that the federal government can't penalize states for refus ing to do so. Nearly a dozen governors say they are consid ering not expanding their pro grams, and some might seek greater flexibility in return for participating. Obama has been silent on how much leeway he might provide to entice reluctant gov ernors. His aides predict that almost all the states will ulti mately go along with the Med icaid expansion, because the federal government will pay most of the costs. Obama also will prod states to create insurance exchanges. Under the law, federal authori ties will have to set up and run an exchange if a state declines to do so.
Q:Given what you know about the health reform law, do you have a favorable or unfavorable opinion of it? 45% favorable 50 "
The Washington Post is
40 ..
Obama rejects Republican proposals to t ur n M e dicare into a program in which se
President BarackObama
40% unfavorable
201 2
Continue as is with government
do about them.
Immigration Energy and other issues
benefits for all seniors.
Medicare or a private
8% j — Other/no opinion Kaiser Family Foundation polls
MEDICAID Q:Thinking ahead to the November election, how Percentagewhosay extremely important important will... be in your vote for president. The economy
Medicarest6%~ Medicaidps%~ Kaiser Health Tracking Poll, Sep. 13-19
Q:Do you think abortion should be legal in all cases, legal in most
cases, illegal in mostcasesor illegal in all cases?
•Allgg cases Most cases ,
Illegal net 42 ~
ssrQg trr. Ii 3% Mo st cases c All ases NO opinion
Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation poll, July 25i xug. 5
The Washington Post
would be adjusted annually as health-care costs rise. He has said he would leave the program untouched for people older than 55. If the health-carelaw were repealed and the $716 billion restored, however, today's M e dicare beneficiaries would face higher premiums in addition to great er out-ofpocket costs fordrugs and preventive care. Romney has suggested other changes to keep the program solvent. "What I do in my Medicare
standards,if those are more generous — may enrolL Under Romney's plan, however, states would receiveset amounts, or block grants, from the federal government to disburse largely as they wish. C onservatives, who h a ve long supported Medicaid block grants, say the approach would not only save taxpayers money but also encourage states to innovate and tailor their pro grams to the unique needs of their populations.
ing along is say this: We' re going to have higher benefits for low-income people and lower benefits for high-income people," he said in a recent "60 Minutes" interview.
grams; by law, the group can
former king, Norodom
Sihanouk, is put on aplane in Beijing for its return to Phnom
IN HISTORY Highlights:In1777, British
forces under Gen.John Burgoyne surrendered to American troops in Saratoga, N.Y., in a turning point of
the Revolutionary War. In 1931, mobster Al Capone
was convicted of incometax evasion. (Sentenced to 11 years in prison, Caponewas released in 1939.) In 1933, Albert Einstein arrived in the United States as a refugee from Nazi Germany. In 1973,
Arab oil-producing nations announced they would begin cutting back oil exports to
Western nations andJapan; the result was a total embargo that lasted until March 1974.
In 1989, anearthquake measuring 7.1 on the Richter scale struck Northern
California, killing 63 people and causing $6 billion worth of
damage. Ten years ago:Ira Einhorn, the '70s hippie guru who'd fled
to Europe after being charged with murder, was convicted in Philadelphia of killing his girlfriend, Holly Maddux, and stuffing her corpse in his
closet a quarter-century earlier. (Einhorn was later sentenced
not use federal funding for abortions. Obama supports permitting federal funding of internation al aid groups that use money from non-U.S. sources to pro mote or p r ovide abortions. (U.S. funding cannot be used
to life without parole.)
to pay for abortions.) One of
was to reverse a ban on the
funding of such groups, a pro hibition known as the Mexico
City policy.
Romney, who once backed abortion rights, says he now Medicaid thinks the procedure should be Obama staunchly opposes illegal in most circumstances R omney's proposal to t u r n — except inthe cases of rape, Medicaid into a block grant incest or to save the mother' s that probably would offer states life. less federal money in exchange He says the Roe v. Wade for more freedom in how they ruling was "a case of blatant spend it. judicial activism that took a He argues that Medicaid decision that should be left to provides a key safety net, a po the people and placed it in the sition that's consistent with the hands of unelected judges," health-care law's broad expan according to his Web site. He sion of the program. wants the decision overturned. But he hasn't opposed all Romney supports cutting Medicaid money-saving ef off federal funding to Planned forts. During the 2011 budget Parenthood because of its role negotiations w i t h R e p ubli as the nation's largest abortion cans, he suggested reducing provider. the federal contribution to the And like other Republican program by tens of billions of presidential candidates before dollars over 10 years by chang him, he backs the reinstate ing the way the federal govern ment of the Mexico City policy, ment pays states. which would bar the govern After an outcry from liberal ment from providing money to international groups that groups, Obama scaled back the idea. use non-U.S. funding sources to perform or promote abor Romneyhas proposed a ma tion as a method of family jor change to this government planning. entitlement program that pro vides health insurance to the poor and disabled. Currently, the program is funded by th e f ederal and state governments, and any COVERINGS one who meets federal eligi bility requirements — or state
Five years ago:President George W.Bush, raising Beijing's ire, presented the Dalai Lama with the
Congressional Gold Medal and urged Chineseleaders to welcome the monk to Beijing. last of Sinatra's Rat Pack, died in Newport Beach, Calif., at
age 89. One year ago:Rolling through small Southern towns in a
campaign-style bus, President Barack Obamapressed lawmakers back inWashington to start taking up pieces of his rejected jobs bill and mocked
theRepublicanswho hadshot it down in toto.
BIRTHDAYS Actress Marsha Hunt is 95.
Actress Julie Adams is 86. Actress Margot Kidder is 64. Astronaut Mae Jemison is 56. Movie critic Richard Roeper is 53. Movie director Rob Marshall is 52. Actor
comedian Norm Macdonald is 49. Reggaesinger Ziggy Marley is 44. Golfer Ernie Els
is 43. Rapper Eminem is40. Singer Wyclef Jean is 40. — From wire reports
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Obama is astrong supporter of abortion rights. If a Supreme Court vacancy were to come up during a second term, he would be likely to appoint a justice he believed would be sympathetic to upholding Roe v. Wade, the decision that legalized abor tion nationwide. He is a proponent of Planned Parenthood, and has moved to block efforts by some in Con gress and legislatures in states such as Indiana and Texas to ban Planned Parenthood and other abortion providers from receiving f ederal M e dicaid funding. Planned Parenthood uses the money to provide health screenings such as mammo
plan for younger people com Obama's first acts as president
Warehouse Prices •
• Th body of Cambodia's
set to announce that they' ve found a planet with the same mass as Earth's in Alpha Centauri, a triple star system that is the Sun's closest neighbor.A1
money topurchase
Legal net 55~
country's largest rebel group, the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC.
Still to come ... Education
Changed: Eachsenior gets a fixed amount of
Colombia's government and the
• European astronomers are
Today: health care
Q:What should Medicare look like in the future?
• Peace talks are setto begin in Oslo, Norway,between
several key issuesandwhat the candidates say they will
Oct. 10: foreign policy
and Mitt Romney on
Kaiser Family Foundation polls
niors receive fixed payments to buy coverage from insurers or traditional Medicare. He says such a change would shift costs to seniors. Obama says the health-care law will help rein in M edi care spending. It creates an independent board that will make suggestions on cutting payments to providers if the program grows too fast. The board won't be allowed to raise premiums orreduce benefits. The law also creates incen tives for doctors, hospitals and other providers to coordinate care and emphasize preven tion in an effort to lower costs and improve quality. Overall, the law is expected to reduce Medicare spending by $716 billion over 10 years by cutting back on payments to providers and M e dicare Advantage plans. The sav ings, while helping to f u nd the coverage expansion, also Romneyopposes the health would extend the solvency of care law and says states should Medicare's hospital trust fund fashion their own policies to through 2024. deal with the uninsured. During failed budget nego He has cited the Massachu tiations with Republicans in setts health-care overhaul as 2011, Obama reportedly con an example of what states can sidered raising the eligibility cio. age forMedicare from 65 to 67. He says he would move to But he has never publicly sup repeal the A ff ordable Care ported the idea. Act. He also has talked about In his latest budget, Obama issuing waivers to let states opt proposed cutting $188 billion out of specific provisions. But from Medicare over 10 years, he would need a sympathetic mainly by requiring drug com Congress to succeed in getting panies to provide larger rebates rid of the law. to the government. Romney has spoken favor ably about a few of its provi Romney says Medicare's sions. He has said he would like growth must b e s lowed to to allow adult children to stay bring the federal budget deficit on their parents' health plans under control. He argues that "up to whatever age they might the open-ended entitlement like." The law allows children program should be replaced to stay on the plans up to age with "a competitive, market 26. And he has said that insur oriented" approach. He wants ers should cover people with to transform Medicare into a "premium-support" program preexisting conditions. His campaign has clarified that would give seniors a fixed that he is referring to preex payment to buy private cover isting-condition coverage for age or a government plan simi people with no gaps in their lar to what exists now. health i n surance coverage. If seniors bought a m ore That's a lower standard than in expensive plan, they would the health-care law. have topay the diff erence be Romney has p roposed a tween the fixed amount they number ofhealth-care changes receive and the premium; if long supported by Republicans. they bought a cheaper plan, He wants, for example, to pro they could keep the difference. vide tax breaks to individuals Romney hasn't said how the who buy coverage on their own amount of the fixed payment through the private market, and allow the sale of insurance across state lines.
taking a comprehensive look at the positions of
It's Wednesday, Oct. 17, the 291st day of 2012. There are 75 days left in the year.
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Picasso, inton ta es Monets en azi arne; stolen Linmove in Dutch
T ree9I11 een ants sit out tri una carin By Ben Fox
to a holding cell outside the courtroom, then chose to boy GUANTANAMO BAY NA cott at the last minute, said a VAL BASE, Cuba — Three Navy officer whose name was Sept. 11 defendants took a judge not released by the court for se up on his offer to let them skip curity reasons. their military tribunal Tuesday The 47-year-old Mohammed, and the proceedings went on who has previously said he without them. The Guantanamo conceivedand orchestrated the detainees won a new requestto Sept. 11 attacks, gave no reason return to court in camouflage The presiding judge, Army for sitting out the hearing. But clothing if they wanted. Col. James Pohl, ruled Monday on Monday, he dismissed the Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, that the defendants didn't have military tribunal with scorn, the self-professed 9/11 master to attend the hearing every day saying "I don't think there is mind, was not in the courtroom this week, although he said any justice in this court." while attorneys delved into a they would have to attend their Authorities have portrayed dense debate on legal motions, formal trial and may need to at the other defendants as Mo including rules for handling tend future hearings. hammed's underlings, who pro classified evidence at trial and Mohammed was taken from vided logistical and other help what kind of clothing would be his cell at the U.S. base in Cuba to the Sept. 11 hijackers. The Associated Press
allowed. Only two of the five defen dants made it to court for the second day of the weeklong hearing. Mohammed, Saudi defendant Mustafa A h mad al-Hawsawi a n d P a k i stani national Ali Abd al-Aziz Ali — Mohammed's nephew — all stayed away.
By Matthew Lee and Bradley Klapper
in Benghazi, Libya, she sought to take the heat off Obama for The Associated Press the worst debacle at a U.S. em WASHINGTON — Secre bassy or consulate overseas tary of State Hillary Clinton's in more than a decade. Four pre-election bid to shoulder Americans, including the U.S. blame overthe deadly terror ambassador to Libya, were attack in Libya failed to silence killed in the Benghazi attack. GOP criticism that President But her message leftsev Barack Obama is not protect eral lingering questions unan ing U.S. diplomats overseas. swered, such as whether the Her written statement was attack on the 11th anniversa sure tore-emerge as a promi ry of 9/11 occurred because of nent issue in Tuesday's second intelligence failures and why debate between Obama and a dministration officials i n GOP challenger Mitt Rom sistedfordays afterward that ney, and could have long-term the violence stemmed from ramifications given the per protests against an American sistent speculation that Clin made video ridiculing Islam. "I take responsibility," Clin ton might run for president in four years' time or stay in ton said, reiterating comments public life. And it prompted she made in a television in the Obama campaign to say terview late Monday. "I'm in the president joined Clinton in charge of the State Depart ment's 60,000-plus people all accepting responsibility. "Every time an American over the world (at) 275 posts." dies abroad, everybody takes Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., responsibility, from the top suggested a more muddied down," said Stephanie Cutter, picture, noting that "there are Obama's deputy campaign many people that believe that manager. Asked in an inter Secretary Clinton may have view whether that included further political ambitions and Obama, she said: "Absolutely. this could obviously harm that ... He's the president of the in one way, but also bring in United States." some additional support, pos In her statement, Clinton sibly from President Obama a ccepted responsibility f o r who can't run again." the safety of the State De T he administration h a s partment's staff and diplo been unable to put to rest its matic missions. It was quickly handling of the Benghazi at brushed aside by l e ading tack that killed Ambassador Republicans. Chris Stevens, a State Depart By becoming the first top ment computer specialist and administration official to as two former Navy SEALs who sume blame for the attack last were working as contract se month on the U.S. Consulate curity guards.
By Toby Sterling The Associated Press
AMSTERDAM Thieves broke into a Rot terdam museum on Tues day and walked off with works from the likes of Pi casso, Monet, Gauguin and Matisse potentially worth hundreds of millions. Police haven't said how they pulled off the early hours heist, but an expert who tracks stolen art said the robbers clearly knew what they were after. "Those thieves got one hell of a haul," said Chris Marinello, who directs the Art Loss Register. The heist at the Kunsthal museum is one of the larg est in years in the Nether lands, and is a stunning blow for the private Triton Foundation col l e ction, which was being exhibited publicly as a group for the first time. The s t olen p a i ntings were: Pablo Picasso's 1971 "Harlequin's Head"; Claude Monet's 1901 "Waterloo Bridge, London" and "Char ing Cross B r idge, L on don", Henri Matisse's 1919 "Reading Girl in White and Yellow"; Paul G auguin's 1898 "Girl in Front of Open Window"; Meyer de Haan's " Self-Portrait," ar ou n d 1890, and Lucian Freud's 2002 work "Woman with Eyes Closed."
Ramon E spinosa/TheAssociatedPress
People in Havana read adjustments to Cuba's migratory policyposted on a wrought iron fence of an immigration office Tuesday. The Cuban government announced Tuesday that it will no longer require islanders to apply for an exit visa, eliminating a major impediment for many seeking to travel overseas.
New and used auto rates as low as:
raise, s e ticism reets u a'seasin o trave rLieS By Peter Orsi and Andrea Rodriguez
The decree still allows Cu ban authorities the ability to The Associated Press deny travel by many Cubans HAVANA — For the first for reasons of defense and time since the height of the "national security," suggesting Cold War more than half a that dissidents may continue century ago, Cuba is giving to face restrictions. So will its people the freedom to leave doctors, scientists, athletes, the country without govern members of the military and ment permission, scrapping others considered key con the detested exit visa that kept tributors, as well as those who many from traveling outside face criminal charges. the communist nation for even An end to the hated exit visa a few days. had been promised since last The announcement Tues year by President Raul Castro day came as blockbuster news as partof his five-year reform on the island, where citizens plan. Analysts called it the lat were ecstatic at the prospect est and biggest step in a grad of being able to leave for a ual relaxation of restrictions vacation — or even forever on things like opening private — with only a passport and a small businesses, owning cell visa from the country of their phones, staying in tourist ho destination. tels and buying and selling "Wow, how great!" said Mer homes and cars. "It's an important step for cedes Delgado, a 73-year-old retiree. "Citizens' rights are ward in h u man r i ghts, the being restored.... Let's hope ability to travel outside of your this is a breakthrough to keep country without the govern returning the rights that they ment's permission," said Philip have taken away from us." Peters, a longtime Cuba ana
lyst at the Virginia-based Lex ington Institute think tank. "It eliminates a horrendous and offensive bureaucratic ob stacle to travel." Starting Jan. 14, Cubans will no longer have to apply for the costly "tarjeta blanca," or "white card," ending a restric tion in place since 1961, the height of the Cold War. A nnounced i n t h e w e e hours in the Communist news paper Granma and published into law in the official Gazette, word of the change spread like wildfire Tuesday and was the talk of the streets and office buildings. Islanders greeted the news with a mixture of de light and astonishment. "This is huge news. Every body has been waiting for it for a long time," said Bertina Rodriguez, a 47-year-old office worker. "Because it's a kind of opening, even if I think they' re doing it so that people can' t say this is a place where they keep people locked up."
Study: Warm weather off U.S. makes big stormsmore likely Los Angeles Times L OS ANGELES — T h e q uestion of whether or n ot global warming influences the strength or frequency of hur ricanes is a matter of heated scientific debate. Though some climate sci entists argue that increased sea surfacetemperature and cyclone activity ar e l i nked, others say the evidence is am biguous at best. Some contend that news media distortions and a lack of historical, stan dardized hurricane data only make it seem like the storms are worse.
Now, a new study is likely to stoke the debate even further. On Monday, a paper published in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of the Sciences, or PNAS, concluded that large Katrina-sized hur ricanes were twice as likely to form off the United States' s outheast coast i n ho t t e r yearsthan they were in colder
The study is unique in that it relies primarily on storm surge data taken from t i de gauges along the Gulf Coast and Eastern Seaboard of the United States. Other studies have relied on satellite imagery that has only been usedforthe last40 years. The tide gauge data date to the 1920s. years. Climate scientist and lead The analysis, which focused author Aslak Grinsted said only on the North Atlantic, thatstorm surges recorded by also concluded that the fre the tide stations were a good quency of h u r r icanes with indication of tropical storms large storm surges has been and of damaging hurricanes increasing since 1923. that made landfall.
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Fact check: 0 ama, Romneyrecycle mislea ing claims By Glenn Kessler
million miles. So that means that Obama's gain over two We heard some oldies but years amounts to a little over goodies in T uesday night' s I percent of that total. That feisty debate between Presi sounds much lessimpressive dent Bar ack Obam a and than "circle the Earth." former governor Mitt Rom Indeed, the bulk of Obama's ney. Here are some factual gain — 19,500 miles — came highlights: from gas transmission lines, essentially natural gas piped "When Governor Romney into homes and buildings. By said we should let Detroit go and large, these pipelines re bankrupt, I said we' re going to quire approvals from states bet on American workers." and municipalities, and also — Obama the Federal Energy Regulatory This statement is d r awn Commission, an independent from a headline — "Let Detroit agency. Go Bankrupt" — on an opinion "A recent study has shown article written by Romney for The New York Times. But he the people in the middle-class did not say that in the article. will see $4,000 per year in (He repeated the line, however, higher taxes as a result oj the on television.) spending and borrowing of Although "bankrupt" often this administration." — Romney conjures up images of liqui dation, Romney called for a Romney's claim that Obama "managed bankruptcy." This is would raise taxes on the mid a process in which the compa dle class by $4,000 has earned ny uses the bankruptcy code to him criticism in the past. discharge its debts, but emerg The figure is drawn from a es from the process a leaner, report from the American En less leveraged company. terprise Institute, which tries to Ultimately, along with get calculate the burden of servic ting nearly $80 billion in loans ing the national debt by vari and other assistance from the ous income groups, examining Bush and Obama administra what would happen under cur tions, GM and Chrysler did rent law, current policies and go through a managed bank Obama's budget. ruptcy. But many independent Among the three scenarios, analysts have concluded that there's actually not much dif taking the approach recom ference,and the Obama ad mended by Romney would not ministration's budget falls right have worked in 2008, simply in the middle. In other words, because the credit markets the study shows how much were so frozen that a bank lower taxes could be if the na ruptcy was not a viable option tion did not keep adding to the at the time. debt load; it does not show, as Romney suggests, that Obama "That's why I put out a five has some sort of secret plan to point plan that gets America raise taxes. 12 million new jobs in four "I said I wo uld cut ta xes years." — Romney for m i d d le-class f a m i lies, This number is even less im and that's what I' ve done, by pressive than it sounds. This $3,600." — Obama pledge amounts to an average of 250,000 jobs a month; in re Obama makes it sound like cent months, the economy has this is one big tax cut. averaged about 150,000 jobs a The $3,600 figure is over month. four years — $800 in each of Moody's Analytics, in an 2009 and 2010 due to the Mak August forecast, predicts 12 ing Work Pay tax credit and million jobs will be created by $1,000 in each of 2011 and 2016, no matter who is presi 2012 due to a Social Security dent. And Macroeconomic payroll tax cut. Obama makes Advisors in A pril also pre it sounds like workers got a dicted a gain of 12.3 million $3,600 cut every year. jobs. But the Making Work Pay In other words, this is a fair tax credit has expired, and ly safe bet by Romney, even if Obama has not promised to he has a somewhat fuzzy plan e xtend the payroll tax c u t, for action. We have often noted meaning that people's taxes that presidents are often at the will go up next year. mercy — orare the beneficiary — of broad economic trends, "Every middle-income tax and Romney's pledge appears payer no longer will pay any to be an effort to take advan tax on interest, dividends or tage of that. capital gains." — Romney "We' ve built enough pipe The nonpartisan Tax Policy line to wrap around the entire Center says that such a tax cut Earth once." will not greatly benefit middle — Obama income Americans. This "fact" is kind of mean For an i n come range of ingless — and i t ' s m issing 50,000 to $75,000 — roughly some important context. equivalent to the median in The ci r c u mference of come figure in Census Bureau the Earth at the equator is data — there would be an aver 24,091.55 miles. age tax cut of $167. The people The president is m a k ing who really make money on this claim based on two years capital gains earn far more of data posted on the Web site than $200,000. of the Pipeline and Hazardous Still, the Tax Policy Center Material Safety Administra study does show that Rom tion (2011 is not yet available). ney's proposal would not be The data show that from 2008 a bad deal for the elderly who to 2010, total oil and gas pipe get most of their income from lines have increased by 27,899 capital appreciation. Their av miles. So that's circling the erage tax cut would be three globe. times greater than it w ould But the total number of pipe for the rest of the tax-paying lines in 2008 was about 2.38 population. The Washington Post
Partisans Continued from A1 Sitting next to Gaines, Curt Howe of Sweet Home said he liked the more freewheel ing style of the public forum Tuesday. "If they want to grab each other by the ties, I say let 'em go," Howe said. Across town, the president's performance in Denver was very much on the minds of local Democrats, and for the most part, the audience felt he'dredeemed himself. Sterling Scott of Bend said the president"must have been listening to NPR or something" over the last two weeks and learned how he'd fallen short in theeyes ofhis supporters. "I liked Obama's aggres sion, way b etter t han l a st
time," Scott said. "He was way too passive the last time, and tonight he had an opportunity to come out swinging." Tea party activist John Phi lo, an alternate delegate to the 2012 Republican National Con vention, said Romney seems to have finally figured out how to assert himself in debates at exactly the right point in the campaign. During the prima ry season, he often came off as a bit "vanilla" in the debates against a large cast of more colorfulcharacters. Philo said the president's lackluster performance at the last debate in Denver forced him to come out strongly on Tuesday, and at least in part, he did so. "I think he's done some of that, but I think Romney has countered him on every issue,"
Debate Continued from A1 The tone w a s e s tab lished early in the debate, when a woman in the au dience asked Romney to specify the tax deductions he would eliminate to pay for the tax rate reductions he has promised. As he has in the past, Romney raised the possibility of an overall cap: "I' ll pick a number $25,000 of deductions and credits, and you can decide which ones to use." Obama seized on Rom
ney's lack of specificity as
a "sketchy deal" and con tended it wa s b ased on "math that doesn't add up." He also noted that Romney, who is worth hundreds of millions of dollars, pays a lower tax rate than many Charles Dh arapak/rhe Associated Press middle-income people. President Barack Obama and former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romneyparticipate in the second "Well,ofcourse they add presidential debate Tuesday at Hofstra University in Hempstead, N.Y. Both candidates came out up," Romney retorted, cit aggressive in the town hall format. ing his successful business career and the budgets he balanced a s M a s sachu ing for Planned Parenthood, Muhammad. setts g overnor. "When so there are differences be In t h ei r e a r lier d e bate, What:Ninety-minute we' re talking about math tween Governor Romney and Romney had come off b et presidential debate that doesn't add up, how George Bush, but they' re not ter-prepared, energized and focusing on foreign policy. about $4 trillion of deficits on economic policy. In some self-assured. The p resident, When:6 p.m. Monday over the last four years, $5 ways, he's gone to a more ex on the other hand, seemed trillion? That's math that Watch:ABC, CBS, FOX, treme place when it comes to disengaged. "Governor Romney had a doesn't add up." NBC, C-SPAN, CNN, Fox social policy." Obama made other refer News and MSNBC Obama used many of his good night. I had a bad night," ences to Romney's wealth. questions as pivot points to the president later acknowl In one exchange, Romney paint Romney as extreme on edged in an i nterview with noted that the president, as the president just described a wide range of social issues ABC News. too, had i nvestments in and that you don't feel like — particularly ones that ap The most recent Washing Chinese companies. you' re confident that the next peal to the female vote, which ton Post-ABC News poll shows "Mr. President, have you f our years are going to b e is crucial to the president's the race remains a close one, looked at your pension?" much better, either." prospects and w hich some with Obama at 49 percent and Romney said. Romney cast Obama as a polls suggest has begun to slip Romney at 46percent among "I don't look at my pen president who failed to deliver away from him. likely voters nationally. sion," Obama responded. on his promises — to lower W hen a sked a b out t h e But the e nthusiasm that "It's not as big as yours, the unemployment rate, to cut e quality o f wo m en's pay, Romney's supporters express so it doesn't take as long. I the deficit, to lift people out of Obama raised Romney's op for him rose markedly, and a don't check it that often." poverty and to create more position to a b ortion r i ghts number of other surveys sug Later, O b ama r a i sed jobs. and his pledge to take federal gest he is pulling even or even "The middle class is getting funds from Planned Parent slightly ahead of the president Romney's r e m ark s to wealthy donors at a private crushed underthe policies of hood. Obama said Romney in some of the swing states fundraiser d is p araging a president who has not un "feels comfortable having pol that will determine the elec "the 47 percent" of Ameri derstood what it takes to get iticians in Washington decide tion outcome. cans who do not pay in the economy working again," the health-care choices that The debate's "town hall" come taxes. It was a line of Romney said, echoing as he women are making." forum p r esented a d i f f er attack that he didn't make had in the first debate a dam On Libya, the president said ent kind of challenge for the in th e p r evious debate, aging phrase that Vice Presi he is "ultimately responsible candidates. It required them which mystified many of dent Joe Biden had used re for what's taking place there" to answer questions posed his allies. cently, when he said the mid but bristled at the suggestion directlyby an audience of 82 "Ibelieve Governor Rom dle class had been "crushed" f rom Romney that h e h a d u ndecided voters from t h e ney is a good man — loves during the past four years. withheld critical facts about New York area, screened and his family, cares about his Romney continued to pres the incident. selected by the Gallup polling "The suggestion that any organization. faith," Obama said. "But I ent a more moderate side than also believe that when he he did during the Republican one on myteam ...would play The pitfalls and opportuni said behind closed doors primaries, a shift that became politics or mislead is offen ties of that format are famous that 47 percent of the coun apparent during the last de sive," said Obama, his voice — legendarily so i n 1 9 92, try considered themselves bate. When a young woman rising. He noted that he ad when President George H.W. victims who r efuse per asked how he would ensure dressedthe American people Bush was caught on camera sonal responsibility, think s he could get a j o b w h e n from the Rose Garden the day checking his watch, while his about who he was talking she gets out of c ollege, he after the Benghazi attack and opponent Bill Clinton made about." mentioned government pro called it "an act of terror, and the most of his gift at connect Obama, mentioningpeo grams such as Pell grants and I also said that we' re going to ing personally with voters. ple on Social Security, sol scholarships. hunt down those who com That kind of v oter inter diers and veterans, as well He also distanced himself mitted this crime." action of a t own h all, tele as students, said: "I want to from the policies of George Sensing a n o p p o rtunity, vised nationally, has gener fight for them. That's what W. Bush, the last Republican Romney said, "I want to make ally meant that the contend I' ve been doing for the last president, saying he w ould sure we get that for the record, ers have less leeway to dodge four years. Because if they balance the b u dget, crack because it took the president and fall back on their talking succeed, I believe the coun down on C h ina and f ocus 14 days before he called the points. try succeeds." more onsmallbusiness. attack in Benghazi an act of In that setting, too, the con Romney said the presi Obama, however, contend terror." ventional wisdom has it that dent and h i s c a mpaign ed that Romney is more ex Then came Obama's retort: candidates have to be mind "Get the transcript." were trying to character treme than Bush. ful of getting too aggressive. "George Bush didn't pro ize him "as someone who' s Crowley i n terjected t h at It was clear Tuesday that nei very different than who I pose turning Medicare into Obama did, in fact, call it an ther Obama nor Romney sub am." a voucher. George Bush em act of terror. Although it did scribed to that more conven "I care about 100 percent braced comprehensive immi take days for the administra tional, cautious approach. of the American people," gration reform. He didn't call tion to concede that the terror Their final debate, which Romney said. "I want 100 for self-deportation," Obama ist act was unrelated to initial will center on foreign policy, is percent of the American said. "George Bush never sug reports of anger at a v ideo set for Monday in Boca Raton, people to have a b r i ght gested that we eliminate fund that defamed th e p r o phet Fla. and prosperous future. I care about our kids. I un derstand what it takes to www.bendbulletin.corn make a bright and pros perous futurefor America again." The former Massachu setts g overnor s e emed most confident when he talked a b ou t Ob a m a's stewardship of the nation's beleaguered economy. When a man who voted for Obama in 2008 said his everyday living expenses had grown too high, Rom ney told him, "I think you know that these last four years haven't been so good
The finaldedate
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Philo said. At the Democrats' event, Deborah Lewis said she'd only heard about Obama's under w helming p e rformance i n Denver, but was pleased with the way he handled himself Tuesday. "I'm very happy with the way Obama held his ground, h e defended h i mself, a n d made some significant points," Lewis said. Deschutes Democrats vice chairman John Mundy said he too felt the president had a strong showing Tuesday, but questioned whether the de bates serve any purpose be yond the theatrical. "Is a debate a real indicator of a leader's skill? Ehh," Mun dy said, with a shrug. — Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammersCbendbulletinicom
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Meningitis Continued from A1 Federal and state investi gators have been tightlipped about any problems they may have seen at the New Eng land Compounding Center or whether they have pinpointed the source of the contamina tion. They did disclose last week that they found fungus in more than 50 vials from the pharmacy.
I®NIPS¹ saunmv 8
Company spokesman An drew Paven said by email that criminal i nvestigators from the Food and Drug Adminis tration were at the pharmacy in Framingham, Mass., on Tuesday. The visit was part of a broad federal and state investigation of the outbreak, FDA spokesman Steven Im mergut said in an email. New England Compound ing has not commented on its production process or what might have gone wrong, so outsideexperts can only spec ulate. But the betting money seems to be on dirty condi tions, faulty sterilizing equip ment, t a i nted i n g r edients or sloppiness on the part of
employees. The drug at the center of the investigation is made without preservative, meaning there's no alcohol or other solution in it to kill germs such as a fun gus. So it's very important that it be made under highly sterile conditions, experts said.
Compounding pharmacies
Barry Chin /The Boston Globe
Food and Drug Administration agentsinvestigate the of fices of New England Compounding Center Tuesday in Framingham, Mass. The company's steroid medication has been linked to a deadly meningitis outbreak.
DOj investigation of pharmacysought as number of illnessesclimbs BOSTON — Two members of Congress have askedthe U.S. Department of Justice to investigate whether a specialty pharma cy linked to a nationwide meningitis outbreak violated any federal
laws or regulations. The number of illnesses associated with contaminated steroid shots distributed by New England Compounding Center climbed
to 233 in 15 states, the Centers for DiseaseControl and Preven tion reported Tuesday. Fifteen people have died. Criminal investigators from the Food and Drug Administration
were at the Framinghamcompany on Tuesday. FDAspokesman Steven Immergut said the investigators were there as part of a broad investigation by several state and federal agencies into the
outbreak. Company attorney Paul Cirel said it was "difficult to understand
thepurpose"oftheFDA search.Hesaidthecompany hasmade clear it would provide, andhasprovided, anything requested by investigators. "We' ve been clear that warrants weren't needed; asking would
tango explained. If the person hurried back and didn't prop erly wash up or put on new gowns, masks and other safe ty garb, that could introduce contamination. Faulty or misused sterilizing equipment is also a possibility. After a 2002 fungal meningi tis outbreak linked to a South Carolina compounding phar macy, investigators discov ered that a piece of sterilizing equipment called an autoclave had been improperly used by the staff. The types of fungus in the latest outbreak are ubiquitous: The first to be identified was Aspergillus, commonly found indoors and outdoors. As more testing of patients was com pleted, it became clear that an other fungus — a black mold called Exserohilum — caused most of the illnesses. Exsero hilum is common in dirt and
Continued from A1 "Very small planets are not rare," said Dumusque, who is the lead author of a paper be ing published on Wednesday in Nature. "When you find one small planet, you find others." He and his colleagues dis cussed the results on Tuesday in a news conference hosted by the European Southern Observatory i n G a r ching,
Germany. Astronomers were electri fied by the news of the planet, but also cautioned that it need ed confirmation by other as tronomers, not an easy task. Debra Fischer, a Yale as
tronomer who has been searching for planets in that same system for years, said: "The discovery that our near est neighbor has rocky planets is the story of the decade. I'd bet $100 that there are other planets that are there as well." The discovery also under scored the allure of Alpha Centauri as a target of space and scientific exploration. "This is close enough you can almost spit there," said Geoffrey Marcy, an exoplanet astronomer at the University of California, Berkeley. Sara Seager, an astrono mer at the Massachusetts In stitute of Technology, said in an email, "I feel like we should drop everything and send a probe there to study the new planet and others that are likely in the system." There are three stars in that system. Alpha Centauri A, which is slightly larger and brighter than the Sun, and Al pha Centauri B, slightly small er,are close companions, cir cling each other and passing as close as 9 billion miles ev ery 80 years. They in turn are being circled at a much greater distance, some 1 trillion miles, by a dwarf star that is known as Proxima Centauri because it is slightly closer to the Earth, due to that trillion miles, than the other two. The so-called h abitable zone of Alpha Centauri B, where temperatures would be moderateenough forwater and creatures like us, is about
grasses. Most people do not get sick from ordinary exposure to these kinds of f u ngus, but spinal injections can provide them a pathway into the brain.
Doctors are generally leery of using spinal steroid injections that c o ntain p r e servatives because of fears the preser vatives themselves can cause side effects. Whatever happened at New E ngland C o mpounding, i t probably wasn't unique. Just last year, there were at least three apparently similar incidents: At least 33 patients suffered fungal eye infections traced to products made by a compounding pharmacy in Ocala, Fla.; at least a dozen Florida patients were blinded or damaged in an outbreak linked to a compounder in Hol lywood, Fla.; and the deaths of nine Alabama patients were attributed to tainted intrave nous nutritional supplement provided by a compounder in Birmingham. "These events have been happening once or t w ice a year for the last 15 years," Kastango said. "We wouldn' t tolerate this if a plane crashed once or twice a year. But in health care, we' ve grown de sensitized to these kinds of
have produced thesameresult," he said. "Nevertheless, we con aren't as tightly regulated as tinue to offer our cooperation." drug company plants, but they Boston U.S. Attorney Carmen Ortiz confirmed that her office is are supposed to follow certain part of the investigation. rules: Clean the floors and oth Rep. Edward Markey, D-Massachusetts, wrote in a letter to er surfaces daily; monitor air the Department of Justice that the list of products recalled by the in "clean rooms" where drugs company appears to include controlled substances that fall Under are made; requireemployees the jurisdiction of the Drug Enforcement Agency. to wear gloves and gowns; test The DEA requires pharmacies that sell or compound controlled samples from each lot. substances to beregistered with the agency, which NECCwas The rules are in the U.S. not, Markey wrote. He added that the rules only allow pharmacies Pharmacopeia, a kind of na to sell controlled substances directly to patients with specific t ional standards book f o r prescriptions unless the pharmacies register with the DEA as compounding medicines that' s manufacturers or suppliers. written by a nonprofit scientif "This is a matter that I believe requires further investigation ic organization. Most inspec by the DEA to ensure that this facility, already believed to have tions, though, are h a ndled broken Massachusetts state law, has not also skirted federal law by state boards of pharmacy. related to controlled substances," said Markey, a member of the Massachusetts last inspected Energy andCommerceCommittee in whose district the company New E n gland C o mpound is located. ing in March in response to Gov. Deval Patrick said last week that NECC might have misled a complaint unrelated to the regulators and donework beyond the scope of its state license. outbreak; the results have not problems." — The Associated Press been released. High-volume production of the sort that went on at New England Compounding also for a community pharmacy the company either. raises the chances of contami to do a batch of something Perhaps the powder was nation, experts said. preservative-freein numbers contaminated, either at New Traditionally, c o m pound in the thousands" of doses, E ngland C ompounding o r ing pharmacies fill s pecial said Lou Diorio, a New Jer another location. Maybe the orders placed by doctors for sey-based consultant to com fungus was in the liquid, some individual patients, turning pounding pharmacies.Diorio, experts said. out maybe five or six vials. who has no connection to the Kastango offered additional But many medical practices investigation or the company, possible scenarios, related to and hospitals place large or said it is harder to keep every the large volume produced: ders tohave the medicines on thing sterile when working Making thousands of doses at hand for their patients. That' s with large amounts. a time can take many hours or allowed in at least 40 states To make the steroid, a chem days. It's possible that a batch but not under Massachusetts ical powder from a supplier is could sit for hours or even a regulations. mixed with a liquid, sterilized day or so before being placed Last month, New England through heating, then pumped in vials, making it vulnerable Compounding recalled three into vials, according to Eric to contamination, he said. It's also likely a pharmacy lots of steroids made since May Kastango, another consultant that totaled 17,676 single-dose from New Jersey who helps worker would take a break to vials of medicine — roughly compounding pha r m acies get a snack or cup of coffee, equivalent to 20 gallons. deal with contamination prob to go to the bathroom or to "I don't see it as appropriate lems. He is not connected to step outside for a smoke, Kas
65 million miles from the star, where a year would take 200 days or so, about the same as the orbit of Venus in our own system. Dumusque and hi s c ol leagues found the planet by the so-called wobble method, using a specially built spectro graph called HARPS on a 140 inch diameter telescope at the European Southern Observa tory in La Silla, Chile, to track the host star as it is tugged to and fro by the planet's grav ity. After four years and 450 observations, they found that in the case of Alpha Centauri B, that tug imparts a velocity of about 20 inches a second, a leisurely walking speed. That is the smallest wob ble the Swiss team has ever observed. A planet only four times as massive as the Earth would produce the same amount of wobble if it was out in the hab itable zone and would thus be detectable by their instru ment, Dumusque said. But it would take a long time. "If you want to find a planet at 200 days," he said referring to the orbital period, "you need 8 to 10 years." Marcy said this was the kind of discovery that could reignite interest in other ex periments like the Terrestrial Planet Finder, a space obser vatory for studying exoplan ets that was once at the top of NASA's wish list but is now
languishing. Two years ago, Marcy star tled his colleagues at an MIT symposium with a bitter criti cism of NASA, the National Academy of Sciences and the planetary community itself for failing to define and sell ad vanced exoplanet missions. He went on to call for an interna tional project to launch a scien tific probe to Alpha Centauri. It could take hundreds of years, but such a m ission, Marcy said, could jolt NASA out of its doldrums. The new planet, Marcy said, "fits right into that rant." He went on, "What a great scientific educational m i s sion to have a probe out there, making its way decade after decade."
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Water Continued from A1 M eanwhile, the c it y a n d Central Oregon LandWatch are in the midst of settlement talks in U.S. District Court. The next settlement confer ence is scheduled for Monday morning, according to federal court records. Paul Dewey, executive di rector of Central Oregon Land Watch, said he was pleased with Aiken's decision and the settlement talks with the city will continue. Dewey also said a contractor for the city re cently began clearing land to prepare for the project without Forest Service approval. Jean Nelson-Dean, spokes woman for the Deschutes Na tional Forest, said the agency notified the city that a con tractor had moved dirt before Oct. 10, the date the city was allowed t o s t ar t c o nstruc tion. City Manager Eric King said Tuesday that contractor Mortenson Constructionerred in clearing that area, and the city required the contractor to replant it. To obtain th e i n junction, Central Oregon LandWatch had to convince Aiken that its case was likely to ultimately succeed, that the city would cause irreparable harm if al lowed to proceed and that an injunction is in the public interest. "The Forest Service failed to take a hard look and disclose the project's impacts consistent with (National Environmental Policy Act) requirements," Ai
ken wrotein the order."More over, the immediate implemen t ation of the project will i r reparably harm plaintiff and its members and supporters that use andenjoy the area atissue for its aesthetics,recreation such as hiking, camping, fish ing and photography, as well as watershed research, education and observing wildlife. Plaintiff and its members will further be harmed because the proj ect will degrade water quality, diminish aesthetic values and harm fish and wildlife in and around the project area." Aiken was particularly con cerned that another city con tractor, HDR, used an inaccu rate statistical model to predict the impact of the project on stream temperatures. When the two existing sur face waterpipes run at capac ity, they draw a total of 18.2 cubic feet per second from Bridge Creek. Th e s i ngle, larger pipe proposed as part of the city project could carry up to21 cubic feet per second. The city diverts water from springs that feed into Tumalo Creek and, i n t u r n , f e eds that water into Bridge Creek, which supplies the city with water. Opponents of the water projectare concerned that any increase in the city withdraw als from Bridge Creek would also reduce water flowing in Tumalo Creek. Aiken wrote that if the city were allowed to take more water out of Tumalo Creek, it would result in warmer water temperatures that could harm fish. "It is not enough for the
Forest Service to simply con clude that there is no or little impact to the water tempera ture due to the project without supporting reasoning, analy sis and data," Aiken wrote. Tuesday, Deschutes County Road Department D i rector Chris Doty said the county may have little leeway to delay the SkylinersRoad reconstruc tion project past 2013. Federal funds will pay for most of the project and Doty said "it's un clear at this point" whether federal rules will allow the county to delay the project for one year. Delays such as this were allowed in the past, but the funding source and pos sibly the rules for the project changed after a new federal transportation bill was passed last summer, Doty said. As for t h e u n authorized work on the project, the Forest Service informed the city Oct. 5 that Mortenson Construction cleared the area without per mission, and the city required the company to go out over the following weekend and "re vegetate" the area with native plants, King said. "We told the contractor to restore the site, which they' ve done, so they' ve brought it into a better condi tion than it was in prior to be ing graded," King said. The new water intake facil ity at Bridge Creek and 10 mile-long pipeline to Bend that are on hold are part of a larger city surface water project that could ultimately cost $68.2 million. — Reporter: 541-617-7829, hborrudC<bendbulieti n.corn
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U.K. blocksextradition of hacker to U.S. LONDON — A British com
puter hacker's decade-long struggle to avoid trial in the U.S. over alleged breaches of military and NASA networks ended in success Tuesday, as the U.K. government ruled he was unfit to face charges there. Home Secretary T heresa May said she had blocked the U.S. request to extradite Gary McKinnon after medical ex perts concluded he was seri ouslydepressed and thatthere was "a high risk of him ending his life." T he 4 6 -year-old u n e m ployed computer administra tor, who has been diagnosed with A s Syndrome, was accused of one of the larg est ever breaches of military networks, carried out soon after the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks in the United States. Officials i n Wa s h ington expressed disappointment at the outcome, and State De partment spokeswoman Vic toria Nuland said the decision meant McKinnon would not "face long overdue justice in the United States."
Em atte Mur oc ai esai to et 11M ayout By John F. Burns
familiar with the terms of her severance agreement say. LONDON Rebekah A former employee of News Brooks, the former chief ex of the World, the paper at the ecutive of News International, heart of t h e s candal, said Rupert M u r doch's B r i tish that the figure of 7 million newspaper group, received pounds (about $113 million about $11 million when she at current exchange rates) resigned last year in the midst that was reported in The Fi of the scandal over phone nancial Times on Tuesday hacking and other malprac was consistent with the figure tice at two of the company's being discussed within News tabloid newspapers, people International at the time that New York Times News Service
Brooks quit. erance benefits. Those ben The former employee, who efits included reimbursement spoke on condition of ano of her legal fees and the use of nymity because of a confiden a car and chauffeur as well as tiality clause in his own sev salary and pension payouts. e rance agreement with t h e Much smaller sums were paid company, said that rank-and to the more than 150 other file journalists at News of the employees who lost their jobs World, which Murdoch shut in the paper's closing. down shortly before Brooks Reports in the British press resigned, were "as angry as Tuesday saidthat there were " clawback" p r o visions i n the general public" was likely to be at the size of Brooks' sev Brooks' severance package
entitling News International to recoversome of the mon ey in certain circumstances — most notably, according to The Guardian, "if Brooks was to be found guilty of a crimi nal offense relating to h er employment." Brooks, 44, is a mong a group of f o r mer M u rdoch employees who face trial next year oncharges related to the scandals at the company.
s '„-jC,j
Police stop 2 visitors to Pakistani girl LONDON — British police said Tuesday that they ques tioned and turned away two people who tried to visit Mala la Yousufzai in t h e B r itish hospital where the 14-year-old Pakistani schoolgirl is being treated after being shot by the Taliban. "No arrests were m ade, and at no point was there any threat to Malala," the West M idlands police said i n a statement. The girl, who was shot in the head by a Taliban mili tant on a school bus because of her outspoken activism in favor of education for women and girls, was flown to Bir mingham in central England from Pakistan on Monday to receive specialized medical treatment and rehabilitation at Queen Elizabeth Hospital. The Taliban has reportedly said it would continue trying to kill her. The police statement said two "well-wishers" a r r ived at the hospital overnight and were stopped in a public area, where they were questioned by police. The police "record ed their details and advised the pair that they would not be allowed to see her," the state ment said, offering no further information about their identi ties or whether they had any personal relationship to t he teenager. The statement appeared to be responding to reports by British news outlets Tuesday that quoted Dr. David Rosser, the medical director of the fa cility, as saying that "a number of people turned up claiming to be members of M alala's family, which we d on't be lievetobe true,and have been arrested."
Chinese poll shownew attitude to democracy BEI JING — People in China are increasingly worried about c orruption, i n equality a n d food safety, according to a sur vey that also found that about half of Chinese like American ideas about democracy. Chinese citizens have be come far m o r e c o ncerned about domestic quality-of-life issues over the past four years, the Pew Global Attitudes Proj ect report on attitudes in Chi na found. The new attitudes highlight the challenges China's new leadership will face when it assumes power in a once-in-a decade transition next month. C hina's runaway growth i n recent decades has led to a yawning gap between rich
and poor and worsening pol lution. The Communist Party has said repeatedly that per vasive corruption threatens its hold on power. Most Chinese say they are better off financially, accord ing to the Pew survey, but i nflation remains their t o p concern, with 60 percent say ing it's a "very big problem," though that figure was down from 72percent in 2008. Half of the respondents said corrupt officials are a major problem, upfrom 39 percent
four years ago. The gap be tween rich and poor was the third biggest concern, with 48 percent of respondents citing it, up from 41 percent in 2008. — From wire reports
Si"",.Fll// / Robin van Lonkheijsen /The Associated Press
Suspected war criminal and former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic,standing at left, talks to Marko Sladojevic, left, a member of his legal team, while his legal advisor Peter Robinson, right, prepares Tuesday ahead of the start of Karadzic's defense at the U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands.
ara zicc aims innocence a ri una By Mike Corder
Muslim survivors of the war who were watching the trial THE HAGUE, Netherlands from the public gallery at the — Former Bosnian Serb leader U.N. tribunal. Radovan Karadzic cast him Karadzic, who faces charges self as a "mild man, a tolerant including genocide and crimes man" as he opened his defense against humanity, was given Tuesday in his long-running 90 minutes to make a state genocide trial, claiming he ment on his role in the war that tried to prevent fighting and left an estimated 100,000 dead. then worked to reduce casual The statement was not made ties in the bloody 1992-95 Bos under oath, meaning Karadzic nian war. could not be cross-examined His claims brought snorts by prosecutors. of derision and cries of "He' s In another of the tribunal's lying! He's lying!" from some courtrooms, Goran Hadzic, a The Associated Press
former leader ofrebel Serbs in Croatia, became the last of the tribunal's 161 indicted sus pects to face justice as his trial got under way. He was arrest ed last year in northern Serbia aftermore than seven years on the run and pleaded not guilty to charges of murdering hun dreds of Croats and expelling tens of thousands more. Karadzic, a f o rmer p sy chologist and poet, told judges he was a "physician and liter ary man" who was a reluctant player in the violent breakup
of Yugoslavia. He said before the war many of his friends, including his hairdresser, were Muslims. "Instead of being accused of the events in our war, I should be rewarded for all the good things I have done," he said through a court interpreter. "I did everything humanly pos sible to avoid the war ... I suc ceeded inreducing the suffer ing of all civilians." Prosecutors have painted a starkly different picture of Karadzic during months of
witness testimony, portraying him as a political leader who masterminded Serb a t roci ties throughout the war, from campaigns of persecution and murder of Muslims and Croats early in 1992 to the conflict's bloody climax, the 1995 mas sacre ofsome 8,000 Muslim men and boys in the U.¹pr o tected Srebrenica enclave. Karadzic, 67, who looked relaxed and cheerful in court as he read his statement from a text, denied that prosecution portrait of him.
S rianre esinAe omost oor, ious, rura By Hamza Hendawi
tryside in Aleppo province risk losing the popular good ALEPPO, Syria — Most will they have enjoyed from of the rebels fighting govern their f ellow i m p overished ment forces in the city of Alep Sunnis in the city. po fit a specific mold: They' re On S aturday, c i v ilians poor, religiously conservative pelted a group of rebels with and usually come from the broken glass as they headed underdeveloped countryside to the front line because they nearby. feel the fighters' presence They bring to the battle brings the regime's destruc theirfury over years of eco tion down on them, accord nomic marginalization, fired ing to an Associated Press by a pious fervor, and they photographer and camera say their fight in the civil war man wh o w i t nessed t he is not only against President incident. "The city of Aleppo has not Bashar Assad but also the elite merchants and industri really joined the revolution," alists who dominate the city acknowledged one 32-year and have stuck by the regime. old fighter who goes by the The rebels regard this sup name of Abu Ahmed and is port for the government to be from the nearby town of al Bab. "All of us are from rural an act of betrayal. The blend of poverty, reli Aleppo." gious piety and anger could Like some other rebels, define the future of Aleppo, he spoke on condition he be and perhaps the rest of Syria, identified only with that nick if the rebels take over the name — by which he is widely country's largest city, which known among his comrades is also its economic engine. — fearing that use of his real They may be tempted to push name could bring retaliation their own version of Islam, on his family. which is more fundamentalist The battle for Aleppo is a than what is found in the city. stark illustration of how Syr Their bitterness at the busi ia's conflict, now in its 19th ness class may prompt them month, is as much a revolt of to seek ways of redistributing the underclass as a rebellion the wealth. against the regime's authori "Those who have money in tarian grip. Aleppo only worry about their The countryside surround wealth and interests when we ing Aleppo is dotted with have long lived in poverty," small farming towns where said Osama Abu Mohammed, the population is overwhelm a rebel commander who was ingly Sunni M uslim, with a car mechanic in the nearby a social fabric built around town of Beyanon before he strong family and clan ties, joined the fight. primarily guided by l o cal "They have been breast-fed customs and a conservative cowardice and their hearts brand of Islam. are filled with fear. With their In contrast, Aleppo's esti money, we could buy weap mated 3 million residents are ons that enable us to liberate a mix of Syria's main ethnic the entire city in a week," he and religious groups — Sunni said. and Shiite Muslims, Alawites, With neither side able to Christians, Kurds, Turkomen decide the battle after three and Armenians — with a rel months of fighting and with atively liberal lifestyle. winter fast approaching, how The northern city is home ever, the rebelsfrom the coun to a powerful community of The Associated Press
factoryowners,manufacturers and merchants, mainly from prominent Sunni families, who were largely allowed to operate without government interfer ence while the Assad family' s Alawite sect, an offshoot of Shi ite Islam, kept its grip on politi cal power. The flashpoints of the upris ing have been the poorest parts of the country. It began in March 2011 in the i m poverished southern province of Daraa. A drought
hitting parts of the country dis placed tens of thousands of peo ple from farming areas, putting more pressure on the economy.
poor across Syria grew in the more than a decade of free mar ket economic policies initiated by the late Hafez Assad and The city of Horns, which has accelerated by his son, Bashar, been a main center of the rebel when he took power in 2000. lion, is known as "the mother of Focused on the service sec the poor" because the cost of liv tor, the new policy benefited a ing is lower and its population tiny segment of the country' s generally less well off. When 22 million people, particularly Damascus saw its worst fight a clique of regime-linked busi ing yet in July, it was largely nessmen and the mostly Sunni in the capital's poorer districts merchant class in Aleppo and that the rebels operated. Damascus, who have largely The gap between rich and stuck by Assad.
Bon Appetit from ClatSOp COunty Nestled between the Columbia River and Pacifi c Ocean, Clatsop County celebrates a heritage of hard work and preservation. We value sustainability and economic opportunity in a vibrant community among the natural resources we all share. Columbia River salmon are a public resource that belongs to everyone. Generations of families involved in the highly regulated commercial gillnet fishing industry have provided this prized delicacy for consumers in Oregon and beyond in a responsible manner. Whether you come to catch your own or enjoy our locally caught Columbia River salmon from your local market or restaurant, we want to thank you for
supporting a very special part of Oregon. Paid for by Clatsop County
TV 5 Movies, B2
Dear Abby, B3 Comics, B4
O www.bendbulletin.corn/savvyshopper
IN BRIEF Handcraftedfinds in alley market An array of home decor, handcrafted
goods, jewelry and other items will be on display Saturday at the fall Alley Outdoor Bou tique Market, put on by
Bend shops Fabulous Finds andGypsy Home. The event will be from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the alley off Northeast Second Street between Franklin and Greenwood
Virgin Atlantic via New York Times News Service
avenues, nearFabulous Finds, 190 N.E. Irving Ave. It will feature area
• Retailers large and small find advantages to mobile payments
merchants selling goods such as knit hats, loose
leaf teas and locally made soaps.
Contact: www.fabulous
findsofbend.corn or
DANI Naturals to open for holidays
the holidays in Bend's Old Mill District. The short-term retail space will be open at 330 S.W. Powerhouse Drive from Nov. 14 through at least Jan.1 from 11 a.m. to
6 p.m. Wednesdays, Thursdays andSundays and 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays. DANI Naturals fea
The Charlotte Observer
CHARLOTTE, N.C. he way we pay for things is changing. Those credit
l:C% /tt,h~ v g~h
DANI Naturals, a locally based natural
products company,will open a pop-upshopfor
By Celeste Smith
QQG t linc
card keypads yielding pa
tures products made without petroleum. The shop will carry lotions,
shower gels, hand washes, shampoosand conditioners, plus soy candles and stocking stuffer-sized items. Contact: http: //dani naturals.corn or 541 382-2339.
New Saturday vendor market A new indoor market
— with goods ranging from antiques to salsa to handmadebanjos
and guitars — is taking
place in Bendnearly
A Square Card Reader enables anyone to accept credit card payments on their mobile device. Handout wa New York Times News Service
every Saturday through March. The market will be from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the Masonic Building, 1036 N.E. Eighth St. It
has up to 22vendors. Admission is free. Contact: nwpickers
©hotmail.corn or 541 977-1 737.
Spice shophosts anniversary party The SavorySpice Shop in Bend's Old Mill District will celebrate its
per receipts are giving way to a new group of mobile payment devices that merchants say charge cheaper swipe fees, and arefasterand easierto use. R ecently, Sta r bucks signed on with S quare, one of t h e • Pros and m ore popular d e cons of vi c e s in the market three That m eans 7 ,000 mobile Starbucks stores will paymerlt p r o cess U.S. credit methods, and debit card trans B6 actions with Square — thus linking the card reader with a major retailer. An array of other devices are on the market, including Intuit GoPay ment and PayPal Here. Others in the mobile payment mix include Groupon and Google. Several large retailers, including Walmart, Best Buy, Targetand others, recently announced they' re joining forces on their own upcoming mobile payment method. Here's how these systems gen erally work: Commerce compa nies provide a free card reader to retailers, who plug it into the headphone jack of their mobile phone. Af ter customers get their card swiped, they sign receipts with their fin ger, and have the option to leave tips. Receipts are sent by text or email. Merchants are charged a per centage per swipe, with the remaining money from the pur chase deposited into their account. See Mobile/B6
p •
one-year anniversary
Saturday with gastro nomical presentations
and prizes. Local businessesproviding
ersdvv Disc vss ' strprrss
samples include: 10-11
Central OregonLocavore. Savory is locatedat 375 S.W.Powerhouse Drive ¹110and is open10
a.m. to 8p.m.Mondays through Saturdaysand11
a.m. to 6p.m.Sundays. Contact: www.savory
spiceshop.corn or 541 306-6855. — Heidi Hagemeier, The Bulletin
Correction In an article headlined "A story grows," which appeared onPageB1 on Tuesday,Oct. 16,the ticket information for the Saturday event with
children's authorJanBrett was omitted. Free tickets
are requiredfor admis sion andcanbe obtained through Deschutes Public Library. Contact local
libraries for information. The Bulletin regrets the error.
F eet of foot on cInd
in the air By Stephanie Rosenbloom New York Times News Service
Uncomfortable shoes can not only ruin your feet, they can ruin your vacation. Try walking around Versailles with a blister on your heel, or climbing the Spanish Steps with a sandal strap slicing into your pinkie toe. Cinderella aside, there is no perfect shoe. But if any one knows which shoes will treat your feet right yet also look sharp enough for a night on the town, it's a flight attendant. "We' re on our feet 13 hours a day, sometimes six days a week," said Grace Brown, a North Carolina based flight attendant who has worked for a regional carrierformore than four years. (Like other flight at tendants, Brown requested that the name of her em ployer not be mentioned because she was speaking for herself, not the airline.) Who better to, er, pump for shoe advice? Flight at tendantschoose theirshoes based on a number of fac tors, including their individ ual budgets, foot problems and the rules of their airline. For instance, Virgin Atlantic flight attendants are is
sued liquid-red heels (aptly named Dorothy; a lower heeled version is Dotty). But most flight attendants in the United States are allowed to buy what they like as long as they stay within certain guidelines. Typically, that results in crew members rotating between two sets of shoes:
a snappy-looking pair to wear in the terminal, where appearing polished is a job requirement, and a more sensible, affordable pair that they change into for the service portion of a flight. See Shoes/B6
Todd Sumiin Charlotte
a.m., chai from LonePine Coffee Roasters; noon 1 p.m., sausagefrom Primal Cuts Meat Market; 1-2 p.m., Agricultural Connections; 2-3 p.m., Real Food Street Bistro; 3-4 p.m., Deschutes Brewery; and 4-7 p.m.,
A close up of a "Square" sticker next to traditional credit card icons.
Who better to take footwear advice from than flight at tendants? They sometimes stand on their feet 13 hours a day, six days a week.
Making sense of thosecare labels By Korky Vann The Hartford Courant
Spots and stains are the ultimate wardrobe malfunc tions. Spill coffee on a silk blouse or ketchup on your tie and unless you can remedy the mess,you'vew asted the money you invested in those clothes. Luckily, the Federal Trade Commission requires manu facturers to attach care labels to most garments — which means all you have to do is check the tag for the best way to remedy the sullied mess, right? If the care label has writ ten instructions, you' ve got a chance tocome clean.But if it has a series of symbols, you may be in hot water when it comes to figuring out just what to do next. Under law, care labels must provide washing or dry
The Denver Post
cleaning instructions and warn against any procedures — such as bleaching or iron ing — that might harm the item.Manufacturers have the choice of providing this infor mation with written instruc tions or standardized symbols. Written instructions, such as "warm water," "no bleach," "line dry" or "dry clean only"
are pretty straightforward. The 40-plus symbols, which include circles, squares and triangles,
aremore challenging— espe cially when combined with the dots, dashes, squiggles, under scores and X's that offer ad ditional specifics such as water temperatures, heat settings and drying instructions. See Care/B6
Must dine in Cltanterelle. During themonth of Octoberonyl. Mentionthisad toreceivedt 'scount.
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'Horror' as rare cent is un — intentiona, an "American Horror Story" 10 tonight, FX By David Wiegattd San Francisco Chronicle
Mad doctors, exorcisms, sadistic nuns, a secret tunnel known as the "death chute" and even a scary shower scene: " American Horror Story" i s back topay bloody homage to great and not-so-great horror movies of the past with its own contemporary flourishes and, of course, more sophisticated special effects. Created by Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk, "American Horror Story: Asylum" isn't technically a series, but, rather, a mini-se ries, according to the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, despite the fact that several cast members from last year's fresh man season are back this year and that it has as many episodes as a regular series. Well, asJessica Lange says, you say tomato, I say tomahto, especially if the show takes place in Massachusetts and everyoneseems to be trying to imitate Jack Kennedy pahking the cah in Hahvad Yahd. Lange is among the return ing cast members from last year, but this time, she plays Sister Jude, a tyrannical nun with weird sexual fantasies who oversees an insane asy lum in the 1960s called Briar cliff. The asylum was original ly built as a tuberculosis hos pital in the early 20th century and was the scene of some 46,000 deaths. Sister Jude is a hyped-up version of the ruler-wielding nun of many a former Catholic schoolboy' s nightmares, but her weapon of choiceisone of several sturdy canes which she uses to beat both unruly inmates and dis obedient underlings alike.
TV SPOTLIGHT Among the current crop of inmates are Kit Walker (Evan Peters, from Season 1), who is accused of being deranged serial killer "Bloody Face," lo cal newspaper reporter Lana Winters (Sarah Paulson), who shows up at the asylum alleg edly to do a story on its bakery but really hopes to snag an interview with Bloody Face, Grace (Lizzie Brochere), a young woman who befriends Lana and Kit, and the sexually insatiable Shelley (Chloe Sevi
gny, "Big Love" ). Sister Jude is only a tad nicer to Sister Mary Eunice (Lily Rabe, from Season 1), a picture of blonde purity and innocence, until something wicked her way comes. Sister Jude's arch-neme sis is the mad doctor Arthur Ar den (James Cromwell, "Babe), who may be responsible for the deaths of several inmates, conveniently without family or anyone to ask questions if they happen to disappear. Most of th e action takes place in flashback from the present day, when a y oung newlywed couple (the hubbie is played by Maroon 5's Adam Levine) shows up at the aban doned asylum and foolishly decides to explore the place — and each other — while the tension mounts toward their inevitable comeuppance. Tonight's premiere focuses largely on how "Bloody Face" and Lana Winters wind up at Briarcliff. Winters' transgres sion was asking a few too many questions and, as any horror fan knows, curiosityis never advisable, especially in an asy lum ruled by a wacko nun. "Asylum" references a wide varietyof horrorclassics to fos
ter our curiosity about Bri arcliff, including "Psycho" (shower scene), Ken Russell's "The Devils" an d o t her examples ofthe subgenre known as "nunsploitation," such as "Killer Nun," as well as "The Exorcist" and scads of mad scientist movies go ing back to the 1920s. Of course, this wouldn' t be a Ryan Murphy show if it didn't include a thinly disguised PSA about LGBT issues and rights. Murphy is slightly more subtle in "AHS: Asylum," if, indeed, Ryan Murphy can be said to be subtle about anything. He and Falchuk reference the classic Lillian Hellman play and 1961 film "The Children's Hour" as one ofthe character's'secret lesbian lover, a school teach er, is blackmailed into be traying her. Elsewhere, the script references the fact that electroshock therapy was once used to try to "cure" ho mosexuals, but, in 1964, the
psychological community was moving toward what it believedwas more humane aversion therapy. B ut, o c casional P S A breaks aside, "Asylum" is all in great and occasionally gory fun, and the cast mem bers deliver the over-the-top dialogue with a h e aping topping of relish. Lange and Cromwell, i n p a r t icular, emote the hell out of their respective parts. Varicose Vein Expert s
BEND Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S.Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347
Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347
ARGO (R) 12:40, 3:50, 6:55, 9:45 THE BOURNELEGACY(PG-13) 3:40, 6:40, 9:50 END OF WATCH(R)1:35,435, 735, 10:10 FRANKENWEENIEIMAX (PG) 1:55, 4:45, 7:40, 10 FRANKENWEENIE(PG) 12:15, 3:15, 6, 9:05 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 12:35, 3:30, 6:25, 9:15 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA(PG) 12:25, 1:25,3:25,6:I5,7,9 HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA 3-D (PG) 3:45, 9:20 HOUSE ATTHEENDOFTHESTREET (PG-13) 1:40, 4:30, 7:05, 9:45 LOOPER(R) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 10:05 PITCH PERFECT(PG-13) 1:10, 4:10, 6:50, 9:40 SEVENPSYCHOPATHS(R) 1:45, 4:25, 7:10, 9:55 SINISTER(R) 12:50, 3:35, 7:20, IO:20
Hear Center
Accessibility devices are
TAKEN 2 (PG-13) Noon,1, 3, 4, 6:30, 7:30, 9:30, 10:15 TROUBLE WITHTHE CURVE (PG 13) 12:10, 3:10, 6:05, 9:10 W ON'T BACK DOWN (PG)12:55
available for somemovies
McMenami ns Old St. Francis School
adults and $13for children (ages 3 to 11)and seniors (ages 60 andolder).
at Regal Old Mill Stadium 168 /MAX. • There may be an additional feefor3-O mov ies. IMAX films are $15.50 for
700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562
BRAVE(PG)3 THE DARK KNIGHTRISES(PG-13) 5:30 MOONRISEKINGDOM(PG-13) 9:30 After 7 p.m., shows are 21and olderonly.Youngerthan 21may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompani ed by alegalguardian.
Tin Pan Theater 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271
• Movie times are subject to
change after press time. Sisters, 541-549-8800
MADRAS Madras Cinema 5
As of press time, the complete movi e 1101 S.W. U.S.Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505 ti mes for the Tin Pan Theater were unavailable. For morei nformati on, ARGO (R) 7 visit i47i47w.trnpantheater corn. FRANKENWEENIE 3-D (PG) 6:50 HOUSE AT THE END OFTHESTREET REDMOND (PG-13) 7:30 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 7:10 Redmond Cinemas TROUBLEWITH THE CURVE (PG-13) 1535S.W.Odem Medo Road, 7:20 Redmond, 541-548-8777 FRANKENWEENIE (PG) 5, 7 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG)4:45,7 HOTELTRA NSYLVANIA (PG) 5:15, 715 TAKEN 2 (PG-13) 4:30, 6:45
LOOPER(R) 4, 7 TAKEN 2 (UPSTAIRS —PG-13) 6 Pine Theater's upstai rs screening room has limited accessibility.
Sisters Movie House 720 Desperado Court,
Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville, 541-416-1 014
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*In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte Di ital PM-Prineville/Madras SR-Sunriver L-La Pine
i EHK~RDiRH i 1RK~RRRX~RKHK~RKR2RRRK~RRK~RREK~RKR2RREI~~RRKREEK~XKEH KATU News World News K A TU News at 6 (N) n cc Jeopardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune The Middle 'PG' The Neighbors Modern Family Suburgatory (N) Nashville (N) 'PG' cc (BVS) KAT U News (11:35) Nightline
Nightly News Neweohannel 21 at 6 (N) « Jeop ardy! 'G' Wheel Fortune Animal Practice Guys With Kids Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire Mon Amour (N)'14' News Jay Leno News Evening News Access H. O l dChristine H ow I Met 3 0 R ock n '14' Survivor: Philippines (N) n cc C r i minal Minds (N) n '14' CBI: Crime Scene Investigation News Letterman KBNZ 0 K EZI 9 News KEZI 9 News Entertainment The Insider (N) The Middle 'PG' The Neighbors Modern Family Soburgatory (N) Nashville (N) 'PG' «(DVS) KEZ I 9 News (11:35) Nightline KQHD Q 0 0 0 KEZI 9 News World News Big Bang TheX FactorThejudgesnarrowtheirsearch.(N)n'14'cc News KFXO i' IEI IEIIEI America'sFunniestHomevideos Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Big Bang TMZ(N)n'PG' Thesimpeons FamilyGuy'14' Silent Invasion: Oregon NOVAForensics onTrial (N)'14' Nova scienceNOW(N)n 'PG' C S I on Trial n 'G' « Koaa O B O B Wild Kratts ne Electric Comp. Equitrekking B usiness Rpt. PBS NeweHour (N) n « Newschannel 8 NightlyNews Newschannel 8 News Live at 7 (N) I n side Edition Animal Practice Guys With Kids Law & Order: SVU Chicago Fire Mon Amour (N)'14' Newschannel 8 Jay Leno KGW 0 'Til Death 'PG' 'Til Death 'PG' KTVZDT2IEI 0 B lH We ThereYet? We There Yet? King of Queens King of Queens Engagement Engagement A r row Oliver runsinto Laurel. '14' Supernatural Heartache(N) '14' S einfeld 'PG' Seinfeld 'PG' Baking Made Taste This! 'G' Outnumbered Last of Wine The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes Doc Martinn 'PG' cc World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' cc PBS NewsHour n cc OPBPL 175 173
KTvz 0 0 0 0 News
Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty (4:00) ** "Dead Si l e nce" (2007, Hor* "Friday the13th: TheFinal Chapter" (1984)KimberlyBeck. Murderous * "F riday the 13th — A New Beginning" (1985, Horror) John Shepard. A new * "Fridaythe 13th,Part Vl:JasonLives" (1986,Horror) ThornMathews. A• *AMC 102 40 39 ror) RyanKwanten. « JasonseeksvengeanceoncampersatCrystalLake. maskedkiller brutally slaysunsuspecting teenagers. « teen meets a masked kiler, revived by lightning. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Monsters Inside Me Lorkers 'PG' Fatal Attractions n 'PG' cc Wild Pacific Fragile Paradise'PG' Wild Pacific Diversity of life. 'PG' The Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G' The Blue Planet: Seas of Life 'G' Wild Pacific Diversity of life. 'PG' BRAVO1 37 4 4 Flipping Out Houseof Lies « Flip ping Out Jeff upsets Gage. F l i pping Out Cleaning House Ho u sewives/NYC Housewives/NYC Life After TopChef (N) What Happens After Top Chef Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc CMT Music Awards 2012The11th anniversary ofthe awardsshow. n 'PG' cc CMT 190 32 42 53 Roseann e 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Reba'PG'cc Reba 'PG'cc ** 8 Seconds Behind the Myth" (2001,Documentary) 'G' ** "Walt: The Man Behind the Myth" (2001,Documentary) 'G' CNBC 54 36 40 52 ** "Walt: The Man American Greed Mad Money Quit Your Job! You Breathe! CNN 55 38 35 48 Anderson Cooper360 (N) cc P i e rs Morgan Tonight (N ) Ande rson Cooper 360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 cc Erin Burnett OutFront CQM 135 53 135 47Futurama 'PG' Always Sunny South Park '14' Tosh.0 '14' Co l bert Report Daily Show C h appelle Show Key 8 Peele S outh Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Key & Peele (N) Daily Show C o lbert Report COTY 11 Dept. /Trans. C i ty Edition B e nd City Council Work Session Bend City Council Morning Oregon City Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings *DIS 87 43 14 39 GravityFalls n Gravity Falls n Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Austin lt Ally n "Phineasand Ferb: TheMovie" Good-Charlie Phineas,Ferb A.N.T.Farm'G' My Babysitter *DISC 156 21 16 37 Sons of Guns n '14' ee Sons of Guns n '14' ae Sons of Guns n '14' cc Sons of Guns (N) n '14'ace Sons of Guns(N) n '14' « OsamabinLaden:TheFinish'14' SonsofGunsn '14'« *E! 1 36 2 5 Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping Up With the Kardashians E! News (N) Jonae Jonae Jonas Jonas TheSoup '14' The Soup '14' Chelsea Lately E! News All-AccessKent Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « ESPN 21 23 22 23 WNBABasketball indianaFeverat MinnesotaLynx (N) (Live) « sportecenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Live) « Sportsoenter (N)(Lvei « All-AccessKent Baseball Tonight (N) (Live) cc N F L Live (N) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (4:30) 30for 30 CrossFit Games 2012 CrossFit Games CroeeFit Games 2012 CrossFit Games Best of the NFL All-AccessKent ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Boxing « Stories of... S t o ries of... Lo n g Way Down « White Shadow « MLB Baseball FromOct. 18,1977. « Sportsoentury « H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. ESP NFC Prese H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203Sportscenter (N)(Live) « Sportecenter (N)(Live) cc Sportscenter (N)(Live) cc *** "HarryPoller andtheOrder of the Phoenix" (2007, Fantasy) Daniel Radcliffe, RupertGrint. FAM 67 29 19 41 (4:30) *** "HarryPotter andthe Goblet of Fire" (2005, Fantasy)Daniel Radcliffe, Rupert Grint. The700Club n 'G' « FNC 57 61 36 50 The O'Reilly Factor (N) cc Hannity (N) On Record, GretaVanBusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, Greta VanSusteren The Five *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Best Dishes P aula'e Cooking Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible Restaurant: Impossible (N) Res t aurant Stakeout (N) Restaurant: Impossible Valley inn ** "The TwilightSaga: NewMoon" (2009,Romance)Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson. Premiere. FX 131 (4:00) *"TheHappening" (2008) Two/Half Men Two/Half Men American Horror Story: Asylum American Horror Story: Asylum HGTV 176 49 33 43 Buying and Selling 'G' « Buying and Selling 'G' « House Hunters Renovation 'G' P r operty Brothers Amber 'G ' Buy i ng and Selling (N) 'G' « Hou s e Hunters Hunters tnt'I P r operty Brothers 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Modern Marvels 'PG'ac Modern Marvels Logging Tech'G' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Restoration R e storation P a wn Stars 'PG' Restoration C a jun Pawn C ajun Pawn C ajun Pawn C ajun Pawn "Abducted: TheCarlina White Story" (2012)Aunlanue Ellis. 'PG' a« "Abducted: Carlina White" LIFE 138 39 20 31 (4:30) *** "Selena"(1997,Biography) Jennifer Lopez. « Houstons Remember My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Ed Show(N) TheRachelMaddow Show (N) The Last W ord The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 Made Actresses(N) n 'PG' Pranked n '14' Pranked n '14' Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Underemployed Pilot '14' « The Challenge: Battle of Seasons The Challenge: Battle of Seasons The Challenge: Battle of Seasons NICK 82 46 24 40 BpongeBob SpongeBob Bpongeaob Spongeaob FigureI tOut'Y' Drake&Josh Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' Full House'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Friendsn '14' (11:33) Friends OWN 161 103 31 103Stolen Voices Stolen Voices Stolen Voices Stolen Voices Stolen Voices Stolen Voices Dateline on OWN n '14' « Datehne on OWN n 14 « Dateline on OWN MeanGirls '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 World PokerTour: Season 10 B eahawks Bo y s in the Hall MLS Soccer Sal Real t Lakeat Seattle SoundersFC(N)(Live) MLS SoccerRealBait Lakeat Seattle SoundersFC (N) The DanPatrick Show 2" (2005)JasonStatham, AmberValletta. n ** "The Punisher"(2004,Action) ThomasJane, JohnTravolta, Will Patton. n ** "The Transporter 2" (2005)JasonStatham,AmberValletta. n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 ** "The Transporter The Punisher SYFY 133 35 133 45ParanormalWitness Paranormal Witness 'PG' ParanormalWitness 'PG' Ghost Hunters ParanormalPolitics Ghost Hunters Curtain Cali (N) n Paranormal Witness (N) 'PG' Gh o st Hunters Curtain Call cc TBN 05 60 130 Behind Scenes Turning Point Joseph Prince End of the Age Praise the Lord 'Y' « Always Good Jesse Duplantis Easter Exper. Creflo Dollar P r aise the Lord 'Y' « *TBS 16 27 11 28 MLB Baseball NewYorkYankees at Detroit Tigers AmericanLeagueChampionshipSeries, Game4. (N) (Live) InsideMLB(N) FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14' Big Bang Big Bang Con a n(N)'14'cc *** "Horror of Dracula(1958) " Peter Gushing. The ieg- *** "The CurseFrankenstei of n" (1957,Horror) Peter ** "The Mummy" (1959)Peter Cashing. A 3000yearoid (945) ** "TheGorgon" (1964)Peter Gushing. A proles- (1115) *** "The Devil's Bride" TCM 101 44 101 29 endary bloodsuckerinvadesEngland. Gushing, ChristopherLee, Hazel Court. monstrosity stalks archaeologists. ec sor investigates abizarre series of murders. (1968) Christopher Lee. • *TLC 178 34 32 34 Four Weddings ct 'PG' « Island Medium Island Medium Extreme Chea. Extreme Chea. Hoarding: Buried Alive 'PG' « M y Giant Face Tumor (N) rt 'PG' Addicted Josh (N) o '14' « My Giant Face Tumor 'PG' « *TNT 17 26 15 27 Castle TheLate Shaft 'PG' c~ Th e Mentalist Ruddy Cheeks'14' The Mentalist n '14' « Castle A Death inthe Family 'PG' Castle Deep in Death 'PG' ec Major Crimes LongShot'14' Per c eption 86'd '14' cc 'TOON 84 Dragons: Riders Regular Show Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time NiniaGo: Metre Dragons: Riders Johnny Test rt King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family GuyO '14'« 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain:NoReservations Biz a rreFoods/Zimmern Many.Food'G' Manv.Food'G'Hall oween'sMostExtreme'G' ToyHunter'PG' ToyHunter' PG' BbqParadi se2:AnotherRack'G' PizzaParadise'PG'~c *A*S'H 'PG' M'A'S*H 'PG' M*A'S*H 'PG' TheWa yofAaron'G' M CoebyShow Coeby Show Coeby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot, Cleveland The Exes'PG' King ofQueens KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 Bonanza NCIS MindGamesrt 'PG' cc NCIB Silver War ct 'PG' cc NCIS A survivalist is wanted. 'PG' NCIS Corporal Punishment'PG' N CIS Tribes n '14' ac Covert Affairs 'PG' c~ (BVS) UBA 15 30 23 30 NCIB Kill Ari '14' cc ** "AceVentura:Pel Detective" (1994,Comedy)Jim Carrey. rt Rehab With Dr.Drew rt '14' Cou p les Therapy Openi Up ng'14' Couples Therapy (N) rt '14' I'm Married to A... (N) ct '14' VH1 191 48 37 54 You' re CutOff! n '14' *ASIE 130 28 18 32 The First 48 '14' ac
** "JustGoWith ll" 2011 AdamSandier. 0 'PG 13' « *** "Batman" 1989,ActionJack Nichoison. O 'PG13' « ENGR 106401 306401(4 20) *"Blind Date" 1987 « (10:10) ** "Freddy vs.Jason" 2003Robert Englund.n 'R' cc FXM Presents ** "27 Dresses"2008 Katherine Heigi. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents ****"TheCiderHouseRules"1999TobeyMaguire.'PG-13' FMC 104204104120** "27Dresses"2008Katherine Heigi. 'PG-13' « UFC ReloadedUFC135: Jones vs RampageJones vsJackson; Hughesvs Koscheck. Being: Liverpool (N)'14' UFC Fight Night Johnsonvs. Mccaii FromSunrise, Fia. * NMyYoungAuntie" (1980) FUEL 34 On the Range(N) PGA Tour Golf Inside PGA G olf Central O n the Range (N) Longest Drive European PGATour Golf GOLF 28 301 27 301PGA Tour Golf HALL 66 33175 33 The Waltons TheProphecy'G ' L i t tle House on the Prairie 'PG' L i ttle House on thePrairie 'PG' L i ttle House on the Prairie 'PG' L i ttle House on the Prairie 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' Frasier n 'PG' "HarryPotter" The Weight of the (6:15) * "A ThousandWords" 2012,ComedyEddie Murphy. Aliterary agent's ** "Cowboys & Aliens"2011, Science Fiction DanielCraig. Extraterrestriais Boardwalk Empire Rothstein ventsto Real Time With Bill Maher Actor Ben HBO 25501 425501 Nation loquaciousness will be his undoing.n 'PG-13' cc attack a 19th-century Arizonatown. n 'PG-13' cc Nocky. n 'MA' cc Affleck. n 'MA' cc 1992,Adventure Daniel Day-Lewis. 'R' ** "King ofNewYork" 1990Christopher Waiken. 'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 *** "The Last of the Mohicans" (9:45) * "London" 2005,DramaChris Evans, Jessica Biel. 'R' The WickerMan (4:15) *** "The Kids Are AllRight" *** "Hanna" 2011,Action saoirs eRonan.A teenageassassinmustelude strike Backn (8:45) ** "The Matrix Revolutions"2003, science Fiction KeanuReeves, Laurence Fishburne. *** "Shame" 2011, DramaMichael M AX 00508 5 0 82010 JuiianneMoore. 'R' 'MA' cc the agents of aruthless operative. o 'PG-13' « Fassbender. 'NC-17' « Neo, Morpheus andTrinity battle vicious machines. ct 'R' « Family Guns 'PG' Bid &Destroy Bid &Destroy Bid& Destroy Bid8 Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid & Destroy Bid &Destroy Bid &Destroy Family Guns'PG' Wild JusticeOutgunned'14' N GC 157 1 5 7 A v atar: Air. O d d Parents O dd Parents S pongeaob S p ongeBob A v atar: Air. Av atar: Air. Dr agon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Odd Parents Odd Parents P lanet Sheen Planet Sheen Avatar: Air. Outdoorsman Amer. Rifleman Impossible G u n Nuts Mid w ay USA's Shooting USA « Best Defense Midway USA's Impossible Am er. Rifleman OUTD 37 307 43 307Midway USA's Shooting USA « State of Independence Inside the NFL (N) 0 'PG' « I nsi d e NASCAR Inside Comedy rt Inside the NFLrt 'PG' « S HO 00 5 0 0 (4:35) ** "DeadHeads" 2011Michael (6:15) *** "A Better Life" 2011,DramaDemian Bichir, Jose Julian. A day- Homeland n 'MA' « '14' cc McKiddy.n 'R' « laborer andhis sonsearchfor their stolentruck. 'PG-13' (N) 'PG' SPEED 35 303125303Pinks - All Out 'PG' 101 Cars 101 Cars Barrett. Jackson Special Edition Pinks - All Out 'PG' 101 Cars 101 Cars Barrett. JacksonSpecial Edition Unique Whips '14' *** "The Girl Withthe DragonTattoo" 2011, SuspenseDaniel Craig. n 'R' « STARZ 00408 00408AII l Wanna Do (5:20) *** "ADangerousMethod" 2011'R' « (7:05) ** "Colomhiana"2011,Action ZoeSaldana. n 'PG-13' « Battle:Los Ang (4:30) "The Gundown" 2011 Pet e r (6:15) ** "Drones" 2010 Jonathan M. Woodward. An offi c e worker di s covers ** "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days" 2003 Kate Hudson. A wri t er bets she can "Cougar Cl u b" 2007 Jason Jurman. Two entrepreneurs (11:40) "TheBig TMC 2 5 25 Coyote.O 'NR' « that some ofhis colleaguesare aliens. ct 'R' « seduce amanandthen drive himaway. o 'PG-13' « Lebowski "1998 provide companionshipfor olderwomen.'R' Onward Notre Dame MLS SoccerRealSalt Lakeat Seattle SoundersFC(N)(Live) NFL Turning Point 'PG' NFL Turning Point 'PG' Poker After Dark 'PG'a« NBCSN 27 58 30 209NFL Turning Point (N) 'PG' *WE 143 41 174118Bridezillas Tabby & Davina '14' B r idezillae Cristai & Sherry'14' B r idezillas Cristal & Janelle '14' Wedding- Dava Unveiled WeddingDavaUnveiled Ghost Whisperer rt 'PG' « L.A. Hair Kim's hair dilemma.
Teen havingunprotected sex causes concernfor stepmom Dear Abby: My 1 5 - year old stepson, "Justin," doesn' t drink or d o d r ugs. For the most part, he stays out of trou ble. The problem is, he has been caught for the third time having unprotected sex. My anger isn't at Justin so much as at his parents, obvi ously his father. Justin has lied repeatedly about this. His father lets him get away with many things, for the most part minor. But this is different. A 15-year-old boy can't take care of a baby, and having sex with multiple partners means expos ing everyone involved to STDs. My husband is a smart man, but forsome reason he seems to think this will end well. I worry about his son becoming a father too soon and missing out on his full potentiaL My husband and his ex have dealt with this by trying to ignore it, and for the most part I haven' t involved myself. But the more I think about it, the more I see the danger of Justin's life be ing changed forever because his parents don't want to make him unhappy for a minute. I love m y h u sband and stepson. Allowing this to con tinue isn't the right path for anyone. Am I overreacting? If not, what can I do that won' t cause a huge blowup with my husband? — Alarmed in Chicago Dear Alarmed: You' re not overreacting. Your husband is doing his son no favors by enabling h i s i rr e sponsible behavior instead of asserting himself and acting like a par ent. Justin may think that fa thering a child will make him a "real man." But unless your husband can get through to him that REAL men take care of themselves and their part ners, and REAL men don' t risk bringing children into the world they can't take care of, then face it: He's letting his son play baby roulette, and it' s
DEAR ABBY only a matter of time until he' ll
be a grandpa. Dear Abby: My son has a wonderful g i r l f riend, "Mi c helle." They live w it h m y ex-husband and visit my hus band, "Daryl," and me twice a month and on special oc casions. Michelle i s s w eet, caring, smart and funny. The problem is, she doesn't wear a bra. Ever. Relatives have commented about it to us at family gath erings because she's not flat chested. We already know. It' s obvious. Daryl feels a woman should go without a bra only in the privacy of her own home, and I agree. He thinks I should buy Michelle a bra as a "subtle hint." I don't think that's wise, and I don't want to offend her. Because it doesn't seem to matter to my son, should we continue to keep our opinions to ourselves? — Seesa Need For Support in Florida
Dear Sees a Need:Because people are talking, it would be a kindness to say something to Michelle — but delicately, so she doesn't think you are criti cizing her. If you have a good relationship with her, invite her to join you for lunch and, while you' re on the subject of the last gathering, mention that some of the relatives no ticed her bralessness. Then tell her that you need to go
lingerie shopping and invite her along. Ask her to help you pick out a few pretty things for yourself, and then offer to treat her to some things she likes. She just may take you up on it. — Write Dear Abby at www.DearAbby.corn or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.
Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Wednesday,Oct. 17,2012 VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) By Jacqueline Bigar ** * * L isten to news from This year you' ll beable to makea someone who haseasy access to long-term dream areality. You might you. You' ll want to rethink a decision consider writing down your dreams, involving a partner. You might not be as that also could lead you to what seeing the whole picture or the people you want. Beaware of a heightened involved clearly. Youcan only come sensitivity involving your intuition, and note any premonitions you get as from your own perspective. Let a friend play devil's advocate. Tonight: a result. If you are single, you could Hang out with your pals. meetsomeone inyourday-to-day travels. Know that you don't need LIBRA (Sept. 23-Ocl. 22) to play "cat and mouse" with this ** * News heads your way that person. If you areattached, the two involves your finances or anoffer of you like to spend time indulging in pertaining to money. Though the a favorite pastime or two. SCORPIO other person might have good has an intensity that draws you in. intentions, there could be alast minute hassle or problem that arises. The Stars Show the Kind of DayYou'l Do not spend funds before you get Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3 them. Tonight: Do your thing. Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ARIES (March21-April19) ** * * Reach out to others. Those ** * You enjoy the dreamlike mood you are in, yet you might not who are wise seekfeedback in be as realistic as you would like to order to test out an idea. During this be. Consider the possibility that a process, an evenbetter idea might risk could backfire and leaveyou pop up. Do not allow your ego to get feeling unhappy. Useyour dreams involved if someone hassounder concepts than you; instead, welcome as a starting point to build from, but use logic to guide you. Tonight: Treat them. Brainstorm away! Tonight: yourself on the way home. Your instincts could mislead you. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Oec. 21) TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * * * Relate to others directly, and** * * Use your energy in the most effect ivewayyoucan.TheMoon know what it is thatyou desire. Friends highlights you, which makesnearly and/or loved onesmight think they know what theywant, but in reality, their anything possible. Youwould bewell ideas comeacross garbled. If they allow advised to try to deal with everything except a domestic or property-related it, you will need tohelpthese individuals matter. You could have a l st-minute organize their thoughts in awaythat problem. Tonight: Do absolutely what makes moresense.Tonight:Theonly you want. answer is "yes." CAPRICORN(Oec. 22-Jan. 19) GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * A llow yourself to loosenup ** * * Defer to others, and make it anidea or awish that a point to let them know that you trust more. If you have has beenfloating around inyour mind, them tomake good choices.Then bring it forth now.Comeupwith a plan stepbackandobserve.You mightbe clearing up a disagreement or power for how youcan makeit a reality. Talk to a trusted friend whomight be unusually play now that they can seewhat it resourceful. Tonight You might want is like to run the show.Tonight: Say some downtime. "yes" to someone. AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb. 18) CANCER(June21-July 22) ** * * A l l work and no play is not ** * * Emphasize what you want. A meeting could be particularly a healthy lifestyle. More than other important in completing a project. signs, youhaveatendency to swing You might have more supportive from one emotional extreme to the other. You need to maintain a healthy friends than you realize. Look around amount of physical activity, as that is and ask for some feedback. Use caution with your money, andrefuse the key to keeping your stress level to makeanyagreements today. down. You might feel uneasy about an upcoming trip or a call coming in. Tonight: Where the crowds are. Tonight: Work on getting physical. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20) ** * Be discreet, especially if LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * You often exude confidence, you are confused right now. How you handle a difficult situation yet right now, you areworking on couldchangegivensome tim e. a faulty premise for which you do Nevertheless, you have totake the not have all the facts. It is likely that lead on a project, like it or not. Do not you could be hearing only what you make any over-the-top comments want to hear without realizing it. involving commitment. Tonight: Into Center yourself, and go backover the wee hours. an important decision in your mind. Tonight: Happy athome. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate
Pleaseemail event information to communitylife@bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Allow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.
TODAY PUMPKIN PATCH: Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central OregonPumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. IGNITE BEND: A series of five minute presentations on a range oftopics, each chosen by the presenter; SOLDOUT;7 p.m., doors open 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St.; 541 480-6492 or www.ignitebend .corn. SARA JACKSON-HOLMAN: The Portland-based piano-pop artist performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www .mcmenamins.corn. ZION I:The BayArea-based hip-hop duo perform, with Graft, Minnesota, Diego's Umbrella and Vokab Kompany; $15 plus fees in advance, $18 at the door; 8:30 p.m., doors open 7:30 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541 788-2989 or www.random presents.corn.
Ben SalmonI The Bulletin file photo
Sara Jackson-Holman will give a free showat 7 tonight at McMenamins Old St. Francis School. Jackson-Holman is seen performing at MusicfestNW in Portland in September 2010.
"HOW DIOWE GET HERE?" LECTURESERIES: Featuring a presentation on "To Siberia and Beyond"; $10, $8 Sunriver Nature Center members, $3 students, $50 for series; 6:30 p.m.; Sunriver THURSDAY Nature Center 8 Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394. PUMPKIN PATCH: Free admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central AUTHORPRESENTATION:Wiliam Sullivan talks about his book "The OregonPumpkin Company, Case of D.B. Cooper's Parachute"; 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or Books, 252 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; www.pumpkinco.corn. 541-549-0866. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read "FIDDLERON THE ROOF":The and discuss "State of Wonder" Summit High School drama by Ann Patchett; free; noon; La department presents the musical Pine Public Library, 16425 First aboutaJewish peasantwho must St.; 541-312-1090 or www marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 SMART ARTFUNDRAISER: students, seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Featuring an art show, art sales Summit High School, 2855 N.W. and a social; proceeds benefit Clearwater Drive, Bend;541-355 the nonprofit SMART; free; 4000 or http:I/bend.k12.onus/summit. 5 p.m.; Aspen Hall, 18920 N.W. MACKLEMORE 5RYAN LEWIS:The Shevlin Park Road, Bend; 541 hip-hop group performs; $18 plus 355-5600 or www.getsmart fees in advance, $20 day of show; 7 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. AUTHORPRESENTATION: Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788 William Sullivan talks about his 2989 or www.midtownbend.corn. book "The Case of D.B. Cooper's OH, HELLHALLOWEENPARTY: Parachute"; free; 6:30 p.m.; Featuring a performance of "Bobby Paulina Springs Books, 422 Gould in Hell", a costume contest and S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; livemusicbyAvery James andThe 54 I-526-1 491. Hillandales; a portion of proceeds AUDUBON SOCIETYBIROERS' benefits Sara's Project; $6; 7 p.m., NIGHT:Nature photographer doorsopen at6:30 p.m .;GoodLife Terry Steele presents "Birding Brewing Co., 70 S.W.Century Drive, up the Texas Gulf"; hosted 100-464, Bend; 541-215-0516 or by East Cascades Audubon www volcanictheatrepub.corn. Society; free; 6:30 p.m. social; "WINCHESTER '73": A screening of The Environmental Center, the 1950 unrated film; free; 7:30 p.m.; 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; Jefferson County Library, Rodriguez 541-385-6908. Annex, 134 S.E. ESt., Madras; WOODYPINES:The ragtime 541-475-3351 or and blues band performs; free; "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL": 2nd 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Street Theater presents the musical Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond comedy about five college students St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or who accidentally unleash an evil www.mcmenamins.corn. force; contains adult language; $21, "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL": $25 splatter zone, $18 students and 2nd Street Theater presents seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, the musical comedy about five 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; college students who accidentally 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreet unleash an evil force; contains theater.corn. adult language; $21, $25 splatter JAZZ ATTHE OXFORD: Featuring zone, $18 students and seniors; performances by LaRhonda Steele 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, and Curtis Salgado; $35 plus fees in 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; advance; 8 p.m .;The Oxford Hotel, 541-312-9626 or www.2nd 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; streettheater.corn. 541-382-8436 or www.jazzatthe FRUITIONANO DEAD WINTER oxford.corn. CARPENTERS:A night of jammy string-band music; $8 plus fees THE AUTONOMICS:The Portland in advance, $12 at the door; 8:30 rock band performs, with Black Pussy; $5; 8 p.m.; TheHorned Hand, p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend;541 Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389 728-0879 or www.reverbnation.corn/ 6999 or venue/thehornedhand. MARK SEXTON BAND:The ADVENTURE GALLEY:The indie Reno-based funk-soul act rock band performs, with Necktie performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Killer; $5; 8:30 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 389-6999 or 541-388-8331 or www.silver moonbrewing.corn. JON WAYNE ANDTHEPAIN: The Minneapolis-based reggae-rock act performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24N.W. FRIDAY Greenwood Ave.,Bend;541-388-8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.corn. PUMPKIN PATCH: Free The Portland-based admission; noon-6 p.m.; Central DJ WEATHER: DJ performs; free; 10 p.m.; Astro OregonPumpkin Company, Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., 541-388-0116. Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 and younger; SATURDAY 3-7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250N.E.W ilcoxAve., FRIENDS OF THE FOREST: Half-day Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or volunteer conservation projects www.pumpkinco.corn. along Whychus Creek; projects include planting, scattering seeds, BETHLEHEMINN BENEFIT mulching and more; free; DINNER:The eighth annual 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Creekside Park, U.S. dinner, titled "The Perfect Highway 20 and Jefferson Avenue, Pair," features gourmet dining, Sisters; 541-549-0253 or www handcrafted beers and fun; proceeds benefit Bethlehem PUMPKIN PATCH:Freeadmission; Inn; $45; 5-8 p.m.; Deschutes Brewery & Public House,1044 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-322 Smith Rock Way,Terrebonne; 541 8768 or 548-1432 or CANDLELIGHTDINNERDANCE: SKI GEARSALE:Sale of winter Dinner and dancing featuring clothing and gear; proceeds benefit the Notables Swing Band; $12; 6 the Mt. Bachelor National Ski Patrol; p.m.dinner,7 p.m.dancing;Bend free admission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; Senior Center, 1600 S.E.Reed GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W. Market Road; 541-388-1133. Century Drive, 100-464, Bend;
info© CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6 11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m. 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E.W ilcoxAve., Terrebonne; 541-504-1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. JAN BRETT:Children's author and illustrator will discuss her latest book, "Mossy," with a drawing demonstration and book signing; presented by Deschutes Public Library; free; 10 a.m.-noon; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700. PUMPKIN CARVING:Akids pumpkin carving station, with live music and pre-carved pumpkins for sale; proceeds benefit MountainStar Family Relief Nursery; free admission; 10 a.m.-5 p.m.; Newport Market, 1121 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-390-0590. SENSATIONAL SATURDAY:Learn about nocturnal creatures and how some animals are adapted for life in the dark; included in the price of admission; $15 adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or GREATOREGONDIVOT: A shotgun style tournament; includes lunch, dinner, a skill contest and more; registration required; proceeds benefit Kilns College; $150; 1 p.m., noon registration; Aspen Lakes Golf 8 Country Club, 16900 Aspen Lakes Drive, Sisters; 541-389-9166 or www.godivot.corn. AUTHORPRESENTATION:John C. Driscoll talks about his book "Gilchrist, Oregon: The Model CompanyTown";included inthe price of admission; $15 adults, $12 ages 65 and older, $9 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 2 p.m.; HighDesertM useum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or THE VOTERS HAVESPOKEN:A lecture discussing Oregon's ballot initiatives and how it relates to the state's political and social landscape; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312 1034, tinad© or JAZZ AT THEOXFORD: Featuring performances by LaRhonda Steele and Curtis Salgado; $35 plus fees in advance; 5 p.m.;TheOxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436 or www.jazzatthe oxford.corn. "FLOW STATE":A screening of Warren Miller's ski film; $20 plus fees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or KEEPERSOFTHEFAITH: The gospel quartet performs; free; 6 p.m.; Redmond Assembly of God Church, 1865 W. Antler Ave.; 541-548-4555. "FIDDLERON THE ROOF": The Summit High School drama department presents the musical aboutaJewishpeasantwh o must marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 7 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541 355-4000 or http: I/bend.k12 DANIEL WHITTINGTON: The Austin-based Americana-rock artist performs, with Mike Biggers; House concerts at the Glen at Newport Hills, 1019 N.W. Stannium, Bend; $10-15 donation; 7 p.m. doors open at 6:30 p.m.; 541-480-8830. BEND COMMUNITY CONTRAOANCE: Featuring caller RichGoss and musicbythe Steeltones; $7; 7 p.m. beginner' s workshop, 7:30 p.m. dance; Boys 8 Girls Club of Bend, 500 N.W.Wall St.; 541-330-8943. CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY FALL CONCERT: The Central Oregon Symphony performs a fall concert, under the direction of Michael Gesme; featuring Dan Franklin
Smith; free but a ticket is required; 7:30 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-317-3941, info@cosymphony.corn or www .cosymphony.corn. TRIAGE:The comedy improvisational troupe performs; $5; 7:30 p.m., doors open 7 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend; 541-771-3189. "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 8 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreet theater.corn. JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring performances by LaRhonda Steele and Curtis Salgado; $35 plus fees in advance; 8 p.m .;The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382-8436or www.ja zzatthe oxford.corn. "FLOW STATE": A screening of Warren Miller's ski film; $20 plus fees; 9 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or OJ WEATHER: The Portland-based DJ performs; free; 10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.
SUNDAY PUMPKINPATCH:Freeadm ission; 9 a.m.-5 p.m.; DD Ranch, 3836 N.E. Smith Rock Way, Terrebonne; 541 548-1432 or CORN MAIZE:$7.50, $5.50 ages 6-11, free ages 5 andyounger; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Teirebonne; 541-504 1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. PUMPKINPATCH:Freeadm ission; 10 a.m.-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Pumpkin Company, 1250 N.E. Wilcox Ave., Terrebonne; 541-504 1414 or www.pumpkinco.corn. "FIDDLERON THE ROOF": The Summit High School drama department presents the musical aboutaJewish peasantwh o must marry off his three daughters while facing anti-Semitism; $10, $8 students, seniors and children; 2 p.m.; Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-355-4000 or http: //bend.k12 CENTRAL OREGONSYMPHONY FALL CONCERT: The Central Oregon Symphony performs a fall concert, under the direction of Michael Gesme; featuring Dan Franklin Smith; free but a ticket is required; 2 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-317-3941, info@ cosymphony.corn or www .cosymphony.corn. REDMOND COMMUNITYCONCERT ASSOCIATIONPERFORMANCE: Marie-Josee Lord performs classical and popular music; $50 season ticket, $20 students, $105 family ticket; 2 and 6:30 p.m.; Ridgeview High School, 4555 S.W. Elkhorn Ave.; 541-350-7222, redmondcca©hotmail.corn or "EVIL DEAD,THEMUSICAL": 2nd Street Theater presents the musical comedy about five college students who accidentally unleash an evil force; contains adult language; $21, $25 splatter zone, $18 students and seniors; 4 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreet theater.corn. OUT OFTHEDARKNESS COMMUNITYWALK:Walk the butte's Larkspur Trail in honor of suicide prevention; walk begins at the park shelter near the trail; registration required; free; 4 p.m., 2 p.m. opening ceremony; Pilot Butte State Park, Northeast Pilot Butte Summit Drive, Bend; 541-419-5303 or
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"I couldn't tell your diamond lead was a singleton," East argued. "If declarer had 1-1-4-7 distribution, we needed to take the ace of hearts before he threw his heart on dummy's high spade." "Baloney," West said. "If I had a second diamond and the ace of hearts, I'd have tried to cash my ace at Trick Three. If South ruffed, we' d lose only an overtrick." I sided with West (and walleted my $10). If West knew the defenders' only chance was to win three aces, he would have made sure of t aking them.
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Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as sug gested by theabove cartoon.
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and he rebids two diamonds. What do you say? ANSWER: Six diamonds might be a fine contract; partner might hold A7, A 3 , K Q 10 86 5, 7 6 5 . But if heholds 7 3 , 9 3, K Q 10 8 6 5 , A K J, you should play at 3NT. Bid two hearts, forcing, planning to s upport th e d i a monds n ex t t o describe a good hand with shortness in clubs. Your partner can judge where to play. South dealer E-W vulnerable
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Binding arbitration My partner and I need binding arbitration," a club player said to me. "We' ll each put up $10, and you tell us who was wrong in this deal. The winner gets his money back, and you get the other $10." I wasn't sure it was worth getting involved, but I listened to the facts. A gainst five clubs, West led hi s s ingleton diamond. South won i n dummy and started the trumps (not best). West took his ace and did well to lead a spade, but when East won, he led ... a heart. South claimed.
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By Steve Blais (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.
10/1 7/1 2
Shoes Continued from B1 After all, as several flight at tendant bloggers underscored, high heels an d t u r bulence are not a winning combina tion. And r e gularly h i tting the brakes on a drink cart can scuff, even rip, the tops of their shoes. W hat f ollows ar e s o m e of their favorite shoes and brands, ideas you can steal for your own weary soles. "You' re looking for some thing th a t ' s co m f o rtable inside but at the same time doesn't look too casual on the outside, which is pretty difficult," said Bobby Laurie, a Los Angeles-based flight attendant for a l most seven years who writes about life in
Mile-highpicks Flight attendants share their favorite footwear.
Continued from B1
Beyond convenience
Timberlands Pro Five Star Ashford Lace-Up leather shoe (S110)
Square's iPad version, called Square Register, al lows sellers to keep inven tory of sales. "I can also track what are my top sellers," said Emma Merisier, who uses the iPad version on her Char lotte food truck, Southern CakeQueen. "That can help me decide what cupcakes I'm baking for the follow
ing week."
Dansko clog (S130)
the sky on his blog, "Up, Up
and a Gay" and on the web site Savvy Stews. His picks? A leather loafer by Skechers called M en' s
Work: Exalt — Closer ($65), which has a soft fabric lining, a removable cushioned insole and a shock-absorbing mid sole, and Timberland's Pro Five Star A shford Lace-Up
leather shoe ($110), which the company's website notes was Deino by Naturalizer ($69) designed for restaurant and hospitality i n dustry p r ofes sionals and has "anti-fatigue technology" meant to support and cushion feet. I n addition to l i k in g t h e sturdy construction of these shoes, Laurie said he was de lighted that they do not set off metal detectors (he said his Skechers even say so on the Tanya Shooties by Franco box). Being a flight attendant Sarto ($79) means that he does not have to remove his shoes when he goes through security, he said, as long as they don' t
This is handy, and not only for flight attendants. It's useful for fliers enrolled in the TSA Pre Check program, w h i ch can enable frequent travelers who have been prescreened to pass through security with Cicero by Franco Sarto ($89) out removing their shoes as long as they do not trigger the detectors. Should a pair of shoes pinch or rub him the wrong way, Laurie has a novel way to miti gate the pain, even at 36,000 feet: He sticks maxi pads in his loafers. " Every ai r p l ane's go t them," he said. "It adds extra cushioning w h il e b r eaking them in." Decade Capri by Clarks ($130)
Comfort versus style
One shoe brand popular among flight attendants is the go-to choice of many chefs and doctors, who are also on their feet for many hours: Dansko, known for its chunky clogs
tendants put Dansko clogs on in the plane but described the shoes as "hideous." Her fa vorite in-flight pair'? Kelly 8c (about $80 to $150). To some Katie flats with a cushioned flight attendants, these clogs insole ($29.95) from Design (which they said many airlines Shoe Warehouse. Inthe ter consider too casual to be worn minal she wears shoes by in the terminal) are heaven Aero soles. "I actually get lots of com during a flight, enabling them to sidestep not only foot pain, pliments on those," she said in but back aches, too. an email while her flight from "They' re so comfortable," New York to San Diego was said Sara Keagle, who has delayed. been a flight attendant for 20 Like her colleagues, Poole, years and lives in Houston, who blogs about her life at where she writes a blog, "The hpoole.wordpress.corn, advis Flying Pinto." She said she es passengerstowear comfort also likes Sam 8 Libby ballet able shoes because you never flats, which she has worn dur know when you will have to ing flights. run for a plane in an airport, Some f l i gh t a t t endants, or get off a plane should there however, say Dansko clogs be an emergency. (This is also lack style. why she advises against wear "I just can't bring myself to ing flip-flops.) wear them," said Brown, who Her solution for tired feet? tweets as @Gracing The Skies. Upon arriving home after a "It took me two years to find long trip she uses a heated foot the perfect shoes." massager by HoMedics. Her choice? The Nurture Patti Broughton, who lives brand (about $30 to $90, avail in Los Angeles and has been able at Dillard's) because she a flight attendant for almost 13 thinks the shoes are both fash years, opts for heels by Franco ionable and comfortable. Sarto, like the Cicero round "The salesperson was actu toe pump ($89 at Macys.corn) ally a flight attendant and she and Tanya Shooties with a was like, 'You' re going to want stacked heel ($79 at Macys. to wear these,'" Brown said. corn), both of which she wears The saleswoman also rec in the terminal. "They' re real stylish but o mmended A e rosoles a n d they' re still comfortable," said Natu ralizer brands, Brown said, although sh e p r efers Broughton, who said she usu shoes by R o ckport ( d ress ally wears a heel of at least shoes from about $100 to $150) 3 inches. "The girls at work ask me and Clarks (dress shoes from about $85 to $140). a lot about it," she said of She always carries a pair of the never-ending search for flatsand advises passengers flight-worthy shoes, "and I to do the same. (For those who steer them right to that brand. want to travel with the bare I know girls that have liter minimum, she suggests Dr. ally gone out and got the exact Scholl's "fast flats," which can same shoes." be rolled up and stashed in a When Broughton, who in handbag) her spare time works on the Avoid peep toes, she warned t ravel w ebsite an d o n l i n e (they might pinch or squeeze), series "Savvy Stews," is not and when flying, don't wear amid the clouds, she takes sandals. care of her feet by exercis " You have n o i dea h ow ing them and switching up many people are l ike, 'I'm her shoes. Rolling a tennis freezingcold,' " she said. ball under her arches can feel Heather Poole, who lives great too, she said. And like in Los Angeles and has been Poole, she recommended foot a flight attendant for more massages. "I do have a masseuse," she than 15 years, acknowledged that many female flight at said. "And he lives with me."
W ayne P a rker, w i t h Whispering Willow b ath and b e a ut y pro d ucts, thinks using Square gener ates more business at fairs a nd markets. After o n e customer confirmed that his business takes credit cards, she spent more than $100 in gifts. "It definitely has made a difference (in) the amount o f b u siness we' ve been able to d o," Parker said. L arry S w a yne, w i t h Charlotte's Wingzza wings and pizza food truck, is sold on Intuit GoPayment's organization. He said Intuit approached him about try ing its system, and he im mediately took to the way it links with Intuit Quick Books, the small-business accounting software. He has been using a more tra ditional reader system with paper receipts. He said Intuit is faster and more convenient, and his customers like it, too. "Customers have become used to paying that way, so it's not that much of a new thing." Some brick-and-mortar retailers say they became tired of other point-of-sale credit-card systems that in cluded hefty bank process
Care Continued from B1 Textile Industry Affairs (www.textileaffairs.corn), the A m erican C l eaning Institute ( the Federal Trade Commission, (www and other w eb sites offer consumer guides to the symbols and when viewed in t heir i ntended groupings, th e p i c t ures make some sense. Here's the breakdown:
• Circles
(used with
l etters a n d ot h e r de signs) ar e d r y - cleaning recommendations. • Cubes (with dots and lines) are drying instructions. • Triangles r e l a te t o bleaching; a washtub re fers to hand or machine laundering methods. An outline of an iron illustrates pressing settings (low, me
dium, high, steam). A gi ant X through any of these means "don't do it."
How it works:Free white square
How it works:Free black
How it works:Free blue
card reader plugs into the headphone jack on aniPhone,
elongated card reader plugs intotheheadphonejackonan
iPad or Android phone. Cost:2.75 percent per swipe, or
iPhone,iPad or Android phones and tablets.
$275 per month. Pros:Includes a reward system for regular customers based on the number of purchases. There's also aPay bySquare phone app, which allows customers to paywith their phone. Cons:The popular register app,
Cost:2.7 percent per swipe; that amount goes upor
triangular card reader plugs into the headphonejack. Cost:2.7 percent per swipe. Pros:TakesPayPaland checks,
which tracks inventory, is only for iPad; Android tablet users are left out.
in the jack. Links with Intuit QuickBooks for convenient
in addition to credit and debit
cards. Somesay triangular shape sits on the phonebetter than Square. Cons:Notsupported on
down depending on whether merchant pays an additional monthly fee, or keys in the credit card transaction.
Android tablets. Launched earlier this year, it's one of the newest on the market.
Pros:Some users say Intuit's device cradles the phone better
than Square, which canswivel bookkeeping. Cons:Although launched in
2009, the sameyear Square was founded, Intuit GoPayment is silent on its number of users. Source:gopayment corn,aquareup.corn,paypahcom/here
Jason Glunt, owner of Salud Beer Shop in Char lotte, N.C., uses Square on his iPad at his store. The credit-card process ing system is free and requires lower fees than other processing systems.
Some retailers worry about customers questioning guar antees that credit card infor mation remains private. And some merchants are surprised when there are de lays with their deposits, which can run from one to t hree days, or longer, they say. Tom Bartholomy, president of the Charlotte-based Better 817 yr, Business Bureau of S o uth ern Piedmont, said that delay comes from some of these companies taking more time reviewing transactions, com pared to banks, which may work faster. Todd Sumlin Still, "it's a great market for Charlotte Observer merchants right now because there are a lot of players in Mobile payment systems the marketplace," Bartholomy aren't foolproof, though said. "So they can shop the they' re at the mercy of how rates, and all the fees associ fast phones and tablets can ated with it, and do Google process the cards. Plus, sys searches, (Better Business Bu tems can go down, meaning reau) searches, and see what lost business among custom other merchants are saying ers who no longer carry cash. about them."
*9 'lrra
+e „Vgg
ing fees. Jason Glunt, owner of Salud Beer Shop in Charlotte, said he's saving about $250 a month by using Square. "For me, for what I do, it's perfect," Glunt said. "I'd rather spend m y money on product, not on some fancycheckout system."
Find a label with a cube with a dash in the center (dry flat), the triangle with two diagonal
lines (only nonchlorine bleach) and something that looks like a piece of saltwater taffy with
an X through it (do not wring), for example, and unless you' ve got the key, it's close to impos sible to break the code. While some manufacturers provide a hang tag with explanations of the symbols, most don' t. P hilip Cote, o w ner a n d president ofFrench Cleaners in West Hartford, Conn., says the hieroglyphics can stump even the professionals. "We get customers in here all the time who are totally baffled by the symbols," said Cote. "They just don't know what they' re supposed to do with the garment. Some of the labels even indicate that there' s actually no way to clean or launder the item or that cer tain sections of the same piece need different care. We' ve got a collection of photos of some of the most confusing."
According to t h e F ederal Trade Commission, care labels can be a deciding factor when consumers shop for clothing. While some shoppers look for the convenience of dry cleaning, otherspreferstheecon omy of washable garments. Cote says otherwise. "We find that most people tend to buy first and look at care instructions later," he said. "When they can't figure it out, they wash up at their cleaners." W hich h a p pens o f t e n . A mericans s p en d ne a r l y $7.8 billion on dry cleaning each year, according to the U.S. Census Bureau. "Customers are confused by the labels," said Michael Mau lucci, president of Battiston's.
bureau is gathering informa tion on how well consumers understand or don' t understand the current labeling system. "There's not a lot of hard ev idence right now," said Frisby. "The Federal Trade Commis sion is looking for comments on the i ssue." (The public can post comments at l.usa .gov/RcBA20.) Meanwhde, consumers are left to decipher the codes on their own or head for the near est dry cleaners. Which, in some cases, may be the better choice. Cote says consumers should fight t he urge to deal with a bad stain on their own. When one of his customers called recently in a panic about a balsamic "And they' ve gotten more salad-dressing spatter, he told confusedover the past several her what he tells everyone. "Just don't touch it," he said. years as new symbols have been added. We get more busi "Don't try to wipe it off and don't pour club soda on it. Blot ness than ever before." Robert Frisby, an attorney it gently, let it dry and bring it with the Bureau of Consumer in to your dry cleaners as soon Protection (part of the Federal as you can. They' ll help you Trade Commission), says the figure out what to do."
Your television's job description has changed a lot recently. In fact, it's fast becoming the digital entertainment hub for your whole home. Exciting stuff. EspeciaHy with the arrival of Alpha from BendBroadband. With it, you can record six of y ou r favorite S hOWS SimultaneOuSly an d
W a tCh f rOm a n y r O Om . USe y Our i Pad t o S Chedule
recordings and as a remote control. Have caHer ID info show up on your screen. Even use cool apps like Netflix, Pandora, Flickr and others. Pretty uber-cool, don't you think?
54 1 . 382.5551
we' re the local dog. we better be good.
News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN 0 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2012
LOCAL BRIEFING Sawyer's tort claim denied A tort claim notice filed in January by a
former Bend realestate broker against the city of Bend, the Bend Police
Department and a police officer has been dis
missed. Tami Sawyer sought unspeci fieddamages, alleging shewassubject to an unwarranted ar rest. A person must file a tort claim notice before
suing a government agency. According to Bend
city attorney Mary
O www.bendbulletin.corn/local
Re mon osesmana er inaist New By Ben Botkin The Bulletin
The city of Redmond has failed to lure in its finalist for the city manager post, and the City Council decided Tuesday to add another requirement to the job. The council voted 4-3 to require that the new city man ager must live in the Redmond ZIP code. The council acted after the last finalist for the job, David Mickaelian, an assistant city manager in Healdsburg, Calif., was noncommittal when asked at a Redmond fo rum last week if he would live
in the city if hired. Mickaelian has withdrawn from consideration, according to Redmond city councilors Joe Centanni and Shirlee Ev ans. They said Tuesday they did not know his reason for withdrawing. Mickaelian did not returna message seeking comment Tuesday. Centanni, who voted in favorofthe residency require ment, said both sides present
he said. "I would like the idea of having our city manager say, 'I live in Redmond.' " Others voting in favor of the
change were Mayor George Endicott, and councilors Tory Allman and Camden King. Opposing it were councilors Jay Patrick, Shirlee Evans and Ed Onimus. Centanni noted that the change gives the city the op portunity to tell future candi dates about the requirement from the start. Mickaelian became the third candidate to withdraw or turn down a high-profile pub
ed good arguments.
"I' ve kind of gone back and forth on the whole idea, main ly because I have such a per sonal passion for Redmond,"
lic administration post in Cen tral Oregon in October. One candidate for Deschutes Coun ty administrator turned down a jobofferand another backed out, citing family reasons, the countyreported Oct.5. The county resumed a recruiting campaign with Prothman Co. of Bellevue, Wash., and Tuesday appoint ed Tom Anderson interim county administrator. Ander son, the county's community development director, suc ceeds Erik Kropp as interim chief. SeeRedmond /C5
Winters, Sawyer's claim was denied by the city' s
insurance company in March and the claim file was closed in June.
Sawyer, whowas rep resenting herself in the claim, has not taken fur
ther action in her claim. In the notice, Sawyer alleged Bend Police
Officer Mike Maunder "knowingly engagedin conduct constituting the
unauthorized exercise of his official duties," and that such conduct arose
from a lack of training, supervision andover Police Department. Sawyer wasarrested July 10 by the Port
of Portland police at Portland International
Airport upon returning from Mexico, after being indicted on one count each of felony first
degree criminal mis treatment and aggra vated theft. In a response to the claim, a claims adjuster for CityCounty insur ance Services wrote that the police department's
band, former Bend Po lice Capt. Kevin Sawyer,
Rob Kerr /The Bulletin
Central Oregon Community College automotive technology students, Mary White-Fish, left, and Bart Mazzariello, right, work with fellow students in an automotive electricity class to solve the problem of a failed starter motor Tuesday afternoon. The automotive program is one that has seen an increase in the number of students earning degrees and certificates.
es oun ens a ua
are also under federal indictment on charges of wire fraud andcon
spiracy to commit wire
fraud, money laundering and bank fraud. They
are scheduled to goto trial in January in federal
court in Eugene. More briefing, C2
0 S By Ben Botkin
Studentsgraduatingat COCC
The Bulletin
FIRE UPDATE Reported for Central
and Eastern Oregon. For the latest information, visit www.nwccweb
.us/information/ firemap.aspx.
~ -,«+I'
<„..Madras~ g4"-~, 0 send . $4L% ' .MILES
/ ----,
:~50 /
1. Pole Creek Fire • Acres: 26,795 • Containment: 90%
• Cause: Under investigation
Well shot!
hurry to register By Zack Hall The Bulletin
Call it a quadrennial mad dash. Registration of new Or egon voters ended Tuesday, three weeks ahead of the U.S. presidential election. And like any other elec tion that involves the presi dent of the United States — this year between Presi dent Barack Obama and Republican challenger Mitt Romney — clerks' offices have been swamped in the days leading to Tuesday's deadline. "It's just par for the courseforthistime of year," Dee Berman, Crook County clerk, said Tuesday. "In a presidential election, we' re always busy with voter registration the last
sight by the city and the
actions were reasonable and appropriate. Sawyer and herhus
The number of Central Oregon Community College students earning degrees or certificates has more than doubled in the last four years, outpacing the rate of the school's enrollment growth. The rise in completion comes asmore students have turned to the community col lege for job preparation in the recession, looking for poten tial new careers. The college awarded 666 associate degrees and 488 certificates of completion of all types in the 2011-12 academic year. By compari son, the college awarded 317 degrees and 201 certificates in the 2007-2008 school year, according to a COCC report. At the same time, student enrollment increased by nearly 43 percent, from 7,937 students in 2007-08 to 11,334 in 2011-12. COCC President Jim
Total number of degrees and certificates completed. 1,200
800 600
200 0
2007-08 2C08-09
2 0 09-10 2 0 10-11 2 0 1M2
Source Central Oregon Commun>ty College Andy Zeigert i The Bulletin
Middleton said community college enrollment is tied to the economy, drawing more students for training when it's harder to find work. "When theeconomy tanks, the first thing that happens is community college enroll ments go up, and go up dra
matically," he said. Middleton said the in crease in student completion comes from a combination of efforts across the board among the college's staff to make sure the necessary classes are available. "It's not as simple as say
ing we put one particular program or initiative in place and it made all the differ ence," he said. Overall, the college's career and technical education pro grams saw the biggest boost, from 346 certificates or de grees in 2007-08 to 802 during the last academic year. Those programs include a variety of disciplines such as automotive technology, busi ness administration, forestry, fire science, nursing and manufacturing. Michael Fisher, an instruc tional dean at COCC, said the forestry program in the lastfour years has focused on making introductory forestry classes available in different terms throughout the aca demic year. By offering mul tiple opportunities, students can pique their interest while takingother required courses such as math and writing, he said. SeeCOCC /C2
Preliminary reports from the clerk's offices in Crook, Deschutes and Jef ferson counties show that more than half of Central O regon residents are regis tered to vote. Voter rolls in Jefferson and Crook count>es appear to be level with 2008, but Deschutes County regis trations are increasing. In Deschutes, 97,589 would-be voters had regis tered asofTuesday after noon. That represents a 5.1 percent increase from the 92,792 registered voters in Deschutes County for the 2008 presidential election. "We' ve seen a significant increase and some pretty large registration drives," said Nancy Blankenship, Deschutes County clerk, adding that her office received 750 registration cards on Monday from one drive alone. "Probably for about the last five weeks or so (we' ve seen) an increase in voter registration," Blankenship added. Like in Deschutes and Crook counties, Jefferson has seen a strong push for registrations, said Kathy Marston, Jefferson County clerk. In addition, Marston's office has been busy taking calls from voters verifying their registration, updating addresses and so on. All are signs of high interest in this election, Marston said. "I think we' re going to have a pretty good turn out," Marston said. The makeup of the electorate appears to be different than in 2008, when a swarm of new vot ers helped elect Barack Obama. In 2008, Republican John McCain won 62 of Central Oregon's 84 voting precincts over Obama. But the margin of victory was considerably narrower than in years past in what has traditionally been a Republican stronghold. See Voters /C5
reader PhotOS • We want to see your best photos capturing the colors of fall in
Central Oregon for
MOuntain VieWHigh SeniOriStOPdebater
publication in a special version of Well shot!
By Megan Kehoe The Bulletin
Send your best work to readerphotos©
Justin Germain likes to
bendbulletin.corn by
Oct. 20 andwe'll pick the best for publication. Submission requirements:
Include as much detail as possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number.Photos must be high resolution (at least 6 inches wide and 300 dpi) and cannot be altered.
OUR SCHOOLS, OUR STUDENTS Educational news and activities, and local kids
and their achievements. • School Notes submission info,G2
He can argue just about anything — and will, given the chance. "I like being able to take everything I' ve learned and convince people to choose my side," Justin said. "I like fighting for my opinion." But for a student who is so talented at debating, he' s known around Mountain
View High School more for his ability to listen. "He truly wants to hear everything others have to say," math teacher Clain Campagna said. "He's a beautiful listener, and re ally thinks things through before he speaks." Justin, 17, is a Mountain View senior who shines for his academics, leader ship skills, and resilience. Maintaining a 4.2 GPA while taking a course
load heavy on AP classes, Justin is a model student, his teachers said. He's also a talented debater, and last year, he placed first at district competition in the public forum category and placed in the top 10 at the state level. Justin has proven him self to be a leader on the debate team, as well as a leader representing his school at a national level. SeeDebater /C2
Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin
Justin Germain ls a senior at Mountain View High Schoolwho maintains a 4.2 GPA and is a leaderon the school's speech and debate teams.
Debater Continued from C1 Over the summer, Justin went to the National Student Leadership Conference in San Francisco. Th e c o n ference was a 10-day event for stu dents interested in the medical field. During his time there, Justin got to meet doctors and take a tour of the Gladstone Institutes, a medical research organization. A Gl a d stone senior i n vestigator, Shinya Yamanaka, was awarded the 2012 Nobel Prize in Medicine on Oct. 8. Justin said h e a t t ended the conference because ever since he was diagnosed with diabetes following a pancre atic infection when he w as 5 years old, he's wanted to be a doctor. Justin also said his
JustinGermain Mountain View High School senior Age:17
Favorite Movies: "Inception," "Forrest
Favorite TV Show:"The
Big Bang Theory" Favorite Books:"The Great Gatsby," "The Hobbit" and "1984" Favorite Band:Imagine
grandmother, who has been diagnosed with A l zheimer' s disease, has inspired him to go into the neuroscience research field. "If I could lessen the impact
of a disease for anybody else, that would be great," Justin said. "I think it would be really important work." Justin said he works hard in school because he knows what he does today will have a direct impact on his future. He said some of his work ethic and determination has been inspired by dealing with dia betes on a daily basis. "It'smade me develop re sponsibility that's carried over into other parts of my life," he said. Justin is planning on ap plying to several California colleges next year, including Stanford University, Pomona College and the University of California system. When Justin i sn't w o r k ing hard on maintaining his stellar GPA or practicing his
debate skills, he can be found tearing up the lanes of the lo
cal bowling alley. Justin used to bowl com petitively on a team, though with his busy schedule these days, he mostly just bowls for fun. Still, he said the game is
one of his biggest passions in life. Campagna, who had Justin in his precalculus class, said Justin is a r are student be cause he always goes above and beyond what's expected. Justin would often do extra work in the class that many other students chose not to do because it was optional. "He takes the time to make the extra effort," Campagna said. "It's a rare quality. Most kids don't do that." — Reporter: 541-383-0354, mkehoe@bendbulletin.corn
Continued from Ct
cutting, off-road travel, road
Fire restrictions lifted in forests
maintenance, welding and timber cutting operations in
Officials with the Des
cluding felling, cableyarding and loading, according to
chutes National Forest have lifted restrictions on public use of fire effective Tuesday. "With this change, all public use restrictions will have been lifted" on the
BLM. Standard fire precau
tion requirements remain in effect, including a fire watch
unless waived. Restrictions are dropping
Deschutes andOchoco
across the state, but some
national forests, including the Crooked River National
may remain in place.People traveling to work or recreate
Grassland andthe Prineville
in other parts of the state should remember to call Management, according to a before they travel to find out statement from the BLM. what restrictions are in place That means require before having acampfire or ments that limit campfires to cutting firewood. District, Bureau of Land
designated campgrounds,
PAC raising funds for Sno-Park
for example, are lifted, said Deschutes National Forest
How to submit
Phone: 541-383-0358 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.corn
Teen feats:Kids recognizedrecently for academic achievements or for participation in clubs,choirs orvolunteer groups. (Pleasesubmit a photo.)
Story ideas
Phone: 541-383-0358
spokeswomanJean Nelson The DogPACis raising Dean. "There are norestrictions money to cover the cost of a in place in terms of fire," she new all-terrain vehicle to be used for grooming trails for said. skiers and snowshoers with However, the closurezone dogs at WanogaSno-Park imposed during thePole
School briefs:Items and announcements of general interest. Phone: 541-633-21 61
Email: youth©bendbulletin.corn Mail:P.O. Box 6020,Bend,OR 97708
Other schoolnotes: College announcements, military graduations or training completions, reunion announcements.
southwest of Bend. The Bend-based non profit is three quarters of
Creek Fire in the Deschutes National Forest remains in
Email: news©bendbulletin.corn
place, Nelson-Deansaid.
Student profiles:Know of a kid with a compelling story? Phone: 541-383-0354 Email: mkehoe@bendbulletin.corn
That fire continues to burn
the way toward raising
and in burned-overareas rehabilitation work is un derway.
equipment and hasuntil
$3,500 to go to the new Oct. 22 to raise the last quarter, said Kreg Lindberg, DogPAC board chair. Do
"We' re anticipating we' ll
be lifting those soon,as
NEws OF REcoRD reported at 6:37a.m. Oct. 8, in the area of South U.S. Highway 97 and Southwest Veterans Way. The Bulletin will update items Theft —A theft was reported at in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any 7:48 a.m. Oct. 8, in the 500 block of new information, such as the Northwest 17th Street. dismissal of charges or acquittal, Theft —A theft was reported at must be verifiable. For more 9:26a.m. Oct. 8, in the 200 block of information, call 541-383-0358. Southwest Evergreen Avenue. Bend Police Department Theft —A theft was reported at Theft —A theft was reported at 10:10 a.m. Oct. 8, in the 400 block 2:17 p.m. Sept. 28, in the 1700 of Northeast Hemlock Avenue. block of Northeast Third Street. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Theft —A theft was reported at 4 reported entered at12:08 p.m. Oct. p.m. Sept. 28, in the 1800 block of 8, in the 2700 block of Southwest Northeast Third Street. Llmatilla Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at Burglary —A burglary and theft 4:02p.m.Sept.28,inthe600 block were reported and an arrest made at of Northeast Butler Market Road. 4:10 p.m. Oct. 8, in the 900 block of Theft —A theft was reported at Southwest Veterans Way. 4:03 p.m. Sept. 28, in the 20100 Theft —A theft was reported at block of Pinebrook Boulevard. 6:58 p.m. Oct. 8, in the 200 block of Theft —A theft was reported at Southeast Jackson Street. 9:53 a.m. Sept. 29, in the 61100 Theft —A theft was reported at block of South U.S. Highway 97. 8:35 a.m. Oct. 9, in the 700 block of Northwest Fifth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:15 p.m. Sept. 29, in the 200 block Burglary —A burglary was of Northeast Franklin Avenue. reported at 9:22 a.m. Oct. 9, in the Theft —A theft was reported at 2400 block of Southwest Wickiup 2:15 p.m. Sept. 29, in the 1100 Court. block of Southeast Third Street. Theft —A theft was reported at Theft —A theft was reported at 9:48 a.m. Oct. 9, in the 1300 block 11:43 a.m. Oct. 1, in the 2800 block of Northwest 16th Court. of Northwest Clearwater Drive. Theft —A theft was reported at Theft —A theft was reported at 10:34 a.m. Oct. 9, in the 600 block 9:16a.m. Oct. 9, in the 200 block of of Southwest Rimrock Way. Northeast Sixth Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at Theft —A theft was reported and an arrest made at 6:29 p.m. Oct. 10, 12:20 p.m. Oct. 9, in the 100 block in the 1400 block of Southeast Reed of Southeast Jackson Street. Market Road. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 2:59 p.m. Oct. an arrest made at 3:07 p.m. Oct. 12, in the 600 block of Northeast 9, in the 600 block of Southwest 12 Street. Glacier Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported entered at 5:12 a.m. Oct. 3:35 p.m. Oct. 9, in the 2200 block 13, in the 300 block of Southeast of Northwest Ivy Court. Wildcat Drive. Unauthorized ose —A vehicle was Unlawful entry —A vehicle was reported stolen at10:33 p.m. Oct. 9, reported entered at1 p.m. Oct. in the 700 block of Northwest Ninth Street. 13, in the 1400 block of Northeast Revere Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported and DUII —Travis Scott Lovejoy, 40, an arrest made at 7:33 a.m. Oct. 10, was arrested on suspicion of driving in the 300 block of Northwest Oak under the influence of intoxicants Tree Lane. at 6:10 p.m. Oct.13, in the area of Vehicle crash —An accident was Northwest Mt. Washington and reported at 8:15 a.m. Oct. 10, in the Northwest Yosemite drives. area of Southwest Veterans Way DUII —Melissa Adams, 39, was near the railroad tracks. arrested on suspicion of driving Theft —A theft was reported and under the influence of intoxicants at an arrest made at 3:19 p.m. Oct. 10, 1:35 a.m. Oct.14, in the 300 block in the 900 block of Southwest 23rd of Northeast Greenwood Avenue. Street. Theft —A theft was reported at Theft —A theft was reported at 7:01 p.m. Oct. 14, in the 200 block 3:23 p.m. Oct.10, in the 600 block of Northeast Sixth Street. of Northwest Greenwood Avenue. Unlawful entry —A vehicle was Theft —A theft was reported at reported entered at 9:32 a.m. Oct. 3:31 p.m. Oct. 10, in the 1700 block 15, in the 19400 block of Kemple of South LI.S. Highway 97. Drive. Theft —A theft was reported at Unlawful entry —A vehicle was 5:05 p.m. Oct. 10, in the 1600 block reported entered at10:47 a.m. Oct. of Southwest Veterans Way. 15, in the 400 block of Southwest Theft —A theft was reported at Blakely Court. 7:30 a.m. Oct.11, in the 500 block Theft —A theft was reported at of Southwest 15th Street. 11:07 a.m. Oct. 15, in the 19700 Theft —A theft was reported and block of Nugget Avenue. an arrest made at10:59 a.m. Oct. Theft —A theft was reported at 11, in the 300 block of Northwest 4:01 p.m. Sept. 28, in the 1900 Oak Tree Lane. block of Northeast Third Street. Theft —A theft was reported at Redmond Police 1:24 p.m. Oct. 11, in the 4500 block Department of Southwest Elkhorn Avenue. Burglary —A burglary and theft Theft —A theft was reported at were reported and an arrest made at 1:50 p.m. Oct. 11, in the 41 00block 10:23 a.m. Oct. 5, in the 1200 block of Southwest Tommy Armour Lane. of Northwest Upas Avenue. Theft —A theft was reported at Vehicle crash —An accident was 1:57 p.m. Oct. 11, in the 31 00block
$3,500 if it can match their donation by the deadline.
the Industrial Fire Precaution
of Northwest Canal Boulevard. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 4:04 p.m. Oct. 11, in the 1700 block of Southwest 27th Street. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 7:01 a.m. Oct. 12, in the area of East Antler Avenue and Southeast Ninth Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 12:49 p.m. Oct. 12, in the 2600 block of Southwest17th Place. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:53 p.m. Oct. 12, in the 2300 block of South U.S. Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 3:26 p.m. Oct. 12, in the 1700 block of Northwest Fir Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 3:27 p.m. Oct. 12, in the area of North U.S. Highway 97 and Northwest Quince Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 3:46 p.m. Oct. 12, in the area of East state Highway 126 and Southeast Ninth Street. Theft —A theft was reported at 4:56 p.m. Oct. 12, in the 1700 block of Southwest Odem Medo Road. Theft —A theft was reported at 5:58 p.m. Oct. 12, in the 300 block of Southwest Sixth Street. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at10:12 p.m. Oct. 12, in the 2000 block of Northwest Poplar Avenue. DUII —Zachary F. H. Smith, 19, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 12:17 a.m. Oct. 13, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 9:51 a.m. Oct. 13, in the area of Northwest 15th Street and Northwest Poplar Avenue. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at10:09 a.m. Oct. 13, in the area of East U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 76. Theft —A theft was reported at 2:54 p.m. Oct. 13, in the 300 block of Northwest Oak Tree Lane. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 2:02 p.m. Oct. 14, in the 3300 block of South U.S.
Highway 97. Theft —A theft was reported at 6:12 p.m. Oct. 14, in the 2500 block of Southwest 29th Street. Prineville Police Department
Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported and an arrest made at 4:23 p.m. Oct. 15, in the area of Northeast Third Street. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 4:38 p.m. Oct. 15, in the area of Northeast Elm Street. Oregon State Police
Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 3:35 p.m. Oct.12, in the area of West U.S. Highway 20 near milepost 82.
BEND FIRE RUNS Friday 2:25 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 64661 Wharton Avenue. 14 —Medical aid calls. Saturday — 8:39 a.m. Natural vegetation fire, in the area of Southwest Bond Street. 1:30p.m.— Building fire, 1630 N.E. Carson Way. 3:13 p.m.— Confined cooking fire, 2688 N.E. Brian Ray Court. 7:25 p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 2500 block of Northeast Neff Road. 10:04 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 63620 North U.S. Highway 97. 20 —Medical aid calls. Sunday 11:42 a.m. —Smoke odor reported, in the area of 94th Street. 12:40 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 2728 N.W. Nordic Ave. 4:02 p.m.— Natural vegetation fire, 63620 North U.S. Highway 97. 13 —Medical aid calls. Monday 12:24 a.m.— Building fire, 1517 S.E. Skylark Drive. 2:49 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, 19375 Seminole Circle. 17 —Medical aid calls.
Donations maybesent
Level will drop to Level 1 on the same lands. Industrial
by check to DogPAC, PO Box 2091, Bend, OR 97709.
Fire Precaution Levels gov
For more information go to and industrial operations on — From staff reports public lands such aswood ern permitted commercial
2009-10 and 2010-11. Ken Mays, director and co Continued from C1 ordinator of th e automotive Fisher, w h o di r e cted technology department, said the forestry program for students often have families to four years until becom support and want to return to ing a dean in July, said the the workforce quickly. "They are really job-goal economy has played a role in triggering students to en intense," he said. "That's what they' re after." roll in the program. "Some were laid off and While some students come they were using the pres fresh out of high school, others sures of the economy to get are often between 25 and 35 into something new," Fisher years old and gearing up for a sard. career change, Mays said. The increases also point to More studentsare earning a stronger student interest in one- and two-year certificates, certificate programs that can too. The college awarded 132 be completed in less than a in 2007-08, and 294 in 2011-12. — Reporter:541-977-7l85, year. Those programs in clude areas like varied auto bbothi n@ bend but lett n.corn motive technical specialties. Just 69 short-term cer tificates were awarded in 2007-08, but 194 certifi cates went to students in 2011-12. The school award 4' b m C To talcare ed 222 certificates in both Bend Memorial Clinic i~
for appointments
HOME INTERIORS 70 SW Century Dr. Suite145 Bend, QR 97702 c 541 322 1337 www.complementshome.corn
FORECLOSED UPON IN 2008 - 20117 Mayor of Bend, 1991, 2009, 2010 Bend City Councilor, 22 years re
Rotary Club of Bend, President 09 — 10
* ,>t
Bend Sister City Foundation, Non-Profit, Founder
ppg 0
Bend-La Pine Public Schools, Human Resources
You may be entiHed to a payment from the National Morlgage Settlement.
Deschutes County Field Representative, US Senator Ron Wyden
I I -
Where Buyers And Sellers Meet
nors have offered the group
well," she said. Also effective Tuesday,
• i l
II •
i •
' •
Cl a S'S'ifIefjS
• •
Paid for by Kathie Eckman for City Council
Private casinobackers endcampaign W en: Tim er counties nee to
By Jonathan J. Cooper
The opposition campaign
The Associated Press
is paid for primarily by the Confederated Tribes of Grand Ronde, which r u n s S p i r it Mountain Casino southwest of Portland. Oregon's constitution bans gambling. The state's nine existing casinos are operated by Indian tribes, which have s igned contracts w it h t h e state allowing them to operate one full-servicecasino each on reservation land, which is sovereign territory beyond the reach of state laws. The new casino would be owned by PDX Entertainment company, a corporation with about 19 shareholders created in March and based in Lake Oswego. Clairvest Group Inc. and Great Canadian Gaming Corporation, publicly traded Canadian companies, together own a majority stake in PDX Entertainment. Clairvest is a private equity
pears to the campaign team that not enough Oregon voters PORTLAND — After bet are ready to add a private ca ting more than $5 million they sino to the state's gaming op could convince voters to ap tions," the proponents said in a prove Oregon's first privately statement. owned casino, the Canadian The developers said they' re developers folded their hand still committed to building the Tuesday, saying they would project if the measures pass suspend their campaign be and they' ll "continue to hope cause there isn't enough sup for the best on election day." port from voters. Opponents of th e p r oject Two Canadian companies said they' ll continue t heir have spent millions on televi campaign to ensure the bal sion commercials promoting a lot measures don't pass. They proposal they' ve dubbed "The argued that the casino would Grange," which would include shift the nature of gambling a casino, hotel and water park in Oregon from a source of in the Portland metro area. government funding to one of Measures 82 and 83, which private profits. "They obviously ran a re would amend the Oregon constitution to allow a casino ally serious campaign, albeit in Wood Village, will still ap misleading, so we think it' s pear on the ballot, but the pro important that w e c ontinue ponents say they won't spend educating voters about these any more money to promote measures," said Cynara Lilly, them. a spokeswoman for the oppo "In the last few weeks it ap nents of the ballot measures.
firm with stakes in at least seven casinos in the U.S., Can ada and Chile. Great Cana dian owns 12 casinos and race tracks in Canada and five card rooms in Washington state. The proponents invested more than $5.4 million over two months to promote the concept, blanketing airwaves and filling mailboxes with ad vertisements promoting good jobs, money for schools and an exciting entertainment desti nation. But they faced an up hill climb from the beginning. A similar proposal failed by a wide margin two years ago. The casino proponents are the second deep-pocketed in terest to abandon a ballot mea sure campaign in Oregon this year. A r ecreational fishing group announced earlier this year that it would stop promot ing a measure that would ban fishing with gillnets on the Co lumbia River.
raise moremone The Associated Press PORTLAND — Oregon's struggling timber counties need to consider raising tax es, or find some other form of revenue, if they are going to get through the financial crisis that was triggered by the loss of federal timber sub sidies, U.S. Sen. Ron Wyden sa>d. Wyden raised the sensi tive tax topic in a list of seven principles he made public last week, The Oregonian report ed Tuesday. The document was d e signed as a road map for a 14 member advisory panel that Gov. John Kitzhaber appoint ed to forge an agreement that can be presented to Congress by the end of the year. When t i mber h a r vests plummeted, reducing r ev enue shared with the coun ties, C o ngress a p proved direct payments to the coun ties. The last checks go out in coming months. The counties have been cutting services sharply and some could face bankruptcy. The goal is to raise $100 million a year for the counties. If Democrats keep con trol of the Senate, Wyden is almost certain to chair the committee that will handle any legislation to create a re placement for the timber pay ments program.
The Associated Press
PORTLAND — Portland's mass transit system is the lat est to become a forum for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Weeks after a pro-Palestin ian group placed an advertise ment on Portland buses and trains, a pro-Israel group has replied with an ad it has also been running in New York, San Francisco and Washington D.C. "In any war between the civi lized man and the savage, sup port the civilized man. Support Israel. Defeat Jihad," reads the ad, which appeared on buses and trains Tuesday morning. The American Freedom De fense Initiative, a group run by
blogger Pamela Geller, bought the ad.
on its vehicles, regardless of content. TriMet challenged the ruling and the Oregon Supreme Court is reviewing it. "We' re disappointed our ve hicles have become a medium ads appear. for divisive discussion, but at "We are advertising on mass this time we have no other op transit because that is where tion except to allow the ad," the vicious anti-Israel cam m arketing d i r ector Dr e w paign is running their ads," she Blevins said. wrote in an email. The ad the pro-Israel group Tri Met, t h e fin a n cially is responding to was funded troubled regional mass transit by Americans United for Pal agency, received $5,000 for the e stinian Human R i ghts. I t advertisement. has appeared for about three Until a few years ago, Tri weeks on 20 train cars and Met's policy was to only accept nine buses. It shows maps of ads that promoted goods and Israeli territory expanding at services. But a M u l tnomah the expense of Palestinians County judge ruled in a 2008 and reads: "Palestinian Loss of free-speechcase that the agen Land 1946-2012 — 4.7 million cy must accept all advertising Palestinians are classified by Geller,who once led a cam paign against an Islamic center near the Sept. 11, 2001, terror attack site, said the ad is a di rectresponse tothe pro-Pales tinian ad campaign, and it will run in any city the anti-Israel
the U.N. as refugees." Peter Miller, the group's pres ident, disagreed with TriMet's suggestion that c o mmuter s shouldn't have to confront sen sitive topics. "I'm still surprised how A mericansseem fearfuloffree speech," he said. "We do live in a democracy and we do need speech. Not just the concept of speech, but actual speech." M iller, however, said t h e competing pro-Israel display goes overthe line because the term "savage" is racist and could incite violence. When asked why she chose the phrase, Geller wrote that "it's accurate." "The war on Israel is a war on innocent civilians," she wrote. "The targeting of civil ians is savage."
ICilleI tellsnewspaperof racial motives, I x e t c but disputeschargesof conspiracy The Associated Press PORTLAND — A man con victed of killing two people in Washington state and accused of killing two more in Oregon and California said he's ready to face the death penalty, but he denies there was a conspiracy. David "Joey" Pedersen gave The Oregonian an interview in the Multnomah County Jail where he's awaiting prosecu tion on a federal racketeering indictment, the paper reported Tuesday. The indictment charges Ped ersen and Holly Ann Grigsby with kidnapping, carjacking and murder as part of an en terprise to promote a white su premacist movement. Pedersen, 32, pleaded guilty in March toaggravated mur der in the death of his father and stepmother in E v erett, Wash. He and Grigsby, 25, also are accused of killing 19-year-old Cody Myers in western Or
egon because his name sound ed Jewish and Reginald Clark near Eureka, Calif., because he was black. Pedersen said he planned to go to Sacramento, Calif., to kill a Jewish leader he did not name, but the plan ended when he and Grigsby were ar rested in October 2011. "I' ve given up my freedom and potentially my life" to pro tect "white European culture," PedersentoldThe Oregonian. "I have no remorse for any thing," he said. P edersen said h e a c t ed alone, not as part of an orga
bers andwhite supremacists. Philip Heymann, a professor at Harvard Law School, said the act makes serious homi cidalcrimes federal offenses. "If only two people are in volved in two crimes, it can be RICO," he said. Both do not have to commit the crimes. "If she helped him, that would be enough," Hey mann said. Pedersen said it's a "gross miscarriage" of j ustice that
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Grigsby is being held and he' s
eager to go fight the RICO charges. "I'm not going to plead guilty nized group. to any conspiracy charges," he "It's absurd for them to al said."Under no circumstances lege that Miss Grigsby and I would I accept any plea." had a structural group," he He said he expects the Jus said. "There were no others." tice Department to seek the The two were charged un death sentence. "How do you not kill a Joey der the RacketeerInfluenced and Corrupt Organization Act Pedersen?" he said. "I want to enacted in 1970 to prosecute get the show on the road. If organized crime. The act was they' re going to kill me, get the later used against gang mem rope out already."
ciples are in broad language,
he declined in an Oregonian interview to be more precise, saying that's the job of the ad visory panel. Panel member Doug Rob ertson, a D ouglas County commissioner and chairman of a group of the timber coun ties, said raising local taxes "isn't going to be a major topic of discussion." "Even in good times it' s hard to raise taxes," he said. Among the other points Wyden makes: old growth forestsshould be protected, management has to com ply with al l f e deral laws, and the plan should ensure "sustainability." He also cast doubt on a plan offered by Democratic Reps. Peter DeFazio and Kurt Schrader and Republi can Rep. Greg Walden. They proposed turning what are known as the 08t C lands con trolled by the federal govern ment in Western Oregon into a pair of quasi-public trusts, with one managed to produce timber, and the other for fish and wildlife. While he didn't write off the trust concept entirely, Wyden's principles ac Wyden noted "the general knowledge that rural counties opposition to private man have high unemployment but agement of federal lands in say they "need to do their part Congress." in reducing disparities in tax Robertson, however, said rates" and develop local rev the trust approach is the pre enue. Currently, the counties ferred and, for the time being, in question have some of the the only arrangement being lowest tax rates in Oregon. considered.
Transit agencynowa vehicle in Mideast debate By Steven DuBois
Wyden said he offered the set of principles to force the consensus he says is neces sary to build a national co alition and get a bill through Congress. Although the prin
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Student chases, nabs alleged car thief CORVALLIS — C o rvallis police say an Oregon State University student scared off a man who tried to steal her car, and then hopped into the car to chase him down. The police say they recom mend, though, that people who witness such a crime call 911. The suspect, 31-year-old Anthony Ray Needham of Al bany pleaded not guilty Mon day to unauthorized use of a vehicle and criminal mischief. The Corvallis Gazette-Times reported that Paige Mramer left her car running outside a friend's apartment last Friday and yelled when she saw the man revving the engine and trying to back it up. Police said the man fled. But Mramer caught up and, with
help from a nearby fraternity house, held him until officers arrived.
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Grande, Hines and Klamath Falls closed last month.
Lane County workers Inspectors find54boats sue over road money infested with invasives EUGENE — Two unions rep
MEDFORD — State work ers who inspect boats being towed into Oregon say they looked at more than 4,500 ves sels this summer, and found 54 infected with invasive species. The Medford Mail Tribune reports 17 boats had quagga and zebra mussels, which have caused millions of dollars in damage in other states. Oregon has four inspection stations. The busiest is along Interstate 5 at Ashland. That station closed at the end of Sep tember but will be in operation one or two days a week until full-time operation resumes i n February. Stations in L a
resenting county workers have sued Lane County officials over the use of road fund money for law enforcement work. The road fund is financed by fuel taxes, federal timber payments and other sources. Some of the money has re strictions — it can be used only to build and maintain roads and to pay for sheriff's deputy patrols. Unions representing public works and administrative per sonnel contend the restrictions should beinterpreted narrow ly — that the money can't be used for overhead expenses. — From wire reports
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The Bulletin
Chu ows , McCoy, Eckman, Clinton or Ben Council
+y 00
BETsY McCooc
C'hai orumnn
Gottoott Bcnctt
Jotttt Cosmn
Fdi tur in-Clnrf Editor uf Edtturials
EcttiS „.:
end needs aggressive, intelligent leadership to square its need for services with flattening revenues. The council will have to make smart choices about its $60 million BridgeCreek surface water project and it's headed straight into the mouth of another pricey behemoth — a sewer infrastructure fix that early estimates put at $170 million. Voters in Bend elect councilors by position. Our endorsements are Victor Chudowsky for Position 1, Edward McCoy for Position 2, Kathy Eckman for Position 3 and Jim Clinton for Position 4.
velopment goals we do not support. For instance, he would like to see parts of town zoned where only green-approved buildings could be built. The city doesn't have to man date that for it to happen. He is also a strong advocate for infill. McCoy's opponent Charles Baer is, well, mesmerized by his concept of global internet government. Vot ers should give him time to devote to that quest and not elect him. Ed Barbeau has run before for Deschutes County commissioner Position 1 and we endorsed him in the pri Chudowsky is a certified pol mary that he lost. He owns Pisa icy wonk. He and his wife run a no's Pizza Northwest Crossing. business, Caldera Research, that Barbeau is wary of government does researchon education policy mistakes. We can see him being a — student achievement and so on. force on the council similar to Mc Speak with him about Bend's is Coy though, frankly, McCoy im sues and what is likely to strike you pressed us more. is the depth of his research and the power of his analysis. Position 3 He worriesthat Bend grew, but This endorsement was not an the administration didn't grow up. easy decision for us. Kathie Eck He says he will challenge staff rec man is the experienced choice. ommendations and test assump She was elected to the Bend City tions. That is just what Bend needs. Council/Commission in 1980, 1982, When Bend Police Chief Jeff Sales 1988, 1992, 1996, 2000 and 2008. came before the council and ticked In Burns, she was city recorder, off a dreary future of decreasing treasurer and municipal judge. But services from the police department, watching her in action on the coun the council sat back — for the most cil, we don't see the payoff. She part — and bemoaned its plight. doesn't ask insightful questions of Chudowsky said he would have city staff and doesn't lead on policy. challenged Sales to come up with a To her credit, she has been commit better plan than less enforcement. ted to moving forward on the sur Chudowsky faces a lively crop of face water project and tries to en opponents for the open seat. There' s sure city policies don't stifle jobs. Wade Fagen, a longtime Bend resi Her chief opponent, Sally Rus dent and businessman, and Barb sell, has a resume that includes Campbell, a former school teacher eight years on the Bend Planning and owner of wabi sabi in down Commission, work at Broken Top town Bend. Fagen knows how to and she was the executive director skewer nonsense. Campbell has of the Cascade Festival of Music. been doing her homework. Chu We disagree with many of her dowsky is our pick, because he positions. Russell opposed the city' s offers the most promise to study Bend's challenges and guide it to surface water project, though now says the project is moving forward. an efficient response. If she had done her homework on the issue or other city issues, it did Position 2 not come across to us. She also There's no lack of choice for this said because Bend couldn't get seat. It drew four candidates. There quick approval of its urban growth is noincumbent. We endorse Ed boundary from the state it must ward McCoy. He's an Air Force vet be doing it wrong. We'd argue the eran, and the president and owner state's vision of infill would mar the of Mile High Community Manage city's character. ment. Thecompany helps home Then there's Ron "Rondo" owner associations and similar or ganizations with their duties. He' s Boozell. When he speaks up, he' s unimpressive. At a recent open alsobeen a general contractor. of Bend's Community McCoy is not the most experi meeting Center, for instance, he spun a con enced in government, nor the most spiratorial tale of what might really knowledgeable about city issues. be happening with the organiza What he does have, though, is an tion's finances. A city councilor excellent understanding of busi should deal in facts. ness. He knows the alchemy city Eckman is endorsed. We just government needs to help the com hope she steps up her game. munity emerge from recession or at least not stifle jobs. He came Position 4 to Central Oregon with $500 and a City councils don't need to have truck and built his business. He' s a blue collar guy, with a de facto physicists, but we should certainly keep the one Bend has, Jim Clin Ph.D. in people skills. McCoy's got an uphill learning ton. He's been the lone "no" on curve on many city issues. He's had countless council votes. You could his struggles, such as catching up argue that means he's ineffective on back taxes owed the state. But or contrary by nature. he's thrown himself into learning Neither explanation does him about city complexities. He brings justice. He's much more likely than common sense and experience any sitting councilor to propel the on the other side of the counter in council into what we' ll call a Clin ton pause. He asks a question that dealing with the city. Doug Knight offers an alterna pierces the assumptions or presen tive with significant political and tation of city staff. Everybody sits professional experience. He's an there for a moment to figure it out. For instance, when the city was engineerand developer of a num ber of projects around town. He marching along toward spending has been chairman of the Bend $1.9 million on consultants for a Planning Commission and on the city sewer plan, Clinton tried to get Deschutes County L a ndmarks the council to rethink. He asked if a better strategy would be for the city Commission. He has also made a couple of to hire its own engineers, rather what we'd politely call missteps. than have the city continue on its Most recently, the state says he vio merry path of outsourcing. lated the new rules for keeping up We disagree with Clinton on with required training to keep his some topics, but there needs to be professional engineering license. more voices on the council that The hearing to settle the matter compel the city to explore options. is a long way off. Then there was Clinton's opponent, Mike Rob his property tax delinquency in erts, has worked in government for 2010, while he was planning com some 20 years, including at the city missioner. He paid the balance of and for Deschutes County. Roberts $3,119 a few days after The Bulletin has many strengths, but Clinton's contacted him for an article. experience on the council and oth The missteps do not disqualify er qualities make him the stronger him. But he's also a priest for de candidate.
M Nickel's Worth Balyeat has integrity
has come up with a common sense package of reforms, which he calls I am writing to give my endorse the "School Savings Act," that would ment of Andy Balyeat for judge. I save schools over $400 m i l lion know Balyeat to be a person of high per biennium. Imagine how many integrity who will listen carefully to teachers we could hire with that people and will work for resolutions kind of money. And, his plan doesn' t that are fair and just to the parties involve breaking any promises that involved in the legal matters brought were made tocurrent retirees. before him. I know Balyeat will act I appreciate Conger taking the courageously and thoughtfully to initiative on this difficult issue. I keep the court system functioning appreciate what care he took in efficiently and in a timely manner. protecting those who have already Balyeat's broad experience in the retired, ensuring that a good retire variety of legal proceedings over ment will be there for the teachers of which a judge must preside makes the future and directing the money him the ideal person to be elected. saved into the classrooms, where it Endorsements for people running belongs. I encourage you to join me for elected office can be given eas in supporting Conger because his ily. Some endorsements carry more actions are making a difference for weight than others. For me, the en our state, and he has the best ideas d orsement that would carry t h e to give our kids the quality educa most weight and mean the most to tion they deserve. me would be the endorsement of my Gloria Bean colleagues in my profession. On two Bend occasions, Balyeat has overwhelm ingly received the endorsement of Keep Unger in office his fellow attorneys by winning the Oregon State Bar Preference Poll In the campaign for Deschutes by a landslide margin. For me, that County commissioner,after read is a voice of endorsement to which I ing an article in The Bulletin, I was must listen. struck by the differences revealed I urge you to listen to that voice between Al Unger and his oppo too, and to give your vote for judge nent when he said, in essence, that to Balyeat. he thought he was a better decision Thorn Larson maker because he could make a Bend quick decision. Unger responded that he liked to get all the informa County commissioners tion before making a decision. This reminded me ofthe concept may beto blame that the devil hurries, while provi Dave Kanner and his family are dence moves more slowly. good friendsof ours. We were sur I think Commissioner Unger is prised that he was suddenly fired an excellent example of the type after what seemed a good job he of thoughtful politician we need was doing. So he wasn't warm and leading our community. Deschutes fuzzy. He was honest, trustworthy County is well served by Al Unger. and had ideas of how to be a good Let's keep him! administrator. Too bad some of our Marge Moore county board o f c o m missioners Bend decided to get rid of him. Ashland seemed delighted to hire him. Also Hovekamp is bestchoice too bad we are having such a job in for Oregon House hiring a new top manager. Could it be that no one wants to work for our There are many reasons to sup commissioners'? port Nathan Hovekamp, instead of Ann McGranahan his opponent, for Oregon's House sun river District 54, but I will give you my top three. Hovekamp supports pub Conger good for reform lic education. He taught at Central Oregon Community C ollege, he of PERS,education served on the Bend-La Pine School Since his 2010 election, Jason Con Board and his own children attend ger has been a strong and consistent public schools in Bend. advocate for PERS reform. Conger, Hovekamp will vote to protect our along with six o ther Republican environment. With a n e d ucation freshmen, refusedto be a member and background inteaching science, of the Public Employees Retirement Hovekamp understands what is nec System because he believes it is a essary to protect our environment for conflict of interest. Rather than act futuregenerations of Oregonians. ing in his own self-interest and build Nathan supports women's repro ing a nice retirement for himself, ductive rights. In our current politi Conger is attempting to be a part of cal climate, these are not rights that the solution. He understands that can be taken for granted. PERS costs us billions every budget When your ballot arrives, study cycle and something has to be done. your choices. If the positions I listed It is simply unacceptable to keep are important to you, join me in vot spending more money on PERS ing for Hovekamp for House Dis every year while our kids are sit trict 54. ting on the floor at schools due to Peggy Humphreys rapidly inflating class sizes. Conger Bend
Vote for Russell, Knight, Campbell, Clinton Are you willing to see Tumalo Falls unnecessarily depleted? Are you willing to allow our pristine watershed — the source of Bend's drinking water and the lifeblood of our fish and wildlife — to be per manently and irreversibly harmed? Do you want higher than necessary water rates? If not, vote for Sally Russell, Doug Knight, Barb Camp bell and Jim Clinton for Bend City Council. This will ensure a majority on the council who will support an economically smart water system as well as an environmentally ben eficial one. A change of direction on the Bend City Council is definitely needed. Here are some examples of ex tremely poor decisions made by cur rent and past city councilors which cost city taxpayers millions of dol lars:Juniper Ridge, the purchase of substandard Bend Transit buses, not knowing curb cuts needed to be handicapped accessible, buying city hall property at top dollar and letting it sit vacant. The list goes on and on. The reason people move to Bend is for our great quality of life. We need a City Council who will listen to the input of its citizens and who will respect and protect our environ ment — the quality of which makes Bend such as wonderful place to live and recreate. We don't need politi cians pushing expensive, environ mentally destructive projects down our throats when better alternatives exist. We do need Bend moving in the right direction. Russell, Knight, Campbell and Clinton will work to wards sensible water policies and smart water rates.
Jeff Boyer Bend
Democrats should look at where party is headed Democrats need to wake up and pay attention to what's going on in their own party. Obama is not the Democrat that you think he is, he is not trying to improve America like you think his is. And, Obama did not build my business. The government only took from my business. I urge all to vote for the Republi cans and allow our politicians to get back what we have lost already, and if that doesn't work, then try the Democratsagain. What do you have to lose, except maybe your country? I am sure that most Democrats think they are voting for a Demo cratic cause, but don't be fooled. Unless you are a Progressive Com munist Democrat, then you better start looking around and see where
we are going. I am not satisfied with either par ty, but I won't vote for a Communist regime. DavId Myers prineville
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In My View pieces run routinely in limited to one letter or Op-Ed piece every 30 days.
Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My View and send, fax or email them to The Bulletin. Write: My Nickel's Worth / In My View P.O. Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.corn
Pot e a ization su orters see
'" '"'""' Casscells rominent conservatives' e was chief medical officer at Pentagon Alberta E. Halliwell, of Bend
By Kristeu Wyatt
Services: A gathering of family will be held at a later date
Hazel Marie Hager, of Crooked River Ranch
July 15, 1917-Oct. 13, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Redmond, 541-504-9485, Services: A memorial service will be held at the Crooked River Ranch Chapel on Sunday, Oct. 21 at 2:00 p.m.
Linda Lee Hammack, of Redmond Oct. 17, 1947 - Oct. 10, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Redmond. 541-504-9485 Services: A graveside service will be held at Redmond Memorial Cemetery on Friday, Oct. 19th, at 11:00 a.m.
Theodore Ronald Ralnvllle, of Redmond Oct. 3, 1968 - Oct. 12, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals Redmond, 541-504-9485, Services: A Celebration of a Life lived will take place Thursday, October 18, 2012 at 4:00 PM at the Terrebonne Grange, located at 8286 11th Street in Terrebonne, Oregon.
Victor Charles Metcalfe, of Bend Dec. 20, 1929 - Oct. 11, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-31 8-0842 www.autumnfunerals.corn Services: Saturday, October 20, 2012 2:00 P.M. at The Church of the Nazarene 1270 N.E. 27th Street, Bend, Oregon 97701.
Wilbur Wayne Barrett, of Prineville Feb. 8, 1938 - Oct. 6, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals of Redmond, 541-504-9485, Services: No services to be held at this time
William Otis Pruitt Jr., of Redmond July 2, 1924-Oct. 10, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Redmond, 541-504-9485, Services: No services to be held at this time.
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Democratic U.S. Sen. Maria Cantwell, who opposes it. "It's taking a different ap proach to a very expensive drug war, and potentially a better approach," he said. In Oregon, at least one Re publican state Senate candi date backs legalization. Cliff H utchison r e asoned t h a t l egalizing pot w o ul d " c u t wasteful government spend ing on corrections and reduce
The Associated Press
Feb. 14, 1929 - Oct. 13, 2012 Arrangements: Niswonger-Reynolds Funeral Home, 541-382-2471,
By Douglas Martin New York Times News Service
Dr. Ward Casscells, a nation ally p r ominent c ardiologist who astonished himself and those who knew him by join ing the Army Reserve at54 and volunteering to go to Iraq before being appointed the Pentagon's top medical officer, died Sunday in Washington. He was 60. The cause was complica tions from prostate cancer, his family said. Casscells said his military adventure had begun when he and his 8-year
FEATURED old son were
pBpUARy ex a mining
the u n i form his father had worn as a combat surgeon in World War II. Casscells said he had been "filled with shame" when the boy asked him if he, too, had fought for his country, and had to answer no. He had been a student during the Viet nam War. "This is one heck of a midlife crisis," his wife said when he announced his plan to join the military, in Casscells' telling. "But in fairness, I realize you can't afford a Maserati, and you don't have the nerve to take amistress." So in2006, Casscellsbecame a colonelin the Army Reserve. His first assignment was to look for ways to protect troops from avian flu, then a world wide epidemic. Transferred to Iraq, he was shelled and caught in an ambush. In 2007, President George W. Bush ap pointed him an assistant secre tary of defense, and he went on to lead a $45 billion health and education system with 10 mil lion patients in 100 countries. Taking office at the Pentagon when evidence was surfacing of shameful conditions at Wal ter Reed Army Medical Center, Casscells made unannounced visits to the center's wards as part of a campaign to correct the problems. (It closed in 2011.) He started programs to use stem cells to help treat wounds with patients' own tissue. Before his time in uniform, Casscells had held a prestigious chair in medicine and pub lic health at the University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston, where he was also the vice president of external af fairs and public policy. He was also a senior scholar at the Tex as Heart Institute in Houston. To join the Army, he had to convince doctors that he was able: He had just gone through five years of chemotherapy and radiation treatment for pros tate cancer. Once approved, he traveled to Cairo, Beijing and Bangkok to study avian flu, a disease he had researched. After going through what he called the "shock and awe" of basic training for reserve officers at Fort Sam Houston "I haven't been this tired and intimidated since I was an intern," he said — he shipped out to Iraq. There he was medi cal liaison to the United States' commanding general and ambassador.
D ENVER — I t's not a l l hippies backing November's marijuana legalization votes i n Colorado, Oregon a n d Washington. Appealing to Western in dividualism and a mistrust of federal government, activists have lined up some promi nent conservatives, from one time p residential h opefuls Tom Tancredo and Ron Paul to Republican-turned-Liber tarian presidential candidate and former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson. "This is truly a nonparti san issue," said Mark Slaugh, a volunteer for the Colorado initiative who i s b ased in Colorado Springs, which has more Republicans than any where else in the state. "States' r i g hts ! S t a tes' rights!" Slaugh cried as he handed out flyers about the state's pot measure outside a rally last month by Republi can vice presidential candi date Paul Ryan. Quite a few passing Republicans took the
drug gang violence."
Johnson, the Libertarian candidate, is fiscally conser vative but supports such lib eral causes as legalizing mar ijuana, immigration reform and abortion rights. He's said that if elected he would par don all non-violent prisoners Ed AndriesklI Associated Press file photo convicted of marijuana-relat Former RepublicanU.S. Rep. Tom Tancredo speaks out in ed offensesin federalcourt. favor of a ballot measure to legalize marijuana in Colorado Pro-pot conservatives have during a news conference at the Capitol in Denver. Joe Me counterparts on t h e o t h er gyesy, coordinator for the campaign to regulate marijuana like side — Democrats who say alcohol, listens at left. pot shouldn't be legal with out a doctor's recommenda tion. Democratic governors have failed where personal tion to alcohol prohibition as a in Colorado and Washington responsibility and old-fash "failed government program" oppose legalization. Oregon's ioned parenting will succeed. that, in this case, "steers Colo Democratic governor has not flyer. Politicians back East have no rado money to criminals in taken a stand. " It's fiscally p r udent. I t business dictating what the Mexico." President Barack Obama's "Proponents of big govern a dministration h a s shu t would be t axed, regulated, states do. "What is the law against monitored. It makes a lot of ment have duped us into sup down medical marijuana dis senseto Republicans," he said. marijuana if it isn't the Nanny porting a similar prohibition pensaries in California and Most Republicans still op State telling you what you of marijuana — even though Colorado. pose legalization. Presidential can do and what you can't do it can be used safely and re Republican Colorado state candidate Mitt Romney vows to your body and with your sponsibly by adults," Tancre Sen. Steve King is a frequent to enforce federal law. When body?" asked Tancredo, a for do said. critic of Colorado's medical Ryan told a Colorado Springs mer Republicancongressman Pot supporters have lined marijuana law. Conservatives TV station in September that from suburban Denver who up other surprising allies this abhor government, but they medical marijuana was "up briefly ran for president in year, even as many Demo also fear legalization would to Color ad ans to decide," 2008 and endorsed the mea crats oppose the measures. increase children's drug use, his campaign quickly back sure on the steps of the state Conservative stalwart P at he said. "It's pretty easy to tracked and said he agreed capitol. He compared federal Robertson, for example, said come in and say, 'Let's de with Romney. law to New York City's ban marijuana should be legal. crease government.' And I'm When activists make their on sugary sodas. In Washington state, Re all for that. This just isn't the appeal, it goes like this: States Tancredo launched a ra publican U.S. Senate hopeful place to start," King said. "We have anext generation should dictate drug law. De dio ad this week in which he Michael Baumgartner is run cades of federal prohibition compares marijuana prohibi ning a longshot bid to unseat to protect," he said.
Voter registration figures CROOKCOUNTY 2012:12,1 54 total (breakdown by party unavailable) 2008:12,233 total; 3,853 Democrats, 5,419 Republicans
DESCHUTESCOUNTY 2012:97,590 total; 30,647 Democrats, 36,221 Republicans
(party affiliations as of Oct. 3) 2008:92,608 total;32,862 Democrats,35,832 Republicans
JEFFERSONCOUNTY 2012:10,084 total; 3,204 Democrats, 4,002 Republicans 2008:10,097 total; 3,583 Democrats, 4,066 Republicans *2012 registration numbers as of Tuesday afternoon. The number will change by Nov. 6. Source. Crook, Deschutesand Jefferson counties
Voters Continued from C1 This year, Republicans ap
pear to be gaining ground on their rival party. As of Oct. 3 more Repub licans and fewer Democrats were registered in Deschutes County than in 2008. In Jeffer son County,registered voters were down for both parties, but more so for Democrats. Ber man reported a similar trend in Crook County, though specific numbers were not available. The declines in both parties — slightly for Republicans and more so for Democrats — has been a trend statewide. The Eugene Register-Guard reported that in September, Democrats had 7 p e rcent fewer registered members
than four years ago. Republi cans saw a 2 percent decline. That comes as no surprise to one county clerk. "The comments we get are that people are fed up with both parties," Berman said with a laugh. Ballots are scheduled to be mailed to voters on Friday. Oregon residents who are already registered in the state can change their registration, such asmailing addresses, as late as Election Day. To verify voter's registra tion: w w and click the "My Vote" link, or call Crook County at 541 447-6553, Deschutes County at 541-388-6546 or Jefferson County at 541-475-4451. — Reporter: 541-617-7868, zhall@bendbulletin.corn
DEATHS ELSEWHERE Deaths of note from around the world: Basil Plumley, 92:Decorated U.S. Army paratrooper who was a rare veteran of three wars: World War II, Korea and Vietnam. Died Oct. 10 at a hos pice in Columbus, Ga. Kyle Bennett, 33:Three-time world champion bicycle moto cross racer who represented the United States in the in augural appearance of BMX racing in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. Died Sunday in an auto accident in Conroe, Texas. — From wire reports
AppealscoUrtjudges questionCalifornia greenhousegasrules
similar position in California. Evans, who opposed the Continued from C1 residency requirement,said Kropp returned to his Tuesday residency shouldn' t job as deputy county affect how someone does administrator. their job. "I don't really think a re In Redmond, city officials had hoped to have a city quirement to live in a certain m anager on the job by Jan. l. area is going to affect the city "We' re more concerned m anager's ability t o h a v e with taking the time that' s an objective point of view," necessary to get the right she said. "I understand that person," Centanni said. for a lot of people, they feel ZIP code 97756 encompass strongly about it, but I don' t es all of Redmond and some feel strongly about it." nearbyruralareas outside the She said Mickaelian's with city limits. So while the next drawal was disappointing. "We' regoing back to the city manager won't necessar ily have to live within the city drawing board," she said. limits, that person will have a "We' re going to go back Redmond address nonetheless. through t h e ap p l ications David Brandt, the previ that we received and we will ous city manager, lived in advertise again as well. We Redmond initially but later wanted someone in that spot receivedpermission from the as soon as possible, but it's go council to live in Bend. He ing to take a little bit longer." was paid roughly $124,000 — Reporter: 541-977-7185, annually before he left for a bbotkin@bendbulletin.corn
By Howard Miutz San Jose Mercury News
SAN F R A N CISCO California's unprecedented regulations to r educe the carbon footprint of t r ans portation fuels appears to face a smoggy future in the courts. During nearly an hour of arguments here T uesday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals expressed concerns that C a l ifornia's a g gres sive approach to curtailing
greenhouse gas emissions goes too f a r , c o n f licting with federal law by reaching into the business practices of other states. The three judge panel was hearing the appeal of a Fresno federal
judge's ruling last year de claring the 2006 California law unconstitutional. "Is there no other way to achieve this goal?" 9th Cir cuit Judge Mary M u rguia asked the state's lawyer at one point. "Is there no other means?" An array of gas, truck ing and farming industry interests has challenged the regulations, which seek to reduce California's green house gas emissions to 1990 levels by 2 020 b y f a v or ing gas, diesel and ethanol producers who use cleaner p roduction methods. T h e industry argues that the law violates the f ederal com merce clause, discriminat
ing against producers in the Midwest and elsewhere by illegally favoring California industries. At least nine Midwestern states have sided with the fuel industry, urging the 9th Circuit to strike down the law. Peter Keisler, a fuel indus try lawyer, told the court the California law is aimed di rectly at Midwest competi tors, likening it to "a lobby ist for Coca-Cola getting a (Iaw passed) that devastates Pepsi." Lawyers for the state and environmental groups as sured the judges that the law is intended to reach the low carbon fuel standards, not to tilt business to Califor nia producers. Federal law allows the regulations and California's law is the only way to reach the state's clean air goals, Deputy Attorney General E l aine M e c ken stock told the judges. But Murguia and Judge Dorothy Nelson appeared dubious, citing language in the law that pointed to it aid ing California employment and tax revenues. "Isn't this unambiguous evidence ... of p r otection ism'?" Nelson wondered. Seven states have backed California in the court case, saying they hope to enact similar regulations to curtail greenhouse gas emissions.
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F O R ECAST Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2012.
• •
Today:A sunny but cooler day, winds will be much calmer.
CHX4NNE Kxvz.crxM
Tonight: Clear skies through the night, tem peratures to be chilly.
Seasidev 61/48 • CannonPeach
62/35 60/39
S~l~m Sa em
Sa ndy
Eugene • 58/34
6i/44 •
Port Orforzf • ezlxe ~
• Bur 59/30
Frenchgle 64/35
• 70'
Yesterday' s state extremes
Jordan Valley
• Fort Rock se33
Silver l.ake
Christmas Valley
Baker City
61/3 I
v Bandon
• Pauline
EAST Sunny and pleas ant conditions.
• John
I aP me 5 8/31— HamPton 5932
L Crescentv
5 2 / 28
Sunny and pleas ant conditions.
54/32 Unio~
• Spray eza8
Coos Bay
• Kla math
• Brookings
• 43'
• Lakeview
FallS 64/22
Sexton Summit
o www m '"
• 5 3/4 5
Quebec 49/3
(in the 48 contiguous
• 53/36
To root
• 99
Halifax 52/38 v ortland 61/51
• 23
Salt Lake~
53/29 •
,'Des Moines 2 :. 5 ''~'~ Omaha "
• 68I5 x .xv v
iladel hia
Columbus • 7 3/53 ~ •
Lowell, Idaho
HonoluluImu, 86/73
Yx~ o
Oklahoma City 82/50
Anchorage 34/22
Atla n t a .
New Orleans •
0,.'" .
lando xv
3 /6 6
Miami 87/74
9065 Monterrey L La Paz+ + 2 , . 94/73 'I 85/72 M azatlan . v .
Houston E3
Chihuahua 82/64
More cooler and wetter
Still cool and below average, isolated rain showers.
weather is
71 42
57 37
55 36
50 32
SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:23 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday.... 617 p.m First Full L a st Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:24 a.m Sunset tomorrow... 6:15 p.m Moonrise today... 10:11 a.m Moonsettoday .... 7:52 p.m Oct. 21 Oct. 29 Nov. 6 Nov. 13
Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....9:33 a.m...... 6:59 p.m. Venus......4:07 a.m...... 4:58 p.m. Mars......11:12 a.m...... 8:08 p.m. Jupiter......8 38 p m..... 1 1:50a.m.
Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 59/48 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.26" Record high........ 83m1991 Month to date.......... 0.26" Record low......... 11 in 1949 Average month todate... 0.23" Average high.............. 62 Year to date............ 7.00" Average low .............. 33 Average year to date..... 7.41"
Saturn......7:52 a.m...... 6;39p.m.
Uranus.....5:27 p.m...... 5:48 a.m.
6arometricpressureat 4 p.m30.09 Record24 hours ...0.68 in1947 *Melted liquid equivalent
Yesterday Wednesday Thursday Bend,westof Hwy97.. Mod Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastof Hwy.97....Mod.
Astoria ........59/50/0.15.....59/41/s.....61/48/pc Baker City......61/52/0.03.....58/28/s......66/34/s Brookings...... 65/52/3.36....69/46/pc......66/49/s 6urns..........58/51/0.35.....60/27/s......70/36/s Eugene........ 65/53/1.12.....65/36/s......67/45/s Klamath Falls .. 59/55/022 ....64/27/s ... 73/35/s Lakeview...... 64/55/0.00.....62/27/s......70/40/s La Pine........ 55/46/0.00.....58/31/s......67/28/s Medford.......68/59/0.73.....72/37/s......78/44/s Newport.......59/52/0.70.....57/42/s......60/47/s North Bend..... 63/52/0.00.....60/44/s......64/51/s Ontario........ 69/57/0.39.....61/35/s......68/39/s Pendleton...... 66/51/0.35.....61/32/s.....70/46/pc Portland ....... 63/54/0.28.....63/43/s......66/50/c Prineville....... 54/48/0.62..... 58/36/s......69/42/s Redmond.......59/48/0.91 .....62/31/s......71/43/s Roseburg....... 65/55/0.45..... 65/39/f......72/45/s Salem ....... 64/52/0 61 ....64/39/s ...67/48/pc Sisters.........61/47/0.88.....59/34/s......70/37/s The DaRes...... 64/56/0.35.....68/39/s.....69/48/pc
Mod = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme
WATER REPORT Sisters........................ . Mod La Pine.............................Mod PrineviHe........................Mod
The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen.
Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 34,841...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 110,985..... 200,000 Crescent Lake ...... . . . . . 71,731 ...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir ....... . 1 6,824 ...... 47,000 The higher the UV Index number, the greater Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 83,141..... 153,777 the need for eye and skin protection. Index is R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 316 for solar at n. Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 302 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 26 L OW DI U M HI G H Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 331 0 2 4 6 8 10 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 565 Deschutes RiverAt 6enham Falls ..... . . . . 1,099 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res.. ... . . . . . 13 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 136 Updated daily. Source: pollen.corn Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 4.80 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 331 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 MEDIUM or go to www.wrd.state.
To report a wildfire, call 911
OY, •
Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds,h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace
5 U24
La Grande
• Prin e ville se36
• 58/37
Warm Springs ~
I W agowa .PendletOn 48/26 • E t erprise En 61/32 • Meacham • szas
Ma u pin
• HermiStun 62I32
Arlington ,
68/39 " " ' • eWasco CI Ei /35
• 61/35
•~ Government Camp siv32
De g as m/43
HjgsboroPortland x63/43
Lincoln City eOI41
WEST Mostly sunny and pleasant condi tions.
As t oria
Much cooler with a few extra clouds.
Warmer weather is expected, more sun
• u
• +++Q
* *
* * *
* *
xr + +
W ar m Stationary Showers T-storms Rain Flurries Snow
YesterdayWednesdayThursday YesterdayWedoesdayThursday YesterdayWedoesdayThursday YesterdayWednesdayThursday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene, TX......81/63/000...82/49/s .. 74/46/s Grand ilapids....62/32/0.00... 70/49/t. 59/45/sh RapidCity.......71/40/000.. 53/36/pc. 51/35/pc Savannah .......75/53/0.00 .. 77/59/pc. 81/61/pc Akron..........57/45/000 ..71/50/pc. 63/45/sh GreenBay.......63/37/0.00..65/45/sh. 51/42/sh Reoo ...........81/51/0.00 ... 69/37/s.. 76/40/s Seattle ..........61 /50/017.. 56/46/pc...57/51/r Albany..........54/43/000...61/46/s. 64/48/pc Greensboro......69/42/000...70/49/s. 74/53/pc Richmond.......68/47/0.00... 73/50/s. 76/56/pc SiouxFags.......74/50/0 00.. 60/41/pc. 49/38/sh Albuquerque.....79/46/000... 74/44/s .. 74/46/s Harusburg.......60/46/000... 67/48/s. 68/52/pc Rochester, NY....52/44/0.00 .. 71/55/pc.66/47/sh Spokane ........58/48/0.35 .. 54I37/pc. 60/43/pc Anchorage......32/26/000..34/22/sn.. 33/22/c Hartford CT.....58/50/000...64/50/s. 68/51/pcSacramento......89/61 /000... 89/55/s.. 90/55/s Springfield, MO ..77/52/0.00... 69/39/t. 64/42/pc Atlanta.........74/49/0.00... 76/56/5.70/50/pc Helena..........59/44/0 26... 51/30/s. 62/36/pc St.Louis.........84/52/0.00... 73/45/t . 63/46/pc Tampa..........85/71/0.00... 80/70/t. 86/69/pc Atlantic City.....63/47/0.00...67/55/s. 69/60/pc Honolulu........85/74/0.00... 86/73/s .. 86/72/s Salt Lake City....75/51/0 00... 60/37/s.. 64/42ls Tucson ..........89/55/0 00 ... 91/64/s.. 90/62/s Austin..........73/60/0.14 ..89/60/pc. 75/53lpc Houston ........79/58/0.35 ..89/7upc. 83/55/pc SanAntonio.....74/65/002 .. 89/63/pc. 77/55/pc Tulsa ...........81/63/0.00..73/44/pc.. 70/44/s Baltimore .......63/46/0.00...70/50/s. 72/56/pc Huntsvige.......75/46/0.00...78/54/s. 70/45/pcSanDiego.......84/63/0.00... 83/68/s.. 83/70/s Washington,DC.65/51/0.00 ... 71/50/s . 73/57/pc 6igings.........65/44/0.00...57/31/s. 54/42/pc Indianapolis.....68/40/0.00... 72/48/t. 61/45/pc SanFrancisco...l 29/61/0.00... 82/57/s.. 85/55/s Wichita .........82/54/0.00 .. 69/44/pc.. 63/42/s Birmingham.....74/48/000... 79I56/s. 72/47/pc Jackson, MS.... 78/49/0 00. 84/59/pc 77/49ls SanJose........76/55/000.. 86/57/s 90/55/s Yakima .........63/51/08160/34/pc . 66/42/pc Bismarck........70/47/000 ..52/37/sh.. 48/32/c Jacksonvile......77/59/000..79/60/pc. 84/63/pc SantaFe........78/38/0.00... 68/38/s .. 67/40/s Yuma...........96/66/0.00...94/70/s.. 91/72/s Boise...........65/56/047... 58I33/s .. 67/40/s Juneau..........45/41/015... 40/30/r. 40/25/sh INTERNATIONAL Boston..........61/52/0.06...62/52/s .. 67/53/s Kansas City......81/58/0.00 ..65/43/sh. 60/42/pc Budgeport,CT....61/51/000...62/53/s. 68/56/pc Leasing.........60/33/0.00... 71/51/t. 60/43/sh Amsterdam......57/46/000 55/49/sh 61/56/sh Mecca.........1 04/81/000 100/82/s . 100/81/s Buffalo.........52/43/0.00 ..72/57/pc. 65/47/sh Les Vegas.......87/62/0.00... 83/63/s .. 83/63/s Athens..........84/66/0 00 .. 89/71/pc.. 81/65/c MexicoCity .....79/48/000 .76/53/pc.. 76/52/t BurlingtonVT....54/42/0 00.. 61/43/pc. 68/51/pc Lexington.......66/35/0 00.. 73/56/pc .. 62/45/c Auckland........61/54/0 00.. 60/54/sh. 61l48lsh Montreal........48/41/000.. 55/42/pc. 63/51/pc Caribou,ME.....54/40/049... 51/34/s. 58/42/pc Lincoln..........81/47/000 ..64/41/pc. 56/39/pc Baghdad........99/66/0.00... 97/78/s.97/78/pc Moscow........50/46/0.00... 58/40/c...57/45/r Charleston, SC...73/54/000...76/Ses. 8U62/pc Little Rock.......73/51/0.00... 82/50/t .. 73/46/s Bangkok........91 l77/0.00...87/75/t...87/79/t Nairobi.........79/57/0.00... 77/55/s. 74/58/sh Charlotte........70/42/0 00... 72/52/s. 74/52/pc Los Angeles......86/63/0 00... 83/66/s.. 83/67/s Beiling..........63/43/000... 57/41/s .. 61/53/s Nassau.........86/79/0.00 ..84/75/pc...85/79/t Chattanooga.....72/46/000...79/53/s.73/46/sh Louisvile........70/42/000..76/53/pc. 64/46/pc Beirut..........84/73/0.00 ..88/76/pc .. 86/76/s New Delhi.......88/66/000... 92/71ls .. 92/69/s Cheyenne.......71/41/0.00... 53/29/5 .. 56/36/s Madison,Wl.....69/41/0.00 ..65/40/sh. 53/40/sh Berlin...........57/36/000..60/52/pc.64747/pc Osaka..........79/57/0.00...73/61Ir. 63/57/sh Chicago.........70/40/000... 68/45/t. 54/46/sh Memphis....... 75/56/0 00 82/53/pc .. 73/50/s Bogota .........63/52/0.00 ..62/52/sh.65/50/sh Oslo............43/36/0.00... 46/36/r. 45/38/sh Cincinnati.......66/36/000.. 75/51/pc. 65/46/sh Miami..........89/76/000... 87/74/t. 87/74/pc Budapest........63/46/0.00... 64/46/s. 64/47/pc Ottawa.........46/37/0.00...57/42/c.61/43/sh Cleveland.......57/46/000 ..71/54/pc. 63/48/sh Milwaukee......63/38/0.00... 69/46/t. 54/45/sh Buenos Aires.....63/57/0.00 .. 70/58/pc.. 76/63/c Paris............59/48/000 ..56754lsh. 64/62/sh ColoradoSpnugs .78/45/0 00... 62/32/s.. 64/36/s Minueapolis.....65/52/000..60/43lsh .48/40/sh Ca ho Sa n Lucas .82/75/1807. 88/70/pc.87/72/pc Rio de Janeiro....84/70/0 00... 87/68/c.. 91l69/c Columbia,MO...81/51/000... 68/40/t. 61/43/pc Nashvige........75/43/0.00..80/55/pc. 69/46/pc Cairo...........93I72/0.00.. 93/71/pc. 92/69/pc Rome...........70/54/0.00...70/57/c. 71/58/pc Columbia, SC....74/45/000...76/56/s. 82/58/pc New Orleans.....81/65/0.00..83/65/pc. 84/61/pc Calgary.........54I37/000 .. 44/25/s .. 59/42/c Santiago ........82/45/0.00... 67/55/s. 68/54/pc Columbus, GA....76/48/0.00... 81/59/s. 77/54/pc New York.......58/51/0.00... 65/54/s. 68/58/pc Cancuo.........86/72/0.00 86/77/pc...87/76/t .. SaoPaulo.......81/55/0.00 ... 84/65/t ...84/65/t Columbus OH....62/38/0 00.. 73/53/pc. 64/46lsh Newark Nl......61/52/0 00... 65/52/s. 70/56/pc Dublin..........54/41/0.00 ..56/50/pc. 56/47lsh Sapporo ........61/54/0.00 ... 66/39/r. 54/38/sh Concord,NH.....58/45/000... 65/48/s .. 66/47/s Norfolk, VA......65/54/000... 70/51/s. 77/59/pc Edinburgh.......45/32/0 00.. 45/41/sh. 50/46/sh Seoul...........75/43/0.00 ..61/60/pc.. 60/50/s Corpus Christi....90/76/0.00..89/73/pc. 82/66/pc Oklahoma City...80/54/0.00 ..75742/pc.. 69/44/s Geneva......... 55/32/000.. 67/48/pc .. 68/47/c Shanghai........81/63/000..71/59/pc.. 69/61/s DallasFtWorth...77/59/0 00..86/53/pc .. 79/47/s Omaha.........81/52/000.. 64/41/pc.. 54/42/c Ha ra re..........84/61/0 00 .. 84/62/sh. 86/63/pc Singapore .......88/75/0.00 ... 87/78/t ...85/77/t Dayton .........62/36/000 ..73/52/pc. 63/45/sh Orlando.........85/70/0.00... 83/66/t. 86/66/pc HongKong......84/77/0.00 .. 81/71/sh.78/74/pc Stockholm.......50/41/0 00 .. 53/42/sh. 49/45/sh Denver..........78/41/000...66I35/s. 68/38/s PalmSprings.... 99/71/0.00..102/68/s .. 99/68/s Istanbul.........79/66/000..81I67lpc. 73760/pc Sydney..........93/59/0.00 70/60/pc .. .. 70/62/c DesMoines......77/52/000..64/43/pc. 53/41/sh Peoria ..........73/43/0.00... 70/41/t. 58/43/sh lerusalem.......90/72/0.00 ..89/69/pc.. 87/69/s Taipei...........84/70/0.0078/65/sh .. .. 72/70/s Detroit..........59/40/0 00 .. 70/53/pc. 60/46/sh Philadelphia.....62/51/000... 67/51/s. 73/55/pc Johannesburg....79/55/0 00.. 72/56/sh. 71/60/sh TelAviv .........91/72/000.. 92/73/pc.. 91/72ls Duluth..........66/43/007... 55/42/r. 49/39/sh Phoeuix.........93/65/000...94/69/s .. 93/70/s Lima........... 70/61/0 00.. 67/62/pc.. 68/64/c Tokyo...........70/61/0.00 .. 70/57/sh. 61/51/sh El Paso..........84/62/000... 85/56/s .. 83/55/s Pittsburgh.......57/44/0 00.. 72/50/pc. 64/48/sh Lisbon..........68/55/000 70/61/r 59/55/r Toronto .........54/37/0 00 60I50/pc .. 54/43/r Fairbanks........21/16/0 02 .. 26/13/sn.. 26/15/c Portland, ME.....61/44/003... 61/51/s .. 64/51/s London.........59/45/0.00 .. 61/54/sh. 58/55/sh Vancouver.......59/52/0.00 ... 53/45/c...45/44/r Fargo...........73/45/000... 55739/r .48/38/sh Providence......60/48/0 04... 62/51/s .. 67/53/s Madrid .........68/43/0.00... 69/49/s. 72/51/sh Vienna..........48/39/0.00...63/47/s. 62/49/pc Flagstaff........73/32/000...70/34/5 .. 70/35/s Raleigh.........70/44/000...72/49ls. 78/57/pc Manila..........88/79/0 00 ..85/77/pc. 85/75/pc Warsaw.........55/50/0.00 58/43/pc .. .. 62/47/c
Farmers of unmodified crops fear sales troubles, lawsuits word "natural" when selling their products. FRESNO, Calif. — Edible The proposition bans the use crops in California's Central of the word "natural" or any Valley are grown without ge variation of that in the label netic engineering, but farmers ing of genetically engineered here still fear a ballot initiative foods. But the state's Legisla aimed at labeling food that tive Analyst's Office said that has been genetically modified, the way the proposition is writ saying it could make it harder ten, there is a possibility that to sell their products. the ban could apply to some Farmers are battling Propo processed foods regardless of sition 37 because they say it whether they are genetically hurts business and exposes engineered. them to possible lawsuits. That could include some Supporters of the Novem major crops in the Valley that ber California ballot measure are processed,including nuts, argue that consumers have a tomatoes and canned or fro right to know if the food they zen peaches. are buying has been altered Us Ted Sheely, who farms a va ing genetic technology. Many riety of crops, used pistachios crops grown nationwide, in as an example. He said that if cluding corn, soybean and the state's interpretation holds canola, have been tinkered true, it could hurt the industry. with to resist chemicals, bugs Pistachio acreage climbed or drought. 3.5 percentlast year to 27,690 But Valley farmers say the in Fresno County. The crop proposition has some unin was valued at $177 million. tended c o nsequences t h at Pistachios go through sev could increasecosts and hurt eral stepsduring processing, their ability to sell even non including removal of the hull, genetically engineered crops. sorting and roasting that is As part of Proposition 37, re d one for flavor and t o k i l l tailers will be required to label bacteria. "We talk about pistachios as products that have genetically engineered ingredients. That a natural snack and how they means stickers or labels on are naturally opened when many common grocery store they are harvested," Sheely items, including cereal, cake said. uAnd we wouldn't be able mixes or cookies. to say any of that, if this pass But products that are ex es. That just doesn't make any empt, including those that are sense." not genetically e ngineered, Supporters say the propo need to be verified by either sition does not go after pro the wholesaler, food maker or cessed foods that are not ge farmer. netically engineered. "The proposition is being Growers believe that could mean more paperwork — and misinterpreted and it clearly potential lawsuits by consumer applies to genetically engi groups if they don't do it right. neered foods," said Stacy Mal "In addition to the substan kan, spokeswoman for the Yes tial record keeping that we on Prop. 37 campaign. already do, we will have to pro Supporters say that despite vide sworn statements proving the tens of millions of dol that we do not have genetically lars being spent to defeat the e ngineered p eaches," s a i d proposition, public sentiment K arri H a m merstrom, w h o is on their side. A recent poll farms 40 acres of peaches and by USC Dornsife/Los Angeles plums in Kingsburg with her Times found voters favored husband, Bill. "And if we don' t Proposition 37 by more than a 2-to-1 margin. do that, we could be sued." Hammerstrom also is trou Agriculture industry leaders bled by wording in Proposi say if the proposition passes it tion 37 that could limit farmers could create a chilling effect or processorsfrom using the on future genetic research, By Robert Rodriguez The Fresno Bee
especially for specialty crops grown in the Valley. "The reality is we are al ready facing such tight bud get constraints and research is difficult to come by,u said Barry Bedwell, president of the Fresno-based California Grape and Tree Fruit League. "And now you add a proposi tion like this. It could be very detrimental." For years,most of the ge netic research has been spent on corn, cotton and soybeans — major crops grown in the Midwest. In California, cotton may be the largest crop grown with genetically engineered seeds. About 80 percent of the state' s cotton — a bulk of which is produced in the Valley — has benefitted from genetic engi neering, including resistance to weed killer. Valley farmers
also produce some genetically engineered alfalfa used as ani mal feed. With few exceptions, the Valley's fruits and vegetables are produced using conven tional breeding t echniques. Researchers try to zero in on the traits they ar e l ooking for through a series of plant crosses. Over the years, scien tists and plant breeders have developed fruit that is bigger, sweeter and ripens later in the season. But there are examples na tionally of genetic engineering used to fight plant disease. For instance, scientists produced a Honey Sweet plum variety to resist a devastating virus in Pennsylvania known as plum pox. uWe went through many years oftesting before releas ing these on the market," said Sandy Miller Hays, a USDA spokeswoman. Hays said the fate of Propo sition 37 would not change how and when federal scien tists use genetic engineering. "For us, it is a tool just like a hammer or a screwdriver," Hays said. "The way we like to do things is through the con ventional method. Genetic en gineering is part of our arsenal, but not the one we go to first."
8 I',
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Scoreboard, D2 Pr e p sports, D4 College football, D3 MLB, D5 NHL, D3
Tee to Green, D5, D6
© www.bendbulletin.corn/sports
Women's league sign-ups extended
Tigers a win away from AL pennant
The registration deadline for the Bend
Park 8 Recreation Dis trict's winter women' s basketball league has been extended until 5 p.m. on Oct. 26. Reg istration for the league
has shifted from a team to an individual basis in an effort to recruit
enough women to form aleague.Team captains will be selected, and the captains will draft
registered players onto teams. Womenage18 and older are eligible to participate. Registration is avail
By Noah Trister
able online at bend and in person at the park district office, at Juniper
DETROIT — Justin Ver lander and Detroit's stellar starters are one win from the World Series.
The Associated Press
Center. Cost is $60 per player for park district residents, $81 other
wise. Gameswill be scheduled on Sundays from early November through mid-March, and
Andy Tallis /The Bulletin
Cole Chrisman, 13, left, tees off on No. 1 while Ryan Parsons, 12, both of Bend, waits his turn, as the two com peted with other youths in the Junior Fall Cup at Broken Top Club in Bend last week.
the season will include a single-elimination tour The registration deadline for the men' s
18-plus and men's 35 plus basketball leagues remains this Friday.
Registration for those leagues is accepted on a team basis rather than an individual
basis. For more information, contact Rich Ekman,
• The Junior FalCup l provides aninformal teamcompetition for youth golfers By Zack Hall
The Bulletin
Louis Bennett has some words
of encouragement for his young golfer. "We have 45 strokes to make up today," Bennett, the head pro at Broken Top Club in Bend, says with a wry smile. "It's all on you." Then he offers 13-year-old Leeson Handley a piece of advice before sending him out to Broken Top's first tee for what is the final round of the Junior Fall Cup. "Foot wedge," Bennett jokes while mimicking a subtle kick on the Broken Top driving range. This is no Ryder Cup match.
On this sun-drenched Wednes day afternoon, Broken Top is host ing this season's final round of the Junior Fall Cup. At the urging of Awbrey Glen Golf Club's head pro, Tim Fraley, Bend Golf and Country Club, Awbrey Glen and Broken Top have put together a fall competition among some of the private clubs' youngest members. The field for the Junior Fall Cup
consists of middle-school-age golf ers, each representing his or her club in a team competition that lasts three weeks. And high-stakes pressure this is not. In fact, the informality is part of the draw for the budding golfers. "I think I like this better because it's not as much a competition," says 12-year-old Ascha Kelleher, a member at Bend Golf and Country Club, comparing the Fall Cup with the Central Oregon Junior Golf Association's popular summer tournaments. "We just get to come out and play." SeeCompete /D5
Klinsmannhugs forward Eddie Johnson game late in the second half of a World Cup
qualifying soccer match against Guatemala in Kansas City, Kan.,
World Cup hunt continues for U.S KANSAS CITY, Kan
sas — Glint Dempsey scored twice as the United States rallied to beat Guatemala 3
1 Tuesday night and reach the last round of continental World Cup
qualifying. The Americans
needed only a drawto advance to the six-team finals in the North and Central America and the
Caribbean qualifier. Af ter Carlos Ruiz put Gua temala ahead in the fifth
minute, Dempsey setup Carlos Bocanegra's goal in the 10th, then scored in the 18th and 36th minutes. With 30 inter
national goals, Dempsey equaled Brian McBride for third-most in U.S. history.
The U.S., seeking its seventh straight World
Cup appearance, topped its semifinal group with 13 points. Guatemala was elimi
nated from qualifying when Dane Richards
scored two goals late in the second half in Jamaica's 4-1 win over Antigua and Barbuda. — The Associated Press
Game 4, New yor k Yankees at Detroit Tigers, today, 5pm TBS
r in I h to St. Louis for
onship series. Phil Coke gave upconsecutive singles with two outs in the ninth before striking out postsea son star Raul Ibanez for his second save in two games. Detroit can complete a sweep and earn its second pennant in seven years tonight when Max Scherzerpitches against Yankees ace CC Sabathia. SeeTigers/D5
Matt Slocum /The Associated Press
Detroit Tigers' Justin Verlander throws during Game 3 of the ALCS against the New York Yankees Tuesday, in Detroit.
U.S. managerJurgen as Johnson leavesthe
took a shut out into the ninth inning and the Ti gersheldon to beat the New York 2-1 Tuesday nightfora3
park district sports coordinator, at 541-706 6126. — Bulletin staff report
Swim 8 Fitness Center, and at the Bend Senior
Megan Buz zas, center, is congratu lated by her teammates after scoring the game's only goal early in the first half against Bend at Summit on Tuesday.
Shutout clinches Sky-Em title for Outlaws Bulletin staff report JUNCTION CITY — Sis ters wrapped up the Sky-Em League title for the third year in a row Tuesday, making an early goal stand up on a mud
Ryan Brenne cke / The Bulletin
Pac-12 filled with surprises at season midpoint
dy fiel d fora 1-0boyssoccer victory over Junction City. Keenan O'Hem scored in the ninth minute with an as sist from Evan Rickards, and that proved to be enough on an afternoon in which Sisters got off plenty of shots with little reward. Outlaws coach Rob Jensen said his team launched 26 shots to just three for the host Tigers. "We had a few shots where theirkeeper had to make great saves," Jensen said. "And at least three or four shots hit the posts." Sisters goalie Drew Cor
rigan was seldom challenged, but he did make one crucial save on a Junction City break away and turned back two other shots as well. With the league champion ship in hand, the Outlaws (6-0 Sky-Em, 10-1 overall) go for a seventh consecutive victory Thursday at home against Cottage Grove.
By John Marshall The Associated Press
Early goal enough tolead
PHOENIX — The Pac-12 football season has reached its midpoint and, other than
Storm over Lava Bears
again, few things have gone as predicted. Oregon State, picked to finish last in the North, is undefeated and tied with the Ducks atop the division. Ari zona State is the surprising leader of the South after win ning five of its first six games. No. 11 Southern California had its national championship hopes dented with a confer ence-opening loss to Stanford, which turned around and lost to Washington in its next
By Beau Eastes
The Bulletin
Megan Buzzas' goal in the third minute was the only score of the game Tuesday as Summit held off Bend High 1-0 in Inter mountain Conferencegirlssoccer play. Buzzas, a sophomore forward, took ad vantage of a Lava Bear defensive miscue in their own half of the field and gave the Storm a one-goal lead Bend High could not overcome on a chilly night under the lights a t Summit's stadium. With the wi n t h e Storm, who arenow 9-0-2 overall,clinched their second IMC title in three years by im proving to 5-0 in league play. "It's great to be part of a program like this," Buzzas said. "We just want to keep it going."
Summit controlled possession for most of the night, but the Lava Bears provided several scares with long balls over the top. Bend (2-2 IMC, 8-3 overall) had maybe its best scoring opportunity with less than two minutes left in the game when midfielder Shawni Wall drilled an open look just high of the crossbar. "Defense played amazing,"Storm coach Jamie Brock said. "Sydney (Parchman),
Meg (Meagher), Morgan (Caldwell), they were unbelievable. How many of those long n balls did they stop mid-airg SeeStorm/D4
second-ranked Oregon rolling
game. Utah, expected to challenge for the South title, is off to another disappointing confer ence start, winless in three
Pac-12 games.
1 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL Championship Series, San Francisco Giants at St. Louis Cardinals, Fox. 5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Championship Series, New York Yankees at Detroit Tigers, TBS. BASKETBALL
5 p.m.:WNBAFinals, Indiana Fever at Minnesota Lynx, ESPN.
7 p.m.:NBAPreseason, Denver Nug gets at Portland Trail Blazers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest. SOCCER 7 p.m.: M LS,RealSaltLake at Seattle Sounders FC, Root
Sports. GOLF
10:30 p.m.:EuropeanTour, Perth International, first round,
Golf Channel.
ON DECK Today Cross-country: Bend, Mountain View, Summit, Redmond,Ridgeview,Madras, La Pine, Crook CountyattheCentral OregonCross-country Relays in Bend'sPineNursery Park, 3 p.m.; Sistersat the CountryFairClassic inVeneta,4:30 p.m.
28 — Mi.cabrera(1). HR —E.Nunez(1), off Verlander; D.Young (2), off P.Hughes. SB Berry(1), Infante(1). DP — NewYork1(ErChavez, Cano,Teixeira).
IN THE BLEACHERS In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore. Dist by Universal Ucrrck www.gocomrcs.corn/rnthebteachers
Thursday Boyssoccer:RidgeviewatCrookCounty, La Pineat Culver,4p.m.; CottageGroveatSisters, 4:30 Summit at Mountain View, 3 p.m.; RedmondatBend,4:30p.m. Girls soccer: Ridgeviewat CrookCounty, 3 p.m.; Sisters atCottageGrove, 7p.m; Summit at Moun tain View,4:30p.mzRedmond at Bend, 3 p.m.; La Pine at Junction City, 4:30p.m. Volleyball: Summiatt Bend, 630p.mJCrookCoun ty at Redmond,6:30 p.m.; Ridgeviewat Mountain View,6:30p.msSisters at LaPine,6:45 p.m.; La Salle atMadras,6p.m.; Central ChristianatSher manCounty,5:30 p.m. Boys water polo: MountainViewatBend,TBA Friday Football: Bend,bye;Redmondat Mountain View,7 p.m.; Summiat t CrookCounty, 7p.mzRidgeview at Cleveland,7 p.m.; Madrasat Gladstone, 7p.m.; Sisters atCottageGrove, 7p.m.; Elmiraat LaPine, 7p.m.;Culverat Kennedy, 7p.m.;Gilchrist atButte Falls, 3p.m. Cross-country: Madrasat theKyle BurnsideWild horseMeetin Pendleton, 3 p.m. Volleyball: Gilchrist at ButteFalls, 5 p.m.; Trinity Lutheranat Paisley, 2 p.m; CentralChristian at HorizonChristian,5:30p.m. Boys water polo: MadrasatSummit, TBA;Bendat Redmond,TBA
Saturday Volleyball: Summit, CrookCounty at WestLinn tourney, 8a.m.; LaPineat Philomathtourney, 10 a.m.; Culverat Corbetttourney, 8:30a.mzPaisley at Gilchrist, 2:30p.m.; NorthLakeat Trinity Lu theran, 4p.m. Boys soccer: Umatilla atCentral Christian, 1p.m.
15. Roberta Vinci, Italy,2,405 16. MariaKiri enko,Russia, 2,373 17 KaiaKanepi,Estonia,2,249 18. LucieSafarova,Czech Republic, 2,205 Newyork IP H R ERBBSONP ERA 19. JuliaGoerges, Germany, 2,025 PHughesL,0-1 3 3 1 1 3 1 6 1 3.00 20. EkaterinaMakarova, Russia, 1,841 D.Phelps 1 2 1 0 0 0 24 9.00 21. VarvaraLepchenko, United States, 1,835 Rapada 2-3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0.00 22. Jelena Jankovic, Serbia,1,751 2-3 1 0 0 1 1 1 2 0.00 23. YaninaWickmayer,Belgium, 1,680 Eppley 2 1-3 1 0 0 0 1 25 0.00 24. SabineLisicki, Germany, 1,588 Logan Chamberlain 1-3 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 . 00 25. HsiehSu-wei, Taiwan,1,576 Detroit IP H R E R BBSONP ERA26 SoranaCirstea,Romania,1,565 VerlanderW,1-0 81-33 1 1 0 3 1321.08 27. TamiraPaszek, Austria, 1,552 CokeS,22 2 - 3 2 0 0 0 1 2 1 0.00 28. ZhengJie, China,1,530 PHughespitchedto 2baters in the4th. 29. Yaroslava Shvedova, Kazakhstan, 1,506 D.Phelpspitchedto2 baters inthe5th. 30. UrszulaRadwanska, Poland,1,490 T—3.28.A—42970(41,255). 31. KlaraZakopalova, CzechRepublic, 1,475 32. ChristinaMcHale, UnitedStates, 1,451 33. CartaSuarezNavarro, Spain, 1,450 TENNIS 34. Francesca Schiavone, Italy,1,436 35.AnastasiaPavlyuchenkova,Russi a,1,430 Professional 36. Sloane Stephens, UnitedStates,1,418 37. MonaBarthel, Germany,1,416 Kremlin Cup 38 DanielaHantuchova Slovakia,1410 Tuesday 39. Peng Shuai, China,1395 At Olympic Stadium 40. AnabelMedinaGarrigues, Spain, 1385 Moscow Purse: Men,$742,150(WT250);W omen,
$740,000(Premier) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles Men First Round KonstantinKravchuk,Russia, def. EvgenyKorolev, Kazakhstan, 6-4, 6-3. Igor Sijsling, Netherlands,def. MichaelBerrer, Germany, 7-6(7), 6-3. Caros Berlocq (7), Argentina, def. Andrey Kuznetsov,Russia, 1-6, 6-4,6-3. Alex BogomolovJr., Russia, def.NikolayDavyden ko (5),Russia,7-5,6-4 Women First Round TsvetanaPironkova,Bulgaria, def. VarvaraLep chenko,UnitedStates, 6-0, 7-6(3) DominikaCibulkova(5), S ovakia, def.Ekaterina Makarova,Russia, 2-6,6-4,6-2. VesnaDolonc,Serbia,def.GalinaVoskoboeva,
Full-contact yoga.
World Cup Qualifying North andCentral America and TheCaribbean GROUP A GP W D L GF x-UnitedStates 6 4 1 1 11 x Jamaic a 6 3 1 2 9 Guatemala 6 3 1 2 9 Antigua 6 0 1 5 4 x-advanced to regional finals Tuesday,Oct. 16
At Kingston, Jamaica
Thursday GOLF 11a.m.:PGATour, The McGladrey Classic, first round,
Golf Channel. 2 p.m.:Web.corn Tour, Jacksonville Open, first round,
Golf Channel. 10:30 p.m.:EuropeanTour, Perth international, second round, Golf Channel. BASEBALL 1 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Championship Series, New York Yankees at Detroit Tigers
(if necessary), TBS. 5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL
Championship Series, San Francisco Giants at St. Louis Cardinals, Fox. FOOTBALL
5 p.m.:High school, DeLand (Fla.) at Sandalwood (Fla.j,
Indiana 1, Minnesota 0 Sunday,Oct.14:Indiana76, Minnesota70 Today,Oct. 17:Indianaat Minnesota, 5pm. Friday,Dct. 19: Minnesotaat Indiana,5 p.m. x-Sunday,Dct.21:Minnesotaatlndiana, 5p.m. x-Wedne sday,Oct.24:IndianaatMinnesota,5p.m.
Indiana102,Atlanta 98 Brooklyn97, Boston96 Detroit112,Orlando86 Dk ahoma City120, Charlotte98 Chicago100,Milwaukee94 Utah 114,L.A. Lakers80
WashingtonatToronto, 4p.m. ClevelandatPhiladelphia, 4 p.m. Memphisat Houston,5 p.m. PhoenixatDallas,5:30 p.m. GoldenStateatSacramento, 7 p.m. Denverat Portland,7 p.m. Utah atL.A. Clippers,7:30p.m.
NewOrleansatAtlanta, 4:30 p.m. Detroit atMiami,4:30p.m. Memphisvs. Milwaukeeat LaCrosse, Wise., 5 p.m. Boston atBrooklyn,5 p.m.
5 p.m.: College,New Havenat Stonehill, CBS Sports Network. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, Seattle Seahawks at San Francisco 49ers, NFL Network.
6 p.m.: College, Oregonat Arizona State, ESPN. 7 p.m.: High school,Lakeside
at Seattle Prep, RootSports. SOCCER
5 p.m:Men's college, Oregon State at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.
7:30p.m.:Women'scollege, Washington State at Stanford, Pac-12 Network. BASKETBALL
5 p.m.: NBAPreseason, Boston Celtics at Brooklyn Nets, TNT.
W L T P c t PF PA 3 3 0 .5 0 0133 141 3 3 0 . 5 00188 137 3 3 0 50 0 120 117 3 3 0 . 5 00137 192 South W L T P c t PF PA Houston 5 1 0 83 3 173 115 Indianapolis 2 3 0 . 4 00100 145 Tennesse e 2 4 0 . 3 33114 204 Jacksonville 1 4 0 20 0 65 138 North W L T P c t PF PA 5 1 0 . 8 33161 118 3 3 0 50 0 149 163 2 3 0 . 4 00116 115 1 5 0 .1 67134 163 West W L T P c t PF PA Denver 3 3 0 . 5 00170 138 S an Diego 3 3 0 .50 0 148 137 Oakland 1 4 0 . 2 0087 148 K ansas Cit y 1 5 0 .16 7 104 183 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T P c t PF PA NY Giants 4 2 0 66 7 178 114 Philadelphia 3 3 0 . 5 00103 125 Washington 3 3 0 .5 0 0178 173 Dallas 2 3 0 . 4 0094 119
TampaBay Carolina NewOrleans
TOdrl1/ BASEBALL 1 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL
Championship Series, San Francisco Giants at St. Louis Cardinals, KICE-AM 940. 5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL
Championship Series, New York Yankees at Detroit Tigers, KICE-AM 940.
Thursday BASEBALL 1 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, AL Championship Series, New York Yankees at Detroit Tigers
(if necessary), KICE-AM940. 5 p.m.:MLB Playoffs, NL
Championship Series, San Francisco Giants at St. Louis Cardinals, KICE-AM 940. FOOTBALL
6 p.m.:College, Oregonat Arizona State, KBND-AM 1110.
Arizona San Francisco Seattle St. Louis
W L 6 0 2 3 1 4 I 4 North W L 4 I 4 2 3 3 2 3 West W L 4 2 4 2 4 2 3 3
T 0 0 0 0
P c t PF PA 1 .000 1 71 113 . 4 00120 101 . 2 0092 125 .2 0 0141 154
T 0 0 0 0
P c t PF PA .8 0 0149 71 . 6 67146 117 . 5 00154 135 . 4 00126 137
T 0 0 0 0
P c t PF PA . 6 67110 97 66 7 152 94 . 6 67110 93 . 5 00110 111
Seattle atSanFrancisco, 5:20p.m. Sunday's Games ArizonaatMinnesota, 10a.m. GreenBayatSt. Louis,10 am. Baltimoreat Houston, 10a.m. WashingtonatN.Y.Giants,10 a.m. Dallas atCarolina, 10a.m. New DrcansatTampaBay,10 a.m. Clevelandat Indianapolis, 10a.m. Tennessee at Buffalo, 10a.m. Jacksonville atOakland, 1:25p.m. NY JetsatNewEngland,1:25 p.m. Pittsburghat Cincinnati, 5:20p.m. Open:Atlanta, Denver,Kansas City, Miami, Philadel phia, San Diego
Detroit atChicago,5:30p.m.
College Tuesday'sGame NorthTexas30, Louisiana-Lafayette23 Schedule All Times PDT
(Subject to change) Thursday'sGames
SOUTH HamptonatNCCentral,4.30p m. SOUTHWEST Houstonat SMU,5p m FAR WEST OregonatArizonaSt., 6 p.m.
Friday's Game EAST
Uconnat Syracuse,5 p.m.
List ingsarethemost accurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible for late changesmade by TV orradio stations.
Saturday'sGames EAST
SacredHeart at Duquesne, 9a.m. NewHampshire atMaine, 9a.m. CCSU at Robert Morris,9a.m.
Yarosav a Shvedova,Kazakhstan,def.Anastasia Wagner atSt. Francis (Pa.),9a.m. RutgersatTemple, 9a.m. BowlingGreenatUMass, 9a.m. Penn atYale,9a.m. Cornell atBrown,9:30a.m. Bucknell atLehigh,9:30a.m. GeorgetownatColgate, 10a.m. Holy Crossat Lafayette,10 am. Bryant atMonmouth (NJ), 10a.m. HarvardatPrinceton, 10a.m. Dartmouth at Columbia,10:30 a.m.
Packers Cowboys
Pittsburghat Buffalo, 12:30p.m.
RhodeIslandat Delaware,12:30 p.m. Indianaat Navy,12:30 p.m. Gardner-Webbat StonyBrook, 1pm. Old Dominionat Towson,4 p.m. KansasSt. atWest Virginia, 4 p.m.
MarshallatSouthern Miss., 4p.m.
Ark.-PineBluff atSouthernU., 4p.m. EastCarolinaatUAB,4p.m. UCF atMemphis,5 p.m. Miami,5 p.m. E. KentuckyatTennesseeTech, 5p.m. MIDWEST PurdueatOhioSt., 9 a.m. N. Illinois atAkron,9a.m. Minnesota at Wisconsin, 9a.m. Valparaiso at Dayton, 10a.m Army atE.Michigan, 10a.m. Marist atDrake,11a.m. Missouri St. atillinois St., 11a.m. UT-Martin atSEMissouri, 11 a.m. Michigan, 12:30p.m. Nebraska atNorthwestern,12:30 p.m. Ball St. atCent.Michigan, 1230 p.m. WMichiganatKent St., 12:30p.m. MontanaatNorth Dakota, 12:30p.m. BYU atNotreDame,12:30 p.m. S. Illinois atYoungstownSt., 1p.m. S. Dakota St. atN iowa,2 p.m. Morehead St. atButler, 3p.m. N. SouthDakota, 4 p.m. Cincinnati atToledo,4p.m. IndianaSt. atW.Illinois, 4 p.m. iowa,5 p.m. SOUTHWEST iowa St.atOklahomaSt., 9a.m. LSU atTexasABM,9a.m. San JoseSt.atUTSA,11 a.m. PrairieView,noon Nicholls StephenF.Austin, noon TexasTechatTCU, 12:30 pm. Rice atTulsa,12:30p.m. Lamarat Cent.Arkansas,4p.m. KansasatOklahoma,4 p.m. Baylor atTexas, 5p.m. McNeese St atSamHoustonSt., 5p.m. TulaneatUTEP,5 p.m FAR WEST StanfordatCalifornia, noon WeberSt. atS.Utah,noon NewMexicoSt. atUtahSt., noon UNLVatBoiseSt, 12:30p.m. N Coorado,12:35p.m. ColoradoatSouthernCal, 3p.m. NewMexicoat Air Force,4p.m. SacramentoSt.atE.Washington, 4:05 p.m. UC Davisat N.Arizona,4:05 p.m. CalPoly,6:05p.m. WashingtonatArizona,7 p.m. Wyoming at FresnoSt., 7:30 pm. Utah atOregonSt., 7:30p.m. San Diego St. atNevada,7:35 p.m.
ArizonaState USC UCLA Colorado Arizona
PostseasonGlance All Times PDT
(Best-of-7; x-if necessary) American League AH gamestelevisedbyTBS Detroit 3, NewYork 0 Saturday,Oct 13:Detroit 6, NewYork4, 12innings Sunday,Oct. 14:Detroit 3, NewYork 0 Tuesday,Dct.16: Detroit 2,NewYork1 Today,Dct. 17:NewYork (Sabathia 15-6) at Detroit (Scherzer16-7), 5:07p.m. x-Thursday,Dct.18: NewYorkat Detroit,1:07 p.m. x-Saturday,Dct.20: Detroit at NewYork, 5:07 p.m. x-Sunday,Dct.21: Detroit at NewYork, 5:15 p.m. National League All games televised byFox St. Louis 1, Sen Francisco 1 Sunday,Oct.14:St. Louis 6,SanFrancisco4 Monday,Oct.15: SanFrancisco 7,St. Louis 1 Today,Oct.17:SanFrancisco (Cain16-5) atSt. Louis (Lohse16-3), I:07p.m. Thursday,Oct.18: SanFrancisco at St. Louis (Wain wright14-13),5:07p.m. Friday,Dct.19: SanFrancisco at St.Louis, 5 07p.m. x-Sunday,Dct. 21:St. Louis atSanFrancisco, 1:45 p.m. x-Monday ,Dct.22:St.Louis atSan Francisco,5:07 p.m.
Pac-12 All Times PDT
Oregon Oregon State Stanford California Washington WashingtonState
Russia, 6-2, 6-2. 6 Cardinals Pavlyuchenkova, Alize Cornet,France,def. AnastasiaRodionova, 3 Browns Australia, 6-4, 6-3 6.5 Ravens SimonaHalep, Romania, def. NadiaPetrova(6), 5.5 RAMS 2 PANTHE RS Russia,3-6, 7-5,7-5. 6.5 Redskins Stockhol m Open 3 BUCCANE ERS Tuesday 1 0 .5 Jets At Kungliga TennishaHen 4 Jaguars Stockholm, Sweden 2.5 Bengals
College Thursdey Oregon 10 9.5 ARIZONA ST Houston 5 6 SMU Friday SYRACIJSE 4 4.5 Connecticut Seturiley Nebraska 5 5 NORTH WESTERN WISCONSIN 18 18 Minnesota Army 3 2.5 E. MICHIGAN Ball St 3.5 3 C. MICHIGA N BowlingGreen 17.5 17.5 UMASS N.Illinois 14 16 AKRON Georgia 27.5 27.5 KENTUCK Y VIRGINIA 4.5 3.5 WakeForest N. Carolina 10.5 10 DUKE Nc State 4 3 MARYLAND Cincinnati 7 7.5 TOLEDO GEORGIA TECH 14.5 14 BostonCollege Rutgers 4.5 5.5 TEMPLE AIR FOR CE 11 11 NewMexico San JoseSt 14 13 TEX-S.ANTONIO UTAHST 30 30 NewMexicoSt CLEMSDN 9 8.5 VirginiaTech BOISEST 27.5 28 Univ NOTRE DAME 14 13.5 Byu Alabama 19.5 20 TENNES SEE Stanford 2.5 2.5 CALIFORN IA ARIZONA 6.5 7.5 Washington OHIOST 17 19 Purdue MICHIGAN 10.5 10 MichiganSt NAVY 3.5 3 Indiana TexasTech I (TC) 2.5 TCU USC 41.5 41 Colorado FloridaSt 17 20 MIAMI(FLA) OREGON ST 10.5 11 Utah WVIRGINIA 3 2.5 KansasSt Lsu 3 4 TEXAS A8M FLORIDA 3 3 S. Carolina VANDERBT IL 7 7 Auburn KENTST 3 3.5 W. Michigan S. MISSISSIPPI 2.5 2.5 Marshall C. Florida 23.5 23.5 MEMPHIS LOUISVILLE 7.5 6.5 S Florida LA TECH 31 30.5 Idaho OKLAHOMA ST 14 14 iowa St OKLAHOM A 35 35 Kansas TEXAS 10 11 Baylor Pittsburgh 11 11 BUFFALO E. Carolina 3.5 3 UAB IOWA 2.5 3 PennSt TULSA 21 20.5 Rice UTER 15 15 Tulane FRESNO ST 17 15 Wyoming NEVADA 6.5 7 San DiegoSt W. KENT UCKY 3 3.5 UI.-Monroe MISSISSIPPIST 20 19.5 Mid TennSt TROY 6.5 7 Florida Int'I S.ALABAMA 3 3.5 Florida Atl. (TC)meansTCUopened as the fav orite
SOUTH VirginiaTechat Clemson,9a.m. Tennessee St atJacksonville St., 9a.m. Auburn atVanderbilt, 9:21 a m. WakeForestat Virginia, 9:30a.m. Howard,10 am. San Diego atJacksonvile,10a.m. FIU atTroy, 10a.m. PresbyterianatCharleston Southern, 10:30a.m. NC AKT atDelaware St.,1030a m. GeorgiaSouthernat Furman, 10:30a.m. CoastalCarolinaatVMI,10:30 a.m. Edward Waters at SavannahSt., 11a.m. W. Carolinaat Eton,noon BostonCollegeatGeorgiaTech, noon Va. Lynchburg at Grambling St, noon SouthCarolinaat Florida, 12:30p.m. FAU atSouthAlabama,12:30 p.m. Wofford atAppalachianSt., 12:30p.m. VillanovaatGeorgia St., 12:30p.m. Concordat Liberty, 12:30p.m. SouthFloridaat l.ouisville,12:30 p.m. NC StateatMaryland, 12:30p.m. JamesMadisonat Richmond,12:30 p.m. NorfolkSt. atBethune-cookman, 1p.m. MVSUatJacksonSt., 1p.m. Louisiana-Monroe atW.Kentucky,1 p.m. Davidsonat Campbell, 3p.m. SamfordatChatanooga, 3p.m. Sc Stateat FloridaA8M,3 p.m. Alabama at Tennessee,4 p.m. NorthCarolinaatDuke,4 p.m. Georgiaat Kentucky,4 p.m. Idaho atl.ouisianaTech, 4p m. MiddleTennesseeat Mississippi St., 4p.m.
5.5 3 6 5.5 2 6.5 3 1 0.5 4 2
Tuesday'sBoxscore Conf. 3-0 3-0 2-1 2-2 1-2 0-4
South Conf. 3-0 3-1 2-2 1-2 0-3 0-3
Overall 6-0
Tigers 2, Yankees1
New York Gardnerlf I.Suzukirf Teixeirab1 1-J.Nix pr Canc2b Ibanezdh R.Martin c Er.chavez 3b Granderson cf E.Nunez ss Totals
5-0 4-2 3-4 3-3 2-5
5-1 5-1 5-2 1-5 3-3 24
AB R H 4 0 0 4 0 2 4 0 1 0 0 0 4 0 1 4 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 0 0 3 1 1 321 5
BIBB SO Avg. 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 .429 0 0 0 .250 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 .071 0 0 I . 273 0 0 0 .167 0 0 0 .000 0 0 1 .000 1 0 0 .333 1 0 4
Bl BB SO Avg. 0 1 0 .308 0 0 0 .250 0 0 0 .500 1 1 0 .364 0 I 0 .167 1 1 I . 308 0 1 0 .077 Jh.Peral t ass 4 0 0 0 0 0 .385 Betting line Avila c 4 0 1 0 0 2 .200 NFL Infante 2b 4 0 1 0 0 0 1 54 (Hometeamsin Caps) Totals 31 2 7 2 5 Favorite Opening Current Underdog New York 000 000 001 3 1 5 1 Thursday Detroit 000 110 00x 2 7 0 49ERS 7.5 7 Seah awks a-singledfor Berryinthe6th. Sunday 1-ran forTeixeirain the9th. BILLS 3.5 3.5 E—Er.chavez(1). I.DB—NewYork 4, Detroit 10.
x-OregonatArizonaState,6 p.m. Saturday's Games StanfordatCal,noon Coloradoat USC, 3p.m. WashingtonatArizona, 7p.m. Utah atOregonState, 7;30p.m.
Detroit AB R A.Jacksoncf 3 0 Berry lf 3 1 a-A.Garciaph-rf 1 0 Mi Cabrera3b 3 0 Fielder lb 3 0 D.Youngdh 3 1 Dirks rf-If 3 0
H 1 1 1 1 0 I 0
6 10
8 10 13 I
Jamaica4,Antigua1 At KansasCity, Kan. UnitedStates3,Guatemala1
Kazakhstan,1-6, 6-1, 64.
GA Pts 6 13
Eastern Conference W L T Pts GF GA x-Sporting KansasCity 17 7 8 59 40 26 x-Chicago 17 10 5 56 45 39 D.c. 16 10 6 54 49 40 NewYork 15 9 8 53 54 46 Houston 13 8 11 50 45 38 Surface: Hard-Indoor Columbus 14 11 7 49 40 40 Purse: $712,300(WT250) Montreal 12 15 5 41 45 50 Singles Philadelphia 10 15 6 36 35 37 First Round NewEngland 7 17 8 29 37 44 AlejandroFalla, Colombia,def. JanHajek, Czech TorontoFC 5 20 7 22 35 60 Repub ic, 6-3,3-6, 7-6(7). Western Conference JurgenZopp,Estonia, def. PabloAndujar,Spain, W L T Pts GF GA 6-4, 6-4. x-SanJose 19 6 7 64 69 40 SergiyStakhovsky,Ukraine, def. Yannick Mertens, x -Real SaltLake 1 7 1 1 4 55 46 35 Belgium,6-3,6-4. x-Seattle 14 7 10 52 48 31 FelicianoLopez(5), Spain, def. Paul-HenriMa x-LosAngeles 15 12 5 50 56 45 thieu, France, 7-6(5), 6-7(4), 6-2. Vancouver 11 12 9 42 35 40 MarcosBaghdatis (7), Cyprus, def. DavidGoffin, FC Dallas 9 12 11 38 39 42 Belgium,6-4,6-2. Colorado 9 19 4 31 40 50 RicardasBerankis,Lithuania, def. AlbertRamos, Portland 716 9 30 32 55 Spain,4-6, 6-4,6-1. ChivasUSA 7 17 8 29 22 54 Go Soeda,Japan,def. MaximeTeixeira, France, NOTE:Three points for victory, onepoint for tie. 6-3, 3-6, 6-3. x- clinchedplayoff berth Marius Copil, Romaniadef. , FedericoDelbonis, Argentina,6-1,7-5. Today's Game Lleyton Hewitt, Australia, def. Kevin Anderson, ReaISalt LakeatSeattle FC,8p.m. SouthAfrica, 6-4,4-6,6-4. Saturday'sGames Patrik Rosenholm,Sweden,def. Gael Monfils, Montrealat TorontoFC,10:30a.m. France,6-3, 1-6,6-3. SportingKansasCity atNewYork, 4p.m. Philadelphia atHouston, 4:30p.m. Erste BankOpen Columbusat D.C.United, 4:30p m. Tuesday Chicag oatNew England,4:30p.m. At Wiener Stadthalle Color adoatChivasUSA,7.30 p.m. Vienna, Austria Sunday'sGames Purse: $902,850(WT250) Portland at Vancouver, 4p.m Surface: Hard-Indoor Los AngelesatSanJose, 4p.m. Singles FC DallasatSeatle Fc, 6p.m. First Round Paulo l.orenziItaly, , def.BenoitPaire(7), France,
6-4, 6-4.
Daniel Brands,Germany, def. RubenBemelmans,
Belgium, 6-7(5), 6-4,6-3.
GregaZemlja, Slovenia, def.Xavier Malisse(8), Belgium,4-6,6-1, 7-6(6). Jesse Levine,UnitedStates,def. LukaszKubot, Poland,6-3, 6-4. Aljaz Bedene,Slovenia, def. GuilermoGarcia-Lo pez,Spain,6-4, 1-0, retired. MatthewEbden, Australia, def. Filippo Volandri, Italy, 7-5,0-6,6-0. VasekPospisil, Canada,def. AndreasHaider Mau rer, Austria,3-6, 7-6(3), 6-1.
LuxembourgOpen Tuesday
At CK Sportcenter Kockelsheuer Luxembourg Purse: $220,000(Intl.) Surface: Hard-Indoor Singles First Round SoranaCirstea(6), Romania, def. PetraMartic, Croatia, 6 2,6-2. Jelena Jankowc(3), Serbia, def. Peng Shuai, China,3-0,retired. Annika Beck,Germany,def.Barbora Zahlavova Strycova,Czech Republic, 5-7, 7-6(2), 6 2. RobertaVinci (1), Italy,def.GigaGovortsova, Be larus, 6-0,2-6,6-0. Lourdes DominguezLino, Spain, def. Tatjana Malek,Germany,7-6(3), 6-1 Julia Goerges (2), Germany, def.Silver Soler-Espi nosa,Spain,6-2,6-1. VenusWiliams,UnitedStates, def. BelindaBencic, Switzerland,6-3,6-1. KirstenFlipkens,Belgium,def. SabineLisicki (5), Germany, 3-6,6-3, 6-1.
ATP WorldTourRenkings Through Oct. 14 q-qualified for ATP World Tour Finals, London, Nov. 5-12 Singles 1. q-RogerFederer, Switzerland,12,165 2. q-Novak Djokovic, Serbia,11,970 3. q-AndyMurray,Britain, 7,690 4. q-RafaelNadal, Spain, 6,995 5. q-DawdFerrer, Spain,5,360 6. Tomas Berdych, Czech Republic, 4840 7. Jo-WilfriedTsonga,France,4,810 8. JuanMartindelPotro, Argentina,3,670 9. JankoTipsarevic, Serbia,3,265 10. JuanMonaco, Argentina, 2,775 11 JohnIsner,UnitedStates, 2,565 12. NicolasAlmagro, Spain,2,435 13. Richard Gasquet, France,2,415 14 MarinCilic, Croatia,2,370 15 MilesRaonic,Canada,2,335 16 Kei Nishikori,Japan,2,000 17. StanislasWawrinka, Switzerland,1,955 18 PhilippKohlschreiber,Germany, 1,830 19. G ilies Simon, France,1,815 20.Tomm yHaas,Germany,1,727 21. AlexandrDogopolov, Ukraine, 1,680 22. Sam Querrey,United States,1,560 23. Fernando Verdasco, Spain, 1,525 24. MarcelGranollers,Spain,1,475 25. Andreas Seppi, Italy, 1,415 26 MardyFish,UnitedStates,1,345 27 MikhailYouzhny,Russia, 1,335 28 FlorianMayer,Germany,1,290 29 ViktorTroicki, Serbia,1,245 30. AndyRoddick, UnitedStates, 1,195 31. MartinKlizan,Slovakia,1,193
32. Jeremy Chardy, France, 1,188 33. Marcos Baghdatis, Cyprus,1,105 34. FelicianoLopez,Spain, 1,085 35. Radek Stepanek, Czech Republic,1,070 36. JulienBenneteau, France, 1,050 37. Jurgen Melzer, Austria,1,032 38 KevinAnderson,SouthAfrica, 1,020 39. Jarkko Nieminen,Finland,1,012 40. NikolayDavydenko, Russia, 975 WTA Rankings Through Oct. 14 Singles 1 VictoriaAzarenka,Belarus, 10,955 2. MariaSharapova,Russia, 9,135 3. Serena Wiliams, UnitedStates,7,900 4. Agnieszka Radwanska,Poland, 7,265 5. PetraKvitova,CzechRepublic, 6,515 6. Angehque Kerber, Germany,5,470 7. Li Na,China,5,095 8. SaraErrani, Italy,4,855 9 Sam Stosur,Australia, 4,330 10. MarionBartoli, France,3,850 11 CarolineWozniacki, Denm ark, 3,585 12 AnaIvanovic, Serbia,3,075 13. NadiaPetrova, Russia, 2,845 14. DominikaCibulkova,Slovakia, 2,845
Transactions BASEBALL
American League TEXAS RANGERS—ActivatedRHPTyler Tufts from
the 15-dayDL.
National League
CINCINNATI REDS ActivatedDFKristopher Ne gronandLHPBil Brayfromthe 15-day DL.Activated RHPLoganDndrusek, RHPTodd Redmond,28 Henry
Rodriguez,CDevin Mesoraco, RHPKyle Lotzkar, 18 DonaldLutz, RHPPedro Vilarreal, RFDenis Phipps, RHP JohnnyCueto, IBNeftali Seto,SSDidi Gregorius and LHP Tony Cingrani. LOS ANGELESDODGERS— Activated LHP Scott ElbertandRHPJavyGuerra fromthe15-day DL. NEW YORKMETS —Announced LHP Justin Hampsondeclinedoutright assignmentoff the40-man rosterandelectedto becomeafreeagent. SAN DIEGO PADRES— Activated RHPJasonMar quis fromthe15-day DL. WASHING TONNATIONALS—Activated 3BCarlos Rivero, RHP Chien-Ming Wang, C Sandy Leon,CF Eury Perez, LHPJohnLannan, RHPRyan Perry, 38 AnthonyRendon, RHPStephenStrasburg, LHPMatt Purke, 1BChris Marrero, CJhonatanSolano, LHP ZachDuke,RH PYuneskyMaya, LFMark DeRosaand CF CoreyBrown. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association DALLASMAVERICKS Suspended G Delonte Westfor conductdetrimentalto theteam. NEWYOR K KNICKS—Exercised their third-year option onGImanShumpert. FOOTBALL National Football League ARIZONA CARDIA NLS—Released WR Gerell RobinsonandCBCrezdon Butler. Re-signedT Pat McQuistan. BALTIMOR ERAVENS—Placed CBLardarius Webb on injuredreserve.SignedRBBobbyRaineyfromthe
practicesquad. BUFFALO BILLS Re-signed DTJayRossandDL DavidSnowtothe practice squad. CHICAGO BEARS—Terminated thecontract of DL Chris Williams.SignedCBZackBowmanto a one yearcontract. DALLAS COWBOYS—Released CB Mario Butler from thepracticesquad.SignedCBVince Agnewto the practice squad. HOUSTONTEXANS— Placed DETim Jamisonon injured reserve.SignedDEDavid Hunterfromthe practicesquad. INDIANAP OLIS COLTS Waived TE Chandler HarnishandLBJerry Brown.SignedTEWeslyeSaun ders. Released TEDominique Jonesfromthe practice squad. NEWYOR KJETS SignedDTMatt Hardisonto the practice squad. OAKLAND RAIDERS—SignedTEMickeyShulerto the practicesquad. ReleasedTNick Mondekfromthe practicesquad. PHILADE LPHIAEAGLES—Fired defensive coordi nator JuanCastilo. Promoted secondarycoachTodd Bowles to defensive coordinator. PITTSBURGHSTEELERS Suspended NT Alam eda Ta'amu two gamesfor conduct detrimental to the team.SignedDECorbin Bryant. ReleasedTEJamie Mccoy fromthepractice squad SignedGJacques Mcclendonto thepracticesquad. HOCKEY National HockeyLeague ANAHEIMDIJCKS—Reassigned F Matt Kennedy from Norfolk(AHL)to Fort Wayne(ECHI.). COLLEGE DUKE —Dismissed CBTim Burton fromthe foot ball team for violation of programpolicy. PENN STATE—Announced the contract of athletic directorTimCurley wil notberenewed. TEXASABM—Announced DBSteven Campbell has leftthefootball team.
FISH COUNT Upstream daily movem ent of adult chinook, lack chinook, steelheadand wild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdams last updatedon Monday Chnk Jchnk Stlhd Wstlhd Bonneville 318 2 6 5 285 85 The DaUes 317 1 7 5 458 185 John Day 264 2 4 6 710 301 M cNary 9 5 4 435 1, 2 9 6 43 9
Upstream year-to-datemovement ofadult chinook,
jack chinook,steelheadandwild steelheadat selected ColumbiaRiverdamslast updatedon Monday. Chnk Jcbnk Stlbd Wstlhd Bonneville 585,676 141,157230,753 83,844 The DaUes 408,241 122,861193,091 67,749 John Day 332,913 106,485150,142 56,045 McNary 336,401 60,886 138,373 46,178
ing his career and is turning to a special sort of padding to help
son. The tryouts are scheduled from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Sat urday and from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
with future head collisions. Har
on Sundayandwill take place at Stover Park on Watson Street
veloped as bodyarmor for U.S. armed forces about ayear ago.
in northeast Bend.Girls ages11 to 14 are eligible to try out for
Owners offering 50-50 split of revenue
By Jeff Z. Klein
Softball • Tryouts for youth teams this
weekend: The Central Oregon Misfits ASA fast pitch softball program is staging tryouts this
weekend fortheupcomingsea
12-and-under and 14-and-under teams. There is no fee to try out. For more information, contact JoelJenson at 541-550-9573.
Football • Brownssale approved; Holmgren toleave: Mike Holmgren won't be finishing the job he went to do in Cleveland.
New Cleveland Browns owner Jimmy Haslam III said Tuesday that Holmgren wasout as team president, although the Super
Bowl-winning coach will remain with the franchise to help in the transition. Haslam was introduced as the Browns' new boss after the 32 NFL owners
unanimously approved his $1 billion purchase of the team from Randy Lerner. Moments later, Haslam announced that
former Eagles president Joe Banner wouldbecome chiefex ecutive officer. The move takes effect Oct. 25 when the sale is
concluded. Haslam plansno other personnel changesbefore 2013, meaning the jobs of coach Pat Shurmur and his staff and general managerTomHeckert appear safe for now. • Eagles fire defensive coor dinator:Juan Castillo's offense to-defense coaching experiment backfired in Philadelphia, cost
combat the issue. The four-time
Pro Bowler said Tuesdayhe's never missedagamedueto concussions but beganusing advancedpaddingto helpdeal rison beganwearing equipment inside his helmet initially de
of an arena that could be used to lure the NBA back to Seattle. The
executives signed thedeal a day after a negotiated memorandum of understanding between the city, county and investor Chris Hansen wasapproved bythe city andcountycouncils.Theplan calls for a $490 million arena built in the area where Safeco Field and CenturyLink Field are located, with $200 million coming in public financing. The public investment would be paid back with rent money and ad
missions taxes from the arena, and if that money falls short,
Hansen would be responsible for making up the rest. Other in vestors include Microsoft Chief
Executive SteveBallmer and two members of the Nordstrom department store family.
• N.J. spokesmandlasts NCAAmoveover detting: The NCAA is "ludicrous and hypocritical" for moving five championship gamesout of New Jersey next year because the state plans to offer legalized
sports betting, a spokesmanfor New Jersey Gov.Chris Christie
in every state, and often with
the participation of organized
crime," the spokesman, Michael in charge. "I put Juan in this situ Drewniak, told The Associated ation and things didn't work out Press. "But the NCAA looks the the way I hadhoped," Reid said. other way for that?" New Jersey
"I take full responsibility for put plans to license sports betting ting him in that situation." Reid's as soon asJan. 9. It published fensive line coachwas astunner. It came after a long searchand with new defensive line coach
Jim Washburn already in place running a wide-nine schemethat isn't widely used.
regulations governing it on Monday, clearing the way for
interested casinos or horse rac ing tracks to apply for $50,000 "sports pool licenses." But fed eral law bars New Jersey from allowing sports betting, and the NCAA and the major profession
al sports leagues aresuing to try • Cardinals QB sidelined: Kevin Kolb's star-crossed career to block it. In the meantime, the in Arizona has taken another hit.
NCAA announced Monday that it
The Cardinals announcedTues
would play no morechampion
day that Kolb has rib cartilage damage and will be sidelined
ship games in the state. Mark Lewis, the NCAA's executive vice
for "an unspecified period of president of championships and time." Kolb, who took over when alliances, said it has nochoice starter John Skelton went down but to find a different place to in the opener and directed the play the games: The NCAA has game-winning drive, had the a policy prohibiting states with team at 4-2 despite weak play by single-game sports wagering from hosting its championships. his offensive line that had him sacked 22 times in the past three Cycling games. The job will revert to Skelton, who beat out Kolb in the • Leipheimer fired fordoping preseason andjust now is re admission:American cyclist turning to health from a sprained Levi Leipheimer has been fired left ankle. by the Omega Pharma-Quick
• Steelers suspendrookie
Ta'amu:The Pittsburgh Steelers will have to turn around their
season without any help from rookie nose tackle Alameda Ta'amu. Theteam suspended Ta'amu two gameswithout pay on Tuesday following his arrest over the weekend following a late-night run-in with police. The fourth-round draft pick faces
three felony counts — fleeing police, aggravated assault and aggravated assault by vehicle among a dozenother charges. • Judge wants tosee NFL bounty documents:A federal magistrate judge hasordered NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell to provide the court with documents related to the
league's bounty investigation of the NewOrleans Saints. The order by Magistrate Daniel Knowles onTuesday came in response to suspended linebacker Jonathan Vilma's efforts to initiate the discovery
Step cycling teamafter con fessing to doping aspart of the investigation that brought down Lance Armstrong. Leipheimer was Armstrong's teammate for five years during stints with the U.S. Postal Service, Astana and
RadioShack teamsbefore join ing Quick Step this season. The team said in a statement Tues day that Leipheimer's contract was terminated in "light of the
disclosures." It commendedthe rider for his "open cooperation with USADA and contribution to
cleaning up the sport of cycling." Leipheimer is serving a reduced six-month suspension for dop ing violations.
Motor sports • NASCAR dumpstop 35 rule, cuts Nationwide field:NASCAR
on Tuesdayannounced competi tion changes for 2013 that in cludes the elimination of the top
35 qualifying rule and areduced process in his defamation case field size in the Nationwide Se against the commissioner. Vilma ries. Starting next season, the has said the NFL has allowed
top 35 cars in owners' points will
him to review only a fraction of documents related to the
no longer be guaranteed aspot
nesses — before asubsequent order is made onwhether to allow discovery to proceed. NFL spokesman GregAiello said league officials havealready dis
earn a starting spot, followed
in the Sprint Cup field. NASCAR bounty matter. Knowles issued a will use a 36-6-1 format in compromise order in which only which the fastest 36 cars make the court, and not Vilma, may the race on speed. The next six see the documents — including highest ranking cars in owners reports of interviews with wit points not already qualified then
cussed the order with Knowles
and have agreed to comply. • Steelers' Harrisonadmits to lots of concessions:Pitts burgh Steelers linebacker James
on Tuesday, proposing a
signed legislation Tuesdayon the funding plan for construction
coach midseason in his 14years
decision last year to promote Castillo after 13 seasons as of
The NHL made a sur prise offer in talks for anew labor agreement in Toronto
attle arena deal:King County Executive Dow Constantine and Seattle Mayor Mike McGinn
ing the defensive coordinator his job. Castillo was fired by Eagles said. "The NCAA wants to penal coach Andy Reid onTuesday ize New Jersey for legalizing and replaced bysecondary what occurs illegally every day coach Todd Bowles. It was the first time Reid dismissed a
New York Times News Service
• Legislation signed on Se
by the most recent eligible past champion driver. In the Nation wide Series, NASCAR will only
allow a maximum of 40 cars to race eachweek instead of 43. The changecuts three cars from the field who likely would have started then parked shortly after with no intention of attempting
Harrison says he's endured to race. "double digit" concussions dur — From staff andwire reports
Don Ryan/The Associated Press
Oregon quarterback Marcus Mariota scramblesout of the pocket during the second half of a game against Washington in Eugene earlier this month. The redshirt freshman has been solid in control of the Ducks' offense this season.
Mariota staying coolas starting B for No. 2 Ducks By Anne M. Peterson
got a good head on his
The Associated Press
shoulders, is smart, EUGENE — Bring cerebral. His mental ing the laid-back vibe makeup and charac of his Hawaiian home ter are things that as a coaching staff were lilsxt g more impressive than cus Mariota has kept his cool as starting Oregon at his athletic ability, and quarterback for No. 2 Arizona State his athletic ability, we Oregon. felt, was outstanding." • When: Despite a lack of ex Thursday, Receiver Josh Huff perience, the 6-foot-4 6 p.m. agreed with Kelly that Mariota brings more redshirt fr e s h man • TV:ESPN has helped guide the to the Ducks than just • Radio: Ducks to a 6-0 start. stats. KBND-AM "I don't think any Oregon ranks second n ationally w i t h a n 1110 thing r a t tles h i m ," average of just over Huff said. "We all 5 2 points per game, and the l ook up to him." Ducks are eighth in total of On the travel squad last sea f ense with nearly 542 yards s on, Mariota piqued the inter per game. est of fans during Oregon's O n a team known much a n nual spring game when he m ore for its rushing than its passed for 202 yards and a p assing, Mariota has passed t ouchdown and rushed for two f or 15 touchdowns, second in o ther scores. the Pac-12 only to USC's Matt The performance threw into B arkley, with only five inter- q uestion the status of Bryan c eptions. He averages about Bennett, a sophomore who 218 yards passing per game. w as the backup to starter Dar H e passed for 198 yards and r o n Thomas last season. Ben f our touchdowns in Oregon's n ett had more experience, hav 5 2-21 victory over then-No. 23 i n g completed25 of 46 passes W ashington the weekend be- f or 369 yards and six touch f ore last. After a Saturday off, downs. He started in a victory t he Ducks visit Arizona State o ver Colorado when Thomas on Thursday night. was out with a sprained knee. It was Mariota's demeanor, The competition between n ot his arm, that first grabbed M ariota and Bennett went on the attention of the Ducks, ac- b ehind closed doors in pre cording to coach Chip Kelly. season camp, and Mariota " Very poised, very mature e merged as the first freshman young man," Kelly said. "He's to start in an opener for Or
egon since Danny O' Neil in 1991. Through the first six games of the season, Mariota ob served that he i s g l eaning
something from every game, even if it's a decisive win. "Every week you can get better. That's probably t h e biggest thing I' ve learned," he said. "You can come off a
really good game and try to focus on a couple of things and get better at it. The ceil
ing is so high for our offense that we' ve just got to continue to work hard, and things will look good for us." Mariota is the product of St. Louis High School in Hono lulu.He passed for 32 touch downs and only five intercep tions in leading the Crusaders to an 11-1 record and the state title as a senior. He was widely considered one of the state' s best quarterback prospects since Tommy Chang. But just because he is mel low does not mean he does not assert himself. When there was some trash talking with th e N orthwest rival W ashington H u skies, Mariota answered back. "I'm never the kind of guy that, if you disrespect me or disrespect my teammates, I'm not going to just let that go," he said. "There's situations when you can keep your head, there's situations where you need to say something."
No. 3 Floridawinning without throwing • The Gators are unbeaten in the SEC despite
aone-dimensionaloffensebasedon running By Mark Long
The Associated Press
GAINESVILLE, Fla. — No. 3 Florida is making balanced offenseseem overrated. The Gators are last in the Southeastern Conference in passing, averaging a mere 145 yards a game at a time when t hrowing the football is a s fashionable as alternate uni forms. And it's not because they' re running the triple op tion or the Wing T. Nope, the Gators are sim ply sticking with what works best — getting the most out of a shifty running back, a fleet-footed quarterback and a physical offensive line that tends to get better the longer it's on the field. Although the close-to-the vest, grind-it-out style has car ried Florida to its highest rank ing in three years, it also has created a perception that the Gators (6-0, 5-0) are vulnerable heading into Saturday's game against No. 9 South Carolina
Phil Sandlin /The Associated Press
Florida running back Mike Gillislee is averaging more than 100 yards a game on the ground, second in the SEC.
matters." The Gators have used stingy defense and stellar second-half performances to climb up the polls. They have trailed in five of sixgames thisseason, been down at halftime in three and (6-1, 4-1). never really looked like one of What i f t h e G a mecocks, the best teams in the country. It's clear that Florida has who rank fourth in the league in rushing defense, shut down become exactly what M u s Florida's seemingly o ne-di champ promised from Day I m ensional attack? What i f — a tough, physical team that Florida gets behind e arly' ? outworks its opponents and Could the Gators survive cost does whatever it takes to win ly turnovers'? games. "I didn't realize we were last Call them the orange and in passing, but we' re first in the blue-collared Gators. East," quarterback Jeff Driskel It should be no surprise that said. "That's all that matters. the Bowl Championship Series W e' re undefeated. We haven't computers — unbiased ma dropped a game yet. If you' re chines that rank teams based winning, everything's all right. on complicated algorithms Obviously we got to get better and don't see a single down in the passing game, but we' re love Florida. Others have their winning games. That's all that doubts, believing it's difficult
to maintain success in this day
and age while completing just 13 passes a game. Offensive coordinator Brent Pease, who came to Gaines ville after six seasons at Boise State, wants to be more bal anced. But he also makes it clear that if his offense contin ues giving opponents fits on the ground, he's going to stick with it. "When we go in and hit 10 explosive plays, the bottom line is run them again," Pease said. "Run them again, OK. Let's not get greedy here as a coach and say, 'I don't like that. I'm throwing the ball be cause that's what we all love to do
1 11
Mike Gillislee ranks second in the SEC in rushing, averag
ing 102 yards a game. Sopho more Jeff Driskel has just four touchdown passes, but he' s completing nearly 67 percent of his passes and has just two turnovers. He also has 326 yards rushing and four scores, including a school-record 177 yards and three TDs on the ground last week at Vanderbilt. And the offensive line, which raised eyebrows when coaches called it the strength of the team, has held its own against some formidable fronts. Throw in Florida's stout de fense and two of the best spe cialists in the nation — punter Kyle Christy and place-kicker Caleb Sturgis — and it's hard to argue when Muschamp and Pease pass on passing and play for field position and field
goals. "If Jeff Driskel can carry the ball 70 yards and outrun ev erybody, he's getting the ball," Pease said. "If Mike Gillislee can get the ball and outrun ev erybody, he's getting the ball."
50-50 split of hockey-relat ed revenue with the NHL Players' Association and a mechanism guaranteeing that all current contracts would be honored without rollbacks. It was the first signifi cant movement in the nego tiations since the league's o wners locked ou t t h e players Sept. 15 and subse quently canceled the first two weeks of the season. Under the ol d a g ree ment, the players received 57 percent of revenues. The owners' i n itial p r oposal would have given the play ers 43 percent, and a more r ecent p r o posal, m a d e Sept. 13, offered 47 percent.
The players have proposed accepting diminished pay raises that would reduce their share of revenue to about 53 percent. With its latest move, the NHL has offered the ap proximate revenue split achieved by NFL and NBA owners after lockouts in those leagues last year. Commissioner Gary Bet tman has often said that NHL owners are seeking a similar split. The league's offer Tues day contained a provision for playing a f ull sched ule starting Nov. 2, mak ing up for two weeks of games that have already been canceled in the NHL lockout. Bettman described the proposal as "our best shot" at preserving an 82-game regular season and a full
slate of playoff games. Under such a compressed schedule, teams would play one additional game every five weeks, Bettman said. Donald Fehr, the execu tive director of the NHL Players' Association said he was hopeful that the of fer would lead to a conclu sion to the lockout. He said he would exam ine the proposal with the union's negotiating com mittee and return to the league with a r e s ponse Tuesday night or today. Fehr said the league's offer was for a six-year agreement. A m ain p o int i n t h e
league's proposal was the p rovision to p r otect t h e current contracts. " We b elieve w e a d dressed the concern that players have about what happens to their salaries as a result in this year of reducing the p ercentage from 57 to50 percent," Bet tman said. D etails o f t h e p r o v i sion were not immediately available. But if it becomes part of a n e w c ollective bargaining agreement, it will mean that owners will have to honor the big con tracts they gave players in the two-month-long buy ing spree that preceded the lockout. Contracts hke th e 13 year, $98 million deals that Minnesota signed Z a ch Parise and Ryan Suter to in July, or the three-year, $18 million contract extension that Boston gave Milan Lu cic in the hours before the lockout began, would not be rolled back. But players who must sign new contracts starting next season would have to make deals under a lower salary cap and face a sub stantially reduced payday. Bill Daly, the league's depu ty commissioner, also said in an email to r eporters that the league offer used current definitions of what constitutes hockey-related revenue. The league gener ated $3.3 billion in 2011-12, and the players' 57 percent split of that revenue came to about $1.88 billion. A 50 percent split would have reduced their take to $1.65 billion.
u ver s i ers'win strea its12 Bulletin staffreport HALSEY — Behind 36 to tal kills and seven aces by Shealene Little, Culver eased by Central Linn and Wald port on Tuesday to pick up two Class 2A Tri-River Conference volleyball w i n s , e x t ending the Bulldogs' win streak to 12 matches and guaranteeing them at least a share of the league title. "To go back-to-back is pret ty cool," Culver coach Randi Viggiano said of the consecu tive league titles. "We had a bit of an awkward start today and were out of our mojo a bit, but we turned it on. It's great to see that all these girls' hard work
nfl .•
The Associated Press file
Oregon State's Jordan Poyeris second in the country with five interceptions this season.
Pac-12 Continued from 01 And the Air Raid that was expected to hit at Washing ton State under new coach Mike Leach has not gone off as planned, leaving the Cou gars 0-4 in the conference. Here are a few of the highs and lows of the Pac-12 sea son so far: Offensive MVP O regon r u n n in g b a c k Kenjon Barner. LaMichael James was a Heisman Tro phy finalist in 2010 and prob ably would have been last season had he not gotten hurt. Barner has a chance to be in New York for the pre sentation, perhaps even win the award if he keeps it up. The senior has rushed for 727 yards in six games and has 10 touchdowns, putting him among the nation's lead ers in scoring. He is also the only Oregon player since at least 1965 to score on a run, a catch, a punt return and a kick return. Arizona State quarterback Taylor Kelly has been invaluable for the Sun Devils, but Barner is the best player on the best team in the conference. Defensive MVP Oregon State cornerback Jordan Poyer. A big part of Oregon State's surge this season has been its improved defense, and Poyer's shut down ability on the corner has been a key. The senior can play man to man with anyone in th e conference, allowing the Beavers to put more pressure on opposing quarterbacks and not have to worry about the second ary. Poyer had three inter ceptions in a tight win over Washington State and has five on the season, second nationally to the six of Fres no State's Philip Thomas, but in two fewer games. Arizona State's disruptive defensive tackle Will Sutton is not far behind, 1A to Poyer's No. 1. Best newcomer Kelly, Arizona State. An afterthought in a three-man race to be the Sun Devils' s tarting q u arterback, t h e sophomore came on strong at the end of preseason camp to earn the job. He has prov en to be a good choice, lead ing Arizona State to a 5-1 record that few outside of the program expected in its first season under Graham. Kelly leads the Pac-12 and is third nationally with a passing ef ficiencyof 175.98,and he has been a dynamic leader with his ability to extend plays and make something out of
Don Ryan /The Associated Press
Oregon running back Kenjon Barnerhas rushed for 727 yards with 10 touchdowns in sixgames thisseason.
outlook through two down years in Corvallis and ex uded a quiet confidence this season despite dire predic tions for his Beavers. Riley has led Oregon State to its best starting record since World War II behind an ex plosive offense and a much improved defense. The Bea vers are back and do not ap
pear to be going anywhere, thanks to Riley. Best team Oregon. Not a hard one to pick. The Ducks may have their best team under Chip Kelly, who already has a na tional championship game appearance and the school's f irst Rose Bowl win i n 9 5 years underhis belt.O regon has been unstoppable so far, averaging 52 points and 541 yards per game to rank among the top 10 nation ally. The Ducks have two of the most dynamic play ers in the country in Barner and Thomas, and they have taken quick-strike scoring to a new level with 24 scoring drives that have lasted two minutes or less. But what makes this year's version of Oregon so formidable is an improved defense that leads the nation with four intercep tion returns for touchdowns.
Biggest surprise
Oregon State. Riley was on thehot seat afterconsecu tive losing seasons, but the Beavers have knocked him off it by opening 5-0 for the first time since 1939. Oregon State is eighth in both The Associated Press poll and in the first BCS standings behind an explosive offense and a steady defense. The Beavers did not even slow down w h e n q u a r terback Sean Mannion went out with a knee injury; backup Cody Vaz passed for 332 yards and seemingly nothing. three touchdowns against BYU on Saturday in his first Most dynamic player O regon r u n n in g b a c k start since high school. De'Anthony Thomas. Barner Biggest disappointment Washington State has not leads the Ducks in rushing, but Thomas is the leader in yet clicked under Leach, and electricity. The sophomore California has put coach Jeff has averaged 10.2 yards per Tedford on the hot seat with catch, 9.2 per rush and close an uneven start that includ to 15 on kick returns. He has ed an opening loss to Ne six touchdowns rushing and vada. More surprising still three more receiving, and he has been Utah's start. The is athreat to score wherever Utes opened their first Pac and whenever he touches the 12 season with four straight ball. Thomas is one of those losses before coming on p layers you c a nnot l o o k strong late last year, spur away from, waiting to see ring hope for 2012. Utah has what he's going to do next. not lived up to expectations — it received one first-place Best coach Graham at Arizona State vote in the preseason Pac certainly would be a good 12 poll — losing to smaller choice, but he did not enter Utah State i n i t s s econd the season with people call game and dropping its first ing for his job if things didn' t three c onference g ames. turn around. Oregon State' s The Utes may have another Mike Riley did. One of the turnaround on the way, but good-guy coaches in college they have been a disappoint football, Riley kept a positive ment so far.
gars, Kassia Hartman added six kills, and Jill Roshak deliv ered four aces. Both programs get back to work on Thursday, with Mountain View (2-2 IMC)
welcoming Ridgeview and Redmond (0-5 IMC) hosting
Crook County the same day. Crook County........ 25-25-25 Bend..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-16-23 PRINEVILLE — The Cow girls served 93 percent as a team in their Intermountain Hybrid sweep over the Lava Bears. Eisa Harris went 21 of 21 from the line to lead Crook County. Hannah Troutman, who led the Cowgirls with 16 kills, was 14 of 15 on serves with three aces. "We served is paying off." tough and consistently," Crook The Bulldogs bounced back County coach Rosie Honl said. from a first-set loss to take the Ali Apperson (12 of 13, one next three games against Cen ace) and Makayla Lindburg tral Linn 23-25, 25-14, 25-18, (nine of 10, three aces) also 25-16. had strong nights at the line. Little racked up 16 kills, 14 The Cowgirls are at Redmond digs and four aces for Culver on Thursday. The Lava Bears in the opening-match win, Ga host Summit the same day. brielle Alley tallied 14 kills and Sisters ..... . . . . . . 25-19-25-25 23 digs and Jahnie Cleveland Elmira..... . . . . . . . 19-25-15-19 finished with five aces. ELMIRA — Th e Outlaws In th e n i g htcap, Culver moved one step closer to fin cruised by Waldport 25-12, 25 ishing theseason undefeated 5, 25-15 thanks to 20 kills from in the Sky-Em League, beat Little and 10 combined aces by ing the No. 3 team in the Or Alley and Cleveland. Cassan egon School Activities Asso dra Fulton was credited with ciation Class 4A rankings on the road. Duree Standley led five kills and four aces. Now, the Bulldogs await for Sisters (8-0 Sky-Em) with 14 the result of Kennedy's match kills, and Megan Minke added up with Regis on Thursday. A 12 kills. Shannon Fouts set Kennedy loss would give the up the Sisters offense with 40 outright title to the Bulldogs, assists, and Savannah Spear contributed 10 digs. "It was a while a win would result in co-champions. good match for us," said Sisters Culver (13-1 TRC) wraps coach Miki McFadden."After up its season with the Corbett we lost that (second) game, we Tournament on Saturday, a stayed focused. I was happy tournament Viggiano said is to get out of there with a win." a chance toprep her team for Sisters, which hasn't lost a the postseason. match in more than a month, "We' re excited," Viggiano plays its next-to-last regular said. "We' re hoping to keep season contest at La Pine on momentum going." Thursday. In other Tuesday action: Madras ...... . . . . . . . . 25-25-25 North Marion...... .. . 20-16-16 VOLLEYBALL Summit.............. 25-25-25 A URORA — T h e W h i t e Ridgeview..... . . . . . . 22-14-17 Buffaloes won a T r i -Valley The Storm defeated the Conferencecontestin a sweep Class 4A Ravens in straight to stay in a tie for first place games behind Brenna Roy, in league play. Alexis Urbach who went 12 of 13 at the ser led Madras (7-1 TVC) with 14 vice line with two aces. Dani kills, Shelby Mauritson went Taylor had six kills and seven 13 of 14 at the service line with blocks, while Laney Hayes three aces to go along with added six kills of her own for 13 kills, and Sarah Brown Summit. Jordan Waskom and added nine kills. With just two Kenzi Kitzmiller had six digs league matches left in the sea apiece for the Storm. The Ra son, Madras is tied with Es vens, who showed "moments tacada atop the league stand of youthfulness and moments ings. Madras hosts La Salle of brilliance," according to on Thursday in another TVC Ridgeview coach Debi Dewey, match. were led by Katrina Johnson's Cottage Grove ....... 25-25-25 seven kills. Katie Nurge tal La Pine..... . . . . . . . . . . 3-15-16 lied 20 digs, while Rhian Sage COTTAGE GROVE — The recorded a nine-of-10 perfor Hawks shook off a flat start, mance at the service line to go according to La Pine coach along with 14 assists. Summit Aaron Mallory, but struggled pays a visit to Bend High on to right the ship, as the Hawks Thursday. Ridgeview travels dropped a Class 4A Sky-Em to Mountain View the same League match against the Li day. ons. La Pine (0-8 Sky-Em) wel MountainView.......25-25-25 comes Sisters on Thursday. GIRLS SOCCER Redmond...... . . . . . . 13-20-14 The Cougars earned their M ountain View..... . . . . . . . . . 6 second Class 5A Intermoun R idgeview..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 REDMOND t ain Conference win of t h e Maddy season by putting away the Booster scored f ou r g o a ls — all in the first half — to lead Panthers at Mountain View High School. Anna Roshak re the Cougars to an Intermoun corded eight kills for the Cou tain Hybrid victory over the
Ravens. Kelly Stevens and Sarah Bailey each tallied a goal, while Madie Choffel and NellieIbarra were each cred ited with an assist. Mountain View (6-4-1 overall) picks up Class 5A Intermountain Con ference action on Thursday when the Cougars host Sum
ry, while the Lava Bears fell to
1-3 in league play. "We played
aggressive, sharp, crisp soc cer," Storm coach Ron Kidder said. "And we were rewarded with goals." Glenn Sherman put Summit ahead 1-0 in the 11th minute after converting a Wilson pass. Wilson made mit. Ridgeview (3-6-1 overall) the score 2-0 with a header off matches up a gainst Crook a Jacob Fritz throw-in pass in County for a Class 4A Special the 14th minute. The Storm's District I contest in Prineville Dan Maunder scored the final on Thursday. goal of the game 12 minutes Redmond...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 before halftime — again off C rook County.......... . . . . . 1 a Wilson pass. Summit (10-1 PRINEVILLE — The Pan I overall) looks to clinch the t hers snapped a s t reak o f IMC title on Thursday when four winless games by put the Storm play at Mountain ting away Crook County in View. The Lava Bears (4-6-1 a n I n t ermountain H y b r i d overall) host Redmond the contest. Damaris Estrada led same day. M ountain View..... . . . . . . . . . 7 the way with two goals and two assists, as Redmond tal R idgeview..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 lied three unanswered goals REDMOND — The Cougars to break a 1-1 tie. Kelly Whitt used five second-half goals to and Sam Scholzcollected one cruise by the Ravens for an goal apiecefor the Panthers. I ntermountain H y brid w i n . Redmond (2-9-1 overall) re Wyatt Lay and Diego Marti turns to Class 5A Intermoun nez each recorded two goals tain Conference play at Bend for Mountain View, which also High o n T h u rsday. Crook saw Takuro Nihei, Bryce Tip County (1-9 overall) plays host ton and Alex Pelayo pick up to Ridgeview the same day in one goal apiece. John Nieto finished with two assists, and a Class 4A Special District I showdown. Mountain View coach Chris S isters ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Rogers commended the play of Taylor Willman, who, Rog Junction City...... . . . . . . . . . . 2 SISTERS — Emily Corri ers said, did an "exceptional" gan netted a pair of goals as job directing the offense. the Outlaws used two second Mountain View (6-4-1 overall) half scores to take their Class hosts Summit on Thursday. 4A Sky-Em League matchup Ridgeview (3-6-1 overall) against the T igers. Natalie heads to Prineville on Thurs Ambrose and Elizabeth Stew day to face Crook County. art eachposted goals for Sis Redmond...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 ters, and Kristen Sanders was Crook County...... . . . . . . . . . 2 credited with an assist. Sisters PRINEVILLE — The Pan (6-1 Sky-Em, 8-2 overall) hits thers registered four straight the road for a league contest goals to turn a 2-1 deficit into a a gainst Cottage Grove o n 5-2 Intermountain Hybrid win Thursday. against Crook County. Dan Elmira ......................3 iel Najera powered Redmond L a Pine ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 with two goals and an assist, LA PINE — After taking a 2 while Miseal Correa chipped I lead into halftime, the Hawks in with a goal and an assist. gave up two second-half goals Mussa Mbugi an d E r nesto to Elmira in their Class 4A Chavez each collected goals Sky-Em League defeat.Nina for the Panthers, who also got Reese put La Pine ahead 1-0 solid contributions from de with a goal off a Holli Glenn fender Oscar Lopez, Redmond assist in the 22nd minute. Four c oach A n sel E v an s s a i d. minutes later, and one minute Redmond (3-9 overall) visits after Elmira evened the score, Bend High on Thursday, the Katie Mickel found the back of same day Crook County (2-8 the netoff a pass from Ashlee overall) entertains Ridgeview. Horn. The Falcons, however, M adras..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 came back with two goals in G ladstone ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 a span of three minutes to pick MADRAS — Mario Urieta up the victory. La Pine (0-6-1 scored the first goal and assist Sky-Em, 1-8-1 overall) travels ed on the last to lead Madras to Junction City for a Sky-Em to the Class 4A T r i-Valley matchup on Thursday. Conferencehome victory.The White Buffaloes, who had lost G ladstone ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 M adras ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 3-0 at Gladstone three weeks GLADSTONE — The White earlier, led 1-0 at halftime on Buffaloes gave up three goals the strength of Urieta's unas in each half and were shut out sisted goal in the 36th minute. for the third straight match in In the second half for Madras, their Class 4A Tri-Valley Con David Madrigal scored on ferencecontest.Madras (0-6-1 a rebound shot, Oved Felix TVC, 2-8-1 overall) plays host scored with an assist from to North Marion of A urora Jhaylen Yeahquo, and Gus next Tuesday. tavo Alonso closed out the BOYS SOCCER scoring with a goal assisted by S ummit...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Urieta. Goalkeeper Scott San B end..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 chez recordedthe shutout for Michael Wilson r ecorded the White Buffaloes (3-4 TVC, a goal and two assists as the 3-8 overall), who won consec Storm rolled to their eighth utive matches for the first time consecutive win. Summit im this season. Next for Madras proved to 5-0 in Intermountain is a league game on Tuesday Conference play with the victo at North Marion.
Storm Continued from D1 Summit's shutout of the Lava Bears was the Storm's fourth consecutive game in which they have held their opponent score less. Through 11 games this season Sum mit, which was No. 2 entering Tuesday's match in the most recent Oregon School Activities Association 5A girls soccer rank ings, has outscored opposing teams 57-4. "It was a hard-fought battle," Bend coach Mackenzie Groshong said. "I thought our defense played its best game of the season." While the Storm played a little bit frantic at times in the first half, they played more controlled in the second half and almost put two more goals in after halftime. Chris tina Edwards and Shannon Patterson both just missed header goals off corner kicks late in the game. "The first half we were a little bit pan icky," Buzzas said. " But after that w e
calmed downand played our game."
Ryan Brennecke / The Bulletin
Summit's Marina Johannesen (13) attacksthe goal as Bend High's Jenny Velas quez (14) defends during the first half at Summit High School on Tuesday. The Storm won the match, 1-0.
Summit concludes IMC play on Thursday with a road match at Mountain View, which right now is also the final regular-season game on its schedule. The Storm, who will not send their varsity to Crook County next week, hopeto pick up one or two nonleague games before the state playoffs. Bend High hosts Redmond on Thursday and plays at Mountain View on Thursday, Oct. 25, in its final two games. The Lava Bears, who were ranked sixth before the start of Tuesday's match, can clinch second place in the IMC with wins over the Panthers and Cougars. — Reporter: 541-383-0305, beastes@bendbulletin.corn.
ome aster a ers are ettin toosow By Doug Ferguson The Associated Press
Charlie Riedel I The Associated Press
Detroit TIgers' Miguel Cabrera hits an RBI double in the fifth inning during Game 3 of the American League championship series against the New York Yankees Tuesday in Detroit.
but kept New York off the score board until the homer to left field Continued from 01 by Nunez, the first run allowed by "We put ourselves in a decent the powerful right-hander since he position, but that's all we have gave up aleadoff homer to Coco done," Tigers manager Jim Ley Crisp in Game 1 of the ALDS. Verlander got Brett Gardner on land said. Verlander allowed only a pair a tapper before he was lifted after of singles by Ichiro Suzuki and a 132 pitches, one shy of his career leadoff homer by Eduardo Nunez high set in Game 5 of last year' s in the ninth. Delmon Young hit ALCS against Texas. "Normally I g uess you don' t a solo home run for the Tigers, and Miguel Cabrera had an RBI take Secretariat out in the final double. furlong, but that was pretty much Yankees starter Phil Hughes it for him," Leyland said. was lifted in the fourth because Coke came in and allowed of a stiff back, and manager Joe two-out hits to Mark Teixeira and Girardi's lineup shuffle — Alex Robinson Cano, with the latter Rodriguez was benched again snapping a drought of 29 at-bats — failed to snap New York out of without a hit. With an anxious its untimely hitting funk. Verlander pacing in the dugout "There were some good at-bats and rubbing the bald head of a tonight. The ball was not carry teammate, Ibanez — who hit ty ing tremendously well t onight, ing and winning homers in the we know that," Girardi said. "But same game in the ALDS against I think he ended up with three Baltimore and tied Game 1 of this strikeouts. So our guys put the series with a homer in the ninth ball in play and tried to get on — struck out swinging at a break base, but, you know, when you ing ball to end it. "I' ve got faith in our bullpen. face Verlander, you know what you' re up against." Coke did a great job in New York. Seeking their first World Series He's done a great job for us all title since 1984, the Tigers were on year, so I was OK with it," Ver a historic pitching run even before lander said. "And I was up around their ace took the mound Tuesday. 130 pitches or so, so I don't think With the exception of a four-run they' re just going to leave me out ninth inning against Detroit clos there and sacrifice the rest of the er Jose Valverde in Game 1, New postseason just for this game, es York had been shut out for the en pecially when Coke's been throw ing the ball extremely well." tire series. Nunez's homer snapped a streak The game ended with N i ck of 37 innings by Detroit starters Swisher on deck to pinch-hit, not without allowing an earned run, Rodriguez. the longest in a single postseason V erlander, the r e igning A L in the live-ball era. MVP and Cy Young Award win Verlander fell just short of a ner, came within three outs of second straight shutout after stop becoming the first pitcher in 24 ping the Oakland Athletics in the years to throw consecutive shut decisive fifth game of the division outs in the postseason, according series. He struck out only three to STATS LLC. Orel Hershiser did
it for the Los Angeles Dodgers in 1988, blanking the New York Mets in Game 7 of the NL championship series and the Oakland Athletics in Game 2 of the World Series. Valverde's meltdown n e arly cost Detroit the first game of this series, but the Tigers were able to win 6-4 in 12 innings. Coke closed out a 3-0 victory in Game 2 and was able to hold on Tuesday in a tense final inning. "The thing that you do is you
keep encouraging the guys and you keep telling them, 'Hey, find a way, find a way to get it done,' " Girardi said. Hughes matched Verlander in a scoreless duel until Young led off the Detroit fourth with a line drive over the wall in left field. It was his seventh homer in the past two postseasons — he's already the Tigers' career leader in that department. Five of those homers — in only eight games — have come against the Yankees. "He had a great postseason last year and he picked up right where he left off," Leyland said. "A huge hit tonight." Andy Dirks followed with a walk, and Hughes was pulled with an 0-2 count on Jhonny Peralta. David Phelps came on and got out of the inning, but the Yankees now have a pitching injury to go along with all their hitting problems. Hughes allowed a run and three hits in t h r ee-plus innings. He walked three and struck out one. The Yankees kept it close, dodg ing several Detroit rallies. The Tigers added an unearned run in the fifth when Eric Chavez Rodriguez's replacement at third — misplayed a grounder. Cabrera, the AL Triple Crown winner, fol lowed with an RBI double.
Cards backhomefor NLCSGame3 By R.B. Fallstrom The Associated Press
ST. LOUIS — Kyle Lohse is all about efficiency, about avoiding extended at-bats and letting hitters get themselves out. The St. Louis Cardinals are in a spot where they could really use that kind of game. When he takes the mound today against the San Francisco Giants, the 16-game winner can pitch his team to into the lead of an NL championship series tied 1-1. St. Louis has gone three straight games without a starter getting an out in the fifth inning. Lohse NeXt uP NL0S,San FrancIsco Giants gets a chance to end that troubling trend w h en at St. Louis 0artlinaIs he faces Matt Cain in • When:Today, 1 p.m. a matchup of 16-game • TV:Fox winners. • Radio:KICE-AM 940 Marco Scut a r o's availability was unclear after he got rammed by Matt Holliday while busting up a double play on Monday night. A person with knowledge of the injury told The Associated Press that Scutaro strained his left hip. Scutarounderwent an MRI exam and was due to arrive along with the rest of the Giants later Tuesday. If they deactivate him from the roster, Scutaro would become ineligible for the World Series. The Cardinals didn't work out Tuesday after a re turn flight to the Midwest. The exception was a 49 pitch simulated game by Jake Westbrook, who re covered from a strained right oblique and is hopeful of rejoining the staff if St. Louis makes it to the World Series.
After Game 2, Holliday said he relayed an apology of sorts to Giants catcher Busty Posey before his next
"I told Buster to tell Marco I wish I had started my slide a step earlier," Holliday said. "I wanted him to know I wasn't trying to hurt him. When a guy has to leave the game, I feel bad." Holliday also defended his hardnosed approach. "When I'm at first and see a grounder to short, I'm just trying to make sure they can't turn the double play," Holliday said. "He was right on second base. I
hope he's OK. He's a good guy." Back at home, where Holliday will get cheers in stead of boos, Cardinals manager Mike Matheny said what happened is just part of the game. "To me, what I see is a guy who I' ve never seen one act of trying to hurt anybody," Matheny said. "And I would never believe that's what he was trying to do. I know what Matt's intentions were and he was think
"It can be painful if you play quick," ST. SIMONS ISLAND, Ga. — Five tournaments into hi s r ookie season, Fowler said. "You' re going to be spend Brian Harman realized his game wasn' t ing a lot of time standing there. It almost suited for the PGA Tour. starts hurting your legs and feet when you' re just standing there. I l earned He played too fast. At a time when tournament golf is get quickly that you have to be patient." ting unwanted attention for taking too Criticizing slow play is as easy as long, Harman is among several young shooting fish in a barrel. For all the an players setting a good pace, not to men ecdotal evidence, the fix is not as simple tion a good example. But after more than as it might seem. When greens are firm a month of standing around, he needed and fast, there are going to be more putts help. So he called Lucas Glover, a men that run 4 feet by the hole. Those aren' t tor with a quick trigger. considered tap-ins. Rules officials "I talked to him about playing to have lobbiedfor years to reduce slower," Harman said. "I said, the size of the fields because too 'Look, man, it's driving me nuts many players can turn a golf out here.' " courseintothe 405 in Los Ange Glover gave him a few tips from les during rush hour, which is just his own experience. Be the last H a r m an abou ta ny hour. player to leave the tee box. Walk M eantime, players h ave a slower to the ball. Get water when choice — stand around or slow you' re not thirsty. Use the bathroom down. even if you don't have to go. Take a little Mcllroy gave golf a jolt of energy with more time studying the yardage book. his exciting game, and adding to his ap A week later, Glover was driving from peal was how quickly he went about Sea Island to south Florida for the Semi his business. He can be an inspiration nole Pro-Member when he asked his to young golfers not only with the way girlfriend to check the scores from the he plays and his good manners, but his second round of the Honda Classic. She pace. Now, however, even Boy Wonder mentioned that some guy named Brian has joined the ranks of fast players who Harman had shot 61. have learned to slow down. "The kid listens well," Glover said. He traces that to the final round of Harman is not alone, which is encour the 2011 Masters, although he places the aging. The shame of it is that you never blame on his epic meltdown to his swing hear of slow guys who are consciously and his putting, not how long he had to trying to pick up the pace. It's always the wait. McIlroy was in the last group with other way around. Angel Cabrera, as fast as any golfer on Dustin Johnson is another player who the planet. Ahead of them were K.J. pulls the club, sees the shot and hits the Choi and Charl Schwartzel, with Jason shot. He was the second to tee off on the Day in the next group. "I played with Cabrera, who's really par-5 12th hole at Doral a few years ago. It took him 14 seconds to take the driver quick," McIlroy said. "After that, I real from the bag, place the ball on the tee, ized I'm just going to slow it down a little find his target, take a practice swing and bit, and it's helped. I hate slow play. I step over the ball. Four seconds later, the don't want to get frustrated by me play ball was airborne. ing quick and having to wait all the time. Johnson might have been fast to a I just sort of try to take my time a little fault. Think back to the second hole at more." Pebble Beach in the final round of the Brandt Snedeker says he has slowed 2010 U.S. Open. Before Johnny Miller down, which is hard to believe. Snedeker could complete a sentence, Johnson walks fast and talks fast, and even his took three chips — one from the left side practice strokes on the putting green are — on his way to a triple bogey that cost done in rapid-fire succession. He learned him his three-shot lead. Then, he quickly that from his father, Larry, who instilled pulled driver and hit into the bushes for a in his sons at a young age not to make lost ball and double bogey, and his Open anyone behind them wait. That's the was over. only way Snedeker knows. That wasn't what led to the change, But evenhe concedes to marching to a slightly slower beat. though. Just like Harman — and Rory "Otherwise, I'd end up w aiting all McIlroy, Rickie Fowler, Brandt Snedeker and others — Johnson figured if no one day," Snedeker said. "We' re conditioned else was going to speed up, it would only to slow play. Unfortunately, it's become help him slow down. That or lose a piece that way. I wish we could play every of his sanity. round under four hours. But you' ve got "Guys out here play really slow, and to get used to that." they' re not going to speed up," Johnson That's what Pat Perez has done. He said. "I can be miserable, play fast all doesn't slow down. He doesn't like the day and wait, or I can slow down a bit, pace of play. He has just learned to ac which can't hurt." cept it. Johnson is still q uick, and m u ch Perez was paired with one of the more quicker than most. He takes a little more notorious snails in the final group one time when he gets to the ball, waits a few year when someone asked him if the seconds to pull the club from the bag. pace would hurt his chances. Perez has And he's taking more time on the green, never blamed his failures on anyone but looking at putts from multiple sides of himself, and he wasn't about to start. "I wait on every single shot, every sin the hole. But that's what golf has come to in this gle day on the PGA Tour," he said. "I' ve generation. Instead of the faster players gotten really used to doing that."
Jeff Roberson /The Associated Press
San Francisco Giants manager Bruce Bochystands near the batting cage during baseball practice, Tuesday in St. Louis.
ing about his team at the time." Addressing the overworked bullpen, Matheny said traveldays during the postseason lessen the burden and keeps pitchers fresh. Still, he'd rather not keep making those early trips to the mound. "You have strong starting pitching, you have an opportunity to be successful," Matheny said. "Other wise, you' re fighting an uphill battle all the time and it seems like you' re constantly coming back." Lohse needed just 87 pitches to complete a strong seven-inning outing his last time out, a 2-1 loss to the Nationals in Game 4 of the NL division series. In the regular season, in 11 starts he worked six innings or longer and threw fewer than 100 pitches. "It's not really a secret, I rely on getting first-pitch strikes, getting ahead of the guys and making them hit my pitch," Lohse said. "That's my version of pitch ing to contact. I'm not out there trying to strike guys out, I want them out in three or four pitches and move on." He' ll try not to carry any extra burden into this start. "We' ve had our ups and downs as the rotation goes," Lohse said. "You can't put more pressure on yourself to go out there and do more. I can't go out there and try to throw seven innings all at once." Cain was ex-Cardinals manager Tony La Russa's choice as the NL All-Star game starter in July. The right-hander hasn't gone deep in either of his post season starts, giving up six runs in 10'/s innings. He struggled against the Cardinals this year, too, going 1-1 with a 6.94 ERA in two starts.
bringingeveryone elseup to speed, they have to downshift.
ContInued from 01 That is exactly the idea. Fraley — who is deeply involved with Central Oregon junior golf, from CO JGA to his club's own initiatives — first thought of a fall series of junior tourna ments last year. Based on club-versus-club competition in Southern California that he recalled from his youth, Fraley says the Junior Fall Cup offers the chance for juniors to extend the golf season and remain com petitive in a fun team event. "I just think it is a neat thing for the kids to compete against other juniors," Fraley says. "They know most of these kids from school or from COJGA, and if they don' t, they get to meet some new kids. And, of course, they get to test their golf skills. It's really a testament to their work all summer long." Each team fields six players each week, and each team's lineup changes for every tournament to include more golfers. The lowest three scores from each team count toward the overall team score. And this is not a net tournament. Instead of conventional golf handicaps, each golfer plays a distance suitable to his or her skill level. But that is about as formal as the events get. Tee times, for instance, are
Handley considers golf his top sport. But it can be tough for a golfer his age to make time for the game this time of
"It's harder (to play) because I have school and football," Handley says. "I just think it's fun because you get to play with a lot of people your own age." How serious the competition gets de pends on the individual golfer. For 11-year-old Olivia Loberg, who is among the top players for the Awbrey Glen Golf Club team, the competition is almost secondary. Does she care who wins in the end? "No, not really," she says. Still, she wa s c r ucial i n h e l ping Awbrey Glen win on this day and the overall Fall Cup. Last year, Broken Top won the inaugural Junior Fall Cup and the crystal trophy that goes with it. Bennett says that one of the youngest competitors on last year's winning team would visit the trophy — on display at Broken Top — in the days after the win. "Every single day he would come in and have like an aunt, an uncle or a cousin to show them the trophy," Ben nett says with a laugh thinking about the 9-year-old. "So they are proud of it." Fraley would like to see the Junior Fall Cup grow. First, he would like to see the clubs already participating expand to get more kids involved. made on the fly based on when players But he also wants to see the competi arrive at the golf course after school. tion grow beyond the three clubs. The format has proven a success, says The only real requirement would be Erik Nielsen, head pro at Bend G&CC. that a club have a strong enough junior "All the credit goes to Tim," Nielsen golf program that it can field a team. says. "It is something that works well for "Central Oregon has just a w h ole us and we are very fortunate to have the bunch of junior golfers," says Fraley, kids participate. pointing toward the success of a number "We just want to give the kids a little of area high school golf programs. "If we something to remember in the fall. We can just keep fostering that development just don't want them to completely aban from an early age with competition, it don golf." will really prepare them better for high Fraley had kids like Handley in mind school." — Reporter: 541-61 7-7868, when he first dreamed up the Junior Fall
GOLF SCOREBOARD The Bulletin welcomes contributions to its Awbrey Glen (126) —OliviaLoberg,39. Jack weekly local golf results listings and events Loberg,40. RyanParsons, 47.ColeChrisman, 47. calendar. Clearly legible items should be Bend Gf)CC (161) — AschaKelleher,47. fexed to the sports department, 641-386 Jameson Dover, 56 KyleReid, 58. Broken Top(146) — LeesonHandley, 47. Jor 0831, emeiled to sportsObendbulletin.corn, or maildetoP.O.Box6020;Bend,OR 97708. danGiobbi,48.HughDavio,50. Final Standings (three rounds) — 1,Awbrey Glen, 122-120-126 —368. 2, BrokenTop, 144-143 Club Results 145 — 432. 3, BendGBCC,156-152-161—469. AWBREYGLEN CROOKEDRIVERRANCH Women's Closer, Oct. 11 Men's Golf Club, Oct. 9 Shamble, TwoNetof Four Net Modified Stableford 1, RoxyMils/Rochelle Neal/Donna Baird/Pagi Jordan, A Flight (0-13 handicap) — 1,AlKellogg,44. 114. 2,RosieCook/Cherri Miler/Carme nWest/Sally Mur phy, 116.3, JudyBluhm/Mogy Mount/Chris Larson/Anne 2 (tie), BobWright, 42; HerbParker, 42. 4, Bill King, 41. 5,RonAker, 40.6(tie), WylieHarreg,39; BobHol Goldner,118. oway,39 8 Flight (14-19) — I, Bill Daw,41. 2(tie), Bill BENDGOLFANDCOUNTRY CLUB Chip-In ForeKids, Oct. 8 Fughart,39;ScottEberle,39.4(tie), JimPlatz,37; Phil Piazza37;CaryPoole, 37, Neil Rice,37. Scramble C Flight (20 andhigher) — 1, RexPlatt, 47.2, Gross: 1, Mike Smolich/SteveSheppard/Dirk Dale Monroe,45. 3,DaleJohnson, 43.4, JimGolden, Zanchin/PatMcClain, 54. 2,Bill Brewer/WoodyKin sey/Don Thornburg/Pete Nielsen,56. Net: I, Charlie 42. 5, HerbKoth,41. 6, HalJamison, 40 7 (tie), Len Tebbs/Bigy Anderson/Paul Vadrup/Brian Gartland, Johnson,39;Jerry Winheim,39. 55. 2, Jeff Martin/GuyHarrelson/RolandWhite/John DESERTPEAKS KeBey,57.5. High GrossTeamof the Field (Lost Score Wednesday LadiesClub,Oct.10 Replay card Playoff) — ArlonRasm ussen/Brad Rasmus 1, JuanitaHawkins/Betty Cook, 76.5. 2,TeresaLindgren/ sen/Andrew Untermeyer/MikeHolmes, 76. KPs — Men:Jeff Harding,No.3; Paul Vadrup, JuanitaHawkics,77.3,Shirley Cowden/Paty Pliska, 79. KP — PattyPliska. No. 16.Women:JudieBell Putas, No.3, Sarah Ste Thursday Men' s Club,Oct.11 vens,No.16. LDs — Men:Dustin Kampert,No 9.Women: Match Play Winner's Bracket — Bob Victorin def. Mike RochelleSchueler,No.9. Funk,1up. DonGishdef. ValPaterson,48 3. Dick Short Drive —BrianGartland, No. 12. Pliskadef.GerryEllis, 3 8 2. Men's Daily Game,Oct. 4 Best Nine Loser's Bracket —KenSouthwick def.JoeStan Stecherdef. DeanHunt,1up. 1st Flight (3.6 handicapor less) —Gross: 1 lield,1up. Bruce LD — JoeStanfield. (tie), MikeSmolich, 31. PatMcclain, 31 Net: 1, Mac KP — MikeFunk. Ryder,28 2, PatMcclain, 28.5. 3(tie), ChuckWehrie, SundayGroupPlay,Oct.14 29.5. Tom Dunderdale, 29.5. Stroke Play 2nd Flight (4-7) —Gross: 1,GenePoweg, 31. Net:1, Bob Brubaker 24.2, FrankPutnam,25.3(tie), Gross: I, Ed McDaniel, 70.2, FranciscoMorales,75.3, DennyStory,77.Net:1(tie), SpudMiller, 69,MikeGardner, Rich Gagne,27;Tom Riley,27. 3rd Flight (7.6 andhigher) — Gross: 1,Scot 69. 3 (tie),JimWyzard, 71;MikeFunk, 71;RichVigil, 71. DonGish,71;Juanita Hawkins,71. Hakala,32.Net: 1 BobCaine, 265 2, EdWiliams, KP — Ed McDaniel. 27.5. 3,SidSmith,28. LD — Don Gish. Ladies' Golf Association, Oct. 10 Nine-Hole FewestPutts EAGLECREST Championship Flight — 1(tie),GretchenByrd, Men's Club,Oct.10 12; SueKeeney, 12 3(tie), JanetWindman,14; Barb Walley,14 at Resort Course Net Stableford AFlight — I, Donna Keller, 13.2, KarenStanard, A Flight — I, Reed Sloss, 31.2, TimSwope,31. 15. 3 (tie), JudieBell Putas,16; NancyHakala, 16; Jeanne Adkisson, 16. 3, BobMowlds,31.4, RonWolfe,31. BFlight — 1,JimHehn,37.2 SamPuri, 36.3, B Flight — 1 (tie), Linda Bjorvik, 14; Linda Corson,14.3 (tie), BonnieTagakson, 16;Ginger Wil Jerry Rogers,35. 4(tie), Jim Whitehurst,34; Steve Austin, 34. liamson,16. C Flight — 1,JohnGibson, 46 2,Bil Houck,41. C Flight — I, Julie Bennett,12. 2,JodyChap 3, AlanFalco,40. 4, DanMyers, 38. 5, SteveGould, man, 16.3, JoanThye, 17. D Flight — 1(tie), NancyEldredge,15; Margaret 37. Martens,15. THE GREENS ATREDMOND Nine-Hole Flight (Stroke Play) —Gross: 1, Ladies of theGreens, Oct. 9 BertaCleveland,50Net:1, GaiiOlsen,38
BLACKBUTTERANCH Central OregonGolf Tour,Oct. 11 atGlazeMeadow Stroke Play Gross: 1 (tie),MarkCrose,73; MikeReuther, 73. 3(tie), ErikJensen,74; PatWoemer, 74;JasonPigot, 74.Net:1,JayWiggins,64.2,CraigJohannesen,68. 3, StevePriborsky,69. BROKEN TOP
Junior Fall CupFinal Round,Oct. 10 Team StrokePlay (TopThree Scorers)
I, Norma Carter/Ruth Backup/Jackie Hesler, 17.34. 2, LindaJohnston/Claudia Powell/Kay Webb, 17.4. 3, Anita Ertle/BertGantenbein, Ethelmae Hammock, 17.5. 4, Dee Baker/ClaudiaBrandow/Myrn Grant/Karlene Grove, 18.75. 5, MaryBohler/EvelynKakuska/BevTout/SarahWinner,19 6, LonnieBibler/Hazel Blackmore/Acita Epstein/Margaret Pickett,21.25. Men's Club,Oct.11 Net Stroke Play Flight A — 1,DarwinThies, 57. 2, MannyDiaz, 58. 3, Steve Warwick, 59.4 (tie), MarvBibler, 61; Dan Morris, 61.
Flight B — DonDffield, 57. 2, EdMiler, 58. 3 (tie), RonJondahl, 59;GeneCartwright, 59. 5, Bill Armstrong,60. KPs — MarvBibler, No.4; SteveAdamski, No.7; Dan Morris,No.10;EdMiler, No.16. JUNIPER Men's Club,Oct.11
Stableford 1 (tie), JohnSeversoc/John Hodecker/Jim Flaherty/Ed Alumba ugh,158; JimCooper/DocGarcey/BigNeson/draw, 158. 3,ScottMartin/Ron Heman/AgenHare/Wayne Castle,
.. 136 yards........... 9-iron
Sept. 27 THE GREENS ATREDMOND Don Offtetd, Redmond No. 12............ 160 yards.......... 7-wood Sept. 29 THE GREENS ATREDMOND
Bob Yancey,Bend
No.10............130 yards........... 9-iron
KPs —PaulKlutz,No.3; DonGarney, No.8, Elton Gregory,No.13;JohnHodecker, No.16. MEADOW LAKES Ladies of the Lakes, Sept. 13 Stroke Play Gross:1,DianeHayes,91. Net:1, DeancaAlacano.
5300 Nov. 17 —TheTurkeyShootat Kah-Nee-TaHigh
DesertResortnearWarmSprings. Tournament begins with an 11 a.m. shotgun. Costis $40 per golfer, and includesgolf, cart andlunch. Formoreinformation or to register,visit wwwkahneeta.corn or call thepro
Chris Fitzgibbons, Bend No. 2.............100 yards........... 8-iron
shotgun.Costis $20plus greenfee.Toregister orfor more information,call theMeadowLakesgolf shopat
Oct. 11 WIDGI CREEK Evany Miller, Bend No.2.............106 yards.......
Feb. 2 —SuperBowlScrambleat MeadowLakes Golf Coursein Prinevigeis afour-personscramble. Eventteesoff witha10am.shotgun. Costis $15plus green lee. Formore information orto register,call the Meadow Lakespro shopat541-447-7113
Prof essfonal 7-iron
THE MCGLADREYCLASSIC Site:St. Sjmons Island, Ga.
Schedule: Thursday-Sunday. Course:SeaIsland Resort, Seaside Course (7,005yards, par 70j. purse:$4 million. Wjnner's share: $720,000.
Television:Golf Channel (ThurSday-SUnday, 11 a.m.-2
p.m.). Last year:Ben Crane beat Webb
Simpson with a par onthe second hole of a playoff. Sevenstrokes behind VV(th11 hOleS left, Crane finiShed With a 7-Under 63. Simpson missed a 3-foot par putt on the final hole of the playoff. LaSt Week:SVVeden'S JOnaSBIIXt VVOn the FryS.COm Open jn San Martin, Calif., holing a 4-foot par putt on the final hole for a one-stroke victory. Bljxt js the third PGA Tour rookie to win this SeaSOn, fOIIOWing JOhn Huh arid Ted Potter Jr. Notes:The tournament js the third of four Fall Series events.... Jjm Furyk IS making h(S firSt Start SinCe the Ryder CUP.... BIIXt IS jrt the field along with fellow 2012
winners Potter, ZachJohnson, Ben Curtis, Scott Stalljngs and Mark WilSOn.... Heath SIOCUm VVOn the inaugural tOurnament jn 2010.... The CIMB Classic js next Week IIT MalaySia, fOIIOWed by the W GC-HSBC Champions. The Fall Series will conclude Nov. 8-11 with the Children's Miracle Network HOSPitalS ClaSSiCIFILake Buena Vista, Fla.
this season. Woods js Tiger
W oods' niece....JackNicklaus designed the OceanCourse.... The
Last year:Top-rarlked Yanj
Tseng won the sixth of her seven 2012 LPGA Tour titles. Na Yeon Choj, the 2009 and 2010 winner, finished a stroke back. Last week:Inbee Park rallied to
20. HeeKyungSeo 21. CristieKerr
22. I.K.Kim 23. LexrThompson 24. SandraGal 25. BrittanyLincicome 26 KarineIcher 27 CatrionaMatthew
28. CandieKung 29. JennyShin 30. HeeYoungPark 31. HaejKang i 32. VickyHurst 33. JulietaGrenada 34. Meena Lee 35. Eun-Hee Ji 36. BeatrizRecari
NeXtevent:AT&T ChamPiOnShiP, Oct. 26-28,TPC SanAntonio,ATBT
Waldorf by a stroke.
second EuropeanTour victory, beating England's RossFisher by a
37 SeRiPak 38. KatherineHull 39. JessicaKorda 40. NatalieGulbis 41. GiuliaSergas
17 18
42. gheeLee 43. KarinSlodin 44. MorganPressel 45. Hee-Won Han 46. KatieFutcher
19 21
47. LindseyWright
48. MinaHarigae 49. GerinaPiler 50. JenniferJohnson 51. LizetteSalas 52. NicoleCastrale 53. CindyLaCrosse 54. M.J.Hur 55. DanielleKang 56 CarolineHedwall
57 Jodi Ewart 58. PornanongPhatlum 59. MomokoUeda 60. SydneeMichaels
22 22 14 22 19 19 15 16 18 16 15 15 17 22 17
f pp pM
• x •
• '
Strake.... AUStralja'S Peter WilSOn
won the Western Australia PGA Championship at Kalgoorlje.
• s
0 •
Eg~< ~
Chalmers, England'sPaulCasey and Italy's Edoardo Moljffarj.
Chalmers won theAustralian Open and Australian PGA late last year. ... Ernie EISVVO n the 2003 JOhnnje Walker Classic at Lake Karrjnyup at 29-Under 259, the lOweSt SCOre jn relation to par in European Tour history.... The European Tour will be jn China next week for the BMW Masters. The PGA of
Australasia will remain jn perth for the Western Australia Open.
JACKSONVILLEOPEN Site: Ponte Vedra Beach, Fla.
19 16 21
P' ©"54192$ .0694,.:,::;;;
All Times PDT
VVOn the POrtugal MaSterS far h(S
22 21
19 22 22 22 20 22 10 22 16 20
Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:Lake Karrjnyup Country Club (7143 yards, par 72). purse:$2 million. Wjnner's share: $333,330. Television:Golf Channel (Wednesday-Saturday, 10:30 p.m.-2:30 a.m.). Last year:Inaugural event. Last week:Ireland's Shane Lowry
Notes: South Afrjca's Char( SChyyartZel IS jn the field alOng With AmeriCanS JaSOnDufner and BO (/aff Pelt, AUStralja'S Greg
19 17 19
21 21
PERTH INTERNATIONAL Site: Perth, Australia.
TpC Craig Ranch jn McKinney, Texas. The final top 25 will earn broken par jn only12 of 51 rounds 2013 PGATour cards.... Casey invitations. The slumping Wje has
17. ChellaChoi 18 BrittanyLang 19 Anna Nordqvist
bjrdjed the final hole to beat Duffy
VVOn tO WraP UPa 2012 PGATOUr Card, beating JOIIGS BIIXt by a stroke. Coles jumped from 45th to win the LPGAMalaysia for her second victory of the year, beating 15th OD the mOney liSt. fellow South Korean playerChoj Last week:Shawn Stefanj won the by tVVOStrOkeS. Park alSOWOnthe MICCOSUkee ChamPiOnShiP by fiVe EV(an MaSterS jn July and has SIX strokes jn Miami for hjs second straight top-three finishes and 10 victory. Stefanj earned $108,000 top-10s jn a rovv. to jump from 16th to fourth on the money list with $303,311. He also Notes:Tseng hasstruggled WOn the MidWeStClaSSiCjn AugUSt. after winning three times jn the first five events of the season. Notes:The tournament js the final The Taiwanese star tied for 49th full-field event of the year.Thetop jn Kuala Lumpur.... park leads 60 on the money list will qualify the money list with $1,954,608. fortheseason-endingWeb.corn ... Mjchelle Wje and Cheyenne Tour Championship next weekat
Woods received sponsor
13 SunYoungYoo 14. PaulaCreamer 15 Angela Stanford 16 Suzann Pettersen
Money $1,954,608 $1,620,471 $1,388,976 $1,213,038 $1,179,61 9 $1,103,851 $1,092,196 $1,081,534 $1,054,304 $1,017,391 $81 7,574 $798,329 $765,281 $764,941 $672,704 $580,181 $562,596 $529,458 $527,907 $520,058 $517,338 $510,471 $495,959 $466,755 $447,669 $432,221 $421,987 $407,064 $388,649 $365,628 $365,251 $364,480 $356,872 $344,348 $342,851 $341,970 $335,855 $323,701 $310,132 $307,344 $306,191 $293,140 $269,233 $268,665 $248,069 $246,801 $234,872 $225,545 $218,412 $210,456 $198,303 $198,197 $1 96,771 $192,887 $188,344 $184,716 $183,724 $179,414 $1 75,564 $1 73,092
LaSt Week:Fred Funk VVOnthe Greater Hickory Classic for hjs
second victory of the year. He
Canyons Course,SanAntonio.
Schedule:Thursday-Sunday. Course:TPCSawgrass, Dye's Valley Course (6,864 yards, par 70). purse:$600,000. Wjnner's share: $108,000. Television:Golf Channel (ThurSday-SUnday,2-4 P.m.). Last year:Austral(a's Gavjn Coles
Sunday, 4:30-6:30 p.m.).
Wjttenberg leads the money list with $407,453.
European TourlPGA Tour of Australasia
Course (6,364 yards, par 72).
Television: Golf Channel (Frjday
11 KarrreWebb 12 AmyYang
$1,563,755 $1,554,257 $1,549,646 $1,546,272 $1,546,036 $1,533,361 $1,472,212 $1,453,868 $1,423,665 $1,407,028 $1,372,548 $1,316,374
Web.corn Tour
share: $270,000.
18 16 20 18 19 21 20 22 20 22 22 22
9. Shanshan Feng 10. SoYeonRyu
Money Leade I' s 61. Oct. 12 Through Oct.14 ASPENLAKES Rank Player Trn YTD Money SUNRIVER RESORT Troy Johnston, Bend 1. RoryMcgroy 16 $8,047,952 Men's Club,Oct.10 ........ 142 yards........... 9-iron 2. TigerWoods 19 $6,133,158 at Woodlands 3. BrandtSnedeker 22 $4,989,739 Four Ball Stebleford Oct. 16 22 4 JasonDufner $4,869,304 THE GREENS ATREDMOND 1, Don Olson/BrianHolmes/Charllie Wellnitz/How ard 5 Bubba Watson 19 $4,644,997 Ken Thomas,Redmond Potts,1482, Grant Seegraves/MikeSulivan/Donald Hard 6. Zach Johnson 24 $4,494,004 mac/BlindDraw,147.3, DanWeybright/Jim Robertson/Eric No.10 ...........110yards........... 7-iron 7. JustinRose 19 $4,290,930 Selberg/BlindDraw,142. 8. Phil Mickelson 22 $4,203,821 Individual Stableford — Gross: 1, Scott 9. HunterMahan 23 $4,019,193 Calendar Brown, 72. Net: 1, CharlieWegnitz,67. 2, Charlie 10. Keegan Bradley 25 $3,910,658 Wegnitz,62 The Bulletin welcomes contributions to 11. MattKuchar 22 $3,903,065 Skins — Gross: MikeCalhoun2, Bil Boston2, its weekly local golf events calendar. Items 12. CarlPettersson 26 $3,538,656 Scott Brown,DonQlson. Net: BrianHolmes, Randy shouldbe mailed to P.O.Box 6020,Bend,OR 13. LukeDonald 17 $3,51 2,024 Schneider,Bill Boston,JimRobertson, CharlieWell 97708; faxed to the sports department at 541 14. LouisDosthuizen 19 $3,460,995 nitz. 386-0831; oremeiled tosportsObendbuffetin. 15. ErnieEls 22 $3,453,118 KPs — MikeSullivan, No.5; DanFrantz, No. 7; corn. 16. Webb Simpson 22 $3,436,758 Don Dlson,No 12; DonWright, No.17. 17. SteveStricker 19 $3,420,021 TOURNAMENTS 18. DustinJohnson 19 $3,393,820 WIDGI CREEK Oct. 18 —CentralOregonGolf Tourclosing tour 19. JimFuryk 23 $3,351,805 2012 Men's ClubCloser, Oct. 10 namentatBrasadaCanyonsGolf Clubin Poweg Butte. 20. RickieFowler 23 $3,066,293 Net Scramble 21. Nick Wa t n ey TheCentral OregonGolfTour is acompetitive golfseries 26 $3,044,224 Blue TeeDivision — I, DaveBlack/EdMcKeon/ held atgolf coursesthroughout Central Oregon Gross 22. BoVanPelt 24 $3,043,509 Gary Wendland,54. 2, GregWatt/Jim Zupancic/Joe and netcompetitions opento agamateur golfers of all 23. I.eeWestwood 15 $3,016,569 Franzi, 5567 abilities. Prizepool awardedweekly, andmembership 24. Adam Scott 16 $2,899,557 White Tee Division — I, Bob Duncan/Ken not requiredFormoreinformation or to register:541 25. Ryan Moore 24 $2,858,944 Schofield/KenLucas/BobReid, 53.75. 2,DonKramer/ 633-7652,541-318-5155, or www .centraloregongolf 26. RobertGarrigus 25 $2,792,930 Rich Friscia/GaryGrimm/Ray Horgen, 54.13. 3, Bill tour.corn 27. ScottPiercy 28 $2,699,205 Brown/MikeSheppard/TonyBailey/fim Casey, 54.75. Oct. 21 —LastchanceshotguneventatBlack Butte 28.JohnHuh 28 $2,692,113 Women's Club,Oct. 10 Ranch' sGlazeMeadowcourseRoundbeginswithan11 29. SergioGarcia 16 $2,510,116 Scramble a.m. shotgun start. Costis $49perplayerandincludes 30. Ben Curtis 17 $2,461,545 I, MelindaBailey/Cheryl Shay/Virginia Knowles/Carole golf, cart, hambu rger lunch, anda $5donation to the 31. Graeme McDoweg 16 $2,408,279 Colby ,67.2,NancySnyder/PhyllisPengegy/MarciaHoover/ Folds ofHonorFoundation. Closestto thepinandother 32. KyleStanley 27 $2,351,857 DianeStorlie, 71.3(lie), JanSandburg/PamMeals/Mindy contestsofferedthroughoutthe round. Formore infor 33. Bill Haas 23 $2,349,951 Cici negi/BevRamsey,73;EgyCashe/DebraBergeson/Phyllis mation or toregister,call GlazeMeadow Golf Shopat 34. Johnson 27 Wagner $2,225,007 Bear,73 541-595-1270. 35. JonasBlixt 19 $2,199,401 KPs — A Flight:JanSandburg, No. 5 8 Flight Oct. 27 —WinterGamesevent atMeadowLakes 36. MartinLaird 22 $2,172,883 LindaBarnett,No.5. Golf Coursein Prinevige. Indiviudal stroke-playtour 37. MarkWilson 24 $2,052,780 namentsareopentothepublic andruneachSaturday 38. KevinNa 25 $2,029,943 through the wi n ter, weather permi t ti n g. Cost is $20 39. Mare Lei s hm an 23 $1,933,761 Hole-In-One Report 22 plus greenfeefor eachevent, andincludes grossand 40.JohnSenden $1,91 6,651 29 Sept. 16 net payouts,grossandnet skinscontestsandKPs.For 41. Brendon deJonge $1,800,464 RIVER'SEDGE more informationor to register,call theMeadowLakes 42. BudCauley 27 $1,732,765 Jim Smith, Bend pro shopat541-447-7113. 43. IanPoulter 15 $1,71 5,271 No. 4.............130yards........... 9-iron Nov. 10 — TheTurkeyShoot Openat Meadow 44. CharlieWi 24 $1,680,309 22 LakesGolf Coursein Prinevige is a best-ball tourna 45. BenCrane $1,678,81 5 ment for two-personteams. Event teesoffwith a 10 46. Jimmy Walker Sept. 22 28 $1,638,41 9 THE GREENS AT REDMOND 28 a.m. shotgunCost is $20pus greenfee. For more 47. Seung-YulNoh $1,629,751 Ramon Diaz, Redmond information orto register, call theMeadowLakespro 48.JonathanByrd 21 $1,61 6,789
LpGA Taiwan Championship js next week, followed by the Mjzuno Classic jn Japan.
HANABANK CHAMPIONSHIP Site: Incheon, South Korea. Schedule:Friday-Sunday. GourSe: Sky 72 GOlfClub,OCean Purse:$1.8 million. Wjnner's
8. MikaMiyazato
PGA Tour
26 28 23 18 25 27 24 28 23 20 23 24
LPGATour Money Leaders Through Oct. 14 Rank Player Trn I.lnbeePark 19 2. StacyLewis 22 3. NaYeonChoi 19 4. Ai Miyazato 19 5. JiyaiShin 15 22 6. AzaharaMunoz 7. YaniTseng 19
Oct. 8 THE GREENS ATREDMOND Jeff Roda, Redmond No.12............142 yards........... 8-iron
Central Oregon Golf Tour, Oct. 2 Best Ball Gross: 1, Lampert/O'Gorm an, 62. 2, Swensen/ Watson,64. 3,Stamos/Desau tel, 65.Net: 1, Payne/ Patterson,57.2, Stirling/Kling, 59.3, Bannon/Crose,
NicklausCoursenear Bend. Formore information or to register,call Pronghorn's clubhouseat 541-693
shop at541-553-4971. Dec. 8 — ChristmasGooseGolf Tournamentat MeadowLakesGolf Coursein Prinevile. Chapman is for twoperson-teamsandtees off with an10 a.m.
49. VijaySingh 50. JeffDverton 51. MattEvery 52. PadraigHarrington 53. KevinStadler 54. D.A.Points 55.JohnRogins 56. KenDuke 57. RyanPalmer 58. TimClark 59. TedPoter, Jr. 60. MichaelThompson
shop at541-447-7113. Nov. 11 — FrostBiteOpenat Pronghorn Club's
I ( I
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L NASDAQ cHANGE'+3e.99+f.2t% L DOWNJO ES cHANGE+t».55+.95/. 4 S&P500 cHaNGE'+«.79+t.o3/.
4 BONDS Trna-~cHIINGE+2.99/
4 GOLD cHANGI+ss.7o4 SILVER cHANGE+I;o.215
State jobless rate dips slightly
makes big changes at the top
Oregon's seasonally adjusted unemployment rate in September, 8.7 percent, was a slight decline from August's
8.9 percent, but es
sentially unchanged, the
state Employment De partment said Tuesday.
By Daniel Wagner The Associated Press
The rate has ranged
between 8.4 percent and 8.9 percent since January. In September
Vikram Pandit abruptly stepped down as CEO of Citigroup on Tuesday, surprising Wall Street, after steer ing the bank through the 2008 finan cial crisis and the chop py years that Pan d it followed.
Iliii ra
2011, it was 9.4 percent,
according to a news release. The state lost about
7,900 jobs in Septem ber, ending a half-year string of monthly job
gains, according to Bureau of Labor Sta tistics estimates. Year
over year, however, the estimates show a net gain of10,100 jobs. The
private sector added 15,700 jobs between September 2011 and
Ryan BrenneckeI The Bulletin file photo
Many participants and spectators visiting Bend and the surrounding areafor events such as last summer's USA Cycling Masters Road National Championships have expresed interest in moving to the area permanently, according to a survey conducted during last summer's cycling event by Visit Bend.
last month, while gov ernment shed 5,600
jobs, the news release stated.
Parts of Madras get Web upgrade
BendBroadband has
completed ahigh-speed Internet line to parts of Madras, finishing the first phase of a federal
project, the company announced Tuesday. Under the project, funded by the American
• A Visit Bend surveyshows that many who comehere to play would also like to stay
Recovery and Reinvest ment Act and the com
pany, BendBroadband has been building a fiber ring that will provide high-speed Internet to La Pine, Madras, Prine ville and Sunriver.
The second phase, which will provide high speed Internet to all the
communities, is expect ed to be finished in late
November, according to the news release.
DeschutesBrewery to reach Chicago
By Rachael Rees The Bulletin
The USA Cycling Masters Road Na tional Championships held in Bend in the past two years may have attracted more than just visitors. They may have also attracted future residents, according to a study released by Visit Bend Tuesday. Nearly 900 people participated in the road-cycling championships held Sept.5-9,according to the survey con ducted for Visit Bend and USA Cycling by RRC Associates of Boulder, Colo. About two-thirds of them completed the survey.
Approximately 97 percent of the partic ipants came from outside the region, with the largest percentage of out-of-state visi tors from California, followed by Wash ington. Nearly half of those surveyed said they would consider relocating to Bend. "A remarkably high 47 percent of those who had participated in the 2012 Masters Championships or another previous event in Bend had considered moving to Bend or purchasing real estate in Bend," the study said. In 2009, Visit Bend released a compa rable survey conducted on competitors in a USA Cycling championship race. When asked whether they would consider mov
ing or buying real estate in Bend as a re sult of their visits for the championships, 9 percent of event attendees answered "definitely yes,n and 45 percent answered
"possibly yes." Doug La Placa, Visit Bend CEO and president, said the 2012 survey took the idea of relocating to Bend a step further by asking participants if they had taken action to move to Bend. The report said 68 percent had pursued the idea in one or more ways including: looking at or purchasing real estate, checking job postings and discussing the idea with friends and family. See Visit Bend /E4
replacement, effective im , 4-. mediately is Michael Cor bat, who had Cor b at been CEO of Citigroup's Europe, Middle East and Africa division, the bank said. Corbat has worked at Citi and its pre decessors since he gradu ated from Harvard in 1983, it said. Pandit will also relin quish his seat on Citi's board of directors. A sec ond top executive also resigned aspart ofthe shake-up: President and Chief Operating Officer John Havens, who also served as CEO of Citi's In stitutional Client Group. The news shocked Wall Street, a day after the bank easily beat analyst expec tations for its quarterly earnings. Investors sent the stock price to its high est level since early April. Citigroup offered no explanation for the sudden departures. Pandit is credited with slimming the bank by sell ing businesses and remov ing it from government ownership after a bailout in 2008. See Citigroup /E3
Deschutes Brewery has reached anagree ment with a national beer and wine distribu tor to sell some of its brews in Chicago start
Cost of living creepshigher
ing in January.
on surgingenergy prices
The distribution deal with Wirtz beverage
group includes plans to start selling Deschutes' Northwest Pale Ale, Mirror Pond Pale Ale, Chainbreaker White IPA and Black Butte Porter,
By Alex Kowalski Btoomberg News
according to a news release issued bythe companies. The move would m ake Chicago the east ernmost point for Des
chutes Brewery's sales in the U.S., according to
thecompany'swebsite. The addition of illinois
brings Deschutes' mar ket coverage to 20 U.S. states and two Canadian
provinces. — Staffand wire reports
Mark Lennihani The Associated Press file photo
European regulators asked Google to clarifyits new privacy policy and make it easier for users to opt out of it because of concerns that the Web giant may be collecting too much data and holding it for too long.
Google told privacypolicy must be clearer tousers By Kevin J. 0'brien New Yorh Times News Service
A raise for retirees Social Security recipients will get a modest cost-of-living increase in benefits in 2013; raises pegged to inflation began in 1975, and were not given for 2010 and 2011 because inflation was low. 12%
Note: No COLA increase in 1983;
effective date was July from 1975-1982, then January from 1984 forward
Source: U.S. Soaal Secunty Administration © 2012 McClatchy-Tribune
BERLIN — European regu lators on Tuesday threatened Google with fines or legal ac tion unless it makes it clearer to its customers what person al data is being collected from them and how it is being used. In a letter to Google, the regulatorsstopped short of describing the company's 10-month-old data collection policy as illegal. But it noted that Google did not appear to adhere to Europe's approach to data collection, which requires explicit prior consent by indi viduals and that the data col lected be kept at a minimum. The regulators couched their requestsas"practicalrecom mendations." But when asked what regulators would do if Googledid notaccede and make changes, Jacob Kohnstamm, head of the Dutch data protec tion authority, said national
regulators probably would take legal action to compel changes. "After all, enforcement is the name ofthe game," Kohn stamm said. The request was made by the French regulator, CNIL, the National Commission for Computing and Civil Liber ties, at a news conference in Paris. The French agency was asked this year to analyze the legality of Google's new data policies by the European Commission's top privacy panel, called the Article 29 Working Group. Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, the chairwoman of CNIL, said
her agency was giving Google "three to four months" to re spond to its concerns. "If Google does not imple ment these recommendations, we will pass to a different phase, a phase of sanctions," Falque-Pierrotin said. See G oogle/E3
WASHINGTON — The cost of living in the U.S. rose in Septemberfora second month, reflecting a jump in energy expenses that failed to trickle through to other goods and services. The consumer price index increased 0.6 percent for a second month, the Labor De partment reported Tuesday in Washington. Economists surveyed by Bloomberg had forecast a 0.5 percent advance. The so-called core measure, which excludes
more volatile food and ener gy costs, climbed 0.1 percent, less than projected. Companies such as Ab ercrombie 8 Fitch Co. and Safeway are among those saying price increases are difficult to achieve as 12.1 million Americans remain unemployed and rising fuel bills eat into workers' paychecks. The lack of pric ing power is one reason the Federal Reserve eased policy further to focus on jump starting employment. "There isn't any meaning ful risk of short-term core
inflation," said Guy LeBas, chief fixed-income strate gist at Janney Montgomery Scott in Philadelphia, who correctly forecast the gain in core prices. "When it comes to everyday goods and ser vices, the lack of demand just isn't going to push prices
higher." Industrial production in the U.S.rose more than fore cast in September, partially reversing the prior month's slump, indicating manufac turers are regaining their
footing. See Prices /E3
Not all sickdaysare ilness-related By Diane Stafford
managers and productivity experts aren' t
The Kansas City Star
The annual sick season is upon us. The first signs of fall each year inaugurate
the cold and flu season — along with higher absence rates at work and school. But studies and surveys make it clear that illness gets two-thirds of the blame for "sick" days. One-third of the reasons are all over the
map. Take the employee who couldn'tcome to w ork because of a toe stuck in a faucet.Or the employee who was upset after watching "The Hunger Games" movie. Or the one whose hair turned orange in a home dye job. All three were real-life examples shared in a recentCareerBuilder survey in which hu man resource managers were asked for un usual absence excuses they'd heard. The excuses may be funny, but business
American workers take about 2.8 million work days of unplanned absences a year, not counting planned vacation days, holidays or personal days. And that costs billions of dol lars in lost productivity. A 2010 Mercer/Marsh report on the finan cial effect of employee absences said the cost of unplanned time off amounted to 5.8 percent of total payroll costs. As a percentage, that's not a big figure. But, the report noted, "the total costs for planned absences, such as vacations and holidays, average an equivalent of 26 percent of base
payrolL" In other words, one-fourth of employers' payroll expenses cover work time when em ployees aren't at work. See Work/E3
Capital Partners LLC, said P andit ha d d o n e "pretty Continued from E1 much all he can do to turn He also righted the compa the bank around." ny's balance sheet after bil He said it will be hard for lions in losses on bad invest big banks to boost their share ments made before he took prices because of i n tense the helm. pressurefrom regulators to Today, Citi is the country' s simplify their businesses. "There is some meaning third-largest bank, with $1.9 trillion in assets, according to to quit while you' re ahead," the Federal Reserve. It trails AlpeN said, noting that it' s only JPMorgan Chase, with h arder fo r e x ecutives t o $2.3 trillion, and Bank of win massive pay packages America, with $2.1 trillion. when a company's stock is But Pandit's massive pay flat-lining. packages have raised the ire In April, Citigroup share of investors. Some in gov holders rejected the bank's ernment believed the bank proposed pay deals for ex was too slow to address its ecutives, including Pandit. problems as they emerged It was the first time share in the months before the cri holders dinged a Wall Street sis caught fire in September bank under a provision of the 2008. 2010 financial overhaul law In March 2009,as the cri that gives them a nonbinding sis raged, President Barack vote on executive pay. Obama ordered the Trea F ifty-five percent of t h e sury Departmentto consider s hareholders o bjected t o breaking up Citigroup and deals including the $15 mil removing i t s ex e cutives, lion that Pandit received last according to a behind-the year, in addition to $10 mil scenes book aboutthe crisis lion in retention pay. He had published last year by jour accepted a token $1 in com nalist Ron Suskind. pensation in 2010. T reasury Secr e t a r y Shareholders were frus Timothy Geithner ignored trated in part because the Obama's request, according stock had plunged 44 percent to Suskind's account. Geith in 2011, after adjusting for a ner and the W hite House reverse stock split. So far in have disputed his version of 2012, it has regained about events. half of its 2011 losses. Pandit had another op The retention pay was to ponent in Sheila Bair, an vest in 2013, as an incentive influential bank r e g ulator for Pandit to stay on as CEO. who ran the Federal Deposit A bank spokeswoman said Insurance Corp. during the he would not receive any of crisis. Bair wanted the gov that money. ernment to fire Pandit after it In March, Citigroup sur extended billions in bailouts prised observers by failing and guarantees to his com its stress test, the Federal Re pany. Geithner d isagreed, serve's annual checkup for and Pandit kept his job. banks. The Fed said Citi, un In an interview with CNBC like any of its peers, did not Tuesday after Pandit's depar have enough capital to raise ture was announced, Bair its stock dividend and still said Citigroup has lacked withstand a financial crisis "a clear strategic direction worse than 2008. and focus" under his watch, Pandit, 55, said in a state and said shareholders are m ent Tuesday that " n ow unhappy. is the right time for some She said the bank would one else to take the helm at b enefit from a C E O w i t h Citigroup" after th e b a nk commercial banking experi "emerged from the financial ence, as opposed to Pandit's crisis as a strong institution." background in i n vestment Both Pandit and Corbat banking, and that the move sent memos to Citi's 262,000 w ould b e b e n eficial f o r employees early Tuesday. shareholders. Pandit did not say why he Daniel Alpert, managing was leaving, but gave the im partner at the New York in pression that he felt he had vestment bank W estwood completed a mission.
Work Continued from E1 T hat helps explain w h y some employers check up on workers who call in sick. Ac cording to a Harris Interactive survey taken in August and September, nearly one-third of employers who responded said they usually called the employee at home later in the day or required a doctor's note to verify that the person was at home or was truly sick. About one in five of the em ployers surveyed said they' d asked other employees to call "a suspected faker," and about one in seven said they'd gone so faras to drive by a suspect ed faker's home.
a co-founder of the Institute for Health and Productivity, there'sa "presenteeism" prob lem when workers come to work but aren't fully function
ing because of physical, emo
tional or other time-draining distractions. Organizations aren't g et ting value out o f w o r k ers who show up but aren't really working. So in those cases, it may not make much differ ence if an employee calls in sick or shows up. Workplaces with exces sive unplanned absences may need to reassess their corpo rate culture. Connie Russell, a Kansas City leadership coach a nd counselor, s ai d ma n agers The psychological jury is "need to make sure that em out, though, as to w h ether ployees understand how their faked sick days are completely work contributes to the overall bad. "Mental health days" get good and that their contribu credence f ro m c o u nselors tions are valued." who see the toll of stressful When that communication workplace s. is missing, workers are more According to Sean Sullivan, likely to not know — or not
care — that it costs their or ganizations when they don' t show up. "I'm also hearing that peo ple areexperiencing burnout, that it's hard to work in envi ronments of hyper change," Russell said, noting another reason why otherwise good workers might take unplanned days off. The n e w Ca r eerBuilder survey found that next to be ing sick, the most common reason workers call in sick is because they "don't feel like going to work." One-third of the respondents admitted that reason. Nearly one-third said they called in sick simply because they "felt like they needed to relax." Other excuses included catching up on sleep or run ning errands. All of those reasons are like ly to be used more frequently as the year winds down. De cember ranks as the most pop ular month to call in sick.
l ase r
ce n t er
"Google did not set any lim based g r ou p r e p resenting companies that sell software its to the combination of data Continued from E1 and hardware to governments, nor provide clear and compre Enforcement of privacy law said Google's privacy policy is hensive tools allowing its users in Europe remains a matter for very similar to that used by to control it," the letter said. national regulators. In France, Microsoft and Facebook. The regulators also noted "Their approach is that we CNIL has the legal ability to that Google failed to tell the fine companies up to 300,000 can take anything we learn French investigators how long euros for privacy breaches. from you from ourservices to it kept certain kinds of data, But whether CNIL will levy build a profile of a user to serve despite being asked to. a fine, and whether other EU targeted ads," Gould said in an The group asked Google to countries follow suit, remains interview. "My view is that is a make severalspecific chang unclear. completely legitimate model if es to give consumers more Google said in a statement you give the consumer the op awareness and control over that it believed that what it portunity to opt out." their data, including an inter calls its privacy policy was Google's current p r ivacy active online presentation of legal. policy requires users to accept how the data is used. "We have received the re it before being able to use the The regulators also asked port and are reviewing it now," full range of services, Gould Google to better explain the Peter Fleischer, the Google said. purposes for collecting data, " The E u r o peans w a n t and how data combined from global privacy counsel, said in the statement. "Our new pri Google to ask the user to give its different services — which vacy policy demonstrates our their consent explicitly and on include YouTube, a search en longstanding commitment to a much more specific level, to gine and the Google Plus so protecting our users' informa permit the collection of data cial network — might be used. tion and creating great prod for targeted ads." It also called on the com "If Google did that respon pany to give people greater ucts. We are confident that our privacy noticesrespect Euro sibly, I don't think it would kill ability to opt out if they did not pean law." their business," Gould said. want their information used If adopted, the recommenda "But that is the 64,000 Tera for aspecific purpose. tions could have consequences byte question." on some of G oogle's main In the letter sent to Google, businesses, which depend on the European data regulators consumer profiling for the tar said Google's new policy al 541-548-2066 geting of advertising. lowed the company to"com Jeff Gould, the president bine almost any data from any Adjustable of SafeGov, a San Francisco services for any purpose."
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Continued from E1 Output at factories, mines and utilities rose 0.4 percent after a 1.4 percent decline in August that was the big gest sinceMarch 2009, the Federal Reserve reported Tuesday in Washington. Estimates for the con sumer price index from the 86 economists surveyed ranged from gains of 0.1 percent to 0.7 percent. Tuesday's con s u mer pricereport also suggested the estimated monthly pay ment for retired workers receiving Social Security benefits will rise 1.7 percent in 2013. It's up to the Social Security A d m i n istration to issue the official figures based on today's data. In the 12 months ended in September,prices rose 2 percent, the report showed. The increase in the core
reading foll
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l. o
1.44 21 1.08 18 1.827 21 .08 16 .80 12
97.24 +1.63 +.9 56.63 +.93 +13.9 49.61 +.32 +3.5 7.51 +.23 +65.4 40.84 +.56 +9.0 1.39 +.04 -27.2 1.68 40 43.88 +.34 +20.0 .12 19 167.77 +1.28 +1.8 .70 8 15.92 +.25 -24.3 .75 12 28.13 +.39 -33.5 1.56 31 153.58 +z04 +7z0 .89I 11 33.24 +.82 -9.6 .68 27 48.96 +1.29 +6.4 5.14 +.18 +5.5 .36 15 1z10 -.11 -z3 .78 12 33.61 -.02 +24.3 .32 13 16.53 -.10 +18.2 .88 11 33.73 -.17 +2z4 .20 13 22.49 -.15 +44.2 .687 42 27.24 -.06 +45.9
Precious metals P r ime rate Metal
NY HSBC BankUS NY Merc Gold NY Merc Silver
$1 745.00 $1 744.70
$1 737.00 $1 736.00
Last Previousday Aweekago
3.25 3.25 3.25
Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg Name Vol (00) Last Chg SprintNex 1650744 5.69 Vringo 43 460 4.73 +.07SiriusXM 862935 2.84 +.04 BkofAm 1629651 946 + 02 NA Pall g 40009 1 63 -.15 Intel 678 724 22 35 +.62 Citigroup 1001711 37.25 +.59 CheniereEn 24320 16.03 +.28 Clearwire 536107 2.23 -.46 S&P500ETF 975086 145.54 +1.46 Vantageorl 22209 1.91 +.03 Microsoft 468527 29.49 -.02 SPDR Fncl 748291 16.09 +.10 Goldstr g 21435 2.06 +03 PwshsQQQ 284776 68.12 +.95
Gainers (S2 ormore)
L a s t Chg %ChgName
Gainers IS2or more)
L a s tChg %ChgName
L a s tChg %Chg
DBAgrish 2z98 +z77 +13.7 Comstkun 2.75 +.21 +8.3 NewFrnt z 0 0
+ .70 +53.8 AmrRlty 3 . 4 0 +.40 +1 3.3LongweiPI 2.0 + .15 +7.7Optib asers 6.45 +t34 +26.2 BiP GCrb u.93 i1.38 +13.1 IntTower g 2.77 +.19 +7.4 PremExhib 2.80 +.43 +18.1 DM Group 19.97 i2.26 +12.8 Meetue 3 . 6 1+.25 +7.4 ConsuPtf 3.98 +.48 +13.6 I:enveo z 4 1 + .25 +0.6KeeganR g 4.01 +.27 +7.2 Edwards n 7.73 +.90 +13.2 LOSerS (S2 or more) Losers (S2 or more) LOSerS (S2 or more) Name L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %ChgName L a s t Chg %Chg 3.76 -1.41 -27.3 OvShip Bankrate u .26 -3.24 -22.3 Kngswyrs 3.33 -.71 -17.6 Costamre 1360 -1.63 -107 BridgptEd 9.85 -1.12 -10.2
Diary Advanced Declined Unchanged Totalissues NewHighs NewLows
3.24 -.32 -9.0 Isis 10.27 -2.88 -21.9 3.28 -.30 -8.4 Clearwire 2.23 -.46 -17.t 4.50 -.37 -7.6 JamesRiv 4.25 -.53 -1I.1 3 45 -.25 -6 9 PrimaBion 4.40 -.54 -109 2.07 -.u -6.3 AnchBcWA 0.43 -t27 -10.0
MGTCap rs DocuSec AdcareHlt Medgenwt GreenHntr
Diary 2,269 Advanced 757 Declined 110 Unchanged 3,136 Totalissues 192 New Highs 12 New Laws
Most Active (sc ormore) Most Acttve (ss or more) Most Acttve (st or more)
Gelners (S2 ormore)
Market recap
YTD Div PE Last Chg%Chg
Diary 274 156 36 466
Advanced Declined Unchanged Total issues 11 New Highs 5 New Laws
1,577 865 128 2,570 91 28
52.Week High Lo w
Net Last Chg
N ame
13,661.72 11,231.56 Dow Jones Industrials 5,390.0 4,53t79 DowJonesTransportation
499.82 42z90 8,515.60 6,898.12 2,509.57 2,IOz29 3,196.93 2,44t48 1,474.51 1,158.66 15,432.5412,158.90 868.50 666.16
DowJonesUtilities NYSE Composite AmexIndex Nasdaq Composite S&P 500 Wilshire5000 Russell2000
World markets
13,551.78 +l27.55 5,0 8.87 +53.40 480.41 +z05 8,386.47 +92.97 2,454.87 +1 5.09 3,101.1 7 +36.99 1,454.92 +i 4.79 15,181.21 +1 47.87 835.44 +7.16
YTD 52-wk % Chg %Chg % Chg +.95 +1 0.92 +1.05 +1.98 +.43 +3.39
+1 7.06 +8.92 +8.69 +14.23
+.62 +7.75 +1.21 +1 9.04 +1.03 +1 5.69 +.98 +1 5.10
+1 z26
+1.1 2 +1 z16
+.86 +1 z76
+i 6.70 +i 8.73 +1 8.1 0 +1 7.78
Here is how key internationalstock markets Key currencyexchangerates Tuesday compared with late Monday inNewYork. performed Tuesday. Market Close %Change Dollarvs: E x change Rate Pvs oar Amsterdam Brussels Paris London Frankfurt HongKong Mexico Milan NewZealand Tokyo Seoul Singapore Sydney Zurich
333.71 2,400.00 3,500.94 5,870.54 7,376.27 21,207.07 42,51 6.94 15,985.16 3,940.70 8,701.31 1,941.54 3,046.81 4,513.91 6,241.30
+1.29 s +.99 s
+z36 s +1.12 s +1.58 s +.28 s +1.21 s
+z53 s +.62 s +1.44 s +.83 s +.12 s +.19 s +1.02 s
AustraliaDollar BritainPound CanadaDollar ChilePeso ChinaYuan EuroEuro HongKongDollar
Japan Yen MexicoPeso RussiaRuble So. KoreaWon SwedenKrona SwitzerlndFranc TaiwanDollar
1.0264 1.603 1.0131 .002122 .1596 1.3043 .1290 .012675 .077803 .0324 .000903 .1512 1.0787 .0342
1.0246 1.6071 1.0219 .0020 6 .1595 1.2941 .1290 .012707 .078007 .0322 .000900 .1500 1.0707 .0342
Selected mutual funds YTD Name NAY Chg%Ret Amer CentumInv: Eqlnc 8 .02 +0.05 +12.4
Equityov 20.38 i0.19 i13.2 GblMacAbR 9.98 -0.01 +4.8 GlbAlloc r 19.82 +0.14 +9.5 FMI Funds: Cohen &Steers: LgCap p 17.60 +0.15 +154 RltyShrs 6824+037 +139 FPA Funds: Newlnco 10 62 -0.01 +2 0 Gro|Nthl 28.62+029 i165 ColumbiaClassZ: Acorn Z 31.20+0.31+14.6 FPACres 29 00 +0.16 +9 2 Ultra 2 6.78 i0.33 i16.8 Acomlnt Z 40.34 +0.29 +i8.2 Fairholme 32 11+0.19 +38.7 American FundsA: Federated Insll: AmcpAp 21.51 >0.19 i14.7 Credit SuisseComm: ComRett 8.39+0.02 +2.6 TotRetBd u63 -001 +6.0 AMutlAp 28.74+0.26 +13.0 StrValDvlS 518+003 +98 BalAp 20.43+0.12 +13.8 DFA Funds: BondAp 1297 401 +55 IntlCorEq 1021 +014 +128 Fidelity Advisor A: 12.41 +0.13 +i66 Nwlnsgh p2326+022 +18.0 CaplBAp 5350+036 +118 USCorEq1 1223 +012 +i 6 7 StrlnA 12 79 +9. 1 CapWGA p3669 +0.35 +166 USCorEq2 A: Fidelity Advisor I: CapWAp 21.63+0.02 +7.5 Davis Funds 2.7 Nwlnsgtl 2359+023+182 EupacA p 40.36 +0.52 i14.8 NYVen A 36.62 +0.40 +1 Fidelity Freedom: Y: FdlnvA p 40.65 +0.43 i16.0 Davis Funds FF2010 1441 +0.07 +103 NYVenY 3707+041 +12.9 GovtA p 14.58 -0.02 i2.0 A: FF2010K 13.20+0.06 +104 GwthA p 34.19 +0.35 +19.0 Delaware Invest + 6 . 4FF2015 12.05 +0.06 +106 Hl TrA p t1 29 +0.02 +'l2.2 D iverlnc p 9.47 Dimensional Fds: FF2015K 13.27 +0.06 +106 IncoAp 1819+Ou +116 IntBdAp 1379 401 +26 EmMCrEq19.31 +0.15 +13.5 FF2020 14.61 +0.08 +11.7 ICAA p 31.06 +0.30 +162 EmMktV 28.90 +0.22 +12.7 FF2020K 13.72 +0.08 +11.7 NECOA p 28.68 +0.26 +20.6 IntsmVa 1521 +019 +139 FF2025 12.19 +0.08 +13.0 NPerA p 30.89 +0.37 +18.1 LargeCO u 49 +012 +176 FF2025K 13.90+0.10 +13.1 NwWrldA 53.10 +0.49 i15.1 USLgVa 22 83 +0 26+208 FF2030 14.53 +0.11+13.4 SmCpAp 39.61 +0.26 i19.4 USSmall 2345+020 +150 FF2030IC 14.05+0.10 +136 T xExA p 13.16 +8 . 2 USSmVa 2710+026 +115 FF2035 12.05 +0.10 +144 WshA p 31 69 +0.26 +13.4 IntlsmCO15.35 +0.16 +i2.9 FF2035K 14.16 +0.12+14.5 F ixd 1 0.35 +0. 9 FF2040 8.41 +0.07 +14.5 Arlisan Funds: IntVa 15.97 +0.27 +11.2 FF2040K 14.20+0.12 +146 Intl 24 .04 +0.29 +21.2 IntlVal r 2935 +0.36 +i70 Glb5Fxlnc 11.27 -0.01 +4.4 Fidelity Invest: +0. 9 AIISectEq 13.20 +0.15+175 MidCap 3859+0.54 +172 2 YGIFxd 10.13 AMgr50 16.46 +0.08+10.9 MidCapVal2148+0.29 +90 Dodge&Cox: Baron Funds: Balanced 7768+065 +16.7 AMgr20r 13.40+0.01 +6.5 Growth 5788 +0.52 +13.5 Income 1390 -001 +7.4 Balanc 2036 +0.15 +134 Bernstein Fds: intlStk 3360+062 +149 BalancedK2036 +0.15 +135 IntDur 14.25 -0.02 +5.1 Stock 121.18 +1.43 +20.9 BlueChGr50.64+0.68 +19.4 CapAp 30.16 +0.31 +22.5 avMu 14.91 -0.01 +3.0 DoubleLine Funds: TRBd I 11.41 Cplnc r 9.44 +0.02 +13.9 BlackROck A: Contra 79.82 +0.75 +18.3 Eqtyav 20.32 +0.18 i13.0 TRBdNp 11.41 GIAIA r 1 9.72 +0.1 4 i9.3 Dreyfus: ContraK 79.84 +0.76 +18.4 BlackRockB&C: Aprec 4580+052 +14.4 DisEq 24.96 +0.30 +16.0 GIAICt 1833+013 i86 EatonVanceI: Divlntl 29.49 +0.42 +15.6 BlackRockInsll: FltgRt 9.1 0 +7.1 DivrslntK r29.48+0.42 +15.7
DivGth 30.45 +0.33 +18.5 Eq Inc 47.75 +0.40 +17.9 EQII 1 9.98 +0.19 +16.8 Fidel 36 56 +0.32 +1 8.1 FltRateHir 995 +59 GNMA 1182 -001 +30 Go|Nnc 1062 -002 +2.5 GroC0 9877 +1 32 +22.1 Grolnc 21.52 +0.20 +19.6 GrowCoF 98.80+1.32 i22.3 Grow(hCO K98.78 +1.32+22.2 Highlnc r 9.33 +0.02 +12.9 IntBd 1'l.15 -0.01 +4.5 IntmMU 10.67 -0.01 +4.5 IntlDiSC 3236+051 +172 InvGrBd 1168 -002 +52 InvGB 800 -0.01 +58 LgCapVal 11.62 +0.11+15.4 LowP r 39.40 +0.34 +15.4 LowPnK r39.38 +0.34 +15.5 Magelln 75.40 +0.76 +20.0 MidCap 30.05 +0.22 +15.0 Munilnc 1356 -0.01 +7.1 NwMktr 17.87 +004 +17.4 OTC 61.57 +093 +126 100lndex 1050+010+190 Puntn 1975 +013 +145 PuntanK 19.74 +0.12 +14.6 SAIISecEqF1322 +0.15 +17.7 SCmdtystN9.23 +0.02 +3.0 SCmdtyStrF 9.26 +0.02 +3.2 SrslntGrw 11.77+0.13 +16.4 SrslntVal 929+0.16+15.0 SrlnvGrdF 1168 -002 +52 STBF 8 6 0 +2 2 S tratlnc 11.45 +9 3 TotalBd 1103 -001 +60 USBI 11.94 -0.02 +4.0 Value 75.23 +0.89 +18.5 Fidelily Sparlan: 500ldxlnv 51.58 +0.52 +1 7.6 500ldx I 51.59 +0.53 +17.7 Fidelily Sparl Adv: ExMktAd 40.46 r +0.39 +15.4
500ldxAdv51.59 <0.53+17.7 Intl r 6 0.19 +0.78 +14.8 Lord Abbelt A: GlobA p 62.36 +1.00+15.4 Pioneer FundsA TotMktAdr4223 i043 +17.3 HarlfordFdsA: Aff>IAp 12.09 >0.10 +16.0 GblstrlncA 4.32 + 1 1.1 PionFdA p 42.48 i0.41 +10.9 USBond I 11.94 -0.02 +4.0 CpAppAp 3340 +0.31 +159 BdoebAp 811 +002 +11.4 IntBdA p 6.59 +0.02 +9.4 Price Funds: First Eagle: Harfford HLSIA: ShourlncA p465 + 5 .8 MnStFdA 38.25 +0.43 +18.9 BIChip 46.38i0.56 +20.0 GlblA 49 75 +0 32 +10.3 CapApp 42.95 +0.45 i1 5.5 Lord Abbelt C: asingavA17 65+0.22 +13.6 CapApp 23.48+0.15 +13.9 OverseasA 22.38 +0.11 +9.9 IVA Funds: S hourlncCt4.68 + 5 . 2S&MdCpVI31 48 +0.23 +6.2 Em MktS 32.64 +0.20 +14.5 Wldwider1631 I +0.13 +62 LordAbbelte Forum Funds: OppenheimerB: Eqlnc 26.55+0.26 +17.0 Absstrlr 11.23 -0.01 +1.6 InvescoFundsA: ShtDurlnco 465+001 +5.9 R isingDivB'I 596+0.19+128 Eqlndex 39.23+0.40 +17.4 Frank/Temp Frnk k Chart p 18.14 +0.20+13.0 MFS FundsA: S&MdCpVI26.61+0.20 +5.6 Gmwlh 38.36+0.41 +20.5 FedTFAp 12.76 +82 CmstkA 17.83 +0.16 +18.6 TotRA 15.35 +0.09 +11.4 OppenheimerC&M: HlthSci 44 23+042 +35.7 GrwlhAp 50.56 +0.54 +13.3 EqlncA 9.34 +0.05 +13.8 ValueA 25.90 i0.25 +17.1 RisingDvCp15.89+0.1 9 +129 HiYield 6 92 +1 2.7 HYTFA p 10.94 +1 0.2 GrlntAp 21 41 +0.15 +164 MFS FundsI: Oppenheimer Boch: InstlCpG 1 9.1 2 +026 +186 IncomAp 2.25 i0.01 +13.0 H YMuA 1010 +1 2 4 Valuel 26 02 +0 25 +17.4 RI:NtMuA 757 +0.01 +165 IntlBond 1021+001 +68 R>sovAp 38.16 +0.42 +9.7 Ivy Funds: MainStayFundsA: OppenheimerY: Intl G&l 12.79+016 +u 0 Stratlnc p 10.72 +001 +10.4 AssetSC t 24.65 +0.32 +14.0 HiYldBA 6.11 +0.01 +11.1 DevMktY 3421 +0.25 +18.1 IntlStk 14.u +015 +148 U SGovAp 685 +1 6 AssetstAp25.51 +0.33 i14.6 ManagessFunds: IntlBdY 658 +0.01 +9.7 MidCap 59.23+065 +123 Frank/TmpFrnkAdv: AssetStrl r 25.77 +0.34 +14.8 Yacktmanp1935 +0.13 +11.9 IntGrowY 29.97 +0.41 +17.4 MCapVal 2551+026 +193 GlbBdAdv13.44 +0.03 +13.0 JPMorgan AClass: YacktFOC2078+014 +11.2 PIMCOAdminPIMS: N Asia 1643 +013 +181 IncmeAd 2.24 i0.02 +13.8 CoreBdA 1213 -002 +45 ManningSNapierFds: TotRtAd 11.57 -0.02 +8.9 New Era 44 75 +064 +64 PIMCO Instl PIMS: Frank/TempFrnk C: JP MorganInstl: WldoppA 7.60 >0.09>14.7 NHonz 36u +032 +164 IncomCt 2.27 +001 +124 MdCpVal 28.28 +028 +19.1 MergerFd 15.97+0.01 +2.4 AIASetAutr11 25 +002 +14.8 N Inc 9 9 6 -0 01 +5.5 JPMorgan RCl: Metro Wesl Fds: AIIAsset 1275+004+13.0 QverS Frank/Temp Mll A&B: SF 8.36 +0.11 +14.2 1213 402 +49 TotRetBd u 05 -001 +9.9 C omodRR 700 + 9 . 6R2010 16.80+0.09 +11.9 SharesA 22.67 +0.18 +15.2 CoreBOnd Frank/TempTempk JPMorganSelCls: TotRtBdl 11.05 -0.01 +10.1 Divlnc 12.27 +0.02 +12.9 R2015 13.09+0.08 +13.0 GIBdAp 13.48 +003 +127 CoreBd 12.12 -0.02 +4.7 MorganStanley Inst EmgMkCur1056+0.03 +77 R2020 18.17+0.14 +14.2 GrwthAp 19.15 +030 +176 aghYld 8.16 +002 +124 MCapGrl 35.31 +0.34 +7.3 EmMkBd 12.44+0.03+14.5 R2025 13.32+0.11 +15.0 WorldAp 1596 +025 +162 S htourBd 11 02 + 1 6 Mutual Series: HiYld 9 .58 +0.01 +12.0 R2030 19.16t0.17 +15.8 Frank/TempTmpB&C: USLCCrPls2344+028 +187 GblDiscA 3024+024 +13.1 InvGrCp 1 1.33 -0.01 +13.2 R2035 13.56i0.13 +16.3 GIBdC p 13.51 <0.03+12.4 Janus TShrs: GlbDiscZ 30.69+0.25 +13.4 L owou 10.65 +5 . 6 R2040 19.30+0.19 +16.5 GE Elfun S&S: PrkMCVal T22.23+020 +10.1 SharesZ 22.89 +0.19+155 RealRtnl 12.56 -0.06 +8.2 ShtBd 4.86 +2.7 US rqtr 45.80 +0.49 +182 John HancockCI1: Neuberger&BermFds: ShortT 9.89 +3.0 SmCpStk 36.14+0.32 +1 5.6 GMO TruslIII: LSBalanc 1363+009 +129 Geneslnst 5024+045 +S.2 TotRt 11.57 -0.02 +9.1 SmCapVal 39.12 +0.32 +13.5 Quahty 24.10 +0.20 +15.6 LSGrwth 136I +012 +l43 NorthernFunds: PIMCOFundsA: Specln 13.04+0.01 +9 3 GMO TruslIV: Lazard Instl: HiYFxlnc 7.49 i0.01 NA RealRtAp 1256 -006 +7.9 Value 26 81 +028 +189 IntllntrVI 2061 +041 +10.3 EmgMktl 1954 +0.16 +163 Oakmark Fundsl: TotRtA u 57 -002 +8.8 Principal Inv: GMO Trusl Vl: Longleaf Partner: EqtylnCr 2941 +018 +S.7 PIMCOFundsC: LgCGIIn 10.47 +0.14 +17.9 EmgMktsr11.42 +0.10+10.8 Partners 31 32 +0.48 +i75 Intll r 1946+036 +176 TotRtC t 11.57 -0.02 +8.2 Putnam FundsA Quahty 24.12 +0.21 +15.7 Loomis Sayles: Oakmark 5003+053 +20.0 PIMCOFunds0: GrlnA p 14.82+0.17 +17.9 GoldmanSachsInsl: LSBondl 15.11 +0.02 +12.6 Old Weslbury Fds: TRtn p 11.57 -0.02 +8.9 Royce Funds: H>Yield 737 +001 +13.1 Strlnc C 15.54 +0.07 +10.8 Globopp 7.56 +0.04 +12.5 PIMCOFundsP: PennMul 11.83 r +0.14 +9.9 Harbor Funds: LSBOndR 1505+002 +123 GlbSMdCap1 4.77+0.14 +11.6 AstAIIAuthPu 24+0 02+147 Premierl r 19.86i0.30 +7.2 Bond 13.01 -0.01 +84 StrlnCA 1546+0.07 +114 LQCapStrat 990+013 +12.9 TotRtnP 1157 -002 +9.1 Schwab Funds: CaPAplnst43.46 +0.48 +i 7.8 Loomis Sayles Inr. OppenheimerA: Perm PortFunds: 1000lnv r 41.39+0.42 +17.0 Intllnvt 59.49 i0.77 +14.4 InvGrBdY 12.81 +11.0 DvMktA p 34.53>0.25 +17.8 Permannt 49.45 +0.30 +7.3 S&P Sel 23.02+0.23 +17.6
Scout Funds: TtlBAdml 11.18 -0.02 +3.9 Intl 32 .1 3 +0.385.7+1 TStkAdm 36.20 +0.37 +17.3 Sequoia 164.84 i0.85 +13.3 WellslAdm59 71+017 +10.1 TCW Funds: WelltnAdm5982+0.36 +129 TotRetBdl 10.27 + 11.7 Windsor 5053+056 +185 Templelon Inslit: WdsrllAd 5310 +050 +174 ForEqs 19.25 +0.34 +13.2 VanguardFds: Thornburg Fds: Capopp 3397+0.49 +15.1 IntValAp 26.61 +0.33 +11.8 DivdGro 17.15 +0.13 +125 IncBuildC p19.05 +0.15 +10.5 Energy 62.14 +0.85 +5.4 IntValue I 27.20 +0.33 +12.2 Eqlnc 24.63 +0.24 +14.9 Tweedy Browne: Explr 79.86 +0.80 +11.8
Wndsll 29.91 ~0.28 i17.3 Vanguard IdxFds: ExtMktI 112.14 +1.07 +15.5 MidCplstPI110.74+1.20+14.0 TotlntAdmr2426+0 31 +i 29 Totlntllnst r97.03+1.23 +13.0 TotlntllP r 97.05 +1.24+13.0 500 1 34.26 +1.36 +17.6 TotBnd 11.18 -0.02 +3.9 Totllntl 14 50 +0 18 +12.9 GblValue 25.22 i0.24 +15.4 GNMA 11.03 -001 +2.1 Totstk 36.19 >0.37 +17.2 VanguardAdmiral: HYCorp 606 +i 20 VanguardInsll Fds: BalAdml 24.00 +0.13 +11.9 HlthCre 151 57+099 +179 Ballnst 24 00 +0.13 +11.9 C AITAdm 11.76 +6 . 2 InflaPro 1484 -008 +6.1 CpopAdl 78.49 +1.13 +15.2 IntlGr 18.81 +0.25 +15.0 DevMklnst 9.56 i0.15 +i3.5 EMAdmr r35.09 +0.28 +12.2 IntlVal 30.23 +0.47 +13.5 Extln 4543 +043 +15.5 Energy 116.70 +1.60 +5.4 ITIGrade 10.49 -0.01 +8.6 Grwthlst 37.52 i0.43 +19.1 EqlnAdm n51.63 +050 +15.0 LifeCon 17.35 +0.06 +8.7 InfProlnst u.81 -006 +6.2 ExtdAdm 45.43 +0.43 +15.5 LifeGro 23 78 +019 +i35 Instldx 133.38 +1.36 +17.7 500Adml134.27 +1.37 +17.7 LifeMod 21 12 +0.13 +112 GNMA Ad 11.03 -0.01 +2.2 LTIGrade u 04 -008 +117 InsPI 133.38 +1.35 +17.7 GrwAdm 37.52 +0.42 +19.1 Morg 2038+023 +16.7 InsTStPlus3276 +033 +17.4 HlthCr 63.97 +0.42 +17.9 Mulnt 14.42 -0.01 +5.3 M>dCplst 22.45 >0.24 +14.0 HiYldCp 6.06 +1 2 .1PrmcpCor15.36 +020 +139 S TIGrlnst 10.88 + 4 .2 InfProAd 29.14 -0.15 +62 Prmcp r 70.88 +0.98+14.8 SClnst 38.46 +0.35 +15.2 ITBdAdml 12.19 -0.03 +6.6 SelValur 21.20+019 +140 ITsryAdml 11.78 -0.03 +25 STAR 2088+0.13 +'l2.4 TBlst 1 1.1 8 -0.02 +4.0 IntGrAdm 59.87 +0.77 +152 S TIGrade 10 88 + 4 . 1Tslnst 36 20 +0 36+17.3 ITAdml 14.42 -0.01 +54 StratEq 21 u +0.23 +i54 Valuelst 23.25 i0.21 +15.8 ITGrAdm 10.49 -0.01 +87 TgtRetlnc 1227+002 +78 VanguardSignal: L tdTrAd 11 20 +19 TgRe20102458+009 +96 500Sgl 110.91 +1.13 +17.7 LTGrAdml 1104 -0.08 +118 TgtRe201 513.62 +0.07 +10.7 L T Admi 11.81 +74 tgRe202024.23 +0.16 +11.7 MidCpldx 32.07>0.35+14.0 +1 . 9 MCpAdml101 63+1.10 +140 TgtRe202513.82+0.10 +i 2.6 S TBdldx 10 67 M UHYAdm11.28 +8. 5 TgRe2030 23.74 +0.19 +135 TotBdSgl 11.18 -0.02 +3.9 PrmCap r 73.58 +1.01 +14.9 TgtRe203514.31+014 +14.4 TotStkSgl 34 93+0.35 +11.3 ReitAdmr 92.95+0.51 +15.9 TgtRe20402352+023 +147 Virlus FundsI: S TsyAdml 10.79 + 0 . 6TgtRe2045 1477 +0.14 +148 EmMktl 10.04 i0.06 i16.2 S TBdAdml10.67 +1 . 9 USGro 21.43 +027 +18.7 S htTrAd 15.94 +1. 0 Wellsly 24.65 +0.07 +10.1 WeslemAsset: S TIGrAd 10.88 +4 . 2 Welltn 34.64 +0.21 +12.8 CorePlus I u.68 -0.02 +7.8 SmCAdm38.46 +0.35 +15.2 Wndsr 14.97 +0.16 +18.3
If you have Marketplace events you would like to submit, please contact Ashley Brothers at 541-383-0323,email business@bendbulletin.corn or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.corn. Pleaseallow at least 10 days before the desired date of publication.
TODAY PROJECT MANAGEMENT FUNDAMENTALS:Online instruction begins today. Complete two online lessons each week for six weeks and meet in the classroom Nov. 7and Dec.5; $159; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; 541-383-7270. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. ReedMarket Road; 541-749-0789. RISK MANAGEMENT — VISION, STRATEGY & EXECUTION: A panel of regional bank CEOsshare perspectives and outlooks; $30 for individuals, $350 for a corporate table of eight; 7:30 a.m.; Seventh Mountain Resort, 8575 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-382-3221 or http: // risk-management-association/. MS PROJECTBASICS:Manage tasks, timelines and resources and work with tracking and reporting features to accurately prepare professional estimates and monitor your projects. Bring a flash drive. Cost includes workbook and CEUs; class continues Friday and Oct. 26; $199; 8 a.m.-noon; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; 541-383-7270. OREGON ALCOHOLSERVER PERMIT TRAINING:Meets the minimum requirements by the Oregon Liquor Control Commission to obtain an alcohol server permit; registration required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; 541-447-6384 or www.happyhourtraining.corn. FINANCIALPLANNING AND MONEY MANAGEMENT:Call541 318-7506, ext. 309 to reserve a seat; 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; To learn more, call 541-548-2380. LAUNCHYOURBUSINESS: Designed to help business owners get off to a good beginning and develop a working plan; preregistration is required; the course combines four one-hour daytime coaching sessions with threeWednesday evening classes scheduled for tonight, Oct. 31 and Nov. 14; $79; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; 541-383-7290.
KNOW COMPUTERS FOR BEGINNERS:Free; 1 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. FREE TAXFRIDAY:Taxreturn reviews; schedule an appointment at 541-385-9666 or www.myzoomtax .corn; free; 2-4 p.m.; Zoom Tax, 963 S.W. Simpson Ave., Suite 100, Bend; 541-385-9666. KNOW EMAILFOR BEGINNERS: Free; 3 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312- I050.
WEDNESDAY Oct. 24 BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALBENDCHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING:Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Senior Center, 1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541 749-0789. BUSINESSAFTERHOURS BUSINESSSHOWCASE:Limited number of booths; if you are interested in the details of participating, please contact Robin at robin©; $125 for nonprofit organizations and new memberbusinesseswho joined within the past six months or $150 for seasoned businesses; 5-7 p.m.; Seventh Mountain Resort, 18575 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-382 3221.
FORKLIFTOPERATION AND SAFETY:Upon satisfactory completion, forklift operator certification cards will be mailed; must bring valid ID to class and be 18 years old; $69; 8 a.m.-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Redmond campus, 2030 S.E. College Loop, Redmond; 541-383 THURSDAY 7270. Oct. 25 SMARTPHONEANDTABLET WORKSHOP:Free;6:30-8 p.m .;U.S. BUSINESSNETWORK Cellular, 1380 S.W. Canal Blvd. Ste. INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES 101, Redmond. BUSINESSNETWORKERS CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: Visitors are welcome and first two visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Masonic MONDAY Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541 CORC LUNCHEON:CAI-CORC 610-9125. presents discussions about 2012 BENDWEBCAMWEB, social media and how it affects CREATIVEAND MARKETING homeowner associations; CONFERENCE: Registration registration required before noon on required; $249- $479; 8 a.m.-5:30 Oct. 18; $20 for CAI-CORCmembers p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall and $25 for nonmembers; 11:30 St.; 541-317-0700 or www.bend a.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. webcam.corn/registration/. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-382 GETTINGTHE MOST OUT OF 8436 or SCHWAB.COM:Free; noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; 541-318 TUESDAY 1794. THE ADVOCACY ANDCITY BUSINESSNETWORK ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INTERNATIONALHIGH DESERT RESOURCES SUB-COMMITTEE CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: : Open to the public; 3-5 p.m.; City Visitors are welcome and first two Hall, 710 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541 visits are free; 7:15 a.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 388-5529. 541-420-7377. BUSINESSNETWORK INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE KEEPINGYOUR EMPLOYEES CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: ENGAGED:Registration required; Visitors are welcome and first two includes lunch; $25 for Chamber membersand $45fornonmembers; visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; 11 a.m.-1 p.m.; Bend Golf and 541-480-1 765. Country Club, 61045 Country Club Drive; 541-382-7437 or www. OCTOBER GREENDRINKS: Green Drinks is a fun way to network, learn about other businesses and WORKFORCE INCLUSION their sustainability efforts and RECOGNITIONAWARDS:Award share a drink or two with like presentation to local businesses minded community members; 5-7 that support inclusive hiring and p.m.; Celebrate the Season, 61515 presentation about the supports American Lane, Bend; 541-244 available for businesses to make diversified partnerships successful; 2536. with appetizers, beverages and door THURSDAY prizes; free; 5-6:30 p.m.; The Oxford BUSINESSNETWORK Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., FRIDAY INTERNATIONALDESCHUTES Bend; 541-382-8436. BUSINESSNETWORKERS SAVING AND INVESTING: Call 541 Oct. 26 CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: 318-7506, ext. 309 to reserve a seat; 2012 BENDWEBCAMWEB, Visitors are welcome and first two 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Neighborlmpact, CREATIVEAND MARKETING visits are free; 7 a.m.; Bend Masonic 2303 S.W. First St., Redmond; 541 CONFERENCE: Registration Center, 1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541 548-2380. required; $249- $479; 8 a.m.-5:30 610-9125. p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall SMALL-BUSINESSCOUNSELING: EXPLORETHE BENEFITS OF SCORE business counselors will be St.; 541-317-0700 or http: //www. WORKINGWITH SCHWAB:Free; available every Tuesday for free one bendwebcam.corn/registration/. noon-1 p.m.; Charles Schwab & Co., on-one small-business counseling; MENTAL FITNESSFORLEADERS: 777 N.W. Wall St., Suite 201, Bend; no appointment necessary; free; COCO is pleased to present national 541-318-1 794. 5:30-7:30 p.m.; Downtown Bend speaker Nikki Nemerouf who will BUSINESSNETWORK Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; come to Bend to help you build high INTERNATIONALWILDFIRE 541-617-7080 or www.scorecentral performing teams by overcoming CHAPTER WEEKLYMEETING: obstacles that occur in your role as a Visitors are welcome and first two leader. Registration required before HOW TO DEVELOPA BUSINESS visits are free; 3:30 p.m.; Bend Oct. 12; 59 includes breakfast; PLAN:First-time business owners Honda, 2225 N.E. U.S. Highway 20; will learn how to evaluate their 8-11:30 a.m.; Central Oregon 541-480-1 765. Community College, Campus finances, target their market, and Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, present their ideas in a written Bend; 541-383-7270. business plan. Registration FRIDAY required, course continues Oct. COFFEE CLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; 30; $59; 6-9 p.m.; Central Oregon Community Presbyterian Church, BALLOTMEASURES2012: Town Community College, 2600 N.W. 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond; 541 hall forum; $30 for members, $40 548-3367. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7290. fornonmembers;7:30 a.m.;Bend HOW TO START A BUSINESS: EDWARDJONESCOFFEECLUB: Golf and Country Club, 61045 Registration required; $15; 6-8 p.m.; Current market and economic Country Club Drive; 541-382-7437 La Pine Public Library, 16425 First update including current rates; free; or St.; 541-383-7290. 9 a.m.; Ponderosa Coffee House, COFFEECLATTER: 8:30-9:30 a.m.; 61292 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite ID THEFT, WHO'S GOT YOUR Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. 105, Bend; 541-617-8861. NUMBER?: Learn to identify Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1050. schemes, seams and fraud; OREGON ALCOHOL SERVER BOOKKEEPINGFOR BUSINESS: Sheriff Jim Adkins of the Jefferson PERMIT TRAINING:Meets Eight-week class meets on Friday County Sheriff Department will be the minimum requirements mornings and will help you by the Oregon Liquor Control presenting this workshop; free; understand and apply entry-level Commission to obtain an alcohol 6 p.m.; Mid Oregon Credit Union, accounting conceptsto keep books 395 S.E. Fifth St., Madras; server permit; registration electronically using QuickBooks 541-382-1795. required; $35; 9 a.m.; Round Table Pro; for those with little or no "INTEGRATION, REVITALIZATION Pizza, 1552 N.E. Third St., Bend; bookkeeping experience who are 541-447-6384 or www.happyhour AND TRANSPORTATION, looking to add employable skills training.corn. OPPORTUNITIES FOR A SMALL or small-business owners; class CITY CAMPUS": David C. Bagnoli CENTRAL OREGONREAL ESTATE continues through Dec. 14; $229 will discuss ways that educational INVESTMENT CLUB:Free; 11 plustextbook;9a.m.-noon; a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Central Oregon Community College, institutions can physically integrate campus buildings into Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610 2600 N.W. CollegeWay, Bend; surrounding neighborhoods 4006 or bobbleile@windermere 541-383-7270. while minimizing traffic and other .corn. CENTRALOREGONREALESTATE impacts; free; 7 p.m.; Bend Park 8 KNOW WORD FORBEGINNERS: INVESTMENTCLUB:Free; 11 Recreation District Office, 799 S.W. Free; 1 p.m.; Redmond Public a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Columbia St.; 541-389-7275 or Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 541-312-1 050. or bobbleile@windermere.corn.
Chapter 7 Filed Oct. 9
Bruce L. Jensen,P.O.Box8775, Bend Gail L. Titus,61310 Parrell Road No. 6, Bend James J. McCue,3026 N.W. Canyon Drive, Redmond, Paia D. Bailey,15054 East River Loop, Bend
Jeremy R. Thompson,1355 N.W. Baltimore Ave., Bend Rachel A. Medlock,1879 N.E. Witchita Way, Bend
Filed Oct. 12
RoryW. Restani,20076 BethAve. No. 2, Bend Shawn L. Cline,1854 N.E. Division St., Bend
Filed Oct. 10
Filed Oct. 15
Amy Carriiio,P.O. Box 8041, Bend
Charleae R. Barges,210 S.W. 15th St., Bend Derek G. Marshall,P.O. Box 8730, Bend
Filed Oct. 11
Stephen D. Foster,273 S.E. Ninth St., Bend
The Associated Press REDMOND, Wash. — Mi crosoft's first t ablet c om puter, the Surface, will start at $499 when it goes on sale Oct. 26. The price matches that of Apple Inc.'s iPad, the most popular tablet computer, but the basemodel ofthe Surface has twice as much storage
memory: 32 gigabytes. The
Damian D ovarganes/TheAssociated Press file photo
screen is also slightly larger. The signature hardware feature of the tablet, a cover that doubles as a keyboard, will cost another $100, Micro soft Corp. said Tuesday. A step-up modelfor $699 has twice the memory, 64 GB, and includes a cover. The launch of the Surface is an unusual move for Mi crosoft, which usually sells softwareto computer makers instead of making computers itself. It coincides with the launch of Windows 8, a ver sion of the operating system that's designed to work better on touch-screen computers
Visit Bend Continued from E1 In the next survey, La Placa said Visit Bend would like to add the question, "Would you relocateyour business to Bend?" Carolyn Eagan, business advocate for the city of Bend, said the research company may have thought the per centage of people who would relocate to Bend was high, but she thinks it's the norm. "These events bring people whose interest and hobbies are what's in line and easily accessible here," Eagan said. "But we find anybody who comes to Bend, whether it's to
Microsoft Corp.'s new Surface tablet computer goes on sale Oct. 26. The signature hardware feature of the tablet is a cover that doubles as a keyboard. and tablets. Microsoft will b e selling the tablet in its own stores in the U.S. and Canada and on line in those countries, plus Australia, C h ina, F r ance,
Germany, Hong Kong and the U.K. The Touch Cover has a working, printed keyboard on its i n side surface, but the "keys" don't move when pushed. Microsoft will sell a separate Type Cover with
ski or just enjoy restaurants and breweries, will say, 'Wow, I wish I could move to Bend.'" While many want to move here, she said, they often can' t, in particular because there aren't enough jobs. "There's so much opportu nity for Bend to attract good, smart, interesting people," she said. "It's my job to figure out how to create the jobs so those people can start moving here." Referencing th e r e p ort, she said 27 percent of the competitors earned an an nual household income of $200,000 or more. Deschutes County's me dian household income last year was $46,894, according
keys that move for $130. T he first version of t h e Surface doesn't have a regu lar Intel-style PC processor and won't run r egular PC software, but it does include a version of the Office suite. Microsoft plans t o r e lease another version of the Sur face some months later with a more traditional processor and the ability to run regular Windows programs. It did not disclose prices for that model.
to the U.S. Census Bureau. The total economic impact of the USA Cycling Masters Road National Champion ships in Central Oregon was $1.27 million. Competitors averaged a five-night stay, with the ma
jority booking lodging in Bend. They spent, on aver age, about $115 per person per day, the survey said. "The larger your city gets, the more you can offer to tourists," Eagan said. "Add ing residents increases activ ity in town, so that adds to the value of coming to Bend for tourists." — Reporter: 541-617-7818, rrees@bendbulletin.corn
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Microsoft debutsSurface, company's first tablet
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BUYING & S E LLING THOMAS WHEN BUYING All gold jewelry, silver ORCHARDS 8 wks. 541-520-7259 and gold coins, bars, Kimberly, OR: FIREWOOD... DO YOU NEED For Guns, Ammo 8 rounds, wedding sets, Last day of the season Reloading Supplies. A GREAT Queensland Heelers To avoid fraud, class rings, sterling sil for the fruit stand 541-408-6900. EMPLOYEE standard 8 mini,$150 & The Bulletin ver, coin collect, vin to be open... Oct. 29! RIGHT NOW? up. 541-280-1537 http: // recommends pay Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, dgntwayrancn.wordpress.corn taqe watches, dental New Fall Hours Call The Bulletin 1st shots, very social Oregon's gogtd. Bill F l e ming, ment for Firewood 202 Closed Tues 8 Wed. before 11 a.m. and only upon delivery 541-382-941 9. $700. 541-325-3376 210 Largest 3 Day open Thurs.-Mon,. Want to Buy or Rent get an ad in to pub Farm Equipment and inspection. 10 a.m. 4 p.m. only. Furniture & Appliances GUN & KNIFE lish the next day! • A cord is 128 cu. ft. COWGIRL CASH & Machinery Chihuahua Puppies Wanted: $Cash paid for Very 4' x 4' x 8' Bring Containers! SHOW 541-385-5809. We buy Jewelry, Boots, cute! $250-300. vintaqe costume jew Ready Picked Apples: October 19-20-21 Vintage Dresses 8 • Receipts should VIEW the 541-977-4817 or A1 Washers & Dryers elry. Top dollar paid for iesse12150gmail.corn From Bins, $0.65/Ib Ford New Holland Classifieds at: Portland Expo More. 924 Brooks St. include name, $150 ea. Full war Gold/Silver.l buy by the Golden Delicious, Red www.bendbulletin.corn 541-678-51 62 phone, price and Tractor, Di e sel, ranty. Free Del. Also Center Estate, Honest Artist Delicious, Cameo, www.getcowgirlcash.corn 2300, hours, 32HP, 1-5 exit ¹306B kind of wood pur wanted, used W/D's Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Granny Smith, Fuji Incl. push hog, post chased. 541-280-7355 Admission $9 Folding treadmill with • Firewood ads hole auger, blade, Visit us on Facebook for Installer / Fri. 12-6, Sat. 9-5, WANTED: mat, $19. 2 air condi MUST include spe $12,000, updates. 541-934-2870 Glass Glazier Sun.10-4 Good tow dolly. Bdrm set - Headboard tioners, great deal! $99 541-410-0929 Seeking individual 1- 8 00-659-3440 I cies and cost per 541-318-1233 w/mirror, dresser w/ I both. Hoover Floormate cord to better serve with mechanical ap USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! mirror, night s tand, t CollectorsWest. 8 Bissel Spotbot, $175 our customers. WANTED: RAZORS, titude & clean driving Pups, as Brass foot 8 h e ad for both. Adjustable un record. Drug-free Double or single Chihuahua Door-to-door selling with sorted colors, teacup, board, $500 all, great derside ball hitch, $30. • Hay, Grain & Feed must pass edged, straight 1st shots, w o rmed, cond., 541-516-8642. fast results! It's the easiest workplace; Rotating Safe h eat The Bulletin razors, shaving drug screen and $250, 541-977-0035 heater w/controls, $49. Wanted: Irrigated farm way in the world to sell. brushes, mugs & criminal background GENERATE SOME ex Call 541-948-4413 scuttles, strops, ground, under pivot ir check. Clean, profes Dachshund AKC mini citement i n your Dry Juniper Firewood rigation, i n C e n tral The Bulletin Classified shaving accessories www.bendweenies.corn neighborhood! Plan a sional appearance. $200 per cord, split. Moving Sale Snow tires OR. 541-419-2713 No experience nec & memorabilia. $375. 541-508-4558 541-385-5809 garage sale and don' t Owens Aluminum D 1/2 cords available. w/rims, 5-hole pattern, Fair prices paid. og Aurora 215x70x15, used Immediate delivery! Wheat Straw: Certified 8 essary. Pay $11 per forget to advertise in Boxes. Great for sport English Bulldog Call 541-390-7029 hour. Apply in person: classified! 541-408-6193 Bedding Straw 8 Garden Puppies ing dogs. Various sizes 1 season. Poker table, between 10 am-3 pm. 20584 Painters Ct., 541-385-5809. good cond. Coffee table Straw;Compost.546-6171 and style. Call for infor AKC registered, 1st FIREWOOD seasoned Bend, between 8 2 end tables. Recum Lodgepole, p r o fes shots 8 microchipped. Leather Ethan Allen re mation 503-538-5047 10am-2pm, 345 bant bike. Newer roll-top Ready to go! cliner c hair, $ 2 45. sional quick delivery. Monday-Friday. Holiday Bazaar Livestock & Equipment $2000. 541 416-0375 Culver, 541-546-9008 Ruger M77 7mm mag desk. 541-815-6826 Rounds $180 cord; & Craft Shows num, Leupold scope, Contact A n d y at Refrigerator / freezer, custom all-weather fin VENDORS WANTED! Medical Goats - Quality young 541-508-61 86. stainless steel SxS, wa ishes on scope, barrel 8 New i n door m a r ket Community Clothing, does, 5 O $100/ Chief Nursing ter/icemaker, 25cf, ex stock. Ammo included. opening in NE Bend. Log truck loads of green bred Food and DryGoods head. 541-548-0501 Officer cellent cond, $495. Great opportunity for Drive @ High Desert $750. 541-317-0116 lodgepole del. to Bend Wallowa Memorial Culver, 541-546-9008 collectors, artisans and $1000. Mixed loads Assisted Living, 2660 421 Hospital Ruger Red Label 20g craftsman who want to l odgepole, Call a Pro NE Mary Rose Place, $11 0 0 . o/u English stock 26" have a winter outlet for 541-815-4177 Frenchton pups. Ready The Bulletin Schools & Training Bend, Oct. 15-31. Whether you need a choke tubes - $1,000. their quality merchan Located in Drop off your dona for homes on 10/28. recommends extra 269 fence fixed, hedges Enterprise, OR Citori 12g o/u dise. Saturdays Oct. p. -I Browning tions between 8 a.m. Registered parents on 28" Tired of Your Boring, choke tubes through March. $25 Gardening Supplies trimmed or a house site. Puppy package chasing products or • and 7 p.m. daily. Dead-End Job?? for 8'x10'. Call Don at 25 Bed critical ac to $950. services from out of I $1,000. 8 Equipment built, you' ll find (Clothing may be new included.$900 Power Your Career 541-548-0747 Both in beautiful condi 541-977-1737 or cess hospital. Or I the area. Sending I or gently used and will professional help in with WIND! nwpickers©hotmail.corn egon RN licensure, be dispersed to Beth IfoOIMore Pix at Bendbulletin.c • cash, c h ecks, o r • tion 541-977-7006 Six Month Turbine CPR, ACLS, For newspaper The Bulletin's "Call a l credit i n f o rmation lehem Inn residents) German Shorthair AKC Taurus, 22 mag, 4" bar Wanted- paying cash Technician Program T.E.A.M. (TNCC) delivery, call the may be subjected to Service Professional" 541-312-2003 for Hi-fi audio & stu FREE SEMINAR Pups, FC Tonelli's Ris l FRAUD. For more l rel, B-shot, NIB, $350. C ertifications B S N Circulation Dept. at ing Sun grand-sired, dio equip. Mclntosh, Directory Wednesday, Required/Masters 541-385-5800 New Vendors Market $550 information about an g 541-548-3439 ea. 541-598-6988 J BL, Marantz, D y October 17th 541-385-5809 Preferred. Minimum To place an ad, call Craftsmen 8 Artisans advertiser, you may I Wanted: Collector naco, Heathkit, San 2:OOPM OR 7:OOPM 5 years acute care 8 541-385-5809 Every Sat. Oct. thru I call t h e Ore g onI seeks high quality Best Western sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 2 y e ar s n u r sing or email March, 9 a.m. 5 p.m. ' State Attor ney ' fishing items. Call 541-261-1808 classiaed@bendbulletin.corn 721 NE 3rd St. m anagement. E x at Masonic Hall, 1036 l General's O f fi c e Call 541-678-5753, or • Farmers Column Bend, OR c ellent Bene f i t NE 8th St., Bend be Consumer P r otec- • 503-351-2746 Wood outside benches, The Bulletin 800-868-1 81 6 Package. EOE hind the 7-11 Store at Semmgcentral oregon since19ts t ion ho t l in e at I 2 for $50. Sportbrella, Long term lease on 40+ www.nw-rei.corn Visit our website at Greenwood 8 8th. l 1-877-877-9392. Wanted: WWII M1 Car $49. Piranha paintball irngated acres in Alfalfa. or contact Drawings every Sat. for German Shorthairs bine, Colt Commando, repeater gun, $99. Misc Available now for fall Find exactly what Linda Childers, $25 gift certificate at a Bulletin > Colt 1911, S8W Vic fireplace items, $89. TRUCK SCHOOL AKC - females $500 I The or spring planting. Serv>ng CenrralOregon 5nCe 1903 local business!' (54f)426-531 3 males $400. Home toryy, 541-389-9836. Misc. office items, $59. you are looking for in the 541-548-0040 Redmond Campus raised, mom on-site, Angled computer desk CLASSIFIEDS 1st shots dewormed. 255 w/chair, $99. Compost Wanted: Irrigated farm Student Loans/Job Remember.... Items for Free bin w/free weedeater 8 ground, under pivot ir Waiting Toll Free 541-408-21 14. A dd your we b a d Prompt Delivery Computers rigation, i n C e n tral spools, $49. 1-888-387-9252 dress to your ad and Rock, Sand & Gravel Wireh a i r 541-948-4413 OR. 541-419-2713 FREE Llama Manure G erman readers on The Multiple Colors, Sizes HP PhotoSmart model 454 Shovel ready, you haul! Pointer pups, ready The Bulletin reserves 7 550 p r i nter $ 2 0 . Instant Landscaping Co. Bulletin' s web site 10/27, AKC/NAVHDA, 375 261 Call 541-389-7329 541-389-9663 Looking for Employment will be able to click the right to publish all 541-279-901 3 jcallisoeoni.corn, Meat & Animal Processing Medical Equipment through automatically ads from The Bulletin 541-805-9478. SUPER TOP SOIL T HE B U LLETIN r e Seeking position as Pri to your site. newspaper onto The www.hershe soilandbark.corn Pets & Supplies Grass fed, all natural quires computer ad Invacare powered wheel vate Caregiver, over 10 Kittens/cats avail. thru Bulletin Internet web Screened, soil & com BEEF. No hormones, Check out the yrs. exp. in medical/ sur vertisers with multiple chair, Pronto M-51 with post rescue group. Tame, site. mi x ed , no antibiotics, classifieds online etc. gical floors. Very com ad schedules or those SureStep, new, never shots, altered, ID chip, rocks/clods. High hu The Bulletin recom more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call selling multiple sys used, $2500 obo. Call mus level, exc. for $2.50/lb. + c u t & passionate, professional www.bendbullefin.corn Bulletin mends extra caution re: other days. 65480 The sen ng central oregon smre e03 tems/ software, to dis 541-589-2375 Updated daily flower beds, lawns, wrap. 541-389-5392. caregiver. 541-294-5440 when purc h as 78th St ., Bend , close the name of the straight gardens, 242 ing products or ser 5 41-389-8420; 598 265 business or the term s creened to p s o i l . Independent Contractor vices from out of the 5488; photos, etc. at Exercise Equipment "dealer" in their ads. Building Materials Bark. Clean fill. De area. Sending cash, Private party advertis liver/you haul. checks, or credit in BowFlex Xtreme IISE ers are defined as La Pine Habitat 541-548-3949. f ormation may b e Kittens - Looking for a like new upgraded to those who sell one RESTORE companion not just a subjected to fraud. 410 lb . a l l a t t ach 270 Building Supply Resale For more i nforma cat? Then Lester and m ents, $599 o b o . computer. Quality at Lost & Found Guy are looking for you. tion about an adver Eves, 541-279-1263. 257 LOW PRICES Two five month old kit tiser, you may call be l l Musical Instruments 52684 Hwy 97 Found: Hiking shoes the O r egon State tens need homes they N autilus d u m b 541-536-3234 like new, $100 i n p arking l o t o f f Attorney General' s can share. Fo r more bench, obo. 54 1 279-1263 Open to the public . Cascade Lakes Hwy. call Linda at Office C o n sumer information 541-647-4280 eves Call to iden t i fy Protection hotline at 406-570-5051. 266 1-877-877-9392. ++++++++++++++++++ Lab Puppies, yellows 8 Heating & Stoves b lacks, males & f e LOST: Cat, white, long Guns, Hunting The Bulletin haired, name is Leo, males, $200 ea., no ser as central oregonance 19ts & Fishing NOTICE TO papers, 541-771-5511 large male, left ear Piano, Steinway Model ADVERTISER gray, gray patch on People Look for Information Labradoodles - Mini & 300 H&H/98 M a u ser, 0 Baby Grand 1 91 I, Since September 29, fuzzy tail, has collar 8 med size, several colors w/3x9 Tasco scope, gorgeous, artist qual 1991, advertising for About Products and n ea r J e w ell 541-504-2662 range finder, spotting ity instrument w/great used woodstoves has tags, Services Every Daythrough Please call www.alpen-ridge.corn scope, 2 boxe s action & S t einway's been limited to mod School. 541-420-8883. The Bulletin Classifieds ammo, $1200 , warm, rich sound. Will els which have been Maltese pups, 7 weeks, 2 We are looking for independent contractors Io adorn any living room, c ertified by the O r Lost Jezebel, a small Adult companion cats males, $350, 2 females, 541-490-5440 scruffy female Chi church or music stu egon Department of service home delivery routes in: FREE to seniors, dis $450 ea., adorable lov 541-475-3697. brown, long abled & veterans! Tame, ing, frisky & flu f fy! Belgium Browning BAR dio perfectly. New re Environmental Qual huahua, ish-hair, w e s t of tail $ 6 9 ,000. Sacri ity (DEQ) and the fed altered, shots, ID chip, 541-678-0120 300 Win. Mag, $650; on trails more. Will always take E n v ironmental Brookswood Browning A-Bolt Medal fice at $26,000 OBO, eral of main COI ca back if c ircumstances Pit Bull puppies, born Protection A g e ncy north l ion with Boss 3 0 0 call 541-383-3150. nal. $1000 r eward. $20 0 . Win. Mag with 3x9 change. 389-8420. Visit A ug. 28th . (EPA) as having met 541-41 0-2887. Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, C ontact T iffany a t Leupold, $800; Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. smoke emission stan info: 541-728-1416 Call or Ruger M77 .243 with Misc. Items • dards. A cer t ified R EMEMBER: If you Must have reliable, insured vehicle. text and I can email or Leupold 3x9, $ 400. wood stove may be have lost an animal, AUSSIES, M I N I/TOY text you with Pictures. Buying Diamonds identified by its certifi don't forget to check 541-280-1898 AKC, all colors, $325 Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 cation label, which is The Humane Society /Gold for Cash 8 up, parents on site. POODLE pups, AKC toy Bend local pays CASH!! Saxon's during business hours Fine Jewelers permanently attached in Bend 541-382-3537 541-598-5314 or POM-A-POO pups, toy. for Guns, Knives 8 541-389-6655 to the stove. The Bul Redmond, apply vja email at online©bendbulletjn.corn 541-788-7799 So cute! 541-475-3889 Ammo. 541-526-0617 letin will no t k n ow 541-923-0882 ingly accept advertis Prineville, Barn/shop cats FREE, Poodles, standard AKC, B ulgarian AK-74, 5 BUYING ing for the sale of 541-447-71 78; some tame, some not. black 8 apricot, $800 m ags, 300 md s of Lionel/American Flyer We d eliver! F i xed, $1000, happy, healthy & ammo. Excellent cond. trains, accessories. uncertified OR Craft Cats, shots. 541-389-8420 541-408-2191. woodstoves. 541-389-8420. groomed. 541-367-8822 $650. 541-350-9052
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Edited by Will Shortz Across 1 When repeated, a hit 1997 movie 5 Secret supply 10 Ballet leap 14 "I' ve got this one" 15 Justice who took O'Connor's seat on the Supreme Court 16 Assert as a fact 17 Index, middle, ring and pinkie
61 Norelco competitor 36 Edson Arantes do 62 Anise-flavored liqueur Nascimento, to 63 C r o ss, fans James Patterson 37 Victor at detective Gettysburg 64 Mork's pal 39 Compromised 65 Hied one's values 34 Spot alternative 35 Puff
43 Reason everyone
Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 5:00 pm Fris
Tuesday • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mons Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5 Noon Tuess
19 21
23 27
Down whispered during 31 32 33 34 the afternoon on 1 Tract Gilligan's island? 2 Not contracted 35 36 fingers? out, say 46 MapQuest abbr. 37 38 39 40 41 42 19 City founded by 3 Charms 47 It may follow Pizarro in 1535 4 Pay East or West in 43 44 45 46 20 Hodgepodges London 5 Lip 21 Loudness units 48 Thames island 47 49 50 6 It's owned 23 Some platters 49 Ha w kins Day by Discovery 51 52 53 54 24 Because of Communications 51 Prefix with natal 7 It might suddenly 55 25 Strike 56 57 58 59 52 Dark time, in ads blow up 26 Location of the 54 Steve Martin' s 60 61 62 Labyrinth of 8 Gets into hot Shoes" Minos water? 63 64 65 55 Slips up 9 Wind sound 28 Guess: Abbr. 10 Tokyo-based 29 "Lord, make me 57 Excursion for Puzzle by Robert W. Harris impervious to Jerry Seinfeld or carrier Raid" ? Chris Rock? 33 Like Cubism and 43 Palace of Nations 53 Nuclear weapon 11 Whammy Pop Art locale 31 WKRP's Les 60 China piece delivery device, 12 The Great 36 Juniors' hurdle: for short 44 Buddhist state (Satan) ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE Abbr. 13 Knockout punch, 45 Harvard's 54 Sch. Woody Allen A SS T 5 CA R E MA G I in boxing slang 37 Feldspar, e.g. Foundation for flunked out of L 0C 0 CO D E S I D E 5 18 It might make you 38 Sign, in a way Journalism 56 Application datum E DA M H U L A S C I T E 40 "Waitress, your 49 Official name for start CA P E S R I T A RE A R dish is ready!" a 7-Down: Abbr. 58 Alternative to the 22 Navigate a Web BE I R U T 8 A Y R 0 U T E pill, briefly page, in a way 41 Put into service 50 Holders of Z A G O N E 5 UD 7-Downs 59 Group of seals 24 TV spot, typically 42 Ball supporter ET 0 D0 E5 HO S E A For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit K H A R T 0 U M C A R T 0 M B 25 Letter to Odin? card, 1-800-814-5554. E 5T E R 5 U L U N I B 27 Expressed Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday enthusiasm 5 I 5 E D 5 N N E crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. T R I P 0 L I T R I P L E E 29 Tub trio member AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.corn/mobilexword for more information. 8 0N 0 A R0 0 A E T N A 30 Hospital area, Online subscriptions; Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past 0 V E N V E R5 E V I 0 5 briefly puzzles, nytimes.corn/crosswords ($39.95 a year). NE R D E 5T 5
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Sales Telephone prospecting position for important professional services. Income pote n tial $50,000. (average in come 30k-35k) op portunity f o r ad vancement. Base 8 Commission, Health and Dental Benefits. Will train the right per son. Fax resume to: 541 -848-6408.
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l I services from out of l l the area. Sendingl c ash, c hecks, o r l credit i n f o rmationl l may be subjected to FRAUD. l more informa I For tion about an adverl l tiser, you may call l the Oregon State l Attorney General'sl Co n s umert I Office Protection hotline at I I 1-877-877-9392. I 1CBL111Pt>I1 caution when pur chasing products or I
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bdrm, 21/2 bath, 1760
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Brand new deluxe 3
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Alfalfa farm opportunity Over 700 acres with 453 irrigated acres. Producing over 2000 quality tons per year. Includes 2 hay barns, 2 shops and 3 homes. Candice Anderson, Broker 541-788-8878 John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend www.johnlscott.corn
FACTORY SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm, $47,500 finished on your site,541.548.5511 www.JandMHomes.corn M- ' i R d ~ $19,900 2 bdrm, 2 bath Motorcycles 8 Accessoriesi $23,900 2 bdrm, 1 bath $38,900 3 bdrm, 2 bath Harley Davidson Soft $39,999 3 bdrm, 2 bath Tai I Deluxe 20 0 7 , 541 -548-551 1 w hite/cobalt w / p a s senger kit, Vance 8
Sharecozy mobile home La Pine - Nice 3 Bd, 2.5 WARNING in Terrebonne, $275+ Ba, in Crescent Creek The Bulletin recom mends you use cau 1/2 utils 503-679-7496 subdivision. Gas appli tion when you pro ances 8 fireplace, dbl 616 Hines muffler system vide personal garage, fitness center, information to compa park. $800 mo; $900 Movers! $7,999 2 bdrm, & kit, 1 045 mi., exc. Want To Rent Get Results! CHECK YOUR AD deposit. 541-815-5494 c ond $19 99 9 nies offering loans or Please check your ad 1 bath, $19,999 Office/ Call 385-5809 or credit, especially on the first day it runs Studio, $32,900 3 bdrm, 541-389-9188. RETIRED PROFES place your ad on-line those asking for ad SIONAL COUPLE to make sure it is cor 2 bath, 541-548-5511 at Harley Heritage vance loan fees or rect. Sometimes in www.JandMHomes.corn seeks furnished rental bendbulletin.corn Softail, 2003 companies from out of in Bend area for Nov. s tructions over t h e $5,000+ in extras, state. If you have thru Apr. Non-smok phone are misunder $2000 paint job, Get your 762 concerns or ques ers, no pets, excel stood and a n e r ror 30K mi. 1 owner, tions, we suggest you lent references. Con can occur in your ad. Homes with Acreage For more information business consult your attorney tact 806-374-5675 or If this happens to your please call or call CONSUMER nemarsh © hotmail.corn 541-385-8090 5 Acres, 2 irrigated, E. ad, please contact us HOTLINE, or 209-605-5537 side of Bend, 4 bdrm, the first day your ad 630 1-877-877-9392. 2.5 bath, small shed, appears and we will Call The Bulletin At 745 must be pre-qualified, be happy to fix it as Rooms for Rent BANK TURNED YOU 541 -385-5809 $350,000, 541-389-7481 s oon a s w e ca n . Homes for Sale DOWN? Private party Close-in NE Bend, near Deadlines are: Week Place Your Ad Or E-Mail With an ad in will loan on real es park 8 bus, large fenced days 1 1:00 noon for $474,900 Need to get an At: tate equity. Credit, no ard, off-street parking, Set In The Ponderosa next day, Sat. 1 1:00 The Bulletin's ad in ASAP? problem, good equity 395. 541-317-1879 a.m. for Sunday and Pines. Soaring ceil is all you need. Call HD FAT BOY You can place it Monday. ings, fireplace, large "Call A Service now. Oregon Land Room for rent, Just bring family room with high 541-385-5809 1 996 online at: Mortgage 388-4200. your toothbrush, one 1 windows. This home Thank you! Completely rebuilt/ Professional" bdrm, full bath, office, sits at the end of a www.bendbulletin.corn The Bulletin Classified customized, low LOCAL MONEYrWe buy k itchen u s e , fu l l y miles. Accepting of D i recto ry secured trust deeds 6 stocked with utensils. cul-de-sac on over 5 541 -385-5809 fers. 541-548-4807 note, some hard money Beautiful home at The acres. Deck brings the loans. Call Pat Kelley Greens Golf Course in outdoors in...3 car ga 541-382-3099 ext. 1 3. J I Redmond. $500/mo. + rage, plus a detached small utility bill. Own RV barn/boat, sepa Reverse Mortgages rate shop, 1/2 bath! ers are absent often. by local expert Mike Mike Wilson, Broker. 541-279-9538.
LeRoux NMLS57716
Call to learn more.
541-350-7839 Security1 Lending NMLS981 61
Business Opportunities
Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on bendbulletin.corn which currently re ceives over 1.5 mil lion page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at bendbulletin.corn
541-977-5345 or Studios & Kitchenettes 541 -389-791 0 Furnished room, TV w/ Hunter Properties cable, micro 8 fridge. Utils 8 l i nens. New BANK OWNED HOMES! owners. $1 45-$1 65/wk FREE List w/Pics! 541-382-1 885 www. BendRepos.corn
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bend and beyond real estate 20967 yeoman, bend or
Apt./Multiplex NE Bend *
No Reserve Timed Online AUCTION
$299 1st mo. rent!! GET THEM BEFORE Ends Nov.14th THEY ARE GONE! Building Lot in Prong 2 bdrm, 1 bath h orn S u b . 23 0 1 3 $530 fk$540 Canyon View Loop Carports & A/C included! Selling to the Highest Fox Hollow Apts. Bidder 28 Properties (541) 383-3152 in 5-States! Cascade Rental Mgmt. Co www.corbettbottles.corn *upstairs only with lease 208-377-5700
Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks. MOUNTAIN GLEN, 547-383-9313 Professionally managed by Norris 8
All real estate adver tised here in is sub FOR THE CHANCE OF A ject to t h e F e deral LIFETIME, F air H o using A c t , Call Adam Johnson which makes it illegal 541 -41 0-5521, TODAY! to advertise any pref erence, limitation or discrimination based Stevens, Inc. on race, color, reli gion, sex, handicap, 642 status or na Apt./Multiplex Redmond familial tional origin, or inten tion to make any such Duplex 2 bdrm/1 bath, preferences, l i m ita appl., W/D hookup, or discrimination. fenced yard, storage tions We will not knowingly shed, $599+dep., accept any advertis 2812 SW 24th. ing for r ea l e s tate 541-81 5-1 1 46. which is in violation of I Es t ate Sales Sales Southwest Bend Sales Northeast Bend this law. All persons TRIPLEX - 2 bdrm, 2 bath, 1130 sq. ft., w/d are hereby informed E STATE S A L E O c t 18900 Riverwoods Dr. 19-20 8-1, in covered in DRW. Fri. & S at. ** FREE ** in h o use, mi c r o, that all dwellings ad vertised are available RV barn. Power tools, 8-5, stemware, furni Garage Sale Kit fridge, d/w. WSG & golf clubs, dishes, TV ture, kitchen items. gardener pd., garage on an equal opportu Place an ad in The a rmoire, f ro g an d w/opener $625/mo. + nity basis. The Bulle Bulletin for your ga copper c o l lections,Huge 8-family S ale. security dep., v e ry tin Classified rage sale and re THURS. EVENING 4 area rug, many FREE clean. 541 -604-0338. 749 -8 P.M., FRI. 8 SAT,. 7 ceive a Garage Sale items. 61 030 G roff a.m. to 5 p.m. 100's of Kit FREE! Road, Bend. Southeast Bend Homes 650 USA hand tools, 4 drill KIT I NCLUDES: Houses for Rent presses, lathe, power • 4 Garage NE Bend ESTATE SALE Signs NE Bend toolboxes, vises, • $2.00 Off Sale McCall Landing Phase II Another HUGE tools, Coupon To axes, collectibles San Our Newest Community amount of household tiques, decor, lighted use Toward Your 3B/office, garage/hobby Starting in the Mid items as well as more Halloween Next Ad g h o sts, shop, country home $1 00,000's. collectibles, antiques handmade baby bibs • 10 Tips For "Garage beaut. mtn. view, close Pahlisch Homes & vintage items total & blankets, treadmill, Sale Success!" to hosp. $1200 mo; no The Hasson ling over 200. 61479 books. Much more. smkg. 541-312-2224 Company Realtors. Barleycorn Lane, Not 19644 C lear N i g ht PICK UP YOUR Rhianna Kunkler tingham Square. Drive, Bend. Century GARAGE SALE KIT at B ro ke r, 541 -306-0939 Fri. 8 Sat. 8:30-3:30 Looking for your next t o Mammoth to A u 1777 SW Chandler employee? gust to Clear Night. Ave., Bend, OR 97702 750 Place a Bulletin help 282 Just bought a new boat? Redmond Homes wanted ad today and Sales Northwest Bend Sell your old one in the reach over 60,000 classifieds! Ask about our Gigantic Views readers each week. Sat. 8-2, 2760 NW Mc Super Seller rates! Quality Fuqua home, 3 Your classified ad Stonebrook BIG Com Cook Awbrey Butte 541-385-5809 bdrm, 2 bath, 1572 SF munity Garage Sale, in will also appear on indoors - household, Shop and greenhouse cluding antiques & tools! bendbulletin.corn, 286 clothing, Xmas, decor. Fri-Sat, 10/19-20, 7am $1 36,900 currently receiving Sales Northeast Bend 4pm. Follow signs from over 1.5 million page MLS 201200450 Butler Market Rd. Sat. Oct. 20 Bam-3 pm Gail Day 541-306-1018 views, every month Animal Rescue 1 100 NW Knoxville Ct. Central Oregon at no extra cost. 290 FUNDRAISER Household items, sports Realty Group LLC Bulletin Classifieds Fri., 10/19, 8 to 2 p.m. Sales Redmond Area items, youth motor Get Results! Marsh Orchid Drive cycle helmet, bar Redmond Worry Free Call 541-385-5809 or stools, coffee table, Indoor Tables are INDOOR ESTATE Certified Home $149,000 place your ad on-line loaded with good stuff SALE at lot north of Huge Landscaped Lot wicker chair, lamps, at misc. adult clothing, (Follow signs off But 785 NW. Canyon Move in Ready! bendbulletin.corn books & more! ler Market or Purcell) Drive. Fri-Sat., 9-4. 800-451-5808 ext 819
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e ole I
Winter is on it's way and now is the time to promote your business in our special Service Guide page in Classifieds! This special one page guide will feature an option of three different ad sizes. The guide will run 8 consecutive Fridays beginning November 2nd in our Classifieds Section.
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Deadline for ad space anti copy: Fri., Oct. 26,20I2 Publishes on Friday, Nov. 2, 9, I6 & 23 Additional publish dates:
Nov. 30, Dec. 7, I4, 2I
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1.120" x 2.6511"
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PLUS 4 FREE/ Contactyour Bulletin Advertising RePresentative for moreinformation Nena Close: 54I -383-0302 Tonya MCKiernan: 54I-6I7-7865
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email: nclose@wescompapers.corn email: tmckiernan@wescompapers.corn
www.ebndbulletin.corn The Bu l l e t i n
TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Motorcycles & Accessories Boats & Accessories
Motor h o mes
Travel Trailers •
HD Screaming Eagle GENERATE SOME ex Gulfstream S cen i c ROL!A Digorgio 1971 Electra Glide 2005, citement in your neig Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, fridge, heater, propane n 103 motor, two tone borhood. Plan a ga Cummins 330 hp die 8 elec. lights, awning, candy teal, new tires, rage sale and don' t sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 2 spares, extra insu 23K miles, CD player forget to advertise in in. kitchen slide out, lation for late season hydraulic clutch, ex classified! 385-5809. new tires, under cover, hunting/cold weather cellent condition. hwy. miles only,4 door camping, well maint, Highest offer takes it. f ridge/freezer ice very roomy, sleeps 5, Serving Central Oregon rrnte 1903 reat f o r hu n t ing, 541-480-8080. maker, W/D combo, 3200, 541-410-6561 Interbath t ub 8 Look at: Honda Elite 80 2001, shower, 50 amp pro Bendhomes.corn 1400 mi., absolutely pane gen & m o re! like new., comes w/ for Complete Listings of $55,000. carrying rack for 2" Area Real Estate for Sale 541-948-231 0 receiver, ideal for use w/motorhome, $995, Used out-drive 541-546-6920 Springdale 2005 27', 4' parts - Mercury Hunter's Delight! Pack slide in dining/living area, OMC rebuilt ma age deal! 1988 Win sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 Softail Deluxe rine motors: 151 nebago Super Chief, obo. 541-408-3811 2010, 805 miles, $1595; 3.0 $1895; 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t Sfg"t Black Chameleon. 4.3 (1993), $1995. shape; 1988 Bronco II $17,000 541-389-0435 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K Call Don @ mostly towed miles, 541-41 0-3823 nice rig! $15,000 both. 875 541-382-3964, leave Watercraft msg. Springdale 29' 2 0 07, slide, Bunkhouse style, IBoats & Accessories 2007 SeaDoo Itasca Spirit Class C sleeps 7-8, excellent 2004 Waverunner, 2007, 20K miles, front condition, $ 1 6 ,900, 13' Smokercraft excellent condition, entertainment center, 541-390-2504 LOW hours. Double all bells 8 whistles, 19S5, good cond., extremely good con 15HP gas Evinrude trailer, lots of extras. $10,000 dition, 2 s l ides, 2 + Minakota 44 elec. HDTV's, 541-71 9-8444 $45,000 motor, fish finder, 2
The Bulletin
OBO. 541-447-5484 extra seats, trailer, extra equip. $3200. Ads published in nWa tercraft" include: Kay 541-388-9270 aks, rafts and motor 0zed personal
17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, troll
ing motor, full cover, EZ - L oad t railer, OBO. $3500 541-382-3728.
17' Seaswirl 1988
Fifth Wheels
Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories
SPRINTER 36' 2005,
Honda Accord 2004 4 16n RIMS for sale, 2
$10,500 obo. Two slides, sleeps 5, queen air mattress, small sgl. bed, couch folds out. 1.5 baths,
350-1 684
s now tires Goo d cond. $250 OB. 541 932
leave message!
Antique & Classic Autos
Antique & Classic Autos
VW Karman Ghia 1970, good cond., new upholstery and convertible top. $10,000. 541-389-2636
RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L
hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, am/fm/cd. $8400 obro.
541-420-3634 /390-1 285
Sport Utility Vehicles
Automobiles Buicks! 1996 Regal, 87k; 1997 LeSabre, 112k; and others! You' ll not find nicer Buicks $3500 8 up. One look's worth a thousand words. Call Bob, 541-318-9999. for an appt. and take a drive in a 30 mpg. car Cadillac CTS S e dan 2007, 29K, auto, exc. cond, loaded, $17,900
Taurus 27.5' 1988 Everything works, $1750/partial trade for
Chevy C-20 Pickup 1969, all orig. Turbo 44; auto 4-spd, 396, model CST /all options, orig. owner, $24,000,
car. 541-460-9127 885
Canopies & Campers
Caribou Cam p er 1995, model 11M, A/C, electric jacks, micro, 2.5K propane gen, awning. Ford F -350
X L T 1 9 9 9,
7 .3L d i esel, 4 x 4 1980 Chevy C30, 16K crewcab, 162K mi., original miles, 400 cu in, $13,000 pkg. W ill auto, 4WD, winch. $7000 sell camper sepa obo. 541-389-2600 rately fo r $ 4 5 00. 541-548-3610
Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 29', weatherized, like n ew, f u rnished &
0 0
watercrafts. For ready to go, incl Wine " boats" please s e e ard S a tellite dish, Class 870. Jayco Seneca 2 007, 26,995. 541-420-9964 541-385-5809 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy 5500 d i e sel, to y GAL LW hauler $130 , 000. TODAY %h 541-389-2636. Viking Tent t railer 2008, clean, s e lf contained, sleeps 5, !L0tet'a00 easy to tow, great cond. $5200, obo.
Chevy Wagon 1957, 4-dr., complete, $15,000 OBO, trades, please call
The Bulletin
OBO, 541-549-8828 C adillac E l Do r a d o 1 994, Total c r e am VW Thing 1974, good puff, body, paint, trunk cond. Extremely Rare! as showroom, blue Only built in 1973 8 Buick Enclave 2008 CXL leather, $1700 wheels 1 974. $8,000 . AWD, V-6, black, clean, w/snow tires although 541-389-2636 m echanicall y sound, 82k car has not been wet miles. $22,900. in 8 years. On trip to Call 541-815-1216 Boise avg. 28.5 mpg., Pickups $5400, 541-593-4016. • CHEVY K-5 BLAZER 1985 Hunters Special 4x4 V-8 Tow Package Cadillac Seville STS $1900.00 541-977-8696 2003 - just finished engine work Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 $4900 by Certified GM me 4x4. 120K mi, Power chanic. every seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd thing butHas navigation. row s eating, e x tra 1999 Ford F250 XLT Too many bells and Super Duty S u per tires, CD, pnvacy tint whistles to l i st. Cab. V10, 6.8L, auto, ing, upgraded rims. Fantastic cond. $7995 bought a new one. 4x4, 90k miles, AC, $6900 firm. at winch, grille, many ex Contact Tim m for info 541-420-1283 tras, 2 extra tailgates 541-408-2393 and 5th wheel set-up. or to view vehicle. I
$9900 541-31 7-0554.
Chev short box step-side pickup, 541-420-5453. 1976, excellent inside & out, Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe shape all electric, all 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, works, $5500. a uto. trans p s a i r
541-382-5309 frame on rebuild, re painted original blue, original blue interior, Chevy Silverado 1500 original hub caps, exc. LTZ crew, 2011, sexy chrome, asking $9000 black, loaded! 12k mi, or make offer. $36K. 541-325-3735 541-385-9350
Aircraft, Parts & Service
%RUT% Ford Exc u rsion 2005, 4WD, diesel,
exc. cond., $18,900, call 541-923-0231.
GMC Denali 2003 loaded with options. Exc. cond., snow tires and rims in cluded. 130k hwy miles. $9,500 obo.
Chrysler Sebring 2006 Fully loaded, exc.cond,
very low miles (38k), always garaged, transferable warranty incl. $8600 541-330-4087
open bow, rebuilt 541-383-71 50. Chevy V6 e ngine, Ford Crown Vic. v 541-419-4890. new uph o lstery, Sea Kayaks - His & 1997 4 door, 127k, 0gtrgr $4500 or best offer. Immaculate! d rives, runs a n d Hers, Eddyline Wind 707-688-4523 looks great, extra Dancers,17', fiberglass Beaver Coach Marquis Advertise your car! set of winter tires on bOatS, all equiP 0nCln 40' 1987. New cover, Add A Picture! 1/3 interest in Colum Reach thousands of readers! aa paddies, personal flo new paint (2004), new rims, only $3000. Chrysler SD 4-Door bia 400, located at Call 541-385-5809 tation devices,dry bags, inverter (2007). Onan 541-771-6500. 1930, CD S Royal Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. The Bulletin Cfassffieds spray skirts, roof rack w/ 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, Weekend Warrior Toy Standard, 8-cylinder, Chevy Silverado 2500 towers & cradles — Just parked covered $35,000 Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, Call 541-647-3718 is good, needs HD LT2001 Crew add water, $1250/boat obo. 541-419-9859 or fuel station, exc cond. 1 /3 interest i n w e l l body r e s toration, 6.6L diesel auto 4X4 541-280-2014 Firm. 541-504-8557. sleeps 8, black/gray equipped IFR Beech some runs, taking bids, 98K, exc. cnd $17,900 i nterior, u se d 3X , B onanza A 36 , l o 541-383-3888, 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 Need help fixing stuff? 880 541-312-9312 $24,999. Volvo Penta, 270HP, cated KBDN. $55,000. 541-815-3318 Call A Service Professional 541-389-9188 Motorhomes low hrs n must see, 541-419-9510 find the help you need. GMC Yukon XL SLT Me,cedes E420 1994 $15,000, 541-330-3939 www.bendbulletin.corn WANTED: 2004, loaded w/fac- g r eat cond.,ail ser Executive Hangar Looking for your Good tow dolly. tory dvd, 3rd s eat, vice records, at Bend Airport next employee? 541-318-1233 $8900. 541-280-6947 (KBDN) =P=4 =q= Place a Bulletin help $5 250 541 61'0 9986 60' wide x 50' deep, wanted ad today and 20.5' 2004 Bayliner w/55' wide x 17' high Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT Ford 250 XLT 1990, reach over 60,000 205 Run About, 220 bi-fold door. Natural FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, 1999, a uto., p e a rl 6 yd. dump bed, readers each week. G3 HP, V8, open bow, w hite, very low m i . gas heat, office, bath door panels w/flowers 139k, Auto, $5500. Your classified ad exc. cond., very fast Monaco Dynasty 2004, room. Parking for 6 541-41 0-9997 $9500. 541-788-8218. will also appear on & hummingbirds, w/very low hours, • loaded, 3 slides, die c ars. A djacent t o bendbulletin.corn white soft top & hard lots of extras incl. Reduced - now Frontage Rd; g reat Jeep Willys 1947,custom, which currently re top. Just reduced to Country Coach Intrigue sel, tower, Bimini & $119,000, 5 4 1-923 ceives over 1.5 mil visibility for a viation $3,750. 541-317-9319 small block Chevy, PS, 2002, 40' Tag axle. custom trailer, bus. 1jetjock@q.corn lion page views ev OD, mags+ trailer. Swap or 541-647-8483 400hp Cummins Die 8572 or 541-749-0037 Ford F250 XLT 4x4 $19,500. 541-948-2126 for backhoe. No am calls ery month at no Lariat, 1990, r e d, sel. tw o s l ide-outs. 541-389-1413 please. 541-389-6990 extra cost. Bulletin 80K original miles, 4 1,000 miles, n e w Classifieds Get Re 4" lift with 39's, well tires & batteries. Most Porsche 911 1974, low sults! Call 385-5809 options.$95,000 OBO maintained, $ 4 000 mi., complete motor/ or place your ad obo. 541-419-5495 541-678-5712 trans. rebuild, tuned on-line at suspension, int. & ext. bendbulletin.corn Southwind 35.5' Triton, 20.5' Seaswirl Spy refurbn oil cooling, Ford Galaxie 500 1983, 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du der 1989 H.O. 302, 2 dr. hardtop, fastback, shows new in 8 out, ONLY 1 OWNERSHIP pont UV coat, 7500 mi. Porsche Cayenne 2004, 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer 8 perf. m ech. c o n d. 285 hrs., exc. cond., SHARE LEFT! Bought new at 86k, immac, dealer radio (orig),541-419-4989 Much more! stored indoors for Economical flying in Fifth Wheels • $132,913; maint'd, loaded, now $28,000 541-420-2715 life $11,900 OBO. your ow n C e ssnaFord Mustang Coupe asking $93,500. $1 7000. 503-459-1 580 541-379-3530 172/180 HP for only 1966, original owner, PORSCHE 914 1974, Econoline RV 19 8 9 , Call 541-419-4212 $ 10,000! Based a t V8, automatic, great Ford Ranger 1999, 4x4, fully loaded, exc. cond, Roller (no engine), BDN. Call Gabe a t 71K, X c ab, X LT, shape, $9000 OBO. 35K orig. mi., $18,750. lowered, full roll cage, Vans TURN THE PAGE Professional Air! 530-51 5-81 99 auto, 4 . 0L, $ 8 4 00 Call 541-546-6133. 5-pt harnesses, rac 541-388-0019 For More Ads OBO. 541-388-0232 ing seats, 911 dash 8 Casita 16-ft 2005 Spirit The Bulletin instruments, d e cent Ford Ranchero CAN'T BEAT THIS! 916 Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 Deluxe, awning, AC, shape, v e r y c o ol! Pl Look before you 1979 by Carriage, 4 slide heater. Excellent cond. Trucks & $1699. 541-678-3249 Ads published in the with 351 Cleveland buy, below market $11,000. 541-383-3886 outs, inverter, satel Heavy Equipment "Boats" classification value! Size & mile modified engine. lite sys, fireplace, 2 include: Speed, fish aqe DOES matter! Body is in flat screen TVs. Chevrolet G20 Sports Toyota Camry'8 ing, drift, canoe, Class A 32' Hurri excellent condition, $60,000. man, 1993, exlnt cond, 1 984, $ 1 2 00 cane by Four Winds, Ford Super Duty F-250 house and sail boats. $2500 obo. 541-480-3923 2001 4X4 $7900 OBO. $4750. 541-362-5559 or obo;1985 SOLD; For all other types of 2007. 12,500 mi, all 541-420-4677 541-663-6046 trades considered. 1986 parts c a r, watercraft, please see amenities, Ford V10, 541-815-9939 Ithr, cherry, slides, $500; call for de Class 875. Chevy Astro like new! New low Pioneer Spirit 1 8CK, 541-385-5809 Ford T-Bird 1966 tails, Diamond Reo Dump 2007, used only 4x, AC, Cargo Van 2001, price, $54,900. 390 engine, power 541-548-6592 G MC '/4-ton Truck 19 7 4, 1 2 -14 541-548-5216 electric tongue j ack, pw, pdl, great cond., everything, new 4WD, 1997, yard box, runs good, $8995. 541-389-7669 business car, well paint, 54K original Diesel engine, extra T oyota C a mry X L E m aint, regular o i l Fleetwood Wilderness $6900, 541-548-6812 miles, runs great, cab, good shape, changes, $4 5 0 0, 1994 V6, 4 dr, leather 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, excellent cond. in & electric windows, interior, AM/FM radio please call rear bdrm, fireplace, out. Asking $8,500. door locks & seats, CD/Tape player, sun 541-633-5149 541-480-3179 AC, W/D hkup beau $5500. roof, a uto., p s /pb, tiful u n it! $ 3 0 ,500. 541-382-5309 ruise, A /C , ve r y 541-81 5-2380 Chevy G-20 c u stom c conversion travel van clean, great condition, Call54I-3855809topromotel gut SerV iCe' Advertisefgl 28daysstartingat I IoIsbs0 petrelIretkegt is neleverlegle00eerWebste! 1994 128k, 5.7L, rear $3150. 541-593-2134 E conoline trai l e r elect. bed, 75% tires. a 16-Ton 29 ' B ed, 00.0 real beauty in & out! w/fold up ramps, elec. Find It in Travel in economy and The Bulletin Classlfleds! I nternational Fla t brakes, P i n tlehitch, Building/Contracting L a ndscapingNard Care Landscaping/Yard Care style and under $4000. Bed Pickup 1963, 1 $ 4700, 541-548-6812 G M C ti~ ton 1971, Only K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 541-385-5809 Bob, 541-318-9999 $19,700! Original low ton dually, 4 s p d. slide, AC, TV, awning. NOTICE: Oregon state trans., great MPG, mile, exceptional, 3rd NEW: tires, converter, law req u ires any Toyotas: 1999 Avalon could be exc. wood batteries. Hardly used. one who c o n tracts Automobiles 254k; 1996 Camry, hauler, runs great, $15,500. 541-923-2595 for construction work Zorrtt z gaaErip 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of new brakes, $1950. to be licensed with the Hyster H25E, runs Audi S4 Cabriolet 2005 miles left in these Z a~4t a ~ / , . Discounts available 541-41 9-5480. C onstruction Con 49K mi, red w/charcoal cars. Price? You tell well, 2982 Hours, Call Cutting Edge Mercury Mo n t errey interior, 2 sets tires, me! I'd guess tractors Board (CCB). More Than Service $3500 cail Lawnworks: 1965, Exc. All original, A n active lice n se exc. cond., $19,950 $2000-$4000. 541 749 0724 541-815-4097 • Peace Of Mind 4-dr. sedan, in stor 541-350-5373. Your servant, Bob at means the contractor LCB ¹8451 age last 15 yrs., 390 541-318-9999, no i s bonded an d i n The Bulletin High C o m pression I nternational Fla t BMW 2 010 3 s eries charge for looking. Fall Clean Up s ured. Ver if y t h e Don't MONTANA 3585 2008 Call The Yard Doctor convertible, 5k miles. track it in all Winter To Subscribe call engi n e, new tires 8 li Bed Pickup 1963, 1 contractor's CCB exc. cond., 3 slides, • Leaves for yard maintenance, ton dually, 4 s p d. $42,995 ¹ 40 9 829 Volkswagen Jetta SE, c ense, reduced t o c ense through t h e king bed, Irg LR, Arc 541-385-5800 or go to • Cones thatching, sod, sprin 2008. 40,500 mi, Great $2650 541 410 3425 trans., great MPG, CCB Cons u m er www.bendbulletin.corn tic insulation, all op • Needles kler blowouts, water condition FWD ABS could be exc. wood Website • Pruning tions $37,500. FIND IT! features, more! automatic, AC, moon Oreg rrrg hauler, runs great, www.hirealicensedcontractor. I 0 • Debris Hauling 541-420-3250 Allen 541-536-1294 BUY IT! AutoSource roof, CD/MP3 8 much corn new brakes, $1950. LCB 5012 more! $12,950 or call 503-378-4621. 541-41 9-5480. 541-598-3750 SELL ITr NuWa 297LK H i t ch 541-771-2312 The Bulletin recom aaaoregonautoeource.corn Gutter The Bulletin Classifieds Hiker 2007, 3 slides, mends checking with Aeration/Fall Clean-up 32' touring coach, left Cleaning the CCB prior to con BOOK NOW! kitchen, rear lounge, Peterbilt 359 p o table tracting with anyone. Weekly/one-time service many extras, beautiful water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, Compost avail. Bonded, insured, Some other t r ades c ond. inside 8 o u t, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp n free estimates! also req u ire addi Applications hoses, $34,499 OBO, Prinev p ump, 4 - 3 COLLINS Lawn Maint. **: tional licenses and Use Less Water camlocks, $ 2 5,000. ille. 541-447-5502 days Ca/I 541-480-9714 certifications. & 541-447-1641 eves. 541-820-3724 $$$ SAVE $$$ Plymouth B a r racuda Improve Soil Debris Removal 1966, original car! 300 Bend Landscaping hp, 360 V8, center Sprinkler Blowouts, Utility Trailers 0.0 ~i 2012 Maintenance lines, fOriginal 273 JUNK BE GONE and Winterization Package Available eng 8 wheels incl.) I Haul Away FREE 541-382-1655 weekly, monthly 541-593-2597 LOB¹ 7990 ~ trf~ g ~ p / For Salvage. Also and Cleanups & Cleanouts PROJECT CARS: Chevy Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th one time service Big Tex Landscap Mel, 541-389-8107 2-dr FB 1949 8, Chevy N OTICE: ORE G O N (I I I I I I 1 s lide, AC, ing/ATV Trailer, / Landscape Contrac wheel, Coupe 1950 - rolling TV,full awning, excel EXPERIENCED Handyman dual axle flatbed, chassis's $1750 ea tors Law (ORS 671) n shape, $23,900. Commercial 7'x16', 7000 lb. Chevy 4-dr 1949, com r equires a l l bu s i lent 541-350-8629 ERIC REEVE HANDY & Residential GVW, all steel, piet e c ar, $1949; Ca nesses that advertise SERVICES. Home 8 $1400. dillac Series 61 1950, 2 t o p e r form L a n d Commercial Repairs, Free Estimates 541-382-4115, or dr. h a rd top, complete scape C o n struction 541-280-7024. w/spare front c l ip., Carpentry-Painting, Senior Discounts which incl u des: Pressure-washing, 541-390-1466 p lanting, deck s , Honey Do' s. On-time Same Day Response fences, arbors, promise. Senior w ater-features, a n d Discount. Work guar installation, repair of Pilgrim In t e rnational anteed. 541-389-3361 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, irrigation systems to "Please discontinue this or 541-771-4463 Nelson Landscape be licensed with the Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 Bonded & Insured Landscape Contrac Fall price $ 2 1,865. ~ ad as the vehicle has Maintenance ~ beenso/d.Iam pleased CCB¹t 81595 t ors B o a rd . Th i s 541-31 2-4466 Serving 0 to tell you that I had 4-digit number is to be I DO THAT! Central Oregon postedif on Craig's List included in all adver Home/Rental repairs Youhavearight toknowwhat your government is doing. on 6 different locations Residential tisements which indi Small jobs to remodels bufil was the Bulletinad SL-AWD2004,75k, & Commercial cate the business has Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in a newspaper Honest, guaranteed that sold it!" all-weather tires, tow a bond, insurance and whose readers are affected by the notice. But federal, state, aad local govern work. CCB¹151573 Lee, G. pkg, gold metallic, workers c ompensa ment agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public Dennis 541-317-9768 beige leather int., tion for their employ Regal Prowler AX8 Ex notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. moonroof, ......... ees. For your protec treme Edition 38' '05, Home Improvement If they did that,you'd have to know in advance where, when, and tion call 503-378-5909 4 slides,2 fireplaces, all • Snow Removal how to look, and what to look for, in order to be informed about gov Want Results from qualified or use our website: Kelly Kerfoot Const. • Sprinkler Repair maple cabs, king bed/ ernment actions that could affect you directly. localbuyers? 28 yrs exp in Central OR! www.lcb.state. to bdrm separated w/slide Less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government web site Call us at 541-385-5809 and ask check license status glass dr,loaded, always Quality & honesty, from • Back Flow Testing daily,' but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper at least once during aa about our Wheel Deal special! • Fall Clean up carpentry 8 handyman before co n t racting garaged, lived in only 3 ** average week, and 54% read public notices printed there. •Weekly Mowing with t h e bu s iness. mo,brand new $54,000, jobs, to expert wall cov Senior Discounts ering install / removal. Persons doing land still like new, $28,500, scape m aintenance will deliver,see rvt.corn, Sr. discounts CCB//47120 Bonded & Insured Licensed/bonded/insured 541-81 5-4458 do not require a LCB ad¹4957646 for pics. 'US Censusgvrrav May 2009 "Amentan Oprnion Rerenrte pnnteton N) September2010 541-389-1413 / 410-2422 LCB¹8759 license. Gory, 541-580-7334
The Bulletin
Sprinkler B/owouts
Oregonians agree
iI fiII(I
, <,I v
ClaSSif JedS
Keeppublic noticesinthenewspaper!
Legal Notices Just bought a new boat? Sell your old one in the classifieds! Ask about our Super Seller rates! 541-385-5809 LEGAL NOTICE IN THE C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E S TATE O F OR DES EGON CHUTES COUNTY. Federal Na t i onal Mortgage Associa tion, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Frank K. Limberg; Maria A. L imberg; and Occupants of the Premises, De fendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0883.
EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY. Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on November 29, 2012 at 1 1:00 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the high est bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 2311 Nort h east Baron Court, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot Eight, Block Four, Aspen Heights P hase I I I, D e s chutes County, Or egon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated Octo ber 2, 2012, to me directed i n the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Fed eral National Mort gage A ssociation, its successors in interest and/or as signs as plaintiff/s, recovered S t i p u l ated Gene r a l Judgment of Fore closure and Short ening of Redemp tion Period Against Defendants: 1) Frank K. Limberg 2) Maria A. Limberg on A ugust 1 , 201 2 , a gainst Frank K . Limberg and Maria A. Limberg as de fendant/s. BEFORE B IDDING AT T H E SALE, A PRO S PECTIVE BID DER SHOULD IN DEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor; (b) Land use laws and regulations ap plicable to the prop erty; (c)Approved uses for the prop e rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f) Environmen tal laws and regula tions that affect the property. Published in Bend B u lletin. D ate of F i rst a nd Successive Publica t ions:October 1 7 , 2012; October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012. Date of Last Publication: No v ember 7 , 2 0 1 2 . Attorney: Tony Kullen, OSB ¹ 090218. Rou t h C rabtree Ols e n , P.C., 621 SW Alder St., Ste 800, Port land, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0101. C o n d i tions of Sale:Poten tial bidders must ar rive 15 minutes prior to the auction to al low the Deschutes County Sheriff's Of f ice to revi e w bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cas h ier' s checks made pay able to Deschutes County Sheriff's Of fice w il l b e ac cepted. P a y ment
Legal Notices
t ion, a n d O c cu pants of th e P r e mises as d efendant/s. BE
must be made in full i mmediately u p o n t he close o f t h e sale. LARRY B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Lisa Griggs, Civil Tec h nician. Date: October 11,
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b)Land use l aws and regulations ap plicable to the prop
erty; (c)Approved uses for the prop e rty; (d) Limits o n farming or f o rest p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w ners; and (f) Environmen tal laws and regula
Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Scott N. Gillespie; JPMorgan C h ase Bank, N.A.; Sylvan Knolls-Boones Bor ough Prop e rty Owner's A s socia t ion; a n d O c c u pants of th e P re mises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV1023. NO T ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION
tions that affect the p roperty. L A R R Y B LANTON, Des c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil T echnician. D a t e: October 11, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of
Notice i s h e r e by given that I will on November 15, 2012 at 12:00 PM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County
First and Succes sive P u b lications: October 17, 2012; October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012. Date of Last Publi cation: November 7, 2012. Attorney:Am ber Norling, OSB
Off i c e,
63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the high est bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 21871 Katie Drive, B end, Oreg o n 9 7701, to w it ,
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¹ 094593.
Ro ut h
Crabtree Olsen, PC, 6 21 SW A lde r Street, Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 977-7840. C o n d i tions of Sale:Poten tial bidders must ar rive 15 minutes prior to the auction to al low the Deschutes County Sheriff's Of f ice to revi e w bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cas h ier' s checks made pay able to Deschutes County Sheriff's Of fice w il l b e ac cepted. P a y ment must be made in full i mmediately u p on t he close o f t h e sale. LEGAL NOTICE IN THE C I RCUIT C OURT O F T H E STATE O F O R EGON DES CHUTES COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Nicholas Schaan; Diana J. S c haan; M ortgage Ele c tronic R egistration Systems, Inc. solely a s n o minee f o r
Four (4), Block Three (3), Boones Borough No. 1, De schutes County, Or egon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated Sep tember 12, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells
Fargo Bank, N.A. as p laintiff/s, re c o v ered Stip u lated General Judgment of Foreclosure and S hortening of R e d emption Pe r i od Against Defendant: 1) Scott N. Gillespie on July 18, 2012, a gainst Scott N . Gillespie, J P M or gan Chase Bank, Sylvan N.A., Knolls-Boones Bor ough Prop e rty Owner's A s socia 1000
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Pleasejoin us •
for a town hall meeting with the Oregon State of OregOn
Department of Environmental Quality
Environmental Quality Commission
Wednesday, October 24th 7 p.m. The Oregon Environmental Quality Commission will hold a town hall-style public meeting in Bend on Wednesday, October 24, at 7 p.m., at the Phoenix Inn Suites in the Phoenix Room, located at 300 NW Franklin in downtown Bend. Please join the commission and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality to express your concerns and discuss ideas related to air, water and land quality in your community. For more information, please contact Stephanie Caldera at 503-229-5301.
Legal Notices • Summit M ortgage Corporations; Reed Pointe Homeowners' Asso ciation; and Occu pants of th e P r e mises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0793. NO T ICE O F SA L E UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION REAL PROPERTY.
Notice i s h e r eby given that I will on November 15, 2012 at 11:45 AM in the main lobby of t he Deschutes County S heriff's Offi c e , 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the high est bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 20794 S o u theast Hollis Lane, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, Lot 22 of Reed P ointe, Phase 1 , City of Bend, Des chutes County, Or egon. Said sale is made under a Writ o f E x ecution i n Foreclosure issued out of t h e C i rcuit Court of the State of Oregon f o r the C ounty o f Des chutes, dated Octo ber 3, 2012, to me directed in the a bove-entitled a c tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, NA as p laintiff/s, re c o v ered Stip u lated General Judgment of Foreclosure and
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S hortening of R e d emption Pe r i od against Defendants: 1) Nicholas Schaan 2) Diana J. Schaan on April 17, 2012, against Ni c h olas Schaan and Diana J. Schaan as defen d ant/s. BEF O R E B IDDING AT T H E SALE, A PRO SPECTIVE BID DER SHOULD IN DEPENDENTLY
INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment c r editor;
(b) Land use laws and regulations ap plicable to the prop erty; (c)Approved uses for the prop e rty; (d) Limits o n farming o r f o r est p ractices o n th e property; (e) Rights of neig h boring property o w n ers; and (f) Environmen tal laws and regula tions that affect the p roperty. L A R RY B LANTON, D es c hutes Coun t y Sheriff. Ant h o ny Raguine, Civil Technician. D a t e:
October 11, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. D at e of First and S ucces sive P u b lications: October 17, 2012; October 24, 2012; October 31, 2012. Date of Last Publi cation: November 7, 2012. Attorney: Erik Wilson, OSB ¹ 095507. Rou t h
Crabtree Olsen, PC, 1000
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LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON D E S C H UTES C O U N TY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. The Unknown Heirs of Harold C. Ballenger, Sr.; Harold Bal lenger, Jr.; Gary Ballenger; Estate of Marga ret Ballenger; United States of America; and Occupants of th e P remises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0444. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER W R IT OF E X ECUTION - REAL
PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 8, 2012 at 11:30 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20,Bend, Oregon, sell,at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 65425 93rd Street, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot 49 in Block 19 of Second Addition to Whispering Pines Estates, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure is sued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 20, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. as plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of Foreclosure on June 11, 2012, against The Unknown Heirs of Harold C. Bal lenger, Sr.; Harold Ballenger, Jr.; Gary Bal lenger; and Occupants of the Premises as d efendant/s. BEFORE BIDDING AT T H E SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a)The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b)Land use laws and regulations ap plicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the property; (d)Limits on farming or forest
practices on the property; (e)Rights of neigh boring property owners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Anthony Raguine, Civil Technician. Date: Oc tober 1, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October 3, 2012; October 10, 2012; October 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 2 4, 2012. Attorney: Amber N o rling, O S B ¹094593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, PC, 621 SW A lder Street, S uite 8 00 , P o rtland, O R 97205-3623, (503) 459-0115. Conditions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's
funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier' s checks made payable toDeschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. P ayment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. 1000
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LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES COUNTY. WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, its successors in interest and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. RICHARD A. LARSEN, JR; LOIS J. LARSEN; AND OCCU PANTS OF THE PREMISES, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0732. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 8, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office,
63333 W. Highway20,Bend, Oregon, sell,at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 250 SE Ventura Place, Bend, Oregon 97702, to wit, LOT SIX, BLOCK ONE, CARRIAGE A D DITION, CITY OF
BEND, DESCHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. SAID REAL PROPERTY BEING MORE AC CURATELY DESCRIBED AS: LOT SIX (6) IN Legal Notices Legal Notices Legal Notices BLOCK ONE (1), OF CARRIAGE ADDITION, RECORDED DECEMBER 14, 1971 IN CABI LEGAL NOTICE NET A, PAGE 500, CITY OF BEND, DES IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF OREGON DESCHUTES CHUTES COUNTY, OREGON. Said sale is COUNTY. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its successors in interest and/or as made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclo sure issued out of the Circuit Court of the signs, Plaintiff/s, v. David Dietz; Harriet Richard Individually and as Trustee of the Harriet Shlim Richard Trust, U/T/D June 21, 2002; Mort State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, gage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., soley as nominee for Pacific dated September 13, 2012, to me directed in Residential Mortgage; and Occupants of the Premises, Defendant/s. Case the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo No.: 11CV0926. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION Bank, N.A. as plaintiff/s, recovered Stipulated REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on October 25, 2012 General Judgment of Foreclosure and Short at 11:45 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, ening of Redemption Period Against Defen 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the dants: 1. Richard A. Larsen, Jr. 2. L ois J. highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, Larsen on July 10, 2012, against Richard A. known as 63060 Casey Place, Bend, Oregon 97701, to wit, Lot four (4) of Larsen Jr. and Lois J. Larsen as defendant/s. River Glen, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PRO Execution in Foreclosure issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Or SPECTIVE BIDDER S H O UL D INDEPEN egon for the County of Deschutes, dated August 28, 2012, to me directed DENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a)The priority of the in the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A, its succes lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) sors in interest and/or assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered Stipulated General Land use laws and regulations applicable to Judgment of Foreclosure and Shortening of Redemption Period Against the property; (c)Approved uses for the prop Defendants: 1) David Dietz 2) Harriet Richard individually and as Trustee erty; (d)Limits on farming or forest practices of the Harriet Shlim Richard Trust, U/T/D June 21, 2002 on June 11, 2012, on the property; (e)Rights o f nei g hboring against David Dietz and Harriet Richard, individually, and as Trustee of p roperty owners; and (f)Environmental l a ws the Harriet Shlim Richard Trust, U/T/D June 21, 2002 as defendant/s. BE and regulations that affect the property. FORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of Blair Barkhurst, Reserve Deputy Sheriff. Date: the judgment creditor; (b) Land use laws and regulations applicable to the October 1, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. property; (c) Approved uses for the property; (d) Limits on farming or for Date of First and Successive Publications: est practices on the property; (e) Rights of neighboring property owners; October 3, 2012; October 10, 2012; October and(f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Krista Mudrick, Civil Tech 2 4, 2012. Attorney: Amber N o r ling, OS B nician. Date: September 21, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of ¹094593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, P.C., 621 First and Successive Publications:September 26, 2012; October 3, 2012; SW Alder St., Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205, October 10, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 17, 2012. Attorney: 503-459-0115. Conditions of Sale: Potential Amber Norling, OSB ¹094593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, P.C., 621 SW Al bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the der St., Suite 800, Portland, OR 97205-3623, (503) 459-0115. Conditions auction to a l low t h e D e schutes County of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to al Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only low the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier's checks made U.S. currency and/or cashier's checks made payable to Deschutes County payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immedi will be accepted. Payment must be made in ately upon the close of the sale. full immediately upon the close of the sale. 1000
claim must be signed by you, sworn to un der penalty of perjury before a notary public, and state: (a) Your true name; (b) The address at which you will a c cept f u t ure m ailings f ro m th e court and f o rfeiture c ounsel; and (3) A s tatement that y o u have an interest in the seized property. Your deadline for filing the claim document with forfeiture cou n sel n amed below is 2 1 days from the last day of publication of this notice. Where to file a claim and for more i nformation: Da i n a Vitolins, Crook County District Attorney Of fice, 300 N E T h i rd Street, Prineville, OR
6 21 SW A lde r Street, Suite 8 0 0, Portland, OR 9 7205-3623, Eri k Wilson. Conditions of Sal e :Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Desc h u tes County Sheriff's Of f ice to revi e w bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cas h ier' s
checks made pay able to Deschutes County Sheriff's Of fice w il l b e ac cepted. P a y ment must be made in full i mmediately u p o n t he close o f
Leg a l Notices •
th e
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Legal Notices
the criminal laws of the State of Oregon regarding the manu facture, distribution or
LEGAL NOTICE On October 5, 2012 an application was filed with the FCC to possession of c o n t ransfer c ontrol o f trolled sub s tances GCC Bend, LLC., lic (ORS Chapter 475). ensee of radio sta IN THE MATTER OF: tions KICE, 940 kHz, U.S. Currency in the KRXF, 92.9 mHz, and amount of KMGX, 100.1 mHz, $20,000.00, One 2006 Bend, KSJJ, 102.9, Chevrolet S i lverado Redmond, and KXIX, Pickup, VIN 94.1 mHz, Sunriver, 1GCHK24U1GE1245 O regon, from T h e 06, Oregon License John Bradfield Gross Plate No . 9 4 9F JB, Trust, John B. Gross, and One 2008 Harley Trustee, to The John Davidson Motorcycle, Bradfield Gross Credit VIN Shelter Trust, Sue E. 1HD1FB4148Y681163, K ain, Trustee. T h e Case N o . 12 - 3 52 other officers, direc seized 1/23/2012 from tors and owners are Anthony Moon, An James M. Gross, Sue t hony J o hn s an d E . K ai n a n d th e Stephanie Johnson. J ames M . Gr o s s Trust, J a me s M. The Bulletin's Gross, Trustee.
"Call A Service
Notice of reasons for A copy of the applica Forfeiture: The prop Professional" Directory tion, amendments and erty described below is all about meeting related materials are was seized for forfei on file for public in your needs. ture because it: (1) spection at 345 SW Constitutes the p ro Cyber Dr. ¹101-103, Call on one of the ceeds of the violation Bend Oregon 97702 professionals today! If you have any inter of, solicitation to vio est i n t h e s e i zed late, attempt to vio 1000 property d e s cribed late, or conspiracy to below, you must claim violates, the criminal Legal Notices • Legal Notices that interest or you will laws of the State of automatically lose that Oregon regarding the LEGAL NOTICE interest. If you do not manufacture, distribu IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF file a c laim for t he tion, or possession of OREGON D E S C H UTES C O U N TY. Wells property, the property controlled substances Fargo Bank, N.A., and its Successor in Inter may be forfeited even (ORS Chapter 475); est and/or Assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Keith R. Bill if you are not con and/or (2) Was used Beverly J. Billeter, Westview Villas Own victed of any crime. or intended for use in eter, rs Association, and O ccupants of t h e To claim an interest, committing or f acili e Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0860. you must file a written tating the violation of, Premises, OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EX claim with the forfei solicitation to violate, NOTICE ECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is ture counsel named attempt to violate, or hereby given that I will on November 1, 2012 below, Th e w r i tten conspiracy to violate at 12:00 PM in the main lobby of the Des chutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. 1000 Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral Legal Notices Legal Notices auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real property, known as 20265 EllieLane, Bend, Oregon LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE OF 97701, to wit, Lot sixty-five (65), Empire Es tates, Deschutes County, Oregon. Said sale is OREGON D E SCHUTES C O U NTY. Wells Fargo Bank, NA, its successors in interest made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclo sure issued out of the Circuit Court of the and/or assigns, Plaintiff/s, v. Michael J. Brown; Lisha A. Brown, and Occupants of the Pre State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 7, 2012, to me directed in mises, Defendant/s. Case No.: 11CV0630. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EX the above-entitled action wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., and its Successors in Interest ECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 1, 2012 and/or Assigns as plaintiff/s, recovered Stipu at 11:45 AM in the main lobby of the Des lated General Judgment of Foreclosure and chutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Shortening of Redemption Period against Defendants: 1) Keith R. Billeter 2) Beverly J. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or Billeter on August 1, 2012, against Keith R. Billeter, Beverly J. Billeter as defendant/s. cashier's check, the following real property, known as 60111 Hopi Road, Bend, Oregon BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PRO SPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPEN 97702, to wit, Lot Forty Five (45), Block Q, Deschutes River Woods. More accurately de DENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a)The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b) scribed as follows: Lot Forty Five (45), of Block Q, Deschutes River Woods, Deschutes Land use laws and regulations applicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the prop County, Oregon. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Foreclosure issued out of erty; (d)Limits on farming or forest practices the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the on the property; (e)Rights o f ne i g hboring County of Deschutes, dated September 7, p roperty owners; and (f)Environmental l a ws and regulations that affect the p roperty. 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled ac tion wherein Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., its suc LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Krista Mudrick, Civil Technician. Date: Octo c essors in i n terest a nd/or a ssigns a s plaintiff/s, recovered General Judgment of ber 1, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publications: October Foreclosure on A ugust 9 , 2 0 12, against MichaelJ. Brown; Lisha A. Brown; and Occu 3, 2012; October 10, 2012; October 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 24, 2 0 12. pants of the Premises as defendant/s. BE FORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PRO Attorney: Amber Norling, OSB ¹ 0 94593, Routh Crabtree Olsen, P.C, 621 S SPECTIVE BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVESTIGATE: (a)The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b)Land use laws and regulations ap plicable to the property; (c)Approved uses for the property; (d)Limits on farming or forest practices on the property; (e)Rights of neigh boring property owners; and (f)Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and S uccessive Publications:October 3 , 20 1 2 ; October 10, 2012; October 17, 2012. Date of Last Publication: October 24, 2012. Attorney: Amber Norling, OSB ¹094593, Routh Crab tree Olsen, P.C, 621 SW Alder St., Suite 800, LEGAL NOTICE Portland, Or 97205, 503-459-0115. Condi SOLICITATION tions of Sale:Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Des chutes County Sheriff's Office to r e view bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier'schecks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will b e a c cepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Krista Mudrick, Civil Technician. Date: October 1, 2012. 1000
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State Bank, Successor in Interest to Columbia River Bank, a Washington State Chartered Bank, Plaintiff/s, v. Terry L. Anderson, an indi vidual; Candice E. Anderson, an individual; Anderson Wealth Management, LLC, an Or egon limited liability company; Shevlin Center Owners Committee, an Oregon nonprofit corpo ration; City of Redmond, Defendant/s. Case No.: 10CV0738MA. NOTICE OF SALE UNDER WRIT OF EXECUTION - REAL PROPERTY. Notice is hereby given that I will on November 15, 2012 at 11:00 AM in the main lobby of the Deschutes County Sheriff's Office, 63333 W. Highway 20, Bend, Oregon, sell, at public oral auction to the highest bidder, for cash or cashier's check, the following real properties further described in the attached Exhibits 1 and 2: 1. 2305 SW Yew Avenue, Redmond; Tax Lot 207, Assessor Map 15-13-29A - Parcel 1, Ex hibit 1. 2.No assigned address, Redmond; Tax Lot 6500, Assessor Map 15-13-29AB - Parcel 2, Exhibit1.3. 520 NW Columbia Street, Bend; Tax Lot 917, Assessor Map 18-12-06A - Exhibit 2. Each property will be sold separately. Said sale is made under a Writ of Execution in Fore closure of Real Property issued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Deschutes, dated September 12, 2012, to me directed in the above-entitled action wherein Columbia State Bank, Successor in Interest to Columbia River Bank, a W ashington State Chartered Bank, as plaintiff/s, recovered Stipu lated General Judgment and Money Award on August 21, 2012, against Terry L. Anderson, Candice E. Anderson,and Anderson Wealth Management, LLC, as defendant/s.BEFORE BIDDING AT THE SALE, A PROSPECTIVE
BIDDER SHOULD INDEPENDENTLY INVES TIGATE: (a) The priority of the lien or interest of the judgment creditor; (b)Land use laws and
r egulations applicable to the property; (c) A p on proved uses for the property; (d) Limits farming or forest practices on the property; (e) Rights of neighboring property owners; and (f) Environmental laws and regulations that affect the property. LARRY BLANTON, Deschutes County Sheriff. Anthony Raguine, Civil Techni cian. Date: October 8, 2012. Published in Bend Bulletin. Date of First and Successive Publica tions: October 10, 2012;October 17, 2012; Oc tober 24, 2012. Date of Last Publication: Octo ber 31, 2012. Attorney: Jennifer C. Paul, OSB ¹104791, Saalfield Griggs, PC, PO Box 470, Salem, OR 97308-0470, (503) 399-1070. Con ditions of Sale: Potential bidders must arrive 15 minutes prior to the auction to allow the Des chutes County Sheriff's Office to review bidder's funds. Only U.S. currency and/or cashier' s checks made payable to Deschutes County Sheriff's Office will be accepted. Payment must be made in full immediately upon the close of the sale.