Bulletin Daily Paper 1-18-13

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Serving Central Oregon since1903 75i t

FRIPAY January18, 201 3

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bendbulletin.com TODAY'S READERBOARD Tax delay —The Oregon Department of Revenue won't

start processing individual re-


turns until eight days later than originally planned.C6

Bend forumexaminesopportunities in unmannedaeria vehices By Elon Glucklich The Bulletin

Distance record —Thls July, two hang gliders flew wingtip to wingtip high above Texas. Both had performed an

Aerospace, defense and advancedtechnology companies across the Pacific Northwest are capitalizing on a push to

expand the market for unmanned aerial vehicles. And Bend is as well positioned as any mid-sized community to help push the young industry forward. That's ac-

cording to a pair of northwest experts on unmanned vehicles and infrared surveillance equipment, who each outlined the industry's potential for growth to more than 150 peo-

ple Thursday at the Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center. A few hours' drive from Bend, a Wilsonville company is building infrared and night vision cameras for unmanned

aerial vehicles. The company, FLIR Systems, makes cameras for the military, forest firefighting crews and a variety of government and commercial uses. SeeUAVs/A6

amazing feat of flight, but only onecouldcome awaywitha world record.A3

Obituary —The original "Dear Abby," a ft trusted, sharp-

penned adviser to millions of readers. B5

Troubled Dreamliner

— How Boeing's 787 comes together, and what the future may hold.AS

In Oregon news —At5 pounds of nearly pure gold, the Armstrong nugget is the biggest such chunkever found

• Local cyclists are not buyingthe now-infamousrider's rationalizations

in Oregon. Now it has a new

home in BakerCity. B6 By Scott Hammers

cycling enthusiasts turned out to watch • Interview the first half o f t h e t w o-part interLance Armstong's long-awaited e x c el'pts, v i e w b etween Armstrong and Oprah admission that h e u sed perfor- A4 Winfrey. m ance-enhancing drugs i n t h e Over the course of the i nterview, years hedominated professional cycling Armstrong confessed use of testosterone was met with jeers Thursday night at and e r y t hropoetein, or EPO,bothbannedby Crow's Feet Commons in downtown the International Cycling Union during all Bend. of hisprofessional career. A crowd of about 30 cyclists and See Reaction/A4

The Bulletin

In world news —Algerian forces storm the remote gas plant where militants had taken



Behind Te'o hoax ies a need to beieve By Monica Hesse The Washington Post

The Internet can be a blunt and brutal place. It's built on unruly mobs moving across the virtual terrain, digesting stories and leaving behind carcasses. But it is also one of the last vestiges of wide-eyed • A puzzle: unfettered What and belief. when The former did Te'o describes how know?C1 it i s t hatthe strange and elusive case of Manti Te'o is being efficiently dissected on the Web. The latter describes how it is that people online could love girlfriends who do not exist. Te'o, a star linebacker at the University of Notre Dame and runner-up for the Heisman Trophy, had made the story of his leukemiastricken girlfriend, Lennay Kekua, an essential part of his personal narrative. She had a photo on Twitter, and he spoke poignantly about their conversations and exchanges. After learning she died,he went out and made 12 tackles against Michigan State, or so the story goes. Except that she didn't die. Because she didn't exist. Kekua was either Te'o's creation — a publicity hoax — or someone else's prank. Either way, the story unraveled when Deadspin.com started pullingthreads. SeeBelieve/A6

Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Professional mountain biker Carl Decker, middle, watches Lance Armstrong's interview with Oprah Winfrey along with other cycling fans Thursday at Crow's Feet Commons in downtown Bend. "Any time he's talked about 'truth,' it's been a farce," Decker said.

• Lance Armstrong's impact on cancer is felt even here By Amanda Miles The Bulletin

The seven consecutive Tour de France titles are gone. The 2000 Olympic bronze medal in cycling has now been stripped. The ban from competition is on. What does remain, after the years of lies and denial, is the impact Lance Armstrong exerted on cancer awareness — even in Central Oregon.

Lance Armstrong was in Bend in 1998, when he won the Cascade Cycling Classic. The Bulletin file photo

On Thursday afternoon,before Arms trong's confessional i n terview w i t h Oprah Winfrey aired, Gary Bonacker said he planned to see what Armstrong had to say. It is in large part through Bonacker, the Sunnyside Sports bicycle and ski shop co-owner, that Armstrong's role as acrusader against cancer has been felt locally. SeeCancer/A4

State andsheriffs' pushbackonguncontro has imited ega standing By Jeff Barnard The Associated Press

GRANTS PASS — From Oregon to Mississippi, President Barack Obama's proposed ban on new assault

TODAY'S WEATHER Sunny High 52, Low 21

Page B6

Inside • More Oregon sheriffs speak,B3

makers, many of whom vowed to ignore any restrictions — and even try to stop federal

weapons and large-capacity

officials from enforcing gun

magazines struck a nerve among rural lawmen and law-

policy in their jurisdictions. But their actual powers to

defy federal law are limited. And much of the impassioned rhetoric amounts to political posturing until — and if — Congress acts. Senate Majority Leader

Harry Reid, a Democrat, said recently it's unlikely an assault weapons ban would actually pass the House of Representatives. SeeGuns /A5

The Bulletin

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INDEX All Ages D1- 6 C lassified Ef - 6 D ear Abby D6 Obituaries B 5 C1-4 Busines s/Stocks C5-6 Comics/Puzzles E3-4 Horoscope D6 Sports Calendar I n GO! Crosswords E4 l o cal & State 81-6 TV/Movies D6, GO!

AnIndependent Newspaper

Vol.110, No. te, 62 pages, 6 sections

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eriasorms osa e si e; ea o uncear

Debt limit —House Republicans mayseekaquick, short-term extension of thegovernment's debt limit, a movethat would avoid animmediate default by the Treasury as the party seeks to maximize leverage in negotiations over spending cuts with President Barack Obama

this spring, officials said Thursday. "All options are on the table asfar as we'r econcerned,"Rep.PaulRyanofW isconsinsaidatanewsconference during a three-day retreat of the rankand file. He said private

discussions focused onhow best to "achieve progress on controlling our deficits and controlling our debt."


By Aomar Ouali

PBklStBII prOiOStS —Thefirebrand cleric who led a massive street

and Paul Schemm

rally aimed at bringing down the Pakistani government called off the protests Thursday after negotiating a settlement with ruling coalition

The Associated Press

+j ~ ALGIERS, Algeria — Algeellnes eaeae agran deeeulle rian helicopters and special forcesstormed a gas plant in a,gavaafsga a)a the stony plains of the Sahara on Thursday to wipe out Is~ gd lamist militants and free hostages from at least 10 countries. Bloody chaos ensued, leaving the fate of the fighters and many of the captives uncertain. D ueling claims from t h e military an d t h e m i l i tants muddied the world's understanding of an event that anOuagaaea Hebbad/The Associated Press gered Westernleaders,raised Algerian men look at newspapers Thursday headlining the terrorist world oil prices and compliattack and kidnapping at a remote Sahara gas plant. cated the international mili-

leaders. Theagreement betweenreligious scholar Tahir-ul-Qadri and

tary operation in neighboring

idea too horrific. Several families boycotted what theycalled acallous

government officials ended a four-day crisis that threatened to upend the country's political landscape.

GOll pOII —Themassacre of children at anelementary school in Newtown, Conn.,appears to beprofoundly swaying Americans' views on guns, galvanizing the broadest support for stricter gun laws inabout


Mali. At least six people, and perhaps many more, were killed — Britons, Filipinos and Algerians. Terrorized hostages from I r eland an d N o r w ay trickled out of the Ain Amenas plant, f a milies u r ging them never to return. Dozens m or e r e m a ined unaccounted for: Americans, Britons, French, Norwegians, Romanians, Mal a y s ians, Japanese, Algerians and the fighters themselves. The U.S. government sent an unmanned surveillance drone to the BP-operated site, near the border with Libya and 800 miles from the Algerian capital, but it could do little more than watch Thursday's intervention. Algeria's armydominated government, hardened by decades of fighting Islamist militants, shrugged

a decade, according to a New York Times/CBS News poll. As President

Barack Obamatries to persuade a reluctant Congress to pass newgun laws, the poll found that amajority of Americans — 54 percent — think gun control laws should be tightened, up markedly from a CBSNews poll in April that found that only 39 percent backed stricter laws.

COIOradO theater —The Colorado cinemawhere 12people were killed and dozens injured in a shooting rampage nearly six months

ago reopenedThursday with a remembrance ceremony and aprivate screening of the fantasy film "The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey" for survivors — but for some Aurora victims, the pain is still too much, the public relations ploy by the theater's owner, Cinemark. They claimed

U.S. I'OBCtlOIl —The Obama administration appeared to be in the

the Texas-basedcompany —which has beenpublicly silent since the

dark Thursdayabout ahostage situation at a natural gasplant in Alge-

July 20 shooting — didn't ask them what should happen to the theater.

ria, where Algerian forces launched a military assault to free dozens

of foreign hostages, including anunknown number of Americans,

IndaneSia flOOding —Torrential rains causedflooding that paralyzed much ofthe Indonesian capital, Jakarta, onThursday, resulting

held by Islamist militants. An administration official said the U.S. was not aware of the raid to free the hostages in advance. The administration was offering no details about how manyAmerican hostages had

in the deaths of at least four people and forcing the evacuations of tens of thousands of others. Parts of the capital were under at least six feet

been takenandwhether they were still in captivity or even alive.

of water, andeventhe presidential palace wasnot spared aswaters rushed into the complex. In the central business district, water levels

Militant vaults to fame —His entourage calls him "the Prince," and after the militant Islamist takeover of atown in

rose to at least f 8 inches.Cars, busesand motorcycles were stranded in the streets, andsoldiers in rubber boats rescuedpeopletrapped in

northern Mali last year, he liked to go down to the river and watch

their homes.

the sunset, surrounded byarmed bodyguards. Others call him "Laaouar," or theOne-Eyed,after he lost an eyeto

Iran inveStigatian —Senior investigators from the LI.N.nuclear

shrapnel; some call him "Mr. Marlboro" for the cig-

watchdog ended two days of intensive talks with Iranian officials on Thursday over allegations the Islamic Republic may have carried out

arette-smuggling monopoly hecreated across the Sahel region to finance his jihad. AndFrench intel-

tests on triggers for atomic weapons.Thesemiofficial Fars news

ligence officials called him "the Uncatchable" be-

agency said the two sides agreed to hold another round of negotiations on Feb. f2.

cause heescaped unharmedafter apparently being Belmokhtar involved in a series of kidnappings in 2003 that captured 32 European tourists, which is thought to have earned him millions of dollars in ransoms. Mokhtar Bel-

mokhtar, 40, born in theAlgerian desert city of Ghardaia, 350

TerrOr SentenCe —A Chicagobusinessman wassentenced to 14 years in prison Thursdayfor providing material support to overseas terrorism, including aPakistani group whose2008 attacks in Mumbai,

miles south of Algiers, is now being called the mastermind of the hostage crisis at an internationally run natural-gas facility in

India, left more than f 60 people dead. Tahawwur Rana did not address the court before U.S. District Judge Harry Leinenweber imposed the

asideforeign offers of help

eastern Algeria. Algerian officials say hemounted theassault on

sentence anddid not react afterward. But hisdefenseattorneys saidthe

and drove ahead alone. With the h ostage drama enteringits second day Thursday, Algerian security forces moved in, first with helicopter fire and then specialforces, according to diplomats, a website close to the militants, and an Algerian security official. The government said it was forced to intervene because the militants were being stubborn and wanted to flee with the hostages. The militants — led by a Mali-based al-Qaida offshoot known as the Masked Brigade — suffered losses in Thursday's military assault, but succeeded in garnering a global audience. Even violence-scarred Algerians were stunned by the b r azen h o stage-taking W ednesday, the biggest i n northern Africa in years and the first to include Americans as targets. Mass fighting in the 1990s had largely spared the lucrative oil and gas industry that gives Algeria its economic independence and regional weight. The hostage-taking raised questions about security for sites run b y m u l t inationals that are dotted across Africa's largest country. It also raised the prospect of s i milar attacks on other countries allied against the extremist warlords and drug traffi ckers who rule a vastpatch of desert across several countries in northwest Africa. Even the heavy-handed Algerian response may not deter groups looking for martyrdom and attention. Casualty figures in the Algerian standoff varied widely. The remote location is extremely hard t o r each and was surrounded by Algerian security forces — who, like the militants, are inclined to advertisetheir successes and minimize their failures. The official news agency said four hostages were killed in Thursday's operation, two Britons and t w o F i l i pinos. Two others, a Briton and an Algerian, died Wednesday in an ambush on a bus ferrying foreign workers to an airport. Citing hospital officials, the APS news agency said six Algerians and seven foreigners were injured. The militants, via a Mauritanian news website, claimed that 35 hostages and 15 militants died in th e helicopter strafing. A s p okesman for the Masked Brigade told the Nouakchott Infor m a tion Agency in M a uritania that only seven hostages survived.

the facility and the mass abduction of foreigners; his spokesmen say the raid is a reprisal for the French military intervention in Mali

judge was right to reject prosecutors' arguments that Rana deserved a stiffer sentence because the charges were related to terrorism.

and for Algeria's quiet support for the Frenchwar against Islamist Syria videO game —A newvideo gamebased onSyria's civil war challenges players to make the hard choices facing thecountry's rebels. Is it better to negotiate peace with the regime of President Bashar

militants in the Sahel. Belmokhtar has been active in politics, moneymaking and fighting for decades in the Sahel, which includes

Mali, Mauritania andNigerand is oneof the poorest regions in the world. But through this single action, one of the most brazen kid-

Assad, for example, or dispatch jihadist fighters to kill pro-government thugs? The British designer of "Endgame: Syria" says he hopes the

nappings inyears,hehassuddenlybecome oneofthebest-known figures associated with the Islamist militancy sweeping the region

game will inform peoplewho might otherwise remain ignorant about

and agitating capitals around the world.

the conflict.

Dil workers pulled —Taking no chances, global oil companies evacuated scores of employeesfrom Algeria on Thursday after the

Natalie WOOd inquiry —Robert Wagnerhas declined to be

attack and hostage-taking at the remote Ain Amenas natural gas

interviewed by detectives in a renewed inquiry into the drowning death of his wife Natalie Wood three decades ago, an investigator said

field. Only ahandful of companies acknowledged that they were

Thursday. Wagnerwas interviewed by authorities soon after Wood's

removing personnel, but oil executives in the U.S. said foreign oil

drowning in1981, but the actor is the only person who was on the yacht the night Wood died who has not spoken to detectives as part of

service companieswere inthe process of quietly removing several hundred workers until they wereconfident that the security situa-

the latest inquiry, despite repeatedrequests and attempts, sheriff's Lt.

tion was stable. Statoil, the Norwegian oil company that partnered with BP in the remote Ain Amenas field that was attacked by mili-

John Corina said.

tants, said it would remove 40nonessential employees working at

Florida voting —Twomonths after Florida wasdenounced for its

three gas facilities by Thursday night. BP said it was evacuating an undisclosed number of administrative workers, and Spain's Com-

chaotic election process, Gov. Rick Scott on Thursday endorsed three

major changesproposed bythe state's election supervisors. Scott said he would support increasing thenumber of early voting days, includ-

pania Espanola dePetroleos announced that it was removing its field workers from two Algerian facilities in the desert. — From wire reports

ing adding back the Sunday before Election Day, widening the range of polling places and reducing the length of ballots. — From wire reports



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TART • Discoveries, breakthroughs, trends, namesin the news— the things you needto knowto start out your day

It's Friday, Jan. 18, the 18th day of 2013. There are 347 days left in the year.

MILESTONE HAPPENINGS LOttery death —Authorities plan to exhume the body of a Chicago man who died of

cyanide poisoning last summer after winning a million-dollar lottery.

i in oaiecoi on e exaswin For two friendly rivals, the day started with a chance to break the hang glider

ArmStrOng —The first part

distance record. It ended after a journey of more than 475 miles — about the

of the cyclist's Oprah interview airs.A1

distance from New York to Detroit — and one man's slim margin of victory.

s dt ltrt. ti t dt'ttd


HISTORY Highlight:In1943, during World War II, Jewish insurgents in the Warsaw Ghetto launched

their initial armed resistance against Nazi troops, who even-

tuallysucceeded incrushing the rebellion. TheSoviets announced they'd broken through

the long Nazisiege of Leningrad (it was another yearbefore the siege was fully lifted). In the

U.S., a ban onthe sale of presliced bread —aimedat reducing bakeries' demand for metal

replacement parts — went into effect. In1778, English navigator Captain James Cook reached the

present-day Hawaiian Islands, whichhe named the "Sandwich

Islands." In1862,the tenth president of the United States, John Tyler, died in Richmond, Va., at age

71, shortly before hecould take his seat as an elected member

of the ConfederateCongress. In1871,William I of Prussia

was proclaimedGermanEmperor in Versailles, France. In1911,the first landing of an aircraft on a ship took place as pilot Eugene Ely brought his

Curtiss biplane in for asafe landing on the deck of the ar-

mored cruiser USSPennsylvania in SanFrancisco Harbor. In 1949, Charles Ponzi, engineer of one of the most spectacular mass swindles in history, died destitute at a hospital in Rio de

Janeiro at age66. In1957,a trio of B-52s completed the first nonstop, roundthe-world flight by jet planes,

landing at MarchAir Force Base in California after more than 45 hours aloft. In1967, Albert DeSalvo, who claimed to be the "Boston Strangler," was convicted in

Cambridge, Mass., of armed robbery, assault andsex offenses. (Sentenced to life, DeSalvo was killed in prison in

1973.) In1970,DavidOman McKay, the ninth president of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, died at the age of 96. In1988,a China Southwest Airlines llyushin 18 crashed while

on approach toChongqing Airport, killing all108 people on board. In 1993, the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday was observed in all 50 states for the first time.

Tenyearsago:TopU.N. officials warned Iraq it wasrunning out of time to cooperate and avoid war. Protesters nation-

wide and overseasdemonstrated in opposition to possible war in Iraq.

Five yearsago:With recession fears rising andthestock market tumbling, President George W. Bush called for up to $150 billion in tax relief for consum-

ers and business, saying there was no time to waste.

One yearago:President Barack Obama rejected aCanadian company's plan to build aU.S.spanning, 1,700-mile pipeline to

carry oil across six U.S.states to Texas refineries. Wikipedia and other websites went dark in protest of two congressional

proposals intended tothwart the online piracy of copyrighted

movies and TVprograms.

BIRTHDAYS Movie director John Boorman

is 80. Former Sen.Paul Kirk, D-Mass., is 75. Actor-director

Kevin Costner is 58. Comedian DaveAttell is 48. Rapper DJ Quik is 43. Rock singer

Jonathan Davis (Korn) is 42. NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous is 40.

Actor Jason Segel is 33. Country singer Kristy LeeCook(TV: "American Idol") is 29. — From wire reports


By A.G. Sulzberger New York Times News Service

The clouds stretched across the Texas sky like a highway. And soaring along those lanes, lofted nearly 8,000 feet by the hot air rising from the Earth, two hang gliders raced in tight pursuit of the most prized feat in this high-adrenaline niche sport: farthest ever flown. The men, Jonny Durand and Dustin Martin, had already journeyed 438miles in 10hours,

splitting up and converging as each pursued his own path alongside the red-tailed hawks and turkey vultures. Against all odds, they were now flying nearly wingtip to wingtip. Because of the consoles of gadgets mounted on their control bars, the two men knew that they had now flown farther than any person ever had using

Getting a lift Hang gliders lose altitude at about 200 feet per minute. So to fly long

distances, they rely on a series of thermals to help maintain height. ~



Hang glider

Glide Joshua Lott/New YorkTimes NewsService

Thermals Columns of rising warm air that are formedwhen the Earth's surface is heated unevenly by the sun. The hang glider pilot reads cloud formations to hunt for these invisible columns. Flying in tight circles near the center gives the glider the best lift.

Dustin Martin glides above the desert in the vicinity of Maricopa, Ariz. As he and Jonny Durand pursued a hang gliding distance record, they were often within shouting distance of each other.

Cloud base

Thermal column (invisible)

air was warming, and the men were climbing higher with almost every thermaL The diffi-

---.Circular flight path

cult morning flying was giving

Hang glider

a hang glider. Having launched near the southern tip of Texas in July, a few miles from Mexico, the two men had pushed north, propelled by the fierce flatland See a morein-depth graphic wind, and at times had reached atdeodhulletio.com/extras more than80 miles perhour. There was Durand, dangling under his Red Bull-sponsored from Durand and the prospect wing, who had prophesied that of missing a rare opportunity morning, "I've got a good feel- provoked Martin to make a ing about today." The archetype few phone calls. He consulted of the adventurous Australian, with other pilots in Zapata and he was known to friends as confirmed that the sky seemed someone who operated best more promising than usual. He with a few margaritas or at connected with his main sponleast a decent hangover. sor, hang glider manufacturer And there, soaring along- Wills Wing, which said it would side, was Martin, the quiet, send a check for $2,500 overperpetually destitute product of night to pay the entrance fee the American West. Ever since and other costs. he had started working at an One thought above all had airport as a teen, earning less changed his mind: "I d idn't than he handed back for his want Jonny to fly 500 miles flyinglessons,he had scraped while I just sat here." together just enough on the ground to spend as much time 'See youup there' as possible off it. Most mornings in Z apata They c a l led t h e mselves begin with a debate about the friends. But rivals better fit the weather. The pilots, conscious jaunty,"sureyou're up forthis?" that margins matter when it competitiveness of the daring comes to breaking records, prodigies. As they flew past agreed they must wait for the the old world-record distance, right day. They differed about the question turned first to how what that would look like. much farther they could go. But On the morning of July 3, as thesun retreated and they the conditions were something began theirdescent, another short of perfect. The sky was a question began to nag at the bit too clear; only a few white two men: Who would go the puffs clouded the blue expanse. farthest'? The wind could have been stronger. The ground was still Zapata, Texas moist from heavy rain a few A sports record offers a small days earlier. claim to immortality: certified Despite his late arrival and evidence that a person not only some mild protest from Dulivedbut excelled. The pursuit of rand, Martin was allowed to this particularrecord — farthest launch first because he was the ever flown — had for more than first to get his hang glider asa decade drawn some of the sembled and on the runway. world's best hang glider pilots to Like the other pilots, Martin Zapata, a dingy border town at carriedenough technology to the southern tip of Texas. fill a carry-on suitcase: a global The low-lying area seems an positioning device that helped unlikely home for a high-alti- him determine his route, a tude sport. But the town had variometer that measured how been identified by Gary Osoba, quickly he was rising or falling, a former hang gliding pilot who a fli ght data recorder forrecord studied decades of w eather verification, a two-way radio to data to find the place with the communicate with other pilots best meteorological conditions and support crew, a rescue beafor long flights. con in case he found himself There, in 2000, Osoba started stranded in remote country, what he called the World Re- and a strobe light in case he cord Encampment, which drew landed after sunset. some of the best hang glider piHe strappedinto his harness, lotseach summer to chase vari- which suspends the pilot into a ous distance records. "Almost prone position below the wing. everyone who goes to Zapata On the ground, he kept his feet has had the longest flight of free for launching, but once in their lives," said David Glover, a the air, he would zip himself businessman in Oklahoma City into the harness like a sleeping who has attended most years. bag. Martin was at home in ScottFinally he turned to Durand. "See you up there." sdale, Ariz., on the night of June 29 when his cellphone rang. It was Jonny Durand. He and a Dustin Martin handful of other gifted pilots At 9:57 a.m., the tow bridle had assembled in Zapata. They attached to Martin's hang glidexpectedto be there forweeks. er snapped tight. Conditions were excellent. And There are two waysthat hang Durand wanted his rival to join gliders typically get into the air. them. The traditional approach is to Martin had intended to skip run off the top of a hill, mounthe 2012 gathering because he tain or cliff. But pilots also use was broke and, as he reminded a technique that has made the anyone willing to listen to his sport far less beholden to local trademark rant, he hated the topography: towing. place. But the combination of A line is attached from a some good-natured needling plane to the pilot and then


Ground I New York Times News Servtce

pulled forward until the hang glider is brought into the air. In Zapata, the pilots used a slowflying, experimental propeller plane designed for the task and called "the dragonfly." And with the plane sputtering forward, Martin suddenly lifted into the air, riding its wake like a water skier. Once he had reached 3,000 feet off the ground, he pulled a cord releasing him from the plane. He was, at last, in the sky and on his own. Once in the air, Martinassessed the landscape. The humid morning air dulled the view, creating the illusion that the thicket of mesquite and prickly pear below extended forever. Because a hang glider is constantly descending, a pilot must find columns of warm rising air, called thermals, to gain the altitude needed to stay in the sky. So Martin traveled cautiously, watching for soaring birds and developing clouds to detect areas with lift, while eyeing the ground to make sure he had abackup plan ifhe kept descending.

way to a great afternoon. After coming close several times, Durand finally caught up to Martin near Carrizo Springs, 114 miles into the trip. It was I p.m. Theyhad been communicating by radio, trading bearings and cracking jokes, and both men were anticipating flying together, with more a sense of relief than rivalry. "I knew that if we could help each other out, life was going to be that much easier," Durand said. As if to prove the point, soon afterward, they hit their biggest thermal of the trip, circling each other as they rose 1,000 feet a minute. The contest between the two men developed a leapfrog rhythm. A mistake by the pilot in front was seized upon by the pilot in back, and the lead changed. Then another battle to catch up. And then a repeat. After hours of flying close together, suddenly, Martin shot miles ahead.

The record falls Though the official record was 435 miles, the real number to beat was 438 — the farthest anyone had ever flown in a

hang glider.

As that moment approached, Martin, having built a seemingly i n surmountable l ead, watched his GPS to see when the number ticked over. It was like watching a clock on New Year's Eve, using technology to confirm a landmark that would otherwise be impossible to recognize. "I was already celebrating my record," Martin said. jonny Durand And then suddenly, there was Durand took off a t 1 0:10 Durand, flying within shouting a.m., 13 minutes after Martin. distance. Thirty miles from Zapata, DuThe two men were shocked rand spotted him for the first to see each other again aftime. The gray wing with blue ter nearly two hours apart. "I and white stripes was just a couldn't believe my eyes," Duspeck in the sky, about three miles ahead. The men were approaching Laredo, an old river crossing that had grown into a Central Oregon bustling hub of border country. • Derm a tology Mark Hall, Mo The sky, which had been mostly clear when they took off, was filling with clouds. The d I .







rand said. "I thought I'd never see him again." Then, at 8:34, Martin hit a small thermal. The pocket of lift was so light that he was not even going up at all; he was being lifted just enough to offset his descent, a p henomenon pilots call "zero sink." Martin circled for six minutes, staying even to the ground but gaining 262 feet of height on his rival. The realization hit Durand at once. In a journey that had lasted hundreds of miles, these 262 feet would be the difference. Durand, speaking to his video camera, made a painful

peace: "He's going to get me by a little bit."

The journeyends Durand had flown morethan 472 miles, or about the distance from New York to Detroit. So far, in fact, that the sun was setting as he landed, 26 minutes later than it had in Zapata. As soon as his feet reunited with the ground, Durand typed a message into his flight tracker that was seen by people watching the final moments online around the world: "I just landed and would like a margarita." Later, after Martin had landed three miles farther, near the small town of Lorenzo, the two men had an awkward reunion, full of celebration and freighted humor that c ontinued during the 12-hour drive back to Zapata. Durand remained there for a couple of more weeks, cultivating a list of excuses for his second-place showing as he tried again and again to break the record. Martin left as soon as he had submitted the paperwork for the record book. 5

IN !

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Reaction Continued from A1 T he cyclist a d mitted t o d oping during each of t h e seven years he won his nowstripped Tour de France titles, but claimed he was not using banned substances during his considerably less-successful comeback beginningin 2008. Crow's F ee t Co m m o ns owner David Marchi said he anticipated th e A r m s trong i nterview w ould d r a w o u t strong emotions. "Bend is kind of a cycling t own, so w h y n o t t u r n i t into a Rocky Horror Picture Show minus the tomatoes?" he said. The crowd at Crow's Feet Commons was rarely sympathetic, particularly w h en Armstrong seemingly t r ied to rationalize his doping. His claim to have used EPO, "but not a lot," and the idea he was "running low" on testosterone due to the cancer that claimed one of his testicles prompted snorts of laughter from much of the audience. Carl Decker, a Bend native who has spent 15 years as a professional mountain bike racer, said Armstrong's doping was a poorly kept secret inside the racing world. " Everyone t h at's w i t h i n cycling as deep as I am, any time he's talked about 'truth,' it's been a farce,"Decker said. "People who are deep within the sport know that." Decker said that while he had no first-hand knowledge of Armstrong's use of banned substances, over beers with former U.S. Postal Service team riders — the team with which Armstrong won Tour de France titles — he often heard details of the team's d oping regimen, and h o w Armstrong used fear and intimidation to keep his teammates in line. "Through a little innuendo, and some wink-wink, nodnod, you get the idea — he's a gangster," he said. Adam Craig, a professional mountain bike racer and 2008 Olympian, said though t he Armstrong/Winfrey i n terview is "something people will tal k a b out f orever," it may not be enough to repair the damage widespread doping has done to professional

cycling. As Armstrong alluded to during his interview, Craig recalled the shift in cycling's drug testing procedures that began around 2004. As cycling's governing bodies adopted better tests and moved toward testing riders in be-


What hesaid

to gain by fessing up. Bonacker met A r mstrong in 2004 at a cycling fundraising event in Texas for the L ivestrong Foundation, the cancer awareness and survivorship organization that Armstrong founded. "That was for him very profound," said Susan Bonacker, G ary Bonacker's wife a n d another Sunnyside co-owner, about her husband. "And in my mind, you can't really take that away.... But I think that Gary personally, and I think the community as a whole via the Tour des Chutes has benefited hugely from that because he came back with a kind of a mission. And ... I credit Lance Armstrong for that." Gary B onacker's experience inTexas gave rise to the Tour des Chutes. The event is a Central Oregon-based cycling tour that began in 2005, is held annually in July and also raisesfunds for cancer survivorship programs. In the first couple of years,Bonacker said, the money raised went to the Livestrong Foundation, but


light on the details and didn't name names. But right from the start and more than two dozen times during the first of a two-

i.l. )


part interview Thursday night with OprahWinfrey on her OWN network, the disgraced former cycling champion acknowledged what he had lied about repeatedly for years, and what had been

- <Hearer~


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one of the worst-kept secrets for the better part of a week: Hewas the ringleader of an elaborate doping scheme on a U.S. Postal Service team that swept him to the top of the podium at the Tour

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de France timeafter time. Below, an excerpt of his comments:

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"I will start (by) saying this is too late. It's too late probably for most people. And that's my fault. I view this situation as one big lie that I repeated a lot of times."

~ iHeatI

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"That's like saying, 'We have to have air in our tires or water in our bottles.' That was, in my view, part of thejob."

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Asked if he felt that in order to keep winning, he had to keep doplllg:


-'-.'-IHeater ~@ I'1

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"I went and looked up the definition of cheat. And the definition is to gain an advantage on a rival or foe. I didn't view it that way. I viewed it as a level playing field." "This story was so perfect for so long. It's this myth, this perfect story, and it wasn't true." "It's a major flaw, and it's a guy who expected to get whatever he wanted and to control every outcome. And it's inexcusable. And when I say there are people who will hear this and never forgive me, I understand that. I do...." — From wire reports tween races, the risks of doping have been elevated, he said, even if the problem has not been eliminated. Still, Craig said the stakes are so high in road racing, he wouldn't be surprised if the sport's top riders have found a yet u ntestable means of boosting their performance. "It's not even about morals; it's about money," Craig said, adding he's suspicious of any big-budget road cycling team. "I don't have a lot of confidence in these guys." F ormer p r o ra c e r E r i c Meglasson said he's angered when he hears A r m strong a nd o t hers w h o 'v e b e e n caught up by the crackdown

on doping in cycling describe their choice to use performance-enhancing drugs as a personaldecision. Years of doping scandals scared away many companies that once sponsored cyclingteams, he

said, killing off opportunities for cyclists and others associated with racing. "That's a f f ected p e ople I've known, and hundreds of people who had nothing to do with this and lost their jobs as a result," Meglasson said. A rmstrong wa s s t il l a n amazing cyclist, Meglasson said, and might w ell h ave won his seven Tour de France titles had all of the riders of his generation been clean. Meglasson said Armstrong's high-profile fall from grace may be what it takes to get t hrough t o c y c l i sts l o o k ing to gain an edge on the competition. "Young riders hear about riders going to j a il , l osing their sponsorships, it's prob-

ably going to make people t hink t w i ce, a t l e ast, an d that's a good thing," he said. — Reporter: 541-383-0387, shammers@bendbulletirLcom

Cancer Continued from A1 Armstrong is a survivor of testicular cancer, while Bonacker was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2003. "I think that he, for a lot of cancer patients, and myself included, for a long time, kind of really looked up to him," Bonacker said. "And here's a guy who beat cancer and now he's gone on to win the Tour de France a number of times. This is like, this is so cool. And then you find out you've kind of been duped by the whole thing." The news, by Armstrong's own admission, that he had used performance-enhancing drugs did not come as asurprise to Bonacker. Instead, he wondered more about Armstrong's motive for coming clean now, or what Armstrong feels he has


He did it. He finally admitted it. LanceArmstrong doped. Hewas

Rob Kerr/The Bulletin

Gary Bonacker, who was diagnosed with brain cancer in 2003, started the Tour des Chutes cycling event in Central Oregon that raises money for cancer charities, including the Livestrong Foundation, which Lance Armstrong founded.


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S imilar infrared heaters of t h i s q uality a r e ex p e nsive, t h e s u g gested retail on this unit is $499.95, but state residents are being urged t o call t h e T o l l F r e e h o t l Ines at 1-855-805-1687 because the first 362 callers who beat the 48-hour deadline will be able to claim one of these infrared iHeaters and have it delivered directly to their door for only $159 and the shipping is free. This is an extraordinary opportunity for those in need of help on winter heating bills to take advantage of this zip code distribution. "We're bracing ourselves for all the calls because a program like this, for an infrared heater of this quality, has never been releasedbefore. So if the lines are busy, keep trying. We'll answer every call in the order they are received" Brinkman said.

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since 2007, about two-thirds of the funds have been given to the locally based St. Charles Cancer Survivorship Program at the St. Charles Cancer Center and the rest to Livestrong. In 2012, 1,400 riders participated, and theevent generated more than $100,000, Bonacker said. Bonacker also helped that St. Charles program get off the ground, he said. While on a bike ride, he and a friend decided that there was a local need for a more broadly based cancer support program that provided help and offered guidance to patients with all types of cancers. St. Charles just had a support program for breast cancer patients. Bonacker pitched the idea to the cancer center. "We were basically just the fire under their feet," Bonacker noted. "They did the work." The cancer survivorship program reaches hundreds of Central Oregonians each year, said Lizzi Katz, one of the survivorship and community education coordinators for the St. Charles Cancer Center. And it is open to cancer-affected Central Oregonians at large, not just those being treated at St. Charles. "Now, we have just so much

more community support for people in our community no matter what kind of cancer they're facing," Katz said. Among the programs and materials Katz listed as being available are a monthly meeting called DEFEATcancer that Katz described as "survivorship empowerment"; a survivor network for young adults; an annual weekend summer camp at Suttle Lake near Sisters; nutrition support and support groups; school education programs; and educationmaterials.The program receives much of its funding from the Tour des Chutes, Katz said, and it has received grant money from Livestrong in the past but does not currently. A rmstrong may n o w b e portrayed and thought of as a villain, but what he has done for the cancer movement continues. "The positive of what he did changed the way we see cancer survivorship," Katz said. "Where it used to be, people were defeated by having cancer, people now can have victory over it even if they're living with it." — Reporter: 541-383-0393 amiles®bendbulletin.com.



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anewi ur uen is o aces uncer ain u ure By Joshua Freed and Joan Lowy

Boeing787Dreamliner's assembly iscomplex Boeing's flagship airliner is an ultra-modern jet built with composites of carbon and epoxy instead

of aluminum sheeting, offering the jet advantages in fuel savings and extended range. Components are built by contractors in 10 countries. Major assembly is at four key U.S. plants.

Major components, countries of contractors 0 U.S. nose,

England landing gear

leading edges, engine pylons, aft fuselage, engine nacelles, vertical fin

0 France

0 Sweden

passenger doot's

cargo bay doors

Japan midsection, fixed trailing edges, wingbox fuselage section, wings

H Canada

Italy midsections, horizontal stabilizers

China rudder, vertic a l fin l e a d ing edge, wing - t o-body fair i n g panels

wing-to-body fairing assembly, landing gear doors

I W Australia moveable trailing edges, inboard flaps

S o uth

Korea wing tips, tail cone

Putting the pieces together Final assembly Everett, Wash. Electrical

Nose section


Wichita, Kan.

Charlotte, N.C.

Tail section, final assembly Charleston, S.C. Sources: Reuters, USAToday, AP, Boeing, UTC Aerospace Systems, Charleston Post and Courier, McClatchy Washington Bureau

Robert Dorrell /© 2012 Mcclatchy-Tribune News Service


enforce any executive order by the president that violates the Constitution. "If someone kicks open my door and they're entering my home, I'd like as many bullets as I couldtoprotect my children, and if I only have three, then the ability for me to protect my family is greatly diminished," Bryant said. "And what we're doing now is saying, 'We're standing against the federal government taking away our civil liberties."' Tennessee Republican state Rep. Joe Carr wants to make it a state crime for federal agents to enforce any ban on firearms or ammunition. Carr instead called for more armed guards at schools. "We're tired of political antics, cheap props of using children as bait to gin up emotional attachment for an issue that quite hon-

Continued from A1 Absent action by Congress, all that remains are 23 executive ordersObama announced that apply only to the federal government, not local or state law enforcement. Gun advocates have seen Obama as an enemy despite his expression ofsupport for the interpretation of the Second Amendment as a personal right to have guns. So his call for new measures — including background checks for all gun buyers and Senate confirmation of a director of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives— tri ggered new vows of defiance. In Mississippi, Gov. Phil Bryant, a Republican, urged the Legislature to make it illegal to

T he 787, known a s t h e Dreamliner, is Boeing's newest jet, and the company is counting heavily on its success. But since its launch after delays of more than three years, the plane has been plagued by a series of problems including a battery fire and fuel leaks. U.S. officials and a Boeing engineer are due in Japan today to assist with an investigation into the All Nippon Airways 787 that made an emergency landing Wednesday at Takamatsu airport. The plane landed after a cockpitmessage showed battery problems and a burning smell was detected in the cockpit and cabin. The battery was swollen from overheating, a safety official said Thursday, as India joined the U.S. and Japan in grounding the technologically advanced aircraftbecause of fire risk. A ir I n d ia's d e cision t o ground its fleet of six Boeing 787s meansthat some 36 ofthe 50 jets in use around the world are now out of action. Japan's ANA, which has 17 of the 787s, and Japan A i r lines, which has seven, voluntarily halted flights Wednesday after the emergency landing. In Washington, the Federal Aviation Administration also required U.S.carriers to stop flying 787s until the batteries are demonstrated to be safe. So far, no one has suggested that the plane's fundamental design can't be fixed. But it's unclear how much will need to

The 787 is the first plane to make extensive use of lithiumion batteries, which have been 2010 the focus of concerns in the Sept. 9:Fire during test past for their potential to catch flight forces emergency fire. The FAA issued a special landing of 787 rule for their use in the 787. The plane has two batteries 2012 — the main one near the front July 28:Debris falls from and a second one in the rear. 787 engine, ignites grass fire Boeing and the airlines will at Charleston, S.C., airport need to move quickly to deterDec. 4:United Airlines 787 mine whether the problem is makes emergency landing a flaw in the batteries themin New Orleansafter power selves, in the plane's wiring or generator fails in some other area that's funDec. 13:Qatar Airways damental to the plane's electrical system. grounds Dreamliner with same generator issue Boeing has booked orders for morethan 800 ofthe planes 2013 from airlines around the world Jan. 7:Battery fire erupts attracted by its increased fuel on empty Japan Airlines efficiency. 787 at Boston airport The jet's lightweight design Jan. 8:Fuel leak forces makes it more of a fuel-sipper, another JapanAirlines 787 and it's so lightweight in part to return to Boston because it uses electricity to do things that other airplanes Jan. 10-11:All Nippon do with hot air vented through Airways reports oil leak, internal ducts. So a 787 with cracked cockpit window on electrical problems is like a Dreamliner minivan that won't haul kids. Jan. 12:Another Nippon It goes to the heart of what the Airways 787 makes thing was built to do. emergency landing in Japan Mike Sinnett, chief engineer after battery overheats on the 787, said last week that Source: McClatchy-Tribune the plane's batteries have opNews Service erated through a combined 1.3 million hours and never had be changed. an internal fault. He said they The remedy could range were built with multiple profrom r e l atively q u i ck-and- tections to ensure that failures easy improvements to more "don't put the airplane at risk." extensive changes that could The lithium-ion design was delay deliveries just as Boeing chosen because it's the only is trying to speed production type of battery that can take a up from five planes per month large charge in a short amount to 10. of time.

"Our kids grow up around firearms, and they also grow up hunting, and they know what the consequencesare of taking a life," Hicks said. "We're not insulated from the real world in Wyoming." In Utah, some Republicans are preparing legislation to exempt the state from federal gun laws — and fine any federal agents who try to seize guns. A bill in the Alaska House would make it a misdemeanor for a federalagent to enforce new restrictions on gun ownership. While such proposals are eye-catching, they likely could neverbe implemented. "The legislature can pass anything it wants," said Sam Kamin, a constitutional law professor at the University of Denver. "The Supremacy Clause of the Constitution makes that

clearly unconstitutional. Where there's a conflict between state and federal law, the federal government is supreme." Kaminandotherlegal experts said such disdain of obama's proposals is reminiscent of former Confederate states' refusal to comply with federal law extending equal rights for blacks after the Civil War. The National Sheriff's Association has supported administration efforts to combat gun violence after the Sandy Hook Elementary shootings. President Larry Amerson, sheriff of Calhoun, Ala., said he understands the frustrations of people in rural areas with the federal government. But he feels his oath of office binds him to uphold all laws. "Any sheriff who knows his duty knows we don't enforce

The Associated Press

estly doesn't solve the problem," Carr said. Legislative proposals to preempt new federal gun restrictions also have arisen in Wyoming, Utah and Alaska. A Wyoming bill specifies that any federal limitation on guns would be unenforceable. It also would make it a state felony for federal agents to try to enforce restrictions. "I think there are a lot of people whowould want totake all of our guns if they could," said cosponsor Rep. Kendell Kroeker, a Republican. "And they're only restrained by the opposition of the people, and other lawmakers who are concerned about our rights." Republican state Sen. Larry Hicks credited Wyoming's high rate of gun ownership for a low rate of gun violence.

787's troudles

federal law, per se," said Amerson, a longtime firearms instructor and hunter. Some rural sheriffs view the federal government as an adversary, with gun ownership at the core of that belief. The Constitutional Sheriffs and Peace Officers Association, based in Fredericksburg, Texas, encourages that point of view. Founder Richard Mack, a former sheriff of Apache County, Ariz., speaks regularly at gatherings of Tea Party groups and gun rights organizations. "I will tell Mr. Obama and everybody else who wants to impose gun control in America, that whether you like it or not, it is against the law," said Mack. "Now we have good sheriffs who are standing up and defendingthe law against our own president." 'wr ( >ati

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Bend plant. But the industry was ravaged by the recession: Continued from A1 Between 2006 and 2010, DesThe cameras can detect peo- chutes County lost 84 percent ple on the ground from 14 miles of its transportation manufacaway, tracking their body heat, turing jobs, according to OrJohn Lester Miller, chief techni- egon Employment Department cal officer with the company's data. systems surveillance division, There are reasons to extold the Riverhouse attendees. pect a rebound in the aviation Miller sees more uses evolv- industry, said Tom Hagen, a ing for the company's cameras, senior manager with Boeing's especially in the f irefighting Phantom Works, the Seattle and search-and-rescue fields. company's defense and secuAnd i f t h e i n dustry k eeps rity wing. growing, Miller said, "We are The company ha s b e en talking about opening a facil- building UAVs since 1980, Haity (in Central Oregon) to test some ofour systems." Adding companies like FLIR would be huge wins for Central Oregon's job base. Deschutes County, similar to many communities, has seen employment at advanced engineering and scientific companies O hold steady, while many other Water private-sector industries have Heater shrunk, figures from the U.S. King!'8 ® Bureau of L a bo r S t atistics show. The Federal Aviation Adm inistration a n nounced i n February that it was looking for six sites to test unmanned aerial vehicles, or UAVs. Central Oregon officials have met several times since in an effort to put the region at the center of this push. The region was an aircraft manufacturing an d m a intenance hub as recently as 2008, anchored by Cessna's former

gen said. Many of the industry's most groundbreaking innovations are recent. His company has been working to develop a UAV model fueled by hydrogen. And they're generating interest on early plans to develop smaller UAVs that can communicate with each other in the air by way of a computerized network. "It takes a fairly robust network to take on that task," Hagen said. "But there's a lot of interest and activity in this area." Aerospace and defense market research firm Teal Group

Corporation projects spending on UAV testing and development to more than double between 2010 and 2020. Where does Central Oregon come into play? There are numerous opportunities, both within the military and out, Hagen said. "I see a lot of growth (for UAVs) in areas like precision agriculture," using the planes to spray their crops remotely, he said. Disaster response also presents opportunities. "It's communities like Bend and a bevy of others around

the country where companies are coming up with great ideas and responding to challenges in this industry," he said. Rod Ray, CEO of Bend Research, Inc., and officials with Oregon State University-Cascades Campus and Economic Development for Central Oregon set up Thursday's event, called the Tech Forum. T hursday's Tech F o r u m came following a few private discussions. Ray said members of Central Oregon's scientific and technology communities collaborate regularly on ideas.



l t

Employees at one local company often move to others. But sharing their ideas with a wider audience can heighten the spirit of cooperation and lead to new innovations. "We thought there needed to be a place in Central Oregon where members of the tech community could get together, share resources, licensing philosophies and business strategies," Ray said. "We're going to do this periodically, three times a year maybe." — Reporter: 541-617-7820, egfuchfich@bendbulletin.com


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1.6 gallon flush. White. Round bowl. ¹200528807 ¹200528815 MSRP: $159.5•



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Believe Continued from A1 "To realize that I was the victim of what was apparently someone's sick joke and constant lies was, and is, painful and humiliating," said Te'o in a statementissued Wednesday evening. Immediately, people beganto question this explanation. Te'o had claimed to have known Kekua for three years. How could he have been duped for so long? And how could he consider her his girlfriend, when they had never met? One of the interesting aspects of the Internet is the way that the veil of anonymity has come to providea false sense of authenticity. On the website Reddit.com, one of the most popular features is "I Am A" in which users describe their unique life experiences - "I am a firefighter," "I am a guy who had a heart attack today," "I am one of the 50 wounded in the Aurora theater shooting"and invite readers to ask anything they want. Sometimes proof of identity is demanded, but often the willingness to be present and be vulnerableis accepted asits own evidence. After all, in an anonymous forum, with nothing to gain, why would someone lie? "I think he got duped." Nev Schulman knows something about beingduped online.Two years ago, he was the subject of "Catfish," a documentary that chronicled his blossoming Facebook relationship with a young woman who lived a thousand miles away — and who turned out to be a fraud. Now "Catfish" has become an MTV show; he and co-host Max Joseph travel around the country helping lovelorn individuals figure out why their online paramours don't want to meet in real life. The person behind the keyboard is never the one in the picture. The show is a lost-love story for our modern times. At its root, this was a story about the deep need to believe. What complicates that is that it's not clear whether Manti Te'o wanted to believe in a beautiful, fake girlfriend or whether we wanted to believe in him. The impulse obviously isn't unique to the Internet — the rundown of never-was frauds sweeps back decades, including "Tony Godby Johnson," whose middle-aged creator h o o dwinked legions into believing she was an AIDS-stricken little boy. But the Internet has made it infinitely easier. Witness the 2011 story of Amina Arraf, a

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gay female Syrian blogger who was actually a straight American man. This time, if the hoax was on Te'o, then the compartmentalized relationship has suddenly exploded, taking over the rest of his life and defining him as the man with the fake, dead girlfriend. If the hoax was on us, then the gears of the Internet will continue to whir, ferreting out details of the betrayal and proving that, even if nobody knows you're a dog online, someone is going to eventually find out.

(IFl I •


Designer styling. 1.6 gallon flush. White. Elongated bowl. ¹200532693 MSRP: $415.00

20" x 17" oval. White china. 4" drilled. Cascadian. 200305069 MSRP: $55.65


i i t


I I '

ALLATOURBENDSTORE: 61455S. 3rd (old Hwy.97) 541-330-1777 Sale prices valid through Monday,January 21, 2013.All items limited to stock on hand. Photos for illustration purposes.Actual items/finish may vary. See store for details. Oregon CCB¹2734. '0% APR FINANCINGOFFER:The Wells FargoOutdoor Solutions Visa®credit card is issued by Wells Fargo Financial National Bank, and Equal Housing Lender. Special termsapply to qualifying purchases charged with approved credit at participating merchants. Regular minimum monthly paymentsare required during the promotional (special terms) period. Interest will be charged to your account fromthe purchasedate at the APRfor purchases il the purchase balance is not paid in lull within the promtional period. For newlyopenedaccounts, the APRfor purchases is 27 99%. ThisAPR mayvary with the marketbased onthe U S. Prime Rateand is given as of t/17/2013. If you arecharged interest in any billing cycle, the minimuminterest charge will be $1.00. Il you usethe card for cash advances, thecash advance fee is 5.00'/o ot the amount ol the cash advance, but not less than $10.00. Offer expires 1/21/2013.

Editorial, B4 Obituaries, B5



Brown leaving park board Bend Park 8 Recreation District board

member DallasBrown announcedTuesday he is leaving the board to

embark on anextended trip through Central and South America. Brown, 28, was elect-

ed to the board inMay 2011. He had previously fallen short in a 2008 bid


ome uvauinesi avaia e Panel to Bulletin staff report A contribution of flu vaccine from St. Charles Health System allowed Deschutes County Health Services to add three hours to its walk-in vaccination clinic today, said county Community Health Manager Tom Kuhn. The clinic opens at 8 a.m. and runs until 1 p.m. at the Health Services Department,

2577 N.E. Courtney Drive, Bend. Vaccine is available for $15 a shot. No private insurance is accepted. Kuhn said he expects to have enough to meet demand. Any left over will go to other outlets, including Mosaic Medical, which has a vaccination clinic scheduled 8 a.m.-noon Saturday at 409 N.E. Greenwood, Bend.

"I think we should be good," Kuhn said Thursday. "I'll be honest, we really don't know. I'm hoping we can use it all up." Elsewhere, corporate outlets announced greater supplies of vaccine nationwide, but not much of it seemed headed for Central Oregon. Rite Aid announced it had shipped another 400,000 flu shots to its stores nationwide. But none ap-

peared to be coming tostores in Central Oregon. A Rite Aid spokesman in Camp Hill, Pa., said the doses would go where the demand is greatest. The flu season in Or egon is described as moderate, while elsewhere in the nation, the Northeast, particularly, it's described as moderately severe. See Vaccine/B2

for BendCity Council, and mounted a run in the 2010 Democratic pri-

changing septic system

long trip for quite some time.

guidelines when they meet Tuesday. The Oregon Environmental Quality Commission, which sets rules for the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, will consider whether to enact a "cost test," as proposed on the petition submitted by the Deschutes County Citizens Action Group, said Eric

"It's just something

I always wanted to do,"

he said. "LearnSpanish, backpack andexplore the world, and now's the time to do it."

Brown said hetried to find a way he could remain on the board while

traveling, but concluded it would not be possible LE pg


Nigg, DEQ water quality


"It's been areal honor for me to serve onthe

tttt tp

board and I think they're

heading in agreat direction,n he said. The board will discuss its options for filling

the vacancycreatedby I

Brown's resignation at its

Feb. 5 meeting. Anyone appointed to Brown's seat must run for re-elec-

Bend man leads police on chase A Bend man wanted

on a parole violation was arrested after leading police on acar chase Wednesdayevening, the Bend PoliceDepartment sald.

fleeing or attempting to elude, possessingmethamphetamine, carrying a concealedweapon, being a felon andpossessing a weaponandfor parole violation.

Ataround 6 p.m., a Bend police officer attempted to stop a 2000

Chevrolet Silveradoon LI.S. Highway 97 near Robal Road after a traf-

fic violation. Theofficer recognized the driver,

Hagenbach, asbeing wanted for parole violation. Hagenbach did not

stop whensignalled to and led theofficer ona car chase, policesaid. The officer stopped pursuing Hagenbachon





Ryan Brennecke /The Bulletin

A view south towards Ridgeview High School from the intersection of Southwest Cascade Vista Drive and Southwest 35th Street in Redmond shows the area to be developed under the Southwest Area Plan.

e mon a n s eveo ment aroun new sc oo

Adam JasonHagenbach, 38, wasarrested on the suspicion of

issues Responding to a petition circulated last year in and around La Pine, state environmental rule makers are scheduled to consider

Brown said he'd been

serve the remainderof Brown's four-year term.

water The Bulletin

thinking about taking a

tion in May in order to

septic, By Dylan J. Darling

mary for the Deschutes County Commission before dropping out of the race. ReachedThursday,

as he expects to beout of the country for several


By Leslie Pugmire Hole


The Bulletin

The city of Redmond is beginning a land use planning process for the acreage surrounding the new Ridgeview High School in southwest Redmond, viewing the school's addition as a potential catalyst for an undeveloped area. Dubbed the Southwest Area Plan, the project aims to involve citizens and potential developers in a process that is expected to take nearly a year to complete. "Since Ridgeview opened, there has been a lot of interest in that area of the city," said James Lewis, planning manager for the city of Redmond. "Right now it's mostly speculation, but

Vogt Road, and after a search of the surround-

cl~.'6 i


Area Plan doundary

ew Aye.

Limited ', residential

Coyote Ave. /

Urban holding ~b (3


eneral gesidetttia


County Fair &


Clty limits~


Urban area reserve


Ridgeview High School Greg Cross i The Bulletin

people are starting to really think about what the future holds for that area."

Neighboring landowners

were invited to an informational meeting Jan. 9, which Lewis said drew about 50 people. Most had questions

about the process of land use planning. More meetings are planned over the coming months as the city gets closer to a final plan. Redmond went through a similarprocess five years ago for the northwest section of the city, at a time when development was surging for the entire region. However, the ink was barely dry on the Northwest Area and Highway 97 plans when the economy took a nose dive. Little development has happened in those areas since but, according to Lewis, the plans are still valid and can easily be dusted off when investors come forward. See Redmond /B2

manager in Bend. The test would put a limit onto how much a new septic system required by the state could cost. "It could only be 10 percent more than a standard system or it wouldn't be required," he said, referring to the proposal. Current DEQ guidelines require permitting septic systems that are not likely to pollute public waters. The department is recommending the commission deny the petition, according to a memo included with the agenda. The memo, from DEQ Director Dick Pedersen, states that the changes would limit the agency's ability to protect public health and safety. See Septic /B2

If you go What: The Oregon Environmental Quality

Commission special meeting to consider changes to statewide

septic system rules. When:1 p.m. Tuesday Where: The

Departmentof Environmental Quality's Bend office 475 N.E. Bellevue Drive. The

meeting is scheduled to be conducted by

telephone conference call, but the DEQ said the public may attend and listen. No public

forum opportunity is scheduled. Gontact: 503-2295301

ing area, police located Hagenbach with his car

parked nearby. Hagenbachwasfound to be in possession ofa restricted weaponand methamphetamineduring the arrest, police said.

St. Francis holds openhouse St. Francis School in Bend will hold an open

house Tuesday toshare information about its

middle school program with prospective students and parents.

Theopenhouse, which will take place from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the school's location on Northeast 27th Street, will allow parents

an opportunity to ask questions, meetschool administration and tour the school.

For more information, call541-382-4701 or visit www.saintfrancis

school.net. — From staff reports

State supreme court rules for Sisters school district in suit By Sheila G. Miller The Bulletin

The Oregon Supreme Court has ruled against a Sisters resident who sued the school district in 2008 over what he believed was an improperfinancialagreement. The Oregon Supreme Court affirmed previous decisions by Deschutes County Circuit Court Judge Alta Brady and the Oregon Court

of Appeals. Sisters resident Mike Morgan in May 2008 filed a lawsuit against the school board stemming from when the Sisters School Board authorized a $2.1 million finance agreement in 2007. The finance agreement, which the school district backed with its full faith and credit, was to pay

for school improvements like building upgrades, furniture and other expenditures. Under state law, public bodies — such as school districts and cities — are allowed to issue full faith and credit obligations without getting voter

approval. But Morgan argued the financing was essentially the same as the school district passing a bond. Under state law, bonds can only be issued after voters within a school district approve them. He asked the court to force the district to default on the obligations, arguing that as a taxpayer and voter his rights had been denied and he might be adversely affected by the financial agreement. Morgan said his argument

centered on the idea that taxpayers will pay the same or more intaxes forfewer services at the schools, because the obligations can be paid back with money from the general fund. "What this scheme does is it allows the operating budget to pay for things that funding was never intended to pay, thereby diminishing the resources available in the classroom," he said. In an appeal, Morgan noted the district would have to pay as much as $240,400 each year in principal and interest payments until 2022. If it couldn't follow through on those payments, the district would be forced to levy a tax to pay the bills. See Suit/B2





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Reservations Required. Pleasecall 54t —693 — 5$00.


Vaccine Continued from B1 "Since this is a very fluid situation, we're advising customers to call their local Rite Aid to see if the flu shot is available," said Rite Aid spokesman Eric Harkreader on Thursday. The Rite Aid locations in Bend and Redmond had no flu vaccine available Thursday, pharmacists there said. The Prineville location had some availablefor customers ages 18 to 65 only. Safeway also a nnounced Thursday it was shipping another 200,000 doses to its U.S. in-store pharmacies, including 4,100 doses to Portland. Company spokeswoman Sara Osborne of Bellevue, Wash., said some of the vaccine is also headed for Central Oregon. Safeway locations in Bend reported having vaccine avail-

Redmond Continued from B1 T he southwest a rea i n cludes some parcels inside the city, some within its urban growth boundary and some in its urban reserve. The urban reserve is the extended area marked for l o ng-term c ity expansion, expected to be no sooner than 20 years out. Both the South and Northwest Area plans were, or will be, based on "Great Neighborhood Principles" that stress interconnected streets, commercial uses to support the neighboring residential areas, a variety of housing choices and open space for public use. According to Lewis, there is

Flu vaccine clinics DESCHUTESCOUNTY HEALTHSERVICES DEPARTMENT 2577 N.E. Courtney Drive, Bend 8 a.m.-1 p.m. today

MOSAIC MEDICAL 409 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Bend

8 a.m.-noon Saturday Ages 4 years andolder only Cost: $30 for uninsured ages 18 and older; $15younger than 18

All ages Insurance, cash, credit or debit Cost: $15.19, private insurance cards accepted not accepted Limited amount of flu mist for

Mosaic clients billed on sliding

ages 2 years andolder

Information: 541-383-3005

Information: 541-322-7400

able Thursday; the Redmond store had vaccine for age 65 and older only but expected more vaccine on Monday. Kuhn said demand for vaccine remains h ig h a r ound Deschutes County, but supplies are becoming available. C ases offlu or suspected flu

On theWeb Information about the

ongoing Southwest Area Plan andthe complete Northwest

Area Plan canbe found at the city's website,


no current development going on in the southwest area, but there are several active plans on file with the city. They were approved before the recession began and are still valid due to extensions granted by the Redmond City Council. "There may not be any development beating down our


would protect them from the expense. Continued from B1 More than 400 people signed It also makes two o ther the petition, she said. recommendations to the comA standard system, Currie mission: that the DEQ con- said costs about $5,000 and tinue working with a regional an "alternative t echnology committee, and that it should system" costs about $18,000 evaluate whether the La Pine — three times more. area could be named an area Alternative technology sysof special concern. tems include pumps and filThe amount o f ni t r ates tersthat treat waste before it seeping into the groundwater is released into a drain field, around La Pine from septic said Robert Baggett, a natural systems has been an issue for resources specialist with the decades. Groundwater isthe DEQ in Bend. main drinking water source in He agreed that the systems the area. Debates are ongoing cost more, saying standard about whether alternative tech- systems costbetween $5,000 nology treatment systems, or and $7,500 and a lternative septic systems that treat waste technology systems cost bebefore it is released into a drain tween $16,000 and $19,000. field, should be required. They cost more "because Septic system owners i n thereare more components to and around La Pine are wor- it," he said. "There is a pump. ried about paying for costly T here are controls and a n new systems, said Ellen Cur- alarm." rie, president of the Deschutes Baggett s ai d a l t ernative County Citizens Action Group. technology treatment systems The rule change, she said, lower the amount of nitrates


continue to rise in Bend and the surrounding area. "We are tracking cases but we don't have final numbers for this week," Kuhn said. "But our communicable disease coordinator saidthere were more casesreported thisweek than last week."

door but we want to be ready," said Lewis. "There's a lot of master planning that has to be done before any UGB land can be brought into the city." The city's next steps include forming advisory groups for input, including a technical committee with partners such as Pacific Power and the Central Oregon Irrigation District. Interested citizens can request notification of meetings and updates on the plan's process by emailing Lewis. "We'd like to work towards a handful of conceptual plans, then narrow it down to a couple of choices ready by fall," said Lewis. — Reporter: 541-548-2186, lpugmire@wescompapers.com

releasedby a septic system by about two thirds. The nitrates issue has a deep history in and around La Pine. High levels of nitrates were first detected in 1982. Sampling of 200 wells in 2000 by the DEQ showed more than 10 percent had nitrate levels indicative of contamination by a septic system. Nitrates from septic systems can seep down into the shallow aquifer in southern Deschutes County and Northern Klamath County. For decades local and state officials have been concerned that if nothing is done, nitrate contamination could become widespread. After years of working on the issue, Deschutes County in 2009 passed the nitrate issue to the DEQ. A year later the agency created a citizen committee to provide recommendations as to how best to safeguard the groundwater.

"l will certainly make it known to those that have an interest in protecting voter rights and the rights of taxpayers that l will certainly work with them to find another case that can

Suit Continued from B1 In that way, Morgan argued, as a taxpayer he would be negatively affected. Both lower courts threw out the lawsuit, saying that was not a valid reason to sue the school district. The O r e gon S u p r eme Court agreed. Th e c o u rt said it wasn't enough that Morgan believed the sale of full faith and credit obligations was illegal; he had to demonstrate the act would a ffect hi s r i g hts, an d h e hadn't done so. The court also said in its opinion that the injury to Morgan had to be real, not "hypothetical or speculative." Morgan argued the sale of the obligations could prevent the school district from be-

be challenged." — Mike Morgan, plaintiff

law allowing the sale of full faith and credit obligations without a vote is legal. He wrote in an email that it was "a shame" the district had spent so m uch m o ney and time arguing over whether taxpayers and voters had the right to vote on the obligations. Morgan said the reasons his lawsuit was thrown out are not the heart of the issue. "I didn't file the complaint just right," he said. He said the Oregon Suing able to properly operate. preme Court may have avoid"... He does not allege that ed making a clear statement the district's potential inabil- about the legality of the full ity to provide for its daily op- faith and credit obligations erations affects him in any because it was too messy. way," the opinion states. "It could be one where the Sisters School Superinten- hairball is so big that even dent Jim Golden did not re- the Supreme Court doesn't turn a call for comment. want to tackle it," he said. Morgan said he's disap- "The hairball being that if we pointed with t h e o p i nion, open Pandora's box, there's particularly because it failed potentially hundreds of milto clarify whether the state lions of dollars encumbered

in these obligations.... This opinion lust avoided it." It wasn't Morgan's first run-in w i t h th e Si s t ers School District. He ran for a spot on the school board in 2007, and filed a lawsuit with the district alleging the board was violating executive session law. The district settled that case, agreeing to record exe cutive sessions and p a y Morgan's roughly $3,000 in attorney fees. Morgan said his fight may be over, but he hopes to help others battle this particular law. "I will certainly make it known to those that have an interest in protecting voter rights and the rights of taxpayers that I will certainly work with them to find another case that can be chal-

lenged," he said. — Reporter: 541-617-7831, smiller@bendbulletin.com

NEws OF REcoRD Burglary — A burglary was reported at 3:05 p.m. Jan. 15, in the1100 block of Southeast Teakwood Drive. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made at 3:19 p.m. Jan. 15, in the 300 block of Northeast Second Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 1:51 p.m. Jan. 16, in the 1000 block of Northwest Bond Street. Theft — A theft was reported and an arrest made at 4:06 p.m. Jan. 5, in the100 block of Southwest15th Street.

POLICE LOG The Bulletin will update items in the Police Log when such a request is received. Any new information, such as the dismissal of charges or acquittal, must be verifiable. For more information, call 541-383-0358. Bend Police Department

DUII — Gregory Kenneth Watson, 25, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of intoxicants at 5:29 p.m. Jan. 12, in the 1800 block of Northeast Third Street. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at1:58 p.m. Jan. 14, in the 1700 block of Northeast Third Street. Criminal mischief — An act of criminal mischief was reported at1:33 a.m. Jan. 15, in the 200 block of Northeast Ninth Street.


Oregon State Police

Vehicle crash — An accident was reported at 2:06 p.m. Jan. 16, in the area of state Highway 58 near milepost 67.

BEND FIRE RUNS Tuesday 10:36 a.m.— Smoke from barbecue, 1310 N.E. Hollinshead Drive. 1:47p.m. — Smoke odor reported, in the area of Northwest Awbrey Road. 18 — Medical aid calls. Wednesday 19 — Medical aid calls.

Prinevipe Police Department

Unlawful entry — A vehicle was reported entered and items stolen at 6:15 a.m. Jan. 16, in the area of Northeast Court Street. Theft — A theft was reported at 7:49 a.m. Jan. 16, in the area

• •

of Southeast Lynn Boulevard. Unauthorized use — A vehicle was reported stolen at 8:38 a.m. Jan. 16, in the area of Northeast Willowdale Drive.

a +

a •

January 31, 2013

— Reporter: 541-617-7812, ddarlingC<bendbulletin.com

7:00am-11:30am •

Riverhouse Convention Center

• •

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2850 NW Rippling River Ct. Bend, Oregon 97701

For The Bulletin's full list, including federal, state, county and city levels, visit www.bendbulletin.com/officials.

CONGRESS U.S. Senate • Sen. Jeff Merkley, D-ore. 107 Russell SenateOffice Building Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-8753 Web: http:I/merkley.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W.Hawthorne Ave., Suite 208 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-318-1298

• Sen. Ron Wyden, D-ore. 223 Dirksen SenateOffice Building

Washington, D.C. 20510 Phone:202-224-5244 Web: http://wyden.senate.gov Bend office: 131 N.W. Hawthorne Ave., Suite107 Bend, OR97701 Phone:541-330-9142

U.S. House ef Representatives • Rep. Greg Walden, R-Hood River 2182 RayburnHouseOffice Building Washington, D.C.20515 Phone:202-225-6730 W eb: http:I/walden.house.gov Bend office: 1051 N.W.Bond St., Suite 400 Bend, OR97701 Phone: 541-389-4408 Fax: 541-389-4452

STATE OF OREGON • Gov. John Kitzhaber, D 160State Capitol, 900 Court St. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4582 Fax:503-378-6872 Web: http://governor.oregon.gov • Secretary ofStateKate Brown, D 136StateCapitol Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1616 Fax:503-986-1616 Email:oregon.sos©state.or.us • Treasurer Ted Wheeler, D 159 OregonState Capitol 900 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-378-4329 Email: oregon.treasurer©state.or.us Web:www.ost.state.or.us • Attorney GeneralEllen Rosenblum, D 1162 Court St. N.E. Salem, OR97301

Phone: 503-378-4400 Fax: 508-878-4017 Web:www.doi.state.or.us • Labor Commissioner Brad Avakian 800 N.E. Oregon St., Suite1045 Portland, OR97232 Phone: 971-673-0761 Fax: 971-673-0762 Email: boli.mail@state.or.us Web: www.oregon.gov/boli

LEGISLATURE Senate • Sen. Ted Ferrioli, R-District 30 (includesJefferson,portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-323 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1950 Email: sen.tedferrioli@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/ferrioli • Sen. Tim Knopp, R-District27 (includes portion of Deschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., S-423 Salem, OR97301 Phone: To be determined Email: To bedetermined Web: To be determined • Sen. DougWhltsett, R-District28 (includes Crook, portion ofDeschutes) 900 court st. N.E., s-303 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1728 Email: sen.dougwhitsett@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whitsett

House • Rep. Jason Conger, R-District 54 (portion ofDeschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-477 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1454 Email: rep.jasoncongerOstate.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/conger • Rep. John Huffman, R-District 59 (portion of Jefferson) 900 Court St. N.E., H-476 Salem, OR97301 Phone: 503-986-1459 Email: rep.johnhuffman©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/huffman • Rep. Mike McLane, R-District55 (Crook, portion ofDeschutes) 900 Court St. N.E., H-385 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1455 Email: rep.mikemclane@state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/mclane • Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-District53


(portion ofDeschutesCounty) 900 Court St. N.E., H-471 Salem, OR97301 Phone:503-986-1453 Email: rep.genewhisnant©state.or.us Web: www.leg.state.or.us/whisnant

' Education * Business

DESCHUTES COUNTY 1300 N.W. Wall St., Bend, OR 97701

' Central Oregon Economic Outlook

Web:www.deschuIes.org Phone:541-388-6571 Fax: 541-382-1692

County Commission • Tammy Baney, R-Bend Phone:541-388-6567 Email: TammyBaney@co.deschutes


.OI'. Us

Now through Jan. 30: $100 Late registration: $125 day of event Group package: $800 table for 10 persons

• Alan Unger, 0-Redmond Phone:541-388-6569 Email: Alanunger@co.deschutes .OI'.Us

• Tony DeBone, R-La Pine Phone:541-388-6568 Email: Tony DeBone@co.deschutes .ocus

Register online: http://oregon.clucerf.org/events/ Please contact Christin Hunter at 541.306.0479

CROOK COUNTY 300 N.E. Third St., Prineville, OR97754 Phone:541-447-6555 Fax:541-416-3891 Email: administration@co.crook.or.us Web:co.crook.or.us

•CrookCountyJudge MikeMccabe Phone:541-447-6555 Email: mike.mccabe@co.crook.or.us

or centraloregoncerf©gmail.comfor more information


The Bulletin

%'ealth Management Croup


County Court • Ken Fahlgren Phone:541-447-6555 Email: ken.fahlgren©co.crook.or.us

beseen getheard

JEFFERSON COUNTY 66 S.E. D St., Madras, OR97741 Phone: 541-475-2449 Fax: 541-475-4454 Web: www.co.iefferson.or.us

County Commission • Mike Ahern, John Hatfleld, Wayne Fording Phone: 541-475-2449 Email: commissioner@co.iefferson .Ql'.us

i Ai,-:

ZO 1 0 m edia Supported by: Bend Premier RealEstate

Directors Mortgage

Central Oregon Truck Company City of Bend Coldwell Banker Morris Deschutes County DeschutesCounty Title Company

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OSU Cascades The OxfordHotel Plus Property Management LLC RiverhouseHotel & Convention Center Westbury Enterprises Workhorse Solutions




CommissionsaysKitzhaber can accept

AROUND THE STATE $226M for insurance exchange — Thefederal governmentis

payment for health-policyspeeches

giving Oregon $226 million to finish creating an online marketplace

By Jonathan J. Cooper

tions and access financial assistance under the federal health care overhaul. The grant will cover expenses until the exchange is self-

Raphael has said the governor routinely gets paid speaking SALEM — T h e O r egon offers but has not accepted Government Ethics Commis- any during his time in office. sion ruled Thursday that Gov. Kitzhaber's request for ethJohn Kitzhaber can accept ics guidance was not related fees for d e livering h ealth- to any specific speaking offer, policy speeches as long as Raphael has said. he complies with a series of Kitzhaber's speaking conrestrictions. tracts would not be public reThe c o mmission u n a ni- cords "because he would not mously adopted an advisory be performing official duties opinion saying Kitzhaber is al- as a public official," Raphael lowed to earn outside income said. The governor would disif he does it in his own time, close any income he's required doesn't use state resources to report on his annual stateand isn't getting the opportu- ment of economic interest, Ranity solely because of his posi- phael said. tion as governor. State law requires Kitzhaber He also can't accept speak- and other public officials to ing fees from organizations discloseeach year allsources with an interest in government of income that exceed 10 perdecisions. cent of their total household Adoption of th e advisory income. They're also required opinion m e an s K i t z haber to disclose any income of at can't be prosecuted or sanc- least $1,000 if it comes from a tioned for ethics law v iola- person or organization with a tions if he complies with the business interest in the actions limitations spelled out by the of state government. commission. Because he's agreed not to Kitzhaber spokesman Tim accept money from groups The Associated Press

that, in his view, have an interest in state policy, Kitzhaber would only b e r e quired to publicly disclose the source of a speaking fee if it constitutes at least 10 percent of his total household income for the year. As g o vernor, K i t zhaber earns an annual salary of $93,600. His companion, Cylvia Hayes, also earns an undisclosed income as a cleanenergy consultant. In 2010, when he was running for governor, Kitzhaber reported 15 paid speaking engagementsthe prior year. Kitzhaber is a former emergency room p hysician and state legislator, and he previously served as governor from 1995 to 2003. He's known nationally as a health-policy t hinker an d f o r h i s w o r k on overhauling the Oregon Health Plan, the state Medicaid program, over two decades in public office. He gave paid health-care speeches before running for

a third term as governor in 2010. Commissioners said the fact that Kitzhaber was paid for speaking before entering office made it clear that speaking opportunities were not being offered solely because of his position as governor, but they said he shouldn't get paid a premium for being a sitting governor. The commission's advisory opinion puts the burden on the governor "to ensure that the people who are hiring him are hiring him not because he's the governor of Oregon but because he's an expert in the subject matter they want him to speak on," said Ron Bersin, executive director of the ethics commission. In a December letter seeking the commission's guidance, Liani Reeves, chief lawyer forthe governor's office, said Kitzhaber would use a speaking bureau to coordinate his speaking activities and wouldn't use state money to travel to paid engagements.

where people canshop for health insurance. The grant announced Thursday will help the health insurance exchange become fully

operational. Cover Oregon, astheexchange is branded, will allow individuals and small businesses to comparehealth coverage opsustaining in 2015, including testing, training and the creation of a user-friendly website. It also will help pay for staffing at a call center. Nearly all Americans will be required to have health insurance by next

year. Every state is required to have an exchange so small businesses and uninsured individuals have aplace to buy coverage. Bus driver danned —The Canadian driver whose bus crashed on an icy Oregon highway last month, killing nine passengers, has been banned from operating a commercial vehicle in the United States. The

U.S. Department of Transportation took the action Thursday, saying Haeng Kyu Hwang was driving too fast for the conditions and ignored federal limits on the amount of time he could spend behind the wheel.

Police havenot said what causedOregon's deadliest crash since 1971, and this is the first official investigation to conclude the driver

was goin gtoofast.Theagencyalsobannedasecondbusdriverwho works for the sametour company. Theorder states the tour company was operating two motor coaches at the time. And witnesses said the

second bus wasalso going too fast Rethinking hOmeleSS Center —The city of Ashland is rethinking its proposal to set up aday center for homeless people after no social service organization stepped forward to apply for $100,000 in city grants. Jackie Agee of the Salvation Army in Medford, which

was expected to apply, said it would take at least $150,000 ayear to run such a center, andtheorganization doesn't have the money. The Ashland Daily Tidings reports city money would have been spread

over two years to lease abuilding and payexpenses. The city asked organizations to consider offering a variety of services, from toilets, showers and laundry facilities to job-skills training and mental health

and substance abusecounseling.

Student immunization deadline —Oregonparents haveuntil Feb. 20 to make sure their children's immunizations are up to date or

More sheriffs push back on gun control The Associated Press EUGENE — More sheriffs in Oregon say they won't enforce proposed new federal laws that could affect law-abiding gun owners. Sheriffs from Douglas and Grant counties have joined C rook County S heriff J i m Hensley and L i n n C o u nty Sheriff Tim Mueller in telling Vice President Joe Biden in a letter that they wouldn't work with federal officials to enforce potential gun laws they consider unconstitutional. Douglas C ounty S h eriff John Hanlin says he expects more of his counterparts in Oregon to follow suit. "I think the majority of the 36 sheriffs in the state are on the same page," he told the Eugene Register-Guard. Sheriffs such as Craig Zanni in Coos County and Mike Winters in Jackson County have made public statements backing Second Amendment rights but have not written to Biden. One sheriff, Pat Garrett in Washington County, pledged Thursday he "will not enforce federal law that will infringe upon those rights." But Garrett also said it's "helpful to take a breath" and consider that new laws would be subject to review by the U.S. Supreme Court, which is likely to strike down any significant firearmsrestrictions. Under the Constitution, Garrett said, members of the executive branch such as sheriffs uphold, but don't interpret, the law: "I do not get to substitute my own judgment about what the law is or should be." C onstituents h av e b e e n pressing sheriffs to express o pposition to th e new g u n legislation. "I literally have a kink in my neck from being on the phone all day with people, talking about this," Zanni said. Zanni said he didn't disagree with Mueller and the other sheriffs who wrote Biden but said he waited until after reading about President Barack Obama's proposals before issuing a letter to "the citizens of Coos County." Lane County Sheriff Tom T urner said he's got m o re pressing issues to deal with, in a county with a law enforcement budget that has been severely cut. But he said he plans to follow Zanni's lead in issuing a letter in response to the questions and comments he's been getting.

they could beexcluded from school. Theshots are required by law. Schools keep records. OregonPublic Health says parents whose children still need shots will be getting a letter warning them of exclu-

sion day. — From wire reports

Still no explanation of how womangot stuck

RichardCockle/The Oregonian

A group of hungry feral horses munches hay left by a landowner along Alder Creek, 10 miles west of the Wheeler County town of Spray.

Dozens o era orses starvin in W eeer Count The Associated Press SPRAY — L a n d owners around Spray in Eastern Oregon's Wheeler County say about two dozen ownerless horses arestarving to death this winter. Ranchers have turned out horses for decades, beginning with the transition to motorized tractors in the 1920s, said Chris Perry, chairman of the county commissioners. The feral herds have multiplied and roamed the county's rimrock country, where roundups are difficult. They're in a crisis this winterbecause asummer drought killed grass, and the harsh winter has driven them into canyon bottoms near homes, Perry told The Oregonian.

"They just stand around and stare; there is nothing to eat," said Sandy Taggart, of Fossil. She operates the Animal Rescue Foundation, which takes in dogs but has no place for the unwanted horses. One homeowner, Janet Wilson, said she counted 22 horsesstarving to death near her home along Alder Creek west of Spray and estimated that there may be 40 to 50 roaming in small herds. She said she's been putting out hay, but can't afford to feed them all. The plight of the horses promises to stretch budgets in Wheeler County, home of the John Day Fossil Beds National Monument. It is Oregon's least

populous county, with a 2010 Census of fewer than 1,500 people, and one of its poorest. Sheriff Chris Humphreys said rounding up and caring for so many animals would be a challenge for his twoperson department. The problem along Alder Creek came to light when the herd's stallions began tearing through landowners' fences, sometimes injuring domestic mares when they tried to breed with them and even chasing after a hiker in the area, Perry said. The county probably will try to find people who want to adopt the horses, he said. "I think everybody agrees they need to be humanely dealt with."

The Associated Press PORTLAND — A woman who spent four hours wedged between the walls of two buildings in downtown Portland has been released from the hospital, but how she got into her predicament remained unknown Thursday. The woman fell into a space 8 inches wide early W ednesday — h e r f e e t about 40 inches from the ground. Firefighters cut a hole through concrete and used an air bag and a soapy lubricant to free her. The woman was taken to a hospital, where she had been listed under the name Anita Mann. She was released late Wednesday and hadn't spoken to the media as of Thursday afternoon. Portland Police Sgt. Pete Simpson said he doesn't know if a detective has interviewed the woman. Given that it's more of a curiosity than a serious criminal matter — trespassing would be the likely charge, if any

— the department is still deciding how much time to devote to the case, Simpson said. One of the structures the w oman fell b etween is a n apartment building in which she is apparently not a resident. People who live there heard her screams forhelp at about 3:45 a.m. and started calling 911. "What do you mean she's fallen between the walls?" a 911 dispatcher asked one caller in arecording obtained by The

Oregonian. "I don't know, honey; I'm just a lady who lives here," the caller responded. "All I know is she's outside,she screaming. People are trying to get to her." Though he was on the scene, Portland fire Lt. Rich Chatman said many things remain a mystery: "I don't know if they've even confirmed that Anita Mann is the true name."

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Defense targets FBIrecordings By Nigel Duara The Associated Press

PORTLAND — For days, prosecutorsin an Oregon terrorism trial have hammered jurors with recording after recording in which undercover agents gave the target of an FBI sting a series of chances to reject their advances and turn his back to terror. The undercover agents were

posing as members of al-Qaida, and supported the covert recordings by testifying that they hoped the suspect would walk away from the plot. That narrative was challenged Thursday by celebratory debriefings — that were a ccidentally recorded — i n which undercover agents and their handlers said it was "fantastic"that Mohamed Mohamud asked them for explosives,

a crucial step in the sting that culminated with Mohamud's arrest in November 2010. "We are fortunate in this case that th e g overnment forgot to turn off its microphones,"federal public defender Steve Wax said. The inadvertent recordings could prove important to the defense's assertion that Mohamud was entrapped. Wax said the attitudes that the FBI agents expressed in the recordings should be considered evidencethat they were not merelyassessing whether Mohamud was a threat, but rather were putting together a prosecutorial case before Mohamud did anything wrong. "The government argues that they are imploring him not to do this," Wax said, "but when the agents are alone ...

they're saying, 'Great, we're thrilled, good job.'" Mohamudhasbeencharged with attempting to blow up Portland's 2010 C hristmas tree-lighting ceremony. The bomb was a fake provided by undercover FBI agents who met with their handlers after in-person conversations with Mohamud. At least one of them left a recorder running, and among the agents recorded was "Hussein," the pseudonym of an undercover FBI agent who has testified over two days about his role in the sting. Wax tried to get the recordings entered into evidence Thursday, but Judge Garr King declined, saying Wax c ould play them only if h e needed to rebut a statement from "Hussein."


1 ] t y l' 0'. t i i ',!



I,IIiil IIIII YOII haVearight to knOW What yOur gO Vernment iSdOing. Current Oregon Iawrequires public noticesto be printed in a newspaper whosereaders are affected by the notice. But federal, state, and local government agencieserroneously believe they can save money by posting public noticeson their web sites instead of Ln the local newspaper.

If they didthat, you'd have to know in advance where, when, and how to look, and what to look for,in order to be informed about governmentactions that could affect you directly.

Lessthan 10% ofthe U.S. population currently visits a government web site daily,' but 80% of all Oregon adults read a newspaper atleast once during att ** average week, and 54%read public notices printed there.

Keeppublic notices inthenewspaper! 'US Cenms BureouMoy2009 "Ame«<anOprn>onRemarch PnncetonNl 5eprember2010



The Bulletin



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regon State Treasurer Ted Wheeler wants the state to


borrow $500 million to stmt a fund that would help 0

college students paytuttion and fees. It's an intriguingplanwith a lofty goal, but lawmakers will need to balance its costs against the many other needs in this cash-strapped state. Wheeler has crafted his Oregon Opportunity Initiative with input from legislators, educators, students and business executives. It would create a permanent fund to help students pay for college and incur less debt. From 2004-05to 2011-12, average tuition and fees climbed 50 percent in Oregon's universities, the treasurer's office reported, at the same time that per capita income climbed 20 percent. The state now offers $1,950 flat grants to students who qualify for financial assistance based on the federal FAFSA process, according to Wheeler's chief of staff Tom Rinehart. But the state runs out of money after serving only about 2 in 10 of the qualified students on a first-come, first-served basis. Wheeler's program would build a fund that would eventually help all who qualify. The plan would provide only partial relief for student debt, which the treasurer's office says averaged $24,000 for those graduating from an Oregonfour-year collegein 2010. The stipend is granted for only two years, and is designed to supplement other sotuces, such as family contribution, other financial aid, federal Pell grants and borrowing, Rinehart said. Tuition and fees for a full-time student total just under $4,000 at Central Oregon Community College, so for a student seeking an associate's degree, this grant could


pay close to half the cost. But for a student seeking a bachelor's degree at University of Oregon, which costs more than $9,000 in tuition and fees for each of four years, this assistance would be a small percentage. The treasurer's office expects to spend a maximum of 5.5percent to borrow the money and to earn at least 7 percent on the invested funds. It calls these conservative assumptions, saying it is now borrowing at 2.7 percent and that the 20-year earnings onpublic pensions averaged 9.1 percent. With additional deposits in subsequent bienniums, the fund would eventually become self-sustaining, according to the plan. The initial $500 million would use up nearly half of the state's allowed borrowing power in this biennium, and the debt service is estimated at about $51.6 million in this biennium, paid from the general fund. And that's just the first step; the fund's success would depend on continuing deposits in future years. Rinehart said there's lots of support for the proposal, part of which will require voter approval, and no overt opposition. The concern, however, is about what other needs the state might have for its borrowing power. Many believe, he said, that bonding power should be used only for hard investments, such as bridges and roads. He argues for investment in human infrastructure through education. It's an a ppealing argument, but not a conclusive one at a time when there are many investments to be made, including others in education.

SER,IES 2013 Seereknfoft/dd%aeary ~~ir/iriee

M Nickel's Worth Treat guns likecars,boats

Sheriffs must enforce laws, not interpret Constitution


pholding the U.S. Constitution is one thing. A sheriff refusing to enforce the law is quite another.

Responding to t h e O b a ma a dministration's plans for g u n control, Linn County Sheriff Tim Mueller declared in a letter dated Monday that he would not enforce regulations he decided violate the Second Amendment. Further,he wouldn't permit federal agents to do so in Linn County. Mueller wrote that he refuses "to participate, or stand idly by, while my citizens are turned into criminals due to the unconstitutional actions of misguided politicians." In letters dated Tuesday, sheriffs from Crook and Curry counties joined in, using most of the same language. From Coos County came a missive that expressed support for the Second Amendment, but stopped short of refusing to enforce the law. We don't doubt the sincerity of Mueller and his colleagues in

Crook and Curry, nor that they have the support of at least some of their constituents. But it seems they've forgotten who gets to decide what the Constitution requires. It's not up to them. To his credit, Deschutes County Sheriff Larry Blanton has another view. As he said in comments published in The Bulletin on Thursday, a law enforcement officer who can't comply with the law needs to seek another line of employment. "This is a difficult situation and a thing that, frankly, ... nobody wishes would have happened," Blanton said. "I strongly support the Constitution and I strongly support the Second Amendment, not just the Second, but all the amendments." That's the key: all of the amendments and all of the Constitution, which provides a path to resolve disputes about the meaning and implication of its provisions. Sheriffs need to enforce the laws, not interpret the Constitution.

strictly pro bono basis and helped us obtain the services of another great attorney, Walter Todd, when he had to leave the case because of his judicial appointment. Thank you for recognizing De Muniz for his incredible service to Oregon as both a public and private citizen. Ed Derksen Black Butte Ranch

An answer to gun control may be the way the state of Oregon regulatescars and boats.These are two tight-fisted techniques that have burgeoned with successful results. If you own a car, then you pay a road tax at the gas station, as well as fees for licensing and for insurance. If you own a boat, then you pay a fee to put it on the water and must show that you know how to use it safely. Police patrol the use of both cars on the roads, and boats on the lakes. You have to pass exams for both cars and boats to be legal and avoid penalties. Cars kill people, boats kill people, and guns kill people. Police try to lower the number killed by using speed limits and driver/boat training. Sincepoliceare organized and know how to do it, add guns to their list. Granted, this will not cure the insane use of guns, but it will be a start. Each gun will be registered and taxed like cars and boats. Gun sellers will have to report each sale to the police. Gary Will La Pine

ies or games on any media accessible to those younger than 21 (TV, video games,etc.)Let's make access to violent images as tough as access to liquor. We need to stop the mental warping of our younger citizens. Steve Wilkes Bend

Editorial was wrong

Stop violence inmedia for those under 21

The Bulletin Jan. 10 editorial entitled "Public lands management is hampered by lawsuits" is not only The U.S. definitely needs to stop blatantlybiased, there is more wrong. the deaths of innocents. But with The editor, for example, claims that thousands of gun l aws in p lace, environmentalists are suing the Dmore laws would be redundant. A Bug project because "someone might different reality is upon us. While I actually make money on the timber watched a news report about more cut in the sale." However, the actual gun restrictions, an ad came on for reason for the lawsuit is that the proj"Gangster Squad," a bloody new ect is not scientifically defensible movie from Hollywood. Then an ad and, as designed, will cause harm to for toothpaste, then an ad for another the forest. The editorial goes on to benew movie titled "Hansel & Grerate ONDA for suing the government tel." But this new fairy tale contains because ONDA believes overgrown gunfights and exploding body parts. and washed out roads "should stay Cute. After the newscast was over, a that way." To the contrary, ONDA is different movie was advertised: "Bul- suing BLM for spending tax dollars let to the Head." Great title for young that will further fragment sagebrush kids watching the news, and it also habitat while attempting to dodge was full of guns and gore. At Costco, public oversight. The fact is, if our all the huge TVs facing the entrance government agencies were good were streaming a video about the stewards of public land, the lawsuits realism of HD. The trailer was total would go away. warfare. It is clear that The Bulletin editoViolence is being pushed at us (and rial board is philosophically opposed our children) from all directions. Do to holding our government accountwe reallyneed more gun controls, able when it comes to protecting or do we need tougher restrictions our natural resources. However, the on the movie,gaming and adver- board's disdain for environmental tising industries which are filling protection shouldn't give the editors our society with violence? I suggest carte blanche to play loose with the blood-and-guts movies and video facts. games be restricted to 21 and older. Craig Miller We must not advertise violent movBend

Thanks for recognizing De Muniz I worked on the committee to free Santiago Ventura Morales and was involved in a number of meetings with PaulDe Muniz. We did notknow that the odds were 99 to 1 against us, but certainly understood the legal establishment does not look favorably on post-conviction relief. De Muniz guided us to practical solutions such as the hiring of a private investigator in order to factually prove what we all believed. He did all his work on a

Letters policy

In My Viewpolicy How to submit

We welcome your letters. Letters should be limited to one issue, contain

In My View submissions should be between 550 and 650 words,

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number and address for verification. We edit submissions for brevity,

The Bulletin.

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grammar, taste and legal reasons.

P.O.Box 6020 Bend, OR 97708 Fax: 541-385-5804 Email: bulletin©bendbulletin.com

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Please address your submission to either My Nickel's Worth or ln My

Write: My Nickel's Worth/In My View

Carrying a firearm iS a CitiZen'S firSt line Of defenSe By Lyle Byler he knee-jerk reactions to the recent shooting atrocities that have occurred blaming an inanimate objecthave been expected and are forthcoming. It is not the guns that are to blame, it is the person holding that gun who has to take all responsibility for his or her actions. Does one blame a vehicle for killing people in wrecks and not the driver of the vehicle? Or water for someone drowning? These activities and more, which are all legal and fun to do, kill more people, including children, than guns. Shall we outlaw all of thesejustbecause someone becomes stupid and misuses the tools that are required to live our lives more comfortably? Sounds absurd, does it not? It is just as absurd to believe more gun control laws will have any effect on


bad people.

The talk among the anti-gun folks seems tobe centered around a certain style of gun, the so-called "assault rifle." There are many men and women who shoot military weapons in competitions. To ban those weapons and the high-capacity magazines that go with them, would not only deny them their right to compete in their sport of choice but would also deprive everyone elsefrom owning the rifl e of their choice, which is guaranteed under the Second Amendment of the Constitution. It also appears that those who are most passionate about gun control are those who have never been to a shooting range, gotten the proper training or actually shot a firearm of any kind and are therefore afraid of what they do not know. Throughout the history of mankind, there have been and will be disturbed

IN MY VIEW individuals who are hell-bent on killing as many people in one location as possible for no apparent reason using whatever means at their disposal. Even dynamite was used on a schoolhouse in the 1920s. All laws that are createdwere constructed so as to give the honest citizenry guidelines in their daily lives. The people who are not law abiding do not pay any attention to whichever law they are going to ignore. How will more anti-gun laws keep the non-law-abiding from doing their dastardly deeds'? Even the federal lawmakers who wrote the so-called "assault weapons ban" of 1994 admit that it did nothing to curb crime. Having all government buildings, schools and way too many businesses locally and around the country being so called "gun-free zones" tells every-

one with any common sense that they are target-rich environments for bad people to do bad things. Who or what will protect the good people from the bad guys in those places? A law, which the bad guy will ignore anyway? A rule? Sure, you can call 911 but what will the response time be? How many people die waiting for the police to show up and neutralize the threat'? There are not, nor will there ever be, enough police officers to protect everyone. We, the people, are our own first line ofdefense and we each have the God-given right to protect ourselves and others from harm. Otherwise, we are and will be at the mercy of the bad people who will show no mercy. What to do? Better screening during purchases? Allowing those who have a concealed carry permit and the proper training unrestricted carry rights? In my opinion, that would be a

good start. To be honest, most people who have carry permits spend a lot more time at the range practicing than your average policeofficer and are therefore better shots. I, for one, would rather know that there are honest, lawabiding citizens in these places of business with the training and fortitude to be able to protect all the other citizens from the mayhem that could be perpetrated onto the unsuspecting. The folks who have the concealed carry permit have one for the same basic reason you have insurance on your home or vehicle. No one who has a concealedcarry permit ever wants to take another human being's life. That firearm is insurance and you hope you never have to use it. In the grand scheme of things, it really is not about guns, it is about control. — Lyle Byler lives inPrineviile.




eori ina ear i i sa vise mi ions New Vorlz Times News Service

Dear Abby: My wife sleeps in the raw. Then she showers, brushesherteeth and fixes our breakfast — still in the buff. We're newlyweds and there are just the two of us, so I suppose there's really nothing wrong with it. What do you think'? — Ed Dear Ed: It's OK with me. But tell her to put on an apron when Pauline Phillips, a California housewife who nearly 60

years ago, seeking something

Long before the Internetand long before the pervasive electronic confessionals of Drs. Ruth, Phil, Laura, et al. — the Dear Abby column was a forum for the public discussion of privateproblems, read by tens of millions of people in hundreds of newspapers around the world. Even now, Dear Abby's reach is vast. (Phillips' daughter, Jeanne Phillips, took over the column unofficially in 1987 and officially in 2000.) According to its syndicator, Universal Uclick, Dear Abby appears in about 1,400 newspapers worldwide, has a daily readership of more than 110 million — in print and on its interactive website, dear abby.com — and receives more than 10,000 letters and emails a week. Politically left of center, Phil-

ReedSaxon/The Associated Pressfile photo

"Dear Abby" advice columnist Paullne Phllllps, then 82, known to mllllons of readers as Ablgall van Buren, slgns autographs for fans In 2001 after the dedication of a "Dear Abby" star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame In Los Angeles. Phlllips dled Wednesday at 94. lips was generally conservative when it came to personal deportment. As late as the 1990s she was reluctant to advise unmarried couples to live together. Yet beneath her crackling one-liners lay an imperturbable acceptance of the vagaries of modern life: Dear Abby: Our son married a girl when he was in the service. They were married in February and she had an 8 I/2pound baby girl in August. She said the baby was premature. Can an 8 I/2-pound baby be this premature? — Wanting to Know Dear Wanting: The baby was on time. The wedding was late. Forget it. The youngest of four sisters, Pauline Esther Friedman, familiarly known as Popo, was born in Sioux City, Iowa, on July 4, 1918. Her twin, Esther

be run for one day,but specific guidelines must be followed. Local obituaries are paid advertisements submitted by families or funeral homes. They maybe submitted by phone, mail, email or fax. The Bulletin reserves the right to edit all submissions. Please include contact information

Phillips told The Los Angeles Times in 1986. "But after I was married, I thought, 'There has to be something more to life than mahjong.'" S he took u p c i vi c w o rk training hospital volunteers, an experience that helped lay the foundation for her future calling. "I learned howto listen," Phillips told The San Diego UnionTribune in 1989. "Sometimes, when people come to you with a problem, the best thing you can do is listen." In 1955, Phillips' twin, now Eppie Lederer, took over the Ann Landers column for The Chicago Sun-Times. A rank

beginner soon swamped by a

flood of mail, she began sending batches of letters to her sister — for advice, as it were. "I provided the sharp answers," Phillips told The Ladies' Pauline (known as Eppie), beat Home Journal in 1981. "I'd say, her intothe worldby 17minutes, 'You're writing too long (she just as she would narrowly beat still does), and this is the way I'd say it.'" She added, "My stuff her into the advice business. Their father, Abraham, was was published — and it looked a Jewish immigrant from Vlad- awfully good in print." ivostok, Russia, who had made So good that when The Sunhis start in the United States as Times laterforbade Lederer an itinerant chicken peddler to send letters out of the office, and, in an archetypal American Phillips, by this time living in success story, ended up owning the Bay Area, vowed to find a a chain of movie theaters. column of her own. She phoned The twins attended MornThe San Francisco Chronicle, ingside College in Sioux City, identifying herself as a housewhere they both studied jour- wife who thought she could do nalism and psychology and better than the advice columwrote a joint gossip column for nist the paper already had. "If you're ever in the neighthe school paper. As close as they were, the borhood," the features editor intense competitiveness that said rhetorically, "come in and would later spill into the public see me." arena was already apparent. Phillips took him at his word "She wanted to be the first vi- and the next morning appeared olin in the school orchestra, but unannounced in the newsroom I was," Phillips told Life maga- in a Dior dress. She had pruzine in 1958. "She swore she'd dently left her chauffeured Camarry a millionaire, but I did." dillac around the corner. If only to get rid of her, the 'More to life than mahjong' editor handed her a stack of In 1939, Pauline Friedman back issues, telling her to comleft college to marry Morton pose her own replies to the letPhillips, an heir to a liquor for- ters in the advice column. She tune. She was married in a lav- did so in characteristic style ish double ceremony alongside and dropped off her answers Eppie, who, not to be outdone, at the paper. She arrived home was wed on the same day to to a ringing telephone. The job Jules Lederer, a salesman who was hers — at $20 a week. later founded the Budget Rent Phillips chose her pen name A Car corporation. herself, taking Abigail after a As a young bride, Phillips prophet in the Book of Samuel lived in Eau Claire, Wis., where and Van Buren for its old-famher husband was an executive ily, presidential ring. Her first with th e N ational Pressure column appeared less than Cooker Co., which his family three months after her sister's had acquired. debut. A n i m m ediate suc"It never occurred to me that cess, the column was quickly I'd have any kind of career," syndicated.


Obituary policy Death Notices are free and will


OG3 .:I Op ~ I7

~ ~ ~O SPASHJ- h

By Paul Fattlg Medford Mail Tribune

began a century ago in

she's frying bacon.

A public forum



MEDFORD — For 2013, Medford native David Dellenback has a New Year's resolution — to right what he believes is a wrong that

By Margallt Fox

more meaningful than mahjong, transformed herself into the syndicated columnist Dear Abby — and in so doing became a trusted, tart-tongued adviser to tens of millionsdied Thursday in Minneapolis. She was 94. Her syndicate, Universal Uclick, announced her death on its website. A longtime resident of Beverly Hills, Calif., Phillips, who had been ill with Alzheimer'sdisease for more than a decade, had lived in Minneapolis in recent years to be near family. I f D a mon R u nyon a n d Groucho Marx had gone jointly into the advice business, their column wouldhave read much like Dear Abby's. With her comic and flinty yet fundamentally sympathetic voice, Phillips helped wrestle the advice column from its weepy Victorian past into a hard-nosed 20thcentury present: Dear Abby: I have always wanted to have my family history traced, but I can't afford to spend a lot of money to do it. Have you any suggestions? — M.J.B. in Oakland, Calif. Dear M.J.B.: Yes. Run for a public office. Phillips began her life as Abigail Van Buren in 1956 and quicklybecame known forher astringent, often genteelly risque, replies to queries that included the marital, the medical and sometimes both at once: Dear Abby: Are birth control pills deductible? — Bertie Dear Bertie: Only if t h ey don't work. She was also known for her long, much-publicized professional rivalry with her identical twin sister, advice columnist Ann Landers.

Medford native seeks artifacts' return


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ELSEWHERE Deaths oj note from around theworld: Robert Citron, 87: Former Orange C o unt y tr e asurer whose bad bets on exotic Wall Street investments resulted in what at the time in 1997 was the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history. Died Wednesday. John Nkomo, 79: Second of two vice presidents of Zimbabwe; he was a former opponent of President Robert Mugabe and a longtime activist for his country's independence. Died Thursday in a hospital in Harare, Zimbabwe. — From wire reports

Colombia. Dellenback, 60, a longtime resident of Colombia who lives in San Agustin with his wife, Martha, is working with C olombian residents to return 35 ancient stone statues from a German museum back to San Agustin, where they were taken in 1913. "The stars are aligned to bring them back," he said in a telephone interview. "The German government understands they are stolen. No museum would want them. The time has come for them to be returned. "The Germans are waiting for the Colombian government to wake up and come forthese statues." The stone statues, now at the Ethnological Museum in Berlin, were taken by ethnologist Konrad Preuss, who led excavations in the San Agustin area in 1913. However, he was unable to move the statues to Germany until after World War I ended in 1918. He died in 1938. Dellenback organized a campaign in December in which more than 1,800 residents of the San Agustin area signed a petition asking the Colombian government to formally request the return of the artifacts from Germany. The town of about 30,000 high in the Andes is about 250 miles southwest of Bogota. In a Dec. 27 article on Dellenback's effort, the Los Angeles Times reported that the cultural attache at the German Embassy in Bogota did not return a call asking for comment. Legal experts differ on whether there were laws at the time that prohibited such artifact export from Colombia, the paperreported. The Oregon expatriate is the son of the late John Dellenback, a longtime Medford resident who served as a member of Congress from 1966 to 1974 and was later appointed head of the Peace Corps by President Gerald Ford. A coffee farmer who has lived in Colombia for more than 35 years, David Dellenback lived in Medford for 15 years before moving with his family to Washington, D.C., while his father was serving in Congress. When he isn't tending his coffee trees, David Dellenback is an archaeological investigator in the region known for its pre-Columbian archaeological sites. When he arrived in Colombia, Dellenback, whose wife is from Bogota, said he became interested in the culture and its history, including archaeology. He has written two books on ancient stone statues from the region, many of which are more than 1,000 years old. He is particularly concerned about the looting of Colombian cultural sites, including the removal of the 35 stone statues. "Archaeologists don't find these artifacts — grave robbers and tomb raiders find them," he said. "They are discovered by people who do not bear them any goodwill at all." He d escribed P r euss as an ethnologist not well versed in the study of archaeology who violated ethics in taking the artifacts. "He was not an archaeologist — he wanted plunder," Dellenback said. "I consider him and others like him the spiritual followers of the conquistadors. He wanted to get his hands on artifacts."

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W EAT H E R Maps and national forecast provided by Weather Central LP ©2013. •B4

• •

Today: Sunny and

Tonight: Clear and cool overnight.

nice, well above aver-


CHX4NNE Krarz.craaa


0 c a.a 49/32



Seasideu 48/42 4a 2 u• cannon Beach~







• Hermiston 34/28 •


Dag e s

Wallowa , Pendleton 35/i6 • Enterpris 32/26 • Meacham 38/16

WEST Morning clouds, then partly to mostly sunny.


Tigamook• 54/33

Sa n dy




S prings


•John Day

Prineville 45/zt


Eugene •



43/1 7


Baker Ci

• Madras


EAST Mostly sunny cold conditions.





36/i 9

Paulina 4i/ir




Valeo 20/5

Nyssa Ham ton

La Pine45/16 43/17 Crescentu • Lake g Cr escent • Fort Rock xena


Coos Bay 56/34 •




Jordan Valley




• 63' North Bend

42/i 4

41/1 0

• 45/26•

Brookings g


Yesterday's state extremes






34/1 i

Grants Pass

• Beach


46/1 8

Chr i stmas Valley

5j ive

1 Port Orford 55/39


• Burns

43/1 5

38/1 0





• 90


• Lakeview


44/i 6



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Vancouver •

(in the 48 contiguous states):

• Ca Calgary ar S ask l l



Melbourne, Fla.

, aeoise


Crane Lake,Minn. North Wilkesboro,

SQS Ra id Cit + Cheyenne ~



< or an

1/24'C Green Bay


Detr oit

' • Buffalo I

57/30 pg;ca 0' — Columbus

xm I& • 46/24 Phoenix 71/44

— Oklahoma City 52/36 •

T ijuana O S




H AW A I I Chihuahua



~ Little Rockw Nashville 46/28 ~

Ch a rlot x 45/ 4 Atlanta~ ( Birmingham 53/35 •' 55/37L D a llas1 I 48/30 New Orleans 54/42 • lando • 6/S4 51/32


-20s s -10s

5 Anchorage 14/9



ra O





HonolulutaxA 78/66

Thunder Ba 16/10

Bismarck + 34/19


Quebec 0/

wlnnl +

, ortland

La Paz 69/57


• Miami 72/63

Monterrey 65/45 • Mazatlan

• Juneau 35/27





Increasing clouds ahead of the next





50 20

44 1 8

42 24

43 20

SUN AND MOON SCHEDULE Sunrisetoday...... 7:35 a.m Moon phases Sunsettoday...,,, 4 57 p,m F irst Ful l La s t Sunrise tomorrow .. 7:34a.m Sunset tomorrow... 4:58 p.m Moonrise today...10:59 a.m Moonsettoday ...12:09 a.m Jan.18 Jan. 26 reb. 3


Tomorrow Rise Set Mercury....7:50 a.m...... 4:55 p.m. Venus......6:38 a.m...... 3:34 p.m.

Yesterday's weather through 4 p.m. inBend High/Low.............. 48/25 24 hours endmg 4 p.m.*. . 0.00" Recordhigh........58m1948 Monthtodate.......... 0.70" Recordlow........ -11in1930 Average monthtodate... 0.94" Average high.............. 41 Year to date............ 0.70" Average low .............. 25 Average year to date..... 0.94" Barometricpressureat 4 p.m30.34 Record 24 hours ...1.24in1971 *Melted liquid equivalent

Mars.......8:38 a.m...... 6:36 p.m. Jupiter... 12:57pm......358a.m. Satum......1:33 a.m..... I 1:57 a.m.

Uranus....10:20 a.m.....10:35 p.m.


OREGON CITIES Yesterday F r iday Hi/Lo/Pcp H i/Lo/W



S aturdayThe higher the UV Index number, the greater Ski report from around the state, representing H i /Lo/Wthe need for eye and skin protection. Index is conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday:

City Precipitationvaluesare24-hour totals through4 p.m.

for solar at noon.

Snow accumulation in inches


Astoria ........48/31/0.00....49/32/pc.....51/37/pc Baker City...... 21/-2/0.00......22/8/s......30/11/s Brookings......50/38/0.00.....57/38/s.....55/36/pc Burns.......... 22/-6/0.00......32/1/s.......29/3/s Eugene........34/30/0.00.....40/29ls.....43/36/pc KlamathFags ....34/1/000 .... 31/8/s ... 35/12/s Lakeview....... 25/-9/0.00 .....33/4/s.......37/6/s La Pine......... 53/7/0.00.....45/I 6/s......42/1 3/s Medford.......35/25/0.00.....45/26/s.....43/25/pc Newport.......59/37/0.00....55/37/pc.....55/39/pc North Bend.....63/36/0.00.....57/34/s.....55/34/pc Ontario....... ..13/0/0.00.....17/6/sn......23/7/pc Pendleton......26/23/0.00.....32/26/s.....36/28/pc Portland.......44/32/0.00.....46/31/s.....48/34/pc Prineville....... 45/27/0.00.....45/21/c......46/1 7/s Redmond....... 50/1 6/0.00.....30/24/s......47/1 5/s Roseburg.......37/30/0.00....49/31/pc.....49/29/pc Salem ....... 39/32/0 00 ....42/29/s ...46/34/pc Sisters.........48/1 8/0.00.....46/1 9/s......43/20/s The Dages......32/30/0.00.....38/30/s.....41/25/pc







ROAD CONDITIONS Snow level androadconditions representing conditions at 5 p.m. yesterday. Key:TT. = Traction Tires. Pass Conditions 1-5 at Siskiyou Summit........ Carry chains or T. Tires 1-84 at Cabbage Hill....... .. . Carry chains or T. Tires

Ski area Last 24 hours Base Depth Anthony Lakes ...... . . . . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 58 Hoodoo..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .68-70 Mt. Ashland...... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .77-117 Mt. Bachelor..... . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . . .85-105 Mt. Hood Meadows..... . . . . . 0 .0 . . . . . . . . 86 Mt. HoodSkiBowl...........0.0......50-52 Timberline..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0.. . .106-1 08

Warner Canyon....... . . . . . . . 0.0... no report Willamette Pass ....... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .40-84

Aspen, Colorado...... . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .20-22 Mammoth Mtn., California.....0.0. . . . .94-192 Park City, Utah ...... . . . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .39-52 Squaw Valley, California..... . .0.0.. . . .58-1 21 Sun Valley, Idaho....... . . . . . . 0.0.. . . . .24-51 Hwy. 58 at Willamette Pass.... Carry chains or T.Tires Taos, New Mexico...... . . . . . . 0.0. . . . . .33 37 Hwy. 138 at Diamond Lake.... Carry chains or T.Tires Hwy. 242 at McKenzie Pass........ Closed for season Vail, Colorado...... . . . . . . . . . 0.0... . . . . . 21 For up-to-minute conditions turn to: For links to thelatest ski conditions visit: www.skicentral.com/oregon.html www.tripcheck.com or call 511 Legend:W-weather, Pcp-precipitation,s-sun, pc-partial clouds,c-clouds, h-haze,sh-showers,r-rain, t-thunderstorms,sf-snowflurries, sn-snow,i-ice,rs-rain-snowmix, w-wind,f-fog, dr-drizzle,tr-trace

Hwy. 20 at Santiam Pass...... Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Government Camp.. Carry chains or T. Tires Hwy. 26 at Ochoco Divide..... Carry chains or T. Tires



YeSterday S extremes

Another day of sunshine.

little, still sunny.

CENTRAL Mostly sunny cold



39/19 Umon

on on


II. •







La Grande•

Camp 59/ai



Maupin sios



• 44/35


Lincoln City 53/36



Cooling a

More sunshine, still warm.


As t oria

I s



52 I,

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a++++ d 4 4 .*a *a.* • ++++a ! 4 4 4 a *** * *

W a r m Stationarv



aa T. aa

a 4 >

* +

R in

Fh i ioa

+ +xa \

Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday Yesterday Friday Saturday City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W City Hi/Lo/Pcp Hi/Lo/W Hi/Lo/W Abilene TX......59/28/000... 56/35/s.. 63/33/s Grandilapids....36/22/0 00..35/33/pc. 39/20/sn Rapid City.......46/22/000... 53/24/s.36/18/pc Savannah.......79/46/005... 57/33/s.. 61/43/s Akron..........36/32/000...30/26/c. 42/23/sn Green Bay.......23/13/0.00..34/27/pc.. 36/8/sn Reno...........37/18/000...43/15/s.. 43/16/s Seattle..........39/27/000..39/34/pc. 40/35/pc Albany..........37/24/000...23/18/s. 40/27/pc Greensboro......49/33/1.96...42/22/s .. 47/30/s Richmond.......4603/1.04... 39/20/s .. 50/33/s Sioux Falls.......33/13/0.00... 46/25/5.. 36/I/pc Albuquerque.....48/18/000...46/24/s .. 47/25/s Harnsburg.......40/35/0.00 ..34/21/pc .. 45/30/s RochesterNY....36/19/000... 27/25/c .. 44/30/c Spokane....... 25/12/trace... 33/20/s .. 31/23/c Anchorage......21/18/010...14/9/pc. 28/23/sn Hartford,CT.....42/25/000...26/18/s. 43/28/pc Sacramento......59/27/0.00... 60/33/s .. 60/33/s Springfield, MO ..45/25/0.00... 51/32/5.. 54/25/s Atlanta.........54/37/059... 53/35/5.. 55/38/s Helena..........32/13/0 00 ..40/I8/pc. 34/15/pc St Louis.........42/30/000 ..50/32/pc.55/23/pc Tampa..........71/59/003 ..68/54/pc. 75/57/pc Atlantic City.....42/37/000...38/25/5 .. 45/37/s Honolulu........78/63/000...78/66/s .. 78/66/s SaltLakeCity.....23/2/000...28/10/s.. 28/13/s Tucson..........69/41/000...69/38/s.. 71/39/s Austin..........66/27/000...58/35/s .. 64/39/s Houston........63/29/000...60/40/s. 65/44/pc SanAntonio.....69/32/0.00... 59/38/s .. 66/40/s Tulsa...........55/25/0.00... 54/33/s .. 59/28/s Baltimore .......45/39/0.00...38/27/s.. 46/31/s Huntsville.......43/33/0.28...48/27/5 .. 54/31/s SanDiego.......73/44/000...72/49/s .. 72/50/s Washington, DC..46/41/001...38/27/s .. 46/32/s Billings.........40/25/000..50/21/pc. 37/10/pc Indianapolis.....40/26/0.00..39/30/pc. 44/21/pc SanFrancisco....59/38/000...61/43/s .. 61/44/5 Wichita.........56/29/000... 53/31/5.. 57/24/s Birmingham.....41/33/043...48/30/s .. 53/34/s Jackson, MS.....50/32/0.24. 51/31/s .. 60/35/s SanJose........64/32/000 .. 68/40/s 64/40/s Yakima.........29/27/000... 31/24/s. 34/25/pc Bismarck........29/22/000..34/19/pc..21/6/pc Jacksonvile......75/53/000...63/39/s. 66/46/pc SantaFe........48/11/000... 38/16/s .. 42/19/s Yuma...........70/45/000... 71/47/s .. 72/47/s Boise............18/3/000...23/11/s .. 26/11/s Juneau..........42/37/0.68 ..35/27/sn...34/33/r INTERNATIONAL Boston..........42/31/000...26/21/s. 45/33/pc KansasCity......47/26/000...53/34/s. 51/20/pc Bndgeport,CT....45/35/000...31/25/s .. 44/33/s Lansing.........33/19/0.00..32/30/pc. 40/19/sn Amsterdam......27/21/000.. 28/20/c 24/22/c Mecca..........93/72/000 85/69/s .. 85/69/s Buffalo.........36/19/000...29/26/c .. 42/28/c LasVegas.......60/33/000... 58/35/s .. 60/36/s Athens..........60/54/0.00... 59/48/r. 54/44/pc Mexico City .....66/46/0.00 64/45/pc 69/43/pc Burlington, VT.....32/9/000...16/15/c .. 37/27/c Lexington.......39/30/0 00..40/29/pc .. 47/30/5 Auckland........72/59/000 ..66/60/pc. 70/57/pc Montreal.........36/3/003.... 9/6/pc. 32/30/sn Caribou,ME..... 31/6/008....-3/8/s .. 23/4/sn Lincoln..........46/19/000... 50/25/s. 44/13/pc Baghdad........53/35/000...62/46/s. 65/49/pc Moscow........18/10/015 ..15/14/sn... 14/6/c Charleston, SC...78/49/0.06... 54/33/s.. 59/42/s Little Rock.......56/28/0.00... 51/32/s.. 56/33/s Bangkok........91/77/0.00... 91/70/s .. 89/74/s Nairobi.........77/61/0.00... 78/56/s .. 78/56/s Charlotte........52/41/203...45/24/s .. 52/33/s LosAngeles......75/45/000...72/50/s .. 72/50/s Beifng..........37/14/000 ..32/I6/pc .. 39/21/c Nassau.........79/70/000... 79/69/c. 75/71/sh Chattanooga.....45/37/021 ...49/28/s.. 53/31/s Louisville........47/32/0.00 ..42/32/pc. 48/30/pc Beirut..........68/55/0 00... 64/55/c.. 65/52/s New Delhi.......66/59/0 00.. 65/49/sh.. 65/46/s Cheyenne.......45/13/000...48/26/s. 46/18/pc Madison WI.....27/I3/0 00..41/30/pc.. 41/7/pc Berlin...........32/27/000...26/19/c..25/16/c Osaka..........45/36/000..38/36/sf.43/34/pc Chicago.........34/23/000 ..44/35/pc. 44/17/pc Memphis....... 48/32/000...50/32/s .. 57/34/s Bogota.........68/52/000...64/45/t...66/45/t Oslo............18/16/001 ..13/10/pc....9/6/c Cincinnati.......45/28/0.00 ..38/30/pc 48/28/pc Miami . . . . 79/67/013 72/63/pc78/69/sh Budapest........36/32/0.1 8 .. 32/27/sn.. 25/l 4/c Ottawa......... 32/-2/0.02.... 8/7/pc. 32/28/sn Cleveland.......37/32/000...33/30/c. 42/25/sn Milwaukee......31/19/000 ..41/33/pc. 41/13/pc BuenosAires.....86/68/046 ..81/60/pc.. 78/58/c Paris............30/18/000 ..32/26/pc..30/20/sf ColoradoSpnngs.45/16/000...55/23/s. 54/23/pc Minneapolis......20/6/000..41/24/pc..35/3/pc CabosanLucas..75/57/000..82/61/pc.79/59/pc RiodeJaneiro....95/73/000...82/72/t...81/72/t Columbia,MO...42/27/0.00...48/32/s .. 50/20/s Nashville........47/34/0.01...46/28/s .. 54/32/5 Cairo...........70/52/000 ..71/53/pc.. 69/54/s Rome...........46/36/000 ..46/34/pc. 45/35/sh Columbia,SC....78/47/0.48... 51/28/s .. 56/35/s New Orleans.....53/38/0.00... 54/42/s .. 62/49/s Calgary.........48/23/000.. 39/19/s... 18/6/c Santiago........84/61/0.00...85/65/s .. 87/65/s Columbus, GA....60/38/0.24... 56/35/5.. 58/37/s New York.......43/37/0.00... 35/27/s .. 45/32/s Cancun.........77/66/005 ..77/68/pc. 76/65/pc Sao Paulo.......79/66/000... 74/65/t.. 74/64/c Columbus OH....38/32/000 ..35/28/pc. 46/24/pc Newark Nl......46/37/0 00... 35/25/s. 45/31/pc Dublin..........46/39/002 ..43/37/sh..34/30/rs Sapporo ........I4/10/007 .. 24/20/sf ..29/19/sf Concord, NH.....38/15/000...19/12/s. 36/23/pc Norfolk, VA......47/39/0 69...40/20/s .. 52/37/5 Edinburgh.......36/30/000 ..28/26/pc .. 33/26/c Seoul...........25/14/000 .. 14/2/pc .. 27/21/c Corpus Christi....71/35/000... 59/45/s. 63/46/pc Oklahoma City...55/31/0 00... 52/36/s .. 59/32/s Geneva.........32/21/000 ..26/I8/pc. 36/33/sh Shanghai........41/28/000 ..40/35/pc. 45/46/pc DallasFtWonh...61/34/0.00... 55/37/s .. 64/39/s Omaha.........41/22/0.00... 50/26/s.42/11/Pc Harare..........81/64/0.00... 75/61/t...81/64/t Singapore.......88/77/0.00... 86/74/t...79/75/t Dayton .........41/28/000 ..36/30/pc. 46/23/pc Orlando.........81/58/0.00..66/54/pc. 74/58/pc Hong Kong......72/59/000..64/60/pc. 64/62/pc Stockholm.......30/19/000...22/11/c.... 9/7/c Denver..........48/21/0.00... 55/24/s. 52/21/pc PalmSprings.....73/49/0.00... 73/44/s.. 73/43/s Istanbul.........55/48/085 ..56/50/sh. 52/47/sh Sydney..........84/70/000 ..100/70/t...75/66/t DesMoines......37/18/000..57/30/pc. 48/10/pc Peoria..........35/26/0.00..45/31/pc. 45/15/pc Jerusalem.......64/50/000..64/51/pc .. 63/46/s Taipei...........61/54/000 ..52/54/pc.. 64/60/s Detroit..........39/26/000 ..31/27/pc. 39/23/sn Philadelphia.....43/38/000...36/26/s .. 47/32/s Johannesburg....76/58/0.00... 74/63/t...64/55/t Tel Aviv.........68/52/0.0071/57/pc .. .. 70/54/s Duluth........... 9/4/000 ..27/21/sn ..25/9/sn Phoenix.........73/38/0 00... 71/44/s .. 72/45/s Lima...........79/72/000..80/67/pc.78/66/pc Tokyo...........46/32/000 ..34/25/pc.. 37/29/s El Paso..........57/23/000... 57/31/s .. 59/33/s Pittsburgh.......34/30/000...28/25/c. 45/25/pc Lisbon..........59/55/000.. 59/54/r 53/47/sh Toronto.........34/14/000 27/25/pc..34/23/sf Fairbanks.........14/1/000 -16/26/pc....3/5/c Portland,ME.....40/25/000...18/15/s .. 35/29/c London.........36/25/000 ..31/29/sn..32/19/sf Vanceuver.......41/27/000 .. 37/34/pc.. 43/40/c Fargo...........12/1/000 ..29/15/pc...I7/14/ Providence......42/31/000... 27/22/s. 46/34/pc Madrid .........55/43/0.02 54/50/sh. .. 48/32/sh Vienna..........30/27/1.20... 25/20/c .. 23/14/c Flagstaff........36/20/000...43/11/s .. 44/13/s Raleigh.........51/37/1.05...42/22/s .. 50/31/s Manila..........84/72/000..81/72/pc. 79/73/pc Warsam........28/19/000....21/8/c.. 18/16/c

Oregon'sbiggest goldnugget gets new,safer displaycase By JaysonJacoby WesCom News Service

BAKER CITY — Zella Sly is holding a stone that looks perfect for propping open a door that's out of plumb. Or you could use it to buy a new Ferrari. This is, suffice it to say, not an ordinary rock. To be geologically precise, it's not even a rock at all. It's a chunk of nearly

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pure gold. Specifically, the biggest, and most famous, gold nugget ever found in Oregon. And it has a new home in Baker City. Well, sort of new. The Armstrong nugget, all 5 pounds of it, rests today where it has for more than half a century — in the U.S. Bank branch at 2000 Main St. in Baker City. But the nugget, and the rest of the dazzling display of the precious metal that surrounds it, is shovm off to better effect in a new wood-and-glass case. The custom-built case not only looks nice, it incorporates much more sophisti cated securityfeatures, said Sly, who manages the Baker City branch. Despite the new precautions, though, the key to the old security system remains in place, Sly said. "The gold is locked in the vault every night," she said. "We needed to up our game," said Bob Kavanaugh, Eastern Oregon district manager for U.S. Bank. "This is a unique display, and very i mportant to Baker County. We want the people of Baker County to understand that we take this very seriously." Kavanaugh credits Sly as the "driving force" behind the project to replace the display case for the gold collection. Sly said she was surprised, when she took the job in Baker City about a year ago, by the popularity of the gold display and its centerpiece, the Arm-

strong nugget. "I had no idea it was such a draw," Sly said. nWe have tour buses that stop just so people can see the display. We have school groups from Portland." A trio of Baker City Police officers supplied security while Tabor Clarke, who owns a Bak-

60 months O 2.99% on approved credit plus Title and License. 740 & above credit score.

Kathy Orr/Wescom News Serwce

The Armstrong Nugget is displayed at the U.S. Bank branch In Baker Clty, where It has been for more than half a century.


F~r er City jewelry store, weighed the collection. His official figUre for the Armstrong nugget was 8033 ounces. The rest of the collection, which includes smaller nug-


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Her father, Jack Rogers, and her grandfather, John Stuchell, both served as leading officers in the First National Bank of Baker, the predecessor of today's U.S. Bank (the Baker gets (the biggest weighs 14.1 City bank merged with U.S. ounces), flakes and dust, much National Bank of Portland in of it given to the bank over the 1959). Stuchell bought the First Nayears, exceeds 150 ounces. The actual value depends on the tional Bank of Baker in 1934 purity of each sample, Clarke — the bank was founded in Safd. 1883 — and kept it operating Due to its value as a unique throughout the Great Deprescollectible, Clarke said, unusu- sion, said Harrell, who gradually large pieces such as the ated from Baker High School in Armstrong nugget might well 1955 and from the University of fetch more than the market Oregon in 1959. price of gold, which comes to Stuchell died on Sept. 22, $115,000 or so based on the 1947. nugget's purity of about 87 perHarrell's father was elected cent and the current gold value as the bank's president on of about $1,650 per ounce. Oct. 8, 1947. It was the largest The Armstrong nugget was independent bank in Eastern found, so the story goes, by a Oregon. miner named George ArmThe Armstrong nugget had strong in 1913 near Susanville, been on display at the bank in Grant County. The colorful since before the Depression, (and, perhaps, apocryphal) she said. tale has it that Armstrong was The late Jack Pittman, a forwalking behind his son when mer U.S. Bank official, said in he noticed the nugget in the a 2004 interview that George m uddy footprint left b y h i s Armstrong stored his nugget at son's boot. the bank for safekeeping, and Whether the story is pre- borrowed hundreds of dollars cisely accurate or not, about the using the nugget as collateral. nugget there is no doubt. You In 1955 Harrell was photoneed only heft the thing — it's graphed standing next to the as heavy as a normal stone display case, along with Mary three or four times its size — to Ann Hansen, for a U.S. Bank understand that its pale yellow postcard that touted the gold is no thin lacquer of paint. collection. A recent event at U.S. Bank She said her f ather had included a guest of honor, Edna the idea to promote the colHarrell of Baker City. lection, and in particular the "It's a real honor to have Armstrong nugget, as a tourist Edna here," Kavanaugh said. attraction.



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Bryant an All-Star for 15th time NEW YORK — Kobe Bryant has been voted to his NBA-record 15th

consecutive All-Star


Duc s itresetuttononcoac in searc

Angeles players into nextmonth'sgame.

• Offensive coordinator Mark Helfrich remainthe s top candidate to replace Chip I(elly asOregon's coach,and the university is expected to movequickly

Lakers teammate Dwight Howard and the

By Rob Moseley

start, leading four Los

Clippers' Chris Paul and Blake Griffin will join Bryant in the Western

Conference lineup for the Feb. 17 game in Houston. Oklahoma City's Kevin Durant, the MVP of last year's

game, rounds out the starting five. Kevin Garnett held off Chris Bosh in fan

The (Eugene) Register-Guard

University of O r egon officials pivoted quickly Wednesday in reaction to football coach Chip Kelly's surprising departure, which came exactly three weeks before national signing day for prospective recruits. Athletic director Rob M u llens said he will "restart" a coaching search that began in preliminary

Inside • Kelly officially takes over the Eagles,C4 fashion earlier this month, when Kelly interviewed with three National Football League teams following the Ducks' Fiesta Bowl win. Sources have long indicated that offensive coordinator Mark Helfrich has been identified as Kelly's even-

tual successor, but Mullens said the athletic department will conduct a national search for a replacement, in part a nod to a state law requiring that at least one minority candidate be interviewed. "Obviously we're very aware of where we are in the recruiting period, and the critical nature of finding the next leader," Mullens said. See Ducks/C4

Matt Rourke i The Associated Press

Former Oregonhead coach Chip Kelly speaks during a press conference as he is introduced as the Philadelphia Eagles coach on Thursday.

balloting, giving the East two Boston Celtics and two Miami Heat players.


LeBron Jamesand


Dwyane Wade will

represent the defending champions and receive passes from Rajon


Rondo. New York's

Summit, 36-32

Carmelo Anthony is the other starter. Bryant finished with

1,591,437 votes, edging

Bulletin staff report In what Ridgeview coach Dan Elliott described as a "back-and-forth" dual wrestling meet, the Ravens used two late falls to edge host Summit 36-32 on Thursday night. "The biggest thing was our kids were able to stay off their backs and not give up falls," Elliott said. "We keep stressing in dual meets how important it is to stay off their backs, and that's what it came down to tonight." Trailing 26-24 with just three matches left, Ridgeview rode pins by Boomer Fleming at 195 pounds and Brandon Hanson at 220. The latter all but sealed the Ridgeview win. "Brandon Hanson, what can you say?" Elliott said. "(That's) a freshman going out there and rising to the occasion."

James by about 7,800 to finish as the leading

vote-getter and break a tie with Shaquille O'Neal, Jerry West and

Karl Malone for the most consecutive start-

ing nods. —TheAssociated Press


Last coaching jods filled There are nomore head coaching jobs

Tanner Boatman (106 pounds), Kegan Rago (138) and Calixto Paniagua (152) also recorded

left in the NFL after the

Jacksonville Jaguars


and the Arizona Cardi-

nals filled their vacancies on Thursday. The Jaguars havean energetic head coach to go along with their

brash general manager

falls for Ridgeview, which will compete in the Oregon Wrestling Classic at the Deschutes County Fair 8t Expo Center in Redmond today and Saturday. The Ravens received a late entry into the Classic after Sheridan dropped out. Ridgeview, a Class 4A school, will wrestle in Sheridan's place in the 3A division but cannot win a


after they hired Seattle

Summit was led by a fall from Jacob Thompson at 145 as well as major decisions by Patrick Leiphart at 126 and Brandon Katter at 160. "I think we can take away that duals can be fun sometimes if you have the same competition," said Storm coach Tom Nelson, whose team hosts Mountain View next Thursday. "It's good for the sport of wrestling when you see close duals like this."

defensive coordinator Gus Bradley as the

franchise's fifth head coach, the latest move in the team's rebuilding

project. The 46-year-old

Bradley joins general manager DaveCaldwell, who led the coaching search after being hired

last week. Bradley spent the last

four seasons in Seattle, earning a reputation as a fiery assistant who

COLLEGE FOOTBALL Courtesy of Southern Oregon University athletics

Southern Oregon's Taylor Johnson is declared the winner of a match again Montana State University-Northern in December. Taylor, a 2009 Redmond High graduate, is17-2 andranked No. 4 at197 pounds in the NAIA.

finished in the top 10 in points and yards the last

As theories onTe'o swirl, his image becomes a puzzle

Seahawks ranked first

By Steve Eder

demanded —andoften got — the mostfrom his players. His defense improved each of the past three years and two. This season, the

in points allowed (15.3), fourth in yards (306.2) and tied for fourth in

takeaways (31). Seattle moved quickly to hire Florida

defensive coordinator Dan Quinn to the same position with the

Seahawks. Quinn returns to Seattle after two seasons with the Gators. He was the

defensive line coach for Seattle in 2009 and 2010.

The Cardinals hired Indianapolis offensive coordinator Bruce Ari-

• Former Redmond High standout TaylorJohnsonreboots his career at Southern OregonUniversity, with a national ranking in the NAIA By Grant Lucas The Bulletin

Last year, he was taking a break f rom college. He wa s b ack i n Redmond, working construction — getting his head right, as he puts it. Now, Taylor Johnson is a sophomore at Ashland's Southern Oregon University, where he is the No. 4 197-pounder in the nation wrestling for the No. 2 team in NAIA. He has a national championship in

ans, the teamconfirmed in a releaseThursday night, saying Arians received a four-year The 60-year-old head coach while Chuck Pagano wasundergoing treatment for leukemia

this season. Arians was the sixth known candidate inter-

viewed to replace Ken Whisenhunt, who was

fired after six seasons. — From wire reports

son moved back home from Oregon State U niversity, Ritchey tracked down the former Panther, offered him a spot on the SOU roster and ended up with one of the top NAIA wrestlers in the nation, one who has put together a 17-2 record as of Jan. 14 with 14 pins, including an 11-second fall against Luke Jones of Michigan State last month at the Reno Tournament of Champions. See Raider/C4

On Dec. 6, Notre Dame officials said, Manti Te'o received an alarming phone call: His dead girlfriend, whose loss had inspired him during what had become a triumphant year for the Irish, might still be alive. Either that or Te'o, a gifted linebacker with a reputation for trusting others, had been the victim of a hoax, and the woman he thought hehad come to know online and through long, emotional phone calls had never really existed. Te'o, a Notre Dame official said this week, was badly shaken by the call. Nonetheless, two days later, on Dec. 8, at the Heisman Trophy ceremony, the star Notre Dame linebacker was asked about his most unforgettable moment of the season. See Te'o /C4


contract with a club option for a fifth year. longtime assistant went 9-3 as Colts interim

his sights this season, and possibly two more after that. "I knew he was pretty good. I didn't know how good," SOU coach Mike Ritchey says of Johnson, a 2009 Redmond High graduate. "I think he's gotten better since he's gotten here. It's been a good transition. The weight class he's at has been a bit of a need for us, so it was a real blessing to have him come in and fit that role real well for us." Last summer, a year after John-

New Yorlz Times News Service

49ers showing 'pisto' can work inNFL By Josh Dubow The Associated Press

SANTA CLARA, Calif. — Despite all those gaudy statistics and impressive physical skills, Colin Kaepernick faced plenty of questions coming out of Nevada about whether he was the product of a gimmicky college offense that

would have no chance of working in the pros. On the big stage of th e N ational Football League playoffs, Kaepernick is demonstrating just what he and that pistol offense are capable of against the toughest competition. With scintillating runs in the op-

tion game and downfield passes with his powerful right arm, Kaepernick has th e San Francisco 49ers backin the NFC championship game for a second straight year and has given more credibility to the offense designed by his col-

legecoach justseveralyearsago. SeePistol /C4

San Francisco QB Colin Kaepernick has run the pistol


offe n se well in the NFL.



ON THE AIR: TELEVISION TODAY TENNIS Midnight:Australian Open,third round, ESPN2.

11 a.m.:Australian Open,third round (taped), ESPN2. 6 p.m.:Australian Open, third round, ESPN2.

GOLF Noon:PGATour, Humana Challenge, second round, Golf Channel.

BASKETBALL 4 p.m.:NBA, Chicago Bulls at Boston Celtics, ESPN.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Stony Brook at Vermont, ESPNU.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Fairfield at lona, ESPNU. 6:30p.m.:NBA, Oklahoma City Thunder at Dallas Mavericks, ESPN. 7:30 p.m.:Boys high school, Ridgeview at Redmond, COTV.

7:30p.m.:Women'scollege, Arizona at Utah (joined in

progress), Pac-12Network. 8 p.m.:Women's college, UCLA at Stanford, Pac-12 Network.

HOCKEY 4:30 p.m.:College, Harvard at Yale, NBCSN.


5:30p.m.:Men'scollege,Loyola Marymount at San Francisco

(same-day tape), RootSports. 6 p.m.:Men's college, Kentucky


at Auburn, ESPNU.

6 p.m.:Men's college, Gonzaga at Butler, ESPN.

7 p.m.:Men's college, Colorado at Washington State, Pac-12 Network. 7 p.m.: NBA, Milwaukee Bucks at Portland Trail Blazers, Blazer

Network (Ch. 39). 7:30 p.m.:Men's college, St. Mary's at Portland, Root Sports. 8 p.m.: Men's college, Utah at Washington, ESPNU.

WINTER SPORTS 10 a.m.:Snowboarding, Copper Mountain, Colo., slopestyle (taped), NBCSN. HOCKEY Noon:NHL, Chicago Blackhawks

at Los Angeles Kings, NBC. FOOTBALL 3 p.m.: College,NFLPA Bowl, ESPN2.

MIXED MARTIALARTS 6p.m.: UFCon FX7, Vitor Belfort vs. Michael Bisping, FX.

BOXING 6 p.m.:Gabriel Campillo vs. Sergey Kovalev, NBCSN.

Today Boys basketball: Bend atMountainView,7 p.m.; CrookCountyatSummit, 7p.mJ MadrasatMolala, 7p.m.;JunctionCityat Sisters,5:45 p.m.; LaPine at Elmira,5:45p.m.; EastLinnChristian at Culver, 6:30 p.m.;Gilchrist atHosannaChristian, 8:30p.m.; NorthLakeatTrinity Lutheran,5:30p.m.; Ridgeview at Redm ond,7:30p.m. Girls basketball: MountainViewat Bend,7 p.m., Summiat t CrookCounty, 7pmzMolalaat Madras, 7p.m.;JunctionCityat Sisters, 7:15p.mzLaPine at Elmira,7:15p.m.; EastLinnChristian at Culver, 5 p.m.; Gilchrist at Hosanna Christian, 7 p.m., North LakeatTrinity Lutheran,4pm.; Ridgeviewat Redmond,5:45p.m. Wrestling: CrookCounty, Bend,Redmond,Ridgeview, MountainView,Madras, La Pine, Culver atOregon Classic atDeschutes County Fair 8 ExpoCenter, 10


Saturday Boys basketball: SouthWasco County at Central Christian, 3:30 p.m.; Trinity Lutheran atRogue ValleyAdventist, 7:30p.m.;Gilchrist at ButteFalls, 5:30 p.m. Girls basketball: Gilchrist at ButteFalls, 4 p.m.; SouthWascoCounty at Central Christian, 2p.m.; Trinity Lutheran at RogueValey Adventist, 6 p.m. Swimming: Bend,Summit, Sisters, MountainView, Ridgeview at White Buffalo ClassicInvitational, 8 a.m Alpine skiing: OSSA at Mt. Bachelor,Slalom,Ed's Garden,TBD Nordic skiing: OISRA classic andrelay racesatHoodoo, 11:30a.m. Wrestling: Crook County, Bend,Redm ond, Ridgeview,Madras Mountain View,LaPine, Culver at OregonClassic at DeschutesCounty Fair 8, Expo Center,10a.m.

PREP SPORTS Girls basketball Thursday's results

7:30 p.m.:Western Hockey League, Seattle Thunderbirds at


Everett Silvertips, Root Sports.

TENNIS VOLLEYBALL 6 p.m.:College, Stanford at USC, Midnight:Australian Open, Pac-12 Network.

round of16, ESPN2.

6 p.m.:Australian Open,round

SATURDAY TENNIS Midnight:Australian Open, third round, ESPN2.

6 p.m.:Australian Open,round of16, ESPN2.

GOLF 1 a.m.:EuropeanTour, Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship,

third round, Golf Channel. Noon:PGATour, Humana Challenge, third round, Golf Channel.

of16, ESPN2.

GOLF 1 a.m.:EuropeanTour, Abu Dhabi HSBC Golf Championship, final round, Golf Channel.

6:55 a.m.: English Premier

League, Manchester City vs. Fulham, ESPN2.

BASKETBALL 8 a.m.:Men's college, VMI at Coastal Carolina, ESPNU.

Channel. BASKETBALL 9 a.m.: W omen'scollege,St. John's at Notre Dame,ESPNU. 9 a.m.:Men's college, Navyat Army, CBSSN.

10 a.m.:Women's college, lowa Sports. 11 a.m.:Boys high school, Montrose Christian (Md.) vs. St. Benedict's (N.J.), ESPNU. 11 a.m.:Women's college, Butler at La Salle, CBSSN.

Noon:Women'scollege, Maryland at Georgia Tech, ESPN2.

9 a.m.:Men's college, UConnat


Pittsburgh, ESPN2.


Alabama-Birmingham at Texas EI-Paso, Root Sports.

Harvard at Memphis, Root

12:30 p.m.:Women's college,

Sports. 10a.m.:Men's college, St. Bonaventure atTemple, CBSSN. 10 a.m.:Men's college,


1 p.m.:Women's college, Colorado State at UNLV, CBSSN.

at Texas, CBS.

2 p.m.:Boys high school, Huntington Prep (W.Va.)vs. New Hampton (N.H.), ESPN. 2 p.m.:Women's college, Texas

11 a.m.:Men's college, Missouri

A8 M at Georgia, ESPN2.

Nebraska at Penn State, ESPNU.

11 a.m.:Men's college, Kansas at Florida, ESPN.

2 p.m.:Women's college,

11 a.m.: Men's college,Texas Tech at Oklahoma State,ESPN2.

Oregon at Oregon State, Pac-12 Network.

11:30 a.m.: Men's college,

3 p.m.:Men's college, Clemson

Arizona at Arizona State, Root Sports.

at North Carolina State, ESPNU.

4 p.m.:Women's college, USCat

Noon:Men's college, Akron at

Stanford, Pac-12 Network.

Kent State, ESPNU.

5 p.m.:Men's college, lllinois

Noon:Men's college, Columbia

State at Southern lllinois, ESPNU.

at Cornell, NBCSN.

1 p.m.:Men's college, Oregon at UCLA, CBS.

1 p.m.: Men'scollege,Syracuse at Louisville, ESPN. 1 p.m.:Men's college, Creighton at Wichita State, ESPN2. 1:30 p.m.: Men's college, Cal at Stanford, Root Sports. 2 p.m.:Men's college, Hofstra at

George Mason, NBCSN. 2 p.m.: Men'scollege,Pennvs. St. Joseph's, ESPNU. 3 p.m.:Men's college, Ohio State at Michigan State, ESPN.

3:30 p.m.:Men's college, Utah State at Denver, Root Sports.

4 p.m.:Men's college, Marquette at Cincinnati, ESPNU. 4 p.m.:Men's college, UNLV at Colorado State, NBCSN.

5 p.m.:Men's college, Oregon State at USC, Pac-12 Network.

HOCKEY 9:30 a.m.:NHL, Philadelphia Flyers at Buffalo Sabres, NBC. 7 p.m.: NHL, Chicago BlackhawksatPhoenix Coyotes, NBCSN.

MOTOR SPORTS 10 a.m.:AMA Supercross World Championship (taped), CBS. RODEO 11 a.m.: Bull riding, Winston-

Salem Invitational (taped), CBS. WINTER SPORTS Noon:Skiing, U.S. Freestyle Cup (taped), NBC. FOOTBALL Noon:NFL,NFCChampionship,

Boys basketball Thursday'sresults Class 2A Tri-River Conference KENNEDY(58) Doug Pomroy26, e Moreno20, Unrein 7Susee3, Lopez2,Arrito a,Jeager.Totals 21 10-14 58.

CULVER(61) — ClayGibson24, Gonzalez11, Slaght 10,Fritz 6,Daugherty4, McDonald 4, Lofting 2. Totals 2411-16 61. Kennedy 15 8 17 18 — 58 Culver 20 13 14 14 — 61 Three -pointgoals Kennedy Pomeroy4,Moreno, Susee;Culver:Gibson,Fritz.

Wrestling Thursday's results Redmond61, Ridgeview10 106 — Schwerbe, R,def. Boatman,RV,17-9 113 — Woodward,R, def. Carpenter,RV,6-2. 120

— Rystedt, R,pinsPickett RV,2:17. 126 — Short, R, pinsPorfilay,RV,114.132 — George,R,def. Rodman,RV,12-0 138 —Wiliams,R, pins Rago, RV, 2:57. 145 — Hickey,R,def. Prescott, RV,10-2. 162 — Paniagua, RV,def. Smith, R,14-4.160 —Shields, R, pinsOchoa,RV,:25.170 Brauchler, R,pinsWolford, RV,:32 182 —Andruss, R,pins Hancock, RV, :25. 195 — Fleming,RV,pins Howard, R,I:01. 220 —Godfrey,R,def.Hanson, RV,11-2. 285—Hal, R, wins byforfeit.

Ridgeview 36, Summit 32 106 — Boatman, RV,pinsBever, S I:20.113Brown,S,def. Carpenter, RV , 8-2. 120 —Pickett, RV, wins byforfeit. 126 Leiphart, S, def. Porfilay,RV, 12-1. 132 — G.Thompson,S,def.Rodman,RV,6-0. 138 — Rago,RV,pins Eckstein, S,3:30. 145 — J. Thompson,S, pinsPrescott, RV,5.34. 152 —Paniagua,RV,pinsJu.Zacarias, S,1:15.160 Katter, S, def. Dchoa,RV,18-8. 170 — Todd,S, def. Wolford RV,8-7. 182 —Arthur,S,def. Hancock,RV , 8-730T. 195 — Fleming,RV,pins M. Burbidge, S,:59. 220 Hanson,RV,pins Spear, S,2:31. 286 Murphy, S, wins by forfeit.


Playoff Glance ConferenceChampionships Sunday'sGames SanFranciscoatAtlanta, noon(Fox) BaltimoreatNewEngland,3:30 p.m.(CBS)

Betting line NFL

Conference UCLA Oregon Washington Arizona Arizona St. Califomia SouthernCa Stanford WashingtonSt. Colorado OregonSt.


W 5 4 4 3 3

L 0 0 0 1 1



2 1 1

3 3 3

1 0

4 4



Thursday'sGames UCLA74,OregonState64 Oregon76,USC74 Saturday's Games ArizonaatArizonaState,11.30 a.m. OregonatUCLA,1 p.m. CaliforniaatStanford, I:30 p.m. OregonStateatUSC, 5p.m. ColoradoatWashington State,7 p.m. Utah atWashington, 8 p.m.

Overall W 15 15 12 15 14 10 7 10 10 11 10 8

Thursday's summaries

No. 24 UCLA74, Oregon St. 64 OREGON ST. (10-7) Starks2-90-0 5,Barton2-4 0-04 Burton5-82-2 12, Morris-Walker0-32-22, Schaftenaar3-91-210, Reid 2-51-35, Collier4-91-29, Nelson7-141-317. Totals 25-61 8-1464. UCLA(16-3) Adams1-60-0 2,Powell 2-50-0 5,Anderson7-9 2-217, Drewll1-60-02, D Wear3-100-06, Muham mad8-142-321, Parker1-32-44, T.Wear6-94-4 17.Totals 29-6210-1374. Halftime —UCLA37-26. 3-Point Goals—Oregon St. 6-20 (Schaftenaar3-9, Nelson2-3, Starks 1-5, Barton 0-1, Morris-Walker0-2), UCLA6-12 (Muhammad 3-5, T Wear1-1,Anderson1-1, Powell 12, Drew II0-1, D.Wear0-2). FouledOut—T. Wear. Rebounds —Dregon St. 35 (Burton 8), UCLA37 (Anderson9).Assists—OregonSt.14(Barton, Burton 4), UCLA19(DrewII 9). TotalFouls—OregonSt. 12, UCLA12. A —8,721.

No. 21 Oregon76, USC74 OREGON (15-2) Singler 6-130-014, Emory3-11 4-610, Woods 4-10 2-210, Artis 2-64-610, Dotson6-113-416, Loyd 3-70-0 8, Kazemi2 2 2-3 6, Austin 1-30-12, Moore 0-00-0 0, Carter0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-63 15-2276. SOUTHERN CAL (7-11) Dedmon3-9248,Wise6-103 417,Fontan1-5365, Terrel6-12 l 6-722, Wesley4-63-411, Woolridge 0-0 0-0 0,Stewart0-3 0-00, Bryan1-2 0-12, Fuller 1-1 1-2 3,Oraby2-5 2-4 6.Totals 24-5320-3274. Halftime Oregon 35-31. 3-Point Goals Oregon 7-19 (Singler2-4, Artis 2-4, Loyd2-5, Dotson1-4, Emory0-2), SouthernCal6-15 (Terrell 4-9, Wise22, Wesley0-1, Bryan0-1, Fontan0-1, Stewart0-1). Foule d Out None.Rebounds Oregon41 (Kazemi 11), SouthernCal30 (Wise 6). Assists—Dregon 16 (Singler7),SouthernCal11(Fontan4). Total FoulsOregon 20, SouthernCal 18. Technical—Emory.

AM,722 (Hometeamsin Caps) Favorite Open Current Underdog Sunday Wom en's college 49ers 3.5 4 FALCONS Thursday'sGames PATRIO TS 9.5 9 Ravens EAST Drexel59, Hofstra53 Florida St. 67, Bo ston C ollege57 BASKETBALL GeorgeMason65, Towson54 PennSt.84,Wisconsin40 Men's college Saint Joseph's80,GeorgeWashington67 Thursday'sGames Siena75,St. Peter's 60

EAST Bryant79,MountSt.Mary's 78,OT CCSU73,Wagner 66 Canisius64,Manhatan60 LIU Brooklyn 79, FairleighDickinson75,OT Loyola(Md.)72, Marist 58 Monmouth (NJ)71,St.Francis (NY)67 Niagara87,Siena64 Penn54, NJIT53 Quinnipiac75,St.Francis(Pa.) 66,DT Rider66, St.Peter's 54 RobertMorris66, Sacred Heart 62 Rutgers70,SouthFlorida 67 UMass79, Duquesne66 SOUTH Belmont 83,E.Kentucky76

L 3 2 5 1 3 6 11 7 7 6 7 9


Clemson74,WakeForest 64 High Poin71, t Liberty63 JamesMadison 82,Wiliam&Mary52 Kentucky100,MississippiSt.47 Longwood 77, Campbell 75 Maryland82,NCState62 Memphis66,EastCarolina 56 Miami71,GeorgiaTech65 NorthCarolina71, Virginia 60 NorthTexas70, FIU68 Northeastern68, Georgia St.55 Northwestem St. 64 Nicholls St.55 Old Dominion74, UNCWilmington 50 Presbyterian56,UNCAshevile 49 Radford68, Coastal Carolina 50

DanielSumm erhays MichaelBradley RickyBarnes CharleyHoffman Cameron Tringale RyanPalmer Jerry Kelly PatrickCantlay

(6,950 yards, par72) n-PGAWest, JackNicklaus Private Course (6,951 yards, par72) p-La GuintaCountry Club (7,060 yards, par72) First Round Leading scores 32-31 63q RobertoCastro JasonKokrak 32-31—63p 30-33—63n JamesHahn 32-32—64q RussellHenley 32-32—64q GregChalmers DougLaBelleII 32-32 64q AaronBaddeley 33-31—64n Jeff Maggert 33-32—65q

(AHL). TAMPABAY LIGHTNING — Reassigned F Tyler Johnson and D MarkBarbiero and D Radko Gudasto Syracuse(AHL).

BrandtSnedeker RorySabbatini Phil Mickelson


33-32 65q 32-33—65q 30-35—65p 32-33 65q 32-33—65q 34-31—65n 32-33—65q 31-34 — 65q 33-34 — 67p 34-35—69q 36-36—72p

DEALS Transactions

BASEBALL American League BOSTON REDSOX—Agreedto termswith Jarrod Saltalamacchiaonaone-yearcontract. HOUSTON ASTROS—Agreed to termswith OF Rick Ankieand l C JasonJaramilo on minor league contracts. NEWYORKYANKEES—Agreedtoterms with RHP JobaChamberlain onaone-yearcontract. DAKLAND ATHLETICS—Agreed to terms with C JohnJasoandOFSethSmith onone-yearcontracts. TEXASRANGERS Agreed to terms with LHP Matt Harrisononafive-year contract andRHPNeftali Feliz ona one-year contract. TORONTOBLUEJAYS — Assigned LHP Tommy Hottovyoutright toBuffalo (IL). National League MII.WAUKE EBREWERS— Agreed to terms with OF CarloG somezonaone-yearcontract. NEWYOR K METS Agreedto termswith RHP BobbyPamell ona one-yearcontract. PITTSBU RGH PIRATES— Agreed to terms with RHPJeff Karstensonaone-yearcontract andOF/18 BradHawpeand CLucasMayon minor eaguecontracts.DesignatedRHPZachStewartfor assignment. SAN DIEGO PADRES—Agreedto termswith OF Wil Venableonaone-yearcontract. WASHING TON NATIDNALS — Agreedto terms with RHPRafael Sorianoon atwo yearcontract and RHPDrewStorenonaone-yearcontract. BASKETBALL TENNIS National Basketball Association DALLASMAVERICKS — SignedG MikeJamesto asecond10-daycontract. Professional MIAMIHEA T — Recaled C Dexter Pittmanfrom Australian Open SiouxFalls(NBADL). At MelbournePark PHILADE LPHIA76ERS—SignedGShelvin Mack Melbourne,Australia to a10-daycontract. Purse: $31.608million (GrandSlam) FOOTBALL Surface: Hard-Outdoor National Football League Singles ARIZONA CARDINALS—Named BruceArians ofMen fensivecoordinator. Late Thursday BUFFALO BILLS — Named Ike Hiliard widereSecondRound coach,JohnAnselmo special teamsassistant Jeremy Chardy, France, def.MarcelGranollers (30), ceivers and Hal Lutherassistant strengthandconditioning Spain, 6-3,3-6, 6-1,6-2. coacy. Announcedoffensive coordinator Nathaniel GaelMonfils,France,def.Yen-hsunLu,Taiwan,7-6 HackettwiI alsoserveasquarterbackscoach. (5), 4-6,0-6,6-1, 8-6 CHICAGO BEARS—AnnounceddefensivecoordiRichardGa squet (9), France,def. Aleiandro Fala, nator RodMarinelli will notreturnnext season. Colombia6-3, , 6-2,6-2. CLEVEL AND BROWNS — Named Norv Turner GillesSimon(14),France,def.JesseLevine, Cana- offensive coordinator, BradRoll strengthandcondida,2-6,6-3,7-6(4), 6-2. tioning coach, MikeSullivanoffensive linecoachand Ivan DodigCroati , a, def.JarkkoNieminen, Finland, ScottTurnerwidereceivers coach. 6-3,6-7(4), 6-3, 6-7(4),6-1. DENVER BRONCOS — Promoted quarterbacks Roger Federer (2), Switzerland, def. Nikolay coach AdamGaseto offensive coordinator Davydenko, Russia, 6-3,6-4,6-4. INDIANAPOLI S COLTS — NamedTom McMahon JuanMartindel Potro(6), Argentina,def.Benjamin specialteamscoordi nator. Becker,Germany,6-2, 6 4,6-2. JACKSONVI LI.EJAGUARS— NamedGusBradley Today coach. Third Round NEW ENGLANDPATRIOTS — Pl aced TE Rob JankoTipsarevic(8), Serbia,def. JulienBenneteau Gronkowski oninjured reserve. (32), France, 3-6,6-4,2-6, 6-4,6-3. SAN DI EGOCHARGERS— NamedKenWhisenhunt NovakDiokovic(1), Serbia,def. RadekStepanek offensive coordinator. (31), Czech Republic, 6-4,6-3,7-5. SEATTLE SEAHAWKS — NamedDanQuinndefenNicolasAlmagro(10), Spain,def. JerzyJanowicz sive coordinator. (24), Poland, 7-6(3), 7-6(4), 6-1. T ENNESSEETI TANS— SignedQB NathanEnderle Kei Nishikori (16), Japan,def. EvgenyDonskoy, to a reserve/future contract. Name d Shawn Jefferson Russia,7-6(3), 6-2,6-3. wide receiverscoach, GeorgeHenshawtight ends c oach an d Sy l v e s t e r C r o o m r u n n ing backs coach. Women Promotedquarterbackscoach Dow ell Loggainsto Late Thursday offensive coordinator. Reassignedwide receivers SecondRound coachDaveRagonetoquarterbackscoach,assistant BoianaJovanovski,Serbia,defLucieSafarova(17), offensive line coachNate Kaczorto special teams Czech Republic,7-5,7-5 SloaneStephens(29), UnitedStates,def. Kristina coachandspecial teamsassistant ChetParlavecchio tolinebackerscoach. MladenovicFrance, , 6-4, 6-3. HOCKEY LauraRobson, Britain,def. PetraKvitova(8), Czech NationalHockeyLeague Republic,2-6 6-3,11-9 ANAHEIM D UCK S — AssignedFTroyBodie,FJay Today Rosehill and DRyanParent toNorfolk (AHL). Third Round BRUINS—Assigned D Matt Bartkowski AngeliqueKerber(5), Germany,def. MadisonKeys, andBOSTON FRyanSpooner to Providence(AHI.), PlacedF UnitedStates,6-2, 7-5. Jamie Tardi f on waiversfor purposeof assignment. AgnieszkaRadwanska (4), Poland, deL Heather Sent DAaronJohnsonto Providence onaconditionWatson,Britain,6-3,6-1. ing loan. Julia Goerges (18), Germany,def.ZhengJie, China, CAROLINA HURRICANES — AssignedF Andreas 6-3,1-6,7-5. Nodl and FBrett Suter toCharlotte (AHL). Ekaterina Makarova(19), Russia,deL Marion Bartoli C H CAGO BL ACKHAWKS — Assigned F Jimmy (11), France, 6-7(4), 6-3,6-4. AnaIvanovic(13),Serbia,def.JelenaJankovic(22), Hayes, FBrandonPirri andD RyanStanton to Rockford (AHL). Serbia,7-5, 6-3. COLUMBUSBLUEJACKETS — Assigned D Tim Li Na(6),China,def.SoranaCirstea(27), Romania, Erixon to Springfield (AHL). 6-4,6-1. DALLASSTARS Named Mike Modano executive adviser. HOCKEY EDMON TONOILERS—ReassignedGTyler Bunz from Stockton (ECHL) to OklahomaCity (AHL). FLORIDA PANTHERS — Reassigned F Quinton NHL Howden, GJacobMarkstrom, FJonRheault, DColby NATIONALHOCKEY LEAGUE Robak andFDrewShoreto SanAntonio(AHL). All Times PST LOS ANG ELES KINGS — Reassigned GJeanFrancoisBerubefrom Manchester (AHL)to Ontario Saturday's Games (ECHL). PittsburghatPhiladelphia, noon MINNES OTA WILD —Activated RWPierre-Marc OttawaatWinnipeg, noon Bouchardfrominjured reserve.ReassignedDSteven Chicagoat LosAngeles,noon Kampfer toHouston(AHL).WaivedCJakeDowell, RW N.Y.Rangersat Boston, 4p.m. Nick Palmieand ri LWStephaneVeileux. TorontoatMontreal, 4 p.m. MONTR EAL CANADIENS — Reassigned F lan NewJerseyatN.Y. Islanders, 4p.m. S chultz from H amilton (AHL)to Utah(ECHL). WashingtonatTampaBay, 4p.m. NEW JERSEYDEVILS — Reassigned LW Harry CarolinaatFlorida, 4:30p.m. YoungfromKalamazoo (ECHL) toAlbany(AHL). Detroit at StLouis, 5p.m. NEWYORKISLANDERS — Caimed C Keith ColumbusatNashvile, 5 pm. Aucoin off waiversfromToronto. ReturnedC Ryan Phoenixat Dallas,5p.m. Strome toNiagara(OHL)and D Griffin Reinhart to Colorado at Minnesota, 6p.m. Edmonton(WHL). Anaheim at Vancouver, 7p.m. NEWYORKISLANDERS—Loaned DJon Landry to Bridgeport(AHL). NEW YORK RANGERS— Recalled FBrandonSeGOLF gal fromConnecticut (AHL).Boughtout thecontract of D wade Redden. PGA Tour DTTAWA SENATORS— Assigned DCodyCeci to OwenSound(OHL). ReassignedFMike Hofmanto HumanaChallenge Binghamton (AHL). Thursday PHOENIX COYOTES— Assigned F Chris Brown, La Quinta, Calif. F Andy Mi e l e , FBrendanShinnimin, FJordanSzwarz, Purse:$5.6 mrHron DBrandonGormleyand DChris Summersto Portland p-PGAWest, Arnold Palmer Private Course


IOC —StrippedLanceArmstrongof his bronze medal intheroadcycling timetrial at the2000Olymprcs Major League Soccer

PORTLAND TIMBERS— Traded F MikeFucito to San Josefor a2013second-round draft pick. COLLEGE FLORIDA — Promoted linebackers coach/special teamscoordinator D.J. Durkinto defensivecoordinator.

Falcons, Fox. 3:30 p.m.:NFL, AFC Championship, Baltimore Ravens at New England Patriots, CBS.


BASKETBALL 1 p.m.:Men's college, Oregon at

Noon:NFL, NFC Championship,


San Francisco 49ers atAtlanta

5 p.m.:Men's college, Oregon

Falcons, KRCO-AM 690,KRCOFM 96.9. 3:30 p.m.:NFL, AFC

State at USC, KICE-AM 940, KRCO-AM 690. 7 p.m.:NBA, Milwaukee Bucks at Portland Trail Blazers, KBNDAM 1110, KRCO-AM 690.

Three-pointgoals — Kennedy:Boen, Sprauer; Culver:McKinney2.

SMU79, Southern Miss 69 SouthCarolina66,LSU59 Tennessee75,Aubum66 Winthrop85, CharlestonSouthern65 MIDWEST Butler 71,Xavier67 Evansville71,I linois St. 57 GreenBay52, ClevelandSt.49 lllinois 62,Nebraska52 IndianaSt.72, S llinois 57 Miami(Ohio)78, Ohio56 Michigan67,Northwestem53 MichiganSt.65,lowa54 N. Dakota St. 71,IUPUI68 Nebraska-O maha62, ChicagoSt.47 Oakland55,UMKC46 OhioSt.68,Indiana45 Purdue75,Minnesota67 S. Dakota St.86,Wllinois 51 SouthDakota82, IPFW51 YoungstownSt.67,Milwaukee50 SOUTHWES T Georgia57,Arkansas53 Oral Roberts58,TexasA8M-CC41 SamHoustonSt.64, Cent.Arkansas48 Stephen F.Austin 80,SELouisiana 38 Tulane 69, Rice65 Tulsa67,Marshall 49 FAR WEST Cal St.-Fullerton65,UCIrvine 51 California71, Southern Cal63,OT E. Washington 75, North Dakota 72 Gonzaga74,BYU59 IdahoSt.62, SacramentoSt.52 Louisiana Tech67, Idaho58 Loyol aMarymount65,SanFrancisco50 Montan aSt.65,S.Utah59 N. Arizona76,Weber St. 55 N. Colorado 67, PortlandSt.42 Pacific 71,Hawaii 61 SanDiego73,Saint Mary's (Cal) 70 San Jose St.68, Denver67 SantaClara38, Pepperdine36 Seattle69,Texas-Arlington 53 UC Davis61,CSNorthridge46 UC Riverside50,LongBeachSt. 49 UtahSt. 65,NewMexico St.63

San Francisco 49ers at Atlanta


Pacific-12 Conference AH TimesPST

Lewis.Totals 1013-23 35. 1 6 7 12 8 — 43 Kennedy Culver 9 3 10 13 — 35

Challenge, final round, Golf

at North Carolina, ESPN.

9 a.m.:Men's college, Maryland

KENNEDY(43) — Bree Melsness9, Lauren Stokley9,Susee7, Boen7, GrosJacques6, Sprauer 5, Kloft, Pranger, Hill. Totals17 7-2043. CULVER(35) — SaraMcKinney11, Lori Sand y 11, Seehawer6, Slaght 4, Fritz 2, Hoke1, Olivera,

Noon:PGATour, Humana

State at Oklahoma State, Root


Class 2A Tri-River Conference

Chattanooga 91,Appalachian St.88, OT Davidson70,TheCitadel38 Duke73,GeorgiaTech57 Elon 73,Furman59 FAU80,Troy59 FIU 70,NorthTexas64 GeorgiaSouthern51,Coll.of Charleston47 Lipscomb 87,Florida GulfCoast 78,OT LouisianaTech72,Idaho66 Mercer78,ETSU59 MiddleTennessee82,UALR50 MurraySt.70, E.Illinois 49 NichollsSt.93,NorthwesternSt.78 SC-Upstate 66, KennesawSt. 54 SIU-Edwardsville66,Austin Peay53 Samford64,W.Carolina 60 SouthAlabama71,Louisiana-Monroe56 Stetson71,N.Kentucky59 Tennessee St.66,Jacksonville St. 60 VCU92,SaintJoseph's86, OT W. Kentucky 72,Louisiana-Lafayette 49 MIDWEST GreenBay67,YoungstownSt. 58 IPFW62,SouthDakota60 Michigan83,Minnesota75 Milwaukee 69,ClevelandSt.57 MoreheadSt.75,SEMissouri 59 N. DakotaSt.78,IUPUI40 NorthDakota65,E.Washington 47 Northwestem 68 llinois 54 Oakland81, UMKC68 S. Dakota St. 59,W.Illinois 53 Valparaiso 89, Detroit 88 SOUTHWES T Florida 68TexasAB,M47 Oral Roberts64 TexasABM-CC 52 SamHoustonSt.63, Cent.Arkansas52 Seattle61,Texas-Arlington 44 Stephen F.Austin 52, SELouisiana 40 FAR WEST Denver73,SanJoseSt. 37 Gonzaga 71, Port and49 Hawai60, i Pacific52 IdahoSt.60,SacramentoSt.59 LongBeachSt. 91, UCRiverside 82, OT Montana73,S.Utah67 N. Colorado67,Portland St.50 NewMexicoSt. 64,UtahSt. 51 Oregon76,Southern Cal74 SantaClara85, SanFrancisco 54 UC Davis74,CSNorthridge 71 UC Irvine92,CalSt.-Fullerton 65 UCLA74, OregonSt. 64 WeberSt. 83,N Arizona70


Championship, Baltimore Ravens at New England Patriots, KRCOAM 690, KRCO-FM 96.9.

Listings arethe mostaccurate available. TheBulletinis not responsible forlate changesmadeby Ttyor radio stations.

Djokovic wins17th straight match atAussieOpen The Associated Press MELBOURNE, A u s tralia — Novak Djokovic didn't get all the breaks against Radek Stepanek on Friday at the Australian Open. The top-ranked Serb, however, remains virtually unbeatable Down Under. Djokovic b ea t S t epanek 6-4, 6-3, 7-5 to advance to the fourth round and extend his winning streak to 17 matches at the Australian Open. Djokovic broke the 34thranked Stepanek latein each set, but was troubled at times against a wily veteran who mixed up the tempo with a lot of serve-and-volley and some unorthodox shot-making.

She blew out the candles and said thank you to the crowd and to the 17-year-old Keys. "Absolutely it w a s g r eat. Kerber will next play No. Great match and great fun," 19 Ekaterina Makarova of Djokovic said. "It's always Russia, who advanced after trickytoplayRadek. He'satal- a tough 6-7 (4), 6-3, 6-4 win ented player. Skillful player." over 2007 Wimbledon finalist Angelique Kerber survived Marion Bartoli. Fourth-seeded some nervous moments before Angieszka Radwanska, meanfending off American teenager while, won her 12th match in a Madison Keys 6-2, 7-5 in their row with a 6-3, 6-1 victory over third-round match, then got to Britain's Heather Watson. blow out the candles on a cake Radwanska will now meet to celebrate her 25th birthday. 2008 French Open champion Local organizers brought a Ana Ivanovic, who beat Jelena cake ontothe court forKerber Jankovic7-5,6-3 in a m atchup immediately after the match featuring two Serbians who and the crowd at Rod Laver were both formerly ranked Arena sang "Happy Birthday." No. l.


S ixth-seeded Li N a ad vanced with a 6-4, 6-1 win over No. 27 Sorana Cirstea of Romania and will next play No. 18 Julia Goerges, who prevented an all-China fourthround encounter by beating Zheng Jie 6-3, 1-6, 7-5. Roger Federer has won four Australian Open titles among his 17 majors, and is ordinarily one of the most popular athletes in Australia. The only problem is this: His 6-3, 6-4, 64 win over Nikolay Davydenko on Thursday night set Federer on course for a t hird-round match against Bernard Tomic, the last remaining Australian in the draws.


SPORTS IN BRIEF GOLF Mickelson well off pace — Phil Mickelson opened

his season with aneventful even-par 72 on Thursday in the Humana Challenge, leaving

him nine strokes behind the first-round leaders. Recovering from flu-like symptoms,

the 42-year-old Mickelson had three birdies, a bogey and

a double bogey at LaQuinta Country Club —oneof three courses used in the pro-am event that he won in 2002 and

2004. Jason Kokrak, Roberto Castro and James Hahn topped the leaderboard at 9-under 63.

Russell Henley, theSony Open winner Sunday in Hawaii in his first start as a PGATour mem-

ber, had a 64 onthe Nicklaus course. He's 32under in his


i'oo oun wins airo ome uas Bulletin staff report PRINEVILLE — Wrestling two tuneup matches before today and Saturday's Oregon Wrestling Classic, Class 4A state title contender Crook County routed Ontario 57-9 and held off Crater 36-21 on Thursday in t h e C o wboys'

Brauchler (170) and Zach An-


druss (182), all of whom recorded fallsin 32 seconds or didn't expect. It was against less. Ridgeview, which coma kid who had beaten him peted against Summit followearlier." ing its dual against Redmond, Huffman also pointed out was highlighted by Boomer pins by A lex U r rea at 152 Fleming's pin of Colton Howp ounds and G u nnar R o b - ard at 195 pounds. Redmond home gym. irts at 220 that helped Crook and Ridgeview will return to Freshman Terran L i b olt County handle the Comets. action at the Oregon Wresposted the win of the night The Cowboys open today's tling Classic at the Deschutes for Crook County, according Classic with a match against County Fair 8 E xpo Center to Cowboys coach Jake Huff- Douglas. today and Saturday. man. Wit h C r oo k C o unty WRESTLING GIRLS BASKETBALL leading Class 6A Crater 27- R edmond..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 Kennedy........ . . . . . . . . . .44 21, Libolt, who was wrestling R idgeview ..... . . . . . . . . . . . 1 0 C ulver.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 because the Cowboys' usual The Panthers saw e i ght CULVER — L o r i S a ndy starter at 106 pounds was out wrestlers pick up pins in their and Sara McKinney scored 11 sick, pinned his man to clinch dual meet against the Ravens points apiece for the Bulldogs, the victory over the Comets. a t Summit H ig h i n B e n d , but late free throws by the vis"Great job by Terran," Huff- i ncluding t h ose b y S a r ek iting Trojans helped Kennedy man said. "That was a win we Shields (160 pounds), Gabe hold off Culver in Tri-River

Conference action. Chantelle Seehawer added six p oints for the Bulldogs, who fell to 2-4 in league and 4-12 overall. Culver hosts East Linn Christian today in a nother TRC contest. C.S. Lewis Academy.... . . . 37 C entral Christian..... . . . . . . 18 NEWBERG — T h e h o st Watchmen extended the Tig ers' losing streak t o f i v e games as C.S. Lewis rolled past Central Christian in nonleague action. The Tigers (212) host South Wasco County in a Big Sky League contest on Saturday. BOYS BASKETBALL C ulver.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 1 K ennedy..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 8 CULVER — Clay Gibson scored a team-high 24 points

and grabbed eight rebounds while Ge r so n Gon z a lez turned i n a d o u ble-double w ith 11 points and 1 0 r e bounds to lead the Bulldogs past Kennedy. Culver jumped out to a 33-23 first-half lead and held off a l at e Trojan c omeback attempt t o e a r n the Tri-River Conference victory. Gonzalez added six assist in the win. The Bulldogs (1-6 TRC, 6-10) host East Linn Christian today.

C.S. Lewis Academy.......53 C entral Christian..... . . . . . . 14 NEWBERG — The Tigers dropped the nonleague contest and fell to 1-11 overall. Central C h ristian r e sumes

Big Sky League play Saturday when the Tigers host South Wasco County.

first five rounds this year.

Mcllroy, Woodsstruggle — With Rory Mcllroy and Tiger


Woods struggling, unheralded Jamie Donaldson took the spotlight at the Abu Dhabi Golf

Championship onThursday in the United Arab Emirates,

shooting an opening-round 5under 67 for anearly one-shot lead. Mcllroy, playing withnew clubs following his multimillion

dollar sponsorship dealwith Nike, finished with a 3-over 75 and risks missing the cut.

Woods, meanwhile, finished a rollercoaster round atevenpar.

FOOTBALL Whisenhunt toChargers — The SanDiego Chargers

hired former Arizona Cardinals

head coachKenWhisenhunt on Thursday to serve as the team's offensive coordinator. New

Chargers coachMike McCoy lauded Whisenhunt's experience with the Cardinals and

the Pittsburgh Steelers, saying Whisenhunt has a "very creative mind" and will be a great

assetfor San Diego.Whisenhunt was fired by the Cardinals on Dec. 31 after six mostly los-

ing seasons but healso ledthe franchise to its lone Super Bowl

appearance in2009. Turner tO BrOWOS — The Cleveland Browns named Norv

Turner their newoffensive coordinator on Thursday. Turner, fired by the Chargers as head

coach earlier this month, led San Diego to a 59-43 record in six years with three division

titles. He alsowasheadcoach of the Washington Redskins

(1994-2000) andOakland Raiders (2004-05).

More Leaf problems

— Former NFLquarterback Ryan Leaf hasbeenmoved from a drug treatment center to the Montana State Prison for threatening a staff member and violating his treatment

plan, a corrections official said Thursday. The former San Di-

ego Chargers andWashington State Cougars quarterbackwas charged last spring with breaking into two houses and steal-

ing prescription painkillers near his hometown of Great Falls. He pleaded guilty in May to

burglaryand criminal possession of dangerous drugs, and his five-year sentencecalled for spending ninemonths in a locked drug treatmentfacility as an alternative to prison.

No. 21 Ore on survives USC OregonStatefalls

Rangers left off their postseason roster to one they believe

canbecome oneoftheleague's bestleft-handers. The Rangers finalized a $55 million, five-year contract with the All-Star lefty Thursday. The deal includes a 2018 club option that could

become guaranteeddepending on the number of innings Harrison pitches. Harrison was 18-11 with a 3.29 ERA and four complete games in 32 starts

last year.

SOCCER Timbers draft defender — The Portland Timbers se-

lected University of Washington defender DylanTucker-Gagnes with the 34th overall pick in the

Major LeagueSoccer SuperDrafton Thursday. The Timbers acquired the pick earlier in the day when the team traded forward Mike Fucito to the San Jose Earthquakes. The Timbers

had just one pick inThursday's draft, which was conducted in Indianapolis. — From wirereports

By Beth Harris The Associated Press


USC (7-11, 2-3) was coming off a victory over Utah last week, but it marked the final game for coach Kevin O'Neill, who was fired on Monday. Bob Cantu, in his 12th season as an assistant with the program, is the interim coach. The Trojans were down 7567 with 2:11 remaining. Terrell, who had 22 points, made two free throws to cut Oregon's lead to 75-74 with 33.1 seconds left. USC was able to get the ball back but missed a 3-pointer and a couple of putbacks with Oregon's Arsalan Kazemi finally grabbing the rebound. The Ducks began the night with all starters averaging double figures in scoring. E.J. Singler had 14 points, while Dominic Artis, Carl Emory and Tony Woods each added 10, but the Ducks shot just 42.9 percent (27 for 63) from the field. Eric Wise had 17 points for the Trojans. USC led for just 30 seconds of the first half, but got in position to take the lead early in the second half when Terrell hit a 3-pointer from the left baseline, was fouled, then made his free throw to complete the four-point play and cut Oregon's lead to 45-44. In the ensuing minutes, the Trojans had several chances to tie the game or go ahead, but missed shots and turned the ball over. The Trojans got a boost early in the second half from 7-footer Dewayne Dedmon, who scored seven points in the opening four minutes of the second half after going scoreless in the first half. Neither team shot well in the first half, Oregon making 12 of

29 field goals (41 percent), slightl y better than USC's l l

for 28

BASEBALL Harrison, Rangersink deal —Matt Harrison has gone from a pitcher theTexas

to No. 24 UCLA

The Associated Press LOS ANGELES — Damyean D otson scored 16 p oints a n d No. 21 Oregon overcame a poor shooting night and the hot hand o f USC's J.T. Terrell to win i t s sixth straight game, 76-74 on Thursday night. The Ducks (15-2, 4-0 Pac-12) opened with four straight conference wins for the first time in 39 years when they started 4-0 in the Pac-8.

Jae C. Hong /The Associated Press

Oregon's Tony Woods (55) is defended by Southern California's Omar Oraby, left, and Aaron Fuller during the first half of Thursday night's game in Los Angeles. (39 percent). But the Trojans got a strong first half from Terrell, who rejoined the starting lineup last week. Terrell was five of nine from the field, including three of six on 3-pointers, and led all scorers at halftime with 15 points. Johnathan Lloyd, who w ent into th e g am e a v eraging 2 .9 points, provided a spark off the bench in the opening half f or the Ducks, hitting two 3-pointers and getting a steal that led to a basket. Woods led the Ducks' balanced scoring attack (eight players scored) with eight points at the half. Also on Thursday: N o. 3 Duke.... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 3 G eorgia Tech..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 7 DURHAM, N.C. — Seth Curry scored 24 points to lead Duke past Georgia Tech. Mason Plumlee added 16 points and 13 rebounds for the Blue Devils (16-1, 3-1 Atlantic Coast Conference). F reshman C h ri s B o l den's 2 0 pointswere the most scored by a Georgia Tech player this season. N o. 5 Michigan..... . . . . . . . . . . . 8 3 N o. 9 Minnesota .... . . . . . . . . . . 7 5 MINNEAPOLIS — Tim Hardaway Jr. scored 21 points and Trey Burke had 18 points and nine assists for Michigan (17-1, 4-1 Big Ten). Austin Hollins led the Gophers (15-3, 3-2) with 21 points.

N o. 8 Gonzaga...... . . . . . . . . . . . 7 1 P ortland..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 9 PORTLAND — Kelly Olynyk had 21 points and eight rebounds a s Gonzaga w o n i t s e i g h th straight. Kevin Pangos added 14 points, including four 3-pointers for Gonzaga (17-1, 4-0 WCC), as the Bulldogs extended the best start in school history. Kevin Bailey had 16 points for the Pilots (8-

11, 1-3) . N o.10 Florida ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 T exas A&M...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 7 COLLEGE STATION, TexasMike Rosario scored 19 points and Patric Young added 18 for Florida.

The Aggies led by one point midway through the first half before a big run by the Gators (12-4, 2-1 Southeastern Conference) gave them a 35-18 halftime lead. N o. 22 VCU...... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 2

Saint Joseph's ......... . . . . . . .86 R ICHMOND, V a . — T reveon Graham scored six of his 25 points in overtime after Virginia Commonwealth (15-3, 3-0 Atlantic 10) rallied late in regulation to tie it. N orthwestern ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 8 N o. 23 Illinois...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 4 C HAMPAIGN, I I I . — Reggie Hearn scored 20 points and Northwestern built an early lead using 3-point shooting to hand Illinois (14-5, 1-4) its third straight loss.


ConferenceGlance All TimesPST

EASTERNCONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-Miami 26 12 .684 d-NewYork 25 13 .658 1 d-Indiana 24 16 .60II 3 Chicago 22 15 595 3 1/2 Brooklyn 23 16 .59P 3'/2 Atlanta 22 16 .579 4 Milwaukee 20 18 .526 6 Boston 2II 18 .526 6 Philadelphia 16 23 .41 Ij 3 0'/z Orlando 14 24 .368 12 Detroit 14 25 .359 12'/~ Toronto 14 25 .359 12'/z Cleveland 10 31 ,244 17'/z Charlotte 9 29 .237 17 Washington 7 2 9 J94 18 WESTERN CONFERENCE W L Pct GB d-Oklahoma City 31 8 .795 d-LA. Clippers 31 9 775 I/2 d-SanAntonio 3II 0 .732 2 Memphis 24 13 .649 6 GoldenState 23 14 .622 7 Denver 24 17 .585 8 Utah 21 19 .525 10'/z Houston 21 19 525 10'/z Portland 2II 19 .513 0 Minnesota 16 20 .444 13'/z LA. Lakers 17 22 .436 14 Dallas 17 23 ,425 14'/g Sacramen to 15 24 .385 16 NewOreans 13 26 .333 18 Phoenix 13 28 .31 7 19 d-division leader

Thursday'sGames NewYork102, Detroit 87 LA. Cl>ppers90, Minnesota77 Milwau kee9a phoenix94 Miami99,LA. Lakers90

Today'sGames Chicag oatBoston,4p.m. TorontoatPhiladelphia, 4 p.m. HoustonatIndiana,4p.m. CharlotteatOrlando,4 p.m. Atlantaat Brookyn,4:30p.m. Sacramento at Memphis, 5p.m. GoldenStateatSanAntonio, 5:30p.m. Washingtonat Denver,6 p.m. Oklahoma City at Dalas,6:30p.m. Saturday'sGames SanAntonioatAtlanta, 4p.m. Sacramento atCharlotte, 4p.m. MemphisatChicago,5p.m. HoustonatMinnesota, 5p.m. GoldenStateatNewOrleans, 5p.m. ClevelandatUtah,6p.m. Milwaukee at Portland, 7p.m. Washington at LA. Clippers,7:30p.m.


Bucks 98, Suns94 MILWAUKE E(98) MbahaMoute2-80-04,llyasova2-60-2 4,Sanders 8-14 3-3 19,Jennings6-14 2-316, Ellis 10-20 4-424, Udoh1-31-2 3,Dunleavy5-9 2-216, udrih 0-2 0-0 0,Dalemberj 0-10-00, Henson5-12 tL2 10, Daniel s0-32-22,Gooden0-00-0a Totals39-92 14-20 98. PHOENIX (94) Tucker 3-7 1-2 8, Scola5-10 6-8 16, Gortat3101-4 7, Dragic5-11e-010, Dudley 4-103-313, O'Neal1-2 5-6 7,Teltak 1-42-2 4, Brown8-18 4-4 20, Morris2-70 04, Beasley2-100-05. Totals 3489 22-29 94. Milwaukee 32 21 17 28 — 98 Phoenix 22 34 19 19 — 94

7-175-822,0dom1-20-02, Hill0-1000, Bames 4-92-210, Turiaf5-51-411, Hollins 0-00-00. Totals 35-77 15-23 90.

MINNEsoTA (77l

Kirilenko 7-12 Ij 2 15,Williams3-9 4-4 10, Pekovic 1-8 2-4 4,Rubio2-90-0 4, Ridnour 9-170-0 21, Cunningham 2-9 3-4 7, Barea2-10 0-04, Shved 2-74-6 8,Stiemsma 2-3 0-0 4.Totals 30-84 1320 77. L.A. Clippers 27 2 0 21 22 — 90 Minnesota 22 21 20 14 — 77

Knicks102, Pistons87 NEw YORK I102)

Anthony8-19 7-926, copeland3-6 0-07, Chandler 3-4 4-410, Kidd2-50-05, Shumperj 3-70-28, Smith 6-153-416,Prigioni 0-00-00, Stoudemire3-5 11-1217,Novak5-9 0-013, Brewer0-1e-00, White 0-1 0-0 0.Totals 33-72 25-31 102. DETROIT (87) Prince 5-102-6 12,Maxiell 1-4 0-0 2, Monroe 4-12 3-4 0 Knight 0-4 1-2 1,Singler 5-102-415, Stuckey 2 62-4 6, Drummond5-7 1-2 11,Bynum 10-16 0-0 22 villanueva 2-80-0 5, Daye1-2 0-02, Kravtsov0-00-00.TotaIs 35-79 11-22 87. New York 29 27 19 27 — 102 Detroit 17 24 22 24 — 87

Heat 99, Lakers90 MIAMI (99)

James17-254-4 39, Haslem2-3 0-0 4, Bosh3101-2 7, Chalmers1-72-2 4, Wade11-20 5-7 27, Anthony0-0 1-4 1, Battier 0-4 2-2 2, Allen3-8 2-2

9,Col e3-60-06,Lewis0-00-0a Totals40-83 17-23 99.

L.A. LAKER S(90) world peace 5-0 4-416,clark2-50-06, Howard

Clippers 90, Timderwoives 77 4-7 5-13 13 Nash4-8 0-0 9, Bryant 8-25 2-2 22, Jamison 4-73-512,Gasol4-74-412,Duhon0-10-0 0, Morris0-1e-00. Totals 31-7218-28 90. LA. CLIPPERS (90) 26 18 29 26 — 99 Butler 4 9 4612, Griffin 919 2220, Jordan1-4 Miami L.A. Lakers 22 23 20 25 — 90 1-1 3, Bledsoe 1-7 0-02, Green3-4 0-08, Crawford

LOS ANGELES — Oregon Statehad the upper hand in the game's opening minutes against No. 24 UCLA. The Beavers moved out to a 12-7 lead while the Bruins struggled with turnovers and missed shots. Then UCLA took over for good and sent Oregon State to a 74-64 defeat on Thursday night, its 23rd loss in its past 24 games on the Bruins' home court. "The effort was good, but the execution is what has to get better," Beavers coach Craig Robinson said. "These guys got used to winning and now they have lost four in a row. And they're mad. That's good. I want them to be mad. I want them to be mad enough to play better." Roberto Nelson scored 17 points and Joe Burton added 12 points for the Beavers (10-7, 0-4 Pac-12). They lost for the fifth time in their past six games. "We showed some toughness, but we need to improve on our transition defense," said Devon Collier, who had nine points and seven rebounds. "We also need to limit our turnovers (17). UCLA scored on a lot of turnovers." Shabazz Muhammad scored 21 points, Kyle Anderson and Travis Wear had 17 each for the Bruins (15-3, 5-0), whose 10th straight victory equaled their longest winning streak since 2008-09. Ahead by II points at halftime, UCLA ran off 11 straight early in the second half to take a 4828 lead. Muhammad had a three-point play, Wear and Jordan Adams had baskets and Anderson scored four straight points during the run that put the Beavers in a double-digit deficit the rest of the

game. Oregon State got to 58-48 during an 8-0 run capped by Nelson's 3-pointer. But Muhammad answered with a 3-pointer to key a 7-0 spurt and extend UCLA's lead to 65-48. The Beavers were heldunder their 75.7-point scoring average. They are one of two Pac-12 teams with five players averaging double figures, but only three players reached that mark in the game. The Bruins settled down and outscored the Beavers20-7 to take a 27-19 lead. Muhammad and Norman Powell hit consecutive 3-pointers, while Travis Wear had six points in the spurt. UCLA led 37-26 at halftime. Oregon State forward Eric Moreland and guard Victor Robbins were suspended for the game after violating team rules. They will be available to play at Southern California on Saturday. "They will be fresh and we will need those fresh bodies," said Robinson, who will leave his team after Saturday's game to fly to Washington, D.C., to attend the inauguration of his brother-in-law, President Barack Obama. He will be back in time for the Beavers' home game against Washington on Wednesday.

Heat handle Lakers in Los Angeles, 99-90 The Associated Press L OS A NG E L E S LeBron James had 39 points and eight assists, Dwyane Wade added 27 points on his 31st birthday and the Miami Heat held off the Los Angeles Lakers 99-90 Thursday night to finish their six-game road trip with three wins. Ray Allen scored seven of his nine points in the final five minutes as the defending NBA champions repelled a late charge by the Lakers, who lost for the seventh time

NBA ROUNDUP scored 26 points to lead New York over Detroit. The Pistons (14-25) were the home team at the 02 Arena in London, the site of the Olympic

gold-medal game during last year's London Games. It was the third regular-season NBA game played at the venue.

Clippers.......... . . . . ... 90

Timberwolves...... . . . . . . 77 MINNEAPOLIS — Jamal in nine games. Crawford scored 22 points, Kobe Bryant scored 13 of Blake Griffin added 20 and his 22 points in the fourth Los Angeles hardly broke a quarter for L o s A n g eles, sweat in cruising past freewhich rallied for a brief lead falhng M>nnesota. midway through the f inal Bucks..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 period. Suns..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94 Also on Thursday: PHOENIX — Mike DunKnicks...... . . . . . . . . . . . . 102 leavy hit a 3 -pointer with Pistons..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 57.4 seconds left to cap a 10— Carmelo 0 run and Milwaukee pulled LONDON Anthony returned to the site away to snap a 24-game losof his Olympic triumph and ing streak in Phoenix.



Pistol Continued from C1 "At first they said, that's just a collegeoffense,"said former Nevada coach Chris Ault, who invented the offense and used it in college with Kaepernick. "Lo andbehold,somebody came out and said you can do that in the NFL every so often. The NFL has been such a copycat league. The formation has expanded the landscape of football collegiately and pro-wise. The pros see advantages of what you can do with these mobile quarterbacks in the pistol." Never had it been more effective than it was in San Francisco's 45-31 win last week against Green Bay. Kaepernick set a quarterback record with 181 yards rushing on 16 carries, scoring on a 20yard scramble and 56-yard sprint off a zone read play. He also passed for 263 yards and two touchdowns, exploiting whatever opening the Packers gave him. "The one thing it does is it kind of makes you a little bit indecisive in what you want to do," Green Bay defensive back Charles Woodson said. "You want to shoot in there but he may hold the ball and take it outside. If you go outside he might give it to the running back and take it up the middle. It's one of those things that makes you play flat-footed a little bit." Kaepernick is far from alone in running a style of offense that until only recently was dismissed by many in the NFL as unsuitable for the pro game. Cam Newton has successfully used the zone read at Carolina to post prolific numbers the past two seasons, and rookies Robert Griffin III in Washington and Russell Wilson in Seattle used elements of the pistol and the read option game to get their teams to the playoffs. Their successhas helped remove the stigma that running quarterbacks cannot succeed in the NFL. "I think quarterbacks that have a talent for running the ball can be very effective," 49ers coach Jim Harbaugh said. "That's been long known in f ootball, the National Football League as well. A quarterback that can get out of the pocket, run, pick up first downs, that's a threat that the defense has to account for.There are some quarterback-driven runs that have been added because our quarterbacks are very good at those, and Colin especially." Hall of Famer and former 49ers quarterback Steve Young calls the offense a bridge to help athletic quarterbacks with limited pocket experience transition from college to the pros, but he said it is still essential to be able to beat defenses from thepocket. That is where quarterbacks like Kaepernick, Griffin and Wilson have the advantage over Tim Tebow, who used the zone readto great success last season in Denver but is struggling to get playing time because of his erratic throwing. Kaepernick prides himself on his ability to do it all, dismissing the question of whether he is a running or throwing quarterback. "I don't want to be categorized," he said. Ault implemented the offense at Nevada in 2005, hoping to combine elements of the spread passing game from the shotgun with the power running game. The offense got its name — the pistol — because the quarterback lines up about four yards behind center as opposed to about six yards in the more conventional shotgun formation. With the running back behind the quarterback instead of by his side in the shotgun, standard running plays are easier to executebecause the back is moving toward the line of scrimmage when he gets the ball rather than horizontally. The offense began to evolve when Kaepernick took over at quarterback for Nevada in 2007. Late that season, Ault began mixing in some of the zone read plays, on which the quarterback puts the ball in the belly of the running back and then reads the defense to decide whether to go through with the handoff or keep the ball and run outside if the defensive end reacts to the running back. E xposing the quarterbacks to h i t s while running the ball is a big reason why NFL teams are hesitant to use the system so much, with Griffin's latest injury a prime example. "I know you can't run the quarterback in the NFL as much as we do in college," Ault said. "I agree with that. But I've seen quarterbacks take as many vicious hits dropping back 40 times a game as running the pistol." Soon, coaches from high school, college, Canada and the NFL made trips to Reno to learn more about the offense. San Francisco offensive coordinator Greg Roman was one of those in 2009 while he was still at Stanford. Roman used a few of the plays with Andrew Luck at Stanford, but he really started utilizing them once Kaepernick took over from Alex Smith as the 49ers' starting quarterback halfway through this season. The Niners have added new wrinkles, with tight ends in the backfield, more play-action passing out of the pistol, and different motions to deceive the defense. "It's a nightmare, especially when you

have a guy who can run 4.4, 4.3 (40-yard dash times, in seconds), a guy who can outrun defensivebacks or linebackers," Niners safety Donte Whitner said. "You really don't know where the football is going against this read-option stuff. You really don't know until you finally see it. Sometimes he can pull it back, drop back and throw it deep. You really have to respect all of the weapons and be disciplined. It's tough to do it for four quarters against a quarterback like that."



Former Duckcoacbreceives a hero's wekome inPhiladelphia By Rob Maaddi The Associated Press

PHILADELPHIA — Torn between loyalty to his

players and accepting a new challenge, Chip Kelly ultimately chose the NFL and the Philadelphia

Eagles. He just needed more time to make the decision. "The hardest thing for me to do was to leave Oregon," Kelly said Thursday at a news conference introducing him as the Eagles' new coach. "I knew it was a great fit, but it was whether I could leave what I have. I love those guys and it had to be a special place for me to leave." The Eagles hired Kelly on Wednesday, giving him a five-year contract and ending an exhaustive search to replace Andy Reid. The offensive innovator was lured away from Oregon, where his teams went 46-7 in four seasons and turned the program into a national powerhouse. From the start, Kelly appearedto be Philadelphia's top choice. But two days after a nine-hour meeting in Arizona with Eagles owner Jeffrey Lurie, general manager Howie Roseman and president Don Smolenski, Kelly chose to stay at Oregon. The Eagles continued interviewing other candidates, and they were close to offering the job to Seahawks defensive coordinator Gus Bradley on Tuesday. But Kelly changed his mind after thinking harder about making the move and talking to several people, including Reid, who quickly moved on to become coach of the Kansas City Chiefs. "I knew this was the best spot, but there's so much more to it," Kelly said. "What happens when I leave? Who becomes thenext head coach? What happens to those players? You're not making reservations for dinner. You are changing not only your life, but a lot of other people's lives." Kelly said he became emotional when he told Oregon players in a meeting that he was leaving, and he added that he cried more than the players did. He went from a warm and fuzzy environment in Eugene to a hero's welcome in The City of Brotherly Love. Fans greeted him at the airport when his plane arrived in Philadelphia on Wednesday night, and a sign reading "Our Chip's Come In" was hanging on two trees outside the team's practice facility on Thursday morning. "It's a really exciting time for me. It was a difficult decision. There's not many opportunities to coach in the National Football League, and every one of them is special," Kelly said. "But this is an iconic franchise with an outstanding owner. I knew what this place was all about, and this is where I wanted to be. It was just a matter of figuring out how to do it the right way." The Eagles interviewed 11 candidates in slightly more than two weeks. While fans became anxious waiting for a new coach, the team emphasized a patient approach. P erhaps they w er e w a i ting f o r K e l l y t o reconsider. "The key was to find the right leader, not make the fastest decision," Lurie said. "We never took 'No' as a full 'No.' We knew he was torn. And we knew there was no competition for Chip. It was just, did he want to stay or did he want to come to us?"


pf l

Matt Rourke /The Associated Press

The PhiladelphiaEagles' new head coach Chip Kelly puts on a visor during a television interview in Philadelphia on Thursday.

Continued from C1 Te'o, clearly aware of questions surrounding his girlfriend's death, responded with little hesitation: The memory he'd neverforget from the 2012 season was the moment he'd learned his girlfriend was dead. That sequence of eventsin December was one of many being pored over Thursday — by journalists and bloggers, students at Notre Dame and an American public trying to figure out the truth at the heart of one of the more bizarre of sports stories. Was Te'o a sympathetic victim of a cruel scam or a calculating participant in a phony story that had been milked to aid in his bid for the Heisman Trophy? The series of events in early December, though, like so much else that has emerged about Te'o and his girlfriend in the past 48 hours, is hardly conclusive. Te'o, in giving the interview Dec. 8, quite possibly was nothing more than a frightened and confused young man, unsure himself of what was going on or what to

say. Though Kelly has no previous NFL experience, the Eagles are banking on him to turn around a franchise that has just 12 wins in the past two years and zero playoff victories since 2008. "Chip is a trendsetter," Roseman said. "People are following him. He's not a disciple of anyone. When you are trying to find greatness, you have to find the

people on top." Kelly built quite a reputation for being one of the sharpest football minds in college while leading Oregon to four straight BCS bowl games — including a bid for the national championship against Auburn two seasons ago — and three conference championships. Some aspects of his hurry-up, spread offense are used by the New England Patriots and the Washington Redskins. Patriots coach Bill Belichick even brought Kelly in to get advice on his offensive

philosophy. But Kelly has a challenge in Philadelphia. His flash-and-dashoffense needs a leader under center. Nick Foles, a third-round draft pick last year who replaced Michael Vick, is a drop-back quarterback who said himself that he does not fit Kelly's zoneread style. Vick, who will be 33 when the 2013 season starts, is not coming back for the $16 million he is scheduled to make next year. The Eagles have to make a decision on giving him a roster bonus of $3 million within three days after the Super BowL "I haven't watched even film to make any decision on anybody," Kelly said, adding that he's a "huge fan" of Foles. Kelly also talked about adapting his system to fit the players on the team, a quality that impressed Roseman in their first interview. "When you meet with Chip, you realize very quickly that Chip is not about whether his offense is going to translate to the NFL," Roseman said. "It's about his vision for a program. It's about how he sees the entire aspect of a football organization, and Jeffrey outlined in that first press conference: I want a leader, I want a presence, and so if you had any doubt about Chip Kelly's offense, you left and said this isn't about Chip Kelly and the spread, this is about how Chip Kelly approaches football, and that was incredibly, incredibly impressive."

On Thursday, a day of little clarity and deepening mystery, Notre Dame stuck by its official version: Te'o was the target of a meanspirited and vicious hoax, a scam that the school's own hired investigators had determined involved a vast cast of characters all engaged in an effort to humiliate a humble, private and perhaps somewhat naive young man in the public spotlight. Te'o, for his part, did not speak. His agent did not offer a statement, and a rumored interview on national television never occurred.His agent told The Associated Press that he has been in Bradenton, Fla., training at the IMG Academy in preparation for the NFL draft. One thing in the odd, evolving drama did seem tobecome clearer:As far back as early December, there were some people in the Twitter world who were beginning to sound alarms about the authenticity of Te'o's inspirational story. Those people o n l in e m a i ntained openly that they believed Te'o had been duped, with some pointing to a California man named Ronaiah Tuiasosopo as the architect of the scheme. They even joked about the embarrassment and absurdity of the fake story line as Notre Dame prepared to play in the national championship game against Alabama. On Dec. 5, one Tweet was sent to The New ND Nation, with 7,000 followers, saying it "needs to know the truth" about Te'o's alleged girlfriend. A blogger, Justin Megahan, collected a number of the tweets in one blog post and titled it, "Catfished," in honor of the 2010 film where a woman creates a fake online persona to strike up a relationship. The alarms online, such as they were, never seemed to gain wider attention. Perhaps because, at the time, it seemed like an unlikely possibility. Even a month and a half later — and after Deadspin.com first reported on the hoax Wednesday — figuring out where exactly the truth lies continued to be


Ducks Continued from C1 "But we're going to be thorough, we're going to find the right person and we'll follow all the policies." Mullens offered no time frame for making a recommendation to university president Michael Gottfredson about a potential replacement. But he said t he Ducks will neither name an interim head coach nor retain a search firm, at l east initially, possible indications of an expedited process.

Given the looming signing day for recruits, sources have indicated that the Ducks would like to have a coach in place in a matter of days, not weeks, and perhaps as soon as next week. Oregon's staff of assistants would provide oversight of the program in the meantime, Mullens said, another indication that the hiring process will be speedy, and that much of the staff figures to remain intact. In the past, successful midmajor coaches such as Boise

Raider Continued from C1 "I was expecting to do well," says Johnson, adding that his performance in Reno gave him an extra shot of confidence. "So far," he continues, "other than my one loss against (Oregon State's Taylor)Meeks, this season'sbeen great." N athan Stanley, who w a s Johnson's coach at Redmond High, calls his former 189-pound state champion naturally gifted, physical and athletic. Johnson is perseverant, Stanley says. "If you were to hit him over the head with a two-by-four, he'd keep coming after you," Stanley says. "He'd keep coming after you until he couldn't come after you anymore." At OSU, where he had earned a partial scholarship out of high school, Johnson says there was "a lot of trouble to be had" with

State's Chris Petersen — a former Oregon assistant — and TCU's Gary Patterson have been rumored as potential targets for Oregon. But one UO source suggested recently that pursuing an outside candidate, even one with such strong credentials, would be inadvisable given the continuity that could be maintained by promoting Helfrich. On W e d nesday, M u l l ens spoke of seeking a coach who "understandsthe culture" of Or egon football, would play a similar style of offense and has "been around w i n n in g p r o grams." Helfrich would fill all of those requirements,as would other current UO assistants, a number of whom could be candidates in the searchprocess,Mullens said. Duck p l ayers i n t erviewed W ednesday were careful not to indicatea preference for a current assistant, much less Helfrich specifically. But s a fety Brian Jackson did express an expectation that some continuity will be preserved. "I don't think that things will be changed so significantly that

we'll be a different program," Jackson said. "I think things will stay the way they are." Center Hroniss Grasu was asked about the possibility of Oregon hiringa coach who might tinker with K elly's up-tempo, spread-option offense, and joked that "I doubt we're going to have to huddle here," meaning that he too expects continuity in Oregon's style of play. But, Grasu said, "whoever the university hires, I'm going to play for that coach. Obviously that guy's going to be more than qualified." Mullens did attempt to diffuse the notion that an ongoing NCAA investigation into Oregon's recruiting practices under Kelly either influenced Kelly's departure or would affect the coaching search. "I think we do things the right way here; I think most people in the industry absolutely understand that," Mullens said. "I just have confidence that, i ndustrywide, p e ople k n o w what's going on here, and people are doing it the right way."

parties and drinking. He says he was susceptible to that, but now, in Ashland, Johnson believes he is mentally stronger. "Life's short," he says, "and I don't want to waste years of my life just being stupid." Johnson has found a family in Ashland, he says, and Ritchey

State, and all of a sudden, for the first time in their lives, they're really, really pushed," Stanley says. "I think a lot of kids like him that had that kind of athletic success will just say, 'Well, I was a stud,' and just live off of that for a while. That says a lot about Taylor's character, that he wants to get his education and that he wasn't satisfied with just being a good high school wrestler." Ritchey says his expectations are high for Johnson, who shares those expectations. "There's nothing left but me getting the national title this year," Johnson says. "I've been training, and I h onestly don't think there's anyone that can beat me right now. That's the confidence you kind of have to have going into it. (A) national title this year, and I plan on getting two more after this."

agrees. "I think he's found a home here," Ritchey says. "I think it's a good fit for him, and he's meshed well with the team. I look for good things out of him." Stanley does as well, calling the NAIA"deceptively good" and saying that those familiar with Johnson knew he was capable of reaching this level of success. What Stanley commends most, however, is Johnson's ability not to settle for a successful high school career. "It's really easy for kids that are naturally gifted like Taylor to end up at a school like Oregon

— Reporter:541-383-0307, glucasC<bendbulletin.com.

The particulars of the seemingly powerful Te'o narrative had emerged in the falland been repeated in news accounts over months: Te'o's girlfriend had died of leukemia in September, around the same time he had lost his beloved grandmother;but Te'o, a team leader and Mormon,

had played on, and played spectacularly. The dual deaths were tragic, but Te'o's resolvewas admirable. Now, however, every aspect of that narrative is under scrutiny. The Associated Press said it had done a comprehensive review of articles about Te'o and his girlfriend, seeking evidence that might exonerate or i mplicate him. Nothing conclusive was found. Sports Illustrated had published a cover storyon Te'o in an October issue, an article that included details of the relationship and the woman's final days. On Thursday,the magazine offered an accounting of its reporting, including a full transcript of a lengthy interview with Te'o. During the interview, Te'o spoke of a relationship going back years, but one that became "official" on Oct. 15, 2011. He said it was a relationship that mostly existed on the phone. In one moment during the interview, he said his girlfriend had seen him at a game during his during his sophomore year, when they were just acquaintances. Again, it is far from clear whether in the interview Te'o was perpetuating a scam or accurately, if awkwardly relating the details of what had been exclusively an online relationship, one he was perhaps embarrassed was nothing more than that given all the attention it had received. Closer to Notre Dame's home base, the South Bend Tribune was explaining a story it published in October that included the details that Te'o had met the girlfriend in person in 2009. The Tribune on Thursday reported that Te'o's father, Brian Te'o, had told the paper that the couple met more than once, an assertion that now appears inconsistent with statements made by Te'o and the university. For some people versed in the often bawdy world of big-time college football, the idea that a star athlete like Te'o could be involved in an online relationship that went on for years — without inperson meetings — seems implausible. Others, younger and more familiar with the appeal of online relationships, and perhaps more aware of the scams that can be perpetrated, find him an all too believable victim.

C5 © To look upindividual stocks, goto bendbulletin.com//bueinss. Alsoseearecapin Sunday's Businesssection.





NASDAO ~ +18.46





Fnday, January 18, 2013

More job cuts?


1 ,440









Change: 8.31 (0.6%) 10 DA Y S






13,200 .







Operating -$0.14 $ $$ ~ 4 Q '11

$$.27 4Q ' 1 2

1,320 J





Vol. (in mil.) 3,603 1,707 Pvs. Volume 3,094 1,644 Advanced 2306 1635 Declined 7 24 7 8 3 New Highs 3 87 160 New Lows 2 8

DDW DDW Trans. DDW Util. NYSE Comp. NASDAQ S&P 500 S&P 400 Wilshire 5000 Russell 2000

Price-earnings ratio: lost money

Source: FactSet

Manufacturing growth General Electric's return to its roots in manufacturing is helping the company's bottom line. Now investors would like to see some revenue growth, too. GE's revenue has slipped slightly in the aftermath of selling non-industrial assets like NBC Universal and parts of its banking division. Inves tors get their next look at GE's revenue today when the company

reports fourth-quarter earnings.


ALK 31.29 — A VA 22.78 ~ BAC 6 . 44 BBSI 15.68 — BA 66. 8 2 CascadeBancorp CACB 4.23 CascadeCp CASC 42.86 Columbia Sporlswear COLM 44.26 Costco Wholesale COST 80.59 ~ Craft Brew Alliance BREW 5.62 ~

Alaska Air Group Avista Corp Bank of America Barrett Business Boeing Co



ty -

FLIR Systems FLIR 17 99 Hewlett Packard HPQ 11.35 ~ Home Federal Bucp ID HOME 8.67 — o Intel Corp INTC 19.23 ~

Keycorp Kroger Co Lattice Semi LA Pacific MDU Resources

K EY 6 . 80 KR 209 8 — LSCC 3.17 ~ L PX 7 , 66 —

0 0


M DU 19 . 59 ~ ME N T 12.85 ~

Change: 84.79 (0.6%)


Bank of America


13633.45 13511.23 13596.02 5685.40 5643.84 5681.28 460.33 457.41 458.60 8787.49 8732.79 8766.54 3144.05 3125.79 3136.00 1485.16 1472.63 1480.94 1072.59 1062.14 1071.07 15665.69 15533.79 15626.49 891.00 885.28 890.36


C H G. +84.79 +37.44 + 1 . 19 +55.98 +18.46 + 8 . 31 + 8 . 94 +92.70 + 8 . 05

47.14 47 .04 + . 0 6 + 0.1 x 4 28.05 24.5 1 +. 1 1 +0 .5 4 4 12.20 11.28 -.50 -4.2 w w 4202 4127 +113 +28 w i 78.02 75.28 +.92 +1.2 i w 7.00 6.60 +.11 +1.7 4 4 65.45 64.51 +.01 ... 4 w 58.47 50.80 -1.36 -2.6 v v 1 05.9 7 100.96 -.57 -0.6 L L 8.92 6.82 -.05 -0.7 w 4 2706 23.47 + .08 +0 .3 4 4 30.00 17.11 -.10 -0.6 4 4 14.00 13.48 +. 26 +2.0 a L 29.27 22.68 +.57 +2.6 4 4 9.15 9.3 4 +.1 9 + 2.1 x L 27 11 26 . 69 + , 4 0 +1 ,5 4 i 71 .2 4.20 +.02 +0 .5 4 4 21,39 20 .74 + . 6 2 +3,1 4 23.21 2 1. 8 8 -.04 -0.2 w a 17.50 16 . 6 4 + . 1 9 +1.2 L W 32.95 27. 2 5 +.2 1 +0 .8 L w 57.41 5 3. 4 8 -.25 -0.5 X 4 58.44 5 5. 6 5 -.30 -0.5 L L 50.80 4 3. 7 2 -.04 -0.1 W W 10.91 10.62 25 -2.3 X 4 48 22 46.45 +.71 +1.6 4 4 2 60 1.48 +.02 +1.4 4 4 47,06 47.04 +.30 +0.6 4 4 1 93.9 5 188.27 +2.48 e1.3 w w 23 16 18.06 +.29 + 1.6 4 V 47.45 30.00 +.42 +1.4 16 3 ,14162.84 +1.40 +0.9 41.99 38.39 +38 + 10 4 4 62 00 54.50 +.15 +0.3 V 4 .26 5.07 +.0 1 + 0 .3 w L 13.88 12. 6 7 +. 1 6 +1.3 k k 35.46 3 2. 7 6 -.39 -1.2 w x 8.4 2 1 7.34 +.11 +0.6 L k 6.6 0 35.03 -.06 -0.2 w w 23,10 23 .03 +. 1 5 +0,7 k k 30.86 30 .79 + . 36 +1.2 a


%CHG. wK Mo OTR +0.63% L L +0.66% +0.26% T T +0.64% L +0.59% +0.56% +0.84% L +0.60% L +0.91% L

YTD +3.75% +7.06% +1.22%

+3.83% +3.86% +3.84% +4.96%

+9.2 +1.7 w -2.8 4 +8 3 w -0.1 4 +5.4 4 +0.3 w - 4.8 L +2.3 4 +5.2 4 +5.2 4 +20.1 a +8.4 4 +10.0 x +10.9 4 +2 6 4 +5.3 i +7,3

4Q ' 1 2


Price-earnings ratio: 13 based on past 12 months' results

Source. FactSet

w V

4 4 L

k x L L k a

+3.6 4.0


-1.1 -3.2 148 19 +8.8 +1 3 0.7 1 735 2 + 2.7 +11. 5 1 2 74 1 4 +3.5 -35.2 20 dd + 6.0 +24. 8 76 3 4 1 - 1 7 + 7 9 1 570 2 1 -0.2 - 11.8 2362 9 -1.1 - 31.1 47 4 4 4 e 5.9 e71.3 5 1 1 3 0

This fund has been consistently strong, posting an annualized 1Dyear return of nearly 12 percent. Most Active With nearly $18 billion in assets, VOL (Ogs) LAST CHG it's the third-largest actively 2985090 11.28 —.50 managed mid-capfund. + . 95 + . 57 Columbia AcoruZ ACRNX -1.24 +.18 VALUE BL EN D GR OWTH + . 04 -.01 ocC —.04 $$ $o + . 21 $L +.21

Gainers NAME K Swiss ChiAutL rs SoCTBcp HeliosMIT Gl(IFIEI

IndlSvAm NuPathe ChiCeram PacBkrM g DrientPap

LAST 4.71 3.75 3.58 4.33 2.89 3.07 3.31 3.38 5.55 2.20

CHG %CHG +1.52 +1.18 +1.10 +1.27 +.49 +.45 +.43 +.42 +.66 +.25

+ 4 7 .6 + 4 5.9 «C + 4 4 .4 $$ + 4 1 .5 «C + 2 0 .4 $o + 1 7 .2 Morningstar OwnershipZone™ + 1 4 .9 + 1 4 .2 O e Fund target represents weighted + 1 3 .5 average of stock holdings + 1 2 .8 • Represents 75% offund'sstock holdings


CATEGORY Mid-Cap Growth NAME L AST C H G %C H G MORNINGSTAR RATING™ * * * * f t -.61 -19.0 Chanticl rs 2.60 BDS Ltd rs 5.35 —.73 -12.0 ASSETS $13,385 million AmShrd —.27 -10.4 2.32 EXP RATIO 0.77% EuroTech 2.85 -.31 -9.8 MANAGER Charles McQuaid -.79 -9.8 Celsion 7.31 SINCE 1995-12-31 RETURNS3-MD +7.0 Foreign Markets LAST CHG %CHG + 35.62 + . 9 6 3,744.11 London 6,132.36 + 28.38 + . 46 Frankfurt + 44.33 + . 5 8 7,735.46 Hong Kong 23,339.76 -17.23 -.07 Mexico + 80.10 + . 1 8 44,945.40 Milan 17,587.35 +247.40 +1.43 Tokyo + 9.20 + . 0 9 10,609.64 Stockholm 1,136.20 + 5.58 + . 4 9 Sydney + 14.73 + . 3 1 4,779.72 Zurich 7,429.89 +125.04 +1.71 NAME Paris

YTD +4.5 1- YR +18.1 3-YR ANNL +13.5 5-YR-ANNL +7.6

TOP 5HOLDINGS Ametek, Inc. Lululemon Athletica, Inc. Crown Castle International Corp Mettler-Toledo International, Inc.

Donaldson Company, Inc.



PCT 2.24 1.92 1.79 Fund Footnotes. b - ree covering market costs is paid from fund assets. d - Deferred sales charge, or redemption 1.77 fee. f - front load (sales charges). m - Multiple feesarecharged, usually a marketing feeand either asales or 1.67 redemption fee. Source: Morningstac

N D 52-week range

$1$025 ~

N D 52-week range


$12.04 ~

$1$ $$


WSM Close:$44.68 V-2.45 or -5.2% The retailer, which also owns Pottery Barn and West Elm, forecast fourth-quarter sales and earnings below Wall Street estimates. $48 46

J 52-week range $2$4 4$

$$2.$7 ~


Vol.:1.7m (2.4x avg.) P E: 18 . 0 Vol.: 4.8m (4.0x avg.) P E: 18 . 9 Mkt. Cap:$40.48 b Yiel d : 2 .6% Mkt. Cap:$4.38 b Yiel d : 2. 0 %


CBS Close:$40.95%3.01 or 7.9% The media company said that it will convert its U.S. outdoor advertising business into a real estate investment trust. $45 40


EBAY Close:$54.17%1.27 or 2.4% Fourth-quarter earnings at the online retailer beat expectations as bargain-hunting holiday shoppers flocked to its services. $55 50



N D 52-week range


1.6 8 0 12 0. 7 0 0 . 75 1 . 56 +4 7 +3 3 100 12 0 93f +1.6 +16. 3 4 4 71 3 0 0 . 84f +4.9 -7.8 2790 dd +7.5 +0.5 350 15 0. 3 6 +2.6 +16 . 9 17633 12 0 . 7 8 + 2. 8 + 16.0 233 13 0.32 +2.5 +21. 5 22628 10 0 . 8 8 +4,0 +40, 9 8 5 14 0,20 + 10. 7 +5 3 .6 3 991 53 0 .68f

PERCENT RETURN Yr RANK N AV CHG YTD 1Y R 3 Y R 5YR 1 3 5 American Funds BalA m 21.00 +.10 +2.9 +14.7 +10.6 + 54 A A A BondA m 12.9 1 - .03 -0.2 + 5.1 + 5.9 + 38 D D E CaplncBuA m 53.74 +.26 +1.8 +13.7 +8.0 + 26 8 8 C CpWldGrlA m 38.33 +.28 +3.0 +19.7 +6.5 + 1.4 8 D C EurPacGrA m 42.31 +.41 +2.6 +19.1 +4.4 + 08 8 8 A FnlnvA m 42.3 7 + .33 +3.9 +17.6 +10.1 + 38 8 C C GrthAmA m 35. 61 +.23 e3.7 +20.1 +9.5 + 35 A D D IncAmerA m 18 .48 +.11 e2.3 +13.4 e10.2 + 49 8 A B InvCoAmA m 31 .28 +.21 +3.7 +1 6.5 +8.6 + 31 C D D NewPerspA m 32.35 +.25 e3.5 +21.2 +8.7 + 37 A 8 8 WAMutlnvA m 32.21 +.21 e3.2 +13.6 e11.4 + 40 D A 8 Dodge 8 Cox Income 1 3.87 -.02 +0.1 + 6 . 7 + 6.2 +6.8 8 C 8 IntlStk 35.90 +.28 +3.6 + 2 2.7 + 5.3 +0.7 A 8 A Stock 1 28.06 +.82 +5.1 +23.2 +10.6 +2.5 A 8 D Fidelity Contra 80.20 +.38 + 3 .4 + 17.1 +11.9 +5.0 8 8 8 GrowCo 96.35 +.36 + 3 .3 + 16.8 +13.8 +6.6 8 A A LowPriStk d 41 . 02 +.29 + 3 .8 + 19.1 +13.0 +7.9 8 C 8 FrankTemp-Fraukliulncome A m 2.2 8 +.01 +2 .3 + 15.1 +9.8 +5.7 A A 8 RisDivA m 18.1 7 +.10 +4 .4 + 14.3 +10.2 +4.1 D C 8 Oppeuheimer RisDivB m 16.4 6 +.08 + 4 .3 + 13.2 +9.2 +3.2 E D D RisDivC m 16.3 8 +.08 + 4 .3 + 13.3 +9.4 +3.3 E D C SmMidValA m 33.86 +.32 +4.5 +11.9 +7.6 +0.9 E E E SmMidVal8 m 28.58 +.27 +4.4 +10.9 +6.7 +0.1 E E E PIMCO TotRetA m 11.2 3 - .02 0 0 . +8. 5 + 6 .8 +7.3 A 8 A T Rowe Price Eq t ylnc 27.51 +.18 + 4 .0 + 18.0 +10.7 +4.1 8 8 8 GrowStk 39.10 + .18 + 3 .5 + 18.4 +12.3 +5.6 8 A 8 HealthSci 44.0 1 + .38 +6 .8 + 31.7 +20.5+11.5 A A A Vanguard 500Adml 136.52 +.76 e3.9 +17.1 +11.6 +4.4 8 A 8 500lnv 136.52 +.77 e3.9 +16.9 e11.4 e4.3 8 A B CapDp 35.23 +.31 +4.8 +19.3 +9.0 +5.8 A D 8 Eqlnc 25.12 +.22 +4.0 +15.9 +13.8 +5.7 C A A GNMAAdml 10.87 -.01 -0.3 +1.8 +5.3 +5.6 C A A MulntAdml 14.47 -. 01 +0.8 +4.8 +6.0 +5.3 8 8 8 STGradeAd 10.83 -.01 +0.1 e4.2 +3.7 +3.9 8 8 8 StratgcEq 22.50 +.16 +4.9 +20.1 +14.6 +6.0 A A C Tgtet2025 13.94 +.06 +2.6 +13.5 +8.9 +4.4 C 8 A TotBdAdml 11.04 -.03 -0.3 +3.3 +5.6 +5.5 E D C Totlntl 15.39 +.13 e2.7 +17.9 +3.8 -0.6 C C 8 TotStlAdm 37.13 +.23 e4.2 +17.5 e12.1 e5.2 8 A A TotStldx 37.12 +.23 e4.2 +17.4 +12.0 +5.1 8 A A USGro 22.21 +.13 e4.5 +19.2 +10.7 +5.2 A 8 B Welltn 34.83 +.14 e2.9 +13.3 +9.5 +5.8 8 A A WelltnAdm 60.16 +.24 e2.9 +13.4 +9.5 e5.9 8 A A FAMILY




1. 82 0.08 0 .80a




BLK Close:$232.00 %9.76 or 4.4% The investment manager said that its fourth-quarter net income climbed 24 percent, topping what Wall Street analysts had expected. $240 220

+10. 8 2 3 76 2 3 0 . 8 4f +17. 6 1 2 05 1 7 1. 0 8



148.00 22.68 41.24 21.30 9.83 17.13 4.53 27.25 12.82



+ 29. 6 64 2 11 +1.8 242 17 1.1 6 +7 8.829850943 0 . 04 +106 7 84 37 0 52f +2 . 0 20825 14 1 .94f +38. 7 3 dd +33 . 3 6 1 14 1.40 +17.8 9 5 0 1 8 0 . 88 +36. 0 20 15 25 1 .10a +11 .3 28 52 - 7.3 62 2 1 6 0 . 2 8 -33.1 28427 dd 0 .53 +28 . 4 10 67 0. 2 4a -8.6 82376 10 0 .90 +12 .2 27888 11 0 . 2 0 +11, 0 38 2 1 22 0 , 6 0f -34.9 1631 15 +12 9 ,4 2 070 d d

canAirlines ~

new AmeticanAitlinee

Dividend: $0.96 Div. yield: 1.9%

NAME BkofAm S&P500ETF 1090350 Intel 823756 Citigroup 739074 GenElec 629711 iShJapn 553769 SPDR Fncl 552356 NokiaCp 529620 Microsoft 504686 Dell Inc 430281


N D 52-week range


Vol.:322.0m (2.0x avg.) PE :29.7 Vol.:25.1m (2.6x avg.) PE: 1 0 .5 Mkt. Cap:$121.58 b Yi e l d: 0.4% Mkt. Cap:$14.62 b Yiel d : 2. 5%

a + 3.0 +5.5 49 0 3 4 0 . 69f V - 2.2 +26.6 6 2 4 1 4 L +2.0 -1.3 50469 15 0 .92 X L + W X 4 4 4

Fifth Third Bancorp

Close: $16.29%0.74 or 4.8% Helped by improving credit condition, the regional bank reported that its fourth-quarter net income jumped 28 percent. $18



x 4

EURO +.0098 1.3384+

+1' 25



+4.21% +4.83%

A new year, a newlook l:.";;"."

4 Q '11

BAC Close:$11.28 V-0.50 or -4.2% The bank's fourth-quarter earnings and revenue fell as it worked through legal and regulatory problems related to mortgages. $14


Street's fourth-quarter results West CoastBcpOR WCBD 15,85 — o improved compared with a year Weyerhaeuser WY 1 8 .60 — o earlier. DividendFootnotes: a -Extra dividends werepaid, but are not included. b - Annual rate plus stock c - Liquidating dividend. e - Amountdeclared or paid in last t2 months. f - Current The company provides money annual rate, wnch was mcreased bymost recent div>dendannouncement. i - Sum ot dividends pud after stock split, no regular rate. I - Sum of d>vidends pud tus year. Most recent was omitted or deferred k - Declared or pud tus year, a cumulative issue with dividends marrears. m - Current annual rate, which was decreased by most recent dividend handling services to pension funds duuend announcement. p - Imtial dividend, annual rate not known, y>eld not shown. r - Declared or paid in precedmg t2 months plus stock dividend. t - Paid in stock, apprcumate cash and other big investors. In the value on ex-distribution date.PE Footnotes:q - Stock is a closed-end fund - no P/E ratio shown. cc - P/E exceeds Sa dd - Loss tn last t2 months third quarter, its revenue declined, partly due to a sharp drop in foreign-exchange trading. Investors will be looking today for American Airlines debuted a new logo and look for American expects about one-third of its fleet, or any signs State Street's latest its planes on Thursday. The familiar red, white and blue roughly 200 planes, to bear the new look by the end results show further weakness in stripes along the fuselage are gone, replaced by a new of the year and the rest to be repainted within five its trading services business. logo and "American" in large letters years. The makeover will extend to airport signs, self-help kiosks and STT $50.38 on the silver body. Red and blue $52 horizontal bars are emblazoned on American's website. $42.94 the tail. • • $• American filed for bankruptcy II "We thought it was time to update protection in November 2011. AMR is 45 the look — it's been 40 years," said studying whether to merge with US Thomas Horton, CEO of American's Airways or remain on its own. A 12 38 parent, AMR. decision is expected soon. Operating I I EPS •


Encouraging economic reports sent stock indexes higher Thursday, and the Standard & Poor's 500 index once again climbed to its highest level since December 2007. The number of workers filing claims for unemployment last week fell more than economists expected, an indication that layoffs are slowing. The last time the number was this small was in January 2008, close to the beginning of the Great Recession. A separate report showed that construction crews began work on more homes in December than economists expected. It's the latest in a string of reports that indicate the housing market has finally turned higher.

1 0 DAY S

.J. . 12 300 . j ' " "A ' ' ' ' S




Close: 1 3,596.02


MSFT 26.26 ~ NKE 4 2.55 ~ JWN 46.27 ~ NWN 41.01 ~ DMX 4. 1 0 — 0 PaccarIuc PCAR 35 21 ~ Planar Systms PLNR 1.12 ~ Plum Creek PCL 35,43 — 0 Prec Castparts PCP 150.53 ~ Safeway Iuc SWY 14 73 ~ Schuitzer Steel SCHN 22.78 ~ Sherwin Wms SHW 94,15 — 0 Staucorp Fucl SFG 28.74 ~ StarbucksCp SBUX 43 04 ~ Triquiut Semi TQNT 4.30 ~ 7 Umpqua Holdings UMP Q 11.17 ~ US Baucorp USB 27.30 ~ Washington Fedl WAFD 14.30 ~ 1 WellsFargo& Co WF C 2 8.77 ~ 3

Wall Street expects that State


+ 28

Dow jones industrials


Mentor Graphics Microsoft Corp Nike Inc 8 NordstromIuc Nwst NatGas OfficeMax Iuc

Eye on trades



based on past 12 months' results

Dividend: $0.20 Div. yield: 1. 0%




12,600 . '.'. .


1 3 440, • ,






Close: 1,480.94



GOLD $1,690.40 ~

S&P 500

1 480 "

Like manybanks, Morgan Stanley has been trimming its workforce to cushion itself against an uncertain economy. As of October, the bank had shed about 7 percent of its employees in the course of a year. The bank, which reports fourthquarter earnings today, is also focusing on financial advising as a way to build up revenue more reliably. Is the strategy working?

10 YR T NOTE 1.83% ~


J $42.$$


N D 52-week range


$29.$$ ~


Vol.:35.0m (5.1x avg.) PE: 1 7 .6 Vol.:24.4m (2.5x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$24.25 b Yiel d : 1 .2% Mkt. Cap:$70.1 b

PE: 1 8 .5 Yield:...

Columbia Sportswear COLM Power-One Close:$50.80 V-1.36 or -2.6% The outdoor clothing company cut its fourth-quarter sales outlook citing mild winter weather which hurt sales of outdoor gear. $60


Close:$3.92 V-0.42 or -9.7% The solar equipment maker forecast a fourth-quarter loss and cut its revenue estimates due to lower-thanexpected European demand. $5.0 4.5




N D 52-week range


J $$$.47


N D 52-week range

$3,$1 ~

J $7.1$

Vol.:950.6k (6.7x avg.) PE: 1 7 .9 Vol.:S.om (2.9x avg.) Mkt. Cap:$1.72 b Yiel d : 1. 7% Mkt. Cap:$476.13 m

P E: 5 . 9 Yield :... AP

SOURCE: Sungard


NET 1YR TREASURIES YEST PVS CHG WK MO OTR AGO 3 -month T-bill 6-month T-bill 5 2-wk T-bill

The yield on the 1D-year Treasury note rose to 1.BB percent Thursday. Yields affect interest rates on consumer loans.

. 07 .07 . 1 0 .10 .14 .13

... L ... > +0 . 0 1 +






. 05




2-year T-note . 26 .25 +0 . 01 L W 5-year T-note . 7 9 .74 + 0 .05 w A 10-year T-note 1.83 1.82 +0.01 w L


30-year T-bond 3.07 3.01 +0.06 w

a 2.96




Barclays LongT-Bdldx 2.66 2.61 +0.05 w > BondBuyerMuni Idx 3.96 3.95 +0.01 W W B arclays USAggregate 1.78 1.78 . . . W PRIME FED B arclays US High Yield 5.76 5.75 +0.01 w w RATE FUNDS Moodys AAA Corp Idx 3.74 3.74 . . . w YEST 3.25 .13 B arclays CompT-Bdldx 1.05 1.02 +0.03 w > 6 MO AGO 3.25 .13 Barclays USCorp 2 .73 2.72 +0.01 L w 1 YR AGO3.25 .13

Commodities Oil rose due to expectations for higher demand after strongerthan-expected reports on the U.S. economy. Natural gas rose on signs that the nation trimmed its glut of supply last week.

Exchange The dollar rose to its highest level against the yen since 2010, continuing its steady climb against the


currency that beganlast autumn. The dollar fell against the euro.

h5N4 QG

w 2.47 W 4 .59 > 2. 1 5 w 7.9 8 > 3 7. 9 w 1.0 0 L 3 61 .

CLOSE PVS. %CH. %YTD Crude Dil (bbl) 95.49 94.24 + 1.33 + 4 . 0 Ethanol (gal) 2.34 2.35 e6.8 Heating Dil (gal) 3.02 3.00 +0.74 -0.8 Natural Gas (mm btu) 3.49 3.44 + 1.72 + 4 . 3 Unleaded Gas(gal) 2.77 2.72 e1.73 -1.6 FUELS


Gold (oz) Silver (oz) Platinum (oz) Copper (Ib) Palladium (oz) AGRICULTURE

CLOSE PVS. 1690.40 1682.70 31.79 31.51 1696.90 1691.90 3.65 3.59 725.40 725.70

%CH. %YTD + 0.46 + 0 . 9 + 0.86 + 5 . 4 +0.28 +10.3 + 1.56 + 0 . 2 - 0.04 + 3 . 2


PVS. %CH. %YTD -2.5 1.29 -1.49 1.56 1.53 + 1.63 + 8 . 1 7.25 Corn (bu) 7.31 - 0.92 + 3 . 8 Cotton (Ib) 0.78 0.77 + 0.58 + 3 . 5 Lumber (1,000 bd ft) 369.40 375.40 -1.60 -1.2 -3.2 Orange Juice (Ib) 1.12 1.12 +0.04 Soybeans (bu) 14.30 14.37 - 0.44 + 0 . 8 Wheat(bu) 7.81 7.85 - 0.48 + 0 . 4

Cattle (Ib) Coffee (Ib)


.23 .81 1.90


1YR. MAJORS CLOSE CHG. %CHG. AGO USD per British Pound 1.6007 +.0004 +.02% 1 .5327 Canadian Dollar .9852 —.0008 —.08% 1.0159 USD per Euro 1.3384 +.0098 +.73% 1 . 2722 Japanese Yen 89.97 + 1 .48 +1.64% 7 6 . 82 Mexican Peso 12. 5 634 —.0644 -.51% 13.4478 EUROPE/AFRICA/MIDDLEEAST Israeli Shekel 3. 71 76 —. 0073 —. 20% 3.8342 Norwegian Krone 5.5552 —.0186 —.33% 6.0477 South African Rand 8.8100 +.0073 +.08% 8.0657 6.4892 —.0134 —.21% 6.9365 Swedish Krona Swiss Franc .9328 +.0010 +.11% .9506 ASIA/PACIFIC Australian Dollar .9489 + .0029 +.31% .9 6 44 Chinese Yuan 6.2205 -.0013 -.02% 6.3201 Hong Kong Dollar 7.7523 +.0002 +.00% 7 .7638 Indian Rupee 54.390 -.304 -.56% 50.714 Singapore Dollar 1.2237 -.0003 -.02% 1.2858 South Korean Won 1056.31 -1.87 -.18% 1143.10 -.02 -.07% 2 9 .96 Taiwan Dollar 28.96

© www.bendbulletin.com/business


CentralOregon fuel prices


Price per gallon for regular unleaded gas and diesel, as posted Thursday


(www.aaaorid.comj. GASOLINE • Space Age,

Because of last-

not begin processing

20635 Grandview Drive, Bend........ . . . . .$3.16 • Ron's Oil, 62980 U.S. Highway 97,

individual income tax returns until Jan. 30,

eight days later than

Bend............ $3.21 • Safeway, Photos by Andy Tullis/The Bulletin

The view from the cockpit of the flight simulator at RDD Enterprises in Redmond. The simulator provides pilot training so realistic the FAA has certified it to be used instead of an actual plane.

2005 U.S. Highway 97,

Redmond ....... $3.29 • Chevron, 1095 S.E. Division St.,

Bend............ $3.34 • Chevron, 3405 N. U.S. Highway 97,

Bend............ $3.36

on the

• Chevron, 1210 U.S. Highway 97,

Madras ......... $3.38 • Chevron, 398 N.W. Third St., Prineville........ $3.38 • La Pine Mini Mart, 52530 U.S. Highway 97,

La Pine.......... $3.44 • Chevron, 1001 Railway,

Sisters.......... $3.39 DIESEL • Ron's Oil, 62980 U.S. Highway 97, Bend........ . . . . .$3.74

• Safeway, 80 N.E. Cedar St.

Madras ..........$3.86 • Chevron, 2005 U.S. Highway 97,

Redmond ....... $3.89 • Texaco,178 Fourth St.,

Madras......... $3.92 Ashley Brothers/The Bulletin

BEST OF THE BIZ CALENDAR TODAY • The Good, The Bad,The Ugly, TheFuture?: Town hall breakfast forum; registration required; $30 for members and$40 for nonmembers; 7:30-9 a.m.; The Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center, 3075 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-3221 or http://bendchamber. org/chamber-events/townhall-breakfast-forum2013-jan/. • Know Internet for Beginners: 10:30 a.m.-noon; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 54 I -312-1050. • Central Oregon Real Estate Investment Club; Free; 11a.m.; ServiceMaster Clean, 20806 Sockeye Place, Bend; 541-610-4006 or bobbleile@windermere. com. • Know Word For Beginners: 2-3:30 p.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1 050. SATURDAY • Making a Splash in the Bath: Bath remodeling; 9:30 a.m.; Neil Kelly, 190 N.E. Irving Ave., Bend; 54 I -382-7580. • Kitchen Design, Beautiful And Functional: Kitchen design workshop; 10:15 a.m.; Neil Kelly, 190 N.E. Irving Ave., Bend; 54 I-382-7580. SUNDAY • Know Money, the Thrifty Traveler: Learn tips for traveling cheaply and well; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7080. MONDAY • Know Craigslist: 10:30 a.m.-noon; La PinePublic Library, 16425 First St.; 541-536-0515. • Gala at the Riverhouse: Featuring a meal, silent auction and a presentation by former NBAbasketball player A.C.Green; registration requested; proceeds benefit the Boys tt Girls Clubs of Central Oregon; $125; 5:30 p.m.; The Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center, 3075 N. U.S. Highway 97,Bend; 541-617-7174 or www. riverhouse.com/gala.

Service will also begin processing federal tax returns on Jan. 30, according to the IRS,and


Madras..........$3.28 Redmond ....... $3.29 • Chevron,

originally planned. The lnternal Revenue

By Ruth Mantell

80 N.E. Cedar St. • Chevron, 1501 S.W. Highland Ave.,

State delays tax processing minute tax law changes created by the federal "fiscal-cliff" debate, the Oregon Department of Revenue will

best in

at AAA Fuel Price Finder


• RDD Enterprises'simulator is asclose asit gets to a real plane By Rachael Rees The Bulletin

REDMOND — Whether you want to fly a Cessna 400 to Portland or a Lancair IV-P to Dubai, the new flight simulator at RDD Enterprises in Redmond can take you there. But it might not be a smooth flight — depending on your piloting skills. Equipped with all flight controls and a wing-tip-towing-tip view of the horizon, the Redbird FMX fullmotion flight simulator provides aviation training to help pilots earn licensing and certification. "It's like the Wii golf, but it's so realistic that the (Federal Aviation Administration) has certified this device to be used in lieu of an airplane," said Dave McRae, referring to the $100,000 simulator that will be open to the public in February. McRae, co-owner of the aircraft maintenance, kitairplane builder-assist shop and flight school on Southeast Airport Way, said RDD started in 2007, but hasn't really formed a connection with the community. Out of the 100 customers RDD has a year, only one lives in Redmond. The rest are from all over the world. Through Northstar Flight Lab, a new business entity of RDD, McRae hopes to educate residents about the company, openthe simulator to flight instructors and make flight training more convenient to current customers.

Mark Mahnke, from left, Scott Fordham, and David McRae of RDD Enterprises. The company hopes its new simulator will give Redmond residents some insight into what the company does while providing more convenience to flight instructors and student pilots. no instructor for $40, to a three-hour full facility rental for upto 10 people for $350, Mahnke said. McRae said the simulator is a considerably cheaper option than flying a plane. It's about $160 an hour for professional training in the simulator programmed to replicate a Cirrus SR22 Perspective. A client training in his or her own Cirrus for an hour could spend more than $600, not including gas, he said. McRae said kit planes, like the ones RDD helps owners build, can cost up to $1 million, so the average person in Redmond isn't going to be able to afford that. But if the community wants to experience aviation, the simulator is a safe, fun, and affordable way to do it.

See video coverage on The Bulletin's website: bendbnlletin.cnm/flight Lee Brinley, a 55-year-old Chicago resident who was building a Lancair plane at RDD on Tuesday, said he plans to use the simulator to earn his instrument rating. "One of the huge pluses with a simulator is when you're confused you put everything on hold and talk through it with the (Certified Flight Instructor)," he said. "When you're in an airplane, obviously, you have to continue to fly the airplane." Mark Mahnke, co-owner of RDD, said the simulator will not only be open for pilots but also for parties, educational clubs, veterans groups and more. Prices will range from a 30-minute session with

— Reporter: 541-617-7818, rreesC<bendbufletin.com

For more information To learn more about RDD Enterprises or its flight simulator, visit www.rddent.com or call 541-504-0305.

WASHINGTON — Construction on new U.S. homes jumped in December to the highest rate in more than four years, with gains across the country, as well as in singlefamily homes and buildings, the U.S. Department of Commerce reported Thursday. In the freshest data signaling a strengthening housing market,starts rose 12.1percent inDecember toa seasonally adjusted annual rate of 954,000 — the highest level since June 2008. "Overall, this report reinforces the current narrative of a positive growth momentum in the housing sector," said Millan Mulraine, a macro strategist at TD Securities. Economists polled by MarketWatch hadexpected U.S. housing starts to increase to a rate of 883,000 from an original estimate of 861,000 for November, on factors such as rising building permits and confidenceamong home builders, as well as relatively mild weather for the season. On Thursday, the governm ent revised November's rate to 851,000. Starts rose 24.7 percent in the Midwest, 21.4 percent in the Northeast, 18.7 percent in the West and 3.8 percent in the South. While starts in December were up 37 percent from a year earli er,rates remain far below a bubble peak of almost 23 million in 2006. Meanwhile, building permits, a sign of future demand, rose 03 percent in December to a rate of 903,000 — the highest rate since July 2008. Permits for single-family homes rose 1.8 percent to a rate of 578,000, while permits forstructureswith atleast two units declined 2.1 percent to arate of325,000. The lower growth in permits means that starts could slow down in coming months. For all of 2012, the government estimated that there were 780,000 housing starts, the highest level since 2008 and up 28 percent from 2011. Meanwhile, permits rose 30 percent to 813,000 in 2012, also the highest level since 2008. Housing completions rose 11 percent to 651,000 in 2012, the highest level since 2010. An improving trend for housingstartsechoes other recent housing data. Confidence among homebuilders is holding at a more-than-sixyear peak, with more markets showing signs of recovery.

the state cannot begin

processing electronically filed returns until the IRS opens its electronic

filing system, according to a news release from the Oregon Department

of Revenue. The American Taxpayer Relief Act, passed by Congress onJan. 1 and signed by the president a day later, con-

tained tax law changes, according to the IRS, many of which affect 2012 tax returns.

Intel income takes 4Q tumble Intel, the world's

largest chipmaker, says its fourth-quarter net

income fell 27 percent from the previous year, as PC sales continued to weaken. Net income was $2.47 billion, or 48

cents per share,forthe Octoberto December period. That was down from $3.36 billion, or

64 cents per share, a year ago. Intel beat expecta-

tions for the quarter. Analysts polled by

FactSet were expecting earnings of 45 cents per share. Revenue fell 3

percent to $13.5 billion, matching analyst expectations. Intel is

challenged by a shift in consumer spending from PCs to smart-

phones and tablets, most of which don't use lntel chips.

Yelp reviews add health grades Review site Yelp is

adding restaurants' health-inspection grades to its site, giv-

ing users yet another filter through which

they can decide where to eat. Yelp Inc. said Thursday that city-provided

health-score information will be available in San Francisco first.

Restaurant grades in New York City will be added in the coming

weeks. — From wire reports



Jobless claimsdecline to 5-year low From wire reports The number of Americans filing first-time claims for unemployment insurance payments fell more than forecast last week to the lowest level in five years, pointing to further improvement in the labor market. Applications for jobless

benefits decreased by 37,000 to 335,000 in the week ended Jan. 12, the lowest level since the period ended Jan. 19, 2008, Labor Department figures showed Thursday. Oregon had the nation's third-largest decline in applications with a decrease of 5,471. New York had the larg-

est increase, up 37,189. Economistsforecast369,000 claims, according to the median estimate in a Bloomberg survey. A spokesman for the

, Now more than ever... Y

agency said the drop may reflect the difficulty the government has in adjusting the data after the holidays when seasonal workers are let go.

DISPATCHES • Cathy's Cleanershas opened a Redmond location at 875 Rimrock

112, in Redmond. Agrand opening party is scheduled for 3-7 p.m. Jan.

26. Zipidy DoDogprovides dog day care, boarding andgrooming Cathy's Cleaners offers dry cleaning services. It also offers delivery dog and laundry services, including free walking, where adogwalker will pick pick-up and delivery and Enviro up your dog from your housefor an Clean. For information, contact hour-long walk. Tolearn more, call Way, Suite103. It's the company's

third outlet; the others are in Bend.

541-312-6970 or go online to

www.cathys-cleaners.com. For the complete calendar, OoOogOaycare is opening pick up Sunday's Bulletin or • Zipidy visitbendbulletin.comlbizcal at 675 N.E. Hemlock Ave., Suite

Distinction by Boar's Head, a

provider of premium delicatessen meats and cheeses. Newport Market is the first location west of the Mississippi to receive the designation and the15th deli to be recognized nationally. The

541-526-1822 or go online to www

award is given to independent retailers who promote high


standards of quality and customer

• Newport AvenueMarket in Bendhasbeennameda Deliof

service. To learn more, visit www. newportavemarket.com.

Know who you bank with. We are your community bank. Our board of directors are local and we are proud to know each of our clients personally. Now more than ever, it is good to know who you bank with. 1000 SW Disk Dr.


541-848-4444 www.highdesertbank.tom

"Local Service — Local Knowledge" FDICQ

IN THE BACI4: ADVICE 4 ENTERTAINMENT > 50-Plus, D2-3 Parents, Kids, D4 Pets, D5 THE BULLETIN • FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2013


O www.bendbulletin.com/allages


Safety tips with the car seat app Car seat safety is important, but can be complicated. The

American Academyof Pediatrics has released a Car Seat Check App to

help parents. Theapp includes 2013 information to help parents find

and install a car seat. Parents can usethe features to:

• Find an appropriate seat based on achild's



age, height and weight. • Check out informa-

tion about various car seats, including price. • View instructional

videos on installation. • Find local techni-

cians who arecar seat installation specialists. • Learn about product

recalls. • Check out safety videos and safety articles.

The app is available on iTunes andGoogle Play stores and is called

Car Seat CheckApp. It cost $1.99.

Senior housing availability down


Deschutes County

has Oregon's fourthhighest assisted-living facility occupancy rate according to a report the state's Aging andPeople

+U, -

with Disabilities office released this week. The

report found all but 10 of the county's 478 available units were oc-

Illustration by Greg Cross The Bulletin

cupied, giving the county an occupancy rate of 97.8 percent. Only Hood River, Lincoln and Klamath counties had a

higher occupancy rate, according to the report. Jefferson County had an occupancy rate of 55.6 percent according to the report which found 53 of its

96 available units were occupied, while the assisted-living facilities in

• Though lying may bea part of a child's development, it still must be addressed

Crook County did not report their occupancy figures to the Aging and People with Disabilities office.

Whisnantsponsors Alzheimer's plan State Rep. Gene Whisnant, R-Sunriver, is

one of 18 state legislators who co-sponsored a piece of legislation voicing the Legislature's support for the State Plan for Alzheimer's

Disease andRelated

By Alandra Johnson •The Bulletin didn't grab the cat's tail." "Yes,Ibrushed my teeth." "I didn't hit my brother." Kids lie. It's a fact every parent has to face. But a lie doesn't mean your sweet little angel has turned into a conniving evil genius. Lying is much more complicated than that. Just ask Kang Lee, who has been studying lying and children for years as a professor of human development and applied psychology at the University of Toronto. "Lying is actually a natural behavior


Inside • Truth be told: A child's first lie is usually told to avoid getting in trouble,D4 among children." Lee says some children begin lying as early as age 2. By age 3, most know what lying is and know it is wrong. Catching a child lying does not mean "that child is going to turn into a psychopath," said Lee. Lying is a challenging behavior for parents to tackle, but there are steps they can take to help curb the behavior and help children distinguish be-

tween lies told to save someone's feelings and lies told to deceive or harm.

Development of lying The first type of lies kids tell are those to avoid trouble, says Lee. "It's very difficult for a child to inhibit natural tendencies," said Lee. That requires the prefrontal lobe to develop, which doesn't take place until age 14 or 15. Kids violate a rule (hitting, eating something they shouldn't, etc.) and then lie to avoid getting in trouble. SeeLles/D4

Dementias in Oregon, a

proposal listing several ways the state government could better

prepare for a coming Alzheimer's epidemic. A


coalition of legislators, nonprofits and health

care professionals released the plan in July.

The 42-page document calls on the state to create a one-stop shop for people who have questions about Alzheimer's, assess

Over the hill, hitting the slopes Fu speedtofun • Bend residents Jim and SusanBeyer haven't let retirement slow themdown

matter what their field,

Editor's note:Are you a senior who leads a particularly active lifestyle? We'd love to hear about it. Email your story to Mac McLean at mmclean@bendbulletin.com or call 541-617-7816.

and expand theaccess people who live in rural

By Mac McLean

its ability to house

Alzheimer's sufferers in nursing homes, teach all health care students

aboutdementia no

areas have to Alzheim-

er's specialists through telemedicine. Senate Concurrent Resolution1, which was

posted to the Legislature's website on Mon-

day, also recognizes the Legislature's sentiment "that people with

Alzheimer's Diseaseor a related dementia and their families must have all of the information

and support they need and services delivered as effectively and effi-

ciently as possible." — From staff reports


n007" For Your Eyes Only R/C, by Toy State


The Bulletin

Halfway up Mt. Bachelor's Sunrise Lift, Jim Beyer, 86, muttered something to his wife, Susan, 72, that might have made less-experienced skiers feel out of their league. "I wonder what the light is like on lower Cliffhanger," Jim said, referring to a fairly steep run of intermediate difficulty. C liffhanger was the first i n a seriesof blue runs the Beyers did Tuesday morning that may make a younger novice skier have to hustle. But that's nothing new for the Beyers, a couple who turned a lifetime of physical activity into an active retirement that includes alpine ski-

ing, hiking, square dancing and more.

Kid Culture features fun and educational books and toys for kids. Toy recommendations are based on independent research conducted by The Toy Research Institute.

Rob Kerr r The Bulletin

A patch on Jim Beyer's ski jacket proudly shows he is a member of the "80+ Ski Club." The 86-year-old leads a particularly active lifestyle in his retirement. Before they married i n 1 9 86, Jim had sold his family's fuel supply company in the Seattle area and was working as a real estate agent. He spent his free time climbing

mountains, including four trips to the summit of Mount Rainier and two trips to the summit of Mount St. Helens before it erupted. SeeSkiers/D2

Ages 6 and older Toy Tips: A Fun: B+ Movement: B Thinking: B+ Personality: B+ submitted photo Social Interaction: B+ For any child whose parents grew up w atching James Bond movies, this r emote control muscle car is a gift to share together. It uses a touchscreen controller for driving, while unlocking realistic vehicle sound, light effects and unique front and side wheelie action. It also plays the James Bond theme music for the full experience. Playing with remote control vehicles enhances fine-motor movement, hand-eye coordination and quick-reaction thinking. Tester's tip: "Great for collectors and anyone who enjoys the James Bond movies." SeeToys/D4



Email information for the 50-Plus Activities Calendar at least 10days before publication to communitylife@bendbulietin.com, or click on "Submit an Event" at www.bendbulletin.com. Ongoing listings must be updated monthly. Contact: 541-383-0351.

0-PLUS Skiers


Continued from 01 He has been skiing since he was 25, though he dabbled with the sport a bit as a child. Susan learned how to ski when she was 6 and never stopped. She spent more than a dozen years with the Mount Hood Ski Patrol and ran a ski school in that area with her ex-husband. She also played professional soccer and has made a coupleof trips across the country on her bike.



BEND KNIT-UP: $2; 10 a.m.-noon; Rosie Bareis Community Campus, Bend; 541-728-0050. BINGO: 6 p.m.; American Legion TUESDAY Post¹44,Redmond;541-548-5688. CLASSICSBOOK CLUB:6 p.m.; RED ROCKSQUAREDANCE: Downtown Bend Public Library, 7-10 p.m.; Redmond Grange; Brooks Room; 541-312-1046 or 541-923-8804. kevinb©deschuteslibrary.org. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; GO CLUB: 4-7 p.m.;W hole Foods 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; Market, Bend; 541-385-9198. 541-389-1752. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Canasta; 9:45 a.m.-2 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., SATURDAY Bend; 541-389-1752. BACHELORBEAUTS SQUARE HIGH DESERTRUG HOOKERS: DANCECLUB: 7-10 p.m.; Pine Forest 10 a.m.-2 p.m.; Bend Senior Center; Grange, Bend; 541-389-2983. 541-382-5337.

"She makes (skiing) look

easy," Jim said of his wife, who was working as an accountant for Boeing when they met during a ski trip. "I make it look difficult." When the couple retired in 1997, Jim said they decided to move to Central Oregon because they enjoyed the sunshine and liked the skiing opportunities. They built a house about seven miles outside of Sisters and once walked this distance for anice weekend stroll. eNo wonder we got to the bakery so late," Susan said when she realized their hike to downtown Sisters wasn't five-miles long like she had thought. Five years ago, the couple went on a t r i p t o A l a ska's Inside Passage where they vowed togo up to the deck only if they climbed the 17 flights of stairs separating it from their cabin. They also like to ride their bikes, hike and, twice a month can be found doseydoeing around the Pine Forest Grange's floor with the Bachelor Beauts Square Dance Club. But downhill skiing is their favorite pastime — the one activity they did before they got married and the one activity they've done since then. "It's a marvelous addiction," Jim said, which he shares with several of his friends including a f ellow square dancer who works on Mt. Bachelor as a guide. "You can't just get enough of it....You come down here and the attitude is, well, why wouldn't you be skiing?" Proudly sp o r t in g an "80+ Ski Club" patch on his red parka at 9:15 a.m. Tuesday, Jim talked about a group of older skiers, known as the "Over the Hill Gang," who show up at Mt. Bachelor before the lifts start



Photos by Rob Kerr /The Bulletin

Jim Beyer, 86, makes a turn while skiing at Mt. Bachelor on Tuesday. It was the first time he'd been skiing in more than a year but he had no problems remembering what to do while zipping past people half his age.

operating to get some runs in beforeitgets crowded. Members of this group had already made a bee-line to the chairlifts up t o t h e summit so they could enjoy a slightly warm day of skiing under a clear, blue ski. But Jim hesitated and said Tuesday's trip was the first time he'd been skiing in a while. He took the previous season off while undergoing treatments for back problems. Combined w i t h S u s an's knee r eplacement s u rgery three years ago leaving her with l im i t e d mov e ment, caused the couple to worry about whether they would be

able to take friends, who are visiting next month, skiing. Last week they went shopping for cross-country skis hoping to be able to play in the snow without enduring the physical stress of alpine skiing. Jim's moment of hesitation didn't last long, though. After one quick trip down Marshmallow — a beginner slope most people ski after their second or third lesson — the couple was back in their game and doing blue run after blue run after blue run. "It's easy," Susan said to a ski instructor who was impressed with how she a nd some other older skiers tackle

local college was there to play among veterans old enough to be his grandfather. Fronted by a n o r c hestra leader dressed in a red sweatsuit, the band suddenly came alive, moving easily through By John M.Glionna several sets o f C h r i stmasLos Angeles Times themed music with decidedly LAS VEGAS — At age 87, jazzy arrangements. Roger Hall still loves to playthe With his gray hair and sparmusic of his youth, that larger- kly blue eyes, Hall was back in than-life big-band sound that his orchestra chair, sight-readno longer commands respect ing the c omplicated scores among the casino bosses in that make him feel alive. Who this town. cares if th e casino owners In an earlier life, he played think nobody will pay to hear in bands backing Nat King this kind of sound anymore, Cole, Sammy Davis, Jr., and that the decent-paying gigs the rest of the original Rat are mostly gone? P ack. Yet w i t h t h e c i t y ' s The boys in the band were backbeat overtaken by a new playing for nothing, and lovgeneration of bejeweled rap- ing every minute of it. "For me, this is therapy," pers and DJs, he found fewer places to blow his alto sax. Hall said. "If I wasn't here, I'd But Hall still plays. Four probably be home in front of nights a week, music case in the TV watching 'The Price is hand, he walks down a pitch- Right.'" b lack driveway on a r u r a l Six nights a week, the Galane within view of the Strip rage is jumping with big-band to a place musicians call the music as different players conGarage. It's a Q uonset-hut- verge to jam and share music. shaped space big enough to The oblong space, built six hold a dozen cars, built by a years ago by musician Jim local music lover to house the Hemmings, was soundproofed impromptu jam sessions of for music but still serves as players dedicated to the old a part-time storage locker swing-band sounds of Duke for books, cast-off electrical Ellington, Count Basie and equipment, file cabinets and a Benny Goodman. few old couches. T he scene is one of t h i s The musicians don't care. city's musical secrets: Events They tell jokes they've repeataren't advertised, but news ed for decades. "It's always the of gigs often passes word drummer's fault," s omeone of mouth, d r awing p eople says to no one in particular. It in t o c e lebrate sounds of still gets a laugh. "It's unexpected, and it's a yesterday. On a r e cent n ight, H a ll throwback," said Sam Wagtook his seat among 16 other meister, a music columnist for m usicians, in the f i rst r ow the monthly Vegas Voice, who with the saxophone section. joined a handful of other imNearby a trumpet player in a promptu viewers. "You get the raccoon hat readied his solo. feeling when you walk in here Another sipped from a bottle that you're in the presence of of Bass ale he kept at his feet. some really special, dedicated A student trumpeter from a people."

Band plays on and on They're players like 80-yearold Ron Brandvik, atenor saxophone player from North Dakota. A former regular player on the Strip, he says that as a kid, his parents asked him what he wanted for Christmas — a clarinet or a bicycle. He now jokes he should have chosen the bike. And trumpet player Steve Meyer,a retiree who got his first gig at 19 and with big-band leader Ray Alburn, who supported Meyer's "clueless self" and made him feel like "one of the cats." Then there's Hall, whose mother was a ragtime piano player and whose father sang in a barbershop quartet. Hall's musical inspiration is saxophonist Charlie Parker and, like the Bird, he's rarely found without his saxophone. He used to carry his sax on dance cruises he took with his wife, always ready to sit in with the band. But after she passed


BINGO: 12:30 p.m.; American BEND KNIT-UP: 5:30-8 p.m.; Legion Post¹44, Redmond; Barnes 8 Noble Booksellers, Bend; 541-548-5688. 541-728-0050. THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Pinochle; 12:45-5 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; BINGO: 6 p.m.; American Legion Post ¹44, Redmond; 541-548-5688. 541-389-1752. GAME DAY:Noon; Bend's Community Center; 541-323-3344. MONDAY THE GOLDEN AGECLUB: Pinochle; CASCADECAMERACLUB: 7 p.m.; 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; Bend Senior Center; www.cascade 541-389- I752. cameraclub.org or 541-312-4364. KIWANISCLUB OF REDMOND: CENTRAL OREGONRETIRED Noon-1 p.m.; Juniper Golf and EDUCATORS ASSOCIATION: Country Club, Redmond; 541-54811:30 a.m.; Zion Lutheran Church, 5935 or www.redmondkiwanis.org. Redmond; 541-382-7044. CRIBBAGECLUB:6 p.m.;Bend Elks THURSDAY Lodge; 541-317-9022. BINGO: 6 p.m.; Elks Lodge, Bend; THE GOLDENAGE CLUB: Double 54 l-382-1371. deck pinochle; 11 a.m.-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. THE GOLDENAGECLUB: Pinochle; ORDER OFTHEEASTERN STAR: 12:45-4 p.m.; 40 S.E. Fifth St., Bend; 541-389-1752. 7:30 p.m.; Masonic Lodge,

outside because it fogged up her bifocals. Her husband got separated from the group because he's a little hard of hearing and missed Susan s h outing which way to go. But these moments were fleeting. "When you have a child

bride, it keeps you young," Jim said, referring to the 14-year age difference between him and his wife. " What's k e eping m e


Weekly Arts 5 Entertainment

young'?" Susan replied. "Keeping up with you."

Still in the swing in Vegas • Veteran big-band players keepthat old-time soundalive


some of the runs. "As long as your knees, your hips and your mind still work, you shouldn't have a ny problems at all." The Beyers zipped past some of the 20-year-olds on the mountain, although there were a few moments when the couple's age revealed itself. Susan didn't want to put her goggles on even though it was sunny

Jim and his wife, Susan, 72, and also an accomplished skier, enjoy a cup of coffee outside Mt. Bachelor's Sunrise Lodge after a morning ski trip.

Redmond; 541-504-0444. SWEET ADELINES: 6:30 p.m.; Redmond Senior Center; 541-447-4756. SCOTTISH COUNTRYDANCE: 7-9p.m.;SonsofNorway Hall,Bend; 541-549-7311 or541-848-7523.

Every Friday In

— Reporter: 541-617-7816, mmcleanC<bendbulletin.com



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away a decade ago, Hall stopped dancing. Nowadays, the Garage is where he indulges his artistic bent. The sessions here remind Hall of those wild nights in old-time Las Vegas, like when a tiger at a Siegfried & Roy show fell into the orchestra pit and jumped onto the piano. The musicians scrambled, "but that cat was more afraid than all of us," Hall said. Or how the rising curtain at one show on the Strip caught a bass and lifted it into the air — with the player still attached. And then the band rolls into a sassy version of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen," fortified by a commanding drumbeat and the growl of a muted saxophone solo. And there's Hall in the first row, just like always, playing his lines, making sure the music doesn't go silent.


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5 0-PL U S

an 'um in • In the pursuit

of happiness,group of womenchoosesto age — dangerously By Christy DeSmlth (Minneapolis) Star Tribune

The hangar was a mess of tattoos, goatees, empty pizza boxes — and grandmothers wearing designer sunglasses. This was not the usual Satu rday morning c r ow d f o r Westside Skydivers, a small business based in W i nsted, Minn., just 50 miles west of Minneapolis. Sure, the compa-

ny's crew of brawny employees was behaving as usualhauling arm-loads of harnesses and parachutes, unzipping their jumpsuits to cool off and expose their strong chests. It was the older, female customers who lent the element of surprise.As they lounged about the hangar in clusters of three orfour, the women kept their voices low and their composure cool. Was anybody feeling spooked? "Oh no, not at all," boasted Diane Adams, 52, a seasoned skydiver from Bloomington, Minn. "I'm a very adventurous person." As if this were a matchmaking affair, each of the 15 women paired off with a professional skydiver. She would be tethered to this personusually a 20- or 30-something man with a black T-shirt and a swagger — for the duration of her 13,000 or 18,000-foot


or o

Happiness is a friend, even on Facebook I have 438 friends. On Facebook, that is, which is how I happen to know the exact number.

(I also haveahandful of palsnot yet on Facebook.) MyFacebook

it's not, judging by the article's

failure to support the claim. But author Stephen Marche tries really hard to argue otherwise.

"We live in anaccelerating

friends include buddies of many

contradiction: the more connect-

years aswell aspeopleI've met briefly throughwork ordimly recall

ed we become, the lonelier we are," Marche writes. "Wewere

from high school. Friends, in other

promised a global village; instead

words, you might oncehavecalled we inhabit the drab cul-de-sacs "acquai ntances. "Theyeveninclude and endless freeways of avast afew people of the sortformerly

suburb of information."

known as "total strangers." We're all friends now, sort of.

Marche summons statistics and research showing that Amer-

We click "like" on each others'

icans are lonely, that Facebook is huge, that both phenomena

photos, share eachothers' viral videos, post greetings on each

exist simultaneously. But there's

others' birthdays, extend con-

no evidencethatone causesthe

dolences when aloved one dies, exchange opinions on current

other, no proof that if people are lonely it's Facebook's fault. Marche's own sources point out

events, tell jokes and anecdotes. It's usually fun, often funny and

that it's equally likely that Face-

occasionally enlightening.

book can serve as ahandy tool

That's why I disagree with the familiar complaint that

for enhancing social life.

lllustrationby Val B. Mina The Sacramento Bee

Facebook wrecks in-person

"So if social medialetyou organize a game of football among your

on a series of speaking panels. When a for-

relationships by replacing them with impersonal and unfulfilling

friends, that's healthy," Marche interprets. "If you turn to social

mer employer laid off hundreds of workers, Facebook offered

online interaction. As if machines media instead ofplaying football,

a place to vent andsharejob

themselves were communicating rather than real human beings

however, that's unhealthy." leads. But Facebook doesn't just fill in It gets complicated, like mak-

doing the typing and clicking.

for unavailable friends, it brings

ing Thanksgiving arrangements


ter — not even to share tips with their friends. Instead they went about the charade of "asking about one another's skin care regimens," said Bates, rolling her

k nown t o take i n or chestra concerts and baseball games. In addition to


skydiving, the group's

So Bates and her Mind you, I don't dispute all crit- together new ones. for a family with a sprawling best friend Jean icisms of the site. It's hard to argue Thanks to social media, I know cast of ex-spousesand half-sibK etcham, n o w against chargesthat Facebook isa dozens of people I otherwise lings. But ultimately Facebook, 72, hat c h ed time suckand a privacy risk, that wouldn't. People in other parts like the holiday, is worth it. an ambitious of the country and the world. A Facebook has nomore people post too much about polip lan. Th ey h o p ed tics or their children, which many network of professional contacts. destroyed friendship than the t o inspire 5 0-plus w omen users aren't the greatest spellers. Former classmates, neighbors telephone did. Friendship has t o talk frankly about the isGuilty, guilty, guilty. and coworkers I'd beenout been around for a lot of years plunge, depending on her level s ues they faced while growBut supplanting real-life rela- of touch with for years before and simply isn't that easy to of experience. "It's cold up i ng older. They also wanted tionships? Hardly. Facebook. Now I canreachthese wipe out, even for a 28-yearthere," warned one of the pros. t o enrich women's lives with When it comes to promoting people to arrange coffee dates, old billionaire computer whiz. "Don't w orry, I ' m 55 , " a little more fun. Aging But friendship, Facebookcould be request restaurant recommenda- When the next communication cracked Mary Sue Palazzari, D angerous, a membership orthe greatest invention since the tions, exchangecareer advice. breakthrough comesalong a three-time skydiver from g anization for 50-plus women bowling league. Facebook is where I met the — holographic images?Chips Edina, Minn. "We're warm at c omplete with a newsletter, a "Is Facebook Making Us woman who organized mywritembedded in our brains? this age." w ebsite and a host of unusual ers' group, andanother set of Lonely?" the Atlantic Monthly — friends are likely to survive. From the ground, a speco utings designed to f o ster wondered in May.Apparently local writers who collaborated — Katy Read, Star Tribune tator could stretch his or her community w h il e c atching neck to see the constellation of some thrills. specks forming above. Flocks N ow 150 members strong, of birds were twice mistaken bodies swerved and sailed, But Dangerous is a member- now 64 years old. "Everyone the group meets every month as skydivers by the women's bobbed and incrementallyde- ship o r ganization i n spired was closing in and isolating f or a "swarm," or a novel achusbands and friends. Sure scended until the inscription by a simple observation. "We themselves." Fo r e x a mple, t ivity, often with an educaenough, a small army of red on their shirts came into focus: had friends who w ere just many of Bates' friends were t ional component. Aging But T-shirts eventually emerged to Aging But Dangerous. struggling with aging," said doing cosmeticsurgery, yetno D angerous has hosted wine the foreground. The women's Founded in 2 0 09, A ging co-founder C. Suzanne Bates, one cared to discuss the mat- t astings and fashion events.



<I —.







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most daring undertakings have included trips to the tattoo parlor and target practice at Bill's Gun Shop and Range, not to mention the pre-colonos copy party Bates now admi t swas a mistake — because i t t urned into a scene from the m o vie "Bridesmaids." The group specializes in th i ngs "you probably wouldn't d o on your own," said Joyce L a ndgren, 66, an Aging But D a ngerous member andfirstt i m e skydiver from M i nnea p olis. Landgren has wanted to t r yskydiving since she was 1 8 , he s explained. "But you get into work, you get into raising kids "T hat's what Aging But Dang e r ous is about," said Bates, p i c king up where Landgren l e f t off, "empowering women t o do the things they always w a nted to do."










PARENTS 4 ICIDS Lies Continued from D1 Lee saysat age 2,the majority of children will confess a transgression, while about 20 to 25 percent will lie about it. At age 3, the split is about half and half. By age 4, 90 percent of children would lie about a

transgression, and by age 6 or 7, nearly 100 percent of kids lie to avoid getting in trouble. But, Lee says, by age 12, it starts to go down again to around 60 percent. Teenagers, it t u rns out, are more honest than preschoolers. " Teenagers, contrary t o popular belief, are more honest than we think," said Lee. But the lies some teenagers do tell — which can be connected to hiding risky behaviors — can be more dangerous than those told by younger c hildren. That's why i t c a n be so important to get kids to understand the i m p ortance of telling the truth at an early

age. Lying in early ages can be a good thing — it is a sign of executive control. Preschoolers who confess and do not lie tend to have lower scores in certain cognitive areas, according to Lee. Kids who lie are also generally better able to understand the way other people's minds work and do better socially, says Lee. At first, children's lies are very u n sophisticated, said Angela Crossman, assistant

Lyingfacts • Children can start lying as

young as age2. • Lying is a developmental

milestone and asign of executive functioning in the brain. • The earliest lies are told to prevent a child from getting into trouble — "Did you hit the dog?" "No."

• Lying generally peaks in early elementary schoolaged children, then goes down as children enter

preteen andteenage years, although the nature of the

lies changes. • Older children are more likely to tell pro-social or "white lies" to benefit other

people's feelings, whereas young children are more likely to tell lies to benefit

themselves. • Researchers found talking to children about the benefits of telling the truth is more effective to reduce lying than to tell them the downfall of telling lies ("Telling the truth is brave"

you — and make people stop wanting to be around you," said Talwar. A nother important t i p is to not push kids into a p osition to lie. All of t h e researchers who studied lying discussed that parents should not ask a child a question they know the answer to: "Did you kick your brother?" This is a natural parental response, but it is setting a young child up to lie. If a parent sees the child do something, just say so: "You kicked your brother."

vs. "Lying is wrong.").


— Information from Kang Lee, Victoria Talwar and Angela Crossman

The stories parents tell about lying a lso m atter. In one of Talwar's studies, researchers noted the responses of children age 3 to 8after being read one of two stories about lying. One group was read "Boy Who Cried Wolf" in which the boy is eaten by wolves after

Parents should not ask a child a question they know the answer professor of psychology at to: "Did you kick John Jay College of Criminal your brother?" This Justice who studies children and deception (among other ts a natural parental things, she studies the reliabil- response, but it ts ity of child witnesses). Parents setting a young child can generally ferret out the truth by asking a few followup up to lie. Ifa parent questions. sees the child do One of the studiesCrossman worked on demonstrated just that. Crossman worked on a research project in which children were told not to peek at a toy (a stuffed seal), positioned where the child could not easily see it, when the researcher left the room. Almost all of the children, ages 3 to 4, peeked and about 80 p ercent lied about having peeked. "Then you say, 'What do you think it is'?' and they say, 'Oh, I think it's a seal,'" said Crossman with a laugh. Older children, she says, know not to give that information away. "It takes practice to sort of get better at lying," said Crossman.

dren. That said, Talwar feelsparents should be realistic and points out that studies show most adults tell a couple lies every day. Talwar s a y s p a r e nts should address the idea of trustworthiness and credibility. Another good opportunity to a ddress the topic is when your child has been lied to. Point out how the child feels and how this lie affected the relationship. "It can make you feel sad or upset. Lies can harm other people. And lies can harm

something, just say so: "You kicked your brother."

and gives to another person. Crossman says they found a very cleartrend of children who would lie in this scenario: 25 percent of 3-year-olds would lie; 32 percent of4-yearolds;41 percent of 5-year-olds and 80 percent of 6-year-olds. They also found that children with authoritarian parents (those who were rigid, strict and not nurturing) were less likely to lie in the study. Those who lied also scored higher on executive function. "Telling an altruistic lie is asTypes of lies sociated with more mature, Not all lies are equal. adaptive development," said Dana Heath has been teach- Crossman. ing preschool for 27 years She says this points to the at Dana's Discovery Kids in fact that "not all lies are a sign Bend. During circle time when of a problem. Some are a sign the children discuss what they of sensitivity to other people's did over break, Heath notices needs." "There are cases in which some kids who describe experiences that didn't happen parents encourage children to (going to the moon and back, lie," said Victoria Talwar, who for instance). Other times the runs a researchteam at Mclies can be more challenging, Gill University exploring lying such as when she sees them and children. Like when a boy "working their parents." For opens a present from Grandinstance, Heath saw a group ma that he doesn't really like. of girls playing with a ball to- Talwar says parents need to gether; an issue with sharing talk about this situation and started that led to hitting, then explain that "it's about saving tears. When one girl's dad ar- someone'sfeelings." rived she told him, "They stole One recent study from the my ball." Heath stepped in to University of Arizona found explain the full story. that children tended to tell "Kids are really self-cen- more white lies among their tered at that age," said Heath. peers, but more selfish lies or And parents tend to be gull- self-enhancing lies t o t h eir ible, believing t h eir s w eet moms. child. "It's a process. They will continue to learn throughout a Tips for parents lifetime." When a small child lies, it can Crossman is working on a be funny, like when a 3-yearstudy that involves examining old covered in chocolate insists four types of lies told by chil- he or she did not eat the candy dren. One type is told to avoid bar. But Lee says it's important trouble, the most common lie not to laugh ("Laugh behind the in young children. Another child, not in front of the child") is "impression management," and instead use it as a teachwhich is told to make the liar able moment. These moments look b etter; t h i s b e comes of catching a child in a lie don't more common as children get come around as often as one older. The third type is "wish- might think, so it's important to ful thinking" ("I have the big- use the ones that arise. gest bike"), which is told fairly What should parents do infrequent. Then there are when they catch a child in a "white lies," which are told for lie? the benefit of others. First of all, parents should R esearchers found e v e n not ignore it. If a child hits and children as young as ages 3 to lies about it, the parent needs 5 would tell a lie to make some- to address both the hitting and one feelbetter.The research- lying, according to Talwar. ers set up a s cenario: The Lee says some parents overadult and child play a series react. "Parents become too of games and the child always alarmed and do something too wins and earns a prize from drastic," said Lee. "Use that as a third party. The adult says, an opportunity to teach, not "Oh, I never win" and asks if an opportunity to scold and the child would lie to the other spank." person so they could win a Addressing lying is imporprize, too. This lie is consid- tant to do early on, according ered altruistic because it takes to Talwar. Parents have more a prize away from the child influence on the younger chil-

lying. The other group was read "George Washington and the Cherry Tree" in which George is praised for admitting he cut down the tree. The group that h eard the George W ashington story was more likely to tell the truth, whereas the other group remained just as likely to tell lies, if not slightly more so. Based on this f i nding, Talwar encourages parents to explain the importance of honesty and to praise it. That means if a child hits the dog and admits it, parents should deal with the hitting, but also praise the honesty. C rossman u s e s th i s e xample: "Thank you so much. I know it was scary for you to tell me you hit the dog. It's really brave for people to tell the truth." "I'm not saying it's easy b ecause it' s n o t , " s a i d Crossman. Parents should also be sure to t al k t o c h i l dren about white lies and how they differ from other lies. Children will start to notice parents telling these kind of lies by about age 4, according to Lee. Parents canpoint out that some lies benefit ourselves, but these white lies benefit others, which makes them different. Other than these polite lies, parents should model truthful behavior and avoid telling lies, as hard as that maybe.

Problems S ometimes lying is i n dicative of a problem. Lee says it is not a good sign for a parent to catch a child lying frequently. The child is really dishonest or a bad liar, either one of which is a symptom of a problem. "It's a reflection of something else going on," said Lee. Crossman says once children hitage 7or8, some lying is normal, but chronic lying is not. It could be a sign of a self-esteem, attention or behavior issue. Another warning sign is the type of lies children are telling. Typically, Lee says, as children get older, they tell more lies to benefit others and fewer lies to benefit themselves. Children with behavior problems do the reverse. Talwar says preteens or teenagers telling chronic lies is linked to aggression and other disruptive behavior. But it can also be a sign of something else. She relayed the story of one mom who found out her son was c hronically l y i n g a b o ut h aving eaten h i s l u n ch (he wasn't eating it). After some investigating, she discovered her son was being bullied at school. — Reporter: 541-617-7860, ajohnson@bendbulletin.com


TODAY "ANNIE JR.":Bend Experimental ArtTheatre presents the musical about Little Orphan Annie, set in 1930s New York City; $15, $10 ages 18 and younger; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E Sixth St.; 541-4195558 or www.beattickets.org.

SATURDAY REDMOND GRANGE BREAKFAST: A community breakfast with scrambled eggs, sausage, beverages, pancakes or biscuits and gravy; $6, $3 ages12 and younger; 7-10:30 a.m.; Redmond Grange, 707 S.W. Kalama Ave.; 541-480-4495. "HEAD TOTOE — THE LANGUAGE OF PLATEAUINDIAN CLOTHING" EXHIBIT OPENS:Explore historical and contemporary Plateau garments; exhibit runs through May 5; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7ages 5-12, free ages4 and younger; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. SATURDAYMARKET:Featuring local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.4 p.m.;Bend MasonicCenter,1036 N.E Eighth St.; 541-977-1737. SENSATIONALSATURDAY: Learn about the art of traditional Native American dress, with hands-on activities; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org. MINING DAYS:Experience the life of a placer miner and pan for gold; $2 panning fee,plusm useum admission; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www.highdesertmuseum.org.

"ANNIE JR.":See Today's listing; $15, $10 ages18and younger; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-419-5558 or www .beattickets.org. CLAIRE LYNCH BAND:The bluegrass band playsthe Sisters Folk Festival's Winter Concert Series; $15, $20 at the door; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4979 or www .sistersfolkfestival.org. WINTER FIREPIT PARTY:Sit around the outdoor fire pit and tell stories, with food, beverages, and live music by The Rumand the Sea; free admission; 7-10 p.m.; Riverfront Plaza, on Brooks Street at the Breezeway, Bend; 541-728-0066 or crowsfeetcommons©gmail.com.

CULTURE:Readand discuss "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins; followed by a discussion; free; noon1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Campus Center, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412. FROGTOWN: A live multimedia show teaching the values of cultural diversity, with singing anddancing; geared toward elementary-school children; $12, $8 children 12and younger, plus fees; 6 p.m.;Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. "THE BEST OFRIFFTRAX LIVE, 'MANOS' THEHANDSOFFATE": A screening of the PG-13 film, with commentary by the comedians of "Mystery Science Theater 3000"; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3826347 or www.fathomevents.com. "TWELFTH NIGHT":Preview night of Cascades Theatrical Company's presentation of Shakespeare's comedy about mistaken identities and merry rogues; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascades theatrical.org.

SUNDAY "ANNIE JR.":See Today's listing; $15, $10 ages18and younger; 3 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E. Sixth St.; 541-419-5558 or www .beattickets.org.

MONDAY No Family event listings



GOODGRAVY:TheColorado-based bluegrass fusionband performs; free; 6 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70S.W. Century Drive,100-464, Bend; 541728-0749 or www.p44p.biz. BIRDS OFCHICAGO: The Chicagobased Americana act performs; $12; 7 p.m.; The Belfry,302 E MainAve., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www .belfryevents.com.

"ANNIEJR.": SeeToday's listing; $15, $10 ages18 and younger; 7 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Pinckney Center for the Arts, 2600N.W.CollegeW ay,Bend;541419-5558 or www.beattickets.org. "TWELFTH NIGHT":Opening night of Cascades Theatrical Company's presentation of Shakespeare's comedy about mistaken identities and merry rogues; with a champagne and dessert reception; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541389-0803 or www.cascades theatrical.org/.

WEDNESDAY No Family event listings.


STORY TIMES and libraryyouth events • Forthe weekof Jan.18-24.Story timesare free unless otherwise noted. I :

• BACKPACK EXPLORERS:Ages 3-4; explore museum's animal habitat, share stories andsongs;10to11 a.m. Thursday; $15 perchild nonmembers, $10 per child members. • TOTALLY TOUCHABLETALES:Ages 2-5; storytelling about animals andpeople of the High Desert; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday.

: I I

2690 N.E U.S. Highway 20, Bend; 541-318-7242 • ONCE UPON ASTORY TIME: All ages; 11 a.m. Friday. I

e 'll




19530 Amber Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-388-1188 • STORYTIME:All ages; 11 a.m.Thursday. 'II



175 S.W. Meadow Lakes Drive, Prineville; 541-447-7978 • PRESCHOOLSTORY TIME:Ages3and older;6:30 p.m. Tuesday and 11a.m.Thursday. • WEE READ: Ages 0-3; 10 a.m. Monday and Wednesday. •



• • J •

601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-617-7097 • BABY STEPS: Ages 0-18 months;1I:30 a.m. Wednesday and 1:30 p.m. Thursday. • TODDLIN' TALES: Ages18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. and 11 a.m. Tuesdayand10:15 a.m. Wednesday. • PRESCHOOLPARADE:Ages3-5;10:30 a.m.Fridayand 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. • MUSIC & MOVEMENT: Ages 3-5: 10:30 a.m. Thursday. f

I '


62080 DeanSwift Road; 541-330-3760 • TODDLIN' TALES: Ages 0-3; 9:30 a.m. Wednesday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE:Ages 3-5; 9:30 a.m. Thursday. • SATURDAYSTORIES:All ages; 10 a.m. Saturday. • BLOCKPARTY:Ages 6-1 I: LEGOUniverse; 2:30 to 4 p.m. Wednesday. I

59800S.U.S.Highway97,Bend;www.highdesertmuseum. org; 541-382-4754 • Vnless noted, eventsincluded withadmission ($12adults, $foages 65and older,$7ages5-12 freeages 4andyounger) • WILD WEDNESDAYS: Ages 7-12; treasure hunt;12:30 p.m.tocloseW ednesday.

Toys Continued from D1 Step2 Corvette Toddler to Twin Bed with Lights, by Step2 8329.99 Ages 2 and older Toy Tips: A Fun: A Movement: B+ Thinking: B+ Personality: B+ Social Interaction: B+ Kids love fun beds and parents love it when kids love to go to bed! This Corvette-inspired toddler/preschooler bed accommodates a crib-sized mattress that can easily be converted to accommodate a twin mattress. The bed features a built-in racetrack to use when the crib mattress is in place. The tap-on headlights, silver rims and realistic decals are similar to a Corvette and our testers reported that they felt like they were sleeping in a race car. The recommended maximum thickness for the twin mattress is eight inches. We like that to preserve battery life, the headlights turn off after 15 minutes (they also serve as a night light). Matt resses, bedding an d f o u r

f '' '


241 S.W. Seventh St., Madras; 541-475-3351 • BABIES AND TODDLERS STORY TIME:10:10a.m. Tuesday. • PRESCHOOLAND OLDER STORY TIME:Ages3-5;10:30 a.m. and 6:30 p.m. Tuesday. • SPANISHSTORYTIME:All ages; 1 p.m. Wednesday. I



16425 First St.; 541-312-1090 • FAMILY STORY TIME: All ages; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. • TECH LAB: Ages12-17; 3 p.m. Monday. I


I '


827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1054 • BABY STEPS: Ages 0-18 months;11 a.m. Thursday. • PRESCHOOL PARADE: Ages 3-5; 10:15 a.m. and1:30 p.m. Wednesday. • TODDLIN' TALES: Ages18-36 months; 10:15 a.m. Thursday. • WILD ADVENTURES: Ages 3-5; High Desert Museum comes to the library; 10:15 a.m. MondayOR12:30 p.m. Tuesday. • BLOCKPARTY:Ages 6 and older; LEGOUniverse; 1:30 p.m. Saturday. •


• ~

110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070 • FAMILY FUN STORYTIME: Ages 0-5; 10:30 a.m. Thursday. •



• •

J •

56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080 • FAMILY FUN STORYTIME: Ages 0-5; 10:30 a.m. Tuesday. • KNOWTAPE: Ages12-17; duct tape crafts; 2 p.m.Wednesday.

AAA batteries are not included. While it is never recommended to play on a child's bed, we do encourage kids to be creative in their "car" and our testers were encouraged to read and relax. Most of the time, testers played imaginatively as if they were in a race car; we heard a lot of zooming sounds going on. Tester's tip: "When the child outgrows this bed, pass it along to another car-loving child who will en-

joy it just as much." — Recommendationsfrom Marianne M. Szymanski, publisher of www.toytips.com, Toy Tips Magazine and co-author Of"ToyTips: A Parent's Essential Guide to Smart Toy Choices."

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300 cats, yes.Craziness,no.

Cats rest on the bed in Siglinda

Scarpa's bedroom. Scarpa has a staff of five and about15 vets who help tend to the cats awaiting adoption.

By Anne Raver New Yorh Times News Service

'~~'e " /m/ e/v // w ///«./~ / : u

PITTSBORO, N.C. — Like her name, Siglinda Scarpa seems to b e f r o m a n other world. An d n o t j u s t I t a ly, where she was born. But one in which you can hear the animals speak, and everyone gets


Photos by Jeremy M. Lange New York Times News Service

along. Submitted photo

Tigger retrieves, reads Say hello to Tigger, a 4-year-old tabby. Tigger was a15-pound rescue from the Central Oregon HumaneSocietywhen he was 6 months old.

He loves to play soccer with plastic bottle caps andretrieve toys. Sleeping in asunnyspot is favorite pastime and sitting

on a bar stool to readTheBulletin keeps him well-informed. Tigger lives with Yvonne John-

son in Bend. • Tellusaboutyourpet: To submita photo for publication,

email a high-resolution image along with your animal's name,

age and species or breed,your name, age,city of residence and contact information, and a few words about what makes

your pet special. Sendphotos to pets@bendbulletin.com, drop them off at1777 S.W. Chandler

Ave., Bend, ormail them toThe Bulletin Pets section, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708. Contact: 541-383-0358.


% gF~ @

' '


Submitted photo

Max needs afreshstart Meet Max, a 2-year-old pit bull. Max is very friendly and

loves to play with his toys. He came from a really rough life and is looking for his fresh start. If you would like to visit

Max, or any other animal available for adoption through Jefferson County Kennels 8 Oog

Control, contact the organization at 541-475-6889, or visit its website at www.jefferson


Scarpa, 72, lives in a house painted robin's egg blue, in the middle of an open woodland, with old oaks and pines rising over sandy soil. With its second-story porches covered with the canes of Lady Banks' roses, Carolina jasmine and wisteria, the house could be something out of a children's book.


~M ' ;y-C

Siglinda Scarpa hugs one of her cats at her home in Pittsboro, N.C. Scarpa runs the Goathouse Refuge, a no-kill animal sanctuary in the woods with over 250 cats, and has 42 cats in her own home.

Some people come here to adopt a cat from the Goathouse Refuge, th e a n i mal sanctuary she runs. Others come to buy her pottery or ceramic art, which is displayed in the sunny showroom on the first floor of this whimsical house: Abstract pieces that evoke storms brewing in the

oak downed by a storm. If you are picturing a crazy lady living among mountains of newspapers, with a pack of yowling cats stinking up the place, forget it. Even on a winter day, there is a pine-scented breeze. The potbellied wood stove keeps sky; clay roasting pots shaped everything so cozy that the like squashes with frogs or windows and doors are open, artichokes on their lids; or tea- so the cats (42 at last count) cups molded like the face of a and dogs (seven) can come cat, the lines of cheek and jaw, and go as they please. nose and mouth drawn by a Roger Manley, the curator knowing hand. of the Gregg Museum at North F or there ar e r e a l c a t s Carolina S t at e U n i v ersity, everywhere. where Scarpa's ceramic art will A white one sits as still as a be exhibited next fall, calls her snowy owl on a post overlook- "the Mother Teresa of animals" ing the woodland. Others walk and compares her to Albert among dogs napping in the Schweitzer, "taking care of evsun. More perch on the railing erybody, out in the woods." of a porch, staring at the birds And her home, he said, is zooming in and out of feeders "so calm and serene — likea beyond their reach. spa for cats." Once in a w h ile the cry It was a tiny kitten, nearly of a guinea hen or a turkey drowned in a storm, which rends the air. Pecking for bugs changed the course of Scararound a garden full of greens, pa's life when she was 7. "I think I was a little autistic, they, too, are unafraid of the sleeping dogs - although but they didn't have a name for those dogs came immediately it then," she said. "I always felt that people to attention when I opened the creaking gate, joyfully barkwere notseeing me," she said. "That they were talking, but ing and wagging their tails. "Umbra!" a voice shouted never to me." from above. "Musa! Sole!" Then one night, after she S carpa, wh o i s b ar e l y was in bed, her father brought 5 feet and as slim as a reed, her a tiny gray tabby. "He lifted up the blanket and with gray hair knotted over a moon-shaped face, appeared put this little frozenthing on my at the top of the porch stairs. chest," she said."I heldthat kitty Umbra, which means shad- with such love. He changed my ow in Italian, is her soulful loneliness. I could understand gray L a b rador-Weimaraner everything he wanted and he mix with blue eyes. Musa, her could understand me." muse, looks like a little coyote. That was when she really Sole, her sunny boy, is a huge started talking. " I had to e x plain to m y white Great Pyrenees with jetblack eyes. mother what the cat was saying," she said. The dogs looked up, as if to say, "We were just having Never one for school, she apsome fun." prenticed herself to a ceramics Upstairs, in the sunny kitch- artist at 16. By the 1970s, she en, were more cats — sitting was teaching at her own stuon tables and chairs, napping dio in Rome. Eventually, she under the wood stove or beside moved to New York, where a snoozing dog on the couch, she taught a t Gr e enwich and nestled in the big wooden House Pottery in Manhattan bowl Scarpa carved from an and the Garrison Art Center

in Putnam County. "But I was sick and tired of life in the city," she said. "And it was too cold in Garrison." On a visit to central North Carolina in 1995, she fell in love with the balmy climate and the people. "It feels more l ik e I t aly here, the weather and the vegetation," she said. Less than a year later, she found these 16 acres in the woods, with a goat and a shed and a nondescript house sheturned into an aerie.

started a nonprofit group and began raising money to support the growing cat population. Now she has a staff of five and about 15 regular volunteers, including vet technicians and a handful of veterinarians who work for reduced fees,tending more than 250 cats awaiting adoption. But veterinary bills, even cutrate, are high for animals that need surgery for tumors, gum disease and other illnesses. Dr. Bonnie Ammerman, a veterinarian who often makes Home Of'safekeeping' house calls here, said: "She The G o athouse R e fuge goes above and beyond what a takes its name from a goat lot of people would do for her that came with the property personal pets. Many of these and two others who live in a cats areferal,so they are not pasture now. But it is actually adoptable, but Siglinda does a no-kill shelter for cats that everything she can to socialroam cage-free on l t/z acres of ize them." fenced woodland. Ammerman, who owns a The r e f uge's l o w -slung number of Scarpa's pots and building used to be Scarpa's artworks, was astounded by ceramics studio,before word the harmony Scarpa has cregot out that she loved animals. ated between so many speLitters of kittens started show- cies — even a bunny hopping ing up at her door. A rescue about the yard. "They all pretty much run group sent six cats from New Orleans after Hurricane Kaaround together happily," she trina; another group, in New said. "Siglinda provides a feelYork, asked her to take 19 cats ing of safekeeping." when their owner died. Many are from county shelSo Scarpa enclosed the ters that still use gas chambers woods around he r s t u dio, filled with carbon monoxide to

GRAND OPENING: Zipidy DoOog open house; 3-7 p.m. Jan. 26; 675 N.E. Hemlock Ave, Suite112, Redmond; www.zipidydodog.com, 541-526-1822 or zipidydodog© bendbroadband.com.

GROUP CLASSES BEGINNEROBEDIENCE:Basic skills, recall, leash manners; $110125; 6 p.m. Mondays or Tuesdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or www.PawsitiveExperience.com. INTERMEDIATE OBEDIENCE:Off-leash work and recall with distractions; $110; 6 p.m. Wednesdays;preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-3188459 or www.PawsitiveExperience .com. INTRODUCTIONTO THE SPORT OF K9NOSEWORK:$100for6weeks; 6:30 p.m. Thursdays, starts Jan. 24; preregister; Friendsfor Life Dog Training, 2121S.W.Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Pam Bigoniat541-3069882, Dennis Fehling at 541-3502869 or www.friendsforlifedog training.com. INTRODUCTIONTO ODOR: Introduction to K9 nosework is a prerequisite for this class; $100 for six weeks; 4:30 p.m. Thursdays, starts Jan. 24; preregister; Friends for Life OogTraining, 2121S.W. Deerhound Ave.,Redmond; Pam Bigoni at 541-306-9882, Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www .friendsforlifedogtraining.com. OBEDIENCE CLASSES: Six-week,

drop-in classes; $99.95; 4 and 5p.m. Mondays, 4 and 5 p.m. Fridays, and 12 p.m. Saturdays; Petco, 3197 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; Loel Jensen at 541-382-0510. OBEDIENCEFOR AGILITY:Sixweeks; $120; 5 p.m. Mondays; Desert Sage Agili ty,24035 OoddsRoad,Bend; Stephanie Morris at 541-633-6774 or www.desertsageagility.com. PUPPY KINDERGARTEN CLASSES: Training, behavior and socialization classes for puppies10 to16 weeks old; $80; 6:30 p.m. Thursdays; preregister; call for directions; Meredith Gage, 541-318-8459 or www.PawsitiveExperience.com. PUPPY LIFE SKILLS: $120 for six weeks; 5 p.m.; Tuesdays; Desert SageAgility,24035 Oodds Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or www.desertsageagility.com. PUPPYMANNERSCLASS:Social skills for puppies upto 6 months; $110 for seven-weekclass, cost includes materials; 6-7 p.m. Mondays; preregister; Friendsfor Life Dog Training, 2121S.W.Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at541-3502869 or www.friendsforlifedog training.com. TELLINGTONTTOUCH SEMINAR: Taught by Kathy Cascade; $90; 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Jan. 26; preregister; Friends for Life OogTraining, 2121 S.W. DeerhoundAve., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www.friendsforlifedogtraining.com. TREIBALL CLASS:$120 for six weeks; Saturdays, call for times; Desert Sage Agility, 24035 Oodds Road, Bend; Jan at 541-420-3284 or www.desertsageagility.com.



neighborhood on Bend's westside. www.northwestcrossing.com


I 72 months, $2999Down,MSRP$17,160, $1361 Discount. Stk.rH12188,VINr KMHCT5AE3OU081405. Zt4%. Expires 1/31i2013.All Financing subject to credit approval. All vehiclessubject to prior sale, tax, title, licenseandregistration fees Pictures for illustration only. Seedealer for details.


kill unwanted dogs and cats. The practice has been banned in more than a dozen states. But although the American Veterinary Medical Association and other groups recommend barbiturates as a more humane form of euthanasia, gassing is still widespread. She takes as many animals as she can from such shelters, but there is a limit. And she worries about who will take her place when she can no longer careforthem. But who else would have such an uncanny way with the animals? Scarpa said she plans to be buried under the oak tree where theanimals are buried. "This is my home," she said. "These are my babies."

ANNE GESER: In-home individual training with positive reinforcement; 54 I-923-5665. CASCADEANIMAL CONNECTION: S.A.N.E. Solutions for challenging dog behavior, Tellington TTouch, private lessons; Kathy Cascadeat 541-516-8978 or kathy@sanedog training.com. DANCIN'WOOFS: Behavioral counseling; 63027 LowerMeadow Drive, Suite O,Bend; MareShey at 541312-3766 or www.dancinwoofs.com. DIANN'S HAPPY TAILS: Private training, day care, boarding/board and train; La PineTraining Center, Diann Hecht at 541-536-2458 or diannshappytails@msn.com or www.diannshappytails.com. DOGSLTD5 TRAINING: Leash aggression, training basics, day school; 59860 CheyenneRoad, Bend; Linda West at 541-318-6396 or www.dogsltdtraining.com. FRIENDSFOR LIFE DOG TRAINING: Private basic obedience training and training for aggression/serious behavior problems; 2121 S.W. Deerhound Ave., Redmond; Dennis Fehling at 541-350-2869 or www .friendsforlifedogtraining.com. LIN'SSCHOOL FOR DOGS:Behavior training and AKCring-ready coaching; 63378 Nels Anderson Road, Suite7,Bend;LinNeumann at 541-536-1418 or www.linsschool fordogs.com. ZIPIDY DODOG:Oaycare, boarding, groomingand dog walking;675 N.E. Hemlock Ave, Suite112, Redmond; www.zipidydodog.com, 541-526-1822 or zipidydodog© bendbroadband.com.



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84 months,$2999Down,MSRP$195t0, $1711Discount. Stkt'H12190,VINP KMHDH 6AEtjDUOt3249.3.49%.Expires li31i201a All Financingsubject to I credit approval All. vehiclessubjectto prior sale,tax,title, licenseandregistration I > fees Pictures for ilustration only.Seedealerfordetails.

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84months,$1999Down,MSRP$19,290,$1691Discount. StkrH12192, VINt'KMHD3 5LE2DU051524. 3.49%.Expires t/31/2013.All Financingsubject to crediapproval t .Allvehiclessubjectto prior sale,tax, title, licenseand registrationfeesPicturesfor ilustrationonly. Seedealer for details.



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x en to s'A M Ba ies'Mamas' TV SPOTLIGHT By Frazier Moore The Associated Press

The Associated Press file photo

Oxygen Media has pulled the plug on "All My Babies' Mamas," a reality special the network was developing about the musician Shawty Lo who has fathered11 children with10 different mothers.

NEW YORK — Oxygen Media has pulled the plug on "All My Babies' Mamas," a reality special the network was developing about a musician who has fathered 11 children with 10 different mothers. The network offered no reason for curtailing the project. In a statement issued Tuesday,

Oxygen said, "as part of our development process, we have reviewed castingand decided not to move forward with the

ter Oxygen announced it last month. At least one petition calling for Oxygen to shut it down has collected more than 37,000 signatures. The P a rents T e l evision Council called the program's concept "grotesquely irresponsible and e x p loitative" and pledged to contact advertisers of the show if it reached the air. Previously, Oxygen denied charges that the show was

special." Theone-hourprogram would have featured Atlanta rap artist Shawty Lo, his children and their mothers. It was expected to air later this year on Oxygen, an NBCUniversal cable network owned by Comcast. "All My Babies' Mamas" got a hostile public reception af-

meant to be "a stereotypical representation of everyday life for any one demographic or cross section of society," but rather would reveal "the complicated lives of one man, his children's mamas and their army of children." On Tuesday, Oxygen said it will "continue to develop compelling content that resonates with our young female viewers and drives the cultural conversation."



4p.m. onESPN,"NBA Basketball" —Two intraconference rivalries play out tonight on ESPN, starting with this tilt in Boston between Kevin Garnett's Celtics and the Joakim Noah-led Chicago Bulls. Despite missing All-Star point guard Derrick Rose,theBulls havemanaged to stay at or near the top of the Central Division. In the nightcap, two Southwest foes clash when the Dallas Mavericks host the Houston Rockets.

This guide, compiled by Orlando Sentinel film critic Roger Moore, is published here every Friday It should be used with the MPAA rating system for selecting movies suitable for children. Films rated G, PG or PG-13areincluded, along with R-ratedfilms that may have entertainment or educational value for older children with parental guidance.

'MAMA' Rating:PG-13, for violence and terror, some disturbing images and thematic elements. What it's about: Ayoung couple takes in two children, raised in the wild. But raised by what? The kid attractor factor:Kids in jeopardy, ghosts. Goodlessons/bad lessons: "Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof." Violence:Yes, on theedge of graphic. Language:A hint of profanity, but some of it quite harsh. Sex:Kissing. Drugs:Suggested. Parents' advisory: A genuinely creepy ghost story, entirely too

adult and intense for the very young. sold, booze and cigarettes are Suitable for ages12 and older. consumed. Parents' advisory:A semi-jokey treatment of a gang war that's 'GANGSTERSQUAD' a very hard R when it comes to Rating:R for strong violence and violence. OK for15 and older. language. 'A HAUNTEDHOUSE' Whatit's about: When the mob threatens to take over Los Angeles Rating:R,for crude and sexual languageand some druguse. in the late 1940s, cops take the law content, into their own hands to stop it. What it's about:A "Paranormal The kid attractor factor:Gangsters, Activity" spoof in which the couple coppers, ma chineguns,Emma chasedbya demon cope incomical Stoneand Ryan Gosling. ways. Violence:Graphic stabbings, The kid attractor factor:Frights, shootings and dismemberings. and rude and raunchy stuff, played forlaughs. Language:Pervasive profanity. Sex:Emma Stone, attempted rape, Goodlessons/badlessons:The usual "black people in scary movies prostitution. vs. white people in scary movies" Drugs:Heroin is bought and

Courtesy Warner Bros. Pictures

Ryan Gosling, left, and Josh Brolin star as L.A. cops in "Gangster Squad." observations. Violence:Some. Language:Lots and lots of profanity. Sex:Oh yes, simulated in all

I(in o taesisn't ooin eve one

manner of ways. Drugs:Pot is consumed. Parents' advisory:If they're old enough to see the movies this spoofs, "Haunted" won't hurt them — OK for ages 13 and older.

MOVIE TIMESTODAY • There may beanadditional fee for 3-0and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time. I

Dear Abby:My elderlyuncle and aunt have a son-in-law who — to put it mildly — spins tall tales. "Tom" has been EVERYwhere, done EVERYthing and insists on telling anyone who will listen all about it. He speaks many languages fl uently (until someone addresses him in one • EAR of them) and has had countless adventures in various countries, although he can't locatethem on a map. My uncle andaunt have bought two cars for their financially unstable daughter and this phony. Both times, Tom insisted on maintaining them himself (another of his legendary skills). Afterward, both cars required major repairsand eventually had to be scrapped. After Tom's stint as a highly decorated Navy SEAL, he morphed into a genius at creating computer software, when he wasn't touring with a famous bluegrass band — the name of which he can't remember. Iam concerned thatmy uncle and aunt are so awed by this man that they might one day allow him to manage their finances (there is no topic Tom is not an expert on) or let

him fixthe brakes on their vehicle. I have to bite my tongue to keep from saying, "Tom, Yokohama is a city, not a country. And if you're really best friends with Johnny Depp, why not invite him over so we can all meet him? Oh, and what you're passing off as Farsi is Pig Latin." Is there a way to tactfully intervene before something awful happens without upsetting anyone? — The Queen of England

use my computer. Everyone who lives here is older than 35. My step-grandchildren visit regularly, and I have told the children's mother that I have no parental restrictions on my computer. She assured me not to worry about it because she has reinforced the rules of responsible Internet usage with them and is confident her children won't break the rules.As far as I know, they haven't. Today, one of my brothers-in-law visited and brought alonghis young teenage daughter. I let her play on Dear Royal Highness:Yes, if you the computer, and he caught her in do it privately, and say you are a chat room with an older teenage speaking up only because you are boy. Instead of blaming her, he atworried about their welfare. Then tacked ME for being too permissive explain why you think Tom's sto- with children and computers. ries don't hold water and point out Do you think it is my responsithat if he should volunteer any fibility to "protect" his teenager on nancial advice to them they should my computer? first run it past an unbiased non— Just a Geek in South Carolina family member such as their bankDear Just a Geek: No, I do not. er, lawyer, CPA or pastor before I suspect that you were attacked making any investments. because of displaced anger.His From your description, Tom ap- daughter deserved the scolding, pears to be a con man or compul- however, because he could not (for sive liar. But whether your uncle whatever reason) scold her, he diand aunt choose to accept your in- rected his anger at you instead. put is up to them. — Write to Dear Abby at dearabby.com Dear Abby: I work at home and or P.O. Box69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069


HAPPY BIRTHDAYFORFRIDAY, JAN. 18, 2013:This yearyoudiscover the importance of sharing your decisionmaking process with others. When you withhold this information, people don't understand where you are coming from. If you want support, Stars showthe kind you should open of day you'll have up more. If you are ** * * * D ynamic single, you could ** * * P ositive m e et someone ** * Average qui t e desirable ** So-so after June. You * Difficult might even have a choice of two people. Follow your intuition, and you will choose correctly. If you are attached, your openness creates a newavenue of communication, which your partner appreciates. TAURUS is asgrounded as you are.

ARIES (March21-April 19) ** * * You are energized, partially because of the weekend. Sort out a misunderstanding, and you will walk away feeling energized. A higher-up, parent or older friend seems to test your limits. By late afternoon, the situation seems to dissolve, as if by magic. Tonight: Your treat.

TAURUS (April 20-May20) * **You could havea lotgoing on in your life thatyou are choosing to keep to yourself. Others might have strong reactions and assume that your distancing yourself has to do with them. Make an effort to reach out to others. You will feel better if you do. Tonight: Go for what you want.

YOURHOROSCOPE By Jacqueline Bigar

more of it than need be. Usethe daylight hours to the max; deal with a personal matter later. Tonight: Play it low-key.

quickly at that. You see life from a different perspective, which lets you see a friend's shortcomings. How you help this person out of a jam makes a big difference. He or she might need to hear your thoughts. Tonight: Sort through invitations.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov.22-Dec.21)

** * * A l low more spontaneity in by ** * * O thers notice your willingness to letting your imagination take the lead. accept responsibility. Do not deal with any You could find yourself dealing with a more demands right now, even if it makes misunderstanding. Though people could get huffy — and that includes youfora rough moment when you say "no." Focus on your immediate circle, a meeting what was said was not meant the way it is beingtaken.Tonight:M akegood choices. and the desire to expand your horizons. Tonight: Join friends. CAPRICORN (Dec.22-Jan. 19) ** * You might want to stay close LEO (Joly23-Aug. 22) ** * Make an effort to get past a strongly to home, and ifyou can, do so. You'll discover that someone might have held opinion that recent evidence has misunderstood you. Try to clear up this indicated could be off. You might be miscommunication sooner rather than confused or not as sure of yourself as later. Visualize more of what you want; you'd like to be. Question more and judge less. You'll take a leadership role later in the you'll be able to act on it soon. Tonight: afternoon. Tonight: A force to be dealt with. Paint the town red.

CANCER (June21-July22)

VIRGO (Aug.23-Sept. 22) ** * * Keep reaching out to someone you care about. You might wonder exactly why you can'tseem tocommunica te effectively with anyone. Try to verbalize more of your thoughts. Avoid commitments until later, when you become much clearer. Tonight: Follow the music.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

** * * B e responsive, but if something does not make sense to you, let others know. Though you might nod your head, which makes others thinkyou agree, it doesn't mean that your discerning mind GEMINI (May 21-June20) isn't also listening. A partner becomes ** * Finish up last-minute details today. very stubborn. Tonight: Chat over dinner. You might choose to network and reach SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov.21) out to your contemporaries. A statement ** * You get a lot done, and quite could be misunderstood. Do not make



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX,680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, 541-382-6347 • BROKEN CITY (R) 12:40, 3:20, 6:05, 9:10 • DJANGOUNCHAINED (R) I2:50,4:30,8:05 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) I2:35, 3: I5, 6: IO,9: I5 • THE GUILTTRIP (PG-13) 1:30 • A HAUNTED HOUSE(R) 1:40, 4:40, 7:55, 10:10 • THE HDBBIT: ANUNEXPECTEDJOURNEY(PG-13) 7 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY IMAX (PG-13) 12:25, 4:05, 7:45 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) 3:55, 6:55, IO • THE LASTSTAND(R) 12:15, 3:50, 6:25, 9:20 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 11:40 a.m., 3:05, 6:30, 9:55 • LIFEOFPI(PG)Noon • LIFEOFPI3-D (PG) 3:45,7:20,IO: I5 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 11:50 a.m., 3:10, 6:30, 9:50 • MAMA(PG-13) 1:05, 3:40, 7: IO,9:40 • MONSTERS,INC. 3-D (G)1:20 • PARENTAL GUIDANCE(PG) 1:45, 4:20 • SKYFALL (PG-13) 3:35, 6:40, 9:50 • THIS IS 40(R) 12:05, 3:30, 6:35, 9:35 • WRECK-IT RALPH (PG)11:45 a.m., 2:25, 5 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 11:45 a.m., 3:25, 6:50, 8, 10:15 • Accessibility devices are available for some movies. f




8 p.m. on l3, "Undercover Boss" —Paul Damico, president of Moe's Southwest Grill, takes on an assortment of jobs in his restaurant chain, which has more than 470 locations in the U.S. and elsewhere. As with other bosses featured in the series, he gains some insights about the working conditions for his rank-and-file staff and has some surprises for those he works with. 8 p.m. on l3, "Fringe" —The fan favorite sci-fi series comes to an end in this two-hour, twoepisode event that also marks the show's 100th episode. 10 p.m. on HBO,"Real Time With Bill Maher" —After a few weeksoff ,the acerbiccomedian and commentator is back, and not a moment too soon. ©Zap2tt



Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717N.E.U.S. Highway 20, 541-382-6347 • ARGO (R) 12:15, 3, 6, 9 • HYDE PARK ONHUDSON(R) I:15, 7 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) 12:30, 3:30, 6:15, 9:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) I2:45, 4, 7:15 • PROMISEDLAND(R) 4:15, 9:10 • RUST AND BONES(R) 1, 3:45, 6:30, 9:05 • SILVERLININGS PLAYBOOK (RjNoon,3:15,6:45,9:20 I


McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W.Bond St., 541-330-8562 • CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) 6 • The eighth annual Winter I/I/ffdlands Alliance Backcountfy Film Festival screens at 9tonight. Doors openat 830 p.m. • After7p.m.,showsare2f and older only. Younger than 21 may at tendscreeningsbefore 7p m.ifaccompaniedby a legalguardian. f

8 p.m. on H f3, "Betty White's Off TheirRockers" — Betty White."Gangnam Style." 'Nuff said. South Korean entertainer Psy teaches Betty and her fellow pranksters the dance moves from his hit video. In other funny bits, a senior urges people to sign a petition opposing identity theft — giving up all kinds of personal information in the process — and a jogger steals food from a restaurant customer.

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Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, 541-241-2271 • CHASING ICE(PG-13) 4, 6, 8:30 I



Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.OdemMedo Road, 54 I -548-8777 • DJANGO UNCHAINED(R) 2:45, 6:15, 9:30 • GANGSTERSQUAD (R)4:I5,6:45,9:15 • THEHOBBIT:AN UNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13)2:30, 6:05, 9:30 • THE LAST STAND(Rj 4:15, 6:30, 8:45

Elevation Capital Strategies 400 Sw BluA Drive Suite 101 Bend Main: 541-728-0321 www.elevationcapital.biz


YEAR-END CLEARANCE Sisters Movie House, 720 DesperadoCourt, 541-549-8800 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) 7:45 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 6 • LIFEOFPI(PG) 5 • SILVERLININGS PLAYBOOK (Rj4:45,7:30 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) 6:15


Madras Cinema5,1101 S.W. U.S. Highway97, 541-475-3505 • CIRQUEDU SOLEIL:WORLDS AWAY3-D (PG)4:25,9:35 • GANGSTER SQUAD(R) 4:35, 7, 9:25 • A HAUNTED HOUSE(R) 5:10, 7:10, 9: IO • THE LASTSTAND(R) 5, 7:20, 9:40 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) 6:30 • SILVERLININGSPLAYBOOK(R) 4:15, 6:50, 9:15


AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb.18) ** * * You might want to approach a situation differently from how you have in the past. It might be astretch to push away from habits and act in a moreappropriate manner. Your instincts lead you in amoney decision. Be wise; follow them. Tonight: Let the action be at your place.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March20) ** * Examine what is happening with your finances. Are you undercutting yourself? Your self-worth could be an issue. Root out any issue that is preventing you from achieving what you desire. Make a phone call, and reach out toa keyfriend. Tonight: You do not have to go far. ©20t3 by King Features Syndicate

Pine Theater, 214 N.Main St., 541-416-1014 • LES MISERABLES (UPSTAIRS - PG-I3) 3:45, 7: I5 • LINCOLN (PG-13) 3:20, 7 • The upstairs screeninroom g haslimited accessibility.

• Find a week's worth of movie times plus

film reviews inside today'sGO!Magazine.


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ON PAGES 3&4. COMICS & PUZZLES ~ The Bulletin

Create or find Classifieds at www.bendbulletin.com THE BULLETIN • FRIDAY, JANUARY 18, 2013


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Pets & Supplies

Pets & Supplies

Furniture & Appliances


Guns, Hunting & Fishing

O r e g o n





Guns, Hunting & Fishing

Misc. Items

Dachshund pups, mini, Like cats 8 kittens? Get NEED TO CANCEL Highspeed Internet EVsmooth. Permanent love your kitty fix by volunERYWHERE By SatYOUR AD? .308 AMMO 358 rnds Winchester Model 100, $250 ea, 541-815-3799 teering for CRAFT. Help The Bulletin mil-surp FMJ, 1 lot, 1st .284; Winchester Model ellite! Speeds up to is always appreciated Classifieds has an ITEMS FORSALE 264-Snow RemovalEquipment 12mbps! (200x faster $300 ca s h . Tim, 70 pre-1964; 300 Winwith c a ttery c h ores, "After Hours" Line DO YOU HAVE 201 - NewToday 541-419-6936 265 - Building Materials chester Magnum; Sav- than dial-up.) Starting grooming or interacting SOMETHING TO Call 541-383-2371 202- Want to buy or rent 266- Heating and Stoves age Model 99-F-.243. at $49.95/mo. CALL with cats, events & adopSELL 24 hrs. to cancel 308 Savage $600 w/ Call 541-610-8535 NOW & G O F AST! 203- Holiday Bazaar & Craft Shows 267- Fuel and Wood tions, transporting to vet 1-888-718-2162. FOR $500 OR your ad! scope 8 ammo. Ruger 204- Santa's Gift Basket 268- Trees, Plants & Flowers appts., trapping abanLESS? Red Label 20 ga., 3" (PNDC) 205- Free ltems Table 8 6 chairs, solid doned cats, meds & spe269- GardeningSupplies & Equipment chamber, o/u, $1200. Non-commercial Hot Tubs & Spas wood, f reshly painted cial c a re , f o s tering, 208- Pets and Supplies 541-420-0065 270 - Lost and Found advertisers may USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! phone calls, minor fix-it red, $125, 541-388-6828 210- Furniture & Appliances place an ad with Costco Hot tub, new lid, GARAGE SALES obs, more. Even a few 211 - Children's Items oui 6-person, $2500 obo Door-to-door selling with 275 - Auction Sales ours helps! 541-389 The Bulletin AR-15's "QUICK CASH 212 -Antiques & Collectibles 541-389-9268 8420, www.craftcats.org. recommends extra All New-in-box. S&W fast results! It's the easiest 280 Estate Sales SPECIAL" 215- Coins & Stamps — I M&P-15, Magpul acway in the world to sell. 281 - Fundraiser Sales 1 week 3 lines 12 Local no-kill cat rescue chasing productsp.or, 240- Crafts and Hobbies cessories, $ 2 ,500. k 2N TV Stereo & VideoS 282- Sales Northwest Bend ~2 group is fundraising services from out of I Windham Weaponry 241 - Bicycles and Accessories The Bulletin Classified Ad must include for a small bldg. addi- the area. Sending y AR-15, $1,900. NIB 284- Sales Southwest Bend 242 - ExerciseEquipment tion for special needs c ash, checks, o r Toshiba 32" SD color, 541-385-5809 price of single item 286- Sales Northeast Bend Ruger Mini-14, syn243 - Ski Equipment & hospice cats 8 kitof $500 or less, or w/remote, exc. cond. thetic stock-stainless 244 - Snowboards 288- Sales Southeast Bend I credit i n f o rmation multiple items tens. Need someone may be subjected to $50/obo 541-419-1317 steel bbl 8 receiver, 3 The Bulletin Offers 290- Sales RedmondArea 245 - Golf Equipment to donate their experwhose total does 20-rd mags: $1,475. Free Private Party Ads 246-Guns,Hunting and Fishing 292- Sales Other Areas tise to d r a w b a sic I FRAUD. For more not exceed $500. 541-390-9927. Local • 3 lines - 3 days 247- Sporting Goods - Misc. plans & estimate ma- information about an s private party - not an Computers • Private Party Only FARM MARKET advertiser, you may I FFL. terials needed. Can Call Classifieds at 248- Health andBeautyItems • Total of items adver308- Farm Equipment and Machinery Or e gon / you help? 389 8420. call t h e 541-385-5809 T HE B U LLETIN r e - tised must equal $200 249- Art, Jewelry and Furs 316 - Irrigation Equipment State Attor n ey ' ww.craftcats.org. www.bendbulletin.com quires computer ad251 - Hot TubsandSpas Less I General's O f fi ce Bend local pays CASH!! vertisers with multiple or 325- Hay, Grain and Feed FOR DETAILS or to 253- TV, StereoandVideo Looking for rough coat Consumer Protec• for all firearms & 333- Poultry, Rabbits and Supplies ad schedules or those PLACE AN AD, Jack Russell Terrier t ion 255 - Computers ho t l in e at I ammo. 541-526-0617 selling multiple sys341 - Horses and Equipment Call 541-385-5809 to adopt. No p ups, I 1-877-877-9392. 256- Photography tems/ software, to dis345-Livestockand Equipment Fax 541-385-5802 adult dog only. Call CASH!! 257- Musical Instruments close the name of the 541-318-4222. 347 - Llamas/Exotic Animals For Guns, Ammo & 258 - Travel/Tickets business or the term Wantedpaying cash Reloading Supplies. 350 - Horseshoeing/Farriers 259- Memberships "dealer" in their ads. for Hi-fi audio & stuMaltese Poodle puppies, 541-408-6900. 358Farmer's Column 260- Misc. Items English Mastiff pup- 1 off-white male, 1 apriPrivate party advertis- dio equip. Mclntosh 375- Meat and Animal Processing pies. AKC males/fe- cot male, $250 ea., cash. 261 - MedicalEquipment Colt AR-15 early model ers are defined as J BL, Marantz, D y Antiques & 541-546-7909 383 - Produce andFood males. $1200 & up. SP-1 . 22 3 c a l iber, those who sell one 262 -Commercial/Office Equip. naco, Heathkit, SanCollectibles 541-279-1437 computer. semi-auto rifle. All orig. sui, Carver, NAD, etc. 263- Tools Maremma Guard Dog w/Colt 3X telescopic Just bought a new boat? Call 541-261-1808 FREE rescue cats, all pups, purebred, great Mills Lion front 5C site. 95% orig. cond., Sell your old one in the 208 fixed: 1 Siamese girl; 1 dogs, $30 0 e a c h, 1932 slot machine, w/ origiorig.access. 2 extra 30 classifieds! Ask about our Pets 8 Supplies Calico long-haired girl; 541-546-6171. n al m e t a l st a n d , round mags. $2500. Super Seller rates! 1 large long-haired gray Medical Equipment I 0 541-504-3122. Newfoundland Pup- $1800. 541-330-5516 541-385-5809 Aussie mini/toy puppies, boy. 541-536-4440 The Bulletin recom- black tri female 8 male. pies, purebred black & Antiques wanted: tools, Medical Alert for Se257 Frenchie Faux COLT AR15 p r e-ban mends extra caution www.happytailsmini Landseer puppies ready furniture, fishing, niors - 24/7 monitorpuppies, $400. Sporter, HBAR .223/5.56. Musical Instruments when purc h as- aussiesanddoodles.com to go home in Feb. Born marbles, beer cans. ing. FREE Equipment. 541-447-0210 Excellent cond, selling ing products or serNov 29th, $900-$1100. 541-280-5722 toys, costume jewelry. with FREE Shipping. Na20-rd mag & 100 rds 1923 Chickering 5'6" vices from out of the Call Jill to come pick out Call 541-389-1578 tionwide v i ce. your puppy. $300 de- The Bulletin reserves ammo. $2000 obo. Call Baby Grand, beautiful $ 29.95/MonthSer area. Sending cash, C A LL /5 or text 541-390-1085. checks, or credit inposit. 541-279-6344 tone 8 action, $2500. the right to publish all Medical Guardian To541-504-4416 f ormation may b e / Want to Buy or Rent u ads from The Bulletin C-Sharp 45/70, HMR day 88 8 - 842-0760. POODLE, Toy, 5 mo. subjected to fraud. old apricot male, smart & newspaper onto The 1871 Buffalo Classic Guitar lessons: $15 for (PNDC) For more i nformaWANTED: Tobacco Bulletin Internet web- 4 5/70, S PF D t r a p /2 hour. All ages, most tion about an adverHavanese puppies AKC, lovable! 541-520-7259 pipes - Briars, Meerstyles. Exp. teacher People Lookfor Information door 45/70, B R NW tiser, you may call hypo-allergenic and non PUG 1-yr-old female site. with B.Mus & M.Mus shaums and smoking 300 WIN mag, About Products and the O r egon State shed, UTD shots/ spayed/chipped, accessories. The Bulletin Rock Ri ver Ar m s degrees. Phone/text Services Every Daythrough wormer, $850. Sen ng Cent al 0 egon s nce 1903 Attorney General's s hots, l o ve s k i d s , WANTED: RAZORS541-312-8118 Upper 556. Misc. shot 541 -460-1 277. Office Co n s umer TheBulletin Classifieds $250. 541-536-4440 Gillette, Gem, Schick, 215 guns, Marlin and WIN Yamaha Piano, Upright Protection hotline at etc. Shaving mugs 30-30 lever action. QueensiandHeelers Coins & Stamps Grand, like new, $3000 1-877-877-9392. 263 and accessories. H & H FIREARMS standard & mini,$150 & obo. 541-389-9764 Fair prices paid. Tools Kittens & cats avail thru 541-382-9352 up. 541-280-1537 Private collector buying The Bulletin Call 541-390-7029 Sen ng Cem al0 egonsnce 1903 rescue group at PetS- rightwayranch.wordp ostage stamp a l between 10 am-3 pm. 500W halogen work light mart, near Target, Jan. bums 8 c o llections, DOM'I Misc. Items press.com MISS THIS w/4-6' tripod, NIB $30. People Look for Informat ion Boxer/English Bulldog 12 8 13, 12-5 PM. Just in Alaskan Malamute hybrid world-wide and U.S. A bout Prod ucts a n d 541-504-1123. Bulldog) puppies, from E. OR, 3 litters of Rodent control experts 573-286-4343 (local, 2 Studded tires on Services Every Day through pups,4 females, 3 males (Valley The Bvlletin Classihe ds Honda rims. 165/R-13, $500 ea. 541-771-9255 C~KC Re 'd,b i dles & k l t e s,3-4 o s .old,pl s (barn cats) seek work in cell ¹) DO YOU HAVE Scroll saw, small table fawns, 1st shots. $800 nice adult cats. Others exchange for safe shel$70. 541-504-1123 240 SOMETHING TO avail. at Tumalo sanctu- ter, food. We d eliver! top typ e , $50. 541-325-3376 Bend's Indoor Swap SELL 541-270-8294 ary on Sat. & Sun., 1-5 541-389-8420. Crafts & Hobbies Boxer Puppies!2 boys PM. Tame, shots, alMeet - A Mini-Mall full FOR $500 OR of Unique Treasures! and 2 g i rls. S uper tered, ID chip, more. 541-S ave/donate your d e- 8th Street Artisans LESS? p osit bottles/cans to locute, o n l y $45 0 . 598-5488, 38 9 -8420. Non-commercial 3rd St. 8 Wilson Ave. Building Materials Saturday Market 541-610-7274 or Ma p , p hotos & info at cal all volunteer, non10-5 Thurs-Fri-Sat. advertisers may 10 a.m. - 4 p.m. profit animal rescue, to 541-848-9802. www.craftcats.org. place an ad Buying Diamonds MADRAS Habitat help with cat spay/neuter 1036 NE 8th St., Bend with our RESTORE behind 7-11 store. /Gold for Cash Boxer puppies, pure- Lab puppies, purebred, vet bills. See CRAFT's "QUICK CASH males 8 females, all col- Cans for Cats trailer at Support local Saxon's Fine Jewelers Building Supply Resale SPECIAL" Quality at Faw„' F~~~l~~ ' 2 o rs! $350. 541-416-1175 Eagle Crest Clubhs, 956 craftsmen! 541-389-6655 282 1 week3lines 12 Falls, 1/14-23; 541-977-1737 LOW PRICES Brindle Fem a l es, Labradoodies- Mini 8 Niagara OI' BUYING Ray's Market, Century Estate Sales Sales Northwest Bend 541-420-6977 84 SW K St. med size, several colors ATTENTION ~2 e e k s 2 0 ! Lionel/American Flyer Dr, Bend, 1/28-2/10. Do541-475-9722 541-504-2662 CRAFTERS! Ad must trains, accessories. nate O Sm i t h S i gn, Open to the public. Garage/Moving S a le CAIRN TERRIER fewww.aipen-ridge.com FAIR Mar 22-24 include price of 541-408-2191. ESTATE SALE 2nd/Olney, M-F, or Tu- SPRING Jan. 18 8 19, 8:30-3. male, 9 wks, 1st at Douglas County Fairi l e it e f $ 5 0 0 SAT. 9-3, Jan. 19, s~ Labrador PuPs, AKC malo sanctuary anytime. Computer desk, 5 spd ~h~t~ wormed $600 BUYING & SE L LING Prineville Habitat grounds. Our 38th year! or less, or multiple 2331 NE Lakeridge drill press, tools, anto Red Chocolate/Yehow/White www.craftcats.org or FaAll gold jewelry, silver ReStore Booths available for items whose total Stonebrook Subdiv Hips OFA guaranteed. cebook. 389-8420. t ique to o ls , col - mond 503 501 0462 and gold coins, bars, Building Supply Resale quality crafts. For info, (corner oi Stone$300-$400. does not exceed lectibles, & household rounds, wedding sets, 1427 NW Murphy Ct. Shih-Tzu puppies, 8 wks, send SASE to: Spring brook Dr. and 1-541-954-1727 $500. odds 8 e n ds. 1880 Cat, abandoned, young class rings, sterling sil541-447-6934 allmeds, 2 @ $250 ea. Fair 2013, PO Box 22, Lakeridge Dr) NW Newport Hills Dr. SPa'yed female free. to ver, coin collect, vinOpen to the public. Labrador purebred Dillard, OR 97432 Call Classifieds at Furniture, household, warm, safe, responsible pun s l $150 maies 541-420-4403 tage watches, dental 541-385-5809 kitchen items, tools, Equipment home. 541-318-4829 gold. Bill Fl e ming, Wolf-Husky pups, $325; Rockhound www.bendbulletin.com jewelry, lamps, - Saw, grind, sand 8 541-382-9419. pure Sibenan Husky pup, 286 Heating & Stoves women's sweaters, p olish. L o rtone 8 $400. 541-977-7019 Cemetery p l o t Debooks, pictures, Highland Park Bend. Sales Northeast Bend DPMS Panther AR15, chutes Memorial GarNOTICE TO sewing machine, Yorkie pups AKC, 1 girl, Info 541 280-5574 new .223, $2500. Also dens. Any reasonable ADVERTISER office supplies. 2 boys, potty training, 242 have . 22 3 a m m o. offer. 541-408-1477 Since September 29, ** FREE ** health guar., pixs avail, 541-480-1536 1991, advertising for Look What I Found! $550 & up. 541-777-7743 Exercise Equipment Complete VTech phone Garage Sale Kit Chihuahua Pups, asused woodstoves has You'll find a little bit of Place an ad in The SHOW: E Albany system with 6 handsets, been limited to modsorted colors, teacuP, LABS AKC. All colors, 210 Complete Bowflex Ulti- GUN everything in $90. 541-788-5325 Lions, Linn C o unty Bulletin for your ga1st shots, w o rmed, 5 avail. Born 12-8-12. Furniture & Appliances mate, resistance els which have been & The Bulletin's daily rage sale and reairgrounds, E x p oEddie Bauer wmns ski c ertified by the O r $250, 541-977-0035 aerobic machine with leg F garage and yard sale $600 541 41 0 0588 Building. Jan. 19th & ceive a Garage Sale attachment, other extras, jumpsuit sz 8, new w/ egon Department of section. From clothes BEND'S HOMELESS NEED OUR HELP! Kit FREE! A1 Washersa Dryers excellent cond, $800. 20th. Sat. 9-5, Sun. tags $100. 541-678-5407 Environmental Qualto collectibles, from 9-4, Admission $5. The cold weather is upon us and sadly there are 541-433-2192 $150 ea. Full warity (DEQ) and the fedhousewares to hardGENERATE SOME KIT I NCLUDES: Info 541-928-7710 still over 2,000 folks in our community without ranty. Free Del. Also eral E n v ironmental ware, classified is • 4 Garage Sale Signs 245 EXCITEMENT permanent shelter, living in cars, makeshift wanted, used W/D's Protection A g e n cy always the first stop for • $2.00 Off Coupon To IN YOUR (RIFLES FOR SALE) camps, getting by as best they can. 541-280-7355 Golf Equipment (EPA) as having met cost-conscious Use Toward Your Made by DPMS, OlymNEIGBORHOOD. The following items are badly needed to emission stanconsumers. And if Next Ad pic Arms, Bushmaster, Plan a garage sale and smoke help them get through the winter: Golf Membership dards. A cer t ified you're planning your • 10 Tips For "Garage Dryer, 3 yrs old, Admidon't forget to adverCMTS, Ruger, Federal Lease, Brasada w oodstove may b e Sale Success!" @ CAMPING GEAR of any sort: @ own garage or yard ral, HD, $125. Arms, Volunteer Arms. tise in classified! Ranch. 541-408-0014 identified by its certifisale, look to the clasNew or used tents, sleeping bags, tarps, blankets. 541-647-9051. All guns w it h e x t ra 541-385-5809. cation label, which is @ WARM CLOTHING: Rain Gear, Boots, Gloves. sifieds to bring in the 246 mags. Best prices in PICK UP YOUR GENERATE SOME exGET FREE OF CREDIT permanently attached buyers. You won't find town. 541-447-4101 PLEASE DROP OFF YOUR DONATIONS AT Guns, Hunting GARAGE SALE KIT at citement i n you r CARD DEBT N OW! to the stove. The Bula better place THE BEND COMMUNITY CENTER 1777 SW Chandler neighborhood! Plan a & Fishing Cut payments by up letin will not k n owfor bargains! Wanted: Collector 1036 NE 5th St. , Bend, Mon.-Sat. 9 a. m.5 p.m. Ave., Bend, OR 97702 garage sale and don't to half. Stop creditors ingly accept advertisseeks high quality Call Classifieds: forget to advertise in 15 Duck Decoys with from calling. ing for the sale of For Special pick up please call fishing items. 541-385-5809 or The Bulletin 866-775-9621. Ken @ 541-389-3296 classified! weights, $5 each. Call 541-678-5753, or uncertified email PLEASE HELP, VOU CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE. 541-385-5809. 541-383-4231 503-351-2746 woodstoves. classifiedObendbulletin.com (PNDC)




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Employment Opportunities

Employment Opportunities

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Can be found on these pages: L o c a l Relief Pharmacist agency seeking expe(Part -time) FINANCEAND BUSINESS rienced third p a rty C&K Express, LLC is a EMPLOYMENT ollector. FDC P A , family & e m ployee- 410 - Private Instruction 507 - Real Estate Contracts • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 5500 pm Fri • cHIPAA and U DCPA owned com p a ny 421 - Schools andTraining 514 -Insurance knowledge preffered. based in B rookings, 454- Looking for Employment 528 - Loans andMortgages • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Noon Mone DAKCS/STING expe- Oregon. rience a plus. Perfor- We are c urrently re- 470 - Domestic & In-HomePositions 543 - StocksandBonds 558 - Business Investments cruiting for a Part-time 476 - Employment Opportunities based com• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • e Noon Tuese mance 573 - BusinessOpportunities pensation p a ckage P harmacist for o u r 486 - IndependentPositions Pharmacy Express loplus benefits. Send cation in R e dmond, 476 resume to: CAI, PO 573 OR. Applicant must BOX 39, Bend, OR Employment Business Opportunities have a current OBOP 97709 Opportunities license in good standA Classified ad is an ing. This position is reEASY W AY TO DO YOU NEED sponsible for providThe Bulletin REACH over 3 million A GREAT ing ph a rmaceutical extra Pacific NorthwesternEMPLOYEE care to patients in the I Recommends when purers. $5 2 5 /25-word RIGHT NOW? community while as- caution products or I c lassified ad i n 3 0 Call The Bulletin sisting with all aspects chasing daily newspapers for before 11 a.m. and of daily o perations. services from out of ' 528 3-days. Call the Paget an ad in to pubCompetitive pay. In- I the area. Sending cific Northwest Daily Loans & Mortgages formation is available c ash, c hecks, o r lish the next day! I credit i n f o rmation Connection I (916) on our webs i te 541-385-5809. 2 88-6019 o r e m a il Place a photoin your private party ad www.ckmarket.com. I may be subjected to WARNING PRIVATE PARTY RATES VIEW the FRAUD. elizabeth@cnpa.com The Bulletin recomMust pass drug test & for only $15.00 perweek. Classifieds at: Starting at 3 lines For more informafor more info (PNDC) background check. mends you use cauwww.bendbulletin.com about an adver"UNDER '500in total merchandise tion when you proOVER '500in total merchandise If interested, email re- I tion tiser, you may call vide personal Need to get an sume and application 7 days .................................................. $10.00 4 days.................................................. $18.50 the Oregon State information to compaCall a Pro to jobsOckmarket.com ad in ASAP? 14 days................................................ $16.00 7 days.................................................. $24.00 I Attorney General's nies offering loans or or fax to: Whether you need a Office Co n s umert You can place it *Must state prices in sd 14 days .................................................$33.50 credit, especially 541-412-0002. Protection hotline at I those asking for adfence fixed,hedges online at: 28 days .................................................$61.50 EOE Garage Sale Special I 1-877-877-9392. I vance loan fees or www.bendbulletin.com trimmed or a house (call for commercial line ad rates) 4 lines for 4 days.................................. companies from out of built, you'll find Remember.... LT}ie Bulletin state. If you have A dd your we b a d 541-385-5809 concerns or quesprofessional help in dress to your ad and A Payment Drop Box is available at CLASSIFIED OFFICE HOURS: tions, we suggest you The Bulletin's "Call a readers on The consult your attorney Advertise V A CATION Bend City Hall. CLASSIFICATIONS MON.-FRI. 7:30 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Service Professional" Bulletin' s web site Looking for your next or call CONSUMER SPECIALS to 3 milBELOW M A R K E D W ITH AN ( *) will be able to click Directory employee? HOTLINE, lion P acific N o rththrough automatically 1-877-877-9392. Place a Bulletin help westerners! 30 daily REQUIRE PREPAYMENT as well 541-385-5809 to your site. wanted ad today and BANK TURNED YOU newspapers, six as any out-of-area ads. The Bulletin reach over 60,000 states. 25-word clasDOWN? Pnvate party Hospitality readers each week. $525 for a 3-day reserves the right to reject any ad at bendbulletin.com will loan on real es- sified Front desk positions SERVICE EVALUATOR Your classified ad a d. Cal l (916) tate equity. Credit, no any time. is located at: part time and full time. No Associated Fees will also appear on 2 88-6019 o r vis i t Safeway Inc. is a Forproblem, good equity Apply in person at 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. bendbulletin.com www.pnna.com/advert is all you need. Call Sugarloaf M ountain tune 100 company and which currently ising pndc.cfm for the of the largest food Bend, Oregon 97702 now. Oregon Land Motel, 62980 No. Hwy one receives over 1.5 Pacific Nor t hwest and drug retailers in Mortgage 388-4200. 97, Bend, Oregon. million page views Daily Con n ection. North America based on every month at E ver Consider a R e (PNDC) PLEASE NOTE:Check your ad for accuracy the first day it appears. Please call us immediately if a correction is Information Services sales. The company opno extra cost. verse Mortgage? At needed. We will gladly accept responsibility for one incorrect insertion. The publisher reserves the right to accept or Systems Analyst- erates 1,678 stores in the Bulletin Classifieds least 62 years old? Extreme Value AdverWasco County, The United States and westreject any ad at anytime, classify and index any advertising based on the policies of these newspapers. The publisher Canada. Get Results! tising! 30 Daily newsStay in your home & shall not be liable for any advertisement omitted for any reason. Private Party Classified ads running 7 or more days Dalles, $3830.85 to ern We are seeking responCall 385-5809 increase cash f low! papers $525/25-word $4024.30/mth. See will publish in the Central OregonMarketplace each Tuesday. ible, motivated a n d or place 3-d a ys. Safe & Effective! Call classified, Wasco County web- scomputer literate indiyour ad on-line at Now for your FREE Reach 3 million Pasite for job descrip- viduals to provide feed267 bendbulletin.com cific Northwesterners. DVD! C a l l Now tion and application. back specific to store For more information Fuel & Wood Fuel & Wood • Lo s t & Found 888-785-5938. Closes 1/1 8/1 3 conditions and service call (916) 288-6019 or (PNDC) levels. Hourly rate paid email: Dry, split Juniper or LOST Conure bird, yelfor driving, observation, USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! LOCAL MONEYtWe buy WHEN BUYING LOGGING Lodgepole, mixed, low, red & green, anelizabethOcnpa.com secured trust deeds 8 and report times. Reim$200/cord, deliyery swers to Zazu, area NE company has imfor the Pacific NorthFIREWOOD... bursement for mileage note,some hard money included! 8th/Greenwood. Reward mediate openings Door-to-door selling with west Daily Connecloans. Call Pat Kellev To avoid fraud, based on the distance 541-923-6987, Iv msg for return. 541-350-2623 tion. (PNDC) for experienced 541-382-3099 ext.13. The Bulletin associated with assign- fast results! It's the easiest Yard Engineer way in the world to sell. recommends payments. 269 USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! and logging crew. ment for Firewood For additional informaIndependent Contractor Gardening Supplies 410 Opportunity for tion and to submit an on The Bulletin Classified only upon delivery Door-to-door selling with & Equipment year-round full-time line application visit: and inspection. Private Instruction 541-385-5809 fast results! It's the easiest • A cord is 128 cu. ft. employment. htt s:// ualit sho er.or * Supplement Your Income* 4' x 4' x 8' way in the world to sell. Music Lessons for All • Top wages BarkTurfsoil.com • Receipts should Ages! Find a music • Benefits. The Bulletin Classified include name, teacher! Ta k eLes- For application call Press Supervisor PROMPT D E LIVERY The Bulletin is seeking a night time press suphone, price and sons off ers aff ordable, 541-997-8212 541-385-5809 542-389-9663 kind of wood pursafe, guaranteed mupervisor. We are part of Western CommunicaR&R KING tions, Inc., which is a small, family-owned group chased. LOST Jewelry - Reward! s ic l e s sons wi t h consisting of seven newspapers, five in Oregon • Firewood ads LOGGING, INC. ++++++++++++++++++ Placed inside bear when teachers in your area. For newspaper and two in California. Our ideal candidate will MUST include spemoving; bear given to Our pre s c reened Florence, Oregon delivery, call the manage a small crew of three and must be able cies and cost per Redmond Humane Soci- teachers specialize in to learn our equipment/processes quickly. A Circulation Dept. at cord to better serve ety Thrift store in August, singing, guitar, piano, 541-385-5800 hands-on style is a requirement for our 3i/a our customers. 2012. Call 541-516-8681 d rums, Violin, a n d Mechanic tower KBA press. Prior management/leaderTo place an ad, call more. Call Heavy Equipment REMEMBER: If you ship experience preferred. In addition to our 541-385-5809 1-866-974-5910! The Bulletin Republic Services is have lost an animal, 7-day a week newspaper, we have numerous or email (PNDC) classified@bendbulletrn com don't forget to check s eeking field m ecommercial print clients as well. In addition to a chanic to handle reThe Humane Society competitive wage and benefit program, we also We are looking for independent con421 1 cord dry, split Juniper, The Bulletin pairs / preventative in Bend 541-382-3537 provide potential opportunity for advancement. tractors to service home delivery Sewing Central Oregonence 1903 $190/cord. Multi-cord Schools & Training maintenance on Redmond, If you provide dependability combined with a discounts, & t/a cords routes in: 541-923-0882 heavy e q u ipment positive attitude, are able to manage people and available. Immediate A IRLINES ARE H I R- a nd s upport v e SUPER TOP SOIL schedules and are a team player, we would like Prineville, delivery! 541-408-6193 www.hershe soilandbericcom ING - Train for hands hicles at Coffin Butte 541-447-7178; to hear from you. If you seek a stable work enScreened, soil 8 comon Aviation Mainte- Landfill and Pacific Must be available 7 days a week, early mornvironment that provides a great place to live and OR Craft Cats, A-1 DRY JUNIPER post m i x ed , no nance Career. FAA ing hours. Must have reliable, insured vehicle. Region C o mpost. raise a family, let us hear from you. Contact ei541-389-8420. $185 split, or $165 rocks/clods. High huapproved p r ogram. These facilities are ther; Keith Foutz, Corporate Circulation & Oprounds. per cord, delivmus level, exc. f or Financial aid if quali- l ocated 9 mile s erations Director at kfoutz©wescompapers.com Please call 541.385.5800 or ered. Call 541-977-4500 flower beds, lawns, fied Housing availNorth of C orvallis, or anelson Owescompapers.com with your or 541-350-1809 800.503.3933 Mon.-Fri., 8-4 or gardens, straight able. Call Aviation In- Oregon. For full job complete resume, references and s a lary s creened to p s o i l . stitute of d escription and t o apply via email at All Year Dependable history/requirements. Prior press room experiClean fill. DeMaintenance. ence required. No phone calls please. Drug online © bendbulletin.com Firewood: Sp lit, Del. Bark. apply online, please liver/you haul. 1-877-804-5293. test is required prior to employment. EOE Bend. Lod g epole, visit w ww.republic541-548-3949. (PNDC) Pine: 1 for $180 or 2 services.com for $350. Cash, Check EOE M/FID/V 270 or Credit Card OK. USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! Lost & Found 541-420-3484. Mobile HomePark Door-to-door selling with Electrician Customer Service Representative ManagerE xpensive bicy c le • • I t fast results! It's the easiest Midstate Electric Cooperative, located in La Pine, Klamath Falls, OR found i n Orc h a rd 5ierraPdne'" Oregon, is seeking a qualified applicant for the way in the world to sell. Requires strong inNeighborhood District. c o u p o s l r s s o L U T l o Ns position of customer service representative. to ID ter personal skills, Meet singles right now! Call Must be a high school graduate or equivalent. The Bulletin Classified Journeyman Manufacturing 541-948-2252 No paid o p erators, basic b o o kkeepOne year of office expenence is required. Must Electrician in Medford, OR. 541-385-5809 just real people like FOUND: remote key for be reliable, motivated, creative, self-starter, ing and computer you. Browse greet- Dodge on street in • Scope of Duties (not all-inclusive): Conducts, team player, goal oriented, personable, well-orgrou n d s maintains and repairs electrical, mechanical, ATTEND CO L LEGE s kills, ings, exchange mes- Ponderosa E s tates ganized with ability to work under high stress ONLINE 100%. maint exp., good sages and c o nnect last hydraulic and pneumatic systems/components. situations. Must exhibit proven problem-solving month. *Medical, *Business, d riving reco r d , Applies knowledge of electrical and mechanical live. Try it free. Call 541-389-1260. and decision-making skills. Previous public *Criminal Jus t i ce, Maschio 7-ft rotary tiller, now: 8 7 7 -955-5505. contact experience is preferred. Must have abilg ood phys i c al principles in determining equipment malfunc*Hospitality, *Web. virtually new, less than 5 to establish sound customer relations while (PNDC) Found wedding band condition, p r e v i- tions. Applies skill in restoring equipment for op- ity hrs. $7500 new; asking Job placement assisworking effectively with customers and the puberation. Ability to troubleshoot and complete reThank you St. Jude & with inscription, near Inn $5000. 541-421-3222 ous mobile home tance. Comp u ter lic, and promoting a pleasant working atmopairs to equipment such as programmable Sacred H e ar t of at the 7th Mtn. Call to available. F i n ancial park or apartment controls, power supplies, drives, gages and sphere among associates. Ability to indepenidentify, 541-318-0581 Jesus. j.d. Aid if qual i fied. management exp. presses. Provides skilled mechanical and elecdently establish files and maintain records SCHEV a u thorized. preferred. e m a il: trical/electronic support to all areas of manuaccurately and efficiently. Possess working • Hay, Grain & Feed • knowledge of personal computer (current verCall 86 6 - 688-7078 facturing. Must be able to follow all company's parkmanager18© sion of M S O ffice), word processing and 1st quality grass hay, www.CenturaOnline.c safety processes successfully and work as part gmail.com spreadsheet capabilities. Proficient with 10-key 70- Ib bales, barn stored, om (PNDC) team using effective communication skills. and data entry. Must possess valid Oregon • • $250/ ton. Also big bales! 1 driver's license. TRUCK SCHOOL Patterson Ranch, BULLETIN CLASSIFIEDS • Work Schedule: Relief shift schedule This position is an Hourly/Non-Exempt Sisters, 541-420-4567 www.llTR.net Search the area's most • Education and Experience: The successful Bargaining Unit Position — IBEW Local 125. C all 54 /-385-580 9 Redmond Campus comprehensive listing of candidate will hold and maintain a State of Ore. Wheat S t raw: s m a ll to r omote our service Student Loans/Job classified advertising... license for Journeyman, Manufacturing Plant Submit resume with a cover letter to: bales $2 bale or $65 Waiting Toll Free real estate to automotive, Electrician. Applicants will not be considered Human Resources 2/1/2013 t on. After 6 p.m . 1-888-387-9252 merchandise to sporting IBuilding/Contracting Margo Construction without holding a valid State of Ore. Iicense for Midstate Electric Cooperative, Inc. 541-546-9821 Culver. goods. Bulletin Classifieds Journeyman, Manufacturing Plant Electrician LLC Since 1992 P 0 Box 127, La Pine OR 97739 476 appear every day in the NOTICE: Oregon state • Pavers• Carpentry and have 2+ years experience in a manufacturFax No. 541-536-1423 Looking for your Employment print or on line. law req u ires any- • Remodeling • Decks E-Mail:smiesen@midstateelectric.coo ing environment within the last seven years. next employee? one who co n t racts Call 541-385-5809 • Window/Door Opportunities for construction work Replacement • Int/Ext Place a Bulletin www.bendbulletin.com Send resumes to thaakinson@sierrapine.com NO TELEPHONE CALLS WILL BE ACCEPTED with subject line stating: Journeyman, Manuto be licensed with the help wanted ad Paint • CCB 176121 facturing Plant Inquiries. C onstruction Co n CAUTION READERS The Bulletin All resumes must be received by 5:00 p.m. on 541 -480-31 79 today and Semng Central Oregon ence19ra www.sierrapine.com Friday, February 1, 2013. EEOE tractors Board (CCB). reach over A n active lice n se Ads published in "Em60,000 readers Handyman means the contractor ployment Opportunieach week. i s bonded an d i n t ies" i n c lude e m Your classified ad s ured. Ver if y t h e ployee and will also Landscaping/Yard Care contractor's CCB i ndependent po s i appear on c ense through t h e tions. Ads for posiCCB Cons u merN OTICE: O R E G O N bendbulletin.com tions that require a fee Landscape Contracwhich currently Website or upfront investment tors Law (ORS 671) receives over www.tnreahcensedcontractor. must be stated. With com r equires a l l bus i 1.5 million page any independent job or call 503-378-4621. nesses that advertise views every opportunity, p l ease The Bulletin recom- to p e rform L a n dmonth at no investigate thormends checking with scape C o n struction extra cost. oughly. the CCB prior to con- which inclu d es: Bulletin tracting with anyone. p lanting, deck s , Use extra caution when Classifieds Some other t rades fences, arbors, applying for jobs onGet Results! also req u ire addi- w ater-features, a n d line and never proCall 541-385-5809 tional licenses a nd installation, repair of vide personal inforor place your ad certifications. irrigation systems to mation to any source on-line at be licensed with the you may not have rebendbulletin.com Debris Removal Landscape ContracNOW you Can add a full-COIOr PhOtO to yOur Bulletin ClaSSified ad Starting searched and deemed t ors B o a rd . Th i s to be reputable. Use JUNK BE GONE at Only $15.00 Per Week, When you Order yOur ad Online. 4-digit number is to be extreme caution when included in all adverI Haul Away FREE r esponding to A N Y tisements which indiFor Salvage. Also TO PlaCe yOur Bulletin ad With a Photo, ViSit WWW.bendbLIlletin.COm, online e m ployment cate the business has Cleanups & Cleanouts ad from out-of-state. CliCk On "PlaCe an ad" and fOIIOW theSe eaSy StePS: a bond, insurance and Mel, 541-389-8107 workers compensa- Free baby L i onhead We suggest you call Handyman tion for their employ- bunnies to approved the State of Oregon Pick a category (for example — pets or transportation) ees. For your protec- h omes o n ly ! Ca l l Consumer Hotline at



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I DO THAT! tion call 503-378-5909 541-548-0747 1-503-378-4320 or use our website: Home/Rental repairs Small jobs to remodels www.lcb.state.or.us to For Equal Opportunity check license status • Farmers Column • Honest, guaranteed L aws: Oregon B uwork. CCB¹151573 before co n t racting reau of Labor 8 Inwith th e b u s iness. 10X20 STORAGE Dennis 541-317-9768 dustry, C i vil Rights Persons doing landBUILDINGS Division, ERIC REEVE HANDY scape m a intenance for protecting hay, 971-673-0764 SERVICES. Home 8 do not require a LCB firewood, livestock Commercial Repairs, license. etc. $1496 Installed. If you have any quesCarpentry-Painting, 541-617-1133. tions, concerns or Pressure-washing, CCB ¹173684. comments, contact: Honey Do's. On-time Painting/Wall Covering kfjbuilders©ykwc.net Classified Department promise. Senior The Bulletin Discount. Work guar- Now is an excellent time 541-385-5809 Find exactly what anteed. 541-389-3361 for interior painting! or 541-771-4463 Jeff A. Miller Painting you are looking for in the Bonded & Insured 541-404-2826 CLASSIFIEDS The Bulletin CCB¹t 81595 CCB¹194196

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Fr iday January 18,2013


'Newspaper' deals

zz Relative of John Bull wears handaa Carousal me-downs 32 Not clear, in a 42010 best way seller by 33 Special Michael Lewis handling as Homewrecker? 34 They indicate shyness ae Fever that reached as Bazooka Joe's America in the company mid-1960s ao Stiff az Org. fighting az Sleepy decay co-worker? as Nominee aa Rascal, in slang who was the 39 Shooter favored subject of a by Henri 2006 filibuster Cartier-Bresson attempt 4o Large hunter 19 Major Eur. oil with a shaggy exporter gray coat za Matter found in 4z Percolate briefs? 43 Adept arguer: zz Digital Abbr. evidence? 44 Virtuous 23 Toss down behaviors, in tequila, e.g. Hinduism zs Comedian/ rapper Williams 4s End 49 Due tripled ze One may service an 49 Contemporary organ of O. Henry 2 She often

By FRANK STEWART Tribune Media Services

If you think "newspaper" deals never occur in real l i fe, look at today's deal, sent to me by Richard Oshlag, from a team event atan ACBL tournament near Memphis. Cover the East-West cards. Plan the play at 3NT when West leads the king of spades. At b ot h t a bles, th e d e clarers d ucked West's king and jack o f spades and won the third spade as East discarded a diamond. They next took the ace of clubs. When East had the singleton queen, both Souths went down. They had only eight tricks, and West had to get in with the jack of clubs to take two spades.

your left, opens one spade. Your partner doubles, and the next player passes. What do you say? ANSWER: This problem has no answer.Game is possible — partner has opening values or more — but you lack a good invitational bid. A jump to three clubs would suggest a much better suit. If your diamond and spade holdings were reversed, you could jump to 2NT. As it is, settle for a craven response of two clubs. South dealer N-S vulnerable

NORTH 4o 943 QA52 CI AQJ 48732

CLUB RETURN Maybe you led a diamond to dummy at Trick Four to return a club. Then when East's queen came up, you could make your game by playing low. But South's correct play is to win the second spade. As the play actually w ent, East c ould b eat 3 N T b y pitching his queen of clubs on the third spade, creating an entry for West. This is a theme I h ave written about more than once. "Newspaper" deals do turn up in the real world.

WEST 48KQ J82 9 J43 0 76 4 J94

EAST 476 6 Q 1098 7 0 1 098 4 2 Ieo Q


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(Los Angeles landmark of modern architecture) 7 Energy qtys. s Trinite, e.g.

























35 38












soothers ao One way to dress az Cubic crystals with perfect cleavage az " Go ! "




9 Flexible injury

8 L I M


a Take no preventive action 3 Amenity in some 30-Down 3Transported by a big name 4 "Sullivan & Son" airer 9 Unrestrained 9 H ou s e


SOUTH 4A105 9K6 0 K53 A A K 10 6 5


43 45














zs Chains of 36 Equals chains, often 38 Became 39 2001 Best New peeved Artist Grammy 39 Low location? winner ao They stand 4 a Whom a hack out in the watches out for neighborhood 42 Follower of Ali az Fella Dict. info as Took up the slack? 45 Magicianlike

49 Cole Porter's "Well, Did You 0ll

47 Police supply 49 Unbanded?

sa Fish with poisonous roe

sz Scottish port 13 "Nuts" director, 1987 For answers, call 1-900-285-5656, $1.49 a minute; or, with a credit card, 1-800-814-5554. a4 Ute Peak's Annual subscriptions are available for the best of Sunday county


zo Cries on a ride z4 Bed rock? zs Publisher with a borzoi logo zz Worked on a field

Seeking a friendly duplicate bridge? Find five gamesweekly at www.bendbridge.org. BIZARRO

so L'Oreal spokeswoman of the 2000s sa It's a sign s4 Wake up and smell the coffee ss Political adviser Nofziger so Sea novel by James Fenimore Cooper sz Lottery letters

No. 1214

crosswords from the last 50 years: 1-888-7-ACROSS. AT&T users: Text NYTX to 386 to download puzzles, or visit nytimes.com/mobilexword for more information. Online subscriptions: Today's puzzle and more than 2,000 past

puzzles, nytimes.com/crosswords ($39.95 a year). Share tips: nytimes.com/wordplay. Crosswords for young solvers: nytimes.com/learning/xwords.


BizAI(EOC oiiticB.coli(


Fa6ebo okcom/Biaarrocomi64

gou're going to feel a lit tle pinch...

Complete the grid so that

I lf) l3 w/% NIFC

every row, column and 3x3 box contains every digit from 1 to 9 inclusively.



9 6 -= el

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Edited by Rich Norrisand Joyce Nichols Lewis

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© 2013 by King Features Svndloate. 100 World uemte reserved

E-mall bllolbreekI Ieemallzom

4 Mums' relatives, in a way 9 Weber State University city 14 Trouble 15 Petrol purchase 16 L a redo, Mexico 17 Bolshevik film festival fodder? 19 Key of the "Eroica"



20 Grant 21 With 51-Across, Puerto Rico


Seko 9 Unrepeated event, in Essex 10 Roared 11 Upper-bod muscle 12 Cole Porter's 'Well, Did You 0 ll

pecan and Cuban 13 A or E, but not I,

Va)E DON' T C0 lvlhA U lUICAVE,

coconut custard? 23 Ode preposition 25 Musician's deg. 26 Auden's vineyard? 33 Dawn deity 34 Last words 35 " Peach": Allman Brothers album 38 Subdued 40 Montreal moniker 41 Jewel box item 42 Gym ball 43 Attic window 45 Doctor of music? 46 Side dish made with russets and

<0 M



UP I hl H l S


84 4TEIN



DOWN 1 Cut down 2 Adam's apple spot 3 Lincoln in-law 4 Looked askance 5 Actress Tyler 6 Left : r ewarded 7 Cologne crowd? 8 Zaire's Mobutu


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ol I



BLIJJ5LXIt X Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter 10 each square, to form four ordinary words.


THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME by DavidL. Hoyt end JeffK nurek We can save a bunch of time il we That looks like take this shortcut. I tm ight be Let'sdo u. rm poison iey.The

anxious tooel back. other trau

might be safer.


: :*


CHOD5ING rc> 1 AKE rHs


5HC4zT'CUT MROU&H THE POISON IVY WA5 —Now arrange the circled letters 10 form the surprise answer, 88 suggested by the above cartoon.

"Four blocks north. If it's not there, elght blocks south."

62 Legendary musician what's missing from 17-, 21-, 26and 46-Across 64 It's often stored upside-down 65 City on the



49 Sigma follower 50 Hosp. readout 51 See 21-Across 57 "The Kiss" painter 61 Lot of baloney

responsible for

02013 Tnbune Media Services, Iuc. „ All Rights Reserved.


* *






(Anewere tomorrow) Jumbles: UNDUE S H O V E FR U GA L AF F O RD Answer: After being awakened again by the neighbors' loud music, he wae ready 10 — SOUND OFF


66 Have a life 67 uNaturalis Historia" author 68 Parlement frangais division 69 "Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee" author Brown

Oor U 18 Instrument heard on SimOn & Garfunkel's "Bookends" 22 EPA concern 24 45-Across genre 26 Sub

27 Happy

28 Legally prohibit 29 Cote-d'Or crop 30 Ecuadoran province named for its gold production 1





31 Its capital is 52 Kazakhstan Amiens border sea 32 Gauge opening? 53 Pasta: food 36 Bagels, brand


ANSWER TO PREVIOUS PUZZLE: TU N H E R T O S A O T E R R E P W A T E A D O B E HU L A S M S P I D E R M A O L E U M S U M M I T M D I N E O N A A S S N S A L B I T M I S A N V I L P UB L I C E N H A L E N E E D E E R E N E xwordeditor@aol.com 5




21 23


31 35











49 53






25 29 3 0


51 5 2

C E C E L L A P M O P T 01/18/13


















54 Long poem

37 Closing word 55 Yo r kshire river 39 Cyberface 56 Gas on 41 Nutty Broadway 43 Smear 58 Tech debut of 44 Denver-to-Wichita 201 0 59 Just 47 Q neighbor 60 Genealogy chart 48 Citrus hybrid 63 Tr i al evidence, at 51 Soviet letters times

50 54 5 5






By David Poole (c)2013 Tribune Media Services, Inc.



58 5 9


63 66 69

01/1 8/1 3





I •

RENTALS 603 - Rental Alternatives 604 - Storage Rentals 605 - RoommateWanted 616- Want To Rent 627-Vacation Rentals& Exchanges 630- Rooms for Rent 631 - Condos &Townhomes for Rent 632 - Apt./Multiplex General 634 - Apt./Multiplex NEBend 636 - Apt./Multiplex NWBend 638 - Apt./Multiplex SEBend 640 - Apt./Multiplex SWBend 642 - Apt./Multiplex Redmond 646 - Apt./Multiplex Furnished 648 - Houses for RentGeneral 650 - Houses for Rent NE Bend 652- Housesfor Rent NWBend 654- Houses for Rent SEBend 656- Housesfor Rent SWBend 658 - Houses for Rent Redmond 659 - Houses for Rent Sunriver 660 - Houses for Rent LaPine 661 - Houses for Rent Prineville 662 - Houses for Rent Sisters 663 - Houses for Rent Madras 664 - Houses for Rent Furnished 671 - Mobile/Mfd. for Rent 675 - RV Parking 676 Mobile/Mfd.Space





682- Farms, RanchesandAcreage 687 - Commercial for Rent/Lease 693- Office/Retail Space for Rent REAL ESTATE 705 - Real Estate Services 713 - Real Estate Wanted 719- Real Estate Trades 726- Timeshares for Sale 730- New Listings 732- Commercial Properties for Sale 738 - Multiplexes for Sale 740- Condos &Townhomes for Sale 744 - OpenHouses 745- Homes for Sale 746- Northwest BendHomes 747 -Southwest BendHomes 748- Northeast BendHomes 749- Southeast BendHomes 750- RedmondHomes 753 - Sisters Homes 755- Sunriver/La Pine Homes 756- Jefferson CountyHomes 757- Crook CountyHomes 762- Homes with Acreage 763- Recreational HomesandProperty 764- Farms andRanches 771 - Lots 773 - Acreages 775 - Manufactured/Mobile Homes 780- Mfd. /Mobile Homes with Land 642



cQrj rj



Boats & Accessories

Travel Trailers

Used out-drive parts - Mercury OMC rebuilt marine motors: 151 $1595; 3.0 $1895; 4.3 (1993), $1995.


Fifth Wheels

$5500. 541-221-5221

Trucks & Heavy Equipment


Fully equipped. $2000.


541-312-8879 or 541-350-4622.

Carri-Lite Luxury 2009 by Carriage, 4 slideouts, inverter, satel-

2007 Ski-Doo Renegade 600 w/513 mi, like new, very fast! Reduced to


COACHMEN 1979 23' trailer



Fifth Wheels

H25E, runs In t e rnational Hyster well, 2982 Hours, $3500, call 541-749-0724 Fall price $ 2 1,865.


2005, 36' 5th Wheel, Model¹M-349 RLDS-5

lite sys, fireplace, 2 flat screen TVs. $60,000.









2007 SeaDoo 2004 Waverunner, excellent condition, LOW hours. Double trailer, lots of extras.


Fleetwood Wilderness Gl 31' 1999. 12' slide, 24' awning, queen Arctic Cat (2) 2005 bed,couch/table make $10,000 F7; EFI Snowpro 8 into dbl beds, FSC, 541-719-8444 EFI EXT, 4,000 outside shower, E-Z lift Please check your ad miles each. $2400 s tabilizer hitch, l i ke on the first day it runs each; 541-410-2186 new, been stored. Ads published in "Wato make sure it is cortercraft" include: Kay- $10,999. 541-419-5060 rect. Sometimes inaks, rafts and motorstructions over the ~ COI ized personal phone are misMorePixatBendbolletincom understood watercrafts. For and an error " boats" please s e e Snowmobile trailer can occurin yourad. Class 870. 2002, 25-ft InterIf this happens to your 541-385-5809 state & 3 sleds, ad, please contact us the first day your ad $10,900. appears and we will 541-480-8009 be happy to fix it S pringdale 2005 27', 4' 880 as soon as we can. slide in dining/living area, 860 If we can assist you, Motorhomes sleeps 6, low mi,$15,000 Motorcycles & Accessories please call us: obo. 541-408-3811 541-385-5809 The Bulletin Classified CRAMPED FOR •


m -- : =

Peterbilt 359 p o table water t ruck, 1 9 90, 3200 gal. tank, Shp pump, 4-3" h o ses, camlocks, $ 2 5,000. 541-820-3724 925

Utility Trailers

kYo~ Azr/

The Bulletin

Big Tex Landscaping/ ATV Trailer, dual axle flatbed, 7'x16', 7000 lb. GVW, all steel, $1400. 541-382-4115, or 541-280-7024.

1/3 interest in Columbia 400, located at Sunriver. $ 1 38,500. Call 541-647-3718 Check out the

classifieds online www.bendbulletin.com Updated daily

CASH? Use classified to sell those items you no longer need.

Automotive Wanted I

DONATE YOUR CAREconoline RV 19 8 9 , Fast Free Towing 24 fully loaded, exc. cond, hr. Response - Tax 2 bdrm, 1 bath duplex 35K m i. , R e duced slide,Bunkhouse style, Fleetwood Wilderness NOTICE Deduction U N I T ED unit, $550 mo.+ $635 An real estate adver$15,250. 541-546-6133 sleeps 7-8, excellent 36', 2005, 4 s l ides, BREAST C A NCER dep. 1326 SW O btised here in is sub- Harley Davidson Softcondition, $1 6 ,900, rear bdrm, fireplace, F OUNDATION P r o s idian, Avail Feb. 1 . ject to t h e F e deral Tail D e luxe 2 0 0 7 , CAN'T BEAT THIS! 1/3 interest i n w e l l- viding 541-390-2504 AC, W/D hkup beauMammo541-728-6421. F air H o using A c t , white/cobalt, w / pas- L ook before y o u equipped IFR Beech Bo- grams Free tiful u n it! $ 3 0,500. & Breast Canbuy, below market nanza A36, new 10-550/ cer Redmond's newest low which makes it illegal senger kit, Vance & Info. prop, located KBDN. i ncome hous i n g to advertise any pref- Hines muffler system value! Size & mile830 888-785-9788 age DOES matter! erence, limitation or $65,000. 541-419-9510 project has an acces8 kit, 1045 mi., exc. (PNDC) Rooms for Rent s ible 3 b d r m u n i t discrimination based c ond, $19,9 9 9 , Class A 32' HurriExecutive Hangar cane by Four Winds, available. Call on race, color, reli541-389-9188. at Bend Airport 2007. 12,500 mi, all Studios & Kitchenettes 541-504-7786. EHO gion, sex, handicap, amenities, Ford V10, Sprinter 272RLS, 2009 (KBDN) Furnished room, TV w/ Harley Heritage Automotive Parts, familial status or na60' wide x 50' deep, Service & Accessories Softail, 2003 Ithr, cherry, slides, cable, micro 8 fridge. Where can you find a 29', weatherized, like K omfort 25' 2 0 06, 1 tional origin, or intenw/55' wide x 17' high like new! New low Utils & linens. New $5,000+ in extras, n ew, f u rnished 8 slide, AC, TV, awning. tion to make any such helping hand? bi-fold door. Natural 4 studded tires, good owners. $145-$165/wk $2000 paint job, price, $54,900. ready to go, incl Wine- NEW: tires, converter, preferences, l i mitaFrom contractors to 541-548-5216 541-382-1885 30K mi. 1 owner, ard S a tellite dish,batteries. Hardly used. gas heat, office, bath- cond, P 2 1 5/70R-15 tions or discrimination. For more information room. Parking for 6 26,995. 541-420-9964 $15,500. 541-923-2595 yard care, it's all here We will not knowingly 631 please call G ulfstream Sce n i c c ars. A d jacent t o $100. 541-270-8294 accept any advertisin The Bunetin's 541-385-8090 Condo/Townhomes Frontage Rd; g reat Cruiser 36 ft. 1999, ing for r eal e state We Buy Junk "Call A Service or 209-605-5537 Cummins 330 hp die- fii • .. g visibility for a viation for Rent Cars 8 Trucks! which is in violation of bus. 1jetjock@q.com sel, 42K, 1 owner, 13 Professional" Directory this law. All persons HD Screaming Eagle Cash paid for junk 541-948-2126 in. kitchen slide out, Hospital Area, NE Bend vehicles, batteries 8 are hereby informed Electra Glide 2005, new tires,under cover, Clean, quiet, awesome 648 103" motor, two tone that an dwellings adPiper A rcher 1 9 8 0, catalytic converters. hwy. miles only,4 door Weekend Warrior Toy townhouse! 2 m a ster Serving all of C.O.! vertised are available candy teal, new tires, Houses for based in Madras, alHauler 28' 2007, Gen, MONTANA 3585 2008 f ridge/freezer ice bedrooms, 2y~ baths, an on an equal opportu- 23K miles, CD player Call 541-408-1090 ways hangared since Rent General fuel station, exc cond. exc. cond., 3 slides, maker, W/D combo, kitchen appliances, nity basis. The Bunehydraulic clutch, exnew. New annual, auto king bed, Irg LR, Arc Interbath t ub & sleeps 8, black/gray washer/dryer hook-up, tin Classified cellent condition. pilot, IFR, one piece tic insulation, all opRented your propgarage w/opener. Gas shower, 50 amp pro- i nterior, u se d 3X , Highest offer takes it. windshield. Fastest ArAntique & tions $37,500. erty? The Bulletin heat & air. $695/mo + pane gen & m ore! $24,999. 541-480-8080. cher around. 1750 to541-420-3250 541-389-9188 Classifieds Classic Autos deposit. S/W/G paid. NO $55,000. FOR SALE tal t i me . $6 8 ,500. has an "After Hours" DOGS. 541-382-2033 541-948-2310 870 Nuyya 297LK H i tch- 541-475-6947, ask for '55 Chevy 2 dr . wgn Line. Call Looking for your When buying a home, 634 Boats & Accessories Hiker 2007, 3 slides, Rob Berg. 541-383-2371 24 P ROJECT car, 3 5 0 83% of Central next employee? 32' touring coach, left Apt./Multiplex NE Bend small block w/Weiand hours to T-Hangar for rent Place a Bulletin help Oregonians turn to 13' Smokercraff '85, kitchen, rear lounge, a cei o ad . ' dual quad tunnel ram c~ at Bend airport. wanted ad today and many extras, beautiful Call 3B/2B, range, fridge, w/d good cond., 15Hp with 450 Holleys. T-10 541-382-8998. reach over 60,000 Rent /Own c ond. inside 8 o u t , Serving Central Oregon wnre 19D3 4-speed, 12-bolt posi, cable & inte r net, gas Evinrude + readers each week. $32,900 OBO, Prinevfenced yard. All utili- 3 bdrm, 2 bath homes Weld Prostar whls, Minnkota 44 elec. Your classified ad Call 541-385-5809 to ine. 541-447-5502 days $2500 down, $750 mo. extra rolling chassis + ties included. $1250. Trucks 8 motor, fish finder, 2 Immaculate! will also appear on & 541-447-1641 eves. OAC. J and M Homes place your extras. $6000 for all. 541-317-1879 Beaver Coach Marquis bendbunetin.com Heavy Equipment Real Estate ad. extra seats, trailer, 40' 541-548-5511 541-389-7669. 1987. New cover, which currently re8 GREAT WINTER 4 extra equip. $2900. new paint (2004), new 658 ceives over 1.5 mil750 541-388-9270 DEAL! inverter (2007). Onan i lion page views evHouses for Rent 2 bdrm, 1 bath, Redmond Homes 6300 watt gen, 111K mi, ery month at no $530 8 $540 w/lease. Redmond 17' 1984 Chris Craft parked covered $35,000 extra cost. Bulletin Carports included! 1921 Model T obo. 541-419-9859 or - Scorpion, 140 HP Classifieds Get Re541-280-2014 FOX HOLLOW APTS. Eagle Crest - R esort Looking for your next inboard/outboard, 2 Delivery Truck Pilgrim 27', 2007 5th sults! Call 385-5809 emp/oyee? side. B e h in d the depth finders, trollwheel, 1 s lide, AC, Diamond Reo Dump Restored & Runs (541) 383-3152 or place your ad Place a Bulletin help gates. Beautiful & well ing motor, full cover, Cascade Rental TV,full awning, excel- Truck 19 7 4, 1 2 -14 $9000. on-line at wanted ad today and maintained. EZ - L oad t railer, lent shape, $23,900. yard box, runs good, Management. Co. 541-389-8963 bendbulletin.com reach over 60,000 • 2100 sq.ft., 3/2.5, OBO. 541-350-8629 $3500 $6900, 541-548-6812 readers each week. Call for Specials! Reverse living. Large 541-382-3728. Limited numbers avail. Your classified ad garageXworkshop. Hot will also appear on 1, 2 and 3 bdrms. tub. $1400/mo. Lease Monaco Dynasty 2004, W/D hookups, patios bendbulletin.com option. $365,000. loaded, 3 slides, die~ I t t t' which currently reor decks. • 2400 sq.ft. 10th fairsel, Reduced - now ceives over MOUNTAIN GLEN, way. 3/3.5+ den, $119,000, 5 4 1-9231.5 minion page 541-383-9313 Large 2 car garage. 8572 or 541-749-0037 views every month Professionally Views. $1450/mo. at no extra cost. managed by Norris & 18.5' '05 Reinell 185, V-6 $395,000. OWNER Bulletin Classifieds Stevens, Inc. II II CARRY W/ DOWN. Volvo Penta, 270HP, Get Results! gIP//w Rent incl. water & use low hrs., must see, SUBSIDIZED UNITS Call 385-5809 or of amenities. Sec/ II I I Studio, 1 8 2 bedroom $15,000, 541-330-3939 II I' I ad on-line 62 & over dep. 5 4 1-923-0908, place your at 1 1 t l t | t l t I I I 541-480-7863 and/or Disability. Southwind 35.5' Triton, I bendbulletin.com Multi-Family Housing/ 2008,V10, 2 slides, Du687 Project-based. s a l' i I pont UV coat, 7500 mi. 20.5' 2004 Bayliner I I I I Commercial for Greenwood Manor Apts Bought new at 771 205 Run About, 220 ' il I I r I 2248 NE 4th St. $132,913; Rent/Lease HP, V8, open bow, Lots Bend, OR 97701 asking $93,500. exc. cond., very fast I I II I 541-389-2712 Call 541-419-4212 Spectrum professional (2) Bend City lots, 2851 f / ( w/very low hours, 'I ' ' i ' I i ss TDD 800-735-2900 building, 3 5 0 ' -500',8 2857 Huettl St., off lots of extras incl. www.gres.com I II I I $1.00 per ft. total. No I I Butler Mkt. An utils under tower, Bimini & Equal Housing g7 N NN. C a l l A nd y , round $89,900 for both. custom trailer, ~~~ Opportunity I ' 'I ee 541-385-6732. an Ron, 541-206-7995 $19,500. Apt./Multiplex Redmond

Homes for Sale

Call 541-385-5809 •

The Bulletin


The Bulletin

tg j~i.I.






Apt./Multiplex NW Bend


Manufactured/ Mobile Homes

Nice, quiet, upper level 2 Bdrm, oak cabinets, DW, W/S/G/cable pd, laundry facils. $650mo $500 dep. No smkg. 541-383-2430 Small studio close to library, an util. pd. $550, $525 dep. No pets/ smoking. 541-330-


FACTORY SPECIAL New Home, 3 bdrm, $46,500 finished on your site. J and M Homes 541-548-5511


Q ©Q ©O 20.5' Seaswirl Spyder 1989 H.O. 302, 285 hrs., exc. cond., stored indoors for life $11,900 OBO.

362HP V10, 10K mi., mint cond., $110,000.


Homes for Sale Just bought a new boat? Ads published in the Sell your old one in the "Boats" classification BANK OWNED HOMES! classifieds! Ask about our include: Speed, fishFREE List w/Pics! Super Seller rates! Apt./Multiplex SE Bend ing, drift, canoe, • www. BendRepos.com 541-385-5809 bend and beyond real estate house and sail boats. A STUNNING 20967 yeoman, bend or For all other types of LOT MODEL 2 BDRM/$625 watercraft, please see LIQUIDATION 61545 Parrell Road Class 875. Get your Prices Slashed Huge Classy new exterior. 541-385-5809 Savings! Full WarranSmall quiet complex business ties, Finished on your completely new intesite. 541-548-5511 rior upgraded with Servng Cencral Oreqon s nce 1903 JandMHomes.com decorator touches. a ROWI N G GENERATE SOME exNew kitchen cabinets Own your own home for citement in your neigand granite counterwith an ad in less t ha n r e n ting. borhood. Plan a gatops, an new applirage sale and don't The Bulletin's Centrally located in ances, large master Madras. In- h ouse forget to advertise in "Call A Service with 3 closets. Private financing opt i o ns classified! 385-5809. patio. Includes w/s/g. Professional" available. Call now at NO SMOKING/PETS. Directory 541-475-2291 Call 541-633-0663 Serving Central Oregon since 1903

The Bulletin

The Bulletin

Find exactly what you are looking for in the CLASSIFIEDS

Winnebago Suncruiser34' 2004, only 34K, loaded, too much to list, ext'd warr. thru 2014, $54,900 Dennis, 541-589-3243




/f 8

0/xy ' GQ@/ ' Dra6, 8/ / 7A. • Sg< Bf/ «. ~ i ' fB 097 D











TOWNHASTOOFFER FrOm itSheritage to the artS, there'S

something for everyone inRedmond. 1'

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Sisters Magazine honorsthe uniquenessofthis mountaintown.


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g W innebago Ita s c a Sundancer 26' 1987, 51K mi., exc. cond. $8000. 541-419-9251

v er in an I ci c ensin . O8O




' ~85.p ~r ryev ~l/I/g 83y+ Brg +iry fr IUB ~rfe D dy)g "rrip

igE '


9769 or 541-480-7870

y, , ' 4 / f 6+/g


Winnebago 30A Sightseer 2012, 31 ft., an options, 2 sli d es,

The Bulletin




Sisters Magazine is the area's foremost resource for events, activities, artists and businesses that make up the backbone of this small mountain town. In the coming year, each editjon will highlight Sisters' events that draw thousands to the area.

Allg dtx % 51CIISCEMStRIS EHBI %

W HEN TO LOOK FOR IT: pudlishing four editions ayear

Fridays. March 29 (My OwnTwo Hands), May 24 (Sisters Rodeo), June 28 (Sisters Outdoor Quilt Show), August 23 (September in Sisters), November 15 (A Cowboy Christmas)










BOATS & RVs 805 - Misc. Items 850 - Snowmobiles 860 - Motorcycles And Accessories 865 - ATVs 870 - Boats & Accessories 875 - Watercraft 880 - Motorhomes 881 - Travel Trailers 882 - Fifth Wheels 885 - Canopies and Campers 890- RVsfor Rent

AUTOS &TRANSPORTATION 908 - Aircraft, Parts and Service 916- Trucks and Heavy Equipment 925 - Utility Trailers 927 - Automotive Trades 929 - Automotive Wanted 931 - Automotive Parts, Service and Accessories 932- Antique and Classic Autos 933 - Pickups 935- Sport Utility Vehicles 940 - Vans 975 - Automobiles 932


Antique & Classic Autos

Sport Utility Vehicles

Chev 1994 G20 customized van, 1 2 8k, 3 50 motor, HD t o w e quipped, seats 7 , sleeps 2. comfort, utility road ready, nice cond. $4000?Trade for Honda Civic LX Coupe Mazda Mazda3 2006, mini van. Call Bob, 2006, 5 speed, low 5 spd, alloys, tinted 541-318-9999 miles. Vin ¹ 5 7 8725 windows, clean. Vin¹ 505829. Was Chevy Lumina 1 9 95 Was $11,999. Now $10,999. Now $8788. 7 -pass. v a n wit h $8,988. p ower c h a i r lif t , S UBA R U . S UB ARU. BUBARUCFBEND CCM $1500; 1989 Dodge Turbo Van 7 - pass.2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 has new motor and Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354 t rans., $1500. I f i nterested c a l l Ja y


Ford Windstar 1996 Mini Van, 173K, no air, 3 seats, room galore! Dependable, road-ready to anyplace, even Tumalo! All this for $1500really! 541-318-9999

Ford Expedition Bauer Edition 2000,


HertZGarSales Jeep Comanche, 1990, original owner, 167K, 4WD, 5-spd, tags good till 9/2015, $4500 obo. 541-633-7761



TURN THE PAGE For More Ads The Bulletin BMW 328i, 1998, sunroof, white/grey interior, all electric, auto trans, c lean, 1 6 8,131 m i , $3200. 541-419-6176


ilj@ ~SU B A R U .


2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 Dlr ¹0354

Take care of your investments with the help from The Bulletin's "Call A Service Professional" Directory

Mini Cooper 2006, 41K, all black. 5 speed, heated seats. Stability and climate control. Studded tires on rims. $10,500 541-389-9819






tg (4K!


HertZGar Sales


FORD F1 50 XL 2005. This truck can haul it all! Extra Cab, 4x4, and 8 tough VS engine will gst I GOLDENRETRIEVERPUPPIES, ' QLIAINTCABIN ON 10 ACRES!I I Modern amenitiesandall thequiet I We are three adorable, bi I loving the job done on the ranch puppies looking for 8 caring ,'you will need. Room to grow in,' home. Please call right away. ,'your own little paradise!Callnow.,'



¹1 52582.................$1 9,777

2010Nissan Maxima AT, Leather, 3.5 Lrr V6, CVT Transmission


2007 Toyota F-J Cruiser AT, 4WD, 45K Low Miles, Nicely Equipped


2012 Nissan Juke AWD You Goua seeThis one! ¹118115.................$23,995

2008 Jeep Wrangler UnlimitedX

AT, Hardtop, 4x4, low miles, 28k


2012 Hyundai Tucson LTD AWD AT with FactoryWarranty


2012 Chevy Equinox SLT

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AWD, Ar, V-s, Back-upCamera ¹1 8788?.................$24,995

2012 Subaru Outback 2.5 premium AT,Awu ¹217592 .............. $26,259

200S Mercedes-Benz M-CIBSS 3.8 Liter, Loaded, Low Miles ¹435853A ............ $27,777

2011 Nissan Armada Nicely Equipped, AT

Awu vL887848......$35,995

'. ass'i ie s To place your ad, visit www.bendbulletirhcom or 541-385-5809

Automobi l e s

Looking for your

Roller (no engine),

next employee? lowered, full roll cage, 5-pt harnesses, rac- Place a Bulletin help and place an ad towanted ad today and ing seats, 911 dash & dayl reach over 60,000 instruments, d e cent Ask about our shape, v e r y c o ol! readers each week. "Wheel Deal"! Your classified ad $1699. 541-678-3249 for private party will also appear on advertisers bendbulletin.com which currently receives over 1.5 million page views every month at no extra cost. BulleScion XB Sport Wagon Look at: tin Classifieds 2006, MP3 , t i n t ed Bendhomes.com Get Results! Call windows, very clean. 385-5809 or place for Complete Listings of V in¹ 0 6 0267. W a s your ad on-line at Area Real Estate for Sale $11,999. Now $8688 bendbuiietin.com

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2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354

$16,000. 541-788-0427

Pontiac Grand Prix 2006, great family car. Vin ¹97525A

Toyota Camrys: 1984, $1200 obo; 1985 SOLD; 1986 parts car, $500. Call for details, 541-548-6592


HeftZ Gar Sales OF REND

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Mitsubishi 3 00 0 GT 1999, a uto., p e a rl w hite, very low m i . $9500. 541-788-8218.

Toyota Camry SE 2002, auto, FWD, clean. Vin ¹82479A



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The Bulletin

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Need help fixing stuff?


In The Bulletin's print and online Classifieds,

PORSCHE 914 1974,

Vehicle? Call The Bulletin

Hyundai Accent GL S Mazda Mazda3i Sport 2012, Keyless entry, 2010, Auto, low miles, low mi. Vin¹ 087539. clean. Vin¹ 2 3 9812. Was $16,999. Now Was $14,999. Now Nissan Sentra, 2012$14,488. 12,610 mi, full warranty, $12,488 PS, PB, AC,B more! S UBA R U .


Show Your Stuff. Sell Your Stuff.




PROJECT CARS:Chevv 2-dr FB 1949-(SOLD) & Ford Freestyle S E L, BMW 740 IL 1998 orig Chevy Coupe 1950 2006, V6, AWD, AT, AC, o wner, exc. c o n d Hyundai Ei antra L t d rolling chassis's $1750 front & side airbags, 25 101k miles, new tires 2012, Loaded, auto, ea., Chevy 4-dr 1949, mpg, 3rd row seating, loaded, sunroof. leather. Vin¹ 271938 M complete car, $ 1949; pwr Ithr seats, multi-CD, $9500. 541-706-1897 Was $22,999. Now My Little Red Corvette Chevy Wagon 1957, Cadillac Series 61 1950, traction control, new tires 1996 coupe. 132K, $19,488. Qo 4-dr., complete, 2 dr. hard top, complete & brks, maintained ex~ 26-34 mpg. 350 auto S UBA R U . $7,000 OBO, trades, w/spare f r on t cl i p .,t remely well, runs & MorePixatBendbulletin.com $12,500 541-923-1781 $3950, 541-382-7391 drives exlnt,148K hwy mi, please call 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 541-389-6998 $7200. 541-604-4166 Call The Bulletin At 877-266-3821 Dlr ¹0354 541-385-5809 Chrysler 300 C o upe ~IH I II~ M~ 1967, 44 0 e n g ine, Place Your Ad Or E-Mail QL auto. trans, ps, air, At: www.bendbulletin.ccm frame on rebuild, reBMW Z4 Roadster painted original blue, 933 2005, 62K miles, ex•IF original blue interior, vsa GMC Envoy 2002 4WD cellent cond. $14,000. Pickups original hub caps, exc. 541-604-9064 $6,450. Loaded, chrome, asking $9000 Leather, Heated Hyundai Sonata GLS Buick Lucerne CXL 1000 or make offer. seats, Bose sound 2012, auto, low miles. 541-385-9350 2009, $12,500, low system. Ext. roof rack V in¹ 3 2 2715. W a s Legal Notices low miles; 2003 LeNow (218) 478-4469 $17,999. Sabre, $4000. You'll $16,488. LEGAL NOTICE not find nicer Buicks IN THE C I RCUIT S UBA R U . One look's worth a Ford 250 XLT 1990, Chrysler SD 4-Door thousand words. Call 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend COURT FOR THE 6 yd. dump bed, S TATE O F OR 1930, CD S Royal Bob, 541-318-9999. 139k, Auto, $5500. 877-266-3821 EGON IN AND FOR Standard, 8-cylinder, for an appt. and take a 541-410-9997 Dlr ¹0354 THE COUNTY OF body is good, needs drive in a 30 mpg car! DESCHUTES, some r e s toration, FORD RANGER XLT Honda CR-V EX 2005, W ELLS FAR G O runs, taking bids, 1995 Ext. cab 2WD 5 moon roof, tow pkg, CHECK YOUR AD BANK, N.A., its suc541-383-3888, speed, with car alarm, alloys. Vin¹ 0 4 7942 Please check your ad cessors in interest 541-81 5-331 8 CD player, extra tires w as $ 12999, N o w on the first day it runs and/or ass i gns, on rims. Runs good. $8988. to make sure it is corPlaintiff, v. DAYNA Clean. 92,000 miles S UB A R U . rect. Sometimes in- Hyundai Sonata GLS L. DOOMS; THEo n m o tor. $ 2 6 00 D. OBO. 541-771-6511. 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend s tructions over t h e 2012,auto, low miles. ODORE phone are misunder- V in¹ 3 2 1163. W a s DOOMS; AND OC877-266-3821 stood and an e rror $17,999. OF THE Dlr ¹0354 Now CUPANTS can occur in your ad. $16,488 PREMISES, DefenIf this happens to your d ants. Case No. Jeep Wrangler 4x4, FIAT 1800 1978, 5-spd, ad, please contact us S UBA RU. 1 2CV0951. S U M nternational Fla t 1997 6-cyl, soft top, BUBMIUDFBRBD CCM door panels w/flowers IBed Pickup 1963, 1 the first day your ad 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend MONS BY PUBLIroll bar, front tow 8 hummingbirds, appears and we will C ATION. TO T H E ton dually, 4 s p d. bar, new tires, white soft top & hard 877-266-3821 be happy to fix it as DEFENDANTS: trans., great MPG, chrome rims, 103K top. Just reduced to Dlr ¹0354 s oon as w e c a n . THEODORE D. could be exc. wood miles, gd cond, $3,750. 541-317-9319 Deadlines are: WeekDOOMS: I n the hauler, runs great, $5700 obo. or 541-647-8483 Kia Optima EX 2004 days 12:00 noon for name of the State of new brakes, $1950. 541-504-3253 or 2.7L V6, all power 541-419-5480. next day, Sat. 11:00 O regon, you a r e 503-504-2764 options, moonroof, a.m. for Sunday; Sat. hereby required to spoiler, leather, In12:00 for Monday. If appear and answer finity AM/FM/CD/ we can assist you, the complaint filed cassette, alloys, please call us: against you in the Michelin & studded 541-385-5809 above-entitled Court tires, reg. maint., The Bulletin Classified a nd cause o n o r Ford Gaiaxie 500 1963, $7950. (in Bend) before the expira2 dr. hardtop,fastback, 760-71 5-9123 tion of 30 days from 390 vs,auto, pwr. steer & RAM 2500 2003, 5.7L Porsche Cayenne 2004, the date of the first radio (orig),541-419-4989 hemi V8, hd, auto, cruise, 86k, immac, dealer p ublication of t h is am/fm/cd. $8400 obro. maint'd, loaded, now HertZGar Sal e s Ford Mustang Coupe 541-420-3634/390-1285 $17000. 503-459-1580 summons. The date OF BEND 1966, original owner, of first publication in V8, automatic, great 935 this matter is JanChrysler Sebring 2006 I shape, $9000 OBO. Sport Utility Vehicles a ury 18, 2013. I f Fully loaded, exc.cond, 530-515-8199 you fail timely to apvery low miles (38k), 2000 Ford Expediti pear and answer, Toyota 4Runner SR5 always garaged, Eddie Bauer,loaded plaintiff will apply to 2011 29,553 mi. transferable warranty ¹812704.............. $6I295 Ford Ranchero the a b ove-entitled ¹042626. $31,988 Toyota 4Runner Ltd 2003 incl. $8100 obo 2002 Toyota Camry SE 1979 court for the relief V8, tow pkg., Ithr, loaded. 541-848-9180 Auto, FWO, Cl ean with 351 Cleveland p rayed for i n i t s 107K miles, exclnt cond. ¹082479A ............ $7,499 modified engine. complaint. This is a original owner. $12,500 Oregon 199S Toyota Tacoma 4x4 Body is in 541-788-4229 judicial foreclosure ArgteSource excellent condition, One Owner, Won'I Last of a deed of trust in Toyota Tacoma 541-598-3750 ¹098724 ..............$8,995 $2500 obo. which the p laintiff aaaoregonautosource.com 1998, 4x4, 541-420-4677 2006 Pontiac Grand Prix r equests that t h e one owner, won't last. Great Family Car plaintiff be allowed g44'm". Vin ¹098724 to f oreclose your Honda Civic EX Coupe ¹297525A ............$8,995 $8,995 Ford T-Bird 1966 2007, Auto, l o aded, 2011 Hyundai Accent GLS interest in the fol4-OrSedan,AT,SuperFuelSaver lowing d e s cribed 390 engine, power low mi. Vin¹ 529501. everything, new real property: LOT OF BEND W as $13,988. N o w ¹615414 ............ $11,777 2010 Ford Focus 4-Dr paint, 54K original 5 1, B LOCK G G , $11,888 541-647-2822 miles, runs great, Sedan SEAT, Ac, Loaded DESCHUTES Buick Enclave 2008 CXL HertzBend.com f@ SU B A R U . excellent cond. in & ¹272861...........$11,995 R IVER W O O DS , AWD, V-6, black, clean, DLR4821 out. Asking $8,500. DESCHUTES m echanicall y sound, 82k 2060 NE Hwy 20 • Bend 2010 Chevy Cobalt1LT 541-480-3179 4-Dr Sedan, AT, PL, PW, CO, COUNTY, O Rmiles. $20,995. 877-266-3821 Call 541-815-1216 Skip the Pumps EGON. Commonly Dlr ¹0354 ¹224788........... $11,995 known as: 6 0 491 Chevy Tahoe LS 2001 I roquois Circ l e , 2011 Chevy Aveo Just too many 4x4. 120K mi, Power Chevy Astro AT, fuel saver, 2 LI B end, Oreg o n seats, Tow Pkg, 3rd collectibles? Cargo Van 2001, ¹1 89820. 9 7702-8925. NO.$11,995 row s eating, e x tra pw, pdl, great cond., TICE TO D E FEN2012 Nissan Versa 4-Dr tires, CD, prNacy tintbusiness car, well Sell them in DANTS: REA D Sedan ing, upgraded rims. maint'd, regular oil THESE P A P E RS GMC EFgton 1971, Only Ar w/cvT,Ac,pw,pL The Bulletin Classifieds Fantastic cond. $7995 changes, $4500. CAREFULLY! A ¹816523 ............. $1 3,995 $19,700! Original low Contact Tim m at Please call l awsuit has b e e n mile, exceptional, 3rd 541-408-2393 for info 2012 Chevy Impala LT 541-633-5149 541-385-5809 started against you AT, V-6, Roof, Loaded owner. 951-699-7171 or to view vehicle. in th e a b ove-en¹115742.............$15,777 titled court by Wells 2010 Subaru Forester Fargo Bank, N.A., 2.5X, AT, AWD plaintiff. P l a intiff's ¹795497.................$1 8,759 claims are stated in 2007 Chevy Tahoe LS t he w r itten c o m1500 Nicely equipped


Auto m o biles

ig® S UBA R U .


541-647-2822 HertzBend.com

Ford Explorer 4x4, 1991 - 154K miles, Chevy C-20 Pickup Plymouth B a r racuda rare 5-speed tranny 1969, all orig. Turbo 44 1966, original car! 300 8 manual hubs, auto 4-spd, 396, model hp, 360 V8, centerclean, straight, evCST /all options, orig. lines, (Original 273 eryday driver. Was owner, $22,000, eng & wheels incl.) $2200; now $1900! 541-923-6049 541-593-2597 Bob, 541-318-9999


Loaded. Vin ¹B12704

1966 GMC, 2nd owner, too many extras to list, $8500 obo. Serious buyers only. 541-536-0123


Call A Service Professional

n Say Ugoodbuy

Porsche 911 1974, low find the help you need. to that unused mi., complete motor/ item by placing it in trans. rebuild, tuned www.bendbulletin.com suspension, int. & ext. Toyota Corolla 2004, The Bulletin Classifieds refurb., oi l c o o ling, auto., loaded, 204k shows new in & out, miles. orig. owner, non perf. m ech. c o n d. smoker, exc. c o nd. 5 41-385-580 9 Much more! $6500 Prin e ville $28,000 541-420-2715 503-358-8241


Legal Notices the Portland metro-

p olitan area) o r toll-free elsewhere in Oregon at (800) 452-7636. This

summons is issued pursuant to ORCP 7. ROUTH CRABTREE OLSEN, P.C., By Step h anie S chilling, OS B ¹ 104942, Attorneys for Plaintiff, 511 SW 10th Ave., Ste. 400, Portland, OR 97205, Phone: (503) 9 77-7840; Fa x 4 25-623-1937, s s -

chilling O rcolegal.co m LEGAL NOTICE NOTICE OF ELECTION OF DISTRICT BOARD MEMBERS Deschutes Public Library District Notice is hereby given that on Tuesday, May 21, 2013, an election will be held for t he purpose of e lecting two board members to fill the following positions and terms, including any vacancy which may exist on t he board o f D e s chutes Public Library District. One Director, Zone 2, 4-year term, Precincts 11, 13, 14, 15, 19, 20, 22, 30, 34, 37, 41, 45 and 49

One Director, Zone 3, 4-year term, Precincts 5, 10, 16, 23, 24, 38, 39, 40, 42, 47, and 50

Legal Notices

Legal Notices

claim document with forfeiture cou n sel n amed below is 2 1 days from the last day of publication of this notice. Where to file a claim and for more i nformation: Da i n a Vitolins, Crook County District Attorney Office, 300 N E T h i rd Street, Prineville, OR

t he f i rs t o f eac h month, for the months of July 2012 through October 2012; plus late charges and ad-

Notice of reasons for Forfeiture: The property described below was seized for forfeiture because it: (1) Constitutes the proceeds of the violation of, solicitation to violate, attempt to violate, or conspiracy to violates, the criminal laws of the State of Oregon regarding the manufacture, distribution, or possession of controlled substances (ORS Chapter 475); and/or (2) Was used or intended for use in committing or f acilitating the violation of, solicitation to violate, attempt to violate, or conspiracy to violate the criminal laws of the State of Oregon regarding the manufacture, distribution or possession of c o ntrolled su b stances (ORS Chapter 475). IN THE MATTER OF: (1) U S Currency in the amo u n t of $ 1,885.00, sei z e d 12/13/12 from Aaron B. Roth. (2) U.S. Currency i n the amount of $1,015.00, s eized 8/1/12 f r o m Lisa Lammers and $ 1 221.00 sei z e d 8/3/12 from Todd Linville.

herein is: P r i ncipal balance in the amount of $52,946.77; plus interest at the rate of 7.875% per a nnum from June 1, 2012; plus late charges of $80.55; p l u s advances and foreclosure attorney fees and costs. 6.SALE OF PROPERTY. The Trustee hereby states that the property will be sold to satisfy the obligations secured by t he Trust Deed. A Trustee's Notice of Default and Election to Sell Under Terms of Trust Deed has been recorded in the O fficial Records o f Deschutes C o u nty, Oregon. 7. TIME OF SALE. Date:March 7, 2013. Time:11:00 a.m. Place: Deschutes County Courthouse, 1 1 6 4 NW Bond Street, Bend, Oregon. 8.RIGHT TO REINSTATE. Any person named in ORS 86.753 has the right, at any time that is not later than five days before the T r ustee conducts the sale, to have this foreclosure d ismissed and t h e Trust Deed reinstated b y payment to t h e Beneficiary of the entire amount then due, other than such portion of the principal as would not then be due had no default occurred, by curing any other default that is c apable o f bei n g cured by tendering the performance required under the obligation or T rust Deed and b y paying all costs and expenses actually incurred in enforcing the obligation and Trust Deed, together with t he t r ustee's a n d a ttorney's fees n o t exceedingthe amount provided i n ORS 8 6.753. Y o u ma y reach th e O r e gon State Bar's L awyer Referral Service at 503-684-3763 or toll-free in Oregon at 800-452-7636 or you may visit its website at: w w w .osbar.org. Legal assist ance may b e available if y o u have a low income and meet federal pove rty guidelines. F o r more information and a directory of legal aid programs, g o to http://www.oregonlawhelp.org. Any questions regarding this matter should be directed to Lisa Summers, Paralegal, (541) 686-0344 (TS ¹15148.30809). DATED: October 15, 2012. /s/ Nancy K. Cary. Nancy K. Cary, Successor T r ustee, H ershner Hun t e r, LLP, P.O. Box 1475, Eugene, OR 97440.


vances; plus any unpaid real p r operty taxes or liens, plus interest. 5.AMOUNT DUE. T h e a m ount due on the Note which i s secured b y t h e Trust Deed referred to

The election will be conducted by m a i l. Each candidate for an office listed a b ove must file a declaration of candidacy or petition for n omination for office with the LEGAL NOTICE County Clerk of DesNOTICE chutes County, Or- TRUSTEE'S OF SALE egon, not later than The Trustee under the the 61st day before the date of the regu- terms of t h e T r ust desc r i bed lar district e lection. Deed Candidates must be a herein, at the direction of the Beneficiary, registered voter in the z one an d w i l l b e hereby elects to sell elected by zone. The t he p r o perty de filing deadline is 5 pm scribed in the Trust Deed to satisfy the on March 21, 2013. Filing forms are avail- obligations s e cured able at the Deschutes thereby. Pursuant to County Clerk's office, ORS 86.745, the fol1300 NW Wall Street, lowing information is Suite 202, Bend, Or- provided: 1.PARTIES: R. egon 97701 and on- Grantor:WARREN AND line a t www . des- GARRISON BEVERLEY J. GARchutes.org/clerk. RISON. Trus t ee: p laint, a c opy o f which was filed with LEGAL NOTICE FIRST A M E RICAN the a b ove-entitled NOTICE OF SEIZURE TITLE COMPANY OF C ourt. You mu s t FOR CIVIL DESCHUTES "appear" in this case FORFEITURE TO ALL COUNTY. Successor or the other side will POTENTIAL T rustee: NANCY K . win a u tomatically. CLAIMANTS AND TO CARY. B e neficiary: To "appear" you ALL UNKNOWN WASHINGTON FEDm ust file with t h e PERSONS READ THIS ERAL FK A W A S Hcourt a legal docuCAREFULLY INGTON F EDERAL ment called a UmoSAVINGS. 2.DEtion" or "answer." If you have any interSCRIPTION OF U The "motion" or anest i n t h e s e i zed PROPERTY: The swer" (or "reply") property d e s cribed real property is demust be given to the below, you must claim scribed as follows: Lot court clerk or adthat interest or you will Two (2), Block One ministrator within 30 automatically lose that (1), REPLAT OF A days of the date of interest. If you do not PORTION OF LOT 2, first publ i cation file a c laim for the B LOCK 1 , M E TTS s pecified her e i n property, the property SUB-DIVISION, Desalong with the remay be forfeited even chutes County, Orquired filing fee. It if you are not conegon. 3.RECORDmust be in proper wcted of any cnme. ING. The Trust Deed form and have proof To claim an interest, was recorded as folof service on t he you must file a written lows: Date Recorded: plaintiff's a t t orney claim with the forfeiO ctober 16 , 1 9 9 5 . Recording No.: or, if t h e p l a intiff ture counsel named does not have an below, Th e w r itten 95-36027 / 387-2876 a ttorney, proof o f claim must be signed O fficial Records o f service on the plainby you, sworn to un- Deschutes C o u nty, tiff.lf you have any der penalty of perjury Oregon. 4.DEFAULT. questions, you before a notary public, The Grantor or any should see an attorand state: (a) Your other person o b liney immediately. If true name; (b) The gated on th e T rust address at which you Deed and Promissory USE THE CLASSIFIEDS! you need help in finding an attorney, will a c cept f u t ure Note secured thereby m ailings f ro m th e is in default and the Dccr-to-dcor selhng with you may contact the Oregon State Bar's court and f o rfeiture Beneficiary seeks to fast results! It's the easiest Lawyer Ref e rral c ounsel; and (3) A foreclose the T r ust way in the world tc sell. S ervice online a t s tatement that y o u Deed for f ailure to www.oregonstatehave an interest in the pay: M o nthly pay- The Bulletin Classified bar.org or by calling seized property. Your ments in the amount 541-385-5809 deadline for filing the of $702.00 each, due (503) 684-3763 (in

To cE'Nt'kgT ofEVOI!J EfEN~RT~

QTiR7E' I74i< h


A R T S:Horse photographer Wendy Caro displays art in Bend, PAGE12

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M OV I E S: 'TheLast Stand' and three others open, PAGE24







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Cover photo courtesy Alison Harbaug

Julie Johnson, 541-383-0308 jjohnson Obendbulletin.com

REPORTERS Elise Gross, 541-383-0351 egross@bendbulletin.com David Jasper, 541-383-0349

djasperObendbulletin.com Jenny Wasson, 541-383-0350 jwassonObendbulletin.com



Althea Borck, 541-383-0331 aborckObendbulletin.com

SUBMIT AN EVENT GO! MAGAZINE is published each Friday in The Bulletin. Please submit information at least 10 days before the edition in which it is printed, including the event name, brief description, date, time, location, cost, contact number and a website, if appropriate. Email to: events@bendbulletin.com Fax to: 541-385-5804,

Attn: Community Life U.S. Mail or hand delivery: Community Life, The Bulletin 1777 S.W. Chandler Ave. Bend, OR 97702

ADVERTISING 541-382-1811

•COVER STORY:Cl aire Lynch Band kicks off Winter Concert Series • Anthony B brings reggae to town • Birds of Chicago plays in Sisters • Good Gravy at GoodLife • Volcanic Funk party returns • Red Wanting Blue at McMenamins • Hot Buttered Rum is back • Punk and metal hits The SoundGarden • MCs fill out bill at The Blacksmith • Karrin Allyson at the Oxford • Scott Brockett plays Bend show • Rum Rebellion at the Domino Room



• Dropkick Murphys, Solange, Broadcast andmore

• A listing of upcoming events • Talks and classeslisting



• A review of Mexi-Fresh 8 More in Bend • "The Lost Boy" premieres in Portland • A guide to out of town events 'I

4 Ili 4g



• A preview of "Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon" •W hat's hotonthegaming scene


,L: ~ i

ARTS • 12 • Horse photographer shows at Nancy P's • "Couple Dating" returns at 2nd St. Theater • Art Exhibits lists current exhibits


OUTDOORS • 15 Take advantage of the full line of Bulletin products. Call 541-385-5800. ull


• Great ways to enjoy the outdoors

• Lauren Kershner at Silver Moon • A listing of live music, DJs,karaoke, open mics and more


• "The Last Stand,""Broken City," "Rust and Bone"and "Mama" open inCentral Oregon • "Farewell, My Queen,""The Intouchables," "The Possession,""Taken 2," "ToRome With Love"and "Won't Back Down" are out on Blu-ray and DVD • Brief reviews of movies showing in Central Oregon

• A week full of Central Oregon events

Shour off your little bundle of joy for all the uforld to see in our special edition of...



Do you know a beautiful baby born between

January 1, 20125r December 31, 2012! Send us a p h o t o t o i n c l u d e i n o u r B a b y B o o k , w h i c h w i l l b e p u b l i shed W e d n esday, February 6, 2013 in Th e B u lletin . Just bring in or mail your baby's photo along with the information requested below and a $20, $30 or $40 fee to cover the cost of the baby photo size you choose by Wednesday, January 23rd. Photos will be returned only if accompanied by a self-addressed, stamped envelope.

PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT CLEARLY ONLY THE INFORMATION BELOW: Please do not add additional relatives.

I Baby's Name: / Date of Birth:


30 ~~ ® C,~

~ Parents' Names:

/ Grandparents: sed either (please print baby's name clearly on back of photo)

horizontally or vertica y

/ Phone ¹: L

Mail to: Bulletin Baby Book, Attention: Stacie Oberson, P.O. Box 6020, Bend, OR 97708 or deliver to 1777 SW Chandler Aveu Bend

Samples shown are actual sixe




If h

r.y I,i s

Courtesy Michael Witcher

Claire Lynch, a bluegrass songwriter and leader of the Claire Lynch Band, says a new album is in the works. She will perform Saturday in Sisters.

• Claire Lynch Bandkicks off Sistersfolk fest Winter Concert Series By David Jasper The Bulletin

e live for it," said Claire Lynch, the acclaimed bluegrass artist, songwriter and leader of the Claire Lynch Band. "It's kind of addictive. It's an adrenalin rush. I think, chemically even, we're hooked." Fortunately, the "it" Lynch is talking about is "only" her habit of performing live music.

Even more fortunate: She's on her way to Central Oregon to do just that, play live at Sisters High School auditorium on Saturday (see

"If you go").

Lynch's concert launches Sisters Folk Festival's eighth annual Winter Concert Series. Lynch was born in Kingston, N.Y., where she lived till age 12. But she came to bluegrass by way of Huntsville, Ala., her next home, during the bluegrass revival of the 1970s.

Now, she's a veteran performer who's been plying her trade since the 1970s. She led the Front Porch String Band through 1981 before taking the first of two career breaks in order to raise a family. "The first time was for child number one, and the second (around 2000) was for child number two. The second one, it was getting her through high school," Lynch said. "In my situation, when my kids were young, I was touring with my husband, so both parents" would be away from home. Continued Page 5

If yougo What:Claire Lynch Band When:7 p.m. Saturday, 6:30 doors Where:Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road

Cost:$15, $10 for students, plus service feeand $20, $10for students at the door Contact:www.sistersfolkfestival .org or 541-549-4979




• Liv e-musicoptionsabound MondaythroughThursday

By Ben Salmon •The Bulletin

or many of us, going out to see live music tends to

F be relegatedto the weekend, when next-morning

obligations aren't forcing 9-to-5 types to keep an eye on the clock. Fortunately, the folks who put on shows know this, and they try to stick to Friday and Saturday nights. But next week, Monday through Thursday will be busy, busy, busy on Central Oregon's stages, and the breadth of shows is pretty incredible. So here's a roundup of weeknight shows next week. Start exercising that snoozebutton finger! Monday Mondays are generally the quietest night on any music scene, but next week, the Domino Room will host reggae star Anthony B's return to the region. Born Keith Blair in rural Jamaica, Anthony B has racked up a ton of hitreggae records over the past few decades, most notably "Fire Pon Rome" and "Raid Di Barn." He's not just a hit-maker, though; Blair learned to sing in church, and has always focused his lyrics more on spirituality and social/political injustice than anything else. On Monday, he'll headline a long reggae bill that includes locals Strive Roots and MC Mystic. Anthony B, with Strive Roots, Jagga Culture, Serious De Witness and MC Mystic;9 p.m. Monday; $17 plus fees at www.brownpapertickets .com, $20 at the door; Domino Room, 51 NW. Greenwood Ave., Bend; www.midtownbend.com.

Tuesday Tuesday night brings rootsy/ folksy options to two area towns: • In Sisters, the names JT Nero and Allison Russell aren't headscratchers. Both artists have played the Sisters Folk Festival, Nero with his band the Clouds and Russell with Po' Girl. Together, however, they blend

match voices — into a sound that's a guaranteed smile-maker. Right now, they're touring behind their self-titled album, which the Chicago Sun-Times calleda "woody, groove-laden debut." Birds of C h icago; 7 p .m . Tuesday; $12; The Be lfry, 302 E. Ma in Av e ., S i s ters; w w w .belfryevents.com. • Colorado seems to crank out fusion-bluegrassbands like Bend produces beer. Fort Collins' Good Gravy is no different. They'll bring their jammy string-band rock to GoodLife Brewing Co. (70 SW. Century Drive, Bend) Tuesday. 6p.m. Free.

Wednesday Free, free, free! Free music at both ends of downtown Bend on this eve:

• Local booking j u ggernaut

Gabe Johnson has started up his free Volcanic Funk parties again, and this one will feature the upstate New York funk, soul and hip-hop of Sophistafunk at Liquid Lounge (70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend). You may remember these dudes from their sizzling set at Bend Fall Festival. 9 p.m. Free. • Over at McMenamins Old St. Francis School (700 NW. Bond St., Bend), the Columbus, Ohio band Red Wanting Blue will play its

cozy alt-pop-rock, highlighted by folk, soul, gospel and pop music frontman Scott Terry's perfectly — not to mention their perfect-

gruff, baritone singing voice. Dude

sounds like the MTV Buzz Bin circa 1996 come to life. 7p.m. Free.

Thursday Finally, Thursday is kind of an honorary weekend night, and it shows;there's lots to do here,and something for everyone, stylistically speaking. Check it: • Bay Area-based Hot Buttered Rum is arguably the biggest name in this article, at least in Bend. The five-piece band of progressive jam-grassers have played our little burg many times over the past sev-

eral years, inciting knee-slapping, head-spinning dance riots wher-

ever they plug in. They'll be back Thursday, coming off three sold-out shows in their hometown and a week sailing the seas aboard Jamcruise.Plus they have a new studio album coming out soon, and presumably songs from it that they'd like to play. Expect a loose, upbeat display of acoustic acrobatics. Hot Buttered Rum;9 p.m. Thursday, doors open 8 p.m.; $15 plus fees in advance (ticket outlets listed at the website below), $18 at the door; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., B e nd; w w w .randompresents.com.

Continued next page






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go "Wait, that's really the name of a

accessories by Rescue Consignment, 541 Threads, Rise Up, Homeslice From previous page Chelsea Grin, with I Declare War, and others, plus live music by DJs • There was a time when seriously At The Skylines, Upon This Dawn- Rye and Tramlife, Jamie Houghton, heavy, hardcore punk and metal ing, American Me and Vereh Falls; Stacie Lynn, The Hardchords, Emshows filled local venues on a regu- 7 p.m. Thursday; $10 plus fees in cee Belief, Pat Maine and J-Natural. lar basis. Alas, that scene went fal- advance a t ww w. b r ownpaper The headliner will be veteran underlow for a couple years. tickets.com, $13 at the door; The ground MC Aceyalone from L.A.'s Here's a sign of hope: On Thurs- Sound Garden, 1279 N.E. Second Freestyle Fellowship crew. day, an bunch of supremely loud St., Bend; w w w .thesoundgarden Fabric Check, with Aceyalone, Jbands will take over the relatively studio.com. Natural, Pat Maine, a fashion show mild-mannered S o un d G a r den. • Last but not least, The Blackand more; 8:30 p.m. Thursday; free; Chelsea Grin, a deathcore outfit smith will host "a celebration of The Blacksmith, 211 N.W. Greenfrom Salt Lake City, headlines the Fashion, Music, Spirit" on Thurs- wood Ave.,Bend; 541-318-0588. — Reporter: 541-383-0377, bill, which also includes several day night. The event is called Fabric other bands you can Google and Check 1, and it includes clothes and bsalmon@bendbulletin.com

Claire Lynch From Page 3 Though temporarily retired from the road during her f i rst break, Lynch continued to wr ite songs, which have been recorded by artists including Kathy Mattea, Patty Loveless and Stephanie Davis. The Front Porch String Band returned in 1991 with "Lines and Traces," an album that served as a springboard to Lynch's solo career. A busy decade for Lynch, the '90s saw thereleases "Friends for a Life-


SistersFolkFestival WinterConcertSeries More info (including a ticket

package for all three shows): www.sistersfolkfestival.org Saturday —Claire Lynch Band Feb.15 — Portland Cello Project, with special guest Adam Shearer of Weinland March 20 —Tom Russell

time" (1993), "Moonlighter" (1995) to fund artists. She was one of the and "Silver and Gold" (1997). Lynch seven musicians awarded a grant, received Grammy nominations for the latter two records. Finally, she released "Love Light," which featured members of Front Porch String Band, in 2000. Then she took the second break of her career. On the career comeback trail a few years later, she toured as a backup singer with Dolly Parton, who has called Lynch "one of the sweetest, purest and best lead voices in the music business today." The year 2005 saw the advent of the Claire Lynch Band and a new album, "New Day." Her most recent record is 2009's "Watcha Gonna Do?" These days, her children grown, she toursmore than ever with current bandmates Matt Wingate (guitar, mandolin), Bryan M cDowell

(fiddle) and Mark Schatz (bass) from her home base of Nashville, where she'slived for five years. "The kids are out of the nest, and we're at it full time," she said. "With the changes inthe music industry, the best way to make money is touring." In December, Lynch learned she won a $50,000 unrestrictedgrant, from United States Artists, a coalition of foundations that exists

which in total went to 54 practitioners in such fields as architecture, dance, literature and other fields. To say she was pleasantly surprised is an understatement. "If you call lying on my back and screaming and kicking in the air 'pleasantly surprised,' well then, yeah," she said, chuckling. "What they hope that we do is use it to further the creative process and try to accomplish those things which we can not without the money." It so happens that Lynch is now working on a Christmas project, an album she hopes torelease by the time the season rolls around again. "It'd be nice, if I can get her done,"

REGISTER TODAY ONLINE: .htt p://cocc,edu/continuinged I continuinor call 541.383.7270

"I'm excited about (the Sisters Folk Festival)!

We'vebeen begging them for a job for a lot of years. There's been interest for two, three years now. To have them hire me while

I'm actually (touring) out

K lLD I E S S L , E A R N I N 6

there is great. I'm excited about meeting the people and learning more about the organization."



— Claire Lynch ;; c' „

hood," she said. However, a new album of originals is on its way on her new label, Compass Records, to which she signed after 18 years on Rounder Records. Its working title: "Dear Sister." "Which is sort of hokey, I think," she said, laughing, "but it's the name of a tune that's probably my mostrequested new song. It's a Civil War tune." (It's on YouTube but have a hanky handy. It's a ballad to make

you weep.)

Other than that, she's "delighted" she said. "(The grant) is probably go- to be coming to Sisters. Apparently ing to fuel that." word of Sisters Folk Festival has Don't necessarily buy it expect- reached as far as Nashville. "I'm excited about that!" she said. ing to hear a new Christmas tune "We've been begging them for a job penned by Lynch; Christmas albums of original music don't sell. for a lot of years. There's been interShe learned this business chestnut est for two, three years now. To have from Jim Ed Norman, an iconic pro- them hire me while I'm actually (tourducer in Nashville who's worked on ing) out there is great. I'm excited "a million Christmas albums." about meeting the people and learn"What people want to hear at ing more about the organization. I'm Christmas time is music that stokes just praying for good weather." — Reporter: 548383-0349, their memory and brings up all the

wonderful feelings (from) child-


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Sound Garden hosts •

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• a

e •



concert just for them." Brockett's music is a soulful take on pop-rock, and he cites polished and like-minded artists such as John Mayer, Tyrone Wells, Rob Thomas and Jonny Lang as influences. You can hear a live version of the title track at his w ebsite, www.scottbrocket music.com. Scott Brockett album release, with Court Priday; 7 tonight; $10 (includes CD), $9in advance plus fees at www .bendticket.com; The Sound Garden, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; www.thesoundgardenstudio.com or 541-633-6804. — Ben Salmon

• j

cott Brockett is based in Portland, but he's originally from Central Oregon, and tonight, he'll return to the region to celebrate the release of his new EP, "This Town," with a show at The Sound Garden. Brockett grew u p i n P r i neville and graduated in 2000 from Crook County High School, where he participated heavily in t heater, music and soccer,he wrote in an email. "I ended up being in Bend a ton for those things," he said. "Central Oregon was good to me and thus was a reason why I wanted to honor some of my friends, family, and fans with a

• a

Find YourDream Home In Real Estate • ••

The Bulletin




Jan. 25 —Slightly Stoopid (reggae-rock),Midtown Ballroom, Bend, www. randompresents.com. Jan. 26 —Jackie Greene (folkrock),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.com. Jan. 26 —System and Station (rock),The Horned Hand, Bend, www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. Jan. 26 —The Quick 8 Easy Boys(indie-rock),The Belfry, Sisters, www.belfryevents.com. Jan. 26 —3 Leg Torso(indie), Summit High School, Bend, www.friendsofmusic-shs.org. Jan. 28 —Masters of Motown (soulrevue),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Jan. 31 —Brothers Gow (rock),McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com. Jan. 31 —Matt Hopper 8 The Roman Candles (psychedelic rock),Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, Bend, www. silvermoonbrewing.com Feb. 2 —Earphunk (funk), Liquid Lounge, Bend, www. p44p.biz. Feb. 2 —Sarcalogos (metal), Third Street Pub, Bend, 541-306-3017. Feb. 6 —Excision (dudstep), Midtown Ballroom, Bend, www. randompresents.com. Feb. 6 —The Helio Sequence (indie-rock),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Feb. 6 —World's Finest (reggae-funk),McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com. Feb. 7 —Celtic Crossroads (Irish),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Feb. 8 —ShookTwins (quirky folk),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Feb. 10 —Shawn MuHins(folkrock),Tower Theatre, Bend, www.towertheatre.org. Feb. 12 —Hicki Bluhm It The Gramhlers (country-soul), Liquid Lounge, Bend, www. p44p.biz. Feb. 13 —Iration (alternativereggae),Domino Room, Bend, www.midtowndominoroom.com. Feb. 13 —You, Me 8 Apollo (indie-rock),McMenamins Old St. Francis School, Bend, www. mcmenamins.com. Feb. 14 —Phutureprimitive (electronica),Liquid Lounge, Bend, www.slipmatscience.com.



Jazz continues at the Oxford Hotel

hearinjazz. The Houston Press says it better: "If there's a choir in The Jazz at the Oxford conheaven, someday the exquicert series continues its imsite vocalist Karin A l lyson pressive 2012-13 season this will lead it. She's such an othweekend with three shows by erworldly talent that the creKarrin Allyson. ator probably already has her If you've been to one of on heavy rotation." these, you know that the OxKarrin Allyson; 8 tonight, ford Hotel's shadowy base5 and 8 p.m. Saturday; $49 ment ballroom lends itself plus fees in advance at www. p articularly w el l t o s l o w , b endticket.com (tonight i s slinky, smoldering pieces. sold out); The Oxford Ho The upbeat stuff is great, tel, 10 NW. Minnesota Ave., too, but at the two shows I've Bend; wwwjazzattheox ford. seen (saxophonist B o b by com or 541-382-8436. Watson in 2011, trumpeter Jeremy Pelt late last year), the Aesop Rock concert showstoppers were pinpoint in Bend postponed performances in front of a pin-drop room. Tuesday's scheduled Bend In that light, Allyson may show by A esop Rock h as be the ideal musician to play been postponed after the inthis venue and this series. She die rapper recently suffered a is a stunning vocalist with a rib injury. knack for picking great songs According t o pro m oter to sing and the skill to take Random Presents, the artist them to new levels. Warm has already targeted April 21and rich or icy cool, Allyson's 23 for a return to Bend. Tickvoice is as versatile as you'll ets to Tuesday's show will be






GO! MAGAZINE + PAGE 7 you're looking for, then you should skip church Sunday m orning and r est u p f o r the big show at the Domino Room that night. The headliner is Portlandbased Celtic-folk-punk ri ot act Rum Rebellion, which got its start busking in 2005 and has been a consistent presence in it s h o metown scene. Sunday's show is the final stop on their "Survival of the Drunkest" tour of the

honored at the rescheduled date. Immediate refunds can be had at the point of purchase. For more info, visit www .facebook.com/random presents o r www r a ndom presents.com.

Rum Rebellion plays with Hooligans If it's a night of rugged and d ebaucherous p un k r o c k

West Coast. In Bend, they'll be joined on the bill by High Desert Hooligans, The Kronkmen and Wil d E y e R e volvers. Rowdy! Fun! Rowdy fun! Rum Rebellion, with High Desert Hooligans, The Kronkmen and Wild Eye Revolvers; 7 p.m. Sunday; $5; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Be n d; ww w . m -o-m- Jg p.blogspot.com. — Ben Salmon H

Find It All nline bendbulletin.com

BlackButte Ranch T HER E


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going out Looking for something to do? Check out our listing of live music, DJs, karaoke, open mics and more happening at local nightspots. Find lots more at www.bendbulletin.com/events.


DEMO-POP-ROCKSHOW AT SOUND GARDEN Fansofbuzzyemo-pop-rockdon'thaveatonof

- ~pa

Local pianist and singer-songwriter Lauren Kershner will showcase her debut single, "Snow

chances to take in that kind of music in Central

Oregon. WhichmeanstheyshouldnotskipThe Angel," during a releaseparty next week at Bend's Sound Garden's show on Sunday, when two SoCal Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom. Raised in Central bands roll into town to plug in and pogo into the Oregon, Kershner hasbeensinging and writing wee hours. The bill includes Falling Awake from songssinceshewasyoung;morerecently,she's

• o +g~

Orange County and The Dares from L.A., pictured, both of whom sound like they were raised on a

won a handful of songwriting awards and played all over the region. And she's only 22! Check her

steady diet of Green Day,FooFighters, Jimmy Eat

out Thursday, whensheplans a night of acoustic piano originals and covers, plus CD giveaways and on. Hooks for days and haircuts that make you go, a raffle. And sample "SnowAngel" at Kershner's 'Hmm..." is what we're talking about here. Details website, www.laurenkershner.com. Details below. World, Saves the Day, The Get Up Kids, and on and

i /



— Sen Salmon


728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/t hehornedhand. HANGER52:Rock; 8:30 p.m.; Northside CANAAN CANAAN:Folk-pop; 4 p.m.; Bar & Grill,62860 Boyd Acres Road, Strictly Organic Coffee Co., 6S.W.Bond Bend; 541-383-0889. St., Bend; 541-330-6061. CHIRINGA:Latin dance music; $5; 9 p.m.; DA CHARA DUO:Jazz, Celtic and pop; 6 Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. p.m.; Green PlowCoffee Roasters,436 Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331. S.W. Sixth St., Redmond; 541-516-1128. ROCK N ROLLCOWBOYS: Country-rock; JAZCRU:Jazz; 6:30 p.m.; River Rim SATURDAY 9 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. JAZZ AT THEOXFORD:Featuring Karrin or www.maverickscountrybar.com. SCOTTBROCKETT:Pop-rock;$9-$10; Allyson; $49;5and 8 p.m .;TheOxford THE BLUE TRACKS:Blues, with Harley 6:30 p.m.; TheSound Garden, 1279 N.E. Hotel,10 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Bend; 541Bourbon; 9 p.m.; M & JTavern, 102 N.W. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www. 382-8436 or www.jazzattheoxford.com. Greenwood,Bend;541-389-1410. bendticket.com. (Pg. 6) DEREK MICHAELMARC: Rock;6 p.m.; DJ ATL:10p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. THE PITCHFORKREVOLUTION: Eco Bistro, Bar andBoutique, 905 S.E. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. Bluegrass; 7:30 p.m.; $5; TheBelfry, 302 Third Street, Bend; 541-306-6697. DJ STEELE:10p.m.; The Summit Saloon E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or OUT OF THEBLUE:Acoustic rock; 6 p.m.; & Stage, 125 N.W.OregonAve., Bend; www.belfryevents.com. Scanlon's, 61615Athletic Club Drive, 541-749-2440. JAZZ AT THEOXFORD:Featuring Karrin Bend; 541-382-8769. Allyson; SOLDOUT;8 p.m.; The Oxford LAURENKERSHNER:Pop; 6:30 p.m.; SUNDAY Hotel, 10 N.W.Minnesota Ave., Bend; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570Amber 541-382-8436 or www.jazzattheoxford. Meadow Drive, Bend; 541-728-0095. OPENJAM: with Burnin' Moonlight; 3-6 com. (Pg.7) CLAIR CLARKE: Blues; 7 p.m.; portello p.m.; Broken TopBottle Shop & AleCafe, BURNIN' MOONLIGHT: Blues and winecafe, 2754 N.W.Crossing Drive, 1740 N.W.PenceLane, Suite1, Bend; bluegrass; 8 p.m.; Kelly D's Sports Bend; 541-385-1777. 541-728-0703. Bar, 1012 S.E.Cleveland Ave., Bend; CLAIRELYNCHBAND: Bluegrass; $15LISA DAE AND ROBERT LEETRIO: Jazz; 541-389-5625. $20; 7 p.m.; Sisters High School,1700 W. 5 p.m.; Northside Bar 8 Grill, 62860 Boyd THE BLUETRACKS:Blues, with Boxcar McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4979 or Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. Stringband; $5; 8 p.m.; TheHorned www.sistersfolkfestival.org. (Pg. 3) LINDY GRAVELLE: Countryand pop; 6 Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; ECHO STILL: Roots-rock; 7 p.m.; p.m.; 5 Fusion & Sushi Bar, 821N.W.Wall 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. Parrilla Grill, 635 N.W.14th St., Bend; St., Bend; 541-323-2328. com/venue/thehornedhand. 541-617-9600. MAI & DAVE: Bluegrass and Americana; 7 HANGER 52: Rock;8:30 p.m.;Northside THE RUMANDTHESEA: Fire-pit party; p.m.; Broken TopBottle Shop 8 Ale Cafe, Bar & Grill, 62860 BoydAcres Road, 7 p.m.; Crow's FeetCommons, 875 N.W. 1740 N.W.PenceLane, Suite1, Bend; Bend; 541-383-0889. Brooks St., Bend; 541-728-0066. 541-728-0703. ROCK NROLL COWBOYS: Country-rock; GAY NIGHT: Music and dancing; proceeds RUM REBELLION: Celtic folk-punk, 9 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar 8 Grill, benefit the HumanDignity Coalition; $3; with Wild EyeRevolvers, the Kronkmen 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 7:30p.m.;SevenNightclub,1033 N. W. and High Desert Hooligans; $5; 7 p.m.; or www.maverickscountrybar.com. Domino Room, 51N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bond St., Bend; 541-385-3320 or www. THE KRONKMEN:Punk;9 p.m.;Players humandignitycoalition.org. Bend; 541-788-2989. (Pg. 7) Bar & Grill, 25 S.W.Century Drive, Bend; BUTCHER BOY:Folk-punk, with Leif THE DARES:Pop-rock, with Falling 541-389-2558. James; $5; 8 p.m.; TheHorned Hand, Awake; $5-$10; 7 p.m.; TheSound THE QUONS:Folk-pop;$3;9:30p.m .; 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend;541Garden, 1279 N.E.Second St., Bend; 541-


Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.com. DJ BYRNE-ONE: 9:30 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. BondSt., Bend; 541-388-0116. DJ STEELE:10p.m.; The Summit Saloon 8 Stage,125 N.W.OregonAve., Bend; 541-749-2440.

633-6804orwww.bendticket.com. DJATL:10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.

MONDAY KARAOKE: 6:30 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. ANTHONY B:Reggae, with Strive Roots, Jagga Culture, Serious De Witness and MCMystic;$17-$20;9 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. brownpapertickets.com. (Pg. 4)

TUESDAY ALLEY CATS JAZZ ENSEMBLE:Dance andlunch;10:30a.m.;Bend's Community Center, 1036 N.E.Fifth St.; 541-312-2069. GOOD GRAVY:Jamgrass; 6 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W.Century Drive, 100-464, Bend; 541-728-0749 or www.p44p.biz. (Pg. 4) UKULELEJAM:6:30 p.m .;Kelly D's,1012 S.E. Cleveland Ave., Bend; 541-389-5625. BIRDS OFCHICAGO:Americana; $12;7 p.m.; The Belfry,302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www. belfryevents.com. (Pg. 4) BEATS &RHYMES:Local hip-hop; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge,70 N.W .Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999.

WEDNESDAY ALLAN BYER:Folk; 5:30 p.m.; Level 2 GlobalFoodand Lounge, 360 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-323-5382. RED WANTINGBLUE:Pop-rock;7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. (Pg. 4)

RICHARDTAELOUR: Rock; 7 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. SOPHISTAFUNK:Funk, soul and hiphop;7 p.m.;Liquid Lounge,70 N.W . Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www.liquidclub.net. (Pg. 4) REGGAE NIGHTWITH MC MYSTIC: 9 p.m.; Astro Lounge,939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116.

THURSDAY OPEN MIC:6:30 p.m.; River Rim Coffeehouse, 19570 Amber Meadow Drive, Suite190, Bend; 541-728-0095. CHELSEAGRIN: Heavy metal, with I Declare War and more; $10-$13; 7 p.m.; The Sound Garden, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www. thesoundgardenstudio.com. (Pg. 5) OPEN MIC:8 p.m.; Northside Bar & Grill, 62860 Boyd Acres Road, Bend; 541-383-0889. FABRICCHECK:Fashion: Rescue, 541 Threads, Rise Up International and more. Music: Aceyalone, J-Natural, Pat Maine and more; 8:30 p.m.;The Blacksmith Restaurant, 211 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-318-0588. (Pg. 5) DISCOTHEQUE NOUVEAU: Altelectronica, house music, dubstep and more; 9 p.m.; The Blacksmith Restaurant, 211 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-318-0588. HOT BUTTERED RUM: Americana; $15-$18; 9 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www.randompresents.com. (Pg. 4) LAURENKERSHNER: CD-release party; $3; 9 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331. • To sUBMIT:Email eventsobendbullevn.com. Deadline is 10 days before publication. Please include date, venue, time and cost



musie releases Dropkick Murphys

Conor Maynard

>gCKM pp

" SIGNED AND S EALED I N BLOOD" Born & Bred Records An early contender for 2013's finest Christmas song arrives halfway through the new Dropk ick Murphys album i n " T h e ,I Season's Upon Us." It's a rowdy C eltic-punk number i n w h i c h "'SEk1.~0'" singer Ken Casey runs down the charms of his extended family, member by miserable member: "My nephew's a horrible, wise exit Interstate 93 "looking for little twit," he barks, "He once trouble,"yet pause to buy roses gave me anicegift-wrapped box from "a bum a t t h e l i ght"; in "Burn" they resolve to "kiss the full of" — well, you can imagine the rest. finest girl" before going down As in itsobvious predecessor, in a blaze tonight. With cranked "Fairytale of New York" by the guitars and breakneck tempos, Pogues, affection accompanies the music gallops forcefully but spite in "The Season's Upon Us"; shimmers with beauty too, as but warmth is all you hear by the in the bagpipes-enriched "Out time the song's brandy-soaked of Our Heads" and "Rose Tatc horus hits. A n d s o i t g o e s too," which features banjo from throughout "Signed and Sealed Winston Marshall of Mumford in Blood," which demonstrates & Sons. "We're gonna cause a that for this long-running Boston riot/ We're gonna rip it up," they band, loving and fighting aren't joyfully threaten in "Out of Our opposites but rather complemen- H eads," and it's wiser to j o i n tary manifestations of the only them than to resist. — Mikaet Wood, thing that matters: passion. In "The Boys Are Back" they Los Angeles Times

crafts her own brand of dance music, one thick w it h w obbly bass and a dense dose of late1970s loft music, early-'80s postdisco and syrupy early-'00s NYC house music. A collaboration with the Briti sh p r o d ucer-musician De v Hynes (best known under the monikers Lightspeed Champion and Blood Orange), "True" delivers seven takes on funky dance music that's s mooth w i t hout being cheesy, and w e l l-lubriSolange cated with solid, snare-driven rhythms. "TRUE" At its best - "Lovers in the Terrible Records Parking Lot," "Losing You" and A s h i mmering N e w Y o r k the seductive slow-house jam dance EP originally released as "Bad Girls" — Solange offers a digital download in late No- beat-heavy seduction that dwells vember, and though the physical in that mystical moment when release doesn'tfeature any new Saturday night collides with Sunstuff, it's nice to have such an day morning on the dance floor. infectiouslyheavy dance record W hat's best, despite it s N ew York-centricvibe, anyone lookoccupy space in the world. Solange Knowles, as you may ing for a beat-heavy record to know, is Jay-Z's sister-in-law, but crank at full volume while stuck ignore the Beyonce connection, in traffic need look no further. — Randall Roberts, at least when it comes to nepotistic skepticism. Here Solange Los Angeles Times

"CONTRAST" Capitol Records In the old days, singers used to get discovered by record-label scouts while singing absentmindedly at gas stations. Today, they're YouTube stars, covering hit songs, racking up tens of millions of views, marketing themselves via Facebook and Twitter, until powerful people discover them and turn them into pop stars. Conor Maynard's powerful people were R&B singer Ne-Yo and the Neptunes' Pharrell Williams; they help the 19-year-old British singer channel his protoJustin Bieber tendencies into pop

copies of Katy Perry ("Animal"), Rihanna ("Vegas Girl") and Jus-

tin Timberlake ("Pictures"). In addition to being small, cute and inoffensive, Maynard has a strong, adaptable voice. For his debut album "Contrast," he works with a variety of top producers, songwriters and guest stars, and manages to sound like them (and others). On "Pic-

tures," written by rising R&B star Frank Ocean, Maynard elevates from a sleepy storytelling tone to a falsetto so pristine it's almost shocking; on "Lift Off," his vocals match the playful syncopation of Pharrell's skittery beats. The main problem with "Contrast" is that Maynard so obviously surrenders himself to the heavy hitters making his album that he leaves no space to be himself. He's a talented mimic and seems likely to plunge into the teen-pop demographicthat props up pop stars such as Bieber, One Direction and The Wanted. But his career will advance from here only if he follows his talent down Timberlake Lane rather than Jonas Boulevard. — Steve Knopper, Newsday

Various Artists

of songs to work with, and they manage to strike a balance be"THE MUSIC OF 'NASHVILLE' tween commercial accessibility ORIGINAL SOUNDTRACK: SEA- and rootsy character. "Love Like Mine" and "TeleSON 1, VOLUME 1" Big Machine Records scope,"sung by Juliett e Barnes One thing you can say for sure (Hayden Panettiere's character), about ABC's prime-time soap- exude a spitfire attitude that opera, "Nashville": It gets the would fit right in on a Miranda music right. As you can hear on Lambert album. Several other this disc, even with the show's numbers play up country's duet actors doing all the singing, the tradition, as with Rayna Jaymes results are as good as anything (Connie Britton) and D eacon the city's Music Row has to offer. Clayborne (Charles Esten) on Perhaps that's not surprising, "No One Will Ever Love You," because (the sometimes overrat- and Gunnar Scott (Sam Palladio) ed) T Bone Burnett did the bulk and Scarlett O'Connor (Clare of the producing, along with the Bowen) on "If I Didn't Know Betalways-estimable Buddy Miller. ter" and "When the Right One They have a terrific collection Comes Along." And Britton and





(F .I

"BERBERIAN SOUND STUDIO" War p Records F rom its start i n t h e m i d '90s, the British band Broadc ast seemed i n f luenced b y soundtrack music. Like Stereolab, they looked back to visions of the future, building on space-age music from the '60s and spacious electronics of the '70s to create something that sounded new and contemporary, especially on 2000'sseminal "The Noise Made but she and partner James CarBy People." gill had already composed the B roadcast's v o calist T r i s h soundtrack to British director Keenan died in January 2011, Peter Strickland's "Berberian '


. '

Panettiere'srousing, rocked-up "Wrong Song" is every bit the show-stopper that it was in the TV show. — Niclz Cristiano, The Philadelphia tnquirer

Sound Studio," a f i l m a b out an obsessive film sound engineer (Cargill is a lso working to assemble a final Broadcast

album). With 39 tracks in 38'/z minutes, the album plays as a continuous soundscape: sometimes churchy and imposing, sometimes pastoral and beautiful, sometimes angelic an d e t hereal, sometimes punctuated by unsettling screams andeerievoices.It's uneasy listening, but it's also a fascinating blend of daydream reveriesand nightmarish horrors. — Steve Klinge, The Phi ladel phia Inquirer



restaurants 11121



Dean Guernsey/The Bulletin

Mexi-Fresh & More offers bright decor in an off-the-beaten-track location in south Bend.



exican inin

• Good food and great prices lure diners to Mexi-Fresh 5 More By John Gottberg Anderson For The Bulletin

alvador Robles' little cafe is just a hole in the wall — a tiny storefront in the Albertson's mall at the south end of Bend. Mexi-Fresh 8t More seats only two dozen patrons, and with no highway frontage on B usiness Route 97 (South Third Street), it is an undiscoveredethnic treasure. That's too bad because the allin-the-family Mexican home cooking offered to its patrons is some of the best in Central Oregon.

Assisted by his teenage children, most often 16-year-old Salvador, Jr., Robles offers a menu that features everything from south-ofthe-border street food ("tacos de la calle") to gourmet fajitas. Robles, who moved to Central Oregon from his native Mexico more than two decades ago, has long been employed in area restaurants. Even now, Robles works a second job — as Mexi-Fresh, he admitted, has struggled to break even since it opened in June of last year. He deserves better. A soundtrack of mariachi mu-

sic injects a fiesta spirit into his cafe, which appears larger than it is because its eight tables are widely spaced. Ceramic artwork and metalwork is carefully presented on walls of ochre and rust colors.Large windows face the parking area on the south side of the Albertson's supermarket.

Carnitas and shrimp Menu specials, supplementing a large daily menu, are offered on a prominently displayed whiteboard.

Continued next page

Mexi-Fresh8 More Location:61147 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend

Hours:11a.m. to 8 p.m. Mondayto Saturday Price range:Lunch $4.99 to $7.99; dinner appetizers $7.99, entrees $5.99 to $11.99 Credit cards:Discover, MasterCard,

Visa Kids' menu: Yes Vegetarianmenu:Available on request Alcoholic beverages:Notat this

Reservations:No Contact:541-318-2962

Scorecard OVERALL:B+ Food:B+. Sides need work, but

carne asada, pork carnitas and garlic shrimp are gourmet. Service:B. Youngservers may overlook requests but they are

otherwise prompt and polite. Atmosphere:B. Colorful walls, hung with art, enclose a room of widely


spaced tables. Value:A. Low overhead helps keep

Outdoorseating: Limited seasonal

prices down for the high-quality


cuisine presented.





From previous page When we arrived for dinner one early evening, my dining

companion spied a pork carnitas special on the board and immediately decided her order. Tender, slow-roasted pork shoulder — the chunks of meat partially shreddedwere served in a light sauce with rice and beans. My order was camarones al


rD rD

mojo de ajo, or garlic shrimp. Large prawns were sauteed with fresh mushrooms and onions in a buttery blend of garlic with spices. They were perfectly cooked; the flavors were delicious. We did have some disapp ointments, h o wever. T o start, there were no options to the accompanying Spanishstylerice and refried beans. I often prefer black beans to frijoles, for instance, but this choice was not available. There were some service glitches. We ordered fresh g uacamole wit h o u r b a s ket of chips, presented as a starter, but this was forgotten. A request for an additional paper napkins was likewise overlooked.




'y v


Dean Guernsey/The Bulletin

( d

The carne asada at Mexi-Fresh & More in Bend is served with guacamole, pico de gallo, rice and refried beans. to continue to emphasize the family-friendly aspect of his restaurant, Robles said he is contemplating an application for a license to serve alcohol. That could turn out to be a shot in the arm for an excellent little restaurant that deserves more attention from l o cal Mexican food lovers.

Next week: 2nd StreetEats 8 Sweets

Midday visit The best of three lunch dishes that my companion and I enjoyed, on a subsequent visit, was carne asada. A generous portion of skirt steak, probably 8 ounces, was broiled and served with creamy guacamole and chunky pico de gallo. My friend tends to judge the quality of a Mexican restaurant based upon its carne asada, and she was delighted. I was not so pleased with my chicken taco salad. Although the chunks of poultry w ere tender and tasty,the bed of iceberg lettuce was tasteless, and the crispy flour tortilla bowl got soggy very fast. A few chunks of tomato were included with the salad, but the mix could have used onions, black olives and perhaps some beans. Cheesewas melted in rather than shredded on top, and dollops of sour cream and guacamole added only minimal flavor. We did bring two steak tacos home to my companion's teenage son, and they disappeared quickly. Prepared in traditional style, the beef was folded into soft corn tortillas with cilantro, onions, lime and a house-made green tomatillo sauce. The boy was delighted.


Visit www.denddulletin

.com/restaurantsfor readers' ratings of more than 150 Central Oregon

— Reporter: janderson@ bendbulletin.com



Some diners may consider it a shortcomingthat Mexi-Fresh does not yet offer beer or margaritas. Although he wants

into the old firehouse on Minnesota Avenue (at Lava Street) in downtown Bend. Owner Jeff Porad said he expects to open in April in the restaurant space once occupied by Staccato and Bourbon Street. Until then, he said, he will continue to operate his current Bend restaurant in the Mill Quarter (803 S.W. Industrial

Way; 541-728-0334). He said there are no plans to close his Redmond restaurant (412 S.W. Sixth St.; 541-526-1782). The new restaurant, Porad said, will feature an expanded bar menu in the street-side seating area, while fine dining will be offered exclusively in the rear area. www.brickhouse steakhouse.com.

z I e ® 3












Brickhouse Steak & Seafood has signed a lease to move



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Courtesy Wendy Caro

"Dance Class," by Wendy Caro, will be on display with other works at Nancy P's Cafe & Bakery in Bend. Caro's photos of horses are sold internationally by a Canadian publisher.

• Wendy Caro displaysher photographic art of horses at NancyP'sin Bend By David Jasper The Bulletin


hotographer Wendy Caro sips coffeein a corner of Nancy P's Cafe 8 Bakery, where a show of her horse photography is on display. The 14 photos in the show will hang

through February (see "If you go"). "What happened was, I really got into birding," she said, when asked what led her to begin shooting horses. Caro, 62, grew up in the Catskill Mountains in New York and graduated from Boston University with a bachelor's degree in filmmaking in

1972. She then went to chiropractic school in Portland, then moved back to Boston, where she had a 25-year career as a chiropractor. Photography hadbeen part of the BU curriculum, but she was never fond ofthe strong chemicals required for developing film. "I really fell out of photography for a while," she said. Then she discovered slides, and later, digital photography, of which she became an ardent fan. Birders tend to be obsessive cataloguers, she said, but they don't always hang around very long to watch

their behavior. "They'll see the bird, and 'OK. Check it off,'" she said, pantomiming checking off a list. Caro, however, found the behavior of birds fascinating, and she might linger for hours watching them in their natural habitat — often through the lensof a camera. "I'd go on these birding trips and I'd take my camera," she said. "I'd stay for a couple of hours watching this incredible behavior and just really fell in love with it." That behavior of hers led her to begin exhibiting her bird photographs at juried art shows. Along the way, she'd

also been able to photograph freerunning, unbroken horses, images

she also displayed. What led her to concentrate more on horse photography was the year a stranger visited her booth, stuck at the quiet end in the last row of a Rhode Island art show. "People came in like it was a gallery. They'd look ... but they'd be so exhausted they wouldn't think about it," she said. However, a woman stopped in who really looked at her work. Not being much of a salesperson, Caro ignored the woman, who finally approached Caro after 45 minutes of browsing.

Continued next page

If yougo What: Horse

photography by Wendy Caro When:Through

February Where:Nancy P's Cafe 8 Bakery,1054 N.W. Milwaukee

Ave., Bend Cost:Prices vary Contact:wendycaro .photoshelter.com or 541-306-6856



' ou e a i n ' i S ae a n ree iG

Joe Kline /The Bulletin

Michael Nowak and Vanessa Farnsworth rehearse a scene from the comedy "Couple Dating," written by Bend playwright Cricket Daniel and in production at 2nd Street Theater through Feb. 2.

• Bend playwright's If yougo comedy focuseson What:"Couple Dating" Performances making friendships When: at 7:30 p.m. Thursday By David Jasper

through Saturday, 3 p.m.

The Bulletin

Sunday, through Feb. 2;

n November 2009, Bend playwright Cricket Daniel's first comedy, "Couple Dating," had its world premiere at the Linkville Playhouse in Klamath Falls. An edgy comedy about a couple auditioning potential new friends, "Couple Dating" ended up being the highest-

6:30tonightchampagne reception Where:2nd Street Theater,

grossing play of the Linkville Playhouse's 2009-2010 season, Daniel said. A few months later, in April 2010, Daniel i ndependently produced "Couple Dating" at 2nd Street Theater in Bend, where it has returned with a largely intact cast and the same director, Susan Benson

220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend

Cost:$18, $15 seniors and students Contact:www.2ndstreet theater.com or 541-3129626

cerns Tess and Bobby Marotta. Tess, played by Vanessa Farnsworth, is determined to make new friends, and the Brooklyn-born-and-raised Bobby "is not on board with this," Daniel explained. Bobby ( M ichael Nowak), a character the play(see "If you go"). wright likens to Archie Bunker, The 20 1 0 pro d uction "is very frank, and very clear launched a teacup tempest in to Tess, in adult language and Bend: People argued about its content, that he does not enmerits, or lackthereof, on social joy these people in his home." media. An anonymous letter (Needless to say, "Couple Datcalling the play offensive ran ing" is intended for mature auin The Source Weekly. And, as diences only) "(Tess) wants to hang out can happen with controversial entertainment, a lot of tickets with more couples who are were sold, Daniel and Benson more like them (with) young satd. families. These couples who The sitcom-style play con- come into their home are cou-

ples Bobby and Tess normally wouldn't hang out with. So, basically, you're a fly on the wall when Bobby complains about the typesof people who are in his living room." As for her first play's repeat engagement, Daniel said people have asked her since its initial run when they might see again. And she suspects there are some who may have missed it the first time around. "I don't think it will be 100 percentrepeat customers,"she satd. Now a more seasoned playwright with a couple of other plays under her belt, Daniel has tweaked the material a

GO! MAGAZINE PAGE 13 From previous page The woman asked Caro if she had an agent or had thought about publishing her photos because she knew of a photo publisher that would be interested in Caro's horse photos. However, the woman — an agent — also alerted the photographer to another fact: "'Quite frankly,' she told me, 'Birds don't sell,' and as long as I was selling, I might as well go for the things that work," Caro said. The agent presented Caro's work to the publisher Canadian Art Prints (CAP), "and they really liked the images," she said. "They enlisted me to be their horse artist." CAP sells her work internationally, often in poster form. Caro began focusing on wild horses, including herds around the West. Early on, she'd fly out from Boston to practice her craft, but eventually Caro grew tired of the hassles of air travel and worrying about her camera gear. In 2004, she decidedto make the move West again. She contemplated Cody, Wyo., and Missoula, Mont., but she still had friends in Oregon from her days in chiropractic school and chose Bend instead. "Enoughof sealevel, enough with humidity," she said. Being in Oregon is helpful when it comes to shooting wild horses,especially forsomeone not fond of flying. Along with Eastern Oregon, she shoots in other locations around the West, including M o ntana's Pryor Mountains, as well as private ranches where the owners' horses are not ridden. "The West is (the place to be) because there are so many

wild herds around, and they're all within driving distance, two to three days," she says. "Some ofthesewild horses are so habituated (to people) that they actually want to come up to you, and you have to shoo them away." Caro said that lately she's slowed down on the shooting to focus on post-production. "I would have these visions of how I wanted the horses to look, but it never quite came out the way I wanted. The backgrounds were always really boring. So I started painting. A lot of these works, I painted." Caro uses Photoshop for graphics editing and Corel Painter, a program with "gazillions of brushes to give you exactly the stroke you want and the right blending." She might remove trees or reposition a body of water in a shot, but generally, she leaves the color of her original photograph intact. "I really like the colors of the natural world," she said. There'sjust one problem. Caro has scads of photos from her many years of photography that she can now perfect via the editing tools at her disposal, but she's a perfectionist who may come up with 15 versions of a photo before getting it right. And even then, she may not be entirely satisfied. "I'm such a p e r fectionist that I'll look at it and say, 'Wait a minute. I don't like this,' so I'll start tweaking it more," she said. "The good news is, anyone who wants a print, always gets one-of-akind prints. The bad news is that I'm never done." — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasper@bendbulletin.com

bit. Changes include dropping a reference to a Jewish person some took as anti-Semitic. "Toher credit, she didgoback and change a couple of things that she rethought. She's very good aboutbeing open-minded, and taking those things into consideration, so she did soften a few lines up a little bit," Bensonsaid. But Bobby is still Bobby — and controversy can still be good forbusiness. "It's always good for a show," Benson said. "If you have a little bit of controversy, it drives ticket sales. People just have to see what's going on, right?" — Reporter: 541-383-0349, djasperC<bendbufletin.com



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ALLEDAREALESTATE:Featuring works by Pat Clark and PamJersey Bird; through January; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 1, Bend; 541-633-7590. AMBIANCEARTCO-OP: Featuring gallery artists; 435 S.W. Evergreen Ave., Redmond; 541-548-8115. ARTISTS' GALLERYSUNRIVER: Featuring local artists; 57100 Beaver Drive, Building 19; www. artistsgallerysunriver.com or 541-593-4382. ATELIER 6000:Featuring "Branching Out" and "Objects" by local artists; through Jan. 28; 389 S.W. Scalehouse Court, Suite120, Bend; www.atelier6000.org or 541-330-8759. BEND CITYHALL: Featuring "UNSEEN::WORLD," works exploring how Bend's unseen world inspires community; through March 29; 710 N.W.Wall St.; 541-388-5505. CAFE SINTRA:Featuring "3 Points of View," a continually changing exhibit of photographs by Diane Reed, Ric Ergenbright and John Vito; 1024 N.W. Bond St.,Bend; 541-382-8004. CANYONCREEKPOTTERY: Featuring pottery by Kenneth Merrill; 310 N. Cedar St., Sisters; www.canyoncreekpotteryllc.com or 541-549-0366. DON TERRAARTWORKS: Featuring more than 200 artists; 222 W. Hood Ave., Sisters; 541-

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Submitted photo

"I See You" is featured in the exhibit "Visions of Hope" by inmates of the Snake River Correctional Institution. It will be on display through Jan. 27 at Franklin Crossing in Bend. 549-1299 or www.donterra.com. DOWNTOWN BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring "Art of Photography"; through Feb. 4; 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1037. FRANKLIN CROSSING:Featuring "Visions of Hope," works by Snake River Correctional Institution inmates to raise money for Ugandan orphans; through Jan. 27; 550 N.W. Franklin Ave., Bend; 541-382-9398. FURNISH.:Featuring works by Sue Smith; 761 N.W. Arizona Ave., Bend; 541-617-8911. THE GALLERYATTHE PINCKNEY CENTER:Featuring works by local middle and high school students participating in the national Scholastic Art competition, reception from1-2 p.m. Saturday; through Feb. 7; Pinckney Center for the Arts, Central Oregon

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Th e Bulletin

Community College, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7510. GHIGLIERI GALLERY:Featuring original Western-themed and African-inspired paintings and sculptures by Lorenzo Ghiglieri; 200 W. Cascade Ave., Sisters; www.art-lorenzo.com or 54 I-549-8683. HELPINGYOUTAX& ACCOUNTING:Featuring paintings by Carol Armstrong; 632 S.W. Sixth St., Suite 2, Redmond; 541-504-5422. JENNIFERLAKEGALLERY: Featuring paintings by Jennifer Lake; 220 W. CascadeAve., Sisters; www.jenniferlakegallery.com or 541-549-7200. JILL'S WILD (TASTEFUL) WOMEN WAREHOUSE:Featuring works by Jill Haney-Neal; Tuesdays and Wednesdays only; 601 North Larch St, Suite B, Sisters; www.jillnealgallery.com or 541-617-6078. JOHN PAULDESIGNS: Featuring custom jewelry and signature series;1006 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-318-5645. JUDI'S ARTGALLERY:Featuring works by Judi Meusborn Williamson; 336 N.E. Hemlock St., Suite 13, Redmond; 360-325-6230.

KARENBANDYDESIGN JEWELER: Featuring fine custom jewelry and abstract paintings by Karen Bandy; 25 N.W. Minnesota Ave., Suite 5, Bend; www.karenbandy.com or 54 I-388-0155. LUBBESMEYER FIBERSTUDIO: Featuring fiber art by Lori and Lisa Lubbesmeyer; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 423, Old Mill District, Bend; www. lubbesmeyerstudio.com or 541-330-0840. MARCELLO'S ITALIANCUISINE AND PIZZERIA:Featuring several local artists; 4 Ponderosa Road, Sunriver; 541-593-8300. MOCKINGBIRDGALLERY: Featuring works by Eric Jacobsen; through January; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; www.mockingbirdgallery.com or 541-388-2107. MOSAIC MEDICAL:Featuring mixed-media collage paintings by Rosalyn Kliot; 910 S. U.S. Highway 97, Suite 101, Madras; 541-475-7800. NANCY P'SBAKING COMPANY: Featuring photography by Wendy Caro; through February; 1054 N.W. Milwaukee Ave., Bend; 541-322-8778. PATAGONIA I BEND:Featuring photography by Mike Putnam; 1000 N.W. Wall St., Suite 140; 541-382-6694. PAUL SCOTTGALLERY: Featuring works by Jane Schmidt and patinaed steel and reclaimed wood art by Mytchell Mead; 869 N.W. Wall St., Bend; www.paulscottfineart.com or 54 I-330-6000. OUILTWORKS:Featuring works by Alice Pedersen and "Favorite Children's Book" by local quilters; through January; 926 N.E. Greenwood Ave., Suite B, Bend; 54 I-728-0527. RED CHAIRGALLERY: Featuring, "Flowing Mediums — Hot to Cold," works by Janice Rhodes, Justin Kelchak,and TheW ay We Art; through January; 103 N.W. Oregon Ave., Bend; www. redchairgallerybend.com or 541-306-3176. RUUD GALLERY:Featuring works by local and regional contemporary




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artists; 50 S.E. Scott St., Suite 2, Bend; www.ruudgallery.com or 541-323-3231. ROTUNDA GALLERY: Featuring artwork by Candace Simpson and Jacqueline Newbold; through Feb. 27; Robert L. Barber Library, Central Oregon Community College; 26 00 N.W.College Way, Bend; 541-383-7515. SAGEBRUSHERSARTSOCIETY: Featuring works by Lee August, reception from 2-5 p.m. Saturday; through February; 117 S.W. Roosevelt Ave., Bend; 541-617-0900. SAGE CUSTOM FRAMINGAND GALLERY:Featuring "Adventures in Change," works by Renne Brock; through Jan. 26; 834 N.W. Brooks St., Bend; 541-382-5884. SISTERSAREACHAMBEROF COMMERCE:Featuring fiber art by Rosalyn Kliot; 291 E. Main Ave.; 54 I-549-0251. SISTERSARTWORKS: Featuring "Sense of Place," fiber art by the Journeys Art Quilt Group; through Feb. 28, reception from 5-7 tonight; 204 W. Adams Ave.; www.sistersartworks.com or 541-420-9695. SISTERSGALLERYIlt FRAME SHOP:Featuring landscape photography by Gary Albertson; 252 W. Hood Ave.; www.garyalbertson. com or 541-549-9552. SISTERS PUBLICLIBRARY: Works by local artists hosted by the Friends of the Sisters Library; 110 N. Cedar St.; 541-312-1070. ST. CHARLESBEND:Featuring the Watercolor Society of Oregon's Traveling Show; through Feb. 28; 2500 N.E. Neff Road; 541-382-4321. ST. CHARLESREDMOND: Featuring "Feathers and Fiber," works by Kay Pearson and Linda Shelton; through March 29;1253 N.W. Canal Boulevard, Redmond; 541-548-8131. SUNRIVERAREAPUBLIC LIBRARY:Featuring works by Nancy Becker and Cheryl Griffiths; through Jan. 26; 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1080. TUMALOARTCO.: Featuring "Little (Art) Delights," works by gallery artists; through January; 450 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Suite 407, Bend; www.tumaloartco.com or 541-385-9144.




out oorS Outing shorts are trimmed versions of stories published in The Bulletinin the past several weeks. For the complete stories, plus more photos, visit www.bendbulletin.com/outing.



I a




' •

ranky from being cooped up indoors'? Grab a sled and head for the hills, specifically, for the sledding hill at this fine sno-park, where kids and grown-ups will enjoy the gravity-powered AA++. z/..


thrills of sledding. — Bulletin staff


' t/ ,


/f I / 'I , /

4-,W + ~ )r

If yougo

,lf'T ,/

• /g



Wanoga Snoplay Area

Getting there:From Bend, take Century Drive



approximately 15 miles west



and follow signs to Wanoga Snoplay Area


Difficulty:Easy "u't l

ampy Virgi ' akes M ner no-park S -park

Cost:Sno-park permit required; $5 daily, $23 annually

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Anne Aurand/The Bulletin file photo




John Nangle, from left, Daniele McKay and Brent Fenty stand on the northwestern flank of Gray Butte recently. The butte offers expansive skyline views in all directions.

ray Butte, just northeast of Redmond, offers an easy day hike almost any time of year. From the trail, you can

Gray Butte trails

evidence still visible today.

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Gray Butte trail


Skull Hollow

campground (BLMl •

Smith Rock State Park,kurma' ; — Road To Terrebonne I ~


Road. In another three miles, turn left on Forest Road 5710. Watch for signs to Gray Butte. After about two miles, bear left at the Forest Road 57 junction to the trailhead, which is

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Greg Cross/The Bulletin

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the park, drive about three miles andturn left on Lone Pine



To Madras I ~

97 to Terrebonne, turn right on Smith Rock Way and follow signs toward Smith Rock State Park. Pass the turnoff to


TheB u lletin


DeschutesCottnty l Crook County

Getting there:From Redmond, go north on U.S.Highway

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If yougo

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recently "discovered" Crooked ancient volcanic event that left

Find Your Dream Home In Real Estate



Gray Butte

Terrebonne Sisters ed nd Prine


River caldera, the result of an

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Gray utte

Smith Rock State Park

Powell Butte

see impressive views of the

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Greg Cross / The Bulletin


on the south side of the road. From a distance, the trailhead can be spotted if you look for the old McCoin Orchard across the road, which is marked with tall poplar trees. Difficulty:Easy to moderate

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FRIENDS OF WILLIAM STAFFORD READING: A celebration of the life and work of poet William Stafford, with poetry readings and apresentation by his daughter; free; 6:30 p.m.; Paulina Springs Books, 252 W.HoodAve., Sisters; 541549-0866 or friends©williamstafford.org. SCOTTBROCKETT:The Portland-based pop-rock artist performs; $9 plus fees in advance; 6:30 p.m.; TheSound Garden, 1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www.bendticket.com. (Story, Page6) "COUPLE DATING": SueBenson directs the play by Cricket Daniel; $18, $15 students and seniors;6:30 p.m.champagne reception, 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-3129626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. (Story, Page13) "ANNIE JR.":BendExperimental Art Theatre presents the musical about Little Orphan Annie, set in1930s NewYork City; $15, $10ages18 and younger; 7 p.m.; Bend High School, 230 N.E.Sixth St.; 541-4195558 or www.beattickets.org. "BURN AFTER READING": Ascreening of the 2008 R-rated spy thriller by the Coen Brothers, starring John Malkovich and Brad Pitt; $10 plus fees; 8 p.m.;Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. (Story, Page28) JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: Featuring a performance by vocalist Karrin Allyson; SOLD OUT; 8p.m.; The Oxford Hotel, 10 N.W.MinnesotaAve.,Bend;541-3828436 or www.jazzattheoxford.com. (Story, Page 7) THE BLUETRACKS: The Seattlebased blues act performs, with Boxcar Stringband; $5; 8 p.m.; TheHorned Hand, 507 N.W.Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand. ROCK NROLL COWBOYS: TheSalem based country-rock act performs; free; 9 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www.maverickscountrybar.com. WINTER WILDLANDSALLIANCE BACKCOUNTRYFILM FESTIVAL:A screening of short films about backcountry experiences; proceeds benefit Bend Backcountry Alliance; $10; 9 p.m., doors open 8:30 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 N.W. Bond St.,Bend; 541-382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. (Story, Page 28) ACOUSTICMINDS:The Portland-based pop-soul duo performs;$5;9:30 p.m., doors open at 8:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing & Taproom, 24 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-388-8331 or www. silvermoonbrewing.com.

Jan. 19 REDMOND GRANGEBREAKFAST:A community breakfast with scrambled eggs, sausage, beverages, pancakes or biscuits and gravy; $6, $3 ages12and younger; 7-10:30 a.m.; Redmond Grange, 707 S.W. Kalama Ave.; 541-480-4495. "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: MARIA STUARDA":Starring Joyce DiDonato, Elza van den Heever andMatthew Polenzani in a presentation of Donizetti's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted live in high definition; $24, $22 seniors, $18 children; 9:55 a.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. (Story, Page28) "HEAD TOTOE — THE LANGUAGE OF PLATEAUINDIAN CLOTHING" EXHIBIT OPENS:Explore historical and contemporary Plateau garments; exhibit runs through May 5; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7ages 5-12, free ages 4 and younger; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; HighDesertM useum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org. SATURDAYMARKET:Featuring local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10a.m .-4 p.m.;Bend Masonic Center, 1036 N.E.Eighth St.; 541-977-1737. SENSATIONAL SATURDAY:Learn about the art of traditional Native American dress, with hands-on activities; included in the price of admission; $12 adults, $10ages 65and older, $7ages 5-12, free ages 4 andyounger; 10 a.m.-3 p.m.; HighDesertM useum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org. KNOW MONEY:THE THRIFTY TRAVELER: Travel and dining reporter John Gottberg Anderson shares tips and techniques for traveling cheaply and well; free; 11 a.m.; Redmond Public Library, 827 S.W. Deschutes Ave.; 541-312-1032 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. MINING DAYS:Experience the life of a placer miner and pan for gold; $2 panning fee, plus museum admission; 11 a.m.-3 p.m.; High DesertMuseum,59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. highdesertmuseum.org. JAZZ AT THE OXFORD: 5 and8 p.m .atThe Oxford Hotel; seeToday's listing for details. VFW DINNER: A dinner of pork loin; $8.50; 5 p.m.; VFWHall, 1503 N.E. Fourth St., Bend; 541-389-0775. "ANNIE JR.":7 p.m. at Bend High School; see Today's listing for details. CLAIRE LYNCH BAND:The bluegrass

band plays the Sisters Folk Festival's Winter Concert Series; $15 plus fees in advance, $20 at the door, $10 students; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Sisters High School, 1700 W. McKinney Butte Road; 541-549-4979 or www. sistersfolkfestival.org. (Story, Page 3) WINTER FIREPITPARTY: Sit around the outdoor fire pit and tell stories, with food,beverages and live music byThe Rum and the Sea; free admission; 7-10 p.m.; Riverfront Plaza, on Brooks Street at the Breezeway, Bend; 541-728-0066 or crowsfeetcommons@gmail.com. "COUPLEDATING": SueBenson directs the play by Cricket Daniel; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E.

Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. GAY NIGHT:Music and dancing; proceeds benefit the Human Dignity Coalition; $3; 7:30p.m.;Seven Nightclub,1033 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-385-3320 or www. humandignitycoalition.org. PAULA POUNDSTONE: Thesharp-witted andspontaneouscomedian performs; $39 or $49 in advance, $44 or $54 day ofshow,plusfees;7:30 p.m.,doors open 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org. BUTCHER BOY:The Maine-based folkpunk act performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend;

541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/t hehornedhand. ROCK NROLL COWBOYS: The Salembased country-rock act performs; free; 9 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www.maverickscountrybar.com.

SUNDAY Jan. 20 KNOW MONEY:THE THRIFTY TRAVELER: Travel and dining reporter John Gottberg Anderson shares tips and techniques for traveling cheaply and well; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W. Wall St.; 541-312-1032


tY, JANUARY 18, 2013

SOPHISTAFUNK: The NewYork-based funk act performs; free; 9 p.m.; Liquid Lounge, 70 N.W. Newport Ave., Bend; 541-389-6999 or www.liquidclub.net. (Story, Page4)





Winter Wildlands Alliance Backcountry Film Festival

'I t






SATURDAY "Head to Toe" exhidit: Plateau Indian

clothing at the HighDesert Museum.

SATURDAY Karrin Allyson:Infectious jazz at the Oxford Hotel.



THURSDAY Hot Buttered Rum:Acoustic string

music that warms the soul.

or www.deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. "ANNIE JR.":3 p.m. at Bend High School; see Today's listing for details. "COUPLEDATING": 3 p.m. at 2nd Street Theater; see Saturday's listing for details. RUM REBELLION:The Portland-based folk punk band performs, with Wild Eye Revolvers, the Kronkmen and High Desert Hooligans; $5; 7 p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-7882989. (Story, Page 7) THE DARES:The Los Angeles-based alternative rock act performs, with Falling Awake; $5 in advance, $10 at the door; 7 p.m., doors open at 6:30 p.m.; The Sound Garden,1279 N.E. Second St., Bend; 541633-6804orwww.bendticket.com.

MONDAY Jan. 21 GALA AT THE RIVERHOUSE: Featuring a meal, silent auction and a presentation by former NBA basketball player A.C. Green; registration requested; proceeds benefit the Boys & Girls Clubs of Central Oregon; $125; 5:30 p.m.; The Riverhouse Hotel & Convention Center,3075 N. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-617-7174 or www. riverhouse.com/gala. ANTHONY B: The reggae act performs, with Strive Roots, Jagga Culture, Serious De Witness and MCMystic; $17 plus fees in advance, $20 at the door; 9 p.m.;

Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. brownpapertickets.com. (Story, Page 4)

TUESDAY Jan. 22 GOODGRAVY:The Colorado-based bluegrass fusion band performs; free; 6 p.m.; GoodLife Brewing Co., 70 S.W. Century Drive, Bend; 541-728-0749 or www.p44p.biz. (Story, Page 4) BIRDS OFCHICAGO:The Chicago-based Americana act performs; $12; 7 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-8159122 or www.belfryevents.com. (Story, Page 4)

CONVERSATIONS ONBOOKS AND CULTURE:Readand discuss"The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins; free; noon-1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, CampusCenter,2600 N.W. CollegeW ay, Bend; 541-383-7412. KNOW MONEY:JUNK IN YOUR DRAWERS, CASHINYOUR POCKET: Learn about selling and investing in coins, metals and other collectibles; free; 4 p.m.; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. FROGTOWN: A live multimedia show teaching the values of cultural diversity, with singing and dancing; geared toward elementary-school children; $12, $8 children12and younger, plusfees; 6 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. "COUPLEDATING":7:30 p.m. at 2nd Street Theater; see Saturday's listing for details. "THEBESTOF RIFFTRAX LIVE:'MANOS' THE HANDS OFFATE": A screening of the PG-13 film, with commentary by the comedians of "Mystery Science Theater 3000"; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; RegalOld Mill Stadium16 & IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347 or www. fathomevents.com. (Story, Page28) "TWELFTHNIGHT": Preview night of Cascades Theatrical Company's presentation of Shakespeare's comedy; $10; 7:30 p.m.; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. GreenwoodAve., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org/. CHELSEA GRIN: The metal act performs, with I Declare Warand more; $10 plus fees in advance, $13at the door;7 p.m.; The Sound Garden, 1279 N.E.Second St., Bend; 541-633-6804 or www.brownpapertickets. WEDNESDAY com. (Story, Page5) FABRICCHECK: Livefashionby Rescue, Jan. 23 541 Threads and more, plus musical "THE METROPOLITANOPERA: LES performances by Aceyalone and more; free; 8:30 p.m.; The Blacksmith TROYENS":Starring Deborah Voigt, Susan Restaurant, 211 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Graham andBryan Hymel in anencore performance of Berlioz's masterpiece; opera Bend;541-318-0588.(Story,Page 5) performance transmitted in high definition; HOT BUTTEREDRUM: Theacoustic string $ l8; 6:30 p.m.; RegalOldMill Stadium 16 & band performs; $15 plus fees in advance, IMAX, 680 S.W.Powerhouse Drive, Bend; $18 at the door; 9 p.m., doors open at 8 541-382-6347. (Story, Page28) p.m.; Domino Room, 51 N.W.Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. RED WANTINGBLUE:The Ohio-based randompresents.com. (Story, Page 4) indie-rock group performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 • SUBMIT AN EVENTat www.bendbulletin. com/submitinfo or email events@bendbulletin.com. N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-382-5174 or Deadline is 10 days before publication. Questions? www.mcmenamins.com. (Story, Page 4) Contact 541-383-0351.



planning ahea JAN. 25-31 JAN. 25-27 — "ANNIEJR.": Bend Experimental Art Theatre presents the musical about Little Orphan Annie, set in1930s New York City; $15, $10ages 18 and younger; 7 p.m. Jan. 25-26 and 2p.m. Jan.26-27;CentralOregon Community College, Pinckney Center for the Arts, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-419-5558 or www.beattickets.org. JAN. 25-27, 31 — "COUPLEDATING": Sue Benson directs the play by Cricket Daniel; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m. Jan. 25-26, 31 and 3 p.m. Jan. 27; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Ave., Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. JAN. 25-27, 30-31 — "TWELFTH NIGHT":Cascades Theatrical Company's presentation of Shakespeare' scomedy aboutm istaken identities and merry rogues; with a champagne and dessert reception; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m.Jan.25-26,30-31 and 2 p.m.Jan. 27; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-389-0803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org/. JAN. 25 — STAFFORDBIRTHDAY CELEBRATION:Celebrate the life and poetry of William Stafford, with poetry readings and more; free; 7 p.m.; Sunriver Nature Center & Observatory, 57245 River Road; 541-593-4394. JAN. 25 — "THE BIG LEBOWSKI":A screening of the R-rated1998film, with a costume parade; $10 plus fees; 8 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. JAN. 25 — SLIGHTLYSTOOPID: The rock and reggae group performs, with Karl Denson;$25 plusfees inadvance, $30at the door;8 p.m., doors open at 7 p.m.; Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www.midtownbend.com. JAN. 25 — DJWEATHER:The Portlandbased DJ performs; free;10 p.m.; Astro Lounge, 939 N.W. Bond St., Bend; 541-388-0116. JAN. 26 — SPIRITUALDIVERSITY CONFERENCE: Explore the role of religion in promoting tolerance, with presentations by Dr. Allen McKiel and Wajdi Said; free; 9:30 a.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Wille Hall, 2600 N.W. CollegeW ay,Bend; 541-318-7412. JAN. 26 — FREEFAMILYSATURDAY: The museum offers complimentary admission for the whole family; free; 10 a.m.-4 p.m.; High Desert Museum, 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754. JAN. 26 — SATURDAYMARKET: Featuring local vendors, with new and used items, antique collectibles, crafts and more; free admission; 10 a.m.-4


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Photo courtesy Pavlina Summers

The Helio Sequence will perform Feb. 6 at the Tower Theatre in Bend. p.m.; Bend Masonic Center,1036 N.E. Eighth St.; 541-977-1737. JAN. 26 — KNOW MONEY: STRETCHINGYOUR FOOD DOLLARS: Learn how to work within your food budget to create a week of tasty, healthy meals; free;1:30 p.m.; East Bend Public Library, 62080 Dean Swift Road; 541312-1032 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. JAN. 26 — KNOW MONEY: JUNK IN YOUR DRAWERS,CASH IN YOUR POCKET:Learn about selling and investing in coins, metals and other collectibles; free; 2 p.m.; Downtown Bend Public Library, 601 N.W.Wall St.; 541-312-1034 or www.deschuteslibrary. org/calendar. JAN. 26 — JACKIEGREENE:The folkrock artist performs; proceeds benefit

the Bend Surgery Center Scholarship Foundation; ages 21 and older; $35-$45 plusfees;6 p.m .,doors open at5 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W.Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www.towertheatre.org. JAN. 26 — "FORTHE LOVEOF MUSIC":3 Leg Torso performs, with a silent auction; proceeds benefit the Summit High School music department; $15 plus fees in advance, $20 at the door;7 p.m.,doorsopen 6 p.m .;Summit High School, 2855 N.W. Clearwater Drive, Bend; 541-322-3300 or www. friendsofmusic-shs.org. JAN. 26 — SYSTEMANDSTATION: The Portland-based indie-rock act performs; $5; 8 p.m.; The Horned Hand, 507 N.W. Colorado Ave., Bend; 541-728-0879 or www.reverbnation. com/venue/thehornedhand.

JAN. 26 — THEQUICK& EASYBOYS: The Portland-based indie-rock act performs; $10; 8 p.m.; The Belfry, 302 E. Main Ave., Sisters; 541-815-9122 or www.belfryevents.com. JAN. 26 — MUCH MORE COUNTRY: The Portland-based country act performs; free; 9 p.m.; Maverick's Country Bar & Grill, 20565 Brinson Blvd., Bend; 541-325-1886 or www. maverickscountrybar.com. JAN. 26 — DJ WEATHER:The Portland-based DJ performs; free; 10 p.m.; Astro Lounge,939 N.W. Bond St., Bend;541-388-0116. JAN.27 — KNOW MONEY: REAL-LIFE BURIED TREASURE:Discover gold prospecting, metal detecting, treasure hunting, rock collecting and more, with an interactive gold panning demonstration;

free; 1 p.m.; La PinePublic Library, 16425 First St.; 541-312-1034 or www. deschuteslibrary.org/calendar. JAN. 28 — CONVERSATIONS ON BOOKSANDCULTURE: Read and discuss"The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Color Blindness" by Michelle Alexander; followed by a discussion; free; Jan. 28, Feb. 11 and Feb. 25, noon to1 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, CampusCenter,2600 N.W. CollegeW ay, Bend; 541-383-7412. JAN. 28 — MASTERS OF MOTOWN: A celebration of Motor City artists and rhythm & blues music, with a live band, singingand dancing;$35-$45 plus fees; 7 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or www. towertheatre.org.


JAN. 29 — HISTORYPUB: Learn about "The Extraordinary Life of Homer C. Davenport, Political Cartoonist"; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond Stn Bend; 541382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. JAN. 30 — "ONENIGHT STAND: CREATING A PLAYIN A DAY": A behindthe-scenes look into the creation of four short Broadway musicals in just 24 hours; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 16 & IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. JAN. 31— "NIGHT OF A THOUSAND STARS ANDOTHER PORTRAITS OF IRAQ":Photojournalist Joel Preston Smith discusses how various biases lead to prejudice against Middle Eastern Societies, with a photo exhibit; free; 6:30 p.m.; Central Oregon Community College, Hitchcock Auditorium, 2600 N.W. College Way, Bend; 541-383-7412. JAN. 31 — BROTHERS GOW: TheSan Diego-based rock group performs; free; 7 p.m.; McMenamins Old St. Francis School,700 N.W. Bond St., Bend;541382-5174 or www.mcmenamins.com. JAN. 31 — "THEBESTOFRIFFTRAX LIVE:PLAN 9 FROM OUTER SPACE": A screening of the PG-13 film, with commentary by the comedians of "Mystery Science Theater 3000"; $12.50; 7:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Stadium 168 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-3826347 or www.fathomevents.com. JAN. 31 — MATT HOPPER 5 THE ROMAN CANDLES: The Idaho-based psychedelic rocker performs; $5; 9:30 p.m.; Silver Moon Brewing 8 Taproom, 24 N.W. Greenwood Aven Bend; 541-3888331 or www.silvermoonbrewing.com.

FEB. 1-7 FEB. 1-2 — "COUPLE DATING": Sue Benson directs the play by Cricket Daniel; $18, $15 students and seniors; 7:30 p.m.; 2nd Street Theater, 220 N.E. Lafayette Aven Bend; 541-312-9626 or www.2ndstreettheater.com. FEB. 1-3,6-7 —"TWELFTHNIGHT": Cascades Theatrical Company presents Shakespeare' scomedy aboutm istaken identities and merry rogues; $24, $18 seniors, $12 students; 7:30 p.m. Feb. 1-2, 67 and 2 p.m. Feb. 3; Greenwood Playhouse, 148 N.W. Greenwood Aven Bend; 541-3890803 or www.cascadestheatrical.org/. FEB. 1 — FIRSTFRIDAYGALLERY WALK:Event includes art exhibit openings, artist talks, live music, wine and food in downtown Bend and the Old Mill District; free; 5-9 p.m.; throughout Bend. FEB. 2 — FLEETFEETFREEZER: 5K or 10K run; proceeds benefit a local family in need; donations or gift cards requested; 8:30 a.m.; Fleet Feet Sports, 1320 N.W. Galveston Aven Bend; 541-389-1601, shannah©fleetfeetbend.com or www. fleetfeetbend.com. FEB.2— "RANCHING INOREGON — HISTORICPERSPECTIVE, CONTEMPORARY ISSUES"EXHIBIT OPENS:Explore the history of the ranching industry in Oregon, as well as

planning ahead


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Best friends welcome. Courtesy Mike Jensen

Learnabout landscape photography with Mike Jensen on Tuesday in Sunriver. See below for details.

Talks 8 classes HIGH DESERT MUSEUM: Featuring exhibits, wildlife and art of the High Desert, plus "Butterflies and n Hummingbirds, through April 7; "Head to Toe: The Language of Plateau Indian Clothing" opens Saturday, through May 5; 59800 S. U.S. Highway 97, Bend; www.highdesertmuseum.org or 541-382-4754. GETTINGTO KNOW YOUR DIGITAL CAMERA:Learn digital camera basics and technical terms; registration required; $69; 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Saturday; Cascade Center of Photography, 390 S.W. Columbia St., Suite110, Bend; www.ccophoto.com or 541-241-2266. "ANYONE CANBE COMFORTABLE IN FRONTOF AN AUDIENCE" WORKSHOP:Learn how to reduce jitters and feel confident when performing music, speaking or presenting; registration required; $15; 11 a.m.-noon Saturday; Cascade School of Music, 200 N.W. Pacific Park Lane, Bend; 541-382-6866.

LIVELEARNING PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP:Learn about landscape and portrait photography with Mike Jensen; free;1 p.m. Tuesday; Sunriver Area Public Library, 56855 Venture Lane; 541-312-1034. COOKINGCLASS WITH CHEF BETTE FRASER:Learn how to make snacks and dishes for a Super Bowl gathering; registration required; $50; 6-9 p.m. Wednesday; register for Bend location; www.welltraveledfork.com, chefbette@ welltraveledfork.com or 541-312-0097. ADULT AMERICANAMUSIC WORKSHOP:Learn basic guitar skills, songwriting and composition with Brent Alan in a nine-week course; registration required; $130-$140; 6-7:30 p.m. Thursdays, Jan. 24 to March 21; register for Sisters location; 54 I-549-209 I. ART PAIRED WITH WINE: Explore the art of making fused glass, with wine; registration required; $30; 6-9 p.m. Jan. 31; Art Station, 313 S.W. Shevlin Hixon Drive, Bend; www.artscentraloregon. org or 541-617-1317.

current ranching issues, through Jan. 26; FEB. 6 — THEHELIOSEQUENCE:The included in the price of admission; $12 indie-rock act performs, with Talkdemonic adults, $10 ages 65 and older, $7 ages and All You All; $15 plus fees; 7:30 p.m., 5-12, free ages 4 andyounger; 10 a.m.-4 doors open at 6:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall St., Bend; 541-317-0700 or p.m.; High DesertMuseum, 59800 S.U.S. Highway 97, Bend; 541-382-4754 or www. www.towertheatre.org. highdesertmuseum.org. FEB. 6 — EXCISION:The dubstep act FEB.4 — BINGO FUNDRAISER: A bingo performs, with Paper Diamond and Vaski; night featuring cash prizes and auctions, $20 plusfees; 8 p.m.,doorsopenat7 p.m .; a bake sale, pizza, drinks and candy; Midtown Ballroom, 51 N.W. Greenwood proceeds benefit Sisters High School Ave., Bend; 541-788-2989 or www. athletics; $15 for11 games; 6 p.mn doors midtownbend.com. open at 5 p.m.; Sisters High School,1700 FEB. 7 — CELTIC CROSSROADS: A W. McKinneyButte Road;541-549-4045. stage music show featuring Irish singers, FEB.6 — "THE METROPOLITAN dancers and instrumentalists; $35-$55 OPERA: MARIASTUARDAB: Starring plus fees; 7:30 p.m.; Tower Theatre, 835 N.W. Wall Stn Bend; 541-317-0700 or Joyce DiDonato, Elza van den Heever www.towertheatre.org. and Matthew Polenzani in an encore performance of Donizetti's masterpiece; opera performance transmitted in high definition; $18; 6:30 p.m.; Regal Old Mill Where BuyersAnd Sellers Meet Stadium 16 8 IMAX, 680 S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend; 541-382-6347. 'f t t





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outo town The following is a list of other events "Out of Town."

Courtesy Owen Carey

Geoff Kanick, from left, Elizabeth Houghton and Sam Dinkowitz star in Susan Mach's "The Lost Boy." The world premiere production is currently running through Feb. 10 at the Artists Repertory Theatre's Morrison Stage in Portland.

• World premiere of 'The LostBoy' opensat Portland theater By Jenny Wasson The Bulletin

n 1874, 4-year-old Charley Ross was taken from his Pennsylvania home in what is considered the nation's first kidnapping for ransom. The kidnapping created a media circus and led parents to teach their children to never take candy from strangers. Almost two centuries later, the story returns to the limelight with Susan Mach's new play, "The Lost Boy." The world premiere production is currently running through Feb. 10 at the Artists Repertory Theatre's Morrison Stage in Portland. Oregon playwright Mach first heard about the story of Ross on National Public Radio's "Talk of the Nation." "I found the involvement in the case of the emerging mass media, and the connection of PT. Barnum to the investigation especially intriguing," Mach said in a news release. According to the Artists Repertory Theatre's website, "countless publications nationwide,


including The New York Times, and circus promoter PT. Barnum, who offered a $10,000 reward forCharlie,helped raise awareness of the case but also benefited from the chaos they created." The play "theatrically combines a family's struggle with a circus, side-show elements and popular entertainment in a compelling and revealing way," said director Allen Nause. "Playwright Susan Mach has created a world where truth and friendship are always in the presence of illusion, magic and deception." Mach won the Oregon Book Award's Angus L. Bowmer Award for Drama for "The Lost Boy" in 2011. The play is presented as part of the Fertile Ground Festival in Portland. Ticketprices range from $36 to $45,depending on the day of performance. Student tickets are availablefor $20. To purchase tickets and for more information, visit www.artistsrep.org or 503-241-1278. — Reporter: 541-383-0350, jwasson@bendbulletin.com

Feb. 6 —Soundgardeu, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. pcpa.com or 800-273-1530. CONCERTS Feb. 6 —Suzanne Vega, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Jan. 18 —Sum41, Roseland Theater, Feb. 7 —Led Zepagaiu, Aladdin Portland; TW* * Theater, Portland; TF Jan. 19 —Jackson Browne, Keller Auditorium, Portland; www.pcpa.com or Feb.7— TheW ood Brothers,WO W Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or 800-273-1530. 541-687-2746. Jan.I9— Quicksand,Wonder * Feb.8— SuperDiamond,McMenamins Ballroom, Portland; TF * Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT Jan. 19 —Slightly Stoopid/Karl Deusou, * Feb. 8 —The WoodBrothers, Aladdin McDonaldTheatre, Eugene; TW * Theater, Portland; TF Jan. 20 —Slightly Stoopid/Karl Feb. 9 —Mark Kozeiek, Aladdin Deusou,McMenamins Crystal * Theater, Portland; TF Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 9 —RaRa Riot, Wonder Ballroom, Jan. 23 —Down,Roseland Theater, * Portland; TF Portland; TW* Tuna, Aladdin Theater, Jan. 23 —TommyEmmauuel, Newmark Feb. 10 —Hot * Portland; TF Theatre, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 800-273-1530. Feb. 11 — Shawu Mullius, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF Jan. 24 —Aesop Rock, Roseland * Feb. 12 —Cherry Poppiu' Daddies, Theater, Portland; POSTPONED;TW McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Jan. 24 —Piuback, Wonder Ballroom, * * Portland; CT Portland; TF Feb. 12 —Graveyard, Wonder Jan. 24 —Solas, The Shedd Institute, * Ballroom, Portland; TF Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Feb. 13 —Marilyn Manson, Roseland Theater, Portland; SOLDOUT;TW* Jan. 25 —E-40, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 13 —Tomahawk, Wonder * Ballroom, Portland; TF Jan.25—PortlaudSouudcheck, * Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF Feb. 15 — Afro-CubanAll Stars, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Jan. 25 —School of Rock — Portland, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Feb. 15 —BoneThugs HHarmony, * Portland; CT* Roseland Theater, Portland; TW Jan. 26 —Hot Buttered Rum/Fruitiou, Feb. 15 —The Presidents of the United WOW Hall, Eugene; www.wowhall.org or States of America,McMenamins 541-687-2746. Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Jan. 26 —Marc CohnTrio, Aladdin Feb. 15-24 —Portland Jazz Festival: Theater, Portland; TF* Featuring Afro-Cuban All Stars, Gteri Allen, Terri Lyne Carrington, Esperanza Jan. 26 —The Walkmeu, Roseland Spalding, JackDeJohnetteand Kenny Theater, Portland; TW* Garrett; various locations in Portland; Jan. 31 — Muse, Rose Garden, www.pdxjazz.com or 503-228-5299. Portland; www.rosequarter.com or Feb. 16 —Afro-Cudan All Stars, The 877-789-7673. Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd. Feb. 1 —Black Prairie, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or org or 541-434-7000. Feb. 16 —Leftover Salmon, 541-434-7000. McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Feb. 1 —LeRoyBell 8 His Duly * * Portland; CT Friends,Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF Feb. 16 —Victor Wooteu, Aladdin Feb. 2 —Black Prairie, * Theater, Portland; TF Mississippi Studios, Portland; Feb. 17 —Coheed fL Cambria, www.mississippistudios.com or * 503-288-3895. Roseland Theater, Portland; TW Feb. 2 —Wiuterfoik 25: Featuring Peter Feb. 17 —Mickey Hart, McDonald Yarrow; Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Theatre, Eugene; TW* Feb. 17 —RedFang, Wonder Ballroom, Feb. 4 —Excision, McDonald Theatre, * Eugene; TW* Portland; TF Feb. 5 —Beu Folds Five, Roseland Feb. 18 —Eels, Aladdin Theater, * Theater, Portland; TW* Portland; TF Feb. 6 —Big Freedia, Wonder Feb. 21 —STS9, McMenamins Crystal * Ballroom, Portland; TF Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 6 —Ellie Goulding, McMenamins Feb. 22 —Peuuywise, Roseland Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Theater, Portland; TW*

out of town


Feb. 22-23 —Sallie Ford & The Sound Outside,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* Feb. 23 —Galactic, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* Feb. 23 —STS9,McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Feb. 26 —Patti Smith, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, * Portland; CT Feb. 26 —RobbenFord, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF Feb. 27 —Dave Alvin & TheGuilty Ones,Aladdin Theater, Portland;


*Tickets TM: Ticketmaster, www

.ticketmaster.com or 800745-3000 TW:TicketsWest, www .ticketswest.com or 800992-8499 TF:Ticketfly, www.ticket fly.com or 877-435-9849 CT:Cascade Tickets, www

.cascadetickets.com or 800-514-3849


Feb. 27 —STRFKR,Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* Feb. 28 — Toroy Moi, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* March 1 —ConBroChill, Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF* March 1 —moe., McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* March 1 —Tyrone Wells, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF March 2 —Alahama Shakes, McMenamins Crystal Ballroom, Portland; CT* March 2 —B.B. King, Roseland Theater, Portland; TW* March 2 —Hey Marseilles, Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* March 2 —Ken Peplowski, The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www. theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. March 2 —The Reverend Horton Heat,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; *


March 3 —Why?,Wonder Ballroom, Portland; TF*


5 COMEDY Jan. 18 —Paula Poundstone, McDonald Theatre, Eugene; TW* Jan. 26 —ToddArmstrong and Scoot Herring:Comedy night benefits African wild dog conservation; Oregon Zoo, Portland; www.oregonzoo.org or 503-226-1561. Feb. 1 —Seth Meyers, Newmark Theatre, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 800-273-1530. Feb. 2 —Lewis Black, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 800-273-1530. Feb. 5 —The Moth, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 800-273-1530. Feb. 28 —Marc Maron, Aladdin * Theater, Portland; TF March 12 —Sherman Alexie, Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 503-946-7272. March13 —Mike Tyson,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 800-273-1530.

Courtesy Jason Quigley

Portland's Black Prairie will perform its eclectic mix of traditional bluegrass and eastern European sounds at two concerts in Oregon: Feb. 1 at The Shedd Institute in Eugene and Feb. 2 at the Mississippi Studios in Portland. March 22 —Brian Regan,Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 800-273-1530.

SYMPHONY 5 OPERA Jan. 19 —"Ellis Hall: Ray Charles":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 20 —"Swing, Swing, Swing!":Featuring Norman Leyden; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Jan. 26-28 —"Strauss' Four Last Songs":Music by Strauss and Mozart; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 1 —The Canadian Tenors: Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 1, 3, 7, 9 —"Tosca": Opera by Puccini; Portland Opera; Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* Feb. 9-7 —"Beethoven's Ninth Symphony".Musicby Hindemit h, Britten and Beethoven; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 14 —"A Roberta Flack Valentine":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. Feb. 16-17 —"Ballroom with a Twist":Created by four-time "Dancing with the Stars" pro Louis van Amstel; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or

800-228-7343. Feb. 23, 25 —"HoughPlays Liszt":Featuring pianist Stephen Hough; music by Weber, Beethoven, Liszt and Hindemith; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. March 3 —"Dr. Seuss' 'The Sneetches"':Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. March 3 —Marc-Andre Hamelin: Presented by Portland Piano International; Newmark Theatre, Portland; www.pcpa.com or 800-273-1530. March 9-11 —"Saint-Saens & Shostakovich":Musicby Mussorgsky, Saint-Saens and Shostakovi ch;Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. March15,17,19, 21, 23 — "Rinaldo":Opera by Handel; Portland Opera and Portland Baroque Orchestra; Newmark Theatre, Portland; TM* March16 —"The Legend of Zelda: Symphony ofthe Goddesses":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. March18 —Andre Rieu, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. March 23-24 —"Dvorak's Eighth Symphony": Musicby Liszt, Rachmaninoff and Dvorak; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 6-7 —"Dave Frishberg & Patrick Lamb":Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.

orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 13-15 —"LA Guitar Quartet":Music by Stravinsky, Rodrigo and Piston; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 16 —Sonny Rollins: Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 20-22 —"Fanfare for the CommonMan": Featuring violinist James Ehnes; music by Antheil, Berstein and Copland; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. April 27 —Blind Pilot: Oregon


Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. May 4-5 —"Premonitions": Featuring Storm Large; music by Prangcharoen, Weill, Schoenberg, Schubert and Ravel; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343. May 10, 12, 16, 18 —"Falstaff": Opera by Verdi; Portland Opera; Keller Auditorium, Portland; TM* May 18-20 —"Brahms' First Symphony":Featuring violinist Jennifer Koh; music by Suppe, Bartokand Brahms; Oregon Symphony; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www. orsymphony.org or 800-228-7343.



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THEATER 5 DANCE Through Jan. 19 —"FRIDA, unretablo":A bilingual Teatro Milagro touring production; Milagro Theatre, Portland; www. milagro.org or 503-236-7253. Through Feb. 3 —"I Love to Eat":New play celebrates the life and talent of chef James Beard; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700.

Continued next page

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From previous page

Tony Award nominee for Best Play; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs.org or 503-445-3700. Jan. 31-Feb. 2 —Compagnie Marie Chouinard:The dance company will perform Igor Stravinsky's "Le Sacre de Printemps ("The Rite of Spring)"; part of the White Bird Dance Series; Portland State University, Portland; www.whitebird.org or 503-245-1600. Feb. 7-8 —Jeremy Wade: Featuring Wade's solo dance "Fountain"; Portland Institute for Contemporary Art, Portland; www. pica.org or 503-242-1419. Feb. 13 —Hubbard Street Dance Chicago:Celebrating 35 years as one of the most original forces in contemporary dance; part of the White Bird Dance Series; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.whitebird.org or 503-245-1600. Feb. 15-Nov. 3 —"The Taming of the Shrew":This production of Shakespeare's play is part of "Shakespeare for a New Generation"; Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www.osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 16-23 —"Swan Lake": Featuring choreography by Christopher Stowell, fashioned after the 1895 version by Petipa/

Through Feb. 10 —"The Lost Boy":World premiere; play by Susan Mach; Artist Repertory Theatre; Morrison Stage; www. artistsrep.org or 503-241-1278. Jan. 19 —"Rumbles & TheWild Skies!":Presented by The Magical Moombah!; The Shedd Institute, Eugene; www.theshedd.org or 541-434-7000. Jan. 23-Feb. 16 —"Next to Normal":Tony Award-winning rock musical and winner of the 2010 Pulitzer Prize for Drama; Lord Leebrick Theatre, Eugene; Jan. 23 and 24 are previews; NEW DATES; www.lordleebrick.com or 541-465-1506. Jan. 24 —"Nunset Blvd.": Starring Cindy Williams; Craterian Theater at The Collier Center for the Performing Arts, Medford; www. craterian.org or 541-779-3000. Jan. 24-Feb. 3 —Fertile Ground Festival:Featuring world premiere projects, staged readings, developing works and other arts events; various locations in Portland; www.fertilegroundpdx. org. Jan. 25 —"Disney Live": Featuring Phineas and Ferb; Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673. Jan. 29-March10 —"Venus in Fur":Play by David Ives; 2012

Ivanov; presented by the Oregon Ballet Theatre; Keller Auditorium, Portland; www.obt.org or 888-922-5538. Feb. 16-July 7 —"Two Trains Running":August Wilson's searing portrait of African-American life in the1960s; Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www.osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 17-Nov. 3 —"My Fair Lady": Lerner and Loewe's adaptation of George Bernard Shaw's "Pygmalion"; Oregon Shakespeare Festival; Angus Bowmer Theatre, Ashland; www.osfashland.org or 800-219-8 I61. Feb. 19 —Black Grace: New Zealand's leading contemporary dance company; part of the White Bird Dance Series; Arlene Schnitzer Concert Hall, Portland; www.whitebird.org or 503-245-1600. Feb. 20-24 —"Spank! The Fifty Shades Parody":Comedy filled musical satire that captures all of the naughty fun of the book; written and directed by Jim Millan; Aladdin Theater, Portland; TF* Feb. 21-Nov. 3 —"King Lear":Contemporary staging of Shakespeare's tragedy; part of "Shakespeare for a New Generation"; Oregon ShakespeareFestival;Thomas Theatre (previously known as the

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New Theatre), Ashland; www. osfashland.org or 800-219-8161. Feb. 26-March 3 —"War Horse":Winner of five 2011 Tony Awards; featuring life-sized puppets created by South Africa's Handspring Puppet Company; Keller Auditorium, Portland; www. pcpa.com or 800-273-1530. Feb. 26-March 24 —"The Whipping Man":Play by MatthewLopez is an extraordinary tale of loyalty, deceit and deliverance; Portland Center Stage; Gerding Theater at the Armory, Portland; www.pcs. org or 503-445-3700. Feb. 27-March 2 —MOMIX: Renowned dancer-illusionists return to Portland with "Botanica"; part of the White Bird Dance Series; Newmark Theatre, Portland; www.whitebird.org or 503-245-1600. April 5-6 —"RAIN":The group performs the full range of The Beatles' discography live onstage; Keller Auditorium, Portland; www. pcpa.com or 800-273-1530.

EXHIBITS Through Jan. 27 —Portland Art Museum:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Mythologia: Gods, Heroes and Monsters" (through Jan. 27) and "NOH: Dance Drama of the Samurai" (through Feb. 24); Portland; www. portlandartmuseum.org or 503-226-2811. Through Feb. 10 —Oregon Museum of Science and Industry:The following exhibits are currently on display: "Simply Beautiful: Photographs from National Geographic" (through Feb. 10); Portland; www.omsi.edu or800-955-6674. Through Feb. 16 —Museum of Contemporary Crafts: The following exhibits are currently on display: "Reflecting on Erik Gronborg" (through Feb. 16); Portland; www. museumofcontemporarycraft.org or 503-223-2654. Through May —"Noise!": Featuring interactive stations on sound, music and hearing; Science Factory Children's Museum 8 Exploration Dome, Eugene; www.sciencefactory.org or 541-682-7888. Through December 2013 —"The Sea & Me":A new children's

interactive exhibit; Oregon Coast Aquarium, Newport; www. aquarium.org or 541-867-3474. Jan. 24-April 27 —"We Tell Ourselves Stories in Order to Live":A survey exhibition showcasing the first nine Hallie Ford Fellowships in the Visual Arts; Museum of Contemporary Craft, Portland; www. museumofcontemporarycraft.org or 503-223-2654. Feb. 2-May19 —"Carrie Mae Weems:Three Decades of Photography and Video": Exhibit presents more than 200 photographs, videos and installations tracing the evolution of Weems career; Portland Art Museum, Portland; www. portlandartmuseum.org or 503-226-2811. Feb. 7-10 —Agate & Mineral Show,Oregon Museum of Science & Industry, Portland; www.omsi. edu or 800-955-6674. Opening Feb. 8 —"MythBusters: The Explosive Exhibition": Exhibit is based on the popular Discovery Channel show "MythBusters," starring Jamie Hyneman, Adam Savage, Tory Belleci, Kari Byron and Grant Imahara; Oregon Museum of Science 8 Industry, Portland; www.omsi.edu or 800-955-6674.

MISCELLANY Through Jan. 20 — ChocolateFest,Oregon Convention Center, Portland; www.chocolatefest.org or 503-228-1367. Through Feb. 2 —"Universal Pictures: Celehrating 100 Years": Featuring new 35 mm prints and restorations; Northwest Film Center, Portland; www.nwfilm.org or 503-221-1156. Jan. 25-27 —Oregon Truffle Festival,The Hilton Eugene, Eugene; www. oregontrufflefestival.com. Feb. 7-23 —Portland International Film Festival: Featuring more than 125 features, documentaries and short films, including the hit Australian film "The Sapphires"; presented by the NW Film Center; Whitsell Auditorium, Portland Art Museum, Portland; www.nwfilm.org or 503-221-1156. Feb. 23 —Harlem Globetrotters, Rose Garden, Portland; www. rosequarter.com or 877-789-7673.


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gaming TOP 10

omenis oo

HANDHELDGAMES The editors of Game Informer Magazine rank the top handheld

games for the month of January: 1. "Sound Shapes" (Vita)

• 'Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon'shouldbe a cleversequelfilled with paranormalcharm

2."Paper Mario: Sticker Star"

(3DS) 3. "LittleBigPlanet PS Vita" (Vita) 4. "Zero Escape: Virtue's Last

Reward" (Vita) 5. "Crashmo" (3DS) 6. "Professor Layton and the

By Tim Turi Game rnformer Magazine

Miracle Mask" (3DS) 7. "New SuperMario Bros. 2" (3DS)

a •

ario's little brother, Lui gi, has bad luck w i t h shadows. When he's not standing in his older brother's, he's jumping at the sight of his own in haunted houses. "Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon" continues the green ghostbuster's GameCube quest on th e 3D S. Over a decade has passed since the first paranormal incident, and the sequelfeatures even more environmental variety, ghost types,

8. "Kingdom Hearts 3D: Dream

Drop Distance" (3DS) 9. "Assassin's Creed: Liberation"

(Vita) 10. "Pokemon Black 8 White 2"

(DS) Game lnformer Magazine

and gizmos to keep gamers' fa-

Mcclatchy-Tnhune News Sertnce

vorite underdog busy. The core of "Luigi's Mansion" remains intact. Players explore h aunted m ansions w h il e i n specting items in the environment to scare up money, keys and ghosts. Once a specter appears, the player stuns it with his or her flashlight and wrangles it with Luigi's fancy vacuum. Sucking up ghosts and unlocking doors l ets you explore more of t h e spooky mansion. "Dark Moon" deviates from its GameCube predecessor on multiple fronts. Instead of exploring one vast mansion, Luigi and Professor E. Gadd manage things from the safety of their bunker. Gameplay is segmented into a series of missions, mak-

"Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon" allows gamers to explore haunted mansionsin the hunt for money, keys and ghosts. The game is due out in the spring.

ing the p ortable title

specific light bulbs and scan for h i dden doors and o t he r a n o m alies with another. My favorite new ghost-busting mechanic involves the cleansing power of fire. Several missions task Luigi with clearing the mansion of pesky spiders and their unsightly cobwebs. Smaller webs can be sucked up with the vacuum, but larger


'LUIGI'S MANSION: DARK MOON' Release date: Spring 3DS Nintendo ESRB rating: E for Everyone

The ghost-capturing gameplay works well on the hardware and the colorful graphics look sharp on the 3DS' screen. aLuigi's Mansion: Dark Moon"is

shapingup to be a charming reason to own a 3DS.

passages by acquiring

revealed some of theearly versions of the Android mascot on his Google+ account, giving users a peek at what could have been.

Dan Morrill, an Android engineer,

revealed that at one point in 2007 he and the Android team were

getting ready to presentAndroid to other Googleemployees.The

ones must be burned. Luigi can suck up large spinew gameplay mechanic along der eggs, light them on fire with the way. Luigi can now charge candles in the environment, and his flashlight to unleash a wide then set doorway-blocking webs b eam b u r st, s t u n ning m o r e ablaze. ghosts at once. Gloomy Manor concludes with He can also unlock special a clever, multistage boss battle


better suited for shorter play sessions. E. Gadd can even warp Luigi to a mansion remotely. I saw five spots on the world map, though the final number is unconfirmed. T he first mansion I v i sit i s Gloomy Manor. After acquainting myself w it h t h e b asics, I tackle a number of quests, oftentimes being i n t r oduced a

In thenews

against a huge possessed spider. This satisfying fight forces players to put all their new skills to the test in classic Nintendo fashion. I also got a glimpse of the second mansion, Haunted Towers. This second phantom-infested estate is overgrown with carnivorous plants and greedy flowers that drop their goodies after a full flashlight charge.

A group of ghosts carrying

shovels attack Luigi in a greenroom, blocking their eyes from his flashlight with the gardening tool. Two hungry flytrap-like plants require the timid hero to clear the way with only his vacuum and some prickly fruit. The first mission concludes with Luigi putting his plumbing skills to work by reactivating a hydroelectric generator, but an obese ghost creaks its way down the pipes before Luigi can reunite with E. Gadd.

Theghost-capturinggameplay works well on the hardware and the colorful graphics look sharp on the 3 DS ' s creen. "Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon" is shaping up tobe a charming reason to own a 3DS.

Android team wanted other Google

employees to start playing with the software and giving them feedback.

"I had no eyecandy for the slides we wereputting together," Morrill said. "Hence these guys." Morrill is referring to pictures at the bottom of his post of four robots in the colors of Google with

swirly eyes andconeheads. The engineer said hebelieves that his drawings were the first

proposed Android mascots, and gained a little bit of popularity with the team, who dubbed the bots "Dandroids." Morrill's mascots stuck around for a bit until the "bugdroid" mascot that would become the official face of Android.

"I figured I'd share them soyou

can experience a thrill of terror at what might have been," he said. — Salvador Rodriguez, Los Angeles Times



movies t,


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Mernck Morton / uonsgate via The Associated Press

Forest Whitaker, left, and Arnold Schwarzenegger star in "The Last Stand."

• Everything aboutSchwarzeneggerthat you loved is here inthis surprisingly goodaction film he Last Stand" is the Arnold S chwarzenegger movie you d i dn't even realizeyou wanted tosee. This is the action superstar's first leading role in a decade, having left acting to serve as the governor of California and whatnot, and while it may not have occurred to you to miss him during that time, it's still surprisingly good to see



him on the big screen again. He is not exactly pushing him"The Last Stand" self here. Korean director Kim Jee-woon's American filmmaking 107 minutes debut turns out to be an extremely R, for strong, bloody violence S chwarzeneggerish Sch w a r throughoutandlanguage zenegger film, full of big, violent set pieces and broad comedy. He may look a little creaky (and the mayhem as he fires off rounds facially freaky) these days, but and tosses off one-liners, and the Arnold proves he's still game for movie at least has the decency to

acknowledge that it knows that you know that he's old. The script also feels a bit old"The Last Stand" is essentially an amped-up version of "Rio Bravo," with some "Jackass"-style hijinks courtesy of J o hnny K n oxville himself. But Kim k eeps things moving briskly and the members of the strong supporting cast don't seem to mind that they're playing flimsy types. Everyone's just here for a mindless good time. Schwarzenegger stars as Ray Owens, sheriff of the tiny Arizona border town of Sommerton Junc-

tion, the kind of place where everyone knows everyone and the locals sit around the diner trading

folksy jokes. That's why the sheriff is immediately suspicious of some visitors sharing a booth over breakfast one morning — they clearly don't belongthere.Andrew Knauer'sscript makes some passing mention of Owens'pastcareer as a highly decorated Los Angeles police narcotics detective, which is intended to explain why this guy with the thick accent is such a badass.

Continued next page




warzene er'S ame

Vintageactionheroes The '80s are back.Or,more specifically, three vintage '80s action heroes will be kicking down the doors of multiplexes

• After nearly a decadeplaying politics, the actor has everyintention of picking upwhere heleft off

in the coming weeks.Besides Arnold Schwarzenegger's"The Last Stand" out this weekend,

Bruce Willis andSylvester By Rick Bentley The Fresno Bee

LOS ANGELEShe last time Arnold Schwarzenegger starred in a feature film was a decade ago, when he played his iconic robot in "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines." Acting took a back seat to politics from 2003-11 when

Stallone will also chase down villains this year.

Schwarzenegger watched as a new generation of action heroes

popped up to fill his place. Trying



to take on those newcomers — at the age of 65 — seemed a little daunting. But his cameos in the two "Expendables" movies gave him a hint that fans would welcome him back. Reaction was generally Schwarzenegger served as gover- positive to him resuming his acnor of California. tion ways. Now, as far as acting goes, he's Schwarzenegger returns with back. guns blazing as he doesn't shy S chwarzenegger stars in t h e away from big-action scenes in new comedy-action film"The Last "The Last Stand." He's driving as Stand," playing an aging sheriff of fast, hitting as hard and shooting a small town who's the only thing as straight as ever. There's even a between a vicious escaped carchance to show he's physically fit tel boss and the Mexican border. enough totake on some hand-toThe mayhem and mirth you've hand combat. come toexpect in a SchwarzenegAs far a s t h e a c ting p art, ger moviecan be seen beginning Schwarzenegger says it's like ridFriday. ing a bike: It all came back to him Though he made a few cameo as soon as he stepped on the set. film appearances during his days One reason Schwarzenegger as a public servant, Schwarzeneg- didn't feel like he had left acting ger doesn't see the new movie as was because he never really had a return. It's just a continuation time to miss it. nYou get so engrossed in what of the job he embraced after his championship weightlifting days. you are doing and it's such a huge "As you might remember, when responsibility to run a state like I got into the governorship, I said California with a legislature that's I would only run the state for the out of controL Bringing Demoseven years and then I w o uld crats and Republicans together is be back in the movie business," always a miraclebecause everySchwarzenegger said. "So it was one is so stuck in their ideological just like stepping out of the movie corners that they can't free thembusiness more than going back to selves from that," Schwarzenegthe movie business." ger said. "So it takes a lot of effort He was ready to get back to to get things done, but because work, but he had some hesitations. you are so into it and so passionThe actor, whose career was built ate about serving your state you on playing fearless characters really don't have time to miss in such films as "Conan the Bar- things in the movie business." barian" and "Predator," was conHe loved being in politics, but he cerned that his time had passed. didn't seek a different office after From his offices in Sacramento, his term because he never wanted

From previous page

stolen, souped-up Corvette that Turns out these new folks (led can reach speeds of 250 mph. by Peter Stormare) are there lay- While FBI agent John Bannister ing the groundwork for Mexican (Forest Whitaker) and his crew drug k i ngpin G a briel C o rtez try in vain to chase Cortez, the (Eduardo Noriega), who's just sheriff and his makeshift posse escaped federalcustody in Las set up a b a r ricade. And they Vegas in elaborate fashion. wait. H e's headed straight for t h e His team consists of the innoborder at Sommerton with a hos- cent newbie (Zach Gilford), the tage in the passenger seat in a grumpy veteran (Luis Guzman),

The movie: "A Good Day to Die

Hard" (Feb. 14) The (anticipated) catchphrase: "We're not ahugging family." Saving theworld from: Russki no-goodniks. Last time inthe saddle: Schooled JosephGordon-Levitt on life, love andvengeance in the bloody, trippy sci-fi mind-

bender "Looper" last fall. Obligatory AARP-endorsed Mernck Morton / uonsgate via The Associated Press

Arnold Schwarzenegger stars as Sheriff Rey Owens in the action-comedy "The Last Stand." It is Schwarzenegger's first starring role since playing the iconic robot in "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines" in 2003. "Conan" movie. And with another "As you might remember, "Terminator" movie on the horizon, Schwarzenegger's looking when I got into the to finish his film career with the governorship, I said I same action roles that made him an international star. would only run the state His game plan is to keep doing for the seven years and movies that challenge him. then I would be back in "I'm very open-minded about that. I read a lot of scripts and look the movie business." at different things, but at the same — Arnold Schwarzenegger time I have to be realistic that while I might see something I want to do, it might be something no one will to become a career politician. He's ever see. In the end, this is show happy to sit back and watch cur- BUSINESS. Movies cost a lot of rent California Gov. Jerry Brown money and you have to make sure, sweat out the battles that he once as an actor, to make sure everyone had to wage. gets their money back," SchwarS chwarzenegger's return t o zenegger said. "We always have to movies is fast and furious. He's ask if the people will really enjoy got two other movies ready for re- it. Will it do well overseas? " In th e ol d d a ys, w e o n l y lease, plus he wants to do a sequel to "Twins" called "Triplets." He thought about America. Today, it's would strap on a sword if the right different. Two-thirds of the money script came along for another is being made overseas."

the pretty and capable female deputy (Jaimie Alexander), her screw-up ex-boyfriend who happens to be in the town's lone jail cell (Rodrigo Santoro) and the wacko with an arsenal who gives his weapons pet names. That would be Knoxville. The shootouts and showdowns are muscular, high-energy and consist of an insane amount of

gunfire, although there are some bursts of squirm-inducing, creative carnage. Much of the hand-to-hand combat is shot and edited in a way to obscure what Schwarzenegger is actually doing while creating the i l lusion that he's kicking all k i nds of b u tt. Far more effective is a clever, intimate car chase through a corn-

reference to aging:Riding up an elevator with Jai Courtney,

playing Jack McClane, son to Willis' John, a Muzak version of "Ode to Joy" tinkles in

the background. "I guess you've done this before?" a passenger asks. Jack: "Don't encourage him." SYLVESTERSTALLONE, 66 The movie:"Bullet to the Head"

(Feb. 1) The (anticipated) catchphrase: "Bang. Down.Own." Saving society from: Coldblooded condo builders. Last time in the saddle: Stallone starred in the two fossil-fueled "Expendables"

blow-'em-ups. A third is in the

works ... with Jackie Chan!

Obligatory AARP-endorsed reference to aging:Stallone and partner sit in a car while

Foreigner's "Hot Blooded" plays on the stereo. Partner: "You mind if we listen to

something from this century?" Stallone: Stony silence. — GlennWhipp,LosAngeles Times

field that's alternately thrilling and quietly suspenseful. That this scrappy band of underdogs can take outthe more technologically advanced villain and his crew should come as no surprise. It's as predictable as Arnold saying he'll be back, and making good on that promise. — Christy Lemireis a film critic for The Associated Press.







• It's a crimfielm riddled with cliches,but the actorsgive it a push in the right direction


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hen people ask me about a particular movie, they don't say, "Are the performances tr anscendent?" O r , "Is the direction sublime?" Or, "Is this an engrossing, life-enriching experience?" They ask, "Is it any good?" That's what they always say. I can't tell you with a straight face that "Broken City" is "any good," but I can make the case you'll have a good time even when the screenplay is breaking bad. You look at that cast — Oscar winners Russell Crowe and Catherine Zeta-Jones, Oscar nominee Mark Wahlberg, terrific supporting players such as Barry Pepper, Kyle Chandler, Jeffrey Wright and Griffin Dunne — and you figure at least some of these actors read the script and thought, OK, I can sink my teeth into this one, even if the cheese gets pretty binding at times. From a lurid plot sometimes so predictable they could have inserted subtitles issuing a spoiler alert, warning of Russell Crowe's thuggishly over-the-top performance as a power-thirsty New York mayor, "Broken City" is the sworn enemy of subtle. Directed by Allen Hughes (who has teamed up with his brother, Albert, on films such as "Menace II Society," "From Hell" and "The Book of Eli"), this is a big, juicy, sometimes clunky political crime thriller that plays like a 2lst-century B-movie. It's prettytrashy and sometimes stupid. But there was never a moment when I wasn't entertained on one level or another. Mark Wahlberg has the Mark Wahlberg role as Billy Taggart, a streetwise, temperamental but basically goodhearted New York City cop who'sforced to resign from the force after a controversial shooting. Flash forward to seven years later. Billy is scraping out a living as a low-level private detective — peeping into windows, taking photos of guys cheating on their wives, that sort of thing. Not that life is too rough. Waiting at home for him, with candles

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Barry Wetcher /20th Century Fox via The Associated Press

Russell Crowe, left, and Mark Wahlberg star in "Broken City." (though we usually figure that out


"Broken City" 109 minutes

R, for pervasive language, some sexual content and violence and warm baths and many kisses, is the beautiful, aspiring actress Natalie (Natalie Martinez), who fell in love with Billy when he came through for her family after they suffered a horrific tragedy. Still, Billy jumps without thinking when he gets a call from Mayor Hostetler (Crowe), who summons Billy to his richly paneled office and offers him a tricky job

with a big payday. Boom! Just like that, Billy is plunged into a world of relationships that aren't what they seem

well before Billy does), shady po-

Valliant, I kid you not, and Kyle Chandler as Jack's slick campaign manager. Meanwhile, there's a mostly irrelevant subplot about Billy's girlfriend and the seemingly NC-17 indie film she's doing, and did I mention Billy hasn't had a drink in seven years but he's about to fall off the wagon? Oh, and there's a lot of flirtatious banter between Billy and his gorgeous, wise-cracking assistant, played by Alona Tal. (Now there's a name, Jack Valliant!) I looked up Alona Tal because she's such crackerjack fun in "Broken City." According to the Internet Movie Database, she was born in Herzlia,Israel, once recorded a song with Wyclef Jean, came in second for the role of "Veronica Mars" and served in the Israel Defense Forces. So there's that. Back to the madness of "Broken City." Hostetler stands to make millions from one of those real estate deals that will evict thou-

litical deals and a mayoral campaign so vicious Rahm Emanuel would be shaking in his shoes. Hostetler's more like a b e efy, modern-day Nucky T h ompson than a slick politician, his eyes in permanent malevolence mode as he stomps through the city like Godzilla in Prada. Hostetler's wife, Cathleen played by Catherine Zeta- Jones as if she watched one too many 1950s film noirs in her trailer while getting her hair and makeup done — is up to something shady. Is she having an affair, as the mayor claims, or is it something deeper'? Well, she actually pulls Billy aside at one point and basically tells him what's going on, but he still doesn't buy it. Come on, Billy! We also get Jeffrey Wright as the police commissioner, whose intentions a r e w e l l -disguised; Barry Pepper as Hostetler's opponent, whose name is actually Jack sands of poor people and make

way for luxury condos. Billy's hot on the trail, but he can't see the forest for the trees. Just about everyone is hiding one secret, if not more. Shots are fired, punches are exchanged, speeches are speechified. Like many a m o vie v i llain, Crowe favors his dog over people. It's a pretty great performance from Crowe, as he throws his ham hands about and lectures everyone who comes within shouting distance. Wahlberg is solid, Wright puts his usual unique spin on his role, and Chandler is so good you want to see more of his character. This is the kind of cliche-riddled movie where people print out incriminating documents just so someone can find them, and a falling-down-drunk character miraculously sobers up when he's summoned to a crime scene. Is it any good? No. But yeah. — Richard Roeper is afilm critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.




ama' wi eree ou ou ery few h orror m ovies would last past the second act if the characters in these films were actually FANS of horror movies. Sometime after the first occurrence of Scary Old-Timey Music Wafting Through the Vents, some time after Creepy Bugs Fluttering Inside the House and certainly by the time of the "Accidental" Fall That Sidelines a Key Character — well, that's when any redblooded, moviegoing individual would run out the front door and never look back. To the credit of director Andy Muschietti, his co-writing team and a first-rate cast, "Mama" succeeds in scaring the wits out of us and leaving some lingering, deeply creepy images, despite indulging in many of the aforementioned cliches — and about a halfdozen more. (Executive produced by horror master Guillermo del Toro, "Mama" is a feature-length expansion of a th r ee-minute short that Muschietti made with his sister Barbara.) In addition to at least three or four jump-in-your-seat stingers, we get some of the most creatively chilling nightmare sequences in recent memory. A stylized dream (which is really a t r ansferred memory) set in the 19th century, in which we see a crazed young woman creating bloody terror before leaping off a cliff with her newborn, all of it shown from the madwoman's point of view'? In the prologue to "Mama," we learn of a shooting at a financial firm after an economic crash. A distraught executive named Lucas (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau from "Game of Thrones") arrives home, quickly collects his two young daughters, Victoria and Lilly, and speeds off. They wind up in an abandoned house deep in theforest,where Lucas apparently intends to shoot his daughters before he can kill himself. That's not quite how it works out. Flash forward to five years later. Lucas' brother Jeffrey (also

V Sony P<ctures Classics v<a The Assoaated Press

Marion Cotillard stars as Stephanie, a trainer of orca whales, in the French film "Rust and Bone."

' us an one' is a eau i me 0 wish you could see "Rust and Bone," French director Jacques Audiard'sbeautifulmelodrama, without knowing what happens at the half-hour point. But if you've seen the magazine interviews with Marion Cotillard, or write-ups of the film, pro and con, or even its trailer, you already know. (If you don't, do yourself a favor


and stop reading right now.) In a dreamlike flash, Cotillard's Stephanie, a trainer of orca whales at a Marineland park, loses her legs. She wakes in a hospital, like so many other characters in so many movies — especially war movies — to gaze at the end of the bed and the flat nothing of a crisp, white sheet. The shock is seismic. That's not the only jolt in "Rust and Bone," a love story and a story of two people who bring each other back to life. Audiard, whose screenplay here synthesizes elements of a short story by Craig Davidson, opens with the closeup of feet tramping down the side of a wide road pocked with food franchises and gas stations. Ali (Matthias Schoenaerts) and his 5-year-old son (Armand Verdure) are hoboing their way to Antibes, in the south of France, thumbing rides, hopping trains, scrounging garbage bins for food. Ali is heading to his sister's, where he hopes to unload his boy

deep truthfulness here, too, in the way Ali and Stephanie latch on to STEVENREA each otherout of need, and then begin to realize they are in love. Thanks to the ace deployment of digital effects, Stephanie's absent limbs are, to the viewer, whol"Rust and Bone" ly believable, as are the prosthetics she gets fitted with later. But it is 120 minutes what Cotillard does with her body, R, for sex, nudity, profanity, violence her face, her eyes, that brings real and adult themes believability to Stephanie's plight. It's an incredibly nuanced perforand find a job. Which he does, as a mance (the look of total despair in bouncer in a nightclub. And that's the hospital room; the poetry and how he meetsStephanie, pre-ac- exhilaration of the moment when cident,when she comes to dance Stephanie, on a sunlit balcony, reand gets caught up in a n asty enacts the dance-like gestures she brawl. used when she worked with the Thepair reconnectwith aphone whales). call that leads to a surprisingly Schoenaerts is just as good. casual meeting, after Stephanie As Ali falls into a world of illegal becomes a double amputee. "Rust boxing,winning money and pumand Bone" tracks these two souls meling opponents, it's like some— his life rooted in violence, hers body finally knocked the guy the marked by a sort of empty sybarit- right way in the head: The world, ism — as they discover how much with Stephanie at his side, finally they need each other, help each makes sense. other, and challenge each other. The narrative at the heart of (And want each other — the sex "Rust and Bone" is a vehicle for here is urgent, vitaL) sentiment and over-the-top hisAudiard, who made the uncom- trionics if ever there was one, but promising prison saga "A Proph- Audiard and his two stars deliver et," is like a gritty, realist Douglas the exact opposite: a film thrillingSirk — throwing his characters ly raw and essential, life-affirminto whirlwind scenarios that are ing, sublime. — Steven Reais afilm critic filled with big emotions and fateful turns of events. But there's a for The Phiiadelphia 1nquirer.


"Mama" 100 minutes

PG-13, for violence andterror, some disturbing images and thematic

elements making strange noises, crawling on all fours in rapid fashion like wild animals. How could they have survived on their own'? The girls are kept in isolation for afew months as Dr. D reyfuss (Daniel Kash) studies and records their every move while ostensibly helping with their assimilation. Given that Victoria keeps making crypticreferences to an unseen "Mama" and Lilly sleeps under the bed, gnaws on fruit, twigs and the occasional bug, and screams whenever anyone tries to touch her,the girls hardly seem ready foricecream, pajamas and bedtime stories, but Jeffrey is determined to give them a normal life. So Jeffreyand his rocker-chick lover, Annabel (Jessica Chastain in a black wig and a tattoo sleeve), take the girls to their new rentfree home. Let the chills and spills begin. As Dr . D r eyfuss investigates some long-ago murders at a facility just a few miles from the site of that house in the forest, Jeffrey is sidelined by an "accident," leaving the reluctant Annabel in charge of the girls. For the longest time we don't see much of the ghostly Mama, who apparently has been alternately caring for and terrorizing the girls all these years and has made the trip with them to suburbia. She flashes by the screen, or we see just the top of her head as she zips about the house. Once

we do see her, yipes. Movies like "Mama" are thrill rides. We goto be scared andthen

played by Coster-Waldau) has

laugh, scared and then laugh,

never given up hope. His team of searchers finally stumbles onto the very abandoned house we saw five years ago. Dad's long gone, but the girls are still there — covered in mud,

scared and then shocked. And of course,there's almost always a little plot left over for a sequel. It's a ride I'd take again. — Richard Roeper is afilm critic for The Chicago Sun-Times.




Civil War characters are seen in faded Confederate uniforms, anddynamite, that talisman of every Z-gradeWestern, shows up nine yearsbefore it was patented. Here's what's showing on Central The soundtrack rangesfrom imitation Spaghetti Western themes toJim Croce Oregon movie screens. For ballads to gangster rap.Geographically showtimes, see listings on Page31. incompetent, with plantations overfilled with all manner of shootably venal white overseers, this isn't KenBurns history. All part of the fun. Only it's not that much fun Reviews by RogerEbert unless otherwise here. Somescenesconvey Tarantino-esque noted. tension. But Tarantino's unwillingness to trim anything slows the film to a crawl. Rating: Twostars.165 minutes. (R) HEADS UP — Roger Moore, "The Best ofRiffTraxLive: 'Manes' The McClatchy-Tribune NewsService Hands of Fate" — Twoepisodes of the "Flight" — After opening with one of "RiffTrax Live" cinemaseries return to the the most terrifying flying scenes I've bigscreen:"Manos"The HandsofFate" witnessed, in which anairplane is saved (Thursday) and"Plan 9from Outer Space" by being flown upside-down, Robert (Jan. 31). Originally broadcast to theaters Zemeckis' "Flight" segues into a brave in August 2012, "RiffTrax Live: 'Manos' and tortured performance by Denzel The Hands ofFate" brings Torgoandother Washington — one ofhis very best. crazy characters back bypopular demand. Not often does amovie character make Riffing on one ofthe worstfilms of all time, such a harrowing personal journeythat this one-night encore gives fansanother keeps us in deepsympathy all of the way. chance to seethe comedians of RiffTrax Washington plays aveteran commercial — Michael J. Nelson,KevinMurphyand Bill pilot who has built up atolerance for Corbett (best knownforthe groundbreaking quantities of alcohol and cocaine that WHAT'S NEW "Mystery ScienceTheater 3000") would be lethal for most people. Rating: " Rust and Bone" — I wi sh you coul d s ee they rest on. One gl a cier loses the height — roasting the film onthe big screen. The Four stars. 138 minutes. (R) "Rust and Bone," French director Jacques in ice of the Empire State Building. This "Broken City" — From alurid and event screens at7:30 p.m. Thursday at "Gangster Squad"— "GangsterSquad" Audiard's beautiful melodrama, without film screens at the Tin Pan Theater in predictable plot, "Broken City" is the Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX inBend. is a gang-war dramabuilt on Western knowing what happens at the half-hour Bend. Rating: Three stars. 76 minutes. sworn enemy of subtle. It's a big, juicy, Cost is $12.50. 120minutes. (PG-13) conventions, a rootin' tootin', Camel(PG-13) point. But if you've seenthe magazine clunky, political crime thriller — Synopsis from National CineMedia sometimes smokin', whiskey swillin' shoot-'em-up interviews with Marion Cotillard, or write"Chasing Mavericks" — Basedon that plays like a 21st-century B-movie. about a lawlessperiod in L.A.'s history "Burn After Reading" — TheCoen upsofthefilm, proandcon, orevenits It's also pretty trashy and sometimes the "real life" story of Jay Moriarity when a small cadre ofcops,working Brothers Film Festival continues tonight trailer, you already know. (If you don't, stupid. But there's never amoment when (Jonny Weston), a legendary surfer who outside the law,took on Mobboss Mickey with their 2008 spy thriller "Burn After do yourself afavor and stop reading right you won't be entertained on onelevel or conquered a horrifying wave north of Cohen in afight for "the soul of Los Reading." Intelligence is relative when a now.) In a dreamlike flash, Cotillard's another. Thanks to agreat cast — Oscar Santa Cruzwhen hewas only15. He's Angeles." Josh Brolin ably handlesthe disk of meandering memoirs from a CIA Stephanie, a trainer of orca whales at a winners Russell Croweand Catherine Zetamentored by a neighbor, Frosty Hesson John Wayne role, the paragon of virtue, Marineland park, loses her legs. Shewakes (Gerard Butler), in a standard but wellanalyst (John Malkovich) ends up inthe Jones, OscarnomineeMarkW ahlberg and an incorruptible police sergeant taskedby hands of a dim-witted employee (Brad i n a hospital to gaze at the end of the bed terrific supporting players Barry Pepper, made coming-of-age drama.With the only honest police chief (Nick Nolte) and the flat nothing of a crisp, white sheet. Elisabeth Shue ashis mother and Leven Pitt) who tries selling it to the Russians. Kyle Chandler, Jeffrey Wright andGriffin tochaseoutmobbossMickey Cohen The shock is seismic. That's not the only The film screens at 8 tonight at the Tower Dunne— you'llhaveagoodtimeeven Rambin as his childhood sweetheart. (Sean Penn,pugnacious, ferocious). Theatre in Bend.Cost is $10 plus fees. jolt in "Rust and Bone," a lovestory and a Rating: Three stars. 116 minutes. (PG) when the script is breaking bad.Rating: Ryan Gosling is Jerry Waters, thecynical story of two people who bring each other "Cirpue du Soleil: Worlds Away" — Synopsis from TowerTheatre Three stars. 109 minutes. (R) detective/gunslinger who will have totake back to life. The narrative at the heart of — Cirque du Soleil movies are a lot like "Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters" — Richard Roeper, "Rust and Bone" is a vehicle for sentiment sides, but is going to takesome convincing. ballet films — long onbeauty andartistry, — After getting a taste for blood as All in all, "Gangster Squad" is asolid piece The Chicago-Sun Times and over-the-top histrionics if ever there short on story. "Cirque duSoleil: Worlds children, Hansel (JeremyRenner) and of work, and that solid piece ofwork Brolin "Last Stand" — "The Last Stand" is the was one, but Audiard and his two stars Away" is a 3-D catalog of the wonders of Gretel (Gemma Arterton) have becomethe anchors it in the kind of square-jawedmoral Arnold Schwarzenegger movie you didn't (Cotillard and Matthias Schoenaerts) the Cirque company's LasVegasshows, ultimate vigilantes, hell bent on retribution. even realize youwanted to see.This is rectitude that makesyouwish Hollywood deliver the exact opposite: a film thrillingly from "Believe" and "Mystere" to "0" and Now, unbeknownst to them, Hanseland made moreREALWesterns, just for him. raw and essential, life-affirming, sublime. the action superstar's first leading role in "Viva Elvis." It is afeastfor the eyes, an He's fine in atrenchcoat and fedora. But Gretel have becomethe hunted, and must In French, with subtitles. Rating: Four a decade, having left acting to serve as appreciation of the accomplished art of the somebody get that man ahorse. Rating: face an evil far greater than witches ... their the governor of California andwhatnot, stars. 120 minutes. (R) jugglers, tumblers, mimes, contortionists, Three stars. 110minutes. (R) past. The film opensJan. 25. Catch alate and while it may not haveoccurred to — Steven Rea,ThePhiladelphia Inquirer acrobats and aerialists that have made night preview Thursday at local theaters. you to miss him during that time, it's still — Roger Moore, Cirque a brandname.Live, in person, This film is available locally in IMAX. (R) surprisingly good to seehim onthe big these shows arephysical and technical McClatchy-Tribune NewsService STILL SHOWING — Synopsis from Paramount Pictures screen again. He isnot exactly pushing spectacles, the state-of-the-art in what is "TheGuiltTrip" — For their latest himself here. Korean director Kim Jee"The Metropolitan Opera: LesTroyens" possible in live performance. On film? The comictrick, Barbra Streisand andSeth "Argo" — BenAffleck directs and stars woon's American filmmaking debut turns — The Metropolitan Operaoffers a spectacle is a little less spectacular. Their Rogen go for something that neither has in the incredible true story of how, at out to be anextremely Schwarzeneggerish rare opportunityto witness Berlioz's movies are what the live showsneverare been known for over the course of their the height of the Iranian hostage crisis, Schwarzenegger film, full of big, violent vast epic, last performed at the Met in — boring. Cheaper than atrip to Vegas, respective careers — cute. With "Guilt a CIA agent and a couple of Hollywood set pi ec e s a nd br oad comedy. He ma y l ook "Worlds Away" is, even in gorgeous 3-D, 2003.DeborahVoigt,SusanGraham Trip," they've made aholiday comedy professionals dreamed up a cockamami e a little creaky (and facially freaky) these and Marcello Giordani lead thestar a wonderful reminder of the indispensable safer for Streisand's audience than for scheme to free six Americans whowere days, but Arnold proves he's still game cast. Met Principal Conductor Fabio place Cirque duSoleil holds in popular Rogen's, a mild-manneredmo vieyou not being held in the American Embassy for the mayhem as he fi r es off rounds entertainment. They're fabulous, even Luisi marshals the large-scale musical won't be embarrassed to take your mom but had found refuge with the Canadi a n and tosses off one-liners, and the movie forces."The Metropolitan Opera: Live in film. But there's no substitute for live to. Well, not too embarrassed. Rogen is Embassy. Kept top secretfor18 years, the on at least has the decency to acknowledge High-Definition" series features12 opera performance. This film is available locally Andy, an organic chemist who left his operation created a fake sci-fi production that it knows that you know that he' s old. in 3-D. Rating: Twoand ahalf stars. 88 performances transmitted live in highjob with the Environmental Protection named "Argo," convinced the Iranians it Rating: Three stars. 107 minutes. (R) minutes. (PG) definition. The encore event screens at Agency to try and sell his environmentally was real and used it to spirit the Americans 6:30 p.m. Wednesday atthe Regal OldMill — Christy Lemire, TheAssociated Press out of the country. With lots of tension and — Roger Moore, friendly cleaner. He's struggling. But to Stadium16 & IMAX in Bend.Cost is $18. "Mama" — To thecredit of director Andy (Streisand), he is still "my perfect alsosome humor from John Goodman and McClatchy-Tribune NewsService Joyce 345 minutes. (no MPAArating) boy," theappleofMom's New Jerseyeye. Muschietti, his co-writing teamandafirstAlan Arkin as the Hollywood pros involved. "Django Unchained" — Bullets, Andy worries about his Mom, wonders — Synopsis from National CineMedia rate cast, "Mama" succeeds in scaring the Rating: Four stars. 120 minutes. (R) bullwhips and beatings produceslo-mo why shedoesn'tdate.Mom wonders wits out of us and leaving some lingering, "The Metropolitan Opera: Maria "Chasing Ice" — Heart-stopping in its geysers of blood. Pistoleros launch into why Andy isn't married."Guilt Trip" is deeply creepy images, despite indulging Stuarda" — Freshfrom hertriumph in coverage of the brave and risky attempt soliloquies on sl a very and the German everything you'd expect in a mother-son in many horror-film cliches. Movies like The Metropolitan Opera's "TheEnchanted b y a s ci e nt i st n amed James Bal og and Siegfried myth. "Django Unchained" road trip comedy starring the profane "Mama" are thrill rides. We go to be scared Island, "mezzo-sopranoJoyceDiDonato, his team of researchers on the Extreme is set in Quentin Tarantino's pre-Civil and pot-friendly Rogen and the wizened, andthenlaugh,scaredandthen laugh, one of the world's most exciting singers, Ice Survey, where "extreme" refers to War South. Another indulgent movie smart-mouthed diva Streisand. And less. scared and thenshocked. And of course, takes on thevirtuosic bel canto role their efforts almost more than to the ice. from the cinema's reigning junk-genre Rating: Two and ahalf stars. 95 minutes. there's almost always a little plot left of the doomedMary, Queenof Scots. During repeated expeditions to Greenland, junkie, "Django" mashestogether1960s (PG-13) over for a sequel. It's a ride horror fans Having scored amajor success with his Iceland, Alaska and Montana, the team Italian "Spaghetti Westerns" and '70s would take again. Rating: Three stars. 100 — Roger Moore, production of "AnnaBolena," director David took stop-motion cameras andanchored American "Blacksploitation" pictures. The minutes. (PG-13) McClatchy-Tribune NewsService Mct/icar nowturns to thesecondoperaof them in place. Weseeglaciers retreating historical bastardization of "Inglourious" — Richard Roeper,TheChicago-Sun Times from ice mountains to expose the rock Donizetti's Tudortrilogy, which explores has nothing on "Django," where preContinued next page


regal characters at fateful moments of their lives. Elzavan denHeever sings Elizabeth I, and Maurizio Benini conducts. "The Metropolitan Opera:Live inHigh-Definition" series features12 operaperformances transmitted live in high-definition. Theevent screens at9:55 a.m.Saturday at the Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX in Bend.Tickets are $24 for adults, $22for seniors and $18 for children. 200 minutes. (noMPAArating) — Synopsis from National CineMedia "Winter Wildlands Alliance Backcormtry Film Festival" — Theeighth annual Backcountry Film Festival returns to McMenamins OldSt. Francis School in Bend. The films comefrom renowned filmmakers whosearchbackcountry corners across theglobe tosubmit their best work, and from grassroots filmmakerswho take a videocameraout ontheir weekend excursions andsubmit their best film short. The entries arejuried by apanel of judges and the topselections areassembled into a 90-minute program.Theevent screens at 9 tonight. Cost is $10.Proceeds benefit the Winter Wildlands Allianceandthe Bend Backcountry Alliance. (noMPAArating) The weinstein company via The Associated press — Synopsis from McMenamins Leonardo DICaprio stars as Calvin Candie in "Django Unchained."



From previous page "A Haunted House" — Marlon Wayans wrings every last downand-dirty giggle out of a single joke in "A Haunted House," his return to "Scary Movie" territory, in truth if not by contract. He's no longer involved in that series, so he limited himself to making fun not of every modern "scary" movie, but just the "Paranormal Activity" series. And for 85 rude andraunchy minutes, he does his best to drive a comical stake through the heart of horror's hottestfranchise andthe "found footage" genre. Thefunniest bit is Kisha's (EssenceAtkings) all-night sleepwalking dance routine. The rest of "A Haunted House" you've pretty muchseenifyouwatchedtheTV ads. Rating: Onestar. 85 minutes. (R) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "The Hobbit: AnUnexpected Journey" — Forthosewho simply cannot get enough ofMiddle-earth, Peter Jackson's "TheHobbit" promises to be the ultimate TravelNew Zealand miniseries. Heandhis "Lord of the Rings" teamhavetakenJ.R.R. Tolkien's densebut slightand more comical "Rings" prelude, a simple quest to rob adragon, and blown it up into a trilogy. Andsince the first installment, "An UnexpectedJourney," clocks in atalmost threehours ... well, youseewhatliesaheadofus.The settings are gorgeous.Theeffects are spectacular. But inadding aprologue, in transposing characters from the "Rings" films into the narrative, and in having the luxury of including "Hobbit" minutia by thebushel basketful, I have to say the bloatshows. Thehardcore faithful won't admit it, but less cynical studios could havetold this entire tale in three hours. This film is available locally in IMAX.Rating:Twoand ahalf stars.169 minutes. (PG-13) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "Hyde Park on Hudson" — Bill Murray plays Franklin Roosevelt as asometimes lonelyand sad man whose vacationgetaway is his mother's family mansion, Springwood, near HydePark in upstate NewYork. Here in June1939, he receives guests whose visit could change the course of world history: England's King GeorgeV(Samuel West) and QueenElizabeth (Olivia Colman). Witnessing from backstage is his sixth cousin, Daisy (Laura Linney), with whom FDR has asweet and secret affair. Murray finds the exact tone, gentle and confiding, for this view of Roosevelt. Rating: Three and a half stars. 94 minutes. (R)

e l



Courtesy Disney-Pixar

Mike (voiced by Billy Crystal), Sulley (voiced by John Goodman) and Boo (voiced by Mary Gibbs) star in "Monsters, Inc." "The Impossible" — The tsunami that devastated the Pacific Basin in the winter of 2004 remains oneof the worst natural disasters in history. We were in Europewhen it struck, and we sat mesmerized, watching the news on TV — againand again,that towering wall of water looming from the sea, tossing trucks, busesand its helpless victims aside. Surely this was a blow from hell. In this terrifying triumph of special effects, Juan Antonio Bayona's film becomesa powerful story of afamily's cohesive strength. With Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor and TomHolland. Oneof the best films of 2012. Rating: Four stars. 114 minutes. (PG-13) "Jack Reacher" — Whateveryou think of TomCruise, you know he's not 6-feet-5 and well over 200 pounds, which isthe wayauthor Lee Child describes his crime-solving/ justice-dispensing ex-military policeman, JackReacher.Buteven if Cruise isn't as physically imposing as the guy, hecan still bring the intimidation, as heproves in "Jack Reacher." Cruise carries off the part with a bruising panache, as athome in a brawl or car chase as heis in droll banter with the mere mortals who surround him. Based onChild's novel "OneShot," it's about an Iraq War sniper accused of mowing down a crowd of people in Pittsburgh. Rating: Two and ahalf stars. 130 minutes. (PG-13) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "Les Miserables" — There are moments early on in "Les Miserables" whenviewers may feel like they're about to witness a bona-fide disasterpiece, one ofthose

spectacular miscalculations that can be almost asentertaining — almost — as a superbly executed work of audacious ambition andscope.This adaptation of the mega-hit Broadway musical lives in that kinda-sorta, okay-not-great, this-worked-thatdidn't in-between for which words like "better" and "worse" fall woefully short. Enough faint praise. There's plentyto cheer in "Les Miserables," not the least of which is the presence of some genuinely astonishing breakout performances. Basedon Victor Hugo's novel, "Les Miserables" juxtaposes Marius' (Eddie Redmayne's) fight for political justice with the more personal struggle of Jean Valjean, whom wemeet in the film's opening scene asanenslaved prisoner, played byan unrecognizably emaciate d HughJackman.Rating: Two and ahalf stars.157 minutes. (PG-13) — Ann Hornaday, The Ãlashington Post "Life of Pi" — A miraculous achievement of storytelling and a landmark of visual mastery. Inspired by a worldwide best-seller that seemed unfilmable, it is a triumph over its difficulties. It is also a moving spiritual achievement, a movie whose title could havebeenshortened to "Life." The story involves the 227 days that its teenagehero (Suraj Sharma) spends drifting across the Pacific in the samelifeboat as a Bengal tiger. Themovie quietly combines various religious traditions to enfold its story in the wonder of life. How remarkable that these two mammals, and the fish beneath them and birds above them, are all here. One of the year's best. This film is












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long. Whenyuppie parents (Marisa Tomei and TomEverett Scott) go out of town for a fewdays, they decide to leave their brood of three spoiled crumb-snatchers (Bailee Madison, Joshua RushandKyle Harrison Breitkopf) with the grandparents (Billy Crystal and Bette Midler). What ensues is exactly what you would expect: disaster involving cake frosting on the faceandapoplectic mugging, followed byscenes of saccharine reconciliation so insincere they makeCrystal's dye job and Midler's facelift look natural. This film was not given a star rating.105 minutes. (PG) — Michael O'Sullivan, The Irlrashington Post "Promised Land" — "I'm not abad guy," SteveButler insists, andoneof the reasons "Promised Land" works is that he's right. Played byMatt Damon (who wrote thescreenplay with John Krasinski), Steve,acorporate predator who isalsoatrue believer in his company's cause, is both the apparent villain and magnetfor a the audience' ssympathy.Thatcauseis the contentious drilling technique for natural gasknownasfracking, which hascausedaneconomic boom — aswell asconsiderable environmental worry — inplacesthat sit atop gas-rich shale. "Promised Land," directed byGusVanSant, is an earnest attempt, sometimeseffective, sometimes clumsy, to dramatize the central argumentsaboutfracking and its impact. Nostar rating provided. 106 minutes. (R) — A.O.Scott, The NewYork Times "Silver Linings Playbook" — Pat (Bradley Cooper) is confident and upbeat for a manjust released from a mental hospital and under a restraining order from his wife. He's determined to surprise everyone by moving ever onward andupward. What stage of bipolar disorder would you guess he's in? His parents (Robert De Niro andJacki Weaver) are well-meaning but dubious. Continued Page 31

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available locally in 3-D. Rating: Four stars. 125 minutes. (PG) "Lincoln" — Steven Spielberg's newfilmfocuses on onlyafew months of Lincoln's life, including the passage of the13th Amendment ending slavery, the surrender of the Confederacy and his assassination. Rarely has afilm attended more carefully to the details of politics. Daniel Day-Lewis creates aLincoln who is calmly self-confident, patient and willing to play politics in a realistic way. Notabout an icon of history, but about a president who was scorned by some of his opponents asa hayseedfrom the backwoods. He understood them better than they did him. Sure to win many AcademyAward nominations. Rating: Four stars. 149 minutes. (PG- I3) "Monsters, Inc." — Disney-Pixar realized they'd hit on acan't-miss formula for animated blockbusters about the time "Monsters, Inc." came out in 2001. Find somefantastical corner of pop culture youcanpeek in on — after hours. Fromthe lives of toys when the kids aren't around to where scary monsters gowhen they're not hiding in kids' closets or the private lives of clownfish, comic book superheroes or videogame characters (Disney's new"Wreck-It Ralph"), these familiar but imaginary worlds have proven to befertile ground for animation. "Monsters, Inc." may havelost the bestanimated film Oscar to "Shrek." But askany parent which film is aging better, and which DVDtheir children wear out, and the real winner emerges. This film is available locally in 3-D. Rating: Three and ahalf stars. 92 minutes. (G) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "Parental Guidance" — "Parental Guidance" is not just dull; it's aggressively dull, as if the people who made it actually want to putyou to sleep and then steal your wallet. It's also badly overacted, syrupy, phony looking, implausibly scripted, formulaic and about15 minutes too



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Kerry Hayes /20th Century Fox via The Associated Press

Viola Davis, center left, and Maggie Gyllenhaal star in "Won't Back Down."

N EW D V D 8z BL U - R


R EL E A S E S The following movies were released the

week of Jan. 15. "Farewell, My Queen" — Opens onBastille Day, July14,1789, and observestheevents inside the royal palace of Versailles through the eyes andknowledge of Sidonie Laborde (Lea Seydoux), a poor youngwoman who is the official reader to Marie Antoinette (Diane Kruger). The servants learn of events in Paris by rumor and gossip, and in afew days seethe majesty of the monarchy crumble. What will this mean for the servants? Director Benoit Jacquot, who filmed on location at Versailles, does an atmospheric and engrossing job of depicting the dread gathering in the palaceshadows. DVDand Blu-ray Extras: Featuring on-set interviews and interviews with director Benoit Jacquot. Rating: Three and ahalf stars. 99 minutes. (R) "The Intouchables" — Superficially likable but fundamentally bothersome parable about a paralyzed Frenchmillionaire (Francois Cluzet) and the jolly ex-con African immigrant (Omar Sy) he hires as his caregiver. Based onthe assumption that what the stuck-up rich man needs is a little more soul and rhythm in his life — and his first taste of marijuana, of course. The actors are engaging andmany scenes effective, but the film is founded onquestionable stereotypes. No "Extras" were listed for this film. Rating: Two and a half stars.112 minutes. (R) "ThePossession"— The possessionofthe title is a dark wood box with a carved inscription in Hebrew informing the finder that it entraps a dybbuk, an evil spirit that will cleave to the soul of anyone unlucky enough to release it. This box turns up in ayard sale and is purchased by a young girl named Em(Natasha Calis). Her divorced parents are played byJeffrey Dean Morgan and KyraSedgwick, Matisyahu is effective as a Hasidic exorcist. The people are persuasive, the box is scary. DVD and Blu-ray Extras: One featurette and audio commentary. Rating: Three and a half stars. 92 minutes. (PG- I3)

"Taken 2" — They say that the family that's kidnapped together, stays together, and Liam Neeson, Ma ggie Graceand FamkeJanssenare backina pumped-upsequelto"Taken"(2008). This time the whole family is kidnapped bythe vengeance-minded Krasniqi (RadeSherbedgia), whose son was killed by Neeson in theearlier film (after the son attempted to turn the girl into a sex slave, to besure). First-rate chases tear through (and up) Istanbul, and Neesondoes some amazing, lifesaving mental calculations. DVD Extras: Onefeaturette and alternate ending; Blu-ray Extras: Twoadditional featurettes, deleted scenes and anunrated cut and theatrical version. Rating: Three stars. 91 minutes. (PG-13) "To Rome With Love" — WoodyAllen follows Barcelona, London andParis with another European setting for intercut (but not interlocking) stories. Four sitcomish episodes involve romantic misunderstandings and embarrassments, taking advantage of the willingness of seemingly every actor to work with him. Three good stories, one not so hot. Alec Baldwin, Roberto Benigni, Penelope Cruz, Judy Davis, Jesse Eisenberg, GretaGerwig, Ellen PageandAllen himself. DVD and Blu-ray Extras: One featurette. Rating: Three stars. 111 minutes. (R) "Won't Back Down" — The film blames the low performance of American public education on teachers unions and bureaucracy. It embraces a movement in which parents vote to take control of their children's own schools, reward gifted teachers and throw out overpaid, lazy administrators held in place byseniority. It all sounds so simple — and it is, becausethe movie makes itsimplistic. Maggie Gyllenhaal and Viola Davis give inspired performances in asluggish formula do-gooder. DVDand Blu-ray Extras: Two featurettes, deleted scenesandaudio commentary. Rating: Twostars. 121 minutes. (PG)

COMING UP: Movies scheduled for national release Jan. 22 include "End of Watch," "For a Good Time, Call ...," "Keep the Lights On," "The Paperboy," "Pina" and "Searching for Sugar Man." — "DVD andBiu-ray Extras" fromwireandonlinesources




From Page 29 A prickly neighborhood widow (Jennifer Lawrence) wants to sleep with him and is offended that he's interested only because she's in touch with his ex-wife. This all somehow comes down to intersecting bets about afootball gameand aballroom dance contest. Written and directed by David O. Russell. Rating: Threeand a half stars. 122 minutes. (R) "Skyfall" —"Skyfall" triumphantly reinvents 007 in one of the best Bonds ever made. This is a full-blooded, joyous, intelligent celebration of a beloved cultural icon, with Daniel Craig taking full possession of a role he earlier played unconvincingly. The film at last provides a role worthy of Judi Dench, returning as M, who is one of the best actors of her generation. She is all but the co-star, with a lot of screen time, poignant dialogue, and a character who is far more complex and sympathetic than we expect. In this 50th year of the James Bond series, with the dismal "Quantum of Solace" (2008) still in our minds, I don't know what I expected in Bond No. 23, but certainly not an experience this invigorating. If you haven't seen a 007 for years, this is the time to jump back in. Rating: Four stars. 143 minutes. (PG-13) "This Is 40" —Stupid freaking Judd Apatow, with his stupid freaking foulmouthed and sentimental "Hobbit"length comedies, his stupid freaking insistence on not only peopling them with his old comic cronies, but his wife and cursing kids. Happy freaking R-rated holidays, America. Here's your "Meet the Parents" this year — longer and less funny."This Is 40" — the very premise is flawed, since everybody knows "50 is the new40" — is a sort of sequel to "Knocked Up" that catches up with the struggling, funny and quite real sidekick couple of that film, Debbie and Pete, played by Leslie Mann (Mrs. Apatow) and Paul Rudd. Rating: Two stars.131 minutes. (R) — Roger Moore, McClatchy-Tribune News Service "Wreck-It Ralph" — The newDisney animated feature for families takes place inside several arcade-style videogames,providinganexcuse forthe backgrounds, ground rules and characters to constantly reinvent themselves. Its hero is one of those clumsy, misunderstood big guys who dream only of being loved. Ralph (voice by John C.Reilly) spends every dayknocking down anapartment building, which is constantly repaired by Fix-It Felix Jr. (Jack McBrayer). Lively, endlessly colorful nonstop action, also with JaneLynch andSarah Silverman. Rating: Three stars.101 minutes. (PG) "Zero DarkThirty" — Two hours of watching a loner female CIAstrategist who knows she is right — andthe payoff that she is. Jessica Chastain stars as Maya,who wasright all along, providing the film with atimely heroine. Lots of murky action in the big capture anddeath, but lacking the split-second timing and relentless action of director Kathryn Bigelow's "The Hurt Locker." Thesecharacters are less compelling, and the outcome less meaningful. Rating: Three stars. 157 minutes. (R)


T I M E S • For the zoeekof JarL18

• There may be an additional fee for 3-D and IMAXmovies. • Movie times are subject to change after press time.


• Accessibility devices are available for some movies at RegalOld Mill StadiumtG tI IMAX.


NEVER AGAIN!; t i • ws s



Regal Old Mill Stadium16 8 IMAX, 680S.W. Powerhouse Drive, Bend, 541-382-6347 • THE BEST OF RIFFTRAX LIVE: MANOS, THE HANDSOFFATE(PG-13) Thu: 7:30 • BROKEN CITY (R) Fri, Sun-Thu: 12:40, 3:20, 6:05, 9:10 Sat: 9:55 a.m., 12:40, 3:20, 6:05, 9:10 • DJANGOUNCHAINED(R) Fri-Thu: 12:50, 4:30, 8:05 • GANGSTERSGUAD(R) Fri-Thu: 12:35, 3:15, 6:10, 9:15 • THE GUILTTRIP (PG-13) Fri, Sun-Tue, Thu:1:30 Sat: 10:05 a.m., 1:30 Wed: 11:55 a.m. • HANSELANDGRETEL: WITCH HUNTERS IMAX(R) Thu: 10:45 • A HAUNTED HOUSE(R) Fri, Sun-Thu: 1:40, 4:40, 7:55, 10:10 Sat: 10:10 a.m., 1:40, 4:40, 7:55, 10:10 • THE HOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG- l3) Fri-Thu: 7 • THE HOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTED JOURNEY IMAX(PG-13) Fri-Wed: 12:25, 4:05, 7:45 Thu: 11:45 a.m., 3:25, 7:05 • JACK REACHER (PG-13) Fri-Tue: 3:55, 6:55, 10 Wed: 3 Thu: 3:55, 10 • THE LASTSTAND(R) Fri-Thu: 12:15, 3:50, 6:25, 9:20 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) Fri-Thu: 11:40 a.m., 3:05, 6:30, 9:55 • LIFE OFPI (PG) Fri-Thu: Noon • LIFE OFPI3-D (PG) Fri-Thu: 3:45, 7:20, 10:15 • LINCOLN(PG-13) Fri-Thu: 11:50 a.m., 3:10, 6:30, 9:50 • MAMA(PG-13) Fri, Sun-Thu: 1:05, 3:40, 7:10, 9:40 Sat: 10:20 a.m., 1:05, 3:40, 7:10, 9:40 • THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: LES TROYENS (no MPAArating) Wed: 6:30 • THE METROPOLITAN OPERA: MARIA STUARDA (no MPAArating) Sat: 9:55 a.m. • MONSTERS,INC. 3-D (G) Fri, Sun-Thu:1:20 Sat: 10 a.m., 1:20 • PARENTALGUIDANCE(PG) Fri, Sun-Thu:1:45,4:20 Sat: 4:20 • SKYFALL(PG- I3) Fri-Thu: 3:35, 6:40, 9:50 • THIS IS40 (R) Fri, Sun-Thu: 12:05, 3:30, 6:35, 9:35 Sat: 9:55 a.m., 12:05, 3:30, 6:35, 9:35 • WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Fri-Thu: 11:45 a.m., 2:25, 5 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) Fri-Thu: 11:45 a.m., 3:25, 6:50, 8, 10:15 I




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Regal Pilot Butte 6, 2717 N.E.U.S.Highway 20, Bend,541-382-6347 • ARGO(R) Fri-Sat: 12:15, 3, 6, 9 Sun-Thu: 12:15, 3, 6 • HYDE PARKONHUDSON(R) Fri-Thu: 1:15, 7 • THE IMPOSSIBLE (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:30, 3:30, 6:15, 9:15 Sun-Thu: 12:30, 3:30, 6:15 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) Fri-Sat: 12:45, 4, 7:15 Sun-Thu: 12:45, 4

Paramount Pictures via MCT

Denzel Washington stars in "Flight." • PROMISEDLAND(R) Fri-Sat: 4:15, 9:10 Sun-Thu: 4:15 • RUST ANDBONES(R) Fri-Sat: 1, 3:45, 6:30, 9:05 Sun-Thu: 1, 3:45, 6:30 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) Fri-Sat: Noon, 3:15, 6:45, 9:20 Sun-Thu: Noon, 3:15, 6:45 I

McMenamins OldSt. Francis School, 700 N.W. Bond St., Bend, 541-330-8562 • CHASINGMAVERICKS(PG) Fri-Thu: 6 • FLIGHT(R) Sat-Thu: 9 • WRECK-IT RALPH(PG) Sat-Mon: Noon, 3 Wed: 3 • The eighth annual Winter Wildlands Alliance Backcountry Film Festival screens at9tonight. Doors open at 830 pm. • After 7 p.m., shows are 21and older only. Younger than 21 mayattend screenings before7p.m.ifaccompanied bya legal guardian. I


• J

Tin Pan Theater, 869 N.W.Tin Pan Alley, Bend, 541-241-2271 • CHASINGICE(PG-13) Fri-Sun: 4, 6, 8:30 Thu: 6, 8:30 • The "Spaghetti Western" will screen at 5:30p.m. Wednesdayandincludes an allyou-can-eat spaghetti dinner. No films are scheduled to screenMondayand Tuesday. I


Sisters Movie House,720 Desperado Court, Sisters, 541-549-8800 • GANGSTER SGUAD(R) Fri: 7:45 Sat: 5:15, 7:45 Sun: 4:15, 6:45 Mon: 5:45 Tue-Thu: 6:30 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) Fri:6 Sat: 1:45 Sun:1 Mon: 2:30 • LIFE OF Pl (PG) Fri:5 Sat: 2, 4:45, 7:30 Sun: 1, 3:45, 6:30 Mon: 3, 5:30 Tue-Thu: 6:15 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) Fri: 4:45, 7:30 Sat: 2, 4:45, 7:30 Sun: 1, 3:45, 6:30 Mon: 3, 5:30 Tue-Thu: 6:30 • ZERO DARK THIRTY (R) Fri: 6:15 Sat: 3, 6:30 Sun: 2, 5:30 Mon:5 Tue-Thu: 6 Madras Cinema 5,1101S.W. U.S. Highway 97, Madras, 541-475-3505 • CIRQUEDU SOLEIL:WORLDS AWAY 3-D(PG) Fri-Sun: 4:25, 9:35 Mon-Thu: 4:25 • GANGS1 ERSGUAD(R) Fri: 4:35, 7, 9:25 Sat-Sun: 2:10, 4:35, 7, 9:25 Mon: 2:10, 4:35, 7 Tue-Thu: 4:35, 7 • A HAUNTED HOUSE(R) Fri: 5:10, 7:10, 9:10 Sat-Sun: 1:20, 3:15, 5:10, 7:10, 9:10 Mon: 1:20, 3:15, 5:10, 7:10 Tue-Thu: 5:10, 7:10 • THE LASTSTAND(R) Fri: 5, 7:20, 9:40 Sat-Sun: 2:40, 5, 7:20, 9:40 Mon: 2:40, 5, 7:20 Tue-Thu: 5, 7:20 • LES MISERABLES (PG-13) Fri, Tue-Thu: 6:30 Sat-Mon: 1:15, 6:30 • SILVER LININGSPLAYBOOK(R) Fri: 4:15, 6:50, 9:15 Sat-Sun: 1:45, 4:15, 6:50, 9:15 Mon: 1:45, 4:15, 6:50 Tue-Thu: 4:15, 6:50


Redmond Cinemas,1535 S.W.Odem Medo Road, Redmond, 541-548-8777 • DJANGOUNCHAINED(R) Fri: 2:45, 6:15, 9:30 Sat-Mon: 11:30 a.m., 2:45, 6:15, 9:30 Tue-Thu: 3:45, 7:15 • GANGSTERSQUAD(R) Fri:4:15,6:45,9:l5 Sat-Mon: 11:15 a.m., 1:45, 4:15, 6:45, 9:15 Tue-Thu: 4:15, 6:45 • THE HOBBIT:ANUNEXPECTED JOURNEY (PG-13) Fri: 2:30, 6:05, 9:30 Sat-Mon: 11 a.m., 2:30, 6:05, 9:30 Tue-Thu: 3:30, 7:05 • THE LASTSTAND(R) Fri: 4:15, 6:30, 8:45 Sat-Mon: 11:45 a.m., 2, 4:15, 6:30, 8:45 Tue-Thu: 4:15, 6:30

Pine Theater, 214 N.MainSt., Prineville, 541-416-1014 • LES MISERABLES (UPSTAIRS — PG-I3) Fri: 3:45, 7:15 Sat-Sun: 12:10, 3:45, 7:15 Mon-Thu: 6:15 • LINCOLN (PG-13) Fri: 3:20, 7 Sat-Sun: Noon, 3:20, 7 Mon-Thu: 6 • The upstairs screening room has limited accessibility.




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MLS¹201206008 $219,947 DIRECTIONS: North onBoydAcres Rd, left onTangoCreek Ave, right on Iamoine Iane. 63383 NE Lamoine Lane.









Shop with concrete floor.


OPEN SAT 8L SUN 11-4 •


If you need space, this open floor plan 4 bedroom, 3 bath home on 3 acres might be a perfect fitl Move in ready and public land nearby.

Independently Owned and Operated

MLS¹201209541 $329,000 DIRECTIONS: FromArnold Market Rd, turn right on Horse Butte Rd, left on Sweetgrass, right on Calgary Dr. 22180 Calgary Dr.

NORTHCRESTNew Construction in NE Bend. 2 story,

3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1708 sq.ft. Professional landscaping 8 2/10 Homebuyer's Warranty. MLS¹201206008 $209,947 DIRECTIONS: North onBoydAcres Rd, left on TangoCreek Ave, right on Lamoine Lane. 63383 NE Lamoine Iane.







r I'





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SE Bend-New1500 sq. ft. single level modelhomeonlarge lot. Gourmet kitchen, stainlessappliances open to great room.

Cozy floor to ceiling rock firepace. 20959 Miles Ct. DIREC TIONS:South 3rdSttoeastonMurphy Rd,south onParrell Rd,right on

GrandTarghee, left onMiles Ct,1sthouseontheright. 20959MilesCt.


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I •

3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1500sq, ft, new construction Vaulted great room with fireplace. MLS¹201207631 $226,400 DIRECTIONS: South 3rd St. to east on Murphy Rd., south on Parrell Rd., Hight on Grand Targhee 60982 Grand Targhee


I •



OPEN SAT 1:30-4:30



4 bedroom, 4.5 bath, 3035 sq. ft. townhome nestled in the pine trees, close to the Deschutes River trail.

2586 sq. ft. Townhome overlooking the 18th fairway fk large pond at Widgi Creek Golf Course.

New construction, 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 1500 sq. ft. kitchen with island, large master suite.

MLS¹201203181 $549,000

follow signs toPointsWest (Chipper Rd) left on Snap Shot. 60515 Snap Shot Loop.

MLS¹201208996 $499,000 DIRECTIONS: Century Dr to left on 7th Mountain Dr. IWidgi Creek Entrancel to 60567 7th Mountain Dr.



DIRECTIONS: Century Dr to left at 7th Mountain Resort,



MLS¹201207629 $224,950 DIRECTIONS:South3rd St. toeast onMurphy Rd,southon Parrell Rd, right onGrand Targhee. left onMiles, 60955 MilesCt.



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