The Bulletin Daily Paper 11-17-12

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75$

SATURDAY November17,2012


We are very sorry that H e r e is where you'll • Letters to the Editor:C6 the full Friday Bulletin, due find some of yesterday's • Obituaries:C7 to a press breakdown, ite m s and features that • Friday's New York could not bedelivered. y o u missed: Times crossword:E2

• Parents' Guide to Movies:ES • Friday's comics:E6-7

(Today's comics:B4-5)

Again, we apologize for any inconvenience and greatly appreciate your understanding.

(Today's puzzle:E4)


en irec ie ears sowerres onse imes

Responsetimes up


One way the Bend Fire Department measures its performance is by response times. The 80th percentile response time is a common measure used bythe department.

House Democrats pick I(otek to become speaker

Source: City of Bend


RESPONSE TIMES 80 percent of calls are responded to within this time, shown in minutes


10 9:07 9:10 9:02 9:22


By Hillary Borrud

minutes,22 seconds in 2010,according to the department. The remainStatistics released by the Bend ing calls took longer. Fire D epartment o n Th u r sday Fire Chief Larry Huhn said the showed that it took firefighters and Fire Department has been thinmedics longer to reach people who ning its staff by attrition, and reneeded help in 2011 than in the pre- duced its payroll by 10 people over vious four years. the last three years. Huhn said reThe Fire Department responded sponse times could continue to into 80 percent of calls within 9 min- crease because he will have to lay utes, 59 seconds in 2011, up from 9 off employees, unless the city finds The Bulletin

0 '07 '08 '09 'IO 'l1 Andy Zetgert / The Bulletin

a way to increaserevenue to the Fire Department in the next two

years. "If we don't get extra funding above our base rate over these next two years, we're going to have to lay off up to half a dozen people," Huhn said in an interview this week. The department has approximately 80 employees, Huhn said. See Fire/A7

By Lauren Dake The Bulletin

SALEM — Oregon Democratic lawmakers made history Thursday when they selected Rep. Tina Kotek as their nominee to hold the speaker's gavel, putting her in line to be the nation's first openly lesbian House speaker. Democrats broke the historic 30-30 split in the House by



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gaining four

cha lenges


By Ethan Bronner New Yorh Times News Service

Ryan Brenneke/The Bulletin

he intersection of Brookswood Boulevard and Powers Road reopened Friday with a new roundabout. Another intersection with a new roundabout, at Northeast 18th Street and Empire Avenue, is scheduled to reopen Tuesday. Both intersections had been closed for four months while the roundabouts were built. The new roundabouts were part of the general obligation bond approved by voters in May 2011. The bond authorized $30 million in transportation projects. Roundabout art will be installed separately by Art in Public Places.

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON — Testifying out of sight, ex-CIA Director David Petraeus told Congress on Friday that classified intelligence showed the deadly raid on the U.S. Consulate in Libya was a terrorist attack but the administration withheld the suspected role of al-Qaida affiliates to avoid tipping them off. The recently resigned spy chief explained that references to terrorist groups suspected of carryingout the violence were removed from the public explanation of what caused the attack so as not to alert them that U.S. intelligence was on their trail, according to lawmakers who attended Petraeus' private

briefings. See Libya/A6

88267 02329

despite new


By Kimberly Dozier and Nedra Pickler


approach II/l

Detai s on Libya attack withhe d, Petraeussays


Israel sticks to tough

. lh

seats in the recent electton, gtvtng the party a Kotek 34-26 e dge over their Republican counterparts. In the 2011 and 2012 legislative sessions, Rep. Arnie Roblan, a Democrat from Coos Bay, shared the speaker duties with Rep. Bruce Hanna, a Republican from Roseburg. Roblan and Hanna were hailed for helping their parties avoid partisan breakdowns that were evident in other states. Roblan said he's confident Kotek will keep the spirit of bipartisanship intact. "She's thoughtful," Roblan said. "She comes from the Portland area and sometimes people in rural areas get nervous about that. But she listens intently to the needs that exist across the state." Kotek, 46, will work closely with Rep. Mike McLane, R-Powell Butte, who was selected last week to be the House Republican Leader. During McLane's first legislative session, his desk on the House floor was next to Kotek's desk. See Speaker /A6

8 .4 We userecycled newsprint


The Bulletin AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol. 109, No. 322, 52 pages, 6 sections

Drug shortages, oncetbougbt to be temporary, now afact of life By Katie Thomas

In the end, he opted not to give her the morphine, a decision that haunts him still. "I just feel like I'm not doing my job," said Davis, who ischiefofthe rescue squad in Vernon, Ohio. He has since refilled his

New York Times News Service

Paul Davis, the chief of a rural ambulance squad in southern Ohio, was down to his last vial of morphine earlier this fall when a woman with a brokenlegneeded a ride to the hospital. The trip was 30 minutes, and the patient was in pain. But because of a nationwide


shortage, his morphine supply had dwindled from four doses to one, presenting Davis with a stark quandary. Should he treat the woman, who was clearly suffering'? Or should he save it for a patient who might need it more'?

"I shouldn't have to make those kinds of decisions," Davis said. From ruralambulance squads to prestigious hospitals, health care workers are struggling to keep vital medicines in stock because of a drug shortage crisis that is proving to be stubbornly difficult to fix. See Shortage/A4


Chip Litherland /New York Times News Service

Jennifer Lacognata, left, was prescribed a liquid vitaminthat the manufacturer recently stopped making.She sued the company unsuccessfully to try to compel it to make the drug again. Here, she attends karate class with her daughter in Safety Harbor, Fla.

INDEX B usiness 03-5 Community B1-6 Local News 01-8 Sports D1 - 6 C lassified E1-8 Crosswords B5, E4 Movies B2 St o ck s 04- 5 Comics B 4 - 5 Editorials 06 O b ituaries C 7 T V B 2 , 'TV' mag

TODAY'S WEATHER Showers High 51, Low 32

Page CS

TEL AVIV, Israel — With rockets landing on the outskirts of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem on Friday and the Egyptian prime minister making a solidarity visit to Gaza, the accelerating conflict between Israel and Hamas — reminiscent Inside inmanyways • Israel of so many moves pr e v i ous batcloser to t l e s — has the a ground m a k i ngs of a operation, new kind of A3 Israeli-Palestinian face-off. The combination of longer-range and far deadlier rockets in the hands of more radicalized Palestinians, the arrival in Gaza and Sinai from North Africa of other militants pressuring Hamas to fight more, and the growing tide of anti-Israel fury in a region where authoritarian rulers have been replaced by Islamists means that Israel is engaging in this conflict with a different set

of challenges. The Middle East of 2012 is not what it was in late 2008, the last time that Israel mounted a military invasion to reduce the rocket threat from Gaza. Many analysts and diplomats outside Israel say the country today needs a different approach to Hamas and the Palestinians based more on acknowledging historic grievances and shifting alliances. But the Israeli government and the vast majority of tts people have drawn a very different conclusion. Their dangerous neighborhood is growing still more dangerous, they agree. That means not concessions, but being tougher in pursuit of deterrence, and abandoning illusions that a Jewish state will ever be broadly accepted here. See Middle East/A7

TOP NEWS IRAN: Country's nuclear program makes progress, A3





Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, names in the news — things you need to know to start your day.


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It's Saturday, Nov. 17, the 322nd day of 2012. There are 44 days left in the year.

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Phone hours: 5:30 a.m.- 5 p.m. Moncpri., 6:30 a.m.-noonSaL-Sun.

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• The Leonid meteor shower is







expected topeakthisweekend.






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held its first session in Washington in the partially

completed Capitol building.


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Highlights:In1800, Congress «v


541 -383-0348 FAX

In 1962, Washington Dulles International Airport was

dedicated by President John


F. Kennedy. In 1973, President Richard Nixon told Associated

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Press managing editors in

- . vf'$5.", .ihtr: ' '

Orlando, Fla.: "People have got to know whether or not their

lllustration by


Elwood H. Smith


New York Times News Service


president is a crook. Well, I'm not a crook." In 1979, Iran's Ayatollah Khomeini ordered



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the release of13 black and/or female American hostages

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Oregon Lottery results As listed at


in Tehran. Ten years ago:Abba Eban, the statesman who helped persuade the world to

approve creation of Israel and

so proiiurdpps

being held at the U.S. Embassy

By Dennis Overbye New Yorft Times News Service

What will you wear to Alpha Centauri? The news last month that there is a planet circling Alpha Centauri B, only a little more than f our l i g ht-years away, set off an epidemic of daydreaming among the astronomical and sci-fi set, me among them. For people who believe that interstellar v oyages, either for people orfor robots, are in the future, Alpha Centauri, a triple-star system

"I think we should drop everything and send a probe there." — Sara Seager, astronomer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

birthday," she said. Jemison's main work these days is spreading the word

crossing in less than a human lifetime. (If you have a design for a faster-than-light warp drive, send it directly to Jemison, not me.) The cost would be stagger-

and raising money. The prospect of habitable real estate makes the idea of journeying to other stars that much more real, she said, adding: "This is a boon, because

ing, even for the robots (perhaps genetically engineered nanoprobes) that would precede humans. And whoever eventually goes won't come back. It won't b e m e , d e spite what I once wrote in my high school yearbook: "Ambition: To go to the stars." Perhaps it is a sign of my age that I think more these days about what I would be leaving behind than what I would be gaining: my family and other loved ones, autumn in the Catskills, one more cowboy trout stream or New Year's Eve with old friends. I asked Jemison if she would go, knowing it was forever. "Yeah," she answered. "I

that is the sun's near- PIS( O QERY most people have est known neighbor, has always loomed large and close as a destination. It was the home of the mythical jungle world Pandora in James Cameron's epic "Avatar," for example. The new p l anet d oesn't h ave jungles, g i ant b l u e skinned cats or, as far as we know, the magical mineral unobtainium. It is, rather, a hellish unlivable blob of lava probably about the size of Earth, only 4 m i l lion short m iles from the fires of A l pha Centauri B, the secondbrightest star in the system. But if a s tronomers have learned anything over the last few years from devices like the Kepler satellite, it is that small planets come in packs. There is plenty of room in the system for more planets, habitable ones. "I think w e s hould drop everything and send a probe there," said Sara Seager, an astronomer at t h e M a ssachusetts Institute of Technology, echoing a call made last year by the exoplanet pioneer Geoff Marcy of the University of California, Berkeley. There is in fact somebody in charge of doing something j ust like t h at. She i s M a e Jemison, aformer astronaut, engineer, dancer, actor and entrepreneur. In conjunction with the nonprofit foundation Icarus Interstellar, she won a $500,000 government grant this year to set up 100 Year Starship, an organization that is to come up with a business plan for interstellar travel. DARPA, the g overnment agency that helped invent the Internet and now w ants to help invent interstellar travel, estimated that just planning for such a trip could take 100 years.Jemison, 56, hopes it can happen sooner. The Centauri planet was officially announced on her birthday, and over the phone from her new headquarters in Houston she sounded practically bubbly.

heard of Alpha Centauri. It's close." Well, sort of close.

Getting there Space is deeper and older than most humans can comprehend. You can't measure a light-year by your stride. There are 4.4 of them — 27 trillion miles — from here to Alpha Centauri B. We won't get there by doing business as usual. Voyager I, the fastest and most distant human artifact, is more than II billion miles from the Sun a nd is speeding away at l l miles per second; it w ould take 78,000 years to get to Alpha Centauri if it were going that way, which it is not. Other schemes, based on existing o r a b o ut-to-be-existing technology like solar sails a n d t he r m onuclear rockets, have been proposed that could reach a tenth the speed of light and make the

would go." Perhaps hearing the catch of loneliness in my voice, she added, "It makes a difference who goes with you." In science fiction, she said, space travel is sterile. " I think i t w o n't b e l i k e that," she said. "It has to be r eimagined. We w i l l b r i n g our culture along with us."

All that is part of the Starship study's mandate, she sard. At a recent symposium that was a sort of housewarming for the new institute, Jemison said, there was a lot of talk about what it means to be an i n t erstellar c ivilization. "Do we start calling ourselves Earthlings instead of Americans?" Another big topic of conv ersation, s u r prisingly o r not so surprisingly, was how to dress on a star cruise. As Jemison pointed out, not all

of us are going to look good in those little spandex Star Trek uniforms. And even for those who do, the look will get old after 40 years.

Perhaps, some people suggested, we won't need clothes at all on the starship. Everyone would go around in the Band-Aids that p assed for underwear in this summer's "Prometheus," Ridley Scott's not-quite prequel to "Alien." But the urge to decorate oneself seems built into human nature. And anyway, the urge tosee what concoctions can be worn successfully in z ero gravity is l i kely to be overwhelming. The Japanese fashion designer Eri Matsui has already designed a wedding dress — actually a clever pantsuit — that was worn for a wedding aboard a "vomit comet" flight in 2009. S o start s h o pping a n d

packing — if you dare. Presumably you won't be limited to one carry-on.

dominated Israeli diplomacy for decades, died near Tel Aviv; he was 87.

Five years ago:U.S. Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte delivered a blunt message to Pakistan's military ruler, President Gen. Pervez Musharraf, telling him emergency rule had to be lifted

and his opponents freed ahead of elections.

Oneyearago:OccupyW all Street protesters clogged streets and tied up traffic around the U.S. to mark two months since the movement's birth and signal they weren't ready to quit despite the breakup of many of their

encampmentsby police. Clayton Kershaw of the Los Angeles Dodgers won the NL

Cy YoungAward.

BIRTHDAYS Singer Gordon Lightfoot is 74. Movie director Martin

Scorsese is 70. Actress Lauren Hutton is 69. Actor-director

Danny DeVito is 68. "Saturday Night Live" producer Lorne Michaels is 68. Former

Democratic National Chairman Howard Dean is 64. House

SpeakerJohn Boehneris 63. Actor Stephen Root is 61. Actor Dylan Walsh is 49. U.S. Ambassador to the United

Nations SusanRice is 48. Actress Rachel McAdams

is 34. Rock musician Isaac Hanson (Hansonj is 32. — From wire reports




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Iranian ROZketp tppget jepppplem; States declintoesetup nuclear grOund OperatiOn pOSSib~e exchanges for insurance program makes By Robert Pear and Abby Goodnongh

O bama administration t o make decisions. New York Times News Service The exchanges — online WASHINGTON — Geor- markets where consumers gia, Ohio an d W i sconsin can shop for private insurjoined more than a dozen ance subsidizedby the federo ther states on Friday i n al government — are a censaying they would not es- terpieceof President Barack tablish h e alth i n s urance Obama's health care law. exchanges, while a h a ndThe federal government ful of other states said they will create and run exchangwould take advantage of an es in any state that is unable extra month allowed by the or unwilling to do so.

progress By joby Warrick The Washington Post

Iran has reached another milestone in i t s n u clear program, U.N. inspectors

Ar-.tistr'y in D~esign

' lI;ii,,;„,;,'.'.. ' c„n I


reported Friday, saying the country has completed work on an underground factory for making enriched uranium. Western officials fear that the heavily fortified facility could someday be used to make a nuclear bomb. The report by the International Atomic Energy Agency also documented a sharp rise in Iran's stockpile of a more purified form of enriched uranium that experts say can be converted relatively easily into fissile material for nuclear weapons. The advances are likely to fuel anxiety over Iran's nuclear ambitions because both potentially shorten the country's pathway to becoming a nuclear-weapons state. Iran insists it is interestedin nuclear energy only for peaceful purposes. IAEA o ff icials c h ided Iran in the report for failing to take steps to ease international concerns about its nuclear program. The U.N. agency noted that Tehran still refuses to allow inspections of military facilities where the government is believed to have conducted nuclear-weapons research in the past. "Iran is not providing the necessary cooperation," the nuclear watchdog said in its report, prepared for an upcoming meeting of the IAEA's 35-nation board of governors. Without further c ooperation, it s a id, t h e agency "is unable to provide credible assurance ... to conclude that all nuclear material in Iran is in peaceful activities." A key focusofthe report was Iran's Fordow uraniumenrichment plant near Qom, about 100 miles southwest of Tehran. In recent months, Iran's engineers have made rapid progress atthe formerly secret plant, installing thousands of fast-spinning gas centrifuge machines used to make enriched uranium. The plant was constructed inside a mountain to shield it from airstrikes, and Israeli officials have warned that the plant's completion will make it harder for Western nations to stop Iran if it decides to build nuclear bombs. Inspectors who visited the plant this month reported that all of the plant's nearly 2,800 centrifuges have been installed. For unknown reasons, Iran has not begun feeding uranium hexafluoride gas into more than half of the machines,the report stated.




I 1

Rlna Castelnuovo/ New York Times News Serwce

Soldiers gather near the Gaza borderin Israel on Friday. After a morning of heavy rocket fire from Gaza into Israel, the Israeli military seemed to be edging closer to a ground invasion. By Isabel Kershner and Rick Gladstone New York Times News Service

JERUSALEM — E mbold-

ened by displays of Egyptian solidarity and undeterred by Israel's advanced aerial firepower, Palestinian militants under siege in Gaza broadened their rocket targets Friday, aiming at the holy city of Jerusalem for the first time, sending asecond volley screeching toward Tel Aviv and pushing the Israelis closer to a ground invasion. Israel's government more than doubled the number of army reservists it could call to combat if needed in the increasingly lethal showdown with Gaza's Hamas fighters and their affiliates, after they fired more than 700 rockets into southern Israel over the

last year. The escalation has raisedfears of a new chapter of war in the intractable ArabIsraeli conflict. The Israeli military closed some roads adjacent to Gaza in anticipation of a possible infantry move into the territory, which would be the first Israeli military presence on the ground in Gaza since the three-week invasion of 200809. The Israeli military chief of staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz, went south to brief regular forces and reservists. "We are here tonight on the

eve of a possible ground operation," he said. Many residents of Jerusalem, which Israel claims as its capital despite objections from the city's large Palestinian population and others throughout the Middle East,

were startled when wartime sirens warning o f i m p ending danger wailed at dusk, followed by at least two dull thuds. Hamas' military wing claimed in a statement that they were rockets fired from Gaza, 48miles away, and had been meant to hit the Israeli Parliament. The police said one of the rockets crashed harmlessly in open space near an Israeli settlement south of Jerusalem. It was unclear where the others landed, but no damage or injuries were reported. Earlier in Tel Aviv, 40 miles from the Gaza border, air-raid sirenswailed for a second day as arocket fired from the territory approached. A police spokesman, Micky Rosenfeld, said it apparently fell into the Mediterranean.

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Obama, congressional leadersshow unity in pledge to avert 'fiscal cliff' By Lori Montgomery

House, standing shoulder-toshoulder w it h R e publicans W ASHINGTON — A f t e r John Boehner of Ohio, the a brutally divisive presiden- House speaker, and Mitch Mctial campaign and two years Connell of Kentucky, the Senof acrimony over the federal ate minority leader, as well budget, the nation's leaders as House Democraticleader j oined h a nds F r i day a n d Nancy Pelosi of C alifornia. pledged fast and far-reaching "We all know something has action to tame the public debt to be done. There is no more 'Let's do it some other time.' and avoid economy-shaking tax hikes set to hit in January. We're going to do it now." In a display of bipartisanThe usually sharp-tongued ship unseen since the GOP McConnell e v e n p ra i s ed captured the House in 2010, Obama for his upcoming trip Republican and Democratic to Southeast Asia, although it leaders met for more than an will take the president away hour with President Barack f rom Washington a s p o l i Obama at the White House. cymakers rush to reach an They emerged unified, with agreement to avert $500 bila message of reassurance for lion in tax hikes and automatnervous taxpayers and inves- ic spending cuts that threaten tors — though intense hag- to throw the nation back into gling over the shape of a deal recession early next year. "I can only echo the obis yet to come. "I feel very good about what servations of the other leadwe were able to talk about in ers, that it was a constructive there," Senate Majority Lead- meeting," M cConnell s a id. "We all understand where we er Harry Reid, D-Nev., told are." reporters outside the White The Washington Post

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Shortage Continued from A1 Rationing is just one example of the extraordinary lengths being taken to address the shortage, which health care workers say has ceased to be atemporary emergency and is now a fact of life. In desperation, they are resorting to treating patients with less effective alternative medicines and using expired drugs. The Cleveland Clinic has hired a pharmacist whose only job is to track down hard-to-find

drugs. Caused largely by an array of manufacturing problems, the shortage has prompted c ongressional h e arings, a presidential order and pledges by generic drug makers to communicate better with federal regulators. T he problem peaked i n 2011, when a record 251 drugs were declaredin short supply. This year, slightly more than 100 were placed on the list, and workers say the battle to keep

but was a top priority. "One shortage is one shortage too many,"he said. "One patient not getting a critical drug is one patient too many." Federal drug officials trace much of the drug shortage crisis to delays at plants that make sterile injectable drugs, which account for about 80 percent of the scarce medicines. Nearly a third of the industry's manufacturing capacity is not running because of plant c l osings o r s h utdowns to fix serious quality issues.Other shortages have


been caused by supply disruptions of the raw ingredients used to make the drugs, or by manufacturers exiting the market. Some people have accused the FDA of causing the short-

ages, saying

to-find medicines tp p l t )OXand ranges from basic tflree pf them medicines like the heart me d i c ine

o verzealous

dp y p u dp?

McClatchy-Tribune News Service

Two young Mennonite women wear traditional long dresses in Cuauhtemoc, a city in Mexico's Chihuahua state. Some Mennonites in Mexico are pondering a return to Russia, the country from which their ancestors fled.

that s o me compa nies have stopped making c e r t ain d rugs. Ear l t e r

McCtatchy Newspapers

t his we e k , s everal D e mocratic members of Cong r e s s asked the ( o vernment Ac c ountability O f fice to investigate whether the practices of so-called


group purchasing

l a rg e d r u g

i , lk

Tosome Mennoni tes in Mexico,Russialooks like the PromisedLand

a lidocaine injec— Dr. Carol tion, which is used ""m"g ham, state to numb tissue beal director, fore surgery. ePartment A deadly ment' '" ' y' ingitis o u t break emergen cy services c aused by c o n tamination at p roducer co u l d worsen the situation, federal officials have warned. The Food and Drug Administration said that shortages of six drugs — medicines used during surgery and to treat conditions like congestive heart failure — c ould get w o rse after a b i g co m p ounding pharmacy closed over concerns about drug safety. The pharmacy, Ameridose, shares some management with the New England Compounding Center, which is at the center of a meningitis outbreak that has claimed 33 lives. "When you can't treat basic things — cardiac arrest, pain management, seizures — you're in trouble," said Dr. Carol Cunningham, the state medical director for the Ohio Department of Public Safety's emergency services division. "When you only have five tools in your toolbox and three of them are gone, what do you do?"

o rgan i z a t i o n s , which buy drugs on behalf of hospitals, was contributing to the shortage. Regardless of th e c ause, the drug shortage has forced the FDA to make some tough choices, including allowing manufacturers to sell drugs that, if it were not for the crisis, most likely would have been recalled.Last year, for example, the agency allowed the manufacturer American Regent to sell a d rug used d uring c h emotherapy t h at was found to contain glass particles. Doctors and nurses were instructed to filter the drug, s o diu m t h i o sulfate, b efore administering i t t o patients. "If there wasn't a shortage, we would never allow a company to continue marketing" in such cases, said Dr. Sandra Kweder, deputy director of the FDA's office of new drugs. But "patients need it." Hamburg said drug manufacturers had i nvested sig'Guardedly optimistic' nificantly in improving their Dr. Margaret Hamburg, the facilities, upgrades that will FDA commissioner, said in an ultimately help ease the crisis interview this week that she but that in the near term are was "guardedly optimistic" making some shortages diffithat the shortage crisis was cult to resolve. "It's not going to happen abating. "I think t h ere's been an o vernight, but we're in t h e enormous amount of p r og- midst of a period of really, ress," she said. "We're seeing very significant change that real change in the number of offers great promise for the shortages that we're able to future," she said. recognize early." More than 150 new short- Out of luck ages have been prevented this Patients l i ke Jen n i f er year, according to the agency. Lacognata, a mother of two But Erin Fox, who tracks i n s uburban F l o rida, s a y supply levels for a b r oader they cannot afford to w ait. range of drugs at the Univer- She suffers from debilitating sity of Utah, said once a drug night blindness, skin lesions became scarce, it tended to and other health problems stay scarce. The university's because she cannot absorb Drug I n f ormation S e rvice vitamin A through her diet, a w as actively t r acking 2 8 2 rare side effect of weight-loss hard-to-find products by the surgery she had years ago. In end of the third quarter of this 2011, her doctor prescribed Aquasol A, a liquid form of year, a record. "The shortages we h ave the vitamin, to be injected into aren't going away — they're her shoulder. not resolving," she said. "But But Hospira has temporarthe good news is we're not pil- ily stopped selling Aquasol A ing more shortages on top." after it decided to move manuIn 2011, prompted by emo- facturing of the product from tional pleas by c ancer pa- an outside company to one tients and others who said the of its plants. The company drug shortage was threaten- recently decided to abort the ing lives, President Barack plan, citing complex techniObama issued an executive cal challenges, and now has a order requiring drug m a kdeal with another company to ers to notify the FDA when a begin making the vitamin. shortage appeared imminent. Lacognata sued H o spira The agency also l o osened unsuccessfully to try to comsome restrictions on import- pel the company to make it

ing drugs and sped up approv- again. als by other manufacturers to make certain medicines. A law p assed this summer contains several provisions aimed at improving the situation, including expediting approval of new generic medicines and requiring the a gency's enforcement u n i t to better coordinate with its d rug-shortage officials b e fore it takes action against a manufacturer. Ralph Neas, the chief executive of the Generic Pharmaceutical Association, said fixing the drug shortage was complex and would take time,

To submit service information or announcements for religious organizations, email or call 541-383-0358.

Manufacturing problems

enforcement and poor communication have led plants to needlessly close or slow production. Others have cited economic factors, like market pharmacy shelves Wflen Qpu pressures an d s tocked contin- p n / y f l aye fjye reimbur sement ues un a b a ted. policies that have The ]ist of hardset prices so low

n itroglycerin t o


A company spokeswoman said Hospira recognizes the critical need for Aquasol A and is "working diligently" to return it to the market, but declined to provide an estimate of when. Given that the delays have s tretched for m or e t han a year, Lacognata said she was not holding her breath. "If they don't get their act together and do this, they're not going to suffer," she said. "They're still going to be making millions of dollars. It's the little guy in the end who ends up with nothing."

By Tim Johnson M EXICO CITY — It ' s been nearly a century since pacifist Mennonites fled Russia for the plains of western Canada, immigrating later to northern Mexico to turn some of its arid high desert into model productive farms. The Mennonites, the men in their overalls and straw hats and the women in ankle-length skirts, nurtured their corn, cotton and bean estatesand apple orchards in the state of Chihuahua into some of the most bountiful farms in Mexico. But not all is well in Mexico's Mennonite communities, and, in a curious turn of the historic wheel, a smattering are now pondering a return to Russia, the country their grandparents an d gr e a tgrandparents fled amid the upheaval of the Bolshevik revolution. "There are a lot of people who are interested in going," said Enrique Voth Penner, one of 11 Mennonites who in August visited fertile Tat arstan, along t h e V o l ga River at the edge of the European part of Russia. In February, in the midst of the harsh Russian winter, the Mennonite delegation will return to Tatarstan to deepen discussions about what land may be available and whether Russian authorities will grant them the freedom to run independent schools, practice their reli-

gionand exempt young men from military service. The Mennonite return to Russia, if it happens, would be more than just a historical oddity. It also is a reflection of the challenges of intensive agriculture in Mexico's arid north, where farming depends on massive irrigation and arable land is at a premium. Water tables have dropped dramatically from overuse for f a r ming, and disputes between Mennonite and non-Mennonite farmers have turned violent. "The No. 1 reason to emigrate is to find land for our future g enerations," V oth Penner said. "No. 2 is the situation withthe water. We aren't permitted the water we need."

Mexican migration Officials say some 50,000 Mennonites reside in Mexico, most of them speakers of a Low G erman dialect who dwell in isolated farming communities that operate their own schools and churches. Pious and humble by religious training, Anabaptist cousins of the Amish, the Mennonites largely stick to their communities, venturing to cities only to sell cheese and grains or to conduct business. Unlike the Amish, many M ennonites use gasoline-powered vehicles and cellphones. Persecuted in their homelands, the Mennonites emigrated from Prussia and Germany to Russia on invitation from Catherine the Great in the 18th century. With the October Revolution of 1917, which brought t he Communist Party t o power in Russia, many Mennonites fled to Canada. "They came because the Bolsheviks were going to expropriate their land," said Dr. Karl Koth, a historian at the

University of Manitoba. Only afewyears later, amid fears that religious guarantees were eroding in Canada, a few thousand Mennonites won a pledge from Mexico's then-president, Alvaro Obregon, himself a farmer, to respect their way of life. Some 7,000 of them boarded chartered trains to Mexico in the early 1920s. As the decades passed, Mennonite farms in Chihuahua spread into new crops, turning to n uts, sorghum, cotton, wheat and apples, as well as beans and corn. Today, they produce as much as one-third of the yellow corn that's grown in Mexico.

Water disputes But water for irrigation remained scarce, and the Mennonites began sinking new wells far deeper than the 100 or 200 feet initially required. "There are wells that are 600 meters deep now," said Sergio Cano, a state manager in Chihuahua with the National Water Commission. That's nearly 2,000 feet. In the aquifer underlying the cityof Cuauhtemoc, farmers pull 300 million cubic meters of water from wells each year, while rain replenishes the water table with only 115 million cubic meters, Cano said, adding that "over-usage is very high." Both Mennonite and non-Mennonite farms are thought to have obtained licenses for wells through bribes or to h ave drilled illegal wells. A severe d rought t h at lasted until earlier this year — the worst in more than 70 years exacerbated tensions between M ennonite communities and other farmers over water rights, leading to clashes. A nonMennonite peasant activist and his wife were slain Oct. 22 in Cuauhtemoc, inflaming tensions. Another unsettling f actor isthe presence of drug traffickers in Chihuahua, a border state that's a key corridor for smuggling cocaine n orthward. B eginning i n the late 1990s, drug agents made a handful of arrests of M ennonites taking part in cocaine-smuggling rings to Canada, and young Mennonites began turning up at a rehab facility in Cuauhtemoc or jailed in Ciudad Juarez on

ANTIOCH CHURCH:Senior Pastor Ken Wytsma; "Warnings Against Adultery," as part of a series on Proverbs; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; Redux Q-and-A after the service; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St., Bend. BEND CHRISTIANFELLOWSHIP: Pastor Dave Miller; Sunday at 10 a.m.; 4twelve youth group: Wednesday at 7 p.m.; 19831 Rocking Horse Road, Bend. BEND CHURCHOFTHE NAZARENE:Pastor Virgil Askren; "Thanksand Giving";Sunday at 10:15 a.m.; 1270 N.E. 27th St., Bend. COMMUNITY OFCHRIST: Craig Perryman; "Leave No One Behind," based on Luke15:3-7; Sunday at11 a.m., following 10:45 a.m. praise singing; 20380 Cooley Road, Bend. DISCOVERY CHRISTIAN CHURCH:Pastor Dave Drullinger; "A Thankful Faith," based on Galatians 6:11-18; Sunday at10 a.m.; 334 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. EASTMONTCHURCH:Pastor John Lodwick; "The Difference Grace Makes in Husband/Wife Relationships," based on Ephesians 5:22-33, as part of the series "Grace Makes a Difference"; Sunday at 9 and 10:45 a.m.; 62425 Eagle Road, Bend. FATHER'SHOUSECHURCHOF GOD:Associate pastor Clint Wills; "Breaking the Labels that Bind," as part of the series "Getting Past Your Past"; Sunday at10 a.m.; 61690 Pettigrew Road, Bend. The youthgroup me etsWe dnesdayat 7 p.m. THE FELLOWSHIP AT BEND:Pastor Loren Anderson; "An Introduction to the Book of1 Corinthians"; Sundayat 10 a.m.; Summit HighSchool, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend. FIRST PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Lead pastor Steven Koski; "Antidote for an Out of Control Life"; Sunday at 9 a.m., 10:45 a.m. and 5:01 p.m. services; 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend. FOUNDRYCHURCH(FORMERLY FIRST BAPTISTCHURCH): Pastor Syd Brestel; "A Thanksgiving Message," based on Proverbs 30:5-9; Sunday at 10:15 a.m.; 60 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend. GRACEFIRSTLUTHERAN CHURCH: Pastor Joel LiaBraaten; "Nowfor Something Completely Different" and "Saying Thanks"; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 2265 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend. GRACEREFORMED PRESBYTERIANCHURCH: Pastor Dan Dillard; "Gospel Thankfulness," based on Colossians 3:12-17; Sunday at 10:30 a.m.; 62162 Hamby Road, Bend. JOURNEYCHURCH: Pastor Keith Kirkpatrick; "Angels, Demons, Heaven and Hell: Are Any of Them Real?"; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.; 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend. NATIVITY LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Craig Jorgensen; "Everything's upto Date in Kansas City," based on Mark13:1-8; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11a.m.; 60850 Brosterhous Road, Bend. REAL LIFECHRISTIAN CHURCH:Pastor Mike Yunker;

"Revelation," the final message in the series "The Story"; Sunday at 8, 9:30 and 11 a.m.; 2880 N.E. 27th St., Bend. SPIRITUALAWARENESS COMMUNITY OFTHE CASCADES: Guest speaker Adora Adrienne Hitchcock; "In the Pursuit of Consciousness, the Experiential Approach"; Sunday at 9 a.m.; held at The Old Stone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. TRINITY LUTHERANCHURCH: The Rev. David Carnahan; "Stirred, Not Shaken," based on Mark13:1-13; Sunday at 8 a.m. (guitar-led worship and communion) and11 a.m. (pianol organ-led worship); 2550 N.E. Butler Market Road, Bend. UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST FELLOWSHIP OFCENTRAL OREGON:The Rev.Alex Holt; "Gratitude and Grace at Thanksgiving"; Sunday at11 a.m.; at the Old Stone Church, 157 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend. WESTSIDE CHURCH:Pastor Steve Mickel; Part four of "Relentless: Crossroads"; today at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 8, 9and10:45a.m.; 2051 N.W. Shevlin Park Road, Bend. WESTSIDESOUTH CAMPUS: Pastor Steve Mickel; Part four of "Relentless: Crossroads"; Sunday at 9 a.m. and10:30 a.m.; 1245 S.E. Third St., Bend. COMMUNITY PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH:Pastor Rob Anderson; "OperationOmega," based on Mark10:35-45, as part of the series "Jesus Creed"; Sunday at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.; 529 N.W. 19th St., Redmond. EMMAUS LUTHERANCHURCH: The Rev. David Poovey; "Your Church's Comfortable Pews"; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; 2175 S.W. Salmon Ave., Redmond. ST. PAUL'SANGLICANCHURCH: Father John Pennington; "Ingredients for Thanksgiving," based on Colossians1:3-12; Sunday at10 a.m.; Southwest 12th Avenue and Forest Avenue, Redmond. ZION LUTHERANCHURCH: Pastor Eric Burtness; "Connecting with God ... When You've Lost Your Sense of Purpose"; Sunday at 8:30 a.m. and 11 a.m.; 1113 Black Butte Blvd., Redmond. SHEPHERD'SVALLEYCOWBOY CHURCH:Pastor Jordan Weaver; Sunday at10:30 a.m.; in the cafe of The Rim Rock Riders Equestrian Facility, Brasada Ranch, 17037 S.W. Alfalfa Road, Powell Butte. AGAPE HARVESTFELLOWSHIP: Youth group Wednesday at 7 p.m.; 52460 Skidgel Road, La Pine. COMMUNITYBIBLE CHURCH AT SUNRIVER:Pastor Glen Schaumloeffel; "A Psalm of Thanksgiving," based on1 Chronicles16:8-36; Sunday at 9:30 a.m.; 1 Theater Drive, Sunriver. CONCORDIALUTHERAN MISSION:The Rev. Willis Jenson; "God's Almighty Arm Is His Word and Sacraments, the Gospel," based on Isaiah 51:9; Sunday at11 a.m.; and "Christians Give Thanks for the Bread of Eternal Life, the Gospel," based on Deuteronomy 8:3; Thursday at10 a.m.; held at Terrebonne Grange Hall, 828611th St., Terrebonne.

+ Community of Redmond +

smuggling charges. One group of Mennonites is thought to have forged alliances with La Linea, an enforcementwing ofthe Juarez Cartel, to protect its interests, said Pedro Castro, a historian and expert on Mennonite issues at the Metropolitan Autonomous University in Mexico City. While Mennonite family patriarchs don't express it openly,they seem eager to retreat to areas where such worldly temptations are less readily available. A Mennonite farmer who went on the trip to Tatarstan, Peter Friesen, said he was impressed with R u ssians, whom he described as "very orderly and well dressed." Asked how many M ennonites m ight i m m i grate to Russia, Friesen said: "It could be a lot if they respect our right not to take part in military activities and give us freedoms forschools and all this. People will go."

Thanksgiving Day Noon to 3:00 p.m. at the Redmond Senior Center 325 NW Dogwood

EVERYONE IS WELCOME 2 THE MEAL IS FREE Donations are gladly accepted,

Call Peter at 541-815-0030

SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2012 • T HE BULLETIN A S "Celtic Cross" Christianity

"The Wheel of Dharma" Buddhism

"Star of David"

0 0



0 0

You AreTheMost Important Part of OLIrServices "Omkar" (Aum) Hinduism

"Star 8 Crescent" Islam

"Yin/Yang" Taoist/ Confucianism

FAITH CHRISTIAN CENTER 1049 NE 11th St. • 541-382-8274 SUNDAYS: 9:30 am SundayEducationalClasses 10:30 am Morning Worship This Sunday at Faith Christian Center, Pastor Mike Johnson will be sharing the Sunday service message titled, "Without Fear. Bible F Follow-up" beginning at 10:30am



CALVARY CHAPEL BEND 20225 Cooley Rd. Bend Phone: (541) 383-5097 Web site: Sundays: 8:30F 10:30 am Wednesday Night Study: 7 pm Youth Group:Wednesday 7 pm Child Care provided Women's Ministry, Youth Ministry are available, call for days and times. "Teaching the Word of God, Book by Book"

Celebrate Recovery Wednesday NITE Live Kids Youth Group Pastor Duane Pippitt •

Sunday mass 8:00 am Confessions: Thurs. 9:00- 9:15 am OUR LADY OF THE SNOWS, Gilchrist 120 Mississippi Dr Sunday Mass — 12:30 Pm Confessions: Sundays 12:00 -12:15 Pm HOLY FAMILY,


near Christmas Valley

NE Neff Rd., I/2 mi. E. of St. Charles Medical Center

57255 Fort Rock Rd

Sundays 9:00 a.m. 8 10:45 a.m. Worship Services

Sundays 6:00 p.m. Hispanic Worship Service Weekly Bible Studies and Ministries for all ages Contact: 541-382-5822 Pastor John Lodwick FOUNDRY CHURCH (FORMERLY FIRST BAPTIST) "A Heart for Bend in the

Heart of Bend" 60 NW Oregon, 541-382-3862 Pastor Syd Brestel SUNDAY 9:00 AM Sunday School for everyone 10:15 AM Worship Service This Sunday at Foundry Church, Pastor Syd will share a Thanksgiving message from Proverbs 30:5-9."

For Kidztown, Middle School and High School activities Call 541-382-3862 HIGHLAND BAPTIST CHURCH, SBC 3100 SW Highland Ave., Redmond • 541-548-4161

Sunday Worship Services: 8 00 am, 9 30 am, 11:00 am Sunday Bible Fellowship Groups 9:30 am 8 11:00 am Dr. Barry Campbell, lead pastor For complete calender: •

Sunday Mass — 3:30 pm Confessions: Sundays 3:00-3:15 pm ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISI CATHOLIC CHURCH

Pastor Rev. James A. Radloff Parochial Vicar Rev. Juan Carlos Chiarinoti 541-382-3631 NEW CHURCH 2450 NE 27th Street

Masses Saturday - Vigil 5:00 PM Sunday 7:30, 10:00 AM 8 7:00 PM 12:30 PM - Misa en Espanol Thursday, Nov 22 - Thanksgiving 10:00 AM

Reconciliation/Reconciliacion Saturday — 3:00 — 4:45 PM - English Thursday 6:00 AM - 7:00 PM English o Espanol Domingo 11:15 AM - 12:15 PM Espanol HISTORIC DOWNTOWN CHURCH Corner of NW Franklin 8 Lava

Masses Sunday 4:30 PM Monday - Friday 7:00 AM 8 12:15 PM Saturday 8:00 AM Thursday, Nov 22 - Thanksgiving 7:00 AM

Reconciliation/Reconciliacion Tuesday 7:30 AM - 8:00 AM English o Espanol Saturday 8:30 AM - 9:30 AM English o Espanol


In Partnership ivi(li American Missionary Fellowship

Near Highland and 23rd Ave. 2378 SW Glacier Pl. Redmond, OR 97756 We preach the good news oflesus Christ, sing greai hymns offaith, and search the Scriptures together. Sunday Worship Service - 10:30 am Bible Study- Thursday, 10:30 am Pastor Ed Nelson 541 -777-0784

ST. THOMAS CATH O LIC CHURCH 1720 NW 19th Street Redmond, Oregon 97756 541-923-3390 Father Todd Unger, Pastor

Mass Schedule: Weekdays 8:00 am (except Wednesday) Wednesday 6:00 pm Saturday Vigil 5:30 pm First Saturday 8:00 am (English) Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am (English) 12:00 noon (Spanish) Confessionson Wednesdays from 5:00 to 5:45 pm and on Saturdays from 4:30 to 5: 15 pm

I • COM M U N I TY BIBLE CHURCH A ND CHRISTIAN PRESCH O O L 541-593-8341 Beaver at Theater Drive, PO Box 4278, Sunriver, OR 97707

"Transforming Lives Through the Truth of the Word" All are Welcome!

CHRISTIAN CHURCH OF REDMOND 536 SW 10th, Redmond 541 -548-2974 Sunday Worship9:00 am S 10:30am Friday Evening Worship 6:30 pm Sunday School for all ages Kidmo • Junior Church Greg Strubhar, Pastor Darin Hollingsworth, Youth Pastor

• Comfort, peace, joy • Expanded awareness • Inner light and/or sound • A subtle sense of Divine Love • The healing of a broken heart • Solace during times of grief • A release of fears • Answers to your questions Next month's Community HU will be Saturday, December 8, © 3:00 PM Held at the Cook County Library, 175 NW Meadow Lakes Dr., Prineville, OR For more information please visit or or call 541-728-6476 (message phone) •

TRINITY EPISCOPAL CHURCH 469 NW Wall St. • 541-382-5542 Sunday Schedule 8 am Holy Eucharist 9;15 am Education for All Ages 10:15 am Holy Eucharist (w/nursery care S Godly Play) 5 pm Holy Eucharist (in St. Helens Hall) The Rev. Roy D. Green, Interim Rector

THE SALVATION ARMY 755 NE 2nd Street, Bend 541 -389-8888 SUNDAY MORNING WORSHIP 541 NE Dekalb Sunday School 9:45 am Children S Adult Classes Worship Service - 11:00 am Major's Robert 8 Miriam Keene NEW H O P E EV A N G E L ICAL

20080 Pinebrook Blvd. • 541-389-3436 Celebrate New Life at New Hope Church! Saturday 6:00 pm Sunday 9:00, 10:45 am, Pastor Randy Myers •


A Foursquare Fellowship Senior Pastors Steve 8 GinnyMcPherson 549 SW 8thSt.,P.O. Box 475, Redmond, OR 97756 • 541-548-7128

Sunday Worship Services; Daybreak Cafe Service 7:30 am Celebration Services 9:00 am and 10:45 am Wednesday Service UTurn - Middle School 7:00 pm Thursdays High School (Connection) 6:30 pm Home Bible Studies throughout the week City Care Clinic also available. Kidz Center School, Preschool "Livin' the Incredible Mission" •


Coffee Fellowship - 10:45 am Bible Education Hour - 11:15 am Nursery Care available • Women's BibleStudy- Tuesdays, 10 am • Awana Kids Club (4 yrs - 6th gr.l Sept. - May • Youth Ministry (gr. 7-12) Wednesdays 6:15 pm M en's Bible Study -Thursdays 9 am • Home Bible Studies are also available Preschool for 3 8 4 year olds Call for information Senior Pastor: Glen Schaumloeffel Associate Pastor: Jake Schwarze visit our Web site Listen to KNLR 97.5 FM at 9:00 am. each Sunday to hear "Transforming Truth" with Pastor Glen.

POW ELL BUTTE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Cowboy Fellowship Saturdays Potluck 6 pm Music and the Word 7 pm Sunday Worship Services 8:30 am-10:15 am- II am Nursery 8 Children's Church Pastors: Chris Blair 8 Ozzy Osbourne Associate Pastors: Don Henderson 8 Mike Sweeney 13720 SW Hwy 126, Powell Butte 541 -548-3066 REAL LIFE CHRISTIAN CHURCH

Like Hymns? We've Got 'em! at the RLCC Church, 2880 NE 27th Sunday Services 8 am Traditional Service (No child care for 8 am service) 9:30 am Contemporary Service with full child care 11 am Service (Full child care) For information, please call ... Minister - Mike Yunker - 541-312-8844 Associate Pastors Don Henderson 8 Mike Sweeney "Loving people one at a time."


TEMPLE BETH TIKVAH EASTMONT COMMUNITY SCHOOL Temple Beth Tikvah is a member of the "Educating and Developing the Whole Union for Reform ludaism. Child for the Glory of God" Our members represent a wide range Pre K - 5th Grade of Jewish backgrounds. 62425 Eagle Road, Bend • 541-382-2049 We welcome interfaith families and Principal Lonna Carnahan Jews by choice. Our monthly activities include social functions, services, religious education, Hebrew school, Torah study, and adult education FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Rabbi Glenn Ettman 1551 NW First St. • 541-382-6100 (South of Portland Ave.) Friday, December 7 at 6;30pm Church Service S Sunday School: Shabbat Service 10 am Saturday,December 8 at 9:00 am Wed. Testimony Meeting: 7:30 pm Torah Study Childcare provided. Saturday, December 8 at 10:30 am Torah Service Reading Room: Sunday, December 9 115 NW Minnesota Ave. adult education (call for information) Mon. through Fri.: 11 am-4 pm Sat. 12 noon - 2 pm For the complete schedule of Services 6 Events go to: ECKANKAR Religion of the We are currently enrolling students Light and Sound of God in grades K-7 for Sunday School and Hebrew School. Have You Had A Spiritual Experience? For more information about our Experience an Eckankar education programs, please call Community HU Kathy Schindel at 541-388-8826.

Learn how to sing HU, a love song to God: a loving, uplifting, Spiritual Exercise. HU pronounced like the Childcare is provided word hue, is sung for about 20 minutes in our Sunday morning service. and is followed by a brief period of On Wednesdays sacred contemplation. Followed by a "Restored Youth" service begins discussion session. at 7:00 pm A number of Faith lourney Groups HOLY REDEEMER CATHOLIC You are invited to this Community HU meet throughout the week in small PARISH on Saturday,November 24, @ 2:00 PM. groups, please contact the church for Fr. Theodore Nnabugo, Pastor Held at the East Bend Library, details and times. 162080 Dean Swift Rd. The church is located on the corner of Parish Office: 541-536-3571 (Across from Costco, off Hwy 20) Greenwood Avenue and NE 11th Street. Regardless of your beliefs or religion, H OLY REDEEMER, LA PI N E singing HU can bring you greater REDM O N D A S S E M B L Y OF GOD 16137 Burgess Rd happiness, love, and understanding. 1865 W Antler • Redmond Tuesday, Wednesday 8 Friday Mass Singing HU can draw us closer in our 541 -548-4555 9:00 am state of consciousness to the Divine SUNDAYS Sunday Mass — 10:00 am Being. It has helped people of many Morning Worship 8:30 am 8 10:30 am Confessions: Saturdays — 3:00-4:00 pm different faiths open their hearts more Life groups 9 am Kidz LIVE ages 3-11 10:30 am fully to the uplifting presence and HOLY TRINITY, SUNRIVER Evening Worship 6 pm security of God's love. 18143 Cottonwood Rd. Thurs. Mass 9:30 am; WEDNESDAYS Singing HU can help you experience: Sat. Vigil Mass 5:30 pm FAMILY NIGHT 7PM Adult Classes


Serving Central Oregon for 20 Years, We Are a Non-Denominational Egalitarian jewish Community Our Synagogue is located at 21555 Modoc Lane, Bend, Oregon 541-385-6421 Resident Rabbi Jay Shupack Rebbetzin Judy Shupack

All services are held at the First United Methodist Church 680 NW Bond Street 541-388-8826


Messianic Synagogue Est. 1994

We provide a congregational setting for Jews and Christians alike. If you're interested in learning the Bible from a Hebrew perspective, come join us at: Bear Creek Center 21300 Bear Creek Rd. Bend, OR. 97701 Our Shabbat Services are on Saturday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Our ministries include: • Davidic dance and worship • Children's ministry and nursery • Hebrew classes • Home groups • Teaching from the Torah and the Brit Hadashah (New Testament) • Biblical Feasts • Lifecycle Events • End-times prophecy Visit us on the web at or contact us at 541-385-5439 L IVING TORAH FELL O W S H I P

0 Celebration Church 63830 Clausen Rd Ste 102, Bend Saturday 10:30 am - 2 pm Worship/Dance - StudyFood(Fellowship Hebrew Roots Fellowship worshipping in Spirit and Truth 541-410-5337 Children's Program


We are a Welcoming Congregation November 18, 2012 - Il:00am: "Gratitude and Grace at Thanksgiving" Rev. Alex Holt,Interim Minister

We now enter the long period of holidays, intense marketing, ample foods, travel, and more. I-Iow can we express gratitude at Thanksgiving as our year winds into wintertime and how does that become an expression of grace? Childcare and religious education are provided! Everyone is Welcome! See our website for more information Meeting place: THE OLD STONE 157 NW FRANKLIN AVE., BEND Mail:PO Box 428, Bend OR 97709 (541) 385-3908



Imagine a church Jamiiy that honors diversity and does not expectyou Io check your brain at the door!


MISSION (LCMS) Themission of the Churchis to forgive sins through the Gospel and thereby grant eierna(life (St. John 20:22-23, Augsburg Confession XXVII1.8, 10) 10 am Sunday School ll am Divine Service The Rev. Willis C. Jenson, Pastor. 8286 11th St (Grange Hall), Terrebonne, OR condordialutheranmission Facebook: Concordia Lutheran Mission Phone: 541-325-6773 GRACE FIRST LUTHERAN CHURCH 2265 NW Shevlin Park Road, Bend 541 -382-6862 Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. (Child Care Available) Sunday School 10:20 a.m. Education Hour 10:45 a.m.

BEND CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE 1270 NE 27 St. • 541-382-5496

Worship with us Sunday, November 18th at II a.m in the Commumty Room

Senior Pastor Virgil Askren

of Redmond's Ray's Market, 900 SW 23rd Street,


9:00 am Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Hispanic Worship Service 10:15 am Worship Service Nursery Care 8 Children's Church ages 4 yrs-4th grade during all Worship Services "Courageous Living" on KNLR 97.5 FM 8:30 am Sunday WEDNESDAY

THURSDAY 10;00 am 50+ Bible Study WEEKLY


Pastor Joel LiaBraaten Evangelical Lutheran Church in America NATIVITY LUTHERAN CHURCH 60850 Brosterhous Road at Knott, 541-388-0765

Come worship with us. 9 am Informal Service 9:15 lunior Church 11 am Formal Service This Sunday's sermon is: "Everything's up To Date in Kansas City" given by Pastor Craig Jorgensen Interim Pastor Bible Study at 10am on Wednesdays

(Child care provided on Sundays.) Evangelical Lutheran Church in America TRINITY LUTHERAN

CHURCH S SCHOOL LCMS 2550 NE Butler Market Road Bend, OR 97701 541-382-1832 SUNDAY WORSHIP 8am Guitar Led Worship 9;30am Education Hour for all ages llam Organ/Piano Led Worship

SOVEREIGN GRACE CHURCH Meeting at the Golden Age Club 40 SE 5th St., Bend

Just 2 blocks SW of Bend High School Sunday Worship 10:00 am Sovereign Grace Church is dedicated to worshipping God and teaching the Bible truths recovered through the Reformation. Call for information about other meetings 541-420- 1667

I •

CHRISTIAN LIFE CENTER 21720 E. Hwy. 20 • 541.389.8241

Sunday Morning Worship 8:45am 8 10:45am

Nursery Care provided for all services. Pastor Daniel N. LeLaCheur 21720 E. Hwy. 20 541.389.8241


(3/4 mile north of High School) Redmond, OR 97756 (541) 548-3367 Rev. Rob Anderson, Pastor Rev. Heidi Bolt, Associate Pastor

Youth Groups High School - Sunday ll:00am- 12:30pm MiddleSchool - Wednesday 6:00-7;30pm

Sunday Worship Service 8:30am Contemporary 11:00am Liturgical Sunday School for all ages at 10:00am

Mondays 6:30 pm Centering Prayer

Wednesdays Children's Room available during 5:30 pm Prayer Service services Small Groups Meet Regularly Come Experience a warm, friendly (Handicapped Accessible) family of worshipers. Please visit our website for a complete Everyone Welcome - Always. listing of activities for all ages. A vibrant, inclusive community. A rich and diverse music program for all ages

1113 SW Black Butte Blvd. Redmond, OR 97756 — 541-923-7466 Shabbat and High I-Ioliday Services Pastor Eric Burtness Religious Education Program Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training Weekly Torah StudyEvery Sat © 10 am Active Sisterhood T HE RIVER ME N N O N I TE CHU R C H November Sam Adams, Pastor Nov 16 7 pm,- Friday evening service Sunday, 3 pm at the Old Stone Church, December 157 NW Franklin Ave., Bend Dec I (Sat) - Torah Service Vayischlach Sunday School 2 years - 5th grade Dec 8 - First Night of Chanukah Nursery 0-2 years Dec 9 - Sunday School F Chanukah Visitors welcome Party Dec 15 - Latkes 8 Lights - Havdallah Church Office: 541-389-8787 and Chanukah last night candles at the Shul "Torah Study meets every Saturday at Send to: PO Box 808, Bend OR 97709 10am that there is not a service"

Youth Program Provided The Unity Community meets at 62855 Powell Butte Hwy

Learn more about the Unity Community of Central Oregon at

or by calling 541-388-1569 •

Wednesday Mid-Week Services Children 6 Youth Programs 7:00pm

IION LUTHERAN CHURCH ELCA Worship in the Heart of Redmond

M-W-F Women's Exercise 9:30 am Wed. Bible Study at noon 3rd Th. Women's Circle/Bible Study I:00 pm 3rd Tues. Men's Club 6:00 pm, dinner Youth and Family Programs Active Social Outreach

Join the Unity Community Sunday 10:00 am with Rev. Jane Meyers

9:00 am Contemporary Worship 9:00 am Nursery Care 9;15 am Children 8 Youth Sunday School 9:30 am Adult Education 10:30 am Adult Education 11:00 am Traditional Worship

after each service



(near Bend Airport)

• •

Church Website: School Website: Pastors; Rev. David Carnahan Rev. Patrick Rooney Principal: Mrs. Hanne Krause

Coffee, snacks and fellowship

possible help with car-pooling, email: risbiII© or call 541-390-6864

• .

Men's Bible Study Wednesday 7;30 a.m.

All Peoples meets on the first

and third Sundays of each month.

For details, directions and

Life Groups Please visit our website for a complete listing of activities for all ages. •

Or, come early at 10 a.m. for adult study and discussion.

On December 2nd, we meet again in the Community Room at Redmond Ray's Market

6:30 pm Ladies Bible Study

Women's Bible Study Tuesday 9:15 a.m.

just off of Hwy 126.


(In the Heart of Downtown Bend) 680 NW Bond St. / 541-382-1672 EveryoneisWelcome! Rev. Thom Larson Sermon Title: "I Believe" Scripture: Joel 2:21-27 9:00 am - Contemporary Service

Sunday School during the 9am Service 11:00 am - Traditional Service Childcare provided on Sunday "During the Week;

Women's Groups, Men's Groups, Youth Groups, Quilting, Crafting, Music F Fellowship, Open Hearts. Open Minds. Open Doors. Rev. Thom Larson



230 NE Ninth, Bend (Across Ninth St. from Bend High) All Are WelcomeAlways' Rev. Dr. Steven H. Koski Lead Pastor "Antidote For An Out of Control Life" 9:00 am — Contemporary 10:45 am - Traditional 5:01 pm - Relaxed Sunday School: 3 yrs to 6th grade. Nursery care provided.

Wednesday Noon Silence S Supper Worship 12:30 pm Contemplative Prayer Youth Events See Youth Blog: Choirs, music groups, Bible study, Fellowship and ministries every week 230 NE Ninth Street, Bend 541 -382-4401

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4 Saturdays and TMC: $110 5 Saturdays and TMC: $132 The Bulletin: Every Saturday on the church page. $22 Copy Changes: by 5 PM Tuesday CO Marketplace: The First Tuesday of each month. $22 Copy Changes: by Monday I weel< prior to publication

Call Pat Lynch

>41-383-0396 Plynch@bendbulletifLCOm



cess publicly.

Continued from A1 He also said it initially was unclear whether the militants had infiltrated a demonstration to cover their attack. The retired four-star general addressed the House and Senate intelligence committees in back-to-back, closeddoor hearings as questions persist over what the Obama a dministration knew in t h e immediate aftermath of the Sept. 11 attacks and why its p ublic description di d n o t match intelligence agencies' assessments. After th e h earings, lawmakers who questioned Petraeus said he testified that the CIA's draft talking points in response to the assault on the diplomatic post in Benghazi that killed four Americans referredto it as a terrorist attack. Petraeus said that reference was removed from the final v ersion, although he wasn't sure which federal agency deleted it. Adding to the explanation, a senior U.S. official familiar with the drafting of the points said later that a reason the references toal-Qaida were deleted was that the i nformation came from classified sources and the links were, and still are, tenuous. The administration also did not want to prejudice a criminal investigation in its early stages, that official said, speaking on condition of a n onymity because the official was not authorized to discuss the pro-

Senate are already investigating and he would not allow the Senate to be used as a "venue for baseless partisan attacks." Republican House Speaker John Boehner also said this campaign. week that a special committee "The general was adamant was not necessary. there was no politicization of Petraeus, who had a long the process,no White House and distinguished military cainterference or political agen- reer, was giving his first Capida," said Rep. Adam Schiff, tol Hill testimony since resignD-Calif. "He completely de- ing last week in disgrace over bunked that idea." an extramarital affair with his But Republicans r emain biographer, Paula Broadwell. critical of the administration's Lawmakers said he did not handling of t h e c ase. Sen. discuss that scandal except to Marco Rubio, R-Fla., said Pe- express regret about the cirtraeus' testimony showed that cumstances ofhis departure "clearly the security measures and say that Benghazi had were inadequate despite an nothing to do with his decision overwhelming and g r owing to resign. amount of i n formation that He was brought to a secure showed the area in Benghazi room beneath th e C apitol, was dangerous, particularly avoiding crowds of photograon the night of Sept. 11." phers andtelevision cameras. In fact, Petraeus told lawEdited drafts makers that protesters literally walked in and set fire Petraeus testified that the to the facility, according to a CIA draft written in response congressional official who at- to the raid referred to militended the briefing. U.S. Am- tant groups Ansar al-Shariah bassador Chris Stevens died and al-Qaida in the Islamic from smoke inhalation. Pe- Maghreb but that those names traeus said security at the CIA were replaced with the word "extremist" in the final draft, annex was much better, but the attackers had armaments according to a congressional to get in. staff member. The staffer said Separately on Friday, the Petraeus testified that he alDemocratic leader in the Sen- lowed other agencies to alter ate rejected a request from the talking points as they saw John McCain and two other fit without asking for final resenators for a Watergate-style view, to get them out quickly. congressional committee to The congressional officials investigate the Benghazi at- weren't authorized to discuss tack. In a letter to McCain, the hearing publicly and deSen. Harry Reid said several scribed Petraeus' testimony to committees in the House and The Associated Press on conDemocrats said Petraeus made it c l ear t h e c h ange was not d one fo r p o litical reasons d u r in g Pr e sident Barack Obama's re-election

dition of anonymity. there was terrorist involveSen. Mark Udall, D-Colo., ment," King said. "That was said Petraeus explained that not my recollection." the CIA's draft points were sent to other intelligence agen- Rice's role ciesand to some federal agenAfter two hours with Petraecies for r eview. Udall said us, the Democratic chairman Petraeus told them the final of the Senate's intelligence document was put in front of committee and t h e p a nel's all the senior agency leaders, top Republican sparred over including him, and everyone Rice's televised comments. signed off on it. Chairman Dianne Feinstein "The assessment that was of California said Rice relied publicly shared in unclassified on "unclassified talking points talking points went through a at a very early stage.... I don't process of editing," Udall said. think she should have been "The extremist description pilloried for this." was put in because in an unFeinstein recalled the faulty classified document you want intelligence of the George W. to be careful who you identify Bush administration, used to as being involved." justify the invasion of Iraq in Rep. Peter King, R-N.Y., said concluding that country had it remained unclear how the weapons of mass destruction. "A lot of people were killed final talking points developed. The edited version was used based on bad i ntelligence," by U.N. Ambassador Susan she said. Feinstein added that Rice five days after the attack mistakes were made in the when the White House sent initial intelligence on Bengher out for a series of television hazi, but she said, "I don't interviews. Republicans have t hink t h at's fair g a me" t o criticized Rice for saying it ap- blame Rice — who has been peared the attack was sparked mentioned as a possible nomby a spontaneous protest over inee for secretary of state. "To an anti-Muslim video. say she is unqualified to be "The fact is, the reference to secretary of state I think is a al-Qaida was taken out some- mistake." where along the line by someTop committee R epublione outside the intelligence can Sen. Saxby Chambliss of community," King said. "We Georgia said Rice had gone need to find out who did it and beyond the talking points.

"She even m e n t ioned that under the leadership of Barack Obama we had decimated al-Qaida. She knew at that point in time that al-Qaida was responsible in part or in whole for the death of Ambassador Stevens," Chambliss sa>d. Schiff, the California congressman, said Petraeus had said Rice's comments in the television interviews "reflected the best intelligence at the time that could be released

publicly." "There was an interagency process to draft it, not a political process," Schiff said. "They came up with the best assessment without compromising c l assified i n f ormation or source or methods. So changes were made toprotect classified information."


King said P etraeus had briefed the H ouse committee on Sept. 14, and he did not recall Petraeus being so positive at that time that it was a terrorist attack. "He thought all along that he made it clear

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Speaker Continued from A1 "I like Tina Kotek," McLane sa>d. After McLane was chosen to lead his party, Kotek called him. "She assured me all good ideas will have an opportunity to be heard," McLane said. Kotek, who is serving her third term in the House, said one of her proudest accomp lishments wa s h e r w o r k to redesign the state's cashassistanceprogram forlow-income families, the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. TANF was restructured and expanded, along with ensuring additional funding went to child abuse programs. "It encompasses everything I care about," she said, adding that helping children and families who are the most vulnerable has long been a priority. Kotek also played a key role in the state's overhaul of the health care system. Her Republican counterpart on the legislation was Rep. Tim Freeman, a gas station owner from Roseburg. Freeman acknowledged the two are on different ends of the political spectrum. They alsoserved as co-chairs ofthe Ways and Means Subcommittee on Health and Human Services. "Neither one of us raised o ur voices at any t i m e o r were ever u n professional," Freeman said. "We had a

c ordial, p r o fessional r e l anew responsibility. "You have a h igher protionship and I look forward to that continuing, and I see file if you are Speaker of the no reason why it shouldn't." H ouse no matter who y o u Kotek has made it c l ear are," she said. "I would like she plans to prioritize funnel- to say that I'm a responsible ing more money toward K-12 role model for LGBT youth education. and that it does get better, as With limited state revenue, the video campaign says." she said, lawmakers will scruAlthough Kotek will be the tinize tax breaks to see where first openly lesbian speaker, money can instead be put into an openly gay man was electthe state's education system. ed as Speaker of the House in "Does a tax break on a va- Colorado. cation home somehow have There are also gay speaka bigger priority than more ers of the House in New York money in the classroom?" she and Rhode Island, according said. "I don't know if we'll take to Denis Dison with the Victoon that tax credit, but that's an example of how we'll set priorities." When it comes to reforming the state's public pension program, Kotek says she is open to having the conversation. But she doesn't believe voters are as concerned about the system as other state issues. "People want to talk about schools and the fact that they have been unemployed for 21 months ... we need to keep the focus on those things and have a discussion about PERS," she sa>d. Kotek said most of her colleagues know her as an advocate for children and health care. But, she said, it's because that work has been well respectedthat she can also have a conversation about lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, or LGBT, issues. And, she said, she realizes with her new position comes a

ry Fund, which is a nonprofit that supports openly gay candidates for office. The speaker controls the House agenda and assigns lawmakers to committees. The formal vote of the entire House willbe Jan. 14. At the end of her term, Kotek already hopes lawmakers will be able to say she always had "the best interest of the entire state at heart." Rep. Val Hoyle, D-West Eugene, will serve as House majority leader.


— Reporter, 541-554-1162


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and a comm and vehicle. However, Bend Fire DepartContinued from A1 ment statistics showed the Huhn wrote in an email that fire alarms were frequently the increase in response times false, so the department now "is what we predicted and this o ften sends only a s i n g l e is what we have been stating vehicle to respond to such to (the City) Council for the alarms. "There's a risk to that repast several years." Concerns about a staffing shortage and sponse, if it turns out to be increasedresponse times also something," Huhn said. "But surfaced in a 2011 survey of we know, odds are it's a noncity employees. Huhn said incident ... There's also a risk there was plenty of money for to sending all the resources fire services during the real t o it, that another call w i l l estateboom because of large come in while there are no increases inproperty values a vailable units. This is t h e and taxes. The real estate kind of thing a lot of departcrash slowed the growth in ments are looking at — just property ta x r e v enue, but h aving to rethink what w e City spokesman Justin Fine- do and take a different apstone said the demand for proach to some things." fireservices and the cost of There are five fire stations Fire Department employees' combined in the Bend Fire pay and benefits have con- D epartment and t h e r u r a l tinued to increase. fire district, and Huhn has The city Fire Department proposed that if more money and the Deschutes County becomes available in the fuRural Fire Protection District ture, the city should build No. 2 plan to commission a a sixth station at a central study on whether it i s f ea- location on Third Street or sible to combine the two enti15th Street. "If w e r e a lly ties, a move that could raise wanted to make inroads to more money forfire services, our response times, all of our H uhn said. The study w i l l data shows that core area bealso examine other options to tween about 15th and Third, secure stable funding while and then north an d s outh maintaining o r e n h a ncing about a similar distance, is the current level of fire ser- really where we need to focus vices, according to a city con- on," Huhn said. However, betract. In the meantime, the fore building a new station, Fire Department has used there isroom to add crews data analysis to change how at existing stations and that it responds to some calls in is probably what the departorder to us e it s r e sources ment would do, Huhn said. more efficiently. As for what is a good reCity Councilor Jim Clinton sponse time, Huhn said that said he hopes to find money is something the community in the next city budget to add must determine. "Fire doubles in size every both police and firefighters. "There are other options that minute," Huhn s a i d. "The I'm sure the new City Coun- community h a s t o d e c i de cil will be looking at for pub- what is an acceptable level lic safety funding," Clinton of risk. My biggest concern said. For example, the new right now is not getting down council could ask voters to to a good response time, it's approve a public safety tax that we have to stop this inlevy or it c ould stop using c rease. Then w e c a n t a l k money from the general fund about what does the comto pay for planning and engi- munity want in t erms of a neering employees and use response time goal?" the money instead for public — Reporter: 541-617-7829, safety. "As the economy starts to pick up and development increases, that's another thing to look at because it was consideredto be more of a shortterm fix to the recession in • a • a the housing business or construction business," Clinton sa>d. In the 2011 city employee SPECIAL survey, one employee wrote 70% OFF that "The (Fire Department) CLEARANCE

Middle East

"There is a theory, which I believe, that Hamas doesn't want a peaceful solution and

Continued from A1 "There is a theory, which I believe, that Hamas doesn't want a p e aceful solution and only wants to keep the conflict going forever until somehow in t h ei r d r e am they will have all of Israel," Eitan Ben Eliyahu, a f ormer leader of the Israeli Air Force, said in a t elephone briefing. What is striking in listening to the Israelis discuss t heir predicament is h o w similar the debate sounds to so many previous ones, despite the changed geopolitical circumstances. In most minds here,the changes do not demand a new strategy, simply a redoubled old one. The operative metaphor is often described as "cut-

only wants to keep the conflict going forever until somehow in their dream they will have all of Israel." — Eitan Ben Eliyahu, a former leader of the Israeli Air Force

Israel's ability to carry out deterrence. One retiredgeneral who remains close to the military and who spoke on the condition of anonymity said that with Syria torn apart by civil war, Hezbollah in Lebanon discredited because of its support for the Syrian government, and Egypt so weakened economically, Israel should not worry about anything but protecting its civilians. "Should we let our civilting the grass," meaning a ians be bombed because the task that must be performed Arab world is in trouble?" he regularly and has no end. asked. There is no solution to seSo much wa s h a ppencurity challenges, officials ing elsewhere in the region here say, only delays and — the Egyptian and Libyan deterrence. That is why the revolutions, the Syrian civil idea of one day attacking war, dramatic changes in Iranian n uclear f a cilities, Yemen and elections in Tueven though such an attack nisia — that a few rockets would set the nuclear proa day that sent tens of thougram back only two years, sands of Israeli civilians into is widely discussed as a bomb shelters drew l i t tle reasonable option. That is attention. But in the Israeli why frequent raids in t he view, the necessity of a Gaza West Bank and surveillance operation has been growflights over Lebanon never ing steadily throughout the stop. Arab Spring turmoil. A nd t hat i s w h y th i s In 2009, after the Israeli week's operation in G aza i nvasion p u shed H a m a s is widely viewed as having back and killed about 1,400 been i n evitable, a n other people inGaza, 200 rockets painful but necessary main- hit Israel. The same was tenance operation that, offitrue in 2010. But last year cials here say, will doubtless the number rose to 600, and not be the last. before this week the number There are also those who this year was 700, according believe that t h e r e gional to the Israeli military. The upheavals ar e i m p r oving problem went beyond rock-

ets to mines planted near the border aimed at Israeli mili-

tary jeeps and the digging of explosive-filled tunnels. "In 2008 we managed to m inimize rocket f ir e f r o m Gaza significantly," said Lt. Col. Avital Leibovich, a military spokeswoman. "We started that year with 100 rockets a week and ended it with two a week. We were able to give p eople in our south two to three years. But the grass has grown and other things have as well. Different jihadist ideologies have found their way into Gaza, including quite a few terrorist organizations. More weapons have come in, including the Fajr-5, which is Iranian made and can hit Tel Aviv. That puts nearly our entire population in range. So we reached a point where we cannot act with restraint any



way too often with the r esources available and has truely gotten luckyto cover calls." Another employee wrote that due to "our very poor staffing levels and constantly increasing calls for service we are not always available to respond to emergencies at the time of the calls as needed because we are already busy on other emergencies." The city Fire Department and the rural district could spend up to about $40,000 o n the consultant who wi l l produce the feasibility study, Huhn said. He expects the study to be completed by early spring, when the city will b egin assembling it s n e x t budget. Aside from r aising more revenue, combining the r ural district and city F i r e Department could reduce expenses, Huhn said. The department a l ready began to change how it does business in order to control response times as much as possible with e x isting employees a n d equ i p ment. "We've made some progress there and it's because of how we've changed our r esponse patterns," H u h n said. "We've been working a lot with our data and trying to change our response patterns accordingly." T he d epartment e x a m ined how i t r e s ponded to v arious incidents, such a s fire alarms. Typically, the department would send the same vehicles and personnel to respond to alarms as when a personcallsto report a fire: three pumper trucks, a ladder truck, a medic unit

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Gazans see events in a very different light. The problem, they say,comes from Israel: Israeli drones fill the Gazan skies, Israeli gunboats strafe their waters, Palestinian militants are shot at from the air and the Gaza border areas are declared off limits by Israel with the risk of death from Israeli gunfire.

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But there is little dissent in Israel about the Gaza policy. This week leaders of the leftist opposition praised the assassination of Ahmed al-Jabari, t he Hamas m i l itary c o m mander, on Wednesday. He is viewed here as the equivalent of Osama binLaden. The operation could go on for many days beforethere is any real dissent. The question here, nonetheless, is whether the changed regional circumstances will m ake it harder to "cut t h e grass" in Gaza this time and get out. A former top official who was actively involved in the last Gaza war and who spoke on the condition of anonymity said it looked to him as if Hamas would not back down as easily this time. "They will not stop until enough Israelis are killed or injured to create a sense of equality or balance," he said. "If a rocket falls in the middle of Tel Aviv, that will be a major success. But this government will go back at t hem hard. I don't see this ending in the next day or two."



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Gay-marriageadvocatestarget states

Pipeline apolitical pawn President Barack Obama delayed until after the election a decision on whether to build the controversial

Keystone oil pipeline. The oil industry is pushing hard for its approval but environmentalists say the oil from the Alberta tar sands is more polluting and fear a pipeline leak could cause big problems. ALBERTA





— Proposed pipeline — Existing pipeline


Sept. 19, 2008TransCanadaKeystone Pipeline files an application for the project

Project miles/km 2009 aed 2010State Department conducts meetings along the route, collecting thousands of written and oral comments

1,700/2,736 MONT.

Proposed cost


$7 billion

Controversy Portion of the S.D.

pipeline would be built directly over the

environmental concerns of

April16, 2010Draft of the environmental impact statement is issued Aug. 26, 2011The final impact statement is issued, followed by a90-day comment penod

Ogallala aquifer in Nebraska, raising



ggallala - •


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Jae. 18, 2012Obamaadministration rejects the pipeline proposal from Congress, saying therewasnot enough time for the review process




Nov. 10 Obamaadministration delays the pipeline decision until after the 2012 election

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AprilRepublican presidential candidate Mitt Romneytells party leaders: "I will build that pipeline if I have to do it myself"



Gulf of Mexico

SeptemberNewroute through parts of Nebraska is proposedandground is broken for the pipeline inTexas

By Esme E. Deprez

nizations. "The ballot, without question, is not our preferred N EW YORK — G a y - route because we fundamenmarriage advocates, com- tally don't think it's appropriing off their first ballot-box ate for the public to be voting victories, are targeting New on the rights of gay people or Jerseyand five other states other minority groups." where the road to legalThe pool of states that have ization is simpler because yet to legalize or ban gay vows voters can't overturn laws is shrinking. By Jan. I, samethrough referendums. sex couples will be able to In Delaware, Hawaii, Il- marry in nine states and the linois, Minnesota, New Jer- District of Columbia, home to sey and Rhode Island, law- a combined 14 percent of the makers plan to consider or U.S. population. On the other revisit the issue next year, side of the issue, 30 states have and all except Minnesota constitutional amendments dealready allow civil unions. fining marriage as a pact only Even though they prevailed between a man and a woman. in votes in four states Nov. The losing streak for same6 after a decade of defeats, sex marriage at the polls ended backers say they prefer to on Election Day, when voters make homosexual w edaffirmed laws passed by the dings legal through legisla- legislatures of Washington and tures or courts. Maryland, extendedthe right to "Where we're going next gay Mainers and rejected a bid are states where we can win in the legislature," said Marc Solomon, national campaign director at Freedom to Marry, a New Yorkbased group that helps and Bfoomberg News

funds local gay-rights orga-


in Minnesota to constitutionally define marriage as heterosexual. Gay-marriage groups spent $35 million, compared with $10 million for opponents, according to both sides. Before then, legalization had come only through legislative or judicial action as gay marriage was defeated all 32 times it appeared on a ballot.

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Pressure builds onObama over proposedoil pipeline By Seats Cockerham McClatchy Newspapers

WASHINGTON — P r esident Barack Obama's decision on whether to approve the controversial K eystone XL pipeline looms huge now that the election is over, and it could define Obama on energy andclimate change. The oil industry, which is

pushing hard for approval, describes the choice as the president's "first test to t he American people." Environmental groups are promising that thousands of activists will demonstrate against the pipeline Sunday outside the White House, just t h e b e ginning of the efforts that are being planned to sink the project. Energy a n alyst C h a rles Ebinger said he thought two weeks ago that there was little chance Obama would kill the pipeline. But he's increasingly less sure about that. "It appears major environm ental o r g anizations a n d strong environmental s u pporters of the president are suggesting this is a litmus test for whether the second Obama administration is with them or against them," said Ebinger, who is a senior fellow at

the Brookings Institution research center in Washington. Last January, Obama denied a permit for the northern section of the pipeline, saying the route through Nebraska needed more environmental review. That put off his final decision on t h e 1 ,700-mile pipeline, which would bring oil from the Alberta oil sands in Canada to U.S. refineries on the Gulf Coast, until after the election. E nvironmentalists wer e thrilled. The Congressional Research Service concluded this year that crude oil from the sands produces 14 percent to 20 percent more planetwarming gases than the average oil in U.S. refineries does. It found, based on a review of available studies, that approval of the pipeline could be the equivalent of putting up to 4 million more cars on the road. The figures are disputed, but even a more conservative new assessment by the energy research group IH S C ERA found that the oil sands produced 9 percent more greenhouse gases than average. "This decision has h u ge implications in terms of what

direction we go in as a nation in the near term in addressing climate," said Jim M u r phy, senior counsel for the National Wildlife Federation. Obama has given little clue as to his intentions. He said this week that, in general, he believed that climate change was real and there was an obligation to deal with it. But he also talked about jobs. "Understandably, Ithinkthe American people right now have been so focused, and will continue to be focused, on our economy and jobs and growth, that if the message is somehow we're going to ignore jobs and growth simply to address climate change, I don't think anybody is going to go for that. I won't go for that," he said. The Keystone project is a chance for the president to boostthe economy and create jobs, said Marty Durbin, the executive vice president of the American Petroleum Institute, a trade association for the oil and natural-gas industry. " President Obama c a m paigned on job creation and on an all-of-the-above energy strategy, including more oil and natural gas," Durbin said.

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CDBG Program Notice of Funding Availability , • Q6(IIP ••

The City of Bend ia now accepting proposals for fo nding through the City's Community Development Block Grant (cDBG) Program. Through this program, approximately $350,000 will be available to fund housing and community development projects in the City of Bend. The Request for Proposals will be available beginning NOVEMBER 14, 2012.

P r OPOSalS fOr funding Will b e d Lte by 5: 0 0Pm at t h e C i t y

Administration Office in City Hall on Wednesday, JANUARY 16, 2013. Funds will be available no earlier than July 1, 2013. Federal regulations require that C D BG-funded projects be "eligible activities" under CDBG Program regulations, and that they be consistent with the housing and community development goals outlined in the City of Bend Consolidated Plan. For more information on eligible activities, please contact Jim Lon at 541-312-4915 or lon To obtain a Request for Proposals, please contact Jim Long or call the City Administration Office at 541-388-5505. Para mas informacion porfavor comuniquese con Ofelia Santos al numero 541-388-5515.

CONNECT THE00TS. RAM C/V OELIVERS MORE Drought trendsmaybe overstated, researcherssay OF WHATYOll COUNTONYOURCARGOllAN FOR. By Sid Perkins ScienceNOW

The picture o f e x p a nding drought painted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change may not be quite as arid as it looks. A t echnique commonly u s ed to estimate the severity of a drought may actually overe stimate the effects of d r y spells, new r e search suggests. W o r ldwide c l i m ate data combined with a more refined technique for assessing droughts reveal that they haven't expanded as much in recent decades as previously thought. Researchers characterize dry spells using the Palmer D rought S e v e rit y Ind e x (PDSI), which assesses the balance between precipitation in a region and the loss of soil moisture, either by direct evaporation or via plants that suck water out of the soil and then lose it to the atmosphere through theirleaves. The method, which typically estimates the potential f o r e vaporation using only t h e temperature and latitude at a site, is popular largely because it is easy to use, says Justin Sheffield, a hydrologist at Princeton University. "PDSI is simple, but it's relatively crude," he notes. R esearchers h a v e lo n g known that the potential for evaporation also depends on factors such as wind speed, r elative humidity, an d t h e

amount of sunlight reaching the ground at various wavelengths. But global databases e'uoaag Q of those parameters haven't AQUAtEtra~ been easy to come by, Sheffield says. Now, using satellite data gathered in recent decades, Sheffield and his colleagues have reconstructed climate and estimated those p arameters as far b ack a s 1948. Using the data, the researchers then r e assessed trends in drought severity between 1948 and 2008. Although previous studies have suggested that droughts have increased over that 60l year period,the team's new a nalysis hints that th e i n + L8tT FEES, VIN¹ CR269164 crease in drought has been ' "'5."' I MSRP PRICE $23,355 substantially overestimated. RAMC/VISTHESMARTCHDICEFORSMALLBUSINESS. FACTORY REBATE-$1,250 F or instance, the new a s 20I2FORH TRAHSIT sessment technique f o u nd 2012 HAM C/V COHHEC TVAH The 2012 Ram C/V is destined to become the favorite that between 1980 and 2008, •MORECARGO CAPACITY 144.4 cu ft 129.6 cu ft of small businesses everywhere. Designed to deliver on the global area stricken by •MOREPAYLOAD CAPACITY 1,800 Ibs 1,600 Ibs every key business measure, Ram C/V's capability, power drought grew b y a p p r oxi• M ORE GV W R 6,050 Ibs 5,005 Ibs mately 0.08percent per year and affordability leave Transit Connect sitting at the curb. •MORE TOWINGCAPACITY4 Towingnotrecommended ,3,600 Ibs — less than one-seventh the • MOREPOWER 283 hp I 6,400 rpm 136 hp@6,300 rpm i ncrease estimated by t h e 260 Ib-ft torque 128Ib-fttorque temperature-only version of • M ORE RA N G E ' 5 00 hwy mi l e s / 416 hwymiles/15.4-gallon PDSI, the researchers report 20-gallon fuel tank fueltank online Wednesday in Nature. POWERTR AIN LIMITEDWARRANNe 5-Year/100,000-Mile 5-Year/60,000-Mtle hl LOWANCE i 3 6 N )NTHS i GRAPHICS ALLOWANCEa The revised technique for Check out the RamC/Vtoday. There's just no assessing drought severity "gives a much better match comparison. Andthat's the bottom line. to reality," says Sonia SenohRIE eviratne, a climate scientist at the Swiss Federal Insti~llNE 1865 North EaSt HighWay 20 • Bend tute of Technology in Zurich. The fastIanefar smalIbusiness. The team's results confirm Greg Thiessen Fleet Manager • (541) 749-2791 t he complexity of t h e p r o• 877-2THELINK cesses that lead to changes in drought conditions, she 'See your dealerforcompletedetails aoda copy olthe5-Year/100,000-Mile LimitedWarranty ©2012ChaseFinancial All rightsreserved Rama a registered trademarkof Chrysler GroupllC ©2012 ChryslerGroupllC All rights reserved rxoires tt/30/12 notes. •


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TV& Movies, B2 Calendar, B3 Horoscope, B3 Comics, B4-5




Childless weekend beckons s I write this, my children are on their way to Montana. During this journey, they will be subjected to the delights of my father's driving narration: "Grand Central Travel Stop," he'll say in Biggs, reading from the nearest business marquis. "Umatilla," he'll say before crossing the Columbia River into Washington. "There's a Chevron station." (My father is quite fond of reading aloud most of the roadside signs he passes on any


Ski for School tickets for sale Mt. Bachelor Ski for School lift tickets are available for $25 through Dec. 2 at selected retail-

ers in Bend,Redmond and Sunriver. These one-daydiscounted passesmaybe

• Third-grader's idea for 'I(indnessClub' hashelped reduceconflict in his class

and RedmondSchools. For a list of participating retailers, visit www. Tickets are limited and must be

purchased byDec.2. Tickets will not be sold at Mt. Bachelor ticket wlndows. Contact: education.

Likewise, my dad and stepmom will be subjected to the delights of a full day of travel with two boys who manage to fight over almost everything in a 1,900-square-foot house, let alone in the 15-square-foot backseat of a sedan. Based on previous experience on road trips with my father, he'll handle it with well-timed glares in the rearview mirror, and, if necessary, a thwap on the knee of the closest child misbehaving behind him. I wish them all well. They're going to have a great time visiting my sister and her family at the other end of the 10-hour drive (add 10 minutes for every potty stop required by my

foundation©bend.k12 or 541-355-5660.

Art show offered for quilters The Jefferson County

Community Readprogram is inviting quilters of Jefferson County to

design anddisplay a quilt inspired by the books of the program's 2013 author, William Sullivan. Sullivan's books include

"Listening for Coyote: a Walk across Oregon's

youngest child).

again Monday night). • I will miss my kids. So will my husband. But we'll also appreciate the heck out of one weekend without them. — Julie Johnson is the features editor at The Bulletin. 541-383-0308, jj

elor. Proceedsbenefit the Education Foundations for Bend-La Pine

given journey)

Meanwhile, my husband and I will be enjoying a rare weekend of childlessness. Co-workers suggested that maybe I'd sleep in without little ones waking me up demanding breakfast, TV privileges or other such things. I can try. But the truth is I haven't slept past 7 a.m. in about 10 years (coincidentally, that's when my first kid was born!). Even when the kids don't wake me up, I wake early. I think parenthood implants some sort of mommy clock in the brain that forces early-morningwakefulness even in the absence of children. So Imay be up early in the morning, but I'm still going to enjoy it. Here's what I plan to do with a weekend sans kids: • I will enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning and drink it while it is hot. No interruptions to break up kid arguments or to herd kids through their morning routine of finding clothes, getting dressed, packing backpacks, etc. No refrain of "Mommy ... Mommy ... Mommy ... Mommy" disturbing my ingestion of caffeine. Just me and a cup of sweet, sweet coffee. • I will have a conversation with my spouse that is not conducted via text message or email and that is not subjected to 3.5 interruptions per minute, which is the standard rate of interruption for kids ages 10 and 7. We will not talk about who is doing school transport the next day, which kid's shoes are getting too small or how the 10-year-old did on his long division homework. We will have an actual, adult conversation about actual, adult topics, such as the national deficit and what movie we want to watch. • Speaking of which, we will watch a movie on the couch that does not include animated characters, a talking dog or any kind of princess or orphaned animal. The movie may contain violence, and we will not have to fast-forward through it. It will feature dialogue that we will actually be able to listen to without straining to hear it above popcornsmacking kids. We will not have to pause this movie five times for potty breaks. • I will not stress out about dinner. Wemay end up eating cottage cheeseand Doritos,ora fried egg and spinach sandwich. Or breakfast cereaL We may eat at 6 p.m., or we may eat at 9 p.m. Who cares? With no kids in the house, the pressure is off, for once, to put something nourishing and timely on the table. • I will clean the house knowing that it will NOT be messy again within 5 minutes. It will stay clean for a significant period of time (that being until the kids come home

redeemed Nov. 26-29 and Dec. 3-6at Mt. Bach-

Photos by Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Nine-year-old Ocean Elsenberg shows offhls Kindness Club bracelet atSeven Peaks School on Wednesday. Ocean said club members can tap their bracelets to help fellow students realize when they do not like the way they are being treated.

By Alandra Johnson • The Bulletin

ine-year-old Ocean Eisenberg wanted to change something about his schooL Ocean is a third-grader at Seven Peaks School in Bend, and he didn't like

Wilderness," and "Cabin Fever: Notes from a PartTime Pioneer." Quilts will be displayed in April at the Art Adventure Gallery in Madras. Participants need to commit to the show by Jan. 7, and quilts need to be delivered to the gallery the week of March11. Contact: Mary Hawes, 541-325,3996 or


Safeway continues food drive Safeway grocery

how some of the children were treating each other.

stores will continue their annual food drive for the

needy throughSunday.

"There had been a lot of bullying in the school, a lot of arguments and pushing," said Ocean. He says a lot of the fights took place atrecess — one kid would want the ball first or want to kick the ball or be excluded from a group — and the kids would fight. " They weren't being n ice t o each other," said Ocean. Something of a peacemaker, Ocean says he would try to talk to the kids when they would get upset. "I had already tried to solve s ome problems an d i t di d n ' t work," said Ocean. He often saw his teacher, Jennifer Baughman, intervene. "My teacher told them not to do it and it didn't work." Pretty soon, the k id s w o uld b e right back t o a r g uing a n d

The stores ln west

and east Bendarecollecting non-perishable food for the Bethlehem Inn, a Bend facility that

provides shelter andsup-

. 1L-

port for1,000 individu-

als, and serves63,000 meals eachyear. Food donations canbe made at each store. Contact: 541-3228768 or www.bethlehem

Donations sought for Christmaskids Local churchesare seeking donations for the annual Operation Christmas Child project. Foundedin 1993 by the organization Samaritan's Purse, the project delivers gift-filled

fighting. Ocean's mom, Emmy E i senberg, saysitwas something her son talked about a lot at home. She says he felt frustrated. That's when Ocean came up with the idea for the K i ndness Club. And since the club started a few weeks ago, there has been a noticeable shift i n h o w k i d s treat each other, according to Baughman. "I definitely think it's had an impact," said Baughman. "It's really helped (the kids) be reflective."

shoeboxes toneedy children in some 130

countries, according to a news release. To participate, fill a shoebox with small gifts

including school supplies, toys, necessity items, hard candyand a letter of encouragement. Packing instructions and

tracking information are available at www

How it works

Ocean wanted to make it easy for people to point out when someone wasn't being kind. He noticed that sometimes, when you speak up and tell someone they aren't being nice, that can just lead to a

Drop off the shoebox at one of the locations

bigger argument. Ocean's idea was to give bracelets that said Kindness Club to everyone in his class. Then, whenever kids saw someone who wasn't being nice, the student would tap

Ocean Etsenberg plays a game of basketballwith his classmates at Seven Peaks School on Wednesday. his or her bracelet. It's a gentle way to remind kids to be kind to one another. School administrator R obert R usk was i m pressed with t h e idea. "I'm amazed by what he's

done," said Rusk. "I give him all the credit." Ocean orderedthe bracelets online and gave them to everyone in class, including his teacher. See Kindness/B6

"It's been really cool. When the kids feel someone ts being unkind, they point at their bracelets. (The bracelets serve as a) constant reminder about the pact they made to be kind." — Jennifer Baughman, teacher

below by Monday: • New Hope Church, Bend; 9:30 a.m.-noon today, 9:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Sunday and 9:30 a.m.-

noon Monday • Sisters Community Church; 9-10 a.m. today,

10 a.m.-noonSunday, 8-9 a.m. Monday • Church of the Nazarene, Prineville; 11 a.m.-2

p.m. today, 9a.m.-noon Sunday, 9a.m.-noon Monday. Contact: 253-5721155 or www.samaritans — From staffreports





NBC ramaa out „„„„„„„„„, irst resi ent in eveo ment

LOCAL MOVIE TIMES 12:15, 2:30, 4:45 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 7, 9 SKYFALL(PG-13) 11:15 a.m., 2:30, 5:45, 9 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-I3) 10:30 a.m., 1:15, 4, 6:45, 9:30 WRECK-IT RALPH (PG) 11:15 a.m., I:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9: I5


Regal Pilot Butte 6 2717 N.E. U.S. Highway 20, Bend, 541-382-6347

By Lisa de Moraes The Washington Post

terous affair with his best friend's wife.The George Washington obsessed with social status, finely tailored clothes, his im-

N BC i s d e v eloping a drama series about George W ash i n g t o n , based on the Pu- Ty 5poTLIGHT litzer Prize-win-

ning biography " Washington: A L i f e." I n that book, author Ron Chernow wrote that the country's first president "ranks as the most famously elusive figure in American history, a remote, enigmatic personage more revered than truly loved." " History i s w r i t ten b y winners, yet there are two sidesto every story and then there's the truth," NBC's logline for its "George Washington" project read. The potential series will be, NBC said, an "unprecedented intimate look at the enigmatic leader who b ecame the father of a nation on one side of the Atlantic and a terrorist on the other." And, NBC continued, "he is not the man who chopped down the cherry tree." And, there's n o S a n t a Claus, NBC added. Okay, we made that last part up. The network has ordered a script from David Seidler. You may know him as the guy who won the best original screenplay Oscar for "The King's Speech." "There's George Washington the n a tional i con, starting from the dollar bill with his supposed mouthful of wooden teeth, and then there's the George Washington who had a n a dul-

satd. To recap: wood e n teet h

No — check. No cherry tree chopping — check. Loads of S a lly F a irfax scenes — check. Picking up where we left off, Barry Levinson will executive-produce the series with Seidler and Tom Fontana, should NBC give it a green light. Levinson also had some thoughts about Washington: "The reality was he was a flawed and t roubled c h a racter w h o learned over time to mask his tumultuous inner life." Jason Sosnoff, head of production a n d d e v elopment at L e vinson's Baltimore Pictures would also get an executive producer credit. "With America's ongoing dialogue wit h l e adership, there could not be a more i mportant time to tell t h e story of a man who had tremendous vision and the will to carry it out against extreme polarization," he said. W e leave you w it h t h e c omforting t h ought t h a t , if it goes to series, "George Washington" w o u l d be s hepherded b y N B C U n iversal International's Carnival production operation — the same operation that distributes PBS' "Downton

ARGO(R) 12:15, 3:15, 6:15, 9:15 THE PERKSOF BEINGA WALLFLOWER (PG-13) 12:45, 6:45 SAMSARA(PG-13) 1, 4, 7, 9:20 THE SESSIONS(R) 1:15, 4:15, 7:15, 9:25 SEVEN PSYCHOPATHS (R) 3:45, 9:10 SKYFALL(PG-13) Noon, 3, 6, 9 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:30, 9:30

Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347

ARGO (R) 10:45 a.m., 1:35, 4:25, 7:20, 10:10 CLOUD ATLAS (R) 12:20, 4:05, 7:50 FLIGHT (R) 12:05, 3:15, 6:45, 9:55 HERE COMESTHE BOOM (PG) 1:15, 6:15 LINCOLN (PG-13) 10:50 a.m., 12:55, 3:05, 4:15, 6:25, 7:40, 9:50 PITCH PERFECT (PG-13) 10:40 a.m., 1:55, 6:05, 9:15 SKYFALL (PG-13) 10:35 a.m., 12:15, 1:45, 3:25, 4:55, 6:35, 8:05, 9:45 SKYFALL IMAX (PG-13) 12:45, 4, 7:10, 10:20 TAKEN 2 (PG- I3) 3:50, 9:05 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART 2 (PG-13) 10:30 a.m., 11 a.m., noon, 12:30, 1:30, 2, 3, 3:30, 4:30, 5, 6, 6:30, 7:30, 8, 9, 9:30, 10:30


MADRAS Madras Cinema 5 1101 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Madras,541-475-3505 Summit Entertainment

WRECK-IT RALPH (PG) 12:35, 1:05, 3:45, 6:55, 7:25, 9:35 WRECK-IT RALPH 3-D (PG) 4:45, 10:05

McMenami ns Old St. Francis School 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562

THE ODDLIFEOF TIMOTHY GREEN (PG) 11:30, 2 The Vniversity of Oregon football game will screen at 5 tonight. After 7 p.m., shows are 21 and olderonly.Youngerthan 21 may attend screenings before 7 p.m. if accompaniedby a legalguardian.

Tin Pan Theater

720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800

ARGO (R) 2, 4:45, 7:30 SKYFALL (PG-13) 1, 4, 7 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 2, 4:45, 7:30 WRECK-IT RALPH (PG) 2:45, 5, 7:15

PRINEVILLE Pine Theater 214 N. Main St., Prineville,541-416-1014

THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 1, 4, 7,10 WRECK-IT RALPH(UPSTAIRS — PG) 1:10, 4:15, 7:15 Pine Theater's upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.

REDMOND Redmond Cinemas 1535S.W.Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777


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PARANORMAL ACTIVITY4 (R) 1:25, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:35 SILENT HILL: REVELATION(R) 1, 3, 5:05, 7:10, 9:25 SKYFALL(PG-13) 12:50, 3:40, 6:30, 9:20 THE TWILIGHTSAGA: BREAKING DAWN — PART2 (PG-13) 2:10, 4:35, 7, 9:30 WRECK-IT RALPH 3-D (PG) 2, 4:30, 6:50, 9:10

Robert Pattinson, left, and Krlsten Stewart return for the franchise's final film, "The Twlight Saga: Breaking Dawn Part 2."



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KTvz 0 0 0 0 Extra (N) n 'PG' «

Storage-Texas Storage-Texas Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator Exterminator *** "High Plains Drifter" (1973,Western)Clint Eastwood,VernaBloom,Marianna Hill. A mysteri- *** "A FewGoodMen" (1992, Drama)TomCruise, Jack Nicholson, DemiMoore. ANavy lawyer defendstwo Ma- ** "Hidalgo" (2004) Viggo Mortensen (2:45) "North to *AMC 102 40 39 A/aska" (1960) ous strangerprotects acorrupt townfromgunmen. « rines in acomrade's death. « Omar Sharif. ~c *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Tanked: Unfilteredn 'PG' cc T ank ed n 'PG' cc Tanked Nuclear Family 'PG' cc T a nked n 'PG' cc Tanked MidwestZest(N) n 'PG' Tanked Neil Patrick Harris. 'PG' T a nked Midwest Zest n 'PG' **"The MummyReturns" (2001, Adventure) BrendanFraser, RachelWeisz, JohnHannah. ** "TheMummyReturns" BRAVO1 37 4 4 The Real Housewives ol Atlanta Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly CMT 190 32 42 53 ** "Rtr'(2006) RobinWiliams. Adysfunctional family goesonvacation. n cc Jeff DunhannSpark of Insanity n '14' cc Redneck Island(N) n 'PG' ChainsawGang Big TexasHeat Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity CNBC 54 36 40 52 Ultimate Factories Winnebago'G' The Suze Orman Show (N) « D e b t Do Us Part Princess « Ult i mate Factories Bacardi 'PG' The Suze orman Show a« Debt Do UsPart Princess « Muf f in Top? Ha i r Restoration CNN 55 38 35 48 CNN Presents 'PG' cc Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom(N) CNNPresents PG cc Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' cc COM 135 53 135 47(4:15) ** "Sex Drive" (2008)JoshZuckerman,AmandaCrew. « (8:46) *** "Get Him tothe Greek"(2010, Comedy)Jonah Hil, Russell Brand. « (9:17) ** "Dumb 8Dumber" (1994,Comedy)JimCarrey, Jeff Daniels.a« COTV 11 (4:30) City Club of Central Oregon Talk of the Town Local issues. D e sert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal GetDutdoors Visions ofNW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show TalkoftheTownLocalissues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington This Week Washington ThisWeek *DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie Austin tt Ally n Austin & Ally n Shake lt Up! 'G' Jessie 'G' cc J essie 'G' cc *** "Toy Story 3" (2010,Comedy)Voices of TomHanks. n cc Dog With a Blog Shake lt Up! 'G' Good.charlie Good-Charlie *DISC 156 21 16 37 Gold Rush SecretWeapons'PG' Gold Rush n 'PG' « Jungle Gold CultureShock'PG' J ungle Gold n 'PG' « Jungle Gold ShotsFired n '14' J u n gle Gold Broken Mann 'PG' Jungle Gold Shots Fired n '14' *E! 1 36 2 5 ** "He'sJust NotThat Into you" (2009)BenAlleck, Jennifer Aniston. Keeping UpWith the Kardashians E! Special '14' A-List Listings E! News Ice Loves Coco Fashion Police '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 College Football KansasState at Baylor(N) (Live) sportscenter (N)(Live) « sportscenter (N)(Live) « sportscenter (N)(Live) « sportscenter (N)luvei « ESPN2 22 24 21 24 (4:00) CollegeFootball Tennesseeat Vanderbilt (N) (Livel College Football College Football BYUat SanJose State (N) luve) College Football Final (N) cc NA S CAR Racing "Fastest"(2011,Documentary) Narratedby EwanMcGregor. "Fastest"(2011, Documentary)Narrated byEwanMcGregor. *** "Senna" (201 0) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 "Fastest" (2011,Documentary) Narrated byEwanMcGregor. H-Lite Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H-L i te Ex. H.L i te Ex. Hig h light Express (N) (Live) ESPNN 24 63 124203SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc Sportsoenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ** "LastHoliday" (2006,Comedy)QueenLatifah, Gerard Depardieu, LLCoolJ. ** "LastHo/iday" (2006,Comedy)QueenLatifah, GerardDepardieu, LLCoolJ. FAM 67 29 19 41 ** "Stepup 3" (2010,Drama)RickMalambri, AdamG.Sevani. FNC 57 61 36 50 Huckabee(N) Justice With JudgeJeanine (N) Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc The Journal Editorial Report n J u stice With Judge Jeanine Ger aldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye *FOOD 177 62 98 44 Iron Chef America The Next Iron Chef: Redemption Chopped Chopped 'G' ChoppedCornuchopia Chopped Give ItYour All 'G' Iron Chef America *** "TheIncredible Hulk" (2008, Action) EdwardNorton, Uv Tyler, Tim Roth. ** "Predators" (2010)Adrien Brody,Topher Grace, Alice Braga. FX 131 UFC 154:St.Pierre vs. Condit - Prelims (N) (Live) HGTV 176 49 33 43 Property Brothers 'G' « High Low Proj. Hunters Int'I H o use Hunters Renovation 'G' L o ve It or List It Hung 'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I H o use Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 155 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Mankind The Story ol All ol Us Inventing trade; the discoveryol iron. P a wn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' *** "A ChristmasProposal" (2008)Nicole Eggert. « "Ho/iday HighSchoolReunion" (2012) RachelBoston. Premiere. « "A BoyfriendforChristmas" (2004) Kelli Wiliams. 'PG' « LIFE 138 39 20 31 (4:00) "HolidayWishes"'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup: RawHell in aCell Lockup Lockup(N) Lockup: Raw Lockup InsidePendletonJuvenile Lockup: Raw HardTime Lockup: RawLife anddeath. MTV 192 22 38 57 Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n 14 « Jersey Shore n '14' « Catfish: The TVShow n Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Jersey Shore n '14' « NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S pongeBob S p ongeaob S p ongeaob iC arly 'G' cc i c a rly 'G' cc i o arly iPilot 'G' Victorious 'G' Big Time Rush n 'G' cc George Lopez George Lopez Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends OWN 161103 31 103The Will: Secrets Revealed Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' W elcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' W elcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' W elcome to Sweetie Pie's (N) ly a nla, Fix My Life (N) n '14' Wel come to Sweetie Pie's « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 (4:00) CollegeFootball lowaState atKansas(N)(Livel College Football USCat UCLA(N) College Football MontanaState at Montana "Grindhouse:Planet Terror" SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Ink Master '14' (5:23) Ink Master n '14' « Tattoo Night. Tattoo Night. T attoo Night. * * "T he Fast and theFurious: TokyoDrift" (2006, Action) LucasBlack, ZacheryTyBryan. n * "Resident Evil" (2002)Milla Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez. cc * "Resident Evil: Afterlife" (2010,Horror)Milla Jovovich.Premiere. *** "Primal"(2010) cc SYFY 133 35 133 45(4:30) *** "Dawnofthe Dead" (2004)SarahPolley, Ving Rhames. TBN 05 60 130 (4:00) Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon *TBS 16 27 11 28 Friends n '14' Friendsn '14' King ol Queens King of Queens King ol Queens King ol Queens Big Bang B ig B ang B ig B ang B ig B ang W edd i ng Band I Love College '14' Wedding Band I Love College '14' ***"Alice Doesn't LiveHereAnymore" (1974, Drama) Ellen Burstyn. A * * * " Bedazz/ed"(1967, Comedy)PeterCook, DudleyMoore. Adepressed **"OfHuman Bondage"(1946, Drama) Eleanor Parker.Anartist-turned-doc ***"The HarveyGirls"(1946) Judy TCM 101 44 101 29 widow andhersontakesteps towardself-sufficiency. « cook makes adiabolical deal withthe devil. « tor is drawnto apromiscuous waitress. ~c(DVS) Garland. «(DVS) *TLC 178 34 32 34 Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14' Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence rt '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence rt '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence (N) '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence (N) '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence rt '14' ***"TheBourneSupremacy"(2004)MattDamon.« *** "Mission: Impossible lll" (2006, Action) TomCruise. « *TNT 17 26 15 27 LakevierirTerr *** "Mission: Impossible lll" (2006) TomCruise, Philip SeymourHoffman. « 'TOON 84 Venture Bros. Family Guy'14' Famil yGuy'14' ClevelandShow TheBoondocks The Boondocks NiniaGo: Mstrs Regular Show Regular Show ** "National Treasure" (2004,Adventure) Nicolas Cage,Hunter Gomez. Premiere. 'TRAV 179 51 45 42 Extreme Houseboats 'PG' cc Ext reme Houseboats 'PG' « Extr eme Houseboats 'PG' or Gho st Adventures 'PG' cc GhostAdventures'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG' cc Ghost Adventures 'PG' c~ TVLND 65 47 29 35 CosbyShow Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond King ofQueens *** "TheColor Purple" (1985,Drama)WhoopiGoldberg, DannyGlover, MargaretAvery. « ** "Eat Pray Love" (2010) « NCI S Guilty Pleasure '14' erj USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS A blindphotographer. 'PG' N CIS Last Man Standing n '14' Tryin'" (2005, CrimeDrama)Curtis "50Cent"Jackson. rt Get Rich orDie VH1 191 48 37 54 Storytellers 'PG' T.l. and Tiny T .l. and Tiny T . l. and Tiny T . l. and Tiny: The Family Hustle T.l. and Tiny T . l. and Tiny * * s set Rich or Die *ASIE 130 28 18 32 Intervention Dennis '14' «

*** "Ghostbusters" 1984,ComedyBill Murray. n 'PG' « ** Species ENCR 106401 306401"Piratesol theCaribbean: OnStranger Tides" rt (6:20) ** "The Flihtstones"1994JohnGoodman. (9:50) *** nMenin Black"1997 rt 'PG-13' « ** "Tooth Fairy"2010, ComedyDwayneJohnson. 'PG' « *"The Bachelor"1999 ChrisO'Donnell, Hal Holbrook. 'PG13' « ** "Happy,Texas"1999,ComedyJeremy Northam. 'PG13' « FMC 104204104120(400) ** "Tooth Fairy"2010 ** "Way of the Dragon" (1972,Action) BruceLee, ChuckNorris. *** "Fist olFury" (1972,Adventure) Bruce Lee,MiaoKer Hsiu. B. Lee Lives! B. Lee Lives! UFC Post Fight Show(N) (Livei UFC Post Fight Show FUEL 34 European PGA Tour Golf GOLF 28 301 27 301LPGA TourGolf PGA Tour Golf AustralianMasters,Final RoundFromMelbourne. (N)(Live) *** "Ay I WantforChristmas"(2007)Gail O'Grady.'PG' « "MatchmakerSanta" (2012) Lacey Chabert. Premiere. 'G' « "Love at theThanksgiving DayParade" (2012)AutumnReeser. 'G' HALL 66 33175 33 "Annie Claus isComing" **"Safe House"2012,ActionDenzelWashington. Premiere. Arookie and a Boxing Adrien Bronervs. Antonio DeMarco,Lightweights (N)n « HBO 25501 425501(4:00) *"Little (5:40) *** "X2:X-Menunited"2003, Fantasy Patrick Stewart, HughJackman, lan McKellen. A Fockers" 2010 right-wing militarist pursuesthe mutants. n 'PG-13' cc renegadeoperativetry to evadeassassins. n 'R' cc diocracy"2006,ComedyLukeW ilson.'R' ** "l diocracy"2006,ComedyLukeW ilson.'R' I FC 105 1 0 5 ** "l (6:45)***"The SpongeBob SquarePantsMovie"2004'PG' (10:15) *** "StarTrekVl: TheUndiscovered Country" 1991'PG' (5:15) ** "TheRunningMan"1987Arnold Schwarzenegger.Athletes hunt * "Endof Days"1999, HorrorArnold Schwarzenegger.Anex-cop must pre- Hunted AmbassadorsSamawakes in ** 54 Very Harold 8 Kumar3D Christmas"2011, Com- Hunted AmbasM AX 00508 5 0 8convicted prisoners on a sadistic gameshow. rt 'R'« vent a woman from bearing theAntichrist. rt 'R' « the hospital. 'MA' « edy JohnCho. Premiere. rt 'R' « sadors n 'MA' Alaska State Troopers '14' DoomsdayPreppere'14' DoomsdayPreppers '14' Alaska State Troopers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14' Superstorm 2012'14' N GC 157 1 5 7 S p ongeBob L e gend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z Iron Man: Armor NTOON 89 115189115Odd Parents Odd Parents Legend-Korra Legend-Korra Wild Grinders Planet Sheen Robot, Monster Ddd Parents Spongeaob C r aig Morgan West. Extremes High Places C ommander M a thew's Dom OUTD 37 307 43 307Trophy Hunt J i mmy Big Time Raglin Outdoors Ultimate Hunt'g Trophy Quest Most Wanted Outfitter Boot Expedition Sal. Ted Nugent Untold History ol the United States Dexter ChemistryDexterand Hannah HomelandTheClearing Carrietries to * "The ThreeMusketeers" 2011,Action Matthew MacFadyen.D'Artagnan and (10:15) ** "The Switch"2010Jennifer Aniston. A womanusesa friend's S HO 00 5 0 0 World WarTwo '14' « grow closer.n 'MA' « regain control. 'MA' « friends mustfoil Richelieu's anarchist plot. 'PG-13' « sperm, unknowingly, toget pregnant. n 'PG-13' « SPEED 35 303125303NASCARRacing Inside Michael Waltrip Racing T h e Hendrick Racing Story Form ula1 Debrief Formula OneRacing U.S. GrandPrix, Qualifying On t he Edge N ASCAR Racing ** "JohnCarter"2012Taylor Kitsch. Premiere.n 'PG13' « STARZ 00408 00408(330)youAgain (520) **"The GreenHornet"2011 Seth Rogen. n 'PG13' « (720) * "Ghost Rider: Spiritof Vengeance" 2012 (11:ts) "30Minutes or Less"'R' *** "TheHelp" 2011,DramaViola Davis, EmmaStone, BryceDallas Howard.Anaspiring writer *** "Bitten" 2007 Jason Mewes.A manmeets a seduc- "Beware" 2010AdamLeadbeater. Collegestudents learn (4 35) ** "The Tempest" 2010, Drama Hel e n Mi r ren, TMC 2 5 25 Felicity Jones. n 'PG-13' ~c captures theexperiences of black women.rt 'PG-13' « tive woman who is a vampire. rt 'R' « that a grisly urbanlegendis true. rt 'NR' « NFL Turning Point 'PG' Game On! W o r ld Series ol Fighting 1 Poker Alter Dark 'PG'a« NBCSN 27 58 30 209(4:00) CollegeFootball Old Dominionat JamesMadison (N) (Livei ** "Patch Adams"1999,Comedy-DramaRobinWiliams. 'PG-13' *WE 143 41 174118Wedding. DavuUnveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled W eddingDavuUnveiled W eddingDavuUnveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled




Man's girlfriend doesn't measureupfor Mom Dear Abby:My son, "James," is 25 and has been dating his girlfriend for three years. He has brought her over only five times. This is his firstgirlfriend, and I think he is getting way too serious and thinking about marriage. While she seems nice, I do not think she's the right girl for my son to marry. James has not talked to me about marrying her just yet, but I think he knows I'm not a fan. My question is, do I talk to my son about how I feel, or just bite my tongue and let him make his own decision, even though I think he'd be making a big mistake? Or should I say something and risk ruining our relationship? James isn't the easiest person to talk to, especially when you don't agree with him. I'd hate to see him marry her and wind up divorced, knowing I might have been able to stop it. — Mother Knows Best in New York Dear M.K.B.:At 25 years old, your son is an adult. A threeyear relationship is not a whirlwind courtship. James and his girlfriend may already have an inkling about how you feel about her — which is why you have seen them only five times in three years. If you want any relationship at all with your son in the future, do not interfere. Let him work this out for himself. He may be your son, but he's no longer a child, so don't treat him like one. Dear Abby: My wife thinks it's improper for my parents to include their grandson — our 8year-old son — in their Christmas card photo. He's their only grandchild. I have seen people include pictures of their pets, cars, boats and all sorts of other things in their photo cards. So why not grandchildren'? My parents have pointed out that this is the only opportunity for

DEAR ABBY their friends to see their grandchild, but my wife thinks he s hould be included only i n OUR Christmas card. What do you think? — Pulled In Two Directions Dear Pulled: I think y o ur wife is selfish, judgmental, and should be ashamed of herself for wanting to deprive your parents in this way. Now I have a question for you: What's her problem? It's obvious that she has one where your folks are concerned. Dear Abby: I had a g r eat friendship that I threw away. "Shane" and I got along really well and, frankly, we ventured beyond f r iendship m u ltiple times when we lived near each other. I think the "relationship" was good for both of us. Then I lost my temper during a trivial argument, and now he won't talk to me. We live in different states now, so the phone is the only way for us to contact each other. Abby, I know the fallingout is my fault. He said something that shouldn't have set me off the way it did. How do I fix this? I miss talking to him, and he won't answer my calls anymore. — Regretting My Temper Dear Regretting: It appears Shane has not only moved away but also has moved on. When you were neighbors, the friends-with-benefits arrangement might have influenced him to forgive you. However, becausethat"leverage"isgone, you should move on,too.If he is unwilling to talk things out, there really isn't a way to "fix" it. — Write Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440,Los Angeles, CA 90069.

Horoscope:HappyBirthday for Saturday,Nov. 17,2012 By Jacqueline Bigar This year you harness anethereal quality that keeps emerging from you. You havemany ideas, and some of them are great. Youalso havethe abilityto be practical in howyou manifest these concepts. Originality and practicality, when mixed together, are aclose-to-unbeatable combination. Use themwell to create more of what you want. Youwill transform part of your life and be much happier as aresult. Sometimes the intensity of these changes will be greater than you could've imagined. If you are single, someonequite special enters your life. Use carewith any type of commitment, as what pleases you now could bevery different in a few months. If you areattached, your sweetie needs to bekept in the loop. It will make all the difference. CAPRICORNmight rain on your parade. The Stars Showthe Kind of DayYou'll Have: 5-Dynamic; 4-Positive; 3Average; 2-So-so; 1-Difficult ARIES(March 21-April19) ** * * M ake time for an older friend or family member, asthis person is easy to please.Youmight decide to bring along a child or loved one. Though the extra person might change the mood, no onecares. Tonight: Aforceto bedealtwith. TAURUS(April 20-May 20) ** * * * K eep reaching out to others, and tryto catch up on news and plans. Onceyou start talking, it could be hard to stop all the conversation. You might feel pushed to your limit when trying to fit in everything you want to do. Tonight: Indulge a loved one. GEMINI (May 21-June20) ** * * Understanding is the result of a conversation in which you and the other person explain where each of you is coming from. Good vibes come through, no matter what you decide to do.Your plans will be revived as aresult. Tonight: Togetherness works. CANCER(June21-July 22) ** * * O t hers dominate the conversation. As a result, you might not be sure whether to makeplans or just passively express interest in what is discussed. Makeplans that suit you and that will bring you happiness. Tonight: Just do not be alone. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) ** * * Remain evenly paced, and understand your limitations. You could be overwhelmed byeverything that goes on, which likely will form an obstacle to doing whatever you want.

Planskeep changing.Touch basewith a child or loved one.Tonight: Having fun works. VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * Your energy quickly dwindles when dealing with a child or loved one. Youalso could hear an earful from someoneelse regarding what he or shewants and needs. A conversat ion could encouragesome deep thought; don't makeanything heavier than needbe. Tonight: Frolic away. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) ** * * You might opt to stay close to home or with family. You also might want to visit a friend and catch up on news.Youfind that your feelings seem to beconstantly changing and, in somecases, are deeply emotional. Tonight: Invite others over for dinner. SCORPIO(Oct. 23-Nov. 21) ** * * Keep conversations moving, and feel free to discuss what might have been adifficult topic in the past. Push comes to shove ifyou are not careful. Let someonehavehis or her way. You cannot stop this person anyway. Tonight: Chat up astorm. SAGITTARIUS(Nov. 22-Dec. 21) ** * Pull back some, andyou will note a possessive streak in yourself. Usually, those feelings come from insecurity, and they trigger behavior that can be difficult. Discussions could draw in important information, which could lead to understanding. Tonight: Make ityour treat. CAPRICORN(Dec. 22-Jan. 19) ** * * T he Moon in your sign adds energy, magnetism and acertain appeal to your day.Youwill want to act on a conversation when making plans. Youseehow feelings can be separate from actions. Note the schism, but don't make it a big deal. Tonight: As you like. AQUARIUS(Jan. 20-Feb.18) ** * Do less and relax for a change. Sometimes you gooverboard. More often than not, you areassertive and do not stand on ceremony. For everyone involved, pulling back works better. It builds greater confidence in the various friendships or bonds involved. Tonight: Not to be found. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 21) ** * * Focus on the possibilities of what could happen if you relax more. Bring friends together for a little gettogether in the near future. A malepal becomesunusually demandingand will continue to be that way for several weeks. Youdon'thaveto doanything about it. Tonight: Where crowds are. © 2012 by King Features Syndicate



Please email event information to or click on "Submit an Event" at Allow at least 10days before the desired date of publication. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

TODAY "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626, 2ndstreettheater@gmail .com or www.2ndstreettheater .com. VFW DINNER:A dinner of ham and scalloped potatoes; proceeds benefitlocalveterans; $8;5-7 p.m.;VFW Hall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. WINTER FIREPIT PARTY: Sit around the outdoor fire pit and tell stories, with food, beverages, a dance party contest and a performance by Wilderness; free admission; 5-9 p.m.; Riverfront Plaza, on Brooks Street at the Breezeway, Bend, Bend; 541-410-4614 or SOUND ANDVIBRATION MEDITATION:Seattle-based artist Pamela Mortensen plays the didgeridoo, featuring chanting and instrumental music by local artists; $15 suggesteddonation;6 p.m .; Hawthorn Healing Arts Center, 39 N.W. Louisiana Ave., Bend; 541-330-0334. "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of the unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia about an aspiring stand-up comedian's experience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or SMITH ANDHAYES:Rock and blues guitarists Clay T. Smith and Bill Hayes perform; RSVP requested; $15 suggested donation; 7 p.m.; private residence, 69077 Chestnut Place, Sisters; 541-549-2072. THE NORTHSTAR SESSION: The California-based rootsrock band performs; proceeds benefit lnnovation Theatre Works;$7 plusfeesin advance, $10 at the door; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's mostfamous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626, 2ndstreettheater@gmail .com or www.2ndstreettheater .com. "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theatrical Company presents the musical comedy about m ixing loveand money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www DEAR RABBIT:The Coloradobased indie-folk artist performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-7280879 or www.reverbnation .com/venue/thehornedhand. BADSTRIP:The San Franciscobased band performs; with Open Defi anceand High Desert Hooligans; $3; 9 p.m.; Big T's, 413 S.W. Glacier Ave., Redmond; 541-504-3864. LOOK GOOD,FEEL GOOD TOUR: Featuring hip-hop music by Zyme, Jay Tablet and The Knux; $5; 10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-3880116 or www.astroloungebend .com.

Submitted photo

The Russian jam band White Fort will perform at 7 p.m. Sunday at the Broken Top Bottle Shop & Ale Cafe in Bend. "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of the unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia aboutan aspiring stand-upcomedian'sexperience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www WHITE FORT: The Russian Iam band performs; free; 7 p.m.; Broken Top Bottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe,1740 N.W. Pence Lane, Suite1, Bend; 541-728-0703.

MONDAY "FIXING THEFUTURE": A screening of the 2010 documentary about new opportunities that have emerged in the wake of the 2008 financial meltdown; $6; 6 p.m.; Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W. Tin Pan Alley, Bend; 541-410-9944 or www "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of the unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia aboutan aspiring stand-upcomedian'sexperience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www

Kitchen; with a canned food drive; $7-$25, see website for price details; 9 a.m.; N.W. Bonneville Loop; BGCCO TURKEYTROT: 5Kand 10K races through the Old Mill District and along the Deschutes River; registration required; proceeds benefit Girls on the Run; $9-$25, see website for price details; 9 a.m.; LesSchwab Amphitheater,344 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; I LIKE PIEFUNRUN: Run or walk 2K,5K,10K or10 miles and eat pie; with a baking contest; registration required; donations benefit Neighborlmpact; $5 and five cans offood;9 a.m.;FootZone,845 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-749-0540, angela@footzonebend.comor FAMILYKITCHEN THANKSGIVING DINNER:Share a traditional, homecooked meal with the community; free;11 a.m.-3 p.m.; St. Helens Hall, 231 N.W. Idaho Ave., Bend; 541610-6511 or www.familykitchen .Qrg. THANKSGIVINGDINNER FOR SENIORS:Share a home-cooked meal with senior members of the community; $7.50;noon-5 p.m.; Bend Senior Center,1600 S.E. Reed Market Road; 541-382-0118.

TUESDAY "PLACESYOU'VE NOT LOOKED FOR YOURRELATIVES": Bend Genealogical Society presents a program by Philip Wittboldt; free; 10 a.m.; First Presbyterian Church, 230 N.E. Ninth St., Bend; 541-317-9553 or www.orgenweb .org/deschutes/bend-gs. THE LIBRARYBOOKCLUB: Read and discuss "The lmmortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" by Rebecca Skloot; free; noon; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541-330-3764 or www. "BRINGOUT YOUR DEAD!" LECTURESERIES:Featuring a presentation on "Create Your Own Zombie: Bringing the Resilient Undead to Life"; free; 5-6 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7786. "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A screening of the unrated comedy by Mike Birbiglia aboutan aspiring stand-upcomedian'sexperience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.


SHANE SIMONSEN: The Washington-based singersongwriter performs, with Selfless SUNDAY Riot; 6 p.m.; Green Plow Coffee Roasters, 436 S.W. Sixth St., THANKSGIVINGBREAKFAST: Redmond; 541-516-1128. A meal of pancakes, biscuits "SLEEPWALK WITH ME": A and gravy,eggs,sausage and screening of the unrated comedy more; free; 8-11 a.m.; Bend's by Mike Birbiglia aboutan aspiring Community Center, 1036 N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069 or www. stand-upcomedian'sexperience with sleepwalking; $9 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall THANKSGIVINGDINNER:A St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www meal of turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, stuffing, vegetables "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly and more; free; noon-4 p.m.; Bend's Community Center, 1036 Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying N.E. Fifth St.; 541-312-2069 or history's most famous presidential www.bendscommunitycenter. assassins; $21, $18 students and olg. seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street "IT'SONLY MONEY": Cascades Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Theatrical Company presents Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, the musical comedy about or m ixing loveand money; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 2 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www. THURSDAY GINGERBREADJUNCTION:A "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a display of gingerbread houses dark musical comedy portraying opens; runs through Dec. 29; free; Sunriver Resort,17600 history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 Center Drive; 541-593-4609 or students and seniors; 3 p.m.; gingerbread-junction-sunriver.php. 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312BENDTURKEYTROT:5KandIOK 9626, 2ndstreettheater©gmail racesthrough Northwest Bend; .com or www.2ndstreettheater registration required; proceeds .com. benefit the La Pine Community

FRIDAY RAKU POTTERY SALE: The Raku Artists of Central Oregon host a sale of handcrafted pottery; free admission; 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-610-5684. WONDERLANDEXPRESS AUCTION: A silent auction of unique creations; proceeds benefit Wonderland Express'annual event; free admission; 11:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-593-4405 or WINERY BARREL TASTING: Taste wines and eat local food; with m usic byJohnnyCorona;donations benefit Neighborlmpact; $5 with four cans of nonperishable food required, $10 without; 3-8 p.m.; Maragas Winery, 15523 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Culver; 541-546-5464 or GRAND ILLUMINATION:With a magic show, a parade, arts and crafts, live music, food and more; free admission; 4 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800486-8591 or www.sunriver-resort. com/traditions. WINTER ART WALK:Featuring a showcase of local art and music at various downtown stores; free; 4-8 p.m.; downtown Redmond; 541-923-5191. "THE SOUND OFMUSIC" SINGALONG:Watch the1965 Grated film and sing along with the characters; $20 plus fees; 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater© or "FLOW STATE":A screening of the Warren Miller film about skiing and snowboarding; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Sunriver Resort, 17600 Center Drive; 800-486-8591 or www. JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring a performance bytrumpeter Jeremy Pelt; $49 plus fees in advance; 8 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-3828436 or THE STEADIES:The reggae-rock band performs, with The Boom Booms;$5;9:30 p.m.;SilverMoon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3888331 or www.silvermoonbrewing. com.

SATURDAY Nov. 24 WONDERLANDEXPRESS AUCTION:A silent auction of unique creations; proceeds benefit Wonderland Express' annual event; free admission; 9 a.m.-2 p.m.; Sunriver Resort Great Hall, 17728 Abbott Drive; 541-593-4405 or RAKU POTTERY SALE:The Raku Artists of Central Oregon host a sale of handcrafted pottery; free admission; 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.; The Environmental Center, 16 N.W. Kansas Ave., Bend; 541-610-5684. SISTERSTURKEYTROT:5K and 10K road races; free, registration required; with a canned food drive for Sisters Kiwanis Club Food Bank; non-perishable food donations accepted; 11 a.m.; downtown Sisters; WINERY BARREL TASTING: Taste wines and eat local food; with music by Jim Lee and Susan Benson; donations benefit Neighborlmpact; $5 with four cans of nonperishable food required, $10 without; 11 a.m.6 p.m.; Maragas Winery, 15523 S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Culver; 541546-5464 or www.maragaswinery. com. CIVILWAR FOOTBALL GAME: View the civil war clash between the Ducks and the Beavers on Pine Theater's big screen; party food included; $10; 1 p.m., doors open at noon; Pine Theater, 214 N. Main St., Prineville; 541-416-1014. "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 2 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541312-9626, 2ndstreettheater@gmail. com or CIVIL WARFUNDRAISER:Watch Oregon State University and the University of Oregon football teams play; event also features food and a silentauction; proceeds benefit Chimps Inc.; registration requested; $55; 3 p.m.; Hooker Creek Ranch, 65525Gerking MarketRoad,Bend; 541-389-5853 or www.chimps-inc. olg. JAZZ ATTHEOXFORD: Featuring a performance by trumpeter Jeremy Pelt; $49 plus fees in advance; 5 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel,10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-3828436 or REDMOND STARLIGHTHOLIDAY PARADE:Themed "The Island of Misfit Toys"; free; 5 p.m.; downtown Redmond; 541-923-5191. REDMOND CHRISTMASTREE LIGHTING:Santa Claus lights up the holiday tree, with live music; 6 p.m.; Centennial Park, Seventh Street and Evergreen Avenue; 541-923-5191 or "ASSASSINS":Thoroughly Modern Productions presents a dark musical comedy portraying history's most famous presidential assassins; $21, $18 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626, 2ndstreettheater© or JAZZ ATTHEOXFORD: Featuring a performance by trumpeter Jeremy Pelt; $49 plus fees in advance; 8 p.m.; The Oxford Hotel,10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541-3828436 or

SUNDAY Nov. 25 "AN EVENINGWITH EBENEZER": Sunriver Stars Community Theater presents a reader's theater adaptation of the Charles Dickens classic, "A Christmas Carol"; $5 adults, $3 children and seniors; 2 p.m.; Sunriver Homeowners Aquatic & Recreation Center, 57250 Overlook Road; dramama@ or www.sunriverstars .com.


















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T his w ee k I ' v e f o c u sed o n deception by the defenders. To see if any sneakiness has rubbed off on you, cover the West and South cards and defend against 3NT as East. Dummy plays the jack on the first spade, your king covers and South takes the ace. What will he do next? How will you defend? Almost surely, South will finesse in di am o nds . You must unhesitatingly let dummy's jack win. Suppose you take your king. The defense can cash three spades, but if West then leads a club, South takes the ace, comes to his king of hearts and leads a heart to dummy's jack. When that finesse wins, he has nine tricks.


foLIL TRYGetsTs'. THAT's secAUEe

By FRANK STEWART Tribune MediaServices


HeRe. I WRoTe A Ltcr

Test your deception


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your right, opens one spade. You double, the next player bids two spades, and your partner tries three hearts. Opening bidder passes. What do you say? ANSWER: Since the raise to two spades relievedyour partner of his obligation to respond, his bid shows some values. You may make four h earts, bu t f o r n o w b id fou r diamonds. If parhier has good hearts, he'll return to four hearts. North dealer Both sides vulnerable


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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis


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Unscramblethese four Jumbles one letter to eachsquare, to form four ordinary words.

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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

Hey, Dave. We just re-signed our running back.Canyoa make sure heqets his signing bonustfi isweek?

I'll cut him a check today.

©2012 TribuneMedia Services, Inc.02 Ai Rights Reserved





ACROSS 1 "My Dinner With Andre" co-star Wallace 6 Offensively blunt 14 Early Web

© Laughingstock InternarIIInal Inc., Dist tiy Universal uclIck ior UFs, 2012

"Don't get out of the car."


Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested bytheabove cartoon.

(AnswersMonday) Yesterday's

Jumbles: ODDLY PRONG ACCUSE ABRUPT Answer; The nursery ownertold her new employee the — GROUNDRULES

16 Cadillac Ranch site 17 Words of relief 19 Sanguine 20 Royal Scots for more than three centuries 21 Salon job 22 Not kosher 24 First name in

4 Comedian 5 Rock's Lofgren 6 Exit lines 7 "L'elisir d' Donizetti

opera 8 Daydreams 9 Nevado

Cruces: Andes section 10 Pack item? 11 Steven's wife on "Family Ties" 12 Tart fruit 13 Gray area? 15 Solution for lens



problems 18 Grayish brown 23 Furnishings 25 Cleavers 27 Commercial fishing boat e.g. 29 Body of art? 39 Contributing 30 Deer tail factor in ozone 31 Writing style depletion 32 Professional gp. 40 Without nostalgia 33 Indian titles 41 Chumley's title 34 Corresponding friend in a '60s 35 French noodle cartoon series product? 42 1989 Jay 36 Historic Egyptian lifeline Presson Allen monodrama I 2 3 4 5 43 Bit of a laugh t4 44 Half of a downpour? t7 47 "Peg Woffi ngtono t9 20 author 51 Way up 22 23 55 Hop- -thumb 56 Ulterior motives 26 27 58 Galley propeller 59 Leader elected in 30 31 32 2005 39 62 Catholic recitation 63 Target of a 4t Pasteur/Roux vaccine 42 harvested from 44 45 46 rabbits 64 Sycophant 55 56 65 Stripes 25 Fit solidly 26 Mt. Carmel setting 28 Needle point?: Abbr. 30 Food stamps,


DOWN 1 Sharp 2 Big hit 3 It's not for


37 How vichyssoise 50 CD letters is usually served 5 2 Deadly agent 38 Greek war 53 Hung over? gocldess 54 Schoolmarmish 44 Patient type responsibility 56 Qu a train rhyme 4 5 "Don't make ! " schem e 46 Not at all laid-back 57 Labor pain? 48 Selection word 60 C o mmon 49 "Now seems it pair? far, and now ": 61 "We'll let you know" letters Scott












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By Martin Ashwood-Smith (c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


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enior i o s soar a ove s ereo es a oLi a e By Diane C. Lade Sun Sentinel

FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. — The secret to staying young?

Stay high. So say the United Flying Octogenarians, an international flock of about 1,200 private and recreational pilots who are age 80-plus — and refuse to be

grounded. Among the 12 UFOs, as they affectionately call themselves, who gathered for a ceremony in their honor in Lauderhill, Fla., on a recent Friday, there were two Harvard graduates, a retired lawyer whose family once owned the Cleveland Browns, a member of two previous presidential administrations, and a recipient of the Order of the British Empire. And now they all can add one more accomplishment to their lists. The UFOs received the Turn Back Time award from the ForestTrace retirement center, for challenging aging stereotypes. Each pilot collected a statue of an airplane flying over the globe, a small clock embedded between its wings. They w er e p h a rmacists, engineers and, yes, men who spent their careers in aviation. Almost all of them have been flying for at least 60 years, first taking to the air in college or during military service. What binds them: the inexplicable thrill of flight. "There is nothing like it, when the weight shifts from the wheels to the w i ngs," said Justus Campbell, 82, of Palm City, Fla. An Eastern Airlines pilot and instructorfor 32 years,he has experienced that feeling in everything from a Cessna to an Airbus — and plans to keep doing so as long as he can fly safely. The group, founded in 1982 by 31 pilots past their 80th birthdays, hosts fly-ins around the world. Four planes piloted by UFOs flew in to Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport from around the state for the presentation,

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Ocean Eisenberg, 9, started the Kindness Club to help his classmates get along better at Seven Peaks School.

Talmy Alvarez I Sun Sentinel

Don Newman, 89, left, is the president of United Flying Octogenearians (UFO), a club for elderly pilots. He walks with Charles Lopez, area director, in Fort Lauderdale, Fla. including president Don Newman, an 89-year-old from the Clearwater, Fla., area. N ewman, who was a B 17 bomber instructor during World War II, taxied his V-Tail Bonanza around like he was at the mall looking for a parking spot,before emerging from the cockpit perfectly dressed in a beige suit jacket and airplanepatterned tie. "It was a good flight. The Tampa tower just insisted I vector over the airport," he apologized to those waiting. The UFOs said people often are surprisedto learn they have a license to fly. Like almost all other pilots (except those who work for commercial airlines), they can keep their certificate active as long as they can pass regular medical exams and skills tests. Retesting periods vary according to the type of license. Among about 617,000 active pilots certificates, about 4,817

has affected commercial airline pilots, among the few professionals with a mandatory retirement age. In 2007, a federal law went into effect that lets commercial airline pilots fly until they are 65, instead of 60, as long as they can pass the twice-yearly medical tests required for all ages. Those older than 60also face more frequent proficiency checks. The UFOs recently have become intrigued by what exactly it is keeping them all airborne, said Charles Lopez, of Miami, a retired international businessman who now works in aerial photography. "We figured we were an elite group. We all are over 80 and still flying, which can be a complicated activity. Is there some common factor?" asked Lopez, 85,the group'svice president. So the UFOs distributed a survey last year, asking members about their health and social habits, then turned it over to Purdue University in Indiana, Lopez said. While there aren't any scientific conclusions, some similarities emerged, said Lopez. "We're ingood health. More than 50 percent of us went to university. And most of us have some sortofalcoholic beverage

are held by people age 80 or older, according to the Federal Aviation Administration — about double the number from a decade ago. About a third of them have licenses that allow them to charge for their services. The fact that people are living longer and healthier even

Kindness Continued from B1 Emmy Eisenberg liked how her son approached the problem. He wasn't looking to get kids in trouble — this was a positive solution. "If you have kindness and can learn kindness, it has a ripple effect," she sa>d.

In school Baughman says it is pretty typical for t hird-graders to argue during recess — they are an age when they are learning about how to have compassion for others and " sportsmanship can b e a tough lesson." She noticed this year "there were lots of hurt feelings happening at recess." She spent a lot of time talking to the class about sportsmanship and being kind to one another. But the conflict persisted. One day, she was lecturing the class about getting along, when Ocean raised his hand. He told her and the students about his idea for a kindness club. Ocean presented his idea to the class. He said kindness included things like not pushing, not saying bad things, not arguing and including everyone. He asked kids to come up in front of the class and role play differentscenarios and then instructed them on how to use the bracelet to solve the problem.

"I'm just really proud of him for coming up with his own solutions. It makes him happy to help others ... if everybody really thought about being kind, it would change everything." — Emmy Eisenberg, Ocean's mom

Baughman liked the idea right away, saying the bracelet provided a visible reminder to be kind. She also liked that everyone could be in the club and it would help hold everyone accountable. Baughman talks about the Kindness Club nearly every day in class. "It's part of the fabric ofour classroom now." While it is Ocean's idea, she hopes to continue the concept of the club and maybe elevate it even further, although she isn't certain how. The other kids also r esponded r eally p o s itively. "The kids were so excited," said Baughman. "It's been really cooL When the kids feel someone is being u nkind, they point at their bracelets." The bracelets serve as a "constant reminder about the pact they made to be kind." Ocean says he thinks the club has made a big difference and has noticedfewer fights and fewer arguments."Whenever you tap it, it usually stops the argument." Emmy Eisenberg says she thinks it works just to help

pause the argument, almost like a time out. She says kindness has always been a focus in their home. They write in gratitude journals, for instance, and talk about what it means to be kind. Ocean volunteers at the Humane Society and has been a vegetarian since he was little; he feels every living thing has the same rights. "He has always had a heart like that," said Eisenberg. "He saves flies out of spider webs." Ocean is also very active and loves football, soccer, tennis and skiing. Baughman says Ocean has a "special gift" to be able to look outside of himself. "It's such an amazing idea," said Baughman. "I wa s p r etty proud of him." Emmy Eisenberg agrees, saying "I'm just really proud of him for coming up with his own solutions. It makes him happy to help others ... if everybody really thought about being kind, it would change everything." — Reporter: 541-617-7860,

every day."

+gYRALO RZgg ® Spy museumoffersBond exhibit The WashingtonPost WASHINGTON — It's appropriate that there is a Jaguar XKR convertible at the entrance to the International Spy Museum's "Exquisitely Evil: 50 Years of Bond Villains" exhibit. Any authentic trip through the world of MI6's finest, James Bond, requires visuals — the cars, the girls, the guns — that both shake and stir. But the ambitious new Spy Museum exhibit — the entire first floor was redone to accommodate the 110 Bond artifacts — largely plows through the sensual, thrill-retentive, kitschy elements of the Bond franchise to focus on something bigger. We'll call it primordial geopolitical anxiety. You've got a deepseated doomsday fear nibbling at the edges of your Western consciousness? The 23-movie James Bond franchise has a

villain for that. In 1962's "Dr. No," Julius No, of the diabolical criminal enterprise SPECTRE, plots nuclear chicanery from h i s h i dden, technology-filled C a r i bbean lair, with the fate of the U.S. space program hanging in the balance. The film premiered less than two weeks before the Cuban missile crisis triggered 13 days of brinksmanship involving a r e al-world nuclear threat. The "Cold War Power Plays" section acquaints us with Ernst Stavro Blofeld, who, through seven movies — including "You Only Live Twice" and "Diamonds Are Forever" — explores themes of economicsabotage and nuclear proliferation. Other s e c tions in c l ude "Drugs and Thugs" with the ruthless Mr. Big/Dr. Kananga in 1973's "Live and Let Die," said

to be modeled after the Harlem heroin dealerand crime boss Frank Lucas. And "Cold War Castoffs" includes North Korean secret agent Zao, who drove the XKR in 2002's "Die Another Day." There are the"Murderous Monopolists of the Information Age." There's the rope used on Bond by the terrorist banker Le Chiffre, who's got a rare condition that makes him cry blood in 2006's "Casino Royale." And the machete and sting-ray whip that narco-kingpin Franz Sanchez, from 1989's "Licence to Kill," used on his girlfriend. Blanch, shudder, cringe. Bond villains are reflective, and sometimes predictive of the anxieties of their times. "That's what give the movies a lot of their power," says Alexis Albion, a guest curator for the exhibit who served on the 9/Il Commission.

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News of Record, C2 Obituaries, C5 Editorials, C4 Weather, C6 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2012

LOCAL BRIEFING Gas leak hits downtown Bend A gas leak at Pine Tavern closed the 200 block

of Oregon Avenueand Northwest Brooks Street briefly Friday evening.

Streets were closed about 45 minutes and

open again by 7p.m., said Bend FireDepart-

ment Capt. Don Segal. The restaurant at 967


Har rave ets i einson'smur er La Pine names

By Ben Botkin The Bulletin

James Hargrave, of Tumalo, was sentenced Friday to a mandatory life sentence with a 25-year minimum for murdering his son Steven Har-

grave nearly one year ago. The sentence handed down from Circuit Judge

Ashby Wells follows a guilty verdict at a trial that ended last week. A jury convicted Hargrave of murdering his 29-year-old son, Steven Hargrave, with a single pistol shot to the chest in December 2011. Hargrave, 63, opted not to make a statement at the

hearing Friday. Family members, though, spoke words of encouragement aimed at Hargrave. Pamela Hargrave, his wife and the victim's mother, said her husband didn't deserve the sentence,given the case's circumstances. "He's going to suffer with

it the rest of his life," she said in a brief, tearful statement in court. When Wells asked if she had anything else to add, Hargrave said: "Just that I love my husband." Hargrave's other son, Kenneth Hargrave, told his father he loved him. See Sentence /C2

N.W. Brooks St. closed for the night. The leak was reported at 5:50 p.m. at the res-

taurant, said Cascades Natural GasCo.spokesman TonySpilde. Forty-nine people were evacuated from the

building, including the tavern and three apart-

ments. Cascadeturned the gas off at 6:30 p.m., found a leak inside and ventilated the building.

By 8:30 p.m. the leak was fixed, according to the utility company.

The BendFireand Police departments re-


United Way hits $600,000 mark United Wayof Deschutes County hasraised $600,000 so far in its 2012-2013 fundraising

campaign, the organization announced.

Fami vowstoa ea orsee ar on By Sheila G. Miller

Kenny Hargrave and his mother, Pamela Hargrave, look over a family album in their home on Thursday.


The Bulletin

When the Hargrave family, defense attorneys and prosecutors entered Deschutes County Circuit Judge Wells Ashby's courtroom Friday, they all knew the likely sentence James Hargrave faced. Hargrave, 62, was convicted of murdering his son, Steven, after a jury deliberated for about seven hours last week. Under Oregon law, murder carries a 25-year minimum sentence before he can seek parole. But even as James Hargrave heads for a state prison cell, his family still cannot accept how the trial concluded and the decision the jury made. "No one in our family is di-

his own videotaped words to a sheriff's detective, told Steven to come over and try. As Steven Hargrave approached his father and continued yelling at him, James Hargrave shot him in the chest, James testified. Hargrave and his attorneys argued hefeared for his life and shot his son in self-defense. Deschutes County District Attorney Patrick Flaherty told jurors Hargrave acted in anger after growing tired of his son's abuse. Flaherty declined to comment until after Hargrave was sentenced. In emails this week prior to hearing his father's sentence, Hargrave's surviving son, Kenny Hargrave, said his family is upset with the verdict. See Family /C2

Ryan Brennecke The Bulletin

vided. We all want to see Dad free," Kenny Hargrave said.

"Of course, everybody's (also) upset that Steve's gone and we miss him." According to testimony during trial, Hargrave shot his son, 29-year-old Steven Hargrave, after the two began

The organizationis

arguing while in separate lofts in their Tumalo home on Dec. 4, 2011. Steven Hargrave, who at the time of his death had a 038 blood-alcohol level as well as traces of drugs in his system, threatened to attack his father. James Hargrave, according to

nearly half-way to its goal of raising $1.25 Million. Almost half of funds raised by United Way of Deschutes County

come from donors who participate in workplace

campaigns. Those interested in donating should call the organization's office at 541-389-6507. Those interested in scheduling

o c.cccc.c.cccc'c' r c > «

a work placecampaign



can also call the office

or email Darleen©des

Christmas tree permits available Forest Service permits to harvest Christ-

mas trees from Ochoco

nt R


Ashton Eaton By Hillary Borrud The Bulletin

La Pine's pride in Olympic gold medalist Ashton Eaton overflowed onto letter boards at businesses across the city, after Eaton won the decathlon at the summer Olympic games in London. nGo Ashton Eaton — La Pine's Olympian," one sign read. Now, the city will recognize Eaton by renaming the portion of U.S. Highway 97 within the city limits as Ashton Eaton Boulevard. The City Council voted unanimously on Wednesday night to rename the highway and designate the week of Nov. 11 Ashton Eaton week in La Pine. City Manager Steve Hasson said signs could be ready for installation in six weeks and will cost approximately $6,000. Eaton attended La Pine ElementarySchool and his grandparents still live there. On Wednesday night, Eaton's mother, Roz, and grandmother, Carolyn Wallace, attended the council meeting. "As his mom, I'd just like to say thank you so much to the city of La Pine and all of the people that made this happen," Roz Eaton said. "I know having spoken with Ashton that he's so humbled." "It is true that it takes a community," Roz Eaton sa>d. See Eaton /C2


and Deschutes National


Forest lands arenow available for purchase.


Permits cost $5, and

La Pine City Councifors voted Wednesday night to rename a portion of U.S. Highway 97 Ashton Eaton Boulevard, in honor of the Olympian who grew up in the town.

an 't.» • • t

can be purchased atFor-


est Service offices and retail outlets through

. u" «~+'r.r@."V . .: .t4

Central Oregon. Tree


permits will be available by Nov. 23 at Central Oregon Bi-Marts, Butler Market South, Big R, QuickStop,Redmond

La Pine city limits k


Cent Wise Sporting Goods, Bend Visitor

8 Convention Bureau, Sisters Rental and R8 R

Grocery among other locations. Permit holders are allowed to harvestany tree species shorter than twelve feet, but cannot cut trees within Forest

rst Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

R e ed Rd.

Sixth St.

Jimmie Rogers, of Redmond, checks out a hat in the mirror during the 13th annual Food and Gift Festival at the Deschutes County Fair & Expo Center on Friday. The festival features arts, crafts, jewelry, clothing, food and other holiday gift ideas. Admission to the festival is $5 and continues 10 a.m.-6 p.m. today and 10 a.m.-5 p.m. Sunday.

Ashton EatonBlvd. Greg Cross /The Bullet>n

Service nurseries and plantations, or within 150 feet of highways or 300 feet of streams. A validated permit must be attached to each tree that is transported, and there's a limit of five

trees per household. — From staff reports

Redmond seeksnew vendor for popular Centennial Park

More briefing, C2 By Leslie Pugmire Hole The Bulletin

Well shot! reader photos • We want to see your best photos capturing winter scenes in Central

Oregon for a special version of Well shot! Send your best work to readerphotos©, with "winter scenes" in the subject line, by Dec. 7,

and we'll pick the best for publication. Submission requirements:

Include aa much detail aa possible — when and where you took it, and any special technique used — as well as your name, hometown and phone number.

REDMOND — The city of Redmond hit one out of the park when it opened Centennial Park two years ago on the site of its dilapidated and shuttered former city hall. The park, with its gleaming clock tower, green lawns,

emoc Av

Centennial Park s

Antler Ave.


RED EvergreenAve. HighlandAve.


0 o

brick plaza and "sprayground" fountain, has been a huge draw for recreating families and community events. Key to the park design was its only structure, a modest 260-square-foot building. The city is seeking a vendor forthe space, accepting requests for proposals until Nov. 30. "It's of great value to the city to have someone in the

Greg Cross i The Bulletin

space," said Jon Williams, city economic development project manager. "Both for the services they offer parkgoers and to monitor the fountain, which is required by the health department. It saves us sending a city staffer there every two hours in summer." One Street Down Cafe, a

popular eatery a few blocks away from the park, was operating a satellite business from the park cafe space until recently. "Their lease was actually up this spring but they agreed to stay through the summer, which was a great benefit to us,n said Williams. "But they are expanding their main location and weren'tmaking the revenue they hoped for at the park." The challenge of the park's vendor space is the seasonal nature of Centennial, he said. While customer traffic can be plentiful in summer, and last year during the park times for Redmond's new ice rink, the rest of the year is slack. See Park/C2


C hr i s t m a s Eve at P r o n g h o r n

will f e ature pr im e r i b

a nd Yo r k s h i r e p u d d i n g w i t h a l l o f t h e t r a d i t i o n a l accom p a n i m e n t s .

Br i n g o u t t h e e n t i r e f a m i l y a n d l e t

Pronghorn do all ofthe work!

Seatings available by reservation between erOOarn and 5r OOpm

P RO N G H O R N A n Au b e rg e Rea a rt

6g6oo Pronghorn Club Dr l 5 4 I - 6 9 3 - 5 3 00 l ww

Reservations Required. Pleasec all54t-6 9 3 - 5 3 0 0 .



Sentence LOCAL BRIEFING Continued from Cf

dbg $1

OSU-Cascades gets $92,000 grant The OSLi-Cascades

campus was recently awarded a grant of $92,000 through the

Robert W. Chandler Fund of The Oregon Community Foundation.

Submitted photo

The college also received a grant of

Roz Eaton holds a signbearing her son's name like the ones that will be posted on the renamed Highway 97 in La Pine.

$500 from the Collins


and WendyHemingway Fund of the OCF. The OCF has distrib-

"It's a great way to honor a hometown

Continued from C1 "(Ashton) is so wanting the children of La Pine to have a place where they can learn and have opportunities and grow and that's exactly what La Pine offered him when he

uted $732,000 in grants to Deschutes County

nonprofit organizations during its recent grant cycle.

person ..." — Ken Mulenex, La Pine mayor lenex said. When you've got a community that is like that

was younger."

Federal offices closing for holiday

and you've got our young people growing up in it, they see

Mayor Ken Mulenex said he was impressed by Roz Eaton's comments, and that Eaton's family played a key role in his success. Mulenex said that renaming the highway and designating a week in Ashton Eaton's honor also celebrates the city's contributions to Eaton. "La Pine is a friendly, caring community that will step forward and help at any time when the need is there," Mu-

The Crooked River National Grassland office in Madras and the Rager Ranger Station in Paulina will be closed

Thursday andFriday for the Thanksgiving Day holiday. Both offices will re-

sume normal business hours on Monday. — From staff reports

this positiveness." "It's a great way to honor a hometown person that has shown even coming from a town like La Pine, you can still be anything you want to be if

you apply yourself," Mulenex said. "And we're awful proud of that." — Reporter:541-617-7829,


fered a manslaughter charge that wouldhave been a manContinued from C1 datory minimum of 10 years "The family is al l d evas- in prison. Hargrave's attorney tated, in disbelief," he said, fought for two years in prison, describing t h e emp t i ness and Kenny Hargrave suggestthat comes with first losing a ed house arrest. But the two brother and now a father. sides could not agree. Kenny Hargrave expressed Hargrave said an a ppeal doubt that the jury had taken is his father decision but the enough time to consider all the family supports it. "There is certainly a posevidence. "My extended family and sibility of an appeal and (cofriends, even people I don't counsel) Karla (Nash) and I even know approach us and are working on that aspect of say we got screwed," he said. things,"defense attorney TerDays before the sentencing, ry Rahmsdorff said. Kenny Hargrave said he's conK enny Hargrave i s a l s o cerned with his father's frailty. trying t o o r ganize support James Hargrave suffered a for a pardon from Gov. John stroke in 1999, paralyzing the Kitzhaber. left side of his body. He has Oregon law states the goverlimited use of his left leg and nor can grant clemency whenlittle or no use of his left arm ever he sees fit. and hand. He also has diaTo be considered, Hargrave betes and is on dialysis three would have to fill out an apdays a week for a failing kid- plication. T ha t a p p l ication ney. Kenny Hargrave said his would then have to be sent to father had been on the list for a the Deschutes County's DA as new kidney, but that's been on well as the district attorney in hold since he went to jail and the county where Hargrave will remain so until he gets out is imprisoned. It must also be of prison. sent to the state parole board He pointed to his father's and the director of the Oregon various illnesses, and h ow Department of Corrections. much it will cost taxpayers to Anyone from those groups care for the man while he is can send further information serving his sentence. to the g overnor. Kitzhaber "What honor is t here by then has 180 days to grant the putting my dad (who) has no request; if he hasn't done so, health left in j ail?" he said, the application lapses. calling his father "a man with Rahmsdorff said he would nothing left." help with a pardon if that's the Kenny Hargrave said the best direction. "I've never seen that work, DA's office prior to trial of-

but if it were going to, we've got Dr. (Russell) Massine, who

is highly regarded, and we've got Dr. Kitzhaber," Rahmsdorff said. "I mean, it would be a long, long, long shot, but when the options are a slow death or a quicker death?"

Kenny Hargrave is using Facebook to contact friends and family around the country, urging them to write to the governor and urge him for a pardon. "I just don't know how to make it big enough to get community support and rally the people on our side," he said. "James justcan't do 25 years. I don't think he even has five left without a new kidney." For now, the Hargraves plan to sell much of what they own so that Pamela Hargrave can find a new place to live. "Dad was a big piece of the financial puzzle," Kenny Har-

POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Prineviiie Police Department

Griminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at 10:32a.m. Nov.15, in the area of Southeast Lynn Boulevard. Criminal mischief —An act of criminal mischief was reported at

or games.

"When we went into this before, we didn't have any idea what b usiness potential the space had, the park hadn't even opened yet," said Williams. "Our expectations this time are to see what people are interested in. They'll have t o use creativity to f i n d the right fit and become a draw unto itself." A business appealing to families with young chil-



neighborhood on Bend's urestside.

~IPd ~



rrtf t ud

Nature Shop

FORUM CENTER, BEND541-617-8840

— Reporter: 541-977-7185,


Where Buyers

Bistinctive Retirement l'i festyCes

Whispering Winds Retirement


honors the Veterans in their community by recognizing each of them in The Bulletin on Veterans Day in an ad.

Sellers Meet 1000's Of Ads Every Day

The Bulletin regrets that the ad did not run

as scheduled this week on Veterans Day.

Clas'sifteds wNw.brndbullct>

• •





through (the) glass of a prison." Starting at

— Reporter:541-617-7831,

BEND FIRE RUNS Thursday 1:14 p.m.— Authorized controlled burning, 18209 Couch Market Road. 5:03 p.m. —Unauthorized burning, 1079 N.E Parkview Court. 5:59p.m.— Smoke odor reported, 61000 Brosterhous Road. 7:07 p.m.— Unauthorized burning, in the area of19th Street. 15 —Medical aid calls.

\Q g©iV $g@




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Continued from C1 In his sentencing, Wells noted that Hargrave's actions deprivedeveryone of Steven Hargrave's companionship. "You took the life of your son," Wells said. Hargrave showed little emotion as the sentence was handed dovtm. At the trial, Hargrave's defense attorneys, Terry R ahmsdorff a n d K ar l a Nash, argued that the father shot his son in self-defense. They elicited testimony at trial that Steven Hargrave acting in an abusive and threatening manner when u nder th e i n f luence o f alcohol. James Hargrave had testified he was fearful and worried he would be beaten up when Steven confronted him in the Hargraves' bedroom. But at t r ial D eschutes County District A ttorney Patrick Flaherty a r gued Hargrave never mentioned acting in self-defense when sheriff' s deputiesand detectives questioned him after the Dec. 4, 2011, shooting. Hargrave had options short of killing his son, Flaherty told jurors. The DA sought the mandatory sentence. Flaherty did not return a call seeking comment Friday. After the hearing, Kenneth Hargrave said he was saddened by the situation and that the family will fight to free him. Pamela Hargrave wept as her husband was led away in restraints. "Stay strong," she said.

He said he may return to Arizona or move near whichever state prison his father is placed in. But he knows that, barring some change incircumstances, his life has changed. "I will never get to share the things I'm supposed to share with my dad," he said."If I have kids, they won't get to know a great man in (their) grandfather or touch him, be held by him, only see him in a picture or

at1:02 a.m. Nov. 16, in the area of Southeast 27th Street and Darnel Avenuein Bend.

Oregon State Police Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at 4:55 p.m. Nov. 15, in the area of U.S. Highway 97 near milepost 177. DUII —Julie Marie Ries,29, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants

dren, with a good price point, seems the most logical choice, Continued from C1 he said, but anything open The l ease a g reement and inclusive t o e v eryone only requires the new ven- would work. dor remain open seven Lease terms have not been days a week through sum- set yet. The previous venmer, said Williams. Any dor had a nominal rent, said additional operation is up Williams, and he expects the to the vendor. next tobe the same because Nonetheless, it s hould the value to the city is providbe possible to have a viing services to parkgoers and able business, he added. monitoring the fountain, not V endors could l ook b e - making money as a landlord. yond food and beverages Particulars for the RFP can and offer other services be found on the city website, and goods to p arkgoers such as Wi-Fi, sunscreen — Reporter: 541-548-2184;

grave said.

NEws OF REcoRD 11:08a.m. Nov.15, in the area of Southeast Lynn Boulevard. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at12:35 p.m. Nov.15, in the area of Southeast Lynn Boulevard. Vehicle crash —An accident was reported at2:15 p.m. Nov.15, in the area of Northeast Court Street.



FEATHERLIGHT BAGGED UPRIGHT • Ready-to-Use tools store on-board

C3 Weekly market review, C4-5 People on the Move, C5 THE BULLETIN • SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 2012

NASDA Q cHANGE'+re.r9+.57% IN BRIEF CascadeBancorp records profit CascadeBancorp, the parentcompanyof Bend-basedBankofthe Cascades, brought in a net income of$1.8 million in the third quarter, according to its quarterly report filed with the U.S.

Securities andExchange Commission. The modestgain comes onthe heelsof similar reports in the first

two quarters, bringing the bank's year-to-date net income to $4.6 million.

The bankreported net losses of $21 million through the first three

quarters of last year,



S&P 500 cHANGE'

v BONDS "l::>

0HANGE „,%

0'„'„'„G 0'„„'„G,"),","o4 > GOLD I"„„oo v SILVER

Audit: Housingagencyfacesshortfall Regional forecast: modest growth By Annie Lewrey

New York Times News Service

WASHINGTON — The Federal Housing Administration, a government agency that insures mortgages, said Friday that it was taking steps to shore up its books and avoid a taxpayer bailout. An independent audit released on Friday projects that the agency's expected losses will swamp its anticipated revenue, with a shortfall amounting to about $16.3 billion in its portfolio of insured home mortgages. That has raised the question of whether it will need an infusion of cash from taxpayers for the first time in its eight-decade history.

"This is the first time that they've totally run out of money," said Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Ala., speaking with reporters Thursday. "They have about $600 million, as I understand, that they're burning through. And within a month, because of the number of foreclosures, they indicated they will have to come to the American people and ask for money." But federal housing officials stressed that the shortfall was projected, and that they were adopting measures to avoid tapping taxpayer funds. Shaun Donovan, the secretary of housing and urban development, announced a series of

stepstoreduce losses and increase revenue at the FHA. These measure include bumping up its annual mort-

fiscal years 2013 and 2014. The agency said the new steps would begin as soon as January.

gage insurance premiums on

The agency also is asking

new loans by 10 basis points. That will cost borrowers about $D a month, Donovan said. The FHA will also sell off about 10,000 delinquent loans each quarter, increase shortsales ofhomes where the loan exceeds the value and amplify its efforts to keep families in their homes, avoiding costly foreclosures. The FHA expects these changes, plus other measures it recently put into effect, to contribute $8 billion to $10 billion to its overall value in

Congress for new administrative capabilities to better manage its portfolio of loans and cutlosses."We need help from Congress," Donovan said. In a meeting with reporters, Carol Galante, FHA's acting commissioner, said, "It's literally impossible to say that we will or won't need a draw" from the Treasury at this point. "We're doing all this to increase the likelihood that we will not." See Audit/C5

driven largely by a bulk sale of $110 million in

bad loans inSeptember 2011. The SEC reportfiled

(s< CArwvrcg


x o(<a(~

slight uptick in gross

loans on thecompany's books, up to$862.7 million for the quarter

'j iI

ending Sept. 30,versus $845.5 million asof June 30. Butgross loans are down from the third

quarter of 2011,when


the total stood at $929.3 million.

'. C.aha

CascadeBancorp has

(: ':::~p ;qp p'-y'~.I

been under state and

federal regulatory orders since 2009, when awave of delinquent commercial real estate loans turned net profits into losses. Bank president and CEO Terry Zink told The Bulletin in early November that he expects the regulator orders to be lifted in the next few months.

~ ' P® ~: m> 3i;)~

The government

publicly releasedreports Friday of injuries that cited the possible involvement of Red Bull, the country's just days after its pro-

ducer said itwasunaware of such cases.

Reed Saxon /The Associated Press

Arnulfo Ventura co-founded Coba, a Mexican beverage company.Ventura and his business partner originally called the drink Bonadea, but after showing the drink to a focus group they realized they had to change the way the beverage was packaged and marketed. The rebranded Coba is now sold in Whole Foods stores in Florida and the West.

The Food and Drug Administration posted online 21 reports that had been filed with the agency since 2004 that mentioned Red Bull, including ones that involved hospitalizations

forheartproblemsand vomiting. The mention of a product in a report of a fatality or adeath does not mean it caused it or contributed to it. The release of the filings, after similar releases for three other highly

caffeinatedenergydrinks, appears tounderscore the crazy-quilt regula-

tory pattern governing such products. It also highlights the dearth of data that FDAofficials are confronting in determining whether to impose additional regulations. — Staffand wire reports

Out of work The number of people seeking jobless benefits rose to its highest level in 18 months last week,as the effects of Superstorm Sandy werefelt. Continuingto claim unemployment insurance — Initialclaim Weekending Nov. 3 3.33 million


Week endingNov.10 439,000 '08 '09 10 '11 '12

Note. Report on continuing claims lags initial claims by one week

Source: U.S. Department of Labor © 2012 McClatchy-Tnbune News Service

The Bulletin

Two economic experts told nearly 400 Central Oregon business leaders to stay conservative but plan for positive economic change Thursday morning during the Bend Chamber of Commerce'sannual Economic Forecast Breakfast. Signs, such as an upswing in the housing market, indicate slow and continuing recovery in Central Oregon. But if the nation goes over the fiscal cliff, triggering automatic spending cuts and tax increases next year, the outcome could be another recession, the experts told the audience at The Riverhouse Convention Center in Bend. Mark Kralj, principal of Portland-based Ferguson Wellman Capital Management, gave a national perspective during his presentation. With the looming uncertainty, he warned attendees to balance protecting their businesses with a defensive strategy,

while keeping an eye on

FDA releases Red Bull data

top-selling energydrink,

By Rachael Rees

j. v By Joyce M. Rosenberg

VlV have been able to pull it off.

The Associated Press

NEW YORK — One of the most painful moments small business owners can face is when they realize: It's not working. It could be a product that's not succeeding, business that's taken away by a competitor, or changes in the economy that threaten a company's survival. When something has gone awry and sales are taking a hit, company owners have to make big changes to turn things around — and they usually can't afford to waste time. Large companies often have enough revenuecoming in from a variety of products and services that they can weather aproblem in one area of their business. Smaller companies typically don't have that cushion. Reinventing a company, large or small, is not an easy task and it can't be done overnight, but many business owners

A drinkcompany getsfocused Arnulfo Ventura and his business partner, Jose Domene, decided while getting their MBAs at Stanford University to start selling aguas frescas,beverages made from plants like tamarind and hibiscus, that are popular in Mexico. The partners called the drink Bonadea and ordered the first batch of 3,000 bottles from a manufacturer by the time they graduated in June 2008. They found several customers: Six delis and natural food stores in the Palo Alto, Calif., area. Over the next year, the duo attracted e nough money from i nvestors to i n crease production, working their way up to a run of 15,000 bottles. They got a distribution company in the Los Angeles area and Bonadea was in hundreds of convenience and small grocery stores.

Things seemed to be going well. But Bonadea, priced between $2.49 and $2.69 a bottle, didn't sell as well as hoped. Sales were up by hundreds of percentage points from the first batch, but Ventura expected an increase in the thousands by then. "We just weren't getting serious attention. The brand wasn't moving off the shelf," he says. "I wasn't sure if it was the price point or the marketing." In January 2010, Ventura and Domene showed Bonadea to focus groups. Based on the feedback, the partners realized they had to change the way the beverage was packaged andmarketed. One problem was its name, which had no real meaning. People didn't connect with it. And the 16-ounce bottle looked too much like the ones that contain Snapple, one of the top-selling iced tea and juice drink brands in the country. See Reinvent/C5

the market. "You have to run things fairly conservatively ... until we get an idea of what is going to happen with the legislation affecting tax laws and all kinds of different regulations," he said. "If you don't do that, you could be exposing yourself to more risk." However, if national leaders address the budget issues effectively, he said, it will lead investors, consumers and business people to invest in the market and businesses. "The problem we have is it's almost like an on-off switch with Washington D.C.," he said. "Right now, the switch is off. Are we going to go over the cliff? But if they turn it back on, psychology could change in a hurry. So you don't want to be out of the markets and too conservative." Timothy Duy, director of the OregonEconomic Forum, focused on the underlying stability of the state and local economies. Duy, who puts together the Central Oregon Business Index for The Bulletin, said the number of homes sold locally is increasing, and Bend lodging revenue is approaching pre-recession levels. He also said employment levels have remained steady. If the nation avoids the fiscal cliff, he said, residents can expect more of the same: slow and steady growth. "Plan for the upswing, but don't jump too far into it right now," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7818,

Twinkie, 'cream puff of the proletariat,' dies at 82 By Adam Bernstein The Washington Post

Twinkies, the unpretentious, freakishly versatile and seemingly indestructible snack pastry dubbed "the cream puff of the proletariat," died Friday of complications from economic reality. Texas-based Hostess Brands announced it would shutter operations amid a debilitating labor dispute. Twinkies were 82. Although they pre-dated

the Baby Boom, Twinkies became a lunchtime staple for post-World War II generations of schoolchildren — something to take the sting off the bologna sandwich and the dutiful apple. Hostess Brands, pop culture scholar Robert Thompson said, eventually covered all the lunchbox food groups, including Wonder Bread, the Ding Dong and the Ho Ho. And the ascendancy of the Twinkie represented how

"food hadbecome technol-

ogy," Thompson said. "A pastry with filling, wrapped in cellophane." More than that, Twinkies have lodged themselves into the cultural firmament for better and worse. Twinkies have provided countless yuks in movies. They were a vaguely effeminate doughnut substitute for

cops ("They're for my wife") in "Die Hard" (1988). In the Pixar animated film "WALL-E"

(2008), which is set 700 years in the future, the only surviving species isthe cockroach, and his favorite food is an abnormally fresh Twinkie. (Folklore aside, a Twinkie's shelf life is about two to three weeks.) Twinkies are a notorious footnote in the country's judicial system. An attorney for San Francisco Supervisor Dan White argued in 1979 that his client should not be convicted of first-degree murder becauseofdiminished

mental capacity from eating so much junk food that it exacerbated his depression. The so-called "Twinkie Defense" did not help White, who was convicted of voluntary manslaughter in the killings of Mayor GeorgeMoscone and Supervisor Harvey Milk. The Twinkie was born in 1930 and is often credited to James Dewar, a Illinois baker for what was then Continental

Baking. See Twinkie/C5



P EOPLE ON THE M O V E Kevin Schitoskey has joined AirLink Critical Care Transport i n B e n d a s p r o gram manager. In this position he w ill mana g e p ilots, med i cal p e r sonnel, mechanics and administrative staff. Schitoskey recently served S c h itosas director o f key emergency services at the University of N ew Mexico Hospital in A lb u q uerque, N.M. and was previously B u s hnell a volunteer firefighter. He graduated from EMT school, earned a bachelor'sdegree in nursing from University of N e w M e x i co and is working on a master's degree in administration and finance. Karen Bushneii has been named NeighborImpact's employee of the month for September. Bushnell is a housing advocate based in Bend and

assists clients with housing resources an d c o m munity services. She has been with Neighborlmpact since February 2011. B eth McK night, president of McK n i g ht C omm u n i c a tions i n B e n d, McKnight h as been a p p ointed to t h e board of advisors for the Pacific International Space Center for Exploration Systems at the University of Hawaii. McKnight has produced videos and outreach programs for PISCES and a web-based science education program for students called spaceclass .org. McKnight's clients also include NASA and Lockheed Martin. John Ropp and Chris Quinn of Team Ropp Quinn at RE/ MAX Key Properties in Bend have been awarded the Accredited Buyer's Representation designation for continued education, specialized training and issues involved in rep-


"Twinkies are as much an American icon as

Continued from C3 The firmproduced a creamfilled strawberry shortcake and, when strawberry season was over, he saw no reason the machines needed to sit idle. He formulated a banana cream cake which, amid World War II r ationing, became and remained vanilla cream. The name? It was inspired by a billboard Dewar saw for Twinkle Toe Shoes. "I shortened it to make it a little zippier for the kids," Dewar said in a 1980 interview. The golden confection developed into a finger-shaped s ugar sponge that was i n jected with a g o oey f i l ling capable of turning small children into google-eyed rocket boosters. Hostess reportedly s e l ls about $2.5 billion annually of baked goods; seriously, not extruded but baked - "just like your mother used to," as the company once wrote to a skeptical customer. Twinkies have survived the Depression, three major wars, the crumbling of the Berlin Wall, bankruptcy filings by the parent company, and all the jokes about their postapocalyptic staying p ower. But ultimately, Twinkies were vulnerable to labor problems at Hostess, which is now privately owned by two hedge funds. The company argued that crippling wage and benefit disputes were its ruin and left it hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. The striking Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain M i llers International Union blamed l ackluster technological i n vestment by Hostess and a focus on profits for the hedge funds. Either w ay , 1 8,500 people are out of a job, and an iconic product will cease production unless another firm scoops up the brand. Several of the company's most popular brands are likely to be reincarnated if Hostess wins court approval to liquidate early next week. "We will pursue an extensive asset sale, which will include the sale of our brands," company spokesman Erik H a lvorson

resenting home buyers. Jeff Hinman has joined Karnopp Petersen LLP in Bend in the litigation department. Hinman spent more than two years as an assistant district attorney for Lane County and also previRopp ously served as a judicial clerk a t t h e L an e Country Ci rc uit Court. H e has a bachelor's

degree in p olitical s c i ence f rom Or e g o n State University and received his Juris Doctorate from the University of Oregon School of Law. Hinman is a member of the Bend Chamber's Business Success Program Planning Council, a board member for the Bend Spay and Neuter Project, a member of the Oregon State Bar Litigation Section and a member of the Deschutes Country Bar Association.

Ford motor vehicle or other American ingenuity." — Roland Mesnier, former White House pastry chef "We were credited with frying the first Twinkie — that's my claim to fame," said Sell, who is 47. "Maybe it will not be on my tombstone anymore. We did it as a joke just because. 'Deep-fried Twinkie? Who the h ell d eep-fries a Twinkie?' We put things on the menu from time to time just to get a reaction." It was a h it, and a f o od writer covered the excitement for The New Y or k T i m es. Sell began getting calls all over the country from state fair officials who wanted to learn how best to deep-fry a Twinkie. Sell considers the Twinkie to be a "clammy cold cake" but asked to describe its appeal deep-fried,he became nostalgic. "When you're a kid, you remember your mother bringing the cake out of the oven," he said. "A deep-fried Twinkie brings it back to that level. Freshly baked cake that is fried in slightly salty batter. The salt cuts the sweetness. The Twinkie was destined for the fryer." He sells maybe 150 a week at his two Brooklyn shops, for $3.50 each. Tonight, he said, he will defrost three of the Twinkies he keeps in his f reezer and serve them t o his family. Another one he might freeze-dry and frame as "memorabilia" to show his future grandchildren. "Let's face it," he added. "The whole concept of a Hostess-type product is doomed anyway. My kid can'teat a mouthful of it. We try to give memory. our kids the best we can, and " The people w h o m o s t the Twinkie ain't that." m ourned the death o f t h e But as Thompson said, food Twinkie are probably those is not just about nutrition, but who learned to quit eating also is about biography, childthem a long time ago," said hood history and habits and Thompson, who is 57 and ad- cellophane-wrapped customs. "Why can't the apple go out of mits a fondness for Pennsylvania-based rival Tastykake. business and the Twinkie be Twinkies came back to the manufactured'?" he asked. brink of food relevance about D epending on a wi l l i n g a decade ago when a transHostess buyer, survivors may planted Briton named Chris- not include Ding Dongs, Ho topher Sell opened an eatery Hos, Sno Balls, Donettes and in Brooklyn called the Chip bread lines such as Wonder Shop. and Nature's Pride. wrote in an email. Like a Twinkie, news of its potential demise seemed for many almost too much to digest. They were already retailing on eBay fo r $ 100 for a box of 10, and news of Twinkie hoardings proliferated in Washington and around the country. Roland Mesnier, a French native who served as White H ouse pastry c hef f o r 2 5 years, is perhaps the opposite of someone you'd think would care about Twinkies. "I do care," he said. "I care that so many people are losing their jobs. Twinkie is not a bad product. There's worse products out there. Twinkies are as much an A m erican icon as Ford motor vehicle or other American ingenuity." His opinion of the food itself: "The cake is quite nice, but the cream is questionable." He sent the company ideas to re-energize the Twinkie. "How about having a Twinkie with different citrus cream inside — lime, orange, lemon, with pretty packaging, cheerful and colorful?" he said. "Or what's wrong with a chocolate Twinkie? Of course, I never heard back." A s an adviser to a C h i nese company making snack foods, Mesnier was mostly impressed with th e c onsistency of Twinkie quality reproduction. But appreciation of technology can't override dietary trends of aging, redmeat-shunning Baby Boomers to whom Twinkies are but a w i stful h i gh-fructose

Continued from C3 Over the next nine months, they considered many names and label designs and eventually came up with a new name, Coba,a Mayan cityon the Yucatan peninsula and decorated the labels with images of flowers and fruit. In March 2011, they took Coba to a trade show in Anaheim, Calif. On the show's last day the organizerssurprised the partners by announcing that they had picked Coba as the best product in t h e show. Coba also caught the interest of retailers.

The partners began producing their new beverages — but soon came another worry: Nestle, the world's largest food and beverage maker, was introducing its o wn aguas f r escas. A n d there was competition from natural soda maker Hansen. Ventura hurried to W h ole Foods' headquarters in Austin, Texas with a shoulder bag filled with Coba on ice. He met with a n executive just hours after H a nsen's r epresentatives v i si t e d , made his pitch and showed his product. The company decided to carry the beverage in some of its locations. Coba is now sold in Whole Foods stores in Florida and the West. It's also at delis, convenience stores and restaurants, p r iced b e t ween $1.99 and $2.50. Sales are up five times from Bonadea's best levels.

close attention to our financial indicators as we should have," he says. By 2003, sales were down by more than half. Cabot w as forcedto cut his staffof 70 down to 30. "We needed to create a product that would basically save us," he says. Cabot didn't have to look far to find a market niche his company could fill. An avid hiker who is also active in several sports, he had a hard time finding high-quality socks for those activities. And he knew how to make socks that were comfortable and durable. So Cabot combined survival, know-how and pers onal i nterest an d D a r n T ough Vermont, a l i n e o f socks for outdoor activities and sports was born. Well, it wasn't that simple. There were s ome t h i n gs about socks that he didn't k now, like ho w t o m a k e ones that appeal to styleconscious hikers, skiers and runners. So he had to hire someone who did. It took about two years for the socks to hit the market. Now they can be found in many stores that sell outdoor gear. The brand has been successful enough that the company has grown to 150 workers and annual sales have quadrupled from the low they hit in 2003. Cabot still has a small private-label operation. Cabot says he has learned a lot from the experience. "Almost g o in g o u t of business, if you leverage it properly, is one of the best experiencesto emerge from because you see the mi stakes, the warning signs a lot sooner," he says. "You try to take a longer-term view of the business — not just what I need to do today, but what will ensure the best tomorrow?"


the company to alarger engineering and construction firm in 1994 and continued working there. At the time, she believed it was a good strategic move. But y ears later, Rottet wanted more autonomy and bought the business back. Her timing wasn't great. The slump in the construction market was under way. A month after the deal to buy back Rottet Studio closed, the firm's biggest client put all its projects on hold. Then the financial crisis hit. C lients wh o w e r e s t i l l seeking her services scaled back. Instead of w i n n i ng big, lucrative projects like redesigning a law firm's new office, she would get less expensive projects like renovations of a company's reception area. "Instead o f man a g i ng

eight big (projects), you were

managing 25 little ones," she says. "A small project can be as much work as a big one." Rottet, who had offices in Houston, Los Angeles, San F rancisco and New Y o rk , had t o t h i n k di f f erently about how she ran her business. Instead of h aving a team work on a project, one staffer would handle it. "We quickly s t arted t o c r o sstraining t o m a k e p e ople more adept at doing more things," Rottet says. So an employee whose specialty was interior design learned how t o do ar c h i tectural drawing. Architects learned about selecting f u r n iture and fabrics. Almost socked by Rottet also took on new overseas competition types of clients. Before the Cabot Hosiery Mills had pullback in the construction great success its first 20 business, 90 percent of the firm's work consisted of projy ears, making w h a t a r e called private label socks ects like corporate offices. for retailing chains. It only Rottet's new clients included made socks that carried the hotels and homeowners. names of the stores that sold That meant c o nvincing them, such as J.C. Penney new clients she could adapt and Gap. to their needs. But she was But in 2000, sales began able to make the transition — she's even signed deals falling as stores began buy- Designing a comeback ing cheaper socks from In M a y 2 0 0 8 , L a u r en to design rooms for cruise Chinese vendors, says Ric Rottet bought back the ar- lines. The result: Business Cabot, co-owner and son of chitecture and design busi- has more than doubled since the company's founder. ness she founded in 1990. 2010, the worst year for the " We weren't paying a s She and her partner had sold company's revenue.


drain on its books. Such "seller-funded down Continued from C3 payment assistance" loans The FHA insures a portmake up only 4 percentof folio of more than $1 trillion the FHA's portfolio but acin mortgages. The new actu- count for 13 percent of its arial report shows that it exseriously delinquent loans. pects losses on its portfolio The FHA said it expected of loans originated between to lose $15 billion on such 1992 and 2009, including loans, which i t n o l o nger about $70 billion in expected insures. insurance claims on loans Despite t h e pro j e cted endorsed between 2007 and s hortfalls, th e F H A d o e s 2009.The agency anticipates not have an immediate need profits o n i n s u red l o a ns for cash, housing officials originated from 2010 on. stressed. "This does not mean FHA During those years, some of the worst of the housing has insufficient cash to pay downturn, the FHA contininsurance claims, a current ued to provide insurance on operating deficit or will need loans to help stabilize the to immediately draw funds housing market. "At some from the Treasury," a statelevel, the government has ment from the agency said. already accepted" losses on T he d e termination o n those loans, Galante said. whether FHA needs to draw "They're obligations of the on the Treasury will come government at this point." next fall, said federal housThe FHA also said loans ing officials. In February, the where the seller put down White House will perform money for a buyer's down its own projections of FHA's payment were a significant capital needs as part of its

budget. Then, the FHA will reassess its books as the fiscal yearends in September, and might request a bailout to shore up its capital ratio at that point. Congress would not need to approve an FHA draw from the Treasury. Last year, the White House budget showed the FHA in the red, but the agency improved its financial situation over the course of the year and did not require taxpayer financing. Politicians in Washington, particularly Re p u blicans, have voiced concerns that the FHA c ould become a drain on the taxpayer, much like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Those two mortgage finance giants have not required additional taxpayer funding in recent quarters, as the housing market has s tabilized. But t h e y h a v e nevertheless received about $190 billion in federal financing in the last four years.


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Name Last Chg Wkly BrclndiaTR 55.40 -.58 -1.23 ComstTR d5.70 t.20 -.27 FUIIHseR 2.95 -.08 -.13 ImpacMtg U12.32 -1.24 -5.01 NBRESec 4.35 +.13 -.20 PolyMetg .96 -.03 -.12 Tompkins 37.57 +.52 -1.08 Sy 1.77 -.01 -.09 Impa>lgs 43.41 -.03 -1.54 Neuralstem .99 +.03 +.01 ProlorB>o 4.44 -.04 -.31 TrnsatlPet d.80 -.01 -.03 -28 B>0Time d3.05 +.08 -.29 CornerstStr d6.40 t.33 -.41 GSE AbdAsPac u766 +32 AbdAustEq 9 87 +28 -46 AbdnCh<le 1486 -.05 -.56 AbdnEMTel19.50 -.56 Abdnlndou13.56 +.26 -.37 AbdndtA 33 61 +.15 -1.12 Acpuity n 6.62 -.43 -1.75 AdcareHlt 3 93 +04 -30 AdvPhot .52 -.02 -.13 Adventrx .61 +.01 -.02 Alderonlrg d1.42 t.04 -.17 AlexcoR g 3.69 t.11 -.38 AlldNevG 32.00 +.78 -3.60 AlmadnMg 252 + 02 -15 AlphaPro 1 59 +09 +01 AmApparel .88 -.01 -.15 AmDGEn 2.34 -.14 -.15 AmLorain 1.37 +.02 -.01 Argan u18.31 +.15 +.27 AtlatsaR g 15 -01 -02

Augustag 2 59 -03 -05 Aunzon g d3 76 -02 -25

AvalnRare d1.23 +.02 -.27 AvinoSG g 1.63 +.03 -.17 6acterin 1.15 -.02 -.14 BakerM d18 05 -.20 -1.14 Ballanty d3.17 -.30 -.48 BancrftFd 15 88 +01 -40 6anrog 3.48 -.18 -.96 BarcUBS36 41.80 +.14 -.02 BarcGSOil 20.81 +.25 +.11

BlkMulT2 1675 +16 -.38 BlkMunvst 11.33 +.24 -.09 BlkS&PQEqd1138 +09 -42 80VieMed 2.84 -.15 -.46 BrigusG g .93 +.00 -.11 BritATob 10010 + 58 -1.61 CPI Aero d9.66 -.05 -1.12 CAMAC En .65 +.04 +.21 Cardero g d 48 - 01 -.05 CardiumTh d.19 i.00 -.00 CelSa .32 -.01 -.03 CFCdag 22 34 + 02 -.39 CentGold g 66.25 -.22 -1.65 CentSe d18 96 +.19 -.91 CheniereEn 14 73 i 27 • .05 Chen>ereE 19.67 +1.02 -.22 ChiArmMt .39 -.03 +.05 ChiBotanP 52 i 03 • .03 Ch>MarFd 1.00 +.07 -.00 ChinaPhH .33 +.02 +.05 ChinaShen 23 -.02 +.02 ClaudeRg .67 +.01 -.03 CloughGA 1256 +16 -.63 CloughGEq 11.82 +.16 -.74 ClghGlbap 1084 +.13 -.26 I:omndSec 133 +03 +.04 ComstkMn 2.24 +.04 -.22 ConsEP 1.36 +.03 +.06 Contangod4426 -49 -4.13 CornstProgd5.18 +.36 -.31

CrSuislnco d372 +13 -.30 CrSuiHiY 3.13 t.13 -.09 Crosshrg d.12 t.01 -.01 CubicEngy 27 i 03 -03 DGSE d5.63 -.22 -1.80 DejourE g 18 + 01 -.01 DelaMN2 15.45 +.13 -.14 DenisnM gd1.06 +.01 -.12 DocuSec 2 66 + 08 -.04 DryfMU 10 99 +.19 -.22 EV CAMu 12.82 +.19 +.05 EV LtdDur 1656 + 75 -.60 EVMun>Bd14.55 +.30 -.13 EVMun>2d13.71 +.50 - 33 EVNYMU 1461 i16 -09 ElephTalk d1.14 +.14 +.24 EllswthFd 6 93 +.12 -.13

ewagin 3.20 +.10 -.43 Emrld0rs d4.44 +.40 -.60 EntGmg rs 221 + 08 -16 EntreeGold .51 +.03 -.09 EnviroStar U1.89 -.06 +.53 Eurasnw g 1.99 -.07 -.25 EvolPetrol 7.55 -.07 -.56 ExeterRgs 1.26 -.03 -.34 FABUniv 2.81 -.16 -.59 FTEgylnco 28.80+1.12 -1.05 FrkSIPrp 10 6B +.04 -.42 FrTmpLtd 13 80 t 54 -.25 Fnedmlnd 9.62 -.20 -.95

GamGldNRd12 91 +46 -84 GasNaturald8.63 -.06 -1.29 GascoEngy .12 -.01 -.02 Gaslar grs d.74 +.02 -.14 GastarptAd15.98 +.03 -.94 GenMoly 3.37 + 05 -12 GeoGloblR .05 -.01 -.01 Geokinet<cs .26 -.03 -.02 GeoPetm d.08 -.01 GlbIScape 1.72 +.02 -.18 Glowpoint 2.06 -.04 -.06 GoldRsvg 2.98 +07 -08

GoldResrcd13.69+.81 -2.79 GoldStdV g 1 55 + 02 -.07 Golden Min 356 -08 -30 GoldStr g 1.65 -.06 -.22 G IIIFIII 1 . 5 1 -.10 -.31 GormanR 26.11 -19 - 29 GrahamCp16.76 -.08 -.60 GranTrrag 559 -04 +02 GtPanSilv g 1.65 +.02 -.27 GpoSimec 12.68 +.23 +.12 GugFront 19.33 +10 -28 Hemisphrx .74 -.01 -.03 HooperH d.50 -.12 -.10 HstnAEn .4 7 -.02 -.10 iShUKSC bt2912 -.78 iShMorMl bt26.06 +.14 -.14 .71 -.01 -.17 iBio ImmunoCII 1.78 +.12 +.01

IndiaGC 14 +.00 - 01 NevGCas 78 - 01 +04 InovioPhm .49 +.04 -.05 Nevsun g 4.03 +.01 -.67 Intell>chk 95 - 05 -10 NewEnSys d49 +09 -.03 IntTower gd2.10 -.01 -.26 NwGold g 9 69 + 03 -1 01 Inuvo 1 . 11 +.11 +.07 NA Pall g d1.31 -.04 -.18 InvVKAdv2 13 28 +.26 -50 NDynMng 360 +17 -36 IsoRay d.40 -.05 -.13 NthnOSGd14.50 +40 -.03 I tens 1 . 6 0-.01 -.03 NovaBayP 1.40 +.05 +.06 KeeganR g 3.83 -.06 -.51 NovaCppn 2.07 +.04 -.29 Kimberng d.47 -.01 -.09 NovaGld g 446 +13 -.21 LadThalFn d1.19 -.01 -.09 NCaAMTFru15.92 +.17 t.04 LkShrGld g 81 -.01 -03 NuvCADv2u16 88 + 31 +16 Lannett 4.33 -.06 -.16 NIiADv3 14.40 +.15 -.15 L>bbey 18.02 +31 +.02 NvDCmdty 19 59 -.03 -1.15 LongweiPI 203 +.01 -16 NuvDiv2 15 82 i 30 -07 LucasEngy 1.53 -.02 -.02 NuvDiv3 U15.87 +.22 -.05 MAGSlv g 11.23 +.11 -1.50 NvDivAdv u1600 +.31 MGTCaprs 4.50 -.13 -1.50 NuvAmtFr 1540 i 26 -45 MadCatzg .55 +.01 -.04 NvLSCmdty25.11 +.06 -.19 Magl-IR pfDd43 09 + 87 -1 03 NMuHi0p 1373 +21 - 22 Medgenics 6.82 -.30-1.79 NUVREst 1014 +35 -.85 MeetMe 3.33 +.18 +.43 OrchidsPPU20.98 +.84 +.70 Metalico d1.64 +.03 -.26 OrionEngyd1.37 -.11 -.33 MdwGold g 1.26 -.43 Pacholder d8.73 +.46 -.45 M incoGg 43 + 03 - 04 PalatinTch 70 +.02 +.03 MinesMgt d.% +.05 -.15 ParaG&S 228 +10 -22 NavideaBio 2.19 -.04 -.39 ParkNatl 62.01 +.21 -.69 NeoStem .66 -.00 + 04 PhrmAth 1.03 +.01 -.01 NeuBHYld 1334 +.29 -57 PionDvrsHid2003 i56 -61 NBlntMU 16.99 +.05 +.04 PlatGpMet .93 -.01 -.09

Protalix 5 09 - 21 •.19 TravelCtrs 4 34 -10 -38 Quaterra g .40 +.02 TriangPet 5.24 +.12 -.57 OuestRM g d.97 +.04 -.18 Tucows g 1.39 +.30 RadiantLogd1.08 -.04 -.47 TwoHrb wl .54 +.12 +.05 -.79 UQM Tech 1.00 BareEle g d3.16 +.09 +.02 +.04 ReavesUtld23 05 + 79 -1.00 US Geoth 32 +01 RELM 1 62 - 08 +.07 USAntimnyd1.66 +.16 -.22 Rentech 2.59 +.11 -.15 Un>v Insur 3.91 +.03 -.03 RevettM>n 324 -06 -.14 Ur-Energy .76 -.01 -.11 RexahnPh 36 -01 -02 Uranerz 1.26 +.03 -.16 Richmntg d3.28 +.09 -.37 UraniumEn 1.93-.04 -.35 Rubicon g 3.02 +.08 -.45 VangMega4681 + 24 -66 SamsOAG d.55 -.01 -.07 Vang TotW 46.33 +.15 -.72 -.10 Sandsl g rs11.24 +.25 4.02 VantageDrl 1 65 SaratogaRsd3.72 -.18 - .62 Versar 3 6 7 i07 + 07 Senem d.16 -.03 -.04 VimetX 31.05 +.62 -4.38 S<lverBull .47 +.01 -.01 V<staGold 29B +.06 -.23 SilvrCrst g 261 i 07 -.22 Vringo 3 54 + 04 + 15 Sol>tano 1.57 -.01 -.14 Vrmgo wt 1.47 +.02 SondeR gm .94 +.02 +.11 Walterlnv 39 60 +99 -112 SproNRLg 1.45 i 09 +.06 WFAdvlnco 9.98 +.38 -.54 SynergyRs 3.73 -.06 -.24 WFAdMSec15.73 +.51 -.68 SynthBiol 2.00 -.12 -.28 WFAdUtlHi 1092 +31 -43 TanzRy g 4.62 -.13 -.48 WstnAslnt 11.00 +.05 Taseko 2 70 - 01 -19 W>IICntrls 1536 -.01 TasmanM gd1.06 +.06 -.27 WT DrlChnu2569 -05 +05 Tengsco d.65 +.06 +.03 WT Drf Bz 18.47 -.09 -.34 T>any> nPh 60 -.04 -.05 YMB>og 149 -.03 -.14 TimberlnR 32 - 01 +.00 ZBB Engy d.19 -.02 -.06 T>mm>n sg u3.15 +.08 -.21

Name PIMCO Instl PIMS:TotRet n VanguardIdxFds:TotStk n Vanguard Instl Fds.Instldx n Vanguard Admiral:500Admln Fidelity Invest:Contran VanguardAdm<ral: TotStkAdmn AmericanFundsA CaplnBldA p Amencan FundsA IncoFdAp Amencan FundsA.GwthFdAp VanguardInstl Fds:InsPIn AmericanFundsA CapWGrAp

Amencan Funds A:InvCoAA p Frank/Temp FrnkA: IncoSerAp AmencanFundsAWshMutAp

Dodge&Cox: Dock Dodge&Cox: Intl Stk Vanguard Instl Fds.TSlnst n Vanguard Admiral:WelltnAdmn Vanguard IdxFds:Totllntl n Vanguard Adm<ral: TtlBdAdml n


Total AssetsTtlRtrn/Rnk ($Mins) 4-wk 12-mo 1 7 1,541 7 4 ,938 6 7 ,885 5 8 ,926 5 8,699 5 8 ,251 5 8 ,027 5 7 ,416 5 5 ,406 4 6 ,918 4 6 ,012 4 4 ,920 4 1 ,736 4 0 ,202 3 9 ,914 38, 794 3 7 ,491 3 7 ,160 35 , 563 35 ,248


-6.6 -6.7 -6.7 -6.9

-4.1 -3.7 -4.8 -6.7 -4.8 -5.8 -5.2 -5.9 -7.0 -5.2 -6.6 -3.8 -5.0 +0.7

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+u.5/B +10.4/A +10.9/C +16.1/A +9.3/B +12.0/A +11.6/A +6.8/D +5.1/E

Percent Load NAV +51.0/A 1,000,000 NL u.60 + 6.2/B 3,0 00 NL 33.96 +4.3/A 5,000,000 NL 124 97 +4.3/A 1 0 ,000 NL 'I 25.80 + 7.3/B 2,5 00 NL 74.52 +6.8/B 1 0 ,000 NL 33.97 +c5/D 250 5.75 51.45 +12 6/C 250 575 1759 0.0/C 250 5.75 32.72 +4.4/A 200,000,000 NL 124.97 -8 7/C 250 5 75 35.11 -0.2/C 250 5.75 29.39 + 18.9/A 1,0 00 4.25 2.14 Min

5 -year


Inv l

250 5 75 30 02 - 8.0/D 2,5 00 NL u3.60 - 1 6.1/B 2, 5 00 NL 32.11 +6 9/B 5,000,000 NL 33 98 +20.7/A 5 0 ,000 NL 57.74 -22 0/C 3, 0 00 NL 13 90 +35.2/C 1 0 ,000 NL 11.21 +4 0/B

G -Growth. Gl -Growth8 Income. SS-Singlestate Muni. MP -Mixe0 Portfolio. GG -General USGovt. El —Equity Income SC —Small CoGrowth A- Cap Appreciation IL —International Total Return Change in NAVwith dividends reinvested Rank Howfund performed vs otherswith sameobjective A is intop 20%, E in bottom 20% Percent Load Sales charge.Min lnit lnvt: Minimum $neededto mvest infund. NA- Not avail. NE—Data inquestion. NS- Fund not >n ex>stence.



The Bulletin



Editor's note: If you consulted The Bulletin's website Friday, you may have seen these editorials, letters and column. We are publishing them here for those who read only the print edition, which was not available Friday because of press problems.

reseBK, nQ axcre i win ener Q

Chairaomnn Palll&lter


Fditur in-Clnrf Editor of Edttorials


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ax increases alone are not enough to balance the U.S. budget; it will take spending cuts as well to get the job






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done. One place to stM is with the generous federal tax credit currently given to those inthe wind energy business. The credit, which costs $12 billion, is due to expire at the end of the year, and governors from several states, including Oregon's John Kitzhaber, earlier this week called on Congress and the administration to keep them alive. Failure to do so could cost as many as 37,000 jobs, one study said. Supporters of the credit are correct in noting that this country has subsidized everything from the spread of electricity into rural America to highways to oil production. Wind, they argue, is among the energy alternatives that will help save the planet from global warming. But just because subsidies were routine in the past doesn't mean they should continue to be routine today. Unless the United States wants to become the western hemisphere's version of Greece, it must get its financial house in order, and that means cutting its obscenely large deficit, a process that almost by definition will be a painful one.

Nor should cutting subsidies mean the government has given up on the fight against global warming. Rather, cutting subsidies to those who produce wind energy and the equipment they use could free up money for something even more important, and that's research into the best way to get the job done. Alternative energy sources are, no doubt, a big part of this country's future,and government-financed research is critical to ensuring we get what we need in a way we can use. The federal government long has been a financier of research in all sorts of areas, from medicine to space to, believe it or not, work done under the wing of the Internal Revenue Service. Putting more money into research on everything from wave energy to the current geothermal experiments being conducted at Newberry Crater, to, yes, wind power makes far more sense than continuing tax breaks for an industry around which questions of efficiency and efficacy continue to swirl.

Dorm plans enhance CQK's advancement onstruction crews have been a common sight on the Bend campus of Central Oregon Community College in recent years, and plans for a new dormitory suggest the construction boom will continue. With planning also under way for a major expansion of Oregon State University-Cascades Campus, it's a welcome reminder of the vibrancy of higher education in Central Oregon. The growth not only brings vastly expanded opportunities for students, but also financial and intellectual benefits to the town and region. COCC's board decided Wednesday to advance plans to replace its aging 103-bed Juniper Hall with a 325-bed dorm located southwest of the athletic field on campus. The board authorized COCC President Jim Middleton to negotiate a contract with Mahlum Architects for project drawings, but a final decision won't be made for six to 10 months. If plans go forward, completion is expected in 2015. The $22 million cost would come from bondsand money already set aside by the college, including funds from earlier construction bonds that

are expiring, according to campus spokesman Ron Paradis. Within four to five years, he said, revenue from students who occupy the residence hall is expected to more than pay the costs, making the facility an income source for the college. Although expansion onthe Summit Drive side of the campus has drawn opposition from nearby residents, Paradis said the location of the new residence hall is well inside the property and has not caused complaints. Out-of-district and out-of-state students are likely to be well-represented in the dorm. Those students constitute 8 percent to 10 percent of the campus population and pay significantly higher tuition. Paradis said it's also possible some students attending OSU-Cascades will live in the new residence hall, depending on how plans progress for that campus's facilities. When the OSU-Cascades Campus was first envisioned more than a decade ago, worry focused onpossible damage to COCC. Clearly both have thrived, with plans for this new residence hall the latest indicator. All community members, not just students, are the beneficiaries.

M IVickel's Worth Media failed to report Benghazi cover-up

cane Sandy emphasizes ongoing sub-prime mortgage loans were vulnerabilities. The seawater will given priority and 40 percent of subside and the monument will be all mortgage loans were in f act built, but damage done by climate sub-prime, according to Franklin change will remain worldwide and Raines in a New York Times article relentless. In 2000, an official at dated Sept. 30, 1999. Raines also the world's sixth largest insurance forecast 50 percent of all mortgage company warned t hat p r operty loans would be sub-prime by 2002. damage from climate change could Did the creators of this abominabankrupt the world economy by ble economic foundation, built on 2065. Whatkind ofa monument do sand, have any idea what the imyou build to that? pact would beto the U.S. economy The second photo is of an unwhen those mortgages went into derground parking garage in New default? Probably not. York's financial district that Sandy G eorge W. B us h d u r in g h i s has retrofitted into a marina for early presidency made severalatmarooned minivans. tempts to convince the Democrats What better place than Ameriin Congress to help him control ca's financial district to learn the Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and one lesson missing from most busi- thus prevent a collapse of the U.S. ness schoolsand economics text- economy. They said, "No," and acbooks: Mother Nature bats last. cording to Sen. Chris Dodd (D), The vehicles are submerged, end and Rep. Barney Frank (D), both out of the water, in total submission government sponsoredenterprises to the superstorm souped up by the were doing fine just two weeks becarbon they've spewed. Each one fore the government took control looks like it has been piloted into of them. There are many examples a pond by a person not paying atin the My Nickel's Worth section tention. As far as the metaphorical of The Bulletin that are similar, in value of the photo is concerned, an effort to "blame Bush," when in each is exactly that. fact, if you have to blame someone, Matt Orr blame the people you have elected Bend to Congress.

I hope everyone is prepared for a bigger-than-Watergate scandal concerningthe coverup ofthe Sept. ll attack on the consulate in Benghazi, Libya. It is shameful that so many so-called journalists decided to ignore the story until after the election. Only Bob Schieffer on CBS and FOX News kept the story alive. Bret Baer on FOX has done an excellent job of reporting the events — not made up stories about a YouTube video — but the actual events of that tragic night. At the congressional hearing, testimony was heard from the military asto the desperate requests for help that were made to the CIA, requests that were denied. Members of the State Department, the White House, and the CIA all knew about the attack and they misled the people for two weeks before Obama finally admitted it was, indeed, a terroristattack. Itis sad tha tthere are so few true journalists left. But the scandal will be investigated and I hope the American people will finally hear the truth. Maralyn Thoma Bend

Get the realfacts on economicproblems

Post-Sandy photos send message of warning

It is very interesting to read letI am scrolling through photos of ters from writers who get their inthe aftermath of Hurricane Sandy formation from th e m a instream posted on The Atlantic Magazine's media. With a l i ttle research on website. Two strike me with their their part they could get real facts m etaphorical v a l ue. T h e f i r s t instead of political talking points. s hows seawater cascading i n to Raymond Powell of T e rrebonne the 9/11 Ground Zero construction asks who do we blame for our ecosite. On the exact spot where some nomic problems. A place to start seek to rebuild the national psyche would be Bill Clinton's presidency. in the aftermath of 9/11, HurriDuring Clinton's administration,

Boyd Lyle Bend

Presidential election was not about race This election was not about race for the 40 percent of whites who voted for President Obama or for the 30 percent of Hispanics, the 25 percent of Asians, and nine percent of African Americans who gave their votes to Mitt Romney. John Foote Bend

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With spread of vaccination, polio can be eradicated t f you were born, as I was, in the earliest years of the Baby Boom, you may have some recollections of polio. You may, for example, have attended a gathering and have had another child in the group fall ill with the disease a few days later. You may have seen the panic that news put your parentsin. You may remember, or still know, adults on crutches and in wheelchairs as a result of the illness. The diseasewas more personal for Cort Vaughan of Bend, who caught the virus at age 2. Now semi-retired and a member of the Greater Bend Rotary Club, Vaughan is chair of its Polio Plus committee and through it, a part of the Global Polio Eradication Initiative. The initiative combines the efforts of Rotary International, the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and Unicef. The initiative, begun in 1988, had

come oh, so close to its goal, only to see it slip out of reach in the early 2000s when rumors in Nigeria about the vaccine'ssafety led many parents there to refuse it for their children. The numbers tell the tale: In 1988, Vaughan says, about 365,000cases of polio were reported in 26 countries worldwide. By the turn of the century, that number had dropped to 480 in only 10 countries. Then the problems in Nigeria began and by 2001, according an information pamphlet prepared by the Connecticut Department of Public Health, some 1,906 cases were reported in 16 countries. Members of the initiative didn't give up. Rather, they redoubled their efforts and, in the case of Nigeria, began manufacturing the vaccine locally to assurecitizens it was safe.The hard work is paying off, Vaughan says. He notes that by 2011 polio was


found in 16 countries, at least two of which had been polio free for several years. Today, it's found only in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Chad, and reported cases have dropped from more than 600 last year to 171 so far this year. It will, he believes, take at least five years to eradicate polio completely. The places it is still found are among the remotest on the planet, he says, and delivering and administering the vaccine with the assistance of local Rotarians and officials is challenging. So why should Americans care about ridding the planet of polio? First, though most people who get the disease show no symptoms, the

results can be devastating for those who do. Only a tiny percentage will get paralytic polio, but as many as 5 percent of children and 30 percent of adults who do will die as a result. Others will suffer varying degrees of weakness in their limbs, even enough difficulty breathing to require mechanical assistance. Second, though new cases of polio have not been reported in the U.S. since 2005, when four unvaccinated children in a Minnesota Amish community became ill, that doesn't guarantee the disease cannot crop up again. That's what happened in Chad. It was polio free for years, only to have someone bring it in from the outside. Third, polio really can be eradicated. The virus lives only in humans. Given enough timeand enough vaccinations, it will die for lack of a place to live.

Meanwhile, that the U.S. outbreak wasn't worse is no miracle but the result of what doctors call the herd effect.Because so many Minnesotans hadbeen vaccinated,the disease could not get enough of a toehold to

spread. And that, it seems to me, is the best possible case to make for immunizing children on schedule, as the CDC says we should. It takes at least an 80 percent immunization rate to create the herdeffect,and there are schools in Central Oregon that fall far below that number. I don't know about you, but I'd be devastated if a child, grandchild or friend came down with polio, or, for that matter, whooping cough, diphtheria or tetanus, especially because for most children, protection is only a doctor's visit away. — Janet Stevens is deputy editor of The Bulletin.




BITUARIES DEATH NoTIcEs Leah A. Loop Dennis M. Gibbs, of Bend Jan. 9, 1931 - Nov. 13, 2012 Arrangements: Baird Funeral Home (541) 382-0903 Services: A private Celebration of Life for family and close friends will be held at a later date. Contributions may be made to:

Partners In Care 2075 NE Wyatt Court Bend, Oregon 97701

James Ernest Drewes, of Bend Dec. 20, 1941 - Nov. 12, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: Graveside Services Monday, November 19, 2012, 10:00 A.M., Deschutes Memorial Gardens, 63875 N. Hwy. 97, Bend, Oregon 97701.

William (Lee) Leroy Lane, of Bend Aug. 22, 1949 - Nov. 9, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend 541-318-0842 Services: A Celebration of Life will be held Sunday, November 18, 2012 at 4:00 P.M. at Kelly D's, 1012 SE Cleveland, Bend, Oregon 97702.

William E. Wilgus, of Bend Feb. 9, 1933 - Nov. 13, 2012 Arrangements: Deschutes Memorial Chapel, (541)382-5592; www.deschutesmemonalchapehcom

Services: 1:00 PM, Monday, November 19, 2012, Deschutes Mausoleum Chapel, 63875 N. Hwy. 97, Bend.

Diana Eileen Perry, of Bend April 12, 1959 - Nov. 14, 2012 Arrangements: Autumn Funerals, Bend, 541-318-0842, Services: Graveside Service was held at Greenwood Cemetery, Friday, November 16, 2012, 1:00 p.m. Access to Greenwood Cemetery is at NE 12th and Hawthorne. A potluck Celebration of Life followed at the Old Stone Church, 157 NW Franklin Ave.

Jim Drewes Dec. 20, 1941 - Nov. 12, 2012 Jim D r e w es , a g e 70, passed away o n M o n d ay , November 12, 2012, at St. Charles Medical Center in B end. H e w a s b o r n D e c ember 20, 1 941, i n S a n J ose, CA , t o F r i e d a a n d Ernest Drewes. He wa s a 1959 graduate of L i n c o ln H igh School f o l l owed b y c ollege. H e m a r r i e d h i s w ife, J o an, o n J u n e 1 5 , 1963, i n S a n Jo s e . H e worked as a field engineer on m a s s s p e c t r ometers, d isplaying a w o nd e r f u l knack for t r o u bleshooting a nd repairing al l s o rt s o f t hings. Jim truly l i ved l i f e t o t h e f ul l e s t t hr o u g h simple p l e asures; t r a v eling with his wife, camping with his family and friends a nd s p ending t i m e o u t d oors. He i s s u r v ived b y his wife of 49 years, Joan; h is chi l d r e n , D i an e ( Chuck) F o r s l u nd , Pa m ( Craig) O l s o n a n d Jef f (Emma) D r e w es ; s i s t ers, Dolores C h a p m a n an d Marilyn ( Bob) Gr os s ; g randchildren , Mag g i e , M arybeth, G a b rielle, B a yasaa, Sydney and Ben as well as many nieces, nephews and extended family. F amily, f r i ends, an d o t h ers w ho s e li v e s Ji m touched are invited to Deschutes Memorial G a rdens at 10 a.m. on Monday, November 1 9 , 2 0 12 , f o r a graveside service.

jim Drewes

June 22, 1916- Nov. 14, 2012

Dec. 20, 1941 - Nov. 12, 2012

L eah A. L oo p w a s b o r n June 22, 1916, in Hamburg Township, Jackson County, North Carolina to C harles an d J a n e M o s s , a nd d i e d N o v e m ber 1 4 , 2 012, i n B e a v erton, O R , where she had m oved t o be c l o ser to h er surviving son. L eah a n d h er f a m ily left North Leah LooP Carolina i n 1928, and m i g r ated t o H amilton , W ashi n g t on . Her mother died one year later and she left school to take c a r e of her t wo y ounger b r o t h e rs . Sh e married W e ndell ( C urley) Loop in 1935, and in 1944 they moved t o P r i n eville, OR, where they made their home for the next 60 plus years. In the 1950s, they opened Prineville Logger's Supply. Leah kept the books. She v olunteered w i t h O c h o co School P T A an d al so s erved a s a vot i n g p o l l w orker f o r m a n y ye a r s . She was a wonderful cook and was widely known for h er p i e s , ca k e s , f r i e d c hicken an d Sout h e r n hospitality. L eah w a s p r e c eded i n d eath b y h er h us b a n d , W endell, an d s o ns , J o h n and Roger; and is survived b y her son, Stan L oop o f Lake Oswego, and grandchildren, K r i stin J o h nson o f Seattle, K e n L o o p o f Portland, Wendy Mooney of Prineville, Lisa Loop of P ark C i t y , Ut a h , Br i a n Loop of Beaverton, Christ opher L o o p o f Ph o e n i x A rizona, and C r ai g L o o p of Acampo, California; and eight great-grandchildren. H onoring h e r r eq u e st , there will be no services. A rrangements are in t h e care of P r ineville Funeral Home, 541-447-6459.

Jim D r e w es , a g e 70, passed away o n M o n d ay, November 12, 2012, at St. Charles Medical Center in B end. H e w a s b o r n D e c ember 20, 1 941, i n S a n J ose, CA , t o F r i ed a a n d Ernest Drewes. He was a 1959 graduate of L i n c o ln H igh School f o l l owed b y c ollege. H e m a r r i e d h i s w ife, Jo an, o n J u n e 1 5 , 1 963, i n S a n Jo s e . H e worked as a field engineer on m ass spectrometers, d isplaying a w o nd e r f u l knack for t r o ubleshooting a nd repairing al l s o rts o f t hings. Jim truly l i ved li f e t o t h e fu l l e s t t h r o u g h simple p l e asures; t r a v eling with his wife, camping with his family and friends a nd s p ending t i m e o u t d oors. He i s s u r v ived b y his wife of 49 years, Joan; his ch il d r e n , D i ane ( Chuck) F o r s l u nd , Pa m ( Craig) O l s o n a n d Jef f (Emma) D r e w es; s i s ters, Dolores C h a p m a n an d Marilyn ( Bob) Gr o s s ; g randchildren , M ag gi e , M arybeth, G a b r ielle, B a yasaa, Sydney and Ben as well as many nieces, nephews and extended family. F amily, f r i ends, an d o t h ers wh o s e li v e s Ji m touched are invited to Deschutes Memorial G a rdens at 10 a.m. on Monday, Nov ember 1 9 , 2 0 12 , f o r a graveside service.

William (Lee) Leroy Lane Aug. 22, 1949 - Nov. 9, 2012

William ( Lce) L er o y L ane, ag e 6 3 , o f B e n d , passed a w a y u n e x p e ctedly on November 9, 2012, of a heart attack. H e was b or n i n A r k a n sas on Aug. 22, 1949, and has resided in Bend since 1978. H e was a veteran of t h e V ietnam W a r w h e r e h e earned t h e H o n o r o f a Purple Heart. He was most r ecently e m p l oyed a s a clerk at St. Charles Medical Center. He is preceded in d eath Nov. 27, 1920- Nov. 12, 2012 b y hi s w i f e , C h ar . H e i s Art was b or n i n P r i n ev- survived by a s i ster, Bari lle, Oregon, t o K a r l a n d b ara G n ehm ; t h r e e c h i l Ruth M i l l er . H e w as a dren, Renee (Jason) Stinar l ifelong C e n t ra l Or e g o n of Boise, ID, Michelle Lane o f B o i se , I D , M i ch a e l resident, attending schools (Wendi) Lane of P h oenix, in Paulina, Post, Prineville, AZ; and six grandchildren. and Redmond. A celebration of h i s l i f e H e attended U of 0 o n a f ootball s c h o l arship, b u t w ill b e h el d S u nday, N o v ember 18, 2012, at 4 : 0 0 before p.m., at Kelly D's, 1012 SE graduat ion, h e Cleveland, B end , O r e gon 97702. joined the A rmy in 1 940 d u e to WWII. A rt w as v very Death Notices are free and p roud o f will be run for one day, but Art Miller specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries v ice. He r e t i red a s L i e u are paid advertisements tenant Col o n el in submitted by families or November of 1968. H e w a s a c t i v e i n th e funeral homes. They may be community with the VFW , submitted by phone, mail, E agles L od g e , Cr ook email or fax. The Bulletin County Search 8 R e s cue, reserves the right to edit all and Crook County Historisubmissions. Please include cal 8 G e n e alogy S o ciety contact information in all and others to o n u m erous correspondence. to mention. For information on any of A rt i s s u r v i ve d b y h i s d aughter, Kem S c orvo o f these services or about the V ancouver, W A ; step obituary policy, contact daughter an d s o n - in-law, 541-617-7825. Sheila and Steve Finzer of Deadlines:Death Notices T errebonne; f o u r gr a n d are accepted until noon c hildren, an d f o u r g r e a t Monday through Friday for grandchildren. next-day publication and by A memorial service with 4:30 p.m. Friday for Sunday military h o n or s i s s c hedand Monday publication. uled for Saturday, November 17, I:00 p.m. at PrinevObituaries must be received i lle P r esbyterian C h u r ch , by 5 p.m. Mondaythrough 1 771 N W Ma d r a s H w y , Thursday for publication P rineville. A r ece p t i o n on the second day after f ollows the service at t h e submission, by Prineville VFW Hall. 1 p.m. Friday for Sunday or Memorial co n t r i b utions Monday publication, and by may be made to the Bow9 a.m. Monday for Tuesday m an Museum, 246 N o r t h publication. Deadlines for M ain S t . , P r i n eville, O R display ads vary; please call 9 7754, Prineville VFW , o r any local veterans organifor details. zation. Phone: 541-617-7825 A rrangements are in t h e Email: obits© care of P r ineville Funeral Fax: 541-322-7254 H ome. Plea s e vi sit www.PrinevilleFuneralMail:Obituaries H t o si gn th e P.O. Box 6020 on-line Guest Book. Bend, OR 97708

Arthur J. Miller

Obituary policy

gl) b~ I

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Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Abby Sumner, 9, a fourth-grader at Hlgh Lakes Elementary,performs speed stacking of cups from a push-up position during Barb Bouck's physical education class Thursday morning. Sumner and other students in Bend-La Pine Schools, including 531 from High Lakes, participated in the seventh annual World Sport Stacking Association's "Stack Up!" event in a bid for a Guinness World Record, with participants around the world stacking for at least 30 minutes. Last year's record reached 412,259 participants. As a PE teacher, Bouck said she made sure the students kept moving throughout the 30 minutes to keep both the brain and body active.


Recall vote set in struggle over Baker schoolboard The Associated Press BAKER CITY — Voters in an eastern Oregon school district will weigh in next month on the struggle between a schoolboard member elected at 19 and his fellow board members, who d i sciplined him for talking about confidential matters. Supporters of Kyle Knight, now 21, have won a recall election against two members of the Baker School District board who voted in April to censure Knight and cut him off from student and employee information, the Baker City Herald reported. Knight, an Oregon National Guard member and online college student, has struggled with other board members and Superintendent Walt Wegener from the get-go. "I told the board when I was elected, 'Look atyou. You have

a 19-year-old on the board,'" he told The Oregonian. "When your teenagers are beating out your incumbents, you know you're in trouble." The crisis point came in the spring,when he told reporters about a district employee suspectedofembezzlement. School board members said the disclosure violated his obligation to keep personnel information confidential and raised legal risks for the district and board. The censure motion passed 3-2 barred him from confidential information and committees. He was told to leave one meeting. The worker later was given a one-year sentence for theft. The recall election w as directed at two board members,who are called directors: Lynne Burroughs and Mark Henderson. They along with the superintendent and the

district itself were named in a federal suit Knight filed after the censure action. He seeks $500,000 and alleges theboard violatedhis free speech and other constitutional rights. The two board members faced a choice of resigning or going through with the recall election. They're fighting for the positions. "Need for censure stems from the fiscal and legal liability to the district by the unethical and illegal deeds of director Kyle Knight," Burroughs said in a statement filed for the election. "The majority of the board acted to protect the district, its staff and students. I believe I was right to censure Kyle Knight, although I found no enjoyment in the process." County Clerk Tami Green said ballots for the election go out Nov. 23 and will be counted Dec. 11.

Coos Bay considers urbanwind turbines The Associated Press COOS BAY — The city of Coos Bay will consider allowing wind turbines in tovm. The World of Coos Bay reports that turbines have been under a moratorium and the city hasn't made much progress on the issue in the past two years. But the City Council plans to take public comment in February or March, and it has an

online survey on its website. The draft ordinance would allow turbines no taller than 70 feet — much shorter than industrial wind turbines that are morethan 250 feet. 'What we would need is an ordinance to limit any negative impacts to neighbors," said Laura Barron, the city's planning administrator. For large turbines, residents would have to show that noise

would be minimal, viewsheds would not be disturbed and the device would meet tough safety standards. Restrictions would bereduced for smaller devices. Some ne w te c h nology doesn't require huge towers. Micro wind turbines being tested and used around the country can be mounted on rooftops and the edges of buildings.


Clothier LanskydressedElvis Presley By Adrian Sainz

for any entertainer, they had to a hot spot for blues, rhythm look different." and blues and jazz, and drew MEMPHIS, Tenn. — BerEven though his style of a colorful parade of musicians, nard Lansky, the Memphis re- dress changed over the yearsgamblers and hustlers from the tailer who helped a young Elvis including sparkling jumpsuits Mississippi Delta. Presley establish his signature — Presley shopped at Lansky Presley began h anging clothing style of pegged pants, Bros. the rest of his life. Presley around BealeStreet as a teentwo-toned shoes and o ther died at his Memphis residence, ager and picked up quickly on flashy duds in the 1950s, has Graceland, in 1977. its music. died. He was 85. Lansky picked out the white One of Lansky's favorite ElJulie Lansky, the clothier's suit and blue tie that Presley vis stories was how he first met granddaughter, said he died wore when he was buried. the future King of Rock 'n' RolL "I put his first suit on him and Presley was a teenager working Thursday at h i s M e m phis home. his last suit on him," Lansky at a nearby theater and liked to B ernard Lansky an d h i s was fond of saying. window shop at Lansky's. "He said, 'When I get rich, brother Guy started a retail By the early 1950s, Lansky's business in Memphis in 1946, shop was known as a place I'm going to buy you out,"' Lanwith help from a $125 loan from where a man with a taste for sky said in a standard version their father, Samuel. flash could find the styles Lan- of the story. "I said, 'Don't buy A fter World Wa r I I , t h e sky referred to as "real sharp." me out. Just buy from me.' And s tore started selling A r m y At the time, Beale Street was he never forgot me." surplusgoods on Beale Street. When the supply dried up, they opened a h i gh-fashion A REVERSE MORTGAGE... men's store, where Bernard DEATHS ELSEWHERE Now's the Time Lansky established his reputation as a natural salesman and Call Me To Learn More Deaths of note from around Costa Mesa, Calif. C leve Duncan, 78: L e ad storyteller. the world: George "Woody" Clarke, 61: singerforthe Penguins whose Lansky Bros. ended up supLucille Bliss, 96: Provided Gained national prominence soaring tenor voice helped plying Presley with the pink Your Oregon Reverse Mortgage Specialist the voiceof the cartoon char- as the San Diego prosecutor propel the 1954 doo-wop bal- and black shirts and other lad "Earth Angel (Will You acter Crusader Rabbit in the asked by Los Angeles prosoutfits. 541.350.7839 "It's a statement to saythat he early days of television and ecutors to present the crucial Be Mine)" to rock 'n' roll im25 Years gained recognition a genera- but highly complex DNA evi- mortality, selling over 10 mil- dressed one of the most influExperience SECUR ITY L E N D IN S tion later as the voice of Smur- dence during the O.J. Simpson lion copies. Died Nov. 7 in Los ential entertainers of all time," EoINI rtNSW spsoalisrng w rtcwar srortrarcs (888) 617-8558 fette in the 1980s television hit murder trial. Died Tuesday in Angeles. Julie Lansky said in a t eleNMLS 57716 61310 Columbine Lane Bend OR 977O2 Macsessiei "The Smurfs." Died Nov. 8 in San Diego. — From wire reports phone interview. "He knew that The Associated Press

Mike LeRoux





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Today: Late day

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showers are expected. CHANNE


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. Astoria 4 d d d d d d 4 4 d d 4 4 4 d d d d 4 4 4 4 d 4 4 4 d d d d d d d d 4 d 4 d c WEST 4 4 *2/444 4 d d d 4 4 2 4 4 d d d d d 4 4 U 8 Ra 1 4 d d 4 d d 4 4 4 4 d d d d d d Cloudy and windy S easideu 4 4, , ' C 4 4 4 4 klppQ4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 a 'I<'a '44C '; ' »/48 oda<4tahtfhochd ) 4 4 4 4 o j Vet) 4)f)ed 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 A IDB4 4a4444 44444444T4 4 4 4 4 4 ( d d with rain likely. igged d .' a 4 danerm)Stansd/3 8 dfd WaROWa d 4 d d D il 452/4L+ L-4 d d »d 4d d 4d"„ 5)fdqg4 Snow level near Dages„,< I/do) n 4Arlington 53/39 d HlsbarcdPortlanp Pfendleton'4)f n' 4 m"pn(< 3 6,000 feet. 4444 4tl m n 4 ) 45 3/38 4 4 4 44z47/38 • )2 4 4 i 44, 4 4 4 ,4 4) 4 p asc<ad h $4 Tigamook•,,r4 4 9 /44 4 +48/32 4 u~ ' S andy', ge d 4 4 4 84 g 4 4 4 4 ~Meachamd d d 4 I < 4 d dMauoi d d 4 ) 4 s2ae) 4 4 < • 4 d d 8 /ogeXKC dCENTRAL <McMinnville, 4 Jo e 8 4 4 49/43 ) 4 ' d Go vernment 45 4 )34 4 4 d 4 d ."/8 d 4 d 4 4 La orande• Cloudy with a " Lincoln Citya P 2 gb 4 4 n, n n . 3-"4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 It 4 4 47/38 - B-4 — ,salem 4 '






d d d d d 4 chance of rain.

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o 5 36 o

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61/38 o

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W n g ton, D.C. 54/39

littM Rock' i 62/311

58/35 • ' Atlanta> ( Birmingham 60/41

• Dat)asl 65/39l



New Orleans







K ansas City

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Mo;„es ' L<Des58/38

54/32 '

Fraser, Colo.

H tn


I 67/49 •

lando 6/59


-2 s


I 83/61

M a zatlan •

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• Miami 81/69


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66/56 •

8 4/68





Off and on showers.

Another day of rain. tt)t 4i'bti) 4i 4i






43 30

47 3 8

48 40

50 33

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:04 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday...... 4 37 p.m First Full L a st Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:05a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:36 p.m Moonrise today...10:52 a.m Moonsettoday .... 8:54 p.m Nov. 20 Nov. 28 Dec. 6



Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....6:53 a.m...... 4:29 p.m. Venus......4:20 a.m...... 3:22 p.m. Mars.......9:59 a.m...... 6:37 p.m. Jupiter......5:25 p m...... 8 34 a.m. Satum......5:09 a.m...... 3;46 p.m. Uranus.....2:23 p.m...... 2:41 a.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 52/36 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........70m)929 Monthtodate.......... 0.27" Recordlow......... -2 in1955 Average monthtodate... 0.63" Average high.............. 47 Year to date............ 7.30" Average low .............. 28 Average year to date..... 8.40"

Barometricpressureat 4 p.m29.86 Record24 hours ...1.52 in1930 *Melted liquid equivalent




Yesterday Saturday Sunday Bend,westofHwy97.....Low Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W H i /Lo/WBend,eastof Hwy.97......Low

Sisters..............................Low La Pine...............................Low Redmond/Madras........tow Prinevine..........................tow

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

Astoria ........49/43/0.20..... 52/44/r...... 52/47/r BakerCity......50/31/0.00.....47/33/r.....47/30/sh Brookings......61/48/0.00.....55/48/r.....53/52/sh Burns..........55/28/0.00....49/27/sh..... 45/28/rs Eugene........ 59/36/0.00..... 53/43/r.....54/46/sh Klamath Falls .. 50/30/0 00 ....48/32/r ... 43/31/rs Lakeview.......45/28/0.00 ...46/34/sh..... 43/37/r La Pine........51/26/0.00....50/28/sh.....41/29/sn Medford.......48/37/0.00.....54/42/r.....51/43/sh Newport....... 57/41/0.00..... 51/45/r......52/48/r North Bend..... 64/45/0.00..... 56/46/r.....54/50/sh Ontario........54/36/0.00....49/37/sh.....51/35/sh Pendleton......40/36/0.00.....57/38/r.....53/39/sh Portland ....... 51/41/0.00..... 53/45/r...... 52/47/r Prineville....... 54/33/0.00....50/33/sh.....47/35/sh Redmond....... 54/31/0.00..... 55/32/r.....49/36/sh Roseburg....... 54/39/0.01 .... 54/42/sh..... 53/46/sh Salem ....... 53/40/000 . . 52/44/r . . .52/47/sh Sisters.........47/31/0.00....51/31/sh.....43/33/sh The Dages......48/42/0.00.....53/39/r.....50/39/sh

Mod. = Moderate; Exi. = Extreme

To report a wildfire, call 911

ULTRAVIOLET INDEX The higher the )JV Index number, the greater the need for eye and skin protection. Index is for ar at noon.



IPOLLEN COUNT Updated daily. Source:




The following was compiled by the Central Oregon watermaster and irrigation districts as a service to irrigators and sportsmen. Reservoir Acre feet C a pacity Crane Prairie...... . . . . . . 37,851...... 55,000 Wickiup...... . . . . . . . . . 141,484..... 200,000 Crescent Lake..... . . . . . . 73,184...... 91,700 Ochoco Reservoir..... . . . 16,540 . . . . 47,000 Prineville...... . . . . . . . . . 81,687..... 153,777 R iver flow St at i on Cubic ft./sec Deschutes RiverBelow Crane Prairie ...... . 163 Deschutes RiverBelow Wickiup .... . . . . . . . 248 Crescent CreekBelow Crescent Lake ..... . . . 22 Little DeschutesNear La Pine ...... . . . . . . . 148 Deschutes RiverBelow Bend .... . . . . . . . . . 642 Deschutes RiverAt Benham Falls ..... . . . . . 834 Crooked RiverAbove Prineville Res..... . . . . . 39 Crooked RiverBelow Prineville Res..... . . . . 76.7 Ochoco CreekBelow OchocoRes. .... . . . . . 4.10 Crooked RiverNear Terrebonne ..... . . . . . . 148 Contact: Watermaster, 388-6669 or go to

Legend Wweather,Pcpprecipitation, s sun,pcpartial clouds,c clouds,h haze, shshowers,r rain,t thunderstarms,sf snowflurries,snsnow, i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace

Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday Yesterday Saturday Sunday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......67/42/0 00..66/45/pc.. 66/57/c GrandRapids....55/26/0 00...51/30/s. 52/34/pc RapidCity.......64/26/000..57/36/pc. 56/36/pc Savannah .......54/46/0.00...61/47/c.. 62/48/c Akron ..........50/28/0.00...5)/30/s. 53/32/pc Green Bay.......44/30/0 00...48/36/s. 51/35/pc Reno...........56/39/0.00...56/37/r. 52/32/sh Seattle..........48/36/0.09... 52/44/r...50/45/r Albany..........40/23/000...46/27/s.. 45/30/s Greensboro......56/31/000...57/37/s.. 51/37/c Richmond.......55/38/0.00... 56/38/s .. 54/42/c SiouxFalls.......48/14/0 00..55/37/pc. 56/38/pc Albuquerque.....60/43/0.00..62/40/pc.. 60/39/s Harusburg.......50/32/0.00...52/32/s. 51/35/pc Rochester, NY....48/26/0.00... 45/32/s .. 48/35/s Spokane ........46/34/0.00...49/36/r. 45/36/sh Anchorage ......28/12/0 00...16/7/pc.. 19/10/c Hartford CT.....46/30/0 00...52/31/s.. 50/32/s Sacramento......64/44/0.02... 63/51/r.63/48/sh Springfield, MO ..61/30/0.00...58/35/5...60/42/t Atlanta.........61/40/0 00...59/41/s.. 60/43/s Helena..........35/19/000...48/27/c..47/26/rs St.Louis.........60/33/0.00...57/37/s.. 59/42/s Tampa..........69/57/0.00..78/58/pc. 78/60/pc Atlantic City.....51/34/000...54/43/s.. 55/44/s Honolulu........80/68/000...84/7)/c.. 84/69/c Salt Lake City....50/34/000... 54/38/c. 51/38/sh Tucson..........79/53/0.00..77/50/pc.. 76/48/s Austin..........68/44/0.00..66/42/pc..70/52/c Houston ........68/42/0.00..71/47/pc.. 73/54/c Sao Antonio.....70/56/0.00 ..67/49/pc.. 67/57/c Tulsa ...........63/32/0.00...64/37/5.. 64/47/c Baltimore .......52/36/0.00... 54/37/s .. 53/41/s Huntsville.......63/33/0.00... 61/35/s .. 63/37/s SaoDiego.......71/55/0.00... 68/57/r. 65/56/pc Washington, DC..55/42/0.00...54/39/s.. 54/40/s Bigiogs.........51/33/000..56/33/pc. 57/34/pc Indianapolis.....51/26/000... 54/35/s.. 55/35/s SaoFrancisca....63/54/020... 61/53/r .61/52/sh Wichita .........62/30/000..61/41/pc.. 62/44/c Birmingham .. 65/36/000...63/39/s. 63/43/pc Jackson, MS.... 64/35/0.00. 65/39/s .. 66/41/s SaoJase........66/51/007.. 61/52/r60/48/sh Yakima .........45/39/0 00 48/32/r. 44/34/sn Bismarck........42/24/000...42/25/c.. 47/26/c Jacksonvile......55/50/000 ..64/49/sh.. 67/48/c SantaFe........58/28/0.00.. 57/36/pc.54/35/pc Yuma...........82/53/0.00..79/56/pc.. 78/55/s Boise...........57/39/003... 54/39/r. 52/35/sh Juneau..........40/30/0 09 ..29/18/sn. 26/19/sn INTERNATIONAL Boston..........45/35/000...49/35/s .. 48/34/s Kansas City......59/32/0 00... 61/38/s .. 60/44/c Bodgeport,CT....49/35/0.00... 53/36/s .. 53/37/s Lansing.........52/25/0.00... 51/31/s. 50/33/pc Amsterdam......41/37/0 00 .. 49/46/c 50/40/pc Mecca..........97/73/000 .93/72/s..93/75/t Buffalo.........49/28/0.00...46/33/s.. 50/36/s LasVegas.......67/48/0.00..66/51/pc .. 66/49/s Athens..........67/59/0.00.. 71/60/sh.66/56/pc Mexico City .....73/46/000 ..72/46/pc. 73/48/pc Burlington,VT....42/22/000...39/23/s.. 43/26/s Lexington.......52/27/000...56/32/s .. 57/35/s Auckland........64/55/0.00.. 63/53/sh.62/53/pc Montreal........43/I9/0 00 .. 38/27/pc. 41/29/pc Caribou,ME.....39/27/000..36/19/pc.. 39/22/s Lincoln..........58/20/000..62/38/pc. 61/41/pc Baghdad........73/53/0.00 ..75/52/pc.. 73/54/c Moscow........41/37/0.07... 37/33/c.37/29/pc CharlestonSC...55/46/000...61/47/c...61/48/r Little Rock.......61/31/000...62/36/s. 62/41/pc Bangkok........90/82/0.00... 87/76/t...91/79/t Nairobi.........82/63/0.00... 79/60/t...78/59/t Charlotte........58/30/000...58/38/s..55/41/c LosAngeles......71/58/001...65/56/r. 64/55/pc Bei)ing..........50/32/000... 48/31/s .. 50/34/s Nassau.........81/72/0.00... 79/70/t. 80/72/pc Chattanooga.....61/33/000...63/36/s.. 64/38/s Louisville........54/31/000...57/33/s .. 57/35/s Beirut..........79/64/000 .. 78/66/pc. 72/63/sh New Delh<.......79/55/000...81/60/s .. 81/59/s Cheyenne.......55/23/000 ..54/32/pc. 57/33/pc MadisonVyl.....48/26/000... 52/34/s. 52/38/pc Berlin...........34/30/000...47/33/s.47/35/pc Osaka..........61/43/0.00...59/49/r ..56/44/s Chicago.........54/27/000...53/38/s.. 54/40/s Memphis....... 61/38/000 62/39/s 65/45/pc Bogota.........68/54/000..63/51/sh. 61/52/sh Oslo............43/28/0.00...41/37/c. 40/30/sh Cincinnati.......53/23/0.00... 54/31/s .. 56/34/s Miami . . . . 80/66/0 00 81/69/pc 81/68/pc Budapest........50/37/0.00...48/38/c.49/41/pc Ottawa.........41/18/0 00 .. 41/22/pc. 42/29/pc Cleveland.......49/30/000... 51/36/s .. 54/36/s Milwaukee......48/35/0 00...49/39/s. 50/39/pc Buenos Aires.....81 /61/0.00 ..80/64/pc. 84/Enlpc Paris............43/37/0.00...51/50/c. 51/39/pc Colorado Spnngs.52/21/000..62/34/pc. 61/35/pc Minneapolis.....44/23/0.00..55/41/pc. 58/39/pc CabaSaoLucas ..88/64/0 00..84/64/pc. 87/67/pc Rio deJaneiro....73/68/0.00..79/65/sh.79/66/sh Columbia,MO...61/36/000... 58/34/s. 59/42/sh Nashvige........59/31/000... 58/35/s .. 63/37/5 Cairo...........79/61/0.00.. 80/65/s. 79/64/pc Rome...........6446/0.00..64/54/sh.. 65/55/c ColumbiaSC....62/43/000 ..61/43/pc.. 58/43/c New Orleans.....65/48/0 00... 67/49/s. 69/51/pc Calgary.........43/32/000..39/35/pc.. 37/25/c Santiago........68/55/0.00...75/56/t.. 82/60/s Columbus, GA...64/44/0.00...63/42/s. 63/43/pc New York.......46/38/0.00...52/40/s .. 53/41/s Cancun.........82/66/0 00 .. 81/67/pc. 81/71/sh SaaPaulo.......73/57/0.00..74/59/pc. 74/61/sh Columbus, OH....51/30/0.00... 53/32/s .. 55/34/s Newark, Nl......49/35/0.00... 51/38/s. 53/41/pc Dublin..........46/39/0 00 .. 46/37/pc. 44/43/sh Sapporo ........48/36/0.00..45/39/sh..39/31/rs Concord,NH.... A4/23/000...46/22/s .. 48/24/s Norfolk VA......50/46/001... 56/48/s .. 59/47/c Edinburgh.......48/39/000 ..45/36/pc.. 43/41/c Seoul...........48/30/0.00...46/32/s.. 50/34/s Corpus Christi....73/61/000...68/60/c .. 71/64/c Oklahoma City...62/39/000...61/38/s. 62/48/sh Geneva.........43/39/0.00..49/36/pc.. 54/42/c Shaagha<........59/50/0.04...57/44/s.. 65/48/s DallasFtWanh...65/38/000...65/39/s .. 67/53/c Omaha.........55/23/000 ..60/38/pc. 59/42/pc Harare..........86/63/0.00... 85/62/t. 87/60/sh Singapore.......90/79/0.31...87/80/t...88/78/t Dayton .........50/26/000...53/32/s .. 55/35/s Orlando.........70/57/000 ..76/59/pc. 77/60/pc Hong Kong......77/73/000..79/71/sh.. 79/72/c Stockholm.......48/34/0.00...44/38/c.. 44/37/c Denver..........59/27/000 ..59/32/pc. 58/33/pc PalmSprings.....75/52/000. 76/55/pc. 77/53/pc Istanbul.........63/54/0.0065/56/pc. .. 65/56/pc Sydney..........66/61/0.00..68/57/pc...76/59/t DesMoines......54/27/000..58/38/pc.58/42/pc Pearia..........55/29/000...54/33/s. 56/39/pc lerusalem.......69/58/000.. 72/55/pc.69/55/sh Taipei...........82/70/000..75/67/sh. 75/65/pc Detroit..........53/28/0.00...49/35/s .. 51/37/s Philadelphia.....49/39/0.00...54/38/s .. 55/41/s Johannesburg....84/59/0.00..83/63/pc...74/59/t TelAviv.........81/61/0.00..80/63/pc. 77/61/sh Duluth..........38/14/000..45/39/pc.. 49/37/c Phoeuix.........81/53/000..79/56/pc..77/54/s Lima ...........73/64/0.00..73/62/pc.72/63/pc Tokyo...........61/50/0.00... 62/51/r. 58/45/pc El Paso..........70/52/000...70/50/c. 72/46/pc Pittsburgh.......50/29/000... 51/32/s .. 53/32/s Lisbon..........63/54/0 00 58/53/sh 63/50/pc Toronto .........50/27/000..43/33/pc 47/37/pc Fairbanks...... -13/-27/000 ..-7/-23/pc.-7/-18/pc Portland,ME.....45/30/0.00...46/28/s .. 44/29/s London .........50/43/000..56/34/sh. 49/43/pc Vancauver.......48/37/0.00...50/44/r. 48/44/sh Fargo...........42/20/0.00...44/31/c.48/35/pc Providence......47/35/0.00...52/35/s.. 5)/36/s Madrid .........63/50/0.00..57/46/sh.60/46/sh Vienna..........48/39/0.00...47/38/s.48/40/pc Flagstaff........57/32/000 ..52/25/pc .. 50/24/s Raleigh.........55/40/0 00...56/40/s...53/40/r Manila..........90/79/000..91/77/pc. 89/78/pc Warsaw.........37/30/0.00...40/35/s. 45/35/pc

o www m Vancouverd'8




Yesterday'sSeat extremes






Widespread rain with cloudy skies.

Mixed rain and snow

<'b t qy )b'Co >





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ut + +

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BE N D: 541.385.0594 i

10 0+ STORES i RE I.COM i M O B I L E

'i '

Scoreboard, D2

Prep sports, D4 College basketball, D5


Motor sports, D3 Golf, D4




PREP SPORTS Two locals sign with D-I schools


post player, will play

Cal set to end • N o . 14 Stanford forgettable season Nextup looks to challenge top-ranked Ducks at No. 15 Beavers

basketball for the University of Montana next

By Anne M. Peterson

season, andHayes,a

The Associated Press

5-11 outside hitter, committed to the Boise State University volleyball

CORVALLIS — There could be a lot of finality for California at No. 15 Oregon State tonight, and not just because it is the Golden Bears' last game in a disappointing season. The game could close the chapter on the 11-season tenure of Cal head coach Jeff Tedford, who has come under increasing scrutiny this season. It could also be the culmination of the

Seniors Mekayla Isaak of Bend High and

Laney Hayes ofSummit both signed National Letters of lntent with NCAA Division-I schools earlier this week. Isaak, a 6-foot-2-inch

program. Isaak helped the Lava Bears to the Class 5A girls basketball state tournament each of the

past two years. Last season as ajunior she averaged 11.1 points, 8.1 rebounds and 2.7 blocks

Stanford at Oregon • When:Today, 5 p.m. • TV:ABC • Radio:KBND-AM1110

star Bears wide receiver Keenan Allen's college career. For certain it is the finale for senior quarterback Zach Maynard. But what is sadder is that Maynard and Allen, his halfbrother, won't even play — both have been ruled out because of injuries. It is almost a fitting end for a team that is just 3-8 overall this season and just 2-6 in the Pac12 conference. See Beavers/D5

By Anne M. Peterson The Associated Press

EUGENE — For the past two seasons it has been the same thing for Stanford: great expectations dashed by Oregon. So certainly the No. 14 Cardinal would like nothing better than to derail the top-ranked Ducks in their bid for another shot at the national title. Right? "I wouldn't call it revenge. Revenge is a strong word," said Stanford defensive tackle

Nextup Cal at OregonState • When:Today. 7:30 p.m. • TV:Pac-12 Network • Radio:KICE-AM 940

Terrence Stephens. "I think in the game of football, you can't reallybe revengeful,because those emotions will take you over. You've got be focused, and you've got to focus on the task at hand." Last season, Stanford was ranked No. 3 and looking toward its own national championship bid with quarterback Andrew Luck when then-No. 6 Oregon visited Palo Alto. SeeDucks/D5

per gamewhile leading Bend to a 20-7 record and a fifth-place finish at the 5A state tournament.


Hayes, a three-year starter, helped the Storm trophyat state each of the past three seasons, including 2011 when Summit won the 5A state championship. — Bulletin staff report


Cou ars' season comes to cose inEu ene

MLB Cabrera, Posey win MVP awards C


Miguel Cabrera hasa Most Valuable Player award to go with his Tri-

ple Crown. AndBuster Posey has an MVP prize

to put alongside his second World Series ring. The pair of bat-

ting champions won baseball's top individual honors Thursday by large margins. Cabrera, the first Triple Crown winner in 45 years, won the AL

MVP by receiving 22 of 28 first-place votes and 362 points from a Base-

ball Writers' Association of America panel. The Detroit third

basemaneasilybeatLos Angeles Angels rookie center fielder Mike Trout, who had six firsts and 281 points. Cabrera hit.330 with

Ryan erennecke/The Bulletin

Redmond quarterback Andrew Leeland (12) scrambles to break free of Crescent Valley defender Sam Kane (73) during the first half of Friday night's Class 5A quarterfinal game in Redmond.


44 homers and139 RBls to become the first Triple Crown win-

ner since Boston's Carl Yastrzemski in 1967. Cabrera also led the

league with a.606 slugging percentage forthe

AL champion Tigers. The first catcher in

four decades to win the NL award, San

Francisco's Poseygot 27 of 32 firsts and 422 points to outdistance

2011 winner RyanBraun of Milwaukee. Posey set career highs with a.336

• Redmond's defense limits Crescent Valley to just 206 yards of offense in aquarterfinal victory at home

average, 24 homersand 103 RBls for the World

Series champions. — The Associated Press

CORRECTION A Philadelphia Inquirer story headlined "Trout or Cabrera for AL MVP is a close call" that

By Beau Eastes The Bulletin

REDMOND — It sure looked like the Panthers had been here before. Playing in its first state quarterfinal game in 11 years, Redmond held off Crescent Valley 14-6 on Friday, limiting the Raiders of Corvallis to just 206 yards

of total offense to advance to the state semifinals for the second time in school history. The Panthers (11-0) flustered Crescent Valley junior quarterback Tanner Sanders most of the night and came up with a handful of big offensive plays when needed to earn a matchup with Marist

of Eugene in the Class 5A semifinals, which will most likely be played at Willamette University in Salem on Friday. "Our defense was just phenomenal," Redmond quarterback Andrew Leeland said. "To stop that kind of team, it's pret-

ty amazing." A 6-foot-5-inch quarterback who already has football offers from Oregon State and San Diego State as an athlete, Sanders completed just eight of 21 passes for 89 yards Friday night. SeeRedmond/D4

Bulletin staff report EUGENE — After losing 16 seniors following Mountain View's 2011 Class 5A state football title, many might not have believed the Cougars would accomplish much this season, according to head coach Brian Crum. Instead, the Cougars advanced to their seventh straight state quarterfinal appearance. Their latest playoff run came to an end on Friday night, as the Cougars fell to fourth-ranked Marist 28-16 at Willamette High. "I think we went farther than what a lot of teams and a lot of people believed," Crum said. "We fought through some adversity and played an extremely tough schedule. We're just really proud of our kids and the effort that they've given us all year." Toby Webb threw for 184 yards and a touchdown while also running for 25 yards and a score, Jake Heffner hauled in 10 catches for 129 yards, but Mountain View (7-5) could not overcome a 14-3 halftime deficit before falling to the Spartans (10-1). Marist moves on to the semifinals to face topranked Redmond next Friday. "We had a hard time running the football tonight, and that's kind of our bread and butter of what we have to establish our offense on at least," Crum said. "Marist came out and did a really nice job of doing a few different things they haven't done before. See Mountain View/D4

appeared in Thursday's Bulletin on page D4 included incomplete information about the history of baseball's triple crown. Along with Philadelphia's Chuck Klein in1933 and the New York Yankees' Lou Gehrig in 1934, other players to win their league's batting triple crown but not be voted

most valuable player were Boston's Ted Williams (in both1942 and 1947j and St. Louis'

Rogers Hornsby, who won the triple crown in the National League in 1922 — a year in which the NL did not select an MVP. The Bulletin regrets the error.


Summit girls, Mountain View boysaim for titles By Beau Eastes The Bulletin


Neither the Summit girls nor the Mountain View boys were thrilled with the way their soccer seasons ended last year. Both squads were No. I seeds in the 2011 state playoff brackets, both were league champions — and both were upset in the first round of the postseason, on their home fields no less. Things have improved this season

• A look at the two state finals involving

for both programs. The Storm and the Cougars play for their respective Class 5A state titles today at Hillsboro Stadium. Undefeated Summit (14-0-2) takes

Central Oregon teams,D4

on 2011 champion Sherwood (141-2), while Mountain View (11-4-2) will try to unseat two-time defending state champ Woodburn (14-0-2). "This year, it's a whole new crop of kids," said Cougar coach Chris Rogers, downplaying the motivation of last season's early playoff exit in part because he graduated eight players from his 2011 squad. "I've been getting a lot of crap

from my friendsbecause early on I was talking about this being a rebuilding year," said Rogers. "But early on, we started doing things the right way in training. We talked about not becoming a black hole when the ball comes to you. Trust your teammates." Relying heavily on p l ayers in their first year with the program — freshman forward Zach Emerson, exchange students Shu Akiyama and Takuro Nihei, and junior Levi Schlapfer,a goalkeeper who before this season had never played organized soccer — Mountain View struggled out of the gate. SeeSoccer /D4

Ryan Brennecke/The Bulletin

Summit's Megan Buzzas, center,is congratulated by teammates after scoring a goal against Bend High earlier this season. The Storm play in the Class 5A final today.



COREBOARD ON DECK Today wBoys soccer: C ass5Astate final, Woodbumvs. MountainViewinHilsboro,1 p.m. Girls soccer: Class 5Astate final, Sherwoodvs. Summit inHillsboro, 10:30a.m.



W L T Pct PF PA NewEngland 6 3 0 .667 299 201 Buffalo 4 6 0 .400 230 299 Miami 4 6 0 .400 187 205 N.Y.Jets 3 6 0 .333 175 228 South W L T Pct PF PA Houston 8 1 0 .889 250 143 Indianapolis 6 3 0 .667 186 201 Tennessee 4 6 0 .400 219 311 Jacksonville 1 8 0 .111 127 246 North W L T Pct PF PA Baltimore 7 2 0 .778 254 196 Pittsburgh 6 3 0 .667 207 177 Cincinnati 4 5 0 .444 220 231 Cleveland 2 7 0 .222 169 211 West W L T Pcf PF PA Denver 6 3 0 .667 271 189 SanDiego 4 5 0 .444 209 191 Oakland 3 6 0 .333 191 284 Kansas City 1 8 0 111 146 256 NATIONALCONFERENCE East W L T Pct PF PA 6 4 0 .600 267 216 N.Y.Giants Dallas 4 5 0 .444 188 204 Philadelphia 3 6 0 .333 156 221 Washington 3 6 0 .333 226 248

South WL 8 1 5 4 4 5 2 7 North WL 7 2 6 3 6 4 4 5 West WL 6 2 6 4 4 5 3 5

Atlanta TampaBay NewOrleans Carolina

Chicago GreenBay Minnesota Detroit

SanFrancisco Seattle Arizona St. Louis

T Pct PF PA 0 .889 247 174 0 .556 260 209 0 .444 249 256 0 .222 163 216 T Pct PF PA 0 .778 242 133 0 .667 239 187 0 .600 238 221 0 .444 216 222 T Pct PF PA 1 .722 213 127 0 .600 198 161 0 .444 144 173 1 .389 161 210

Thursday's Game

Buffalo19, Miami14

Sunday's Games Cleveland atDalias,10a.m N.Y.JetsatSt. Louis,10a.m. JacksonvilleatHouston,10a.m. Cincinnatiat KansasCity,10 a.m. PhiladelphiaatWashington,10a.m. GreenBayat Detroit, 10 a.m. ArizonaatAtlanta,10 am. TampaBayat Carolina, 10a.m. NewOrleansatOakland,1:05 p.m. San Diego atDenver, I:25 p.m. IndianapolisatNewEngland,1:25 p.m. Baltimoreat Pittsburgh,5:20p.m. Open:Minnesota,NYGiants, Seatle, Tennessee Monday's Game Chicag oatSan Francisco,5.30p.m. Thursday's summary

Bills19, Dolphins14 Miami Buffalo

7 0 0 7 — 14

13 6 0 0 — 19 First Quarter Buf—McKelvin 79 punt return (Lindeg kick), 13:30. Buf—FG Lindel 32,5:07. Mia—Thigpen 96 kickoff return(Carpenterkick), 4:55. Buf FG Lindeg 34,:40


Buf — FGLindeg42, 8:57. Buf — FGLindeg19,:00.

Fourth Ouarter Mia — Bess2passIromTannehig (Carpenter kick), 8.42. A—69,118.

First downs TotalNetYards Rushes-yards Passing PuntReturns KickoffReturns InterceptionsRet. Comp-Att-Int Sacked-Yards Lost Punts Fumbles-Lost Penalties-Yards Time ofPossession

Mia Bcf 16 18 1 84 28 1 24-60 31-120 1 24 16 1 3 -31 3 - 98 5 -181 3 - 75 0 -0 2 - 14 14-28-2 17-27-0 3-17 3-7 6-49.8 7 45.3 1-1 2-0 6-69 11-100 24:57 35:03

INDIVIDUALSTATISTICS RUSHING —Miami: Thomas 12-33, Bush1020, Tannehill 1-7, Lane 1-0. Buffalo: Spiller 22-91, Fitzpatrick3-15,Choice6-14. PASSING —Miami: Tannehill 14-28-2-141. Buffalo: Fitzpatrick17-27-0-168. RECEIVING —Miami: Bess6-50, Hartline 4-49, Bush 2-15, Matthews1-19, Fasano1-8. Buffalo: St.Johnson 6-79, Spiler 3-39, Chandler2-30, Jones

2-11, Graham 2-5, Dickerson1-4, Choice1-0. MISSED FIELDGOALS—Miami: Carpenter 50 (WR). Team Statistics Week11 AveragePerGame

AmericanFootball Conference Offense yards Rush Pass NewEngland 430.3 146.0 284.3 Denver 395.1 102.2 292.9 Indianapolis 387 3 109 4 277 9 Oakland 365 6 76.7 288.9 Houston 354.3 136.8 217.6 Baltimore 354.1 104.9 249.2 Pittsburgh 354.1 103.8 250.3 Buffalo 350.9 140.8 210.1 Kansas City 350.0 149.0 201.0

Clemson72,Furman55 E. Kentucky85, KennesawSt. 71 EastCarolina76,UNCGreensboro 73 GeorgiaSouthem87,Webber 64 In the Bleachers © 2012 Steve Moore D1st. by Unwersal Uckck Kentucky101,Lafayette49 www.gocom1cs.cornr1nthebleachers Maryland91,LIUBrooklyn 74 Miami73,Jacksonville 57 Mississippi92,UALR52 Savannah St.59, AlabamaSt. 54 SouthCarolina87,MorganSt. 71 SouthFlorida78 Md.-EasternShore59 Towson 75, Radford 67 Tulane76,Nebraska-Omaha52 MIDWEST Ball St. 66,Wofford61 E. Michigan60,E.Illinois 52 Evansville66,Yale56 IPFW97,Texas-PanAmerican94,30T KentSt.92,ChicagoSt.63 Missouri74,NichollsSt. 54 Ohio 85,UNCWilmington47 W. Michigan 81, Loyolaof Chicago71 Wright St. 56 NCA8,T44 Youngstown St.75,St. Francis(Pa.)60 SOUTHWES T NorthTexas78,Cameron49 Oklahoma 63,Texas-Arlington 59 TexasSouthern74, Louisiana-Lafayette71,OT FAR WEST CS Northridge68, Siena64 California72, Denver61 FresnoSt.66, Pacihc61 GreenBay66, S.Utah54 Nevada80,CalSt.-Fugerton77 NorthCarolina78,LongBeachSt. 63 Oregon74,Vanderbilt 48 Pepperdine58,Washington St. 56,OT SacramentoSt.74, Utah71 SouthDakota81,NCCentral 69 Tulsa63,SanDiego51 Wyoming67,Southern U.60 "Run the play I designed, you idiots! TOURNAMENT 2K Sports Classic You're all just running around like Championship your you-know-whats are cut off!" Alabama77,Vilanova55 Third Place OregonSt.66, Purdue58 Charleston Classic Semifinals Colorado60,Baylor 58 Cincinnati 3466 93.7 252.9 Washington at Coiorado, 10:30a.m. MurraySt.72,St.John's 67 SanDiego 3346 105.6 229.0 WashingtonStateat ArizonaState, noon Semifinals Tennessee 324.5 106.6 217.9 USC atUCLA, 12:05 p.m. Auburn55,Coll. of Charleston51 Cleveland 312.0 89.2 222.8 Stanfordat Oregon,5 p.m. Dayton87, BostonColege71 Miami 309.9 100 9 209.0 Arizonaat Utah 7p m Coachesvs. CancerClassic N.Y.Jets 302.7 106 9 195.8 California atOregonState, 7:30p m. First Round Jacksonville 263 6 78.8 184.8 FloridaSt 88 BYU70 Defense Saint Joseph's79,Notre Dame70, OT Yards Rush Pass Betting Ibne Puerto RicoTipoff Pittsburgh 265.7 94.6 171.1 Semifinals NFL Houston 281 6 85.6 196 0 NC State94, UMass76 (Hometeamsin Caps) Denver 316.8 983 2 184 O klahoma St 62, Te nne ssee45 Open Current Underdog SanDiego 317 0 82.9 234.1 Favorite Semifinals Sunday KansasCity 3366 122.6 214.0 3 .5 3 . 5 Eagles Akron82,UNCAshevile 63 N.Y.Jets 3488 145.0 203.8 REDSKINS 3 3. 5 LIONS PennSt.55, Providence52, OT Indianapolis 350.6 120.3 230.2 Packers USVI Paradise Jam S 10 10 Cardinals Cincinnati 353.0 118 3 234.7 FALCON First Round 2 1 PANTHE RS Miami 363.1 96.8 266.3 Buccaneers YS 7 .5 8 Browns GeorgeMason52,Mercer49 Oakland 3749 119.0 255.9 COWBO 3 3 Jets NewMexico66,III.-Chicago59 Cleveland 380I 132.2 247.9 RAMS TS 9 .5 9 . 5 Colts Quinnipiac98, lona92,OT NewEngland 382 1 96.8 285.3 PATRIO 16 1 5 .5 Jaguars UConn77,WakeForest 71 Buffalo 3874 153.3 234.1 TEXANS 3 .5 3 . 5 CHIEFS Jacksonville 3891 137 4 251.7 Bengals Friday's summaries 5.5 5 RAIDERS Baltimore 3902 132 0 258 2 Saints OS 7 8 Chargers Tennessee 3990 132.8 266.2 BRONC STEELE RS 3.5 3 5 Ravens Oregon State 66, Purdue National Football Co nference 58 Monday Offense 49ERS 5.5 6 Bears Yards Rush Pass OREGON ST. (3-1) Detroit 406.1 98.8 307.3 Burton3-80-1 6, Moreland1-64-6 7, Brandt4-11 CoHe ge NewOrleans 392.3 88.4 303.9 0-0 9, Starks 1 82-4 5, Nelson4-6 1-210, Robbins Today Atlanta 385 2 92.7 292.6 0-00-0 0 Barton0-00-0 0, Morris-Walker1-10-02, Duke Washington 381 8 164.6 217.2 GEORGIATECH 13 13.5 0-00-0 0, Collier 9-15 9-1127. Totals 23-55 2.5 3.5 Temple Reid Philadelphia 373.3 126.2 247.1 ARMY 16-24 66. GREEN 3 2.5 Kent St Dallas 372.7 85.3 287.3 BOWLING PURDUE (1-3) 9 10 BOSTONCOLLEGE N.Y.Giants 367.4 111 4 256 0 VirginiaTech T Johnson2-10 0-0 6 A Johnson3-13 3-5 10, NEBRAS K A 18.5 20 Min nesota SanFrancisco 365.9 170 2 195 7 Hale 2-41-4 5, Byrd4-14 1-311, CarroI 0-0 0-00, 6 65 Ark ansas Anthro TampaBay 3656 124.7 240.9 MISSST p 0-10-00,Hammons 8-10 4-420,Simpson 6.5 65 S. F orida 2-4 0-0 4, RJohnson0-5 0-0 0, Lawson1-10-02, GreenBay 3490 99.7 249.3 MIAMI-FLA 7 6.5 ILL INOIS Davis 0-10-0 0, Marcius0-2 0-0 0. Totals 22-65 Minnesota 3409 150.5 190.4 Purdue 65 5.5 KAN SAS 9-16 58. Carolina 334.3 109.1 225.2 lowa St 3 3.5 Houston St. Louis 332.2 1121 220.1 MARSHALL Halftime —Oregon St. 3928 3-Point Goals OrSt 30.5 31 M A RYLANDegonSt.4-11(Moreland 1-1,Nelson1-2, Starks1-3, Seattle 317.2 142 4 174 8 Flonda Buffalo 10 11 UMASS Brandt1-5), Purdue5-19(T.Johnson2-6 Byrd2-7, Chicago 316 8 127.0 189.8 ST 6.5 7 No rthwestern A. Johnson1 4,Anthrop0-1, R.Johnson0-1). Fouled Arizona 295.4 76.2 219.2 MICHIGAN CLEMSON 17.5 17 Nc State Out — None. Rebounds—Oregon St. 47(Collier 14), CINCINNA TI 6 6.5 Rutgers Purdue College 36(Hammons 8). Assists—Oregon St. 12 PENN ST 17.5 17.5 Indiana (Starks Purdue14(T.Johnson4). Total Fouls—OrThursday'sGames VANDER BILT 3.5 3 Tennessee egonSt.4),15, Purdue20. A—NA. SOUTH C MICHIGAN 3 4 Mia mi-Ohio North Carolina37,Virginia13 UAB 10 10 Mem phis SE l.ouisiana 35, Nicholls St 16 WMICHIGA N 13 13.5 E . Michigan Oregon 74, Vanderbilt 48 Friday's Games Oklahoma 10.5 11 W . VIRGINIA SOUTH Usc 4 4 UCLA VANDERBILT (1-1) FIU 34,FAU24 BOISE ST 28.5 28 C o lorado St Odom3-132-29,Moats0 20-00,Johnson5-15 FAR WEST NAVY 13 13 Texas St 2-414, Fuller 6-95-617, Bright 2-40-2 5 Josephs Air Force 21, Hawaii 7 Kansas St 11.5 13 BAYLOR 0-00-00, Astroth0-20-00, Jeter0-1 0-00, Siakam Nevada 10 10 NEW MEXICO 0-1 0-2 0,Henderson0-03-4 3 Totals 16-47 12Top 25Schedule NOTRE DAME 24 24 W ake Forest20 48. AU TimesPST OREGO N 22 21 Stanford OREGON (3-0) Today OREGO NST 14.5 14.5 Ca l ifornia Singler5-139-1122,Woods3-54 510,Artis 2 5 No.1 Oregon vs. No.14 Stanford,5 p.m. Smu 3 35 RICE 0-0 4, Loyd1-30-0 3, Dotson4-9 0-0 10, Lucenti No. 2KansasStateatBaylor,5 p.m. E. Caro ina 95 10 TUL ANE 0-00-00, Richardsonlll1-21-1 3,Baker0-00-00, No. 3NotreDamevs WakeForest,12:30 p.m. TULSA 3 1.5 C. F lorida Kazemi2-21-25, Austin3-80-06, Moore1-20-02, No. 4Alabamavs.Western Carolina, 9:21s.m. MICHIGAN 17 17 lowa Carter0-1 0-00, Emory 3-53-39, Kuemper 0-0 0-0 No. 5Georgiavs. GeorgiaSouthern, 10:30a.m. Washington 20 20.5 COLORADO 0 Totals 25-5518-2274. No. 6OhioStateatWisconsin,12:30 p.m. Byu 4 3 S AN JOSEST Haiftime —Oregon 41-20. 3-Point Goals—VanNo. 7Floridavs. Jacksonville State,10a.m. Wyoming 1 1 UNLV derbilt 4-21 (Johnson2-8, Bright 1-2, Odom1-6, No. 8LSUvs Mississippi,12:30 p.m. Tex-S.Antonio 5.5 6 IDAHO Fuller 0-1,Jeter0-1,Astroth 0-1,Moats0-2), Oregon No. 9TexasA8Mvs. SamHouston State, 12:30p.m. UTAH I I Arizona 6-22 (Singler3-9, Dotson2-6, Loyd 1-2, Emory0No. 10FloridaStateat Maryland, 9a.m. MISSOUR I 5 5 Syr acuse 1, Richardsongl 0-1, Moore0-1, Artis 0-2). Fouled No.11 Clemson vs. NCState,12:30 p.m. OKLAHOM AST 10.5 10 Te xas TechOut—Moats. Rebounds—Vanderbilt 29 (Bright 8), No.12SouthCarolinavs.Wofford,10a.m. UtahSt 2.5 3 LOUISIANA TECH Oregon35 (Kazemi 7). Assists—Vanderbilt 9 (JohnNo.130klahomaatWest Virginia,4 p m. WISCONS IN 2 25 Ohio St son 3),Oregon16 (Singler 6). TotalFouls—VanderNo.15 Oregon State vs. Califomia, 7:30p.m. LSU 19.5 18.5 M i ssissippi bilt17, Oregon23. Technicals—Vanderbilt Bench2. No. 16Nebraskavs. Minnesota, 12:30p.m. Utep 35 3.5 S. MISSISSIPPI A—9,137. No.17 UCLA vs. No.21 Southern Cal, noon ARIZONA ST 20.5 22 WashingtonSt No.19 Louisiana Tech vs.UtahState,1 p.m. Arkansas St 3 3 TROY Thursday's summary No. 22Rutgersat Cincinnati, 9 a.m. UL-MONR OE 9.5 10 N.T exas No. 23Michiganvs. Iowa,9a.m. Mid TennSt 10 7 5 S ALABAMA No. 23TexasTechat OklahomaState,12:30 pm. State 62 UL-LAFA YETTE 3.5 4 W. Kentucky Alabama 65, Oregon No. 25KentStateatBowingGreen, 9a.m. (Fl) — FloridaInternationalopened asthefavorite. ALABAMA (3-0) Pac-12 Sfandings Cooper5-110-112, Pollard1-70-02, Gueye0-1 AH TimesPST 0-0 0 Lacey7-132-2 20, Randolph 1-20-03, EngBASKETBALL strom2-20-04,Releford 6-102-214, Jacobs3-60-0 North 6, Steele1-5 2-5 4, Obasohan0-1 0-00, Slaughter Men's college 0-0 0-0 0.Totals 26-586-10 65. Conf. Overall 7-0 10-0 Oregon OREGON ST. (2-1) Friday's Games 6-1 8-2 Stanford Burton3-32 28, Moreland2 22 46, Brandt411 EAST 5-2 7-2 OregonState 2-210, Starks 1-60-03, Nel son3-80-07, Barton2-2 Army85,Binghamton76 4-3 6-4 Washington 0-0 5, Reid1-20-0 2, Collier 6-12 9-1321. Totals Bucknel 88, l Ni a gara 71 2-6 3-8 California 22-46 15-21 62. Hartford62, SacredHeart 47 0-7 2-8 Washington State Halftime —Alabama 35-32. 3-Point Goals—AlaHarvard79, Manhattan45 South bama7-21 (Lacey4-7, Cooper2-5, Randolph1-2, 66,S Dakota St.63 Conf. Overall Hofstra Releford 0-1, Obasohan0-1, Pollard0-2, Steele0-3), Marshall80,Dist.of Columbia58 5-2 8-2 UCLA OregonSt. 3-10 (Barton1-1, Nelson1-4, Starks1Rutgers58, Princeton52 5-3 7-3 USC 5).FouledOut— Engstrom.Rebounds— Al abama24 St. Peter's68,Cornell 64 3-4 6-4 Arizona (Gueye,Jacobs,Pollard4), OregonSt. 38(Moreland W. Illinois67,Buffalo58 3-4 5-5 ArizonaState 14). Assi s ts — Alab am a16 (R e l e f o rd 5), Ore gonSt.14 SOUTH 2-5 4-6 Utah (Nelson5). TotalFouls Alabama21,OregonSt.16 Arkansas St.77, UT-Martin 73,30T 1-6 1-9 Colorado A—NA. Campbel101, l AppalachianSt.82 Today's Games


72-72 144

AzaharaMunoz MeenaLee HeeKyungSeo Lexi Thomp son AngelaStanford DanieleKang Karin Sjodin JennieLee JodiEwart Mo Martin VickyHurst Mika Miyazato

Women's college Friday's Games

EAST Boston U.70,Richmond61 Hartford76, CCSU62 Harvard71,BYU65 MountSt.Mary's70,Rider67 Quinnipiac81, UMass72

SacredHeart 66, SamHouston St.62 St. Bonaventure 54,Colgate45 St. Francis(NY)69, DelawareSt. 50 Syracuse 80, Cornell 35

71-73 — 144 71-73 — 144 71-73 — 144 70-74 — 144 69-75—144 73-72—145 71-74—145 74-72—146 73-73 146 72-74—146 71-75 — 146 76-71 — 147 72-75—147 71-76—147 76-72—148 75-73—148 74-74—148 74-74—148 74-74—148 74-74—148 73-75—148 71-77 148 79-70—149 74-75—149 74-75—149 74-75—149 72-77—149 72-77 — 149 76-74 — 150 73-77 — 150 78-73 151 72-79—151 79-73—152 73-79—152 71-81—152 75-78—153 80-74—154 74-81 — 155 81-77 — 158

JessicaKorda Pernilla Lindberg Chela Choi MariajoUribe YaniTseng NicoleCastrale CandieKung JaneRah JennyShin DewiClaireSchreefel BelenMozo NatalieGulbis Eun-Hee Ji SydneeMichaels Pornanong Phatlum CatrionaMatthew JenniferSong GerinaPiler SarahJaneSmith AlisonWalshe Hee-Won Han VeronicaFelibert MorganPressel Kristy McPherson MiJungHur ManaHiorth TanyaDergal MichelleWie

SOUTH Bethune-Cookman71,FAU61 Campbel67, l NCCentral 51 Cent.Arkansas47, AlcornSt. 39 George Mason65, MorganSt.54 Georgia62,SCState46 Hampton67, LSU58 Liberty81,Grambling St.50 Mississippi67,NorthwestemSt. 51 MississippiSt.57, LouisianaTech 55 NCABT66,lona57 Nicholls St.85,Louisiana-Monroe60 SouthAlabama69,SouthernMiss. 67 Stetson88,Florida A8M67 Tulane 65, Southern U.45 MIDWEST Akron78, Bryant56 Indiana60, IndianaSt.46 SOUTHWES T Oral Roberts73,Texas-Ar ington41 TCU61, UCF55 UTEP 67, Houston Baptist 58 UTSA52,TexasABM-CC40 FAR WEST Gonzaga 62 Wisconsin53 Hawaii 73,UT-Martin69 Portland62,Idaho56 Sacramento St 79,CSBakersfield 72 Stanford71,Baylor 69 Utah59,Michigan40 Washington St. 79,Monmouth(NJ)69 Wyoming 81, Denver66

TENNIS Professional

MOTOR SPORTS NASCAR SPRINTCUP Ford EcoBoosf400 Lineup After Friday qualifying;race Sunday At Homestead-MiamiSpeedway Homestead, Fla. Lap length: 1.5 miles

(Car number inparentheses) 1. (20)JoeyLogano, Toyota,176.056. 2 (9) Marcos Ambrose Ford 175.342 3. (2) BradKeselowski, Dodge,175.092. 4. (99)CarlEdwards,Ford, 175.001. 5 (43) AricAlmirola, Ford,174887. 6. (15)Clint Bowyer,Toyota,174.752. 7 (56) MartiTruex n Jr Toyota174644 8. (18)KyleBusch,Toyota, 174.565. 9. (55)MarkMartin, Toyota,174.452. 10. (48)JimmieJohnson, Chevrolet,174.081. 11. (17)MattKenseth, Ford, 173.98. 12. (5)KaseyKahne, Chevrolet,173.969. 13. (16)GregBiffle, Ford,173.93. 14. (I) JamieMcMurray, Chevrolet, 173.807. 15. (24)JeffGordon,Chevrolet,173.74. 16. (88)DaleEamhardt Jr., Chevrolet,173.472. 17. (22)SamHornish Jr., Dodge,173.11. 18. (27)PaulMenard, Chevrolet,173.077. 19. (39)RyanNewman, Chevrolet, 172.988. 20. (21)TrevorBayne,Ford,172.662. 21. (42)JuanPablo Montoya, Chevrolet,172 64. 22. (30)DavidStremme,Toyota, 172.563. 23. (29)KevinHarvick,Chevrolet,172.546. 24. (51)ReganSmith, Chevrolet,172.507. 25. (98)MichaelMcDowel, Ford,172.474. 26. (78)KurtBusch,Chevrolet,172.265. 27. (6)RickyStenhouseJr., Ford,172.106. 28. (13)CaseyMears, Ford,172.057. 29. (19)MikeBliss, Toyota, 171.881. 30. (83)LandonCassill, Toyota,171.756. 31. (36)DaveBlaney,Chevrolet,171.745. 32. (47)Bobbyl.abonte, Toyota,171.679. 33. (31)JeffBurton,Chevrolet,171.63. 34. (34)DavidRagan,Ford,171.581. 35. (14)TonyStewart, Chevrolet, 171483. 36. (26)JoshWise,Ford,171.445. 37. (10)DavidReutimann, Chevrolet,171.222.

38. (93)TravisKvapil, Toyota,170.832. 39. (37)J.J.Yeley,Chevrolet,170.762. 40. (38)DavidGililand, Ford,170.665. 41. (11)DennyHamlin, Toyota, Owner Points. 42. (32)KenSchrader, Ford, Owner Points. 43. (23)ScottRiggs, Chevrolet,170.692. Failed to Qualify 44. (79)ReedSorenson, Ford,170.277. 45. (33)StephenLeicht, Chevrolet,170.057 46. (91)JasonLefler, Toyota,170.036. 47.(87)JoeNemechek,Toyota,169.609

GOLF LPGA Tour CMEGroupTitleholders Friday At TwinEaglesGolf Club(TheEagle Course) Naples, Fla. Purse: $1.5 million Yardage: 6,699; Par:72 SecondRound Ai Miyazato 70-64 134 Na YeonChoi 67-68—135 BrittanyLincicome 68-69—137 KarineIcher 67-70 137 66-71—137 SuzannPetersen 66-71—137 SunYoungYoo 70-68—138 SandraGal 69-69—138 KarrieWebb 66-72 — 138 So Yeon Ryu 70-69 — 139 Shanshan Feng 70-69 — 139 CarolineHedwag AnnaNordqvist 69-70 139 LizetteSalas 68-71—139 BrittanyLang 71-69 — 140 InbeePark 70-70—140 AmyYang 70-70 — 140 JulietaGranada 68-72 — 140 BeatrizRecari 72-69 — 141 JenniferJohnson 70-71 — 141 CindyLaCrosse 69 72 141 Jiyai Shin 68-73 — 141 CristieKerr 67-74 — 141 LindseyWright 67-74 141 JacquiConcolino 72-70—142 I.K. Kim 72-70—142 70-72—142 KatherineHull 70-72 — 142 StacyLewis 72-71 — 143 PaulaCreamer 72-71 — 143 MinaHarigae 71-72 — 143 Giulia Sergas 76-68 144 HeeYoungPark 72-72—144 Haeji Kang 72-72—144 lhee Lee

Davis Cup WORLD GROUP Final At 02 Arena

Prague Surface: Hard-Indoor Spain1, CzechRepvblic1 Singles David Ferrer,Spain,def. RadekStepanek, Czech Republic,6-3, 6-4,6-4. TomasBerdych,CzechRepublic, def. NicolasAlmagro,Spain,6-3,3-6, 6-3,6-7(5), 6-3.


Championship Sunday,Nov.11:Houston3, D.C.United I Sunday,Nov18.DC.Unitedvs. Houston,1pm. WESTERNCONFERENCE Championship Sunday,Nov.11:LosAngeles3, Seattle 0 Sunday ,Nov.18:Seattlevs.LosAngeles,6p.m.


AmericanLeague DETROITIGERS—Agreedto termswithOFTorii Hunter onatwo-year contract.

KANSAS CITYROYALS — Agreed to terms with RHPAnthonyOrtega, RHPBrianSanches, LHPAtahualpaSeverinoandINFBrandonWoodon minor league conracts. National League ATLANTA BRAVES—Agreedto termswith 0 Gerald Lairdonatwo-year contract. CHICAGO CUBS—Agreedtotermswith CDioner Navarro onaone-year contract. MIAMI MARLINS— NamedChuck Hernandez pitchingcoachand RobLearybenchcoach. NEWYOR K METS Agreed to terms with 28 BrianBixleronaminor leaguecontract. SANDIEG OPADRES—Traded INFAndy Parrino and LHPAndrewWerner to OaklandIor RHPTyson RossandINFA.J. Kirby-Jones. BASKETBALL National Basketball Association NEWORLEANSHORNETS—Agreedtotermswith generalmanager Dell Dempsonamulti-year contract extension. FOOTBALL National Football League NFL — FinedrefereeTonyCorrente onegame check Ior utteringobscenitieswith his microphone on during aNov.4 gamein Indianapolis. FinedJacksonville DTTerrance Knighton $25,000; SanFrancisco DL Ray McDonald andMinnesotaLBJasper Brinkley $21,000;andJacksonville S DawanLandry $10,000 for theiractionsduringlast week's games.Fined Jacksonville DT TerranceKnighton, KansasCity LBTamba Hali andNewEngland LB BrandonSpikes $25,00DI Oakland LB Aaron Curry $15,750and$7,875; San Franc isco DL Ray McDonald,Minnesota LB Jasper Brinkley,DenverLBVonMiler andIndianapolis DE Jerry Hughes$2L000; Cincinnati LBReyMaulaluga and DenverDTKevin Vickerson $15,750; Jacksonville S DawanLandry, Detroit WR RyanBroyles, NewEngland LB Jerod Mayo and MiamiG Richiee Incognito $10,000;andOakland LB Philip Wheeler, KansasCityDEJustin HoustonandNew EnglandCB AlfonzoDennard$7,875 Ior their actionsduringlast week'sgames DENVERBRONCOS — Released LB Mike Mohamedfromthepractice squad.SignedSDukeIhenacho tothepracticesquad. INDIANAPOLI S COLTS Released CB Marshay Green.SignedCBTeddy Wiliams from the practice squad. JACKSONVI LLEJAGUARS— SignedDBBrandon King tothepracticesquad. OAKLANDRAIDERS— Signed CB CoryNemsto the practicesquad. PITTSBURGHSTEELERS — Pl aced LB Chris Carter oninjured reserve.SignedLBMarshall McFadden fromthe practicesquad. SignedTEJamie McCoy to thepracticesquad. COLLEGE NCAA — ExtendedTennessee'sprobation for two yearsthroughAug.23, 2015. FLORIDA — Reinstated GScotie Wilbekinto the men'sbasketballteam. ST.JOHN'S—Announcedjunior men'sbasketball GMarc-AntoineBourgault hasbeen declaredeligible. SAINT LOUIS Announcedmen's basketball coach RickMajeruswill not retum to theteamfor medical reasons.NamedJim Crewsinterim men's basketballcoach.


Baseball • Cabrera, Blue Jaysreach deal: The bUSy TOrOntOBlue JayS StruCk again Friday with their latest bjg deal: All-Star game MVp Melky Cabrera js set to join them jn hjS return frOm a drug SUSpenSiOn. A perSOn familiar With the negDtjatjODS Said the free agent Outfielder aytd

theBlueJayshave reachedagreementon a tVVO-year COntraCt WOrth$16 milliOn.

The 28-year-old Cabrera was leading the National League jn hitting at.346 for the San Francisco Giants when he drew a 50-game SuSPenSian Aug. 15 far a POSItive testosterone test.

philadelphia IFI a fOur-team trade befOre the SeaSOn, has yet tD play fOr the SIXers

andspokebeforeagameagainstUtah. He has been recovering from a bone bruiSe Dn hjS right knee and hjs return has beenpushed back three times since the beginning Df training camp. The SjxerS Were hOPing Bynum WOuld be Cleared tD return tO baSketball aCtiVitieS by DBC. 10. That date js now jn question because of issues with hjs left knee. • NCAA rules ijCLA's Muhammad eligible:The NCAA ruled UCLA freshman

guard Shabazz Muhammadeligible to play Friday, and the star freshman guard

js set to make hjs Brujns debut Monday night. The NCAA said Friday that UCLA's SanCtiOnS againSt Muhammad Were SufBasketball fjCjent after the SChOOIrequired him tD •Bynum sayshe hadsetdack with Sjt Dut three gameS aptd repay $1,600 jn Other knee:Injured PhiladelPhia 76CFS impermissible benefits. The NCAA and all-Star Center AndreW Bynum Said Friday UCLA found that Muhammad accepted he has suffered a "setback" jn hjs return travel and lodging during three unofficial frOm a knee injury. Byytum, aCquired by ViSitS tO Duke and NOrth CarOlina. MU-

hammad will be jn the lineup when the NO.13 Brujns (3-Oj return to aCtian MOnday night jn New Yorkagainst GeorgetOWn at BFDoklyn'S BarClayS Center.

• Saint Louis coachMajeruswon't return:Saint Louis men's basketball COaCh RiCk MajCFUS Wil FIOt return tO the

team because of a serious heart condjtjDn. The 64-year-Dld MajerUS ended the SChool'S 12-year NCAA tOurnament drOught laSt SeaSOnWith a 26-Vvjn team that VVOD jtS Opening game and tOOk top regiOnal Seed MiChigan State to the Wire. The Bjlljkens were ranked for the first time since the 1994-95 season. "Coach MajCFUS' health IS Of the utmOSt jmpDrtanCe, aytd Dur thOughtS aytd PrayerS are with him as he faces hjs challenges," athletic director Chris May said Friday jn a statement. • Bond set for ex-WNBA star Holdsclaw:A judge jn Atlanta on Friday set bond at $100,000 for ex-WNBA star and OlymPiC gOld medaliSt Chamjque

HoldSCIRW,WhOWDSjn jail On aSSault

Czechoslovakia split jn1993. Spain, play-

and weapons charges. She js accused

jng without injured star Rafael Nadal, js bidding to win jts fourth title jn five years.

Df firing a ShOt intO a Car belanging tD

29-year-old Jennifer Lacy, who plays for

the Tulsa Shock. Police say the 35-yearFootball Old HOldSCIDVV alSO uSed a bat tO SmaSh • Ref fined for obscenities:Referee the Car'S WindOWS. HOldSCIGWVVRS jn Tony Correntehasbeenfinedonegame CuStady at the Fultan COunty Jail. NO One check by the NFL for uttering some VVGS injured jn the aSSault. obscenities with his microphone on during a Nov. 4 game IFI Indianapolis


• Czech Republic, Spain tied in Da-

vis Cup:Tomas Berdych beat Nicolas AlmagrD 6-3, 3-6, 6-3, 6-7 (5), 6-3 tD give the Czech Republic a1-1 tje with Spain after the opening singles matches Friday jn the DaViS Cup final jn prague. Earlier, Spajn'S DaVid Ferrer tOpped Radek Stepanek 6-3, 6-4, 6-4. The fifth-

ranked Ferrer has won atour-best seven titles this season. The Czech Republic is trying tD Win jtS firSt DaViS CUP title aS

an independent nation since the former

between the Colts and Miami Dolphins. The fine VVDS iSSued Friday by NFL Offjcjatjng director Carl Johnson. A referee

of Corrente's experience — 18seasons — earns approximately $9,000 a game. In the fourth quarter of the game, Correytte inadVertently left hjS miCraphOne

open during a conference with members of the officiating crew. During that conferenCe, CDrrente uSed ObSCenitieS that were heard by the crowd and the CBS

television audience. — From wire reports




7:30 p.m.:College,

SOCCER 4:30 a.m.:English

BYU at San Jose State, ESPN2. WATER POLO

Premier League,Arsenal

4:30p.m.:Men's college,

vs. Tottenham Hotspur, ESPN2. GOLF

UCLA at USC, Pac-12 Network. MIXED MARTIAL ARTS 5p.m.:UFC154 preliminary fights, FX.

6 a.m.:EuropeanTour, South African Open, third round, Golf Channel. 10:30 a.m.:LPGA Tour, Titleholders, third round, Golf Channel. 5:30 p.m.:PGA Tour of Australasia, Australian Masters, final round, Golf Channel.

10:30 p.m.:European Tour, Hong KongOpen, final round, Golf Channel. MOTOR SPORTS

7 a.m.: FormulaOne, U.S. Grand Prix, practice,

Speed network. 8:30 a.m.:NASCAR, Nationwide Series, Ford EcoBoost 300,

Sunday GOLF

6 a.m.:EuropeanTour, South African Open, final round, Golf Channel. 10:30 a.m.:LPGA Tour, Titleholders, final round,

Golf Channel. FOOTBALL 10a.m.:NFL, Cleveland

Browns at Dallas Cowboys, CBS. 10a.m.:NFL, GreenBay Packers at Detroit Lions, Fox. 1:30 p.m.:NFL, San

Diego Chargers at

qualifying, Speed

Denver Broncos, CBS.


3:30 p.m.:Canadian

10 a.m.:Formula

Football League, Western

One, U.S. Grand Prix,

qualifying, Speed network. Noon:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Ford EcoBoost400, practice, Speed network. 1:30 p.m.:NASCAR, Nationwide Series, Ford EcoBoost 300, ESPN. FOOTBALL

9a.m.:College, lowaat Michigan, ESPN. 9 a.m.: College, Florida State at Maryland, ESPNU.

9 a.m.:College, Northwestern at Michigan State, ESPN2.

9 a.m.:College, Indiana at Penn State, BigTen Network.

9 a.m.: College,Temple at Army, CBS Sports Network.

9a.m.:College, Yaleat Harvard, NBCSports Network. 9 a.m.:College, Central Florida at Tulsa, Root


Conference final, Calgary Stampeders at B.C.Lions (same-day tape), NBC Sports Network. 5:20 p.m.:NFL, Baltimore Ravens at Pittsburgh Steelers, NBC. WATER POLO

10:30 a.m.:Men's college, UC Irvine at UCLA, Pac-12 Network. HOCKEY 10:30 a.m.:College,

Colorado Collegeat Denver (tapedj, Root Sports. MOTOR SPORTS

10:30 a.m.:Formula One, U.S. Grand Prix, Speed network. Noon:NASCAR, Sprint Cup, Ford EcoBoost 400, ESPN. FIGURE SKATING 11 a.m.:ISU Grand Prix,

Trophee Eric Bompard Cachemire (tapedj, NBC.

Noon:Men's college, Washington at Colorado, Florida AB M at Arizona FX.

State, Pac-12 Network.


1 p.m.:Men's college,

Washington State at Arizona State, Pac-12 Network. Noon:College, USC at UCLA, Fox. 12:30p.m.:College, Ohio State at Wisconsin, ABC.

South Dakotaat Gonzaga, Root Sports.

N.C. State at Clernso, ESPN2.

12:30 p.m.:College, Ole Miss at LSU, CBS.

1:30p.m.:Men's college, Hall of Fame Tip-Off Classic, teams TBA, ESPN2.

3:30 p.m.:Men's college, Puerto Rico Tip-Off, final, Oklahoma State vs. North Carolina State, ESPN2.

5:30 p.m.:Men's college, Charleston Classic, final,

12:30 p.m.:College,

Colorado vs. Murray

Wake Forest at Notre Dame, NBC.

State, ESPN2.

12:30 p.m.:College, Minnesota at Nebraska or Purdue at lllinois, Big Ten Network.

12:30 p.m.:College, Duke at Georgia Tech, ESPNU.

12:30 p.m.:College, Colorado State at Boise State, NBC Sports Network.

12:30 p.m.:College, Montana State at

Montana, Root Sports. 12:30 p.m.:College,

6 p.m.:Men's college, Belmont at Stanford, Pac-12 Network. 6 p.m.:NBA, Chicago Bulls at Portland Trail

Blazers, Comcast SportsNet Northwest. SOCCER

1 p.m.:Major League Soccer, Eastern Conference final,

Houston Dynamoat D.C. United, NBC Sports Network.

6 p.m.:Major League Soccer, Western Conference final, Los

Texas State at Navy, CBS Angeles Galaxy at Seattle Sounders, ESPN. Sports Network. 8:30 p.m.:Indoor Futsal 4 p.m.:College, World Cup, final (sameOklahoma at West day tape), ESPN2. Virginia, Fox.

4 p.m.:College, Syracuse at Missouri, ESPNU.

4 p.m.:College, Tennessee at Vanderbilt, ESPN2.

4p.m.:College, Old Dominion at James Madison, NBC Sports Network.

4 p.m.:College, lowa State at Kansas, Root Sports.

5 p.m.:College, Stanford at Oregon, ABC.

5 p.m.:College, Kansas State at Baylor, ESPN.

Sp.m.:College, UTEP at Southern Miss, CBS Sports Network.


5 p.m.:College, Stanford at Oregon, KBND-AM 1110.

7:30 p.m.:College, California at Oregon State, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690.


6 p.m.:NBA,Chicago Bulls at Portland Trail Blazers, KBND-AM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.

7 p.m.:College, Arizona at Utah, ESPNU. 7:30 p.m.:College,

California at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network.

Listings are the most accurate available. The Sulletinis not responsible forlatechangesmade by TV or radio stations.


g z ejg jg

OC eS Oj '


Vj 0

The Associated Press PORTLAND — N i colas Batum had 35 points, rookie Damian Lillard sparked a late comeback and the Portland Trail Blazers beat the Houston Rockets 119-117 in overtime Friday night. LaMarcus Aldridge had 29 points for Portland, including a tiebreaking free throw and key turnaround jumper in the extra session. Lillard, a firstround pick out of Weber State, scored 16 of the Trail Blazers' last 21 points and f i nished with a career-high 27. James Hardenhad29points for the Rockets, who led by as many as 15 before falling behind in the final quarter. Chandler Parsons added 19 points and 11 rebounds. Portland won it s s econd c onsecutive g a m e whi l e narrowly avoiding a f ourth s traight l oss a t t h e R o s e Garden. L illard made a t y i n g 3 pointer with 3:25 left in overtime. After Omer Asik hit two foul shots for Houston, Lillard connected onanother jumper to tie it at 116. Houston committed a turnover on the other end and Aldridge went I for 2 at the line before making a turnaround jumper to extend the lead to 119-116 with 36.8 seconds left. Harden made a free throw with 1.4 seconds to go but Houston couldn't corral his i ntentional m i ss, a n d t h e

Grizzlies.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105 K nicks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Zach Randolph had 20 points and 15 rebounds, Marc Gasol added 24 points and Memphis handed New York its first loss of the season. Lakers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114 Suns.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 LOS ANGELES — K o be Bryant had 31 points, Metta World Peace hit five 3-pointers while scoring 22 points, and Los Angeles beat Phoenix. Thunder.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 H ornets..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 5 Don Ryan/The Associated Press NEW ORLEANS — Kevin Portland Trail Blazers guard D urant an d K e vi n M a r t i n Wesley Matthews,left, and each scored 27 points, and Houston Rockets center Omer Oklahoma City rolled to its Asik battle for a rebound sixth victory in seven games. during the first half of Friday Warriors.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 night's game in Portland. T imberwolves..... . . . . . . . . . 9 8 MINNEAPOLIS — D avid Lee had 18 points and D reRockets over how they have bounds and Golden State domaccommodated his a n x iety inated inside in the victory. disorder, and is not with the Hawks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 team either. Kings.......... . . . . . . . . . . ..96 The Blazers, who snapped a SACRAMENTO, Calif. four-game losing streak with Kyle Korver scored 22 points, a 103-86 victory over Sacra- reserve Lou Williams had 21 mento on Wednesday,leaned and Atlanta earned its ninth heavily on B atum's outside consecutive win against the shooting and Aldridge under Kings. the basket until Lillard took 7 6ers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 9 over with 4:29 left in regula- J azz..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 3 tion an d P o rtland t r a iling P HILADELPHIA — J r u e 103-98. The 6 -foot-3 point Holiday scored 26 points to guard hit six free throws, a help the Sixers snap a three3-pointer, a driving layup and game home losing streak. t hen put the Blazers up l l l Pacers..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103 108 with a jumper after fakM avericks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83 game ended. ing Jeremy Lin up in the air. INDIANAPOLIS — David Houston was kicking off a Marcus Morris then nailed West and George Hill each three-game West Coast road a 3-pointer for Houston with scored 15 points, and Indiana swing after going 2-1 at home 10 seconds left to send the improved to 3-1 at home. despite some o f f -the-court game to overtime. Magic ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110 distractions. Houston led 51-35 in the Pistons.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 106 Coach Kevin McHale has first half and was up 13 in A UBURN H I L LS , M i c h . been away since Saturday t hird q u arter. Bu t B a t u m — J.J. Redick scored 23 points, dealing with a personal mat- scored 14 points in the period, including a go-ahead 3-pointer ter. Royce White, a first-round including nine in a row. with 42.8 seconds left, and Ordraft pick, is feuding with the Also on Friday: lando got the win on the road.

BASKETBALL 11:30 a.m.: Women's college, Connecticutat Texas A8 M, ESPN2.

10:30 a.m.:College,

12:30 p.m.:College,




ConferenceGlance Au TimespsT

Sacramen to d-divisionleader




Brooklyn102,Boston97 NewYork104,SanAntonio100 Miami98,Denver93 Friday's Games Philadelphia99, Utah93 Indiana103,Dallas83 Orland0110,Detroit106 GoldenState106,Minnesota98

oklahoma city u0, Neworleans 95 Memphis105,NewYork 95 Portland119,Houston117, OT Atlanta112,Sacramento96 LA. Lakers04, phoenix102

Today's Games TorontoatBoston,930a.m. Utah atWashington, 4 p.m. DallasatCleveland,4:30p.m. MemphisatCharlotte,4:30 p.m. DenveratSanAntonio,5:30p.m. NewOreansatMilwaukee, 5:30p.m. Chicagoat LA. Clippers,6p.m.

Houston 24(Lin 11), Portland21 (Matthews, Lilard 5). TotalFouls—Houston 29,Portland 24. A—20,382 (19,980).

Lakers 114, Suns 102

EASTERNCONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-NewYork 6 1 .8 5 7 d-Milwaukee 5 2 .7 1 4 Brooklyn 5 2 .7 1 4 1 d-Miami 7 3 .7 0 Q '/2 Chicago 5 3 ,62 5 1 ' /2 Charlotte 4 3 .5 7 1 2 Philadelphia 5 4 .5 5 6 2 Boston 5 4 556 2 Atlanta 4 4 .5 0 0 2 ' /2 Indiana 4 6 .4I I O 3'/2 Orlando 3 5 .3 7 5 3 '/z Cleveland 2 6 .2 5 0 4 '/z Toronto 2 6 .2 5 0 4 '/~ Detroit 9 . 100 6'/~ Washington 0 7 .0 0 0 6 WESTERNCONFERENCE W L Pct GB d Memphis 7 1 .8 7 5 SanAntonio 7 2 .7 7 8 '/z d-LA. Clippers 6 2 .7 5 0 d-Dklahoma City 7 3 .7 0 0 1 GoldenState 5 4 ,55 6 2i/z Minnesota 5 4 ,55 6 2i/z Dallas 5 5 .5 0 0 3 Denver 4 5 444 31/2 Portand 4 5 444 31/2 LA. Lakers 4 5 444 31/2 Houston 4 5 444 31/2 NewOrleans 3 4 .4 2 9 3 '/z 4 6 .4 0 0 4 utah Phoenix 4 6 .4 0 0 4



Beasley6-15 1-4 14, Scola 9-15 0-0 18, Gortat 3-8 0-0 6, Dragic9-17 1-322, Dudley5-12 0-0 0, M.Morris 2-50-04, Brown3-61-1 7, O'Neal4-7 4-6 12, Teltair 2-20-0 4,Tucker 1-20-12, Marshall 0-1

0-0 0, Johnson 0-00-0 0, Zeller1-2 0-0 z Totals 45-92 7-1 5102. LA. LAKERS I114) World Peace 744 3-4 22, Gaso r-11 2-2 16,

Howard7-144-818, D.Morris 2-51-1 5,Bryant10-24 10-11 31,Duhon0-1 0-0 0, Hill 4-8 2-2 1II, Meeks 3-5 0-0 7,Jamison2-50-05, Sacre0-0 0-00, Clark 0-00-0 0,Johnson-Odom 0-2 0-0 0.Totals 42-89 22-28114. Phoenix 30 27 27 18 — 102 LA. Lakers 35 27 30 22 — 114

Hawks112, Kings 96 ATLANTA (112)

Smith 947 0-019, Horford 8 19 46 2II, Pachulia 2-53-67, Teague 7-101-1 15,Korver7-93-322, Williams5-89-1121, Harris0-20-00,I.Johnson3-4 0-0 6, Morrow1-1002, Jenkins01 0 00, Scott0 00 0 0. Totals42-7620-27112.

SACRAME NTO(96) J.Johnson1-7 0-0 2, Thompson8-12 3-5 19, Cousins4-151-1 9, Thomas16 0-0 3, Evans5-11 3-4 14, Salmons4-6 0-0 9, Thornton 7-13 1-2 17, Robinson 2-30-04, Brooks5-70-013, Hayes2-20-0 4 Fre dette0-3 r-22.Totals39-8510-1496. Atlanta 34 24 28 26 — 112 .2 2 2 5 '/2 Sacramento 20 36 14 26 — 96

Grizzlies 105, Knicks 95 NEWYORK(95)

Brewer3-5 0-06, Anthony7-145-5 zrj, Chandler 341-27, Kidd 23228, Felton8-162218, Smith 4-101-2 9, Walace6-101-213, Novak1-32-25, Prigioni14 0-02, Thomas1-31-23, Wh> te1-1 0-03, copeland0-21-21. Totals 37-7216-21 95.

MEMPHIS(105) Gay6-164617,Randolph7u 6-720,Gasol6-10 12-13 24,conley6-122-316, Allen4-814 9, Pon dexter1-30-0 3, Bayless3-6 0-06, Ellington2-4 0-0 5 Speights 2-61-25, Wroten0-00-00, Selby0-00-0 0. Totals37-7626-32105. New York 25 24 18 28 — 95 Memphis 29 25 31 20 — 105

Warriors106, Timberwolves 98

121-211, Nelson4-0 4-413, Redick7-136-623, Nicholson3-80-06,Moore3-6 0-06,McRoberts 3-4 007 Ayon 3 50 06,Harkless1-2002. Totals4489 15-17 110.

DETROIT (106) prince 7-u 4-418, Maxiel 5-101-1 11,Monroe 9-12 5-5 23Knight4-121-210, Singler5-103-414, Stuck ey471-29,Drummond5-60010,Bynum1-5 0-02 Maggette3-81-27, Jerebko14 0-02. Totals 44-82 16-20 106. Orlando 22 22 27 39 — 110 Detroit 25 25 25 31 — 106

Pacers103, Mavericks 83 DALLAS(83) Marion1-50-02,Brand3-81-1 7, Kaman4-120-0 8, collison3-104-410, Mayo6-135-619, carjer3-8 4-610, Beaubois0-42-22,James2 45 69,Murphy 2-5 0-0 4, Da.Jones 1-4 0-0 2, Crowder2-3 0-04, Wright3-50-06. Totals 30-8121-25 83. INDIANA I103) George4-02-20,west5 95-815,Hibbert 5-15 4-714, Hill 5-74-615, Stephenson5 9 0-012, Green 2-61-1 5,THansbrough3-72-58, Mahinmi 3-61-2 7, Young6-11 0-014, Augustim0-0 0-0 0,Johnson 0-0 0-0 0,Pendergraph 1-10-0 2,Plumlee0-1 0-00. TotaIs 39-8319-31 103. Dallas 24 25 18 16 — 83 Indiana 24 24 28 27 — 103

76ers 99, Jazz93 UTAHI93)

Ma Williams1-40-0 2, Milisap9-152-2 22,Jefferson 5145-715, MWiliams 5 140-012, Hayward 3-61-28, Favors3-82-38,Foye2-70-05, Kanter2-5 0-0 4, Tmsley0-2 0-00, Carroll 6-6 4-417. Totals 36-81 14-18 93. PHILADELPHIA (99) Tumer 511 0-011, TYoung714 0 014, Brown 1-5 0-0 2,Holiday10-214-426,Richardson7-121-2 20,Allen5-00-010,Hawes2-50-04,Wright0-20-0 0, Ivey0-10-00, N.Young3-5 4-412. Totals 4rj-87 9-10 99. Utah 20 23 21 29 — 93 Philadelphia 30 22 19 28 — 99


Heat 98, Nuggets93 MIAMI (98) Jamesu-235-627, Battier6-70-018, Bosh5-10 4-414, Chalmers 0-10-00, M.Miler 4-90-012, Cole 3-120-07, Haslem 4-40-08, Allen2-84-69, Lewis130-03, Anthony 0-00-00. Totals 36-7713-16 98. DENVER (93) Gallinari 5-122-413, Faried5-166-1016, Koufos 2-3 0-0 4,Lawson0-7 0-00, lguodala440 2-2 10, MIGee9-120-018,Brewer1-80-02,AMiller7-93-3 19, Hamilton4-110011. Totals 3788131993. Miami 28 26 25 19 — 98 Denver 20 22 24 27 — 93

G0LDEN sTATE(106I Barnes8-15 2 218, D.LeeB-152-3 18, Ezeli 2 20-04, Curry7-123-317, Thompson5-141-212, Miami atPhoenix,6p.m. Biedrins0-00-0 0, Landry6-83-5 15,Jack5-9 2-2 Sunday'sGames 13, Jefferson1-60-12, GreenOn 3-4 3,Jenkes1-3 Indiana at NewYork, 9a.m. 2-4 4. Totals 43-85 18-26106. OrlandoatToronto,10 a.m. MINNESOT A(98) BrooklynatSacramento, 3 p.m. Nets102, Celtics97 Kirilenko 5-9 6-8 18, Williams 8-16 6-6 23, ClevelandatPhiladelphia, 3p.m. stiemsma133-45,Ridnour3-n 2-39,M Lee0-20 GoldenStateatOklahomaCity,4 p.m. BOSTON (97) 00, Shved 8-173-422,Amundson0-21-21, Howard Pierce8-124-622, Bass4-140-1 8, Garnett6-12 BostonatDetroit, 4:30p.m. 3-100-0 6,Cunningham 6-92-2 14.TotaIs 34-79 2-214, Barbosa 5-11 6-617, Terry 3-72-410, Wilcox Chicagoat Portland 6p.m. 23-29 98. 2-2 2-2 6,Lee4-84-413, Green2-60-05, collins1-2 HoustonatL.A.Lakers, 6:30p.m. Goldenstate 22 3 129 24 — 106 0-0 2,Sullinger0-10-00 Totals 35-7520-2597. Minnesota 27 23 19 29 — 98 BROOKLYN (102) Summaries Bogans2-3 0-0 5, Humphries 3-8 4-4 10, Lopez 0-142-524,williams6-179-924,Johnson6-195-6 Friday's Games Thunder 110, Hornets 95 19, Watson 2-80-05, Stackhouse1-30-03, Evans1-2 1-2 3, Blatche3-91-1 7, childress0-0 0-00, Brooks OKLAHOMA CITY (110) Blazers 119, Rockets117(OT) Durant942 5-627, ibaka7-91-1 15, Perkins2-4 1-2 0-1 zTotals 36-8522-28 102. 26 24 29 18 — 97 0-04,Westbrook 3-0 4-610,Setolosha 3-62-2 0, Boston HOUSTON (117) 31 28 15 28 — 102 Martin 9-173-3 27, collison 1-10-0 2, Maynor1-3 Brooklyn Parsons8-151-219, Patterson7-140-015, Asik 0-0 3, Thabeet1-21-2 3, Jones2-4 0-04,Jackson 6-11 4 516, Lin3-8 5-7 u, Harden8-18 0-12 29, 1-1 0-0 2,Lamb1-4 0-02, Liggins 0-00-00. Totals Knicks 104, Spurs100 Morris 6-90-016, Douglas2-115-5 9, GSmith 1-2 4rj-7416-20 110. 0-02, Aldrich0-00-0 Ij Totals 41-88 26-31 117. NEW OR L E ANS (95) PORTLAND (119) NEWYORK(104) Aminu3-7349, Davis4-140-08, Lopez386-7 Batum13194 535,Aldridgeu-197929, HickBrewer4-80-29,Anthony3-123-49, Chandler4-8 12, vasquez 2-6 3-4 7,Rivers 4-8 0-09, Miler 1-21-1 5-713, K>dd 5-8 0-014, Felton10-203-525, Smith son 1-21-2 3,Lilard9-1866 27,Mathews6-181-5 4, Anderson 6-110-015, Mason4-72-211, Smith2-3 15, claver0-00-00, Jeffries Ij-0 0-0 0, Leonard3-5 4-6 8, Roberts3-92-29, Thoma s 1-31-2 3. Totals 6-134-517,Novak2-60-05, Wallace4-80-010, Pri2 28, Price1-4Orj 2,Pavlovic0 10 00. Totals 44gioni1-20-02 Totals 39-8515-23104. 33-78 22-28 95. 86 21-29 119. SANANTONIO(100) OklahomaCity 27 31 21 32 6 — 117 Leonard6-121-116, Duncan6-102-414, Blair1-4 Houston New Orleans 0 0 2, Parker720 5 719, Green410 0 0 9,Ginobili Portland 22 29 2 7 33 8 — 119 3-PointGoals—Houston9-25 (Morris 4-6,Harden 4-8 3-412,Splitter4-65-513, Diaw0-0 0-00, Mils 2-6 0-05, Jackson 4-110-Ij IO. Totals 38-87 162-4, Parsons 2-6, Patterson1-3, Lin0-1,Douglas0-5), Magic110, Pistons106 Portland10-25(Batum5-8, Lilard 3-9, Matthews2-7, 21 100. PavlovicO-1).FouledOut Asik. Rebounds HousORLANDO (110) New York ton 54(Asik 16),Portland48 (Leonard 8). AssistsAfflalo 7-143-319,Davis8-141-217, vucevic5 San Antonio

Johnsonturns up heat on I(eselowski before finale By Jenna Fryer The Associated Press

HOMESTEAD, Fla. — Jimmie Johnson is the king of mind games — he doesn't fall victim to them — and he has five trophies as proof. He doesn't let the pressure rattle him, and as a veteran of seven championship finales he knows how hard it can be to tune out the noise surrounding the titledeciding race. So Johnson was more than willing to poke, prod and remind Brad Keselowski just what is at stake at Homestead-Miami Speedway this weekend. Keselowski takes a 20-point lead over Johnson into Sunday's finale. He needs only to finish 15th or better to win his first Sprint Cup title. It would give team owner Roger Penske his first championship at NASCAR's top level in 29 years of competition. So Johnson opened Thursday's championship contenders' news conference by referencingthis season's IndyCar championship, where Penske driver Will Power took a 17-point lead into the finale but crashed early and coughed away the title. "It seemed like it was a layup race, and things can happen," Johnson said. Then he talked about the foolishness in assuming that Keselowski will roll to a 15th-place finish Sunday and clinch the title. "This garage area is tough, the weight of the race, I don't care who you are, it'll show up at some point in time and thoughts will run through your head and with all that being said, a 15th-place finish is not a layup for these guys," Johnson said. "I have a little bit of stock in that. We'll see how they respond." Keselowski sat square-jawed looking straight ahead, seemingly tuning out the attempt to get inside his head. The 28year-old knows that drivers have fallen victim to these games before, and he has insisted during the entire 10-race Chase for the Sprint Cup championship he would not repeat their mistakes. A nervous Denny Hamlin sat between Johnson and Kevin Harvick two years ago, his legs shaking under the stage as his rivals lobbed barbs at him for almost an hour. Hamlin completed his collapse three days later, when Johnson rallied to win his fifth title. Last season, Tony Stewart charmed his way through the news conference at an unamused Carl Edwards' expense. Stewart then snatched the championship away on a tiebreaker by winning the finale. So Keselowski knew exactly what Johnson was up to on Thursday. "Certainly, he's trying to apply pressure," Keselowski said with a smirk. "Certainly, I don't feel any." Keselowski has talked at length of late about the pressure he has felt in his life. He came to Homestead in the Truck Series in 2004 andfailed to make the race.In 2006, his family's race team went broke trying to get him to the track. When he finally got his big break, at Chicagoland in the Nationwide Series with JR Motorsports in 2007,team owner Dale Earnhardt Jr. sent him out on a track he had never seen before, telling him if he wrecked the car he would not get a chance to drive it the next week. "Now that was pressure," Keselowski said. "Moments like that make this seem not so bad, and they also build up a level of confidence where I feel like this is quite a bit easier than those moments." Keselowski won six races for Earnhardt before moving on to Penske Racing and a Sprint Cup Series ride, and with a month to go in the season, Earnhardt predicted Keselowski would hang with Johnson all the way until the end. "I don't think he's going to crack. I think he's going to be hard to beat," Earnhardt said. "I think he will be a tough competitor all the way through. Brad has been waiting on this opportunity all his life, so I don't expect him to crack under the pressure."

Logano on polewith Keselowski closebehind HOMESTEAD, Fla.— Joey Logano won the pole Friday for NASCAR's Sprint Cup Series finale at HomesteadMiami Speedway, with championship contenders Brad Keselowski and Jimmie Johnson not far behind. Keselowski will start third Sunday in the 400-mile race. He takes a 20-point lead into the finale over five-time cham-

pion Johnson. Keselowski only needs to finish15th or better — or16th or better if he leads at least one lap, and17th or better if he leads the most laps — to win a first Cup championship for himself and team

owner Roger Penske. Johnson will start10th.

Marcos Ambrose qualified second. Carl Edwards, last year's runner-up to Tony Stewart, was fourth. And Aric Almirola was fifth. — The Associated Press






d dd ll

shoots 64,

takes lead at LPGA

tourney The Associated Press NAPLES, Fla. — Ai Miyazato of Japan kept telling herself to be patient and the putts would start falling. It all came together Friday at the Titleholders, where she felt as if she couldn't miss until her final putt dropped for an 8-under 64 and a one-shot lead. Two big birdie runs gave Miyazato agood chance to finish off the year with her third win. She finished the front nine with four birdies in a five-hole stretch, then ran off three straight birdies on the back nine at The TwinEagles Club, w hich had given her fits in the

opening round. Miyazato was at 10-under 134, one shot clear of U.S. Women's Open winner Na Yeon Choi, who also felt comfortable with the putter on the expansive greens with bi g u n dulations. Choi also finished with a big putt, from about 12 feet, only it was for par. "I've been dealing with m y p u t t in g s i nc e l a s t month and it just didn't go in," Miyazato said. "But I just say to myself, 'Just be patient and it's going to go in some day.'" Turns out they went in

all day. Sun Young Yoo, one of three players who shared the lead going into the second round, thought she was only two shots back when she walked offthe course. She was approached by rules officials in the scoring tent, who pointed out that her arm was not shoulder-high when she took a penalty drop on the 14th hole.That made a bad hole even worse, as Yoo was assessed a one-shot penalty and had a 71. Yoo was at 7-under 137, along with Suzann Pettersen, Karine Icher and Brittany Lincicome, who was

happy to just be playing. The LPGA Tour had an online contest where fans could vote who they wanted for the featured pairing on television. Lincicome won, and then was worried she couldn't play. Her lower back seized up on her at the start of the week, and it got so bad Thursday that she needed a therapist to come out to the golf course to work out the kinks. One of the biggest hitters in golf, she took it easy and kept h e r t h o ughts only on the next shot, and it paid off. Lincicome had a 69, and now heads into the weekend with a dozen others in the hunt for the $500,000 first-place check. Also on Friday: Campbell in front

in Hong Kong H ONG KON G — N e w Zealand's Michael Campbell shot a 6-under 64 to take a o n e -stroke l ead in the Hong Kong Open, while top-ranked defending champion Rory McIlroy missed the cut. Australian leads

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Photos by Ryan Brennectde/The Bulletin

Redmond's Trevor Hfndman (22) waitsfor a blo ck from teammate Trevor Genz (42) during the second half against Crescent Valley during Friday night's Class 5A quarterfinal game.


(Oregon) and Hayley Estopare (Arizona)

Continued from 01 Sanders also threw an interception with I minute, 24 seconds left in the fourth quarter that sealed the win ( V I for Redmond. ( "They just did a great job with their pressure," Sanders said. "Their front four is the best we've seen all season. They were able get up the field, which allowed / their (defensive backs) to sit back and make plays." b" (' With L eeland l eading th e w a y u n de r c e nter, ,. dd(3(i Redmond totaled 374 yards of offense, 237 of which came on the ground. The Panthers' senior signal caller completed just four of 13 passes, but those four connections totaled 137 yards, 53 of which came on a TD strike to Matt Dahlen in the third quarter that broke a scoreless tie. Leeland also rushed for a touchdown on fourth and one from Crescent Valley's 2-yard line, giving Redmond a 14-0 lead early in the fourth quarter. "Our offense was opportunistic," said first-year Panther head coach Nathan Stanley. "They did what they needed to do.n Both teams fed off their defenses, especially early on as the two teams went into halftime knotted in a scoreless tie. Neither Redmond nor Crescent Valley '- '4hd'rd scored on its first possession of the third quarter as Sd „.~i'nd;-':, jm l~r~~i"" the defenses continued to make big plays. The Panthers broke the game open with 5:26 left in the third sr period, though, when Leeland connected with Dahlen gk, for a 53-yard score on first and 10 from their own 47, Redmond's first offensive play after stopping the Raids ers on fourth and two. nWe didn't panic, but took it as a challenge," Leeland said about getting shut out in the first half. "We wanted to come out and punch them in the face. After that stop, Redmond's MattDahlen pulls ln a pass on hisw ay to we saw they were stacking the box and went for the scoring a touchdown in the third quarter against Cresjugular." cent Valley on Friday night. Crescent Valley (8-4) was forced to punt again on its next possession, giving the Panthers the ball on their own 17-yard line. Redmond put on an offensive clinic extra point, though, and had a 14-6 lead with 5:23 left on its ensuing drive, marching 83 yards in 13 plays in the game. while burning 6:12 off the clock. The Panthers did not The Raiders made things interesting by forcing the even attempt to throw a pass during their game-chang- Panthers to punt after just three plays, but Redmond ing drive and twice converted fourth-down plays. Lee- defensive back Trevor Hindman sealed Crescent Valland made the score 14-0 with 8:14 left on the clock af- ley's fate with a interception in the end zone with I:24 ter he scored from two yards out on a bootleg play on remaining in the game. "We knew we couldbe good," Leeland said about the fourth and one from the Raiders' 2-yard line. Crescent Valley, which was looking to make its sec- team's collective mood at the start of the season. "We're ond semifinalsappearance in three years, responded a senior-laden team. But we came into this season with in kind, as Sanders scored less than three minutes later a chip on our shoulder. It's been pretty amazing to reon a one-yard run of his own. Redmond blocked the store Redmond back to its glory days." )


— Summit has long had its sights set on a second state title (the Storm won the 5A championship in 2010). With junior forward Hadlie Plummer leading the offense and juniorgoalkeeper Rachel Estopare anchoring the defense — both have been starters since they werefreshmen — the Storm have outscored their opponents by a whopping 88-6 this season. "I know that we're peaking at the right time, and that's probably all that matters," Summit coach Jamie Brock said Tuesday after her team's 3-1 semifinal road victory over Corvallis. Sherwood has not been quite as prolific on offense as Summit. The Bowmen have defined themselves with their defense, recording 10 shutouts this season while allowing just 11 goals in 16 games. Before defeating Willamette 2-1 on Tuesday in the state semifinal round, Sherwood had gone five games without allowing a goal. "Sherwood's a good team, I'm not going to deny that," Brock said. "I'm not going to

claim (it's going) to be an easy game, but I


think we're ready for it.... Whatever Sherwood brings, Sherwood brings. It doesn't really matter to us. We've got to play for us." — Reporter: 541-383-0305,

2012 OSAA Class5Astate soccerchampionships CLASS 5A GIRLS FINAL Who:Summit (14-0-2) vs. Sherwood (14-1-2) When:Today, 10:30 a.m. Where:Hillsboro Stadium, Hillsboro Admission:$8 for adults and $5 for students. Gatesopenat9:30a.m. Livevideo:www.osaa.p Notes:The Storm and the Bowmen tied 2-2 at Summit in the first week of the season.... This is a matchup of the past two 5A state champions. Sherwood defeated Wilsonville1-0 in the 2011 title game, and Summit knocked off Mountain View1-0 two years ago in the final....

The Storm have cruised through the playoffs. Summit opened postseason

Mountain View Continued from 01 "We had a hard time at the line of scrimmage moving the football," Crum added. Kyler Ayers accumulated 51 yards on 21 carries, John Carroll finished w ith 46 y ards receiving on t w o catches. Mountain View's defense limited the Spartans to their second fewest points scored all season, something Crum credited to strategy by the coaches and execution by the athletes. "We did a nice job up front, to start with. We do a lot of different things where we twist and stuff. Our defensive staff does an extraordinary job

play with a 4-0 first-round win over of scheming things every week and putting pressure on people. They did a nice job in coverage, kind of mix-

and those are things, Crum said, that makes him proud to be around them. "That's the true measure of what a ing stuff up, giving (Marist's) quar- kid is and what a football season is terback a lot of different looks and about is how you react," Crum said. trying to confuse him as much as "It's not always going to be sunshine possible." and rosesout there.There'sgoing to Crum said th e d efense made be ups and downs. Every time our enough stops for the Cougars to al- team [wasj down this season, they low 28 points and perhaps come out bounced back, and I just can't say with a more favorable result. How- enough about what that says about ever, Crum said that Mountain View the character of the kids at Moundidn't play well enough offensively tain View." to win this contest. Still, Crum comHeads may have hung low, but mended his team's effort throughout Crum said he reminded his players the season, saying that Mountain that "it hurts so much because they View's journey to the quarterfinals care so much," and that, Crum said, shows the effort his players put in is what made this team, this season, and the time commitment they made, so special.

in Melbourne MELBOURNE, Australia — Australia's Matthew Guyatt shot a 3-under 69 to maintain a two-stroke lead after the second round of the Australian Masters. Swede tops field in South Africa JOHANNESBURG Sweden's Henrik Stenson opened a four-shot lead in South African Open with a 7-under 65 before secondround play was suspended because of storms. Cochran, Triplett tied at Pebble Beach tourney PEBBLE BEACH, Calif. — Russ Cochran shot a 7under 65 at Del Monte for a share of the Pebble Beach Invitational lead with fellow Champions Tour player Kirk T r i plett. Triplett had a 69 at Del Monte to match Cochran at 9-under 135 in the tournament that featuresplayers from the PGA, LPGA, Champions and tours.

Continued from D1 The Cougars went 0-3-1 in their first four games and were outscored 12-5 during that stretch. But eventually the team that was breaking in nine new starters began to figure out what worked for them, ending the regular season on a six-game unbeaten streak that was capped by a 5-0 shutout over Class 4A Sky-Em League champion Sisters. "What we did in that game was soccer poetry," Rogers said of Mountain View's win over Sisters. "When we got done with that game, everyone was kind of stunned by it. We just had a comfortable confidence after that." The Cougars have rolled ever since, outscoring their opponents in three playoff games 8-2and earning a shot atWoodburn, the preseason favorite to win what would be the Bulldogs' third straight state title. "Our game plan is going to be pretty simple," Rogers said. "Attack the crap out of them. I don't know if I'll ever be (in the state final) again. I'm going to go 100 percent at it.... We'll attack, get guys forward and put them under pressure. (Woodburn) has given up some goals. It might turn into a shootout, but I've got enough trust in our back line and keeper." While Mountain View shocked everyone but itself in advancing to the state final, nothing less than a return to Hillsboro would have qualified as a successful season for the Storm girls. Despite graduating tw o p l ayers w ho are now on Pac-12 rosters — Kristen Parr

Cleveland before topping Crescent Valley 8-1 in the quarterfinals and Corvallis 3-1 in Tuesday's semifinal round. The

Bowmen havehadseveral close calls in the playoffs, edging Wilson1-0 in the first round, beating Putnam 2-0 in the

quarterfinals, and getting by Willamette 2-1 in the semis.... Junior forward Hadlie Plummer has been key for Summit all

season, but especially in the playoffs. In threepostseason games,Plummer has recorded four goals and three assists for the Storm.

CLASS 5A BOYSFINAL Who:Mountain View (11-4-2) vs. Woodburn (14-0-2) When:Today,1 p.m. Where:Hillsboro Stadium, Hillsboro

Admission:$8 for adults and $5 for students. Gates open at9:30 a.m.


PREP SCOREBOARD Football Friday's Local Results CLASS 5A


C rescent Valley 0 0 0 6— 6 0 0 7 7 — 14 Redmond R Mati Dahleln 53passfromAndrewLeeland (J.D.Abbaskick) R—Leeland1lun (Abbaskick) Ct/ TannerSanders1run(kickfailed) MARIST28, MOUNTAINVIEW16

M ountain View 0 3 7 6 — 16 Marist 7 7 7 7 — 28 M— Austin Owen27 passfrom Kam erun Smith(ClarkMortonkick) MV —BryceTipton 27field goal M— KaelenBy/tim 39passfromSmith (Moh toit kick) M— Owenlun (Mortonkick) Mt/ —TobyWebb11run(Tiptonkick) M— Smith1lun (Morlonkick) MV —JaceJohns9passfrom Webb(pass

failed) OSAA State Playoffs CLASS 6A Round 2 Friday'sGames CentralCatholic 35,Sunset21 Jesuit 63,Thulslon7

LakeOswego41,South Medford 14 Sheldon52, Roseburg 6 Soi/thridge 41,Century 8 Sprague 10,Tualatin 0 Tigard42,Canby14 WestSalem59, Aloha46 CLASS 5A

Quarlerfinals Friday's Games Marist 28,MountainView16 Redmond14, CrescentValey 6 Sherwood 42, Springfield 30 Silverton 35, West Albany6 CLASS 4A

Quarterfinals Friday's Games Cascad e35,Philomath28 North Bend / OregonCoast Technology 10, Gladstone 7

Today'sGames BakeratScappoose,noon Ontario atl.a SallePrep,1pm.

CLASS 3A Quarlerfinals Friday'sGames Dayton54, Wilamina20 SantiamCh/istsit 47, Horizon Chsstia/i Tualatin 14 Scio 30,Rainier21 Today's Game PleasantHil at CascadeChristian, 1 p.m.

CLASS2A Qttarlerfinals

Friday's Game

Today's Game Philomath vs. LaSalle atLiberty HS,Hilsbo/o,

6 p.m.

Oaklan d48,GoldBeach22

Today'sGames CentralLinnatKennedy,1 p.m. PortlandChristianatHeppner,2p.m. GrantUnionatLost River,t p.m. CLASS1A

Quarlerfinals Today's Games Triad atSt. Paul,1p.m. Dutul atLowell,1 p.m.

Sherman atCamasValley,1 p.m. Pe/rydaleatImbler, noon

Soccer OSAAState Playoffs BOYS CLASS6A Final

Today'sGame Linco n vs. Jesuit at Hilsboro Stadium,6 p.m.

CLASS3A/2A/1A Final Today'sGame RiveIdalevs.OregonEpiscopal at Liberty HS, Hillsboro, 1p.m. GIRLS


Today'sGame Thurstonvs.Clackamasat Hilsbo/o Stadium, 3:30 p.m. CLASS5A Final

Today'sGame Sherwoodvs.Summit at HillsboroStadium, 1030 a.m. CLASS4A Final


Today's Game Mazama vs. GladstoneatLiberty HS,Hi Isbo/o, 3:30 p.m.


CLASS3A/2A/1A Final Today's Game t/alley Catholc vsOregonEpscopal atLibertY HS, Hillsboro,10:30a.m.

Today'sGame Woodburnvs. Mountain View at Hillsboro Stadium, t p.m.

Notes:Woodburn, the two-time defending 5A state champion, rolls into today's final on a 34-game unbeaten streak. Mountain View started the season slow — the Cougars were 0-3-1 after their first four games — but they are 11-1-1 in their past13 matches.... Mountain View's playoff run has been a thrill ride. The Cougars cruised past Wilson 4-0 in the first round, but they had to rally back from a two-goal deficit to defeat Crescent Valley 3-2 in overtime in the quarterfinal round. Mountain View then upset Summit 1-0 in the semifinals with a goal in the 75th minute. ... The Bulldogs have had several .



close calls in the postseason aswell. Woodburn bested Sandy 2-0 in the first round of the playoffs but played Liberty

(3-2) and Hood River Valley (2-1) close in its quarterfinal and semifinal contests.... The Bulldogs return10 players from their 2011 state championship team.

Note:One paid admission is good for all four OSAA state soccer finals at Hillsboro Stadium today.



Oregon State bounces back for win overPurdue The Associated Press NEW YORK — Devon Collier took advantage of a rare trip back to the Big Apple and put on a sparkling show for his family and friends. The junior forward from the Bronx capped a h u ge homecoming with a careerbest 27 points and 14 r ebounds to help Oregon State hold off Purdue 66-58 on Friday in the third-place game of the 2K Sports Classic benefiting the Wounded Warrior project. "Most guys don't play well when they have a homecoming like this," said Oregon State coach Craig Robinson. "Devon has proven me wrong four times." Collier, who grew up in the Bronx and went to St. Anthony High School, scored 21 points Thursday in a 65-62 loss to Alabama. He spoke after that game about how much he wanted to win and how great it was to play in front of his family and former coaches because the Beavers don't often travel across the country to the East Coast. "It was a good feeling to have my family around to see me play," said Collier, who shot nine for 15 from the field and nine of 11 at the foul line Friday in 30 minutes off the bench. Robinson sai d C o l lier's choice of Oregon State has been "amatch made in heaven" and the coach is excited that the move has helped him land another recruit from St. Anthony, Hollis Cook. "So we'll be trying to play here every year if we can," Robinson said. Roberto Nelson added 10 points for the Beavers (3-1), who squandered a 15-point cushion in the second half before taking over again in the final two minutes. Oregon State dominated the boards 47-36 and overcame a right knee injury to center Angus Brandt, who had nine points and nine rebounds. He left the game late in the second half and will be evaluated by doctors when the team returns home. "I couldn't be more proud of this team," Robinson said. The score was tied at 56 with tw o m i nutes to p l ay when Collier pu t O r egon State ahead to stay by sinking a pair of free throws to start a decisive 8-0 run. Eric Moreland made a 3pointer from the left w i ng with 58.3 seconds remaining and Collier got free for a dunk 15 seconds later off a pass from Ahmad Starks. A free throw by S t arks capped the surge, making it 64-56 with 33.9 seconds to go before ascattered crowd in Madison Square Garden. "Obviously, the difference in my opinion was the rebounding in the first half by Oregon State. I thought they came out and punched us in the mouth and just had their way with us on the interior,"

Continued from 01 "Things haven't gone as we wanted," senior offensive lineman Tyler Rigsbee said. "But this is one more chance to put that helmet on and go play for

Jason Decrow/TheAssociated Press

Oregon State's Roberto Nelson (55) celebrates with teammates Ahmad Starks (3) and Jarmal Reid (32) during the first half of Friday's game against Purdue in the consolation round of the 2K Sports Classic at Madison Square Garden in New York. Purdue coach Matt Painter said. "We came back and tied the game, but I think it took a lot out of us to fight back and to get into that position and they were able to make some plays down the stretch. " Our guys were not a s physical as they needed to

N o. 6 N.C. State...... . . . . . . 94 M assachusetts...... . . . . . . 76 BAYAMON, Puerto Rico — T.J. Warren had 21 points to lead the Wolfpack (3-0) at the Puerto Rico Tipoff. No. 11 North Carolina......78 Long Beach State ...... . . . 63 L ONG B E A CH , C a l i f . be." — James Michael McAdoo F reshman c e n ter A . J . scored 18 points and Marcus Hammons had 20 points and Paige added 15 to help North eight rebounds off the bench Carolina win. for the Boilermakers (1-3), No. 14 Missouri...... . . . . . . 74 who lost in overtime to Villa- N ichoils State..... . . . . . . . . 54 nova 89-81 in the semifinals COLUMBIA, Mo. — Alex Thursday night after leading Oriakhi had 17 points and 10 by eight with 1:27 remaining rebounds, Earnest Ross addin regulation. D.J. Byrd add- ed 16 points and the Tigers ed 11 and Anthony Johnson (3-0) beat Nicholls State. scored 10. C olorado ...... . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Collier slithered through N o. 16 Bayior...... . . . . . . . . 58 the lane fo r 1 7 f i r st-half CHARLESTON, S.C. points to help Oregon State — Askia Booker scored 19 b uild a 39-28 lead on t h e points and the Buffaloes (3strength of a 30-16 rebound- 0) advanced to the final of the ing advantage. Charleston Classic. Purdue outrebounded its S aint Joseph's ...... . . . . . . 79 first three opponents by more No. 20 Notre Dame....... . . 70 than 11 boards per game, but NEW YORK — R o nald the Beavers countered that Roberts had 21 points and with their big front line. Or16 rebounds to lead Saint egon State grabbed 14 more Joseph's to an overtime vicrebounds than Alabama in tory in the semifinals of the the semifinals. Coaches vs. Cancer Classic. "It was just being tough. No. 23 Connecticut..... . . . 77 Coach told us they were go- W ake Forest ...... . . . . . . . . 7 1 ing to be tough, and to be ST. THOMAS, U.S. Virphysical. And t h at's what gin Islands — Shabazz Nawe did," said Collier, whose pier and Ryan Boatright each p revious career high w a s scored 16 points to lead the 25 points against Hofstra Huskies (3-0) in the Paradise last season. "They're a very Jam. a ggressive team a n d w e C alifornia..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 2 (weren't) going to let them D enver ...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 push us around. So, we just DENVER — Allen Crabresponded well and played be scored 20 points, Justin physical with them." Cobbs had 17 and California Brandt, a 6-foot-10 senior (3-0) pulled away late. from Australia, went down Sacramento State ...... .. . 74 clutching his right knee when U tah...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 he was called for traveling SALT LAKE CITY — Dylan Garrity scored 19 at the top of the key with 5:19 remaining. He stayed points and hit the go-ahead down for a few minutes and jumper with 1:27 left to help a stretcher was brought onto Sacramento State rally from the court, but Brandt was a 13 point second-half deficit helped back to the bench. He and beat Utah (1-1). did not return. Pepperdine.......... . . . ..58 Also on Friday: Washington State ...... . . . 56 No. 3 Kentucky..... . . . . . 101 MALIBU, Calif. — Lorne Lafayette ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 49 Jackson hit back-to-back 3LEXINGTON, Ky. — Kyle pointers down th e s t retch Wiltjer hit seven 3-pointers in regulation and added the and scored 23 points, Alex game-winning basket with Poythress added a career- 12 seconds left in overtime high 22 and Kentucky (2-1) as Pepperdine knocked off won its home opener. Washington State (2-1).

in the final 9:25, starting with an 11-0 run that included two 3-pointers by Dotson and a 3pointer and jumper from Singler to make it 28-14 with 7:38 before halftime. Fuller ended Vanderbilt's scoreless stretch with a layup Ducks (3-0) with 10 points, with 6:41 to play in the half, and Tony Woods had 10 as but the Commodores didn't well. make another field goal the Kyle Fuller scored 17 points rest of the half, missing on to pace the Commodores (1-1), their next six attempts. who lost coach Kevin StallThe Ducks, m eanwhile, ings to an ejection with 15:57 were just heating up. They to play after he was whistled finished the first half on a for a pair of technical fouls 13-2 run, capped by a long 3for arguing with officials. Ke- pointer from Johnathan Loyd dren Johnson added 14 points as time expired. "I thought we got a lot of for Vanderbilt. Oregon led 41-20 at half- fast-breakpointsthroughthat time, and the Commodores stretch, and I thought they got n ever got c l oser t ha n 1 4 a little tired of us running up points in the second half. and down," said Singler, who "We knew how big of a also had six assists and five game this was for us as a rebounds. "I thought we got collective unit, a test to kind some good easy looks and of measure where we're at," we kind of just broke it open said Singler. "We came out from there." "We just played poorly," and really showed a good team effort." said Stallings, who wouldn't The Ducks held a 17-14 lead comment on h i s e j ection. "They knocked us back on midway through the first half before exploding for 24 points our heels and we didn't re-

spond very well." Oregon shot 50 p ercent from the field in t h e f i r st half and scored 16 points off 11 turnovers by the Commodores, who shot just 27 percent. Overall, the Ducks outshot the Commodores 46percent to 34 p ercent. Vanderbilt, which made 12 3-pointers in its season opener against Nicholls State, was just 4 of 21 from long range against

Oregon. "We knew they were going to shoot 3s coming in," Singler said. "That was a big emphasis on us this week, containing the 3 and not letting them get good open looks." In his first game as a Duck, senior forward Arsalan Kazemi led the team with seven r ebounds and a dded f i v e points in 21 minutes. Kazemi transferred to Oregon from Rice during the summer and sought a hardship waiver from the NCAA so he could play right away instead of sitting out a season. He was finally cleared to play Thursday.

nia athletic director Sandy Barbour. If Tedford is let go, Cal would owe him $6.9 million for the final three years of his contract. "He's one of the hardest-

against the Cardinal, injured his left ankle on t h e f i n al drive of the game. He did not practice this week. That means the Beavers will go with sophomore Sean Mannion, who started the first four games of the season, passing for an average of 339 yards a game with seven touchdowns. Vaz took over when Mannion hurt his left knee and required

working guys you'll ever be around," Rigsbee said of

our group of guys, our coaches Tedford. "He's kept a great and fans and everybody. It's a great opportunity for us to try to go out on the right note." Allen, who is sitting out of his third game with a left knee injury, is projected by some to be a first-round pick in the upcoming NFL draft. If so, he leaves Cal as the school's all-time leader in career receptions with 205. He is third on the career list with 2,570 receiving yards, and he has 17 touchdowns. He has caught at least one pass in each of the 33

games he has played for the

Singler, UOroll past Vandy, 74-48 The Associated Press EUGENE — E.J. Singler scored 22 points and Oregon d ominated Vanderbilt in a 74-48 victory Friday night. Freshman guard Damyean Dotson had his third doubledigit scoring game for the


Bears. Maynard, who is sitting out his second game with a left knee injury, will finish 10th on Cal's career list for passing

yards (5,204 yards) and total offense (5,350 yards). One of the bestgames of his career came this season when he passed for 295 yards and four touchdowns and ran for another score against UCLA. Tedford is Cal's winningest coach ever, with an 82-56 record in 138 games. But the Bears arehaving their worst season since they f i nished 1-10 in 2001 and fired Tom Holmoe. The Bears' season ends tonight without a bowl appearance for the second straight year. Tedford said he expects to meet next week with Califor-

attitude and kept this team together, which is not easy to do, especially this year with some really tough l osses. Teams will disintegrate or guys will start bickering at each other.


"You always have to be confident in yourself," Mannion He's done a good job keeping said. "I don't try to be arrous as a family. He's going to gant, but I like to think when go back to the drawing board I'm out there I can make some and work as hard as he can plays. It's r eally al l a b out to get us in the position to win working hard and practicing. That's all I try to do. I let my games." With Maynard out, Cal will play take care of itself." start Allan B r idgford, who Last season, Cal hosted the passed for 113 yards, a touch- Beavers at AT&T Park in San down and two interceptions Francisco w h il e M e m orial last week in Cal's 59-17 home Stadium in Berkeley underloss to No. I Oregon. went renovations. The Golden The Beavers (7-2, 5-2) are Bears won that one, 23-6, with also coming i nt o t o night's Isi Sofele rushing for a careergame on a down note. Their high 190 yards and a score. hopes for a shot at the Pac-12 This season, Sofele needs championship game and atrip 109 yards for 10th place on to the Rose Bowl were dashed the school's career rushing last weekend with a 27-23 loss list. Last week, he rushed for a at Stanford. season-best 134 yards against But Oregon State is still go- Oregon. ing to a bowl game — a draOregon State will pose a matic turnaround for a team challenge for him. The Beathat finished just 3-9 last sea- vers are allowing opponents son and was picked to finish an average of just 99.7 yards at the bottom of the Pac-12 per game on the ground, 10th North this year. After Cal, the in the nation and second in the Beavers host No. 1 Oregon in conference behind Stanford. " We'll attack t h i s t h i n g the annual Civil War rivalry game o ve r Th a n k sgiving and finish strong," Tedford weekend. said. "The mood was upbeat Against the Golden Bears, at practice. We worked hard. Oregon State's biggest issue Looking forward to going and is at quarterback. Junior Cody competing against a great Vaz, who started last week team."


The Ducks have scored 42 or more points in 13 consecuContinued from 01 tive games, and they have The Ducks emerged with a won all of those games for 53-30 victory. Running back the longest current winning LaMichael James, who would streak in the nation. Additionjoin Luck's NFL draft class in ally, Oregon has scored 30 the spring, ran for 146 yards or more points in 23 straight and three touchdowns. games, an NCAA record. The year before, Oregon On the other side, Stanford'sdefense isallowing opd efeated the C ardinal a n d Luck 52-31 in an early-Octo- ponents just under 321 yards ber hurdle en route to an una game. But the Cardinal are defeated regular season and best at stopping the run: They an appearance in the B CS are allowing just 58.6 yards title game against Auburn. rushing on average, tops in The Ducks are th e o n ly the nation. conference team Stanford has On offense, Stanford will been unable to beat in the past again go with redshirt freshtwo seasons. m an q u a r terback K e v i n This season, Oregon (10-0, Hogan, who will be making 7-0) is riding a 13-game win- his first start on th e r oad. ning streak, longest in the na- He started last week in the tion, into this evening's game Cardinal's27-23 victory over at Autzen Stadium. With a Oregon State, passing for 254 v ictory over S t anford, t h e yards and three touchdowns. Ducks would clinch the PacO regon also has a r e d 12 North and a spot in the shirtfreshman quarterback, conferencetitle game. Oregon M arcus Mariota, wh o h a s has won the past three league surpassed expectations this titles. season with 2 8 t ouchdown If Stanford (8-2, 6-1) can passes, a Pac-12 record for a beat Oregon and take care of freshman. Last weekend in UCLA in the season finale, a 59-17 victory at California, the Cardinal would win the Mariota passed for 377 yards league's northern d i v i sion and six scores. because of the head-to-head But the victory over Cal was matchup with the Ducks. The costly for Oregon's defense. winner of the Pac-12 champi- Free safety Avery Patterson onship game goes to the Rose seriously injured his left knee Bowl — unless that team plays in the second quarter and is in the national championship. believed to be out for the rest "This is pretty much our of the season. Patterson had Pac-12 championship game," Stanford l i nebacker Chase I' Thomas said. "We still have UCLA to play, but that's after the fact. This is the best team in the conference that we're

taken over asstarter for senior John Boyett, whose career at Oregon ended earlier this season when he needed sur-

gery on both knees. Senior defensive linemen Dion Jordan (right shoulder),

Isaac Remington (foot) and Ricky Heimuli (right knee) were in uniform on the sidelines at Cal but did not play. As a result, the Ducks relied at times on three true freshmen — Arik Armstead, DeForest Buckner and Alex Balducci — on the defensive line. Starting nose guard Wade K eliikipi did not m ake t h e trip to Cal because of an undisclosed injury and was seen using crutches on M onday. Defensive end Taylor H a rt also was hurt against Cal and wore a boot this week. Additionally, sophomore backup cornerbacks Dior Mathis and Troy Hill were absent against Cal for unclear reasons. Because the Ducks do not disclose injuries, it is not clear who may be available to play a gainst Stanford. Bu t t h e situation had become so serious that earlier in the week there was speculation that the Ducks might use wide receiver Keanon Lowe or even multipurpose back De'Anthony Thomas on defense. "We're getting thinner," Oregon defensive coordinator Nick Aliotti said, "but we'll find a way to make it work."


going against." The Cardinal have recent inspiration on which to draw: former No. 1 Alabama's loss to Texas A&M last weekend, and USC's upset of the thenNo. 4 Ducks last season at Autzen. But while Stanford is get-

ting pumped up, Oregon is not looking at the game as different from any other — in keeping with coach Chip Kel-

ly's philosophy. The Ducks are favored by nearly three touchdowns. "It's just another game," Ducks offensive lineman Nick Cody said. "We're focused on dialing it up, paying attention to film and not making too big a deal out of it." It will l i kely come down to Oregon's quick-strike offense against Stanford's stout defense. The Ducks have the thirdbest offense in th e n ation, averaging nearly 563 yards per game, and the third-best rushing offense with an average of 325 yards a game. And they are scoring an average of 54.8 points a game, tops among FBS teams. Senior Kenjon Barner, who has capably taken over for James as Oregon's star running back, is averaging 136

yards rushing per game, putting him i nto th e Heisman Trophy conversation.


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ina e e ona ro em orres o ea ue By Barry Wilner The NFL is beginning to see vintage Peyton Manning, which is bad news for every team except the Denver Broncos. It's especially daunting for the Chargers, who blew a 240 halftime lead at home to the Broncos a month ago and visit Denver on Sunday. A Broncos win would be their fifth straight and would give them a three-game lead in the AFC West. It also could providesome more milestones for Manning in his 15th pro season and his first in Denver. With one more touchdown pass, Manning would pass Dan Marino; both have 420, trailing B r ett F a vre's 508. He's completed 70 percent of his passes in six consecutive games, already an NFL mark. Most importantly to Mann ing would b e g etting h i s 148th career victory, which would break a tie with Marino a nd deadlock him w it h h i s current boss, John Elway. "I don't speak to the streaks or what's going on, all I know is, it's a division game, it's a team that, obviously, the Broncos have a lot of familiarity with," said Manning, whose comeback from neck surgery that sidelined him last season has been spectacular. "It's a longtime rivalry. NFL players have a lot of pride. I know when a team that beats us the first time, a team that have beaten us, I know I'll want to get another shot at them, and so we know they're going to be

ready to play." But ready to play the way the Chargers did in the first half of that 35-24 defeat, or the second half? "Well, again, everyone can speculate all that stuff on the outside and obviously you're aware of it because of the numbers, but our biggest thing is we need to go play and put four quarters together and play at a high level and take care of the ball and not give up," coach Norv Turner said. "If a team's going to make plays on you, make them earn it, don't give

up easy plays.

"It's a challenge for us coming into Denver, but certainly to have a chance to stay in the division race, we need to go win a game." Otherwise, Denver could t urn the AF C West into a runaway. "We were the start of their streak," Chargers QB Philip Rivers said, "and hopefully we can be the end of it." Also Sunday, i t' s I n d ianapolis at New England, Baltimore at Pittsburgh, Arizona at Atlanta, Green Bay at Detroit, Jacksonville at Houston, Tampa Bay at Carolina, New Orleans at Oakland, Philadelphia at Washington, Cincinnati at Kansas City, Cleveland at Dallas, and the New York Jets at St. Louis. On Monday night,Chicago is at San Francisco. The action began Thursday night with Buffalo (4-6) beat-

ing Miami (4-6). Idle this week are Minnesota (6-4), the New York Giants (6-4), Seattle (6-4) and Tennes-

see (4-6). • Indianapolis (6-3) at New England (6-3):Now that Manning is performing his wonders in the Mile High City, this rivalry appeared to lose steam. Then Andrew Luck and the Colts broke loose, winning four straight to establish themselves as wild-card contenders. Pretty neat for a club that went 2-14 in 2011, earning the top overall draft pick that was spent on Luck. C onsidering h o w ma n y holes New England's defense has shown — it r anks 25th overall, 29th against the pass, and has surrendered at least 24 points five times — Luck might look like Manning at Foxborough. "He has poise, confidence, good chemistry w i t h h is wideouts," Patriots c o rnerback Kyle Arrington said. "It doesn't matter if it's your first year or if it's the 13th year. If

you're a good player, you're a good player." Despite that leaky defense, the Patriots are running away with the AFC East. Tom Brady, Rob Gronkowski, Wes Welker and Stevan Ridley on offense are why. • Baltimore (7-2) at Pittsburgh (6-3): The Steelers have a way of rallying the troops when

four of five. He's ninth in passer rating, leads all QBs with 529 yards rushing, has scored six times on the ground and thrown for eight TDs. Foles would replace Michael Vick, who has been a turnover machine as the Eagles have collapsed. A third-round draft pick, he gets a trial run to see if he is Philly's quarterback of the future.

49ers' Hardaugh back toworkafter heart procedure

The Associated Press


— Jim Harbaugh practi-


cally galloped through the

locker room, lively as ever, offering a waveand asmile to long snapper Brian Jennings before putting his arm around right guard

'! r v'

• Cincinnati (4-5) at Kansas

Alex Boone.

The San Francisco 49ers coach was back atwork Friday and fired Up to be

there a dayafter undergoing a minor procedure for an irregular heartbeat that kept him away for all of half

a day.

"I'm fine, I'm fine," Harbaugh said. "No limits. Bob Leveronei The Associated Press

The Denver Broncos are dominatingthe AFC West behind quarterback Peyton Manning. stars go down, something the defense has done with Troy Polamalu sidelined for weeks with a calf problem. Now it's B en Roethlisberger who i s out with shoulder and rib injuries — at the worst time, with two games against the AFC North leaders in the next three weeks. Byron Leftwich steps in, with another veteran, Charlie Batch, in reserve. "I'm not going to go out there and try and be Ben," Leftwich said. "We see the game differently. He's physically able to do some things that I can't do, but that doesn't mean I can't go out there and do my job." That certainly means a revitalized and deep running attack will be at the forefront on offense, and the D will need to be dominant. Baltimore's D often has been dominant, but not this season. Still, the Ravens are in good shape for the playoff run.

• Chicago (7-2) atSanFrancisco (6-2-1), Monday night:ESPN must have been salivating for a matchup between two NFC favorites with physical defenses, outstanding runners and the inside track on division titles. Instead, the network might

get backup QBs. Jason Campbell is in fo r C hicago's Jay Cutler, and Colin Kaepernick could replace San Francisco's Alex Smith. B ot h s t arters were concussed in last week's

games. Regardless of wh o t a kes the snaps, this figures to come down to which of these intimidating defenses imposes its will on the opposing offense. Don't look for a lot of points at Candlestick Park.

• Arizona (4-5) at Atlanta (8-1): Spinning out of control with five straight losses, the Cardinals got a week off. They return — to face a ticked-off

bunch of Falcons, who lost in New Orleans to spoil their perfect record. Arizona needs to solve issues in the ground game: The Cardinals can't run it and they can't stop the run. Injuries are partly responsible, but so is an unsteady passing game that allows opponents to crowd the line. If they can't get the ball more often to star wideout Larry Fitzgerald, they seem doomed regardlessofwhether John Skelton or Kevin Kolb is behind center. Atlanta uncharacteristically butchered scoring c h ances late in the loss to the Saints. It's also struggling running the ball.

run than the Lions, who now have three successive home games: Houston on Thanksgiving, followed by Indianapolis. Then come trips to Green Bay and Arizona before home meetings with A t lanta and

Going about everything as normal. Had a little irregular heartbeat. I've had that before. Now that I have

the procedure, a cardiovert, it's amazing. It gets the

heart rate back to normal. Atrial flutter is something I've had for a while, most of

my life." —TheAssociated Press

Chicago. • Jacksonville (1-8) at Houston (8-1):Biggest mismatch of compared to Tampa's plus-1 I. the weekend. Make that big• New Orleans (4-5) at Oak-

gest mismatch of the season. Both teams showed their mettle last week. The Texans did it by out-hitting the Bears in the rain and wind at Soldier Field, knocking Cutler from the game inthe process. The Jaguars did it by showing they aren't close to being ready for prime time in a 27-10 loss to • Green Bay (6-3) at Detroit (4- Indianapolis. 5): Fresh from a bye, the PackSome numbers to know: ers still have injury issues, — Houston is No. I in the AP with star linebacker Clay Mat- Pro32 power rankings, and thews (hamstring) out Sunday Jacksonville is last. and starting tackle Bryan Bu— Houston has the secondlaga gone for the season with a stingiest defense in the NFL, hip injury. DB Charles Wood- allowing 281.6 yards a game; son and WR Greg Jennings Jacksonville has the worst ofstill are out. fense, gaining 263.6 per week. — The Texans are plus-10 in Yet the Pack is favored, in great partbecause the Lions turnover margin, Jacksonville are so unreliable. is minus-3. Which makes them danger• Tampa Bay (5-4) at Carolina ous, Packers QB Aaron Rodg- (2-7): And get these numbers: ers said. 38, 28, 36, 42, 34. "I think any t i m e y ou're Those are the points the playing a team that kind of Buccaneers have put up the has that type of mentality, the past five weeks, with four wins backs against the wall poten- to become playoffcontenders. tial mentality, we felt it early Josh Freeman has become one against Houston," he said. "We of the NFL's most dangerous were 2-3 and going into a team passers, rookie Doug Martin that was 5-0 and playing real- has been sensational running ly well and we knew we had to the ball, and the receiving tanhave a good performance and dem of Vincent Jackson and were able to. You've got to fac- Mike Williams has broken tor that in. out. "They're playing at home, Tampa Bay is also first in their crowd's going to be into run defense,mainly because it it, it's going to be loud. There's is last stopping the pass. Carogoing to be a surge early in the lina doesn't do either particugame and we're going to have larly well, and just as daunting to play a four-quarter game." is the Panthers' penchant for No one has a tougher stretch turnovers (minus-5 margin)

City (1-8):The Bengals put together their best effort of the season in manhandling the Giants, and now they begin a tour through the mediocre AFC West (minus D enver, which ha s a l ready b eaten them) by facing the Chiefs, Raiders and Chargers. "I think there were some things that we continue to do better," coach Marvin Lewis said after Cincinnati snapped a four-game slide. "We are a very, very young team, and I think as we continue to move forward, hopefully we'll get better and better ..." Kansas City, tied with Jacksonville for the NFL's worst record, pushed Pittsburgh to overtime on Monday night. It will stick with Matt Cassel at quarterback, though B r ady Quinn is close to being recovered from a concussion.

• Cleveland (2-7) at Dallas (4-

land (3-6): T he S aints a r e stoked, believing they are on a spurt to the playoffs after an 0-4 start. Coming off handing archrival Atlanta its first defeat,New Orleans can'tafford to stumble here with the 49ers, F alcons, Giants an d B u c s ahead on the schedule. They Saints found some timely defense to go with their prolific offense. "There'sbeen a lot of combinations that have let us compete better the last two weeks. I don't think there's any magical formula for that," interim coach Joe Vitt said. "That's about the character in your locker room, the work habits, the way guys have pulled together to try to get through a tough season." Oakland's season has been tougher. It is banged-up and just yielded 55 points at Baltimore. The Ravens' offense doesn't resemble what Drew Brees and the Saints bring to the Black Hole.

5): Dallas has begun thinking about a revival that will lift it back into the NFC playoff picture, and with m atchups against the Browns, Redskins and Eagles at home just ahead, the Cowboys could become relevant again. To do so, they must immediately fi x t h e ir turnover issues: minus-9, with Tony Romo's 13 interceptions

most of the time has been sensational likely will take on a first-year signal-caller getting a chance because the veteran starter is concussed. Washington's Robert Griffin III certainly seems to have the edge over Nick Foles. RG3, despite s om e i n c onsistencies, has delivered everything the No. 2 overall draft choice should, even as the Skins have dropped three in a row and

and receiver (Danny Amendola over anyone and everyone). The Rams also have more playmakers on defense and come off an uplifting tie at San Francisco that probably should have been a win. New York is in a tumultuous spiral that has affected its offense, defense and special teams. Although the defenders played well for three quarters at Seattle, they faded.

topping the league. It would help tremendously if RB DeMarco Murray can return from a sprained right foot that has cost him four games. Right behind Romo is Cleveland's Brandon Weeden with 12 picks. He's a rookie, so maybe he gets a bit of, uh, a pass. For the Browns to hang with Dallas, they need to produce a pass rush and make Romo beat them or beat himself. • New York Jets (3-6) at St.

Louis (3-6):The skill positions could spell the difference here. St. Louis has the edge at quarterback (Sam Bradford over

Mark Sanchez), running back • Philadelphia (3-6) at Wash- (Steven Jackson/Daryl Richington (3-6):A rookie QB who ardson over Shonn Greene)

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264-Snow RemovalEquipment 265 - Building Materials 266- Heating and Stoves CORGI PUPS! 267- Fuel and Wood AKC 1 female left! $800. 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers Champ 8 Obed lines, 269- Gardening Supplies & Equipment Dam tracable 33 gen., ready Nov 12. Vax/ 270 - Lost and Found Micro/Vet check. GARAGESALES 541-604-4858 275 - Auction Sales Dog carrier 30"Ix19"wx 280 - Estate Sales 24"h seldom used $45 281 - Fundraiser Sales ($75 new) 541-330-6033 282- Sales Northwest Bend 284- Sales Southwest Bend DO YOU HAVE 286- Sales Northeast Bend SOMETHING TO SELL 288- Sales Southeast Bend FOR $500 OR 290- Sales RedmondArea LESS? 292- Sales Other Areas Non-commercial FARM MARKET advertisers may 308- Farm Equipment and Machinery place an ad with our 316 - Irrigation Equipment "QUICK CASH 325- Hay, Grain and Feed SPECIAL" 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies 1 week 3 lines 12 341 - Horses and Equipment k 2N ~2 345-Livestockand Equipment Ad must include 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals price of single item 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers of $500 or less, or multiple items 358- Farmer's Column whose total does 375- Meat and Animal Processing not exceed $500. 383 - Produce andFood

A v e .

• B e n d


O r e g o n






Pets & Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Pets 8 Supplies

Furniture & Appliances

GSP puppies AKC 1st shots and worming. parents on site. Males $400, female $450 Ready 11/24. See 541-306-6766 Kittens/cats avail. thru

rescue group. Tame, shots, altered, ID chip, more. Sat/Sun 1-5, call re: other days. 65480 78th, Bend. 541-389-8420 or

Labradors: beautiful pup- POODLE TOY PUPPIES Parents on site, ies, born 9/11, ready for oving families. Shots $300 ea. 541-520-7259 current, vet checked. 1 black female, 1 brown Queensland Heelers male, 5 black males, standard & mini,$150 & $300. 541-610-2270 up. 541-280-1537 or http://rightwayranch. Large Pet Porter, $60. Large fully insulated dog house, $50. Avery boaters hunting dog parka, $20. 2 Avery dog training bumpers, $10. Avery dry storage dog food bag, $10. 541-504-7745 ; =r

Shih Tzu-Toy Australian Shepherd mix (1/2 each) designer puppies! 1st vet check & ready to go now. $425. Call Kelly at


China oak cabinet glass doors/shelves, $135. 541-389-8204

950. 541-316-0005

Dining room set, dark oak round table, clawfoot design, matching chairs, with c u stommade protection pad. All excellent condition. $350 obo. 541-322-9833

D ouble m a ttress 8 springs, clean, exc cond, $100. 541-383-3343

Entertainment c e n ter, solid Oak, w/free 25" TV, $100. 541-383-3343 Ethan Allen dining set, maple, table + 8 chairs,

$175. 541-383-3343

OW I8'S '...


$150 ea. Full warranty. Free Del. Also wanted, used W/D's 541-280-7355

Bissell vacuum, fairly new, $20.

Springer Spaniel puppies, AKC, ready12/6! 541-598-5488; Info at 1st shots, dewormed, 8 Lhasa Apso/ShihTzu Pup Schnauzer AKC miniadewclaws removed. Simply gorgeous! $275. ture pups, black & silver, $500 ea. 541-771-8221 503-888-0800 (Madras) 4 M's, 3 F's, ready 12/4. Lab Pups AKC, black $350. 541-977-4369 ~Qo 8 y ellow, Ma s t er Maremma Guard Dog MorePixatBendbulletio,com Hunter sired, perfor- pups, purebred, great mance pedigree, OFA dogs, $350 e a c h, cert hips & elbows, 541-546-6171. Find It in Call 541-771-2330 The Bulletin Classifiedsl Pet safe wireless Pet 541-385-5809 Containment System. $125. 541-388-4038 Labradoodles- Mini & Shih-Tzu puppy 10 wks Yorkie AKC male pup, med size, several colors old, shots, wormed, POODLEpups, AKC toy small parents, health 541-504-2662 AKC parents. $400. POM-A-POO pups, toy. uar., 8-wks, adorable! 541-280-8069 So cute! 541-475-3889

A1 Washers&Dryers

541-604-0716 or 541-489-3237

Call Classifieds at

Pets 8 Supplies

9 7 7 0 2

Pets & S upplies •


Adult companion cats FREE to seniors, disabled 8 veterans! Tame, altered, shots, ID chip, more. Will always take back if c ircumstances change. 389-8420. Visit Boxer Pups, AKC / CKC, EngliSh Bulldog Sat/ Sun 1-5. Photos, 1st shots, very social Pups ready for Christmas! 2 females, 1 male, info: $700. 541-325-3376 incredible b l o odlines. ~ Want to Buy or Rent Aussie-Shepherd puppies Being raised with lots of 1st shots/dewormed, Need to get an ad love & attention. Taking Wanted: $Cash paid for depositsnow; come pick $150. 541-977-4686 vintage costume jewin ASAP? out your favorite! Willing elry. Top dollar paid for to work with you on payGold/Silver.l buy by the option. Call Denise, Estate, Honest Artist Fax it to 541-322-7253 ment 541-740-3515 . Elizabeth,541-633-7006 Aussies, Mini 8 Toy sizes, all colors, 9 The Bu!!etin Classifieds FREE: 2 pa r a keets, WANTED: RAZORS, weeks $250 cash. m ale 8 fe m al e + Double or single541-678-7599 edged, straight Bull Terrier-mix, 6 mos, cage. 541-306-3828 Barn/shoP cats FREE shots current, free to Iovrazors, shaving some tame, some not'inghome 54l-610-3304 brushes, mugs & We deliver! Fixed, shots. scuttles, strops, Bunny, free to g o od shaving accessories 541-389-8420 home. 208-939-2921 & memorabilia. Border Collie/New ZealFair prices paid. and Huntaways, 2 male Call 541-390-7029 wonderful dogs, Cat carrier 22"Lx13"W Frenchton pups, ready between 10 am-3 pm. pups, now! Registered parworking parents, $300 x12"H exc. cond, $25 ents on site. Puppy each. 541-546-6171 ($40 new) 541-330-6033 package incl. $650. 541-548-0747 - 279-3588 Holiday Bazaar BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are BCIMore Pix at Bendbulletin.o 8 Craft Shows still over 2,000 folks in our community without German Shepherd Puppermanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift Three Sisters Lions pies - World-class import, camps, getting by as best they can. Club Holiday Faire! show/working, f a m ily The following items are badly needed to Open Nov. 17-Dec. 16, raised, sweet temperahelp them get through the winter: Mon-Fri 10-2 & Sat-Sun, ments. Deliver 11/16/12. 10-5-445W. Hwy20,3 @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ Wind Shopping Plaza (by New or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. Call 541-956-1924 or Bimart) in Sisters. Unique @ WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. 530-451-6139 handmade items by local German Shepherd pups, artisans. Ca/IHelen for PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT Ready Thanksgiving! info, 541-595-6967 THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER $400. 541-620-0946 1036 NE 5thSt.,Bend, Mon.-Sat.9 a.m.-5 p.m. For Special pick up please call German Shorthair AKC Items for Free Ken I 541-389-3296 Pups, bred to hunt! $550. PLEASE HELP, YOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. each. 541-598-6988 FREE wooden pallets, great fo r f i rewood. w w • • • Pickup at 63120 Nels Anderson Rd, Bend.


Holiday Company? •

W e Ca n H e l p !

", Art's P



Call today and speak with

our classified team to place your ad



Gass] f]etis

' I •

• I


RE-ROOFSPECIALISTSI Roof Repairs, ContinuousGutters New Construction Residential/Commercial Flat, Metal &GreenRoofs Roof Snow Removal


CCB n 87/51

O F F Ai l Flavors


Black oll Sunflower Seeds 5o LB $23"


W 541-923-2400 4626SWQuarryAve, ~ g Redmond

Wild Bird Seed



->t . „.y4' .

COntaCt yOur Bulletin AdVertiSing RegreSentatiVe fOr mOre infOrmatiOn or

The B ulletin g

Blue Buffalo DOG FOOD

Nena Close: 54I-383-0395 • email: Tonya McKiernan: 54I -6I7-7865 • email:

Private art ads onl


The Bulletin

Taste of the Wild DOG FOOD 38 soLB 3

your ad can run in the New Today Classification

's>4 ~~W~~%W u

f'or only $2.00 more

Seal your concrete to protect against the harsh winter elements!

The Bulletin recom mends extra caution w hen purc h a s ing products or ser vices from out of the area. Sending cash, checks, or credit in f ormation may b e subjected to fraud. For more i nforma tion about an adver tiser, you may call the O r egon State Attorney General's Office C o n sumer Protection hotline at 1-877-877-9392.

• Flatwork • Foundation • Stamped • Pressure washer

classified ad. Place an ad in the Bulletin Classifieds and



541-350-61 20

on your General Merchandise Pets 8 Supplies



wwwbend The B u

l l et t n

541 -382-1811



541-385-5809 or go to


Edited by Will Shorfz ACROSS 1 Clobber

5 Lakeside rental 11 Angel dust 14 O'Neill whom J. D. Salinger wanted to marry

29 Follow, as a leader

63 Combination of rings?

38 Behaveslike a

64 Wine list section

puppy dog, say 39 Quaint worker doing a hansom job? 40 Steps around?

41 Gazetteer abbr. 15 Arrived by plane 42 El Paraguay, 16 Sweater letter e.g. 43 D-day divider? 17 Huge snagger of salmon 46 Slangy hello 20 On the dot

21 Pulverized

49 Run out 52 Winter warmer

perfumery item

55 Before , there 57 Caseworker's compilation

22 "Here 23 Gum ball 24

jur e

25 Cheery cashier in Progressive ads








4 Jewelry purchase


Tuesday•••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mone Wednesday •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Tuese


















41 43

8 Old arena draw?





Vel h o , Brazil

P 18 Formal A defenses S 19 Brush A 26 Low tie

















per s econd 43 Leader of the (luminosity unit) pack 44 Frere's sibling 33 Galley order

35 Pro follower

36 Sugar suffixes

45 Imposing a general liability, legally 46 Morning ritual, for many

50 Made hot? 51 Cliched 53 Bart Simpson's middle name 54" , you noblest English": Shak. 56 Basic solutions

47 Dark 48 "Fiddle-faddle!"

58 1969 Peace Prize grp.

37 Simple

A 28 Beyond elated S S 29 They might be nervous E

For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday

30 Order to get moving O N A S T A R 31 "Felicity" star IT IS S O Russell R A M IN T O

crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past puzzles, ($39.95 a year). Share tips: Crosswords for young solvers: 210

Furniture & Appliances

Antiques & Collectibles

Place a photoin your private partyad for only$15.00 per week.

PRIVATE PARTY RATES 'UNDER '500in total merchandise

OVER '500in total merchandise

7 days.................................................. $10.00 14 days ................................................ $16.00

Garage Sale Special

4 days .................................................. $18.50 7 days .................................................. $24.00 14 days .................................................$33.50 28 days .................................................$61.50

4 lines for 4 days..................................

(caii for commercial line ad rates)

*Must state prices in ad

Puzzle by Martin Aahwood-Smith

34 Setting of a Barry Manilow hit


Thursday • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Wed. Fr i d ay. . . .. . • • • • • • . • • • • • • . • • Noon Thurs. Saturday Real Estate.. . . . . . . . . . 1 1 :00 am Fri. Saturday • • • •. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3: 0 0 pm FrI • Sunday. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5e00 Pm FrI • Starting at 3 lines



27 Household P helper


Monday • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e 5:00 pm Frie



7 Roman land



21 22

3 Let flow




2 Kerfuffle

5 Stone picture 6 It's bent on a bender




12 Organization's opposite

27 Hoosier humorist George 62 6-Down locale



11 Before one's big





1 Concave kitchenware

10 Sleep sites

61 Part of a C.S.A.





9 Bird that lays a one-pound egg

59 Interior decorator's concern 60 Mirthful


A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. BELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( * ) REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin The Bulletin reserves the right to reject any ad at any time. is located at: 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, Oregon 97702


PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is needed. Wewill gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace eachTuesday.



Golf Equipment

Guns, Hunting & Fishing


Ph o tography

Misc. Items

Misc. Items •

GENERATE SOME exGolf cart Club Car, full Manfrotto Digi t r ipod Buying Diamonds Leather jacket Wilson citement i n your Pez Star Wars dispens- top,windshield, new batt, Taurus Millennium Pro 724B w/case, l i ghtly /Gold for Cash XXL, $125. Ask for neighborhood! Plan a Larry, 541-706-1051. ers, 3 for $10 . $1175. 541-497-3858 1 40, $ 2 9 5 firm . used, $50. 541-330-1972 Saxon's Fine Jewelers garage sale and don't 541-31 8-5732. 541-389-6655 541-350-1554. Sony NEX-7, 24.3mp Oneida dishes, forget to advertise in Pogo Stick by Rocket, digital camera w/4 lenses BUYING 34-piece set, $20. Guns, Hunting classified! TAURUS PT709, + many other extras, call Lionel/American Flyer 541-548-9619 vintage good cond., 541-385-5809. & Fishing 288 Slimline, Stainless, for info. Sacrifice, $1500. $50. 541-318-5732 trains, accessories. Micro oven, Emerson, 541-410-3702 541-408-2191. Pleated Lamp shade by 9mm, 2 clips, Estate Sales Sales Southeast Bend $15. GE 3-in-1 crockpot, Rocking chair, childs, 17 Rem. center fire, 700 Stiffel, exc. cond $10. box/papers, like circa 1 9 5 0 $50 bdl, 3x9 Nikon varBUYING & S E LLING 541-318-5732. 257 new, $400, Estate Sale Thurs-Fri- * ESTATE SALE* $20. 541-548-9619 mint scope $700 obo. 541-31 8-5732. All gold jewelry, silver 541-604-5115 Sat, 9-4, 1544 SW Ob- Sofa, leather recliner, Mixer & b owls, older Musical Instruments 541-408-0053. and gold coins, bars, Raccon pelt vest new 13 sidian, Redmond. An- oak roll-top desk, di- Sunbeam brand, $25. The Bulletin reserves rounds, wedding sets, tails! Irg. $175 cash the right to publish all 700 Rem 7mm magnum tique glassware 8 furni- nette, electric bed, full 541-548-9619 AcroSonic spinet piano class rings, sterling sil- firm 541-593-2597 247 ads from The Bulletin rifle w/scope bolt acture, lots of p r imitive bed, 2 57-3/8"wx25 t/2"tx36"d, dres s ers, NEED TO CANCEL ver, coin collect, vinnewspaper onto The tion $400 541-504-3242 Sporting Goods furniture, cabin decor, tables, lamps, 3 cu$200. 541-420-0366 tage watches, dental Telescope 6" reflective YOUR AD? hutch, pub table/2 tall rios, bookcases, 5 Bulletin Internet web- AR15, .223 DPMS, 16" - Misc. gold. Bill Fl e ming, new cond. HD stand, The Bulletin chairs, shelves, lamps, dish sets, full kitchen, site. Monarch upright Piano, barrel with compensator, 541-382-9419. $35 obo. 541-389-4092 Classifieds has an CDs, DVDs, e l ectric 20 glass sets, Fostogood cond., $ 300. $750. 541-550-7189 Coleman 20' canoe 2 "After Hours" Line lawnmowers, weedeater, ria, antique crocks, C appuccino cups 8 Jenni 714-495-0597 The Bulletin Offers green, $200. ren eg Central Qreeon ence a03 Belgian-made Browning paddles, Call 541-383-2371 BBQ, household goods, cedar chest, silhousaucers, lovely set of Free Private Party Ads 541-389-8204 SA 22LR with N i kon enamelware, other fur- ettes and glassware, 24 hrs. to cancel Vintage 1950 v a rsity Prostaff rimfire scope, 9. $25. 541-318-5732. • 3 lines - 3 days niture, lots more! See Lladros, lots c ollecyour ad! football letter (C), $20. all like new, $950 firm. Squash Racket Black • Private Party Only COWGIRL CASH craigslist for photos. 541-31 8-5732 Knight, XLR4700, $25. • Total of items advertors plates, Norman Vacuums Gen. 3 Kirby, 541-593-7483 We buy Jewelry, Boots, tised must equal $200 541-318-5732.. Rockwell/Hummel/Kin $60. Dirt Devil dual cy- Vintage 1 9 60 s ice Vintage Dresses & 284 caid/Elvis collectibles, clonic $20.541-639-6656 bucket black & gold Bersa Model 83, .380 Squash racquets, Prince or Less More. 924 Brooks St. ' 0 4 1 d I! acp, nickel, double ac- Ext., Oversize II, $40, Sales Southwest Bend pewter & crystal minth $35 541-318-5732. 541-678-5162 tion, $200. 541-419-1578 i atures, lots o f c o l- The Bulletin Piano, Steinway Model • 3-ad limit for s a me 541-318-5732. Vintage climber's ice Christmas Display/Lights l ectibles, 1 00 s a l - recommends e xtra 0 Baby Grand 1911, item advertised within Buy/Sell/Trade all firebums, books, many good condition, & Garaqe Sale! gorgeous, artist qual- Espresso cups & sau- 3 months arms. Bend local pays 248 -I axe, $75. 541-318-5732 Romaine Vi(lage, 60940 new items, jewelry, chasing productsp.or, ity instrument w/great cash! 541-526-0617 Call 541-385-5809 cers, set of 8, cute. Health & Ridge Dr. Bend 97702 yard 8 outd o o r, action & S t einway's $20 541-318-5732. Fax 541-385-5802 Vintage Doilies, many CASH!! Nov. 17 8 18, 9-5 both handicap items elec- services from out of I Beauty Items warm, rich sound. Will 20 O $10 each For Guns, Ammo 8 days. 541-948-2278 tric scooter, tools, full the area. Sending I styles, adorn any living room, GENERATE SOME Thermos one-cup cof541-31 8-5732 Reloading Supplies. Over 30 Million Women church or music stuhouse c ash, checks, o r garage, EXCITEMENT fee press for camping. 541-408-6900. ESTATE SALE I credit i n f o rmation Wards vintage tube rapacked! 6 086 4 S uffer F r o m Ha i r dio perfectly. New reIN YOUR $5. 541-318-5732 Sat 11/17, Bam-4:30pm. Brosterhous Road, may be subjected to dio/phono, ¹62-2720, Loss! Do you? If So tail $ 6 9,000. Sacri- NEIGBORHOOD. I FRAUD. For more DON'TMISSIHIS Variety of goods! off Knott $99. 541-318-5732 We Have a Solution! fice at $26,000 OBO, Plan a garage sale and Wanted- paying cash 324 SW Roosevelt Ave. Fri/Sat/SUN! 9 to 4 information about an g CALL K E R ANIQUE call 541-383-3150. don't forget to adverfor Hi-fi audio 8 stuvintage wooden (Old Mill Dist.) in Bend. advertiser, you may I Wilson Crowd control dio equip Mclntosh TO FIND OUT MORE tise in classified! racket w/press, DO YOU HAVE numbers Fri. at 8 a.m. I call t h e Ore g onI tennis 877-475-2521. 541-385-5809. J BL, Marantz, D y 286 ' State Attor n ey ' $75. 541-318-5732 SOMETHING TO Attic Estates & naco, Heathkit, San(PNDC) Misc. Items SELL Appraisals I General's O f fi ce Wizard of Oz doll set (6) GET FREE OF CREDIT sui, Carver, NAD, etc. Sales Northeast Bend www.aft/cesfafesanConsumer Protec- • 1988 50th anniv., $99. FOR $500 OR 251 CARD DEBT N OW! Call 541-261-1808 45 rpm records, over LESS? t ion ho t l in e at I 541-318-5732 Cut payments by up A-Xmas Outdoor decoHot Tubs 8 Spas 1900 to choose from, to half. Stop creditors WHEN YOU SEE THIS 541-350-6822 Non-commercial I 1-877-877-9392. rations sale!Trees Wood & brass vintage w/sleeves, good cond. advertisers may calling. Santas, snowmen, ESTATE SALE Entire carpenter's level, $10. Costco Hot tub, 6-per- 1950s-80s. $3 ea, cash from place an ad 866-775-9621. sleighs, stars, lights, ~OO 541-318-5732 son, like new, $2500 only. 541-316-1265 contents of g a rage, with our train, more! Sat.-Sun. (PNDC) obo. 541-389-9268 tools galore, r ugs, MOrePiXatBendbuletil),COm "QUICK CASH 9-2, 1658 NE Matson shelving, work bench, Air conditioner, Gold- Handbag, Black Watch On a classified ad 211 Rd. off Bear Creek. SPECIAL" 253 Coins & Stamps • new solid hardwood star, works great! $60. wool plaid, wool $40. go to 1 week3lines 12 Children's Items flooring, 364 Sena Ct, TV, Stereo & Video Call 541-639-6656 541-318-5732. oi' BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS off Pettigrew, Fri-Sat to view additional k ze ~z Search the area's most 8:30-12, Sun. 9:30-12 Baby boy bouncy seat, 60" Phillips-Magnavox, Audio books: Coastliners Highspeed Internet EVphotos of the item. Ad must $5. Stroller, $5. Call comprehensive listing of $8;Bonesetters daugh- ERYWHERE By Sat/2 price day! $400. CASH ONLY. include price of 541-639-6656 541-548-9686 classified advertising... ter, $5. 541- 318-5732 ellite! Speeds up to Wine tote for 2 bottle Pottery Studio Sale by it t $5 0 0 real estate to automotive, 12mbps! (200x faster transport, $20. Baby boy clothes, 0-12 Wendi Steele Fine 8 or less, or multiple DIRECTV for Bend's Indoor Swap merchandise to sporting than dial-up.) Starting 541-318-5732. mos, 200 pcs, 75S ea. Utilitarian Pottery! items whose total $29.99/mo f o r 24 Meet A Mini-Mall full goods. Bulletin Classifieds Sat. Nov. 17, Bam-2pm. 541-639-6656 at $49.95/mo. CALL HELP YOUR AD does not exceed m onths. Ove r 1 4 0 of Treasures! appear every day in the stand out from the NOW & G O F A S T!Women's clothing size Find us on Twin Lakes Baby changing table $500. channels. FREE 3rd St. & Wilson Ave. 16-18, 100 pcs © 50S print or on line. 1-888-718-2162. rest! Have the top line Lp, east of SE 15th, 1 HD-DVR U p g rade! 10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. with drawers, $ 1 0. ea. 541-639-6656 in bold print for only (PNDC) Call 541-385-5809 block South of Reed Call Classifieds at FREE NFL S u nday 541-639-6656 Market, 1st bldg on left. $2.00 extra. 541-385-5809 Ticket w/C H OICEBissell Rug C leaning LaTour Eiffel handbag Women's shoes, sizes P ackage! Call T O - Machine, good cond, 8 wallet, new in bag, 9 -10, 20 p a ir s O 290 serv>ngcentral oregon ence a03 D AY f or deta i ls $45. 541-382-4289 $2/pair. 541-639-6656 ServingCeeeai Oregon «ee tele $125. 541-318-5732 Sales Redmond Area 541-385-5809 German Wirehair 1-888-721-7801. Pointer baseball cap. (PNDC) COZY INSIDE HOME ** FREE ** New vintage, brown Sylvania 19" TV 8 JVC garage sale! 1890s or- Antique adult r o cker Bicycles &

The Bulletin




LThe Bulleting

The Bulletin

The Bulletin

and tan. CASH! $25 DVD player, asking $25 firm. 541-593-2597 for both. 541-923-7264 11/17, 9-5; Sun. 11/18, $500. 541-317-1207 M1 Garand, mnf'd 1956, Cannondale Optimo car- finished 95%, extra bbl, 9-noon, 635 SW 23rd. 255 Antique Mills putter with bon comp., 27-spd, hand Computers MOVING SALE. craft- wood s haft, $ 1 5 0. made USA, new cond w/ $1995 obo 541-480-5203 m atic b e d , fur n . , 541-318-5732 pdls, $950. 541-550-6498 OREGON'S LARGEST Dell Microsoft Office XP hunting & fis h i ng GUN & KNIFE SHOW KIT INCLUDES: Antique weather vane Gary Fisher Marlin 17.5 Small Business, 2 disks. equip., auto. cartop Nov.17 8 18 • 4 Garage Sale Signs d e e r , mountain bike, $150. $50. 541-330-1972 boat, misc. All must w ith trees 8 Sat. 9-6 • Sun. 9-4 • $2.00 Off Coupon To 541-330-1972 be sold! Sat-Sun. 8-4 $150. 541-318-5732 ADM: $9 Use Toward Your color printer, works 2152 SW Newberry, Croquet set, perfect for Portland Expo Center HPreat, Next Ad 242 needs c o rd, 1-5 Exit 306B • 10 Tips For "Garage summer, vintage $50. Exercise Equipment For Info: 503-363-9564 40. 541-639-6656 292 Sale Success!" 541-318-5732 www.wesknodelgun- H P computer & K DS Sales Other Areas Nordic Track, excellent m onitor, $45 . C a l l condition, free! PICK UP YOUR 541-639-6656 NOTICE Pre-1964 Win mdl 12 541-389-8782 GARAGE SALE KIT at Remember to remove 20 ga., nice clean gun 1777 SW Chandler Deal(r I P roForm cross w a l k $500 541-548-3408. T HE B U LLETIN r e your Garage Sale signs Ave., Bend, OR 97702 Visit our HUGE treadmill w/i n cline quires computer ad(nails, staples, etc.) home decor vertisers with multiple $195. 541-706-1051 Remington 700 .22-250 after your Sale event The Bulletin stainless fluted syn, more consignment store. ad schedules or those is over! THANKS! Total Gym XL + attach- $750. 541-419-1578 New items selling multiple sysFrom The Bulletin ments, gr e a t c o nd, arrive daily! tems/ software, to disSHILOH sharp 45/110 and your local utility $200. Call 541-923-6303 Lot of baby/kid items, 930 SE Textron, close the name of the and 45/70 brass and companies. clothes, household 8 Bend 541-318-1501 dies, C Sharp 40/70 business or the term furniture, 8 t o 2 :30. Golf Equipment dies brass and lead "dealer" in their ads. The Bulletin Sat. 3 451 NE SanServingCent el 0 eeo s nce 1903 Private party advertisbullets, REM 1100 12 dalwood Drive ers are defined as Pacemaker lawn edger Full set D unlop golf ga. trap. those who sell one vintage. $10 H 8 H FIREARMS clubs with bag, $30. computer. Want to impress the 541-318-5732 541-382-9352 541-923-7264 What are you relatives? Remodel looking for? your home with the You'll find it in help of a professional from The Bulletin's The Bulletin Classifieds "Call A Service C/6 Professional" Directory '<8/1 4'7/n,

Garage Sale Klt

Place an ad in The Bulletin for your garage sale and receive a Garage Sale Kit FREE!

gan. Housewares, pics, c irca 1 8 00 s g o l d b edroom s et . Sa t . damask, exc. cond.


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Clearance.Cleapance. Cleapance.


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New and useditems with fantastic prices! Includes: Mattress sets or singles, sleeper sofas, dining tables and chairs, chairs w/ottomans, coffee tables, twin and king bedspreads, pictures, wall decor, pillows, queen sheets, lawn chairs, mattress fabrics and headboards, entertainment center, twin XL adjustable bed, end tables, mirrors, dressers, many one of a kind items priced to go.

571 NE Azure Dr., Bend • 541-382-9091



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We will be closed Thursday, November 22nd RETAIL, CLASSIFIED & LEGALNOTICEADVERTISING

DEADLINES DAY DEADLINE Thursday 11-22 ............................ Monday 11-19 Noon GO! Magazine 11-23 .................... Monday 11-19 5 pm Friday 11-23.................................. Tuesday 11-20 Noon Saturday 11-24............................. Tuesday 11-20 Noon Sunday 1 t -25 ............................... Tuesday 11-20 4 pm Monday 11-26........................ Wednesday 11-21 Noon At Home Tuesday 11-27 ......... Wednesday 11-21 Noon

CLASSIFIED PR IVATE P ARTY DEAD L I N E S Thursday, Nov. 22nd and Friday, Nov. 23rd Deadline iSNOOn WedneSday, NOV. 21St

Classifieds • 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Circulation Telephone Service at 541-385-5800willbe open Thanksgiving Day from 6:30 am



to10:30 am to help with yourholiday morning delivery.

The Bulletin




~ Medical Equipment



J J<g,/F~> J!P) Ji,jj Jl) !JjjJ~

Employment Employment PSMIIIIQ Opportunities Opportunities 8 &Hxc@@ Found set of keys, in WHEN BUYING Can be found on these pages: ICS with M edicare. D rake P a r k ne a r Sales Get a FREE talking FIREWOOD... pond, 11/10. Call to CAUTION READERS 25-year-old c o mpany meter and d i abetic To avoid fraud, identify, 541-382-1135 EMPLOYMENT FINANCEAND BUSINESS looking for an EXPEtesting supplies at NO Ads published in nEmRIENCED sales per410 - Private Instruction 507 - Real Estate Contracts The Bulletin FOUND: tire on road C OST, plus F R E E recommends payployment Opportuni- son to represent our coming down off Tu421 - Schools and Training 514 -Insurance home delivery! Best t ies" i n c lude e m - new vacation p roment for Firewood malo Butte. Call to 454- Looking for Employment 528 - Loans and Mortgages of all, this meter elimi- only ployee and gram. You will need to upon delivery claim 541-382-0781 470 - Domestic & In-Home Positions 543 - Stocks and Bonds nates painful finger i ndependent pos i - have 1st Call / Closand inspection. 528 pricking! Call • A cord is 128 cu. ft. REMEMBER: If you 476 - Employment Opportunities 558 - Business Investments tions. Ads for posi- ing experience and 888-739-7199. have lost an animal, tions that require a fee verifiable references. Loans & Mortgages 486 - Independent Positions 573 - Business Opportunities 4' x 4' x 8' don't forget to check (PNDC) or upfront investment M ust be w i lling t o • Receipts should The Humane Society WARNING must be stated. With work in an office envi528 573 573 Crutches pair adjust for include name, The Bulletin recomin Bend 541-382-3537 any independent job ronment, be detail ori5'10 n to 6 '6 n patient phone, price and Loans & Mortgages Business Opportunities Business Opportunities mends you use cauRedmond, opportunity, p l ease ented, articulate, work $10. 541-318-5732. kind of wood purtion when you pro541-923-0882 i nvestigate thor - w/ limited supervision chased. E ver Consider a R e A Classified ad is an Advertise V A CATION vide personal Medical Alert for Se- • Firewood ads Prineville, oughly. but at the same time verse Mortgage? At EASY W AY TO SPECIALS to 3 m i lniors - 24/7 monitorinformation to compa541-447-7178; f ollow d i rection & least 62 years old? REACH over 3 million lion P acific N o rthing. FREE Equipment. MUST include speoffering loans or OR Craft Cats, Use extra caution when have experience nies cies and cost per Stay in your home & Pacific Northwestern- westerners! 30 daily FREE Shipping. Nacredit especially 541-389-8420. applying for jobs onworking w/ databases. to better serve increase cash f low! ers. six $52 5 /25-word newspapers, those asking for adtionwide Ser v i ce. cord line and never proMust have a our customers. Safe & Effective! Call c lassified ad i n 3 0 states. 25-word clas$ 29.95/Month C A LL vance loan fees or vide personal infor- oCAN-DO n attitude. Now for your FREE daily newspapers for sified $525 for a 3-day Medical Guardian Tomation to any source Please fax your cover companies from out of DVD! C a l l Now 3-days. Call the Pa- a d. Cal l (916) Bulletin day 88 8 - 842-0760. The state. If you have geenng Central Oregon ttnte 1903 you may not have re- l etter, resume a nd 888-785-5938. cific Northwest Daily 2 88-6019 o r vis i t concerns or ques(PNDC) searched and deemed references to (PNDC) Connection (916) tions, we suggest you to be reputable. Use 541-317-2924. 20 ton gas wood splitconsult your attorney LOCAL MONEY:We buy 2 88-6019 o r e m a il ising pndc.cfm for the extreme caution when ter, runs great, first Pacific Nor t h west Commercial/Office or call CONSUMER r esponding to A N Y secured trust deeds & for more info (PNDC) $500/cash. Call Daily Con n ection. HOTLINE, quipment 8 Fixtures 541-633-0909 online e m p loymentSALES note,some hard money or (PNDC) Growing dealership seek1-877-877-9392. loans. Call Pat Kelley 541-318-7555 ad from out-of-state. ing salespeople looking Printer table with shelf, 541-382-3099 ext.13. for a performance-based Where can you find a 325 4 -ft. hi g h , $15. All Year Dependable We suggest you call Just too many p l an , po t entialBANK TURNED YOU Firewood: Sp lit, Del. Hay, Grain & Feed 541-923-7264 helping hand? the State of Oregon pay Need to get an c ommissions of up to Bend. Lod g epole, collectibles? DOWN? Private party Consumer Hotline at 35% equaling $100,000 From contractors to ad in ASAP? Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 will loan on real es1-503-378-4320 Blue Grass Hay plus, Retirement Plan, for $350. Cash, check Tools yard care, it's all here tate equity. Credit, no You can place it Sell them in 3 x 4 bales, Paid Vacation, and a o r credit card O K . 1300-Ib in The Bulletin's avg, $80/bale. For Equal Opportunity competitive med i cal problem, good equity online at: The Bulletin Classifieds Craftsman dual motion 541-420-3484. L aws: Oregon B u- benefit package. Look- is all you need. Call 541-41 9-2713 "Call A Service dustless sander, $25. DRY JUNIPER $190/ reau of Labor & In- ing for a team player now. Oregon Land Professional" Directory 541-318-5732 split, or $170 rounds Good horse hay, barn dustry, C i vil Rights with a positive attitude, Mortgage 388-4200. 541-385-5809 541-385-5809 per cord. Delivered. stored, no rain, $225 Division, to operate with energy G enerator 6000W 3 0 ton, and $8.25 bale. Call 541-977-2940 or and to be customer seramp, 110V multiple cir971-673-0764 Delivery ava i lable. vice oriented. Will procuit, $375. 541-497-3858 541-977-4500. 541-410-4495. If you have any ques- vide training. Dry Lodgepole Rounds The Bulletin's Send resume' to: tions, concerns or End of season special- Wanted: Irrigated farm bcrvhire@ "Call A Service comments, contact: ground, under pivot ir$185/cord. Professional" Directory rioation, i n C e n tral Classified Department Free local delivery! OR. 541-419-2713 The Bulletin 541-389-0322 is all about meeting BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS 541-385-5809 Wheat Straw: Certified 8 yourneeds. Search the area's most 269 Beddinq Straw 8 Garden comprehensive listing of Gardening Supplies Straw;Compost.546-6171 Call on one of the The Bulletin classified advertising... & Equipment professionals today! real estate to automotive, Wheat Straw in shed, merchandise to sporting Business Manager Jet Pro series table saw Have Gravel, will Travel! $2 bale or $400 all. goods. Bulletin Classifieds with dust collector, $500. Cinders, topsoil, fill mate- C all after 6 p.m . Central Oregon Vefer- appear every day in the 541-546-9821 Culver. ans Outreach (COVO) is Call Allen, 541-536-9120 rial, etc. Excavation & print or on line. seeking a pa r t -time septicsystems. Abbas Business Manager (20 Call 541-385-5809 Construction CCBir78840 hrs/week). The follow- Caltt541-548-681 2 Building Materials ing are requirements of FORD F150 XL2005. This truck the job: Proficient in The Bulletin SE Bend Boarding can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, Bend Habitat For newspaper aentng Ce nal Oregon ttnte t903 QuickBooks, familiarity $195/mo. Top Quality delivery, call the RESTORE and a tough V8 engine will get t with invoicing and reGOLDENRETRIEVERPUPPIES, QUAINTCABIN ON 10 ACRES!a grass hay, pen/shelter. Building Supply Resale Circulation Dept. at cordkeeping for federal Over 1000 acres to ride. We are three adorable, loving the job done on the ranch! t Modern amenitiesandall thequiet t 541-385-5800 Quality at LOW Sales grants and contracts, 541-419-3405 PRICES To place an ad, call puppies looking for a caring ,'you will need. Room to grow in,' and understanding of Leading M a n ufac541-385-5809 740 NE 1st home. Please call right away. ,'your ownlittle paradise! Call now.,' turer of F ishing & accounting related to 541-312-6709 or email Wad e r s rental properties (in- H unting • Farmers Column • Open to the public. come and expenses, looking for an Eastagreements). Be ern Regional Sales The Bulletin Wanted: Irrigated farm rental Serving Cent al ta ego a nte tgttt a team player and able Manager. Must have Heating & Stoves ground, under pivot ir- to work in cooperation Significant e x peririqation, i n C e n tral with other employees, ence i n Sp o rting Lawnmower, Briggs 8 OR. 541-419-2713 NOTICE TO Stratton, works good, board members and Goods, Sales and ADVERTISER $40. 541-639-6656 outside accountant. To Management fields. Since September 29, Location open, but apply please send a 1991, advertising for Sears 22" mower, 6hp, cover letter and resume m ust be a bl e t o used woodstoves has self-prop, exc cond. t o COVO, 12 3 N W travel when needed. $95. 541-312-2137 been limited to modFranklin Ave., Bend, OR Salary package with els which have been SUPER TOP SOIL 97701 or email: Benefits. c ertified by the O r - wwwjterghe Mail Resumes to SMI Screened, soil & comegon Department of Thisposition c/oses on P O Box 1410, La mi x ed , no Nov. 23, 201 2 at 5 pm. Environmental Qual- post Pine, OR 97739 rocks/clods. High huity (DEQ) and the fedCHILDCARE - Daycare eral En v ironmental mus level, exc. for 421 Assistant needed. Must Just bought a new boat? Protection A g e ncy flower beds, lawns, straight Schools & Training love children! Some ex- Sell your old one in the (EPA) as having met gardens, perience required. Call classifieds! Ask about our smoke emission stan- s creened to p s o i l . TO PlaCe yOur ad, ViSit WWW.bendbulletin.COm Or 541-385-5809 Super Seller rates! dards. A cer t ified Bark. Clean fill. De- A IRLINES ARE H I R- 541-322-2880 541-385-5809 haul. ING - Train for hands w oodstove may b e liver/you identified by its certifi- 541-548-3949. on Aviation MainteDO YOU NEED cation label, which is nance Career. FAA A GREAT 270 permanently attached approved p r ogram. EMPLOYEE Lost & Found to the stove. The BulFinancial aid if qualiRIGHT NOW? letin will no t k n owfied - Housing availCall The Bulletin ingly accept advertis- FOUND: a very small able. Call Aviation Inbefore 11 a.m. and green bag with 9 sen- stitute ing for the sale of of get an ad in to pubtimental items inside, uncertified Maintenance. lish the next day! at NE Red Carpet car 1-877-804-5293. woodstoves. 541-385-5809. wash. 541-390-0720 (PNDC) VIEW the Found Bunny, black & ATTEND • • t l CO L L EGE Classifieds at: white, in S E B e nd. from Home. Call to iden t ify: ONLINE *Medical, *Business, Meet singles right now! 208-939-2921 (Bend). *Criminal J us t i ce, No paid o perators, *Hospitality. Job Livestock Truck Driver chainsaw o n Must have CDL,2yrs exp, just real people like F OUND Bear Creek Rd. Call placement assistance. you. Browse greet- to ID 541-410-6814. progressive co., 401k, Computer available. $50,000/yr, insurance ings, exchange mesFinancial Aid if quali- NW only. 541-475-6681 sages and connect FOUND man's w e d- fied. SCHEV autholive. Try it free. Call ding band at Lake rized. Call Optometry office needs now: 8 7 7-955-5505. Billy Chinook Call to 866-688-7078 dispensing o p tician ID. 541-948-6029. (PNDC) www.CenturaOnline.c exp. helpful but not om (PNDC) r equired. Reply t o B ox 20236077 c / o Oregon Medical Training PCS Ph lebotomy The Bulletin, PO Box classes begin Jan. 7, 6020, B e nd , OR Fuel & Wood



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Remember.... Domestic & A dd your we b a d In-Home Positions tractors Board (CCB). dress to your ad and A n active lice n se readers on The means the contractor Landscaping/Yard Care Will do housecleaning in Bulletin' s web site Terrebonne & Crooked i s bonded an d i n will be able to click O R E G O N River Ranch. Have s ured. Ver if y t h e N OTICE: automatically contractor's CCB Landscape Contrac- openings Tues, Wed. through to your site. tors Law (ORS 671) Thurs. 541-379-1741 c ense through t h e CCB Cons u m er r equires a l l bus i ~ t ten tterty nesses that advertise Website iVA'Habltat for Humanity' www.hirealicensedcontractor. to p e rform L a n dCom scape C o nstruction Newberry Habitat for Humanity is seeking apor call 503-378-4621. which inclu d es: plicants for the position of Executive Director, The Bulletin recom- p lanting, decks , with offices in Sunriver, Oregon. mends checking with fences, arbors, The successful candidate must offer strong the CCB prior to con- w ater-features, a n d leadership qualities, excellent communicatracting with anyone. installation, repair of tions and public relations skills, and a demonSome other t r ades irrigation systems to strated ability to interface effectively with prialso req u ire addi- be licensed with the v ate d o n ors a n d rep r esentatives o f tional licenses and Landscape Contrac- grant-awarding organizations. Oversight of oncertifications. t ors B o a rd . Th i s going operations, financial management, staff 4-digit number is to be development, and interaction with the Board of Debris Removal included in all adver- Directors of the Newberry Habitat are core retisements which indi- sponsibilities of the Executive Director. An unJUNK BE GONE cate the business has derstanding of and experience with the operaI Haul Away FREE a bond, insurance and tion of n o n-profit organizations is h i ghly For Salvage. Also workers c ompensa- desirable. Cleanups & Cleanouts tion for their employ- Compensation will be commensurate with the Mel, 541-389-8107 ees. For your protec- experience of the successful applicant. tion call 503-378-5909 Interested applicants should E-mail resume to Handyman or use our website: to ERIC REEVE HANDY check license status SERVICES. Home 8 before con t racting General Commercial Repairs, with th e b u s iness. Carpentry-Painting, Persons doing land- RDO Equipment Co. is looking for talented Pressure-washing, scape m a intenance and ambitious people who thrive on working in Honey Do's. On-time do not require a LCB a team-oriented culture. Openings in our new promise. Senior license. state of the art facility inDickinson, ND. Discount. Work guaranteed. 541-389-3361 Ask us a bout our e mployment incentives or 541-771-4463 Nelson Landscape including; c o mpetitive w a g es , h o u sing Bonded & Insured Maintenance allowance and a sign on bonus for: CCB¹t 81595 I DO THAT!

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Edited by Will Shortz

Completely rebuilt/ customized, low miles. Accepting offers. 541-548-4807


17' 1984 Chris Craft - Scorpion, 140 HP inboard/outboard, 2 depth finders, trolling motor, full cover, EZ - L oad t railer, $3500 OBO. 541-382-3728.

HD Screaming Eagle Electra Glide 2005, 103" motor, two tone I candy teal, new tires, as 23K miles, CD player, Arctic Cat (2) 2005 F7 hydraulic clutch, exFirecats: EFI Snowcellent condition. pro & EFI EXT, exlnt Highest offer takes it. 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 cond, $3700 ea; 541-480-8080. Volvo Penta, 270HP, $7000 both. low hrs., must see, 541-410-2186 Honda Elite 80 2001, $15,000, 541-330-3939 1400 mi., absolutely i l ) t i l t like new., comes w/ carrying rack for 2" receiver, ideal for use 20.5' 2004 Bayliner w/motorhome, $995, Snowmobile trailer 205 Run About, 220 541-546-6920 2002, 25-ft InterHP, V8, open bow, state & 3 sleds, Moped, elect w/charger, exc. cond., very fast street-equipped, like new, w/very low hours, $10,900. 541-480-6009 $600. 541-497-3858 lots of extras incl. tower, Bimini & custom trailer, 860 Softail Deluxe $19,500. 2010, 805 miles, 541-389-1413 Motorcycles & Accessories Black Chameleon. $17,000 CRAMPED FOR• Find exactly what Call oon @ CASH? Use classified to sell 541-410-3823 you are looking for in the those items you no CLASSIFIEDS longer need. Call 541-385-5809 People Lookfor Information About Products and Services Every Daythrough The Bulletin Class/fleds 20.5' Seaswirl SpyHarley Davidson Softder 1989 H.O. 302, Tail Deluxe 20 0 7, 870 285 hrs., exc. cond., white/cobalt, w / pas- Boats & Accessories stored indoors for senger kit, Vance & life $11,900 OBO. Hines muffler system 541-379-3530 8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. 13' Smokercraft '85, cond, $19,9 9 9, good cond., 15HP Ads published in the 541-389-9188. gas Evinrude + "Boats" classification Minnkota 44 elec. include: Speed, fishHarley Heritage motor, fish finder, 2 ing, drift, canoe, Softail, 2003 extra seats, trailer, house and sail boats. $5,000+ in extras, For all other types of extra equip. $3200. $2000 paint job, watercraft, please see 541-388-9270 30K mi. 1 owner, Class 875. For more information 541-385-5809 14' boat & trailer, $275 please call 541-385-8090 or best offer. No moor 209-605-5537 tor. 541-389-1324 Serena Central Oregon since 1903

The Bulletin



The Bulletinl

Independent Contractor

*Supplement Your Income* Operate Your Own Business

Jayco Seneca 2 007, 17K mi., 35ft., Chevy 5500 d i e sel, to y hauler $130 , 000. 541-389-2636.

Beaver Coach Marquis 40' 1987. New cover, new paint (2004), new inverter (2007). Onan 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, parked covered $35,000 obo. 541-419-9859 or 541-280-2014

Monaco Dynasty 2004, loaded, 3 slides, diesel, Reduced - now •

@Il t t



COACHMAN 1979 23' trailer

sp e c ial

Bulletin w it h

ou r


I *5 lines of text and I lines with no photo.

( I

l Nickel ads.

l I

a photo or up to 10

*Free online ad at I *Free pick up into l The Central Oregon

I Rates start at $46. I Call for details! 541-385-5809

LThe Bulleting GENERATE SOME excitement in your neigborhood. Plan a garage sale and don't forget to advertise in classified! 385-5809.

The Bulletin

Servrng Ceaeai Oregon since 1903

Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995. 541-389-0435 875

Watercraft 2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.

Country Coach Intrigue 2002, 40' Tag axle. 400hp Cummins Diesel. two slide-outs. 41,000 miles, new tires & batteries. Most options.$95,000 OBO

Please check your ad on the first day it runs to make sure it is correct. Sometimes instructions over the phone are misunderstood and an error can occurin yourad. If this happens to your ad, please contact us the first day your ad appears and we will be happy to fix it as soon as we can. If we can assist you, please call us: 541 -385-5809 The Bulletin Classified

Hyster H25E, runs well, 2982 Hours, $3500, call 541-749-0724

Peterbilt 359 p o table In t e rnational water t r uck, 1 9 9 0, 2005, 36' 5th Wheel, 3200 gal. tank, 5hp Model¹M-349 RLDS-5 pump, 4-3" h o ses, Fall price $ 2 1,865. camlocks, $ 2 5,000. 541-312-4466


Canopies & Campers

Utility Trailers

Elkhorn 8.5' 2003, self

PYo~ &sr/

$8500. 541-389-7234

Big Tex Landscaping/ ATV Trailer, dual axle flatbed, 7'x16', 7000 lb. GVW, all steel, $1400.

Say "goodbuy" to that unused item by placing it in The Bulletin Classifieds 5 41 -385-580 9


541-382-4115, or 541-280-7024.

Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories (4) 175/70SR-13s, lots of tread, some studs left, $60 all. 541-923-6538 (4) 185/70R-14s, lots of tread, some studs left, $50 all. 541-923-6538

(4) Snow tires, 3 mo.

old, P195 - 65R15, $270. 541-410-0206

Aircraft, Parts

& Service

4 studded tires on rims for Toyota Camry, used 1 year, $ 350. C a ll 541-593-2134

Af R


1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 138 500 Call 541 647 3718

4 studded Toyota tires on rims, 205/65R15 $125. 541-420-9989 4 Studless winter traction tires on 5-lug 4.5" wheels, 225/60R-16, $350 541 410 0886 4 used Hankook studded snow tires, 205/65R15's mounted on custom black modern wheels,

Everyonehasarighttoknow whatthegovernment is doing..

slide,Bunkhouse style, sleeps 7-8, excellent condition, $ 1 6 ,900,


Updated daily



...eXCept 75s/oOfSeniarS. Current Oregon law requires public notices to be printed in 8 newspaper whose readersare affected by the notice.Federal,state,and localgovernment agencies erroneously believe they can save money by posting public notices on their web sites instead of in the local newspaper. But who would have access to those online notices? 62% of U.S. seniors (65 and older) have no internet access, and 8 third of those whoDO have access

are still limited to dialup/ Besides, you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to look for, in order to be informed about government actions that could affect you directly. less than 10% of the U.S. population currently visits a government wely site daily," but 80% of all Oregon adults read 8 newspaper at least once during an average week, and 54% read public notices printed there."'

26,995. 541-420-9964 ~


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Keep public notices in the newspaper!


Make yourad

We are looking for independent contractors to service home delivery routes in:

stand out and Iet greater

Cadioac Cts


Must be available 7 days a week, early morning hours. Please call 541.385.5800 or 800.503.3933 during business hours apply via email at


The Bulletin





Ads published in "Watercraft" include: Kayaks, rafts and motor- Hunter's Delight! Packdeal! 1988 WinIzed personal age Super Chief, watercrafts. For nebago "boats" please see 3 8K m i l es , gr e a t shape; 1988 Bronco II Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 Class 870. 4 x4 t o t o w , 1 3 0 K 29', weatherized, like 541-385-5809 mostly towed miles, n ew, f u rnished 8 nice rig! $15,000 both. ready to go, incl WineServng Central 0 zgon smce 1903 541-382-3964, leave ard S a tellite dish,

© Call Today ®

Must have reliable, insured vehicle.

541-312-8879 or 541-350-4622.

Check out the classifieds online



Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th wheel, 1 s lide, AC, TV,full awning, excellent shape, $23,900. 541-350-8629

$6900, 541-548-6812




gj' j~i,i~ t

yard box, runs good)

Call The Bulletin At 541-385-5809 Place Your Ad Or E Mail ~OO Pioneer Spirit 18CK, At: 2007, used only 4x, AC, Deluxe Poly-Pro III 5th $475. 541-382-6773 electric tongue j ack, wheel cover. 29-33' $8995. 541-389-7669 $75 obo 541-382-7234 950R-16.5 LT tire 1 /3 interest i n w e l l - on 8-lug rim, $45. ROUA Digorgio 1971 equipped IFR Beech BoCall 541-388-5488 fridge, heater, propane nanza A36, new 10-550/ & elec. Iights, awning, prop, located KBDN. Econoline RI/ 1 9 8 9, 2 spares, extra insu$65,000. 541-419-9510 fully loaded, exc. cond, lation for late season 0 35K m i. , R e duced hunting/cold weather Executive Hangar R3<asck $17,950. 541-546-6133 camping, well maint, Fleetwood Wilderness at Bend Airport very roomy, sleeps 5, 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, (KBDN) CAN'T BEAT THIS! reat f o r hu n t ing, rear bdrm, fireplace, 60' wide x 50' deep, Look before you 3200, 541-410-6561 AC, W/D hkup beau- w/55' wide x 17' high buy, below market tiful u n it ! $ 3 0 ,500. bi-fold door. Natural vafue! Size & mileTake care of gas heat, office, bathaqe DOES matter! your investments room. Parking for 6 Cfass A 32' Hurri1000 c ars. A djacent t o cane by Four Winds, with the help from Legal Notices Frontage Rd; g reat 2007. 12,500 mi, all The Bulletin's amenities, Ford V10, visibility for a viation LEGAL NOTICE Ithr, cherry, slides, bus t j etjock@q com "Call A Service ADOPT-Abundance like new! New low K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 541-948-2126 Professional" Directory slide, AC, TV, awning. of love to offer a price, $54,900. child in stable, se541-548-5216 NEW: tires, converter, cure & nu r t uring batteries. Hardly used. home. Contact Jen $15,500. 541-923-2595 Gulfstream S cen i c (800) 571-4136. Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, Cummins 330 hp dieLEGAL NOTICE sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 NOTICE OF AUCTION ONLY f OWNERSHIP in. kitchen slide out, One (1) storage unit pringdale 2005 27', 4' SHARE LEFT! new tires,under cover, S ¹ 605 will b e a u c in dining/living area, Economical flying in hwy. miles only,4 door slide tioned on Sat., No6, low mi,$15,000 your ow n C e s sna fridge/freezer ice - sleeps MONTANA 3585 2008, vember 17, 2012 at 172/180 HP for only maker, W/D combo, obo. 541-408-3811 exc. cond., 3 slides, 11:00 AM, at All Star $ 10 000i Based a t Storage, 13 6 Interbath t ub & king bed, Irg LR, ArcSW shower, 50 amp proBDN. Call Gabe at Century Drive, Bend, tic insulation, all opProfessional Air! pane gen 8 m o r e! tions $37,500. OR 97 7 02 , P h ¹ ~5 41 - 388-0019 • $55,000. 541-420-3250 541-382-8808.

Newspaper Delivery

* Prineville *

lite sys, fireplace, 2 flat screen TVs. $60,000.



Independent Contractor

Fully equipped. $2000.

Trucks & Heavy Equipment

NuWa 297LK H i tchHiker 2007,3 slides, 32' touring coach, left kitchen, rear lounge, many extras, beautiful c ond. inside & o u t , $32,900 OBO, Prineville. 541-447-5502 days Diamond Reo Dump & 541-447-1641 eves. Truck 1 974, 12 -14


I rates ior se¹ing your I ! 3-month p ackage l which includes:

Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 by Carriage, 4 slideouts, inverter, satel-

Southwind 35.5' Triton, 2008,V10, 2slides, Dupont UV coat, 7500 mi. Bought new at $132,913; asking $93,500. Call 541-419-4212

Winnebago Suncruiser34' 2004, only 34K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243

contained, oven, ster eo, v e r y cle a n .



! Place an ad in The [

Fifth Wheels


Fif t h Wheels

$119,000, 5 4 1 -9238572 or 541-749-0037


l boat or watercraft!


Looking for your next employee? Place a Bulletin help wanted ad today and reach over 60,000 readers each week. Your classified ad will also appear on which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. Bulletin Classifieds Get Results! Call 385-5809 or place your ad on-line at


Travel Trailers with o u r


Weekend Warrior Toy Hauler 28' 2007, Gen, fuel station, exc cond. sleeps 8, black/gray i nterior, u se d 3X , $24,999. 541-389-9188




Motorcycles & Accessories Boats 8 Accessories Boats & Accessories

T r a vel Trailers

E Iiaa ~~a =

ACROSS 40 One of 63 Fire Chief 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Ptolemy's 48 supplier 1 Come to the constellations surface 64 Not fret 15 16 9 Place out of line 41 English philosopher 17 18 15 Light work on a DOWN Robert stage 1 Baloney 19 20 21 22 42 Grunts 16 Abrupt 2Asfaras 43 Published discussion 23 24 3 Certain squeeze ender 45 Average name 4 Chilly remark? 25 2 6 27 28 29 30 31 32 17 Sci-fi vehicle 46 With 34-Across, company's 5 The Parisian? 18 Bread 33 34 35 36 present 6 Crude 19 Appointed time occasion? component 37 38 39 20 Hand helpers 47 1950s 7 The Pioneers of 22 Campaign "American 41 42 the N.C.A.A. manager? Bandstand" 8 Part of dance 23 Backbeatkeeper 43 45 46 37-Across's 50 Grammy winner 25 Early idol of output 47 48 49 Adams Warhol 9 Leftover 52 1950s living 29 Pen call 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 10 Romeo's room feature 30 Common menu adviser, for one 53 Scatterbrain 57 58 59 60 option 11 Communal dish 57 Document 33 Forrner big 12 One making a 61 62 heading player in trading bank deposit? cards 59 Jane Goodall 64 13 Name on some 63 study site 34 See 46-Across European 61 1990 A.L. 36 Skater with stamps puzzle by Barry C. Silk many trophies Rookie of the 14 Datsun 280ZX Year 54 "Roll in ze hay" 35 Last name in 48 Six women 37 Names on some option skin care enthusiast at Penn Apple products 62 Driving 21 Attempt to reach in "Young programmed it a post-departure 38 Inattention Frankenstein" ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE plane? indications 49 Not in the 55 Parents' minority W H U P J E T S K I P C P 23 Brewer 39 P.l. hermanos Bernhard O O N A F L EW IN R H O 50 No angel 56 Off-the-wall 44 Concept in K O D I A K B R O W N B E A R 24 Bank deposit? Hinduism and 51 Be the best, in 58 Balkan land, in S H A R P O R R I S R O O T 25 Harp's home Buddhism slang the Olympics key A MO O W A D IP S O F LO ADE 46 Ancient 53 King Gorm the 60 Embarrassing 26 New model of weaponry Old, e.g. eruption T A K E O N E S C U E F R OM 1999 I S E A G E R T 0 P L E A 8 E 27 Enforcer's place, For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit C ARR I A G EP A I N T E R often card, 1-800-814-5554. S P I R A L S T A I R C A S E 28 Vintner's prefix Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. I SL R I0 31 Samuel A S I N S U P O U S T Johnson's only AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit for more information. L O N G J O H N S U N T I L play Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past P E R S O N A L H I S T O R Y 32 Amorous puzzles, ($39.95 a year). H U E J 0 V I A L E L E E arrangement Share tips: A R M O N E T W O R E D S 34 Hiccup-free Crosswords for young solvers:



Ioade .

Ch ; h„,„ uahua/Lhasa 'p o R y forthe H I

tfays/ f'

irst sllpfs $250/ea 000- s -000 0000

$17,900 000-000-0000.


The Bulletin

Call TheBulletin ClassifiebDeparlmenl at 541-385-5809or 541-382-1811for rates todaV!

' lhvt5 e a A e m uepmle1j ee20la "Uscuuuueauuay2ae "'A e ca 07 • o Reuo«h7 ee siSee b 7 09



• I



' Restaurant Reviews/ M o vie Reviews

' Stay informed on our rich local scene o f food, music, fine arts R ent ertainm en t

' Area 97 Clubs •



Antique & Classic Autos

Automotive Parts, Service & Accessories

Chrome Wheels (4) off 1999 Acura TL, $80.




Sport Utility Vehicles

Sport Utility Vehicles


FORD RANGER X LT GMC Yukon XL 1500 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 2007, l e a t her, 4

Ford T-Bird 1966 390 engine, power everything, new paint, 54K original miles, runs great, excellent cond. in 8 out. Asking $8,500. 541-480-31 79



Les Schwab studded SST 2 45/70R-16's, used 2 seasons, over 80% tread left, $200. 541-312-4032 NEED HOLIDAY $$$? We pay CASH for f, I Junk Cars & Trucks! Iso buying batteries & catalytic converters. Serving all of C.O.! Call 541-408-1090 Studded tires like new GMC katon 1971, Only (4) 195-60-14 on '01 $19,7001 Original low Corolla wheels, $200/ mile, exceptional, 3rd obo 541-408-1389 owner. 951-699-7171 Winter Tires 4 BridgeLook at: s tone 2 2 5/55 R 1 6 95W on alloy rims, for Complete Listings of like new, tire pressure monitors incl. (Retail@$1900) $650. •

speed, with car alarm, bucket seats, 3rd row CD player, extra tires seat, moonroof. on rims. Runs good. Vin ¹305958. Clean. 92,000 miles Was $29,999. Lincoln Navigator 2005 o n m o t or . $ 2 6 0 0 Now $26,888. great cond., 124k mi., OBO. 541-771-6511. S UB A R U . 3 rows seats, DVD BUBBBUOFBBND COM 2060 NE Hwy 20• Bend player, $11,500 cash only. 541-475-3274 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 ~ Oo International Fla t Bed Pickup 1963, 1 t on dually, 4 s p d. N issan A rmada S E trans., great MPG, 2 007, 4 W D , a u t o , could be exc. wood l eather, D VD , C D . hauler, runs great, Vin¹700432. Was new brakes, $1950. $16, 99 9. Now GMC Yukon XL S LT 541-419-5480. $14,788. 2004, loaded w/factory DVD, 3rd seat, S UBA R U . $6950.. 541-280-6947 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 Honda CRV 2005, Dlr ¹0354 4WD, moonroof, alloy wheels, very clean.

rd ©


• 8 ~

Cadillac Seville STS 2003 - just finished $4900 engine work by Certified GM mechanic. Has everything but navigation. Too many bells and whistles to l i s t. bought a new one. $4900

BOATS & RVs 805- Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycies And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 541-420-1283 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers CHECK YOUR AD Please check your ad 882 - Fifth Wheels on the first day it runs 885- Canopies and Campers to make sure it is cor- 890 - RVs for Rent

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916 - Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932 - Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935 - Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles

rect. Sometimes ins tructions over t h e 975 phone are misunderAutomobiles Automobiles Automobiles stood and an e rror can occurin your ad. WHEN YOU SEE THIS DON'TMI SSTHIS If this happens to your ad, please contact us ~C) the first day your ad Ford Crown V i ctoria Vin ¹027942. appears and we will RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L 1995, LX sedan, 4 dr., In Bend 619-889-5422 Was $12,799. be happy to fix it as On a classified ad V8, o r ig . ow n e r, hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, Now $10,988 s oon as w e c a n . go to am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. 70,300 mi., studs on, Porsche 911 1974, low TURN THE PAGE Deadlines are: 541-420-3634 /390-1285 + © S U B A R U . reat condition. mi., complete motor/ 1965, Exc. An original, days 12:00 noon for For More Ads to view additional 3000. 541-549-0058. trans. rebuild, tuned 4-dr. sedan, in stor- T oyota Tundra 2 0 04 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Porsche Cayenne 2004, next day, Sat. 11:00 photos of the item. The Bulletin suspension, int. & ext. age last 15 yrs., 390 4WD, dbl. cab SR5 86k, immac, dealer a.m. for Sunday; Sat. Honda Civic LX 2006 refurb., oi l 877-266-3821 c o o ling, High C o m pression 123k mi., $ 1 5,000. maint'd, loaded, now 12:00 for Monday. If 4-dr sedan, exc. cond, shows new in & out, Dlr ¹0354 engine, new tires 8 li$17000. 503-459-1580 we can assist you, 31K miles AC p.s dr Exc. 541-593-9710 p erf. m ech. c o n d. The Bulletin c ense, reduced t o please call us: locks & windows, pre- Much more! Hummer H2 2003, auto, $2850, 541-410-3425. mium wheels, new studTo Subscribe call 935 541-385-5809 4X4, premium wheels, $28,000 541-420-2715 Vans The Bulletin Classified ded tires, chains, AM/FM 541-385-5800 or go to 3rd seat, leather, grill Sport Utility Vehicles -CD, all records from PORSCHE 914 1974, guard, lots of extras. 2009, 24-40 mpg, must V in ¹ 1 13566. W a s Roller (no engine), Chevrolet Lumina sell! $12,500/ofr. Local: lowered, full roll cage, $20,999. Now 1997 4-door, 503-806-9564 5-pt harnesses, rac1921 Model T $16,988. One owner, low mileDelivery Truck N Hyundai Sonata 2012, ing seats, 911 dash & HertZGar age, clean interior. ©+~ SUBARU. Sales O F' BE N D Sedan, 4 dr., auto, instruments, d e cent Restored & Runs Plymouth B a r racuda Tires, body, paint in 1966, original car! 300 shape, v e r y c o ol! 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Chevrolet G20 Sportsgood condition. CD, bluetooth, pw, pl, $9000. hp, 360 V8, center- Buick Enclave 2008 CXL $1699. 541-678-3249 877-266-3821 $3050. crus, tilt, low mi. Must man, 1993, exlnt cond, 541-389-8963 I • lines, (Original 273 AWD, V-6, black, clean, 541-350-3109 Dlr ¹0354 $4750. 541-362-5559 or See! Vi n ¹ 3 2 2715. y sound, 82k eng 8 wheels incl.) mechanicall 541-663-6046 Was $19,999. Now miles. $21,995. Toyota Camrys: 541-593-2597 J eep L i berty 2 0 0 7 , $17,988. 2005 Chrysler T&C Van Call 541-815-1216 1984, $1200 obo; Nav., 4x4 , l e ather, Chrysler P T C r u iser What are you PROJECT CARS: Chevy AT, nicely priced loaded. Moonroof. 4gljj S U B A R U . 1985 SOLD; 2 006, auto, pw, p l , 2-dr FB 1949 & Chevy Need help fixing stuff? ¹590105A .................$7,995 looking for? Vin ¹646827. crus, tilt, tinted win1986 parts car, Coupe 1950 - rolling Call A Service Professional 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 2010 Avee Hatchback Was $16,999. dows, Vin ¹ 2 24778. * You'll find it in chassis's $1750 ea., $500. :.¹FUU .. j . . ' j ' : „ w '~. DFM-?E I 877-266-3821 find the help you need. Now $13,488. AT, air A'125292........$9,777 W as $ 7,999. N o w Chevy 4-dr 1949, comCall for details, Chevy C-20 Pickup Dlr ¹0354 The Bulletin Classifieds $5,999. 2010 ChryslerSebring Sedan piete car, $1949; CaS UB A R U . 54 I -548-6592 1969, an orig. Turbo 44; dinac Series 61 1950, 2 AT, cruise control Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT auto 4-spd, 396, model ©~ S UBUBBBUOFBBNDCOM BARU. 4227980.................$10,777 dr. hard top, complete Chevy Suburban LTZ 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 1 999, a u to., p e a r l CST /all options, orig. 541-385-5809 w/spare front c l ip., 2007, 4x4 , l e ather, 877-266-3821 2010 ChevyMalibu LTSedan w hite, very low m i . Toyota Corolla 2004, owner, $22,000, 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend m oonroof, bac k u p $3950, 541-382-7391 Dlr ¹0354 auto., loaded, 204k AT, Alloys 541-923-6049 $9500. 541-788-8218. 877-266-3821 sensors, 3rd row seat, ChevyAstro miles. orig. owner, non 4246671................$1 0,777 . i'g Dlr ¹0354 running boards, low DON'IMISS IHIS Cargo Van 2001, smoker, exc. c ond. 2005 Honda CRV mi., V in ¹ 22 8 9 19 Want to impress the $6500 Prin e ville AT, 4WO, ready for winter pw, pdl, great cond., relatives? Remodel Vehicle? Was $30,999. Now VW Karman Ghia 503-358-8241 business car, well 4010903.................$12,995 Call The Bulletin $28,788. your home with the 1970, good cond., maint'd, regular oil 2010 Chevy Cobalt and place an ad tonew upholstery and help of a professional Toyotas: 1999 Avalon changes, $4500. Q® S U B A R U. Great price, small monthly pmt. day! convertible top. 254k; 1996 Camry, from The Bulletin's Please call ¹224786......Only $12,995 Chevy Wagon 1957, Ask about our l 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend $10,000. 98k, 4 cyl. Lots of 541-633-5149 "Call A Service 4-dr., complete, "Wheel Deal"! 2011 Suzuki SX-4 LE 877-266-3821 541-389-2636 miles left in these Chrysler Sebring 2006 Professional" Directory for private party $7,000 OBO, trades, Anniversary Edition Dlr ¹0354 cars. Price? You tell Fully loaded, exc.cond, 1994 Chev full size van, please call advertisers 4 doorsedan, AT me! I'd guess very low miles (38k), seats 7, sleeps 2. Su541-389-6998 ¹302264 .. Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 Jeep Wrangler X 2008, per condition, 128K, .. $13,259 $2000-$4000. always garaged, ¹x4. 120K mi, Power unlimited, 4 dr., runYour servant, Bob at transferable warranty 2011 Kia Rio Chrysler 30 0 C o u pe famous 350 m otor, seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd ning boards, premium runs 8 looks like a mil541-318-9999, no Superfuelsaver incl. $8600 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, row seating, e xtra charge for looking. hard top, very lion! Ready for fun 8 541-330-4087 r960522......Only $13,359 auto. trans, ps, air, tires, CD, privacy tint- wheels, clean. Vin ¹ 5 72535. travel. Limit 1! $4000. frame on rebuild, re2011 ToyotaYaris 4DrSedan ing, upgraded rims. Bob, 541-318-9999 VW Beetle, 2002 painted original blue, VW Thing 1974, good AT, super good fuel economy Fantastic cond. $7995 Was $25,999. Now Ford Crown Vic. 5-spd, silver-gray, black original blue interior, cond. Extremely Rare! Contact Timm $22,999. r407208.................$13,459 at Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 1997 4 door, 127k, Only built in 1973 & leather, moonroof, CD, original hub caps, exc. 541-408-2393 for info 7 -pass. v a n wit h d rives, runs a n d 2011 Hyundai Accent 1974. $8,000. S UB A R U . loaded, 115K miles, chrome, asking $9000 or to view vehicle. p ower c h a i r lif t , looks great, extra GLS AT, very clean 541-389-2636 well-maintained or make offer. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend $1500; 1989 Dodge rs15414.................$13,599 set of winter tires on (have records) 541-385-9350 Nissan Sentra, 2012933 877-266-3821 Turbo Va n 7 pass. Ford Explorer 4x4, extremely clean, 2011 Hyundai Sonata rims, only $3000. 12,610 mi, full warranty Dlr ¹0354 has new motor and Pickups 1991 - 154K miles, 541-771-6500. $4850 obo. Sedan PS, PB, AC, & more! t rans., $1500. I f i n 541-546-6920 rare 5-speed tranny AT, air, co $16,000. 541-788-0427 terested c a l l Jay 8 manual hubs, Kia Sportage 4x4 r051612.................$13,777 503-269-1057. Chrysler SD 4-Door clean, straight, ev1996, full power, air, 2011 Dodge Caliber 1930, CD S R oyal eryday driver. Bring 1 50K, hitch, S t o - Chrysler Town & Country AT, well equipped Standard, 8-cylinder, 2200 dollar bills! master tow bar, lights LX, 2000,66Kmi, 1owner, //1 73075...... Only $14,595 body is good, needs for towing, studded Bob, 541-318-9999 araged, very good cond, 2012 Nissan Versa SV some r e s toration, tires. Paint rough, but 6500. Call 541-923-3971 AT, hke new condition Dodge 2500, 1996, V10, runs, taking bids, runs great! $3200 1816523......Only $14,9el WITH 1979 Conestoga 541-383-3888, GMC Yukon Denali obo. 541-280-0514 camper, great cond, 541-81 5-331 8 2003, leather, moonAutomobiles 2011 Mazda 3 Sport $5500. 541-420-2323 roof, premium wheels, Very nicely equipped Lexus RX350 2010, 3rd row. Very nice. Buick Lucerne CXL 4422068.................$14,995 F250 2009 Super duty AWD, ¹027076 Vin ¹128449. 2009, $12,500, low FX4 4x4 crew cab 2011 Toyota Corolla Was $15,999. $34,995 low miles; 2000 Buick diesel. ONLY 20k mi. AT, fuel saver Now $13,799. Century $2900. You'll $38,995 ¹A79900 v606419......Only $14,995 not find nicer Buicks @ghSUBARU. One look's worth a 2011 Chrysler 200 Sedan BUBBBUOFFBNDCOM Oregon thousand words. Call Touring Edition,AT,low miles FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, Oregon AgtnSogrce 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend Agtnsolrce door panels w/flowers Bob, 541-318-9999. 877-266-3821 p553592 .................. $15,225 541-598-3750 for an appt. and take a 8 hummingbirds, 541-598-3750 Dlr ¹0354 2010 Kia SedonaLX drive in a 30 mpg. car white soft top 8 hard AT, greatpeoplemover top. Just reduced to I A A BM f351771....... Only $15,259 $3,750. 541-317-9319 2008 Jeep Liberty or 541-647-8483 BUBFBUOFBBND COM







r -...— „.— ...— ,.a



l The Bulletin l

L'"" '" "








Ford 250 XLT 1990,

6 yd. dump bed, 139k, Auto, $5500.


Ford F250 2002

Supercab 7.3 diesel, 130,000 miles, great shape with accessories. $14,900. 541-923-0231 day or 541-923-2582 eves.



c~gr g

Ford Ranchero 1979 with 351 Cleveland

modified engine. Body is in excellent condition, $2500 obo.

Ford F250 XLT 4x4 L ariat, 1990, r e d ,





Ford Galaxie 500 1963, 2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 390 v8,auto, pwr. steer & radio (orig),541-419-4989 Ford Mustang Coupe 1966, original owner, V8, automatic, great shape, $9000 OBO.

80K original miles, 4" lift with 39's, well maintained, $4000


SNOWNIOBI LES 8 lllVS ONL Y! Call theBulletin ClassifiedDept. 541-385-5809or 541-382-1811

Very well equipped

1230553B.............. $1e,o77

2011 Subaru Impreza SE AT, AWD, snow-ready 451 t 600A ..............$16,995


2009 MercuryMariner Sport AT, AWD, only 30k miles


2011 Kia Sorento LX SUV v6, AT, 4wo 4139061 .................$1e,777

200e Subaru Tribeca


AWD, AT, leather, loaded



//412244...... Only$19,495

The Bulletin Serving Central Oregon since 1903

COnSulting, COnStruCEIon, fOOd SerViCe, raad rePBIE ..


just a sampling of state 6z local government contracts awarded


obo. 541-419-5495

EO PriVate COmPanieS daily. Want B Shat Bt theSe OPPortunItieSF

Need to know what companies are winning bids? Do what those COmPanieS do; read the PubliC natiCeS in yOur 1OCal neWSPaPer-


illness and retirement of their oldest member with scheming,


power grabs andbetrayals. The kid attractor factor:

To MoviEs

Christopher Watken, playing it

straight for once. Goodlessons/bad lessons: It takes more than just ego-

This guide, compiled by

Orlando (Fra.) Sentinel film 1'

critic Roger Moore,should be used along with the Motion Picture Association of America rating system for selecting movies suitablefor children. Films rated G, PG or PG-13 are included in this weekly listing, along with occasional R-rated films that may have entertainment or educational value for older children with parental guidance.

scene of war violence, some images of carnageand brief strong language. What it'sadout:Abraham Lincoln and hjs fractious cabinet try to

history lessonabout themessiness of governmentanda humanportrait


HertZGarSales OF BEND


535 NESavannahDr,Bend

Language:Not much profanity. Sex:Nothing explicit, but James Bond is catnip to the ladies. Drugs:A few drinks, a few

cigarettes. Parents' advisory:The lightest of the Daniel Craig Bond films, it's still violent and too sexual

and too long for anybody younger than 12.


Drugs:None. Rating:PGfor some rude humor Parents' advisory:A hard sell to and mild action/ violence. any child not into string music, it's

Dreamworks and 20th Century Fox via The Associated Press

Abraham Lincoln, played by Daniel Day-Levvis,center, discusses hovv to get the 13th Amendment passed with his Cabinet in "Lincoln." See the full review in the Nov. 16 GOI Magazine.

of a saintedpresident. Goodlessons/bad lessons:tn

rally Congressional support for an politics, even the noblest ideals amendment to end slavery. The kid attractor factor:A valuable

music together. Violence:None. Language:Evenclassical musicians curse. Sex:Suggested, flirted with.

'LINCOLN' Rating:PG-13 for a!I intense

cooperation - to make beautiful



Through 11/22/1 2 All vehiclessubject toprior sale, does ne includetax, licenseor title andreg. istrationprocessingfeeof$100. Vinfs posted at dealership. SeeHerlz Car Sales of Bendfordetails. Dealer¹4821

have their detractors.

Violence:Somegruesome Civil War combat.

Language:A scattering of periodappropriate profanity, racial slurs.

Sex:None. Drugs:None. Parents' advisory:Evenif their school isn't assigning this, there'5


a lot to be said for rounding the kids Itp and letting them absorb a little Civil War history — suitable for10 and older.

sexuality What it's adout:Members of a

Rating:Rfor language and some famous string quartet face the

suitable for 13-and-up.

What it's about:A disgruntled


tries to show his true colors. The kid attractor factor:It'5

Rating:PG-13for intense violent sequencesthroughout, some sexuality, language andsmoking What it's about:A computer hacker has stolen a list of secret

agents, and JamesBondwants them back. The kid attractor factor:It's

James Bond, with car chases, epic brawls and lots and lots of action.

video-game badguyescapes and a new 3-D Disney cartoon set inside the lives of video game characters. Goodlessons/bad lessons: Labels don't matter; "you must

love you" before you canlive a happy, contented life.

Violence:Cartoon slapstick, eventhe first-person shootergamescenes. Language: Disney-clean,despite the presence of SarahSilverman. Sex:A little game-on-game

Goodlessons/badlessons:" Age is noguaranteeof efficiency" and "Youth is noguarantee of

smooching. Drugs:None.

innovation "

all ages.


Parents' advisory:Suitable for

• Friday, November 16th Comics •

















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• Friday, November 16th Comics •

To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809




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A familiar theme in d eceptive defense is to let declarer win his first try at a repeatable finesse. A similar idea, less well known, is to refuse to cash a winner when you can. Today's West led the queen of spades against 3NT. East signaled with the nine, and South ducked. West continued with the ten, and East overtook with his king. South held up his ace again, won the third spade and attacked the clubs. When East took his ace, he ... returned a club without cashing his good spade. WINNING SPADE







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South won a n d n e eded t hree diamond tricks for his contract. Since he assumed, reasonably enough, that West held the defenders' winning s pade, South cashed the ace o f diamonds and led to dummy's jack. Even if t h e f i n esse lost, South expected to take nine tricks. He was stunned when East took the queen and produced a spade for down one. East's defense almost compelled South to go down. But if East cashes his spade when he takes the ace of c lubs, South may guess right i n diamonds.


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Partner then bids three spades. What do you say? ANSWER: Partner has a good h and, p r o bably wi t h 3- 1 - 5 - 4 distribution. If h e h a d th e same pattern but minimum values, he'd have raised one spade to two spades. To bid3NT would be chancy; even if you stopped the hearts, you might l ack nine f ast t r i cks. B i d f o u r diamonds. South dealer Both sides vulnerable

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Youhold: 46 K 9 8 7 Q Q 10 2 0 Q6 2 4 A 5 2. Y o urpartneropens Opening lead — 4 Q one diamond, you respond one spade, he bids two clubs and you try 2NT. (C) 2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


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THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

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Unscramblethesefour Jumbles one letter to eachsquare, to form four ordinary words.


Now It is very imponant that you Iion't mix these soils, The potting soil costs three times more than the topsoil. eE



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THE NU252RY OWN63RTOLP HRR NFW EMPLOYEETHE—Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested bytheabove cartoon.


©LaughingStockInternational Inc, Dist by Universal UClek forUFS, 2012

"We're going to Italy for a week on his overtime pay."

38 Foolish talk 50 Online discussion 39 Tropical birds venue rodeo that run on lily 51 A s syrian's foe 6 Magnum pads 53 Link 10 Telegraph 'T' 40 Fashionable 57 Like rainy London 13 Respond to 4 1 Hypothetical highski e s 14 Receive with rehsh tech predator in 6 0L ogical abbr. 16 Headline-making Crichton's "Prey" 6 1 Onetime NYSE event 44 Banks, e.g. Burmese 17 What makes a 7 Story opener 45 Abides by statesman a cat? 8 Org. managed by 46 " objections?" 6 2L A . setting 19 Pro at balancin Scripps until 1982 4 8 Storage unit 63 Mateo , Abbr. 9 Soccer mom's 49 Steamed state Calif o rnia 20 Second-smalle nde st. 10 Work with a steno ANSNER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: 21 To date 11 Worn things 22 Elevated churc T U B E R N P R 12 Accumulated to a B I J O U area fault A P A R T I N I G O E A U 24 Greek vowel 15 R&B singer B A R G A I N I N G C H I P S 25 Bearish directo Bryson 28 State from which E D S H D T V S K O L A 8 18 Lake the Utah Territ C U E M O O G Australia's lowest was formed F LA T A S A P A N C A K E point 30 Tarzan, for one 23 Sever, with "off' G O A P E C L O Y H I N T 31 No longer in 24 Announcer Hall 32 Prefix with cult R U Y S M A L L O J MO D 25 L anguage spoken E R S T 33 Former word for I L I E F L A W S former days in New Delhi SH I R T S A N D S K I N S 34 Sea dog who's 26 Church section E U RO P P P actually a wolf / 27 Change, in a way B I G M O P I X E L V I A 39 Calendar pg. 29 Unadon fillets 42 Texter's "Zounds!" 32 Taiwanese-born THE P 0 T A T 0 E A T E R S 43 Many a Johann Lee W A T P E T E R Z Z T O P Strauss work 35 Apple or pear O D O S C H M O A E O N S 47 Muscle Shoals 36 Mosque leader 11/1 6/1 2 site 37 PDA add-ons 50 Countless 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 1 12 52 Dogs who inspire artists? 13 14 15 16 54 Marshal at Waterloo 17 18 19 55

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: AGENT MOUND SAILOR AFLAME Answer: Finding sneakers for somebasketball players Is — NOSMALLFEAT

DOWN 1 Churchill's "so few": Abbr. 2 Summer quencher 3 In any event 4 Sl~~~ 5 Wilson of Heart 6 Least fresh


Schoolchildren": Tracy Kidder book 56 Nancy Drew's


o2012 TribuneMedia Services, Inc. ~e Aii Rights Reserved

Edited by Rich Norris and Joyce Nichols Lewis ACROSS 1 Restraint at a


© 2012 by King Features Syndicate, Inc. World rights reserved



20 24 28





57 Econ. measure 58 San Francisco's 31 Hill 34 59 Deliverers of certain farm 39 4 0 41 news? 64 Shakespeare title 47 48 woI'd 65 French income 52 66 iComfort mattress 55 maker 67 Shooting locale 58 68 1967 ¹1 hit "Somethin' Stupid," e.g. 69 Former "NOVA 67 scienceNOW" host Neil By Gareth Bain deGrasse



30 32 35









44 4 5




56 59 6 0




57 62


66 68

(c)2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc.


11/16/1 2


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809

Introducing the all-new 2013 Subaru XV Crosstrek. Right-sized, capable, and the most fuel-efficient all-wheel-drive crossover in America.' Love where it takes you.

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Subaru and Forester are registered trademarks. '2012 Top Safety Picks include the 2013 Subaru Forester, Impreza, Legacy, Outback and Tribeca. 'EPA-estimated fuel economy for 2013 Subaru Forester 2.5X models. Actual mileage may vary. 6EPA-estimated fuel economy for 2013 Subaru XV Crosstrek CVT models. Actual mileage may vary. 'Standard on 2013 Subaru XV Crosstrek models. PZEV emissicns warranty applies to only certain states See dealer for complete information on emissions and new car limited warranties. 'Based on JD Power crossover segmentation and EPA- estimated hwy fuel economy for 2013 XV Crcsstrek CVT models. Actual mileage may vary.

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ease MSRP $35,729 VIN;GD3D4400115. Cap reduction $4,995. Cap Cost $29,674. Acquisition fee $595. Doc. fee $75. 42 months, 10,000 miles/year. Residual 46% $16,435.34. No Security Deposit. Total due at signing $5,631.62. *Tier I financing. Title, lic. L doc. and dealer installed option not included. Down payment is cash or trade equity. On Approved Credit. DTD-04

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For homes online w w w



b e n d h O m e S . C Om


Historic Residence on Drake Park

NewHomes Starting at $114,990! Hayden Homes newest community, North Village, offers home starting at only $114,990! C onveniently l o cated i n NE Be n d w i t h mountain views and easy access to highway 97, North Village continues the Hayden Homes tradition of offering signature quality homes at an exceptional value. With six well-appointed home plans available, you are certain to find the one to call your own. Directions: From H WY 97 : E ast o n C o oley Rd , N o rth o n Hunters Circle. Call 541-516-1530 or find us on the web at

7 bedrooms, 8 bathrooms, 5317 sq. ft. Incredible opportunity to own one of Bend's priceless historic residences on Drake Park & the Deschutes River. Extremely well maintained. Lovingly & completely renovated & updated on all 3 floors plus finished basement in 2005. Spacious rooms, enclosed sun porch. Wraparound decks. Enjoy the park-like large lot. Finished basement was remodeled to a highend basement apartment w/separate outside & inside entrance. 640 NW Congress St., Bend. $1,399,000.



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Designed to provide privacy and space for extended family, a multi-generational home's best asset may be its versatility. All across the nation, people continue to be affectedby the housing crisis,the economy, changes in income, higher costs of living, and the fear and anxiety of not knowing when or if things will improve. Middle-aged adults are also finding themselves needing to become caregivers for elderly parents or loved ones who are unable to safely live independently. Because of rising costs ofeldercare,bringing extended family members back into a single home has become the answer for some families. Although this is not a new concept, builders in Central Oregon are developing homes with these family dynamics in mind. Ken Thomas, a builder in Bend since 1985, has observed the challenges that many families are now faced with — trying to blend several generations of family under one roof. He found that individuals have the dilemma of accommodating extended family members while providing privacy and a sense of independence to everyone. He calls these living situations "multi-generational." One home, recently built by T homas on Hilmer Creek Dr. in the Ridgewater II subdivision in southeast Bend, is a multi-generational concept home. The home has four bedrooms and three bathrooms. The split floorplan situates three of the bedrooms and two bathrooms on one side of the home. A livingroom with a k itchenette leading to the fourth bedroom and third bathroom is separated from the main living area of the home by a lockable doorway. This area of the home also features separate laundry hookups for a stackable unit, a large hallway closet, and a separate entry. Although the term "multi-generational" is not yet a mainstream real estate description, Thomas points out the need has been present throughout history. Television sitcoms tend to make light of what many people try to avoid, he explained. "I don't think it i s too complicated," said Thomas. "Growing up, we have allbeen exposed to multi-generational homes on television and probably never gave it any thought. 'The Beverly Hillbillies' had a very nice multigenerational pad." Thomas also cited "All in the Family," "King of Queens" and "The Waltons" as shows that demonstrated multi-generational living. "If you stopped and gave it some thought, you'd be able to think of many multi-generational and blended family situations from your television memories, and no doubt from personal memories as well," said Thomas. He believes the difference is that none of the homes within which the characters on those shows lived were designed to accommodate

on large lots he has available. The home on Hilmer Creek Drive is available for purchase, and is move in-ready. The 2,464 square-foot home is priced at $359,900. In addition to the multi-generational features, the home is complete with front and backyard landscaping. It has an open floorplan/great room concept with mountain views and highquality finishes and fixtures.

The home at 61182 Hilmer Creek Dr. features a split floorplan to accommodate extended family members or for other purposes including, but not limited to home businesses, crafts, or out-of-town guests. Builder Ken Thomas (rightj has worked with clients who expressed the need for specialized living spaces for extended family members. extended family living. The house on Hilmer Creek was designed and built for this purpose — to allow several generations to live together comfortably under one roof. "When you take into consideration the increasinglycommon boomerang child trend, which is when adult-aged children need to move back home — sometimes with their own

them to have separate living areas. Other terms used to describe this type of concept include fusion homes, family flex homes and homes within homes. Thomas chose to build this concept home in Ridgewater II because the location was convenient for him. In 2003, Thomas developed the 56-lot subdivision and quickly sold most of the lots to inde-

While multi-generation homes are designed for extended family, the separate living space serves other purposes as well. children — this concept is well-suited to maintain peace and sanity," said Thomas. He also noted some elderly couples want to downsize from the large family house. For them, the thought of an extra space for a livein caretaker is appealing. While multi-generation homes are designed for extended family, the separate living space serves other purposes as well. "Some people have suggested that it might be too limiting to build for such a small segment of the market," said Thomas. "In reality, this concept works great for someone who wants a single-story, four-bedroom, three-bathroom home too. It just has so many possibilities." Thomas has worked with individuals who prefer to reserve the space for out-of-town guests, for home offices and hobby rooms. O thers haveexpressed the desire to be able to live with roommates, and it works well for

pendent builders — who at the time were having difficulty finding lots on which to build. "I like the larger east-side lots that can accommodate a single-story plan like I've just built," said Thomas. "It's better for someone that probably doesn't want stairs and likes more parking. I like the close proximity to schools, hospital, and just general ease of getting around town from the east side. Plus, the mountain views and more open feeling are things that are enjoyed by homeowners on the east side as well. Not to mention that the prices tend to be more affordable." According to Thomas, demographic studies, trade magazine articles, and many recent internet articles discuss the increasing need for families to figure out creative ways to live with and take care of loved ones. Thomas feels strongly enough about his concept that he plans to build more of these homes very soon

$ 274 , 5 0 0 Pride Of Ownership! Great roomfloor planw/3bdrms,2 baths &den.Customfeatures include: tile, faucets 8 aainsulated/heated


',I .Hllf. Ill l

3! Il» • IIS


61182 Hilmer Creek Dr. $359,900 Open House Hours: Saturdays and Sundays, November. 17, 18, 24 and 25

Noon to 3 p.m. Directions: Head east on Reed Market from 3rd Street in Bend. Go south on 15th, east on Ferguson, then turn right onto Sage Creek Drive. Take an immediafe left onto Hilmer Creek Dr. The home is on the left.

Contact us for more information or to schedule a private tour. 541-480-2547 Ken Thomas can be reached via email af fo discuss your concerns, questions and options fo build your family a home to suit your needs.

Kenneth E. Thomas Construction LLC. License ff164316

$ 399 , 0 0 0

$ 450 , 0 0 0

Gorgeous HomeInRiver CanyonEstates

Price Reduced!!! Sunriver Gem.... Three full master suites, 3.5baths.

Excellentopenfloor planona large corner lot.Livingroomw/gasfireplace,recessedlighting. Tilecounters, walk-a pantry,SSappliances &wood floors. Spaciousmaster suite, walk-in closet &custombuilt-ins.

GorgeousAsianwalnut flooring, new hickory cabinets, carpet aad tile floors, largecorner lot. Excellent RentalHistory.




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$1 29,90 0

$ 99,5 0 0

$ 259 , 9 0 0

New OnThe Market

Price Reduction This well maintainedhomesits

Delightful Craftsman-Style Home

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garage. Low maintenancelandscape with a trexdeck&the backof the home islocatednext to greeaway.


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Beautiful Townhomemthe Faahaven neighborhood.Tile counters, hickory cabinets, gas fireplace & vaulted ceilings. Nearcommunity park, closeto schools &centrally located nearNolan Town Center.




on aspaciouslot.3bedrooms,2 baths. Newcarpet installed this summer,freshinterior paint a new laminate flooring makesthis home move-in ready.

FormerCOBATour of Homes™ "Future ConceptHome",with a number of attractive features. eeautifally landscaped yard with a fantastic outdoor living area.Close to shopping & otheramenities.



541-390-0098 OR 541-389-7910

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1 59,00 0 view, views, views! Beautiful home with extensive upgrades .EarthAdvantage,main floor living, wiredfor surround CZ sound, redoakhardwoodfloors, • II island breakfast bar,birch cabinets & muchmore. MIKE WILSON, BROKER

541-977-5345 OR 541 -389-7910


TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 5 41-385-580 9 738

Houses for Rent General

PUBLISHER'S NOTICE All real estate advertising in this newspaper is subject to the F air H o using A c t which makes it illegal to a d v ertise "any preference, limitation or disc r imination

RENTALS 603 - RentalAlternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627 Vacation Rentals & Exchanges 630 - Roomsfor Rent 631 - Condominiums &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634- Aph/Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apf./Multiplex NW Bend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apf./Multiplex SW Bend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648- Houses for RentGeneral 650 - Housesfor Rent NEBend 652 - Housesfor Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656 - Housesfor Rent SW Bend 658 - Housesfor Rent Redmond 659 - Housesfor Rent Sunriver 660 - Housesfor Rent La Pine 661 - Houses for Rent Prlrieville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Housesfor Rent Madras 664- Houses for RentFurnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 -Mobile/Mfd.Space 682 - Farms, Ranches andAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693 - Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705- Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719 - Real Estate Trades 726 - Timeshares for Sale 730 - New Listings 732 - Commercial Properties for Sale 738- Multiplexes for Sale 740 -Condominiums & Townhomes forSale 744 - Open Houses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 - SouthwestBendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750 - RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756 - JeffersonCountyHomes 757 - CrookCountyHomes 762 - Homeswith Acreage 763 - Recreational Homes attd Property 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Modile Homes 780 - Mfd. /Mobile Homeswith Land 634

Apt./Multiplex NE Bend Call for Specials! Limited numbers avail. 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. W/D hookups, patios or decks.


MOUNTAIN GLEN, 541 -383-931 3


Roommate Wanted

Professionally managed by Norris & Stevens, Inc.

Share cozymobile home A t/Multi lex NW Bend 630

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Whether you need a fence fixed, hedges trimmed or a house built, you'll find professional help in The Bulletin's "Call a Service Professional" Directory 541-385-5809

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541-382-0053 AVAILABLE BEND AREA RENTALS • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath Apt. Near Hospital - Private setting. On site laundry. New carpet. Lots of storage. No Pets. $625.00 I/I/ST • 2 Bdrm/1 Bath SE Duplex - Single garage. Small fenced, natural back yard. Fireplace. W/D Hookups. New carpet & paint. No Pets. $650.00 I/I/ST • Furnished 1 Bdrm/2 Bath Condo -next to Pioneer Park. Laundry facilities. Indoor Pool. Murphy bed. Gated community. No pets. $675.00 (All Utilitiesincluded except cable) • Furnished 1 Bdrm/1 Bath Condo - Mt. Bachelor Village. Murphy bed, too! Great place to transition or relax. Access to pool & Jacuzzi. Free Wi-Fi. No pets. $675.00 yI/ST • Nice 3 Bdrm/2 Bath off OB Riley Rd. - Extra room for RV behind fenced area. Large back deck. Open spacious great room feeling. 1674 sq. ft., double garage. $1100.00 •Open spacious 3 Bdrm/2.5 Bath SW Home Near schools. Office at entrance. Hardwood floor. Lots of built-ins & pull outs. Large gas fireplace. Vaulted ceilings. Large upstairs laundry room. Fruit trees. Pets? $1450.00 *** FOR ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES *** CALL 541-382-0053 &/or Stop By the Office at 587 NE Greenwood, Bend


Multiplexes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Investors - 4-plex j $425,000 1416 sq. ft., 3 b edroom, 2.5 bath, garage & p arking for each unit. Prime NE location near hospital. Fully rented, excellent rental history, excess of $36K annual gross rents & low maintenance. MLS¹201208263 Dana Miller, Broker 541-408-1468

64565 El Dorado Trail 26+ Acres NW home site w/owner financ ing, $279,000 TEAM Birtola Garmyn Prudential High Desert Realty 541-312-9449

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

1250 NW Remarkable $1,200,000 $2,399,000 Awbrey Village Lot Estate In Gated Golf Beautiful Golf Front w/Cascade Views, Community Property! Cascade views with 2.5 B reathtaking vie w s . $190,000 Prudential High Desert acres, 4bdrm, w i th Exterior s u rrounded Realty 541-312-9449 his/hers master suites b y 400,000 pds. of www. BendOregon on main level. 3 gas hand tumbled Mon-

www. BendOregon fireplaces, roomy tana r o ck . C h ef's kitchen, wrap around kitchen, dual d i s h1148 NW Constellation windows, wood floors, w ashers, high e n d 19555 Tumalo ReserCustom Built Awbrey & 3 car garage. Golf appl. Natural stone & voir Remo d eled Awbrey Butte j NW Bend Home, cart bay w/ 1560 s/f granite, wine cellar, based on race, color, home, Casc a de $750,000 $469,000 coach house com- pottery room w/Kiln, religion, sex, handi- Stunning Awbrey Butte views, farm deferral. Prudential High Desert p lete w i t h sho p . 6 -car g a rage, i n cap, familial status, home - builder's own $755,000 Realty 541-312-9449 S pectacular lan d - cludes full RV b ay, marital status or nawith exceptional fin- We never stop moving: TEAM Birtola Garmyn www. BendOregon scaping, pond, shop & car lift. tional origin, or an in- ishes throughout. 4 Prudential High Desert streams & waterfall all Aaron Boehm, Broker tention to make any Realty 541-312-9449 bedroom, 4 bath, 3set w i t hi n fe n c ed (541) 647-8851 such pre f e rence, car garage. 3753 sq. 547 NW Ogden Perfect www. BendOregon area. Ryan Whitcomb, limitation or discrimi- ft. on a .32 acre lot. NW Bend Location, nation." Familial staBig RM Lot, $149,900 Ryan Whitcomb, Bro- Broker (541) 639-1151 Convenient, c e ntral 51863 Fordham G or Prudential ker 541-639-1151 Hunter Properties tus includes children NW Bend location. High Desert geous Craftsman, 3 MORRIS under the age of 18 Realty 541-312-9449 Aaron Boehm, Broker MLS¹201208534 bdrm + o f f ice l o ft, 541-647-8851 $259,900 living with parents or www.BendOregon REAL ESTATE Michelle Tisdel, $179,900 Hunter Properties Former COBA Tour of legal cus t o dians, P.C., Broker I dcpc dc d>O cd d O p c rcd TEAM Birtola Garmyn Homes™ pregnant women, and 541-390-3490 $125 000 Prudential High Desert Exceptional Craftsman 61250 King Solomon people securing cus- We never stop moving: Single level duplex! Price Reduction! Realty 541-312-9449 Updated Kings Forest Mid town cutie needs a Home! F e atures 4 tody of children under Redmond! 3 bdrm, 2 www. BendOregon bedrooms, 3.5 bath. 3 Bedroom Home. 18. This newspaper bath, 1 41 4 s q . ft. bit of TLC but has Master on main level, $289,900 will not knowingly ace ach u n it . We l l loads o f po t ential. Cg hardwood floors, & Birtola Garmyn cept any advertising m aintained, l o n g Just bought a new boat? TEAM Fenced in yard with fireplace. A wonderful for real estate which is Sell your old one in the Prudential High Desert term renters. lots of room to garfloor plan for enterRealty 541-312-9449 in violation of the law. classifieds! Ask about our $179,000. Call d en with p lenty of MORRIS taining f a m il y & www. BendOregon Super Seller rates! Our r e a ders ar e Charlie, Designated sunshine. Structure is friends. Fully l andREAL ESTATE 541-385-5809 hereby informed that Broker 541-350-3419 sound (just needs a scaped with fenced Indcpc d«nxyo cdsndopcn<cd all dwellings adverRedmond RE/MAX 21189 Sunburst Unique 64555 El Dorado Trail little lipstick). yard. Outdoor living tised in this newspaLand & Homes Bend Home w/CasDebbie Tallman, Broker River & Mtn Views will you will not want to La Pine j $86,900 per are available on Real Estate cade Mtn. Views. 541-390-0934 or take your breath away miss. an equal opportunity 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 541-389-7910 $590,000 $599,000 Aaron Ballweber, basis. To complain of 1250 sq. ft., manu740 Prudential High Desert TEAM Birtola Garmyn Hunter Properties Broker discrimination cal l f actured home l o - Condo/Townhomes Realty 541-312-9449 Prudential High Desert 541-728-4499 or cated on 1.04 acres. $158,000 HUD t o l l -free at www. BendOregon Realty 541-312-9449 Earth Advantage Home! 541-389-7910 for Sale 1-800-877-0246. The Nice yard with www. BendOregon Hunter Properties Main floor Iiving with toll f ree t e lephone lar driveway. Small Come relax 3546 SW 35th Large extensive upgrades. number for the hear- storage and detached $195,000 $299,000 ing im p aired is 2 car carport. Bank on the paver back pa 4000+ SF Home w/ 52909 Shady 1.5 Acres An open floor plan A Perfect Place To Call tio! This 3 bedroom, Wine Cellar. $481,703 with large entry, slate, 1-800-927-9275. owned. Adloining Forest 2.5 bath t o wnhome Home... TEAM Birtola Garmyn MLS¹201208576 red oa k h a rdwood Land, $169,900 has slate entry, fire Prudential High Desert TEAM Beautiful, well cared floors. breakfast bar, Darryl Doser, Birtola Garmyn Get your place, tile floor in the Realty 541-312-9449 Broker, CRS concrete counters and home on large corner Prudential High Desert lot. Upgrades master bath and gran www. BendOregon Birch cabinets. Rear business 541-383-4334 Realty 541-312-9449 ite tile kitchen counter throughout this entry garage. We never stop moving: www. BendOregon tops. Short distance to cious home includes Mike Wilson, Broker the Lakeside Sports 19460 G reen L a k es granite counters, a ROW I N G 541-977-5345 or U nique Luxury B ro C enter. H O M E I D ken Top Craftsman stainless appliances, 541 -389-791 0 Good classified ads tell 962 hardwood floors, Hunter Properties with an ad in the essential facts in an Home. $896,000 Eagle Crest stone entry way & TEAM Birtola Garmyn interesting Manner. Write The Bulletin's Properties™ $1,950,000 paver patio. AmeniMORRIS Prudential High Desert from the readers view - not 866-722-3370 Pnce Reduced!!! "Call A Service ties include pool, Realty 541-312-9449 the seller's. Convert the REAL ESTATE One of aKind Home on tennis court & club Professional" www. BendOregon Indcpendently~cd and Opented $259,900 Like new 3 facts into benefits. Show 2 Lots Cascade Mtn. house. Directory bdrm, 2y~ bath Creek the reader how the item will & golf course views. Jon Frazier, Broker side town h o me. 3019 NW Golf View On NE Bend j $175,000 help them in someway. Master suite w/ fire541-610-4626 or Backs t o c o m mon place & mult i ple Rented your propNew construction in This 541 -389-791 0 the 5th Green of Crosswinds backing a rea/BLM with C a s decks. Elevator, prierty? The Bulletin advertising tip Hunter Properties River's Edge Golf vate oval office, & 4 Classifieds to L a n d Sy s tems cade mtn. views. Gret Course, $259,500 brought to youby Nursery. Single level, room, master main TEAM Birtola Garmyn car garages, 2 LOTS/ZONED FOR has an "After Hours" The Bulletin Aaron Boehm, Broker Line. Call 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 9 floor, loft area & full Prudential High Desert D UPLEXES Gre a t bath upstairs. Tons of 541-647-8851 f t. ceilings, & n i c e opportunity...2 tax lots 541-383-2371 24 Realty 541-312-9449 upgrades. Ryan Whitcomb, Brohours to master suite. Quiet for investor or a famwww. BendOregon 16010 Green neighborhood close to Home-ID837 ker 541-639-1151 ily who needs a large d. Forest Remodeled 4 hospital, s h o pping, Eagle Crest Properties Hunter Properties lot. Tons of character bdrm home, Owner 3456 NE 45th Country 650 866-722-3370 dining & schools. in this charming 60s Financing, $159,900 1 Acre w/studioLiving Close to Down- TEAM Birtola Garmyn MLS¹201208195 home. 3BR/2BA, 1490 Houses for Rent La pine Stick b uilt town Redmond. Darrin Kelleher, Broker $ 340,000 3 b d r m, SF. Beautiful vaulted Prudential High Desert NE Bend home. 3 bed/2 bath, $149,999 The Kelleher Group 3'/~ bath F o rest beam c eilings Realty 541-312-9449 w ood stove i n L a open Birtola Garmyn a nd b uilt-ins. G a s Ridge Townhome TEAM www. BendOregon Newer Home, 3 bdrm, We 541-788-0029 Pine. M o ther-in-law Prudential High Desert never stop moving: f orced a i r hea t . with golf c o urse Realty 541-312-9449 2.5 bath, loft/TV area, quarters w/bath, kitchen, walk near Forum shops & kitchen & pellet stove Close-in view. Two master www. BendOregon to Sam Johnson Park. 59774 Cheyenne Re medical centers, No on ow n d r i veway. suites, sec u r ity MLS: 201205705. modeled 4 bdrm MLS:201207856 smoking. $1095/mo. system, gr a n ite20070 Beaver, Tumalo home W Antler Ave, in Bend, Theresa Ramsay, BroCall 541-550-0333. Redmond. kitchen and utility, O ver 80 ft. o f D e s $164,900 ker 541-815-4442 658 MORRIS m arble bath s . chutes River F ront TEAM Birtola Garmyn John L. Scott helleyarnold Prudential High Desert age! $149,400 Home-ID887 Real Estate, Bend Houses for Rent REAL ESTATE Shelley Arnold, Broker TEAM Birtola Garmyn Realty 541-312-9449 Indcpendenrly~cd and Operated Eagle Crest Prop Prudential High Desert Redmond 541-771-9329 www. BendOregon erties John L. Scott 1 Acre w/studioRealty 541-312-9449 1550sq ft 3 bdrm 2 bath, NW Bend j $560,000 Real Estate, Bend 866-722-3370 www. BendOregon La pine Stick built Private .62 acre lot on W/D hkup, gas frplce, 2633 NW Champion home. 3 bed/2 bath, close to RHS, fenced yd cul-de-sac in g a ted Circle Gorgeous 3200 w ood stove i n L a 744 w/garden, 2-car garage. community. Eco19717 Mt. Bachelor SQ.FT. Awbrey Glen Pine. M o ther-in-law Want to impress the Open Houses friendly, 2711 sq. ft., 4 $925. 541-604-4694 Recently Updated Mt. Home, $575,000 quarters w/bath, bedroom, 3.5 b a t h, Bachelor Village relatives? Remodel Prudential High Desert kitchen & pellet stove 4 bdrm 2'I~ bath, 3-car open floor plan, for- Open House Saf.f 1-3 Condo, $169,900 Realty 541-312-9449 your home with the on ow n d r i veway. garaqe, fresh paint, 2640 mal dining area, large 651 NE Cheyenne, TEAM Birtola Garmyn www. BendOregon MLS:201207856 help of a professional NE 9th. $1250/mo.; Redmond. k itchen, master o n Prudential High Desert Theresa Ramsay, Bro$1500 security dep.; no from The Bulletin's main, bonus room, & 3,000 Sq.ft., 4 Bdrm, Realty 541-312-9449 ker 541-81 5-4442 pets. Call 503-804-5045 large patio. 2.5 Bath. "Call A Service www. BendOregon People Look for Information John L. Scott ONLY $199,999. MLS¹20128561 Professional" Directory About Products and Newer 2326 sq.ft. deluxe Real Estate, Bend Hosted by home, 3/3, gas fire- Megan Power, Broker, 52337 Barberry Large Services Every Day through Gail Rogers GRI, CDPE place, 7500' lot, fenced Home & Shop on 1.5 The Bullefrrf ClassNeds 541 -604-1649 $450,000 541-610-7318 yard, 1655 SW SaraAcres in the Trees, Listed by Sunriver Gem! soda Ct. $ 1195/mo. We never stop moving: 80 NW 17th NW Bend 5 Garage Sales L arge corner lo t i n Theresa Ramsay $125,000 541-350-2206 Bdrm, Family Home Garage Sales TEAM Birtola Garmyn 541-815-4442 cludes gorg e ous w/Views, $599,900 Prudential High Desert Asian walnut flooring, 859 Prudential High Desert Realty 541-312-9449 Garage Sales 3ohn~ cott' new Hickory cabinets, Houses for Rent Realty 541-312-9449 www. BendOregon carpet and tile floors. R EAL E S T A T E www. BendOregon Sunriver Find them Three f u l l ma s t er Licensed toSell Real Estate MORRIS in the State of Oregon. suites, 3.5 baths. Exin 60818 W i ndsor SE REAL ESTATE VILLAGE PROPERTIES cellent rental history. Bend Home on 1/2 10 HOUSESin BurnsSOPHISTICATED The Bulletin Sunriver, Three Rivers, I dcpe dcnlyo c d d O p c (cd Susan Pitarro, Broker Acre, $165,000 All rented, $231,000 for La Pine. Great CONTEMPORARY 541-410-8084 or Classifieds TEAM Birtola Garmyn all 10. Any offers conIN TETHEROW Selection. Prices range SE Bend j $227,947 541 -389-791 0 Prudential High Desert sidered — must liqui$425 - $2000/mo. 19489 Randall Ct., New construction, 1767 Hunter Properties 541-385-5809 Realty 541-312-9449 date now. 541-413-1322 View our full Bend, OR • $599,900 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 www. BendOregon inventory online at bath, 2-car garage. Welcome to your new I/ Great room with fire- home and lifestyle! Be 1-866-931-1061 a part of the most 835-837 NW 3rd place, vaulted c eillu x u ry Investment property, i ngs & an ope n progressive 676 kitchen. Front porch g olf c o mmunity i n High Traffic Location, Central Oregon and Mobile/Mfd. Space opens to c o mmon $300,000 area! P r ofessionally live on the doorstep of TEAM Birtola Garmyn the region's vast out• Space rent $180 mo. landscaped & fenced. Prudential High Desert door offerings. Expe• Homes for rent MLS¹201208395 Realty 541-312-9449 You may notsave the world, but you can rience the quality con$350 - $495 mo. Darrin Kelleher, Broker www. BendOregon struction offered by The Kelleher Group • Large treed lots save a lot of money by refinancing your COBA To u r of • J.D. Riverfront lots 541-788-0029 Homes™ award-win- 17075 Oxnard Wonder • Playground and We never stop moving: home with SELCO Mortgage Company. n ing b u ilder R . D . ful 2002 Built Home Community Center on 1/2 Acre, $214,000 Building and Design • Next to Thriftway Give us a call today! and the thoughtfully TEAM Birtola Garmyn • RVs Welcomed, Prudential High Desert executed floor p lan Riverside Home Park •I Realty 541-312-9449 that maximizes space, 15-YEAR FIXED 677 W. Main, www. BendOregon views and functionalJohn Day, Oregon MORRIS ity. This 2414 sq. ft., Call Lisa 541-575-1341 REAL ESTATE 4 bedroom, 3 b a t h I dcpcdcmlyO cd dOpc (cd single level home will 18920 Baker Custom come complete with 687 Milled Log Home Near high en d fi n ishes, the River, $299,000 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Commercial for landscaping, a p p li- TEAM Birtola Garmyn SE 0 Rent/Lease ances, 3-car garage Prudential High Desert Door-to-door selling with N D R T4 A O • and a s ophisticated C OM • A N V Realty 541-312-9449 Light industrial space, fast results! It's the easiest contemporary design. www. BendOregon 800 sq.ft., overhead way in the world to sell. T he $ 3 0,000 g o l f d r, office & ba t h . m embership i s in Avail. Dec. 15th. $344 The Bulletin Classified cluded with the sale, 7 770 G rubstake E n mo., 1st & l ast req. 541-385-5809 please c al l li s t ing chanted River Setting Off Boyd Acres Rd. 2+ Acres . agent for further de- o n 541-382-4918 tails. $499,900 732 Silvia Knight, Broker, TEAM Birtola Garmyn I NMLS ¹241838 Restaurant Pu b for Commercial/Investment Cascade Sothebys Prudential High Desert lease. SW corner of Int'I Realty, Realty 541-312-9449 Properties for Sale 3rd and Greenwood. www. BendOregon 541-788-4861 Formerly Cheerlead- Prime Hwy 97 ers, now Taylors Sau- cial updated in 2006, Where can you find a 225 NE Lafayette 2500 sage. Over 3000 sq 850 sq.ft., plenty of helping hand? Sq.ft. CL Zoned feet. Lottery r o om, in rear, cen•r Commercial Bldg, wired & running 4 ma- parking IHI > tral a i r . $ 1 1 9,900. From contractors to H' $150,000 I 'I II chines now. 20-ft bar, MLS ¹ 201 0 03034 yard care, it's all here TEAM Birtola Garmyn 10 tap handles. 4-pan Pam Lester, Principal I ' ' I I ' ' I I I I ' l l I I II I I I I I I I I in The Bulletin's Prudential High Desert hot well, Ansell hood, B roker, Century 2 1 I I I ' I ' I' I I I' I Realty 541-312-9449 automatic dishwasher. Gold Country Realty, "Call A Service www. BendOregon Terry, 541-415-1777 Inc. 541-504-1338 Professional" Directory 730

New Listings

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NOON — 4PM Brand-new Pxhlicrh home features mxm level li ving! 3102 sq. ft. model home with 3 bdrm, 2.5 bath, office/den, ,il huge bonus room, plus a loft mexn~ plenty of room for xii You'ii love rhe big backyard 20852 Tamar Lane, Bend overlooking open space and Directions: From the Parkuay, the canal. l3eautiful finishes, east on Reed itfarke/, south on /5!h q ualit y c r a f t s m a nshi p . /e(east). Donx forget our xmemt>ei Street, to community on f/ clubhouse, sports complex,


New construction by R.D. Building h Design. Light b right interiors w i th stainless steel appliances. Close proximity to shopping, schools and medical fadliues Quality finishes throughout. 2701NE Rosemary Dr. Work with builder on custom Directions: 27/h /o Rosema~ floorplans and finishes

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TO PLACE AN AD CALL CLASSIFIED• 541-385-5809 Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale




Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

Homes for Sale

$474,900 Broken Top Golf Estate Northwest charmer NW Set In The Ponderosa Stellar G ol f C o u rse Bend home on large Pines. Soaring ceilViews of 1 7th T ee! .2 acre lot w/4 bedings, fireplace, large The Pinehurst at Bro- rooms, 2. 5 ba t h s, family room with high ken Top represents 2583 S F w/g r eat windows. This home an unmatched r oom, m a i n flo o r sits at the end of a benchmark for quality master bedroom 8 of-

River front home. Enjoy S ecluded in th e T a ll NOTICE Pines. 21575 McGilAll real estate adver- all that river front livtised here in is sub- ing has to offer near vray Rd. Bend, Orject to t h e F e deral downtown. Fantastic egon 97701. Southup- east Bend in the tall F air H o using A c t , opportunity t o which makes it illegal grade this well built 3 pines hides this seto advertise any pref- bdrm home and cre- cluded 20 acre gem... cul-de-sac on over 5 and craftsmanship in fice, family room up- erence, limitation or ate your own estate in a small acreage with acres. Deck brings the the marketplace! stairs. Quality kitchen discrimination based this incredible setting. home and shop, all in outdoors in...3 car ga- Single-level by Steven w/center island, gran- on race, color, reli- Open floor plan with immaculate condition. rage, plus a detached Van Sant masterfully ite counters, bamboo gion, sex, handicap, mostly main level liv- Wonderful and warm RV barn/boat, sepa- rendered by PacWest f loors. S hows l i k e familial status or na- ing space, oak floor- describes this single rate shop, 1/2 bath! Homes with masonry new. $335, 0 00. tional origin, or inten- ing and loft area. Prilevel home, accented Mike Wilson, Broker. w ood-burning fir e - www. tion to make any such vate studio apartment w ith t h e "country 541-977-5345 or places, hand-textured Fresca preferences, l i mita- over the large garage comfort" of wood, tile, 541-389-7910 walls & ceilings, elDavid Foster, Broker flo o ring, tions or discrimination. and extensive decks travertine 541-322-9934 Hunter Properties egant stone b a ths We will not knowingly for outdoor living on vaulted and beamed with h eated f l oors, John L. Scott accept any advertis- the river. Call today. ceilings, wainscoting, 65835 Waldron Trail extensive use of cusReal Estate, Bend ing for r eal e state 502 NW Harmon Blvd. and that is just the Architectural m a s ter- tom woodwork & trim, MLS ¹201204651. beginning! There is a which is in violation of piece with amazing and dynamic showclean two story shop this law. All persons $888,000. views! Magical Pow- case kitchen equipped with guest f acilities are hereby informed Gary Everett, CCIM ell B utte s u nrises, w ith Wolf r ange & Tick, Tock Principal Broker above, i m maculate that all dwellings adsunsets e m b racing built-in r e f rigerator. 541-480-6130 landscaping, fenced vertised are available the Cascades and ev- Oversized t hree-car Tick, Tock... Joan Steelhammer, pasture wit h a u t oon an equal opportuerything in between. garage, paver patios, Broker matic, timed irrigation, nity basis. The Bulle...don't let time get S tructural desi g n and private hot tub 541-419-3717 decorative cemented tin Classified lends itself to relax- e nhance t hi s t r u ly away. Hire a Remax pond with island and ation, entertaining & p henomenal h o m e waterwheel! It is at the professional out NW Crossing mastersimple living. Tower- d estined fo r t h o se same time functional, piece! Amazing NW ing ceilings, light & of The Bulletin's Find exactly what seeking nothing but AND with a Crossing home w/4 open w/expansive use the best. Call for your "Call A Service "story that bedrooms & 5 baths! you are looking for in the saysbook" setting of windows. Spacious private tour t o day! "WOW!" Over 3500 sq. ft. of CLASSIFIEDS Professional" working kitchen pro- MLS ¹ 20 1 2 04424 $795,000. quality wit h c h erry vides tons of storage. $1,185,000 Directory today! Walt Reuber, Principal wood floors, marble Hara Schick, ArchiDavid D. Gilmore, Broker countertops, box Riverfront home with 541-480-2495 tect. 3 b drm/3 bath Broker. 541-312-7271 NORTHWEST outstanding river, beam ceilings, outplus a den, 2700y sq. HColdwelBanker CROSSING views in gated com- Re/Max Key Properties d oor patio & bb q ft. on 10+ acres. MLS Morris Real Estate. in Bend, Oregon 2156 NW Lolo Dr. w/fireplace a n d a munity. Beautiful 201203805 $649,900 Don't miss this Santa Fe home, 3 Cindy King, P rincipal Canal o n pro p erty one-of-a-kind artistic guest apartment. All Look at: across from park in an masters, triple garage, Nicely updated home home. No detail has Broker, ABR, CRS. huge shop, 13.46 G RI 541-728-0033 on cul-de-sac. 3 bed/2 been overlooked, ev- award-winning neighborhood! $ 6 5 0,000. acres. A must see. w/ge n erous ery component spefor Complete Listings of RE/MAX Key Properties bath MLS:201010467. space in all living ar- cially selected to cre- Area Real Estate for Sale athycaba $850,000. e as. High level o f ate a hom e of What are you natural light. Home on unsurpassed quality 8 Kathy Caba, Principal Snowberry Village ¹98 Broker, ABR 2475 .74 acre lot. M any l ivability. Earth A d looking for? Kellie Cook, Broker $79,500 Beautiful 3 541-771-1761 new features, c a ll Pla t i num You'll find it in bedroom, 2 bat h John L. Scott 541-408-0463 listing agent for spe- vantage Certified. Fashioned single level home in John L. Scott Real Estate, Bend The Bulletin Classifieds cifics. a fter F r an k L l o y d Snowberry V i l lage. Real Estate, Bend Wright's creative geVaulted ceilings, gas 4314 B e n Sh a n k, nius. 3 bedrooms, 2.5 h eat/A/C, 2-car g aBroker 541-280-0066 One-of-a-kind log home 541-385-5809 b aths. 2624 sq . f t . w/Cascade views! 3 rage w/shop area, John L. Scott $649,000. Have an item to front deck and cozy Real Estate, Bend bedrooms, 2.5 baths, $99,500 Edie Delay, rear patio, elevated 4344 sq. ft. home with sell quick? Price Reduced! Principal Broker corner lot. A good buy gorgeous C a scade This well m a intained Hasson Company If it's under in a wonderful neighviews. $409 , 000. home sits on a spaRealtors borhood! Need to get an ad MLS¹ 201108589. For '500 you can place it in cious lot. New lami541-420-2950 Marilyn Rohaly, Broker more information and nate flooring installed in ASAP? The Bulletin 541-322-9954 pictures Text: in kitchen recently, NorthWest Crossing John L. Scott T538791to 85377. Classifieds for: new carpet, installed New Listing! This cus- Real Estate, Bend t his s u mmer a n d Fax!t to 541-322-7253 t om C r aftsman i s niellesnow freshly painted inte'10 - 3 lines, 7 days poised on a rare elrior. Great location, The Bulletin Classifieds evated lot with tree- Danielle Snow, Broker '16 - 3 lines, 14 days 541-306-1015 close to school, park, top 8 M t . B achelor TURN THE PAGE John L. Scott (Private Party ads only) and medical facilities. views! F o r m an d For More Ads Real Estate, Bend Cascade mountain Mike Everidge, Broker blend to proviews Beautiful single function The Bulletin 541-390-0098 or vide an o pen f loor Room for everything. level home. 3/2, with p lan a dorned w i t h 541-389-7910 upgraded ki t c hen. s olid Oregon O a k O PEN H O USE S a t , Close in single level Hunter Properties Detached office/stu- hardwood floors, tiled Nov. 10th • 11 — 2pm on 1.48 acres with .75 Sunriver beauty Lovely dio. Lan d s caped, kitchen 8 b at h s u r- I mmaculate $99,900 hom e irrigation water. 1959 custom SR home, ulS F, 2 d e c ks, d e - timate privacy. Never A Wonderful Condo Mt. freshly painted, spar- f aces, a n d off i c e w ith extensive u p kling clean & move-in nook. Central air con- g rades in o n e o f tached 30x35 shop. rented, one o w ner, Bachelor Village B end's f i nest 5 5 + All n e w lam i nate many extras! All high This condo will make for ready! ditioning, custom winCandice Anderson, a great getaway or parks. This home of- f loors, roof 8 ex t . end amenities, great dow treatments, and smart inv e stment. Broker 541-788-8878 fers 1512 SF 2bd/2ba paint. Large circular e ntertaining h o m e . oversized garage with fences, pond. MLS¹201204154. John L. Scott Close to d o wntown street-level driveway + den/office with ca- drive, setting. Real Estate, Bend and the ever popular thedral ceiling. All new Lovely punctuate single-level $344,900. 20761 SE arona. Old Mi l l Dis t r ict. kitchen a p p liances, convenience. E njoy Reed Market Rd. Sharon Abrams, CRS, Amenities inc l u de l ighting, ceiling f a n the storybook front Close to recreation 3 Randy Schoning, BroP rincipal Brok e r pool, tennis c o urts porch and ample en- and much much more ker, 541-480-3393 541-280-9309 and trails accessing bed/2.5 bath home is makes this home tertaining space in the John L. Scott John L. Scott the Deschutes River. perfect for family, va- fully landscaped rear move-in ready. Real Estate, Bend Real Es t a te, B e nd Call Grant for more cation getaway or in- y ard. C a pture t h e $103,500. vestment! Corner lot pulse of Westside liv- details! on cul-de-sac in quiet ing! Grant Ludwick, Broker 6989 MLS ¹ neighborhood close to 201207810 541-633-0255 or Maralin Baidenmann, $379,000 C heck out the Call Th e B u lletinAt recreational activities. 541-389-7910 Broker, 541-325-1096 David D. Gilmore, classifieds online 541-385-5809 Hunter Properties John L. Scott Broker. 541-312-7271 Place Your Ad Or E-Mail 361 Real Estate, Bend HColdwelBanker Updated daily At: w A ffordable hous i ng Kathy Denning, Broker Morris Real Estate. 541-480-4429 Manufactured home John L. Scott close to d o wntown Real Estate, Bend and Old Mill. 3 room, 2 b ath, 1296 sq. ft. open floor plan. Fenced ba c kyard,Custom home w/daycovered carport with light basement Beautiful 4 bd/4.5 ba home storage. $29,900 on 6.45 acres with 2.5 Teresa Brown, Broker acres irrigation, fire541-788-8661 place in living room, John L. Scott g ranite counters i n Real Estate, Bend kitchen, large master suite on main level, two BANK OWNED HOMES! elevator, double-car g a rages FREE List w/Pics! plus a huge RV bend and beyond real estate rage. $569,900. MLS: 20967 yeoman, bend or



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4 ( e



2163 NW Lolo Dr. $749,900 OPENSAT &SUN12-3 • Luxurious features • Bonus room w/wet bar • Bright corner lot Directions: West on Skyliners Rd., right on NW Mt. Washington Dr., right

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2343 NW Frazer Ln. Y' f

$449,900 OPEN SAT & SUN12-3 • Master on main level • Bonus loft plus den • Premium finishes



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right on NWParkCommons Dr




201204542. Beautiful Tumalo small 6039 acreage! $489,000 Ellen Clough, ABR, 20299 Swalley Road CRS, Broker • Comfort and style 541-480-7180 await you in this tradiJohn L. Scott tional Real Estate, Bend 2-story home with stunning Ca s cade Mountain views. Downtown Bend • Spacious home of- Overlooking Drake Park fers updated kitchen & t h e Des c hutes and newer living room River! This E nglish • Five bedrooms + cottage brings storydownstairs office book charm to l ife! • Detached 2400 sq. ft. Classic appeal highshop with unfinished lighted by hardwood living qtrs above floors, crown molding, • Beautifully located and plantation shutb etween Bend a n d ters. Enjoy the culiRedmond nary kitchen updated ¹201207393 with granite counters, Cindy King, Principal travertine floors, and Broker, ABR, CRS. stainless steel appliGRI 541-728-0033 ances. Tastefully deRE/MAX Key Properties signed with an eye for timeless detail, this Between Bend home also offers & Redmond marble b a t hrooms, Terrific location 4 detached two-car gabdrm, 1 ba th in rage, and manicured 2,888y sf home on grounds. A d d itional 5.75y acres. A improvements inCountry feel but close clude a n e wer f urto t ow n a m enities. nace, water heater, Super fireplace w/rock a nd roof. T h i s i s surround for a m b i- Downtown living at its a nce, plus a L o p i finest so don't miss Woodstove that can out on this rare opheat the whole house. portunity to own the Great room floor plan dream! MLS ¹ w/living r o o m & 201205806 $649,000 kitchen having David D. Gilmore, wide-plank floors of Broker. 541-312-7271 reclaimed pine. DisHColdwelBanker tressed maple cabiMorris Real Estate. nets in Kitchen with 1 1 /2 t hi c k slat e Home w/shop on 1 acre counters. If you like a Near p r ivate r i v er cozy country f e el. access. This home You've got it!! Beau- has 'elbow room', intiful Cascade Moun- side & out! Over an tain Views. 2 corrals, a cre, it has a p o l e pond, shared lake, 3 barn, greenhouse, & acres of irrigation, 2 shop/mancave/ stall barn. $375,000 s torage. I n side, a MLS ¹201205878 spacious living room Bobbie Strome, a nd a d e n , g o od Principal Broker master s e p aration. John L Scott Real Estate 541-385-5500


• Multiple activity spaces $389,9QQ • Master cn main level • Formal living, dining rooms Directions: From SW Brookswood Blvd, right on Lodgepole Dr., left on Hollygrape St., nght on Gooseberry Pl., nght on Chicory Ave.

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Directions: From Cline Falls Hwy., west into Ridge at EagleCrest. Follow to Creekside area on Eagle Crest Blvd., left on Wm. Lyche Dr., lett on Highland View Lp.

4.500% APR 4.622% Jumbo purchase price/value$800,000-20% down/equity ,$640,000 loan amount. Offer valid as of date of ad, restrictions may apply. Rates/fees subject to change. On Approved Credit.

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Faye Phillips, Broker

Brand New Home! New 541-480-2945 Construction. 4 John L. Scott bed/2.5 bath, granite Real Estate, Bend countertops, full tile backsplash. Spacious master with w alk-in Nice 2-story home with closet and dual vani- 4bd/2ba, 2 ma s t er ties. Close to shop- bedrooms. U pstairs has a family room 8 p ing, schools a n d more. Won't last long. full bath. Double gaCall for more informa- rage & is fully fenced. tion. $119,000 Barbara Jackson, BroMLS 201205524 ker 541-306-8186 Cascade Realty, John L. Scott Dennis Haniford, Real Estate, Bend Princ. Broker 541-536-1731

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Homes for Sale





Northwest Bend Homes Southwest Bend Homes Northeast Bend Homes Southeast Bend Homes





Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

Redmond Homes

SE Bend j $284,500 $399,900 Loc a t ion! 2 bedroom, 2 bath on Fabulous Canyon Rim. Newer 4 Bedroom Immaculate, previous 2623 sq. ft. c ustom 1.12 acres. $139,900 Once in a lifetime op- Newer home with 4 model h o m e in h ome. Great r o o m MLS¹201203821 portunity. Breathtak- large bedrooms, 2 Stonehaven! 4 b e dvaulted ceil i ngs, Call Linda Lou ing views of the canbaths, split floor plan, Day-Wright, Broker, room, 2.5 bath, 2762 hickory ceiling and yon from your reverse large workable sq. ft. Includes high custom cabinets. 541-771-2585 l iving f l o o r pla n . kitchen, and plenty of end appliances and Large utility, office, Crooked River Realty Vaulted living room, room for a large fammedia room. Tradi- bonus room, hobby, p ellet s t ove . Th e ily. Nice size yard too. 10 Peak Cascade 541-480-1884 MLS¹201206470 tional sale. storage area not in kitchen has an island MLS ¹ 201202015 Views! I $292,900 Minda McKitrick, MLS¹201207530 cluded in the square B reathtaking 8 solid oak cabinetry. $76,000 v ie w s ! 2.5 bath Broker, GRI Kelly Neuman, Broker footage. Home -ID981 2450 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 Many upgrades in- D&D Realty Group LLC • Advertise your car! Spacious kitchen, 541-280-6148 541-480-2102 Eagle Crest Properties bath. Large multi-pur- cluding tiled b aths, 866-346-7868 Add A Pfcfure! 866-722-3370 dining, living & family We never stop moving: Reach MLS¹201207022 We never stop moving: huge bonus room on thousands of readers! pose shop/pole barn, rooms Greg Miller, P.C., lower level, attached Call 541-385-5809 deck, hot tub. Get your Close to Pasture • Towering vaults — a Broker, CRS, GRI garage, landscaping, The Bulletin Classifieds w/views. 8589 SW MLS¹201207579 business must see! 541-408-1511 circular drive, carport, Ca Cs Gail Day 541-306-1018 Panorama. $44,500. ¹201208463 We never stop moving: decks, paver patio, Pronghorn Lake Site, MLS¹201105165 Central Oregon Realty Cindy King, P rincipal garden area 8 more! Includes $115,000 Group, LLC Call Melody Curry, BroBroker, ABR, CRS. 8x10 storage shed 8 a ROW I N G MORRIS MORRIS Premier Membership ker, 541-771-1116 GRI 541-728-0033 partial fencing. Cs 32.42 Acres in Urban 8 large lot All for REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE Crooked River Realty RE/MAX Key Properties Growth Bo u n dary, MLS¹201206225 with an ad in $97,500 l dcpc dc dyo cd* dopc,ccd r dcpc dc dyo cdc dopc ccd Adjacent t o The $249,900 Cate Cushman, 3 bed, 2 bath on 1.15 Very clean home which The Bulletin's Greens, kitty corner to D8 D Realty Group LLC MORRIS Principal Broker V ery a t tractive a n d acres.$105,000 h as b e e n ne w l y The Bulletin's "Call A Service 866-346-7868 new Ridgeview High 541-480-1884 newly rem o deled MLS¹201205372 painted inside. Has a REAL ESTATE "Call A Service School. $59 9 ,000. home in established Call Linda Lou Professional" large sh o p/garage l dcpc dc clyo cd d o p c ccd MLS ¹ 201 2 03193Fieldstone crossing, 4 neighborhood!! Large Day-Wright, Broker, with 10' door and ad- Professional" Directory Directory bdrm, 2.5 bath, 2130 SW Bend j $308,000 Pam Lester, Principal 541-771-2585 is all about meeting . 49 acre lot i n t h e ditional storage. NE Bend j $159,000 sq.ft., gas f ireplace, Immaculate 1933 sq. B roker, Century 2 1 heart of Bend!! UpCrooked River Realty $104,000 yourneeds. THE 1 1 th F A I Rft. townhome with 2 Well-kept 3 bedroom, 2 d ated from roof t o Gold Country Realty, tile countertops, slate ON MLS 201205574 bath home! Tile floor plumbing, this is one Custom golf course entry, hardwood, huge WAY behind the gate master suites plus a Inc. 541-504-1338 Call on one of the Cascade Realty, home, 2 master suites d eck, f e nced, R V at Eagle Crest. 3725 loft, in the beautiful in kitchen & d ining, you will want to see Dennis Haniford, professionals today! + attached apt. 243 area. $189,900. MLS sq. ft., 4 bedrooms, forest setting of Elkai French doors to patio inside of!! 3 bdrm/ 2 Princ. Broker Call a Pro ¹ 2012059483. P a m 3.75 baths, 2 h u ge Woods. Easy access deck and nicely land- bath, large living room SF bonus rm, fenced, 541-536-1731 747 Whether you need a w/dbl garage. Loads Lester, Principal Bro- bonus rooms, large to river trail. Member- scaped backyard with beautiful kitchen, and Very well maintained 3 Southwest Bend Homes ships at Widgi Creek storage shed. Wine a f a ntastic f a m ily of upgrades! ker, Century 21 Gold deck, 3 car garage, fence fixed, hedges fridge and bar in din- room are just the bebedroom, 2 bath Country Realty, Inc. alder cabinetry, gran$299,000 Golf Course available. trimmed or a house ite countertops. i ng r o o m . Qui e t ginning.Fenced back- Call Nancy Popp, Bro541-504-1338 manufactured home Artistry in Broken Top, MLS¹201208547 MLS¹201203992. cul-de-sac. built, you'll find on over an acre. Has Fabulous woodwork, Jackie French, Broker ker, 541-815-8000 yard, w/fantastic garMLS¹201206845 m ountain $577,000 double detached ga- mtn and golf views. 541-480-2269 professional help in Gorgeous d en area, p atio 8 Crooked River Realty John L. Scott Real EsAmy Halligan, Broker views! 36y acres Irrage. Reduced to... bdrm suites, bonus. We never stop moving: large garage w/220 The Bulletin's "Call a Private nice area close 541-410-9045 rigated w/s m a ll tate 541-548-1712 $84,900 4100 sq. ft. New Price electric allow lots of We never stop moving: in at Crooked River Service Professional" cabin, 1 bedroom, 1 Panoramic views! Great MLS 201004467 $ 1,299,000. ML S ¹ outside living space Ranch. 3bd/2ba very bath, poss i b le Cascade Realty, 201109001. Directory Cs as w e ll ! $ 2 5 0,000 nice DBL car garage. location 3 miles NW of OWC! $2 2 5 ,000. Dennis Haniford, Cate Cushman, MLS¹201202508. Redmond. Views of 541-385-5809 Cs $89,900 MLS ¹ 2 0 1201125. Princ. Broker Principal Broker John L. Scott Real EsS mith Rock 8 MLS¹201202001 Call Charlie, Desig541-536-1731 541-480-1884 MORRIS tate 541-548-1712 O chocos. Cus t o m Call Julie Fahlgren, $599,900 Owner w i ll n ated Broke r , Walk to the river! 2002 built 2478 sq. ft. home VIEWS, 541-350-3419 REAL ESTATE MORRIS People Look for Information Broker, 541-550-0098 carry. MH .98 acres w/gal dcpc dcndyo mcdccdopcnccd Crooked River Realty VIEWS, VIEWS!! This Redmond R E / MAX on 4.74 acres. 1800 The Bulletin REAL ESTATE About Products and rage/shop, water feasq. ft. shop w/RV bay. home loaded with up- Land 8 Homes To Subscribe call Icd p d ntll ~ dc c d o p nccd Services Every Daythrough $265,900 Mtn. views, grades, 2 masters + 2 Real MLS201202726 ture, fire pit, green 541-385-5800 SW Bend j $525,000 Estate or go to b onus r oom. T h i s house. New The Bulletin Classifieds $447,000 J o h n L. bdrms, sound system Treasure of a home in rarely used 2 bdrm, 2 Scott R ea l E s t ate flooring — travertine, throughout, p r i vateI mpeccable River Rim! Warm 8 SQUEAKY CLEAN NE cus t o m 541-548-1712 750 bath home built by tile, d o ors, l i g hts, BEND I $188,900 inviting single l evel back deck/ hot tub. home. 3 B drm, 2.5 Broken Top j Sun Forest Const., custom counters & lo- bath, bonus r oom, sinks, paint & MORE! Redmond Homes built by Schumacher. Large 1980 sq. ft. home $1,185,000 Priced to Sell! AffordCall f or deta i ls. The Pinehurst Spacious living room priced to s ell. This c ated o n a qui e t of den, 2633 sq.ft., 5+/- a ble l i v ing, g r e at at Bro- Extensive u s e home would make a $136,900. w /gas f i replace. 3 3 bed 2 bath, custom cul-de-sac. Backs to acres, har d wood, ken Top by S teven woods 8 custom win- b edroom, 2. 5 b a t h great vacation rental! BLM, Home-ID 820. l arge r e a r de c k . starter or investment. home, huge shop, d ow c overings. A Van Sant/Pac West $59,000 Call today! S hort walk t o t h e Eagle Crest Proper- $300,000. 235 MLS¹201280332 $299,000 must see to appreciMLS Homes! Unmatched MLS¹201208170 Lakeside Sports Cen ties. 866-722-3370 Lisa McCarthy, Broker, Jim Hinton MLS¹201203307 ate t h e ext e nsive ¹ 201201384 Pam quality & craftsmanD&D Realty Group LLC 541-420-6229 ter. Home-ID955 SRES 541-419-8639 Call Julie Fahlgren, amenities! Lester, Principal Broship! Single-level, 3866-346-7868 John L. Scott Central Oregon Realty Broker, 541-550-0098 Eagle Crest Properties $750,000 Extremely se- ker, Century 21 Gold MLS¹201108147 car garage, custom 866-722-3370 cluded, front & rear Real Estate, Bend Group, LLC Crooked River Realty Jim 8 Roxanne Country Realty, Inc. Single le v e l and cabinetry & trim. 0.55 decks. Custom e Cheney, Brokers 541-504-1338 m ove-in r e ady! 3 acre golf course view Completely fenced 3 bd, 2 ba, 1.03, gatertainment ce n t er, Village Wiestoria j 541-390-4050 bdrm, 2 bath,. 1535 WELL KEPT HOME lot. No exp e n se rage, woodstove, property! 13665 SW gourmet kitc h en, Large Lot In SW Red- sq. $425,000 541-390-4030 ft. with a g reat Just off pavement, spared! vaulted ceilings. Cinder, $84,900. d en/office, ma s t e r mond. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, room Custom built 3163 sq. We never stop moving: concept, lots of close to school and MLS¹201204424 $84,900, MLS¹201207581 suite-walk-in shower, 1108 sq.ft, 9148 sq.ft. ft., 3 bedroom, 3 bath s torage an d o v ereasy access to high- David Gilmore, Broker MLS¹201208375 Call Melody Curry, Bros oaking t ub . B a c k home. Walnut hardlot, hot tub, sprinkler sized bedr o oms, way. Move in ready 541-312-7271 Call Melody Curry, ker, 541-771-1116 landscaped w/ water wood floor, custom Crooked River Realty system, greenhouse. beautifully Cs landwith k itchen a p pli- We never stop moving: Broker, 541-771-1116 feature, greenhouse. MLS¹201207599. alder cabinets, 9 ft. & scaped, extra parking, ances and washer 8 Crooked River Realty Home-ID 954 11 ft. ceilings, crown 3 bed, 2 bath beautiful $84,000. Pam Lester, s hop area i n th e dryer. Enclosed carEagle Crest Properties molding & s u rround home. Barn, shop, 3P rincipal Brok e r double car g arage. Gorgeous Mountain port gives feeling of MORRIS Ca 866-722-3370 sound. Private paver C entury 2 1 Gol d Traditional car garage. $125,000 Views. 12649 SW sale. g arage. Wall AC in REAL ESTATE patio with water fea- MLS¹201204133 Peninsula Dr. Beautiful well cared for Country Realty, Inc. $185,000. MLS dining room, 3 bedI dcpc dc clyo cdc dopcwccd ture. 541-504-1 338 Call Julie Fahlgren, $162,900 ranch-style home on ¹201207907 rooms and 2 b athMORRIS MLS¹201208464 Broker, 541-550-0098 MLS¹201205061 .51 acre. 3 bdrms, 2 John L. Scott Real Esrooms. Small fenced Just bought a new boat? Deborah Benson, PC, REAL ESTATE Crooked River Realty Call Melody Curry, Bro- b aths, o v e r 200 0 Located in the heart of tate 541-548-1712 backyard. Sell your old one in the I d p d d y o dc d o p c d Broker, GRI Redmond. Beautifully ker, 541-771-1116 sq.ft., all on one level. MLS¹201203697 classifieds! Ask about our Stunning 2288SF, 4bd 541-480-6448 updated home on .37 Single level on 1 acre, 3 Crooked River Realty Home has 9' ceilings, $48,900 Super Seller rates! 2 1/2bth, Mt. views, We never stop moving: acre lot w/upgrades. bdrm, 2 bath, 1716 triple garage and view D&D Realty Group LLC Broken Top Contem541-385-5809 Irg Trex deck, media 1733SF craftsman, porary j $644,900 866-346-7868 Smith Rock and the Brand new m a ster sq.ft., master separarm 8 office dbl gar+ 5-acres, hickory cab, of Beautiful C u s tom SW Bend j $549,000 s uite. Home i s 4 4 tion, office, fenced, Cascades. Tons of 1200 SF shop. West Hills Home Home. 3 bedroom + 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath, granite, travertine & Cs u pgrades, this is a bdrm/2 bath, l a rge f lower garden, R V Fenced. $269,000 MLS: 201203939. tile, river rock FP, den/office, 4.5 b ath. $ 1 4 5,000. home you will defi- living room, f o rmal parking. 035 sq. f t . t o w nCall Nancy Popp, BroLight and bright solid Gourmet kitchen, Wolf 3 stamped concrete. ¹ 20 1 0 07848. home nestled in the n itely want t o s e e . dining, nice kitchen! MLS wood interior doors, ker, 541-815-8000 Stove, Sub-zero re- pine trees, close to $298,000 Outside: pull through Pam Lester, Principal MORRIS $223,500. Crooked River Realty hardwood floors, frigerator, SS appli- the Deschutes River MLS¹201207304 garage, extra storage B roker, Century 2 1 MLS¹201107890 REAL ESTATE stainless steel appliNancy Popp, Broa nces, 8 gran i t e trail. Great room floor bldg. Alley a c cess Gold Country Realty, John L. S cott R eal I dcpc dc clyo cdc dopcmccd Driveway in place. 7981 Callker, ances, updated counters. Master on 541-815-8000 makes moving your Inc. 541-504-1338 SW High Cone, Estate 541-548-1712 plan, vaulted beam kitchen with granite, Crooked River Realty main w it h pr i vate ceilings, toys around a breeze! gou r met $29,900. 749 South Heights 3 bdrm, large lot, extra parkAtrium. Golf Course Corner Lot Home Call to see this one of kitchen, paver patio, MLS¹201003931 built home with a in Canyon View that a kind home today! 2 bath, 1611 sq. ft., ing, fenced dog area. views. Southeast Bend Homes Call Melody Curry, Bro- Stick water feature. view and double ga blinds thr o ughout, $375,000. MLS¹201202675 features 9 foot ceilMLS¹201202360. MLS¹201203181 ker, 541-771-1116 rage. $125 , 000. i ngs throughout. I t park-like setting, Carolyn Priborsky, P.C., Debbie $225,000 New Construction j Johnson, Broker Crooked River Realty MLS¹2905473 9786 Broker, ABR, CRS also has a h e ated John L. Scott Real Es- f enced . 4 7 ac r e , $214,500 541-480-1293 Call Linda Lou sprinkler sys t e m. Jim Brennan, Broker floor and whirlpool tub tate 541-548-1712 541-383-4350 SE Bend single level, BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS We never stop moving: Day-Wright, $185,000 541-480-7296 541-408-7537 in the master bed3 bedroom, 2 bath, Search the area's most Broker, 541-771-2585 Pam Lester, Principal John L. Scott We never stop moving: room, a gas fireplace Need more room for 1641 sq. ft. home on comprehensive listing of Crooked River Realty Real Estate, Bend in the master bedyour growing family B roker Century 2 1 large lot on the edge classified advertising... Cs room, and a b o nus this home has it all!! 4 Gold Country Realty, of town backing to real estate to automotive, THE FALLS at room o f app r oxi- bed/2.5 bath, 2512 sq. Inc. 541-504-1338 Cs COI canal. Comple- merchandise to sporting Eagle Crest Resort mately 400 sq. ft. The ft. with office and botion 3/1/1 3. Central Oregon's FOR SALE goods. Bulletin Classifieds R e dmond. I m MORRIS garage is a p proxi- nus room. Master on S W MLS¹201208267 appear every day in the Premier 55 and Older maculate single story REAL ESTATE m ately 900 s q . f t ! the main, b eautiful MORRIS Greg Floyd, P.C., Resort Community. When buying a home print or on line. pride-of-ownership I dcpc dc clyo cccdccdOpcnccd MLS¹201204132 w ood f l ooring, t i l e in Broker 83% of Central Live the Central OrREAL ESTATE neighborhood. 1,656 Call 541-385-5809 kitchen, fresh paint in$224,900 541-390-5349 egon lifestyle you've Oregonians turn to I dcpc dc clyo cd d o p c ccd ft. w/3 bdrm, 2 Realty Group LLC side and out, huge dbl sq. We never stop moving: always dreamed of at D&D866-346-7868 Find It in car attached garage, bath w it h b e a utiful THE FALLS at Eagle FIND IT! landscaping, sprinkler yccy<cpcentral 0 cgoc c ncc lpdy all o n a quiet system, The Bulletin Classifieds! Scryipp Cc cccl Oregon ppcc ly03 Crest. Residents of deck and new SUY IT! cul-de-sac i n NW Ca Find exactly what 541-385-5809 THE FALLS enloy exCall 541-385-5809 to carport. T r a ditional SELL ITTP 3 bdrm, 2 bath horse Redmond! Traditional clusive use of their you are looking for in the s ale! place your sale. mls 201204428 property w/barn $210, 0 0 0 The Bulletin Classifieds own clubhouse, acReal Estate ad. $ 189,000. J o h n L . 748 CLASSIFIEDS & incredible views. MLS¹201208013. MORRIS cess to three golf R ea l E s t ate Deschutes River View Northeast Bend Homes $139,000 John L. Scott Real Es- Scott 746 courses, and all the 541-548-1712 REAL ESTATE MLS¹201203441 CREEKSIDE - Best j $745,000 tate 541-548-1712 Northwest Bend Homes rest of Eagle Crest's l dcpc dc clyo cdc dopc ccd Below a p p raisal. Edgecliff j $347,500 Call Julie Fahlgren, on the lake at amenities. Homesites views View of Mt. Jefferson $79,000 Price Reduc- Panoramic NortheastBroker, 541-550-0098 Creekside at E a gle NE Redmond, 3 bdrm, Wonderfully loc a ted North Rim-Awbrey start at just $47,500 t ion! 1 2 00 ' dec k SE Bend j $199,900 Crooked River Realty Crest! 3 bdrm/2 bath, 2 bath, 1360 sq. ft., e rly views. 5 b e d Butte j $850,000 and lots on the Chalh ome with a c o m overlooking Des1871 sq.ft. with parCorner lot, with new triple garage, office, room, 2.5 bath, 4020 manding view of Mt. Xeriscaped yard & lenge Course are River Front- sq. ft. perched on the construction and Custom Home. 6320 furni s hings. bay f ront w i ndow, Jefferson and the surc aptivating vie w s . chutes available. Stop by our tial SW Groundhog Road. age in gated Sunrise Move-in ready! Great MLS¹201202466 large patio, mature edge of rimrock. Sparounding area. Beau3797 sq. ft., 3 b edoffice located next to $299,450 Village. 4173 sq. ft., 4 cious kitchen, 3 sepa- r oom feel, 3 b edJohn L. landscaping, fenced tiful well kept home the Ridge Prop Shop $229,000 r oom, 3 b a t h w i t h bedroom, 4 bath. MLS¹201204034 Scott R e a l E s tate rate living spaces, 8 r ooms, 2 . 5 ba t h s , yard. $128,000. MLS with spacious rooms. Maple floors, Makore or call 866-722-3370 Melody Curry, BroMLS¹201009509 541 -548-1 71 2 201207127 wood accents stainless appliances, Callker, kitchen cabinets, slab for a personal tour. 541-771-1116 Bonnie Savickas, fireplace, master suite Pam Lester, Principal MLS¹201206924 t hroughout. Lar g e granite, Ra i n forest Eagle Crest $239,000 Crooked River Realty CUTE! 3 bedroom, 2 Broker 8 u pstairs l aundry. B roker, Century 2 1 D8 D Realty decks for outdoor livMarble buffet. Large Properties™ Group LLC bath home, close to 541-408-7537 ing. Front 8 bac k yard Gold Country Realty, $264,500 Great Room 866-722-3370 866-346-7868 timber tech deck up, the lake on over an landscaping. Inc. 541-504-1338 We never stop moving: MLS¹201206019 plan, gas fireplace, & covered porch down. acre. This is a must MLS¹201206885 WOW! John Snippen, Broker, b uilt-in buffet. G o l f 1620SF well appointed see! MLS¹201206076 MLS¹201203502 New Craftsman style MBA, ABR, CRS, GRI Darrin Kelleher, Broker Look at these wews! course views. Kitchen home adjoins 90-acre $45,000 TenBroek - Hilber home I $162,900 541-312-7273 The Kelleher Group Cascade mountains with island, tile floor. pasture with 2 -mile D8D Realty Group LLC Group, LLC 1529 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 541-788-0029 541-948-9090 from your living room. T wo m asters w i t h walking track. Heat 541-550-4944 866-346-7868 bath, alder cabinets. We never stop moving: Home has been upWe never stop moving: s oaking t ub s an d p ump, prop a n e We never stop moving: New stainless steel walk-in closets. Stor free-standing stove, dated with newer heat MORRIS Eagle Crest Beautiful appliances, gas fire- p ump and al l n e w city views from this age, laundry and 1/2 oversized dbl gar + REAL ESTATE place. L a n dscaped floors as well. Great Ca bonus rm. Lg kitchen 2600 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, bath on main. Two Cs I d p d d y o d d opc c d additional bedrooms cov. decks. 2.5 bath home. Huge front/back w/irrigation ranch style home with MLS¹201207669 lots of room to play. c omplete t hi s gr a price reduction! MLS¹201206602 Need help fixing stuff? Jim Hinton MLS¹201208213 MORRIS c ious 2074 s q . f t . $144,900 MORRIS $449,000. MLS MORRIS Call A Service Professional 541-420-6229 Call Nancy Popp, Bro$179,000 home. Home-ID951 2 01206886 John L . REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE REAL ESTATE find the help you need. Central Oregon Realty D&D Realty Group LLC Eagle Crest Properties ker, 541-815-8000 Scott R ea l E s t ate l dcpc dc clyo cdc dopcmccd I dcpc dc clyo cdc dopcmccd Icd p d ccly ~ d ccd Op nccd Group, LLC 866-346-7868 866-722-3370 Crooked River Realty 541 -548-1 71 2

Tanglewood S u bdivision $324,500. 2003 S E Fai r wood Drive. • Two story traditional home in exc. condition .24 acre lot, landscaped, water feature, deck • 2430 sq. ft., 4 bed/ •

NW Bend j $419,000 Hillside Grand Chateau Custom built, sculpted City & M t n V i e ws, c edar s i ding, u p - Hillside Park, 4 Bedgraded appliances. 5 rooms, 4 Baths, 4152 acres, fenced & cross sq. ft., O ffered at fenced. 3 stall barn 8 $2,395,000. tack room. 3 bedroom, Cate Cushman, 2.5 bath over 3400 sq. Principal Broker

Midtown Bend j $199,900 Classic 4 bedroom, 2 bath, 2184 sq. ft., 50s style h ome, g r eat midtown location, lots of character. Oversized lot, nicely landscaped, fini s hed b asement, arc h ed doorways, wide trim & hardwood floors.

The Bulletin

The Bulletin

aw au r

u . e

a ur

In The Bulletin's print and online Classifieds. Full Color Photos For an additional '15 per week * '40 for 4 weeks *



('Special private party rates apply to merchandise and autOmOjit/e CategOrieS,)

We are three adorable, loving puppies looking for acaring home. Please call right away. $500.

QUAINT CABIN ON 10 ACRES! Modern amenities and all the quiet you Will need. ROOm to grOW in yOur 0Wn little ParadiSe! Call noW.

FORD F150 XL 2005. This truck can haul jt all! Extra Cab, 4X4,

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c a l I 5 4 1-3 8 5 -5 8 0 9


To PLAGE AN AD cALL CLAssIFIED• 541-385-5809


5 •

'. P

.very ho'rnefis a msasterpiece. '4

61535 Tam McArthur Loop ( $1,950,000

Contemporaryw/Smart HomeTechnology f $1,690,000

15631 SW Mecate Lane ~ $1,545,000

Wyndemere •4 bdrms/6baths,5750 sq.ft. • Separate guest house/ office, five fireplaces 8 wine cellar and hot tub • Control 4 Technology allowing control of lighting scenes, TVs, music & alarm from anywhere in

• 1480 SF garage • Large double lot MLS¹201200081

• 5 fireplaces! • Green built, efficient solar system • Finely crafted Gary Norman built

Call Deb Tebbs Group, Brokersl 541-419-4553


- .

• Overlooking Broken Top's12th


fairway andgreen • One level with upstairs guestsuite and private office • Privacy with southern exposure • Bonus 84 exercise room

LS¹ 201207169

• 3 car garage w/shop area

Deb Tebbs Group j Like us onR and follow us on8

An Equestrian's Dream Home ( $995,000

• 5 bedroom, 4 baths,5116sq. ft.

Canyon Rim


Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS l 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Luxury Single Level inBroken Top ) $1,150,000

18.3 acres of prime development property Ready for annexation into Redmond Partially located on the

•Golfcourseand mountainviews



Prime DevelopmentLand ~ $1,250,000

• 4363 SF

• Stunning finishes • Unobstructed mountain views MLS¹201207027

Call Chris Sulak, Brokerl 541-350-6164

DebTebbsGroup j Like usonBI andfollow us on8

• Custom Broken Top Beauty! • Enjoy the lush surroundings • 4 bedrooms, 4.5 baths

•5400SF on fat.75acre!

the world. MLS ¹20122979

Call Deb Tebbs Group, Brokersl 541-419-4553

19395 Cayuse Crater Court ~ $1,295,000

• Brasada Ranch

• CascadeMountainviewsin

• Architectural marvel in Broken Top • Stunning open floor plan • 4 bedroom, 4.5 bath • 5960 SF


Sa 'a,ir 44¹~W !4aiy C."j =.



Broken Top Classic ) $945,000

'; • 5180 SF main home + guest house • 20 acres w/10 acres irrigated • Spectacularmountainviews • 864 0 SF indoor arena/shop • Round riding arena and 14-stall barn • 4-car garage+ shop area MLS¹201203076

• Overlooking10thfairway&green • Customhomecompletely remodeled in 2004-05byMeroseConstruction


• Kathy & KarolNiemiintenor p an/


designwithquality &detail -4476SF • 5bed, 5.5bath, mainlevel master • Greatroomdesign.Wonderful indoor and outdoorlivingspacious,quiet cu -de-sac location

Call Kelly Horton, Brokerl 541-508-9163

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

Call Rhonda Garrison, Principal Brokerl 541-279-1768

Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086


1451 NW Remarkable Dr. ~ $945,000

Contemporary City Living ( $820,000

Wake Up To Awesome Views ~ $750,000

NW Contemporaryw/Mountain Viewsin Tetherow f$749,000

• Huge Cascade Views • Magnificent greatroomw/sliding

• 2nd Fairway&CascadeMtn, views • Beautiful gourmetkitchen • Greatfor entertaining inside &out • Family room, wine celar, storagegalore • Full length deck fw/retractable shades • 3bed + den,3.5 bath,4080SF MLS¹201204632

• 3 bed, 3.5 bath, 3200 SF


window paneldoors, dry-stack rock fireplace • Gourmet kitchen w/SS appliances • Master bedroom lk office/2nd bdrm onmainfloor

- ;; , . a , .

• Immaculate interior

• No H.O,A/s 4 Heated parking • Cascade Mountainviews


• Walk to Old Mill/Downtown MLS¹201207761

• Media/bonusrm,wine cellar • 4 bds, 4 baths,4200SF,0.46 acres MLS¹201206396

Call Ken Renner, Principal Brokerl 541-280-5352

Call Bobby Lockrem, Brokerl 541-480-2356

Call The Norma DuBols and Julie Moe Team,

Brokersl 541-312-5151 www

Perfect Single Level ~ $589,000

Absolutely Stunning Setting ) $579,900

New Tetherow Home ) $699,500 • December2012completion • 3 bed, bonus,loft, 3-car garage • Main level living & mastesui r te • Three outdoor terraces and indoor/outdoor living • Large lot(16,915sq. ft.) • Full golf membership MLS¹201206848

• Awesome Cascadeviews


• Brand new single evel 3bdm,3.5 baths, currentlyunderconstruction • Seamlessintegration of indoor and outdoor space,openfloor plan • Private courtyard andcovered back patio w/mountainviews • Energy efficient Earth Advantage • A flex room &study allow for maximumversatility

Call Shelly Swanson, Brokerl 541-408-0086 shellyt ¹

861 SW Crestline Drive ( $569,000 • Deschutes Landing

• 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • 3088 sq. ft. • 2.47 acres, 1 acre irrigation • Located right in heart of Bend! •Tastefullyupdated • Incredib e landscape front & back • Master on the main floor MLS¹201207139

• Private 84 serene homesite

• Vaulted ceilings, lots of windows '257455,.44 • Beautiful high-end finishes 84 appliances

• Gated golf community w/equestrian facilities MLS¹201100932

• Luxury riverfront townhome

• Beautiful contemporary finishes • 3 bedrooms, 4.5 baths • Oversized 3-car garage for all yourtoys! • Perfect vacation home,nightly rentals permitted MLS¹201206685

~C% 4>

Call Brlan Ladd, Brokerl 541-408-3912

Call Sandy Kohlmoos, Broker, CRSl 541-408-4309

Call Mary Stratton, Brokerl 541-419-6340••

Call Robln Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Propertles Speclallst

Bring the Kids!!! i Now $549,000

2910 NW Underhill Place ( $499,000

63235 Peterman Lane ~ $539,900

River Front Property ~ $530,000

• Large AwbreyButte home • 3/4 acre forestedlot • Friendly cul-de-sac neighborhood • 3616 SF, 4+ bedroom, 3.5 bath • Lots of storage • Game room,office MLS¹201206778



• Contemporary homeinAwbrey Glen • 5 bedrooms,master on mainlevel • Oversized 5-cargarage • Stunning kitchen, stainless, granite, European cabinetry • Motivated seller MLS¹ 201208424



Call Ron Davls, Prlnclpal Broker, GRIl 541-480-3096

• 4 bedrooms, 3.5 baths • 4-car garage + shop area • Quality open great room • 2.1 acres, w/1 acre irrig. • Property is fully fenced • Master on the main floor • Quality & pride of ownership! MLS¹ 201208385

• River front property • Mountain views

• 5 bedrooms, 3 baths • 2985 square feet • Upgraded home • Incredible outdoor living • RV parking MLS ¹201204920


Call Robln Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Speclallst

Call Mary Stratton, Brokerl 541-419-6340

Call Melanie Maitre, Broker,ABR,SRES,ePROl 541-480-4186•


Acreage Close To Town ) $495,000

1700 NW lowa ( $460,000

Westside - Wow Mtn. Views!( $450,000

20383 Pine Vista Dr./ $429,900

• West Hills contemporary home in the pines • 3180 SF on double a lot • Contemporary floor plan and finishes

• 23+ acres • Gorgeous Cascade Mtn. views • Well maintained ranch home in Gosney Meadows

• Studio/shop • Irrigated, pastoral setting

• Waterfeatures,inside and out

• Mature old growth pine trees, beautiful landscaping. Must see! MLS¹201208025

Call Bryan Hilts, Brokerl 541-771-3200

Jodi Kearney, Brokerl 541-693-4019

17940 Parkway Lane ) $399,000

Luxury Townhomes ~ Offered from $397,900

19717 Mt. Bachelor Drive ¹316/ $395,000

• Permitted GP Building w/living quarter/loft ' Bath, laundry area, septic, well ttr pumphouse •RV hookups inside & out,100 am p breakerin shop


Call Natalie Vandenborn, Broker l 541-508-9581

Rivers Edge - Golf View ~ $369,000!

61283 Mount Vista Dr. ~ $299,000


4.. ~

' •



• Possibly the most beautiful site on the river • Mt. Bachelor view from master bdrm w/ full length balcony • Tastefully rustic wood interior • 3 bed/1.5 bath,nearly1800sq. ft. • 54677 Silver Fox Drive MLS¹201204195

' -

' .

. , . „





NW Redmond ~ $250,000




• 2126 square feet • 3 bedrooms/2 bathrooms • .46 acre lot • 2 living areas • Oversized 2-car garage

• RV parking • A must see!


Call Shelly Swanson, Broker l 541-408-0086

Call Jordan Haase, Principal Brokerl 541-420-1559

7 Flat Top Lane ( Sunriver ~ $229,500

3152 NE Manchester ~ $204,900

• 3 bdrm, 2 bath (1342 SF) • Floor to ceiling lava rock fireplace • Attached garage

• Pristine condition

• 4 bedroom, 2 bath • 1481 SF • New carpet/furnace • Trex decking, metal roof • Large garage, hot tub • Close to SHARC MLS¹201205128

• Brand new construction in Rivers Edge • Desirab fe loor planw/mainlevel masterandguestsuite • Open greatroomw/exposedbeams, hand texturedwalls&gourmet kitchen • Near rivertrail & acrossfrom Rivers EdgeGolf Course • Exceptiona opportunity & value on Bend'sWestside


Call Greg Barnwell, Broker l 541-848-7222 l

6 Puma ~ Sunriver ( $287,500


Judy McCombs& Shelly Swanson,Brokersl 888-274-2317


Co z y River Front Chalet ~ $375,000

•3bedroom 4 den/ofi ceor4th bedroom,1.5bath 41732sq.ft. w/great room andriver views that fill the picturewindows • 3-car garage/shop.Dock. • Yards fromtrailhead to LaPineSt. Park • 16213 Mtn. Sheep Lane " ML S¹201202339

2 bath condo or rent it out • Gorgeous river¹4canyon views from private deck w/hot tub • Units can be rented separately or combined • Pool, hot tub, tennis courts, bikes and clubhouse for your use • Completely tastefully furnished

Call Joanne McKee, Brokerl 541-480-5159

Cozy River Front Log Home ~ $379,500

• Stay 84 plain y this lovely 2 bed/

floor plans • 2-4 bedroom, 2.5-4.5 baths • 1960-2956 SF


• With Fairway, mountain and

river views. 5 5 diti t l N t i d communities • Offering one 84 two story

live in loft area or your RV MLS¹201105898

•® ,tee

• Great location between Sisters & Bend 4 Build your dream home while you korren©


• Awaiting your customtouches

• 15.74 acres • 11 acresCOIirrigation, 2 ponds • 36x48 3-stalbam l • 115x215 outdoor arena • Farm house w/3 beds,2.5 baths • 1648 SF,wrap-aroundporch MLS¹201208724


Call Sue Price, Owner/Brokerl 541-408-7742

Carol Osgood & KorrenBower, Brokersl 541-504-3839

• Desirable Woodside Ranch •Pric ed thousands below recent appraisal • 2.5 acres for wonderful privacy • 3586 SF, 4bed, 3 bath • Wonderful natural light • Tons of storage MLS ¹201208122

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRS l 541-408-0406 Resort Properties Specialist

Country Comfort & Quiet ~$425,000


• 4 bedroom, 3 bath • 4144 SF w/room for multiple uses •Fulon Cascade Mtn.viewson .81 acre • 3-car garage • Quality construction - great

• RV parking w/hook up • 0/5 3-car garage • 3 bd, 2.5 ba w/loft & office area

• 2450 SF, 3 Bed, 2.5 bath • 16'x12' hobby/office - retreat • Family room w/gas fireplace • Separate living & dining room • Eat-in kitchen, gas heat+ A/C • Great deck,fencedyard MLS¹ 201 208224

• On quietcul-de-sac near Ft. Rock Park • New roof, exterior paint MLS¹ 201204922

• Generousmasteron main

• Opendesignw/cook'skitchen • Neighborhood of lovely homes MLS¹201207875

Kathy Hovermale, Principal Broker l 541-419-6778 Marilyn Stoner, Brokerl 541-815-4757

Call Myra Glrod, Principal Brokerl 541-815-2400 or Pam Bronson, Broker l 541-788-6767

Call Kelly Wlnch, Brokerl 541-390-0398

Call C.J. Neumann, Broker, CRSl 541-410-3710 Lisa Lambert, Broker l 541-610- 9697

Tetherow Homesite( Offered at1/2 Price!

Wake Up to Awesome Views! ~ $175,000

Southwestern Style in Prineville) $144,900

Seventh Mountain Resort ~ $28,000

' ll

• Elevated homesite - over 1/2 acre! • Overlooking ¹3, ¹4, ¹5, and ¹6 fairways!

• Brilliant Cascade Mountains

• Mountain 84 lake views!

homes • Close to all amenities • .71of an acre

• Desirable AwbreyGlenhomesite • Build the home of your dreams • Surrounded by quality, custom

• Ho me plans available - designed by PacWest • Call for additional details



Call The Norma DuBols and Julie Moe Team,

Call Rod Hatchell, Brokerl 541-728-8812

w ¹


e •


4 • •


oI I • I


eI I


f r a ction

Call Robin Yeakel, Broker, CRSl 541-408-0406 Resort Propertles Speciallst

a e


• Sleeps 6 • Full sized kitchen • Excellent rental income MLS¹201208552

MLS ¹201206455

Brokers l 541-312-5151

• 8 weeks/year or trade with RCI! • 2 bedroom, 2.5 bath Loft

and stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, marble floors • M astersuite w/Jacuzzttub



Call Judy McCombs,Broker l 541-390-1411

• 3 bed, 2 bath, 1500 SF home • 2000 sq. ft. shop • New cherry wood cabinets

• •





Redmond Homes


Su n river/La Pine Homes Sunriver/La Pine HomesCrook County Homes



Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage H o mes with Acreage

H o mes with Acreage

¹2300 Christmas Tree 17643 Manning Ct - 3 Crook County j 10 ACRES/CUSTOM 1/4 Mi. Deschutes River Custom Home j Heated Pool, Cascade Looking for your next - $10,000. Comm. Iot Bd, 2.5 Ba, huge gaH OME/ SHOP i n f rontage. Cus t o m Views j $625,000 $192,400 $525,000 emp/oyee? across from golf crse. rage. $109,000 High Large home very close Powell Butte! single level 3 bdrm, 3 Live in paradise on 20 Private home with fine Place a Bulletin help High Lakes Realty & Lakes Realty & Prop- to Meadow Lakes Golf Unique floor plan bath, 3 9 6 2 sq . ft., p rivate a cres w i t h finishes on 5 a cres wanted ad today and 1 2.72 a cr e ga t e d Property Ma n age- erty Man a gement Club. Private rear pa- w/indoor spa room, r iver f rontage a n d surrounded by reach over 60,000 ment 541-536-0117 541-536-0117 tio area. Room f or wide hall w ays, community, p r i vate Cascade M o u ntain M ountain Views i n readers each week. Attn: Outdoor RV's. This 3 bedroom, single level. setting. $99 7 ,000. views! Quality single Odin Falls R a nch. Your classified ad 4 45 Bonner - 72 0 s f Big Deschutes Cabin j 2.5 bath with 1876 sq. $365,000. Enthusiasts MLS ¹ 20 1 2 05961. level home, 2334 sq. O utdoor kitchen & MLS will also appear on (with all the toys) cabin, shop, .28 acre, $299,000 ft. of living area is the 201108648 Call Pam Lester, Principal ft., 3 bedroom, 3 bath- in-ground pool + Deschutes Riverfront perfect home. 8 Gourmet Cooks: $40,000. High Lakes VIRGINIA, Principal B roker, Century 2 1 room. Energy e f fi- tached 42x40 s h op We've found which currently recabin on 1.26 acres in Realty & Pr o perty MLS¹201207946 Broker 541-350-3418 Gold Country Realty, cient with geothermal b uilding, total 6 e n Haner Park. D irect your new home! ceives over Management Darryl Doser, Redmond R E / MAX Inc. 541-504-1338 ground source heat- closed parking areas. This ready-to-move-into 1.5 million page 541-536-0117 swimming 8 boating ing. MLS¹201207288 Broker, CRS Land 8 Homes MLS¹201206500 spacious home has atviews every month access steps from the Good classified ads tell 541-383-4334 Real Estate tached dbl garage 8 Dawn Ulrickson, Broker, 7560 NW Grubstake 15194 Ponderosa Lp. at no extra cost. porch. 1160 sq. ft., 1 We never stop moving: the essential facts in an CRS, GRI, SFR Way 1.41 acres ready for bedroom, 1 bath with shop + many updates. Bulletin Classifieds interesting Manner. Write Vaulted 541-610-9427 Diane Lozito, Broker wood ceilings, you! $55,000. High Say ngoodbuyn Get Results! large kitchen. Bunkfrom the readers view not We never stop moving: 541-548-3598, gourmet kitchen with 2 Lakes Realty & Prop- house, storage shed, Call 385-5809 or Cs to that unused 541-306-9646 the seller's. Convert the cooktops, mega cabierty Man a gement & garage. place your ad on-line We never stop moving: facts into benefits. Show nets 8 counter space 541-536-0117 item by placing it in MLS¹201204647 at Cs the reader how the item will galore! Lots of big Craig Smith, Broker The Bulletin Classifieds MORRIS 53610 B r ookie dows 8 window seats to help them in someway. 541-322-2417 enjoy n ature. H u ge Cs $ 380,000 Cus t o m REAL ESTATE This 755 28x32 shop with ad2500 sf, + guest suite. We never stop moving. MORRIS Indcpendcntly~c d and Opetatcd advertising tip 5 4 1 n385-5809 dtional 28x32 covered Sunriver/La Pine Homes High Lakes Realty 8 brought to youby REAL ESTATE RV parking! Guest/stuProperty Ma n ageMORRIS Prineville j $99,000 dio, deck 8 hot tub, all 12250 NW Dove Rd. 1 6261 Pine D r op ment 541-536-0117 The Bulletin on 4.76 acre parcel. I dcpc dc tlyO cda dOpcntcd Over 2 acres with Cas- Custom cedar sided REAL ESTATE yenr 3 Centrel0 egont ce 1303 N icely c l e ared & cade Mountain and I d p d t l y O d dOp t d Price Reduced! Now Where can you find a St e a rns ome with f loor t o fenced acre. $35,000 52261 Crooked River Can- h MORRIS 3bd/2ba on 2.44 acres $254,900. Call Karol Ald$34,000 G o r geous c eiling windows t o High Lakes Realty 8 helping hand? yon views on the can- t ake i n t h e mt n . , with barn 8 fenced for rich, Broker, today! Property Ma n age- acre, owner will carry. REAL ESTATE yon rim. Bordered by views. Garage Sales 541-771-1144 From contractors to High Lakes Realty & Im m aculate horses. Open kitchen ment 541-536-0117 Indepcndcntly 0 ttcd and Opetatcd 3000 acres of B LM Windemere Central Property M a n age1841 sq. ft., 3 bdrm, 2 with lots of storage, yard care, it's all here property for endless Garage Sales 3 lots o n T w i n D r . ment 541-536-0117 living & family rooms. Oregon Real Estate Call The Bulletin At bath home, tongue 8 recreation. in The Bulletin's $55,000. 3 ac, barn, Double garage, new groove vaulted ceil541-385-5809 Garage Sales MLS¹2704850 arena, power, well. 50760 South Fawn "Call A Service ings, gas free stand- heat pump & so much Cascade Mou n tain JJ Jones, Broker High Lakes Realty 8 Top of the line 3-bd, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail more. $109,900 ing stove, and wood Views Imagine the Professional" Directory Find them 541-610-7318 Property M a n age- shop, $169,000. High At: MLS 201200121 accents t h roughout. delight upon entering 541-788-3678 ment 541-536-0117 Lakes Realty & PropCascade Realty, in Completely f e n ced Dennis Haniford, y our n e w hom e ! DESCHUTES R I VER 756 We never stop moving: erty Man a gement 145055 Birchwood 4.81 acres. $385,000 Vaulted ceilings, open FRONTAGE The Bulletin h Jefferson County Homes Princ. Broker $39,500. 2 bd, 1 ba, 541-536-0117 MLS¹ 201101447 floor plan. K itchen, easy access! 5234wit 541-536-1731 Classifieds 840 sf, 1 acre. High 152232 Long PrairieJuniper Realty, dining a n d fa m i ly f t., 4 b ed, 3 + b asq. Cs t 541-504-5393 Lakes Realty & Prop- Home, 4-car s hop, 246 Jefferson St, Merooms with wood deck home located on 10 h 541-385-5809 5 A c res w / mountain erty Man a gement storage, $ 1 4 9,900. tolius. Exc. i n vestviews. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, access. Formal living acres. Cook's dream ment or first home. 541-536-0117 12851 SW Deer views. M aster k itchen, 2 High Lakes Realty 8 1620 sq.ft., irrigated, with mas t e r MORRIS Home has good rental Crossing. Remodeled 36x40 suite, jette d -tub, acres shop, fenced, 15600 L a k e Lan e Property Ma n age- history. Located close REAL ESTATE suites, 3-car garage Home/shop/1.41 3 bdrm 2 bath 1440 walk-in shower, dbl $105,000. 3 bdrm, 1 $319,000 - Home, 10 ment 541-536-0117 extensive s p r inkler AND detached gato the school. Owner sq. ft. CRR home. I dcpc de tlyO c d d O p c t cd va n it y and bath, 1228 sq. ft. Has system. $27 9 ,000. s ink acres, horse arena, with l oft. will c arry c o ntract. Granite counters, walk-in closet. Ready rage/shop High Lakes Realty & 15640 Woodgreen - 3 MLS ¹2809225 Pam MLS¹ 2012 0 3050 3 w e l ls: i r r igation $49,900. MLS hickory cabinets, for your i m mediate -house - shop. MLS 762 Lester, Principal BroProperty Ma n age- bd, 1540 s f , l a n d- 201205682 J u n iper DESERT bamboo wood floors, enjoyment. 4.80 acres $1,495,000 ¹201202939 scaped, $2 4 1 ,900. Realty 541-504-5393 ment 541-536-0117 ker, Century 21 Gold VALLEY RE A L TY, Homes with Acreage vinyl windows, the list C all Mi k e Jone s High Lakes Realty & Realty, Inc. with 4.60 i r rigated. 541-923-1376 52381 Glenwood Dr. goes on. Garage, car- Country MLS¹201205610. 541-350-2226 Property Ma n age541-504-1338 Close to schools. Nice 3 Equestrian 5-acres, A-frame cabin on the ment 541-536-0117 port and RV covered New pri c e at Central Oregon Realty b edroom home i n 36x48 6-stall barn, For Saleby Owner - 10+ Group, LLC river. $198,000. High parking. $109,000 $189,750! t own and c lose t o cross-fenced, groomUSE THE CLASSIFIEDS! acres, 7 irrigated, 2200+ MLS 201204401 Lakes Realty & Prop- Lot 1 7 L a n ewood John L. Scott schools. Landscaped ing stall, wash rack, sq.ft. updated home, erty Man a gement $25,000. Juniper Realty, Real Estate B e a utiful, with fenced yard, RV hay barn, mare barn Door-to-door selling with oversized detached ga- Need help fixing stuff? 541-536-0117 541-504-5393 541-548-1712 treed, 1 .7 5 a c r es. parking too! $79,900 w/foaling stalls. 2004 rage, 2 barns, fenced & Call A Service Professional fast results! It's the easiest High Lakes Realty 8 1 6497 Carter C t . MLS¹201106963 cross-fenced, beautiful find the help you need. 3bd 2bth home. 12-peak huge Cascade way in the world to sell. Property Ma n age$ 22,507. C i t y lo t , D8D Realty Group LLC setting, turn-key prop- $298,500. views from this gorNeed to get an ment 541-536-0117 866-346-7868 paved street. H igh erty, $525,000, Call for Call Nancy Popp, Brogeous Crooked River The Bulletin Classified ad in ASAP? Lakes Realty 8 Prop- 5 1430 Mac Ct - C u rshowing; Realtors wel- Horse ranch on 9.70 ker, 541-815-8000 Ranch home w/ knotty O utstanding Val u e ! 541-385-5809 come: 541-318-1450 erty Man a gement rently leased thru '13, Crooked River Realty You can place it pine ceilings and sunacres.Home is 1985 Over 3000 sq. ft. 2 541-536-0117 room s . $102,500. High Lakes level house that has West Powell Butte Es- s plashed online at: sq. ft. of beautiful liv8996 SW Panorama Rd ORGEOUS mtn. Plenty of room with 52970 Walker Way Realty & Pr o perty great potential and is i ng s p ace. W o o d Gviews! Custom 2034 sq ft, 4 tates. $479,000. 6 36+/- acres. floors, d en , w r a p$184,000. 3 bd, 2 ba, Management in very good condi- bdrm, 3.5 bath home 4.98 acres. $249,000 b edroom, 2. 5 b a t h Irrigated w / s mall MLS¹201206906 attached garage. High 541-536-0117 a round d ec k wi t h tion. Daylight baseh ome built i n 2 0 06 n 2 0 a c re s w i t h Gail Day 541-306-1018 541-385-5809 cabin, 1 bedroom, 1 Lakes Realty 8 Propjacuzzi. Great views, ment. Huge possibili- o w ith Mtn v iews o n shop, 2 master suites, bath, poss i b le 15430 Pine Ct 1 782 Central Oregon Realty erty Man a gement 4-stall horse barn and ties. $158,800 MLS 1.53 acres. Many up4-car garage, water OWC! $2 2 5 ,000. 40x60 s hop/garage. 541 -536-01 1 7 sf, 3 bd, 30x80 ga- 201207709 Group, LLC graded features in- Country living in Bend, MLS¹ 201201125 rage. $229,500. High John L. Scott Real Es- feature, gated comSo much here, so Spectacular Mtn. 14738 Birds Eye - Acre Lakes Realty & Propmunity. MLS¹ 14198 SW Nine Peaks clude: hickory cabiCall Charlie, c ome take a l o o k. tate 541-548-1712 views. 4 bdrm, 4.5 with power 8 water. erty 201207133 Pam nets, granite counter Pl - Mtn views from Designated Broker Man a gement $375,000 baths, 17 acres. Of$45,000. High Lakes 541-536-0117 Lester, Principal Brot ops, alder t rim & 541-350-3419 t his 1960 sq. ft., 3 757 MLS 201207852 fered at $1,295,000. Realty & Pr o perty ker, Century 21 Gold bedroom, 2 bath doors, hardwood & tile Redmond RE/MAX Cascade Realty, Crook County Homes Country Realty, Inc. home on 1.16 acre. floors. Th e m a ster MLS ¹2101203960 Management 8 6890 Golden L n Land 8 Homes Dennis Haniford, Cate Cushman, 541 -536-01 1 7 541-504-1338 $95,000. G o rgeous U pdated wit h n e w bath has a garden tub Real Estate Princ. Broker METICULOUS HOME! Principal Broker with tile surround & views, 40 acres. High carpet & vinyl flooring 541-536-1731 14238 W h itewater Desirable location, only 541-480-1884 p e a ceful and interior has been separate tile shower. $59,900. One of few Lakes Realty 8 Prop- minutes from town 8 Beautiful & Hard to f i n d P r ice Range! 1296 sq. ft. Man a gement setting 4 b d rm, 2.5 $275,000 painted. 936 lots in W i l d R i ver. erty Incredible, large, qualPrineville R e servoir baths, 2275 sq. ft. on freshly 541-536-0117 MLS¹ 201208347 sq. ft. garage has a High Lakes Realty & home on 2 a c res ity home. 16 a cres has breathtaking Cas 40 acres horse prop- shop area, 2 bays & Juniper Realty, Custom built home with just north of RedProperty M a n age-51350 Anchor Way with 10 acres of irric ade v i ews . Lo w erty, access to BLM. 50 amp power for an 541-504-5393 hardwood floors, upment 541-536-0117 mond o v erlooking gation. 4925 sq.ft, 5 Cabin on 1.25 acre m aintenance y a r d . $649,000 R V. S e parate R V 9.33 acres in P owell graded lighting and the valley below and bdrms, 3.5 baths with w/city water, $59,900 Open roomy f l o or MLS¹201204029. Check out the covered storage and appliances. Recently Smith Rock. New country kitchen, great plan, vaulted ceilings, Vicci Butte - 4 bdrm, 2.5 High Lakes Realty & classifieds online Bowen carport. $139,500 painted an d n i cely well & pump . r oom a n d mor e . b ath, 1928 sq . f t . , maintained home on Ma n age- lots of light from the 541 -41 0-9730 MLS¹ 201208272 Property $115,000. MLS Paved drive, shop/ large windows, nice Central Oregon Realty 3-car garage, barn, 2+ acres. Watch the ment 541-536-0117 Juniper Realty, ¹ 201205979. C a l l Updated daily barn w i t h ra d i ate office, and nook. Two Group, LLC shop, with RV door. Ir- sunset and w i ldlife KELLY STARBUCK, 541-504-5393 h eated f l oors a n d treed acres, plenty of rigated. $35 9 ,000 f rom y o u r dec k ! P rincipal 50040 Darlene Way- 16623 Dillon Way Bro k e r bath. A MUST SEE! MLS ¹ 2 0 1 2037129 MLS¹201208145 10 a c res, ca b i n, $23,000. Light indus- room for your toys!!! TURN THE PAGE Look at: 541-771-7786 MLS¹ 2010 0 7690 Pam Lester, Principal bunkhouse, $179,900. trial l ot s a v a ilable. MLS¹201204820 $237,000 $649,000. D E SERT High Lakes Realty & B roker, Century 2 1 D&D Realty Group LLC Redmond RE/MAX $159,900 For More Ads High Lakes Realty & Land 8 Homes for Complete Listings of VALLEY RE A L TY, Ma n age- D8D Realty Group LLC Gold Country Realty, Property Ma n age- Property The Bulletin 866-346-7868 Real Estate 541-923-1376 ment 541-536-0117 866-346-7868 Area Real Estate for Sale Inc. 541-504-1338 ment 541-536-0117

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Homes with Acreage

Homes with Acreage






Farms & Ranches







Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Location Location Lo- The Ultimate Hideout i B eautiful f ar m s t y l e 4 38 Acre v i e w l o t 5-acre corner lot, flat SW Canyon Dr. SW Shad Rd cation! This 2463 SF, home overlooking the backs BLM, Cascade & fully treed. $49,900 1.13 acres with access Located on a p a v ed 20737 Livingood Way • Possible owner terms. 3 $749,500 4 bdrm, 3 bath home 637 private acres, 87 Crooked River Valley mtn & S m ith R o ck MLS¹201109114 from two streets pro- street. This 2.7 acre $74,300 Bdrm, 2 bath, 1107 sits on 3.3 acres of m iles f r o m Be n d . with 42+ acres and 24 views. Corner lot, ap- Call Nancy Popp, Brov iding y o u man y parcel has Mt. Jeffer- Newer 2003 3 bdrm/2 sq.ft., laminated wood land, between Bend & Buck Creek flows year acres o f i r r igation. proved for standard ker, 541-815-8000 building site options. son & S m ith R ock bath turnkey. home. f looring, carport w / Redmond. P r operty round. 2 LOP Tags for Perfect horse prop- septic. $199,000. MLS Crooked River Realty Owner terms avail- views. The lot is level New appliances, lots storage, fenced, landhas 3 acr e s of bucks & b u lls. A s- erty including 7-stall ¹2809381 Pam able. $58,500 with many b u ilding of upgrades, custom scaped, spr i nkler Swalley Water and a pens, Ponderosas, & barn with heated tack Lester, Principal BroMLS¹ 201106385 sites. Crooked River window c o v erings, system. $33,000. MLS Tick, Tock fenced back y a rd. Rimrocks. Propane & room and bathroom. 2 ker, Century 21 Gold Juniper Realty, R anch w a te r a n d front & back decks. ¹ 201205974 Pam This home also has solar for the c abin. h omes included i n Country Realty, Inc. 541-504-5393 power is available at Pristine fenced courtTick, Tock... Lester, Principal Broan incredible 2300 SF Large barn for storsale. $1,2 5 0 ,000 541-504-1338 the street. Septic was yard entry. Very open ker, Century 21 Gold SW Chinook Dr. insulated dream shop age Horse corral. MLS¹201206434 ...don't let time get Crooked R i v e r & previously approved. concept with close to Country Realty, Inc. Canyon City, Oregon with 2 bays!! Plenty of MLS¹201204217 John L. Scott Real Es- Investment $78,500 1500 sq. ft. 541-504-1338 away. Hire a mountain views from opportunity. space for your RV's, Craig Long, Broker tate 541-548-1712 MLS¹ 201208266 t his 5.68 a cres l o Cascade Village 4 city tax lots totalling professional out t oys, h o bbies a n d 541-480-7647 Juniper Realty, Homes. Bend, c ated on a p a v ed 14.07 acres. Zoned Say "goodbuy" animals!! Inside you We never stop moving: COUNTRY ESTATE in 541-504-5393 of The Bulletin's 541-388-0000 street. Num e rous R1. It's possible to diODIN FALLS VALLEY will e n jo y v a u lted to that unused trees & many building vide the lots further. "Call A Service 775 3 7.5 acres w ith 1 8 + 20774 Livingood Way • c eilings, 2 ma s t e r sites. $225,000 MLS¹ Power, city water & item by placing it in acres o f ir r igation. Manufactured/ $84,700 suites, and an extra Professional" cs 201106408 2985 sq.ft., 3 bed, 2.5 sewer at the paved Like new 3 bdrm, 2 bath The Bulletin Classifieds large master bath with Mobile Homes Directory today! Juniper Realty, street. Mtn. & valley bath home with huge home is loaded with custom shower and 541-504-5393 views. Many possible Cascade M o u ntain upgrades i n cluding granite counters. MLS 5 acres adjoins public Snowberry Village ¹70 MORRIS b uilding s ites. L o - land over Deschutes views. Shop, 2-stall SW Chinook Dr. c ustom paint, n e w 5 41 -385-58 0 9 ¹201206489 $69,500 cated in the city limits REAL ESTATE barn with tack room Crooked River, Smith • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, lighting, skylight, and John L. Scott Real EsRiver. Short walk to I dcpe dc dyO cda dopcmrcd and 1 bed bunkhouse of Canyon City near custom deck i ng. Rock & mou n tain attached 2-car garage tate 541-548-1712 river. $74,900. Rent /Own AND MORE! M L S¹ John Day. (Sellers are views. Owner terms • 1248 sq. ft. 1993 Sil Oversized 2-car ga- 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes MLS¹201102328 Log home on 5 acres Tumalo i $449,000 licensed Oregon Real 201203884 $845,500 available. 6.9 acres vercrest rage with storage and $2500 down, $750 mo. Call Linda Lou has 3bd/2ba with reRanch style 3900 sq. D ESERT VA L L E Y Estate brokers). with septic, power & • Large living room, din workshop area. CasDay-Wright, Broker, OAC. 541-548-5511, modeled kitchen with ft. home on 15 acres REALTY, $99,900 cade Village Homes. w ell i n stalled. I n - ing area 541-771-2585 541-350-1782 stainless stove & frig. in west Tumalo. Liv- 541-923-1376 Juniper Realty, cludes custom home Bend, 541-388-0000 • Crooked River Realty Vaulted c e i lings, 36x40 barn, 3 6 x40 ing and great rooms, 541-504-5393 plans. $189,000 Sunny windows 63730 Cascade Village Snowberry Village ¹119 shop/garage. Fenced 4 b edrooms & 3 INCREDIBLE L O CAElevated building site MLS¹ 201008671 • FA heat & heat pump Dr • $54,200 Eagle Crest Lots & cross-fenced. S o on 1.176 acre Cas baths. Irrigation, barn, TION - 3 2 . 5 a c res $199,950 bedrooms, 2.5 Juniper Realty, Sw e e ping cade view lot. Septic (A/C) Very open plan, with • 3baths, much here for... shop and b e autiful with 26 acres irriga541-504-5393 1920 sq. ft. • Front porch and large French doors off livof th e s n ow i nstalled, $329,000 pwr/ w t r Cascade M o untain tion an d C a scade Views Silvercrest - Triback deck SW Chipmunk Rd. ing room area, beau- • 2000 MLS 201206125 views. Mountain views. capped Cascades and available at lot line. plewide stunning Central OrLevel 5.19 acres with Call Marilyn R ohaly, tiful updated kitchen, • Living Cascade Realty, Custom 2600 sq.ft., 3 MLS ¹202009226 MLS¹201207959 family mountain views. Well Broker, 541-322-9954 nice size dining area, room, room, Dennis Haniford, Debbie Hershey, bdrm, 2.5 bath home egon sunsets await Call Nancy Popp, Brodining room John L. Scott Real you! Incredible optreed w it h s e v eral large covered front Princ. Broker with lots of amenities. ker, 541-815-8000 Broker, CRS, GRI Bend p orch, 2bd, 2ba & • Remodeled kitchen, possible buil d ing Estate, 541-536-1731 541-420-5170 Detached garage with portunity to own one Crooked River Realty of the finest view lots sites. Com m unity den. Turn-key w/breakfast bar guest quarters, shop We never stop moving: 320 acres in Prineville. water & power availThe Bulletin move-in condition with • Private master suite and l oafing s h ed. at the top of the West Mountain Snowberry Village ¹46 • w/walk-in closet views, able at t h e s t reet. nice outside enter- • Master To Subscribe call MLS¹ 2 012 0 3687 Ridge. Home-ID 969 $88,900. 3 bdrms, 2 bath w/garden $99,900 Magnificent 1/3 mostly flat land. 30 Owner terms availtaining patio & fire pit. 541-385-5800 or go to $875,000 b aths 1600y sq f t tub & double shower acre l o t ama z ing miles from Bend &15 able. $69,000 MLS¹ Cascade Village DESERT VALLEY 1994 Silvercrest. Liv• Gas FA heat PLUS miles from Prineville 201106095 mountain views. on Homes. Bend, ALTY, 541-923-1376 ing room, separate AC & fireplace Reservoir. $289,000 Mountain views! West Ridge. B ring Juniper Realty, 541-388-0000 dining room & large MORRIS • Immaculate - too MLS 201208143 541-504-5393 Fabulous view, ruNewer S ingle S t o ry your builder or work kitchen with e a ting many upgrades to list! Cascade Realty, REAL ESTATE ral property 3479 with one of our preHave an item to Home, 3 b d rm, 2 .5 SW D O V E R D . M t. area. Pellet s t ove, Dennis Haniford, $129,900 sq. ft. 3 bdrm. 2.5 Independcndy 0 wed and Opcratcd bath, office, sunroom, ferred builders. Seller Huge covered BBQ Washington & Three sell quick? Call Marilyn Rohaly, Princ. Broker baths. Lots of shop 2260 sq.ft., 60 acres, offering exc e llent Sisters views from this deck. Large laundry Broker, 541-322-9954 541-536-1731 Tumalo i $775,000 If it's under area! $495,000 mtn & S m ith R o ck terms to a q ualified room and 2-car at6.1 acre property with John L. Scott Real Lush Tumalo Ranch views. $289,000. MLS buyer. Home-ID 947 4.2 acre property with MLS ¹201207007 tached garage '500 you can place it in power installed. Close Estate, Bend with 19.5 acres, 18.5 ¹ 201206306 the home Call Jeanne ScharPam $53,500 Build an older mobile, can to t h e De s c hutes Call Marilyn Rohaly, i rrigated. Cus t o m Lester, Principal Bro- of your dreams on this be fixed up or live in it The Bulletin lund, Principal BroRiver and Steelhead Broker, 541-322-9954 home with 4330 sq. ker 541-420-7978 ker, Century 21 Gold homesitewhich backs while you build your John L. Scott Real Classifieds for: Snowberry Village ¹16 Falls. $99,500 MLS¹ ft., 1 acre vineyard, Country Realty, Inc. Redmond RE/MAX to common area, min- dream home. Priced 201205646 Enjoy the carefree lifEstate, Bend l andscaped, b a r n , 541-504-1338 utes from sport cen- to sell. $58,900 Land & Homes estyle at Bend's preJuniper Realty, '10 3 lines, 7 days fenced garden a nd Real Estate ter, swimming pool, MLS 201207520 mier 55+ community 541-504-5393 o rchard, and m u ch Spectacular property Snowberry Village ¹98 '16 - 3 lines, 14 days spray park, f itness Cascade Realty, n ear m edical a n d NE Bendi $349,000 more. Great h orse with river f rontage. center, tennis, bas$79,500 Dennis Haniford, (Private Party ads only) shopping. ImmacuEnjoy peace and tran- property! Take care of 4773 sq.ft., 3 bdrm, 4 • 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. k etball, hiking a n d Princ. Broker late 3 b e d room, 2 quility on 2.85 private • 1 404 sq. ft . 1 9 9 9 MLS¹201106678 b ath home sits o n biking trails. Home-ID your investments 541-536-1731 bath features sepaFACTORY SPECIAL acres with Gorgeous Brandon Fairbanks, c anyon edge w i t h 708 Silvercrest New Home, 3 bdrm, r ate d i ning r o o m, with the help from Cascade views. Large ASTOUNDING • Vaulted ceilings Broker, SRES, river views in both di- Eagle Crest Properties $46,900 finished huge kitchen with ismaster suite. Vaulted CASCADE MOUNTAIN GRI, CDPE rections, also C asdesigner colors 866-722-3370 The Bulletin's on you site,541.548.5511 land, master suite with wood ceilings. PosVIEWS. Highlands, 541-383-4344 • Gas heat and A/C. cade Mountain, Smith g arden t u b , sta l l "Call A Service sible m o t her-in-law We never stop moving: 10.28 Acres, Bend. Rock an d p a s tureNice flat lot in TerrebElevated corner lotshower, Vaulted ceilsuite. Borders BLM. FIMD IT! views. Ranch onne, .56 a c res, Offered at $495,000 Professional" Directory nice views ings, wood laminate Bring your horse and Cate Cushman, manager's ho u s e, p aved s t reet, a p • Attached 2-car gaggg /T I floors, FA heat & AC. toys. RV area. ca p -fill Principal Broker b unkhouse, ha y & proved f o r SW Geneva View Rd. rage+ shop area SELL IT! C overed dec k s . MLS¹201205268 541-480-1884 equip. shed, shop/RV septic, utilities are at T errebonne. Le v e l • Front deck and rear The Bulletin Classifieds $94,500. Call Marilyn Jane Strell, Broker, garage, covered the lot line. $42,000. 1.14 acres that will be patio R ohaly, Brok er, ABR, GRI arena and horse barn. MLS 3 2 0 1 2001172 Cascade Views in Ter- easy to build on. Well Call Marilyn R ohaly, New Construction - 3 MORRIS 541-322-9954 541-948-7998 Pam Lester, Principal Located o n 1 0 5 .66 treed with an abunBroker, 541-322-9954 bdrm, 2 b ath, 1548 rebonne I $192,500 REAL ESTATE John L. Scott RE We never stop moving: acres with 39.8 acres B roker, Century 2 1 Breathtaking views, De- dance o f wil d l ifeJohn L. Scott Real s q.ft., vaulted, g a s Ind p d ndy ~ d snd Op ratcd Gold Country Realty, schutes River Canof irrigation. Ranch passing thro u gh. Estate, Bend furnace-range-water 780 facilities are 1st class Inc. 541-504-1338 MLS¹ heater, fenced, landyon, and farming val- $41,500 Mfd./Mobile Homes Just too many in both design and NW Bend Lot i $80,000 ley below, 5 usable 201102002 scaped. $1 6 2 ,900 Snowberry Village ¹127 MLS with Land function. $3,900,000 Juniper Realty, ¹ 20 1 2 0 7750 collectibles? Build your c u stom acres with well Ideal $90,425 541-504-5393 MLS¹201107872 Pam Lester, Principal building site with unhome on this .47-acre • 2 bedrooms, 2 baths MORRIS D ESERT VA L L E Y lot on a short street o bstructed view s SW River Rd. Exc.view • 1404 sq. ft., 2000 Sil- B roker, Century 2 1 Gigantic Views! QualSell them in ity Fuqua home, 3 REALTY, Gold Country Realty, REAL ESTATE MLS¹201205208 with o nl y a few from top of property. vercrest The Bulletin Classifieds 541-923-1376 bdrm, 2 bath, 1572 SF I d p d d d y O d d op «d homes. Enjoy views of Gail Day 541-306-1018 2.79 acres w alking • Large great room, bay Inc. 541-504-1338 Shop and greenhouse the River's Edge golf Central Oregon Realty distance to the Deswindow dining area NEW HOME BUILT Turn-key ranch. CasNEW! Five acres $129,000 Group, LLC 541-385-5809 course and the buttes chutes River & Steel- • Front & back decks $87,450! cade mtn views, built MLS 201200450 with irrigation, 1540 to the east. Easy ac• Laundry room + 2 car head Falls. Hike, bike, Includes, garage, founin 1993, 38+ acres sq. ft. home. Gail Day 541-306-1018 View Property 2.49 cess to Highway 97 CHECK YOUR AD ride horses, fly fish. garage dation, a p p liances, with 26 + i r r igation, Central Oregon $220,000. MLS the Parkway. acres between Bend barn, shop, hay shed, and Please check your ad Quiet & natural set- • Sold t a stefully fur- central heating, heat ¹201207126 Call Realty Group LLC & Redmond, 1998 MLS¹201204299 ting is ideal for vacanished pump ready. call tofenced. $55 0 ,000. on the first day it runs TRAVIS HANNAN, home, dbl garage, Jerry Stone, Broker tions or year round Call Marilyn R ohaly, day to schedule your Advertise your car! MLS ¹ 201 0 03925 to make sure it is corPrincipal Broker insulated heated/ living. $49,000 MLS¹ Broker, 541-322-9954 personal appointment. Add A Picture! Pam Lester, Principal We 541-390-9598 rect. Sometimes in541-788-3480 never stop moving: cooled office/workReach thousands oi readers! 201009429 John L. Scott Real 541-548-5511, B roker, Century 2 1 s tructions over t h e Redmond ReMax room with full bath Call 541-385-5809 Juniper Realty, Estate, Bend 541-350-1782 Gold Country Realty, phone are misunderLand & Homes Real The Bulletin C!assifleds sep. from house, 541-504-5393 Inc. 541-504-1338 stood and an e rror Estate concrete RV pad & can occur in your ad. several hook-up POWELL BUTTE! 10 VERY PRIVATE SETIf this happens to your spots. $180,000. A CRES! VI E WS! TING on 80 ACRES ad, please contact us MLS¹201205184 MORRIS Custom home, spaSpectacular Cascade the first day your ad Call KELLY STARcious & light, gourviews. 27 acres of irriREAL ESTATE appears and we will BUCK, Broker met kitchen, office & g ation. 2 6 9 3 sq . f t I d p ndendy~ d a n dOpenied be happy to fix it as 541-771-7786 more. $799,900. . home, 4 b d r m ( 2 s oon a s w e ca n . Redmond RE/MAX MLS¹201106428 master bdrms w/bath), The Highlands at Bro- Deadlines are: WeekLand & Homes Call VIRGINIA, country kitchen and ken top, 1 0 a c res, days 11:00 noon for Real Estate Principal Broker log accents. 6-stall gated, private well, next day, Sat. 11:00 541-350-3418 barn, hay shed, shop, utilities at lot, app for a.m. for Sunday and 763 Redmond RE/MAX RV garage and more. cap-fill septic. Monday. Recreational Homes People Helping People Buy Homes Since 1987 Land & Homes MLS¹ 201 2 0 3092 $535,000. MLS 541-385-5809 Real Estate $799,900 D E S E RT ¹ 201200937. Pam & Property Thank you! VALLEY RE A L TY, Lester, Principal Bro- The Bulletin Classified Serenity and Privacy 541-923-1376 ker, Century 21 Gold on 4.62 acres of se- 141038 Crescent Moon 685 SE Third St, Bend, OR 97702 ~ 541-318-5500 ~ NMLS¹89511/ML-3213-10 Country Realty, Inc. Cr e s centViews! Views! Views! renity and p r ivacy. Drive i n Mountain views! 541-504-1338 Lake Chalet style C omfortable 3 b e d- two-story home with 79.69 acres with 27 3.39 acres with crazy I ,' I I I room, 2 bath home bamboo flooring and acres of i rrigation. THE PERFECT mountain views! and a 3 0 x40 s hop SETTING FOR YOUR Owner will carry. Barn, shop, & guest accents q uarters wit h a l w ith o v ersized R V wood NEW HOME $103,000. door. Build your cus- throughout. Located in most 2200y sq. ft. Broken Top, 0.53 Acres MLS¹201100748 t om ho m e with Diamond Peaks on Offered at $275,000 Call Travis Hannan, house. $400,000 breathtaking views of one acre. Perfect for MLS¹201200048 Cate Cushman, Princ. Broker t he vacationer. T h e the Cascade MounPrincipal Broker 541-788-3480 double car garage has Call TRAVIS HANtains or enjoy as is. 541-480-1884 Redmond RE/MAX NAN, Principal Brosecond d o o r for MLS¹201205440 Land & Homes ker 541-788-3480 snowmobiles and a $249,000 Real Estate Redmond RE/MAX Three 9148 Sq.ft. lots, D&D Realty Group LLC large unfinished room Land & Homes & bath. Owner willing NW Dove Rd., Terrebcul-de-sac, ut i l ities 866-346-7868 Real Estate to complete. Priced to s tubbed into P U E , onne. Mtn. views from Sisters j $579,900 sell at... $298,000 these 5.12 acres near close to West Can771 Great Cascade Mounentrance of CRR. IoMLS¹ 201108836 yon Rim Park and acLots tain views from this Call Linda at cated in a desirable cess to the dry can3000 sq. ft. home on 541-815-0606. area. Save time & yon t rail. $ 3 5,000, 6 .75 acres. 2 b e d- Cascade Realty, Den- N orth P o w el l B u t t e $35,000 & $ 50,000. money with septic, Acreage I 3 LOTS! rooms, bonus room & nis Haniford, Broker MLS¹ 201 2 07692, well & power already 3 buildable, rare, North o ffice. 4 a c re s o f 541-433-5678 installed. $96,500 201207694, and P owell Butte C a s - 201207687. Three Sisters irrigaMLS¹ 20120135 Pam Loan Officers Available 7 Days a Week cade Mountain views. Lester, Principal Brotion. 40x40 barn, 5 141980 Emerald Mead Juniper Realty, ows Way, Crescent Quiet area. Call loafing sheds, 3 car 541-504-5393 ker, Century 21 Gold By Appointment Lake 2-story custom Vicci Bowen garage with shop. Country Realty, Inc. R EADY T O BUI L D ! built home with paved 541-410-9730 MLS¹201205094 541-504-1338 5.07 acres, flat l ot, circular drive, heated Central Oregon Realty Christy Hartmanmature trees, paved double car g a rage Three Rivers South i DeCourcey, Broker Group, LLC road, 1/3 interest in and small shop with $59,500 541-312-7263 cement floor. Excel- G randfathered-in R V Flat .48 of a n a c re well, applied for stanWe never stop moving: septic. $99,900. lent condition. Extenlot, come camp or building lot on corner dard MLS¹ 20 12 0 4695 sive landscaping with b uild y ou r d r e a m with canal along 1 large rock. Hardwood home. Septic/Power/ side, canal flows di- Pam Lester, Principal floors, carpeting, pel- W ater. $57,9 0 0 rectly into the Big De- B roker, Century 2 1 Country Realty, let stove, generator. MLS¹201207367 schutes River. Area Gold *Lvergreen HomeLoans is a registered trade name of Evergreen Moneysource Mortgage Company. NMLS ID 3182 Inc. 541-504-1338 On one acre at the Call Linda Lou has boat launch & MORRIS Day-Wright, end of a cul-de-sac. dock, clubhouse and REDMOND 2.59 REAL ESTATE $339,000 Broker, 541-771-2585 road maintenance. acres close to town. I dcpc dc dyO cd d o p c tcd MLS¹ 201203768 Crooked River Realty MLS¹201105237 Owner will carry. Call Linda at Don Kelleher, Broker $97,000 MLS SPECTACULAR HOME Owner will carry, fan541-815-0606. The Kelleher Group 201100751 and SETTING. Beau- Cascade Realty, Dentastic 1/2 acre lot 541-480-1911 Call Travis Hannan, tiful 9682 sq.ft. home w/views. $59,900. nis Haniford, Broker We never stop moving: Princ. Broker that features massive MLS¹201008725 541-433-5678 to the LOan OffiCerS of EVergreen 541-788-3480 timbers at sprawling Call Julie Fahlgren, Redmond RE/MAX heights, stonework in764 Broker, 541-550-0098 Home Loans for being the ¹1 retail Land & Homes s ide/ ou t , che f s Farms & Ranches Crooked River Realty Real Estate kitchen, butler's panMortgage Bankerin Deschutes8 try, master bed wing Ranch in Powell Butte 1.01 acre lot that is well SE Bend Landi MORRIS with sitting area and Ideal Ranch/ Pride of treed. Lot 141 SW $199,000 Crook Counties for 201 1. REAL ESTATE his/hers e v e rything o wnership. Listen to the quiet! 4.1 Barn , Crater Loop $40,900. plus gue s t/family S hop, H a y I d pc d ddyO d do p y d acres in S u ndance. (informatiori basedori purchaseunits funded per county recordings.) Ba r n , CallMLS¹201105162 Melody Curry, Browing, 2 w a ter f e a- Equipment B uild y o u r dr e a m Shed y I tures, pond, Cascade $925,000. ker, 541-771-1116 773 home with Cascade 0 Crooked River Realty j Mountain views and views. Close to BLM MLS¹201206082 Acreages more. 33+ acres, 25 and National Forest We look forward to continuing Call Vicci Bowen I L evel city lo t i n t h e i rrigated a c res, 2 lands for recreation. 541-410-9730 © Nice mountain views, heart of Culver. All to exceed your expectations barns, bunkhouse or MLS¹201207453 3.09-acres. $95,950. Central Oregon u tilities ar e a t t h e caretakers quarters. Jim Moran, Broker Realty Group LLC MLS¹201101554 p p from our new location! street ready to be in MLS¹201206936 541-948-0997 Call Linda Lou stalled. This lot just We never stop moving: $2,950,000. DESERT Day-Wright, Broker, Stop by and see us! Just too many needs y o u r new VALLEY REA L T Y, 541-771-2585 collectibles? home. 208 2nd Ave, Crooked 541-923-1376 River Realty C ulver. $38, 2 0 0 cs Spectacular home on MLS¹ 20 1 2 0 3505. 3 acres flat property Sell them in 9 .99 a c res! 3 4 5 2 Juniper Realty perfect to build on. sq.ft., 4 bdrm, 3 bath The Bulletin Classifieds 541-504-5393 $59,900. MORRIS home in private setMLS¹201205386 REAL ESTATE t ing. G r ea t r o o m , 541-385-5809 Beautifully ele v ated Call Julie Fahlgren, Ind p d ndy ~ d a d Opaat d kitchen, formal living building site a bove Broker, 541-550-0098 a rea, f amily r o o m Deschutes River Can- Crooked River Realty w/wet bar, guest suite. Need to get an Take care of yon. Un s urpassed L andscaped, w a t e r views from this 2-acre Nice 5.3 acres near the ad in ASAP? feature an d p o n d. your investments lot. Septic approved, entrance of the ranch, You can place it Kevin Pangle Mark Long Shop with office and with the help from w ater & p o wer a t Smith Rock V iews. Linda Fisher-Berlanga sAd b a t h . MLS¹ road. online at: $89,900 MLS¹2710905 NMLS¹89521 NMLSA'210118 NMLSA'208965 The Bulletin's 201207212 $619,000 MLS¹201207148 Call Linda Lou Bend/Redmond Bend/Redmond Bend/Redmond D ESERT VAL L EY "Call A Service Call Nancy Popp, BroDay-Wright, REALTY, ker, 541-815-8000 Broker, 541-771-2585 Professional" Directory 541-385-5809 541-923-1376 Crooked River Realty Crooked River Realty ,



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• •

I •

T his We e k ' s N e w LOWER BRIDGEi $465,000


SW BEND I $308,000

Il .

~I Lovely customcountry home on 9 acres near the DeschutesRiver. Cozy fireplace, open kitchen, and large landscaped yards with decks. 3 bedrooms, master on the main floor plus office/studio.

MLS¹201208655 (730)

3 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 2504 sq. ft. customhomeon the River Canyon. 3 master bedroom suites, Maple floors, slate entry, stone fireplace, vaulted ceilings, 3-car garage and private trail to Squaw Creek.

Listings NE BENDI $255,000





S s

Immaculate 1933 sq. ft. townhomewith 2 master suites plus a loft, in the beautiful forest setting of Elkai Woods. Easy access to river trail. Memberships at Widgi Creek Golf Courseavailable.

New 2068 sq. ft., 4 bedroom, 2 bathhome, quality

Furnished 4 bedroom, 3bath, 2 story homeeasily

finishes on a cul-de-sac. Customcabinetry 8 SS appliances in kitchen, great room with gas fireplace and large master suite with door to patio.

sleeps 15 making it a perfect vacation property. New front and sidedecks. Fireplace with wood stoveinsert, double car garage, newer roof 8 windows.

MLS¹201208547 (730)

MLS¹201208722 (730)







W BENDI $99 900


MLS¹201208611 (730)



541-548-3598, 541-306-9646

541-548-3598, 541-306-9646

SE BEND I $237,000

SE BEND I $165,000

rl y

2153 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2 bath home onover an acre with 1.11 acres of irrigation. Single story, vaulted ceilings, open kitchen, and tongue &groove natural wood accents. Flat lot, RVparking.

MLS¹201208658 (730)


5 41-788-002 9

Newer homeon small, quiet streetwith fencedbackyard. New carpet & interior paint October 2012. Gas Fireplace, hickorycabinets, upgraded windowtreatments. No HOA! 1'raditional sale.

3 bedroom, 2 bath, 1300 sq. ft. home on .918 acre fenced, level lot. Nice condition with pellet stove.

MLS¹201208665 (730)




4 •

Level, I acre lot to build your recreational retreat.

Easy access to mountain fun - skiing, back packing, fishing, boating, National Forest, Sunriver Resort, and DeschutesRiver nearby.

Cascade Mountain view from this nice sized lot in a new subdivision with paved roads

and utilities in. Ready to buildl

MLS¹201208402 (730)

MLS¹201208695 (730)

MLS ¹: 201208727 (730)







I •


Visit our office conveniently located at 488 SW Bluff Dr. in the Old Mill District, Bend. Visit us online or call 541-382-4123 I Visit us at:Q NORTHWE STCROSSING I $389,900 C A S AMARIPOSA I $3,990,000 N


Wood floors in foyer, hallways, dining, living, and kitchen. Largefront deck.

Magnificent prairie style 8676 sq. ft, home. 6 bedroom suites. Mt. Bachelor to Mt. Jefferson views. 4000 sq.ft. Casita/Shop. Garagesfor 8 cars 8 2 RVs.9.78 acres between Bend &Sisters. Grand RidgeEstates.

Bend 8 1'heOld Mill. Well-appointed entry, great room, gourmet kitchen, main level mastersuite. Elevated deck down to dockwith boat ramp.Call today!




Earth Advantage home! Master and main living space on one level, open floor plan, flex space for office.


MLS¹201106412 (762)

Beautiful home on the DeschutesRiver near Downtown

MLS¹201207905 (746)



BROKEN TOP I $1,185,000

g 5


The Pinehurst at BrokenTop by StevenVanSant/Pacwest Homes! Unmatchedquality8 craftsmanship! Single.level, 3<ar garage, customcabinetry 8 trim. 0.55 acre golf courseview lot. No expense spared!

Stunning homewith views fromJefferson to Mt. Hood and twinkling city lights at night. Black walnut floors, blue eyed granite, 2 mastersuites 8 wine cellar.

4 bedroom, 3.5 bath, 3811 sq. ft.

MLS¹201204424 (747)

MLS¹201204524 (746)






BROKEN TOP i $819,000

NW BENDI $750,000



RAREFIND i $695,000

Stunning Awbrey Butte home bui - lder's own with exceptional finishes throughout. 4 bedroom, 4 bath, 3753 sq. ft., 3-car garage. on a .32 acre lot. Convenient, central NW Bend location.

Large, corner, 9000 sq.ft. Iot on StateStreet in the

family room, master suite, private deck with hot tub. Expansive deck with views of the 12th fairway.

Spectacular homewith panoramic river 8 city views. Gourmet kitchen, great room, open vaulted ceilings, outdoor living space, main floor master, daylight basement, guest suite, wine cellar 8 storage.

Drake Park Historic District. Newer great room, gourmet kitchen, upstairs master suite and maintains the old charm of downtown Bend.

39+ acre ranch minutes toCostco. Close toshops and BLMyet enjoy country life. Gorgeous 3731 sq. ft. farmhouse, 3 bedroom, 3 bath, full basement, barn, fenced, irrigated, great area of large acreages.

MLS¹201208657 (747)

MLS¹201203099 (746)

MLS¹201208534 (746)


MLS¹201204031 (762)


JOHN SNIPP EN, BR OKER, MBA, ABR,CRS, GRI 541-312-7273 • 541-948-9090






SISTERS i $579,900


SW BENDi $525,000

3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2119 sq. ft., English cottage.

Great Cascade Mountain views from this 3,000 sq. ft. home on 6.75 acres. 2 bedrooms, bonus room 8 office. 4 acres of Three Sisters irrigation. 40'x40' barn,

5 loafing sheds, 3 car garage with shop.

This 4 bedroom + office on a cul-de-sac is great for entertaining with its open floor plan. Private, wooded backyard with hidden in-ground trampoline and large back patio, 3-car garage with extra storage.

Treasure of a home in River Rim! Warm 8 inviting single level built by Schumacher. Extensive use ofwoods 8 custom window coverings. A must see to appreciate the extensive amenities!





+ Spectacular 3220 sq. ft. remodeledcustomhome. 3 en-suite bedrooms, open floor plan, fireplace,

3 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 4288 sq. ft. home.Flat.82 acre lot on cul-de-sac. Vaulted living/dining room, private master on main level. Kitchen opens to family room. Built-in wet bar. Shop with concrete floor.

MLS¹201206297 (746)

Deschutes River 8 Drake Park views, heart of downtown Bend's historic district. Meticulously updated home, perfect combination of elegance&comfort.

MLS¹201205806 (746)

MLS¹201205094 (762)

MLS¹201208561 (746)

MLS¹201108147 (747)






541-390-4050 • 541-390-4030

TUMALOI $449,000

INVESTORS - 4-PLEXI $425,000


SW REDMONDI $379 500

NW BENDI $350,000




Is ..:

Ranch style 3900 sq.ft, home on 15acres in west Tumalo. Living and great rooms, 4 bedrooms 8 3 baths. Irrigation, barn, shop and beautiful Cascade Mountain views.

1416 sq, ft., 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, garage &parking


REDMONDi $249,900

MLS¹201207959 (762)


pgggl)Hj, + loads of natural light. Half acre private lot. Gated community with pool, tennis andgolf.

Sparkling clean tri-plex with new paint in all 3 units. New appliances and newwindow coverings. Garage with each unit. Great location and rental history.

Well maintained, cozy home, nestled amongmature Ponderosas in a quiet west side neighborhood. 3 bedroom, 2 bath, shop, greenhouse, RVparking, 2.3 acres, hot tub, large fencedbackyard.





541-383-4338 • 541-408-3773


SE BENDI $234,900

CIMARRON CITY i $229,000

SE BENDI $156,000

for each unit. Prime NElocation near hospital. Fully rented, excellent rental history, excessof $36K annual gross rents 8 low maintenance.

MLS¹201208263 (738)

MLS¹201208425 (749)

MLS¹2904198 (738)

MLS¹201207650 (746)


L ¹




I g Lri



@S~H )®i~,

Single story home on.26 of an acre in gated community. 3 bedroom, 3bath, 2498 sq.ft. Granite countertops 8 hardwoods. Detachedoffice space. 3-car garage, nice deck in the back.

Living quarters included with this business and property. Located onHwy 97. Business ismainly fromthe Hwytraffic. Owner will carry.

2017 sq. ft., 4 bedroom, 2 bathremodeled in 1993. Close toJuniper Park, shopping 8 schools. 1000 sq. ft. insulated, heatedshop/garage. Eco-friendly landscaping. Swedish Sauna in master. Theater room.

dining area, light and bright from the large windows.

MLS¹201206831 (750)

MLS¹201203037 (732)

MLS¹201207756 (749)

MLS¹201207901 (762)





LA PINEi $132,900


Q d t t og and flagstone accents in rsr¹b subrfivision. Original owner, well maintained.


vaulted ceiling, openkitchen, hardwood floors in the

Fenced backyard, corner lot.

MLS¹201208338 (749)




' '

Well-cared for 1488 sq. ft., 3 bedroom, 2, bath home built in 2007. Nicely treed I acre lot. Vaulted ceilings, wood cabinets, tile floors in kitchen and dining room. Certified woodstove. Act now!



Lot with views! Great Family Vacation spot with golf, pool, tennis and trails to enjoy!

MLS¹201108289 (771)

MLS¹201208035 (755)






Beautifully treed .86 acre lot just a block from the Big DeschutesRiver. Enjoy fishing, skiing, snow mobiling, horseback riding, kayaking etc., just out your door, Fantastic location!

Bare land, endlesspossibilities. Quiet location, dark skies. Elevated area for possible building site. Crook County saysConditional Use Permit to build possible. Own your own piece of Central Oregon.

MLS¹201207525 (771)

MLS¹201207398 (773)





Beautiful, river front, commercial development property in downtown Bend. 2 adjacent lots available.

MLS¹201206153 - $1,500,000 MLS¹201206150 $2,000,000. (732)





'Holiday $pin' Ralph Macchio stars in "Holiday Spin" Sunday at 9 p.m.on Lifetime.



'The Mindy project' Mindy Kaling stars in "The Mindy Project" Tuesday at 9:30 p.m. on Fox.

Ke$ha is scheduled to perform +gat'th'e 40th Anniversary American Music Awards, airing Sunday at 8 p.m. on ABC. :g et '



'Top Chef: Seattle' Emeril Lagasse is a judge on "Top Chef: Seattle" Wednesday at 10:01 p.m. on Bravo.



ames Howtoette:SudokuiedhFivesconsistsottive reduiarSudokuOridssharindonesetots bx 3boxes. Eachrowcolumnandsetots bs3boxes must contain the numbers 1 through 8 without repetition. The numbers in any shared set of 3-by-3 boxes apply to each of the individual Sudokus.

SttdOktt Htgh Ft+eS


7 9 5 2 3 6 1 4 8

1 3 8 4 2 6 4 8 9 1 5 7 3 2 6 5 7 9

3 3








E B A L RE A R C S G A L T H E 0 L E S A T A D V E N T u DA L Y P L E T M I K E R E


8 A S S N A




L E X 0 N A SA C L O S A N R E N E T S H E L L A T I R 0 N M M E T S A

0 v E R 8 E N S

Guide to the

TV grids


TV Ratings: 'G': Generalaudience 'Y': Young children '7': Childrenover7 '14': Childrenover14 'PG': Parentalguidance 'M': Matureaudience only


Solution to last week's puzzle.

TV Crossword Brown" role 24. Protein's 1. 1964 movie, — actd "Seven Days in —" 25. Mexican plant 4. Actor Scott 26. Very serious of "Parks and 27. 2004 horror Recreation" movie 8. Lee series, 30. Vintage auto "Memphis —" 31. Prepares a 12. John Wayne's hook "— Bravo" 32. German 13. Contented pronoun sound 33. Duvall's "Godfather" role 14. Chassis rod 15. Brass band 34. Actor instruments Geoffrey 17. Michael J. Fox 35. Nickelodeon's "— the Explorer" series, "— City" 18. 1990s series, 36. "Murder, She "— Fly Away" Wrote" setting 19. Left port 38. Ms. McTeer 21. Ford's "Murphy 39. Swiss home


41. Write a tiny bit 42. Enmity 43. Kate's co-star in "Titanic" 48. Barrymore's "— After"

49. Soap actress Melissa Claire50. "Down and — in Beverly Hills" 51. Dry run 52. Mr. Bennett 53. "You ain't w seen nothin' — !


1. "The A-Teamw star: 2 wds. 2. 1990 movie, "— America" 3. "— Only Live Twice"

4. Try for a job 5. 1946 western, "— in the Sun" 6. Mr. Garfunkel 7. "Mr. and 8. "— Street Blues" 9. Action film action 10. Song, "It's a Sin to Tell 11. Keep an eye on 16. Comedian Myers 20. Draws a

bead on 21. Golf course vehicle 22. Butter substitute 23. Bert and

Ernie, e.g. 24. Develop

26. Throw down the —, challenge 28. 'God's Little
















29. "— Women 18 19 20 Want" 31. French cheese 35. Associate of 25 27 28 29 Captain Picard 37. Watchful 30 32 38. Actor — Lee 33 34 35 Miller 39. Guitarist Atkins 36 37 40. "— Gun, Will Travel" 41. Ms. Cusack 42 43 44 45 46 47 44. Sense of self 45. Singer Orbison 48 49 50 46. Paul Gross series, "— South" 47. Hall-of-Famer 11-18 © 2 0 12 UFS, Dist. by Univ. Uclick for UFS Mel

Common symbols: A: In stereo «; Closed captioning iTV: Interactive TV program N: Program is new PA: Parental advisory DVS: Descriptive video service El: Educational/ instructional D: Dialogue L:Language S: Sexual situations V: Violence HD scheduling, please note: Schedulesarebased on standard-definition (SD) channels. High-definition (HD) channelsmay vary by threehours when aWestCoast programming feedis not available toyourTV provider. Please refer to your provider's interactive TV guidefor detailed HD channelschedules



TV • PAGE 3 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

17 — 23, 2012




o I Good Morning America (N) «


Today"Baggage Battles"; LaurenScruggs.(N) n cc

c II




• II



KATU News This Morning - Sat (N) n «

Noodle andDoo- Pajanimals (N)

dle (N)(El)'Y'

(EI) 'Y'

(5:00) CBSThis Morning: Saturday Doodlebops (El) Doodlebops (El) Busytown Myster Busytown Myster "/' cc 'Y' cc (CBS) (N) n cc ies n (El) 'Y' ies n (El) 'Y' Jack Hanna's WildOcean Mysteries KOHD O O O O F at Loss for Food Animal Adven- Good Morning America (N) « Lovers'G' tures With Jeff Corwin (ABC) Countdown KFXO IIg IEI @ IE! Paid Program Paid Program Awesome Adven. Wild About Ani- Jack Hanna's Into Eco Company(N) 'Q' cc mals 'G' cc (FOX) tures (N)'G' the Wild 'G' Curious George 'Y' Cat in the Hat Super Why! n (El) SciGirls n 'G' cc KOAB ~ gy ~ gy SesameStreetn'Y' «(DVS) cc(DVS) (PBS) Kno w s a Lot 'Y' cc NewsChannel 8 atSunrise at 6:00 NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N) « KGW (NBC) AM(N) « KTVZDT2IEI Q Q Q PaidProgram PaidProgram Rescue Heroes n Rescue Heroes n Sonic X n 'Y7' cc Power Rangers (El) 'G' cc (El) 'Y' cc Lost Galaxy 'Y7 (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 B B C Newsnight Washington W'k Asia Biz Great Decisions Scully: World I n side Wash'ton KBNZ









Jack Hanna's Wild OceanMysteries Born to Explore Recipe Rehab (N) Food for Thought Sea Rescue(N)'G' Countdown W i t h Jeff Corwin (N) n (El) 'G' n ( El) 'G' « (DVS) Poppy Cat(N) Justin Time (El) 'Y' LazyTown n (El) The Wiggles P aid Program Paid Program

(EI) 'Y'

'Y' cc

(EI) 'Y'

Liberty's Kids n Liberty's Kids n Paid Program From Philadelphia to Fallujah (N)

(EI) 'Y7' (EI) 'Y7' Born to Explore Sea Rescue (N)'G' Recipe Rehab(N) Food for Thought Steel Dreams 'Q' cc cc(DVS) (N) n (El) 'G' n (E l ) 'G' Teen Kids News Shark Vacuums Deep Cleanat1/2 Paid Program Cook with No (N) 'G' cc the price! Flame 'G' Cyberchase n 'Y' Fetch! With Ruff The Victory Gar- P. Allen Smith's Sewing With cc(DVS) Ruff man 'Y' den Dark 'G' G a rden HomeNancy 'G' «

College Football Uncut

Cars.TV(N) n 'PQ' cc

FOX CollegeSat.

urday (N)

It's Sew Easyn 'Q' cc

Poppy Cat(N) Justin Time (El) 'Y' LazyTown n (El) The Wiggles P aid Program Paid Program "/' cc (EI) 'Y' (EI) 'Y' Iron Man. Armored Justice League WWE Saturday Dragon Ball Z Kai Yu.Gi-Oh! n Yu.Gi-Oh! Zexal "/7' cc Adv. Unlimited 'Y7' Mormng Slam n Y7 cc (N) cc McLaughlin Tru th-Money W e althTrack B i z Kid$ n 'G' C l inton: American Experience 'PG'

Cindy C.-Ageless Criminal MindsMayhemTerrorist C r iminal Minds A deadkiler is linked to Flip This HouseDanielle tries to flip a Flip This House Lcw-incomeneighbor- Flipping Boston Disagreements bombing. n '14' cc new murders. '14' cc bnckhouse. PG cc hood. 'PG' cc threaten a homeflip 'PG' cc The Rifleman 'G' «The RiflemanThe The Rifleman 'G' «The Rifleman Sus- *** "Broken Lance" (1954,Western)Spencer Tracy, RobertWagner.Conflicts **"White Feather" (1955,Western)Robert Wagner,DebraPaget, Jeffrey Hunter. 'AMC Conflict 'G' picion 'G' arise amongthethree sons of a cattle barOn. cc U.S. surveyorand Indian girl try tc stop massacre. *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Big CatDiary'G' BigCatDiary'G' It's MeortheDogn'PG' cc Must LoveCats n 'PG Cats101 n 'G' cc Tanked: Unfiltered BeCool n 'PG Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Th e Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta W h at Happens LOLwork Top Chef: Seattle '14 Flipping OutGrandma'sHouse Top Chef: Seattle CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG' CMT Social Hour n 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG CMT Music 'PG' Top20Count. CNBC 54 36 40 52 DeepClean Cindy Crawford Medicare Tommie Copper New Keurig C a r ol Burnett Cindy Crawford Boxof Miracles Humana No Defrosting Asylum Workout Medicare CNN 55 38 35 48 Sat. Morning Y o ur Bottom C N N Saturday Morning (N) CNN Newsroom(N) Your Money(N) CNN Newsroom(N) N N * * * C/ue/ess (1995, Comedy) COM 135 53 135 47 Paid Program Paid Program Zumba Fit Asyl um Workout **"YouthinRevolt" (2009)Michael Cera,Portia Doubleday. cc Alicia SiIverstone, StaceyDash. cc COTV 11 (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Washington ThisWeek W ashington ThisW eek 'DIS 87 43 1439 Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Never Land Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Gravity Falls 'Y7' Fish Hooks 'G' * * * * NToy Story 2" (1999)n *DISC 156 21 16 37 Zumba Dance Cook Safe Top Chef Meals! Hoover Wind D i rty House? n No.1Kitchen Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14' A m erican Chopper n 'PG' cc JesseJames:Outlaw Garage'14 N *E! A-List Listings The Soup '14' E ! News (N) 136 2 5 Cin dy Crawford WEN Hair Care ** Mad Money" (2008,Comedy)DianeKeaton,QueenLatifah. E!Special '14' Ice Loves Coco ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter(N) (Live) cc College GameDayFromEugene, Ore. (N)(Live) cc College Football lowa atMichigan(N)(Live) ESPN2 22 24 21 24 EnglishPremierLeagueSoccer S p o rtsCenter(N)(Live) « College Football Northwestern atMichiganState (N) (Live) N ** "Steep" (2007) Ahistory of extremeskiing ESPNC 23 25 123 25 30 for 30 (9:15) ** On AnySunday" (1971) DavidEvans, Mert Lawwil. College Football H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex ESPNN 24 63 124203 H-Lite Ex. SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter ss Reba 'PG' « Reba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc ** "Bring/I On:Fight Iothe Finish" (2009, Comedy)Christina Milian ** "Bring/I On:A/I orNothing" (2006, Comedy) FAM 67 29 19 41 PaidProgram B u tterball FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00)FOXandFriendsSaturday Bulls and Bears Cavuto/Business Forbes on FOX Cashin'In (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) The Journal Editorial Report (N) n *FOOD 17762 98 44 BoxofMiracles Say No to Botox! Barbecue Addi. Guy's Big Bite Best- Made Best Thing Ate Best Dishes B e s t Dishes Pioneer Wo. P i oneer Wo. Tr i sha's Sou. G i adaat Home FX 131 Humana Dirty House? How I Met How I Met How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men College Football Washingtonat Colorado (N)(Live) HGTV 176 49 33 43 Top Chef Meals! Cindy Crawford Leave-Bryan Elbow Room'G' Buying and Selling 'G' « Property Bro P r operty Bro Bath Crashers Bath Crashers Yard Crashers Kitchen Crash. *HIST 155 42 41 36 Superfood NuWaveOven Brad Meltzer's Decoded 'PG' The Hunt for John Wilkes Booth 'PG' cc The Lincoln Assassination 'G' cc LIFE 138 39 20 31 NewKeurig Nopalea with Muffin Top? P a i d ProgramNo.1Kitchen P a id Program Barre Paid Program Paid Program WEN Hair Care My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) UpW/Chris Hayes(N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) WeekendsWith Alex Witt Livenewscoverage. (N) Confessions of BTK MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore MakeIt Unofficial '14' Catfish: The TVShow n Teen Mom 2Walkthe Line n 'PG' NICK 82 46 24 40 ThePenguins T hePenguins Odd Parents O d d Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Spongegob S p ongeBob Sp ongeBob Sp ongeBob TeenageMut. Kung Fu Panda Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Home MadeSimple n 'G' cc The Will: Family Secrets Revealed The Will: Family Secrets Revealed OWN 161 103 31 103 Dr. Phil Shotgunweddings. n 'PG' 3-in-1 DIYDrill ROOT 20 45 28* 26 New You! PaidProgram Relieve pain H e alth Forum Cooktop College Football Central Florida atTulsa(N) (Live) SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Henry Rifles To t al Gym Cook Safe Pa i d Program nInsane Bodies! Insanity! n 'G Search/Restore Search/Restore Search/Restore Search%estore Ink Master Tattooingthe Dead'14' SYFY 133 35 133 45 Total Gym Pai d Program Cook Safe New Keurig Humana DeepClean Viral Video Tot al Blackout Total Blackout * * "L iving Hell" (2008) JohnathonSchaech. « TBN 205 60 130 (2:00) Fall Praise-A.Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon According to Jim Are WeThereYet? Tyler Perry's Meet Tyler Perry's A c cording to Jim *"The Next SpyDoor" (2010, Comedy)Jackie Chan, AmberValletta, George 'TBS 16 27 «28 TheJenFoxwor- TheJeffFoxwor. MVNamelsEarln 'PG' '14' cc n 'PG' cc thyShow 'PG' thy Show 'PG' the Browns House of Payne Foul Ball n 'PG' Lopez. A secretagent baby-sits his girlfriend's children. « N *** "TheLittle Princess" (1939)Shirley Temple. Agirl es (7:45) * Out IVesl WiththePeppers" (1940, Comedy ** "TheSaintin London" (1939,Mystery) GeorgeSanders, **** "TheApartment" (1960,Comedy-Drama)Jack Lem TCM capes boardingschool to find hersoldier father. Drama) EdithFellows,DorothyAnnSeese. Sally Gray,DavidBurns. « mon, ShirleyMacLaine. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 No Defrosting M iracleSkin Pa i d Program nTRIA Top Kitchen! n Say No to Botox! Property Ladder n 'G' e«s Property Ladder n 'G' « Property Ladder n 'G' « Law & Order Brother's KeeperCareer Law & Order lllegal A riot at a rally. n Law & Order Bitter Fruit Victim's mother Law & Order BountyFamousfugitive Franklin & Bash Infeld's life coach is Rizzoli & Isles JaneandFrankie try to *TNT '14' «(DVS) criminal. n '14' «(DVS) kills suspect. n '14' eludes capture. n '14' exposed.'14' « solve a murder. '14' « *TOON 84 Looney Tunes LooneyTunes Scan2Go (N)'Y7' NinjaGo:Mstrs Beyblade: Metal PokemonBW Ben 10 Star Wars: Clone Beywheelz Bey wheelz Johnny Test 'Y7' Johnny Test 'Y7' *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Barre Humana When Vacations Attack 'PG' « Myst eries at the Museum 'PG Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations Mysteries at the Museum'PG TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne'PG' (6:36) Roseanne (7:12) Roseanne n 'PG'cc (7:48) Roseanne (8:24) Roseanne Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG USA 15 30 23 30 CookSafe Say No to Botox! No Defrosting C ook Safe Sup erFood Eas yMeals Burn Notice Overthe Line 'PG' Cov ert Affairs Quicksand 'PG' NCIS Missing n 'PG' « VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown (N)'PG' Top 20 Video Countdown (N)'PG' *** "TheColoro/Money"n *A&E 130 30 28 28 118 8 32 Nopalea Cheryl T!egs with 'Q

N N N N (7:05) ** "TheF/inlslones 1994 JohnGoodman. (8:40) **** E,T.theExtra-Terrestrial"1982 HenryThomas.'PG (10:40) *** Ghostbusfers 1984 Bill Murray. 'PG 104204104120 Karrc/I's Cmas (6:35) *"Home Alone3"1997, ComedyAlex D.Linz. 'PG' « (8:20) ** "HomeAlone2: Lostin New York"1992 MacaulayCulkin. (10:25) ** "Jingle A/Ithe Way" 1996'PG' ©c 34 Pass Time'PG' Pass Time 'PG' Pinks - All Out 'PG UFC ReloadedUFC143: Diazvs. Condit NickDiaztakesonCarlos Condit. Training Day 28 301 27 301 EuropeanPGATour Golf SouthAfricanOpen,Third RoundFromJohannesburg, SouthAfrica. (N) Golf Central LP GA Tour Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 **"November Christmas"(2010) Sam Elliott, John Corbett. 'G' « Fallen Angel" (2003,Drama)Gary Sinise, Joely Richardson.'PG' « A Dog Named Christmas" (2009,Drama) BruceGreenwood. 'G' « N N HBO 425 501 425501 (4:40)"TheMatrix Revolutions" 'R ** YouGolSer Witness n (Part 2 of 4)'MA' cc ved"2004MarquesHouston.« (8:45) *** X2: X-MenUnited" 2003, Fantasy Patrick Stewart. n 'PG-13' cc ** "Meatballs"1979, Comedy Bil Murray, Chris Makepeace.'PG IFC 105 10 5 T h ree Stooges Three StoogesThree Stooges Three Stooges * "Teaching Mrs. Tingle"1999, ComedyHelenMirren. 'PG-13 ** "Happy FeetTwo"2011Voices of Elijah Wood. ** "StagNight" 2008 KipPardue. n 'R' cc MAX 400508 508 (3:45) *** "Nixon"1995 n 'R' (8:40) ** "The Sixth Man"1997Marlon Wayans. n 'PG-13' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Deer Hunting TV World Whitetail BucksTecomate RealHunti ng Winchester Leg. Outdoorsman(N) College Football Yale atHarvard(N)(Live) American Colony: Hutterites American Colony: Hutterites American Colony: Hutterites NGC 157 157 A l aska State Troopers '14 DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut NTOON 89 115189115 Supah Ninjas 'G' Supah Ninjas 'G Power Rangers Power Rangers Monsuno n 'Y7' Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Planet Sheen n Dragonball GT Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. OUTD 37 307 43 307 Whitetail Mag. Sasquatch Commander F u rtakers Midway USA's Benellis Gold Fever 'G Alaskan Hunt Masters Scouting, Adv. Reel, Outdoors ** "AgainsttheRopes"2004 n SHO 500 500 Inside the NFL n 'PG' « Inside NASCAR ** NRugrals GoWild" 2003Voices cf Bruce Wilis (6:05) ** "Bottle Shock" 2008,DramaAlan Rickman. n 'PG-13 SPEED 35 303125303 GuysGarage Mobil1 The Grid Formula OneRacing NASCARLive NASCAR Racing Formula OneRacing U.S.GrandPrix, Qualifying (N) NASCARLive N N STARZ 300408300408 ** "The Vow"2012 RachelMcAdams.'PG-13'« (7:45) ** SpyKids 3:GameOver" 2003'PG' cc (9:10) **"Honey" 2003,DramaJessica Alba. n 'PG-13' « (10:50) ** 30Minutesor Less" N N ** "Beaches"1988, DramaBette Midler. n 'PG-13' « TMC 525 525 (5:00) Spooner * * S/eepover 2004, Comedy Alexa Vega. n 'PG' (10:05) **"TheOtherWoman"2009Natalie Pcrtman. n 'R' « *WE 143 41 174118 Zumba Dance Hoover Wind M a ry Mary OnBrithe nk Mary MaryEricagives birth. Braxton Family Values Braxton Family Values Tamar & VinceGagafor Gaga


106 401 306401(5:50) ** Apokemon Heroes" 'G



i"' " ' " ' "'""""'WW


W«~ I

College Football College Football RegionalCoverage NorthCarolinaState at ClemsonorOhio State at Wisconsin. (N) (Live) «





Countdown(N) Q Pa id Program College Football WakeForestat NotreDame(N)n (Live) cc

THE BULLETIN ' N O VEMBER 17 — 23, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine II



l l





Deep Clean at1/2 Recipe.TV n College Football Stanford atOregon 'PQ' cc the price! (N) (Live) « Health Forum Holiday Fat Extra(N) n PG cc Buster! Exploration Wl Explore the North-Paid Program CBS Evening Jarod Miller west News (N) cc College Football Gameday College Football Stanford atOregon

College FootballCollege Football Mississippi atLSU(N)(Live) « Today(N) cc KOHD O O O O CollegeFootball College Football RegionalCoverage NorthCarolina State at ClemsonorOhio State at Wisconsin. (N) (Live) « Countdown (N) (ABC) (N) (Live) « FOX CollegeSat- College Football Oklahomaat WestVirginia (N) n (Live) cc KFXO Itg IE) @ IE) CollegeFootball USC at UCLA(N)n (Live) cc (FOX) urday (N) KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Fons & Porter's Quilting Arts n Martha Stewart's America's Test Simply Ming n MotorWeek (N) n Woodwright's W oodsmith Shop Hometime Built-in Ask This Old T h is Old House (N)The Lawrence 'Q' cc 'Q' cc 'Q' cc n'G cc 'G' cc Shopn'G' Welk Show 'G' (PBS) Love of Quilting Cooking School Kitchen Gas Grill 'G' H o use (N) n 'G' Mom Is 57,Looks College Football WakeForestat NotreDame(N)vi (Live) « Noodle andDoo- Pajanimals (N) NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8at KGW 27!'G' (NBC) dle (N)(El)'Y' (El)'Y' 5PM(N) « 5PM ( N) « N(1995, Fantasy)RobinWiliams, Bonnie Hunt, KirstenDunst. Asinis Tyler Perry's T y l er Perry's Meet Tyler Perry's MeetNJumanji ** KTVZDT2(EI Q Q Q ChatRoom(N) n On the Spot (N) n Star Wars: TheClone WarsIceworld Tyler Perry's (El) 'G' cc (El) 'G' « conflict. 'PG' House of Payne House of Payne the Browns th e Browns ter board game putsits players inmortaljeopardy. « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 C l inton: American Experience 'PG' Wild! In the Company of Moose'G' Nature Siberian Tiger Quest 'PG' W i l dlife Safaris n 'PG' cc Richard Essential Pepin Cooking Class KBNZ 0 Q Q Q


Intervention DianaAddiction trapsfor- Intervention Dennis Methandalcohol 30 28 1 8 32 Flipping Boston pful Intervention Ryan Cher'14' A50-year-old battles Intervention At21 mer "supermother." '14' cc listing onhold. (N)Hel 'PG' ccDaveputs ahotthe bottle. '14' cc Afather-to-be battles Intervention alcohol addiction. cc abuses bathsal s. -year-ol 14 ccd woman addict haunted bypast. '14' Western) JohnWayne, Stewart Granger, Ernie Kovacs.Prospector bringsFrenchgirl to ***"High Plains (10:00) ** "White *** "TheBravados" (1958,Western) GregoryPeck,Joan Collins. A manrelent- (2:45) *** NNoifh to Alaska" (1960, 'AMC Feather" lessly pursues the murderersof hiswife. « partner in gold-rushAlaska. cc Drifter" *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Tanked: Unfilteredn'PG' cc Tanked AFengShui tank. n 'PG Tanked n 'PG' cc Tanked: Unfiltered RollWith It 'PG' Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG' cc Tanked: Unfiltered n 'PG' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Th e Real Housewives of Miami Th e Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta ** "Footloose" (1984,Drama) KevinBacon, LoriSinger, JohnLithgow. vi « CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30)Top20Countdownn'PG' ChainsawGang ** NRVN(2006) RobinWiliams CNBC 54 36 40 52 NewYou! Top Kitchen! C k 3x Faster D r . Perricone WEN HairCare Humana Carol Burnett J o hnny Cash Money in Motion How I, Millions Ultimate Factories Winnebago'G CNN 55 38 35 48 (11:00)CNNNewsroom(N) Sanjay Gupta CNN Newsroom(N) The Situation Room CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' « N COM 135 53 135 47 ** "TheCable Guy"(1996) Jim Carrey, MatthewBroderick. « (2:15) ** "Youthin Revolt" (2009) Michael Cera,JeanSmart. cc (4:15) ** SexDrive"(2008)Josh Zuckerman,AmandaCrew. cc COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Communicators W ashington ThisWeek 'DIS 87 43 14 39 ToySfory2n Good-Charlie A u stin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! 'G' Good-Charlie G o od-Charlie A.N.T. Farm'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' Good-Charlie A u stin & Ally 'G' (12:40) Jess!en Good-Charlie *DISC 156 21 16 37 Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Auction Kings Ghost Town Gold n 'PG' cc Moonshiners Rise 'nShine! n '14 Moonshiners n 14 cc GoldRush SecretW eapons'PG' *E! 136 2 5 Ic e Loves Coco Ice Loves CocoNicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My Fashion Police '14 Kardashian Ka r dashian Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Keeping UpWith the Kardashians ESPN 21 23 22 23 College Football Scoreboard (N) Countdown NASCAR Racing NationwideSeries: FordEcoBoost 300(N)(Live) College Football College Football ESPN2 22 24 21 24 CollegeFootball CollegeFootballNorthCarolinaStateatClemsonorOhioStateatWisconsin(N)(Live) College Football College Football Tennesseeat VanderbiIt (N) (Live) *** "Senna"(2010, Documentary) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (11:00) CollegeFootball Bethune-Cookmanvs. Florida A&M(N) « A Race Story cc Fastest" (2011,Documentary) ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter « SportsCenter (N)(Live)©c SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ** "Step Up" (2006,Musical) ChanningTatum,Jenna Dewan, Mario. ** "Step Up 2theStreets" (2008) Briana Evigan,RobertHoffman. ** "Step Up 3" (2010,Drama) FAM 67 29 19 41 Bringlt On FNC 57 61 36 50 FOXNewsWatch(N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) FOX Report (N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17762 98 44 Deen Brothers Thanksgiving Alton's Countdown to T-Day UnwrappedTurkey &Trimmings Restaurant Stakeout Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Iron Chef America FX 131 (10:30) CollegeFootball Washingtonat Colorado (N) (Live) Two/Half Men * * "Takers" (2010) Matt Dillon. Skilled thievesplanthe biggest heist of their careers. UFC 154: Prelims HGTV 176 49 33 43 HouseCrashers HouseCrashers LoveltorListlt'G' « Property Brothers Olivia 'G' « Prop erty Brothers 'G' « Property Brothers Amber'G' « Property Brothers'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Lincoln Gore Vidal; JanMorris; Harold Holzer; AndrewSolomon. 'PG' cc American Pickers 'PG' cc American Pickers Trading Up'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' N N LIFE 138 39 20 31 ** A DifferentKindofChristmas" (1996)Shelley Long. 'PG' « A/I SheWantsfor Christmas" (2006,Drama)Monica Keena.'PG' « ** "HolidayWishes" (2006,Drama)Amber Benson. 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (11:00) Confessions of BTK TheMindofManson Caught on CameraDaredevils Caught on CameraHeartStoppers Caught on Camera Lockup: RawHell in a Cell MTV 192 22 38 57 HowlMadelt 1 0 o n Topn Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore MakeIt Unofficial '14' Catfish: The TVShow n Teen Mom 2Walkthe Line n 'PG' Jersey Shore n '14' « NICK 82 46 2440 ThePenguins Robot, Monster Power Rangers Odd Parents Odd Parents O d d Parents Odd Parents D r ake 8 Josh n 'Y7' cc iCarlyvi G « The Will: Family Secrets Revealed The Will: Family Secrets Revealed The Will: Family Secrets Revealed The Will: Family Secrets Revealed The Will: Family Secrets Revealed OWN 161 103 31 103 TheWill: Family Secrets Revealed ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Football College Football MontanaState at Montana(N) (Live) College Football lowaState at Kansas(N)(Live) SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (12:05) Ink Mastern'14' « (1:08) Ink Master n '14' cc (2:11) Ink Master n '14' cc (3:14) Ink Master Trick orFreak n '14' « (5:23) Ink Master (4 18) Ink Master n '14' cc *** "Splinter"(2008, Horror) SheaWhigham,Paulo Costanzo *** "Dawnol the Dead" (2004)SarahPolley. SYFY 133 35 133 45 ** Living Hell ** "G rowth" (2009, Horror) Mircsa Monroe, Christopher Shand. TBN 205 60 130 Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon N ** Gef Smart" (2008, Comedy)SteveCarell, Anne Hathaway. Agent Maxwell ** 20/d School" (2003,Comedy)LukeWilson, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn.Three Friends ri '14' cc Friends ri '14' cc Friends n '14' cc Friends n '14' cc 'TBS Smart battles theKAOScrime syndicate. « men relive their wild past bystarting a fraternity. « N Mr. Limpet" (1964)Voicesof DonKnotts. Animated.Life *** "Alice Doesn't Live Here Anymore" (10:30)"TheApart- (12:45) **** A Tree GrowsinBrooklyn"(1945, Drama)Dorothy McGuire, PeggyAnnGarner, James ** "The Incredible TCM 101 44 101 29 menf Dunn. A girl comesof agein a poor Brooklyn neighborhood. changes for ashy bookkeeper with afondness for fish. « (1974) EllenBurstyn. *TLC 178 34 32 34 PropertyLaddern'G'« Dateline: Real Life2Mysteries '14' D a teline: Real Life Mysteries '14 Dateline: NReal Life Mysteries '14' D a teline: Real Life Mysteries '14 Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14 ** "Murder at !600 (1997, Suspense)Wesley Snipes, DianeLane. The presi (3:15) ** LakevieivTerrace" (2008,Suspense)SamuelL. Jackson, Patrick Wilson Kerry Washington. *** "Mission. *TNT 17 26 15 27 Law&OrderAfireyieldsevidenceinandent's son is implicated in a secretary's death. « old case. '14' «(DVS) A police officer harassesthe interracial couple next door. « Impossiblell/ *A&E


Annoying Annoying Adventure Time Adventure Time Adventure Time NinjaGo: Mstrs NinjaGo: Mstrs Regular Show Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Milhon Dollar Planes PG « Million Dollar Boats 'PG' « ExtremeHouseboats 'PG'« TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' The CosbyShow The Cosby Show USA 15 30 23 30NCISSeeNoEviln'PG'« NCIS GoodWives Club 'PG' cc NCIS Call of Silence n 'PG' cc NCIS Heart Break n 'PG' cc NCIS Biohazardisolation. n 'PG NCIS Ablind photographer. n 'PG ** "TenaciousD in: ThePick ol Destiny" (2006)JackBlack. n VH1 191 48 37 54 (11:00) *** "TheColor ol Money"(1986)n Couples Therapy n '14' Storytellers TaylorSwift n 'PG' T.l . and Tiny *TOON 84 Johnny Test 'Y7' Wrld, Gumball *TRAV 179 5145 42 Manv.Food'G' Manv.Food'G

N ** "Pirates ol theCaribbean: OnStranger Tides" 2011 'PG-13' « (2:20) *** Men in Black"1997 vi 'PG-13' « * "John Tucker Must Di e " 2006 Jesse Metcalfe, Ashanti. 'PG-13' « ** "ToothFairy" 2010,ComedyDwayneJohnson. 'PG' « 104 204104120 ** /ce Age:DawnoltheDinosaurs"2009VoicesofRayRomano 34 UFC Insider U F C Roundtable UFC Roundtable UFC Tonight U F C154 UFC154 Weigh-In UFC Primetime UFC Primetime UFC Primetime ** NWay ol theDragon" (1972) 28 301 27 301 LPGATourGolf EuropeanPGA TourGolfUBS HongKongOpen,Third Round Golf Central (N) LPGA Tour Golf CMEGroupTitleholders, Third RoundFromNaples, Fla. PG A Tour Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 "TheChristmasSecret" (2000) Richard Thomas,BeauBridges. 'G' « The WishingTree"(2012)JasonGedrick, Richard Harmon.'G' « AnnieClaus lsCominglo Town"(2011)Maria Thayer. 'G' « N HBO 425 501 425 * "Little Fockers" 2010Robert De Niro. n 'PG-13' X2: United 501 *** "Dolphin Tale"2011, DramaHarry Connick Jr. n 'PG' cc (2:15) ** Mn Popper'sPenguins"2011Jim Carrey. n 'PG' cc N *** "Bendlf Like Beckham"2002, ComedyParminder Nagra, Keira Knightley. 'PG-13 ** ldiocracyo 2006, Comedy 'R IFC 105 10 5 * * " T he Brothers Grimm"2005, FantasyMatt Damon,Heath Ledger. 'PG-13 o 'R MAX 400 508 508 (11:50) ** "MercuryRising" 1998 BruceWilis. 'R (1:45) * NDarkWol/N 2003, HorrorRyanAlosio. n 'R' cc (3:20) ** "The Dilemma"2011Vince Vaughn. cc (5:15) ** "The Running Man NBCSN 27 58 30 209 College Football College Football ColoradoState at Boise State (N) (Live) College Football OldDominionat JamesMadison (N) (Live) American Colony: Hutterites American Colony: Hutterites Being: Liverpool '14 Alaska StateTroopers '14' NGC 157 157 A m erican Colony: Hutterites Superstorm 2012'14 NTOON 89 115 189 115 Avatar: Air. Ava t ar: Air. T.U.F.F .Puppy T.U.F.F.Puppy Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Wild Grindersn PlanetSheenn T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Odd Parents O d d Parents OUTD 37 307 43 307 RealTree's Red Arrow Outdoors SOL O Hunters Steve's Outdoor Best of West T e am Elk Outdoorsman Michaels MRA Grateful Nation Trophy Hunt J i mmy Big Time ** "TheSwitch" 2010Jennifer Aniston. n 'PG-13 SHO 500 500 Untold History of the United States (11:00) ** "Against theRopes" (2:45) ***"Ransom"1996,SuspenseMelGibson, ReneRusso. n'R' « SPEED 35 303125303 NASCARRacing Porsche Cup Test Drive Mon ster Jam (N) Monterey Motorsports Reunion 'G' On the Edge S PEED Center NASCARRacing N N ** Spy Kids 3:GameOver" 2003 n 'PG' « ** You Again"2010, STARZ 300 408 300408 30 Minutes (12:20) * "GhostRider: Spirit ol Vengeance" 2012 Romance-ComedyKristen Bell. n 'PG' « Green Hornet N N *** "EternalSunshineol the SpotlessMind" 2004JimCarrey. 'R TMC 525 525 (11:50)*"TheRichMan'sWife"1996HalleBerry (3:20) *** Dragonslayer 2011 (4:35) ** "TheTempest"2010HelenMirren. « *WE 143 41 174118 Tamar & Vince WeddingDavn Unveiled To Be Announced WeddingDavnUnveiled W eddingDavn Unveiled W edding. DavnUnveiled


1 06401 306401 Ghostbusfers vi * * 2


Wrld, Gumball MAD 'PG Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G

Ghosfbusters ll2 1989, Comedy Bill Murray. vi 'PG' «


TV • PAGE 5 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine


c I II (5:00) CollegeFootball Stanford atOregon(N) (Live) « c II



The Carol Burnett Show (ABC) KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21NewsChannel 21 Jeopardy! 'G' cc Wheel of Fortune Revolution TiesThat BindNorameets 'Q' cc (NBC) at 6 (N) cc Spe cial Edition up with a relative. '14' « Burn Notice BrokenRulesMichaeljoins New Adventures New Adventures Elementary Pilot A homeinvasion leads KBNZ a criminal organization. 'PG' (CBS) of Old Christine of Old Christine to murder. n '14' cc College Football KOHD O O O O (5:00) College Football Stanford at Oregon(N) (Live) « (ABC) Game Night News Channel 21 The Big Bang The Big Bang KFXO I(g IE) IEf IEI (4:00)CollegeFootball Oklahomaat WestVirginia (N) n (FOX) (Live) cc First on FOX Theory n '14' Theory n '14' KOAB ~ gy ~ gy (5:30) The Law- Last of the Sum- Art Wolfe's Trav Rick Steves' Eu- Globe Trekker EasternCanada n 'PG (PBS) rence WelkShow mer Wine n 'G' els to the Edge rope 'G' « «(DVS) The Chris Mat- Straight Talk I n s ide Edition Grants Getaways Revolution TiesThat BindNorameets KGW 'PG' thews Show'G' Weekend 'PG' (NBC) up with a relative. '14' « Copsn'PG' cc KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ **"ChronicleoftheRaven"(2004, Horror) FayeDunaway,GinaPhilips. AwomanCopsn'PG' cc has visions of abird devouringparts of her body. « (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 M i dsomer Murders 'PG' « Backstage Pass n 'G' cc Xerox Rochester Intl. Jazz Festival KATU

II Cash Cabn

Cash Cabn

Jeopardy! 'G' «Wheel of Fortune KATU Newsat11 Castle n 'PG' cc 'Q' cc (N) n cc Chicago Fire HangingOnCaseycon- Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NewsChannel 21 (11:29) Saturday fronts DetectiveVoight. n '14' Vanity's Bonfire '14' «(DVS) at11 (N) « Nig h t Live '14' 48 Hours Momsworking as private 48 Hours Murdersanddisappearances KOIN Local6at11 (11:35) Paid Pro investigators. (N) n « on a highway.(N) n « (N) cc gram EntertainmentTonight (N) n « Pri metime: What Would YouDo? n News (N) cc C o l lege Football 'PQ' cc Game Night Bones TheManin the Cell Brennan's News Channel 21 Two and a Half MasterChef Contestantstry to impress incarceratedadversary. '14' First on FOX M en '14' cc the judges. n '14' « My Family « A s T ime Goes By New Tricks The Truth Is Out There The Masterpiece Mystery! A murderin 'PQ' cc volves a flower'smeaning. n 'PG' death of a journalist n cc Chicago FireHangingOnCaseycon Law & Order: Special Victims Unit NewsChannel 8 at (11:29)Saturday fronts DetectiveVoight. n '14' Vanity's Bonfire '14' «(DVS) Night Live '14' 11(N) cc That'70s Shown That'70s Shown The JeremyKyleShowAstripper's Cheaters (N) n 14 cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc mother andsister. (N) 'PG' « *** "Mciinfock!" (1963,Western) JohnWayne, MaureenO'Hara. Austin City Limits n 'PG' « 'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Parking Wars(N) Parking Wars (N) Billy the Extermi- Billy the Extermi- (11:01) Billy the (11:31) Billy the 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Texas'PG' nator (N) 'PG' nator (N) 'PG' Exterminator E x terminator (5:30) *** "HighPlainsDrifter" (1973)Clint Eastwood,VernaBloom.Amysteri- *** "A Few Good Men" (1992, Drama)TomCruise, Jack Nicholson, DemiMoore. ANavy lawyer defendstwo Marines in a ** "Hidalgo"(2004, Adventure) Viggo 'AMC ous strangerprotects a corrupt townfromgunmen. « comrade's death.©c Mortensen,OmarSharif. cc *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Tankedn'PG' cc Tanked NuclearFamily 'PG' cc Tanked n 'PG' cc Tanked Midwest Zest (N) n Tanked NeilPatrickHarris. n 'PG' T anked Midwest Zest n BRAVO 13 44 Re a l Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly ** "TheMummyReturns" (2001,Adventure) BrendanFraser, RachelWeisz, JohnHannah ** "TheMummyReturns" (2001) CMT 190 32 42 53 (5:00) ** "RV" (2006)RobinWiliams. n « Jeff Dunham:Spark of Insanity n '14' cc Redneck Island(N) n 'PG ChainsawGang Big Texas Heat Jeff Dunham: Spark of Insanity '14 CNBC 54 36 40 52 TheSuzeOrmanShow(N) « Debt Do UsPart Princess « Ultimate Factories Bacardi 'PG' Th e Suze Orman Show « Debt Do UsPart Princess « Muf f in Top? Ne v er-Rake CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' « Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' « COM 13 53 135 47 (4:15) ** "SexDrive" (2008)cc (6:46) *** "GefHimfothe Greek" (2010,Comedy)JonahHil, Russell Brand. cc (9:17) **"Dumb& Dumber" (1994,Comedy) JimCarrey, Jeff Daniels, Lauren Holly. cc COTV 11 Talk of the TownLocal issues Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW TheYoga Show The Yoga Show Talk oftheTownLocalissues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington ThisWeek W ashington ThisWeek *** "ToyStory 3" (2010)Voices of TomHanks,Tim Allen. n « 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin &Ally'G' ShakeItUp!'G' Jessie'G' « Jes s ie'G' « Dog With a Blog Shake It Up! 'G Good-Charlie G ood-Charlie *DISC 15 21 16 37 Gold Rush Battle of theBridge'PG' Jungle Gold Culture Shock n 'PG Jungle Gold n 'PG' cc Jungle Gold Shots Fired '14' cc Jungle Gold BrokenMann 'PG Jungle Gold ShotsFired'14' cc *E! ** "He'sJust NolThatInto you" (2009) BenAffleck, Jennifer Aniston, DrewBarrymore 13 25 E! S pecial '14' A - List Listings E! News Ice Loves Coco Fashion Police '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:00)CollegeFootballKansasStateatBaylor(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 CollegeFootball College Football College Football BYU at SanJose State (N) (Live) College Football Final (N)eccs NASCARRacing *** "Senna"(2010) « ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) "Fastest" (2011) Fastest" (2011,Documentary) Narrated byEwanMcGregor Fastest" (2011,Documentary) Narratedby EwanMcGregor H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « Highlight Express(N) (Live) ** "LastHoliday" (2006)QueenLatifah. A terminally ill woman lives it up onvacation ** "LastHoliday" (2006)QueenLatifah. A terminally ill woman lives it up onvacation. FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:00)**"StepUp3"(2010) FNC 57 61 36 50 Justice With JudgeJeanine(N) Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc The Journal Editorial Report cc Ju s tice With Judge Jeanine Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Red Eye *FOOD 17 62 98 44 TheNextlronChef: Redemption Chopped Chopped'G ChoppedCornuchopia Chopped Give ItYourAll 'G Iron Chef America ***"TheIncredible Hulk"(2008, Action) EdwardNorton, Liv Tyler, Tim Roth. ** "Predators" (2010,ScienceFiction) AdrienBrody, Topher Grace. FX 131 UFC 154: Prelims HGTV 17 49 33 43 High Low Proj. Hunters lnt'I House Hunters Renovation 'G Love Itor Listlt Hung'G' « Love It or List It 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I House Hunters Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Mankind TheStory of All of Us Inventors 'PG' cc Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' LIFE 13 39 20 31 ***"A Christmas Proposal"(2008) Nicole Eggert, Tom "Holiday HighSchoolReunion" (2012)RachelBoston. Premiere. « "A BoyfriendforChristmas" (2004)Kelli Wiliams. 'PG' « Arnold. « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup Lockup(N) Lockup: RawEver Present Danger Lockup InsidePendletonJuvenile Lockup: RawHardTime Lockup: RawLife anddeath. MTV 192 22 38 57 JerseyShoren'14' « Jersey Shore MakeIt Unofficial '14' Caffish: The TVShown Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Jersey Shore n '14' cc NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob SpongeBob S p ongeBob iCarly 'G' cc Vi c torious n 'G'Big Time Rushn 'G' cc George Lopez George Lopez Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG' Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG Welcome toSweetie Pie's (N)'PG' lyanla, Fix MyLife (N) n '14' Welcome to Sweetie Pie's 'PG' OWN 161 103 31 103Welcome to Sweetie Pie's n 'PG' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 (4:00) CollegeFootball lowaState at Kansas(N)(Live) College Football USC at UCLA(N) College Football MontanaState at Montana SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:23) Ink Master Tattoo Night. T a ttoo Night. T a t too Night. ** "TheFastandthe Furious: TokyoDrift" (2006, Action) LucasBlack, ZacheryTyBryan, BowWow.n Grindhouse:PlanetTerror * "Resident Evil(2002) " Mila Jovovich, Michelle Rodriguez. « * "Resident Evil: Afterlife"(2010)Mila Jovovich, Ali Larter. Premiere. *** "Primal"(2010) cc SYFY 13 35 133 45 (4:30) *** "Dawnof the Dead" TBN 205 60 130 (4:00) Fall Praise-A.Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon The King of The King of The King of The King of The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang W edding BandILoveCollegeThebandW edding Band ILoveCollegeTheband 'TBS Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n '14' Theory n 'PG plays atComiCon.(N) plays at ComiCon. ) *** "A/fce DcesnLfve I He"e *** "Bedaz zled"(1967,Comedy)PeterCook,DudleyMoore.A depressedcook ** "DfHumanBondage" (1946, Drama)Eleanor Parker,PaulHenreid. An artist *** TheHarveyGirls (1946) Judy TCM 101 44 101 29Anymore" 5'00 (1974,Drama) « makes a diabolical deal with thedevil. cc turned-doctor is drawnto apromiscuous waitress. «(DVS) Garland. «(DVS) *TLC 17 34 32 34 Dateline: Real Life Mysteries '14 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14 48 Hours: HardEvidence(N)'14 48 Hours: HardEvidence (N)'14 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14 (5:30) *** "Mission: lmpossible lil" (2006,Action)TomCruise, VingRhames. *** "TheBourneSupremacy" (2004)Matt Damon,Franka Potente, Brian Cox *** "Mission: impossible lll" (2006) To mCruise, PhilipSeymourHoffman.Agent *TNT Agent EthanHuntfaces the toughest villain of his career. « Jason Bournefights backwhen theCIAtries to kill him. « Ethan Huntfaces thetoughest villain of his career. « *TOON 84 Regular Show * * "National Treasure" (2004,Adventure) NicolasCage, HunterGomez. Premiere Venture Bros. Family Guy '14 Family Guy '14' Cleveland Show The Boondocks The Boondocks *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Extreme Houseboats'PG' « ExtremeHouseboats'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG' « GhostAdventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« Ghost Adventures 'PG'« TVLND 65 47 29 35 The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens f *** "TheCo/orPurp/e" (1985,Drama)Whoopi Goldberg, DannyGlover, MargaretAvery. « ** Eaf Pray Love" (2010) « USA 15 30 23 30 NCISMurderofanavalofficer.'14' N C ISGuiltyPleasuren'14'« VH1 191 48 37 54 T.l. and Tiny T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny: The Family Hustle n T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny * * " Get Richor Die Tryin'" (2005, CrimeDrama)Curtis "50 Cent"Jackson. n GefRichor Die *A&E

3 28 1 8 32 Storage Texas 'PWars G'

*** "Ghosfbusfers"1984, ComedyBill Murray. n 'PG' « 106401 306401Pirates-Tides ** Species 'R' (6:20) ** "TheF/infsfones" 1994JohnGoodman. (9:50) *** "MeninBlack"1997 n 'PG-13' « * "TheBachelor" 1999,Comedy-DramaChris O'Donnell. 'PG-13' « **"Happy, Texas"1999,ComedyJeremyNortham.'PG-13' « 104204104120**"Tooth Fairy"2010,ComedyDwayne Johnson.'PG'« f *** "Fistof Fury" (1972,Adventure) Bruce Lee, MiaoKerHsiu. 34 (5:00) ** Wayof theDragon Bruce LeeLives! Bruce Lee Lives! UFC Post Fight Show(N) (Live) U F C Post Fight Show 28 301 27 301(5:30) PGA Tour Golf AustralianMasters,Final RoundFromMelbourne. (N)(Live) EuropeanPGATour Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 *** "All / Wantfor Christmas" (2007)Gail O'Grady. 'PG' « MatchmakerSanta" (2012) LaceyChabert. Premiere. 'G' « Love afthe Thanksgiving DayParade" (2012)AutumnReeser. 'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 (5:40) *** "X2: X-MenUnited" 2003 Patrick Stewart. n 'PG-13' « ** "Safe House"2012Denzel Washington. Premiere. n 'R' « Boxing AdrienBronervs. Antonio DeMarco,Lightweights (N) n « ** "ld iocracy"2006,ComedyLukeW ilson.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) ldiocracy ( 6:45)*** "TheSpongeBcb SquarePanfsMovie"2004'PG (10:15) *** "StarTrekVhTheUndiscovered Country" 1991'PG * i End ofDays"1999, HorrorArnold Schwarzenegger. n 'R' cc ** vA VeryHarold & Kumar3DChristmas" 2011 MAX 400508 508 (5:15) ** "TheRunning Man"'R' Hunted Ambassadors'MA' cc Hunted n 'MA' NBCSN 27 58 30 209 College Football Old Dominion atJamesMadison (N) N F L Turning Point 'PG Game On! World Series of Fighting 1 Poker After Dark 'PG' « NGC 157 157 D o omsday Preppers'14 DoomsdayPreppers'14 Alaska State Troopers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' Superstorm 2012'14' NTOON 89 115189115 Legend-Korra L egend-Korra Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Robot, Monster Odd Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Legend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Raglin Outdoors Ultimate Hunting Trophy Quest Most Wanted Outfitter Boot E xpedition Saf Ted Nugent C r aig MorganWest. Extremes High Places Commander M a thew's Dom * "The Three Musketeers" 2011 Matthew MacFadyen.'PG-13' « ** "TheSwitch" 2010 Jennifer Aniston. n 'PG-13' « SHO 500 50 0 D e xter Chemistry n « Homeland TheClearing 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125303 Inside MichaelWaltrip Racing The Hendrick Racing Story Formula 1Debrief Formula OneRacing U.S. GrandPrix, Qualifying On the Edge N ASCAR Racing ** "John Carter" 2012Taylor Kitsch. Premiere. n 'PG-13' « STARZ 300 408 300408 (5:20) ** "TheGreenHornet" 2011 Seth Rogen. n (7:20) * "GhostRider: Spirit of Vengeance"2012 (11:15) ** "30 Minutes orLess" *** "Bi tten"2007 Jason Mewes.n 'R'« TMC 525 525 TheTempestn ** *"TheHelp"2011,DramaViola Davis,EmmaStone.n'PG-13'« Beware" 2010AdamLeadbeater. n 'NR' « *WE 14 41 174118 Wedding- Dav.: Unveiled ** "PatchAdams"1999, Comedy-DramaRobin Wiliams. 'PG-13' WeddingDav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled WeddingDav.:Unveiled ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

THE BULLETIN «NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



c II


Good Morning America (N) «






KATU NewsThis Morning - Sun(N) 4r «









KATU News(N) Light Relief cc Therapy The Chris Mat- Real Green (N) thews Show'G' 'G' cc The NFLToday (N)(Live) «

This WeekWith George Stephanopou- Paid Program Paid Program (ABC) los (N) 'G' « Today ActorMatthewBroderick; Thanks Meet the Press (N) Q cc World of Adventure Sports (N) n F i gure Skating ISUGrand Prix: Trophee KTVZ 0 Q H Q Paid Program Holiday Fat 'PQ' cc (NBC) Buster! giving. (N) 4rcc Eric BompardCachemire rr Gary Lewis' Ad- CBS NewsSunday Morning (N) n « Face the Nation (N) n « NFL Football ClevelandBrownsat Dallas CowboysFromCowboysStadium in KBNZ venture Journal Arlington,Texas.(N)(Live) « (CBS) Hom- Health Forum Sports Stars of Good Morning America (N) « This WeekWith GeorgeStephanopou- Today's Paid Program Steel Dreams Cars.TV (N) rr Sports Stars of KOHD g) g) g) gy FastOne-Pot 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc Cooking Tomorrow 'Y7' eowner Tomorrow 'Y7' (ABC) los (N) 'G' « Bay Packers at Detroit Lions FromFord Field in Detroit. (N) KFXO II0 IEI @ IEI Paid Program Paid Program Animal Rescue n The RealWinning FOX NewsSunday With Chris Wallace FOX NFLSunday (N) n (Live) 'PG' cc NFL Football Green (El) 'G' cc Edge 'G' rr 'PG' cc (FOX) n (Live) cc Thomas & Friends Bob the Builder 'YRick Steves' Eu- Art Wolfe's Trav Nature Wood ducks carefor ducklings NOVA ArovernamedCuriosity lands on KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Betsy's Kinder Angelina Ballerina: Mister Rogers' Daniel Tiger's Neighborhood Neighborhood OY cc(DVS) rope 'G' cc Mars. 'G' «(DVS) (PBS) garten Next els to the Edge g 'PG' cc(DVS) NewsChannel 8 atSunrise (N) cc NewsChannel 8 at Sunrise at 7:00 AM(N) cc Meet the Press(N)'G' cc World of AdventureSports (N)n Figure Skating ISUGrand Prix: Trophee KGW 'PQ' cc Eric BompardCachemire n (NBC) Fat Loss for Food Paid Program In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley A Key of David HumanaMedicare Paid Program Animal Science n Elizabeth's Great KTVZDT2 IE) ~ Q @ Philosophy Box of www.MiracleSkin- Best Ladder 'PG' « (El) 'G' cc Miracles 'G ' E ver 'G' Lovers 'G' grateful heart glorifies God.'G' Advantage Big World (CW) *** "Charade"(1963,Suspense)Cary Grant, AudreyHepburn. OPBPL 175 173 o r ganic-michele CEO Global The Aviators 'G' Saving-Ocean Between, Lines The Back Page Official-Fest Masterpiece KATU

Parking Wars Parking Wars Parking Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars Shipping Wars 30 28 1 8 32 Save 'G' With CarMD 'G' Never RakeAgain! Parking 'PQ' cc Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Camel in Tow Jennifer's Arch 'PQ' cc Mad MenDark ShadowsDonis competi- MadMenChristmaswishes; Harry helps MadMenThe OtherWomanDon'schal Mad MenDonfollows an unexpected ** "TheAstronautFarmer" (2007)Bily BobThornton, Virginia Madsen.A space'AMC tive. '14' « a friend. '14' cc lenged by apitch, '14' cc lead, '14' cc obsessedrancherbuilds a rocket in hisbarn. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Most Extreme Most Extreme Weird, True We i rd, True Un t amed and Uncut n 'G' cc Dogs101 rr 'PG' cc Dogs101 A 'PG' « Wild Kingdom n 'G' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Re a l Housewives/Beverly Million Dollar Decorators Top Chef: Seattle The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta Top Chef: Seattle '14' CMT 190 32 42 53 CMTMusicn'PG' CMT Music n 'PG CMT Music n 'PG Endless Sum CMT Music 'PG' CMT Music n 'PG CMT Music 'PG' Top20Count. CNBC 54 36 40 52CookSafe T u m my Tuck TRIA Cindy Crawford Never-Rake N e w Keurig Cook Safe Hu m ana Paid Program Cook Safe No Defrosting Cook Safe CNN 55 38 35 48 StateoftheUnion Fareed ZakariaGPS(N) Reliable Sources(N) (Live) « State of the Union Fareed Zakaria GPS The Next List C NN Newsroom ** "Accepted"(2006) cc COM 135 53 135 47 Top Kitchen! Z u mba Fit Asyl um WorkoutCindy Crawford Comedy Central (8:45) ** "TheCableGuy" (1996,Comedy)Jim Carrey, MatthewBroderick. « COTV 11 (5:30) City Club of Central Oregon Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (4:00) Washington Journal Newsmakers W ashington ThisW eek W ashington ThisW eek 'DIS 87 43 1439 Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Mickey Mouse Never Land Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb Good-Charhe J e ssie G « Jessie 'G' « Do g With a Blog *DISC 156 21 16 37 Hoover Wind K e y of David Paid Programn Michael Youssef Joel Osteen 'PG' (8:27) In Touch Sex in America n 'MA' cc Jungle Gold BrokenMann 'PG' A Car Is Born n 'PG' cc *E! 136 2 5 Cin dy Crawford Paid Program Sex and the CitySex and the City Sex and the City Sex and the City 'MA' « Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco E! Special '14 E! News(N) ESPN 21 23 22 23 SportsCenter(N) (Live) cc Sunday NFL Countdown (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N) NASCAR Countdown (N) (Live) ESPN2 22 24 21 24 NASCARNow(N)(Live) « Outside Lines Sports Reporters Fantasy Football Now(N)(Live) NHRADragRacing Thrills & Spills Wm. Basketball *** "Splinters" (2011,Documentary) ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) 30 for 30 %!o lhe Co/d: AJourney ollhe Soul" (2010) « (8:15) *** "The EndlessSummer" (1966) Michael Hynson. « H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 H-Lite Ex. SportsCenter « SportsCenter « Outside Lines SportsCenter (N) (Live) « Reba 'PG' « *** "Snow 2 BrainFreeze" (2008,Comedy) TomCavanagh. 'PG FAM 67 29 19 41 PaidProgram S undayMass BabyDaddy '14' ** "Snow"(2004)Tom Cavanagh,AshleyW illiams.'PG FNC 57 61 36 50 (3:00)FOXandFriendsSunday(N) News HQ Housecall (N) America's NewsHeadquarters (N) America's News Headquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 17762 98 44 Barre Cindy Crawford Best Dishes Home for Dinner Pioneer Wo. T r i sha's Sou. R a chael Ray's WeekDay in a'G Sandra's Res Guy's Big Bite Sandwich King Best- Made i ** Rounders" (1998, ** "Takers"(2010,Action) Matt Dilon, PaulWalker, Idris Elba. FX 131 Humana Brethe Smarter Drama)Matt Damon,Edward Norton,JohnTurturro HGTV 176 49 33 43 Cindy Crawford Say No to Botox! Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property Income Property Property Brothers 'G' « *HIST 155 42 41 36 Save-CarMD Free Modern Marvels 'G' « The Lost Pyramid 'PG' cc Egypt: Engineering an Empire 'PG' cc LIFE 138 39 20 31 Cindy Crawford Muffin Top? In Touch With Dr. Charles Stanley Hour of Power David Jeremiah Joel Osteen 'PG' Cindy Crawford Old Christine O l d Christine "Recipe for aPerfect Christmas" MSNBC 59 59 128 51 (5:00) UpW/Chris Hayes(N) Melissa Harris-Perry (N) Weekends With Alex Witt Live news coverage.(N) Meetthe Press'G'cc MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Catfish: The TV Show n Teen Mom 2Walkthe Line n 'PG' Jersey Shore n 14 « Jersey Shore MakeIt Unofficial '14' Ridiculousness Ridiculousness NICK 82 46 24 40 Fanboy.Chum Back, Barnyard Odd Parents O d d Parents Power Rangers SpongeBob iCarly 'G' cc Vi c torious n 'GBigTime Rush How to Rock'G SpongeBob S p ongeBob Dr. Phil n 'PG' « Dr. Phil Settling disputes. n 'PG' Dr. Phil Guestswith bigegos. 'PG OWN 161103 31 103 Dr. Philn'PG' cc Super Soul Sunday n 'PG' « Super SoulSunday(N) n 'PG' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 LiveWell LiveWell Relieve pain F a t Buster! Above the Rest Paid Program Hawg Quest(N) Joy of Fishing Griot's Garage College HockeyColoradoCollegeat Denver SPIKE 132 31 34 46 PaidProgramn TommieCopper Tummy Tuck SuperFood EasyMeals Asy lum WorkoutSearch/Restore Search/Restore Search/Restore Search/Restore Tattoo Night. B a r Rescue 'PG' ** "MyBloody Valentine" (2009)JensenAckles, JaimeKing. « SYFY 133 35 133 45 Cook Safe Humana No Defrosting Hoover Wind Total Gym Coo k Safe Wrong Turn4: Bloody TBN 205 60 130 (4:00) Fall Praise-A.Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon Married... With Home Improve- Home Improve- Friends rr '14' «Friends n '14' cc Friends n '14' cc Friends n '14' cc Wedding Band I LoveCollege Theband ***"Michael" (1996) JohnTravclta 'TBS 6 27 1 1 28 Married... With Children n 'PG' Children n 'PG' ment 'G' « ment 'G' « plays at ComiCcn. Andie MacDowell. « *** "Queen Bee" (1955,Drama)JoanCrawford, Barry Sullivan. A mil owner's **** "Casablanca" (1942)Humphrey (5:00) **** "ThePrisonerol Zenda" *** "I Love YouAgain" (1940, Comedy)Wiliam Powell, MyrnaLoy. Aboating TCM mishap transformsanunhappybusinessman.« vicious wifevictimizes everyonearound her. Bogart. «(DVS) (1937) RonaldColman. *TLC 178 34 32 34 Hoover Wind N o Defrosting P aid Program n Paid Program n Fat Loss Jillian Michaels Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Say Yes: ATL Jersey Brides Jersey Brides Law & Order Identity Anexecutive is Law & Order Deceit Detectives probe a Law & Order AnAIDSresearcher is Law & Order D-Girl Murdercase leads Law & Order TurnaroundVictim's ex- Law & Order ShowtimeAtape points to *TNT gay man'smurder. rr 'PG' gunneddown.'14' «(DVS) killed. O '14' «(DVS) to Hollywood. '14' husbandavoids arrest. '14' a new suspect. '14' *TOON 84 Looney Tunes Looney Tunes Dragons:Riders Ninj aGo: Mstrs Beywheelz Pokemon BW Ben 10 Star Wars: Clone Johnny Test 'Y7' Johnny Test 'Y7' "Tom andJerry: ShiverMe *TRAV 179 51 45 42 HenryRifles Humana When Vacations Attack 'PG' « Myst eries at the Museum 'PG' Off Limits 'PG' « Dangerous Grounds Bolivia 'PG' M y steries at the Museum 'PG TVLND 65 47 29 35 Roseanne'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' Roseanne 'PG' The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show * "Mr.Deeds" (2002,Comedy)AdamSandler, WinonaRyder. « USA 15 30 23 30 CookSafe Zumba Fit Coo k Safe Dav i d Jeremiah Atmosphere J o e l Osteen 'PG Nul!y Professor II:TheKlumps VH1 191 48 37 54 JumpStartn'PG' Jump Start n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG' Top 20 VideoCountdown n 'PG' S a turday Night Live n '14' cc Saturday Night Live n '14' cc *A&E


106401 306401(6:10) ** "Valiant"2005 Voices ofEwanMcGregor. ** Batman Forever 1995 « (7:35) ** "Guarding Tess" 1994Shirley MacLaine. (9:15) * "I KnowWhatYouDld Last Summer" 1997rr 'R' « 104 204104120(5:40)"TheLast ShotYcuHear" (7:15) "Deliberate Intent" 2000Timothy Hutton. « (8:45) "Footsteps" 2003CandiceBergen. 'NR' cc (10:15) **"SleepingWiththe Enemy"1991Julia Roberts. 'R' « 34 UFC Post Fight Show Road Champ. Road Champ. Boxing CarlosCuadrasvs. Javier Franco AMA SupercrossRacingToronto

28 301 27 301 EuropeanPGATour Golf SouthAfricanOpen, Final RoundFromJohannesburg, South Africa

Golf Central LP GA Tour Golf CME GroupTitleholders, Final Round AnnieClaus ls Cominglo Town"(2011)Maria Thayer. 'G' « 24/7 Pacquiao (11:15) Witness Real/Bill Maher (10:15) ** "Imagine Me & You"2005 Piper Perabo, LenaHeadey.'R ** "Road House"1989, Action Patrick Swayze. n 'R' cc FLW Outdoors (N)'G Bill Dance Fis h ing/Martin The Truth Behind... 'PG Secrets of the Druids '14 Planet Sheen n Dragonball GT Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Bass Pro Shops Jackie Bushman West. Extremes Magnum TV * "Apo//o 18" 2011Lloyd Owen Inside NASCAR ** "TheDecoyBride" 2011Kelly Macdonald. 'PG

HALL 66 33 175 33 ** "ThreeWiseWomen" (2010,Drama) Fionnula Flanagan. 'PG' « Santa Jr" (2002)LaurenHolly, JuddNelson, NickStabile. 'G' « HBO 425501 425501"We're Back! A Dlnosaur's Story" M i c h igan vs. Ohio State: Rivalry (8:15) Boxing AdrienBronervs. Antonio DeMarco,Lightweights n cc IFC 105 105 (5:00) *** "Get Shorty" 1995 (7:15) Bunk '14' (7:45) Bunk '14 (8:15) Bunk'14' (8:45) Bunk'14' (9:15) Bunk'14' (9:45) Bunk '14 MAX 400 508 508 ** "Water forElephants" 2011 ReeseWitherspoon. n 'PG-13' cc (8:10) ** "Contraband"2012,Action MarkWahlberg. n 'R' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Dobbs Alive Ha n k Parker 3-D Primal Instinct North to AlaskaOutdoor Secrets NA Hunter Optik Quests W i ld Skies NGC 157 15 7 S p ace Dive 'PG' Alaska StateTroopers '14' Easter Island Underworld 'PG NTOON 89 115189115 Dragonball GT Dragonball GT Huntik: Secrets Huntik: Secrets Power Rangers Power Rangers Monsuno n 'Y7' Planet Sheen n OUTD 37 307 43 307 Driven TV PBR Outdoors King of Bucks Amer. Archer Drop Zone HSThe Stuff of The Choice 'G' Outdoor America

SHO 500 500 * " Apo//o!8"2011, ScieFi nce ction LloydOwen. n 'PG-13' « Inside the NFL n 'PG' « SPEED 35 303125 303Guys Garage My Classic Car NASCAR Perfor. SPEED Center NASCARRaceDay (N)(Live) Road Champ. Formula OneRacing U.S.GrandPrix (N) (Live) STARZ 300408300408 (4:50) ** Prom (6:35) *** "TheMuppels"2011,ComedyJasonSegel.n 'PG'« (8:20) **"JohnCarter" 2012Taylor Kitsch. n 'PG-13' « (10:40) ** "Just GoWithl" 2011 AdamSandler ** "TheLuckyOnes"2008,DramaRachelMcAdams.rr'R' * "Paper Man"2009JefDaniels TMC 525 525 (5:15) *** "TheG/assShield" (7:15) * "B/o-Dome"1996, ComedyPaulyShore. rr 'PG-13' « *WE 143 41 174118 Humana Zumba Dance Bridezillas Minycn &Christine '14' B r idezillas Tabby &Christine '14' B r i dezillas Natalie Cris&tal '14 Bridezillas Natalie &Danielle '14' B r i dezillas Natalie Raquel & '14




600 0 c





TV • PAGE 7 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD Bend/Redmond/SIsters/Bjack Butte (Djgjtaj) PM Prjnevjge/Madras SR SunrjveR L LaPjne







l l





No.1 Selling R e c ipe.TV n Paid Program Paid Program Ball Boys n « B a ll Boys n Shark Tank Atowel that allows for publi Supersmile 'PG' Cash Cab n 'PG' KATU News at 5 ABC World News 'PQ' cc Kitchen System! 'PG' cc changing. n 'PG' « (ABC) (N)n cc NBC Nightly News Football Night in America BobCostasandothers recap the NFL Football KTVZ @ @ ~ @ Figure Skating ISU Grand Prix: Trophee Family Skating Tribute FeaturingNancyKerrigan. Also, a performanceby singer- Trout TV 'G day's NFL highlights. (N) n (Live) '14' « (NBC) Eric BompardCachemire n songwriter Jewel. From Atlantic City, N.J. (N) n « (N) cc NFL Football SanDiegoChargers at Denver Broncos FromSports Authority Field at Mile High inDenver. (N) (Live) « Exploration W/ Explore the North- CBS Evening KBNZ Q Q Q Q (10:00) NFL Football ClevelaBrowns nd (CBS) at DallasCowboys(N) Jarod Miller west News (N) cc Tummy Tuck Save With CarMDJudge Judy n Judge Joe Brown Ball Boys n « Ball Boys n Shark Tank Atowel that allows for publi Inside Edition The Insider (N) KEZI 9 News at 5 ABC World News KOHD 'G' 'PQ' cc n 'PG' 'PQ' cc changing. n 'PG' « Weekend 'PG' cc (ABC) (N) cc ** "ice Age:TheMeltdown" (2006, Comedy)Voices ofRayRomano, JohnLe *** "Bridge toTerabithia" (2007)JoshHutcherson, AnnaSophiaRobb. Two KFXO Itg IE) @ IEI (10:00)NFLFootball Green BayPack FOX NFLPost. Paid Program (FOX) ers at Detroit Lions(N) « game (N)cc guizamo.Animated.Melting icethreatens Mannyandfriends. youths create animaginary world filled with magical beings. Placido Domingo: BBC Newsnight European Journal Religion & Ethics To the Contrary Moyers & Company n 'G' « KOAB ~ @ ~ @ Great Performances at the MetToscaLoveandpolitics. n 'G' cc n 'G' cc cc Newsweekly W i t h Bonnie (PBS) Greatest Figure Skating ISUGrand Prix: Trophee Family Skating Tribute FeaturingNancyKerrigan. Also, a performanceby singer- Paid Program Paid Program Football Night in America BobCostasandothers recap the NFL Football KGW Eric BompardCachemire n songwriter Jewel. From Atlantic City, N.J. (N) n « day's NFL highlights. (N) n (Live) '14' « (NBC) KTVZDT2 @ ~ g) Gcj Live Life and Win! Made in Holly. ** "Vanilla Sky" (2001,Suspense) TomCruise, Penelope Cruz, CameronDiaz. A disfigured womanizer cannotdistinguish *** "Pieces of April" (2003, Comedy-Drama)Katie Holmes,Patricia Clarkson. A (N)'G' wood: Teen d r eams from reality. « woman invites herestranged family for Thanksgiving. « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 (11:30) MasterpieceClassic 'PG' N OVA n 'PG' «(DVS) Growing Bolder My Generation Burt Wolf Stev es' Europe Globe Trekker East Texas n 'G ' C o o k's Country Test Kitchen KATU

Shipping Wars American Hoggers AmericanHoggers American Hoggers American Hoggers AmericanHoggers American Hoggers StorageWars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars 30 28 1 8 32 Shipping 'PQ' cc Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Texas cc Texas 'PG' Tex as 'PG' Tex a s '14' cc at ntine"(2005,Fantasy)KeanuReeves,RachelWeisz,ShiaLaBeouf.A manwhoseesde- *** "Terminator2:JudgmentDay" (10:00)"TheAstro- * "The Reaping"(2007, Horror) Hilary Swank,David Morrissey, Idris Elba. A for ** "Cons 'AMC naut Farmer" m er Christian missionarydebunksreligious phenomena.s«s mons helps apolicewomanprobe her sister's death. (1991), LindaHamilton « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 WildKingdomn'G'cc Rattlesnake Republic 'PG' cc Rattlesnake Republic n '14' cc Rat t lesnake Republic Mutiny 'PG' R attlesnake Republic n '14' cc Rat t lesnake Republic 'PG' cc BRAVO 137 4 4 Sta rt-Ups: Silicon Valley Start-Ups: Silicon Valley Awkward The Real Housewives of Miami The Real Housewives of Miami Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly ** "RV"(2006) RobinWiliams. A dysfunctional family goes onvacation. n « ** «Starsky &Hutch" (2004)BenStiler. n CMT 190 32 42 53 (11:30)Top20Countdownn'PG' CNBC 54 36 40 52 Hoover Wind B a ck Help Cook Safe Hum ana WEN Hair Care SuperFood Ro y Orbison Ca r ol Burnett D i abetes Life W a ll St. Journal How I, Millions How I, Millions CNN 55 38 35 48 YourMoney(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' « ** "SexDrive" (2008,Comedy)Josh Zuckerman, AmandaCrew, Clark Duke. « ** "National Lampoon'sVanWilder" (2002) RyanReynolds. cc ** Accepted COM 135 53 135 47 (11:00) ** "Accepted"(2006) COTV 11 Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Paid Program Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW City Club of Central Oregon CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (11:00) Washington ThisWeek Newsmakers Washington ThisWeek Q&A 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Austin & Ally 'G' Austin I Ally 'G' Good-Charlie G o od-Charlie A u s tin & Ally 'G' Shake It Up! n A.N.T. Farm n Phineas, Ferb Phineas, Ferb J essie 'G' « (5:10) *** "ToyStory 3" (2010) *DISC 156 21 16 37 GOld RuSh SeCret WeapOnS'PG' G O ld RuSh Battle theOf Bridge 'PG' MOOnehinere n '14' cc Alaska Marshals n 'PG' cc Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14 Alaska: The Last Frontier n '14 *E! 136 2 5 A-L ist Listings The Soup '14' F ashion Police (N) '14' Kids of Killers 'PG' TheFamil yWh oVanished Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Mfnaj: My Ice Loves Coco He'sJustNot ESPN 21 23 22 23 NASCARRacing Sprint Cup:Ford EcoBoost400FromHomestead-Miami Speedwayin Homestead, Fla. (N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc BCS Countdown ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Women'sCollegeBasketball: HuskiesatAggies College Basketball Hall of Fame Tjp-Off Classic: TeamsTBA(N) (Live) College Basketball PuertoRicoTip-Off, Final: TeamsTBA(N)(Live) Basketball ** "Steep" (2007) Ahistory of extremeskiing ESPNC 23 25 123 25 ** "SkiingEverest" (2009, Documentary) « (3:15) ** "OnAnySunday" (1971)DavidEvans, Mert Lawwil Fastest" (2011,Documentary) ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live)©c SportsCenter (N) SportsNation S portsNation S p ortsCenter *** "Snowgiobe"(2007)Christina Milian, Lorraine Bracco. 'PG FAM 67 29 19 41 *** "ChristmasCupid" (2010) Christina Milian, Ashley Benson.'14 SantaBaby"(2006, Comedy)JennyMcCarthy, GeorgeWendt. 'PG FNC 57 61 36 50 Journal Editorial FOX News Ame rica's News Headquarters (N) Fox NewsSunday FOX Report(N) Huckabee(N) *FOOD 17762 98 44 Thanksgiving Live (N) Iron Chef America Chopped'G Chopped Give ItYourAll 'G' The Next Iron Chef: Redemptron ** "Predators" (2010,ScienceFiction) AdrienBrody, Topher Grace. ** Twilight FX 131 (10:00) Takers *** "TheIncredib/eHulk" (2008,Action) EdwardNorton, LivTyler, Tim Roth HGTV 176 49 33 43 Love It or List It Olmstead 'G' HouseHunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters House Hunters Living Abroad Living Abroad *HIST 155 42 41 36 Rome: Engineering an Empire 'PG' cc Ancients Behaving Badly '14' Ancients Behaving Badly 'PG' Cal i gula: 1400 Days Terror of 'PG' cc LIFE 138 39 20 31 "Recipe for a Perfect Christmas ** "Nothing Like the Holidays" (2008) JohnLeguizamo. « * "AnAccidental Christmas" (2007)Cynthia Gibb, DavidMilbern. « Ho/idayHighSchool Reunion" MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Sex Bunker The Longest Night Austrian Caught on CameraOutof Control Caught on CameraOverboard! Caught on CameraWhaton Earth? Caught on CameraWatchOut! (N) MTV 192 22 38 57 Ridiculousness Ridiculousness Catfish: The TV Show n Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore MakeIt Unofficial '14 Teen Mom 2Walkthe Line n 'PG True Life Digital habits. n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Winx Club 'Y7' SpongeBob Barbie: The Princess andthe Popstar" (2012)n SpongeBob iCarly n 'G' cc iCarly 'G' cc B i g Time Rush The Best of the OprahShow'PG lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' « lyanla, Fix My Life n 'PG' cc Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG OWN 161 103 31 103 TheBest of the Oprah Show 'PG' ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Hockey: Tigers at Pioneers College Basketball SouthDakotaat Gonzaga(N)(Live) College Football MontanaState at Montana SPIKE 132 3134 46 BarRescue' PG' BarRescueBadtothe Bone'PG' Bar Rescue HogtiedHam'sn 'PG' Bar RescueMurphy'sMess'PG' Bar Rescue n 'PG' Bar RescueTiki Curse n 'PG' Tokyo Drift * "The Hills Have Eyes2" (2007) Michael McMilian, Jessica Stroup. *** "Primal" (2010)KrewBoylan, Ch'askaCubade Reed. « * "ResidentEvil" (2002) « SYFY 133 35 133 45 "Wrong Turn 4:B/oody TBN 205 60 130 Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon ** "Father o/the BridePart/I" (1995) SteveMartin, DianeKeaton. Dualpregnan- ** "1 7 Again" 'TBS 6 27 11 2 8 (11:00)***"Michael"(1996,Drama)(1:15)***"FatheroftheBride"(1991,Comedy)SteveMartin,DianeKeaton,KimberlyWilliams.A John Travolta. cc doting daddeals with hisdaughter's impending wedding. « cies play havocwith an anxious family man.« (2009) ZacEfron " ftHappenedOneNight" (1934)Claudette Colbert, Clark Gable. Anewspa- *** "Plymouth Adventure" (1952) (11 00) **** "Casablanca" (1942, *** "Sex andthe Single Girl" (1964, Comedy)TonyCurtis, Natalie Wood. A ** * * TCM Drama)HumphreyBogart. magazineeditor falls for thewomanhe planned to ruin. Spencer Tracy. « permanshields arunawayheiressfrom herfather. « *TLC 178 34 32 34 Breaking Amish Finale '14' « Breaking Amish: TheShunning Si s ter Wives '14' Sister Wives n Sister Wives '14' Sister Wives n Sister Wives '14' Sister Wives '14' Sister Wives '14' Sister Wives '14 Law & Order Adefense attorney's wife ** "Outbreak" (1995,Suspense) Dustin Hoffman,ReneRusso, MorganFreeman. Armydoctor fights *** "TheBourne Identity" (2002, Suspense)Matt Damon,Franka Potente, Chris Cooper. Anamnesiac *TNT is murdered. '14' «(DVS) spread ofdeadlyvirus. «(DVS) agent is markedfor death after a botched hit. « *TOON 84 TomandJerry Johnny Test 'Y7' Johnny Test 'Y7' Wrld, Gumball Wrld, Gumball Annoying Annoying Reg u lar Show Regular Show Adventure Time Adventure Time National Treas. *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Bourdain: No Reservations Bourdain: No Reservations The Layover with Bourdain The Layover with Bourdain The Layover with Bourdain The Layover with Bourdain M*A*S*H 'PG' nd y Griffith A nd y Griffith A ndy Griffith TVLND 65 47 29 35 Hot in Cleveland Happily Divorced Andy Griffith A n d y Griffith A A n dy Griffith An d y Griffith An dy Griffith M*A*S*H 'PG' * "TheUglyTruth" (2009)Katherine Heigl, GerardButler. « USA 15 30 23 30 "Nutty Professor/I:TheKiumps" Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit VHI 191 48 37 54 SaturdayNightLiven'14'cc Storytellers Taylor Swift n 'PG' Beh i nd the Music Pink 'PG' cc Basketball Wives LA n '14' T.l. and Tiny C h r issy & Jones 40 Funniest Fails 2 '14 *A&E


Stranded n (Part 1 of 2)'PG' cc (1:05) *** "FriendsWithBenefits" 2011 Justin Timberlake. 'R' « (4:35) Stranded n (Part 2 of2) 'PG' cc *** "TheDeparted" 2006LeonardoDiCaprio. Anundercover copandacriminal leaddouble lives. 'R ** "Next" 2007Nicolas Cage. 104 204104120 * "Domestic Disturbance" 2001 JohnTravolta, Teri Polo. 'PG-13' « 106401 306401(11:00) ** "Batman Forever" n

34 AMA Super crossRacingToronto UFC Unleas hed UFC Tonight (N) UFC Insider 28 301 27 301 LPGATourGolf EuropeanPGA TourGolfUBS HongKongOpen,FinalRound

U F C: Franklin vs. Rich LeFranklinvs. CungLe. FromMacau, China Golf Central (N) LPGA Tour Golf CMEGroupTitleholders, Final RoundFromNaples, Fla HALL 66 33 175 33 "Loveat the Thanksgiving DayParade" (2012) AutumnReeser. 'G' « MatchmakerSanta" (2012, Romance)LaceyChabert. 'G' « ThomasKinkade's ChristmasCottage" (2008) JaredPadalecki. « HBO 425 501 425501 Real09ill Maher (12:45) *** "Harry Potter and the Prisonero/ Azkaban"2004Daniel Radcljffe. n 'PG (3:15) ** "Tower Heist"2011,ComedyBenStiler. n 'PG-13' cc Crossfire Hurr/cane" 2012'NR' *** "AntwoneFisher" 2002, DramaDerekLuke, Joy Bryant. 'PG-13 ** "The Beach" 2000, Drama'R' IFC 105 105 (12:15) *** "Get Shorty" 1995,ComedyJohnTravolta, GeneHackman. 'R *** "Win Win" 2011 PaulGiamatti. n 'R' cc MAX 400 508 508 Hunted Ambassadors'MA' cc (2:45) ** "TheGetaway" 1994,Action Alec Baldwin. n 'R' cc (4:45) * "Firestorm" 1998HowieLong. n 'R' cc NBCSN 27 58 30209 Auto Racing Formula DRIFT MLS Soccer EasternConferenceFinal, Leg 2- HoustonDynamoat D.C. United (N) (Live) CFL Football WesternConference,Final: Calgary Stampedersat BCLions (N) NGC 157 15 7 F i nding Atlantis 'PG Secret History of UFOs Biggest landmarkUFOsightings in history. 'PG The Truth Behind UFOs:Popped Superstorm 2012'14 Border Wars Traffic '14' NTOON 89 115 189 115 Avatar: Air. Ava t ar: Air. T.U.F.F .Puppy T.U.F.F.Puppy Back, Barnyard Back, Barnyard Wild Grindersn PlanetSheenn T.U.F.F. Puppy T.U.F.F. Puppy Monsuno n 'Y7' Odd Parents OUTD 37 307 43 307 Team Elk The Flush Ducks Unlimited Profess. Addicted, Out. Tracks, Africa L i ve 2 Hunt Ma t hew's Dom Mathews The Crush Hun t Adventure Wildgame Nation *** "50/50"2011 JosephGordon-Levitt. 'R' « SHO 500 500 (11:00) Apo//o 18 ** "Casino Jack"2010,DocudramaKevin Spacey. n 'R' « (4:15) ** "Faster" 2010,Action DwayneJohnson. n 'R' « SPEED 35 303125303Formula One Racing Victory Test Drive Roa d Champ Lucas Oil LateModel Dirt Series NASCAR Victory Lane (N) SPEEDCenter (N)(Live) STARZ 300408300408 Just GoWith/t (12:45) **"TheGreenHornet"2011, Action Seth Rogen,Jay Chou. n 'PG-13' « (2:50) ** "TheButterfly Effect" 2004 AshtonKutcher. n 'R' acc (4:50) ** "John Carter" 2012n TMC 525 525 (11:00) *"Paper Man"2009 'R' zgvasive Action"1998DorianHarewood. n 'R' « (2:45) ** "/AmNumber Four" 2011Alex Pettyfer. n 'PG-13' « (4:40) ** "The Heavy"2010Gary Stretch. 'R' « *WE 143 41 174118 Tamar & Vince Trouble in Paradise Tamar & Vince Tamar I Vince Roadto Recovery B i ggest Bridezilla Meltdowns '14' B r idezillas Attack of the Momzillas Bridezillas Where Are Th.

THE BULLETIN «NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine





v II


















America's Funniest HomeVideos (N) The 40th Anniversary American Music Awards Musicalacts are honoredat the annualceremony; scheduledperformers KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Castle n n'PG' cc 'PQ' cc include ChristinaAguilera. (N) n '14' « (ABC) (N)n cc (8:40) Extra (N) n Castle GhostsWomanis drownedin Dateline NBC A family patriarch is NewsChannel 21 Everybody Loves KTVZ O O O O (5:20) NFL Football Baltimore Ravensat Pittsburgh Steelers (N) n (Live) cc 'PQ' cc (NBC) motor oil. n 'PG' « murdered. n « at11 (N) cc R a ymond Burn Notice BrokenRulesMichaeljoins 60 Minutes (N) n « The AmazingRace Recovering alost The GoodWife Kalinda issuspicious of The Mentalist Breaking Lorelei outof KOIN Local6at11 (11:35) Cold Case KBNZ '14' cc a criminal organization. 'PG' Nick. (N) n '14' cc (CBS) passport. (N) n 'PG' « prison. (N) n '14' cc (N) cc Videos (N) The 40th Anniversary American Music AwardsMusicalacts are honoredat the annualceremony;scheduledperformers KEZI 9 Newsat Paid Program KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9Newsat America's Funniest Home n'PG' cc include ChristinaAguilera. (N) n '14' « (ABC) 6pm(N) « 6:30 (N) « 11pm (N) « Simpsons(N) Bob's Burgers (N) Family Guy(N) American Dad (N) News Channel 21 Two and aHalf The Big Bang Paid Program KFXO I(g g} IKI g) Bones Seven pairs of severedfeet wash Bob's Burgers n The Cleveland The n'PG' n '14' (PA) '14' (FOX) ashore. n '14' cc Show (N)'14' n (PA) '14' n 14 First on FOX M en '14' cc Theory n '14' NOVA Insidethe MegastormImpact of David Suchet in the Footsteps of St. The Dust Bowl TheGreat PlowUpThe dust stormsof the 1930s.(N) n 'PG' « The Dust Bowl TheGreat PlowUpThe KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Oregon Art Beat Oregon Field n 'G' cc HurricaneSandy.(N) n 'G' Paul n 'PG' cc (PBS) Guide 'G' cc (DVS) dust storms ofthe 1930s.'PG' (5:20) NFLFootball Baltimore Ravensat Pittsburgh Steelers (N) n (Live) « Sports Sunday cc Cindy C.-Ageless Private Practice WorldsApart Meg NewsChannel 8 at (11:35)TheChris KGW Beauty returns to LosAngeles. '14' « Matthews Show (NBC) 11 (N) cc 'Til Death Family ** "XXX" (2002,Action) Vin Diesel,Asia The King of Rules ofEngage. RulesofEngage Seinfeld The S e i nfeld n 'PG''Tccil Death Ally KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ Are We There Yet? Are We There Yet? The King of 'PG' 'PG' ment '14' Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG' ment '14' Bubble Boy'PG' Abroad n 'PG' Vacation n 'PG' Argento. « (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 D o c Martin On the Edge 'PG' « Five Rivers Five Voices 'G' cc Outdoor Idaho IdahoGetaways'G' Moyers & Company n 'G' « Half the Sky: Turning Oppression Into Opportunity for Women KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars (11:01) Storage (11:31) Storage 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Wars 'PG' cc Tex as '14' cc 'PQ' cc Wars cc T he Walk i ng De a d Ho u n de d Mi c h o n n e (1 0 : 01 ) Th e Wal ki n g D ea d Ho u n de d Talking Dead(N) Comic Book Men (5:00) *** "Terminator 2:Judgment Day"(1991) Arnold Schwarzenegger. Cy- The Walking DeadRickstruggles after 'AMC '14' cc borgs battle over a youth whoholds the keyto thefuture. anotherloss.'14' « makes adecision. (N) '14' Michonne makesadecision.'14' (N) 'PG' « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 RattlesnakeRepublicn'14' cc Rattlesnake Republic n '14' cc RattlesnakeRepublic (N) n 'PG Finding Bigfoot n 'PG' cc Finding Bigfoot (N) n 'PG' Finding Bigfootn PG cc BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta The Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta T h e Real Housewives of Atlanta ** "Rocky iy" (1985)SylvesterStallone. n cc CMT 190 32 42 53 Starsky &Hutch Big Texas Heat Big TexasHeat (7:45) *** "Rocky ii" (1979, Drama) Sylvester Stallone, Talia Shire, BurgessMeredith. n cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 Apocalypse2012 American Greed 60 Minu tesonCNBC TheCollapse Apocalypse 2012 American Greed Paid Program Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers Morgan Tonight CNN Newsroom(N) CNN Presents 'PG' « Piers MorganTonight CNN Newsroom CNN Presents 'PG' « COM 13 53 135 47 (5:30) ** "Accepted" (2006) (7:31) ** "Dumb& Dumber" (1994, Comedy)Jim Carrey, Jeff Daniels, LaurenHolly. cc (10:02) Tosh.0 Brickleberry Key & Peele '14' * Half Baked COTV 11 Talk of the Town Local issues. Des e rt Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Talk of the TownLocal issues. CSPAN 61 20 12 11 Prime Minister RoadtotheWhiteHouse Q&A Prime Minister Road to the White H ouse W ashington ThisW eek 'DIS 87 43 14 39 (5:10) *** "ToyStory 3" (2010) "SofiatheFirst: Once Upon Dog With a Blog Austin & Ally 'G Shake It Up! n Jessie 'G' « A.N.T. Farm'G' Good-Charlie Jessie 'G' « Sha ke It Up! 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 AmeriCa'S MOSt Breaking Magic Breaking Magic MythBusters n 'PG' « SeCret: StruCtureS MythBuetere n 'PG' cc MythBusters (N) n 'PG' « Megastorm(N) n cc *E! 13 2 5 (5:30) ** "He'sJust NofThatinfo you" (2009) BenAffleck Dateline on E! Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Nicki Minaj: My Chelsea Lately The Soup '14' ESPN 21 23 22 23 MLS Soccer: WesternConference,Final Leg 2- Galaxy at Sounders SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball NASCAR Now SportsCenter (N) Soccer E:60 NASCAR Racing SprintCup:FordEcoBoost 400(N) "Fastest" (2011,Documentary) Narrated byEwanMcGregor. "Fastest" (2011,Documentary) Narrated byEwanMcGregor. ** "On AnySunday" (1971) ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) "Fastest" (2011) H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Lite Ex. H-Lite Ex ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress Pass *** "HolidayinHandcuffs" (2007)MelissaJoanHart. 'PG' "12 Dates oiChristmas" (2011)AmySmart, Mark-PaulGosselaar. 'PG' FAM 67 29 19 41 "SantaBaby2: ChristmasMaybe" (2009) JennyMcCarthy. 'PG FNC 57 61 36 50 FoxNewsSunday Geraldo at Large(N) n 'PG' cc Huckabee Stossel Geraldo at Large n 'PG' cc Fox NewsSunday *FOOD 17 62 98 44 ThanksgivingLive Aff-Star Family Cook-off (N) CupcakeWars(N) The Next Iron Chef: Redemption Restaurant Stakeout ** "The TwilightSaga:NewMoon" (2009, Romance)Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Taylor Lautner ** "Twilight"(2008, Romance) FX 131 (5:30) ** "Twilight"(2008) Kristen Stewart, RobertPattinson. HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I Million Dollar Rooms 'G' cc Extreme Homes'G' « Property Brothers 'G' cc House Hunters Renovation (N)'G' House Hunters Renovation 'G' *HIST 15 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG Superstorm 2012:Hell Swampsgiving 'PG' cc (11:02) OutbackHunters (N) '14 LIFE 13 39 20 31 "HolidayHighSchoo/Reunion" Under theMistletoe" (2006, Drama)Jaime Ray Newman.'PG' « Holiday Spin"(2012,Drama)Ralph Macchio. Premiere. 'PG' « (11:01)"UndertheMistletoe" 'PG MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Maximum Drama(N) To Catch a Predator Georgia1 Lockup: RawKilers AmongUs Lockup: RawGangingUp Lockup: RawTime to Kil Meet the Press 'G' cc MTV 192 22 38 57 Catfish: The TVShown TeenMom 2:Catch UpSpecial2 Teen Mom 2Walkthe Line n 'PG Jersey Shore n 14 « Jersey ShoreMakeIt Unofficial '14' Catfish: The TVShow n NICK 82 46 24 40 Victorious n 'G' SpongeBob SquarePants n 'Y7' cc See DadRun(N) ** "Aquamarine" (2006) SaraPaxton,Joanna "JoJo" Levesque. n cc Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends Oprah's Favorite Things: 2012(N) n 'PG Married to the Army: Alaska '14' Oprah's Favorite Things: 2012'PG OWN 161 103 31 103Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'14' Oprah: Where Are They Now?'PG ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Football Washington atColorado College Basketball SouthDakota at Gonzaga College Hockey:Tigers atPioneers *** "independenceDay"(1996)Wil Smith. Premiere. Earthlings vs.evil aliens in 15-mile-wide ships. n *** "independenceDay"n SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:30) ** "TheFastand the Furious: TokyoDrii" (2006) LucasBlack. SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:00) * "ResidentEvil" (2002) * "R e sident Evil: After/ife" (2010, Horror)Milla Jovovich, Ali Larter Zombie Apoca/ypse" (2011)Ving Rhames,Taryn Manning. '14' « "Rise oitheZombies" (2012) '14' TBN 205 60 130 (4:00) Fall Praise-A-Thon Fall Praise-A-Thon (530) ** "17Again" (2009)Zac Efron.A37yearold man How the Grinch **** "TheWizardofOz" (1939,Fantasy) JudyGarland, FrankMorgan.A tornado Howthe Grinch (1045)***"Madagascar"(2005,Comedy)VoicesofBen 'TBS miraculously transformsinto a teenager. « Stole Christmas whisks a Kansasfarmgirl to a magic land. «(DVS) Stole Christmas Stiller, Chris Rock,DavidSchwimmer. cc ) *** "PIYrnouthAdvenfure * "Captain JohnSmithand Pocahontas" (1953, Historical My Country 'Tis *** "Masteroithe House"(1925,Comedy-Drama) JohannesMeyer, Astrid Holm, *** "Anna Christie" (1930)Greta TCM 101 44 101 29 5'00 Drama)Anthony Dexter, JodyLawrence. of Thee Mathilde Nielsen.Silent. A bully gets hiscomeuppance. Garbo, CharlesBickford. (1952) Spencer Tracy. « *TLC 17 34 32 34 Sister Wives '14' Sister Wives '14' Sister Wives '14' Sister Wives '14' Sister Wives '14' Sister Wives n Sister Wives (N) n '14' « Breaking Amish: TheShunning Si s ter Wives n '14' « *** "TheBourneSupremacy" (2004)Matt Damon,FrankaPotente, BrianCox. *** "TheBourne Ultimatum"(2007, Action) Matt Damon,Julia Stiles, Joan Allen. JasonBourne contin- *** "TheBourneUltimatum"(2007, Action) Matt Damon *TNT Jason Bourne fights back whenthe CIAtries to kill him. « ues to lookfor clues tounravel his true identity. «(DVS) Julia Stiles, JoanAllen. «(DVS) *TOON 84 (5:30) ** "National Treasure"(2004)NicolasCage, HunterGomez Looney Tunes Dragons: Riders The Oblongs n King of the Hill King of the Hill Cleveland Show Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 The Layover with Bourdain Extreme Pools G « Luxury Yachts G « Extreme Yachts (N) 'G' « Extreme Yachts (N) 'G' « Extreme Yachts (N) 'G' « M* A *S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' M* A *S*H 'PG' M*A *S*H 'PG' M'A ' S*H 'PG' Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond KingofQueens TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit * * "It's Complicated" (2009) VH1 191 48 37 54 40FunniestFails2'14 Rehab With Dr. Drew n '14 Rehab With Dr. Drew (N) n '14' Beh i nd the Music Pink 'PG' cc Couples Therapy n '14 Rehab With Dr. Drew n '14 *A&E


3 28 1 8 32 Storage Wars Texas 'PG'

*** "Friends WitBenefi h ts" 2011 Justin Timberlake. n 'R' « 106401 306401(6:15) * "I KnowWhat youDid LastSummer"1997 n 'R' « (9:50) ** "BatmanForever" 1995,ActionVal Kilmer. n 'PG-13' « *** "The Departed" 2006LeonardoDiCaprio. Anundercovercopanda criminal lead doublelives. 'R ** "Next" 2007,ScienceFiction Nicolas Cage.'PG-13' « 104204104120(5:00) ** "Next"2007'PG-13' 34 The Ultimate Fighter n '14 The Ultimate Fighter n '14 UFC154: St-Pierre vs. Condit - Prelims UFC Tonight U FC Insider Th e Ultimate Fighter n '14' 28 301 27 301 Big Break Greenbrier


Patriot Cup Highlights 2012

Golf Central

B i g Break Greenbrier



Patriot Cup Highlights 2012

* "Eve's Christmas" (2004)Elisa Donovan,Cheryl Ladd.'G' « HALL 66 33 175 33"TheMostWonderful Timeoithe Year"(2008) HenryWinkler. 'PG It's Christmas,Carol!" (2012, Fantasy)Carrie Fisher. Premiere. 'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 (5:00) "Crossfire Hurricane" 2012 ** "Safe House" 2012,Action DenzelWashington. n 'R' cc Treme PoorMan's Paradise 'MA' B o a rdwalk Empire n 'MA' « Boardwalk Empire (N) 'MA'cc *** "OpenWafer"2003 Blanchard Ryan.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) ** "The Beach"2000Leonardo DiCaprio. 'R (9:15) ** "StarTrekGenerations" 1994, ScienceFiction Patrick Stewart. 'PG Open Water'R' ** "Contraband" 2012,Action MarkWahlberg. n 'R' cc *** "Bridesmaids" 2011, ComedyKristen Wiig. n 'NR' cc MAX 400508 508 (6:15) *** "Rise oithe Planet oithe Apes" 2011JamesFranco. n NBCSN 27 58 30209CFLFootball S p o rtslffustrated'PG Game On! CFL Football Division Final:TeamsTBA(N) Poker After Dark 'PG' « Alaska StateTroopers (N)'14' Alaska StateTroopers'14' NGC 157 157 D r ugs, Inc. (N) '14 Border WarsTraffic '14 Drugs, Inc. '14 Superstorm 2012'14' NTOON 89 115189115 Wild Grinders n Wild Grinders n Planet Sheenn Planet Sheenn Robot, Monster Odd Parents SpongeBob S p ongeBob Legend-Korra Legend-Korra Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Realtree Road Truth Hunting Jackie Bushman Bone Collector Craig Morgan Red Arrow Hunt Adventure Realtree Road Live 2 Hunt Wi l dgame Nation Ult. Adventures The Season SHO 500 50 0 U n told History of the United StatesDexter Chemistry n « Homeland TheClearing'MA' « Dexter Argentina(N) n 'MA' « Homeland I'll FlyAway(N) n 'MA' Dexter Argentina n 'MA' « SPEED 35 303125303Wind TunnelWith Dave Despain My Classic Car Car Crazy 'G Formula OneRacing U.S. Grand Prix Fromthe Circuit of the Americas inAustin, Texas Monterey Wind TunnelWith DaveDespain ** "Just GoWithii" 2011 AdamSandler. n 'PG-13' « ** "TheButterfly Effect" 2004 STARZ 300 408 300408 (4:50) ** "John Carter" 2012 n (7:10) ***"TheMuppets"2011,ComedyJasonSegel.n 'PG'« *** "Source Code"2011Jake Gyllenhaal. 'PG-13' TMC 525 525 (4:40)TheHeavy (6:25)**"AngelsCrest"2011ThomasDekker.'R (9:35) *"Brake"2012Stephen Dorff. n 'R' « (11:15) "ElephantWhile" 2011'R *WE 14 41 174118 Bridezillas Erica &Krystal '14' Brideziffas Krystal &Gabrielle '14' B r ideziffas Where Are Th. Brideziffas Erica &Krystal '14 Bridezillas Krystal &Gabrielle '14' Plat. Weddings Plat. Weddings



NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2012


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TV • PAGE 9 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine ' I I I I II I I II I

4:30 KATUNewsThis Mornin Good Mornin America AM Northwest The View Live! With Kell and Michael KATU NewsChannel 21 atSunrise Toda Toda Toda Live! With Kell and Michael KTVZ KOIN Local 6 at6am CBS This Mornin Make a Deal V a ried Pro rams Price Is Ri ht V aried Pro rams Youn /Restless Varied Pro rams KBNZ KEZI 9 NewsThis Mornin Good Mornin America Rachael Ra The View Katie KOHD First Business A Da NewsChannel 21 atSunrise The Jeff Probst Show The Dr. OzShow Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram KFXO I Varied Pro rams Wild Kratts Curious Geor e Cat in the Hat Super Wh ! Din osaur Train Sesame Street Daniel Ti er Sid the Science WordWorld Ba r ne, Friends KOAB NewsChannel 8 atSunrise Toda Varied Pro rams The Jeff Probst Show KGW The Dail Buzz House of Pa ne House of Pa ne TheSteveW ilkosShow The Jerem K le Show The Wend Williams Show TVZDT2 OPBPL 175 173 Heartland Greener World Newsline Sit and Be Fit Varied Pro rams *A&E 13028 18 32 Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Boun Hunter Bount Hunter Boun Hunter Varied Pro rams Criminal Minds Varied Pro rams Criminal Minds Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Teeter Han Ups Temp-tations Nopalea with Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram *** Crocodile Dundee1986 Paul Ho an, LindaKozlowski. « ** Crocodile Dundee II « Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Dee Clean The Rifleman The Rifleman * * L e ends of the Fall 1994 Brad Pitt, Anthon Ho kins. « Superfood Teeter Han U s Nopalea with Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram The Rifleman The Rifleman * * * * Gone With the Wind 1939 Clark Gable, Vivien Lei h. « AMC 10240 39 Tumm Tuck Paid Pro ram No.1Kitchen Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram ** ThePoseidon Adventure1972 Gene Hackman,ErnestBor nine.« The Godfather Th Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram No alea with New You! Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram ThreeStoo es *** The Packa e1989,Sus enseGeneHackman,JoannaCassid .« *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Oran utan Isle Chim Eden Bi CatDia Bi Cat Diar The Crocodile Hunter Varied Pro rams I Shouldn't Be Alive Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams BRAVO 137 44 CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT Music CMT 19032 42 53 Squawk onthe Street Varied Pro rams Fast Mone Halftime Report Power Lunch Street Si ns CNBC 54 36 40 52 CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN Newsroom CNN 55 38 35 48 Varied Pro rams Entoura e Var i ed Pro rams Dail Show Col bert Re ort Scrubs Varied Pro rams COM 13553 35 47 The Yo a Show The Yo a Show Desert Cookin Ore on The Yo a Show The Yo a Show Bod Workout Bod Workout Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram COTV Public Affairs Varied Pro rams Public Affairs Varied Pro rams CSPAN 61 20 12 (4:00) Washin ton Journal 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams *DISC 156 21 16 37 Paid Pro ram Creflo Dollar Paid Pro ram James Robison Jo ce Me er V a ried Pro rams I Almost) Got Awa With It Varied Pro rams I(Almost) Got Awa With It *El Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram E! News Varied Pro rams 136 25 S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter S ortsCenter V ariedPro rams S ortsCenter Varied Pro rams ESPN 21 23 22 23 Mike and Mike in the Mornin First Take Varied Pro rams First Take Varied Pro rams ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Colle e Football Varied Pro rams Colle e Football Varied Pro rams ESPNC 23 25 23 25 H-L i te Ex Mike and Mike Varied Pro rams The Scott VanPelt Show S ortsCenter ESPNN 24 63 24203 H-Lite Ex. Jo ce Me er V a ried Pro rams Bo Mts. World Bo Mts. World Bo Mts. World Bo Mts. World Bo Meet World 700/Interactive The700Club Gilmore Girls FAM 67 29 19 41 America's Newsroom Happenin Now America Live FNC 57 61 36 50 *FOOD 17762 98 44 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram P aid Pro ram P aid Pro ram P aid Pro ram P aid Pro ram V aried Pro rams Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Smarter Smarter Movie Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams FX 131 Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams HGTV 176 49 33 43 'HIST 15542 41 36 Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Balancin Act Varied Pro rams Will & Grace W ill & Grace F r asier Frasier Frasier Frasier Old Christine O ld Christine LIFE 138 39 20 31 The Dail Rundown Jansin and Co MSNBCLive NOWWith Alex Wa ner Andrea Mitchell Reports News Nation MSNBC 59 59 128 51 AMTV: Mornin Varied Pro rams AMTV: 10, To Varied Pro rams AMTV: 10, To Varied Pro rams MTV 19222 38 57 Full House Fu l l House S on eBob S o n eBob Varied Pro rams Back ardi ans Dora Ex lorer Varied Pro rams Team Umizoomi Bubble Gu ies Bubble Gu ies NICK 82 46 24 40 Rachael Ra The OprahWinfre Show The OprahWinfre Show Dr. Phil Dr. Phil OWN 16110331 103 The Nate Berkus Show The DanPatrick Show Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams SPIKE 13231 34 46 Paid Pro ram DeepClean Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams SYFY 13335 133 45 Creflo Dollar J o hn Ha ee Jo s e h Prince This Is Your Da Believeryoice Varied Pro rams Behind Scenes Varied Pro rams James Robison Toda TBN 05 60 130 *TBS 16 27 Married... With Married... With M Name Is Earl Home Improve. Home Improve. Accordin -Jim Accordin -Jim We There Yet? Meet, Browns House of Pa ne Fresh Prince F r esh Prince 28 * Apache Territo 1958 Ro Calhoun * Cole Youn er, Gunfi hter1958, JamesBest **Stopthe World, I Want to Get Off1966Ton Tanner (5:45) ** Quantrill's Raiders 15 ** The Three Musketeers 1935Walter Abel. « *** The Brothers Karamazov1958, DramaYul B nner, Maria Schell. « *** Taras Bulba 1962Ton Curtis, Yul B nner *** Rosalie1937, MusicalNelsonEdd, Eleanor Powell. Aa 45) ** Honolulu 1939Eleanor Powell TCM 101 44 10129 W (5:30) *** Broadwa Melod of19381937 (:15) Broadwa Melod of1940 *** Lassi eCome Home1943 Rodd McDowall Th (5:45) Anne of GreenGables 1934 (:15) *** Rebecca of Sunn brook Farm1938Shirle Temple (:45) **** The Yearlin 1946 Gre o Peck 5:00 ** Under Ca ricorn **** Stran ers on a Train 1951Robert Walker 45 ***TheWron Man 1956Hen Fonda,VeraMiles.« 45 **** North b Northwest 1959 Ca Grant *TLC 17834 32 34 Varied Pro rams Bab 's First Da Rm-Multiples A Bab Sto A B a b Stor A Bab Sto A B a b Stor Var ied Pro rams Sa Yes: Bliss Sa Yes: Bliss *TNT 17 26 15 27 Smallville Charmed Charmed Supernatural Supernatural Levera e *TOON 84 Loone Tunes Almost Naked Ben 10 Be blade-Metl Pokemon BW Nin'aGo: Mstrs Varied Pro rams *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Zumba Dance Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Hunters Int'I H u nters Int'I E x t reme Homes Extreme Homes Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Murder, She... Varied Pro rams Leave-Beaver Dick Van D ke Dick Van D ke Varied Pro rams I Love Luc Var ied Pro rams TVLND 65 47 29 35 Varied Pro rams USA 15 30 23 30 Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Jump Start Bi Mornin BuzzLive Varied Pro rams VH1 19148 37 54 5:40 Movie V a riedPro rams :40 Movie Varied Pro rams ENCR 106401306401 FMC 104204104120 Movie Varied Pro rams Movie Movie FUEL 34 Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams GOLF 28 301 27 301 Mornin Drive HALL 66 33 175 33 Movie Marie Home & Famil Marie ** Bed of Roses 1996Christian Slater. ri « ** Cheaper b the Dozen2003Steve Martin. GasLand 2010 (:15) ** We Bou ht a Zoo2011 MattDamon, Scarlett Johansson. ri « 05 Wartorn1861-2010 n « :15 **Mr.Po er'sPen uins2011JimCarre.n « *** Game Chan e 2012,DocudramaJulianne Moore. n « Witness n Part 2 of 4 « HBO 25501425501 W Michi an vs. Ohio State: Rival * * A r thur 2011 Russell Brand, Helen Mirren. n aa His Wa n cc ** Mr. Bean'sHolida 2007RowanAtkinson Th Matrix Revol. Kni ht and Da (:35) Stran ers NoMoren (:45) * Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked ri (:15) ** We Bou ht a Zoo2011 MattDamon, Scarlett Johansson. ri « ** Johnn Enlish2003RowanAtkinson.n « ** Mr. Po er's Pen uins 2011Jim Carre 05 *** Me amind 2010Voices of Wil Ferrell REAL S orts With Br ant Gumbel Sucker Punch IFC 105 105 5:45 Movie V a riedPro rams 15 Movie Varied Pro rams Last-Do men (:20) **** In the Heat of the Ni ht1967 aa Ve Harold & Kumar3D (:15) *** Har Potter and theSorcerer's Stone 2001,Fantas Daniel Radcliffe, RupertGrint. n as ** Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat 2003 na« a 20 ***Cr Freedom1987, Docudrama Kevin Kline, DenzelWashin ton. n « ** Devil 2010, HorrorChris Messina. n « 20 Gossi n MAX 00508 508 W Off Air *** Rio 2011 Voices ofAnneHathawa . n m 35 * Somethin Borrowed 2011Ginnifer Goodwin. n m ** Mercu Risin 1998 BruceWilis. n aa American Spl. * * * The New World 2005, Historical Drama Colin Farrell, Christian Bale. n « (8:50) ** Elektra 2005Jennifer Garner. n « ** 3000 Miles to Graceland 2001Kurt Russell. n 4:35The Debt *** Puss in Boots 2011,Salma Ha ekn « ** The Sixth Man1997MarlonWa ans, KadeemHardison. n ss 9:50 * Firestorm 1998HowieLon . n « :20 Contraband NBCSN 27 58 30 209 The DanPatrick Show Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams Border Wars Varied Pro rams NGC 157 157 I n vader ZIM Ad v en./Jimm A d ven./Jimm A d ven./Jimm P l anet Sheen I nvader ZIM In v ader ZIM Ba ck, Barn ard Back, Barn ard Planet Sheen T.U.F.F. Pu NTOON 89 115189115 Invader ZIM OUTD 37 307 43 307 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams I Don't Know * S p Kids: All the Time in World the 2011 * Hoodwinked Too! Hood vs. Evil 2011 ri « That Guy... WhoWas in That Thin ri « Touchin Home 2008 EdHarris. 5:30 ***The Lotter 2010n ***Ed Wood1994Johnn De , MartinLandau. n « 15 * Goin Overboard 1989,Comed Peter Ber . n « The RamenGirl2008 n « Vanit Fair 2004 I Do & I Don't 2007Jane L nch. n m ** Lovel, Still 2008 Martin Landau. n aa 35 *TheSixWivesofHenrLefa 2008nm :15 *** The Love WeMake SHO 00 500 ** Ru rats Go Wild 2003,Comed Voices of BruceWilis. ri « (7:55) *** The Preacher's Wife1996 DenzelWashin ton. rr *SeriousMoonli ht2009Me R an. A ainst Ropes 5:45 *** A Better Life 2011DemianBichir. n ** GeoreoftheJun le22003,Comed n « Touchin Home 2008,DramaEdHarris, BradDourif. n « Nice Gu Johnn 2010 MattBush. SPEED 35 303125303 Varied Pro rams Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams STARZ 00408300408 (:15) Movie (9:50) Movie Varied Pro rams V a r ied Pro rams ** Call of the Wild 2009Christo her Llo d. n :45 ** Strai ht Talk1992 Doll Parton, James Woods. n « :20 ***Aces'n Ei hts2008Ernest Bor nine. 10:50 *** Stardust 2007 * Don't Go Breakin M Heart1999 n aa 5:20 ** Main Street 2010 « 35 The RainbowTribe 2008David JamesElliott 05 **Trollhunter20100tto Jes ersen. Subtitled-En lish « TMC 25 525 (:15) RedSneakers 2001,DramaDempse Pappion. ri « (:05) ** Man of the House1995Chev Chase. ri (:45) ** Deception1993 AndieMacDowell. ri (:15) ** The Last Patrol 2000 enceFictionBenAff leck,AaronEckhart.n ** Lara Croft TombRaider: The Cradle of Life 2003An elina Jolie **Barn ard: TheOri inalPar Animals2006 Th JeanClaude ** Pa check 2003,Sci 5:45 ** The Ref 1994Denis Lea . n cc *** Kin of California 2007Michael Dou las. n 05 ** Barbersho 2002 IceCube,Anthon Anderson. n m 10:50 **Dadd andThemn *WE 143 41 174118 Varied Pro rams Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne 20/20 on WE Varied Pro rams 20/20 on WE The Locator V a r ied Pro rams

PAGE 10 • TV


i i g g gi~i ~ ~ « ~ gg~ The Chew Var i ed Pro ramsGeneral Hos ital

~8 ~

~ «

~ @~8

THE BULLETIN «NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

8 +IKii i+®@~

The Ricki Lake Show The Dr. OzShow KATU NewsFirst at Four KATU Newsat 5 World News Anderson Live Da sofourLives Dr. Phil The Dr. OzShow The Ellen DeGeneresShow News Ni htl News KTVZ Kristi Miller Bol d/Beautiful The Talk Little House on the Prairie And Griffith A n d Griffith I Love Luc I Lo ve Luc News Evenin News KBNZ The Chew Var i ed Pro ramsGeneral Hos ital Jud e J. Brown Jud e J. Brown Katie Jud e Jud Jud e Jud KEZI 9 News World News KOHD People's Court Varied Pro rams Divorce Court Jud e Alex The Doctors The Ricki Lake Show TMZ Extra America's Funniest HomeVideos KFXO I Varied Pro rams Charlie Rose Clifford-Do Bo b the BuilderMartha Speaks Cat in the Hat Varied Pro rams Wild Kratts Ele ctric Comp KOAB NewsChannel 8 Be a Millionaire Da sofourLives Katie The Ellen DeGeneresShow Your Four O'ClockNews NewsChannel 8 Ni htl News KGW Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Varied Pro rams Meet, Browns Meet, Browns The Bill Cunnin ham Show TheSteveW ilkosShow We ThereYet? We There Yet? TVZDT2 OPBPL 175 173 Varied Pro rams Tavis Smile Journal Ni htl Business PBS NewsHour Varied Pro rams *A&E 13028 18 32 Varied Pro rams Criminal Minds Varied Pro rams Criminal Minds Varied Pro rams The First 48 Varied Pro rams The First 48 V a ried Pro rams ** Robin Hood: Men in Ti hts1993, Comed Ca Elwes, RichardLewis. « *** Faro1996 Frances McDormand,Steve Buscemi.« (11:00) ** Crocodile Dundee 81988« 10:00 Le ends of the Faff 1994 * * * October S 1999, Docudrama Jake G lenhaal, Chris Coo er. « ** Forces ofNature1999,Romance-Comed SandraBullock,BenAff leck.n « **** Gone With the Wind1939, RomanceClarkGable, Vivien Lei h, Leslie Howard, cc AMC 10240 39 (10:00) **** Gone With the Wind1939, RomanceClark Gable, Vivien Lei h, Leslie Howard, cc **** The Godfather, Part 8 1974,CrimeDramaAl Pacino, Robert Duvall. « h (11:30) **** The Godfather 1972Marlon Brando, Al Pacino. Amafia patriarch tries to holdhis empire to ether. « *** To Gun 1986, AdventureTomCruise, Kell McGillis, Anthon Edwards. « *** First Blood 1982 S Ivester Stallone, RichardCrenna. « ***Terminator2: Jud ment Da 1991 « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams BRAVO 137 44 Varied Pro rams Extreme, Home Varied Pro rams CMT 19032 42 53 Closin Bell Closin Bell With Maria Bartiromo Fast Mone Mad Mone Va r ied Pro rams The Kudlow Report Varied Pro rams CNBC 54 36 40 52 The Situation Room Erin Burnett OutFront Anderson Cooper360 CNN 55 38 35 48 (11:00) CNN Newsroom Movie Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams Comed Central:25 Futurama 4:56 Futurama Alwa s Sunn COM 13553 35 47 Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram Paid Pro ram J o of Fishin A d v Journal Get Outdoors Visions of NW Dept JTrans. C i tEdition COTV Public Affairs Capitol Hill Hearin s CSPAN 61 20 12 (9:00) Public Affairs 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J essie Phineas, Ferb Shake It U ! Varied Pro rams Good-Charlie A ustin & All Shake lt U ! A. N.T. Farm *DISC 156 21 16 37 FBI: Criminal Pursuit Auction Kin s Auction Kin s M hBusters Varied Pro rams *El E! News Varied Pro rams Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Sex and the Cit Varied Pro rams 136 25 Varied Pro rams NFL Live Varied Pro rams Around the Horn Interru tion S ortsCenter V aried Pro rams ESPN 21 23 22 23 Varied Pro rams ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Varied Pro rams ESPNC 23 25 23 25 (11:00) Coffe e Football S ortsCenter S ortsCenter Varied Pro rams S ortsCenter V ariedPro rams S ortsCenter ESPNN 24 63 24203 S ortsCenter Varied Pro rams FAM 67 29 19 41 Studio B With Shepard Smith You r World With Neil Cavuto The Five Special Report With Bret Baier F O X Report With Shepard Smith The O'Reiff Factor FNC 57 61 36 50 *FOOD 17762 98 44 Varied Pro rams Secrets 30-Minute Meals Giada at Home Giada at Home Varied Pro rams 11:30) Movie Movie Varied Pro rams FX 131 House Hunters Hunters Int'I Varied Pro rams HGTV 176 49 33 43 'HIST 15542 41 36 Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams How I Met How I Met Fras i er Frasier Frasier Frasier Movie Varied Pro rams LIFE 138 39 20 31 TheC cle Martin Bashir Hardball With Chris Matthews Pol i ticsNation Hardball With Chris Matthews The Ed Show MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Varied Pro rams MTV 19222 38 57 TeamUmizoomi Max&Rub D o raEx lorer DoraEx lorer S on eBob S on eBob O d dParents OddParents OddParents S on eBob S on eBob S on eBob NICK 82 46 24 40 Dr. Phil Varied Pro rams OWN 16110331 103 Dr. Phil The DanPatrick Show Varied Pro rams ROOT 20 45 28* 26 SPIKE 13231 34 46 (11:20) CSI: NY Varied Pro rams SYFY 13335 133 45 (11:00) Movie Varied Pro rams The 700Club John Ha ee V a ried Pro rams Potter's Touch Behind Scenes Varied Pro rams TBN 05 60 130 *TBS 16 27 FreshPrince American Dad American Dad Love-Ra mond Love.Ra mond Love-Ra mond Love.Ra mond Seinfeld Friends Friends Friends Friends 28 ** Goodb e, Mr. Chips 1969,Musical PeterO'Toole, Petula Clark. « *** Doctor Zhiva o 1965 (:45) *** Victor/Victoria1982, Comed Julie Andrews,JamesGarner. « 10:30 *** Taras Bulba 1962 *** Bon'our Tristesse1958, DramaDeborahKerr, DavidNiven **** Jules and Jim1961, DramaJeanneMoreau, OskarWerner. ** After Office Hours 1935 15) *** Lad Be Good1941 EleanorPowell, AnnSothern, cc **** To Kill a Mockin bird TCM 101 44 10129 W (11:15) Broadwa Melod of1940 (:15) ** I Dood It 1943RedSkelton, Eleanor Powell. cc *** The Secret Garden 1949Mar aret O'Brien. ***Cheaperb the Dozen h (10:45) **** The Yearlin (:45) ** Little Women1949, DramaJune All son, PeterLawford. «(DVS) 10:45 North b Northwest1959 15 ***Sus icion1941 Car Grant,JoanFontaine. «DVS *** Dial M for Murder1954 Ra Milland, GraceKell . a« **** M FairLad 1964 « *TLC 17834 32 34 What Not/Wear Varied Pro rams A Bab Sto A B a b Stor Var ied Pro rams *TNT 17 26 15 27 Varied Pro rams *TOON 84 Loone Tunes Varied Pro rams *TRAV 179 51 45 42 Varied Pro rams No Reservation Varied Pro rams Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Man v. Food And Griffith V a ried Pro rams Gunsmoke V aried rPro ams Bonanza Varied Pro rams Bonanza Varied Pro rams Bonanza Varied Pro rams TVLND 65 47 29 35 Varied Pro rams USA 15 30 23 30 Varied Pro rams VH1 19148 37 54 10:50 Movie Varied Pro rams :20 Movie Varied Pro rams ENCR 106401306401 FMC 104204104120 Movie Movie Varied Pro rams Movie FUEL 34 Varied Pro rams Golf Central V a ried Pro rams GOLF 28 301 27 301 Varied Pro rams HALL 66 33 175 33 Movie Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams Movie Varied Pro rams (11:30) *** GasLand 2010 ** Johnn Enlish 2003 RowanAtkinson.n « **Sucker Punch2011Emil Brownin . n « (:15) *** Me amind 2010Voices of Wil Ferrell, Brad Pitt. n « 24/7 Pac uiao * * * Har Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban2004 Daniel Radcliffe. n « *** Geor e Harrison: Livin in the Material World 2011, Documenta n « HBO 25501425501 W Witness Subtitled-En lish cc *** Forrest Gum 1994, Comed-DramaTomHanks, RobinWri ht. n ss *** Dol hin Tale 2011Har Connick Jr., Ashle Judd. n cc Chasin Libert h (11:30) ** Kni htand Da 2010TomCruise *** X2: X-Men United 2003,Fantas Patrick Stewart. n « Liar Liar 1997 (:45)***M Bi FatGreekWeddin 2002NiaVardalos.n « 11:45 **Sucker Punch2011Emil Brownin n . 40 Crossfire Hurricane 2012,Documenta n « 35 *** Master and Commander: TheFarSide of the World 2003 n o« IFC 105 105 10:15 Movie V ariedPro rams Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Malcolm, Middle Movie Varied Pro rams Ve Harld 3D (:35) TheChroniclesof Narnia: The Vo a eof the DawnTreader 2010 ***Galax Quest1999Tim Allen. n cc (:15) ** Unknown 2011 LiamNeeson, DianeKru er. n « 11:20 **Gossi 2000n « 12:50 **The GirlNext Door2004n « 45 **Paul2011, Comed SimonPe , NickFrost. n « *** Conta ion 2011 MarionCotillard. n « MAX 00508 508 W Mercur Risin :2 0* The Fourth Kind 2009 Milla Jovovich. n ** Water for Ele hants 2011ReeseWithers oon. n cc Hunted Mort n cc Hunted LB n cc h 3000 Miles (:35) *** Risin Sun1993SeanConne, Wesle Snipes. n « (:45) ** In Time 2011,Science Fiction Justin Timberlake. n « (:35) ** Road House1989Patrick Swaze. n 11:20 ** Contraband 2012n :15 *** Rise of the Planet of the A es 2011James Franco. n *** Harr Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone 2001,Fantas Daniel Radcliffe. n « Bridesmaids n NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Varied Pro rams The DanPatrick Show Pro Football Talk NBC S orts Talk Coffe e Basketball Varied Pro rams Varied Pro rams NGC 157 157 Ava tar: Air. Wol verine-XMn Iron Man: Armor Varied Pro rams NTOON 89 115189115 Fanbo -Chum Fanbo -Chum Avatar: Air. OUTD 37 307 43 307 Varied Pro rams (11:00)Touchin Home2008n (12:55)DeadManRunnin 2009Dann D er.n ** The Perfect Score 2004ErikaChristensen. n Primar Colors (:05) * Sp Kids: All the Time in theWorld The RamenGirl:45 ** S eak 2004, Drama Kristen Stewart, Michael An arano.n ***The Ecli se2009Ciaran Hinds.n « ** Vanit Fair 2004 Reese Withers oon, Eileen Atkins. n « 11:15*** The Love We Make *** Wish Me Awa 2011,Documenta 45 ** Joe the Kin 1999, DramaNoahFleiss, Val Kilmer. n cc ** Casino Jack 2010Kevin S ace . n cc SHO 00 500 h (11:30) ** A ainst the Ropes2004Me R an. n ** Fi htviffe 2011, Documenta ** Cocktail 1988 Tom Cruise. n « (:45) *** Ransom 1996 Mel Gibson. n « Nice Gu John ** Alive 1993, Docudrama Ethan Hawke,Vincent S ano. n « 45 *As Goodas Dead2010Car Elwes, BrianCox. n « **** Five Fin ers 2006LaurenceFishburne. n SPEED 35 303125303 Varied Pro rams NASCARHub Varied Pro rams Pass Time Pa s s Time Var ied Pro rams STARZ 00408300408 (11:40) Movie Varied Pro rams (:20) Movie V a r ied Pro rams (:20) Movie 10:50 *** Stardust 2007 **Skateland2010Ashle Greene. n « 40 Assassin in Love2007 DamianLewis. n a« 10 ** Checkin Out1989 Jeff Daniels,Melanie Ma ron. n « 11:50 The Least Amon You 2009Cedric Sanders ** Co and a Half 1993Burt Re nolds. n cc 05 ** H.G. Wells' War of the Worlds 2005 45 *M 5Wives2000Rodne Dan erfield TMC 25 (11:15) ** The Last Patrol 2000 M e ssa es Deleted 2009 MatthewLillard. n « 525 (:35) TheCon Artist 2010 Rossif Sutherland. n « (:05) Children of God2010, DramaJohnn Ferro, Van Brown. n « h ** Real Steel 2011 Hu hJackman, Evan eline Lill . n ss 15 **Beastl 2011Alex Pett er, VanessaHud ens. n « **IAm Number Four2011AlexPett fer, Timoth Ol hant.n « Dadd & Them:35 * Bio-Dome1996Paul Shore. n cc 15 * Pa er Man2009Jefi Daniels, EmmaStone. n cc 15 ** The Extra Man 2010 KevinKline, PaulDano. n cc *WE 143 41 174118 Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Roseanne Gho st Whisperer Charmed Charmed Varied Pro rams KATU


TV • PAGE 11 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine



c II




Jeopardy! (N)n










(10:01) Castle After Hours Castle and KATU News at11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' Beckett protect awitness. 'PG' (N) 'PG' « (ABC) (N) n « Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Voice LiveTop10PerformancesThetop-10 artists perform.(N) n 'PG' cc (10:01) Revolution KashmiDanny r be- NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) comes suspicious ofRachel. '14' at11 (N) « Wit h Jay Leno Access Hollywood NewAdventures How I Met Your 30 Rock n '14' «How I Met Your Partners Pretty 2 Broke Girls (N) Mike & Molly (N) nHawaii Five-0 OhunaThemurder of a KOIN Local 6 at 11 Late Show With KBNZ '14' cc (N) 'PG' Mother(N)'14' Funny (N) n '14' n '14' ©c David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n 'PG' computerhacker.(N) '14' cc (N) cc The Insider (N) n Dancing With theStars: All-Stars (N) n 'PG' « (10:01) Castle AfterHoursCastle and KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News (N) «Entertainment 'PQ' cc Tonight (N) 'PG Beckett protect awitness. 'PG' (N) 'PG' « (ABC) 6pm (N) « 11pm (N)« The Big Bang BonesTheBodinthePodRemains The MobDoctor Turf WarGracetries to News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family GuyTea KFXO III IE! @IEI TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf TheBigBang 'PQ' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n '14' Theory n '14' (FOX) wash onto abeach.(N)'14' endthefeud. (N) 14 « First on FOX Peter'14' « Oregon Experience Rajneeshpuram The Dust Bowl ReapingtheWhirlwind Familiesfind relief in California. (N) n 'PG' The Dust Bowl Families find relief in KOAB ~ gy ~ gy This Old House Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n acc 'Q' cc cc(DVS) California. n 'PG' cc(DVS) (PBS) Report (N) n 'G' NewsChannel8at NewsChannel8at Live at7(N) « Inside Edition (N) The Voice LiveTop10PerformancesThetop-10artists perform. (N) n 'PG' « (10:01) Revolution KashmiDanny r be- NewsChannel 8at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) comes suspiciousof Rachel. '14' 11(N) « With Jay Leno The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. 90210Con The Navid lashes out at Liam Gossip Girl SerenahelpsDanfind a Seinfeld The Finale Seinfeld TheGym- 'Til Death Dog 'Til Death Merit Pa KTVZDT2 IEIQ Q Gcl The King of 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc ment 'PG' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' ment 'PG' and Lindsey.(N) n '14' « place to live. (N) n '14' « nast n 'PG' Fig ht 'PG' « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 M y Family cc T i me Goes By Soul of Cuba-Enrique Chia Wilderness Plots: In Concert 'G' World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc



Wheel of Fortune Dancing With the Stars: All-Stars (N) n 'PG' «

Intervention Kaylene Amother aids her Intervention MeganH.Adrug addict (11:01) Intervention Al Anaddict sacri 3 28 1 8 32 Intervention Brittany Agoal is put at risk Intervention Richard K. Homel A former by her addiction. '14' cc addicted to crystal meth. 'PG' essman Intervention driven to drugs. '14' «child actor is daughter's addiction. '14' cc faces astint in prison. (N) fices his relationships. cc *** "ThePrincessBride" (1987,Adventure) CaryElwes, RobinWright. A stable- ** "TheLakeHouse" (2006) KeanuReeves, Sandra Bullock. Premiere. A doctor *** "ThePrincessBride" (1987,Adventure) Cary Elwes, Robin Wright. A stable 'AMC boy in disguisesets outto rescue his beloved. « and a frustratedarchitect fall in love acrosstime. « boy in disguisesets out to rescue hisbeloved. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 SwampWars Kiler Pythons'PG Gator Boys AlligatorFace-Off 'PG' Rattlesnake Republic n 'PG Finding Bigfoot n 'PG Finding Bigfoot: Further Evidence RattlesnakeRepublic n 'PG BRAVO 13 Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly 44 Sta r t-Ups: Silicon Valley Awkward The Real Housewives of Atlanta (10:01) Start-Ups: Silicon Valley (N) Real Housewives/Beverly R e ba 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc BigTexasHeat Big TexasHeat Chainsaw Gang Chainsaw Gang Redneck Island n 'PG' CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 4052 Big Mac:Inside McDonald's American Greed Mad Money Big Mac: Inside McDonald's American Greed Teeter HangUps Never-Rake CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Daily Show C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 Always Sunny (6:29) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show (7:59) Futurama Futurama 'PG' South Park 'MA' South Park 'MA' Brickleberry S o u th Park 'MA' COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Adv Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas, Ferb Shake It Up! 'G' Jessie'G' « Dog With a Blog *** "The Princessandthe Frog"(2009) n « Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie P h ineas, Ferb Shake It Up! 'G' A.N.T. Farm 'G' *DISC 15 21 16 37 I (AlmOSt)GOtAWayWith It n '14' OVerhaulin'. DeCOnatruCted 'PG' O V erhaulin': DeCOnetruCted 'PG' A m eriCan ChOpper (N) 'PG' cc JesseJames:Outlaw Garage'14 American Chopper n 'PG' cc *E! 13 25 Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco E! News (N) Studio E! (N) D a teline on E! Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (5:30)NFLFootbal!ChicagoBearsatSanFrancisco49ers(N)(Live) SportsCenter (N)(Lwe)« NFL PrimeTime (N) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball College Basketball Hall ofFameClassic —Kansas vs. WashingtonState College Basketball EASports MauiInvitational —llinois vs. USC(N) NBA Tonight (N) NFL Presents ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) CollegeFootball cc College Football SugarBowl, played1/2/95. « College Football FromDec. I, 2007. cc College Football (N) H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. Spor tsCenter « ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N) H-Lite Ex. ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. ** "Jack Frost" (1998,Fantasy)Michael Keaton, Kelly Preston. FAM 67 29 19 41 SecretLifeofAmericanTeen Secret Life of American Teen Secret Life of American Teen The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Mystery Diners What's on the ** "Spider-Man 3" (2007,Action) Tobey Maguire, KirstenDunst. PeterParkerfalls underthe influenceof his dark side. ** "Spider-Man 3" (2007,Action) TobeyMaguire. FX 131 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men HGTV 17 49 33 43 IncomePropertyn'G' « Love It or List It Shanahan'G Love Itor Listlt'G' « Love It or List It (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Love It or List It 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' American Pickers Dukeof Oil 'PG' Pawn Stars 'PG' PawnStars'PG' Love-1880's Pawn Stars'PG' *** "TheChristmasBiessing" (2005)Neil Patrick Harris. 'PG' « LIFE 13 39 20 31 **"Com/orlandioy"(2003) NancyMcK "Christmas Angel" (2009)K.C.Clyde, Kari Hawker,Bruce Davison. « eon, Dixie Carter. 'PG' « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 TrueLifen Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore MakeIt Unofficial '14' Teen Mom 2Walk theLine n 'PG' Teen Mom2 (N) n 'PG' Catfish: The TVShow n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Drake & Josh n Figure It Out 'Y' The TeenNick2012HALOAwards (N) n 'PG' cc Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Dateline on OWN n '14' « Married to the Army: Alaska '14 Married to the Army: Alaska '14' Dateline on OWN n '14' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Sins & Secrets OceanCity n '14' Sins & Secrets Missoula '14' « ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Football MontanaState at Montana College Basketball SouthDakota at Gonzaga The DanPatrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 RepoGamesn RepoGamesn ** f Red Dawn" (1984,Action) Patrick Swayze, C.ThomasHowell, LeaThompson. n (9:43) ** f Red Dawn" (1984, Action) Patrick Swayze, C.ThomasHowell. n ***"The Chronic/es o/Narnia: PrinceCaspian" (2008, Fantasy)Georgie Henley, SkandarKeynes *** "TheChronicles o/Narnia: Prince Caspian" (2008, Fantasy) SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:00) "Pegasusvs. Chimera TBN 205 60130 Kingdom Conn. Jesse Duplantis ** "Fireproof" (2008,Drama)Kirk Cameron, Erin Bethea JoelOsteen'PG' Manna-Fest Live-Holy Land Creflo Dollar 'G' Fall Praise.A-Thon The King of The King of Seinfeld TheBar- Seinfeld The Pool Family Guy n Family Guyn Family Guyn Family GuyBarely Family Guy Road Family Guyn ConanKateBeckinsale;DougFine; 'TBS '14' cc '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG ber G « Guy 'PG' Legal '14' to Rupert n '14' '14' cc Tennis. '14' « (1948, Drama)Vivien Leigh, Ralph Richardson,Kieron Moore *** "The Hunchback of NotreDame" (1939,Drama) Charles (5:00) *** "DoctorZhivagc" (1965, Romance)OmarSharif, Julie Christie, Geraldine Chaplin. A Rus- ** "Anna Ksrenina" TCM sian doctor is tornbetweenhiswife andanother woman. «(DVS) A marriedwomanblindly falls in love with anarmy officer. Laughton, MaureenO'Hara. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Breaking Amish Decision Tim '1e4' Breaking Amish Party Time n '14' Br eaking Amish Finale '14' « Breaking Amish:TheShunning Breaking Amish:TheShunning Breaking Amish:TheShunning The Mentalist The teaminvestigates a The Mentalist Red Bulls Locating a The Mentalist His RightRedHandA The Mentalist Investigating ajeweler's CSENY Raising ShaneSheldon Hawkes *TNT 17 26 15 27 TheMentallstThrowlng FireJane flashes back tohischildhood. '14' double homicide. '14' « kidnappedwoman. n '14' « crime in theteam's office. n '14' murder. n '14' « is suspected. n '14' « *A&E

King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14 The Layover with Bourdain Bourdain: No Reservations World's Best Bartender (N) 'PG M * A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love.Raymond NCIS: Los Angeles Bounty n '14' W WE Monday Night RAW(N) n 'PG' ac c (11:05) *"TheUg/y Truth" (2009) Basketball Wives LA n '14 Basketball Wives LA (N) n '14' T.l . and Tiny Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Basketball Wives LA n '14 T.l. and Tiny

*TOON 84 Regular Show Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Adventure Time Regular Show Annoying *TRAV 17 51 45 42 B!zarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G' Bourdain :NoReservations

TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' M * A*S*H 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCISDeliverancen'PG' « VHI 191 48 37 54 BasketballWivesLAn'14'

106401 306401Shanghai Kngts (6:20) ** "Under Siege2: Dark Territory"1995 'R LonesomeDove n (Part1 of 4) 'PG' « Shanghai Kngts (9:35) ** "Country Strong" 2010 Gwyneth Paltrow. n 'PG-13' « FXM Presents * * "Maidin Manhattan" 2002Jennifer Lopez. 'PG-13' « ** "27 Dresses" 2008Katherine Heigl, JamesMarsden. 'PG-13' « FXM Presents 104 204104120(5:00) ** "27 Dresses"2008 34 UFC154: St-Pierre vs. Condit - Prelims Moto: InOut UFC Tonight UFC Reloaded UFC140: Jonesvs.MachidaJonJonesfacesLyotoMachida 28 301 27 301 Chasing Chasing Big Break Greenbrier Big Break Gol f Central Ch a sing Chasing Big Break Greenbrier Challenge Cha l lenge ** "A Seasonfor Miracles" (1999, Drama)Carla Gugino. 'G' « HALL 66 33 175 33 ** "TheChristmasPageant" (2011, Comedy) Melissa Gilbert. 'G' « The WishingTree"(2012)JasonGedrick, Richard Harmon.'G' « HBO 425501 425501 SuckerPunch Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' W i tness (N) 'MA' cc ** "The Hangover Part ii" 2011 Bradley Cooper 24/7 Pacquiao * "A lvin and the Chipmnunk: Chiprrrecked" 2011 *** "StarTrek: FirstContact" 1996, ScienceFiction Patrick Stewart. 'PG-13 *** "StarTrekii: TheWratho/ Khan" 1982Wiliam Shatner. 'PG IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) *** "StarTrekii: TheWrathof Khan"1982 ** "A I/ery Harold & Kumar3DChristmas" 2011 ** "The Grudge" 2004 Sarah Michelle Gellar. cc MAX 400 508 508 (6:15) ** "FastFive"2011, Action Vin Diesel, PaulWalker. n 'PG-13' cc Hunted n 'MA' NBCSN 27 58 30 209 PokerAfter Dark$20KSit N Go Poker After Dark $20KSit N Go College Football WakeForest at Notre Dame Sports lllustrated 'PG Poker After Dark 'PG' « NGC 157 157 T a boo Devils Demons(N)'14' and Drugs, Inc. Meth'14' Taboo StrangeLove'14 Taboo DevilsandDemons'14' Drugs, Inc. Meth'14' Taboo Misfits '14' NTOON 89 115189115 El Tigre El Tigre Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Profess Fisher's ATV Dirt Trax TV D e stination PolPBR Outdoors Best of West Headhunters TV Grateful Nation Fisher's ATV D i rt Trax TV Destination Pol. Savage Wild SHO 500 500 Untold History of the United States Homeland I'll Fly Away'MA' « Dexter Argentina n 'MA' « Homeland I'll Fly Away'MA' « (5:35) *** "Primary Co/ors"1998JohnTravolta. n 'R' cc SPEED 35 303125303HotRod TV 'G' Hot Rod TV 'PG' TruckU 'G' Truck U 'G' Gearz 'G' Gearz 'G' HotRod TV 'G' Hot Rod TV'PG' Truck U 'G ' Tr u ck U 'G' Unique Whips '14 ** "BadTeacher" 2011Cameron Diaz. n 'R' « STARZ 300408300408 (5:20) ** "Addictedto Love" 'R' (7:10) **"Bringing Down the House" 2003Steve Martin. 'PG-13' « (10:35) ** "TheRecruit" 2003Al Pacino. 'PG-13 *** "TheItalian Job" 2003MarkWahlberg. n 'PG-13' « TMC 525 525 (5:50) ** "BeyondBorders" 2003, DramaAngelina Jolie. n 'R Flesh Wounds"2011 KevinSorbo. n 'R' cc Hobo-Shotgun ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF


14 41174118Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG' Roseanne'PG

THE BULLETIN «NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 12 • TV



v II



II Jeopardy! (N)n














Wheel of Fortune Dancing With the Stars: Aff-Stars (N) (9:01) HappyEnd- The B-- in Apart- Private Practice Henry'sbiological KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc n 'PG' cc (N) n 'G' ment 23 mother shows up.(N) n '14' « (ABC) ings (N) '14' (N)n cc (N) cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The Voice Artists fromeachteamare (9:01) GoOn(N) (9:31) The New (10:01) ParenthoodAmberlearns about NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc n 'PG' (N) n 'G' (NBC) eliminated. (N) n 'PG' cc Normal (N) '14' Ryan's past. (N) '14' « at11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno Access HollywoodNew Adventures How I Met Your 30 Rock n '14' «NCIS Shell Shock, Part 0Capt. Wescott (9:01) NCIS:LosAngelesInvestigating (10:02)VegasBadSeedsSheriffLamb KOINLocal6at11 LateShowWith KBNZ (N) 'PG' helps track aterrorist. '14' David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n 'PG' a scientist's death.(N) '14' has to protectSavino.'14' (N) cc The Insider (N) Dancing With theStars: Aff-Stars (N) (9:01) HappyEnd- The B-- in Apart- Private Practice Henry'sbiological KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 News(N) «Entertainment n 'PG' cc Tonight (N) n cc ment 23 (ABC) 6pm (N) « ings (N) '14' mother shows up.(N) n '14' « 11pm (N) « (N) cc The Big Bang The Big Bang Raising Hope Ben and Kate New Girl Parents The Mindy Project News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guy n KFXO ID< IEI |Ef IE! TwoandaHalf Two and aHalf 'PQ' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc (N) n '14' (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' CandyWars'14' Reunion (N) '14 (N) n '14' First on FOX Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) nacc David Geffen: American Masters Produc er and philanthropist DavidGeffen Frontline PoorKids Familiesstruggle in Racing the Rez n 'G' « KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Ask This Old (PBS) House (N) n 'G Report (N) n 'G' launchedcareersof celebrities andco-founded DreamWorks.(N) 'PG' the QuadCities. (N) n cc NewsChannel8 at NewsChannel8at Liveat7(N) cc Inside Edition (N) The Voice Artists fromeachteamare (9:01) GoOn(N) (9:31) The New (10:01) ParenthoodAmberlearns about NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc n 'PG' 6:30PM(N) Normal (N) '14' Ryan's past. (N) '14' « (NBC) 6PM (N) « eliminated. (N) n 'PG' cc 11(N) cc With Jay Leno The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. Hart of Dixieguy The Roselikes falls for Emily Owens, M.D. A teenager needs a Seinfeld The Finale Seinfeld TheSoup 'Til Death Brother's 'Til Death n '14' cc KTVZDT2 IEIQ Q Q The King of 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc ment'PG' Queens n 'PG Queensn'PG' ment'PG' Zoe. (N) n'PG' cc liver transplant. (N) n '14' Keeper'PG' (CW) "Grab" (2011,Documentary) n OPBPL 175 17 3 N e w Tricks The Truth OutIsThere The Thick Dark Fog n 'G' cc World News Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU


KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc

Storage Wars

Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars Storage Wars

Storage Wars

Storage Wars

Storage Wars

Storage Wars


(11:31) Storage

3 28 1 8 32 Storage 'PQ' cc Wars 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Wars 'PG' cc W a rs 'PG' cc ** "TheLakeHouse" (2006,Romance)KeanuReeves, Sandra Bullock. A doctor ****"To Killa Mockingbird" (1962, Drama) GregoryPeck, MaryBadham,Philip Alford. A lawyer defends aninnocent * * * * "To Kill a Mockingbird" (1962, 'AMC and a frustratedarchitect fall in loveacrosstime. « black manfor rapein 1930sAlabama. « Drama)GregoryPeck « *ANPL 68 50 2638 SwampWars Gatorvs.Python' PG River Monsters: Unhooked n 'PG' Frontier Earth (N) n 'PG Eating Giants: Elephant 'PG' cc Eating Giants: Hippo n 'PG' cc Fr o ntier Earth n 'PG BRAVO 13 44 The Real Housewives of Atlanta Real Housewives/Beverly Real Housewives/Beverly Flipping OutCabogate(N) « (10:01) Million Dollar Decorators (11:01) Flipping OutCabogate R e ba 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Redneck Island n 'PG CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Redneck Island n 'PG ChainsawGang Chainsaw Gang CNBC 54 36 40 52 60MinutesonCNBC American Greed Mad Money 60 Minutes on CNBC American Greed Paid Program Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Tosh.O '14' Tos h .O '14' Tosh.0 (N) '14' Brickleberry (N) Daily Show Co l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 Always Sunny (6:29) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show Wo r kaholics To s h.0 '14' COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Redmond City Council Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas,Ferb S hakeltUp!n Jessie 'G' « Do g With a Blog *** "Up" (2009) Voices ofAsner. Ed n « Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie P h ineas, Ferb Wizards-Place Jessie 'G' « *DISC 15 21 16 37 Alaska: TheLastFrontiern'PG Alaska: TheLast Frontier n '14' A l a ska: The Last Frontier n '14' Alaska: TheLast Frontier (N) cc Gold Rush Battle of theBridge 'PG' Alaska: The Last Frontier n cc *E! 13 25 Nic ki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My E! News(N) Fashion Police '14 Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Ice Loves Coco Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 CollegeBasketball College Basketball LegendsClassic, Final: TeamsTBAFromNewYork. SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 CoffegeFootbaffAkronatToledo SportsCenter C o llege Basketball Best of the NFL NBA Tonight (N) NFL Live (N) « College Football ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:30) Boxing cc College Football cc College Football From11/28/92. cc College Football cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Li t e Ex. H-Lite Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. *** "Miracle on 34thStreet" (1994, Fantasy)RichardAttenborough, Elizabeth Perkins. FAM 67 29 19 41 BabyDaddy'14' ** "JackFrost"(1998, Fantasy) MichaelKeaton, Kelly Preston The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reiffy Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 ChoppedUnsung Heroes Chopped First ThingsWorst Chopped SunnySide Apps'G' Chopped Give ItYour All 'G' Chopped ForSake's Sake(N) Chopped 'G' * "Grown Ups"(2010,Comedy)AdamSandler, KevinJames FX 131 How I Met How I Met Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Sons of Anarchy To Thine OwnSelf (N) MA Sons of Anarchy HGTV 17 49 33 43 My First Place My First Place Hunters Int'I House Hunters Love It or List It Colin andBeth'G Property Virgins Property Virgins House Hunters Hunters Int'I Million Dollar Rooms(N) 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 (5:00) Secret Access: TheVatican Mankind TheStory of Aff of Us Mankind TheStory of Aff of Us Mankind TheStory of Aff of Us Jesus of Nazareth iscrucified. (N) 'PG The Real Story of Thanksgiving LIFE 13 39 20 31 ToBeAnnounced To Be Announced Abby's Ultimate Dance Abby's Ultimate Dance Off-Rockers Off-Rockers Off-Rockers O f f -Rockers MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 16and Pregnant Hope'PG' « 16 and Pregnant Devon'14' « Teen Mom 2Walkthe Line n 'PG' Teen Mom 2 n 'PG' Underemployed TheTasting '14' Jersey Shore MakeIt Unofficial '14' NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob S p o ngeBob Drake & Josh n Figure It Out 'Y' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (11:33) Friends Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG' Oprah: WhereAre They Now? 'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG Oprah: WhereAre They Now?'PG OWN 161 103 31 103Whothe Bleep Who the Bleep ROOT 20 45 28* 26 MarkFewShow UEFAChampionsLeague SoccerJuventusvs ChelseaFC(N) College Football USCat UCLA SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Ink Master Tattoo HerWhat?'14 Ink Master Trick orFreak n '14' Ink Master n '14' « Ink Master StarWarsForever '14' I n k Master Holy Ink (N)'14' cc Tattoo Night. T a ttoo Night. SYFY 13 35133 45 Factor Faked: Paranorma!Files Fact or Faked: Paranormal Files T o tal Blackout Total BlackoutTotal Blackout Total Blackout Total Blackout Viral Video Total Blackout Viral Video TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince The Ten Commandments 'PG' Rod Parsley Secrets-Clement Creflo Dollar 'G' Fall Praise.A-Thon 'TBS




The King of The King of Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld TheFoun- TheBig Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan OliviaMunn;FloRida; Ben Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG dation 'PG' The ory n 'PG' T heory n '14' T h eory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG Theory n 'PG Stiller. '14' « (5:00) "After Office *** "MerrilyWeLive" (1938,Comedy)BrianAherne, Con- (8:15) *** "Topper" (1937,Comedy)CaryGrant, ConstanceBennett, Roland ** "TopperTakesa Trip"(1939, Comedy) Constance Bennett, RolandYoung. A Hours" (1 935) stance Bennett, BillieBurke. cc Young. Socialite couple's ghostshelp bankerfriend. « ghostly soaakte helps amanon the Rwiera. « 17 34 32 34 IslandMedium Island Medium Sister Wives n '14' cc Little People Big World: Wedding Little People Big World: Wedding Extreme Cou E x treme Cou L i t tle People Big World: Wedding e Mentalist BleedingHeart Amayor's The Mentalist Redline Abodyis found in Rizzoli & Isles A community activist is Rizzoli & Isles Don'Stop t Dancing,Girl Rizzoli & Isles The squadgets a new Leverage Nate mustusehis investigat a car's trunk. '14' « aide is murdered. n '14' gunned down 14 cc A dancer's mother is killed. '14' homicide detective. '14' cc ing skills. 'PG' « 84 Regular Show Wrld, Gumbaff Wrld, Gumbaff Looney Tunes Leve!Up'PG' Adventure Time KingoftheHiff KingoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'PG 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food 'G' Manv.Food'G' DangerousGrounds Bolivia'PG Dangerous Grounds (N)'PG' « Bou r dain: No Reservations Bizarre Foods/Zimmern M*A*S*H 'PG' 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H'PG' M*A *S*H'PG' The CosbyShow The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love.Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Love.Raymond 15 30 23 30 Law&Order: Specialyictims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Law I Order: Special Victims Unit Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Covert Affairs LadyStardust 'PG' Law & Order: Special Victims Unit 191 48 37 54 Bask. Wives LA Behind the Music TheGame'14' M a r rying, Game Marrying, Game T.l. and Tiny B a s ketball Wives LA n '14 Couples Therapy n '14 Marrying, Game Marrying, Game 106 401 306401(5:40) *** "Open Range"2003,Western Robert Duvall. n 'R' « LonesomeDove n (Part 2of4) 'PG' « ***"Fre quency"2000,FantasyDennisQuaid,Jim Caviezel.'PG-13' « 104 204104120(5:00) *** "Frequency" 2000DennisQuaid. « 34 UFC Unrestricted UFC Tonight U FC Insider U F C Fight Night Al vs.ves Kampmann

Pirates-Tides (9:35) *** "AirForce One"1997 Harrison Ford. n 'R' « ** "Everybody's Fine" 2009Robert De Niro. 'PG-13' acc UFC Unleashed UFC Tonight U F C Roundtable 28 301 27 301 Big BreakGreenbrier (N) Chasing Longest Drive Big Break Gol f Central Bi g Break Greenbrier Chasing Longest Drive Big Break School of Golf HALL 66 33 175 33 "AHolidayEngagement"(2011, Comedy)Jordan Bridges. « MatchmakerSanta" (2012, Romance)LaceyChabert. 'G' « "ChristmasSong" (2012)Natasha Henstridge, Gabriel Hogan.'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 George Harrison (6:35) "Crossfire Hurricane" 2012,Documentary n 'NR' cc 24/7 Pacquiao Treme PoorMan'sParadise'MA' REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' « * "Punisher:IyarZone" 2008, Action RayStevenson.'R IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) * "Punisher:WarZone" 'R' (7:15) ** "Lealher/ace:TheTexasChainsawMassacre lil" 1990 'R (11:15) "StarTrek:insurrection MAX 400 508 508 (6:15) * i Endol Days" 1999,HorrorArnold Schwarzenegger, Gabriel Byrne. n 'R' cc (8:20) *"ThisMeansWar" 2012 n 'PG-13' cc Hunted Polyhedrus(N)'MA' cc FemmeFatales Lingerie n 'MA NBCSN 27 58 30 209 College Basketball Onward Notre Dame World Series of Fighting 1 Boxing Poker After Dark 'PG' « Alaska StateTroopers '14' Alaska StateTroopers '14' NGC 157 157 D oomsday Preppers(N)'14' DoomsdayPreppers '14' DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers '14' NTOON 89 115189115 Wild Grinders n Odd Parents Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob SpongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Hunting, Country Outdoors TV Wildlife DreamSeason Hunting TV Mic haels MRA Truth Hunting W i ldlife The Hit List Bo w Madness Legends of Fall SOLO Hunters SHO 500 500 Homeland I'll Fly Away 'MA' « Dexter Argentina n 'MA' « (4:00) VanityFair *** "Lostin Translation" 2003Bill Murray. n 'R (8:15) *** "Reservoir Dogs" 1992Harvey Keitel. n 'R' « SPEED 35 303125 303 Hard Parts Hard Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Hard Parts Hard Parts My Ride Rules My Ride Rules Unique Whips '14' * * "John Carter" 2012, ScienceFictionTaylor Kitsch, LynnCollins. n 'PG-13' e« s STARZ 300 408 300408 (5:40) * "Bever/y Hils Ninja" « (7:15) ** "Freddy vs.Jason"2003 Robert Englund. n 'R' « ThomasCrown ** "Beastly" 2011 Alex Pettyfer. n 'PG-13' « *** "Melancholia"2011, DramaKirsten Dunst. Premiere. n 'R' « TMC 525 525 * My 5Wives * "The BoneSnatcher"2003ScottBairstow.n 'R *WE 14 41 174118CSEMiamin'14'cc CSE Miami L.A. n '14' cc CSE Miami Getting Axed'14' cc CSh Miami Dishonor n '14' c CSE Miami Eric Delkoreturns. '14' C S E Miami n '14' cc ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF



TV • PAGE 13 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

17 — 23, 2012



i " " l " ' "' "" " "' •

v II KATU Newsat 6(N) n «


• II



Jeopardy! (N)n

Wheel of Fortune A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving n

Duck Dynasty

Duck Dynasty









Modern Family n (9:31) Suburgatory Private Practice Jakeworries about his KATU Newsat11 (11:35) Nightline 'Q' cc 'G' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc (N) n 'G' (N) 'PQ' « (ABC) past. (N) n '14' « (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune Whitney Markbuys Guys With Kids Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chicago Fire TwoFamilies Thanksgiv- NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (N) 'PG' cc (NBC) a bar. 'PG' Lesson sLearned(N) n '14' « ing at thefirehouse.(N) n '14' at11 (N) « Wit h Jay Leno Access Hollywood NewAdventures How I Met Your 30 Rock College n Survivor: Philippines (N) n « Criminal Minds Aschool busfull of kids CSE CrimeScene Investigation CSI on KOINLocal 6at11 Late Show With KBNZ '14' cc (N) 'PG' David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n '14' goes missing.(N) n '14' Fire (N) '14' cc(DVS) (N) cc The Insider (N) A Charlie BrownThanksgiving n Modern Family n (9:31) Suburgatory Private Practice Jakeworries about his KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD O O KEZI 9 News at KEZI 9 News (N) «Entertainment 'Q' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Tonight (N) 'PG' cc (N) 'PG' cc (ABC) 6pm (N) « past. (N) n '14' « 11pm (N)cc The Big Bang The X Factor Hopefulsperform. (N) n '14' cc News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guy Internal KFXO III g) @ g) TwoandaHalf TwoandaHalf TheBigBang 'PQ' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc The o ry n 'PG' Theory n '14' (FOX) First on FOX Affairs '14' Nature MyLife as aTurkey Writer Joe NOVA Inside theMegastormImpact of NOVA scienceNOWScientists explore Oregon Experience Rajneeshpuram KOAB ~ gy ~ gy Equitrekking Ad- Nightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) n m Hutto raiseswildturkeys. 'PG' HurricaneSandy. n 'G' flavor andtexture. n 'PG' (PBS) ventures n 'G' Report (N) n 'G' NewsChannel 8 at NewsChannel 8 at Live at 7 (N) cc Inside Edition (N) Whitney Markbuys GuysWith Kids Law & Order: Special Victims Unit Chicago Fire TwoFamilies Thanksgiv- NewsChannel 8 at Tonight Show KGW 'PQ' cc a bar. 'PG' (N) 'PG' « Les son's Learned (N) n '14' « ing at thefirehouse.(N) n '14' (NBC) 6PM (N) « 6:3 0 PM (N) 11(N) cc With Jay Leno The King of Ru l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. *** "Planes, Trains andAutomobiles" (1987, Comedy)SteveMartin. A stranded Seinfeld The Trip Seinfeld The Sec- 'Til Death Can't 'Til Death The KTVZDT2 @ ~ gy @ The King of 'PQ' cc ment 'PG' Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG' ment '14' ad exec and asalesman makeunlikely co-travelers. n retary 'PG' Elo pe 'PG' « We d ding n 'PG' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 Ou t numbered n LaSt Of the Wine SherlOCk HOlmeS'G' cc Doc Martin On theEdge'PG' cc Tavis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'G' « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

DuckDynasty Duck Dynast yFowlDuckDynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Si- (11:01) DuckDy- (11:31) Duck Dy'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc Play 'PG' nasty'PG' «nasty 'PG' « Yonara 'PG' (3:00) **** "GoneWiththe Wind" (1939)Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh. Civil War **** "Gone With theWind"(1939, Romance)Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard.Civil Warrogue Rhett Butler lovesSouthernbelle Scarlett O'Hara. « 'AMC rogue RhettButler lovesSouthern belle Scarlett O'Hara. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 RattlesnakeRepublic'PG' cc River Monsters: UnhookedThewilderness of the EssequiboRiver. 'PG River Monsters: UnhookedSearchingfor an actual "Jaws." 'PG' cc River Monsters:Unhookedn 'PG BRAVO 13 44 Top Chef: Seattle '14 Real Housewives/Beverly The Real Housewives of Atlanta Life After TopChef (N) (10:01) TopChef: Seattle (N) (11:01) LOLwork Top Chef R e ba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc R e ba 'PG' cc The 46th Annual CMA CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Awards n 'PG' cc CNBC 54 36 40 52"Walt:The Man Behind the Myth" American Greed Mad Money Mark Zuckerberg: Inside Facebook American Greed Quit Your Job! Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront C o l bert Report COM 13 53 135 47 Always Sunny (6:29) Tosh.0 '14' Colbert Report Daily Show Chappelle Show Key & Peele '14' South Park Imaginationland:TheTrilogy 'MA' cc Key 8 Peele '14' Daily Show COTV 11 Bend City Council Work Session Bend City Council Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Phineas,Ferb S hakeltUp!n Jessie 'G' « Do g With a Blog ***"Bolt"(2008) Voicesof JohnTravolta. n « Phineas, Ferb Good-Charlie P h ineas, Ferb Good-Charlie S h ake It Up! n *DISC 15 21 16 37 MoonshinersAPricetoPayn'14 Moonshiners n '14' cc Moonshiners Rise 'nShine! n '14' Moonshiners (N) n '14' cc Moonshrners (N) n 14 cc Moonshrners n '14' cc *E! A-List Listings Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My Nicki Minaj: My The Soup '14' The Soup '14' 13 25 Ice Loves Coco Dateline on E! E! News(N) Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 NBABasketball College Basketball EASports MauiInvitational, Final: TeamsTBA(N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 Basketball College Basketball NITSeasonTip-Off —Michigan vs. Pittsburgh (N) NFL Live (N) « Best of the NFL NBA Tonight (N) NFL Live « SportsCenter ESPNC 23 25 123 25 (5:00) CollegeFootball cc College Football FromNov. 18,2006. cc College Football FromNov.27,2010. cc College Football Played11/3094 H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. H-Li t e Ex. H-Li t e Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. *** "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" (2005)JohnnyDepp, Freddie Highmore. FAM 67 29 19 41 ***"Willy WonkaandlheChocolateFactory"(1971)GeneWilder,JackAlbertson The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive Diners, Drive Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible 'G Restaurant: Impossible (N) Restaurant Stakeout (N) Restaurant: Impossible 'G' N ** X-Men:TheLast Stand" (2006)HughJackman, Patrick Stewart FX 131 Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men Two/Half Men American Horror Story: Asylum (N) American Horror Story: Asylum HGTV 17 49 33 43 LoveltorListlt'G'« House Hunters Renovation 'G' Property Brothers 'G' « Buying andSelling (N) 'G' « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Property Brothers 'G' « *HIST 15 42 41 36 Restoration Res toration Restoration R e s toration Restoration Restoration Restoration R e s toration Cajun Pawn C a jun Pawn R e storation Re s toration LIFE 13 39 20 31 MyLifelsaLifetimeMovie'14' My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' The Houstons The Houstons The Houstons The Houstons My Life Is a Lifetime Movie (N)'14' My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 The Rachel MaddowShow (N) The Last Word The Ed Show The Rachel MaddowShow The Last Word Hardball With Chris Matthews MTV 192 22 38 57 JerseyShore MerpWalk'14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n '14' « Jersey Shore n 14 « Jersey ShoreMakeIt Unofficial '14' Jersey Shore J ersey Shore n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBob SpongeBob Drake & Josh n Figure It Out 'Y' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' Full House 'G' TheNanny'PG' TheNanny'PG' Fri endsn 'PG' (11:33) Friends Main Street Main Street Ma i n Street Undercover Boss n 'PG' « Undercover Boss n 'PG' cc Undercover Boss n PG « Undercover Boss n 'PG' « OWN 161 103 31 103 Main Street ROOT 20 45 28* 26 Seahawks Press UEFA ChampionsLeague Soccer ManchesterCity FCvsReal Madrid CF (N) College Basketball ColoradoState at Denver(N)(Live) The DanPatrick Show *** "Any GivenSunday" (1999, Drama)Al Pacino. Premiere. Afootball coach copeswith crises onandoff the field. n « SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Bar Rescue'PG Bar RescueWeber's of Lies'PG' Eddie Murphy: OneNight Only '14' SYFY 13 35133 45 Viralyideo Viral Video Gho st Hunters City Hell n « Ghost Hunters n 'PG' « Ghost Hunters (N) n cc Deal-Dark Side Deal-Dark Side Ghost Hunters n 'PG' cc TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince End of the Age *** "Amazing Grace" (2006)loanGruffudd, RomolaGarai Always Good Jesse Duplantis The Christmas Creflo Dollar 'G' Fall Praise.A-Thon The King of The King of Seinfeld TheMas- Seinfeld TheSoul Family Guy n Family Guy Airport Family Guy n Family Guyn The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan Will Ferrell; Tenacious Dper 'TBS '14' cc '07 n '14' '14' cc '14' cc Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG seuse 'PG' Ma t e 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' f orms. '14' « N (5:00) **** ToKill a Mockingbird" (7:15) **** "GoneWiththeWind" (1939, Romance)Clark Gable, Vivien Leigh, Leslie Howard.Civil Warrogue Rhett Butler lovesSouthernbelle Scarlett O'Hara. (1 1:1 5) *** "Wise Blood"(1979)Brad TCM 01 44 101 29 Dourif, AmyWright. (1962, Drama)Gregory Peck. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Here Comes H e r e Comes H e r e Comes H e r e Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here Comes Here ComesHoney Boo Boo 'PG' Here Comes Here Comes The Mentalist Memberof Cho's former The Mentalist The teaminvestigates a Castle A Rose for Everafter Castle runs Castle SuckerPunchInvestigating an Castle The Third ManAfamily finds a Perception Kilimanjaro Pierceinteracts *TNT chef's murder '14' cc gang is murdered. n '14' into an old flame. 'PG' cc Irish mobster's death. n 'PG' deadman inthehouse.'PG' w>th astudent 14 cc *TOON 84 NinjaGo: Mstrs NinjaGo: Mstrs NinjaGo: Mstrs NinjaGo: Mstrs Dragons: Riders Lego Star Wars KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'14' FamilyGuy'14' *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Bizarre Foods/Zimmern Man v. Food Nation 'G'« BaggageBattles Baggage Battles Toy Hunter 'PG' Toy Hunter 'PG' Manliest Restaurants 2 Barbecue Paradise 'G' « M * A*S*H 'PG' T h e Cosby Show The Cosby Show The Cosby Show Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Happil y Divorced Love-Raymond Love.Raymond TVLND 65 47 29 35 M*A*S*H 'PG' M * A*S*H 'PG' USA 15 30 23 30 NCISMurderedmodel.'PG' « NCIS Boxed In n 'PG' « NCIS Light Sleeper n 'PG' « NCIS HeadCase n 'PG' cc NCIS FamilySecret n 'PG' « Covert Affairs LadyStardust 'PG' VH1 191 48 37 54 (5:50)CouplesTherapyn'14' Cou plesTherapyn'14' Couples Therapy n '14' Couples Therapy(N) n '14' Couples Therapy n '14' 40 Greatest Feuds '14' *A&E 13 28 18 32 Duck 'PQ' ccDynasty

Duck Dynasty 'pG' cc

'PQ' cc

'PQ' cc

LonesomeDove n (Part 3 of4) 'PG' « (9:35) ** "Robin Hood:Prince o/Thieves"1991 KevinCostner. n 'PG-13' « ** "Alv inand theChipmunks"2007,ComedyJasonLee.'PG'« ** "Alvin and the Chipmunks:TheSqueakquel N 2009 ZacharyLevi 34 (5:00) UFCReloaded ShogunRuavs. DanHenderson. UFC Unrestricted UFC UltimateSubmissions '14' English PremierLeagueSoccer 28 301 27 301 LPGATour Golf Big Break Greenbrier Chasing Golf Central LP GA Tour Golf ISPS Handa's Heroes School of Golf Golf Central ** "A TownWithoutChristmas" (2001)Patricia Heaton. 'PG' « HALL 66 33 175 33 NTheCasefor Christmas"(2011, Fantasy) DeanCain.'PG' « The ChristmasSecret" (2000) RichardThomas, BeauBridges. 'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 (5:30) ** "ChasingLiberty" 2004MandyMoore. n 24/7 Pacquiao * * "Safe House" 2012, ActionDenzelWashington. n 'R' cc Real Time With Bill Maher n 'MA' Boardwalk Empire n 'MA' « N N ** "StarTrek: TheMotion Picture"1979, ScienceFiction Wiliam Shatner. 'PG IFC 1 0 1 0 5 (5:00) ** Transporler 3 2008 (7:15) ** "Transporter 3"2008,Action JasonStatham, Natalya Rudakova.'PG-13 *** "Chronicle" 2012 DaneDeHaan. 'PG-13' cc * * * NTheRocketeer" 1991Bill Campbell. n 'PG MAX 400 508 508 Hunted Hourglass n 'MA' cc Hunted Kismet n 'MA' cc Hunted Ambassadors'MA' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Boxing NFL Turning Point (N) 'PG' NFL Turning Point 'PG' Sports lllustrated 'PG NFL Turning Point 'PG Poker After Dark 'PG' « Hell on the Highway '14' NGC 157 157 B o rderWarsWarGames(N)'14' Hell on the Highway(N) '14 Border WarsWarGames'14 Border Wars Traffic '14 Border Wars '14' NTOON 89 115189115 Monsuno (N) 'Y7' Monsuno (N)'Y7' Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Planet Sheen n Planet Sheenn SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor OUTD 37 307 43 307 Shooting USA Outdoorsman Amer. Rifleman Impossible Gun Nuts Midway USA's Shooting USA PG cc BestDefense Midway USA's Impossible Amer. Rifleman SHO 500 50 0 C a sino Jack 'R' * NApo//o18N 2011Lloyd Owen. n 'PG-13' « Homeland I'll Fly Away'MA' e« s Inside the NFL(N) n 'PG' « Jim Rome onShowtime (N) 'PG' Inside NASCAR Inside the NFL SPEED 35 303125 303Drag RaceHigh Drag RaceHigh Barrett-Jackson Special Edition 'G' Pinks - All Out 'PG' Drag RaceHigh Drag Race High Barrett-Jackson Special Edition 'G' Unique Whips '14' N N N ** 30Minutes orLess" 2011Jesse Eisenberg. 'R ***"The Ides olMarch"2011RyanGosling. 'R STARZ 300408300408 (5 30) SpyKids3:Game Over " n *** 21JumpStreet" 2012,ComedyJonah Hil. n 'R' « ** "Saved! "2004JenaMal one.n 'PG-1 TMC 5 25 52 5 * * "T he Waiting City" 2009, DramaRadhaMitchell. n 'R' « (9:35) "LoveBirds"2011 RhysDarby, Sally Hawkins. n 'PG-13' « Yearo/lh *WE 14 41 174118 Bridezillas Jenniier & Minyon'14' B r i dezillas Minyon Chri& stine '14' M y Fair Wedding WeddingDav.:Unveiled My Fair Wedding My Fair Wedding ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

106401 306401(6:05) *** "The American President" 1995Michael Douglas. 'PG-13 N

104 204104120 ** "Alvin and the Chipmunks:TheSqueakque/ 2009 ZacharyLevi

THE BULLETIN G NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2012 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

PAGE 14 • TV



c II


KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc










Jeopardy! (N) n Wheel of Fortune A Charlie BrownThanksgiving n 'G' « 'Q' cc (N) n 'G'






(5:30) NFL Football New EnglaPatri nd ots at NewYork Jets FromMetLife Stadiumin East Rutherford, NewsChannel 21 N.J. (N) n (Live) « Special Edition Access HollywoodNew Adventures How I MetYour 30Rockn '14' « The Big Bang (8:31) Twoand a (N) 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Half Men n '14' of Old Christine Mother n '14' O O O O KEZI9Newsat KEZI9News(N) «Entertainment The Insider (N) A Charlie BrownThanksgiving n 'Q' cc Tonight (N) 'PG' cc 6pm (N) « ID< IEI |El IEI Two and aHalf Two and aHalf The Big Bang The Big Bang The X Factor LiveResultsContestants Men 'PG' cc Men '14' cc Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' face elimination. (N) '14' « Outdoor Idaho Eyesof the Forest n « ~ gy ~ gy (5:00) MasterpieceNightly Business PBS NewsHour(N) n m

Report (N) n 'G' Classic n (5:30) NFLFootball NewEngland Patriots at NewYork Jets FromMetLife Stadiumin East Rutherford, Inside Edition (N) 'PQ' cc (NBC) N.J. (N) n (Live) cc The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. The Vampire Diaries faces Elenaater KTVZDT2 IEIQ Q Q The King of ment 'PG' Queens n 'PG' Queens n 'PG' ment '14' rible transition. n '14' « (CW) OPBPL 175 173 T i me Goes By My Family « Los t Treasures of Ancient World Lost Treasures of Ancient World








Modern Family * * * NBad 25"(2012)Premi ere. SpikeLeeexamines Michael KATU Newsat 11 (11:35) Nightline Schooled 'PG' Jackson's 1987 albumEBad." n (N) 'PQ' « (N)n cc Jeopardy! (N) n Wheel of Fortune Dateline NBC Threefamilies nowfacing NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show 'G' « (N) n 'G' poverty. n 'PG' « at 11 (N) cc Wi t h Jay Leno (9:01) Person of Interest BabyBlue (10:01) Elementary Amanisshotand KOIN Local6at11 Late ShowWith n '14' cc killed. n '14' « David Letterman (N) cc Modern Family * * * NBad25" (2012)Premi ere. SpikeLeeexamines Michael KEZI 9Newsat (11:35) Nightline E En (N) 'PG' cc Schooled'PG' Jackson's 1987album Bad. 11pm (N)cc Glee DynamicDuetsBlaineencounters News Channel 21 TMZ (N) n 'PG' cc The Simpsons n Family Guy 'PQ' cc the Warblers.(N) n '14' First on FOX Thanksgiving '14' Broadway: TheAmerican Musical n Broadway: TheAmerican Musical Broadway: TheAmerican Musical n 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc SyncopatedCity (1919-1933)'PG' N ** AllDogs Golo Heaven 2" (1996, Fantasy) Voicesof Ernest Borgnine.Ani NewsChannel 8at TonightShow mated. Ajunkyarddoganda pal seekGabriel's trumpet. 11(N) cc With Jay Leno Beauty and the BeastCat investigates Seinfeld TheTrip Seinfeld n 'PG' cc 'Til Death NoCom- 'Til Death Joy's 'PQ' cc a ballerina's death. n 'PG' plaints 'PG' Mom 'PG' cc World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n 'PG' cc PBS NewsHour n «

The First 48 Schoolgirls fight; innocent The First 48 UltimatePrice Arobber kills (11:01) After the First 48 Dismembered 3 28 1 8 32 The First Firstashooter. 48 Amother mayhave accom- Miami. TheFirst'14' 48ccSlayings inCleveland and man shot. '14' cc public. '14'48 ccAmanis beaten todeath in The panied 'PG' cc a goodSamaritan. '14' body; fatal shooting. cc N (3:30) ****"The Godfather, Part I/ (1974, CrimeDrama)Al Pacino. Michael ** * * " The Godfather" (1972, CrimeDrama)Marlon Brando, Al Pacino,JamesCaan.A mafia patriarch tries to holdhis empiretogether. « 'AMC Corleonemoveshis father's crimefamily to LasVegas. « *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Finding Bigfoot: BirthofaLegend Dragons: A FantasyMadeReal n 'G' cc Mermaids: TheBodyFoundn 'PG'cc Mermaids: TheBodyFound 'PG' *** "MeettheParents" (2000,Comedy)RobertDeNiro, BenStiler *** "MeettheParents" (2000,Comedy)Robert DeNiro, BenStiler. BRAVO 13 44 Top Chef: Seattle '14 Top Chef: Seattle N N R e ba 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' « Re b a 'PG' « ** Fireproo/ (2008, Drama)Kirk Cameron,Erin Bethea, Alex Kendrick. n « ** Fireproof CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc *** "The Pixar Story" (2007)Narrated by Stacy Keach CNBC 54 36 40 52 (5:00) *** "The PixarStory" American Greed American Greed Quit Your Job! Never-Rake CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront N Jeff DunhamChristmas Special COM 13 53 135 47 (5:00) *** BadSanta" (2003) Jeff Dunham:Minding (9:02) Jeff Dunham:Controlled Chaos '14' cc (10:32) TheComedyCentral Roast Charlie Sheen'14' COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Desert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The YogaShow The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Capitol Hill Hearings Capitol Hill Hearings 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Gravity Falls 'Y7' Austin 8 Ally 'G' Jessie 'G' « Dog With a Blog Dog With a Blog Good-Charlie J e ssie 'G' « A.N .T. Farm 'G Austin 8 Ally 'G' Phineas, Ferb Jessie 'G' « A.N .T. Farm n *DISC 15 21 16 37 Alaska: The Last Frontier n 'PG' A l aska: The Last Frontier n '14' Al a ska: The Last Frontier n '14' Au c tion Kings A uction Kings Texas CarWars n cc Auction Kings Auction Kings *E! 13 25 The Soup '14' T h e Soup '14' K a rdashian Kar dashian Tak e Miami Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Kardashian Keeping UpWith the Kardashians Chelsea Lately Chelsea Lately ESPN 21 23 22 23 (4:30)CollegeFootballTexasChristianatTexas(N) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball OldSpiceClassic —Clemson vs. Gonzaga(N)(Live) College Basketball DirecTVClassic —California vs. Drake(N) (Live) World/Poker 2012 World Series of Poker ESPNC 23 25 123 25 Friday Night Lights n '14' cc Friday Night Lights n '14' cc Car Auctions Car Auctions C o llege Football From Dec.2, 2010 College Football cc H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live) « SportsCenter (N)(Live)s« s ESPNFCPress H-Lite Ex. *** "The Blind Side" (2009)SandraBullock. A well-to-do white couple adopts a homelessblack teen. FAM 67 29 19 41 (5:00) *** "The Blind Side"(2009) SandraBullock, TimMcGraw. The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 TheNextlronChef: Redemption T h e N extlronChef: Redemption CupcakeWars Sweet Genius TurkeyGenius Sweet GeniusSqueakyGenius (N) The Next Iron Chef: Redemption N N N ** Shrek Forever ** Shrek ForeverAfter" (2010, Comedy)Voices of Mike Myers ** Shrek Forever FX 131 After" (2010, Comedy)Voicesof Mike Myers After" (2010, Comedy)Voices of MikeMyers. HGTV 17 49 33 43 BuyingandSelling'G' « Buying and Selling 'G' « Extreme Homes'G' « Extreme Homes(N) 'G' cc House Hunters Hunters Int'I Extreme Homes'G' cc *HIST 15 42 41 36 Hatfields & McCoys(Part1 of3) '14' cc Haffields & McCoys(Part 2 of 3) '14' cc Hatfields & McCoys(Part 3 of 3) '14' cc LIFE 13 39 20 31 *** "A ChristmasProposal" (2008) Nicole Eggert, TomArnold. « "Holiday HighSchoolReunion" (2012)RachelBoston. « ** "A Nanny forChristmas" (2010) Emmanuelle Vaugier. « MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup: Indiana Anonymous tip Lockup: Indiana Cutting Lockup: Indiana Lockup: Indiana Lockup:Indiana Lockup: Indiana N N N * NotAnotherTeenMovie" (2001,Comedy)Chyler Leigh. n « MTV 192 22 38 57 (5:00) * Scary Movie 2 (2001) Jersey Shore * ** " Scott Pilgrim vs.the World"(2010)MichaelCera, MaryElizabeth Winstead. n NICK 82 46 24 40 SpongeBobSquarePantsn'Y7 See DadRun n See Dad Run n See Dad Run n See Dad Run n Full House 'G' Full House 'G The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG Friends n 'PG' (ll:33) Friends Who the Bleep Who the Bleep 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14' 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14 OWN 161 103 31 103Whothe Bleep Who the Bleep 48 Hours: Hard Evidence n '14 ROOT 20 45 28* 26 College Football MontanaState at Montana Bensinger Mar k Few ShowSeahawksPress Seahawks The DanPatrick Show SPIKE 132 31 34 46 Ink Master Star WarsForever '14' Ink Master Holy Ink n '14' cc iMPACTWrestling (N) n '14' « Ink Master Holy Ink n '14' cc Tattoo Night. G T Academy (N) ** "The World ls NotEnough" (1999,Action) Pierce Brosnan,Sophie Marceau. « SYFY 13 35 133 45 (3:30)GoldenEye *** "TomorrowNeverDies" (1997, Action) Pierce Brosnan,JonathanPryce. « DieAnotherDay TBN 205 60 130 Joseph Prince Hillsong TV J e sus of Nazarethportraying Art Jesus. 'G Creflo Dollar 'G' Fall Praise.A-Thon The King of The King of Seinfeld n 'PG' cc Seinfeld TheBi Family Guyn Family Guyn The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang The Big Bang Conan RusselBrand; l Big K.R.I.T. 'TBS '14' cc Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG zarro Jerry 'PG' '14' cc Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' '14' cc N *** "Room forOneMore" (1952)Cary Grant. Parentsopen (9:45) *** "Please Don't EattheDaisies" (1960)Doris Day.JeanKerr's comic (11:45) "LifeWith (5:00) Cheaperby *** "Sitting Pretty" (1948)RobertYoung. Mr. Belvedere TCM 014410129 the Dozen" baby-sits a trio of bratty children. « their hometo two needyfoster children. account of adramacritic and his family. «(DVS) Father" *TLC 17 34 32 34 Breaking Amish Decision Tim Along-Bride Al o ng-Bride Fo u r Weddingsn'PG' « '1e4' Breaking Amish Party Time n '14' Br eaking Amish Finale '14' « Four Weddings (N) n 'PG' « Castle Heroes &Vilains A vigilante is Castle Heartbreak Hotel Acasino owner Castle Cuffed Beckett andCastleare Castle Thedeathof afamousdog Castle Undead Again A body with hu CSE NYTheLying GameA transgender *TNT suspected of murder. '14' « is murdered. n PG « abducted. n 'PG' « trainer n PG « man bite marks isfound. n 'PG' showgirl is murdered. '14' *TOON 84 Looney Tunes Wrld, Gumball Adventure Time Annoying MAD' PG Regular Show KingoftheHill K i ngoftheHill A mericanDad AmericanDad FamilyGuy'PG' FamilyGuy'14 *TRAV 17 51 45 42 Manliest Restaurants Big Beef Paradise 'G' « Mysteries at the Museum'PG' Mysteries at the Museum (N) 'PG' Mysteries at the Museum 'PG' The Dead Files 'PG' « A n dy Griffith An d y Griffith An d y Griffith An dy Griffith An dy Griffith Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Happil y Divorced Love-Raymond Love.Raymond TVLND 65 47 29 35 Andy Griffith USA 15 30 23 30 NCIS Hiatus'14' «(DVS) NCIS Political assassination. '14' NC I S The deathMari of ane. '14 NCIS Citywideblackout. '14' cc NCIS Child's Play n 'PG' « NCIS Ignition n 'PG' « VH1 1 91 48 37 54 T.l. and Tiny T . l . and Tiny T. l . and Tiny T. l . and Tiny * * "B l ack Knight" (2001)Martin Lawrence,MarshaThomason. n Marrying, Game Marrying, Game Basketball Wives LA n '14 *A&E


106 401 306401(6:10) ** NGhostbuslers I/N1989, Comedy LonesomeDove n (Part 4of4) 'PG' « Bill Murray. n 'PG' « (9:40) *** "True Lies"1994,Action ArnoldSchwarzenegger, JamieLeeCurtis. 'R' « *** "Batman Begins" 2005Christian Bale.BruceWayne becomesGothamCity's DarkKnight. 'PG-13 ** "Lara Croft: TombRaider" 2001Angelina Jolie. 'PG-13' « 104 204104120(4:00) *** "BatmanBegins 34 UFC ReloadedUFC92: Evansvs. Griffin Forrest Griffin againstRashad Evans. UFC Relaoded UFC140:Jonesvs.MachidaJonJonesfacesLyotoMachida 28 301 27 301(3:30) EuropeanPGATour Golf DPWorldTour Championship, First Round Golf Central G o l f Academy Golf Academy Golf Academy Golf Academy Golf Academy Golf Central

HALL 66 33 175 33 "Love atthe Thanksgiving DayParade" (2012) AutumnReeser. 'G' « A ChristmasWish" (2011)Kristy Swanson,TessHarper. 'G' « Lucky Christmas" (2011,Romance-Comedy) ElizabethBerkley. 'G' « R ***"TheGirl"2012TobyJones. n « HBO 425 501 425501 (5:30) ** "Liar Liar" 1997 cc ** We Bought aZoo" 2011Matt Damon. n 'PG' cc (10:45) Witness Orgasm Special: RealSex IFC 10 1 0 5 W h isker Wars Whisker Wars Whisker Wars Whisker Wars Trapped in the Closet 'MA Trapped in the Closet 'MA Trapped in the Closet 'MA Trapped in the Closet 'MA ** NA VeryHarold & Kumar3DChristma s"2011 MAX 400508 508 Road House'R' ** "Horr ible Bosses"2011,ComedyJason Bateman.n 'NR'cc (8:20)NAnchorman:TheLegend olRon Burgundy Busty Coeds NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Basketball Col l ege Basketball Battle for Atlantis Loui — sville vs. Northernlowa (N)(Live) NFL Turning Point 'PG Sports lllustrated 'PG Poker After Dark 'PG' « NGC 157 157 U n tamed Americas Mountains 'PG Seduction: Birds of Paradise UntamedAmericas Deserts'PG UntamedAmericas Mountains'PG' Seduction: Birds of Paradise UntamedAmericas Forests 'PG' NTOON 89 115189115 Dragonball GT Odd Parents Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Pla net Sheen n Planet Sheen n SpongeBob S p ongeBob Avatar: Air. Ava tar: Air. Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor

OUTD 37 307 43 307 Realtree Outdoor RealTree's Bow Madness Ult. Adventures The Season W i l d OutdoorsJackie Bushman The Crush Wild Outdoors Steve's Outdoor Fear No Evil O u t doors TV * "The Three Musketeers"2011 MatthewMacFadyen. 'PG-13' « SHO 500 500 Dave's Old Porn Reality Show(N) (4:45)***"Ransom"1996'R (6:55) ** "The TwilightSaga:Eclipse" 2010Kristen Stewart. 'PG-13 SPEED 35 303125 303Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Dumbest Stuff Car Warriors '79 Cadilac '14 Wrecked '14' W r ecked 'PG' P inks '14' Pinks '1 4' Unique Whips '14' N N ** "TheVow"2012RachelMcAdams.'PG-13'« STARZ 300 408 300408 (5:40) ** "View From the Top (7:10) ** "Click"2006, ComedyAdamSandler. n 'PG-13' s«s (10:45) ** vanHelsing 2004 Hugh Jackman. « *** "The Help" 2011, DramaViola Davis, EmmaStone. n 'PG-13' « ** "RealSteel" 2011HughJackman. 'PG-13' « TMC 525 52 5 * * " Lara Croft Tomb Raider: TheCradle of Life" 2003 Angelina Jolie *WE 14 41 174118Tamar & Vince Tamar & VinceRoadto Recovery Tamar 8 Vince Gaga for Gaga Tamar 8 Vince Tamar & VinceNurseRatchet Braxton Family Values '14



TV • PAGE 15 *In HD, thesechannels run three hours ahead. /Sports programming mayvary. BD-Bend/Redmond/Sisters/Black Butte (Digital); PM-Prineville/Madras; SR-Sunriver; L-La Pine

NOVEMBER 17 — 23, 2012

FRIDAY EVENING 11/23/1 2 •


e II



II Jeopardy! (N)n











Wheel of Fortune Last Man Standing (8:31) Malibu S h ark Tank Thesharks fight over an (10:01) 20/20 n 'PG' cc KATU Newsat11 (11:35) High 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (N) n 'PG' Cou ntry (N) 'PG' inventor. n 'PG' « School Blitz (N) (ABC) (N) n cc Jeopardy! (N)n Wheel of Fortune The National DogShowMore than3,000 canines vie to be Best in Showat the Dateline NBC(N) n 'PG' cc NewsChannel 21 Tonight Show KTVZ O O O O NewsChannel 21 at 6 (N) cc 'Q' cc (N) n 'G' (NBC) Kennel Club ofPhiladelphia annual event. n 'PG' « at11(N) cc With Jay Leno Access HollywoodNew Adventures How I Met Your 30 Rock Mrs. F r osty the Snow- Frosty Returns n Hoops & Yoyo It's a SpongeBob Person to Person Drew Brees; Alicia KOIN Local 6 at 11Late Show With KBNZ 'Q' cc (N) 'PG' Donaghy n '14' man 'G' cc Ruin Christmas Christmas! David Letterman (CBS) of Old Christine Mother n '14' Keys; Sean Penn.(N) n cc (N) cc The Insider (N) Last Man Standing (8:31) Malibu S h ark Tank Thesharks fight over an (10:01) 20/20 n 'PG' cc KEZI 9 Newsat (11:35) Nightline KOHD Q Q Q Q KEZI9Newsat KEZI 9 News(N) «Entertainment Tonight (N) 'PG' cc (N) n 'PG' Cou ntry (N) 'PG' inventor. n 'PG' « (N) 'PG' « (ABC) 6pm (N) « 11pm (N) « Action) Robert DowneyJr., Terrence Howard,GwynethPaltrow. A bilionaire News Channel 21 The Simpsons n Family Guyn The Big Bang The Big Bang *** "iron Man"(2008, KFXO ID< Q |KI Q) TwoandaHalf Two and aHalf 'PG' cc '14' cc Men '14' cc Men '14' cc (FOX) Theory n 'PG' Theory n 'PG' dons an armoredsuit to fight criminals. First on FOX a Washington Week BBCNewsnight Nuremberg: Nazis on Trial Hermann Masterpiece Contemporary Abookedi- Masterpiece Classic Lovers are torn KOAB Q Q Q Q Travel With KidsNightly Business PBS NewsHour (N) na« 'G' cc (DVS) n 'G' Report (N) « Goring n cc (PBS) (N) cc tor meetshis formerlove. 'PG' apart byWorld WarI. n '14' NewsChannel8 at Trail Blazers HomeNBABasketball Minnesota Timberwolves at PortlandTrail Blazers Fromthe RoseGarden in Portland, Inside Edition (N) Dateline NBC(N) n 'PG' « NewsChannel 8at TonightShow KGW 'PQ' cc Court (NBC) 6PM (N) « Ore. (N)(Live) 11(N) cc With Jay Leno 'Til Death n 'Til Death Sell the The King of R u l es of Engage. Rules of Engage. Grandma GotRunOverby a Reindeer The Happy Elf n G cc Seinfeld ThePick Seinfeld The KTVZDT2 Q Q Q Gcl The King of n 'G' cc 'PQ' cc 'PQ' cc ment 'PG' Queens n 'PG Queens n 'PG' ment 'PG' Switch n 'PG' House '14' (CW) OPBPL 175 17 3 N u remberg:NazisonTrial« Masterpiece Mystery! n '14' « (DVS) On Story n 'G' World News T a vis Smiley (N) Charlie Rose(N) n « PBS NewsHour n « KATU

KATU Newsat 6(N) n cc

Duck Dynasty FrogDuckDynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Si- Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Duck Dynasty Fowl(11:01) Duck Dy- (11:31) Duck Dy'PG' cc 'PQ' cc 'PG' cc 'PQ' cc Play 'PG' nasty'PG' «nasty 'PG' « in One 'PG' Samurai Si 'PG' Yonara 'PG' ** "Consl anline"(2005,Fantasy)KeanuReeves,RachelWeisz,ShiaLaBeouf.A manwhoseesde- TheWalking DeadHoundedMichonne ComicBookMen "Terminator 2 (4:30) *** "Terminator 2:Judgment Day"(1991) Arnold 'AMC k d ' .'14' 'PG'CC Schwarzenegger,LindaHamilton. cc mons helps apolicewomanprobe hersister's deat h. JudgmentDay *ANPL 68 50 26 38 Infested! The Nastiest Battles'PG Infested! Driven Insane'PG' cc Monsters Inside Me(N)'PG' cc Raised Wild (N) n 'PG' Raised Wild n 'PG' Monsters Inside Me n 'PG' cc BRAVO 13 44 The Millionaire Matchmaker n The Millionaire Matchmaker n The Millionaire Matchmaker n The Millionaire Matchmaker n The Millionaire Matchmaker n The Millionaire Matchmaker n R e ba 'PG' cc The 46th Annual CMA CMT 190 32 42 53 Reba'PG' cc Re b a 'PG' cc Reba 'PG' cc Awards n 'PG' cc Crossroads (N) n 'PG'cc CNBC 54 36 40 52 Apocalypse2012 American GreedCrashfor Cash Billions Behind Bars Apocalypse 2012 American GreedCrashfor Cash Q u it Your Job! Paid Program CNN 55 38 35 48 Piers MorganTonight(N) Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront Piers MorganTonight Anderson Cooper360 « Erin Burnett OutFront COM 13 53 13547 "Harold& KumarEscapeFrom Guantanamo Bay" (7:16) *"Half Baked" (1 998)DaveChappelle, Guilermo Diaz. cc (9:17) ** "Jackass:TheMovie" (2002)JohnnyKnoxvile. cc Jackass No.2 COTV 11 Paid Program Kristi Miller Des ert Cooking Oregon Joy of Fishing Journal Get Outdoors V i sions of NW The Yoga Show The Yoga Show Kristi Miller Cit y Edition CSPAN 61 20 12 11 (5:00) Politics & Public Policy Today Politics & Public Policy Today 'DIS 87 43 14 39 Good-Charlie J e s sie'G' « Jessie 'G' « Jessie 'G' « A.N .T. Farm (N) n 'G' « Dog With a Blog Gravity Falls 'Y7 A.N.T. Farm'G' Good-Charlie A.N.T. Farm'G' Gravity Falls 'Y7 *DISC 15 21 16 37 GoldRushSecretWeapons'PG' Gold RushBattle ofthe Bridge'PG' Gold Rush - The Dirt (N) n 'PG' Gold RushTheUltimatum(N)'PG' Jungle Gold (N) n 'PG' cc Gold Rush TheUltimatum n 'PG *E! A-List Listings A-List Listings Keeping Up With the Kardashians Fashion Police (N)'14 13 25 The Soup '14' T h e Soup '14' E! News(N) Chelsea Lately E! News ESPN 21 23 22 23 (4:00)CollegeFootbal!TeamsTBA College Football ArizonaState atArizona(N) (Live) SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc SportsCenter (N)(Live) cc ESPN2 22 24 21 24 College Basketball College Basketball: Continental TireLasVegasInvitational College Basketball DirecTVClassic, SecondSemifinal: TeamsTBA(N) NBA Tonight (N) College Football "HarvardBeats Yale29-29" (2008) ESPNC 23 25 123 25 FridayNightLights'14' cc 30 for 30 Roll Tide/WarEagle cc 30 for 30 Roll Tide/WarEagle « H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex H-Lite Ex. H-Li te Ex. ESPNN 24 63 124203 SportsCenter (N) (Live) « SportsCenter (N) H-Lite Ex College Football Final « ** "Nanny McpheeReturns" (2010)EmmaThompson, MaggieGyllenhaal. Premiere. FAM 67 29 1941 MaryPoppins ** "Nanny McPhee"(2005,Comedy)Emma Thompson,ColinFirth The 700 Club n 'PG' « FNC 57 61 36 50 Hannity(N) On Record, GretaVanSusteren The O'Reilly Factor cc Hannity On Record, GretaVanSusteren The Five *FOOD 17 62 98 44 Diners, Drive What's on the Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive Diners, Drive Diners, Drive D i ners, Drive D i ners, Drive Mystery Diners Health Inspect Diners, Drive Diners, Drive *** "Hovv to Train YourDragon" (2010)Voicesof Jay Baruchel ***"HowtoTrarnYourDragon'(2010) Voices ofJay Baruchel. FX 131 (5:00) *** "Spider-Man 2" (2004)TobeyMaguire, KirstenDunst. HGTV 17 49 33 43 House Hunters Hunters Int'I H un t ers Int'I H unt ers Int'I Extreme Homes(N)'G' « Home StrangeHome(N) G « House Hunters Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I Hunters Int'I *HIST 15 42 41 36 Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars Counting Cars American Pickers Dukeof Oil 'PG' American Pickers TrainWreck'PG Amer. Pickers Love- 1880's How the States Cajun Pawn *** "Pretty Woman"(1990) RichardGere. A corporateraider hires a hooker toact as abusiness escort. LIFE 13 39 20 31 **"A Nannyfor Christmas"(2010) EmmanuelleVaugier. « My Life Is a Lifetime Movie '14' MSNBC 59 59 128 51 Lockup Lockup Lockup Lockup Lockup Lockup MTV 192 22 38 57 Awkward.'14' A w kward.'14 Awkward. '14' A wkward. '14 Awkward. '14' A wkward. '14' Awkward. '14' Awkward. '14' * "T he SweetestThing"(2002)CameronDiaz, Christina Applegate. n NICK 82 46 24 40 iCarly 'G' « iCa r ly 'G' « iCarly 'G' « iCa rly 'G' « iCarly (N) n 'G' « See DadRun n See Dad Run n The Nanny 'PG' The Nanny 'PG' Friends n '14' (11:33) Friends The OprahWinfrey Show n 'PG The OprahWinfrey Show n 'PG' Oprah's Favorite Things: 2012 n 'PG The OprahWinfrey Show n 'PG OWN 161 103 31 103 TheOprah Winfrey Show n 'PG ROOT 20 45 28* 26 High School Football High School Football WIAAClass 3A,SecondSemifinal: TeamsTBA(N)(Live) College Football Washingtonat Washington State(N) ** "Star Wars:EpisodeI —The Phantom Menace" (1999, Science Fiction) LiamNeeson, EwanMcGregor. n ** "Star Wars:Episodeli — Attack oi the Clones" SPIKE 132 31 34 46 (5:00) ** "JurassicPark lll" n ** "Quantum oiSolace" (2008) DanielCraig, OlgaKurylenko. « SYFY 13 35 133 45 (5:00) *** "Casino Royale" (2006)DanielCraig, EvaGreen. « WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) n « TBN 205 60 130 The Harvest Ever Increasing No More Tears Creflo Dollar 'G Fall Praise.A-Thon Pe r ry Stone ** "Facing the Giants" (2006,Drama)Alex Kendrick, ShannenFields. ** "FredClaus" (2007,Comedy)VinceVaughn, Paul Giamatti, Miranda Richardson.Santa's ne'er-do- Tyler Perry's For Tyler Perry's For Tyler Perry's For 'TBS 16 27 11 28 ** "Four Chrislmases" (2008)Vince Vaughn, ReeseWitherspoon. Acouple must somehowfit in four holiday visits with family. « well brother putsChristmas injeopardy. « Better or Worse Better or Worse Better or Worse (5:00) **** "My Fair Lady"(1964,Musical) AudreyHepburn.Professor Henry *** "Camelot" (1967,Musical) RichardHarris, VanessaRedgrave, FrancoNero.Adaptation of the Lerner-Loewemusical (11:15) ** "The Tempest"(1979)Heath TCM Higgins bets hecanrefine cockney Eliza Doolittle. « about King Arthur. « cote Williams,KarlJohnson. *TLC 17 34 32 34 Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Along-Bride Al o ng-Bride Sa y Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride Brides-Hills Bri des-Hills Say Yes: Bride Say Yes: Bride ** "Kiss theGirls" (1997,Mystery) MorganFreeman,Ashley Judd, CaryElwes. Anescaped victim and ** "Dislurbia" (2007) Shia LaBeouf. Atroubled youthsus The Mentalist Theteamprepares to *TNT 17 26 15 27 TheMentalistCodeRedScientistis exposed to adeadly toxin. '14' meet the newboss '14' cc a forensic expert trail a killer. « pects his neighboris a serial killer. « *A&E 13 28 18 32 DuckDynasty 'PQ' cc

Duck Dynasty 'pG' cc


*TOON 84 Regular Show Regular Show *TRAV 17 51 45 42 ExtremeFastFood'PG'«

Regular Show Regular Show Cartoon Planet 'G Burger Land B u rger Land Ghost AdventuresTorHouse'PG' An d y Griffith Andy Griffith TVLND 65 47 29 35 Andy Griffith (7:43) TheAndy Griffith Show 'G ' A ndy Griffith USA 15 30 23 30 **"BadBoys ll"(2003)Martin Lawrence,Will Smith. Twodetectives battle adrug kingpinin Miami. « VH1 191 48 37 54 BehindtheMusicMissyElliott.'14' B e h indtheMusicAaliyahn'14 Behind the Music Brandy. n '14' ENCR FMC FUEL GOLF

King of the Hill King of the Hill American Dad American Dad Family Guy '14' Family Guy '14' Ghost Adventures (N) 'PG' « The DeadFiles Arctic Wrath'PG' The Dead Files 'PG' « Love-Raymond Love-Raymond Hot in Cleveland Happil y Divorced Love-Raymond Love.Raymond ** "Fast & Furious" (2009,Action) Vin Diesel, Paul Walker. « ** "BadBoys ll" (2003) « *** "Soul Power" (2008,Documentary) Premiere. n Be h ind the Music n 'PG' cc

*** "Open Range" 2003,Western Robert Duvall, KevinCostner. n 'R' « 106 401 306401 (6:15) *** "Dazed and Confused" 1993Jason London. n 'R' « (10:20) ** "BatmanReturns" 1992Michael Keaton *** "BlackHawkDown" 2001, WarJosh Hartnett, EwanMcGregor. 'R' « * "The Marine"2006 JohnCena.Thugs kidnap thewife of a soldier FXM Presents 104 204104120(5:00) *"TheMarine" 2006 « 34 The Ultimate Fighter n The Ultimate Fighter n The Ultimate Fighter n The Ultimate Fighter n The Ultimate Fighter n '14 The Ultimate Fighter n '14' 28 301 27 301(3:30) EuropeanPGATour Golf DPWorldTour Championship, SecondRound Golf Central School of Golf School of Golf School of Golf School of Golf School of Golf Golf Central

HALL 66 33 175 33 (5:00) "A ChristmasWeddingTail" Jin g le 8 Bell's J i n gle All Way Jingle & Bell's J ingle All Way It's Christmas,Carol!" (2012, Fantasy) Carrie Fisher. 'G' « HBO 425 501 425501 (5:55) ** "Mr.Popper's Penguins" 2011 'PG'cc 24/7 Pacquiao REAL Sports With Bryant Gumbel Crossfire Hurricane" 2012,Documentary n 'NR' cc IFC 10 1 0 5 Tr apped in the Closet (N) 'MA' Whi s ker Wars P ortlandia '14 Trapped in the Closet 'MA' Trapped in the Closet 'MA Whisker Wars Portlandia '14' MAX 400 508 508 (5:35) *** "Bridesmaids"2011, ComedyKristen Wiig. n 'NR' cc (7:50) ** "FastFive" 2011, Action Vin Diesel.n PG13 cc Hunted Polyhedrus n 'MA' cc NBCSN 27 58 30 209 Basketball Col l ege Basketball Battle for Atlantis: Teams TBA FromParadise Island, Bahamas.(N) NFL Turning Point 'PG' Poker After Dark 'PG' « NGC 157 157 D o omsday Preppers'14 Doomsday PreppersBuggedOut Doomsday PreppersBuggedOut DoomsdayPreppers '14 DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut NTOON 89 115189115 Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Monsuno n 'Y7' Dragonball GT Robot, Monster Odd Parents Wild Grinders n Planet Sheen n Monsuno n 'Y7' Dragonball GT

OUTD 37 307 43 307 Ouffitter Boot S asquatch Driven TV Sav age Wild Yo u r Weapon J i mmy Big TimeHunting, Country Bone Collector Profess. Flyrod * "I Don'tKnowHowShe Doesi" 2011 n 'PG-13 SHO 500 500 * * "T he Perfect Score" 2004ErikaChristensen. n (7:45) *** "50/50" 2011JosephGordon-Levitt. n 'R' « SPEED 35 303125303 Pinks - All Out 'PG' Pinks - All Out 'PG Formula 1Debrief (N) Formula OneRacing BrazilianGrandPrix, Practice Victory STARZ 300 408 300408 (5:45) ** "John Carter" 2012Taylor Kitsch. n 'PG-13' cc Magic City SuicideBlonde n 'MA' B oss Mania n 'MA' « Spartacus Vengeance 'MA' cc *** "Our IdiotBrother" 2011 PaulRudd.'R' « ** "Barry Munday" 2010Patrick Wilson. 'R' « TMC 525 525 (6:15) ** "Barbershop" 2002,ComedyIce Cube.n 'PG-13' « *WE 14 41 174118(5:30) ** "Overboard"1987, Comedy *** "ErinBrockovich" 2000,DramaJulia Roberts, Albert Finney,Aaron Eckhart. 'R Goldie Hawn,Kurt Russell. 'PG'

"Most WonderfulTimeoi year" ** "TheHangoverPart li" 2011 *** "Star Trek:FirstContact Skin to the Max Hunted n 'MA' Poker After Dark 'PG' «

DoomsdayPreppers BuggedOut Dragon Ball Z I ron Man: Armor The Flush Hun t in' World Joan Rivers: Don't Start With Me Unique Whips '14' Camelot Justice n 'MA' « (11:05) ** "Conception" 2011n The Best of Bridezillas 3 '14

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